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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

642774 No.51600 [Last50 Posts]

18NOV23 to 21NOV23


Re-Posts of notables

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642774 No.108056

File: 9b8593213a3c5b5⋯.png (270.3 KB,537x499,537:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934154 (180040ZNOV23) Notable: Good morning from rainy Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay

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Carol Rosenberg



Good morning from rainy Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay. With a storm forming in the Caribbean and pools of water rising around the base, the 9/11 trial judge has canceled today's pretrial hearing.

Oral arguments on some longstanding legal motions were on the docket.

Nov 17, 2023 · 1:21 PM UTC


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642774 No.108057

File: d77abf5406944a1⋯.png (808.91 KB,1789x1793,1789:1793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934216 (180053ZNOV23) Notable: Speaker Johnson says he’ll make 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage available to the general public

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Speaker Johnson says he’ll make 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage available to the general public

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Mike Johnson said Friday he plans to publicly release thousands of hours of footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, making good on a promise he made to far-right members of his party when he was campaigning for the job.

“This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials,” Johnson said in a statement.

The newly elected speaker said the first tranche of security footage, around 90 hours, will be released on a public committee website Friday, with the rest of the 44,000 hours expected to be posted over the next several months. In the meantime, a public viewing room will also be set up in the Capitol for viewing the footage.

For the last several months, the GOP-led House Administration Committee has made the video available by appointment only to members of the media, criminal defendants and a limited number of other people. The video shows some of the fighting up close and gives a bird’s eye view of the Capitol complex — one that visitors rarely see — as hundreds of President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the building, violently attacking police officers and breaking in through windows and doors.

By expanding this access to the general public, Johnson is fulfilling one of the pledges he made last month to the most conservative members of his party, including Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who orchestrated the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Both Gaetz and Trump — who is currently running for reelection as he faces federal charges for his role in the Jan. 6 attack — applauded Johnson’s decision.

In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump congratulated the speaker “for having the courage and fortitude” to release the footage.

The move by Johnson will grant the general public a stunning level of access to sensitive and explicit Jan. 6 security footage, which many critics have warned could endanger the safety of staff and members in the Capitol complex if it gets into the wrong hands. The hours of footage detail not only the shocking assault rioters made on U.S. Capitol Police as they breached the building but also how the rioters accessed the building and the routes lawmakers used to flee to safety. ...


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642774 No.108058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934222 (180054ZNOV23) Notable: Speaker Johnson says he’ll make 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage available to the general public

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A request for comment from Capitol Police was declined.

Johnson said Friday that the committee is processing the footage to blur the faces of individuals “to avoid any persons from being targeted for retaliation of any kind.” He added that an estimated 5% of the footage will not be publicly released as it ”may involve sensitive security information related to the building architecture.”

Gripping images and videos from the Capitol attack by Trump supporters have been widely circulated by documentarians, news organizations and even the rioters themselves. But until this year, officials held back much of the surveillance video from hundreds of security cameras stationed in and around the Capitol.

In February, McCarthy gave then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusive access to the footage, a move that Democrats swiftly condemned as a “grave” breach of security with potentially far-reaching consequences.

The conservative commentator aired a first installment to millions of viewers on his prime-time show in the spring, working to bend perceptions of the violent, grueling siege that played out for the world to see into a narrative favorable to Trump.

It is all part of a larger effort by Republicans to redefine the narrative around the deadly insurrection after the findings of the House Jan. 6 committee last year. The select committee of seven Democrats and two Republicans spent months painstakingly documenting, with testimony and video evidence, how Trump rallied his supporters to head to the Capitol and “fight like hell” as Congress was certifying his loss to Democrat Joe Biden.

The committee’s final report released last December concluded that Trump criminally engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to overturn the lawful results of the 2020 presidential election and failed to act to stop his supporters from attacking the Capitol.

The panel passed their investigation to the Justice Department, recommending federal prosecutors investigate the former president on four crimes, including aiding an insurrection. And in August, Trump was indicted on four felony counts for his role in the attack as the Justice Department accused him of assaulting the “bedrock function” of democracy.

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642774 No.108059

File: 00e3fb17511b1ff⋯.png (301.15 KB,347x1080,347:1080,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934254 (180100ZNOV23) Notable: Brother-in-Law of Twice-Failed Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Arrested on Human Trafficking Charges Involving a Minor

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Stacey Abrams's Brother-in-law arrested for human trafficking

after 'offering, girl, 16, money for sex and throttling her when she refused'

▶ Jimmie Gardner, 57, was taken into custody on Friday by Tampa Police for allegedly engaging in sex acts with a 16-year-old girl in Florida

▶ He is accused of meeting the minor at 1.43am and inviting her to his room at the Renaissance Hotel at International Plaza before he offered her money for sex

▶ Gardner, who married US District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, sister of former Georgia politician Abrams, in 2018 , is in Hillsborough County jail with no bond

Jimmie Gardner, 57, was taken into custody on Friday by Tampa Police for allegedly engaging in sex acts with a 16-year-old girl in Florida , where the age of consent is 18. He is accused of meeting the minor at 1.43am and inviting her to his room at the Renaissance Hotel at International Plaza before he offered her money for sex. Gardner, who married US District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, the sister of former Georgia politician Abrams, in 2018 , is in Hillsborough County jail with no bond. He is scheduled to appear in court in Tampa on Saturday.


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642774 No.108060

File: 5b1461bb65318c0⋯.png (132.64 KB,537x577,537:577,Clipboard.png)

File: bf312d93502f59c⋯.png (338.49 KB,1117x641,1117:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934268 (180104ZNOV23) Notable: At the war court this week, lawyers revealed aspects of a secret intelligence program that recorded Guantanamo prisoners’ conversations circa 2006-2009

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Carol Rosenberg



At the war court this week, lawyers revealed aspects of a secret intelligence program that recorded Guantanamo prisoners’ conversations circa 2006-2009, possibly later, as prosecutors maneuver to defend FBI interrogations after CIA torture.

My dispatch…


U.S. Offers Tapes From Bugged Guantánamo Prison Yard as Evidence in 9/11 Case

An undisclosed government agency declassified the secret intelligence program as the prosecution pushes to defend F.B.I. interrogations after C.I.A. torture.


Nov 17, 2023 · 10:24 PM UTC


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642774 No.108061

File: 170fb3c89153091⋯.jpeg (476.2 KB,1170x1373,1170:1373,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934379 (180126ZNOV23) Notable: Ex-news site editor had hundreds of child sex abuse images, Mass. DA says

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642774 No.108062

File: 9babe1d91586a21⋯.png (55.95 KB,597x583,597:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934435 (180140ZNOV23) Notable: Speaker Johnson says he’ll make 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage available to the general public

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Speaker Mike Johnson


When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021. Truth and transparency are critical. Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours. In the meantime, a public viewing room will ensure that every citizen can view every minute of the videos uncensored.

This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials.

I commend Chairman Loudermilk and his team for their diligent work to ensure the thousands of hours of videos are promptly processed to be uploaded to the committee’s public website. Processing will involve blurring the faces of private citizens on the yet unreleased tapes to avoid any persons from being targeted for retaliation of any kind and segregating an estimated 5% of the videos that may involve sensitive security information related to the building architecture.

10:33 AM · Nov 17, 2023




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642774 No.108063

File: ddfbe6375e66fda⋯.png (462.38 KB,599x592,599:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934446 (180142ZNOV23) Notable: January 6th footage

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Catturd ™


Well, Well, Well, what have we here.


Citizen Free Press




Here's a January 6 video they've never shown the public.

A protester is uncuffed by Capitol police and then fist bumps another officer down a hallway away from everyone.

12:04 PM · Nov 17, 2023




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642774 No.108064

File: 8f7069592150ba8⋯.png (476.09 KB,600x455,120:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934447 (180143ZNOV23) Notable: January 6th footage

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The Gateway Pundit


January 6th Footage Shows Protestors Peacefully Entering, Leaving and Making Police Smile (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit

2:25 PM · Nov 17, 2023




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642774 No.108065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934464 (180146ZNOV23) Notable: Lawyers for religious leaders challenging Missouri abortion ban say law imposes beliefs on everyone / Pennsylvania House passes bill to make state an abortion haven

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https://www.komu.com/news/state/lawyers-for-religious-leaders-challenging-missouri-abortion-ban-say-law-imposes-beliefs-on-everyone/ (Without stringer but you'll need to navigate to the story.)

Lawyers for religious leaders challenging Missouri abortion ban say law imposes beliefs on everyone

As far as imposing beliefs on everyone: Not quite. The law was passed by the legislature and apparently only went into effect when/if Roe was overturned. These "religious leaders" don't want people of faith to have viewpoints considered or discussed in public. They want to "separate" religion from every other aspect of life, which is not possible or desirable. If they don't like the law they could do what most every other regular person does and vote for something else, but no they want a judge to PERMANENTLY prevent the state from acting on the law passed by elected representatives.

Quote: "Thirteen Christian, Jewish and Unitarian Universalist leaders filed suit in January seeking a permanent injunction barring Missouri from enforcing its abortion law and a declaration that provisions violate the Missouri Constitution."

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642774 No.108066

File: a59719072faba7e⋯.png (811.21 KB,889x731,889:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934476 (180148ZNOV23) Notable: January 6th footage

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Watch: Footage Shows Capitol Officers

Uncuffing J6 Protester, Giving Fist Bump

Before Releasing Him

Red State, by Jeff Charles

Posted By: Imright, 11/17/2023 8:32:36 PM

It appears House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) decision to release all of the J6 footage might already be yielding some fruit. One video shows Capitol Police officers acting in a suspicious manner. In the footage, Capitol Police can be seen walking a man, who appears to be a J6 protester, to an exit in the Capitol building. The man is handcuffed. Once they get close to the metal detector, one of the officers uncuffs the individual, who gives another officer a fist bump before walking out of the building. (X Video)

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642774 No.108067

File: 8ac821f9916cb25⋯.png (458.52 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

File: ab8ac6c24238980⋯.png (51.05 KB,942x698,471:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934481 (180149ZNOV23) Notable: Lawyers for religious leaders challenging Missouri abortion ban say law imposes beliefs on everyone / Pennsylvania House passes bill to make state an abortion haven

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Pennsylvania House passes bill to make state an abortion haven from pro-life neighbors

The bill is not expected to make it through the Republican-controlled state Senate.


picrels: reconcile.

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642774 No.108068

File: e85bcc2ac845e30⋯.png (265.55 KB,614x626,307:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fb5dcef2823491⋯.png (571.94 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934509 (180155ZNOV23) Notable: Speaker Johnson says he’ll make 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage available to the general public

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Prepare to be shocked. This release will reveal the insidious truth that the left and the corrupt officials at FBI/DOJ do NOT want Americans to see.

No less than 5-10 key Democrats will announce they’re retiring from Congress. Don’t doubt me.

7:30 PM · Nov 17, 2023 · 26.4K Views



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642774 No.108069

File: 1069f96e1e757ea⋯.png (713.63 KB,892x793,892:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934522 (180158ZNOV23) Notable: 30 Minutes Late, Biden Shows Up to APEC Meeting and Malfunctions Multiple Times

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30 Minutes Late, Biden Shows Up to APEC

Meeting and Malfunctions Multiple Times

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Hazymac, 11/17/2023 5:25:33 PM

After Biden's creepy and shameful interaction with Mexico's president, it was time for a break before heading to the actual APEC meeting scheduled for the day. That break went a little too long, though, as world leaders were left twiddling their thumbs for half an hour, wondering when things would kick off. When he finally did show up, he did his patented job to show that he was really full of vigor and not at all physically deteriorating before our very eyes. (X) I've got my suspicions on why Biden was late to an event presidents are normally never late for, and I don't think it had anything to

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642774 No.108070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934590 (180210ZNOV23) Notable: Amazon pulling seven brands of eye drops after FDA warning

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https://www.komu.com/news/nationworld/amazon-pulling-seven-brands-of-eye-drops-after-fda-warning/ (Without stringer, so you'll have to navigate to the story.)

This is a big deal. The FDA is slow walking this.

The article has this to say about a previous recall:

"In February, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged health care providers and patients to avoid using EzriCare eye drops after an investigation into bacterial contamination linked with over 80 infections across 18 states."

"The infections involved a rare strain of the drug-resistant bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa that had never before been identified in the US. Four deaths were reported, along with 14 instances of vision loss and four cases in which eyeballs had to be surgically removed."

I guess people actually need an immune system after all. Too bad their "government" gave the VAIDS.

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642774 No.108071

File: bf40e9dbbb7d240⋯.png (54.25 KB,473x655,473:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f252e9377fbe08⋯.png (224.03 KB,409x659,409:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934633 (180224ZNOV23) Notable: Some Nancy Pelosi Daughter on film talking about January 6th

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Here’s some January 6 Footage for you you


Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Secretly Filmed talking about January 6 Being a JOKE

2:43 Pelosi: “The Shaman did noth(ing)… What did the Shaman do? He stood there.”

4:24 “After the Democrats lose the house, then they get rid of the committee, people may lose I think interest… no one is going to care after the democrats are out of power. And you take Biden out of office- then who cares!?”

4:47 “DC is a lot of people who work for the government. I don’t think they’re sympathetic. If you got it moved (changed trial jurisdiction from DC) you’d totally get off” (laughs while saying this)

6:48 “If there was an insurrection… you were supposed to have a plan!” “It was the sorriest insurrection in history”

8:09 “Time is going to remember January 6 differently. Media needs stuff to fill. You’re going to be able to laugh about this one day”

14:50 Pelosi talks about her friendship with Gavin McInnes and laughs at the notion that Proud Boys are white supremacists.

This Video




He Crossed State Lines

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642774 No.108072

File: 93dab2da79a38e8⋯.png (270.66 KB,600x615,40:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934659 (180229ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Turnberry has once again secured its prestigious spot amongst GOLF magazine’s renowned list of the ‘Top 100 Golf Resorts in the World!’

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Trump Golf



Trump Turnberry has once again secured its prestigious spot amongst GOLF magazine’s renowned list of the ‘Top 100 Golf Resorts in the World!’

Learn more about this coveted award and historic property on Trump.com/blog.

Nov 17, 2023 · 8:24 PM UTC


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642774 No.108073

File: 90e138d4a96e106⋯.jpeg (283.02 KB,1188x621,44:23,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d88fb2e165f6ca3⋯.jpeg (493.14 KB,770x907,770:907,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934732 (180245ZNOV23) Notable: Marcos, Xi meet in San Francisco to ease South China Sea tensions

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Chinese AF CA16 747 Xi Xinping departed SFO back to Beijing-met with Marcos earlier today


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642774 No.108074

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934740 (180246ZNOV23) Notable: POLICE STATE - A DINESH D'SOUZA FILM [FULL]

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642774 No.108075

File: fcbc0c9e915b253⋯.png (229.84 KB,817x968,817:968,Clipboard.png)

File: 5219c0424093036⋯.pdf (8.13 MB,Clipboard.pdf)


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Interim Staff Report of the

Committee on the Judiciary

and the

Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

U.S. House of Representatives

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642774 No.108076

File: e70cf211a89943b⋯.png (219.7 KB,600x418,300:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934831 (180304ZNOV23) Notable: Vladimir Putin: "Humanity cannot be divided into “first and second class like meat"

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Emeka Gift Official



Vladimir Putin: "Humanity cannot be divided into “first and second class like meat"


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642774 No.108077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934843 (180309ZNOV23) Notable: Builders of J6 gallows remain unidentified while FBI and DOJ continue to pursue other defendants

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In the early morning of Jan. 6, 2021, a group of unnamed and unidentified individuals were seen unloading and transporting the materials to assemble the infamous gallows that became the subject of numerous photographs during the protests.

According to surveillance video obtained by the Patriot Freedom Project from the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, the unidentified individuals built the gallows in plain view on the National Mall in front of the U.S. Capitol building. Despite the full resources of law enforcement being deployed against thousands of individuals for participation in January 6—many charged with only misdemeanors—the builders of the gallows remain unidentified.

Photos of the gallows were included in the public hearings of the committee regarding the January 6 riot, and tied to right-wing movements by media like The New York Times.

Ed Martin, an attorney who represents Jan. 6 defendants, released the footage after obtaining it from the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight.

On Wednesday, Martin said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show that after reviewing the footage “we figured out that four guys set up the gallows at 6:30 in the morning on January 6, it was a very serious production, they moved it out of a truck, they moved it across on wheels, they came back and forth.”

“And more importantly than anything, as some of the images you have up show, they went to get coffee at about seven in the morning, they went to coffee at the only coffee shop open at that time, which happens to be well, it's right next to Georgetown Law School. But it's also right across from the FBI headquarters in D.C. Something about this doesn't doesn't smell right,” Martin said.

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642774 No.108078

File: 1818b3658658562⋯.png (134.63 KB,1226x902,613:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934862 (180313ZNOV23) Notable: Follow the link below to view the January 6th tapes for yourself.

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Speaker Mike Johnson


Follow the link below to view the January 6th tapes for yourself.

To restore America’s trust and faith in their Government we must have transparency. This is another step towards keeping the promises I made when I was elected to be your Speaker


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642774 No.108079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934872 (180316ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Predicts 100s and 100s of whistleblowers from the ranks of the House and DC Police

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>>107998, >>107985 lb, >>108002, >>108004, >>108010, >>108027 J6 police: removes arresting cuffs then fist pumping (Cap 0:56)

>>108008, >>108012 House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Friday announced the public release of more than 40,000 hours of Capitol security footage from Jan. 6, 2021PN

I predict there will be 100s and 100s of whistleblowers from the ranks of the House and DC policego running to house and Senate to reveal what really happened that day, who planned and coordinated it with Pelosi, DNC, Bowser and Bidan team, along with IC agencies

Remember 4 of House or DC Police committed suicide a day or so later because they couldn’t live with what they did!

That could be considered “The Storm” or the beginning of it!

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642774 No.108080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934921 (180328ZNOV23) Notable: #24474 posted #24475

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#24474 >>108040

>>108041 US claims to global leadership meet increased world resistance — Russian Embassy

>>108042, >>108059 Brother-in-Law of Twice-Failed Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Arrested on Human Trafficking Charges Involving a Minor

>>108043 Pentagon Fails To Account For Over $3 Trillion For 6th Year In A Row

>>108044 ‘Burn Gaza now’ – Israel’s parliament deputy speaker

>>108045, >>108046 EXCLUSIVE: Marjorie Taylor Greene calls 'b****' Lauren Boebert a 'liar' and a 'copycat', rips into 'widely hated' Ken Buck and the 'hypocrite' Freedom Caucus members who kicked her out as she releases no-holds-barred tell-all

>>108047 Russian authorities want to outlaw ‘LGBT’

>>108048 White House condemns Elon Musk’s ‘abhorrent’ antisemitic tweets

>>108049 EXCLUSIVE: Codepink's hard-left activists dismiss claims they're secretly funded by Chinese Communist Party, but then refuse to condemn the mass detention of Uyghurs and talk up China's 'freedom'

>>108050 Backpage Principals Convicted of $500M Prostitution Promotion Scheme

>>108051, >>108052 Trump's Washington Election Trial Must Be Televised, Media Coalition Argues

>>108053 BREAKING REPORT: Colorado judge rules Trump WILL REMAIN ON STATE BALLOT despite DEM challenges..

>>108054 YAF & The Judiciary Committee Hearing

>>108056 Good morning from rainy Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay

>>108057, >>108058, >>108062, >>108068 Speaker Johnson says he’ll make 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage available to the general public

>>108060 At the war court this week, lawyers revealed aspects of a secret intelligence program that recorded Guantanamo prisoners’ conversations circa 2006-2009

>>108061 Ex-news site editor had hundreds of child sex abuse images, Mass. DA says

>>108063, >>108064, >>108066 January 6th footage

>>108065, >>108067 Lawyers for religious leaders challenging Missouri abortion ban say law imposes beliefs on everyone / Pennsylvania House passes bill to make state an abortion haven

>>108069 30 Minutes Late, Biden Shows Up to APEC Meeting and Malfunctions Multiple Times

>>108070 Amazon pulling seven brands of eye drops after FDA warning

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108081

File: bbedaa95f75030a⋯.gif (3.1 MB,498x280,249:140,Clipboard.gif)

File: e98afb83ffe44ab⋯.png (78.23 KB,1072x596,268:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 72e281a857a387c⋯.png (78.29 KB,1072x612,268:153,Clipboard.png)

File: ccf4b37ad350388⋯.png (68.09 KB,1072x615,1072:615,Clipboard.png)

File: dc7e3b994665fd6⋯.png (115.94 KB,1072x618,536:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934923 (180328ZNOV23) Notable: 'Big Banks' See $63BN Deposit Outflows Last Week, Loan Volumes Continue To Contract

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‘Big Banks' See $63BN Deposit Outflows Last Week, Loan Volumes Continue To Contract

(This is moar of yesterdays post but includes analysis and comments and confirms that without the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP through Treasury) there would be perceived decimation in the regional banking space-because those bond losses do exist however they are allowed to not recognize them as the regulators allow them to place them in the ‘hold to maturity’ accounting bucket. What habbened at Silicon Valley Bank (and First Republic) was they had to sell those bonds at big losses because an electronic bank run triggered and in SVB’s case they only had something like 5% of total deposits as cash on hand. Make no mistake-Peter Thiel (who was the reported trigger) was told to send out the twatter post telling everyone to “get out” so the system could gauge the public reaction to them guaranteeing everyone’s deposits-he did not just decide to do this on his own -his handler instructed him to do so. The next FDIC Qrtly banking report will show a lot moar ‘hold to maturity’ losses but they will quickly make the point that it has improved (this is fact as it has but still billions of unrealized losses exist in US Banks and trillions worldwide. Incidentally this is how ALL the banks “pass” the annual FRB Stress test….they are allowed to do same with much moar than bonds with ‘hold to maturity’ but they call it “mark-to-model (fantasyland) and the FRB regulators go “ok nuffin to see here”. Thus why NONE ever fail. Simple fix would be mark to market (reality) or in some cases “Mark it Zero!” hat tip to Walter Sobchek

Begin article

Despite another rise in banks' usage of The Fed's expensive BTFP bailout facility (to a new record high), and regulators set to force banks to The Fed instead of the FLHB for cheap funds, regional bank shares surged this week as yields tumbled... Amid the ongoing upside-down world of Schrodinger's deposits, we wonder what 'adjustments' The Fed has in store for us this week.

On a seasonally-adjusted basis, banks saw a $50BN deposit outflow last week.. And for a pleasant change, non-seasonally-adjusted bank deposits also saw outflows (of $41BN)... Removing foreign bank deposit flows, the picture for domestic bank deposits was still consistent, with a $57BN outflow NSA (-$62.7BN Large banks, +$5.4BN Small Banks); and a $53BN outflow SA (-$53.8BN outflows for Large Banks but $0.6BN inflows for Small Banks)

On the other side of the ledger,loan volumes contracted for the second week in a row (large banks -$15.2BN and small banks -$2BN). (Ain’t it a bitch in a debt based economy and you have contraction-that will not go unnoticed for long) Finally, the key warning sign continues to trend ominously lower (Small Banks' reserve constraint), supported above the critical level by The Fed's emergency funds (for now)... As the green line cap 5 shows, without The Fed's help, the crisis is back (and large bank cash needs a home - blue line - like picking up a small bank from the FDIC).




KBW-the big bois


Bill Gross’ latest handoff to retail setup

KRE - SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF


>>107762 pb Money Market Fund Inflows Continue As Fed's Bank Bailout Fund Hits Another New High

Just remember the banking system is “strong and resilient” as they had no less than 20 different speeches/speakers making sure (You) know that

From Nov 6th

Bill Gross Calls Bottom on Regional Banks in ‘KRE’ ETF


And he may be correct but for the wrong reasons-complicit media downplaying what is described above…and btw Bill ‘the cat’ “Ack”man certainly had some inside help as he knew when the Sovs were done selling US Debtto the exact dayand Jamie Dimon was in China just before the SHTF in bond land so sorry no one is THAT good turning an aircraft carrier around that quickly w/o insider help. Some skill involved for sure so not saying it’s ALL that but on a consistent basis these asshats do this more often then not and then claim “all skill”-if it were there are many smart people so should be many moar examples. Several years ago a company (market maker) tried to IPO and stated they had ZERO losses in almost 3y of trading-it was a footnote in the Michael Lewis book Flash Boys and they were called Elliot Wave Theory LLC or some shit like that. Anyway this brought way too much attention to it so it pulled the offer…changed its name to Virtu Financial and they are the market overlord-the bottom of the iceberg where FTX would be the top however Virtu controls ALL asset classes via its sophisticated algorithms (bots)

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642774 No.108082

File: c9bb78e825defec⋯.png (185.44 KB,351x234,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934937 (180330ZNOV23) Notable: #24475

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Nuevo Masa


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642774 No.108083

File: 777edb492445f00⋯.png (91.91 KB,474x668,237:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19934986 (180339ZNOV23) Notable: Support For Israel Drops As 68% Of Americans Want Ceasefire, Negotiations

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Support For Israel Drops As 68% Of Americans Want Ceasefire, Negotiations

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll reveals that 68% of Americans believe Israel "should call a ceasefire and try to negotiate" with Hamas, indicating widespread opposition to continued military operations in Gaza. This viewpoint was shared by approximately three-quarters of Democrats and half of Republicans, demonstrating broad public support for de-escalation.

When asked what role the United States should play in the conflict, just 32% of respondents believed that "the U.S. should support Israel." This figure represents a substantial drop from the 41% who expressed support for Israel in a previous Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted just a month earlier in mid-October.

Another noteworthy shift in sentiment is the growing number of Americans who favor neutrality in the conflict. The poll shows that 39% of respondents now believe that "the U.S. should be a neutral mediator." This marks a significant increase from the 27% who held this view in the earlier poll, signaling a clear trend toward a more balanced approach.

What's more, the poll - which asked 1,006 US adults, also sheds light on how involved the United States should be - with just 4% of respondents advocating for U.S. support for Palestinians, and 15% who say the U.S. should not be involved in the conflict at all. These figures have remained relatively consistent with the earlier poll's findings.

Sauce: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/support-israel-drops-68-americans-want-ceasefire-negotiations

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642774 No.108084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935008 (180346ZNOV23) Notable: Jim Jordan Issues Subpoena to Bank of America for Sharing Customers’ Private Financial Information with the FBI

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Jim Jordan Issues Subpoena to Bank of America for Sharing Customers’ Private Financial Information with the FBI

This has to do with J6.

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642774 No.108085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935027 (180352ZNOV23) Notable: Breitbart News Joins First Media Visit to Netiv HaAsara, Town Hit by Hamas

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Media Inspect Netiv HaAsara, Israeli Town on Border of Gaza Attacked by Hamas

Journalist Joel Pollak was one of the members of the media who visited Netiv HaAsara, the closest town in Israel to Gaza, to document the destruction as a result of the 10/7 Hamas terrorist attacks.

Breitbart News

Nov 17, 2023



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642774 No.108086

File: 788d158fbc55b1c⋯.png (615.72 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: eebacd0b3aee9ff⋯.png (685.1 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: eeab889614deb67⋯.png (834.12 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935046 (180359ZNOV23) Notable: Breitbart News Joins First Media Visit to Netiv HaAsara, Town Hit by Hamas

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Breitbart News Joins First Media Visit to Netiv HaAsara, Town Hit by Hamas

NETIV HAASARA, Israel — The nights are the hardest part, says Hila Fenlon. That’s when the horror of October 7 returns.

The 46-year-old farmer, mother, and stepmother guided reporters on the first media visit to this community, where Hamas murdered 20 people in the attack.

The town, whose official population on October 6 was 892 people, sits empty, like the other evacuated communities of the “Gaza envelope.” It is on the northern edge of the Gaza Strip — the closest town in Israel to Gaza — and in the direct line of rocket fire.

Indeed, halfway through our visit, a siren blares “Red Alert,” warning of incoming Hamas rockets and sending dozens of reporters clattering to the ground. We cover our heads with our hands and wait for the booms of the Iron Dome missile defense overhead.

“Somebody was live on Facebook,” a member of the local security team admonishes us.

Live-streaming was strictly forbidden on this visit, lest Hamas terrorists use broadcasts to pinpoint our location, but someone evidently did not understand the directions.

Fenlon fills the media in on the history of Netiv HaAsara, which was founded in 1982 by families who gave up their homes in the Sinai peninsula when Israel traded it back to Egypt for peace. The town’s name, which translates as “The Path of the Ten,” honors ten Israeli soldiers killed in a helicopter crash in 1982.

It is a moshav, an agricultural community, and is ringed with fields and orchards, including citrus groves with fruit heavy on the vine — fruit that may not be harvested due to the outbreak of the war.

On October 7, Fenlon had been preparing to go to work in the fields, where she develops hybrid vegetable varieties. But the sirens started blaring, and a rocket destroyed her car. She and her family took shelter in their home’s “safe room” during the barrage.

Meanwhile, Hamas terrorists on paragliders landed on a hillside near the town’s southern edge and began moving through the streets, killing anything that moved. One elderly couple’s home was incinerated by an RPG with a hyperbaric warhead.

The cars next to the home were also completely burned through — though the neighbor’s house, across the driveway, was intact.

Another home saw one of the most horrific crimes of October 7 — one documented in the notorious 43-minute film that the Israeli military compiled of Hamas atrocities. There, a father was murdered in front of two of his sons, one of whom lost an eye.

Fenlon tells reporters that in the 22 years since rocket attacks became a fact of life for border communities, she still believed that Palestinians were being oppressed by Hamas. No longer: the participation of Palestinian civilians in the terror attack destroyed her faith in her neighbors on the other side of the border.

She still intends to come back to the town she loves, and believes others will, too, when security improves. But first the war — whose explosions are audible in nearby northern Gaza — must be won.

Signs of that war are everywhere around the town, and within it. Soldiers guard reporters’ movements through the streets; there are some roads that we cannot take because they are exposed to Hamas sniper fire. As we leave, we hear machine guns behind us.

When the war is over, Fenlon says, she would like to see Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government resigned: they are not responsible for the terror attack, but it happened on their watch. Hamas alone is responsible; she wants it defeated first.

In the meantime, she and her family are living in accommodations near Tel Aviv, in the suburb of Ramat Gan. “I hate every minute of it,” she says.

She notes that giving up homes in the Sinai, where she was born, was worth doing, because it was for the cause of peace.

But giving up homes because of a war is a sign of defeat — something Israel can never accept. She is determined not to allow the terrorists to win, and she has vowed to return and rebuild.

“That’s my condition for victory,” she says.


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642774 No.108087

File: 83788f022c8b3a6⋯.png (157.98 KB,600x435,40:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935067 (180405ZNOV23) Notable: JFK in Palm Beach sixty years ago today

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108088

File: 8876828aab9de2a⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: df57dedc0211283⋯.png (417.1 KB,1000x835,200:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bfbab4b90147bc⋯.png (114.01 KB,823x1321,823:1321,Clipboard.png)

File: f6870a654d415ee⋯.png (228.53 KB,848x1789,848:1789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935083 (180408ZNOV23) Notable: Ben Shapiro eloquently comes to the defense of Elon Musk's tweet bumble

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Ben Shapiro eloquently comes to the defense of Elon Musk's tweet bumble

Drops #929 & 323 included, cuz loosely related (9:29 timestamp / 3:23 vid length - but check the content)

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642774 No.108089

File: 0b5b76ae29ac38e⋯.png (427.42 KB,1013x907,1013:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935101 (180412ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump opens up stunning THIRTY-NINE point lead over Ron DeSantis in GOP rivals' home state of Florida

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new poll shows

Donald Trump has a stunning THIRTY-NINE point lead over Ron DeSantis in Florida

Donald Trump has established a 39 point lead over Ron DeSantis in their home state of Florida, in worrying news for the governor. Nikki Haley comes in third, and Chris Christie fourth. The pollsters surveyed 788 people between October 23 and November 4. When Trump and DeSantis were head-to-head, 59 percent of respondents said they would vote for Trump, with 29 percent for DeSantis.


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642774 No.108090

File: 43e96732137e576⋯.jpeg (667.74 KB,828x1297,828:1297,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935102 (180412ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump will Complete the System of German Idealism

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A brave new World

Sending love to all

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642774 No.108091

File: 01b0fa7335ff727⋯.mp4 (14.82 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935112 (180415ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump will Complete the System of German Idealism

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108092

File: ee59095ff6444ed⋯.png (256.74 KB,600x436,150:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935114 (180415ZNOV23) Notable: Dan - Happening Now at Mar-a-Lago, Legendary @CoachLouHoltz88 introducing @realDonaldTrump…

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Happening Now at Mar-a-Lago, Legendary @CoachLouHoltz88 introducing @realDonaldTrump…

Nov 18, 2023 · 1:54 AM UTC



Hopefully someone is following our team's accounts.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108093

File: d55cb3b1dcf124e⋯.png (66.23 KB,515x534,515:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935117 (180416ZNOV23) Notable: Ben Shapiro eloquently comes to the defense of Elon Musk's tweet bumble

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dasting to hear Shapiro say open borders was only a problem when it hurt Jews

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642774 No.108094

File: aebdb7dc7f99bf2⋯.png (200.53 KB,537x432,179:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935169 (180426ZNOV23) Notable: Former President Donald Trump to the stage in Mar-A-Lago at AFPI’s Experience & Gala!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

America First Policy Institute



We are excited to welcome Former President Donald Trump to the stage in Mar-A-Lago at AFPI’s Experience & Gala! 🇺🇸





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642774 No.108095

File: 4378606a2345e1e⋯.png (97.86 KB,537x446,537:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d2f993d2e8abfc⋯.jpg (182.5 KB,1170x1476,65:82,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935183 (180429ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Campaign Statement on Legal Victory in Colorado

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Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)



Trump Campaign Statement on Legal Victory in Colorado

Nov 18, 2023 · 1:42 AM UTC


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642774 No.108096

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935210 (180434ZNOV23) Notable: Boris Epshteyn On Trump's Trials : "All of these are coordinated election interference"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No trials before 2024 Election, not possible with court schedule. Boris Epshteyn On Trump's Trials : "All of these are coordinated election interference"



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642774 No.108097

File: 9ae430b63cbf72e⋯.jpg (316.83 KB,1080x1507,1080:1507,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935215 (180435ZNOV23) Notable: Refresh - January 6 video they've never shown the public.

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Easily the biggest thing in the 1st drop. They will come out in chunks.

We don't have even close to all the videos yet.


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642774 No.108098

File: 410e1d116564383⋯.png (17.15 KB,537x143,537:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935218 (180436ZNOV23) Notable: BREAKING: Former President Trump said at Mar-a-Lago tonight, “We have so much evidence of election fraud, and I look forward to introducing it in my trials."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Leading Report



BREAKING: Former President Trump said at Mar-a-Lago tonight, “We have so much evidence of election fraud, and I look forward to introducing it in my trials."

Nov 18, 2023 · 2:35 AM UTC



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108099

File: 21d2e9ed656e1e3⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935223 (180437ZNOV23) Notable: Refresh - January 6 video they've never shown the public.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108100

File: 38ed5b7ef64fda7⋯.png (306.24 KB,537x412,537:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935224 (180437ZNOV23) Notable: Former President Donald Trump to the stage in Mar-A-Lago at AFPI’s Experience & Gala!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fred Fleitz



Incredible night with President Trump at the 3rd annual @A1Policy Gala at Mar-a-Lago!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108101

File: 1f5a8e0c1e9ecb7⋯.png (652.78 KB,1553x783,1553:783,Clipboard.png)

File: f4275b93e951217⋯.png (617.81 KB,626x923,626:923,Clipboard.png)

File: ae5660ca06e4c6a⋯.png (46.74 KB,595x655,119:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 5efd4ee044d4a76⋯.pdf (2.88 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: b03924f63105063⋯.png (246.92 KB,574x799,574:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935236 (180440ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump will Complete the System of German Idealism

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Donald Trump will Complete the System of German Idealism


344,597 views Nov 18, 2016 3:08




Historical-critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology by F. W. J. Schelling

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, 1775–1854.

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642774 No.108102

File: ea8d4d85edc28b0⋯.png (289.86 KB,537x494,537:494,Clipboard.png)

File: bd22186a9ec243e⋯.jpg (58.98 KB,900x770,90:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935267 (180446ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump's speech at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge, Iowa.4PM ET 11-18-23

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Real America's Voice (RAV)



TOMORROW: We invite you to join us for President Trump's speech at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Our live coverage begins at 4PM ET. @realDonaldTrump



Saturday 4PM

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642774 No.108103

File: 55d4b2f2298ea77⋯.png (378.21 KB,979x672,979:672,Clipboard.png)

File: 43532d0eba6be40⋯.png (218.6 KB,824x319,824:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935297 (180452ZNOV23) Notable: Scott Adams predicted Donald Trump in 1990

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Did Scott Adams predicted GEOTUS Trump?

This was written in 1990.

5:43 PM · Nov 17, 2023


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642774 No.108104

File: 6521a33f8cb7f45⋯.png (166.37 KB,310x751,310:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bee081714c5898⋯.mp4 (4.02 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935303 (180454ZNOV23) Notable: The DOJ Also Recently Let Wall Street Short Sellers Burn All Evidence Of Their Financial Crimes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Since The Entire World Will Be Logging Onto X To View The Federal Government Corruption With The Release Of The January 6th Footage, Let’s Remind Everyone The DOJ Also Recently Let Wall Street Short Sellers Burn All Evidence Of Their Financial Crimes

The day after the Justice Department launched an investigation into Wall Street short sellers the largest document storage facility, TD Ameritrade Bartlett Warehouse, went up in flames.They hauled the evidence away ON FIRE in direct violation of OSHA safety requirements.60 hedge funds were to undergo investigations for manipulative short selling. Authorities concluded that a “falling shelf” took out the entire building’s sprinkler system that was located on the roof.

The facility was a newer facility outfitted with state of the art fire prevention technology.

Hedge funds have been under heavy scrutiny from retail investors.

More specifically from the AMC and GME community after the ‘meme stock’ frenzy early last year, 2021

Hedge funds have been able to suppress the share price of both these stocks through predatorial short-selling strategies.

In a Bloomberg exclusive, Gary Gensler states 90%-95% or retail market trades do not go through the lit exchange, but rather through dark pools.

This happened on February 4th 2022.Just like everything with out government absolutely NOTHING has come from the investigation. No charges. No stop to the blatant naked short selling taking place on a daily basis robbing investors.

4:23 PM · Nov 17, 2023 · 270.6K Views


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642774 No.108105

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935321 (180459ZNOV23) Notable: And the place went NUTS!

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Joe Rogan Knows Now:BOOOOOOM!!!😎😘😘😘



Save this one!

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642774 No.108106

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935330 (180502ZNOV23) Notable: For the Keks

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LOVE MAGA MIKE!!!😎😂😂😂. il Donaldo Trumpo

It really is KEK



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642774 No.108107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935337 (180504ZNOV23) Notable: #24475

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Wrap it up...

#24474 >>108082

>>108071 Some Nancy Pelosi Daughter on film talking about January 6th

>>108072 Trump Turnberry has once again secured its prestigious spot amongst GOLF magazine’s renowned list of the ‘Top 100 Golf Resorts in the World!’

>>108073 Marcos, Xi meet in San Francisco to ease South China Sea tensions



>>108076 Vladimir Putin: "Humanity cannot be divided into “first and second class like meat"

>>108077 Builders of J6 gallows remain unidentified while FBI and DOJ continue to pursue other defendants

>>108078 Follow the link below to view the January 6th tapes for yourself.

>>108079 Anon Predicts 100s and 100s of whistleblowers from the ranks of the House and DC Police

>>108081 'Big Banks' See $63BN Deposit Outflows Last Week, Loan Volumes Continue To Contract

>>108083 Support For Israel Drops As 68% Of Americans Want Ceasefire, Negotiations

>>108084 Jim Jordan Issues Subpoena to Bank of America for Sharing Customers’ Private Financial Information with the FBI

>>108085, >>108086 Breitbart News Joins First Media Visit to Netiv HaAsara, Town Hit by Hamas

>>108087 JFK in Palm Beach sixty years ago today

>>108088, >>108093 Ben Shapiro eloquently comes to the defense of Elon Musk's tweet bumble

>>108089 Donald Trump opens up stunning THIRTY-NINE point lead over Ron DeSantis in GOP rivals' home state of Florida

>>108092 Dan - Happening Now at Mar-a-Lago, Legendary @CoachLouHoltz88 introducing @realDonaldTrump…

>>108094, >>108100 Former President Donald Trump to the stage in Mar-A-Lago at AFPI’s Experience & Gala!

>>108095 Trump Campaign Statement on Legal Victory in Colorado

>>108096 Boris Epshteyn On Trump's Trials : "All of these are coordinated election interference"

>>108097, >>108099 Refresh - January 6 video they've never shown the public.

>>108098 BREAKING: Former President Trump said at Mar-a-Lago tonight, “We have so much evidence of election fraud, and I look forward to introducing it in my trials."

>>108090, >>108091, >>108101 Donald Trump will Complete the System of German Idealism

>>108102 President Trump's speech at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge, Iowa.4PM ET 11-18-23

>>108103 Scott Adams predicted Donald Trump in 1990

>>108104 The DOJ Also Recently Let Wall Street Short Sellers Burn All Evidence Of Their Financial Crimes

>>108105 And the place went NUTS!

>>108106 For the Keks

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642774 No.108108

File: 73c682c67f6f46d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB,212x255,212:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935359 (180508ZNOV23) Notable: #24476

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642774 No.108109

File: 7b97c3271cf0d66⋯.jpeg (231.23 KB,1073x660,1073:660,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bace2c28ac39cc3⋯.jpeg (207.75 KB,1022x977,1022:977,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6b9ee9f8e38667c⋯.jpeg (264.1 KB,1042x1346,521:673,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935597 (180618ZNOV23) Notable: Minnesota’s America-hating AG Keith Ellison just admitted the chilling truth about George Floyd…

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Minnesota’s America-hating AG Keith Ellison just admitted the chilling truth about George Floyd…

November 18, 2023 (an hour ago)

It seems like almost everything the propaganda media and corrupt government tell us ends up being false. From “weapons of mass destruction” to COVID, the 2020 election, and even the death of George Floyd, each of these spin jobs conceals a different actual “truth.” When these truths are revealed, they expose the deep-seated rot in our country.

Revolver recently published a thought-provoking article on this topic, highlighting the absolute decay of our judicial system and the deterioration of juries, which has steered America into a dark, unjust wasteland wrought with radical activism and blind stupidity.


The Anglo-American common law was supposed to save Derek Chauvin. That it failed to says a lot about the America we all actually live in now.

It’s been two and a half years since the former Minneapolis police officer was convicted of murder for the death of drug addict and lifelong criminal George Floyd. Chauvin is barely one-tenth into his twenty-two-year prison sentence, which he is serving concurrently with a 21-year federal sentence for depriving Floyd of his “civil rights.

The Chauvin verdict was an obvious, sick joke from the moment it happened, but even on the American right, the full realization of this fact seems to have taken until the last few weeks.

Helping to lead the charge was Fox host-turned-X-titan Tucker Carlson, who highlighted little-noticed recent developments in the Chauvin aftermath.

(Insert screenshot)

It turns out everything you were told about the Floyd case was a lie. Are you shocked? We didn’t think so.

Yet, the Revolver piece highlights that the problem is more profound than just the Floyd issue. It’s a symptom of the deeper decline in our government, education, and justice systems. We’re a nation in grave danger, with these outcomes being the telltale signs of our fall. We encourage you to read the piece entitled, “Trial by Ordeal: The Chauvin Verdict and the Dark, Embarrassing Truth of the American Jury System.”

Meanwhile, unsettling revelations about George Floyd and the lies we’ve been fed continue to emerge. In one of the most startling confessions, the AG from Minnesota, known for his disdain for America, has now admitted the ultimate truth about the George Floyd case—a situation we were told centered around racism. Our country witnessed riots and death, all in the name of George Floyd, the so-called “persecuted” man allegedly victimized by American racism.

Yet, as Keith Ellison now states, racism was never actually a factor in the case.

(Insert Screenshot)

Here’s the stark reality in a nutshell: Our ruling elite, including the media and political figures, incited angry black (and some diverse, equitable, and inclusive) mobs with the lie that George Floyd was murdered by a white cop simply because of his race. In response, these mobs rioted, destroyed people’s livelihoods, ruined lives, and committed murder, all under the banner of Floyd’s name and a complete and total “race hoax.”


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642774 No.108110

File: 52fb33623b790ca⋯.png (35.83 KB,596x266,298:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935684 (180650ZNOV23) Notable: Al Jazeera reports IDF has ordered doctors, patients, wounded, and displaced people to leave the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza within an hour.

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JUST IN 🚨 Al Jazeera reportsIDF has ordered doctors, patients, wounded, and displaced people to leave the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza within an hour.

Nov 18, 2023, 12:47 AM


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642774 No.108111

File: ff840a7008ffcd1⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935710 (180702ZNOV23) Notable: Trump is “deliberately inviting” the criticism that he’s behaving like Hitler

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>>108097, >>108099 Refresh - January 6 video they've never shown the public.PN

Simon Ateba

In 2016, Trump was going to trigger a nuclear war. In 2020, he was going to end America's democracy. In 2024, the left says as Rachel @maddow claims here, he will be Hitler who will not only destroy democracy but end America as we know it. WATCH https://t.co/tL2xqz7kSQ

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642774 No.108112

File: 89021f0f5d2656e⋯.png (400.42 KB,748x895,748:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d07180c030159d⋯.png (4.1 MB,1898x8726,949:4363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935758 (180733ZNOV23) Notable: James Comey writing a murder mystery about a hedge fund — and it sounds a lot like Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater

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OH SHIT, FAM...Cornhead's The Godfather?

James Comey


Okay, the NY Post is pretty funny, even when they aren’t trying to be:

“‘It’s your classic summertime hedge fund murder mystery beach read,’ said one source, admitting he has already pre-ordered the book.”

9:47 AM · Nov 17, 2023


"As Dalio’s top lawyer from 2010 to 2013, pulling down $7 million a year, Comey quickly earned the nickname “The Godfather” for his willingness to find, interrogate and fire anyone who disagreed with Dalio’s management style, according to Copeland’s book."

'Dasting that Comey's own account was calling attention to this article...on the 17th kek. Even if the anecdote ain't true...comms, baby!

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642774 No.108113

File: 0ddfacd656829f8⋯.png (178.61 KB,598x536,299:268,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b2934e59f6c368⋯.png (800.99 KB,791x1298,791:1298,Clipboard.png)

File: c87c79e54e6427d⋯.png (1.09 MB,938x1094,469:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935797 (180758ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk announces that X is filing a lawsuit against Media Matters

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BREAKING —Elon Musk announces that X is filing a lawsuit against Media Mattersincluding its board, donors, and dark money network for its collective misrepresentation of the social platform formerly known as Twitter.

Nov 18, 2023, 1:20 AM


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642774 No.108114

File: 025a56e41195d72⋯.png (46.7 KB,478x584,239:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935805 (180801ZNOV23) Notable: That's why Newsom went to China. Take on Biden/China

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That's why Newsom went to China.

Biden offered to sell the state of California to

China for money, to fund the U.S. Corporation.

And back away from China regarding Taiwan.

Otherwise, There would be no reason for Newsom to go to China

Xi Jingping did not take the bait.


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642774 No.108115

File: 18bc4218fcb48ac⋯.png (342.11 KB,783x928,27:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935882 (180851ZNOV23) Notable: Revelations from the testimony of Special Counsel David Weiss

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Revelations from the testimony of Special Counsel David Weiss

And whether he had "authority" to charge Hunter Biden in DC and California

Ever since explosive whistleblower testimony detailing DOJ efforts to sabotage the Hunter Biden investigation was released this summer, the US Attorney (and now Special Counsel) in charge of that investigation – David Weiss – has been under siege.

Beset with allegations of misconduct by those who had been part of his investigative team, and self-inflicted mistakes such as allowing the statute of limitations on tax crimes to pass, Weiss (who was appointed Special Counsel in August) provided closed-door testimony this week before the House Committee on the Judiciary, led by Jim Jordan.

It was a rare opportunity to obtain testimony from a Special Counsel – they typically only testify after their reports have been completed. And while he refused to answer specifics concerning Hunter’s plea deal, the status of his investigation, and why he allowed the statute of limitations to pass on some of Hunter’s tax crimes, Weiss’s testimony does provide important context regarding what has transpired since his investigation began.

For background, Weiss has investigated Hunter Biden for approximately five years. According to the testimony of whistleblower Gary Shapley, a highly-credentialed IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent, this investigation “has been handled differently than any investigation I’ve ever been a part of for the past 14 years of my IRS service.” Agent Shapley explained:

“Some of the decisions seem to be influenced by politics. But whatever the motivations, at every stage decisions were made that had the effect of benefiting the subject of the investigation. These decisions included slow-walking investigative steps, not allowing enforcement actions to be executed, limiting investigators' line of questioning for witnesses, misleading investigators on charging authority, delaying any and all actions months before elections to ensure the investigation did not go overt well before policy memorandum mandated the pause. These are just only a few examples.”

As we noted back in June, the preferential treatment included: denials of normal investigative steps like looking into Hunter Biden’s communications; tipping off the Biden Transition Team that Hunter Biden would be interviewed; and refusing search warrants of Joe Biden’s home, though the Assistant US Attorney (Lesley Wolf) helping with the case admitted it was “likely” there would be evidence.

One of the biggest revelations from the whistleblowers was that Weiss, who was the Delaware US Attorney at the time, was denied authority to file charges against Hunter Biden in DC or California.

During his testimony, Weiss was able to provide some context on how that transpired.

In February of 2022, Weiss reached out to Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer “because we were looking to bring certain portions of our investigation to either D.C. or L.A.” In that call, Weiss raised the idea of being granted “Special Attorney” authority, which would have allowed him to bring the charges in those venues.

This requested wasn’t granted by Main Justice. Instead, Weinsheimer told Weiss to reach out to DC (and California) to see if they “would be interested in joining or otherwise participating in the investigation.”

Weiss then reached out to the US Attorneys for DC and the Central District of California (LA) regarding the potential to prosecute Hunter Biden for 2014-2015 tax crimes. These are the years where, according to the testimony of IRS whistleblower Shapley, Hunter Biden undertook a scheme to not report his foreign income from Burisma and “to evade his taxes through a partnership with a convicted felon.”

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642774 No.108116

File: ae116a2f5b12aaf⋯.png (118.46 KB,619x680,619:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935883 (180851ZNOV23) Notable: Revelations from the testimony of Special Counsel David Weiss

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The US Attorney for DC denied his request: “I received word from my staff that the U.S. Attorney's Office in the District of Columbia had decided not to join the case as a partner or co-counsel moving forward.” (A remarkable declination from DC, considering their zealous prosecutions of January 6 protesters.)

The Central District of California also declined to help pursue the charges.

These denials are important because they were made by political appointees of President Biden. Main Justice, by ordering Weiss to go through this process, put Weiss in a position that he probably didn’t like – that he would have to pursue charges that were denied by other US Attorneys. (Weiss probably imagined the condemnations from the media.)

This left Weiss with a decision: whether to file the DC and California tax charges against Hunter Biden on his own. Weiss would testify that after the DC denial, Main Justice informed him that he had the authority under the “Special Attorney” regulations “to bring whatever charges you deem appropriate.”

Weiss, however, let the statute of limitations expire on Hunter Biden’s 2014 and 2015 tax crimes. Why Weiss decided not to go forward with these charges remains a mystery, especially considering that the DOJ Tax Division (and AUSA Wolf) recommended Biden be prosecuted for these years (see below for reference). Weiss declined to explain his non-prosecution decision, stating he could address this in his report. He was also asked whether it was “fair” that Hunter could avoid paying taxes on his Burisma income. Here’s how that exchange went down:

Q: If over - in 2014 and 2015, it's been well-established by the whistleblowers, Hunter Biden had in excess of over $1 million in revenue coming in from Burisma that has avoided tax entirely. Do you think it's fair that he is able to avoid paying tax on that gigantic sum of money?

Weiss: Again, that's something I can't comment on. 1 That pertains to the ongoing litigation and our outstanding investigation. I'm just not at liberty to comment at this time, but there will come a time.

He further declined to comment on the significance of the 2014 and 2015 tax years, thus failing to present a rebuttal to Shapley’s whistleblower testimony that “The purposeful exclusion of the 2014 and 2015 years sanitized the most substantive criminal conduct and concealed material facts.”

Weiss also came to the defense of AUSA Lesley Wolf. Shapley had accused Wolf of a number of offenses, including:

considering “optics” in whether to execute the search warrant of Joe Biden’s guest house;

trying to prevent witnesses from asking about Joe Biden’s business dealings with Hunter – “I don’t want to ask about the big guy”;

objecting to search warrants of Hunter Biden’s storage unit (and then notifying Hunter’s attorneys of the unit); and

declining to investigate criminal campaign finance violations.

While Weiss would not get into the specifics of allegations against Wolf, he went on to defend her: “Lesley Wolf has been a dedicated public servant for more than 16 years. I believe she is an excellent lawyer and is a person of integrity.” Yet he didn’t say whether Wolf was still on the case.

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642774 No.108117

File: caa7584781a1109⋯.png (177.49 KB,648x248,81:31,Clipboard.png)

File: ed32e8a5aeeccba⋯.png (76.91 KB,970x834,485:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935886 (180853ZNOV23) Notable: Revelations from the testimony of Special Counsel David Weiss

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What the Future Holds

Weiss also declined to comment on the progress of his investigation. When asked about whether there were any more indictments to come, he responded: “I'm not going to speak to indictments that may be on the horizon or deliberative process or anything in that regard.” He further declined to provide details on the status of Hunter Biden’s pending criminal charges in Delaware.

When asked if he knows when he might complete his task as Special Counsel, Weiss answered:

“I do not as I sit here today, but we will try to move it as quickly as possible without compromising the investigation or the prosecution of any case that might be brought.”

“Any case that might be brought.” We can’t help but think that could include Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) charges against Hunter Biden. Recall that after the announcement of Hunter Biden’s plea deal, Weiss announced “the investigation is ongoing.”

FARA charges would be an appropriate course of action for Special Counsel Weiss. As we have explained:

Publicly, much has been disclosed about Hunter Biden’s violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).1 For example, Hunter received millions from CEFC China Energy CO. Ltd. (CEFC), a foreign company that “was an extension of the Chinese government,” to influence US policymakers. Then there are the meetings Hunter arranged with this then-Vice President father on behalf of foreign leaders and the internal e-mails from Hunter Biden’s company regarding the necessity to register under FARA.

Whether those charges will be pursued is an entirely different matter.

Weiss, through his conduct and by his supervision of the Hunter Biden investigation, seems disinterested in pursuing all criminal charges against the President’s son. His testimony makes clear that he - and he alone - was responsible for giving Hunter Biden a pass for his substantial 2014-2015 tax crimes.

Weiss’s record doesn’t inspire confidence moving forward.


According to the DOJ: “FARA requires certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities.”




Nov 10

It certainly pays to be a democrat.

LIKE (32)



1 reply

Yancey Ward

Nov 10

This was all a charade- it was specifically designed to make it look like an effort was being made while at the same time running out the clock on the statute of limitations. The same thing is happening with all the other charges as I write this.

Nov 10

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642774 No.108118

File: 283a666a4e9f8c5⋯.png (179.1 KB,854x746,427:373,Clipboard.png)

File: fcea95af63dd564⋯.png (310.52 KB,1112x923,1112:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935897 (180904ZNOV23) Notable: Elise Stefanik supplementing her ethics complaint against Judge Engoron

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Elise Stefanik


A week ago, I filed an ethics complaint against Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron for his partisan antics, bias, and railroading of President Trump. After my complaint, a New York appellate court smacked down Judge Engoron for his blatantly unconstitutional gag order. Today, I’m supplementing my ethics complaint against Judge Engoron with examples of even more of his egregious misconduct after he just wrongly dismissed President Trump’s motion for a mistrial. Read the supplement to my judicial complaint in full below.

Nov 17, 2023, 8:36 PM






Replying to @elisestefanik

I think this judge should be removed from this case. President Trump will not get a fair trial or a fair decision this judge has already made up his mind that Donald Trump is guilty. He is violating his constitutional rights for a fair trial and should be dismissed from this case.









Replying to @elisestefanik

All those going after Trump really need to be fired and imprisoned for their unethical treasonous election interference, false prosecutions and all their other crimes and corruption.

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642774 No.108119

File: fc3a8b721a3c1a2⋯.png (151.04 KB,1193x874,1193:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935900 (180906ZNOV23) Notable: Elise Stefanik supplementing her ethics complaint against Judge Engoron

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Stefanik files second ethics complaint against Judge Engoron after he rejects Trump mistrial bid

Stefanik, a stalwart Trump ally, declared "victory" in the wake of the appeals decision striking down Engoron's gag order earlier in the week.

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik on Friday filed a second ethics complaint against New York Judge Arthur Engoron after he rejected former President Donald Trump's bid for a mistrial in New York Attorney General Letitia James's fraud case against him.

Engoron on Friday rejected Trump's bid for a mistrial in a decision that followed an appeals judge's staying a gag order he issued against Trump and his attorneys to stop them from publicly criticizing him and his court staff. Trump has repeatedly accused Engoron and his senior clerk, Allison Greenfield, of having a political bias against him.

While Stefanik previously submitted an ethics complaint against Engoron over his conduct in the case, on Friday she supplemented her initial criticisms in light of the court developments.

"A week ago, I filed an ethics complaint against Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron for his partisan antics, bias, and railroading of President Trump. After my complaint, a New York appellate court smacked down Judge Engoron for his blatantly unconstitutional gag order," she said. "Today, I’m supplementing my ethics complaint against Judge Engoron with examples of even more of his egregious misconduct after he just wrongly dismissed President Trump’s motion for a mistrial."

Stefanik, a stalwart Trump ally, declared "victory" in the wake of the appeals decision striking down Engoron's gag order earlier in the week.

"I am pleased to see that after my ethics complaint to the New York Commission on Judicial Conduct against Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron, an appellate court has lifted the unconstitutional gag order against President Trump," she said. "If Democrats can do this to a billionaire, former President, and leading presidential candidate, just imagine what they can do to the rest of us. That's why I filed my ethics complaint against Judge Engoron, and I will continue to fight for all New Yorkers."


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642774 No.108120

File: abe5274cf9efe99⋯.png (199.65 KB,877x754,877:754,Clipboard.png)

File: d7b1678f524eedb⋯.png (549.62 KB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935915 (180917ZNOV23) Notable: Kash Patel on weaponized judicial system

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truth socials copy paste is thrid world, how embarassing for them, no wonder they have taken such huge losses

Kash Patel


As is the case with a weaponized judicial system, i will always stand for the truth for @realDonaldTrump. This #GovernmentGangsters of a judge would be wiped out by me in a defamation law suit if she didnt hide behind her robe of cowardice. I will continue to fight it alone. Shes the female equivalent of Schiff.

Kash Patel





I have never been more proud to defend the truth than during my tenure in the Trump Admin. This Colorado judges attempts to beseech my credibility with total lies is the greatest compliment i could receive. Thank you for showing the world your hateful bias. Next time we need the national guard, im sure the DoD will follow your logic and call you on how to defend this nation. Maybe theyll site your lies about the Jan 6 committee too… whos next.





Nov 18, 2023, 4:14 AM


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642774 No.108121

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935920 (180921ZNOV23) Notable: DOD Announces Release of 2023 Strategy for Operations in the Information Environment

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DOD Announces Release of 2023 Strategy for Operations in the Information Environment

Nov. 17, 2023 |

Today, the Department of Defense released the 2023 Department of Defense Strategy for Operations in the Information Environment (SOIE).

The 2023 DOD SOIE will improve the Department's ability to plan, resource, and apply informational power toward integrated deterrence, campaigning, and building enduring advantage as described in the 2022 National Defense Strategy. This will enable the DOD to deter challenges to U.S. vital national interests in any arena or domain.



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642774 No.108122

File: ab2780dcdc8c40f⋯.png (953.5 KB,874x789,874:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935969 (181013ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Judge Fast-Tracks Lawsuit Against Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Employees

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Federal Judge Fast-Tracks Lawsuit Against Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Employees

Chris Queen | 3:17 PM on November 18, 2021


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642774 No.108123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935979 (181024ZNOV23) Notable: Al Jazeera reports IDF has ordered doctors, patients, wounded, and displaced people to leave the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza within an hour.

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NBC news reporting Israel denies telling Al Shifa hospital to evacuate.


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642774 No.108124

File: 15bd4c3eee8acfe⋯.png (347.75 KB,595x851,595:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935980 (181025ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk announces that X is filing a lawsuit against Media Matters

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Elon Musk


The split second court opens on Monday, X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and ALL those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company


8:01 PM · Nov 17, 2023




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642774 No.108125

File: c863da0e0fc0be1⋯.png (417.81 KB,592x865,592:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19935999 (181043ZNOV23) Notable: US politicians are still benefiting personally from the Israel-Hamas & Ukrainian war, with a resistance to ceasefire.

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US politicians are still benefiting personally from the Israel-Hamas & Ukrainian war, with a resistance to ceasefire.

This is a list of their stocks, like Raytheon, $RTX, Lockheed Martin, $LMT, & more.

Many are making millions as the wars continue.

Here are the politicians:


7:44 AM · Nov 17, 2023




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642774 No.108126

File: 2699312584a7d7e⋯.png (423.17 KB,661x717,661:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936006 (181047ZNOV23) Notable: Censorship Industry: ‘Business Booming’ for Ex-Facebook ‘Disinformation’ Experts amid Wars

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Censorship Industry: ‘Business Booming’

for Ex-Facebook ‘Disinformation’ Experts

amid Wars

Breitbart Tech, by Allum Bokhari

Posted By: Imright, 11/17/2023 10:31:57 PM

A new report in CNBC confirms what many observers, including the House Judiciary Committee, have noticed: online censorship has become a global industry, worth billions of dollars. And with two major wars underway, one in Ukraine and one in the Gaza Strip, that industry is reportedly set to expand. According to one industry insider interviewed by CNBC, the worldwide market for “trust & safety” (Silicon Valley shorthand for “censorship”) services now stands at $11 billion. Via CNBC: Manu Aggarwal, a partner at research firm Everest Group, said trust and safety is among the fastest-growing segments of a part of the market called business process services, which includes the outsourcing

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642774 No.108127

File: 991f8ec2b073866⋯.png (421.5 KB,592x510,296:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936014 (181054ZNOV23) Notable: San Diego Man Kills Himself After @FBI Launches Probe Into How He Helped The Biden Administration Get A Security Firm They Favored A $600 MILLION Federal Contract On Border Security!

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John Basham


BREAKING: San Diego Man Kills Himself After @FBI

Launches Probe Into How He Helped The Biden Administration Get A Security Firm They Favored A $600 MILLION Federal Contract On Border Security!


12:00 PM · Nov 17, 2023




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642774 No.108128

File: 871c90e50acc034⋯.png (394.73 KB,541x709,541:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936062 (181136ZNOV23) Notable: TOMA TAKEOVER: Runbeck CEO Serves as Board Member with Newly Elected Speaker Toma's Brothers

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Wait, WHAT?! 

TOMA TAKEOVER: Runbeck CEO Serves as Board Member with Newly Elected Speaker Toma's Brothers - National File



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642774 No.108129

File: 3b2f7a969586b7d⋯.png (590.91 KB,668x713,668:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936129 (181219ZNOV23) Notable: Report: Worry Mounts About Violent Protests at Democrat Convention After DNC Riot

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Report: Worry Mounts About Violent Protests

at Democrat Convention After DNC Riot

Breitbart 2024 Election, by Nick Gilbertson

Posted By: Imright, 11/17/2023 8:48:10 PM

Worries have sprouted about the potential for violent protests at the Democrat National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, in August on the heels of a violent pro-Palestinian demonstration at the Democrat National Committee (DNC) in Washington, DC, on Wednesday night, according to a report. After a meeting with the Chicago Police Department (CPD) on Thursday surrounding the convention, Mayor Brandon Johnson’s (D) Chief of Staff Rich Guidice told Politico that CPD is getting ready in the case of similar occurrences next summer. “We have to anticipate that there’s a lot of tension and very passionate positions,” chief of staff Guidice told the outlet. “There’s ongoing training already taking place, specifically in

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642774 No.108130

File: 368cf565fb67619⋯.png (607.85 KB,670x666,335:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936154 (181236ZNOV23) Notable: Steel: Growing Antisemitism Among Democrats Is Creating a Political Crisis

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Growing Antisemitism Among Democrats Is

Creating a Political Crisis

Breitbart Politics, by Shawn Steel

Posted By: Imright, 11/18/2023 4:54:16 AM

The horrific terrorist attacks of October 7th, 2023, should have inspired a moment of bipartisan unity in Washington, D.C. Republican Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) first act as the new Speaker of the House was a floor vote in favor of a congressional resolution expressing explicit support for Israel and condemning Hamas for the deadliest attack against Jews since the Holocaust. Sadly, too many Democrats responded with equivocation, talk of “both sides,” and demands for a ceasefire. Clearly there is steep division within the Democratic Party over Israel. Traditional Democrats stand firm for Israel. 22 House Democrats voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib for her rhetoric against Israel.

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642774 No.108131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936227 (181314ZNOV23) Notable: #24477

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Recycled Dough with a pinch of update


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642774 No.108132

File: 5beafd9cfd18785⋯.jpeg (87.81 KB,680x601,680:601,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936275 (181330ZNOV23) Notable: Former Sky News boss John Ryley says he 'failed' on climate change coverage

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Embrace the propaganda and sell, sell, sell.

–‘The man who ran Sky News for 17 years up until this spring has told the Climate Show With Tom Heap that the way media outlets are covering climate change is “pretty poor” and they are “not doing their job”.–

“He went on to urge journalists to make their climate stories exciting and imaginative to grab audiences and make it relevant.”

Former Sky News boss John Ryley says he 'failed' on climate change coverage

The ex-executive, who has co-edited a new book featuring essays from academics and journalists on the challenges of reporting the subject, argues newsdesks are not taking seriously enough their responsibility to alert the public to what is happening.


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642774 No.108133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936309 (181340ZNOV23) Notable: Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

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Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson


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642774 No.108134

File: a1d3423ac4cad1f⋯.png (151 KB,935x590,187:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936310 (181340ZNOV23) Notable: The shadow of Trump: inside the 17 November Guardian Weekly

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I’m sensing a theme here-look another hit piece- https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/nov/15/the-shadow-of-trump-inside-the-17-november-guardian-weekly

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642774 No.108135

File: 43a6952bb0b022a⋯.png (1.24 MB,1138x620,569:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936329 (181344ZNOV23) Notable: Reminder - President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23

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LIVE: President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks to a Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Saturday, November 18, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. ET.

The broadcast is expected to be LIVE at 1 pm ET!



LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

Join RSBN as President Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott greet and serve meals to Texas National Guard soldiers, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, and other service members stationed at the border over Thanksgiving.

Following the meet and greet with border workers, President Trump and Gov. Abbott will give remarks at the South Texas International Airport in Edinburg, Texas.

RSBN will be LIVE with full coverage on Sunday, Nov. 19, at 12:00 p.m. ET.

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642774 No.108136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936365 (181350ZNOV23) Notable: #24476 posted in #24477

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#24476 >>108108

>s>19935597 Minnesota’s America-hating AG Keith Ellison just admitted the chilling truth about George Floyd…

>>108110, >>108123 Al Jazeera reports IDF has ordered doctors, patients, wounded, and displaced people to leave the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza within an hour.

>>108111 Trump is “deliberately inviting” the criticism that he’s behaving like Hitler

>>108112 James Comey writing a murder mystery about a hedge fund — and it sounds a lot like Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater

>>108113, >>108124 Elon Musk announces that X is filing a lawsuit against Media Matters

>>108114 That's why Newsom went to China. Take on Biden/China

>>108115, >>108116 >>108117 Revelations from the testimony of Special Counsel David Weiss

>>108118, >>108119 Elise Stefanik supplementing her ethics complaint against Judge Engoron

>>108120 Kash Patel on weaponized judicial system

>>108121 DOD Announces Release of 2023 Strategy for Operations in the Information Environment

>>108122 Federal Judge Fast-Tracks Lawsuit Against Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Employees

>>108125 US politicians are still benefiting personally from the Israel-Hamas & Ukrainian war, with a resistance to ceasefire.

>>108126 Censorship Industry: ‘Business Booming’ for Ex-Facebook ‘Disinformation’ Experts amid Wars

>>108127 San Diego Man Kills Himself After

@FBI Launches Probe Into How He Helped The Biden Administration Get A Security Firm They Favored A $600 MILLION Federal Contract On Border Security!

>>108128 TOMA TAKEOVER: Runbeck CEO Serves as Board Member with Newly Elected Speaker Toma's Brothers

>>108129 Report: Worry Mounts About Violent Protests at Democrat Convention After DNC Riot

>>108130 Steel: Growing Antisemitism Among Democrats Is Creating a Political Crisis

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642774 No.108137

File: 53c6fd5d1f2a7d2⋯.png (124.28 KB,938x581,134:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936395 (181356ZNOV23) Notable: The CIA'S SV40 cancer weapon - full story w/Shannon Joy

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KILL SHOT: The CIA's SV40 Cancer Weapon - Full Story w/ Shannon Joy


If you comment on this, I WILL FILTER YOU.

You been warned.

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642774 No.108138

File: 63bffa293c89adf⋯.png (587.52 KB,1327x1012,1327:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: bb887acbb286093⋯.png (1.1 MB,1200x535,240:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e27a652a3fca2e⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x538,600:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 113d9c61cbb6679⋯.png (1.64 MB,1200x654,200:109,Clipboard.png)

File: ad395a28bdde5bc⋯.gif (2.47 MB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936470 (181414ZNOV23) Notable: A New Tool Allows Researchers to Track Damage in Gaza

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A New Tool Allows Researchers to Track Damage in Gaza

November 15, 2023

As the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continue to bomb the Gaza Strip, many researchers are attempting to track and quantify the damage to the territory’s buildings, infrastructure and the displacement of the local population.

A new tool, originally developed to estimate damage in Ukraine, has now been adapted and applied to Gaza. The tool can estimate the number of damaged buildings and the pre-war population in a given area within the Gaza Strip.

The tool has already been used by a number of media outlets, but it is freely available for anyone to use and we have outlined its key features below.

The coloured overlay on this map is a damage proxy map indicating the probability of a significant change occurring at particular locations since October 10, 2023. Users can click the “draw polygon” button to draw an area of interest on the map — for example, a particular neighbourhood.

To understand how the tool works, let’s look at the neighbourhood of Izbat Beit Hanoun, which sustained heavy damage visible in these high-resolution, before-and-after satellite images from Planet:

The row of apartment complexes in the north of the neighbourhood near the road has been razed. Lower-density areas in the centre and northeast of the neighbourhood have also sustained heavy damage. Airstrikes have also destroyed several of the apartment complexes in the southwest.

Below is the damage probability map generated by the tool, highlighting many of these areas:

Drawing a box over this neighbourhood allows us to roughly quantify the number of buildings – and people- affected by the destruction.

In the neighbourhood of Izbat Beit Hanoun, the tool estimates that there are 321-425 damaged buildings (73 — 97%), displayed with colours above. The tool also estimates that in the area of interest there was a pre-war population of 7,453, of which 4756 – 6304 lived in areas that are now likely to be damaged.

How it Works

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery has been used extensively in academic studies of building damage, and by groups like NASA following the 2020 explosion at the port of Beirut. NASA explains the use of SAR for building damage detection as follows: “SAR instruments send pulses of microwaves toward Earth’s surface and listen for the reflections of those waves. The radar waves can penetrate cloud cover, vegetation, and the dark of night to detect changes that might not show up in visible light imagery. […] When buildings have been damaged or toppled, the amplitude and phase of radar wave reflections changes in those areas and indicate to the satellite that something on the ground has changed.”

The application above detects damaged areas by measuring the change in the intensity of the radar waves reflected back to the Sentinel-1 satellite before and after October 10, 2023, adjusted for how noisy the signal is in both periods. A more detailed explanation of the algorithm (which was peer-reviewed for a conference) is available here, and a walkthrough (including code) applied to the 2020 Beirut explosion is available here.

more at: https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/2023/11/15/a-new-tool-allows-researchers-to-track-damage-in-gaza/

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642774 No.108139

File: 6a7718fea88fb59⋯.png (607.36 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 936fda4bfa33c58⋯.png (225.8 KB,429x413,429:413,Clipboard.png)

File: e2cc8bffbfed09c⋯.png (33.58 KB,455x392,65:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936503 (181422ZNOV23) Notable: PF update

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Oh dear! kek

Call sign GASH08. USN E-6B Mercury 164408. Squawk 2663. Beer goggled last night?

The hole is deep. Top Kek!

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642774 No.108140

File: fc47095f913ca78⋯.png (828.97 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cf490c3109bfa1⋯.png (1.07 MB,1440x1011,480:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 23ab57b1051d012⋯.png (761.97 KB,1439x1014,1439:1014,Clipboard.png)

File: c5fa19f4222e47f⋯.png (1.1 MB,1442x1008,103:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936567 (181443ZNOV23) Notable: PF update

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Dunno Pig. You tell me.



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642774 No.108141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936610 (181453ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Offers China Unprecedented Access to US Nuclear Test Site

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642774 No.108142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936621 (181459ZNOV23) Notable: SpaceX launches Super Heavy-Starship rocket on 2nd test flight, but fails to get to space

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SpaceX launches Super Heavy-Starship rocket on 2nd test flight, but fails to get to space

November 18, 2023 / 9:17 AM EST

SpaceX's gargantuan Super Heavy-Starship, the most powerful rocket ever built, blasted off on its second test flight Saturday, and while the initial stages of the mission went smoothly, the first stage broke apart moments after separation from the Starship upper stage. The Starship, in turn, blew itself up as it neared space.


SpaceX Starship launch presumed failed minutes after reaching space

November 18, 20239:30 AM ESTUpdated 18 min ago

BOCA CHICA, Texas, Nov 18 (Reuters) - SpaceX's uncrewed spacecraft Starship, developed to carry astronauts to the moon and beyond, was presumed to have failed in space minutes after lifting off on Saturday in its second test, after its first attempt ended in an explosion.

The two-stage rocketship blasted off from the Elon Musk-owned company's Starbase launch site near Boca Chica in Texas, soaring roughly 55 miles (90 km) above ground on a planned 90-minte flight into space.

by training on heaps of data.



But the rocket's Super Heavy first stage booster, though it appeared to achieve a crucial maneuver to separate with its core stage, exploded over the Gulf of Mexico shortly after detaching, a SpaceX webcast showed.

Meanwhile, the core Starship booster carried further toward space, but a few minutes later a company broadcaster said that SpaceX mission control suddenly lost contact with the vehicle.

"We have lost the data from the second stage... we think we may have lost the second stage," SpaceX's livestream host John Insprucker said.

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"About eight minutes into the test mission, a camera view tracking the Starship booster appeared to show an explosion that would suggest the vehicle failed at that time."

The rocket's altitude was 91 miles (148 km).


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642774 No.108143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936681 (181516ZNOV23) Notable: Senate Democrats back down on Supreme Court ethics subpoenas after GOP threats

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'Going to get nothing done': GOP’s last-minute amendments stall subpoenas for Harlan Crow, Leonard LeoNovember 09, 2023

The Senate Judiciary Committee delayed a scheduled vote on subpoenas for two far-right activists after Republicans submitted a flurry of 11th hour amendments late Wednesday night.

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois), who chairs the committee, told Politico that he still "absolutely" plans to reschedule the vote on the subpoenas for Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society and conservative billionaire Harlan Crow, but that he "ran out of time" after seeing Republicans' laundry list of amendments that would have required hours of debate and consideration.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) warned that the committee was "going to get nothing done," adding that the meeting would be "a complete sh- show."

"We just decided that we would take on the challenge of a filing,” Senator Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) said of the amendment barrage.

“I think at the end of the day, [Democrats] decided it probably wasn't worth it."

Democrats initially announced the pending vote to subpoena Crow and Leo as part of an ethics investigation into their roles in arranging expensive vacations and perks for sitting Supreme Court justices.

The Senate Judiciary Committee also planned to subpoena billionaire Robin Arkley II as part of the investigation.

Crow, for his part, was found to have personally showered Associate Justice Clarence Thomas with gifts and trips dating back decades according to a ProPublica investigation.

The Guardian reported that Arkley arranged and bankrolled Associate Justice Samuel Alito's luxury vacation to Alaska in 2008.

Those justices' travel records went largely undisclosed prior to those details coming to light, and anti-corruption activists are calling on Congress to impose an ethics code on the Court.

Leonard Leo is co-chairman of the board of directors for the Federalist Society, which is a conservative legal think tank with five alumni — Justices Alito, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Thomas — currently on the Supreme Court.

In a statement, Leo referred to the subpoena threat as "vile and disgusting liberal McCarthyism that seeks to destroy the Supreme Court."

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who is the Judiciary Committee's ranking member, said the committee's Democrats are "in for a fight" over the subpoenas.

Sen. Graham added that the battle to subpoena Arkley, Crow and Leo comes down to "what [Republicans] would like to subpoena versus what [Democrats] would like to subpoena," suggesting that members of his party may want to seek subpoenas to investigate "what's going on in Biden world."


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642774 No.108144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936682 (181516ZNOV23) Notable: Senate Democrats back down on Supreme Court ethics subpoenas after GOP threats

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Senate Democrats back down on Supreme Court ethics subpoenas after GOP threatsCNN Thu November 9, 2023

The Democratic-led Senate Judiciary Committee backed down on a planned vote Thursday to subpoena two major conservative players close to Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito in their probe into ongoing ethics controversies at the Supreme Court.

The subpoenas would targetLeonard Leo, the co-chairman of the board of the influential Federalist Society, and Republican donor Harlan Crow,arguing the information was necessary to better understand whether specific individuals and groups have used undisclosed gifts to gain access to the justices.

However, committee Republicans planned to offer scores of amendments that touch on issues including border security, social media use and liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor as they dig in against Democratic efforts to investigate the conservative justices and donors.


Senate Democrats back down on Supreme Court ethics subpoenas after GOP threatsCNN Thu November 9, 2023 PART II

“You’re going to have a complete s**tshow but if that’s what you want, that’s what you’re gonna get,” said GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during the hearing.

Democratic Chairman Dick Durbin abruptly adjourned the meeting and told CNN the committee may attempt to vote on the subpoenas next week.

Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, for instance, said he plans to propose subpoenas for Arabella Advisors, calling it “the biggest dark money group in the country.”

“I think the Democrats will regret this, ultimately, because when Republicans retake the majority I mean, the precedent is going to be here,” said Hawley.

“I’m not going to participate in a witch hunt against Justice Thomas,” Hawley added.

The effort to authorize subpoenas represents a key point in Senate Democrats’ investigation into the nation’s highest court following a series of stories this year about transparency and ethics that raised questions about whether Thomas and other justices have flouted some rules.

Democrats are pushing the justices to adopt a formal code of ethics similar to what lower-court judges are required to follow.

In the last several months four justices – Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Elena Kagan and Amy Coney Barrett – have appeared in public to express some form of support for ethics reform emanating from court itself, although no announcement has been made.

Graham celebrated the decision to cancel the vote.

“I think not going down this road is good,” Graham said after the adjournment. “I mean, they know where we’re at. I mean, none of us agree with what they’re doing about the Supreme Court and these private citizens, and, you know, we would respond in kind and we’d kind of get the committee off in a ditch.”

Durbin, meanwhile, said his party is “still united on issuing the subpoenas,” but the GOP plan to file nearly 90 amendments threw a wrench into the idea of voting Thursday as scheduled.

Asked when a vote will happen, Durbin told CNN, “I hope as soon as possible.

I think, as I said, we’re ready to vote on those, Republicans are delaying it with amendments. In fairness, we’ve done the same thing. But you know, I want to make sure that we’re together on major issues that they raised in the amendments.”


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642774 No.108145

File: c44b8c44e477a59⋯.png (795.96 KB,714x403,714:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936701 (181520ZNOV23) Notable: US Army asks troops who left over Covid mandate to come back as war looms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


News Analysis Nov 17, 2023

US Army asks troops who left over Covid mandate to come back as war looms

"Individuals who desire to apply to return to service should contact their local Army, US Army Reserve, or Army National Guard."

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642774 No.108146

File: 8fea0f7963e843f⋯.png (162.13 KB,325x468,25:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936716 (181524ZNOV23) Notable: DJT re: The Witch Hunt

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108147

File: f7b431a19643211⋯.png (108.46 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: cf6037ce49f2932⋯.gif (1.83 MB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936721 (181525ZNOV23) Notable: SpaceX launches Super Heavy-Starship rocket on 2nd test flight, but fails to get to space

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SpaceX Starship megarocket launches on 2nd-ever test flight, explodes in 'rapid unscheduled disassembly' (video)

Nov 18, 2023

SpaceX's next-generation megarocket — the largest ever built — launched on its second-ever test flight today (Nov. 18), a highly anticipated jaunt that took the giant vehicle to space for the first time, but it didn't last long. Shortly after stage separation, the rocket's massive Super Heavy booster exploded, with the Starship upper-stage vehicle itself detonating before reaching its target altitude in what SpaceX called a "rapid unscheduled disassembly."

"What we do believe right now is that the automated flight termination system on second stage appears to have triggered very late in the burn, as we were headed downrange out over the Gulf of Mexico," said John Insprucker, SpaceX's principal integration engineer, during a live webcast today.

The massive Starship and Super Heavy booster took off today at about 8 a.m. EDT (1300 GMT; 7 a.m. local Texas time) from SpaceX's Starbase test and manufacturing facility in Boca Chica.

Just north of Boca Chica, here on South Padre Island, spectators gathered by the hundreds this morning to watch the launch. They cheered as the orange light from Starship's 33 first-stage Raptor engines blazed through its plume of exhaust as the huge rocket began its climb. Standing nearly 400 feet (122 meters) tall, Starship is the largest and most powerful rocket ever built, and it can be seen for miles when stacked and standing at the Starbase launch pad.

This was the second test flight for the fully integrated Starship, which consists of the Super Heavy first-stage booster and Starship upper-stage spacecraft. The first liftoff, which occurred on April 20 of this year, did not go as well as this one did. April's Starship launch ended with a self-destruct command about four minutes into flight, turning the tumbling rocket into a smoldering fireball.

One reason for April's unscheduled disassembly was the failure of Starship's two stages to separate. To prevent a recurrence of this problem on the second flight, SpaceX decided to go with a new strategy: "hot staging," in which the upper stage's engines begin firing before Starship and Super Heavy have fully separated. This concept isn't new; it has been used on vehicles like the Titan II from NASA's Gemini program in the 1960s and Russia's venerable Soyuz rocket, which is still in operation.

Starship's stage separation occurred on time today, about 2 minutes and 41 seconds after liftoff, and appeared to go smoothly, but the Super Heavy booster exploded shortly afterward.

"We're going to take that data and improve the hot staging sequence and probably improve the hardware itself for the next flight," SpaceX quality engineering manager Kate Tice said during the live webcast. SpaceX had hoped to soft-land the Super Heavy in the Gulf of Mexico to test reentry and landing processes.

The Starship upper stage continued flying for a short time after stage separation. SpaceX had hoped to establish signal acquisition with the spacecraft at its target altitude of about 150 miles (250 kilometers). But telemetry from the vehicle was lost about eight minutes after liftoff, near the end of its own burn after stage separation, with SpaceX mission managers, including CEO and founder Elon Musk, eagerly awaiting updates in a live webcast.

The spacecraft was never expected to reach full orbit around Earth, instead flying on a suborbital trajectory to splash down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii. "We're not targeting orbit today; we're targeting almost orbit," said Siva Bharadvaj, a SpaceX operations engineer, adding that the goal was to "get to a thrust profile similar to what we would need for orbit, but also energy level that the ship would need to dissipate for reentry."

It's worth nothing that Starship's second test mission did fly longer and higher than its first test flight on April 20, which failed at stage separation and exploded. So SpaceX still considered the second try a success. The last telemetry signal from today's launch pegged Starship's altitude at 148 kilometers, or 91 miles, well above the 62-mile (100 km) boundary of space.

"Honestly, it's such an incredibly successful day even though we did have a rapid unscheduled disassembly of both the Super Heavy booster and the Ship," Tice said. "That's great. We got so much data, and that will all help us to improve for our next flight."


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642774 No.108148

File: aadd2aa43d89eef⋯.png (668.5 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bc28c16f0ce757⋯.png (536.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: f7bfb011905bc27⋯.png (949.08 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: ae28ad34c7fb291⋯.png (781.61 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936936 (181613ZNOV23) Notable: James Biden signals willingness to cooperate in brother’s impeachment probe, Comer reveals

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936947 (181616ZNOV23) Notable: #24477

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Wrap it up....

#24477 >>108131

>>108132 Former Sky News boss John Ryley says he 'failed' on climate change coverage

>>108133 Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

>>108134 The shadow of Trump: inside the 17 November Guardian Weekly

>>108135 Reminder - President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23

>>108137 The CIA'S SV40 cancer weapon - full story w/Shannon Joy

>>108138 A New Tool Allows Researchers to Track Damage in Gaza

>>108139, >>108140 PF update

>>108141 Biden Offers China Unprecedented Access to US Nuclear Test Site

>>108142, >>108147 SpaceX launches Super Heavy-Starship rocket on 2nd test flight, but fails to get to space

>>108143, >>108144 Senate Democrats back down on Supreme Court ethics subpoenas after GOP threats

>>108145 US Army asks troops who left over Covid mandate to come back as war looms

>>108146 DJT re: The Witch Hunt

>>108148 James Biden signals willingness to cooperate in brother’s impeachment probe, Comer reveals

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642774 No.108150

File: 04c4ca21528eed6⋯.png (396.14 KB,591x422,591:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936966 (181618ZNOV23) Notable: #24478

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642774 No.108151

File: 883a9edd6caa272⋯.png (1.17 MB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937018 (181630ZNOV23) Notable: ALL HANDS NEEDED! Help us find details in these J6 videos!

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Enoch may be right, went through last two breads and seems we have nothing new from the couple clips we had yesterday on bread & next from when Johnson released the tapes.

I see a lot of shit poasting, Pig memes, rants & copy pasta's, what gives ..ANONS? Forgive my tone but here I thought we wanted to break their narrative or we just waiting for those famefags that y'all complain about so often to do the work for us? I confused but on a mission, had 3 hours sleep & getting back to them now.


When talking about the J6 tapes being released and going through them I have realized many talk a good talk but won't get involved in going through them. Saying the anons will be on it, or saying people need to break it down into segments to go through.

This is our chance to get involved and patriots out there are still being armchair quarterbacks. I mean, I thought I have seen the community talking for years about this, so get involved or shut up!

Yeah I said it, so get pissed at me about this now too.


Calling all digital soldiers, online sleuths, keyboard warriors, and you anons.

We need your help to find details in these J6 videos that were released to the public today!

Let's show them what we are good at!!


I am 4hrs into 40,000hrs.

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642774 No.108152

File: 8f7069592150ba8⋯.png (476.09 KB,600x455,120:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 9babe1d91586a21⋯.png (55.95 KB,597x583,597:583,Clipboard.png)

File: ddfbe6375e66fda⋯.png (462.38 KB,599x592,599:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937038 (181636ZNOV23) Notable: J6 clip: What's he saying?

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indeed. luddite here, would link video

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642774 No.108153

File: 52edaae284f79f0⋯.png (881.63 KB,1825x1127,1825:1127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937176 (181713ZNOV23) Notable: ALL HANDS NEEDED! Help us find details in these J6 videos!

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> >>>/qresearch/19937112

>He's got to be on other cctv cameras,

>all the way to taking his costume off

TY anon agreed.

Anon's moving this forward but ran into a snag: how to download video from



Anon sees wording saying it's possible, e.g., for the first one that is in "asf" format, filename "0178USCH01CryptEast_2021-01-06_14h00min01s293ms.asf":

"We’re sorry, we can’t preview this file type in your web browser. To view this content please download and open it on your device."

However, anon doesn't see any download options.

Picrel1 is the second video, filename "0177USCH01HallofColumnsSouthDoor_2021-01-06_15h55min05s433ms_1.mp4"; there's a "..." menu but it only has "Report Abuse". Right-clicking on the video, while playing or while paused or before playing, has no effect; no menu, nothing.

Anon wants to download these, as using VLC, can watch faster than "just" 2x.

In the "Switch to Grid View", while hovering over a video it shows a checkbox in upper right, and anon was able to select one, and more than one, video; however, still see no download link.

Can see in the List View (Grid also), over to the right, it says "Size 22.9 GB" - so, where's the link for the ZIP/download/etc?

Thanks, we'll get this done!

Interestingly, this appears to have been set up months ago:

Created: Sep 6, 2023, 6:44 PM

Modified: Sep 7, 2023, 12:24 PM

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642774 No.108154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937258 (181734ZNOV23) Notable: ALL HANDS NEEDED! Help us find details in these J6 videos!

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>>108153 (me)

> >>>/qresearch/19937112 (me)



>moar please, alot moar.


Anon's gotten further figuring out the video download but still haven't gotten it yet.

"Inspect (Q)" (kek) showed anon some of the details. It's pulling the files from "app.box.com"; from the file playable one (second in list, filename "0177USCH01HallofColumnsSouthDoor_2021-01-06_15h55min05s433ms_1.mp4"):

Has any anon managed to download any of the videos?

If so should be in Notables, pretty sure anon has been caught/catching up for a couple days.

But anon doesn't see everything; if you know how to download from


please post? Thanks!

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642774 No.108155

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,640x354,320:177,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937273 (181737ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump to speak at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23

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member anons

its rally night shift tonight.

anon made this video just for rallies nights

cos the comeback will be


LIVE: President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23


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642774 No.108156

File: 35446e563bac598⋯.pdf (12.12 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937282 (181739ZNOV23) Notable: Was that letter REALLY written by Osama Bin Laden?

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Osama Bin Laden's? Letter to America

Been lots of talk about this recently but I have not seen any here on QR. Since I have never read this before, I thought I'd give it a go.

After reading it I am now convinced that it was NOT written by Osama Bin Laden. Notice the various narratives. This was written by an organization seeking to retain power and provide cover for itself by dividing groups and causing war for profit.


This letter is being scrubbed from the internet.

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642774 No.108157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937297 (181742ZNOV23) Notable: Was that letter REALLY written by Osama Bin Laden?

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I only skimmed through the first page to confirm that it was written from the narrative that he was a goatfucker living in a cave, and not a literal CIA agent.

Is this correct?

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642774 No.108158

File: a060a8639ed3521⋯.png (836.1 KB,860x394,430:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937304 (181743ZNOV23) Notable: US, Indonesia expand defense cooperation, starting with cyber and space

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US, Indonesia expand defense cooperation, starting with cyber and space

NOVEMBER 16, 2023

The U.S. wants to help shore up Indonesia’s military cyber defenses and space capabilities as part of a newly upgraded defense cooperation plan, defense officials announced Thursday.

“As we train with allies and partners, we want to make sure that we're helping them bring their capabilities along as well,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters following the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ Defense Ministers meetings. “They won't all be at the same place as we are, obviously, but we can begin to help them understand the value of having capability in these domains, and develop those capabilities.”

Cyber is an area where even a smaller country can be effective and helpful to other allies and partners with limited capabilities, Austin said.

The move is part of a broader effort across the Indo-Pacific—particularly Southeast Asia—where a senior defense official said countries see cyber vulnerabilities as “a real point of concern, including for their critical infrastructure” and the role armed forces play in cyber defense.

“As we look at enhancing our defense relationship, into working on new exercises, closer technological cooperation, that kind of cyber defense is really important,” the official said. “Because we think it's very important if we actually want to move more broadly, the defense relationship into more sensitive areas.”

The upgraded U.S.-Indonesia defense cooperation agreement also includes an effort to boost military exercises—part of a growing trend with U.S. relationships in the region.

“We started 2023 by announcing the expansion of our Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement with the Philippines to add four new sites, for a total of nine sites,” Austin told reporters. “You’ve also seen us grow the scope and scale of our exercises with partners across Southeast Asia.”

The U.S.-Indonesia agreement supports cyber capacity building, such as training for Indonesia’s military, but doesn’t include offensive cyber elements at this time. The State Department is also providing cyber support for the country.

As for space, Austin said there is a lot of room to grow and many countries are eager to learn.

“In space, I mean, there's a lot of development that needs to happen, going forward,” Austin said. “But certainly, countries are interested in that…They're interested in learning more about what they would need to do in order to develop a capability. And so I think we're having the right conversations, we're doing the right things with training, and countries are excited about that. They want more of that.”

Still, resources are needed to fuel that development.

“When you talk about space, none of that capability is cheap, but …there are opportunities for countries to partner with us, to work with each other and develop nascent capabilities,” he said, adding that some terrestrial capabilities could affect the space domain.

The focus on space capabilities reflects an increasingly complex military environment. The Space Force did its first international air exercise last year, zooming in on electronic warfare and in-orbit threats. The U.S. has also been looking to weave space elements and coordination into exercises with Southeast Asian partners, including the Philippines and Indonesia, a senior defense official said.


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642774 No.108159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937318 (181747ZNOV23) Notable: J6 vid tech support and download advice

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VLC Media player plays/streams/converts .asf files

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642774 No.108160

File: 6c6376301d1280c⋯.jpeg (506.21 KB,1364x619,1364:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: abcea6a530270ff⋯.jpeg (812.45 KB,828x1393,828:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4b2017a8faa9328⋯.png (832.81 KB,881x541,881:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b98d319492f8ae⋯.png (155.06 KB,288x542,144:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937346 (181756ZNOV23) Notable: PF: CONUS Activity - Xi back in Beijing

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planeFag CONUS Activity-Xi back in Beijing

ADVC12 KC135 tanker over Potato doin’ nuffin after arriving at New Castle Cty Airport after ditching the 747 (it went back to JBA) at Philadelphia Intl from it’s SFO depart.

>>108033 pb

Xi left last night from SFO

Arrived at Beijing Intl about 6.5h ago-cap 3

>>108073 pb Chinese AF CA16 747 Xi Xinping departed SFO back to Beijing-met with Marcos earlier today

SAM330 G5 back to JBA after a stop at MacDill AFB

RCH270 C5 Galaxy and RCH879 C17 Globey inbound from Spangdahlem AB depart

VV101 US Navy G5 west from JBA

KECK233 C17 Globey on ground at SFO picking up equipment from Potato/Flauxtus/kneepads visit this last week

VINYL79 C17 looks like heading to same for additional equipment p/I

GTMO845 heading to Ft Lauderdale or NAS JAX

LOBO474 C560 heading to GITMO from Key West depart

Lid called about an hour ago on Potato


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642774 No.108161

File: c614f96affc2c0a⋯.png (55.32 KB,537x562,537:562,Clipboard.png)

File: 952653d7cac6823⋯.jpeg (143.52 KB,1300x848,325:212,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937354 (181757ZNOV23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan Yesterday, @Weaponization subpoenaed Bank of America for sharing private financial data of customers with the FBI.

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Rep. Jim Jordan


Nov 17

Yesterday, @Weaponization subpoenaed Bank of America for sharing private financial data of customers with the FBI.

In 2021, BoA provided the FBI—voluntarily and without any legal process—with a list of individuals who made transactions in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area using a BoA credit or debit card between January 5 and January 7, 2021.

When that information was brought to the attention of Steven Jensen, the FBI's then-Section Chief of the Domestic Terrorism Operations Section, he acted to "pull" the BoA information from FBI systems because "the leads lacked allegations of federal criminal conduct."

Documents obtained by the Committee show that the FBI also provided BoA with specific search query terms, indicating that the FBI was "interested in all financial relationships" of BoA customers transacting in Washington D.C. and that had made "ANY historical purchase" of a firearm, or those who had purchased a hotel, Airbnb, or airline travel within a given date range.

This is a huge privacy concern.

Nov 17, 2023 · 3:59 PM UTC


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642774 No.108162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937359 (181759ZNOV23) Notable: J6 vid tech support and download advice

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>VLC Media player plays/streams/converts .asf files

TY anon!

Any idea how to download from there?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108163

File: f5828a8b87553c3⋯.png (510.35 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937361 (181801ZNOV23) Notable: PF reports

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Internet gettin funky

Bout same time

This disappeared

Lobo.looked like it was heading in

ADSB went blank

Something interesting is goin on

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108164

File: 9bcdb74da5178c9⋯.png (82.98 KB,902x575,902:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937400 (181812ZNOV23) Notable: J6 vid tech support and download advice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Should be able to right click the file description and copy URL then paste that into VLC stream / download and convert option.

Just tried, not working, could be my network settings or could be something Box does.

Alternative would be to get a Box account to DL...


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642774 No.108165

File: fbc47288c826274⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937405 (181814ZNOV23) Notable: J6 clip: 'The Fistbump' mp4 + analysis

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Can anyone make out what he is saying? He wore that mask to hide his face, well here he is without it.

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642774 No.108166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937441 (181822ZNOV23) Notable: J6 vid tech support and download advice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>108159, >>108162, >>108164 J6 vid Downloading and conversion resource bun

Tool List


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642774 No.108167

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937465 (181827ZNOV23) Notable: Who throws a flashbang into a church?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108168

File: b98d32951864f76⋯.png (619.78 KB,667x680,667:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937475 (181828ZNOV23) Notable: Who throws a flashbang into a church?

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But do you condemn hummus?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108169

File: b4d2f569b9e14a4⋯.jpg (456.58 KB,2000x1256,250:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937484 (181830ZNOV23) Notable: Who throws a flashbang into a church?

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it's just a 'smart city'

Why the Gaza Strip May Be the City of the Future

Urban life amid the Israel-Palestine conflict is defined by violence, surveillance and resource scarcity — conditions that, a new book warns, may soon be more widespread.

By Zach Mortice

September 26, 2021 at 9:01 PM


The complex intimacy of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has turned the region into something of a proving ground for purpose-built surveillance technology that could be plugged into a future smart city. Indeed, Israeli companies are selling cybersecurity technology all over the world, including the U.S., where it’s used in a new training center in Baltimore.

Sebregondi sees Gaza as further along a continuum of ricocheting colonial violence: As states become more fragile and defensive and climate change adds layers of stress, inequalities skyrocket and people divide into camps. Where these two groups are anywhere near each other, the market for surveillance and control technology booms. Debates over the role of militarized police on the streets of U.S. cities and the rise of privacy-eroding public safety technology have collapsed the distance between Palestine and Pittsburgh.

“There is an extent to which Palestine becomes a sort of crystal [ball] of this particular future, within a very compacted and dense territory, [featuring] some of the most striking aspects of this splintering urbanism,” says Sebregondi. He describes the “boomerang effect of colonization,” where techniques to wield control over restive populations in distant countries eventually come home, as with the NSA’s experiments using the Iraq War to develop domestic surveillance programs.

It’s a cycle that’s eradicated distance, says Sharp, pulling Gazans and the rest of the world closer together, and bringing the front lines, already at their doorstep, into ours.

“These circulations of violence and containment,” he says, “come back to haunt us all.”

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642774 No.108170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937488 (181831ZNOV23) Notable: ALL HANDS NEEDED! Help us find details in these J6 videos!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PAGE 1 19 videos

PAGE 2 20 videos

PAGE 3 20 videos

PAGE 4 20 videos

PAGE 5 10 videos

average video length 10 minutes long

89 videos would equal 890 minutes

890 minutes is roughly 35 hours

44,000 hours minus 35 hours is

43,965 MISSING hours of video

is this all we are going get?

on a side note, page 1 first video CryptEast non working video

anyone know what part of the building this is in?



>Size 114.8 MB

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642774 No.108171

File: 7389702b1c12a19⋯.mp4 (10.16 MB,766x364,383:182,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937494 (181832ZNOV23) Notable: J6 clip: 'The Fistbump' mp4 + analysis

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642774 No.108172

File: a515c1461e7641c⋯.png (428.67 KB,1140x760,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937498 (181833ZNOV23) Notable: Who throws a flashbang into a church?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Soldier Throws Flash-Bang Grenade Into Mosque

During the morning call to Prayer outside a Mosque in Israel, a Soldier from the Israeli Defense Force threw a Flash-Bang Grenade into the front door of the Mosque during the morning call to prayer.

Here. Look: (18 second vid)


What kind of a low-life, scumbag, throws a flash-bang grenade into a House of worship?

And they actually wonder why people hate them . . . .

Sauce: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/just-for-laughs-israeli-soldier-throws-flash-bang-grenade-into-mosque

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642774 No.108173

File: d4f1a49393b2d32⋯.jpg (21.32 KB,500x351,500:351,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 52ac280d7fd89f3⋯.png (307.58 KB,537x438,179:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937510 (181835ZNOV23) Notable: @nypost The quippy Carolyn Bessette only her friends knew

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New York Post



The quippy Carolyn Bessette only her friends knew




We are on a mission from God and we will not return home until we complete our mission.

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642774 No.108174

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937515 (181837ZNOV23) Notable: J6 vid tech support and download advice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WINDOWS 11 stream grab from screen.

Record in a snap with Xbox Game Bar

Xbox Game Bar is built right into Windows 11 as a native application, but it is also available as an add-on. The Game Bar has several features specifically related to gaming, like access to game-specific widgets and the ability to chat with friends while playing Xbox games. It also has a widget for capturing and recording your screen:

To open the Xbox Game Bar, press Windows+G or search for it directly in the Start menu search box.

Select the Camera icon to open a window for capturing your screen. From here, you can choose to record your screen as a video or a screenshot.

If you’re taking a video, you might want to disable your microphone beforehand. Do this by clicking the Microphone icon and making sure it looks like it’s crossed through with a line before you proceed.

When you’re ready to begin recording, click Record (the button with the solid white circle).

When you’re finished, click Stop (the button with the solid white square located in the same place where the Record button used to be).

To review your recording, select Show all captures at the bottom of the window.


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642774 No.108175

File: 227c6946994f67e⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8abbb1ff90cbb8d⋯.png (388.24 KB,686x760,343:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937522 (181839ZNOV23) Notable: J6 clip: Even moar Tifa

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Even moar Tifa

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642774 No.108176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937533 (181841ZNOV23) Notable: This should be grounds for removal of every single FBI official, agent, and employee involved in allowing a child predator to go free in order to target Jan 6th protesters.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




This should be grounds for removal of every single FBI official, agent, and employee involved in allowing a child predator to go free in order to target Jan 6th protesters.

Starting at the top with Chris Wray!



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642774 No.108177

File: a6e4e7e2ddd9314⋯.png (470.54 KB,1189x727,1189:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937535 (181841ZNOV23) Notable: PF reports

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642774 No.108178

File: eb4e5bc78e58341⋯.jpeg (613.86 KB,828x1289,828:1289,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937555 (181844ZNOV23) Notable: PF: GTMO845 on ground at Ft Lauderdale as ANON… (unconfirmed)

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GTMO845 on ground at Ft Lauderdale as ANON…been a while since one of those seen

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642774 No.108179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937571 (181847ZNOV23) Notable: J6 vid tech support and download advice

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chkt (Tesla)

>>Any idea how to download from there?

>I'm working on that as well, digging through the inspector. The video itself is referenced by "/s/448e1d6zw0hvwmekg3nb4bkpsuk0wfhj/file/1300373106323" by no amount of URL manipulation can get me to it at the moment. Mind you, this sort of thing isn't exactly my forte.

Anon also found:

From first video, filename "0177USCH01HallofColumnsSouthDoor_2021-01-06_15h55min05s433ms_1.mp4".

Logged in with anon's personal box account, fuck em if they can't take a joke.

Box doesn't seem to have any method to download, either.

Well, next step is OBS in the VM.


>Anyone tried using screen recorder or somthing of that nature?

yep checking that out now.

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642774 No.108180

File: 74fe07d9169c90d⋯.png (63.97 KB,733x451,733:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937575 (181848ZNOV23) Notable: Comer: White House (still) 'Obstructing' Biden Inquiries

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comer: White House 'Obstructing' Biden Inquiries

Tensions are simmering in Washington as House Republicans intensify their probes into President Joe Biden's alleged mishandling of classified documents and the family's business dealings, sparking a fiery standoff with the White House.

The White House, meanwhile, has made clear to House Republicans that they won't play ball - leading to accusations that the Biden White House is "obstructing" their investigative efforts.


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642774 No.108181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937592 (181851ZNOV23) Notable: request for planefags… is there a way to check logs retroactively?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


request for planefag, all planefags...

does anyone keep logs that could confirm a C-130 at approx 22,500 altitude over northeastern oregon during daylight hours on wednesday nov 15th?



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642774 No.108182

File: 3caeda0bbfe5b05⋯.png (232 KB,552x655,552:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e2d825bcefdb4d⋯.png (218.44 KB,550x521,550:521,Clipboard.png)

File: d025f1111751987⋯.png (39.88 KB,545x293,545:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937601 (181853ZNOV23) Notable: Maricopa County Files Response to Kari Lake – Claims Tabulators Were Working as Intended When 60% FAILED on Election Day

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Maricopa County Files Response to Kari Lake – Claims Tabulators Were Working as Intended When 60% FAILED on Election Day

Maricopa County filed a response brief Friday to Kari Lake’s Petition for Transfer, which was filed in the Arizona Supreme Court on Tuesday.

In the filing below, Maricopa County attempts to refute claims by Lake’s attorneys that because of illegal settings and secret testing of the voting systems before election day, “at least 8,000 misconfigured ‘fit-to-page’ ballots occurred at 127 vote centers on Election Day.” Lake’s attorneys also argue that “vote center tabulators logged over 7,000 rejections every 30 minutes from 6:30 am through 8:00 pm.”

This testing and reconfiguration occurred with no documentation or logging of tamper-evident seals, without providing the legally required public notice, and without political party observers, violating multiple provisions in the Elections Procedures Manual. It also occurred after the statutory October 11 logic and accuracy test, where they were required to test “any electronic voting equipment” that would be used in the election.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Lake’s Petition for Transfer, highlighting this new evidence of intentional wrongdoings that caused tabulators at 60% of voting locations to fail on election day when Republicans turned out 3:1 to vote for Kari Lake and Republican candidates.

This caused massive lines and wait times for mostly Republican voters. Tens of thousands of voters, some of whom waited in line for hours, placed their ballots in the mysterious “door #3” to be allegedly counted off-site later. It is unclear how many Kari Lake voters decided to just not vote.

Still, Maricopa County, in their response, ignores the long lines and, citing a Judge’s opinion, claims that the testimony of cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh “established that the Election Day issues ‘did not actually affect the results of the election.'”

The County also continues their comical argument that the tabulator failures were not failures but instead evidence that “the tabulators were correctly reading these ballots as errors.” How convenient that printer issues caused correctly filled ballots to produce the same error message as overvotes, blank ballots, and accessible voting ballots!


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642774 No.108183

File: 6a18a555eacd131⋯.png (397.39 KB,852x852,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937634 (181901ZNOV23) Notable: This should be grounds for removal of every single FBI official, agent, and employee involved in allowing a child predator to go free in order to target Jan 6th protesters.

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>I'm sorry, where?

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642774 No.108184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937635 (181901ZNOV23) Notable: UN & Bill Gates Launch "50in5" Global Digital Infrastructure Plans

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UN & Bill Gates Launch "50in5" Global Digital Infrastructure Plans

Last week the United Nations Development Program officially launched their new initiative promoting “Digital Public Infrastructure” (DPI) around the world.

The “50in5” program – so-called because it aims to introduce DPI in fifty countries in the next five years – began with a live-streamed event on November 8th.

For those of you unsure what “Digital Public Infrastructure” is, the 50in5 website is quite clear:

Digital public infrastructure (DPI) – which refers to a secure and interoperable network of components that include digital payments, ID, and data exchange systems.

There’s nothing new there, for anyone who has been paying even the slightest bit of attention. Digital identity and digital payment systems are self-explanatory (and we’ve covered them before). “Data Exchange Systems” essentially means national governments will share identity and financial records of citizens across borders with other nations, or indeed with global government agencies.

The key word is “interoperable”.

As we have written before, the “global government” won’t be one single health care system, identity database, or digital currency – but dozens of notionally separate systems all carefully designed to be fully “interoperable”.

As well as being a project of the UNDP, UNICEF, and the Inter-American Development Bank, the 50in5 is funded by various globalist NGOs and non-profits including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and (indirectly through an NGO called “Co-Develop”) the Rockefeller Foundation.

The eleven counties taking part in the program so far are Bangladesh, Brazil, Estonia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Moldova, Norway, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Togo. A careful spread from every continent, including first, second, and third-world nations.

It is a list noteworthy for including NATO, EU, and BRICS members. Interesting implications on supposed “multipolarity” there.

In related news, on the exact same day the 50in5 program launched, the European Parliament and Council of Europe agreed on a new framework for a region-wide European Digital Identity (eID) system.

According to the official press release [emphasis added]:

The revised regulation constitutes a clear paradigm shift for digital identity in Europe aiming to ensure universal access for people and businesses to secure and trustworthy electronic identification and authentication. Under the new law, member states will offer citizens and businesses digital wallets that will be able to link their national digital identities with proof of other personal attributes (e.g., driving licence, diplomas, bank account). Citizens will be able to prove their identity and share electronic documents from their digital wallets with a click of a button on their mobile phone.

This comes on the back of announcements that the European Central Bank is moving on to the “next phase” of its Digital Euro plans this month. The digital euro will – according to former IMF (and apparent numerology nut) Christine Lagarde – afford some “limited control” over people’s spending.

India, another BRICS nation, has been at the forefront of DPI development for years, and now articles are appearing in publications like Forbes, claiming “India Has A Digital Infrastructure, America Needs One”.

At the same time, China is making strides toward ending online anonymity, while Western politicians like Nikki Haley say we should be doing the same.

As the world focuses on Hamas and Israel, the global re-organization phase of the Great Reset is just quietly going about its business. Building a net and waiting to tighten it.


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642774 No.108185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937663 (181908ZNOV23) Notable: IRS will be sending out 1099-K tax forms to about 30 million Americans for earnings paid through Venmo and PayPal.

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A new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report shows that the Internal Revenue Service for the first time will be sending out 1099-K tax forms to about 30 million Americans for earnings paid through Venmo and PayPal.

House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., responded: "Thanks to Democrats, more Americans who mow lawns or sell concert tickets and used couches through Venmo or PayPal will have those transactions scrutinized by the IRS starting in January 2024 thanks to a lower reporting threshold for IRS form 1099-K," read an analysis from Smith's office on Thursday.

"A new report from the GAO shows that the IRS will send at least 30 million new 1099-K tax forms to Americans’ mailboxes come January, even though the agency has no plan on what to do with the new information – and it is unlikely most Americans will understand how to fill them out," his office also said.

According to the GAO report, the IRS "expects to receive about 44 million Form 1099-Ks in 2024—an increase of about 30 million. However, this estimate may change as IRS receives more information from large filers and states."

The report concluded that the IRS "does not have a plan to analyze these data to inform enforcement and outreach priorities," which "limits its understanding of changes in taxpayer burden."

Smith described the policy, which is tucked inside the Democrats' nearly $2 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, as "misguided" because it lowers the annual threshold from $20,000 to $600 for Americans to report transactions from third-party payment platforms.

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642774 No.108186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937676 (181909ZNOV23) Notable: J6 vid tech support and download advice

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do you have a vid card installed by chance?

amd has screen record software (relive)

nvidia has screen record software (shadowplay)

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642774 No.108187

File: 756b4ba2003bb1d⋯.png (397.98 KB,724x651,724:651,Clipboard.png)

File: d850b96997443ae⋯.png (35.39 KB,492x307,492:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fa4127ad1984b3⋯.png (42.83 KB,450x416,225:208,Clipboard.png)

File: f9b88bcf52a65ee⋯.png (31.14 KB,445x383,445:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937721 (181919ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk Plans "Thermonuclear" Lawsuit Against Media Matters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elon Musk Plans "Thermonuclear" Lawsuit Against Media Matters

Early Saturday morning, Elon Musk said his social media platform X will be "filing a thermonuclear lawsuit" against left-leaning non-profit Media Matters and "all those who colluded" for "completely misrepresenting" the real user experience on X.

"This week, Media Matters for America posted a story that completely misrepresented the real user experience on X, in another attempt to undermine freedom of speech and mislead advertisers," Musk said.

Media Matters shared a report Thursday that showed "white nationalist and antisemitic conspiracy theories" content next to "ads for major brands like Apple, Bravo (NBCUniversal), IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity (Comcast)."


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642774 No.108188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937740 (181923ZNOV23) Notable: #24478

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#24478 >>108150

>>108151, >>108153, >>108154, >>108165, >>108170 ALL HANDS NEEDED! Help us find details in these J6 videos!

>>108159, >>108162, >>108164, >>108174, >>108179, >>108166, >>108186 J6 vid tech support and download advice

>>108152 J6 clip: What's he saying?

>>108165, >>108171 J6 clip: 'The Fistbump' mp4 + analysis

>>108175 J6 clip: Even moar Tifa

>>108155 President Trump to speak at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23

>>108156, >>108157 Was that letter REALLY written by Osama Bin Laden?

>>108158 US, Indonesia expand defense cooperation, starting with cyber and space

>>108161 @Jim_Jordan Yesterday, @Weaponization subpoenaed Bank of America for sharing private financial data of customers with the FBI.

>>108163, >>108177 PF reports

>>108160 PF: CONUS Activity - Xi back in Beijing

>>108178 PF: GTMO845 on ground at Ft Lauderdale as ANON… (unconfirmed)

>>108181 request for planefags… is there a way to check logs retroactively?

>>108173 @nypost The quippy Carolyn Bessette only her friends knew

>>108167, >>108168, >>108169, >>108172 Who throws a flashbang into a church?

>>108180 Comer: White House (still) 'Obstructing' Biden Inquiries

>>108182 Maricopa County Files Response to Kari Lake – Claims Tabulators Were Working as Intended When 60% FAILED on Election Day

>>108184 UN & Bill Gates Launch "50in5" Global Digital Infrastructure Plans

>>108176, >>108183 This should be grounds for removal of every single FBI official, agent, and employee involved in allowing a child predator to go free in order to target Jan 6th protesters.

>>108185 IRS will be sending out 1099-K tax forms to about 30 million Americans for earnings paid through Venmo and PayPal.

>>108187 Elon Musk Plans "Thermonuclear" Lawsuit Against Media Matters


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642774 No.108189

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108190

File: ecbc44a023aa6fb⋯.png (321.02 KB,744x629,744:629,Clipboard.png)

File: aabd8cabbf93165⋯.png (308.33 KB,745x656,745:656,Clipboard.png)

File: 32f9af501695477⋯.png (349.19 KB,762x645,254:215,Clipboard.png)

File: f71085496ea88c4⋯.png (260.91 KB,755x595,151:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937790 (181934ZNOV23) Notable: Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.

Allison Greenfield, law clerk to Judge Arthur Engoron, has been recently involved with leading anti-Trump organizations in New York City, and has even been caught on camera attending the “Fall Event” of a group called the “Grand Street Democrats” in October 2022. Greenfield – whose partisan activities were the basis for Judge Arthur Engoron’s now-overturned gag order against President Donald Trump – has been advising Engoron throughout the case, notably glaring at Trump and rolling her eyes during presentations by Trump’s lawyers, according to in-court witnesses.


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642774 No.108191

File: ca1a37a9f161349⋯.png (367.94 KB,710x744,355:372,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937816 (181940ZNOV23) Notable: J6 VIDEO MAPPING PROJECT: Step 1 - Track Ray Epps and everyone he came in contact with

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ICYMI...last night here on 8 someone with some grasp of J6 outlined what should be the focus of J6 video exploration. Worth re-posting. Picrel.

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642774 No.108192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937821 (181941ZNOV23) Notable: Protest in Brooklyn, New York, by jihadists calling for a 'global intifada revolution'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Protest in Brooklyn, New York, by jihadists calling for a 'global intifada revolution'

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642774 No.108193

File: 5eac49122a78da3⋯.png (711.61 KB,1173x958,1173:958,Clipboard.png)

File: 688624e9880e09f⋯.png (346.61 KB,882x610,441:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937824 (181942ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


“Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.”

Nov 18, 2023, 12:20 PM




Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.

Allison Greenfield, law clerk to Judge Arthur Engoron, has been recently involved with leading anti-Trump organizations in New York City, and has even been caught on camera attending the “Fall Event” of a group called the “Grand Street Democrats” in October 2022. Greenfield – whose partisan activities were the basis for Judge Arthur Engoron’s now-overturned gag order against President Donald Trump – has been advising Engoron throughout the case, notably glaring at Trump and rolling her eyes during presentations by Trump’s lawyers, according to in-court witnesses.

Footage posted to the Judicial Protest X account early November shows Greenfield at the Grand St Dems event where speakers and the organization itself endorsed Attorney General Letitia James, whose partisan campaigning sparked the case against Trump in the first instance. The group has also endorsed James on its website: Greenfield is also featured prominently on the Grand St Dems pages, and can be seen in the video, below, cheering for Joe Biden and even exclaiming, “Marijuana, heh heh heh!” at one point in the video (1:02), raising questions about her own potential drug use and advocacy:

BOMBSHELL video evidence of bias and misconduct of Justice Engoron’s Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, just uncovered. MISTRIAL INCOMING!!! While attending an October 2022 Democrat Fundraiser, Greenfield can be heard saying Biden is the “best President in the history of the United… pic.twitter.com/EIvS8TdNkE — Judicial Protest (@JudicialProtest) November 6, 2023

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642774 No.108194

File: 281a64017d1ed11⋯.png (116.82 KB,918x490,459:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 2caf9f0a63fe241⋯.png (752.08 KB,750x629,750:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c35a763ba0de79⋯.jpg (150.17 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f021264c300f6d5⋯.jpg (30.91 KB,600x509,600:509,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f478d1846d07004⋯.png (282.23 KB,520x645,104:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937885 (181954ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Judge committed FRAUD in my Trial by valuing my assets at a tiny fraction of what they are really worth in order to make his FAKE CASE against me

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Donald J. Trump


The Judge committed FRAUD in my Trial by valuing my assets at a tiny fraction of what they are really worth in order to make his FAKE CASE against me - And everyone, including his crooked and highly partisan Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, and Racist A.G. Letitia James, knows it. The Judicial System in New York State is in chaos and disrepute over this horribly handled Persecution of a Political Opponent. The World is watching this illegal Witch Hunt. Engoron, James, and Greenfield should be sanctioned and prosecuted over this complete and very obvious MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE!!!

Nov 18, 2023, 2:45 PM


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642774 No.108195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937893 (181957ZNOV23) Notable: Jim: This attack against X is the same sort of attack that has kept our site in such a terrible state for so long - do me a favor and share this tweet with your friends?

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Rally bread is the best tasting bread.

After the rally would you do me a favor and share this tweet with your friends?

This attack against X is the same sort of attack that has kept our site in such a terrible state for so long.

It is the first time that the attack dogs of Media Matters have been attacked by someone who can afford to defend themselves against the onslaught. This is not a new occurrence. It is the first time they have gone after a billionaire who can legally protect himself.

The cost has been the burden of the small businessman. The independent creators who have lost thousands and thousands of man-hours and lost revenue for these deceptive attacks on their livelihood have no way to defend themselves against the likes of these scumbags.

So many lovely and good people have lost out entirely. Our country has lost. The cost of these attacks is staggering. I hope that this type of business is buried with X's lawsuit. It is likely to establish legal precedent so that the others who have also lost can attempt to seek a remedy. To stand with X on this matter is appropriate. Even X's competitors should stand up and voice approval to this. Nobody has benefited from the abuse that has taken place. Except those that have something to benefit from the censorship industrial complex.

If Eisenhower had known about the Internet, he would have also warned of this.


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642774 No.108196

File: caf6708dde3ec95⋯.jpg (253.42 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937928 (182004ZNOV23) Notable: @RWMaloneMD I just saw data indicating that there have been 17M excess deaths worldwide from the vaccines.

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Robert W Malone, MD


I just saw data indicating that there have been 17M excess deaths worldwide from the vaccines.

I am stunned.

This is where you can find the data analyses.


5:55 PM · Nov 18, 2023

from Bucharest, Romania·



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642774 No.108197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937934 (182006ZNOV23) Notable: In new lawsuit filed under Maryland’s Child Victims Act, 25 people allege sex abuse at youth detention center

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In new lawsuit filed under Maryland’s Child Victims Act, 25 people allege sex abuse at youth detention center

After Mark Russell Sr. stole his grandmother’s car to go joyriding, his family hoped a stint in juvenile detention would straighten him out.

Russell was a wild Baltimore teenager in the mid-1990s, reeling from the death of his father, a disabled alcoholic he had spent his early life both caring for and fearing, he said in an interview with The Baltimore Sun this week. When he was about 13 years old, he landed at Cheltenham Youth Detention Center for the first of three stays between about 1995 and 1997.

During his confinement, a guard sexually abused him, according to a lawsuit filed Thursday. His grandmother, his caretaker, died during the same period, he said. Instead of turning his life around, juvenile detention left him with lasting scars that he said helped fuel years of drug addiction.

Now 41, Russell is part of a group of more than two dozen men and women who allege in the lawsuit that they were sexually abused by staff at the juvenile detention center in Prince George’s County decades ago, some when they were as young as 10. The Sun does not identify people who have been sexually abused without their consent, but Russell agreed to use his name in this story and is named in the complaint.

The 25 plaintiffs join at least 50 others who are suing the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services in a series of six lawsuits that were filed in October, when a state law lifting the statute of limitations on sexual abuse lawsuits took effect.

In one of those early October suits, 10 men and women identified in court filings as John Does and Jane Does filed a complaint alleging abuse at Cheltenham in particular. An answer from defendants in the six cases is due in January, according to a spokesperson for the four firms bringing those cases.



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642774 No.108198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937935 (182006ZNOV23) Notable: @RWMaloneMD I just saw data indicating that there have been 17M excess deaths worldwide from the vaccines.

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642774 No.108199

File: c7855676e3e5bfa⋯.jpeg (528.22 KB,828x1301,828:1301,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: af679204b1285e4⋯.jpeg (526.79 KB,1407x438,469:146,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937947 (182008ZNOV23) Notable: 45 in TWY16 Global 7000 on final at Fort Dodge IA from Palm Beach Intl

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45in TWY16 Global 7000 on final at Fort Dodge IA from Palm Beach Intl

Owned by Steve Wynn

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642774 No.108200

File: c0b41b47ce3ee73⋯.png (57.79 KB,679x354,679:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938026 (182020ZNOV23) Notable: U.S.-China emissions agreement continues disparity in approach to climate change

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U.S.-China emissions agreement continues disparity in approach to climate change

The U.S. reached peak emissions in 2007 and followed it with further emissions reductions, while China’s emissions continue to rise.

The agreement President Joe Biden signed with China this week to reduce carbon dioxide emissions continues a years-long disparity in which the United States has reduced its emissions more aggressively than Beijing.

The deal also is increasing worries among U.S. energy executives that America is being made more dependent on technologies from communist China to drive its green energy production while committing to slow production of the vast oil and gas reserves on its own shores.

"The bottom line, in short, is the Biden administration said well, look, we're going to push globally to produce less oil, and rely instead on solar panels and batteries and minerals, which are processed in China," Tim Stewart, the president of the U.S. Oil and Gas Association, told Just the News on Friday evening.

"They've essentially said, 'Look, we like you so much, we're going to ensure that you maintain global dominance of these particular markets for the next 30 years. And in return, what we will do to give you that global dominance is to increase our dependency upon you and reduce our ability to produce energy domestically," Stewart said during an interview on the Just the News, No Noise television show. "It's crazy."

Going back as far as the Obama administration, the U.S. and China have signed agreements in which China’s emission reduction commitments are less stringent than those made by the United States. To date, China trails way behind the U.S. in its emission reduction promises.

In July, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry met with China’s equivalent official in Beijing. The trip reportedly failed to result in any formal climate agreement between the two countries.

Tuesday’s announcement that an agreement had been reached referred to that summer meeting. “The United States and China reaffirm their commitment to work jointly and together with other countries to address the climate crisis,” the State Department said.

The latest agreement declared both countries “intend to sufficiently accelerate renewable energy deployment in their respective economies through 2030 from 2020 levels so as to accelerate the substitution for coal, oil and gas generation, and thereby anticipate post-peaking meaningful absolute power sector emission reduction.”

In other words, the countries anticipate emissions in their respective electricity generation sectors to reach a peak and then have “meaningful” reductions. The agreement contained no commitment from China to stop building new coal plants.

The U.S. has long reached that peak and followed it with further emissions reductions, while China’s emissions continue to rise.

Thanks to its development of natural gas resources as a result of the shale revolution, the price of natural gas after 2008 fell to historic lows until the 2020 pandemic. This made it economical to switch from coal-fired power generation to natural gas-fired generation. Natural gas produces less carbon dioxide when burned, and so carbon dioxide emissions, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, fell 33% since their peak in 2007.

China, meanwhile, has greatly increased the amount of power generation from coal since 2016, adding a total 233 gigawatts of coal-fired capacity. Emissions from its electricity sector grew from 2.2 billion metric tons in 2007 to 4.7 billion metric tons in 2022.

Kerry also helped negotiate an emission reduction agreement between China and the U.S. in 2014. According to that agreement, China intended to reach peak carbon dioxide emissions “around 2030,” and it would “make best efforts” to increase its share of non-fossil fuels sources in total energy use to 20% by 2030.

Today, China is nearing 17% of its energy from non-carbon sources, but with its plans to build out more coal plants, it’s uncertain it will reach the 20% target by 2030. China’s overall emissions have increased from 8.5 billion tons in 2010 to nearly 11 billion tons in 2020.

U.S. emissions during the same period fell from just over 5.6 billion metric tons to just over 4.5 billion metric tons.

One year after the first agreement was signed, China and the U.S. once again pledged to reduce their emissions. In that agreement, China committed to reducing emissions per unit of GDP to 65% by 2030, a 60% reduction from 2005 levels. The country has managed a 45% reduction since 2005, while the U.S. has managed a 50% drop.

As Ronald Bailey at Reason points out, the U.S. produces more than twice as much value per unit of carbon dioxide emissions than does China.

Whether or not the third deal is a charm will have to be seen.


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642774 No.108201

File: b55ef3062dd7d83⋯.jpg (82.63 KB,669x516,223:172,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938073 (182029ZNOV23) Notable: DEEP DIGS ON QUATAR

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Anons need to expose Qatar

Hamas Hezbollah aljazera

Whose funding this ?

O'potato and toyotas

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642774 No.108202

File: 9e203240a9ebf0b⋯.png (57.07 KB,743x364,743:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938104 (182038ZNOV23) Notable: CDC Claims On Vaccination And Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document

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CDC Claims On Vaccination And Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document

In a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now admits that it recommended COVID-19 vaccines for people who had recovered from COVID-19 despite the fact that CDC subject matter experts didn't have access to the underlying data.

The stunning disclosure came in reply to a FOIA request for information on the CDC’s claim, first made on Oct. 29, 2021, that unvaccinated people with previous infection were five times more likely to get COVID-19 than vaccinated people.

The CDC’s claim was based on a CDC study published in the Nov. 9, 2021, edition of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The conflicts-of-interest section of the study had noted that a number of the study’s authors were being sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Merck, Sanofi, and GlaxoSmithKline. At least four of the listed pharmaceutical companies were involved in the manufacturing and sale of COVID-19 vaccines.

Given that the conflict-of-interest disclosures were made at the time the study was first published, the CDC would have been aware of the heightened need to scrutinize its findings. However, this appears not to have happened. Notably, the CDC’s public pronouncement about unvaccinated COVID-19 survivors being five times more likely to get reinfected was made on the same day that the study was released as a preprint. This would have left no time for any review.

A lawyer who specializes in FOIA cases subsequently made a formal request for the data underlying the study. Last week, the CDC replied by admitting that the CDC didn't have this data. According to the CDC, the data was held by an "external partner organization and was maintained by a contractor." Notably, the CDC also acknowledged that "CDC subject matter experts didn't receive copies of the raw data prior to the contract termination."

Put another way, the CDC made its vaccination recommendation for people who already had COVID-19 without ever seeing or having had access to the underlying data. Furthermore, that data is now no longer available, meaning that neither the CDC, nor the general public, may ever know what it said.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) had previously pointed out problems with the CDC’s study. He further highlighted the fact that the study’s authors had conflicts of interest. Mr. Massie’s concerns have now not only been confirmed but have also been aggravated by the fact that the CDC never reviewed or audited the study.

The CDC’s failure to scrutinize the study before making sweeping recommendations to the public is exacerbated by the fact that the emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines specifically excepted people who had previously been infected with COVID-19.


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642774 No.108203

File: 432f8364db9357c⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b57580a1e032eec⋯.png (363.98 KB,726x679,726:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938114 (182040ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Just landed in the Great State of Iowa! Join me live at 3pmCST/4pmEST

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Donald J. Trump


Just landed in the Great State of Iowa! Join me live at 3pmCST/4pmEST on @RSBN, @NewsMax, @realamericasvoice, @OAN, and Donald J. Trump @rumble, among others!




Nov 18, 2023, 3:32 PM


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642774 No.108204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938147 (182047ZNOV23) Notable: DEEP DIGS ON QUATAR

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>Anons need to expose Qatar

from qresear.ch recently:

#19927042 at 2023-11-16 20:27:05



Chossudovsky says it's the military industrial complex in the US that's behind Netanyahu, in order to wage war against Iran. Also wants to destroy relations between Iran and Qatar (both have natural gas).

#19918344 at 2023-11-15

October 18, 2023

WASHINGTON - Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions on ten key Hamas terrorist group members, operatives, and financial facilitators in Gaza and elsewhere including Sudan, Turkiye, Algeria, and Qatar. This action targets members managing assets in a secret Hamas investment portfolio, a Qatar-based financial facilitator with close ties to the Iranian regime, a key Hamas commander, and a Gaza-based virtual currency exchange and its operator.

#19888361 at 2023-11-09

Hamas part of the charade. While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles. The terror group's three top leaders alone are worth a staggering total of $11 billion and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar. The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas at the same time as it hosts a vast American military presence.


#19870711 at 2023-11-06

The White House has simultaneously dispatched CIA Director William Burns, who arrived in Israel Sunday for top level meetings. Burns will also go to Qatar, and then Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

#19864997 at 2023-11-05

Sep 3, 2016 … AWD NEWS qatar a tiny Persian Gulf Peninsula albeit vastly affluent and notorious for supporting Al Qaeda-inspired terrorists in war-scarred …


#19854658 at 2023-11-03

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas visited Jordan's King Abdullah in Amman on Tuesday...A Waqf official warned, "The Jordanian weakness ...is being exploited by the Muslim Brotherhood and by their main patrons, Qatar and Turkey, and it is not liked by the Saudis, who tend to interfere in the management of the holy place for Muslims."

that's only the beginning - there's much, much more....

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642774 No.108205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938163 (182050ZNOV23) Notable: 1991 document describes what constitutes the New World Order; all nations will be given "quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis"

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1991 document describes what constitutes the New World Order; all nations will be given "quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis"

The document stated that one of the policies to be implemented was that "all nations [will] have quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the [UN] Security Council by selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine, or by military force, when required."


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642774 No.108206

File: 0dfbd4b7074d2d4⋯.jpeg (606.35 KB,3743x2807,3743:2807,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938166 (182050ZNOV23) Notable: Japanese investment giant SoftBank may partially exit Ola, Swiggy, FirstCry

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Japanese investment giant SoftBank may partially exit Ola, Swiggy, FirstCry

(Lost billions on WeWork and now looking to trim the fat here-they we’re the whale trader that exited a shot ton of NASDAQ stocks towards end of 2019 and 20 through its Vision Fund)

Japanese investment giant SoftBank is looking to partially exit from three startups which are aiming at an IPO next year — Ola Electric, Swiggy and First Cry. But its decision will depend on the size of the offer for sale pool in each of the companies.

According to sources aware of the strategy, Softbank invested over $850 million collectively in these companies whose value conservatively would go up more than 4.3 times to around $3.7 billion, based on preliminary estimates of their projected valuation when they go public next year.


Plus this

SoftBank's Fixed-Line Phone Services Disrupted

SoftBank Corp. said Saturday that its fixed-line phone services have been disrupted in the eastern half of Japan. The Japanese telecommunications carrier said it is currently investigating the cause of the trouble.


I’m sure Softbanks billions in recent losses has nuffin to do with the second story

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642774 No.108207

File: af713ff1e4f07e6⋯.png (459.73 KB,571x500,571:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 57d26ced41087d9⋯.png (303.72 KB,500x617,500:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 3288c2e24cb5648⋯.png (235.77 KB,1554x671,1554:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938169 (182051ZNOV23) Notable: DEEP DIGS ON QUATAR

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here is a clue.



Qatar officially declared its independence in 1971, with Doha as its capital city.1 Qatar University, founded in 1973, is the country's oldest and largest institution of higher education. The Supreme Education Council directs and controls education for all ages from the pre-school level through the university level.4 Al Wajbah Fort is one of the oldest forts in Qatar, located in the Al Wajbah area of Al Rayyan, about 15 kilometers west of Doha.2 Qatar's modern history begins conventionally in 1766 with the migration to the peninsula of families from Kuwait, notably the Khalifah family.3 Qatar introduced its first constitution on June 9, 2005, which guarantees freedom of expression, assembly, and religion and calls for a 45-seat parliament.0

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642774 No.108208

File: 707d4ce3a894f52⋯.png (274.46 KB,492x617,492:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 0846e3e4091058b⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,480x580,24:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938202 (182058ZNOV23) Notable: Witness this video where a Federal agent explicitly states they’re undercover as Antifa in the crowd.

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Uncensored USA 🇺🇸


Witness this video where a Federal agent explicitly states they’re undercover as Antifa in the crowd.

0:18 / 0:19

9:11 AM · Nov 18, 2023


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642774 No.108209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938260 (182110ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY, LIVE IN FORT DODGE, IOWA

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642774 No.108210

File: bfa409d724fa6ad⋯.png (268.78 KB,727x573,727:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938279 (182111ZNOV23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed Tammy Bruce Great news from our friend @greggjarrett – he has a new book! "The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents,"

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Donald J Trump ReTruthed

Tammy Bruce

Great news from our friend @greggjarrett - he has a new book! "The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents," which he discusses in this column. Considering the condition of the world this is a must read!


>It’s time to revive the American spirit. Here's how we start

Nov 14, 2023, 5:22 PM


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642774 No.108211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938309 (182117ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Today the radical-left democrats and their allies in the fake news media are having an absolute meltdown because last night, our campaign won a gigantic court victory in Colorado.

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President Trump: Today the radical-left democrats and their allies in the fake news media are having an absolute meltdown because last night, our campaign won a gigantic court victory in Colorado.

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642774 No.108212

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938317 (182118ZNOV23) Notable: CNN hack reporter just tried to bait Vivek into turning on Trump

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WATCH: CNN hack reporter just tried to bait Vivek into turning on Trump



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642774 No.108213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938320 (182119ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY, LIVE IN FORT DODGE, IOWA

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642774 No.108214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938347 (182122ZNOV23) Notable: Trafalgar Square is being evacuated by police following reports of a suspicious package being found.

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BREAKING: Trafalgar Square is being evacuated by police following reports of a suspicious package being found.

Multiple eyewitnesses have reported that police have shut down the are


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642774 No.108215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938352 (182122ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: "Trump Derangement Syndrome... I had a disease named after me!"

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Trump Derangement Syndrome: "I had a disease named after me!"

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642774 No.108216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938377 (182126ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: "Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off…

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"Our leader is a stupid person."


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642774 No.108217

File: 2467a8de86c7023⋯.jpg (192.32 KB,720x1038,120:173,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7bb9590cff8e67a⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938386 (182126ZNOV23) Notable: Blood Tribe Spotted Marching on the streets carrying Swastika Flags

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🚨#BREAKING: A Extreme Neo-Nazi Group, called the Blood Tribe, has been Spotted Marching on the streets carrying Swastika Flags

📌#Madison | #Wisconsin

Numerous witnesses have reported seeing a group of roughly two dozen individuals wearing full red shirts with black pants, carrying and waving swastika flags as they gathered outside the Wisconsin Capitol then marched through the downtown Madison Wisconsin this Saturday afternoon. This group is reportedly called the Blood Tribe, an extreme Neo-Nazi group known for their extreme political views and behaviors

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642774 No.108218

File: 9d9c722416542c3⋯.jpg (13.67 KB,255x247,255:247,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938387 (182127ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: "Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off…

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938388 (182127ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: "Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off…

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President Trump: Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938390 (182127ZNOV23) Notable: Breaking: Israel 🇮🇱 prime minister and defense minister state that Hamas leaders in Qatar 🇶🇦 will be killed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qatar will not be a safe haven any longer.

Dr. Eli David


🚨 Breaking: Israel 🇮🇱 prime minister and defense minister stated that Hamas leaders in Qatar 🇶🇦 will be killed.

Defense Minister Gallant: “We don't distinguish between Hamas terrorists with AK-47 in Gaza, and terrorists with suits in lavish hotels. We will eliminate them all.”


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642774 No.108221

File: db06fe26e104fa6⋯.png (71.22 KB,110x235,22:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938409 (182129ZNOV23) Notable: Blood Tribe Spotted Marching on the streets carrying Swastika Flags

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The faggot that thinks he's the toughest is wearing tights.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938439 (182135ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Biden shut down the investigation into the Wuhan lab, he cancelled my program to rout out Chinese spies, he weakened my China tariffs…Biden let China open military bases in Cuba.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Biden shut down the investigation into the Wuhan lab, he cancelled my program to rout out Chinese spies, he weakened my China tariffs...Biden let China open military bases in Cuba.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938440 (182135ZNOV23) Notable: @patel_patriot Elon is realizing how far the liberal media will go to ruin free speech and those they disagree with.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scorched Earth applications now accepted!

Jon Herold


Elon is realizing how far the liberal media will go to ruin free speech and those they disagree with.

Mike Rothschild (recently on MSNBC discussing if


was an antisemite) once filed a 20+ page declaration in my divorce which could have lost me custody of my kids.


Elon Musk




The split second court opens on Monday, X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and ALL those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company


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642774 No.108224

File: f914bb25d17e62e⋯.png (446.83 KB,849x784,849:784,Clipboard.png)

File: d26fab211743e82⋯.jpeg (882.73 KB,1155x1098,385:366,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938442 (182135ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: "Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





“Our leader is a stupid person.Our leader can’t get off this stage.” — President Trump on Joe Biden in Fort Dodge, Iowa

Watch President Trump LIVE on RSBN:


Nov 18, 2023, 4:28 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938443 (182135ZNOV23) Notable: Almost 30K watching the rally live on YouTube. Over 40K watching live on Rumble.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Almost 30K watching the rally live on YouTube. Over 40K watching live on Rumble. Why does the MSM never mention how many eyes are drawn to what Trump has to say?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938472 (182139ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: It's very simple. Crooked Joe is weak on China, because Crooked Joe is owned by China

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: It's very simple. Crooked Joe is weak on China, because Crooked Joe is owned by China. He's a corrupt politician, and he is totally compromised...he's owned by a lot of these countries. Afghanistan also. His son got eighty-three thousand a month, didn't he? And he got three million dollar up-front payment to advise them on oil. And he knew nothing about energy or oil.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938510 (182144ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: "A very tiny little desk" [to immediately sign executive orders on Minute One].

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"A very tiny little desk" [to immediately sign executive orders on Minute One].

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938525 (182146ZNOV23) Notable: President Donald J Trump compares President Xi to Granite (second closest layer to the "core" issue?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Donald J Trump compared President Xi to a piece of Granite?

>was 20 minutes ago

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938548 (182149ZNOV23) Notable: #24479

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#24479 >>108189


>>108211 President Trump: Today the radical-left democrats and their allies in the fake news media are having an absolute meltdown because last night, our campaign won a gigantic court victory in Colorado.

>>108215 President Trump: "Trump Derangement Syndrome... I had a disease named after me!"

>>108216, >>108219, >>108218, >>108224 President Trump: "Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off…

>>108222 President Trump: Biden shut down the investigation into the Wuhan lab, he cancelled my program to rout out Chinese spies, he weakened my China tariffs…Biden let China open military bases in Cuba.

>>108226 President Trump: It's very simple. Crooked Joe is weak on China, because Crooked Joe is owned by China

>>108228 President Donald J Trump compares President Xi to Granite (second closest layer to the "core" issue?)

>>108227 President Trump: "A very tiny little desk" [to immediately sign executive orders on Minute One].

>>108193 @realDonaldTrump “Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.”

>>108194 @realDonaldTrump The Judge committed FRAUD in my Trial by valuing my assets at a tiny fraction of what they are really worth in order to make his FAKE CASE against me

>>108203 @realDonaldTrump Just landed in the Great State of Iowa! Join me live at 3pmCST/4pmEST

>>108210 DJT ReTruthed Tammy Bruce Great news from our friend @greggjarrett – he has a new book! "The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents,"

>>108195 Jim: This attack against X is the same sort of attack that has kept our site in such a terrible state for so long - do me a favor and share this tweet with your friends?

>>108190 Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.

>>108192 Protest in Brooklyn, New York, by jihadists calling for a 'global intifada revolution'

>>108191 J6 VIDEO MAPPING PROJECT: Step 1 - Track Ray Epps and everyone he came in contact with

>>108208 Witness this video where a Federal agent explicitly states they’re undercover as Antifa in the crowd.

>>108196, >>108198 @RWMaloneMD I just saw data indicating that there have been 17M excess deaths worldwide from the vaccines.

>>108197 In new lawsuit filed under Maryland’s Child Victims Act, 25 people allege sex abuse at youth detention center

>>108199 45 in TWY16 Global 7000 on final at Fort Dodge IA from Palm Beach Intl

>>108200 U.S.-China emissions agreement continues disparity in approach to climate change

>>108202 CDC Claims On Vaccination And Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document

>>108205 1991 document describes what constitutes the New World Order; all nations will be given "quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis"

>>108206 Japanese investment giant SoftBank may partially exit Ola, Swiggy, FirstCry

>>108201, >>108204, >>108207 DEEP DIGS ON QUATAR

>>108212 CNN hack reporter just tried to bait Vivek into turning on Trump

>>108214 Trafalgar Square is being evacuated by police following reports of a suspicious package being found.

>>108217, >>108221 Blood Tribe Spotted Marching on the streets carrying Swastika Flags

>>108220 Breaking: Israel 🇮🇱 prime minister and defense minister state that Hamas leaders in Qatar 🇶🇦 will be killed.

>>108225 Almost 30K watching the rally live on YouTube. Over 40K watching live on Rumble.

>>108223 @patel_patriot Elon is realizing how far the liberal media will go to ruin free speech and those they disagree with.


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642774 No.108230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108231

File: 1952f4de78315b0⋯.png (84.46 KB,1103x664,1103:664,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b9c470b180db2b⋯.png (466 KB,998x639,998:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938568 (182153ZNOV23) Notable: We are gonna sign at the top of the steps - DJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We are gonna sign at the top of the steps - DJT

no step 5?

Q Proof?

[1] Delta

Nov 19, 2019

Nov 19, 2019


Nov 19, 20196:48:09 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 7358029

There is NO STEP FIVE.



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642774 No.108232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938621 (182203ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: under a Trump administration, gasoline powered engines will be very much pushed…including hybrids. hybrids are much better because you can actually go a little bit further than the candy store.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Biden's insane electric vehicle mandate will totally decimate gas-powered cars...under a Trump administration, gasoline powered engines will be, not only allowed, but will be very much pushed...including hybrids. Hybrids are very good; hybrids are much better because you can actually go a little bit further than the candy store.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108233

File: 78bbaa2f6f38043⋯.png (441.23 KB,896x763,128:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938638 (182206ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: “With a neck like a pencil…how does (Adam Schiff) hold up that fat ugly face?”

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“With a neck like a pencil…how does he hold up that fat ugly face?” — President Trump on Adam Schiff in Fort Dodge, Iowa

Watch President Trump LIVE on RSBN:

Nov 18, 2023, 4:56 PM


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642774 No.108234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938639 (182206ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Under my leadership, we will have a rebirth of loyalty to the American farmer, starting at noon on inauguration day, 2025. And not only the farmer, manufacturers, everything else.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19938561 lb repostin

President Trump: Under my leadership, we will have a rebirth of loyalty to the American farmer, starting at noon on inauguration day, 2025. And not only the farmer, manufacturers, everything else.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108235

File: 279c104fc3d8fb2⋯.png (311.36 KB,877x711,877:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938641 (182207ZNOV23) Notable: We are gonna sign at the top of the steps - DJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


On inauguration day President Trump may put a tiny little desk on the 20th stair to sign executive orders!









Nov 18, 2023, 4:59 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938645 (182207ZNOV23) Notable: We are gonna sign at the top of the steps - DJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


12:00 p.m.


Inauguration of the president of the United States | USAGov

Aug 29, 2023 ... The next presidential inauguration is scheduled to be on January 20, 2025.

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642774 No.108237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938653 (182208ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Crooked Joe puts China first, he puts Asia first, he puts Ukraine first, he puts illegal aliens first, environmental maniacs first... put America first every single time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Crooked Joe puts China first, he puts Asia first, he puts Ukraine first, he puts illegal aliens first, environmental maniacs first. Environmental maniacs that want to destroy our country. Everyone else is first. Think of it- he puts America last. He puts Iowa last; your farmers, your manufacturers. He puts our workers last, he puts our farmers last; he puts everything that's good in our country last. I put Iowa first, and I put America first every single time.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108238

File: b77e9ace5902ef3⋯.png (340.58 KB,896x720,56:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938675 (182211ZNOV23) Notable: Matt Gaetz praises Speaker Mike Johnson for releasing 44,000 hours of Capitol riot footage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Matt Gaetz praises Speaker Mike Johnson for releasing 44,000 hours of Capitol riot footage

- as Mike Lee demands probe of Dem-led Jan. 6 committee for 'hiding' the video

▶ Johnson on Friday began releasing 44,000 hours of Capitol riot footage

▶ Matt Gaetz, MTG, and other right-wing GOP members praised the move

▶ Rep. Mike Lee accused Jan. 6 committee of 'deliberately' hiding the footage

Republicans are expressing their delight after House Speaker Mike Johnson began releasing thousands of hours of surveillance footage from the US Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.

The first tranche of around 90 hours of footage was released on a public committee website Friday, with the rest of the 44,000 hours expected to be posted over the next several months.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, who led the ouster of Johnson's predecessor Kevin McCarthy, praised the new speaker for keeping his promise to the caucus to release the footage.

'HE WON'T LIE,' Gaetz wrote in a post on X. 'If he says he is going to do something, he is going to do it.'

Other congressional Republicans, including Rep. Troy Nehls and Senator Mike Lee, called for fresh investigations, and accused the former Democrat-led House January 6 Committee of hiding some of the footage.

The video gives a bird's eye view of the Capitol complex as hundreds of then-President Donald Trump's supporters stormed the building in a bid to prevent the certification of Joe Biden's election.. ...


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642774 No.108239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938679 (182213ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: We have a judge [Engoron] that refuses to give up. And we have a judge who is a democrat-club politician.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We have a judge [Engoron] that refuses to give up. And we have a judge who is a democrat-club politician.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108240

File: fb7c96b71447a34⋯.jpg (291.38 KB,1103x846,1103:846,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938688 (182214ZNOV23) Notable: Angelo Carusone responds to Elon Musk's legal threat over Media Matters reporting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Angelo Carusone responds to Elon Musk's legal threat over Media Matters reporting

Media Matters president Angelo Carusone released the following statement in response to Elon Musk's legal threat:

Far from the free speech advocate he claims to be, Musk is a bully who threatens meritless lawsuits in an attempt to silence reporting that he even confirmed is accurate. Musk admitted the ads at issue ran alongside the pro-Nazi content we identified. If he does sue us, we will win.


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642774 No.108241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938716 (182218ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: They [Iran] have probably a hundred and twenty-five billion dollars now. They have tremendous amounts of money. They're a very rich country. And when I was there, they were broke, and everybody talked about it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They [Iran] have probably a hundred and twenty-five billion dollars now. They have tremendous amounts of money. They're a very rich country. And when I was there, they were broke, and everybody talked about it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108242

File: f5997120f6e8f6d⋯.png (322.57 KB,600x506,300:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938722 (182219ZNOV23) Notable: @DanScavino 58 days to go! - Official Registration: President Trump’s Iowa Caucus Team: ia.donaldjtrump.com/

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅






Nov 18, 2023 · 9:32 PM UTC


Holy Astringent Plum-Like Fruit!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938738 (182221ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: If you hate America, you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists and then we don't do exactly what you want, then you're not getting into the United States of America.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: If you hate America, you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists and then we don't do exactly what you want; if you do all of these bad things, and you have lots of bad thoughts on your mind, then you're not getting into the United States of America.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938751 (182223ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: I will deliver tax cuts, regulation cuts, energy price cuts and interest rate cuts, like you've never seen before, because we start from such a high base.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will deliver tax cuts, regulation cuts, energy price cuts and interest rate cuts, like you've never seen before, because we start from such a high base.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938771 (182226ZNOV23) Notable: Counting War Crimes on half chan, Israel has violated 50% of the articles in Sections A and B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Counting War Crimes on half chan, Israel has violated 50% of the articles in Sections A and B


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642774 No.108246

File: 24974a9f773324c⋯.png (19.04 KB,600x142,300:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938782 (182227ZNOV23) Notable: @DanScavino 58 days to go! - Official Registration: President Trump’s Iowa Caucus Team: ia.donaldjtrump.com/

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Official Registration: President Trump’s Iowa Caucus Team: ia.donaldjtrump.com/

Nov 18, 2023 · 10:16 PM UTC




Wasn't Jim earlier talking about taking orders?

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642774 No.108247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938785 (182227ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: We Will Make America Great Again. One Hundred Percent Greater Than Ever Before!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We Will Make America Great Again. One Hundred Percent Greater Than Ever Before!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108248

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938845 (182238ZNOV23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN FORT DODGE, IOWA 11/18/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note: Will add notes via pastebin link below later.


LIVE: President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23




President Trump: Today the radical-left democrats and their allies in the fake news media are having an absolute meltdown because last night, our campaign won a gigantic court victory in Colorado.

President Trump: We've now beaten the radical-left democrat's election rigging ballot qualification scam in Colorado, in Michigan, in Minnesota, New Hampshire, and other states.

President Trump: Under Crooked Joe Biden, we have uncontrolled inflation, an invasion of our southern border, rampant crime, wars in Europe, and a war that just started in the middle-east. Look at what's going on with the attack on Israel. This world is a mess.

President Trump: Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off…

President Trump: Biden shut down the investigation into the Wuhan lab, he cancelled my program to rout out Chinese spies, he weakened my China tariffs…Biden let China open military bases in Cuba.

President Trump: It's very simple. Crooked Joe is weak on China, because Crooked Joe is owned by China. He's a corrupt politician, and he is totally compromised…he's owned by a lot of these countries. Afghanistan also. His son got eighty-three thousand a month, didn't he? And he got three million dollar up-front payment to advise them on oil. And he knew nothing about energy or oil.

President Trump: The Biden Crime Family took millions of dollars from a company controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, with Joe Biden personally receiving large deposits of cash. And now we have a Manchurian Candidate in the Oval Office.

President Donald J Trump compared President Xi to a piece of Granite?

President Trump: Under my leadership, we will have a rebirth of loyalty to the American farmer, starting at noon on inauguration day, 2025. And not only the farmer, manufacturers, everything else.

President Trump: Biden's insane electric vehicle mandate will totally decimate gas-powered cars…under a Trump administration, gasoline powered engines will be, not only allowed, but will be very much pushed…including hybrids. Hybrids are very good; hybrids are much better because you can actually go a little bit further than the candy store.

President Trump: Crooked Joe puts China first, he puts Asia first, he puts Ukraine first, he puts illegal aliens first, environmental maniacs first. Environmental maniacs that want to destroy our country. Everyone else is first. Think of it- he puts America last. He puts Iowa last; your farmers, your manufacturers. He puts our workers last, he puts our farmers last; he puts everything that's good in our country last. I put Iowa first, and I put America first every single time.

President Trump: We have a judge [Engoron] that refuses to give up. And we have a judge who is a democrat-club politician.

President Trump: They [Iran] have probably a hundred and twenty-five billion dollars now. They have tremendous amounts of money. They're a very rich country. And when I was there, they were broke, and everybody talked about it.

President Trump: If you hate America, you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists and then we don't do exactly what you want; if you do all of these bad things, and you have lots of bad thoughts on your mind, then you're not getting into the United States of America.

President Trump: We Will Make America Great Again. One Hundred Percent Greater Than Ever Before!

djt: trump going into the smaller crowd an giving out hats.

djt: we will make america great again.


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642774 No.108249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938857 (182239ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Unlike Desanctis, I will protect social security and medicare for our great seniors. He wanted hurt medicare and social security. REMEMBER THAT IN 56 DAYS.

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President Trump: Unlike Desanctis, I will protect social security and medicare for our great seniors. He wanted hurt medicare and social security. REMEMBER THAT IN 56 DAYS.

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642774 No.108250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938876 (182244ZNOV23) Notable: RFK Speaks About JfK JR w/ VLAD TV

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RFK Speaks Abour JfK JR w/ VLAD TV


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642774 No.108251

File: 1208d55bfd6858a⋯.png (650.85 KB,619x499,619:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938879 (182244ZNOV23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN FORT DODGE, IOWA 11/18/23

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Dough below for rally notes only


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642774 No.108252

File: ef80c1f7eae42c5⋯.png (1.59 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938881 (182244ZNOV23) Notable: French Senator Charged with Drugging Fellow Lawmaker to Commit Rape

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French Senator Charged with Drugging Fellow Lawmaker to Commit Rape

November 18, 2023

Joël Guerriau, a 66-year-old French senator and member of the center-right Horizons party, faces preliminary charges of drugging a female lawmaker with ecstasy to commit rape, as stated by the public prosecutor’s office on Friday.

Arrested on Thursday, Guerriau’s charges stem from an incident involving fellow lawmaker Sandrine Josso, 48. Josso reported feeling unwell after consuming a glass of champagne at Guerriau’s Paris home two days prior to his arrest.

Josso recounted observing Guerriau retrieve “a small plastic bag containing something white, in a drawer in his kitchen,” as her lawyer Julia Minkowski conveyed to AFP. “She had to deploy monumental physical and intellectual forces to overcome her terror and extricate herself at the last minute from this ambush,” Minkowski said. She further noted that her client was “in a state of shock.”

The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed that Guerriau was preliminarily charged with the intent to carry out a rape or sexual assault. Under French law, preliminary charges suggest strong suspicion of wrongdoing and allow further investigation before deciding on a trial. Ecstasy was found in Josso’s system, leading her to file a criminal complaint. Subsequent police searches of Guerriau’s office and home uncovered ecstasy, as reported by the broadcasting station RMC.

Guerriau, now suspended from the Horizons party, was also indicted for possessing drugs and placed under judicial supervision. His lawyer, Remi-Pierre Drai, emphasized that “we are miles away from the obscene interpretation that one might infer from reading initial reports in the press.”

Drai defended Guerriau, describing him as “an honest man, respected and respectable, who will restore his and his family’s honor.” He added that Guerriau did not intend to drug Josso for abuse and has apologized, attributing the incident to “a handling error,” without elaborating further.

Josso, a member of the National Assembly since 2017, and Guerriau, a senator since 2011 and deputy head of the foreign and military affairs committee, reportedly had a decade-long friendship without romantic involvement. Guerriau’s career began in banking before his political tenure.


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642774 No.108253

File: cee37459601eaf8⋯.jpg (478.68 KB,1050x625,42:25,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938888 (182245ZNOV23) Notable: Digits confirm genocidal maniacs are on the loose.

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-‘Burn Gaza now’ – top Israeli MP

Nissim Vaturi has argued his country is “too humane” towards Palestinians==

A senior lawmaker in Israel has urged the military to “burn” Gaza and not allow any fuel into the Palestinian enclave unless all hostages held by Hamas are released.

The comments made on Friday by Nissim Vaturi, deputy speaker of the Knesset, are the latest in a string of incendiary remarks by Israeli politicians on the deadly fighting with Hamas.

“All of this preoccupation with whether or not there is internet in Gaza shows that we have learned nothing. We are too humane,” Vaturi, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

“Burn Gaza now, nothing less! Don’t allow fuel in, don’t allow water in until the hostages are returned!”

Earlier this month, Netanyahu suspended Heritage Minister Amihai Eliyahu from cabinet meetings after he suggested using nuclear weapons against the Palestinian enclave.

Hamas took more than 200 hostages during its October 7 attack on Israel, in which it killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians. Israel responded by launching a bombing campaign and a ground invasion of Gaza.

Arab states respond to Israeli minister’s ‘nuke Gaza’ threat

Read more

Arab states respond to Israeli minister’s ‘nuke Gaza’ threat

Israel has also imposed a near total blockade of the Palestinian enclave, which the UN and human rights groups say has only exacerbated the catastrophic humanitarian situation there.

Gazan Healthy Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra told reporters on Friday that 24 patients at Al-Shifa hospital, the enclave’s largest medical facility, died during an Israeli raid on the compound. The IDF has accused Hamas of using Al-Shifa and other hospitals for military purposes.

More than 11,000 people have died in Gaza since October 7, according to local officials. After long debates, the UN Security Council passed a resolution on Wednesday calling for humanitarian pauses in the fighting and the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas.”


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642774 No.108254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938920 (182252ZNOV23) Notable: Do you like 'Marching to Zion'?

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>but the reality is, it IS the jews.

It's not so much that it "Is the Jews"

rather that it's all "About Jews"


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642774 No.108255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938927 (182254ZNOV23) Notable: Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros

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🦅 Eagle Wings 🦅


Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros

Vince Langman: Just like with the BLM protests when palettes of bricks mysteriously turned up before protests, Free Palestine placards are mysteriously turning up at protest sites.

But who is funding it all?

George Soros?

https://nypost.com/2023/10/28/news/soro ... for-hamas/


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642774 No.108256

File: 91d7d2b9dddf4cf⋯.png (1.54 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bb96a2d1c82281⋯.png (1.31 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19938942 (182257ZNOV23) Notable: Italy becomes the first country in the world to ban lab-grown meat

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Italy becomes the first country in the world to ban lab-grown meat

Nov. 18, 2023, 2:48 p.m. ET

Italy just became the first country in the world to ban lab-grown meat.

The Italian government voted in support of a law banning the production, sale or import of cultivated meat or animal feed, according to the BBC.

The right-wing government there took the action on Thursday in an effort to protect its farmers and culture.

“In defense of health, of the Italian production system, of thousands of jobs, of our culture and tradition, with the law approved today, Italy is the first nation in the world to be safe from the social and economic risks of synthetic food,” Francesco Lollobrigida, Italian minister of agriculture, said in a Facebook post on Nov. 16.

The bill passed in the Italian senate with 159 votes in favor and 53 opposed.

Supporters of the ban include Italian agricultural groups, who want to protect the country’s $10.1 billion meat-processing industry.

Leaders in parliament were divided over the issue, and at one point, a fight broke out between farmers and some masters of public service.

One of the heads of a farmers’ organization confronted two MPs from a party in opposition of the ban, calling them “criminals.”

As of now, the only two countries where cultivated meat — a market which is estimated to reach $1.99 billion by 2035 — has been approved for consumption are the United States and Singapore.

The European Union has not allowed lab-grown meat to be eaten so far, but if it does, Italy’s law could be challenged by the European Commission.

Coldiretti, Italy’s biggest farmers association, cited that the spread of lab-cultured meat would benefit multinational companies at the expense of local producers, and bring health risks.

“We are proud to be the first country that, despite being in favor of research, prevents, as a precautionary measure, the sale of laboratory-produced food whose effects it could have on the health of citizens consumers are currently unknown,” said the president of Coldiretti, Ettore Prandini, in a Facebook post.

If Italian factories are found producing synthetic meat, they can face over $160,000 fines, according to Forbes.


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642774 No.108257

File: f0be15580f821b3⋯.png (747.63 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939008 (182313ZNOV23) Notable: Death Toll Rises To At Least 130 In Kenya, Somalia And Ethiopia Floods

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Death Toll Rises To At Least 130 In Kenya, Somalia And Ethiopia Floods

12:43 PM – Saturday, November 18, 2023

The death toll continues to rise from flooding in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.

At least 130 people have died in the three African countries as a result of heavy rains that aid officials described as occurring only once every 100 years.

The National Disaster Management Agency stated that at least 51 people have been killed across Somalia alone and a half-million displaced since the rains started in October.

They also reported that emergency responders are concerned that the death toll will grow in Somalia because many individuals are still missing as after highways and bridges were washed away, parts of the country remained blocked off and unreachable, stranding thousands of citizens.

“The national army has sent rescue boats and emergency helicopters to help the people trapped by floods. We are appealing for international help” the National Disaster Management Agency said.

According to the humanitarian organization Save the Children, the town of Beledweyne in central Somalia was totally drowned after the Shabelle River burst its banks, displacing an estimated 250,000 people, or 90% of the population.

Last month, the Somali federal government declared a state of emergency after severe weather, exacerbated by the natural weather phenomenon El Nino, devastated homes, roads, and bridges.

In neighboring Kenya, the Kenya Red Cross Society claimed that hundreds of houses were carried away along the coast and in northern Kenya, killing more than 50 people and displacing at least 30,000 people.

Tana River County Commissioner Mohammed Noor spoke to reporters stating that the situation also was desperate in his region, where the floods have displaced about 7,000 households.

According to Ethiopian authorities, the death toll from the floods has risen to 30 in their country as a result of “unrelenting rainfall in the Gambella, Afar, and Somali regions.”


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642774 No.108258

File: 36804efb2464e70⋯.png (179.06 KB,1347x402,449:134,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c9a92119c2002a⋯.png (618.81 KB,1147x864,1147:864,Clipboard.png)

File: 40d2f564169feb8⋯.png (156.72 KB,1332x769,1332:769,Clipboard.png)

File: a04de30b0634145⋯.png (118.3 KB,704x634,352:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939157 (182344ZNOV23) Notable: Rothschilds connected to Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance

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So I was bored. I decided to dig a bit on the Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance, and see if I could find any relevance to the theories that the Rothschilds made it crash or disappear in order to obtain a patent for some chip or semiconductor

Here we go:

2014, March 8 - Flight 370 disappears

2014, March 11 (three days later) - Patent KL-03 in question is approved.

Patent is owned by Freescale Semiconductors

Freescale Semiconductors had 20 employees aboard Flight 370

late 2014 a company called NXP Semiconductors announces plans to buy Freescale Semiconductors

2015, Dec - the purchase of Freescale by NXP is complete

Major owners of NXP are Vanguard and Blackrock

So, whether the Rothschilds own Vanguard and Blackrock through degrees of separation, or not...

we know the Deep State Cabal owns Vanguard and Blackrock

Sooooo, yes, someone bad acquired this patent and chip and company

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642774 No.108259

File: 6572c031a46c2ff⋯.jpeg (312.46 KB,557x1309,557:1309,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939241 (182359ZNOV23) Notable: PF conus update

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>>>/qresearch/19939022 45 in TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 departing Fort Dodge, IA after rally

Not hanging around 578kts @45k ft

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642774 No.108260

File: fd2028e9895624a⋯.png (683.51 KB,723x748,723:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939253 (190002ZNOV23) Notable: Donald J. Trump THANK YOU, IOWA!!! We are just 58 DAYS AWAY from Iowa’s First in the Nation Caucuses.

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Donald J. Trump

THANK YOU, IOWA!!! We are just 58 DAYS AWAY from Iowa’s First in the Nation Caucuses.

On Monday, January 15th, we are going to WIN the Iowa Caucuses, we are going to crush Crooked Joe Biden next November, and we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Nov 18, 2023, 6:24 PM


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642774 No.108261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939281 (190006ZNOV23) Notable: #24480

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#24480 >>108230

>>108231, >>108235, >>108236 We are gonna sign at the top of the steps - DJT

>>108233 President Trump: “With a neck like a pencil…how does (Adam Schiff) hold up that fat ugly face?”

>>108232 President Trump: under a Trump administration, gasoline powered engines will be very much pushed…including hybrids. hybrids are much better because you can actually go a little bit further than the candy store.

>>108234 President Trump: Under my leadership, we will have a rebirth of loyalty to the American farmer, starting at noon on inauguration day, 2025. And not only the farmer, manufacturers, everything else.

>>108237 President Trump: Crooked Joe puts China first, he puts Asia first, he puts Ukraine first, he puts illegal aliens first, environmental maniacs first... put America first every single time.

>>108239 President Trump: We have a judge [Engoron] that refuses to give up. And we have a judge who is a democrat-club politician.

>>108241 President Trump: They [Iran] have probably a hundred and twenty-five billion dollars now. They have tremendous amounts of money. They're a very rich country. And when I was there, they were broke, and everybody talked about it.

>>108243 President Trump: If you hate America, you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists and then we don't do exactly what you want, then you're not getting into the United States of America.

>>108244 President Trump: I will deliver tax cuts, regulation cuts, energy price cuts and interest rate cuts, like you've never seen before, because we start from such a high base.

>>108247 President Trump: We Will Make America Great Again. One Hundred Percent Greater Than Ever Before!

>>108249 President Trump: Unlike Desanctis, I will protect social security and medicare for our great seniors. He wanted hurt medicare and social security. REMEMBER THAT IN 56 DAYS.

>>108248, >>108251 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN FORT DODGE, IOWA 11/18/23

>>108238 Matt Gaetz praises Speaker Mike Johnson for releasing 44,000 hours of Capitol riot footage

>>108240 Angelo Carusone responds to Elon Musk's legal threat over Media Matters reporting

>>108246, >>108242 @DanScavino 58 days to go! - Official Registration: President Trump’s Iowa Caucus Team: ia.donaldjtrump.com/

>>108245 Counting War Crimes on half chan, Israel has violated 50% of the articles in Sections A and B

>>108252 French Senator Charged with Drugging Fellow Lawmaker to Commit Rape

>>108250 RFK Speaks About JfK JR w/ VLAD TV

>>108253 Digits confirm genocidal maniacs are on the loose.

>>108254 Do you like 'Marching to Zion'?

>>108255 Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros

>>108256 Italy becomes the first country in the world to ban lab-grown meat

>>108257 Death Toll Rises To At Least 130 In Kenya, Somalia And Ethiopia Floods

>>108258 Rothschilds connected to Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance

>>108259 PF conus update


baker was afk last 200

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642774 No.108262

File: 11aa1f948746394⋯.png (647.2 KB,1031x1070,1031:1070,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939323 (190011ZNOV23) Notable: #24481

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642774 No.108263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939348 (190020ZNOV23) Notable: No Cease Fire as UK Prime Minister’s Family Signs Deal with Israel for Gaza’s Natural Gas

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No Cease Fire as UK Prime Minister’s Family Signs Deal with Israel for Gaza’s Natural Gas

Off the coast of Gaza sits $453 billion in liquefied natural gas and 1.5 billion barrels of oil. Israel’s interest in driving the Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip may have more to do with money than religion or terrorism.

Jimmy Dore discovered that UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is married to the daughter of Narayan Murthy, an Indian billionaire and co-founder of IT services giant Infosys. Rishi Sunak’s family business through his father-in-law recently inked a $1.5 billion deal to exploit the natural gas resources off the coast of Gaza — a deal that will only proceed if Israel is in possession and control of the Gaza coast. Dore speculated that this is why western nations haven’t applied more pressure on Israel to declare a ceasefire in Gaza.

A new poll shows 36% of Americans now say their sympathies lie more with Israel than the Palestinians, down from 43% right after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks.



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642774 No.108264

File: 4a79c7706dd8f1b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1064x1501,56:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939363 (190023ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP FIRES UP HUGE CROWD OF IOWANS ON SATURDAY IN THE ‘HEARTLAND OF AMERICA’

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President Donald Trump brought unrivaled energy to Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Saturday, for a Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus event just 58 days out from the anticipated Iowa caucuses.

“I’m thrilled to be back with thousands of proud, hardworking American Patriots in the heartland of America,” he declared.

The president was greeted by a packed house at Fort Dodge High School, where Iowans chanted “USA” and occasionally interjected into his remarks with cheers of support.

Trump said, “Less than one year from now we will take back the White House from this Crooked person,” he said, referring to Joe Biden, adding that he would officially put an end to “Joe Biden’s Banana Republic.”

The 45th president also attacked Joe Biden on his record on dealing with China on Saturday, calling him a “corrupt politician and he’s totally compromised,” noting that he was “owned” by many foreign countries.

Trump joked that he was so eager to get to work in 2025 in a prospective second term that he would be signing legislation on his way up the White House stairs on Inauguration Day, cracking that he would put a little desk on the “20th stair.”

He also warned that Biden was planning to return to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which he scorched as one of the “worst” deals of all time. Trump vowed to put an end to that on day one of his second term.

“We’ll sign before we get to the TOP of the steps!” he remarked.


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642774 No.108265

File: 145b10ba5f23dac⋯.png (222.61 KB,707x590,707:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939369 (190024ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP FIRES UP HUGE CROWD OF IOWANS ON SATURDAY IN THE ‘HEARTLAND OF AMERICA’

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Donald J. Trump

Trump fires up HUGE crowd of Iowans on Saturday in the ‘heartland of America’

Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump brought unrivaled energy to Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Saturday, for a Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus event just 58 days out from the anticipated Iowa caucuses. “I’m thrilled…



Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)


Nov 18, 2023, 7:11 PM


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642774 No.108266

File: e2daae0adafb726⋯.png (524.14 KB,738x718,369:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939389 (190029ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2024 is our final battle.With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State

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Donald J. Trump

2024 is our final battle.With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL! ia.donaldjtrump.com/

Nov 18, 2023, 7:18 PM


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642774 No.108267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939393 (190031ZNOV23) Notable: Technical explanation for the difficulty of downloading the J6 videos/screen record

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Technical explanation for the difficulty of downloading the J6 videos

I've successfully downloaded a J6 video but this has required some very tricky manipulation using a proxy server. I won't go into detail about how this was done. Rather, I want to explain what the problem is. I'm considering the possibility of releasing code to help with the download process.

First of all, the videos will only play on site. The site uses the Shaka video player and a trick to ensure that videos won't work offsite. Most of the videos are in DASH format with the ".mpd" extension. This link is easily accessible using browser tools but, if you transfer the link to an external video player (like VLC), it won't play. The link contains a token within the query string. This token is needed to access the video segments but, crucially, the token is not present in the mpd file. Shaka player somehow works around this, supplying the token when accessing the video segments.

If the token can be supplied somehow then the video can be downloaded and properly converted to mp4 format using ffmpeg. By itself, ffmpeg cannot download the video. Some intermediary process is necessary to intervene and supply the token.

I'm open to answering questions about this.

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642774 No.108268

File: 78ec11a7f79af6b⋯.png (3.18 MB,1898x1635,1898:1635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939405 (190034ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2024 is our final battle.With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State

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642774 No.108269

File: 7025f0e5764b2b6⋯.png (1.97 MB,1438x714,719:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939410 (190035ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2024 is our final battle.With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State

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photo from that Truth

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642774 No.108270

File: d5bfbd50ed3b712⋯.png (762.91 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939426 (190037ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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> the key to reading the map.

>So you don't know the actual pic that was on that post. Understand now.

>Looking for that image.

We have it now, thanks to Anons.


Found this interesting article.

Maybe CF related. I mean why else would his 'it guy' be there? Setting up something? or was he more of an integral player than we've been led to believe?

Anyway - here's an article.


A Podesta email from Wikileaks.

During a 2009 visit to Pyongyang to seek the release of two detained American journalists, former U.S. President Bill Clinton raised the issue of abducted Japanese nationals with then-leader Kim Jong Il, ⤢a hacked document released by the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks has shown.

The memo, attached to an email sent to John Podesta, a former Clinton White House chief of staff who joined the ex-president on his mission, is part of a trove of emails released by WikiLeaks.

Podesta, head of the liberal Center for American Progress think tank at the time, now serves as the campaign chair for Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton痴 White House bid. WikiLeaks has been publishing emails since Oct. 7 from Podesta痴 account, which experts say was targeted by Russian hackers.

Apparently written by David Straub, a Stanford University professor who also took part in the visit, the memo details the unusual meeting with the reclusive Kim, providing a rare glimpse into the thinking of the now-deceased Dear Leader.

The Japan Times attempted to contact Straub to confirm the authenticity of the memo, but had not received a reply as of publication.

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642774 No.108271

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939429 (190038ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2024 is our final battle.With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State

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Caucus for President Trump!


1 month ago


Unlisted Video



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642774 No.108272

File: f860a32d7e76816⋯.jpg (38.06 KB,1080x472,135:59,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7c6e5d873e60e62⋯.jpg (122.11 KB,1005x1280,201:256,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939432 (190038ZNOV23) Notable: Qagg.news anticipates being operational on Sunday, November 19th, 2023

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Qagg.news anticipates being operational on Sunday, November 19th, 2023.


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642774 No.108273

File: 228f0836f03c385⋯.png (202.2 KB,1056x768,11:8,Clipboard.png)

File: f35298c815d2087⋯.png (122.61 KB,704x1147,704:1147,Clipboard.png)

File: b414a4b61f8a335⋯.png (61.79 KB,1267x561,1267:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939438 (190039ZNOV23) Notable: Technical explanation for the difficulty of downloading the J6 videos/screen record

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Using FetchV browser extension record mode I was downloading whole videos last night with the intention of putting together a torrent and then using head tracking python projects to further analyze. You just have to play them through or hurry through the buffer. Works fine if you want to try it. I got enough insurance in case this whole thing goes south and disappears but am thinking it is not worth the effort. Political pressure needs to be applied to change the permissions so videos can be downloaded normally, there is no reason not to.

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642774 No.108274

File: 46d52e6098ffb34⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,124x180,31:45,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a4e67e996574562⋯.jpg (181.28 KB,1163x807,1163:807,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939440 (190039ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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this on picrel is from 12 - 11 - 17

matches the guy in the pic from the q research offline archive references

The one in the Q drops, which shows then all in North Korea with a backdrop of Water, with chairs posed on flower images (we decoded the flower meanings back in the day)

Will take me a while to figure out the day of that Q post

The number on the Korea image is the same as the number the image had on its q post.

Cooper is second from the left in the back row, next to Pedosta

(pedesta) Podesta


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642774 No.108275

File: 932f34e229254ba⋯.png (715.29 KB,1061x1698,1061:1698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939451 (190043ZNOV23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem

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Nov 17, 2023 at 5:35 PM EST

Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem

Presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis sees high numbers of undocumented immigrants in his home state of Florida despite promoting himself as tough on immigration, a new study shows.

The Republican candidate and Florida Governor could face pushback from voters due to Florida's spiking numbers of undocumented immigrants.

A new Pew Research study found that Florida was one of only two states that saw increases in their unauthorized immigrant populations between 2017 and 2021. DeSantis has served as Florida's Governor since 2019 after five years representing the state in the House of Representatives.

The only other state that saw an uptick in undocumented immigrants was Washington, with the vast majority of American states noting unchanged undocumented immigrant populations.

Florida's proximity to Mexico, which is the source of 39 percent of the nation's undocumented immigrants, may be at play here, but Mexico's closest neighboring states like New Mexico, Arizona and Texas failed to see their populations rise.

Because the uptick in undocumented immigrants occurred before Florida passed SB 1718 as a law this May, the governor's office said the data is not reflective of Florida today.

"Any increase in illegal immigration is a direct result of Biden's Border Crisis. Governor DeSantis will act within his authority when the Biden Administration fails or refuses to do so," Jeremy Redfern, the press secretary at the Executive Office of the Governor, told Newsweek. ...


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642774 No.108276

File: de4eedeea90095e⋯.png (42.22 KB,951x693,317:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 2912e0005193be2⋯.png (67.03 KB,1213x670,1213:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939455 (190045ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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Missing from the archive. very interesting

Its here


there's a word document attached to the podesta email


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642774 No.108277

File: 7233ae955fa9d99⋯.png (243.98 KB,735x512,735:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939461 (190047ZNOV23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem

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Donald J. Trump

“Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem”


>Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem

Nov 18, 2023, 7:10 PM


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642774 No.108278

File: 26012dfdf609565⋯.png (576.42 KB,1000x913,1000:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 738a712549e003b⋯.mp4 (7.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939470 (190050ZNOV23) Notable: Militant leftist protesters have shut down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago in "solidarity" with Palestine.

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Militant leftist protesters have shut down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago in "solidarity" with Palestine.

From agitator in chief

7:39 PM · Nov 18, 2023


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642774 No.108279

File: 49e1763051f1272⋯.png (219.17 KB,456x476,114:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939480 (190053ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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i'll look for that one.


The Q post which featured it was in '17

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642774 No.108280

File: 4bfe719320450fc⋯.jpg (333.86 KB,932x945,932:945,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939483 (190054ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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>Justin Cooper

Here's an article containing the Memorandum of Conversation from that meeting.

Downloadable pdf


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642774 No.108281

File: d5af63d2074881b⋯.webp (12.66 KB,537x464,537:464,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939495 (190055ZNOV23) Notable: WHO released a document that states how to turn vaccines into bioweapons

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Link: https://gab.com/Predestination/posts/110743068570733041

Nagalase, is the bad protein, secreted/given off by Cancer, Tumors, Viruses and the diseases they cause(autism, MS, Parkinsons,Auto-immune diseases), Bacteria, and other pathogens.

excessive worry can release nagalase into the blood stream, so worrying can harm you.

GcProtein/GcMAF is the good protein. GcMAF activates the immune system to rebuild the immune system(yes, Dr. Yamimoto found GcMAF eradicates HIV/AIDS*)

Thread #3, Post 15 talks about how the WHO released a document that states how to turn vaccines into bioweapons. Even by injectin nagalase into the bloodstream to cause diseases and cancer

So GcMAF along with your immune system cures the numerous cancers, tumors, viruses and diseases, to include Autism.

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642774 No.108282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939501 (190057ZNOV23) Notable: BBC EXPOSE FLAWS IN IDF AL-SHIFA VIDEO

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In a great analysis by the BBC, three flaws in the IDF video showing Hamas military equipment were pointed out:

1. They point out an edit in the “single shot, no edits” video released by the IDF

2. The expose the fact the IDF added a machine gun next to the MRI Machine prior to the BBC arriving.

The IDF claim this is because more weaponry and terrorist assets were discovered throughout the day.

Does this mean the Israeli Army planted a machine gun next to the MRI machine, that was initially found in another location?

3. The BBC also point out the different language used by Israel and the US. Israel claims Hamas operated a “Command Center” at Al Shifa, however the White House called it “a command and control node.”

BBC:Israel Has Not Yet Provided Any Evidence that Al-Shifa Hospital Has Tunnels & Military Basements

“[The IDF] has allowed the BBC and Fox News to film at the hospital, but only locations at their choice”

This analysis by the BBC raises important questions on the Israeli claims of strong Hamas present at the Shifa hospital, as well as the claims of runnels and a Command Center under the hospital.

While it takes time to discover the tunnels, by now I would have expected more material to be released by the IDF.

**IDF Video of what they found is at the sauce link right below this X post.

Sauce: https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1725581508340015530

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642774 No.108283

File: ed7b24fd3d38cfe⋯.png (57.51 KB,590x444,295:222,Clipboard.png)

File: ac071f92f6da3e8⋯.png (32.88 KB,1914x946,87:43,Clipboard.png)

File: a44b51966a6156e⋯.png (452.86 KB,781x516,781:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939503 (190057ZNOV23) Notable: qofficial.net/paytriot

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Who is the domain on that domain.

Created on 2023-11-17

Expires on 2024-11-17

The issuer of website cert - Google Trust Services LLC

17th = Q

2024 = Trump 2024?

The website, is strange, however.

Thanks for the post @lalamocha4

gonna keep an eye on this one.


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642774 No.108284

File: 83995df4386f192⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939514 (190059ZNOV23) Notable: BBC EXPOSE FLAWS IN IDF AL-SHIFA VIDEO

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642774 No.108285

File: f2d7d1f13ecd0e5⋯.png (198.33 KB,1020x1768,15:26,Clipboard.png)

File: c01670e2cb5ff85⋯.png (85.49 KB,768x949,768:949,Clipboard.png)

File: 0aa84abc1cfa016⋯.png (179.21 KB,1005x1791,335:597,Clipboard.png)

File: a8e6a20d9b36ade⋯.png (183.44 KB,1000x1762,500:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939522 (190101ZNOV23) Notable: qofficial.net/paytriot

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642774 No.108286

File: 70d0a46ca77a66e⋯.jpeg (209.32 KB,1920x3312,40:69,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e3fab71b6de8a68⋯.png (47.08 KB,671x887,671:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f9594139d22782⋯.png (61.53 KB,1013x931,1013:931,Clipboard.png)

File: 27218d3e1d6bb8a⋯.png (17.61 KB,264x445,264:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a292d122a5a30d⋯.jpeg (365.82 KB,1920x2297,1920:2297,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939526 (190102ZNOV23) Notable: WHO released a document that states how to turn vaccines into bioweapons

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>>108281 Cont...



How GcMAF works

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642774 No.108287

File: 49a99f833edf972⋯.png (11.73 KB,255x226,255:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939562 (190110ZNOV23) Notable: qofficial.net/paytriot

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It is another PAY triot look at the USD in the upper right

you clowns need to KYS you are out of your league you guys should stop while the autists are still chasing squirls


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642774 No.108288

File: 671cf8a9b133298⋯.png (203.13 KB,613x408,613:408,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c977f19bd14c37⋯.png (21.02 KB,1179x205,1179:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939571 (190111ZNOV23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem

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7:10 = 17

Donald J. Trump


“Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem” newsweek.com/ron-desantis-undo

Ron DeSantis has an undocumented immigrant problem

The Republican candidate and Florida Governor could face pushback from voters due to Florida's spiking numbers of undocumented immigrants.


Nov 18, 2023, 7:10 PM


Article Link: https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-undocumented-immigrants-florida-poll-1844929

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642774 No.108289

File: 6f9ab68ef5eb69e⋯.png (77.65 KB,798x539,114:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 6174dc1242f0524⋯.png (293.61 KB,474x310,237:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939576 (190112ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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This is the only interesting paragraph to me

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642774 No.108290

File: 70e438e54d3c012⋯.png (793.9 KB,998x1351,998:1351,Clipboard.png)

File: 165b7fccb0aee52⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b0b18f84d474516⋯.png (259.36 KB,656x381,656:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939583 (190114ZNOV23) Notable: Militant leftist protesters have shut down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago in "solidarity" with Palestine.

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At the violent pro-Palestine direct action in Chicago on Nov. 18 where Grant Park was occupied and Lake Shore Drive was shut down, protesters tied Palestinian flags around ducks.

From Dixie

7:42 PM · Nov 18, 2023·36.3K Views


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642774 No.108291

File: b47f1a3b09c3bf9⋯.png (258.47 KB,1076x688,269:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 19b6d891c24ba36⋯.png (87.81 KB,744x509,744:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c654369d9dc5ac⋯.png (26.71 KB,932x116,233:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939585 (190114ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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no #10929

Looked up Straub and found something in the "Q Map pdf"

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642774 No.108292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939667 (190128ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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This as interesting topic actually

"Israel saved for last?"

North Korea's relations with the Palestine Liberation Organization began in 1966.[3] Kim Il Sung and Yasser Arafat had a very close relationship[citation needed] and North Korea provided aid to the Palestinians. North Korean support for the PLO began in the 1970s and included the supply of small amounts of arms and military aid. North Korean arms in the Middle East included aid to several leftist factions and revolutionary movements such as the PLO and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. North Korean arms and aid to Palestinian factions continued until the opening up of China under Deng Xiaoping and political reforms in the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev during the 1980s.

Why would the PLO/Arafat lie to B.Clinton and want to prevent NK(DPRK) from making peace with the US?

Do we know what the PLO has been doing with NK all this time?

Is the PLO the [C.i.a] connection the NK?

Anyone know, I'm totally spitballing

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642774 No.108293

File: a863df8b27e65ba⋯.jpg (279.06 KB,876x696,73:58,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939706 (190137ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

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Former Clinton IT Aide Describes Destruction of Old Devices as Routine

House Republicans’ continuing investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server on Tuesday prompted new subpoenas, three witnesses taking the Fifth Amendment and one Clinton family information technology aide explaining his use of a hammer to destroy his boss’ obsolete mobile devices.

Justin Cooper, a 15-year all-purpose employee of the Clinton family, was the only IT specialist among four invited by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to testify rather than invoke his right not to incriminate himself.

The result was new detail on the origins of the private server in Clinton’s Chappaqua, N.Y., home following an FBI investigation that found “carelessness” by her but no grounds for prosecution. Republicans said they are just getting started in asking what they see as unanswered questions about the security and transparency of Clinton’s arrangement, while Democrats called the series of hearings a redundant, politically motivated election-year “photo op.”

Asked why, as the FBI reported this month, he took a hammer to one of Clinton’s mobile devices, Cooper said “it was not done in any way to destroy or hide information” but to avoid “putting it in the trash where someone could find it.” He stressed that whenever he switched Clinton to a new mobile device, he “felt it was good practice” to destroy the old one after all data had been transferred and backed up.

Cooper said the Clintons never discussed with him any issues about the Federal Records Act or the Freedom of Information Act. On the contrary, he said, he went to great lengths to fully transfer all data from the old device to the new.

On questioning by Republicans, however, Cooper acknowledged that he did not have security clearance, despite having access to many State Department emails in the course of helping both Bill and Hillary Clinton. When he found some official content on his own backup computer, he said, he turned it over to his attorneys who relayed them to the FBI.

Cooper, who now works as a consultant for a variety of clients but not the Clintons, also acknowledged that he was not an IT expert; he was the “interface” with the Clintons. The “engineering” and security of the private server were the province of Bryan Pagliano—whom Republicans had invited as the key witness. Pagliano declined to show up at the hearing.

It was after the Clinton presidential campaign of 2008 shut down, Cooper said, that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin asked him to work with Pagliano, who had bought surplus computers from the campaign, on setting up Apple iMacs in the Clinton’s New York and Washington homes to relay emails to Clinton’s BlackBerry. “They had a desire to change her email address because a number of people had that address,” he said, calling it a “matter of convenience” to add her account to the existing, Secret Service-protected server being used by former President Clinton.

Later, “user problems” surfaced, and Pagliano thought they needed to expand to a “more robust” system that he helped physically install in March 2009. The only people with email accounts on the server, Cooper said, were Hillary Clinton, Abedin and Chelsea Clinton.

Cooper said he was not around when the server was moved to a secure room in the home after Hillary Clinton became secretary of State. “I’ve never been in a position to be technical expert on either the server or whether classified email was sent to secretary,” said Cooper. He did acknowledge, when asked by Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., about the risks of hacking attacks by Russia and China, that this “is something to be concerned about.”


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642774 No.108294

File: 0a6a1201ce4a8d6⋯.png (3.92 MB,1610x2790,161:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939713 (190139ZNOV23) Notable: Fears of political violence are growing as the 2024 campaign heats up and conspiracy theories evolve

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AP November 18, 2023

Fears of political violence are growing as the 2024 campaign heats up and conspiracy theories evolve

The man who bludgeoned former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer last year consumed a steady diet of right-wing conspiracy theories before an attack that took place with the midterm elections less than two weeks away.

As the 2024 presidential campaign heats up, experts on extremism fear the threat of politically motivated violence will intensify. From “Pizzagate” toQAnonand to “Stop the Steal,” conspiracy theories that demonized Donald Trump’s enemies are morphing and spreading as the front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination aims for a return to the White House.

“No longer are these conspiracy theories and very divisive and vicious ideologies separated at the fringes,” said Jacob Ware, a research fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who focuses on domestic terrorism. “They’re now infiltrating American society on a massive scale.”

A federal jury on Thursday convicted David DePape of attacking Paul Pelosi at his San Francisco home on Oct. 28, 2022. Before the verdict, DePape testified that he had intended to hold Nancy Pelosi hostage and “break her kneecaps” if the Democratic lawmaker lied to him while he questioned her about what he viewed as government corruption. She was in Washington at the time of the assault.

In online rants before the attack, DePape echoed tenets of QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory that has been linked to killings and other crimes. A core belief for QAnon adherents is that Trump has tried to expose a Satan-worshipping, child sex trafficking cabal of prominent Democrats and Hollywood elites.

Trump has amplified social media accounts that promote QAnon, which grew from the far-right fringes of the internet to become a fixture of mainstream Republican politics.

Many rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, espoused QAnon’s apocalyptic beliefs online before traveling to the nation’s capital for Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally that day. A message board formerly known as TheDonald.win was buzzing with plans for violence days before the siege.

Before QAnon, many Trump supporters embraced the debunked “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory that prominent Democrats were running a child sex trafficking ring out of a Washington pizzeria’s (nonexistent) basement. In 2017, a North Carolina man was sentenced to prison for firing a rifle inside the restaurant.

In his 2024 campaign, Trump has ramped up his combative rhetoric with talk of retribution against his enemies. He recently joked about the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi and suggested that retired Gen. Mark Milley, a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, should be executed for treason.

Threats against lawmakers and election officials are rampant, with targets spanning the nation’s political divide: A California man awaits trial on charges that he plotted to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a Trump nominee, at his Maryland home.

Trump’s loss to Democrat Joe Biden in the 2020 election did not end the spread of QAnon-influenced conspiracy theories or its unrealized prophecies. The leaderless movement’s ever-changing ideology often adopts beliefs from other conspiracy theories.

“It’s been really good at evolving with the times and current events,” said Sheehan Kane, data collection manager for the University of Maryland-based Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, or START.

In a 2021 article, Kane and START senior researcher Michael Jensen examined ‘’’QAnon’’’-inspired crimes committed by 125 adherents since the conspiracy theory originated on the 4chan imageboard in 2017. They found that more “extremist offenders” were connected to ‘’’QAnon’’’ than any other extremist group or movement in the United States.

“In 2020, millions of people were radicalized on behalf of this conspiracy theory. It’s really hard to tell who is going to mobilize on behalf of a conspiracy theory,” Kane said.


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642774 No.108295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939714 (190140ZNOV23) Notable: Fears of political violence are growing as the 2024 campaign heats up and conspiracy theories evolve

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Fears of political violence are growing as the 2024 campaign heats up and conspiracy theories evolve


DePape, the Paul Pelosi attacker, testified that his interest in right-wing conspiracy theories started with GamerGate, an online harassment campaign against feminists in the video game industry. Beginning in 2014, misogynistic gamers terrorized female game developers and other women in the industry with rape and death threats.

Brianna Wu, one of GamerGate’s original targets, said she wasn’t surprised to hear it linked to a politically motivated attack nearly a decade later. Wu said GamerGate emerged from the same online recesses that spawned far-right conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate and ‘’’QAnon’’’.

“This is a pattern of radicalization that we’re seeing over and over and over in every single bit of politics,” Wu said. “This is not a right-versus-left issue. This is a radicalization issue that is happening online. We need a policy response.”

DePape testified that he went to Nancy Pelosi’s home with plans to interrogate her about Russian interference in the 2016 election. He said he intended to wear an inflatable unicorn costume while recording it and then upload the video to the internet.

DePape allegedly told authorities that his other targets included a women’s and queer studies professor at the University of Michigan. He told jurors that he heard about the professor while listening to a conservative commentator.

DePape’s spiral into conspiracy theories is a textbook tale of radicalization, according to experts on extremism who say that the mainstreaming of false, bigoted and harmful ideas on radio shows, cable news, social media websites and other public online forums has made them far more accessible.

The problem is exacerbated by lax content moderation on social media and a growing “conspiracy-creating cottage industry” looking to use extreme rhetoric to cash in or widen their audience, said American University professor Brian Hughes, associate director of the Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab.

“Some of the people in that wide audience are going to be people like DePape, who are intentionally going to commit an act of violence based on this false and harmful information that they’ve been served,” Hughes said.

Conspiracy theories are alluring by design, driving some who are susceptible to them to completely immerse themselves, said Amarnath Amarasingam, an extremism researcher and professor at Queen’s University in Canada. DePape testified that before the attack, he frequently played video games for hours on end while listening to political podcasts.

Repeatedly hearing that the political opponents or government leaders are responsible for evil acts give believers a scapegoat for their troubles and a “moral mission” to do something about it, Amarasingam said.

American election years are often characterized by violence, said Ware, of the Council on Foreign Relations, whether it’s hate crimes in response to a particular candidate’s identity or violent reactions to unfavorable results. “So we should absolutely expect such incidents in 2024,” he said.

Trump’s return to the ballot next year, as well as his current legal battles, are sure to amplify politicized rhetoric and could drive more extremist violence, experts said.

“Donald Trump has a knack for tacitly endorsing violence without saying anything that’s really a clear endorsement of it, necessarily,” Hughes said.

To combat potential violence, Americans should try to turn down the temperature of political rhetoric and look out for loved ones who may be spiraling down a path toward radicalization, experts said.

“Spending hours and hours consuming conspiracy theory material is intoxicating,” Hughes said. “It anesthetizes you from the worries of your day to day life in the same way that certain drugs do. And I think that we need to reorient our thinking a little bit in that direction, so that we can begin to view this as the public health problem that it really is.”


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642774 No.108296

File: a5eb06b470c38e8⋯.jpg (34.43 KB,748x302,374:151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1a6547f476a0dcd⋯.jpg (85.68 KB,1168x968,146:121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939734 (190144ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


actually it is from 03_06_2018 with a 7:36 AM time stamp . . .


not sure what bread it is from. I woudl often just download images and if was in a Q post then I would have done that.

I'm looking through my march 2018 Q posts archive of screen caps and I found something else but it wasn't from a Q post, from march 6, 2018.

It's a lot of material.

if that was in a Q post what was the date of that Q post and that would make it very easy for me to find it.

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642774 No.108297

File: efe19cb81f74e5f⋯.png (80.3 KB,787x765,787:765,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e239a8f9c5a8c0⋯.png (80.84 KB,740x864,185:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939742 (190146ZNOV23) Notable: qofficial.net/paytriot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




they had a .com version and it shut down recently, domain for sale



seems like a merchant site rebranding

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642774 No.108298

File: a098236fda4299f⋯.png (454.22 KB,504x856,63:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939780 (190155ZNOV23) Notable: The Biden administration has successfully brokered a tentative deal between Israel and Hamas to halt fighting for five days

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen


Breaking: The Biden administration has successfully brokered a tentative deal between Israel and Hamas to halt fighting for five days while they work to free dozens of hostages and allow humanitarian assistance to flow into Gaza.


8:42 PM · Nov 18, 2023


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642774 No.108299

File: 759688daf7d5b6a⋯.png (474.2 KB,989x887,989:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939785 (190156ZNOV23) Notable: It is always an honor to be joined by one of the greatest living thinkers of our time,Dr. Thomas Sowell.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It is always an honor to be joined by one of the greatest living thinkers of our time,Dr. Thomas Sowell.


The Ben Shapiro Show

7:03 PM · Nov 18, 2023


As annoying as Ben Shapiro is, he ran to the defense of Musk and NOW, he has Thomas Sowell on his show....maybe he's levelling up?

Regardless of what you think of Shapiro, you have to appreciate Sowell.

(vid too large to grab...or at least i think...)

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642774 No.108300

File: 4a14116c78e6cc8⋯.png (84.32 KB,852x920,213:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939791 (190157ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>If you were playing for global control, you would want NK as the fly in the soup.


and maybe Armenia too.

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642774 No.108301

File: a7b1bbfd523cbe7⋯.png (78.22 KB,1241x526,1241:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939792 (190158ZNOV23) Notable: Qagg.news anticipates being operational on Sunday, November 19th, 2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

QAGG = more news (Zoomed for visibility)


Returning in the very near future.

And no we are not putting up a new clock.

Find us on Truth Social @qaggnews


QaggNews@qaggnews 175 Followers

Truth seekers.

Joined November 2023 QaggNews @qaggnews If anyone has questions, please ask. We will answer what we can. To set the stage a bit, we were taken offline on December 22, 2022. We tried coming back in March of 2023, but had problems finding a reliable facility.
We think we have everything sorted out now and are in process of rebuilding the platform as it was with a few minor improvements. Nov 18, 2023, 4:54 PM

QaggNews @qaggnews @Grasshopper17TAFKAG @TN_Homesteader @TronAnon We are returning after a long absence. We anticipate being operational on Sunday, November 19th, 2023. Nov 18, 2023, 2:57 PM

Have missed their great site/work they do. MUCH Appreciated!!

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642774 No.108302

File: a5a1108b726543c⋯.png (257.31 KB,791x656,791:656,Clipboard.png)

File: 999808d1443a083⋯.png (91.33 KB,797x672,797:672,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939803 (190201ZNOV23) Notable: Qagg.news anticipates being operational on Sunday, November 19th, 2023

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Qaggnews TS account


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642774 No.108303

File: a425502708b0579⋯.jpg (124.02 KB,906x451,906:451,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b49c250d2c9c67c⋯.jpg (94.19 KB,926x436,463:218,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d757a02ac9b93f8⋯.jpg (127.19 KB,921x490,921:490,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b3919376a742d2⋯.jpg (185.42 KB,923x502,923:502,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 96975d908b657f6⋯.jpg (177.04 KB,933x516,311:172,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939813 (190203ZNOV23) Notable: qofficial.net/paytriot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


HTML analysis shows Google Tag Manager (tracker), Stripe (payment processor) and Fourthwall (brand/image manager). Looks like a sales play of some sort for sure.

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642774 No.108304

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939936 (190225ZNOV23) Notable: Technical explanation for the difficulty of downloading the J6 videos/screen record

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>108267, >>108273 Technical explanation for the difficulty of downloading the J6 videos

anon would just like to say that his is bollocks.

anyone can now screen record.

plus the j6 tapes are worthless cos unless the release who in congress was on the phone to those outside telling them the doors were open they are shit.

Everyone knows is was a kayfabe operations.

btw this video below should be in global notable.

corp !!!

See vIdeo


First published at 05:19 UTC on July 12th, 2023.


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642774 No.108305

File: c438647ddf24b8e⋯.jpg (127.97 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fab6dd65b6c011c⋯.jpg (251.71 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2a5264faede4af2⋯.jpg (226.49 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c7c8a2a5523ac31⋯.jpg (252.4 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 885efcd9e4fd631⋯.jpg (255.53 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939969 (190235ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




might have been a qpost.

my easy-to-reach back-up ends with the image of the big usa flag.

there's images which came after.

it may have come after.

somebody's been posting Bunker Apple Yellow Sky" lately


kinda resembles Pelosi's daughter in this photo; wierd.

>>108289 they had a much warmer talk at dinner, which happened after this transcript

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642774 No.108306

File: c2b6d813625736b⋯.jpg (253.01 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 43fbf89e4245ec5⋯.jpg (250.84 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f9aa6dc8009da65⋯.jpg (268.8 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2f985b17ab7950d⋯.jpg (150.24 KB,850x1100,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939985 (190238ZNOV23) Notable: the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


transcript of Clinton and Kim Jung2 of North Korea, in 2009

Kim mentions the water painting? behind them

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642774 No.108307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940006 (190244ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine and Israel Get Billions? What About Single Maui Mom Who Loses Her Business & Home to Fire!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ukraine and Israel Get Billions? What About Single Maui Mom Who Loses Her Business & Home to Fire!


Can't get help from FEMA until it's possible to get to the condo - and the owners are STILL NOT ALLOWED in the area!

Meanwhile, condo fees and mortgage payments remain due.....

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642774 No.108308

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940038 (190250ZNOV23) Notable: Somehow it’s gonna work out-I can’t tell you how Trump in Iowa

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>what could possibly be pissing people off so much?

Somehow it’s gonna work out-I can’t tell you how

Trump talks about the club judge now that the gag order is off! Somehow it’s gonna work out-I can’t tell you how



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642774 No.108309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940055 (190253ZNOV23) Notable: The Intelligence Briefing / The Shocking Reality

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Begins at the top of the hour.

The Intelligence Briefing / The Shocking Reality - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

142K subscribers

379 watching now

Started streaming 64 minutes ago #ArkMidnight

#ArkMidnight Tonight

Topic: The Intelligence Briefing / The Shocking Reality

9pm-12am CDT


• Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF Ret.)

• Anthony Rubin

Website: https://www.muckraker.com/

X: @realmuckraker

• Mike Gill

Website: https://mikegillsr.wordpress.com

X: @MikeGil21446788

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(see desc for link)










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642774 No.108310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940080 (190258ZNOV23) Notable: #24481

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Finally Final

#24481 >>108262

>>108263 No Cease Fire as UK Prime Minister’s Family Signs Deal with Israel for Gaza’s Natural Gas


>>108266, >>108268, >>108269, >>108271 @realDonaldTrump 2024 is our final battle.With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State

>>108267, >>108273, >>108304 Technical explanation for the difficulty of downloading the J6 videos/screen record

>>108270, >>108274, >>108276, >>108279, >>108280, >>108289, >>108291, >>108292, >>108293, >>108296, >>108300, >>108305, >>108306 the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

>>108272, >>108301, >>108302 Qagg.news anticipates being operational on Sunday, November 19th, 2023

>>108275, >>108277, >>108288 Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem

>>108278, >>108290 Militant leftist protesters have shut down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago in "solidarity" with Palestine.


>>108285, >>108283, >>108287, >>108297, >>108303 qofficial.net/paytriot

>>108286, >>108281 WHO released a document that states how to turn vaccines into bioweapons

>>108294, >>108295 Fears of political violence are growing as the 2024 campaign heats up and conspiracy theories evolve

>>108298 The Biden administration has successfully brokered a tentative deal between Israel and Hamas to halt fighting for five days

>>108299 It is always an honor to be joined by one of the greatest living thinkers of our time,Dr. Thomas Sowell.

>>108307 Ukraine and Israel Get Billions? What About Single Maui Mom Who Loses Her Business & Home to Fire!

>>108308 Somehow it’s gonna work out-I can’t tell you how Trump in Iowa

>>108309 The Intelligence Briefing / The Shocking Reality


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642774 No.108311

File: a098236fda4299f⋯.png (454.22 KB,504x856,63:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 1af1ecfe9106db2⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,966x579,322:193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 14d5502b5d195ad⋯.png (732.85 KB,566x800,283:400,Clipboard.png)

File: e4bca5ddeec35ff⋯.png (669.82 KB,972x548,243:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 18fef3db47119e3⋯.jpg (48.91 KB,440x614,220:307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940112 (190302ZNOV23) Notable: #24482

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baker needs off hand, gone @20

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642774 No.108312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940137 (190307ZNOV23) Notable: What are the disparities in what medicaid covers in the cities vs in the country?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you want a Biden admin scandal that will guarantee every rural voter shows up to vote against him, investigate the disparities in what medicaid covers in the cities vs in the country.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108313

File: e6ef3e07ae3eae0⋯.jpg (107.81 KB,1311x687,437:229,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c6ddba047296e6c⋯.jpg (81.34 KB,1088x666,544:333,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d9b14098080729f⋯.jpg (160.59 KB,1359x661,1359:661,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7177f0a6fbc5a51⋯.jpg (126.59 KB,1196x638,598:319,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b26047698f4aecb⋯.jpg (120.47 KB,1251x636,417:212,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940140 (190306ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

Anon stumbled over this while looking at government spending on buses in DC.

Vertical Jobs, Inc. (Leesburg, VA) provides"Roll Players"to the government. If you would like to find this information, go to


(see pic 1.1) and click on "View awards to this recipient". You will find that Vertical Jobs, Inc. has had 250 contracts listed on USA Spending (see pic 1.3). If you scroll to the right, you will learn that one of those contracts was for $1,082,330 (see pic 1.4). That contract ran from 9/14/2022 to 7/31/2023 and involved a"Roll Player". For a real kick in the pants, scroll further to the right and look in the column titled "DEFC" to find aQ(see pic 1.5). In fact, you can now scroll down the columns and find moreQs.

Anon has only scratched the surface on the 250 contracts awarded to Vertical Jobs, Inc.. It would be great if frens could go through them and see if the timing on these awards have any connection to FF events, J6 or other events.

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642774 No.108314

File: 550a1e461b17c83⋯.jpg (116.25 KB,1303x653,1303:653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 62a1dc8241df053⋯.jpg (130.89 KB,1274x684,637:342,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a24eefda9c4807⋯.jpg (140.9 KB,1279x685,1279:685,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 37184baba498004⋯.jpg (65.16 KB,1136x606,568:303,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf64297b5fe0ba7⋯.jpg (92.98 KB,1270x560,127:56,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940149 (190309ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

If you click on the $1,082,330 "Award ID" number you will end up here (pic 2.1).

USA Spending - VERTICAL JOBS, INC. - 250 awards - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 15F06722F0001819



At this point it becomes obvious that the math is fuzzy. This page shows $1.1 million plus $1.3 million for a total of $2.9 million. It must be that new math. This page maintains the "Roll Player" title, while adding training. In the expanded view of this page, we learn that DOJ and FBI Division 1200 are awarding and funding this fuzzy math (see pic 2.2). Maybe the figures in pic 2.5 will help straighten out the math but Anon doubts it.

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642774 No.108315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940154 (190310ZNOV23) Notable: What are the disparities in what medicaid covers in the cities vs in the country?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[They] already know... the voters don't



You better get the word out!

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642774 No.108316

File: 7e494c36305c30f⋯.jpg (99.17 KB,1318x621,1318:621,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dceab08bf663da4⋯.jpg (130.45 KB,1361x676,1361:676,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2aa2205b7734d16⋯.jpg (113.01 KB,1313x617,1313:617,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940155 (190310ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

Anon found it curious that this USA Spending Vertical Jobs, Inc. sauce first lead to pic 3.1.


Anon archived the page anyway and it appeared like pic 3.2 on the archive page.


Now, when Anon goes to this sauce, it appears like pic 3.3.


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642774 No.108317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940159 (190313ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


that is a lot of $$$$$ for crisis actors!

"Vertical Jobs, Inc. is a 100% woman-owned small business that was founded in 2002, and is dedicated to providing experienced role players to law enforcement and government agencies . Anne Crossman, our President and Owner since 2006 also founded award-winning Completed Systems, Inc. in 1996 and has an impressive record of service in the technology industry and on many Northern Virginia Boards."


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642774 No.108318

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940160 (190313ZNOV23) Notable: Mary & Tara - Confirmed, Child Trafficking At The Border Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine

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Mary & Tara - Confirmed, Child Trafficking At The Border Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine

X22 Report

November 18, 2023 50:46


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642774 No.108319

File: 634652221993594⋯.jpg (65.81 KB,768x637,768:637,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 308c7a5c5c4ceb6⋯.jpg (99.45 KB,699x645,233:215,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f06c76b5b01b20f⋯.jpg (72.71 KB,711x652,711:652,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3a1c59e42caaacb⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,743x527,743:527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940163 (190313ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

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USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

Vertical Jobs, Inc. - About Us


"Vertical Jobs, Inc. is a 100% woman-owned small business that was founded in 2002, and is dedicated to providing experienced role players to law enforcement and government agencies ."

-Anne Crossman, President

-MaryaPickering, VP Business Development

Vertical Jobs, Inc. - Executive Team

Anne Crossman, President


Vertical Jobs, Inc. - Core Competencies


Vertical Jobs, Inc. - NAICS CODES


Do Anons know what the NAICS Codes are?

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642774 No.108320

File: a1cf37dfd810bab⋯.png (85.22 KB,899x722,899:722,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dd9b39cb878cc5⋯.png (171.68 KB,837x669,279:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940194 (190321ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

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this site is spoopy. https://www.verticaljobsinc.com/

snowmageddon? they needed crisis actors for that. If there is one company doing this are there more. Maybe Jesuit Trained also.

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642774 No.108321

File: 86b3545f927419a⋯.webm (2.82 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940201 (190322ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

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>Roll Players

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642774 No.108322

File: de013e645cfcff8⋯.png (660.67 KB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940251 (190333ZNOV23) Notable: PF: Call sign WROTH14. USN E-6B Mercury 162782. Up from Travis AFB

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Call sign WROTH14. USN E-6B Mercury 162782. Up from Travis AFB and headed directly out to sea.


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642774 No.108323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940253 (190334ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

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- SRI International is leading a team to design a visual intelligence system, known as VIGIL (Visual Intelligence Grounded in Learning), to enable a new era in unmanned robotic surveillance. The SRI team is being funded through the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA's) Mind's Eye program.


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642774 No.108324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940259 (190336ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Pentagon Exposed for Buying Russian Fuel Oil, Evading Wartime Sanctions - Report

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Biden Pentagon Exposed for Buying Russian Fuel Oil, Evading Wartime Sanctions – Report

A blistering exposé from The Washington Post is casting new aspersions on the oversight — or lack thereof — stemming from President Joe Biden’s administration.

“Forbidden Russian oil flows into the Pentagon supply chain,” the ominous, exclusive report warned readers right off the bat.

The salacious headline and report are rooted in two key issues:

Russian oil imports were collectively banned by the U.S. and the European Union in March 2022 as a response to the country’s war with Ukraine, per The Post.

A Greek refinery that serves the U.S. military claimed it adapted to these new sanctions — but apparently did not.

The Motor Oil Hellas refinery on the Aegean Sea in Greece is at the center of this Washington Post investigation, and the company stands accused of continuing to pump Russian petroleum in spite of those 2022 sanctions.


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642774 No.108325

File: f926bf57ee6b405⋯.png (482.58 KB,2780x1564,695:391,Clipboard.png)

File: d0de417f5eb4dc0⋯.jpg (248.02 KB,2000x1000,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d4a6d90d1adfd0f⋯.png (466.68 KB,600x700,6:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 6adf0895e22009c⋯.jpg (299.15 KB,1024x779,1024:779,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed83345270c612f⋯.jpg (602.61 KB,800x1280,5:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940293 (190339ZNOV23) Notable: Building a mind palace

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Building a Mind Palace (1/7)

The Mind Palace or method of loci (method of place) is an ancient Greco-Roman technique that has been used by thinkers throughout the ages to strengthen their minds and improve their memories.

In our modern world, the integrity of our minds and of our thought processes has been attacked by propaganda such as mass media and advertising, as well as electronic warfare and other methods.

In this mini-thread, I will introduce the concept of the Mind Palace for those new to the idea, share my own experiences of creating and using my Mind Palace and link to resources for further inspiration and self-education.

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642774 No.108326

File: 8f97d586656fc8c⋯.png (150.72 KB,512x250,256:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 22bc3fd90f79758⋯.jpg (143.53 KB,1260x1260,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8c76b71621ab4f3⋯.jpg (26.37 KB,1000x665,200:133,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7b2878e35558038⋯.jpg (67.34 KB,600x750,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940307 (190342ZNOV23) Notable: Building a mind palace

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Building a Mind Palace (2/7)

The Mind Palace technique harnesses the power of visualisation as a memory aid. Essentially you create a physical structure in your mind's eye and you place information inside that structure; later, when you want to retrieve that data, you imagine walking through that place and it helps you to remember.

When building your own Mind Palace, you can use a real place or create an imaginary one. For beginners I think it is easier to start with a real place that you know well because you can be specific about concrete details that exist in the real world.

My original Mind Palace was based on my grandparents' house. They lived in a 400 year old abbey, full of corridors and little rooms and hidden corners - perfect for hiding data - and I knew it like the back of my hand. Now my Mind Palace has far outgrown that location and has become an all-singing, all-dancing multi-media universe which bears no resemblance to any known physical place, but if this technique is new to you I recommend using a physical location that you know in detail because those real details help you to anchor the memories and recall them later.

Here are a couple of blog posts with instructions for creating your own Mind Palace:



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642774 No.108327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940310 (190342ZNOV23) Notable: Building a mind palace

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Tony Buzan - Mind Mapping

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642774 No.108328

File: c5f4f96c9fedd9c⋯.jpg (240.09 KB,1006x642,503:321,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be6e2abb37cc8f8⋯.png (687.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d4d3256dae12ae4⋯.jpg (206.53 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940323 (190344ZNOV23) Notable: Building a mind palace

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Building a Mind Palace (3/7)

Libraries are another excellent model for a Mind Palace, because libraries are buildings intentionally designed for information storage and retrieval. You can imagine the information you want to remember being stored inside a book. Then, when you need that information, you walk down the library aisles, find the volume and recall the stored data.

In my opinion, using real physical books and spending time in real physical libraries aids in memorisation because the memories are linked to sensory experiences. The texture of the pages, the weight of the book in your hands, the sounds of the pages as you turn then, the precise colour of the paper and ink, the scent of the book all form a rich sensory medium for encoding the memory.

Reading from a screen or accessing electronic data is a much more uniform sensory experience - there's less sensory data attached and less variety in sensory data.

It is my belief and experience that using physical books at least some of the time leads to a stronger mind and a better memory, but I am an old-fashioned book geek so that's my personal bias.

Spending a lot of time in libraries, sharing information and physical space with other thinkers, has definitely strengthened my mind and my memory recall. I am always an advocate for our oldest technologies, because they have stood the test of time.

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642774 No.108329

File: 31f57125ebc7d57⋯.jpg (172.02 KB,1042x693,1042:693,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6f8fa948e1ae401⋯.jpg (485.83 KB,900x670,90:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8df1101869d0a46⋯.jpg (50.32 KB,500x363,500:363,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f4e0a98aa72ce1c⋯.png (1.62 MB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940341 (190348ZNOV23) Notable: Building a mind palace

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Building a Mind Palace (4/7)

Data sequencing.

Often techniques for using the Mind Palace stress the importance of sequencing. You're not just randomly wandering through your imagination. Instead, you follow a specific sequence of locations inside the Mind Palace, which form links in a chain. You practice the precise sequence repeatedly until the memory is wired in. Later, to recall the data, you follow that same sequence, just like retracing your footsteps to find something that you lost.

I trained in this method of sequencing as a child, but at this point in my practice such techniques have fallen away or become automatic and it's more like I am playing in a vast mind space of infinite potential. My Mind Palace has become active and dynamic rather than static and fixed. More like Alice & Wonderland than a physical structure. I step inside and everything comes alive, with the information I need jumping up and down to get my attention or tugging at my sleeve. Everything is evolving, in motion. River deltas of data rather than fixed locations. My Mind Palace seems to have a mind of its own and relentlessly communicates with me until I get what it's trying to tell me.

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642774 No.108330

File: 1d52f4396edc072⋯.png (317.61 KB,1350x807,450:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 69dbeb4aeaecbbc⋯.png (644.89 KB,1893x295,1893:295,Clipboard.png)

File: d1a2a8f30ababed⋯.png (95.39 KB,1126x885,1126:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e2f1a6837c8727⋯.png (1.01 MB,855x823,855:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940343 (190349ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

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found another one of these companies for roll players. That says that they have military contracts.

Millions dumped into this company seems to follow the pattern of the other one, this one just has a more polished site.

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642774 No.108331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940347 (190349ZNOV23) Notable: Building a mind palace

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Building a Mind Palace (5/7)

The technique of the Mind Palace has been popularised through the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes in the T.V. show Sherlock. Here you can see Sherlock accessing information buried in his subconscious mind to solve a difficult problem. Notice how he follows a chain of associated ideas, dismissing irrelevant information until he uncovers the precise piece of data that he is looking for. This is how it works for me too. I follow loose links of associated ideas until a recognisable pattern clicks into place, then that pattern forms the foundation from which I build out using researched facts and data.

You can also see Sherlock gesturing with his hands, flicking information out of the way as he moves through his Mind Palace. Hand gestures often happen naturally as part of the process and seem to help with filing and accessing data.

The hound of baskervilles mind palace


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642774 No.108332

File: 8a8d5154d2fa758⋯.png (1012.52 KB,1065x2188,1065:2188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940357 (190351ZNOV23) Notable: Texas Gov. Abbott to endorse Trump for 2024 GOP nomination

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Texas Gov. Abbott to endorse Trump for 2024 GOP nomination

when they team up Sunday near US-Mexico border

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas will endorse former President Donald Trump for their party's 2024 nomination when the two team up Sunday near the U.S.-Mexico border, GOP sources in Texas confirm to Fox News.

The former president will join the governor in Edinburg, Texas, for Abbott’s annual pre-Thanksgiving tradition of serving tamales to Texas Department of Public Safety troopers and Texas National Guardsmen deployed along the southern border under the governor's Operation Lone Star program.

Trump endorsed Abbott in 2021, as the conservative governor was gearing up for re-election and faced multiple primary challenges from the right. Abbott overwhelmingly won renomination in March of last year before comfortably defeating Democratic challenger former Rep. Beto O'Rourke last November to secure a third term steering Texas.

Abbott was grateful for Trump's early endorsement last cycle, according to those in the governor's political orbit, and he's now apparently returning the favor. ...


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642774 No.108333

File: 338e858e9d11e01⋯.mp4 (11.88 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940372 (190354ZNOV23) Notable: Nothing to see here. Probably.

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642774 No.108334

File: cdded68a4963007⋯.mp4 (12.77 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940377 (190355ZNOV23) Notable: Nothing to see here. Probably.

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642774 No.108335

File: 398a50ebd400700⋯.jpg (65.99 KB,464x750,232:375,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e386346e96e9808⋯.jpg (263.03 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0e7327473601d25⋯.jpg (297.12 KB,1280x605,256:121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940378 (190356ZNOV23) Notable: Building a mind palace

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Building a Mind Palace (6/7)

Using the Mind Palace technique also strengthens your powers of visualisation, which is a very useful skill in itself and has many uses for mental self-defence.

Simply by creating a visual image of a Mind Palace in your imagination, you are building a structure which holds and protects everything you know. Structure creates integrity. Integrity of thought is essential for mental health, logical deduction and accuracy as well as memory recall.

As with any technique, visualisation skills improve the more you practice. You can practice visualisation skills and strengthen your Mind Palace by imagining defences around it, such as castle walls and a moat, or medieval battlements. Get ceative and have fun. Make it your own.

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642774 No.108336

File: 0deab5fdb296cda⋯.png (2.7 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 07d9fe06c515e9a⋯.jpeg (116.44 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7543171f85c6acc⋯.png (1.81 MB,1200x1855,240:371,Clipboard.png)

File: ae0a95614660173⋯.png (304.03 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 74b22dc7e19f8c6⋯.png (2.34 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940397 (190401ZNOV23) Notable: Building a mind palace

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Building a Mind Palace (7/7)

A HiveMind Palace?

What happens when we think together? What happens when we dream and meme and strategise together? To what extent do our minds merge and to what extent do they remain separate?

These remain mysteries to me, but I will say that I have had some very strange experiences these past few years and I think many others have too.

In 2017, I unlocked a new level of Mind Palace, which I called the Mind of God, because that was how it appeared to me. An unimaginably vast space which contained everything that ever was and everything that ever could be. All possible patterns and meanings and potential, there for me to play with like a child. The greatest gift I've ever received and the best experience of my life.

I had a strong sense that there were many other minds who had been granted access to that Mind of God, or to similar transcendent data archives. That we each had our own versions of that place and that many of us were playing and thinking in that space, working together to solve important problems and unlock mysteries.

Then life got weird, really weird, 5th Generation Unrestricted Warfare weird and very dangerous. But honestly, the Mind of God is so awesome and wonderful that all the suffering has been more annoying than anything, just a petty distraction from the most incredible experience of my life. A new level of cognition, a new level of understanding, a deeper connection with all life and infinite possibility. New ideas flow like never before.

I often feel like I'm sharing information and life experience with many other minds, and that we are learning and creating together at warpspeed, problem-solving and building a better future together.

There are aspects to this mindmerge experience that have been unpleasant, confusing and distressing, especially under these conditions of psychological and spiritual warfare, but I have faith that we will overcome those issues and harness the full potential of this shared treasure house of knowledge.

Onward & upward, HiveMind.

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642774 No.108337

File: 758e1ad1717a536⋯.jpeg (25.33 KB,249x392,249:392,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940405 (190404ZNOV23) Notable: Nothing to see here. Probably.

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642774 No.108338

File: 004fe2786bdc0a5⋯.png (367.04 KB,600x505,120:101,Clipboard.png)

File: ec86cdaa646d521⋯.png (490.71 KB,600x595,120:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940448 (190421ZNOV23) Notable: packout day at Guantánamo Bay

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Carol Rosenberg



It is packout day at Guantánamo Bay following rain cancellation of the final war court hearing of 2023. The chief prosecutor and his team, defense lawyers and court staff are streaming back to the USA for the holidays. If the plane comes.

And it did not. Our war court shuttle to Joint Base Andrews was diverted while en route to Guantánamo Bay today, should come fetch us tomorrow. The 9/11 case teams, judge and families are making their way across the blustery bay to check back into their hotels and trailer parks.

Nov 18, 2023 · 3:25 PM UTC


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642774 No.108339

File: b0261c89af00d70⋯.png (168.45 KB,449x531,449:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940574 (190510ZNOV23) Notable: @AnnaPerezDC National Guard committing TREASON at our border

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National Guard committing TREASON at our border


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642774 No.108340

File: 79aa5f8cd009f08⋯.png (389.69 KB,460x600,23:30,Clipboard.png)

File: c92048acb80c090⋯.png (789.94 KB,680x589,680:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940576 (190511ZNOV23) Notable: J6 CLIPS: Is this person flashing a badge? If so, this would prove there were undercover federal agents disguised as MAGA.

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Derrick Evans


This was sent to me.

Is this person flashing a badge? If so, this would prove there were undercover federal agents disguised as MAGA.

I was thrown in solitary confinement for peacefully protesting. I just want the truth to be known.

Please RT so we can get the truth either way


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642774 No.108341

File: f05f7a2ebede2ea⋯.jpg (18.09 KB,474x363,158:121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940581 (190511ZNOV23) Notable: Erdogan in tense talks in Germany as divisions over Gaza war deepens.

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Erdogan in tense talks in Germany as divisions over Gaza war deepens.


Israel messing it up. Hatred is going to grow. Snowball rolling.

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642774 No.108342

File: 278faba7dc8a391⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940590 (190515ZNOV23) Notable: @AnnaPerezDC National Guard committing TREASON at our border

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642774 No.108343

File: 2c6256b46a3236e⋯.png (35.56 KB,544x155,544:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940650 (190542ZNOV23) Notable: The U.S. Capitol Police will be conducting a training exercise with the military on Capitol grounds - expect to see Armored Vehicles and Helicopters

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BREAKING: The U.S. Capitol Police will be conducting a training excercise with the military on Capitol grounds.


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642774 No.108344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940663 (190545ZNOV23) Notable: Erdogan in tense talks in Germany as divisions over Gaza war deepens.

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So Turkey, a major NATO country, is upset with Germany, another major NATO country?

I see from last bread's notables that the UK is not interested in a cease fire. I may have missed it in previous breads but what is France's position?

If four major NATO countries are at odds then it will only take something stupid by either Washington or Brussels and the alliance is on the rocks

Back in October there was Germany wanting UK to "call us" about a trade agreement and UK going "tough luck"

'Tough luck!' Germany begs UK 'call us' as it risks EU civil war


I also see in last bread's notables that Potato's bunch is brokering a cease fire so that should make Germany and UK mad at Washington so I guess the stupid will come from DC.

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642774 No.108345

File: 7d06b128fcab616⋯.jpg (702.03 KB,1170x1298,585:649,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940683 (190552ZNOV23) Notable: Amid recruiting woes, Army sent letters to soldiers separated for vaccine refusal

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642774 No.108346

File: 614a00bd3b5e75b⋯.png (353.5 KB,907x812,907:812,Clipboard.png)

File: 4da4542d1417f46⋯.png (277.93 KB,802x761,802:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940685 (190553ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Maher is Throwing in the Towel on Biden’s 2024 Run

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Chief Nerd


👀 Now Even Bill Maher is Throwing in the Towel on Biden’s 2024 Run

“I don’t think he can win the job and that’s what I care about. He’s going to lose.”



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642774 No.108347

File: d14e4f4dc27dadf⋯.jpg (127.99 KB,750x822,125:137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940687 (190553ZNOV23) Notable: The U.S. Capitol Police will be conducting a training exercise with the military on Capitol grounds - expect to see Armored Vehicles and Helicopters

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108348

File: aaa9ff8bfbf22f0⋯.png (551 KB,800x445,160:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940688 (190554ZNOV23) Notable: Wreckage found after two planes collide mid-air near Melbourne

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wreckage found after two planes collide mid-air near Melbourne

Two light planes have collided in mid-air above Victoria's Port Phillip Bay near Melbourne, with one plunging into the water.

Rescue teams are scouring water off The Esplanade on the coast of Mount Martha, 50 kilometres south-east of Melbourne, after receiving reports of the crash before 1.45pm.

There are reports two people were on board the plane which crashed.

It's understood the other aircraft landed safely at Essendon airfield.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority confirmed search teams have found wreckage in the area.

AMSA, Victorian Water Police and volunteer marine rescue units are overseeing the search.


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642774 No.108349

File: 51507eb45c2adbf⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940700 (190557ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Maher is Throwing in the Towel on Biden’s 2024 Run

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642774 No.108350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940785 (190627ZNOV23) Notable: An NBC journalist in Israel was arrested on suspicion of inciting terror

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Glorified the massacres': An NBC journalist in Israel was arrested on suspicion of inciting terror

The journalist was arrested on Friday by a station of the Jerusalem district police, and her detention was extended by four days at the High Court.

A journalist employed by the NBC was arrested on Thursday on suspicion of inciting terrorism and identifying with a terrorist organization.

Marwat Al-Azza, a 45-year-old journalist, employed by NBC and living in east Jerusalem, was arrested on suspicion of inciting terrorism and identifying with a terrorist organization. This was after four posts on her personal Facebook in recent times concerning the terror attack by Hamas from the Gaza Strip.

The police claim that Al-Azza "arrived ready for arrest", without a mobile phone, and even wrote phone numbers on her leg.

In her investigation, she admitted to what was attributed to her. The police representative concluded at yesterday's hearing at the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court "These are very serious offenses during a time of declared war when the respondent lives and makes a living in the same country that is under attack and yet chooses to incite and glorify the horrible acts committed against civilians."


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642774 No.108351

File: 581c2ee3c9f7ffd⋯.png (59.69 KB,561x540,187:180,Clipboard.png)

File: 4964fdfe6a83ff1⋯.png (65.68 KB,564x568,141:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 64298c07dbf6440⋯.png (140.05 KB,509x683,509:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940797 (190630ZNOV23) Notable: Timcast, The Benny Show join Babylon Bee in pledging X ad buys to fight cancel culture

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Nov 18, 2023

BREAKING:Timcast, The Benny Show join Babylon Bee in pledging X ad buys to fight cancel culture

The Babylon Bee announced plans to commit to a $250,000 ad buy on X, and shortly thereafter, Timcast and Benny Media followed suit, with a $250,000 commitment from Timcast and $50,000 from Benny Media. /moar


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642774 No.108352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940821 (190641ZNOV23) Notable: Amid recruiting woes, Army sent letters to soldiers separated for vaccine refusal

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Amid recruiting woes, Army sent letters to soldiers separated for vaccine refusal

The Army separated 1,903 active duty soldiers for COVID-19 vaccine refusal. Letters were sent to approximatel 1,900.

By Patty Nieberg | Published Nov 17, 2023 6:01 PM EST

Soldiers who were forced out of the Army for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine have received letters with instructions on how to rejoin, as the service faces its toughest recruiting environment in a generation.

“As a result of the rescission of all current COVID-19 vaccination requirements, former soldiers who were involuntarily separated for their refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination may request a correction of their military records,” according to a letter signed by Brig. Gen. Hope Rampy, Army Director of Personnel Management.

It also instructs soldiers looking to return to service to contact an Army, Army Reserve, or National Guard recruiter. It was not immediately clear to an Army spokesperson if soldiers who rejoin would return to their former unit or MOS.

The letter, circulated on social media and confirmed by the Army as authentic to Task & Purpose outlines the steps soldiers can take to correct their military records through the Army Discharge Review Board or the Army Board for Correction of Military Records.

In October, CNN reported that only 43 of over 8,000 troops across the entire military had been discharged for refusing the vaccine and showed interest in rejoining. As of September, 19 soldiers returned to active duty, according to the Army.

The letter comes as the Army is dealing with a recruitment crisis. The service missed its recruiting goals for this past year by nearly 15,000 soldiers. A lack of interest from Gen Z to join the military, with many citing factors as broad as the economy and job market to factors as specific as the service’s struggles with sexual assault and suicide in the ranks.

The Army has turned to offering sign-on benefits like bonuses and soldiers’ choice of first duty station. They’ve also upped their advertisement spending to reach various demographics.

The Army separated 1,903 active duty soldiers for refusing the COVID-19 vaccination during the nearly year and a half it was mandatory, the service said. Letters were sent to approximately 1,900 troops, according to an Army spokesperson.

“This was specifically as part of the COVID mandate recession process,” said Army spokesperson Bryce Dubee, referring to policy that was passed in last year’s annual defense policy bill.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a memo on Aug. 24, 2021, mandating the services to vaccinate troops against COVID-19. Though the vast majority of soldiers complied, thousands did not, with many believing the vaccines were developed too quickly or were unsafe.

A slew of servicemembers unsuccessfully sought religious exemptions from the vaccine, including 8,945 soldiers, 10,800 airmen and guardians, 4,172 sailors, and 3,717 Marines.

The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act mandated the defense secretary to rescind the COVID-19 vaccination mandate and on Dec. 29, 2022, the Army directed commanders to suspend separation actions for soldiers who refused the vaccine. On Jan. 10, 2023, the defense secretary officially rescinded the requirement.

Earlier this year the Defense Department suggested that 8,400 servicemembers separated for vaccine refusal might be eligible for backpay, but officials walked back that statement in January.

The coronavirus pandemic wasn’t the first time that the military mandated vaccines. In the 1990s, former President Bill Clinton mandated that troops receive the anthrax vaccine, leading to similar lawsuits and complaints about adverse side effects. Some troops continued work, others were penalized with nonjudicial punishments, lost ranks and pay, or received dishonorable discharges.


"We'll correct your records, just return to Post in uniform and serve to EAOS>" Then the clause in the enlistment contract gets activated...

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642774 No.108353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940855 (190659ZNOV23) Notable: #24482

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#24482 >>108311

>>108312, >>108315 What are the disparities in what medicaid covers in the cities vs in the country?

>>108313, >>108314, >>108316, >>108319 USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

>>108318 Mary & Tara - Confirmed, Child Trafficking At The Border Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine

>>108313, >>108314, >>108316, >>108317, >>108319, >>108320, >>108321, >>108330, >>108323 USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

>>108322 PF: Call sign WROTH14. USN E-6B Mercury 162782. Up from Travis AFB

>>108324 Biden Pentagon Exposed for Buying Russian Fuel Oil, Evading Wartime Sanctions - Report

>>108325, >>108326, >>108328, >>108329, >>108331, >>108335, >>108336, >>108327 Building a mind palace

>>108332 Texas Gov. Abbott to endorse Trump for 2024 GOP nomination

>>108333, >>108334, >>108337 Nothing to see here. Probably.

>>108338 packout day at Guantánamo Bay

>>108339, >>108342 @AnnaPerezDC National Guard committing TREASON at our border

>>108340 J6 CLIPS: Is this person flashing a badge? If so, this would prove there were undercover federal agents disguised as MAGA.

>>108341, >>108344 Erdogan in tense talks in Germany as divisions over Gaza war deepens.

>>108343, >>108347 The U.S. Capitol Police will be conducting a training exercise with the military on Capitol grounds - expect to see Armored Vehicles and Helicopters

>>108346, >>108349 Bill Maher is Throwing in the Towel on Biden’s 2024 Run

>>108348 Wreckage found after two planes collide mid-air near Melbourne

>>108350 An NBC journalist in Israel was arrested on suspicion of inciting terror

>>108351 Timcast, The Benny Show join Babylon Bee in pledging X ad buys to fight cancel culture

>>108345, >>108352 Amid recruiting woes, Army sent letters to soldiers separated for vaccine refusal



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642774 No.108354

File: a8e48328f5b5b36⋯.png (861.13 KB,647x611,647:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940873 (190703ZNOV23) Notable: #24483

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642774 No.108355

File: 9bbd55fc44f0f1b⋯.png (56.87 KB,939x426,313:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940914 (190722ZNOV23) Notable: Manhunt underway after Memphis shootings leave at least 4 dead

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Manhunt underway after Memphis shootings leave at least 4 dead, police say

Police said they were searching for Mavis Christian Jr., 52, the suspect.

A manhunt was underway after a string of shootings across Memphis, Tennessee, left four women dead and one in critical condition Saturday evening, police said.

Officers responded to a report of a shooting on Howard Drive at about 9:22 p.m., the Memphis Police Department said.

"Through the course of the investigation, it has been determined that this scene and two other recent shooting scenes are connected and involve the same suspect," police said.

Police have named 52-year-old Mavis Christian Jr. as the suspect. He was believed to have been driving a white 2017 Chevrolet Malibu, police said.

"If you see him or his vehicle, please call 911 immediately," police said in a press release. "Do not approach or engage this individual, he is armed and extremely dangerous."

The shootings were being investigated as a domestic violence incident, police said.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

November 19, 2023, 12:58 AM


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642774 No.108356

File: 776ef154ff4e3b3⋯.png (96.33 KB,714x671,714:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940918 (190726ZNOV23) Notable: GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed

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GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed

Special report: GM crops debate

Robin McKie, science editor

Sun 9 Sep 2001 05.49 EDT

Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation.

The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.

By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives.

'We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies,' said Epicyte president Mitch Hein.


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642774 No.108357

File: 6afadd0bf590375⋯.jpg (157.56 KB,1080x591,360:197,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b1fc35a19769c19⋯.jpg (264.36 KB,1080x1341,120:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19940970 (190802ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Eric: Wishing our father tremendous luck in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho & Hawaii today! Amazing father!

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: Wishing our father tremendous luck in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho & Hawaii today! Amazing father! https://t.co/cYpx4eC9W



3:26 pm · 8 Mar 2016


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642774 No.108358

File: 51e7d9630d8699d⋯.png (313.77 KB,1150x583,1150:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941046 (190857ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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>>108322 PB

I searched GoogBeast for the WROTH14 callsign because I've never seen it before, and your QR post came up as the only thing related. Looks like he may be heading to Tinker AFB.

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642774 No.108359

File: dfa4e557455aca1⋯.png (305.84 KB,600x592,75:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941088 (190914ZNOV23) Notable: Israel attacking Hezbollah's offensive structure

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642774 No.108360

File: 140f9f3c5c56994⋯.jpg (33.39 KB,858x342,143:57,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941238 (191022ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Eric: Wishing our father tremendous luck in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho & Hawaii today! Amazing father!

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Looked up @Q Twitter

Q is more than just a #cryptocurrency. It's the key to unlocking a fairer and more equitable world

Don't have twat account

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642774 No.108361

File: d03eba30b19cdc2⋯.png (307.92 KB,600x459,200:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941277 (191039ZNOV23) Notable: Inside Britain's 'Frankenstein' lab: MailOnline goes behind-the-scenes to see how scientists can 3D-print BODY PARTS

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Daily Mail Online



EXCLUSIVE Inside Britain's 'Frankenstein' lab: MailOnline goes behind-the-scenes to see how scientists can 3D-print BODY PARTS



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642774 No.108362

File: 6bd487509ac8cf9⋯.png (498.89 KB,496x559,496:559,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e0d7872fd3f3a6⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,768x720,16:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941288 (191043ZNOV23) Notable: @DanScavino Mercer Plays

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


12:37 AM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108363

File: 9868f1cf1cb31e1⋯.png (267.12 KB,496x612,124:153,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cddcc22ff8ca54⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941298 (191046ZNOV23) Notable: @DanScavino Proud To Be An American

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


0:01 / 0:25


Brilyn Hollyhand

12:17 AM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941338 (191102ZNOV23) Notable: J6 video download app

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J6 video download app

The problem with downloading the J6 videos was explained here: >>108267 (nice digits, kek)

I built an app to work around these issues. It will load all of the video links along with the thumbnails. The videos are saved as DASH files with the mpd extension. This app fixes the links inside the file so that the video will play correctly with an external video player. The files can also be used with ffmpeg.

This app works with any web browser. It uses a remote proxy server in order to bypass the CORS issues.

I will update as needed when new videos are added to the site. The site URL is in the app.


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642774 No.108365

File: 595ce3bd5bb3a27⋯.png (173 KB,592x790,296:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941416 (191138ZNOV23) Notable: The Red Cross - is hostages cannot count on them, what does that tell you about the NGO community?

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Lara Logan


The Red Cross - is hostages cannot count on them, what does that tell you about the NGO community?

It’s another lie.

Just ask them about the Nazis - who provided passports to fleeing Nazis in WWII?

Yep. The Red Cross. Look it up.


Hananya Naftali




PARIS: Red Cross workers CAUGHT taking down posters of Israeli people who have been kidnapped.

They just revealed their TRUE COLORS! #BringThemHomeNOW

9:56 AM · Nov 18, 2023




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642774 No.108366

File: 6ffeb53b477a19e⋯.png (50.78 KB,1304x360,163:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941439 (191146ZNOV23) Notable: Top OGBYN Confirms Abortion Pill is Dangerous: They’re Lying to Women

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Top OGBYN Confirms Abortion Pill is Dangerous:

They’re Lying to Women

Daily Signal, by Sara Garstka

Posted By: Harlowe, 11/19/2023 1:01:20 AM

The abortion pill ends one life and damages another, Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., said Monday during a panel on chemical abortion held by The Heritage Foundation, referring to the death of the baby and its effects on the mother’s mental health.[Snip]Francis, attesting to the dangers of chemical abortion, said post-abortive women are six to seven times more likely to commit suicide.[Snip]Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says the abortion pill is “safe and effective,” chemical abortion is four times more likely to result in complications than surgical abortion, Francis said.

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642774 No.108367

File: 3edd2c6f0b4dfe7⋯.png (407.08 KB,602x870,301:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941460 (191154ZNOV23) Notable: @thejimwatkins Oh my, the fix is already in. How about some fries with that?

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James Watkins


Oh my, the fix is already in. How about some fries with that? @thehill


12:52 PM · Nov 18, 2023




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642774 No.108368

File: d5132d0082eab63⋯.png (54.5 KB,670x385,134:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941466 (191156ZNOV23) Notable: Migrants move into Boston's AIRPORT as 'sanctuary city' runs out of beds for them

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Migrants move into Boston's AIRPORT as

'sanctuary city' runs out of beds for

them and Dem. governor warns border crossers

that her state is 'full'

Daily Mail (UK), by Kamal Sultan

Posted By: Imright, 11/19/2023 12:07:32 AM

A group of migrants have been forced to move into Boston's Logan Airport as the 'sanctuary city' has run out of beds for them to sleep in. The party of up to 20 people, which includes babies, was seen sleeping underneath blankets on benches on Friday. They arrived in Boston as the Massachusetts shelter cap reached its maximum and there is deadlock over how best to spend $250million for emergency shelters. Those migrants have been put on a waiting list after the state's system for emergency accommodation hit a cap of 7,500 families last week.

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642774 No.108369

File: dc437838981fb24⋯.jpg (25.91 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941472 (191157ZNOV23) Notable: New J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot By Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd

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New J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot By Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd

House Speaker Mike Johnson has released over 40,000 hours of J6 footage including capitol police body cam footage to the public in the interests of transparency, an action which should have been taken years ago. Each new piece of footage only confirms what many Americans already understood - That the few scant minutes of available video recycled by the media paint a false picture of what really happened. Many would argue that J6 was nothing more than a protest that was turned into a riot by police incitement and establishment spin.

Even worse, there are many people now languishing in prison because of that spin.

The latest footage shows capitol police inviting protesters into the building as they peacefully assembled in the corridors (the same people who would later be prosecuted and labeled "insurrectionists").


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642774 No.108370

File: 9570aa9e673ecb8⋯.jpg (93.76 KB,720x921,240:307,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ef1cb995ce6c8c5⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941507 (191207ZNOV23) Notable: 11 British 🇬🇧 policemen vs 1 migrant

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11 British 🇬🇧 policemen


1 migrant

Good luck Britain.

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642774 No.108371

File: ef78bb6e48e6a04⋯.png (2.01 MB,1763x890,1763:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941540 (191215ZNOV23) Notable: Who is this guy? Miller didn't hesitate to directly give the pen to this guy. Who is he?

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Follow the Pen

Who is this guy? Miller didn't hesitate to directly give the pen to this guy. Who is he?

@ 44:55 https://rumble.com/v1avitv-devolved-vol-5-revelations.html

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642774 No.108372

File: 959134f7627e101⋯.png (1.02 MB,897x743,897:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941550 (191219ZNOV23) Notable: What's Liz Cheney So Afraid Of?

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What's Liz Cheney So Afraid Of?

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Hazymac, 11/18/2023 8:40:09 PM

With the release of some 40,000 hours of surveillance footage from January 6th came hysterical responses from the usual suspects. Adam Kinzinger and Jamie Raskin were quick to weigh in, decrying the move toward transparency. Then there was Liz Cheney. Cheney spent the waning years of her political career obsessing over January 6th until voters finally sent her home for good. In the aftermath of her Wyoming primary defeat, grand predictions that Cheney would become more powerful than ever graced airwaves and front pages. In the end, though, she quickly fell into obscurity having lost the one thing that made her relevant.

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642774 No.108373

File: ffccdc5283af757⋯.png (125.95 KB,389x673,389:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941578 (191224ZNOV23) Notable: An X executive discloses that the content highlighted in Media Matters' article constituted a mere 50 out of 5,500,000,000 ad impressions served throughout the entire day.

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NEW: An X executive discloses that the content highlighted in Media Matters' article constituted a mere 50 out of 5,500,000,000 ad impressions served throughout the entire day.

In reality, virtually no authentic users encountered these ads juxtaposed with the mentioned content—except for Media Matters' employees, who intentionally exploited the system to locate such material.

How did Media Matters achieve this?

They created three new accounts, each following only a small number of accounts posting objectionable material.

By relentlessly refreshing their timeline—13 times more frequently than an average user—they were able to capture screenshots of major corporate advertisements alongside the targeted content.

This revelation exposes Media Matters' calculated strategy: generating these screenshots as leverage to compel major advertisers to withdraw their ads from X.

Deceptive, manipulative, and evil?



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642774 No.108374

File: 2bd630c80ea916e⋯.png (17.28 KB,600x204,50:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941620 (191234ZNOV23) Notable: ECW: Is there an indictment for the countless criminal acts committed by the Qatar-based leadership of Hamas over the years? If one exists, why hasn’t it been unsealed? @TheJusticeDept

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Ezra A. Cohen reposted

Ezra A. Cohen


Is there an indictment for the countless criminal acts committed by the Qatar-based leadership of Hamas over the years? If one exists, why hasn’t it been unsealed? @TheJusticeDept

4:50 AM · Oct 14, 2023




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642774 No.108375

File: 9abcca11ac704ad⋯.png (597.85 KB,674x800,337:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941627 (191236ZNOV23) Notable: How a flood of congressional retirements is rocking the 2024 elections

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How a flood of congressional retirements is rocking the 2024 elections

Nine incumbents have already announced this month they aren’t running for reelection next year.

Sen. Joe Manchin arrives at a Senate Forum on Artificial Intelligence in the Russell Senate Office Building on Oct. 24, 2023 in Washington, DC.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin's decision not to seek reelection almost certainly means his party will lose the West Virginia Senate seat he's held since winning a special election in 2010. | Anna Rose Layden/Getty Images

By Steven Shepard

11/18/2023 07:00 AM EST

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642774 No.108376

File: a8859965cc368cd⋯.png (414.27 KB,547x814,547:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941672 (191243ZNOV23) Notable: Oregon Democratic candidate vows to 'reclaim her sexuality' after footage of her working as a $500-per-hour dominatrix at Manhattan BDSM dungeon

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Oregon Democratic candidate vows to 'reclaim

her sexuality' after footage of her working

as a $500-per-hour dominatrix at Manhattan

BDSM dungeon was leaked, leaving her 'hyperventilating

and crying'

Daily Mail (UK), by Martha Williams

Posted By: Beardo, 11/18/2023 6:06:54 PM

A Democratic Congressional Candidate is 'reclaiming her sexuality' after a clip of her working at a Manhattan BDSM dungeon was leaked. Courtney Casgraux, 41, is a self-described 'international businesswoman' who is running for a seat in the United States House of Representatives for Oregon's first district. The single mother of a teenage son was exposed in a video leaked on Reddit for working as a dominatrix in Manhattan during hers 20s and 30s. Casgraux would charge clients $500 for playing the dominant role in BDSM activities.

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642774 No.108377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941910 (191324ZNOV23) Notable: #24483

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#24483 >>108354

>>108358 PF updates

>>108355 Manhunt underway after Memphis shootings leave at least 4 dead

>>108356 GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed

>>108357, >>108360 @realDonaldTrump Eric: Wishing our father tremendous luck in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho & Hawaii today! Amazing father!

>>108359 Israel attacking Hezbollah's offensive structure

>>108361 Inside Britain's 'Frankenstein' lab: MailOnline goes behind-the-scenes to see how scientists can 3D-print BODY PARTS

>>108362 @DanScavino Mercer Plays

>>108363 @DanScavino Proud To Be An American

>>108364 J6 video download app

>>108365 The Red Cross - is hostages cannot count on them, what does that tell you about the NGO community?

>>108366 Top OGBYN Confirms Abortion Pill is Dangerous: They’re Lying to Women

>>108367 @thejimwatkins Oh my, the fix is already in. How about some fries with that?

>>108368 Migrants move into Boston's AIRPORT as 'sanctuary city' runs out of beds for them

>>108369 New J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot By Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd

>>108370 11 British 🇬🇧 policemen vs 1 migrant

>>108371 Who is this guy? Miller didn't hesitate to directly give the pen to this guy. Who is he?

>>108372 What's Liz Cheney So Afraid Of?

>>108373 An X executive discloses that the content highlighted in Media Matters' article constituted a mere 50 out of 5,500,000,000 ad impressions served throughout the entire day.

>>108374 ECW: Is there an indictment for the countless criminal acts committed by the Qatar-based leadership of Hamas over the years? If one exists, why hasn’t it been unsealed? @TheJusticeDept

>>108375 How a flood of congressional retirements is rocking the 2024 elections

>>108376 Oregon Democratic candidate vows to 'reclaim her sexuality' after footage of her working as a $500-per-hour dominatrix at Manhattan BDSM dungeon


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108378

File: 8a7ce2702cfa46a⋯.jpg (446.37 KB,1078x1077,1078:1077,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 213159ac03bf48b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1080x1072,135:134,Clipboard.png)

File: e5fa7be6fe8ae11⋯.png (960.96 KB,900x1600,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941716 (191249ZNOV23) Notable: #24484

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108379

File: 984369b1c5722d4⋯.png (425.85 KB,654x898,327:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941727 (191251ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

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Pseudo-experts Desire Censorship, Potential US-Brokered Deal In Israel-Hamas Conflict, Youth Saying NO To Neo-con Wars

The Weaponization of “Disinformation” Pseudo-experts and Bureaucrats:

How the Federal Government Partnered With Universities To Censor Americans’ Political Speech


Yes, Governments Are Very Upset Citizens Can Read & Think For Themselves


How dare you plebs question narratives feeding our government agendas!?

Potential US-Brokered Deal In Israel-Hamas Conflict


The six-page agreement reportedly stipulates that around 50 hostages would begin to be released every 24 hours. It’s believed that about 239 hostages remain in Hamas’ hands. Overhead surveillance would be employed to ensure the deal is adhered to, therefore allowing for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, notes the Post.

80+ Palestinians Dead In Jabalia Refugee Camp Strikes



Biden Regime Neo-cons Intend To Make America Pay For All Wars & War Refugees


American Youth Has Spoken, No Dying For Israel! 72% of Americans Unwilling To Join Military Service



MY COMMENT: It's not just about Israel, look at the bigger picture Americans are sick of endless wars, VA corruption, the "woke" Marxism that has infiltrated the highest ranks of military service, etc. Not only that, but what IS our country really fighting for anyway!? To spread the same kind of bullshit corruption that is destroying our own nation!? Sorry but that ain't worth fighting and dying for. The ONLY thing worthy dying for is INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM and OUR NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY!!!

EU Calls On China To Stop Building Coal Powered Plants


As if that is any of their personal business how China decides to provide itself energy!

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642774 No.108380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941786 (191305ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

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LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

Join RSBN as President Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott greet and serve meals to Texas National Guard soldiers, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, and other service members stationed at the border over Thanksgiving.

Following the meet and greet with border workers, President Trump and Gov. Abbott will give remarks at the South Texas International Airport in Edinburg, Texas.

RSBN will be LIVE with full coverage on Sunday, Nov. 19, at 12:00 p.m. ET.


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642774 No.108381

File: 78850a8b6d87dd1⋯.png (218.74 KB,385x495,7:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941804 (191307ZNOV23) Notable: What if the world had chosen to stand up to Hitler earlier? Could the course of history have been altered

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What if the world had chosen to stand up to Hitler earlier? Could the course of history have been altered, averting the horrors of World War II? It’s a question that continues to captivate historians and fuels our understanding of the power of decision-making in shaping our world.


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642774 No.108382

File: 90236120a584bad⋯.png (287.21 KB,612x434,306:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 66979e01d277129⋯.png (970.89 KB,988x556,247:139,Clipboard.png)

File: c037370de46ffca⋯.png (180.87 KB,652x523,652:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ebc16e797aded0⋯.png (202.96 KB,866x390,433:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941813 (191309ZNOV23) Notable: Arrow Security was manning the doors at that Illegal Migrant hotel in NYC

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Arrow Security was mannin the doors at that Illegal Migrant hotel in NYC

Anons, remember last month when the NY fag got challenged at the door for filming?

I'd post the vid but it's too big


Arrow Security


>>108313, >>108314, >>108316, >>108317, >>108319, >>108320, >>108321, >>108330, >>108323 USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

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642774 No.108383

File: 6c6251283d3f7ed⋯.png (277.5 KB,660x484,15:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 66fb2d90e4df83d⋯.png (339.59 KB,662x520,331:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941875 (191319ZNOV23) Notable: Arrow Security was manning the doors at that Illegal Migrant hotel in NYC

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> Is this a government funded security for the invaders?


For the invaders

By the invaders?

Picrel fag has an accent.

Can't quite tell from where. Haitian maybe?

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642774 No.108384

File: 6b359eb96863c2b⋯.png (248.45 KB,598x810,299:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941918 (191325ZNOV23) Notable: Why is voter discovery of 2020 ballots with perfectly filled in ovals a huge problem for 2024?

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Rasmussen Reports


Good Morning !

Why is voter discovery of 2020 ballots with perfectly filled in ovals a huge problem for 2024?

They are a likely indicator of a multi-state counterfeiting operation, something that requires special proprietary ballot software to print because of precinct voting.


Rasmussen Reports



Jun 13

More on 2020 Ballot Counterfeiting:

Arizona - https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1566543462849286146?s=20

Georgia - (below)

These 2020 ballots were all hand examined by voters & poll-workers.

Notice the similarities of observations.

Show more



1:33 AM · Nov 19, 2023




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642774 No.108385

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941952 (191332ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI TRUMP RALLY IN IOWA

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very true.

Trump was joking about it last night during the rally.

Anon kekked hard when he said as much, should have included it in the notes taken from the rally last night.



Note: full notes added below. still worth watching in full. great rally, smaller but trump seemed to like it better.


LIVE: President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23




President Trump: Today the radical-left democrats and their allies in the fake news media are having an absolute meltdown because last night, our campaign won a gigantic court victory in Colorado.

President Trump: We've now beaten the radical-left democrat's election rigging ballot qualification scam in Colorado, in Michigan, in Minnesota, New Hampshire, and other states.

President Trump: Under Crooked Joe Biden, we have uncontrolled inflation, an invasion of our southern border, rampant crime, wars in Europe, and a war that just started in the middle-east. Look at what's going on with the attack on Israel. This world is a mess.

President Trump: Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off…

President Trump: Biden shut down the investigation into the Wuhan lab, he cancelled my program to rout out Chinese spies, he weakened my China tariffs…Biden let China open military bases in Cuba.

President Trump: It's very simple. Crooked Joe is weak on China, because Crooked Joe is owned by China. He's a corrupt politician, and he is totally compromised…he's owned by a lot of these countries. Afghanistan also. His son got eighty-three thousand a month, didn't he? And he got three million dollar up-front payment to advise them on oil. And he knew nothing about energy or oil.

President Trump: The Biden Crime Family took millions of dollars from a company controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, with Joe Biden personally receiving large deposits of cash. And now we have a Manchurian Candidate in the Oval Office.

President Donald J Trump compared President Xi to a piece of Granite?

President Trump: Under my leadership, we will have a rebirth of loyalty to the American farmer, starting at noon on inauguration day, 2025. And not only the farmer, manufacturers, everything else.

President Trump: Biden's insane electric vehicle mandate will totally decimate gas-powered cars…under a Trump administration, gasoline powered engines will be, not only allowed, but will be very much pushed…including hybrids. Hybrids are very good; hybrids are much better because you can actually go a little bit further than the candy store.

President Trump: Crooked Joe puts China first, he puts Asia first, he puts Ukraine first, he puts illegal aliens first, environmental maniacs first. Environmental maniacs that want to destroy our country. Everyone else is first. Think of it- he puts America last. He puts Iowa last; your farmers, your manufacturers. He puts our workers last, he puts our farmers last; he puts everything that's good in our country last. I put Iowa first, and I put America first every single time.

President Trump: We have a judge [Engoron] that refuses to give up. And we have a judge who is a democrat-club politician.

President Trump: They [Iran] have probably a hundred and twenty-five billion dollars now. They have tremendous amounts of money. They're a very rich country. And when I was there, they were broke, and everybody talked about it.

President Trump: If you hate America, you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists and then we don't do exactly what you want; if you do all of these bad things, and you have lots of bad thoughts on your mind, then you're not getting into the United States of America.

President Trump: We Will Make America Great Again. One Hundred Percent Greater Than Ever Before!

djt: trump going into the smaller crowd an giving out hats.

djt: we will make america great again.


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642774 No.108386

File: ebd2ee55989a615⋯.png (76.88 KB,829x619,829:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19941967 (191335ZNOV23) Notable: Washington Archdiocese Attempting to Overturn Maryland Child Victims Law

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Washington Archdiocese Attempting to Overturn Maryland Child Victims Law

By Elizabeth Weibel November 17, 2023 at 11:17am

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642774 No.108387

File: 6184351719248cb⋯.png (683.54 KB,760x528,95:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942006 (191343ZNOV23) Notable: Portland-area school district caves after teacher refuses to remove LGBTQ+, Palestinian flag murals from classroom

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American News Nov 18, 2023

Portland-area school district caves after teacher refuses to remove LGBTQ+, Palestinian flag murals from classroom

Hailey DeMarre, of Portland, Oregon, said: "Beaverton, you cannot take the voices of my students away by painting over it."

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642774 No.108388

File: 509fe650b38ab94⋯.png (433.01 KB,593x532,593:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942034 (191347ZNOV23) Notable: New Jersey Teachers Union Calls For End Of Basic Skills Test For Teachers

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New Jersey Teachers Union Calls For End Of Basic Skills Test For Teachers

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942133 (191405ZNOV23) Notable: resident Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves U.S. Virgin Islands Emergency Declaration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves U.S. Virgin Islands Emergency Declaration

NOVEMBER 18, 2023

Today, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. declared that an emergency exists in the territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands and ordered Federal assistance to supplement the territory’s response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from elevated levels of lead and copper in the water supply beginning on October 25, 2023, and continuing.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108390

File: 23aa68ea26bb8c3⋯.png (47.88 KB,1184x489,1184:489,Clipboard.png)

File: a446e35c6fe9552⋯.png (81.25 KB,1202x676,601:338,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d5228bb6c8b971⋯.png (528.09 KB,1324x1368,331:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942211 (191416ZNOV23) Notable: Arrow Security was manning the doors at that Illegal Migrant hotel in NYC

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>subcontractwith G4Safter Champio







In this Port Authority RFP, they're an Arrow Security listed as

Aron Security Inc. d/b/a Arrow Security

Aron Security, Inc. dbaArrow Security was founded in 1995. The company’s line of business includes providing detective, guard, and armored car services.

Arrow Security’s Corporate Headquarters is based in New York, with regional office across the United States. The Arrow Security Executive Team is compromised of former law enforcement executives and security industry professionals. Our armed and unarmed uniformed guard services are custom designed around your business. Our security guards execute their duties with professionalism and respect. Arrow Security addresses all of your needs, in an economical way and with an easily manageable solution.

Arrow Security delivers real-time 24/7 visibility for our clients to protect their people and their assets. Whether you are in need of security guards, executive protection, private investigative services or security consulting, Arrow Security offers it all. The specialists at Arrow Security provide outstanding protection, using a powerful combination of immediate response, and the rapid deployment of highly experienced personnel, to give you complete peace of mind.

Arrow Security’s successful combination of an experienced and dedicated Executive Team, courteous and professional security force, large fleet of vehicles, responsive 24/7 National Command Center, competitive pricing, and an exceptional training curriculum through the Arrow Security Academy, is part of the reason that Arrow Security is one of the INC 500/5000 Fastest Growing Companies in Americaas well as a GSA Contract Holder.

Company details




Smithtown, NY

Year founded:


Company type:

Privately Held

Company size:

501-1,000 employees.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108391

File: 566206da50dea39⋯.png (4.12 KB,308x29,308:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 6801e961690dfd0⋯.png (79.58 KB,1270x441,1270:441,Clipboard.png)

File: b86c660f22f5897⋯.png (57.91 KB,1315x477,1315:477,Clipboard.png)

File: b4d38bc57a35c30⋯.png (31.4 KB,907x500,907:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942272 (191425ZNOV23) Notable: Arrow Security was manning the doors at that Illegal Migrant hotel in NYC

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>Aron Security Inc. d/b/a Arrow Security



https://comptroller.nyc.gov › uploads › 2023/05


Aron Security, Inc. dbaArrow Security (Watson addl staff), Not available, Not ... Per Diem Registered (No Rent). A, B, C, D. 1, Per Diem Rates for DHS Contracts...

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642774 No.108392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942425 (191450ZNOV23) Notable: CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

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CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

The CEO of the controversial New York migrant contractor DocGo has abruptly resigned — after getting caught allegedly lying about his educational background.

The publicly traded company divulged CEO Anthony Capone’s departure in a terse statement provided to the Securities Exchange and Commission on Friday.

“On September 15, 2023, effective immediately, Anthony Capone resigned as the Chief Executive Officer of DocGo Inc. (the “Company”) and from all other positions with the Company due to personal reasons,” the statement filed with the SEC said.

Capone’s exodus came a day after the upstate Times Union said the CEO lied about his college credentials.

In his professional biography and an earlier SEC filing, Capone claimed to have earned a master’s degree in computer science from Clarkson University in St. Lawrence County.

“Mr. Capone earned his undergraduate degree from the State University of New York College at Potsdam and his M.S. in computer science from Clarkson University,” the SEC filing says.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108393

File: 9d8ded166a43808⋯.png (2.37 MB,1723x969,1723:969,Clipboard.png)

File: b9edebf0aa771d4⋯.png (4.71 MB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: db38d27e1f4fc5c⋯.png (5.9 MB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942600 (191520ZNOV23) Notable: NASA’s Deep Space Optical Comm Demo Sends, Receives First Data

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NASA’s Deep Space Optical Comm Demo Sends, Receives First Data

Nov 16, 2023

NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment has beamed a near-infrared laser encoded with test data fromnearly 10 million miles (16 million kilometers) away – about 40 times farther than the Moon is from Earth – to the Hale Telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California. This is the farthest-ever demonstration of optical communications.

Riding aboard the recently launched Psyche spacecraft, DSOC is configured to send high-bandwidth test data to Earth during its two-year technology demonstration as Psyche travels to the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California manages both DSOC and Psyche.

The tech demo achieved “first light” in the early hours of Nov. 14 after its flight laser transceiver – a cutting-edge instrument aboard Psyche capable of sending and receiving near-infrared signals – locked onto a powerful uplink laser beacon transmitted from the Optical Communications Telescope Laboratory at JPL’s Table Mountain Facility near Wrightwood, California. The uplink beacon helped the transceiver aim its downlink laser back to Palomar (which is 100 miles, or 130 kilometers, south of Table Mountain) while automated systems on the transceiver and ground stations fine-tuned its pointing.

“Achieving first light is one of many critical DSOC milestones in the coming months, paving the way toward higher-data-rate communications capable of sending scientific information, high-definition imagery, and streaming video in support of humanity’s next giant leap: sending humans to Mars,” said Trudy Kortes, director of Technology Demonstrations at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

Test data also was sent simultaneously via the uplink and downlink lasers, a procedure known as “closing the link” that is a primary objective for the experiment. While the technology demonstration isn’t transmitting Psyche mission data, it works closely with the Psyche mission-support team to ensure DSOC operations don’t interfere with those of the spacecraft.

“Tuesday morning’stest was the first to fully incorporate the ground assets and flight transceiver, requiring the DSOC and Psyche operations teams to work in tandem,” said Meera Srinivasan, operations lead for DSOC at JPL. “It was a formidable challenge, and we have a lot more work to do, but for a short time, we were able to transmit, receive, and decode some data.”

Before this achievement, the project needed to check the boxes on several other milestones, from removing the protective cover for the flight laser transceiver to powering up the instrument. Meanwhile, the Psyche spacecraft is carrying out its own checkouts, including powering up its propulsion systems and testing instruments that will be used to study the asteroid Psyche when it arrives there in 2028.

With successful first light, the DSOC team will now work on refining the systems that control the pointing of the downlink laser aboard the transceiver. Once achieved, the project can begin its demonstration of maintaining high-bandwidth data transmission from the transceiver to Palomar at various distances from Earth. This data takes the form of bits (the smallest units of data a computer can process) encoded in the laser’s photons – quantum particles of light. After a special superconducting high-efficiency detector array detects the photons, new signal-processing techniques are used to extract the data from the single photons that arrive at the Hale Telescope.

The DSOC experiment aims to demonstrate data transmission rates 10 to 100 times greater than the state-of-the-art radio frequency systems used by spacecraft today. Both radio and near-infrared laser communications utilize electromagnetic waves to transmit data, but near-infrared light packs the data into significantly tighter waves, enabling ground stations to receive more data. This will help future human and robotic exploration missions and support higher-resolution science instruments.

“Optical communication is a boon for scientists and researchers who always want more from their space missions, and will enable human exploration of deep space,” said Dr. Jason Mitchell, director of the Advanced Communications and Navigation Technologies Division within NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program. “More data means more discoveries.”

While optical communication has been demonstrated in low Earth orbit and out to the Moon, DSOC is the first test in deep space. Like using a laser pointer to track a moving dime from a mile away, aiming a laser beam over millions of miles requires extremely precise “pointing.”


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642774 No.108394

File: 74e30ecce2a4f72⋯.png (54.57 KB,557x448,557:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942615 (191523ZNOV23) Notable: Illinois Gov. Pritzker says he’s ‘deeply concerned’ about Trump’s retaliation rhetoric

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Illinois Gov. Pritzker says he’s ‘deeply concerned’ about Trump’s retaliation rhetoric


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942669 (191532ZNOV23) Notable: #24484

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24484 >>108378

>>108379 End Times News

>>108380 LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

>>108381 What if the world had chosen to stand up to Hitler earlier? Could the course of history have been altered

>>108382, >>108383, >>108390, >>108391Arrow Security was manning the doors at that Illegal Migrant hotel in NYC

>>108384 Why is voter discovery of 2020 ballots with perfectly filled in ovals a huge problem for 2024?


>>108386 Washington Archdiocese Attempting to Overturn Maryland Child Victims Law

>>108387 Portland-area school district caves after teacher refuses to remove LGBTQ+, Palestinian flag murals from classroom

>>108388 New Jersey Teachers Union Calls For End Of Basic Skills Test For Teachers

>>108389 resident Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves U.S. Virgin Islands Emergency Declaration

>>108392 CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

>>108393 NASA’s Deep Space Optical Comm Demo Sends, Receives First Data

>>108394 Illinois Gov. Pritzker says he’s ‘deeply concerned’ about Trump’s retaliation rhetoric

Circa 700

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642774 No.108396

File: 2b932d6679af15a⋯.png (3 MB,1128x1458,188:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942712 (191538ZNOV23) Notable: #24485

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Baker is out

Baker is out

Baker is out

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642774 No.108397

File: daeeb462849e79d⋯.png (17.46 KB,498x247,498:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942743 (191544ZNOV23) Notable: Crooked Joes lays down some fresh 2015 Obama talking-points

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President Biden


Folks, you know what I knew growing up: For too long, our economy hasn’t worked for working people.

I’m determined to build an economy from the middle out and the bottom up, instead of the top down.

10:12 AM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108398

File: 192c9adf2027870⋯.png (610.41 KB,1080x1054,540:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942746 (191544ZNOV23) Notable: Ron Jeremy has been released to a private residence to live out his last days.

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Porn nigga Ron Jeremy has been released to a private residence to die.

His health has gone down the crapper.


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642774 No.108399

File: 1e69cf9f76f2d7d⋯.jpg (304.94 KB,1500x882,250:147,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d52f4396edc072⋯.png (317.61 KB,1350x807,450:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c6251283d3f7ed⋯.png (277.5 KB,660x484,15:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 69dbeb4aeaecbbc⋯.png (644.89 KB,1893x295,1893:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ebc16e797aded0⋯.png (202.96 KB,866x390,433:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942763 (191546ZNOV23) Notable: FINEOWL LLC, Arrow Security Dig

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Arrow Security

>>108382 Arrow Security was mannin the doors at that Illegal Migrant hotel in NYC

>>>/qresearch/19941840 is that arrow security the same as the other one or is it a division of it?.

>>108383 Picrel fag has an accent. Can't quite tell from where. Haitian maybe?

>>>/qresearch/19941862 www.corporationwiki.com/p/2qib4c/arrow-security-services-inc

>>>/qresearch/19941938, >>>/qresearch/19941960 A.J.Caro of Arrow Security, Capone

>>>/qresearch/19941923 alexander j caro linkedin.com/in/ajcaro

>>>/qresearch/19941998, >>>/qresearch/19942015, >>>/qresearch/19942040 Arrow Security > Securitas AB based in Stockholm, Sweden

>>>/qresearch/19942070 Arrow also sub contracted withG4S

>>108390 Arrow Security listed as Aron Security Inc. d/b/a Arrow Security

>>108391, >>>/qresearch/19942295 State AND Federal Contracts?

Arrow Security and Training

>>108330 found another one of these companiesfor roll players. That says that they have military contracts. arrowsecuritytraining.com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108400

File: 849379351bcaf2c⋯.png (575.33 KB,804x530,402:265,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d55db5a0b84616⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942770 (191547ZNOV23) Notable: J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

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642774 No.108401

File: edfc4b008aa5f63⋯.pdf (992.2 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942787 (191550ZNOV23) Notable: Nobody voted for this. It is Unconstitutional. It is Treason.

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Nobody voted for this. It is Unconstitutional. It is Treason.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108402

File: 1a7d201fefcaa95⋯.png (1.17 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 84bc056520b3eb5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942797 (191551ZNOV23) Notable: J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

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First one through the window

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642774 No.108403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942805 (191553ZNOV23) Notable: CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

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CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

The CEO of the controversial New York migrant contractor DocGo has abruptly resigned — after getting caught allegedly lying about his educational background.

The publicly traded company divulged CEO Anthony Capone’s departure in a terse statement provided to the Securities Exchange and Commission on Friday.

“On September 15, 2023, effective immediately, Anthony Capone resigned as the Chief Executive Officer of DocGo Inc. (the “Company”) and from all other positions with the Company due to personal reasons,” the statement filed with the SEC said.

Capone’s exodus came a day after the upstate Times Union said the CEO lied about his college credentials.

In his professional biography and an earlier SEC filing, Capone claimed to have earned a master’s degree in computer science from Clarkson University in St. Lawrence County.

“Mr. Capone earned his undergraduate degree from the State University of New York College at Potsdam and his M.S. in computer science from Clarkson University,” the SEC filing says.

Capone also touted his reputed education to investors last month when he allegedly said he had a graduate degree from Clarkson while talking about his company’s bid to win government contracts to provide services to migrants pouring into New York from the southern border.

“My graduate degree is in computational learning theory, which is a subset of artificial intelligence,” Capone claimed to the group Aug. 9, according to the Times Union.

Clarkson University told the Times Union that Capone neither attended the college nor earned a degree there, while the former DocGo Ceo has acknowledged he has no master’s degree. SUNY Potsdam would not say whether Capone received an undergraduate degree there.

When confronted by the Times Union on Thursday, Capone said the falsified graduate degree listed in his biography was an “inaccuracy” that “should have been corrected.”

“I want to address a serious issue concerning incorrect information about my educational background,” Capone wrote.

“I must clarify immediately: I do not have a master’s degree from Clarkson University, nor from any other institution. This inaccuracy should have been corrected, and I deeply apologize for this error. I do, however, have an undergraduate computer science degree with a focus in artificial intelligence from an accredited university.

“I take full responsibility and am making immediate corrections to all official bios, profiles and any other materials where this incorrect information appears,” he said.

A company rep told The Post in a statement Sunday, “Anthony Capone has decided to resign as CEO of DocGo for personal reasons.

“The company is grateful for his leadership throughout his tenure at DocGo. Current President and COO Lee Bienstock has assumed the role of CEO, and we have full confidence in his ability to lead the company forward. We remain committed to our mission of delivering high quality, highly accessible healthcare for all.”

Both the offices of New York state Attorney General Letitia James and Gov. Kathy Hochul have launched probes into DocGo over a series of complaints that migrants have allegedly been misled and mistreated by the company while being moved upstate under a $432 million no-bid contract from New York City.

City Comptroller Brad Lander recently rejected the contract, citing the company’s lack of expertise outside of providing medical services.

But Mayor Eric Adams’ defended the DocGo deal over the migrant complaints and said the city would proceed despite the comptroller’s objections.

One of the most recent publicized examples of lying included the biography of Congressman George Santos (R-Nassau/Queens), who admitted after his election victory last year that he never graduated from any college, despite previously claiming to have received a degree from Baruch College in 2010.

Santos was subsequently indicted by federal prosecutors for allegedly engaging in financial fraud and money laundering. He denies the charges.

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642774 No.108404

File: 144456053ef892d⋯.png (227.09 KB,1067x455,1067:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942836 (191558ZNOV23) Notable: FINEOWL LLC, Arrow Security Dig

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>Arrow Security & Training LLC

Kline Provides DCAA AccountingTo Those Who Train The WarFighters

The AST Advantage: Superior Training Built on Trust, Backed by Proven PerformanceArrow Security & Training LLC (AST) is a privately owned training compa-ny with corporate headquarters in New Hampshire and satellite offices in Virginia and North Carolina. Among AST’s greatest assets is their solid reputation built on trust and proven performance. They have established outstand-ing, long-term relationships with current and past cus-tomers from the Department of Homeland Security, De-partment of Defense, De-partment of State, Depart-ment of the Interior, and other departments that serve the U. S. Government. This enhanced access has allowed the company to es-tablish superior relationships with their clients, who serve our national interests. AST designed and developed a number of critical training programs spe-cifically tailored to the Department of Defense, supporting its Global War on Terror. As AST’s reputation and capabilities grew, so did the de-mand for customized training services. AST has expanded its services by offering various types of role playing which enhance the training experience, as well as language and cultural immer-sion programs worldwide for a wide range of government agencies. AST has experienced exponential growth and will continue to grow at a steady pace

Since the early days of AST, they realized that commercial and government accounting were quite different. AST’s CFO was flu-ent in all facets of commercial accounting but as the company grew, she realized help was needed. NH does not have a large community of government contractors so finding help to learn the DCAA accounting principles was a priority. The first challenge to winning government contracts is to price the contract correctly and be able to stand behind the indirect rates when audited by DCAA. The CFO spent countless hours researching and network-ing to find a partner to help facilitate the DCAA guidelines and how to price proposals correctly. As a small business in NH, AST used all the free services available and joined NH PTAP. NH PTAP offered free government contracting classes held by Kline & Com-pany. After the first few minutes in the class, AST’s CFO knew she found a partner in the government contracting world. Since that day, AST has taken a major step in understanding the require-ments and reporting to DCAA and the government customer as a government contractor. As federal contracts were awarded to AST and DCAA compliance was required, Kline & Company has served AST in a consultative role, getting the company set up to meet the government’s ac-counting requirements. Kline & Company met with AST and re-viewed their chart of accounts and timekeeping systems and put into place the procedures for accurate DCAA reporting. Sheree was instrumental in their indirect rate calculations and also cre-ating their ICE models for submission.

Arrow Security & Training, LLC (AST) was founded in 2005 in Nashua, New Hampshire by Joseph M. Lopez.His primary effort was to assist and train our nation’s warriors prior to their deployment to the Afghanistan and Iraq Theaters of Operation but also to support mission readiness for troops deploying worldwide. Mr. Lopez is a 30-year veteran of the Special Forces Community serving with the 10th SFG(A), 20th SFG(A), and 1st SWTG(A). He holds the 18C Special Forces Engineer, 18B Special Forces Weapons, and 100B Utility Helicopter Pilot MOSs. He is also a Combat Veteran of Afghanistan (OEF) on a Special Forces Operational Detachment A (SFODA) 2002-2003


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642774 No.108405

File: 2ad68be539e123a⋯.png (959.83 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 49c0352620cd082⋯.png (900.2 KB,961x536,961:536,Clipboard.png)

File: 8946991c9be88e4⋯.png (909.12 KB,965x538,965:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942848 (191602ZNOV23) Notable: J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

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642774 No.108406

File: 812d45f40c70958⋯.mp4 (13.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942872 (191606ZNOV23) Notable: J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

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Here's the outside view

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642774 No.108407

File: de8a717087f0f49⋯.png (257.6 KB,549x568,549:568,Clipboard.png)

File: f337b7505c56bd8⋯.png (1.34 MB,1280x1210,128:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942934 (191615ZNOV23) Notable: J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

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Nice Badge.

BREAKING J6 VIDEO: Undercover Officer Disguised as Trump Supporter Flashes Badge to Cops As He Enters US Capitol on Jan. 6

9:12 AM · Nov 19, 2023





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642774 No.108408

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942971 (191622ZNOV23) Notable: Can the DOJ Be Fixed? Kash Patel Lays it Out

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Kash Patel: “The January 6th Truth Has Entered The American Bloodstream”

Kash is on Fire🔥🔥🔥



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642774 No.108409

File: d9a39bf7800affa⋯.png (178.34 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2934f3b37be88fb⋯.png (213.12 KB,515x603,515:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943027 (191631ZNOV23) Notable: Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

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Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

Reports from Arab media indicate that the "Galaxy Leader," a vehicle carrier vessel, was hijacked in the Red Sea on Monday by the Houthi group, which is supported by Iran, as reported by The Jerusalem Post.

The Galaxy Leader was last seen in the Red Sea (Position: 19.88°(lat) /38.84°(Ion)). The ship is underway, cruising at 17.5 knots.


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642774 No.108410

File: b238333dbe4cf09⋯.jpg (9.54 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943037 (191632ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Jordan Subpoenas Bank Of America Over Allegedly Sharing Jan. 6 Info With FBI

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Rep. Jordan Subpoenas Bank Of America Over Allegedly Sharing Jan. 6 Info With FBI

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has subpoenaed Bank of America (BoA) for information over the company's alleged sharing with the FBI of private customer data from around the time of the Jan. 6, 2021, events in Washington.

The subpoena is part of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government's probe "into major banks sharing Americans' private financial data with the [FBI] without legal process for transactions made in the Washington, DC, area around Jan. 6, 2021"—the day that supporters of President Donald Trump breached the U.S. Capitol as Congress was certifying the 2020 election, which the former president has called rigged and stolen. Politico first reported the Nov. 16 development.

The committee subpoenaed relevant documents from the bank, including internal communications about the decision to transfer the information to the FBI, any communications that the bank had with the agency, and any other information. The lawmakers gave Bank of America a June 8 deadline to comply.


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642774 No.108411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943054 (191634ZNOV23) Notable: When did it become a Crime to Record out in Public?

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When did Illegal become Legal?

When did it become a Crime to Record out in Public?

Unbelievable Video ofCat, Mouse and Cowards…


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642774 No.108412

File: 0fe7aa4244ebc3e⋯.png (683.94 KB,787x773,787:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943060 (191636ZNOV23) Notable: A Plethora of Resignations we just Submitted...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11/18/2023 07:00 AM EST

A surge of lawmakers calling it quits the past three weeks is on the verge of putting Congress on pace to have more members retire before the next election than in any similar cycle over the past decade. And the implications are huge.

In most cases, retirements deprive their party of a proven fundraiser and vote-getter. And several recent retirements are injecting fresh uncertainty into the tight battles for control of each chamber in 2024. Over the past few weeks, Democrats have lost a three-time winner in ruby-red West Virginia and a handful of swing-district House members who had success in competitive territory.This month alone, nine members of the House and Senate have said they won’t run for reelection next year. That’s the second-most in any single month going back at least as far as 2011 — and there’s still two weeks left in November. A total of 34 members of Congress have already announced they’re not running again, and that doesn’t count those who plan to quit early or have already resigned.And there are still more retirements to come. Announcements tend to spike after the holidays, and Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-Mich.), who entered Congress in the 2010 tea party wave election, said retirement chatter is more prevalent on Capitol Hill than at any point in his congressional career.


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642774 No.108413

File: f473640cb5c015f⋯.png (39.68 KB,936x321,312:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 1025d7ba6863405⋯.png (517.24 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 1eb78c176b11d65⋯.png (1.64 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ac2c0cc035944f⋯.png (1.35 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 56bb9004c383d74⋯.png (506.28 KB,921x658,921:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943074 (191637ZNOV23) Notable: FINEOWL LLC, Arrow Security Dig

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>Arrow Security & Training LLC

>71 Spit Brook Rd # 303, Nashua, NH


>Arrow Security & Training LLC

>71 Spit Brook Rd # 303, Nashua, NH




>Nancy [Q]uiver and arrows STAT!!!

There's also Potus in NH visiting theRed Arrowdiner.

And Ghislaines hideout

spics have about 15 names so not sure if this is a fourth name for Joseph M Lopez

or possibly a Junior

Company Name:FINEOWL LLC


File Number: 696574

Filing State: New Hampshire (NH)

Filing Status: Good Standing

Filing Date: August 22, 2013

Company Age: 10 Years, 3 Months

Registered Agent:

Map Icon spacerLopez, Joseph David

Spitbrook Drive has a Psychiatrist

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642774 No.108414

File: 52f44a11a458163⋯.png (237.23 KB,405x459,15:17,Clipboard.png)

File: e83b69250f45837⋯.png (19.44 KB,406x151,406:151,Clipboard.png)

File: c9008ac27fdac38⋯.png (6.18 KB,268x115,268:115,Clipboard.png)

File: e404f523923c04f⋯.png (1.51 MB,1095x1077,365:359,Clipboard.png)

File: ee51077b30039c0⋯.png (887.23 KB,717x1000,717:1000,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943124 (191649ZNOV23) Notable: FINEOWL LLC, Arrow Security Dig

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>New Hampshire by Joseph M. Lopez.


>Company Name:FINEOWL LLC

da phuc

Student Spotlight: Aurielle Nazro

by on March 28, 2014

AuriellePlease join the Temple community in celebrating Aurielle Nazro, who was chosen not only for our Student Spotlight feature, but whograduated from Witchcraft Five on March 21st and was initiated asa ministerial member of the Temple of Witchcraft. Aurielle completed Witchcraft One with Alix Wright and the remaining four classes with Christopher Penczak, who said of Aurielle, “Aurielle is a teacher by trade, and she excels at all the assignments put before her in each lesson. But it can be easy to do the things we find natural. More importantly, she has also excelled in those assignments at digging deep and giving evaluation to experiences, history, and motivations. Though it can be hard, she has faced the interpersonal challenges placed before her, and I commend her for her bravery and ability to do that which is difficult, but necessary.”

Congrats, Aurielle! Thank you for taking the time to share your story.

Tell us a little about yourself, please.

In my personal life, I am married to the love of my life—Dave.I have four children—all girls grown now with my oldest is 32 yrs old and my youngest is 19 yrs old. I love to create works of art and try to connect what I create to my spiritual studies. I am a chemistry teacher at a local High School, teaching Advanced Placement Chemistry and college prep Chemistry for the last 15 years. I love science for it mirrors the connection of the Divine to the physical realm of reality and I try to show that to my students in how I teach chemistry.

What I have discovered is that the Divine is all around us and within us . . . all we have to do is be aware!

Can you tell us about your experience with the Temple?

I have found the entire five years of study with the Temple very enlightening to say the least! It is a true mining into the core of the Hermetic Principle: “As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without.”

When you experience the entire five year program, it lays you bare, open—until finally your vision clears where you can truly see. This journey tested my determination and willingness to delve deep within myself—for I saw what I wanted to see and I also saw what I did not want to see. Challenging yet necessary steps as I strove to connect to the Higher Realms of the Divine.

I represent the Temple when I perform rituals at Myths & Maidens in Manchester, NH. I have performed five rituals a year on various topics as a service to the community there. The rituals are offered to help to dispel misconceptions and raise awareness of what the Temple—and Witchcraft—is all about and what it has to offer the community. It is also a service to solitary witches and pagans and helps connect people. I make it a point to invite people from different covens to participate in the rituals in the hopes of encouraging connection between groups and covens and the Temple.

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642774 No.108415

File: e8901e9167ccb0a⋯.png (430.59 KB,1074x2526,179:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943180 (191700ZNOV23) Notable: About DAVID DAVID NAZRO PH.D

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>In my personal life, I am married to the love of my life—Dave.I




David Nazro is a provider established in Manchester, New Hampshire and his medical specialization isCounselorwith a focus in addiction (substance use disorder) . The healthcare provider is registered in the NPI registry with number 1932248887 assigned on February 2007. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 101YA0400X with license number 225 (NH). The provider is registered as an individual and his NPI record was last updated 16 years ago.

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642774 No.108416

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943222 (191709ZNOV23) Notable: Can the DOJ Be Fixed? Kash Patel Lays it Out

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Can the DOJ Be Fixed? Kash Patel Lays it Out

Joe Pags



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642774 No.108417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943229 (191710ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY in TX!

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642774 No.108418

File: afcba6685b2058f⋯.png (1.01 MB,1366x661,1366:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943247 (191713ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY in TX!

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Trump in TX

Livestream on RSBN

Livestream started at Noon EST


Not sure when Trump is due to arrive.

Mil members hanging out waiting.

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642774 No.108419

File: 1f2ce8b662fbae7⋯.png (110.55 KB,1034x603,1034:603,Clipboard.png)

File: 118363231a23bfd⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,3707x2458,3707:2458,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943258 (191716ZNOV23) Notable: dnc-announces-chicago-to-host-2024-democratic-national-convention

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A return to the site where the Demo"rats" faced massive demonstrations and lost much of their public support.

This is a big opportunity for the various factions of the Dims to openly face off - perhaps the beginning of the end of the D party.

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642774 No.108420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943267 (191717ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY in TX!

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Note: rsbn is live now, not sure what time yet, will update when known.


LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23



Join RSBN as President Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott greet and serve meals to Texas National Guard soldiers, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, and other service members stationed at the border over Thanksgiving.

Following the meet and greet with border workers, President Trump and Gov. Abbott will give remarks at the South Texas International Airport in Edinburg, Texas.

RSBN will be LIVE with full coverage on Sunday, Nov. 19, at 12:00 p.m. ET.

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642774 No.108421

File: 12bd35f287cf699⋯.png (274.45 KB,604x283,604:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943272 (191718ZNOV23) Notable: OTD: Approximately 64% of those on board the Hindenburg during its last flight survived the crash:

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Hindenburg Survivors

Approximately 64% of those on board the Hindenburg during its last flight survived the crash:

Surviving Passengers

Adelt, Gertrude Berlin, Germany

Adelt, Leonhard

Belin, Peter

Clemens, Carl Otto

Doehner Matilda

Doehner, Walter

Doehner, Werner

Ernst, Elsa

Grant, George

Heidenstamm, Rudolf von

Herschfeld, George

Hinkelbein, Claus

Kleeman, Marie

Leuchtenberg, Wm.

Mangone, Philip

Mather, Margaret

Morris, Nelson

O’Laughlin, Herbert

Osbun, Clifford

Spaeh, Joseph

Stoeckle, Emil

Vinholt, Hans

Witt, Hans

Complete list of Hindenburg passengers on last flight

Surviving Crew


Captain Max Pruss, Commanding

Captain Albert Sammt (watch officer)

Captain Heinrich Bauer (watch officer)

[Captain] Walter Ziegler, Watch Officer

Captain Anton Wittemann (observer)


Max Zabel, Navigator

Christian Nielsen, Navigator

Franz Herzog, Navigator

Kurt Bauer, Navigator


Herbert Dowe, Radio Officer

Egon Schweikart, Radio Officer


Rudolf Sauter, Chief Engineer

Eugen Schäubel, Engineering Officer


Eduard Boetius


Helmut Lau

Kurt Schönherr


Philip Lenz, Chief Electrician

Joseph Leibrecht


Eugen Bentele

August Deutschle

Jonny Doerflein

Adolf Fischer

Richard Kollmer

Theodor Ritter

Raphael Schädler

Wilhelm Steeb

German Zettel


Hans Freund


Heinrich Kubis, Chief Steward

Wilhelm Balla

Fritz Deeg

Max Henneberg

Severin Klein

Eugen Nunnenmacher


Dr. Kurt Rudiger


Xaver Maier, Chief Cook

Albert Stöffler

Alfred Grözinger

Werner Franz (mess boy)

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642774 No.108422

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943297 (191723ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY in TX!

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LIVE - President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

Join RSBN as President Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott greet and serve meals to Texas National Guard soldiers, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, and other service members stationed at the border over Thanksgiving.

Following the meet and greet with border workers, President Trump and Gov. Abbott will give remarks at the South Texas International Airport in Edinburg, Texas.


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642774 No.108423

File: 257c0fabbef12fa⋯.jpg (48.14 KB,500x308,125:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943303 (191724ZNOV23) Notable: Is This The End of Crooked Universities?

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The End to Universities is at hand

Let The Donor Revolution Begin

The donor revolts at the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, and elsewhere are the long-overdue wake up calls that their faculty and administrators needed. The overwhelming majority of politically progressive faculty and administrators have long guarded their right to advance their cherished political causes inside and outside the classroom, while punishment has awaited those who challenge the shibboleths. Instead of the free exchange of ideas and the intellectual capaciousness that ultimately advance social justice, it is now clearer than ever that it is not social justice they have fostered but mindless ideology and hate.

In stunning irony, the leadership of so many of the nation’s top colleges and universities, initially unable to give a full-throated condemnation of a terrorist attack on Israeli civilians of monstrous savagery, miraculously discovered institutional neutrality and murmured effetely instead. In response to the backlash, they appeal to free expression, but their campuses have only what Penn donor and alumnus Clifford Asness has called “asymmetrical free speech where some have it and some don’t.”

While Penn Carey Law School’s eminent Professor Amy Wax is placed under investigation with serious threat of termination for alleged racial insensitivity, a professor who posted the logo of the military wing of Hamas on Facebook days after that terrorist organization’s horrific attack on Israeli civilians receives nothing more than an email.

Roger Waters, a notorious antisemite, is allowed to speak on Penn’s campus, but young women forced to share a locker room with a biological male are told, “Don’t talk to the media. You will regret it.”


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642774 No.108424

File: 38e79c418d7e6bb⋯.png (63.89 KB,585x615,39:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943335 (191731ZNOV23) Notable: NYC mayor Eric Adams comments on ongoing scandal as he visits churches this morning.

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NYC mayor Eric Adams comments on ongoing scandal as he visits churches this morning.


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642774 No.108425

File: 7ddc9ab086c14c9⋯.jpeg (38.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943379 (191738ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Blood’ and ‘money’ - Medvedev names essence of US security doctrine

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9 Nov, 2023 16:48

‘Blood’ and ‘money’ – Medvedev names essence of US security doctrine

President Biden’s latest column indicates that the US is ready to sacrifice others for its interests, ex-Russian president says

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said that US President Joe Biden’s latest opinion piece for the Washington Post once again highlighted the essence of Washington’s security doctrine, which is to provide for America’s interests at the expense of others.

The US supposedly makesitself safer by pouring money into “its own military industry”and starting “wars on other continents,”Medvedev said Sunday in a post on X (formerly Twitter), calling it “the essence of the American security doctrine.”

“That's why our commitment to Ukraine today is an investment in our own security,” Biden said in his piece published on Saturday. Medvedev, who now serves as deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, responded to this by saying that the US essentially considers “money” and “blood” together as a “good investment.” “How very American. No comment,” he added.

“Others, surely, don’t matter,” the former Russian leader said, commenting on the article in which Biden once again reaffirmed US support to Ukraine and Israel. The US leader also argued in the piece that Russia and the Gaza-based Hamas militants should not be allowed to have their way.

“Out of great tragedy and upheaval, enormous progress can come,”Biden wrote. He claimed that the ==US is “the essential nation” with a “duty of leadership.”

On the topic of Ukraine, the US president also admitted that the conflict “draws America in directly.” Washington has openly supported Kiev since armed hostilities with Moscow began in February 2022. The US has provided Ukraine with military equipment worth billions of dollars together with its allies in Europe and elsewhere.

Moscow has repeatedly argued that sending arms to Kiev would only prolong the military operation and extend human suffering. Russia also repeatedly accused the US and its allies of planning to make Kiev fight “to the last Ukrainian.”

Ample Western military supplies, including heavy armor, such as tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, have so far not helped Ukraine to achieve any significant success in its closely-watched summer offensive, which has failed to bring about any meaningful changes to the frontlines over several months since the start of the operation in early June. Ukrainian forces have suffered heavy losses in both personnel and material, including the Western-supplied equipment, during the assault, however.

In early November, the Pentagon warned it potentially had only $1 billion remaining for Ukraine military aid and would have to ration arms packages in the future.


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642774 No.108426

File: cf6d93a34b3b99b⋯.png (894.01 KB,1354x2354,677:1177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943409 (191748ZNOV23) Notable: About DAVID DAVID NAZRO PH.D

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Yvette M. Blanchette

July 4, 2021

Blanchette, Yvette

Yvette M. Blanchette, 92, of Nashua, widow of Andrew J. Blanchette, passed away Sunday afternoon, July 4, 2021 at the Ridgewood Center in Bedford, after a period of declining health.

Mrs. Blanchette was born in Nashua on January 3, 1929, a daughter of the late Hughes and Alice (Gauthier) Bergeron. A graduate of the former St. Louis de Gonzague High School, Yvette was employed as an Operator with New England Telephone & Telegraph for 30 years. She was a member of the Telephone Pioneers of America.

She was a longtime communicant of Infant Jesus Parish and held membership in the Senior Citizens. Yvette will be remembered as a loving wife, mother and grandmother.

Yvette was predeceased by her beloved husband of 53 years, Andrew Blanchette, a retired Captain of the Nashua Fire Department, who passed away December 15, 2000.

Members of her family include three daughters and two sons-in-law, Denise and Ralph Appleby,Aurielle Judi and Dr. David Nazro, and Diane Blanchette; a son and daughter-in-law, Dr. Edward and Lyn Blanchette; twelve grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren; a brother-in-law, Donald Blanchette; sister-in-law, Georgia Blanchette; also nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to her husband and parents, Yvette was predeceased by her brother and his wife, Norman and Carmen Bergeron; brother-in-law, Richard Blanchette; sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Aline and Ovila “Blondie” Beaudry; and step-sister Yolande Provencher and her husband Ralph.

Calling hours will be held at the FARWELL FUNERAL HOME, 18 Lock Street, Nashua on Friday, July 9th from 4 to 7 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated in Infant Jesus Church (St. John XXIII Parish) 121 Allds Street, Nashua, Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Interment will follow in the Old St. Louis Cemetery. Family and friends are asked to kindly meet at the church. Arrangements are in the care of the FARWELL FUNERAL SERVICE. www.farwellfuneralservice.com

Artemis said : Jul 11, 2021 at 5:22 AM

I’m very sorry to hear of the passing of Yvette. Sending healing energy to her daughters and the rest of the her family. 🙏🕯

Bill Noel said : Jul 09, 2021 at 4:19 PM

I am deeply sorry for your family loss and the unfortunate circumstance leading up to it...Prayers..

Kris Holleran said : Jul 07, 2021 at 7:31 AM

Holding your family in my heart during this difficult time. Your heart may feel empty, but she is always there to love and guide you.

Carol said : Jul 06, 2021 at 7:55 PM

Cousins, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Linda Beaudry Bell said : Jul 06, 2021 at 6:26 PM

To my cousins and family, sorry for your loss

Tom & Anna Manning said : Jul 06, 2021 at 4:33 PM

We are so sorry for your loss. Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Godspeed Yvette.

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642774 No.108427

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943507 (191811ZNOV23) Notable: Gain of Function BIOWEAPONS DON'T EXIST - Dr. Stefan Lanka

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Gain of Function BIOWEAPONS DON'T EXIST - Dr. Stefan Lanka (https://www.bitchute.com/video/t4tRk0OCqpc7/)

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642774 No.108428

File: 35e570e97631376⋯.png (314.19 KB,578x323,34:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943508 (191810ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY in TX!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108429

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943520 (191812ZNOV23) Notable: DR. TOM COWAN - ON HOW VIROLOGISTS SCAM BY DECEPTIVE WORD USAGE AND BOGUS SCIENCE

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642774 No.108430

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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642774 No.108431

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943525 (191814ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY in TX!

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Ahem. If you're not bringing "Q Research" information then yeah, it does seem spammy if not shilly.

An alternate argument can be made that the people spamming/shilling, and the people calling them out, are working together to fill the breads with nonsense.

Here's a rally link so my response isn't complete nonsense either.


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642774 No.108432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943528 (191815ZNOV23) Notable: OpenAI board in discussions with Sam Altman to return as CEO, Microsoft owns 49.% of the company and no one told them until two minutes prior

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OpenAI announces leadership transition

November 17, 2023


Chief technology officer Mira Murati appointed interim CEO to lead OpenAI; Sam Altman departs the company.

Search process underway to identify permanent successor.

The board of directors of OpenAI, Inc., the 501(c)(3) that acts as the overall governing body for all OpenAI activities, today announced that Sam Altman will depart as CEO and leave the board of directors. Mira Murati, the company’s chief technology officer, will serve as interim CEO, effective immediately.

A member of OpenAI’s leadership team for five years, Mira has played a critical role in OpenAI’s evolution into a global AI leader. She brings a unique skill set, understanding of the company’s values, operations, and business, and already leads the company’s research, product, and safety functions. Given her long tenure and close engagement with all aspects of the company, including her experience in AI governance and policy, the board believes she is uniquely qualified for the role and anticipates a seamless transition while it conducts a formal search for a permanent CEO.

Mr. Altman’s departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities. The board no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI.

In a statement, the board of directors said: “OpenAI was deliberately structured to advance our mission: to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all humanity. The board remains fully committed to serving this mission. We are grateful for Sam’s many contributions to the founding and growth of OpenAI. At the same time, we believe new leadership is necessary as we move forward. As the leader of the company’s research, product, and safety functions, Mira is exceptionally qualified to step into the role of interim CEO. We have the utmost confidence in her ability to lead OpenAI during this transition period.”

OpenAI’s board of directors consists of OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, independent directors Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo, technology entrepreneur Tasha McCauley, and Georgetown Center for Security and Emerging Technology’s Helen Toner.

As a part of this transition, Greg Brockman will be stepping down as chairman of the board and will remain in his role at the company, reporting to the CEO.

OpenAI was founded as a non-profit in 2015 with the core mission of ensuring that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. In 2019, OpenAI restructured to ensure that the company could raise capital in pursuit of this mission, while preserving the nonprofit's mission, governance, and oversight. The majority of the board is independent, and the independent directors do not hold equity in OpenAI. While the company has experienced dramatic growth, it remains the fundamental governance responsibility of the board to advance OpenAI’s mission and preserve the principles of its Charter.

Microsoft owns 49.% of the company and no one told them until two minutes before the announcement was made. Their whole business strategy is based on AIMicrosoft took a hit on their stock. Microsoft fired a lot of their engineers when they bought 1/2 the compamy.


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642774 No.108433

File: 064be42d1e1ade7⋯.png (354.27 KB,389x693,389:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943537 (191817ZNOV23) Notable: Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (11/19/23)

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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (11/19/23)

#10 - Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to COVID-19 vaccines. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/pilot-warns-of-airline-industry-disaster-due-to-covid-19-vaccines)

#9 - Senator Ron Johnson presents the most censored chart in congressional history. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/senator-ron-johnson-presents-the-most-censored-chart-in-congressional-history)

#8 - Yale study reveals the most common chronic symptoms after COVID-19 vaccination. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/study-reveals-common-symptoms-among-covid-vaccine-injured-5527637?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf)

#7 - Bad news strikes the double-vaccinated with an alarming health risk revelation. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/bad-news-for-the-double-vaccinated-risk-of-stroke-facts-matter-5531205?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf)

#6 - Video footage shows alleged cash-for-votes scheme in broad daylight. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/video-footage-shows-alleged-cash-for-votes-scheme-in-broad-daylight-facts-matter-5531824?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf)

#5 - Toddler dies two days after receiving routine vaccinations. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/tragic-15-month-old-girl-dies-from-organ-failure-and-cardiac-arrest-two-days-after-receiving-three-vaccines-during-routine-visit)

#4 - Soccer players are still collapsing and dying three years after COVID-19 vaccine rollout. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/soccer-players-are-still-collapsing-and-dying-three-years-after-covid-vaccine-rollout)

#3 - Attorney accuses the CIA and DoD of being deeply involved with COVID-19. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/attorney-accuses-the-cia-and-dod-of-being-deeply-involved-with-covid-19)

#2 - Never-before-seen footage upends J6 Committee’s “insurrection” narrative. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/house-speaker-mike-johnson-officially-releases-never-before-seen-footage-of-january-6)

#1 - OB-GYN drops alarming miscarriage data before Congress; she says, “I’ve never seen this before.” (https://vigilantnews.com/post/ob-gyn-drops-alarming-miscarriage-data-before-congress-ive-never-seen-this-before)

BONUS #1 - Mega-corporations are coming for your healthcare supplements. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/mega-corporations-are-coming-for-your-healthcare-supplements)

BONUS #2 - The ‘next pandemic’: what you need to do to be ready. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-next-pandemic-what-you-need-to-do-to-be-ready)

BONUS #3 - Popular natural health product becomes the latest victim of Trudeau’s Canada. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/banned-health-fan-favorite-becomes-the-latest-victim-of-trudeaus-canada)

For more stories curated and written by @VigilantFox, be sure to subscribe to @Vigilant_News:

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642774 No.108434

File: fa35ae60080bc0c⋯.png (520.86 KB,666x726,111:121,Clipboard.png)

File: ece96a17734479c⋯.png (89.04 KB,519x958,519:958,Clipboard.png)

File: 744aaa69762310f⋯.png (59.38 KB,519x628,519:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943540 (191817ZNOV23) Notable: Logistical 'sticking points' hold up hostage deal; 31 babies rescued at Gaza hospital: Israel-Hamas war live

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108435

File: a6b940f0fbbd649⋯.png (765.58 KB,909x763,909:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 46d88a4ec0bded6⋯.png (880.31 KB,1042x752,521:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943553 (191819ZNOV23) Notable: Abbott with a black gloved right hand and DJT with no gloves.

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Abbott with a black gloved right hand and DJT with no gloves.

Thought it was interesting.


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642774 No.108436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943557 (191821ZNOV23) Notable: OpenAI board in discussions with Sam Altman to return as CEO, Microsoft owns 49.% of the company and no one told them until two minutes prior

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OpenAI board in discussions with Sam Altman to return as CEO

Nilay PatelNov 18, 2023 at 5:44 PM EST

Sam Altman at the APEC CEO Summit 2023 In San Francisco.

Sam Altman speaking on behalf of OpenAI at the APEC CEO Summit the day before he was fired.

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Imagesnone

The OpenAI board is in discussions with Sam Altman to return to the company as its CEO, according to multiple people familiar with the matter. One of them said Altman, who was suddenly fired by the board on Friday with no notice, is “ambivalent” about coming back and would want significant governance changes.

Update, 5:35PM PT: A source close to Altman says the board had agreed in principle to resign and to allow Altman and Brockman to return, but has since waffled — missing a key 5PM PT deadline by which many OpenAI staffers were set to resign. If Altman decides to leave and start a new company, those staffers would assuredly go with him.

Altman holding talks with the company just a day after he was ousted indicates that OpenAI is in a state of free-fall without him. Hours after he was axed, Greg Brockman, OpenAI’s president and former board chairman, resigned, and the two have been talking to friends and investors about starting another company. A string of senior researchers also resigned on Friday, and people close to OpenAI say more departures are in the works.

Altman is “ambivalent” about coming back

OpenAI’s largest investor, Microsoft, said in a statement shortly after Altman’s firing that the company “remains committed” to its partnership with the AI firm. However, OpenAI’s investors weren’t given advance warning or opportunity to weigh in on the board’s decision to remove Altman. As the face of the company and the most prominent voice in AI, his removal throws the future of OpenAI into uncertainty at a time when rivals are racing to catch up with the unprecedented rise of ChatGPT.

A spokesperson for OpenAI didn’t respond to a request for comment about Altman discussing a return with the board. A Microsoft spokesperson declined to comment.

OpenAI’s current board consists of chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo, former GeoSim Systems CEO Tasha McCauley, and Helen Toner, the director of strategy at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology. Unlike traditional companies, the board isn’t tasked with maximizing shareholder value, and none of them hold equity in OpenAI. Instead, their stated mission is to ensure the creation of “broadly beneficial” artificial general intelligence, or AGI.

Sutskever, who also co-founded OpenAI and leads its researchers, was instrumental in the ousting of Altman this week, according to multiple sources. His role in the coup suggests a power struggle between the research and product sides of the company, the sources say.


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642774 No.108437

File: 1cc1c0588f82331⋯.jpeg (424.73 KB,828x1271,828:1271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943564 (191824ZNOV23) Notable: PF UPDATE: 45 took same AC as last nights rally (baker mistook as PF CONUS update)

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>>108199, >>>/qresearch/19939022, >>108259 pb

TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 departing Fort Dodge, IA after rally

How are these NOT notable as they are posted???

Same games w/baker…complete comedy act.

Yet some training flight has no problem being listed as it is posted >>108353 pb

45 took same AC as last nights rally (that somehow got posted as PF CONUS update….hilarious!!)

TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 on ground at McAllen,TX-Miller Intl event is taking place now at Edinburgh Airport Hangar

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642774 No.108438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943582 (191828ZNOV23) Notable: Crooked Joes lays down some fresh 2015 Obama talking-points

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"And what I believe is, is that America does best when the middle class does better, and when ordinary folks who maybe were born into poverty are able to climb their way into the middle class, that’s good for everybody. The economy grows best not from the top down, but from the bottom up and from the middle out." (Applause.)


Obama talking-points 2015

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642774 No.108439

File: 396f5a2a884fddd⋯.png (521.7 KB,1066x741,82:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943584 (191828ZNOV23) Notable: J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

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Update: Video Suspected to Be an Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US Capitol – Is Likely a Vape Instead

by Jim Hoft Nov. 19, 2023 7:45 am

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642774 No.108440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943590 (191830ZNOV23) Notable: Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

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People Are Touched By This Writer's Conversation With A Bunch Of Fourth Graders

"Kids are books filled with blank pages."

This is 38-year-old writer Slade Sohmer.

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642774 No.108441

File: bc7eb6ae98dfe00⋯.png (702.39 KB,783x440,783:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943592 (191829ZNOV23) Notable: Arizona State Cancels Event With Democrat Rashida Tlaib After She Called For Genocide

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Arizona State Cancels Event With Democrat

Rashida Tlaib After She Called For Genocide

Of Israel: Report

Daily Wire, by Ryan Saavedra

Posted By: Beardo, 11/19/2023 12:19:49 PM

Arizona State University canceled an event that the school was set to host on Friday featuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), which comes after she openly expressed support for the elimination of the state of Israel. The Arizona Republic reported that the event, dubbed “Palestine is an American Issue,” was set to be hosted by the far-Left group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), according to a bipartisan group of Arizona state lawmakers. The event was canceled after the lawmakers signed a letter titled, “Congresswoman Tlaib’s Extremist, Antisemitic Views Are Not Welcome in the State of Arizona.”

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642774 No.108442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943640 (191839ZNOV23) Notable: Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

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>Slade Sohmer


Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

Slade Sohmer, 44, was arrested on Friday after being charged with possessing and distributing hundreds of child abuse material

He was released on Monday on $100,000 bail after pleading not guilty

The journalist faces a mandatory sentence of 15 years if convicted of all charges

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642774 No.108443

File: 733b10b245d1651⋯.png (319.09 KB,387x724,387:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943646 (191841ZNOV23) Notable: Armstrong Williams on the ground at the nations capital, witnessing a “training exercise“

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Armstrong Williams on the ground at the nations capital, witnessing a “training exercise“

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642774 No.108444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943676 (191900ZNOV23) Notable: #24486

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ebaker will return shortly to assess damage

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642774 No.108445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943709 (191910ZNOV23) Notable: Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

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Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

In a landmark decision, a Missouri jury has ordered Bayer AG's Monsanto unit to pay more than $1.5 billion in damages to three former users of its Roundup weedkiller. This ruling, one of Monsanto's largest trial losses in the five-year litigation over the herbicide, raises new questions about the safety of the controversial product and the company's future legal challenges.

In a late Friday decision, jurors awarded James Draeger, Valorie Gunther, and Dan Anderson $61.1 million in actual damages and a staggering $500 million each in punitive damages. They claimed that years of using Roundup on their properties led to their non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. This verdict is one of the largest against a US corporate defendant this year, eclipsing even a significant $1.78 billion verdict in a federal real estate case (which could balloon to more than $5 billion), Bloomberg reports.


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642774 No.108446

File: 84b0ca51ca4854a⋯.png (342.56 KB,501x499,501:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c3219cd9ea9819⋯.png (340.51 KB,499x492,499:492,Clipboard.png)

File: 15e9c43b7b2a79e⋯.png (279.27 KB,497x373,497:373,Clipboard.png)

File: d45a69ce0747ac2⋯.png (175.7 KB,509x644,509:644,Clipboard.png)

File: c1a48b375b723e7⋯.png (280.56 KB,513x646,27:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943739 (191918ZNOV23) Notable: Cheney, Kinzinger, And "Sham" J6 Committee Under Fire After Friday Footage Dump; GOP Senator Calls For Investigation

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Cheney, Kinzinger, And "Sham" J6 Committee Under Fire After Friday Footage Dump; GOP Senator Calls For Investigation

Ever since Friday's release of more than 40,000 hours of Jan. 6 Capitol Police security video, dozens of clips debunking the Jan. 6 committee's 'violent insurrection' narrative have been floating around X.


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642774 No.108447

File: fc5a5f5209d29d2⋯.png (42.72 KB,865x207,865:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943767 (191926ZNOV23) Notable: Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Used Encrypted Messaging Apps to Communicate with Indicted Staffer About $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

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Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Used Encrypted Messaging Apps to Communicate with Indicted Staffer About $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

Far-left corrupt Harris County judge Lina Hidalgo admitted she used encrypted messaging apps for official government business as the investigation into her bid-rigging scandal intensifies.

Texas Rangers opened a new tampering investigation into far-left Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 million no-bid vaccine contract earlier this month.

Hidalgo’s office is embroiled in a bid-rigging scandal.

Lina Hidalgo’s top three staffers were indicted in April 2022 after prosecutors expanded the investigation into an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s political cronies.

While Hidalgo was threatening to jail and fine people for violating her Covid rules, she was secretly trying to award one of her political cronies, Felicity Pereyra, who founded Elevate Strategies, an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach’ contract.

Hidalgo ultimately panicked and canceled the $11 million vaccine contract after questions were raised that it was with a one-person firm with no experience.

Hidalgo’s Chief of Staff Alex Triantaphyllis and Policy Director Wallis Nader along with co-defendant Aaron Dunn were charged with misuse of official information and tampering with government documents in connection with the canceled vaccine outreach contract.

According to Click2Houston, Texas Rangers, the same agency that initially conducted a raid of Hidalgo’s office, opened a new public corruption investigation after Hidalgo “concealed” records subpoenaed in a grand jury’s probe of the judge’s $11 million no-bid contract.

The search warrants were unsealed earlier this month according to the outlet.

The outlet reported that one of the Texas Rangers wrote in the search warrant that “it was discovered that numerous documents and communications that were ordered to be produced by Grand Jury subpoena had been concealed and made unavailable during the earlier Grand Jury proceedings.”

Fox 26 Houston reported:

Six days after FOX 26 broke the news of five additional search warrants granted to Texas Rangers investigating “bid-rigging” at Harris County, we reminded Judge Lina Hidalgo of this very public statement back in May 2022.

“Man. I have Slack, I have Signal, I have WhatsApp. I haven’t used them in years,” said Hidalgo at a press conference.

“Don’t you want to avoid even the potential that you could be having government conversations in basically a technological black box?” asked FOX 26.


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642774 No.108448

File: 51261aaa233c5c0⋯.png (344.96 KB,541x523,541:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943782 (191928ZNOV23) Notable: Top Biden Admin Official Invites CCP and Russian Officials to Tour Sensitive US Nuclear Testing Sites

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Top Biden Admin Official Invites CCP and Russian Officials to Tour Sensitive US Nuclear Testing Sites

In case you haven’t noticed – The Biden regime hates America. Joe Biden’s handlers are out to destroy the country.

Every single policy is meant to make life harder, more expensive, less free, and more dangerous for Americans.

Crazy Biden energy secretary, jennifer Granholm, who has successfully decimated US energy independence, is now under fire for inviting top Russian and Chinese officials to tour the National Nuclear Security Administration site in Nevada— where sensitive nuclear experiments are carried out.

Townhall reported:

A senior Biden official is under fire after reports reveal she brought Chinese Communist Party and Russian representatives to a critical U.S. national security location.

GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) is leading 18 other House Republicans in the demand for answers after Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm invited its Chinese and Russian counterparts to tour the National Nuclear Security Administration site in Nevada— where sensitive nuclear experiments are carried out.

The Department of Defense recently warned that China’s nuclear expansion exceeds previous “U.S. projections.”

FOX News reported:

A coalition of 18 House Republicans led by GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., are pressing Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm over her agency’s offer for foreign adversaries to inspect a sensitive U.S. nuclear testing site.

In a letter sent Thursday morning, Stefanik and the other Republicans blasted Granholm for recently offering China and Russia “unprecedented access” to the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Nevada National Security Site. Bloomberg reported in September that the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration invited Chinese and Russian officials to tour the site to prove the U.S. is upholding a three-decade moratorium against testing nuclear weapons.

“I am leading my colleagues in demanding that President Biden revoke this misguided invitation to our adversaries in Beijing and Moscow that grants them unprecedented access and insight into our nuclear weapons,” Stefanik told Fox News Digital. “Inviting Communist China and Russia to have a front row seat for our sensitive nuclear weapons tests will give them invaluable information on how to defeat our nuclear capabilities and improve their own.”


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642774 No.108449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943803 (191934ZNOV23) Notable: J6 video download app updated

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J6 video download app updated

A few small improvements plus a help file. To be perfectly clear, this app does not save the entire video. It only saves a DASH file which you can use with any video player/converter that supports the DASH format.


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642774 No.108450

File: 23e143dd2b37f23⋯.png (728.31 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943820 (191939ZNOV23) Notable: Javier Milei reveals Judaism conversion plans

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Presidential frontrunner reveals Judaism conversion plans

Javier Milei is tipped by pollsters to triumph in Sunday’s run-off election in Argentina

Argentina’s libertarian presidential candidate Javier Milei, a prominent supporter of Israel, has outlined his intention to convert to Judaism, though he also acknowledged that any move to do so would likely have to wait until his political career is over.

Milei, a 53-year-old self-described “anarcho-capitalist” who leads the Liberty Advances party, is squaring off against the South American country’s economy minister Sergio Massa of the ruling Homeland coalition in Sunday’s run-off elections. The contest, which follows an election in October that failed to establish a clear winner, has been dominated by Argentina’s dire fiscal outlook. The country’s inflation is running well into triple digits while its poverty rate stands at 40%.

However, while Argentina’s economic crisis will likely be the most pressing issue for voters, Milei has also made clear that he would view the United States, and in particular Israel, as key allies in constructing his foreign policies.

“What I admire the most about Israel is its culture, its people,” Milei said to the Times of Israel in an interview published early on Sunday. He added about Israel’s ongoing war with the Palestinian group Hamas that he has “emphatically expressed” solidarity for the country’s “legitimate right to defense.”

Furthermore, Milei, who attended a Catholic school in his youth, spoke of his enduring interest in the Jewish faith, but said that any decision to convert to Judaism would have to wait until his political ambitions have been completed.

“It’s very difficult because I wouldn't be able to fulfill all the precepts due to the demands I’d have as president,” Milei said. “You know, if you’re a convert, you have to comply with all of the Jewish religious precepts.”

He added: “The thing is, I’d possibly plan to convert after my political career is finished.”

Milei’s sometimes brash and eccentric personality has drawn international comparisons with former US president Donald Trump, as well as with former Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro. And, like Trump, Milei has expressed a desire to move Argentina’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Trump announced the decision in 2017 in a move that shifted decades of US foreign policy on the issue, though some Muslim countries expressed that it essentially voided the United States’ status as mediator in regional peace talks.

“Yes, of course,” Milei said when questioned on his embassy plans by the Times of Israel. “I don’t care if I’ll be criticized by world leaders. I truly believe that’s the right thing to do.”

Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their national capitals. The 1948 partition of Israel named Jerusalem an “international city” and most states have refused to guarantee that they will accept a new Israeli capital even as part of a negotiated solution.

Pollsters have tipped the populist Milei to triumph in the election. Whoever is elected will take office on December 10 for a four-year term.


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642774 No.108451

File: 1891b417c80c6e8⋯.png (501.71 KB,667x623,667:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943832 (191942ZNOV23) Notable: Dozens of Retired Military Officers Call on Army to Remove Socialist Prime Minister over Catalan Separatist Amnesty Deal

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Dozens of Retired Military Officers Call on Army to Remove Socialist Prime Minister over Catalan Separatist Amnesty Deal

Over 50 retired military officers have called on the Spanish Army to conduct a coup to remove socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez after he made concessions to Catalonian separatists to remain in office.

Amid large-scale protests and warnings of “civil war” over the socialist government of Pedro Sánchez’s move to push for amnesty for politicians and activists in the Catalonian separatist movement, many of whom were accused of sedition and rebellion after seeking to launch an independence referendum in 2017 for which they were removed from office and figures such as former Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont fled the country to avoid prosecution.

While Sánchez even admitted before the July elections that giving amnesty to the separatists would likely be unconstitutional, he struck the bargain with the regional separatist parties to form a coalition government after his Socialist Workers Party of Spain (PSOE) came in second behind the centre-right People’s Party (PP) which despite securing the most votes fell short of enough seats to form a government of its own.

The decision by Sánchez to side with the separatists in a craven attempt to cling to power has re-opened the deep political divisions from the 2017 constitutional crisis and has seen millions of Spaniards take to the streets over the past weeks.


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642774 No.108452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943855 (191950ZNOV23) Notable: @repmtg I’m calling on Speaker Johnson to create a January 6th Select Committee.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




I’m calling on Speaker Johnson to create a January 6th Select Committee.

Releasing the tapes is not enough!

There needs to be investigations and ACCOUNTABILITY for ALL of the lies, deceit, and lives ruined.

Every member of the Jan 6th committee, Nancy Pelosi, FBI, DOJ, DC Police, Cap Police, Jan 6 witnesses who lied, all need to be subpoenaed.

Criminal referrals must be written and prosecutions MUST happen under a Trump DOJ.

I’ve said it all along, MAGA did not do this.

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642774 No.108453

File: d839501d399d574⋯.png (361.85 KB,628x574,314:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943867 (191953ZNOV23) Notable: Minnesota For Sale: How a handful of big donors fund the state Democrats

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Minnesota For Sale: How a handful of big donors fund the state Democrats

Did y'all know that Mark Dayton's (former governor of Minnesota) wife is a Rockefeller? Check out some of the donors for Minnesota politicians:

Among the 18 top donors, seven are labor unions and eight are individuals. Notable among the individuals are Alida Messinger (Rockefeller oil heiress and the ex-wife of the ex-Governor of Minnesota, Mark Dayton), the financier George Soros, and the Governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker.

Other names will be less familiar. Sontheim is a billionaire heiress to the Cargill company fortune. She is said to live in Rancho Santa Fe, California, despite giving a local address for her donation.

Democracy PAC II is another George Soros-created funding vehicle.

Among other big individual, out-of-state donors not making the cut, but giving more than $25,000, were residents of La Jolla, Los Altos, Menlo Park, San Francisco, and Tiburon CA, and Millbrook, and New York, NY. Trust me on the geography of this, you can’t afford to visit any of these places.

Among this group, the most famous name is Katrina vanden Heuvel, a New York heiress and leftist publisher, who gave $50,000. The address she provided is a building located on the Upper West Side in Manhattan.

Moar: https://www.americanexperiment.org/minnesota-for-sale-how-a-handful-of-big-donors-fund-the-state-democrats/

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642774 No.108454

File: 5b38679b392b565⋯.jpeg (645.04 KB,828x1304,207:326,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943871 (191954ZNOV23) Notable: PF: 12-3060 USAFSOC C-146A Dornier departed Bogota, Colombia after arriving from Panama City depart yesterday

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12-3060 USAFSOC C-146A Dornier departed Bogota, Colombia after arriving from Panama City depart yesterday

President of Colombia returned from SFO to Bogota on Friday from an overnight stay

>>107907 pb

>>107910 pb

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642774 No.108455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943901 (192004ZNOV23) Notable: Blumenthal: Elon Musk Turned X Into a ‘Cesspool of Hate Speech’

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Blumenthal: Elon Musk Turned X Into a ‘Cesspool of Hate Speech’

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that X CEO Elon Musk had turned the platform into a “cesspool of hate speech and extremist incitement.”

Anchor Kristen Welker said, “I want to get your reaction to Elon Musk endorsing an anti-Semitic post on this platform. The Musk post was condemned by the White House, as you know, large companies like Apple and Comcast, the parent company of NBC news have pulled advertising from the platform. What was your reaction and what is your concern when you see a post like that?”

Blumenthal said, “My reaction be on post Elon Musk’s post was absolute abhorrent. His saying that this blatantly anti-semitic comment was, ‘the actual true’ is sickening and killing.”

He added, “Elon Musk is turned X formally known as Twitter into a cesspool of hate speech and extremist incitement. I encourage in fact I urge advertisers like IBM, which has done so to withdraw from X and to send a message to Elon Musk that hate has no place on this powerful megaphone . As you know, the surge of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim white supremacist, anti-black sentiment on social media has been an incubator in fact an accelerant to more than just speech action that constitutes hate crimes.”


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642774 No.108456

File: 4fa53aabec032d7⋯.png (289.81 KB,600x590,60:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 733e67ba0bc6cbf⋯.png (26.6 KB,600x182,300:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943908 (192006ZNOV23) Notable: The Pentagon shuttle from the final war court hearing of 2023 at Guantánamo Bay has reached the USA carrying weary 9/11 case travelers.

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Carol Rosenberg



The Pentagon shuttle from the final war court hearing of 2023 at Guantánamo Bay has reached the USA carrying weary 9/11 case travelers.

This two-week session was challenged by Covid cases on both prosecution and defense teams, weather cancellations and a one-day departure delay.

Nov 19, 2023 · 6:26 PM UTC


Carol Rosenberg



Today’s charter offered a hot meal of chicken and rice or beef ravioli. Inflight entertainment options included the 2021 docudrama “Oslo,” Guy Ritchie’s “The Covenant” and “King Fu Panda.” Most passengers appeared to snooze.


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642774 No.108457

File: 516e7f062d9045e⋯.png (199.9 KB,600x436,150:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943918 (192009ZNOV23) Notable: FULL SPEECH - President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Happening Now—45🛬in the Great State of Texas, en route to the Texas Department of Public Safety Hangar in Edinburg….

Nov 19, 2023 · 5:48 PM UTC


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642774 No.108458

File: aa9e4a507fb11a8⋯.png (445.16 KB,873x727,873:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 713b95aa9db9c3d⋯.png (646.09 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 6698cd24fa9f75f⋯.png (679.23 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d2e3161c5c1e6e⋯.mp4 (5.44 MB,1024x572,256:143,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c00cd706e043e4a⋯.gif (4.15 MB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943925 (192011ZNOV23) Notable: FULL SPEECH - President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happening now in Edinburg, Texas! #OperationLoneStar


I find it funny that RSBN said Happening & then we see Scavino. Coincidence? lol

(I know Dan always says happening now).. Just fun :) Made a GIF for keks

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642774 No.108459

File: 3e94c2952b2d32b⋯.png (71.65 KB,651x527,21:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943934 (192014ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli troops 'warned about Hamas attacks: Female soldiers reported suspicious activity on the border with Gaza in weeks leading up to October 7 attack - but were threatened with court martial'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Israeli troops 'warned about Hamas attacks: Female soldiers reported suspicious activity on the border with Gaza in weeks leading up to October 7 attack - but were threatened with court martial'

Worried soldiers who raised concerns about suspicious activity in the days leading to Hamas terror raids on Israel were threatened with court martial, it has emerged.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet have faced stiff criticism from Israelis who have accused them of being caught out by the raids which left more than 1,200 dead.

A further 239 people were taken hostage and although a handful have been released there are dozens of worried families still waiting for news on loved ones.

Now Israel's leading Channel 12 news programme has broadcast claims from female soldiers they were threatened with court martial for raising concerns before the October 7 attack.

One said: 'We were told that if we continue to harass on this issue, you will stand trial.'


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642774 No.108460

File: d059cc4de53a3df⋯.png (323.89 KB,600x435,40:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943943 (192016ZNOV23) Notable: POTUS stands by The Bread

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Happening Now—45 begins Thanksgiving Meal Service and Greetings with #OperationLoneStar in Edinburg, Texas…

Nov 19, 2023 · 6:55 PM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943971 (192023ZNOV23) Notable: #24485 (in #24486)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>108444 dough

>>>/qresearch/19943749 pb notes


#24485 >>108396

>>108417, >>108418, >>108420, >>108422, >>108431, >>108428 TRUMP RALLY in TX!

>>108433 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (11/19/23)

>>108398 Ron Jeremy has been released to a private residence to live out his last days.

>>108399, >>108404, >>108413, >>108414 FINEOWL LLC, Arrow Security Dig

>>108400, >>108407, >>108402, >>108405, >>108406, >>108439 J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

>>108401 Nobody voted for this. It is Unconstitutional. It is Treason.

>>108403 CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

>>108408, >>108416 Can the DOJ Be Fixed? Kash Patel Lays it Out

>>108409 Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

>>108410 Rep. Jordan Subpoenas Bank Of America Over Allegedly Sharing Jan. 6 Info With FBI

>>108411 When did it become a Crime to Record out in Public?

>>108412 A Plethora of Resignations we just Submitted...

>>108421 OTD: Approximately 64% of those on board the Hindenburg during its last flight survived the crash:

>>108419 dnc-announces-chicago-to-host-2024-democratic-national-convention

>>108423 Is This The End of Crooked Universities?

>>108424 NYC mayor Eric Adams comments on ongoing scandal as he visits churches this morning.

>>108425 ‘Blood’ and ‘money’ - Medvedev names essence of US security doctrine

>>108426, >>108415 About DAVID DAVID NAZRO PH.D

>>108427 Gain of Function BIOWEAPONS DON'T EXIST - Dr. Stefan Lanka



>>108434 Logistical 'sticking points' hold up hostage deal; 31 babies rescued at Gaza hospital: Israel-Hamas war live

>>108435 Abbott with a black gloved right hand and DJT with no gloves.

>>108436, >>108432, >>108432 OpenAI board in discussions with Sam Altman to return as CEO, Microsoft owns 49.% of the company and no one told them until two minutes prior

>>108437 PF UPDATE: 45 took same AC as last nights rally (baker mistook as PF CONUS update)

>>108441 Arizona State Cancels Event With Democrat Rashida Tlaib After She Called For Genocide

>>108442, >>108440 Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

>>108443 Armstrong Williams on the ground at the nations capital, witnessing a “training exercise“

>>108397, >>108438 Crooked Joes lays down some fresh 2015 Obama talking-points

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642774 No.108462

File: 09a8460f530f0df⋯.png (601.79 KB,880x578,440:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943977 (192024ZNOV23) Notable: FULL SPEECH - President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FULL SPEECH - President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23


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642774 No.108463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943980 (192025ZNOV23) Notable: The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire.

Not mentioned in the above story about the study is the information that a single veterinary vaccine was also examined and found to be contaminant free. I hope to find the sauce for that as it is my recollection of the original study.

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642774 No.108464

File: 74876ef427e01da⋯.jpeg (799.54 KB,828x1409,828:1409,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943998 (192028ZNOV23) Notable: PF: SAM521 C40B inbound from Ramstein AFB depart-high level State Dept AC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


SAM521 C40B inbound from Ramstein AFB depart-high level State Dept AC

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642774 No.108465

File: e5fe0bfe33fc27a⋯.png (637.08 KB,950x542,475:271,Clipboard.png)

File: c0fc904756c0ca1⋯.png (704.12 KB,963x543,321:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944018 (192032ZNOV23) Notable: RE: POTUS and Greg Abbott were given disposable gloves - POTUS didn't put his on (They were handing out cutlery wrapped in a napkin)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS and Greg Abbott were given disposable gloves, POTUS didn't put his on.

They were handing out cutlery wrapped in a napkin.


>>>108435 Abbott with a black gloved right hand and DJT with no gloves

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642774 No.108466

File: 7ff51a3dfc7ffa3⋯.gif (3.53 MB,360x360,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944167 (192057ZNOV23) Notable: How it's going now in .gif

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How it's going now in .gif

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108467

File: 64ede442bf45d26⋯.png (336.45 KB,553x555,553:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944213 (192107ZNOV23) Notable: Jewish group praises Albanese government for new Hamas sanctions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jewish group praises Albanese government for new Hamas sanctions as thousands of pro-Palestine protesters chant 'shame Labor shame'

Jewish groups have praised the Albanese government for strengthening sanctions against Hamas, but thousands of pro-Palestine protesters have targeted the government over its support for Israel, chanting "shame Labor shame".

The Albanese government has been praised for strengthening sanctions against Hamas, while thousands of protesters have targetted Labor at pro-Palestine rallies.

On Saturday the Albanese government announced counter-terrorism financing sanctions would be imposed on an additional eight individuals and one entity associated with Hamas, with Foreign Minister Penny Wong saying the group included “Hamas members, operatives and financial facilitators” as well as a currency exchange.

“Sanctioning and publicly listing these additional eight persons and one entity for terrorism financing demonstrates that they are actively engaged in the support and facilitation of terrorism,” Minister Wong said.

“This makes it a criminal offence, punishable by up to 10 years’ imprisonment and heavy fines, to provide assets to sanctioned individuals or entities or to use or deal with their assets.

“These measures enable their activity to be prevented and holds them and those that transact with them directly to account.”

The Australian government first imposed counter-terrorism financing sanctions against Hamas in 2001, with six entities and three individuals with links to the organization having been added since.

Zionist Federation of Australia President Jeremy Leibler said the move shows the government had “put it’s money where its mouth is”.

“Hamas terrorises Israeli civilians and imposes a medieval Islamist dictatorship over the people of Gaza. These sanctions demonstrate the Australian Government’s commitment to fighting terrorism,” he said.

“Since the beginning of the current war, the Australian Government has backed Israel’s objective to remove Hamas from Gaza. This expanded sanctions regime is an important indication that Australia continues to stand with Israel in its just war against Hamas.”


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642774 No.108468

File: cd4736a7cca9e7b⋯.jpeg (601.55 KB,828x1294,414:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6ba5d37d9c5947d⋯.jpeg (659.39 KB,828x713,36:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944240 (192112ZNOV23) Notable: PF: 45 in TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 east from McAllen,TX Intl Airport @ 575kts and 45k Ft back to PBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>108437 pb

==45 in TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 east from McAllen,TX Intl Airport @ 575kts and 45k Ft back to PBI

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642774 No.108469

File: 43bb9d8b66869c6⋯.jpeg (266.39 KB,2072x1834,148:131,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944252 (192116ZNOV23) Notable: IDF confirms Houthis hijacked ship in Red Sea, says it is not an Israeli vessel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

IDF confirms Houthis hijacked ship in Red Sea, says it is not an Israeli vessel

The Israel Defense Forces says the hijacking of a shipping vessel in the Red Sea by the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen is a “very serious incident on the global scale.”

It says the ship was sailing from Turkey to India with an international civilian crew, without any Israelis aboard.

“This is not an Israeli ship,” the IDF adds.

The military directly blames the Houthis for the hijacking.


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642774 No.108470

File: 67394947d12e1bc⋯.png (228.92 KB,883x766,883:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944262 (192117ZNOV23) Notable: Former first lady Rosalynn Carter dead at 96

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Producer



Former first lady Rosalynn Carter dead at 96


Former first lady Rosalynn Carter dead at 96

Former first lady Rosalynn Carter, the wife of 39th President Jimmy Carter, died on Nov. 19 at the age of 96. Her family announced in May 2023 that she had been diagnosed with dementia and she late…



Replying to @RichSementa

Scavinos dog comms were correct.


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642774 No.108471

File: a8292e489857ce7⋯.png (332.45 KB,600x492,50:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 450c0e8558dedc8⋯.png (397.92 KB,454x614,227:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944306 (192127ZNOV23) Notable: Hebrew media reports that Yemeni Armed Forces have seized Israeli-linked ship 'Galaxy Leader' with dozens of crew members on board.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Cradle



Developing Story | Hebrew media reports that Yemeni Armed Forces have seized Israeli-linked ship 'Galaxy Leader' with dozens of crew members on board.


'Galaxy Leader' is down.


'Galaxy Leader' is down.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944374 (192143ZNOV23) Notable: #24486

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24486 >>108444

>>108445 Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

>>108446 Cheney, Kinzinger, And "Sham" J6 Committee Under Fire After Friday Footage Dump; GOP Senator Calls For Investigation

>>108447 Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Used Encrypted Messaging Apps to Communicate with Indicted Staffer About $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

>>108448 Top Biden Admin Official Invites CCP and Russian Officials to Tour Sensitive US Nuclear Testing Sites

>>108449 J6 video download app updated

>>108450 Javier Milei reveals Judaism conversion plans

>>108451 Dozens of Retired Military Officers Call on Army to Remove Socialist Prime Minister over Catalan Separatist Amnesty Deal

>>108452 @repmtg I’m calling on Speaker Johnson to create a January 6th Select Committee.

>>108453 Minnesota For Sale: How a handful of big donors fund the state Democrats

>>108455 Blumenthal: Elon Musk Turned X Into a ‘Cesspool of Hate Speech’

>>108456 The Pentagon shuttle from the final war court hearing of 2023 at Guantánamo Bay has reached the USA carrying weary 9/11 case travelers.

>>108459 Israeli troops 'warned about Hamas attacks: Female soldiers reported suspicious activity on the border with Gaza in weeks leading up to October 7 attack - but were threatened with court martial'

>>108460 POTUS stands by The Bread

>>108462, >>108457, >>108458 FULL SPEECH - President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

>>108463 The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire.

>>108454 PF: 12-3060 USAFSOC C-146A Dornier departed Bogota, Colombia after arriving from Panama City depart yesterday

>>108464 PF: SAM521 C40B inbound from Ramstein AFB depart-high level State Dept AC

>>108465 RE: POTUS and Greg Abbott were given disposable gloves - POTUS didn't put his on (They were handing out cutlery wrapped in a napkin)

>>108466 How it's going now in .gif

>>108467 Jewish group praises Albanese government for new Hamas sanctions

>>108468 PF: 45 in TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 east from McAllen,TX Intl Airport @ 575kts and 45k Ft back to PBI

>>108469 IDF confirms Houthis hijacked ship in Red Sea, says it is not an Israeli vessel

>>108470 Former first lady Rosalynn Carter dead at 96

>>108471 Hebrew media reports that Yemeni Armed Forces have seized Israeli-linked ship 'Galaxy Leader' with dozens of crew members on board.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108473

File: 9dc0877b1e32e65⋯.jpg (16.91 KB,255x254,255:254,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944397 (192148ZNOV23) Notable: #24487

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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642774 No.108474

File: 15d3d356ec81458⋯.png (134.32 KB,996x580,249:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944441 (192157ZNOV23) Notable: DJT Truth Post on the loss of Rosalynn Carter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Melania and I join all Americans in mourning the loss of Rosalynn Carter. She was a devoted First Lady, a great humanitarian, a champion for mental health, and a beloved wife to her husband for 77 years, President Carter.

Over a life spanning nearly a century, Rosalynn Carter earned the admiration and gratitude of our entire nation. From her days as a U.S. Navy spouse, to the Georgia Governor’s Mansion, to her tenure as First Lady of the United States, and her later work at the Carter Center and volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, she leaves behind a legacy of extraordinary accomplishment and national service.

Our prayers are with the former president, the Carter family, and the entire community of Plains, Georgia, that she loved so much!

Nov 19, 2023, 4:44 PM


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642774 No.108475

File: 38999da22f8a75e⋯.png (220.37 KB,537x474,179:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944482 (192203ZNOV23) Notable: A memorial was erected in the main square of Santiago (the capital of Chile) in memory of children who were victims of Israeli misdeeds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sprinter Monitor



A memorial was erected in the main square of Santiago (the capital of Chile) in memory of children who were victims of Israeli misdeeds.

Hundreds of children's shoes, stained with red paint, were displayed in front of the presidential palace.

Nov 19, 2023 · 9:29 PM UTC


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642774 No.108476

File: 7712174e68cd9b2⋯.png (291.63 KB,498x441,166:147,Clipboard.png)

File: eac70fd27d792b1⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944506 (192208ZNOV23) Notable: N.Haley: Our soldiers and veterans are willing to fight for us—we have to fight for them. We have a country to save.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nikki Haley


Our soldiers and veterans are willing to fight for us—we have to fight for them. We have a country to save.

1:00 PM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108477

File: d502fdca05bcb8e⋯.png (494.62 KB,1269x865,1269:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944509 (192208ZNOV23) Notable: Tributes to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter pour in on news of her death

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tributes to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter pour in on news of her death

Tributes poured in from many political figures including First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, former First Lady Melania Trump and Georgia's governor Brian Kemp

As news of former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s death continues to spread, many political leaders are turning to social media to honor her legacy.

The wife of former President Jimmy Carter died with her family by her side at her home in Plains, Georgia, on Sunday at the age of 96.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said he and his family joined all Georgians and the nation in mourning Carter’s death.

"A proud native Georgian, she had an indelible impact on our state and nation as a First Lady to both," Kemp said. "Working alongside her husband, she championed mental health services and promoted the state she loved across the globe. Their marriage, spanning 77 years, stands as a testament to their enduring partnership. Like that marriage, her achievements will stand the test of time and continue to be celebrated by those who knew her best."

U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff, D-Ga., offered his "deepest condolences" to Carter’s family in a statement Sunday, saying her lifetime of work and dedication for public service changed many lives.

"Among her many accomplishments, Rosalynn Carter will be remembered for her compassionate nature and her passion for women’s rights, human rights and mental health reform," Ossoff said. "The state of Georgia and the United States are better places because of Rosalynn Carter."


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642774 No.108478

File: ae3f988607048b8⋯.png (197.72 KB,537x511,537:511,Clipboard.png)

File: a0acfd620887f2d⋯.jpg (102.58 KB,905x469,905:469,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ec6967d9efe643b⋯.jpg (87.39 KB,937x531,937:531,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944511 (192208ZNOV23) Notable: Update(s): Israeli Tanker GALAXY LEADER

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UPDATE: More facts surfacing. Our analysis was incorrect in terms of date & location. Further info now available by UKMTO, saying that the boarding took place today 50nm west of Hodeidah; not 300nm NW of Yemen. According to an NBC report, the vessel was boarded by helicopter.

TankerTrackers.com, Inc.



The vessel made five transits through the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait this year with AIS on. Given that GALAXY LEADER went dark yesterday 300nm NW of Yemen, this would have been her first attempt through the strait with AIS switched off. Unfortunately, the vessel was boarded anyway.


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642774 No.108479

File: 0281347829a0343⋯.png (294.93 KB,970x710,97:71,Clipboard.png)

File: f98a6eefb9b58e6⋯.png (449.82 KB,805x954,805:954,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944552 (192215ZNOV23) Notable: Kari Lake: The Arizona State Bar is being weaponized against attorneys who courageously take on Election Cases.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kari Lake

The Arizona State Bar is being weaponized against attorneys who courageously take on Election Cases.

The ASB is currently trying to disbar three of my attorneys; take away their ability to practice law, destroy their careers, and their ability to feed their families.

Their plan is to leave me without legal representation in my Election Lawsuit.

Why is the Arizona Supreme Court allowing this to happen?


Nov 19, 2023, 4:26 PM


Democratic 2016 Election Challengers Punish GOP Lawyers For 2020 Election Challenge

Democrats who challenge elections are defenders of democracy, but Republicans who challenge elections are the enemies of it and must be punished accordingly.

And with punishments doled out recently against all involved — even remotely — in challenging the 2020 election, it could be said that the scales of justice are perpetually weighed in the favor of one political party. This appears to be especially true for Arizona lawyers who dared represent clients filing legal challenges against the 2020 election, including Arizona State Representative Alex Kolodin, Kory Langhofer, Lee Miller, Christopher Viskovic, Chris Ford, Sue Becker, Brett Johnson, Eric Spencer, Thomas Basile, Davis Spilsbury, Erick Kaardal, William Mohrman, Gregory Erickson, Brandon Johnson, Emily P. Newman, Howard Kleinhendler, Julia Zuszua Haller, Jack Wilenchik, and L. Lin Wood.

Victor Aronow, Roxana Bacon, Amelia Craig Cramer, Brendan Mahoney, Robert McWhirter, Gaile Natale, Diane Post, and Michael Teter (managing director of The 65 Project) filed a complaint last August.

Several of these complainants carry significant influence in the state concerning bar matters. Both Bacon and Craig Cramer were formerly presidents of the State Bar of Arizona Board of Governors, and McWhirter still sits on the State Bar of Arizona Board of Governors. McWhirter was also a Democratic candidate for the 2022 attorney general and 2020 Maricopa County attorney races.

A review of some of the other complainants past public remarks and actions reveal that they had challenged elections in the past, not unlike their ideological foes.

Days after Trump was elected, Mahoney promised to protest the inauguration over Trump’s legitimacy. He also shared several articles rejecting the legitimacy of the presidency: one calling for relentless protest against Trump, another claiming that Russia secured Trump’s election, and another claiming that the GOP orchestrated a coup in North Carolina to secure Trump’s election.

“We don’t owe Trump ‘an open mind and a chance to lead.’ We owe him nothing but our ferocious opposition in the streets, and that starts today,” stated one of the articles shared.

In April 2016, Post filed an affidavit in a lawsuit accusing Maricopa County of misconduct and demanding a partial ballot recount. In her affidavit, Post claimed that she witnessed Democratic voters being disproportionately forced to vote by provisional ballot while serving as a poll worker.

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642774 No.108480

File: 3b0cfe6cde41e92⋯.png (161.91 KB,496x617,496:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944574 (192220ZNOV23) Notable: Statement from former President Jimmy Carter on the passing of his beloved wife Rosalynn:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yashar Ali 🐘


Statement from former President Jimmy Carter on the passing of his beloved wife Rosalynn:

“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished. She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”

3:25 PM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108481

File: 41bf42c71e6df19⋯.png (83.09 KB,624x255,208:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944580 (192221ZNOV23) Notable: Troops Take First Step in Filing Suit Over Alleged Sexual Abuse by Army Doctor

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Troops Take First Step in Filing Suit Over Alleged Sexual Abuse by Army Doctor

Attorneys for five soldiers filed new claims against the Army and the Department of Defense this week, alleging they were sexually abused by Army Maj. Michael Stockin, a doctor at Joint Base Lewis-McChord who faces criminal charges of fondling patients.

The plaintiffs, identified as John Does, are former patients of Stockin. On Monday, they joined two other troops who previously had filed complaints under the Federal Torts Claims Act against Stockin, an anesthesiologist and pain management specialist who was charged on Aug. 29 with abusive sexual contact and indecent viewing involving 23 victims.

According to the service members' attorneys at Washington, D.C.-based Sanford Heisler Sharp, the clients all have "remarkably similar allegations," saying Stockin required that they disrobe during their appointments and then, without a chaperone present, "fondled their genitals."

The administrative complaints "allege that there was no medical necessity for Stockin to touch the patients' genitals in this matter."

The claims also charge that the Army is liable because it was negligent in hiring, supervising, and retaining Stockin and it lacked adequate protocols to keep patients safe from abuse.

"These soldiers thought they could trust a U.S. Army doctor but he abused that trust in the most egregious way," attorney Christine Dunn said in a statement. "The massive scope of the sexual abuse indicates that the Army was negligent in supervising Dr. Stockin. The five complaints we filed today present powerful allegations of a pattern of neglect by the Army."


The Army has not released the charge sheets against Stockin. According to Army Lt. Col. Jennifer Bocanegra, spokesperson for I Corps, after the officer waived his right to a preliminary hearing, the charges were returned to Stockin's brigade commander for a "recommendation on disposition."


Army officials said Stockin was barred from seeing patients in February 2022. Dunn said one of her clients was seen after that month and another reported his assault to his chain of command in 2020 but the Army failed to act.

A law passed in late 2019 that allowed service members to file administrative medical malpractice claims against the DoD and the military services, but service members cannot sue.

The charge of abusive sexual contact falls under Article 120 of the UCMJ - "Rape and Sexual Assault Generally." Maximum punishment includes a reduction in rank, dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for up to seven years.

The maximum punishment for indecent viewing is reduction in rank, dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement up to one year.

Bocanegra did not respond to a request for comment on the pending claims. In general, the Defense Department does not comment on pending litigation.

Dunn said the process has been difficult for her clients who have faced the stigma of being male survivors of sexual assault.

“Not only are they men but they were soldiers, trained to be tough. To know that this could happen to them, It’s been really, really emotionally hard for them,” Dunn said.


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642774 No.108482

File: f3b8d0399348e16⋯.png (1.09 MB,1196x1234,598:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944586 (192223ZNOV23) Notable: Creepy Pedo Joe just asked a six year old if she was "17"

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Creepy Pedo Joe just asked a six year old if she was "17"

needs embed



>Cringe to the max 😬

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642774 No.108483

File: 4abc1e6d44b55d1⋯.png (260.93 KB,496x451,496:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 825edafac1ca7cd⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944601 (192226ZNOV23) Notable: DeSantis: Donald Trump should show up to debate, prove he can sit on that stage for two hours, defend his record and decisions

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Ron DeSantis


Donald Trump should show up to debate, prove he can sit on that stage for two hours, defend his record and decisions, and tell people why he should be the choice going forward.

12:44 PM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108484

File: 84146a9fb8aebde⋯.png (468.56 KB,975x737,975:737,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f8528bba6ed66e⋯.png (2.72 MB,1600x1280,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944705 (192245ZNOV23) Notable: Tom Homan: I promised President Trump when he announced that if he goes back, I go back.

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“I promised President Trump when he announced that if he goes back, I go back. And I’m going to run the biggest deportation operation this country’s ever seen because these millions of people being released in this country, nine out of 10 will get an order of removal based on immigration court data.

A judge orders them to be removed. We’re going to find them and we’re gonna remove them,” he added. “If there’s no consequence, we can’t fix the border. We’re going to have a consequence in the Trump administration.”

-Tom Homan


Nov 19, 2023, 4:38 PM


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642774 No.108485

File: 491d73c2e87e118⋯.png (323.67 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: fcf5eb0204b29a9⋯.png (422.84 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 686d8090dcbef30⋯.png (173.39 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 49cd0d482cf6f36⋯.png (168.53 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944730 (192248ZNOV23) Notable: Update(s): Israeli Tanker GALAXY LEADER

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GALAXY LEADER last transmitted her position 34 hours ago. She is owned by Ray Car Carriers Ltd, based in London, although CFO is based in Isreal

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642774 No.108486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944743 (192250ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Reports Houthi Forces Seized Two Cargo Ships in the Red Sea

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>>108485 (me)

Reuters is saying two ships

Israel Reports Houthi Forces Seized Two Cargo Ships in the Red Sea

Reuters November 19, 2023

by Dan Williams (Reuters) Israel said on Sunday that Yemen’s Houthis had seized a British-owned and Japanese-operated cargo ship in the southern Red Sea, describing the incident as an “Iranian act of terrorism” with consequences for international maritime security.

The Houthis said they had seized a ship in that area, but described it as Israeli. “We are treating the ship’s crew in accordance with Islamic principles and values,” a spokesperson for the group said, making no reference to the Israeli account.

Also Read: Heightened Threat Level in Red Sea Prompts Concern by Mike Schuler

The Houthis, an ally of Tehran, have been launching long-range missile and drone salvoes at Israel in solidarity with the Palestinian Hamas militants fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Last week, the Houthi leader said his forces would make further attacks on Israel and they could target Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandeb Strait.

A U.S. Defense official said, “we are aware of the situation and are closely monitoring it.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said a ship – which it did not name – had been seized, “There were no Israelis on the ship,” and Israel was not involved in its ownership oroperation, it added.

“This is another Iranian act of terrorism that represents an escalation in Iran’s belligerence against the citizens of the free world, with concomitant international ramifications vis-à-vis the security of global shipping routes.”

Earlier on Sunday the Houthis said all ships owned or operated by Israeli companies, or carrying the Israeli flag could be targeted.


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642774 No.108487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944754 (192251ZNOV23) Notable: Royal Navy Tests Largest-Ever Unmanned Aircraft on Carrier off Virginia

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Attention Planefags

Expect Brits in the VACAPES OPAREA

Royal Navy Tests Largest-Ever Unmanned Aircraft on Carrier off Virginia

Published Nov 18, 2023 6:00 PM by Royal Navy News

The largest uncrewed aircraft ever launched from a Royal Navy aircraft carrier has paved the way for the next generation of UK naval air power.

Codenamed ‘Mojave’, the specially-modified aircraft – operated remotely by a ‘pilot’ at a computer terminal – has taken off from and safely landed back on board HMS Prince of Wales in a unique trial off the East Coast of the USA.

No crewless machine its size – nine meters long, with a wingspan of 17 meters (six meters wider than an F-35B Lightning stealth fighter) and weighing more than 1.5 tonnes fully loaded – has ever flown from an aircraft carrier outside the US Navy before.

The trial off the coast of Virginia further unlocks the potential of the UK’s Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers, demonstrating how modern uncrewed air systems can operate alongside fifth-generation crewed aircraft like the Lightnings.

“The Mojave trial is a European first – the first time that a remotely piloted air system of this size has operated to and from an aircraft carrier outside of the United States,” said Rear Admiral James Parkin, Royal Navy Director Develop, whose team planned the trial. “The success of this trial heralds a new dawn in how we conduct maritime aviation and is another exciting step in the evolution of the Royal Navy’s carrier strike group into a mixed crewed and uncrewed fighting force.”

The Royal Navy has two decades’ experience in operating pilotless aircraft from its ships, but the Fleet Air Arm’s existing systems – such as the hand-launched Puma, and the new Peregrine miniature helicopter which enters service in January – are designed for short-range surveillance operations on land and at sea.

Mojave – a version of the MQ1C Gray Eagle aircraft adapted for short take-off and landing from runways even shorter than the flight deck of Queen Elizabeth-class carriers – is a much larger and more complex aircraft.

Produced by US company General Atomics, Mojave is capable of performing numerous long endurance missions from medium altitude.

It’s from the same family of aircraft as the Royal Air Force’s new Protector RG Mk1 aircraft, such ‘medium altitude long endurance’ remotely piloted aircraft are capable of conducting long-range surveillance and strike missions over many thousands of square miles.

Months of planning by experts from the Royal Navy, General Atomics and HMS Prince of Wales’ crew went into the trial – one of several involving crewless aircraft and F-35s this autumn to push the boundaries of operations involving the UK’s two carriers.

“My team and I are excited and proud to be the first to launch and land a Mojave from an aircraft carrier,” said Commander Martin Russell, in charge of air operations aboard HMS Prince of Wales. “During a deployment centered around experimentation and expanding the envelope of the Queen Elizabeth class, this is one of the highlights."

HMS Prince of Wales is now conducting intense training and trials activity with the US Marine Corps before returning home to Portsmouth next month.


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642774 No.108488

File: 0d8d578bdf0ab00⋯.png (302.38 KB,1016x561,1016:561,Clipboard.png)

File: 8380ee3a7bb885e⋯.png (208.98 KB,1137x541,1137:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 5909a3bc87e5640⋯.png (620.65 KB,955x438,955:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944799 (192300ZNOV23) Notable: Mark Dayton's (former governor of Minnesota) wife is a Rockefeller?Check out some of the donors for Minnesota politicians Ada Hutschinson?

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hmmm..Tingles the Almonds

Kinda like

Ada Hutschinson?

Potus: Ada > Asa

>>108453 LB

>Did y'all know that Mark Dayton's (former governor of Minnesota) wife is a Rockefeller?Check out some of the donors for Minnesota politicians:

>Among the 18 top donors, seven are labor unions and eight are individuals. Notable among the individuals areAlidaMessinger (Rockefeller oil heiress and the ex-wife of the ex-Governor of Minnesota, Mark Dayton), the financier George Soros, and the Governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker.

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642774 No.108489

File: 5d273a155b53a22⋯.png (237.15 KB,1003x617,1003:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 039bc895d9ba8f0⋯.png (804.18 KB,1003x618,1003:618,Clipboard.png)

File: 07f6341e5343385⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x621,400:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 83b0668f34c0cec⋯.png (587.82 KB,962x506,481:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944811 (192302ZNOV23) Notable: Mark Dayton's (former governor of Minnesota) wife is a Rockefeller?Check out some of the donors for Minnesota politicians Ada Hutschinson?

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>hmmm..Tingles the Almonds


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642774 No.108490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944830 (192307ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon Grapples With Trillions In Liabilities Amid Rising Chinese Military Power

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Pentagon Grapples With Trillions In Liabilities Amid Rising Chinese Military Power

Bloomberg November 19, 2023

By Roxana Tiron (BGOV) and Tony Capaccio (Bloomberg) The US Defense Department failed for the sixth consecutive year to score a clean financial audit, a goal routinely achieved annually by businesses that have a fraction of its $3.8 trillion in assets and $4 trillion in liabilities.

Pentagon officials nonetheless claimed significant progress in tracking its assets and correcting hundreds of deficiencies in its accounts.

The failure “is not a surprise,” Pentagon Comptroller Michael McCord told reporters at the Pentagon. “It certainly is not something that we say, ‘it doesn’t matter.’”

About 1,600 auditors and 700 site visits were needed to review the Defense Department’s business processes and activities. The Defense Department spent $187 million on the audit, a small slice of its $853 billion budget.

The Pentagon’s inspector general’s office has been overseeing the audit work. It said in a statement Thursday that working toward a clean audit will make the department’s operations more efficient and increase public trust. “While we acknowledged enhancements in the DoD’s financial management procedures, significant challenges persist in generating thorough and precise financial statements,” Inspector General Robert Storch said.

‘Improvements, Changes’

“Auditing the Department’s $3.8 trillion in assets and $4.0 trillion in liabilities is a massive undertaking,” McCord said in a news release. But he said “the improvements and changes we are making every day as a result of these audits positively affect” every military member and civilian employee.

One indication of progress is that no new Pentagon-wide material weaknesses were reported this time, the department said.

“When it comes to the Pentagon audits, steady progress is the name of the game versus clean audits quickly,” said Mackenzie Eaglen, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. “Almost every year the Defense Department adds new sub-organizations to the list of clean audits, and this is the trend the Pentagon must stay on going forward.

Lawmakers have been pressing the Pentagon to produce a “clean” audit by 2027. But the Pentagon sought to put part of the blame on unreliable budgeting by lawmakers, saying that “Congress can further help by stabilizing the budget process and avoiding continuing resolutions and government shutdowns.” McCord said this would be the 14th year with the Pentagon funded by continuing resolutions. The most current stopgap proposal would provide funding for the Pentagon until Feb. 2.

Of the 29 Defense Department components undergoing standalone financial statement audits, seven received a clean audit opinion, and one received a qualified opinion. The results of the financial statement audits of the Marine Corps, the Defense Information Systems Agency Working Capital Fund, and the Pentagon’s Office of Inspector General are still pending, while the rest of the agencies all received disclaimers — financial audits that weren’t clean.

“Failure” in audit lexicon means the review of the 29 defense units resulted in a “disclaimer of opinion.” Disclaimers are issued when auditors can’t form an opinion about the adequacy of the financial records based on a paucity of reliable data, not necessarily that there was a misuse or poor use of fund.

The agencies that received a clean audit are: the Military Retirement Fund, the Defense Commissary Agency, the Defense Contract Audit Agency, the DFAS Working Capital Fund, the US Army Corp of Engineers– Civil Works, the National Reconnaissance Office and the Defense Health Agency – Contract Resource Management.

The Defense Department identified and reviewed $621 million in payments subject to improper payment testing, which resulted in an estimated proper payment rate of 99.76% and $1.4 million in improper and unknown payments.

The department measures audit progress across five areas: workforce modernization, business operations, quality decision-making, reliable networks, and enhanced public confidence. For example, the Air Force has deployed 65 bots saving approximately 429,000 labor hours and improving the ability to audit its business processes. Auditors for the Army tested its construction-in-progress monitoring control and found no unresolved transactions in the clearing account.

The Navy reviewed $17 billion of unliquidated obligations, validating that 97% of the balances met audit requirements and uncovering an available $330 million, according to a news release.


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642774 No.108491

File: 8e9774876144f74⋯.png (1.21 MB,1917x922,1917:922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944837 (192308ZNOV23) Notable: Planefag: Line of Blackhawks out of Beale AFB at low altitude heading north to Eugene, Or.

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Line of Blackhawks out of Beale AFB at low altitude heading north to Eugene, Or.

What's going on in Eugene?

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642774 No.108492

File: 33ac3e717a1cbe9⋯.png (113.64 KB,927x737,927:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944864 (192314ZNOV23) Notable: DJT: It was my Great Honor to serve Thanksgiving meals to law enforcement and troops who will be stationed at the Southern Border during the Thanksgiving holiday this week

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Donald J. Trump


It was my Great Honor to serve Thanksgiving meals to law enforcement and troops who will be stationed at the Southern Border during the Thanksgiving holiday this week. On behalf of all Americans, THANK YOU for your service and dedication🇺🇸

Nov 19, 2023, 5:44 PM


President is still carrying out presidential duties...

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642774 No.108493

File: b741a73466522e3⋯.png (278.65 KB,520x491,520:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944881 (192318ZNOV23) Notable: Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

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Milei won Massa concedes


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642774 No.108494

File: bb85cd23171ab6a⋯.jpeg (546.28 KB,828x1375,828:1375,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1997d1989c64cb1⋯.jpeg (429.07 KB,828x737,828:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944889 (192319ZNOV23) Notable: PF: TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 landed at PBI about an hour ago from McAllen,TX depart and his 757 in for maintenance earlier this month

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>>108468 lb

TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 landed at PBI about an hour ago from McAllen,TX depart

>>>/qresearch/19944299 pb

>Also the 757 mebby getting some maintenance done because of where it’s parked currently.

The 757 was still moving at 9kts towards maintenance facility on Nov 8th so that why the smaller ACs used recently

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108495

File: 3109774a5d91f54⋯.png (391.98 KB,907x760,907:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944905 (192323ZNOV23) Notable: Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

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BREAKING: Argentinian Donald Trump Javier Milei Wins First Batch of Diaspora Votes by MASSIVE MARGINS – Runoff Election Today Against Socialist Economic Secretary Who Crushed the Economy

The Argentinian runoff election is being held today and so far the “Argentinian Donald Trump” Javier Milei is winning the diaspora vote by wide margins.

The socialist economic minister Sergio Massa, who has destroyed the nation’s economy, is taking on conservative firebrand Javier Milei.

As reported earlier by Paul Serran – Massa broke Argentina, but MSM would have you worry about Milei.

The leftist Peronist administrations have all but destroyed Argentina economy and put astonishing 40% of the population below poverty level.

Flash Sale On MyPillow’s Giza Dream Sheets – “The Nicest I’ve Ever Owned”

But hey – the Globalism media would have you believe that the grave danger to its economy is the conservative Javier Milei.

How can they keep a straight face while supporting the ECONOMY minister Sergio Massa, the architect of the economic demise of the nation?

So, when the first round of voting showed Massa in first place, the jubilations around the MSM were copious, with many assurances that Argentina ‘may yet prevent the worst’.

However, the celebrations may have been a bit ahead of time, since the polls for the today’s runoff vote show that Milei still holds an edge over his rival.

Bloomberg reported:

“Javier Milei, the libertarian outsider promising to scrap Argentina’s currency and central bank, continues to hold a slight polling edge over his Peronist rival with just over a week to go before the Nov. 19 presidential runoff.

Brazil-based AtlasIntel puts Milei’s support at 49% compared to 45% for Economy Minister Sergio Massa, according to a poll released Friday. Discounting blank votes, annulled votes and undecideds — which is the way the winner will ultimately be decided — the libertarian’s lead is 52% to 48%.

The results are essentially unchanged from another poll by the same firm a week ago. Atlas was one of the few pollsters that accurately predicted Massa would vault ahead of Milei in the Oct. 22 first-round vote.”

Massa is promising a more centrist version of leftist Peronism – what else can he do? He’s the man in charge of the catastrophe. In any sane country, he’d not have a shot.

Milei promises to slash state spending and waste – which is a scourge in all Latin America. He also vowed to change the peso for the US dollar and – oh the horror! – shut down Argentina’s central bank to thwart inflation.

Whoever wins the most votes in the runoff will become Argentina’s next president, with a new government taking office right away on Dec. 10.

The international left is warning that the nationalist candidate Milei would be ruinous for Argentina. They say this with a straight face.

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642774 No.108496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944909 (192323ZNOV23) Notable: Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

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The Guardian reported:

“The letter said Milei’s proposals – while presented as ‘a radical departure from traditional economic thinking’ – were actually ‘rooted in laissez-faire economics’ and ‘fraught with risks that make them potentially very harmful for the Argentine economy and the Argentine people’.

On the campaign trail, Milei – a self-described anarcho-capitalist – has brandished a chainsaw to symbolize his desire to slash subsidies and drastically reduce state expenditure on social programmes. He has also repeatedly claimed ‘taxes are theft’ and called the ‘social justice’ programmes they finance an ‘aberration’. ‘The state was invented by the devil, God’s system is the free market’, he has said.”

Milei was considered the favorite before last month’s first round but finished with 29.9% of votes to Massa’s 36.6% – let’s just pretend we trust these numbers.

Since then, however, he was endorsed by two prominent conservatives: the third-placed candidate, Patricia Bullrich, and the former president Mauricio Macri.

And also, fuel shortages have also further undermined Massa’s campaign.

So far Milei is winning big with the diaspora voters.

Behizy reported.

BREAKING: Argentinian Donald Trump Javier Milei has won the first batch of diaspora votes from Barcelona, Japan, Australia, etc by massive margins

If Javier Milei doesn't win this important election today, I am blaming election fraud. Never has there been more optimism for a… pic.twitter.com/0jBCtl0Cth

— George (@BehizyTweets) November 19, 2023


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642774 No.108497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944917 (192325ZNOV23) Notable: Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

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Argentina awaits election results, media say Milei is ahead

Nov 19th, 17:01:31

By Nicolás Misculin and Walter Bianchi

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters via PiQSuite.com) -Argentines were on tenterhooks on Sunday as they awaited results of a tight presidential runoff, with libertarian outsider Javier Milei taking the lead, according to unofficial data cited by local media. Official results have yet to be released.

The election pits Peronist Economy Minister Sergio Massa, at the helm for the worst economic crisis in two decades, against right-wing radical Milei. The two have offered starkly different visions on how to fix triple-digit inflation and rising poverty.

https://PiQSuite.com/reuters/argentina- ... i-is-ahead

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642774 No.108498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944933 (192327ZNOV23) Notable: Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

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Argentina elects 'shock therapy' libertarian Javier Milei as president

Nov 19th, 17:15:13

By Nicolás Misculin and Walter Bianchi

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters via PiQSuite.com) -Argentina elected libertarian outsider Javier Milei as its new president on Sunday, rolling the dice on an outsider with radical views to fix an economy battered by triple-digit inflation, a looming recession and rising poverty.

Official results have not been released, but his rival, Peronist Economy Minister Sergio Massa, conceded in a speech. His candidacy was hampered by the country's worst economic crisis in two decades while he has been at the helm.


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642774 No.108499

File: bf5fb581d5fbf26⋯.png (650.9 KB,934x762,467:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944949 (192330ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked Below …NOTE: This is the BODYCAM FOOTAGE – NOT the House Security Camera Footage

By Alicia Powe Nov. 19, 2023 8:00 am403 Comments

Hours after House Speaker Mike Johnson released a portion of the thousands of hours of J6 footage Congress withheld for years, the bogus narrative propagated by the government and mainstream media surrounding the “insurrection” is crumbling.

Cops are seen standing idly by as demonstrators peacefully walk through the building.

Footage of the most investigated demonstration in FBI history shows rioters trying to overthrow the most powerful government on earth armed with cameras, selfie sticks and flags in an attack that federal judges, the Department of Justice and Democrat lawmakers claim was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

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The first batch of videos was released Friday afternoon. Just 90 videos with no sound, comprising approximately 15 hours of over 41,000 hours of the fedsurrection, are now available to review on the Committee on House Administration website. Rep. Johnson has promised to upload more in the days ahead.

It’s unclear whether the total video dump will include body cam footage from DC Metropolitan Police Officers or Capitol Police, but it is unlikely. When The Gateway Pundit went to the House Administration media room, we were told we could only access footage from Capitol security cameras and various police divisions hold the police bodycam footage.

As the GOP conspicuously stalls a full release of the footage, J6 political hostages are being sentenced to years in prison for misdemeanor trespassing and non-violent crimes at the federal courthouse across the street from the Capitol building in a totalitarian inquisition against wrongthink and the First Amendment.

The DOJ has secured a 100 percent conviction rate against January 6 defendants in jury trials.

The existential fate of the United States hangs on the line as the seditious Justice Department and activist federal judges threaten to throw former President Donald Trump in solitary confinement alongside the political prisoners for “his role in the Capitol riot.” What is the government hiding?

Meanwhile, Sedition Hunting, an international fascistic operation assisting the FBI with the arrest of every America First “chud” on the Capitol ground during the riot, is steadily underway.

Sedition Hunters compile CCTV footage and police body cams diligently following January 6 and credit themselves with “building entire cases” against J6ers “for the FBI from soup to nuts.”

The alleged-volunteer army of “internet sleuths,” including data scientists, academic researchers and software engineers, have created at least a dozen websites and sophisticated databases dedicated to identifying J6ers for Uncle Sam, even utilizing facial recognition software to incarcerate its political opposition in the name of “protecting democracy.”

Here is a trove of links to J6 police body camera footage Congress has yet to release:

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944951 (192331ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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Here is a trove of links to J6 police body camera footage Congress has yet to release:



11:21:29 AM X6039BF88 https://archive.org/details/hp2NtasPKRC88hfGx

11:40:55 AM X6030853K https://archive.org/details/6rE2EpcKP9vjNykAL

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12:17:07 PM X6039BJHB https://archive.org/details/Rgzbuu254Y7oKSfyc

12:21:44 PM X6039BCGW https://archive.org/details/KTcC7R4i2hREhwR2p

12:27:22 PM X6039BFAS https://archive.org/details/zFdyoXH7XLhtuPW53

1:00:55 PM X6039B3Q https://archive.org/details/83k7vCKJLExtdZAD3

1:10:41 PM X6039BF76 https://archive.org/details/Xw6Biy8aJPt26338J

1:13:15 PM X6030252F https://archive.org/details/kD5k9wgj6hj6GzTBg LOWER WEST PLAZA

1:14:02 PM X6039BKYG https://archive.org/details/7LaLnCx8Jr3cnLgc6 LOWER WEST PLAZA

1:14:45 PM X6039BKYG https://ia904507.us.archive.org/20/items/iSXWDs775iYBeaHy3/Sean_McHugh_Case_Bodycam_.mpeg4 LOWER WEST PLAZA

1:15:12 PM X6039BEYQ https://archive.org/details/FckgqEPzGEn4mZLAW

1:16:50 PM X6039BF4W https://archive.org/details/federico-klein-and-steven-cappuccio-436

1:19:03 PM X6039BEW6 https://archive.org/details/8Baje8tQ4YwYnAJf7

1:20:06 PM X6039BCAU https://archive.org/details/9AEcuNSqPsnzQS6GX

1:21:38 PM X6039BGKA https://archive.org/details/7pkt5shJwMDqFLY3D

1:22:01 PM X6039BLAL https://archive.org/details/sfde974NWXkJ2cTWW

1:27:40 PM X6039BJJA https://archive.org/details/45XrocRZaztcJvarY

1:27:49 PM X6039BF4W https://ia804504.us.archive.org/28/items/5QBmjS6RBpDA9wyJF/Sean_McHugh_Case_Bodycam_.mpeg4 LOWER WEST PLAZA

1:27:50 PM X6039BJJA https://archive.org/details/federico-klein-and-steven-cappuccio-414

1:29:04 PM X6039BEYR https://archive.org/details/gauquvpFr6nRaj25D

1:31:04 PM X6039BEYR https://ia902308.us.archive.org/5/items/qrG6MXQyuEZtkyzbg/qrG6MXQyuEZtkyzbg.mpeg4 LOWER WEST PLAZA

1:31:44 PM X603BCAU https://ia902306.us.archive.org/25/items/2oBsm8J6zxePsf6vP/Sean_McHugh_Case_Bodycam_Footage_3.mpeg4 LW PLAZA

1:32:09 PM X6039BCAU https://ia802303.us.archive.org/34/items/n2mZjn7ELwCkyREZM/n2mZjn7ELwCkyREZM.mpeg4 LOWER WEST PLAZA

1:32:22 PM X6039BBEYR https://ia802309.us.archive.org/29/items/8axYcvLxuRZ4jqizY/8axYcvLxuRZ4jqizY.mpeg4 LOWER WEST PLAZA

1:32:57 PM X6039BJJA https://ia802309.us.archive.org/29/items/8axYcvLxuRZ4jqizY/8axYcvLxuRZ4jqizY.mpeg4

1:34:00 PM X6039BFW https://archive.org/details/Fpwh9EechGrgyKZ76

1:34:15 PM X6039BF4W https://ia904509.us.archive.org/17/items/XMWQiHEsddR6r2p2z/Sean_McHugh_Case_Bodycam_.mpeg4

1:35:56 PM X6039BCAU https://ia902300.us.archive.org/8/items/uegvfjmQsAr99QdJj/uegvfjmQsAr99QdJj.mpeg4

1:36:56 PM X6039BEYR https://ia902300.us.archive.org/8/items/uegvfjmQsAr99QdJj/uegvfjmQsAr99QdJj.mpeg4

1:36:55 PM X6039BEYR https://ia902300.us.archive.org/8/items/uegvfjmQsAr99QdJj/uegvfjmQsAr99QdJj.mpeg4

1:36:56 PM X6039BDFC https://archive.org/details/XAuF6aBqnL8s8LsA6

1:37:11 PM X6039BD7G https://archive.org/details/FW7MbHofKrf2KpWCK

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944953 (192331ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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1:38:13 PM X6039BEYR https://ia902305.us.archive.org/18/items/rv5iCyS8jXLTxwoL5/rv5iCyS8jXLTxwoL5.mpeg4

1:39: 27 PM X6039Bh8Q https://archive.org/details/X8yHiaMpB3NB7AHvG

1:39:33 PM X6039BEYR https://archive.org/details/n5r2ovueC9Lsy8dM7

1:39:39 PM X6039BF4W https://archive.org/details/SJKAFATHvWiffsZTT

1:39:44 PM X6039BA0P https://archive.org/details/HwXPM4ngfiGHc4N3X

1:39:58 PM X6039BF4W https://ia902302.us.archive.org/23/items/SkSR5mqeDqCKN5opL/Sean_McHugh_Case_Bodycam_.mpeg4

1:40:57 PM X6039BEYR https://ia902304.us.archive.org/14/items/iJnKNugHLYa3mmLBX/iJnKNugHLYa3mmLBX.mpeg4

1:44:27 PM X6039BJJA https://archive.org/details/DTKijvzeCHtuttW7r

1:47:16 PM X6030478K https://archive.org/details/Ypgu8XZjHCfzijCc6

1:50:05 PM X6039BD0P https://archive.org/details/WoLDnQNyd8pbTCiwo

1:53:40 PM X6039BKNU https://propublica-data-j6cases-videos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/51d50c60ce28013960702cde48001122.mp4

1:53:41 PM X6039BKEB https://archive.org/details/b7gDiYGcrSEyEsC5d

1:53:42 PM X6039BFSE https://archive.org/details/owrhgGHHqDqH4zefH

1:53:44 PM X6039BKH5 https://archive.org/details/W76Tc5Se4boFjaeHQ

1:54:33 PM X6039BF8S https://archive.org/details/federico-klein-and-steven-cappuccio-413

1:55:55 PM X6039BEWQ https://archive.org/details/DZ7CnoNLN7cLMXPJr

1:56:45 PM X6039BA90 https://ia804504.us.archive.org/29/items/Fe6AYBad5ibbQizoS/Grady_Owens_Case_Bodycam_.mpeg4

1:57:49 PM X6039BD5M https://archive.org/details/vkgdxf5xzAeNKASTT

1:59:32 PM X6039BFMV https://archive.org/details/HFnkqeiSbipo5wYgA

1:59:38 PM X6039BA90 https://archive.org/details/CQPszc7ayA5ao5Sjz

1:59:42 PM X6039BJ07 https://archive.org/details/QLhYkKmksgHcofGzp

1:59:47 PM X603BF8S https://archive.org/details/kW4ZtwAkteyiNgdN5

1:59:48 PM X6039BBIA https://archive.org/details/J6mMyPfNGkhXwP36G

1:59:48 PM X6039BFMU https://archive.org/details/6Fz6nyn54dsDN5BXv

1:59:53 PM X6039BF4W https://archive.org/details/ZwvGquxxhS9sECBju

2:02:11 PM X6039BFEY https://archive.org/details/qMFfAtCLjPp96uPJ4

2:04:48 PM X6039BA66 https://archive.org/details/6gmm6nrYmSuQ3boua

2:07:19 PM X6039BBOE https://archive.org/details/ethan-nordean-exhibit-2007-x-6039-bboe

2:07:46 PM X6039BCNH https://archive.org/details/ethan-nordean-exhibit-2008-x-6039-bcnh

2:08:59 PM X6039BCN8 https://archive.org/details/wgi98m7qak3iKYc8c

2:09:50 PM X6039BKEB https://archive.org/details/HuWhTbNSdtnte8Tdr

2:10:36 PM X6039BFMU https://archive.org/details/jgY7GqxfJJFPGtd7j

2:10:44 PM X6039BCNH https://archive.org/details/XD8WbwtiCBj6Fujww

2:11:10 PM X6039B8Z3 https://archive.org/details/M2SFuabyLp7cqD4vG

2:13:12 PM X6039BJJT https://archive.org/details/GT4ooxhy6KMRptQ3d

2:14:04 PM X6039BEYR https://ia804506.us.archive.org/15/items/NRjbxMZbuq2wZKEaL/Robert_Morss_Exhibit_C_Pa.mpeg4

2:14:13 PM X6039BH8Q https://archive.org/details/jexQwhfyyqKcNYtQP

2:15:44 PM X6039BA6R https://archive.org/details/KC6ymMwm6xCXg4uzg

2:17:54 PM X6039BD5P https://archive.org/details/QXMsdTFfp8Doyszwt

2:21:00 PM X6039BJRP https://propublica-data-j6cases-videos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/5c86d280ce2b013960702cde48001122.mp4

2:21:30 PM X6039BF3E https://archive.org/details/dR3Trn5W8ZRW5KYbv

2:22:48 PM X6039A8QA https://archive.org/details/ApeHg7f5ypfLh9Pup

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944958 (192332ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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2:22:51 PM X6039BLDK https://archive.org/details/wMvs6sE4Ffuu39bdo

2:22:53 PM X6039BF76 https://ia802307.us.archive.org/28/items/FMtTTggHFxhHfBzbE/George_Tanios_Exhibit_7_C.mpeg4

2:22:57 PM X6039BEVY https://archive.org/details/craig-bingert-207-a

2:22:58 PM X6039BEER https://archive.org/details/vBeuB7LH6aEcXtmtB

2:22:58 PM X6039BEER https://archive.org/details/vBeuB7LH6aEcXtmtB

2:23:20 PM X6039BH8Q https://archive.org/details/THutZFphkKKNBM2Q6

2:24:43 PM X6039BJK6 https://archive.org/details/uDfmCnJeuZ5XdLXLt

2:24:57 PM X6039BCZM https://archive.org/details/PKdJhQhEh6F8ymTTW

2:25:49 PM X6039BJAA https://archive.org/details/PiewHFbZ7PRsEuphW

2:25:58 PM X6039BJ04 https://archive.org/details/4pz5Y2kfMjghXumfB

2:27:45 PM X6039BJJA https://ia802300.us.archive.org/20/items/ZLSDPYDzPYG9fmMze/ZLSDPYDzPYG9fmMze.mpeg4

2:29:15 PM X6039BEWQ https://ia902302.us.archive.org/18/items/BWfFF7WJucAgwSscb/Brian_Mock_Government_Exh.mpeg4

2:32:29 PM X6039BKU6 https://archive.org/details/G72xuMFTpZEX6A8gv

2:33:11 PM X6039BJAA https://ia802308.us.archive.org/7/items/JhRAaW6zsxQtsHWEk/Robert_Morss_Exhibit_F_Pa.mpeg4

2:33:45 PM X6039BJAA https://ia802308.us.archive.org/7/items/JhRAaW6zsxQtsHWEk/Robert_Morss_Exhibit_F_Pa.mpeg4

2:34:06 PM X6039BJJA https://ia902305.us.archive.org/19/items/qwv2Mkw9qYdgZGsnA/qwv2Mkw9qYdgZGsnA.mpeg4 UPPER WEST PLAZA

2:35:11 PM X6039BJJA https://archive.org/details/ejLK3vmNuD7R2gc6S

2:36:09 PM X6039BKU6 https://archive.org/details/py25JgNkYGXyNTbTK

2:36:37 PM X6039BKU6 https://archive.org/details/Znv6RBrrsRR3bdYqm

2:36:41 PM X6039AJAH https://archive.org/details/6nz3RTjYMJNvd9dAz

2:38:05 PM X6039BK5E https://archive.org/details/mqHLaddTXNHpyEjZQ LOWER WEST TERRACE

2:38:12 PM X6039BKU6 https://archive.org/details/raP6X2oYTZALjJFXc

2:38:16 PM X6039B81D https://archive.org/details/9E6ctC2DvGWKSrmkD

2:40:15 PM X6030478K https://archive.org/details/vybvP9onzy5YLQ4wr INSIDE TUNNEL DOOR

2:40:50 PM X6039BH4A https://archive.org/details/jZf9rrPX95i5zRQNQ

2:40:52 PM X6039BK5E https://archive.org/details/joDcxRoXAQjR8bu6d INSIDE TUNNEL DOOR

2:40:54 PM X6039BJ57 https://archive.org/details/5LvRRZFPsymbgRjva

2:40:57 PM X6039BKGQ https://archive.org/details/hMkipNZapcghtjvoe

2:42:16 PM X6039BJN1 https://archive.org/details/JnucDpZS2jjvkuWmh

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944966 (192333ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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2:43:13 PM X6039BKV6 https://archive.org/details/PJZYNSjJ4XCTctDZE

2:44:03PM X6039BKTC https://archive.org/details/W2i6CqA4bBHpSR7yN CORRIDOR

2:44:14 PM X6039B9NP https://archive.org/details/johnny-marris-exhibit-p

2:44:39 PM X6039BCTB https://ia802309.us.archive.org/13/items/GSP9cRNLKiDLpHEZn/GSP9cRNLKiDLpHEZn.mpeg4 HOUSE INTERIOR, ROTUNDA

2:44:44 PM X6039BKV6 https://archive.org/details/aBC7BFQAwK8EkLMxj

2:46:03 PM X6039BKV6 https://archive.org/details/kPRESjGDBxRtyPXmR CORRIDOR

2:46:33 PM X6039BJN1 https://archive.org/details/mYh2bZFWZczjuffzd

2:46:46 PM X603BKNU https://archive.org/details/t6Pdc2xSNrThghzw6 TUNNEL

2:46:55 PM X6039BD05 https://archive.org/details/q7zRitk6eavETJeth

2:47:35 PM Z6039BKU6 https://archive.org/details/zkm8DtBPKWDpvwGZL

2:48:10 PM X6039BFQ1 https://ia802602.us.archive.org/33/items/qNnSxoaGrZ8jeZiTn/qNnSxoaGrZ8jeZiTn.mpeg4

2:48:10 PM X6039BFQ1 https://archive.org/details/QBKoNzjTrH3sPWNHR

2:49:45 PM X6039BD07 https://archive.org/details/BMZuBoF2aR9RpbkPC

2:50:19 PM X6039BF8E https://archive.org/details/2fhsKtiY9jbtC2zsX INSIDE

2:51:03 PM X6039BCQN https://archive.org/details/Zu4fcBYK6DKwjEkks

2:52:42 PM X6039BFSE https://ia802305.us.archive.org/12/items/naRo9GS3dA85JeEC3/naRo9GS3dA85JeEC3.mpeg4 TUNNEL

2:52:43 PM X6039BA71 https://archive.org/details/ipyLiSsp86ZS9ucdc INSIDE

2:53:30 PM X6030478K https://ia802302.us.archive.org/3/items/CEEHzbeWSa9CEL9Gi/Federico_Klein_Bogner.mpeg4

2:54:01 PM X6039BES3 https://archive.org/details/u9NijXLMsyjR7M3Yz ROTUNDA

2:54:04 PM X6039BF7H https://archive.org/details/9yTfFaSaK9xc8ACfz ROTUNDA

2:56:23 PM X6039BCT4 https://archive.org/details/2L6ybvJHnXX2g7RrP ROTUNDA, UPPER WEST TERRACE

2:56:56 PM X6039BF85 https://archive.org/details/e4X43gZaoAkgkihQw ROTUNDA

2:57:21 PM X6039BF8E https://archive.org/details/rYSEiPi52YxmLBeBY

2:58:33 PM X6039BD07 https://archive.org/details/PQ35yJ78o8CcM6dxF

3:02:14 PM X6039BFH3 https://archive.org/details/35G96KjzC6ynQxxFe ROTUNDA

3:02:22 PM X6039B7MF https://archive.org/details/W2CDE6tTQvDYyeFM8 ROTUNDA

3:02:38 PM X6039BKU6 https://archive.org/details/47w4xPMxQxcK7ybP4

3:02:29 PM X6039BF3E

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944967 (192333ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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3:02:29 PM X6039BF3E https://ia804601.us.archive.org/29/items/yB5h55p45vGHihfn6/yB5h55p45vGHihfn6.mpeg4 ROTUNDA

3:02:52 PM X6039BAY3 https://archive.org/details/johnny-marris-exhibit-o UPPER WEST TERRACE, ROTUNDA

3:03:37 PM X6039BAA3 https://archive.org/details/KZKkmnckhc5Q8yFr7 ROTUNDA

3:03:54 PM X6039BJ6K https://archive.org/details/J6tAPcEwrYvPWcGg7

3:04:20 PM X6039BDGY https://archive.org/details/SypQPeKLnBXv6Kp5m ROTUNDA

3:05:32 PM X6039BKU6 https://archive.org/details/tCxJ3D6ws72eapgrK

3:05:56 PM X6039BJVD https://archive.org/details/dZLFiNmbW4oXNGnsw

3:06:35 PM X6039B8CK https://archive.org/details/4g9vfAhudz7xkFFH2 ROTUNDA

3:06:45 PM X6039BGXT https://archive.org/details/reT7oviA7irxJ4grr

3:06:54 PM X6039BFB5 https://archive.org/details/Ng8ntEt6xS5Ec8mp6

3:07:07 PM X6039BGXT https://archive.org/details/KwCJzywEnL4uu7eHX

3:07:20 PM X6039BF76 https://archive.org/details/gh5QLwRy9EokEuYxh

3:07:33 PM X6039BHGT https://archive.org/details/SSddDvryrG6NZZ3ay ROTUNDA

3:08:03 PM X60399001 https://archive.org/details/johnny-marris-exhibit-q ROTUNDA

3:08:14 PM X6039KBNU https://archive.org/details/CRRgw49WvsLxcNbj9 TUNNEL

3:08:23 PM X6039BF3E https://archive.org/details/Yst444cpTr5gWeust TUNNEL

3:08:27 PM X6039BCJQ https://archive.org/details/jacob-chansley-exhibit-12

3:08:33 PM X6039BJ5Y https://archive.org/details/NMQnAseyZKCJqrxfg

3:09:32 PM X6039B9N0 https://ia804506.us.archive.org/23/items/CfqzEyw8jgpzDGAKC/Daniel_Egtvedt_BWC_Footage.mpeg4 CRYPT

3:11:31 PM X6039B8Z1 https://ia804506.us.archive.org/23/items/CfqzEyw8jgpzDGAKC/Daniel_Egtvedt_BWC_Footage.mpeg4 HALL OF COLUMNS

3:12:00 PM X6039BEYS https://archive.org/details/kenneth-thomas-309

3:18:39 PM X6039B9N0 https://archive.org/details/8L2SS9trumLJTxben OFFICER FANONE’S BODYCAM

3:18:59 PM X6039BFH3 https://archive.org/details/ZsmLzk4CDdkFuRBuK

3:19:36 PM X6039BKV6 https://archive.org/details/pfJ3gRArLxfr3PxZL

3:21:14 PM X6039BH4A https://archive.org/details/ePNaE3MX6n7EjgcFD

3:21:27 PM X6039BF3E https://archive.org/details/WXS9XxAH4NpsSWHPX

3:22:02 PM X6039B9WG https://archive.org/details/tHoJGTmvYZaA6jata

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108505

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944971 (192333ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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3:24:19 PM X6039BEA3 https://archive.org/details/ZzXSKnTob6bS6EDHR ROTUNDA

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3:30:30 PM X6039BF3Q https://archive.org/details/kenneth-thomas-307.mp-4

3:37:43 PM X6039B9N0 https://archive.org/details/rcCGYMS7tee8nKzKj OFFICER FANONE’S BODYCAM

3:45:04 PM X6039BJ4E https://archive.org/details/PPLFvLKZyrtgcfeMc

3:51:15 PM X6039BJJA https://archive.org/details/former-feds-group-freedom-foundation-rumble-officer-henry-foulds-2-x-6039-bjja

3:52:13 PM X6039BCAU https://archive.org/details/3ZpKa8wpWL7fdKW6v

3:52:32 PM X6039BEWQ https://archive.org/details/federico-klein-and-steven-cappuccio-419.1

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3:53:45 PM X6039BFSE https://archive.org/details/KBSBZdFhucYxYLMmW

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4:03:17 PM X6039BF8H https://propublica-data-j6cases-videos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/5f6ef48018e8013a36652cde48001122.mp4 TUNNEL

4:08:38 PM X6039BJJA https://archive.org/details/2ajECmQBpidfEDcRD

4:08:45 PM X6039BCAU https://archive.org/details/mdyiGD8Q3P5og6p7d TUNNEL

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4:10:42 PM X6039BKNU https://archive.org/details/8sXFmmpRRNiftWYsw TUNNEL

4:10:45 PM X6039BFSE https://archive.org/details/NZCEjBpFKuteY2DDY

4:10:54 PM X6039BJJA https://archive.org/details/ih2irX6j5NeRbJtq6 TUNNEL

4:11:12 PM X6039BK4N https://archive.org/details/ifTPyvAwcQXwFwrWA NW COURTYARD

4:13:48 PM X6039BF8H https://ia802308.us.archive.org/4/items/Axww422ATZGSHKAcP/Axww422ATZGSHKAcP.mpeg4

4:20:43 PM X6039BJHS https://archive.org/details/PhGmRZzESREXecSnF

4:21:05 PM X6039BBKV https://archive.org/details/Gtst9KhxpYKD5rB6b

4:21:45 PM X6039B9WG https://archive.org/details/kenneth-thomas-303 NW COURTYARD

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642774 No.108506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944972 (192334ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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4:22:02 PM X6039B94Y https://archive.org/details/zvGSWSjNA8eozm6u8

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4:25:59 PM X6039BCMP https://archive.org/details/kenneth-thomas-305 NW COURTYARD

4:26:14 PM X6039BBKV https://archive.org/details/c4sH77N8fwCxzF6mz

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4:26:23 PM X6039BEYS https://archive.org/details/Xm9jMqygWBNGmqsPX

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4:27:00 PM X6039BJJV https://ia802302.us.archive.org/19/items/Liv8WHey8kr5DoL6d/Liv8WHey8kr5DoL6d.mpeg4 TUNNEL ENTRANCE

4:27:00 PM X6039BHJ1 https://archive.org/details/24atyK3BFC6PyLASm

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4:27:53 PM X6039BF8H https://archive.org/details/AZvzKMEZycB9fLmJK

4:28:17 PM X6039BFL0 https://archive.org/details/kenneth-thomas-308 NW COURTYARD

4:28:52 PM X6039BEYS https://archive.org/details/eTM4seDwnPyBv5wWr

4:30:32 PM X6039BJ8Z https://ia804505.us.archive.org/21/items/vY5JxKk4gdnhJdYrq/vY5JxKk4gdnhJdYrq.mpeg4

4:48:27 PM X6039BK5S https://archive.org/details/ywdaPStaPZcgdRQiK

4:48:27 PM X6039BK5S https://archive.org/details/ywdaPStaPZcgdRQiK

4:48:49 PM X6039BL0C https://ia904501.us.archive.org/21/items/XXRjH7CkAJAxCEPEg/Jack_Wade_Whitton_DP_BWC_.mpeg4 TUNNEL ENTRANCE

4:49:15 PM X6039BL9G https://archive.org/details/YjjoRD39XxfupGzen

4:49:32 PM X6039BL2P https://archive.org/details/xrW2jSXg6viYK8JFx

4:52:54 PM X6039BCVM https://ia804501.us.archive.org/3/items/rNc3HzpTs5eNJoq9R/rNc3HzpTs5eNJoq9R.mpeg4 NE PLAZA

4:55:53 PM X6039BL0C https://archive.org/details/SjXpWK9spAkrond5Y

5:30:26 PM X6039BCHE https://ia904501.us.archive.org/3/items/rNc3HzpTs5eNJoq9R/rNc3HzpTs5eNJoq9R.mpeg4

7:18:01 PM X6039BH6K https://archive.org/details/rYEK7wf2eFFqEoDGj

7:19:37 PM X6039BKDK https://archive.org/details/a9vbZj24LcQx8a7MZ

7:29:38 PM X6030478K https://archive.org/details/2HTz24SdeDPEFJQCA


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642774 No.108507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945006 (192341ZNOV23) Notable: Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

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People Are Touched By This Writer's Conversation With A Bunch Of Fourth Graders

"Kids are books filled with blank pages."

This is 38-year-old writer Slade Sohmer.


Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

Slade Sohmer, 44, was arrested on Friday after being charged with possessing and distributing hundreds of child abuse material

He was released on Monday on $100,000 bail after pleading not guilty

The journalist faces a mandatory sentence of 15 years if convicted of all charges

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642774 No.108508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945018 (192344ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here is a trove of links to J6 police body camera footage Congress has yet to release:



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642774 No.108509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945051 (192353ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>108499, >>108500, >>108501, >>108502, >>108503, >>108504, >>108505, >>108506 Here is a trove of links to J6 police body camera footage Congress has yet to release

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642774 No.108510

File: c3ff071b1ae5a58⋯.png (74.21 KB,496x451,496:451,Clipboard.png)

File: a547bc494b9f199⋯.png (66.47 KB,496x852,124:213,Clipboard.png)

File: f85f2b06890c35b⋯.png (288.4 KB,496x347,496:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945077 (192358ZNOV23) Notable: Bidens / Bill Clinton / Michelle Obama on Rosalyn Carter

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Bill Clinton


Rosalynn Carter was the embodiment of a life lived with purpose. My and Hillary’s full statement:

5:53 PM · Nov 19, 2023


Michelle Obama


You learn very quickly that there is no handbook or rules to being First Lady. Technically, it’s not even an official position. And while there are spoken and unspoken expectations that provide some structure, the role is largely shaped by the passions and aspirations of the person holding it.

First Lady Rosalynn Carter understood that well.

Guided by her abiding faith and her commitment to service, Mrs. Carter used her platform in profoundly meaningful ways. Her groundbreaking work to combat the stigma faced by those struggling with their mental health brought light to so many suffering in silence. She advocated for better care for the elderly. She advanced women’s rights. And she remained a champion for those causes — and many others like building affordable housing for those in need and caring for our nation’s caregivers — in the more than four decades that followed.

When our family was in the White House, every so often, Rosalynn would join me for lunch, offering a few words of advice and always — always — a helping hand. She reminded me to make the role of First Lady my own, just like she did. I’ll always remain grateful for her support and her generosity.

Today, Barack and I join the world in celebrating the remarkable legacy of a First Lady, philanthropist, and advocate who dedicated her life to lifting up others. Her life is a reminder that no matter who we are, our legacies are best measured not in awards or accolades, but in the lives we touch. We send our thoughts and prayers to Jimmy and the entire Carter family during this difficult time.

6:13 PM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108511

File: 4f3d3cbf750a43f⋯.png (16.38 KB,497x230,497:230,Clipboard.png)

File: 85f664f0d13c385⋯.png (19.3 KB,497x264,497:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945092 (200001ZNOV23) Notable: Bidens / Bill Clinton / Michelle Obama on Rosalyn Carter

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Jill Biden


First Lady Rosalynn Carter walked her own path, inspiring a nation and the world along the way.

My love is with the entire Carter family, as they, and we, grieve our dearest Rosalynn.

6:41 PM · Nov 19, 2023


President Biden


First Lady Rosalynn Carter walked her own path, inspiring a nation and the world along the way.

On behalf a grateful nation, we send our love to the entire Carter family and the countless people whose lives are better, fuller, and brighter because of Rosalynn Carter.

6:45 PM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108512

File: 638e71af096ac3f⋯.png (74.67 KB,603x534,201:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945100 (200002ZNOV23) Notable: DJT Truth Post on the loss of Rosalynn Carter

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Donald J. Trump


Melania and I join all Americans in mourning the loss of Rosalynn Carter. She was a devoted First Lady, a great humanitarian, a champion for mental health, and a beloved wife to her husband for 77 years, President Carter.

Over a life spanning nearly a century, Rosalynn Carter earned the admiration and gratitude of our entire nation. From her days as a U.S. Navy spouse, to the Georgia Governor’s Mansion, to her tenure as First Lady of the United States, and her later work at the Carter Center and volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, she leaves behind a legacy of extraordinary accomplishment and national service.

Our prayers are with the former president, the Carter family, and the entire community of Plains, Georgia, that she loved so much!

Nov 19, 2023, 4:44 PM


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642774 No.108513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945104 (200004ZNOV23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

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#24487 >>108473

>>108474, >>108512 DJT Truth Post on the loss of Rosalynn Carter

>>108475 A memorial was erected in the main square of Santiago (the capital of Chile) in memory of children who were victims of Israeli misdeeds.

>>108476 N.Haley: Our soldiers and veterans are willing to fight for us—we have to fight for them. We have a country to save.

>>108477 Tributes to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter pour in on news of her death

>>108478, >>108485 Update(s): Israeli Tanker GALAXY LEADER

>>108479 Kari Lake: The Arizona State Bar is being weaponized against attorneys who courageously take on Election Cases.

>>108480 Statement from former President Jimmy Carter on the passing of his beloved wife Rosalynn:

>>108481 Troops Take First Step in Filing Suit Over Alleged Sexual Abuse by Army Doctor

>>108482 Creepy Pedo Joe just asked a six year old if she was "17"

>>108483 DeSantis: Donald Trump should show up to debate, prove he can sit on that stage for two hours, defend his record and decisions

>>108484 Tom Homan: I promised President Trump when he announced that if he goes back, I go back.

>>108486 Israel Reports Houthi Forces Seized Two Cargo Ships in the Red Sea

>>108487 Royal Navy Tests Largest-Ever Unmanned Aircraft on Carrier off Virginia

>>108490 Pentagon Grapples With Trillions In Liabilities Amid Rising Chinese Military Power

>>108491 Planefag: Line of Blackhawks out of Beale AFB at low altitude heading north to Eugene, Or.

>>108488, >>108489 Mark Dayton's (former governor of Minnesota) wife is a Rockefeller?Check out some of the donors for Minnesota politicians Ada Hutschinson?

>>108492 DJT: It was my Great Honor to serve Thanksgiving meals to law enforcement and troops who will be stationed at the Southern Border during the Thanksgiving holiday this week

>>108493, >>108495, >>108496, >>108497, >>108498 Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

>>108499, >>108500, >>108501, >>108502, >>108503, >>108504, >>108505, >>108506, >>108509 EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe - Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

>>108507 Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

>>108510, >>108511, Bidens / Bill Clinton / Michelle Obama on Rosalyn Carter

Notes Circa 630

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642774 No.108514

File: 8f9a7aad8cea2e8⋯.png (803.41 KB,1018x903,1018:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945167 (200016ZNOV23) Notable: Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

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NEW: Argentina's new president Javier Milei is against abortion, pro-gun, vowed to cut ties with China, insulted Pope Francis and says humans are not behind climate change

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642774 No.108515

File: d1254234a6797cc⋯.png (1.33 MB,961x808,961:808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945173 (200019ZNOV23) Notable: Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

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top kek


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642774 No.108516

File: ba4671b70d04e59⋯.png (2.16 MB,1920x1277,1920:1277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945191 (200022ZNOV23) Notable: #24487

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24487 >>108473

>>108474, >>108512 DJT Truth Post on the loss of Rosalynn Carter

>>108475 A memorial was erected in the main square of Santiago (the capital of Chile) in memory of children who were victims of Israeli misdeeds.

>>108476 N.Haley: Our soldiers and veterans are willing to fight for us—we have to fight for them. We have a country to save.

>>108477 Tributes to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter pour in on news of her death

>>108478, >>108485 Update(s): Israeli Tanker GALAXY LEADER

>>108479 Kari Lake: The Arizona State Bar is being weaponized against attorneys who courageously take on Election Cases.

>>108480 Statement from former President Jimmy Carter on the passing of his beloved wife Rosalynn:

>>108481 Troops Take First Step in Filing Suit Over Alleged Sexual Abuse by Army Doctor

>>108482 Creepy Pedo Joe just asked a six year old if she was "17"

>>108483 DeSantis: Donald Trump should show up to debate, prove he can sit on that stage for two hours, defend his record and decisions

>>108484 Tom Homan: I promised President Trump when he announced that if he goes back, I go back.

>>108486 Israel Reports Houthi Forces Seized Two Cargo Ships in the Red Sea

>>108487 Royal Navy Tests Largest-Ever Unmanned Aircraft on Carrier off Virginia

>>108490 Pentagon Grapples With Trillions In Liabilities Amid Rising Chinese Military Power

>>108491 Planefag: Line of Blackhawks out of Beale AFB at low altitude heading north to Eugene, Or.

>>108494 PF: TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 landed at PBI about an hour ago from McAllen,TX depart and his 757 in for maintenance earlier this month

>>108488, >>108489 Mark Dayton's (former governor of Minnesota) wife is a Rockefeller?Check out some of the donors for Minnesota politicians Ada Hutschinson?

>>108492 DJT: It was my Great Honor to serve Thanksgiving meals to law enforcement and troops who will be stationed at the Southern Border during the Thanksgiving holiday this week

>>108493, >>108495, >>108496, >>108497, >>108498, >>108514, >>108515 Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

>>108499, >>108500, >>108501, >>108502, >>108503, >>108504, >>108505, >>108506, >>108509, >>108508, >>108509

>>108513 EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

>>108507 Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

>>108510, >>108511, Bidens / Bill Clinton / Michelle Obama on Rosalyn Carter


Circa 700 / Bakering & Out

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642774 No.108517

File: a79f8cae693e37c⋯.png (379.21 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945235 (200027ZNOV23) Notable: #24488

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Baker is OUT

Baker / Notetaker, Please Step Up

Baker / Notetaker, Please Step Up

Baker / Notetaker, Please Step Up

Baker / Notetaker, Please Step Up

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108518

File: 400a42a3f7a6253⋯.png (238.38 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945256 (200034ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli MPs introduce death penalty bill

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Israeli MPs introduce death penalty bill

The far-right Otzma Yehudit party wants to legalize the execution of “terrorists”

Israel’s far-right Otzma Yehudit party has submitted a bill mandating “the death penalty for terrorists,” which will be debated this week.

“I expect all members of the Knesset to support this important law,” Otzma Yehudit leader and Israel's national security minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday.


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642774 No.108519

File: ff457d3ecc2023b⋯.png (564.98 KB,982x1545,982:1545,Clipboard.png)

File: 7be8e97e84c6a93⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945261 (200035ZNOV23) Notable: Javier Milei has been elected as the next president of Argentina.

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BREAKING: Javier Milei has been elected as the next president of Argentina.

Here is Milei going off on socialist politicians, calling them "parasites" for stealing from their people.

"This is a society infected by socialism and what we need to achieve is to remove socialism from people's minds."

"Politicians are sociopaths who want to make us believe that we are mentally invalid in every sense because we cannot live without them."

"If the country were divided between those who produce on one side and the other side, the f***ing politicians, the syndicalists, this whole bunch of parasites, they would sink and die."




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642774 No.108520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945267 (200036ZNOV23) Notable: UK government keeps secret files on critics – Observer

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UK government keeps secret files on critics – Observer

Various experts have been barred from government-sponsored events for criticizing the cabinet or the prime minister, the paper says

At least 15 British government departments have been engaged in a deliberate social media and internet profiling campaign against public experts in various fields, to prevent critics from speaking at cabinet-sponsored events, the Observer reported on Saturday, citing a trove of data it had seen.

The government officials in each department had specific guidelines regulating what exactly they should look for and requesting them to compile and keep “secret files” on speakers deemed to be critical of the cabinet, the paper said.

The profiling usually involved checking a person’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts as well as doing a Google search on such individuals using keywords like “criticism of the government or prime minister.” The officials were then advised to look through up to 10 pages of the search results or a period of between three and five years, the report said.

The UK Education Department – one of those engaged in the profiling campaign, according to the Observer – outright denied resorting to such practices in a response to the freedom of information request filed by the Privacy International group last year. The group was investigating social media monitoring by the government at that time.

“Making a concerted effort to search for negative information in this way is directed surveillance,” the Privacy International legal director, Caroline Wilson Palow, told the Observer.

Information on the scheme was shared with the paper by a law firm, Leigh Day, that is currently pursuing legal action against the government on behalf of at least two persons affected by such practices.

“This is likely to have impacted large numbers of individuals, many of whom won’t know civil servants hold secret files on them. Such practices are extremely dangerous,” Tessa Gregory, a partner at Leigh Day, told the Observer. The lawyer maintained that such hidden checks violate data protection and potentially human rights laws.

One of those who hired Leigh Day was Dan Kaszeta, a chemical weapons expert and an associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), one of the UK's leading security think tanks. “The full extent of this is shocking and probably not fully known. I was lucky enough to be given clearcut, obvious evidence,” he told the paper, adding that he was also aware of 12 other experts who had found out that the government had been blacklisting them.

According to Kaszeta, he received a public apology from the government in July and was informed in August that the 15 departments in question had withdrawn those guidelines pending a Cabinet Office review.

A spokesman for the Cabinet Office told the Observer that the government was “reviewing the guidance and have temporarily withdrawn it to prevent any misinterpretation of the rules.”


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642774 No.108521

File: f762e50f2adf311⋯.jpg (240.5 KB,1080x1302,180:217,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9a9de2991f86b93⋯.jpg (120.88 KB,1080x614,540:307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945268 (200037ZNOV23) Notable: Javier Milei has been elected as the next president of Argentina.

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642774 No.108522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945294 (200044ZNOV23) Notable: Javier Milei has been elected as the next president of Argentina.

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I hope he isn't killed, this is awesome.


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642774 No.108523

File: 93cee3cd65e9325⋯.mp4 (14.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945368 (200109ZNOV23) Notable: Wild! Marines brawl 6th Street Austin TX

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Someone said these young men in Marine uniforms that had enough aren't Marines.

Ugh yes, yes they are & typically hold fast in uniform, believe me I know ..there will be consequences for them from top, but they felt the need to stand their ground & I would have too.

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642774 No.108524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945391 (200115ZNOV23) Notable: Wild! Marines brawl 6th Street Austin TX

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original video better resolution

since op did not add any background anon wiil

Wild! Marines brawl 6th Street Austin TX 11-19-2023 fight

TX StreetFights 2

28.2K subscribers

Marines get into a brawl 6th Street Austin TX November 19, 202

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642774 No.108525

File: 75282803186b369⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945483 (200134ZNOV23) Notable: Wild! Marines brawl 6th Street Austin TX

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Top kek! Horse with a siren! roflmao!

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642774 No.108526

File: 8ae1f4368bc63a7⋯.jpeg (421.68 KB,769x671,769:671,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6f44028db9b03eb⋯.jpeg (265.49 KB,828x1178,414:589,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4ccb6ede454414a⋯.jpeg (215.55 KB,1285x828,1285:828,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 38a65bc496507d0⋯.jpeg (306.01 KB,828x855,92:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 133830c1d8ab7f2⋯.jpeg (380.75 KB,828x1474,414:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945499 (200136ZNOV23) Notable: Economic and market preview/schedule for Week of November 19, 2023

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mktFag: Economic and market preview/schedule for Week of November 19, 2023

()=additional comments

(Pretty light week for data and since they ran the markets up the last 2 weeks I’d look for a little moar of that in this shortened week-the old saying “don’t short a dull market” has never been moar true than it is nao-look for weds as the best day-see below for why as it’s pretty much a yearly habbening PsyOp-wise)

The key economic report this week is Existing Home sales.

- Monday, November 20th -

No major economic releases scheduled.

- Tuesday, November 21st -

8:30 AM ET: Chicago Fed National Activity Index for October. This is a composite index of other data.

10:00 AM: Existing Home Sales for October from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The consensus is for 3.93 million SAAR, down from 3.96 million in September. (Yet another disaster in the making as the avg for a 30y fixed mortgage is 7.75% and that is with bulletproof credit score/closer to 8% in reality-see cap 2


10:00 AM: Existing Home Sales for October from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The consensus is for 3.93 million SAAR, down from 3.96 million in September. (the NAR is nothing moar than cheerleaders-how is the revenue coming from association dues going for you since real estate agents are quitting at record pace)

2:00 PM: FOMC Minutes, Meeting of October 31-November 1. (“Higher for longer”-Kek!! And when the Reverse Repos drop to literally nuffin where is the money going to come from to buy Treasury Debt??because that is currently where it’s coming from-and why starting sometime in early 2nd Q they will be doing MASSIVE QE as they aren’t going to keep fixed rate mortgages up here heading into election season)

- Wednesday, November 22nd -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index. (Already been at multi-decade lows but may show small improvement because bond prices have dropped but don’t look for much as seasonally speaking this is a ded time of year but if it does post a big gain look for the seasonality part to be totally ignored)

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released. The consensus is for 229 thousand initial claims, down from 231 thousand last week. (This gets revised so often-along with monthly jobs #s they are useless)

8:30 AM: Durable Goods Orders for October from the Census Bureau. The consensus is for a 3.0% decrease in durable goods orders

(During day the Atlanta FED updates it’s hilarious GDPNOW non/empirical fantasy-currently at 2% and since this is likely to be best day of week-gotta give peeps confidence to spend the munee they don’t have-this will likely go up and still remain above the “expert blue chip economist projections-see cap #3


10:00 AM: University of Michigan's Consumer sentiment index and Final for November. (Yet another drop which will be 5th month in a row iirc but since it’s ‘bots in control the markets will shrug this off and probably post best day of the week)

- Thursday, November 23rd -

All US markets will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving Day Holiday.

- Friday, November 24th -

The NYSE and the NASDAQ will close early at 1:00 PM ET.


Finally cap4 is where US Futures are at as of current time


Cap 5 is the Nikkei hitting a 33 year high in anticipation of the BoJ abandoning its Yield Control Policy…consequently muh Yen has fallen below 150 (as predicted last week)


MktFag wishes you and your families a habby and hopefully non-confrontational Thanksgiving (know how it is when family gathers)

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642774 No.108527

File: 2f554fa14a89c3d⋯.png (951.82 KB,1019x820,1019:820,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b0f05430f6bd92⋯.png (1.15 MB,748x560,187:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945531 (200141ZNOV23) Notable: The Bidens start Thanksgiving early by serving dinner and showing ‘Wonka’ to service members

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The Bidens start Thanksgiving early by

serving dinner and showing ‘Wonka’

to service members

Associated Press, by Will Weissert

Posted By: Imright, 11/19/2023 8:33:16 PM

NORFOLK, Va.— President Joe Biden visited naval installations in Virginia on Sunday to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday week, introducing an early screening of the upcoming movie “Wonka” and sharing a “friendsgiving” meal with service members and their relatives. Biden also paid tribute Sunday to former first lady Rosalynn Carter, who died Sunday, and to President Jimmy Carter. “They brought so much grace to the office,” Biden said. The president and first lady Jill Biden headed to a packed auditorium at Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads to introduce the new film centered around the early life of Roald Dahl’s fictional eccentric chocolatier, Willy Wonka. It will be officially released Dec. 15.

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642774 No.108528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945648 (200207ZNOV23) Notable: NewsGuard and U.S. Government Sued for Defamation, Libel and Slander

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NewsGuard and U.S. Government Sued for Defamation, Libel and Slander

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642774 No.108529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945786 (200235ZNOV23) Notable: Javier Milei has been elected as the next president of Argentina.

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Every single time.

It just so predictable and tiresome.

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642774 No.108530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945853 (200247ZNOV23) Notable: Argentine libertarian Milei pledges new political era after election win

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Argentine libertarian Milei pledges new political era after election win

By Nicolás Misculin, Lucinda Elliott and Walter Bianchi

November 19, 20239:36 PM ESTUpdated 7 min ago

BUENOS AIRES, Nov 19 (Reuters) - Argentina elected right-wing libertarian Javier Milei as its new president on Sunday, rolling the dice on an outsider with radical views to fix an economy battered by triple-digit inflation, a looming recession and rising poverty.

Milei, who rode a wave of voter anger with the political mainstream, won by a wider-than-expected margin. He landed some 56% of the vote versus just over 44% for his rival, Peronist Economy Minister Sergio Massa, who conceded.….



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642774 No.108531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945857 (200248ZNOV23) Notable: The biggest event - DJT on Election 2024

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"November event will be the biggest event in US history"

- Donald J. Trump

November to Remember?


1:58 PM · Nov 3, 2023


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642774 No.108532

File: 2ec4d579b96ebb8⋯.webp (104.67 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945936 (200306ZNOV23) Notable: A $2.7 million whisky bottle from the 1920s breaks the record for most expensive liquor sold

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Someone Needs $$$ Someone Has $$$

A $2.7 million whisky bottle from the 1920s breaks the record for most expensive liquor sold

A rare bottle of whisky broke records at Sotheby's this weekend.

The single malt from Macallan sold for $2.7 million.

Only 11 other bottles like it are thought to exist after one was destroyed in 2011.

In 2019, a bottle sold for $1.9 million, previously the record-setter.

"The Macallan 1926 is the one whisky that every auctioneer wants to sell and every collector wants to own," Jonny Fowle, Sotheby's global head of spirits, told the Associated Press.

Per Sotheby's, the record-breaking whisky aged in "super rich European oak, ex-Sherry barrels" and bottled in 1986. When the auction house received the bottle, they worked with Macallan to replace the cork and capsule.

The taste of the whisky was described as containing "rich dark fruits, black cherry compote alongside sticky dates, followed by intense sweet antique oak," according to Macallan's Master Whisky Maker Kirsteen Campbell, who was present when the bottle was opened during the cork and capsule replacement.


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642774 No.108533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19945986 (200318ZNOV23) Notable: The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians

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The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians


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642774 No.108534

File: e575b1fa29c0a41⋯.jpg (13.41 KB,211x255,211:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946033 (200329ZNOV23) Notable: #24489

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642774 No.108535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946034 (200330ZNOV23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson interview with Javier Milei. Who is he?

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 24 Argentina’s next president could be Javier Milei. Who is he?We traveled to Buenos Aires to speak with him and find out.

Embedded video

Too big to post, link attached


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642774 No.108536

File: 87dd1cc6bde1215⋯.png (7.34 MB,2000x2671,2000:2671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946046 (200333ZNOV23) Notable: Jimmy Carter pays tribute to wife of 77-years Rosalynn after her death at 96

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'She was my equal partner': Jimmy Carter pays tribute to wife of 77-years Rosalynn after her death at 96 - two days after ex-First Lady entered hospice care suffering from dementia


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642774 No.108537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946054 (200336ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: New Volcanic Eruption at Mt Etna!

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🌎 LIVE: New Volcanic Eruption at Mt Etna! (Fullscreen)

Join us for engaging chat, real-time data, and live cameras pointed at the most famous volcano in Europe!

This is fullscreen (single-camera) coverage of the current eruption.


pretty cool looking anons, pretty cool

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642774 No.108538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946108 (200359ZNOV23) Notable: World's largest child sexual abuse perpetration prevalence study recommends significant investment in early intervention measures

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World's largest child sexual abuse perpetration prevalence study recommends significant investment in early intervention measures

The first nationally representative research into the prevalence of child sexual offending behaviours and attitudes has shed unprecedented light on sexually abusive behaviours and feelings among Australian men. Released today by UNSW Sydney and Jesuit Social Services, the study reveals that of the community sample surveyed, one in five Australian men reported sexual feelings towards children and/or have sexually offended against children, with one-third of those who have thoughts towards children motivated to access help.

The largest study of its kind ever undertaken globally, Identifying and understanding child sexual offending behaviour and attitudes among Australian men, measures the prevalence of risk behaviours and attitudes regarding child sexual offending among a representative sample of 1,945 Australian men aged 18 to over 65.

The report provides a new approach for measuring and tracking this issue and includes information that can bolster the service responses and attitudinal changes that help keep children safe from harm.

The study found:

around one in six (15.1%) Australian men reports sexual feelings towards children

around one in 10 (9.4%) Australian men has sexually offended against children (including technologically facilitated and offline abuse), with approximately half (4.9%) of this group reporting sexual feelings towards children

the 4.9% of men with sexual feelings who had offended against children were more likely than men with no sexual feelings or offending against children to:

be married, working with children, earning higher incomes

report anxiety, depression, and binge drinking behaviours

have been sexually abused or had adverse experiences in childhood

be active online, including on social media, encrypted apps and cryptocurrency

consume pornography that involves violence or bestiality

Of the men who have sexual feelings, 29.6% of them want help for their sexual feelings towards children, which is 4.5% of Australian men.

The report affirms the importance of the prevention of child sexual abuse, calling on investment from governments and the private sector to address the risk factors contributing to sexual offending and reoffending in order to reduce sexual violence against children.

“The prevalence of abuse revealed in this report is deeply concerning,” Georgia Naldrett, Manager of Jesuit Social Services’ Stop it Now! Australia service said.

The research by the University of NSW and Jesuit Social Servicesinvolved a nationally representative random survey of more than 1900 men aged 18 to over 65. The findings are consistent with peer-reviewed comparative studies from the US and Britain, and previous research on survivors.


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642774 No.108539

File: 58fd88e30307c46⋯.png (2.73 MB,1284x2778,214:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946129 (200406ZNOV23) Notable: YAHOO: Damning photos of Osama Bin Ladin posing with Obama, Condolezza Rice & Hilary Clinton

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Trying to get ahead of something?


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642774 No.108540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946141 (200410ZNOV23) Notable: #24488 posted #24489

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#24488 >>108517

>>108518 Israeli MPs introduce death penalty bill

>>108519, >>108521, >>108522, >>108529, >>108521 Javier Milei has been elected as the next president of Argentina.

>>108520 UK government keeps secret files on critics – Observer

>>108523, >>108524, >>108525 Wild! Marines brawl 6th Street Austin TX

>>108526 Economic and market preview/schedule for Week of November 19, 2023

>>108527 The Bidens start Thanksgiving early by serving dinner and showing ‘Wonka’ to service members

>>108528 NewsGuard and U.S. Government Sued for Defamation, Libel and Slander

>>108530 Argentine libertarian Milei pledges new political era after election win

>>108531 The biggest event - DJT on Election 2024

>>108532 A $2.7 million whisky bottle from the 1920s breaks the record for most expensive liquor sold

>>108533 The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians

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642774 No.108541

File: cff9d59c1b8d042⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,720x640,9:8,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946167 (200416ZNOV23) Notable: DINESH D'SOUZA NEW DOCUMENTARY POLICE STATE

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Anon has something interdasting for the anons to watch,

coming next post

POLICE STATE The Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Bongino Documentary


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642774 No.108542

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946170 (200418ZNOV23) Notable: DINESH D'SOUZA NEW DOCUMENTARY POLICE STATE

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Note: Will write a review later, total run time is 1hr 45 mins. some early thoughts, not a perfect picture but pretty good, sound is not crisp, but easily better than dolby surround sound. Anon just wanted to watch this long awaited film.



There is nowhere to hide. They have their lists. Are you next?



Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza examines the current state of intelligence and law enforcement in America. The origins of the police state go back to 9/11 and the powers of surveillance given to the government at that time. They have since ramped up under Obama and ballooned to new heights under Biden.

D’Souza Media LLC presents a film produced by Dinesh D’Souza, Debbie D’Souza, and Bruce Schooley. In collaboration with Dan Bongino. Research by Julie Kelly and Peter Schweizer.

Featuring Nick Searcy. Music by Bryan E. Miller. Executive Producers Dan Bongino, Paula Bongino, Brandon Gill, Danielle D’Souza Gill, Mike Vess and Rhonda Vess. Written and directed by Dinesh D’Souza, Debbie D’Souza, and Bruce Schooley

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642774 No.108543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946296 (200446ZNOV23) Notable: Missouri AG office investigates allegations that Media Matters created accounts and gamed servers for hit piece targeting X

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Missouri AG office investigates allegations that Media Matters created accounts and gamed servers for hit piece targeting X

"My team is looking into this matter."

On Sunday, Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced that his team is investigating left-leaning news organization Media Matters over allegations of criminal and civil violations.

This comes after Elon Musk announced that X-Corp will be launching a "thermonuclear lawsuit" against the company on claims that Media Matters enacted a "fraudulent attack" on X-Corp and in an attempt to "undermine freedom of speech and mislead advertisers."

The specific allegations that Attorney General Bailey's Office is investigating pertain to recent findings that Media Matters allegedly created fake social media accounts to game the X servers in order to create false impressions for its hit piece on Elon Musk. These allegations went viral after they were shared on X by Human Events' Jack Posobiec

Attorney General Bailey responded to a comment posted by billionaire Elon Musk on X following a plea to US conservative attorneys general to investigate the organization and said: "My team is looking into this matter."

Musk had responded to president of America First Legal Stephen Miller, who commented on Posobiec's findings against Media Matters, saying, "Fraud is both a civil and criminal violation. There are 2 dozen+ conservative state Attorneys General."

On Sunday, Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced that his team is investigating left-leaning news organization Media Matters over allegations of criminal and civil violations.

This comes after Elon Musk announced that X-Corp will be launching a "thermonuclear lawsuit" against the company on claims that Media Matters enacted a "fraudulent attack" on X-Corp and in an attempt to "undermine freedom of speech and mislead advertisers."

The specific allegations that Attorney General Bailey's Office is investigating pertain to recent findings that Media Matters allegedly created fake social media accounts to game the X servers in order to create false impressions for its hit piece on Elon Musk. These allegations went viral after they were shared on X by Human Events' Jack Posobiec.

Attorney General Bailey responded to a comment posted by billionaire Elon Musk on X following a plea to US conservative attorneys general to investigate the organization and said: "My team is looking into this matter."

Musk had responded to president of America First Legal Stephen Miller, who commented on Posobiec's findings against Media Matters, saying, "Fraud is both a civil and criminal violation. There are 2 dozen+ conservative state Attorneys General."


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642774 No.108544

File: 026d24429dfdf6c⋯.png (146.71 KB,1500x500,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: ed62217de278294⋯.png (28.16 KB,766x279,766:279,Clipboard.png)

File: fe33939ddb0d6df⋯.png (119 KB,769x648,769:648,Clipboard.png)

File: ffa2ac1c1f4d1ec⋯.png (11.4 KB,666x207,74:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946304 (200449ZNOV23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson interview with Javier Milei. Who is he?

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Milei 2023🇦🇷


Ahora, Donald Trump 2024🇺🇸

7:36 PM · Nov 19, 2023 · 1.1M Views


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642774 No.108545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946342 (200500ZNOV23) Notable: Australia: Deputy PM Richard Marles on taxpayer-funded trip to cricket World Cup final

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Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles on taxpayer-funded trip to cricket World Cup final

Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles took a 2,000 kilometre round trip on a taxpayer-funded flight to watch the Cricket World Cup on Sunday in India.

More From Politics

Albo slams China over ‘dangerous’ act at sea

Albo slams China over ‘dangerous’ act at sea

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China question Albo refuses to answer

Aus strengthens sanctions against Hamas

Aus strengthens sanctions against Hamas


Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles took a 2,000 kilometre round trip on a taxpayer-funded flight to watch the Cricket World Cup on Sunday in India.

The Defence Minister and Foreign Minister Penny Wong are in India to co-chair the 2nd India-Australia 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in New Delhi.

But it has now emerged he popped into Ahmedabad, which is 1,000 kilometres away, to attend the world cup in the cricket-mad country.

His latest VIP flight comes after revelations Mr Marles’ expenses for flights have totalled nearly $3.6 million this year.

But taxpayers may never know a breakdown of the cost of the cricket trip because Mr Marles’ department has banned the publication of where ministers are flying on “security grounds”.

This is despite the fact the Defence Minister posed for photographs during the cricket game and the Indian Government put out a press release the day before he attended.

His office confirmed he made the journey on a taxpayer-funded RAAF VIP jet for the six-hour pitstop before flying to New Delhi.

“Look who is here to support and cheer for #TeamAustralia! Our Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence @RichardMarlesMP is at, #Ahmedabad to witness #INDvsAUS #CWC2023Final,‘’ the Australian High Commissioner Philip Green said.


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642774 No.108546

File: bc96427575f0c62⋯.png (341.94 KB,737x569,737:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946367 (200513ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108547

File: ec5ac4bbf0d5d3e⋯.png (377.9 KB,739x571,739:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946380 (200519ZNOV23) Notable: Dan Scavino: They have @realDonaldTrump’s back, and he’ll always have theirs, thank you!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


They have @realDonaldTrump’s back, and he’ll always have theirs, thank you!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108548

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946383 (200520ZNOV23) Notable: DINESH D'SOUZA NEW DOCUMENTARY POLICE STATE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Note: Dinesh has better guests. both are worth watching.



Note: Still worthy of watching as it is really well edited, loads of research and connections but obvious truths which most will not admit until they see it. great for normmies.



First published at 05:19 UTC on July 12th, 2023.



The simulated riots in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. The evidence for preplanning and setting up a situation for disaster is overwhelming. In Act 1 we applied the Homeland Security and Evaluation Program and how a little stage direction and fake blood were instrumental in the Capitol shooting.

Here in Act 2, our two and a half year investigation starts at the beginning of the Jan. 6 event; in chronological order, and through the lens of 889 angles.

Strap yourselves in- it's going to be a bumpy ride... down the Babbitt hole.

ACT ONE: Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less



0:00 - Intro

3:19 - Setting Up The Stage

04:00 - Pizza Gate

04:34 - Town Hall Meeting

05:11 - They Chant!

05:26 - Kayfabe

05:47 - The Mainstream Narrative

07:21 - The Photographers

08:23 - Freedom Rally

08:56 - Simone Gold

10:12 - Later That Day...

10:46 - The Unidentified Bomb Suspect

11:10 - Who Is Roger Stone?

13:47 - Per Benedictionem Summae Lucis

14:30 - Insurrection Eve

15:52 - John "JaydenX" Sullivan Arrives

20:08 - The Ritual of Tayler Hansen

20:53 - K-Fun @ 3,800 Feet

21:31 - Jan 6th Intro

22:13 - The Main Stage

23:09 - Who Are The Proud Boys?

28:15 - If U Seek Amy

29:22 - Back To The Stage

29:49 - Who Is Kimberly Guilfoyle?

35:17 - The Sermon Shoot

35:48 - Who Is Rudy Giuliani?

38:57 - The PBs Resume Their Pilgrimage

42:22 - Actors Are Headed East

43:17 - The PBs PhotoShoot

45:43 - Trump Arrives

47:26 - Who Is Data?

48:06 - The Grand Entrance

49:13 - Obstacle One

52:22 - Elijah Schaffer Knew.

54:02 - Obstacle Two

56:38 - Lower West Plaza

58:27 - Insert: Bull

01:01:17 - Congress Begins Joint Session

01:01:34 - The SouthWest Channel

01:02:52 - WestSide Lollapalooza

01:03:29 - Identifying Motives

01:03:54 - Corn & Bull

01:08:55 - Q-Shaman

01:10:37 - The Patriots March

01:11:29 - Cronos Comes For Benajmin Phillips

01:12:55 - Cronos Comes For Kevin Greeson

01:14:45 - Perimeter Scan

01:17:31 - Edi The WaterBoy

01:17:55 - Egypt, 2012

0:19:52 - Fun & Games

01:24:23 - Something's About To Happen To John Minchillo

01:24:50 - Another Great Reset

01:26:44 - The Giant Trump Flag

01:27:41 - UC Davis Pepperspray Incident

01:28:18 - Jayden Makes His Way To Set

01:29:44 - Fun & Games 2

01:32:21 - Obstacle Three

01:34:02 - Jonesy & His Disciples

01:34:38 - Final SouthWest Check

01:36:12 - East Side: Obstacle One

01:38:03 - Explosive!

01:38:56 - HomeBoy

01:40:23 - Heart Attack Hillside

01:41:41 - Obstacle Four

01:42:33 - East Side: Obstacle Two

01:44:49 - "They're Going In!"

01:46:15 - Obstacle Six: Complete

1:47:21 - Outro

01:48:30 - Wooz News Creator

01:50:02 - David Crowley

01:51:40 - Please Donate

01:52:21 - Alan Hostetter

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946404 (200528ZNOV23) Notable: Female draft? ACLU says male-only draft is "sex discrimination"

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Female draft

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642774 No.108550

File: fb3f850c0c30330⋯.png (368.13 KB,950x698,475:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946406 (200528ZNOV23) Notable: Dan Scavino: They have @realDonaldTrump’s back, and he’ll always have theirs, thank you!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


They have @realDonaldTrump’s back, and he’ll always have theirs, thank you!

Nov 20, 2023, 12:10 AM




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642774 No.108551

File: 90c3a70b69241fc⋯.png (108.42 KB,748x701,748:701,Clipboard.png)

File: f67614f1cf8aa30⋯.png (102.88 KB,872x629,872:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e47fb1fbf7601d⋯.png (631.91 KB,987x711,329:237,Clipboard.png)

File: 797c14a77e233ef⋯.png (562.96 KB,995x728,995:728,Clipboard.png)

File: e069f0bacd50de4⋯.png (704.92 KB,886x808,443:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946417 (200533ZNOV23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson interview with Javier Milei. Who is he?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Translated it says Support acct - This is his @JMilei (i think) pretty sure it is..

Love Live Fucking fREEdom! lol love this guy


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642774 No.108552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946422 (200535ZNOV23) Notable: Female draft? ACLU says male-only draft is "sex discrimination"

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Women will be drafted

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642774 No.108553

File: 86271c82ab22880⋯.png (298.62 KB,744x650,372:325,Clipboard.png)

File: d51ffdc988655e7⋯.png (197.23 KB,538x725,538:725,Clipboard.png)

File: e2dcbd5aa02caac⋯.png (489.71 KB,873x688,873:688,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e2d3bd9430d8ed⋯.jpg (63.02 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 96b12c6c254cdd2⋯.jpg (55.17 KB,909x628,909:628,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946433 (200540ZNOV23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson interview with Javier Milei. Who is he?

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Ep.23 traveled to Argentina https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1702079713622299100?s=20

>>108551 Tucker knew :)

Ep.24 Argentinas next president could be Javier Milei https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1702442099814342725?s=20

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642774 No.108554

File: bdf610a3cb4adbc⋯.png (42.92 KB,668x422,334:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946435 (200540ZNOV23) Notable: Jenna Ellis' anti-MAGA comments

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Well Jenna Ellis has really been on a rampage the last few days... comes down to 1 of 3 things:

1. Shes bad and always has been; Trump would have known

2. Shes good and playing a role

3. She was good and flipped. Most likely got threatened or something and is now turning on Trump to protect herself or her family

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642774 No.108555

File: 2ebfab6e8f5d67e⋯.png (206.05 KB,1271x947,1271:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946444 (200553ZNOV23) Notable: QAGG is back…mostly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

QAGG is back...


We are mostly back. If you find a problem, report via the contact form in the menu.

Truth and Twitter collectors are broken (last date we collected was March 25th 2023), we will work on fixing them over the next few days. Images for Truths and Tweets are still uploading so if you see a problem, give it a day or so.

It should be noted that today marks 4 years and 17 days since we first came online (we just noticed this a little while ago).


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642774 No.108556

File: 6531b91105b4034⋯.png (417.98 KB,664x643,664:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f5aee8b5ea3cc3⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB,794x416,397:208,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 63274ae992d2dab⋯.png (1.66 MB,940x8140,47:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bcd2fe737cb657⋯.png (1.57 MB,940x8143,940:8143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946448 (200555ZNOV23) Notable: @25 in POLICE STATE: Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization - PEPE is radical, KEK

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Here's an interesting CLIP about the critical move made by the DS, from focusing on FOREIGN TERRORISM to DOMESTIC TERRORISM:

They have to create a new demand for your services. One of the ways they're doing it is by CHANGING THEIR MISSION, moving from DOMESTIC TERRORISM to DOMESTIC EXTREMISM

Wray: made domestic extremism as critical as foreign terrorist groups like ISIS.


Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization:


four = [shows symbols from terrorist groups]

three = Daily Stormer, Blood & Honor, White Pride World Wide, AIM, NPI, and PEPE flag

two = Breitbart, Prager U, Turning Point, MAGA, 3 percenters, Patriot Prayer, InfoWars, Quillette, Come and Take It

one = CBN, Fox, Repub party, NRA, Heritage Foundation, Tea Party, American Conservation Union Foundation

THE "TWO PYRAMIDS MODEL by McCauley & Moskalenko -

Here's the original "research" PDF:


Here's what anons dug on in June when it was released but which was never notabled:

Under the DHS Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program, the university developed "The pyramid of far-right radicalization," which depicts "increased levels of Extremism" in ascending order.

The lower two tiers incorporate the American good guys. Even Fox News and the Republican National Committee are considered significant threats.

Mayorkas's DHS mafia was quick to distance themselves from the project, claiming they do not "profile, target, or discriminate against any individual for exercising their constitutional rights protected by the First Amendment." Tell that to the January 6 hostages whose lives were destroyed by being profiled, targeted, and discriminated against. Tell that to the doctors who lost their livelihood for exposing the truth about the Covid takedown. Try and convince mothers who come forward to defend their children that they have legitimate free speech rights.

The pyramid was initially revealed by a University of Cincinnati researcher,Michael Loadenthal, in a November 2021 PREVENTS-OH seminar, and seeing its desired impact, DHS awarded the grant money in September 2022.

But it's a drop in the bucket compared to the $40 million of DHS money given to 80 grants for projects that target all forms of "domestic extremism," not the least of which is Christianity. When they attack Judeo-Christian morals and values, they attack America. Because that's who we are! That is who prosperous, peaceful, and free Americans always have been.

According to the Media Research Center (MRC), a memo from Alejandro Mayorkas designated the pyramid program a "high priority." This means they are actively targeting you and me, the conservative Americans. Anyone who still doesn't recognize the DHS Secretary as another imposter (? la Barack Obama mimicry) is choosing ignorance. Along with the renegade FBI and CIA, DHS is nothing more than a domestic terrorist organization that is sponsoring our border invasion, with all its affiliated ugliness. Human trafficking, fentanyl, and other drug trafficking, and planting militant illegal enemies across our homeland is their true mission.



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642774 No.108557

File: 467c59aaccd5309⋯.png (737.61 KB,1274x929,1274:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946466 (200604ZNOV23) Notable: QAGG is back…mostly

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did is new

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642774 No.108558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946507 (200618ZNOV23) Notable: Fierce Dubai storm - weather event?

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Shocking!!! See How Dubai is devoured by water The wrath of God..

325K views · 14 hours ago

Incredible last two mins.

Sounds like a demon screaming at one point

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642774 No.108559

File: eb3a773a5b4ff13⋯.jpeg (654.67 KB,1278x1221,426:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946514 (200622ZNOV23) Notable: Dan Scavino RT of Trump's "Thank you to all of my great Keyboard Warriors from 2020"

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Keyboard Warriors NOT DigitalSoldiers™️

Thanks Dan!


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642774 No.108560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946559 (200641ZNOV23) Notable: Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

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Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

SUNDAY, NOV 19, 2023 - 06:35 AM

In a landmark decision, a Missouri jury has ordered Bayer AG's Monsanto unit to pay more than $1.5 billion in damages to three former users of its Roundup weedkiller. This ruling, one of Monsanto's largest trial losses in the five-year litigation over the herbicide, raises new questions about the safety of the controversial product and the company's future legal challenges.

Bayer officials said on Saturday that US judges have allowed what they see as mischaracterization of regulatory decisions on Roundup's safety. Despite recent plaintiff victories,the company says it remains confident in overturning these verdicts, citing ongoing regulatory support for glyphosate, Roundup's main ingredient. Bayer plans to phase out glyphosate in the US consumer market by year's end.


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642774 No.108561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946580 (200650ZNOV23) Notable: Female draft? ACLU says male-only draft is "sex discrimination"

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Requiring Men but not Women to Register for the Draft is Sex Discrimination

That’s why we’re asking the U.S. Supreme Court to end this practiice

January 8, 2021

The requirement that only men — but not women — register for the draft is one of the last examples of overt sex discrimination written into our federal law. Today, we joined two young men and the National Coalition For Men (NCFM) to urge the U.S. Supreme Court to put an end to it.

Under the 1948 Military Selective Service Act, men in this country are required to mark their 18th birthdays by registering for the Selective Service System, the list of people who could be called up for military service if the government authorized a draft. Although there hasn’t been a draft since 1973, young men are still required to register or they may face severe penalties.

As long as the government requires young people to register for the draft, requiring men but not women to do so is sex discrimination. That’s why we’re asking the Supreme Court to declare men-only registration unconstitutional.

The ACLU joined two young men and the NCFM, who initially brought a challenge to men-only registration in 2013, to help bring their case to the Supreme Court. Representing an organization called the “National Coalition For Men” may seem like an unlikely way to advance women’s rights, and to be clear, the ACLU firmly opposes some of NCFM’s positions and activities. In this case, however, we share the common goal of ending an antiquated federal law that harms both men and women. And if the Supreme Court agrees, it could be one of the most significant constitutional advances in sex discrimination law in 25 years.

Like many laws that appear to benefit women, men-only registration actually impedes women’s full participation in civic life. Limiting registration to men sends a message that women are unqualified to serve in the military, regardless of individual capabilities and preferences. It reflects an outmoded view that, in the event of a draft, women’s primary duty would be to the home front — and, on the flip side, that men are unqualified to be caregivers. The Military Selective Service Act not only perpetuates these stereotypes, it enshrines them in federal law.

Limiting draft registration to men also devalues the contributions of women who serve in the military. That’s why military women’s organizations like the Service Women’s Action Network support extending registration to women. National experts agree: A congressional commission formed to study the Selective Service System recommended that Congress update the Military Selective Service Act to allow women to be registered, too, and the Department of Defense has advised Congress that doing so would promote military preparedness — as well as fairness.

eliminating registration for anyone. What Congress may not do is design a registration system that discriminates on the basis of sex.

Men-only registration was first challenged more than 40 years ago, when several young people — represented by the ACLU — asked the Supreme Court to strike the Military Selective Service Act as unconstitutional sex discrimination. But the Supreme Court upheld the law in Rostker v. Goldberg. The Supreme Court reasoned that Congress could choose to require only men to register since the draft was aimed at replacing combat troops, and military women at that time were categorically ineligible to serve in combat roles. In other words, instead of examining whether the ban on women in combat was itself discriminatory, the court relied on one form of sex discrimination to justify another — and let both forms of discrimination stand.

In 2012, the ACLU filed a lawsuit challenging the ban on women in combat, one of two cases that led the Department of Defense to lift the ban. Now that women are eligible to serve in combat roles, the sole justification for men-only registration has evaporated into thin air. It’s time for the Supreme Court to revisit — and overturn — its previous decision and end this antiquated law.

Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first civil rights lawyer to sit on the Supreme Court bench, called men-only registration “one of the most potent remaining expressions of ancient canards about the proper role of women.” That was in 1981. It’s long past time for the Supreme Court to call men-only registration what it is: unlawful sex discrimination.

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642774 No.108562

File: a3af415829ed8f9⋯.png (261.56 KB,537x494,537:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946599 (200705ZNOV23) Notable: Original footage of Abramovic's spirit cooking event in 2013

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108563

File: 1097b0361089e72⋯.mp4 (12.42 MB,228x144,19:12,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946647 (200751ZNOV23) Notable: Original footage of Abramovic's spirit cooking event in 2013

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mp4 of Abramovic Spirit Cooking event in 2013


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642774 No.108564

File: b290d8b721a68b9⋯.jpg (37.65 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946773 (200950ZNOV23) Notable: Congress concludes illegal California biolab had Chinese connections, slams CDC

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Congress concludes illegal California biolab had Chinese connections, slams CDC

On Thursday, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party released a long-awaited report on the illegal biological laboratory in California run by a fugitive Chinese national.

Congressional investigators allege that the man who set up the laboratory had significant connections to the Chinese Communist Party apparatus and he ran an illegal laboratory that housed approximately 20 types of infectious disease samples and sold COVID-19 tests without a proper permit.


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642774 No.108565

File: 83e16d58f516102⋯.jpg (34.66 KB,624x336,13:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946778 (200955ZNOV23) Notable: A small group of thugs learned a painful lesson last night after picking a fight with members of the proud U.S. Marines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A small group of thugs learned a painful lesson last night after picking a fight with members of the proud U.S. Marines. Now a video of the encounter has gone viral across social media.

The footage shows plain-clothed individuals confronting the Marines outside of the Voodoo Room nightclub in Austin. After words are exchanged, one of the men decides to take a wild swing at a Marine, which instigates an all-out brawl.

The military men knock down one thug after he lands three shots on a Marine. While he is on the ground, he experiences the full might of these Marines as they rain multiple blows on him.


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642774 No.108566

File: 85b80fc85423e81⋯.png (58.05 KB,595x251,595:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946794 (201017ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk posts the Baptism Scene from Godfather I

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Elon Musk



The Godfather I (1972)- Baptism Scene, Michael Kills all the heads of...

The baptism scene of The Godfather I.Follow me on instagram: https://Instagram.com/the.godfatherFollow me on Facebook: https://Facebook.com/thegodfatherig

11:04 PM · Nov 19, 2023




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642774 No.108567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946817 (201024ZNOV23) Notable: #24489

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Notables are NOT Endorsements

#24489 >>108534

>>108535, >>108553, >>108544, >>108551 @TuckerCarlson interview with Javier Milei. Who is he?

>>108536 Jimmy Carter pays tribute to wife of 77-years Rosalynn after her death at 96

>>108537 LIVE: New Volcanic Eruption at Mt Etna!

>>108538 World's largest child sexual abuse perpetration prevalence study recommends significant investment in early intervention measures

>>108539 YAHOO: Damning photos of Osama Bin Ladin posing with Obama, Condolezza Rice & Hilary Clinton


>>108556, >>108556 @25 in POLICE STATE: Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization - PEPE is radical, KEK

>>108543 Missouri AG office investigates allegations that Media Matters created accounts and gamed servers for hit piece targeting X

>>108545 Australia: Deputy PM Richard Marles on taxpayer-funded trip to cricket World Cup final


>>108547, >>108550 Dan Scavino: They have @realDonaldTrump’s back, and he’ll always have theirs, thank you!

>>108549, >>108552, >>108561 Female draft? ACLU says male-only draft is "sex discrimination"

>>108554 Jenna Ellis' anti-MAGA comments

>>108555, >>108557 QAGG is back…mostly

>>108558 Fierce Dubai storm - weather event?

>>108559 Dan Scavino RT of Trump's "Thank you to all of my great Keyboard Warriors from 2020"

>>108560 Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

>>108562, >>108563 Original footage of Abramovic's spirit cooking event in 2013

>>108564 Congress concludes illegal California biolab had Chinese connections, slams CDC

>>108565 A small group of thugs learned a painful lesson last night after picking a fight with members of the proud U.S. Marines

>>108566 Elon Musk posts the Baptism Scene from Godfather I

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108568

File: 4e57ac4a7a29c18⋯.jpg (59.97 KB,414x354,69:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946823 (201028ZNOV23) Notable: #24490

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Bread is still ghosted

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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642774 No.108569

File: 2b3e0e92ecd81dd⋯.png (884.42 KB,874x790,437:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946842 (201042ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Arrests NBC Journalist for Inciting Terrorism

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Israel Arrests NBC Journalist for Inciting Terrorism

PJ Media, by Matt Margolis

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/19/2023 9:06:13 PM

An NBC journalist was arrested on Thursday in Israel for allegedly inciting terrorism and expressing affiliation with Hamas. "Marwat Al-Azza, a 45-year-old journalist, employed by the NBC television network and living in east Jerusalem, was arrested after four recent posts on her personal Facebook page regarding the October 7 terror attack by Hamas from the Gaza Strip, in which at least 1,200 people were murdered and 240 taken hostage,” reports the Jerusalem Post. “The police claim that Al-Azza 'arrived ready for arrest,' without a mobile phone, and even wrote phone numbers on her leg." Al-Azza, a Palestinian freelance journalist, reportedly mocked the kidnapping of an elderly Israeli woman in Gaza.

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642774 No.108570

File: 60433de18d72710⋯.png (550.41 KB,584x705,584:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19946866 (201053ZNOV23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: MAKE ARGENTINA GREAT AGAIN! Javier Milei win Argentina's Presidential election

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Donald J. Trump



Nov 19, 2023, 1:27 PM

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642774 No.108571

File: b532ba459ffe0d2⋯.png (426.02 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 6331b0318b9211b⋯.png (139.77 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947215 (201253ZNOV23) Notable: Taiwan's former US envoy, well-known in US, vilified by China, named VP candidate

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Taiwan's former US envoy, well-known in US, vilified by China, named VP candidate

The candidate from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, Lai said he would be joined on the ticket by Hsiao Bi-khim, Taipei’s de facto ambassador to the United States since 2020.

3 hours ago - https://hongkongfp.com/2023/11/20/taiwans-presidential-frontrunner-picks-us-envoy-as-running-mate/

November 20, 20233:36 AM EST - https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwans-former-us-envoy-named-presidential-frontrunners-running-mate-2023-11-20/

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642774 No.108572

File: c841653dd2d0c46⋯.jpeg (97.08 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947307 (201317ZNOV23) Notable: Protesters in EU nation blocking aid to Kiev - Ukrainian official

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20 Nov, 2023 12:52

Protesters in EU nation blocking aid to Kiev – Ukrainian official

Polish hauliers are stopping deliveries of fuel and other goods across the border, a deputy minister has said

Polish truckers demanding tougher rules for their Ukrainian competitors have blocked more than 1,000 cargo vehicles at the border, including those carrying humanitarian aid for the embattled nation, Kiev’s deputy minister for infrastructure says.

Writing on Facebook on Sunday, Sergey Derkach said he and his team had visited the border area where 1,200 trucks are stuck at the Krakivets-Korchova checkpoint, with another 500 at Grebenne, both not far from Lviv. He also noted that Ukrainian authorities had delivered food, water and medicine supplies for drivers there.

According to Derkach, the situation “is no less critical” at the Dorogusk checkpoint in the northern section of the border, where more than 1,200 trucks are queuing, with supplies due to arrive there soon as well.

The deputy minister criticized protesters for not allowing trucks carrying humanitarian aid to enter Ukraine. “We have recorded numerous instances of fuel tankers and humanitarian trucks standing in queues,” he said, adding that Ukrainian officials had been in contact with their Polish counterparts to resolve the issue.

Derkach also said the two checkpoints that he had personally visited were being blocked by no more than 15 protesters. “In fact, a dozen people are holding the border hostage,” he said, adding that the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation had helped to ease the congestion.

The protest, which has been going on for at least two weeks,stems from the EU’s decision to exempt Ukrainian truckers from seeking permits to cross the Polish borderafter the start of hostilities between Moscow and Kiev. Polish hauliers insist that the waiver has hurt their business by encouraging Ukrainian competition and driving down prices.

Commenting on the gridlock earlier this month, Vladimir Balin, the head of the Association of International Carriers of Ukraine, described the situation as “a disaster,” warning that if the protests continue for several more weeks, the country’s economy will suffer greatly. Ukrainian officials also sounded the alarm about the possibility of prices soaring by between 7% and 10%, with many contracts with global partners in jeopardy.

Last week, Derkach said Ukraine had held talks with both Polish andEU officials on the issue, but rejected Polish truckers’ demandfor the permit system to be reinstated.

(More than one country will block Ukraine from being accepted into the EU)


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642774 No.108573

File: 2e2bab61cdac3d3⋯.png (357.66 KB,568x710,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947322 (201322ZNOV23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: MAKE ARGENTINA GREAT AGAIN! Javier Milei win Argentina's Presidential election

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642774 No.108574

File: 482e6ba8e30ce66⋯.png (810.33 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 02e69d5a587e0a8⋯.png (351.78 KB,1280x1037,1280:1037,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947360 (201333ZNOV23) Notable: YOUNG VOTERS CHOOSE TRUMP: New NBC poll shows Trump beating Biden nationwide, winning in 18-34 age bracket

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YOUNG VOTERS CHOOSE TRUMP: New NBC poll shows Trump beating Biden nationwide, winning in 18-34 age bracket

Sara HigdonNov 19, 2023

NBC's Poll reflects other recent high-profile polls from CNN and The New York Times/Siena showing youth vote moving right.

On Sunday, a new poll revealed that more young people are supporting former President Donald Trump than they are President Joe Biden.

According to the NBC poll,46 percent of respondents aged 18 to 34 said they would vote for Trump, compared to a smaller 42 percent for Biden. The poll has former President Trump beating Biden in a hypothetical general election matchup, 46 to 44 percent.

One issue that the President has seen the biggest issue is his handling of foreign policy, where only 33 percent approve of his performance. On Biden's handling of the war betweenIsrael and Hamas, 70 percent of respondents aged 18-34 disapprove of the job Bidenhas done.

NBC is not the only organization to find that Biden is struggling with young voters in the polls; numerous public surveys have yielded similar conclusions. Other recent high-profile polls from CNN and The New York Times/Siena show the youth vote moving right.

"This poll is a stunner," Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associate said of the results, "and it’s stunning because of the impact the Israel-Hamas war is having on Biden.”

"Joe Biden is at a uniquely low point in his presidency, and a significant part of this, especially within the Biden coalition, is due to how Americans are viewing his foreign policy actions," he added.

The NBC poll, which took place between November 10-14 and included 1,000 participants, is only the latest poll that shows President Trump winning over young voters who have historically been key for Democrats to win. A Fox News poll taken at the same time showed Biden with 51 percent of the young vote, while Trump carried 44 percent.

A CNN poll at the end of October showed former President Trump with a one-point lead among the age group at 48 to 47 percent. Around the same time, CNBC and the New York Times also showed Trump within the margin of error of Biden among those 18 to 34.

To compare, Pew Research exit polls from the 2020 election showed voters between the ages of 18 to 29 went for President Biden 59 to 35 percent, and 55 to 43 percent among those 30 to 49 years old.


31-Jan-2020 12:22:57 PM EST

What happens when people learn the TRUTH?

What happens when people WAKE UP?

They will not be able to walk down the street.




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642774 No.108575

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947533 (201407ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -11/20/2023

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -11/20/2023



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642774 No.108576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947563 (201415ZNOV23) Notable: 9:30 AM EST Judges Hear Case on Reinstating Gag Order Against Fmr. President Trump

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9:30 AM EST

Judges Hear Case on Reinstating Gag Order Against Fmr. President Trump

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit hears oral argument in U.S. v. Trump. Federal prosecutors are requesting a gag order be reinstated against former President Donald Trump in a federal case on his alleged election interference efforts.


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642774 No.108577

File: e71a7e14184e155⋯.jpg (147.36 KB,802x1024,401:512,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947596 (201421ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

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Eric Adams Feels The Wrath Of Weaponized Government, Anti-globalist Outsider Wins Argentina Election, War Blowback

Former Democrat Dennis Kucinich Joins Mike Adams To Talk About Current Events And Crisis


A pro-Palestinian protest at Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, DC, that turned violent is sending a jolt through political circles in Chicago, which plans to host the party’s presidential nominating convention this summer.


Angry Protesters Lock Down California Democrat Convention


Protesters still obeying covid mask mandates while protesting? LMFAO!

Biden Considering Sanctions Against Jewish Terrorists Who Are Burning Down Palestinian Homes


Settlers have ramped up their killing of Palestinians, leaving threatening leaflets ordering them to leave their homes, blocking roads with boulders, cutting electricity lines to Palestinians' homes, shutting down water wells and destroying olive trees.

Congressional Efforts Grow To Deport Visa Holders Who Support Hamas


Anti-globalist Libertarian outsider Javier Milei swept to victory in Argentina's presidential election Sunday, vowing to halt decades of economic decline in a country reeling from triple-digit inflation.



Latin America's third-biggest economy has suffered decades of crises under interventionist governments big on bailouts that resort to printing money to finance spending, fueling inflation, while borrowing heavily only to default on their debt.

New York City Slashes Police Funding Due To Illegals Overwhelming City Services


MY COMMENT: Exactly what I said on End Times News version 1 edition 0.00000000186, go check for yourself! This is a very well worth watching video explaining EXACTLY what is going on today in America and details what happens when you weaponize government and the kind of blowback it can have, YES even against Democrats!

Be Prepared For Grid Failures This Winter As Energy Crisis Is Being Manufactured By Government


The American EMPIRE: Crashing & Burning In Real Time


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642774 No.108578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947606 (201424ZNOV23) Notable: A mishap occurred during the @SpaceX Starship OFT-2 launch from Boca Chica, Texas, on Saturday, Nov. 18. The anomaly resulted in a loss of the vehicle. No injuries or public property damage

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The FAA ✈️


This information is preliminary and subject to change:

A mishap occurred during the

@SpaceX Starship OFT-2 launch from Boca Chica, Texas, on Saturday, Nov. 18. The anomaly resulted in a loss of the vehicle. No injuries or public property damage have been reported.

9:54 AM · Nov 18, 2023


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642774 No.108579

File: f2c562e0310cae8⋯.png (286.86 KB,500x429,500:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 9821bd86a65e90a⋯.mp4 (8.22 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947629 (201430ZNOV23) Notable: @RepClayHiggins To all things a season. We're either going to save our Republic, or lose it…

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Rep. Clay Higgins


To all things a season. We're either going to save our Republic, or lose it...

7:43 PM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108580

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947671 (201445ZNOV23) Notable: Ingraham Angle polls audience

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Ingraham Angle polls audience and 0 people raised their hands for Niki and only a two or three for DeSadist, most all for Trump



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642774 No.108581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947680 (201449ZNOV23) Notable: Leaders Speakers Series - FHFA Director Sandra Thompson Bipartisan Policy Center

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November 20, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Leaders Speakers Series - FHFA Director Sandra Thompson

Bipartisan Policy Center




Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Discusses State of Housing Finance System

Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Sandra Thompson sits down with the Bipartisan Policy Center for a discussion on the state of the U.S. housing finance system.


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642774 No.108582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947720 (201458ZNOV23) Notable: The Bee: Satan Announces Early Retirement Thanks To TikTok

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Satan Announces Early Retirement Thanks To TikTok

HELL — The world is in shock today after the father of lies abruptly stepped down from his role as "the adversary." The Devil credited the astonishing performance of TikTok, an invention he reportedly developed together with his business partner Xi Jinping.

"I've been doing a lot of soul searching as it were — I mean, I don't have one, but you get the idea — and I believe it's time to retire," said Satan during an impromptu press conference. "There just isn't anything for me to really, you know, do anymore. I think TikTok has it pretty well covered."


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642774 No.108583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947753 (201511ZNOV23) Notable: #24490

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#24490 >>108568

>>108569 Israel Arrests NBC Journalist for Inciting Terrorism

>>108570, >>108573 DJT TS w/CAP: MAKE ARGENTINA GREAT AGAIN! Javier Milei win Argentina's Presidential election

>>108571 Taiwan's former US envoy, well-known in US, vilified by China, named VP candidate

>>108572 Protesters in EU nation blocking aid to Kiev - Ukrainian official

>>108574 YOUNG VOTERS CHOOSE TRUMP: New NBC poll shows Trump beating Biden nationwide, winning in 18-34 age bracket

>>108575 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -11/20/2023

>>108576 9:30 AM EST Judges Hear Case on Reinstating Gag Order Against Fmr. President Trump

>>108577 End Times News

>>108578 A mishap occurred during the @SpaceX Starship OFT-2 launch from Boca Chica, Texas, on Saturday, Nov. 18. The anomaly resulted in a loss of the vehicle. No injuries or public property damage

>>108579 @RepClayHiggins To all things a season. We're either going to save our Republic, or lose it…

>>108580 Ingraham Angle polls audience

>>108581 Leaders Speakers Series - FHFA Director Sandra Thompson Bipartisan Policy Center

>>108582 The Bee: Satan Announces Early Retirement Thanks To TikTok


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642774 No.108584

File: 711f0cd6c40cb0f⋯.webp (42.91 KB,640x484,160:121,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947766 (201513ZNOV23) Notable: #24491

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642774 No.108585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947800 (201523ZNOV23) Notable: The United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, LIVE TRUMP GAG ORDER APPEAL

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The United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit


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642774 No.108586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947805 (201523ZNOV23) Notable: The United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, LIVE TRUMP GAG ORDER APPEAL

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642774 No.108587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947816 (201528ZNOV23) Notable: The question these Democratic operatives feared being: “Were you better off four years ago than you are now?”

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Democrats fear this one simple question will doom Biden

“Biden will flunk the question.”

I was speaking with two senior Democratic operatives last week about the upcoming election and more specifically about the suggestion from David Axelrod — CNN analyst and former senior adviser to President Obama — that President Biden may want to reconsider his reelection bid as former President Trump gets closer and closer to becoming the presumptive Republican nominee.

Axelrod logically voiced his fears after the New York Times and Siena College published pollsshowing Trump leading Biden in five of six key battleground states. In a social media post, Axelrod wrote, “It’s very late to change horses; a lot will happen in the next year that no one can predict & Biden’s team says his resolve to run is firm.” He then added: “Only @JoeBiden can make this decision. If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it’s in HIS best interest or the country’s?”

For daring to voice his honest opinion,Axelrod — as reported in Politico — was referred to as a “prick” by President Biden, who has been known to fire off profanities when upset. Being told to pack it in by a former Obama guy was clearly just the thing to push Biden’s buttons.

Regardless of that spat, the Democratic operatives were not interested in any of it. Nor were they interested in debating Biden’s age nor his cognitive ability.

“I don’t care about any of those things,” one of them said. “They honestly don’t matter in relation to the question. And Biden is going to flunk that question and lose.”

The question these Democratic operatives feared being: “Were you better off four years ago than you are now?”

This is a reverse of arguably the most important question ever asked in a presidential debate. During the final week of the 1980 presidential race between Democratic President Jimmy Carter and GOP nominee Ronald Reagan, the two candidates held their sole debate on October 28.

Reagan used his closing remarks to look into the camera and ask Americans the question — one that became the defining moment of the election: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

He then followed with: “Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we’re as strong as we were four years ago?”

Now, the reverse of that question is the one Biden should fear most: “Were you better off four years ago than you are now?”

There is no doubt that former President Donald Trump and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will use variations of those questions to pummel Biden. And with good reason.

Tens of millions of Americans do believe they were much better off four years ago than now. Americans who know mortgage rates were at record lows; gasoline prices were well below three dollars per gallon; inflation was under control; our border was more secure; our major cities were not homeless encampments; crime was dramatically lower; and the world was more at peace.

To add insult to injury for President Biden, while confirming the worry of the Democratic operatives, the Financial Times just ran an article headlined “Only 14% of US voters say Joe Biden has made them better off.” Ouch.

Ultimately, some percentage of voters may care about Biden’s age or ability to govern effectively. But every single voter is concerned with quality-of-life issues that negatively affect them and their families.

Trump and Kennedy pounding on that question for the next several months will prove to be devastating for Biden.


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642774 No.108588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947832 (201535ZNOV23) Notable: The United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, LIVE TRUMP GAG ORDER APPEAL

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Anybody watching the oral argument by Trump attorney John Sauer before the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in the U.S. vs Donald Trump (gag order)? It's live at c-span.org.

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642774 No.108589

File: b8f708e7aaa35f4⋯.png (924.28 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 982c7d4a7d2104c⋯.png (40.02 KB,690x498,115:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947836 (201538ZNOV23) Notable: Operators active

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642774 No.108590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947850 (201545ZNOV23) Notable: resident pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey in a ceremony on the South Lawn For The Keks

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November 20, 2023

11:15 AM EST

The President pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey in a ceremony on the South Lawn. The President will celebrate the 76th anniversary of the National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation, reflect upon the time-honored traditions of Thanksgiving, and wish American families a safe and healthy holiday

The White House South Lawn





National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon

President Biden pardons the national Thanksgiving turkey on the South Lawn of the White House.


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642774 No.108591

File: 7e8ae8ec6e815ee⋯.jpeg (42.86 KB,410x512,205:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 59b88a71c0ae5fc⋯.jpeg (75.25 KB,1055x719,1055:719,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ee73ec76102f0a1⋯.jpeg (87.2 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8f9977779242900⋯.webp (7.33 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947871 (201553ZNOV23) Notable: Matthew Perna, Jord Meachum, Mark Aungst, Chris Stanton — The J6 Defendants Who Died by Suicide Following the Merciless Harassment by Their Government

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SAY THEIR NAMES: Matthew Perna, Jord Meachum, Mark Aungst, Chris Stanton — The J6 Defendants Who Died by Suicide Following the Merciless Harassment by Their Government

by Jim Hᴏft Nov. 19, 2023

On Friday, House Speaker Mike Johnson released the first batch of January 6th footagethat is accessible to the general public on the Committee on House Administration website.

“When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021. Truth and transparency are critical. Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours. In the meantime, a public viewing room will ensure that every citizen can view every minute of the videos uncensored,” Johnson wrote on X.

“This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials,” Johnson added.

The release of ALL J6 footage only led to one thing:There was no insurrection!

The January 6th footage shows protestors peacefully entering, leaving, and making police smile.

Following the release of new footage, it’s important to reflect on the individuals who faced severe distress after facing various charges and public scrutiny under false premises, leading to their tragic deaths. Among these were Matthew Perna, Jord Meachum, Mark Aungst, and Chris Stanton.

These names represent just a fraction of the defendants from the J6 incident who have succumbed to despair, leading to their untimely deaths.

The corrupt Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the media, and the January 6th Witch Hunt Committee bear the responsibility for the mental and emotional strain placed on these individuals.

The intense scrutiny, public shaming, and legal pressures have created an unbearable environment for those awaiting trial or serving sentences, which contributed to a sense of hopelessness and isolation, ultimately leading to tragic outcomes….

Matthew Lawrence Perna (June 1984 — Feb. 2022)

Jord Meacham (June 2001 — August 2023)

Mark Aungst (May 1975 — July 2022)

Christopher Stanton Georgia (Died on Jan. 9, 2021)

53-year-old Christopher Stanton Georgia committed suicide on Saturday after he was charged in the Capitol riot, according to the Fulton County medical examiner. Chris was found with a gunshot wound to the chest and died by suicide

Georgia was charged with attempting to “enter certain property that is, the United States Capitol Grounds, against the will of the United States Capitol Police.”

It’s important to note that many of the non-violent January 6 men and women who have become targets of their own government have no criminal history; many are pillars of their communities, they are business owners, US veterans, moms, dads, and grandparents, yet they have been treated worse by the media, the Left, and by their own government than a serial criminal.

How many will have to suffer before our politicians stand up to Biden’s tyrannical Justice Department and the Jan 6 Witch Hunt Committee, whose only purpose is to destroy Trump and his most ardent supporters?

Rest in Peace, Patriots.


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642774 No.108592

File: b13fd4bf1709f4e⋯.jpg (161.76 KB,720x887,720:887,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947889 (201559ZNOV23) Notable: NFL legend Joe Namath accused of allowing rampant child sex abuse to occur at football camp

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NFL legend Joe Namath accused of allowing rampant child sex abuse to occur at football camp

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642774 No.108593

File: 289183a9c739a28⋯.jpeg (137.53 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947900 (201601ZNOV23) Notable: Matthew Perna, Jord Meachum, Mark Aungst, Chris Stanton — The J6 Defendants Who Died by Suicide Following the Merciless Harassment by Their Government

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Matthew Perna was 37 years old when he put a rope around his neck and took his own life.

From his obituary:

Matthew Lawrence Perna died on Feb. 25, 2022, of a broken heart. His community (which he loved), his country, and the justice system killed his spirit and his zest for life. Matt was an amazing man! In his 37 years, he experienced more than most people do their entire lives. He graduated from Sharpsville High School in 2002, then went on to graduate from Penn State University.

Matt loved to travel and lived in Thailand and South Korea during his life, teaching English to school children. He traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, South America, India, and the United States of America making lasting friendships everywhere he went. He went on a mission trip to Haiti, and also took many trips with his parents and brother Steve. Matt enjoyed conversing with all walks of life, especially the elderly. It was not unusual for him to strike up conversations with complete strangers, always eager to learn from others.

He attended the rally on Jan. 6, 2021, to peacefully stand up for his beliefs. After learning that the FBI was looking for him, he immediately turned himself in. He entered the Capitol through a previously opened door (he did not break in as was reported). He didn’t break, touch, or steal anything. He did not harm anyone, as he stayed within the velvet ropes taking pictures. For this act he has been persecuted by many members of his community, friends, relatives, and people who had never met him. Many people were quietly supportive, and Matt was truly grateful for them. The constant delays in hearings, and postponements dragged out for over a year. Because of this, Matt’s heart broke and his spirit died. Matt did not have a hateful bone in his body. He embraced people of all races, income brackets, and beliefs, never once berating anyone for having different views.

Matt attended Central Community Church in Transfer, PA. He was a Christian who read his Bible daily. Matt’s family stood by him during this devastating ordeal and are extremely proud of his passion for life and his pursuit of many dreams. His actions last year are not looked down upon, instead his family is grateful and humbled by his courage. They say God never gives anyone more than they can handle. That statement is not Biblical, nor is it true. Rest Easy Matt, you are finally FREE!

The last thing Matthew Perna told his Aunt Geri before he died was, “I love you too Aunt Geri and I’m sorry you lost all of your friends because of me.”

Matthew then took his life after the Biden regime threatened him with jail time and court dates after he walked into the US Capitol on January 6.

Jord Meacham (June 2001 — August 2023)

22-year-old Nejourde Meacham died on August 28, 2021, two weeks after the Biden regime charged him with four misdemeanor crimes for walking inside the open doors of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. The young man committed suicide and shot himself in the head.

From his obituary:

Nejourde Thomas “Jord” Meacham, age 22, of Pleasant Valley, passed away August 28, 2023. He was born June 16, 2001, in Pleasant Valley, Utah, to Thomas and Kelli Yardley Meacham.

Jord worked on the family’s ranch, and enjoyed riding horses, hunting, fishing, and doing anything out doors. He was a big history buff and was a good cook – soup being his specialty. Listening to music was a big part of his life and young kids were drawn to him. He spent the summers working at Leader Creek Fisheries in Naknek, Alaska and cherished the time he spent there and the many friendships that he made.

Mark Aungst (May 1975 — July 2022)

January 6 defendant Mark Aungst, 47, from Williamsport, Pennsylvania committed suicideon July 2022. Aungst pleaded guilty last June 2022 to parading in the Capitol and was facing up to six months in prison and a $5000 fine.

From his obituary:

Mark R. Aungst, 47, of Williamsport, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday July 20, 2022. Born May 18, 1975, in Landstuhl, Germany he was a son of the late Luther R. Aungst and Cheryl (Morehart) Aungst of Lancaster.

Mark was a gas field well service technician in the area. He was a member of Messiah Lutheran Church. A loyal and dedicated man, Mark showed tremendous pride for God and his country. Above all else, Mark loved his daughter and anytime they spent together, as she was truly his world.

Christopher Stanton Georgia (Died on Jan. 9, 2021)

53-year-old Christopher Stanton Georgia committed suicide on Saturday after he was charged in the Capitol riot, according to the Fulton County medical examiner. Chris was found with a gunshot wound to the chest and died by suicide

Georgia was charged with attempting to “enter certain property that is, the United States Capitol Grounds, against the will of the United States Capitol Police.”

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642774 No.108594

File: f59650619154ef4⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2481x1654,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947904 (201601ZNOV23) Notable: NFL legend Joe Namath accused of allowing rampant child sex abuse to occur at football camp

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642774 No.108595

File: 829af4c8de53b52⋯.jpg (85.88 KB,545x680,109:136,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947914 (201602ZNOV23) Notable: The Iowa Board of Regents has voted to abolish DEI in all state universities.

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Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️


BREAKING: The Iowa Board of Regents has voted to abolish DEI in all state universities.

10:28 AM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108596

File: 26539868f4aef44⋯.png (70.47 KB,527x529,527:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a7b07f6d68e6fb⋯.png (545.89 KB,509x573,509:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 7adef56b7ba7873⋯.png (484.14 KB,509x684,509:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947933 (201608ZNOV23) Notable: NFL legend Joe Namath accused of allowing rampant child sex abuse to occur at football camp

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New York Jets legend Joe Namath has been accused of covering up sexual abuse at his football facility, according to a man who claims he was assaulted there.

Philip Lyle Smith, 64, has alleged in a Brooklyn lawsuit that well-known Brooklyn Poly Prep Country Club football coach Philip Foglietta sexually abused him 51 years ago at a Joe Namath Instructional Football Camp.

Foglietta, who died in 1998, sexually abused boys at the top New York private school over a 20-year period. The Brooklyn prep school was accused of covering up the abuse and settled a landmark lawsuit brought by former pupils in 2012.

It has now been alleged that the former football coach was allowed to repeatedly abuse Smith in a series of attacks starting when he was just 12 at the camp, Smith claimed in court papers.

Smith initially detailed his claims in the lawsuit under 'John Doe' but has now spoken publicly. Now a married Florida real-estate broker, he claimed to The New York Post that Namath and other defendants listed in the lawsuit were 'enablers and the pedophile protectors.'


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642774 No.108597

File: 6c738b580c0385e⋯.webp (29.54 KB,885x516,295:172,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947942 (201610ZNOV23) Notable: Matthew Perna, Jord Meachum, Mark Aungst, Chris Stanton — The J6 Defendants Who Died by Suicide Following the Merciless Harassment by Their Government

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>>108591. NEVER FORGET!

Beware Trump supporters: Kamala Harris and the Democrats have a list, and that’s a fact

The thirst for pay-back

Saturday, November 14, 2020

By Everett Piper

This quote is apparently not accurate about Kamala. It seems to have originated in a satirical piece written in 2019.

But here’s the thing, this “statement” from Ms. Harris is so close to the numerous verified comments from other key playersin the Democratic Party and their corresponding “useful idiots” in the media (but I repeat myself) that, at first blush, it didn’t even strike me as odd or out of order.

Comments such as the following:

“Any Republican now promoting rejection of an election or calling not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position, or be accepted into ‘polite’ society. We have a list.” — Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted tweets, writings, photos …” — Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. Congress

“Yes, we are … Every Administration staffer, campaign staffer, bundler, lawyer, who represented them — everyone.” — Michael Simon, The Trump Accountability Project

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would … name every official, politician, executive and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.” — Robert Reich, former Labor Department Secretary to President Clinton and adviser to President Obama

“The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.” — Chris Hayes, MSNBC host

“So, let us brace ourselves … the terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured … and then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators … must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society … [T]he fight is not just to win an election, but to win it by enough to chase — at least for a moment — Trump and the maggots off the stage and then try to clean up what they left, Remember… the fight does not end November 3, but in many ways, will only begin that day.” — Keith Olbermann, former ESPN and MSNBC commentator

“We should keep and publish a list of everyone who assists Trump’s frivolous and dangerous attacks on the election. Name and shame forever.” — Evan McMullin, former CIA operative and 2016 independent candidate for the presidency of the United States

“Me-first capitalists … are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution. I’ll happily provide video commentary.” — Dick Costolo, former CEO of Twitter

“I think killing the little Romanov children was justified [for the sake of the revolution].” — Bhaskar Sunkara, founder of Jacobin magazine, the top publication among democratic socialists

Or this from Joe Biden himself who, in a 2018 speech to the Human Rights Campaign, described conservative Christians and Jews who live by the 4,000-year-old moral teachings of the Bible as “virulent people, some of them the dregs of society …”

The “quote” I posted concerning Kamala Harris may not have been accurate. But all these other comments are. And here’s something else that is entirely true, Sen. Harris’ silence.


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642774 No.108598

File: bcbab2f4371e988⋯.png (218.06 KB,560x476,20:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947949 (201611ZNOV23) Notable: Javier Milei is literally a TV celebrity that is WEF-affiliated

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plant or animal?


Javier Milei is literally a TV celebrity that is WEF-affiliated. He’s a mask-wearing Zionist who supports throwing more money at Israel and Ukraine; and people think this is a win for anti-establishment leadership.

For fuck sake, wake up. He is an obvious plant.

10:17 AM · Nov 20, 2023




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642774 No.108599

File: f92638dd499ddca⋯.png (51.63 KB,574x376,287:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 09fbc08ddbd6c8e⋯.png (95.23 KB,299x169,23:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947961 (201613ZNOV23) Notable: Javier Milei is literally a TV celebrity that is WEF-affiliated

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"Milei was chief economist at Corporación America, one of Argentina’s largest business conglomerates that, among other things, runs most of the country’s airports. He worked there until 2021, when he won his seat as a lawmaker."

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642774 No.108600

File: 2b9d494400d5e60⋯.jpg (109.1 KB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.jpg)

File: adf3e00efb0dffe⋯.jpg (15.46 KB,750x214,375:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5af45b7a63c3191⋯.jpg (84.22 KB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947975 (201615ZNOV23) Notable: In case anyone is wondering who Media Matters is...

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In case anyone is wondering who Media Matters is.

In December of 2019, Media Matters donated $950,000 to The Good Land Committee, Inc., which was the host committee for the 2020 DNC convention.

Then, six months later, they got a full refund.

Big Dem money-shuffling group.

5:35 PM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108601

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947992 (201618ZNOV23) Notable: It's Simple Why No Arab Countries Are Taking Palestinian Refugees. They Know Better.

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It's Simple Why No Arab Countries Are Taking Palestinian Refugees. They Know Better.

Matt VespaA

When Israel began conducting airstrikes in Gaza, everyone knew there was going to be displacement. The military operation comes after Hamas invaded Israel on October 7, murdering 1,200-1,400 civilians in a coordinated assault involving well over 1,000 terrorists. The level of barbarity was unprecedented, leading to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forming a unity government that aims to destroy Hamas. On October 28, the ground invasion began, leading to scores of Palestinians attempting to make their way south to safety. Hamas shot some who tried to flee.

As the Left rages against Israel, hurling antisemitic slurs and chanting for more Jews to die, some might want to consider why the civilians have nowhere to go. Okay, maybe these folks do know but don’t care, but liberals are historically illiterate, so who knows? It goes beyond geography. The Palestinians bring trouble and have a long, sordid history of fomenting mayhem and terrorism in other Arab nations.

Egypt is the logical destination for these Palestinians, but Cairo doesn’t want them, and for good reason: terrorism. The border crossing at Rafah remains closed, with tanks now deployed to ensure their border is secure. Egypt’s prime minister even said his country is willing to sacrifice millions to ensure no Palestinians ever enter Egypt en masse (via WSJ):

If Hamas cared about Palestinian civilians, it would encourage them to leave Gaza. But instead it is demanding that they remain. The terror group intends to use its own people and the hostages it abducted from Israel as human shields. Their hope is that either Israeli concern about causing collateral damage or global opprobrium will force Israel to scale back its counter-invasion.

Egypt is the only place to which Gaza’s civilians can flee for now. Yet Cairo insists on maintaining its strict quota for entries from Gaza via the Rafah crossing—with only 800 able to leave on Monday, and the crossing reportedly closed in recent days.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi bears no warm feelings toward Hamas, which is allied with the Muslim Brotherhood that tried to impose an Islamist regime in his country not too long ago. He’s concerned that Hamas terrorists might slip across the border into Egypt with a tide of civilians.

The timing is bad for Mr. Sisi, but unless he budges Egypt will become partly responsible for what could become a terrible humanitarian crisis—and that’s if Israel succeeds in rooting out Hamas. If Hamas’s strategy succeeds and Israel is forced by international pressure to scale back its defensive operations, Egypt will have to live with an entrenched and emboldened Hamas on the other side of the Rafah crossing.

If Hamas and the Palestinians aren’t freely moving into Egypt, they’ll be okay with it. Also, Israel has resisted ceasefires and has continued to chip away at the terror group’s infrastructure in Gaza, but a humanitarian crisis could still emerge.

As the tweet above mentioned, thePalestinians tried to take over Jordanin the 1970s, leading to the late King Hussein declaring war on them and driving them out. Theywere booted from Kuwaitafter collaborating with Saddam Hussein’s forces before the Gulf War. They set off a powder keg in Lebanon, a nation that has yet to recover from its brutal civil war that lasted 15 years.No Arab country wants these people because they bring instability and trouble. They’re not importing terrorism; that’s what we’re doingwholesale.


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642774 No.108602

File: 0d2d10c427bd01b⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948009 (201621ZNOV23) Notable: Why is the FBI recruiting at an Anime convention?

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Why is the FBI recruiting at an Anime convention?

4:10 PM · Nov 19, 2023


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642774 No.108603

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948020 (201624ZNOV23) Notable: Jeff Clark Predicts Colorado Judge's Biased Ruling Targeting President Trump To Reach Supreme Court

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Jeff Clark Predicts Colorado Judge's Biased Ruling Targeting President Trump To Reach Supreme Court

Important to Listen to this!The Judge is stupid!



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642774 No.108604

File: eb52784bef79e06⋯.png (1.98 MB,960x1332,80:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948033 (201626ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Horsehead Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Nov 20, 2023

The Horsehead Nebula

Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast Orion cloud complex. About five light-years "tall," the dark cloud is cataloged as Barnard 33 and is visible only because its obscuring dust is silhouetted against the glowing red emission nebula IC 434. Stars are forming within the dark cloud. Contrasting blue reflection nebula NGC 2023, surrounding a hot, young star, is at the lower left of the full image. The featured gorgeous color image combines both narrowband and broadband images recorded using several different telescopes.


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642774 No.108605

File: d12b8b7257a6f00⋯.jpg (132.15 KB,833x642,833:642,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23b93b93ad1dc94⋯.jpg (107.44 KB,510x598,255:299,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c9d7fc24b892927⋯.jpg (149.35 KB,1016x547,1016:547,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948044 (201628ZNOV23) Notable: Fed Boys: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

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Fed Boys: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

>>>/qresearch/19947951 That's the one. Memory fail. I remembered them in Kakis.



Anons are awesome. Ty so much. I was wanting to make a side by side with one of these pics.

FLETC Journal - Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers - Fall Winter 2015 - Volume 15 -PDF

page 1

page 10 - the pic - the glowing Fed Bois

page 11

page 12


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642774 No.108606

File: 672182898b4d7a5⋯.png (3.17 MB,3405x1836,1135:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948047 (201629ZNOV23) Notable: QClock November 20, 2023 - Musk, Fake News Attacks & The Godfather

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QClock November 20, 2023 - Musk, Fake News Attacks & The Godfather

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642774 No.108607

File: 942ced20e6dd72b⋯.jpg (95.12 KB,699x389,699:389,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e00917b32ee7331⋯.jpg (158.51 KB,797x544,797:544,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a4327c540635490⋯.jpg (136.85 KB,1187x582,1187:582,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7f596f67a5d5ef3⋯.jpg (201.31 KB,791x606,791:606,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948049 (201629ZNOV23) Notable: Fed Boys: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

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Fed Boys: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

Check out these Role Players.



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642774 No.108608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948053 (201631ZNOV23) Notable: Jeff Clark Predicts Colorado Judge's Biased Ruling Targeting President Trump To Reach Supreme Court

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Her entire 100 pages of her ruling by the judge is a “Dicta Fest”. In other words it was crazy. Kek




Plural of dictum.




An authoritative, often formal pronouncement.

A side remark made in a judicial opinion that is not necessary for the decision in the caseand therefore is not to be regarded as establishing the law of the case or setting legal precedent.

A positive or judicial assertion; an authoritative saying.

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642774 No.108609

File: afc1619d032ac3f⋯.png (587.79 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 626e3e1cb3344bb⋯.png (514.61 KB,610x407,610:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948067 (201635ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI: All-women expedition to Antarctica: Pioneering global sustainability through STEMM leadership

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All-women expedition to Antarctica: Pioneering global sustainability through STEMM leadership

Oct 26, 2023

With 188 women from 25 countries in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM), Homeward Bound's groundbreaking initiative is a powerful stride towards global sustainability, empowering women to shape the future of our planet.

In a voyage that transcends boundaries and challenges stereotypes, the largest all-women expedition is gearing up to set sail for Antarctica this November, in a mission spearheaded by Homeward Bound, a global leadership initiative.

This diverse cohort of professionals in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) is on a 19-day quest to foster global sustainability and empower women as leaders in shaping the future of our planet.

Pamela Sutton-Legaud, CEO of Homeward Bound, expressed the profound importance of this venture, stating, "Antarctica not only provides early warnings of climate change – it also represents the fragility of our natural world, and why we need to protect it. We are excited to see how each person takes on this life-changing journey, and translates their learnings into actions."

The expedition, departing from Argentina on two vessels — The Ushuaia and The Island Sky — boasts a cohort of remarkable women from South Africa, Kenya, and Zimbabwe. These pioneers, already making significant contributions in their respective fields, are leveraging their expertise to advance research and legislation, with a specific focus on sustainability and gender equality in the STEMM sector.

Representatives from South Africa include Gina Ziervogel, Director of the African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI), and Nirvani Dhevcharran, Chief Technology Officer at the Foschini Group. Philista Malaki, a Research Scientist at the National Museums of Kenya, joins the expedition from Kenya, while Moreangels Muchaneta Mbizah, Founder and Executive Director of Wildlife Conservation Action, represents Zimbabwe.

Sutton-Legaud underscored the urgency of encouraging more women within the STEMM sector, particularly in the context of climate change.

"History and research also show that women and young girls in developing countries are the most negatively affected by climate change-related instances. The world needs to create a space for their ideas to be heard, as the drastic effects of climate change become more apparent globally."

Homeward Bound's mission extends beyond this singular expedition; the initiative aims to empower 10,000 women in STEMM to lead, influence, collaborate, and contribute to policy and decision-making for a more sustainable future by 2036.

Leading up to the Antarctica expedition, the women are participating in a 12-month virtual leadership programme, enhancing their strategic capabilities. On the voyage, they will engage in continuous learning through lectures, workshops, and networking sessions, harnessing their leadership skills in the pursuit of global change.

"As this group embarks on this epic journey, they remind us that women in STEMM are not just the key to understanding our planet's challenges; they are the architects of its solutions.

“Together, they inspire a global effort towards a more equal leadership landscape and a more sustainable future for our world," said Sutton-Legaud.

The two voyages, The Ushuaia and The Island Sky, embark on November 3 and 12, respectively. For more information about the cohort and the organisation, visit Homeward Bound. The expedition marks a significant stride towards gender equality in STEMM and underscores the pivotal role women play in addressing global challenges.


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642774 No.108610

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948068 (201635ZNOV23) Notable: Julie reveals a lot in this video that has still been hidden by the J6 committee, they refuse to them it all over to the republican house

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"The Breaking Of The Dam": Julie Kelly Reacts To Speaker Johnson Releasing 44,000 Hours Of Jan. 6 Footage


She must be the happiest journalist alive, since the videos have been released. She has covered J6 defendants from day 1!


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642774 No.108611

File: e5678d3e488ae94⋯.jpg (515.06 KB,1734x1261,1734:1261,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948074 (201636ZNOV23) Notable: Elon posted a video clip from The Godfather I showing Michael taking out the heads of the other families. Timestamp = 5:04am.

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Elon posted a video clip from The Godfather I showing Michael taking out the heads of the other families. Timestamp = 5:04am.


Q158 includes Godfather III and has a 6 year delta TODAY.

“Operations underway.”

7:17 AM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948087 (201638ZNOV23) Notable: Papua New Guinea volcano erupts and Japan says it’s assessing a possible tsunami risk to its islands

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Papua New Guinea volcano erupts and Japan says it’s assessing a possible tsunami risk to its islands

Updated 7:35 AM EST, November 20, 2023


TOKYO (AP) — A volcano in Papua New Guinea erupted on Monday, and the Japan Meteorological Agency said it was assessing a possible risk of a tsunami for Japanese coasts.

Mount Ulawun on the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea erupted at around 3:30 p.m. (0630 GMT) Monday, spewing volcanic smoke as high as 15,000 meters (50,000 feet), the agency said, quoting the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center in Darwin, Australia.


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642774 No.108613

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948095 (201641ZNOV23) Notable: Papua New Guinea volcano erupts and Japan says it’s assessing a possible tsunami risk to its islands

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Tsunami Information Statement Number 1


901 AM AST MON NOV 20 2023












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642774 No.108614

File: b6b054eae384675⋯.jpeg (716.91 KB,1174x623,1174:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948096 (201640ZNOV23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity

Pretty slow as expected for holiday week

92-9000 747 and 02-4452 USAFSOC C-32B doing roundies at Harrisburg,PA Intl

Not unusual at all

Potato done for day after the Turkey pardons-at least he got daily briefing early today-written in crayon by nao


Aussie AF VH8MR Global Explorer departed North Las Vegas Airport after arriving on 11/16-there for boring F1 race too? Aussies have 2 drivers in it so excuse to go I guess and stayed Thursday through today

GTMO842 heading to Ft. Lauderdale from you guessed it….

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642774 No.108615

File: 16be2b56d92d042⋯.png (567.02 KB,650x431,650:431,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948097 (201640ZNOV23) Notable: Fisher Space Pens to fly with Blue Origin crews as 'official ballpoint'

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Fisher Space Pens to fly with Blue Origin crews as 'official ballpoint'

Nov 19, 2023

Fisher Space Pen has some new Blue ballpoints.

The maker of the pressurized-ink writing instruments used by astronauts to scrawl in space has partnered with Blue Origin to become the company's official pen provider. Fisher Space Pen will be the only brand ballpoint pen used on all of Blue Origin's upcoming crewed launches.

"We can see the future, and Blue Origin is helping fly us there," Matt Fisher, vice president of Fisher Pen Company, said in a statement. "My grandfather helped build this company with an innovative product that yesterday's space pioneers needed, with a pen that has stood the test of time. This partnership now has all of us anticipating the possibilities that lie ahead, and we couldn't be more excited to help further our involvement in upcoming space endeavors Blue Origin will lead."

Founded by billionaire Jeff Bezos with the goal of "building a road to space for the benefit of Earth," Blue Origin is developing and building reusable rocket engines, launch vehicles, in-space systems and lunar landers. The company has used its New Shepard launch vehicle to fly 31 people to date on suborbital spaceflights and has a contract with NASA to provide a human landing system for sustained access to the surface of the moon.

Blue Origin is also working with Sierra Space on Orbital Reef, a commercial space station to be deployed in low Earth orbit.

To commemorate this new partnership, Fisher is releasing three custom-designed space pens featuring Blue Origin's feather logo representing the perfection of flight hardware design — an ideal balance of strength and lightness.

Fisher's original astronaut space pen, the AG7 model that first lifted off to space on NASA's Apollo 7 mission in 1968, has been updated for this release with a black titanium nitride exterior that helps protect it from scratches and gives it a stealthy appearance. Blue Origin's feather and celestial icons are laser engraved around the pen.

The Blue Moon Bullet Space Pen features a blue translucent finish and a chrome feather symbol.

The third release is also a Bullet, but with a matte black finish and the Blue Origin feather emblazoned in gold wrapping around the pen.

The Blue Origin AG7 retails for $125, the Blue Moon Bullet is $45 and the matte black Bullet is $39. All three pens are available to order through the Fisher Space Pen website.

As part of the agreement, Fisher is also joining forces with Blue Origin's nonprofit Club for the Future to help further engage students in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields.

"Our partnership with Fisher Space Pen will inspire future generations to reach for the stars, write their STEM goals and leave an indelible mark in the space industry for the benefit of Earth," said Michael Edmonds, president of Club for the Future.

Blue Origin is the latest company to continue Fisher Space Pen's legacy as the choice writing instrument for space-bound travelers. After being adopted by NASA at the start of the Apollo program and by the Soviet space program in 1969, Fisher space pens went on to be used on every crewed mission for the past five decades. Today, the company also has agreements with Virgin Galactic to fly on SpaceShipTwo suborbital vehicles and Axiom Space to launch on private SpaceX Dragon missions.


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642774 No.108616

File: 8959c45835af617⋯.jpeg (73.94 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948105 (201642ZNOV23) Notable: Fisher Space Pens to fly with Blue Origin crews as 'official ballpoint'

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642774 No.108617

File: 832f2c7550369c2⋯.jpeg (288.66 KB,1140x1106,570:553,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948112 (201644ZNOV23) Notable: Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman / Greg Brockman, OpenAI co-founder, is also joining Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team.

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Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman / Greg Brockman, OpenAI co-founder, is also joining Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team.

(Microsoft just destroyed OpenAI KEK)

By Tom Warren, a senior editor covering Microsoft,

Nov 20, 2023 at 3:03 AM EST

Microsoft is hiring former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and co-founder Greg Brockman.

Altman was fired from OpenAI on Friday after the board said it “no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI.” After a weekend of negotiations to potentially bring Altman back to OpenAI, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced that both Altman and Brockman will be joining to lead Microsoft’s new advanced AI research team. Altman will have the CEO title of this new group.

“We’re extremely excited to share the news that Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, together with colleagues, will be joining Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team,” says Nadella. “We look forward to moving quickly to provide them with the resources needed for their success.”

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Altman acknowledged he was joining Microsoft by reposting Nadella with the message “the mission continues.” Nadella responded by providing some hints at how he sees Altman’s new CEO role at Microsoft. “We’ve learned a lot over the years about how to give founders and innovators space to build independent identities and cultures within Microsoft, including GitHub, Mojang Studios, and LinkedIn, and I’m looking forward to having you do the same.”

Microsoft typically only assigns a CEO title to leaders of separate or big businesses inside the software giant. Xbox chief Phil Spencer was named Microsoft Gaming CEO recently, with Microsoft using or continuing CEO positions for a number of its acquisitions, including GitHub, LinkedIn, Mojang, and Activision Blizzard. This could hint at bigger plans for Microsoft’s new advanced AI research team.

Brockman has also revealed that the new team at Microsoft will include some key OpenAI talent. Jakub Pachocki, director of research at OpenAI, will join an unnamed leadership position in Microsoft’s advanced AI research team. OpenAI research scientist Szymon Sidor and head of preparedness Aleksander Madry are also joining Microsoft in leadership positions, according to Brockman. OpenAI employees are also posting “OpenAI is nothing without its people” to X in a sign of more resignations to come.

Altman’s hiring comes just hours after negotiations with OpenAI’s board failed to bring him back as OpenAI CEO. Instead, former Twitch CEO and co-founder Emmett Shear has been named interim CEO. He will take over for Mira Murati, who was named interim OpenAI CEO following Altman’s shock firing on Friday.

Altman had been negotiating to return as OpenAI CEO, but OpenAI’s four-person board refused to step down and let him return, according to multiple sources speaking to The Verge. He had reportedly been pitching a separate startup to build custom, Nvidia-rivaling AI tensor processing unit (TPU) chips to investors recently, according to The New York Times. The TPU project was codenamed “Tigris,” attracting a number of prominent venture firms and even interest from Microsoft.

Microsoft’s new advanced AI research team, led by Altman and Brockman, comes just a week after Microsoft announced it has built its own custom AI chip that can be used to train large language models and potentially avoid a costly reliance on Nvidia. Microsoft has also built its own Arm-based CPU for cloud workloads. Both custom silicon chips are designed to power its Azure data centers.

Microsoft’s new custom AI chip.

Image: Microsoftnone

Altman and OpenAI had been working with Microsoft to refine and test the Maia AI chip. Microsoft was quick to downplay the chip’s impact on its close Nvidia partnership, but the Maia GPU is part of a series, and the company is already working on a second generation.

Microsoft still has a “multibillion dollar investment” in OpenAI, rumored to be worth around $10 billion. Microsoft is the exclusive cloud partner for OpenAI, and Microsoft’s cloud services power all OpenAI workloads across products, API services, and research.

“We remain committed to our partnership with OpenAI and have confidence in our product roadmap, our ability to continue to innovate with everything we announced at Microsoft Ignite, and in continuing to support our customers and partners,” Nadella said in his statement. “We look forward to getting to know Emmett Shear and OAI’s new leadership team and working with them.”


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642774 No.108618

File: f24e14c59eb6345⋯.gif (991.44 KB,498x451,498:451,Clipboard.gif)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948130 (201649ZNOV23) Notable: Papua New Guinea volcano erupts and Japan says it’s assessing a possible tsunami risk to its islands

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“Oh no there goes Tokyo”

Not really


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642774 No.108619

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948141 (201651ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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Naomi vs Naomi

Naomi Klein writes hit piece on Naomi Wolf calling Wolf a conspiracy theorist because of stance on the Jab.

Turns out Klein's husband is advocating for Pharma care in canada

Also turns out Kleins family were communists and draft dodgers.

It's all in the family for Canada's most famous sibling activists

By Dene Moore | News, Politics, Culture | November 17th 2020

She is author of some of the most provocative social commentary of this century so far: No Logo, The Shock Doctrine, This Changes Everything.

He is the behind-the-scenes policy analyst who championed a carbon tax and the groundbreaking Climate Justice Project and has just released a book of his own; A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency.

Naomi and Seth Klein are probably Canada’s most famous sibling activists, but you could say they are just following in the family business.

“My grandfather was an artist and one of six guys who started the union at Walt Disney who led a very long and nasty strikejust before the U.S. entered (the Second World War),” Seth says.

The strike was a success, the union was founded, but all the organizers were fired, including his grandfather.

“After the war, Disney had them all named to the House Un-American Activities Committee.I like to joke that my sister and I can’t remember a time from the very youngest age that we didn’t hold these dissonant views; that we really liked Walt Disney movies, but he was a bastard,” Seth says with a wry laugh.

They grew up Canadianbecause their parents fled the United States in 1967, shortly after their father, Michael, received his draft notice for the Vietnam War.

Growing up in Montreal, their mother, Bonnie Sherr Klein, became a pioneering member of the National Film Board’s Studio D, the first publicly funded feminist film production unit in the world.

Get to know them better: Seth and Naomi Klein, the brother and sister activist team pushing climate change consciousness in Canada. #climatechange #climatecrisis #climatechangeemergency #reverseclimatechange @NaomiAKlein @SethDKlein

“My parents always went to demonstrations. Our family car trips were listening to music from the civil rights movement. My mom was part of Studio D, so all of her friends were making films about political issues, like nuclear war and disability rights and environment,” Naomi says in a separate interview.

“We grew up in a very political environment. It was kind of like the air we breathed.”

Seth, two years Naomi’s senior, fell into activism early. At age 14, he and a group of friends founded a high school nuclear disarmament movement. By the summer of 1986, the Students Against Global Extermination set out on a coast-to-coast tour hosting youth rallies against the bomb.

“He found out that there were these weapons out there that could wipe out humanity, and he just wasn’t able to live with that,” Naomi says. “Most of us can live with incredible cognitive dissonance — we can know that we’re making the planet uninhabitable, we can know that there are nuclear weapons that could wipe us out, and just not think about it.

“Seth didn’t have that ability as a kid. When he found out about the arms race, he was destroyed by it. He couldn’t sleep until he figured out a way to do something about it.”

That’s not to say Naomi was apolitical. At age 12, she delivered a memorable speech at her bat mitzvah about racism in the Jewish community.

“It caused a bit of a stir at my local synagogue,” she says. “I was interested in the issues and I always wrote … but it wasn’t until I was in university that I became part of activism, but more as a writer.”

Distant during their high school years, it was a family crisis in 1987 that brought the brother and sister closer. Seth was 19 and Naomi 17 when their mother suffered a debilitating stroke and nearly died.

“That brought us together,” Seth says. “A couple of years after that, Naomi ended up joining me at the University of Toronto.”

But Naomi didn’t just end up at U of T with Seth. She went there to be closer to her brother.

“I don’t even think I applied anywhere but U of T. I just wanted him as an anchor in my life,” she says. “Things were very uncertain with my mom, and I think I just wanted to be close to family.”


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642774 No.108620

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948152 (201655ZNOV23) Notable: To Be Truly Free

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To Be Truly Free

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642774 No.108621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948153 (201656ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Chair Care’: New Mexico hairstylists being trained under CDC-funded program to push COVID, flu shots

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‘Chair Care’: New Mexico hairstylists being trained under CDC-funded program to push COVID, flu shots

Under 'Chair Care,' a program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New Mexico hairstylists are paid and trained as 'trusted messengers' to promote COVID-19 and flu vaccines, especially to minority and conservative clients with low vaccination rates.


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642774 No.108622

File: 98ed82d3dcb4fa8⋯.png (254.28 KB,502x668,251:334,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948160 (201659ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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Naomi Klein


At least my grandfather Philip Klein isn't alive to see this nonsense. Walt Disney fired him for co-organizing the first animators' strike in 1941. Disney testified against his own workers before the House Un-American Activities Committee, claiming they were communists.


Rep Andy Biggs



Apr 21, 2022


4:28 PM · Apr 21, 2022


Naomi Klein



Apr 21

Replying to


Republicans didn't mind him getting involved in politics then.


On This Day: Walt Disney Testifies Before HUAC

Walt Disney was one of few Hollywood leaders to testify against supposed communists during the 1940s.

Naomi Klein



Apr 21

Some background on the animators' strike


Cartoons and Class Struggle

In 1941, Disney animators walked off work to demand that the New Deal be brought to the Magic Kingdom.

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642774 No.108623

File: 0eaa8f18d8ebf83⋯.png (3.9 MB,2000x757,2000:757,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948167 (201702ZNOV23) Notable: NASA’s Webb Reveals New Features in Heart of Milky Way

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NASA’s Webb Reveals New Features in Heart of Milky Way

NOV 20, 2023

The latest image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope shows a portion of the dense center of our galaxy in unprecedented detail, including never-before-seen features astronomers have yet to explain. The star-forming region, named Sagittarius C (Sgr C), is about 300 light-years from the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*.

“There’s never been any infrared data on this region with the level of resolution and sensitivity we get with Webb, so we are seeing lots of features here for the first time,” said the observation team’s principal investigator Samuel Crowe, an undergraduate student at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. “Webb reveals an incredible amount of detail, allowing us to study star formation in this sort of environment in a way that wasn’t possible previously.”

“The galactic center is the most extreme environment in our Milky Way galaxy, where current theories of star formation can be put to their most rigorous test,” added professor Jonathan Tan, one of Crowe’s advisors at the University of Virginia.

Amid the estimated 500,000 stars in the image is a cluster of protostars – stars that are still forming and gaining mass – producing outflows that glow like a bonfire in the midst of an infrared-dark cloud. At the heart of this young cluster is a previously known, massive protostar over 30 times the mass of our Sun. The cloud the protostars are emerging from is so dense that the light from stars behind it cannot reach Webb, making it appear less crowded when in fact it is one of the most densely packed areas of the image. Smaller infrared-dark clouds dot the image, looking like holes in the starfield. That’s where future stars are forming.

Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) instrument also captured large-scale emission from ionized hydrogen surrounding the lower side of the dark cloud, shown cyan-colored in the image. Typically, Crowe says, this is the result of energetic photons being emitted by young massive stars, but the vast extent of the region shown by Webb is something of a surprise that bears further investigation. Another feature of the region that Crowe plans to examine further is the needle-like structures in the ionized hydrogen, which appear oriented chaotically in many directions.

“The galactic center is a crowded, tumultuous place. There are turbulent, magnetized gas clouds that are forming stars, which then impact the surrounding gas with their outflowing winds, jets, and radiation,” said Rubén Fedriani, a co-investigator of the project at the Instituto Astrofísica de Andalucía in Spain. “Webb has provided us with a ton of data on this extreme environment, and we are just starting to dig into it.”

Around 25,000 light-years from Earth, the galactic center is close enough to study individual stars with the Webb telescope, allowing astronomers to gather unprecedented information on how stars form, and how this process may depend on the cosmic environment, especially compared to other regions of the galaxy. For example, are more massive stars formed in the center of the Milky Way, as opposed to the edges of its spiral arms?


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642774 No.108624

File: 91c9e39ff75d880⋯.png (427.19 KB,1253x911,1253:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948168 (201704ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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>Naomi vs Naomi


>Some background on the animators' strike


>Cartoons and Class Struggle

Cartoons and Class Struggle


Kenneth Bergfeld

Mark Bergfeld

In 1941, Disney animators walked off work to demand that the New Deal be brought to the Magic Kingdom.

Every American has grown up on Disney movies, but how many people have heard of “the civil war in animation”?

Cultural analyses of Disney and his products are common, and the sociological effects of his multimedia domination have been discussed ad infinitum. But little attention has been paid to the 1941 animators’ strike that nearly upended the Magic Kingdom. Never before or after has the labor behind the movies that shaped billions of childhoods been so sharply illuminated. As new workers’ struggles break out across the entertainment industry, this history is more relevant today than ever.

Working for Walt

Walt Disney could not rely on his own artistic talent to build his empire. He was known neither for being a fine artist nor a good draftsman. The Simpsons have even satirized him for plagiarizing Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit from their original creator, Ub Iwerks.

His success instead turned on his ability to transform the incredibly labor-intensive animation process. Major technological expansions allowed Disney to synchronize image and sound, pushing animation beyond its crude beginnings. This advance brought animation — and with it, the Magic Kingdom — from the margins of filmmaking to its mainstream.

When Disney made Snow White, animators still drew figures by hand on clear celluloid panels, which were then placed above one or two layers of static background painted on paper. To create the illusion of movement, animators had to produce twenty-four images for every second. For Snow White, workers made 130,000 movement drawings, not to mention the background panels.

To streamline this process, Disney put more than eight hundred artists on an assembly line of industrial-scale production. His method for controlling workers within this massive operation consisted of psychological tactics culled from the studies of the day. He played favorites, stole credit from workers, and paid different wages for the same job. For example, select animators received parking spots and reserved seats at in-house test screenings while others had to scramble for the remaining seats or stay away all together.

Wages ranged from $12 to $300 a week. If an animator came up with a joke while working on a short, they got a $3.50 bonus.

Walt Disney believed that an effective company was built on “teamwork” and “employee voice.” To diffuse growing discontent among animators, he launched the Disney Federation of Screen Cartoonists, a company union that he hoped would contain his workers’ demands.

The Animators Strike Back

Animators made Snow White, Fantasia, and Pinocchio all at the same time. They worked long hours under extreme pressure, and many went without pay for months. Walt said that they would receive a bonus payment once Snow White turned a profit — an empty promise all too familiar among creative workers today. When the pay never materialized, it sparked a sense of injustice among the animators.

Surprisingly, Art Babbitt, a head animator and president of the company union, sympathized with the low-wage workforce. He initially joined the Disney Federation of Screen Cartoonists in order to fight off the corrupt International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), which was connected to organized crime. But Babbitt was soon demanding a two-dollar raise for inkers.

Little did he know what awaited him. Babbitt immediately had to face Disney’s legal counsel, Gunther Lessing. In a former life Lessing had collaborated with Mexico’s revolutionary president Francisco Madero and defended radicals in court. Now working for Disney, Lessing didn’t give an inch to the unions.

There was also Walt’s brother Roy, the company’s finance director. He resorted to physical threats, telling Babbitt to keep his nose out of their business or else they’d “cut it off.”

It didn’t take long for Babbitt to realize that the Disney Federation of Screen Cartoonists was designed to keep workers from getting involved with industry-wide unionism. After one of the inkers fainted because she couldn’t afford to buy lunch, Babbitt joined Herbert Sorrell’s Screen Cartoonist’s Guild, a local of the Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers Union.

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642774 No.108625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948170 (201704ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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>Cartoons and Class Struggle

By that time, Herbert Sorrell already had experienced a tremendous amount of struggle. As a twelve-year old, he joined an Oakland sewer pipe plant, where coworkers routinely beat him. It ended when he decided to whack one of them over the head with a shovel. After World War I, he became a professional prizefighter and then moved to Los Angeles to work as a painter in the studios. After he was fired from Universal for being a union member, he channeled his energy into labor activism.

Disney was the industry’s key player. His shop would set the wages and conditions for all the animation studios. Sorrell was committed to turning the Magic Kingdom into a “dust bowl” if the company didn’t relent.

The Reluctant Dragon

The dispute had been simmering for a while when in February 1941, Walt Disney called his workers together to address “the real crisis we are facing.” In the style of today’s captive audience meetings, he explained how he had fought prejudices and established the cartoon as an art form. He regaled his underpaid workers with stories of the hungry years, the debts, and the mortgages. The speech backfired. As a May 10, 1941, Nation article put it: “This speech recruited more members for the Screen Cartoonists Guild than a year of campaigning.”

Every move Disney made exacerbated workers’ discontent. At one point, he is reported to have said, “If you boys sign with the union . . . I’ll. . . I’ll never let you swim in my pool again!” To which Al Dempster, a head animator, replied: “Walt, swimming in your pool doesn’t feed my kids or pay my rent!”

The union collected 400 union cards from 560 eligible workers. Among them, Naomi Klein’s paternal grandfather who worked at Disney as an illustrator and would end up tent-camping outside the LA studio for several months. Following unsuccessful negotiations, the staff voted for an indefinite strike starting on May 26.

Walt Disney remained intransigent and even sacked Babbitt and other head animators in retaliation. As the strike was about to begin, Disney appealed to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to recognize the company union as workers “are free to join whatever [they] wish.”

Disney hoped that the NLRB would take his stature into account, rule in his favor, and hand over the right to collective bargaining to the firm’s preferred union. But to Walt’s dismay, the strike started as planned, and the Screen Cartoonists’ Guild brought 550 workers out on to the picket lines.

Disney responded with a campaign of intimidation. He hired photographers to document the striking workers. Worse, he laid off nineteen employees, and rumors circulated that two hundred more would follow.

Helping Hands

The strikers chose to match the escalation and started blocking trucks from entering the studio.

But industrial muscle wouldn’t suffice. This was a fight over the future of the industry, and both sides knew it. As in other labor disputes, the strike’s power had to be expanded both horizontally into the community and vertically into the company’s business model.

Workers distributed flyers at cinemas demanding that theater managers and audiences boycott Disney pictures. They also appealed to the rest of the labor movement for food donations so that they could stay out on strike.

Vertically, they put pressure on suppliers. By mid-July, workers had convinced Technicolor to boycott Disney, stopping film from entering the studio and from being processed on the way out. Williams and British Pathé — two other companies — also suspended processing Disney films.

On July 5, the NLRB officially recognized the strike and sent a conciliator to arbitrate between the unions and Disney. Nine AFL unions returned to work, but even this couldn’t stop the animators. Disney lawyer Lessing sent a telegram to Washington blaming the ongoing work stoppage on Communists.

Cracks started to appear in the strike’s edifice. Writing on behalf of “those who had returned to work,” animator R.F. Fredericks argued that being anti-union was “the American way” and that any differences with the company should be dealt with inside the organization rather than through an external agent.

This commonly used boss’s tactic equates worker demands with an outside force, allowing the employer to regain hegemony through the words of the workplace’s silent majority.

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642774 No.108626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948173 (201704ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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The New Deal had finally arrived in the Magic Kingdom.

Defeat in Victory?

Yet divisions between ex-strikers and scabs ran deep, and Walt Disney didn’t forgive those who rebelled. This is why Tom Sito calls the strike the “Civil War in Animation” in his book Drawing the Line: The Untold Story of the Animation Unions from Bosko to Bart Simpson. In November 1941, Disney laid off more workers, underlining his uncompromising position.

Despite the earlier setback at the NLRB, Walt learned to use the changing political climate and McCarthyism to discourage worker organization within his growing empire. On several occasions, he testified at the House of Un-American Activities, denouncing strike participants and trade union members as Communists and accusing them of having ties to the Soviet Union.

Thanks to his testimony, many animators and writers faced unemployment, blacklisting, political prosecution, and social stigma, including prominent screenwriter and Academy Award–winner Dalton Trumbo.

We can trace today’s labor relations, union busting, and avoidance activities at Disney back to the strike. Disney’s human resources strategy is the direct ancestor of contemporary employment relations, in which grievances are individualized and costs are externalized onto workers.

With technological innovation, union avoidance strategies have become common across the animation industry. For example, the production company Titmouse, Inc., in charge of Disney’s upcoming series Motorcity, recently split into two separate companies. The second entity can subcontract work to non-union shops where wages are far lower.

Subcontracted artists will earn as little as four hundred dollars per week, the lowest wage rate (inflation-adjusted) ever earned by an American artist working on a Disney animation production. Their union colleagues earn nearly three times as much.

Meanwhile, management continues to intimidate animators. The producers of Robot Chicken claim that unionization would increase production costs by 20 to 25 percent, potentially leading to the show’s cancelation. Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland was more explicit when he stated “fuck the union” after his animators and artists joined the Animation Guild in 2014.

Back in 1931, Walter Benjamin presciently noted: “Property relations in the Mickey Mouse film; here, for the first time, one’s own arm, indeed one’s own body can be stolen.”

This applies not only to the mass audience glued to their seats but also to the workers who produce these films.

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642774 No.108627

File: a8112d8516abd93⋯.png (246.22 KB,1060x924,265:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948183 (201708ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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On This Day: Walt Disney Testifies Before the House of Un-American Activities Committee

Disney accused his former employees of communism.

By Catherine Phelan | Published Oct 24, 2017

walt disney testifies before huac


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

On October 20, 1947, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) began interviewing film industry titans in an attempt to ferret out communists working within the film industry.

Many big stars were named as potential communists or communist sympathizers—and even more refused to speak to the panel. Humphrey Bogart, Lucille Ball, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, and others abstained from the hearing and created the Committee for the First Amendment in protest of the investigation.

Others, like Ronald Reagan (then the president of the Screen Actors Guild) and Walt Disney chose to testify. On October 24, Disney began his testimony,naming many of his former employees whom he believed were communists.Most of these men were simply trying to unionize.

The men Disney discussed were cleared of formal communist charges, but many were unofficially blacklisted from the industry. A group of 10 men, called the Hollywood Ten, were not cleared and were called to HUAC to either give names or declare their Communist Party membership. They refused to speak, citing their Fifth Amendment rights. Eventually, the Hollywood Ten would each be sentenced to jail for contempt of the proceedings and were not allowed to work in Hollywood for a number of years afterwards. Some never did again.

Each of the Ten was, in fact, at one point or another, a member of the Communist Party. Nevertheless, HUAC’s actions are now viewed as an ignoble chapter in American history, one fueled by the redbaiting scare tactics and misinformation campaigns made famous by Wisconsin senator Joseph McCarthy.

You can see some clips of Disney’s testimony about communism in Hollywood in this video. For more information, consider listening to the You Must Remember This episode on Walt Disney during and after World War II.

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642774 No.108628

File: 867533db5dbbbb5⋯.webp (461.84 KB,500x271,500:271,Clipboard.webp)

File: e09fd094481d6ca⋯.jpeg (220.79 KB,828x941,828:941,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948187 (201710ZNOV23) Notable: Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman / Greg Brockman, OpenAI co-founder, is also joining Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team.

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Middle of night coup


Then they run around and say “we’re all good”

Stock up so all that matters to them


Ain’t no volume anywhere

It used to be the Jr traders got stuck watching the desk on holiday weeks but that not needed nao

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642774 No.108629

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948194 (201711ZNOV23) Notable: Julie reveals a lot in this video that has still been hidden by the J6 committee, they refuse to them it all over to the republican house

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Julie reveals a lot in this video that has still been hidden by the J6 committee, they refuse to them it all over to the republican house

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642774 No.108630

File: be054b00479929a⋯.png (229.63 KB,507x418,507:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948206 (201714ZNOV23) Notable: NFL legend Joe Namath accused of allowing rampant child sex abuse to occur at football camp

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Millstones are so cost effective.

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642774 No.108631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948229 (201723ZNOV23) Notable: Russia's Desperate Scramble To Stave Off Demographic Catastrophe

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Russia's Desperate Scramble To Stave Off Demographic Catastrophe

Isabel van BrugenNov 20, 2023

Russia has moved in recent weeks to push for the adoption of a number of measures to avert a severe demographic crisis that has been compounded by President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine.

Valery Seleznyov, a member of the Russian State Duma, last week proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive. There have also been recent attempts to restrict abortion, which is at present legal and widely available in Russia.

"Russia really does have a demographic problem," the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, said on November 12 as he called for a nationwide ban on "encouraging women to have abortions."

"It's a vast country, but there are not enough people. Not even mentioning the economy...We really need more people, this is obvious, everyone admits it," he said. During a meeting with members of his Civic Chamber onNovember 3, Putin said Russia has an acute abortion problem.

In recent months, private clinics in Russian regions—including in the Chelyabinsk region in the Ural mountains and in Tatarstan in central Russia—have stopped offering abortions, according to authorities. The move is also being considered in Russia's Kaliningrad region.

Authorities have also started to restrict access to abortion pills and emergency contraception amid a surge in demand that followed the beginning of the war in Ukraine. In 2022, sales of abortion pills were up 60 percent, according to Nikolay Bespalov, development director of the RNC Pharma analytical company, the Associated Press reported.

Russia for decades has been experiencing a population decline, and this appears to have worsened amid the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, with high casualty rates and men fleeing the country to avoid being conscripted to fight. As of January 1, 2023, 146.45 million people were estimated to be residing on the Russian territory, marking a decrease of approximately 530,000 from the previous year, according to Statista.

It is estimated that Russia's population will fall to about 132 million in the next two decades. The United Nations has predicted that in a worst-case scenario, by the start of the next century, Russia's population could almost halve to 83 million, Newsweek previously reported.

State Duma member Sultan Khamzaev proposed in an appeal earlier this month to Tatyana Golikova, Russia's deputy prime minister for social policy, labor, health and pension provision, that authorities should offer payouts to Russian women who refuse to have an abortion. "The state must have a maternal protective function, and if a woman has already decided to have an abortion, then themost effective way to save the child is to take him into the care of the state," Khamzaev said.


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642774 No.108632

File: 8e2bdb334c5dd60⋯.png (1.54 MB,1681x1906,1681:1906,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948237 (201726ZNOV23) Notable: Italian court convicts 207 people in mafia ‘maxi-trial’

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Italian court convicts 207 people in mafia ‘maxi-trial’

AFP November 20, 2023 9:55 am

An Italian court on Monday convicted and sentenced 207 mobsters and their white-collar helpers, at the end of a historic trial targeting the ‘Ndrangheta, the country’s wealthiest and most powerful mafia.

Four of them were sentenced to 30 years behind bars, while 131 people were acquitted by the court in the southern region of Calabria.

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642774 No.108633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948247 (201729ZNOV23) Notable: Russia's Desperate Scramble To Stave Off Demographic Catastrophe

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>the most effective way to save the child is to take him into the care of the state," Khamzaev said.

Having served in the USPeace Corps in the former Soviet Socialist Republics - I assure you, that isthe worst possible way to save the child.

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642774 No.108634

File: 23565f84fb06b39⋯.jpeg (616.79 KB,828x1402,414:701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948262 (201735ZNOV23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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Looks like a C130 heading to GITMO from Miami @19k Ft making the eastern Cuba turn

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642774 No.108635

File: 45b71331f3ab052⋯.png (140.72 KB,1008x350,72:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d96f28308d3fd5⋯.png (158.96 KB,885x459,295:153,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e79187fba20fb2⋯.png (103.03 KB,921x280,921:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a40ef358fd7946⋯.png (108.06 KB,967x427,967:427,Clipboard.png)

File: b1b1cc2ca88142d⋯.png (113.7 KB,517x672,517:672,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948266 (201737ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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>Also turns out Kleins family were communists and draft dodgers.



Of course there could be multiple Philip Kleins.

But this Philip Klein...







and moar


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642774 No.108636

File: f225a7882665baf⋯.jpg (70.01 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948298 (201748ZNOV23) Notable: Lara Trump’s NEW I Won’t Back Down (Acoustic) Cover Censored by Spotify and Apple

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EXCLUSIVE: Lara Trump’s NEW I Won’t Back Down (Acoustic) Cover Censored by Spotify and Apple – Producers Tell TGP Lara Will Release Original Music in EARLY 2024 – Listen HERE

Lara Trump released another single last week under First Class Records, showcasing a different side of her vocals on Tom Petty’s ‘I Won’t Back Down.’ She expects to start releasing originally composed music next year.

This comes after Trump and First Class Records released a country version of the song, which saw massive success on multiple music charts, including Billboard. This was Lara’s first song and the first song produced by the new sub-label under Mailman Media!

Mailman Media is the same production team that brought us ‘Justice for All,’ featuring Donald Trump and the J6 Choir. As The Gateway Pundit reported, the hit single reached number one on the Billboard Charts and iTunes.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake’s hit single with Mailman Media, ’81 Million Votes My Ass,’ appeared on multiple Billboard charts and hit number one on two Billboard charts. The song reached number one on iTunes and number 3 on Amazon Music!


stop hating on talent, and those innocently making music.

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642774 No.108637

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948320 (201754ZNOV23) Notable: Bannon: President Trump Gave The U.S. Peace And Prosperity In A "Fourth Turning"

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Steve Bannon: President Trump Gave The U.S. Peace And Prosperity In A "Fourth Turning"clips with Trump’s Speech



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642774 No.108638

File: cdf3a1f0e3faac0⋯.png (451.84 KB,1280x504,160:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948332 (201757ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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Walt Disney testifies before HUAC (1947)

In October 1947, during the post-war Red Scare, American filmmaker Walt Disney testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Disney provided HUAC with information about union activity at his studios, as well as specific individuals he believed to be communists:

Investigator: “Mr Disney, will you state your full name and present address, please.”

Disney: “Walter E. Disney, Los Angeles, California”…

Investigator: “What is your occupation?”

Disney: “Well, I am a producer of motion picture cartoons”…

Investigator: “Where are [your] films distributed?”

Disney: “All over the world.”

Investigator: “In all countries of the world?”

Disney: “Well, except the Russian countries.”

Investigator: “Why aren’t they distributed in Russia, Mr Disney?”

Disney: “Well, we can’t do business with them.”

Investigator: “What do you mean by that?”

Disney: “Well, we have sold them some films a good many years ago. They bought the Three Little Pigs [1933] and used it through Russia. And they looked at a lot of our pictures, and I think they ran a lot of them in Russia, but then turned them back to us and said they didn’t want them, they didn’t suit their purposes”…

Investigator: “Have you ever made any pictures in your studio that contained propaganda and that were propaganda films?

Disney: “Well, during the war we did. We made quite a few, working with different government agencies. We did one for the Treasury on taxes and I did four anti-Hitler films. And I did one on my own for air power”…

Investigator: “Aside from those pictures you made during the war, have you made any other pictures, or do you permit pictures to be made at your studio containing propaganda?”

Disney: “No; we never have. During the war, we thought it was a different thing. It was the first time we ever allowed anything like that to go in the films. We watch so that nothing gets into the films that would be harmful in any way to any group or any country. We have large audiences of children and different groups, and we try to keep them as free from anything that would offend anybody as possible. We work hard to see that nothing of that sort creeps in.”

Investigator: “Do you have any people in your studio at the present time that you believe are Communist or Fascist, employed there?”

Disney: “No, at the present time I feel that everybody in my studio is 100 percent American.”

Investigator: “Have you had at any time, in your opinion, in the past, have you at any time in the past had any Communists employed at your studio?”

Disney:“Yes, in the past I had some people that I definitely feel were Communists.”

Investigator: “As a matter of fact, Mr Disney, you experienced a strike at your studio, did you not?”

Disney: “Yes.”

Investigator: “And is it your opinion that that strike was instituted by members of the Communist Party to serve their purposes?”

Disney:“Well, it proved itself so with time, and I definitely feel it was a Communist group trying to take over my artists and they did take them over.”

Investigator: “Do you say they did take them over?”

Disney: “They did take them over”…

Investigator: “In other words, Mr Disney, Communists out there smeared you because you wouldn’t knuckle under?”

Disney: “I wouldn’t go along with their way of operating. I insisted on it going through the National Labor Relations Board. And he told me outright that he used them as it suited his purposes”…

Investigator: “What is your personal opinion of the Communist Party, Mr Disney, as to whether or not it is a political party?”

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642774 No.108639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948334 (201758ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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>Walt Disney testifies before HUAC (1947)

Disney: “Well, I don’t believe it is a political party. I believe it is an un-American thing. The thing that I resent the most is that they are able to get into these unions, take them over, and represent to the world that a group of people that are in my plant, that I know are good, 100 per cent Americans, are trapped by this group, and they are represented to the world as supporting all of those ideologies, and it is not so, and I feel that they really ought to be smoked out and shown up for what they are, so that all of the good, free causes in this country, all the liberalisms that really are American, can go out without the taint of communism. That is my sincere feeling on it.”

Investigator: “Do you feel that there is a threat of Communism in the motion picture industry?”

Disney: “Yes there is, and there are many reasons why they would like to take it over or get in and control it or disrupt it, but I don’t think they have gotten very far, and I think the industry is made up of good Americans, just like in my plant, good, solid Americans. My boys have been fighting it longer than I have. They are trying to get out from under it and they will in time if we can just show them up.”

Investigator: “There are presently pending before this committee two bills relative to outlawing the Communist Party. What thoughts have you as to whether or not those bills should be passed?”

Disney: “Well I don’t know if I qualify to speak on that. I feel if the thing can be proven un-American that it ought to be outlawed. I think in some way it should be done without interfering with the rights of the people. I think that will be done. I have that faith. Without interfering, I mean, with the good, American rights that we all have now, and we want to preserve.”

Investigator: “Have you any suggestions to offer as to how the industry can be helped in fighting this menace?”

Disney: “Well, I think there is a good start toward it. I know that I have been handicapped out there in fighting it because they have been hiding behind this labour setup, they get themselves closely tied up in the labour thing, so that if you try to get rid of them they make a labour case out of it. We must keep the American labour unions clean. We have got to fight for them”…

Investigator: “Mr Disney, you are the fourth producer we have had as a witness, and each one of those four producers said, generally speaking, the same thing – and that is that the Communists have made inroads, have attempted inroads. I just want to point that out because there seems to be a very strong unanimity among the producers that have testified before us. In addition to producers, we have had actors and writers testify to the same. There is no doubt but what the movies are probably the greatest medium for entertainment in the United States and in the world. I think you, as a creator of entertainment, probably are one of the greatest examples in the profession. I want to congratulate you on the form of entertainment which you have given the American people and given the world and congratulate you for taking time out to come here and testify before this committee. He has been very helpful”…


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642774 No.108640

File: 45ae50e6b4a0bad⋯.png (52.01 KB,992x308,248:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948348 (201801ZNOV23) Notable: Germany prepares to take in refugees from the Gaza Strip. Security authorities sound terror alarm

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JUST IN - Germany prepares to take in refugees from the Gaza Strip. Security authorities sound terror alarm — BILD

10:03 AM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948380 (201812ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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1:30 PM EST

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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642774 No.108642

File: 8136ad5c9b3deee⋯.png (46.72 KB,240x180,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948386 (201815ZNOV23) Notable: They're telling you they hate CAPITALISM. They don'thate Israel, Jews, or white Americans. They want to dismantle CAPITALISM. What's "decolonization"?

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Nikki M. Johnson, MD, DNBPAS ⚕


They're telling you they hate CAPITALISM. They don'thate Israel, Jews, or white Americans. They want to dismantle CAPITALISM.

LISTEN to what they tell you.


Rupa Marya, MD



Nov 18

What's "decolonization"?

It's undoing this. At every single level.


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642774 No.108643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948395 (201820ZNOV23) Notable: Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on the 10th anniversary of the beginning of Ukrainian Euromaidan

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Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on the 10th anniversary of the beginning of Ukrainian Euromaidan

20 November 2023 14:13

Anti-government riots started on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) ten years ago, on November 21, 2013. They triggered the current disaster in Ukraine and, at the same time, took it to the point of no return.

Skilled US and European-trained provocateurs brought crowds of people into the streets under the attractive slogans of “a better European life,” visa-free travel to the EU countries, democracy, freedom of speech, human rights and an anti-corruption struggle. In reality, these well-orchestrated mass riots, paid for from outside, were aimed at overthrowing the legitimate authority. Literally, from the first Euromaidan days, it was clear that this was yet another colour revolution, a favoured brainchild of the US and its allies.

In January and February of 2014, artificially encouraged riots developed into an armed mutiny and ended in an anti-constitutional coup that was rejected by residents of many districts of the country.


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642774 No.108644

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948397 (201821ZNOV23) Notable: Ohio priest sentenced to life in prison for sex trafficking

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Ohio priest sentenced to life in prison for sex trafficking

CNA Staff, Nov 20, 2023 / 12:45 pm

An Ohio priest was sentenced to life in prison Friday after being convicted of multiple sexual abuse charges earlier this year.

Parish priest Michael Zacharias was convicted on five counts of sex trafficking by a federal jury in the Northern District of Ohio in May.


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642774 No.108645

File: 91bad41cfe6e9a6⋯.png (768.88 KB,991x1027,991:1027,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c96b328fbe0e97⋯.mp4 (6.52 MB,900x720,5:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948416 (201826ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk on OpenAI / Microsoft drama

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Elon Musk on OpenAI / Microsoft drama

Anon wants to know if Grok put this together....LMAO!!!

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642774 No.108646

File: a132db99ea9f3e2⋯.png (503.39 KB,584x576,73:72,Clipboard.png)

File: 80423b806552937⋯.jpg (87.42 KB,680x375,136:75,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948426 (201829ZNOV23) Notable: Quality Assurance Specialists started their day a little after 5 a.m. this morning, assisting with the #HawaiiWildfires federal response in Lāhainā, Hawaii

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Quality Assurance Specialists started their day a little after 5 a.m. this morning, assisting with the #HawaiiWildfires federal response in Lāhainā, Hawaiʻi, as the Debris Removal Mission gets underway.








10:55 AM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948443 (201834ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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>Phil Klein, who started as an inker For Van Beuren Studios, showed up

Sydel Solomon andPhil Klein left Cineffects in April of 1947.Solomon went to Tempo. Klein went to Fletcher Smith.Jimmy Tanaka went off to Transfilm. Model Films doesn’t seem to have lasted long, but Sobel was also involved with the Color Service Company and their lab at 115 West 45th Street, across from the Knickerbocker Hotel where the animators’ union sometimes met.

A fresh batch of animators rolled in during 1949. Paul Halliday had been with Fleischer two decades before, and more recently Fletcher Smith. Irv Dressler started with Fleischer in Miami and joined Famous Studios. Sylvia Alevy had been with Famous and Minitoons. Alex Geiss from Terrytoons had been with Disney before being part of Frank Tashlin’s great experiment at Columbia Screen Gems. Russ Dyson, another West Coast transplant from Disney joined Cineffects in 1950. Dick Rauh, graduate of the Art Students Leauge, had been kicking around different shops, settling into Cineffects to really learn the optical trade.

The company moved to 115 West 45th Street. James Love went off in 1952 to start his own shop, first with salesman John Lalley as Lalley 7 Love at 3 East 57th Street. Alex Geiss went along as head of animation. After five years it became simply James Love Productions, moving into the same building as Cineffects, staying until 1961 when Love moved to 2 West 46th Street with Stanley Popko as Creative Director. Six years later James Love was at 550 Fifth Avenue with a sound stage as well as recording and editing studios. He stuck around until about 1986.

As James Love departed in 1952 Cineffects continued to grow. Designer Burt Freund signed on. Freund started in California under Frank Tashlin on Daffy Ditties and worked in the graphics department of CBS in New York. Young animator Ed Smith, inker Beccy Blashko, and Fleisher Studios veteran John Cuddy all came aboard in 1954. Fleischer’s writer Joe Stultz passed through at some point.

Nathan Sobel died in 1962. Irving Hecht (shown here in a sketch by Izzy Klein) took over as president and carried on, continuing to enlarge the studio. When the real estate company Income Properties, Incorporated acquired Cineffects in 1967 the place had eighty-five employees, expanding into another 4,500 feet of their building. By 1970 Cineffects occupied five floors of 115 West 45th Street.

They hung on for another decade. Cineffects Color Laboratories, Inc. made SEA ISLAND for the South Carolina Arts Commission in 1977.

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642774 No.108648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948453 (201838ZNOV23) Notable: Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

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Paul Groh

August 22, 2022 5:58:54 am

There is a Cineffects in Australia today, based at Fox Studios in Sydney. It’s a film production company offering clients in both the public and private sectors much the same range of services as Cineffects in New York did years ago, including 2D and 3D animation. I’ve seen the New York outfit referred to as “Cinefex” by writers who were clearly confusing it with the late film journal of that name.

I didn’t know thatPhil Klein was I. Klein’s brother. Phil was co-chair of the pickets during the Disney strike of 1941, and he also painted signs and banners for rallies supporting Henry A. Wallace’s 1948 presidential campaign. Because of this he was investigated and harassed by the FBI and the HUAC during the Red Scare of the ’50s. Thus Cineffects, like Tempo and Transfilm, seems to have been a haven for artists who, because of their past political activities, would have been personae non gratae at the major animation studios.

Robert Coar

August 22, 2022 7:57:43 am

Phil is Izzy’s younger brother according to Howard Beckerman, who knew them both well. Cineffects was one of first shops to join the union, so always a hot-bed of “radicala”. They gave coffee breaks early on. Tempo is a whole story I’ll get to soon.

Was Izzy Klein still working at Famous/Paramount Cartoons Studios when he directed “Killjoy Was Here” or did he leave?


Thad Komorowski

August 22, 2022 7:03:04 pm

Izzy Klein was part of a mass firing at Famous in Sept. ’54 (along with longterm vets like William Henning and Irv Spector), so this probably was his next job.

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642774 No.108649

File: c5af6c629b3dee5⋯.png (259.81 KB,508x448,127:112,Clipboard.png)

File: 93065143ca1ad52⋯.png (211.94 KB,510x649,510:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948459 (201840ZNOV23) Notable: Trump "Has To Be Eliminated": Another Dan Goldman Gaffe, Or Call For Assassination?

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Trump "Has To Be Eliminated": Another Dan Goldman Gaffe, Or Call For Assassination?

Trust fund stock guru Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) can't stop saying stupid things.


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642774 No.108650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948467 (201842ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: Today, on transgender day of remembrance, we grieve the twenty-six transgender Americans who were killed this year. Year after year, we see that these victims are disproportionally black women, and women of color.

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642774 No.108651

File: 6fd70261c3d8418⋯.jpg (118.15 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948474 (201845ZNOV23) Notable: A Tornado Watch is expected this afternoon from east/southeast Texas into much of Louisiana

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NWS Storm Prediction Center


11:58am CST #SPC_MD 2273 , #lawx #txwx,


SUMMARY...A Tornado Watch is expected this afternoon from east/southeast Texas into much of Louisiana, where the potential for tornadoes, some of which could be strong, exists.

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642774 No.108652

File: 41a0fcbd0043b13⋯.png (279.21 KB,543x597,181:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 4269b46691322b1⋯.png (918.24 KB,914x569,914:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948479 (201846ZNOV23) Notable: Video Series by InvestigateJ6 Shows Police and Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd with Rubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades WITHOUT WARNING!

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Video Series by InvestigateJ6 Shows Police and Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd with Rubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades WITHOUT WARNING!

You will want to bookmark this post for future reference.

Recent footage released by InvestigateJ6 reveals police officers started firing on unsuspecting Trump supporters on January 6, 2021, without warning.

The footage also reveals that DC police continued their fire on the protesters with rubber bullets, explosive munitions, and gas canisters.

The Trump crowd that gathered on the west side of the US Capitol had no idea they were going to be fired on. There was NO WARNING.


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642774 No.108653

File: 58b7c7576827c5b⋯.png (87.71 KB,740x632,185:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948483 (201850ZNOV23) Notable: CIA's Burns & SecDef Austin In Separate 'Urgent' Trips To Ukraine As War Effort Implodes

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CIA's Burns & SecDef Austin In Separate 'Urgent' Trips To Ukraine As War Effort Implodes

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Monday showed up in Kiev during an unannounced visit, and at an awkward moment for US-Ukraine relations given President Zelensky has been publicly complaining over a decrease in artillery shell supplies, given they are now going to Israel for its war in Gaza.

"I was honored to meet with President @ZelenskyyUa in Kyiv today to reaffirm the United States’ steadfast support for Ukraine," Austin wrote on X. "We, along with our allies and partners, will continue to support Ukraine’s urgent battlefield needs and long-term defense requirements," Austin added.

This convenient shift of Washington and the Pentagon to talking mainly about "long-term defense" began occurring as it became clear Ukraine's counteroffensive was failing.


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642774 No.108654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948514 (201900ZNOV23) Notable: Germany prepares to take in refugees from the Gaza Strip. Security authorities sound terror alarm

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Germany Will Take Palestinian Refugees, Sparking Security Concern.

Germany is preparing to take in hundreds of Palestinians fleeing the Gaza Strip, with a large number of them already headed toward the German Embassy in Cairo, Egypt. The far-left German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has announced that “we have been able to achieve that around 320 Germans, including their family members, could leave Gaza safely.” However, the country’s Federal Foreign Office refused to provide any information as to how many of the 320 were recognized German citizens.

The decision has already sparked concern among Germany’s security apparatus, who suggest potentially hundreds of Hamas terrorists may arrive in the country under the guise of being refugees. “The federal government must ensure that it does not bring Hamas supporters or even terrorist murderers into the country. For this purpose, thorough police work of German and Israeli authorities before departure from Cairo is mandatory,” said Andrea Lindholz, vice president of the CSU. The move follows several top Israeli politicians demanding that Europe and the United States open their borders to potentially millions of people living in the Gaza Strip while Israel launches its ground invasion into the Hamas-controlled territory.


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642774 No.108655

File: a2a3d4bb9724669⋯.png (440.2 KB,1048x589,1048:589,Clipboard.png)

File: dde0030e11aa704⋯.png (453.07 KB,1044x580,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948532 (201905ZNOV23) Notable: The IMF’s “Central Bank Digital Currency Virtual Handbook”

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The IMF’s “Central Bank Digital Currency Virtual Handbook”

The IMF’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Virtual Handbook is a reference guide for policymakers and experts at central banks and ministries of finance. It also serves as the basis for the IMF’s engagement with country authorities and other stakeholders.

The CBDC Virtual Handbook aims to collect and share knowledge, lessons, empirical findings, and frameworks to address policymakers’ most frequently asked questions on CBDCs. As our body of knowledge and analysis grows, we will continue to add about five chapters every year aiming to provide about twenty chapters by 2026. Moreover, chapters will be periodically updated, reflecting evolving views.

Our first chapters are available below. The next wave of chapters will likely cover financial stability, comparison with other payment innovations, and end-user adoption among other topics. If you would like to propose CBDC-related policy questions on which you think the IMF should focus, please contact us at CBDC@imf.org.


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642774 No.108656

File: 02a0ad10360a850⋯.png (198.52 KB,1858x545,1858:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948552 (201909ZNOV23) Notable: I.M.F OWNS ARGENTINA???

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Javier Gerardo Milei

Chief Economist, Corporación América International

Licentiate in Economics, Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina; two Master's in Economics, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and CEDES/IDES. Former: Head Economist, Estudio Broda and Máxima AFJP; Senior Economist, HSBC, Argentina; Adviser of the Argentine Government, ICSID. Currently, Head Economist, Corporación América. B-20/G-20 Adviser and Member, Group of Economic Policy, ICC/G-20. Since 2012, leads the division of Economic Studies, Fundación Acordar, a think tank of national scope. For more than 20 years, University Professor of Macroeconomics, Economics of Growth, Microeconomics and Mathematics for Economists. Has written over 50 academic papers.

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642774 No.108657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948562 (201911ZNOV23) Notable: #24491

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#24491 >>108584

>>108614, >>108634 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>108585, >>108586, >>108588 The United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, LIVE TRUMP GAG ORDER APPEAL

>>108587 The question these Democratic operatives feared being: “Were you better off four years ago than you are now?”

>>108589 Operators active

>>108590 resident pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey in a ceremony on the South Lawn For The Keks

>>108591, >>108593, >>108597 Matthew Perna, Jord Meachum, Mark Aungst, Chris Stanton — The J6 Defendants Who Died by Suicide Following the Merciless Harassment by Their Government

>>108592, >>108594, >>108596, >>108630 NFL legend Joe Namath accused of allowing rampant child sex abuse to occur at football camp

>>108595 The Iowa Board of Regents has voted to abolish DEI in all state universities.

>>108598, >>108599 Javier Milei is literally a TV celebrity that is WEF-affiliated

>>108600 In case anyone is wondering who Media Matters is...

>>108601 It's Simple Why No Arab Countries Are Taking Palestinian Refugees. They Know Better.

>>108602 Why is the FBI recruiting at an Anime convention?

>>108603, >>108608 Jeff Clark Predicts Colorado Judge's Biased Ruling Targeting President Trump To Reach Supreme Court

>>108604 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Horsehead Nebula

>>108605, >>108607 Fed Boys: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

>>108606 QClock November 20, 2023 - Musk, Fake News Attacks & The Godfather

>>108609 ICYMI: All-women expedition to Antarctica: Pioneering global sustainability through STEMM leadership

>>108611 Elon posted a video clip from The Godfather I showing Michael taking out the heads of the other families. Timestamp = 5:04am.

>>108612, >>108613, >>108618 Papua New Guinea volcano erupts and Japan says it’s assessing a possible tsunami risk to its islands

>>108615, >>108616 Fisher Space Pens to fly with Blue Origin crews as 'official ballpoint'

>>108617, >>108628 Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman / Greg Brockman, OpenAI co-founder, is also joining Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team.

>>108619, >>108622, >>108624, >>108625, >>108626, >>108627, >>108635, >>108638, >>108639, >>108647, >>108648 Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

>>108620 To Be Truly Free

>>108621 ‘Chair Care’: New Mexico hairstylists being trained under CDC-funded program to push COVID, flu shots

>>108623 NASA’s Webb Reveals New Features in Heart of Milky Way

>>108629, >>108610 Julie reveals a lot in this video that has still been hidden by the J6 committee, they refuse to them it all over to the republican house

>>108631, >>108633 Russia's Desperate Scramble To Stave Off Demographic Catastrophe

>>108632 Italian court convicts 207 people in mafia ‘maxi-trial’

>>108636 Lara Trump’s NEW I Won’t Back Down (Acoustic) Cover Censored by Spotify and Apple

>>108637 Bannon: President Trump Gave The U.S. Peace And Prosperity In A "Fourth Turning"

>>108640, >>108654 Germany prepares to take in refugees from the Gaza Strip. Security authorities sound terror alarm

>>108641, >>108650 Buckwheat up

>>108642 They're telling you they hate CAPITALISM. They don'thate Israel, Jews, or white Americans. They want to dismantle CAPITALISM. What's "decolonization"?

>>108643 Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on the 10th anniversary of the beginning of Ukrainian Euromaidan

>>108644 Ohio priest sentenced to life in prison for sex trafficking

>>108645 Elon Musk on OpenAI / Microsoft drama

>>108646 Quality Assurance Specialists started their day a little after 5 a.m. this morning, assisting with the #HawaiiWildfires federal response in Lāhainā, Hawaii

>>108649 Trump "Has To Be Eliminated": Another Dan Goldman Gaffe, Or Call For Assassination?

>>108651 A Tornado Watch is expected this afternoon from east/southeast Texas into much of Louisiana

>>108652 Video Series by InvestigateJ6 Shows Police and Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd with Rubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades WITHOUT WARNING!

>>108653 CIA's Burns & SecDef Austin In Separate 'Urgent' Trips To Ukraine As War Effort Implodes

>>108655 The IMF’s “Central Bank Digital Currency Virtual Handbook”

>>108656 I.M.F OWNS ARGENTINA???


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642774 No.108658

File: b1569591bec558e⋯.png (803.87 KB,805x531,805:531,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f46e9de903bde2⋯.png (860.95 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 56506a3529e0635⋯.png (1.15 MB,1224x922,612:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 593395da78a3eb8⋯.jpg (52.97 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 253554b62e10f65⋯.jpg (84.08 KB,955x960,191:192,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948577 (201913ZNOV23)

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642774 No.108659

File: d87b85c5ac223a4⋯.png (326.33 KB,559x431,559:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948610 (201920ZNOV23) Notable: Mormon Leaders Accused Of Concealing Widespread Sexual Abuse And Incest Within The Church

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Mormon Leaders Accused Of Concealing Widespread Sexual Abuse And Incest Within The Church

Accusations surfaced against the Mormon Church leaders of concealing a widespread sexual abuse crisis, according to a report published by Daily Mail Sunday.

These alleged claims were brought to light by victims and backed by a report from Daily Mail. Among the revelations are accounts of young girls, subjected to terrible abuse, being urged to forgive their assailants and dissuaded from seeking police intervention. Victims allege a systemic issue, citing ‘rampant’ abuse and ‘extremely high rates of incest’ within Mormon households.

Detailed investigations into court documents and interviews with former and current church members allegedly reveal a longstanding pattern of ecclesiastical leaders reportedly concealing crimes to preserve the church’s image. A recent court ruling in Arizona highlighted the church’s alleged use of spiritual confession as a shield against reporting abuse to law enforcement.

A victim named Nicole Snow came forward and claims that as a teenager, she was abused by Dr. David Farley. Farley is a respected Mormon ecclesiastical leader and physician and allegedly committed the abuse under the guise of medical treatment, Daily Mail reported. Despite over 200 women coming forward with similar accusations against Farley, the church has not excommunicated him or initiated disciplinary proceedings.

“He’s still around children gaining trust in the community. He’s a very dangerous man. We just want action from the church,” Snow said in a statement, per Daily Mail.

The Jones family also alleges that their three-year-old daughter’s sexual abuse by a fellow church member was not reported to authorities as mandated by state law. Their lawsuit accuses the Mormon Church of a widespread pattern of concealing child sexual abuse.

This culture of secrecy and protection of the institution at the expense of victims is not new, according to Kathleen Wallace, per Daily Mail. She claims her own childhood abuse was ignored by the church. Many victims, like Lindsay Lyman, believe this institutional inaction enables perpetrators to reoffend and leave those harmed without support or justice.


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642774 No.108660

File: c7a585c5f81431d⋯.png (55.59 KB,1002x314,501:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948624 (201923ZNOV23) Notable: RUMBLE: We are currently experiencing a major DDOS attack. Our engineers are investigating and we will report back here with updates.

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UPDATE: We are currently experiencing a major DDOS attack. Our engineers are investigating and we will report back here with updates.

1:56 PM · Nov 20, 2023·42.7K Views

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642774 No.108661

File: c15458db77a6a5e⋯.png (109.68 KB,458x874,229:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948628 (201926ZNOV23) Notable: Today is Joe Biden's birthday

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Haven't seen mention of it in Notables today; not really cause for celebration, just noting it:

Today is Joe Biden's birthday.

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642774 No.108662

File: 0fa0f4609383b00⋯.png (24.47 KB,803x128,803:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948629 (201927ZNOV23) Notable: Russia condemns Israel’s genocide in Gaza: “Innocent people are being killed indiscriminately”

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Russia condemns Israel’s genocide in Gaza: “Innocent people are being killed indiscriminately”

"There is no justification for the terrible events taking place in Gaza now, where hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being killed indiscriminately without having anywhere to flee or hide from the bombing," Putin said, addressing not just his immediate audience but the entire world, including the political leadership of the Western Hegemon.

"When you see blood-stained children, dead children, the suffering of women and old people, when you see medics killed, of course it makes you clench your fists as tears well in your eyes."

"We must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of peoples in the Middle East and in other regions around the world, who has been organizing this lethal chaos and who benefits from it," Putin said.


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642774 No.108663

File: 49fc3379182d83c⋯.png (201.02 KB,1013x913,1013:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948642 (201930ZNOV23) Notable: Outside Agitator - Naomi Klein and the new new left.

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One Last post as this old article sums up what we're dealing with

Raised by Communists

all pb

>>108619, >>108622, >>108624, >>108625, >>108626, >>108627, >>108635, >>108638 (You) >>108639, >>108647, >>108648 Naomi vs Naomi/Disney and Communists

Outside Agitator

Naomi Klein and the new new left.

By Larissa MacFarquhar

November 30, 2008

The marquee outside the Bloor Cinema, in Toronto, advertised “The Last Mistress” at four, “Naomi Klein—the Shock Doctrine” at seven, and “Little Shop of Horrors” at nine-thirty. It was a warmish night. The falafel shop next door was doing a brisk business. A line of people holding tickets to the Naomi Klein event stretched to the end of the block and around the corner. Outside the entrance to the cinema, a middle-aged man and an elderly woman paced up and downselling copies of Socialist Action for a dollar. (The September issue included articles about capitalism’s contradictions, class war in Bolivia, and a commentary by Mumia Abu-Jamal—a regular feature.)


The economic crisis had looked at first like a textbook enactment of her “shock doctrine” theory, and everyone wanted her to go on TV and explain it.

The central thesis of the book is that capitalism and democracy, free markets and free people, do not, as we’ve been told, go hand in hand. On the contrary, capitalism—at least fundamentalist capitalism, of the type promoted by the late economist Milton Friedman and his “Chicago School” acolytes—is so unpopular, and so obviously harmful to everyone except the richest of the rich, that its establishment requires, at best, trickery and, at worst, terror and torture.


Klein was born in 1970, but the political stories in which she places herself all begin in the thirties. The thirties and forties were the last time in America, she feels, that social movements were strong enough to force radical economic change in a progressive direction. They were also the last time that a certain kind of grand, bold political hope existed in her family—the last time before events combined to extinguish all thoughts, among Kleins, of utopia.

Herpaternal grandparents, Anne and Philip, met at the Jack London Club—a leftist artists’ club—in Newark, New Jersey, sometime in the thirties. (Philip’s older brother, Sol, was more committed—he moved to the Soviet Union after the revolution and never came back.)Philip wanted to be a painter, and in 1936 he got a job as an animator for Disney. He worked on “Fantasia” and “Snow White” and “Pinocchio.” Disney animators had been trying to organize themselves in secret since the early thirties, but they didn’t pull it off until after the bonuses they were promised for “Snow White” failed to materialize. In the late spring of 1941, they went on strike. Philip and Anne, ardent believers in the union, lived in a tent across the street from the studio, cooking over open fires and manning the picket line. Their first son, Michael, Naomi’s father, was then three, and lived with them in the tent part of the time. The strike was settled in September, but a few months after that Philip was fired for being an agitator. In 1942, he and Anne moved back to New Jersey, and he went to work in a shipyard.

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642774 No.108664

File: ad14aef2b12159d⋯.png (60.37 KB,692x248,173:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948661 (201936ZNOV23) Notable: Outside Agitator - Naomi Klein and the new new left.

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New Left

Same as the Old Left

>Outside Agitator

>Naomi Klein and the new new left.

At the time they were ruining their lives for politics, Anne and Philip were experiencing the beginnings of a crisis of faith. Stalin had signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: that was the first betrayal. Then came news of gulags in the Soviet Union. By the time of Khrushchev’s “secret speech” of 1956, in which he denounced the cult of Stalin and its consequences, Philip and Anne, along with many others, had bitterly abandoned Communism. *yeah riiiiiggghtThey held on to their core beliefsin social justice and racial equality,and taught their sons to believe in those things,but apart from brief forays—Anne took ten-year-old Michael canvassing for the Progressive Party in 1948, andmarched on Washington in support of the Rosenbergs—they withdrew from politics. They began to spend time at Nature Friends (later Camp Midvale)—a retreat near Paterson, founded in the twenties as a place where workers of all races could congregate and enjoy nature. Nature Friends became their life. Philip built a house nearby, and Anne grew her own vegetables. They went to see leftist singers like Pete Seeger and Paul Robeson and Woody Guthrie. Philip sought to revive his early ambition of becoming a painter, but all his figures looked like Disney cartoons. He tried sculpting in metal, and after a while this brought him a measure of satisfaction.

In high school,Michael Kleinwas in the band and the student council and was the captain of the swim team,but he led a double life. He’d been sent to Socialist summer camp, and his real friends were other red-diaper babies who lived in New York, with whom he could discuss his home life without fear of exposure. It was difficult and frightening to be the child of Communists.One of his most vivid childhood memories was seeing buses arrive at Camp Midvale in the early fall of 1949 and disgorge dozens of bloodied people who had gone to a Paul Robeson concert and had been attacked with rocks and bats by a local mob. The electrocution of the Rosenbergs, in 1953, which left their two boys orphaned at the ages of six and ten, terrified Michael, who was not much older.

Michael Klein never deviated from the beliefs of his parents,but, like them, he stayed away from political parties. In medical school, he protested against the Vietnam War and joined Physicians for Social Responsibility. When he was drafted,he didn’t sign the statement about not belonging to organizations with Communist ties, so the Army held a hearing to decide whether he was loyal enough to serve. Meanwhile, he had met a young activist filmmaker from Philadelphia named Bonnie Sherr, and got her pregnant. In the middle of his draft negotiations, she saw a documentary about American soldiers dropping napalm on civilian populations, commissioned by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. She said, “If a Canadian government agency can produce a film like this, we should get married and run away to Canada.” So they did.


there's moar but you get the idea

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642774 No.108665

File: 8147ae50c7061b3⋯.png (471.96 KB,594x708,99:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 0caca0f0d1358d2⋯.jpg (66.39 KB,680x454,340:227,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948666 (201936ZNOV23) Notable: Secy Defense Lloyd J. Austin - Ukraine’s fight against Putin’s aggression is a marathon - not a sprint (wants us there FOREVER)

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III


Ukraine’s fight against Putin’s aggression is a marathon – not a sprint.

But Ukraine’s brave forces - some of whom I met today - continue to make steady progress. The U.S. will keep working w/ allies and partners to ensure Ukraine has what it needs to succeed on the battlefield.


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642774 No.108666

File: 6dcaeb51ac28e02⋯.jpeg (405.43 KB,1283x625,1283:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948678 (201939ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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>>108634 lb

US Coast Guard C1716 C130 did go to GITMO as thought

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642774 No.108667

File: 8f767d2ee8229de⋯.mp4 (7.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948681 (201940ZNOV23) Notable: WATCH: Israeli Children Sing 'We Will Annihilate Everyone' in Gaza

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Holy Fuck. These people are fuckinginsane!

WATCH: Israeli Children Sing 'We Will Annihilate Everyone' in Gaza

Israeli public broadcaster Kan brought together a group of Jewish children to sing a song in celebration of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

The comically evil song was deleted shortly after it was posted due to widespread backlash on social media.

From Electronic Intifada:

Israel's national broadcaster Kan uploaded this song to X (formerly Twitter) in which Israeli children sing in celebration and support for the Israeli army's mass extermination campaign of Palestinians in Gaza.

The sweet faces of children make an incongruous accompaniment to the genocidal lyrics of the so-called Friendship Song 2023.

"Autumn night falls over the beach of Gaza, planes are bombing, destruction, destruction," the children sing in angelic voices. "Within a year we will annihilate everyone, and then we will return to plow our fields."

The video was deleted after backlash but was archived on X and on Kan's website and translated by David Sheen for Electronic Intifada.

"The song and video were originally created by Ofer Rosenbaum a so-called 'crisis-communication expert' who heads a public relations firm called Rosenbaum Communication," Electronic Intifada reported.

This is the type of lunacy you produce when the guiding principle of your war is an ancient biblical commandment to "destroy Amalek."


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642774 No.108668

File: d0e423fd0ea4b8e⋯.png (66.55 KB,608x578,304:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 3038c50583fb0f3⋯.png (386.35 KB,558x657,62:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948690 (201941ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Bombing Southern Gaza Areas Civilians Were Told to Go to for Safety

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Israel Bombing Southern Gaza Areas Civilians Were Told to Go to for Safety

Early on, the IDF were giving specific coordinates that the Palestinians should evacuate to, then bombing them.

They’re also bombing refugee camps that they promised they wouldn’t bomb.

Everyone understand that they are targeting civilians, and all non-American media, including The Guardian, which is one of the biggest English language news websites in the world, reports this.


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642774 No.108669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948697 (201943ZNOV23) Notable: Nommed: One of the hateful messages found in a Q train was accompanied by an altered swastika

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One of the hateful messages found in a Q train was accompanied by an altered swastika.


ok, who's been riding the q train around here

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642774 No.108670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948702 (201944ZNOV23) Notable: US Says Israel Has ‘Right’ to Expand Military Operations in South Gaza But Wants a Delay

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US Says Israel Has ‘Right’ to Expand Military Operations in South Gaza But Wants a Delay

Israel has told civilians to flee areas of the southern city of Khan Younis

A US official said Sunday that Israel has the “right” to expand its military operations in southern Gaza but said the Biden administration is looking for a delay in the plan to account for the hundreds of thousands of civilians who have fled fighting from the north.

“In the event that we believe that Israel is likely to embark on combat operations, including in the south, we believe both that they have the right to do that, but that there is a real concern, because hundreds of thousands of residents of Gaza have fled now from the north to the south at Israel’s request,” US Deputy National Security Adviser Jon Finer told CBS News’s “Face the Nation.”

“We think that their operations should not go forward until those people – those additional civilians – have been accounted for in their military planning. And so, we will be conveying that directly to them and have been conveying that directly to them,” Finer added.

Israel has been bombing southern Gaza throughout the war, even after telling Palestinians in the north to flee to the south. Now, Israeli officials are vowing to further expand the war in the south, and ground operations are expected. Reuters reported on Saturday that more civilian casualties are expected in a southern offensive but that Israel is not deterred by that fact.

While Finer and other US officials are saying publicly that they want Israel to limit civilian casualties, the US is not using any leverage it has over Israel and continues to provide military aid unconditionally. Gaza’s Health Ministry said Sunday that the death toll in Israel’s assault has exceeded 13,000 Palestinians, including over 5,500 children.

Israel dropped leaflets on the southern city of Khan Younis, telling civilians to evacuate to unspecified shelters. After the leaflets were dropped, Israeli strikes hit the city, killing 26 Palestinians, mostly children, according to the Palestinian news agency Wafa.


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642774 No.108671

File: c1a3d9dac6877f6⋯.png (128 KB,910x1252,455:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 169b4fb5407284f⋯.png (95.07 KB,1080x882,60:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948712 (201947ZNOV23) Notable: Nommed: One of the hateful messages found in a Q train was accompanied by an altered swastika

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That's a delta for today. Clicking the Twitter link in the post brings you to this tweet.

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642774 No.108672

File: 77041352cffa26a⋯.jpeg (116.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948739 (201953ZNOV23) Notable: RUMBLE: We are currently experiencing a major DDOS attack. Our engineers are investigating and we will report back here with updates.

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Anyone can check to see if RUMBLE is shadow banning these videos?

Only the legal framework, a blueprint of a satanic grooming ring actively grooming in a public school, a sheriff who is involved and involved himself by issuing governors warrants for us citizen and orders to his 'fellows'

You know things that allegedly our tax dollars that are ripped away from us like our children to people who claim to protect against such things. ATF Scott Burris, CIA Janna Akins city attorney and school board member, MACK MASON and his plethora of gang symbols.

Appreciate it, only two years, gang stalking and harassment, poison and predators showed up, please check if rumble is censoring these videos and everyone else is just busy writing kids books and soliciting for defense funds for a system where whoever pays off the corrupt can get a corrupt judge for a corrupt ruling. Or election engineering but it doesn't fucking matter because the Satan child brides just do as they are told counting votes in a Republic/democracy fraud.

Thanks, don't call anyone to report the activity, action is only met with laughs, sneers, and governors warrants, like the scene in the last temptation of Christ. Fucking hilarious isnt it?

Welcome to the United Slaves States of America

Who cares

Satanic Grooming gang wearing uniforms, badges, and robes as their management of the American slave populace:


If you wanted to fuck a child or cannibalize an enemies material..who knew all you had to do was find the inner circle near the masonic temple, they wear all types of uniforms.

Post it again later, whY not, it's hilarious


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642774 No.108673

File: eb71ce2e210bde5⋯.jpeg (694.25 KB,1241x625,1241:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 041ab2683094fa5⋯.jpeg (398.69 KB,776x762,388:381,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948744 (201954ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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French AF CTMOO1 Falcon 7xMacrondeparted Berlin after African conference back to Paris

CTM012 Falcon 7x as the escort

German Chancellor to meet with African leaders at Berlin summit


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642774 No.108674

File: 21b4d5491cdafdf⋯.png (273.2 KB,619x285,619:285,Clipboard.png)

File: edca25baa09bd2e⋯.png (65.94 KB,717x469,717:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c4de00fd18126b⋯.png (80.19 KB,701x572,701:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948750 (201955ZNOV23) Notable: IDF's secret Unit 504 - How is it different from Mossad, Shin Bet?

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IDF's secret Unit 504 - How is it different from Mossad, Shin Bet?

Unit 504’s goals tend to be less big-picture strategic than the Mossad and the Shin Bet and pertain more to ongoing military operations.

What is IDF intelligence Unit 504, which on Monday disclosed its critical involvement in helping learn about Hamas’s abuse of Gazan hospitals specifically, and in helping IDF ground forces be effective in Gaza more broadly?

And what is the difference between its role and that of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and the Mossad?

First, historically the IDF was always the juggernaut, and all of its arms, including human spying, were large and had a tremendous impact on Israel’s ability to attack and defend.

After the 1973 Yom Kippur War disaster in which IDF intelligence took the lead for the blame for failing to foresee that Egypt and Syria would launch a surprise attack on Israel, the government started to more significantly empower the much smaller Shin Bet and Mossad.

The idea was that more voices with more analytical and intelligence collection tools were needed so that even if one agency missed a large threat because of groupthink and being stuck in obsolete assumptions, one of the other agencies would think differently and catch the threat.

For decades – at least until October 7 – this probably worked well, encouraging more debate and diverse views among Israeli intelligence agencies.

At one point these changes meant that both the Mossad and the Shin Bet were heavily involved in Lebanon, even as Unit 504 had been deeply involved in Lebanon for a long time.

However, at a later point, the Mossad became more focused on Iran and international terrorism more widely.

Likewise, at some point, the Shin Bet developed a greater expertise in Gaza.

What all of this meant was that at some point, Unit 504 took larger responsibility for Lebanon, while the Mossad – which always was supposed to have a more global focus – left Lebanon more to Unit 504.

As it became more focused on Lebanon, Unit 504 left more of the human spying work in Gaza to the Shin Bet, even if IDF intelligence continued to use a variety of technological and aerial surveillance tools to collect intelligence.

Unit 504 back down south

On Monday, Unit 504 announced that this change had been reversed.

As soon as October 7 hit, Unit 504 built a makeshift southern headquarters, doubled the size of its ranks, and reinvested deeply into Gaza. Unit 504’s goals tend to be less big-picture strategic than the Mossad and the Shin Bet and pertain more to ongoing military operations.

This means that Unit 504 might question many arrested Palestinian terrorists or sympathetic Palestinian civilians with little to no preparation, on the frontlines, in order to help troops on the same block advance the next few blocks, while avoiding ambushes and boobytraps.


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642774 No.108675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948807 (202005ZNOV23) Notable: WATCH: Israeli Children Sing 'We Will Annihilate Everyone' in Gaza

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>Ofer Rosenbaum


'I Was Involved in the Malka Leifer Case. It Was a Mistake on My Part'

Crisis-communication expert Ofer Rosenbaum is behind some of the most inflammable media campaigns in Israel. 'I'm the gun on the table,' he tells Haaretz

As with cigarette packets, an interview with PR guru Ofer Rosenbaum requires a warning: The interviewee knows how to manipulate the media. In recent years, Rosenbaum has been the mastermind behind efforts like the billboards in the 2020 election campaign depicting Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas handcuffed and blindfolded.

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642774 No.108676

File: 2abc83026425f15⋯.png (361.99 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948818 (202007ZNOV23) Notable: WATCH: Israeli Children Sing 'We Will Annihilate Everyone' in Gaza

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>Ofer Rosenbaum


‘Never again’: Tel Aviv billboard campaign backing army divides Israelis

Ofer Rosenbaum hopes provocative words and images will help restore trust in security forces after Hamas attack

Huge billboards depicting leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah looking beaten and bound as Israeli soldiers stand over them, line the main thoroughfares in the coastal city of Tel Aviv. The words: “We love you, we trust you,” directed at the Israeli army and: “Never again,” are printed big and bold. The graphic AI-generated imagery has elicited different responses from the Israeli public; some find the campaign repugnant, many others have welcomed it.

Ofer Rosenbaum, 36, whose PR work has had previous brushes with controversy, is behind the provocative campaign launched last week that he hopes will help restore trust in Israel’s security forces.

“Everyone, everywhere is asking: ‘How could it happen?’” says Rosenbaum. “It was painful and humiliating what Hamas did. Where was the army? The field unit couldn’t get there because they were in other places. OK, we thought that we had the toughest air force in the world. Why couldn’t they bring in some choppers? But there was nothing.”

In an unprecedented and previously unimaginable attack, 1,400 Israelis were killed and about 4,500 injured when Hamas militants unleashed devastating violence across Israeli communities bordering Gaza. It has left the country reeling, with government and military officials facing huge criticism over how one of the world’s most powerful militaries could have allowed such an event to take place.

In response to the attack, Israel has delivered ferocious retaliatory strikes into Gaza, killing nearly 5,000 Palestinians, many of them women and children, according to figures from the Hamas-run Gaza health authority. Meanwhile, airstrikes and raids by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) carried out across the occupied West Bank, in addition to increased violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers, have led to the deaths of 91 Palestinians.

Rosenbaum says the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, but not everyone sees the campaign as a good thing. Observing a billboard from across the highway, retired accountant Simona Yaloz, 65, said she was disgusted by the image.

“I hate it, really, it’s not the Israeli attitude,” Yaloz said. “This is very extreme, it’s too violent. There are extreme people here but we’re trying to avoid it.”

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642774 No.108677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948821 (202007ZNOV23) Notable: WATCH: Israeli Children Sing 'We Will Annihilate Everyone' in Gaza

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But controversy is what Rosenbaum seeks. If people are responding, they’re talking about the campaign, he said. The father-of-four is known for controversial campaigns, including one to prevent the extradition of a teacher accused of child sexual abuse in Australia – which he has since described his involvement in as a mistake.

“The ‘Never Again’, it’s now,” said Rosenbaum, who has funded the campaign himself. “We as Jews say to one another that Israel is the one place that you’re safe. No. No. Because in Britain this didn’t happen, it didn’t happen in the US, no. It happened in our back yard.”

Rosenbaum has also released divisive videos aimed at rousing public support for the IDF to do “whatever they need to”.

“We are going to have some problems with the world. The state of Israel has stopped previous operations because the world told us: ‘Stop this, this is enough.’ But what is enough?” he said.

In Tel Aviv, despite many businesses remaining closed for the time being, life has started to resume; cafes are making coffee again, some shops have lifted their shutters and families and friends could be seen taking a stroll together on Sunday. But the city remains much quieter than usual.

Shop assistant Dash Tumansky, 23, said more than 100 people in her neighbourhood of Petah Tikva, a small city just a few miles east of central Tel Aviv, had been volunteering to help keep the area safe but the bus ride to work was a fraught experience.

“It’s scary to get here, 40 minutes is a long time. There have also been terrorist attacks targeting the buses. There is increased security on the trains but it’s not the case for the buses,” she said. “And if there are rocket warning sirens along the route, I wouldn’t know where to go to take shelter.”

Tumansky said she and her friends were still trying to process what has been described as the biggest attack on Israel. A friend of hers was among the 260 killed at the music festival.

“Things like this never happen. There is so much surveillance around the border of Gaza – cameras and soldiers guarding the area,” she said. “People are scared to be outside at the moment.”

However, she said she felt reassured by the way the nation had pulled together after months of political turmoil. “I think it’s the most united we’ve ever been,” she said.

Fashion designer Shiran, who only gave one name, said she and her husband were supportive of the billboard campaign. “We both smiled when we saw it. I think we’ve been too kind and too nice for too long. We’ve let people outside of Israel tell us what we can and can’t do,” said the 30-year-old.

Like many others, Shiran said she feels less safe in her day-to-day life since the attack and blames the Israeli authorities for allowing it to have happened.

“I know the government is trying to do its best now but it’s unbelievable – we never imagined something this big could happen to us, that thousands of terrorists would be able to enter Israel and kill us,” she said.

On the lower-ground floor of a shopping complex, volunteer Lia Sendik, 27, helps sort through donations for Israelis directly affected by the war. She described her disbelief as she watched the fallout of the Hamas attack.

“We’ve experienced stuff here before, but no one ever expected any of this,” said Sendik. “We used to believe so intensely that we are safe here.”

But the history and film graduate said that despite the anger many feel towards the Israeli authorities, it hasn’t stopped them from signing up to the army.

“They had 360,000 reservists, because they believe in our strength. People are still ready to fight for the country,” said Sendik.

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642774 No.108678

File: bd87d033cb2f642⋯.png (423.49 KB,551x526,551:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948823 (202007ZNOV23) Notable: California Dem Party chair vows to hold accountable any delegates who aided ceasefire protest

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California Democratic Party chair vows to hold accountable any delegates who aided ceasefire protest

It is unclear whether any party delegates actively aided the demonstrators, but at least one person who identified online as a delegate voiced support for the protest.

The chairman of the California Democratic Party has vowed to hold any delegate accountable if they actively aided the pro-Palestinian protest for a ceasefire at his state's convention this weekend in Sacramento.

"Any delegates who actively participated in or aided the furtherance of those activities or events in violation of our party’s code of conduct will be held accountable," Chairman Rusty Hicks told party members who were gathered for the convention, Politico reported Sunday.

Demonstrators demanding a ceasefire in Gaza on Saturday overwhelmed the convention center at which the party convention was being held – forcing the scheduled caucuses to be canceled that evening.

Earlier in the day, protesters also cut a U.S. Senate candidate forum short. Videos from Saturday show demonstrators filling the convention center lobby, as well as the auditorium, chanting, "Ceasefire now!"


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642774 No.108679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948833 (202011ZNOV23) Notable: Former editor of website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of CP

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Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

Slade Sohmer, 44, was arrested on Friday after being charged with possessing and distributing hundreds of child abuse material

He was released on Monday on $100,000 bail after pleading not guilty

The journalist faces a mandatory sentence of 15 years if convicted of all charges


People Are Touched By This Writer's Conversation With A Bunch Of Fourth Graders

"Kids are books filled with blank pages."

This is 38-year-old writer Slade Sohmer.

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642774 No.108680

File: 8f30880f1031aad⋯.png (96.66 KB,765x500,153:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b5e60fbda9a924⋯.png (118.48 KB,766x521,766:521,Clipboard.png)

File: de4c47397ea4fcd⋯.png (138.51 KB,782x539,782:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 09b499cebd9278d⋯.png (128.97 KB,770x540,77:54,Clipboard.png)

File: c108ad0de24d2f6⋯.png (103.04 KB,810x484,405:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948844 (202013ZNOV23) Notable: Document From 1991 Exposes The NWO Population Reduction “Quota”

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Document From 1991 Exposes The NWO Population Reduction “Quota”

On September 22nd, 1991, nine months before the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, a United Nations Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development was held in Des Moines, Iowa. A document from that hearing noted the pressing need to reduce the world’s population and laid out a quota in order to get the New World Order system rolled out.

“The immediate reduction of world population, according to the mid-1970s recommendation of the Draper Fund, must be immediately affected,” the document stated. The document stated that one of the policies to be implemented was that “all nations [will] have quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the [UN] Security Council by the selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine, or by military force when required.”

According to The Forbidden Knowledge website, the document below was passed out at the Earth Summit and provides sufficient information as to the design of the New World Order to reduce the world’s population. Below we have reproduced The Forbidden Knowledge’s webpage. –The Daily Exposé


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642774 No.108681

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948876 (202019ZNOV23) Notable: George Soros makes moves to take over Polish mass media

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George Soros makes moves to take over Polish mass media

Poland’s mainstream media is being infiltrated by left-wing backed investment groups supportive of Eurocrat Donald Tusk, a French news site has claimed.

George Soros’ Media Development Investment Fund (“MDIF”) and the German-Swiss media group Ringier Axel Springer have carved up Poland’s media market, according to a report by the French portal Observatoire du Journalisme.

The analysis by the French outlet reveals that since 8 November, a representative of the Soros-backed MDIF has been sitting on the supervisory board of the Wirtualna Polska Holding group, which owns entities with stakes in several Polish media outlets.

This follows acquisitions in other prominent Polish media such as Agora, the publisher of major daily Gazeta Wyborcza and Radio Zet, and Gremi Media, the publisher of influential daily Rzeczpospolita.

The investment in Wirtualna Polska (wp.pl) made by the Soros fund is a modest €1.5 million for just a 0.2 per cent stake in the company, but it is viewed as an important statement of “commitment to media freedom,” according to the Polish owners of that portal. Wp.pl’s main rival on the market is Onet.pl, owned by Ringier Axel Springer, which also owns the tabloid Fakt, and the weekly magazine Newsweek Polska.

All the media outlets listed above are staunch supporters of the new parliamentary majority in Poland made up of liberals, centrists, and leftists led by the former prime minister and president of the European Council, Donald Tusk.

Observatoire du Journalisme notes that once public television (TVP) and radio (Polskie Radio) are taken over by Donald Tusk’s allies, the Polish media market will become very lopsided in favour of the political left, as it was before 2015.

The outlet concluded that although French citizens will soon no longer hear in the country’s mainstream media about the threats to press freedom and media pluralism in Poland, they now have the most cause for concern, as the most powerful and best-funded media groups in Poland are already on the side of another government of Donald Tusk.


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642774 No.108682

File: 0712abfe705fc7e⋯.png (576.34 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d0a5774a57287b⋯.png (107.68 KB,790x545,158:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 56e790a18a8ecf7⋯.png (114.34 KB,787x625,787:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948903 (202022ZNOV23) Notable: Rescue agency reveals that Israel’s aerial attack killed over 260 Israeli CIVILIANS during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

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Rescue agency reveals that Israel’s aerial attack killed over 260 Israeli CIVILIANS during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood; drone footage corroborates report

An Israeli rescue agency recently revealed that Israeli helicopters opened fire, killing over 200 civilians, during the initial Hamas attack. Further supporting this was Israeli military-released drone footage, which showed hundreds of scorched cars moved from the Nova music festival – evidence that Israeli forces may have killed many of their own people during the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7.

According to an RT article on November 6, Israeli soldiers were suspected of the massacre as Zaka Search and Rescue reported that they had taken 260 dead out of the event venue of the festival. Meanwhile, the recently released video provided an aerial view of the charred vehicles removed from the festival grounds and arranged in a makeshift junkyard on a dirt parking lot.

The Nova festival was held near Kibbutz Beeri, about five kilometers from the wall dividing Gaza. When Palestinian resistance fighters emerged from Gaza at 6:30 a.m., they attacked military bases and settlements, and this was one of their first objectives. The Palestinian terrorists captured some 240 Israelis during the attack, including foreigners, settlers and troops. Israel maintained that in the hours following the Hamas strike, civilian Palestinian looters and Hamas combatants rushed across the unguarded Gaza border fence, slaughtering them.

The video seemed to corroborate earlier claims that Israeli pilots operating Apache helicopters opened fire on Israelis and Hamas fighters in response to the attacks. According to reports in Yedioth Ahronoth published on October 15, the first helicopters touched down in the Gaza Strip around one hour after hostilities started.

The Hebrew newspaper reported that the purpose of the armed Zik drones and combat helicopters was to stop the influx of Hamas fighters and looters into Israeli territory via the openings in the Gaza border fence. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israeli troops had trapped Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a bunker during this time. However, it was difficult as the pilots were unable to differentiate Israelis from Palestinian looters disguised as civilians and Hamas combatants.

“This deception worked for a considerable time until the Apaches had to skip all the restrictions. It was only around 9:00 a.m. that some of them began to spray the terrorists with the cannons on their own, without authorization from superiors,” the news outlet noted. “The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the target.” But despite the confusion, 28 combat helicopters still maxed out their ammunition, including Hellfire missiles and hundreds of 30 mm cannon shells.


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642774 No.108683

File: 7679f6bcad51803⋯.png (39.51 KB,525x293,525:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948943 (202030ZNOV23) Notable: Netanyahu says Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians

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Sociopathic Netanyahu insists Israel doesn’t kill children after launching attacks that murdered 4000+ young ones


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642774 No.108684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948951 (202033ZNOV23) Notable: MTG - It's time we empower patients and doctors by investigating all reported cases [of vax injuries], without fear of retaliation.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




The CDC and FDA continue to ignore vaccine injuries and Congress is funding a system that lacks transparency.

It's time we empower patients and doctors by investigating all reported cases, without fear of retaliation.

The American people deserve answers!


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642774 No.108685

File: ba9d114e1c8c712⋯.mp4 (12.43 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948965 (202034ZNOV23) Notable: Street journalist interrupted by Palestine organizer insisting to only have interviews done by their press liaisons

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street journalist interrupted by Palestine organizer insisting to only have interviews done by there press liaisons.


full interview


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642774 No.108686

File: 6eb747126a974a5⋯.png (68.13 KB,670x660,67:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949023 (202046ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon won't say where it's sending US troops - to avoid embarrasing host nations

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Details about the rapid U.S. military buildup since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza are largely unknown to the public and risk war with Iran, experts say.

THE U.S. MILITARY has deployed thousands of troops to the Middle East since Hamas’s surprise October 7 attack on Israel but refuses to disclose the military bases or even host nations of the deployments — not for security reasons, but to spare the host nations embarrassment.

One such base, the Muwaffaq Salti Air Base in Jordan, welcomed several new F-15 attack jets last month, the same aircraft used to bomb facilities used by Iranian-backed militias in Syria at least twice since October, following attacks on U.S. troops by groups supported by Iran.

“A confluence of factors are driving the U.S. and Iran towards a direct military conflict, including the buildup of forces.”

Despite the hostilities, the Pentagon has declined to acknowledge the base or the military buildup taking place on it for political reasons, even as the growing U.S. presence and increasing activities contribute to rising tensions with Iran.

“A confluence of factors are driving the U.S. and Iran towards a direct military conflict, including the buildup of forces, the retaliatory actions in Syria by U.S. forces, and Iranian proxies’ provocations,” Bruce Riedel, nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told The Intercept. “It is a dangerous situation.”

Government records reviewed by The Intercept, along with open-source data, reveal that Muwaffaq Salti continues to act as a low-key U.S. military base central to growing tensions with Iran.

“The main hub for U.S. air operations in Syria is now Muwaffaq Salti Air Base in Jordan, but the American presence is unacknowledged because of host country sensitivities,” said Aaron Stein in a 2021 report by the Foreign Policy Research Institute.


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642774 No.108687

File: 2b745d176b5311e⋯.jpeg (444.85 KB,779x656,19:16,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1de7ca8bbc02669⋯.png (140.47 KB,1280x710,128:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bd83bd7bdde476⋯.png (69.59 KB,965x607,965:607,Clipboard.png)

File: eb936a055cc251e⋯.png (102.49 KB,1280x634,640:317,Clipboard.png)

File: e0a734a10749258⋯.jpeg (232.25 KB,828x797,828:797,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949039 (202050ZNOV23) Notable: Yields Tumble, Stocks Spike After Stellar 20Y Auction

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Yields Tumble, Stocks Spike After Stellar 20Y Auction

(This is todays reason they give because last weeks 30 year sucked ballz-primary dealers were stuck buying 25% of that which is double the usual amount…everyone who piled into long duration debt is not habby as they feel/felt it will revert to mean-but I don’t think they thought “what if it doesn’t this time?”-the Corporate share buyback window is also about 92% done so that means only 8% are still blacked out cuz of earnings/so much of the last few weeks is all these billions of share buybacks being completed before the year ends-plus you had ‘bot trading at record levels do that is 2x the buying pressure…one buy to cover the short and a second one to go long)

We knew that going into this week's holiday-shortened week liquidity would be challenging; but nobody expected it to be this bad: moments ago the Treasury sold 20Y bonds in a solid auction with decent bidside demand, and while this was a far cry from the recent "catastrophic" 30Y auction, the market reaction was as if the Fed has resumed QE, with yields tumbling across the board and stocks suddenly surging to session highs amid a burst of program buying. More on that in a second.

First, the details of the auction: pricing at a high yield of 4.78%, this was not only the first time since March that the yield in the 20Y auction has fallen sequentially, but it was also well below last month's 5.245%. It also stopped through the When Issued 4.79% by 0.1 basis point, making this the third consecutive stop through in a row.

The Bid to Cover was solid if hardly remarkable: printing at 2.58 it was in line with last month's 2.59 if below the recent average of 2.67%. The internals were more notable: Indirects were awarded 74.0%, the highest since June, and well above the recent average of 70.1%. And with Directs awarded 16.5%, just above last month's 15.2% if below the recent average of 19.75%, Dealers were left holding 9.5%, below the six-auction average of 10.2%, and in line with single-digit allotments in 4 of the past 6 auctions. The auction result, which impacted the historically most illiquid tenor on the curve, was immediately taken by the market as a sound endorsement of the Biden admin's "spending like a drunken sailor" fiscal policies and yields immediately plunged to session lows, down almost 5bps in seconds...(no one looking this week so fuggery at its highest when holiday periods around cuz that AINT organic by any means)

Stocks jumped to session highs, with the NYSE TICK indicators surging as high as 1700, the highest since CPI Tuesday's 1989 TICK print, which in turn was the highest since February.


Totally broke dick marketsand I thought they’d wait until Wednesday for a slightly higher (less than 1% is nuffin)up day but they still could keep it going…but NAS is +1.20%

Still saying Weds as they’ve got a ton of spin on data they can do then


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642774 No.108688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949045 (202052ZNOV23) Notable: 39 suspects identified in major online child sexual abuse swoop in the Western Balkan region

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39 suspects identified in major online child sexual abuse swoop in the Western Balkan region

A major joint operation against child sexual exploitation in the Balkan region has led to the identification of 39 suspected child abusers and the safeguarding of 2 of their victims across 8 countries.

Operation MOZAIK 2023 was led by the Slovenian National Police and coordinated by Europol in the framework of the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT). It aimed to identify and arrest people using online forums and messaging applications to share and distribute child sexual abuse material. The Western Balkan countries –Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia – Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary carried out a series of enforcement actions between 6 to 17 November.

Police conducted 41 raids across the participating countries, following investigations into the sharing of images and videos depicting child sexual abuse. As a result, 3 suspects were already arrested or charged with crimes relating to the distribution of child abuse images.

During the actions, more than 200 items containing images or videos of child sexual abuse were seized, including computers, mobile phones, computer servers and memory cards.

Europol facilitated the information exchange between all the countries involved, and further enhanced the operational picture in the region by cross-checking the seized data and providing intelligence packages to continue the investigative work in this region and beyond.

A priority region

In the framework of EMPACT, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre have teamed up to establish an expert network in the Western Balkans with the goal to strengthen cross-border cooperation in the fight against child sexual abuse.

Europol’s ‘Say No!’ prevention campaign has been made available to all the countries in the Western Balkan region in their own national language.

This campaign includes a 10-minute long video which portrays two teenagers, a boy and a girl, being exploited online by a criminal organisation for financial gain and by an individual online sexual offender seeking further sexual material, respectively. The video includes advice as to how such crimes may be reported to law enforcement and how to avoid falling victim in the first place.

This video has been shared with parents, children and teachers to raise awareness in the Western Balkans about child sexual abuse.

The video is now available in the languages of the following 29 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/39-suspects-identified-in-major-online-child-sexual-abuse-swoop-in-western-balkan-region

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642774 No.108689

File: cbdf45e581f23ee⋯.png (630.33 KB,790x586,395:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e057c24715a83f⋯.png (527.89 KB,1284x808,321:202,Clipboard.png)

File: b9aedd006649a51⋯.png (202.62 KB,940x463,940:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949058 (202056ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: This is a Big and Wonderful deal! Mike Lindell cheers judge's "historic" ruling [on GA voting machines] as vindication

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Donald J. Trump


This is a Big and Wonderful deal!

Mike Lindell cheers judge's "historic" ruling as vindication

"Anyone questioning elections or election machines are not conspiracy theorist[s]!" Lindell said.


Nov 20, 2023, 1:55 PM


Mike Lindell Cheers Judge's 'Historic' Ruling as Vindication

Nov 17, 2023 at 1:13 PM EST

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is celebrating last week's ruling on Georgia's voting machines as vindication, countering critics who say he is a conspiracy theorist for promoting claims about election fraud.

"Historical ruling by Judge!" Lindell wrote on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday. "Anyone questioning elections or election machines are not conspiracy theorist!"

Newsweek reached out to Lindell via email for comment.

U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg issued a 135-page ruling last Friday in the long-running lawsuit seeking to rid Georgia of its electronic voting machines in favor of hand-marked paper ballots. The lawsuit, filed by individual voters and election security advocacy group the Coalition for Good Governance, argues that the machine's cybersecurity flaws violate the constitutional rights of voters to cast their votes and have those votes accurately counted.

In a footnote of the ruling, Totenberg said that the evidence in the case "does not suggest that the Plaintiffs are conspiracy theorists of any variety."

"Indeed, some of the nation's leading cybersecurity experts and computer scientists have provided testimony and affidavits on behalf of Plaintiffs' case in the long course of this litigation," she wrote.

Asked about Lindell's response to her order, Totenberg declined Newsweek's request for comment.

Georgia's electronic voting system, which was purchased from Dominion Voting Systems in 2019 and implemented statewide in 2020, has been the subject of various conspiracy theories, including some that claim the machines helped President Joe Biden steal the presidential election from former President Donald Trump. Lindell is among one of the most vocal proponents of those claims.

The MyPillow CEO is facing a number of defamation lawsuits from Dominion and Smartmatic for his comments claiming that their machines led to voter fraud. Dominion sued Lindell and his company in 2021 for $1.3 billion. Lindell has refused to settle even though the challenges have financially drained him and forced his attorneys to quit because of millions in unpaid legal fees.

Lindell is currently raising money for the "Lindell Offense Fund" to help pay his legal bills.

In her order, Totenberg, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, denied the state's request to rule without a trial just based on the arguments and facts of the case. The judge found there to be "material facts in dispute" that must be decided in at a bench trial, which she set to begin January 9, 2024.

"The Court cannot wave a magic wand in this case to address the varied challenges to our democracy and election system in recent years, including those presented in this case," she wrote. "But reasonable, timely discussion and compromise in this case, coupled with prompt, informed legislative action, might certainly make a difference that benefits the parties and the public."


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642774 No.108690

File: 67d4acc32ee4538⋯.png (1.4 MB,1000x691,1000:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949061 (202057ZNOV23) Notable: Former Elon Musk Engineers Seek Funds for Robotic Pizzeria

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Former Elon Musk Engineers Seek Funds for Robotic Pizzeria

Stellar Pizza, a robot-powered mobile pizzeria founded by former engineers from Elon Musk’s SpaceX, has kicked off an equity crowdfunding campaign to attract new investors, the company recently announced.

Stellar Pizza launched a community round on Wefunder—the largest crowdfunding investment platform that offers SEC regulated fundraising—to “provide access to new investors,” a press release states. In October 2022, the company announced a $16.5 million Series A financing round led by Jay-Z’s venture capital firm, Marcy Venture Partners.


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642774 No.108691

File: 19031aeeb5b22f7⋯.png (253.2 KB,500x460,25:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949065 (202058ZNOV23) Notable: Today is Joe Biden's birthday

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We Got A Love Birds Alert:

15:29 = 17

Jill Biden


Happy Birthday, Joe! I love you.💕

3:29 PM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108692

File: 03ec783fd2480fb⋯.png (166.88 KB,996x614,498:307,Clipboard.png)

File: e6cf26c3181a38e⋯.png (136.71 KB,985x546,985:546,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949073 (202100ZNOV23) Notable: Indictment Adds 13 Defendants to Fentanyl Distribution Conspiracy

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Superseding Indictment Adds 13 Defendants to Fentanyl Distribution Conspiracy Spanning From California to D.C.


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642774 No.108693

File: 2d5ea10d51fa204⋯.png (535.18 KB,984x1869,328:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949087 (202105ZNOV23) Notable: NBC JOURNALIST ARRESTED FOR ALLEGEDLY BEING PRO-HAMAS

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A Palestinian freelancer for NBC News, Mirvat al-Azzeh, was arrested in Israel on suspicion of inciting terror and identifying with a terrorist organization

She shared Facebook posts related to the Oct 7 attacks, which Israel claims are "inciting and glorying the horrible acts committed against civilians."

NBC News has severed ties with her, stating they were unaware of her social media activity before hiring her

Israeli authorities claim al-Azzeh cooperated during the investigation, admitting to the crime.

Her detention was extended, but it's unclear how much jail time she could face

This incident follows controversies involving other journalists with anti-Semitic sentiments, including The New York Times rehiring a filmmaker who allegedly praised Hitler (picture)

Is this a war against journalists and free speech, or is Israel doing the right thing?

Source: New York Post

4:00 PM · Nov 20, 2023·3,337 Views

** How long B4 the Muh Joo Shills start praising NBC as a reliable source of news...? 3....2....1.....

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642774 No.108694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949128 (202114ZNOV23) Notable: 200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency

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200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency

The Elites of the World Return to Climate Crisis to Increase Their Stranglehold Over Us!

More than 200 medical journals worldwide published a coordinated editorial on October 25, 2023, calling for the World Health Organization to declare a new global health emergency. That 200 medical journals could publish the same editorial on the same day, calling for a new global health emergency, is living proof, indeed, the only proof we should ever need that we are at the mercy of highly organized conspiracies.


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642774 No.108695

File: bc4a0d993a476ef⋯.png (377.19 KB,914x1084,457:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949131 (202115ZNOV23) Notable: Trump's personal physician: President Trump's overall health is excellent.

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642774 No.108696

File: 4e9a997eec8cf09⋯.png (194.17 KB,620x811,620:811,Clipboard.png)

File: bc4a0d993a476ef⋯.png (377.19 KB,914x1084,457:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949139 (202117ZNOV23) Notable: Trump's personal physician: President Trump's overall health is excellent.

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Donald J. Trump


Nov 20, 2023, 4:08 PM


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642774 No.108697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949149 (202119ZNOV23) Notable: 200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency

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is that the Breggins defending everyone against the multinational war criminals and liars again..

Why does Malone want to destroy the Breggins?

It's fucking bullshit.

that's what it is.

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642774 No.108698

File: 6a36db1d6a24fbe⋯.png (2.69 MB,1442x1438,721:719,Clipboard.png)

File: e097ccd8027357b⋯.png (437.5 KB,648x900,18:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949193 (202130ZNOV23) Notable: Musk: Media Matters is pure evil

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Replying to @JordanSather

Especially since Elon has ACCESS tho their DMs


Eddie Percudani




Replying to @JordanSather

They are panicking, like the rest. You do stupid things

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642774 No.108699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949208 (202133ZNOV23) Notable: Aussie state media lies again - mask don't stop anything - they do reduce oxygen and cause illness.

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Aus state media lies again - mask don't stop anything - they do reduce oxygen and cause illness.

COVID cases are surging again but there are lots of ways to protect yourself — starting with wearing a mask


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642774 No.108700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949217 (202135ZNOV23) Notable: Musk: Media Matters is pure evil

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Media Matters if pure evil.


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642774 No.108701

File: 9c7d26b94544514⋯.png (176.38 KB,446x360,223:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949219 (202136ZNOV23) Notable: 200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency

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>COVID cases are surging again but there are lots of ways to protect yourself — starting with wearing a mask

I'm seeing more and more people starting to wear masks again in my area. Fuck that shit.

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642774 No.108702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949223 (202137ZNOV23) Notable: 200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency

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Hafta agree

Certainly moar here in CA noticed in last 10 days

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642774 No.108703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949267 (202151ZNOV23) Notable: Is a Federal court gutting the Voting Rights Act - denying citizens and groups the right to sue?

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Federal court guts the Voting Rights Act, denying citizens and groups the right to sue



A panel of judges in a federal appeals court said Monday that only the federal government — not citizens and groups — can sue under a key part of the Voting Rights Act, effectively gutting the legislation in seven states.

The ruling, which applies to Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota, found that only the U.S. attorney general is able to bring a suit under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.

(Marc Elias sole mission goes tits up)

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642774 No.108704

File: dd41c8771a99f84⋯.png (654.39 KB,1276x915,1276:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949273 (202152ZNOV23) Notable: MAGA Calls for Liz Cheney to Be Jailed: 'Guilty of Treason'

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MAGA Calls for Liz Cheney to Be Jailed: 'Guilty of Treason'

Supporters of former President Donald Trump are calling for former U.S. Representative Liz Cheney to be jailed for treason for her work on the House committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Cheney was vice-chair of the panel that concluded in December last year that Trump had engaged in a "multi-part conspiracy" to overturn the lawful results of the 2020 election and failed to act to stop his supporters from attacking the Capitol.

The Wyoming Republican lost her No. 3 GOP leadership position in the House after voting to impeach Trump in the wake of the attack and then not backing down in her criticism of Trump. She was replaced by Harriet Hageman, a Trump-endorsed Republican who defeated her in last year's primary.

Trump allies are now launching fresh attacks on Cheney, who is now a professor at the University of Virginia, after House Speaker Mike Johnson said on Friday that he would release thousands of hours of footage from the riot.

Supporters of Trump, who is leading the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, believe the complete archive of security footage will bolster their narrative that January 6 was not a violent storming of the Capitol by supporters of Trump.

Some conservatives have used short clips from the initial batch of footage, totaling around 90 hours, to claim the rioters had acted peacefully and that the select committee had ignored evidence.

"Liz Cheney & Nancy Pelosi used their corrupt J6 committee to demonize every Trump supporter in the country," Texas Representative Ronny Jackson wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "What's being revealed from the J6 tapes is SHOCKING. They lied to the country and used J6 to weaponize government to promote their own corrupt agenda. Horrible people!!"

Another person said that Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, the only other Republican on the committee and who announced he would not seek reelection last year, are "guilty of Treason and Manslaughter."

An X user posted that Cheney "lied to the American people and committed treason."

Some defended Cheney, with one person writing on X that the former congresswoman "will be remembered for not letting MAGA attempt to rewrite history!"

The Republicans Against Trump account posted that history "will remember Liz Cheney as a true patriot who put country before party."

read further


hahahahahaha hahahahah hahahahahah hahahahhahahha hahahhhah hahah ahhah ha

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642774 No.108705

File: 612e6625206e9f5⋯.png (150.59 KB,1366x661,1366:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949277 (202153ZNOV23) Notable: Is a Federal court gutting the Voting Rights Act - denying citizens and groups the right to sue?

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Link to source


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642774 No.108706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949302 (202159ZNOV23) Notable: Is a Federal court gutting the Voting Rights Act - denying citizens and groups the right to sue?

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BREAKING! Federal Court ruling threatens to GUT Voting Rights Act. msnbc reporting

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642774 No.108707

File: 8fdc7655c5a7aca⋯.jpg (832.17 KB,1350x900,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949364 (202214ZNOV23) Notable: CMz: Happy Birthday, Jim!

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Happy Birthday, Jim!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

642774 No.108708

File: 45684fa3afc0f7f⋯.png (528.09 KB,1177x959,1177:959,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949373 (202217ZNOV23) Notable: 17 Old Things Younger Than Joe Biden - KEK

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17 Old Things Younger Than Joe Biden

President Joe Biden, somewhat quietly, celebrated his 81st birthday on Monday as a growing number of Americans say the commander-in-chief is past his sell-by date to lead the country through increasingly fraught times abroad and multiple crises at home.


Whether it's his seeming lack of fitness to serve or the fruits of his policies, Biden is now — according to polling from NBC News — trailing behind former President Donald Trump by two points, 46 percent to 44 percent and, among younger voters, losing to Trump 46 percent to 42 percent. As The New York Post noted in its coverage of the fresh polling, that's a significant swing from the 2020 election in which young voters "broke for Biden by around 26 points."

"Only 31% of young voters approve of Biden’s job performance, down starkly from 46% in September," the Post added.

With so much talk of age and fitness these days, and because this week marks the official start of the holiday season, Townhall is pausing the polling coverage for a minute to enumerate, for a lighter serving of context, some old things that are younger than Joe Biden, born this day in 1942.

The Atomic Age began in December 1942 when the first controlled nuclear fission chain reaction was engineered at the University of Chicago.

American forces (and trees) breathed a sigh of relief when the first fully integrated Buna-S synthetic rubber factory began production in 1943.

The microwave oven was patented by Raytheon employee Percy Spencer in 1945.

Velcro was invented by George de Mestral in 1948.

Baking got easier in 1947 when Betty Crocker's now-famous cake mix was launched

The compound now known as Super Glue was realized as a beneficial product in 1951

Ray Kroc's first McDonald's restaurant was opened in 1955

The modern "Airway, Breathing and Circulation” method of CPR was honed in 1960.

Hula Hoops were invented in 1958 by Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin

The first Barbie doll was created in 1959

In a bid to compete with French baguettes, an Italian baker created Ciabatta bread in 1982

Modern Sudoku was invented in 1979

Diamond engagement rings didn't take off until after 1947 when the "A Diamond Is Forever" campaign was launched by South African diamond company De Beers

Before 1968, Americans in need of emergency services couldn't simply call 9-1-1 to get help

"Under God" wasn't in the Pledge of Allegiance until a law added the phrase in 1954.

The motto of the United States wasn't "In God We Trust" until 1956.


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642774 No.108709

File: 8b58b8cb05213cc⋯.png (337.48 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949388 (202220ZNOV23) Notable: ANOTHER DEM RETIREMENT: California Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas Will Not Seek Reelection

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ANOTHER DEM RETIREMENT: California Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas Will Not Seek Reelection

Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas (CA) on Monday announced he will not seek reelection in 2024.

“It will be the first time in 28 years that I’m not on the ballot,” Cárdenas told the Los Angeles Times. “The truth of the matter is I thought I could do this just for a few years… I’m just at the age where I have enough energy and experience to maybe do something [different] and have another chapter of a career where I don’t have to go to Washington, D.C., 32 weeks out of the year.”

Cárdenas’s seat is in a deep blue part of the San Fernando Valley.


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642774 No.108710

File: 4d961de9b5c5475⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949458 (202231ZNOV23) Notable: Where are the homeless going in California?

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Gavin, et al, are emptying the streets.

Poppi Starr


So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in cali. However listen to this...


Part 2 in comments!!!!

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642774 No.108711

File: 4e717102990e09d⋯.png (573.38 KB,853x506,853:506,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949471 (202233ZNOV23) Notable: CMz: Happy Birthday, Jim!

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Happy Birthday Jim!

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642774 No.108712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949477 (202234ZNOV23) Notable: Where are the homeless going in California?

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did they disappear the homeless?

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642774 No.108713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949493 (202236ZNOV23) Notable: #24492

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>>108666, >>108673 PF

>>108659 Mormon Leaders Accused Of Concealing Widespread Sexual Abuse And Incest Within The Church

>>108660, >>108672 RUMBLE: We are currently experiencing a major DDOS attack. Our engineers are investigating and we will report back here with updates.

>>108661, >>108691 Today is Joe Biden's birthday

>>108662 Russia condemns Israel’s genocide in Gaza: “Innocent people are being killed indiscriminately”

>>108663, >>108664 Outside Agitator - Naomi Klein and the new new left.

>>108665 Secy Defense Lloyd J. Austin - Ukraine’s fight against Putin’s aggression is a marathon - not a sprint (wants us there FOREVER)

>>108667, >>108675, >>108676, >>108677 WATCH: Israeli Children Sing 'We Will Annihilate Everyone' in Gaza

>>108668 Israel Bombing Southern Gaza Areas Civilians Were Told to Go to for Safety

>>108670 US Says Israel Has ‘Right’ to Expand Military Operations in South Gaza But Wants a Delay

>>108671, >>108669 Nommed: One of the hateful messages found in a Q train was accompanied by an altered swastika

>>108674 IDF's secret Unit 504 - How is it different from Mossad, Shin Bet?

>>108678 California Dem Party chair vows to hold accountable any delegates who aided ceasefire protest

>>108679 Former editor of website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of CP

>>108680 Document From 1991 Exposes The NWO Population Reduction “Quota”

>>108681 George Soros makes moves to take over Polish mass media

>>108682 Rescue agency reveals that Israel’s aerial attack killed over 260 Israeli CIVILIANS during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

>>108683 Netanyahu says Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians

>>108684 MTG - It's time we empower patients and doctors by investigating all reported cases [of vax injuries], without fear of retaliation.

>>108685 Street journalist interrupted by Palestine organizer insisting to only have interviews done by their press liaisons

>>108686 Pentagon won't say where it's sending US troops - to avoid embarrasing host nations

>>108688 39 suspects identified in major online child sexual abuse swoop in the Western Balkan region

>>108689 PDJT: This is a Big and Wonderful deal! Mike Lindell cheers judge's "historic" ruling [on GA voting machines] as vindication

>>108690 Former Elon Musk Engineers Seek Funds for Robotic Pizzeria

>>108692 Indictment Adds 13 Defendants to Fentanyl Distribution Conspiracy


>>108694, >>108697, >>108702, >>108701 200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency

>>108695, >>108696 Trump's personal physician: President Trump's overall health is excellent.

>>108698, >>108700 Musk: Media Matters is pure evil

>>108699 Aussie state media lies again - mask don't stop anything - they do reduce oxygen and cause illness.

>>108703, >>108705, >>108706 Is a Federal court gutting the Voting Rights Act - denying citizens and groups the right to sue?

>>108704 MAGA Calls for Liz Cheney to Be Jailed: 'Guilty of Treason'

>>108707, >>108711 CMz: Happy Birthday, Jim!

>>108708 17 Old Things Younger Than Joe Biden - KEK

>>108709 ANOTHER DEM RETIREMENT: California Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas Will Not Seek Reelection

>>108687 Yields Tumble, Stocks Spike After Stellar 20Y Auction

>>108710, >>108712 Where are the homeless going in California?




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642774 No.108714

File: 600f1f0876d73ac⋯.png (517.2 KB,450x537,150:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949506 (202238ZNOV23) Notable: #24493

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

TY anons for your contributions,


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642774 No.108715

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949510 (202238ZNOV23) Notable: Poles Poles and Hairy unimpressed Moles

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il Donaldo Trumpo




Nov 20, 2023, 5:01 PM


Poles Poles and Hairy unimpressed Moles




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642774 No.108716

File: 4d79d41fe43b12c⋯.mp4 (15.62 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f4e6a164dfeec66⋯.png (267.97 KB,452x574,226:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949527 (202241ZNOV23) Notable: Military members in TX helping invaders cross the border? (video)

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Military members in TX helping invaders cross the border (video)


Clown World ™ 🤡


🚨 Army officers helping migrants enter further into the U.S. after they illegally crossed the border

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642774 No.108717

File: 36f2ef5fb7f0642⋯.jpeg (58.93 KB,634x298,317:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 285d65c0c8546b8⋯.jpeg (32.3 KB,308x173,308:173,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949530 (202241ZNOV23) Notable: After 5 yrs Britain sends plane-mutiny rapist back to Somalia… w/ plush hotel, guards, therapy you paid for

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After five years, 24 court appearances, 20 judges and £85,000 in legal aid, Britain finally sends plane-mutiny rapist back to Somalia... with plush hotel, armed guards and therapy you paid for

By Mark Hookham Senior Reporter For The Mail On Sunday 17:00 EST 18 Nov 2023 ,

Deportation first thwarted by mutiny of passengers on flight five years ago

He is the vile gang rapist whose deportation was infamously thwarted at the last minute by a mutiny of virtue-signalling airline passengerson the same flight.

Now The Mail on Sunday can reveal how it has taken another five years to finally send Yaqub Ahmed back to Somalia – with Ministers forced to offer an extraordinary package of concessions to break his relentless cycle of dubious human rights appeals.

To secure his expulsion, the criminal was given a 14-week stay in one of Somalia's most luxurious hotels, all meals included, plus armed guards and a personalised therapy package after complaining of mental health issues – all at taxpayers' expense. In contrast, the woman he attacked when she was just 16 has struggled to find such help for the mental scars he inflicted.

Ahmed has dragged his deportation fight through at least 24 separate tribunal or court hearings, in front of 20 or more judges, as he made a series of false claims. But today this newspaper can reveal that the 34-year-old was finally expelled in August, after costing taxpayers up to £1 million in legal, prison and deportation costs, including the generous 'care package' to greet his arrival in Somalia.

Last night, Ahmed's victim said it was 'absolutely shocking' that officials were forced to go to such lengths to defeat his repeated human rights appeals.

'Our legal system is a joke,' she said. 'We used to say we were quite fair; well, we're not. Nothing about this has been fair.'

How rapist avoided deportation for years after plane passenger mutiny

Details of Ahmed's extraordinary case exposes the ease with which foreign criminals run rings around officials and comes just days after the Supreme Court torpedoed Rishi Sunak's flagship scheme to deport Channel migrants to Rwanda.

Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman told The Mail on Sunday the case was an example of how criminals exploit human rights laws to make 'spurious, repetitive and ultimately obstructive' legal claims to thwart deportation.

Our exclusive investigation also reveals that:

Ahmed has cost taxpayers almost £85,000 in legal aid;

A chartered flight used to finally deport him cost around £200,000 – and it is unclear whether any other deportees were on board;

In an audacious plot, Ahmed fabricated a claim that he would be targeted by Islamic State terrorists if he returned to Somalia, arranging for a fake death threat video to be posted online;

Ahmed exploited modern slavery laws by falsely claiming to have been under the control of a UK drugs gang;

A senior BBC editor was paid to give evidence for Ahmed – but her testimony was heavily criticised by judges and her objectivity questioned;

A draconian legal order gagged this newspaper from revealing Ahmed's duplicity until now, as he was granted anonymity for 15 weeks after he was deported.

Ahmed was granted refugee status in 2003 after arriving in Britain from Somalia aged 14.

But he was jailed in 2008 after he and three other men lured their teenage victim to a flat in London before brutally attacking her. A judge lambasted him for having 'no respect for other human beings'.

In April 2015, Theresa May, then Home Secretary, stripped him of his refugee status and slapped a deportation order on him. This was, however, simply the opening salvo of a tortuous legal battle.

The string of hearings went as high as the Court of Appeal and Government lawyers have fought off three claims by the rapist and his lawyers for judicial review.

Six successive Home Secretaries have attempted to remove him from the UK. In October 2018, his deportation dramatically collapsed when woke holidaymakers, unaware of his appalling crime, mutinied and demanded he be hauled off the Turkish Airlines jet that was about to fly him out of the UK as it sat on the tarmac at Heathrow.


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642774 No.108718

File: 162e9bb09c204a0⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4d961de9b5c5475⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949544 (202243ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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Repeating, because it's also happening in Chicago, by targeting EBT use and making those people, unappear.

Poppi Starr


So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in cali. However listen to this...

Part 2 in comments!!!!


Poppi Starr




Part 2


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642774 No.108719

File: a20a1bba8ac3ec1⋯.png (376.5 KB,530x552,265:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949548 (202244ZNOV23) Notable: Triple-threat flight operations?? The Boxer Amphibious Ready Group

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Triple-threat flight operations 🚁 ✈️ 🛩️

The Boxer Amphibious Ready Group conduct multiple flight operations aboard San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Somerset (LPD 25) while underway in the Pacific Ocean.

📸 : MC2 Evan Diaz


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642774 No.108720

File: 4d961de9b5c5475⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949553 (202245ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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Here's Part 1.

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642774 No.108721

File: 64f40ceebd938ca⋯.png (435.99 KB,594x530,297:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949569 (202250ZNOV23) Notable: Released: New Episode on Ray Epps 'Fed-Surrection Part 3

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The Gateway Pundit



Releases New Episode on Ray Epps 'Fed-Surrection Part 3'- WITH THE GATEWAY PUNDIT'S JIM HOFT – And New Video of Ray Epps in Likely Criminal Act! – VIDEO at @Truth_InMedia


#gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit

10:36 AM · Nov 20, 2023




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642774 No.108722

File: 88e21846aa76b82⋯.png (133.39 KB,532x440,133:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949571 (202250ZNOV23) Notable: YAG-37 project was one of many innovative roles that Liberty ships played in assisting the Navy

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The YAG-37 project was one of many innovative roles that Liberty ships played in assisting the Navy in developing different forms of seaborne propulsion and minesweeping capabilities.


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642774 No.108723

File: 47960b5c7391d46⋯.png (249.86 KB,591x769,591:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949575 (202251ZNOV23) Notable: Elon posts at 5:04>post 504= WE ARE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THIS BOARD. LEARN OUR COMMS

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There were 27 posts with Godfather in them.

20 of the 27 were in November


posts today on the 20th. Interesting

Elon posts at 5:04>post 504= WE ARE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THIS BOARD.


The Godfather I (1972) - Baptism Scene, Michael Kills all the heads of the other families

All the heads of corrupt families? Interesting ✌️




9:52 AM · Nov 20, 2023




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642774 No.108724

File: 66a4f0e751d3d7d⋯.png (72.12 KB,618x584,309:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949581 (202252ZNOV23) Notable: QPost 24: RE (PB) ANOTHER DEM RETIREMENT: California Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas Will Not Seek Reelection

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24 on the helo nose

>>108709 ANOTHER DEM RETIREMENT: California Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas Will Not Seek Reelection


Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.

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642774 No.108725

File: 3f4cc3157865484⋯.png (1.9 MB,1170x764,585:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949586 (202254ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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Homeless encampment St Pedo LA

This live street webcam shows the intersection of San Pedro Street and 6th Street in Downtown Los Angeles, California, United States.

The San Pedro and Sixth Street area is the city's epicentre of homelessness and one of the busiest areas of Los Angeles' Skid Row neighbourhood, also known as Central City East, which is home to approximately 70,000 homeless people and the non-profit Union Rescue Mission.

The Union Rescue Mission, founded in 1891, provides shelter, three meals a day, emergency assistance, medical care, counselling, job training, education, recovery programmes, legal services, and transitional housing.

Other non-profit organizations in the area include The People Concern, Social Model Recovery Systems, and Volunteers of America, to name a few.


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642774 No.108726

File: 258d82f5147f3e0⋯.png (420.08 KB,666x745,666:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949606 (202257ZNOV23) Notable: DHS Chief Mayorkas Warns Agents Not to Misgender Border Crossers, but Ask Their Preferred Pronouns

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DHS Chief Mayorkas Warns Agents

Not to Misgender Border Crossers, but

Ask Their Preferred Pronouns

Breitbart, by Neil Munro

Posted By: mc squared, 11/20/2023 11:13:19 AM

President Joe Biden’s border chief is now ordering border guards not to presume the correct sex and corresponding pronouns for illegal migrants. “We just obtained [Customs and Border Patrol agency] documents directing personnel to only use woke language when encountering individuals invading the United States,” a tweet from the Oversight Project at the Heritage Foundation reads. The order from border chief Alejandro Mayorkas directs border guards to ignore the biological distinction between the two complementary sexes. Instead, officers must submit to the political claim that each person’s “gender” is more important than their biological sex and so must allow people to sneak across the male/female border under the disguise of “transgender” pronouns.

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642774 No.108727

File: b9554bd82e15df3⋯.png (99.68 KB,284x178,142:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949617 (202259ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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Fema would be a good starting point with all their inventory of coffins.

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642774 No.108728

File: eed3f217c857017⋯.png (926.66 KB,874x864,437:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949625 (202301ZNOV23) Notable: WaPo Reporter Who Questions Validity of Hunter's Laptop Was Recently Awarded for Using It As a Resource

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WaPo Reporter Who Questions Validity of

Hunter's Laptop Was Recently Awarded for

Using It As a Resource

Red State, by Brad Slager

Posted By: Hazymac, 11/20/2023 5:20:55 PM

It can be said there are degrees of hackery when it comes to the journalism industry. The standard Level 1 example is basic bias and partisanship in the reporting. Level 2 can be said to have a more activist role, avoiding particular details or working hard to slant undeniable evidence. This type is seen frequently at Politifact, to give an example. The lowest has been Level 3, where a journalist delivers information they know to be incorrect but forges ahead with their agenda as that is far more important than the actual facts. (This has been on display in rising numbers during the Israeli-Hamas conflict.)

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642774 No.108729

File: 7d74c1d318773ca⋯.png (1000.26 KB,916x713,916:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949631 (202302ZNOV23) Notable: Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for New Jan. 6 Inquiry

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Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for

New Jan. 6 Inquiry

Epoch Times, by Jack Phillips

Posted By: earlybird, 11/20/2023 5:01:36 PM

Several House Republicans called for establishing a new House investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach after new security footage was released. Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Ga.) wrote that the release of the new tapes is "not enough" and that there needs to be a probe for the "lies, deceit, and lives ruined." The lawmaker then called on House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to create a new select committee. She criticized the previous Congress's Jan. 6 panel that was chaired by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) and former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.).

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642774 No.108730

File: 22e416d8879e0f1⋯.png (358.25 KB,783x893,783:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949639 (202303ZNOV23) Notable: Trump just released letter from his DR revealing he’s in excellent condition and recently lost weight

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johnny maga


Trump just released a letter from his doctor revealing that he’s in excellent condition and recently lost weight


10:16 AM · Nov 20, 2023




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642774 No.108731

File: e53e4b3c4e71dc8⋯.png (103.03 KB,497x678,497:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949646 (202306ZNOV23) Notable: @IAPolls2022: Both Nikki & Ron coming in at 17 a piece…

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Both Nikki & Ron coming in at 17 a piece...




• Trump — 44% (+27)

• DeSantis — 17%

• Haley — 17%

• Ramaswamy — 5%

• Christie — 4%

• Burgum — 1%

• Arc Insights |


• 800 LV | November 9-14 | ±3.5%


4:43 PM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108732

File: 450f810ca0d5f39⋯.png (348.81 KB,594x483,198:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949648 (202307ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Turkey Day Event: Liberty and Bell on the Clock

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The Gateway Pundit


HE’S SHOT: Biden Rambles About Turkeys, Confuses Taylor Swift, Britney Spears: “It’s Kinda Warm in Brazil Right Now” (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit

8:10 AM · Nov 20, 2023




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642774 No.108733

File: eaf4b7f462d48a6⋯.png (208.25 KB,608x585,608:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949652 (202310ZNOV23) Notable: Didn’t allow a “USA Day” because it’s “too politicizeF” Yet this same district celebrates pride month

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Libs of TikTok



didn’t allow a “USA Day” because it’s “too politicized.” Yet this same district celebrates pride month and puts out statements promoting pride parades.

You’re not allowed to celebrate America but you’re allowed to celebrate who people like to have s*x with!



6:30 AM · Nov 20, 2023




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642774 No.108734

File: bb4bca5ab3fb44a⋯.png (508.73 KB,704x933,704:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949656 (202311ZNOV23) Notable: Federal court deals devastating blow to Voting Rights Act

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Federal court deals devastating blow to

Voting Rights Act

Politico, by Zach Montellaro

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/20/2023 2:00:54 PM

A federal appeals court issued a ruling Monday that could gut the Voting Rights Act, saying only the federal government — not private citizens or civil rights groups — is allowed to sue under a crucial section of the landmark civil rights law. The decision out of the 8th Circuit will almost certainly be appealed to the Supreme Court. But should it stand, it would mark a dramatic rollback of the enforcement of the law that led to increased minority representation in American politics. The appellate court ruled that there is no “private right of action” for Section 2 of the law — which prohibits voting practices that

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642774 No.108735

File: ffa99deb2871394⋯.png (49.11 KB,667x397,667:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949661 (202313ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Turkey Day Event: Liberty and Bell on the Clock

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Biden mixes up Taylor Swift and Britney

Spears as he pardons turkeys Liberty and

Bell: President jokes about being '60'

on his 81st birthday - then confuses pop

stars performing in Brazil

Daily Mail (UK), by Nick Allen

Posted By: Imright, 11/20/2023 1:52:27 PM

Joe Biden mixed up Taylor Swift and Britney Spears as he went off script while pardoning two turkeys at the White House. The president, who is celebrating his 81st birthday today, also joked about his age, saying he was really only turning 60. He undertook the traditional presidential duty of pardoning turkeys for Thanksgiving, this year sparing a pair named Liberty and Bell.Biden said the birds had overcome a lot of competition to be with him on the White House lawn. He went on: 'You could say even harder than getting a ticket to the Renaissance tour...or, or, or...Britney's tour...she's down in...it's kid of warm in Brazil right now.'

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642774 No.108736

File: 12462cfccc9d52c⋯.png (444.54 KB,828x709,828:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949667 (202315ZNOV23) Notable: IDF Releases Video Showing Hamas Tunnel under Gaza Hospital?

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IDF Releases Video Showing Hamas Tunnel

under Gaza Hospital

National Review, by Kayla Bartsch

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/20/2023 12:35:35 PM

The Israeli military released video of fortified tunnels running under the al-Shifa Hospital complex on Sunday, providing further further visual evidence that Hamas used the hospital for their military operations. Two separate videos, one apparently recorded by a drone and the other by an animal or a robot, show a damaged spiral staircase leading down to a 55-meter section of fortified tunnel. The IDF says the tunnel runs ten meters beneath al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City — the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip. The 55-meter section of the tunnel ends at a blast-proof door complete with a firing hole, apparently built by Hamas to shoot

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642774 No.108737

File: df4112669c97e7b⋯.png (333.83 KB,499x333,499:333,Clipboard.png)

File: e654f3f090223a8⋯.png (447.23 KB,528x352,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: c5b52ce2d33dfc1⋯.png (164.54 KB,250x444,125:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949673 (202317ZNOV23) Notable: New film gives reel truth in the face of George Floyd lies

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New film gives reel truth in the face of George Floyd lies

By Miranda Devine Nov. 20, 2023, 12:54 a.m. ET1/2

It’s a self-protective aspect of human nature to put aside painful memories, and that’s what most of us have done about the murderous riots in the summer of 2020 that were sparked by George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis. But for the people of that fallen city, and for all the cops across the nation who were abandoned and betrayed by their feckless political leaders, the pain still burns bright.

It ought to burn for the rest of us, too, because we still are suffering the consequences, in the catastrophic breakdown of law and order nationwide. We will continue to do so while the lies about George Floyd’s death are left to fester.

A brilliant new crowdfunded documentary, “The Fall of Minneapolis,” aims to remedy our collective amnesia about the events of May 25, 2020— a time when the country was already half-mad from the ravages of COVID-19 and forced lockdowns, and when Democratic Party operatives, including candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, seized on the “Defund the police” movement, in order to bring down President Donald Trump.

So many lies have been told since, and so much truth buried by the Big Tech censors that control reality, that the documentary arrives like a slap in the face. Wake up, it says. Remember. Look at the truth and hang your head in shame a little that you allowed yourself to be fooled.

Personal connection

“The Fall of Minneapolis” reveals a shocking tale of injustice and perfidy, and a ruthless political operation that contained the seeds of the January 6 Capitol riot eight months laterand the consequent hyperbolic crackdown on Trump supporters.

The film was produced by Liz Collin, a former anchor at a CBS affiliate in the Twin Cities who was taken off air during the riots and demotedbecause her husband, Bob Kroll, was the Minneapolis police union chief at the time. Their house was besieged by angry mobs yelling abuse over megaphones and beating piñata effigies of the couple throughout the trial of police officer Derek Chauvin.

But she does not allow personal emotion to creep into the film, instead driving the narrative dispassionately with shocking new evidence. She interviews Chauvin in jail, where he is serving 21 years, his mother and many of the cops who have resigned.

From false testimony in Chauvin’s trial to police bodycam footage of Floyd’s arrest that was withheld for two months, to the autopsy report that was altered after the FBI got involved, Collin presents a damning forensic record that needs avenging.Collin draws on new evidence unveiled last month in a sexual harassment lawsuit, filed by former Hennepin County prosecutor Amy Sweasy, against then-County Attorney Mike Freeman.

Sweasy’s complaint details a revolt in the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office over the decision to charge Chauvin’s fellow officers Tou Thao, Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane with aiding and abetting second-degree murder. Lane and Kueng, who is black, were fresh out of the academy. Sweasy and three other prosecutors refused to work on the case because it “violated professional and ethical rules.”

In sworn testimony, prosecutors told of the “insane … extreme premium pressure” they were under to throw the book at Chauvinand charge the other cops because “the city was burning down.” One said that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison “taking over the Chauvin cases was difficult particularly when we had a governor who kind of threw us under the bus.”


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642774 No.108738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949675 (202318ZNOV23) Notable: I look at both sides for the real truth this is an interesting social experiment

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I look at both sides for the real truth

this is an interesting social experiment

it is my personal belief that both sides are right/wrong in the way they are twisting the minds of the people caught in the middle to there own political ends

we are just puppets to be used in there overtake of the world

I say no...my mind will be free

carry on

pro Jewish YT channel



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642774 No.108739

File: f2478be37f2ed4f⋯.png (281.26 KB,597x745,597:745,Clipboard.png)

File: ac8a263f1030742⋯.png (436.72 KB,1079x951,1079:951,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949677 (202318ZNOV23) Notable: New film gives reel truth in the face of George Floyd lies

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End Wokeness


Does anyone actually believe that Derek Chauvin got a fair trial?


7:36 AM · Nov 20, 2023





4:17 PM · May 17, 2020·Twitter Web App

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642774 No.108740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949678 (202319ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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I went to go look for the Kensington Ave Livestreams on Youtube and the usual ones I subscribed to aren't there. Fuck they may be putting them in Boxcars taking them to FEMA camps and Guillotining them. How would we know? There probably wont be any piles of Gold Teeth or Shoes and Eyeglasses. This one is prerecorded ad looped so who knows when it is from.

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642774 No.108741

File: 1493ce0aaaf8e98⋯.mp4 (316.51 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949680 (202319ZNOV23) Notable: Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for New Jan. 6 Inquiry

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Now that we have the tapes proving January 6th was not the violent insurrection we were told it was, let me enlighten you on what ACTUALLY happened that day.

Flashback to January 4th, 2021. Pence promised that he was going to “hear the objections and evidence”, in reference to the massive irregularities and voter fraud in the 2020 election (video attached).

Pence never got to hear those electors air their objections or evidence. The January 6th event at the Capitol was the means Pence used to justify NOT giving electors their day in Congress. Pence claimed the acts by Trump and his supporters were so heinous, that he was just going to certify the election the next day.

Well, now that we have the January 6th tapes, it is clear this event was facilitated and coordinated by elements within our own government, and the evidence of this was intentionally withheld from the American People in order to continue perpetuating this massive lie.

You witnessed an insurrection on January 6th 2021, but it wasn’t by Trump supporters. It was by establishment politicians, elements within the intelligence community, and State-controlled MSM outlets, who coordinated to generate, escalate, and exaggerate the situation in order to avoid electors airing their objections, in order to certify a stolen election. You witnessed treason and war waged on the American People.

That’s what happened on January 6th. Our nation was stolen from us by corrupt elements within our own government. And all the hatred, discrimination, censorship, and vitriol towards Trump supporters, ALL of it was based on a lie.

You best start believing in Orwellian dystopias. You’re in one.


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642774 No.108742

File: 92d34458b628233⋯.png (384.19 KB,576x384,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: dafe3ef23481719⋯.png (317.15 KB,461x307,461:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949683 (202319ZNOV23) Notable: New film gives reel truth in the face of George Floyd lies

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Theoriginal autopsy reportby Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker the day after Floyd died found there was “no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation. “Mr. Floyd did not exhibit signs of petechiae, damage to his airways or thyroid, brain bleeding, bone injuries, or internal bruising.”

Sweasy claims that Baker also told her that day that “there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation.” But then she claims Baker told her: “Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on? …This is the kind of case that ends careers.” On May 31, 2020, Sweasy said Baker shared the results of toxicology tests with prosecutors, which showed that Floyd, 46, had a “fatal level of fentanyl” in his blood, along with methamphetamine. Floyd also had COVID and severe “arteriosclerotic heart disease,” with one artery 75% obstructed, and “hypertensive heart disease.”

But Ben Crump, the ambulance-chasing attorney who represented the Floyd family and secured them a $27 million payout from the Minneapolis City Council, told the media: “George Floyd was a healthy young man.” The private forensic pathologist he hired, Dr. Michael Baden, declared,without seeing Floyd’s body or slides of the autopsy, that “there was no underlying medical problem that caused or contributed to his death.”

The documentary says theFBI met with Baker after Baden’s reviewand soon after the official autopsy report was changed to find Chauvin was to blame. Floyd’s cause of death had become “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.”

There is so much that is shocking in the documentary.

For instance, it finds that the hold that Chauvin, a “by the book” cop, used on Floyd was an approved technique that he and every other cop had been trained to use by the Minneapolis Police Department. It was called the maximal restraint technique (MRT) for handcuffed, uncooperative suspects. All of the cops interviewed by Collin said MRT was part of official training. In the bystander video that went viral after Floyd’s death, it appears Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s neck. But in bodycam footage, his knee appears to be on Floyd’s shoulder.

Chief of Police Medaria Arradondo testified under oath at Chauvin’s trial that “it was not” a trained Minneapolis police defensive tactics technique. But Chauvin’s mother pulled out her son’s training manuals in her interview with Collin, which show images of the MRT hold. The images “sure as hell are in Derek’s training manuals, so how can they say they don’t exist?” But the judge refused to allow the evidence to be shown to the jury.

Everyone failed Minneapolis and, ultimately, failed America.

Rogue’s gallery

The prime offenders fingered in the film are:

• Arradondo, the cowardly police chief who immediately branded Floyd’s death “murder.”

• Judge Peter Cahill, who ruled out exculpatory evidence, refused defense requests to move the trial out of Minneapolis, where the baying mob could be heard inside the courtroom, and refused to sequester the jury.

• Jacob Frey, the soy boy surrender mayor who ordered the Third Precinct to sacrifice its police station to the mob.

• Keith Ellison, the Antifa-hugging attorney general who ran roughshod over the rule of law when he railroaded Chauvin and the three other police officers jailed with him, and lied that Trump supporters (whom he branded “white supremacists”) were to blame for the riots.

• Tim Walz, the Biden-loving governor who refused to deploy the National Guard and instead allowed arson, looting and mayhem to engulf Minneapolis for 13 days and spread to the rest of the country.

Frey, Ellison and Walz all won re-election. Arradondo retired early.None of them has been held to account. This insurrection of the incendiary left has been memory-holed.


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642774 No.108743

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949688 (202320ZNOV23) Notable: DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

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642774 No.108744

File: abefcd574e74d4b⋯.png (1.55 MB,1063x823,1063:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949692 (202320ZNOV23) Notable: Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for New Jan. 6 Inquiry

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Now There Is Proof: Video Series by InvestigateJ6

Shows Police and Govt. Agents Spray J6

Crowd with Rubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions,

Sound Grenades Without Warning!

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 11/20/2023 12:29:46 PM

You will want to bookmark this post for future reference. Recent footage released by InvestigateJ6 reveals police officers started firing on unsuspecting Trump supporters on January 6, 2021, without warning. The footage also reveals that DC police continued their fire on the protesters with rubber bullets, explosive munitions, and gas canisters. The Trump crowd that gathered on the west side of the US Capitol had no idea they were going to be fired on. There was NO WARNING.

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642774 No.108745

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949701 (202323ZNOV23) Notable: DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

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642774 No.108746

File: 50532fffa37b198⋯.png (1.31 MB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 91a9f1d15644e1c⋯.jpeg (86.22 KB,739x591,739:591,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b30c2eae0a9eeab⋯.jpeg (826.64 KB,828x1393,828:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9b39d38fefdc0fb⋯.png (352.31 KB,479x434,479:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949705 (202323ZNOV23) Notable: PF CONUS Activity

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PF CONUS Activity

F35LTNG over southern AZ and gettin’ wrung out as a coupla bursts over 650kts

Cap is 615kts which is about 707mph ground speed

RCH4164 C17 Globey NW-4 diggies means equipment for Potato/Flauxtus/Kneepads travel so this likely a drop off for something in next few days

SAM194 G5 inbound to JBA from Monterey Regional Airport,Ca

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642774 No.108747

File: 51ea003c7dc339b⋯.png (122.34 KB,591x904,591:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949712 (202324ZNOV23) Notable: @WhiteHouse: Vaccines offer the best protection against the worst of COVID-19, flu, and RSV

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The White House


Vaccines offer the best protection against the worst of COVID-19, flu, and RSV.

Schedule yours today at http://Vaccines.gov.

This Fall Get your updated COVID-19 vaccine, flu shot, and RSV immunizations. vaccines.gov

5:35 AM · Nov 19, 2023




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642774 No.108748

File: af07d3fb26d59af⋯.png (292.38 KB,497x593,497:593,Clipboard.png)

File: f04278af9f68f00⋯.mp4 (925.26 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949715 (202325ZNOV23) Notable: Nikki has another event starting soon…

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Nikki has another event starting soon...

Rick Wiley


Raymond, NH getting ready for ⁦@NikkiHaley tonight.

6:01 PM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949717 (202326ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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they are there

they are members only channels

usually are anyhow

late night and weekends they make it free to all


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642774 No.108750

File: 5bf73ebe8ceaf8f⋯.png (450.71 KB,738x616,369:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949722 (202327ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina’s ‘Outsider’ President-elect Tied to WEF?

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Argentina’s ‘Outsider’ President-elect Tied to WEF


Has WEF shifted tactics? Now they are infiltrating both parties?

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642774 No.108751

File: c1e21dd52b52f26⋯.png (104.91 KB,497x631,497:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949730 (202329ZNOV23) Notable: Nikki has another event starting soon…

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Caitlin Byrd


Inbox: Nikki Haley will bring her GOP presidential campaign back to South Carolina next week, holding a town hall in Bluffton. Originally, this was set to take place at a local brewery. Worth noting that this new location is a MUCH larger venue. #scpol #scnews #chsnews

12:07 PM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108752

File: 8f3347c55e7f532⋯.jpg (219.28 KB,720x1458,40:81,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949734 (202330ZNOV23) Notable: Ottawa doctor's wife's divorce court filing exposes trudeau's wife's affair since at least last spring 10/23

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Ottawa doctor's wife's divorce court filing exposes trudeau's wife's affair since at least last spring

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642774 No.108753

File: 142b7f8a10fbd4a⋯.png (760.84 KB,758x506,379:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949747 (202334ZNOV23) Notable: Employees grateful Andrew & Tristan Tate for generous donations to Palestinian children

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Andrew Tate Makes $1 Million Offer to Elon Musk

Nov 20, 2023 at 4:53 AM EST

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate has offered Elon Musk $1 million a month to advertise X, formerly known as Twitter.

Musk bought the social media platform in 2022 but has recently seen major advertisers jump ship after he wrote a post accusing Jewish people of pushing hatred and also faced criticism for allowing hate speech to flourish on X.

On Wednesday, the Tesla CEO replied with "the actual truth" to a post that read: "Jewish communties [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them." He was then accused by antisemitism watchdog the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for promoting "antisemitic theories" at "a time when antisemitism is exploding in America and surging around the world."

Major media companies such as Apple, Paramount Global, Disney, Lionsgate and Warner Bros. then pulled their advertising from X, as did technology corporation IBM.

But Tate, who had been previously banned from Twitter and other social media platforms, promised to stand by Musk.

"I will advertise X on X, I will literally promote your own platform on this platform. 1,000,000 USD a month. You dont [sic] need other advertisers. Simply let me know where to pay@elonmusk," he posted on X.

— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) November 19, 2023

Tate, a former professional kickboxer, rose to notoriety as a contestant on the U.K. version of reality TV show Big Brother in 2016 where he became infamous for his misogynistic comments. He was later removed from the show after a video recorded before he entered the house showed him hitting a woman, which he claimed was consensual.

He was reinstated to Twitter when Musk closed the sale of the platform in October last year.

Tate was arrested in December 2022 at his compound in Bucharest, Romania, on charges of human trafficking, rape and tampering with evidence. Romania's anti-organized-crime agency has accused Tate and his brother Tristan Tate of coercing six women into producing pornography through threatening "acts of physical violence and mental coercion." They were arrested along with two Romanian women, but all four have denied wrongdoing.

The brothers were released into house arrest after three months in jail, and later released from that but were ordered to stay in Bucharest unless given consent by a court to leave the area.

Prosecutors in Tate's trial also requested permission from the court to confiscate a number of physical assets which included 15 blocks of properties, 15 luxury cars, 14 luxury watches, and metal—it was not made clear what the metals were.

They also asked to confiscate shares held within four commercial companies, around $384,904,789 in cryptocurrency and ordered the defendants to pay the state's advance legal expenses of around 300,000 Lei ($66,047).


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642774 No.108754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949752 (202336ZNOV23) Notable: Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for New Jan. 6 Inquiry

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It was all set up to aid and abet Nancy Pelosi as SOTH, implementing an Emergency House Rule that once invoked, did away with all of the electoral objections and..................these objections could not be reintroduced. Congress reconveined later that night and certified the election. This fully explains why Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowwowser refused President Trump's offer of 10K NG troops to guard the Capital. Couldn't very well have an "insurection" with NG troops guarding the fucking place.

Nancy is just one of many involved in this operation.

Nancy Pelosi

Mitch McConnell

Mike Pence

Christopher Wray

Select CPD Officers

I'm sure there are more. They did not communicate with string and tin cups. NSA has it all.

Here is a great article from Sundance at CTH explaining the palimentary move Nancy pulled.


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642774 No.108755

File: efcb088727fbc75⋯.png (6.32 MB,5000x5000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949776 (202341ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Turkey Day Event: Liberty and Bell on the Clock

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Liberty and Bell on the Clock.

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642774 No.108756

File: 728fe70162a0c7c⋯.png (277.12 KB,320x455,64:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 594e0d206921c34⋯.png (1.11 MB,790x804,395:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949788 (202343ZNOV23) Notable: YAG-37 project was one of many innovative roles that Liberty ships played in assisting the Navy

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> YAG-37 project

"We took an old Liberty ship and filled the hull with Styrofoam so it wouldn’t sink. We got four spare engines, surplus jet [turboprop] engines off a Constellation airplane, mounted those engines on forty-millimeter rotating platforms, and drove the ship with these. We had four of them and could drive the ship at about eight knots. We named her DUMBO. They used up a lot of fuel. We took it down to Panama City and ran it through the minefields for pressure signatures. And it worked. It actually worked well enough that we got it into a shipbuilding program to actually build some, instead of this experimental platform. We were trying to find some way of sweeping pressure mines in particular ..."

"The four turboprop aircraft engines used in the conversion were Pratt & Whitney T34s taken off a Navy Lockheed R7V-2 Super Constellation transport aircraft. "


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642774 No.108757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949796 (202347ZNOV23) Notable: Appeals court panel appears critical of Trump gag order in D.C. case

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Appeals court panel appears critical of Trump gag order in D.C. case

The prosecution has suggested that public attacks from Trump could intimidate witnesses or invite retaliation against the prosecutors bringing the case.

Published: November 20, 2023 5:05pm

A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals hinted it may limit the scope of a gag order against former President Donald Trump by the judge overseeing his indictment on conspiracy charges related to his efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential election results.

Judge Tanya Chutkan issued the initial gag order as part of special counsel Jack Smith's ongoing case. Smith has charged Trump with conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government, threatening constitutional rights, conspiring to obstruct an official proceeding, and obstruction of an official proceeding. He has pleaded not guilty to all counts.

Chutkan's order barred Trump from attacking herself, court staff, the prosecution, and witnesses. The appeals court heard arguments over the order on Monday and the judges signaled some skepticism of the order's parameters.

Judge Patricia Millett, for instance,expressed concerns that the order would effectively prevent Trump from discussing a pertinent issueduring the 2024 presidential campaign.

"He has to speak 'Miss Manners' while everyone else is throwing targets at him?"she asked, according to Politico. "It would be really hard in a debate, when everyone else is going at you full bore. Your attorneys would have to have scripted little things you can say."

Judge Nina Pillard, meanwhile,suggested that the testimony of prominent government officials would likely "not be affected" by any public criticisms Trump made.

Trump's team has contended that the order constitutes an unconstitutional limitation of his First Amendment rights, writing in their request to the appeals court that "The prosecution’s request for a Gag Order bristles with hostility to President Trump’s viewpoint and his relentless criticism of the government—including of the prosecution itself."

"The Gag Order embodies this unconstitutional hostility to President Trump’s viewpoint. It should be immediately stayed," they wrote earlier this month. The prosecution, meanwhile, has suggested that public attacks from Trump could intimidate witnesses or invite retaliation against the prosecutors bringing the case.

While the justices expressed skepticism of the order,Millett hinted that the court may opt to limit its scope rather than eliminate it outright, saying the court needed to "use a careful scalpel here," per Politico.


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642774 No.108758

File: fc6dcdca881b9cf⋯.png (64.1 KB,1290x366,215:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949798 (202347ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

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New York City Faces Massive Budget Cuts, Bad Clot Shot Karma, US Submarine Dominance Is Ending, IDF Base Destroyed

On September 22nd, 1991, nine months before the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, a United Nations Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development was held in Des Moines, Iowa. A document from that hearing noted the pressing need to reduce the world’s population and laid out a quota in order to get the New World Order system rolled out.


WATCH: News Report List Of Covid Clot Shot Shills Who DIED After Getting Jabbed!


How Ruthless Censorship Hid The Covid Clot Shot Genocide


MODERNA ADMITS VAX CAUSES CANCER! Huge Development As Millions Die From Covid Injections!


Some Folks Are Taking Action To Destroy The Killer Cancer-Causing 5G Cell Towers


“There is a $120 million budget cut in New York that is going to affect schools, public libraries, and the police department. And a $5 million budget cut in sanitation,” she continued, warning, “Bitch, we're going to be drowning in fucking rats.”


And just like that, Democrats lost another key supporter.

Era of Total US Submarine Dominance Over China Ending


IDF Military Base Destroyed By Hezbollah Rocket Strike


Video on social media shows the Biranit army base near the Lebanon border reduced to rubble after the devastating rocket attack.

Neo-cons Push America Into Dangerous New Phase In Shadow War With Iran


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642774 No.108759

File: 9625fea678bad0b⋯.jpeg (864.39 KB,1125x1681,1125:1681,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949800 (202348ZNOV23) Notable: FakePOTUS on X Threads, folks

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642774 No.108760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949809 (202350ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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>>108710 PB PB PB

Gavin, et al, are emptying the streets.

Poppi Starr


So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in cali. However listen to this…


Part 2 in comments!!!!

Anons, just wanna share a story from 2009. That summer I took 4 or 5 train trips, one was from Houston TX to Los Angeles, CA. On this train was an outgoing man who panhandled from anyone and everyone and his story was that he had been a homeless person in NYC, and New York decided to get rid of homeless by offering them a train ticket to anywhere in US they wanted to go, and he was going to LA. So maybe they loaded the homeless on trains?

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642774 No.108761

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949827 (202353ZNOV23) Notable: Dem Rep. Goldman apologizes after calling for Trump to be 'eliminated'

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Dem Rep. Goldman apologizes after calling for Trump to be 'eliminated'

"It is just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy and he has to be eliminated," Goldman said.

Updated: November 20, 2023 6:35pm

Democratic New York Rep. Dan Goldman on Sunday suggested that former President Donald Trump constituted a threat to American democracy and ought not to be eligible to hold public office again. His choice of words, however, drew criticism for giving the appearance of condoning political violence, and prompted him to later clarify his position.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Inside with Jen Psaki," the lawmaker said that Trump's "rhetoric is really getting dangerous, more and more dangerous, and we saw what happened on Jan. 6, when he uses inflammatory rhetoric."

"It is just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy and he has to be eliminated," he continued.

Dan Goldman on Donald Trump: “It is just unquestionable at this point that he cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit. He is destructive to our democracy. He has to be eliminated.” pic.twitter.com/BRUWlpAd7z

— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) November 20, 2023

Goldman's choice of words, in particular the use of "eliminated," led conservatives to suggest that he ought to receive a visit from Secret Service for using a turn of phrase that could be construed as calling for Trump's assassination.

"In the least, Goldman should be investigated by the Secret Service for this threat," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton commented.

"If a Republican went on TV and said that a Democrat presidential candidate needed to be 'eliminated' they'd be raided by the FBI within hours. Donald Trump is facing half a millennia in prison for saying people should 'fight,'" TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk posted. "Instead, Dan Goldman alludes to the assassination of Donald Trump and does so with zero consequences and zero fear of any consequences."

Goldman later clarified that he intended Trump no harm.

"Yesterday on TV, I mistakenly used the wrong word to express the importance for America that Donald Trump doesn’t become President again. While he must be defeated, I certainly wish no harm to him and do not condone political violence. I apologize for the poor choice of words," he said on Monday.

(I bet the SS is going to visit him again.People that wish no harm, do not use hateful words all the time when they use Trump’s name. Was Musk's tweet on the Godfather referring to Goldman's comments?)


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642774 No.108762

File: 2aff6fd371449e3⋯.png (34.84 KB,894x263,894:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949833 (202354ZNOV23) Notable: Employees grateful Andrew & Tristan Tate for generous donations to Palestinian children

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Good for him, his Brother Tristan a Christian and Andrew a Muslim Both have been donating to Palestinian charities they trust. Who cares if hid dad was CIA Champion Chess player, from their works now and how they are attacked, they are Warriors for God and are helping influence a generation to step up and be competant strong men.

BUCHAREST, ROMANIA: Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan Tate have garnered a reputation as controversial figures on social media.

However, in a recent post on platform 'X', one of Andrew's employees expressed gratitude to both Andrew and Tristan for their generous donations to Palestinian children.

It's worth noting that Andrew and Tristan have faced significant criticism for their support of the Palestinian cause during the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Andrew Tate previously pledged $200,000 in assistance to Palestinian children.

Tate brothers' hefty donations back their pro-Palestine stance

Andrew and Tristan have consistently voiced their support for Palestinian children during the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Andrew, in particular, has not held back in his criticism of Israel, even going as far as accusing them of responsibility for the missile blast at the Gaza hospital, which tragically resulted in the deaths of hundreds

Tristan, on the other hand, has shown deep empathy for Palestinian children, regularly sharing their videos and drawing comparisons between Palestinian and Israeli children.

He has expressed his concern that, in his view, Israeli children will have a better future after the conflict, while Palestinian children will continue to suffer.


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642774 No.108763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949839 (202355ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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Can confirm that being a resident in/around SF for 30y

Definitely how a lot were taken out but it’s been an issue ever since they started giving out clean needles. That pretty much cemented that it was gonna be an issue for a long time

Hawaii (one way tickets were popular for a while)

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642774 No.108764

File: d777bd8c4610903⋯.png (52.9 KB,1326x429,34:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949841 (202356ZNOV23) Notable: Former editor of liberal news outlet charged with multiple counts of child pornography

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Former editor of liberal news outlet charged

with multiple counts of child pornography

Fox News, by Nikolas Lanum

Posted By: Hazymac, 11/20/2023 11:07:55 AM

A former editor for the left-leaning website The Recount has reportedly been charged with multiple counts of child pornography. According to Massachusetts authorities, 44-year-old Slade Sohmer has pleaded not guilty to two counts of possession of child pornography and two counts of dissemination of child pornography. Sohmer was arrested at his residence in Otis, Mass., on Friday, several weeks after law enforcement obtained a search warrant and confiscated his personal electronic devices. An investigation into Sohmer was started after authorities received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Authorities later traced the content in the lead to the IP address of Sohmer’s home internet.

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642774 No.108765

File: 4443b463768f735⋯.png (198.11 KB,1054x566,527:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949844 (202356ZNOV23) Notable: Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for New Jan. 6 Inquiry

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Looking over the official Congressional Record for Jan 6

Did we know Trump sent a letter to Congress?



Washington, DC, January 5, 2021.


Speaker, House of Representatives,

Washington, DC.

DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the

permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II

of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed

envelope received from the White House on

January 5, 2021 at 5:05 p.m., said to contain

a message from the President regarding additional steps addressing the threat posed by

applications and other software developed or

controlled by Chinese companies.

With best wishes, I am,




Clerk of the House.


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642774 No.108766

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949847 (202357ZNOV23) Notable: DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

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642774 No.108767

File: 467d488c0388d2e⋯.png (656.48 KB,816x790,408:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949852 (202358ZNOV23) Notable: ‘It Has Been Pretty Awful’: First State To Decriminalize Hard Drugs Looking To Reverse Liberal Experiment

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‘It Has Been Pretty Awful’: First

State To Decriminalize Hard Drugs Looking

To Reverse Liberal Experiment

Daily Caller, by Dana Abizaid

Posted By: Beardo, 11/20/2023 10:55:27 AM

Officials in Oregon are considering reversing key provisions of a 2021 liberal experiment to decriminalize heroin and fentanyl, The Telegraph reported. The rationale behind the original initiative, called Measure 110, was that decriminalizing hard drugs would make access to treatment easier for addicts, according to The Telegraph. Currently, support for Measure 110 in Oregon, the first state to take the step of decriminalizing hard drugs, appears to be waning, according to the outlet. Whereas Measure 110 was backed by 58 percent of voters in November 2020, a recent Emerson College poll revealed that public opinion has swung drastically, with 56 percent of voters now saying they would back a repeal,

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642774 No.108768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949863 (210000ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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1. Local question from Sacto...Is there still a place to light bon fire on the beach with drift wood anon? or they got it all a fuckin no go zone now?

Highway 1 anywhere or all fucked now?

2. From the Trenches World Report was talking about missing homeless several years back. Same weird shit, they just DISAPPEAR.

it truly is hard to say if they got a ticket and a burger king double chicken sandwich or not..

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642774 No.108769

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949875 (210003ZNOV23) Notable: DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

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The renowned Mixed Martial Artist Eddie Bravo invites Dr. Andrew Kaufman to Look Into the truth about “viruses.” Dr. Andy helps Eddie to span the gamut of the lies and deception that humanity has been exposed to for a great many years, and to entertain the most basic question “Do Viruses even exist?” Well if you know Dr. Andy, you’re definitely about to look into it.

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642774 No.108770

File: bf25b0b570f6b4c⋯.png (945.87 KB,786x1056,131:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949880 (210004ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Turkey Day Event: Liberty and Bell on the Clock

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Biden pardons Thanksgiving turkeys Liberty and Bell


The president added: 'This is the 76th anniversary of this event. I want you to know I wasn't there...'

When presented with one of the turkeys to pardon he said: 'That's a big bird man. I'm impressed. I hereby pardon, liberty and Bell. Congratulations birds.'

Biden said he wanted to 'conclude on a serious note about why we have Thanksgiving in the first place'.

He said it was 'to remind ourselves, and we sometimes forget this, how we have so much to be thankful for as a nation.

'Let's remind ourselves that we're blessed to live in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth.' ...

Joe Biden mixed up Taylor Swift and Britney Spears as he went off script while pardoning two turkeys at the White House. The president, who is celebrating his 81st birthday today, also joked about his age, saying he was really only turning 60. He undertook the traditional presidential duty of pardoning turkeys for Thanksgiving, this year sparing a pair named Liberty and Bell. His grandson Beau (bottom right), Hunter's son, also met the pair of turkeys as the White House got into the holiday spirit.


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642774 No.108771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949887 (210006ZNOV23) Notable: IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari Speaks on Hostage Rescue Efforts

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IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari Speaks on Hostage Rescue Efforts

Israel Defense Forces


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642774 No.108772

File: 25d31b8568c9acb⋯.png (108.75 KB,625x648,625:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949888 (210006ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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did they disappear the homeless?

>>108710 PB


Newsome did a photo shoot after cleaning up the homeless in CA before Xi visited on his way to the fake White House

>>>/qresearch/19926880 pb

article 11/16/2023 image related

Could Gavin have shipped the homeless back to China with Xi?

Gavin Newsom Ignores Intelligence Warnings, Strengthens Ties With CCP-Linked Climate Group

California governor Gavin Newsom made headlines when, after returning from climate change talks in China, he rushed a cleanup of San Francisco in advance of Chinese president Xi Jinping’s stateside visit. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg on the emerging climate partnership between Sacramento and Beijing.

The hub of that relationship is the California-China Climate Institute at the University of California, Berkeley. Founded in 2019 by former California Gov. Jerry Brown (D.), the California-China Climate Institute partners with several Chinese Communist Party front groups to foster climate collaboration between California and China. Brown leads the group, which helped organize Newsom’s October junket, alongside Xie Zhenhua, China’s special representative for climate change affairs. Newsom formalized the institute’s status as a state-sponsored group in 2021 when he signed a law requiring it to work with Chinese institutions to train California government leaders on climate issues.

The California-China Climate Institute’s partners include Tsinghua University, which the Australian Strategic Policy Institute deemed a "very high risk" institution for its alleged role in supporting cyberattacks, including a 2018 attempt to hack American energy companies and the government of Alaska.

The institute also collaborates with the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, a group Beijing uses to "malignly influence state and local leaders" to advance China’s "global agenda," the State Department warned in 2020. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence also issued reports in February 2023 and July 2022 saying that China is focusing its influence operations at the state and local level because Beijing believes local officials "are more pliable than their federal counterparts."

California has proved a breeding ground for sympathetic progressive politicians willing to cozy up to China. The Chinese People’s Association, which worked with the California-China Climate Institute to organize Newsom’s trip, praised California for facilitating "close personnel exchanges and fruitful cooperation" with China and serving at the "forefront" of U.S.-China relations.

"California is a known hub of CCP influence operations. It’s a place with a large mainland population and is the center of our innovation in Silicon Valley," said Mary Kissel, a national security expert who served as an adviser to former secretary of state Mike Pompeo. "It’s a tried and true strategy of the CCP, if they are not getting what they want on a federal level," they’ll cultivate advocates and business opportunities at the state level, Kissel told the Washington Free Beacon.

Anders Corr, an intelligence analyst and the publisher of the Journal of Political Risk, said Newsom was foolish to fall into China’s climate trap.


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642774 No.108773

File: f347f7d02df6c0b⋯.png (519.25 KB,634x433,634:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 78c385584e86fa9⋯.png (672.71 KB,634x440,317:220,Clipboard.png)

File: 8005b8d0d0337f4⋯.png (519.25 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: d86f668bbe559a7⋯.png (609.9 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949897 (210007ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Turkey Day Event: Liberty and Bell on the Clock

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1) 'That's a big bird man!' - Joe Biden pardons a turkey at the White House

2) National Thanksgiving turkeys Liberty and Bell wait to be pardoned

3) Biden joked about his age, saying he was really only 60

4) The president's grandson Beau played with the turkeys

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642774 No.108774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949906 (210008ZNOV23) Notable: Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for New Jan. 6 Inquiry

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>You witnessed an insurrection on January 6th 2021, but it wasn’t by Trump supporters. It was by establishment politicians, elements within the intelligence community, and State-controlled MSM outlets, who coordinated to generate, escalate, and exaggerate the situation in order to avoid electors airing their objections, in order to certify a stolen election. You witnessed treason and war waged on the American People.

It's amazing what we witnessed:

§253. Interference with State and Federal law

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

§254. Proclamation to disperse

Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

(You) have to go home now:


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642774 No.108775

File: d13711449644b46⋯.png (217.25 KB,403x743,403:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949915 (210010ZNOV23) Notable: Dem Rep. Goldman apologizes after calling for Trump to be 'eliminated'

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I'd say Dan Goldman's threats fit this description:

363802-Dec-2019 12:50:31 PM Q

18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government.

Whoever knowingly or willfullyadvocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons whoteach, advocate, or encouragethe overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

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642774 No.108776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949939 (210013ZNOV23) Notable: DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

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The Pseudoscience Of Virology: Tyranny-Enabling SARS-CoV-2 Claims Don't Meet ANY Standard Of Proof


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642774 No.108777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949940 (210013ZNOV23) Notable: SF mayor London Breed, her husband Lawrence Lui, his father Lui Chee Woo, CCP, etc…

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"The Connection Between SF and China | It All Makes Sense"

SF mayor London Breed, her husband Lawrence Lui, his father Lui Chee Woo, CCP, etc...

John Williams

12 minutes


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642774 No.108778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949957 (210016ZNOV23) Notable: SF mayor London Breed, her husband Lawrence Lui, his father Lui Chee Woo, CCP, etc…

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>SF mayor London Breed, her husband Lawrence Lui, his father Lui Chee Woo






Lui Che Woo was born on 9th August 1929 in Jiangmen, China. He is an 87 year old businessman who is the Chairman and owner of Galaxy Entertainment Group.He is the second richest man in Asia.

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642774 No.108779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949961 (210017ZNOV23) Notable: 81st Birthday Poll: Voters Doubt Joe Biden’s Fitness for Office

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81st Birthday Poll: Voters Doubt Joe Biden’s Fitness for Office

Most voters have doubts about President Joe Biden’s fitness for office and believe he is exhibiting signs he is too old to be president, according to a Harvard-Harris poll published on Monday — Biden’s 81st birthday.

The poll asked 2,851 registered voters from across the country, “Is Joe Biden mentally fit to serve as President of the United States or do you have doubts about his fitness for office?”

Of the respondents, 42 percent believe Biden “is mentally fit” for office, while 58 percent “have doubts about his fitness.” While the majority of Democrat poll participants, 71 percent, say he is mentally fit to serve, 81 percent of Republican respondents and 69 percent of third-party and unaffiliated voters have concerns about Biden’s fitness.

Voters were also asked if they think Biden “is showing he is too old to be President or” if they “think he is showing he is fit to be president.”

Two in three voters say that Biden has shown he is too old to be president, while one in three say the opposite. The vast majority of GOP voters (89 percent) and independents (72 percent) say he is exhibiting signs he is too old for office. However, a majority — 63 percent — of Democrats say he has shown he is fit for office, while 37 percent of the demographic express concerns about his age.


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642774 No.108780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949965 (210018ZNOV23) Notable: IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari Speaks on Hostage Rescue Efforts

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>The report cites examples from Israeli media where Israeli forces attacked their own civilians and soldiers to defeat the attacking Hamas fighters, in accordance with what is known as the “Hannibal Directive.”



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642774 No.108781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949982 (210021ZNOV23) Notable: DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

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Virology's Treachery: A History Of Fraud & Fallacy To Push/ Force POISONS, Lockdowns & Surveillance

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642774 No.108782

File: 183f902ec9c33eb⋯.jpg (306.03 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f2ad6a1ffa5b7e4⋯.jpg (59.77 KB,800x532,200:133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949996 (210024ZNOV23) Notable: SF mayor London Breed, her husband Lawrence Lui, his father Lui Chee Woo, CCP, etc…

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>SF mayor London Breed, her husband Lawrence Lui

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642774 No.108783

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950000 (210025ZNOV23) Notable: DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

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642774 No.108784

File: 7fe44b396ae32d5⋯.png (1.68 MB,981x1817,981:1817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950007 (210026ZNOV23) Notable: Federal appeals court deals a blow to Voting Rights Act, ruling that private plaintiffs can’t sue

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Federal appeals court deals a blow to Voting Rights Act, ruling that private plaintiffs can’t sue

WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided federal appeals court on Monday ruled that private individuals and groups such as the NAACP do not have the ability to sue under a key section of the federal Voting Rights Act, a decision that contradicts decades of precedent and could further erode protections under the landmark 1965 law.

The 2-1 decision by a panel of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals based in St. Louis found that only the U.S. attorney general can enforce Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which requires political maps to include districts where minority populations’ preferred candidates can win elections.

The majority said other federal laws, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act, make it clear when private groups can sue but said similar wording is not found in the voting law.

“When those details are missing, it is not our place to fill in the gaps, except when ‘text and structure’ require it,” U.S. Circuit Judge David R. Stras wrote for the majority in an opinion joined by Judge Raymond W. Gruender. Stras was nominated by former President Donald Trump and Gruender by former President George W. Bush.

The decision affirmed a lower judge’s decision to dismiss a case brought by the Arkansas State Conference NAACP and the Arkansas Public Policy Panel after giving U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland five days to join the lawsuit.

Chief Judge Lavenski R. Smith noted in a dissenting opinion that federal courts across the country and the U.S. Supreme Court have considered numerous cases brought by private plaintiffs under Section 2. Smith said the court should follow “existing precedent that permits a judicial remedy” unless the Supreme Court or Congress decides differently.

“Rights so foundational to self-government and citizenship should not depend solely on the discretion or availability of the government’s agents for protection,” wrote Smith, another appointee of George W. Bush.

Sophia Lin Lakin, director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, called the ruling a “travesty for democracy.” She had argued the appeal on behalf of the two Arkansas groups.

“By failing to reverse the district court’s radical decision, the Eighth Circuit has put the Voting Rights Act in jeopardy, tossing aside critical protections that voters fought and died for,” Lakin said in a statement.

It was not immediately clear whether the groups would appeal. A statement from the ACLU said they are exploring their options.

Barry Jefferson, political action chair of the Arkansas State Conference of the NAACP, called the ruling “a devastating blow to the civil rights of every American, and the integrity of our nation’s electoral system.”

The state NAACP chapter and the public policy group had challenged new Arkansas state House districts as diluting the influence of Black voters. The state’s redistricting plan created 11 majority-Black districts, which the groups argued was too few. They said the state could have drawn 16 majority-Black districts to more closely mirror the state’s demographics.

U.S. District Judge Lee Rudofsky noted there was “a strong merits case that at least some of the challenged districts” in the lawsuit violate the federal Voting Rights Act but said he could not rule after concluding a challenge could only be brought by the U.S. attorney general.

The Justice Department filed a “statement of interest” in the case saying private parties can file lawsuits to enforce the Voting Rights Act but declined to comment on the ruling.

Monday’s ruling applies only to federal courts covered by the 8th Circuit, which includes Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. Meanwhile, several pending lawsuits by private groups challenge various political maps drawn by legislators across the country.

It’s likely the case eventually will make it to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the issue was raised in a 2021 opinion by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

“I join the court’s opinion in full, but flag one thing it does not decide,” Gorsuch wrote at the time, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas. “Our cases have assumed — without deciding — that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 furnishes an implied cause of action under section 2.”

Gorsuch wrote that there was no need in that case for the justices to consider who may sue. But Gorsuch and Thomas were among the dissenters in June when the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in another Voting Rights Act case in favor of Black voters in Alabama who objected to the state’s congressional districts.

The Gorsuch and Thomas opinion was referenced less than two weeks ago in another federal court decision that came to the opposite conclusion of Monday’s ruling by the St. Louis-based court.

1 of 2

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642774 No.108785

File: 9f0389028d8094f⋯.png (383.4 KB,1019x1280,1019:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950035 (210030ZNOV23) Notable: X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI

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642774 No.108786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950045 (210031ZNOV23) Notable: Federal appeals court deals a blow to Voting Rights Act, ruling that private plaintiffs can’t sue

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>Federal appeals court deals a blow to Voting Rights Act, ruling that private plaintiffs can’t sue

2 of 2

On Nov. 10, three judges on the conservative-dominated 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans rejected arguments that there is no private right to sue under the Voting Rights Act. In a Louisiana congressional redistricting case, the panel said the U.S. Supreme Court so far has upheld the right of private litigants to bring lawsuits alleging violations of Section 2, as have other circuit appellate courts.

Fifth Circuit Judge Leslie Southwick, a nominee of George W. Bush, pointed to separate cases from 1999 and 2020 that reaffirmed that right.

Election law experts say most challenges seeking to enforce Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act are brought by private plaintiffs and that the Justice Department has limited resources to pursue such cases. Some voting rights experts also noted the apparent contradiction in the Alabama case decided by the Supreme Court last June and Monday’s ruling by the appellate court.

“It doesn’t seem to make sense,” said Jon Greenbaum, chief counsel for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. “If the laws were that private parties couldn’t bring these cases, then the Alabama case would have never even gotten off the ground.”

Lawsuits under Section 2 have long been used to try to ensure that Black voters have adequate political representation in places with a long history of racism, including many Southern states. Racial gerrymandering has been used in drawing legislative and congressional districts to pack Black voters into a small number of districts or spread them out so their votes are diluted. If only the U.S. attorney general is able to file such cases, it could sharply limit their number and make challenges largely dependent on partisan politics.

It’s unlikely Congress will be willing to act. Republicans have blocked recent efforts to restore protections in the Voting Rights Act that were tossed out by the U.S. Supreme Court a decade ago. In the 2013 Shelby v. Holder decision, justices dismantled an enforcement mechanism known as preclearance, which allowed for federal review of proposed election-related changes before they could take effect in certain states and communities with a history of discrimination.

In a statement, the Congressional Black Caucus noted that private individuals and civil rights groups have been successful in giving Black voters better representation through recent challenges to congressional maps drawn by Republican lawmakers in Alabama, Louisiana and Florida.

“This decision by the appellate court is ill-advised, cannot stand, and should be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which we hope will reaffirm that citizens have a private right of action to bring forward lawsuits under Section 2,” the group said.


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642774 No.108787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950046 (210031ZNOV23) Notable: X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI

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642774 No.108788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950105 (210041ZNOV23) Notable: X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI

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WHEREFORE, Plaintiff X Corp. prays for judgment in its favor and the following relief:

1. Actual and consequential damages caused by Defendants’ misconduct, including

but not limited to all general and special damages;

2. A preliminary and permanent injunction ordering Defendants to immediately

delete, take down, or otherwise remove the article entitled “As Musk Endorses Antisemitic

Conspiracy Theory, X Has Been Placing Ads for Apple, Bravo, IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity Next to

Pro-Nazi Content From Its Web” from all websites and social media accounts owned, controlled,

or operated, directly or indirectly, by Defendants;

3. X Corp.’s costs and attorneys’ fees to litigate this action; and

4. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.

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642774 No.108789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950111 (210042ZNOV23) Notable: X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI

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Jordan Sather




Here's the lawsuit by Elon against Media Matters



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642774 No.108790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950122 (210043ZNOV23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for new Jan. 6 Committee to investigate Dem panel

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for new Jan. 6 Committee to investigate Dem panel


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642774 No.108791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950160 (210049ZNOV23) Notable: So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

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How is this?


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642774 No.108792

File: dabb0393f8921e4⋯.png (25.23 KB,391x256,391:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bffd2a4ae5e0a7⋯.png (101.64 KB,850x540,85:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950256 (210103ZNOV23) Notable: X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI

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Anon thought Elon said he was going after the dark money funding media matters...

Lawsuit only names MM, and the author.

There's no specific amount in damages Elon is asking for.

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642774 No.108793

File: 2f1de21bb67e53f⋯.jpeg (523.86 KB,828x1183,828:1183,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950263 (210104ZNOV23) Notable: Large military aircraft floating in Kaneohe Bay waters following apparent runway incident

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Large military aircraft floating in Kaneohe Bay waters following apparent runway incident

A military aircraft ended up in the waters of Kaneohe Bay on Monday afternoon following an apparent runway incident.

The incident happened about 2 p.m. and the large plane could be floating in the water.

Sources told HNN that the aircraft had nine people on board and all of them made it to shore.

Injuries were reported to be minor, but that could not be independently confirmed.

The plane involved appears to be a Boeing P8 Poseidon, which is described as a military surveillance and patrol aircraft.


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642774 No.108794

File: 0adc1976e540322⋯.mp4 (13.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950318 (210112ZNOV23) Notable: #24493

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Fixed link


#24493 >>108714

>>108715 Poles Poles and Hairy unimpressed Moles

>>108716 Military members in TX helping invaders cross the border? (video)

>>108717 After 5 yrs Britain sends plane-mutiny rapist back to Somalia… w/ plush hotel, guards, therapy you paid for

>>108718, >>108720, >>108727, >>108740, >>108749, >>108725, >>108772, >>108760, >>108763, >>108768, >>108791


>>108719 Triple-threat flight operations?? The Boxer Amphibious Ready Group

>>108721 Released: New Episode on Ray Epps 'Fed-Surrection Part 3

>>108722, >>108756 YAG-37 project was one of many innovative roles that Liberty ships played in assisting the Navy

>>108723 Elon posts at 5:04>post 504= WE ARE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THIS BOARD. LEARN OUR COMMS

>>108724 QPost 24: RE (PB) ANOTHER DEM RETIREMENT: California Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas Will Not Seek Reelection

>>108726 DHS Chief Mayorkas Warns Agents Not to Misgender Border Crossers, but Ask Their Preferred Pronouns

>>108728 WaPo Reporter Who Questions Validity of Hunter's Laptop Was Recently Awarded for Using It As a Resource

>>108729, >>108741, >>108774, >>108744, >>108754, >>108765 Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for New Jan. 6 Inquiry

>>108730 Trump just released letter from his DR revealing he’s in excellent condition and recently lost weight

>>108731 @IAPolls2022: Both Nikki & Ron coming in at 17 a piece…

>>108732, >>108735, >>108755, >>108770, >>108773 Biden Turkey Day Event: Liberty and Bell on the Clock

>>108733 Didn’t allow a “USA Day” because it’s “too politicizeF” Yet this same district celebrates pride month

>>108734 Federal court deals devastating blow to Voting Rights Act

>>108736 IDF Releases Video Showing Hamas Tunnel under Gaza Hospital?

>>108737, >>108742, >>108739 New film gives reel truth in the face of George Floyd lies

>>108738 I look at both sides for the real truth this is an interesting social experiment

>>108743, >>108745, >>108766, >>108769, >>108776, >>108781, >>108783 DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

>>108746 PF CONUS Activity

>>108747 @WhiteHouse: Vaccines offer the best protection against the worst of COVID-19, flu, and RSV

>>108748, >>108751 Nikki has another event starting soon…

>>108750 Argentina’s ‘Outsider’ President-elect Tied to WEF?

>>108752 Ottawa doctor's wife's divorce court filing exposes trudeau's wife's affair since at least last spring 10/23

>>108757 Appeals court panel appears critical of Trump gag order in D.C. case

>>108758 End Times News

>>108759 FakePOTUS on X Threads, folks

>>108761, >>108775 Dem Rep. Goldman apologizes after calling for Trump to be 'eliminated'

>>108762, >>108753 Employees grateful Andrew & Tristan Tate for generous donations to Palestinian children

>>108764 Former editor of liberal news outlet charged with multiple counts of child pornography

>>108767 ‘It Has Been Pretty Awful’: First State To Decriminalize Hard Drugs Looking To Reverse Liberal Experiment

>>108771, >>108780 IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari Speaks on Hostage Rescue Efforts

>>108777, >>108778, >>108782 SF mayor London Breed, her husband Lawrence Lui, his father Lui Chee Woo, CCP, etc…

>>108779 81st Birthday Poll: Voters Doubt Joe Biden’s Fitness for Office

>>108784, >>108786 Federal appeals court deals a blow to Voting Rights Act, ruling that private plaintiffs can’t sue

>>108785, >>108787, >>108788, >>108789, >>108792 X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI

>>108790 Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for new Jan. 6 Committee to investigate Dem panel

>>108793 Large military aircraft floating in Kaneohe Bay waters following apparent runway incident


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642774 No.108795

File: 05c2c1446c373a0⋯.png (2.49 MB,1442x1438,721:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950333 (210114ZNOV23) Notable: #24494

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Thank you anons

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642774 No.108796

File: b4b77aa4245fdb2⋯.png (156.84 KB,1137x903,379:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950362 (210119ZNOV23) Notable: Ken Paxton opens investigation into Media Matters

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Tough crowd tonite.kek

Ken Paxton opens investigation into Media Matters



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642774 No.108797

File: ac2f91355bc54a7⋯.png (51.45 KB,587x364,587:364,Clipboard.png)

File: 44c825304cad02a⋯.png (96.01 KB,712x588,178:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950365 (210119ZNOV23) Notable: Truth Social filed defamation lawsuit likely unprecedented, incorp. twenty publications + moar?

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Truth Social


Today Truth Social filed a defamation lawsuit that is likely unprecedented in history, incorporating twenty publications—and even more may be added. All of them published the same false information about Truth Social and refused to fully retract their stories.

To the Fake News outlets that think themselves above accountability: we’ll see you in court.

Nov 20, 2023, 8:05 PM


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642774 No.108798

File: a7cfd74153b7564⋯.png (817.72 KB,987x832,987:832,Clipboard.png)

File: de824f119e16bf6⋯.png (331.14 KB,1853x933,1853:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950373 (210120ZNOV23) Notable: Ken Paxton opens investigation into Media Matters

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re: bread title

first Elon sues Media Matters then hour later Texas AG Paxton opens an investigation on them



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642774 No.108799

File: 74d04a1c42f0e8d⋯.png (696.38 KB,880x495,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950375 (210121ZNOV23) Notable: Issue w/Berrien County’s dispatch technology, misidentification crossing, led to derailment 11/16

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"BERRIEN COUNTY, Mich. - An issue with Berrien County’s dispatch technology and the misidentification of a crossing ultimately led to the derailment of an Amtrak train in New Buffalo Township on November 16, according to the Berrien County Public Safety Communication Center.

According to the investigation, the dispatch center was having technical issues with its computer aided dispatch system and wasn’t able to input intersection cross streets to find specific locations on its map.

Around 9:30 p.m., the dispatch center was called twice about a stranded vehicle on a set of tracks in New Buffalo Township.

The dispatch center used a nearby business to pinpoint the stranded vehicle’s location but got the location wrong. They then told CSX, which operates the tracks at that location, the wrong crossing.

The technology issue has since been resolved, according to the county.

Berrien County officials said they’re reviewing its 911 emergency dispatch protocols to prevent something like this from happening again.

The county wants to change protocols related to computer and software updates, communication protocols with railroads and make a more user-friendly railroad crossing resource guide for dispatchers.

The incident is still under investigation."

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642774 No.108800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950384 (210122ZNOV23) Notable: Issue w/Berrien County’s dispatch technology, misidentification crossing, led to derailment 11/16

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Train out of Ann Arbor, en route to Chicago.

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642774 No.108801

File: cf20d8422e6ef79⋯.png (335.05 KB,639x862,639:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950397 (210125ZNOV23) Notable: Ken Paxton opens investigation into Media Matters

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642774 No.108802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950401 (210126ZNOV23) Notable: Texas AG sues Pfizer over quality-control lapses in kids' ADHD drug

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Texas AG sues Pfizer over quality-control lapses in kids' ADHD drug

Nov 20th, 18:40:13

By Brendan Pierson

(Reuters via PiQSuite.com) - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton accused Pfizer and its supplier Tris Pharma of providing children's ADHD medicine that it knew might be ineffective to the state's Medicaid insurance program for low-income people, in a lawsuit unsealed on Monday.

The lawsuit, filed in Harrison County, Texas District Court, alleges that Pfizer and Tris manipulated quality-control testing for the drug Quillivant XR in order to obtain passing results from tests it was required to perform under federal law between 2012 and 2018. Properly done tests frequently showed that the drug failed to dissolve as it was supposed to, a sign that it would not be released in the body as expected, the lawsuit said.


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642774 No.108803

File: 100ef8615c48455⋯.jpg (138.37 KB,1200x766,600:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950402 (210125ZNOV23) Notable: Ken Paxton opens investigation into Media Matters

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>>108785 (lb)

>>108787 (lb)

>>108788 (lb)

>>108789 (lb)

>>108792 (lb)

>>108600 (pb)

>>108698 (pb)

>>108700 (pb)

>Media Matters

DEEP pocket GANGSTERS, of the Rothschild variety

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642774 No.108804

File: 561dbbfad9b4d74⋯.jpg (20.55 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950435 (210130ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. military plane, (Boeing P-8 Poseidon?), overshot runway splashed into Bay HI

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JUST IN - Large U.S. military plane, potentially a Boeing P-8 Poseidon, overshot a runway and splashed into a bay in Hawaii.

8:03 PM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950468 (210133ZNOV23) Notable: BROOKHAVEN, MS! Take cover immediately! Supercell with #tornado potential is approaching!

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BROOKHAVEN, MS! Take cover immediately! Supercell with #tornado potential is approaching!

8:31 PM · Nov 20, 2023


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642774 No.108806

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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