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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

2d5649 No.51610 [Last50 Posts]

23DEC23 to 28DEC23


Re-Posts of notables

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2d5649 No.115566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120456 (232016ZDEC23) Notable: Downtown Phoenix Arizona Tunnel system

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Downtown Phoenix Arizona Tunnel system.

I've lived here all my life and never knew there was a tunnel system downtown.

In those days they didn’t have air conditioning so the tunnels were created with fans to pull air in to cool down the hotels. But they weren’t only used for this reason for long.

Phoenix were very good at keeping secrets. Gambling was outlawed in 1907 and in the 1920s prohibition was introduced so saloons and speakeasies would make their way through the tunnels. A speakeasy was an establishment that would sell alcohol illegally. Some of the prominent hotels would have access to these speakeasies through the tunnel system.


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2d5649 No.115567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120532 (232038ZDEC23) Notable: #24692

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#24692 >>115512

>>115531 Qpost Deltas: 5:5 | [GS] | GO | [#2] | NK / Iran | [i] | Eye on the [markers]

>>115513 Tucker Carlson tells about his experience after meeting and having a conversation with Julian Assange

>>115514 All-Girls Catholic College Reverses Trans Decision After Well-Earned Backlash

>>115515 Fighter Bo Nickal shares story of playing a round of golf with DJT

>>115516, >>115517 Alex Jones reacts to Bill Gates' bizarre answer to being asked about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

>>115518 Michigan Democrat Prays To ‘Sexy Satanic Baphomet Goat Altar’

>>115519 Joe's policies did not age well for Hunter in the end

>>115520, >>115527, >>115539, >>115540 Grassley tweet with DQ / Vacuum

>>115521, >>115532, >>115523, >>115524, >>115543 Q never specifically mentioned Xi / Putin are our allies

>>115525, >>115526, >>115530, >>115536, >>115542 Planefags

>>115528, >>115529 The Roman Power Pyramid

>>115533 Congressional Partisan Breakdown from New Hampshire

>>115534 Marsha Blackburn Grills Witness Over Dems' Soft-On-Crime Policies

>>115535, >>115538, >>115550, >>115552, >>115553, >>115558 Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

>>115541 Jim Watkins: Grok is fun. Grok is prolific. It will take some time for Grok to surpass ChatGPT ...

>>115544, >>115546, >>115549, >>115561, >>115564 The Plan (The Trap) ... Fraud Vitiates Everything

>>115545 IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

>>115547, >>115537, >>115522 Busload of abandoned migrants from El Paso found wandering down Illinois highway

>>115548 ‘More Broken Promises’ — Sunak’s Government Waters Down Restrictions on Chain Family Migration

>>115551 Monsanto ordered to pay $857 million to 7 people who got sick from PCB exposure in a Washington school

>>115554 Chinese-linked firm building near US military bases

>>115555 Japan strives to control debt in face of rising rates

>>115556 Running for his old seat, Tom Suozzi visits Israel, calls for destroying Hamas

>>115557 (Oct 6, 1940) New World Order Pledged To Jews

>>115559 Fox News Shills John Fetterman Over His Support for Israel: 'Gives Me Hope for This Country'

>>115560 Biden Signs New US Sanctions Targeting Russia's Defense Industry

>>115562, >>115563 To those whom believing in the wild brainless theory that Putin is a 'White Hat' and on the side of Freedom & Liberty...

>>115566 Downtown Phoenix Arizona Tunnel system


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2d5649 No.115568

File: 6c1412c8b44993b⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120545 (232040ZDEC23) Notable: #24693

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baker hath ghost

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2d5649 No.115569

File: cef7e1e68049eb0⋯.jpg (134.15 KB,928x668,232:167,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120651 (232103ZDEC23) Notable: Baker claim

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Claiming the bake

...Let's see what happens.

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2d5649 No.115570

File: 3876ffd88c29177⋯.png (597.13 KB,793x767,61:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 323532caa8eeeca⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120652 (232103ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - the Supreme Court saw right through it

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the Supreme Court saw right through it

__Donald J. Trump

Garrett Ventry: “This about stopping Donald Trump…they wait 30 months to bring charges against him…now they want to fast-track and bypass the Appeals Court, and the Supreme Court saw right through it.”

Dec 23, 2023, 3:24 PM 00:33


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2d5649 No.115571

File: 1cbd02dbcd2034d⋯.jpeg (448.45 KB,1206x582,201:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120721 (232115ZDEC23) Notable: PF: RCH3227 C17 Globemaster arriving at Charleston from St. Croix depart so look for Potato/kneepads to possibly take a Caribbean vacation in the next week (4 digit call signs are usually equipment for VIP visits)

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RCH3227 C17 Globemaster arriving at Charleston from St. Croix depart so look for Potato/kneepads to possibly take a Caribbean vacation in the next week (4 digit call signs are usually equipment for VIP visits)

Went to St. Croix from Atlantic City Intl earlier today-C17s used for equipment transfer based at Charleston

C101 US Coast Guard G5 back to Reagan National from Cape May Airport,NJ

MOCHA34 E6B Mercury went off shore from its Pax River depart and likely some sub comms like OBAN28 wuz last night >>115438 pb

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2d5649 No.115572

File: 927af69d04fe7d2⋯.jpeg (609.69 KB,1083x579,361:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120761 (232122ZDEC23) Notable: PF: EXEC1F Flauxtus done at Ft. Campbell photo op back to JBA

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>>115530 pb

EXEC1F Flauxtus done at Ft. Campbell photo op back to JBA

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2d5649 No.115573

File: 7c015abf5f3617a⋯.png (524.58 KB,838x599,838:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120815 (232132ZDEC23) Notable: IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

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David Clements getting persecuted by the IRS for his new movie.

Did they sick the gIRStapo on 2000 mules?

Seems like flak over the target

IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

by Guest Contributor Dec. 23, 2023 11:40 am124 Comments

Just three days after launching the documentary “Let My People Go” on election integrity the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has sent a notice to former law professor David Clements demanding $19,368 from the 2021 tax year.

The attack is very reminiscent of the IRS going after journalist Matt Taibbi after he dropped the “Twitter Files” about the government’s collusion with Twitter. Like Clements, they investigated a tax return filed years prior in 2018.

Christian Precious Metals Company Embraces Integrity to Protect Americans’ Retirement

The IRS letter is full of inaccuracies. First, it claims Clements was self-employed in 2021. Clements was employed as a law-professor at New Mexico State University for the majority of the year until he was terminated for refusing to subject his students to the mask and Covid-19 jab policies.

Second, a fundraiser was set up on behalf of Clements with an outpouring of support from patriots across the country, in which the proceeds should have been treated as charitable donations for tax purposes. After consulting with a CPA, Clements agreed that the IRS would seek to treat the charitable donations as taxable income because of his political advocacy, but regardless he has not only been unemployed since November 2021, he has worked pro bono for over two years for election integrity and the cause of the J6 prisoners. Though unemployed, Clements had to pay the IRS over $86,000, while fending off complaints against his law license for standing up against the false narratives surrounding the rigged November 3, 2020 election.

The IRS shakedown follows a cyber-attack trying to disrupt the release of “Let My People Go.”

It is truly the movie no political party or the IRS wants the American people to see.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Clements about how people could help.

“This Christmas we got an IRS demand to pay our government persecutors over $19,000. I’ve been paying taxes for nearly 30 years, and never had an audit, until the film was released. I don’t want people to send donations to my family, because the IRS will just take a third and then attack good people. If people want to help, watch the movie that caused the IRS to come after me, and share it far and wide. Until the word gets out and people stand up, the government will continue to make our lives difficult.”

The movie can be found at LetMyPeopleGo.Movie.

Use promocode: JoeHoft


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2d5649 No.115574

File: b9a5587574ba5cc⋯.png (184.25 KB,674x1005,674:1005,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120835 (232135ZDEC23) Notable: IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

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>Seems like flak over the target


The Professor's Record - David K. Clements



IRS persecution, cyber attacks, and a media blackout over a documentary that meticulously exposes rigged election machines and software. A film that will help Trump and all honest candidates in 2024.


And not one major Conservative influencer outside of Mike Lindell and Steve Bannon has even mentioned the film.

Think on that. I’ve promoted the films 2000 Mules, Selection Code, and Died Suddenly, to hundreds of thousands of followers and subscribers because the message conveyed in those films were important. No thought was given to enhancing my brand, increasing followers, or seeking an economic benefit in those films.

But because “Conservative Inc.” has fundraised tens of millions on the backs of unsuspecting patriots for “ballot chasing,” “banking the vote,” and “ballot harvesting,” they cannot share a film that details why people’s time and resources must include the removal of rigged software driven machines over the next ten months.

Watch the film Let My People Go and you’ll see why “Conservative Inc.” has been ducking a conversation on the machines.

The fact remains that the only way this film will be seen, is if “We the People” get the word out.

Dec 23, 2023 · 6:55 PM UTC

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2d5649 No.115575

File: 7391054baddde86⋯.mp4 (14.04 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d060fc635838d5c⋯.png (515.59 KB,801x646,801:646,Clipboard.png)

File: fbd872355bde4bb⋯.png (515.4 KB,818x733,818:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120854 (232138ZDEC23) Notable: The Plan to Stop Donald Trump: LAWFARE…

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Donald J. Trump

The Plan to Stop Donald Trump: LAWFARE…

Dec 23, 2023, 3:15 PM 06:29

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2d5649 No.115576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120857 (232139ZDEC23) Notable: The Plan to Stop Donald Trump: LAWFARE…

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2d5649 No.115577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120870 (232141ZDEC23) Notable: Mormon church now owns $2BILLION of US farmland, with more acreage than Bill Gates and China combined: Huge land grabs in Nebraska and Florida spark backlash from local farmers

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Daily Mail Online



Mormon church now owns $2BILLION of US farmland, with more acreage than Bill Gates and China combined: Huge land grabs in Nebraska and Florida spark backlash from local farmers


Dec 23, 2023 · 7:00 PM UTC


the church of Mr. Moon in the news.

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2d5649 No.115578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120916 (232154ZDEC23) Notable: Gov. Kathy Hochul signs bill granting government access to previously hidden LLC records

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Gov. Kathy Hochul signs bill granting government access to previously hidden LLC records

NEW YORK - Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill Saturday that was intended to make it easier to find out who owns a building in New York state.

Many companies are registered to Limited Liability Corporations, and shell companies.

The sponsors of the bill Hochul signed released a statement however critiquing the elimination of a key part of the bill - the creation of a public database that would've listed the names of those who benefit from those LLCs.

In a joint statement, Assembly member Emily Gallagher and Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal said the bill Hochul signed accomplished two of their three goals, namely bringing LLC shell companies to the fore as a top policy concern and providing local and state governments access to previously hidden records, enabling them to better enforce laws and codes.

The third goal - creation of a public database - wasn't included.


The going to use this lawfare to go after Trump

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2d5649 No.115579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121108 (232234ZDEC23) Notable: SLDelta45 - Night launches like launch #70 are mesmerizing, do you have a favorite launch photo from this year?

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Space Launch Delta 45



Night launches like launch #70 are mesmerizing, do you have a favorite launch photo from this year?

@SpaceForceDoD | @USSF_SSC | @gospaceforce

#Spaceforce #Falcon9 #Spacecoast

Dec 23, 2023 · 6:30 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.115580

File: 46971467c657368⋯.png (1.35 MB,960x956,240:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121307 (232327ZDEC23) Notable: #24693

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...Bakering the next one.

#24693 >>115568

>>115569 Baker claim

>>>/qresearch/20120634 DJT Truth - Democrat’s Disinformation Machine Says…

>>115570 DJT Truth - the Supreme Court saw right through it

>>115571 PF: RCH3227 C17 Globemaster arriving at Charleston from St. Croix depart so look for Potato/kneepads to possibly take a Caribbean vacation in the next week (4 digit call signs are usually equipment for VIP visits)

>>115572 PF: EXEC1F Flauxtus done at Ft. Campbell photo op back to JBA

>>115573, >>115574 IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

>>115575, >>115576 The Plan to Stop Donald Trump: LAWFARE…

>>115577 Mormon church now owns $2BILLION of US farmland, with more acreage than Bill Gates and China combined: Huge land grabs in Nebraska and Florida spark backlash from local farmers

>>115578 Gov. Kathy Hochul signs bill granting government access to previously hidden LLC records

>>115579 SLDelta45 - Night launches like launch #70 are mesmerizing, do you have a favorite launch photo from this year?


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2d5649 No.115581

File: 05867c5b520a17d⋯.jpg (202.33 KB,500x554,250:277,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121319 (232329ZDEC23) Notable: #24694

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Dough ho ho, Merry fuckin' Christmas.


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2d5649 No.115582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121442 (240002ZDEC23) Notable: House Judiciary Seeks Documents From Jack Smith Over Trump Cases

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House Judiciary Seeks Documents From Jack Smith Over Trump Cases


"Based on publicly available information, the Committee has significant concerns about your commitment to evenhanded justice," the House Republicans wrote on Thursday in a letter to the special counsel.

Mr. Jordan and Mr. Biggs are asking for documents, including communications between the special counsel and the U.S. Attorney General's office regarding investigating and prosecuting President Trump, salaries and travel costs incurred by special counsel staff working on the Trump case, and hiring criteria for the team.

They gave a deadline of Jan. 4 for the requested materials.

Mr. Smith is prosecuting former President Donald Trump in two separate federal criminal investigations, one alleging mishandling of classified documents and another alleging interference in the 2020 elections. He was appointed special counsel last November to investigate matters related to Jan. 6, 2021.

The committee chairs pointed out that this is a prosecution by the Biden administration of "President Biden's chief opponent in the upcoming presidential election," and that a record showing partiality has emerged.

"You have a record of attempting to criminalize political discourse, as evidenced by your reported interest in how the Justice Department could prosecute conservative tax-exempt groups engaging in constitutionally protected political speech," the letter reads.

They called into question Mr. Smith's appointment as special counsel, raising questions of "fairness and justice."

They cited a Washington Post report that quoted top DOJ officials opposing the investigation into President Trump for his role on Jan. 6, and recent reports that the special counsel demanded from Twitter (now X) information about users who reposted or liked President Trump's posts.

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2d5649 No.115583

File: fd691f31fe24cea⋯.png (166.65 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121478 (240016ZDEC23) Notable: Pornhub Parent Firm Arraigned, Admits to ‘Receiving Proceeds of Sex Trafficking’.

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This is fun


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2d5649 No.115584

File: b7629b34dd60af3⋯.png (94.38 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121508 (240026ZDEC23) Notable: Deutsche Bank sees recession in the US, anemic economic growth in Europe

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2d5649 No.115585

File: c98e8e413924bed⋯.png (525.48 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121523 (240029ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden Named as Creditor in Rudy Giuliani’s Bankruptcy Case

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2d5649 No.115586

File: 9b8b6a92e7797e3⋯.png (146.76 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b9c67a9e0b3224⋯.png (169.22 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121533 (240031ZDEC23) Notable: Once-Powerful Democratic Lawmaker Busted for Heinous Corruption, Now Faces 20 Years in Prison

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2d5649 No.115587

File: a733b3fccd25243⋯.jpeg (302.18 KB,1211x591,1211:591,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 507d050ecf8976a⋯.jpeg (485.32 KB,758x653,758:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4b2bc6cd002accc⋯.jpeg (318.22 KB,1233x579,411:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121541 (240033ZDEC23) Notable: PF Tater Trackin': Bidens Spending Holidays at Camp David, St. Croix: ‘Ready for St. Nick’

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>>115571 lb

RCH6158 C17 Globemaster heading to St. Croix from Kessler AFB, Biloxi

>so look for Potato/kneepads to possibly take a Caribbean vacation in the next week

RCH3240 C17 departed after dropping equipment

Confirmed Potatoes at Camp David first (left today at 3pm EST according to schedule) then St. Croix on Weds through New Year

There is no visible tanker in the “at Camp David position” either


Bidens Spending Holidays at Camp David, St. Croix: ‘Ready for St. Nick’

>The couple will return to the White House on Tuesday and then travel the following day to St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands, a frequent destination for the Biden, where they will remain through the New Year’s holiday, according to a pool report.


Hunter will certainly tag along on that one picking up something other than Parmesan cheese

You cannot escape PlaneFag WH event planning team even if you route them through non-normal departs like Atlantic City,NJ and Biloxi,MS

You WILL be seen

MOCHA34 E6B returning to Pax River after off shore werk

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2d5649 No.115588

File: 9a5db5c1be74264⋯.png (215.42 KB,448x327,448:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121641 (240051ZDEC23) Notable: @DeptofDefense - Tis the season for joy! Every Dec., NORAD's 🎅 Tracker, a humble tradition turned massive volunteer operation, delights millions as families worldwide follow Santa's magical journey.

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2d5649 No.115589

File: 8c2d902c8873fa8⋯.png (241.55 KB,1080x567,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121751 (240109ZDEC23) Notable: NEW: Taiwan reports Chinese warplanes and warships around the island, including aircraft crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait. - NBC

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2d5649 No.115590

File: 5d9590df5ca4765⋯.jpeg (352.28 KB,1073x578,1073:578,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 123006273eaccb1⋯.png (409.99 KB,649x333,649:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121848 (240128ZDEC23) Notable: PF: SAM655 G5 NE from Ft Worth-Meacham Intl after ground stop arriving earlier today

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>>115536 pb

SAM655 G5 NE from Ft Worth-Meacham Intl after ground stop arriving earlier today

High level G5 here (top5)

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2d5649 No.115591

File: bbfd084e12753d8⋯.png (322.04 KB,560x321,560:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20121935 (240144ZDEC23) Notable: Man killed, woman wounded in shooting inside Ocala, Florida, mall

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Man killed, woman wounded in shooting inside Ocala, Florida, mall


The gunman is believed to have fled the scene and is still at large, according to police, who said they believe the shooting may have been targeted.

A man died and a woman was wounded when a shooter opened fire inside a mall in Ocala, Florida, on Saturday, police said.

When officers arrived at Paddock Mall, they found one man killed in a common area, the Ocala Police Department said on Facebook. Police believe the shooter targeted the victim.

The woman was hospitalized and was being treated for a non-life-threatening gunshot wound to her leg, the department said in a news conference. She is expected to make a full recovery, according to police.

“It’s the worst. The worst thing we can imagine right now at this time of the year. ... Somebody has suffered a loss in their family,” Police Chief Michael Balken said at the news conference. “It’s a horrible time of year for this to happen ever, but it is especially sad during the holidays.”


>Paddock Mall

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2d5649 No.115592

File: 6045862c265e178⋯.png (274.55 KB,438x369,146:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122209 (240246ZDEC23) Notable: @25thID ⚡ The 12 Days of Tropic Lightning 🌺 On the tenth day of Tropic Lightning, the 25th Infantry Division gave to me, ten #Lightfighters at Super Garuda Shield.

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just too fast...like greased lightning

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2d5649 No.115593

File: 88190bb416885bf⋯.png (747.3 KB,1915x886,1915:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122263 (240307ZDEC23) Notable: PF CONUS Report

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2200 EST and only two aircraft showing up.

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2d5649 No.115594

File: 076d3e0459bbccd⋯.jpeg (511.61 KB,828x1283,828:1283,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122270 (240310ZDEC23) Notable: PF Tater Trackin': Bidens Spending Holidays at Camp David, St. Croix: ‘Ready for St. Nick’

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RCH3240 C17 done at St Croix dropping Potato equipment

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2d5649 No.115595

File: 083add5f5d4edf3⋯.jpg (525 KB,935x760,187:152,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d9bf2c1116958d6⋯.png (663.46 KB,772x1264,193:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122281 (240316ZDEC23) Notable: #24694

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...Baking the bake


#24694 >>115581

>>115582 House Judiciary Seeks Documents From Jack Smith Over Trump Cases

>>115583 Pornhub Parent Firm Arraigned, Admits to ‘Receiving Proceeds of Sex Trafficking’.

>>115584 Deutsche Bank sees recession in the US, anemic economic growth in Europe

>>115585 Hunter Biden Named as Creditor in Rudy Giuliani’s Bankruptcy Case

>>115586 Once-Powerful Democratic Lawmaker Busted for Heinous Corruption, Now Faces 20 Years in Prison

>>115587,>>115594 PF Tater Trackin': Bidens Spending Holidays at Camp David, St. Croix: ‘Ready for St. Nick’

>>115588 @DeptofDefense - Tis the season for joy! Every Dec., NORAD's 🎅 Tracker, a humble tradition turned massive volunteer operation, delights millions as families worldwide follow Santa's magical journey.

>>115589 NEW: Taiwan reports Chinese warplanes and warships around the island, including aircraft crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait. - NBC

>>115590 PF: SAM655 G5 NE from Ft Worth-Meacham Intl after ground stop arriving earlier today

>>115591 Man killed, woman wounded in shooting inside Ocala, Florida, mall

>>115592 @25thID ⚡ The 12 Days of Tropic Lightning 🌺 On the tenth day of Tropic Lightning, the 25th Infantry Division gave to me, ten #Lightfighters at Super Garuda Shield.

>>115593 PF CONUS Report


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2d5649 No.115596

File: 9211872dc8cd0e5⋯.jpg (124.72 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122291 (240319ZDEC23) Notable: #24695

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2d5649 No.115597

File: 348d28e67dc88d8⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122310 (240326ZDEC23) Notable: Trump posted 17 videos in a row on 12/21

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Anon's missed this in the notables...

Trump posted 17 videos in a row on 12/21

from (18:48 - 19:32, 44 minutes)

Today (perhaps bc we missed it?), He is RE-TRUTHING Them all Again, except for 1 (Video 14 "Democrat's Disinformation Machine Says...")

1.) The Green New Scam (:16) - 18:48

2.) Biden's Climate Reparations (1:39) - 18:52

3.) Vow to America's Farmers (2:32) - 18:53

4.) Agenda 47: Stopping the Persecution of Christians (2:38) - 18:56

5.) Nikki "Surge" and DeSanctimonious "Bounce" Won't Win Against Crooked Joe.. (:47) - 18:59

6.) The Middle East, Russia, and Ukraine Are Out of Control... (:34) - 19:00

7.) Crooked Joe's Political Indictments Make America Look Like A Corrupt Democracy... (:31) - 19:02

8.) Illegal Immigration Is Poisoning America... (:27) - 19:04

9.) Joe Biden Is STILL Getting Away with Election Interference... (1:45) - 19:05

10.) My Financial Statements DISPROVE the A.G. Witch Hunt... (1:35) - 19:20

11.) SCAM-ALERT: 20% of Mail-in Ballots were Rigged of Defective in the 2020 Election... (:55) - 19:22

12.) Where's Hunter? (:08) - 19:23

13.) Great Poll Numbers-Thank You! (:18) - 19:25

14.) Democrat's Disinformation Machine Says... (:47) - 19:26

15.) Democrats Have A DEATH-WISH for the Coal Miners of the USA... (:33) - 19:28

16.) Obamacare has been a disaster... (:40) - 19:31

17.) I Never Mix Up Biden and Obama, They Are BOTH Responsible for Ruining Our Country... (1:27) - 19:32

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2d5649 No.115598

File: bb5aa1a675e3fbf⋯.jpg (126.64 KB,720x930,24:31,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122337 (240335ZDEC23) Notable: Outgoing Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards pardons 56 inmates, including 40 convicted murderers

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Outgoing Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards pardons 56 inmates, including 40 convicted murderers


How nice of him. you know, when one of those murders kills again the blood is on his hands

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2d5649 No.115599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122759 (240552ZDEC23) Notable: Talk about one scared motherfucker… (Adam Kinzinger)

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Talk about one scared motherfucker...

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2d5649 No.115600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122890 (240628ZDEC23) Notable: NEW: Prince Andrew is reportedly “totally tormented” after a judge ruled that 170 Epstein associates’ names would be released in the new year.

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Collin Rugg



NEW: Prince Andrew is reportedly “totally tormented” after a judge ruled that 170 Epstein associates’ names would be released in the new year.


According to a source who spoke with the Daily Mail, Prince Andrew’s name is one of the 170 set to be released.

“Andrew's name is in there. He is beside himself with this latest development and everyone close to him is concerned for his mental wellbeing,” the source reportedly said.

“He is at a loss, totally tormented. He is facing his second Christmas without his mother and now the New Year is going to start with his name being dragged through the mud all over again.”

Prince Andrew denied even meeting his accuser during an interview back in 2019. A photo says otherwise.

Dec 24, 2023 · 1:22 AM UTC


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2d5649 No.115601

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20122903 (240633ZDEC23) Notable: SHOCK REPORT: ⚠️Starbucks loses $11 BILLION in market value..

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Chuck Callesto



SHOCK REPORT: ⚠️Starbucks loses $11 BILLION in market value..


Starbucks has faced a challenging period in the stock market after throwing it's brand into intricate social issues, leading to a decline in investor confidence and resulting in the longest downturn in its share prices since the company went public in 1992.

Dec 24, 2023 · 5:45 AM UTC


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2d5649 No.115602

File: 068ca0eb19f6a6b⋯.png (494.79 KB,965x899,965:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123160 (240818ZDEC23) Notable: Microsoft has shelled out $76 million for a pumpkin farm in Wisconsin

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Microsoft has shelled out $76 million for a pumpkin farm in Wisconsin

Microsoft has plans to build a data center in Wisconsin.

Earlier this month the company bought more than 400 acres of land that included a pumpkin farm.

Microsoft is one among several tech giants investing into data centers in the AI arms race.

The tech giant's latest addition is a stretch of 407 acres it bought from the Creuziger family earlier this month for about $76 million, according to the Milwaukee Business Journal.

The property itself is valued at just under $600,000, and the Creuziger family used it for farming, and also operated a pumpkin farm attraction on it called the "Land of the Giants Pumpkin Farm," according to the outlet.

And Microsoft's payout is a major win for the family. The deal was more than three times the amount the local government had offered the Creuziger family back in 2017, as part of an agreement with iPhone maker Foxconn, according to the Milwaukee Business Journal. While the family wasn't opposed to selling the land at the time, they were hoping to fetch a higher price for it, according to the outlet.

Microsoft, meanwhile, has also struck land deals with local county and municipal governments, and has accrued close to two square miles of land in the region for its data center developments, the Milwaukee Business Journal reported.

And the first $1 billion phase of construction covering around 215 acres is already underway, the outlet said. The company is expecting this first phase to create 200 jobs, but future construction could add an additional 460 jobs, according to the Milwaukee Business Journal.


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2d5649 No.115603

File: 0f8d66af00cc8cd⋯.jpg (24.14 KB,255x210,17:14,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123204 (240834ZDEC23) Notable: Rumble updated with new J6 videos

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Rumble updated with new J6 videos

Download app has also been updated due to a change at Rumble.

Current playlist with number of videos:

Camera 903 - 84

Camera 906 - 104

Camera 907 - 88

Camera 908 - 135

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2d5649 No.115604

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123209 (240835ZDEC23) Notable: Rumble updated with new J6 videos

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2d5649 No.115605

File: 1c7cb3169b29698⋯.png (474 KB,903x801,301:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123228 (240842ZDEC23) Notable: House Republican: Jeffrey Epstein flight logs not released because colleagues would be ‘compromised’

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House Republican: Jeffrey Epstein flight logs not released because colleagues would be ‘compromised’

Rep. Tim Burchett, Tennessee Republican, touched on Congress’ hesitance to release the flight records of Epstein’s Lolita Express, allegedly used to shuttle young women to the financier’s private island and homes throughout the country and world.

“Too many of my colleagues I’m afraid are compromised in this area for whatever reason,” Mr. Burchett told Newsmax this week. “Somebody whispered in their ear saying, ‘Hey, you don’t want something to come out on something else, you better keep your mouth shut on this.’ That’s exactly what they’ve done.”

Numerous politicians, actors and public figures were reportedly on Epstein’s plane, including former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Prince Andrew, billionaire Bill Gates and actor Kevin Spacey.

Mr. Burchett’s jab at the lack of transparency on the Lolita Express’ flight records follows the announcement that a New York court intends to release the names of 177 of Epstein’s associates early next year.


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2d5649 No.115606

File: f882be25384f1b3⋯.jpg (115.53 KB,720x756,20:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123230 (240842ZDEC23) Notable: Disney is reportedly planning a "new version" of the hit 90s sci-fi show The X-Files.

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Disney is reportedly planning a "new version" of the hit 90s sci-fi show The X-Files.


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2d5649 No.115607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123235 (240844ZDEC23) Notable: Disney is reportedly planning a "new version" of the hit 90s sci-fi show The X-Files.

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>Disney is reportedly planning a "new version" of the hit 90s sci-fi show The X-Files.

How do you bury search results for the twitter/X files?


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2d5649 No.115608

File: 31cdbe2e12fe9bb⋯.png (386.84 KB,675x289,675:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123395 (240939ZDEC23) Notable: #24695

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#24695 >>115596

>>115597 Trump posted 17 videos in a row on 12/21

>>115598 Outgoing Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards pardons 56 inmates, including 40 convicted murderers

>>115599 Talk about one scared motherfucker… (Adam Kinzinger)

>>115600 NEW: Prince Andrew is reportedly “totally tormented” after a judge ruled that 170 Epstein associates’ names would be released in the new year.

>>115601 SHOCK REPORT: ⚠️Starbucks loses $11 BILLION in market value..

>>115602 Microsoft has shelled out $76 million for a pumpkin farm in Wisconsin

>>115603, >>115604 Rumble updated with new J6 videos

>>115605 House Republican: Jeffrey Epstein flight logs not released because colleagues would be ‘compromised’

>>115606, >>115607 Disney is reportedly planning a "new version" of the hit 90s sci-fi show The X-Files.


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2d5649 No.115609

File: b2f9d724e3cf64f⋯.jpg (801.15 KB,730x463,730:463,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123406 (240943ZDEC23) Notable: #24696

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115610

File: 949cef68f1b2faf⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123417 (240947ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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>>>/qresearch/20123413 /lb

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2d5649 No.115611

File: 12416c23b4c39bc⋯.png (1.87 MB,998x1384,499:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123422 (240948ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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2d5649 No.115612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123436 (240952ZDEC23) Notable: What do you give someone with everything?

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what do you give someone with everything?

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2d5649 No.115613

File: 43e980c8fe241ac⋯.png (751.55 KB,801x578,801:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123462 (240957ZDEC23) Notable: WarRoom - Home Of ultraMAGA

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WarRoom - Home Of ultraMAGA🇺🇸🎄

Dr. Carol Swain On Societal Decline Felt Everywhere From Universities To Churches @carolmswain

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2d5649 No.115614

File: df762b9d97ffbf1⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123483 (241003ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115615

File: 2a21fdead024a14⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123489 (241007ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Christmas in Gaza

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2d5649 No.115616

File: fbbfa546e50e3a0⋯.png (642.34 KB,1158x1070,579:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123493 (241008ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115617

File: dfec0b9c92950e0⋯.png (222.48 KB,1012x1106,506:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123501 (241010ZDEC23) Notable: Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

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Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

Catholic News Service December 14, 2022

VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Celebrating Christmas is important and beautiful, Pope Francis said, but he asked people to spend less on their celebrations this year and donate the savings to help the people of Ukraine.

As he has done at his general audiences since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, the pope asked pilgrims and visitors Dec. 14 to express their “closeness to the martyred Ukrainian people, persevering in fervent prayer for these brothers and sisters of ours who are suffering so much.”

“Let’s reduce the level of Christmas spending a bit; let’s have a simpler Christmas with more modest gifts. Let’s send what we save to the people of Ukraine, who are suffering so much.”

Tweet this

“Brothers and sisters, I tell you, they are suffering so very, very much in Ukraine,” the pope said.

“I want to draw your attention to Christmas, which is coming, and to the festivities,” he said. “It’s beautiful to celebrate Christmas and have parties, but let’s reduce the level of Christmas spending a bit; let’s have a simpler Christmas with more modest gifts.”

And, the pope said, “let’s send what we save to the people of Ukraine, who are suffering so much.”

People in the country are hungry and cold, he said.

“And many die because there are no doctors and nurses available,” the pope said.

Celebrate Christmas “at peace with the Lord,” he said, and “with Ukraine in your hearts.”

December 14, 2022https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2022/12/14/celebrate-christmas-ukraine-your-hearts-pope-francis-aid-244339

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2d5649 No.115618

File: 8e7f99ab05e22f9⋯.jpg (180.21 KB,1264x812,316:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123509 (241011ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115619

File: 2e5fed783e9067a⋯.jpg (186.1 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123514 (241014ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115620

File: c841988055c4025⋯.png (533.85 KB,1036x783,1036:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123522 (241017ZDEC23) Notable: GP - “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN MEME EVER!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN

MEME EVER! Joe Biden Quotes Set to Cowboy

Western Theme

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 12/24/2023 12:59:58 AM

This has got to be the BEST BIDEN MEME EVER! “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” buddydawg22 posted this video on Twitter. I Meme Therefore I Am then tweeted it on X. The creator put several of Joe Biden’s famous lines into a Western themed video. This is spectacular! If you get lost watching the video look up the quote online and it will lead you to Joe Biden. (Video) Here is the transcript: Cowboy named Tex: Corn pop? Boy: Who’s corn pop?

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2d5649 No.115621

File: 3f35b3de544cfe7⋯.jpeg (34.14 KB,553x732,553:732,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123532 (241023ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115622

File: cff7c71c2b91d90⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123533 (241023ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123534 (241023ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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2d5649 No.115624

File: 31aabe1ac0b195b⋯.jpg (551.13 KB,500x332,125:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123556 (241032ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Everyone with a Tramps Stamp exits right.

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2d5649 No.115625

File: 46722999a4c55ed⋯.png (855.02 KB,827x547,827:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123562 (241035ZDEC23) Notable: Soros on the Beach Meme Fodder

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


George Soros, 93, takes a dip in Barbados with the help of four-man entourage just months after billionaire hedge fund manager and philanthropist handed reins of his $25B empire to son Alex

Hungarian-born businessman George Soros has been spotted soaking up the sun in Barbados

The 93-year-old was spotted with a large entourage at a beach in Bridgetown, and was captured going for a swim before relaxing on a sun lounger

Earlier this year, Soros handed control of his $25 billion empire to his son Alex, who vowed to continue his father's liberal legacy

By Joe Hutchison For Dailymail.Com

Published: 02:07 EST, 24 December 2023 | Updated: 02:08 EST, 24 December 2023

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2d5649 No.115626

File: 5b41cd4017a81fd⋯.jpg (73.78 KB,634x465,634:465,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c674f8d87ce6c9e⋯.jpg (39.72 KB,634x421,634:421,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fdcbb9778a75de3⋯.jpg (83.32 KB,634x472,317:236,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0f751acf042aa58⋯.jpg (90.89 KB,634x460,317:230,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8dcb39542a9324c⋯.jpg (64.41 KB,634x328,317:164,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123594 (241045ZDEC23) Notable: Soros on the Beach Meme Fodder

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2d5649 No.115627

File: ced34ed8b56ef92⋯.jpg (46.88 KB,549x549,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 409728c2b79ee67⋯.jpg (98.42 KB,720x642,120:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0fb3b765c1efd28⋯.jpg (146.89 KB,720x1015,144:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123598 (241046ZDEC23) Notable: Soros on the Beach Meme Fodder

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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2d5649 No.115628

File: 6add030492a5589⋯.png (661.71 KB,960x671,960:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ab81e8571192c5⋯.png (1.69 MB,2060x1380,103:69,Clipboard.png)

File: a7b2ecc29b49cc4⋯.png (1.56 MB,713x1125,713:1125,Clipboard.png)

File: 949cef68f1b2faf⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123650 (241107ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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ThanQ Baker!

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2d5649 No.115629

File: 7ae42fae47a3119⋯.jpeg (94.39 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 245fc166883b013⋯.jpeg (126.36 KB,828x858,138:143,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 343257c942de5c6⋯.mp4 (9.72 MB,750x632,375:316,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 626be61604c0560⋯.png (299.28 KB,587x291,587:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123659 (241109ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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2d5649 No.115630

File: aeb654ef2c3fb64⋯.png (18.23 KB,596x229,596:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123661 (241110ZDEC23) Notable: @elonmusk We're kinda due for a chill year, right? RIGHT?! DELTA? #MonsterYear

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See new posts


Ashlee Vance



Dec 25, 2022

We're kinda due for a chill year, right? RIGHT?!

Elon Musk



11:56 AM · Dec 25, 2022





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2d5649 No.115631

File: 8a17cce714806fc⋯.png (1.44 MB,1034x881,1034:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 24dd10110ad7d09⋯.png (489.23 KB,635x853,635:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 983927da8393be5⋯.png (357.05 KB,750x659,750:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 24185166beb0320⋯.jpg (3.12 MB,2560x4299,2560:4299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123666 (241111ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115632

File: 644aa3633edac70⋯.png (359.55 KB,700x529,700:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 233be0985600138⋯.mp4 (11.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: da3cde3bc367947⋯.jpg (196.51 KB,656x824,82:103,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 78b9a74b90eb070⋯.jpg (313.46 KB,1600x1123,1600:1123,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123669 (241112ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115633

File: 246d706c69b5ecd⋯.jpg (27.13 KB,697x500,697:500,Clipboard.jpg)

File: da47e83796df710⋯.jpg (131.74 KB,720x498,120:83,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0477c4d3cc0ed6b⋯.jpg (180.86 KB,1271x849,1271:849,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ebb00426dc71e6f⋯.jpeg (22.67 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123673 (241113ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115634

File: 2bd6e1690d23198⋯.png (556.03 KB,706x398,353:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123675 (241114ZDEC23) Notable: Dad tells Biden, 'Let's go, Brandon' during Christmas Eve call Updated December 24, 2021 2:30pm EST DELTA MP4

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Dad tells Biden, 'Let's go, Brandon' during Christmas Eve call — and Biden responds

'Let's go, Brandon, I agree,' Biden responded

By Paul Conner Fox News

Published December 24, 2021 1:56pm EST | Updated December 24, 2021 2:30pm EST


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2d5649 No.115635

File: c04277cedd263a6⋯.jpg (90.97 KB,768x593,768:593,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7db46b9af6ef6a6⋯.jpg (35.7 KB,474x355,474:355,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5f6978523165788⋯.jpg (20.88 KB,500x385,100:77,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ac4eebe5adfa74c⋯.jpg (94.41 KB,800x500,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123677 (241114ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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The Crux

The Southern Cross

The Advertising Banner and Winter Solstice Magic Trick that never stops glowing

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2d5649 No.115636

File: dbfa075c14ba6cb⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,747x468,83:52,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6e76cf65cf6e409⋯.png (2.59 MB,2413x1347,2413:1347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123680 (241115ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115637

File: a454c1b32adee2b⋯.png (1.68 MB,1301x906,1301:906,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123681 (241117ZDEC23) Notable: Soros on the Beach Meme Fodder

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115638

File: 6ed656e441e40f5⋯.mp4 (7.17 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123696 (241126ZDEC23) Notable: Oil tanker caught in hurricane MP4

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115639

File: 1658f4e29d78043⋯.mp4 (7.87 MB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123699 (241126ZDEC23) Notable: Don't Mess With OLD PPL MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GM Frens

Morning KEK

To Start the Day

Don't Mess With OLD PPL


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2d5649 No.115640

File: 2ae621b0e80ac0e⋯.png (136.97 KB,1789x1893,1789:1893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123722 (241134ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Merry Christmas fren.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115641

File: ae0f46b55d67016⋯.jpeg (398.99 KB,1242x1050,207:175,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e65a72713630ddd⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB,1182x1782,197:297,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123768 (241153ZDEC23) Notable: DOG COMMS!!! Lua

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Ha ha 12 gone!

Not pushing SVB anymore?


Who has a dog named Lua?

See ya!


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2d5649 No.115642

File: cebfec4af3a8c1f⋯.jpg (107.82 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123810 (241213ZDEC23) Notable: Meme of the Thread #EpsteinIsland

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Oh it's coming

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2d5649 No.115643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123849 (241238ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123857 (241242ZDEC23) Notable: President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note: Trump mentions 17 multiple times at the start of the interview.


Former President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more


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2d5649 No.115645

File: b62943cbbf9e2e0⋯.gif (747.97 KB,780x500,39:25,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123897 (241303ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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ty, anon.

Merry Christmas!

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2d5649 No.115646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123913 (241317ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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is it the 12th day yet?

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2d5649 No.115647

File: ce493ca957697f6⋯.jpg (249.88 KB,800x1169,800:1169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123947 (241335ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115648

File: 081f82e293c8b6a⋯.png (2.76 MB,1716x1310,858:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123956 (241340ZDEC23) Notable: Kek of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115649

File: 8d94d92d49e7b32⋯.png (2.13 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123964 (241343ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115650

File: b39f91dfaddf3c2⋯.jpg (167.04 KB,702x500,351:250,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123968 (241345ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115651

File: 46e2793fac344a7⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123974 (241349ZDEC23) Notable: COMMS CHECK @VP The Vice President's Residence is ready for Christmas. MP4

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The Vice President's Residence is ready for Christmas.

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2d5649 No.115652

File: 3fbc0eceb3ab012⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,574x326,287:163,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123988 (241353ZDEC23) Notable: Honorable Louis Farrakhan endorses President Donald J. Trump

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🚨#BREAKING: The Honorable Louis Farrakhan (@LouisFarrakhan

) of The Nation of Islam (@OfficialNOI

) Shocks the Internet with his grand endorsement of Former President Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump


Farrakhan says Donald Trump is doing something right, he DESTROYING and HAS GONE AFTER EVERY ENEMY OF Black Americans, including





#DonaldTrump #Trump #MAGA #LouisFarrakhan #Farrakhan #MinisterLouisFarrakhan #FOI #NOI


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2d5649 No.115653

File: 7d0eb14553fe1c0⋯.png (180.76 KB,781x671,71:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20123998 (241356ZDEC23) Notable: It’s been (33) years since Macaulay Culkin

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It’s been 33 years since Macaulay Culkin


might mean something?

33, Macaulay Culkin, slapped face, aftershave...

It’s been 33 years since Macaulay Culkin first slapped his face with aftershave in the Christmas classic “Home Alone” — and the Chris Columbus-directed comedy has only gotten more popular with age.

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2d5649 No.115654

File: 664fa0a880e90ba⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124001 (241357ZDEC23) Notable: @VivekGRamaswamy If they remove Trump from Colorado’s GOP primary, then Colorado shouldn’t count towards the GOP nomination

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



If they remove Trump from Colorado’s GOP primary, then Colorado shouldn’t count towards the GOP nomination. Deeply disappointed in my fellow Republicans in this race who say they are more focused on “collecting delegates” than on defending against flagrant election interference. It says a lot about the sad state of our party.


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2d5649 No.115655

File: 0e71ca9b4ccbc20⋯.png (55.19 KB,151x154,151:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124042 (241412ZDEC23) Notable: Soros on the Beach Meme Fodder

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115656

File: 1c07a0d6dc124e4⋯.mp4 (11.54 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124044 (241412ZDEC23) Notable: NCSWIC.

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>Energy is weak.

not this anon.

am fired up

anon is not only a surviour have become what they fear most. a warrior

be it information, adaptable and moving forward.


bring it on....

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2d5649 No.115657

File: 7187f75512fb1b3⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124046 (241413ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115658

File: aa0df694407da62⋯.png (621.34 KB,738x693,82:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124077 (241422ZDEC23) Notable: Joe Allen Explains How Social Media Draws and Phones online create People Away From Religion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Joe Allen Explains How Social Media Draws and Phones online create People Away From Religion. And children affected by phones create an Inability to have critical thoughtand a significant Increase of children with mental emotional disorders.



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2d5649 No.115659

File: b175e58aac49fb1⋯.png (2.72 MB,1271x904,1271:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124084 (241423ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley thread meme

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115660

File: 8169f5c1104f09e⋯.png (1006.54 KB,1528x5186,764:2593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124104 (241428ZDEC23) Notable: Archive Offline

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115661

File: 1cfb95ca555fc90⋯.png (612.97 KB,841x621,841:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124107 (241429ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115662

File: fff0979af1d5d0d⋯.png (210.46 KB,417x536,417:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124129 (241434ZDEC23) Notable: PDJT Comms CHQ of -> or

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




f > o

of > or


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 12/21/2023 19:22:21

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111621212798356641

% buffered





Image Name: 45302530118f2fcd.mp4

Filename: ages/45302530118f2fcd.mp4

SCAM-ALERT: 20% of Mail-in Ballots were Rigged of Defective in the 2020 Election…

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2d5649 No.115663

File: ec9179a1385103b⋯.jpeg (178.57 KB,675x1200,9:16,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124131 (241435ZDEC23) Notable: Merry Christmas Eve Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115664

File: 7f8ac131b964f66⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124138 (241437ZDEC23) Notable: Janet Ossebaard, the filmmaker known for her documentary series “The Fall of the Cabal” has been confirmed as dead by suicide after being reported missing for weeks MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shadow of Ezra


Janet Ossebaard, the filmmaker known for her documentary series “The Fall of the Cabal” has been confirmed as dead by suicide after being reported missing for weeks.

Janet gave the world an immense gift by creating The Fall of the Cabal. She will never be forgotten.

We will honor and cherish her forever.


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2d5649 No.115665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124140 (241438ZDEC23) Notable: Bill Gates’ Synthetic Milk Found To Contain 92 Carcinogenic Compounds

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Ferguson


Bill Gates’ Synthetic Milk Found To Contain 92 Carcinogenic Compounds

Recent findings by the Health Research Institute (HRI) have sparked alarming concerns, revealing 92 potentially toxic molecules and a fungicide in a so-called "synthetic" milk, Bored Cow, which has infiltrated grocery shelves nationwide.

This product is the brainchild of Perfect Day, a company buoyed by Bill Gates' funding, notorious for its aggressive push towards controversial global food modifications.

The artificial milk, crafted using "ProFerm" — a fabricated whey protein produced through genetically engineered "microflora" — symbolizes a disconcerting pivot in dietary control, aligning with broader, unsettling globalist agendas. HRI's Chief Scientist, John Fagan, Ph.D., warns that this unprecedented synthetic milk, a direct result of Gates' meddling in natural food systems, has bypassed crucial U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) safety checks, casting a dark shadow on public health and safety in the relentless pursuit of globalist food domination.

#GeneAlteration #FrankinScience #BillGates #Cancer #GlobalistParasite #WEF #WEF2030Agenda #DepopulationAgenda



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2d5649 No.115666

File: 2896a0542031185⋯.png (1.3 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 965790a2cacd41c⋯.png (277.12 KB,478x523,478:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 40cae48d82d16ce⋯.jpg (57.96 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124179 (241451ZDEC23) Notable: #24697

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Need lb notes, there is no baker

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2d5649 No.115667

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124215 (241504ZDEC23) Notable: Janet Ossebaard found dead of overdose after being missing for five weeks

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last bread sad news.

found bitchute link to video.




note: Do not believe she would commit suicide, she was a survivor of sexual abuse and has done fantastic work with that series. sounds like a hitjob. R.I.P and God receive your soul. A true warrior. mp4 vid and rumble vid link below embedded from her co producer and friend.


Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra

Janet Ossebaard, the filmmaker known for her documentary series “The Fall of the Cabal” has been confirmed as dead by suicide after being reported missing for weeks.

Janet gave the world an immense gift by creating The Fall of the Cabal. She will never be forgotten.

We will honor and cherish her forever.




First published at 11:16 UTC on December 24th, 2023.

With the deepest sadness in my heart I have to deliver this message.

Janet gave the world an immense gift by creating The Fall of the Cabal. She will never be forgotten.

With love, Cyntha Koeter

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2d5649 No.115668

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124238 (241512ZDEC23) Notable: FRANKENSKIES: CLIMATE ENGINEERING DOCUMENTARY [FULL]

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Dropping this again…

>>>/qresearch/20123929 (LB)

>Great Documentary that walks from Cloud Seeding all the way to Climate Change

>Would you believe that Al Gore was correct that it is “Man Made Climate Change”?



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2d5649 No.115669

File: 32f06d31cdd8a5f⋯.jpeg (22.23 KB,240x135,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124253 (241516ZDEC23) Notable: Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

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Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

French police detained two passengers on an aeroplane carrying about 300 Indian citizens, including unaccompanied minors, on suspicion of human trafficking following an anonymous tip.

More at link.

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2d5649 No.115670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124258 (241518ZDEC23) Notable: Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

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Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

French police detained two passengers on an aeroplane carrying about 300 Indian citizens, including unaccompanied minors, on suspicion of human trafficking following an anonymous tip.

French police have arrested two people after grounding a flight carrying about 300 Indian citizens, including 13 unaccompanied minors, the authorities said.

The Airbus A340 flying from the United Arab Emirates headed to South America landed on Thursday at Vatry airport in eastern France for a technical stopover.

It was held by French authorities after an anonymous tip-off that it was carrying passengers "likely to be victims of human trafficking," the Paris prosecutor's office told AFP. The two men in custody were among the passengers.

The 15 crew members of the Legend Airlines charter flight — en route from Fujairah airport to the capital of Nicaragua, Managua — were questioned and released, according to a lawyer for the Romania-based airline. She said they are deeply shaken by what happened.

The prosecutor's office said identity checks were being carried out on all 303 passengers. They were also checking the conditions in which the passengers were being transported and the purpose of their journey.

The national anti-organised crime unit JUNALCO is leading the investigation, said prosecutors.

According to a source familiar with the case, the passengers might have planned to travel to Central America to attempt illegal entry into the US or Canada.

After landing in France, they were first kept on the aircraft, but were then allowed to leave the aeroplane and provided with individual beds in the terminal building.

They were set to remain at the airport overnight Friday, local authorities said.

The Indian embassy in France said in a statement on X, formerly Twitter, that the authorities in Paris had informed them of the situation.

Liliana Bakayoko, who said she was a lawyer for the airline, told AFP the company believed it had done nothing wrong, had committed no offence "and is at the disposal of the French authorities".

Human trafficking carries a potential sentence of up to 20 years in France.

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2d5649 No.115671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124268 (241521ZDEC23) Notable: the US-led world order is well and truly behind us…

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Arnaud Bertrand


This is extraordinary, the US-led world order is well and truly behind us...

What did Blinken say just 2 days ago? "In 2023 the world looked to the US to lead and we did". Well even Europe is now "nope, no thank you!"

When I said Israel was a weapon of mass destruction for the West...


DD Geopolitics



Dec 23

CONFIRMED: Operation Prosperity Guardian falls apart as France, Spain and Italy withdraw, refusing to put their warships under U.S. command


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2d5649 No.115672

File: 3dd667de27c2982⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8365ca406e30da4⋯.jpeg (213.68 KB,1777x999,1777:999,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124270 (241521ZDEC23) Notable: Abramovic to hold "special event" re her new book on Jan 4, 2024

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Did some digging on her since it was bothering me… Thanks Anon for finding and sharing

>>>/qresearch/20124141 (LB)

>>>/qresearch/20124132 (LB)

>Stumbled on this a few minutes ago. Unbelievable.


Virtual | Thursday, January 04, 2024 6:00 PM ET

Author Event, Special Event

Renowned performance artist Marina Abramovic and arts and fiction writer Katya Tylevich discuss MARINA ABRAMOVIC: A VISUAL BIOGRAPHY!

About this Event

Join Barnes & Noble - Union Square on Thursday, January 4 at 6:00 PM as we welcome renowned performance artist Marina Abramovic and arts and fiction writer Katya Tylevich to discuss MARINA ABRAMOVIC: A VISUAL BIOGRAPHY! Combining brand-new interviews, never-before-seen images and fascinating ephemera from her personal archives, this book creates a visual landscape of Marina Abramovic's personal and artistic life.

**This event will be streamed live from Marina Abramovic 's Barnes & Noble Union Square appearance.

Abramovic Is 76 how does she look so young? Even her neck


It’s like “Death becomes her”

In the Video she claimed she couldn't fly? When did she take the trip?


In 1955, for the first time, more people in the United States traveled by air than by train. By 1957 airliners had replaced ocean liners as the preferred means of crossing the Atlantic.

After World War II, passenger travel surged to new levels. When wartime travel restrictions ended, airlines were overwhelmed with passengers. New carriers emerged, and new technology began to revolutionize civil aviation.


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2d5649 No.115673

File: f1879fe42f3f38e⋯.jpeg (129.08 KB,591x452,591:452,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9ee02567ae71a37⋯.jpeg (588.55 KB,2048x1353,2048:1353,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124298 (241529ZDEC23) Notable: Ten year delta, for the 2013 London Christmas pics. Happy Christmas, anons from UK Bread.

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Ten year delta, for the 2013 London Christmas pics. Happy Christmas, anons from UK Bread.

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2d5649 No.115674

File: 74cb6b215bfe548⋯.png (238.73 KB,609x804,203:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124331 (241537ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, @BarackObama

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General Mike Flynn


Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, you are the one that started America on this road toward socialism.

It is you @BarackObama

that created the incredible levels of divisiveness within our country. Instead of speaking for strong black men and strong black families and all American families during your 8 years in office, you furthered us on this horrible path of race baiting and name calling.

You and your many lefty associates used words and phrases like deplorable, irredeemable, racist, cultist, far-right, conspiracy theorists, dictator, confederates, election deniers, COVID deniers…all of these and many more, chosen intentionally to destroy the fabric of our culture and our society.

I’m sorry Barack, but you’re the one in the wrong here. If you were true to American values, ideals, and principles, you would back off the controls you have over this White House and speak out about the destruction nature of globalism and socialism!

I won’t hold my breath waiting for you. Americans have awakened to the destructive nature of your presidency and thank God, that good will triumph over evil.

Merry Christmas and I’ll pray for you as we go into this new year, a year of historic consequence for America, a year where your vision for America will be put into the rear view mirror of history.

God Bless America!


Chief Nerd



Dec 23

The Democrat playbook summarized in under one minute…

0:19 / 0:52

4:30 AM · Dec 24, 2023




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2d5649 No.115675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124333 (241538ZDEC23) Notable: #24696 Posted in #24697

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#24696 >>115609 Posted in #24697

>>115610, >>115611, >>115614, >>115615, >>115616, >>115618, >>115619, >>115621, >>115622, >>115623, >>115624, >>115628, >>115629, >>115631, >>115632, >>115633, >>115635, >>115636, >>115640, >>115643, >>115645, >>115646, >>115647, >>115649, >>115650, >>115657, >>115661, >>115663 Merry Christmas Eve Morning

>>115612 What do you give someone with everything?

>>115613 WarRoom - Home Of ultraMAGA

>>115617 Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

>>115620 GP - “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN MEME EVER!

>>115625, >>115626, >>115627, >>115637, >>115655 Soros on the Beach Meme Fodder

>>115630 @elonmusk We're kinda due for a chill year, right? RIGHT?! DELTA? #MonsterYear

>>115634 Dad tells Biden, 'Let's go, Brandon' during Christmas Eve call Updated December 24, 2021 2:30pm EST DELTA MP4

>>115638 Oil tanker caught in hurricane MP4

>>115639 Don't Mess With OLD PPL MP4

>>115641 DOG COMMS!!! Lua

>>115642 Meme of the Thread #EpsteinIsland

>>115644 President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

>>115648 Kek of the Thread

>>115651 COMMS CHECK @VP The Vice President's Residence is ready for Christmas. MP4

>>115652 Honorable Louis Farrakhan endorses President Donald J. Trump

>>115653 It’s been (33) years since Macaulay Culkin

>>115654 @VivekGRamaswamy If they remove Trump from Colorado’s GOP primary, then Colorado shouldn’t count towards the GOP nomination

>>115656 NCSWIC.

>>115658 Joe Allen Explains How Social Media Draws and Phones online create People Away From Religion

>>115659 Nikki Haley thread meme

>>115660 Archive Offline

>>115662 PDJT Comms CHQ of -> or

>>115664 Janet Ossebaard, the filmmaker known for her documentary series “The Fall of the Cabal” has been confirmed as dead by suicide after being reported missing for weeks MP4

>>115665 Bill Gates’ Synthetic Milk Found To Contain 92 Carcinogenic Compounds




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2d5649 No.115676

File: 44dff4d29541b58⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124345 (241541ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, @BarackObama

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Speeches like this make a lot more sense when you realize they are revelation of the method. He's not talking about other people, Obama is telling you what they're doing.

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2d5649 No.115677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124348 (241542ZDEC23) Notable: Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

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President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

56K views 1 day ago


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2d5649 No.115678

File: c866ea6507285b0⋯.png (622.08 KB,755x598,755:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124358 (241546ZDEC23) Notable: Biden's Democratic challengers hit ballot access roadblocks

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Biden's Democratic challengers hit ballot access roadblocks

They're strugging to get on the ballots in four states.

ByIsabella Murray and Brittany Shepherd

December 23, 2023, 10:40 AM

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2d5649 No.115679

File: 7bdd2ef4c16864b⋯.png (765.68 KB,1058x762,529:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124359 (241546ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, @BarackObama

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2d5649 No.115680

File: 7f16a8cfadae15a⋯.jpg (148.56 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124376 (241552ZDEC23) Notable: LetMyPeopleGo

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Professor David Clements, Did an Excellent job on this Project.

It Far Exceeds the B Movie that was 2000 Mules .

Promo code ( Mike ) gets 50 % off .

A life time Ownership of the Digital Copy , no timeline for Multiple Viewing .

Frank Speech account may be Nessisary.

Merry Christmas, Anons .




Use promocode: JoeHoft

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2d5649 No.115681

File: 775ac12bd59eecf⋯.png (352.16 KB,609x470,609:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124378 (241552ZDEC23) Notable: Illinois judge declines to block Jan. 1 gun registration deadline, vows to decide case on merits

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John Solomon


Illinois judge declines to block Jan. 1 gun registration deadline, vows to decide case on merits | Just The News

Handguns for sale | (Anadolu Agency/Getty)

4:44 AM · Dec 24, 2023




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2d5649 No.115682

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124401 (241603ZDEC23) Notable: Fake Ozempic Seized By FDA As Demand For Obesity Drugs Soars

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Fake Ozempic Seized By FDA As Demand For Obesity Drugs Soars

According to Bloomberg, fake Ozempics were seized by the FDA as demand for obesity drugs soared due to a shortage, and counterfeiters are taking advantage of the hype cycle.


OK Fat Fucks Pay attention.

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2d5649 No.115683

File: 1e1196575e43bbe⋯.png (432.58 KB,554x735,554:735,Clipboard.png)

File: ab82b39796a4d24⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124410 (241604ZDEC23) Notable: @FLAUXTUS visits Fort Campbell after the tornado

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The Tennessee Holler




visits Fort Campbell after the tornado, saying “the Bidens are a military family and military families look out for one another.” https://fox17.com/news/local/first-lady-brings-holiday-cheer-to-fort-campbell-following-tornado

9:27 AM · Dec 24, 2023


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2d5649 No.115684

File: cc2aa61e304ffda⋯.jpg (61.25 KB,591x612,197:204,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124411 (241605ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, @BarackObama

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gota LUV

Gen. Flynn


Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, you are the one that started America on this road toward socialism.


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2d5649 No.115685

File: 11b4bfc60451683⋯.png (214.2 KB,594x870,99:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124424 (241610ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn: Evil exists here on earth.

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General Mike Flynn


Spoken like a true patriot and American, who, like many of us, have come to the sobering realization that evil exists here on earth.

This is a spiritual war and to win, we must stand firm on our American values and principles. Stand without fear, stand with courage and speak out against this evil that permeates all aspects of our lives.

The greatest evil emanates from the political classes in Washington, DC. That is not a conspiracy theory or disinformation. Yes, the stink looms elsewhere in other parts of America, but the rot starts at the head.

This coming year in our elections, we must clean out the rot.

Merry Christmas! 🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸


Chief Nerd



Dec 10

👀 Jim Breuer: “We’re at war…Unfortunately humanity doesn’t believe that evil exists. And boy, does it exist. And you’d be horrified when you realize where they’re all located.”

5:01 AM · Dec 24, 2023




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2d5649 No.115686

File: 3e3a4ea6ef7557a⋯.png (543.72 KB,779x719,779:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124557 (241651ZDEC23) Notable: Liar Michael Cohen calls President Trump a "grifter"

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and he's gonna keep riding the slide until the source reveals its-self....So Bold...od course..Thats Our POTUS!



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2d5649 No.115687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124558 (241652ZDEC23) Notable: Liar Michael Cohen calls President Trump a "grifter"

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2d5649 No.115688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124572 (241659ZDEC23) Notable: Republicans Draft Bills to Remove Biden from Ballot in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania

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Republicans Draft Bills to Remove Biden from Ballot in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania

Citizen FrankDecember 22, 2023

Three Republican state lawmakers are drafting legislation to remove President Joe Biden from ballots in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, Breitbart News exclusively learned Friday.

If Biden is removed from the ballots, the president will have difficulty winning the Democrat primary and presidential election. Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania are vital swing states.

The three state representatives who are drafting the three bills are:

Pennsylvania Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R)

Georgia Rep. Charlice Byrd (R)

Arizona Rep. Cory Mcgarr (R)

The state representatives’ aim is to fight back against the Democrats’ so-called “lawfare” used to attack former President Donald Trump. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a 4-3 opinion that the United States Constitution’s “Insurrection Clause” blocks Trump from appearing on the state’s presidential ballot.

“We are joining forces to introduce legislation to REMOVE Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania,” the lawmakers told Breitbart News.

“The absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100% not eligible to run for political office.”

“Democrats’ insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his ‘insurrection’ at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China,” they continued.

“Colorado radicals just changed the game and we are not going to sit quietly while they destroy our Republic. To be clear, our objective is to showcase the absurdity of Colorado’s decision and allow ALL candidates to be on the ballot in all states,” they wrote.

“To do that, we must fight back as Republicans against the communists currently running our great country.”

Republicans were immediately incensed by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision. Many floated ideas to block Biden from various state ballots. Texas Republicans threatened to take action predicated on the Biden administration’s open border policies, but no action was taken.

“While GOP elites are asleep at the wheel, the Democrats are very serious about destroying the American Republic,” political strategist Cliff Maloney told Breitbart News. “Thank God for patriots like Aaron Bernstine, Charlice Byrd, and Cory McGarr for stepping up to FIGHT back.”


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2d5649 No.115689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124584 (241702ZDEC23) Notable: Jesus makes a profound and resounding return in New York City’s Time Square…

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Jesus makes a profound and resounding return in New York City’s Time Square…

December 23, 2023 (2 days ago)

Known as America’s most desolate, liberal-run city plagued by rampant crime, drugs, moral decay, homelessness, and skyrocketing costs, there’s arguably no place on earth more in need of the spirit of Jesus this Christmas season than the Big Apple. Surprisingly, Times Square, of all places, delivered a monumental tribute. For the first time ever, all 27 billboards were dedicated to sharing the true story of Christmas, visible and audible for everyone to witness.

This happened three weeks ago, but it’s still stunning to see, and it’s truly a Christmas miracle.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints took over the iconic New York City Times Square on Monday, to show scenes of Jesus Christ’s birth and the traditional nativity.

A video of the event posted by the church on Friday shows many people who stopped along the busy streets, to watch as lights on the giant screens showed beautiful artwork of shepherds, wise men, animals, angels, Mary, Joseph and, of course, baby Jesus.

The message shared at Times Square encourages people to share Christ’s light by “letting (their) light shine,” before displaying the logo for the church and its annual Light the World campaign.

The greatest story ever told is unfolding, and regardless of one’s views on the Mormon Church, its message is something that everyone in America needs to see and experience, especially now.

Merry Christmas.


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2d5649 No.115690

File: 2ece7fdfaaa59b5⋯.png (376.81 KB,598x776,299:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124594 (241708ZDEC23) Notable: Louis Farrakhan shocks the Internet with his grand endorsement of PDJT

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Sir Maejor - FBA 🇺🇸


🚨#BREAKING: The Honorable Louis Farrakhan (@LouisFarrakhan

) of The Nation of Islam (@OfficialNOI

) Shocks the Internet with his grand endorsement of Former President Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump


Farrakhan says Donald Trump is doing something right, he DESTROYING and HAS GONE AFTER EVERY ENEMY OF Black Americans, including





#DonaldTrump #Trump #MAGA #LouisFarrakhan #Farrakhan #MinisterLouisFarrakhan #FOI #NOI

7:23 PM · Dec 23, 2023




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2d5649 No.115691

File: f6b483ad0d40ad3⋯.png (428.3 KB,1259x498,1259:498,Clipboard.png)

File: ea22cff1fda01c3⋯.png (554.84 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 8035a67d8ad9939⋯.png (976.2 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 14fe06d891fc261⋯.png (1.05 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: e803aa199214431⋯.png (975.55 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124600 (241711ZDEC23) Notable: Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

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Not sure if that's a stock photo of the plane or not. The airline is Legend Airline out of Romania.

If it's the actual plane then I guess they re painted it to 'blend in' or something.

Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

By Euronews with AFP, AP

Published on 23/12/2023 - 15:38

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French police detained two passengers on an aeroplane carrying about 300 Indian citizens, including unaccompanied minors, on suspicion of human trafficking following an anonymous tip.

French police have arrested two people after grounding a flight carrying about 300 Indian citizens, including 13 unaccompanied minors, the authorities said.

The Airbus A340 flying from the United Arab Emirates headed to South America landed on Thursday at Vatry airport in eastern France for a technical stopover.

It was held by French authorities after an anonymous tip-off that it was carrying passengers "likely to be victims of human trafficking," the Paris prosecutor's office told AFP. The two men in custody were among the passengers.

The 15 crew members of the Legend Airlines charter flight — en route from Fujairah airport to the capital of Nicaragua, Managua — were questioned and released, according to a lawyer for the Romania-based airline. She said they are deeply shaken by what happened.

The prosecutor's office said identity checks were being carried out on all 303 passengers. They were also checking the conditions in which the passengers were being transported and the purpose of their journey.

The national anti-organised crime unit JUNALCO is leading the investigation, said prosecutors.

According to a source familiar with the case, the passengers might have planned to travel to Central America to attempt illegal entry into the US or Canada.

After landing in France, they were first kept on the aircraft, but were then allowed to leave the aeroplane and provided with individual beds in the terminal building.

They were set to remain at the airport overnight Friday, local authorities said.

The Indian embassy in France said in a statement on X, formerly Twitter, that the authorities in Paris had informed them of the situation.

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2d5649 No.115692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124603 (241712ZDEC23) Notable: @RandPaul: I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

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Rand Paul



I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

I would like to personally thank @elonmusk for buying this platform and allowing us all to say Happy #Festivus again. I mean, we could always say it. No one actually ever stopped us from saying it, but whatever.

@elonmusk I'm kidding. The war on Christmas was REAL. It was so real that Lindsey Graham tried to send it aid money.

@elonmusk You know the current war is not going well when Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham aren't even sure they want to send it money. They saw Zelensky last week, patted their pockets, and said sorry all out. It's quite the #Festivus Miracle, really.

@elonmusk Speaking of Zelensky, last year I said he came to Congress dressed like he was delivering our Uber Eats order. This year I would say it was more like he was trying to sell me the next iPhone at a @TMobile store.

@elonmusk @TMobile Most of the candidates on the Republican side are against more aid, and I think that's a great step forward for our party and country. I'm skeptical about Chris Christie's plan to trade weapons for perogies, though.

@elonmusk @TMobile Let me ask you a question, and you can reply with your answer: should the GOP change its nominating method to a TV reality show/game show combo?

Think of it as the Battle of the Network Stars meets the Apprentice. I bet the ratings would be better than these unwatchable debates.

@elonmusk @TMobile This weekend I'm traveling to see my parents, and it always reminds me that if more people than just me and @repthomasmassie had been listening to my Dad, we would be a lot better off.

@elonmusk @TMobile @RepThomasMassie I have a problem with @Tedcruz this year - as usual it’s about not understanding liberty. To all those who have a pet peeve against something (like smart refrigerators) — do the libertarian thing: if you don’t like them don’t buy them.

@elonmusk @TMobile @RepThomasMassie @tedcruz And on this and many things, leave the rest of us the hell alone. I’m almost out of mayo and I need my refrigerator to know that

@elonmusk @TMobile @RepThomasMassie @tedcruz I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave out @justinamash. He also listened to my Dad, but then he set himself on fire after his TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) diagnosis.

@elonmusk @TMobile @RepThomasMassie @tedcruz @justinamash Speaking of which, when Donald Trump is elected for the second time next year, we better clear out a lot of space on planes and roads leaving the country. I expect every leftist half-wit entertainer who says they're going to leave to do so. They always tell the truth, right?

@elonmusk @TMobile @RepThomasMassie @tedcruz @justinamash Same with the angry leftist politicians. That is, whoever is still here after Epstein's full list is published next year.

@elonmusk @TMobile @RepThomasMassie @tedcruz @justinamash I'm kidding, @HillaryClinton. Kid-ding. Also, I'm not suicidal and do not wish to harm myself. Thank you.

@elonmusk @TMobile @RepThomasMassie @tedcruz @justinamash @HillaryClinton Speaking of harm, it's time again to look at what both parties in DC are doing to your future by wasting your tax dollars.

@elonmusk @TMobile @RepThomasMassie @tedcruz @justinamash @HillaryClinton More tax dollars down the litter box...


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2d5649 No.115693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124616 (241719ZDEC23) Notable: Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

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PB below

>>115343, >>115346, >>115349, >>115351, >>115358, >>115360 France grounds plane carrying over 300 Indians for human trafficking/Turkey/Romania

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2d5649 No.115694

File: 59c52ed5aeca62f⋯.png (101.67 KB,877x522,877:522,Clipboard.png)

File: 65d329795df9284⋯.png (99.25 KB,268x312,67:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124621 (241721ZDEC23) Notable: @RandPaul: I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

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2d5649 No.115695

File: 5def42403e128a8⋯.png (301.08 KB,591x552,197:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124622 (241721ZDEC23) Notable: Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024

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Chief Nerd


👀 Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024

“This is a national security event with high impact that's very hard to predict”


Face The Nation

5:30 AM · Dec 24, 2023




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2d5649 No.115696

File: 09f78f7eafaaa88⋯.jpeg (385.47 KB,1254x579,418:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 746c5f8899ef86a⋯.jpeg (445.76 KB,1242x579,414:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9af371c81dfee55⋯.jpeg (295.58 KB,1013x577,1013:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 010810295fc76e8⋯.jpeg (320.49 KB,760x525,152:105,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124655 (241732ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Gulf/Med activity etc

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planeFag: Gulf/Med activity

Saudi AF SVA7257 737-800 registered to Saudi Ministry of Finance departed Riyadh and heading to SW SA-either Abha or Jizan and both quite close to Yemen border there on 12/20 too

Mecca not far and it’s walk around black cube time

RG04/05 C2 Greyhounds NW from somewhere in western Oman departed Manama, Bahrain earlier

These are the utility ACs of Navy and can be seen coming off flat tops in various places WW-looks like they had a land-based mission today


Libya AF 5ADCN G4 east from Tripoli and prolly heading to Turkey and UAE last week

IAF 665/420 C-130s, IAF669 707 tanker up in usual place

Morocco AF FRV0925 G5 heading to Paris from Rabat depart

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2d5649 No.115697

File: 0e6d78a96380499⋯.jpeg (129.34 KB,723x431,723:431,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124661 (241733ZDEC23) Notable: Trump shouldn’t be immune from prosecution – Biden

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24 Dec, 2023

Trump shouldn’t be immune from prosecution – Biden

The former president has been criminally charged for allegedly provoking the Capitol Hill riot

US President Joe Biden has said thathe “can’t think of one” former president who should be immune from criminal prosecution. His comment came after the Supreme Court declined to hear a case that would have decided whether former President Donald Trump could be tried for instigating the 2021 Capitol Hill riot.

Asked by a reporter whether “any president at all” should be shielded from criminal charges, Biden replied on Saturday that he “can’t think of one.”

One day earlier, the US Supreme Court rejected a petition by government prosecutor Jack Smith to fast-track a decision on whether Trump could be tried over a speech he gave to his supporters before the January 6, 2021 riot on Capitol Hill. Prior to the incident, Trump told his followers to “fight like hell” against Biden’s electoral victory, which Congress was certifying that day.

Smith alleges that Trump’s speech – during which the then-president also encouraged his supporters to demonstrate “peacefully and patriotically” – provoked the riot. Smith charged Trump in August with conspiracy to defraud the US, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Trump’s lawyers argue that such speeches were part of “his official responsibilities as president,” and that he is therefore immune from legal consequences. Trump himself has dismissed Smith’s case as a “pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election.”

Following the Supreme Court’s decision, the immunity issue will now be decided by a Washington, DC appeals court in January, with the losing side certain to take the case back up to the Supreme Court. This process will almost certainly delay Trump’s trial past its projected March 4 start date, potentially stalling it until after next year’s presidential election.

With the US economy flagging and Biden’s approval ratings stubbornly low, Biden has tried to portray Trump as an existential threat to democracy ahead of the two rivals’ looming electoral rematch. In a memo circulated earlier this week, Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, accused Trump of “election denialism,” adding that “We are treating this election like it will determine the fate of American democracy – because it will.”

Trump’s campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, shot back that “Crooked Joe Biden is an existential threat to democracy by weaponizing lawfare and disenfranchising voters on a wide scale.”

As well as leading the January 6 case, Smith is also overseeing the prosecution of Trump over his alleged mishandling of classified documents, while the former president is facing state-level charges in Georgia and New York, as well as numerous civil lawsuits.

Biden is currently the subject of an impeachment inquiry led by congressional Republicans, with the probe centered around his alleged influence-peddling and involvement in his son’s foreign business dealings.

(I’d get mad at this, if the guy wasn't a corrupt, dementia consumed, piece of shit)


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2d5649 No.115698

File: b1f6597c41432b4⋯.jpeg (52.58 KB,421x431,421:431,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124681 (241739ZDEC23) Notable: Albania’s new ambassador to the UK is an illegal immigrant

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24 Dec, 2023

Albania’s new ambassador to the UK is an illegal immigrant – media

Uran Ferizi reportedly snuck into Britain on the back of a truck pretending to be a refugee

Albania’s new envoy to the UK entered the country illegally in 1998 and made a bogus asylum claim, the Daily Mail reported on Friday. A former Albanian foreign minister estimates that more than a million Albanians left for the UK over the last decade,viewing Britain as “a welfare state for the unskilled.”

Uran Ferizi was last week accepted by the UK Foreign Office as Albania’s ambassador to Britain,despite having no diplomatic experience. Almost half of all illegal immigrants that reached the UK by sea in the latter half of 2022 are reportedly from Albania. London and Tirana have recently signed a deal to fast-track deportations.

Ferizi is himself an illegal immigrant himself, the Daily Mail reported. Citing “multiple sources,” the paper described how the ambassador stowed away on a truck crossing the English Channel in 1998, arriving in Dover without any identification documents and falsely telling authorities that he was a refugee fleeing the war in Kosovo.

Ferizi, who was 17 at the time, was allowed to stay in Britain while his case was assessed. He married a British woman just two years later and was then granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK, followed by British citizenship.

A computer scientist who worked in the financial sector, Ferizi has no experience in the diplomatic service. The Daily Mail claimed that he got the job as envoy due to his “close relationship with [Albania’s] socialist leadership.”

“It's not diplomatically, morally or ethically right for someone who entered the UK illegally to be appointed ambassador,” a former Albanian foreign minister, Edith Harxhi, told the Mail, adding that “the migration crisis must be taken seriously.”

A record 45,756 migrants crossed the English Channel in so-called ‘small boats’ last year. 42% reportedly hailed from Albania, a country that the UK considers “safe.” During that time some 15,925 Albanians applied for asylum in the UK, nearly triple the number that applied in 2021.

Harxhi told The Daily Mail that Albania’s population has fallen by around 1.5 million since 2011. “I believe the majority of those people have gone to the UK,” she said. “Many Albanians see it as a welfare state for the unskilled.”

A recent report by the British parliament casts doubt on Harxhi’s figures, claiming that around 140,000 Albanians live in the UK. However, this report does not count those who have become British citizens since arriving.

The Foreign Office refused to comment on Ferizi’s immigration status, stating that “it is for Albania to recommend a candidate to be their ambassador.”

(The EU and UK are cucked along with other European countries.The end is near.)


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2d5649 No.115699

File: 84c8111d4cca6c0⋯.png (1.67 MB,1916x889,1916:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124690 (241741ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Gulf/Med activity etc

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BRUSH42 E6 up out of Offutt, AFB

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2d5649 No.115700

File: 26dc089abb26b5a⋯.png (939.81 KB,1889x877,1889:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124706 (241746ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Gulf/Med activity etc

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Nightwatch up out of Warner-Robbins

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2d5649 No.115701

File: 3420c92c302a03c⋯.png (564.76 KB,823x662,823:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124707 (241746ZDEC23) Notable: Disney loses battle over lawsuit

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The House of the Mouse Must Fall...but first save the Mouse

Everybody Deserves a Day of Disneyland

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2d5649 No.115702

File: f094d0d4854ddaa⋯.jpeg (124.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124721 (241749ZDEC23) Notable: Six EU states resisting Ukraine ‘security guarantees’

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24 Dec, 2023 15:34

Six EU states resisting Ukraine ‘security guarantees’ – Kiev

The deputy head of Zelensky’s office believes the holdouts will eventually endorse an agreement

Six EU member states have yet to support a declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine, a senior official in Kiev has said, signaling that the embattled country will continue to court the holdouts.

The declaration, which was first adopted by members of the G7 group in July, outlines long-term security commitments to Ukraine.It promises Kiev continued military assistance, support in weapons manufacturing, intelligence sharing, and other measures meant to enhance the country’s pro-Western, pro-EU tilt.

Speaking on Ukrainian national TV on Saturday, Andrey Sibiga, the deputy head of President Vladimir Zelensky’s office, revealed thatAustria, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Maltahad not endorsed security guarantees, but said Kiev is working to bring them on board. According to Sibiga, there is no reason to persuade them that they need to join in because they all know it will happen sooner or later.

“We’re just talking about specifics, about what this or that state is good at and is willing to take on commitments in one of the frameworks of the declaration. I think that all these countries have the political will to become part of the declaration,” he said. (No they don’t asshole, are you gonna blackmail them?)

In September, senior Zelensky aide Mikhail Podoliak said that a total of 28 nations supported the security guarantees, with hopes of increasing the number to 51.

Sibiga added that the issue was discussed during a recent visit by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski to Kiev, where he met with Zelensky. Kiev and Warsaw have recently been at odds over protests organized by Polish haulers at the border, who oppose EU rules that they say give their Ukrainian competitors an unfair advantage.

Meanwhile, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, commenting on the security guarantees, said in June thatEU countries which remain neutral cannot support the declaration, although he promised to discuss the issue in the future.

Hungary and Slovakia have opposed sending military assistance to Kiev. Budapest has also been skeptical about Ukraine’s aspirations to join the EU, while Bratislava has warned that the country’s accession is “terribly far away.”

(The fake dedication to Kiev and it’s mafia leaders, is gone supporting this useless parasite, even with help UK, EU and US soldiers they lost. Why keep a tick on your neck?)


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2d5649 No.115703

File: 02ae9488dc055a9⋯.jpg (85.35 KB,500x518,250:259,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124731 (241755ZDEC23) Notable: Celebrations in Bethlehem halted due to Israel-Hamas war

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On Christmas Eve, Bethlehem resembles a ghost town. Celebrations are halted due to Israel-Hamas war


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2d5649 No.115704

File: ecd68e7a0a7daa5⋯.jpeg (103.25 KB,721x432,721:432,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124746 (241803ZDEC23) Notable: Top EU diplomat fears right-wing wave

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24 Dec, 2023

Top EU diplomat fears right-wing wave

Josep Borrell believes uncertainty and discontent over immigration and living standards could lead to drastic changes in upcoming parliamentary election

Many EU voters may choose to support right-wing parties in the European parliament election next June, Josep Borrell, the bloc’s top diplomat, has warned. He noted that many parties representing the political right have made strides throughout the bloc recently.

The new election cycle could be as fateful as the 2024 US presidential election, in which former President Donald Trump is seeking to avenge his 2020 defeat to incumbent Joe Biden, Borrell warned in an interview with The Guardian on Sunday.

“I am afraid of fear, I am afraid Europeans vote because they are afraid…Fear in the face of the unknown and uncertainty generates a hormone that calls for a security response,”Borrell said. (He just made that up! Idiot)

The diplomat’s comments come amid theUkraine and Gaza conflicts, widespread voter concerns over surging migration, as well as plungingliving standards in the EU.As a result, according to Borrell, parties can play on fears linked to those crises,garnering significant support despite “offer[ing] bad responses to good questions.”(That has been the policy from the start, “playing on fears” instead telling the truth, sounds acceptable to the kleptocrats in the EU.)

While admitting that the bloc faces certain issues, he urged EU voters to be reasonable when analyzing the current situation. “If we cannot do that, I think the European elections will be as dangerous as those in the US,”Borrell added. (Oh yes it will, it’s been brewing for a decade or more.)

Borrell’s warning follows the stunning victory of the Dutch right-wing and anti-Islam Freedom party led by Geert Wilders, who has also been highly skeptical of providing military assistance to Ukraine.

Right-wing forces in other European countries have also seen a surge in popularity. A July poll by Deutschlandtrend found support for the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party had risen by 2 points to 20%, making it the third most popular party in the country.

Several surveys also suggested that many Europeans are increasingly worried about migration. A poll published on Friday by Der Spiegel found that around65% of Germansbelieve there has been ‘too much’ immigration into the country.

In France, another core EU member, a December 2022 Kantar poll suggested that45% of the populationbelieves that “there are too many immigrants” in the country. Meanwhile, a recent poll by Ispos found that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the right-wing National Rally party, had become one of the country’s three favorite politicians.

Meanwhile, right-wing forces are in firm control in Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly locked horns with Brussels, demanding stricter migration rules while questioning sending military assistance to Ukraine.

(The avalanche of conservatives will destroy the corrupt EU. Free and accurate Speech and law is the goal. The inordinate fear of right wingers, proves the EU are radical leftists.)


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2d5649 No.115705

File: 939ea199d6d27b8⋯.jpg (174.51 KB,1152x890,576:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124769 (241809ZDEC23) Notable: Washington Crossing the Delaware: Q 456 12-24-2017 & DoD 12-24-2023 = SIX YR DELTA

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Coinkidinks intensify

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2d5649 No.115706

File: ea842ee57da29dc⋯.jpeg (100.04 KB,702x393,234:131,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124801 (241822ZDEC23) Notable: German industry warns coal phase-out may "take a while"

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(This should be “titled” Trump is right again)

24 Dec, 2023 12:10

German industry warns coal phase-out may take a while

The plan to replace coal-fired plants by 2030 is “unrealistic,” lobby chief Siegfried Russwurm has warned

Berlin’s plan to phase out coal-fired power plants ahead of schedule is likely to fail, the head of the German industry lobby BDI, Siegfried Russwurm, told reporters on Saturday. He said thefederal government lacks a strategyto persuade private companies to construct new gas-fired stations within the next seven years.

“It is extremely annoying that we could find ourselves in the situation of having to continue operating coal-fired power plants for longer because there is no sufficient other reserve capacity,” Russwurm stated.

Germany intends to stop using coal for generating electricity by 2030, eight years earlier than the official target date. In restructuring the electrical grid, thegovernment wants to rely on renewable sources such as wind and solar. However, power from gas-fired plants is planned as a backup when there is not enough from renewables to cover demand. German companies have been waiting for Berlin to outline a strategy for how the construction of these new plants, which will initially be operated with natural gas and later with climate-neutral hydrogen, will be funded.

According to Russwurm,the government needs to provide incentives for private enterprise to build the plants.

“It’s going to take private investment, and it has to be worth it – even if it’s just a few operating hours a year. I am a fan of expanding renewables. But honesty requires us to say that we need back-ups.We are a long way from having sufficient storage capacity,” Russwurm warned, noting that the country needs at least 50 new gas-fired power facilities.

“If 50 are to be ordered, planned, approved and built at the same time, that is an objective that seems unrealistic to me. And if this expansion does not succeed, the Federal Network Agency will have little choice to maintain security of supply other than to keep coal-fired power plants connected to the network,” he stated.

(Germany and other virtue signaling states in the EU committed the gravest of errors, by shutting down Natural Gas being bought from Russia! And allowing Bidan to blow up Nord Stream 2. But truthfully there is no possibility on the countries surviving on any of their Green deal bullshit. They are going have to deprogram the population that all natural solutions, causes climate change, and tell the truth. They also shut down their nuclear power plants.)


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2d5649 No.115707

File: 14a4d0a975a4d3e⋯.jpeg (94.94 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124837 (241836ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine to multiply forced conscription checkpoints - RT

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24 Dec, 2023 14:31

Ukraine to multiply forced conscription checkpoints – officer

Roadblocks around cities will start appearing next week, the former municipal official has claimed

Ukrainian authorities will start erecting roadblocks around cities and between regions in the last week of Decemberwith the aim of catching draft dodgers, Nazariy Kishak, a military officer and former municipal council adviser, has claimed. More recruits are needed to ensure the timely rotation of troops currently on the front line, he added.

Speaking during his end-of-year press conference on Tuesday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky revealed that the country’s military leadership had proposed mobilizing an additional 450,000-500,000 men. The announcement came off the back of Kiev’s disastrous summer counteroffensive,which did not manage to achieve any significant territorial gainswhile apparently exacting a toll on Ukrainian forces. Top officials recently acknowledged that the push had indeed failed.

In a Facebook post on Saturday, Kishak, who previously served at the Ivano-Frankivsk city council, alleged that starting December 28 Ukrainian authorities would start setting up special checkpoints around cities and between regions.

“We are getting serious about mobilization,” he stated.

According to Kishak, “the guys on the front line need to be replaced.Golden youth, kids of pretentious parents, bloggers, all who get caught – will go into the infantry.”

He went on to claim that officials at the checkpoints would be specifically searching for fake disability certificates, as well as documents related to custody over disabled relatives.

In an interview with Dnipro TV on Saturday, Ukrainian officer Vasily Samovar, who commands the aviation and air defense forces of the 3rd Separate Storm Brigade, advised Ukrainians to “prepare for total mobilization and a cold winter.” He predicted that thenext year “will unfortunately be much harder than 2023 and 2022 combined.”

A day prior, Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesperson Illarion Pavlyuk said on national television that the military is urging “people to join the armed forces voluntarily, without waiting for a mobilization summons.” However, “it does not mean that only those who want to serve will do so,” the official emphasized.

Earlier this month, Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov told Germany’s Bild tabloid that all Ukrainian men of military age residing abroad would be summoned to recruitment centers. While German authorities were quick to stress they would not extradite Ukrainian draft dodgers, Estonia signaled its readiness to cooperate.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has estimated that Ukraine has lost over 383,000 soldiers since the start of hostilities, with nearly half of those casualties sustained during its summer counteroffensive.

(Kiev and the West has already lost to Russia, conscripting more soldiers will not make a dent in the loss that has already occurred. Kiev making Ukrainians to fight a lost war, with 150,000+ dead soldiers and close to 400,000 casualties already, is cruelty and torture on their own country. The only reason they are doing this is, for Oligarchs WW to get more money. Every leader in Ukraine and the West that supported this farce should be tried for treason and should get the death penalty, for intentionally and willingly killing their citizens, for money.This is what Evil looks like!)


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2d5649 No.115708

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124886 (241851ZDEC23) Notable: Washington Crossing the Delaware: Q 456 12-24-2017 & DoD 12-24-2023 = SIX YR DELTA

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2d5649 No.115709

File: e6e506671f28980⋯.jpeg (569.98 KB,1033x583,1033:583,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124897 (241854ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Gulf/Med activity etc

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WIDE33tanker shut off shortly after post so he’s the aerial refueling platform for the “at Camp David” position show

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2d5649 No.115710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124938 (241907ZDEC23) Notable: ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California

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ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has arrested 26 illegal immigrant sex offenders, some of whom are pedophiles, in a two-day sting operation in California.

The operation was conducted by Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in Los Angeles from Monday through Wednesday.

ERO said in a press release:

In Los Angeles, a 19-year-old citizen of El Salvador was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony sexual forcible oral copulation of a minor over 14-years-old and battery by restraint.

In Los Angeles, a 40-year-old citizen of Mexico was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony lewd acts with a child and continuous sexual abuse.

In Los Angeles, a 35-year-old citizen of Guatemala was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony child molestation in an inhabited dwelling.

“The outcome of this operation exemplifies the professionalism, dedication and commitment of ERO Los Angeles officers to public safety,” Field Office Director Thomas Giles said in a statement. “Removing these individuals and the threats they represent from our communities is our mission, and we will continue to safely and effectively enforce the immigration laws of our nation.”

ERO arrested 46,496 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions in FY 22. Of those, 8,164 were sex and sexual assault offenses.

“In fiscal year 2022, ERO arrested 46,396 noncitizens with criminal histories. This group had 198,498 associated charges and convictions, including 21,531 assault offenses, 8,164 sex and sexual assault offenses, 5,554 weapons offenses, 1,501 homicide-related offenses, and 1,114 kidnapping offenses,” the agency reported.

The press release explained, “As one of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s three operational directorates, Enforcement and Removal Operations is the principal federal law enforcement authority in charge of domestic immigration enforcement. ERO’s mission is to protect the homeland through the arrest and removal of those who undermine the safety of U.S. communities and the integrity of U.S. immigration laws, and its primary areas of focus are interior enforcement operations, management of the agency’s detained and non-detained populations, and repatriation of noncitizens who have received final orders of removal. ERO’s workforce consists of more than 7,700 law enforcement and non-law enforcement support personnel across 25 domestic field offices and 208 locations nationwide, 30 overseas postings and multiple temporary duty travel assignments along the border.”


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2d5649 No.115711

File: 9365bf9f7591a7d⋯.jpeg (189.08 KB,1241x1402,1241:1402,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124977 (241923ZDEC23) Notable: DEVELOPING - Color Revolution attempt in Serbia

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Just Breaking


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2d5649 No.115712

File: 553e9e56ff8ff6f⋯.png (950.46 KB,1328x771,1328:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124982 (241925ZDEC23) Notable: DEVELOPING - Color Revolution attempt in Serbia

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They had their SYMBOLS ready to go...

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2d5649 No.115713

File: 4f0935d5ad7d38b⋯.png (361.89 KB,598x577,598:577,Clipboard.png)

File: e2c01bc637a614b⋯.png (884.05 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: da9822bef84b7dc⋯.png (1.32 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125011 (241934ZDEC23) Notable: Ep. 56 A Christmas Eve election surprise: Tucker interviewing Frank Underwood

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Open up twatter and House of Cards is trending.

Wonder why.

Pull up Tucker and

Ep. 56 A Christmas Eve election surprise

Tucker interviewing Frank Underwood

Tucker Carlson


Ep. 56 A Christmas Eve election surprise

1:11 / 7:06

1:20 PM · Dec 24, 2023




> https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1738988093313515684#m

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2d5649 No.115714

File: f40d9001b3b95f0⋯.png (52.57 KB,305x642,305:642,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ae51b15e44a488⋯.png (31.83 KB,597x309,199:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 59f853537b1eeb9⋯.png (875.88 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125082 (241952ZDEC23) Notable: Ep. 56 A Christmas Eve election surprise: Tucker interviewing Frank Underwood

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Think you found the relevant drop, anon

timestamp to date match

line after [House of Cards] is link to Daily Caller.

Tucker founded Daily Caller.

Farrakhan in drop. Louis in the news today




Sep 16, 2018 12:24:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 242


No evidence of 'Collusion' PRIOR TO MUELLER appointment?




Why would [3] D Congressman attend a private dinner w/ Iranian President Hassan Rouhani [#1 state sponsor of terrorism] in 2013?

>>Rep Keith Ellison (Minnesota)

>>Rep Andre Carson (Indiana)

>>Rep Gregory Meeks (New York)

>>Louis Farrakhan

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2d5649 No.115715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125104 (241957ZDEC23) Notable: #24697

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#24697 >>115666

>>115667 Janet Ossebaard found dead of overdose after being missing for five weeks


>>115669, >>115670 Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

>>115671 the US-led world order is well and truly behind us…

>>115673 Ten year delta, for the 2013 London Christmas pics. Happy Christmas, anons from UK Bread.

>>115674, >>115676, >>115679, >>115684 @GenFlynn Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, @BarackObama

>>115677 Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

>>115678 Biden's Democratic challengers hit ballot access roadblocks

>>115680 LetMyPeopleGo

>>115681 Illinois judge declines to block Jan. 1 gun registration deadline, vows to decide case on merits

>>115682 Fake Ozempic Seized By FDA As Demand For Obesity Drugs Soars

>>115683 @FLAUXTUS visits Fort Campbell after the tornado

>>115685 @GenFlynn: Evil exists here on earth.

>>115688 Republicans Draft Bills to Remove Biden from Ballot in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania

>>115689 Jesus makes a profound and resounding return in New York City’s Time Square…

>>115690 Louis Farrakhan shocks the Internet with his grand endorsement of PDJT

baker change

>>115672 Abramovic to hold "special event" re her new book on Jan 4, 2024

>>115686, >>115687 Liar Michael Cohen calls President Trump a "grifter"

>>115691, >>115693 Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

>>115692, >>115694 @RandPaul: I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

>>115695 Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024

>>115696, >>115699, >>115700, >>115709 PF: Gulf/Med activity etc

>>115697 Trump shouldn’t be immune from prosecution – Biden

>>115698 Albania’s new ambassador to the UK is an illegal immigrant

>>115701 Disney loses battle over lawsuit

>>115702 Six EU states resisting Ukraine ‘security guarantees’

>>115703 Celebrations in Bethlehem halted due to Israel-Hamas war

>>115704 Top EU diplomat fears right-wing wave

>>115705, >>115708 Washington Crossing the Delaware: Q 456 12-24-2017 & DoD 12-24-2023 = SIX YR DELTA

>>115706 German industry warns coal phase-out may "take a while"

>>115707 Ukraine to multiply forced conscription checkpoints - RT

>>115710 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California

>>115711, >>115712 DEVELOPING - Color Revolution attempt in Serbia

>>115713, >>115714 Ep. 56 A Christmas Eve election surprise: Tucker interviewing Frank Underwood


final final

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2d5649 No.115716

File: e9ce2fb850142cd⋯.png (75.21 KB,394x289,394:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c94be2fd020b47⋯.png (252.3 KB,637x409,637:409,Clipboard.png)

File: f4e1eddedbabf5b⋯.png (772.45 KB,762x425,762:425,Clipboard.png)

File: fc507b3eac1bb72⋯.png (969.52 KB,1600x609,1600:609,Clipboard.png)

File: afbdaacdba68011⋯.png (179.77 KB,433x326,433:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125119 (242000ZDEC23) Notable: #24698

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

TY anons for your contributions!

Happy Christmas EVE!!

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2d5649 No.115717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125124 (242001ZDEC23) Notable: Former Erie County Democratic Party Chairman [Steve Pigeon] Receives Sentence in New York Child Sex Abuse Case Involving a 9-Year-Old

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Former Erie County Democratic Party Chairman Receives Sentence in New York Child Sex Abuse Case Involving a 9-Year-Old

Steve Pigeon, the former Erie County Democratic Party Chairman, was sentenced to 364 days in jail after admitting to the sexual abuse of a child more than seven years ago.

The former political figure had pleaded guilty last month to one count of Sexual Abuse in the First Degree, a class D violent felony.

The case, which took a significant toll on the local community, came to a resolution when Pigeon, 63, received his sentence early Friday morning.

Erie County District Attorney John Flynn underlined the gravity of the crime, which occurred between November and December 2016, and involved a child who was 9-year-old at the time, 2WGRZ reported.

Pigeon received 13 character letters, including letters from prominent businessmen Tom Golisano and Arnie Rothschild.



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2d5649 No.115718

File: c2dbdf2f4328fcc⋯.png (352.31 KB,1131x685,1131:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125146 (242006ZDEC23) Notable: Baker change

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handoff confirmed!!

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2d5649 No.115719

File: 5a8b3328032cc70⋯.jpg (34.9 KB,1006x614,503:307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125188 (242016ZDEC23) Notable: Baker change

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2d5649 No.115720

File: 87114df1a2a5968⋯.jpeg (504.87 KB,1175x588,1175:588,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a2612522afe5c1a⋯.jpeg (386.72 KB,828x1382,414:691,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125193 (242017ZDEC23) Notable: PF Reports

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>>115696 lb

Libya AF 5ADCN G4 on ground at Istanbul-last few weeks have the Libyans in Turkey quite a bit @ Ankara and Istanbul

The Turkish Presidency's Communications Director, Fahrettin Altun, has reiterated his country's commitment to strengthening ties with Libya. He emphasized the memorandum of understanding signed last year between the two countries, which entails a cooperation agreement in media and



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2d5649 No.115721

File: 9ecb4156ad3bc5b⋯.jpeg (61.35 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125226 (242026ZDEC23) Notable: German economic adviser proposes tax increase to fund Ukraine

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24 Dec, 2023 00:27

German economic adviser proposes tax increase to fund Ukraine

Monika Schnitzer’s call for a “Ukraine surcharge” comes as the government’s approval ratings hit record lows

Berlin should tax citizens’ incomes more in order to strengthen military aid to Ukraine, as support for the conflict ebbs elsewhere in the West, Monika Schnitzer, who chairs the German Council of Economic Experts (GCEE), told the Rheinische Post on Saturday.

A Ukrainian “solidarity surcharge” levied on top of the existing income tax would help meet Kiev’s urgent financial needs, she said, claiming that “special events require special measures.” (The problem with these taxes, they never go away.)

Acknowledging that the measure is not likely to be popular, Schnitzer, who leads the German economic advisory council better known as the ‘five wise men’, insisted that it is nevertheless necessary, arguing that it would be wiser to act now as “at the end of the day, our freedom is also at stake in this war.”

Schnitzer’s suggestion comes just days after Economic Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck announced Germany would have to assume more responsibility and shell out more money as Western support for Kiev has begun to wilt.

EU leaders failed to agree on a proposed €50 billion ($54 billion) financial aid package for Ukraine earlier this month during the bloc’s annual budget negotiations, and even Kiev’s boosters in Washington have been unable to push further financial support through the Republican-dominated Congress in recent months.

Berlin has already allocated €8 billion in its 2024 budget to fund the Ukrainian military and support refugees, but Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised last week that additional support would be forthcoming, “just as we planned, and, above all, for as long as necessary.”

Germany’s ruling ‘traffic light coalition’ has been polling at record lows, with 70% of Germans polled earlier this week by the Verian opinion research institute agreeing that the government is doing a ‘rather bad’ or ‘very bad’ job, and a similar survey by ARD-DeutschlandTrend earlierthis month finding a whopping 82% of respondents were disappointed with its performance.

While popular dissatisfaction was already running high this summer,support for Scholz and his coalition fell off a cliff last monthafter the Constitutional Court ruled that an effort to repurpose €60 billion in Covid-19 relief funds for climate projects was illegal, forcing the government to freeze most of its new spending commitments.

The expert councilSchnitzer leads called for raising the retirement agein accordance with life expectancy in its annual report to Scholz’s office last month, warning the economy would end the year in recession and growth would remain sluggish into 2024 or furtherif such entitlement reforms were not adopted immediately.

(You know how Bannon, Poso, Bongino and others say the politicians in Congress and in states: “These people really hate you and want you to shut up?“ Obviously Germany and the EU feel the same way about their citizens! This “woman” is justifying taking away the “entitlements” the citizens worked for their whole life, must be reduced so the politicians can spend it on boondoggles of green energy and a foreign country to fulfill an illegal commitment. These politicians have just told thd public, “Vote For The Far Right”, because we will always steal from you and your families.)

(Notice the saintly looking picture she chose)


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2d5649 No.115722

File: 571dc3af95d28a9⋯.png (10.99 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125233 (242027ZDEC23) Notable: Baker change

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new baker changing IDs

>switching device

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2d5649 No.115723

File: 93a9dbc38de42f9⋯.jpeg (60.41 KB,450x282,75:47,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125244 (242030ZDEC23) Notable: ‘O Come Let Us Adore Him’: A Syrian Christmas

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‘O Come Let Us Adore Him’: A Syrian Christmas

Encountering Christ in Aleppo: The Child Jesus reflects new hope for the city and its residents.

The celebration of the Maronites at the Cathedral of St. Elijah includes a special Nativity. (photo: Maronite Cathedral of St. Elijah)



December 23, 2023

Despite the harsh conditions in Syria, the Christmas Nativity of St. Elijah Maronite Cathedral in Aleppo remains a source of hope and renewal for steadfast Christians.

The Nativity scene is an important part of Catholic Christmas preparations, as it is in the homes and churches of Syria. Most Christians oversee with care the placement of the Holy Family with the shepherds and Magi under the Christmas tree to remind them of the true meaning of the coming of the Savior, Emmanuel.

This church crèche scene consists of members of the Holy Family, the Three Kings, who visited the Newborn in the grotto, along with the manger, placed at the front of the church. The Child Jesus is placed in the shrine after the biblical recitation by Maronite Archbishop Youssef Tobji of Aleppo.

The importance of this Nativity scene lies in its the location: The church suffered damage during the Syrian war and its aftermath. In 2015, it was subjected to a terrorist attack that destroyed part of its wooden roof. But in the winter of 2016, after the city of Aleppo was declared safe, the Maronite Diocese of Aleppo celebrated Christmas in this place, which carries a long history of worship and spirituality, after a long interruption and despite the difficult conditions. In this context, the determination and spirit of the people of Aleppo is embodied, as artist Nemat Badawi created a special design; in this rendition, the Child Jesus reflects new hope for the city of Aleppo and its residents.

In the spring of 2017, operations began to remove the rubble, and parts of the roof wood were used to build altars for other churches; small wooden crosses were also made for the faithful. On Sept. 11, 2019, restoration work on the wooden roof began using wood from Italy, turning Farhat Square in Aleppo into a workshop that embodies the hope of reviving this sacred place. On July 20, 2020, St. Elijah Maronite Cathedral was inaugurated, gathering believers and worshipers under its dome once again.

From the heart of darkness, Light is born.


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2d5649 No.115724

File: 553ba785b891c5b⋯.jpeg (323.11 KB,1062x575,1062:575,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 292aa6343165dd7⋯.jpeg (75.24 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125260 (242033ZDEC23) Notable: PF Reports

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Saudi AF SVA7257 737 back at Riyadh-looks like a u turn right on/near Yemen border as there is about 1h20m between visible south and north trace back to Riyadh

If they did stop (doubt that) it was very quick and only place would have been Najran on that border and with the current situation I wonder if this was a sort of test to gauge a reaction

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2d5649 No.115725

File: 0f8757e561977a2⋯.jpg (35.71 KB,270x712,135:356,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125266 (242034ZDEC23) Notable: Baker change

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Confirming new ID

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2d5649 No.115726

File: e1260a76d313d8d⋯.png (425.84 KB,709x529,709:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b5d181f5c17374⋯.png (403.48 KB,606x456,101:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125282 (242037ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson interview with Kevin Spacey

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Holy Moly Batman 🤯

Tucker Carlson decided to interview Kevin Spacey, in his character-form of House of Cards, who says he’s running for President.

A few notes:

• At the 3:38 Mark— Tucker Says they tried to Kill Kevin Spacey.

Remember— Kevin had a heart attack back in October. Spacey 2.0? 👀

• 5:25 “what’s true, what’s false, what’s life, what’s art, what’s real, what’s performance— I love it when these things intersect, because then it gets interesting….> I will play whatever role the public wants from me.

• There were a few redpills meant to take a jab at the Democrat party and Rinos…

- Pence too-Pensive

- I like Vivek DrainTheRamaswamy

- Nikki Haley learned a thing or two by watching me 😳🤣😂😂

I’m legit like wtf 😂 …

Kevin Spacey has been a little history with Ghislaine Maxwell and has a ton of sexual allegations while he was in Hollywood…


Tucker Carlson

8:08 AM · Dec 24, 2023





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2d5649 No.115727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125293 (242040ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson interview with Kevin Spacey

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Being Frank With Tucker

Kevin Spacey

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2d5649 No.115728

File: 5f9e5d14c1c6fdc⋯.jpeg (250.78 KB,1190x1323,170:189,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125312 (242044ZDEC23) Notable: Years Of Planning Behind Democrats’ Turn Against Democracy

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Michael Shellenberger


Dec 20 •Read on X


Trump can't be on the ballot because he attempted insurrection, says Colorado's Supreme Court. But he didn't. Jan 6 was a riot, not an insurrection. Behind the Democrats' turn against democracy is years of planning, including a secret effort to undermine the 2020.

Years Of Planning Behind Democrats’ Turn Against Democracy

War on Trump shows that the most dangerous people are often those who consider themselves incapable of evil

by @ZaidJilani & @galexybrane

Donna Brazile (left), John Podesta (center), and Rosa Brooks (right) led a 2020 scenario-planning exercise, the “Transition Integrity Project,” aimed at undermining the election.

The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that former president Donald J. Trump cannot be on the 2024 primary ballot in the state. The Court found that Trump engaged in an insurrection and is therefore disqualified from running for president. The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision was based on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which was originally intended to keep Confederate officials from holding office.

Yet Trump has never been criminally convicted of participating in an insurrection. Even special counsel Jack Smith, who is leading the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into Trump, chose not to indict Trump under the federal statute that criminalizes inciting an insurrection or rebellion, even though this charge was part of the referral from the January 6 committee. Smith could not build the legal case to include the charge, likely because of the First Amendment issues that would come with it.

The Colorado Supreme Court skirted both due process and First Amendment concerns and chose to equate Trump’s political speech with sedition in the American Civil War that killed over 600,000 people.

It’s true that Trump has at times adopted extreme and inflammatory rhetoric, including most recently saying that illegal immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of the country.

But one need not agree with anything Trump says to recognize that in a democratic society, voters still have a right to see him on the ballot. Over one million people voted for Trump in Colorado in 2020. What will those people think when they see that judges are essentially trying to take away their right to vote for the candidate of their choice? Will they really see themselves as included in our democracy, or will they continue to lose faith in the American political system? The answer is obvious.

Democrats’ argument that Trump poses a unique threat to democracy has little basis in reality. Trump’s election denial and machinations were not qualitatively different from the actions of many Democrats. As for the January 6 riot, it was largely the result of security failures, including leaders’ alleged refusal to call in the National Guard.

The court decision comes on the heels of years of panicked warning from Democrats and their allies that it’s Trump who seeks to end American democracy and establish a dictatorship.

In a lengthy essay for The Washington Post that quickly went viral last month, Robert Kagan argued that the United States is a “few short steps, and a matter of months, away from the possibility of dictatorship” led by none other than Donald Trump.

The problem with this prediction is that we already know how Trump responds to all of these things: he was president between 2017 and 2021. When, for instance, the judiciary ruled against Trump – as it did many times during his presidency – he was more likely to send a Tweet than troops.…


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2d5649 No.115729

File: 5f9e5d14c1c6fdc⋯.jpeg (250.78 KB,1190x1323,170:189,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125321 (242045ZDEC23) Notable: Years Of Planning Behind Democrats’ Turn Against Democracy

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For instance, when a federal judge temporarily paused Trump’s travel ban targeting visitors from a range of countries in February 2017, Trump took to Twitter to lament, “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned.”

At the time, Trump took heat for singling out a judge for condemnation. “The President’s attack on Judge James Robart, a Bush appointee who passed with 99 votes, shows a disdain for an independent judiciary that doesn’t always bend to his wishes and a continued lack of respect for the Constitution,” intoned Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

But while Trump’s frequent verbal attacks on the judiciary may have been seen as impolitic by his critics, they ultimately didn’t amount to much — certainly not anything like an actual attack. Trump, throughout his presidency, ultimately preserved the separation of powers, and you could even argue that having an adversarial relationship between different branches of government and different parts of political society protects democracy rather than subverts it.

For instance, Kagan warns that “in a regime where the ruler has declared the news media to be ‘enemies of the state,’ the press will find itself under significant and constant pressure. Media owners will discover that a hostile and unbridled president can make their lives unpleasant in all sorts of ways.”

But if the media’s lives were unpleasant thanks to Trump, it’s hard to detect that in their pocketbooks. Newspaper subscriptions soared under the first Trump presidency, and reporters who went out of their way to antagonize the president became instant celebrities with generous book deals.

Even when Trump did take a rare tangible step against press freedom, it didn’t amount to much. When the Trump White House temporarily suspended the press pass of a reporter who engaged in a lengthy verbal dispute with an administration staffer, the courts ruled that the reporter’s due process rights were violated. Whatever names Trump called the press, there is little evidence that he used his powers as president to suppress their critical coverage of his White House.

Meanwhile, his predecessor, Barack Obama, vigorously pursued whistleblowers with the full force of the federal government. As CNN’s Jake Tapper pointed out, the Obama administration “used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers who leaked to journalists . . . more than all previous administrations combined.”

One report from the Shorenstein Center at Harvard estimated that 80% of the media coverage during Trump’s first 100 days had a negative tone. That’s hardly a sign that the media was cowed by the presence of Trump in the White House, Tweets and all.

This adversarial relationship between the press and the president is good for democracy, not bad. When the media serve as handmaidens for those in power, we get less scrutiny of policies that we later come to regret – such as excessive COVID-19 policies like school shutdowns and the Iraq war….


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2d5649 No.115730

File: 5f9e5d14c1c6fdc⋯.jpeg (250.78 KB,1190x1323,170:189,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125326 (242046ZDEC23) Notable: Years Of Planning Behind Democrats’ Turn Against Democracy

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One sign that the Republican Party would be moving in an autocratic direction would be if they stopped respecting electoral results and clung to power despite losing elections.

It is true that Trump refused to concede his own defeat, and his rhetoric helped contribute to political chaos around the election and the January 6th riot. Much of the Republican Party, too, has been reticent to admit that Trump lost that election.

But being sore losers about an election isn’t equivalent to being tyrants. Following the 2000 election, many Democrats, too, felt that Bush was unfairly made the president. Gallup polling from after that election found that “just 15% said he won fair and square.”

And, as noted above, some Democrats have similarly refused to admit defeat. While both Republicans and Democrats have a handful of gubernatorial candidates who refused to concede – Stacey Abrams in 2018 for the Democrats and Kari Lake for the Republicans in 2022 – for the most part, the parties have been proceeding as normal after defeat.

But Democrats and their allies were quick to predict that the 2022 election would produce a repeat of Trump’s refusal to concede in 2020. The Post surveyed a range of Republican candidates in battleground states about whether they’d respect the results of their election. When most of those candidates failed to respond to the paper’s questions, the Post ran the alarming headline: “Republicans in key battleground races refuse to say they will accept results.”

Yet after the election came and went, every candidate except for Lake had accepted the results of their election. It turned out that it was less that the Republican Party had stopped accepting elections and more that they didn’t want to talk to the Post.

As NBC News wrote in an article shortly after the midterm election: “From Maine to Michigan, Senate to state legislature, Republican to Democrat, most high-profile candidates who fell short in the 2022 midterm elections are offering quick concessions and gracious congratulations to their opponents.”

That was a far cry from what was predicted by California Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell, who warned in a Tweet in January 2022 that “every politician says this is the most important election of our lifetime. It may be. But it could also be the last one.”

During an appearance with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Swalwell expanded on what he meant in the Tweet. “I’m worried that if Republicans win in the midterm elections that voting as we know it in this country will be gone…if they are able to win the House, the damage they could do to permanently make it difficult to vote and to alter the way that we participate in the democratic process may be irreversible,” he said.

But Republicans did win control of the U.S. House in the 2022 election. And yet nobody thinks there won’t be another election – campaigns across the country are preparing to spend billions on it.Yet now we’re being told that maybe the next election will be the end of democracy as we know it. Why is that?


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2d5649 No.115731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125338 (242049ZDEC23) Notable: 'Fantastically-rare' white albino deer is spotted bolting through woodland and roads around quaint Hampshire town - Daily Mail Online

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Daily Mail Online



'Fantastically-rare' white albino deer is spotted bolting through woodland and roads around quaint Hampshire town


Dec 24, 2023 · 8:15 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.115732

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125347 (242051ZDEC23) Notable: The Left Continues Their Targeted Attack on Justice Thomas: Mark Paoletta Debunks Their Lies

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Mark Paoletta: RFK Jr.'s Favorite SCOTUS Justice Tells Us Everything We Need to Know, Earl Warren was his favorite. And Eisenhower said “picking Earl Warren was the biggest damn mistake I made”

When RFKjr told Charlie what SC he like, so Jr was depending on no one knowing what Earl Warren did and tried to do!He was the modern day activist judge



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2d5649 No.115733

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125364 (242056ZDEC23) Notable: The Left Continues Their Targeted Attack on Justice Thomas: Mark Paoletta Debunks Their Lies

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The Left Continues Their Targeted Attack on Justice Thomas: Mark Paoletta Debunks Their Lies



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2d5649 No.115734

File: 97a10ea13e6b959⋯.png (532.23 KB,678x673,678:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125367 (242056ZDEC23) Notable: Sen. Susan Collins Pushing Gun Control for U.S. Troops

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Sen. Susan Collins Pushing Gun Control

for U.S. Troops

Breitbart 2nd Amendment, by AWR Hawkins

Posted By: Imright, 12/24/2023 2:59:53 PM

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) is putting together legislation to require the U.S. military to adhere to state-level red and yellow flag laws for troops. A red flag law allows family, friends, and others, to seek a court order to have guns removed from someone they view as a danger to himself or others. A yellow flag law is more narrow, allowing law enforcement to seek the court order for firearm removal.Collins bill comes in response to the October 25, 2023, Lewiston, Maine, attacks, which were carried out by a member of the U.S. Army Reserve. The attacker used a sniper rifle which was legally purchased.

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2d5649 No.115735

File: 1cfb7d227d7cf79⋯.png (5.69 MB,2000x3631,2000:3631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125386 (242059ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Roger Stone Launches Furious Attacks on Ron DeSantis

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Roger Stone Launches Furious Attacks on Ron DeSantis

Dec 24, 2023 at 10:29 AM EST

Donald Trump loyalist Roger Stone has repeatedly attacked Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on social media in recent days.

Stone, a longtime adviser and friend of former President Trump, has ramped up his attacks on DeSantis, who is struggling to overcome low polling numbers and emerge as the stronger alternative to Trump than rival Nikki Haley in next month's Iowa caucuses.

On Saturday, he shared multiple memes on X, formerly Twitter, mocking DeSantis and his supporters. In one image shared by Stone, "Life After DeSanctimonious"—a mocking nickname for DeSantis coined by Trump—is written above a man carrying a sign saying, "homeless please help."

Another shows an edited picture of a cereal box, with "Team DeSantis" and "Frosted Flake" written on it. "These Desimps are so tedious," Stone wrote, a play on the slang term "simp" which means a person who does too much for someone they like.


>Less than three weeks…


>These Desimps are so tedious …

Stone has also criticized DeSantis' wife Casey DeSantis, widely considered to be his top political adviser, on social media in recent days.

On Friday, Stone wrote that "you cannot organize and mobilize voters for a candidate that the voters hate" alongside an article from The New York Times which said DeSantis' campaign has "sputtered."

"No one who has ever gotten to know Ron DeSantis or his wife likes them. They are repugnant self-promoters."

In another post that day, he called DeSantis "a treacherous, backstabbing, weasel devoid of any character whatsoever."

He added that DeSantis is "actually a mutant with a severe personality disorder" and that "as soon as he drops out of the presidential campaign an aggressive investigation into his personal finances will reveal that he's also a crook."


>Republicans against Trump

That post prompted the Republicans Against Trump account to call out Stone.

"Imagine being Roger Stone, imagine being Trump's #1 henchman and tweeting about other people being 'Treacherous, backstabbing, weasel devoid of any character,'" the account wrote.

Newsweek has contacted Stone for further comment via X. The DeSantis campaign has been contacted for comment via email.

Stone's attacks on Casey DeSantis have previously sparked a backlash.

In November, social media users accused him of crossing a line after he called her a vulgar term.

And in September, Stone attacked Florida congressman Matt Gaetz for his support of DeSantis.

"You created this monster who has proven to be a backstabbing weasel and ingrate," Stone told Gaetz at the time. "He's done and if you keep kissing his a**, so are you."

Stone was convicted in 2019 for lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstructing the House investigation into whether Trump's campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. He was pardoned by Trump in July of 2020, just days before he was to begin serving a 40-month prison sentence.


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2d5649 No.115736

File: e86adc561371f32⋯.png (480.14 KB,1004x1187,1004:1187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125393 (242100ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Roger Stone Launches Furious Attacks on Ron DeSantis

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Roger Stone·3h

President @realDonaldTrump lifted Ron DeSantis, an unknown and unaccomplished Congressman, out of obscurity; catapulted him to the Florida Republican gubernatorial nomination, and had to drag him over the finish line in the skin-tight 2018 election.

Therefore, the DeSantis candidacy for President is the TREACHEROUS ACT of a backstabbing weasel and ingrate.

Read More:


>Roger Stone Launches Furious Attacks on Ron DeSantis


Dec 24, 2023, 12:28 PM


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2d5649 No.115737

File: 94c605d9af45e1b⋯.mp4 (7.81 MB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d076ffd1e6e3d0c⋯.png (276.05 KB,736x1001,736:1001,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125410 (242104ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Thank you Tucker!

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Donald J. Trump

Thank you Tucker!


Dec 24, 2023, 3:42 PM


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2d5649 No.115738

File: 3825f569b8a77c9⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125425 (242109ZDEC23) Notable: Congressman reveals exactly how our elected officials are being controlled through blackmail…

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All Pb and notabled






Congressman reveals exactly how our elected officials are being controlled through blackmail…

Rep. Tim Burchett, known for his bold stance in voting to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy, has made another significant move. This time, he’s revealing how our elected officials are blackmailed by behind-the-scenes power players. It appears to be a high-stakes game controlled by unelected, influential people who know precisely how to manipulate the system, effectively “owning” and controlling the United States from the shadows.

Here’s how lobbyists, elites, and Deep State control our lawmakers:

“This is how it works: You’re out of the country, out of town.. and some, whatever you’re into—comes up to you, they’re very attractive and laughing at your jokes. Next thing you know, you’re in the hotel room with them naked. You’re getting ready to make a key vote, and some well dressed person comes up and whispers in your ear, ‘Hey man, there’s tapes out on you, and you really ought not to be voting for this thing.'”


Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson

Rep. @TimBurchett

exposes how government officials are BLACKMAILED:

"This is how it works:You're out of the country, out of town.. and some, whatever you're into—comes up to you, they're very attractive and laughing at your jokes.Next thing you know, you're in the hotel room with them naked. You're getting ready to make a key vote, and some well dressed person comes up and whispers in your ear, 'Hey man, there's tapes out on you, and you really ought not to be voting for this thing.'"

When you hear about this, it starts to make sense why so many politicians arrive in Washington D.C., full of optimism and determination to tackle the Swamp. Yet, very quickly, they do a complete 180, turning into establishment puppets. The sad truth is that our country is under the control of a cabal of faceless, unelected elites. Their primary goal is to serve their own interests, whatever the cost. If this involves blackmailing elected officials to do their bidding, then so be it.

Now, we must focus on finding a way to combat these shadowy influences and regain control.



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2d5649 No.115739

File: 722e5c2d0f72073⋯.png (1.27 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: cb3027a751117c5⋯.png (917.7 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 71e9cda5ec68718⋯.png (162.03 KB,772x677,772:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c251a12d9e4d0d⋯.png (1.03 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125429 (242109ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson interview with Kevin Spacey

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> Being Frank With Tucker

>Kevin Spacey

Trolling The Media

>adults back in the room


Adults in the room was the fake news narrative for removing Trump. Biden regime was going to be the 'adults' in thr room'


Moar people have been killed by online TROLLS every day

TC: that may be true



Dec 12, 2018 1:20:44 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fa672f No. 4274693

Dec 12, 2018 1:09:16 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 25f5b9 No. 4274486






Think POTUS Tweet re: PEPE








>>115713, >>115714 Ep. 56 A Christmas Eve election surprise: Tucker interviewing Frank Underwood

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2d5649 No.115740

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125431 (242111ZDEC23) Notable: RFK Jr. Slams the Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling and Predicts it Will Actually Help Trump

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RFK Jr. Slams the Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling and Predicts it Will Actually Help Trump

This was the only answer he got right!



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2d5649 No.115741

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125488 (242129ZDEC23) Notable: Charlie Kirk: How We Know We're Living Through a Synthetic Political Simulation

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How We Know We're Living Through a Synthetic Political Simulation: This is What's Coming Next



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2d5649 No.115742

File: 6b26b3c7f2b7bd3⋯.jpg (92.32 KB,719x939,719:939,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125502 (242135ZDEC23) Notable: Human hunting in Yellowstone National Park?

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2d5649 No.115743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125531 (242149ZDEC23) Notable: Human hunting in Yellowstone National Park?

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Post the real sauce next time

Twitter fag


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2d5649 No.115744

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125541 (242152ZDEC23) Notable: Will Scharf Maps Out the Complete Timeline of the 4 Looming Trump Trials

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Scharf is one of Trump’s lawyers

Will Scharf Maps Out the Complete Timeline of the 4 Looming Trump Trials



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2d5649 No.115745

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125555 (242156ZDEC23) Notable: Will Scharf Maps Out the Complete Timeline of the 4 Looming Trump Trials

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Will Scharf: The CO Ruling is One of the Most Dangerous Court Opinions Ever



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2d5649 No.115746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125572 (242201ZDEC23) Notable: Cindy H. McCain (@WFPChief), Executive Director of @WFP, will join the @wef's Annual Meeting 2024 taking place 15-19 January 2024 in Davos, Switzerland.

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World Economic Forum


Dec 22

Cindy H. McCain (@WFPChief), Executive Director of @WFP, will join the @wef's Annual Meeting 2024 taking place 15-19 January 2024 in Davos, Switzerland.

Find out more here: wef.ch/wef24 #wef24

Dec 22, 2023 · 10:57 AM UTC


Clean and Swift.

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2d5649 No.115747

File: d2137fd70b4f158⋯.png (140.23 KB,722x653,722:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125598 (242212ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Almost everybody agrees, even most of the crazed Radical Left Lunatics, that the Colorado decision is political delusion, and that I am, separately, fully entitled to PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY

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Donald J. Trump

Almost everybody agrees, even most of the crazed Radical Left Lunatics, that the Colorado decision is political delusion, and that I am, separately, fully entitled to PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, without which Crooked Joe Biden, whose Deranged Prosecutor, Jack Smith, is merely serving his bosses wishes, would be prosecuted for destroying our Country, including his incompetently handled withdrawal from Afghanistan and, also, allowing millions of people to ILLEGALLY INVADE our Country and destroy the very fabric of what the United States stands for, and is all about. Should Crooked Joe be prosecuted for these, and other of his acts of stupidity? ….And why isn’t the Unselect January 6th Committee being prosecuted by Deranged Jack Smith for destroying and deleting all of their evidence and “work” product? Is it because Crazy Nancy Pelosi was implicated in a cover up?

Dec 24, 2023, 5:03 PM


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2d5649 No.115748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125609 (242215ZDEC23) Notable: 'Fantastically-rare' white albino deer is spotted bolting through woodland and roads around quaint Hampshire town - Daily Mail Online

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>'Fantastically-rare' white albino deer is spotted bolting through woodland and roads around quaint Hampshire town

So rare that there are hundreds of pubs called 'The White Hart'

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2d5649 No.115749

File: da51732a67d07c8⋯.png (1.49 MB,1182x810,197:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125625 (242218ZDEC23) Notable: PF Reports

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Hungary importing some of their own goulash from Romaina...

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2d5649 No.115750

File: 72288172972fd9f⋯.jpeg (21.74 KB,630x420,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125653 (242223ZDEC23) Notable: Assange Appeal Hearing Set for February

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>Ctrl+f assange

>0 of 0

>the absolute state

Assange Appeal Hearing Set for February




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2d5649 No.115751

File: 7d3ef0302dc992f⋯.jpg (93.16 KB,843x957,281:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125663 (242225ZDEC23) Notable: Christmas cheer in the house

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2d5649 No.115752

File: 6c7d3a175a2ff38⋯.png (54.1 KB,810x502,405:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125665 (242226ZDEC23) Notable: X22

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Patriot Moves Are Forcing The [DS] Into A State Of Desperation, Exposed, Trapped – Ep. 3242

December 24, 2023 x22report

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2d5649 No.115753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125683 (242229ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Swamped with death threats’: CO Sec. of State on fallout from Trump ballot ruling

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‘Swamped with death threats’: CO Sec. of State on fallout from Trump ballot ruling



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2d5649 No.115754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125709 (242236ZDEC23) Notable: Tracking Santa LIVE on Christmas Eve 2023 NORAD Santa Tracker 🎅

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🔴 Tracking Santa LIVE on Christmas Eve 2023 NORAD Santa Tracker 🎅

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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2d5649 No.115755

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125759 (242248ZDEC23) Notable: Biden: "No question" Trump supported an insurrection.

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Biden: "No question" Trump supported an insurrection.No one seems to ask Trump if Bidan is a criminal! Set up question!

Payback is a bitch



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2d5649 No.115756

File: 0ed71b88629e5ff⋯.png (482.04 KB,679x817,679:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125773 (242251ZDEC23) Notable: The Bee: Soros-Backed District Attorney Prosecutes Illinois Boy For Terrorizing Burglars

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Soros-Backed District Attorney Prosecutes Illinois Boy For Terrorizing Burglars

Dec 24, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

GROVELAND, IL - Pierce County's District Attorney has opened prosecution against an eight-year-old boy who reportedly terrorized two burglars robbing his parents' mansion.


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2d5649 No.115757

File: 762f5a11e17ba1b⋯.mp4 (4.36 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125778 (242254ZDEC23) Notable: Czech that Quran translation

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2d5649 No.115758

File: 41cabf45be7c470⋯.mp4 (4.28 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125789 (242256ZDEC23) Notable: On Christmas Eve, 1968, Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders captured a sight that had never been seen before: "Earthrise."

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American Experience


On Christmas Eve, 1968, Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders captured a sight that had never been seen before: "Earthrise."

3:15 PM · Dec 24, 2023


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2d5649 No.115759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125814 (242302ZDEC23) Notable: On Christmas Eve, 1968, Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders captured a sight that had never been seen before: "Earthrise."

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>On Christmas Eve, 1968, Apollo 8

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2d5649 No.115760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125830 (242305ZDEC23) Notable: Russian President Vladimir Putin approved Rosbank's purchase of shares in VTB, Rosneft, Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel and other Russian companies owned by Societe Generale

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Russian President Vladimir Putin approved Rosbank's purchase of shares in VTB, Rosneft, Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel and other Russian companies owned by Societe Generale:


Dec 24, 2023 · 5:16 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.115761

File: e4fba151c774a69⋯.webp (57.83 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125871 (242316ZDEC23) Notable: Cold Moon 2023: The final full moon of the year rises this Christmas

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Cold Moon 2023: The final full moon of the year rises this Christmas


By Jamie Carter

published 1 day ago

The Cold Moon — the 13th and final full moon of 2023 — will rise on Dec. 26 and reach higher in the night sky than any other. It will also appear full on Dec. 25 and 27.


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2d5649 No.115762

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125911 (242325ZDEC23) Notable: Brandon Tatum: Black Americans May Be Starting to Wake Up to the Left's Marxist Agenda

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Brandon Tatum: Black Americans May Be Starting to Wake Up to the Left's Marxist Agenda



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2d5649 No.115763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125929 (242330ZDEC23) Notable: Czech that Quran translation

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2d5649 No.115764

File: 65cdcfddb3a923d⋯.jpeg (391.55 KB,1212x583,1212:583,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0e9b0d3fcf683a1⋯.png (1.27 MB,1029x578,1029:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125935 (242332ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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>>115709 lb

WIDE33tanker over the Potato “at Camp David” position reappeared on its way back to McGuire AFB

No visible replacement

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2d5649 No.115765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125954 (242338ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia - Vucic

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‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia – Vucic

Belgrade was warned in advance about a plot to storm government buildings, the Serbian president has said

Pro-Western demonstrators have attempted to break into government buildings in Belgrade in what Serbian President Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has called an attempted “color revolution.” Vucic claims he was tipped off about the plot beforehand.

Thousands of opposition protesters gathered outside the Belgrade City Assembly on Sunday to protest the victory of Vucic’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) over the pro-EU Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition in parliamentary elections last week. The protest turned violent with a group of demonstrators attempting to batter down the doors of the building, until they were dispersed by police.

“There is no revolution underway,” Vucic said in a public address. “Nothing will go their way,” he continued, referring to the protesters. “Those who swear to fight against violence have shown that they are real thugs.”

The SPN coalition emerged out of anti-government protests following a pair of mass shootings in May. While the protest movement initially demanded the resignations of Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and intelligence chief Aleksandar Vulin, it soon called for the fall of Vucic’s government.

Vucic claimed that the protest was sponsored by Western powers who wanted him removed from office over his cordial relations with Russia and refusal to abandon Serbia’s claim to Kosovo, citing reports from foreign intelligence services.

He reiterated these allegations in Sunday’s address, thanking unnamed “foreign services” for letting his security services “know exactly what the thugs were preparing.”

The term ‘color revolution’ describes a protest movement funded and organized by a Western government – usually the US. Aimed at toppling leaders opposed to US interests, these revolutions are typically backed by American intelligence agencies, and organized by a panoply of US-funded NGOs. While the term became widely known following the 2003 ‘Rose Revolution’ in Georgia, the first successful use of color revolution tactics took place in Yugoslavia in 2000, when a US-backed student movement forced the resignation of Slobodan Milosevic.

The anti-Milosevic movement began with claims that the Yugoslavian leader had engaged in fraud in that year’s election, claims bolstered by Western-funded ‘election monitors’ who were brought in.

“Serbia is fed up with your revolutions,” Vucic said during the initial ‘anti-violence’ protests earlier this year. “Serbia is fed up with the arrival of those under foreign influence and the destruction of everything that is Serbian.”


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2d5649 No.115766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125960 (242340ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia - Vucic

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Golly, I wonder if the CIA is there?

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2d5649 No.115767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125970 (242342ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia - Vucic

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USAID chief Power heads to Serbia, Kosovo to lower tensions

Samanthat Power paves the way earlier this year

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2d5649 No.115768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20125975 (242346ZDEC23) Notable: #24698

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#24698 >>115716

>>115764 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>115718, >>115719, >>115722, >>115725 Baker change

>>115735, >>115736 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Roger Stone Launches Furious Attacks on Ron DeSantis

>>115737 Donald J. Trump: Thank you Tucker!

>>115747 Donald J. Trump Almost everybody agrees, even most of the crazed Radical Left Lunatics, that the Colorado decision is political delusion

>>115717 Former Erie County Democratic Party Chairman [Steve Pigeon] Receives Sentence in New York Child Sex Abuse Case Involving a 9-Year-Old

>>115720, >>115724, >>115749 PF Reports

>>115721 German economic adviser proposes tax increase to fund Ukraine

>>115723 ‘O Come Let Us Adore Him’: A Syrian Christmas

>>115726, >>115727, >>115739 Tucker Carlson interview with Kevin Spacey

>>115728, >>115729, >>115730 Years Of Planning Behind Democrats’ Turn Against Democracy

>>115731, >>115748 'Fantastically-rare' white albino deer is spotted bolting through woodland and roads around quaint Hampshire town - Daily Mail Online

>>115732, >>115733 The Left Continues Their Targeted Attack on Justice Thomas: Mark Paoletta Debunks Their Lies

>>115734 Sen. Susan Collins Pushing Gun Control for U.S. Troops

>>115738 Congressman reveals exactly how our elected officials are being controlled through blackmail…

>>115740 RFK Jr. Slams the Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling and Predicts it Will Actually Help Trump

>>115741 Charlie Kirk: How We Know We're Living Through a Synthetic Political Simulation

>>115742, >>115743 Human hunting in Yellowstone National Park?

>>115744, >>115745 Will Scharf Maps Out the Complete Timeline of the 4 Looming Trump Trials

>>115746 Cindy H. McCain (@WFPChief), Executive Director of @WFP, will join the @wef's Annual Meeting 2024 taking place 15-19 January 2024 in Davos, Switzerland.

>>115747 @realDonaldTrump Almost everybody agrees, even most of the crazed Radical Left Lunatics, that the Colorado decision is political delusion, and that I am, separately, fully entitled to PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY

>>115750 Assange Appeal Hearing Set for February

>>115751 Christmas cheer in the house

>>115752 X22

>>115753 ‘Swamped with death threats’: CO Sec. of State on fallout from Trump ballot ruling

>>115754 Tracking Santa LIVE on Christmas Eve 2023 NORAD Santa Tracker 🎅

>>115755 Biden: "No question" Trump supported an insurrection.

>>115756 The Bee: Soros-Backed District Attorney Prosecutes Illinois Boy For Terrorizing Burglars

>>115757, >>115763 Czech that Quran translation

>>115758, >>115759 On Christmas Eve, 1968, Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders captured a sight that had never been seen before: "Earthrise."

>>115760 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved Rosbank's purchase of shares in VTB, Rosneft, Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel and other Russian companies owned by Societe Generale

>>115761 Cold Moon 2023: The final full moon of the year rises this Christmas

>>115762 Brandon Tatum: Black Americans May Be Starting to Wake Up to the Left's Marxist Agenda

>>115765, >>115766, >>115767 ‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia - Vucic


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2d5649 No.115769

File: 45708a8205ada63⋯.png (498.76 KB,554x514,277:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126044 (250000ZDEC23) Notable: norad santa - bidens twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier.

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Y'all Jill saw the title of the bread...

6:56 = 17

Jill Biden


Our friends at @NORADSanta confirmed the good news: Santa is on his way!

6:56 PM · Dec 24, 2023


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2d5649 No.115770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126068 (250010ZDEC23) Notable: tucker interviews kevin spacey the pedo - youtube clip not full plus lb.

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Interesting comment section for this Kevin Spacey video: 549 comments and they are mostly positive towards Spacey. I couldn't find any comments on the Spacey accusers who've died, including the 3 accusers who died in 2019.


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2d5649 No.115771

File: d752fb4fe0858ea⋯.jpeg (47.21 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126070 (250011ZDEC23) Notable: EU state's president blocks budget over state media 'takeover' - rt.com bun

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(Same thing Bidan and Zelensky did, they bought the media and still pay their salaries)

24 Dec, 2023 18:17

EU state's president blocks budget over state media 'takeover'

Andrzej Duda denounced the newly elected Polish government’s “blatant violation of the Constitution”

Polish President Andrzej Duda vetoed a 2024 budget bill on Saturday in protest at thenewly elected government’s controversial overhaul of the country’s state media outlets.

Prime MinisterDonald Tusk's new cabinet revealed on Wednesday that it had fired the top executives at government-run TV and radio stationsand news agency and appointed new management boards in their place, citing a need to restore “impartiality.”

In a post on X (formerly Twitter) Duda explained that he could not consent to the bill,which included 3 billion zlotys (€690 million) earmarked for public media, “given the blatant violation of the Constitution and the principles of a democratic state of law.”

“An attempt to finance public media through a budget related law (by the parliamentary majority) is in the current situation unacceptable,” he continued, vowing to send his own version of the budget through parliament “immediately after Christmas.” This version will include the spending commitments promised by the ruling coalition led by Tusk.

Duda urged the leaders of both houses of parliament to call sessions and adopt his draft before the year’s end.

The new government would have fulfilled several of its electoral promises with the budget, which included a 30% pay raise for teachers and a 20% increase for public sector workers.

The controversial overhaul came just a day after parliament approved a resolution calling for “all state authorities to immediately take action aimed at restoring constitutional order in terms of citizens’ access to reliable information and the functioning of public media,” seemingly fulfilling Tusk’s campaign pledge that he would “change the system of public media” in the space of 24 hours if elected.

The former European Council president and his allies had accused the government-run media properties of acting as propaganda mouthpieces for the Law and Justice (PiS) party previously in power by attacking its political enemies and fomenting anti-EU sentiment.

Tusk’s predecessor, Mateusz Morawiecki,denounced his replacement’s “illegal actions,” charging that the new coalition government intended to violate the law “at every step” and vowing to resist accordingly. “We will not allow for a dictatorship to be built in Poland,” the PiS politician wrote in a social media post on Wednesday. The party, which lost power to Tusk’s coalition in October’s elections, has pointed out that the management of public media properties can only be fired by the National Media Council.

Poland’s state media, which include the TV station TVP, Polish Radio, and the PAP news agency, are the sole source of news for the approximately one-third of Poles who lack access to private media, according to the BBC.


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2d5649 No.115772

File: 27f44cd86f3f679⋯.png (511.4 KB,554x577,554:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126092 (250018ZDEC23) Notable: norad santa - bidens twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier.

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Joe followed up with a 23 timestamp

19:04 with same pic.

President Biden


This Christmas Eve, Jill and I got to speak with some excited young Americans who happened to be very curious about the whereabouts of one Santa Claus.

Thankfully, @NoradSanta confirmed that St. Nick is on his way!

7:04 PM · Dec 24, 2023


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2d5649 No.115773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126102 (250021ZDEC23) Notable: EU state's president blocks budget over state media 'takeover' - rt.com bun

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Fucked up

24 Dec, 2023 17:27

Biden’s attack on Nord Stream pipelines was aimed at Germany – Seymour Hersh

The idea that a US president commissioned a move aimed at a close ally, however, remains taboo in the West

The attack on the Nord Stream pipelines commissioned by US President Joe Biden was primarily aimed at Germany rather than Russia, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has claimed. The decision to destroy the key pipelines was prompted byUS fears that Berlin might not follow Washington’s lead amid the Ukraine conflict, Hersh wrote in a new article on the affair on his Substack blog on Friday.

The sabotage of the pipelines was ordered weeks before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine began in February 2022, Hersh wrote, adding that the American operatives assigned to it believed it was meant to deter Moscow. The attack on the pipelines was ready by late May, but “the plan was called off on short notice by Biden,” the journalist claimed.

Instead, the team was tasked with planting explosives on the pipelines, which could be detonated remotely at a later date, he said. The timing of the attack, which ultimately occurred in late September 2022, appeared to be aimed at Berlin rather than Moscow.

“Biden’s timing seemed aimed at Chancellor [Olaf] Scholz. Some in the CIA believed that the president’s fear was thatScholz, whose constituents were lukewarm in their support for Ukraine,might waffle with winter coming on and conclude that keeping his people warm and his industries prosperous was more important than backing Ukraineagainst Russia,” Hersh wrote.

The destruction of the pipelines played a major role in Germany’s economic hardships – the country, which once “dominated the world’s markets with its luxury cars and industrial machinery… is now in a process of what some have called rapid deindustrialization,” Hersh said. Apart from this, Germany has experienced a surge in popularity of right-wing parties, including Alternative for Germany (AfD), and its economic woes have contributed to this.

However, Washington’s “most controversial factor in Germany’s recent hard times” – the Nord Stream sabotage – remains largely ignored in the West, according to the journalist.

“In the ten months since I published my first account of the Nord Stream sabotage the German government and media, as in the United States, have either ignored or provided alternate accounts of the how and why the pipelines were destroyed. The idea that a sitting US president would deliberately destroy a vital source of energy and of a close ally has been, as Freud would say, taboo,” Hersh wrote.

The veteran journalist provided his first detailed account on the pipeline attack on February 8, 2023, publishing a lengthy article relying on anonymous sources “with direct knowledge of the operational planning.” The allegations prompted strong denials from Washington, with US National Security spokesman John Kirby dismissing the report as a “completely false story” at the time.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in March that he “fully agrees” with Hersh’s findings, suggesting the attack only benefited Washington to reinforce its position as a competing gas supplier to Europe.

(Hersh is muddying the waters again, it makes sense sorta when Scholz flew to US to see Bidan unannounced, nor any public pictures, after Nord Stream was blown up. No wonder all those countries go along with Bidan, they know we have a terrorist as the resident.)


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2d5649 No.115774

File: f5e72ec5c8d306f⋯.png (751.45 KB,554x817,554:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126122 (250029ZDEC23) Notable: tucker interviews kevin spacey the pedo - youtube clip not full plus lb.

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ABC7 Eyewitness News


Remembering fashion designer Kate Spade on her birthday. She would have turned 61 years old.

11:00 AM · Dec 24, 2023


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2d5649 No.115775

File: 361fe07ab6a67f2⋯.jpeg (81.66 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126125 (250030ZDEC23) Notable: EU state's president blocks budget over state media 'takeover' - rt.com bun

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24 Dec, 2023 23:

Biden (Retard Dictator) tells media to start reporting ‘the right way’

The US president has demanded more favorable coverage of his economic policies

US President Joe Biden has paused on his way to a Christmas holiday break to demand more favorable media coverage of the nation’s economy amid his slumping approval ratings in the polls.

Biden stopped briefly to talk to reporters outside the White House on Saturday before boarding a helicopter with family members to fly to the Camp David presidential retreat in Virginia. Asked about his 2024 outlook for the US economy, he said, “All good. Take a look. Start reporting it the right way.”

The president has repeatedly expressed frustration with media coverage as voters continue to give his economic policies poor marks despite statistical reports showing low unemployment and slowing inflation. He complained at a White House press briefing in October that public perceptions of the US economy had been dimmed by the negative tone of media coverage.

However, a Monmouth University poll released last week showed that only 28% of Americans believe that Biden is doing an adequate job in taming inflation, and just 12% report that their personal financial situation is improving. His overall approval rating dropped to 34%, down ten percentage points in the past five months and the lowest level since he took office in January 2021. A Wall Street Journal poll earlier this month found that 23% of US adults believe that Biden’s policies as president have helped them, compared with 53% who say he has hurt them.

Monmouth polling director Patrick Murray warned that Biden may alienate even more voters heading into the 2024 presidential election by emphasizing improvements in economic statistics at a time when most Americans are still suffering from post-pandemic inflation.

“There is a political danger in pushing a message that basically tells people their take on their own situation is wrong,” Murray said.

The top-polling Republican candidate, former President Donald Trump, leads Biden by six percentage points in the 2024 race, according to the WSJ survey. A New York Times poll showed that Trump is favored over Biden by four to 11 percentage points in the five key “swing states” that are expected to decide the election.

Critics of Biden have mocked his complaints about press coverage, saying legacy media outlets have tried to protect him while incessantly attacking Trump. Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald noted that the Democratic National Committee was able to simply use NBC, CNN and MSNBC clips to produce pro-Biden commercials because such networks are “activist outlets, and their employees are DNC propagandists.”

About 60% of US voters believe that media bias has gotten worse in recent months, rising to the highest level on record, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released last week. Most of those critics see the media as favoring Biden. While 51% of respondents said the press was giving too little coverage to scandals involving Biden’s son, just 24% said it was giving the issue too much attention.


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2d5649 No.115776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126161 (250040ZDEC23) Notable: The Great Replacement is Real, and Here's the Proof- charlie kirk (goofy moran, keep up) kek

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The Great Replacement is Real, and Here's the Proof

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie is America's hardest working grassroots activist who has your inside scoop on the biggest news of the day and what's really going on behind the headlines. The founder of Turning Point USA and one of social media's most engaged personalities, Charlie is on the front lines of America’s culture war, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of students on over 3,500 college and high school campuses across the country, bringing you your daily dose of clarity in a sea of chaos all from his signature no-holds-barred, unapologetically conservative, freedom-loving point of view.

The Democrats can't deliver on their promises to improve Americans' lives, so they've resorted to a new strategy:The replacement of native-born Americans with foreign-born ones. In a conversation with Charlie at AmFest, Michael Antonexplains how the Great Replacement has become the chief example of the left's "Celebration

You can also watch Charlie Kirk on Salem News Channel



Thursday, December 21


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2d5649 No.115777

File: 893721f8039e16a⋯.png (946.71 KB,1190x679,170:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126195 (250051ZDEC23) Notable: tucker interviews kevin spacey the pedo - youtube clip not full plus lb.

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>>115726, >>115727, >>115739 (all lb) Tucker Carlson interview with Kevin Spacey

What an interdasting choice of patterning on the couch pillows.

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2d5649 No.115778

File: 3a3092957db10ea⋯.png (368.77 KB,554x442,277:221,Clipboard.png)

File: dcb67b86a46cb9f⋯.mp4 (7.09 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126202 (250054ZDEC23) Notable: norad santa - bidens twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier.

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President Biden


‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the White House...

7:45 PM · Dec 24, 2023


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2d5649 No.115779

File: f876ba4ea628124⋯.jpg (32.81 KB,600x406,300:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126204 (250054ZDEC23) Notable: ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California. - gwp

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ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has arrested 26 illegal immigrant sex offenders, some of whom are pedophiles, in a two-day sting operation in California.

The operation was conducted by Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in Los Angeles from Monday through Wednesday.

ERO said in a press release:

In Los Angeles, a 19-year-old citizen of El Salvador was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony sexual forcible oral copulation of a minor over 14-years-old and battery by restraint.

In Los Angeles, a 40-year-old citizen of Mexico was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony lewd acts with a child and continuous sexual abuse.

In Los Angeles, a 35-year-old citizen of Guatemala was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony child molestation in an inhabited dwelling.

“The outcome of this operation exemplifies the professionalism, dedication and commitment of ERO Los Angeles officers to public safety,” Field Office Director Thomas Giles said in a statement. “Removing these individuals and the threats they represent from our communities is our mission, and we will continue to safely and effectively enforce the immigration laws of our nation.”

ERO arrested 46,496 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions in FY 22. Of those, 8,164 were sex and sexual assault offenses.


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2d5649 No.115780

File: 7ae1a61dd046833⋯.jpeg (678.6 KB,1245x596,1245:596,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c6ad4f92aed0616⋯.jpeg (379.32 KB,1311x592,1311:592,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126218 (250058ZDEC23) Notable: planefag posts

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Aussie AF MGPE01 E7 Wedgetail just north of Rzsesow Airport

This one doesn’t usually spend a lot of time here so it’s likely covering some ingress/egress as this is the spot for muh “secret visits to Kiev” as well as equipment (weapons) delivery by NATO members plus the other affiliated countries in this novella-Canada being the biggest offender

Still not ruling out a “surprise” visit by someone and that includes Potato because he had nuffin on his schedule and is “at Camp David” w/o any visible tanker coverage

They don’t run these AEW&C ACs over this area for no reason

>>115696 pb

Morocco AF FRV0925 G4 departed Paris after ground stop after arriving from Rabat earlier today heading SE over Egypt after passing over Cairo @35k Ft at at 2:45am local

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2d5649 No.115781

File: c4737e8b0a8300d⋯.jpg (34.45 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126229 (250100ZDEC23) Notable: Think tank looks to lasso 'deep state' by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025 - justthenews.com (john sullivan)

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Think tank looks to lasso 'deep state' by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025

"We nhttps://justthenews.com/politics-policy/wedconservative-org-launches-initiative-recruit-america-first-candidates-dismantleeed to give the next conservative president a running start," Heritage Foundation Executive Vice President Derrick Morgan said.

The prominent conservative think tank Heritage Foundation has launched a major initiative titled "Project 2025" to rein in the federal bureaucracy by recruiting patriotic Americans to staff the next conservative administration. 

"You just don't have enough time after the election to put together the government," Heritage Foundation Executive Vice President Derrick Morgan said on "The Heritage Foundation's 2025 Presidential Transition Project Special Report" hosted by John Solomon and premiered on Real America's Voice. 

"We need to give the next conservative president a running start," Morgan said. 


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2d5649 No.115782

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126247 (250103ZDEC23) Notable: The Great Replacement is Real, and Here's the Proof- charlie kirk (goofy moran, keep up) kek

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The Great Replacement: We're Being Taken Over By Illegal Immigrants Coming From Our Nation's Enemies

Tom Holman makes a good point!Why wouldn’t the “got aways” take advantage of the Bidan’s give away programs? Illegals from a 171 countries are coming across our borders with no ID’s, or dropping their IDs and passports before they cross.1.8 million known got awaysHow manyunknownsgot through.


How do single women and children protect themselves for what is to come.


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2d5649 No.115783

File: a5f01d2a3d1a5c5⋯.png (527.06 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126257 (250107ZDEC23) Notable: wef-pushes-to-control-every-aspect-of-public life - blacklisted bun (no are you listening klaus)

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2d5649 No.115784

File: d7cd7566bdbf461⋯.png (193.68 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126263 (250108ZDEC23) Notable: wef-pushes-to-control-every-aspect-of-public life - blacklisted bun (no are you listening klaus)

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2d5649 No.115785

File: 8d41ea0fc7c2aa6⋯.png (91.06 KB,200x250,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126277 (250114ZDEC23) Notable: indian woman kills her own son by starving - north carolina - daily mail.

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A North Carolina mom has been charged with murder after her 10-year-old son's decomposing body was found in their home where police say the child was starved to death.

A 911 call led police to her Priyanka Tiwari, 33, home in Morrisville around 5.35pm Wednesday.

When officers entered the property on Craigmeade Drive, they were confronted with a gruesome scene. Tiwari's young son was unresponsive, could not be revived by CPR, and his body had started to decompose.

Investigators found almost no food in the home, and police said the boy had lost an enormous amount of weight in the month prior to his death.

'Without the autopsy, we don't know how the child passed away,' Morrisville Police Chief Pete Acosta told WRAL.

The mother is accused of 'willfully' murdering her son with 'malice' and 'aforethought', according to an arrest warrant seen by WRAL.

She was arrested Thursday morning, and charged with murder and negligent child abuse resulting in serious bodily injury.

Acosta said relatives from India had been constantly calling the home for months to check on the unnamed boy, and officers had been called around at least eight times in 2023 alone.

Residents in the neighborhood said they were shocked and appalled by the discovery of the boy's body.

'It is super alarming for the community [because] everyone is nice and friendly,' Sue Nagavalli told WRAL.


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2d5649 No.115786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126285 (250120ZDEC23) Notable: Kim Jong UN bans Christmas - fox snooze

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Kim Jong UN bans Christmas, but activists send gifts of Bibles, food and messages of hope

Flash drives with messages from members of Congress sealed in bottles and launched into Yellow Sea

Christmas is banned in North Korea, but that is not stopping a group of activists from sending messages of hope, faith and freedom to the people suffering under the dictatorship of Kim Jong Un.

Flash drives celebrating the holiday, and including Bible readings, were launched into the Yellow Sea in bottles so that the currents will carry them to the shores of the North Korean peninsula.

"We should be doing everything we can to get information into North Korea by land, by sea and by air," says Suzanne Scholte, chair of the Washington, D.C.-based North Korean Freedom Coalition which sponsored the messages. The operation is part of the group's "Operation Truth," which Scholte says, "is modeled after the Berlin Airlift, to get critical help to the starving people of North Korea."

The group has conducted 17 launches of the bottles. Each bottle also contains enough rice to feed a family of four for a week, as well as a Bible on a flash drive and a U.S. $1 bill. Among those launching the messages were nine North Korean escapees who want to bring freedom to their homeland.

Scholte's Christmas message that is included in the bottles says in part, "Christmas, which is celebrated all over the world on December 25th, marks the day when Jesus was born...Many of your ancestors also believed in Jesus. IN fact, in 1907, in Pyongyang, there were so many Christians who believed in Jesus that Pyongyang became known as a Holy City. But when Kim II Sung came to power, he wanted North Koreans to worship him as a god, and not the one true God. So, he killed many Christian leaders, sent others to political prison camps, or banished them. He did all he could to kill the followers of Jesus Christ..."

The flash drives also contain North Korean music, changing the lyrics from worshiping Kim Jong Un to worshiping God. They also play K-Pop songs, the Books of Matthew and Mark, as well as recorded messages from several members of Congress touting freedom for the North Korean people. Among those who recorded messages were Senators Jim Risch and Tim Kaine, as well as Congressmen Michael McCaul and Gregory Meeks.

The North Korean Freedom Coalition started the outreach in 2022. It also has sent 600 shortwave radios with ear buds into the kingdom. During the summer, they started a program for Americans to order items that could be delivered to North Korea.

Scholte said that an increasing number of North Koreans are learning about the outside world because of the efforts of her group.

"We must communicate to the people in power in Pyongyang that they have friends and allies in Korea and America, who have only one desire for them: to share with the benefits of a free people, to give them a life of home instead of despair," she said.

"Those in leadership positions in the DPRK regime wake up in the morning with only two choices in their lives: being slaves devoted to Kim Jong Un or death and their families' deaths. That is why so many began escaping -not just for food, but for freedom, for a better life."

Scholte's group and the Defense Forum Foundation also help operate Free North Korea Radio, a station that broadcasts news and information into North Korea. Its director, Kim Song Min, escaped in 1997, and despite attempts by the dictatorship to jam its programming, the station has broadcast on shortwave and on the internet.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Americans for standing with us to help us reach the people of North Korea with the truth about America and South Korea," he said.

"North Koreans are brainwashed from childhood to hate Americans as their enemy and believe that America occupies South Korea, making them live in misery while North Korea prospers as a paradise under the Kim dictatorship."

There is another message that the activists are delivering to the North Korean people, one bottle at a time.

Scholte said that message is what Americans cherish. "The benefits of a free people, a life of hope instead of despair."


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2d5649 No.115787

File: dd9eb1cef9c38c0⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126290 (250123ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump's Christmas message- mp4 vid

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President Trump's Christmas message

God bless you, President Trump, First Lady Melania and family

Merry Christmas anons!

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2d5649 No.115788

File: 939ea199d6d27b8⋯.jpg (174.51 KB,1152x890,576:445,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1ce7192f0e03451⋯.png (394.29 KB,558x679,558:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126312 (250128ZDEC23) Notable: Q and dod delta (6 years)

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2d5649 No.115789

File: d67931a00713de6⋯.png (169.18 KB,700x429,700:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126427 (250156ZDEC23) Notable: Israeli-Linked Ship Struck By Drone in Arabian Sea - reuters

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Maritime site confirms

Israeli-Linked Ship Struck By Drone in Arabian Sea

Reuters December 23, 2023

NEW DELHI, Dec 23 (Reuters) – An Israel-affiliated merchant vessel was struck by an uncrewed aerial vehicle off India’s west coast, British maritime security firm Ambrey said on Saturday, in the first such known attack so far away from the Red Sea since the Gaza war.

A fire on the Liberian-flagged tanker was extinguished without crew casualties in the incident 200 km (120 miles) southwest of the Indian city of Veraval, it said, adding some “structural damage was also reported and some water was taken onboard.”

“Merchant vessels are advised these types of attacks are typically targeted at Israel-affiliated shipping, but have in the past mistakenly hit previously Israel-affiliated vessels,” Ambrey said. “This event fell within Ambrey’s Iranian UAV heightened threat area.”



UKMTO have received a report of an attack by Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) on a vessel causing an explosion and fire. https://t.co/qFzIsjDvnj#MaritimeSecurity #marsec pic.twitter.com/gBARms8K9T

— United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) (@UK_MTO) December 23, 2023

An Indian Navy official told Reuters that it responded to a request for assistance on Saturday morning.

“The safety of crew and ship has been ascertained. The Navy has also dispatched a warship to arrive in the area and provide assistance as required,” the official said, declining to be named as he was not authorized to discuss the incident.

Indian news agency ANI, in which Reuters has a minority stake, identified the tanker as MV Chem Pluto carrying crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Citing Indian defense sources, ANI said the tanker had around 20 Indians on board.

A Reuters tracker showed the ship was headed towards the Port of Mangalore in India’s south.

The hit on the vessel follows drone and missile attacks in the Red Sea by Iran-backed Houthis, who say they are supporting Palestinians under siege by Israel in the Gaza Strip, on commercial shipping, forcing shippers to change course and take longer routes around the southern tip of Africa.


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2d5649 No.115790

File: c85067f4faf1ac5⋯.png (538.39 KB,736x400,46:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126464 (250204ZDEC23) Notable: Former DNI Ratcliffe: Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court - gwp (jack smith reeee)

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The Hitman Is Exposed!… Former DNI Ratcliffe: Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court – This May Be His Bob Mueller Moment

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.

During their conversation John Ratcliffe had the opportunity to weigh in on Jack Smith’s rejection this week by the Supreme Court.

This was brutal. The hitman is exposed!

John Ratcliffe: Stating the obvious, this was a big legal victory for President Trump and a big legal setback for Jack Smith. But I would argue that Jack Smith lost more than just a legal issue at the Supreme Court. He lost credibility. This may be his Mueller moment.

Your viewers remember when Special Counsel Bob Mueller struggled and stumbled to find an answer and ultimately couldn’t answer why he applied a different standard to Donald Trump than anyone else ever prosecuted or under investigation by the Department of Justice, meaning that Donald Trump had to conclusively prove his innocence rather than have a presumption of innocence as our bedrock standard.

Bob Mueller lost all credibility and he and his report drifted away. And I would submit that this is the Bob Mueller moment for Jack Smith because everyone remembers, Maria, that he stood before the American people when he indicted Donald Trump. And he said, we have one set of laws and they apply equally to everyone. Donald Trump will be treated the same as every other defendant. But when Donald Trump’s legal team came forward with a legal defense of presidential immunity that threatened a trial date taking place before the political election in 2020, Jack Smith did a 180 and he went to the Supreme Court and said, forget everything I told you. Now. Donald Trump is completely different.

This is extraordinary. We have to have an expedited review. You have to look at this immediately. And I think the Supreme Court, the way they rejected this unanimously with one sentence saying petition denied, I think reflects that they saw this for what we all saw, which is that the very same Justice Department that, you know, took six years to consider charges against a guy named Biden saying this was plenty fast. But when it comes to a guy named Trump, for some reason, we have to have this trial take place before the election.

Keep in mind, Maria, keep in mind that the speedy trial provisions of the 6th amendment are the defendants right, not the government’s. I think that this was nakedly partisan and overtly political, and it was revealed, told to the Supreme Court. That’s how Jack Smith is operating.


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2d5649 No.115791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126483 (250208ZDEC23) Notable: Here Are The Lessons You Should Take Away From The Obamas ‘Leave The World Behind’ - the federalist (predictive programming fear porn)

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Here Are The Lessons You Should Take Away From The Obamas ‘Leave The World Behind’

Evita Duffy-Alfonso1/2

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

Netflix’s Michelle and Barack Obama-produced movie “Leave the World Behind,” which is currently the most-watched film on the platform, isfomenting a lot of fear on the internet. The dystopian movie chronicles the Sanford family’s fight for survival in the wake of a cyberattack. The middle-aged mother, Amanda, father, Clay, and their 16-year-old son, Archie, and 13-year-old daughter, Rose, live in New York City but happen to be on a spontaneous holiday in Long Island for most of the film.

Throughout the film, the family encounters one horror after another as the fabric of the nation collapses around them. Viewers are in constant dread while watching the inept, urbanite family struggle to cope with each escalating disaster.

The Sanfords lose internet and power, and they witness an oil tanker grounds ashore before their eyes, planes falling out of the sky, drones dropping “Death to America” pamphlets, Tesla vehicles self-crashing into one another in a coordinated effort to block roadways, and bombs dropping on New York City.

Many commentators, like “••Great Reset” whistleblower Eva Vlaardingerbroek, believe the film is an exercise in “predictive programming.”== What Vlaardingerbroek means by “predictive programming” is that certain movies, books, or government reports intentionally convey messages intended to prepare or “program” the public for future events.

In other words, “Leave the World Behind” is a sick way for the elites in the tech and finance world to prime the public for an imminent cyberattack that they just so happen to benefit from.

One of the best examples people point to of predictive programming is the lead-up to Covid. In 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation collaborated to create a “pandemic tabletop exercise” called Event 201.

Event 201 predicted “a new coronavirus” and stressed that to prepare for this future pandemic threat, “Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation.”

A few months later, Covid hysteria hit the headlines, and the U.S. federal government, and international organizations like the United Nations, colluded with tech companies to control the narrative around the pandemic. Three years later, government-directed tech censorship continues.

Likewise, in 2020, The World Economic Forum hosted a cyberattack simulation on the global financial system. That same year, the WEF and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace released a report warning that the global financial system is vulnerable to “cyber threats.”

Like with Event 201, the WEF-Carnegie report proposes that, in the event of a cyberattack, “social media companies should swiftly amplify communications by central banks” so that central banks may “debunk fake information and calm the markets.”

Furthermore, the report calls for the convergence of intelligence agencies and banks. We saw a taste of this after Jan. 6, 2021, when Bank of America (a member of the WEF-Carnegie Cyber Policy Initiative) shared private information with U.S. law enforcement agencies to go after the protesters.

Ultimately, the solution proposed in the report, as well as in other initiatives by WEF-Carnegie, is to merge corporate banks, financial regulators, Big Tech, and the national-security state.

The report concludes by stating, “One thing is clear: it is not a question of if a major incident will happen, but when.”…


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2d5649 No.115792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126488 (250209ZDEC23) Notable: Here Are The Lessons You Should Take Away From The Obamas ‘Leave The World Behind’ - the federalist (predictive programming fear porn)

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I write none of this to suggest that the WEF or the Obamas are using this film for “predictive programming” purposes, much less preparing to stage an imminent cyberattack. (In fact, “Leave The World Behind” is based on a book of the same name, and I assume that the author is simply manifesting conventional liberal fears for fictional purposes and hardly seems engaged in propaganda efforts.)

Still, the fact that dread-inducing events in “Leave The World Behind” loom so large in the id of liberal elites such as the Obamas suggests that fear and distrust of ordinary people is what’s driving the more draconian attempts at censorship and otherwise limiting our freedoms. This fear arises out of a belief that only strong governments and global authorities can properly respond to an imminent global crisis and the corresponding idea that encouraging resilience, autonomy, and preparedness among the citizenry is an impediment to saving the world.

It wasn’t Covid, which is comparable to a common cold for most people, that accelerated the digital transformation of the financial sector and opened collusion between the government and Big Tech companies. Collective fear let that happen. This is why it’s important to never relinquish essential liberties no matter what “crisis” we are presented with, whether that be another pandemic, a climate emergency, or a cyberattack.

“Leave the World Behind” is also a reminder to fortify your family. The Sanfords are dysfunctional. One of the first scenes of the film is the family on their drive to Long Island, where each member is consumed by their phones or fiddling with the radio. The distraction-filled car ride is symbolic of the family’s disunity, which manifests in more serious ways later in the movie.

Both parents, at one point, flirt with the idea of cheating on one another. Gender roles are flipped on their heads as the mother, Amanda, is the only one capable of taking action during the crisis. Meanwhile, the father, Clay, who was probably a model male feminist before the cyberattack, is completely useless throughout the movie.

He’s incapable of leading his family, ignoring all the early signs that something is amiss. He doesn’t own a weapon and wouldn’t know how to use one even if he did, and he leaves his wife and children with strangers despite obvious indications that they are in danger.

At the same time, the son Archie, who we learn has a porn addiction, is extremely callous toward his sister, Rose. At one point, a frightened Rose expresses to her brother that she desperately wants to know how the TV show “Friends” ends because it would give her comfort while she’s feeling scared and hopeless. For no reason other than pure cruelty, Archie responds that she’ll likely never be able to see the finale.

Rose genuinely does derive more happiness and human connection from the show “Friends” than her own family, and as depressing as it is, I can understand why. The Sanfords aren’t united. In the wake of the disaster, they have no faith to ground them nor love for one another to connect and motivate them. Without their amenities, devices, and distractions, they are lost. In a real cyberattack, the Sanford family would never survive, but they weren’t really living before the disaster anyway.

In these uniquely uncertain times, it’s fair to assume that we’ll all face hardships outside of our control. That’s the point of “Leave the World Behind” — to make us feel afraid and helpless. But we actually do have control over a few key things. We don’t have to be like the Sanfords. We can cultivate a loving, cohesive family by spending time with one another, being patient with one another, and recognizing the value each member brings to the family.We also don’t need to surrender to the fear porn, especially if we have faith in Christ and know that this world is not our final destination.


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2d5649 No.115793

File: 0e309e5756bfc38⋯.jpeg (25.56 KB,588x385,84:55,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126541 (250220ZDEC23) Notable: Gaetz Issues Letter to Delta CEO Amid Allegations of Illegal Alien Flights - headlineusa.com

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Gaetz Issues Letter to Delta CEO Amid Allegations of Illegal Alien Flights

'How many non-resident aliens has Delta Air Lines transported on behalf of governmental...?...'

Posted by

Luis Cornelio. December 23, 2023

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., issued a scathing letter Friday to Delta over accusations that the airline is transporting unvetted illegal aliens from the southern border into the U.S. interior.

Addressed to Delta Airlines CEO Ed Bastion, the letter seeks information about potential arrangements between the Biden administration and the major airline that facilitate the transportation of illegal immigrants lacking proper identification.

BREAKING: Congressman @mattgaetzhas called for Delta CEO Ed Bastion to answer to Congress on the transportation of non-resident migrants

He’s calling for Delta to answer a few very simple questions:

•How many non-resident aliens has Delta airlines transported on behalf of… pic.twitter.com/ItYAKSg0ZN— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) December 22, 2023

“It has recently come to my attention that Delta Air Lines is transporting nonresident aliens from the southern border of the United States into the interior of the country,” Gaetz wrote. “The United States Congress has an interest in understanding pursuant to which arrangements with federal agencies and [NGOs] nonresident aliens are able to book and travel on Delta Air Lines flights.”

Gaetz’s letter was prompted by a since-viralsocial media posts from conservative personality Ashley St. Clair, accusing Delta of flying unvetted illegal aliens and providing boarding passes marked “NO NAME GIVEN” to individuals in Texas.

Entire flight full of migrants being shipped from processing centers on @Delta

Are taxpayer dollars paying for this???? pic.twitter.com/jMwBGfIJfq— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) December 19, 2023

“My Delta flight from Phoenix appears to be flying migrants who crossed the border and are being shipped to New York,” St. Clair said. “When I asked a Delta representative if this was the case, his response was ‘What does it matter, they’re humans too.’ What is happening???? Are taxpayer dollars paying for this????”

In a follow-up post on Twitter, St. Clair revealedthat she had received evidence suggesting Delta is issuing boarding passes to illegal aliens without proper identification.

“I am in possession of legitimate major airline boarding passes for migrants that quite literally have the name printed as ‘NO NAME GIVEN,’” she said on Twitter, refraining from sharing ticket evidence due to concerns about exposing her sources.

Incredibly difficult to post these without putting the insiders at risk. Working on it. This will continue unfold over the coming weeks but I can confirm these are legitimate boarding passes.

I am at a loss for words for what I am verifying. Thank you to everybody reaching out.— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) December 21, 2023

As one of the most vocal critics of the Biden administration, Gaetz raised probing questions about the accusations involving Delta.

“How many non-resident aliens has Delta Air Lines transported on behalf of governmental or non-governmental organizations since January 20, 2021?” Gaetz asked.

The Florida lawmaker also questioned, “Are you now receiving, or have you ever received any incentive or reimbursement, including money, credit, or other benefits from the federal government, in exchange for the transport of non-resident aliens?”

Additionally, Gaetz asked whether TSA had informed Delta about the “acceptable forms of identification” for non-resident aliens to clear airport security.


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2d5649 No.115794

File: 9652207f84488aa⋯.jpg (111.23 KB,720x690,24:23,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dd99c3e8b873f51⋯.mp4 (7.28 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126572 (250228ZDEC23) Notable: norad santa - bidens twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier.

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Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. ✨


Joe and Jill read Twas the night before Christmas

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2d5649 No.115795

File: 4685ecb76e9ed7a⋯.png (391.52 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126618 (250240ZDEC23) Notable: Janet Ossebaard Death: “The Fall of the Cabal” Maker Found Dead, Suicide Suspected (Death Obituary) - trendsnewsline.com

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115796

File: 8b53a2be191167f⋯.png (120.92 KB,525x539,75:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 53ef5598be4550a⋯.png (445.11 KB,866x816,433:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126625 (250241ZDEC23) Notable: clockfag notable called.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


QR Bunker #414 >>>/qresearch/135338

retro QClock Dec 16, 2023: Q2619 Gold shall destroy FED.

Precious metals dealer kitco.com had their site hacked and taken down on Dec 16. Perfect 180deg mirror to Q2619 and "Gold shall destroy FED."

Note that it's not "The Fed" for Federal Reserve Bank. Might be a double or even triple entendre:

1) Federal Reserve Bank

2) Since F=6, E=5, D=4, this might suggest a countdown of sorts, as in FED → 6, 5, 4...

6 days would have meant something on 22 Dec, so either this is weeks or months, or the countdown take is an invalid interpretation

3) F+E+D → 6+5+4 = 15. 15 is a proxy (5+5+5) for 555 HIGHEST DEATH in the occult numerology stuff.

Note that Q2619 to kitco cyber takedowndelta was 5 years 5 days,for a 55 / 5:5 type of thing.


habs we been seeing some other 5:5/55's of late?



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2d5649 No.115797

File: 91edda6e8383986⋯.png (155.62 KB,689x1599,53:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126652 (250245ZDEC23) Notable: Janet Ossebaard Death: “The Fall of the Cabal” Maker Found Dead, Suicide Suspected (Death Obituary) - trendsnewsline.com

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Janet Ossebaard Death: “The Fall of the Cabal” Maker Found Dead, Suicide Suspected (Death Obituary)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115798

File: d5d8a8c4066fd1c⋯.jpeg (199.01 KB,1260x840,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126691 (250251ZDEC23) Notable: Newsom pans efforts to block Trump from California ballot - politico (treason)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Newsom pans efforts to block Trump from California ballot

A number of California politicians rushed to fast-track efforts to deem Trump ineligible for the presidency after the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling.


12/22/2023 07:38 PM EST

LOS ANGELES — Gov. Gavin Newsom has a message for California politicians eager to follow Colorado’s lead to block former President Donald Trump from the ballot:Cool your jets.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled this week that Trump was ineligible to run for president because he fomented the Jan. 6 insurrection. The decision breathed life into efforts across the country, including in California, to disqualify the former president for violating the 14th Amendment.

But in a Friday afternoon statement, Newsom telegraphed to his fellow California Democrats not to get ahead of the U.S. Supreme Court, which will almost certainly be the final arbiter of that decision.

“There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy,” Newsom said, “but in California, we defeat candidates at the polls. Everything else is a political distraction.”

His remarks threw cold water on numerous attempts by elected officials to seize on the Colorado decision.

Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, who is running for governor in 2026, issued a letter urging California Secretary of State Shirley Weber to “explore every legal option” to remove Trump from the ballot. Democratic state Sen. Dave Min, an Orange County congressional candidate, said he would introduce a bill letting California residents sue to block ineligible candidates — although given the legislative calendar, it is all but impossible for such a measure to be passed and take effect in time to apply to the March 5 presidential primary.

Months before the Colorado ruling was handed down, a group of Democratic state legislators urged California Attorney General Rob Bonta to use his powers to expedite a ruling on whether Trump was ineligible to appear on the ballot.

There has been a sprawling nationwide legal strategy to bar Trump from eligibility given his role on Jan. 6. The Colorado decision, the first in history to disqualify a presidential candidate under the 14th Amendment, immediately prompted some proponents to fast-track their efforts. In Michigan, a group of voters suing to keep Trump off the ballot wrote a letter to their state Supreme Court, using the Colorado decision to argue their case.

In Maine, Shenna Bellows, the Democratic secretary of state who is considering complaints challenging Trump’s eligibility, invited lawyers on both sides to file supplemental briefs in light of the Colorado decision. She is poised to make a decision next week.


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2d5649 No.115799

File: 6b6b37e818b15b2⋯.png (269.16 KB,1024x161,1024:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 78ed8a9cc9f04bc⋯.jpg (68.71 KB,680x388,170:97,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9fd6863d803af2c⋯.png (495.7 KB,796x1464,199:366,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f8e111d7bd2903⋯.pdf (4.46 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126719 (250259ZDEC23) Notable: EPSTEIN CLIENT LIST A.K.A. LITTLE BLACK BOOK - pdf (the guilty)

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Here Ya Go Little Buddy!

Merry Christmas!


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2d5649 No.115800

File: 9fe81fb5bb74d00⋯.png (1.02 MB,1916x933,1916:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126722 (250259ZDEC23) Notable: planefag posts

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E4B Nightwatch out of Omaha.

Looks on course for Warner Robbins.

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2d5649 No.115801

File: 6f4b56b07ba5971⋯.png (120.1 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126747 (250306ZDEC23) Notable: #24699

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Q Research General #24699: NORAD TRACKING SANTA FOR THE KEKS! Edition

>>>/qresearch/20125989, >>>/qresearch/20126050 dough baker change.

>>115769, >>115772, >>115778, >>115794, norad santa - bidens twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier.

>>115771, >>115773, >>115775, EU state's president blocks budget over state media 'takeover' - rt.com bun

>>115770, >>115774, >>115777, tucker interviews kevin spacey the pedo - youtube clip not full plus lb.

>>115776, >>115782, The Great Replacement is Real, and Here's the Proof- charlie kirk (goofy moran, keep up) kek

>>115779 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California. - gwp

>>115780, >>115800, planefag posts

>>115781 Think tank looks to lasso 'deep state' by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025 - justthenews.com (john sullivan)

>>115783, >>115784, wef-pushes-to-control-every-aspect-of-public life - blacklisted bun (no are you listening klaus)

>>115785 indian woman kills her own son by starving - north carolina - daily mail.

>>115786 Kim Jong UN bans Christmas - fox snooze

>>115787 President Trump's Christmas message- mp4 vid

>>115788 Q and dod delta (6 years)

>>115789 Israeli-Linked Ship Struck By Drone in Arabian Sea - reuters

>>115790 Former DNI Ratcliffe: Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court - gwp (jack smith reeee)

>>115791, >>115792, Here Are The Lessons You Should Take Away From The Obamas ‘Leave The World Behind’ - the federalist (predictive programming fear porn)

>>115793 Gaetz Issues Letter to Delta CEO Amid Allegations of Illegal Alien Flights - headlineusa.com

>>115795, >>115797 Janet Ossebaard Death: “The Fall of the Cabal” Maker Found Dead, Suicide Suspected (Death Obituary) - trendsnewsline.com

>>115796 clockfag notable called.

>>115798 Newsom pans efforts to block Trump from California ballot - politico (treason)

>>115799 EPSTEIN CLIENT LIST A.K.A. LITTLE BLACK BOOK - pdf (the guilty)

Notables at 650- setting up new bread. hold any notables till next bread

p.s will hand off at the top or ghost.

claim the christmas bread bakers.

>>>/qresearch/20126046, >>>/qresearch/20126049, >>>/qresearch/20126062, >>>/qresearch/20126066, >>>/qresearch/20126115, >>>/qresearch/20126177, >>>/qresearch/20126170, >>>/qresearch/20126181, >>>/qresearch/20126183, >>>/qresearch/20126191, >>>/qresearch/20126193, >>>/qresearch/20126191, >>>/qresearch/20126193, >>>/qresearch/20126337, >>>/qresearch/20126356, >>>/qresearch/20126560, merry Christmas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115802

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126866 (250333ZDEC23) Notable: MAY 2024 BE THE BEST YEAR OF OUR LIVES!!!❤️🎄🎄🎄 #MerryChristmas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MAY 2024 BE THE BEST YEAR OF OUR LIVES!!!❤️🎄🎄🎄 #MerryChristmas


Our Commander in Chief!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115803

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126876 (250339ZDEC23) Notable: UPDATE ON ZELENSKY AND WIFE RUNNING A ELITE PEDO RING

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note: This is a report. will try to find the full whistleblower video. plus follow the threads in those named in video. the fucking grifting is off the charts btw.



First published at 16:46 UTC on December 24th, 2023.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115804

File: 46fc25463896cc7⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,2035x1196,2035:1196,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126888 (250342ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Merry Christmas Baker


o7 to all our military.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115805

File: dd99c3e8b873f51⋯.mp4 (7.28 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6fd77d01767c5d5⋯.jpg (75.74 KB,716x843,716:843,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4bef16c3bd35c51⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,720x665,144:133,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f22a0f1a1aa2afb⋯.jpg (81.09 KB,720x483,240:161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 20742eb725da214⋯.png (646.97 KB,1303x421,1303:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126916 (250352ZDEC23) Notable: Biden's twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier. (LB)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>115769, >>115772, >>115778, >>115794 norad santa - bidens twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115806

File: 938bfc850f0e26a⋯.jpeg (337.21 KB,728x475,728:475,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1fa1bb1a8e33439⋯.gif (1.09 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126960 (250407ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115807

File: bd738d0ba2773a1⋯.jpeg (476.94 KB,1150x617,1150:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d3a6dd9a6361023⋯.jpeg (391.39 KB,1212x623,1212:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b1d1e21007e6b8f⋯.jpeg (507.52 KB,772x683,772:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126967 (250411ZDEC23) Notable: PF: PARMA48 E6B Mercury heading to Tinker AFB from Travis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PARMA48 E6B Mercury heading to Tinker AFB from Travis

>>115780 lb

Morocco AF FRV0925 G5 landed at Dhabi from Paris

>>>/qresearch/20124794 pb

72-1676 E4B Nightwatch returned to Robins AFB from Offutt AFB after leaving earlier today.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115808

File: 0e4373e475ac4fc⋯.jpeg (545.41 KB,1137x619,1137:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126984 (250417ZDEC23) Notable: PF: This Nightwatch 73-1676 has not has a call sign since December 8th when it left Offutt to Davis-Monthan AFB for its SOP coverage as Mr and Mrs Potato attended a reported 6 fundraisers in the LA area

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This Nightwatch 73-1676 has not has a call sign since December 8th when it left Offutt to Davis-Monthan AFB for its SOP coverage as Mr and Mrs Potato attended a reported 6 fundraisers in the LA area

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115809

File: a35ed1a2687d521⋯.png (145.82 KB,295x446,295:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126994 (250419ZDEC23) Notable: George Washington, considered a traitor to the crown, launched one of the first amphibious assaults on Christmas Day in 1776.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anna Paulina Luna


George Washington, considered a traitor to the crown, launched one of the first amphibious assaults on Christmas Day in 1776. He was a man, blessed by G-d, who was willing to sacrifice everything, and guided our nation through one of its most tumultuous times. As we move forward into a new year, don’t lose hope in this great country. This country is absolutely worth fighting for. Merry Christmas. 2024 wil be one for the history books.

Dec 24, 2023, 11:11 PM


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2d5649 No.115810

File: 9a5fa46325fafee⋯.jpeg (660.12 KB,841x832,841:832,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4afb534edf3ced6⋯.jpeg (759.4 KB,798x728,57:52,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127021 (250429ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115811

File: f6590fb0fb97633⋯.jpeg (437.79 KB,1809x1125,201:125,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0cb57f4ee2135a3⋯.jpeg (196.25 KB,1733x859,1733:859,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 89aa1c30970e752⋯.jpeg (228.13 KB,1623x891,541:297,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ad7a0840ee13c3f⋯.jpeg (259.03 KB,1780x1124,445:281,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 69b6b7f316fe55f⋯.jpeg (213.81 KB,1790x1125,358:225,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127033 (250434ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127038 (250437ZDEC23) Notable: The Hidden Symbolism in “Leave the World Behind”, a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Hidden Symbolism in “Leave the World Behind”, a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas

Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, “Leave the World Behind” is about the complete collapse of America from within. And, through symbolism, the movie actually wants us to think that America deserves that collapse. Here’s a look at the movie and the disturbing messages it conceals.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115813

File: 36bd9ab6904b16c⋯.mp4 (607.59 KB,720x402,120:67,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127044 (250440ZDEC23) Notable: The Hidden Symbolism in “Leave the World Behind”, a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115814

File: 828990ad0cab004⋯.png (2.12 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127069 (250456ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127070 (250457ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115816

File: ed9b485998d3bee⋯.png (1.66 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127075 (250457ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115817

File: 9fe5e93d111d0a1⋯.gif (380 KB,498x319,498:319,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127092 (250505ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115818

File: 26cf7069276ce27⋯.jpeg (236.42 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127099 (250506ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>God Bless Everyone


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115819

File: 75c89a1146ebd33⋯.jpg (146.31 KB,960x566,480:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127101 (250506ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115820

File: 9fb8b83ded6f597⋯.png (147.82 KB,378x333,42:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127110 (250510ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


God of endless ages, Father of all goodness,

we keep vigil for the dawn of salvation

and the birth of your Son.

With gratitude we recall his humanity,

the life he shared with the sons of men.

May the power of his divinity

help us answer his call to forgiveness and life.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115821

File: 6550013c9190182⋯.png (174.18 KB,662x783,662:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127116 (250513ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Love you, fags.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115822

File: 09de8d82d1ac6cf⋯.jpeg (42.29 KB,624x399,208:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127118 (250514ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






my kin were nation builders

beside George on this and other battles

part of his Life Savers

we are so blessed

we have so much to fight for

we have so much to lose

never forget their vision, sacrifice, and courage

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115823

File: bd97f65d9ebab10⋯.png (1.04 MB,1299x907,1299:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127119 (250514ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127120 (250515ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Merry Christmas, Anons!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115825

File: 4b90596cafb8c69⋯.jpg (251.97 KB,906x1133,906:1133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127121 (250515ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115826

File: 044870be7c1a2d8⋯.png (175.84 KB,914x292,457:146,Clipboard.png)

File: 1df4fdb71390561⋯.png (507.89 KB,474x633,158:211,Clipboard.png)

File: c86b7a9ed6d08ca⋯.png (296.12 KB,474x243,158:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127124 (250516ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115827

File: a9dabfd902bef2c⋯.mp4 (7.63 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127132 (250519ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115828

File: 84d059853ce85be⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127167 (250530ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115829

File: fb48452bf5b00db⋯.jpg (38.76 KB,578x459,34:27,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 05069592214c174⋯.png (1.85 MB,1833x1833,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c1bc71a129fbe01⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x725,216:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127190 (250539ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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2d5649 No.115830

File: c1b1945a2078ec0⋯.jpg (31 KB,267x360,89:120,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127192 (250540ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115831

File: 1dd97791f20090f⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127198 (250543ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Best Bread of Year

It can't get any comfier than this.

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2d5649 No.115832

File: 4fd67a0bab7bdfd⋯.jpg (98.41 KB,720x892,180:223,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ea9922f1d291e66⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,720x1202,360:601,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127239 (250559ZDEC23) Notable: Dan the Man Scavino: Reindeer mp4, Dec. 23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115833

File: ddccfd6467cf86e⋯.png (1.67 MB,2100x1320,35:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127246 (250601ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115834

File: f09c73a0d445852⋯.png (212.01 KB,452x517,452:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127250 (250602ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald J. Trump



Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM


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2d5649 No.115835

File: ceadafcb03a538f⋯.jpg (93.36 KB,750x750,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6b9abba9c440e53⋯.jpg (131.55 KB,711x948,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51fb8d57815f4d9⋯.jpg (131.22 KB,1080x1347,360:449,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127251 (250602ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115836

File: 81a1a2389f7d70d⋯.jpg (80.51 KB,736x578,368:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127268 (250611ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Love you anons, a very merry Christmas!

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2d5649 No.115837

File: 3dbb5f6ef9f1655⋯.jpg (165.8 KB,960x957,320:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127280 (250617ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


without you anons I would have checked out year ago. Thankful for (You)!

Merry Christmas!

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2d5649 No.115838

File: 87cca8e119087f5⋯.gif (182.9 KB,336x468,28:39,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127377 (250656ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hey Baker for the second time this bread, Thank you and I love you for being awesome.

Merry Christmas!

I think I'm gonna go on to sleep now.

Pray for our Country tonight.



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2d5649 No.115839

File: 315e0fd69f7cf1e⋯.jpg (731.4 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127380 (250657ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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2d5649 No.115840

File: 55b9827aad14d69⋯.jpeg (344.92 KB,612x865,612:865,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127419 (250716ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115841

File: a1c0fe8bf50df7d⋯.png (1.32 MB,563x796,563:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127443 (250727ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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...that darkness fears

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2d5649 No.115842

File: 36419fbbfdb867f⋯.png (315.45 KB,569x479,569:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 618c3fd2cad14ee⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,720x474,120:79,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127477 (250756ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM

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2d5649 No.115843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127487 (250804ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


190 views 6 years ago


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2d5649 No.115844

File: 716a2f33078d89a⋯.jpg (332.67 KB,1079x667,1079:667,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127491 (250808ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM

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they hope that yule forget this

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2d5649 No.115845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127515 (250827ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump 45 Archived reposted

The White House 45 Archived






participated virtually in the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, decorated with ornaments made by students from all over America!🎄

WATCH the countdown ⬇️





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2d5649 No.115846

File: e9c1dbba39148fd⋯.jpg (234.39 KB,900x642,150:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127524 (250833ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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2d5649 No.115847

File: 82a0442ebbad6f1⋯.png (1.88 MB,962x1220,481:610,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c4b4ea55c7498f⋯.jpg (191.42 KB,335x436,335:436,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127530 (250840ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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Thank you, Baker!

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2d5649 No.115848

File: 1807fba101e6a4f⋯.jpg (179.93 KB,500x1305,100:261,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4cff564c3eece3f⋯.jpg (50.45 KB,1024x1280,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5e2fc22b6d287d⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,158x200,79:100,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 04497f0dd32572f⋯.png (91.92 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f650de7456cf1a2⋯.jpg (28.64 KB,301x447,301:447,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127533 (250841ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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best place to be tonight

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2d5649 No.115849

File: 2c94697cc243395⋯.png (285.55 KB,474x304,237:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127534 (250841ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115850

File: 10057a4a81197b6⋯.jpg (59.82 KB,564x570,94:95,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26cf7069276ce27⋯.jpeg (236.42 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c264043d4ff990d⋯.jpg (509.54 KB,800x1280,5:8,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f84c9ec60bd4375⋯.jpg (573.43 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 22cf85e64358361⋯.png (709.14 KB,800x595,160:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127536 (250842ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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Peace on Earth.

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2d5649 No.115851

File: 5f239b660f9f3e0⋯.jpg (110.11 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e0b44d09d269ebb⋯.jpg (85.64 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127537 (250842ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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>>115792 (pb)

>Collective fear let that happen. This is why it’s important to never relinquish essential liberties no matter what “crisis” we are presented with, whether that be another pandemic, a climate emergency, or a cyberattack.

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2d5649 No.115852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127543 (250848ZDEC23) Notable: Biden DOJ fines Cummins $1.675 Billion for EPA violations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden DOJ fines Cummins $1.675 Billion for EPA violations

>Engine manufacturer Cummins Inc. today disclosed that it has reached an agreement in principle with the United States and State of California to pay a $1.675 billion penalty to settle claims that it violated the Clean Air Act by installing emissions defeat devices on hundreds of thousands of engines. The Clean Air Act requires vehicle and engine manufacturers to ensure that their products comply with applicable emission limits. Defeat devices are parts or software that bypass, defeat, or render inoperative emissions controls such as emission sensors and onboard computers. The company allegedly installed defeat devices on 630,000 model year 2013 to 2019 RAM 2500 and 3500 pickup truck engines. The company also allegedly installed undisclosed auxiliary emission control devices on 330,000 model year 2019 to 2023 RAM 2500 and 3500 pickup truck engines.

>The Justice Department issued the following statement from Attorney General Merrick B. Garland:

>“The Justice Department is committed to vigorously enforcing the environmental laws that protect the American people from harmful pollutants.


6.7L recalls have already started, per Cummins

> Cummins disclosed a review of these matters when it began in 2019 and has regularly updated its disclosures as that review progressed. The company has already recalled model year 2019 RAM 2500 and 3500 trucks and has initiated a recall of model years 2013 through 2018 RAM 2500 and 3500 trucks and previously accrued a total of $59 million for the estimated costs for executing these and other related recalls.


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2d5649 No.115853

File: 5f239b660f9f3e0⋯.jpg (110.11 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99ce99a1ee05b95⋯.jpg (66.2 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127553 (250853ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115854

File: c742739abc9cf29⋯.png (387.14 KB,761x459,761:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127555 (250855ZDEC23) Notable: ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

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very soothing for the soul

May God bless everybody

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2d5649 No.115855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127577 (250906ZDEC23) Notable: Protesters storm Belgrade city hall (VIDEOS)

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Protesters storm Belgrade city hall (VIDEOS)

The rioters claimed they intended to “liberate” and “defend” government institutions as they smashed windows


looks familiar, doesn't it?

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2d5649 No.115856

File: 48dcbabb9c4550f⋯.png (72.8 KB,300x100,3:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127613 (250927ZDEC23) Notable: #24701

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Christmas Dough


will collect notables for last bread, post dough update, then seek handoff

Bless this site, this board, this bread on this Blessed Christmas Day.


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2d5649 No.115857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127661 (250955ZDEC23) Notable: #24700 REPOSTED IN #24701

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>>115802 MAY 2024 BE THE BEST YEAR OF OUR LIVES!!!❤️🎄🎄🎄 #MerryChristmas

- Our Commander in Chief!

>>115834, >>115842, >>115843, >>115844, >>115845 @realDonaldTrump - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM


>>115804, >>115806, >>115810, >>115811, >>115814, >>115815, >>115816, >>115817, >>115818, >>115819, >>115820, >>115821, >>115822, >>115823, >>115824, >>115825, >>115826, >>115827, >>115828, >>115829, >>115830, >>115831, >>115833, >>115836, >>115837, >>115838, >>115835, >>115839, >>115840, >>115841, >>115846, >>115847, >>115848, >>115849, >>115850, >>115851, >>115853, >>115854 ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

>>115805 Biden's twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier. (LB)

>>115807 PF: PARMA48 E6B Mercury heading to Tinker AFB from Travis

>>115808 PF: This Nightwatch 73-1676 has not has a call sign since December 8th when it left Offutt to Davis-Monthan AFB for its SOP coverage as Mr and Mrs Potato attended a reported 6 fundraisers in the LA area

>>115809 George Washington, considered a traitor to the crown, launched one of the first amphibious assaults on Christmas Day in 1776.

>>115812, >>115813 The Hidden Symbolism in “Leave the World Behind”, a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas

>>115852 Biden DOJ fines Cummins $1.675 Billion for EPA violations

>>115855 Protesters storm Belgrade city hall (VIDEOS)

>>115832 Dan the Man Scavino: Reindeer mp4, Dec. 23

#24700 REPOSTED IN #24701

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2d5649 No.115858

File: b70371aab9b5933⋯.png (155.28 KB,392x571,392:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127663 (250959ZDEC23) Notable: #24701

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includes LB notables


Hope you're still here, was finishing notes for lb.

handoff confirmed

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2d5649 No.115859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20127665 (251000ZDEC23) Notable: baker handoff/change

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...The 'hurry up and wait'. All good. o7

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2d5649 No.115860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128105 (251319ZDEC23) Notable: Russian Forces Destroy Starlink Station Near Kupyansk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Russian Forces Destroy Starlink Station Near Kupyansk

3 hours ago


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2d5649 No.115861

File: e21664a72588021⋯.mp4 (18.03 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128176 (251346ZDEC23) Notable: Hamas rejected a proposal to end its authority in #Gaza and hold elections in exchange for not prosecuting its leaders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arab News


#BREAKING: Hamas rejected a proposal to end its authority in #Gaza and hold elections in exchange for not prosecuting its leaders


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2d5649 No.115862

File: 7db76ebd6aff107⋯.png (616.31 KB,554x835,554:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128245 (251405ZDEC23) Notable: POTATUS - From our family to yours: Merry Christmas, America.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Merry Christmas, Joseph & Jilly!

President Biden


From our family to yours:

Merry Christmas, America.

8:01 AM · Dec 25, 2023


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2d5649 No.115863

File: 285c0905fe3dd29⋯.png (1.03 MB,554x907,554:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128270 (251414ZDEC23) Notable: @HillaryClinton - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! 🎄

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9:08 = 17

Hillary Clinton


Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! 🎄

9:08 AM · Dec 25, 2023


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2d5649 No.115864

File: 9af8ecf61382178⋯.png (383.45 KB,554x547,554:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 648b632b37916d3⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128282 (251417ZDEC23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley - wishing u a very very merry christmas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chuck Grassley


wishing u a very very merry christmas

9:00 AM · Dec 25, 2023


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2d5649 No.115865

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128407 (251457ZDEC23) Notable: Kash Patel: FBI Has Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book - Trump Should Release It on Day 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel: FBI Has Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book - Trump Should Release It on Day 1

Kash goes into details why its necessary, for Trump should to reveal all the hidden material and declassify everything to show how DS cabal blocks the truth getting out



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2d5649 No.115866

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128413 (251501ZDEC23) Notable: Kash Patel: Republicans Rewarded FBI-DOJ for Breaking the Law - Approved FISA Process Through Next Election Cycle, with Professor Dershowitz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel: Republicans Rewarded FBI-DOJ for Breaking the Law - Approved FISA Process Through Next Election Cycle, with Professor Dershowitz



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2d5649 No.115867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128435 (251510ZDEC23) Notable: Seyed Razi Mousavi, one of the closest IRGC commanders to Qassem Soleimani and the commander of the Iranian forces in Syria was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Damascus earlier today. Tasnim news confirmed the news.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ali Hashem




Seyed Razi Mousavi, one of the closest IRGC commanders to Qassem Soleimani and the commander of the Iranian forces in Syria was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Damascus earlier today. Tasnim news confirmed the news.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115868

File: 436c3d8045b089d⋯.png (1.11 MB,960x1200,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128437 (251511ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Dec 25, 2023 - Cathedral, Mountain, Moon

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 25, 2023

Cathedral, Mountain, Moon

Single shots like this require planning. The first step is to realize that such an amazing triple-alignment actually takes place. The second step is to find the best location to photograph it. But it was the third step: being there at exactly the right time and when the sky was clear that was the hardest. Five times over six years the photographer tried and found bad weather. Finally, just ten days ago, the weather was perfect, and a photographic dream was realized. Taken in Piemonte, Italy, the cathedral in the foreground is the Basilica of Superga, the mountain in the middle is Monviso, and, well, you know which moon is in the background. Here, even though the setting Moon was captured in a crescent phase, the exposure was long enough for doubly reflected Earthlight, called the da Vinci glow, to illuminate the entire top of the Moon.


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2d5649 No.115869

File: dd54058608515fd⋯.png (906.8 KB,595x848,595:848,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128476 (251525ZDEC23) Notable: @MelaniaTrump - Merry Christmas ✨✨✨

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Melania Trump


Merry Christmas ✨✨✨

Dec 25, 2023, 6:11 AM


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2d5649 No.115870

File: 8720c64b607cf49⋯.png (565.54 KB,900x637,900:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128537 (251604ZDEC23) Notable: Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

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Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

A Knoxville couple admitted to conspiring to create illegal identification documents.

Cheryl Huff, 49, and Mario Paz-Mejia, 50, entered guilty pleas in the federal court on Thursday for their roles in a scheme to produce hundreds of Tennessee driver’s licenses and identification cards.

In the Eastern District of Tennessee’s U.S. District Court, Cheryl Huff and Mario Paz-Mejia faced legal repercussions under Judge Katherine A. Crytzer.

Sentencing is scheduled for May 24, 2024, where each individual could receive up to 15 years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, and three years of supervised release.

Cheryl Huff served as the District Manager for the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDSHS). In her position, she was responsible for the issuance of legitimate driver’s licenses and identification cards in the Greater Knoxville area, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ) news release.

Mario Paz-Mejia played the intermediary role by soliciting individuals, primarily non-citizens and non-Tennessee residents, offering them illegal access to Tennessee documentation for a hefty sum of $2,500.

More from the DOJ:

Using his association with Huff, Paz-Mejia represented to his customers that, in return for $2,500, Paz-Mejia could obtain for them a Tennessee driver’s license or identification card.


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2d5649 No.115871

File: ca55024d66c1f96⋯.jpg (57.55 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128548 (251608ZDEC23) Notable: NY Democrat Governor Establishes Slavery Reparations Commission Amid $4.3 Billion Budget Shortfall

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NY Democrat Governor Establishes Slavery Reparations Commission Amid $4.3 Billion Budget Shortfall

Earlier this month, San Francisco essentially defunded its own African American Reparations Advisory Committee, which had proposed paying $5 million — a figure they called “minuscule” — plus other benefits to every eligible black resident of the city.

But while the payouts would have cost the city $175 billion, more than ten times the annual budget of the city, the Reparations Committee could not even get the city to fund the $2 million they wanted to keep their office staffed and funded.

You’d think New York would have learned from this unrealistic debacle before Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill on Tuesday creating a reparations commission. But apparently, it’s easy to make big promises when it’s not your money — especially in an election year.


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2d5649 No.115872

File: 83c8e8421f9f9fb⋯.jpeg (753.24 KB,1125x1652,1125:1652,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128550 (251609ZDEC23) Notable: @BarackObama - This year has tested us in many ways, but Christmas is a reminder of the power of community to keep us together even in difficult times. Wishing you all a peaceful holiday.

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On the move, if sm1 could grab vid


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2d5649 No.115873

File: eb19565343ecc10⋯.jpg (118.16 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128553 (251611ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Au Revoir’: The Last French Troops Leave Niger, Signaling the End of Paris’ Influence in Africa’s Sahel Region

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Au Revoir’: The Last French Troops Leave Niger, Signaling the End of Paris’ Influence in Africa’s Sahel Region

As the year of Our Lord 2023 comes to an end, so does the French military presence in the West African nation of Niger.

This marks another phasing out of centuries of French colonialism in the Sahel region of the African continent.

For the third time in just a year and a half, French troops are sent packing, bidding adieu to Africa.

Reuters reported:

“The last French troops deployed in Niger to help fight a decade-old Islamist insurgency in the Sahel left the country on Friday, sealing a withdrawal that has dealt a further blow to France’s influence in West Africa.

Army officers who seized power in Niger in July made France’s military exit one of their key demands, echoing juntas in neighboring Burkina Faso and Mali who severed long-standing security ties with France after coups in 2020-2022.

After initially pushing back, France’s President Emmanuel Macron said in September that 1,500 troops would pull out of Niger by the end of the year.”


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2d5649 No.115874

File: 0a93068bc71e0dc⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128565 (251615ZDEC23) Notable: @BarackObama - This year has tested us in many ways, but Christmas is a reminder of the power of community to keep us together even in difficult times. Wishing you all a peaceful holiday.

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2d5649 No.115875

File: cf663216af88492⋯.png (171.7 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128569 (251616ZDEC23) Notable: "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

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"Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

A network of NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, seems to be playing a powerful role in coordinating the large-scale invasion of illegals at the US southern border.

The new website Muckraker revealed a treasure trove of "mass migration blueprints," handed out by NGOs across South and Central America to illegals with details about their route to the US.


Muckraker has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the… pic.twitter.com/wt0DDslM4w

— Muckraker.com (@realmuckraker) December 23, 2023

"The collapse of the US southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program," Muckraker said.


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2d5649 No.115876

File: 77642a4341ef774⋯.jpg (2.86 MB,2944x1656,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128596 (251625ZDEC23) Notable: #24701

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#24701 >>115856, >>115858

>>115859 baker handoff/change

>>115860 Russian Forces Destroy Starlink Station Near Kupyansk

>>115861 Hamas rejected a proposal to end its authority in #Gaza and hold elections in exchange for not prosecuting its leaders

>>115862 POTATUS - From our family to yours: Merry Christmas, America.

>>115863 @HillaryClinton - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! 🎄

>>115864 @ChuckGrassley - wishing u a very very merry christmas

>>115865 Kash Patel: FBI Has Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book - Trump Should Release It on Day 1

>>115866 Kash Patel: Republicans Rewarded FBI-DOJ for Breaking the Law - Approved FISA Process Through Next Election Cycle, with Professor Dershowitz

>>115867 Seyed Razi Mousavi, one of the closest IRGC commanders to Qassem Soleimani and the commander of the Iranian forces in Syria was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Damascus earlier today. Tasnim news confirmed the news.

>>115868 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Dec 25, 2023 - Cathedral, Mountain, Moon

>>115869 @MelaniaTrump - Merry Christmas ✨✨✨

>>115870 Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

>>115871 NY Democrat Governor Establishes Slavery Reparations Commission Amid $4.3 Billion Budget Shortfall

>>115872, >>115874 @BarackObama - This year has tested us in many ways, but Christmas is a reminder of the power of community to keep us together even in difficult times. Wishing you all a peaceful holiday.

>>115873 ‘Au Revoir’: The Last French Troops Leave Niger, Signaling the End of Paris’ Influence in Africa’s Sahel Region

>>115875 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says


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2d5649 No.115877

File: 97f68cc1eef9fb3⋯.jpg (140.73 KB,1024x995,1024:995,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128607 (251628ZDEC23) Notable: #24702

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2d5649 No.115878

File: a40d94e28f4c920⋯.png (565.34 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128640 (251639ZDEC23) Notable: PF: A C17 “KAF343 from Kuwait leaving Charleston NC .

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A C17 “KAF343 from Kuwait leaving Charlseton NC . Wtf

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2d5649 No.115879

File: c37cc1c4ecf756d⋯.jpeg (73.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128651 (251643ZDEC23) Notable: Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’ (RT)

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25 Dec, 2023

Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’

The unrest was “evidently” stirred by third parties, spokesman Dmitry Peskov says

The recent riots in the Serbian capital of Belgradewere provoked by “third parties,”including from abroad, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed on Monday.

Serbia has been hit by a string of mass protests following the parliamentary election of December 17, in which the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) won a decisive victory. The opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition, which is pro-EU, has made allegations of “vote theft.”

The unrest escalated on Sunday evening when protesters attempted to besiege government buildings in Belgrade.Police ultimately removed the demonstrators from the center of the city amid violent clashes.

Speaking to the Russian media, Kremlin spokesman Peskov said there wasnothing to suggest irregularities in the Serbian elections, explaining thatobservers “did not record any violations that could cast doubt” on their legitimacy.

“Evidently, there are processes and attempts by third forces, including from abroad, to provoke such unrest in Belgrade. This is what we are seeing. We have no doubt that the leadership of the republic will maintain the rule of law in the country,” Peskov stated.

Moscow maintains a policy of non-interference in the affairs of other countries, the Kremlin official stressed, adding that this particularly applies to Russia’s “ally and partner” Serbia.

“Everything that happens in the country is Serbia’s own business. We have never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries and do not intend to,” Peskov said.

His remarks echoed comments by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova earlier in the day. “The attempts of the collective West to shake up the situation in [Serbia] using the techniques of Maidan coups are obvious,” Zakharova said, referencing the 2014 armed uprising in Kiev that saw the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian government.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic denounced the riot in Belgrade as an attempted “color revolution” – a term commonly used to describemovements funded and organized by Western countries, usually the US, aimed at overthrowing leaders opposed to Washington’s interests.

Vucic initially thanked unnamed “foreign services” for warning Belgrade about “exactly what the thugs were preparing.” Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabiс revealed that Belgradehad received vital intelligence from Moscow on the protesters’ plans. “I feel that it is important, especially tonight, to stand up for Serbia and to thank the Russian security services who had that information and who shared it with us,” Brnabic told TV Pink.

(Picture: Protesters throw stones at police who use tear gas at the Belgrade City Council in Serbia on December 24, 2023. © Getty Images / Anadolu / Filip Stevanovic

(Clinton’s mad because they could never destroy Serbia, so Obama/Bidan are helping out)


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2d5649 No.115880

File: 4be460fc52d2e9a⋯.png (461.76 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

File: e4943473738469e⋯.jpg (81.85 KB,768x576,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128673 (251650ZDEC23) Notable: Royals, including disgraced Prince Andrew, attend Christmas church service

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New York Post



Royals, including disgraced Prince Andrew, attend Christmas church service


Dec 25, 2023 · 2:54 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.115881

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128719 (251703ZDEC23) Notable: Attorney Will Scharf: Supreme Court Will Likely Find that 1512 Was Improperly Applied in J6 Cases - Will Gut Jack Smith's Case Against Trump

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Attorney Will Scharf: Supreme Court Will Likely Find that 1512 Was Improperly Applied in J6 Cases - Will Gut Jack Smith's Case Against Trump. Good News, the SC would not have taken this case if it was not important.



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2d5649 No.115882

File: 6b6a0821752de92⋯.jpeg (386.92 KB,960x998,480:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128760 (251718ZDEC23) Notable: New DJT Truth - Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare. I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!

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New Trump Truth

Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare. I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!


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2d5649 No.115883

File: a18fed68450bcdc⋯.png (378.38 KB,600x519,200:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128763 (251718ZDEC23) Notable: Vladimir Putin has praised the liberation of Maryinka in the Donetsk People’s Republic as a success and expressed gratitude to Russian military servicemen

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Vladimir Putin has praised the liberation of Maryinka in the Donetsk People’s Republic as a success and expressed gratitude to Russian military servicemen:


Dec 25, 2023 · 5:07 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.115884

File: 6186eb22abe6acf⋯.png (243.28 KB,600x538,300:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128781 (251726ZDEC23) Notable: NEW: Japan moon lander enters lunar orbit

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Insider Paper



NEW: Japan moon lander enters lunar orbit


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2d5649 No.115885

File: be3e9d0b8bd1696⋯.png (408.02 KB,477x646,477:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128811 (251739ZDEC23) Notable: @DouglasEmhoff - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! @KamalaHarris and I hope you and your loved ones have a joyous holiday season. 🎄

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Jewish families in the U.S. and Canada have a long-standing tradition of eating Chinese food on Christmas Day. The first written record of this tradition is from 1935, when the New York Times reported that Eng Shee Chuck, a Chinese restaurant owner, brought chow mein to a Jewish children's home in Newark, New Jersey on Christmas Day.

The tradition may have originated from the lack of other open restaurants on Christmas Day. Many Jews don't celebrate Christmas, and Chinese restaurants are some of the only restaurants open on Christmas Day. Much of the Chinese food is also kosher, as it doesn't mix meat with dairy.

An article in The Atlantic suggests that Jewish people have come to love Chinese food over the years because Jewish and Chinese immigrants made up the majority of non-Christians in New York at the turn of the century.


Kamala is having Chinee takeout adding her homemade Jamaican Curry that her daddy makes. Matza Balls for desert.

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2d5649 No.115886

File: e58d399d7e8175d⋯.jpeg (94.45 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128815 (251741ZDEC23) Notable: Russian court orders arrest of Ukraine’s spy chief (RT)

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25 Dec, 2023 11:00

Russian court orders arrest of Ukraine’s spy chief

Kirill Budanov stands accused of masterminding 104 “terrorist attacks” against the country

A Moscow district court has ordered the arrest on terrorism charges of Kirill Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence service (GUR), it was announced on Monday.

Budanov was charged with 104 separate crimes of terrorism, the Basmanny court said in a statement.The order was issued in absentia, but should Budanov be extradited to Russia ordetained by Russian law enforcement, he will be held in custody for at least two months.

In early October, Russia’s Investigative Committeeidentified Budanov as one of four suspected mastermindsof over 100 “terrorist attacks” involving drones targeting Russian civilian infrastructure.

A separate ruling issued by Moscow’s Lefortovo district court in April ordered Budanov’s arrest in connection with terrorism conspiracy and the illegal handling of explosives.

Budanov has openly advocated Ukrainian attacks on Russian soil, including territory that Kiev recognizes as being under Moscow’s sovereignty. He initially touted them as “partisan activities,” but later acknowledged the responsibility of the Ukrainian state.

The Washington Post reported in October that the US had led a major overhaul of the Ukrainian special services in the wake of the 2014 armed coup in Kiev. The GUR, the military branch, was “rebuilt from scratch” by the CIA, a former US intelligence official told the newspaper.

Together with its civilian counterpart the SBU, the GUR has assassinated dozens of Russian officials, the report said. The military agency was also allegedly behind numerous long-range drone attacks deep inside Russia, including in Moscow.

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)identified Budanov as the mastermindof the October 2022 bombing of the Crimean Bridge, which involved a powerful explosive device smuggled into Russia by an unsuspecting truck driven. The man and two other people in a nearby car were killed when his vehicle exploded.

TheSBU has claimed credit for a second deadly attack on the bridgein April involving naval drones. The agency’s chief, Vasily Malyuk, has pledged further assaults.

Moscow has declared Kiev a “de facto sponsor of terrorism” over its tactics and has called for its Western backers to also be accountable for Ukrainian actions.

(You know how Ukraine sends their spies to Russia to kill those that leave Ukraine. Russia will send their spies to capture or kill leaders in Ukraine.)


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2d5649 No.115887

File: bf69a866df98821⋯.jpeg (650.88 KB,1179x673,1179:673,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 86d40584ab75ffb⋯.jpeg (531.66 KB,804x754,402:377,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 32e9b1d228e8c50⋯.jpeg (645.59 KB,1179x659,1179:659,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128870 (251755ZDEC23) Notable: planeFag: CONUS activity

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planeFag:CONUS activity

SANTA44 KC-46A Pegasus tanker switched on at Wichita-McConnell AFB

58-0045 KC-135 tanker in the Potato “at Camp David” position

RCH8096 C5 Galaxy on ground at Dover from Ramstein AFB depart

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2d5649 No.115888

File: 004bb7c17f99e94⋯.jpeg (340.05 KB,828x531,92:59,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128993 (251830ZDEC23) Notable: Japan's nominal GDP per capita at record-low 21st among OECD members

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Japan's nominal GDP per capita at record-low 21st among OECD members

Luxembourg tops list, U.S. comes in fifth, and South Korea ranks 22nd

Kyodo) - Japan's nominal gross domestic product per capita stood at $34,064 in 2022, ranking 21st among the 38 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, a record-low for the world's third-largest economy, the government said Monday. The figure was also the lowest among the Group of Seven advanced economies for the first time since 2008, highlighting the impact of a sharply weaker yen against the U.S. dollar and the relative decline of Japan's economic standing.

GDP is the total value of goods and services produced in a country. Comparable data became available in 1980 for the OECD. Luxembourg, a key financial hub in Europe, topped the list with $124,592, followed by $106,180 for Norway and $104,237 for Ireland. The United States came fifth at $76,291. After Japan, South Korea ranked 22nd at $32,423. China is not an OECD member.

The G7 consists of Britain, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and the United States plus the European Union.

Japan's economy remained the world's third-largest in 2022, with $4.26 trillion in nominal GDP, which compares with $25.44 trillion for the United States, or a quarter of the global economy, and $17.96 trillion for China. Japan accounted for a record-low 4.2% of global GDP, down from 5.1% the year earlier.


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2d5649 No.115889

File: 9ab36c9322ec478⋯.png (234.62 KB,600x592,75:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129029 (251839ZDEC23) Notable: @USMC - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄

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U.S. Marines



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄

Across the globe, Marines have worked hard and sacrificed much to stay ready and safeguard our nation. You deserve to relax and enjoy time with family and friends.

Dec 25, 2023 · 2:00 PM UTC




I bought that rug for my kids.

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2d5649 No.115890

File: 3d92f6788437cc7⋯.jpeg (597.33 KB,1260x840,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129048 (251843ZDEC23) Notable: Thousands join migrant caravan in Mexico ahead of Blinken’s visit to the capital

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Thousands join migrant caravan in Mexico ahead of Blinken’s visit to the capital

The caravan is estimated at around 6,000 people, many of them families with young children.


On Friday, López Obrador said he was willing to work again with the U.S. to address concerns about migration. But he also urged the Biden administration to ease sanctions on leftist governments in Cuba and Venezuela — where about 20% of 617,865 migrants encountered nationwide in October and November hail from — and send more aid to developing countries in Latin America and beyond.

“That is what we are going to discuss, it is not just contention,” López Obrador said at a press briefing Friday following a phone conversation the day before with President Joe Biden to pave the way for the high level U.S. delegation.

The U.S. delegation, which will meet the Mexican president on Wednesday, will also include Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and White House homeland security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall.

Mexico’s ability to assist the U.S. may be limited, however. In December, the government halted a program to repatriate and transfer migrants inside Mexico due to a lack of funds. So far this year, Mexico has detected more than 680,000 migrants living illegally in the country, while the number of foreigners seeking asylum in the country has reached a record 137,000.

Sunday’s caravan was the largest since June 2022, when a similarly sized group departed as Biden hosted leaders in Los Angeles for the Summit of the Americas. Another march departed Mexico in October, coinciding with a summit organized by López Obrador to discuss the migration crisis with regional leaders. A month later, 3,000 migrants blocked for more than 30 hours the main border crossing with Guatemala.


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2d5649 No.115891

File: 385987ab25f2ecb⋯.jpg (25.21 KB,500x380,25:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129100 (251900ZDEC23) Notable: #24702 partial collect''''

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Bread is ghost


#24702 >>115877

>>115878 PF: A C17 “KAF343 from Kuwait leaving Charleston NC .

>>115879 Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’ (RT)

>>115880 Royals, including disgraced Prince Andrew, attend Christmas church service

>>115881 Attorney Will Scharf: Supreme Court Will Likely Find that 1512 Was Improperly Applied in J6 Cases - Will Gut Jack Smith's Case Against Trump

>>115882 New DJT Truth - Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare. I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!

>>115883 Vladimir Putin has praised the liberation of Maryinka in the Donetsk People’s Republic as a success and expressed gratitude to Russian military servicemen

>>115884 NEW: Japan moon lander enters lunar orbit

>>115885 @DouglasEmhoff - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! @KamalaHarris and I hope you and your loved ones have a joyous holiday season. 🎄

>>115886 Russian court orders arrest of Ukraine’s spy chief (RT)

>>115887 planeFag: CONUS activity

>>115888 Japan's nominal GDP per capita at record-low 21st among OECD members

>>115889 @USMC - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄

>>115890 Thousands join migrant caravan in Mexico ahead of Blinken’s visit to the capital


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2d5649 No.115892

File: fb48452bf5b00db⋯.jpg (38.76 KB,578x459,34:27,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129110 (251903ZDEC23) Notable: Harvard's Board Gets Failing Grade From NYT for Botching Claudine Gay Scandal

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Harvard's Board Gets Failing Grade From NYT for Botching Claudine Gay Scandal


Spencer Brown December 25, 2023

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, File

Harvard's embattled President Claudine Gay might have thought the long Christmas weekend would quell the brewing storm of criticism against her that began with catastrophic testimony before House lawmakers about antisemitic incidents on campus and culminated — so far — with some 40 allegations of plagiarism in her limited body of scholarly work.

Then, on Christmas Eve, The New York Times ran another story on the worsening situation, highlighting meetings that have taken place between the Harvard Corporation and academics who are less-than-pleased with the way the school — specifically its 12-member governing body — has handled the turmoil.

Citing "private conversations with donors, professors, and others," the Times reported that "there are signs of tensions among board members," including over a "need to address the billowing storms" battering its public image among even those normally supportive of the institution. But those "who have tried to privately counsel the board say members have shown little concrete impetus toward changing their approach."

As Townhall reported just before Christmas, what had begun as exposés from right-of-center media outlets and reporters with a few instances of alleged ripping-off of other writers' work turned into another complaint documenting dozens more examples of supposed intellectual infringement that caught fire in mainstream outlets. In two notable examples, CNN and The New York Times pointed out how embarrassing the scandal was for supposedly elite Harvard and how their analysis of President Gay's writings turned up "clearer examples of plagiarism."

Since then, both The New York Times and The Washington Post have run opinion pieces saying it's time for President Gay to be gone, publishing the headlines "Why Claudine Gay Should Go" and "Harvard's Claudine Gay should resign," respectively.


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2d5649 No.115893

File: 403efe3aeabbc36⋯.png (71.05 KB,870x340,87:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129117 (251905ZDEC23) Notable: Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

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Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

A Knoxville couple admitted to conspiring to create illegal identification documents.

Cheryl Huff, 49, and Mario Paz-Mejia, 50, entered guilty pleas in the federal court on Thursday for their roles in a scheme to produce hundreds of Tennessee driver’s licenses and identification cards.

In the Eastern District of Tennessee’s U.S. District Court, Cheryl Huff and Mario Paz-Mejia faced legal repercussions under Judge Katherine A. Crytzer.

Sentencing is scheduled for May 24, 2024, where each individual could receive up to 15 years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, and three years of supervised release.

Cheryl Huff served as the District Manager for the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDSHS). In her position, she was responsible for the issuance of legitimate driver’s licenses and identification cards in the Greater Knoxville area, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ) news release.

Mario Paz-Mejia played the intermediary role by soliciting individuals, primarily non-citizens and non-Tennessee residents, offering them illegal access to Tennessee documentation for a hefty sum of $2,500.

More from the DOJ:

Using his association with Huff, Paz-Mejia represented to his customers that, in return for $2,500, Paz-Mejia could obtain for them a Tennessee driver’s license or identification card.

Paz-Mejia also assisted his customers in obtaining false citizenship and residency documents—two requirements to obtain a Tennessee driver’s license—including fraudulent lease agreements to establish proof of Tennessee residency, and false birth certificates, Social Security cards, and driver’s licenses from other states and U.S. territories to establish proof of citizenship or legal residency in the United States.

Huff knew, or deliberately ignored a high probability, that Paz-Mejia was helping his customers obtain false citizenship and residency documents and that Paz-Mejia charged his customers money to obtain a Tennessee driver’s license or identification card.

Huff used her access to TDSHS’s internal software to confirm that the names and information on the false citizenship and residency documents used by Paz-Mejia’s customers could be used to obtain a Tennessee driver’s license or identification card.


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2d5649 No.115894

File: 0a721241fcf6d07⋯.png (809.06 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a721241fcf6d07⋯.png (809.06 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129119 (251905ZDEC23) Notable: Harvard's Board Gets Failing Grade From NYT for Botching Claudine Gay Scandal

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With increasing scrutiny of Harvard, President Gay, and its governing body, however, "the corporation had no specific answers" when pressed for more action by those who met with board members, the Times noted. Instead, "board members offered muted apologies, and promised follow-ups."

One attendee who expressed discontent said that "replacing the university's president might not be going far enough to get Harvard back on course" and that "generational change" was required to address the issues that are now coming to a head.

That includes questions about how Harvard selected Claudine Gay to be its president, announced just about a year ago in December 2022. Quoting the student-run Harvard Crimson, the Times noted that out of "more than 600 nominations" to lead Harvard, the "five-month search was the fastest at Harvard in nearly 70 years."

Even worse, now that the whole situation has come to light — including how the Harvard Corporation "did not disclose that it had been quietly investigating Dr. Gay's academic work since October when it was first contacted by a New York Post reporter about plagiarism allegations — the board's "secretive approach and opacity has made even those who earlier rallied around Dr. Gay uncomfortable," reported the Times. As it should.

Perhaps Harvard sought to bury accusations against Gay because those accusations also implicated its own failure to properly vet her work.

From the Times:

In the past several weeks, more faculty members, donors, alumni, and outsiders have raised questions about the corporation’s apparent failure to vet Dr. Gay’s scholarship before promoting her to the presidency in July and for its subsequent silence in recent weeks.

“The corporation should have done their homework, and apparently they did not,” said Avi Loeb, a Harvard science professor who has been publicly critical of the school’s response after the Hamas attack on Israel in which about 1,200 people were killed.

“They don’t engage in criticism the way they should,” Mr. Loeb said of the corporation. “They don’t want the people who disagree with them to speak with them.”


Faculty and donors say the board members, by declining to be more open, have left important questions hanging over the school and Dr. Gay. Among the most persistent: Why didn’t they disclose the investigation earlier, and when, exactly, did the corporation — and Harvard’s top administrators — first hear of the plagiarism allegations against Dr. Gay? How did a small group of conservative activists seem to know more about Dr. Gay’s scholarship than the governing body responsible for vetting her selection?

And that's the real problem here, isn't it? That Harvard was so blinded by the identity check-boxes of Claudine Gay that they didn't bother to vet her comparatively scant writing?

As a former non-Ivy League college student (and thank the good Lord for that) all my papers were run through a plagiarism checker to ensure originality and proper citations, yet the Harvard Corporation didn't think it was worth skimming their presidential finalists' writing. It seems now, based on the complaints lodged against President Gay, that just one of her works would have lit up the plagiarism checker like the Fourth of July.

So, it seems the Harvard Corporation is in for even more scrutiny and a longer journey of being dragged through the mud along with its president due to the apparent failure to scrutinize Gay's scholarly work and then actively working to keep plagiarism accusations under wraps

— all while getting outflanked by conservatives who have far fewer resources compared to Harvard's $50 billion endowment.

Will it be a case where the attempts to cover for President Gay end up being more damaging

— especially internally — than the alleged crimes of plagiarism?

Time will tell. One thing is for sure: any hopes that the Harvard Corporation or President Gay had of sweeping this under the rug have been dashed upon the rocks of the harsh reality that actions have consequences.


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2d5649 No.115895

File: 276a72e188c3d5a⋯.png (289.92 KB,500x234,250:117,Clipboard.png)

File: 27b2a76c9d94ad1⋯.png (376.4 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: bba84e5a7173c0c⋯.png (511.29 KB,745x606,745:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129130 (251909ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Routinely Dropping US-Supplied 2,000-lb Bombs In Dense Civilian Areas - zerohedge

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Israel Routinely Dropping US-Supplied 2,000-lb Bombs In Dense Civilian Areas

As civilian casualties in the Israel-Hamas war continue to mount surpassing 20,000 from a population of just 2 million alarm is growing over Israel's all-too-eager use of a particularly devastating weapon: the 2,000-pound MK-84 bomb.

Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas on Earth. For most other militaries, that would be cause for restraint, particularly where the MK-84 is concerned, given its 3,280-foot hazardous blast radius. However, as the IDF presses its campaign against the militant group Hamas and its elaborate tunnel system, it's exhibiting an unusually high tolerance for civilian harm.

Proportionally, the rate of damage to civilian buildings in Gaza is already triple what Nazi Germany suffered from Allied bombs in World War II. On Friday alone, Israel reportedly killed more than 90 Palestinians, including women in children, when it leveled two houses in two different areas of Gaza.

One particularly vivid display of the MK-84's sheer power and Israel's lack of restraint came with the IDF's Oct. 31 strike on Jabalya, in northern Gaza, which obliterated a large residential area. “[That strike is] something we would never see the US doing," Larry Lewis, research director at the Center for Naval Analyses, tells CNN. “It certainly appears that (Israel’s) tolerance for civilian harm compared to expected operational benefits is significantly different than what we would accept."

For perspective, consider that the US military used only one MK-84 bomb during its entire fight with ISIS. However, it's poured an astounding 5,400 of them into Israel's arsenal since the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion of southern Israel.

Defying IDF assurances that it seeks to minimize civilian casualties, a New York Times analysis of satellite imagery suggests that Israel has even dropped more than 200 MK-84 bombs in the area of South Gaza where it told Palestinians to flee for safety.

The IDF has brushed aside inquiries about its use of the extraordinarily destructive bombs. "Questions of this kind will be looked into at a later stage," a spokesman told the Times, adding that the IDF “takes feasible precautions to mitigate civilian harm.”


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2d5649 No.115896

File: 4c5cb0cabeb836a⋯.png (25.96 KB,737x199,737:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129140 (251911ZDEC23) Notable: Israel's Military Strikes Hezbollah Command Center In Serious Escalation

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Israel's Military Strikes Hezbollah Command Center In Serious Escalation

This weekend has witnessed a significant escalation between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah along the southern Lebanese border.

Israeli media reported that a Hezbollah command center has been attacked. "The IDF says fighter jets have hit a Hezbollah military headquarters in Lebanon in response to attacks on northern Israel today, including one that left a soldier moderately wounded," TOI reports.

This came following Hezbollah attacks on multiple Israeli military and civilian positions. The IDF then expanded its artillery shelling. While since Oct.7 exchanges of fire have been daily, the weekend saw an expansion of the frequency of these strikes.

Northern Israel's Kibbutz Menara was attacked in the Saturday flare-up in violence. The northern Israel community said: "The harsh reality is that from the beginning of the war, dozens of missiles were fired towards the kibbutz, most of them anti-tank missiles. As a result, at least 86 out of 155 apartments were affected with various degrees of damage," according to an official statement issued by the Kibbutz.

On Friday some 20 rockets were fired on Israel from Lebanon within only a 24-period. Early in the Gaza conflict, some days might have witnessed a handful of rockets and mortars fired in what has remained a "limited" front. But it's a deeply worrying sign that the 'norm' has now become dozens of projectiles exchanged on any given day.

Soon after Oct.7, Israel began evacuating dozens of towns and settlements near the border, to within 2km of it, after Hezbollah rockets began raining down. At this point Israel says at least 80,000 of its citizens are still forced to stay away from their residences amid the Hezbollah threat. They have effectively become temporary refugees.

In Gaza, the IDF issued a new casualty count over the weekend, as follows:

The Israel Defense Forces announced Sunday the names of nine soldiers killed in fighting in the Gaza Strip throughout the previous day, bringing the number of troops killed over the entire weekend to 14, as the military deepened its offensive against the Hamas terror group.

Five soldiers of the Combat Engineering Corps and a paramedic were killed by an anti-tank guided missile that hit a Namer armored engineering vehicle they were in, in southern Gaza. Another four were killed by bombs in two separate incidents during battles with gunmen in central Gaza.

The deaths bring the number of troops killed since the start of the ground operation in late October to 153.

Watch: Hezbollah has published a series of clips showing the continued degrading of Israeli defense communications facilities along the border...


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2d5649 No.115897

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129149 (251914ZDEC23) Notable: General Milley Lied - Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It. Milley lied many people died

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General Milley Lied - Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It. Milley lied many people died


Can the Military still Court Marshall him? Numerous leaders needs the same treatment for treason.


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2d5649 No.115898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129158 (251915ZDEC23) Notable: Serbia thanks Russia for ‘color revolution’ warning

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Serbia thanks Russia for ‘color revolution’ warning

Moscow shared vital intelligence with Belgrade, according to Prime Minister Ana Brnabiс

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabiс has expressed gratitude to the Russian security services, which alerted Belgrade to plans for riots in the capital.

Pro-Western demonstrators attempted to break into government buildings in Belgrade on Sunday evening, in what Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called an attempted color revolution. While Vucic initially thanked unnamed “foreign services” for letting his security services “know exactly what the thugs were preparing,” Brnabiс later revealed that Belgrade was tipped off by Moscow.

“I feel that it is important, especially tonight, to stand up for Serbia and to thank the Russian security services who had that information and who shared it with us,” Brnabic told TV Pink on Sunday night.

“I can only say thank you, and it probably won’t be popular with those from the West,” the prime minister said, adding, “When we shared that information with everyone else, they said: ‘Well, that’s Russian disinformation, that’s spreading fake news.’”

Anti-government protests erupted in Serbia on Monday, with the opposition accusing the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) of “vote theft” during last week’s parliamentary elections, in which the party defeated the pro-EU Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition.

Vucic dismissed the allegations as “lies,” claiming that the protests were sponsored by the West, which wants him removed due to his relations with Russia and refusal to abandon Serbia’s claim to Kosovo.

Following the unrest in Belgrade, Vucic is expected to host Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko at his residence just across the square from the assembly where the protest took place, local media reported, citing the presidential press service. Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has also scheduled a meeting with the Russian envoy.


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2d5649 No.115899

File: fb0fa087a0ec775⋯.png (336.02 KB,603x592,603:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129168 (251917ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn tweets RE: the VAXX

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General Mike Flynn


So many consequences since the intentional introduction of a biological agent into the blood stream of humanity. Many consequences still remain unknown but none are likely to be positive.

Everyone needs to share this, but especially women.


1:54 AM · Jan 31, 2023




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2d5649 No.115900

File: b6173485db1a7cb⋯.png (163.73 KB,899x855,899:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129172 (251919ZDEC23) Notable: More Than 20,000 Military Members Became Sterile After COVID Vaccination - americanlibertyreportnews

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More Than 20,000 Military Members Became Sterile After COVID Vaccination


The COVID data that I’ve read through and analyzed this week is so shocking that I had to check my math twice. I must have made a mistake, I thought. Out of the 1,195,000 active duty military members in the USA and the 778,000 reserve troops, 863,013 developed nervous system diseases in the six-month period between August of 2021 and this past January. That’s 43% of the troops.

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2d5649 No.115901

File: cae2d3eb5ec81e0⋯.png (243.5 KB,594x589,594:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129176 (251920ZDEC23) Notable: CDC Admits There Are Severe & Long-Lasting Side Effects From Covid Vaccines

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James Cintolo, RN FN CPT


🧵/🚨BREAKING— CDC Admits There Are Severe & Long-Lasting Side Effects From Covid Vaccines

"With respect to reports of people experiencing debilitating illnesses, we are aware of these reports of people experiencing long-lasting health problems following COVID vaccination."


9:19 AM · Feb 1, 2023




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2d5649 No.115902

File: 2f5140cccc7b903⋯.png (12.72 KB,591x184,591:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129194 (251923ZDEC23) Notable: Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

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NEW - Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

11:45 PM · Jul 9, 2023




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2d5649 No.115903

File: 75fd7fd9633cb6a⋯.png (205.56 KB,1222x886,611:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129200 (251925ZDEC23) Notable: Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

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Clinical Reviews

Alice in Wonderland syndrome and Epstein-Barr virus infection

Francisco Javier Vara Moratea, M.ª Concepción Soriano Gonzáleza, Francisco Javier Garriguet Lópeza, Mario Enrique Valle Alonsob

aMédico de Familia. Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Valle del Guadiato. Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo. Córdoba. España.

bMIR-Psiquiatría. Hospital General Universitario de Elche. Elche. Alicante. España.

Correspondence: FJ Vara. E-mail: franvara@hotmail.com

Reference of this article: Vara Morate FJ, Soriano González MC, Garriguet López FJ, Valle Alonso ME. Alice in Wonderland syndrome and Epstein-Barr virus infection. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2019;21:e67-e70.

Published in Internet: 21-05-2019 - Visits: 34073


Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is common and usually occurs in childhood or early adulthood. EBV is the cause of infectious mononucleosis, usually associated with fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, and sometimes an enlarged spleen. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS), also called Todd’s syndrome, is a rare condition, principally involving visual and somesthetic integration. AIWS remains a poorly known and probably misdiagnosed syndrome, can occur at any age but mostly in children is mostly associated with migraine and EBV infection. We present a 10-year-old patient who went to the emergency department with visual distortion of corporal form and bizarre behaviour, initially suspected as a psychiatric pathology but subsequently diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis and serologically confirmed Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. This case reflects the importance of recognizing this syndrome by emergency physicians in order to avoid inadequate referrals to the psychiatric service.

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2d5649 No.115904

File: 73f9cf84b6b274e⋯.png (808.73 KB,1920x2500,96:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129201 (251925ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn tweets RE: the VAXX

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2d5649 No.115905

File: 719e142123d1995⋯.png (141.18 KB,600x905,120:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129223 (251929ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn tweets RE: the VAXX

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See new posts


General Mike Flynn


There, he (the CEO of Pfizer!!!) said it.


What is it about so many people simply cannot fathom that another mass genocide could become a reality?

In the past 100 years (not a long time folks) there have been multiple mass genocide operations by national leaders against their own people! Can you say Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot (& this list is not all inclusive!).

Wake up people!













Jim Ferguson



Aug 12

"we set up the goals for the next 5yrs & one of them was by 2023 we will reduce the number of people in the world by 50%" says #Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

So there you have it. They are telling us openly. Had your booster yet?

#WEF2030Agenda #DepopulationAgenda #ExcessDeaths…

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Readers added context

This video has been digitally altered. The phrase, "that cannot afford our medicines," was removed. In the original video, Albert Bourla discussed his dreams to reduce the number of individuals who are unable to afford Pfizer's medicines by 50%.


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Readers added context they thought people might want to know

This video has been digitally altered, in the original video of Albert Bourla, he says "We will reduce the number of people in the world that cannot afford our medicin by 50%"

The video posted by Mike Flynn, has been edited to take this context out of the video.



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2:00 AM · Aug 13, 2023




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2d5649 No.115906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129232 (251932ZDEC23) Notable: Thousands flee as Sudan’s civil war spreads to crucial aid hub

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Thousands flee as Sudan’s civil war spreads to crucial aid hub

Fighting spread to a Sudanese city crucial to international aid efforts, forcing about 15,000 people to flee and threatening to deepen a humanitarian disaster caused by the eight-month-old civil war.

Clashes and air-strikes engulfed locations around Wad Madani over the weekend, with the U.S. urging the Rapid Support Forces militia that’s battling Sudan’s army to halt its attack.

The city, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) southeast of the capital, Khartoum, and the broader Al-Jazirah state host nearly half a million people who’ve escaped violence elsewhere in the North African country.

“Wad Madani has become a safe haven for displaced civilians and is an important hub for international humanitarian relief efforts,” U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement. “A continued RSF advance risks mass civilian casualties and significant disruption of humanitarian assistance efforts.”

The eruption of a new front in central Sudan also threatens to derail fragile international efforts to broker a new cease-fire in the conflict that’s killed more than 12,000 people and forced 6.7 million from their homes. The United Nations is warning of a humanitarian catastrophe, with 25 million — more than half Sudan’s population — in need of aid.

The U.N. said 14,000 to 15,000 people were seeking refuge west of Wad Madani and elsewhere in the state, which is known as Sudan’s breadbasket due to its rich farmland. Videos on social media showed people hastily loading their belongings onto trucks. The local government announced a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew.

Sudan’s war broke out in mid-April when the military and RSF, which jointly overthrew a civilian-led government in 2021, turned on each other in a battle for sole control. African, U.S. and Saudi Arabian officials are trying to arrange a landmark meeting between RSF leader Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo and army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan before year’s end.


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2d5649 No.115907

File: 377f846e6715763⋯.png (688.04 KB,875x770,25:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129243 (251934ZDEC23) Notable: Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened

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"This Will Make Your Blood Boil" - Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Wednesday, Oct 04, 2023 - 07:45 AM

Authored by Bobbie Anne Flower Cox via The Brownstone Institute,

If you have not yet read the book 1984 by George Orwell, you absolutely must.

I loathed that novel when I read it as a teen, because I hated the entire idea of an authoritarian government controlling its people so deftly. The dystopian world it described was just so depressing, so wrong, from the first page to the last. And yet, here we are, almost 75 years after Orwell first penned the book, and we see how that hellish science fiction novel is now playing out before us.

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2d5649 No.115908

File: 0f643fedf9440bb⋯.jpeg (200.16 KB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 33793b5a2aaabd7⋯.jpeg (418.95 KB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129246 (251934ZDEC23) Notable: Islamic Terrorists Plotting Christmas Attacks in EU Arrested in Vienna and Germany

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Islamic Terrorists Plotting Christmas Attacks in EU Arrested in Vienna and Germany

December 24, 2023 | Sundance1/2

It is often said in recent years that events in Europe present as the precursor for events that later follow in the U.S. and North America. Indeed, there are many points of reference which support this outlook.

According to recent media reporting, various state police agencies in Europe took action against Islamic extremists, identified as ISIS-k affiliates, to stop planned terror attacks against Christian targets, specifically well-known cathedrals, this Christmas holiday season. The events took place in Austria and Germany, with targets identified in Vienna and Western Germany.

Jerusalem Post) – Austrian, German, and Spanish police were on high alert at cathedrals in several cities due to concerns that Islamists were planning a terrorist attack on Christmas or New Year’s Eve, with several suspects already arrested in Vienna and Germany, according to German reports.

According to the Bild, several suspects were arrested in the Ottakring district of Vienna, while another was arrested in Saarland, Germany. The arrested suspects are Tajiks allegedly affiliated with the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, the branch of ISIS in south-central Asia, according to the report.

Vienna Police noted in a press release that there is an “increased terror alert level” and “generally an increased risk in Austria during the Christmas holidays.”

“Since terrorist actors across Europe are calling for attacks on Christian events – especially around [Christmas Eve,] December 24 – the security authorities have increased the corresponding protective measures in public spaces in Vienna and the federal states,” Vienna Police said, adding that there would be increased patrols and surveillance during the holidays, with attention focused primarily on churches, religious events, and Christmas markets. (read more)

I would be remiss if I did not add context to this report, literal boots on the ground reporting, something that many U.S. readers might find of interest.

The cultural crisis within the EU rests just under the surface. It is very visible if you look with eyes to see and have discussions with native Europeans in almost every country.

The import of millions, actually tens-of-millions of Muslim oriented migrants is problematic for the domestic tranquility of multiple nations.The more “progressive” or multicultural minded the country’s political leadership, the greater the turmoil.

The issue is simply a percentage of extremism within the larger Islamic migrant population. Not all Muslim immigrants are extremists,but a significant percentage of them reject even the concept of assimilation. That percentage might only be around 25%, but when you think of the scale of the denominator, 25% of a large number is a very significant issue.

Very well-known Christian cathedrals and monuments are now essentially operating like guarded fortresses. It is a very sad thing to witness, as this reality has turned the churches, synagogues and places of faith into risk zones. Even the smaller churches and lesser known -albeit generationally old- houses of faith, have very visible security.

In almost all areas, the days of just walking into a civically positioned church, beautiful old churches built for the local population that eventually built houses around the church, are gone. The doors of the church are locked, the grounds secured and only at scheduled times is the church available.

There’s another even more sad aspect to this, it’s become the new normal.

Again, to emphasize, the scale of the issue is directly proportionate to the ideology of the political structures that sit atop the society. The more “progressive” or multicultural the emphasis of the political leadership, the stronger the security and threat around the churches.

France is the worst, and fear has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany and the rest of the Western EU all experience this fear/threat/security situation in varying degrees…


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2d5649 No.115909

File: 404d99572c43e51⋯.jpeg (232.59 KB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: 7cdace343af9427⋯.jpeg (333.1 KB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129251 (251936ZDEC23) Notable: Islamic Terrorists Plotting Christmas Attacks in EU Arrested in Vienna and Germany

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Additionally, and this is where it gets really interesting, the further North and East toward Russia you travel, the lesser the threat dynamic seems to show. Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, and some of the Baltic states do not have as severe a Christian security problem.

Look at a map (with non-pretending eyes), plot the highest threats/incidences and you will clearly see the overlay. Much of Europe is killing its own Christian faith simply by reacting to being threatened, taking security efforts and being politically/culturally correct, according to their own stages of pretense.

Remarkably, and this is where it becomes an astonishingly big lie, Russia….Yes, RUSSIA, is the safest place for openly visible social/societal Christianity to exist.

In the former Soviet Union, cathedrals and massive places of Christian orthodox worship were essentially turned into warehouses and devalued. Thankfully, these beautiful buildings and architectural masterpieces were not destroyed, they were just neglected.However, in the past 20+ years something amazing has happened, and the people in almost every Russian region talk about what is happening with incredible optimism and fondness.

All of the old monuments and cathedrals are now considered as national cultural prizes. The restoration and preservation are simply stunning, I mean drop your jaw on the ground stunning and overwhelming. The beauty and Christian grandeur are bigger, brighter and feels more alive, cherished and respected than any place in Western Europe.

Yes, this perspective, this modern valuation, this incredible, remarkable and social celebration of Christianity that exists in Russia, far surpasses almost EVERY historic Christian monument and building in the EU in comparison to Russia. It’s not just the building, it’s the way the social fabric of the people thinks about the values reflected within the represented imagery.

I don’t know when this modern Russia began to restore itself, and I have no concept of time to give it context. But what I witnessed is nothing even remotely within the ballpark of what I previously imagined or believed.

Even the Muslims in Russia that don’t celebrate Christmas have found a way to enjoin themselvesculturally to the representation of faith and values, in their celebration of the New Year. I found this expressed and open religious cohesion/respect to be incredible and uplifting. It reminded me… and this is going to sound really odd… of the United States many years ago.

Risking a little diminishment I will let you in on a secret, … I was so overwhelmed at times, while visiting these places more than once I had to leave, find a quiet place, and just sit still so I could openly cry with the sense of joy and wonderment – without anyone thinking I was weird. When you feel close to God, you shrink… and nothing in a long time made me as irrelevant and miniscule as those moments of awe.

Socially the valuation system in St Petersburg Russia, formerly Leningrad, is nothing like what you might have been led to believe. The value of the family structure is the apex of expressed social, public and governing policy. Family values are celebrated, men are men, women are women and children are children, nurtured and protected.

Everything in Russian culture is very deliberate, very forceful, incredibly non-pretending, and that sentiment carries forth in the way the Christian religion is presented.

I guess the best way to encapsulate religion and this time of year in a way that most could understand, is to say: Christmastime in St Petersburg, Russia, is like traveling back to Christmastime in 1950’s USA. The purity of it is overwhelming.

Merry Christmas!


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2d5649 No.115910

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129254 (251936ZDEC23) Notable: EU votes to allow open access to private health data without patient consent

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EU votes to allow open access to private health data without patient consent

The European Union (EU) is struggling to come up with a way to access people's sensitive and private medical records without their consent in such a way that it will still appear to the public that the EU cares about patient privacy.

A recent vote in the European Parliament (EP) saw most members of parliament (MPs) voting to allow government access to private medical records without patient permission.

The plenary vote opposed the creation of a wholesale, mandatory electronic medical records system for every person in the EU. At the same time, an EP majority expressed support for a data repository called the European Health Data Space (EHDS) that would basically constitute a centralized electronic medical records database containing the sensitive health data of every single person living in Europe.


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2d5649 No.115911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129263 (251938ZDEC23) Notable: EU wants to force X to shut down if Musk does not ban independent media from the platform

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EU to force X to shut down if Musk does not ban independent media from the platform

The European Union (EU) launched "formal infringement proceedings" into X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter owned by Big Tech mogul Elon Musk, accusing it of failing to counter illicit content and disinformation, a lack of transparency about advertising and "deceptive" design practices. The European Commission's executive branch also vowed to permanently shut it down if the platform doesn't immediately ban alternative media.

"The evidence we currently have is enough to formally open a proceeding against X," Margrethe Vestager, the 27-nation bloc's executive vice president overseeing digital policy, said in a statement. "The Commission will carefully investigate X's compliance with the [Digital Services Act] DSA, to ensure European citizens are safeguarded online."

The announcement of the probe comes weeks after the microblogging site was asked to provide assurances that it was complying with the terms of the European bloc's DSA, a regulation to update the Electronic Commerce Directive 2000 regarding illegal content, transparent advertising, and disinformation. It was submitted along with the Digital Markets Act by the European Commission to the European Parliament and the Council in December 2020. Under the law, which came into effect in August, a company can be fined up to six percent of its annual global income or banned from operating in the EU if it is found to have breached the sweeping legislation.

Independent media outlet Infowar's Alex Jones called the public to defend Musk as the "unelected body" has embarked on its plan to silence Americans ahead of the 2024 election. "This amounts to a foreign coup!" Jones commented, appending the hashtag: #DefendElon on his post.


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2d5649 No.115912

File: 586c61e350ece50⋯.jpeg (389.88 KB,1204x591,1204:591,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129275 (251941ZDEC23) Notable: PF Report

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>>115807 pb

Morocco AF FRV0925 G5 left Dhabi WN-inbound from Paris yesterday from Rabat depart

Thai AF RTAF208 A350 back to Bangkok from Muenchen depart (this fairly common as the “King” spends most of time in Bavaria) gets his jollies off dhere

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2d5649 No.115913

File: 753a41955e0ed88⋯.png (94.78 KB,593x453,593:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129280 (251942ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Merry Christmas to all… MAY [THEY] ROT IN HELL

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Donald J. Trump


Merry Christmas to all, including Crooked Joe Biden’s ONLY HOPE, Deranged Jack Smith, the out of control Lunatic who just hired outside attorneys, fresh from the SWAMP (unprecedented!), to help him with his poorly executed WITCH HUNT against “TRUMP” and “MAGA.” Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and “sick” as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Dec 25, 2023, 2:38 PM


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2d5649 No.115914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129283 (251943ZDEC23) Notable: Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible

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Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible


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2d5649 No.115915

File: fede503074b1c00⋯.png (280.68 KB,590x492,295:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129298 (251946ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Home Alone 2!

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Home Alone 2!


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2d5649 No.115916

File: 19c5fd4960cc5cb⋯.png (367.97 KB,600x522,100:87,Clipboard.png)

File: e8b23c9a90f0129⋯.jpg (539.97 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129304 (251947ZDEC23) Notable: George Soros spotted in Barbados with his “helpers” who DeFiNaTeLy are not his secret gay lovers…

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Matt Wallace



George Soros spotted in Barbados with his “helpers” who DeFiNaTeLy are not his secret gay lovers…

Dec 25, 2023 · 12:44 AM UTC



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2d5649 No.115917

File: ba5931938affb91⋯.jpg (274.55 KB,901x535,901:535,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e496dffb75b7219⋯.jpg (171.66 KB,810x325,162:65,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: cfc6287b38a1d90⋯.jpg (85.53 KB,685x156,685:156,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129311 (251948ZDEC23) Notable: EU wants to force X to shut down if Musk does not ban independent media from the platform

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* ADL CEO Jonathon Greenblatt - Member of the WEF and highly involved in its digital strategies

* WEF cite QAnon on Twitter and The_Donald on Redit as 'hateful content' and lists them as 'banned'

* ADL were inaugural memebers of the now defunct Twitter Trust and Safety Team (Yoel Roth) (2016)

* ADL attacks Elon and X for imaginary 'hate speech'

What is deemed 'hate speech and hateful content' by 'white nationalists' = American Patriots discussing the politics of their country and the take-over of their country by foreign forces.

= The REAL insurgency





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2d5649 No.115918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129321 (251950ZDEC23) Notable: Record number of migrants are applying for New York City ID cards, over 112,000 approvals in 2023

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Record number of migrants are applying for New York City ID cards, over 112,000 approvals in 2023

People can get access to IDNYC cards regardless of immigration status, whether that be entering the United States legally or illegally.

A historic amount of migrants are applying for ID cards in New York City which is the first step to becoming official residents.

People can get access to IDNYC cards regardless of immigration status, whether that be entering the United States legally or illegally. The municipal cards are used for personal identification and grant migrants access to healthcare, schools, and other basic necessities.

The New York Post obtained data that shows the amount of cards that have been issued increased by nearly 50 percent this past year. Between Jan. 1 and Dec. 15, 2022, there were 82,085 cards issued. In that same time period for this year, there were 112,238 cards issued.

Queens Library President and CEO Dennis Walcott told the outlet that applicants originate from a wide variety of global regions, including Africa, in addition to Latin America. The library is used as a hub to disperse the cards which began in 2015 after former Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio created the program.

"There've been lines wrapped around the building — I've seen people starting getting here at 3 a.m," he said. "It's an important step in life — having an ID card. We want people to get access to various services."

Queens Library spokeswoman Elizabeth de Bourbon told The Post, "We know from what we have observed that the number of applicants that are seeking IDNYC cards has risen sharply between this year and last year."

City Hall spokeswoman Kayla Mamelak said one of the priorities of Mayor Adams's administration is to ensure that illegal immigrants gain access to IDNYC cards, according to the outlet.

"As a result of our efforts to strengthen and expand accessibility to IDNYC for all New Yorkers, we saw a nearly 50 percent increase in new IDNYC enrollments in 2023, when compared with 2022. This comes on the heels of the city expanding the list of eligible documentation for IDNYC to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, including asylum seekers," said Mamelak.

She explained that elected officials, community-based organizations, and other city agencies collaborated on the strategic plan to issue identification cards to migrants. In addition, the IDNYC Mobile Command Center was deployed and the number of informational events has been increased.

Asylum-seekers receive assistance from the bilingual staff of the Queens Library not only with their IDNYC applications but also with housing inquiries, clothing procurement, school support, food pantries, and employment assistance, which includes resume support.

Elizabeth de Bourbon said that there had been a 35 percent increase in enrollment for English as a Second Language at the library this past year, compared to the year prior.

"Through their interactions with the asylum seekers, our staff has found out that most of the people are from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Haiti," said de Bourbon. "They also are seeing people from Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, Bangladesh, India and China. We also have encountered a handful of Russian speakers, potentially from Ukraine."

This comes after data released by Border Patrol last month revealed historic numbers of illegal crossings under the Biden administration at the hands of the president's open border policies. New York City has been significantly impacted due to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott transporting illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities via buses. Mayor Adams has declared a state of emergency and has requested for the city's sanctuary status to be revoked.

The US-Southern border has seen more than 2 million illegal crossings within the past year, with more than 6 million encounters since Joe Biden became president in 2021.


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2d5649 No.115919

File: 7d611316417a5a8⋯.png (425.71 KB,606x345,202:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129344 (251955ZDEC23) Notable: Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible

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NOTABLE - source embeddable below


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2d5649 No.115920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129348 (251955ZDEC23) Notable: ISRAELI STRIKES ON DAMASCUS KILLED TOP IRGC ADVISER

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On the afternoon of December 25, Israeli warplanes launched air strikes on the Syrian capital of Damascus. As a result of the attack, a senior adviser in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was killed.

Israeli forces reportedly launched three missiles in the Sayyedah Zaynab area.

The death of Sayyed Razi Mousavi, one of the top IRGC commanders in Syria, was confirmed by Iranian state media. He was responsible for the logistical and financial operations of the IRGC in Syria. He was reportedly responsible for coordination of the military alliance between Syria and Iran. The Iranian General also reportedly commanded operations against ISIS. Sayyed Razi Mousavi became the highest-ranking commander of the IRGC killed after the head of the Quds force, Qasem Soleimani.


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2d5649 No.115921

File: f2ec61411a8556e⋯.png (504.06 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129364 (251957ZDEC23) Notable: JOURNALIST WHO EXPOSED ZELENSKY’S LUXURY VILLA IN EGYPT WAS KILLED

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Mohammed Al-Alawi, reporter who investigated the purchase of a luxury villa by the family of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, was killed in Egypt. The report was published by Clear Story News, citing local sources.

According to the report, Egyptian journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi was found dead near a road in Hurghada. Numerous abrasions, bruises and fractures were found on his body, and death occurred as a result of severe traumatic brain injury.

“Mohammed Al-Alawi, a dedicated independent investigative journalist, was found with numerous abrasions, fractures, and bruises on his body, leading to a fatal cerebral hemorrhage stemming from severe traumatic brain injury, as reported by Elmostaqbal.com. According to an insider from the Hurghada police department, Al-Alawi appears to have been brutally beaten by a group of assailants,” the report reads.


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2d5649 No.115922

File: 975b1fa42de8171⋯.png (329.12 KB,600x464,75:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129416 (252005ZDEC23) Notable: Nevada spent millions for sex change surgery, trans-gender hormones, including minors, data shows

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John Solomon


Nevada spent millions for sex change surgery, trans-gender hormones, including minors, data shows | Just The News

A transgender flag. | Getty Images

4:11 AM · Dec 25, 2023




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2d5649 No.115923

File: f59d869fd4c674c⋯.png (22.29 KB,598x324,299:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129424 (252006ZDEC23) Notable: "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion

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This is an invasion of our country

Treat this as an act of war

Use the military to stop them






"Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says https://zerohedge.com/geopolitical/mass-migration-blueprints-reveal-ngos-carefully-planned-us-migrant-invasion-report

8:14 AM · Dec 25, 2023




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2d5649 No.115924

File: f72374e847fe260⋯.png (251.67 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129362 (251957ZDEC23) Notable: #24703

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dough needs a baker

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2d5649 No.115925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129428 (252007ZDEC23) Notable: Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border

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Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border


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2d5649 No.115926

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129429 (252008ZDEC23) Notable: Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border

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2d5649 No.115927

File: a5401189e0a6a68⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129445 (252011ZDEC23) Notable: @DJT “A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER”

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15:04 ET


God bless Trump o7

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2d5649 No.115928

File: d53c5510ed0cfa1⋯.png (674.47 KB,717x402,239:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129449 (252012ZDEC23) Notable: Ayanna Pressley encourages people to celebrate abortion for Christmas

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Ayanna Pressley encourages people to celebrate

abortion for Christmas

Post Millennial (Ottawa, Canada), by Madeline Martin

Posted By: Beardo, 12/25/2023 12:41:47 PM

While most were finishing last-minute Christmas presents for loved ones or making arrangements for Midnight Mass, Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley suggested abortion as a way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. (Twitter post:) Ayanna Pressley @AyannaPressley · Support your local abortion fund this holiday season abortionfunds.org Find an Abortion Fund - National Network of Abortion Funds

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2d5649 No.115929

File: 1f4a890c73e711b⋯.png (146.05 KB,590x465,118:93,Clipboard.png)

File: a5401189e0a6a68⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129461 (252014ZDEC23) Notable: @DJT “A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER”

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Donald J. Trump



Dec 25, 2023, 3:04 PM


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2d5649 No.115930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129486 (252020ZDEC23) Notable: #24702

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#24702 >>115877

>>115878 PF: A C17 “KAF343 from Kuwait leaving Charleston NC .

>>115879 Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’ (RT)

>>115880 Royals, including disgraced Prince Andrew, attend Christmas church service

>>115881 Attorney Will Scharf: Supreme Court Will Likely Find that 1512 Was Improperly Applied in J6 Cases - Will Gut Jack Smith's Case Against Trump

>>115882 New DJT Truth - Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare. I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!

>>115883 Vladimir Putin has praised the liberation of Maryinka in the Donetsk People’s Republic as a success and expressed gratitude to Russian military servicemen

>>115884 NEW: Japan moon lander enters lunar orbit

>>115885 @DouglasEmhoff - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! @KamalaHarris and I hope you and your loved ones have a joyous holiday season. 🎄

>>115886 Russian court orders arrest of Ukraine’s spy chief (RT)

>>115887 planeFag: CONUS activity

>>115888 Japan's nominal GDP per capita at record-low 21st among OECD members

>>115889 @USMC - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄

>>115890 Thousands join migrant caravan in Mexico ahead of Blinken’s visit to the capital

baker change

>>115892, >>115894 Harvard's Board Gets Failing Grade From NYT for Botching Claudine Gay Scandal

>>115893 Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

>>115895 Israel Routinely Dropping US-Supplied 2,000-lb Bombs In Dense Civilian Areas - zerohedge

>>115896 Israel's Military Strikes Hezbollah Command Center In Serious Escalation

>>115897 General Milley Lied - Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It. Milley lied many people died

>>115898 Serbia thanks Russia for ‘color revolution’ warning

>>115899, >>115905, >>115904 @GenFlynn tweets RE: the VAXX

>>115900 More Than 20,000 Military Members Became Sterile After COVID Vaccination - americanlibertyreportnews

>>115901 CDC Admits There Are Severe & Long-Lasting Side Effects From Covid Vaccines

>>115902, >>115903 Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

>>115906 Thousands flee as Sudan’s civil war spreads to crucial aid hub

>>115907 Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened

>>115908, >>115909 Islamic Terrorists Plotting Christmas Attacks in EU Arrested in Vienna and Germany

>>115910 EU votes to allow open access to private health data without patient consent

>>115911, >>115917 EU wants to force X to shut down if Musk does not ban independent media from the platform

>>115912 PF Report

>>115915 @realDonaldTrump Home Alone 2!

>>115913 @realDonaldTrump Merry Christmas to all... MAY [THEY] ROT IN HELL

>>115914, >>115919 Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible

>>115916 George Soros spotted in Barbados with his “helpers” who DeFiNaTeLy are not his secret gay lovers…

>>115918 Record number of migrants are applying for New York City ID cards, over 112,000 approvals in 2023



>>115922 Nevada spent millions for sex change surgery, trans-gender hormones, including minors, data shows

>>115923 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion



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2d5649 No.115931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129494 (252022ZDEC23) Notable: Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oscar Blue Ramirez reporting on what is happening on the other side of the border. "This is all on Mayorkas and the Biden Administration."

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2d5649 No.115932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129496 (252022ZDEC23) Notable: U.S. Counterterrorism Operator Vanishes after Claiming to Identify Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Counterterrorism Operator Vanishes after Claiming to Identify Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber

'Somebody doesn’t want that person to be found, and the most likely reason is that person is or was a federal source for some agency at some point...'


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2d5649 No.115933

File: ef5a3e620d98898⋯.png (572.1 KB,894x875,894:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129501 (252024ZDEC23) Notable: US depopulation plan hits new milestone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US depopulation plan hits new milestone


• Marriage avoidance

• Contraception

• Restructure family, two parts: (a) Postpone or avoid marriage, and (b) Alter image of ideal family size.

• Feminist movement, independent women don’t need families.

• Inflation requiring both men and women to work.

• encourage increased homosexuality.

• Endocrine disrupting chemicals/pesticides resulting in feminized men, masculized females, gender confusion.

• compulsory education for children

• Discouraging private home ownership

• the main vehicles used for changing minds and attitudes towards birth prevention is mass media

• Vaccinations

This is a good article, review for many. Ties together all the relevant parties that have been systemically poisoning Mankind for over 50 years.

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2d5649 No.115934

File: 60d471c0d9d5fdb⋯.jpg (116.5 KB,720x676,180:169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f68ccc8db32eafe⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4877368a6aab188⋯.jpg (57.9 KB,720x443,720:443,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129510 (252026ZDEC23) Notable: Governor of Colorado Jared Polis

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Governor of Colorado Jared Polis

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2d5649 No.115935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129516 (252027ZDEC23) Notable: Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Oscar Blue reporting breaking news from yesterday morning on 8 thousand migrant caravan

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2d5649 No.115936

File: 4094dde0c632658⋯.png (432.61 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129538 (252030ZDEC23) Notable: Beyonce’s childhood home burns down on Christmas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post



Beyonce’s childhood home burns down on Christmas


Dec 25, 2023 · 7:56 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.115937

File: db49cf27d61299d⋯.jpg (449 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129594 (252043ZDEC23) Notable: MTG and Rep. Brandon Williams swatted on Christmas day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Swated. Christmas day


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2d5649 No.115938

File: 183e49ee799612b⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,1125x1780,225:356,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129596 (252043ZDEC23) Notable: Kamalas creepy husband vague post

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115939

File: 1e16992ec5ef7b0⋯.png (402.78 KB,610x589,610:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129605 (252045ZDEC23) Notable: MTG and Rep. Brandon Williams swatted on Christmas day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Another one


Rep. Brandon Williams




Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving.

They left with homemade cookies and spiced nuts! Merry Christmas everyone!



9:15 AM · Dec 25, 2023




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2d5649 No.115940

File: bb2f630f0702e7a⋯.png (32.52 KB,600x348,50:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c880a4bb22ca5b⋯.png (23.95 KB,600x230,60:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129626 (252051ZDEC23) Notable: MTG and Rep. Brandon Williams swatted on Christmas day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸



I was just swatted.

This is like the 8th time.

On Christmas with my family here.

My local police are the GREATEST and shouldn’t have to deal with this.

I appreciate them so much and my family and I are in joyous spirits celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ!

Dec 25, 2023 · 3:48 PM UTC



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2d5649 No.115941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129651 (252059ZDEC23) Notable: Kamalas creepy husband vague post

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



notable for creep and subtext

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2d5649 No.115942

File: 71e7c0fbba7c52a⋯.png (505.71 KB,1122x326,561:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129721 (252117ZDEC23) Notable: Israel ramps up war effort - Netanyahu

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oh shit?

Israel ramps up war effort – Netanyahu



>>>/qresearch/20129703 (me)

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2d5649 No.115943

File: ca01b1982e284f9⋯.png (408.04 KB,600x482,300:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129770 (252135ZDEC23) Notable: Ivanka Trump at the Miami Dolphins game with Jared Kushner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily Mail Online



Ivanka Trump puts on a VERY glam display at the Miami Dolphins game with Jared Kushner and their three kids - before sharing heartwarming throwback snaps from Christmases gone by


Dec 25, 2023 · 6:23 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.115944

File: 72323fc1c2dd438⋯.mp4 (596.55 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129818 (252148ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter_dance.mp4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


wtf man!

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2d5649 No.115945

File: 3fb7d119295749e⋯.jpeg (320.71 KB,1474x900,737:450,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5e7198b430a7602⋯.jpeg (135.66 KB,925x511,925:511,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e9de11050027b18⋯.jpeg (145 KB,796x430,398:215,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129857 (252157ZDEC23) Notable: Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

by Paul Serran Dec. 25, 2023

The year is ending on an upbeat note for the Russian Federation troops that have just conquered the heavily fortified town of Maryinka, in the outskirts of Donetsk city.

This is a major development, the biggest since Moscow troops regained the initiative, and also the greatest achievement since they gained control of Avdiivka (Bakhmut) in May.

By taking Maryinka, the Russians have significantly pushed back the Ukrainian artillery. For years, Kiev used Maryinka has a key launching pad for drone and artillery strikes against civilians in Donetsk.

Watch: drone footage of Maryinka ruins.

Reuters reported:

“Putin said control of the town, which was once home to 10,000 people, will allow the Russian forces to move enemy combat units away from Donetsk.

‘Our troops (now) have the opportunity to reach a wider operational area’, he said in a video of the exchange between him and Shoigu posted online by a Kremlin journalist.”

This comes after Ukraine launched a failed counteroffensive aimed at retaking land in the country’s south and east, including Bakhmut.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, reported on Sputnik:

“In the course of offensive operations, assault detachments from the Southern Group of Forces completely liberated the settlement of Maryinka southwest of Donetsk.”

President Putin:

“I would like to congratulate you. This is a success. Pass on the words of gratitude to all the staff and fighters who took part at different times and at different stages [of the liberation].”

Troops from the 150th Motorized Rifle Division distinguished themselves in the settlement’s capture. That’s the same legendary Division which famously captured the Reichstag building in Berlin in WW2.

“Maryinka had been turned into a fortress over the past nine years, connected by a network of underground passages, with fortifications on almost every one of its streets, Shoigu said.”

Putin asked Shoigu to distribute medals to soldiers who distinguished themselves in the strategic settlement’s liberation.

The liberation of Maryinka may allow a military decision to go much deeper into Ukrainian-held territory.

“‘By breaking into this fortification, which the enemy has factually been building up since 2014… our troops have the opportunity to enter a wider operational area’ Putin said.”


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2d5649 No.115946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130008 (252233ZDEC23) Notable: #24703

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Updated Dough


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2d5649 No.115947

File: b0c27f9331bf444⋯.png (309.47 KB,655x539,655:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130035 (252241ZDEC23) Notable: Red states like Texas and Florida see population boom - while migrant crisis offsets loss in 'sanctuary city' states

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Red states like Texas and Florida see population boom - while migrant crisis offsets loss in 'sanctuary city' states, like New York, California and Illinois as residents flee due to crime and high tax rates

The country's population grew by 1.6million over the last year

Eight states including New York, California and Illinois saw populations decline

States in the south saw the biggest gains in population, with Texas adding nearly 500,000 new residents

By Germania Rodriguez Poleo For Dailymail.Com

Published: 12:56 EST, 25 December 2023 | Updated: 14:20 EST, 25 December 2023

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2d5649 No.115948

File: 28a799608ee55c9⋯.jpg (92.46 KB,722x484,361:242,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130073 (252250ZDEC23) Notable: Sara Netanyahu appeals to Pope Francis to help free Gaza hostages

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sara Netanyahu appeals to Pope Francis to help free Gaza hostages

"I bear in my heart the sorrow of the victims of the abominable attack of 7 October and I reiterate my urgent appeal for the liberation of those still being held hostage.

"I plead for an end to the military operations with their appalling harvest of innocent civilian victims, and I call for a solution to the desperate humanitarian situation by an opening to the provision of humanitarian aid," he said.

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2d5649 No.115949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130125 (252307ZDEC23) Notable: Saudi Sheikh Ibrahim al-Muhamid criticizes the Palestinian resistance groups

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Saudi Sheikh Ibrahim al-Muhamid criticizes the Palestinian resistance groups: What is happening in Gaza is jihad for the sake of Satan, and it's fitna, not legitimate fighting!

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2d5649 No.115950

File: 7d3d59ef08c48b2⋯.jpeg (87.34 KB,828x472,207:118,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130200 (252328ZDEC23) Notable: The Central Bank of Russia follows China banning all employees from using iPhones

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


After China banning all government officials to use İphone,

The Central Bank of Russia bans all employees from using iPhones.

#China #Russia #Spy #Hackers #CentralBank #Gaza #news #SuhanaKhan #Palestine

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2d5649 No.115951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130222 (252334ZDEC23) Notable: #24703

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24703 >>115924, >>115946

>>115925, >>115926, >>115931, >>115935 Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border

>>115928 Ayanna Pressley encourages people to celebrate abortion for Christmas

>>115927, >>115929 @DJT “A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER”

>>115932 U.S. Counterterrorism Operator Vanishes after Claiming to Identify Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber

>>115933 US depopulation plan hits new milestone

>>115934 Governor of Colorado Jared Polis

>>115936 Beyonce’s childhood home burns down on Christmas

>>115937, >>115939, >>115940 MTG and Rep. Brandon Williams swatted on Christmas day

>>115938, >>115941 Kamalas creepy husband vague post

>>115942 Israel ramps up war effort - Netanyahu

>>115943 Ivanka Trump at the Miami Dolphins game with Jared Kushner

>>115944 Hunter_dance.mp4

>>115945 Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

>>115947 Red states like Texas and Florida see population boom - while migrant crisis offsets loss in 'sanctuary city' states

>>115948 Sara Netanyahu appeals to Pope Francis to help free Gaza hostages

>>115949 Saudi Sheikh Ibrahim al-Muhamid criticizes the Palestinian resistance groups

>>115950 The Central Bank of Russia follows China banning all employees from using iPhones


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2d5649 No.115952

File: 6d6859228535d0a⋯.png (2.15 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130237 (252339ZDEC23) Notable: #24704

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>for now...

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2d5649 No.115953

File: 0ec82f04efd3a51⋯.png (40.79 KB,868x427,124:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 3232d0cc33f21b4⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1080x1600,27:40,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d72a61824feb9d⋯.png (287.07 KB,694x184,347:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130379 (260023ZDEC23) Notable: Apex Group acquires Edmond de Rothschild's third-party asset servicing activities based in Luxembourg

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Apex Group acquires Edmond de Rothschild's third-party asset servicing activities based in Luxembourg

18 December 2023

Edmond de Rothschild has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its Third-Party Asset Servicing activities based in Luxembourg to Apex Group, a global financial services provider. As part of this agreement, Apex Group will also acquire Edmond de Rothschild's fund administration, transfer agent and custody activities for its Private Equity and Infrastructure funds. Apex Group will then become a strategic provider for Edmond de Rothschild on these activities.



And just like that...

Six elite hunters pay to hunt down a man on a deserted island, only to find themselves becoming the prey.

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2d5649 No.115954

File: 69f80c82851cfc9⋯.png (328.19 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130403 (260030ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Zombie deer disease’ concerns scientists over possible spread to humans (comms?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post



‘Zombie deer disease’ concerns scientists over possible spread to humans


Dec 25, 2023 · 9:14 PM UTC



>Apex Group acquires Edmond de Rothschild's third-party asset servicing activities based in Luxembourg

If only you knew how good things really are...

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2d5649 No.115955

File: 7014ec591c74180⋯.png (672.39 KB,996x1711,996:1711,Clipboard.png)

File: d80fcc280f55179⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130419 (260033ZDEC23) Notable: NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨#BREAKING: NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

📌#Manhattan l #NewYork

Currently, the New York Police Department has requested a Level Three mobilization for a large protest that is taking place in Midtown Manhattan, where Pro-Palestine protesters are reportedly engaging in fights with the police. Numerous altercations have broken out between the two resulting in reported injuries to multiple officers. The extent of the injuries is currently unknown at this time. Police have also Reportedly made multiple arrests

0:03 / 1:20

6:55 PM · Dec 25, 2023

from Manhattan, NY·


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2d5649 No.115956

File: 86de477f5511969⋯.jpg (146.04 KB,1080x1315,216:263,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130437 (260038ZDEC23) Notable: @JackPosobiec - Parents just got swatted again, Christmas night (WTF?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MTG for like the 13th time and now POSO's folks?

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2d5649 No.115957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130442 (260039ZDEC23) Notable: @JackPosobiec - Parents just got swatted again, Christmas night (WTF?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My bad


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115958

File: 22ba31fbb4d1424⋯.jpg (134.58 KB,720x1175,144:235,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 82851c26ba016e1⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130546 (260057ZDEC23) Notable: NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Happening now in NYC! NYC thrown into chaos on Christmas as pro-Palestine protesters clash with police. Reports of multiple police officers injured and protesters shouting “Allahu Akbar”

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2d5649 No.115959

File: 694fa39974f88a7⋯.png (815.74 KB,585x817,585:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130583 (260105ZDEC23) Notable: baker claim

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Claiming the bake


#24704 >>115952

>>115954 ‘Zombie deer disease’ concerns scientists over possible spread to humans (comms?)

>>115955, >>115958 NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

>>115956, >>115957 @JackPosobiec - Parents just got swatted again, Christmas night (WTF?)


...Anon isn't here to make 'frens'.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115960

File: f6174885fb03953⋯.png (436.49 KB,597x655,597:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130612 (260114ZDEC23) Notable: @RepWilliams Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Also Rep. Brandon Williams

Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving.

They left with homemade cookies and spiced nuts! Merry Christmas everyone!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115961

File: 6a5a8d8e3f43e66⋯.png (332.74 KB,600x545,120:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130614 (260114ZDEC23) Notable: Russia: Lieutenant General Oleg Frolov, Deputy General Director of RosCosmos in charge of the Satan-2 nuclear ICBM project (RS-28 Sarmat), arrested for embezzling $4.5 million in state funds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Igor Sushko



Russia: Lieutenant General Oleg Frolov, Deputy General Director of RosCosmos in charge of the Satan-2 nuclear ICBM project (RS-28 Sarmat), arrested for embezzling $4.5 million in state funds.

Dec 25, 2023 · 3:56 AM UTC


Oh no.

Nukes are fake.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115962

File: 9482ae8546188e5⋯.png (16.94 KB,525x237,175:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130710 (260136ZDEC23) Notable: POTATUS - Today, may the light from the first Christmas illuminate your homes, warm your hearts, and kindle your hopes for the year to come. From the Biden family, we wish you and your family a peaceful and healthy holiday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Biden


Today, may the light from the first Christmas illuminate your homes, warm your hearts, and kindle your hopes for the year to come.

From the Biden family, we wish you and your family a peaceful and healthy holiday.

7:45 PM · Dec 25, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115963

File: dba4eb44332bff2⋯.jpeg (695.32 KB,1170x1408,585:704,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130829 (260207ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING: Janet Ossebaard, the creator of the “The Fall of the Cabal” series that shed a massive light on elite child trafficking networks and clients has allegedly committed suicide after being reported missing for weeks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Janet Ossebaard, the creator of the “The Fall of the Cabal” series that shed a massive light on elite child trafficking networks and clients has allegedly committed suicide after being reported missing for weeks.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115964

File: c4884921ae9c10c⋯.png (418.72 KB,605x650,121:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130920 (260225ZDEC23) Notable: @ChuckCallesto - Ukrainian surrender may be imminent, Russian Defense Minister is now reporting military forces have taken most of Donetsk and all of Maryinka.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chuck Callesto


NEW: Ukrainian surrender may be imminent, Russian Defense Minister is now reporting military forces have taken most of Donetsk and all of Maryinka.


This is a devastating development for Ukraine if Shoigu’s claims are accurate.



3:02 PM · Dec 25, 2023




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2d5649 No.115965

File: 5bf95877516ba74⋯.mp4 (10.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130943 (260230ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING: Janet Ossebaard, the creator of the “The Fall of the Cabal” series that shed a massive light on elite child trafficking networks and clients has allegedly committed suicide after being reported missing for weeks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115966

File: 2a147f920a1dc98⋯.jpg (740.13 KB,500x707,500:707,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20130990 (260237ZDEC23) Notable: #24704

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


...Next bread bakering.


#24704 >>115952

>>115959 baker claim

>>115953 Apex Group acquires Edmond de Rothschild's third-party asset servicing activities based in Luxembourg

>>115954 ‘Zombie deer disease’ concerns scientists over possible spread to humans (comms?)

>>115955, >>115958 NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

>>115956, >>115957 @JackPosobiec - Parents just got swatted again, Christmas night (WTF?)

>>115960 @RepWilliams Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving.

>>115961 Russia: Lieutenant General Oleg Frolov, Deputy General Director of RosCosmos in charge of the Satan-2 nuclear ICBM project (RS-28 Sarmat), arrested for embezzling $4.5 million in state funds.

>>115962 POTATUS - Today, may the light from the first Christmas illuminate your homes, warm your hearts, and kindle your hopes for the year to come. From the Biden family, we wish you and your family a peaceful and healthy holiday.

>>115963, >>115965 BREAKING: Janet Ossebaard, the creator of the “The Fall of the Cabal” series that shed a massive light on elite child trafficking networks and clients has allegedly committed suicide after being reported missing for weeks.

>>115964 @ChuckCallesto - Ukrainian surrender may be imminent, Russian Defense Minister is now reporting military forces have taken most of Donetsk and all of Maryinka.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115967

File: 5a3e28c76975946⋯.png (881.25 KB,1084x610,542:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20131022 (260242ZDEC23) Notable: #24705

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115968

File: 82c04264daa776d⋯.jpeg (58.08 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20131066 (260252ZDEC23) Notable: Trump: Biden ‘Illegally Using All of the Levers of Law Enforcement’ to Jail Me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump: Biden ‘Illegally Using All of the Levers of Law Enforcement’ to Jail Me

Nick Gilbertson25 Dec 2023

Former President Donald Trump slammed President Joe Biden on Christmas, contending Biden is “illegally using all of the levers of Law Enforcement” to put him in jail.

Trump — who was indicted four times in 2023, with two coming from Biden’s Department of Justice — zoned in on Biden in a pair of Truth Social posts on Christmas morning.

In his first post, he predicted that 2024 will be remembered by history “AS THE YEAR OF GREAT AND FULLY COORDINATED ILLEGAL ELECTION INTERFERENCE,” alleging a joint effort between the Biden administration and attorneys general and district attorneys “THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY.”

Despite this, Trump believes 2024 will culminate in a general election victory for him:


In a follow-up post, Trump wrote, “It’s hard to have a truly great Christmas when you have a Crooked and Incompetent President who wants to put his Political Opponent in jail, and who has been working hard (for a change!), illegally using all of the levers of Law Enforcement, to do so.”

“We are in the fight of our lives to save our Country from MADNESS & DOOM. MAGA 2024!!!” he added.

While Trump has been charged under two indictments brought by DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith, he has also been indicted twice at the state level, in New York and Georgia. Those cases were pursued by left-wing district attorneys Alvin Bragg of New York County and Fani Willis of Fulton County, Georgia. Trump faces a maximum of 717.5 years in prison if convicted on all charges in all cases, and the maximum penalties are imposed, as Breitbart News noted.

Although Trump faces 91 charges collectively, the indictments have coalesced Republican support behind Trump, as he is the leading GOP candidate with Iowa causes less than a month away. He also has the edge in many national and battleground state polls in hypothetical matchups with Biden, who — as Gallup reported Friday — has the worst approval rating (39 percent) to this point of an administration of any president dating back to President Jimmy Carter in 1979.


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2d5649 No.115969

File: 9b9d8eb2feed55b⋯.png (591.96 KB,599x895,599:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20131183 (260317ZDEC23) Notable: @WallStreetSilv - Germany's Housing Bubble Just Popped

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wall Street Silver


Germany's Housing Bubble Just Popped: 🚨🚨🚨

Prices for apartments and houses have recently declined at the fastest pace in over 20 years.

The price drop in residential real estate has accelerated. Between July and September, prices fell by 10.2 percent compared to the same period last year.

The price declines coincide with ECB tightening monetary policy.


4:03 PM · Dec 25, 2023




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2d5649 No.115970

File: d5442e40857afb8⋯.png (29.06 KB,1014x303,338:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20131256 (260338ZDEC23) Notable: Biden orders strikes on Iranian group in Iraq after three US service members wounded

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden orders strikes on Iranian group

in Iraq after three US service members wounded

The Hill [DC], by Sarah Fortinsky

Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/25/2023 10:20:43 PM

President Biden ordered strikes on three locations in Iraq after three U.S. service members were wounded, one critically, in an attack early Christmas morning credited to a militia group backed by Iran. In a statement Monday, National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said Biden directed the strikes against three facilities used by Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups, which claimed credit for the initial attack against U.S. personnel. The groups, the U.S. said, are all connected to Iran. The U.S. attack was carried out by a one-way attack drone, according to the statement, which said the three locations were “focused specifically on unmanned aerial drone activities.”

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2d5649 No.115971

File: ba6dc04ae0f0d4e⋯.png (548.71 KB,839x955,839:955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20131297 (260352ZDEC23) Notable: Musk and this Prime number

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115972

File: eb4e720c506495f⋯.png (292.66 KB,631x608,631:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20131313 (260355ZDEC23) Notable: Musk and this Prime number

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115973

File: 4698af6a27739a2⋯.png (191.81 KB,600x665,120:133,Clipboard.png)

File: e63c1b49ca5ccd9⋯.png (49.58 KB,448x287,64:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 6237beefc38135f⋯.jpg (364.76 KB,1200x805,240:161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20131507 (260451ZDEC23) Notable: One of the locations targeted by the U.S two hours ago in Hilla,Babel #Iraq

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Holy Moly!

Steven Nabil



One of the locations targeted by the U.S two hours ago in Hilla,Babel#Iraq

Dec 26, 2023 · 3:11 AM UTC


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2d5649 No.115974

File: 8dcd6c7b5d09c55⋯.jpg (61.98 KB,648x761,648:761,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132013 (260804ZDEC23) Notable: #24705

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


...Next bread coming up.


#24705 >>115967

>>115968 Trump: Biden ‘Illegally Using All of the Levers of Law Enforcement’ to Jail Me

>>115969 @WallStreetSilv - Germany's Housing Bubble Just Popped

>>115970 Biden orders strikes on Iranian group in Iraq after three US service members wounded

>>115971, >>115972 Musk and this Prime number

>>115973 One of the locations targeted by the U.S two hours ago in Hilla,Babel #Iraq


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2d5649 No.115975

File: e60af1d432815e4⋯.png (558.53 KB,750x457,750:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132023 (260807ZDEC23) Notable: #24706

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132150 (260957ZDEC23) Notable: Links to documentaries: Fall of the Cabal from Janet Ossebaard

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Links to documentaries: Fall of the Cabal from Janet Ossebaard

1. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 1 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/uWCEnegjL5Hl/

2. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 2 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/SSRhh1rMRa3V/

3. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 3 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/7tBpLFnO11xx/

4. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 4 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/xk6PFYQ5sJwN/

5. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 5 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/otKauIrD8Ix5/

6. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 6 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/BtKtSsgjhvJU/

7. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 7 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/CG4TpPK7ToS4/

8. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 8 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/dbzGepADWG22/

9. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 9 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/idOJzZF0Vp3p/

10. FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 10 OF 10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/U2xNuOx1oJg7/

1. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 1 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/BRizDPuLs8c4/

2. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 2 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/qY03ibT5QO6A/

3. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 3 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/EFzCg9XW5I8G/

4. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 4 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/YYTLpdXdiEVh/

5. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 5 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/uqRIoxRxua1b/

6. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 6 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/zzFRugqt06Vq/

7. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 7 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/Awrt6vmFdYpw/

8. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 8 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/oS9FBzThQfJP/

9. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 9 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZFZz5vX4iP8b/

10. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 10 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/ify4TyOPg12z/

11. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 11 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/F1dXQ1szMdXl/

12. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 12 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/XgfNcryfoOmS/

13. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 13 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/KrTrvrrgPIjG/

14. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 14 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/Aj8ft1mh2YhQ/

15. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 15 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/AzA7jFKbW53g/

16. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 16 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/MKQ3QYAmsijB/

17. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 17 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/AHwwRqpRMDAA/

18. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 18 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/IjgzKGI0CcAp/

19. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 19 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/klZLS4ncMp2n/

20. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 20 OF 20) https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ir5Z8PVzoudo/

21. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 21) https://www.bitchute.com/video/wKBBGATV3jyg/

22. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 22) https://www.bitchute.com/video/pOk5Z7bEPrB2/

23. SEQUEL TO FALL OF THE CABAL (PART 23) https://www.bitchute.com/video/yK99LkArXqJG/

Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ws4fMTn6yNc7/

Website: https://www.fallcabal.com/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115977

File: 3b016b7e0c46a51⋯.jpg (102.07 KB,1301x595,1301:595,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 49dd6899996640e⋯.jpg (166.02 KB,1319x609,1319:609,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 73d219a1c4fcb17⋯.jpg (155.19 KB,1313x611,101:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7cc8da57b08f57c⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,457x610,457:610,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f3d3cd14f06aaf3⋯.jpg (86.23 KB,796x601,796:601,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132331 (261243ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

We've seen the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD) in previous digs. Let's take a closer look at LCLD, its people and connections. Because "networking" is a thing, the past and present connections are listed here. Anon was going to "red text" all of the firms, foundations and corporations connected to LCLD but that would be too much red text. To see each person's full bio, go to the board of directors' page and click "view bio" beside their picture. Most of these people have made a pledge to LCLD. Anon has provided only one screencap for most of the pledges. To see an individual's full pledge, visit their pledge page (sauce is provided for each one).

You may ask yourself "What is the Leadership Council's purpose?". LCLD says, "To empower the next generation of diverse leaders in the profession, we must engage the top leaders of today.".

Leadership Council on Legal Diversity


Roderick "Rick" Palmore appears to be the driving force behind LCLD.

UChicago - Roderick (Rick) Palmore

- senior counsel at Dentons

- Goodyear

- Chicago Board Options Exchange

- deeply engaged with a years-long effort that he propelled toachieve equity throughout the legal profession

- General Mills

- Sara Lee

- 2004, he authored “A Call to Action—Diversity in the Legal Profession,”

- - a statement urging corporate legal officers to commit to achieving greater equality of opportunity within their own organizations

- - holding their outside counsel accountable, too

- - Leadership Council on Legal Diversity [LCLD] - More than 120 top legal officers signed on to that document

- - named by the National Law Journal as one of the 40 most influential lawyers of the decade


Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Pledge - Rick Palmore


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2d5649 No.115978

File: e31d4a7a12c5e79⋯.jpg (120.39 KB,1349x573,1349:573,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f4e6d360ab3dbe3⋯.jpg (112.87 KB,1289x571,1289:571,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 82f909eab8fdfef⋯.jpg (109.08 KB,908x641,908:641,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a8c49e19fb2806⋯.jpg (115.16 KB,910x643,910:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132335 (261245ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Board of Directors

Rick Palmore


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115979

File: 3eb52722e86c098⋯.jpg (112.13 KB,897x631,897:631,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f5a3361909f7108⋯.jpg (108.54 KB,903x647,903:647,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 714d74e34457796⋯.jpg (122.77 KB,903x641,903:641,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5bdb0b395cba1b2⋯.jpg (108.75 KB,905x638,905:638,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132339 (261247ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Board of Directors

Rick Palmore continued


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2d5649 No.115980

File: b555e48b69f7b75⋯.jpg (94.51 KB,833x638,833:638,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 744f6c60a18e1f4⋯.jpg (142.33 KB,1287x600,429:200,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 92ea3d8879c4e8a⋯.jpg (78.34 KB,800x536,100:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d5f88e2c72ef157⋯.jpg (160.44 KB,1356x567,452:189,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132344 (261249ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Board of Directors


Kim M. Rivera

- One Trust

- HP

- Da Vita HealthCare Partners

- The Clorox Company

- Rockwell Automation

- California Latino Community Foundation

- Denver Metro Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Eric Friedman

- Skadden

- has represented Citigroup Inc.

- represented NASDAQ OMX Group Inc.

- represented New York Mercantile Exchange

Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Pledge - Kim Rivera


Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Pledge - Eric Friedman


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2d5649 No.115981

File: dd30cce23915bbc⋯.png (1.13 MB,1055x666,1055:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132361 (261301ZDEC23) Notable: US airstrikes hit Kataib Hezbollah sites in Iraq after attack on US troops

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


US airstrikes hit Kataib Hezbollah sites

in Iraq after attack on US troops

CNN News, by Samantha Waldenberg & Brad Lendon

Posted By: FlyRight, 12/26/2023 7:47:06 AM

The US military carried out airstrikes on three facilities used by the Iraq-based Kataib Hezbollah and “affiliated groups” on Monday night after an attack injured three US troops, leaving one in critical condition, the White House said. A US Central Command statement said early assessments indicated that the US airstrikes, ordered by President Joe Biden, “likely killed a number of Kataib Hezbollah militants.” The Iranian-backed militant group earlier claimed credit for using a one-way attack drone to target the US forces on Erbil Air Base on Monday morning, the White House said.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115982

File: 546386d419f10cd⋯.png (164.81 KB,369x417,123:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 2dff46827b6340b⋯.png (1.61 MB,855x952,855:952,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132380 (261310ZDEC23) Notable: "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We will lose our country if this doesn’t change immediately.


>>115923 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115983

File: 7b2c6c2af0e122b⋯.jpg (102.61 KB,948x633,316:211,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5eb6de4e53fe7e7⋯.jpg (31.24 KB,453x599,453:599,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0feec84cdae75af⋯.jpg (92.04 KB,906x630,151:105,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ebeb4f5b476e81d⋯.jpg (147.14 KB,1295x616,185:88,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be4bb3a384d7615⋯.jpg (73.09 KB,945x442,945:442,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132381 (261312ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115984

File: 37dd3aa87e2c39d⋯.jpg (106.77 KB,866x648,433:324,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ca030cfad12fe3c⋯.jpg (158.68 KB,1235x599,1235:599,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3797bf5da9184bd⋯.jpg (140.93 KB,1225x649,1225:649,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132400 (261323ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115985

File: b57fee73e90b67f⋯.jpg (97.18 KB,868x647,868:647,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2e7bafbb2c038b1⋯.jpg (93.59 KB,649x601,649:601,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d250864a9d796b0⋯.jpg (133.09 KB,1342x586,671:293,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ba6e246b983db1⋯.jpg (66.37 KB,640x595,128:119,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8e138ad1b57c8f7⋯.jpg (179.83 KB,1134x628,567:314,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132422 (261334ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115986

File: 73b657e887feec0⋯.jpg (118.24 KB,863x654,863:654,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf101e64b26a739⋯.jpg (141.93 KB,1254x597,418:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2cf9cc52a80ef2b⋯.jpg (110.61 KB,868x650,434:325,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0f348a47e708f74⋯.jpg (148.21 KB,1271x599,1271:599,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98d9fcad7631107⋯.jpg (115.36 KB,948x562,474:281,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132438 (261339ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115987

File: d8041f8f9264487⋯.jpg (110.54 KB,797x657,797:657,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 89ac8833e7e35f4⋯.jpg (128.48 KB,1320x594,20:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 92c2bcc7b509f7b⋯.jpg (114.03 KB,798x663,266:221,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8164cee0b951064⋯.jpg (133.52 KB,1248x600,52:25,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b24897eea6a914⋯.jpg (128 KB,858x658,429:329,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132455 (261345ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115988

File: 070a92e0e809e93⋯.jpg (108.05 KB,796x653,796:653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c50629d3bcb6b0e⋯.jpg (156.7 KB,1215x616,1215:616,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6417417c0d50b2f⋯.jpg (113.82 KB,796x653,796:653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 41e97dbbaa72dfe⋯.jpg (130.74 KB,1186x598,593:299,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 78b83cfd63a5875⋯.jpg (134.18 KB,940x638,470:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132464 (261349ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

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2d5649 No.115989

File: b1de3ac7e4dfe05⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132465 (261349ZDEC23) Notable: WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change"

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Wide Awake Media


WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change":

"Our food systems are harming the health of people and planet. Food systems contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, and account for almost one third of the global burden of disease."

"Transforming food systems is therefore essential, by shifting towards healthier, diversified and more plant based diets."

Anyone remember electing this clown to dictate what kind of agriculture and diets are permissable? Nope, me neither.

Follow our backup account:


Subscribe to us on Telegram: https://t.me/realwideawakemedia

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2d5649 No.115990

File: 81db88a5ef3a1a1⋯.jpg (107.52 KB,865x645,173:129,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23c98f6d37f48c5⋯.jpg (146.29 KB,1354x579,1354:579,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 340d2c94485371a⋯.jpg (110.33 KB,797x651,797:651,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 53d31a6eda90cbf⋯.jpg (147.52 KB,1267x607,1267:607,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7fd67065037fe39⋯.jpg (123.28 KB,941x614,941:614,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132477 (261353ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

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2d5649 No.115991

File: b37dc760717452f⋯.jpg (112.48 KB,826x653,826:653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 96404e3be3ed53c⋯.jpg (71.13 KB,800x636,200:159,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ad74665fb261c85⋯.jpg (71.32 KB,451x635,451:635,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ba06002a7aa754⋯.jpg (120.15 KB,1128x639,376:213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2a3858cd3700e2f⋯.jpg (169.37 KB,876x663,292:221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132496 (261400ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115992

File: 779e5e6da2d430c⋯.jpg (215.66 KB,1099x631,1099:631,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4c43f56896e1e2b⋯.jpg (272.35 KB,1052x626,526:313,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 68b412f95a9ebf9⋯.jpg (237.9 KB,1060x625,212:125,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5879819057dce0e⋯.jpg (263.5 KB,1052x627,1052:627,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 88aebd3e020952c⋯.jpg (72.58 KB,1118x268,559:134,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132507 (261406ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

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2d5649 No.115993

File: 597fd60a42eb132⋯.jpeg (231.69 KB,1386x1408,63:64,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132538 (261418ZDEC23) Notable: WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change"

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2d5649 No.115994

File: f131b063477cc89⋯.png (681.27 KB,848x743,848:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132564 (261424ZDEC23) Notable: Child Pornography Found in AI Training Material: Stanford Report

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Child Pornography Found in AI Training Material: Stanford Report

Efthymis Oraiopoulos

By Efthymis Oraiopoulos

December 26, 2023

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2d5649 No.115995

File: 49a946c8e66addc⋯.png (401.26 KB,599x579,599:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132577 (261427ZDEC23) Notable: On April 27, 2015, Inside Edition spoke with Jeffrey Epstein’s air hostess Chauntae Davis and filmed footage of his infamous Lolitas Express jet...

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨EXCLUSIVE: On April 27, 2015, Inside Edition spoke with Jeffrey Epstein’s air hostess Chauntae Davis and filmed footage of his infamous Loits Express jet. I was able to recover this interview.

They spoke on Bill Clinton, Chris Tucker, and Kevin Spacey’s trip to Africa with Jeffrey Epstein that I covered earlier today on X as well.

5:17 PM · Dec 24, 2023




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2d5649 No.115996

File: 002c97087854e76⋯.png (493.94 KB,1267x744,1267:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132588 (261429ZDEC23) Notable: Google searches questioning sexuality and gender up 1,300% since 2004, analysis shows

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Google searches questioning sexuality and gender up 1,300% since 2004, analysis shows

Utah had more searches for “Am I gay” than any other state, while Oklahoma topped the list for “How to come out” queries.

May 24, 2023, 10:59 AM SST

By Isabela Espadas Barros Leal

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2d5649 No.115997

File: 61d1a2f395a7b13⋯.png (603.5 KB,572x614,286:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 38af96cc24abed5⋯.png (349.95 KB,594x470,297:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132621 (261434ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Chilling’: Smart Toys Are Increasingly Recording and Tracking Your Kids, Warns Watchdog Report

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The Gateway Pundit


‘Chilling’: Smart Toys Are Increasingly Recording and Tracking Your Kids, Warns Watchdog Report via @gatewaypundit

2:54 AM · Dec 26, 2023




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2d5649 No.115998

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132697 (261448ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>115977, >>115978, >>115979, >>115980, >>115983, >>115984, 20132422, >>115986, >>115987, >>115988, >>115990, >>115991, >>115992 The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.115999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132704 (261450ZDEC23) Notable: The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun

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Let me fix that.

>>115977, >>115978, >>115979, >>115980, >>115983, >>115984, >>115985, >>115986, >>115987, >>115988, >>115990, >>115991, >>115992 The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

Bun for


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2d5649 No.116000

File: b7dab0c9ecbc194⋯.png (660.51 KB,1080x907,1080:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132810 (261510ZDEC23) Notable: SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

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SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

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2d5649 No.116001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132840 (261516ZDEC23) Notable: #24706

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final bun for #24706

bu baker in the bullpen?

hold yer laties tight - its clos'n time

czech em

#24706 >>115975

>>115976 Links to documentaries: Fall of the Cabal from Janet Ossebaard

>>115981 US airstrikes hit Kataib Hezbollah sites in Iraq after attack on US troops

>>115982 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

>>115989, >>115993 WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change"

>>115994 Child Pornography Found in AI Training Material: Stanford Report

>>115995 On April 27, 2015, Inside Edition spoke with Jeffrey Epstein’s air hostess Chauntae Davis and filmed footage of his infamous Lolitas Express jet...

>>115996 Google searches questioning sexuality and gender up 1,300% since 2004, analysis shows

>>115997 ‘Chilling’: Smart Toys Are Increasingly Recording and Tracking Your Kids, Warns Watchdog Report

>>115999 The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

>>116000 SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

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2d5649 No.116002

File: f4a33fe36e9c07f⋯.png (543.55 KB,1076x631,1076:631,Clipboard.png)

File: ae2ee4a76f489c2⋯.png (2.06 MB,962x1132,481:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20132872 (261522ZDEC23) Notable: Elon Prime X Post Q3430

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Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

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2d5649 No.116003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133011 (261555ZDEC23) Notable: @NatReconOfc In order to view Corona’s film, analysts used light tables like this Cutler-Hammer AIL 1540.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

First launch of the Corona satelitte progrmam was on 1/21/1959. First coronavirus death in the US was on 1/21/2020.

From and including: Wednesday, January 21, 1959

To, but not including Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Result: 22,280 days

22280/666 = 33.45

"eclipse" = 33 (Reduction)

Trump 45th President

It turned 33 on 3/24/2019 (counting the end date)

21978 / 666 = 33

What happened on 3/24 (The Walking Dead episode "The Calm Before) aired.

The next episode was "The Storm"

"The Calm Before" = 113 (Ordinal)

The Last Episode on the Walking Dead :Rest In Peace" aired on November 20, 2022,

"Rest in Peace" is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the eleventh season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead. The series finale and 177th episode overall, it aired on AMC on November 20, 2022 (Joe Biden's birthday)

The 177th episode...

"The Mark Of The Beast" = 177 (Ordinal)

"The Mark" = 113 (Reverse Ordinal)

11/20/2022 was 984 days after pandemic declared.

From and including: Wednesday, March 11, 2020

To, but not including Sunday, November 20, 2022

Result: 984 days

140 weeks and 4 days = 144

The Calm Before episode covers events of "Volume 24", "Issue #144" of Robert Kirkman's original comic book series,

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2d5649 No.116004

File: 3984c904da2677f⋯.png (19.44 KB,587x199,587:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133200 (261638ZDEC23) Notable: Pot callin the kettle black

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People who serve on the highest court in the land should have to follow commonsense ethical standards. As part of my plan to root corruption out of Washington, I’ve got a bill to make Supreme Court justices follow a binding code of ethics.


Talk about branch over reach.

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2d5649 No.116005

File: de271fda8ac396a⋯.png (1.49 MB,960x761,960:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133243 (261647ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day IC 443: The Jellyfish Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 26, 2023

IC 443: The Jellyfish Nebula

Why is this jellyfish swimming in a sea of stars? Drifting near bright star Eta Geminorum, seen at the right, the Jellyfish Nebula extends its tentacles from the bright arcing ridge of emission left of center. In fact, the cosmic jellyfish is part of bubble-shaped supernova remnant IC 443, the expanding debris cloud from a massive star that exploded. Light from the explosion first reached planet Earth over 30,000 years ago. Like its cousin in astronomical waters, the Crab Nebula supernova remnant IC 443 is known to harbor a neutron star - the remnant of the collapsed stellar core. The Jellyfish Nebula is about 5,000 light-years away. At that distance, the featured image would span about 140 light-years across.


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2d5649 No.116006

File: fc4f999b502cce8⋯.jpeg (384.98 KB,1144x579,1144:579,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 264ac235cd9ce9e⋯.jpeg (280.72 KB,917x492,917:492,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cf028fe1624896c⋯.jpeg (537.05 KB,1206x582,201:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133354 (261706ZDEC23) Notable: planeFag:Conus activity: Trudope to Jamaica, Potato back “at WH”, Nightwatch NW from Robins AFB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

planeFag:Conus activity: Trudope to Jamaica, Potato back “at WH”, Nightwatch NW from Robins AFB

CFC01 Challenger 600Trudopeheading to Jamaica from Ottawa depart

The Prime Minister will be traveling to Jamaica with his immediate family. During this time, he will continue to be regularly briefed and updated on government business and current issues.


73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departed Robins AFB NW

SAM540 G5 west from JBA

WIDE51 KC-135 tanker left the Potato “at Camp David” position back to McGuire-“arrive at the White House” 11am EST and tomorrow go to St. Croix. >>115571, >>115587 pb

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2d5649 No.116007

File: 4b0a8e5f4118f71⋯.mp4 (555.46 KB,650x360,65:36,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133355 (261706ZDEC23) Notable: Heavy gunfire in the streets of Haiti. US Embassy NOW on lockdown..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chuck Callesto


JUST IN: Heavy gunfire in the streets of Haiti.

US Embassy NOW on lockdown..



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2d5649 No.116008

File: a18bdf6b5f22773⋯.jpeg (42.8 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133429 (261727ZDEC23) Notable: First Ukrainian pilots complete F-16 training – UK

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26 Dec, 2023

First Ukrainian pilots complete F-16 training – UK

The airmen moved to Denmark after doing the initial course in the UK, according to the DM

Six experienced Ukrainian fighter jet pilots have completed their F-16 training course in the UK, the British Defense Ministry has said.

The first group of Kiev’s airmen began receiving flying and English language lessons from the Royal Air Force (RAF) in August, as part of London’s contribution to the international coalition aimed at providing Ukraine with fourth generation US-made aircraft, the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

Those pilots are already in Denmark, where they’ll continue to learn to operate the F-16s, it added.

During their stay in Britain, Ukrainian forces only took to the skies in a Grob Tutor aircraft, as the RAF has no F-16s in service, the statement read. The British instructors told the Kiev pilots about general handling procedures, instrument flying, navigation and formation flying in line with NATO standards, it noted.

Ten more Ukrainian aviators will continue their training in the UK, along with dozens of technicians from the country, the ministry said.

UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said that he was “proud of the support the Royal Air Force is providing to the next generation of Ukraine’s combat air pilots and ground crew, who will be the first line of defense in protecting Ukraine’s skies.” The use of the F-16s by Kiev, “combined with training from the world-leading RAF … is a significant step forward from Ukraine’s current Soviet-era capabilities,” he claimed.

The statement also cited Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, who described the training provided by Britain as “a rapid and effective programmer to equip Ukrainian pilots with the skills they need in the war against Russia.”

Last week, the Netherlands, which is one of the key members of the coalition, announced that it was about to start preparing the first delivery of F-16s fighter jets to Ukraine.

According to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the “initial” shipment would include 18 aircrafts.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed in August that the Netherlands and Belgium together pledged to provide 42 jets to his country, although a joint statement by the two EU nations didn’t mention any specific numbers.

In June, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the F-16s would “burn” once they were delivered to Ukraine, just like the Leopard-2 tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, and other Western-made weapons that had been previously supplied to Kiev.


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2d5649 No.116009

File: 0dcc7eb83de613c⋯.png (578.18 KB,589x636,589:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133440 (261729ZDEC23) Notable: @NavalInstitute If Santa did not make it to your house yesterday.....

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If Santa did not make it to your house yesterday, it may have been because of another unfortunate encounter like the one he had with an S-3 Viking from Sea Control Squadron 35 aboard USS Abraham Lincoln in 2002.


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2d5649 No.116010

File: fec02e6d698d277⋯.jpeg (70.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133453 (261732ZDEC23) Notable: British home secretary apologizes for date rape drug joke

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26 Dec, 2023

British home secretary apologizes for date rape drug joke

James Cleverly made the remark on the same day that parliament discussed tightening laws against drink spiking

The UK home secretary has apologized for his “ironic joke” about giving his wife a date rape drug. The Sunday Mirror earlier reported that James Cleverly made the off-color remark just hours after announcing measures to tackle a drink spiking epidemic.

The cabinet minister allegedly told female guests at a December 18 private receptionthat “a little bit of Rohypnol in [his wife’s] drink every night,” was “not really illegal if it’s only a little bit.”

He reportedly joked that the secret to a long marriage was making sure your spouse is “someone who is always mildly sedated so she can never realize there are better men out there,” according to the tabloid.

Senior government figures, as well as numerous campaigners and charities, have expressed outrage.

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday that “spiking is a serious & devastating crime.” The Labour politician found it “unbelievable that the Home Secretary in charge of tackling violence against women & girls” could make the joke. “How can victims trust him to take this vile crime seriously?”

Rohypnol, one of a number of drugs colloquially known as “roofies,” has gained notoriety as a date-rape drug. Legally it is used for medical sedation, but regularly figures as a weapon in rape and other serious crimes. Almost 6,800 drink spiking offenses were reported in the UK between June 2022 and May 2023, according to official statistics. One in 10 women and one in 20 men said they had their drinks tampered with, according to a national survey last year.

On December 18, the UK government set out to update language in legislation to clearly outline what constitutes spiking under the Criminal Justice Bill. The maximum sentence for perpetrators will be 10 years in prison.

A spokesman for Cleverly said on Saturday the home secretary’s words came “in what was always understood as a private conversation,”and were “clearly meant to be an ironic joke – for which he apologises.”

The incident happened at a private reception at Downing Street 10, the residence of the prime minister. While conversations at these events are usually understood to be “off the record,” the Sunday Mirror explained, they decided to publish Mr Cleverly’s words due to the “exceptional circumstances” given his role, and the joke related to a specific crime he is tasked with fighting.

(UK leaders are pervs!)


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2d5649 No.116011

File: f3a09255d395902⋯.png (74.92 KB,532x704,133:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133479 (261740ZDEC23) Notable: Civilian, military, and #IntelligenceCommunity applications for #UAVs

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Civilian, military, and #IntelligenceCommunity applications for #UAVs require sophisticated designs that enable acoustically quiet operation. Read more on how the LHO program seeks to develop these UAVs:


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2d5649 No.116012

File: 12d19e1b3e41660⋯.png (241.37 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133499 (261746ZDEC23) Notable: Japan's SLIM 'moon sniper' lander arrives in lunar orbit for Christmas

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Japan's SLIM 'moon sniper' lander arrives in lunar orbit for Christmas

Dec 25, 2023

A Japanese spacecraft just took a huge step toward pulling off the nation's first-ever moon landing.

Japan's robotic SLIM moon lander arrived in lunar orbit on Christmas Day (Dec. 25) as planned, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency announced. The spacecraft entered lunar orbit at 2:51 a.m. EDT (4:51 p.m. Japan Standard Time, 0751 GMT).

"The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is pleased to announce that the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) was successfully inserted into lunar orbit at 16:51 (Japan Standard Time, JST) on December 25, 2023," JAXA officials wrote in an update. The spacecraft is in an elliptical orbit that takes 6.4 hours to circle the moon, coming within 373 miles (600 kilometers) of the lunar surface at its closest point and reaching out to 2,485 miles (4,000 km) at its farthest.

The milestone keeps SLIM on target to attempt a lunar touchdown on Jan. 19. Success in that endeavor would be historic; to date, only four nations — the Soviet Union, the U.S., China and India — have soft-landed a craft on the moon.

The 8.8-foot-long (2.7 meters) SLIM launched on Sept. 6 along with XRISM, a powerful X-ray space telescope.

Both Japanese spacecraft deployed into Earth orbit, and XRISM remains there today. But SLIM left our planet's gravity well on Sept. 30, beginning a long, circuitous and energy-efficient route to the moon.

That trek came to an end today, when SLIM inserted itself itself into lunar orbit. The probe will now start gearing up for its touchdown attempt, during which it will try to live up to its "Moon Sniper" nickname: SLIM aims to hit its landing-zone target with an accuracy of 330 feet (100 m) or less, paving the way for even more ambitious exploration efforts down the road.

SLIM "is a mission for researching the pinpoint landing technology necessary for future lunar probes and verifying this on the surface of the moon with a small-scale probe," JAXA officials wrote in a mission description.

"By creating the SLIM lander, humans will make a qualitative shift towards being able to land where we want and not just where it is easy to land, as had been the case before," they added. "By achieving this, it will become possible to land on planets even more resource-scarce than the moon."

If all goes according to plan, SLIM will also deploy two miniprobes onto the lunar surface after touching down. These daughter craft will snap photos, help mission team members monitor SLIM's status and provide an "independent communication system for direct communication with Earth," JAXA officials wrote in the SLIM mission's press kit.

SLIM isn't the first Japanese spacecraft to reach lunar orbit; the Hiten probe did so in 1990, followed by SELENE ("Selenological and Engineering Explorer"), also known as Kaguya, in 2007.

And Hakuto-R, a lander built by Tokyo-based company ispace, arrived in lunar orbit this past March. Hakuto-R tried to touch down on the moon a month later but crashed after its sensors got confused by the rim of a lunar crater.


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2d5649 No.116013

File: cbd5ce0f5611131⋯.jpg (172.76 KB,720x832,45:52,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133515 (261749ZDEC23) Notable: Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company's Texas factory during violent malfunction

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Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company's Texas factory during violent malfunction - leaving 'trail of blood' and forcing workers to hit emergency shutdown button


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2d5649 No.116014

File: d66cddc8b1849b4⋯.jpg (559.89 KB,1079x1930,1079:1930,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133525 (261751ZDEC23) Notable: Seattle ranks among most 'unsafe' cities during the holiday season

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Seattle ranks among most 'unsafe' cities during the holiday season, research shows


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2d5649 No.116015

File: 77a0161bf603e27⋯.png (601.32 KB,591x667,591:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133641 (261814ZDEC23) Notable: @NatReconOfc In order to view Corona’s film, analysts used light tables like this Cutler-Hammer AIL 1540.

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In order to view Corona’s film, analysts used light tables like this Cutler-Hammer AIL 1540.

These tables helped analysts inform United States policymakers of critical Cold War developments such as the then possible "missile gap" with the USSR.


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2d5649 No.116016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133685 (261829ZDEC23) Notable: Elon Prime X Post Q3430

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1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111

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2d5649 No.116017

File: 79b2b2b8d219853⋯.png (18.34 KB,1183x181,1183:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133690 (261830ZDEC23) Notable: Obama shaped CIA to boost his political agenda, hired leftist activists, former agent says

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Obama shaped CIA to boost his political agenda, hired leftist activists, former agent says

The politicization of the non-partisan agency first became an issue in the 1990s, the former official said.

Published: December 26, 2023 11:40am

calls the CIA a "center of partisan political activity."

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2d5649 No.116018

File: b6c9cccc2d01d52⋯.png (393.99 KB,520x582,260:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133749 (261847ZDEC23) Notable: Gambling Habits Of Transgender Monkeys On Meth - Rand Paul Exposes $900 Billion In Govt Waste

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Gambling Habits Of Transgender Monkeys On Meth - Rand Paul Exposes $900 Billion In Govt Waste

This year, I am highlighting a whopping ~$900,000,000,000 of waste, including an NIH grant to study Russian cats walking on a treadmill, Barbies used as proof of ID for receiving COVID Paycheck Protection Program funds, $6 million to promote tourism in Egypt, and $200 million to ‘struggling artists’ like Post Malone, Chris Brown, and Lil Wayne.


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2d5649 No.116019

File: dd949bb191d4d51⋯.jpg (37.92 KB,325x451,325:451,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133754 (261848ZDEC23) Notable: Gambling Habits Of Transgender Monkeys On Meth - Rand Paul Exposes $900 Billion In Govt Waste

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133769 (261851ZDEC23) Notable: #24707

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#24707 >>116002

>>116006 planeFag:Conus activity: Trudope to Jamaica, Potato back “at WH”, Nightwatch NW from Robins AFB

>>116002, >>116016 Elon Prime X Post Q3430

>>116004 Pot callin the kettle black

>>116005 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day IC 443: The Jellyfish Nebula

>>116007 Heavy gunfire in the streets of Haiti. US Embassy NOW on lockdown..

>>116008 First Ukrainian pilots complete F-16 training – UK

>>116009 @NavalInstitute If Santa did not make it to your house yesterday.....

>>116010 British home secretary apologizes for date rape drug joke

>>116011 Civilian, military, and #IntelligenceCommunity applications for #UAVs

>>116012 Japan's SLIM 'moon sniper' lander arrives in lunar orbit for Christmas

>>116013 Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company's Texas factory during violent malfunction

>>116014 Seattle ranks among most 'unsafe' cities during the holiday season

>>116015, >>116003 @NatReconOfc In order to view Corona’s film, analysts used light tables like this Cutler-Hammer AIL 1540.

>>116017 Obama shaped CIA to boost his political agenda, hired leftist activists, former agent says

>>116018, >>116019 Gambling Habits Of Transgender Monkeys On Meth - Rand Paul Exposes $900 Billion In Govt Waste


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2d5649 No.116021

File: 26f68dad624bc4c⋯.png (269.06 KB,720x592,45:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d5bbc0f80945cf⋯.jpeg (163.01 KB,907x1186,907:1186,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7e4b7d859975a05⋯.jpeg (232.39 KB,608x670,304:335,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133777 (261853ZDEC23) Notable: #24708

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Baker needs off hand, taps @ the top

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2d5649 No.116022

File: b55db3a6ca3ac0e⋯.png (799.3 KB,1100x850,22:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 63738576b512650⋯.png (881.24 KB,1100x850,22:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 52bf081b24449aa⋯.png (2.13 MB,1100x1227,1100:1227,Clipboard.png)

File: 408a8ad83c9f4bd⋯.png (2.15 MB,1100x1228,275:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 38ed3e9360a1d96⋯.png (1.86 MB,1300x1313,100:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133809 (261902ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

Muckraker has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the U.S. border.

These maps are hardly reported on by the mainstream media since illegal aliens usually lose the maps along their way.

We were able to obtain these blueprints by directly visiting numerous NGOs along the mass migration route through South and Central America.

The collapse of the U.S. southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program.

MAP #1 - Distributed by the NGO Amigos Del Tren (Friends Of The Train in English).

This NGO aids illegal aliens in riding the "Train of Death", (also known as "La Bestia"), a freight train that U.S.-bound illegal aliens ride on top of to reach the U.S. border.

The front shows the train routes across the country of Mexico.

The back lists numerous hostels that can be found along the train routes and also shows the distances between Mexican cities.

MAP #2 - Distributed by the Red Cross.

The front shows the freight train routes across Mexico (similar to the Amigos Del Tren map) and lists 80 different stops from Panama to the United States.

The back gives advice on navigating the mass migration trail. One piece of advice given is how to safely ride a freight train. It is advised to avoid riding a freight train if ". . . you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication that can make you drowsy."

MAP #3 - Distributed by The United Nations International Organization of Migration (IOM).

It shows various commissions and consulates across the country of Mexico.



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2d5649 No.116023

File: eaa2a8593bb023a⋯.png (2.22 MB,1300x989,1300:989,Clipboard.png)

File: f18d681aa199b0b⋯.png (415.01 KB,586x590,293:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dc06b1b1891c05⋯.png (422.09 KB,592x592,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133819 (261905ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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MAP #4 - Distributed by Doctors Without Borders (Médicos Sin Fronteras in Spanish).

The front shows the routes from Panama to Mexico.

The back shows the routes across Mexico to the United States.

MAP #5 - Distributed by R4V (Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela).

The front shows the "migration routes" across the country of Ecuador.

The back shows the distance and transit times between Ecuadorian cities.


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2d5649 No.116024

File: 8ac4860946fc0ac⋯.png (406.92 KB,498x655,498:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e60ac5109e643d⋯.png (72.52 KB,640x472,80:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133830 (261908ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Marked Christmas by Bombing 600-Year-Old Christian Monastery

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Israel Marked Christmas by Bombing 600-Year-Old Christian Monastery

Add the Deir Mimas Monastery to the list of Christian sites attacked by the Israeli 'Defense' Forces.

Israel and its military marked the Christmas holiday of 2023 by bombing a more than 600-year-old Christian monastery in southern Lebanon in just the latest attack on the Christian heritage and infrastructure of the Holy Land by Israeli forces.

On December 23rd, just two days before Christians around the world celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, Israeli forces bombed the Deir Mimas Monastery in southern Lebanon. The bombing came as Israeli forces continued their targeting of the southern Lebanon region, an area now being referred to as Israel’s “other front line” as combat operations appear to be expanding and as Israel is accused of trying to bait Hamas-aligned Hezbollah into a fight.



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2d5649 No.116025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133839 (261911ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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Biden’s DOJ Instructs Immigration Judges To Loosen Restrictions On Child Migrants — There’s Just One Problem

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is asking immigration judges to treat cases involving migrants under the age of 21 as part of a child docket that loosens restrictions on court absences, according to a recent memo.

Immigration judges should make “special considerations” when young migrants fail to appear in court, the DOJ memo reads.

“This EOIR memo is just another way for the Biden administration to further their agenda of dismissing cases and avoiding removals for illegal aliens, instructing immigration judges to be more like counselors than an enforcer of the laws that Congress wrote,” Ira Mehlman, who works for Federation for American Immigration Reform in America (FAIR), told the Daily Caller News Foundation.


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2d5649 No.116026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133844 (261914ZDEC23) Notable: Israel's Channel 12 reported an assassination in Netanya, a man was killed in a car explosion

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Iran Observer




Israel's Channel 12 reported an assassination in Netanya, a man was killed in a car explosion.

This comes amid the assassination of an IRGC commander in Syria.

Dec 26, 2023 · 9:57 AM UTC


Iran Observer




Israel has confirmed the assassination of a man

Israeli security forces found an explosive device near the scene of the assassination.

Israel has asked the media not to reveal the identity of the man.

Dec 26, 2023 · 2:10 PM UTC



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2d5649 No.116027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133850 (261915ZDEC23) Notable: Iran escalates production of near-weapons grade uranium in shocking reversal, nuclear watchdog warns

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Iran escalates production of near-weapons grade uranium in shocking reversal, nuclear watchdog warns


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2d5649 No.116028

File: 3b19cf898c96b05⋯.png (10.31 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: d270438129e1e25⋯.png (1.26 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133873 (261919ZDEC23) Notable: Qpost #1010 regarding Chemical Warfare

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>>>/qresearch/20133818 lb/pb

>Fluoride stare

Heavy metals.



Consumer Reports found dangerous heavy metals in chocolate from Hershey's, Theo, Trader Joe's, and other popular brands. Here are the ones that had the most, and some that are safer.

CR tested a mix of brands, including smaller ones, such as Alter Eco and Mast, and more familiar ones, like Dove and Ghirardelli.

For 23 of the bars, eating just an ounce a day would put an adult over a level that public health authorities and CR’s experts say may be harmful for at least one of those heavy metals. Five of the bars were above those levels for both cadmium and lead. Read more about how CR tested dark chocolate (PDF).

That’s risky stuff: Consistent, long-term exposure to even small amounts of heavy metals can lead to a variety of health problems. The danger is greatest for pregnant people and young children because the metals can cause developmental problems, affect brain development, and lead to lower IQ, says Tunde Akinleye, the CR food safety researcher who led this testing project.


Heavy metal drink: Your favorite hot chocolate mix could contain high amounts of lead

Last year, Consumer Reports found that many chocolate bars, including Hershey’s, Theo, Trader Joe’s, Hu and Godiva, had dangerous amounts of lead and cadmium.

The magazine this year expanded its research to test six brands of hot chocolate mixes. The powder mixes that were found to have excessive amounts of lead and cadmium included Great Value Walmart milk chocolate flavor hot cocoa, Starbucks hot cocoa classic, Trader Joe’s organic hot cocoa and Nestlé rich milk chocolate flavor.


Investigation of Elevated Lead Levels: Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches (November 2023)


Lead Contamination in Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches May Have Been Intentional

Update, Dec. 18, 2023: The Food and Drug Administration said its tests of lead levels in the cinnamon used in the recalled products showed exceptionally high contamination—between 2,270 and 5,510 parts per million (ppm). The FDA noted that, as a point of comparison, the international standard-setting body, Codex, is currently considering 2.5 ppm as a maximum cutoff for lead in bark spices, including cinnamon.


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2d5649 No.116029

File: 51a011401ef5b5e⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,2200x3286,1100:1643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133874 (261920ZDEC23) Notable: Iran escalates production of near-weapons grade uranium in shocking reversal, nuclear watchdog warns

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2d5649 No.116030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133876 (261920ZDEC23) Notable: Israel's Channel 12 reported an assassination in Netanya, a man was killed in a car explosion

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"It appears that Iran killed a high-ranking person in Israel, perhaps in the IDF or Mossad." - this is my speculation, as the IDF has completely banned detailing and revealing the identity of the person. It's a big fish.

Dec 26, 2023 · 3:38 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.116031

File: e9b367b1426c5bc⋯.jpeg (484.66 KB,2048x1405,2048:1405,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8f18dc0eb9b2b9b⋯.jpeg (24.89 KB,442x293,442:293,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133904 (261929ZDEC23) Notable: PF: C-17 with call sign "X" | Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev BEC001

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C-17 with call sign "X" on ground in Jackson, MS.

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2d5649 No.116032

File: 018f3c4c6c36a84⋯.png (224.88 KB,258x451,258:451,Clipboard.png)

File: f4de3827a09d452⋯.png (157.33 KB,398x459,398:459,Clipboard.png)

File: 2003b270dc2b71a⋯.jpg (49.45 KB,285x287,285:287,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8327488abdff125⋯.png (5.51 KB,412x331,412:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133908 (261930ZDEC23) Notable: JFK Jr

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When the video is taken down immediately by the NSA the people that run this board you know your over the target.

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2d5649 No.116033

File: 0dd3fdba8aad840⋯.png (355.88 KB,865x462,865:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133918 (261931ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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2d5649 No.116034

File: 360168676d3ee66⋯.png (86.87 KB,534x1079,534:1079,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133921 (261932ZDEC23) Notable: Qpost #1010 regarding Chemical Warfare

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2d5649 No.116035

File: 1ef2f8adfb229c9⋯.jpg (182.54 KB,1315x1332,1315:1332,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133933 (261935ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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2d5649 No.116036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133937 (261935ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Faces Major Power Outage Amid Cyberattack Concerns; Netanyahu and Cabinet Relocated

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Netanyahu still in a Bunker?

Israel Faces Major Power Outage Amid Cyberattack Concerns; Netanyahu and Cabinet Relocated


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2d5649 No.116037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133946 (261937ZDEC23) Notable: 100+ Federal Investigations Opened In U.S. Stemming From October 7 Attack

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100+ Federal Investigations Opened In U.S. Stemming From October 7 Attack: DOJ Official

U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said during an interview over the weekend that more than 100 federal investigations have been opened in recent months that stem from Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack against Israel.

Monaco made the remarks during a Sunday ABC News interview on “This Week” with Pierre Thomas.

“I think we are in a very, very challenging threat environment,” she said. “During 9/11 our focus was on sophisticated plots driven by foreign terrorist organizations with catastrophic effect. Today I think we’re in a unique moment where what we’re most worried about are individuals or small groups who are often radicalized online and who are motivated by and influenced by a range of ideologies from foreign terrorism and foreign terrorist organizations to domestic grievances.”

She said that federal law enforcement officials are seeing foreign terrorist organizations pushing for their supporters in the U.S. and throughout the West to take action into their own hands and conduct lone wolf terror attacks.

She also said that some individuals and small groups are taking “twisted inspiration from conflict overseas and from the very searing images that we’re seeing that came out of the brutal, brutal terrorist attacks that occurred on October 7th.”

Monaco said that there has been an explosion in violence and violent threats against the Jewish community and that there have been nearly 2,000 reports that the FBI has followed up on. Out of those reports, more than 100 criminal investigations have been opened.



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2d5649 No.116038

File: 5f0a813a50c13e4⋯.png (147.29 KB,1265x568,1265:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 9aa3f1c8a2a9c3a⋯.png (479.54 KB,1231x576,1231:576,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a9a27b951ad91c⋯.png (251.51 KB,1265x568,1265:568,Clipboard.png)

File: d99bc7069d99415⋯.png (50.32 KB,1265x568,1265:568,Clipboard.png)

File: d69b84ff2ee3066⋯.png (177.81 KB,1220x392,305:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133948 (261938ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is composed of individuals from the local community who are dedicated to providing the best services to those in need. Our board members include Ben Neese (Chairperson), Hilda Trevino (Vice-Chair), Graciela Reyes (Secretary and Treasurer), Emilio Crixell Jr. (Board Member), Leonel Alejandro (Board Member), Gail Hanson (Board Member), David Willis (Board Member), and Victor Maldonado (Board Member and Executive Director).

Trustworthy Organization Providing Shelter for the Less Fortunate

Our Mission

At OZANAM Center, our mission is to provide temporary shelter and housing to individuals and families who are left on the street, regardless of sex, color, creed, and national origin. We offer referrals to social services agencies, encourage humanitarianism, and facilitate the involvement of community volunteers in our needs. We also provide information to the public about homelessness in the local area.


The Ozanam Center was originally established by the Diocese of Brownsville to house Central American political refugees. The Center was first named Casa Oscar Romero in honor of the martyred Archbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador. As the conflict in that troubled region began to subside, so did the number of refugees.

In 1995, the shelter gained its independent status as a nonprofit organization and was named The Bishop E. San Pedro Ozanam Center and expanded to serve anyone who needs temporary shelter. We now serve mainly Cameron County, but many of our guests also come from Willacy, Hidalgo Counties, and other parts of the U.S. and world.

Program Description

The Shelter Homeless Services Program at OZANAM Center includes a short-term (30-day) Emergency Shelter, three hot meals, transportation vouchers, and Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing services. We also provide emergency shelter during the hurricane and cold weather season. Eligibility requirements are the same as other agencies that handled displaced communities, with the basic need being a clean, safe place to stay, hot meals, and the goal of obtaining permanent housing. Most individuals stay for an overnight stay to thirty days, with extensions given based on the individual’s or family’s circumstances.

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2d5649 No.116039

File: f476d0e5246e752⋯.jpeg (18.96 KB,474x267,158:89,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133955 (261939ZDEC23) Notable: Trump: ‘May they rot in Hell. Merry Christmas’

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Trump: ‘May they rot in Hell. Merry Christmas’

BY IAN SWANSON - 12/25/23 6:21 PM

Former President Trump in an unusual Christmas message on Truth Social called for various people he sees as “looking to destroy” the nation to “rot in Hell.”

It was one of several Christmas messages on the former president’s preferred social media platform going after President Biden, special counsel Jack Smith and other political opponents throughout Monday.

The opponents included world leaders and people in favor of the use of electric cars.

“Merry Christmas to all, including Crooked Joe Biden’s ONLY HOPE, Deranged Jack Smith,”Trump began in a Truth Social post at 2:38 p.m. EST.

Trump frequently describes Smith, who is prosecuting the former president over his actions connected to the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, as deranged. The Supreme Court just Friday said it would not immediately consider a request by Smith to make a determination on Trump’s insistence he is immune from prosecution because he was taking presidential actions at the time.

“Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and ‘sick’ as the THUGS we have inside our Countrywho, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA.MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!”the former president concluded.

Trump remains the favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination. He has a 54 percent lead in the aggregation of polls kept by Decision Desk HQ and The Hill.

Trump is also looking strong in a one-on-one match-up against Biden. The Decision Desk-The Hill aggregation of polls shows Trump with a 1.9 percent lead.

(I love our real President and I agree. Kek)


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2d5649 No.116040

File: a9510c03fd4462b⋯.png (895.39 KB,857x1568,857:1568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133961 (261941ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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>Our board members include Ben Neese (Chairperson)

Services for former Brownsville municipal judge Ben Neece scheduled


Staff Report -

December 20, 2023

Only have a minute? Listen instead

Been Neece is seen in this May 2021 file photo. (Denise Cathey | The Brownsville Herald)

Visitation for Ben Neece, who died on Dec. 12, will be held on Dec. 22 from 3 to 9 p.m., with a brief prayer and sermon at 7 p.m., at Market Square, 625 E. 12th St., Brownsville.

Funeral services will be held on Dec. 23 at 11:30 a.m. at Market Square, followed by burial at 1 p.m. at Buena Vista Cemetery, 5 McDavitt Rd., Brownsville. A reception will take place at 8 p.m. at Market Square. Food will be provided, though attendees are also welcome to bring food and beverages.

The family asks that in lieu of flowers donations, be made to the Brownsville Historical Association, the Ozanam Center, the Brownsville Society for the Performing Arts, the Good Neighbor Settlement House, the ROCA (Revival of Cultural Arts) and/or the South Texas Afghanistan Iraq Veterans Association.

Anyone wishing to share photos, videos or stories of Ben may send them to benjamin.adam.neece@gmail.com.



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2d5649 No.116041

File: d58f068c8d0ce8d⋯.png (129.99 KB,320x214,160:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133963 (261941ZDEC23) Notable: Israel's Channel 12 reported an assassination in Netanya, a man was killed in a car explosion

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Netanya - Wikipedia


Netanya (also Natanya, Hebrew: נְתַנְיָה) is a city in the Northern Central District of Israel, and is the capital of the surrounding Sharon plain. It is 30 km (18.6 mi) north of Tel Aviv, and 56 km (34.8 mi) south of Haifa, between the Poleg stream and the Wingate Institute in the south and the Avihayil stream in the north.

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2d5649 No.116042

File: f09aa424fdc306f⋯.png (371.78 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133964 (261941ZDEC23) Notable: Trump: ‘May they rot in Hell. Merry Christmas’

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2d5649 No.116043

File: 020b605aad18293⋯.jpg (40.34 KB,720x398,360:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133986 (261947ZDEC23) Notable: JFK Jr

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Gene Ho


Editor in Chief of the iconic GEORGE Magazine started by JFK, Jr. -Personal Campaign Photographer to Donald Trump - 2016.

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2d5649 No.116044

File: 737e2ae4b6d6448⋯.jpeg (576.95 KB,1206x594,67:33,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 73207f7033a7e05⋯.jpeg (472.68 KB,1125x548,1125:548,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b6035bac2735bf4⋯.jpeg (456.7 KB,1222x683,1222:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134013 (261955ZDEC23) Notable: PF: C-17 with call sign "X" | Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev BEC001

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Kazakhstan AF BEC001President Kassym-Jomart TokayevA330 departed St. Petersburg, Russia heading back to Canklestan (Astana) after Eurasian Economic Council meeting

Kazakh president proposes Russia-Kazakhstan-Iran fiber-optic communication line

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev proposed that a fiber-optic communication line be laid between Russia, Kazakhstan and Iran.

"I propose that a fiber-optic communication line along the Russia-Kazakhstan-Iran route be considered to connect to existing international lines running along the coast of the Indian Ocean," Tokayev said at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in St. Petersburg


Turkey AF KLH71 Challenger 600 left Ankara and west

58-0094 KC-135 tanker over south central Iraq heading NW

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2d5649 No.116045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134051 (262006ZDEC23) Notable: Space Force Recruiting: Why shoot for the stars when they’re already in reach?

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2d5649 No.116046

File: 38a9569a1e55dfe⋯.png (276.71 KB,993x676,993:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134067 (262010ZDEC23) Notable: Democrats switching over to GOP in Pennsylvania at double the rate of Republicans

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Democrats switching over to GOP in Pennsylvania at double the rate of Republicans

Story by Peter Cordi •


"More Democratic voters in Pennsylvania are switching to the GOP than Republican voters are switching to the Democratic Party, a problematic trend for President Joe Biden in his quest to win the Keystone State in 2024.

In 2023, 35,589 Democrats switched to the Republican Party in the swing state, while only 15,622 Republicans flipped over to the Democratic Party, according to the state’s voter registration data as of Dec. 18."

"The data also show that both parties saw droves of voters become unaffiliated with either party, as 20,908 Democrats and 18,927 Republicans left their respective parties."

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2d5649 No.116047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134070 (262010ZDEC23) Notable: Douglas Elliman broker Tom Cooper who jumped to his death

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New York Post



Douglas Elliman broker Tom Cooper who jumped to his death remembered as ‘lovely’ man: ‘Everyone is devastated’


Dec 26, 2023 · 7:06 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.116048

File: 390514a8c1feb18⋯.png (237.09 KB,890x535,178:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134076 (262011ZDEC23) Notable: Tesla Robot Suffers Malfunctions and Allegedly ‘Attacks’ Engineer at Texas Factory, Leaving ‘Trail of Blood’

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Tesla Robot Suffers Malfunctions and Allegedly ‘Attacks’ Engineer at Texas Factory, Leaving ‘Trail of Blood’

A robotic malfunction at Tesla’s Giga Texas factory resulted in a violent encounter where an engineer was attacked by one of the company’s robots, resulting in significant injuries and leaving a ‘trail of blood.’

According to the Daily Mail, while working on software programming for non-functional Tesla robots, the engineer was suddenly pinned against a surface by a robot tasked with manipulating aluminum car components, with its metal claws inflicted an injury that left an ‘open wound’ on the worker’s left hand.

“Two of the robots, which cut car parts from freshly cast pieces of aluminum, were disabled so the engineer and his teammates could safely work on the machines. A third one, which grabbed and moved the car parts, was inadvertently left operational, according to two people who watched it happen. As that robot ran through its normal motions, it pinned the engineer against a surface, pushing its claws into his body and drawing blood from his back and his arm, the two people said,” The Information reported.

Quick action was taken by Tesla workers who intervened and triggered the emergency shutdown button to halt the malfunctioning robot and prevent further injury to the engineer.

This incident came to light through a 2021 injury report filed to Travis County and federal regulators, which Daily Mail reviewed. Tesla is legally required to report such incidents to ensure the continuation of state-provided tax incentives.

Despite claims by Tesla that the engineer did not require time off following the event, an attorney representing the factory’s contract laborers suggests otherwise. Evidence hints at possible underreporting of workplace accidents, casting doubt on the official records.


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2d5649 No.116049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134085 (262014ZDEC23) Notable: WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional Farming

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WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional Farming

“Our food systems are harming the health of people and planet. Food systems contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, and account for almost one-third of the global burden of disease. Transforming food systems is therefore essential,” Tedros said in a video message published last Thursday for the COP28 official event.

“Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.” Bloomberg reported a few weeks ago.

The globalists are pushing for commoners to eat bugs, weeds and synthetic ‘meat’ because bugs “consume fewer resources than traditional livestock.”


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2d5649 No.116050

File: e80327a06489227⋯.png (596.16 KB,1354x600,677:300,Clipboard.png)

File: a12e35f8dd0ff6f⋯.png (389.06 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 083b6ea176a3813⋯.png (412.47 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134091 (262015ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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> https://spotlight.nnirr.org/map/

Mapping Human Rights

NNIRR’s report, Human Rights on the Line, provides an overview of the dismal state of human rights on the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. This interactive map acts as a tool to display these human rights violations visually and show the most dangerous areas along the border.

The Report

Spotlight on the Borderlands:

How Militarization and Border Control Impact Migrants and Border Residents on the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

Overview by Alma Maquitico

NNIRR’s report, Human Rights on the Line, provides an overview of the dismal state of human rights on the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. NNIRR’s report highlights the experiences of frontline leaders and organizers with direct experience, both in theory and practice, of migrant human rights. Their contributions uncover the direct relationship between border militarization and its explicit racially discriminatory impact on the lives of black, indigenous, and other racialized communities migrating or residing in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.

We hope this report enhances an understanding of the intersectional and interwoven consequences of border control and how this approach provokes overlapping violence and vulnerabilities in people of color in the borderlands. While U.S. immigration agencies and institutions profess a color-blind approach, black and brown communities bear the burden of militarization and immigration enforcement.

Read the full Overview and Report:

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2d5649 No.116051

File: fefe6f3c4acbfa9⋯.png (1.15 MB,1354x3235,1354:3235,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cc79e68e35967d⋯.png (1.23 MB,1354x600,677:300,Clipboard.png)

File: bcda89cd5f9c784⋯.png (130.75 KB,1319x514,1319:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134106 (262019ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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About Us

We promote a just immigration and refugee policy in the U.S and defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees.

Dream. Rise. Organize.

The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) works to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status. Since its founding in 1986, the organization has drawn membership from diverse immigrant communities, and actively builds alliances with social and economic justice partners around the country. As part of a global movement for social and economic justice, NNIRR is committed to human rights as essential to securing healthy, safe and peaceful lives for all.

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2d5649 No.116052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134112 (262021ZDEC23) Notable: Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant hinted on Tuesday that the country had retaliated in Iraq, Yemen and Iran

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Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant hinted on Tuesday that the country had retaliated in Iraq, Yemen and Iran for attacks carried out against it as the war with Hamas-led Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip widens to other areas of the region.

"We are in a multi-front war and are coming under attack from seven theatres: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria (West Bank), Iraq, Yemen and Iran. We have already responded and taken action in six of these theatres," he told politicians.

"Seventy-five years of suffering, our rights taken, our country seized, and our people slaughtered. Our rights, as people, are justifiable. What can we do?" said one Gaza resident after an air strike in Shaboura camp, near the town of Rafah.


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2d5649 No.116053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134136 (262029ZDEC23) Notable: What is [Boxing Day?]

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What is [Boxing Day?]

Learn more about the centuries-old tradition

During the Victorian era, the upper class would gift their servants and tradesmen boxes with gifts and money, the day after Christmas.


Dec 26, 2023 · 12:55 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.116054

File: 8a8eb308347b959⋯.jpg (306.12 KB,1687x967,1687:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134181 (262047ZDEC23) Notable: #OnThisDay in 1776, Gen. Washington and his 2,400 men defeated the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton

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Museum of the American Revolution


#OnThisDay in 1776, Gen. Washington and his 2,400 men defeated the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton in a victory that helped boost the Revolutionaries' spirits. Artist Harrington Fitzgerald depicted the Continental Army's arrival in New Jersey.


10:15 AM · Dec 26, 2023


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2d5649 No.116055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134204 (262053ZDEC23) Notable: CIA accused of hiding records on paying to bury COVID lab leak finding

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New York Post


CIA accused of hiding records on paying to bury COVID lab leak finding

https://nypost.com/2023/12/26/news/cia- ... ak-report/


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2d5649 No.116056

File: 7039fa3bc23830d⋯.png (309.85 KB,1250x2546,625:1273,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c5e413be5cbd3a⋯.png (53.7 KB,1334x505,1334:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134213 (262055ZDEC23) Notable: Migrant invasion digs

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> Graciela Reyes (Secretary and Treasurer),

Treasurer is running a Bingo op?

Graciela Reyes

Active Brownsville, TX — Treasurer for Bingo Gardens, Inc.

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2d5649 No.116057

File: aaa1c3f86ea145b⋯.jpeg (2.28 MB,1125x1731,375:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134351 (262126ZDEC23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy House: His Ohio Mega-Mansion Revealed

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Pump and Dump bought this house in 2021 (think about this year closely) for 2 million

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2d5649 No.116058

File: 2204ff83e302270⋯.png (52.4 KB,577x371,577:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134434 (262144ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth

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Andrew C. McCarthy: “I have long believed Trump is being denied due process. The prosecutor’s proposed schedule is driven by the political calendar, not law-enforcement concerns...The schedule is dictated by politics, which prosecutors and courts purport to ignore. If it were happening to a Democrat rather than to Trump, the press would daily bewail the shredding of the Constitution. So I am on record: I think that the election-interference charges are unworthy and that the way the case has been conducted is unfair.”


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2d5649 No.116059

File: b1b5b4e7bad5383⋯.jpeg (707.72 KB,1369x1191,1369:1191,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134456 (262147ZDEC23) Notable: Kanye apologizes to Jewish community

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Big fat phony Kanye apologizes to Jews

Kind of ironic


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2d5649 No.116060

File: de3fc561b9d4ebc⋯.png (993.66 KB,1080x1430,108:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134473 (262150ZDEC23) Notable: Lloyd Austin supplied ISIS for Barack Obama, new job is to get all MAGA patriots out of the US Military

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It's like video the video clip of the B-21 Raider inside the cockpit at night in flight your talking algorithms doing millions of calculations to breach unauthorized systems you can't post it.... It's a message to all governments stealing Trump's election caused MAGA Patriots to become their own AI technology developers... Nobody can access MAGA SKUNK WORKS.

Lloyd Austin supplied ISIS for Barack Obama in Iraq now Lloyd Austin and Garrison Bishop's job since 2021 is to get all MAGA patriots out of the US Military.

Read about Garrison Bishop's role at the defense department this guy is a very sick racist piece of shit.








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2d5649 No.116061

File: c35c01fa7d6158e⋯.jpg (106.74 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ded8365ba443458⋯.png (2.34 MB,1312x4053,1312:4053,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134485 (262152ZDEC23) Notable: NYC filled with pro-Hamas chants on Christmas

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NYC filled with pro-Hamas chants on Christmas

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched through New York chanting in support of Gaza and Hamas, others disturbed the Christmas meals of White House officials, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

Every year during the holiday season, New York City empties out as its residents travel to spend the Christmas vacation with parents and grandparents. However, this year the city was filled with Palestinian flags, "Genocide Joe2 banners with images of U.S. President Joe Biden with bloodstained hands, and chants of "Long live Hamas," "Intifada," and "Cease-fire now."

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched through the relatively empty city center on Monday in a protest dubbed "Christmas with all our might for Gaza." Facing them were hundreds of police officers, at a ratio of one officer per protester.


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2d5649 No.116062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134630 (262214ZDEC23) Notable: #24708

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#24708 >>116021

>>116022, >>116023, >>116033, >>116038, >>116040, >>116035, >>116050, >>116051, >>116056 Migrant invasion digs

>>116024 Israel Marked Christmas by Bombing 600-Year-Old Christian Monastery

>>116025 Biden’s DOJ Instructs Immigration Judges To Loosen Restrictions On Child Migrants

>>116026, >>116041, >>116030 Israel's Channel 12 reported an assassination in Netanya, a man was killed in a car explosion

>>116027, >>116029 Iran escalates production of near-weapons grade uranium in shocking reversal, nuclear watchdog warns

>>116028, >>116034 Qpost #1010 regarding Chemical Warfare

>>116031, >>116044 PF: C-17 with call sign "X" | Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev BEC001

>>116032, >>116043 JFK Jr

>>116036 Israel Faces Major Power Outage Amid Cyberattack Concerns; Netanyahu and Cabinet Relocated

>>116037 100+ Federal Investigations Opened In U.S. Stemming From October 7 Attack

>>116039, >>116042 Trump: ‘May they rot in Hell. Merry Christmas’

>>116045 Space Force Recruiting: Why shoot for the stars when they’re already in reach?

>>116046 Democrats switching over to GOP in Pennsylvania at double the rate of Republicans

>>116047 Douglas Elliman broker Tom Cooper who jumped to his death

>>116048 Tesla Robot Suffers Malfunctions and Allegedly ‘Attacks’ Engineer at Texas Factory, Leaving ‘Trail of Blood’

>>116049 WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional Farming

>>116052 Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant hinted on Tuesday that the country had retaliated in Iraq, Yemen and Iran

>>116053 What is [Boxing Day?]

>>116054 #OnThisDay in 1776, Gen. Washington and his 2,400 men defeated the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton

>>116055 CIA accused of hiding records on paying to bury COVID lab leak finding

>>116057 Vivek Ramaswamy House: His Ohio Mega-Mansion Revealed

>>116058 DJT Truth

>>116060 Lloyd Austin supplied ISIS for Barack Obama, new job is to get all MAGA patriots out of the US Military

>>>/qresearch/20134588 #24708

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2d5649 No.116063

File: 6fe4545342ce443⋯.png (52.67 KB,749x540,749:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134605 (262210ZDEC23) Notable: #24709

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bakers gotta go

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2d5649 No.116064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134645 (262218ZDEC23) Notable: #24709

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updated dough


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2d5649 No.116065

File: 591c7a38391b3cd⋯.png (428.18 KB,438x487,438:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134658 (262223ZDEC23) Notable: baker claim

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claiming the bake

...Using this dough. Fuck you and stay big mad.


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2d5649 No.116066

File: cf84dc4d9431948⋯.png (402.98 KB,719x867,719:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134829 (262254ZDEC23) Notable: @SpecialTactics_ - Every minute, every second is crucial to saving lives and that's why no one else compares to our Special Operations Surgical Teams (#SOST).... it's what they're trained to do

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Every minute, every second is crucial to saving lives and that's why no one else compares to our Special Operations Surgical Teams (#SOST).... it's what they're trained to do 🩸

#BattlefieldSurgery #EmergencyMedicine #SpecialOperations


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2d5649 No.116067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134852 (262257ZDEC23) Notable: Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program Proposed Rule Published

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Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program Proposed Rule Published

Dec. 26, 2023

Today, the Department of Defense publishes for a 60-day comment period a proposed rule for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program at


CMMC is designed to ensure that defense contractors and subcontractors are compliant with existing information protection requirements for federal contract information (FCI) and controlled unclassified information (CUI) and are protecting that sensitive unclassified information at a level commensurate with the risk from cybersecurity threats, including advanced persistent threats.


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2d5649 No.116068

File: 32669140ece145e⋯.jpg (107.18 KB,1284x894,214:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134857 (262258ZDEC23) Notable: CIA accused of hiding records that analysts took ‘monetary incentives’ to bury COVID lab leak finding

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CIA accused of hiding records that analysts took ‘monetary incentives’ to bury COVID lab leak finding

“An offshoot of the conservative Heritage Foundation is suing the Central Intelligence Agency, accusing it of withholding records detailing payoffs to analysts to bury findings that a lab leak was the most likely explanation for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The think tank’s Oversight Project filed a federal lawsuit against the CIA Dec. 22, alleging the agency did not comply with its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request about analysts who allegedly ‘received monetary incentives to change their position on the origins of the virus.’

A senior-level CIA agent told House Republican committee chairmen in September that the agency offered payments to six analysts tasked with determining the origins of SARS-CoV-2 if they said that the virus jumped from animals to humans.”



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2d5649 No.116069

File: 7835e2b9078a401⋯.png (421.02 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134943 (262318ZDEC23) Notable: Oregon Lawmakers Sue to Halt “Misinformation” Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

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Well shit ...acktually. Doin their job and removing bad laws

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2d5649 No.116070

File: f0493b8f9f8b269⋯.png (31.42 KB,102x240,17:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 57b4101a309e13b⋯.png (16.94 KB,91x120,91:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134946 (262319ZDEC23) Notable: Kwanzaa's 'history'

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I’ve never had any beef with Kwanzaa

But once I learned its founder is a Marxist college professor in California convicted of violently torturing multiple women and that his primary reason for creating the holiday was racist in nature (not religious), I now have some beef


Marina Medvin 🇺🇸




The thug who created Kwanzaa kidnapped African women and kept them in his basement, brutalizing and torturing them relentlessly.

Kwanzaa was a smokescreen to distract from his criminality. A criminal’s defense, if you will.


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2d5649 No.116071

File: 4353226d6973c94⋯.png (755.2 KB,960x411,320:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135062 (262354ZDEC23) Notable: CIA accused of hiding records that analysts took ‘monetary incentives’ to bury COVID lab leak finding

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Heritage Foundation Sues CIA For Refusing To Hand Over Covid Records

The conservative Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project is suing the CIA for records related to its investigation of COVID-19’s origins, the Daily Caller has learned.

Heritage’s Oversight Project filed a lawsuit Friday against the CIA after the agency did not comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records connected to its team tasked with investigating the lab leak theory, which posits that COVID-19 was created in and escaped from a laboratory rather than being transmitted to humans by animals.

“This is an action under the Freedom of Information Act (‘FOIA’), 5 U.S.C. § 552, to compel production of CIA records relating to allegations that members of the CIA’s COVID Discovery Team, a group of employees tasked with analyzing the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, received monetary incentives to change their position on the origins of the virus,” the complaint begins.

Heritage is suing the CIA in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and its lawsuit lays out five claims of relief against the CIA.

Heritage’s original FOIA request sought records from the creation of the discovery team and all records shared among team members associated with COVID-19’s origins. In addition, the conservative group demanded records of any financial bonuses and communications between discovery team members and officials from numerous agencies across the federal government.

The lawsuit asks the court to compel the CIA to produce all non-exempt records under Heritage’s prior FOIA request and to cover Heritage’s costs incurred.

link to PDF - https://www.scribd.com/document/694895927/Heritage-Foundation-CIA-Complaint#download&from_embed


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2d5649 No.116072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135115 (270007ZDEC23) Notable: Paratroopers, what's the rate of descent for the iconic T-10 parachute?

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All American Division



🪂💡 Trivia Tuesday Challenge! 🤔

Paratroopers, what's the rate of descent for the iconic T-10 parachute?

🤓 Drop your answers in the comments and let's see who's soaring high with the correct intel! 🚁✈️ #TriviaTuesday #T10Parachute #AATW 🪂

Dec 26, 2023 · 1:00 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.116073

File: 8cad3bd224cf4a5⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cab6b943e104101⋯.png (71.18 KB,608x714,304:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135368 (270057ZDEC23) Notable: The State of Virginia is working with Planned Parenthood to cut out parents from their child’s medical decisions

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Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: The State of Virginia is working with Planned Parenthood to cut out parents from their child’s medical decisions 🚨

Planned Parenthood of Virginia admits they will assist minors cross state lines to get abortions & fund it without their parents’ knowledge.

They also say they’ve never seen a minor not get approved for a judicial bypass which means judges across Virginia are approving every single minor to get abortions without parental knowledge or consent 🚨


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2d5649 No.116074

File: cf93e05e47686db⋯.jpg (47.97 KB,666x785,666:785,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135381 (270100ZDEC23) Notable: #24709

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...Bakering the bake


#24709 >>116063, >>116064

>>116065 baker claim

>>116066 @SpecialTactics_ - Every minute, every second is crucial to saving lives and that's why no one else compares to our Special Operations Surgical Teams (#SOST).... it's what they're trained to do

>>116067 Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program Proposed Rule Published

>>116068, >>116071 CIA accused of hiding records that analysts took ‘monetary incentives’ to bury COVID lab leak finding

>>116069 Oregon Lawmakers Sue to Halt “Misinformation” Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

>>116070 Kwanzaa's 'history'

>>116072 Paratroopers, what's the rate of descent for the iconic T-10 parachute?

>>116073 The State of Virginia is working with Planned Parenthood to cut out parents from their child’s medical decisions


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2d5649 No.116075

File: a9ebdd96a72d81d⋯.png (1.43 MB,996x620,249:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135394 (270102ZDEC23) Notable: #24710

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2d5649 No.116076

File: 4ca5424f3913cd6⋯.png (70.63 KB,1040x506,520:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135430 (270107ZDEC23) Notable: Taiwan's President election is taking place on January 13th 2024

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Taiwan's President election is taking place on January 13th 2024

Just two days before Iowa's Caucus on January 15th 2024.


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2d5649 No.116077

File: 1d0429e1c10eb21⋯.png (1.37 MB,1263x3171,421:1057,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135465 (270114ZDEC23) Notable: Ramaswamy's campaign stops spending money on TV ads shortly before Iowa and New Hampshire

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Ramaswamy's campaign stops spending money on TV ads shortly before Iowa and New Hampshire

The campaign stated that money will still be spent on advertising, just not on television.

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's campaign is no longer spending money on TV ads and doesn't have any currently booked, according to an ad tracking firm and the campaign.

For the first week of December, Ramaswamy's campaign spent about $200,000 on TV ads and later on in the month, it dropped to only $6,000 on TV ads, according to NBC News.

The campaign stated that money will still be spent on advertising, just not on television.

“We are focused on bringing out the voters we’ve identified — best way to reach them is using addressable advertising, mail, text, live calls and doors to communicate with our voters on Vivek’s vision for America, making their plan to caucus and turning them out,” the campaign’s press secretary Tricia McLaughlin told the outlet in an interview.

This change comes less than a month before the Jan. 23 New Hampshire primary and the Jan. 15 Iowa caucuses.

“As you know, this isn’t what most campaigns look like. We have intentionally structured this way so that we have the ability to be nimble and hyper targeted in our ad spending,” McLaughlin also said.

Other GOP primary presidential candidates, including former President Donald Trump, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, are still running advertisements on television.


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2d5649 No.116078

File: 0ce04048efd775d⋯.png (36.87 KB,718x231,718:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135474 (270115ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - He will, I am sure, Endorse me.But Vivek is a good man, and is not done yet!

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Donald J. Trump

He will, I am sure, Endorse me.But Vivek is a good man, and is not done yet!


>Ramaswamy's campaign stops spending money on TV ads shortly before Iowa and New Hampshire


Dec 26, 2023, 8:10 PM


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2d5649 No.116079

File: 922e3a11b631c97⋯.png (889.73 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e7a5e36f1ffed9⋯.png (22.23 KB,972x251,972:251,Clipboard.png)

File: eaddb55f8c61625⋯.png (2.12 MB,1486x931,1486:931,Clipboard.png)

File: 60b6de5d3d72938⋯.png (1.05 MB,1531x897,1531:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135483 (270117ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Call sign NITE11. ICAO hex AE4D5C decodes as USN MH-60S 168582. Looks to be headed into Singapore. Almost certainly from the Vinson Carrier Strike Group.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Call sign NITE11. ICAO hex AE4D5C decodes as USN MH-60S 168582. Looks to be headed into Singapore. Almost certainly from the Vinson Carrier Strike Group.




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2d5649 No.116080

File: 2699e035cac098f⋯.png (187.02 KB,721x400,721:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 3576ca1a0b910a5⋯.png (198.19 KB,699x462,233:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135510 (270125ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - He will, I am sure, Endorse me.But Vivek is a good man, and is not done yet!

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better CAPs; don't know why the image wasn't showing at first.

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2d5649 No.116081

File: 7b5a8986f758c87⋯.png (517.48 KB,888x771,296:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 596e30e1f57f4d0⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135563 (270134ZDEC23) Notable: Ron is shrinking, he's almost gone

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Ron is shrinking, he's almost gone.


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2d5649 No.116082

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135635 (270148ZDEC23) Notable: Upton with Raheem Kassam: Kevin McCarthy’s Rise To Power And Intention To Never Let Jordan Or Scalise Become Speaker

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Upton with Raheem Kassam: Kevin McCarthy’s Rise To Power And Intention To Never Let Jordan Or Scalise Become SpeakerMcCarthy had no moral purpose in being the Speaker of the House. Mike Johnson has made a lot of deals to get the support, and he doesn’t use his power for the big things with MIC, and oppose it because “they demanded” certain things such as money for Ukraine. (Both Upton and Kassam are very soft on Johnson, he has made major mistakes since taking power, they were not blips.)

Upton makes some interesting points about how House Republicans are almost afraid of their own power. I personally think they are cowards and don’t use their power and the Constitution, to protect Justice for all citizens. Being afraid to look like lunatic democrats is exactly what the should do. Take off the gloves, or imo they are “comped”!



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2d5649 No.116083

File: 05e07f150629c53⋯.png (532.85 KB,658x849,658:849,Clipboard.png)

File: cc5f7a578ae821a⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135669 (270156ZDEC23) Notable: Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo on the DNA Contamination Found in the mRNA COVID Vaccines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo on the DNA Contamination Found in the mRNA COVID Vaccines

"I think when the real damage has been totally accounted for, honestly I'm not sure we're going to even have a Pfizer anymore. I don't think it's going to actually look the same way. The harm that has been done by these vaccines...This is going to unfortunately go down as a very sad point in history."


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2d5649 No.116084

File: c3bfb06ce092441⋯.png (3.22 MB,2000x5817,2000:5817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135736 (270215ZDEC23) Notable: How Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign quietly built a grassroots juggernaut for the Iowa Caucuses

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“How Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign quietly built a grassroots juggernaut for the Iowa Caucuses”

December 26, 2023

URBANDALE, Iowa — As he wrapped up an intimate gathering of Donald Trump loyalists at the campaign's state headquarters in early December, senior adviser Alex Meyer let the crowd in on some "insider information."

Any volunteer "caucus captain" who persuades 10 or more Iowans to support the former president on Caucus Day, and they all show up, will be invited "to a special, small event with President Trump at the Republican National Convention," Meyer said.

"For every single Trump caucus captain in this room, you are a member of this campaign," Meyer told the group, gathered in the small office plastered wall to wall with signs and memorabilia. "What you are doing is a part of this campaign."

Even as he wages an unprecedented primary battle as a former incumbent facing 91 criminal charges, Trump remains the Republican front-runner in Iowa, steadily increasing support in polling over the last year. In the latest Iowa Poll, conducted earlier this month, he leads by 32 percentage points.

He's been far from subtle about his projected results on Caucus Day: a "historic" and "landslide" victory over Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and the rest of his Republican opponents.

"The poll numbers are scary because we're leading by so much. The key is you have to go out and vote," Trump told supporters in Waterloo on Dec. 19. "If we win in a massive number, but it's a little bit less than that, they'll say, 'Oh, he didn't meet expectations.'"

His campaign team in Iowa has sought to build a grassroots operation that meets those expectations, recruiting what one official called a "field army" of volunteer captains who double as frontline recruiters now and precinct representatives on caucus night.

After coming in second place in 2016 with a scattershot campaign operation and effectively running unopposed in 2020, Trump's revamped Iowa team was tasked with "expanding the electorate" of the caucuses ahead of 2024 — mobilizing passionate supporters and reaching what officials call "low-propensity voters," who need a nudge to show up on caucus night. The aim: bury their opponents in the Hawkeye State.

"President Trump has done more to expand the Republican Party and shift Iowa red than any other official in this state," said Alex Latcham, the campaign's early states director. "Under President Trump and his policies, Iowans were more secure, free and prosperous than any other time."

Trump "inspires and energizes voters like no other," Latcham said, which is why the campaign expects "tens of thousands of Iowans" to show up and caucus for him for the first time.



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2d5649 No.116085

File: b4728a53f9f504f⋯.png (43.83 KB,577x321,577:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135755 (270219ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - Americans For Chinese Prosperity (Action?) is a Globalist CON JOB that is big on giving our Country away to China and other countries throughout the World. They Endorsed “Birdbrain” because that has always been where her sympathies lie. She is a Globalist RINO, much like “Rob” DeSanctimonious, but not a smart one, and I got to see that up close and personal. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

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Americans For Chinese Prosperity (Action?) is a Globalist CON JOB that is big on giving our Country away to China and other countries throughout the World. They Endorsed “Birdbrain” because that has always been where her sympathies lie. She is a Globalist RINO, much like “Rob” DeSanctimonious, but not a smart one, and I got to see that up close and personal. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116086

File: 666765e6f29e108⋯.png (6.03 MB,2000x5009,2000:5009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135760 (270221ZDEC23) Notable: How Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign quietly built a grassroots juggernaut for the Iowa Caucuses

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>“How Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign quietly built a grassroots juggernaut for the Iowa Caucuses”


How the Trump campaign lured and trained an army of volunteers

Among the sea of ubiquitous red hats worn to rallies for the former president, a new white-and-gold variation of the MAGA hat began to dot the crowds of supporters at recent Iowa events.

The "limited edition" TRUMP CAUCUS CAPTAIN caps, complete with a gold-stitched Iowa state flag on the side, are given only to Iowans who volunteered to serve as a caucus captain — an amped-up volunteer role that the campaign has designated as their front line of support.

More than 2,000 of these captains have been charged with delivering a three-minute speech in support of Trump on caucus night, as well as observing and reporting to the campaign the final vote tally at their precinct. They range from local couples serving as co-captains to county Republican chairs and elected officials such as Attorney General Brenna Bird.

"This campaign has the best organization I've ever seen," Bird told supporters in Coralville in December.

Captains are required to attend a roughly hour-long training session, either in person or virtually. The campaign says it's held roughly 350 of these Iowa sessions by mid-December and plans to have around 500 completed by Caucus Day.

Captains each receive a 20-page handbook outlining their role and responsibilities, and it provides them with a suggested speech to deliver at their precinct. It also includes a checklist for caucus night — reminding captains to bring their photo ID, credentials and campaign literature, cold-weather attire and five to 10 yard signs.

Wendy Robbins, 66, of Coralville is serving as a precinct captain along with her husband, Andy.

"They called me and asked if I'd be willing to do it," Robbins told the Register ahead of Trump's speech in December. "I never really thought about it, and yet, I have no reason not to. I can speak well for him, and I really believe in him."

In addition to the white-and-gold hats, the campaign has sought at events across Iowa to make caucus captains feel like VIPs.

Some had reserved seats toward the front of the room at Trump's recent rallies. Three captains were brought on stage for a panel in which they talked about how they got involved with the campaign. And incentives like the RNC meeting and Trump-signed certificates are designed to get captains to stay committed through Jan. 15.

Yvonne Wessels, 76, is a co-caucus captain in southern Des Moines with her daughter Renee Wessels-Baker. They both signed up as captains as firm supporters of Trump but aren't taking a potential victory for granted.

"I think this one is harder," Wessels said, referring to the 2024 cycle. "With all of the people running against him."

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2d5649 No.116087

File: 71991943902c343⋯.png (6.92 MB,2000x7652,500:1913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135808 (270230ZDEC23) Notable: How Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign quietly built a grassroots juggernaut for the Iowa Caucuses

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>>116084 part 1 of 3

>>116086 part 2 pf 3

This is part 3 of 3

A campaign's quest for first-time caucusgoers: Data, grassroots and 'Ten for Trump'

Trump has spent far less time on the ground in Iowa than his opponents — holding 17 public events here since March, according to the Des Moines Register's candidate tracker — far fewer than DeSantis' stops across 99 counties and Haley's 60-plus total events.

When Trump does fly in, the campaign aims to make it count. At his Iowa rallies, billed as "Commit to Caucus" events held in population centers across the state, the former president's speech is the main affair.

But the operation's real currency comes in the form of supporters' contact info, which they gather when attendees register and bring family and friends along to the event.

Around almost every corner in these convention centers, volunteers mill about crowds or stand behind tables and ask if attendees have signed a card or if they are interested in becoming a caucus captain.

A newly eligible voter from Cedar Falls, 18-year-old Ryan Bennett attended a December rally in Waterloo with a group of friends. They'd hardly made it through security before being approached by a volunteer who asked if they'd signed caucus cards.

"This is my first time ever going to an event like this," said Bennett, who said he was still getting a grip on how the caucus process works. "Currently, it's kind of a learning experience."

The campaign has collected more than 51,000 commit-to-caucus cards as of mid-December.

Beyond the Commit to Caucus events, the campaign's legion of volunteers serve as a vital recruiting corps. Caucus captains are given a list of 25 voters and asked to get 10 to commit to supporting Trump in January — an initiative the campaign calls "Ten for Trump."

Officials have prioritized targeting Iowans who haven't ever attended a caucus but have supported Trump in some way before — having attended a rally, voted for him in the 2016 or 2020 general elections, or donated to his campaign.

"You look at the volume of folks we've had, the precinct trainings, we've had the commit-to-caucus events," state Rep. Bobby Kaufmann, a senior adviser to the campaign in Iowa, told the Register. "We are truly a data-driven, disciplined campaign that is doing an excellent job of turning out these first-time voters."

The latest Iowa Poll shows Trump expanding his lead with first-time caucusgoers in the state, with 63% saying the former president is their first choice. That's up from 49% support for Trump from first-timers in October. By comparison, DeSantis earned support from 12% of first-timers and Haley 11%.

First-time caucusgoers differ from the overall likely caucusgoing population in a couple of key ways, the December poll found. A majority of them are age 45 or younger (59%, compared with 42% overall).

They also tend to have lower levels of education — 28% have completed high school or less, and an additional 39% have completed some college or an associate's degree, which combine for 67%. That’s compared to a combined 52% among all likely GOP caucusgoers.

"Traditionally, young people have not been all that plentiful in the Republican caucusgoing public," said respected pollster J. Ann Selzer, who conducts the Iowa Poll. "It suggests that there are some things going on here that make this group of first-timers look a little different from what we have seen in the past."

Among those younger, first-time caucusgoers is Gunnar Neal, a 27-year-old from North Liberty who attended a Trump rally in Coralville. He said Trump's challengers weren't of interest to him — at least not this cycle.

"I think Nikki Haley is kind of a RINO (Republican in name only). DeSantis isn't as bad," Neal said. "If Trump didn't run this time, I would probably vote for DeSantis, but it's just not DeSantis' time yet."

Rachel Walgren, a 19-year-old from Cedar Falls who saw Trump in Waterloo, will be caucusing for the first time, having observed one other caucus when she was younger.

"2024 is going to be ours, with the way Biden is going and everything that's been happening," she said.

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2d5649 No.116088

File: cb9252876e3d8ce⋯.png (148.62 KB,707x684,707:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135825 (270236ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - Debbie Dingell of Michigan is a LOSER

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Donald J. Trump

Debbie Dingell of Michigan is a LOSER, who is helping Crooked Joe Biden, and his Merry Band of Thugs, to DESTROY our Country with his INSANE Open Borders Policy, Inflation, High Cost Energy, Green New Scam, HORRIBLE WORLD DIPLOMACY, Afghanistan Catastrophe, All Electric Cars, and so much else. Our Country is a NO LONGER RESPECTED MESS, A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING, CRIME RIDDEN COUNTRY. When I gave, as President, her long serving husband, the absolute highest U.S. honors for his funeral, a really big deal, she called me, crying almost uncontrollably, to say that she couldn’t believe I was willing to do that for a Democrat. She thanked me profusely. Two months later, she was back on the trail ranting and raving about “TRUMP.” She ought to focus on how badly the Auto Workers of Michigan, and the USA as a whole, are being treated by CHINA, to which Crooked Joe Biden has given this once great industry away!

Dec 26, 2023, 8:49 PM


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2d5649 No.116089

File: 2cf06a2b21ef065⋯.png (279.35 KB,721x733,721:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20135843 (270240ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - Steve Bannon: “Ditto Mr President—for ALL Those Trying to Destroy Our Beloved Country — ‘May They Rot in Hell’”

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Donald J. Trump

Steve Bannon: “Ditto Mr President—for ALL Those Trying to Destroy Our Beloved Country — ‘May They Rot in Hell’”

Dec 26, 2023, 8:48 PM


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2d5649 No.116090

File: 62d7c17e38111d8⋯.jpeg (93.7 KB,1080x1021,1080:1021,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cabbe1daef75e75⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136016 (270316ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - Lego Trump

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https:// truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/111649687660651730

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2d5649 No.116091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136077 (270331ZDEC23) Notable: The Wall Street Journal reports the CIA is 'struggling to rebuild its human espionage capabilities' in China, which is the 'agency's top target', after a network of agents were 'systematically rounded up' a decade ago.

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The Spectator Index



UNITED STATES: The Wall Street Journal reports the CIA is 'struggling to rebuild its human espionage capabilities' in China, which is the 'agency's top target', after a network of agents were 'systematically rounded up' a decade ago.

Dec 26, 2023 · 11:07 PM UTC



Feb 22, 2018 9:05:01 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0c9770 No. 465919

Clowns revealed in China/other.



Sold intel?

HRC open source server?

[Missing emails]


Granted access.


Only the tip.

This will be made public [soon].


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2d5649 No.116092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136114 (270347ZDEC23) Notable: Former CIA agent and Georgetown University professor John Gentry, who served at the agency from 1978 to 1990, claims the CIA underwent mass politicization during the Obama administration, it was reported

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Former CIA agent and Georgetown University professor John Gentry, who served at the agency from 1978 to 1990, claims the CIA underwent mass politicization during the Obama administration, it was reported.

Dec 27, 2023 · 3:30 AM UTC


John Solomon



Obama shaped CIA to boost his political agenda, hired leftist activists, former agent says | Just The News

Dec 26, 2023 · 4:43 PM UTC


New York Post



CIA accused of hiding records on paying to bury COVID lab leak finding trib.al/x8dnnDw

Dec 26, 2023 · 8:45 PM UTC




Something is habbening...

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2d5649 No.116093

File: b41e17ee62ce32e⋯.png (355.81 KB,688x378,344:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136145 (270357ZDEC23) Notable: #24710

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#24710 >>116075

>>116076 Taiwan's President election is taking place on January 13th 2024

>>116077 Ramaswamy's campaign stops spending money on TV ads shortly before Iowa and New Hampshire

>>116078, >>116080 DJT Truth - He will, I am sure, Endorse me.But Vivek is a good man, and is not done yet!

>>116079 PF: Call sign NITE11. ICAO hex AE4D5C decodes as USN MH-60S 168582. Looks to be headed into Singapore. Almost certainly from the Vinson Carrier Strike Group.

>>116081 Ron is shrinking, he's almost gone

>>116082 Upton with Raheem Kassam: Kevin McCarthy’s Rise To Power And Intention To Never Let Jordan Or Scalise Become Speaker

>>116083 Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo on the DNA Contamination Found in the mRNA COVID Vaccines

>>116084, >>116086, >>116087 How Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign quietly built a grassroots juggernaut for the Iowa Caucuses

>>116085 DJT Truth - Americans For Chinese Prosperity (Action?) is a Globalist CON JOB that is big on giving our Country away to China and other countries throughout the World. They Endorsed “Birdbrain” because that has always been where her sympathies lie. She is a Globalist RINO, much like “Rob” DeSanctimonious, but not a smart one, and I got to see that up close and personal. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

>>116088 DJT Truth - Debbie Dingell of Michigan is a LOSER

>>116089 DJT Truth - Steve Bannon: “Ditto Mr President—for ALL Those Trying to Destroy Our Beloved Country — ‘May They Rot in Hell’”

>>116090 DJT Truth - Lego Trump

>>116091 The Wall Street Journal reports the CIA is 'struggling to rebuild its human espionage capabilities' in China, which is the 'agency's top target', after a network of agents were 'systematically rounded up' a decade ago.

>>116092 Former CIA agent and Georgetown University professor John Gentry, who served at the agency from 1978 to 1990, claims the CIA underwent mass politicization during the Obama administration, it was reported


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2d5649 No.116094

File: d6fde30ae2e3fdb⋯.jpg (59.58 KB,500x400,5:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136158 (270359ZDEC23) Notable: #24711

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2d5649 No.116095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136398 (270608ZDEC23) Notable: 17 Individuals On FBI Terror Watch List Caught Attempting Entry At Southern Border

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17 Individuals On FBI Terror Watch List Caught Attempting Entry At Southern Border


Dec 27, 2023 · 4:00 AM UTC


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2d5649 No.116096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136414 (270614ZDEC23) Notable: Bill Barr Calls On Supreme Court To 'Smack' Down Colorado Trump Ruling

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Bill Barr Calls On Supreme Court To 'Smack' Down Colorado Trump Ruling

Dec 27, 2023 · 2:30 AM UTC





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2d5649 No.116097

File: 3707d00a974aa78⋯.jpeg (112.25 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136491 (270718ZDEC23) Notable: Ukrainian marines sentenced for war crimes

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26 Dec, 2023 21:24

Ukrainian marines sentenced for war crimes

The four soldiers were convicted of murdering 12 civilians in Mariupol

Four former members of the Ukrainian armed forces have been sentenced to life in prison for killing a dozen civilians in Mariupol last year, the Supreme Court of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said on Tuesday.

Yevgeny Yakubenko, Dmitry Latyshev, Vladimir Kucherenko, and Sergey Balitsky were found guilty of murder, attempted murder, and abuse of civilians.

“The court sentenced Balitsky, Kucherenko, Latyshev, and Yakubenko to life imprisonment, with the sentence to be served in a special-regime penal colony,” the court said.

Based on the information that emerged during their trial, the four men found themselves at the Ilyich Metallurgical Plant in Mariupol in early March 2022, as Russian troops advanced on the city and surrounded the remaining Ukrainian forces. At one point, they opened fire on 14 civilians inside the plant. Two of the intended victims survived and managed to escape.

Earlier this month, a Donetsk court handed a life sentence to a Ukrainian soldier who opened fire on two cars with refugees, also in Mariupol. He too was found guilty of murder and abuse of civilians, as well as membership in a group motivated by political or ideological hatred.

Many of Mariupol’s residents sympathized with the Donetsk People’s Republic when it declared independence from Ukraine in 2014, rebelling against the nationalist government installed by the US-backed coup in Kiev. Regular troops and “volunteer battalions” loyal to Kiev were quickly dispatched to crush dissent, and Mariupol was placed under the control of ‘Azov’, one of the most notorious neo-Nazi militias.

Russian troops surrounded the city in March 2022 and finalized its liberation in May, capturing the last remaining members of ‘Azov’, who had been surrounded inside the Azovstal steelworks.

Ukrainian authorities accused Russia of being “worse than Hitler” and killing more than 20,000 civilians in the city. In December 2022, the Russian Investigative Committee estimated the number of civilian casualties during the spring fighting to be around 3,000 and blamed the actions of Ukrainian forces. The surviving residents have testified about ‘Azov’ militants using them as human shields and blocking all attempts by civilians to evacuate the combat zone.


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2d5649 No.116098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136508 (270728ZDEC23) Notable: Revived North Korean Port Aids Russia’s War Effort in Ukraine

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Revived North Korean Port Aids Russia’s War Effort in Ukraine

By Jon Herskovitz (Bloomberg) — December 26, 2023

A dormant North Korean port near the border with Russia has sprung back to life, fueling what experts say is a burgeoning trade in arms destined for the frontlines in Ukraine that is simultaneously bolstering the anemic economy managed by Kim Jong Un.

Satellite imagery of the Najin port taken from October to December shows a steady stream of ships at the facility, hundreds of shipping containers being loaded and unloaded, and rail cars ready to transport goods.

The activity appears to have picked up since early October, when the US accused North Korea of sending munitions to Russia. The White House provided imagery it said showed weapons later being delivered thousands of miles away to a depot in the Russian town of Tikhoretsk for use in Ukraine.

The flow of munitions that the US and South Korea say have included hundreds of thousands of artillery shells could grow far greater in importance as divisions in the US Congress and European Union over military aid threaten Kyiv’s ability to repel Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion.

“Pyongyang’s decision to deliver munitions at scale once again underscores the grave threat that North Korea poses to international security, this time feeding a conflagration on European soil that has already cost the lives of tens of thousands of Ukrainians and consumed tens of billions of dollars in Western military support,” according to a report by the Royal United Services Institute, a UK security think tank.

Pyongyang, which has been banned from arms sales for about 15 years, has repeatedly rejected accusations it is supplying Russia.

Analysis of the satellite data suggests otherwise. In a recent example, an image from Dec. 9 seems to show the Russian container ship Angara, sanctioned by the US, in Najin’s port unloading cargo while containers from North Korea await loading at an adjacent pier.

“Satellite imagery shows that round trips of cargo vessels between Najin, North Korea, and Dunay, Russia, have continued unabatedly despite additional US sanctions and widespread reporting on this activity in the past few months,” said Jaewoo Shin, an analyst at the Open Nuclear Network in Vienna.

Shin said that while the nature of the cargo can’t be confirmed with available imagery, the number of round trips and transferred containers suggest a significant and ongoing exchange, possibly including weapons and other military supplies.

While satellite imagery shows steady activity at Najin, the vessels docking there appear to have turned off international maritime transponders that give their location, effectively turning them into ghost ships as they make the relatively short trip between Najin and Dunay — also written as Dunai — about 180 kilometers (110 miles) away. The Central Intelligence Agency identified the port as a Soviet submarine base during the Cold War, according to a document obtained by RUSI, the UK think tank.

South Korea’s National Intelligence Service told lawmakers in November there had been about 10 shipments of weapons from North Korea to Russia since August, likely encompassing more than 1 million rounds of artillery. North Korea holds some of the world’s largest stores of munitions, much of it interoperable with weapons Russia has on the front lines.

“The situation on the battlefield is impacted” by those deliveries, he said. “Rather than seeing a notable change in tactics or swaths of land suddenly changing hands, it will allow Russia to keep up much higher pressure for longer on Ukrainian forces.”

An extra one million shells means about 2,700 rounds more per day Russia could fire at Ukraine, which is already having trouble procuring artillery and may face more difficulty if aid from the US isn’t secured.

“With both Kim and Putin recognizing the utility and benefits of partnership, cooperation is likely to continue between North Korea and Russia into next year,” said Soo Kim, a former Korea analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, who now works at US-based management consulting firm LMI.

“The give-and-take between the two countries is unlikely to be stopped so long as the international consequences — sanctions, reputational shaming — remain symbolic and largely insufficient to deter bad behavior,” she said.



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2d5649 No.116099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136513 (270733ZDEC23) Notable: New T-Mobile A2P, non-consumer non-compliance fees beginning January 1

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Fact or Fiction: T-Mobile To Police Text Messages; Announces Fines for Speech They Don't Agree With

Begins January 1, 2024

Allegedly, T-Mobile has updated its Terms of Service to include FINES for content or speech they don’t agree with in your text messages. I say ‘allegedly’ because I have not personally reviewed the document this source is referencing. I cannot verify that this is true for individual subscribers. If I haven’t verified the details in the contract with my own eyes - I cannot say for certain that the allegations are correct.

However, it’s worth clarifying and people should be asking questions about it - especially if it does apply to individual subscribers.


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2d5649 No.116100

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136543 (270748ZDEC23) Notable: New T-Mobile A2P, non-consumer non-compliance fees beginning January 1

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New A2P, non-consumer non-compliance fees beginning January 1

Ashley White Updated 8 hours ago

What's happening?

Beginning January 1, 2024, T-Mobile is instituting three new fees for non-compliant A2P traffic sent by non-consumers that result in a Severity-0 violation. A Sev-0, (Severity-0) represents the most harmful violation to consumers and is the highest level of escalation with which a carrier will engage with Bandwidth. This applies to all commercial, non-consumer, A2P products (SMS or MMS Short Code, Toll-Free, and 10DLC) that traverse T-Mobile's network.

A Non-Consumer is a business, organization, or entity that uses messaging to communicate with Consumers. Examples include but are not limited to, large-to-small businesses, financial institutions, schools, medical practices, customer service entities, non-profit organizations, and political campaigns. Non-Consumers also include agents, representatives, or any other individuals acting on behalf of Non-Consumers or sending messages over a non-consumer platform.

The non-compliance fine(s) (USD) will be assessed for every Sev-0 violation issued as follows:

Tier 1: $2,000, for phishing, smishing, and social engineering

Social Engineering refers to the practice of targeting individuals in a way that manipulates individuals to reveal private information like credit card numbers, or social security numbers.

Tier 2: $1,000, for illegal content (included content must be legal in all 50 states and federally)

Illegal content includes, but is not limited to, Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD, Illegal Prescriptions, and Solicitation.

Tier 3: $500, for all other commercial messaging violations including, but not limited to, SHAFT that do not follow federal and state laws and regulations.

Please review the T-Mobile Code of Conduct Section 5 for prohibited content

What do I need to know?

If traffic continues to receive Sev-0 violations, carriers maintain the right to suspend a brand and remove access to their platforms, and Bandwidth may block traffic.

What do I need to do?

Ensure that all traffic leaving your network is wanted and compliant.

We recommend you review the following resources to ensure you are following the most up-to-date messaging requirements:

Messaging compliance and best practices

Messaging fraud mitigation practices

Section 5, “Prohibited Campaign Content,” in the T-Mobile Code of Conduct


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2d5649 No.116101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136558 (270755ZDEC23) Notable: Indian Navy Deploys Destroyers After Drone Strike

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Indian Navy Deploys Destroyers After Drone Strike

Reuters December 26, 2023

by Krishn Kaushik (Reuters) – The Indian navy will deploy guided-missile destroyers in the Arabian Sea as a deterrent after an Israel-affiliated merchant vessel was struck off the Indian coast over the weekend.

The navy was investigating the nature of the attack on the vessel, MV Chem Pluto, which docked in Mumbai on Monday, and initial reports pointed to a drone attack, a navy statement said.

“Further forensic and technical analysis will be required to establish the vector of attack, including type and amount of explosive used,” the statement added.

India was committed to keeping sea lanes in the Indian ocean region safe and secure for maritime trade, the defense minister said on Tuesday.

“India plays the role of a net security provider in the entire Indian Ocean region. We will ensure that maritime trade in this region rises from the sea to the heights of the sky,” Rajnath Singh said at the commissioning ceremony of another guided missile destroyer ship in Mumbai.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government had taken the drone attack on MV Chem Pluto and an earlier attack on commercial crude oil vessel MV Sai Baba, in the Red Sea, very seriously, Singh said.

“The Indian Navy has increased its surveillance of the seas. We shall find whoever is responsbible for this attack and strict action will be taken against them,” he said.

Iran’s foreign ministry on Monday called a U.S. claim that Iran had attacked the ship near India “baseless.”

The Pentagon said on Saturday that a drone launched from Iran struck the MV Chem Pluto in the Indian Ocean. The strike came as a U.S.-led task force is trying to counter similar challenges in the Red Sea.

“Considering the recent spate of attacks in the Arabian Sea, Indian Navy has deployed Guided Missile Destroyers, INS Mormugao, INS Kochi and INS Kolkata …in various areas to maintain a deterrent presence,” the navy statement said.

The vessel’s crew included 21 Indians and one Vietnamese citizen.


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2d5649 No.116102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136611 (270847ZDEC23) Notable: Cuba quietly authorizes euthanasia

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Cuba quietly authorizes euthanasia

Cuba on Friday became the second country in Latin America and the Caribbean to authorize euthanasia, following Colombia.



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2d5649 No.116103

File: 58eaca51f777772⋯.png (605.01 KB,725x466,725:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136941 (271227ZDEC23) Notable: #24711

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...Morning bake coming up


#24711 >>116094

>>116095 17 Individuals On FBI Terror Watch List Caught Attempting Entry At Southern Border

>>116096 Bill Barr Calls On Supreme Court To 'Smack' Down Colorado Trump Ruling

>>116097 Ukrainian marines sentenced for war crimes

>>116098 Revived North Korean Port Aids Russia’s War Effort in Ukraine

>>116099, >>116100 New T-Mobile A2P, non-consumer non-compliance fees beginning January 1

>>116101 Indian Navy Deploys Destroyers After Drone Strike

>>116102 Cuba quietly authorizes euthanasia


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2d5649 No.116104

File: 603b94984a55462⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,4096x2064,256:129,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20136949 (271230ZDEC23) Notable: #24712

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Morning dough


Looking for handoff or ghosting shortly.

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2d5649 No.116105

File: 568ac2e1c02c40d⋯.png (144.74 KB,365x484,365:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137000 (271254ZDEC23) Notable: THE TRUE STORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION

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2d5649 No.116106

File: be934913ca0f1fc⋯.png (290.38 KB,845x707,845:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 849ab491d8f3c85⋯.png (527.86 KB,743x473,743:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137033 (271310ZDEC23) Notable: Your Car Stores Your Text Messages - Law Enforcement Can Retrieve Them Anytime, Following Federally Rejected Lawsuit

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Your Car Stores Your Text Messages - Law Enforcement Can Retrieve Them Anytime, Following Federally Rejected Lawsuit

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2d5649 No.116107

File: d4fc6229500c68b⋯.png (51.47 KB,856x523,856:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137053 (271315ZDEC23) Notable: Politicians Broke the Housing Market … Again

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Politicians Broke the Housing Market ... Again

How the political establishment broke America's housing market, maybe forever

FX Hedge

Dec 24, 2023

It’s no secret that the American dream of homeownership is dead, and lots of people say Biden killed it. While he put the last nail in the coffin, there’s plenty of blame to go around both sides of the political aisle going back decades.

This has been a long time coming and we have to go back to Lord Lyndon Johnson to see where the seeds of this noxious weed were planted.

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2d5649 No.116108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137083 (271325ZDEC23) Notable: ICYMI: Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes

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The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress | You've Been Trumped Too (2020) | Full Film

Dec 26, 2023

Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes, as she refuses to make way for his golf course. This shocking insight to a David and goliath battle is a remarkable document of the disconnect between political rhetoric and the lives of ordinary people.


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2d5649 No.116109

File: 296a008e6e3f186⋯.png (135.69 KB,629x929,629:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137100 (271329ZDEC23) Notable: DEI: Degradation, Exclusion, and Intolerance

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DEI: Degradation, Exclusion, and Intolerance

American Thinker, by M. B. Mathews

Posted By: Msquared112, 12/27/2023 7:37:07 AM

By now, everyone, including its proponents, knows that DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) means nothing of the sort. It isn’t diverse, it isn’t equitable, and it certainly isn’t inclusive. In fact, DEI is nothing but exclusionary revenge against non-racists by racists, and all to address nonexistent “systemic racism” and long-defunct slavery. There is no slavery in America except that slavery of Democrats to the party of their own destruction. Today, DEI stands for Degradation, Exclusion, and Intolerance.

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2d5649 No.116110

File: c579c976a11e85f⋯.png (32.28 KB,869x343,869:343,Clipboard.png)

File: cf92cb88f7bf66f⋯.png (556.41 KB,587x435,587:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137108 (271332ZDEC23) Notable: A New Solar Powered Desalinization Method Might Have Just Helped Solve Water Scarcity

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A New Solar Powered Desalinization Method Might Have Just Helped Solve Water Scarcity

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Tuesday, Dec 26, 2023 - 08:45 PM

It looks like a step forward has been taken in the longstanding task of figuring out energy and cost efficient ways of desalinating ocean water.

According to ABC, scientists at Tianjin's Nankai University have innovated a solar-powered desalination system that harnesses smart DNA hydrogels for freshwater production.

The method was highlighted in a recent Science Advances publication and offers a significant energy efficiency advantage over traditional desalination techniques like reverse osmosis, which are energy-intensive, the report says.

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2d5649 No.116111

File: 4e02ad5c94948ef⋯.png (436.56 KB,598x908,299:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137119 (271335ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn Team Obama is running the show in WDC and has been

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General Mike Flynn


I could not agree more with @DevinNunes

Team Obama is running the show in WDC and has been.

Worth the listen.










Daniel Chaitin




Reposting without the typos:

Former Rep. and Truth Social chief Devin Nunes ponders the prospect of whether Obama and his people "want to unleash the Department of Justice that he controls" on President Biden and his family if he becomes the Dem nominee in 2024

Show more

2:32 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116112

File: aaf9b791ddd0549⋯.pdf (67.82 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 853a182dcf9e01a⋯.png (4.16 MB,1189x4694,1189:4694,Clipboard.png)

File: 635da242089be45⋯.png (238.37 KB,920x892,230:223,Clipboard.png)

File: a35c37d7cc0caa7⋯.png (35.21 KB,1076x541,1076:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 39e00afc5775238⋯.png (68.08 KB,992x534,496:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137138 (271341ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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find these dates along with this RFP interdasting.

Request for ProposalsElections Data Management System Developmentand SupportIssued​:September 14, 2020Responses Due​: October 9, 2020 by 5:00 PM EDTVendors may email questions and responses to the following contact:Johandra DelgadoSenior Program Assistant, Elections Teamjdelgado@ndi.orgNational Democratic Institute455 Massachusetts Ave, NW, 8th FloorWashington, DC 20001

I. About NDIThe ​National Democratic Institute (NDI)​ is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmentalorganization that has supported democratic institutions and practices in every region ofthe world for more than three decades. NDI receives grants and cooperative agreementsto pursue its missionfrom U.S. Federal agencies, including the U.S. Agency forInternational Development(USAID)and the Department of State(DOS), as well as grantsand service contracts from private and international donors such as the United NationsDevelopment Fund, the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID) and theWorld Bank, among others.

III.Scope of WorkNDI collects data from numerous election observation activities conducted with partnersaround the world. In support of this work, data management systems are needed toaggregate, sort and manage observer information, and analyze it in an efficient and timelymanner. For election day observations, high-speed processing and analysis is required.Prior to election day, the timeline for database deployment is generally within four to sixweeks. However, in certain circumstances, less time may be available. In some contexts

3data management systems may also be used to aggregate long-term observation reportsfrom partners several months in advance or after election day.For those reasons, NDI is seeking vendors who can:●Provide full-scale development and support to new and/or existing datamanagement systems that can: easily be localized; contain analysis parametersthat can be adjusted to collect and manage data; and be adapted for specificgeographic and deployment conditions●Provide support with developing new features and functionality in response toparticular requests from NDI or its partners●Provide support with deploying election data management systems, working withpartner groups as needed to ensure they are accessible in host country languages●Provide assistance in configuring election data management systems to integratewith local telecommunications infrastructure, as many data collection effortshappen through SMS●Be on standby to assess data management system performance and troubleshootproblems, either working remotely outside of the country where the observation istaking place, or in-country on election day when election data managementsystems are deployed by NDI or its partners

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2d5649 No.116113

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137218 (271400ZDEC23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/27/2023



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2d5649 No.116114

File: f8aa93e0b782d81⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137245 (271409ZDEC23) Notable: Christmas Service Attack in Nigeria

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Pastor Steve Cioccolanti




Christmas Service Attack in Nigeria. Muslim militants murdered 150 worshipping Christians. This is similar to Hamas’ attack on Israelis on Oct 7. But you will hear no global outrage. No worldwide media coverage. No sending of billions in foreign aid. Why? Is it because


Show more


Mike Sington




How a normal President and First Lady spent Christmas vs how Trump spent Christmas.




Oh Bette 😈




“Normal”😂 if you call hair sniffing, stumbling over the reading of flash cards & influence peddling, selling out our country for decades & having a crackhead son who abandoned his own child “normal”- something wrong with you.




💪💪💪The Machine's Roller Bracket with its multifunctional design and 24 wheels is indeed a user-friendly and versatile solution, offering an efficient way to move heavy items in homes.

🛒Get yours 👉 https://blezo.co/roller-bracket?twclid=250etkrxn515boyu6j5xjrjvyr

Embedded video





What’s Bill Barr’s definition of “moving forward”?

America and the Constitution’s definition is polar opposite of Bill Barr.

America First, the only option.


Chuck Callesto




JUST IN: Bill Barr CLAIMS Trump Would Not ‘Move the Country Forward’ If Reelected...



Libs of TikTok




Trans activist tried bullying an airline employee for “misgendering.” The employee wasn’t having it! 😂

This is the correct way to deal with these narcissists who demand we give in to their delusions.

It’s all just a power trip for them!


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2d5649 No.116115

File: 7f3e6f017cf975f⋯.jpg (492.27 KB,1079x1492,1079:1492,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137246 (271409ZDEC23) Notable: Matthew Lawrence Stickney was arrested last week. 1/6

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Matthew Lawrence Stickney was arrested last week.


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2d5649 No.116116

File: 2931e59583c133d⋯.png (389.87 KB,1153x924,1153:924,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137262 (271414ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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found while digging on Oregons censorship RFP


>>116069 Oregon Lawmakers Sue to Halt “Misinformation” Contracts Against Election-Related Speech


BREAKING: Oregon signs contract with AI-Powered threat intelligence platform to “combat election misinformation,” spy on citizens

Oct 27

Written By OFA Media

SALEM, OR — With the 2024 election just a year away, the Oregon Secretary of State signed a contract with an AI-powered threat intelligence program to “identify, advise, and combat harmful MDM information online.” The contract was signed today, October 27th. OFA Media reached out to the Oregon Election’s Division communication team for comment, but haven’t received a response.

According to sources,the platform is a company called “Logically Intelligence”whose mission is to “reduce the harms associated with mis- and disinformation” and “provide analysts with content analysis tools to detect harmful online narratives and threats at speed and at scale.” Here’s an actual screen shot from the company’s website:

Logically Intelligence is based in the United Kingdomwith offices in the U.K., U.S. (Virginia), and India. You heard that right. A company that’s been hired by a US state to “combat disinformation,” and spy on citizens, isn’t even based in the United States.

Logically’s founder, a British citizen and Harvard graduate named Lyric Jain, gave a Ted Talk about his company and “misinformation.” You can watch the Ted Talk here. Here’s a video of Jain’s speech at Cambridge:

According to the Oregon SOS RFP, which is a document that outlines the state’s plan and purpose of work it’s seeking, the state seeks to identify, advise, and create methods to combat harmful MDM (mis-, dis-, and mal- information) online. Here’s a screen shot of the “Scope of Work” from the RFP:To see the full RFP document, click HERE.

Many Oregonians see this as a “big brother” situation and an infringement on their first amendment rights and freedom of speech. “It makes me feel unsafe. I feel even more mistrust of our government after this,” said Dayna Rainier, a Lake Oswego, Oregon resident.

As stated in the RFP, “the selected solution (Logically Intelligence) must perform 24/7 monitoring during special circumstances agreed upon between the selected Proposer and SOS.” In other words, a company based in another country will be monitoring your free speech 24/7 online.

Also, according to the RFP document, “the Proposer solution must provide a means to advance the presentation of factual material and counter the erosion of trust in public institutions and election systems.”

Some argue the creation of this plan is an erosion of public trust within itself. “What the government is saying is that they’re the only arbiters of truth and anyone who dissents will be silenced,” said Oregon citizen and founder of OFA Media, David Medina. “How does this not make someone more skeptical of our government?”

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2d5649 No.116117

File: b5e94407be28d8d⋯.png (46.62 KB,708x676,177:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137281 (271420ZDEC23) Notable: Q Deltas

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Dec 27, 2019 11:00:46 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Dec 27, 2019 10:27:26 PM EST




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2d5649 No.116118

File: 153e668206bd5fe⋯.png (135.38 KB,708x952,177:238,Clipboard.png)

File: cb9ef13e9758b59⋯.jpg (520.26 KB,1080x1502,540:751,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 684f5badcc7cdf3⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137302 (271427ZDEC23) Notable: Q Deltas

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Dec 27, 2019 11:26:04 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6



They are FIGHTING for their LIVES.

Good people in place.


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2d5649 No.116119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137308 (271428ZDEC23) Notable: Biden signs order finalizing 5.2% pay raise for feds in 2024

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Biden signs order finalizing 5.2% pay raise for feds in 2024

The measure confirms that the federal workforce will see its largest pay increase in more than 40 years.


President Biden on Thursday issued an executive order implementing his plan to provide civilian federal workers with an average 5.2% pay raise next month.

As first proposed in his fiscal 2024 budget plan last March, the increase amounts to a 4.7% across-the-board boost to basic pay, alongside an average 0.5% increase in locality pay. As authorized in the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, which Biden is expected to sign this week, military service personnel also will see an average 5.2% pay raise next year.

An average 5.2% pay increase marks the largest authorized for federal workers since the Carter administration adopted a 9.1% average raise in 1980, as well as a 0.6% increase over last year’s raise, which itself marked a 20-year high.

On top of the historic pay increase, tens of thousands of federal employees will see a slightly larger increase than expected, thanks to a slew of recent changes in the locality pay system. Last year, the President’s Pay Agent, a body made up of Office of Personnel Management Director Kiran Ahuja, Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young and Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su, approved the creation of four new locality pay areas. And the body finally adopted plans to update the map of locality pay areas using new OMB data, adding dozens of counties to existing locality pay areas.

The Office of Personnel Management must now publish pay tables outlining the pay raise across all General Schedule pay grades and locality pay areas. Once updated, they will be available on the agency’s website.

The pay raise will go into effect for the first full pay period of 2024, which for most feds begins Jan. 14.

(Bribes come in handy during a Presidential Election Year!)


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2d5649 No.116120

File: 62ff16b06375a18⋯.png (28.91 KB,676x232,169:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 28aa2af53c6e4b7⋯.png (53.13 KB,1195x537,1195:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ae8e5aa63c4341⋯.pdf (8.29 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 925f9b828110f0f⋯.png (123.7 KB,1244x584,311:146,Clipboard.png)

File: 51ae3078cd81acf⋯.png (270.16 KB,1151x582,1151:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137312 (271429ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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>According to sources,the platform is a company called “Logically Intelligence”

Oregon government hired a company who attacks what it calls "the far right

Same company involved with a grant from Department of Homeland Security to combat radicalization in video games.

Application for Federal Assistance SF-424


https://www.dhs.gov › sites › default › files


Feb 14, 2023 —Logically's Intelligence platform) alongside subject matter experts, the team will characterize how extremists-in particular far-right ...

75 pages


> https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-02/EMW-GR-APP-00036%20President%20and%20Fellows%20of%20Middlebury%20College.pdf

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2d5649 No.116121

File: 195d46cc6aec64d⋯.png (48.02 KB,774x330,129:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137329 (271435ZDEC23) Notable: Looks like we gotta missing (y) comm. @realDonaldTrump They illegally spied on my campaign, lied to Congress, cheated FISA, didn’t get approval from State Legislatures.....

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NEW DJT-Eastern Time would be 9:11

Donald J. Trump


They illegally spied on my campaign, lied to Congress, cheated FISA, didn’t get approval from State Legislatures, lost control of ballot counting, stuffed ballots, 51 Fake Intelligence Agents, FBI/Twitter Files, and much more, and they come after me for Election Interference. Only in America!

Dec 27, 2023, 8:11 AM


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2d5649 No.116122

File: 9a5666c562e36ed⋯.png (95.78 KB,871x316,871:316,Clipboard.png)

File: f1f50c68ee193a2⋯.jpg (14.09 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4acf2fabc2ff55c⋯.png (145.08 KB,1121x554,1121:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137330 (271435ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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2d5649 No.116123

File: c7b84198fb47a1d⋯.png (1.02 MB,960x733,960:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137333 (271436ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rainbow Aurora over Icelandic Waterfall

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 27, 2023

Rainbow Aurora over Icelandic Waterfall

Yes, but can your aurora do this? First, yes, auroras can look like rainbows even though they are completely different phenomena. Auroras are caused by Sun-created particles being channeled into Earth's atmosphere by Earth's magnetic field, and create colors by exciting atoms at different heights. Conversely, rainbows are created by sunlight backscattering off falling raindrops, and different colors are refracted by slightly different angles. Unfortunately, auroras can’t create waterfalls, but if you plan well and are lucky enough, you can photograph them together. The featured picture is composed of several images taken on the same night last month near the Skógafoss waterfall in Iceland. The planning centered on capturing the central band of our Milky Way galaxy over the picturesque cascade. By luck, a spectacular aurora soon appeared just below the curving arch of the Milky Way. Far in the background, the Pleiades star cluster and the Andromeda galaxy can be found.


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2d5649 No.116124

File: 1a1853c4d382954⋯.png (421.77 KB,665x372,665:372,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137337 (271438ZDEC23) Notable: Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections

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Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections

Sometimes you have to destroy democracy to save democracy.

“What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold claimed in 2021.

“Everything we do every single day to ensure the American people can elect, freely choose their election officials,” the chair of the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State held forth in 2022. “We believe that democracy literally is on the ballot.”

In 2023, democracy is no longer on the ballot in Colorado because Griswold, who had spent every single year warning about an “assault on democracy”, launched an actual assault on democracy to ensure that people in Colorado would not be able to freely vote in elections.

After Colorado’s Democrat justices ruled that, on their say-so, former President Trump couldn’t appear on the ballot in Colorado, the state’s GOP proposed to move to a caucus system.

And Griswold responded by warning that the Colorado GOP couldn’t change its own primary so that voters can’t actually vote for the candidate they choose, only those that Democrats choose.

But as the Mills Brothers sang, “you always hurt the one you love.” And sometimes you love democracy so much that you have to kill it to save democracy from itself.

Some Democrats define any opposition as an attack on democracy. And when they end democracy, they’re really “upholding democracy” so high up so that the voters can’t get their grubby fingers on it.

Secretary of State Griswold had previously described Republican bans on ballot harvesting as an “assault on democracy”, challenging election results as a plot to “destroy American democracy” and questioning the behavior of hyper-partisan election officials like herself as an “all-out assault on democracy.”


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2d5649 No.116125

File: a63d0661547b53a⋯.png (84.17 KB,994x326,497:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137339 (271439ZDEC23) Notable: Michigan Supreme Court rejects attempt to remove Trump from 2024 ballot

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Insider Paper

BREAKING: Michigan Supreme Court rejects attempt to remove Trump from 2024 ballot

Follow @insiderpaper




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2d5649 No.116126

File: bf143add4f34d84⋯.png (122.08 KB,985x554,985:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137367 (271448ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Issues New Space Security Best Practices Guide

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NASA Issues New Space Security Best Practices Guide

Dec 22, 2023

As space missions and technologies grow increasingly interconnected, NASA has released the first iteration of its Space Security Best Practices Guide to bolster mission cybersecurity efforts for both public sector and private sector space activities.

The guide represents a significant milestone in NASA’s commitment to ensuring the longevity and resilience of its space missions and will serve as a resource for enhancing their security and reliability.

Additionally, the Space Security Best Practices Guide was designed to benefit users beyond NASA – international partners, industry, and others working in the expanding fields of space exploration and development. The guide is designed to provide security guidance for missions, programs, or projects of any size.

“At NASA, we recognize the importance of protecting our space missions from potential threats and vulnerabilities” said Misty Finical, deputy principal advisor for Enterprise Protection at NASA. “This guide represents a collective effort to establish a set of principles that will enable us to identify and mitigate risks and ensure continued success of our missions, both in Earth’s orbit and beyond.”

In terms of both information systems and operational technologies, space systems are becoming more integrated and interconnected. These developments carry benefits – NASA and other organizations have unprecedented new possibilities for working, communicating, and gathering data in space. But new, complex systems can also have vulnerabilities. Through its new guide, NASA aims to provide best practices for adapting to these new challenges and implementing safety and security measures.

The guide reflects NASAs continued commitment to helping develop clear cybersecurity principles for its space systems, encapsulated in its Space System Protection Standard. The agency developed the handbook to further support the goals of Space Policy Directive 5, Cybersecurity Principles for Space Systems.

NASA will collect feedback from the space community to integrate into future versions of the guide.


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2d5649 No.116127

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137386 (271455ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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HRC's campaign was working with a similarly named company in 2016. Tracking influencers in social media to see who to influence.

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2d5649 No.116128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137429 (271511ZDEC23) Notable: Agent told boss Biden laptop could be Russian disinformation, but team knew otherwise

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FBI shocker: Agent told boss Biden laptop could be Russian disinformation, but team knew otherwise

1/3Dec. 26, 2023

The FBI agent who ran the bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF) during the 2020 election admitted in Congressional testimony that he advised his leadership that Hunter Biden’s laptop could be part of a Russian disinformation campaign, apparently unaware his team already knew that the FBI had obtained and corroborated the computer as “real,” according to interview transcripts reviewed by Just the News.

Retired FBI Special Agent Bradley Benavides' account to the House Judiciary Committee comes as congressional investigators gather mounting evidence that the government's early efforts to identify andblock alleged misinformation in politics have been so haphazard as to inject inaccurate, speculative, or incomplete information themselves into the public domain.

Benavides served as the very firstFBI section chief for the Foreign Influence Task Force(FITF), a new entity created during the 2020 electionto issue warnings to other bodies in government and the private sector about possible foreign misinformation or disinformation. (This was a task force set up to defeat Trump! Imo)

“I remember aquestion being posed broadlyif there was a laptop purported to be attributed to Hunter Biden, is it possible that a foreign adversary, like the Russians, could be using that as a way to insert into the U.S. political system false information, bad information, corrupted information, all kinds of things that could be on the laptop? Is it possible, FITF, that the Russians are capable of doing this? And my response would have been yes,” Benavides told the House Judiciary Committee in a Sept. 28 transcribed interview reviewed by Just the News.

The FBI effort has drawn increased scrutiny because its work often was cited as a basis for censorship of news and opinion content on social media during the election. The New York Times, for example, did not acknowledge the existence of the laptop or its contents until more than a year after the 2020 election.

The task force was one of the bodies cited by a federal appellate court for banning federal agencies from having censorship-related contacts with Big Tech platforms ahead of the 2024 election. Thefederal government continues to deny any collaboration with media in papersfiled to the United States Supreme Court last week.

Benavides said he received arequest for his input on the Hunter Biden laptop before the November 2020 electionfrom Executive Assistant DirectorJohn Brown, then the No. 3 national security official at the bureau behind the Director and Deputy Director.

“It was broad,” Benavides said of the question Brown asked. “It would have been, is it possible that the Russians had the sophistication, the capabilities to potentially insert a laptop purported to be associated with Hunter Biden? It would have been a broad question based on my recollection.”

Benavides told the committee he had not done any research on the laptop beforehand and never looked further into whether the laptop was real after giving Brown his answer.(WTF, really uncurious Agents and Leaders?)

“Did you have to take anything back to your team or conduct your own analysis, or you just were able to provide an answer immediately?” the retired agent was asked.

“I would have provided the answer immediately based on my understanding of sophisticated Russian operations,” Benavides answered.

“Did you do anything else after this conversation with him?” he was pressed.

“Not that I immediately recall. Not that I recall,” he answered.

His answer has caught lawmakers’ attention, in part because a fellow FBI agent named Laura Dehmlow, who succeeded Benavides as the FITF section chief, told the same committee in her interview that task force members, including herself,already knew by fall 2020 – before the election– that Hunter Biden’slaptop had been corroboratedand even told social media companies during one of the task force’s meetings in October 2020 with social media companies' executives.

“I remember having a conversation with or being involved in a conversation with Twitter, and I honestly can’t recall if this was repeated to me – I might have been a few minutes late to the meeting – or if – or if I was – I actually overheard it,” Dehmlow said in her interview. “But it was – it was relayed to me later that somebody from Twitter – I don’t recall who. I’m not sure who. Somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real. And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, ‘yes, it was,’ before anotherparticipant jumped in and said, ‘no further comment.’”…


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2d5649 No.116129

File: 14bf92f876cbac0⋯.png (3.09 MB,2000x1342,1000:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 22154d119375061⋯.png (54.53 KB,913x334,913:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137445 (271517ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Aeronautics in 2023

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NASA Aeronautics in 2023

In 2023, NASA advanced aviation technologies to improve passenger experiences, stimulate U.S. economic growth, and create a future of cleaner, quieter, and safer skies — all while working to support the U.S. goal of reaching net-zero aviation greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.


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2d5649 No.116130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137447 (271518ZDEC23) Notable: Agent told boss Biden laptop could be Russian disinformation, but team knew otherwise

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“When the information was relayed to you following the Twitter call, the first agent had said the laptop was real. Just to clarify,you knew prior to that conversation that the laptop was real. Is that correct?” she was asked.

"I did, yes,”she answered.

Later Dehmlow was pressed for more details. “Do you knowwho else at FITF knew that the laptop was real?”a committee lawyer asked.

"I don’t actually. I would assume both my – yes, I would certainly say thatBrad Benavides was aware,” she answered.

“What about the individuals on the Russia unit?” she was asked.

“I would assume the unit chief was also aware. I’m pretty certain of that fact,” she added.

Documents recently released by Congress from two IRS whistleblowers show the FBI had determined that a laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware repair shop that was handed over to agents under a federal grand jury subpoena had been authenticated by the FBI as early as 2019 and that the possibility ofRussian disinformation on it was already ruled out by early 2020.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is pressing FBI Director Christopher Wray on the work of the FITF and other bodies created by the federal government in the name of fighting disinformation, citing testimony and documents showingfederal disinformation hunters sometimes created their own false impressionby making proclamations without full evidence to back it up.

For instance, 51 intelligence officials signed a letter in October 2020 claiming the Biden laptop could be Russian disinformation without citing any evidence, and memos dug up by Jordan evidence that the letter was instigated by now-Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, then a staffer with Joe Biden’s campaign, to create a “talking point” at the last presidential debate.

“The refusal ofFBI officials—the very officials who knew the laptop was real—to verify the authenticity of the laptopallowed widespread censorshipabout an otherwise accurate news story,” Jordan wrote Wray in a letter earlier this year.

In his historic ruling in July banning federal agencies from further censorship activities with Big Tech firms,Judge Terry Doughtyof the United States District Court of Louisianasingled out the FBI Foreign Influence Task Forcefor behavior that chilled the First Amendment’s guarantee to free speech. “A significant number of FBI officials from the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force also participate in regular meetings with social-media platforms about disinformation,” the judge noted.

He added: “TheFBIwas included in Industry meetings and bilateral meetings, received and forwarded alleged misinformation to social-media companies, andactually mislead social-media companies in regard to the Hunter Biden laptop story. The Court finds this evidence demonstrative of significant encouragement by the FBI Defendant.”

Benavides was asked about Dehmlow’s claims and insisted he did not know the laptop was “real” and that he did not try to determine if it was in the FBI’s hands after he gave his answer to the executive assistant director.

“I don't know what 'real' means, and I would need context for that,” he told the committee. “And I can't put myself in Laura's testimony to understand what she might have been trying to convey based on the question that was asked to her.” (Clinton language)

Committee lawyers pressed further: “Did you have any knowledge of the FBI's possession of any laptop, regardless of whether the laptop had been authenticated, determined to be Hunter Biden's laptop, determined to be a version of Hunter Biden's laptop possibly corrupted, possession of any 24 laptop whatsoever connected to this issue?

“I was aware of a public narrative around this generally. I assessed, based on John's question, that the FBI might be in possession of the laptop. I was never told, nor would I have asked, ‘Does the FBI have this laptop?’ I would not have done that,” he answered.

Benavidesalso confirmed to Congress thathe was part of a briefing to Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson in summer 2020that warned some of the information they were collecting in their probe of Biden family influence peddling and the millions in foreign dollars it collected might have been fanned by Russia through a Ukrainian lawmaker aligned with Putin.

“I would have been in the room for that. I would not have delivered the defensive brief,” he explained,identifying his boss, Nikki Floris,as the agent which gave the briefing.

(They sound dumb but the are not, deny, deny, deny!)

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2d5649 No.116131

File: 5baaadd67815be8⋯.png (236.49 KB,598x500,299:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137449 (271520ZDEC23) Notable: Epstein-Tied Democrat Mega Donor who Cofounded LinkedIn Donates To Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential Campaign

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Epstein-Tied Democrat Mega Donor who Cofounded LinkedIn Donates To Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential Campaign

One of ⁦@NikkiHaley

⁩’s largest donors is Jeffrey Epstein associate Reid Hoffman.

Nikki Haley takes campaign cash from pedophile enablers.


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2d5649 No.116132

File: 0206a16a0759b71⋯.png (566.8 KB,735x488,735:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137450 (271520ZDEC23) Notable: Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon Their Ranks

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Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon Their Ranks

The only thing more uplifting than watching several prominent liberals drift rightward is the cluelessness of those on the left as to why it’s happening.

This drift is obvious enough, since it includes journalists once heralded by the left such as Matt Taibbi (who won a Young America’s Foundation award) and Glenn Greenwald, and Democratic politicians, including Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (whose speech at a Daily Caller award ceremony drew many loud cheers from the conservative audience), and Sen. John Fetterman (who recently declared that “I am not a progressive”).

Celebrities such as Russell Brand, David Chappelle, and Bill Maher (who “has been riding an asphalt roller over the far left,” according to Townhall) are part of the shift, as are a handful of prominent business leaders, Elon Musk for instance.

That’s to say nothing of the fact that surveys show once tried-and-true liberal constituencies – Hispanics, Asians, blacks, working class, and the young – are abandoning the Democratic party. It’s not as though these people are suddenly small-government conservatives. They just are waking up to the fact that the left is a cesspool of hatred and intolerance and are looking for the exits.

All of which has caused a lot of confusion on the left. Case in point is a commentary by the New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg, who manages to come up with some theories to explain the realignment.

One is that “celebrity defectors … lurched right after a cancellation or public humiliation.” (In other words, for petty reasons.)

Another is that “the culture of the left is simply less welcoming,” and “people go where people accept them, or are nice to them, and away from people who are mean to them.” (An incredibly odd admission given that the left is supposedly all about “diversity” and “inclusion.”)


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2d5649 No.116133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137457 (271522ZDEC23) Notable: Agent told boss Biden laptop could be Russian disinformation, but team knew otherwise

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Though anFBI agent gave the briefing, Benavides said the information in itwas not derivedfrom bureau sources or corroborated by the FBI. Ratherit came from other intelligence agenciesand forwarded to the FBI through an interagency body known as theCredibility Assessment Group. As such, the FBI agents simply read material unverified by the FBI to the senators. That material was provided to the FBI by other intelligence agency components through the the Office of Director of National Intelligence, he said.

“She would have read verbatim the contents of the script,” he said.

Benavides said the FBI would not authenticate the informationitself but instead rely on its credibility because other agencies had vetted it.

“You cannot definitely say in this particular instance, you cannot vouch for the veracity of the intelligence,” he was asked.

“I cannot,” he answered.

(The IC has this secret maneuver to blame others for their lack of knowledge. Classic case of “dodge and weave”)

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2d5649 No.116134

File: 6fdbf1ee224bd43⋯.png (697.77 KB,732x488,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137459 (271523ZDEC23) Notable: Mayor Adams sounds alarm on NYPD BLM settlement as anti-Israel protests rage: ‘Very troubling’

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Mayor Adams sounds alarm on NYPD BLM settlement as anti-Israel protests rage: ‘Very troubling’

The NYPD’s controversial settlement agreement in the wake of the 2020 Black Lives Matter demonstrations is “troubling” and has made officers “hesitant” when responding to large, out-of-control marches, Mayor Eric Adams warned Tuesday — as the Big Apple has been rocked by fiery anti-Israel protests.

The department agreed to abandon “kettling” — the crowd-control tactic of herding and confining protesters to a small area before making arrests — as part of a settlement announced in September resolving several federal lawsuits claiming officers used excessive force during the George Floyd demonstrations.

But as the city is besieged by angry pro-Palestinian protests — where agitators have been spotted brandishing swastika signs — Adams has sounded the alarm.

“The Police Department … [has] to be extremely more hesitant in actions that they would have carried out in the past to keep the peace,” Hizzoner warned during a Tuesday press conference.

“I did not agree with the concept of those changes,” he continued. “I pushed back hard … I thought it put us on a very troubling direction.”

NYPD arresting woman at protest 5

Officers will use a new “four-tiered” system for responding to demonstrations and can escalate their response if protesters are blocking traffic or doing something deemed dangerous or illegal. Christopher Sadowski

When asked why he agreed to the settlement if he didn’t like the terms, the mayor said city officials thought the deal might worsen if they didn’t agree.

“As soon as I read [it], I said, ‘This is a problem,’” Adams said. “You know, you have to go by the advice of your attorneys.”


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2d5649 No.116135

File: 5fd2bdf8a551ad5⋯.png (522.58 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ea0ca3c2f041b6⋯.png (265.89 KB,970x367,970:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137474 (271528ZDEC23) Notable: Discovery of 'calendar' rock carvings from Ancestral Pueblo in US Southwest surpasses 'wildest expectations'

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Discovery of 'calendar' rock carvings from Ancestral Pueblo in US Southwest surpasses 'wildest expectations'

Dec 26, 2023

While investigating a site in the US Southwest, archaeologists discovered a series of ancient rock carvings that early Native Americans may have used as a calendar.

The site, known as the Castle Rock Pueblo, is on the Mesa Verde plateau straddling the Colorado-Utah border and is best known for the Ancestral Pueblo settlements that are carved into the surrounding canyon walls, according to a statement.

The Ancestral Pueblo were a group of Indigenous peoples who inhabited the Castle Rock Pueblo from about the 1250s to 1274, according to a 2020 study in the journal Antiquity.

The agricultural Pueblo communities developed one of the most advanced Pre-Columbian cultures in North America," Radosław Palonka, an archaeology professor at Jagiellonian University in Poland who led the investigation, said in the statement. "They perfected the craft of building multi-story stone houses, resembling medieval town houses or even later blocks of flats. The Pueblo people were also famous for their rock art, intricately ornamented jewelry and ceramics bearing different motifs painted with a black pigment on white background."

During their investigation, the archaeologists discovered a series of petroglyphs (rock carvings) chiseled into the canyon walls high above the cliff settlements. The carvings, which include spirals stretching more than 3 feet (1 meter) in diameter, continue across more than 2.5 miles (4 kilometers), according to the statement.

"I used to think that we studied this area thoroughly, conducting full-scale excavations, geophysical surveying and digitalization," Palonka said in the statement. "Yet, I had some hints from older members of the local community that something more can be found in the higher, less accessible parts of the canyons. We wanted to verify this information, and what we found surpassed our wildest expectations."

Researchers think the Ancestral Pueblo used the panels as a calendar for "astronomical observations" and to commemorate "special days," including the summer and winter solstices and the spring and autumn equinoxes, according to the statement.


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2d5649 No.116136

File: 68cb49293593749⋯.png (801.14 KB,849x492,283:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137483 (271532ZDEC23) Notable: Number of Chinese Nationals Spikes at the Border

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Number of Chinese Nationals Spikes at the Border

December is not quite over, and as Catherine noted earlier today, 250,000 illegal aliens have crossed the border this month — more than the number of people who stormed the beaches on D-Day. She also raised a point that has been stated again and again: there is no way of telling who these people are and, for that matter, why they are here. There is no doubt that a number of those entering the country are fleeing poverty and crime or who want their shot at the American Dream. (Incidentally, good luck to them. Most Americans are not even sure they can get a shot at the American Dream.) Others are cartel members, drug and human traffickers, and possibly members of potential sleeper-cell terrorists from enemy nations. I interviewed border experts and members of law enforcement who were saying those things almost 15 years ago. When waves upon waves of people arrive at the pace at which they are currently entering the country, it is impossible to tell who is who. And the current administration seems to have no real interest in doing so. In fact, it shows a vested interest in refusing to enforce immigration laws of any kind.

Ordinarily, when one hears the words "illegal immigrant," one thinks of people from Central and South America. But as has been reported elsewhere, immigrants are coming from all points of the globe, including China. The Daily Caller reports that the number of illegal immigrants from China continues to hit record highs. In November, the Border Patrol had 4,767 encounters with Chinese illegals.


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2d5649 No.116137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137489 (271536ZDEC23) Notable: Plagued by plagiarism scandal, Harvard's political donations flood to Democrats

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Plagued by plagiarism scandal, Harvard's political donations flood to Democrats

As Harvard faces increasing pressure to fire its embattled president, theuniversity's insular culture and one-sided politicsare under the microscope.

So far in the2024 election cycle, Harvardemployeesincluding professors and administratorshave made more than 100 donations of $1,000 or more to politicians. All but three went to Democrats. Two of the three Republican donations went to candidates trying to take down Donald Trump in the party’s presidential primary.

This weekend, a Washington Post op-ed by deputy editorial page editor Ruth Marcus called on President Claudine Gay to resign. “She plagiarized her acknowledgments. I take no joy in saying this, but (she) ought to resign. Her track record is unbefitting the president of the country’s premier university,” Marcus wrote.

Last week, The New York Times reported that top governing officials for the Ivy League school met to plot a course out of the mess plaguing the university with amore than $50 billion endowment.

Harvard has taken the hot seat after the University of Pennsylvania's president resigned in the wake of botched Congressional testimony about anti-Semitism at the schools.

Pennhas a similarlyone-sided donation profilewith all the top donations in recent years going to Democrats.

Jennifer Kabbany, editor of The College Fix, which tracks political correctness at universities nationwide, saysthe donations mask a deeper problemat universities, “Theolder, classically liberal (professors)who tended to support free speech, academic freedom and intellectual diversityare retiring. They are being replaced with younger, more radical scholars who use the classroom for activism and indoctrination rather than education. These new scholars tend to be far more politically active.” She argues that this transition has turnedschools into one-party “echo chambers.”


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2d5649 No.116138

File: 7c0c7951825a53d⋯.png (489.44 KB,1100x1420,55:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137508 (271542ZDEC23) Notable: Q Deltas

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Today's Deltas


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2d5649 No.116139

File: 466e2657b04203c⋯.png (73.72 KB,860x507,860:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f4254bab63011a⋯.png (70.43 KB,860x480,43:24,Clipboard.png)

File: ac9d97ff736a351⋯.png (141.61 KB,1209x708,403:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137515 (271544ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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>“Logically Intelligence”


>"the far right



>HRC's campaign was working with a similarly named company in 2016. Tracking influencers in social media to see who to influence.

The way these outfit's switch names after their outed, who knows they could be related. This particular company was founded after the 2016 election

Checked Qresear.ch for info while anons were on top of it in 2020 and 2021, I'm not seeing much after the Twitter Files revelations or CTILeage releasae.

Taibbi and Schellnberger may have a fresh search term for a twat dig.

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2d5649 No.116140

File: a7c599c2086bf0e⋯.png (304.24 KB,1028x1314,514:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137520 (271548ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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>This particular company was founded after the 2016 election

TheLogically LtdType Private

Industry Fake news detection

Founded 2017

Founder Lyric Jain

Headquarters UK

Number of locations


Number of employees

200 (2023)

Website logically.ai

Logically is a British multinational technology startup company that specializes in analyzing and fighting disinformation.[1] Logically was founded in 2017 by Lyric Jain and is based in Brighouse, England,[2] with offices in London, Mysore, Bangalore, and Virginia.[3]


Lyric Jain, who founded Logically in 2017,[4] said he was partly inspired by his grandmother's turn to misinformation before she died of pancreatic cancer.[5][6] A WhatsApp group that spread misinformation led her to replace "her cancer medication in favour of unproven, alternative treatments."[5] He also witnessed the spread of misinformation in Britain around the time of the Brexit referendum.[6]

An MIT grant helped launch the company.[6] Logically first operated solely from Britain, employing 30 British residents by 2019.[7] In early 2019, the company expanded to India, recruiting 40 employees who perform most of the company's fact-checking.[7] In its 2019 seed round, Logically raised $7 million.[7] In 2020, it raised another €2.77 million,[8] including from the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund and XTX Ventures.[9] As of 2020, Logically had 100 employees.[10]

In July 2020, the International Fact-Checking Network certified Logically as a fact-checker. The certification was renewed in September 2021 and January 2023.[11]

In June 2023, The Daily Telegraph reported that Logically was paid more than £1.2 million by the UK government to analyse disinformation terms online alongside its partnership with Facebook. Such topics included narratives pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, including "anti-lockdown" and "anti-COVID-19 vaccine sentiment".[12]

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2d5649 No.116141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137521 (271548ZDEC23) Notable: New York Times sues OpenAI, Microsoft for alleged copyright infringement

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New York Times sues OpenAI, Microsoft for alleged copyright infringement

Dec. 27, 2023

The New York Times filed a lawsuit Wednesday against OpenAI and Microsoft for alleged copyright infringement, sparking a legal battle that has long-term implications for the future of media.

Automated chatbots were trained with millions of Times articles, andnow artificial intelligence is generating content that competes with the New York outlet, according to a 69-page lawsuit filed in Manhattan's federal district court. (So AI is making up propaganda like the NYTs, kinda ironic. Kek)

The Times says in the lawsuit that OpenAI and Microsoft should be held liable for "billions of dollars in statutory and actual damages" related to the "unlawful copying and use ofThe Times's uniquely valuable works." (Seriously?)

The Times is the first major U.S. media organization to sue the companies that created popular AI platforms – including ChatGPT – over copyright problems related to writing.


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2d5649 No.116142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137523 (271549ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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>TheLogically LtdType Private


Logically says it uses artificial intelligence to initially filter claims, saying that they use "AI to run claims through a database of previously checked facts, and assign a score of how likely that claim is to be accurate, based on past claims and the credibility of its source". After this "matching process", human employees use their judgment to assess whether they believe claims to be true or false.[6]

In March 2021, Logically launched a service named Logically Intelligence (LI), which is aimed at helping governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to identify and counter online misinformation. The service collects data from thousands of websites and social media platforms, then analyses it using an algorithm to identify potentially dangerous content and organise it into narrative groups.[13]

From August 2020 to June 2022, Logically offered a browser extension to help users check the credibility of online articles and fact-check claims.[14][15][16]


Logically helped The Guardian disprove claims by an English pastor that 5G technology was connected to vaccination tracking.[14] Logically is one of many companies hired by TikTok works to curtail disinformation on the social network.[17][18][19] The New Yorker noted its tracking of disinformation related to healthcare and the COVID-19 pandemic.[20]

In August 2021, researchers at Logically identified the prominent QAnon influencer GhostEzra as Robert Smart, an evangelical Christian from Florida.[21][22][23] GhostEzra was prominent for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories[21][22] and sharing the neo-Nazi propaganda film Europa: The Last Battle in QAnon communities.[24][25]

The BBC has cited Logically's research in tracking the rise of pro-Russian accounts linking Ukraine to Nazi ideology following the 2022 Russian invasion of the country.[26]

In August 2023, the company reported on a Chinese disinformation campaign related to the discharge of radioactive water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. According to The New York Times, Chinese state media did not spread false information but did omit crucial details.[27][28][29]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116143

File: 57fc3f29d2d631b⋯.png (268.85 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 68a99a5e5a1212e⋯.png (74.29 KB,1066x622,533:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 25d854e21fc7bb7⋯.png (110.1 KB,1120x664,140:83,Clipboard.png)

File: b19cdcf39b78048⋯.pdf (892.16 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137539 (271553ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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Looks like they meddled in the 2020 and 2022 elections

Brag about it even

Supporting Election Integrity

Logically has worked as a globally trusted

partner on threats stemming from

mis-and-disinformation related to election

integrity since 2019.

The following is an overview of Logically’s work on election

integrity, as well as an assessment of potential future issues that

could arise globally.

Executive Summary

Using our AI-powered platform (Logically Intelligence ® ), an expert team of analysts,

and a global team of data scientists, Logically provides regular reporting and

situational awareness to stakeholders in the elections community.

Logically has worked with partners on election integrity since 2019 in the following






US Federal and state elections (2020 & 2022))

US midterm elections (2022)

India’s local elections (Maharashtra 2019, Karnataka 2023)

India’s general election (Lok Sabha 2019)

Additionally, Logically has provided expert analysis on potential threats stemming

from mis-and-disinformation related to elections in Nigeria , Turkey , Argentina ,

Hungary , and more.

Logically has focused on potential threats to the electoral process, election facilities,

election officials, and narratives that have the potential to erode trust in the

democratic process, in an attempt to strengthen election integrity around the world.

Logically assesses that future elections will see increased risks from globalized

narratives, expan

Threats to Election Integrity

Around the world, threats consistently emerge to the electoral process. Following the

COVID-19 pandemic, threatening mis-and-disinformation narratives seem to be

emerging at an increasing rate globally.

Logically is committed to helping ensure election integrity by addressing threats to:






Election locations (voting centers, ballot storage facilities)

Election infrastructure (drop boxes, voting machines)

Election officials (Secretaries of State, local election officers)

The electoral process (vote counting, vote certification)

Elections in the United States

Since 2020, Logically has worked with partners in the elections space, at a state level,

federal level, and in the private sector, to ensure an appropriate response to threats

that could impact election integrity.

During the 2020 presidential election , Logically worked at the state level to ensure

threats to officials and the process were monitored. A key element of this work

required the establishment of strategic partnerships with law enforcement and

federal agencies to ensure threats were appropriately managed.

In 2022, Logically became a member of the US Election Infrastructure Information

Sharing & Analysis Center (EI-ISAC), and now regularly contributes to tabletop

exercises and conversations surrounding the potential impact of threats emerging

mis-and-disinformation on the election process.

During the 2022 midterm elections , Logically worked with various levels of partners

in the election space ranging from state-level organizations to nonprofits to identify

threats to the election process and officials. In the period prior to and directly

following the midterms, Logically operated a focused threat monitoring effort in

direct communication with law enforcement.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Logically has established itself as one

of the leaders in advising on threats to the election process and officials posed by

emerging mis-and-disinformation narratives.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137561 (271559ZDEC23) Notable: North Carolina election board unanimous in primary ballot decision: Joe Biden lone Democrat

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North Carolina election board unanimous in primary ballot decision: Joe Biden lone Democrat

Dec.26, 2023

When Super Tuesday rolls around in 10 weeks for North Carolinians, there’ll be just one choice for Democrats and the favorite choice per polling for Republicans.

President Joe Biden will be the only name available on the Democratic primary ballot, the state’s Board of Elections has confirmed by unanimous vote. That vote by three Democrats and three Republicans also included the Grand Old Party primary ballot to beinclusive of seven names, headlined by former President Donald Trump.

December has been a month fraught not only with arguments but litigations to Trump being included on ballots, climaxed by seven Colorado justices — all appointed by Democratic governors — delivering a historic ruling. They cited Section 3 of the 14th Amendment in keeping Trump off the ballot; appeals are expected at the U.S. Supreme Court. (Actually 3 dissented, it was 4 to 3)

The announcement from North Carolina’s board was the fourth instance of Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., being unable to get on a ballot. His longshot challenge to Biden was also blunted in Florida, Tennessee and Massachusetts. Author Marianne Williamson and progressive commentator Cenk Uygur were others bidding.

Theseven Republicanson North Carolina’s primary ballot in addition to Trump are Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and pastor and businessman Ryan Binkley. At the fourth GOP debate earlier this month in Alabama, the stage included DeSantis, Haley, Ramaswamy and Christie, who are respectively the consensus closest to Trump in polling.

As of Tuesday,Trump collectively polls at 62.4% among Republicans, with DeSantis at 11.7%, Haley at 10.8% and Ramaswamy at 4%, according to FiveThirtyEight.com. Of 26 polls listed where the survey began in December, Trump’s worst showing is a head-to-head among less than 500 registered voters against DeSantis (59%-25%). In six polls of at least 1,600 registered voters, Trump outdistances all choices by no less than 50% (Ipsos, sample size 1,689, Trump 61%, DeSantis 11%, Haley 11%, Ramaswamy 5%).

The candidate lists were submitted by the respective parties. Libertarians submitted a list of 10, and all will be on the primary ballot. The Green Party did not submit candidates for the primary but can nominate a candidate for the Nov. 5 general election. The No Labels Party nominates general election candidates by convention rather than primary.

In-person early voting for the primaries begins Feb. 15 and runs through March 2. Super Tuesday is March 5.

(How did NC get so radical blue?)


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2d5649 No.116145

File: 4a0004b7a155d51⋯.pdf (160.67 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 5e2c061e9242b45⋯.png (119.48 KB,1087x516,1087:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137570 (271604ZDEC23) Notable: Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

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>Logically became a member of the US Election Infrastructure Information

>Sharing & Analysis Center (EI-ISAC),

Revolving Fucking Door

U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on InvestigationsStatement for the record byBrian Murphy, September 11, 2023 Thank you for the opportunity to speak with the committee today. Before I begin, I will offer my qualifications. In 2021, I retired from federal service and joined Logically AI. The company’s focus is to identify, at the speed and scale required, hostile influence operations occurring on the internet. Many of these are generated by nations. My position at Logically is the Managing Director for the company's U.S. operations. For this role, I maintain a Top Secret security clearance. Additionally, I teach a master’s level course on domestic intelligence at Georgetown University. Before joining Logically, I served as thePrincipal and Acting Under Security forIntelligence for DHS (2018 to 2021).Among my job requirements was to identify foreign actors attempting to influence the homeland covertly. Before DHS, I was a special agent with the FBIfor approximately 20 years. While there, I performed duties from street agent up to roles as a national manager. I ran multiple programs looking at the intersection of behavior and hostile activity. I began my federal service in 1994 as a United States Marine Corps officer. To augment my work, I obtained a Ph.D. from Georgetown University, a Master of Arts from Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Arts from the College of William and Mary. In my research, I focused on how foreign adversaries have conducted covert operations in the U.S. In 2023, I published a book on the topic, Foreign Disinformation in America and the U.S. Government’s Ethical Obligations to Respond. I have also published several papers and speak regularly about the topic. Some of my testimony is lifted directly from published works.

> https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/Murphy-Testimony.pdf

elected Articles and Papers“In Defense of Disinformation “Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (May 2023) The Impact of Social Media Conveyed Russian-Backed Disinformation in a Polarized America: An Examination of the Executive Branch’s Ethical Responsibility to Respond, Doctoral Thesis, Georgetown University, December 2022“The Ever-Shrinking Worlds of National and Homeland Security,” Homeland Security Enterprise Forum, October 18, 2022 “The US Needs a Center to Counter Foreign Malign Influence at Home,” Defense One, March 20, 2022 “Ukraine’s History Shows Where Russian Disinformation Can Take Hold,” Logically.ai, December 16, 2021 “Making Sense of Russian Disinformation and Propaganda,” Logically.ai, October 27, 2021 “Decaying National Security and the Rise of Imagined Tribalism,” RUSI Journal 166, no. 6/7 (May 2022) “Introduction to T&S and Law Enforcement,” Trust and Safety Professionals Association

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116146

File: 7f9de1b487fd847⋯.png (718.02 KB,773x749,773:749,Clipboard.png)

File: cfc92528743fd36⋯.png (27.99 KB,459x401,459:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137595 (271613ZDEC23) Notable: First Amendment claim struck down in Project Veritas case focused on diary of Biden's daughter

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First Amendment claim struck down in Project Veritas case focused on diary of Biden's daughter

Criminal prosecutors may soon get to see over 900 documents pertaining to the alleged theft of a diary belonging to President Joe Biden’s daughter after a judge rejected the conservative group Project Veritas’ First Amendment claim.

Attorney Jeffrey Lichtman said on behalf of the nonprofit Monday that attorneys are considering appealing last Thursday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres in Manhattan. In the written decision, the judge said the documents can be given to investigators by Jan. 5.

The documents were produced from raids that were authorized in November 2021. Electronic devices were also seized from the residences of three members of Project Veritas, including two mobile phones from the home of James O’Keefe, the group’s since-fired founder........


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2d5649 No.116147

File: 7497ddb7069603a⋯.jpeg (313.4 KB,1242x2435,1242:2435,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f552dcccaa0cd4d⋯.jpeg (326.85 KB,1142x2562,571:1281,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 591dcf843831d92⋯.jpeg (298.56 KB,1180x2572,295:643,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 860afddf33a023c⋯.jpeg (279.74 KB,1160x2570,116:257,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e7d12c045866f2f⋯.jpeg (292.87 KB,1159x2533,1159:2533,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137615 (271618ZDEC23) Notable: The Complete 2024 Presidential Primary Schedule by State

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The Complete 2024 Presidential Primary Schedule by State

The 2024 presidential primary schedule is listed below with the date of each state’s primary and caucus for Democrats and Republicans in the 2024 presidential primary. From the Iowa caucuses to Election Day on November 5, 2024, here is a look at which states vote when, and where the largest number of delegates are awarded. This page will be constantly updated with the latest information about voting dates, voting times, and delegates awarded by each primary and caucus on the 2024 presidential election calendar.

Super Tuesday in 2024 will tentatively take place on Tuesday, March 5.

All dates are subject to change as some states have yet to officially decide on their primary or caucus voting day. Due to changes in the Democratic primary calendar, some early states have not decided how they will award delegates to the Democratic National Convention. These states include Iowa and New Hampshire which have been replaced as early states but still intend to hold their own contests in violation of DNC rules. Republicans will stick with the historically traditional Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina path. Democrats have embraced South Carolina and Michigan as their starting primary states in 2024.

Primary/Caucus Type

Open – Voters may vote in either party primary regardless of voter party registration but can choose only one primary to vote in

Closed – Only voters registered in their respective party may vote in the party primary

Mixed – A semi-open or a semi-closed environment, unaffiliated voters can choose to vote in either primary or voters can switch registration on the day of voting

Delegate Allocation

Democratic primary/caucus delegates are proportionally allocated to the candidates based on their percent share of the vote.

Republican primaries/caucuses delegatesare winner-take-all meaning that the winner of the contest takes all of the available delegates.

Proportional – Delegates are awarded based on the percentage of the vote received by candidates, or some formulation of dividing up the delegates

Winner Take All – All delegates are given to the winner of the contest

Winner Take Most – Some delegates are reserved for the winner, some may be divided proportionally

Unbound – Delegates are not bound to a specific candidate and can support any candidate of their choosing, varies by the state party organization

(It’s weird how many republican states are having Open Primaries in 2024.Go to link to see list and dates of primariies)

2024 Primary Schedule


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116148

File: cc0c921db06ad37⋯.png (708.12 KB,1122x1263,374:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137656 (271628ZDEC23) Notable: Looks like we gotta missing (y) comm. @realDonaldTrump They illegally spied on my campaign, lied to Congress, cheated FISA, didn’t get approval from State Legislatures.....

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Looks like we gotta missing (y) comm.

Who DJT might be pointing at here?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137695 (271639ZDEC23) Notable: NASA 2024: Onward and Upward

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NASA 2024: Onward and Upward


35 minutes ago


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137715 (271642ZDEC23) Notable: #24712

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#24712 >>116104


>>116106 Your Car Stores Your Text Messages - Law Enforcement Can Retrieve Them Anytime, Following Federally Rejected Lawsuit

>>116107 Politicians Broke the Housing Market … Again

>>116108 ICYMI: Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes

>>116109 DEI: Degradation, Exclusion, and Intolerance

>>116110 A New Solar Powered Desalinization Method Might Have Just Helped Solve Water Scarcity

>>116111 @GenFlynn Team Obama is running the show in WDC and has been

>>116112, >>116116, >>116120, >>116122, >>116127, >>116139, >>116140, >>116142, >>116143, >>116145 Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

>>116113 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>116114 Christmas Service Attack in Nigeria

>>116115 Matthew Lawrence Stickney was arrested last week. 1/6

>>116117, >>116118, >>116138 Q Deltas

>>116119 Biden signs order finalizing 5.2% pay raise for feds in 2024

>>116121, >>116148 Looks like we gotta missing (y) comm. @realDonaldTrump They illegally spied on my campaign, lied to Congress, cheated FISA, didn’t get approval from State Legislatures.....

>>116123 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rainbow Aurora over Icelandic Waterfall

>>116124 Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections

>>116125 Michigan Supreme Court rejects attempt to remove Trump from 2024 ballot

>>116126 NASA Issues New Space Security Best Practices Guide

>>116128, >>116130, >>116133 Agent told boss Biden laptop could be Russian disinformation, but team knew otherwise

>>116129 NASA Aeronautics in 2023

>>116131 Epstein-Tied Democrat Mega Donor who Cofounded LinkedIn Donates To Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential Campaign

>>116132 Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon Their Ranks

>>116134 Mayor Adams sounds alarm on NYPD BLM settlement as anti-Israel protests rage: ‘Very troubling’

>>116135 Discovery of 'calendar' rock carvings from Ancestral Pueblo in US Southwest surpasses 'wildest expectations'

>>116136 Number of Chinese Nationals Spikes at the Border

>>116137 Plagued by plagiarism scandal, Harvard's political donations flood to Democrats

>>116141 New York Times sues OpenAI, Microsoft for alleged copyright infringement

>>116144 North Carolina election board unanimous in primary ballot decision: Joe Biden lone Democrat

>>116146 First Amendment claim struck down in Project Veritas case focused on diary of Biden's daughter

>>116147 The Complete 2024 Presidential Primary Schedule by State

>>116149 NASA 2024: Onward and Upward


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116151

File: fcc8a4cf562f6e8⋯.png (858.3 KB,790x789,790:789,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ddfae3e568e473⋯.jpg (83.2 KB,712x480,89:60,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f4fd7f2397f1aff⋯.mp4 (838.94 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7ff5d9255df4290⋯.jpg (169.78 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de719a3cdebbda3⋯.png (256.39 KB,425x488,425:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137729 (271645ZDEC23) Notable: #24713

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137788 (271702ZDEC23) Notable: Former GOP congressman's conviction of lying to the FBI reversed by appeals court/Fortenberry

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Former GOP congressman's conviction of lying to the FBI reversed by appeals court

Dec. 26, 2023

An appeals court on Tuesday wiped former Congressman Jeff Fortenberry's conviction of lying to the FBI over an illegal campaign contribution, determining he was not tried in the proper venue.

“Fortenberry’s trial took place in a state where no charged crime was committed, and before a jury drawn from the vicinage of the federal agencies that investigated the defendant,” U.S. District Judge James Donato wrote in the opinion.

“The Constitution does not permit this. Fortenberry’s convictions are reversed so that he may be retried, if at all, in a proper venue,” Donato continued.

Last year, Fortenberry was sentenced by a federal judge in Los Angelesto two years of probation, a $25,000 fine and 320 hours of community service for lying to federal authorities about an illegal campaign contribution.

He resigned shortly after the conviction.

The prosecutors alleged that Fortenberry lied to federal agents multiple times about a $30,000 illegal campaign donation he received from a Nigerian billionaire at a 2016 fundraiser in Los Angeles.

“We conclude that an effects-based test for venue of a Section 1001 offense has no support in the Constitution, the text of the statute, or historical practice,” Donato concluded."Consequently, we reverse Fortenberry’s conviction without prejudice to retrial in a proper venue."

Other judges on the panel included Salvador Mendoza Jr. and Gabriel Sanchez.

“We are gratified by the Ninth Circuit’s decision. Celeste and I would like to thank everyone who has stood by us and supported us with their kindness and friendship,” Fortenberry said in a statement, according to The Hill.

(Innocent people need more of these decisions)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116153

File: 5a079a96ac5cdd2⋯.png (229.76 KB,553x516,553:516,Clipboard.png)

File: a7e77bbf9f7066d⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137795 (271703ZDEC23) Notable: @NikkiHaley We’re coming back to NH tonight for more town halls, more voter questions, and more momentum

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4 days, 2 great states (NH & IA), 8 events! Let's Go Nikki! If you are in NH or IA, I hope you will please consider Nikki Haley! Go to nikkihaley.com!

Nikki Haley


We’re coming back to NH tonight for more town halls, more voter questions, and more momentum.

Thank you to the coolest governor in America @chrissununu for your support. Let’s make history.

9:52 AM · Dec 27, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116154

File: 97d324687399971⋯.png (917.62 KB,1098x823,1098:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137821 (271708ZDEC23) Notable: Jack Smith, in likely vain attempt to keep March 4 trial date, filed another pretrial related to what the jury should be allowed to consider. (All pretrial deadlines now on hold)

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NEW: Jack Smith, in likely vain attempt to keep March 4 trial date, filed another pretrial related to what the jury should be allowed to consider. (All pretrial deadlines now on hold)

Smith wants to preclude the jury from hearing evidence about Jan 6 in his Jan 6 case:


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116155

File: e7d09b6e2589d03⋯.png (822.74 KB,599x905,599:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137826 (271709ZDEC23) Notable: Governor DeWine of Ohio has had the SAFE Act (protects women's sports & child mutilation) on his desk to sign into effect since the 15th. He hasn't signed it yet. He has 2 more days to sign before it becomes law without his signature.

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Riley Gaines


Governor DeWine of Ohio has had the SAFE Act (protects women's sports & child mutilation) on his desk to sign into effect since the 15th.

He hasn't signed it yet. He has 2 more days to sign before it becomes law without his signature.

Why the hesitation, @GovMikeDeWine



Governor Mike DeWine and Ohio Republicans

5:40 AM · Dec 27, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116156

File: 0e89c8e139ba850⋯.png (169.74 KB,591x539,591:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137840 (271712ZDEC23) Notable: A Soros, Gates, and Rockefeller funded censorship ring was inserted into Arizona courts! And right before the 2020 election!

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Bad Kitty, Censored By X🦁🤐


🔥This is huge! A Soros, Gates, and Rockefeller funded censorship ring was inserted into Arizona courts! And right before the 2020 election!

Essentially this ex CIA led org, funded by Soros etc, told judges etc what was disinformation. No wonder conservatives could never get our day in court for election grievances.

We need to find out what other state court systems picked this up! I’m also told that DHS CISA was involved too.

To quote their report:

“Institutions like the courts should establish lines of communication with social media platforms and appropriate federal entities.”

“Our courts are being

asked to weigh in on highly charged issues and may be called upon to resolve potential

constitutional crises between the Congress and the executive branch.”

I am reading the Bar document on this right now! I’m shocked! The American Bar Association put out a document recommending our courts install disinformation projects.

And this is what spurred Arizona to act. We need to find out who pushed this at the Bar.

🚨Update: Liberal Common Cause is cited in the report! This is a huge hint!

“RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges federal, state, local, territorial, and

tribal governments, and private sector entities to promote digital literacy, civic education, and public awareness to build societal resilience to domestic and foreign malign disinformation operations and to increase understanding of the importance of democracy, voting, and democratic institutions.”

I’ll link the American Bar Association document below. @AzPinkLady

has all the rest. 👇🏻

Anyways she says she has more and hopefully will message me when it goes live.


AzPinkLady #SaveArizona #SaveAmerica



Jul 19

Yes, Bryan, it did.

Az Supreme Court established a “task force” to prevent “disinformation” from infecting their courts.

One of their recommendations - modify court conduct rules about criticism of judges. Sounds like banana republic stuff when you can’t criticize those in… twitter.com/BlehmLawAZ/sta…

Show more





Last edited

5:27 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116157

File: 33c378cdd1e249e⋯.png (315.78 KB,603x710,603:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137845 (271713ZDEC23) Notable: A Soros, Gates, and Rockefeller funded censorship ring was inserted into Arizona courts! And right before the 2020 election!

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Abe Hamadeh


This is what a rigged election looks like.

They are the enemies of democracy.

Republicans and ALL Americans must unite behind President Trump and stand shoulder to shoulder against the leftist lunatics who are destroying the foundations of our country.


5:26 AM · Dec 27, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116158

File: 495497a078c361f⋯.png (498.75 KB,589x622,589:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137846 (271713ZDEC23) Notable: @surflant Smooth Sailing ⚓️🚢

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Smooth Sailing ⚓️🚢

USS Delbert D. Black #DDG119 transits the Strait of Gibraltar.

📸: MC2 Jimmy Ivy III


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2d5649 No.116159

File: b7ecc3c9d19eeb4⋯.png (200.56 KB,372x380,93:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137849 (271714ZDEC23) Notable: Multiple roads into JFK Airport are being blocked by pro-Hamas extremists

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DEVELOPING! NYC: Multiple roads into JFK Airport are being blocked by pro-Hamas extremists on one of the busiest travel weeks of the year.


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2d5649 No.116160

File: 72ae05f45e4003f⋯.png (64.74 KB,593x462,593:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137858 (271716ZDEC23) Notable: Latinos now make up around 40.2% of Texas’s population, outpacing non-Hispanic whites, who make up 39.8% of the population???

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NBC News


Latinos now make up around 40.2% of Texas’s population, outpacing non-Hispanic whites, who make up 39.8% of the population.

7:45 PM · Dec 26, 2023




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2d5649 No.116161

File: 6795bdd33bbc97a⋯.png (154.18 KB,596x508,149:127,Clipboard.png)

File: ceece2f80ae2e6b⋯.png (1.57 MB,1735x1041,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137892 (271721ZDEC23) Notable: Gun tycoon Gaston Glock (94) is dead.

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JUST IN -Gun tycoon Gaston Glock (94) is dead.

Dec 27, 2023, 11:14 AM


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2d5649 No.116162

File: c44ccbb1afa61c9⋯.png (67.82 KB,979x440,89:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137908 (271724ZDEC23) Notable: @NikkiHaley We’re coming back to NH tonight for more town halls, more voter questions, and more momentum

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Great New Article Out Today!

As Haley climbs in the polls, she confronts attacks criticized as sexist

Story by Dylan Wells, Maeve Reston •



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2d5649 No.116163

File: 0457a3610308739⋯.png (3.13 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137910 (271724ZDEC23) Notable: Gov. Noem's Office of Economic Development to Make $1M Investment in SD Trade

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Gov. Noem's Office of Economic Development to Make $1M Investment in SD Trade


Today, Governor Kristi Noem and the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) announced a $1 million investment in South Dakota Trade to help businesses grow their overseas sales and support high-quality jobs in South Dakota.

“South Dakota feeds the world, and we are constantly looking for new opportunities to market our incredible work to consumers in other countries,” said Governor Noem. “Over 27,000 South Dakotans are employed by jobs directly supported by exports. We will continue to invest in our people and our workforce through the work of South Dakota Trade.”

SD Trade, a public-private partnership that opened its doors in April, has already assisted South Dakota companies in securing over $3 million in direct sales. They provided education to over 70 international trade practitioners and executed South Dakota’s first trade delegation in 10 years.

“Our inaugural year has been incredibly productive, thanks to our partnership with Governor Noem, GOED, and over 25 other organizations across the state,” said SD Trade President and CEO Luke J. Lindberg. “Companies involved in the delegation led by Lt. Governor Rhoden to Mexico have realized a return of over 65 times our investment in this mission. We plan on doing more trips in the future.”

Earlier this year, Lt. Governor Larry Rhoden went on a trade mission to Mexico with SD Trade. The early results from that trip have netted a 50-to-1 return on investment for South Dakota’s economy.

“In South Dakota, ag is our most important industry – but there is always room to grow,” said Lt. Governor Rhoden. “Mexico is our second largest trade partner, and SD Trade is helping that partnership expand. This investment will make continued growth a reality for South Dakota ag and every industry.”

This funding is through GOED’s Future Fund. It will expand the service offerings SD Trade is able to provide to companies in South Dakota and enable them to continue to grow South Dakota’s economy.

“Our partnership is building resiliency into South Dakota’s economy,” said GOED Commissioner Chris Schilken. “Foreign sales bring new money into our state and diversify our sources of revenue – it is a win-win for everyone involved.”

SD Trade team members work with all industries and company sizes. They also provide focused offerings for businesses anywhere on the international trade spectrum, from new-to-export companies to those with sophisticated trade teams. To learn more, or to talk to SD Trade, go to www.southdakotatrade.com.


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2d5649 No.116164

File: a72cce84d3f96de⋯.png (451.16 KB,603x463,603:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137932 (271727ZDEC23) Notable: @DailyMail Tom Smothers dead at 86

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Daily Mail US


Tom Smothers dead at 86 https://trib.al/zjFdSWs


6:10 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137933 (271728ZDEC23) Notable: @DailyMail Tom Smothers dead at 86

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2d5649 No.116166

File: 3caf2874cc58fa4⋯.png (392.56 KB,598x621,26:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137957 (271731ZDEC23) Notable: @DeptofDefense Ready for takeoff!

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2d5649 No.116167

File: a255c0bde22f307⋯.png (184.71 KB,436x483,436:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137969 (271734ZDEC23) Notable: Bill Clinton's closest aide Doug Band is among those whose links to Jeffrey Epstein are to be exposed in new tranche of documents

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Bill Clinton's closest aide Doug Band is among those whose links to Jeffrey Epstein are to be exposed in new tranche of documents to be released in the new year

Read: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12890701/Top-aide-Bill-Clinton-links-Jeffrey-Epstein-Doug-Band.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490

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2d5649 No.116168

File: d29131b4e0a0609⋯.png (23.1 KB,597x300,199:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138018 (271745ZDEC23) Notable: ECW: We should have eliminated the enemy’s capability to fire on our ships months ago

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Ezra A. Cohen


Unfortunate that we have arrived at this point.

We should have eliminated the enemy’s capability to fire on our ships months ago.


Lucas Tomlinson




First time in history a U.S. warship has shot down a ballistic missile in combat. Happened 3x yesterday. twitter.com/centcom/status…

6:36 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116169

File: 498008f459a97f9⋯.png (929.02 KB,982x1116,491:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138028 (271747ZDEC23) Notable: The official death toll of the Christmas mass-murder on Christians by Muslims in Nigeria has risen to 198

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The official death toll of the Christmas mass-murder on Christians by Muslims in Nigeria has risen to 198

20 villages were attacked. In some cases, people were murdered in churches where they had gathered to celebrate Christmas

Any protest marches planned in London?

11:52 AM · Dec 27, 2023


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2d5649 No.116170

File: 183fa572db43a92⋯.png (16.13 KB,600x448,75:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138073 (271754ZDEC23) Notable: Poland liquidates all public media for restructuring

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Poland liquidates all public media for restructuring: minister

Last edited

6:46 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116171

File: 6877179e1ed13a5⋯.png (343.31 KB,595x816,35:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138083 (271755ZDEC23) Notable: Kash: “You don’t think that Bill Gates is lobbying Congress night & day to prevent the disclosure of that list?…

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Kash Patel on the Epstein list:

“You don’t think that Bill Gates is lobbying Congress night & day to prevent the disclosure of that list?… What the hell are the House Republicans doing? They have the majority. You can’t get the list?… Put on your big boy pants and let us know who the pedophiles are!”

He went on to explain that the Republicans could easily get the list with one subpoena to the FBI. When the FBI ignores the subpoena, you cut their funding and they will disclose the list.

I like that strategy. Either way, 2025 is going to be fun when we take back the White House.



6:47 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116172

File: 8d7c745048ec514⋯.png (44.07 KB,600x604,150:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138102 (271758ZDEC23) Notable: This should tell you everything you need to know about the catastrophic situation on the southern & northern borders

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Lara Logan


This should tell you everything you need to know about the catastrophic situation on the southern & northern borders - & this is why there should not be one more US tax dollar sent to the UN. Nothing could be more anti-American than this - saying says you only have good neighbors when they come from somewhere else - not America?

Everyone who watches this should ask: SOLUTION TO WHAT? These people create never-ending problems & then offer solutions that are not really solutions & shame you into going along. It should outrage every American.

Watch, learn & do something if you care about losing your country, your freedom & your rights - forever.


Sun Tzu




This makes me LIVID


Of course they don’t show the little girls getting raped and trafficked as a result of the UN “migration” plan.

Absolute pedophilic bullshit

I’m sick of these pedophiles

h/t @GenFlynn

Show more

6:52 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116173

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2d5649 No.116174

File: fa47af4c1310fb0⋯.png (738.58 KB,681x719,681:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138152 (271805ZDEC23) Notable: Obama-Produced Netflix Cartoon ‘Ada Twist, Scientist’ Shows Children Planning and Attending Gay Wedding

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Obama-Produced Netflix Cartoon ‘Ada

Twist, Scientist’ Shows Children Planning

and Attending Gay Wedding

Breitbart, by Alana Mastrangelo

Original Article

Posted By: Beardo, 12/27/2023 12:11:30 PM

Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama are being slammed on social media for producing a Netflix cartoon for preschoolers that featured young children attending a gay wedding. The popular X/Twitter account Libs of TikTok posted a video pointing out that an episode of Netflix’s Ada Twist, Scientist “showcases young students coming together to set up and celebrate their teacher’s gay wedding.” “This is aimed at preschoolers,” Libs of TikTok said. “Barack and Michelle Obama are the executive producers.”

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2d5649 No.116175

File: 18a7a29a8b376ae⋯.png (3.6 MB,988x14056,247:3514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138167 (271808ZDEC23) Notable: The only people saying that Trump's first term was a failure are the fake news and the idiot's that consume & parrot it.

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>>>/qresearch/20137596 PB

The only people saying that Trump's first term was a failure are the fake news and the idiot's that consume & parrot it.

Anyone looking at the world instead of the TV can see that things were so much better when he was in office DESPITE covid & the vax debacle. Did he make mistakes? Yes. Did he have snakes in his administration undermining him? Yes so many. Did he have more resistance against him than any president ever in history? Yes. All those things should really make you think.

Yet he still accomplished more good during his term than anyone in history. Stop drinking the news and go talk to a farmer.







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2d5649 No.116176

File: becab3d7eb5c6aa⋯.png (348.44 KB,745x590,149:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138254 (271828ZDEC23) Notable: Netanyahu Working To Find Countries To 'Absorb' Palestinians Who Want To Flee Gaza

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Netanyahu Working To Find Countries To 'Absorb' Palestinians Who Want To Flee Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told members of his political party on Monday that he's working to identify countries that are are willing to "absorb" Palestinians who want to leave the territory.

Netanyahu's remarks in front of a group of Likud Party members came in response to a statement from Knesset legislator Shani Danon, who said:

"The world is already discussing the possibilities of voluntary immigration. The Canadian immigration minister said the things publicly and so did Nikki Haley. We must establish a team of the State of Israel to deal with this issue, and make sure that those who want to leave Gaza to a third country can do so. It needs to be settled. It has strategic importance for the day after the war."

"Our problem is countries that are ready to absorb and we are working on it," replied Netanyahu. The daily national newspaper Israel Hayom was first to report the exchange. Hayom is a conservative paper owned by the family of the late billionaire pro-Israel Republican Party benefactor Sheldon Adelson.


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2d5649 No.116177

File: d37321b8c923b40⋯.png (222.93 KB,602x613,602:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138255 (271828ZDEC23) Notable: @Technofog to Grenell: Per your email, who in the White House - "the oval" - requested the IC statement on COVID origins?

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Techno Fog


A question for @RichardGrenell


Per your email, who in the White House - "the oval" - requested the IC statement on COVID origins?

The April 2020 statement that the IC agrees that "the COVID 19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified"



7:22 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116178

File: 0d98c468c1be785⋯.png (429.28 KB,612x604,153:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138262 (271829ZDEC23) Notable: The mayor of Jacksonville ordered the last remaining confederate statue to be taken down in the middle of the night WITHOUT city council approval

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johnny maga


🚨 The mayor of Jacksonville ordered the last remaining confederate statue to be taken down in the middle of the night WITHOUT city council approval

No comment from Ron Desantis on this matter


7:04 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116179

File: 5ed41fb6cd5ea63⋯.png (41.8 KB,817x551,43:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 82affa41b8e24c1⋯.png (79.58 KB,910x351,70:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 31330501db4528b⋯.png (91.43 KB,877x525,877:525,Clipboard.png)

File: c7af329e8af5372⋯.png (413.85 KB,932x647,932:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d315e97d6ea34b⋯.png (58.71 KB,884x484,221:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138294 (271836ZDEC23) Notable: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath About Secretary of State’s Dominion Voting Machines

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this year – the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Georgia unsealed the 96-page Halderman Report in June 2023- the Security Analysis of Georgia’s ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was hiding this report from the public for two years.

University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Halderman and Security Researcher and Assistant Professor at Auburn University Drew Sringall collaborated on the report where they discovered many exploitable vulnerabilities in the Dominion Voting Systems’ ImageCast X system.

Far-left Georgia Judge Amy Totenberg sealed and covered up the results of the investigation on Dominion voting machines in Georgia and sat on the report for two years until its release last summer.

The report confirms that votes can be altered in the Dominion voting machines. In fact, the report reveals that the Dominion software is vulnerable and can be hacked.

Trump-hating Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger hid this information from the public until June 2023.

Here is a copy of the Halderman Report released in June.

Professor Halderman wrote about his findings in a blog post after the report’s release.

Back in September 2020, the Court granted the Curling Plaintiffs access to one of Georgia’s touchscreen ballot marking devices (BMDs) so that they could assess its security. Drew and I extensively tested the machine, and we discovered vulnerabilities in nearly every part of the system that is exposed to potential attackers. The most critical problem we found is an arbitrary-code-execution vulnerability that can be exploited to spread malware from a county’s central election management system (EMS) to every BMD in the jurisdiction. This makes it possible to attack the BMDs at scale, over a wide area, without needing physical access to any of them.


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2d5649 No.116180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138329 (271844ZDEC23) Notable: A Yemeni brother sent us this picture in front of the Galaxy Leader ship seized by the Ansarullah.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iran Observer



A Yemeni brother sent us this picture in front of the Galaxy Leader ship seized by the Ansarullah.

Dec 27, 2023 · 4:07 PM UTC



>Poor demoralization shill, still ineffective

Q was the operation to pacify and weaken the American empire to liberate the world.

The world is almost free now.

Thanks Q.

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2d5649 No.116181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138331 (271845ZDEC23) Notable: Joe Biden Schedules Virgin Islands Vacation During Catastrophic And Rapid Decline of America

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Biden Schedules Virgin Islands Vacation During Catastrophic And Rapid Decline of America

Creepy Joe Apparently Feels The Need To Soak In The Sun While He Soaks America In Poverty And War

Joe Biden is taking a vacation to the U.S. Virgin Islands, a lavish perk for a man whose time in the White House has been marked by inflation, migrant invaders, and the general sense that America is rapidly deteriorating before our very eyes as the globalists push for a New World Order dystopia.

Biden’s arrival at St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, is expected for Wednesday. The last time he was publicly confirmed to be in the U.S. Virgin Islands, he stayed with some rich donors. What a total farce!

Though obviously the American people would be better off without Joe Biden working, the sad fact remains that Biden’s regime is in charge of the U.S. government when Biden is dawdling around in the Virgin Islands.

Biden’s public approval is in freefall as the United States government plunges the world deeper into war with bellicose actions regarding the fighting between the Israelis and Palestinians and also the Ukrainians and the Russians.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s regime set a dubious record for overseeing illegal migrant border encounters in a single 24-hour period on Monday. The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) racked up more than 12,600 migrant encounters in a single day, and that is reportedly a record.

Globalist stooge Joe Biden allows the invasion of America to continue, as illegal migrants pour in to the country at alarming destabilizing levels. The Biden regime even sold off parts for President Donald Trump’s border wall to further rub it in our faces that America is getting destroyed from within by open borders.

There were about 310,000 migrant encounters at the border in the month of October, and about 2.4 million border migrant encounters in fiscal year 2023. Sadly, so many illegal migrants get into America and gain access to our country’s resources, cheapening the American experience for everyone who is rightfully here.

“Creepy” Joe Biden recently set other records, as well.

Joe Biden has reached his lowest approval rating ever in the Monmouth University poll, with just 34 percent of Americans approving of Biden’s performance in the survey while 61 percent disapprove of Creepy Joe. A mere 20 percent of Americans think the country is headed in the right direction, according to the poll.

Interestingly, Biden clocks in with only 28 percent favorability on the issue of inflation and 26 percent favorability on the issue of immigration, with 69 percent of Americans disapproving of his job on immigration, according to the Monmouth poll, which was conducted between November 30 and December 4 of this year.

American homelessness recently hit a record high under Joe Biden, according to U.S. government numbers. With approximately 653,000 homeless Americans, the United States has hit the record since the current counting system came into use in 2007.


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2d5649 No.116182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138350 (271849ZDEC23) Notable: Iran has agreed to help Iraq build its refineries and the two countries will invest in joint gas and oil fields.

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Iran Observer




A major setback for American control over Iraq's natural resources

Iran has agreed to help Iraq build its refineries and the two countries will invest in joint gas and oil fields.

Dec 27, 2023 · 5:36 PM UTC



>Q was the operation to pacify and weaken the American empire to liberate the world.


>The world is almost free now.


>Thanks Q.

Thanks Q.

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2d5649 No.116183

File: 62d9a9a620721dc⋯.png (1.11 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138364 (271851ZDEC23) Notable: P-8 sub Hunter off the east coast of FL. They’re lookin around.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

P-8 sub Hunter off the east coast of FL. They’re lookin around. Not squawking either.

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2d5649 No.116184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138369 (271852ZDEC23) Notable: P-8 sub Hunter off the east coast of FL. They’re lookin around.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My bad.. Sqwaking 1200. VFR

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2d5649 No.116185

File: bb5162ef18fb622⋯.png (1.06 MB,1078x748,49:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138374 (271853ZDEC23) Notable: Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shocking Discovery: Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

The CDC got exactly what it wanted for Christmas: nationwide data showing sky-high levels of the latest COVID strain in the water supply.

The most recent control tactic.

All winter, the CDC and FDA have been using the new contagious JN.1 variant to push their WEF-endorsed policies. Whether we’re supposed to be eating outdoors for the holidays or getting a combined flu + COVID shot, the actual truth is far more troubling.

What they’re not telling you.

Unsurprisingly, the biggest COVID-related story was completely buried by the mainstream media. Despite vaccine status, repeat infections of COVID may actually compound negative effects:


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2d5649 No.116186

File: 14cabf04ebf0ea0⋯.png (402.74 KB,616x491,616:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138388 (271856ZDEC23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian protestors blocking traffic at LAX

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Square profile picture

The Post Millennial


Pro-Palestinian protestors blocking traffic at LAX


FOX 11 Los Angeles

7:50 AM · Dec 27, 2023




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2d5649 No.116187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138439 (271907ZDEC23) Notable: JPMorgan earned one-fifth of total US bank profits through September: ‘Goliath of Goliaths’

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New York Post



JPMorgan earned one-fifth of total US bank profits through September: ‘Goliath of Goliaths’


Dec 27, 2023 · 6:08 PM UTC







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2d5649 No.116188

File: d2fd95409534899⋯.png (762.48 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138463 (271911ZDEC23) Notable: USSF-52 SpaceX launch tomorrow.

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USSF-52 SpaceX launch tomorrow.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116189

File: 03d7d1c71fc151a⋯.png (623.55 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138528 (271923ZDEC23) Notable: USSF-52 SpaceX launch tomorrow.

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SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch of X-37B space plane now targeted for Dec. 28

SpaceX had originally planned to launch the robotic X-37B on Dec. 11. But about 30 minutes before the scheduled liftoff time that day, the company called things off, citing an issue with ground equipment. The resulting delay will now extend for 17days, if the Heavy flies on Dec. 28 as currently planned.


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2d5649 No.116190

File: bc14b51b9a1b9c5⋯.png (94.37 KB,1041x418,1041:418,Clipboard.png)

File: da7ca99d2abdfca⋯.png (62.42 KB,673x649,673:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 73aa9c2ec5fb77c⋯.png (83.92 KB,755x877,755:877,Clipboard.png)

File: e95dacd89aa418b⋯.png (23.14 KB,545x323,545:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138547 (271927ZDEC23) Notable: 17 Market Predictions for 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


17 Market Predictions for 2024

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116191

File: 4b7960e8aace83a⋯.png (168.67 KB,800x599,800:599,Clipboard.png)

File: a4efc6acb967f06⋯.png (193.69 KB,800x599,800:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138572 (271931ZDEC23) Notable: CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138582 (271932ZDEC23) Notable: #24713

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#24713 >>116151

>>116152 Former GOP congressman's conviction of lying to the FBI reversed by appeals court/Fortenberry

>>116153, >>116162 @NikkiHaley We’re coming back to NH tonight for more town halls, more voter questions, and more momentum

>>116154 Jack Smith, in likely vain attempt to keep March 4 trial date, filed another pretrial related to what the jury should be allowed to consider. (All pretrial deadlines now on hold)

>>116155 Governor DeWine of Ohio has had the SAFE Act (protects women's sports & child mutilation) on his desk to sign into effect since the 15th. He hasn't signed it yet. He has 2 more days to sign before it becomes law without his signature.

>>116156, >>116157 A Soros, Gates, and Rockefeller funded censorship ring was inserted into Arizona courts! And right before the 2020 election!

>>116158 @surflant Smooth Sailing ⚓️🚢

>>116159 Multiple roads into JFK Airport are being blocked by pro-Hamas extremists

>>116160 Latinos now make up around 40.2% of Texas’s population, outpacing non-Hispanic whites, who make up 39.8% of the population???

>>116161 Gun tycoon Gaston Glock (94) is dead.

>>116163 Gov. Noem's Office of Economic Development to Make $1M Investment in SD Trade

>>116164, >>116165 @DailyMail Tom Smothers dead at 86

>>116166 @DeptofDefense Ready for takeoff!

>>116167 Bill Clinton's closest aide Doug Band is among those whose links to Jeffrey Epstein are to be exposed in new tranche of documents

>>116168 ECW: We should have eliminated the enemy’s capability to fire on our ships months ago

>>116169 The official death toll of the Christmas mass-murder on Christians by Muslims in Nigeria has risen to 198

>>116170, >>116173 Poland liquidates all public media for restructuring

>>116171 Kash: “You don’t think that Bill Gates is lobbying Congress night & day to prevent the disclosure of that list?…

>>116172 This should tell you everything you need to know about the catastrophic situation on the southern & northern borders

>>116174 Obama-Produced Netflix Cartoon ‘Ada Twist, Scientist’ Shows Children Planning and Attending Gay Wedding

>>116175 The only people saying that Trump's first term was a failure are the fake news and the idiot's that consume & parrot it.

>>116176 Netanyahu Working To Find Countries To 'Absorb' Palestinians Who Want To Flee Gaza

>>116177 @Technofog to Grenell: Per your email, who in the White House - "the oval" - requested the IC statement on COVID origins?

>>116178 The mayor of Jacksonville ordered the last remaining confederate statue to be taken down in the middle of the night WITHOUT city council approval

>>116179 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath

>>116180 A Yemeni brother sent us this picture in front of the Galaxy Leader ship seized by the Ansarullah.

>>116181 Joe Biden Schedules Virgin Islands Vacation During Catastrophic And Rapid Decline of America

>>116182 Iran has agreed to help Iraq build its refineries and the two countries will invest in joint gas and oil fields.

>>116183, >>116184 P-8 sub Hunter off the east coast of FL. They’re lookin around.

>>116185 Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

>>116186 Pro-Palestinian protestors blocking traffic at LAX

>>116187 JPMorgan earned one-fifth of total US bank profits through September: ‘Goliath of Goliaths’

>>116188, >>116189 USSF-52 SpaceX launch tomorrow.

>>116190 17 Market Predictions for 2024

>>116191 CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans


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2d5649 No.116193

File: 1ffee6a4bc422a2⋯.mp4 (63.63 KB,494x270,247:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138599 (271934ZDEC23) Notable: #24714

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Baker Taps, Self Confirm

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2d5649 No.116194

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138620 (271940ZDEC23) Notable: Kevin Barrett: Israel Paying a Heavy Price for Its Crimes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kevin Barrett: Israel Paying a Heavy Price for Its Crimes

"So they have lost the military battle. They can't get their hostages back. They can't succeed in their ground operations. They can't stop Hamas as they say they are going to. They've lost their economic battle. They've lost in their propaganda war, where they're making up ludicrous stories about beheaded babies that nobody believes. Nobody believes anything they say any more. They've blown all their credibility, blown up their economy, and shown that they're a military paper tiger. The end of the Zionist entity is near. And Netanyahu knows that his own political end is even nearer."

Read the whole thing.


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2d5649 No.116195

File: 08a31a4ffd3d7f3⋯.png (788.38 KB,1003x1753,1003:1753,Clipboard.png)

File: bde5bdac1aaa7a3⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138626 (271942ZDEC23) Notable: LAPD are in Riot Gear as Pro-Palestine Protesters has blocked the entrance to the LAX Airport

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🚨#BREAKING: LAPD are in Riot Gear as Pro-Palestine Protesters has blocked the entrance to the LAX Airport armed with Rocks and Throwing Cones and Construction Equipment

📌#LosAngeles l #California

Currently Numerous law enforcement other agencies are currently on the scene in riot gear, issuing a tactical alert, after Pro-Palestine protesters armed with rocks, cones, and construction equipment blocked the entrance to LAX airport, causing major traffic congestion in Los Angeles, California. Police have arrested at least over a dozen protesters who will be charged with riot-related offenses. Officers have advised that the group is running around, vandalizing different objects, and throwing items at Law enforcement

1:32 PM · Dec 27, 2023

from Los Angeles, CA·


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2d5649 No.116196

File: 4d5667065d6e113⋯.png (294.3 KB,719x582,719:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138645 (271946ZDEC23) Notable: Australian man, his wife and brother killed in Lebanon after building hit by Israeli air strike

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Australian man, his wife and brother killed in Lebanon after building hit by Israeli air strike, family says

An Australian man and his brother have been killed in the south of Lebanon after their building was hit by an Israeli air strike, family members have said.

Key points:

Ibrahim Bazzi lived in Sydney's south east and married Shorouk Hammoud in Lebanon

The couple planned to start a new life together in Sydney

Mr Bazzi's uncle described him as a "beautiful boy"

Ibrahim and Ali Bazzi died in air strikes on the town of Bint Jbeil in Lebanon overnight.

Ibrahim Bazzi, 27, travelled from Sydney to Bint Jbeil to visit his wife Shorouk Hammoud, who recently acquired an Australian visa.

The couple were planning on starting their new life in Australia, according to relatives.

Local media in Lebanon is reporting an Israeli war plane fired a missile at number of homes in Bint Jbeil overnight.


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2d5649 No.116197

File: 1fb3572b90e1b8f⋯.png (243.16 KB,553x528,553:528,Clipboard.png)

File: fee1dbe5d1d8633⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138659 (271949ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley: Getting out of Obama's Iran deal sent a message to Iran that America meant business

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Repost from late (lb)

Nikki Haley


Getting out of Obama's Iran deal sent a message to Iran that America meant business.

Joe Biden falling all over himself to get back into the deal sent a message to Iran that it could walk all over America.

2:10 PM · Dec 27, 2023


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2d5649 No.116198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138674 (271953ZDEC23) Notable: Vyacheslav Volodin announced the launch of the State Duma website in Chinese

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Official website of the State Duma to be available in three foreign languages

Vyacheslav Volodin announced the launch of the State Duma website in Chinese

December 26, 2023, 09:00

“We have made a decision to launch the official website of the State Duma in Chinese. The relations between our countries are developing dynamically, and there is enormous interest in Russian affairs in China. In addition, the Chinese language has become the most widely spoken language in the world by the number of speakers,” said the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin.

The English version of the official website of the State Duma was launched in September 2018, and the official website of the State Duma received its Spanish version in fall 2023.


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2d5649 No.116199

File: 2ddc71832c5e484⋯.png (26.17 KB,446x326,223:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ce8c655b9573a5⋯.png (26.24 KB,450x332,225:166,Clipboard.png)

File: b4741478385abaf⋯.png (137.47 KB,663x498,221:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 18324dff41426ce⋯.png (31.92 KB,455x379,455:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138679 (271954ZDEC23) Notable: POTUS retruths at 1:07 / Upside down Glock Qpost

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS retruths at 1:07

1:07 Dark to Light/Upside down glock

Again at 7:34 with

But isn't that what you want?

Gasten Glock dead at 94

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2d5649 No.116200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138720 (272005ZDEC23) Notable: 2023-015 Global Overview of the U.S. Maritime Advisory System

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2023-015-Global-Overview of the U.S. Maritime Advisory System

Geographic Location: Global

Threat Type: Overview of the U.S. Maritime Advisory System

Effective Date: 12/22/2023 - 06/19/2024


This advisory cancels U.S. Maritime Advisory 2023-007

1. Issue: This Advisory provides updates to maritime security resources, websites, and information.


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2d5649 No.116201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138733 (272008ZDEC23) Notable: ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Immigrants In California For Removal Over Crimes Of Sexual Abuse

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ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Immigrants In California For Removal Over Crimes Of Sexual Abuse

Last week, ICE’s Los Angeles Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) team arrested 26 illegal immigrants who are sex offenders in a two-day operation.

The operation targeted removing illegal immigrants who were known to law enforcement and had criminal convictions relating to sexual offences, posing “a serious threat to public safety,” ICE said in a press release.

"The outcome of this operation exemplifies the professionalism, dedication and commitment of ERO Los Angeles officers to public safety," ERO Los Angeles Field Office Director Thomas Giles said. “Removing these individuals and the threats they represent from our communities is our mission, and we will continue to safely and effectively enforce the immigration laws of our nation."

The ERO is the primary federal body charged with oversight of domestic immigration enforcement.

ICE said that among those arrested were a 19-year-old from El Salvador, a 40-year-old from Mexico, and a 35-year-old from Guatemala. All have been convicted by the Superior Court of California of felonies related to child sexual abuse.

The department said that the removals were done in accordance with Biden administration policy guidelines issued by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sept. 30 last year, which have been in effect since June 28.

According to the office, the ERO's mission is to “protect the homeland through the arrest and removal of those who undermine the safety of U.S. communities and the integrity of U.S. immigration laws, and its primary areas of focus are interior enforcement operations, management of the agency's detained and non-detained populations, and repatriation of noncitizens who have received final orders of removal.

The ERO across fiscal year 2022 made 46,396 arrests of illegal immigrants with criminal histories.

These individuals collectively committed 198,498 criminal acts while in the United States, including 21,531 assault offenses, 8,164 sex and sexual assault offenses, 5,554 weapons offenses, 1,501 homicide-related offenses, and 1,114 kidnapping offenses.

The figures for 2023 have yet to be released, amid a record illegal immigration surge at the border.


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2d5649 No.116202

File: 677898af44db797⋯.png (367.33 KB,651x535,651:535,Clipboard.png)

File: fd0e60c8a625f3f⋯.jpg (334.88 KB,871x725,871:725,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138737 (272009ZDEC23) Notable: Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

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Schiff, Mossad and His Backers - Dig Call

Q #3666

Schiff's twitter status


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2d5649 No.116203

File: bcb87842cf94f7d⋯.png (40.78 KB,620x194,310:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138742 (272011ZDEC23) Notable: ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Immigrants In California For Removal Over Crimes Of Sexual Abuse

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116204

File: 60771cd150665e2⋯.jpg (282.16 KB,687x649,687:649,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98bee9660c97bce⋯.png (893.6 KB,1200x786,200:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cd4f549f0bae1a⋯.png (1.27 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138759 (272015ZDEC23) Notable: Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

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Schiff's 'backers' are listed in Times of Israel as


Dig Call

A guide to the 23 Jewish Democratic incumbents running in US election

30 October 2020

Candidates looking to retain their seats in the House of Representatives include party leaders Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler; most races are not competitive, but a few are toss ups

JTA — Two Jewish Democrats are retiring from Congress this year, and one is being forced out after he lost his primary. But that leaves 23 incumbent Jewish Democrats seeking to hold onto their seats in the House of Representatives in next week’s election.

They join four Senate candidates, 10 Republican House candidates and 11 first-time Democratic challengers vying for spots in the Jewish delegation in the next Congress.

As is the case for the vast majority of congressional districts, most of the races are not competitive. But at least a few are.

Here’s a full guide to the incumbent Democrats looking to secure their seats on Tuesday.


Adam Schiff, 62

28th District, including West Hollywood and Burbank

Background: Schiff, who has been in Congress since 2001, is the current chair of the House Intelligence Committee and led the impeachment of US President Donald Trump. With a large Armenian representation in his district, Schiff also continues to be the foremost lawmaker advocating for recognition of the 1915 Ottoman-era massacres as a genocide, and he has said his Jewish sensibility is one reason for his advocacy.

Big issue: A fixture on cable news, Schiff reminds Americans of Russia’s efforts to get Trump elected in 2016 and reelected this year. Trump despises him, has called for his prosecution and jailing, and calls him “Little Adam Schiff,” although Schiff is 6 feet tall, and “Shifty Schiff,” a moniker seen by some as anti-Semitic.


Odds: Schiff is a shoo-in.



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2d5649 No.116205

File: 6ca77e5a7a2e909⋯.png (395.02 KB,555x642,185:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138769 (272018ZDEC23) Notable: Obama-Appointed Judge Rejects First Amendment Claim in Project Veritas Case with Ashley Biden Diary

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Obama-Appointed Judge Rejects First Amendment Claim in Project Veritas Case with Ashley Biden Diary

Last year the two individuals who found Ashley Biden’s diary at a halfway house pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property.

The guilty plea of Florida pair Robert Kurlander, 59, and Aimee Harris, 41, were used to turn the screws on James O’Keefe.

Harris found Ashley Biden’s diary at a halfway house in Palm Beach in 2020 and sold it to Project Veritas for $40,000.

Ashely Biden, Joe Biden’s youngest daughter, left her diary under a mattress at the Palm Beach rehab home.

In a January 2019 entry, Ashley Biden recalled how she used to shower with her father, Joe Biden, and suggested it may have contributed to a sex addiction.

The diary describes Ashley and her father Joe Biden taking showers together at an inappropriate age.

“I have always been boy crazy,’ Ashley wrote. ‘Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).’ she wrote in a January 2019 entry.

US District Judge Analisa Torres, an Obama appointee, said Project Veritas’s First Amendment claims were “inconsistent with Supreme Court precedent.”

The judge also said of Project Veritas 1A claim: ‘O’Keefe, Veritas couldn’t claim it was protecting identity of confidential source from disclosure after two individuals publicly pleaded guilty.’

The judge was referring to the two individuals who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property after the FBI turned the screws on them.

This is a very dangerous precedent.

Excerpt from AP:

Criminal prosecutors may soon get to see over 900 documents pertaining to the alleged theft of a diary belonging to President Joe Biden’s daughter after a judge rejected the conservative group Project Veritas’ First Amendment claim.



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2d5649 No.116206

File: 611272a3612fb43⋯.jpg (513.38 KB,1130x836,565:418,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6bf6cc53c2c5540⋯.jpg (455.16 KB,1129x862,1129:862,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8460832cd36e8d0⋯.jpg (110.86 KB,460x427,460:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138774 (272021ZDEC23) Notable: Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

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Schiff, Mossad and His Backers - Dig Call

First up - Schiff's first backer - JACPAC

Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs




Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs is a national political action committee that contributes to candidates for the US Congress who support a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive choice, and separation of religion and state.

From JAPAC Website - jacpac.org

- Add YOUR Name - DEMAND Congress pass comprehensive gun violence prevention

- Act Now To Help Elect Candidates in 2024 Who Will -

- Support Israel

- Ban Assault Weapons and Pass Common Sense Gun Legislation

- Protect Reproductive Rights

- Preserve The Environment


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2d5649 No.116207

File: 87b00c88d922a0e⋯.jpg (342.42 KB,1365x817,1365:817,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7926393735a164d⋯.png (1.39 MB,1546x2000,773:1000,Clipboard.png)

File: c117620d224c43d⋯.jpg (350.42 KB,1027x477,1027:477,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138792 (272027ZDEC23) Notable: Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

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Schiff, Mossad and His Backers - Dig Call

Next up - Schiff's second backer - DMFI PAC

Who We Are - AboutUs - Our Mission

DMFI PAC works to elect pro-Israel Democrats to Congress and defeat those few anti-Israel Democrats in primaries.

Engaging in both primaries and general elections, DMFI PAC helped elect 83 pro-Israel Members of Congress in the 2020 cycle' and was the first pro-Israel group to endorse Joe Biden during the 2020 primary. In 2022, DMFI PAC finished this election cycle with an outstanding record — over 80% of our endorsees won their races.

We successfully defended our champions and helped bring 21 new pro-Israel Democrats to Congress. We also defeated some of the harshest opponents of a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and stopped Trump-backed extremists.

In the face of increasing dark money being spent on behalf of Republicans and fringe, anti-Israel candidates it is more critical than ever that DMFI PAC exists and is capable of fending off those threats from both sides. At DMFI PAC, we know that being pro-Israel isn’t only good policy, it’s good politics and central to Democrats winning tough races across the country.


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2d5649 No.116208

File: 120207b5ba7c745⋯.png (898.43 KB,1173x520,1173:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138798 (272028ZDEC23) Notable: M3.8 - 5 km NE of Etowah, Arkansas

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M 3.8 - 5 km NE of Etowah, Arkansas

2023-12-27 17:46:56 (UTC)

35.771°N 90.190°W

11.5 km depth


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2d5649 No.116209

File: 74146661a269c76⋯.jpg (354.1 KB,951x803,951:803,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c98564ee3d81a74⋯.jpg (191.19 KB,724x673,724:673,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1fbf17a405b4b3f⋯.png (969.81 KB,1066x1200,533:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138816 (272035ZDEC23) Notable: Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Schiff, Mossad and His Backers - Dig Call

Next up - Schiff's third backer - JDCA - The Jewish Democratic Council of America


Mission: The mission of the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) is to be the political home and voice of Jewish voters in support of Democrats who share our core values.

Vision: A just and equitable society, safe and secure Jewish communities, and strong and vibrant democracies in the United States, in Israel, and around the world.

Strategy: Advocate for policy, educate and mobilize Jewish voters, and elect Democrats, all consistent with our core values.


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2d5649 No.116210

File: 3218d1b71075f3a⋯.png (85.72 KB,569x582,569:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138822 (272037ZDEC23) Notable: DJT: Crooked Joe Biden’s errand boy, Deranged Jack Smith, is obsessed with attacking your favorite President, me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crooked Joe Biden’s errand boy, Deranged Jack Smith, is obsessed with attacking your favorite President, me, and with interfering in the 2024 Presidential Election, which I am Dominating. Deranged Jack is so Viciously and Desperately Angry that the Supreme Court just unanimously rejected his flailing attempt to rush this Witch Hunt, that he is ignoring the Law and clear instructions from the D.C. Court that this “case” should be stayed, and there cannot be any more filings. Today’s pathetic motion is not just Illegal, it is also another Unconstitutional attempt to take away my First Amendment Rights, and to prevent me from saying the TRUTH — that all of these Hoaxes are nothing but a political persecution of me, the MAGA Movement, and the Republican Party by Crooked Joe and his Despicable Thugs. The Radical Left Communists, Marxists, and Fascists are petrified of me speaking the TRUTH because the American People don’t want them destroying our Country. Make America Great Again!


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2d5649 No.116211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138845 (272046ZDEC23) Notable: Northern Gaza Is Now A Moonscape

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(Video) Northern Gaza Is Now A MOONSCAPE!


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2d5649 No.116212

File: 9cd4f549f0bae1a⋯.png (1.27 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138851 (272047ZDEC23) Notable: Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

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Call to dig

into these organizations / pacs / NGO's in connection to Mossad, Schiff and supporting of others into American political positions.

DMFI PAC - Democratic Majority for Israel


JACPAC - Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs


JDCA - The Jewish Democratic Council of America


Looking quickly through their websites anon has seen details of above pacs backing many of the political enemies we and PDJT face

Call to dig - post what you find

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2d5649 No.116213

File: d40012f12c1eaae⋯.png (219.32 KB,674x566,337:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c88bd56f1fb3d5⋯.png (1.42 MB,946x579,946:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138860 (272048ZDEC23) Notable: Todd Grande

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Dr. Todd Grande Digz.

I recently started watching a guy on youtube called Dr. Todd Grande. In one of his videos, he really trashes Lara Logan and claims she is mentally ill because she believes "Conspiracy theories". He pretty much labels all conservatives as mentally ill and he hates Donald Trump. I started digging into Dr Grande and found that before he became a youtube psychologist he worked counseling children and teen sexual abuse victims 5 miles away from Joe Biden's Wilmington Delaware home.

Dr. Grande also has a video where he defends Dr. Jill Biden. He has another video where he victim shames Kellyann Conway's minor daughter.

The place he used to work in Delaware is called SOAR which stands for survivors of abuse in recovery.

Both his mother Lois and his father Joseph Grande are professors of Psychology at Wilmington University, and his mother runs emergency psychiatry programs in Maryland.

He has also been quoted in an article questioning Joe Biden's competence which is recent so maybe his handlers are looking for an out.





Here is the video where he trashes Lara Logan.


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2d5649 No.116214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138907 (272059ZDEC23) Notable: DJT: 30 years ago (how time flies!), Director Chris Columbus was begging me to make a cameo in Home Alone 2

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30 years ago (how time flies!), Director Chris Columbus, and others, were begging me to make a cameo appearance in Home Alone 2. They rented the Plaza Hotel in New York, which I owned at the time. I was very busy, and didn’t want to do it. They were very nice, but above all, persistent. I agreed, and the rest is history! That little cameo took off like a rocket, and the movie was a big success, and still is, especially around Christmas time. People call me whenever it is aired. Now, however, 30 years later, Columbus (what was his real name?) put out a statement that I bullied myself into the movie. Nothing could be further from the truth. That cameo helped make the movie a success, but if they felt bullied, or didn’t want me, why did they put me in, and keep me there, for over 30 years? Because I was, and still am, great for the movie, that’s why! Just another Hollywood guy from the past looking for a quick fix of Trump publicity for himself!


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2d5649 No.116215

File: cd322e527fb43bb⋯.png (319.03 KB,719x920,719:920,Clipboard.png)

File: a602a92066f0a18⋯.png (40.65 KB,680x271,680:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 63b64b398daa446⋯.png (219.08 KB,687x887,687:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 34f80b33243e7cd⋯.png (214.98 KB,696x988,174:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138921 (272102ZDEC23) Notable: @CENTCOM: An AV-8B Harrier aircraft lands on the flight deck of USS Bataan (LHD 5), in the Red Sea

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An AV-8B Harrier aircraft, attached to Marine Medium Tilt Rotor Squadron 162 (reinforced), lands on the flight deck of the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5), operating in the Red Sea.


Inderesting. This is "key"

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2d5649 No.116216

File: 98bee9660c97bce⋯.png (893.6 KB,1200x786,200:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 238d614b45b4ebb⋯.jpeg (162.28 KB,1200x1800,2:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7355e5bfb1262dd⋯.png (166.73 KB,500x378,250:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138927 (272103ZDEC23) Notable: Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

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Schiff and backers are evidently feeling concerned about twitter and the 2024 election integrity

Rep. Schiff and Colleagues Demand Answers from Elon Musk Over Recent Firings of Election Integrity Staff

Washington, D.C— Today, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), joined by Representatives Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), Andre Carson (D-Nev.), Nikema Williams (D-Ga.), Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), Lori Trahan (D-Ma.), and Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), sent a letter to Elon Musk demanding answers regarding reports that Musk laid off half of X's election integrity team. These firings represent the latest example of the misinformation and hostile environment Musk has fostered on X's platform since purchasing the company.

“As you know, election integrity teams are critical to the operations of any social media company. Such staff are integral in protecting users from election misinformation, interference, and intentional manipulation on digital platforms. Combatting these threats is particularly important on X, formerly known as Twitter, as millions of Americans use the platform to obtain critical news and election information,” the Members wrote.

“The layoffs made in recent days on X’s election integrity team leave us with grave concerns about the likely impact on our constituents and our democracy. We were also troubled to learn that X recently disabled a feature that allows users to report political posts that they consider misleading. In doing so, X has left users defenseless against the spread of election misinformation,” the Members continued.

Specifically the Members’ letter calls for responses to six fundamental questions:

- What is the current makeup of the election integrity team and how does that compare to the election integrity team that existed before you became CEO?

- If recent reports are accurate, please explain the reasoning behind cutting the election integrity team reportedly in half. If these reports are inaccurate, please provide us detailed information on recent staffing changes.

- What is the company’s current capability with regard to handling the risks that may arise as a result of election misinformation? What is the current risk-assessment process and response timeline for election misinformation?

- How has the rate of misleading political posts increased or decreased in the months leading up to a U.S. presidential election? If it has historically increased, how do you intend to handle this increase ahead of the 2024 election?

- How many users on X have previously used the feature that allowed users to report misleading political posts? How many times was it used prior to being disabled? Who made the decision to disable this feature and why?

- How do you intend to measure the spread of election misinformation without this feature in place?


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2d5649 No.116217

File: b1751c92fb48a01⋯.png (149.46 KB,1026x808,513:404,Clipboard.png)

File: 75065ab10626704⋯.png (216.79 KB,1136x905,1136:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e029b39ed1ee96⋯.png (118.48 KB,991x592,991:592,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f01b8c7274b6fb⋯.png (230.76 KB,667x877,667:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138930 (272105ZDEC23) Notable: DIME (Diplomacy, Information / Informatics, Military, Economics)

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There are Four Instruments of National Power are at least:





The ‘DIME’ acronym (diplomatic, informational, military, and economic) has been used for many years to describe the instruments of national power. These elements align to the major executive branches applying the power: the Departments of State, Defense,

and Commerce, as well as the intelligence community.



New acronyms such as MIDFIELD (military, informational, diplomatic,

financial, intelligence, economic, law, and development) convey a much

broader array of options for the strategic and policymaker to use.


>Joint Doctrine 1-18 or 1-17?

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2d5649 No.116218

File: 87d13d7fd7d628e⋯.jpg (482.8 KB,1129x953,1129:953,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d95baf696fe1c4f⋯.jpg (215.73 KB,1200x600,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d41399baac00d7d⋯.png (559.83 KB,580x608,145:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138955 (272112ZDEC23) Notable: Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

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JACPAC is listed as one of Schiff's backers, and financially support jewish people to run for election, furthering support for jewish and Israeli causes.

JACPAC - Candidates and Campaigns

Click here to support JACPAC's top races for 2022.

Criteria for JACPAC Recommendation:

Voting record or position paper on Israel

Voting record or position paper on reproductive rights and separation of religion and state

Leadership positions in Senate or House

Committee assignments

State or district demographics

Case-by-case analysis of the race and the opposition


Financial need.

Although each election contest is judged on its particular merits, JACPAC sticks with incumbent friends over challengers; stays out of primaries (unless the primary IS the race); stays out of races in which candidates on both sides equally meet JACPAC's criteria.

A JACPAC recommendation means a candidate meets JACPAC’s criteria and is generally aligned with our values. It does not always guarantee a perfect record on every vote or issue.

Congressional elections are held every two years for all seats in the House of Representatives and one third of the Senate. Senate terms are six years, and House terms are two years.


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2d5649 No.116219

File: a9c4031e8acc672⋯.png (2.38 MB,3790x1191,3790:1191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138974 (272118ZDEC23) Notable: Anon shares favorite books, movies, and music of 2023

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As I usually do during this time of year, I wanted to share my favorite books, movies, and music of 2023.

First up, here are the books I’ve enjoyed reading. If you’re looking for a new book over the holidays, give one of them a try. And if you can, shop at an independent bookstore or check them out at your local library.

What were some of your favorite books this year?


Earlier this year, writers and actors went on strike to advocate for better working conditions and protections. It led to important changes that will transform the industry for the better.

Here are some films that reflect their hard work over the last year — including some like Rustin, American Symphony, and Leave the World Behind that we were proud to release through @HigherGroundMedia.

What films did I miss?

Barry Comms

Some book names:

Some People need Killing

All the Sinners Bleed

How to Say Babylon

the Wager

Chip War

If these aren't comms I don't know what is

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2d5649 No.116220

File: 3f0f73f62442e5c⋯.png (152.46 KB,592x545,592:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138993 (272124ZDEC23) Notable: DJT: Debbie Lesko endorses Donald Trump

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Donald J. Trump


Debbie Lesko endorses Donald Trump

Dec 27, 2023, 12:34 PM


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2d5649 No.116221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139007 (272129ZDEC23) Notable: Planenormie: Spotted a Caribbean flight to Georgia, Carolinas?

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PlaneFag, where are you?

PF called this one at least a few days ago.

Spotted a Cairbbean flight to (Georgia, Carolinas?)

And predicted a Potatus trip to the islands coming soon.

(lb) >>116181

Joe Biden Schedules Virgin Islands Vacation During Catastrophic And Rapid Decline of America

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2d5649 No.116222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139013 (272132ZDEC23) Notable: Planenormie: Spotted a Caribbean flight to Georgia, Carolinas?

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Rep. Jim Jordan


President Biden is vacationing to the Virgin Islands on Wednesday.

This after spending Christmas at Camp David.

Meanwhile, thousands of illegal immigrants cross our southern border every day.

And regular Americans can’t afford vacation thanks to his economy.

4:07 PM · Dec 27, 2023


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2d5649 No.116223

File: 78d9a8c5b6fd503⋯.jpeg (351.61 KB,988x1096,247:274,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b65fa247d1b3d9d⋯.jpg (25.85 KB,348x220,87:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139043 (272143ZDEC23) Notable: The Valerie Jarrett Power Matrix

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d5649 No.116224

File: b224dbccb5b9f4f⋯.jpeg (825.91 KB,1170x1828,585:914,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e3abbdf844c4597⋯.jpeg (229 KB,1170x1515,78:101,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e3495d05c6045be⋯.jpeg (281.91 KB,1170x1500,39:50,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 19faf89ba135702⋯.jpeg (179.18 KB,1170x1477,1170:1477,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139077 (272152ZDEC23) Notable: @RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan are investigating Biden on influence / obstruction of his son's House impeachment inquiry

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@RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan are investigating whether President Biden sought to influence or obstruct his son's cooperation with the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Such conduct could constitute an impeachable offense.

Letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel 👇


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2d5649 No.116225

File: 3d8817db47032de⋯.png (621.33 KB,634x443,634:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139140 (272204ZDEC23) Notable: Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

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She is Hindu.

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2d5649 No.116226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139143 (272205ZDEC23) Notable: Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

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Wait, the Turban-wearing Indians are Sikhs.

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2d5649 No.116227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139156 (272207ZDEC23) Notable: Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

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Meet the Haley’s

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2d5649 No.116228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139158 (272207ZDEC23) Notable: Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

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She was a Sikh like her parents but she turned Christian in the 90s

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2d5649 No.116229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139165 (272208ZDEC23) Notable: Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

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Easy to say one thing and do another. Are there pictures of her going to Church, or doing Sikh tings with her parents / family?

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2d5649 No.116230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139169 (272209ZDEC23) Notable: Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

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>Are there pictures of her going to Church, or doing Sikh tings with her parents / family?


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2d5649 No.116231

File: ff33a6311b4c1f7⋯.gif (446.39 KB,285x173,285:173,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139189 (272213ZDEC23) Notable: Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

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So she isn't either then... she's a politician.

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2d5649 No.116232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139233 (272223ZDEC23) Notable: #24714

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#24714 >>116193

>>116194 Kevin Barrett: Israel Paying a Heavy Price for Its Crimes

>>116195 LAPD are in Riot Gear as Pro-Palestine Protesters has blocked the entrance to the LAX Airport

>>116196 Australian man, his wife and brother killed in Lebanon after building hit by Israeli air strike

>>116197 Nikki Haley: Getting out of Obama's Iran deal sent a message to Iran that America meant business

>>116198 Vyacheslav Volodin announced the launch of the State Duma website in Chinese

>>116199 POTUS retruths at 1:07 / Upside down Glock Qpost

>>116200 2023-015 Global Overview of the U.S. Maritime Advisory System

>>116201, >>116203 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Immigrants In California For Removal Over Crimes Of Sexual Abuse

>>116202, >>116204, >>116206, >>116207, >>116209, >>116212, >>116216, >>116218 Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

>>116205 Obama-Appointed Judge Rejects First Amendment Claim in Project Veritas Case with Ashley Biden Diary

>>116208 M3.8 - 5 km NE of Etowah, Arkansas

>>116210 DJT: Crooked Joe Biden’s errand boy, Deranged Jack Smith, is obsessed with attacking your favorite President, me

>>116211 Northern Gaza Is Now A Moonscape

>>116213 Todd Grande

>>116214 DJT: 30 years ago (how time flies!), Director Chris Columbus was begging me to make a cameo in Home Alone 2

>>116215 @CENTCOM: An AV-8B Harrier aircraft lands on the flight deck of USS Bataan (LHD 5), in the Red Sea

>>116217 DIME (Diplomacy, Information / Informatics, Military, Economics)

>>116219 Anon shares favorite books, movies, and music of 2023

>>116220 DJT: Debbie Lesko endorses Donald Trump

>>116221, >>116222 Planenormie: Spotted a Caribbean flight to Georgia, Carolinas?

>>116223 The Valerie Jarrett Power Matrix

>>116224 @RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan are investigating Biden on influence / obstruction of his son's House impeachment inquiry

>>116227, >>116225, >>116226, >>116228, >>116229, >>116230, >>116231 Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record


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2d5649 No.116233

File: 4f847cf240bd746⋯.png (164.25 KB,298x221,298:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139252 (272224ZDEC23) Notable: #24715

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baker is ghost

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2d5649 No.116234

File: a1035458a0301eb⋯.jpeg (14.27 KB,255x248,255:248,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139355 (272245ZDEC23) Notable: Baker claim

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Claiming the bake

...Commence your toddler tantrums.

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2d5649 No.116235

File: 3bbf1d56cb3f7a1⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB,384x480,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139382 (272249ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - Wow, what a truck. What an artist. Thank you! We will,MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@realDonaldTrump · 47m

Wow, what a truck. What an artist. Thank you! We will,MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Dec 27, 2023, 3:59 PM


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2d5649 No.116236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139423 (272257ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino - Trump Fire Truck Video

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Dec 27, 2023 · 10:07 PM UTC


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2d5649 No.116237

File: 02d2e99db8fdbe4⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,480x600,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139457 (272301ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino - Trump Fire Truck Video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> 10:07 PM UTC



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2d5649 No.116238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139462 (272302ZDEC23) Notable: TONIGHT @ 6PM ET: Watch #JustTheNewsNoNoise with @jsolomonReports for an exclusive interview with President Trump!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Real America's Voice (RAV)



TONIGHT @ 6PM ET: Watch #JustTheNewsNoNoise with @jsolomonReports for an exclusive interview with President Trump!

Watch Live on Rumble here: https://rumble.com/v43o9fw-just-the-news-exlusive-interview-with-president-trump.html

Dec 27, 2023 · 9:00 PM UTC




>Q´s trying to post.


>turn off the shadow ban.

Shills and bots provoke you to block as many IP addresses as possible.

Don´t be stupid.

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2d5649 No.116239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139599 (272322ZDEC23) Notable: Republican House committees request "documents and communications" regarding Hunter Biden from the White House and his lawyers as part of their impeachment inquiry

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NBC News



BREAKING: Republican House committees request "documents and communications" regarding Hunter Biden from the White House and his lawyers as part of their impeachment inquiry.

Dec 27, 2023 · 8:35 PM UTC



>>Q´s trying to post. turn off the shadow ban.



your shift is shit.

NightShift is better.

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2d5649 No.116240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139619 (272324ZDEC23) Notable: Police say they arrested a man carrying knife and machete outside the US Capitol

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John Solomon



Police say they arrested a man carrying knife and machete outside the US CapitolJust The News

Dec 27, 2023 · 9:23 PM UTC



Panic in DC.

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2d5649 No.116241

File: c9f7dcb1171da4e⋯.png (317.22 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140046 (280039ZDEC23) Notable: John Fetterman tells Clinton adviser James Carville to 'shut the f*** up' for being critical about Biden's chances in 2024 and claims he is not longer 'relevant'

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John Fetterman tells Clinton adviser James Carville to 'shut the f*** up' for being critical about Biden's chances in 2024 and claims he is not longer 'relevant'

Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman said Clinton adviser James Carville should 'shut the f*** up' for questioning whether 81-year-old President Joe Biden should run for reelection. For months, Carville, 79, has voiced concerns about the president's sluggish poll numbers and a less than enthusiastic Democratic base.


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2d5649 No.116242

File: dd43970f11c9165⋯.png (210.57 KB,466x411,466:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140089 (280048ZDEC23) Notable: @DeptofDefense 🌙 U.S. Marines from @2dMarDiv showcase combat readiness in night live-fire training at @camp_lejeune, during the @USMC Combat Readiness Evaluation.

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Department of Defense 🇺🇸




🌙 U.S. Marines from


showcase combat readiness in night live-fire training at


during the


Combat Readiness Evaluation.

Rigorous scenarios challenge their planning and ex........

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2d5649 No.116243

File: 274bd051cd686ec⋯.png (514.36 KB,508x635,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140189 (280110ZDEC23) Notable: #24715

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...Bakering the next one


#24715 >>116233

>>116234 Baker claim

>>116235 DJT Truth - Wow, what a truck. What an artist. Thank you! We will,MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>116236, >>116237 @DanScavino - Trump Fire Truck Video

>>116238 TONIGHT @ 6PM ET: Watch #JustTheNewsNoNoise with @jsolomonReports for an exclusive interview with President Trump!

>>116239 Republican House committees request "documents and communications" regarding Hunter Biden from the White House and his lawyers as part of their impeachment inquiry

>>116240 Police say they arrested a man carrying knife and machete outside the US Capitol

>>116241 John Fetterman tells Clinton adviser James Carville to 'shut the f*** up' for being critical about Biden's chances in 2024 and claims he is not longer 'relevant'

>>116242 @DeptofDefense 🌙 U.S. Marines from @2dMarDiv showcase combat readiness in night live-fire training at @camp_lejeune, during the @USMC Combat Readiness Evaluation.


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2d5649 No.116244

File: f1b70800f77846a⋯.png (1.57 MB,954x700,477:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140203 (280112ZDEC23) Notable: #24716

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2d5649 No.116245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140322 (280132ZDEC23) Notable: Trump Demands Maine Secretary Recuse Herself From Ballot Challenge Over Jan. 6 Statements

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Trump Demands Maine Secretary Recuse Herself From Ballot Challenge Over Jan. 6 Statements

She had made public comments in favor of impeaching President Trump and calling Jan. 6 an insurrection.

Trump Demands Maine Secretary Recuse Herself From Ballot Challenge Over Jan. 6 Statements

Former President Donald Trump speaks after arriving for his civil business fraud trial in New York State Supreme Court on Dec. 7, 2023, in New York City. (Eduardo Munoz Alvarez-Pool/Getty Images)

Catherine Yang

By Catherine Yang





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2d5649 No.116246

File: da386a7789c7ce0⋯.png (498.96 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140641 (280212ZDEC23) Notable: Argentina’s New Elected President Lays Off 5K Gov’t Employees

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Argentina’s New Elected President Lays Off 5K Gov’t Employees

11:20 AM – Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Argentinian President Javier Milei has announced that he will not be renewing the contracts of thousands of government employees.

On Tuesday, the Libertarian’s office announced that his administration would not be renewing the contracts of 5,000 government employees hired before Milei took office.

The move is a part of his plan to transform Argentina’s struggling economy.

According to officials, contracts for other government workers hired before 2023 will be examined. It appears that the 2023 deadline is intended to combat the custom of departing presidents inflating their final year’s salary.

With an estimated 200% inflation rate by year’s end, Milei has promised to cut back on payrolls and regulations while permitting the privatization of state-run businesses in an effort to increase investments and exports.

The new cutbacks have caused many protests, but Milei stated that he will continue to “rebuild the country.”

“The goal is (to) start on the road to rebuilding our country, return freedom and autonomy to individuals and start to transform the enormous amount of regulations that have blocked, stalled and stopped economic growth,” he said.

About 300 of the previously announced changes would weaken consumer, employee, and renter protections and target numerous government-owned businesses for privatization.

The actions include closing certain government ministries, slashing energy and transportation subsidies, and devaluing the Argentinean peso by 50%. They coincide with both rising rates of poverty and inflation.


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2d5649 No.116247

File: 144d29d39516a43⋯.png (322.04 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

File: ac4d1db79cc5068⋯.png (214.36 KB,576x432,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140724 (280223ZDEC23) Notable: Eiffel Tower Shuts Down As Employees Go On Strike On 100th Anniversary Of Founder’s Death

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Eiffel Tower Shuts Down As Employees Go On Strike On 100th Anniversary Of Founder’s Death

4:18 PM – Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Eiffel Tower has been shut down to the public due to staff going on strike on the 100th anniversary of the death of its inventor, Gustave Eiffel.

On the 100th anniversary of Gustave Eiffel’s death, employees went on strike ahead of contract negotiations with the city of Paris, which prompted the closure of the Eiffel Tower to the general public.

The monument was closed on Wednesday and it remains unknown when it will open again.

Frustrated tourists who previously bought tickets to enter the 134-year-old tower were notified about the closure and will be alerted through email about their bookings and when they can reschedule.

The strike was launched by the left-wing General Confederation of Labour (CGT) union before contract negotiations with the City Hall of Paris, which owns the monument.

The union announced that they were demonstrating “the current way it is managed” and also mentioned that its manager was “headed for disaster.”

Tourists still have the ability to enter the glass-enclosed waterfront under the tower, however, entry into the 984-foot landmark has been shut down until further notice.

The operating company, SETE, has been accused by union leaders of “heading for disaster” due to its “too ambitious and unsustainable” business model, which is based on an overly-optimistic projection of future ticket sales revenue and an underestimate of the skyrocketing costs of maintenance and repairs.

The CGT stated that management said that the business model was predicated on an “inflated estimate of future visitor numbers” and underestimating construction costs.

Approximately 800 employees work at the Eiffel Tower every day and 6,000,000 visitors attend the famous structure every year. According to the organization that operates the tower, SETE, this makes the site the “most visited ticketed monument in the world.”

Gustave Eiffel was 91-years-old when he died on December 27th, 1923. He was an ideological entrepreneur and intelligent structural engineer who, when approached to create a symbol of French industrial savoir-faire for the 1889 Universal Exhibition, had just finished working with Eugène Viollet-le-Duc of Notre Dame Cathedral to build an iron and steel skeleton for the Statue of Liberty in New York.


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2d5649 No.116248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140784 (280230ZDEC23) Notable: Herb Kohl, a former Democratic U.S. senator from Wisconsin and former owner of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, has died at age 88, his foundation says.

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NBC News



Herb Kohl, a former Democratic U.S. senator from Wisconsin and former owner of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, has died at age 88, his foundation says.

Dec 28, 2023 · 2:00 AM UTC


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2d5649 No.116249

File: eee3cdc6be7872a⋯.jpeg (500.8 KB,1502x1435,1502:1435,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140791 (280230ZDEC23) Notable: $2100 gold soon? (let's see what happens)

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$2100 gold soon?


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2d5649 No.116250

File: 9e78447ef4517e9⋯.png (827.81 KB,1200x358,600:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20140976 (280252ZDEC23) Notable: Schumann doing a thing

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2d5649 No.116251

File: d76061702b64720⋯.jpg (140.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141178 (280333ZDEC23) Notable: #24716

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...Next joint, coming up.


#24716 >>116244

>>116245 Trump Demands Maine Secretary Recuse Herself From Ballot Challenge Over Jan. 6 Statements

>>116246 Argentina’s New Elected President Lays Off 5K Gov’t Employees

>>116247 Eiffel Tower Shuts Down As Employees Go On Strike On 100th Anniversary Of Founder’s Death

>>116248 Herb Kohl, a former Democratic U.S. senator from Wisconsin and former owner of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, has died at age 88, his foundation says.

>>116249 $2100 gold soon? (let's see what happens)

>>116250 Schumann doing a thing


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2d5649 No.116252

File: ffff964ebf679cd⋯.png (417.72 KB,680x384,85:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141191 (280335ZDEC23) Notable: #24717

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2d5649 No.116253

File: 45def580b7f5bda⋯.jpg (83.86 KB,638x479,638:479,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e8ac1fd83a21f32⋯.png (14.92 KB,789x201,263:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141278 (280354ZDEC23) Notable: In memory of Chuck Shramek the photographer of the Saturn-like object by the Hale Bopp comet in November of 1996, which gained him international notoriety

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In memory of Chuck Shramek the photographer of the Saturn-like object by the Hale Bopp comet in November of 1996, which gained him international notoriety...his appearance on Art Bell Dec 6, 1996 when all the shit was going down. He was this anon's best friend and partner in early chemtrail research. He started getting loud on Houston radio and the net about the programs and investigation in late1999/early 2000. He would have been 73 today. He was killed by a massive multi-system cancer which his oncologist said he had never seen anything like it ever. First felt pain Feb 13/14th, died May23rd 2000. I watched them zip him up in the body bag.

I miss him. He would have loved this board and you all would have loved him.

He was one of the smartest and funniest people I have ever known. Did his "Screaming Editorials" on Houston ROCK 101 radio for 30 years. Taught himself Morse code at the age of 9. Opened his segments with Morse code and people thought it was sound effects. It wasn't. He would do shit like send "Mark's hair is fake" referring to Mark Stevens of Stevens & Pruett the AM DJs. One day a tugboat captain in the Houston ship channel called the station and asked them if they knew he was broadcasting "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you" over and over in Morse code. Definitely a FCC violation. There will never be another one like him. So, Happy Chuckmas to all. Here's link. https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/the-art-bell-archive/december-6-1996-hale-bopp-URzlq-dS0ea/

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2d5649 No.116254

File: 58977bb7c6035ab⋯.png (690.69 KB,994x1202,497:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 151baeb73b46625⋯.mp4 (8.71 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141332 (280410ZDEC23) Notable: 99% of phones are being tracked through push notifications and the US Gov't has a gag order in place so people don't find out

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99% of phones are being tracked through push notifications and the US Gov't has a gag order in place so people don't find out

3 weeks ago this was posted. And this was the only news I saw on it.

0:08 / 3:45

9:35 PM · Dec 27, 2023


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2d5649 No.116255

File: deaa4b9734084b9⋯.png (17.64 KB,592x165,592:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141358 (280419ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

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Dec 27, 2023, 11:03 PM


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2d5649 No.116256

File: 8507c908c797ec8⋯.png (32.42 KB,538x344,269:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141362 (280421ZDEC23) Notable: 99% of phones are being tracked through push notifications and the US Gov't has a gag order in place so people don't find out

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2d5649 No.116257

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141379 (280427ZDEC23) Notable: Joe Kent Explains How The U.S. Government's Funding Our Own Enemies In Iraq

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Kent Explains How The U.S. Government's Funding Our Own Enemies In Iraq



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2d5649 No.116258

File: c8fb34d1ff78cdf⋯.png (215.88 KB,702x903,234:301,Clipboard.png)

File: c77f98c48dbed25⋯.png (54.21 KB,702x909,78:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141381 (280428ZDEC23) Notable: 99% of phones are being tracked through push notifications and the US Gov't has a gag order in place so people don't find out

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The Honorable Merrick B. Garland

Attorney General

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Attorney General Garland:

I write to urge the Department of Justice (DOJ) to permit Apple and Google to inform their

customers and the general public about demands for smartphone app notification records.

In the spring of 2022, my office received a tip that government agencies in foreign countries

were demanding smartphone “push” notification records from Google and Apple. My staff have

been investigating this tip for the past year, which included contacting Apple and Google. In

response to that query, the companies told my staff that information about this practice is

restricted from public release by the government.

Push notifications are the instant alerts delivered to smartphone users by apps, such as a

notification about a new text message or a news update. They aren't sent directly from the app

provider to users’ smartphones. Instead, they pass through a kind of digital post office run by the

phone's operating system provider. For iPhones, this service is provided by Apple's Push

Notification Service; for Android phones, it's Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging. These

services ensure timely and efficient delivery of notifications, but this also means that Apple and

Google serve as intermediaries in the transmission process.

As with all of the other information these companies store for or about their users, because Apple

and Google deliver push notification data, they can be secretly compelled by governments to

hand over this information. Importantly, app developers don't have many options; if they want

their apps to reliably deliver push notifications on these platforms, they must use the service

provided by Apple or Google, respectively. Consequently, Apple and Google are in a unique

position to facilitate government surveillance of how users are using particular apps. The data

these two companies receive includes metadata, detailing which app received a notification and

when, as well as the phone and associated Apple or Google account to which that notification

was intended to be delivered. In certain instances, they also might also receive unencrypted

content, which could range from backend directives for the app to the actual text displayed to a

user in an app notification.

Apple and Google should be permitted to be transparent about the legal demands they receive,

particularly from foreign governments, just as the companies regularly notify users about other

types of government demands for data. These companies should be permitted to generally reveal

whether they have been compelled to facilitate this surveillance practice, to publish aggregate

statistics about the number of demands they receive, and unless temporarily gagged by a court, to

notify specific customers about demands for their data. I would ask that the DOJ repeal or

modify any policies that impede this transparency.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter. If you have any questions or require

clarification, please contact Chris Soghoian in my office.


Ron Wyden

United States Senator

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2d5649 No.116259

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141487 (280512ZDEC23) Notable: Newsmaker Interview: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice, dispels Nikki rumors

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Newsmaker Interview: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice, dispels Nikki rumors


Former President Donald Trump is sending some pointed messages to friends and foes alike: No, Nikki Haley is not on his vice presidential list because there isn’t one right now. Yes, if he returns to the White House European countries had better get ready to pay more for the Ukraine war. And both federal agencies and nonprofits that espouse antisemitic views and threaten Jews should prepare to lose federal funding or even their tax-exempt status.

In a wide-ranging interview with Just the News, the 45th president surveyed the sort of policies he’ll pursue if voters return him to office next November as the nation’s 47th president. He made clear securing the U.S. southern border is a top priority as is cutting off the sources of income from oil sales and reclaiming the unfrozen funds that he says has revived Iran’s terrorism activities across the globe on Joe Biden’s watch. Those activities include recent rocket and drone attacks from proxy groups targeting U.S. troops. The United States said Tuesday that it had shot down 12 attack drones and five missiles launched by the Iran-backed Houthis.

“Iran was allowed to get rich because Joe Biden allowed them to,” Trump told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show on Real America’s Voice. “So he could say whatever he wants. But he's the reason for this. He's an incompetent president. He's a compromised president, totally compromised. But he allowed them to get rich."

“But worse than being rich, because of the money, because of what they have, they will have within a short period of time nuclear weapons," Trump added. "And that is never something that can be allowed to happen.”

Trump made clear he plans to return U.S.-Iran policy to a strict regimen of sanctions to choke off any funding for Tehran to use on weapons or terrorism support.

“Iran was broke. They didn't have any money to get around. I put sanctions on. I put everything on, and told countries, China, many countries, India, France, ‘don't buy oil … you buy any oil, we're not going to do business with you. And we're going to put tariffs on all the products that do get through, We're not going to do business,'” Trump said, contrasting his policies with Biden’s.

“They didn't have money for Hezbollah. And this would have never happened, it also wouldn't have happened because they knew the consequences would have been much different than what you see right now,” he added.

In the aftermath of controversial congressional testimony from Ivy League university bosses who refused to say they would punish antisemitic behavior by students, Trump also said he would use the power of the purse if re-elected to punish government agencies and nonprofits whose actions or words threaten Jews.

“I would use that power and I use it very strongly and very powerfully,” he said when asked about potentially taking away federal funding or tax exemptions from entities that engaged in antisemitic behavior.

Turning his attention to the primary race with the Iowa caucuses less than three weeks away, Trump directly disputed media speculation he might consider challenger Nikki Haley, his former U.N. ambassador, for vice president. He said he has no short list at all right now because he focused on winning the primaries….


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2d5649 No.116260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141489 (280512ZDEC23) Notable: Newsmaker Interview: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice, dispels Nikki rumors

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“No, I'm not considering anybody at this point,” the former president said. “Look, I want to win. And one thing I will say, and I've watched this for a long time, the vice president has virtually no impact. You can go back all throughout history, whoever the choice of vice president says virtually no impact as to who is going to get a nomination to get elected.”

Trump said he believes he had a good rapport with Haley but felt she was a bit disloyal when she decided to run against him.

“Nikki, I know very well. And I actually got along with very well, and she wasn't going to run. She said I was a great president and she would not run as long as I ran. And then one day she decided to run. So you know, I thought that was somewhat disloyal,” he said. “… So I was a little bit surprised at that. But that's a politician.”

Turning to Europe, Trump promised to use the same strategy that prompted NATO countries to pony up more money for the alliance in his first term to get Ukraine’s neighbors to pay more toward the war with Russia if he gets a second term.

“Why aren't these countries going dollar for dollar with us? Obviously, it's got to be more important. They're right there. We're not. We have an ocean separating us. Why is it that they're in for a tiny fraction of what we are in terms of payments with regard to Ukraine?" he asked.

“So we're in for perhaps $200 billion,” he added. “It could be more. Nobody really even knows the number. And they're in for a tiny fraction of that. Very unfair, I say they have to equalize it. If they don't equalize, the United States cannot keep doing it as the United States is $36 trillion in debt.”

Trump also focused on a security crisis closer to home, as a large caravan this week approaches a southern U.S. border that has already been overrun by millions of illegal immigrants during Biden’s first three years in office.

“These people are either evil that are running our country or there's something wrong with them,” he said of the Biden administration and its border managers.

“There is no understanding why millions and millions of people are allowed to freely walk into our country," he added. "And the crime is the crime that they're causing. And the problems that they cause, you know, that nobody's telling you about: their stays in hotels. Taking over hotels, top hotels, being paid for by the United States while our vets are sleeping on streets.”

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2d5649 No.116261

File: c060f6ceebaf8d3⋯.png (452.09 KB,1013x803,1013:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141540 (280542ZDEC23) Notable: @elonmusk - Don’t Look Up (ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny)

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Don’t Look Up

ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny

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2d5649 No.116262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141541 (280543ZDEC23) Notable: @elonmusk - Don’t Look Up (ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny)

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vid embed


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2d5649 No.116263

File: 688d3140a4ea3c1⋯.png (179.88 KB,588x566,294:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141679 (280645ZDEC23) Notable: Kash Truth - As a former federal public defender, I put the cops and prosecutors on trial every damn day in the court room, thats not only the job, but comes from constitutional Due Process. Of course there’s a two tier system of justice with Jack Smith.

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As a former federal public defender, I put the cops and prosecutors on trial every damn day in the court room, thats not only the job, but comes from constitutional Due Process. Of course there’s a two tier system of justice with Jack Smith. Where are all the aclu n public defenders now, you agree to never again say cops/prosecutors lie? Cowards



Special Counsel Jack Smith's office asked a federal judge Wednesday to prevent former President Donald Trump from introducing evidence at his Jan. 6 criminal trial concerning selective prosecution and security failures that occurred at the Capitol or making arguments his actions were protected by the First Amendment, suggesting such a defense amounted to politics.

Trump has tried "to inject into this case partisan political attacks and irrelevant and prejudicial issues that have no place in a jury trial," Senior Assistant Special Counsel Molly Gaston wrote in the court filing.

The special counsel is seeking to bar Trump from claiming that he is being selectively prosecuted and introducing evidence supporting such allegations.

While the court can disregard Trump's claims, the jury may not, Gaston said.

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2d5649 No.116264

File: 3128c260915c612⋯.jpg (134.44 KB,806x806,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141685 (280651ZDEC23) Notable: Fox News Audio anchor Matt Napolitano who appeared on ‘Jeopardy!’ dead at 33

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Fox News Audio anchor Matt Napolitano who appeared on ‘Jeopardy!’ dead at 33

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2d5649 No.116265

File: 13b50c553a6af2e⋯.png (772.62 KB,1080x1352,135:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141821 (280858ZDEC23) Notable: 'LOCAL MEDIA BIAS: @RealSafeSeattle calling out the Seattle Times’ coverage of the BLM Garden getting crushed by the city on Wednesday.'

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Jonathan Choe Journalist (Seattle)


'''LOCAL MEDIA BIAS: @RealSafeSeattle

calling out the Seattle Times’ coverage of the BLM Garden getting crushed by the city on Wednesday. '''

The Times used an old photo showing lush veggies in peak season. But in reality, the rat infested grounds were full of dead plants and rotting food. The old photo totally misrepresents the real-time conditions and tried to paint a sympathetic view of the situation. Good thing I’ve been documenting the atrocious conditions for the past few months. It’s always important to have another vantage point in this on going information war in Seattle. #Seattle


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2d5649 No.116266

File: 856db8524821c94⋯.jpg (157.75 KB,624x420,52:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141951 (281001ZDEC23) Notable: #24717

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...Bakering the thing


#24717 >>116252

>>116253 In memory of Chuck Shramek the photographer of the Saturn-like object by the Hale Bopp comet in November of 1996, which gained him international notoriety

>>116254, >>116256, >>116258 99% of phones are being tracked through push notifications and the US Gov't has a gag order in place so people don't find out


>>116257 Joe Kent Explains How The U.S. Government's Funding Our Own Enemies In Iraq

>>116259, >>116260 Newsmaker Interview: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice, dispels Nikki rumors

>>116261, >>116262 @elonmusk - Don’t Look Up (ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny)

>>116263 Kash Truth - As a former federal public defender, I put the cops and prosecutors on trial every damn day in the court room, thats not only the job, but comes from constitutional Due Process. Of course there’s a two tier system of justice with Jack Smith.

>>116264 Fox News Audio anchor Matt Napolitano who appeared on ‘Jeopardy!’ dead at 33

>>116265 'LOCAL MEDIA BIAS: @RealSafeSeattle calling out the Seattle Times’ coverage of the BLM Garden getting crushed by the city on Wednesday. '


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2d5649 No.116267

File: 81877a8d06e6f22⋯.jpg (28.76 KB,308x524,77:131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20141961 (281003ZDEC23) Notable: #24718

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2d5649 No.116268

File: d0b618793bc0982⋯.png (66.98 KB,785x436,785:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142089 (281125ZDEC23) Notable: Javier Milei Continues Cleaning House: Announces Layoff of 5,000 Government Employees

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Javier Milei Continues Cleaning House: Announces Layoff of 5,000 Government Employees

By Jeff Charles | 8:05 PM on December 27, 2023

On Tuesday, Milei's Economy Minister announced a series of emergency economic measures. The goal is to balance Argentina's budget in 2024. The cut is the equivalent of the US reducing its $6.4 trillion budget by $1.4 trillion.

All government employees hired in the last year will be fired. Caputo said this is to end "a habitual political practice of incorporating friends and family before the end of a presidential term."

All government advertising will be suspended for a year. "There is no money for expenses which are not strictly necessary and far less to sustain with tax-payer funding media which were only created to sing the praises of the incumbent government," Caputo said.

Reducing government ministries to nine and secretariats from 106 to 54 will cut senior political posts by over 50%, and the number of political posts will be cut by 34%.

Transfers of money to provinces will stop except for the bare minimum. These transfers have previously been used to reward friends and buy political favors. Not mentioned is that the government jobs they supported will also go away along with the transfers.

All public works contracts are canceled unless the project is already underway.

Energy and transportation subsidies will be reduced. The transportation subsidies are essentially a jobs program.

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2d5649 No.116269

File: c84785b72a0ef01⋯.png (1.15 MB,1920x2444,480:611,Clipboard.png)

File: a14f0d1dace2d35⋯.png (993.14 KB,1920x5561,1920:5561,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d2e7c6fa2cb462⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,577x821,577:821,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142204 (281230ZDEC23) Notable: Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules

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Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules

Scientists have discovered a new way to destroy cancer cells. Stimulating aminocyanine molecules with near-infrared light caused them to vibrate in sync, enough to break apart the membranes of cancer cells.

Aminocyanine molecules are already used in bioimaging as synthetic dyes. Commonly used in low doses to detect cancer, they stay stable in water and are very good at attaching themselves to the outside of cells.

The research team from Rice University, Texas A&M University, and the University of Texas, says the new approach is a marked improvement over another kind of cancer-killing molecular machine previously developed, called Feringa-type motors, which could also break the structures of problematic cells.

"It is a whole new generation of molecular machines that we call molecular jackhammers," says chemist James Tour from Rice University.

"They are more than one million times faster in their mechanical motion than the former Feringa-type motors, and they can be activated with near-infrared light rather than visible light."

The use of near-infrared light is important because it enables scientists to get deeper into the body. Cancer in bones and organs could potentially be treated without needing surgery to get to the cancer growth.

In tests on cultured, lab-grown cancer cells, the molecular jackhammer method scored a 99 percent hit rate at destroying the cells. The approach was also tested on mice with melanoma tumors, and half the animals became cancer-free.

The structure and chemical properties of aminocyanine molecules mean they stay in sync with the right stimulus – such as near-infrared light. When in motion, the electrons inside the molecules form what's known as plasmons, collectively vibrating entities that drive movement across the whole of the molecule.

"What needs to be highlighted is that we've discovered another explanation for how these molecules can work," says chemist Ciceron Ayala-Orozco from Rice University.

"This is the first time a molecular plasmon is utilized in this way to excite the whole molecule and to actually produce mechanical action used to achieve a particular goal – in this case, tearing apart cancer cells' membrane."

The plasmons have an arm on one side, helping to connect the molecules to the cancer cell membranes while the movements of the vibrations bash them apart. It's still early days for the research, but these initial findings are very promising.

This is also the kind of straightforward, biomechanical technique that cancer cells would find it hard to evolve some sort of blockade against. Next, the researchers are looking at other types of molecules that can be used similarly

"This study is about a different way to treat cancer using mechanical forces at the molecular scale," says Ayala-Orozco.

The research has been published in Nature Chemistry.



Molecular jackhammers eradicate cancer cells by vibronic-driven action


Through the actuation of vibronic modes in cell-membrane-associated aminocyanines, using near-infrared light, a distinct type of molecular mechanical action can be exploited to rapidly kill cells by necrosis. Vibronic-driven action (VDA) is distinct from both photodynamic therapy and photothermal therapy as its mechanical effect on the cell membrane is not abrogated by inhibitors of reactive oxygen species and it does not induce thermal killing. Subpicosecond concerted whole-molecule vibrations of VDA-induced mechanical disruption can be achieved using very low concentrations (500 nM) of aminocyanines or low doses of light (12 J cm−2, 80 mW cm−2 for 2.5 min), resulting in complete eradication of human melanoma cells in vitro. Also, 50% tumour-free efficacy in mouse models for melanoma was achieved. The molecules that destroy cell membranes through VDA have been termed molecular jackhammers because they undergo concerted whole-molecule vibrations. Given that a cell is unlikely to develop resistance to such molecular mechanical forces, molecular jackhammers present an alternative modality for inducing cancer cell death.

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2d5649 No.116270

File: ee3866526663b93⋯.webp (23.66 KB,526x554,263:277,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142233 (281243ZDEC23) Notable: Pepe Escobar: Yemen Ready to Stare Down a New Imperial Coalition

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Pepe Escobar: Yemen Ready to Stare Down a New Imperial Coalition

Cue to the latest chapter: Coalition Genocide Prosperity, whose official – heroic – denomination, a trademark of the Pentagon’s P.R. wizards, is “Operation Prosperity Guardian”, allegedly engaged in “ensuring freedom of navigation in the Red Sea.”

Translation: this is Washington all but declaring war on Yemen’s Ansarullah. An extra US destroyer has already been dispatched to the Red Sea.

Ansarullah sticks to its guns and is by no means intimidated. The Houthi military have already stressed that any attack on Yemeni assets or Ansarullah missile launch siteswould color the entire Red Sea literally Red.


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2d5649 No.116271

File: 1fc4cb6bbc050ba⋯.jpg (45.43 KB,720x281,720:281,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142318 (281337ZDEC23) Notable: Putin ally Vladimir Egorov 'falls to his death from third-floor window'

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NEW: Putin ally Vladimir Egorov 'falls to his death from third-floor window'


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2d5649 No.116272

File: e2da3b1247f255d⋯.jpeg (928.16 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 37a5a1c7cf607d5⋯.jpeg (162.01 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2c0568ea9c06289⋯.jpeg (45.99 KB,594x396,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142329 (281343ZDEC23) Notable: Biden Secretively Vacations at Home of Billionaire Who is Connected to Over 800 Media Companies

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Biden Secretively Vacations at Home of Billionaire Who is Connected to Over 800 Media Companies

Biden stayed at the same house over the New Year’s holiday last year and didn’t pay a dime, infuriating the Nevilles because he had given them tickets to his first state dinner as president the previous month…

[The Nevilles were so Infuriated that they let them Stay there Again for FREE]

The Bidens are living for free in a property that would normally rent for more than $6,000

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2d5649 No.116273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142330 (281344ZDEC23) Notable: Biden Secretively Vacations at Home of Billionaire Who is Connected to Over 800 Media Companies

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2d5649 No.116274

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142370 (281400ZDEC23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/28/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/28/2023



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2d5649 No.116275

File: 694153c4f73f8a1⋯.jpeg (400.85 KB,1472x1216,23:19,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 42d3aacf6bf7cd4⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1845x1528,1845:1528,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142397 (281413ZDEC23) Notable: DEVELOPING: Parts Of New York City Under Shelter-In-Place Order

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Still in Effect…

DEVELOPING: Parts Of New York City Under Shelter-In-Place Order

Portions of Manhattan’s East Side went under shelter-in-place orders after a steam leak forced emergency crews to shut down roads, restaurants, and businesses.

Authorities expressed concerns about a possible asbestos exposure.

“Several blocks in the area shut down spanning from East 42nd street all the way to East 57th,” local media reports.



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2d5649 No.116276

File: 25ce6d7d9107bd5⋯.png (904.25 KB,1236x1795,1236:1795,Clipboard.png)

File: 01ed001b495b99f⋯.png (3.23 MB,3538x1822,1769:911,Clipboard.png)

File: a98408b8e0312ff⋯.png (757.74 KB,994x1294,497:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142445 (281432ZDEC23) Notable: QClock December 27, 2023 - Whatever Happened to the Awan Brothers

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QClock December 27, 2023 - Whatever Happened to the Awan Brothers

*Graphic tied to the clock, #916** included for some Awan Bros. context.


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2d5649 No.116277

File: 2cc8790d7167ac0⋯.png (163.86 KB,1008x881,1008:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142455 (281435ZDEC23) Notable: Did Q+ just out George Stephanopoulos as a pedophile?

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Did Q+ just out George Stephanopoulos as a pedophile?


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2d5649 No.116278

File: 2926a5e43811e6f⋯.png (1.14 MB,905x1100,181:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142462 (281438ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Jupiter and the Geminid

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 28, 2023

Jupiter and the Geminid

For a brief moment, this brilliant fireball meteor outshone Jupiter in planet Earth's night. The serendipitous image was captured while hunting meteors under cold Canadian skies with a camera in timelapse mode on December 14, near the peak of the Geminid meteor shower. The Geminid meteor shower, asteroid 3200 Phaethon's annual gift, always arrives in December. Dust shed along the orbit of the mysterious asteroid causes the meteor streaks, as the vaporizing grains plow through our fair planet's upper atmosphere at 22 kilometers per second. Of course Geminid shower meteors appear to radiate from a point in the constellation of the Twins. That's below and left of this frame. With bright Jupiter on the right, also in the December night skyview are the Pleiades and Hyades star clusters.


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2d5649 No.116279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142471 (281442ZDEC23) Notable: Strzok: Trump Supporters ‘Engaging in Threats of Violence,’ Biden Folks Don’t

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Strzok: Trump Supporters ‘Engaging in Threats of Violence,’ Biden Folks Don’t


Strzok said, “My biggest concern is that we have the presumptive Republican nominee for president who has and continues to engage in calls for violence from his supporters. Look, there’s an interesting data point here. Just shortly after the Michigan Supreme Court indicated they weren’t going to take this up, Donald Trump took to Truth Social and lauded their decision, talked about how they were absolutely right. It would be very interesting — Frank pointed out how the FBI and Colorado out of the Denver office is actively working the threats to the Colorado justices. Let’s look at the data coming out of Michigan. Are there any threats right now with to those Michigan Supreme Court Justices who decided not to hear the case?”

He continued, “Because the fact of the matter is this isn’t an environment where everybody is prone to violence. The fact of the matter is this is an environment where adherence and supporters of the former president are engaging in threats of violence, and there’s a comparative absence of any sort of like behavior on the other side. You don’t see supporters of Joe Biden going out and threatening Michigan Supreme Court justices.”

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2d5649 No.116280

File: d4dd8708a85170b⋯.png (41.31 KB,474x355,474:355,Clipboard.png)


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2d5649 No.116281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142821 (281604ZDEC23) Notable: #24718

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final bun for #24718

bu baker in the bullpen?

hold yer laties tight - its clos'n time

czech em

#24718 >>116267

>>116268 Javier Milei Continues Cleaning House: Announces Layoff of 5,000 Government Employees

>>116269 Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules

>>116270 Pepe Escobar: Yemen Ready to Stare Down a New Imperial Coalition

>>116271 Putin ally Vladimir Egorov 'falls to his death from third-floor window'

>>116272, >>116273 Biden Secretively Vacations at Home of Billionaire Who is Connected to Over 800 Media Companies

>>116274 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/28/2023

>>116275 DEVELOPING: Parts Of New York City Under Shelter-In-Place Order

>>116276 QClock December 27, 2023 - Whatever Happened to the Awan Brothers

>>116277 Did Q+ just out George Stephanopoulos as a pedophile?

>>116278 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Jupiter and the Geminid

>>116279 Strzok: Trump Supporters ‘Engaging in Threats of Violence,’ Biden Folks Don’t


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2d5649 No.116282

File: 277d04b837a7379⋯.png (160.97 KB,235x363,235:363,Clipboard.png)

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142841 (281607ZDEC23) Notable: #24719

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Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

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2d5649 No.116283

File: 03929643ed13530⋯.png (306.52 KB,500x335,100:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142897 (281623ZDEC23) Notable: Fetterman To Carville: 'Shut The F*** Up' Over Biden's Sagging 2024 Prospects

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kek'n still...

"my man hasn’t been relevant since grunge was a thing."

Fetterman To Carville: 'Shut The F*** Up' Over Biden's Sagging 2024 Prospects


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2d5649 No.116284

File: 6bc4baa8a47e0f9⋯.png (169.68 KB,822x794,411:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142903 (281625ZDEC23) Notable: GOP oversight writing mean letters again

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2d5649 No.116285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142935 (281632ZDEC23) Notable: Marjorie spills ALL the piping hot Congress tea! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #28

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Marjorie spills ALL the piping hot Congress tea! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #28

Marjorie Taylor Greene joins Roseanne Barr to talk about Hunter Biden's contempt of congress, Joe Biden's impeachment and how Mike Johnson isn't ready to be Speaker of the House. And of course, we can't NOT mention Jewish Space Lasers and Q!


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2d5649 No.116286

File: 58384e57c0d3b97⋯.png (894.09 KB,1018x1137,1018:1137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143010 (281651ZDEC23) Notable: Attention all Patriots! Fort Sill National Cemetery just received burial requests for four unclaimed veterans. These heroes served during the Vietnam War Era and are set to be laid to rest alone.

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Attention all Patriots! Fort Sill National Cemetery just received burial requests for four unclaimed veterans. These heroes served during the Vietnam War Era and are set to be laid to rest alone.

📍 Fort Sill National Cemetery

📅 Thursday, December 28th

🕚 11:00 AM

10:19 AM · Dec 28, 2023


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2d5649 No.116287

File: fb2c9c3cbe85ced⋯.png (531.49 KB,1176x1038,196:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143161 (281800ZDEC23) Notable: Lunnon, AI enhanced

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I never see namefags. Pic related.

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2d5649 No.116288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143316 (281853ZDEC23) Notable: Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

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Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

In late December 2020, President Trump made a call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger asking him to look at some of the items that were uncovered by his auditor.

There was plenty of evidence for a competent auditor or any man of integrity to know that the election was uncertifiable.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger’s office secretly recorded the phone call with President Trump, then lied about its contents later when they leaked it to the far-left Washington Post.

Raffensperger’s office ran to the Washington Post and leaked a fraudulent transcript of the call.

After they were caught lying to the American public, The Washington Post outed Jordan Fuchs as their anonymous source for the garbage hit piece.

Fuchs provided the WaPo with a fraudulent Trump quote that the paper ran in an anti-Trump hit piece on January 9th.

They planned this to do the most damage to President Trump before the sham impeachment trial in the US Senate.

Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump, demanding that they “find the fraud.”

Then, after they leaked their version of the story to the Washington Post, they deleted the audio of the call.

The audio file was later found in the laptop’s “trash” folder.


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2d5649 No.116289

File: fd24453f0a26be0⋯.png (340.4 KB,743x614,743:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143338 (281859ZDEC23) Notable: Backlash Over Israel's Video Of Hypothetical Hamas Christmas Day Attack On Seoul

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Backlash Over Israel's Video Of Hypothetical Hamas Christmas Day Attack On Seoul

Israel is once again in hot water over its controversial PR efforts meant to lessen the growing international criticism over the soaring civilian death toll in Gaza as the IDF widens operations across the Strip.

Israel's embassy in Seoul, South Korea has released a video which depicts a major Hamas attack on the Republic of Korea on Christmas Day. It features a little girl and her mom going through a harrowing kidnap ordeal. It starts with the little girl singing Christmas carols at her school, only for the joyful and serene setting to be erupted by air raid sirens after which all hell breaks loose.

Among the Israeli embassy's objectives was to help people from "far East Asia" understand the situation and trauma of Oct.7 and the ongoing war with Hamas.

But it appears this objective has utterly backfired as South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately condemned the video and asked for it to be removed from the Israeli embassy's social media channels.

The video appeared Tuesday and was taken down on Wednesday. It was also posted to the official government account of Israel on X, but was also deleted there as well.

South Korea's foreign ministry said, "The killing and kidnapping of Israeli civilians by Hamas cannot be justified, but the Israeli Embassy’s production and distribution of a video drawing parallels to the security situation in another country was deemed inappropriate."

"We have conveyed our position to the Israeli Embassy in South Korea, and the Israeli side has taken measures to delete the video in question," the statement added.


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2d5649 No.116290

File: 1ccf3d91d59faef⋯.png (2.61 MB,2472x1819,2472:1819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143339 (281859ZDEC23) Notable: QClock December 28, 2023 - For God And Country

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QClock December 28, 2023 - For God And Country

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2d5649 No.116291

File: e927ecf8655c12a⋯.png (94.06 KB,740x639,740:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143347 (281901ZDEC23) Notable: Federal Judge Rejects Press Freedom Claims By Project Veritas In Ashley Biden Diary Case

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Federal Judge Rejects Press Freedom Claims By Project Veritas In Ashley Biden Diary Case

A federal judge in Manhattan has ruled that investigative journalism outfit Project Veritas should have to turn over documents detailing how the organization came into possession of the alleged diary of President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden.

On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres of the Southern District of New York ruled in favor of a special master's recommendation that Project Veritas should be made to turn over all documents in its possession that detail how it came into possession of the diary in the fall of 2020. Judge Torres ruled against claims by Project Veritas that it has journalistic non-disclosure privileges under the First Amendment and thus should not be made to turn over its records.

With Judge Torres's ruling, federal prosecutors could soon take possession of more than 900 documents detailing how Project Veritas came into possession of the diary. Judge Torres ordered a government evidentiary filter team to sort out any documents not protected under attorney-client privilege and turn those documents over to government investigators by Jan. 5.

The legal battle over Ms. Biden's alleged diary began in the fall of 2021, when federal agents carried out search warrants at the homes of several Project Veritas employees, including the group's founder and then-CEO James O'Keefe. Project Veritas has asserted that federal investigators should be compelled to return records seized from the organization, arguing that the records seizure violated their First Amendment rights as a press organization.

Project Veritas had specifically argued that past legal precedents had protected news organizations from liability for publishing information, even when said information was acquired illegally by an intermediary. Judge Torres, an appointee of President Barack Obama, ruled that such precedents don't protect Project Veritas in this case because federal prosecutors are treating the press organization as an active participant in the theft of Ms. Biden's alleged diary, rather than a simple recipient of unlawfully obtained information.


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2d5649 No.116292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143358 (281904ZDEC23) Notable: Warmonger Lindsey Graham: “Hit Iran… Blow It Off the Map”

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Warmonger Lindsey Graham: “Hit Iran… Blow It Off the Map”

Now that the Ukrainian War is starting to wind down in a dismal defeat, the warmongers are already moving on to fresh targets.

On Thursday Lindsey Graham told FOX News that now is the time to, “Hit Iran… Blow it off the map.”

Lindsey Graham: “I’ve been saying for six months now, hit Iran. They have oil fields out in the open. They have the Revolutionary Guard headquarters you can see from space. Blow it off the map.”


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2d5649 No.116293

File: 9caeb222e04b96a⋯.jpg (175.67 KB,720x928,45:58,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de7b6edc487384e⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143399 (281915ZDEC23) Notable: Child tells Nikki Haley "Chris Christie thinks you're a flip-flopper on the Donal Trump issue...honestly, I agree with him." KEK

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Little kid to Nikki Haley: “So Chris Christie thinks that you're a flip-flopper on the Donald Trump issue. And honestly, I agree with him. You're basically the new John Kerry.”


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2d5649 No.116294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143401 (281916ZDEC23) Notable: Microsoft Buys Over 1,000 Acres of Farmland in Wisconsin

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Microsoft Buys Over 1,000 Acres of Farmland in Wisconsin

Microsoft Corp has just finalized its purchase of over 1,000 acres of farmland in Racine County, Wisconsin.

The 1,000 acres were part of three transactions totaling nearly $176 million.

Microsoft’s final transaction was the purchase of 407 acres, which included a pumpkin farm and a 9-acre corn maze in Mount Pleasant.

The massive land purchase is part of Microsft’s plan to invest nearly $1 billion in a data center in Mount Pleasant.

Microsoft Buys Over 1,000 Acres of Farmland in Wisconsin

DECEMBER 28, 2023



Microsoft Corp has just finalized its purchase of over 1,000 acres of farmland in Racine County, Wisconsin.

The 1,000 acres were part of three transactions totaling nearly $176 million.

Microsoft’s final transaction was the purchase of 407 acres, which included a pumpkin farm and a 9-acre corn maze in Mount Pleasant.

The massive land purchase is part of Microsft’s plan to invest nearly $1 billion in a data center in Mount Pleasant.

Microsoft just paid $76 million for a Wisconsin pumpkin farm https://t.co/LtCd0AZ1tl

— The Verge (@verge) December 22, 2023

Per Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Microsoft Corp. has completed its purchase of just over 1,000 acres of Racine County farm land that will be developed for data center facilities.

The three transactions totaled nearly $176 million.

The company paid the Village of Mount Pleasant $63.2 million for 400 acres on Braun Road and Durand Avenue, according to newly filed deeds.

Also, Microsoft paid the village $36.5 million for 241 acres on County Highway H.

Finally, the company bought 407 acres on Braun Road and Durand Avenue from Creuziger Farms Inc. for $76 million, according to the deeds posted online Wednesday by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.


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2d5649 No.116295

File: 7b63cffc5a55772⋯.png (352.45 KB,601x493,601:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 274cd5b40897626⋯.mp4 (574.16 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143411 (281919ZDEC23) Notable: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson warns that every city service is on the verge of collapse thanks to the illegals

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not good

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson warns that every city service is on the verge of collapse thanks to the illegals


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2d5649 No.116296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143432 (281925ZDEC23) Notable: US Announces $250 Million Arms Package for Ukraine

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US Announces $250 Million Arms Package for Ukraine

The White House has said this will be the final aid package until Congress approves more funding for the proxy war

The Biden administration announced a new $250 million weapons package for Ukraine that the White House said will be the last until Congress approves new spending for the proxy war.

The arms package uses the Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows the US to ship weapons straight from US military stockpiles. The Pentagon still has over $4.1 billion in PDA funds for Ukraine but lacks the funds to replenish the arms as US stockpiles have been significantly depleted.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said last week that once the new arms package was announced, “We will have no more replenishment authority available to us, and we’re going to need Congress to act without delay.”

According to the Pentagon, the arms in the $250 million package include:

Additional munitions for National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS)

Stinger anti-aircraft missiles

Air defense system components

Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS)

155mm and 105mm artillery rounds

Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles

Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor systems

More than 15 million rounds of small arms ammunition

Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing

Spare parts, medical equipment, maintenance, and other ancillary equipment

The Pentagon also released a fact sheet that said the US has provided or pledged over $44.2 billion in military equipment for Ukraine since Russia invaded in February 2022. Including other types of aid, the US has spent a total of $113 billion on the proxy war, and the Biden administration is seeking an additional $61 billion to fund the conflict for another year.


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2d5649 No.116297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143446 (281929ZDEC23) Notable: Turkey hits 71 targets in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for soldiers’ deaths

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Turkey hits 71 targets in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for soldiers’ deaths

Twelve Turkish soldiers were recently killed during fighting with banned Kurdistan Workers Party in northern Iraq.

Turkey hits 71 targets in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for soldiers’ deaths

Twelve Turkish soldiers were recently killed during fighting with banned Kurdistan Workers Party in northern Iraq.

Twelve Turkish soldiers were killed during fighting with the PKK in northern Iraq, the Ministry of Defence said on Saturday, prompting Turkey to conduct numerous air raids and operations in the region.

“Our pain is great, but our determination is complete,” Guler said. “We avenged [the deaths] of our precious children and we will continue to do so.”

The military operations intensified over the past 36 hours, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday, as he pledged to avenge “our martyrs”.

Turkish officials said that on Friday, fighters affiliated with PKK attempted to infiltrate a Turkish base in northern Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdish region.

Six Turkish soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight. The following day, six more Turkish soldiers were killed in clashes with Kurdish fighters.

A spokesperson for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces said at least eight civilians were killed in the air raids in northeast Syria on Monday.


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2d5649 No.116298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143490 (281943ZDEC23) Notable: Israel hits Red Crescent Society headquarters in Gaza

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Israel hits Red Crescent Society headquarters in Gaza

Israeli forces have attacked the headquarters of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in the Gaza Strip, causing a great deal of damage to the entire facility, which is home to thousands of displaced people in the besieged territory.

A Red Crescent spokesman said the headquarters, located in western Khan Younis, was targeted by the regime's air strikes on Tuesday.

He said in a tweet that several people were injured in the attack.

The spokesman said that there is no safe place in the besieged Gaza Strip, as Israel intensifies its relentless air and ground offensive on Palestinians.

The Israeli military said its warplanes hit 100 targets in the south of the Gaza Strip in 24 hours.

The attacks on the area have killed at least 241 people in the past 24 hours and injured 382 others, Gaza's Health Ministry said Tuesday.

The casualties resulting from the regime's 11 weeks of constant bombing of the besieged strip nears 21, 000, more than 8000 of whom were children.

Almost 55,000 people have also been wounded since the regime launched its onslaught on Gaza on Oct.7.

Despite international calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the offensive will not stop, but he can encourage Palestinians to leave the enclave.



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2d5649 No.116299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143504 (281946ZDEC23) Notable: Photos have emerged of a new Russian observation post on the Golan Heights on the border of the Syrian provinces of Daraa and Quneitra.

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S p r i n t e r



Photos have emerged of a new Russian observation post on the Golan Heights on the border of the Syrian provinces of Daraa and Quneitra.

Dec 28, 2023 · 7:18 PM UTC



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2d5649 No.116300

File: ca4decc1fea204b⋯.png (302.08 KB,989x996,989:996,Clipboard.png)

File: 58e2d1ff8505f6b⋯.mp4 (479.62 KB,582x270,97:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143509 (281948ZDEC23) Notable: Ivanka Trump on the "timeless wisdom of Mr. Rogers"

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As we approach the new year, let's carry the timeless wisdom of Mr Rogers with us:

In these challenging times, always look for the helpers. Their presence is a beacon of hope and humanity. Their courage and kindness light the way forward.

Wishing you all joy, love and hope ✨✨

0:06 / 0:56

1:46 PM · Dec 28, 2023


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2d5649 No.116301

File: aa162a99fdfdafb⋯.png (103.55 KB,663x623,663:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 28e15d0d1cf29be⋯.png (96.64 KB,664x615,664:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143518 (281949ZDEC23) Notable: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice

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Newsmaker Interview: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice, dispels Nikki rumors

In an extensive interview, the former president lays out an expansive vision to Just the News if he is elected to a second White House term ranging from Ukraine War to the southern border crisis.

Former President Donald Trump is sending some pointed messages to friends and foes alike: No, Nikki Haley is not on his vice presidential list because there isn’t one right now. Yes, if he returns to the White House European countries had better get ready to pay more for the Ukraine war. And both federal agencies and nonprofits that espouse antisemitic views and threaten Jews should prepare to lose federal funding or even their tax-exempt status.

In a wide-ranging interview with Just the News, the 45th president surveyed the sort of policies he’ll pursue if voters return him to office next November as the nation’s 47th president. He made clear securing the U.S. southern border is a top priority as is cutting off the sources of income from oil sales and reclaiming the unfrozen funds that he says has revived Iran’s terrorism activities across the globe on Joe Biden’s watch. Those activities include recent rocket and drone attacks from proxy groups targeting U.S. troops. The United States said Tuesday that it had shot down 12 attack drones and five missiles launched by the Iran-backed Houthis.

“Iran was allowed to get rich because Joe Biden allowed them to,” Trump told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show on Real America’s Voice. “So he could say whatever he wants. But he's the reason for this. He's an incompetent president. He's a compromised president, totally compromised. But he allowed them to get rich."

“But worse than being rich, because of the money, because of what they have, they will have within a short period of time nuclear weapons," Trump added. "And that is never something that can be allowed to happen.”

Trump made clear he plans to return U.S.-Iran policy to a strict regimen of sanctions to choke off any funding for Tehran to use on weapons or terrorism support.

“Iran was broke. They didn't have any money to get around. I put sanctions on. I put everything on, and told countries, China, many countries, India, France, ‘don't buy oil … you buy any oil, we're not going to do business with you. And we're going to put tariffs on all the products that do get through, We're not going to do business,'” Trump said, contrasting his policies with Biden’s.

“They didn't have money for Hezbollah. And this would have never happened, it also wouldn't have happened because they knew the consequences would have been much different than what you see right now,” he added.

In the aftermath of controversial congressional testimony from Ivy League university bosses who refused to say they would punish antisemitic behavior by students, Trump also said he would use the power of the purse if re-elected to punish government agencies and nonprofits whose actions or words threaten Jews.

“I would use that power and I use it very strongly and very powerfully,” he said when asked about potentially taking away federal funding or tax exemptions from entities that engaged in antisemitic behavior.


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2d5649 No.116302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143529 (281952ZDEC23) Notable: IDF takes no action against soldiers who killed Gaza hostages

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IDF takes no action against soldiers who killed Gaza hostages

IDF sources suggested that once the war was over it was possible that disciplinary or other action might theoretically be taken against some of the soldiers involved.

The IDF announced on Thursday that it will not take any current action against soldiers who mistakenly killed three Israeli hostages on December 15 who were waving a white flag, screamed “help” in Hebrew, and were bare from the waist up .

The three, named Yotam Chaim, Samer Talalka, and Alon Shamriz, were all taken hostage during Hamas’s October 7 massacre against southern Israeli communities.

In publishing the results of its final probe into the issue, the IDF said that despite the soldiers clearly violating the rules of engagement – by firing on persons who presented no immediate danger and were waving a white flag – the enormous complexity of the circumstances led to no immediate punishment.


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2d5649 No.116303

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143532 (281953ZDEC23) Notable: Foreign Minister of the Israeli: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah should quickly understand that Israel's next goal is him and Lebanon.

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S p r i n t e r



Foreign Minister of the Israeli: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah should quickly understand that Israel's next goal is him and Lebanon.

Dec 28, 2023 · 7:23 PM UTC



To serve man...

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2d5649 No.116304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143543 (281957ZDEC23) Notable: Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert swaps congressional districts'

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originally >>>/qresearch/20143402

All the gun toting waitresses in Rifle CO was all for show

Boebert switches congressional districts, avoiding a Democratic opponent who has far outraised her


Now I know why she never came to Tina Peters defense, and had secret meeting with the cops actively working against Peters.

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2d5649 No.116305

File: 23025e844ba77d8⋯.png (984.31 KB,740x3300,37:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143545 (281957ZDEC23) Notable: Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert swaps congressional districts'

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Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert swaps congressional districts as she faces tight reelection campaign

Dec. 28, 2023

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2d5649 No.116306

File: bd194dffd910819⋯.jpg (101.14 KB,711x788,711:788,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143548 (281958ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

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BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot


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2d5649 No.116307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143570 (282003ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

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>>116306 BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

MSN also announced within the hour:


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2d5649 No.116308

File: 47f502462e3b127⋯.png (2.71 MB,2817x1833,939:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143614 (282010ZDEC23) Notable: QClock December 28, 2023 - Something Big Is Coming, Mr. Rogers - Helpers.png

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QClock December 28, 2023 - Something Big Is Coming, Mr. Rogers - Helpers.png

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2d5649 No.116309

File: b6a8bc5eaf555aa⋯.png (123.77 KB,976x465,976:465,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dc26ad289ee7c7⋯.png (134.26 KB,986x497,986:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 879ac103e1482ea⋯.png (172.58 KB,981x603,109:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 654dab261efa50e⋯.png (160.24 KB,994x551,994:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143618 (282011ZDEC23) Notable: Middle District Of Florida Prosecutes 1,500 Individuals For Child Exploitation Offenses As Part Of Project Safe Childhood

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Middle District Of Florida Prosecutes 1,500 Individuals For Child Exploitation Offenses As Part Of Project Safe Childhood


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2d5649 No.116310

File: bd680b6f58cdb21⋯.jpg (145.6 KB,720x1019,720:1019,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143624 (282011ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

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BREAKING: Trump will remain on Colorado 2024 ballot unless SCOTUS rules otherwise: Colorado Secretary of State


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2d5649 No.116311

File: 3f78c4dbd282739⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143634 (282012ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

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US Supreme Court Officially Asked to Overturn Colorado High Court Decision to Bar Trump From Ballot

The state’s high court stayed their ruling and left room for an appeal. The ruling will go into effect on January 4, 2024.


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2d5649 No.116312

File: d2ff9e6343364e4⋯.png (488.29 KB,740x758,370:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143637 (282013ZDEC23) Notable: Mike Pompeo summoned by court to explain alleged US govt plot to assassinate Julian Assange

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>traitor Mike Pompeo

Mike Pompeo summoned by court to explain alleged US government plot to assassinate Julian Assange, say Spanish media reports

Alia Shoaib

Jun 4, 2022, 9:02 AM EDT


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2d5649 No.116313

File: fb887eebc247021⋯.png (210.58 KB,308x450,154:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143645 (282015ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

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BREAKING NEWSColorado Secretary of State says Trump is BACK on the ballot unless the Supreme Court rules he should be disqualified


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2d5649 No.116314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143679 (282020ZDEC23) Notable: Caravan Update in Spanish

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Oscar Blue Ramirez Caravan update. At about the 5 minute mark, Oscar explains what the "activist caravan leader" was claiming.

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2d5649 No.116315

File: ae6cb0089d7decf⋯.png (78.45 KB,855x527,855:527,Clipboard.png)

File: e2160c8fc1f2b3b⋯.png (23.04 KB,596x310,298:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143685 (282020ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again

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>Has Trump EVER said anything negative about the Federal Reserve

Donald J. Trump


Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again. No “guts,” no sense, no vision! A terrible communicator!

7:25 pm · 18 Sep 2019


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2d5649 No.116316

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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