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File: 9c72a29af147b4b⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, notables.jpg)

File: 7402baba54f7d9b⋯.png (430.04 KB, 772x514, 386:257, tactical_pepe.png)

63f49e  No.67380[Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General threads on /qresearch/.



This is the 7th thread (based on /qresearch/ notable thread numbering).

Thread is organized oldest to newest notables, scroll to the bottom or click the "go to bottom" link at the top of the page to find the newest buns

Cross-posted here on /qrb/

Breads will be archived when they reach 751 posts using wayback machine.

All files attached to notable posts will get archived individually using wayback machine as well.

All PDFs/MP4s/WEBMs/high resolution pics are archived individually in any case.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67393

Previous threads:

#2 >>>/qresearch/11716200




#3 >>>/qresearch/12264580




#4 >>>/qresearch/12765115




#5 >>>/qresearch/13165545




#6 >>>/qresearch/13320392




#7 >>>/qresearch/13685931



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67394

File: 3bf95b575fb3c94⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1565278479302.jpg)

Reposting last few days...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67397

File: 739a643802f4cd7⋯.gif (5.88 MB, 600x336, 25:14, 13989853_q_research_genera….gif)


>>>/qresearch/13989853 Q Research General #17706: PRE-RALLY HYPE TRAIN Edition




>>>/qresearch/13989889, >>>/qresearch/13989904, >>>/qresearch/13989999 5 months ago the FBI buried this… Member Dis?

>>>/qresearch/13989901 17 arrested for alleged child sex trafficking

>>>/qresearch/13989915, >>>/qresearch/13990137 Baker Change

>>>/qresearch/13989922, >>>/qresearch/13989938, >>>/qresearch/13990327, >>>/qresearch/13990468, >>>/qresearch/13990551 COVID BullShit

>>>/qresearch/13989930 Merrick Garland Good and Fully Jumps the Shark With Admission on DOJ Targeting Red States

>>>/qresearch/13989937, >>>/qresearch/13989974, >>>/qresearch/13990242, >>>/qresearch/13990610, >>>/qresearch/13990835 "Interesting twitter thread posted end of last bread, that goes along with deadman switch notables from last bread." info = [Their] 9-11?

>>>/qresearch/13989967, >>>/qresearch/13989989, >>>/qresearch/13990138, >>>/qresearch/13990209, >>>/qresearch/13990406, >>>/qresearch/13990449, >>>/qresearch/13990654 POTUS: Really big crowd in Wellington, Ohio. See you in a little while!

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=-l561c_BR-w - President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Wellington, OH - 6/26/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13989979 114 degrees forecast in Portland as 'life-threatening' heat looms

>>>/qresearch/13989994 America Needs to Update the National Airport Security Program and System

>>>/qresearch/13990035, >>>/qresearch/13990101 , October Trump tweet misspelling correlates with tonight's rally location?

>>>/qresearch/13990056, >>>/qresearch/13990825 Johnson & Johnson settles opioid case in New York, will pay up to $230 million and stop selling deadly drugs in US

>>>/qresearch/13990060, >>>/qresearch/13990623 Mike Pompeo: Everyone, not only conservatives, should be concerned with Big Tech’s attacks on our freedom of speech. If they can silence the President of the United States, they can silence you.

>>>/qresearch/13990065 Cadet 1 of 2 killed in small plane crash near Fort Worth

>>>/qresearch/13990170, >>>/qresearch/13990763 ,FFPolice have confirmed a possible mass casualty event in Winthrop, Massachusetts, just north of Boston.

>>>/qresearch/13990219 Looks like Trump opened a verified account on the YouTube competitor and video platform @rumblevideo today.

>>>/qresearch/13990297, >>>/qresearch/13990317, >>>/qresearch/13990334, >>>/qresearch/13990404, >>>/qresearch/13990437, >>>/qresearch/13990666, >>>/qresearch/13990668, >>>/qresearch/13990673, >>>/qresearch/13990675 M.Obama - Congratulations to my friend, @ConanOBrien, on an incredible run. Thank you for bringing light and laughter into our homes for over 28 years—we’re all a little better off because of it. So excited to see where your next chapter takes you. + B.Obama COMMSThunderbolt

>>>/qresearch/13990312 Former president of Caltech thinks SARS CoV2 may be artificial.

>>>/qresearch/13990326, >>>/qresearch/13990457 Major General WILLIAM J. WALKER Commanding General, District of Columbia National Guard set up the january 6th inssurection of ANTIFA and other paramilitary groups.

>>>/qresearch/13990513 Suez Canal blocker Evergiven finally underway again after 150 million settlement

>>>/qresearch/13990634 US Marshals Nab Pair Of NJ Sex Offenders Together In PA, Prosecutor Says

>>>/qresearch/13990643 Are there social media accounts with inside access to the Trump camp?

>>>/qresearch/13990689 Reports: Biden Subjecting Migrant Youth to Rampant Disease, Sexual Abuse at Shelters

>>>/qresearch/13990693, >>>/qresearch/13990709 OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT HERE WE GO HERE WE GO BALLOT COUNT ANNOUNCED MONDAY

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67398


>>>/qresearch/13990839 European authorities have discovered a new lead in the disappearance of British toddler Madeleine McCann — a secret compound linked to the prime suspect.

>>>/qresearch/13990854 Dan, Infrared "The Laser" Man: We have some great news! Head on over to @RumbleVideo and subscribe to 45’s new page — where he will be LIVE at 7:00pmE tonight in Wellington, Ohio! #MAGA🇺🇸🦅

>>>/qresearch/13990882 #17706

(26 notables)

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63f49e  No.67399

File: b2da733d3519ccd⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1142x786, 571:393, 13990946_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13990946 Q Research General #17707: Contingency Plan Activated Edition




>>>/qresearch/13990976, >>>/qresearch/13991657 ‘Deep Fire’ Slowing Rescue Effort at Collapsed Florida Condo (NTD, Condo, Collapse, Florida)

>>>/qresearch/13990993, >>>/qresearch/13990998, >>>/qresearch/13991111 FDA Adds Warning About Myocarditis, Pericarditis Heart Inflammation To Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines.. 'You Were Wrong About A Lot Of Sh*t': + COVID Shit

>>>/qresearch/13990997 WWG1WGA

>>>/qresearch/13991000, >>>/qresearch/13991519, >>>/qresearch/13991562, >>>/qresearch/13991724, >>>/qresearch/13991727 RSBN Stream. Check Rumble, Count Watch??

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=-l561c_BR-w - President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Wellington, OH - 6/26/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13991002 A.I. Trump Supporter Surveillance

>>>/qresearch/13991006 Sydney man arrested in connection to $64M drug bust

>>>/qresearch/13991017 ARMY: Special Forces = Role Models...Lightning.

>>>/qresearch/13991030, >>>/qresearch/13991106, >>>/qresearch/13991120, >>>/qresearch/13991138, >>>/qresearch/13991174, >>>/qresearch/13991183, >>>/qresearch/13991222, >>>/qresearch/13991514 McAfee Digz SETH RICH?

>>>/qresearch/13991073, >>>/qresearch/13991092, >>>/qresearch/13991113, >>>/qresearch/13991247, >>>/qresearch/13991330, >>>/qresearch/13991462, >>>/qresearch/13991468 Muh Conspiracy...

>>>/qresearch/13991082 Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket launched from Plesetsk space center — Defense Ministry

>>>/qresearch/13991108 Black Sea Fleet forces are monitoring the operations of the US guided missile destroyer USS Ross, which entered the Black Sea on Saturday, the National Center for Defense Management of the Russian Federation told reporters

>>>/qresearch/13991132 "Enough Is Enough": Los Angeles Sheriff Urges State Of Emergency On Homelessness

>>>/qresearch/13991163 Rally Codes "Think of it like breaking a code"

>>>/qresearch/13991257 DOJ lawsuit over Georgia's election laws will 'backfire' against the Biden administration and vindicate voter ID for mail-in ballots, legal expert hypothesizes

>>>/qresearch/13991283 Read this and you won't click 'I agree' ever again: We're being spied on by phones, computers, TVs, cars – even the doorbells. Worse, argues Oxford professor CARISSA VELIZ, we're doing it to ourselves by giving away our data

>>>/qresearch/13991311 Joe Rogan Slams Joe Biden: He Is Out of His Mind and Everybody Knows It

>>>/qresearch/13991355 Spa Defends Naked Man! At one point a soy boy liberal ‘male’ walked up to the customer and tried to shame her for not accepting ‘transgenders.’ The woman held her ground and blasted the liberal white knight loser.

>>>/qresearch/13991386 FTC For The Children

>>>/qresearch/13991390 Biden Executive Order Mandates Divisive, Unscientific Race ‘Training’ At Every Level Of The Federal Government

>>>/qresearch/13991418 TikTok Insiders Reveal Chinese Parent Company Can ‘Access U.S. User Data.’

>>>/qresearch/13991500, >>>/qresearch/13991714 , JDubb Gabs: Youtube seems to have removed Trump's live stream from my feed. I will watch it on rumble. If it will work... Frank Speech Works! Via Telegram ( https://rumble.com/vj2p7j-live-president-donald-j-tru )

>>>/qresearch/13991582 Concerns About Foreign State Spying on UK's Gov't Emerge After Video of Matt Hancock Kissing Aide

>>>/qresearch/13991648 Court Rules Facebook Can Be Liable for Sex Trafficking on Its Platform: Section 230 Does Not ‘Create a Lawless No Man’s Land’

>>>/qresearch/13991743 #17707, #17708, #17709

(24 notables)

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63f49e  No.67400

File: 83e463bac1d32e6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1072x695, 1072:695, 13991755_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13991755 Q Research General #17708: Breaking Code Edition




>>>/qresearch/13991821, >>>/qresearch/13991856, >>>/qresearch/13991917, >>>/qresearch/13992058, >>>/qresearch/13992063, >>>/qresearch/13992089, >>>/qresearch/13992106, >>>/qresearch/13992185, >>>/qresearch/13992477, >>>/qresearch/13992481 Rally/Video links

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=-l561c_BR-w - President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Wellington, OH - 6/26/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13991864, >>>/qresearch/13991974, >>>/qresearch/13992265, >>>/qresearch/13992354, >>>/qresearch/13992369 McAfee Digz, Watkins: Did they have the same ring or did she get his ring after ???

>>>/qresearch/13991924 Muh Sub Muh Russia! Muh Sub! Muh Russia!!!

>>>/qresearch/13991976 Snowden: This is the end of the case against Julian Assange.

>>>/qresearch/13992014 Pitt Researchers are illegally using fetal tissue for human-rat grafting experiments

>>>/qresearch/13992020 The ethics commission warns failing to file mandatory forms could result in up to $85,000 worth of penalties.

>>>/qresearch/13992051 One of QAnon’s earliest advocates just won a local race in South Carolina. "QAnon candidates are trying to take over the Republican Party"

>>>/qresearch/13992057 UAW President Rory Gamble Announces His Retirement, Marking Fourth UAW Boss In Three Years

>>>/qresearch/13992105 Blackouts Loom in California as Electricity Prices Are ‘Absolutely Exploding’

>>>/qresearch/13992489 Almost like they used to... "Turn The Radio On!"

>>>/qresearch/13992545 #17708

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=68Uv959QuCg - MARTHA and THE VANDELLAS - Dancing In The Street (1964)(Remastered) [Channel: WarmerMusicVideos]

(11 notables)

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63f49e  No.67401

File: 265f7d816f1b9d8⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1073x696, 37:24, 13992567_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13992567 Q Research General #17709: Savior Jesus, Incredible People, Amazing President; Awesome God! Edition




>>>/qresearch/13992661 US push to extend cross-border aid opening is aimed at supplying terrorist groups & prolonging war – Syrian FM to RT

>>>/qresearch/13992672, >>>/qresearch/13993044, >>>/qresearch/13993127 Numbers Don't Lie, Algorithms And Programmers Do.

>>>/qresearch/13992734, >>>/qresearch/13992757 MASSIVE Crowd is Gathering for Donald Trump Rally in Wellington, Ohio #MAGA2024

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=39WrSskl3XE - LIVE NOW: Newsmax TV Live Stream [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/13992778 EPIC! Massive Crowd in Ohio Chants “Four More Years!” at First Trump Rally of the Year

>>>/qresearch/13992804 Border Patrol Arrests More Criminal Migrants, Sees Sharp Increase in Apprehensions.

>>>/qresearch/13992894 President Gerald Ford predicts the Death of Biden!

>>>/qresearch/13992973 Trudeau government’s move to ‘protect Canadians against hate speech & hate crimes’ is road to hell for freedom of expression

>>>/qresearch/13992978 Wingin it Wind blows Teleprompters. "Sometimes ya gotta wing it"

>>>/qresearch/13993017, >>>/qresearch/13993116 Lebanese protesters tried to storm central bank offices in two major cities

>>>/qresearch/13993227, >>>/qresearch/13993260 ,FFA passenger tried to breach the cockpit of a moving plane

>>>/qresearch/13993271 The Same Unapproved SQL Software Found on Michigan and Pennsylvania Voting Systems Is Likely Also on Machines in Arizona and Georgia

>>>/qresearch/13993289 Dan EagleEyes The Man Tweets Rally Crowd Images

>>>/qresearch/13993313 #17709

(13 notables)

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63f49e  No.67402

File: 48f0fd358a50e57⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1073x696, 37:24, 13993322_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13993322 Q Research General #17710: "Mountains Of Evidence". Edition




>>>/qresearch/13993436, >>>/qresearch/13993449 They used Covid to steal the election!

>>>/qresearch/13993485 Jimmy Savile a raging pedophile, also a necrophiliac, wore glass eyeball of 1 of his cadaver sex victims, as a ring. Re (PB): Mark Thompson CEO NYTimes covering up for pedos

>>>/qresearch/13993546 Make-a-Wish Foundation will only grant wishes to terminally ill children who are fully vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/13993560 Fight Club - Washington Square Park plagued by illegal boxing matches in latest blow for local residents

>>>/qresearch/13993561 HUGE! Loudest Cheer of the Night is “TRUMP WON!” at First Rally of the

>>>/qresearch/13993588, >>>/qresearch/13993612, >>>/qresearch/13993659, >>>/qresearch/13993754, >>>/qresearch/13993975, >>>/qresearch/13994004, >>>/qresearch/13994011, >>>/qresearch/13994029, >>>/qresearch/13994031, >>>/qresearch/13994033, >>>/qresearch/13994041, >>>/qresearch/13994045, >>>/qresearch/13994056, >>>/qresearch/13994069 DOJ witness in Assange hearings

>>>/qresearch/13993940 You worry about ISIS AL J... "QAnon adherents may resort to violence under Biden: Report | Donald Trump News

>>>/qresearch/13993941 Powerful Speech By President Trump Tonight In Ohio

>>>/qresearch/13993991 15 Days... I mean... 48hours... AU - Darwin to go into 48-hour lockdown after recording four new cases...

>>>/qresearch/13994009 What it WOULD Have Been? For (Us)? Will Be? For [Them]?

>>>/qresearch/13994016 US Threatens Sanctions On Gulf Allies If They Normalize Relations With Assad

>>>/qresearch/13994034 Are there white, black, latino, asian, or indigineous water fountains and lavatories? Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be "Right-Wing"?

>>>/qresearch/13994044 'A "QAnon account"... The Trump rally ban on QAnon merchandise appears to still be in place at today’s rally

>>>/qresearch/13994066 Moe Davis for Congress Democrat running NC-11 Get Informed Citizens.

>>>/qresearch/13994094 #17710, #17711, #17712

(15 notables)

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63f49e  No.67403

File: 499c07c9483f01d⋯.png (1.15 MB, 954x639, 106:71, 13994108_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13994108 Q Research General #17711: No Mountain We Can't Move Together Edition




>>>/qresearch/13994226, >>>/qresearch/13994235, >>>/qresearch/13994258, >>>/qresearch/13994294, >>>/qresearch/13994306, >>>/qresearch/13994335, >>>/qresearch/13994348, >>>/qresearch/13994383, >>>/qresearch/13994396, >>>/qresearch/13994402, >>>/qresearch/13994413, >>>/qresearch/13994423, >>>/qresearch/13994426, >>>/qresearch/13994431, >>>/qresearch/13994623, >>>/qresearch/13994642, >>>/qresearch/13994647, >>>/qresearch/13994652, >>>/qresearch/13994672, >>>/qresearch/13994710, >>>/qresearch/13994739, >>>/qresearch/13994743, >>>/qresearch/13994762, >>>/qresearch/13994763, >>>/qresearch/13994787, >>>/qresearch/13994791, >>>/qresearch/13994799, >>>/qresearch/13994815, >>>/qresearch/13994842, >>>/qresearch/13994885 CourtesyShill Exposure LessonsContinue

>>>/qresearch/13994236, >>>/qresearch/13994246, >>>/qresearch/13994529 Only Trump, Tremendous Crowds!

>>>/qresearch/13994256, >>>/qresearch/13994433 New Dan The Man With Perspective Scavino Tweets: Mid Rally Message

>>>/qresearch/13994305 1st Wife 2nd Gentleman TO ATTEND MLB GAME IN HOUSTON ON TUESDAY, JUNE 29

>>>/qresearch/13994362, >>>/qresearch/13994415 @LizWillis_ What the rest of the media won’t show you: President Trump’s overflow tonight at his first post-presidential rally!

>>>/qresearch/13994390, >>>/qresearch/13994475, >>>/qresearch/13994547, >>>/qresearch/13994583, >>>/qresearch/13994688, >>>/qresearch/13994851 PF Reports 45 Tucked in <0

>>>/qresearch/13994422 College won’t revoke retired Army three-star Michael Flynn’s honorary degree

>>>/qresearch/13994452, >>>/qresearch/13994509 POTUS STATEMENTS WRAP UP 26.6.21 "Great crowd in Ohio, thank you!"

>>>/qresearch/13994462 LW TELEGRAMS 26.6.21 "Quite A Motorcade..."

>>>/qresearch/13994473, >>>/qresearch/13994477 Busy Bee Sidney Telegrams 26.6.21

>>>/qresearch/13994487 How To LEGALLY Decline A Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13994522, >>>/qresearch/13994677 Rally Highlights, Numbers

>>>/qresearch/13994528 @DeptofDefense You’ve heard of the @SpaceForceDoD and @US_SpaceCom. But what is the Combined Force Space Component Command? Watch

>>>/qresearch/13994602, >>>/qresearch/13994606, >>>/qresearch/13994682 this is exactly what Al Gore looked like on CNN tonight Blue Beam Backdrop

>>>/qresearch/13994662 , Paint me green and call me an extremist! New polls show just how far Republicans were willing to go

>>>/qresearch/13994717 DOJ seeks proposals for pizza parties, DJs, carnivals for child-friendly prison visits

>>>/qresearch/13994845 Three arrested and three officers injured at anti-lockdown protests in London

>>>/qresearch/13994923 #17711

(18 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67404

File: 4d37fbf5f8e6a06⋯.jpeg (81.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 13994930_q_research_gener….jpeg)


>>>/qresearch/13994930 Q Research General #17712: Where Two Or More Are Gathered In My Name, There Am I Also Edition




>>>/qresearch/13995018 , 45-Year-Old Bartender Tells World: “Shut the Hell Up and Get Your Vaccine!” *dies from vaccine*

>>>/qresearch/13995055, >>>/qresearch/13995057, >>>/qresearch/13995058, >>>/qresearch/13995059, >>>/qresearch/13995061, >>>/qresearch/13995063 CM Telegrams, Yesterday Bun

>>>/qresearch/13995056 Weather Warnings

>>>/qresearch/13995060 Wolf PAC - Pennsylvania PAC - Transparency USA

>>>/qresearch/13995075 Hong Kong Blaze

>>>/qresearch/13995081 Flynn Telegrams, Yesterday

>>>/qresearch/13995123, >>>/qresearch/13995152, >>>/qresearch/13995188 CCTV Miami Apartment Collapse

>>>/qresearch/13995153 McAfee ARCHIVE LINKS


>>>/qresearch/13995230 #17712

>>>/qresearch/13995537 Think logically.

(11 notables)

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63f49e  No.67405

File: 1323583d95cc99e⋯.png (39.88 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 13995755_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13995755 Q Research General #17713: So Dig, Very Meme, Much Pray, Wow Edition




>>>/qresearch/13995808 U.S. Army (6/26/21) - Special Forces are the Army's premier unconvential warfighting specialists..

>>>/qresearch/13995814 Donald Trump Urges Supporters to Vote for ‘America First’ Republicans

>>>/qresearch/13995822, >>>/qresearch/13995824, >>>/qresearch/13995827 The book, Secrets of the Federal reserve (PDF)

>>>/qresearch/13995835 Possible Decode on Animal Comms

>>>/qresearch/13995838 Gen Flyn Oath to the Constitution - Watch what Gen. Flynn says at the end of this clip

>>>/qresearch/13995882, >>>/qresearch/13995924, >>>/qresearch/13995972 Schumann is going for gold - 10:00 UTC

>>>/qresearch/13995884, >>>/qresearch/13995903, >>>/qresearch/13995932 VIDYA OF BUILDING COLLAPSE - See any FLASHES?

>>>/qresearch/13995910 Seen at the Ohio Trump Rally: “I Was at the FBI-Hijacked Rally in DC on 1/6”

>>>/qresearch/13995913 Over 300,000 Viewers on Right Side Broadcasting and RUMBLE Tune in to Watch President Trump’s Rally!

>>>/qresearch/13995921 POTUS - Treat the word IMPOSSIBLE as nothing but MOTIVATION!

>>>/qresearch/13995937 Trump says opponents 'used COVID to steal the election,' applauds election investigations in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/13995942 U.S. Naval Institute - Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev agreed that the U.S. and Russia would unite to fight against an alien invasion.


>>>/qresearch/13996051, >>>/qresearch/13996057 If you HAVE RUMBLE - Subscribe to Donald J. Trump - Numbers Numbers Numbers

>>>/qresearch/13996059 General Flynn’s featured part in The Deep Rig

>>>/qresearch/13996082 Essence of the NPC - A story by Anon.

>>>/qresearch/13996090, >>>/qresearch/13996324 TOMORROW IS THE DAY THEY RELEASE THE BALLOT TOTALS FOR AZ


>>>/qresearch/13996205 Dan Scavino Tweet - Timestamp 12:23 12+2+3 = 17

>>>/qresearch/13996208 India Could Sentence WHO Chief Scientist to Death for Misleading Over Ivermectin and Killing Indians

>>>/qresearch/13996229 Facebook censors conservatives but allows sex traffickers to recruit victims on the platform

>>>/qresearch/13996242 Biden Subjecting Migrant Youth to Rampant Disease, Sexual Abuse at Shelters

>>>/qresearch/13996391 Leaked Docs On Permament Lockdown of UK in 3 weeks!

>>>/qresearch/13996418 Possible McAfee Dog Comms?

>>>/qresearch/13996518 #17713, #17714, #17715

(25 notables)

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63f49e  No.67407

File: a30221ce32a36ed⋯.png (615.45 KB, 606x489, 202:163, 13996516_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13996516 Q Research General #17714: GOD WON, ANONS WINNING, PATRIOT WORLDWIDE Edition




>>>/qresearch/13996613 As stated last bread, some Q proofs are missing!?

>>>/qresearch/13996623 FREEDOM MARCH

>>>/qresearch/13996644 #17702 archive #17703 posted in #17714

>>>/qresearch/13996663 McAfee ARCHIVE LINKS

>>>/qresearch/13996688 Report says classified UK defense papers were found at a bus stop

>>>/qresearch/13996704 This is probably why twitter execs are freaking according to CM

>>>/qresearch/13996707 Anon Gots Caps

>>>/qresearch/13996776 Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Al.) refused an interview with CNN's Jim Acosta over the Jan. 6 saying he does not trust the network to report on him fairly or accurately.

>>>/qresearch/13996820 NEVER FORGET: Republican ‘Leaders’ Like Pence, Romney, McConnell, McCarthy, Cheney and McDaniel Were Nowhere to be Found as the Arizona Senate Election Integrity Audit Progressed

>>>/qresearch/13996938 Today, the #FBI raised the #pride flag at our headquarters in support of our #LGBTQ colleagues.

>>>/qresearch/13997031 Day [:22] and Blank Clock for today.

>>>/qresearch/13997119 second deadly shooting on the same block in a few months.

>>>/qresearch/13997142 Found another video with another Q, but at the left side of the videoid.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=QSNLF3F7mlI - Is America About to Become an Anarchy? - Michael Malice [Channel: Valuetainment]

>>>/qresearch/13997148 THREE(3) British Airways pilots have DIED of the COVID vaccine in the past 7-days,

>>>/qresearch/13997152 “Study shows 29% of the 42 people who have died after catching the new strain had BOTH vaccinations.”

>>>/qresearch/13997158 TRUMP IS BACK

>>>/qresearch/13997159 Arizona AG backs Georgia in face of ‘absurdly partisan’ DOJ lawsuit over election law

>>>/qresearch/13997168 YouTube Blocks Videos Exposing China's Slow-Motion Genocide in Xinjiang

>>>/qresearch/13997193 President Trump Opens Verified Rumble Account, Quickly Gains 79K Followers

>>>/qresearch/13997205 Nancy Pelosi slammed by Jim Jordan as crowd chants ‘lock her up’ during wild Donald speech

>>>/qresearch/13997208 Trump Save America Rally: Highlights and Live Stream Here!

>>>/qresearch/13997215 LEAKED VIDEO: Shows Leftists Prepping To Infiltrate January 6th Protests

>>>/qresearch/13997227 President Trump Calls Out Woke Generals At Ohio Rally

>>>/qresearch/13997239 PURE EVIL! Make-A-Wish Foundation to Only Grant Wishes to COVID-19 Vaccinated Terminally Ill Children

>>>/qresearch/13997243 Airlines Facing Massive Problems After Vaxxed Pilots Go Down; Mass Shut Downs Coming?

>>>/qresearch/13997258 Sidney Powell And Mike Lindell’s First Appearance Before The Court

>>>/qresearch/13997266 BREAKING: Arizona Audit Paper Evaluation and Counting Complete!

>>>/qresearch/13997287 Chris Wallace Corners GOP Congressman Jim Banks: Aren’t You the Ones Defunding the Police? ‘LET ME PUSH BACK’

>>>/qresearch/13997314 Collapse of Champlain Towers South Condo In Florida Caught On Camera

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=QsERHHYlycg - Collapse of Champlain Towers South Condo In Florida Caught On Camera [Channel: DAHBOO77]

>>>/qresearch/13997346 t/CodeMonkeyZ Nothing can stop the truth.

>>>/qresearch/13997360 The suspension of Rudy Giuliani's law license likely will not hold up because it was done without due process, Alan Dershowitz tells Newsmax:

>>>/qresearch/13997560 @realdonaldtrump Thank you to the people in Wellington, OH last night for an unbelievable evening of very serious tal

>>>/qresearch/13997574 The Constitution is humanity's contract with a sovereignty.


>>>/qresearch/13997673 'Hero' who shot Colorado gunman was killed by officer while holding suspect's AR-15

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67408


>>>/qresearch/13997908 Bobby Powell (Ex-Marine) shares exclusive video from Jan. 6th; Capitol police was ordered to stand-down & walked away

>>>/qresearch/13997962 @mikepompeo “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them…

>>>/qresearch/13998204 Welcome to the Hive Mind

>>>/qresearch/13998216 Feinstein Redpill (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/13998251 #17715

(40 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67409

File: 69036fa3b8708d7⋯.png (168 KB, 500x623, 500:623, NSA_QT3_1415.png)



>>>13997148 THREE(3) British Airways pilots have DIED of the COVID vaccine in the past 7-days,


THREE(3) British Airways pilots have DIED of the COVID vaccine in the past 7-days, and BA are now in crisis talks with the UK Government about whether or not their vaccinated pilots should be allowed to fly.

This presents a big problem because around 85% of all British Airways pilots have already been vaccinated.

>>13997152 “Study shows 29% of the 42 people who have died after catching the new strain had BOTH vaccinations.”


MailOnline headline on 13 June read: “Study shows 29% of the 42 people who have died after catching the new strain had BOTH vaccinations.” In Public Health England’s technical briefing on 25 June, that figure had risen to 43% (50 of 117), with the majority (60%) having received at least one dose.

>>13997158 TRUMP IS BACK

I' am back


>>13997159 Arizona AG backs Georgia in face of ‘absurdly partisan’ DOJ lawsuit over election law


Arizona AG backs Georgia in face of ‘absurdly partisan’ DOJ lawsuit over election law

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has written to his counterpart in Georgia, backing the state over what he described as an "absurdly partisan" lawsuit from the Department of Justice over the state’s election integrity laws.

>>13997360 The suspension of Rudy Giuliani's law license likely will not hold up because it was done without due process, Alan Dershowitz tells Newsmax:

The suspension of Rudy Giuliani's law license likely will not hold up because it was done without due process, Alan Dershowitz tells Newsmax:



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63f49e  No.67410

File: e7c6e2eebb8b008⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1800x1012, 450:253, 13996552_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13996552 Q Research General #17714: No Bakershills Allowed/Tidy The Ship Edition




>>>/qresearch/13996606, >>>/qresearch/13996616 UK Freedom March! @48m42s

>>>/qresearch/13996643 Anon: Looking back at breads from yesterday, looks like bread spltting crew failed. Here's complete note bun for #17703: The 'Pre-Rally Rally Preview' Edition

>>>/qresearch/13996708, >>>/qresearch/13996751 Globalists everywhere…Mitt Romney's links to Nike CEO John Donahoe. This is the guy who just claimed Nike is "of China and for China

>>>/qresearch/13996829, >>>/qresearch/13996966 Bill Barr calls Trump's election fraud claims: 'bull—' in new book

>>>/qresearch/13996878, >>>/qresearch/13996982 CDC, FDA Prepare Mass Distribution of a Merck/Sanofi Six-in-One Vaccine for Kids, Turning Blind Eye to Safety Signals

>>>/qresearch/13996884 FAKENEWS HIT PIECE: The Digital General How Trump Ally Michael Flynn Nurtured — And Profited From — the QAnon Conspiracy Theory

>>>/qresearch/13996897 Last night at the rally Trump brought up an astronaut that landed on the moon. He said “Plant”

>>>/qresearch/13996902 Moar FAKENEWS HIT PIECES: QAnon Supporters Express Boredom With 'Same Old' Trump Speech: 'This Is Getting Ridiculous'

>>>/qresearch/13997013 As seen at the Trump rally in Wellington, Ohio tonight–“I was at the FBI-Hijacked Rally in DC on 1/6”

>>>/qresearch/13997146 Day After Rally HIT PIECES CONTINUE: Supporters of QAnon are enthralled by an OANN presenter’s call for mass executions in the United States.

>>>/qresearch/13997176 YouTube Blocks Videos Exposing China's Slow-Motion Genocide in Xinjiang

>>>/qresearch/13997187 Jim Watkins: This may be where JM planned to release his deadman's switch. I hope he made contingency plans. Rumors are flying about that they are compromised. (For Anons catching up)

>>>/qresearch/13997200 NANCY UNDER FIRE Trump Ohio rally – Nancy Pelosi slammed by Jim Jordan as crowd chants ‘lock her up’ during wild Donald speech

>>>/qresearch/13997268 The suspension of Rudy Giuliani's law license likely will not hold up because it was done without due process, Alan Dershowitz tells Newsmax

>>>/qresearch/13997293 Chris Wallace Corners GOP Congressman Jim Banks: Aren’t You the Ones Defunding the Police?

>>>/qresearch/13997311, >>>/qresearch/13997536 Collapse of Champlain Towers South Condo In Florida Caught On Camera

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=QsERHHYlycg - Collapse of Champlain Towers South Condo In Florida Caught On Camera [Channel: DAHBOO77]

>>>/qresearch/13997340 JM shares CM: Nothing can stop the truth.

>>>/qresearch/13997347 McAfee’s wife has some things to say…source not known

>>>/qresearch/13997368 Allison Mack calls NXIVM leader Keith Raniere 'twisted' in apology letter ahead of sentencing. The former 'Smallville' star is expected to be sentenced on June 30

>>>/qresearch/13997372, >>>/qresearch/13997414, >>>/qresearch/13997504 NANO Aluminum in Vaccines - Connecticut Public Health Committee Hearing Dec 18, 2020

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Bg6EBxr2TqM - Aluminum in Vaccines - Connecticut Public Health Committee Hearing [Channel: Eduardo Corrochio]

>>>/qresearch/13997409 Why most people who now die with Covid in England have been vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/13997438 Remember John Sullivan? Well, new video has surfaced which shows 2 leftists getting into disguise in preparation 4 infiltrating January 6th protests

>>>/qresearch/13997593, >>>/qresearch/13997663, >>>/qresearch/13997703 The last Miami building that collapsed was in 1974 (needs moar sauce)

>>>/qresearch/13997740, >>>/qresearch/13997755 Surfside collapse: 1 new death brings total to 5, homicide detectives embedded w/recovery teams. Also different death #'s being reported

>>>/qresearch/13997788 #17714

(25 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67411

File: 563eb71539e3063⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1800x1012, 450:253, 13997827_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/13997827 Q Research General #17716: Comms/Animefag/GerBil/Doge BTFO Edition




>>>/qresearch/13997932 NYP: Grandson of couple missing in Florida building collapse getting calls from their landline

>>>/qresearch/13997963 Quaid is not happy: Hollywood has now become McCarthyism on a stick.

>>>/qresearch/13998101 Businessinsider: You will own nothing and you will be happy.

>>>/qresearch/13998105 New! President Trump says thank you, Ohio! An "unbelievable evening of very serious talk but also, fun."

>>>/qresearch/13998181 RTMS: Gov. John Bel Edwards Vetoes Concealed Carry Gun Bill

>>>/qresearch/13998309, >>>/qresearch/13998318 Mcafee blockchain dig

>>>/qresearch/13998448 @ArlingtonNatl A vantage point of Arlington National Cemetery’s Memorial Amphitheater at night.

>>>/qresearch/13998458 The Manhattan district attorney has informed lawyers for Donald Trump that criminal charges against the Trump Organization are "possible"

>>>/qresearch/13998481 WJ: Biden Stopped Cold by Trump-Appointed Judges

>>>/qresearch/13998512 Former Attorney General Bill Barr Backstabs Trump

>>>/qresearch/13998680 GP: Biden/Obama Again Negotiating with Iran – No American Wants This – Siding with Iran Will Not Bring Peace

>>>/qresearch/13998687 GP: Stephen Miller: Kamala Harris’s Objective is to Destroy the Border, Eliminate Border Security and Facilitate Mass Entry of Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/13998696 @USACEHQ With the summer work season in full swing, the @AlaskaCorps is busy! At the Birch Lake Formerly Used Defense Site near Fai

>>>/qresearch/13998698 GP: Biden Signs Executive Order that Mandates Race Training at Every Level and Lectures on ‘White Privilege’ and ‘Male Privilege’

>>>/qresearch/13998707 RT: BBC’s Andrew Marr says he caught Covid-19 AFTER vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13998713 Anon dig: Magnets to the brain can change people’s views on immigrants and God

>>>/qresearch/13998716 ZH: "They're Everywhere" - Megadrought Sparks Grasshopper Plague In Western US

>>>/qresearch/13998731 rt: Air force station rocked by blasts in suspected drone attack in India’s Jammu and Kashmir

>>>/qresearch/13998764 page6:Former Skid Row singer Johnny Solinger dead at 55

>>>/qresearch/13998784 natlfile: Citing COVID, NCAA Hands College World Series Win to Vanderbilt, Where Fauci Just Gave Commencement Speech

>>>/qresearch/13998794 knewz: Maryland teacher and lacrosse coach admits to sex romps with her teen girl student, gets five years in prison

>>>/qresearch/13998805 2 More Governors Exposed: DeSantis – Abbott Sleight Of Hand Comes To The Light

>>>/qresearch/13998814 Breitbart: House Intelligence Committee Republicans Find China’s Malign Influence in Corporate America

>>>/qresearch/13998823 BV comment: NOTICE HOW THEY DELETE ALL THESE NOTES FROM #17711

>>>/qresearch/13998830 bb: Protest Outside ‘Springsteen on Broadway’ Slams Aging Rocker for Vaccine Mandate, ‘Segregation’

>>>/qresearch/13998854 European Parliament Votes to Make EU Climate Neutral by 2050

>>>/qresearch/13998873, >>>/qresearch/13998875, >>>/qresearch/13998877, >>>/qresearch/13998881 Hoes mad. Lots of buns appear. Anons profit.

>>>/qresearch/13998889 blabber: Another Biden Family Member Getting Rich Off Of Joe's Work

>>>/qresearch/13998967 Texasnewstoday: National Guard is preparing for a major cyberattack to shut down utilities across the United States

>>>/qresearch/13998995 #17716, #17717, #17718

(30 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67412

File: 016bfd7b9c0d6a4⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 13999003_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/13999003 Q Research General #17717: The 'Naker Whack A Mole' Edition




>>>/qresearch/13999056 ActPo: Assange Prosecution Relied On False Testimony From A Diagnosed Sociopath And Convicted Pedophile

>>>/qresearch/13999147 DCPat: Recent FBI Crime Spree Involves Murder, Rape, Blackmail, Spying, Child Molestation, and Conpiracy

>>>/qresearch/13999155 JTN: U.S. firms aiding and abetting China's 'malign' push for world dominance, lawmakers say

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=twpwSHOWgN4 - China engaging in a ‘thousand year war’ for ‘complete global domination’ [Channel: Just the News]

>>>/qresearch/13999159 military.com: Air Force Cadet 1 of 2 Killed in Small Plane Crash in Texas

>>>/qresearch/13999166 Harretz: Israel's Health Ministry Director Resigns Amid COVID Delta Variant Outbreak

>>>/qresearch/13999171 PJM: U.S. Catholic Bishops Say There Will Be 'No National Policy' on Denying Communion to Pro-Abortion Politicians

>>>/qresearch/13999176 GR.ca: America’s Largest Health Care Union Vows to Fight Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/13999184 Makow oped: Gary D Barnett - Genocide, The Plot Going Forward

>>>/qresearch/13999187, >>>/qresearch/13999497, >>>/qresearch/13999551, >>>/qresearch/13999577, >>>/qresearch/13999623 A discussion is forming around what the game plan for the shills might be. More than just the BVs are taking interest in this

>>>/qresearch/13999210 Sputnik: What’s Behind ‘Mislaid’ Defence Documents Showing Crimea Incident Was Planned?

>>>/qresearch/13999216 BB: Johnson & Johnson agrees to end of opioid sales in NYC and elsewhere

>>>/qresearch/13999232 NTD: Fire Sets 16 Boats Ablaze in Hong Kong, at Least 10 Sink

>>>/qresearch/13999233, >>>/qresearch/13999237, >>>/qresearch/13999538, >>>/qresearch/13999541 Another Moar sets of buns for #17714 and #17715 shows up

>>>/qresearch/13999277 TrendingPol: Explosive Report: U.S. Government Deleted COVID Data at Request of Chinese Researchers

>>>/qresearch/13999327 Dan Scavino dog comms

>>>/qresearch/13999329 DCclothesline San Francisco forcing 35,000 city employees to get COVID-19 vaccines

>>>/qresearch/13999354 Hit pieces on DeSantis? It appears that the section in question regarding health officer vaxxing Florida residents who pose health risk by “any means necessary” was really implemented under Jeb Bush in 2002.

>>>/qresearch/13999617, >>>/qresearch/13999638 OttawaCit: Military violated rules by collecting information on Canadians, conducting propaganda during pandemic. Now they want moar power: reports

>>>/qresearch/13999644 People everywhere choose Trump over Biden it seems...Pastor Greg Locke Says Biden Is 'Demon-Possessed,' Insists Trump Is 'Legitimate President'

>>>/qresearch/13999656 Hypocrite: Jamaal Bowman Requested Police Protection at Home While Championing Defunding Police

>>>/qresearch/13999661 smh: Opera Australia and tenor sued over child sex offences

>>>/qresearch/13999687 Anon nom: BEST PROOF OF ELECTIONS FRAUD: They all stopped counting. All of them.

>>>/qresearch/13999707 What a coincidence. Ch-ch-changes coming? New Reality? Familiar pics?

>>>/qresearch/13999795 WAFB: FBI agent arrested in Ascension Parish on multiple sexual charges involving juveniles

>>>/qresearch/13999810 WND: Legal team issues serious warning to schools about COVID vaccines

>>>/qresearch/13999819 GP: Recently released emails reveal that, during the lead-up to the November election, Biden campaign hacks pressured Facebook to silence his political opponent, the sitting president of the United States.

>>>/qresearch/13999834 ZH: Over 2 Million Watch Trump's Ohio Rally Online: "We'll Have To Win A Third Time"

>>>/qresearch/13999864 NYP: Agency that investigated fall of Twin Towers could probe Florida condo collapse

>>>/qresearch/13999872 #17717

(29 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67413

File: 0c8529f0e86d031⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 13999908_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/13999908 Q Research General #17718: The '........Baked.' Edition




>>>/qresearch/13999961 Man who claims to have invented the internet says that those who believe the audit commissioned by the AZ senate live in an ‘alternate reality’. (The Gateway Pundit, Al Gore, You Tube, Conspiracies)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=72Lgsirz_Ao - Trump lost the election. By a lot. Al Gore has a message for him [Channel: CNN]

>>>/qresearch/13999988 Gunman with Fully Automatic Rifle Opens Fire in Chicago Traffic in Broad Daylight (The Gateway Pundit, CBS2 Chicago, Shooting, Gun Control, Chicago)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=g_JRyreZ-0k - Chicago Dashcam Captures Machinegun Ambush Fail [Channel: BoogieFinger]

>>>/qresearch/14000006 FAA Denies Boeing Permission To Move Forward In Certifying 777X Due To Serious Flight Test Incident (Zerohedge, FAA, Boeing, Production)

>>>/qresearch/14000018 Jenna Ellis Retweeted - Sebastian Gorka DrG: @SebGorka Barr was Swamp. (Jenna Ellis, Sebastian Gorka, Bill Barr, Twitter, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000021 Home HCQ (HCQ, Graphic, Images)

>>>/qresearch/14000032 Muh Witnesses suck (Zerohedge, Julian Assange, Witness, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000038 SF

>>>/qresearch/14000039, >>>/qresearch/14000042, >>>/qresearch/14000047, >>>/qresearch/14000057, >>>/qresearch/14000061, >>>/qresearch/14000064 Canadian pastor slams double standard on COVID restrictions, alleges 'personal vendetta' against him (Christian Post, Canada, Pastor, COVID, Persecution)

>>>/qresearch/14000059 BET Awards tonight.. (CBS, BET, BET Awards, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000073 JDubb Telegrams: Kindly Bugger Off (Telegram, Jim Watkins)

>>>/qresearch/14000108 542 Percent Increase in Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested at Border (Epoch Times, Border, Sex Offenders, Arrest)

>>>/qresearch/14000113, >>>/qresearch/14000203 Muh QAnons at Ohio Trump Rally Posed With “JFK Jr” (Hill Reporter, JFK, Ezra, Images, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000121 Defending truths (Jon Voight, Twitter)

>>>/qresearch/14000125 Pamela Karlan, the Ex-Zuckerberg Apparatchik Now Leading Biden’s Anti-Audit Push – Once Said Corporate-Backed Elections ‘Undermine Democracy’. (The National Pulse, Pamela Karlan, Audit, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000162 Assisted by a Former Special Forces Colleague, Col. Sellin Is Closing In on Dr. Yan’s Husband (Yan, GNews)

>>>/qresearch/14000164 Stephen Miller with Maria Bartiromo - this morning on how America’s most powerful elites are selling out the country (Stephen Miller, Maria Bartiromo, Border, Politics, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000182 Spa WoMan Penis flashing incident (Video, Twitter)

>>>/qresearch/14000222 What are we going to do with the Jews? I Mean Anti-Vaxxers? (Forbes, COVID, Vaccinations, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000231, >>>/qresearch/14000250 #17715

>>>/qresearch/14000233 There is something Unique in The Soul and The Spirit of Our Nation by Charlie Kirk (Il Donaldo Trumpo, Charlie Kirk, You Tube, Video)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=kxDb2OcK4Bw - There is something Unique in The Soul and The Spirit of Our Nation by Charlie Kirk [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>>/qresearch/14000350 'One month to fully vaccinate. Or else': Epidemiologist warns Indian Delta variant will go 'full blown' in the US as Biden falls short of his July 4 vaccine goal and cases rise 60% in the UK (Daily Mail, COVID, India, Vaccine, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000381 Radical Oregon Democrats Pass Bill to Give ILLEGALS Medicaid (The Gateway Pundit, Illegals, Insurance, Conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/14000530 #17718

(23 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67419

File: 6ffcb732f8bf511⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14000656_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14000656 Q Research General #17719: The 'Snatch it, Grab it, Spit it out.' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14000833 Mass. Gunman Who Killed 2 Made ‘Troubling White Supremacist Rhetoric,' DA Says

>>>/qresearch/14000923 Fraud officiates or disposes of everything—undoes everything that wrongfully happens as a result of that fraud

>>>/qresearch/14000928 [JM] Tweets Revisited

>>>/qresearch/14000945 Digging to ascertain if Trump is going back to Alamo.

>>>/qresearch/14000953 Biden Orders Series Airstrikes Along Syria-Iraq Border

>>>/qresearch/14000968 RE: New Zealand: Court Martial and Summary Appeal Court: COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/14001161 Anon Bun (Christian Post, Canada, Pastor, COVID, Persecution)

>>>/qresearch/14001171 Reflections are important (Biden Pics)

>>>/qresearch/14001246 B I B L I C A L Anon Bun?

>>>/qresearch/14001247 THERE WILL BE I TOLD YOU SO'S

>>>/qresearch/14001253 DOJ is virtue signaling to the public

>>>/qresearch/14001337 Old Gambino House. Relevant Today?

>>>/qresearch/14001577 #17719, #17720, #17721

(13 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67420






BO/BV pls delete these

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67422

File: 259f50215418dbc⋯.jpg (575.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14001586_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14001586 Q Research General #17720: BIBLICAL Editoin




>>>/qresearch/14001596, >>>/qresearch/14001881, >>>/qresearch/14002097 #17720,

>>>/qresearch/14001616 TX Attorney Ken Paxton: 500+ Election Fraud Cases Still Need to Be Heard in Court

>>>/qresearch/14001621 (VID) McAfee: From Millionaire to Madman

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=DiN3rq6kqKI - From Millionaire to Madman | The Story of John McAfee [Channel: j aubrey]

>>>/qresearch/14001637 @PatriotNews: AZ Legislature Voted to Revoke Hobbs's Election-Related Legal Authority, Hand to AG

>>>/qresearch/14001638 Kevin McCarthy Releases House GOP ‘Framework’ for Fighting Big Tech Censorship

>>>/qresearch/14001663 Five arrested, one wanted for sexual assault of a minor in Carolina Beach

>>>/qresearch/14001673, >>>/qresearch/14001829 [PINO] Airstrikes, day before the AZ audit results

>>>/qresearch/14001678 Spanish Police Say Crushed International Drug Ring After Seizing Tonne of Cocaine on Yacht

>>>/qresearch/14001697 Barcelona Comms - Evidence for Global Seizures Under EO 13848?

>>>/qresearch/14001784 Multiple People Shot at Hooters Restaurant In Long Beach

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=fsq17sdVIkw - Triple Shooting Outside Long Beach Hooters [Channel: CBS Los Angeles]

>>>/qresearch/14001794 [PINO] (pResident in Name Only) Statement on Condo Collapse

>>>/qresearch/14001804 Watch @pmillerinfo expose the secret cabal advising a Gulf dictator

>>>/qresearch/14001808 ‘YOU’VE LOST CONTROL OF THE CITY!’ - Says Beetlejuice, Chicago Mayor

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=xc6mbKojLEY - Mayor Lightfoot, Newsmax reporter clash over Chicago crime: 'you've lost control of the city' [Channel: FOX 32 Chicago]

>>>/qresearch/14001874 After some investigation, DOGE is not the baker that deleted the notables this morning

>>>/qresearch/14001891 UNITED AIRLINES and BRAZIL want you to pay $140+ to get a "travel verified" test

>>>/qresearch/14001924 It's going to be B I B L I C A L

>>>/qresearch/14001978 Hopium 100mg, Three terms???

>>>/qresearch/14002053 New Banner pic Just Dropped

>>>/qresearch/14002068 Obama Nominated Federal Judge Gives SECOND Light Jail Sentence to Convicted Pedophile

>>>/qresearch/14002069 Trident symbolism [Pirates of the Phoenician Navy]

>>>/qresearch/14002104 Shouldn't Military Intelligence know more about occult things than anyone else on the planet?

>>>/qresearch/14002207 Suggested Reading Winston Marshall's, Why I'm leaving Mumford & Sons (band) in Medium

>>>/qresearch/14002303 #17720

(23 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67423


>>>/qresearch/14002390 Q Research General #17721: Majestic 12 Larps Get No Traction Edition




>>>/qresearch/14002440 ...CNN’s Chris Cuomo Wears Socks With Skulls to Site of Florida Condo Collapse

>>>/qresearch/14002444, >>>/qresearch/14002591 CM Telegrams: Vigilance

>>>/qresearch/14002453, >>>/qresearch/14002463 POTUS goes after Barr

>>>/qresearch/14002502, >>>/qresearch/14003023 Former ‘Smallville’ Actress Speaks Out Before Sentencing For Role In Sex Cult: ‘Biggest Mistake And Regret Of My Life’

>>>/qresearch/14002509 NY AG Shows Faggot Hold on NPC

>>>/qresearch/14002579, >>>/qresearch/14002594, >>>/qresearch/14002813 AZ Audit Sneak Peek? LARP?

>>>/qresearch/14002619 QLock 27.6.21 Godspeed

>>>/qresearch/14002650 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/14002665 Hurricane Enrique Sweeping Past to Mexico's Southwest Coast

>>>/qresearch/14002697 BIG MONEY - Transgender rights, religion among cases justices could add

>>>/qresearch/14002721 Court Martial ~ Get used to hearing the words.

>>>/qresearch/14002747 Cover all Faggot Holes: WHO urges fully vaccinated people to continue to wear masks

>>>/qresearch/14002766 Invisiweapon Is an invisible weapon targeting U.S. diplomats?

>>>/qresearch/14002820 SF

>>>/qresearch/14002973 FDA’s drug manufacturing oversight a potentially deadly problem

>>>/qresearch/14003041 12 Moar Years: Over 2 Million Watch Trump's Ohio Rally Online: "We'll Have To Win A Third Time"

>>>/qresearch/14003042 Wha?

>>>/qresearch/14003044 Chaos as protester crashes NSW press conference

>>>/qresearch/14003082 #17721

(19 notables)

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63f49e  No.67424

File: 37a3896373dfd5a⋯.png (128.19 KB, 565x317, 565:317, 14003085_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14003085 Q Research General #17722: Patriots Rise Edition




>>>/qresearch/14003146, >>>/qresearch/14003208, >>>/qresearch/14003246 McAfee Archives

>>>/qresearch/14003167, >>>/qresearch/14003734 So much for the Moët Chandon and popcorn tomorrow..

>>>/qresearch/14003181 "its literally the 11/13/2020 published results."

>>>/qresearch/14003320 Lara Logan has No Agenda - Umm guys . . . This is Lara Logan formally of 60 Minutes now on Fox... Please be the start of exposing these fucks

>>>/qresearch/14003403, >>>/qresearch/14003562 4ch Asks for backup \DMS\ Thread (4ch ACTUALLY went down the other night...)

>>>/qresearch/14003587, >>>/qresearch/14003622 Starwhackers Inc.?

>>>/qresearch/14003621 Vaccine Woes? Hospitals getting overwhelmed in UK at levels not seen during worst of "pandemic" due to non-covid related illnesses.

>>>/qresearch/14003658 Two Men Stabbed in Erfurt, Germany, Suspect Still at Large, Reports Say

>>>/qresearch/14003727 , Is this it?

>>>/qresearch/14003830 #17722, #17723, #17724

(10 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67425

File: d1e0b20b7b59764⋯.png (872.77 KB, 1179x787, 1179:787, 14003858_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14003858 Q Research General #17723: Arizona Audit Conclusion? Edition




>>>/qresearch/14004022 The Make-a-Wish Foundation backed down & scrapped plan to mandate Coronavirus vaccines for all sick & terminally ill children who are seeking wishes

>>>/qresearch/14004023 Senate President Karen Fann dashes hopes that preliminary hand count results will be released early next week

>>>/qresearch/14004055 The Chinese-owned Los Angeles Times is getting moar serious about muh Delta variant

>>>/qresearch/14004060 Former Army Captain Seth Keshel (@RealSKeshel) just joined telegram❗️ Here is a video of him breaking down some election data for Arizona

>>>/qresearch/14004062 With the ongoing election audit currently underway, it would be highly inappropriate to adjourn the Legislative Session Sine Die

>>>/qresearch/14004080 DASHCAM: Chicago Thugs Open Fire In Traffic, Use Automatic Rifle

>>>/qresearch/14004161, >>>/qresearch/14004165, >>>/qresearch/14004175, >>>/qresearch/14004188 Australian researchers find Covid spike protein best designed to attack human cells after modelling ACE receptors of evthing from people to pangolins (subscription site)

>>>/qresearch/14004171 Harris postpones trip to Detroit

>>>/qresearch/14004200 I thought Champlin Building North and South were the only ones. But there is a Champlin EAST

>>>/qresearch/14004211, >>>/qresearch/14004222 The Russian response to the British: "Have you lost these confidential files?"

>>>/qresearch/14004214 First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff are scheduled to attend Tuesday's Astros-Orioles game at Minute Maid Park

>>>/qresearch/14004229 Al Gore says that the vote audit should stop and that everyone should trust the Alibaba voting machines

>>>/qresearch/14004244 'Cops' creator Langley dies during off-road race in Mexico...had to read article to see it was a heart attack

>>>/qresearch/14004261 @GregAbbott_TX: I just signed a law that will penalize Austin for defunding police

>>>/qresearch/14004288 NC's First $1 Million COVID Vaccination Winner to be Announced Today

>>>/qresearch/14004295 Blinken meets with Pope, gets private tour of Sistine chapel

>>>/qresearch/14004355, >>>/qresearch/14004356 Meeting Blinken, Israel’s Top Diplomat Aims to Fix Netanyahu ‘Mistakes’

>>>/qresearch/14004455, >>>/qresearch/14004468, >>>/qresearch/14004551 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/14004512, >>>/qresearch/14004582 @ChadPergram: Senate was to meet in pro-forma session at 9 am et. Just a gavel-in, gavel out. But the dais is now empty

>>>/qresearch/14004624, >>>/qresearch/14004641 BREAKING: Large fire and explosion in Elephant and Castle, London

>>>/qresearch/14004645 India says it successfully test-fired next-gen nuclear ballistic missile

>>>/qresearch/14004700 #17723

(22 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67426

File: 819fde45453e131⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1800x1012, 450:253, 14004714_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14004714 Q Research General #17724: Ninjas, Pirates, Covfefe And Shit Edition



>>>/qresearch/14004754 Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with Pope Francis READOUT OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON

>>>/qresearch/14004765 Guy who dropped Trump won flag banned from MLB parks

>>>/qresearch/14004853, >>>/qresearch/14004919, >>>/qresearch/14005265 Moar footage: Large fire and explosion in Elephant and Castle, London

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=4qCxmrfsR70 - BREAKING Major Incident Elephant & Castle London Now [Channel: Alex Belfield - THE VOICE OF REASON]

>>>/qresearch/14004883, >>>/qresearch/14005217, >>>/qresearch/14005244 Dem VA Sen Tim Kaine now sitting at dais in Senate chamber. But Senate hasn't begun pro forma session yet, nearly an hour after was supposed to begin

>>>/qresearch/14004887 16 people arrested in undercover South Fulton prostitution sting

>>>/qresearch/14004896 Federal grant provides $5.4 million for electric buses in Atlanta

>>>/qresearch/14005112 Colorado Doctors are seeing a resurgence of viruses not typical in the summer months

>>>/qresearch/14005136 Curtis Sliwa plans to crack down on crime as NYC mayor

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=mnW9JL_Rfwk - Curtis Sliwa plans to crack down on crime as NYC mayor [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14005233 Re AZ Audit: Secure ballot area is open for audit work to continue. All niter session for the Ninjas. Fresh troops coming in.

>>>/qresearch/14005303 @SecBlinken: It was my great honor to meet today with His Holiness @Pontifex in Vatican City. I am extremely grateful for his leadership and commitment to tackling the climate crisis and promoting human rights and human dignity around the world

>>>/qresearch/14005463 #17724

(11 notables)

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63f49e  No.67427

File: 99f8de8bdf547d5⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1800x1012, 450:253, 14005470_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14005470 Q Research General #17725: False Flags, Flags Drop, Shills and Audits Edition




>>>/qresearch/14005561, >>>/qresearch/14005815 Israel sends IDF team to Florida to assist with tower collapse rescue efforts / names of missing

>>>/qresearch/14005620, >>>/qresearch/14005655, >>>/qresearch/14005752 "Mystery" baker caught deleting notables, SAME BAKER that SPLIT the BAKE on 6/27

>>>/qresearch/14005661 Maricopa Audit Update - no audit counts today (video)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=3R-rZptQJL8 - Maricopa Audit Update [Channel: The M Wire]

>>>/qresearch/14005692, >>>/qresearch/14005740 Official 2011 Chinese government submission discusses ‘weaponising specific viruses to target races’

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Dum5i8B2Vdo - Official 2011 Chinese government submission discusses ‘weaponising specific viruses to target races’ [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/14005806 Ep 600.3: Dividing the USA: A focus on Barr’s role w/ GTE, Buffett, Gates, the internet, and Microso

>>>/qresearch/14005838 Black Dad Who Went Viral for Blasting CRT Responds to Liberal Haters

>>>/qresearch/14005850, >>>/qresearch/14005858, >>>/qresearch/14005866 Nearly 4 in 5 Americans who agree with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion also believe in "QAnon"

>>>/qresearch/14005884, >>>/qresearch/14005929 Hunter Biden Invested In The Pandemic Firm Collaborating With EcoHealth And The Wuhan Lab.

>>>/qresearch/14005907 U.S. Army - The only way is the military. Fully controlled.

>>>/qresearch/14005917 DoD - All hands on deck!

>>>/qresearch/14005933 New World Order Immigration Policy - Joe Biden 2016

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=jIdNEGDXKEk - New World Order Immigration Policy - Joe Biden [Channel: islandonlinenews]

>>>/qresearch/14005935 PF REPORT

>>>/qresearch/14005961 Leo Terrell: Lori Lightfoot is 'public enemy number one' in Chicago

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=uVyeTFOH-ow - Leo Terrell: Lori Lightfoot is 'public enemy number one' in Chicago [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14005988 TikTok Insiders Reveal Chinese Parent Company Can ‘Access U.S. User Data.’

>>>/qresearch/14005991 GEOTUS Tees off.

>>>/qresearch/14006024 Mysterious deaths among pilots are increasing: Vaccinations are suspected

>>>/qresearch/14006062 mj12, ingersol lockwood, B larping conjob - PAYtriots

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=cNg6b9IQOak - Carbon Capture Shield: Earth's Natural Defense against Climate Change [Channel: Carbon Capture Shield]

>>>/qresearch/14006079 (WATCH) He's baaaack: More than 2.2 million watch Trump rally in Wellington, Ohio online

>>>/qresearch/14006163 Candace Owens: This is what's happening in Biden's America

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=yOmS0r712gM - Candace Owens: This is what's happening in Biden's America [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14006252 Former BLM leaders says he quit over the 'ugly truth'

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=vJ6V55ObpNs - Former BLM leaders says he quit over the 'ugly truth' [Channel: Fox News]

(20 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67428

File: 07a6b2d9cf98536⋯.gif (5.88 MB, 600x336, 25:14, 14006333_q_research_genera….gif)


>>>/qresearch/14006333 Q Research General #17726: A Beautiful Day Edition




>>>/qresearch/14006405 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s Election Fraud Unit Makes Arrest Related to Multiple Counts of Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/14006428 Gender Equity Lesson Plans Used To Indoctrinate Your Kids

>>>/qresearch/14006449, >>>/qresearch/14007115 #17725, #17726, #17727

>>>/qresearch/14006464 Nun speaks out during anti Coronavirus tyranny protests in central London on Saturday

>>>/qresearch/14006476 Polish Catholic Church seeing ‘persistently quite high’ number of sexual abuse allegations

>>>/qresearch/14006483 Posted on RUPTLY 15/06, shows 'John McAfee' appearing in Spanish court.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=LxqtawkoRuI - Spain: Antivirus programmer McAfee claims US extradition charges politically motivated [Channel: Ruptly]

>>>/qresearch/14006531 Top Chinese Nuclear Expert Jumps To His Death

>>>/qresearch/14006608, >>>/qresearch/14006619 Swedish Prime Minister Lofven resigns

>>>/qresearch/14006629, >>>/qresearch/14006796 Hunter Biden Invested In The Pandemic Firm Collaborating With EcoHealth and The Wuhan Lab.

>>>/qresearch/14006635 The Audit Freight Trains Are Coming And The Dems Know Why

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=N9KPN8GyVNQ - The Audit Freight Trains Are Coming And The Dems Know Why [Channel: The Real News Channel 2]

>>>/qresearch/14006685 Anon Questions - Why does the IDF want to help with that building so bad?

>>>/qresearch/14006693 Nathan Reiber, sneaky jew Tax Fraud - Former Burlington building owner helped develop Florida condo that collapsed

>>>/qresearch/14006712 The Right Side with Doug Billings - June 24, 2021 - 1 hour, great interview re Audit and other things!!

Video https://rumble.com/vizmxd-the-right-side-with-doug-billings-june-24-2021.html - The Right Side with Doug Billings - June 24, 2021 [1:00] [Channel: The Right Side with Doug Billings]

>>>/qresearch/14006713 Behavioural Warfare and Covid-19: Why are Psychologists Advising the Government?

>>>/qresearch/14006721, >>>/qresearch/14006763, >>>/qresearch/14006790, >>>/qresearch/14006863 DOG COMMS IS DEVIL COMMS

>>>/qresearch/14006739 Outgoing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin is scheduled to meet with US President Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/14006837 NATO Article 5 Treaty Expansion for Space / WWG1WGA

>>>/qresearch/14006878 3 Largest hospital systems in Massachusetts implement vaccine mandate

>>>/qresearch/14006923 Az - Sunni Barelli on Why No Arrest

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=V5Ub-YPATUY - Az - Sunni Barelli on Why No Arrest [Channel: Pastor Jay Dee XL]

>>>/qresearch/14006944, >>>/qresearch/14006960 Explosions in China and Russia - The silent war..

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=dTWsIsjOXck - Fire & explosions destroy boats at Hong Kong marina [Channel: The Sun]

>>>/qresearch/14006980, >>>/qresearch/14007002 17 Timestamp from Joe - 2:12 pm 14:12 14+1+2 = 17

>>>/qresearch/14007091 17 Charged In Undercover Sex Trafficking Operation in Nashville

(22 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67429

File: 9a70b03e0376a1e⋯.gif (5.88 MB, 600x336, 25:14, 14007120_q_research_genera….gif)


>>>/qresearch/14007120 Q Research General #17727: Thy Will Be Done Edition




>>>/qresearch/14007158 PEDO BUN 28 June 21

>>>/qresearch/14007183 Eleven Members of The Pagan’s Motorcycle Club Charged with Narcotics Distribution, Firearms Offenses, and Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering

>>>/qresearch/14007214 A North Carolina man arrested for a sex crime involving a minor

>>>/qresearch/14007227 For some HYPE - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Enriching Diversity]

>>>/qresearch/14007269 Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of COVID

>>>/qresearch/14007290 Mike Pompeo - Endorsing Tim Scott

>>>/qresearch/14007340 Oakland 'Defunds' $17 Million From Police Budget

>>>/qresearch/14007380 Judge dismisses FTC antitrust complaint against Facebook

>>>/qresearch/14007387 The Fabian society crest is literally a WOLF in sheep’s clothing.

>>>/qresearch/14007452, >>>/qresearch/14007507 More Scandalous Behavior From Loretta Lynch

>>>/qresearch/14007457 Michigan lawmaker introducing bill to require election audit

>>>/qresearch/14007467 The Deep State and The Fourth Estate: Spies in Our Media, with Alan MacLeod

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=hB6DmPEpQhI - Spies in Our Media with Alan MacLeod [Channel: MintPressNews]

>>>/qresearch/14007486 U.S. Navy - Putting the green in #BlueGreenTeam

>>>/qresearch/14007492, >>>/qresearch/14007526 Anon Theory - During POTUS speech he mentioned "Stand Up" when discussing Privates standing up to WOKE superiors.

>>>/qresearch/14007504 Arizona GOP Lawmakers Vote to Strip Election Lawsuit Power From Secretary of State Katie Hobbs

>>>/qresearch/14007505 Facebook Soars Past $1 Trillion Market Cap After District Judge Dismisses FTC's Anti-Trust Case

>>>/qresearch/14007514 Key witness in Assange case was paid FBI informant, fabricated accusations

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Sy4gTbgZw4c - Key witness in Assange case was paid FBI informant, fabricated accusations [Channel: The Duran]

>>>/qresearch/14007549 Rockets Hit US Military Base in Eastern Syria Day After US Airstrike on Militia

>>>/qresearch/14007625 Clarence Thomas says federal pot laws ‘may no longer be necessary’

>>>/qresearch/14007627, >>>/qresearch/14007748 List of MI senators if any anons in the area want to share and call their senators // #DemandAudits.

>>>/qresearch/14007647 Audit Counts Will NOT Be Released Today – Auditors TRIPLE Check Evidence

>>>/qresearch/14007704 Florida building collapse reportedly started from the bottom of the building

>>>/qresearch/14007803 New York State Police reject outside help with 1985 Finger Lakes cold case homicide

>>>/qresearch/14007807 PF REPORT

>>>/qresearch/14007897 #17727

(25 notables)

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63f49e  No.67431

File: e7a6eed4aecd1a4⋯.gif (5.88 MB, 600x336, 25:14, 14007902_q_research_genera….gif)


>>>/qresearch/14007902 Q Research General #17728: God Wins Edition




>>>/qresearch/14007982 Former Member of Baltimore’s Safe Streets Program Pleads Guilty to Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/14007986 Manhattan DA Cy Vance will NOT be charging Pres Trump

>>>/qresearch/14007990 Associate of Former Fall River Mayor Sentenced for Extorting Marijuana Vendors and Making False Statements

>>>/qresearch/14007996 24 arrested in Bakersfield Police child predator operation

>>>/qresearch/14008016 Andrew Cowells: Indiana teacher accused of touching boys in bathroom, watching them urinate

>>>/qresearch/14008064 More Complete BS: Psaki Says Republicans Are the Ones Defunding the Police and Not Supporting Law Enforcement

>>>/qresearch/14008068 Project Veritas - Illegal Electioneering EXPOSED in NYC’s Democratic Mayoral Primary

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=i2sTcoxh0P8 - Illegal Electioneering EXPOSED in NYC’s Democratic Mayoral Primary [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/14008137 New Hampshire School District Official Slams Anti-White CRT Propaganda - Resigns

>>>/qresearch/14008200 McAfee [JM] ARCHIVE LINKS

>>>/qresearch/14008204, >>>/qresearch/14008442 PF REPORT

>>>/qresearch/14008263 McAfee Escape Theory

>>>/qresearch/14008485 DJT TELEGRAMS. . . .STOP

>>>/qresearch/14008527 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

(13 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67432

File: 35f1eeccc677b65⋯.png (999.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14008747_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14008747 Q Research General #17729: EBake Sec Test Incoming




>>>/qresearch/14008783, >>>/qresearch/14009143, >>>/qresearch/14009258 PF

>>>/qresearch/14008788 Young people are more at risk from the vaxx than the disease

>>>/qresearch/14008793, >>>/qresearch/14008852, >>>/qresearch/14008872 Desperate Barack Obama Pleads with Lawmakers to Push Through ‘For the People Act’

>>>/qresearch/14008801 NFL Proudly Declares That ‘Football is Gay,’ ‘Queer,’ and ‘Transgender’

>>>/qresearch/14008806 Psaki Mocked After Announcing Biden’s Plan To Place 500,000 Tesla Charging Stations In ‘Disadvantaged Communities’

>>>/qresearch/14008878 New version of Alleycat Player is now available

>>>/qresearch/14008886, >>>/qresearch/14008891, >>>/qresearch/14008920, >>>/qresearch/14009002 King of Eswatini has fled amid public violence in the country

>>>/qresearch/14008922 DEVELOPING: Widespread reports of an @instagram outage

>>>/qresearch/14008943 YouTube bans channel devoted to exposing conservative extremism

>>>/qresearch/14008954 Arizona audit boss claims CIA may have produced ‘disinformation’ on election fraud in new film

>>>/qresearch/14008996 Andy Ngo: @SoundCloud has permanently banned me & my podcast @YouShouldNgo. WITHOUT EXPLANATION

>>>/qresearch/14009005 council for inclusive capitalism vatican ceos join push systemchange

>>>/qresearch/14009011 Maricopa County will not use the tabulation equipment subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate in any future elections.

>>>/qresearch/14009013 Maricopa County Auditor Bob Hughes Shares How They Are Using High Tech Forensic Digital Cameras and OCR to Validate Ballots

>>>/qresearch/14009052 Hunter Biden's Firm Funded Company That Partnered With Wuhan Lab on Bat Research

>>>/qresearch/14009067 The Increase in the Number of Sex Offenders Being Apprehended at the Border Will Horrify You

>>>/qresearch/14009125 Dan Bongino: House Minority Leader McCarthy Calls on Congressional Republicans to Go After Big Tech Long overdue

>>>/qresearch/14009128 Over 500 Election Fraud Cases Are Pending In Texas Courts: Attorney General

>>>/qresearch/14009160 BIDEN: "Latinx" people aren't getting vaccinated because they're scared they'll be deported

>>>/qresearch/14009161 Lawmakers Demand Answers After Joe Biden Bypasses Congress To Bomb Middle East

>>>/qresearch/14009196 AlienLeaks: Please download it and read through it to understand many things which were memory holed and are now considered secrets.

>>>/qresearch/14009355 Everett pimp sentenced to 21 years for human trafficking

>>>/qresearch/14009374 DJT Jr: Do you support the 2nd Amendment? Take this short survey – let’s send Washington a message!

>>>/qresearch/14009402, >>>/qresearch/14009419 Happy 60th birthday to Mike Lindell. You've put yourself out there for America and for we the people. We all appreciate it.

>>>/qresearch/14009436 The way the election was presented to the people on 11/3 is critical to understanding the entire sequence of events.

>>>/qresearch/14009446 PCR tests are a fraud, the true number of positive covid tests are up to 90% less than those being calculated and used to take our freedoms!

>>>/qresearch/14009507 #17728, #17729, #17730

(27 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67433

File: ffb645ff6b0b69d⋯.png (999.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14009517_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14009517 Q Research General #17730: We Own The Night




>>>/qresearch/14009577 OAN’s Christina Releases Latest Updates from Arizona Audit

>>>/qresearch/14009581, >>>/qresearch/14009614 Maricopa County Agrees with Hobbs: Election Equipment Won’t Be Used Again

>>>/qresearch/14009605 Plane crash Washington, PA

>>>/qresearch/14009627 @mikepompeo: There is no doubt that America is the most exceptional nation in the world. We must do everything we can to preserve it.

>>>/qresearch/14009634 AlienLeaks: NASA has built a magnetic lifter which is essentially a gun barrel built into the side of a mountain. And more.

>>>/qresearch/14009638 The UN rights chief says reparations are needed for people facing racism

>>>/qresearch/14009646 Record high 114 temperature set in Canada

>>>/qresearch/14009676 The COVID vaccination drive is falling far behind in the deeply religious and conservative Amish communities across the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/14009706, >>>/qresearch/14009754 NSA planning to leak in an attempt to take TUCKER off the air.

>>>/qresearch/14009716 Bannon: Arizona, the shot heard around the world

>>>/qresearch/14009726 State Department is expediting visas for relatives of Surfside condo collapse.

>>>/qresearch/14009753 Biden to Israeli president: 'Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch'

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=n0wXYU94S2Y - Biden to Israeli President: 'Iran will NEVER get a nuclear weapon on my watch" [Channel: The Hill]

>>>/qresearch/14009755, >>>/qresearch/14009801, >>>/qresearch/14010063, >>>/qresearch/14010098, >>>/qresearch/14010234 PF report

>>>/qresearch/14009777 The New CRT: ‘Human Sexuality’ Program Teaches Kids About Oral Sex, Claims Boys Can Wear Dresses.

>>>/qresearch/14009843, >>>/qresearch/14009921, >>>/qresearch/14009942 AUS says China Discussed Bioweapons Targeting Specific Races, define projection.

>>>/qresearch/14009876 Leftists Siege Biden White House, Blocking All Entrances in Demand for Climate ‘Infrastructure’ Priorities

>>>/qresearch/14009952 20 Bodies Found on a Boat Floating Off the Coast of Turks and Caicos Island: 'A Tragic Situation

>>>/qresearch/14009979 Israel Sees Explosion Of Cases In Vaccinated Patients Caused By "Delta" Variant

>>>/qresearch/14010113 The @USNavy hired a military contractor to spy on us at Rebel News in Canada, too. See the dossier here

>>>/qresearch/14010159 ANOTHER SETUP: On Jan 6 the Secret Service Offered to Escort Roger Stone to the Front of the Capitol March and Into the Capitol

>>>/qresearch/14010174 Lawsuit Filed by America's Frontline Doctors, Names Fauci, Aims to STOP CHILD JABS!

>>>/qresearch/14010225 @TheRealCVN71: Aboard a carrier, there’s always motivation to be found.

>>>/qresearch/14010285 #17730

(23 notables)

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63f49e  No.67434

File: 014a11dfe8179bc⋯.png (999.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14010313_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14010313 Q Research General #17731: Arizona Audit the heat is on




>>>/qresearch/14010349 Anon nom: Is the IDF currently operating in Miami?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=PfHu90JZxT4 - IDF In Miami - On The Diaster Scene [Channel: Zionist Report]

>>>/qresearch/14010381, >>>/qresearch/14010826 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14010465 News.au: Queensland plunged into lockdown as Delta variant spreads. All 2 cases of it.

>>>/qresearch/14010478 Report: The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed: Part 1

>>>/qresearch/14010540 NTD: Venezuelans Cross Border in Record Numbers

>>>/qresearch/14010590 New Jersey lawmakers passed a bill Thursday to stop private and public entities from making deals with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to jail immigrants.

>>>/qresearch/14010615 neowin: Microsoft will require all Windows 11 laptops to have a webcam from 2023

>>>/qresearch/14010624 Kek. So predictable.

>>>/qresearch/14010636, >>>/qresearch/14010653 NANCY PANTS IS QUAKING: 4.0 strikes in east bay area

>>>/qresearch/14010664 GP: Zuckerberg and the CCP put a sick senile old pervert in office and they are laughing in our faces about it

>>>/qresearch/14010666, >>>/qresearch/14011050 Reality check, big pharma gives no fucks. At. All. Some testimony.

>>>/qresearch/14010680, >>>/qresearch/14010731 Blasphemy: Some Western children are taught that Jesus was bisexual as part of ‘aggressive LGBT propaganda'. AUS

>>>/qresearch/14010681 Hill: UN peacekeeping missions face potential shutdown if $6 billion budget not approved

>>>/qresearch/14010722 ZH: Israel Sees Explosion Of Cases In Vaccinated Patients Caused By "Delta" Variant

>>>/qresearch/14010772 He's in the club: Newsmax: Clinesmith's law license should be suspended for just one year after receiving only probation for falsifying a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) document

>>>/qresearch/14010793 mishtalk: Critical Race Theory Banned in 6 States, That's 44 States Too Few

>>>/qresearch/14010831 ZH: New Study Finds COVID-19 'Very Well Adapted' To Specifically Infect Humans

>>>/qresearch/14010853 dailycaller: California Democrats Try To Change Recall Laws To Aid Gavin Newsom

>>>/qresearch/14010889 Rake when? Rebelnews: Man on Air Canada flight criminally charged for sneezing

>>>/qresearch/14010930, >>>/qresearch/14010998 BV records. Anon responds. The Based Levels Can Only Intensify.

>>>/qresearch/14010942 The merchants also are in the club that the so-called little people hear about.

>>>/qresearch/14010957 NPulse: The Bush Foundation, Paid Millions By Chinese Communist Party, Calls On U.S. To Stop ‘Demonizing’ The CCP.

>>>/qresearch/14011100 #17731, #17732, #17733

(23 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67435

File: fbb15fa29b92293⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14011114_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14011114 Q Research General #17732: The 'Do you like the saxophone?' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14011178 GP :LA County Public Health Officials “Strongly” Recommend Everybody, Regardless of Vaccination Status, Wear Face Mask Due to “Delta” Variant

>>>/qresearch/14011182 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14011193 GP: FBI Arrests 69-Year-Old LA Woman for Entering US Capitol “Without Lawful Authority” Despite Photo of Capitol Police Holding the Door for Her

>>>/qresearch/14011225 Here come the ayys: ZH: Former Intel Chief Calls For "Larger Discussion" On UFOs, Warns They Display Technology US Doesn't Have

>>>/qresearch/14011243 Breitbart: ‘Proud Transgender Woman of Color’ Wins co-called Miss Nevada USA Pageant

>>>/qresearch/14011245 Anon nom: Canada will prevent groups from gathering in order to stop the spread of 'unauthorized information'.

>>>/qresearch/14011247 Breitbart: Obama: Trump’s Election ‘Hooey’ Violated Core Tenet of Democracy. Barry, this is a Republic. not a democracy.

>>>/qresearch/14011263 Breitbart: Lawsuit: Silicon Valley Billionaire Recruited Election Officials to Accept Grants from Zuckerberg

>>>/qresearch/14011389 guardian.ng: Pineapple vs spike protein and covid

>>>/qresearch/14011441 Cucked! Breitbart: Ukraine Pulls Out of Anti-China U.N. Statement After Report of Biden Freezing Aid

>>>/qresearch/14011467 NCSC: Chinese surveillance firm builds influence in Washington, with help from former members of Congress

>>>/qresearch/14011586 ABC.au: Why are fully vaccinated people subject to COVID-19 restrictions?

>>>/qresearch/14011628 Bloomberg is tracking how many people got jabbed worldwide.

>>>/qresearch/14011636 Mil Commissions Media Invitation Announced for United States v. Encep Nurjaman; Mohammed Nazir Bin Lep; Mohammed Farik Bin Amin, Arraignment

>>>/qresearch/14011696 GP: Maricopa County Announces They Will No Longer Use the 2020 Voting Machines – GOP Senator Wendy Rogers Chimes In: “Ban ALL fraud machines!”

>>>/qresearch/14011698 TOI: In first for Latin America, ultra-Orthodox city planned for Mexico.

>>>/qresearch/14011737 DOJ: Nine Face Federal Drug and Firearms Charges

>>>/qresearch/14011743 RT: Pittsburgh man dies after 2nd Moderna dose, doctors say, in first known blood clotting case linked to the vaccine

>>>/qresearch/14011821 Washtimes: Mitch McConnell lambasted Democrats’ congressional leaders Monday for holding a bipartisan infrastructure plan “hostage” until a big-spending social bill passes along party lines

>>>/qresearch/14011824 IPNA: Iran now has telescopes

>>>/qresearch/14011825 CNYC: One of the largest Amazon warehouses is almost finished, 62 loading docks & robots and hiring

>>>/qresearch/14011833 #17732

(22 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67436

File: f579cb136b72206⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14011859_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14011859 Q Research General #17733: The 'Ban ALL Fraud Machines!' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14011942 U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy - Side by Side tweet comparison

>>>/qresearch/14011954 FDA Knew on October 22, 2020 that the DeathJab would maim and kill

>>>/qresearch/14011956 Senior Saudi prince sentenced to death in military trial over coup bid

>>>/qresearch/14011961 AIDS-Fauci-Epstein-Ghislaine-Clintons-Island-Haiti-Corona

>>>/qresearch/14012067 PCR tests are a FRAUD, the true number of positive covid tests are 90% LESS

>>>/qresearch/14012117 There are Q supporting politicians and anon supporting politicians. No "Qanon"

>>>/qresearch/14012141 Why would Sleepy Joe's "victory" close the Standard hotel?

>>>/qresearch/14012147 Free citizen speaks his mind about Gen Dumpy

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=p2LIFWyJyKE - Greg: The most absurd statement ever uttered by an American General [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/14012168 Hugh(GE CUCK) Jackman staged vaxx shilling

>>>/qresearch/14012184 Plantin' Seeds

>>>/qresearch/14012206 [Snake Staff] Possible Snake Comms

>>>/qresearch/14012310 Scientists Obfuscated Source of COVID-19-Like Virus Stored at Wuhan Lab

>>>/qresearch/14012317 SHOT heard around the world?

>>>/qresearch/14012321 Canadian Public Health Officer IS A CROSS DRESSING COMMIE

>>>/qresearch/14012328 Pandemic blamed for rise in child pornography in Thailand

>>>/qresearch/14012355 Cynical internet providers complicit in child abuse through inaction

>>>/qresearch/14012366 Suggested watching RE: Useful Idiots and their Communist leaders

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=oRACcmBO0Go - Yuri Bezmenov full complete interview , The SJW and feminist prophet, Ex KGB [Channel: sokolel]

>>>/qresearch/14012380 Romney’s NSA advisor Joseph Cofer Black sat on the Board of Burisma Holdings

>>>/qresearch/14012402 Tucker has "the NSA" trending #1 on Twatter

>>>/qresearch/14012415 MORE I TOLD YOU SO'S

>>>/qresearch/14012441 BOOM

>>>/qresearch/14012447 Anon News Bun

>>>/qresearch/14012449 RE: Black Triangles

>>>/qresearch/14012463 John Weston and his 400 mpg geo storm

>>>/qresearch/14012491 Democrats' Latest Embarrassing Lie: Republicans Voted to Defund the Police

>>>/qresearch/14012500 Pentagon official on leave for suspected unauthorized declass

>>>/qresearch/14012504 “The Shot Heard Round the World Was in Arizona” – Steve Bannon with Jim and Joe Hoft

>>>/qresearch/14012521 Save America poster. Nice!

>>>/qresearch/14012522 Free internet down since 9:22 am French time

>>>/qresearch/14012531 Notes for #17728 which were missing

>>>/qresearch/14012641 #17733

(31 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67437

File: 62e0738eb40327e⋯.gif (5.88 MB, 600x336, 25:14, 14012643_q_research_genera….gif)


>>>/qresearch/14012643 Q Research General #17734: Morning Sun Brings the EXCESSIVE HEAT Edition




>>>/qresearch/14012686 2 Earthquakes Rattle Baltimore City In Days

>>>/qresearch/14012755, >>>/qresearch/14012762 You're being gaslighted. - What is gaslighting?

>>>/qresearch/14012765 (lb) REMINDER THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>>/qresearch/14012782, >>>/qresearch/14012784, >>>/qresearch/14012787, >>>/qresearch/14012789, >>>/qresearch/14012790, >>>/qresearch/14012791 CodeMonkeyZ Telegram

>>>/qresearch/14012794 Tucker Carlson claims the NSA intercepted his private communications and planned to "leak" them

>>>/qresearch/14012795 All German authorities and government agencies shall leave Facebook by the end of the year

>>>/qresearch/14012812 China getting a more important seat at the IMF

>>>/qresearch/14012814, >>>/qresearch/14013198, >>>/qresearch/14013274, >>>/qresearch/14013333, >>>/qresearch/14013339, >>>/qresearch/14013362 Ghosts of Leakin Park - Baltimore, Maryland

>>>/qresearch/14012816 Gravitational force shielding, Cooperative Agreement NCC8-124 and Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program

>>>/qresearch/14012828 YouTube has removed videos posted by a human rights group documenting testimonies from Uyghur people who have had family members disappear in China.

>>>/qresearch/14012833 General Flynn - Wake up and smell the left, they will destroy this country unless the Republican Party starts playing hardball right back. Quit talking and do something about it.

>>>/qresearch/14012844 Court in MN just refused to stay Lindell suit against Dominion, so Dominion has to proceed to defend itself in MN!

>>>/qresearch/14012846 Lead witness in US case against Julian Assange admits to fabricating evidence against him in exchange for a deal with the FBI

>>>/qresearch/14012849 Lin Wood telegram - Does my storm analysis sound about right, Patriots?

>>>/qresearch/14012860 Seth Keshel - Trump won 18 of 19 Bellwether Counties

>>>/qresearch/14012912 Powell: State Legislatures To Reverse 2020 Outcomes If Fraud Found

>>>/qresearch/14013019 Call to Action: Demand a Concurrent Special Session

>>>/qresearch/14013028 Georgia guidestones lay it out pretty well.

>>>/qresearch/14013029 Anyone interested in digging on Senior Executive Service?

>>>/qresearch/14013070 Sounds like now would be a good time to reach out to RINO Senator Paul Boyer

>>>/qresearch/14013088 California bans state-sponsored travel to 17 states for "discriminatory LBGTQ laws,

>>>/qresearch/14013112 John McAfee Wild Interview

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=37G0JmU6NwM - John McAfee Wild Interview [Channel: Stark Insider]

>>>/qresearch/14013114 Senator Kapenga’s Letter to President Trump

>>>/qresearch/14013142 Who took over the Chicago mafia after Capone was arrested?

>>>/qresearch/14013144 UConn Students, Parents Threaten Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>>/qresearch/14013145 Maricopa County Auditor Bob Hughes Shares How They Are Using High Tech Forensic Digital Cameras and OCR to Validate Ballots

>>>/qresearch/14013174 t/ArizonaConservatives The #AZAudit ONLY received roughly 60% of the machines to evaluate

>>>/qresearch/14013200 Okla. Man Convicted of Murder for Running Over 3 High School Cross Country Runners with Truck

>>>/qresearch/14013364 #CCPChina this notice to students in a 1st Grade class demanding all parents and teachers to hunt all “religious books

>>>/qresearch/14013370 Human Trafficking in Maryland

>>>/qresearch/14013371 Authorities identify 3 additional victims of Surfside building collapse; 150 people still missing

>>>/qresearch/14013381 Since President Donald Trump left office, media companies’ readership numbers are plunging

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67438

File: 37c94d2ffe314ab⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, 14013422_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14013422 Q Research General #17735: Call Your Senator and #DemandAudits Edition




>>>/qresearch/14013477 Second FBI Agent in Two Months Arrested for Raping, Molesting Children (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/14013481 Baltimore Earthquake Dig Bun

>>>/qresearch/14013516 Inventor of mRNA Technology Speaks Out

>>>/qresearch/14013529 Bay blasting approved to make way for submarine traffic between Quonset, New London

>>>/qresearch/14013530 Tripping to catch Q. For keks

>>>/qresearch/14013550 TRUMP RALLY THIS SATURDAY!! Sarasota, Florida on Saturday, July 03, 2021

>>>/qresearch/14013569 Leakin Park, MD - Root Cellar Barn "Basement" (Tunnel?)

>>>/qresearch/14013570 2.7m/10km Quake in the Suez Canal

>>>/qresearch/14013587 Found on Gab. Priceless! Pri[de Mon]th

>>>/qresearch/14013594 critical materials withheld from audit

>>>/qresearch/14013620 Katie Arrington Courted To Challenge Nancy Mace In 2022 GOP Primary

>>>/qresearch/14013626 FBI Vault on Pelosi’s Politician Father Thomas D’ Alesandro (Caps Included)

>>>/qresearch/14013641 3.9 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks San Francisco Bay Area: 'You Could Feel It Coming'

>>>/qresearch/14013665, >>>/qresearch/14013685 REMINDER (2018) - Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground

>>>/qresearch/14013687 Microsoft signed a driver loaded with rootkit malware #Delete32

>>>/qresearch/14013692 House Committee on the Judiciary The Need to Enhance the Voting Rights Act

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=TyVdWQo3w7k - House Republican leaders speak to press [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14013715 Sea Breeze 21 begins in the Black Sea after Russia threatens to fire on ‘intruding’ warships

>>>/qresearch/14013804 NOT AF1 Joe 82-8000 departed JBA for LaCrosse Regional Airport, W

>>>/qresearch/14013884, >>>/qresearch/14013964 Several longtime Kamala Harris associates shut out as VP's chief of staff keeps tight control over access

>>>/qresearch/14013911 Reminder, The Pornhub mishap on air

>>>/qresearch/14013918 You don't want to miss this! President Trump joins @clayandbuck live at 1:06pm EST.

>>>/qresearch/14013950 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>>/qresearch/14013979 How BlackRock Rules the World.

>>>/qresearch/14014016 Multiple Poll Workers In NYC May Have Violated State Law In Democratic Mayoral Primary; Illegal Electioneering CAUGHT ON TAPE; Poll Worker FIRED #NYaudit

>>>/qresearch/14014077 BV Pins Thread for 'Cry Moar' GLQBALED

>>>/qresearch/14014099 The chief of Border Patrol was forced out after just 17 months in the job

>>>/qresearch/14014195 What is the Signal?

>>>/qresearch/14014228 ‘Cops’ Creator John Langley Dies During Off-Road Race in Mexico

>>>/qresearch/14014241, >>>/qresearch/14014260 LIVE: Led By Science: The COVID-19 Origin Story

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Y67NvsPcKMs - Led By Science: The COVID-19 Origin Story [Channel: GOP Oversight]

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=edB0WzInf4U - LIVE: House Select Committee - Led by Science: The COVID-19 Origin Story 6/29/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/14014250 Supreme Court took a pass Monday on a legal challenge over shared restrooms for transgender students #NotMyDocket

>>>/qresearch/14014274 Anon Opine - Good vs Evil.

(31 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63f49e  No.67439

File: d73f39b882769cc⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, 14014281_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14014281 Q Research General #17736: #DemandAudits AZ, OH, TX, MI, CA... Edition




>>>/qresearch/14014573 BC apologizes for encouraging Canadians to identify unvaccinated family members

>>>/qresearch/14014576 Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 Claimed

>>>/qresearch/14014593 Multiple Poll Workers In NYC May Have Violated State Law In Democratic Mayoral Primary

>>>/qresearch/14014599 LA demands indoor masks

>>>/qresearch/14014687 President Trump on The Rubin Report Friday

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7P1U05UtvF8 - Big Tech Censorship, Corrupt Media & The Future of MAGA | Donald Trump | POLITICS | Rubin Report [Channel: The Rubin Report]

>>>/qresearch/14014813, >>>/qresearch/14015076 Army Sec vaccine report

>>>/qresearch/14014822 Rep Boebert on guns and Biden

(7 notables)

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63f49e  No.67448

File: c19d058bad6f918⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14015870_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14015870 Q Research General #17737: EBake Hold the Line




>>>/qresearch/14015884 Second Former Deutsche Bank Commodities Trader Sentenced to Prison for Fraud Scheme

>>>/qresearch/14015888 5-4 Supreme Court Rules Pipeline Company Can Use Eminent Domain to Seize Land in NJ

>>>/qresearch/14015901 AUDIO: Biden Campaign Oversaw Theft of Living And Dead Identities For Absentee Ballots In 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/14015903 Dan Bongino creates new anti-'cancel culture' payment platform in response to Trump ban

>>>/qresearch/14015911 Former Disney star Kyle Massey has been charged with a felony for allegedly sending pornographic photos to a 13-year-old girl.

>>>/qresearch/14015923 Leader and 14 Members of Newark Drug Trafficking Ring Charged

>>>/qresearch/14015932 Town of Mishicot Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Federal Prison Following Decades of Sexually Abusing Children

>>>/qresearch/14015934 Gang members charged with trafficking young girls for sex

>>>/qresearch/14015945 Millions of counterfeit masks seized during operation in Maine

>>>/qresearch/14015970 20 arrested in Marion County drug operation, 9 wanted

>>>/qresearch/14015985 Pharma’s Statistical Trick to Coax Children Into Receiving Experimental Jabs

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=70Xhn3K9SlQ - Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee – 6/10/2021 [Channel: U.S. Food and Drug Administration]

>>>/qresearch/14016069, >>>/qresearch/14016083 Progressive group launches $7 million effort to elect Democratic secretaries of state and attorneys general

>>>/qresearch/14016091 Indicted Israeli Traders Had Ties To Muddy Waters In 2014, Before Severing Ties

>>>/qresearch/14016100 Russian Jets Flew by Dutch Ship at Safe Distance in Black Sea to Prevent Border Violation - Video

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=vo8u4xad_DQ - Russia Scrambles Su-30 and Su-24 to Prevent Dutch Ship From Violating Border [Channel: Sputnik]

>>>/qresearch/14016111 Why most people who now die with Covid in England have had a vaccination

>>>/qresearch/14016156 Fauci-Funded Researcher Describes Search for Virus That ‘Infects Human Cells’.

>>>/qresearch/14016165, >>>/qresearch/14016283 Biden-DOJ ice cream comms

>>>/qresearch/14016169 DJT gab

>>>/qresearch/14016311 World Economic Forum makes censorship pledge to “tackle harmful content and conduct online”

>>>/qresearch/14016332 AFP: At least 34 people in the Vancouver area have died in a record heat wave engulfing western Canada and parts of the US Pacific Northwest, officials say

>>>/qresearch/14016417, >>>/qresearch/14016452 Elections (tues) no longer matter - Iron Eagle Q112 Q1245

>>>/qresearch/14016479 Facebook censors those who spread ‘misinformation,’ but looks the other way while pimps abuse children

>>>/qresearch/14016492, >>>/qresearch/14016533 Is The Entire Democratic Party Compromised By China?

>>>/qresearch/14016501 pool explosion launches 500 gallon propane tank into fayette county home

>>>/qresearch/14016593 #17737

(25 notables)

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ac4c73  No.67612

File: 548983518cfe71e⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14016598_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14016598 Q Research General #17738: Never Never Never Give Up




>>>/qresearch/14016636 Hendersonville Man Pleads Guilty To Federal Arson Charges In Connection To Metro Courthouse Fire

>>>/qresearch/14016647 Blankfein, Cohn To Face Shareholder Lawsuit Over Massive 1MDB Corruption

>>>/qresearch/14016662 Emergency evacuations ordered after industrial fire in Chicago suburb

>>>/qresearch/14016666 Arizona Audit: Boxes Rechecked at Center – Spreadsheets Undergo Review – Tabulators Moved Onto Floor

>>>/qresearch/14016669 Biden Allies Launch New Group to Promote Far-Left Agenda

>>>/qresearch/14016697 @RepThomasMassie: Biden sounds more like King George than George Washington.

>>>/qresearch/14016741 Holder, Barr, DOJ and FBI Outed in Slimy Plot Against Assange

>>>/qresearch/14016764, >>>/qresearch/14016777 PBS fear narrative: The White Power Movement: A Direct Line Between Vietnam and Jan. 6 | Amanpour and Company

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ucTGNtsT9gw - The White Power Movement: A Direct Line Between Vietnam and Jan. 6 | Amanpour and Company [Channel: Amanpour and Company]

>>>/qresearch/14016795 Abu Dhabi to bar unvaccinated from schools and shops

>>>/qresearch/14016883 Vid Jesse Watters says“We’re Winning”monolgue is great

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=yQtveHRx8L0 - Watters' World 6/26/21 FULL | FOX BREAKING TRUMP NEWS June 26,21 [Channel: Village Food BD]

>>>/qresearch/14016890 Jim Watkins on grab: trolling Mike Roths is fun /8kun meme

>>>/qresearch/14016916, >>>/qresearch/14016980, >>>/qresearch/14016990 Billionaire bitcoin owner Mircea Popescu has reportedly died, leaving behind a cache of virtual currency and a controversial crypto legacy.

>>>/qresearch/14016941 Spacex launch delayed

>>>/qresearch/14016981 Rumble’s Terms And Conditions Change To Ban ‘Hate Speech’ And ‘Anti-Semitism’ Same Day Trump Joins Platform

>>>/qresearch/14017033 President Biden whispers into microphone: "I think it's time to give ordinary people a tax break. The wealthy are doing fine. No, I mean it."

>>>/qresearch/14017035 LinkedIn 92% of Userbase Data Leak!

>>>/qresearch/14017096, >>>/qresearch/14017113 Citizen pedovore hunter live streams encounter with suspect LEO.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=eZTtfMRXkVE - #cop #pedomon [Channel: Lc predator catcher]

>>>/qresearch/14017229 @USAF_ACC activated the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing.

>>>/qresearch/14017281, >>>/qresearch/14017294 By executing Operation Clean Sweep, the ALNG's 1103rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion helped our partners at @TeamRedstone divest more than 145 tons of expended equipment that had been used for testing.

>>>/qresearch/14017310, >>>/qresearch/14017327, >>>/qresearch/14017346 Emperor is highest royal title, only one now is Naruhito of Japan, Chrysanthemum Throne

>>>/qresearch/14017337 Vogue’s Jill Biden cover is so fawning it would embarrass North Korean propaganda

>>>/qresearch/14017347 Dulles CBP Welcomes 65 Ukraine Orphans to the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/14017349 @TeamRedstone: A test range on the southeast side of the installation will be active today from 0835-1600.Expect increased noise. #BOOM!

>>>/qresearch/14017374 Tearful mom tells senator how COVID vaccine put daughter in wheelchair

>>>/qresearch/14017418 #17738

(25 notables)

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ac4c73  No.67613

File: d6b47de486876c4⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14017429_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14017429 Q Research General #17739: Expect increased noise. #BOOM! Edition




>>>/qresearch/14017478 GP: Gas Prices Hit 7-Year High, Stations Run Out of Fuel Going Into 4th of July Weekend

>>>/qresearch/14017481 GP: Pesident Trump’s Alabama Rally Cancelled Just Days Before His July 3rd Speech — Park Commissioner Cancels the Event After 45th President Was Invited as Guest Speaker

>>>/qresearch/14017487, >>>/qresearch/14017578, >>>/qresearch/14017704, >>>/qresearch/14017901, >>>/qresearch/14017902 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14017497 domigood: Canada Has Added More US Far-Right Extremists To Its List Of Banned Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/14017505 envolve: The COVID Scandal Is Coming Undone: Wuhan Lab Caught Hiding Source of Coronavirus As Far Back As 2013 As US Gov. Covers Up Links

>>>/qresearch/14017511 newsbusters: SoundCloud PURGES Frontline Reporter Andy Ngo’s Podcast from Platform

>>>/qresearch/14017522, >>>/qresearch/14017562, >>>/qresearch/14017654 Reports: I took the vaccine, realise my mistake and want to live. What can I do now?

>>>/qresearch/14017534 naturalblaze: Many Marines, Police, NFL, Nurses Refuse COVID Shot

>>>/qresearch/14017555 madnesshub: Secretary of State Blinken meets Pope Francis as US bishops consider whether to block Biden and Democrats from receiving communion for supporting abortion

>>>/qresearch/14017563 Breitbart: DHS Mayorkas Is Inviting Deported Migrants Back into the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/14017573 NYP: TLC drops Duggar family, ‘Counting On’ after Josh’s child porn arrest

>>>/qresearch/14017591 natpulse: Wuhan Alum Pushing ‘Natural Origins’ Theory Now Works At Lab Receiving Millions From Chinese Communist Companies Including TikTok.

>>>/qresearch/14017630 IRSCI: Today, sixty defendants were charged in a nationwide takedown of a methamphetamine distribution network tied to the Sinaloa Cartel.

>>>/qresearch/14017634, >>>/qresearch/14017786 36th Engineer Brigade: Here comes the BOOM! Q3652 decode

>>>/qresearch/14017667 newsable: China is certified malaria-free by the WHO

>>>/qresearch/14017685 A statement from NSA regarding recent allegations

>>>/qresearch/14017716, >>>/qresearch/14017789 vid: McCarthy Suggests Dems 'Change The Name' Of Party

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=6lkGQ9kmC64 - McCarthy Suggests Dems 'Change The Name' Of Party In Response To Confederate Statue Removal Bill [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/14017741 (pb), Anons are again talking about the recent Laughing_Man treachery after a vid drop. Juicy part @1:23:00. Is #Babyfister doxxing and putting shit in archive files?

>>>/qresearch/14017793 ZH: NY Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams Demands Explanation After 150K Vote 'Irregularity' Narrows Lead

>>>/qresearch/14017907 NSA/CSS @NSAGov A statement from NSA regarding recent allegations.. Only people the account linked can reply. Wonder why?

>>>/qresearch/14018100 USN: 1st annual pride march.

>>>/qresearch/14018134 #17739

(22 notables)

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ac4c73  No.67614

File: cd8d12d35528b0f⋯.jpg (28.28 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14018144_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14018144 Q Research General #17740: The 'If You Poke It You Own It' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14018328 OSSSociety: ‘At first I thought, this is crazy’: the real-life plan to use novels to predict the next war - Guardian article

>>>/qresearch/14018334 Biden: To LGBTQ+ folks across the country — no matter where you are on your journey — know you are loved and accepted just as you are

>>>/qresearch/14018356 NYP: Jill Biden: People wanted someone to come in and heal this nation, not just from the pandemic

>>>/qresearch/14018498 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14018567 vid: Tucker to the NSA: You didn't answer the question

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=mXGZczfbNrY - Tucker to the NSA: You didn't answer the question [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14018571 XVIII Airborne: Even the Google slash page support the Dragon Corps. Thank you, Google!

>>>/qresearch/14018656 It looks like the media is immediately right on top of the Tucker allegations. Like within the hour right on top,. Wonder why?

>>>/qresearch/14018721 Reuters: German military completes withdrawal from Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/14018764 Reuters: U.S. military days away from completing Afghan withdrawal - sources

>>>/qresearch/14018768 WPRI : An old bridge is on fire in Providence, RI

>>>/qresearch/14018863 #17740

(11 notables)

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ac4c73  No.67766

File: 0adac73f6d439af⋯.jpg (28.28 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14018886_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14018886 Q Research General #17741: The 'Immediate Responses From Usual Suspects' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14019006 California Democrats vote to move Newsome's recall election date to hurt Republicans

>>>/qresearch/14019054 Russia’s Soyuz rocket with Progress MS-17 space freighter blasts off from Baikonur

>>>/qresearch/14019075 Democrat Plan Spends $870M for Border Security in Middle East, No Funding for U.S. Border Wall

>>>/qresearch/14019102 DT Jr. on NY ballot issues - popcorn

>>>/qresearch/14019103, >>>/qresearch/14019566, >>>/qresearch/14019591 New York City Mayor's Race Chaos: 130,000 'Test-Run' Votes Lead To Unprecedented "Discrepancy"

>>>/qresearch/14019114 Supreme Court Leaves Eviction Moratorium Intact As Roberts And Kavanaugh Join Liberals

>>>/qresearch/14019128 Connecticut Republican Sen. Rob Sampson: Critical Race Theory Is ‘Trojan Reparations’

>>>/qresearch/14019135 KAVANAUGH has turned out to be a complete deep state asset

>>>/qresearch/14019142, >>>/qresearch/14019166, >>>/qresearch/14019227 Techno Fog and Glen Greenwald ~ Tucker v. the Surveillance State

>>>/qresearch/14019147 The Heat Wave Just Caused an Ice Quake in Alaska (gizmodo)

>>>/qresearch/14019152 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/14019161 Comedian Andy Dick arrested for assault with a deadly weapon

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=_mb6lUWg1FQ - Andy Dick ARRESTED on Kermit and Friends! [Channel: Gaia Paia]

>>>/qresearch/14019176 Queensland tells under-40s ‘do not get AstraZeneca vaccine’

>>>/qresearch/14019188 Kim berates North Korean officials for ‘crucial’ virus lapse

>>>/qresearch/14019198 Virginia says local schools should 'eliminate gender-based practices' under new transgender rules

>>>/qresearch/14019213, >>>/qresearch/14019608 Private donor funds South Dakota's National Guard deployment to U.S.-Mexico border

>>>/qresearch/14019231, >>>/qresearch/14019348 The guy who used to print the ballots and set up the cameras is at the audit

>>>/qresearch/14019380, >>>/qresearch/14019399 Biden with Israeli Pres. Rivlin: "It's not technically appropriate but I'm so delighted his daughter is here.."

>>>/qresearch/14019510, >>>/qresearch/14019577 Two dead in NE Florida plane crash

>>>/qresearch/14019572 UK MPs Visit Belmarsh Prison to Demand a Meeting With Assange

(20 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac4c73  No.67767


>>>/qresearch/14019807 Q Research General #17742: Ebake




>>>/qresearch/14019818 Transgender: White House to Denounce GOP Child-Protection Laws

>>>/qresearch/14019850, >>>/qresearch/14019899 AN ANNOUNCEMENT BY REINER FUELLMICH

>>>/qresearch/14019905 Man Crowned Miss Nevada USA, First In Pageant History

>>>/qresearch/14019946 New piece from Darren Beattie claims the Oath Keepers involvement in Jan 6 was an FBI Operation.

>>>/qresearch/14019992, >>>/qresearch/14019997 Fauci Family Tree

>>>/qresearch/14020021 Have any of you been to the Ingersoll Lockwood website and seen this hidden text on the Home page?

>>>/qresearch/14020051 President Trump Joins Clay And Buck - JUNE 29, 2021

>>>/qresearch/14020055 CLAIM OF THE LIFE. For the Service of the World-Citizens &: Foreign Postal-Countries:

>>>/qresearch/14020066 New York City Mayor's Race "Plunges Into Chaos" As 130,000 'Test-Run' Votes Lead To Unprecedented "Discrepancy"

>>>/qresearch/14020076 Trump: China Should Pay Us $10 Trillion in Reparations

>>>/qresearch/14020126 F-35C Lightning II Launch and Land aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=9ortfU7ruDg - F-35C Lightning II Launch and Land aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) [Channel: U.S. Defense System]

>>>/qresearch/14020196 Catch me if you can

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=vsMydMDi3rI - Catch Me If You Can | Frank Abagnale | Talks at Google [Channel: Talks at Google]

>>>/qresearch/14020241 McAfee [JM] ARCHIVE LINKS

>>>/qresearch/14020253 Tree Huggers Surround White House, No Unarmed Protesters Shot This Time

>>>/qresearch/14020256 198 METHODS OF NONVIOLENT ACTION

>>>/qresearch/14020257 Girl nails school board: 'I don't want to hear about sexuality during class'

>>>/qresearch/14020259 Suddenly You Can't Find Him': Jim Jordan Criticizes Fauci For Skipping GOP COVID-19 Origin Hearing

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=hClM0bWspjY - 'Suddenly You Can't Find Him': Jim Jordan Criticizes Fauci For Skipping GOP COVID-19 Origin Hearing [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/14020260 CNN Continues to Circle the Drain, Hemorrhaging Viewers in Ugly 2nd Quarter Curtis Houck


>>>/qresearch/14020295 The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World? (MUST WATCH VID)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=fdzW-S8MwbI - The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World? [Channel: Academy of Ideas]

>>>/qresearch/14020304 Arizona Senate president lashes out after Maricopa County ditches subpoenaed machines

>>>/qresearch/14020321 Human brains are capable of ‘mental time travel,’ study says

>>>/qresearch/14020329 EDITORIAL: What’s Netflix’s Fascination With Animal-Human Hybrids?

>>>/qresearch/14020340 Sudden death of bitcoin billionaire Mircea Popescu leaves behind controversial crypto legacy

>>>/qresearch/14020345 Biden Administration Hunter Biden-Linked Law Firm Dodged Lobbying Disclosures for Burisma Work

>>>/qresearch/14020348 Master’s Programs Are Breeding Ground for Critical Race Theory, Teacher Says

>>>/qresearch/14020368 Biden to Israeli president: 'Not technically appropriate, but I'm so delighted his daughter is here'

>>>/qresearch/14020371 Panamanian Official: Terrorists Blending With Migrants from Outside Americas Trying to Reach U.S.

>>>/qresearch/14020376 Biden's $118million cabinet: Net worth of secretaries revealed -

>>>/qresearch/14020380 Democrat Plan Spends $870M for Border Security in Middle East, No Funding for U.S. Border Wall

>>>/qresearch/14020392 The Future Is About Information Dominance:’ Gen. Nakasone

>>>/qresearch/14020401 pRESIDENT {PINO} bidAn day 161

>>>/qresearch/14020405 #17741

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac4c73  No.67768


>>>/qresearch/14020423 Footage has emerged of Professor Chris Whitty being manhandled by two men in the street.

>>>/qresearch/14020429 So incredible !! 87 years old Chuck Grassley & Tom Cotton doing 22 push ups in front of 200 passionate Iowans.

>>>/qresearch/14020442 NEW! President Trump:

>>>/qresearch/14020454 LIVE: President Trump Visits The Border In Weslaco, TX for Border

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7iR1AhlPUf0 - LIVE: President Trump Visits The Border In Weslaco, TX for Border Security Briefing 06/30/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/14020502 lb @28sec Bodybag shows not a human form but rectangular box shape.

>>>/qresearch/14020524 Why Does the QAnon Conspiracy Thrive Despite All its Unfulfilled Prophecies?

>>>/qresearch/14020545 Impact and Implications of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=UuERPvBFfco - Imagining the Next Flu Pandemic – and Preventing it! [Channel: uncpublichealth]

>>>/qresearch/14020585 Reminder Tucker Carlson applied to the Central Intelligence Agency

>>>/qresearch/14020589 Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s Dad?

>>>/qresearch/14020646, >>>/qresearch/14020677 @DonaldJTrumpJr Nothing screams above board government transparency like limiting the comments of citizens

(43 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac4c73  No.67769

File: 2d1e215759bd5dd⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, 14020681_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14020681 Q Research General #17743: fREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEdom Edition




>>>/qresearch/14020703 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>>/qresearch/14020724, >>>/qresearch/14021246 Fox #Blackouts?

>>>/qresearch/14020754 DDos cyber attack on the communication systems for Russian President Putin's Q&A session.

>>>/qresearch/14020761, >>>/qresearch/14020767 Boris Johnson admits the Covid Test is only 7% accurate. Sauce to come

>>>/qresearch/14020778, >>>/qresearch/14020860 Cede and Company The secret trillion-dollar company that owns America

>>>/qresearch/14020790 U.S. military base in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor was shelled by pro-Iranian militias on Monday night

>>>/qresearch/14020803 #AuditsMatter

>>>/qresearch/14020813 Defence in Jordan trial to ask court to invite Prince Hamza to testify

>>>/qresearch/14020833 Biden meeting with Western State Governors as they demand he do something about the wildfires AND HEAT WAVE!

>>>/qresearch/14020845 They disabled comments

>>>/qresearch/14020855 Beware of new, secret Domex

>>>/qresearch/14020878 Vid Texas Senate 5/21 Covid jab testing killed all the subjects.

>>>/qresearch/14020881, >>>/qresearch/14020891 Summary of comms in Trump speech

>>>/qresearch/14020986 UPDATED VACCINE DATA

>>>/qresearch/14020998 House Democrats propose government-run credit reporting system

>>>/qresearch/14021006 Biden's Justice Department Backs Away From Fight With Immigration Judges Union

>>>/qresearch/14021031 Billionaire GOP donor is funding South Dakota National Guard border deployment

>>>/qresearch/14021112 OLD WORLD energy has been hiding in plain sight.

>>>/qresearch/14021114, >>>/qresearch/14021416 gab/realdonaldtrump The New York City Election, even though an embarrassment and total mess, is far better and more accurate than my 2020 Presidential Election

>>>/qresearch/14021124 The [COVID] Lie is crumbling


>>>/qresearch/14021247 4 truths about the Texas-Mexico border ahead of Greg Abbott, Donald Trump visit on Wednesday

>>>/qresearch/14021260 Donald Trump visits Texas to tour “unfinished border wall” on U.S. Mexico border with Gov. Greg Abbott

>>>/qresearch/14021329 Ivermectin alone eliminates 97% of COVID in Delhi.

>>>/qresearch/14021330 Harris Delivers Remarks & Leads the U.S. Delegation to the Generation Equality Forum

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=9jvAuKfWKN8 - Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks & Leads the U.S. Delegation to the Generation Equality Forum [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14021331 Undercover GOP operatives trained by former spies infiltrated liberal groups to try and compromise them from the inside, report says #Infiltration

>>>/qresearch/14021358 Dr. Brett Giroir, testified on Tuesday that the “most likely” origin for the pandemic was a Wuhan lab leak.

>>>/qresearch/14021372 Anon Mini bun on Condo Collapse BS

>>>/qresearch/14021380 3 Part Series - Dutch parliamentarian issues a sharp rebuke against current COVID measures

>>>/qresearch/14021385 Myocarditis ‘Higher Than Expected’ Among Male Military Members After 2nd mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Dose:

>>>/qresearch/14021400, >>>/qresearch/14021424 Trump en route to US-Mexico border amid record migrant surges

(31 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac4c73  No.67820

File: 10b5235cfaad493⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, 14021465_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14021465 Q Research General #17744: Nothing is certain but death and Audits. Edition




>>>/qresearch/14021502 Archive Offline - McAfee [JM] ARCHIVE LINKS

>>>/qresearch/14021510 Pelosi and House Democrats hold news conference ahead of vote on infrastructure bill

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Bl5ajFq9Lck - WATCH LIVE: Pelosi and House Democrats hold news conference ahead of vote on infrastructure bill [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/14021516 FINRA orders record penalties against Robinhood, asks to pay $70 million for supervisory failures and significant harm suffered by millions of customers

>>>/qresearch/14021520 Fauci warns Delta variant will produce ‘two Americas’ for vaccinated and unvaccinated #DivideandConquer

>>>/qresearch/14021523 Secretary of Energy Jen Granholm says sea level rise is affecting Lake Michigan #WatchTheWater

>>>/qresearch/14021532, >>>/qresearch/14021684 The Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States will hold its next meeting on June 30 (PDF's)

>>>/qresearch/14021539 Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=WBvKrXJnO8E - Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States – 6/30/21 Meeting [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14021571 Gates Foundation Pledges $2.1 Billion for Gender Equality

>>>/qresearch/14021623 Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Remarks on Western Wildfires

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=N2n_Yxrw_50 - President Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Remarks on Western Wildfires [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14021652 snake comms?

>>>/qresearch/14021676 PDJT When I was president, I delivered on my promise to build a border wall to protect our country. All Joe Biden had to do was paint it.

>>>/qresearch/14021682 Desantis just signed #HB241-“Parents’ Bill of Rights” allows parents to read/review school curriculum & to opt their kids out of required vaccinations & LGBTQ/sex-education.

>>>/qresearch/14021716 Post-Pfizer autopsy finds viral RNA in “every organ of the body”

>>>/qresearch/14021734 Former Disney star charged with felony immoral communication with minor

>>>/qresearch/14021740 LIVE: Miami building collapse update

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=SXiYpqenM_4 - LIVE: Surfside Condo Collapse Update [Channel: NewsNOW from FOX]

>>>/qresearch/14021758 Rainbow Flag Mil March Attendance was mandatory for the military, they are as humilated as anyone

>>>/qresearch/14021775 https://vault.fbi.gov/recently-added eyes on

>>>/qresearch/14021847 United States Secret Service Most Wanted Fugitives

>>>/qresearch/14021915 Who took Seth Rich's laptop home with them?

>>>/qresearch/14021916 Wolf Vetoes GOP #VoterID bill.

>>>/qresearch/14021952 NEW PDJT "nobody will ever know who really won"

>>>/qresearch/14021963 Delta variant registers a 99.9+% recovery rate?

>>>/qresearch/14022038 LIVE: President Trump Visits The Border In Weslaco, TX for Border Security

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7iR1AhlPUf0 - LIVE: President Trump Visits The Border In Weslaco, TX for Border Security Briefing 06/30/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/14022049 LIVE: House Judiciary examines abuse of power and prosecuting leaks

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=iIq7YOCsXTE - WATCH LIVE: House Judiciary examines abuse of power and prosecuting leaks [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/14022105 #NYaudit

>>>/qresearch/14022135 Allison Mack has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for her role in the Nxivm case.

>>>/qresearch/14022161 Michigan Rep. Rendon Says She Has Evidence of Fraud in MI’s 2020 Election #MIaudit #ElectoralFraud

>>>/qresearch/14022169, >>>/qresearch/14022170 Trump Organization and CFO Allen Weisselberg Expected to Be Charged Thursday

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac4c73  No.67821


>>>/qresearch/14022179 @DeptofDefense "As we approach Independence Day, all ndicators within the @DeptofDefense are moving in a positive direction."

(29 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac4c73  No.67877

File: 15020ac490ce1ec⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, 14022231_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14022231 Q Research General #17745: If (You) #DemandAudits, 'They' will Seethe Edition




>>>/qresearch/14022283 Statement by Donald J. Trump

>>>/qresearch/14022407 Oath Keepers fuckery

>>>/qresearch/14022428 Lack of official denial re: Tucker Carlson spying

>>>/qresearch/14022438 The State Department will no longer require medical documents proving gender for travel documents.

>>>/qresearch/14022551 Dan Scavino Tweet

>>>/qresearch/14022650 The Washington Post is being accused of supporting grooming and pedophilia

>>>/qresearch/14022661 Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant

>>>/qresearch/14022748 Rey Valenzuela, Maricopa County Elections

>>>/qresearch/14022876 Trump Org And CFO Weisselberg Expected To Be Charged Thursday With Tax Crimes

>>>/qresearch/14022921 Fauci Goes On CNN, Says There May Soon Be ‘Two Americas’ With Vaxxed Versus Unvaxxed

>>>/qresearch/14022932 ARIZONA: Senator Ugenti-Rita KILLS Election Integrity Bill, Votes With Dems Against Vital Legislation

(11 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac4c73  No.67912

File: 28d0ffe5ec59b67⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 14023023_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14023023 Q Research General #17746: Just say no to the poke



>>>/qresearch/14023081 Top Democrat Worked For Chinese Communist-Run Propaganda Group

>>>/qresearch/14023102 Father Shoots Alleged Child Predator After Spotting the Man ‘Touching Himself’ Near Daughter

>>>/qresearch/14023122 Fauci-Funded Texas Lab Trained Wuhan Researchers How To Work With ‘World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens

>>>/qresearch/14023208 Dr Brendan Murphy tells Senator Jacquie Lambie not to warn the public about the adverse effects of Covid vax AUS

>>>/qresearch/14023222 Democrats Planning to Change Laws to Target Single-Family Homes in the Suburbs

>>>/qresearch/14023329 Tom Wolf Vetoes Republican Bill

>>>/qresearch/14023333, >>>/qresearch/14023337 Bongino Report Re: Carlson spying and Flynn response

>>>/qresearch/14023358 Wendy Rogers Arizona Audit Update

>>>/qresearch/14023409 Dan Scavino tweet

>>>/qresearch/14023426 Rumsfeld ded (scroll down, heaps of other Rummy shit)

>>>/qresearch/14023484 Fucking Leaf: Orwellian: Canada Moves to Ban “Hate Speech” Online, Punishable by a $40,000 Fine

>>>/qresearch/14023523 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/14023550 Sen. Rand Paul slams delta variant 'fear mongers

>>>/qresearch/14023705 Joe Biden Appointed A Former Senate Intel Chairman, Who Now Spreads CCP Propaganda, to A Taxpayer-Subsidized Board Position.

(14 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68022

File: 8ca7bdb178ed13e⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 14024715_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14024715 Q Research General # 17748: Ebake Away




>>>/qresearch/14024725 Andy Dick Arrested in L.A. on Suspicion of Assault with Deadly Weapon, Fiancée Talks About Alleged Fight

>>>/qresearch/14024734 #17746 reposted in #17750

>>>/qresearch/14024735 #17745 reposted in #17750

>>>/qresearch/14024742 Exxon oil lobbyist in sting video identifies 11 senators 'crucial' to its lobbying

>>>/qresearch/14024746 Bruce Castor…..DA that made original agreement with Bill Cosby…also defended Trump in impeachment

>>>/qresearch/14024750 Buttigieg: ‘There’s No Time to Argue’ if Climate Change Is Real — ‘It’s Happening and It’s Incredibly Dangerous’

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ZG38YtincBM - Pete Buttigieg on the Country's Infrastructure State | The View [Channel: The View]

>>>/qresearch/14024753, >>>/qresearch/14025083 CNN Reporter [Acosta] Booed After Asking Trump About Apology For Capitol Riot

>>>/qresearch/14024760 Walmart announced it is launching its own private brand of insulin

>>>/qresearch/14024876 Armed Forces Services Corporation Pays $4.3 Million to Resolve Anti-Kickback Act and False Claims Act Allegations

>>>/qresearch/14024886 PEDO BUN 30 June 21

>>>/qresearch/14024894 Obama: Worrisome that Majority of Republicans ‘Actually Believed’ Misinformation Trump Won in 2020

>>>/qresearch/14024901 NYC Mayor De Blasio “Urgently” Calls on Residents to “Immediately” Reduce Electric Use to Avoid Blackouts Amid Heatwave

>>>/qresearch/14024907 2 House Republicans Vote With Democrats to Create Select Committee to Investigate Jan. 6 Capitol Breach (Kinzinger, Cheney)

>>>/qresearch/14024910 Putin: Our country is the world's depository of mineral wealth but people are Russia's main gold reserve

>>>/qresearch/14024912, >>>/qresearch/14024933 White Supremacist Gaslights Fear Porn for the July 4th Holiday

>>>/qresearch/14024915 Sheriff Briefs Trump on 300 Percent Increase in Migrant Deaths in One Texas County

>>>/qresearch/14024941 Soros Hires Former Smartmatic Prez as CEO and Former Podesta CEO as Head of US Operations – Podesta Hires Former Soros Chief as President of Center for American Progress

>>>/qresearch/14024946 14 Missing Children, 17 Missing Adults Found In Kansas and Missouri, Officials Say

>>>/qresearch/14024954 10 Women And Girls Rescued From The Sex Trade In California

>>>/qresearch/14024969 Top Pentagon Official Placed on Leave Over Suspected Disclosure of Classified Information

>>>/qresearch/14024995 DJT: Wall to be painted BLACK so it will be ‘too hot for migrants to climb over’ - KEK

>>>/qresearch/14025014 U.S. passport applicants can now ‘self-select their gender’ without medical certification even if gender doesn’t match other documents

>>>/qresearch/14025023 Canadian First Nation Uncovers 182 Graves at Another Former Forced Assimilation School

>>>/qresearch/14025043 Border Patrol’s Fentanyl Seizures Increase By 4,000%

>>>/qresearch/14025062 Joseph J Flynn: They are afraid of the truth!!!!! Democrats Demand Twitter/Facebook Ban This Movie!

>>>/qresearch/14025113 EX-U.S. Congressional Candidate Indicted On Federal Election Charges

>>>/qresearch/14025126 CodeMonkeyZ Telegram(s)

>>>/qresearch/14025157 Pennsylvania Gov Vetoes GOP-Backed Voter ID Bill

>>>/qresearch/14025163 McCarthy Calls For An Investigation Into Tucker Carlson’s Allegations Against The NSA

>>>/qresearch/14025193 Pennsylvania Democrats to Propose Bullet Tax

>>>/qresearch/14025205 BREAKING: 14 Missing Children, 17 Missing Adults Found In Kansas and Missour

>>>/qresearch/14025211 Sacramento woman 'crashed her car into a tree while having sex with underage boy,' deputies allege

>>>/qresearch/14025362 Charges Filed Against Trump Org And CFO Alan Weisselberg

(33 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68023

File: 4c84a974c44b798⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14026145_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14026145 Q Research General #17750: The 'Grab it by the Note Bun' Edition



>>>/qresearch/14026282 NYP: Laptop shows Joe Biden attended meetings between Hunter and his Mexican business partners

>>>/qresearch/14026294 NYP: Bill Cosby’s prison release a ‘beautiful day’ for women, rep says

>>>/qresearch/14026319 NTD: The Chinese Communist Party will be celebrating its 100th anniversary on July 1st - With police state actions for that "at home" feel.

>>>/qresearch/14026340, >>>/qresearch/14026401 GP: MSNBC Publishes News Report Tonight Dated “July 1” Reporting New York Has Indicted Trump Organization and CFO

>>>/qresearch/14026345 Globaknews: British Columbia has dropped the requirement to wear masks in indoor public spaces.

>>>/qresearch/14026347 9news: QR code check-ins to be mandatory at all workplaces, retail businesses in NSW

>>>/qresearch/14026353 GP: “RELEASE THE REPORT AND BE PREPARED TO DEFEND IT” – Maricopa County BOS Chairman Jack Sellers KNOWS What Is Coming

>>>/qresearch/14026373 Miami herald: More Jewish Venezuelans in the building rubble

>>>/qresearch/14026376 ElectionWiz: WATCH: Hannity asks Trump if he's made up his mind about running in 2024.

>>>/qresearch/14026386 Ikea designs couches for each LGBTQ identity, but Twitter is confused and offended by its bisexual couch

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=jkISKJwW9fI - IKEA Love Seats [Channel: IKEA Canada]

>>>/qresearch/14026391 Tathasta oped: NSA Response To Carlson Sparks Numerous Reactions: ‘This Is Either Poorly Drafted Or Something Worse’

>>>/qresearch/14026418 GP: Kamala Harris’ Staffers Are Anonymously Leaking to Media and Revealing Her Office is an “Abusive Environment – Place Where People Feel Treated Like Sh*t”

>>>/qresearch/14026439 WRAL: Animal control caught the venomous zebra cobra on Wednesday night after it was spotted on a porch in a north Raleigh neighborhood.

>>>/qresearch/14026466 PJM: Atlanta's Election Problems Are Apparently So Bad That the State Is Looking to Step In

>>>/qresearch/14026469 Newsthud: Kevin McCarthy assigns Devin Nunes to investigate Tucker’s claim that NSA spied on hi

>>>/qresearch/14026493 WND: Naturalized citizen offers heartfelt tribute to America, CBS host responds by mentioning 'tiny child' genitals

>>>/qresearch/14026516 Dalycaller: Updated Vote Counts Give Adams Narrow Lead Following Tuesday’s Debacle

>>>/qresearch/14026541 LATimes: James Franco will pay $2.2 million to settle suit alleging sexual exploitation, fraud

>>>/qresearch/14026545 ZH: Half A Million Illegals Crossed Since Harris Named Border "Czar"

>>>/qresearch/14026592 Breitbart: University of North Carolina Grants Tenure to ‘1619 Project’ Author Nikole Hannah-Jones

>>>/qresearch/14026596 JW: Starting this fall Virginia will offer illegal immigrants discounted in-state tuition at taxpayer-funded colleges as well as financial aid to attend private universities

>>>/qresearch/14026618 Newsweek: A First Nations group in British Colombia said on Wednesday that 182 bodies were found near a former Canada residential school that housed Indigenous kids taken from their families, the Associated Press reported.

>>>/qresearch/14026631 newsnation: 4 found shot and killed after crews respond to possible North Carolina home explosion

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=5Z2live0HTo - 4 found shot and killed after crews respond to possible North Carolina home explosion [Channel: NewsNation Now]

>>>/qresearch/14026649 Thehill: Oregon governor invokes Emergency Conflagration Act to combat wildfire

>>>/qresearch/14026663 Thehill: Montana governor lifts COVID-19 state of emergency

>>>/qresearch/14026727, >>>/qresearch/14026791 Ashli Babbitt Shooter Is Member of Mike Pence’s Security Detail — Officer Still Not Named After Nearly 6 Months

>>>/qresearch/14026744 ZH: 5,000 Burgers Per Day: World's First Mega Lab-Grown Meat Factory Opens

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68024


>>>/qresearch/14026753 Tom Scott: I am thrilled to have my friend @Mike_Pence on Team Scott!

>>>/qresearch/14026765, >>>/qresearch/14026790 LOS ANGELES - Unexpected explosion as the bomb squad tried to detonate homemade explosives in south LA. People injured, cars destroyed, windows shattered.

>>>/qresearch/14026787 DOJ: Mississippi Prison’s Deputy Warden Charged with Civil Rights Offense for Beating Inmate

>>>/qresearch/14026837 PJM Oped: Big Tech Should Pay Less Attention to Thought Crimes and More to the Criminals Using Its Platforms

>>>/qresearch/14026938 Newsweek: Nearly seven months after Private First Class Asia Graham was found dead at an Army barracks in Texas, her fiancée and fellow soldier Private Marriah Pouncy follows suit.

>>>/qresearch/14026943 #17748 posted in #17750

>>>/qresearch/14027006 RobSchneider: This Medical Child Abuse must be stopped by any and all non-violent means necessary

>>>/qresearch/14027030 #17750

(35 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68122



>>>/qresearch/14023023 Q Research General #17746: Just say no to the poke




>>>/qresearch/14023081 Top Democrat Worked For Chinese Communist-Run Propaganda Group

>>>/qresearch/14023102 Father Shoots Alleged Child Predator After Spotting the Man ‘Touching Himself’ Near Daughter

>>>/qresearch/14023122 Fauci-Funded Texas Lab Trained Wuhan Researchers How To Work With ‘World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens

>>>/qresearch/14023208 Dr Brendan Murphy tells Senator Jacquie Lambie not to warn the public about the adverse effects of Covid vax AUS

>>>/qresearch/14023222 Democrats Planning to Change Laws to Target Single-Family Homes in the Suburbs

>>>/qresearch/14023329 Tom Wolf Vetoes Republican Bill

>>>/qresearch/14023333, >>>/qresearch/14023337 Bongino Report Re: Carlson spying and Flynn response

>>>/qresearch/14023358 Wendy Rogers Arizona Audit Update

>>>/qresearch/14023409 Dan Scavino tweet

>>>/qresearch/14023426 Rumsfeld ded (scroll down, heaps of other Rummy shit)

>>>/qresearch/14023484 Fucking Leaf: Orwellian: Canada Moves to Ban “Hate Speech” Online, Punishable by a $40,000 Fine

>>>/qresearch/14023523 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/14023550 Sen. Rand Paul slams delta variant 'fear mongers

>>>/qresearch/14023578 (pb) Oct 2020 - The FDA KNEW about all the horrible side effects of the jab.


>>>/qresearch/14023705 Joe Biden Appointed A Former Senate Intel Chairman, Who Now Spreads CCP Propaganda, to A Taxpayer-Subsidized Board Position.

(15 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68123

File: 186872f64156f04⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 14023792_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14023792 Q Research General # 17747: Yep, its gin Rummy.




>>>/qresearch/14023859, >>>/qresearch/14023904, >>>/qresearch/14023911, >>>/qresearch/14023950, >>>/qresearch/14023957, >>>/qresearch/14024183, >>>/qresearch/14024495 Human Trafficking/Pedo Arrests/Convictions

>>>/qresearch/14023866 President Trump Releases Statement on Current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, Calling for Milley to Resign

>>>/qresearch/14023867, >>>/qresearch/14023893 Magnetic Effects Associated with COVID Vaccine Injections

>>>/qresearch/14023878 Cable News Numbers - Shockingly Small Audience for CNN and MSNBC

>>>/qresearch/14023896 Statement by President George W. Bush on Donald H. Rumsfeld

>>>/qresearch/14023907, >>>/qresearch/14023947, >>>/qresearch/14024147 TRUMPS VISIT TO THE BORDER WITH GOVENER GREG ABBOT

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Q7YUgiRVDjc - Trump/Abbott visit border wall section [Channel: KENS 5: Your San Antonio News Source]

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=n9lqCqDbd-U - 'The problems are dramatic' | Gov. Abbott stresses the need for border security during tour with Tru [Channel: KENS 5: Your San Antonio News Source]

>>>/qresearch/14023914 U.S. House APPROVES establishment of Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection, 222-190.

>>>/qresearch/14023926 Belgian Security Services Company and Three Former Executives Indicted for Bid Rigging on U.S. Department of Defense Contracts

>>>/qresearch/14023937 AZ Audit Randy Pullen: Audit Team Evacuates TOMORROW After County Delay- Routers And Passwords Still Withheld By Maricopa County

>>>/qresearch/14023938 trump-at-u-s-mexican-border-slams-biden-for-open-really-dangerous-border

>>>/qresearch/14023976 Coordinated action cuts off access to VPN service used by ransomware groups

>>>/qresearch/14024017 China's People's Liberation Army is building more than 100 new silos for intercontinental ballistic missiles out in the Gansu desert in a major expansion of Beijing’s nuclear capabilities

>>>/qresearch/14024025 Delta Variant Scare Campaign Success: Nations Are Locking-Down Again

>>>/qresearch/14024035 Hospital network’s new policy forces women to share rooms with men who identify as women

>>>/qresearch/14024047, >>>/qresearch/14024076 NYC mayor urges citizens to reduce electricity IMMEDIATELY to avoid blackouts

>>>/qresearch/14024052 Allison Mack Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison

>>>/qresearch/14024074 Australian State Media fawns over the CCP

>>>/qresearch/14024091 Oldest known victim of bacteria that caused Black Death died 4,000 years before epidemic

>>>/qresearch/14024104 Australian Political Editor Chris Uhlmann has taken aim at Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young's stance on the AstraZeneca vaccine.

>>>/qresearch/14024158 Anything…. I mean anything that the left doesn't like is (one or more of):

>>>/qresearch/14024194 Even More Researchers Link mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines to Rare Heart Inflammation Cases: Studies

>>>/qresearch/14024246 James Franco Agrees to $2.2 Million Settlement in Sexual Misconduct Suit

>>>/qresearch/14024359 Jully Kelly twt: Just talked to a J6 defendant spouse. 20 FBI agents raided their house…

>>>/qresearch/14024468, >>>/qresearch/14024568 James Kerr twt: Did you know about USB drives being taken in a raid on November 5th in Maricopa county?

>>>/qresearch/14024521, >>>/qresearch/14024538, >>>/qresearch/14024545 Graphene-based nano-antennas may enable nanonetworks, terabits-per-second wireless communications

>>>/qresearch/14024557 Hydrogels with electrical and antibacterial properties suitable for neural interfaces have been created

>>>/qresearch/14024587 The World Economic Forum makes censorship pledge

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68124


>>>/qresearch/14024592 DJT Jr twt: Let me get this straight? You can be off by 135,000 votes in a New York City mayoral primary alone but if someone loses the White House by less than 45,000 across multiple states in a presidential election you can’t have any questions.

>>>/qresearch/14024601 Federal Protection of “Oath Keepers” Kingpin Stewart Rhodes Breaks The Entire Capitol “Insurrection” Lie Wide Open

>>>/qresearch/14024637 Graphene nanotech neural implant company INBRAIN Neuroelectronicsreceives €14.35 million investment


>>>/qresearch/14024668 Analysis of Graphene Antenna Properties for 5G Applications

(32 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68125

File: 7ddc1b765acf180⋯.jpg (26.61 KB, 513x277, 513:277, 14025285_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14025285 Q Research General #17749: My Edition




>>>/qresearch/14025555 Storyteller Anon tells a story

>>>/qresearch/14025590, >>>/qresearch/14025652 New CRISPR science could clip out, edit dangerous DNA

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=CNvF6Iomxqo - New CRISPR science could clip out, edit dangerous DNA [Channel: Fox Business]

>>>/qresearch/14025595 Jim Jordan checkmates Fauci, in his own narrative game on gain of function research(Cap 7:40)

>>>/qresearch/14025612 Babbitt was actually shot by a member of VP Mike Pence’s protective detail?

>>>/qresearch/14025627 Video shows water gushing into garage moments before Florida condo collapse

>>>/qresearch/14025664 2.3 TRillion Dollars Missing from DOD Day before 911 2001 Rumsfeld LIES

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HsggT9hD0Q8 - 2.3 TRillion Dollars Missing from DOD Day before 911 2001 Rumsfeld LIES [Channel: Canna Biss]

>>>/qresearch/14025668 Top Pentagon official placed on leave over suspected disclosure of classified information

>>>/qresearch/14025762 Manhattan grand jury indicts Trump Organization and CFO Allen Weisselberg

>>>/qresearch/14025967 Rumsfeld blamed Biden for the fall of Saigon

>>>/qresearch/14025992, >>>/qresearch/14026006, >>>/qresearch/14026016 Censored Article On 82% Miscarriage Rate Among Vaxxed Pregos

>>>/qresearch/14026106 “RELEASE THE REPORT AND BE PREPARED TO DEFEND IT” – Maricopa County BOS Chairman Jack Sellers KNOWS What Is Coming

>>>/qresearch/14026132 Brace for impact

(12 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68127

File: 300a4b22699710b⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14027058_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14027058 Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14027171 Anon noms a vid: Full Trump interview w/ Hannity today. Trump enters @6:35

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ykXzYgzXwy4 - Trump Today's Full interview on Fox News on Sean Hannity Tonight 6/30/21 [Channel: TRUMP TEAM]

>>>/qresearch/14027212, >>>/qresearch/14027777 Anons digging around on Ashli Babbitt''s killer

>>>/qresearch/14027279 Anons nom a vid: "secret society so secret you cannot talk about it"

>>>/qresearch/14027295, >>>/qresearch/14027321, >>>/qresearch/14027328 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14027308 #17747 posted in #17751

>>>/qresearch/14027440 Haaretz: Ultra-Orthdox sex offenders rarely feel guilty over abuses, therapists say

>>>/qresearch/14027458 ToI: Police claim ‘most’ violence in Arab sector led by Shin Bet informants

>>>/qresearch/14027477 ToI: National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat announces he’s stepping down

>>>/qresearch/14027525 Anon nom: Armstrong oped: Election fraud - In the states that are at issue, there were stark similarities.

>>>/qresearch/14027559, >>>/qresearch/14027697, >>>/qresearch/14027739, >>>/qresearch/14027749, >>>/qresearch/14027765, >>>/qresearch/14027887 Apparently the fireworks were pretty big. Anons are digging around the Cosby angle. Long Beach?

>>>/qresearch/14027606 Economictimes: Israeli linked to India's BellTroX in hacker-for-hire scheme seeks plea deal in US

>>>/qresearch/14027626 Censorship on a Free-Speech platform

>>>/qresearch/14027795 "light to dark", we see that

>>>/qresearch/14027797 #Eurojust & @Europol have coordinated an operation of 9 countries against #DoubleVPN, a #VPN service which provided a safe haven for cybercriminals.

>>>/qresearch/14027856 USSS: We are saddened to announce the passing of retired Secret Service K-9 Armor, who faithfully served on our Emergency Response Team from December 2010 to February 2016. He will be missed

>>>/qresearch/14027909 #17751

(16 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68129

File: 68dedf1803cff6d⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14027952_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14027952 Q Research General #17752: The 'Because Sex Offenders Are Criminals' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14028016 Over target?

>>>/qresearch/14028030 Thanks for letting me think!

>>>/qresearch/14028033 (VID) Fear and Social Control

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=w_ybzC2wP7Q - Fear and Social Control [Channel: Academy of Ideas]

>>>/qresearch/14028043, >>>/qresearch/14028135, >>>/qresearch/14028214 Anna/Pom/Artemis/Orion Etc.

>>>/qresearch/14028065, >>>/qresearch/14028096 Same playbook is still being used to this day

>>>/qresearch/14028073 f768deaef22da979abcfb73c9175b54d71fcf891666c5449c1969c07c3cc8920.png

>>>/qresearch/14028100, >>>/qresearch/14028118 Behold, a Pale Horse RE: Israeli Pega[sus] spyware

>>>/qresearch/14028110 (VID) Joe climate change edit (sharing this on Facebook results in a ban)

>>>/qresearch/14028140 Putin signs new law obliging foreign IT giants to open branches in Russia

>>>/qresearch/14028176, >>>/qresearch/14028512 The Internet's Own Boy: Aaron Swartz

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=9vz06QO3UkQ - The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz | full movie (2014) [Channel: moviemaniacsDE]

>>>/qresearch/14028213 North America production brought to you by Arkancide (HCQ)

>>>/qresearch/14028228, >>>/qresearch/14028367 Marker RE: Princess Diana statue

>>>/qresearch/14028241 GOD is THE ULTIMATE PUNISHER

>>>/qresearch/14028258 IKEA bisexual couch comms

>>>/qresearch/14028300 Moar Spirals

>>>/qresearch/14028306 USS Alaska, Gibraltar

>>>/qresearch/14028379 Crypto Currency Analysis

>>>/qresearch/14028399 Groomer of the day

>>>/qresearch/14028418 (VID) John McAfee: Why Bitcoin Is Going To $0

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=FnKrMKo_WlU - John McAfee: Why Bitcoin Is Going To $0 [Channel: The Delphi Podcast]

>>>/qresearch/14028419, >>>/qresearch/14028428, >>>/qresearch/14028438 Zionist War Machine, a brief history

>>>/qresearch/14028424, >>>/qresearch/14028500 JU-LY: think of 31 good "Jew lies", and the TRUTH behind them

>>>/qresearch/14028434 Bruce Castor, Attorney vs. Cosby in the civil trial, contributions

>>>/qresearch/14028448 Anon Collection of missing notes from bread #17749

>>>/qresearch/14028455 Bush/Soros and Ukraine via ROMAN POPADIUK

>>>/qresearch/14028468 PEDO JOE now has his own ice cream truck

>>>/qresearch/14028503 information comes in different ways

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=kHG5_SlCr2E - Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven(EMOTIONAL REACTION!!!) [Channel: RELENTLESS LEX]

>>>/qresearch/14028517 For the Listening Pleasure

>>>/qresearch/14028544 (VID) 3hr Redpill

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=B3LuOhtrq4M - JUST IN: House Republicans Hold Hearing On COVID-19 Origin, Explore Lab-Leak Theory | FULL [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/14028556 Pedovores, where do they go?

>>>/qresearch/14028578, >>>/qresearch/14028681 Would you just Look At The Time?

>>>/qresearch/14028599, >>>/qresearch/14028602, >>>/qresearch/14028668 Vax Shills

>>>/qresearch/14028630 DECEASED Zhou Yusen filed for Rona Patent in 20'

>>>/qresearch/14028646 CONDO COLLAPSE: "I believe that this is a deep state operation."


>>>/qresearch/14028679 'Rain' is a euphemism for BLOOD. Start listening to R&R music now armed w/ this knowledge.

>>>/qresearch/14028684 MK Ultra victim vs. Muslims

>>>/qresearch/14028715 "Badger Shills"

>>>/qresearch/14028717 Magnets.

>>>/qresearch/14028754 #17752

(39 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68130

File: cbc262c1140979b⋯.png (759.7 KB, 1378x769, 1378:769, 14028748_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14028748 Q Research General #17753: EMBRACE THE HEAT Edition




>>>/qresearch/14028778 Reminder TRUMP RALLY THIS SATURDAY

>>>/qresearch/14028788 Biden and Camala are going to Trump's Florida

>>>/qresearch/14028801 Big doings in the Pacific

>>>/qresearch/14028808 17 hurt as illegal fireworks cache explodes in Los Angeles

>>>/qresearch/14028812, >>>/qresearch/14028835 OTHER NOTABLE PROVISIONS:

>>>/qresearch/14028824 Happy Fourth of July weekend Patriots!

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=OnoNITE-CLc - Space Shuttle Launch Audio - play LOUD (no music) [Channel: indiegun]

>>>/qresearch/14028825 198 METHODS OF NONVIOLENT ACTION

>>>/qresearch/14028845 Poll: The real reason Republicans are so riled up about 'critical race theory'

>>>/qresearch/14028926 Former NSA Director Calls Kevin McCarthy an A**hole Over Tucker Carlson Statement

>>>/qresearch/14028927 “CNN’s About Controlling Negroes, That’s What It Stands [For], Controlling Negroes” – Vernon Jones DESTROYS CNN Reporter

>>>/qresearch/14028963 CNN HQ in ATL overrun by leftist protesters

>>>/qresearch/14028981 Israeli officer says ‘not many chances’ of finding condo collapse victims alive

>>>/qresearch/14029015, >>>/qresearch/14029046 Watch awesome video as gutsy journalist confronts CNN's Wolf Blitzer on street

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=AIenM83Hm8U - CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer Avoids Answering - Snaps On PV Journalist When Questioned On Network Bias [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/14029034 Anon paragraphs Schumann Resonance

>>>/qresearch/14029051 Joe and Jill Biden take off to visit site of collapsed Miami condo

>>>/qresearch/14029058 McStain leaving The View

>>>/qresearch/14029071 CM Maricopa Musings

>>>/qresearch/14029075 Trump was on Hannity last night

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ykXzYgzXwy4 - Trump Today's Full interview on Fox News on Sean Hannity Tonight 6/30/21 [Channel: TRUMP TEAM]

>>>/qresearch/14029081 Rotary International’s final push to eradicate polio

>>>/qresearch/14029083, >>>/qresearch/14029106 NY voter fraud disproves voter fraud

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=NCUu4LATQJ8 - Why The NYC Botched Election Disproves Voter Fraud Myths [Channel: MSNBC]

>>>/qresearch/14029087 Trump Organization CFO surrenders to Manhattan DA

>>>/qresearch/14029088 2009 FBI Whistleblower - Boltzmanngasse Bioterrorism PDF

>>>/qresearch/14029123 The Grim Reaper misses

>>>/qresearch/14029131 Thousands of Racing Pigeons Across United Kingdom Mysteriously Vanish

>>>/qresearch/14029159 President Trump Shames and Destroys Far-Left Jorge Ramos “We Won the Election!

>>>/qresearch/14029227 Pedo protecting BBC apologizes for saying "Clinton" instead of "Cosby" released from prison.

>>>/qresearch/14029269 China building 100+ ICBMs

>>>/qresearch/14029277 Vaccine Kill Count: 6000

>>>/qresearch/14029292 NYC Election Officials Allegedly Held “Illegal” Secret Election Meeting Over Botched Vote Count

>>>/qresearch/14029305 ANON NOTES @ 500

>>>/qresearch/14029310 The Supreme Court has upheld Arizona's right to restrict "ballot harvesting" during elections in a 6-3 ruling. A huge defeat for the Democrat Party.

>>>/qresearch/14029375 CDC, FDA ready to inject children with deadly six-in-one vaccine

>>>/qresearch/14029390 Weisselberg's lawyers say he intends to plead NOT GUILTY

>>>/qresearch/14029446 U.S. Supreme Court upholds Arizona voting restrictions, rules they are not racially discriminatory

>>>/qresearch/14029447 The NEA will call for mandatory safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for all students and staff before returning to face-to-face instruction in the fall,

>>>/qresearch/14029462 Speaker Pelosi has just named Liz Cheney to the Jan. 6 select committee.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68131


>>>/qresearch/14029482 Nancy Pelosi Holds Press Conference | NBC News

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=c5sFnr2-4JA - Live: Nancy Pelosi Holds Press Conference | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>>/qresearch/14029488 BV Splains Shills in the thread IT'S LITERALLY THE SAME 4 FAGGOTS AND 1 FAT CHICK EVERY IP HOPPING DAY.

(38 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68168



>>>/qresearch/14028748 Q Research General #17753: EMBRACE THE HEAT Edition




>>>/qresearch/14028778 Reminder TRUMP RALLY THIS SATURDAY

>>>/qresearch/14028788 Biden and Camala are going to Trump's Florida

>>>/qresearch/14028801 Big doings in the Pacific

>>>/qresearch/14028808 17 hurt as illegal fireworks cache explodes in Los Angeles

>>>/qresearch/14028812, >>>/qresearch/14028835 OTHER NOTABLE PROVISIONS:

>>>/qresearch/14028824 Happy Fourth of July weekend Patriots!

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=OnoNITE-CLc - Space Shuttle Launch Audio - play LOUD (no music) [Channel: indiegun]

>>>/qresearch/14028825 198 METHODS OF NONVIOLENT ACTION

>>>/qresearch/14028845 Poll: The real reason Republicans are so riled up about 'critical race theory'

>>>/qresearch/14028926 Former NSA Director Calls Kevin McCarthy an A**hole Over Tucker Carlson Statement

>>>/qresearch/14028927 “CNN’s About Controlling Negroes, That’s What It Stands [For], Controlling Negroes” – Vernon Jones DESTROYS CNN Reporter

>>>/qresearch/14028963 CNN HQ in ATL overrun by leftist protesters

>>>/qresearch/14028981 Israeli officer says ‘not many chances’ of finding condo collapse victims alive

>>>/qresearch/14029015, >>>/qresearch/14029046 Watch awesome video as gutsy journalist confronts CNN's Wolf Blitzer on street

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=AIenM83Hm8U - CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer Avoids Answering - Snaps On PV Journalist When Questioned On Network Bias [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/14029034 Anon paragraphs Schumann Resonance

>>>/qresearch/14029051 Joe and Jill Biden take off to visit site of collapsed Miami condo

>>>/qresearch/14029058 McStain leaving The View

>>>/qresearch/14029071 CM Maricopa Musings

>>>/qresearch/14029075 Trump was on Hannity last night

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ykXzYgzXwy4 - Trump Today's Full interview on Fox News on Sean Hannity Tonight 6/30/21 [Channel: TRUMP TEAM]

>>>/qresearch/14029081 Rotary International’s final push to eradicate polio

>>>/qresearch/14029083, >>>/qresearch/14029106 NY voter fraud disproves voter fraud

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=NCUu4LATQJ8 - Why The NYC Botched Election Disproves Voter Fraud Myths [Channel: MSNBC]

>>>/qresearch/14029087, >>>/qresearch/14029390 Trump Organization CFO surrenders to Manhattan DA, intends to plead not guilty

>>>/qresearch/14029088 2009 FBI Whistleblower - Boltzmanngasse Bioterrorism PDF

>>>/qresearch/14029123 The Grim Reaper misses

>>>/qresearch/14029131 Thousands of Racing Pigeons Across United Kingdom Mysteriously Vanish

>>>/qresearch/14029159 President Trump Shames and Destroys Far-Left Jorge Ramos “We Won the Election!

>>>/qresearch/14029227 Pedo protecting BBC apologizes for saying "Clinton" instead of "Cosby" released from prison.

>>>/qresearch/14029269 China building 100+ ICBMs

>>>/qresearch/14029277 Vaccine Kill Count: 6000

>>>/qresearch/14029292 NYC Election Officials Allegedly Held “Illegal” Secret Election Meeting Over Botched Vote Count

>>>/qresearch/14029305 ANON NOTES @ 500

>>>/qresearch/14029310, >>>/qresearch/14029328 Supreme Court upholds AZs right to restrict ballot harvesting

>>>/qresearch/14029346 whitehouse Flickr account

>>>/qresearch/14029375 CDC, FDA ready to inject children with deadly six-in-one vaccine

>>>/qresearch/14029446 U.S. Supreme Court upholds Arizona voting restrictions, rules they are not racially discriminatory

>>>/qresearch/14029447 The NEA will call for mandatory safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for all students and staff before returning to face-to-face instruction in the fall,

>>>/qresearch/14029462 Pelosi names Liz Cheney to 1/6 committee

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68169


>>>/qresearch/14029482 Nancy Pelosi Holds Press Conference | NBC News

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=c5sFnr2-4JA - Live: Nancy Pelosi Holds Press Conference | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>>/qresearch/14029488 BV Splains Shills in the thread IT'S LITERALLY THE SAME 4 FAGGOTS AND 1 FAT CHICK EVERY IP HOPPING DAY.

>>>/qresearch/14029554 BakerG final notes

>>>/qresearch/14029556 #17753

(40 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adc45c  No.68170


>>>/qresearch/14029571 Q Research General #17754: Fuck off Gerbil



>>>/qresearch/14029615 Experts say COVID-19 has lab origins

>>>/qresearch/14029631 Jordan + McClintock demand DHS Secretary testify before Judicary Committee re: border crisis

>>>/qresearch/14029684 DHS warns of "White Supremacist connected terrorism" this 4th July

>>>/qresearch/14029747 DeSantis former JAG, connections with GITMO and Fallujah

>>>/qresearch/14029754 Pompeo: If we don't right the wrongs, our country is doomed.

>>>/qresearch/14029780 Biden to DeSantis: Condo collapse is "your show" and "we're here to help"

>>>/qresearch/14029797 Biden more concerned with 1/6 than preventing anarchist "Bomb Trains"

>>>/qresearch/14029821, >>>/qresearch/14029826 @mikepompeo + @jasonmillerindc tweets with possible "17" timestamp

>>>/qresearch/14029898 Larry Elder may run for CA governor

>>>/qresearch/14029903, >>>/qresearch/14030116 @DanScavino tweets 2A survey, anon asks wtf?

>>>/qresearch/14029987, >>>/qresearch/14030004, >>>/qresearch/14030030 building official said condo safe now on leave of absence

>>>/qresearch/14030257 #17754

(12 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

991c3c  No.68352

File: ce67b65b4b8cc0b⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14031219_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14031219 Q Research General #17756: EBake on the move




>>>/qresearch/14031235 PDJT The political Witch Hunt by the Radical Left Democrats, with New York now taking over the assignment, continues. It is dividing our Country like never before!

>>>/qresearch/14031271 PEDO BUN 1 July 21

>>>/qresearch/14031280 81 arrested, 31 rescued from human trafficking operation out of Kansas City

>>>/qresearch/14031289 Man Arrested After Asking to Purchase 8-Year-Old Girl

>>>/qresearch/14031295 Human trafficking sting in Kansas City region arrests dozens, rescues 14 missing kids

>>>/qresearch/14031309 Regional politician arrested over in child sex trafficking ring

>>>/qresearch/14031313 Undercover operation ends in arrest of Youngstown man on child sex charges

>>>/qresearch/14031315 Senior Israeli Military Commander Dies After Sudden Collapse During Training

>>>/qresearch/14031317 The #FBI has released the 2020 Active Shooter Incidents Report

>>>/qresearch/14031325 Court Jails 10 for Child Trafficking in Ivory Coast Cocoa Sector

>>>/qresearch/14031335 Queens couple indicted for sex trafficking teenage girl: DA

>>>/qresearch/14031346 4-Year-Old Among 31 Human Trafficking Victims Rescued in Kansas, Missouri

>>>/qresearch/14031359 694 human trafficking survivors receive assistance under ‘Ashshash’ project

>>>/qresearch/14031366 Putin’s Annual Q&A: Hard line on NATO, Black Sea & Zelensky

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=y1g-97fYcRc - Putin's Annual Q&A: Hard line on NATO, Black Sea & Zelensky [Channel: The Duran]

>>>/qresearch/14031373 Doc: Foreign Student Visa Holder Tried To Leave US With Sensitive Military Intel

>>>/qresearch/14031383 Judicial Watch YouTube Video Censored at Request of California Government Officials

>>>/qresearch/14031392 Ten Defendants in Synthetic Identity Fraud Ring Convicted of Bank Fraud, Wire Fraud, and Related Charges

>>>/qresearch/14031396 Who shot Ashli Babbitt?

>>>/qresearch/14031432 PF

>>>/qresearch/14031477 Trump Advisor Jason Miller Launches “Non-Bias” Social Media Network: GETTR


>>>/qresearch/14031515 14 ‘dangerous’ gang members busted in Brooklyn gun violence takedown

>>>/qresearch/14031543 US Hits 17 Nations for Not Combating Human Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/14031547 Anon Theory First Indictment

>>>/qresearch/14031567 Parents arrested in Virginia after boy’s body found in freezer

>>>/qresearch/14031581 Some families of those unaccounted for in Surfside collapse declined to meet Biden during visit

>>>/qresearch/14031584 Arizona Republic takes Senate, Cyber Ninjas to court for audit records

>>>/qresearch/14031591 Supreme Court bans California from forcing nonprofits to reveal donors’ identities

>>>/qresearch/14031628 Calif. Man Convicted Of Sex Crimes With Children Sentenced To 280 Years

>>>/qresearch/14031648 Network Of Drug Dealers And Gun Traffickers Dismantled In NYC; 21 Arrested

>>>/qresearch/14031672 US, UK Intelligence Accuse Russia's GRU of 'Brute Force' Campaign of Cyberattacks Worldwide

>>>/qresearch/14031699 White House to deploy "Delta variant" response teams across the United States.

>>>/qresearch/14031702 DJT Gabs '75M+++'

>>>/qresearch/14031705 Arizona Election Audit Volunteers Being Targeted by Biden DOJ, Threats of Arrest

>>>/qresearch/14031744 Rabbi stabbed outside of Chabad Center in Boston

>>>/qresearch/14031778 AZ Audit Update: Ballots and Machines Moved Out of Coliseum as They Evacuate – Hoping For a Statement SOON

>>>/qresearch/14031854 Marine Corps Official Sentenced to Prison for Taking $100,000 In Bribes

>>>/qresearch/14031864 Three Arrested For Orchestrating Multimillion-Dollar “Silver Lease” Investment Fraud

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

991c3c  No.68353


>>>/qresearch/14031874 Guilford County Man Sentenced for Distribution of Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/14031899 Section 817 Of The Patriot Act Authorize The US To Engage In Massive Depopulation

>>>/qresearch/14031949, >>>/qresearch/14031964 Now Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyer says SHE should be freed in wake of Cosby's release because a prosecutor 'promised Epstein that she wouldn't be charged'

(41 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

991c3c  No.68354

File: 94f596d66ef61e7⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 14032015_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14032015 Q Research General #17757: #AZaudit looking real good now Edition




>>>/qresearch/14032037 #17755

>>>/qresearch/14032057 Extra innings? ‘We can’t contain it’: Premier’s blunt warning about the Delta strain

>>>/qresearch/14032068 Australian troops 'have left Afghanistan' ahead of US pullout

>>>/qresearch/14032082 Judge rules to unseal dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs, including those that reveal her and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship to the Clintons

>>>/qresearch/14032085 19 missing children, including baby, rescued in metro New Orleans in 4-month operation

>>>/qresearch/14032115, >>>/qresearch/14032192, >>>/qresearch/14032226, >>>/qresearch/14032249 Resets go both ways. Shills whine.

>>>/qresearch/14032191 Katie Hobbs Cries Discrimination and Racism Over Supreme Court Denying Ballot Harvesting in Arizona – AZ Conservative Puts Her In Her Place

>>>/qresearch/14032195 White House: "We are not focused on the former president at all"

>>>/qresearch/14032198 US State Department Names 17 Countries as Worst Offenders in Fighting Human Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/14032225 Biden @POTUS United States government official Tune in as I deliver remarks from Surfside, Florida.

>>>/qresearch/14032245 In honor of #CanadaDay2021 we're spotlighting the historic relationship we share with our Allied parter and friend, Canada. Flag of Canada The DEW line brought our nations even closer during the Cold War.

>>>/qresearch/14032273 Jason Miller @JasonMillerinDC Exciting news!!! Official kickoff is 10am Sunday - Independence Day!!!

>>>/qresearch/14032297 Wildfire amid record heat wave forces entire village in Canada to evacuate: "The whole town is on fire"

>>>/qresearch/14032304 Anons nom: 1yr 1 Day delta for +++

>>>/qresearch/14032425, >>>/qresearch/14032554 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14032452 @DeptofDefense #USSIwoJima conducts maritime operations in the Red Sea and flight operations with aircraft from Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 162 to support maritime stability and security in the region.

>>>/qresearch/14032477 Trump CFO Weisselberg is pleading not guilty of the charges in NY according to the Daily Mail

>>>/qresearch/14032485 NY mayoral race: Suddenly its mainstream to question the integrity of an election

>>>/qresearch/14032492 Former Trump aide Jason Miller to launch new social app “Gettr” - Axios

>>>/qresearch/14032506 Take-out order baby: Amber Heard welcomes baby girl via surrogate after ugly Johnny Depp trial

>>>/qresearch/14032524 Have they lost their fucking minds? Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news.

>>>/qresearch/14032527 House votes to remove Confederate statues, bust of former Chief Justice Roger Taney from the Capitol

>>>/qresearch/14032528 Cuomo impeachment investigators will start issuing subpoenas

>>>/qresearch/14032585, >>>/qresearch/14032586 A judge has ruled that dozens more documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs should be made public

>>>/qresearch/14032631 Chef dies after falling into boiling vat of soup in freak accident. Weird.

>>>/qresearch/14032655 Papadopoulos is noticing facebook weirdness

>>>/qresearch/14032660 The Biden Administration Announced It Will Remove the Hyde Amendment

>>>/qresearch/14032674 @Jim_Jordan, @RepJamesComer, and @RepMattGaetz officially request an inspector general investigation into whether the NSA collected, possessed, or obtained Tucker Carlson’s electronic communications.

>>>/qresearch/14032681 Allegedly they knew that ranitidine (Zantac) would make their vax (mostly) useless by eliminating nanographene and other nanomaterials from the body.

>>>/qresearch/14032695 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

991c3c  No.68355


>>>/qresearch/14032700 In the family's first interview since the indictment - Trump Organization EVP @EricTrump provides the latest on CFO Allen Weisselberg - 7:00PM ET on Newsmax

>>>/qresearch/14032728 #17757

(32 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

991c3c  No.68356

File: 93d0c63ac9c74b5⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14033573_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14033573 Q Research General #17759: EBake 1 7




>>>/qresearch/14033614 Texas Dept. of Public Safety Lt.: Border ‘Unsecured’ and ‘Out of Control’ – ‘There Is No Progress Being Made’ and It Will Get Worse

>>>/qresearch/14033619 Artesia man charged with illegal possession of firearms and child pornography

>>>/qresearch/14033629 GETTR Receives 1.2K Strange Chinese Reviews Amid Claim Platform Posts Anti-CCP Posts To Profiles Without Permission

>>>/qresearch/14033640 another flight from Gitmo to Joint Base Andrews happened today.

>>>/qresearch/14033649, >>>/qresearch/14034246 Barack Obama says wife Michelle is 'top dog' in house. anon: Hyenas are dog family. Hyena females have penises from which they give birth.

>>>/qresearch/14033668 India distributes Ivermectin, Covid SARS CoV 2 (delta) cases drop 99%: India Today

>>>/qresearch/14033708 @WhiteHouse: Ketchup, Mustard and Hot dog in the news.

>>>/qresearch/14033767, >>>/qresearch/14033798, >>>/qresearch/14033833 lindelltv.com/ General Paul Vallely coming on next to talk about CHYNNA! bioweapons and Trudeau bastard son of Castro.

>>>/qresearch/14033769 Rep. Raskin tapped for House panel on insurrection

>>>/qresearch/14033773 Brazil Pulls Out of US$324 Million Covaxin Contract Amid Cries of Corruption

>>>/qresearch/14033792 Russia Now Requires Foreign Social Media Companies To Open In-Country Offices

>>>/qresearch/14033809 AUS Mobile and internet customers reporting Optus outage

>>>/qresearch/14033819 Someone did the digs on Cosby background / son death ties to Maxine & Epstein

>>>/qresearch/14033840 ‘To Catch a Predator’ host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan for skipping court

>>>/qresearch/14033860 Boy Scouts of America has reached a $850 million settlement with tens of thousands of men who filed sex abuse claims, court filing shows - Reuters

>>>/qresearch/14033975, >>>/qresearch/14034044 2013: Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar Project received “a commitment” from the Clinton Foundation

>>>/qresearch/14034059, >>>/qresearch/14034090, >>>/qresearch/14034161 Falklands war, aliens and "black morphing liquid"

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=b2zgTlpSQhI - Extraterrestrial and Exopolitical Elements to the Falklands War with Argentina by David Griffin [Channel: Anthony Beckett]

>>>/qresearch/14034205 Who exposed the pedo network within H wood? Bill Cosby? Q19

>>>/qresearch/14034306 ohio becomes 41st state to end sales taxes on gold and silver

>>>/qresearch/14034320 #17759

(20 notables)

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991c3c  No.68367

File: ba6bd52c7193d9c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14034329_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14034329 Q Research General #17760: from Dark to Light Edition




>>>/qresearch/14034406 Royally unstoppable! Queen, 94, jets home from a busy morning of engagements in Scotland to attend Royal Windsor Horse show

>>>/qresearch/14034430, >>>/qresearch/14034467, >>>/qresearch/14034476, >>>/qresearch/14034479, >>>/qresearch/14034481 justice department/attorney general merrick garland orders pause federal executions

>>>/qresearch/14034439 Reconnaissance and Interdiction Division of the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific Marine Mammal Program - Dolphin training in San Diego Bay - July 1, 2021

>>>/qresearch/14034469 Kristi Noem Rips Biden For Refusing To Issue Mount Rushmore Fireworks Permits And Not Saying Why

>>>/qresearch/14034472 Food vendor, 66, attacked during out-of-control Pride party in Washington Square Park reveals revelers broke his nose and left him fearing for his life after he refused to swap US flag on his cart for rainbow banner

>>>/qresearch/14034499 Jill Biden Will Attend Tokyo Olympics and Meet with World Leaders as President Stays Home, Japanese Paper Claims in Bombshell Report

>>>/qresearch/14034518 Did you know there are several retirement communities that cater to Freemasons in Pennsylvania?

>>>/qresearch/14034528, >>>/qresearch/14034532, >>>/qresearch/14034548 Anons: Mark of the beast

>>>/qresearch/14034577, >>>/qresearch/14034602 If these 9 electrical substations go out, the entirety of the continental United States would be out of power for 18 months. The Department of Homeland Security claims that if this happens, up to 90% of the population would die.

>>>/qresearch/14034706 AZ State Senator Authored Ballot Harvest Ban Law: ‘SCOTUS Found Exact Opposite of Democrats’ Claims’

>>>/qresearch/14034779 PATEL: Why Are Republicans Agreeing To Send Armies Of IRS Agents After American Small Businesses?

>>>/qresearch/14034827 LEAKED Recordings from University of Oklahoma PROVE Colleges are Tools for Liberals

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=GRnoaxnRp_Y - University of Oklahoma training teaches instructors how to censor students [Channel: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education]

>>>/qresearch/14034838 Exposed: Jew Congressman Brad Sherman, a California Democrat Trying to “Shut Down” Cryptocurrency Gets Biggest Donations From Big Banks and Financial Institutions.

>>>/qresearch/14034914 Australian stazi arresting old people: Man charged after scuffle with police over facemasks

>>>/qresearch/14034926 Bennett says Israel will never hold back against enemies ‘near and far’

>>>/qresearch/14034934 The Ruling Class Wants A Government-Run Credit Reporting System

>>>/qresearch/14034944, >>>/qresearch/14035045 US forces reportedly left Bagram base in Afghanistan under troops withdrawal

>>>/qresearch/14034985 Christian Porter to be charged with the rape of Katharine Thornton in a private prosecution led by an experienced legal team

>>>/qresearch/14035088 #17760

(19 notables)

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991c3c  No.68509

File: b16d0e86fc10eec⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14035091_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14035091 Q Research General #17761: The Calm Before the Storm Edition



>>>/qresearch/14035232 HRC in Paris

>>>/qresearch/14035241 Alleged email for permanent lockdown in UK? No sauce

>>>/qresearch/14035242 Jay-Z, Blackstone Acquire CGC Parent Certified Collectibles Group

>>>/qresearch/14035244 Reps. Greene, Gaetz invite Britney Spears to testify before Congress about conservatorship

>>>/qresearch/14035293 Earthquakes map, current

>>>/qresearch/14035324 US hands Bagram Airfield to Afghans after nearly 20 years

>>>/qresearch/14035345 Fire clouds spark 710,117 lightening strikes in western Canada in 15 hours... instant fires anyone?

>>>/qresearch/14035350 Cosby's attorney→ Bruce Castor, Trumps Impeach-mint lawyer, also representing Jan 6 protestors

>>>/qresearch/14035371 U.S Central command retweet of Jordan

>>>/qresearch/14035390, >>>/qresearch/14035450, >>>/qresearch/14035456, >>>/qresearch/14035485, >>>/qresearch/14035487, >>>/qresearch/14035676 Heinz

>>>/qresearch/14035670 Democratic Bulgaria Wants Independent Audit of Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/14035695 Q hit piece, disinformation

>>>/qresearch/14035698 American Thinker, Did Biden Really Win California?

>>>/qresearch/14035703, >>>/qresearch/14035738, >>>/qresearch/14035765 Ten churches have been vandalized in Alberta, Canada

>>>/qresearch/14035705, >>>/qresearch/14035709 A republic, if you can keep it

>>>/qresearch/14035775 FDA said HCQ was safe for decades

>>>/qresearch/14035815 Lori Lightfoot is slammed for claiming '99% of her critics are racist and sexist

>>>/qresearch/14035836 Grassley Statement On Arizona Ballot Harvesting Case

>>>/qresearch/14035841 Indictment alleges one "victim" of the "fraud" scheme is the IRS

>>>/qresearch/14035852, >>>/qresearch/14035862 Column: The Media's Collapsing Trust

>>>/qresearch/14035860 Lancaster Mayor Rex Parris goes full draconian with the experimental Fauci ouchie covid shot

>>>/qresearch/14035864 Why was this data deleted from the Maricopa County Recorder’s website?

>>>/qresearch/14035901 GETTR - The Marketplace of Ideas?

>>>/qresearch/14035918 Gen Flynn I am not/not on GETTR!

>>>/qresearch/14035940 #17761

(25 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

991c3c  No.68510

File: c1e22d75a6a1489⋯.jpg (16.53 KB, 255x180, 17:12, 14035941_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14035941 Q Research General #17762: [They] move like Cagey Tigers We couldn't get closer Than This Edition




>>>/qresearch/14036040 Joe talks about US interference in other countries' elections

>>>/qresearch/14036063 Statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II have been toppled, desecrated, and damaged

>>>/qresearch/14036087 PATEL: Why Are Republicans Agreeing To Send Armies Of IRS Agents After American Small Businesses?

>>>/qresearch/14036093, >>>/qresearch/14036452 Fulton County's absentee ballots are now available for download

>>>/qresearch/14036100 William Shatner is "all-in" on vaccines

>>>/qresearch/14036150, >>>/qresearch/14036154, >>>/qresearch/14036160, >>>/qresearch/14036189 Trump Organization Allen Weisselberg Criminally Charged

>>>/qresearch/14036175 New Laptop Photos PROVE Joe Biden Lied About Being Involved In Hunter's Shady Deal

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=TSBkz5pKpFQ - New Photos PROVE Joe Biden Lied About Being Involved In Hunter's Shady Deals, Media PROTECTING Biden [Channel: Timcast]

>>>/qresearch/14036183 UK lockdown memo leak (travel bans)?

>>>/qresearch/14036197 Trump Reportedly ‘Thrilled’ By Weisselberg Indictment: ‘This is Going to Hurt Sleepy Joe’

>>>/qresearch/14036403 Virginia imposes new transgender rules on schools

>>>/qresearch/14036418, >>>/qresearch/14036428, >>>/qresearch/14036433 Anons contemplate US Navy tweet missing "L".

>>>/qresearch/14036422, >>>/qresearch/14036425 Report: Trump Picked Up More Hispanic And Women Voters In 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/14036436 With food shortages worsening, Biden urges farmers to stop farming to slow climate change

>>>/qresearch/14036500, >>>/qresearch/14036505 OPERATION LOCKSTEP finally making it to mainstream media.

>>>/qresearch/14036574 Copy of US Declaration of Independence found in Scottish attic sells for £3.2m

>>>/qresearch/14036577 Migrants found to be covered in lime by human smugglers in order to avoid detection.

>>>/qresearch/14036588, >>>/qresearch/14036606 Breaking: Boeing 737 involved in an incident off of the coast of Honolulu

>>>/qresearch/14036613 #17762

>>>/qresearch/14036634 Logitech recently published a commercial featuring Lil Nas X, titled Defy Logic. For a fraction of a second the image of a Unicorn-esqe individual appears.

(19 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

991c3c  No.68549

File: fddd199164b790b⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1275x808, 1275:808, 14036778_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14036778 Q Research General #17763: Freedom Friday 4th Weekend Edition




>>>/qresearch/14036797, >>>/qresearch/14036814, >>>/qresearch/14036815, >>>/qresearch/14036822, >>>/qresearch/14037076 Boeing Plane and Stock crashes

>>>/qresearch/14036806 Anon offers perspective on events in Canada

>>>/qresearch/14036884 Lizzy: Tell me you're growing a shadow government, without telling me you're are growing a shadow government.

>>>/qresearch/14036891, >>>/qresearch/14036895 SC ruling on AZ voting procedures

>>>/qresearch/14036905, >>>/qresearch/14036981 John and Don McAfee diggs

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=L2bItPg0u3c - John McAfee Calls Out the Deep State [Channel: Nickgol]

>>>/qresearch/14036908 The Supreme Court adds nine new cases to next term's docket, including. Here's the full order list:

>>>/qresearch/14036917, >>>/qresearch/14036928 Officials consider demolishing rest of collapsed Florida condo tower

>>>/qresearch/14037101 Good Humor Corporation logo reminder, and response from company

>>>/qresearch/14037115 Distractions abound: So the same day that [B]ill [C]osby is released, a massive document dump from the Maxwell case including info about [B]ill [C]linton is ordered.

>>>/qresearch/14037129 PF reporting in

>>>/qresearch/14037132 June 1958: “Popular Science” Warns About “Weather As A Weapon”

>>>/qresearch/14037194 Turley opines on US MSM's blindness to details

>>>/qresearch/14037265 Let's watch Biden make an ass of hisself. Biden Welcomes the 2020 World Series Champions the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=scKdM6K_jcA - President Biden Welcomes the 2020 World Series Champions the Los Angeles Dodgers [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14037278 New Mexico RED HORSE Commander Dies at Al Udeid

>>>/qresearch/14037285 Kirstie dared mentionpedoson Twitter and poof like magic, the Twitter Machine has her trending so she can be attacked and 'canceled'.

>>>/qresearch/14037312 US Army Tweet - Time to armor up!

>>>/qresearch/14037338 US Air Force B2 Tweet

>>>/qresearch/14037399 GWP Plug-o-the-day: History in the Making in Europe: 16 Right-Wing Parties Merge – Vow to “fight back with all our might”!

>>>/qresearch/14037454 Media Matters: Andrew Breitbart’s Attack on Critical Race Theory ‘Appears to be Working’

>>>/qresearch/14037484 Anon observes tweet timing from Don Jr and Eric

>>>/qresearch/14037523 #17763

(21 notables)

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5a81da  No.68620

File: 0ff125a80ed038d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14037527_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14037527 Q Research General #17764: Happy 4th Of July Weekend Edition



>>>/qresearch/14037679, >>>/qresearch/14037687, >>>/qresearch/14037688, >>>/qresearch/14037701, >>>/qresearch/14037711, >>>/qresearch/14037715 Former D.A. Bruce Castor reveals Bill Cosby's "non-prosecution agreement" was in writing. Anons deliberate over Cosby diggs.

>>>/qresearch/14037730 Wrap up smear underway re: Audits and Pres Trump being reinstated

>>>/qresearch/14037750, >>>/qresearch/14038152 Five Months After 2020 Election, Georgia Still Has Not Produced Chain of Custody Records for 355,000 Absentee Vote by Mail Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes

>>>/qresearch/14037762 Biden says NO plan for imminent withdrawal of remaining troops in Afghanistan, despite earlier reports

>>>/qresearch/14037784 French Senate considers mandatory Covid vaccines for adults aged 24-59 in effort to curb potential fourth wave

>>>/qresearch/14037825 Why haven't Chicagoans recalled this stupid bitch already?

>>>/qresearch/14037852 Questions Swirl After Mysterious Drowning Death Of 41-Year-Old Bitcoin Billionaire

>>>/qresearch/14037854 John McAfee fundamentally changed the way we target computer viruses

>>>/qresearch/14037873 ‘God Is Non-Binary’ Says Church of England’s First Transwoman Priest

>>>/qresearch/14037881, >>>/qresearch/14037900, >>>/qresearch/14037909, >>>/qresearch/14037920 What is DEW Line?

>>>/qresearch/14037892, >>>/qresearch/14038196 Stacey Abrams Now Owns 2 Homes in Georgia Worth $1.4 Million Despite Having Been in Massive Debt After Failed 2018 Gubernatorial Run

>>>/qresearch/14037917 Attorney General Merrick Garland Panic. Orders HALT on all federal executions after Trump administration reinstated them after 18 year gap

>>>/qresearch/14038029 Six Alleged Ms-13 Members Facing Federal Indictment for Extortion of Maryland Businesses

>>>/qresearch/14038081, >>>/qresearch/14038302 US Army tweet The future is about data!, and Milley connections, praise for NoName

>>>/qresearch/14038098, >>>/qresearch/14038279 Busta Rhymes on Freedom

>>>/qresearch/14038150, >>>/qresearch/14038158 5 people injured after building collapses in NW D.C.

>>>/qresearch/14038170 Six children victim of sexual abuse removed from harm as a result of Europol’s Victim Identification Taskforce

>>>/qresearch/14038183 ICE HSI arrested Los Angeles-area man on federal child pornography charges alleging he paid impoverished Filipino boys to film sex acts

>>>/qresearch/14038206 Ghislaine Maxwell Says Cosby Ruling Should End Her Abuse Case

>>>/qresearch/14038281 KC man arrested for child solicitation following attempt to meet with a child

>>>/qresearch/14038370 #17763

(21 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68703



>>>/qresearch/14037527 Q Research General #17764: Happy 4th Of July Weekend Edition




>>>/qresearch/14037679, >>>/qresearch/14037687, >>>/qresearch/14037688, >>>/qresearch/14037701, >>>/qresearch/14037711, >>>/qresearch/14037715 Former D.A. Bruce Castor reveals Bill Cosby's "non-prosecution agreement" was in writing. Anons deliberate over Cosby diggs.

>>>/qresearch/14037730 Wrap up smear underway re: Audits and Pres Trump being reinstated

>>>/qresearch/14037750, >>>/qresearch/14038152 Five Months After 2020 Election, Georgia Still Has Not Produced Chain of Custody Records for 355,000 Absentee Vote by Mail Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes

>>>/qresearch/14037762 Biden says NO plan for imminent withdrawal of remaining troops in Afghanistan, despite earlier reports

>>>/qresearch/14037784 French Senate considers mandatory Covid vaccines for adults aged 24-59 in effort to curb potential fourth wave

>>>/qresearch/14037825 Why haven't Chicagoans recalled this stupid bitch already?

>>>/qresearch/14037852 Questions Swirl After Mysterious Drowning Death Of 41-Year-Old Bitcoin Billionaire

>>>/qresearch/14037854 John McAfee fundamentally changed the way we target computer viruses

>>>/qresearch/14037873 ‘God Is Non-Binary’ Says Church of England’s First Transwoman Priest

>>>/qresearch/14037881, >>>/qresearch/14037900, >>>/qresearch/14037909, >>>/qresearch/14037920 What is DEW Line?

>>>/qresearch/14037892, >>>/qresearch/14038196 Stacey Abrams Now Owns 2 Homes in Georgia Worth $1.4 Million Despite Having Been in Massive Debt After Failed 2018 Gubernatorial Run

>>>/qresearch/14037917 Attorney General Merrick Garland Panic. Orders HALT on all federal executions after Trump administration reinstated them after 18 year gap

>>>/qresearch/14038029 Six Alleged Ms-13 Members Facing Federal Indictment for Extortion of Maryland Businesses

>>>/qresearch/14038081, >>>/qresearch/14038302 US Army tweet The future is about data!, and Milley connections, praise for NoName

>>>/qresearch/14038098, >>>/qresearch/14038279 Busta Rhymes on Freedom

>>>/qresearch/14038150, >>>/qresearch/14038158 5 people injured after building collapses in NW D.C.

>>>/qresearch/14038170 Six children victim of sexual abuse removed from harm as a result of Europol’s Victim Identification Taskforce

>>>/qresearch/14038183 ICE HSI arrested Los Angeles-area man on federal child pornography charges alleging he paid impoverished Filipino boys to film sex acts

>>>/qresearch/14038206 Ghislaine Maxwell Says Cosby Ruling Should End Her Abuse Case

>>>/qresearch/14038281 KC man arrested for child solicitation following attempt to meet with a child

>>>/qresearch/14038310 ,AUDIT UpdateThe main reason the forensic audit is taking 2.5 months is because Maricopa County Supervisors and Recorder have obstructed the audit and refused to cooperate.


>>>/qresearch/14038370 #17764

(22 notables)

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c249bb  No.68704

File: 8d2315641aaccb9⋯.jpg (306.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14039251_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14039251 Q Research General #17766: Saw That Coming Ebake Edition




>>>/qresearch/14039298 World UFO Day is July 2nd.

>>>/qresearch/14039316, >>>/qresearch/14039323 Why is this dated the 5th?

>>>/qresearch/14039333 anon opines on state of notables wrt lb post

>>>/qresearch/14039337 What Did Bill Clinton Really Do on Those 'Lolita Express' Trips? Records Release May Reveal the Truth

>>>/qresearch/14039352 National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) Worked with the UN, Twitter, State Govts and Non-profits to Prevent Free Speech and Impact the 2020 US Election

>>>/qresearch/14039528, >>>/qresearch/14039583, >>>/qresearch/14039629 North Miami Beach has ordered the immediate closure and evacuation of the Crestview Tower Condominium due to results of an inspection.

>>>/qresearch/14039565, >>>/qresearch/14039568, >>>/qresearch/14039685 New DJTs

>>>/qresearch/14039611, >>>/qresearch/14039820 surely such an astute expert on bakin' could grab a handoff and show us all the light

>>>/qresearch/14039613, >>>/qresearch/14039671, >>>/qresearch/14039920 YouTube Takes Down Right Side Broadcasting’s Video of Trump Rally with Over 2 Million Views — BANS THEM from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE!

>>>/qresearch/14039661, >>>/qresearch/14039673, >>>/qresearch/14039712 , Judge rules to unseal dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs, including those that reveal her and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship with the Clintons

>>>/qresearch/14039663, >>>/qresearch/14039689 Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, GA @RealGenFlynn, [02.07.21 11:21]

>>>/qresearch/14039711 Sheriffs, ICE Officers Sue Biden Administration for Immigration Non-Enforcement

>>>/qresearch/14039732 The Kitchen/Notables are the #1 attack vector and the status quo makes things so easy for them to perform the constant Board Fuckery.

>>>/qresearch/14039740 Republican-controlled Pennsylvania Senate considers Arizona-style audit into 2020 election (AP)

>>>/qresearch/14039750 Belarus shuts down entire border with Ukraine

>>>/qresearch/14039760 Childhood trauma (such as circumcision) and hypersensitivity of the amygdala and frontal lobe dysfunction.

>>>/qresearch/14039770 huge blast at Romania's largest oil refinery

>>>/qresearch/14039811 not everything is notable

>>>/qresearch/14039812 are you stupid?

>>>/qresearch/14039849 Moments before the Roman Empire got margin called

>>>/qresearch/14039895 All the new ghislaine maxwell docs released today by pacer and searchable!

>>>/qresearch/14040000, >>>/qresearch/14040008 Controlling Negroes

>>>/qresearch/14040021 #17766

(23 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68706

File: 0c2c8b5b1b08dd0⋯.jpg (306.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14040025_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14040025 Q Research General #17767: Kitchen/Notables are the #1 attack vector Edition




>>>/qresearch/14040095 @USNavy cruising the Indian Ocean

>>>/qresearch/14040118 Newly unsealed docs in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. (50+ pages)

>>>/qresearch/14040125, >>>/qresearch/14040666, >>>/qresearch/14040721 No-fly order over HAARP in Alaska during great NW heat wave

>>>/qresearch/14040157, >>>/qresearch/14040190, >>>/qresearch/14040311, >>>/qresearch/14040579, >>>/qresearch/14040588, >>>/qresearch/14040593 Pentagon shaped underwater fire fuckery

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Xl0pljyC8dc - Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline of the Pemex oil and gas company in the Gulf of Mexico. [Channel: Star News]

>>>/qresearch/14040164 US National Weather Service confirms two tornadoes struck downtown Washington, DC, Thursday

>>>/qresearch/14040175, >>>/qresearch/14040270 Dan Scavino 24hrs prior to 45’s rally at the Sarasota Fairgrounds.

>>>/qresearch/14040200, >>>/qresearch/14040219 Two Arizona ‘Republican’ State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment

>>>/qresearch/14040202, >>>/qresearch/14040308, >>>/qresearch/14040364, >>>/qresearch/14040448, >>>/qresearch/14040472, >>>/qresearch/14040530, >>>/qresearch/14040552 , A paradise vehicle, wheel hubs melted, what kind of satellite weapon does that?

>>>/qresearch/14040204, >>>/qresearch/14040211, >>>/qresearch/14040216 CodeMonkeyZ Why was this data deleted from the Maricopa County Recorder’s website? and GETTR

>>>/qresearch/14040221 Apache Lake has been evacuated and is closed per US Forest Service. It will remain closed until further notice.

>>>/qresearch/14040306 Copy of US Declaration of Independence 1776 - sells for £3.2m

>>>/qresearch/14040317 University of Pennsylvania paid Joe Biden OVER $900,000 for a no-show job

>>>/qresearch/14040372, >>>/qresearch/14040541 Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying

>>>/qresearch/14040389, >>>/qresearch/14040418, >>>/qresearch/14040431 Didn’t Tucker Carlson apply to the c_a?

>>>/qresearch/14040451, >>>/qresearch/14040669 PDJT Look forward to the big Sarasota, Florida rally tomorrow night at 8PM

>>>/qresearch/14040525 The Arab Spring was the beta test

>>>/qresearch/14040584, >>>/qresearch/14040758 B.C.'s heat wave likely contributed to719 sudden deaths

>>>/qresearch/14040611 White House Dismisses ‘Anonymous Sources’ Ripping Kamala Harris Despite Frequently Using Anonymous Sources

>>>/qresearch/14040833 #17767

(19 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68707

File: 964ad473d0fde4d⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 14040838_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14040838 Q Research General #17768: Sarasota, Florida rally Tomorrow Night 8pmE Edition




>>>/qresearch/14040895, >>>/qresearch/14040904, >>>/qresearch/14041254, >>>/qresearch/14041274, >>>/qresearch/14041342 'Eye of fire': Ruptured Mexican pipeline makes the ocean look like it's burning

>>>/qresearch/14040911, >>>/qresearch/14040957, >>>/qresearch/14040959, >>>/qresearch/14041080, >>>/qresearch/14041125 Life After Hate

>>>/qresearch/14041002, >>>/qresearch/14041087 Marc Elias latest tweet, copy cat = dirty rat pics have mouth, eyes, and ears covered.

>>>/qresearch/14041003 ‘Idiotic’: Fury in Ukraine after female soldiers made to march in heels

>>>/qresearch/14041019, >>>/qresearch/14041158 It's time (Cap 0:20) MARTYR Tat on hand. FF setup?

>>>/qresearch/14041114 Q1881 Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers

>>>/qresearch/14041137, >>>/qresearch/14041216, >>>/qresearch/14041229, >>>/qresearch/14041532 Karen Lorraine Jacqueline Speier. Rep. Jackie Speier

>>>/qresearch/14041159, >>>/qresearch/14041215, >>>/qresearch/14041237, >>>/qresearch/14041324 Ransomware attack paralyzed the networks of at least 200 U.S. companies

>>>/qresearch/14041202 Announcing the CodeMonkeyZ chat

>>>/qresearch/14041259, >>>/qresearch/14041506 AOC says Olympic ban on marijuana is 'instrument' of racism following Black track star's suspension

>>>/qresearch/14041284, >>>/qresearch/14041392 "Definitive Proof That Coronavirus Is A Globalist Bioweapon"

>>>/qresearch/14041301 Disney removes "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls" greeting from Magic Kingdom fireworks show

>>>/qresearch/14041345 USArmy FIRE!

>>>/qresearch/14041362 Fentanyl Seizures At Southern US Border Spike 4000%

>>>/qresearch/14041377 Judge makes vaccine shot part of probation sentence

>>>/qresearch/14041407 Dan Scavino Sarasota, Florida — LIVE tomorrow evening at 8pmE via 45’s

>>>/qresearch/14041467 Noor Bin Laden: Why I choose freedom and speak up for patriots

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=PpEXJ3QmF6o - Noor Bin Laden: Why I choose freedom and speak up for patriots | Rob Schmitt Tonight [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/14041539 #17768

(18 notables)

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c249bb  No.68729

File: 3b4629cb9b058d8⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 14041540_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14041540 Q Research General #17769: Definitive Proof That Coronavirus Is A Globalist Bioweapon Edition



>>>/qresearch/14041680, >>>/qresearch/14041718, >>>/qresearch/14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>>/qresearch/14041720, >>>/qresearch/14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>>/qresearch/14041739, >>>/qresearch/14042028, >>>/qresearch/14042071, >>>/qresearch/14042099, >>>/qresearch/14042107, >>>/qresearch/14042120, >>>/qresearch/14042135, >>>/qresearch/14042144 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>>/qresearch/14041798, >>>/qresearch/14041810, >>>/qresearch/14041869, >>>/qresearch/14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=3fI6iPRP_a0 - Florida's Jewish Community impacted by Surfside tragedy | REPORT [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/14041805, >>>/qresearch/14041814, >>>/qresearch/14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/14041834, >>>/qresearch/14042283 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides (Cap 0:23)

>>>/qresearch/14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>>/qresearch/14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>>/qresearch/14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>>/qresearch/14041916 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>>/qresearch/14042062, >>>/qresearch/14042065, >>>/qresearch/14042066, >>>/qresearch/14042067, >>>/qresearch/14042068, >>>/qresearch/14042070, >>>/qresearch/14042075 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>>/qresearch/14042080, >>>/qresearch/14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

>>>/qresearch/14042130, >>>/qresearch/14042140, >>>/qresearch/14042164 U.S. service members found higher rates of heart inflammation following COVID vaccine

>>>/qresearch/14042154, >>>/qresearch/14042186, >>>/qresearch/14042211 On July 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth

>>>/qresearch/14042180 Verified Pompeo Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

>>>/qresearch/14042185 Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice'

>>>/qresearch/14042250 SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Laws Dems Smeared as "Discriminatory"

>>>/qresearch/14042274 Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Introduces 2020 Election Audit Plan

>>>/qresearch/14042293 Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles

>>>/qresearch/14042319 'Eye of fire' in Mexican waters snuffed out, says national oil company

>>>/qresearch/14042322 CodeMonkey: Gettr has a ton of bugs

>>>/qresearch/14042340 Russia’s Gigantic Submarine, Belgorod, Sails For The First Time

>>>/qresearch/14042409 #17769

(24 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68749

File: e4ddec75db864f6⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 14042411_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14042411 Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14042452 Supreme Court order ends congressional Democrats' attempts to determine if Trump lied in Mueller probe

>>>/qresearch/14042495 Bill Cosby's press conference outfit choice angers former high school class president

>>>/qresearch/14042500 Some hackers on twitter are really embarrassing GETTR

>>>/qresearch/14042530 Moral Of The Story

>>>/qresearch/14042611 Anon opine 'It will be up to those willing to effect & affect the outcome'

>>>/qresearch/14042731 The election audits are a threat to (((our democracy)))

>>>/qresearch/14042760 Georgia Secretary of State Seeking Election Takeover of Fulton County: ‘Enough Is Enough’

>>>/qresearch/14042827 WE CAUGHT THEM AGAIN: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal

>>>/qresearch/14042854 ‘Dozens’ of Chinese Moles in U.S. Intelligence

>>>/qresearch/14042877 Clinesmith and Judge James Boasberg

>>>/qresearch/14042901 Pentagon: Military will prepare for COVID-19 vaccines to be mandatory in September

>>>/qresearch/14042935 'A new chapter:' Merkel aims for UK-Germany relations reset

>>>/qresearch/14042944 Fox News Really Wants You to Think Its Ratings Aren’t Down

>>>/qresearch/14042967 More embarrassing news from the groups attacking GETTR

>>>/qresearch/14042994 Link notes 07032021

>>>/qresearch/14043009 Elections board staffer resigns in wake of counting snafu

>>>/qresearch/14043026 SCOTUS Defends Election Integrity, Dems Panic, Brnovich v. DNC

>>>/qresearch/14043027 Facebook bans top medic over posting a reputable study

>>>/qresearch/14043040, >>>/qresearch/14043053 Sidney was interviewed on Friday, June 25, by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV

>>>/qresearch/14043050 Lightning to the East, storm coming. We're ready… Florida

>>>/qresearch/14043061 Panicked and yapping Dr. Carol M. Swain

>>>/qresearch/14043063, >>>/qresearch/14043139 158 years ago today, the sun rose over the final day of battle at Gettysburg

>>>/qresearch/14043064 RSBN LIVE: Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL

>>>/qresearch/14043115 Proposal would ban mink farming to stem coronavirus mutation, the comments are hilarious


Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=VERdPqdb3Jc - Become A Monster - Best Motivational Video | Aggressive Motivation Speech [Channel: OffbeatZombie]

>>>/qresearch/14043125 Vatican court indicts cardinal and nine others for alleged financial crimes

>>>/qresearch/14043149 THOUSANDS getting tested for covid at Bondi beach? NOT (Cap 1:02)

>>>/qresearch/14043177 #17770

(28 notables)

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c249bb  No.68868

File: 3352be5e0b92bb5⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14038393_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14038393 Q Research General #17765: We Decide Our Destiny Edition




>>>/qresearch/14038525, >>>/qresearch/14038552 Missed LB: LinkedIn Deletes Account of mRNA Vaccine Pioneer Who Questioned Risks of COVID-19 Shots, AMA Journal: Masks Are Bad For Your Kids. Quit Forcing Them To Wear Them

>>>/qresearch/14038540 White House Supports AG’s Halt to Federal Executions Amid Pressure to End Death Penalty for Good

>>>/qresearch/14038550 Insider Crypto - Fed Chair Powell Met With Coinbase CEO Just Before Bitcoin's Massive Plunge

>>>/qresearch/14038555 #Russia's IT Security Firm #Kaspersky Lab to Unveil Unhackable Mobile Device in Fall

>>>/qresearch/14038571 ...Make sure you get the COVID vaccine to protect yourself from hurricanes this year!!

>>>/qresearch/14038579 Sudden Shift in COVID-19 Lab Leak Narrative ‘Mysterious’: Evolutionary Biologist

>>>/qresearch/14038583, >>>/qresearch/14038696 The Iron Pentagon: The Nexus of Control, Corruption, and Suppression – How Mass Involuntary Dissentients Are Created.

>>>/qresearch/14038591 Marvel celebrates July 4 weekend by having Captain America say American dream ‘isn’t real’

>>>/qresearch/14038597 Clinton Era Faggotry

>>>/qresearch/14038603 Among who? PHOTOS: Hundreds of Migrant Families Released into South Texas After Trump Visit

>>>/qresearch/14038613 Northern Minions: 'Temperature rising': First Nations leaders condemn rash of church fires across Canada

>>>/qresearch/14038621, >>>/qresearch/14038638, >>>/qresearch/14038649 Deranged OH Dems Jeer, Bang Desks Over Trans Athletes Ban. But the Rep Who Kept Her Cool Got the Last Laugh

>>>/qresearch/14038622, >>>/qresearch/14038639 REFERENCE 2021-07-02

>>>/qresearch/14038623 This gets faker & faker as each day goes on... Israeli ambassador visits Surfside, meets with DeSantis to express ‘solidarity’

>>>/qresearch/14038626 Medical Imaging Companies CEO Found Guilty of Running Massive Health Care Fraud Through the State Workers’ Comp System

>>>/qresearch/14038634, >>>/qresearch/14038735 CIA Director William Burns is currently meeting with top officials of the Bolsonaro regime in Brazil - This comes days after he traveled to Colombia to meet with top Iván Duque regime officials, as they massacre anti-austerity protesters

>>>/qresearch/14038642, >>>/qresearch/14038680 Gavin Newsom Just Pulled Every Corrupt Trick in the Book to Rig the Recall Election in His Favor

>>>/qresearch/14038647 PEDO BUN 2 July 21

>>>/qresearch/14038651 What Happened When I Tried to Register as Donald Trump on the New MAGA Social Network

>>>/qresearch/14038654 Former San Francisco Building Inspection Commission President Indicted For Bank Fraud, Obstruction Of Justice, Aggravated Identity Theft

>>>/qresearch/14038677 Moar LB Notables Bun The satanists have declared War on Christianity as it rages in Canada

>>>/qresearch/14038691 Considering Kevin Steele's role in the Cosby setup...

>>>/qresearch/14038694, >>>/qresearch/14038791 Planefag Youtuber Rescue

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HsjIMAr3nZk - Transair 810 737-200 Ditching PHNL 7/2/21 [Channel: blancolirio]

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=z7s-yxH2xHQ - Interview: KHON2 speaks with USCG crew who performed rescue [Channel: KHON2 News]

>>>/qresearch/14038707 Dutch court approves alleged drug syndicate leader Tse Chi Lop for extradition to Australia

>>>/qresearch/14038708 Eric Clapton's adverse side effects from the CV19 vax. His honest experience.

>>>/qresearch/14038709 Rumble — Sidney Powell: The American People Are Entitled To The Truth

>>>/qresearch/14038739 Minneapolis judge orders city to hire more police officers after residents sue over crime rates

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68869


>>>/qresearch/14038742, >>>/qresearch/14038804, >>>/qresearch/14038834 "These sensors can also be built into clothing and even send results to your smartphone."

>>>/qresearch/14038744, >>>/qresearch/14038755, >>>/qresearch/14038844 Joe Flynn: Help this Patriot out to defeat AOC

>>>/qresearch/14038746 Audit Media Coperations

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=EeoMYTq9-hU - BUSTED: Hill Reporter's Brett Gilman Questioned By Veritas Journalist Over Recent RETRACTION! [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/14038751 Steve Bannon Spied On By NSA/FBI

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=XpM2oLTfA84 - b285dN8CFCLk2m8i [Channel: Zach Petrizzo]

>>>/qresearch/14038763, >>>/qresearch/14038785 Video Evidence Reveals Identity Of Capitol Police Lieutenant Who Shot Ashli Babbitt

>>>/qresearch/14038808, >>>/qresearch/14038815 Here are newly the unsealed docs in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. (50+ pages)

>>>/qresearch/14038822 Wasn't the world supposed to be over according to THEM ANYWAY?

>>>/qresearch/14038846 28+ hours before President Trump is scheduled to speak and there is ALREADY a crowd! Florida is Trump country! Flag of United States

>>>/qresearch/14038878 Venezuela To Chop Off Six Zeros From Bolivar In 3rd Currency Redenomination In 13 Years

>>>/qresearch/14038922 Biden

>>>/qresearch/14038943 Metro undercover operation targets pimps on Las Vegas Strip

>>>/qresearch/14039001 140 countries Abbott of Texas mentioned 140 countries...

>>>/qresearch/14039051 No more Heath emergency In province of British Columbia.

>>>/qresearch/14039053, >>>/qresearch/14039070, >>>/qresearch/14039099, >>>/qresearch/14039170, >>>/qresearch/14039218 Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline of the Pemex oil and gas company in the Gulf of Mexico. The fire is reportedly under control now.

>>>/qresearch/14039144 The Montauk Project is a conspiracy theory that alleges there were a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station in Montauk, New York, for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel.

>>>/qresearch/14039186 Democrats are Suspected of Being ‘Fake Canvassers’ Who Then Harass Innocent Arizonians to Give Audit a Black Eye

(43 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68870

File: bd75f6987065dda⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 14043182_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14043182 Q Research General #17771: BECOME THE MONSTER THEY TELL US WE ARE Edition




>>>/qresearch/14043230, >>>/qresearch/14043242 Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children

>>>/qresearch/14043237 This is the moment a powerful mudslide swept away rows of houses in the town of Atami, west of Tokyo.

>>>/qresearch/14043245 Trump to make announcement on first amendment rights.

>>>/qresearch/14043246 FLASHBACK: Fauci Once Urged Scientists To Stop Enhancing The Flu Virus, Although He Supported Their Research

>>>/qresearch/14043248 Right Side Broadcasting Network has been banned from broadcasting live on YouTube for seven days, just hours before a Trump rally that it planned to cover today.

>>>/qresearch/14043250 HYPER-INFLATING Debts And Deficits. THE FED. WILL DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY ARE SAYING! Mannarino

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=AsB_XV3KX_M - HYPER-INFLATING Debts And Deficits. THE FED. WILL DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY ARE SAYING! Mannarino [Channel: Gregory Mannarino]

>>>/qresearch/14043254 Retraction of paper on vaccine deaths spurs call for more scrutiny of COVID-19 death reports - Medical journal sets much higher burden to show deaths from vaccine than from COVID, say authors of retracted paper.

>>>/qresearch/14043257, >>>/qresearch/14043262 , BILL COSBY Disclosure Bun

>>>/qresearch/14043265, >>>/qresearch/14043298, >>>/qresearch/14043300, >>>/qresearch/14043306 “ITS THE QANON PEOPLE!” I’m sure is what they’ll say oh... no... wait... will be memoryholed by the next evening

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=KWDvLftRyZ0 - Moroccan peace [Channel: Rise of the Moors]

>>>/qresearch/14043270, >>>/qresearch/14043271, >>>/qresearch/14043279 Kirstie Alley Warns Modern Entertainment Has U.S. On Road To Pedophilia Acceptance + Example

>>>/qresearch/14043276 Jeff Bezos Steps Down as CEO on Monday. Here’s What It Means for Amazon’s Stock.

>>>/qresearch/14043280 President Trump Releases a Statement Warning Against Democrats’ Attorneys Stealing the Election

>>>/qresearch/14043314 1 year delta Interesting Q released a boatload of posts on Epstein, Maxwell, Clintons last year on July 2, 2020 and yesterday July 2, 2021, judge releases documentone year delta

>>>/qresearch/14043323 Thousands flee as Philippine volcano erupts, spewing toxic gas

>>>/qresearch/14043329 Mexico water supply buckles on worsening drought, crops at risk

>>>/qresearch/14043348 Black Firewater

>>>/qresearch/14043354, >>>/qresearch/14043361, >>>/qresearch/14043363, >>>/qresearch/14043364, >>>/qresearch/14043368 Laptop shows Joe Biden attended meetings between Hunter and his Mexican business partners

>>>/qresearch/14043371 , Dr. Kandiss Taylor released a report yesterday identifying over 168,000 ballots in Cobb County, Georgia, missing required chain of custody documentation.

>>>/qresearch/14043372, >>>/qresearch/14043375, >>>/qresearch/14043380 Capitol Police Tweet: See the right corner &#128301; - Comments reveal... MAGA Militia En Route?

>>>/qresearch/14043379 Prepare for mandatory COVID vaccines in September, Army tells commands

>>>/qresearch/14043385 MTG: Happy 4th!

>>>/qresearch/14043394 Illegal aliens who illegally re-enter the US after being deported are not entitled to a bond hearing. That's according to a Supreme Court ruling. 6.19 Dated Article

>>>/qresearch/14043405 The Al-Waleed 24 Hour News Network

>>>/qresearch/14043406, >>>/qresearch/14043416 ‘Dozens’ of Chinese Moles in U.S. Intelligence

>>>/qresearch/14043467 Kamala Harris opens an employment agency, don't worry its all good

>>>/qresearch/14043472 Neuromorphic Computing Systems? Researchers fabricate logic gates based on neuristors made of 2D materials

>>>/qresearch/14043474 Vera Wang @ 72... Stunning

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68871


>>>/qresearch/14043479 Western Fires Starting.

>>>/qresearch/14043485, >>>/qresearch/14043534 RSBN app and Rumble

>>>/qresearch/14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge...

>>>/qresearch/14043538, >>>/qresearch/14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself

>>>/qresearch/14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.

>>>/qresearch/14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime

>>>/qresearch/14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?

>>>/qresearch/14043581 Tippy Top?

>>>/qresearch/14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.

>>>/qresearch/14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots

>>>/qresearch/14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case

>>>/qresearch/14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum

>>>/qresearch/14043629 Basham Retweets

>>>/qresearch/14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.

>>>/qresearch/14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school

>>>/qresearch/14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially ‘Extremist’ Friends

>>>/qresearch/14043746 Two Arizona ‘Republican’ State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register

>>>/qresearch/14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.

>>>/qresearch/14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.

>>>/qresearch/14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC

>>>/qresearch/14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.

>>>/qresearch/14043892 "THIS IS CANCEL CULTURE!"

>>>/qresearch/14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?

>>>/qresearch/14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws

>>>/qresearch/14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95

(53 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68872

File: 3de3160ce4bb17a⋯.jpg (306.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14043998_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14043998 Q Research General #17772: Message Received Ebake Edition




>>>/qresearch/14044020, >>>/qresearch/14044028 HERE WE GO BABY!!

>>>/qresearch/14044024, >>>/qresearch/14044285, >>>/qresearch/14044542, >>>/qresearch/14044563 PF Reports!

>>>/qresearch/14044038, >>>/qresearch/14044068 Anons believe this act was cover to keep federal authorities occupied while a democrats home was fired at 23 times... 2nd amendment false flag!!!

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=rbRS5uV5gxM - Peaceful [Channel: Rise of the Moors]

>>>/qresearch/14044103 DAN THE "Long Walk" Man Tweets some Rally Hype!!

>>>/qresearch/14044117 Suddenly the kids mattered after chasing and murdering the biker?

>>>/qresearch/14044122 SABOTAGE! Train derails in Canada, spilling timber and tar sands

>>>/qresearch/14044162 Interesting... Camille Cosby's father was a chemist at Walter Reed during the Tuskeegee experiment. Her family comes from Louisiana and they had money.

>>>/qresearch/14044178 Vatican indicts 10 people, including a cardinal, in UK deal

>>>/qresearch/14044211 Champlain Towers Collapse Graphic

>>>/qresearch/14044218 Whoopi Goldberg Gives Fans a Health Update Following Absence From ‘The View’

>>>/qresearch/14044236, >>>/qresearch/14044466 Hollyhell faggotry

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=5h9HWP6m6bs - satan speaks truth from stars mouth like al pacino TM says ,i always tell the truth(even when i lie) [Channel: 101777truth]

>>>/qresearch/14044267 America's FBI harassing everyone's Grandma.

>>>/qresearch/14044272 Kek. Mirrors

>>>/qresearch/14044275 Video has surfaced showing the terrorist running for King County Council, Ubax Gardheere, threatening to blow up a school bus in 2010. Gardheere is currently the Development Division Director in the City of Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=G1EVRMjGO74 - Seattle-area Muslim politician threatened to blow up school bus [Channel: Andy Ngo]

>>>/qresearch/14044305, >>>/qresearch/14044318, >>>/qresearch/14044321, >>>/qresearch/14044329, >>>/qresearch/14044353, >>>/qresearch/14044437, >>>/qresearch/14044445 My Body My CHOICE Unvaccinated people are "potential variant factories," infectious diseases expert says

>>>/qresearch/14044395 Feel Tingly out? A Major X Class Solar Flare Just Slammed Into Earth

>>>/qresearch/14044410 Marked safe from Muh Qannonner FFs

>>>/qresearch/14044478 LARP or LIFE? Lyndon Leuders

>>>/qresearch/14044539 As Victory Nears White Hats Plan Yalta Type Conference

>>>/qresearch/14044546 In the U.S. meanwhile, clinical scientists and immunologist-virologists from seven universities including Stanford, Cornell, and the University of California are suing the CDC for massive fraud. That is becausethe scientists, using the latest technology, could not find Covid-19 in even one of 1,500 samples of people who were “confirmed as infected”when they “tested positive.”

>>>/qresearch/14044550 She's got a point... Julian Assange turns 50 in prison today. His “crime” is publishing journalism that exposed US war crimes in Iraq... Meanwhile George Bush is free, Cheney is free, Condi Rice is free, Colin Powell is free & the guy who lead the Democrat push for the war is president. What a world

>>>/qresearch/14044555 IOG SABBATH DAY - 7/03/2021 - "The Deliverance or Destruction of Every Person Is In Their Own Hands"

>>>/qresearch/14044572 Israeli Merchant Ship Hit Hit With "Unknown Weapons" In Indian Ocean, Reports Say

>>>/qresearch/14044592 They saw that web search you did on Alibabe for Enriched U-235 there bud... Check out the work @NNSANews is doing to prevent state and non-state actors from developing nuclear weapons or acquiring weapons-usable nuclear or radiological materials, equipment, technology, and expertise.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c249bb  No.68873


>>>/qresearch/14044616 Ew... NBC Pulls Ultimate Slip 'N Slide from Schedule After Diarrhea Outbreak

>>>/qresearch/14044646, >>>/qresearch/14044692 Mueller END - Supreme Court Ends Dems Attempt To See If Trump Lied To Mueller

>>>/qresearch/14044652 I've looked at weather forecast maps most of my life, as an interest and I've never seen Perth have an occluded front cross our coast that they are forecasting next Monday. Haarp in action.

>>>/qresearch/14044660 Fake n Gay or Cool n Hay!

>>>/qresearch/14044675 How... Odd... Firefighters at Surfside building collapse site test positive for COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/14044680 France Probes Fashion Retailers For Concealing "Crimes Against Humanity" In China

>>>/qresearch/14044681, >>>/qresearch/14044686, >>>/qresearch/14044695 Doing a quick bing search for news on the latest happenings with cosby and see that Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers cite Cosby case as a means to drop her case.

>>>/qresearch/14044690 The Covid Cult Has Been Slowly Killing America’s Economy And There’s Not Much Time Left

>>>/qresearch/14044706 ‘Workplace deaths & dismissals scarier than Covid’: Labor unions hold massive rally in Seoul despite PM's warning

>>>/qresearch/14044721 Hacking attack forces Swedish supermarket chain with 800 stores to shut down

>>>/qresearch/14044728, >>>/qresearch/14044909 Liberty Bell Removal Touted by Biden

>>>/qresearch/14044743 11 People in Custody After Hourslong Armed Standoff on I-95

>>>/qresearch/14044760 Private Gov’t Contractors Building Hellish Police State All at Taxpayers’ Expense

>>>/qresearch/14044766 @USPacificFleet

>>>/qresearch/14044893 Dragonfly Lore

>>>/qresearch/14044911 Corruption Graphic

(40 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69066

File: f96740cc8a82707⋯.png (1.15 MB, 954x639, 106:71, 14044740_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14044740 Q Research General #17773: The Further We Go The More UnRealistic It Appears Edition




>>>/qresearch/14044853, >>>/qresearch/14045032, >>>/qresearch/14045225 <0 Patriot

>>>/qresearch/14044892 Gem businessman & ship captain among 26 arrested for statutory rape of 15-year-old girl

>>>/qresearch/14044907 PEDO BUN 3 July 21

>>>/qresearch/14044912 Hundreds of US companies hit by ‘colossal’ cyberattack before July 4th

>>>/qresearch/14044923, >>>/qresearch/14044927, >>>/qresearch/14044953 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing ‘Industrialized’ Organ Harvesting in China

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=wz9VgMaxcaI - Never Let Me Go (2010) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers [Channel: Movieclips Classic Trailers]

>>>/qresearch/14044934 WITNESS TESTIFIES IN SEX TRAFFICKING MILITARY TRIBUNAL - Joe Biden & George Soros Named - SRA

>>>/qresearch/14044942 Joe Biden’s Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth

>>>/qresearch/14044948 Ten Churches Vandalized in Single Day as Anti-Christian Church Burnings Surge in Canada

>>>/qresearch/14044959 Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo

>>>/qresearch/14044969 Facebook now allowed to label anyone “misinformation” and slander them without recourse

>>>/qresearch/14044975 Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City?

>>>/qresearch/14044976, >>>/qresearch/14044980, >>>/qresearch/14045026 Australia: “NO JAB, NO PAY”

>>>/qresearch/14044981 Biden backs changes in way military investigates sex assault

>>>/qresearch/14044987 Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.

>>>/qresearch/14044989 Doctors: Execution drugs could help COVID-19 patients

>>>/qresearch/14044995 In latest Nuremberg violation, U.S. judge now ordering American citizens to undergo unapproved vaccine medical experiments as requirement for probation

>>>/qresearch/14045011 FF COMMS Ex-Nickelodeon Producer Dan Schneider Denies Foot Fetish on Old Shows

>>>/qresearch/14045022 Israel security institute: 'Israel needs to occupy Gaza to deter Hamas'

>>>/qresearch/14045028 Moor Takeover plans?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=4tIri0Uoq2o - "Dominican" Barbershop [Channel: Rise of the Moors]

>>>/qresearch/14045037, >>>/qresearch/14045044 Trump Rally Coverage Begins

>>>/qresearch/14045040 Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO Would Defeat Russia in Black Sea War

>>>/qresearch/14045064, >>>/qresearch/14045415, >>>/qresearch/14045458 Antifa Attacking Protesters at Spa That Allowed Customer to Flash Penis at Little Girls Because of His 'Gender Identity'

>>>/qresearch/14045068 It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption – What are GOP Voters to Do?

>>>/qresearch/14045070 Israel confirms 323 new coronavirus cases on Friday; 31 in serious condition

>>>/qresearch/14045087 Don’t swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool. Learn more ways to keep you and those you care about healthy. #HealthySwimming

>>>/qresearch/14045088 McAuliffe Fundraises With Real Estate Exec Who Pushed Controversial Visa Program To Attract Chinese Investment

>>>/qresearch/14045099, >>>/qresearch/14045134 they fucking TASERED this poor fucking woman TWICE this shit has got to stop

>>>/qresearch/14045102 Vanessa Williams to Perform ‘Black National Anthem’ During Capitol Fourth of July Celebration to Promote ‘Juneteenth’

>>>/qresearch/14045113 satanic Money stuff

>>>/qresearch/14045124 Assisted Suicide Group Teams Up With Planned Parenthood Honcho

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69067


>>>/qresearch/14045128 Arrests of criminal migrants, including convictions for sex, drug and homicide crimes, up in FY 2021

>>>/qresearch/14045145 COVID-19 Makes Traffickers Harder to Catch, Victims More Vulnerable

>>>/qresearch/14045160 Mark Dankof: U.S. Liberal Democracy Turning Into Totalitarian Regime Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union

>>>/qresearch/14045172 Harris Presser: Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=MF0R42Xty0M - Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14045183 Pensacola man solicited advice about where he could buy a child for cash

>>>/qresearch/14045208 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'

>>>/qresearch/14045233 The majority of voters believe cheating happened in the 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/14045234 Wallstreetbets down. Mods sued by Bank of America. (Given Bots were unleshed onto WSB since GME AMC began...)

>>>/qresearch/14045236 French general under investigation for ‘antisemitism’ for asking who controls the media…

>>>/qresearch/14045246, >>>/qresearch/14045639 I wonder why they havent done that already? Maybe they just need to confirm what they already found

>>>/qresearch/14045253 ANTIFA attacking citizens

>>>/qresearch/14045255, >>>/qresearch/14045285 Basham Tweets: Second crime of the century after the Coup

>>>/qresearch/14045299 Red Alert Alaska?

>>>/qresearch/14045314 You will give Covid to your pets. Biden with new fear tactic to unvaccinated.

>>>/qresearch/14045359 BRING IT DOWN Miami condo collapse – officials plan to demolish remainder of building with explosives on Sunday morningTypical Broward County is Typical...

>>>/qresearch/14045374 DeSantis will not attend Trump rally in Florida, citing ‘duty’ to collapsed condominium residents

>>>/qresearch/14045403 Since most don’t read the entire article (which I kindly ask that you do in order to be better informed), here is a direct quote from the article:

>>>/qresearch/14045423, >>>/qresearch/14045599 Ohio Judge Mandates COVID Vaccines as Condition of Probation

>>>/qresearch/14045432, >>>/qresearch/14045531 PF Reports Questionable Trajectory

>>>/qresearch/14045449 No pets found in remaining portion of Florida condo tower

>>>/qresearch/14045454 The Crux of the problem... LEGALESE: The Preamble to the US Constitution Contained 52 Words – Today’s US Case Law Is Over 104 Million Words

>>>/qresearch/14045465 Massive new LinkedIn data breach hits 92 percent of users

>>>/qresearch/14045500 Dozens began lining up Friday, more than 24 hours before the rally, to show President Trump the tremendous support he has in his home state of Florida. The lines entering the fairgrounds

>>>/qresearch/14045501 Canadian Government To Extend "Pride Month" To The Whole Summer

>>>/qresearch/14045517 Breaking: 41 structures have been destroyed by the #SaltFire in Shasta County, California. The fire has burned nearly 7,500 acres and is 5% contained.

>>>/qresearch/14045526, >>>/qresearch/14045607 EYES ON: Heavily Armed Military-Style Group Arrested in Massachusetts After Standoff With Police: "The Moorish American Arms" Say They Were Going To Maine For Training

>>>/qresearch/14045532 The fringe sexual perversions that the left seek to normalize in America are nothing more than communist subversions meant to sow discord among the people. They want to break down society. They are evil.

>>>/qresearch/14045540, >>>/qresearch/14045564 4ch dig

>>>/qresearch/14045542 anon bun 17771

>>>/qresearch/14045551 Guatemala demands refund from Russia over millions of doses of COVID vaccine

>>>/qresearch/14045573 In many left-wing US cities, local law enforcement don’t intervene when far-left extremists assault civilians....

>>>/qresearch/14045576 #17773

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69068


>>>/qresearch/14045621 US-trained Afghan Army is surrendering its military equipment to the Taliban at an alarming rate, with entire battalions disbanding without a fight in anticipation of the imminent collapse of the govt amid ongoing NATO withdrawal from #Afghanistan.

>>>/qresearch/14045627 If we are going back to normal why are they still requiring masks & testing for Covid?

>>>/qresearch/14045628, >>>/qresearch/14045687 The #US Embassy in Kabul is on the brink of being shut down after the humiliating evacuation of American troops from the Bagram air base.

>>>/qresearch/14045629 Gov. Ron DeSantis, speaking Saturday morning in Surfside as search efforts are ongoing, announced a state of emergency for several Florida counties ahead of Tropical Storm Elsa.

>>>/qresearch/14045667 EUrasian Reports

>>>/qresearch/14045707 Fiancé of NYC Murder Victim Blames Biden's Policies for Crime Wave Engulfing City

(68 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69069

File: a1bde62b09b25bd⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1142x786, 571:393, 14045583_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14045583 Q Research General #17774: Viacom FF Comms Edition




>>>/qresearch/14045673, >>>/qresearch/14045818 Video: Israel Conducts Airstrikes Against 'Hamas' Targets in Gaza + Gaza ops

>>>/qresearch/14045819 Foxes guarding henhouses Typical

>>>/qresearch/14045841 Restoration, Respect, Reverence

>>>/qresearch/14045942, >>>/qresearch/14045979, >>>/qresearch/14045996 Planefag Reports: Based E-4B Crew

>>>/qresearch/14045945 California police officer plays Taylor Swift to prevent protesters' video from being posted to YouTube...

>>>/qresearch/14045950, >>>/qresearch/14045977, >>>/qresearch/14045999, >>>/qresearch/14046098, >>>/qresearch/14046302, >>>/qresearch/14046410, >>>/qresearch/14046433, >>>/qresearch/14046435 RSBN - We ain’t sick of winning! Tune in now, patriots! Help us get over the top!!!

>>>/qresearch/14046013 Number of missing in Surfside collapse drops after audit

>>>/qresearch/14046015 Dems Leak More Fears About Kamala for the Future

>>>/qresearch/14046044 Carnival owner accused of human trafficking while set up at Ogden mall

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=RFi1rJrSqBw - Carnival owner accused of human trafficking while set up at Ogden mall [Channel: FOX 13 News Utah]

>>>/qresearch/14046057 “Utter betrayal”: Angry activists who helped elect Kyrsten Sinema say "she has no values"

>>>/qresearch/14046059 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH No. Geraldo Rivera applauds Bill Cosby’s release after being 'unjustly convicted,' suggests Weinstein could be next

>>>/qresearch/14046092 "All Trump's Fault" Script Continues... 'Trump broke all of your brains'

>>>/qresearch/14046115 Israeli-owned cargo ship attacked in Indian Ocean, Lebanese media report

>>>/qresearch/14046133 Israel has failed to maintain "serious and sustained" efforts to root out #HumanTrafficking, according to the US @StateDept

>>>/qresearch/14046163, >>>/qresearch/14046268 INTERPRETER NEEDED (Video related)

>>>/qresearch/14046188 A prominent #Italian #cardinal was among 10 people sent to trial in the #Vatican on Saturday charged with financial #crimes.

>>>/qresearch/14046285 CM Telegrams: The President (Trump) is scheduled to make a significant announcement regarding protection of First Amendment rights on the 7th. Do you think he will be announcing his much-rumored new social media site?

>>>/qresearch/14046293 DJT Jr. Tweets: Guys if you want to tune in to the POTUS 45 Sarasota, FL rally tune in to @rumblevideo where they will be streaming it live. Happy Fourth of July everyone Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States

>>>/qresearch/14046294, >>>/qresearch/14046361 Dan Scavino Tweets

>>>/qresearch/14046336 Kin - Recreational Beverage For Modern Rituals ...

>>>/qresearch/14046375 Every fucking Time... "Training"

>>>/qresearch/14046391 @DanScavino 8:00pmE LIVE from FLORIDA… #TrumpRallySarasota

>>>/qresearch/14046401 Attorney General Garland Replaces Federal Executions With Bus Tickets To Chicago

>>>/qresearch/14046426 Tom Homan on border 'chaos': This is much worse than people realize

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=9AR6gM4jPOU - Tom Homan on border 'chaos': This is much worse than people realize [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14046460 Some of POTUS (Trump) closest associates (+ associates of DJT Jr / Ivanka / Eric) lived in that collapsed condo. They lived one block away

>>>/qresearch/14046491 #17774, #17775

(26 notables)

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a1ed98  No.69071

File: 614f1fc063732fb⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 14046505_q_research_genera….gif)


>>>/qresearch/14046505 Q Research General #17775: Prepare To Celebrate Our Independence Day POTUS RALLY! Edition





>>>/qresearch/14046556 *Clears Throat* Don't worry about it.

>>>/qresearch/14046586, >>>/qresearch/14046877, >>>/qresearch/14047022, >>>/qresearch/14047049 ,Rally Stream Links in case mains go down

>>>/qresearch/14046592, >>>/qresearch/14046767, >>>/qresearch/14046782, >>>/qresearch/14046788, >>>/qresearch/14046801, >>>/qresearch/14046818, >>>/qresearch/14046835, >>>/qresearch/14046856, >>>/qresearch/14046878, >>>/qresearch/14046888, >>>/qresearch/14046902, >>>/qresearch/14046912, >>>/qresearch/14046986, >>>/qresearch/14047002, >>>/qresearch/14047021, >>>/qresearch/14047061, >>>/qresearch/14047105, >>>/qresearch/14047227, >>>/qresearch/14047228 The Rooftop Koreans Return to protect LA When they need them most.

>>>/qresearch/14046599 Jerusalem Post Uses Photo Of White Men With Confederate Flags To Describe ‘Rise of the Moors’ Militia Movement For Black Men

>>>/qresearch/14046601 Ringling Connection?

>>>/qresearch/14046610 Brazilian candidate comes out as gay in race against ‘proud’ homophobe Bolsonaro

>>>/qresearch/14046611 CM Tweets: Chinese social media is reporting that Gettr was initially funded by Miles Guo, an anti-CCP billionaire fugitive with close ties to Steve Bannon.

>>>/qresearch/14046620 MFlynn Telegrams: Please share this article and my comments with as many parents and/or young adults as possible looking to attend colleges and universities around the nation who are pursuing this lunatic policy.

>>>/qresearch/14046635, >>>/qresearch/14046700, >>>/qresearch/14046739 Baker will not advise anons to GETTR until code is secure.

>>>/qresearch/14046685, >>>/qresearch/14046717 45 Arrives at Rally in Sarasota

>>>/qresearch/14046714, >>>/qresearch/14046737 Is ANTIFA REALLY That Passionate about the trannies? Or are they just looking for a reason to spur more riots?

>>>/qresearch/14046746 Tina the Fabulous Returns HAPPY 4th!

>>>/qresearch/14046765 Today, flying the American flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation.

>>>/qresearch/14046794 Dan Scavino Flag

>>>/qresearch/14046871 Karken Wood Telegrams: PSAKI: “The president ran on and won the most votes of any candidate in history on the platform of boosting funding for law enforcement, after Republicans spent decades trying to cut the cops program."

>>>/qresearch/14046890 National AMC Rallies coming soon?

>>>/qresearch/14047027 Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico ranch listed for $27.5 million

>>>/qresearch/14047048 Today, Her Majesty The Queen received the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Angela Merkel.

>>>/qresearch/14047080 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/14047097 Biden: ‘We will respond’ if Russia is at fault for massive holiday cyberattack

>>>/qresearch/14047136 A 'Colossal' Ransomware Attack Hits Hundreds Of U.S. Companies, A Security Firm Says

>>>/qresearch/14047185 Ted Nugent: "Donald Trump is the indicator of work-ethic, God, family, country, law and order, you know all that really radical controversial stuff."

>>>/qresearch/14047215, >>>/qresearch/14047235 ANTIFA Wi BLVD Oldfag Easter Egg... "Oldfags take note that THIS IS TAKING PLACE SAME HELICOPTERS ON WILSHIRE BLVD"

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=slCN7oz-420 - Military Helicopters in DTLA 2/4/19 [Channel: Alex Strezev]

>>>/qresearch/14047259 #17775

(25 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69072

File: 6862d247a1b0eff⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14047295_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14047295 Q Research General #17776: Patriots Rally Edition




>>>/qresearch/14047399, >>>/qresearch/14047440, >>>/qresearch/14047506, >>>/qresearch/14047636 When Castle Locks...

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HMGHiI44-XY - Coronavirus outbreak: Donald Trump declares national emergency over COVID-19 | FULL [Channel: Global News]

>>>/qresearch/14047400, >>>/qresearch/14047409, >>>/qresearch/14047448, >>>/qresearch/14047510 ,Trump On!

Video https://rumble.com/vi1or5-rsbn-live.html - RSBN LIVE: Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL 7/3/21 [29] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/14047414 NPR Celebrates Independence Day by Portraying Declaration of Independence as Racist

>>>/qresearch/14047422 Deleted by AZ Maricopa county recorders office saved by codemonkeyz wonder what he is attempting to cover up.

>>>/qresearch/14047451 UN Chief Kowtows to Ayatollahs – Calls on Biden/Obama to Lift Iran Sanctions Per the Horrible Agreement from 2015

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=XOmmbBf0ljE - President Donald Trump Announces Withdrawal From Iran Nuclear Deal | NBC Nightly News [Channel: NBC News]

>>>/qresearch/14047565 Scavino Tweets? Trump Doubles? Someone verify Scavino Messaged this

>>>/qresearch/14047654 Facebook Says Services Restored After Outage

>>>/qresearch/14047704 Over 300 Afghan troops fleeing from Taliban cross border to Tajikistan after heavy fighting, border forces tell media

>>>/qresearch/14047718, >>>/qresearch/14047757 Member dis? NXIVM Cultists? What was really going on? + Member Dat?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=gHgaLttBL4I - Mystery Surrounds Pilot Killed in Super Bowl Plane Crash [Channel: Inside Edition]

>>>/qresearch/14047788 ‘Most disturbing interview’: Celebrity Judge Joe Brown SHOCKS with bizarre ‘rape by seduction’ Bill Cosby defense

>>>/qresearch/14047909 Baton Rouge man arrested on child exploitation charges

>>>/qresearch/14047979 #17776

(12 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69073

File: 68b62f2b1ca2fcf⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1072x695, 1072:695, 14047988_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14047988 Q Research General #17777: Patriots Rally with Trump, Happy 4th America! Edition




>>>/qresearch/14048140, >>>/qresearch/14048245, >>>/qresearch/14048644 Trump Rally Streams Happy 4th!

>>>/qresearch/14048205, >>>/qresearch/14048257 Poll: Nearly One-Third of Americans Think Health Officials Are Lying About Vaccine Safety - Trump just mentioned 1917. The "Spanish flu" started in 1918, but October 1917 was the BOLSHEVIK revolution.

>>>/qresearch/14048206 500K LIVE Viewers - Thank You Rumble!

>>>/qresearch/14048227 Exxon Lobbyist Caught On Film Saying Company-Backed Carbon Tax "Unlikely To Happen"

>>>/qresearch/14048246, >>>/qresearch/14048652 Dan 'WideShotz' Scavino Shares some Rally Crowd Images: EPIC! Happening now in Sarasota, Florida at the Sarasota County Fairgrounds. Watch LIVE on @rumblevideo:https://rumble.com/vjcgm1-live-president-donald-j-trump-in-sarasota-fl.html

>>>/qresearch/14048279 How China became the big winner of the COVID era

>>>/qresearch/14048504 Updates on the Fight to End Water Fluoridation

>>>/qresearch/14048508, >>>/qresearch/14048517 Historic events in 1777

>>>/qresearch/14048520 MEDIA TOP PERPETRATOR OF 9/11

>>>/qresearch/14048548 Amazon Uses Artificial Intelligence To Terminate Delivery Drivers

>>>/qresearch/14048620 Pro-Israel US lawmakers demand FBI probe of BDS ‘terrorism’ links

>>>/qresearch/14048813 #17777

(12 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69074

File: e9cd4c5265298cc⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1072x695, 1072:695, 14048815_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14048815 Q Research General #17778: Happy Independence Day America! Edition




>>>/qresearch/14049050, >>>/qresearch/14049074 Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers cite Bill Cosby case in seeking dismissal

>>>/qresearch/14049161, >>>/qresearch/14049186, >>>/qresearch/14049229, >>>/qresearch/14049458 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14049325 Demolition preparations begin at condo with storm looming

>>>/qresearch/14049339 Oped: President Trump needs to keep pointing out these questions to all Americans

>>>/qresearch/14049348 Another condo bldg, Crestview Towers is evacuated Friday

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=PiYtLPCyDYc - ‘Shocked, I’m not,’ Crestview Towers resident says after building deemed unsafe [Channel: WPLG Local 10]

>>>/qresearch/14049433 Posobiec is very interested in US Flag MyPillows now. …because the NYT reports on people who show American Pride.

>>>/qresearch/14049478 Target Will Close All 6 of its San Francisco Stores Early Because of Huge Spike in Organized Retail Crime

>>>/qresearch/14049482, >>>/qresearch/14049514 This NYT times article exposes the Deepstate et al. It literally implies that you are the enemy if you love America.

>>>/qresearch/14049496 Australia State Media setting the blame the unvaxed in motion

>>>/qresearch/14049521 Posobiec: And just like that Democrats finally admit Benghazi was a terrorist attack

(10 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69075

File: 0da8a67fb6c2375⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14049616_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14049616 Q Research General #17779: EBake post rally




>>>/qresearch/14049679 PF

>>>/qresearch/14049680 Define projection: People responsible for the death of Ashli Babbitt: Ashli Babbitt, Donald Trump, Insurrectionist Republicans, Right ring propagandists.

>>>/qresearch/14049682, >>>/qresearch/14049847 11 arrested 3 July, they conveniently left out the fact these were Moors/, (aka; Muslims)

>>>/qresearch/14049716 175 pilot whales were murdered in the sea mammal massacre

>>>/qresearch/14049725, >>>/qresearch/14049770 All six people on board a private #plane, including two American missionaries, were killed when the aircraft crashed in #Haiti, southwest of capital Port-au-Prince.

>>>/qresearch/14049761 Senator Marsha Blackburn releases Statement on Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/14049787 joe biden tours antrim county michigan july 4th weekend bogus biden counts dominion voting machines first discovered

>>>/qresearch/14049811 Zuckerberg friend of Epstein parties.

>>>/qresearch/14049820 NCSC: This #4thofJuly, learn more about the Founding Father of U.S. counterintelligence, John Jay.

>>>/qresearch/14049821, >>>/qresearch/14049833 Dan Scavino telegram 22:28

>>>/qresearch/14049824 Dan Scavino telegram 22:56 Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July! Visit MyPillow.com and use code PRAY45 to support Patriot Mike Lindell's company, MyPillow.

>>>/qresearch/14049864 Evergiven still stuck in the Suez.

>>>/qresearch/14049880 vid: Trump asks, "Who shot Ashli Babbitt?"

>>>/qresearch/14049930 Owners are left stunned when their dog gives birth to SIXTEEN puppies

>>>/qresearch/14049936 OANN: President Trump Headlines Save America Rally In Sarasota, Fla.

>>>/qresearch/14049942 Huge solar panels poke out of pumpkin and tomato fields in Syria's rebel-held northwest, where after infrastructure was destroyed during a decade of war, many have switched to renewable energy

>>>/qresearch/14049991, >>>/qresearch/14050003, >>>/qresearch/14050143 Lin Wood Telegram: Our President Donald J. Trump is right. This nation belongs to We The People. Never forget that TRUTH. Patriots fight for freedom and TRUTH.

>>>/qresearch/14050006, >>>/qresearch/14050012, >>>/qresearch/14050035, >>>/qresearch/14050061, >>>/qresearch/14050075, >>>/qresearch/14050079, >>>/qresearch/14050128 Advance Bioscience Laboratories (ABL)

>>>/qresearch/14050020 @Cernovich: Saw my first Trump DeSantis 2024 flag , said “Make America Florida.”

>>>/qresearch/14050140 Sidney Powell telegrams

>>>/qresearch/14050145 45th President Donald J. Trump to Make an Announcement about Protecting Americans’ First Amendment Rights on on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, at 11:00AM EDT.

>>>/qresearch/14050311 #17778

>>>/qresearch/14050345, >>>/qresearch/14050347 @Cernovich

>>>/qresearch/14050352 #17779

(24 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69117

File: 2c77d87dd638dcf⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14050359_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14050359 Q Research General #17780: Dig Meme Pray Edition



>>>/qresearch/14050421, >>>/qresearch/14050428, >>>/qresearch/14050458 HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, led the “America’s Back Together” celebration in Akron. Anon does a dig. The word signal comes up.

>>>/qresearch/14050430, >>>/qresearch/14050436 Sputnik: Philippines military plane crashes with 85 people aboard, reports say

>>>/qresearch/14050467, >>>/qresearch/14050784 Scavino: 7/3/21 - Sarasota, Florida... @9:38 and @10:27 7/4/21 @12:53

>>>/qresearch/14050476, >>>/qresearch/14050603, >>>/qresearch/14050612, >>>/qresearch/14050735, >>>/qresearch/14050740, >>>/qresearch/14050952 Anons are talking about the rally speech tonight. Alices galore.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=6PSUr9rMVtc - John F. Kennedy - The Declaration of Independence [Channel: Andy Wong]

>>>/qresearch/14050793, >>>/qresearch/14050799, >>>/qresearch/14050806, >>>/qresearch/14050811 Federal Reporter - Search "…federal science research investments…".

>>>/qresearch/14050932 AmericanThinker Oped: It’s Independence, not In Dependence, Day

>>>/qresearch/14050973, >>>/qresearch/14051023 President Trump: How come so many people are still in jail over January 6, when nobody paid a price for the fire, carnage and death that took place in Democrat run cities throughout our country, including Antifa and BLM? How come?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=RT2aHrWE3L0 - Donald Trump demanded to know who killed Ashli Babbitt [Channel: Senex Petrovic]

>>>/qresearch/14050997 AmericanThinker: Psaki’ s BS has gotten so blatant that even reporters from NYT, Bloomberg, Politico and NPR called her out Friday

>>>/qresearch/14051001 AP: Capitol, symbol of democracy, off-limits on Independence Day

>>>/qresearch/14051015 Breitbart: Aaron Lewis’s Democrat Slamming Anthem ‘Am I the Only One’ Leapfrogs Taylor Swift on iTunes

>>>/qresearch/14051030 Dailymail: Trump tells Florida rally that NY prosecutors are behaving like third world DICTATORS in pursuing a 'political vendetta' against him - and says the 'fabricated charges' will only make him stronger

>>>/qresearch/14051032 Dailywire: New York Times Blasted For Piece Suggesting American Flag Is Divisive To Some: ‘They Hate America’

>>>/qresearch/14051034 Breitbart: Biden’s Fourth of July: DHS Promises to Bring Back to U.S. Deported Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/14051070 GP: MUST SEE… COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Which Candidate Won the 2020 Election? – Independence Day Edition

>>>/qresearch/14051073 Bkloomberg: Greece is open again for travel — and the wealthy are traveling there on their superyachts like never before

>>>/qresearch/14051102 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing "Industrialized" Organ Harvesting In China

>>>/qresearch/14051107 GP: Trump DROPS A BOMB on the Left: “I Wonder What I Will be Proved Right About Next, Perhaps it Will Be the Election?

>>>/qresearch/14051120 #17780

(18 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69177

File: c2f98ac3bf758b3⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14051131_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14051131 Q Research General #17781: The 'How Come?' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14051196, >>>/qresearch/14051222 New hidden text 2020 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION RELATED LAWSUITS

>>>/qresearch/14051203 Vatican court indicts cardinal and nine others for alleged financial crimes

>>>/qresearch/14051205, >>>/qresearch/14051207, >>>/qresearch/14051208, >>>/qresearch/14051347 Anon has a hint at the ET truth

>>>/qresearch/14051289 t/JosephJFlynn1 Happy 4the

>>>/qresearch/14051316, >>>/qresearch/14051344, >>>/qresearch/14051357, >>>/qresearch/14051370, >>>/qresearch/14051394, >>>/qresearch/14051432, >>>/qresearch/14051499, >>>/qresearch/14051521, >>>/qresearch/14051602, >>>/qresearch/14051607, >>>/qresearch/14051619, >>>/qresearch/14051632, >>>/qresearch/14051634, >>>/qresearch/14051724, >>>/qresearch/14051749, >>>/qresearch/14051892, >>>/qresearch/14051911 HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA

>>>/qresearch/14051326 In the middle of night, Newsom signed SB 152. He changed the timing of his own Recall i

>>>/qresearch/14051328 Can any other farmer that raisins corn verify this letter from the department of agriculture?

>>>/qresearch/14051336 @Jim_Jordan We couldn’t have a Fourth of July weekend without the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

>>>/qresearch/14051364 Tyson Foods recalls 8.5M pounds of chicken amid possible listeria outbreak

>>>/qresearch/14051373 Medical dictatorship uses vaccine opposition as a pretext to legally confiscate children (For the good of the Child" from parents, always assisted by CPS.

>>>/qresearch/14051395 t/RealGenFlynn Share this today and everyday especially with those who disrespect our nation’s cloth and colors—God Bless America

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=3c7GqpoM6wU - Old Glory [Channel: Alhambra Theatre]

>>>/qresearch/14051403 Qlocken :45 today

>>>/qresearch/14051408 Reposting a fun PF in case you missed it

>>>/qresearch/14051412 Human trafficking operations thwarted in three states – 82 arrested, 31 rescued including 4-year-old

>>>/qresearch/14051454 How July 4 Threatened the Confederacy By Cameron Hilditch

>>>/qresearch/14051484, >>>/qresearch/14051550 Q = Alice? keks in Cheshire

>>>/qresearch/14051504 NY Times Mocks Claims of ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Jan. 6, But Floyd Protests ‘Overwhelmingly Peaceful’

>>>/qresearch/14051595 A water leak at JFK Airport caused hundreds of flight delay

>>>/qresearch/14051606 Lieutenant Mike Byrd Killed Ashli Babbitt?

>>>/qresearch/14051669 Delete32*

>>>/qresearch/14051692, >>>/qresearch/14051713 DJTjnr synches with Notables [Spoopy Confirmed]

>>>/qresearch/14051699 US sent $221 million to Palestinians in Obama’s last hours

>>>/qresearch/14051746 Rioters accused of erasing content from social media, phones

>>>/qresearch/14051757 Water crisis reaches boiling point on Oregon-California line

>>>/qresearch/14051758 @USMC Today we celebrate the 245th birthday of our great nation. Happy #independenceday, America (17 sec Vid)

>>>/qresearch/14051761 @RealGenFlynn America's Future - Our success Celebrate American Values, Traditions, History and Pride Stay in the loop

>>>/qresearch/14051772 When does a b[y]rd sing?

>>>/qresearch/14051778 Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

>>>/qresearch/14051796 #GETTR now #2 in the Google Play store.

>>>/qresearch/14051826 France Just opened and investigation into 4 Fashion giants for covering up “crimes against humanity” in China

>>>/qresearch/14051874 @SecDef Happy 4th from DOD

>>>/qresearch/14051878 We got Qmapping

(32 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1ed98  No.69194

File: 8243791c0373892⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14052784_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14052784 Q Research General #17783: The 'EBAKE' Edition



>>>/qresearch/14052818 HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY AMERICA! Please Pray for our Great Country.

>>>/qresearch/14052837 Biden Center Received More than $50 Million From China After Campaign Announcement

>>>/qresearch/14052862 StephenMiller: Wishing a joyful Independence Day to all. May our children grow up in a land where our history, heroes & Founding Fathers are proudly celebrated—not denigrated & distorted.

>>>/qresearch/14052872 Spacefag reports: Tropical Storm Elsa from the @Space_Station today. Stay safe everyone.

>>>/qresearch/14052919 Anon recollects: Many moons ago I took this oath as I became an extremely grateful and proud Citizen of the United States of America.

>>>/qresearch/14052933 Chris Whitty gave the order to give alleged Covid-19 patients lethal doses of Hydroxychloroquine to both kill them and sabotage trials

>>>/qresearch/14052934, >>>/qresearch/14053092 Deltas: He posted this 'Q' at Rushmore as one of the first comments on Happy July 4th Delta Dan tweet then 3 min later he drops one of his own

>>>/qresearch/14053068 British Embassy is still salty, kek: Dear America,

>>>/qresearch/14053188 MSN: Demolition at Florida condo collapse site could come as early as today as Tropical Storm Elsa looms

>>>/qresearch/14053224 USATODAY: Elsa was about 50 miles north of Kingston, Jamaica, on Sunday and had maximum sustained winds of 60 mph

>>>/qresearch/14053280 MSN: Rep. McCaul: Biden is 'going to own' Afghanistan fallout

>>>/qresearch/14053294 CBC: BC Coroners Service confirms 2 deaths in Lytton wildfire

>>>/qresearch/14053298 Aljazeera: Chile to begin ‘beautiful challenge’ of drafting new constitution

>>>/qresearch/14053318, >>>/qresearch/14053460 America's largest teachers' union backs teaching critical race theory to children and calls for October rally to commemorate George Floyd's birthday

>>>/qresearch/14053357 NYT: Tyson Foods Recalls 8.5 Million Pounds of Frozen Chicken

>>>/qresearch/14053377 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14053378, >>>/qresearch/14053381, >>>/qresearch/14053386 Gerbil reeeing. Buyer beware.

>>>/qresearch/14053392, >>>/qresearch/14053471 Sputnik: Marilyn Monroe was poisoned by JFK's brother Bobby with top-secret CIA drug, ex-cop claims

>>>/qresearch/14053399 Sputnik: Nazis tried to steal Dante’s remains in 1944, reports say

>>>/qresearch/14053408 USAF: Do these count as sparklers?

>>>/qresearch/14053444 GP: The Satanic Temple Buys Billboard Space Across America Posting Disgusting ABORTION Messages

>>>/qresearch/14053469 Dallasnews: Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West resigned on Friday after less than 11 months in the job, and confirmed speculation that he may challenge Gov. Greg Abbott in the primary.

>>>/qresearch/14053470 Army Tells Commands – Prepare for MANDATORY Vaccinations in September Despite Recent Adverse Effects

>>>/qresearch/14053472 Why are federal judges – including Supreme Court Justices – doubling as professors at a Chinese Communist Party-run university flagged for espionage and funded by a group seeking to "neutralize opposition" to the CCP?

>>>/qresearch/14053477 More Evidence Reveals DC Police Attacked Trump Protesters on Jan. 6, Hurled Flash Bombs at Crowd, and Now Dirtbag Chris Wray, Democrats, Media and DC Police Refuse to Release the Evidence

>>>/qresearch/14053480 President Trump Asked: “Does Anyone Know Who’s Controlling Biden?” Who is in control at the WH?

>>>/qresearch/14053484 Top Arizona State Senator: Audit will Show “Significant Discrepancies Between Ballots Audited and Original Count”

>>>/qresearch/14053496 #17783

(28 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fe845  No.69310

File: 7627cf1d97e4bc3⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, 14051925_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14051925 Q Research General #17782: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA Edition




>>>/qresearch/14051987 Armed Racial Separatist Group Blocks I-95

>>>/qresearch/14052000 What are the odds Creepy Joe would show up in Antrim county MI on the weekend of the 4th?

>>>/qresearch/14052029 Encore Presentations of Our President’s July 4, 2020 Address at Mt. Rushmore on OAN:

>>>/qresearch/14052040, >>>/qresearch/14052044, >>>/qresearch/14052047, >>>/qresearch/14052057, >>>/qresearch/14052060, >>>/qresearch/14052061 Pope Francis goes to Rome hospital for intestinal surgery

>>>/qresearch/14052042 US, Japan running secret war games to prep for China-Taiwan conflict

>>>/qresearch/14052073 Tankers are getting out of Elsa's way it seems.

>>>/qresearch/14052075 Biden sees virus ‘independence,’ but COVID takes no holiday

>>>/qresearch/14052200 Trump debuts at 41st in C-SPAN presidential rankings

>>>/qresearch/14052208 Target, Walgreens make drastic changes due to increase in San Francisco thefts

>>>/qresearch/14052263, >>>/qresearch/14052275, >>>/qresearch/14052294, >>>/qresearch/14052461 Philippine military plane crashes, at least [45] dead?

>>>/qresearch/14052357 @RSBNetwork Statement by PDJT Great crowd and energy (like you wouldn't believe!) in Florida last night. Thank you!

>>>/qresearch/14052398 Retweeted by Top Arizona State Senator: Audit will Show “Significant Discrepancies Between Ballots Audited and Original Count”

>>>/qresearch/14052412 Trump told RDS to stay away?

>>>/qresearch/14052431 Declaration of Independence: 5 facts you may not know on this Fourth of July


>>>/qresearch/14052433 Finance Report - Massive Ransomware Attack May Impact Thousands of Victims

>>>/qresearch/14052447, >>>/qresearch/14052450 Dasting Q maps

>>>/qresearch/14052463 Man Arrested By Feds After Fireworks Explosion Injures 17, Including Nine Cops

>>>/qresearch/14052474 Stacey Abrams Purchased Two Homes Valued At $1.4 Million After Reporting Massive Debts In 2018

>>>/qresearch/14052481, >>>/qresearch/14052490, >>>/qresearch/14052497, >>>/qresearch/14052507 Federal RePORTER - searchable site -NIH "…federal science research investments…".

>>>/qresearch/14052485 Hubble telescope spots red, white and blue stars in sparkly cluster

>>>/qresearch/14052489 Reminder Trump reportedly ordered the Justice Department to hire a controversial aide previously ousted from the White House

>>>/qresearch/14052499 Miami-Dade officials provide update on Surfside condo collapse

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=vvmnjquAQwg - WATCH: Miami-Dade officials provide update on Surfside condo collapse [Channel: Washington Post]

>>>/qresearch/14052520 Health Official: Banning Public Gatherings Stops “Misinformation” Spread. #PeacefulProtests

>>>/qresearch/14052544 Arizona Newspaper Files Lawsuit Against GOP-Led Senate Over Audit Information

>>>/qresearch/14052586 Vatican indicts ex-ambassador to Dominican Republic

>>>/qresearch/14052641, >>>/qresearch/14052647 @DanScavinoJr Dans got plans for Rushmore

>>>/qresearch/14052651 Schuman 7/4 Report

>>>/qresearch/14052666 QAnon followers chant 'save our children' as Wi Spa protest over trans customer turns violent

(29 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fe845  No.69311

File: d9ebd7647e0925f⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14054387_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14054387 Q Research General #17785: The 'EBAKE' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14054459 Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

>>>/qresearch/14054464 DJT Jr - In fairness Trump did it and aced it and there weren’t daily indicators that he wasn’t all there… unlike Joe Biden.


>>>/qresearch/14054509 First image is the best explanation I have ever seen of EVERGREENING.

>>>/qresearch/14054511 Anon supplied dough



>>>/qresearch/14054701, >>>/qresearch/14054868 House Sergeant At Arms ‘Slips Up’ & May Have Just Revealed Name of Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter - Michael Leroy Byrd

>>>/qresearch/14054733 W.H.O and World Leaders have serious questions to answer in the upcoming trials for ‘Crimes against Humanity’ by committing COVID Fraud

>>>/qresearch/14054818 P still equals Paysuer

>>>/qresearch/14054888 Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions”

>>>/qresearch/14054929 It's like you morans think anons will ever be ok with you compromising Qs board. - MJ12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14054943 Larping_Man is Doge is Sgt. B - MJ12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14054967 MJ 12 larpers point out their most recent plan of attack on board management. Post US flags in their larp post, so they can insinuate BV hates America. - MJ12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14054977 Remember I told you they share cloud servers? - MJ12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14055019, >>>/qresearch/14055036, >>>/qresearch/14055045, >>>/qresearch/14055061, >>>/qresearch/14055068 MJ-12 Larpers get called out on changing American flags to purple to show support for purple revolution. Reee/kvetch afterwards - MJ12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14055034 EVERYTHING WRONG WITH THE CAPITOL SHOOTING IN 21 MINUTES OR LESS - Video on bitchute

>>>/qresearch/14055104 Ashli Babbit Shooting Mini-Bun

>>>/qresearch/14055125 Dough Cutsody Tracking, thanks Larping_Man - MJ 12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14055158 First bread I have baked in months. - Moar gaslight from the MJ 12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14055165 #17785

(21 notables)

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7fe845  No.69312


>>>/qresearch/14055147 Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition




>>>/qresearch/14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS = MJ12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.

>>>/qresearch/14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=day--VerY3A - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Rusty Shackleford]

>>>/qresearch/14055411, >>>/qresearch/14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers

>>>/qresearch/14055413, >>>/qresearch/14055540 Moar Babbit

>>>/qresearch/14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=S0vSLN8vxqA - Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR [Channel: Rusty Shackleford]

>>>/qresearch/14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=TQKDXhh_PSU - Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It [Channel: Rusty Shackleford]

>>>/qresearch/14055535 US’s biggest Syria base hit by ‘massive’ explosions: Reports


>>>/qresearch/14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=mVXYH9tRknc - Mike Prysner White House revolutionary speech [Channel: Anselmo Alves]

>>>/qresearch/14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors

>>>/qresearch/14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this

>>>/qresearch/14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami

>>>/qresearch/14055829, >>>/qresearch/14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers

>>>/qresearch/14055952 IDF in America Mini-Bun

>>>/qresearch/14055987 #17786

(17 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fe845  No.69313


>>>/qresearch/14055949 Q Research General #17787: You Promised My Dox Edition




>>>/qresearch/14056240 Live view of partially collapsed Miami Beach building ahead of demolition

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=p6jGumtZjmc - Live view of partially collapsed Miami Beach building ahead of demolition [Channel: Ruptly]

>>>/qresearch/14056258 To the anon saying this place isn't 8/pol/ last bread:

>>>/qresearch/14056280, >>>/qresearch/14056291 They're(shills) all so fucking gay tho

>>>/qresearch/14056282, >>>/qresearch/14056297, >>>/qresearch/14056336, >>>/qresearch/14056347, >>>/qresearch/14056472, >>>/qresearch/14056545, >>>/qresearch/14056587, >>>/qresearch/14056630 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.

>>>/qresearch/14056342 Exclusive: Inside The Military's Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government

>>>/qresearch/14056458, >>>/qresearch/14056481 Jews destroying evidence

>>>/qresearch/14056508 The Lasker Prize

>>>/qresearch/14056628 /pol/ is digging: Jannies be freaking. Pol thinks the blonde might be Lynn. [L] Inconclusive, but something anons should be helping with here or there.

>>>/qresearch/14056635 Should have been notable

>>>/qresearch/14056718, >>>/qresearch/14056728 MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / Babfist team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board

>>>/qresearch/14056733 Trump Aide's Social Media Platform Gettr Reportedly Hacked on Launch Day

>>>/qresearch/14056777 #17787

(12 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fe845  No.69316


>>>/qresearch/14053294 CBC: BC Coroners Service confirms 2 deaths in Lytton wildfire

deleted post had this content


Do forest fires typically spread by igniting parking lots full of cars? Last pic isn't from BC. Just an old example. I don't think there is much available from the ground in Lytton yet.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fe845  No.69317


>>>/qresearch/14056763 Q Research General #17788: Shills VPS/VPN Exposed, Big Mad Edition



>>>/qresearch/14056992 Scavino posts a pic: Eagle flying and Old Glory

>>>/qresearch/14057082 XVIII Air: George Washington's General Orders, Jul 2 1776: "The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this army - We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die"

>>>/qresearch/14057154 BNT: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Discusses How Covid-19 Shots Might Reduce Lifespan

>>>/qresearch/14057206 XVIII Air: The stage is set!

>>>/qresearch/14057240 ArmstrongEc: Facebook Targeting Conservatives, and it is very disgusting. Parallels anyone?

>>>/qresearch/14057419 No no no really guys! He’s a patriot too! GP: Zuckerberg goes full cringe

>>>/qresearch/14057462 UCANews: Pope Francis is a popular guy on the media push circuit lately.

>>>/qresearch/14057586 Reuters: China ordered smartphone app stores to stop offering Didi, the country's largest ride-hailing app, after finding that it illegally collected users' personal data

>>>/qresearch/14057603 AFP: Getting vaccinated in Australia is like "The Hunger Games" a top health official admits

>>>/qresearch/14057642 #17788

(10 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fe845  No.69395

File: 27fac092a0d9722⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14057668_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14057668 Q Research General #17789: The 'Larpers On Parade' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14057752 The Storm 2 Video (Cap 2:19)

>>>/qresearch/14057802, >>>/qresearch/14057805, >>>/qresearch/14057814, >>>/qresearch/14057826, >>>/qresearch/14057866, >>>/qresearch/14058158, >>>/qresearch/14058242 Fire explosion at the #MingDih factory in Bang Phli district, Samut Prakan

>>>/qresearch/14057863 Cyprus Fire 'under full control'

>>>/qresearch/14057957 The Wilder Response To Mr. Biden

>>>/qresearch/14058079 French Government Considers Making COVID Vaccine Mandatory For Everyone Aged 24-59

>>>/qresearch/14058082, >>>/qresearch/14058093 Spain's Proposed 'National Security Law' Would Allow Seizure Of Citizens' Property During Health "Crisis"

>>>/qresearch/14058085 99.999% of the Chinese Communist Party members are good people.” Miles Guo, financier of Gettr

>>>/qresearch/14058089, >>>/qresearch/14058138 Is Miles Guo a mason?

>>>/qresearch/14058090 Miles Guo’s history is murky and potentially full of disinfo

>>>/qresearch/14058092 Miles Guo, the funder of Gettr, declaring his loyalty to Chinese president Xi Jinping

>>>/qresearch/14058096 Miles Guo’s loyalty oath to President Xi Jinping is allegedly taken from a longer video published in 2017

>>>/qresearch/14058099 Anybody have info or documents proving the alleged quote from trial on April 22 where Miles Guo allegedly took the fifth when asked if he was Chinese spy?

>>>/qresearch/14058100 Interesting twitter thread allegedly reporting on Miles Guo’s alleged April testimony.

>>>/qresearch/14058110 Surfside condo building’s standing portion brought down with explosives

>>>/qresearch/14058111 Interactive site to collate info and try to get to the bottom of the Vegas shooting

>>>/qresearch/14058128 Hunter Biden engaged in some daddy pay care: Devine

>>>/qresearch/14058135 Joe Biden, July 4 Grinch, would now like to get his hands on your selfies

>>>/qresearch/14058169 Tennessee mayor powerless to remove anti-Biden flag

>>>/qresearch/14058170 Dan Scavino (Photo eagle flying)

>>>/qresearch/14058184, >>>/qresearch/14058185 Cameroon of the killing and beheading of government troops and civilians

>>>/qresearch/14058255, >>>/qresearch/14058320, >>>/qresearch/14058368 "MUD VOLCANO" fuckery?

>>>/qresearch/14058262 Taliban issues ultimatum to US/NATO

>>>/qresearch/14058274 Ariz. Senators Expect Audit To Reveal ‘Significant’ Fraud

>>>/qresearch/14058288, >>>/qresearch/14058291 'The ocean is on fire again': Mud volcano explodes, lighting up the Caspian Sea

>>>/qresearch/14058292 Rep. James Clyburn outright lies about Voter I.D.

>>>/qresearch/14058323 Zuck Goes Full Cringe: Anti-American Globalist Mark Zuckerberg Rides Hydrofoil Surfboard with US Flag for 4th of July

>>>/qresearch/14058338 RUSTY SHACKLEFORD channel IS ACTIVE AGAIN - started 11 HRS AGO

>>>/qresearch/14058350 Gen Flynn shares QAnonJohn17 letter

>>>/qresearch/14058411 Catherine Herridge CyberSecurity FBI is investigating world's largest ransomware attacks

>>>/qresearch/14058477 #17789

(30 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fe845  No.69429

File: 6d8f0e77e7456f4⋯.jpg (14.63 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 14058495_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14058495 Q Research General #17790: Ariz. Senators Expect Audit To Reveal ‘Significant’ Fraud Edition




>>>/qresearch/14058531 Hunter Biden theorizes prostitutes need to form a union

>>>/qresearch/14058533, >>>/qresearch/14058658, >>>/qresearch/14058768, >>>/qresearch/14058804, >>>/qresearch/14058831, >>>/qresearch/14058937, >>>/qresearch/14058978, >>>/qresearch/14059016 Why Is Laurene Powell Jobs Funding Fake News? #FollowTheWives

>>>/qresearch/14058549, >>>/qresearch/14058584 Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers cite Cosby case in bid to have sex trafficking charges dropped

>>>/qresearch/14058588 MIT Scientist: Covid Vaccines May Cause Diseases in '10 to 15 years'

>>>/qresearch/14058607 Owner of closed Keystone XL pipeline seeks $15 billion in damages against Biden administration

>>>/qresearch/14058630 Washington DC’s Mayor Bowser Shares Bizarre Picture of Fast Food Giants in a 4th of July Tweet

>>>/qresearch/14058652 Biden Administration Fails To Meet July 4 Vaccination Goal

>>>/qresearch/14058660 Almost half of San Francisco residents are planning on moving out of the city due to rising crime and a deteriorating quality of life.

>>>/qresearch/14058681 Pence targeted by Nancy?

>>>/qresearch/14058765 Lots of intel collection and mil a/c activity off the Israel / Lebanon coasts. Brits and Israeli.

>>>/qresearch/14058792 FoxNews will no longer be using Biden’s name when referring to the White House or this administration.

>>>/qresearch/14058839 The Centre for Cybersecurity is leading the global response to address systemic cybersecurity challenges and improve digital trust.

>>>/qresearch/14058982 Gulf of Mexico Near Oil Rig Turns into Apocalyptic Sea of Fire

>>>/qresearch/14059031 TRUMP'S GENERALS IN THE OVAL OFFICE

>>>/qresearch/14059060 Biden - Over the past year, we have lived through some of our darkest days. Now, I truly believe we are about to see our brightest future. #NotMyPOTUS

>>>/qresearch/14059094 #Arizona Auditors "Still Waiting" For "Missing Items" Subpoenaed From #Maricopa County.

>>>/qresearch/14059106 God Bless Meliania, the one and true FLOTUS

(17 notables)

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7fe845  No.69430


>>>/qresearch/14059331 Q Research General #17791: I'll Do Myself If I Have To Edition





>>>/qresearch/14059395 #17790

>>>/qresearch/14059406 New MZHemingway

>>>/qresearch/14059427 TWO SCOOPS

>>>/qresearch/14059449 Russian vax site

>>>/qresearch/14059460 Ask yourself what are the mathmatical chances that within 3 IP hops GerBil hits 2 different IPs that are both shilling the same retard memes on a public VPN?

>>>/qresearch/14059524 U.S. Army has reportedly directed commands to prepare to administer mandatory #COVID19 vaccines

>>>/qresearch/14059534 Company behind Keystone XL seeks $15B from US in damages

>>>/qresearch/14059649 New Scavino

>>>/qresearch/14059700 Colorado: America’s Leftist Laboratory

>>>/qresearch/14059847 Not Sending Their Best

>>>/qresearch/14059999 CodeMonkeyZ-

>>>/qresearch/14060003 RRN says Adam Schitt was convicted of Treason the other day. - Grain of salt

>>>/qresearch/14060077 Top Secret Meeting of Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and Intelligence Heads Is Taking Place This Week In Idaho - Gateway Pundit

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ZQ1kbam7vlk - Secret Meeting of Media Kingpins Is Happening This Week! [Channel: Mark Dice]

>>>/qresearch/14060123 #17791

(15 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69601


>>>/qresearch/14060120 Q Research General #17792: These People Really Are Stupid Edition




>>>/qresearch/14060262 Loophole allows retired NYPD Chief Terence Monahan to make $430K a year

>>>/qresearch/14060272 Fauci-Funded EcoHealth Refuses To Give Wuhan Documents To Congress

>>>/qresearch/14060274 140 children kidnapped by gunmen in latest school raid in Nigeria

>>>/qresearch/14060285 Govt to Force Gun Owners to Pay Annual Tax, Will Confiscate Guns from Those Who Refuse

>>>/qresearch/14060300 Three Huddersfield Grooming Gang Rapists Convicted of Abusing Schoolgirl


>>>/qresearch/14060322 Bitcoin mining operation in Finger Lakes sparks local concerns

>>>/qresearch/14060343 Facebook blocks #Revolution hashtag on July 4th weekend

>>>/qresearch/14060377 DC AG subpoenas Facebook for data on ALL users that have spread “COVID-19 misinformation”

>>>/qresearch/14060401 Turkey Allows Qatar To Base 36 Warplanes, Hundreds of Troops

>>>/qresearch/14060421, >>>/qresearch/14060542 Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel "seriously ill" and hospitalized with #COVID19

>>>/qresearch/14060448 Facebook is Spamming Conservative Users With Messages About a Support Group for ‘Extremists’

>>>/qresearch/14060473 Doug Emhoff carves out path as first second gentleman

>>>/qresearch/14060494 Israel confirms vaccine less effective against Delta variant, eyes third dose

>>>/qresearch/14060495 Attorney Matt DePerno: A Security Breach of Election Registration Servers in Arizona Occurred on Nov. 3 – Sec of State Hobbs Knew About It But Kept It Hidden

>>>/qresearch/14060526 Top Biden Allies Worked for Group With Close Ties to Chinese Communist Party

>>>/qresearch/14060578 Military Situation In Afghanistan On July 5, 2021 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/14060588 Military Situation In Syria On July 5, 2021 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/14060639 UK Professor outlines outbreak plans

>>>/qresearch/14060678 U.S. Marshals rescue 19 children, locate 20, arrest 9 adults in Operation “This Is the Way Home”

>>>/qresearch/14060683 BLOODY HOLIDAY July 4 descends into violence with at least 100 shot and 28 killed as deadly shootings erupt in Chicago and Dallas

>>>/qresearch/14060741 West Virginia Governor Jim Justice (R): “We have a lottery, you know, that basically says, ‘if you’re vaccinated, we’re going to give you stuff.’ Well you’ve got another lottery going on, and it’s the death lottery.”

>>>/qresearch/14060799 Hunter Biden Proposed Union for Prostitutes, According to Texts on Leaked Hard Drive

>>>/qresearch/14060803 Two New Yorkers die in small plane crash near Aspen

>>>/qresearch/14060814 Newark Airport terminal evacuated after 'significant' security breach

>>>/qresearch/14060858 Israel Health Ministry Blocks Dissenting Citizens on Twitter; Legal Experts: ‘Definitely Illegal’

>>>/qresearch/14060880 Refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 is a ’sin’ & anti-vaxxers must spend their life repenting, says Russian Orthodox Church

>>>/qresearch/14060886 Menachem Shneour Chai Yisrael, a Lod elementary school teacher, has been #indicted for indecent acts towards a minor, as well as multiple sexual harassments and #extortion.

>>>/qresearch/14060943 VAERS down

(29 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69602


>>>/qresearch/14061065 Q Research General #17793: Nice Try Retards




>>>/qresearch/14061081 DHS was warned of Cyberattack, weaknesses therein - Herridge

>>>/qresearch/14061082 Iraqi Hacker Takes Over Jason Miller’s GETTR Site On Launch Day, Says It Was ‘Easy’ To Break In

>>>/qresearch/14061087 AZ voter registrations were hacked on Nov 3 and Dem SOS has been covering it up

>>>/qresearch/14061095 #17792

>>>/qresearch/14061097 Tropical Storm Elsa: National Weather Service Update

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=8OZR8V21uSQ - Tropical Storm Elsa: National Weather Service Miami Meteorologists Give Update [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/14061106 Biden Kneels Before Israeli President; Pledges Unconditional Support to Israel

>>>/qresearch/14061117 Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has officially stepped down as CEO of the company he started out of his Seattle garage in 1995.

>>>/qresearch/14061119 Detailed Thread on the Law of War Manual & Conduct by an Occupying Power

>>>/qresearch/14061155 Ohio law protects doctors from having to commit abortions, transgender procedures

>>>/qresearch/14061166 More Than 5,000 Woke Teachers Sign Pledge to Teach CRT 'Regardless of the Law'

>>>/qresearch/14061375 Manhattan Institute Offers Toolkit for Parents to Fight Back Against Woke Schools

>>>/qresearch/14061403 President Donald J Trump - July 5, 2021

>>>/qresearch/14061444 I love how you are still trying to make this a VPN issue


>>>/qresearch/14061481 Let FREEDOM RING

>>>/qresearch/14061529 END of NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL?

>>>/qresearch/14061530 I’ve been contacted by members of our voluntary military who say they will quit if the COVID vaccine is mandated.

>>>/qresearch/14061607 Bill Cosby unloads pent-up anger: ‘Mainstream media are the Insurrectionists, who stormed the Capitol …’

>>>/qresearch/14061662 Laurene Powell Jobs

>>>/qresearch/14061725, >>>/qresearch/14061743 Q already spoke, they just try to ignore it

>>>/qresearch/14061761 Kataib Hezbollah attack the US Embassy compound in Baghdad with UAVs.

>>>/qresearch/14061783 Attack on the USS Liberty - Rusty Shackleford - 2 views Jul 5, 2021

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=xWQVzpJILTI - Attack on the USS Liberty [Channel: Rusty Shackleford]

>>>/qresearch/14061801 #17793

(23 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69603

File: 2c25bf923fccc2d⋯.png (681.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14061758_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14061758 Q Research General #17794: The SEETHING Continues - USS Liberty Edition




>>>/qresearch/14061867 COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum.. - - Shill Tactics

>>>/qresearch/14061869 Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation - Shill Tactics


Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=xWQVzpJILTI - Attack on the USS Liberty [Channel: Rusty Shackleford]

>>>/qresearch/14061879 Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist - Shill Tactics

>>>/qresearch/14061886 Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression - Shill Tactics

>>>/qresearch/14061903 SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT HERE (repost from pb)

>>>/qresearch/14061927 How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent)

>>>/qresearch/14061929 Shill Tactics

>>>/qresearch/14061945 Anon yesterday gave instruction for an upcoming rusty shackelford vid post.

>>>/qresearch/14061974 Adm. Morrison vs. Adm. McCain standoff at USS Liberty?

>>>/qresearch/14062009 Kanye West Appears to Declare Bill Cosby Innocent

>>>/qresearch/14062034 RATS RUNNING

>>>/qresearch/14062078 Why are /COMMS/MNR/ personalities defending MJ12 Larpers?

>>>/qresearch/14062129 Bamford says the Liberty was monitoring Israeli communications and had real time war crimes evidence against Ariel Sharon and his men

>>>/qresearch/14062137, >>>/qresearch/14062160, >>>/qresearch/14062207 Julian Assange’s freedom depends on the mobilisation of the working class


>>>/qresearch/14062250 GETTR Privacy policy.

>>>/qresearch/14062309 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/14062376 CodeMonkeyZ

>>>/qresearch/14062385 GOP Arizona Senator Calls for Audit of All Counties that Used Machines — And Not Just in Swing States — An Omen of Things to Come?

>>>/qresearch/14062415 Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel "seriously ill" and hospitalized with #COVID19. He received his first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine on May 6.

>>>/qresearch/14062455 Were we supposed to be LOCKED down Until March 2025?

>>>/qresearch/14062459 @TrumpNewYork - We’re excited to be Sharecare VERIFIED for our high health standards and even more excited to welcome you back!

>>>/qresearch/14062528 So funny when Doc IP hops to shill(poorly)

>>>/qresearch/14062550 #17794

(25 notables)

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68820c  No.69604

File: a47860b36cba31e⋯.png (681.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14062504_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14062504 Q Research General #17795: Shill Tactics 101 Edition




>>>/qresearch/14063238 Grennell calls out Luntz

(1 notable)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69605

File: a2ae0ee249aedc1⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 14063359_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14063359 Q Research General #17796: Very Real, Very Anon.



>>>/qresearch/14063575 Israel sees drop in Pfizer vaccine protection against Covid infections

>>>/qresearch/14063584, >>>/qresearch/14063672, >>>/qresearch/14063712, >>>/qresearch/14063964 Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant

>>>/qresearch/14063761 Hunter Biden memos call into question congressional testimony of Democrat lobbying firm

>>>/qresearch/14063886, >>>/qresearch/14063899, >>>/qresearch/14063902, >>>/qresearch/14063918, >>>/qresearch/14063922, >>>/qresearch/14063937 Snowden and Q drop 3599

>>>/qresearch/14063955 latest earthquakes in Alaska

>>>/qresearch/14064030, >>>/qresearch/14064169 #17796

(6 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69763



>>>/qresearch/14062504 Q Research General #17795: Shill Tactics 101 Edition




>>>/qresearch/14062609 Lin Wood post about fraud inauguration ….weather discrepancy

>>>/qresearch/14062610 Rep. Massie: U.S. Troops Say They Will Quit If Forced To Vaccinate

>>>/qresearch/14062657 Sharecare Trump New York

>>>/qresearch/14062668 Did these people even have time to move their shit out? Where's are the fridges?

>>>/qresearch/14062746 The ACTUAL CONTENTS Inside Pfizer Vials EXPOSED!

>>>/qresearch/14062753, >>>/qresearch/14062802 We'll leave the lights on for ya

>>>/qresearch/14062786 Biden Leaks

>>>/qresearch/14062830 Constitutional Lawyer Sounds the Alarm on the Canadian Covid Police State

>>>/qresearch/14062942 “Fresh and Never Frozen” : The Horrifying Government Purchase of Fetal Organs

>>>/qresearch/14063157 Surfs up dudes

>>>/qresearch/14063164 Billionaire Investor Charlie Munger Says US Should Learn From China's Authoritarianism

>>>/qresearch/14063175 REvil ransomware gang used a zero-day vulnerability in the Kaseya VSA management software to encrypt MSPs

>>>/qresearch/14063238, >>>/qresearch/14063357 Grenell rebukes liar Luntz: Oh Frank.

>>>/qresearch/14063240 ZULU

>>>/qresearch/14063252, >>>/qresearch/14063302 PF Reports

(15 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69765



>>>/qresearch/14063359 Q Research General #17796: Very Real, Very Anon.




>>>/qresearch/14063495, >>>/qresearch/14063515 anons digs

>>>/qresearch/14063530 MIT scientist: covid vaccines may cause diseases in 10 to 15 years

>>>/qresearch/14063562 Fifth column

>>>/qresearch/14063575 Israel sees drop in Pfizer vaccine protection against Covid infections

>>>/qresearch/14063584, >>>/qresearch/14063672, >>>/qresearch/14063712, >>>/qresearch/14063964 Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant

>>>/qresearch/14063625 Devil went down to Georgia? Police: Three found dead at private golf course in Georgia

>>>/qresearch/14063732 Google, Facebook & Twitter Threaten To Pull Services In Hong Kong Over "Vague" Doxxing Law

>>>/qresearch/14063753 The University of New Mexico Becomes IBM Q Hub’s First University Member

>>>/qresearch/14063761 Hunter Biden memos call into question congressional testimony of Democrat lobbying firm

>>>/qresearch/14063766 Author J.D. Vance, who's running in the Ohio Republican race for a U.S. Senate seat, addressed on Fox News Monday his since-deleted tweets criticizing former President Trump.

>>>/qresearch/14063778 Pop-up COVID testing site targeted by vandals in Sydney's south

>>>/qresearch/14063798 Biden's Administration Is the 'Wrecking Crew' It's NOT A Good Thing…

>>>/qresearch/14063801 R. Kelly's lawyer wants trial delayed due to jail quarantine

>>>/qresearch/14063810 Fundz man Thousands Given Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Filled With Saline in India: Officials

>>>/qresearch/14063831 NXIVM Leader Keith Raniere Adds Ex-Jeffrey Epstein Lawyer to Legal Team

>>>/qresearch/14063866 If it's broken why keep trying it? Pfizer boss suggests third COVID-19 vaccine dose needed after efficacy rates drop in Israel

>>>/qresearch/14063880 Aussie PM’s refusal to back WikiLeaks’ Assange is ‘morally bankrupt’ says MP in Oz who also tells US & UK: ‘enough is enough’

>>>/qresearch/14063882 HIV vaccine trial launched at University of Oxford in bid to end ‘40-year wait’

>>>/qresearch/14063886, >>>/qresearch/14063899, >>>/qresearch/14063902, >>>/qresearch/14063918, >>>/qresearch/14063922, >>>/qresearch/14063937 Snowden and Q drop 3599

>>>/qresearch/14063896 Communist Endeavors.

>>>/qresearch/14063906 Sidney Telegrams Ethics over Money

>>>/qresearch/14063928 Cardiologist arrested over Mt. Lavinia Child Sex Trafficking Ring; 34 suspects nabbed so far

>>>/qresearch/14063955 latest earthquakes in Alaska

>>>/qresearch/14064030, >>>/qresearch/14064169 #17796

>>>/qresearch/14064058 They tried to kill Ivanka?

>>>/qresearch/14064195 Ghislaine Maxwell Mid July Release of Files!

(26 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69766

File: 36fdea460b637b1⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14064187_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14064187 Q Research General #17797: Old Style Edition




>>>/qresearch/14064324 Commie traitors getting exposed

>>>/qresearch/14064330 Stroppy´s back and relevant links

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=iHtJkP_C0qE - STROPPY’S HOPIUM … Tuesday, 6th of July 2021 … Morning Coffee Edition [Channel: Stan Trop]

>>>/qresearch/14064332 NYC crime wave triggers rethink racial justice policies

>>>/qresearch/14064341 QAnon continues to "metastasize." aka redpilling

>>>/qresearch/14064364 Alaska earthquake

>>>/qresearch/14064369, >>>/qresearch/14064886 Russian An-26 plane with 27 people aboard goes missing in Kamchatka

>>>/qresearch/14064405 Israel sees drop in Pfizer vaccine protection against infections, still strong in severe illness

>>>/qresearch/14064407 Mike Lindell sets August date for bonkers trump reinstatement theory lets get these communists out

>>>/qresearch/14064420, >>>/qresearch/14064457 Pope Francis reacts well to intestinal surgery

>>>/qresearch/14064447 India fake covid vaccine scam

>>>/qresearch/14064477, >>>/qresearch/14064505 Flags: Yellow and black meanings

>>>/qresearch/14064559 #17796

>>>/qresearch/14064597 Is "reality" a game of quantum mirrors?

>>>/qresearch/14064657 45 Year Old John Hopkins Hospital Employee Dies After Reaction To Mandatory Covid Shot

>>>/qresearch/14064721 European natural gas prices have surged to a new record high

>>>/qresearch/14064722 Belarus leader: Jews caused the world ‘to kneel’ before them

>>>/qresearch/14064734, >>>/qresearch/14064745 Uranium 234 and Pyramid6

>>>/qresearch/14064747, >>>/qresearch/14064882, >>>/qresearch/14064888 HMS Queen Elizabeth passing through the Suez Canal this morning.

>>>/qresearch/14064764 American thinker: Video evidence suggests Biden is a Potemkin president, without real support

>>>/qresearch/14064822 WaPo Promotes the Sexual Grooming of Children, Civilization dies in darkness

>>>/qresearch/14064825 #17795

>>>/qresearch/14064844 Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained from the FDA

>>>/qresearch/14064847, >>>/qresearch/14064994 Security Breach of Election Registration Servers in Arizona Occurred on Nov. 3 – Sec of State Hobbs Kept It Hidden

>>>/qresearch/14064850 Voting Machine Fraud with Dominion ES&S

>>>/qresearch/14064851 Antrim EMS last updated their Windows Defender Antivirus on 7/16/2016

>>>/qresearch/14064862, >>>/qresearch/14064865, >>>/qresearch/14064866, >>>/qresearch/14064867 Myanmar bars foreign telecom executives from leaving country

>>>/qresearch/14064887 UK SAGE advisor Susan Michie, asked if her 40-year membership in the Communist Party might inform her policies (Cap 2:00)

>>>/qresearch/14064968, >>>/qresearch/14064970 Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms

>>>/qresearch/14064975 Twitter loses immunity over user-generated content in India

>>>/qresearch/14065002 MI Leadership List, Demand Audits

>>>/qresearch/14065009 #17797

(31 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69796

File: d413b47b5c7288f⋯.jpg (7.41 KB, 250x140, 25:14, 14065017_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14065017 Q Research General #17798: Katie Hobbs Kept It Hidden, EYES ON this Corrupt Official Edition




>>>/qresearch/14065294 …"Before the crash, it collided with a hill, which led to the destruction of the plane,” the source told TASS"…

>>>/qresearch/14065308 dogg comms? death lottery

>>>/qresearch/14065629 ASSANGE WAS FRAMED

>>>/qresearch/14065740 Looters were captured on video Monday ransacking a Neiman Marcus in San Francisco

>>>/qresearch/14065770 New Variant, 1st one not scary enough

>>>/qresearch/14065838 Ever Given to be released

(6 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69797

File: bb847bca106387c⋯.jpg (306.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14065892_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14065892 Q Research General #17799: 99 Ebakes Edition



>>>/qresearch/14065933 Ghost bakers ghost bakes to gauge anon determination.

>>>/qresearch/14065966 evergreen is being released after 3 months of waiting, immediately after the Briitsh and American warships pass by in the Suez?

>>>/qresearch/14065976 quake in montana?

>>>/qresearch/14065996, >>>/qresearch/14066022 Globals being used for their OG purpose once again, best digg done on QResearch in quite a while

>>>/qresearch/14066024 anon opines stealth bomber = Black Berry BB B2 ?

>>>/qresearch/14066039 Inuk leader Mary Simon named Canada's 1st Indigenous governor general

>>>/qresearch/14066048 karma laundering.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=SJkj3DgW8Y0 - Set It Off - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (feat. William Beckett) [Lyric's] [Channel: Decoy]

>>>/qresearch/14066063 Maricopa County knew since November 3, 2020 that the voter registration data base had been tampered with.

>>>/qresearch/14066074 #17798

>>>/qresearch/14066143 some reading material on our overlords, the Phoenicians

>>>/qresearch/14066167 Medieval village of Eze: Phoenicians of the French Riviera

>>>/qresearch/14066356 AndyKimNJ donates blue Jan 6th cleanup suit to Smithsonian?

>>>/qresearch/14066385 Banks Now Dictating What Customers Are Permitted to Purchase with Their Own Money

>>>/qresearch/14066467 UFOs, Plasma Lasers, And The Pentagon’s ‘Voice Of God’ Weapon

>>>/qresearch/14066471 Capitol Police Establishing Field Offices To Investigate Threats Against Lawmakers

>>>/qresearch/14066490 Large Explosion Rocks Iranian Oil Field Near Iraq Border, Leaving Multiple Dead

>>>/qresearch/14066550 Rules Committee field hearing in Georgia on Monday, July 19th

>>>/qresearch/14066621 #17799

(18 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69831

File: 2fdcff6ef78feed⋯.jpg (306.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14066629_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14066629 Q Research General #17800: bang for the buck, in Minecraft, Edition



>>>/qresearch/14066703 Report Shows How ‘Queer Creators’ Spent Years Pushing the LGBTQ Agenda in Children’s TV Programs

>>>/qresearch/14066740, >>>/qresearch/14066764 23 High-Ranking Officials in Biden Administration All Came from the Same Shadowy Firm

>>>/qresearch/14066742 anon opines MILES MATHIS noted lb not a reliable source of long term history

>>>/qresearch/14066778, >>>/qresearch/14066919 looks like even the baker posts from 17795 were edited to hide the discrepancies. and then a new agenda was inserted in bread 17798; anon opines not notable

>>>/qresearch/14066876 Likud MK indicted on charges of bribery and fraud

>>>/qresearch/14066889 USMCSgtMaj: Marine presented highest award for noncombat heroism

>>>/qresearch/14066925 Judicial Watch Sues FBI for Records on Alleged Transfer of Bank Financial Data of Every Person in Washington, DC Area around January 6

>>>/qresearch/14066976 rescuers identified the crash site of the An-26

>>>/qresearch/14067024 The Espionage Act & Julian Assange

>>>/qresearch/14067146 DeSantis gets standing ovation by promising to put on the 'full armor of God' to fight against leftism

>>>/qresearch/14067172 TUNE IN tomorrow to RSBN at 11am EST to watch President Trump make a major announcement!

>>>/qresearch/14067185 “Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR)” Status Determines Mortality in Patients with COVID-19


>>>/qresearch/14067212 Gab Reveals They’ve Been Canceled By ANOTHER Bank, Torba Slams ‘Financial Persecution'

>>>/qresearch/14067230, >>>/qresearch/14067355 U.S. Navy making cookies for Nancy Reagan's 100th, thank you bakers! follow the pen

>>>/qresearch/14067273 LIVE: Anti-LGBTQ Clash With LGBTQ Supporters In Front of Tblisi Parliament.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=2DroExB3JYw - LIVE: LGBTQ+ supporters and anti-LGBTQ+ activists clash in front of Tbilisi parliament [Channel: Ruptly]

>>>/qresearch/14067458 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/14067479 #17800

(18 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

68820c  No.69845



>>>/qresearch/14062504 Q Research General #17795: Shill Tactics 101 Edition




>>>/qresearch/14062609 Lin Wood post about fraud inauguration ….weather discrepancy

>>>/qresearch/14062610 Rep. Massie: U.S. Troops Say They Will Quit If Forced To Vaccinate

>>>/qresearch/14062657 Sharecare Trump New York

>>>/qresearch/14062668 Did these people even have time to move their shit out? Where's are the fridges?

>>>/qresearch/14062746 The ACTUAL CONTENTS Inside Pfizer Vials EXPOSED!

>>>/qresearch/14062753, >>>/qresearch/14062802 We'll leave the lights on for ya

>>>/qresearch/14062786 Biden Leaks

>>>/qresearch/14062830 Constitutional Lawyer Sounds the Alarm on the Canadian Covid Police State

>>>/qresearch/14062942 “Fresh and Never Frozen” : The Horrifying Government Purchase of Fetal Organs

>>>/qresearch/14063136 (pb), Heavily redacted Seth Rich FBI Vault papers released.


>>>/qresearch/14063157 Surfs up dudes

>>>/qresearch/14063164 Billionaire Investor Charlie Munger Says US Should Learn From China's Authoritarianism

>>>/qresearch/14063175 REvil ransomware gang used a zero-day vulnerability in the Kaseya VSA management software to encrypt MSPs

>>>/qresearch/14063238, >>>/qresearch/14063357 Grenell rebukes liar Luntz: Oh Frank.

>>>/qresearch/14063240 ZULU

>>>/qresearch/14063252, >>>/qresearch/14063302 PF Reports

(16 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.69959

File: 9d61272c7ec70ac⋯.jpg (306.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14068389_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14068389 Q Research General #17802: ASVAB Ebake Edition




>>>/qresearch/14068405 AP watching water: Where people once bobbed in super-salty waters, there's now cracked lakebed.

>>>/qresearch/14068497 Webmd: Facebook Subpoenaed in COVID-19 Misinformation Probe

>>>/qresearch/14068509 @USArmy: The decline of pollinators has the biologists with @USACEHQ taking action.

>>>/qresearch/14068555 NBC12: Va. Dept. of Wildlife Resources receives over 1,400 reports of sick, dying birds

>>>/qresearch/14068592 foxbiz: Paul Pelosi bets up to $6M on Big Tech before powerful House committee passes sweeping antitrust measures

>>>/qresearch/14068616 NYP: Instagram law will jail influencers for secretly editing appearance

>>>/qresearch/14068631 Disclose.tv: Dutch investigative journalist and crime reporter Peter R. de Vries has been shot in Amsterdam. He was taken to hospital in critical condition.

>>>/qresearch/14068652 Adforum: Vaccine IO campaign from the satanists at UNICEF

>>>/qresearch/14068662 natlpulse: A Chinese 'Spy Recruitment' Scholar is Now Running Joe Biden's NSA Personnel Department

>>>/qresearch/14068680 MSN: Brazilian 'bitcoin king' arrested in an alleged $300 million embezzlement case

>>>/qresearch/14068695 911: Pentagon cancels $10 billion JEDI cloud contract that Amazon and Microsoft were fighting over - CNBC

>>>/qresearch/14068708 GP: Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Relative and Then Infects 83 High School Students — But Please Take your Vaccines!

>>>/qresearch/14068710 GP: Identity of Ashli Babbitt Killer Confirmed — Careless Capitol Police Lieutenant Is Being Protected by Democrats, Pelosi and Deep State FBI

>>>/qresearch/14068722 Moar variants: GP: Scientists Claim “Lambda” Variant May Be Resistant to Covid-19 Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/14068736 Sputnik: Bloomberg Claims 'Cozy Bear' Hacker Group Breached RNC During Keseya Attack, RNC Denies Breach

>>>/qresearch/14068747 bizpac: New book makes explosive claims about RNC staffers not voting for Trump, infighting during campaign

>>>/qresearch/14068756 jpost: The IDF operating on American soil story is not being swept under the rug willingly

>>>/qresearch/14068764 BB: White House: Biden would ‘Certainly Support’ States Re-Imposing Coronavirus Restrictions

>>>/qresearch/14068776 redstate: Biden Administration's Latest Plan to Get Shots in Arms Sure Sounds Like a 'Vaccine Police'

>>>/qresearch/14068792 lifesite: Top Biden officials encourage transgenderism in kids, vow to punish states resisting transmania

>>>/qresearch/14068808 dailymail: Biden checks notes and says REvil's $50M ransomware attacks caused 'minimal damages to US businesses'

>>>/qresearch/14068855, >>>/qresearch/14068869, >>>/qresearch/14068876, >>>/qresearch/14068880, >>>/qresearch/14068882, >>>/qresearch/14068885, >>>/qresearch/14068889, >>>/qresearch/14068899, >>>/qresearch/14068907, >>>/qresearch/14068915 Anon nom: It's like he [Laughing_Man] doesn't realize how personal some anons take the fact that they compromised Qs board. Shit is not a game.

>>>/qresearch/14068935, >>>/qresearch/14068945, >>>/qresearch/14068986 Sgt. Babyfist admits to being the person that threatened to kill BV + BV family.

>>>/qresearch/14068948 DW: Thailand factory explosion leads to fires; 60 hurt, 1 killed near main Bangkok airport

>>>/qresearch/14068961 Dailymail: 'Crime is basically legal in San Francisco':

>>>/qresearch/14069065 GP: In a Congressional First Pelosi Opens Satellite Field Offices for DC Capitol Police in Florida and California to Deal with Regional Threats

>>>/qresearch/14069091 #17802

(27 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.69960

File: 71a0602d4537ac8⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14069103_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14069103 Q Research General #17803: The 'Varying Variant Variables' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14069156 En-volve: Outspoken Trump-Hating Disney Star Charged With Sex Crimes Against A Child

>>>/qresearch/14069168 Scoopyweb: Health Minister Lord Bethell is under formal investigation by Lords standards watchdog over sponsoring parliamentary pass for Matt Hancock's lover

>>>/qresearch/14069173 RT: Russia is ready to respond 'harshly & decisively' to any future US power plays, country's foreign minister Lavrov warns Washington

>>>/qresearch/14069245 GP: 11 Anti-Mask Protesters Charged For Disrupting Utah School Board Meeting Face Fines, Jail Time

>>>/qresearch/14069252, >>>/qresearch/14069335, >>>/qresearch/14069367, >>>/qresearch/14069626 Anons talking about the Rudy Giuliani/Biden laptop story in the context of past events.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=83Owcjr8dqM - The FBI REFUSED Incriminating Evidence Against Biden | Rudy Giuliani | Huckabee [Channel: Huckabee]

>>>/qresearch/14069255 ABC.au: Banks, airlines and supermarket bosses get together to help speed up vaccine rollout

>>>/qresearch/14069270 PJM: Legal Expert Warns of Coming 'Canadian Ministry of Truth, a Modern Inquisition'

>>>/qresearch/14069368 @calebhull: Jen Psaki: We will be going door-to-door to Americans who have not been vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/14069438 DOJ: Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Admits Health Care Fraud Conspiracy and Conspiring to Engage in Money Laundering and Obstruct Justice

>>>/qresearch/14069487 blaze: Report: Trump plans 'major announcement' regarding social media at a press conference Wednesday

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=EahDPcLGYjk - Trump to make his own social media platform: Sources [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14069495 NTD: Thousands of Americans File Lawsuits Against Their Governors for Ending Unemployment Benefits

>>>/qresearch/14069530 natlfile: Raytheon Anti-White Racism Program EXPOSED: Whites Encouraged To Reject ‘Equality’ And Work To ‘Defund The Police’

>>>/qresearch/14069578 Freebeacon: Lincoln Project Hires Former Aide to Prominent Democratic Perverts

>>>/qresearch/14069642 Scavino posting Old Glory tonight

>>>/qresearch/14069659 USN photos of the day

>>>/qresearch/14069664 Dailymail: Dancing TikTok star Matima Miller - known as Swavy and Babyface to his 2.6 million followers - dies in daylight shooting

>>>/qresearch/14069780 DOJ: Oath Keepers Member Arrested on Conspiracy Charges Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach

>>>/qresearch/14069796 JTN: Trump calls for election security reform in swing states

>>>/qresearch/14069810 USN: Maintenance is essential to our mission!

>>>/qresearch/14069836 CNN: W.Va Governor: If you’re not vaxed you’re part of the problem

>>>/qresearch/14069849 #17803

(21 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.70034

File: d53662bbbf9ee9c⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14069866_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14069866 Q Research General #17804: The 'Context Of Past Events' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14069893 Jan. 6 Detainees Confined 23 Hours a Day, Attorneys Say - epoch times

>>>/qresearch/14069923 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14069928 The Central Banks New Mandate: Social Justice, Race, Gender Issues, Climate Change And Inequality

>>>/qresearch/14069929 LEGALLY the vaccinated are no longer human

>>>/qresearch/14069932 Noor Bin Ladin with TRIP 17s

>>>/qresearch/14069939 GP: Louisiana Democrat Governor Vetoes Bills Protecting Individual Freedoms – Now the Legislature Must Meet Again – Individual Rights at Stake

>>>/qresearch/14069941 #AirForce announced plans that the 319th Reconnaissance Wing at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota, will now provide command and control support for the E-11 Battlefield Airborne Control Node aircraft mission

>>>/qresearch/14069968 World's richest man Jeff Bezos sets new record for wealth with $211 billion as Amazon shares soar after Pentagon canceled JEDI contract rival Microsoft

>>>/qresearch/14069972 Anon nominated Board drama

>>>/qresearch/14069975 Baker Ghost

>>>/qresearch/14069979 Pages on CRT, anti-racism and mandatory vaccine resolutions disappear from NEA website

>>>/qresearch/14070011 Welcome to billionaire summer camp! Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Disney's Bob Iger and Patriots owner Robert Kraft arrive at exclusive five-day retreat in rural Idaho

>>>/qresearch/14070051 US software firm hit by a major ransomware attack that crippled hundreds of companies worldwide

>>>/qresearch/14070077 Man Who Joined ‘Fight for Trump’ Crowd at Capitol Siege Posed as Antifa, Discussed Molotov Cocktails With His Self-Styled Militia: Feds

>>>/qresearch/14070107 Anon claims to be babyfist

>>>/qresearch/14070177 RNC Denies Reports Of Russian Government-Linked Hacking

>>>/qresearch/14070198 Publicity blitz: China to supply Africa millions of Sinovac doses after questions raised over efficacy

>>>/qresearch/14070237 GETTR Gets Hacked, 90,000 User Locations Exposed, Accounts CANNOT Be Deleted

>>>/qresearch/14070257 Professors Claim CCP is Planting Spies at Their Colleges.

>>>/qresearch/14070267 code monkey - I dont think Gettr is ready for a July4 launch and i cant recommend using it at this time

>>>/qresearch/14070277 Maricopa county health related deaths exceeds 2020 levels already in 2021

>>>/qresearch/14070316 Jason Miller on Gettr statement of security (would say Miles is a security risk)

>>>/qresearch/14070504 antidote to vax - LINDEN FLOWER is said by Fauci nemesis, Judy

>>>/qresearch/14070512 John McAfee made a video in 2020 calling out the DS, a week later a warrant was issued. A year later he's dead.

>>>/qresearch/14070515 Trump Vows to Close Pentagon’s “Defense Language Institute,” Replace with “American Language Institute” October 26, 2019

>>>/qresearch/14070667 PF Reporting

(26 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.70035

File: 42d6d61a1e3b1b7⋯.jpg (306.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14070674_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14070674 Q Research General #17805: Holy Shit There's No Bread Ebake Edition




>>>/qresearch/14070709 RE: Condo Collapse. Who died?…Who was Punished?…

>>>/qresearch/14070729, >>>/qresearch/14070767 [P] again. Thoughts?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=rRqfxvFqeSk - Special LIVE report on the Nephilim Giants with guest Jessie Czebotar [Channel: The reveal report]

>>>/qresearch/14070731 FBI Tries to Recruit Decorated Army Green Beret to Infiltrate/Spy - mike moore paine podcast

>>>/qresearch/14070831 #17804

>>>/qresearch/14070859 Pressed For Answers On Syria Cover-Up, OPCW Chief Offers New Lies And Excuses

>>>/qresearch/14070861, >>>/qresearch/14070894, >>>/qresearch/14070952, >>>/qresearch/14070987, >>>/qresearch/14071114, >>>/qresearch/14071254 RE: Graphene Oxide <-sauces? Disclaimer: ?

>>>/qresearch/14070867, >>>/qresearch/14070899

>>>/qresearch/14070872 CDC Insists Benefits Of mRNA Vaccines Still "Clearly Outweigh" Risks Of Dangerous Side Effects

>>>/qresearch/14070874 Fire on top of a building on Sunset Blvd. in L.A. and they are calling it a brush fire

>>>/qresearch/14070888 Leader of Poland’s ruling party hits back at Israeli criticism of draft WWII Jewish property bill

>>>/qresearch/14070895 Manhattan federal judge William Pauley dies at 68 (appointed by Clinton)

>>>/qresearch/14070926 US hosts high-level Saudi visit after Khashoggi killing

>>>/qresearch/14070959 Ivermectin is a treatment NOT a preventative (also wise to avoid calling it a "cure")

>>>/qresearch/14071019 Anybody else get the feeling that Patriots are still in control?

>>>/qresearch/14071032 Rep. Swalwell: Capitol Attack Was The "‘Largest Crime Committed In The U.S.’" kek

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=lAVslAuFjTs - Rep. Swalwell: Capitol Attack Was The ‘Largest Crime Committed In The U.S.’ [Channel: MSNBC]

>>>/qresearch/14071045, >>>/qresearch/14071055 Dan Schneider still at large

>>>/qresearch/14071047, >>>/qresearch/14071185 Graphene is one of the most important elements for Storing & tracking data (people)?

>>>/qresearch/14071069 anon supplied notes

>>>/qresearch/14071087 Jeffrey Epstein’s other little black book from the 1990s?

>>>/qresearch/14071148 Yemeni court sentences to death five people found guilty of spying for Britain’s MI6

>>>/qresearch/14071153 Prepare ur Anus! We Diggin into Coffee enemas

>>>/qresearch/14071156 @PatriotTakes Whiteboard pics


>>>/qresearch/14071306 White House Is Coming To Your House, Let The Memes Begin

>>>/qresearch/14071320 a few choice questions/statements for the dumbass who raps on my door

>>>/qresearch/14071353 Safety Assessment of Graphene-Based Materials: Focus on Human Health and the Environment

>>>/qresearch/14071357 INSIDE Jeffrey Epstein's Abandoned Palm Beach Mansion

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=we01M58knAo - INSIDE Jeffrey Epstein's Abandoned Palm Beach Mansion [Channel: Southern Pirate Outdoors]

>>>/qresearch/14071367 Needs moar research

>>>/qresearch/14071402 #17805

(29 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.70036

File: 4bbd5b22c1bb69f⋯.png (53.67 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14071389_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14071389 Q Research General #17806: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING Edition




>>>/qresearch/14071479 Data centers consume millions of gallons of Arizona water daily

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Anu5E4jbnkI - Data centers consume millions of gallons of Arizona water daily [Channel: ABC15 Arizona]

>>>/qresearch/14071516 PF Reportin

>>>/qresearch/14071544 I now have to run a vpn just to be able to post this.

>>>/qresearch/14071577 The Colorado River Has More of Its Water Allocated Than Exists in the River

>>>/qresearch/14071590 @53.53 graphite discussion broken down in detail?

>>>/qresearch/14071617 the adrenochrome bust you never heard about

>>>/qresearch/14071654 Does "the United States of America" even exist any more?

>>>/qresearch/14071676 is this how COVID-19 works, theoretically?

>>>/qresearch/14071701 Sitting on the fence is a great way to castrate yourself

>>>/qresearch/14071706 SPIKE PROTEIN SHEDDING THREAD

>>>/qresearch/14071749 "BabyFist" is a Gh05t boxing Psyop

>>>/qresearch/14071759 OSS has no ability to identify shills. They have tried very hard to convince you otherwise.

>>>/qresearch/14071774 In April 2018, Vice President Mike Pence chose Kellogg to serve as his national security advisor.

>>>/qresearch/14071809 Outstanding Meme

>>>/qresearch/14071863 article-9761777 Melania Trump ditches signature stilettos for Louboutin flats

>>>/qresearch/14071945 News Digs

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=iHtJkP_C0qE - STROPPY’S HOPIUM … Tuesday, 6th of July 2021 … Morning Coffee Edition [Channel: Stan Trop]

>>>/qresearch/14072002 Container ship "Ever Given" is finally on its way after 3 MONTHS

>>>/qresearch/14072023 Reports of a drone attack against the US base at al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria.

>>>/qresearch/14072027 Expand your thinking

>>>/qresearch/14072040 https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1412661702340931590

>>>/qresearch/14072056 DJT will soon make an "important" announcement about his plans for a social media platform

>>>/qresearch/14072060 Zuckerberg and Democrats work hand in glove with the CCP. Follow the money

>>>/qresearch/14072064, >>>/qresearch/14072082, >>>/qresearch/14072110 Big trouble in liddle Haiti

>>>/qresearch/14072069 Graphine Oxide: formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid

>>>/qresearch/14072175 Verizon Frontline unveils THOR: mobile, 5G rapid-response command center

>>>/qresearch/14072206 #17806

(26 notables)

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02f59c  No.70060

File: 4b99f3b9b0f5cc5⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14073077_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14073077 Q Research General #17808: The 'EBAKE' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14073098 These people are fucking sick.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ArOQF4kadHA - "A Message From the Gay Community" Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus [Channel: SFGMC TV]

>>>/qresearch/14073118 LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference - CLASS ACTION

>>>/qresearch/14073135 Minneapolis police hit and kill uncle of Darnella Frazier, who filmed George Floyd's murder

>>>/qresearch/14073153 The Nightmare of the EU

>>>/qresearch/14073179 Address Book Found On NYC Sidewalk Appears To Show More Connections Of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

>>>/qresearch/14073191 Yogananda Pittman

>>>/qresearch/14073294 US lawmakers express shock at Haitian president's assassination

>>>/qresearch/14073579 PF - non-AF1 planespotters

>>>/qresearch/14073594 Mike Pompeo - I’ve visited countries where freedom of speech is nonexistent. During our administration, President Trump and I never stopped fighting to protect your voice here in America.

>>>/qresearch/14073607 JUST IN - Facebook to ban anyone who’s charged (not convicted) in connection with the riot at the US Capitol on January 6

>>>/qresearch/14073679 Statement by @YorkCountyDems on Mastriano’s ridiculous “audit” demands:

>>>/qresearch/14073690 Critical race theory author headlines AFT conference on educating kids

>>>/qresearch/14073794 Sebastian Gorka: I Was Told Top FBI Officials Viewed Trump Administration As ‘The Enemy’

>>>/qresearch/14073847 GTMO842 - Gitmo Express

>>>/qresearch/14073897 The Pennsylvania State Senator announced he is initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General election and 2021 primary.

>>>/qresearch/14073909 Peter R. de Vries was digging on Bill Gates and covid

>>>/qresearch/14073931 1 million extra votes in Maricopa County compared to 2016. Wow. PANIC

(17 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.70081

File: f9cdef941021ffe⋯.png (590.53 KB, 747x500, 747:500, 14072202_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14072202 Q Research General #17807: Throw The Discord Down the Well Edition




>>>/qresearch/14072287 Man arrested after weapons found in hotel room overlooking Chicago July 4 festivities

>>>/qresearch/14072294, >>>/qresearch/14072295, >>>/qresearch/14072331, >>>/qresearch/14072344, >>>/qresearch/14072444 Official: Haiti President Jovenel Moïse assassinated at home

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=quHp2QC7wPM - Haiti president Jovenel Moïse assassinated overnight at his private residence [Channel: CBS This Morning]

>>>/qresearch/14072300, >>>/qresearch/14072310 Defense Contractor Raytheon Pushed CRT, Told White Employees To Confront Their ‘Privilege’ In Leaked Document

>>>/qresearch/14072314, >>>/qresearch/14072361 Narrative setting: The FBI says it infiltrated a militia-style group's'Bible study'after tracking a suspect in the Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/14072349, >>>/qresearch/14072498 Under Biden, Justice Department presses fight against Omarosa - dig!

>>>/qresearch/14072382, >>>/qresearch/14072402 With billions sent to Haiti just from US, it should be s thriving country

>>>/qresearch/14072390, >>>/qresearch/14072405 GP: Devastating proof: Security breach of election registration servers occurred in early November in Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs knew about it

>>>/qresearch/14072510 Panic!

>>>/qresearch/14072528, >>>/qresearch/14072538 SEC vows to investigate Pelosi for crimes against the cult controlled financial markets

>>>/qresearch/14072532 Grenell Retweet: They don't recognize that they're the functional equivalent of Q Anon (except with more power) but they are

>>>/qresearch/14072560 Mollie on how media/politicians use words against the American people

>>>/qresearch/14072655 CM: PA AUDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>>/qresearch/14072668 GP: Americans Finally Agree on Something – Most Americans Believe Someone Other than Biden Is Running the Show

>>>/qresearch/14072743, >>>/qresearch/14072795, >>>/qresearch/14072829 Pathetic: FBI: Investigators found fully assembled U.S. Capitol Lego toy at Jan. 6 riot leader’s home

>>>/qresearch/14072805 Axios: Trump to sue Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey

(15 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.70083



>>>/qresearch/14073077 Q Research General #17808: The 'EBAKE' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14073098 These people are fucking sick.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ArOQF4kadHA - "A Message From the Gay Community" Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus [Channel: SFGMC TV]

>>>/qresearch/14073118 LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference - CLASS ACTION

>>>/qresearch/14073135 Minneapolis police hit and kill uncle of Darnella Frazier, who filmed George Floyd's murder

>>>/qresearch/14073153 The Nightmare of the EU

>>>/qresearch/14073179 Address Book Found On NYC Sidewalk Appears To Show More Connections Of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

>>>/qresearch/14073191 Yogananda Pittman

>>>/qresearch/14073266 Video of Trump announcement


>>>/qresearch/14073294 US lawmakers express shock at Haitian president's assassination

>>>/qresearch/14073579 PF - non-AF1 planespotters

>>>/qresearch/14073594 Mike Pompeo - I’ve visited countries where freedom of speech is nonexistent. During our administration, President Trump and I never stopped fighting to protect your voice here in America.

>>>/qresearch/14073607 JUST IN - Facebook to ban anyone who’s charged (not convicted) in connection with the riot at the US Capitol on January 6

>>>/qresearch/14073671 #17807

>>>/qresearch/14073679 Statement by @YorkCountyDems on Mastriano’s ridiculous “audit” demands:

>>>/qresearch/14073690 Critical race theory author headlines AFT conference on educating kids

>>>/qresearch/14073794 Sebastian Gorka: I Was Told Top FBI Officials Viewed Trump Administration As ‘The Enemy’

>>>/qresearch/14073847 GTMO842 - Gitmo Express

>>>/qresearch/14073897 The Pennsylvania State Senator announced he is initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General election and 2021 primary.

>>>/qresearch/14073909 Peter R. de Vries was digging on Bill Gates and covid

>>>/qresearch/14073931 1 million extra votes in Maricopa County compared to 2016. Wow. PANIC

(19 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.70084

File: 0e3f9e3b8dc2875⋯.png (681.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14073954_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14073954 Q Research General #17809: Ebake



>>>/qresearch/14073963 Who’s orchestrating the pro-lockdown astroturf campaign?

>>>/qresearch/14073964 PANIC STARTS

>>>/qresearch/14073981 Jen Psaki Responds to Convenient Question If State Lockdowns Might Come Back Again

>>>/qresearch/14073988 192,000 Americans Watch President Trump’s Announcement to Sue Twitter, Facebook, Google on RSBN

>>>/qresearch/14073997 Assassins Kill President of Haiti in Overnight Attack, State of Emergency Declared

>>>/qresearch/14074007 Video Uncovered of China Professor Claiming US Elites Teamed Up with China to Take Control of America

>>>/qresearch/14074014 Report: Over 7,700 Ballots Missing Tabulation Record In Cobb County Georgia

>>>/qresearch/14074029 Pro golfer Gene Siller and two other men shot dead on Georgia course

>>>/qresearch/14074046 Condo and Currency Collapse

>>>/qresearch/14074053 Ever Given Container Ship Exits Suez Canal After Three Month Ordeal

>>>/qresearch/14074061 Mexican YouTube star arrested on child porn charge after sharing video showing gang rape of teen

>>>/qresearch/14074091 Obama’s “Vote Protection Director” Now Lobbies For A Firm The State Department Flagged As a ‘Tool’ Of Chinese Communist Party.

>>>/qresearch/14074092 Kamala Harris Defeated At Supreme Court In Donor Privacy Decision

>>>/qresearch/14074128 Belarussian President tells the truth, Kvetch ensues

>>>/qresearch/14074187 Dinesh D’Souza says the FBI is America’s greatest terrorist threat

>>>/qresearch/14074189 Eyes on. Check out this Egyptian planes flight route. Also, UN bird just landed in Barbados.

>>>/qresearch/14074203 'It's a disease from mommy and me.' Joe Biden's shocking admission of addiction is disclosed in texts to son Hunter

>>>/qresearch/14074219 Pelosi's Husband Bought Amazon Calls Before Pentagon JEDI Shakeup Sent Shares Soaring - Insider Trading

>>>/qresearch/14074261 McCarthy nailing down GOP members for Capitol riot panel as Republicans' defense strategy comes into view

>>>/qresearch/14074275 Rulers Prepare To Execute “Cyber Polygon” Drill On Friday

>>>/qresearch/14074427 FBI Waives Objection to Attorneys Request to Review Unredacted Seth Rich Documents in Latest Update

>>>/qresearch/14074450 PF

>>>/qresearch/14074452, >>>/qresearch/14074484, >>>/qresearch/14074587, >>>/qresearch/14074629 CENSORSHIP BY PROXY

>>>/qresearch/14074463 Hobby Lobby Faces Backlash Over Newspaper Ad Calling For Christian-Run Government

>>>/qresearch/14074478 President Trump suggests he's seen Hunter Biden's 'laptop from hell'

>>>/qresearch/14074557 More Surveillance birds in the sky than I’ve seen in awhile.

>>>/qresearch/14074564 QAnon's new 'plan'? Run for school board

>>>/qresearch/14074616, >>>/qresearch/14074628, >>>/qresearch/14074640 Old Dig on Save the Children

>>>/qresearch/14074651 #17809

(29 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f59c  No.70169

File: d8e081f64e789e7⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14074636_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14074636 Q Research General #17810: CENSORSHIP BY PROXY = Fascism Edition



>>>/qresearch/14074729 Pedophiles in the news - 7 July 21

>>>/qresearch/14074736 telegraph: Britain's biggest microchip factory sold to Chinese-owned tech firm

>>>/qresearch/14074761 globalresearch: The Dirty War on Syria: Washington Supports the Islamic State (ISIS)

>>>/qresearch/14074779, >>>/qresearch/14074958 Boatfag reports

>>>/qresearch/14074795 Sputnik: Moderna Launches Flu Vaccine Trial, Targets Single Jab For Multiple Diseases

>>>/qresearch/14074810 BBC: LGB people 'more likely to have mental health issues'

>>>/qresearch/14074811 ZH: Japan Orders 4th Tokyo State Of Emergency Likely Barring Spectators From Olympics

>>>/qresearch/14074825, >>>/qresearch/14074843 Sputnik: Haiti president Moise was killed by foreigners, preliminary assessment shows

>>>/qresearch/14074827 CT: Interesting Political Attendee Offered Invitation to Elitist Sun Valley Summit of Billionaire Tech and Media Moguls

>>>/qresearch/14074833 Thehill: The state of Virginia has removed a statue of former Gov. Harry Byrd Sr. (D), a segregationist, from its Capitol Square.

>>>/qresearch/14074857 NTD: Haitian Ambassador: Attack Was By ‘Commandos’

>>>/qresearch/14074871 NTD: On the CCP’s Centennial, 380 Million People Have Already Quit the Party and Its Organizations

>>>/qresearch/14074887 NYP: Twitter suspends professor over posts mocking China’s Xi Jinping

>>>/qresearch/14074893 NTD: Alabama cop allegedly drugged, raped woman he met on dating site

>>>/qresearch/14074914 Plane crashes in the DR.

>>>/qresearch/14074918 Epoch: Pennsylvania Senate Chairman Initiates Forensic Probe of 2020, 2021 Elections

>>>/qresearch/14074945 TheBlaze: Texas judge denies US citizen due process rights, sends her before Islamic Sharia tribunal instead

>>>/qresearch/14074964 RT: US Air Force Academy professor draws flak for op-ed urging military academies to teach ‘critical race theory’

>>>/qresearch/14075000 occrp: Interpol - CyberCriminal ‘Dr Hex’ Caught in Morocco

>>>/qresearch/14075048 JTN: Rep. Jordan releases agenda to take on Big Tech, hold it accountable for censorship

>>>/qresearch/14075052 TOI : Israeli arrested over alleged serious national security crimes

>>>/qresearch/14075076 CT: This year ... there was only one 2024 political candidate invited ... former South Carolina Governor and former U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley. Go figure.

>>>/qresearch/14075088, >>>/qresearch/14075105, >>>/qresearch/14075246 vid: Major explosion and fire at Jebel Ali Port, Dubai, UAE.

>>>/qresearch/14075112 news.au: ‘Further action’: 110 Sydney suburbs urged to stay home due to virus concerns

>>>/qresearch/14075135 news.au: Sydney sex teacher Monica Young jailed for assaulting teen student

>>>/qresearch/14075139 GP: State Rep. Robert Sutherland Announces Public Hearings on Election Integrity Issues in Washington State

>>>/qresearch/14075151 TehranTimes: Explosions in Tehran

>>>/qresearch/14075168 BNO: Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries shot

>>>/qresearch/14075187 Anon noms Children's Defense Fund dig

>>>/qresearch/14075222 SMH: Sydney-based judge harassed two young women, inquiry finds

>>>/qresearch/14075252, >>>/qresearch/14075298, >>>/qresearch/14075310, >>>/qresearch/14075358 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14075299 DOJ: Former "Chairman" of Massachusetts Latin Kings Crown Council Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/14075363 GP: ‘NO TRESPASSING’ – Lawmaker Says Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged

>>>/qresearch/14075415 Detroitnews: The state auditor general will conduct a review to determine the accuracy of Michigan's data pertaining to COVID-related deaths at long-term care facilitie

(34 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70252



>>>/qresearch/14074636 Q Research General #17810: CENSORSHIP BY PROXY = Fascism Edition




>>>/qresearch/14074729 Pedophiles in the news - 7 July 21

>>>/qresearch/14074736 telegraph: Britain's biggest microchip factory sold to Chinese-owned tech firm

>>>/qresearch/14074761 globalresearch: The Dirty War on Syria: Washington Supports the Islamic State (ISIS)

>>>/qresearch/14074779, >>>/qresearch/14074958 Boatfag reports

>>>/qresearch/14074795 Sputnik: Moderna Launches Flu Vaccine Trial, Targets Single Jab For Multiple Diseases

>>>/qresearch/14074810 BBC: LGB people 'more likely to have mental health issues'

>>>/qresearch/14074811 ZH: Japan Orders 4th Tokyo State Of Emergency Likely Barring Spectators From Olympics

>>>/qresearch/14074825, >>>/qresearch/14074843 Sputnik: Haiti president Moise was killed by foreigners, preliminary assessment shows

>>>/qresearch/14074827 CT: Interesting Political Attendee Offered Invitation to Elitist Sun Valley Summit of Billionaire Tech and Media Moguls

>>>/qresearch/14074833 Thehill: The state of Virginia has removed a statue of former Gov. Harry Byrd Sr. (D), a segregationist, from its Capitol Square.

>>>/qresearch/14074857 NTD: Haitian Ambassador: Attack Was By ‘Commandos’

>>>/qresearch/14074871 NTD: On the CCP’s Centennial, 380 Million People Have Already Quit the Party and Its Organizations

>>>/qresearch/14074887 NYP: Twitter suspends professor over posts mocking China’s Xi Jinping

>>>/qresearch/14074893 NTD: Alabama cop allegedly drugged, raped woman he met on dating site

>>>/qresearch/14074914 Plane crashes in the DR.

>>>/qresearch/14074918 Epoch: Pennsylvania Senate Chairman Initiates Forensic Probe of 2020, 2021 Elections

>>>/qresearch/14074945 TheBlaze: Texas judge denies US citizen due process rights, sends her before Islamic Sharia tribunal instead

>>>/qresearch/14074964 RT: US Air Force Academy professor draws flak for op-ed urging military academies to teach ‘critical race theory’

>>>/qresearch/14075000 occrp: Interpol - CyberCriminal ‘Dr Hex’ Caught in Morocco

>>>/qresearch/14075048 JTN: Rep. Jordan releases agenda to take on Big Tech, hold it accountable for censorship

>>>/qresearch/14075052 TOI : Israeli arrested over alleged serious national security crimes

>>>/qresearch/14075076 CT: This year ... there was only one 2024 political candidate invited ... former South Carolina Governor and former U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley. Go figure.

>>>/qresearch/14075088, >>>/qresearch/14075105, >>>/qresearch/14075246 vid: Major explosion and fire at Jebel Ali Port, Dubai, UAE.

>>>/qresearch/14075112 news.au: ‘Further action’: 110 Sydney suburbs urged to stay home due to virus concerns

>>>/qresearch/14075135 news.au: Sydney sex teacher Monica Young jailed for assaulting teen student

>>>/qresearch/14075139 GP: State Rep. Robert Sutherland Announces Public Hearings on Election Integrity Issues in Washington State

>>>/qresearch/14075151 TehranTimes: Explosions in Tehran

>>>/qresearch/14075168 BNO: Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries shot

>>>/qresearch/14075187 Anon noms Children's Defense Fund dig

>>>/qresearch/14075222 SMH: Sydney-based judge harassed two young women, inquiry finds

>>>/qresearch/14075252, >>>/qresearch/14075298, >>>/qresearch/14075310, >>>/qresearch/14075358 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14075299 DOJ: Former "Chairman" of Massachusetts Latin Kings Crown Council Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/14075363 GP: ‘NO TRESPASSING’ – Lawmaker Says Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged

>>>/qresearch/14075415 Detroitnews: The state auditor general will conduct a review to determine the accuracy of Michigan's data pertaining to COVID-related deaths at long-term care facilitie

>>>/qresearch/14075429 CNN: Federal judge largely faults Air Force for 2017 Texas church shooting


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70253


>>>/qresearch/14075441 #17810,

(36 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70254

File: 05cfcedb86882a2⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14075473_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14075473 Q Research General #17811: The 'Censorship And Romper Room' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14075527 UPDATE: Haitian First Lady Arrives In South Florida, Rushed To Hospital After Being Shot Several Times During Husband's Assassination

>>>/qresearch/14075539 Law Professor: It's Clear 'Hunter Biden Was Selling Access and Influence' and Joe Was Aware

>>>/qresearch/14075566 Leaked Thai Memo Fuels Fear of Chinese Vaccinations

>>>/qresearch/14075638 John Kerry Flouts Mask Mandate at Airport

>>>/qresearch/14075669 Massive explosion in Dubai

>>>/qresearch/14075705 “How Old Are You? 14?” Biden Asks Little Girl if She’s a Teenager During Tour of Child Development Center in Illinois (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/14075719 ‘NO TRESPASSING’ – Lawmaker Says Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged

>>>/qresearch/14075748 Straight out of the AJ playbook. imagine that

>>>/qresearch/14075774 Scoop: Tucker Carlson sought Putin interview at time of spying claim

>>>/qresearch/14075805 The fact is 12 years of education is no longer enough to compete in the 21st Century.

>>>/qresearch/14075825 twat - An NSA spokesman declined to comment and referred Axios back to the agency's earlier, carefully-worded, statement. In other words, the NSA is denying the targeting of Carlson but is not denying that his communications may have been incidentally collected.

>>>/qresearch/14075833 illuminatti faggotry

>>>/qresearch/14075840 ‘Not Unpatriotic’: Air Force Academy Professor Embraces Teaching CRT To Military Cadets

>>>/qresearch/14075876 Zuckerberg and Democrats worked hand in glove with the CCP to rig the elections and usurp the will of the American people

>>>/qresearch/14075896 TAKE DRUGS NOW Soothing the symptoms of anxiety with graphene oxide

>>>/qresearch/14075939 JUST IN - "Lamda" was yesterday, today it's the California "Epsilon" strain of #COVID19 that may be evading vaccines, according to researchers at the University of Washington and San Fransisco-based Vir Biotechnology Laboratory.

>>>/qresearch/14076138 9000!!!

>>>/qresearch/14076204 LIN WOOD ALL IN!!!

>>>/qresearch/14076231 Upstate New York weapons facility on lockdown with person barricaded inside


>>>/qresearch/14076274 1527. Agreement Between The FBI And The Secret Service

>>>/qresearch/14076293 songbirds dying….and it's not epsteen or haiti president….it is a bird

>>>/qresearch/14076330 - skeptical - Buffoonery Abounds as Adam Schiff Accidentally Proves GOP Right About Focus of Capitol Riots Committee

>>>/qresearch/14076370 Nine Countries Reject Global Minimum Tax Deal, Sending It Down Rocky Road to Completion

(24 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70255

File: 6e4b290719bc481⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14077165_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14077165 Q Research General #17813: Demand Audits Edition




>>>/qresearch/14077172 #18711

>>>/qresearch/14077208 #17812

(2 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70256

File: 1e2c5469822c139⋯.png (39.97 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 14076376_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14076376 Q Research General #17812: Moar Memes Edition




>>>/qresearch/14076392 Raytheon goes woke: America's second largest defense firm tells staff to 'identify their privilege' and 'give those with marginalized identities the floor during meetings', leaked 'anti-racist' training manual reveals

>>>/qresearch/14076398 John Kerry Flouts Mask Mandate at Logan Airport

>>>/qresearch/14076428 Former Planned Parenthood CEO: Vaccination Not ‘Individual Decision’

>>>/qresearch/14076445 FAMILY BATTLE Biden says Hunter got addiction ‘disease from mommy and me’ in texts as 5 family members revealed to have been to rehab

>>>/qresearch/14076447 Hillary Clinton Claims Election Integrity Bills Are Move Toward ‘White Supremacist Authoritarianism’

>>>/qresearch/14076449 Slick Ric Grenell!!! where you been nigger?

>>>/qresearch/14076461 Sky News Shows Taliban Seizing Abandoned US Bases & "Treasure Trove" Of Weapons, Ammo

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=f37xrmiqmnU - Afghanistan Endgame: Taliban seize abandoned American army bases. [Channel: Sky News]

>>>/qresearch/14076493 Lincoln Project Hires Former Aide to Prominent Democratic Perverts

>>>/qresearch/14076505 Danny Trejo Says Charles Manson Once Hypnotized Him in Jail…and ate his asshole

>>>/qresearch/14076517 Scientists who rejected lab-leak theory publish second Lancet letter doubling down on claims

>>>/qresearch/14076522 Ship Catches Fire, Causing Massive Explosion That Shakes Dubai

>>>/qresearch/14076536 1/6 Photos, Videos Show Potential Undercover Feds Participate In Violence, Assault Trump Supporters Trying To De-Escalate

>>>/qresearch/14076548 China’s Gene Giant Harvests Data From Millions of Women

>>>/qresearch/14076561 Obama's 'Voter Protection Director' Has a New Gig Lobbying on Behalf of the Chinese Communist Party

>>>/qresearch/14076569 Brazilians break in and wreck a GeoEngineering HAARP facility!

>>>/qresearch/14076609 Rudy Giuliani suspended from practicing law in D.C., weeks after similar action in New York

>>>/qresearch/14076665 Jacob Zuma: Former president hands himself in to South African police

>>>/qresearch/14076666 Pepe quads check'd

>>>/qresearch/14076673 OAN’s Natalie Harp on Senator Mitch McConnell: “He Actively Sabotaged the Justice Department from Investigating the Crime of the Century”

>>>/qresearch/14076721 Here was Joy Reid promoting the belief that CRT critics are Q-Anon people

>>>/qresearch/14076731 Alleged assassins of Haitian President Moïse taken into custody, communications minister says

>>>/qresearch/14076782 Joe Biden Saying Haiti 'Doesn't Matter' in 1994 Clip Resurfaces After Moïse Assassination

>>>/qresearch/14076818 Randi Weingarten Has Denied a ‘Woke’ Infiltration of Classrooms. Now She Is Vowing To Defend the Right To Teach It.

>>>/qresearch/14076833 Monica Petersen On Nov 13th, 2016, she was said to have committed suicide while in Haiti.She was investigating child trafficking linked to the Clinton Foundation.

>>>/qresearch/14076866 Discovery's 'Shark Week' kicks off its 33rd year https://trib.al/ZpWP1ui

>>>/qresearch/14076891 USA surrounded…Tropical storm East Coast, Fire whirls West coast.

>>>/qresearch/14076966 Army twat

(27 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70257

File: 875e76b83f07442⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14077949_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14077949 Q Research General #17814: E-bake




>>>/qresearch/14077971, >>>/qresearch/14077984 Former President Donald Trump's latest legal team includes a Washington, D.C., lawyer who made his name filing personal injury claims in the 1980s and 1990s, and a Connecticut attorney who represented the estate of O.J. Simpson's slain wife.

>>>/qresearch/14077972 @INDOPACOM U.S. @PacificMarines with @31stMeu conduct night raids to enhance interoperability

>>>/qresearch/14077994, >>>/qresearch/14078008, >>>/qresearch/14078051, >>>/qresearch/14078496 Haiti is under Martial Law

>>>/qresearch/14078010 real POTUS on tv

>>>/qresearch/14078022 Rudy Giuliani: If the Democrats and Crooked Media are ignoring the ONLY shooting in the Capitol on Jan. 6th, there must be something wrong with it.

>>>/qresearch/14078032 Report Says Blackwater Founder Had $10Bln Plan to Develop Weapons, Create Private Army in Ukraine

>>>/qresearch/14078040 Tesla´s car burns, the driver Bart Smith, is the head of the digital asset group as Susquehanna International.

>>>/qresearch/14078043 Russia's $190 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund Is Nearly Done Dumping Dollars

>>>/qresearch/14078048 Dr. Fauci to vaccine-hesitant Americans: “Get over it. Get over this political statement. Just get over it and try to save the lives of yourself and your family.”

>>>/qresearch/14078069 Statement by Donald J. Trump, The Fake News and Big Tech (and Dems!) coordinated attack on the millions of people in our Country, who call the 2020 Presidential Election disgraceful and corrupt, is failing. More and more people are calling it RIGGED and STOLEN.

>>>/qresearch/14078257, >>>/qresearch/14078303 Tucker unmasked, vids

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE - Jon Stewart on Crossfire [Channel: Alex Felker]

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=QesXS7ygY2g - Tucker Carlson calls AVTM "parasite" "Alex Jones? Fuck YOU!" [Channel: AdamKokesh]

>>>/qresearch/14078430, >>>/qresearch/14078663 Biden Giving Chicago Billions to Address Mayor Lightfoot's Crime Wave

>>>/qresearch/14078471 'Boom! Right through the head!' Trump graphically rants about the shooting of Ashli Babbitt

>>>/qresearch/14078507 John McAfee’s wife suggests Spanish authorities trying to ‘cover up’ husband’s death in prison

>>>/qresearch/14078527, >>>/qresearch/14078662 in recent days theRusty Shacklefordyoutube account, dormant since Sept 2019, began posting videos again.

>>>/qresearch/14078684 #17814

(16 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70388



>>>/qresearch/14077165 Q Research General #17813: Demand Audits Edition




>>>/qresearch/14077172 #18711

>>>/qresearch/14077180, >>>/qresearch/14077376 Democrat Megadonor and Hillary Pal Ed Buck Shot Drugs into Passed Out Sex Partners

>>>/qresearch/14077194 CodeMonkey: Trump doesn’t endorse GETTR.

>>>/qresearch/14077205 TEXAS: Conservatives Slam Abbott for Refusing to Push Legislation Banning Child Sex Changes During Special Session

>>>/qresearch/14077208 #17812

>>>/qresearch/14077248, >>>/qresearch/14077257, >>>/qresearch/14077271, >>>/qresearch/14077282, >>>/qresearch/14077297, >>>/qresearch/14077946 Save the Children Action Network is the "political advocacy arm" of Save the Children

>>>/qresearch/14077251, >>>/qresearch/14077393, >>>/qresearch/14077552 Robert Malone Inventor of mRNA vaccine tech and outspoken critic of CDC rollout spoke directly to Nancy Pelosi in a 45 minute private meeting

>>>/qresearch/14077311 Maggie's best argument is to say Trump's lawsuit is about some argument he is not making

>>>/qresearch/14077315 The US Military Is MakingLasers That Create Voices out of Thin Air

>>>/qresearch/14077339 Dailymail hit piece on Mike Lindell and Michael Flynn

>>>/qresearch/14077340, >>>/qresearch/14077353, >>>/qresearch/14077367, >>>/qresearch/14077413 Marine Security Guard Security Augmentation Unit deploys to US Embassy in Eswatini following civil unrest in the country

>>>/qresearch/14077375 Seb Gorka for keks tells McConaughey where to go

>>>/qresearch/14077404 Shall we play a game John McAfee

>>>/qresearch/14077432, >>>/qresearch/14077550 Tornado Just Hit Kings Bay GA Sub base Eagle Hammock RV Park

>>>/qresearch/14077444 Chicago mayor Lightfoot asks Biden for help after bloody July 4 weekend

>>>/qresearch/14077506, >>>/qresearch/14077590 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorization – Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defense Force] (No.2) 2021

>>>/qresearch/14077535, >>>/qresearch/14077625 WELL FUCK ME! I tested positive for the COVID-19. How the hell do I get HCQ quickly?

>>>/qresearch/14077557 ATF Head says anyone uttering “hate speech” online should have all their guns confiscated by armed federal agents

>>>/qresearch/14077607 State Patrol And Other Agencies Arrest Two For Sex Crimes

>>>/qresearch/14077652 1,446 satellites in the past 12 months.

>>>/qresearch/14077670 Ex-pediatrician deemed incompetent to stand trial after 98 counts of sex crime charges

>>>/qresearch/14077691 The Gates Foundation has a plan for when Bill and Melinda realize working with your ex sucks

>>>/qresearch/14077692 Colby would be official Wisconsin cheese under bill

>>>/qresearch/14077698 CT published the "anti-vaxx" playbook that reveals their strategy to combat "covid vaxx hesitency"

>>>/qresearch/14077701 Fort Lauderdale accepts proposal for Elon Musk's Tesla beach tunnel

>>>/qresearch/14077735 ARIZONA AUDIT: Ballots and Machines Secured at Wesley Bolin Building for Continued Forensic Analysis

>>>/qresearch/14077741 Federal Judge Rejects Challenge to Georgia Voting Law

>>>/qresearch/14077747 President Trump is joining with the Constitutional Litigation Partnership

>>>/qresearch/14077768 This actually Gen Flynn on telegram

>>>/qresearch/14077781 "Dr." Fauci to vaccine-hesitant Americans “Get over it" (Cap 0 :50)

>>>/qresearch/14077885, >>>/qresearch/14077887 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/14077896 PDJT statement: Shot heard round the world, or Haitian President ref?

>>>/qresearch/14077906 CodeMonkey Regarding GETTR, and Trump possible return to Twitter?

(33 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70389



>>>/qresearch/14077949 Q Research General #17814: E-bake




>>>/qresearch/14077971, >>>/qresearch/14077984 Former President Donald Trump's latest legal team includes a Washington, D.C., lawyer who made his name filing personal injury claims in the 1980s and 1990s, and a Connecticut attorney who represented the estate of O.J. Simpson's slain wife.

>>>/qresearch/14077972 @INDOPACOM U.S. @PacificMarines with @31stMeu conduct night raids to enhance interoperability

>>>/qresearch/14077994, >>>/qresearch/14078008, >>>/qresearch/14078051, >>>/qresearch/14078496 Haiti is under Martial Law

>>>/qresearch/14078010 real POTUS on tv

>>>/qresearch/14078022 Rudy Giuliani: If the Democrats and Crooked Media are ignoring the ONLY shooting in the Capitol on Jan. 6th, there must be something wrong with it.

>>>/qresearch/14078032 Report Says Blackwater Founder Had $10Bln Plan to Develop Weapons, Create Private Army in Ukraine

>>>/qresearch/14078040 Tesla´s car burns, the driver Bart Smith, is the head of the digital asset group as Susquehanna International.

>>>/qresearch/14078043 Russia's $190 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund Is Nearly Done Dumping Dollars

>>>/qresearch/14078048 Dr. Fauci to vaccine-hesitant Americans: “Get over it. Get over this political statement. Just get over it and try to save the lives of yourself and your family.”

>>>/qresearch/14078069 Statement by Donald J. Trump, The Fake News and Big Tech (and Dems!) coordinated attack on the millions of people in our Country, who call the 2020 Presidential Election disgraceful and corrupt, is failing. More and more people are calling it RIGGED and STOLEN.

>>>/qresearch/14078257, >>>/qresearch/14078303 Tucker unmasked, vids

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE - Jon Stewart on Crossfire [Channel: Alex Felker]

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=QesXS7ygY2g - Tucker Carlson calls AVTM "parasite" "Alex Jones? Fuck YOU!" [Channel: AdamKokesh]

>>>/qresearch/14078306 lb New Anonymous video 7/6/21 on child trafficking


>>>/qresearch/14078430, >>>/qresearch/14078663 Biden Giving Chicago Billions to Address Mayor Lightfoot's Crime Wave

>>>/qresearch/14078471 'Boom! Right through the head!' Trump graphically rants about the shooting of Ashli Babbitt

>>>/qresearch/14078507 John McAfee’s wife suggests Spanish authorities trying to ‘cover up’ husband’s death in prison

>>>/qresearch/14078527, >>>/qresearch/14078662 in recent days theRusty Shacklefordyoutube account, dormant since Sept 2019, began posting videos again.

>>>/qresearch/14078684 #17814

(17 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70391

File: ea4caf2c58605ed⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14078685_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14078685 Q Research General #17815: Night Stalkers Edition




>>>/qresearch/14078740, >>>/qresearch/14078771, >>>/qresearch/14078791, >>>/qresearch/14078859 DONALD J. TRUMP, the Forty-Fifth President of the United States, LINDA CUADROS AND AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION, INDIVIDUALLY AND ON BEHALF OF THE CLASS, Plaintiffs, v. TWITTER, INC., and JACK DORSEY, Defendants (34 pages)

>>>/qresearch/14078755 Relevant to Epstein's Sundial

>>>/qresearch/14078789, >>>/qresearch/14078797, >>>/qresearch/14078958, >>>/qresearch/14078985 Follow the creek down to 104 MEANWHILE AT THE SUEZ CANAL 38

>>>/qresearch/14078796 Antino Mugica, Sky king repost, elections, corruption, RR on the case (Cap 2:38)

>>>/qresearch/14078836 RT Most Americans, including nearly a third of Democrats, don’t think Biden’s fulfilling duties of president

>>>/qresearch/14078843, >>>/qresearch/14078847, >>>/qresearch/14078853, >>>/qresearch/14078854, >>>/qresearch/14078885 Japan to declare state of emergency in Tokyo 2 weeks before Olympics

>>>/qresearch/14078856 $1 billion worth of illegal marijuana in the largest bust in Los Angeles

>>>/qresearch/14078886 Babbit - What Is The Truth?

>>>/qresearch/14079050 WHO are they the Hidden Hand of, or for?

>>>/qresearch/14079099, >>>/qresearch/14079112, >>>/qresearch/14079116 Mini Bun Fed Reverse Repo Rate, Manufactured Crisis 101

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=3dTfxZtp3ag - Why Repo Market is Suddenly Surging (and what it means) [Channel: Heresy Financial]

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=orET-_WdPEQ - The Fed Just Lit the Fuse for a Liquidity Crisis [Channel: Heresy Financial]

>>>/qresearch/14079129 The research lab was “ la quinta columna” or Fifth Column Q knew 8/20/2020 1 year ago almost

>>>/qresearch/14079183 Palestinian kids sent by Israeli handlers to beg on roads in the north

>>>/qresearch/14079264 American Thinker: So, it’s true: Tucker Carlson got the General Mike Flynn treatment

>>>/qresearch/14079279, >>>/qresearch/14079473 Journalist Matt Lee OBLITERATES State Dept. Ned Price & His Gaslighting (1:11)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=hS0WYl7Jb9s - CHAD Journalist OBLITERATES State Dept. Virgin & His Gaslighting [Channel: Memology 101]

>>>/qresearch/14079367 Haiti… a lot of shit is going on in Haiti…

>>>/qresearch/14079377 America’s Frontline Doctors are seeking plaintiffs who have had their pharmacist refuse to fill their valid prescription for hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin

>>>/qresearch/14079386 CODE MONKEY DROPS MESSAGE FROM MacAfee's wife?

>>>/qresearch/14079394 PDJT statement: The Fake News and Big Tech (and Dems!) coordinated attack on the millions of people in our Country

>>>/qresearch/14079395 PDJT statement: ICYMI: "Hunter Biden complained that 'half his salary' went on paying Joe's bills"

>>>/qresearch/14079433 Jovenel Moise: Haiti police gun down four suspects after assassination of president

>>>/qresearch/14079439 DO NOT TAKE THE TEST.

>>>/qresearch/14079445 Tucker Carlson Discusses Report Confirming NSA Spying

>>>/qresearch/14079466 Michigan state auditor to review nursing home COVID-19 deaths under Whitmer

>>>/qresearch/14079469 Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs seeks probe of Trump allies

>>>/qresearch/14079488 Insane MSNBC Pundit Says Jan 6 Was Worse Than 9/11 total clown

>>>/qresearch/14079513 PA Asks For Full Forensic Election Audit

>>>/qresearch/14079520 #17815

(27 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70495

File: 6812e0699673a88⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14081152_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14081152 Q Research General #17818: The 'No Rodents EBAKE' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14081241, >>>/qresearch/14081327, >>>/qresearch/14081356 Anons are digging around on Haiti: The assassins “spoke English and Spanish,” the government said, declaring a state of siege and launching a manhunt after the perpetrators.

>>>/qresearch/14081297, >>>/qresearch/14081334, >>>/qresearch/14081594, >>>/qresearch/14081711 Perp walk: he was thinking about running for President…

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=yrJwjYPQvhQ - CNN, Mainstream Media's Worshipping of Michael Avenatti [Channel: The Daily Signal]

>>>/qresearch/14081357 Does Section 230 Facially Violates 1st Amendment by Sub-Contracting Censorship?

>>>/qresearch/14081361 "We want to give people the sense that they have the freedom to choose, but..." Oh really...

>>>/qresearch/14081383 Arizona Audit Hit Piece: Leftist Journalists Create Unconfirmed and Sketchy Story About Terminated Auditor

>>>/qresearch/14081390 Wells Unexpectedly Shuts All Existing Personal Lines Of Credit, Hinting US Economy On The Edge

>>>/qresearch/14081400 ‘It’s Going to Shock the Country” – Steve Bannon DROPS BOMBS on Arizona Audit in First Interview

>>>/qresearch/14081407 Chinese Surveillance Firm on Pentagon Blacklist Hires Ex-US Official as Lobbyist

>>>/qresearch/14081415 vid: Biden Delivers Remarks on the Drawdown Efforts in Afghanistan

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HQYwP0KXsBM - President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Drawdown Efforts in Afghanistan [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14081422 America’s impressive history of bioweapons attacks against its own people

>>>/qresearch/14081427 US orders amphibious assault ship into Black Sea after Moscow warns tensions escalating dangerously in waters off coast of Russia

>>>/qresearch/14081438 China’s gaming giant Tencent starts scanning nighttime players’ faces to bust curfew-breaking kids

>>>/qresearch/14081447 Hungary declares LGBT+ activists will be barred from schools as EU opens inquiry into law restricting promotion of homosexuality

>>>/qresearch/14081471 Candace Owens ripped for rejecting Covid-19 vaccine, vowing never to force employees to take it

>>>/qresearch/14081496 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14081500 Police Say 6 Detained, 7 Suspects Killed in Assassination of Haitian President

>>>/qresearch/14081513 OxyContin Maker Purdue Pharma’s Exit Plan Gains Steam With Support From 15 More States

>>>/qresearch/14081541 Rules for Thee and Not for Me: Johnson Caught Maskless in Car

>>>/qresearch/14081551 Chief Financial Operative for CDN-Los Zetas Cartel Unmasked

>>>/qresearch/14081583 Former CIA Director Gina Haspel has joined law firm King & Spalding, where she’ll advise clients on cybersecurity and information technology.

>>>/qresearch/14081611 Welcome to Zuckerville! Facebook is developing its own city near Silicon Valley HQ complete with 1,700 apartments, a supermarket, hotel and new offices

>>>/qresearch/14081654 UPDATE: 6,985 Dead from COVID Vaccine Across the US and 411,911 Adverse Reactions Reported – Now a Top 50 Cause of Death in the Country

>>>/qresearch/14081684, >>>/qresearch/14081793 Doge complaining over their so-called notes and comped bread. Subversion much? They keep vpnposting and getting deleted, so this will serve as their bun.

>>>/qresearch/14081691 HHS Secretary Becerra: “It’s Absolutely the Government’s Business” to Know Which Americans Are Not Vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/14081725 DO MORE EVIL: Google turns Android phones into vaccine passports

>>>/qresearch/14081741 Anon digging around on a Biden tweet "We will never forget"

>>>/qresearch/14081747 Former Pfizer exec: Children are 50 times more likely to die from coronavirus vaccine than from the virus itself

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

23d265  No.70496


>>>/qresearch/14081774 Harris announces $25 million investment in DNC voting rights program

>>>/qresearch/14081809 Attorneys general for 36 states and the District of Columbia sued the Big Tech company in a 144-page complaint filed in a Northern California federal court. The group alleges that Google’s Play store for Android apps violates antitrust laws.

>>>/qresearch/14081812 3 Scientists Drop Names From Lancet Statement on COVID Origins

>>>/qresearch/14081816 The Election in Washington State May Have Been Illegal if Machines Used Were Not Properly Certified – Same Likely Occurred in Other States (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/14081825 Two men believed to be Haitian Americans have been arrested in the assassination of Haiti's president, the country's elections minister says

>>>/qresearch/14081830 International threads updated

>>>/qresearch/14081834 Biden: This afternoon, the Vice President and I will be meeting with Black leaders of legacy civil rights organizations.

>>>/qresearch/14081861 The truth comes out: Biden's administration is set to shift $860 million in coronavirus-related funds to cover costs associated with a surge in unaccompanied migrant children.

>>>/qresearch/14081866 International warrant issued for arrest of former Kyrgyz leaders Akayev and Bakiyev

>>>/qresearch/14081894 Trump: “Look, I’m The President of the United States!

>>>/qresearch/14081908 Plane with nine passengers on board reportedly crashes near Orebro, Sweden

>>>/qresearch/14081922 #17818

(39 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6c5d1  No.70584

File: a8222db7523786f⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14080375_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14080375 Q Research General #17817: E-bake




>>>/qresearch/14080411 Elon Musk's Boring Company is given $72MILLION for tunnels under Fort Lauderdale

>>>/qresearch/14080422 Belarus government blocks top media outlet, detain reporters

>>>/qresearch/14080424 Report: Space Force has to prepare for operations beyond Earth’s orbit

>>>/qresearch/14080461 Nuclear thermal propulsion

>>>/qresearch/14080462 PA is the KEYSTONE Audit

>>>/qresearch/14080466 Washington State Machines Were Not Used Properly

>>>/qresearch/14080483 Averaging 578 IPs a day, mostly same anons that have to use VPN to participate

>>>/qresearch/14080498 YOU MUST DENOUNCE

>>>/qresearch/14080529 Non vaxed folk will be classified as "military combatants" soon KEK

>>>/qresearch/14080533 Is Malice part of the AJ team moving to Austin?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=e0UZzNmA2Mo - Alex Jones - On the Inside - "YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice #162 [Channel: Michael Malice]

>>>/qresearch/14080542 Change you can believe in

>>>/qresearch/14080599 Minnesota pauses Mike Lindell's lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems.

>>>/qresearch/14080650 Obama fellows meet with former president

>>>/qresearch/14080651 Qposts.online is down

>>>/qresearch/14080662 HR3C is still anchored, just passed the international waters line.

>>>/qresearch/14080676 Lawyers for Fusion GPS are alleged to break ethics and DC Court rules

>>>/qresearch/14080695 163 children "accidentally" injected with the experimental covid vaccine in Australia

>>>/qresearch/14080750 >free speech systems

>>>/qresearch/14080865 what did the 12 spaces stand for?

>>>/qresearch/14080877 , 82-8000 planes aren't showing on the map today?

>>>/qresearch/14080884 MORE PROOF: Security Breach of Election Registration Servers Occurred in Early November in Maricopa County

>>>/qresearch/14080894 Biden assistant linked to Chinese think-tank FBI called a cover for Chinese spies

>>>/qresearch/14080911 CodeMonkeyZ drops message from Mcafee's wife

>>>/qresearch/14080914 Damage Report, Enemy Shields are Weakening

>>>/qresearch/14080927 Call to meme, anons. SPY CLOWNS?

>>>/qresearch/14080958 Cassondra Stratton Remains Unaccounted For

>>>/qresearch/14080962 ATTENTION ALL GAMERS

>>>/qresearch/14080989 Wells Fargo ends personal lines of credit.

>>>/qresearch/14081019 GA Audit Probe II, Transmitting

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=IMK59KA9Odc - Georgia Audit Update BREAKING NEWS!!!!! [Channel: The M Wire]

>>>/qresearch/14081047 BLM idiots blocked the main entrance

>>>/qresearch/14081051 [Ann Sarnoff] satanist bloodline witch and an alleged priestess

>>>/qresearch/14081071 Haitian Corporations, wouldn’t ya know…they’re involved with forced vaccination

>>>/qresearch/14081140 #178157

(33 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6c5d1  No.70585

File: 132d1bd0eca0ea9⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14081924_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14081924 Q Research General #17819: The 'A "sense of freedom" Is Not Real Freedom!' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14082031 Kitchen is Gh05t

>>>/qresearch/14082042, >>>/qresearch/14082048, >>>/qresearch/14082052, >>>/qresearch/14082144, >>>/qresearch/14082565 PEDO BUNS 8 July 21

>>>/qresearch/14082065 [Eric Coomer] needs thauce

>>>/qresearch/14082085 Avenatti sentenced to 30 months in prison?

>>>/qresearch/14082137 Two arrested at Canadian Embassy RE: assassination of Haiti’s president

>>>/qresearch/14082156 an fbi nigger wrote this. It needs to be removed (watch what happens when we try)

>>>/qresearch/14082161 Newsom asks people and businesses to voluntarily cut water use by 15%

>>>/qresearch/14082206 Christen Smith initiated the first steps this week of a forensic election audit [PA]

>>>/qresearch/14082222 MRNA VACCINE INVENTOR CALLS FOR STOP OF COVID VAX June 25, 2021

>>>/qresearch/14082266 I'm on a horse.

>>>/qresearch/14082339 RE: GRAPHINE

>>>/qresearch/14082347, >>>/qresearch/14082390 CIA Guns Down Dutch Reporter RE: HAITI

>>>/qresearch/14082463 New McNaughton painting released “Spirit of 2024"

>>>/qresearch/14082502 TIme to KILL monsanto !!! LET THE LAW SUITS FLY WW!!!

>>>/qresearch/14082771 DeVries did an investigation into Kennedy Assassination…hmm..

>>>/qresearch/14082834 #17819

(16 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6c5d1  No.70586

File: 599bd8160648339⋯.png (53.67 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14082857_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14082857 Q Research General #17820: Storm Watch Edition




>>>/qresearch/14082902, >>>/qresearch/14083146 NYC Subway flooding, Who TF would wade into that nasty shit soup?

>>>/qresearch/14082926 US arrests RE: HAITI

>>>/qresearch/14082927 Is Qalerts still down?

>>>/qresearch/14082950 (VID) PA ABUSE OF OFFICE. "YOU'RE DONE!"

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=tszyTIquN2A - "YOU'RE DONE!" Screams Pennsbury School Board to Parents Opposed to Critical Race Theory [Channel: Simon Campbell]

>>>/qresearch/14082961 Joe Biden Bumbles His Way Through G7 Summit

>>>/qresearch/14082965 Trump Town Hall Boosts Sean Hannity’s Ratings to the Top of the Charts Wednesday

>>>/qresearch/14082983 BREAKING: Wicked Michigan AG Is Using State Police to Go After Those Who Made “False Claims” About 2020 Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/14083003 HHS Secretary Defends Door-to-Door Vaccine Checks

>>>/qresearch/14083044, >>>/qresearch/14083166 4.8 6.2 Earthquakes in Central California.

>>>/qresearch/14083062, >>>/qresearch/14083174, >>>/qresearch/14083482 Haha yeah, I guess it's art??

>>>/qresearch/14083145 Undercover to infiltrate Chinese-American far-right networks

>>>/qresearch/14083152 Agents Raid Home in Maricopa County in Voter-Data Theft Investigation — Confiscate 8 Hard Drives, 3 Computers'''

>>>/qresearch/14083178 Pfizer Plans To Seek Authorization For "Booster" Dose To Protect Against Delta Variant

>>>/qresearch/14083292 James O'Keefe Has Twitter on the Backfoot After Massive Legal Victory Against Them

>>>/qresearch/14083336 Yeah they don’t even give a fuck anymore. RE: Feinstein

>>>/qresearch/14083390 Federal Grand Jury A Indictments Announced for July

>>>/qresearch/14083422 MAGA

>>>/qresearch/14083427 Comey [missiles]

>>>/qresearch/14083432 brennan hasn't tweeted in almost 2 months

>>>/qresearch/14083600 #17820

(20 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1ee244  No.70592

File: ba922e7adc1cd69⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 712x807, 712:807, ba922e7adc1cd69a63d5bf2518….jpg)

File: 69df017bbc5f891⋯.png (322.36 KB, 531x441, 59:49, 34a91a984b97ad77dd6111bf31….png)


>>>/qresearch/14078789, >>>/qresearch/14078797, >>>/qresearch/14078958, >>>/qresearch/14078985 Follow the creek down to 104 MEANWHILE AT THE SUEZ CANAL 38

Deleted content as follows:

Post >>>/qresearch/14078789


Image http://web.archive.org/web/20210708143320if_/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ba922e7adc1cd69a63d5bf2518de6b7b6d9143be797985dabf720c4a584edbd3.jpg

Post >>>/qresearch/14078797




Image http://web.archive.org/web/20210708143517/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/34a91a984b97ad77dd6111bf319959e740a79e9cea679ef62a69895b06bf1d77.png

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1ee244  No.70688

File: 6244ce3e0c9cc3e⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 14079523_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14079523 Q Research General #17816: Katie Hobbs Panics, Seeking a Probe Of Trump Allies Edition




>>>/qresearch/14079552 Where in Florida is this condo located Anons?

>>>/qresearch/14079569, >>>/qresearch/14079779 ELECTROGRAVIDICS

>>>/qresearch/14079593 CYBER POLYGON STARTS 9th July

>>>/qresearch/14079594 Ned Price also = NSA National Security Action.

>>>/qresearch/14079628, >>>/qresearch/14079640 Haiti Is the Only Country in Western Hemisphere Without Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/14079667 #17813

>>>/qresearch/14079701 Clarence Thomas Provides Legal Roadmap To Tearing Down Social Media Censorship

>>>/qresearch/14079706, >>>/qresearch/14079743 So there you are: No Patent For You!

>>>/qresearch/14079720 Cease and desist order to put a stop to Sen. Mastriano's "misguided, political farce" of conducting a so-called "forensic audit" of the 2020 election.

>>>/qresearch/14079764, >>>/qresearch/14079994 Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/14079814 Gen Flynn: Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

>>>/qresearch/14079818 Use a 'No trespassing sign"

>>>/qresearch/14079822 Durham Boat has been traveling 17 days. Just happens to be by the Ever given ship followed by the "Dawn"

>>>/qresearch/14079872 Haiti's first lady lands in Florida for treatment after President Moise was killed

>>>/qresearch/14079874, >>>/qresearch/14079887, >>>/qresearch/14079916, >>>/qresearch/14079936 "Lamda" was yesterday, today it's the California "Epsilon" strain of #COVID19

>>>/qresearch/14079903 Trump says "no reason" for officer to shoot Capitol rioter, pushing conspiracy theory

>>>/qresearch/14079908 Massage schools across the US are suspected of ties to prostitution and selling fake diplomas. Many remain open.

>>>/qresearch/14079917 White House Supports Bringing Back Lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/14079930 Ga. Federal Judge Declines To Strike Down Parts Of Voting Law Ahead Of July 13 Runoff Elections

>>>/qresearch/14079947 Updated Death Certificates Require Choosing Between COVID, Climate Change, Or Systemic Racism As Cause Of Death

>>>/qresearch/14080000 Tibetan Basket Weaving Forum

>>>/qresearch/14080025 We Must Fight President Reagan Long VersionQQ

>>>/qresearch/14080059 Nuremberg codes stipulate that consent must be voluntary.

>>>/qresearch/14080062 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for co-sponsoring my "Fire Fauci Act" (H.R. 2316)

>>>/qresearch/14080090 Ezra A. Cohen: Mercury Public Affairs has hired former Treasury sanctions official @PeterKucik to help @HikvisionHQ, a Chinese company linked to concentration camps

>>>/qresearch/14080128 Now do you see why Katie Hobbs is behaving like she is?

(26 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1ee244  No.70691

File: 6faa041b390077b⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14085172_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14085172 Q Research General #17823: The 'EBAKE' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14085233 Earthquakes today, in a straight line?

>>>/qresearch/14085240, >>>/qresearch/14085242 Haiti: 17 including 2 Americans arrested in President Jovenel Moise assassination case

>>>/qresearch/14085260 Saudi Arabia funds new digital news platform in U.S., launches White House lobbying effort

>>>/qresearch/14085264 Senator Grassley and the Judiciary Committee now have their very own copy of Hunter Biden's laptop

>>>/qresearch/14085348 Trump says Hunter Biden is worse than Al Capone

>>>/qresearch/14085356 FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Aug. 11

>>>/qresearch/14085393, >>>/qresearch/14085422 The surgeon who operated Camilla, who died at 18 after the vaccine: "Something never seen before, it's not normal"

>>>/qresearch/14085438 WHO Chief term vaccine nationalism ‘morally indefensible’, calls for 40% vaccination by the end of 2021

>>>/qresearch/14085467 WSJ: Donald J. Trump: Why I’m Suing Big Tech

>>>/qresearch/14085501 Facebook is developing its own city near Silicon Valley HQ

>>>/qresearch/14085509 China beats Google to claim the world's most powerful quantum computer

>>>/qresearch/14085549 #17816

>>>/qresearch/14085642 Hacker dumps private info of pro-Trump GETTR social network members

>>>/qresearch/14085730 Bravo Zulu USS New Mexico, @USNavy SEALS and @USNavyEurope on your successful mission in the #Mediterranean Sea.

>>>/qresearch/14085760, >>>/qresearch/14085775, >>>/qresearch/14085911, >>>/qresearch/14085917, >>>/qresearch/14085921, >>>/qresearch/14085924, >>>/qresearch/14085927 Only 5 countries have not yet started vaccinating against Covid19, since last year, the presidents of 3 of these 5 countries have died.

>>>/qresearch/14085828 Who Shot Ashli Babbitt? And Why Is This A State Secret?

>>>/qresearch/14085830 MSNBC’s Hayes on Vaccine Skeptics: ‘All of Them — from Donald Trump to Tucker Carlson Are Cowards’

>>>/qresearch/14085856 Trump Does Interview With Bill O’Reilly – Talks About Election Fraud, Big Tech Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/14085859 Bodies of Paraguayan president’s family found in rubble as death toll rises to 64

>>>/qresearch/14085868 Ohio judge has started MANDATING covid-19 vaccinations as a part of criminal probation conditions

>>>/qresearch/14085882, >>>/qresearch/14085894 CodeMonkey: on Seth Rich, I wonder what the context of these emails are…

>>>/qresearch/14085883 After $5.1M book deal, Cuomo calls pandemic ‘tremendous personal benefit’

>>>/qresearch/14085886 FBI Drops Thousands of Pages of Documents on Murdered DNC Operative Seth Rich — This is After They Said They Had Nothing

>>>/qresearch/14085891 Goat comms from CBS News this morning

>>>/qresearch/14085942 #17823

(25 notables)

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1ee244  No.70764

File: d7a17e51ecbf835⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 600x335, 120:67, 14083608_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14083608 Q Research General #17821: WE'RE TAKIN BACK Edition




>>>/qresearch/14083654 Senator Grassley now has eyes on Hunters Laptop

>>>/qresearch/14083679 Patrick Bergy and The ShadowNet Case Study

>>>/qresearch/14083716, >>>/qresearch/14083758 RE: Earthquakes in California (happening as we lurk)

>>>/qresearch/14083718 , 26 Colombians, 2 Americans behind Moise killing: Haiti police

>>>/qresearch/14083721 Operation DisrupTor: Drug Trafficker Sentenced to 6.5 Years in Prison

>>>/qresearch/14083725 How many shootings in the first six days of this month?

>>>/qresearch/14083772 Left-wing extremist group stormed the offices of the Austrian news site "oe24"

>>>/qresearch/14083802, >>>/qresearch/14084351 Anyone digging on Seth Rich?

>>>/qresearch/14083811 Gen Flynn supports former Dem Vernon Jones for The Gov

>>>/qresearch/14083858 S.D. Deploying 125 More National Guard Troops to the border

>>>/qresearch/14083862 remember how Avenatti flipped out at this post?

>>>/qresearch/14083864 #BlameRusia Theater Intercept

>>>/qresearch/14083897 FBI Drops Thousands of Pages of Documents on Murdered DNC Operative Seth Rich

>>>/qresearch/14083976 Q400 exposed Ketron > Lundgren > Trump ties

>>>/qresearch/14084062 PA IS THE KEYSTONE, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=i9GcDK0zBkU - Simon Campbell Calls Out Pennsbury School Board During Public Comment [Channel: LevittownNow.com & NewtownPANow.com]

>>>/qresearch/14084131 James Comey wants to play a game

>>>/qresearch/14084245 JP Sears, patriot

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=k29PCOFXSKc - When the Biden Administration Knocks On Your Door… [Channel: AwakenWithJP]

>>>/qresearch/14084281 They can’t even keep the lies straight anymore

(18 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1ee244  No.70765

File: cf3206cfb0dd2bd⋯.jpg (5.73 KB, 250x158, 125:79, 14086754_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14086754 Q Research General #18725: The 'EBAKE' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14086786 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14086790 Gas prices have increased 40 percent since the start of this year

>>>/qresearch/14086804 New Wuhan linked emails show nine grants from Fauci’s NIAID to EcoHealth for bat coronavirus research

>>>/qresearch/14086822 KING OF THE GOP: Donald Trump Crushes Republican Primary Challengers in 2024 Poll; Gets 55 Percent Support

>>>/qresearch/14086836, >>>/qresearch/14087070 None of the so-called "experts" have their stories straight... Posobiec comments on the CDC and FDA

>>>/qresearch/14086843 WARNING: A Future US Digital Currency Might Give the FED the Power to Approve Your Mortgage Based on Factors Other than Credit Worthiness

>>>/qresearch/14086851 According to Rudy Giuliani, Joe Biden's FBI is unfairly targeting him for exposing rampant fraud in last year's elections

>>>/qresearch/14086879 GOP leaders are resigning in Greenville county SC

>>>/qresearch/14086887 DOJ has paid $6.1 million (and counting) to #Deloitte to build a massive database of 1/6 evidence as part of the process of turning relevant evidence over to defense attorneys.

>>>/qresearch/14086909 Woman Searching for Birth Parents Discovers She Was Stolen as a Baby: 'My Parents Bought a Child'

>>>/qresearch/14086941 The FBI's Fake Encrypted Honeypot Phones Are Showing Up Online

>>>/qresearch/14086954 Message to Michigan Voters and America – Demand that All the Physical Ballots from the 2020 Election Be Forensically Audited in Your State

>>>/qresearch/14086985 2 Americans, ex-Colombian soldiers detained as suspects in Haitian president’s stunning assassination

>>>/qresearch/14087002 Trump Endorses Ryan Zinke, His Former Interior Secretary, for Montana’s New House Seat

>>>/qresearch/14087011 Harris: Voter ID Could Mean People Have to Copy ID and Send It In and People Live in Areas Where There Isn’t a Kinko’s or OfficeMax. Are you serious??

>>>/qresearch/14087037 #17821

>>>/qresearch/14087041, >>>/qresearch/14087137, >>>/qresearch/14087231 Some notes from #17822. Much unsauced. So speculation. The rodent crew is getting mad

>>>/qresearch/14087088 Hypocrite: After Rejecting Help From Trump, Lightfoot Asks Biden to Send Federal Troops to Chicago

>>>/qresearch/14087108 Tax Cheat Al Sharpton Invited in White House – American Hero and Build the Wall Leader Brian Kolfage Arrested for Bogus Tax Crimes

>>>/qresearch/14087122 Today I am calling on DHEC to “issue direction to agency leadership and to state and local healthcare organizations prohibiting the use of the Biden Administration’s 'targeted' 'door to door' tactics in the State’s ongoing vaccination efforts."

>>>/qresearch/14087139 The U.S. will end detentions and arrests for most undocumented people who are pregnant, postpartum or nursing, a draft of a new policy says.

>>>/qresearch/14087154 President Trump: They write whatever they want to write anyway without sources

>>>/qresearch/14087157 Biden to sign sweeping executive order to crack down on Big Tech, bolster anti-trust laws

>>>/qresearch/14087176 President Trump: Wow, the numbers are really looking good for Glenn Youngkin in his race against Terry McAuliffe for Governor of Virginia

>>>/qresearch/14087197 President Trump: The story written by third-rate reporter Michael Bender, that Mike Pence and I had a big fight over Corey Lewandowski, is totally false.

>>>/qresearch/14087205 New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results

>>>/qresearch/14087219 Virginia parents decry 'Marxist' critical race theory, say it's 'fighting discrimination with more discrimination'

>>>/qresearch/14087228 Rep. Ronny Jackson: Biden admin cannot make COVID vaccines mandatory for Americans

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1ee244  No.70766


>>>/qresearch/14087248 The Chinese Communist Party’s Anniversary Marks 100 Years of Bloodshed and Broken Promises

>>>/qresearch/14087253 Chicago announces it will provide free CONDOMS to all public school children ages 10 and up

>>>/qresearch/14087266 Former GOP Hill aide pleads guilty in child porn case

>>>/qresearch/14087277 EU regulator: mRNA coronavirus vaccines possibly linked to heart swelling

>>>/qresearch/14087292 Blumenthal and Wife Have Six-Figure Investment in Chinese Government-Linked Retail Center

>>>/qresearch/14087314, >>>/qresearch/14087315, >>>/qresearch/14087398 The Middleborough Police Department is looking for an active shooter near 201 West Grove Street.

>>>/qresearch/14087384 Portland Antifa ‘model’ arrested for the fifth time at violent protest

>>>/qresearch/14087391 The DC Circuit Court of Appeals just overturned an FDA ban on electroshock torture devices being used on autistic individuals by the Judge Rotenberg Center

>>>/qresearch/14087434 They are coming for ...our BALLS? Dailymail shills castration.

>>>/qresearch/14087475 Pharmacies in Germany will start issuing digital certificate to people who have recovered from Covid-19 from Friday onwards, according to authorities.

>>>/qresearch/14087570 Dog comms? Dog rescued 1,600 miles from home, reunited with family after 10 years

>>>/qresearch/14087592 #17825

(40 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1ee244  No.70767

File: 2f4dad30d075369⋯.jpg (5.73 KB, 250x158, 125:79, 14087601_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14087601 Q Research General #17826: The 'Nobody Has Their story Straight' Edition



>>>/qresearch/14087728 Predictive Programming Media Manipulation

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=WAiSa4BzQlc - Westworld-The Future of Synthetic Sin-Special Edition with Visuals [Channel: Nicholson1968]

>>>/qresearch/14087734 Amtrak plan to replace dozens of aging trains: cost $7.3B

>>>/qresearch/14087741 Burundi President Pierre Cardiac Attack? HEART ATTACK CAN BE DEADLY ?

>>>/qresearch/14087750, >>>/qresearch/14088000 GRAIN OF SALT Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of America

>>>/qresearch/14087760 Pretty decent sized earthquakes in Long Beach

>>>/qresearch/14087805 HACK: multiple meanings

>>>/qresearch/14087807 Biden administration loses again on loan relief for non-White farmers only

>>>/qresearch/14087932 Firefighters are responding to a fire at CenterPoint substation in Houston, Texas.

>>>/qresearch/14087989 Judy Garland's long lost 'Wizard of Oz' dress turns up at Catholic University

>>>/qresearch/14088006 The collapse of Tony Podesta’s $42-million-a-year lobbying and public relations firm in 2017

>>>/qresearch/14088049, >>>/qresearch/14088080 FBI and DHS want to "assist" in HAITI investigations

>>>/qresearch/14088073 Q drops containing 'Re-Read' Marker - 30 Entries -

>>>/qresearch/14088105 Back the FUCK OFF: Health Advice

>>>/qresearch/14088137 Hillary Clinton twatterpated


>>>/qresearch/14088172, >>>/qresearch/14088203 Q drop #388 Connect the DOTs.

>>>/qresearch/14088177 Hussein Twat

>>>/qresearch/14088209 ANSWERS for Q133 Jewish mythology kek

>>>/qresearch/14088214 @ClintonGlobal more than 117 projects laundered from

>>>/qresearch/14088259 FBI twats

>>>/qresearch/14088355 #17826

(21 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70901

File: d53be3e76de2121⋯.png (39.97 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 14084392_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14084392 Q Research General #17822: Another Night Edition





>>>/qresearch/14084434 @JackPosobieccalling out Hillary in connection with Moise assassination

>>>/qresearch/14084439 Handbags of the Anunnaki EQUAL Knowledge

>>>/qresearch/14084443 Woah this is incredible, Scalia, pillow over face.

>>>/qresearch/14084452, >>>/qresearch/14084479, >>>/qresearch/14084831 LB RSV in summer baffles doctors

>>>/qresearch/14084502 TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!

>>>/qresearch/14084508 Emails raise new questions about Wuhan coronavirus lab's safety protocols prior to pandemic

>>>/qresearch/14084517 Lin Wood interview with Ryan Dark White aka McGreavy aka JohnHeretoHelp

>>>/qresearch/14084564 A 45-year-old woman who was reported missing in New York earlier this week has been found dead, state police announced.

>>>/qresearch/14084598 U.S. Transport Warship Enters The Black Sea To Support NATO Allies

>>>/qresearch/14084627 Nothing like a good ol frog march - Haiti Capture of President's Assassins (VID)

>>>/qresearch/14084686 American 'mercenary' and former head of security at Canadian Embassy arrested over assassination of Haiti president Jovenel Moïse

>>>/qresearch/14084689 I'm writing a scraper in Perl.

>>>/qresearch/14084697 'Enough! Time to stop this farce': Sen. Rand Paul aims to bring an end to mandatory mask-wearing aboard airplanes

>>>/qresearch/14084707 Arizona Senate plans its own recount of ballots at fairgrounds as audit nears end - "triple-check" BOOM BOOM BOOM

>>>/qresearch/14084747 RSV vs Covid-19

>>>/qresearch/14084782 REMINDER ALL THIS BS IS ABOUT HILLARY'S HARD DRIVE #NeverForget

>>>/qresearch/14084860 @JackPosobiec I’m told Avenatti appealed to White House for help for months, wrote multiple letters. None made it to Biden.

>>>/qresearch/14084869 John Kerry to visit Moscow on July 12-15, says Department of State

>>>/qresearch/14084894 Now Senator Grassley has his very own version of Hunter’s laptop

>>>/qresearch/14084917 A Guide to Boris speak.

>>>/qresearch/14084919 REMINDER FOLLOW THE WIVES

>>>/qresearch/14084932 Why most people who now die with Covid in England have been vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/14084940 Anons got Graphic Maps

>>>/qresearch/14084945 Earthquake hit us on I395 near Coleville, CA! (Vid)

>>>/qresearch/14084946 Seth rich drops https://vault.fbi.gov

>>>/qresearch/14084975 Report: Biden Administration Slow-Walked Release of Climate Czar John Kerry’s Financial Disclosures

>>>/qresearch/14085033 Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero @louleonguerrero tells Rachel Maddow that Guam is ready to help Afghan interpreters.

>>>/qresearch/14085035 Haiti's minister of elections Mathias Pierre identified James Solages, as one of the two Haitian Americans.

>>>/qresearch/14085036 Jack Maxey has officially given a copy of Hunter Biden's laptop to Senator Grassley and the Judiiciary Committee.

>>>/qresearch/14085080 Remains of Alabama sailor killed at Pearl Harbor identified

>>>/qresearch/14085098 TDIDCH July 8, 1947 - The front page of the Roswell, NM local paper reports that unidentified wreckage (identified by officials as a "flying disc") found on an NM farm

>>>/qresearch/14085126 A45-foot section of a historic Rehoboth Beach hotel’s façade fell onto the boardwalk, but the city and hotel said the damage is cosmetic.

(33 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70902

File: 2d5da76d10ccac5⋯.jpg (5.73 KB, 250x158, 125:79, 14085946_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14085946 Q Research General #17824: Five Countries NOT vaccinating = Three dead Presidents since 2020 Edition




>>>/qresearch/14086053 Migrants Illegally Cross Canadian Border into U.S. by Driving Across Lawn

>>>/qresearch/14086085 NY Times blasted for defending 'pornography literacy' for first graders:


>>>/qresearch/14086156 If CDC Can Impose an Eviction Moratorium, Why not a Vaccine Mandate?

>>>/qresearch/14086187 "Vaccinated people are more likely to get coronavirus" Grant Shapps

>>>/qresearch/14086300 Podesta wants his job back (cry more)

>>>/qresearch/14086301 Rupert Murdoch personally made the call to declare Arizona for Biden on election night

>>>/qresearch/14086302, >>>/qresearch/14086304 Why Did Ballots Scanned Offsite Continue to Be Delivered to Maricopa Elections Center After Voting Ended?

>>>/qresearch/14086335 CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Reiner: ‘It’s Time to Start Mandating Vaccines’

>>>/qresearch/14086353 Gay Chorus : SIX Registered Offenders and Counting

>>>/qresearch/14086402 Lisa Murkowski’s Favorability with Alaska Republicans Plummets to 6%

(11 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70903

File: b992c1820c1a3ec⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2395x1582, 2395:1582, 14088392_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14088392 Q Research General #17827: Fake Q Moved Boards, Guess They Are Scared of BV Edition




>>>/qresearch/14088508 Michael Daffey $30.6MM loan from Citigroup

>>>/qresearch/14088639 Graphene and (under?)armor

>>>/qresearch/14088642 Dead presidents

>>>/qresearch/14088813, >>>/qresearch/14088865 le onion moment

>>>/qresearch/14088979 Thorium?

>>>/qresearch/14088981 Nanomachines, son

>>>/qresearch/14088983 Questions: China-Linked Hunter Biden Artwork

>>>/qresearch/14089028, >>>/qresearch/14089046 Cyber Polygon

>>>/qresearch/14089176 Read Trump's lawsuit.

>>>/qresearch/14089216 #17827

(10 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70904

File: 34ff03349e2ab80⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14088678_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14088678 Q Research General #17828: Classic EBake




>>>/qresearch/14088904 MZHemingway twat

>>>/qresearch/14089096 mystery young jewish girl mentioned by surfside mayor at collapse site meets with biden

>>>/qresearch/14089124 "Oh f—, how did we miss this?" Mark Zuckerberg said during a security brief, according to "An Ugly Truth."

>>>/qresearch/14089181 whatdoesitmean.com/index3621

>>>/qresearch/14089278 Lin Wood gettr

>>>/qresearch/14089312, >>>/qresearch/14089521, >>>/qresearch/14089575, >>>/qresearch/14089611, >>>/qresearch/14090020 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/14089349 Haiti is asking the U.S. to send military forces amid fears of attacks on key infrastructure targets by "urban terrorists."

>>>/qresearch/14089350, >>>/qresearch/14089589 Another MI Lawmaker Requests Forensic Audit of 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/14089372 Nurse Blows the Whistle on the Medical Industry: ‘They’re Not Offering Informed Consent’

>>>/qresearch/14089393, >>>/qresearch/14089442 FDA seeks probe into communications between its staff and Biogen after controversial approval of Alzheimer's drug

>>>/qresearch/14089517 AlienLeaks: “In 1945, during the height of World War 2, the Nazi secret weapon program developed a 40 meter diameter flying saucer that was capable of flying at altitudes of 16,000 meters with speeds of up to 2,000 km/h.”

>>>/qresearch/14089576 Pentagon Offered National Guard Troops 2 Days Before Jan. 6, Former Chief Of Staff Confirms

>>>/qresearch/14089690 @RudyGiuliani "We need to stand together!"

>>>/qresearch/14089785 @USACEHQ: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is prepared and ready to respond to natural and human-made disasters and overseas contingencies.

>>>/qresearch/14089895 Judge Drops Frivolous “Toddler’s Meme” Lawsuit Against Carpe Donktum and President Trump for “Misappropriation”

>>>/qresearch/14089910, >>>/qresearch/14089923 Justice Department to spend $6.1 million on Jan. 6 database for riot prosecutions, Psaki Promises White House Has ‘No Intention To Maintain A Database’ After HHS Secretary’s Vaccine Comments Spark Worry

>>>/qresearch/14089965 15 million Americans didn't turn up for their second experimental covid vaccine

>>>/qresearch/14090059 #17828

(18 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70905

File: 75ab161d09e2560⋯.png (999.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14090060_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14090060 Q Research General #17829: "Sometimes it just rolls like that" Edition




>>>/qresearch/14090119 Thread by @ZubyMusic on Thread Reader App, most people…

>>>/qresearch/14090125, >>>/qresearch/14090375 Trump Turnberry Triangle

>>>/qresearch/14090129 Dozens of School Districts are Using Book that Claims ‘Whiteness’ is the Devil and That White Children Sell Their Soul for “Stolen Land and Stolen Riches”

>>>/qresearch/14090147 Switzerland joined the #EUCovidCertificate gateway today.

>>>/qresearch/14090149, >>>/qresearch/14090238, >>>/qresearch/14090285, >>>/qresearch/14090484, >>>/qresearch/14090651, >>>/qresearch/14090708, >>>/qresearch/14090742 CA quake: Hundreds of small earthquakes reported following 6.0 near California-Nevada border

>>>/qresearch/14090175 NYC gallery selling Hunter Biden art gets vandalized

>>>/qresearch/14090183 Biden heading to Philly on Tuesday

>>>/qresearch/14090192 Biden fires Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul, who says he isn't leaving

>>>/qresearch/14090234, >>>/qresearch/14090446 Michigan Attorney General, Police To Probe People Who Made Election Fraud Claims

>>>/qresearch/14090266 #17824

>>>/qresearch/14090332 Psaki just absolutely snapped in response to criticisms from South Carolina Governor @henrymcmasteron Biden's invasive door-to-door vaccination tactics

>>>/qresearch/14090333, >>>/qresearch/14090363, >>>/qresearch/14090473 Former #Egyptian First Lady Jehan Sadat, wife of late former president Anwar Sadat, has died at age 88.

>>>/qresearch/14090338 Goya Foods Pledges $2 Million To Combat Child Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/14090366 Clay Clark redpilling ppl on Plandemic, Faucci, Gates and Epstein links

>>>/qresearch/14090390 Tesla´s resonance

>>>/qresearch/14090536 @JosephJFlynn1: General Flynn had lunch with America’s Sherrif..Grady Judd of Polk County FL today

>>>/qresearch/14090596 @RealJamesWoods: “'Don Lemon Tonight' managed only 635,000 to drag down CNN’s primetime average…”

>>>/qresearch/14090615 Residents Get 15 Minutes To Grab Belongings From Evacuated North Miami Beach Condo

>>>/qresearch/14090701 Rep. Madison Cawthorn: "It's no longer Republican versus Democrat. It is now freedom-loving patriots versus people who worship at the altar of the state."

>>>/qresearch/14090702 @JohnBasham, comms?

>>>/qresearch/14090808 #17829

(21 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70906

File: 0894bbcb515738b⋯.png (999.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14090807_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14090807 Q Research General #17830: Highest Classification Edition




>>>/qresearch/14090856, >>>/qresearch/14091031, >>>/qresearch/14091277 Haiti Calls U.S. for Troops, After Wild Day of Gunfights and Suspicion

>>>/qresearch/14090869 GP: Report: Raffensperger Launches Intimidation Campaign Against Election Whistleblowers in Georgia

>>>/qresearch/14090904, >>>/qresearch/14090934, >>>/qresearch/14091197 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14090909 Students for Trump: Join President Trump and Turning Point Action in Phoenix on July 24th for a rally to Protect Our Elections!

>>>/qresearch/14090919 They are treating the White House like an ATM machine of corruption - GP: Psaki brushes off artwork questions

>>>/qresearch/14090956 Sputnik: Haiti's Senate proclaims Joseph Lambert interim president of the country

>>>/qresearch/14090989 RCP: It seems that Joe Biden was the key to all Hunter’s business deals.

>>>/qresearch/14091033 @SecBlinken: 1 mil doses of Pfizer vax going to Paraguay

>>>/qresearch/14091035 IWB: Public Health England data shows vaccinated 3.4x more likely to die if hospitalised than nonvaxxed.

>>>/qresearch/14091054 Scoopyweb: This is why Joe Biden left all those weapons for the Taliban

>>>/qresearch/14091056 @INDOPACOM Partners Furrever: @TeamMisawa Military Working Dog Drake Adopted by Handler

>>>/qresearch/14091076 IWB: California moves to regulate private agricultural wells, constrict water usage and control food production

>>>/qresearch/14091079 Idaho lieutenant governor calls on the Idaho Legislature to reconvene ... to prevent private businesses and employers from making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory.

>>>/qresearch/14091119 mfa_russia: On July 9, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the USA @JoeBiden

>>>/qresearch/14091140 News.au: Vaxx trends or trending vaxxes? And concern!

>>>/qresearch/14091257 911: A 14-year-old girl showed cops video she secretly recorded of her stepfather. Now, he’s in jail.

>>>/qresearch/14091340 Pray for us in California, unimaginable bullshit is taking place ... they drained the reservoirs to the ocean. CaGlobe: Grid Ops urging residents to conserve energy ...so it can be wasted??

>>>/qresearch/14091411 MSN: Justice Department releases videos of 1/6 cop-dragging attack near pro-Trump rioter who died

>>>/qresearch/14091414 Natpulse: Stunning Daszak/Fauci Emails Reveal Non-Zoonotic Coronavirus And Attempts To Infect Human Cells.

>>>/qresearch/14091469 ew: TikTok star Caitlyn Loane, who gained popularity sharing her life as a young farmer, dies at 19

>>>/qresearch/14091537 #17830

(21 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70908

File: a3449a14b886d43⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14091552_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14091552 Q Research General #17831: The 'Shady DC Deals' Edition



>>>/qresearch/14091621, >>>/qresearch/14092084 DWS, dead Florida DA, laptop

>>>/qresearch/14091692 An anon's hitman dig and recent events

>>>/qresearch/14091709 "RESCUED: THE SCOURGE OF CHILD SEX SLAVERY" tomorrow morning on Bannon Warroom 10 EST

>>>/qresearch/14091736 chron: Taking Trump's cue, Bolsonaro clouds vote with fraud claims

>>>/qresearch/14091771 NYT oped: NYC shenanigans - By late afternoon, the board had removed the new results from its website

>>>/qresearch/14091774, >>>/qresearch/14091793, >>>/qresearch/14091814, >>>/qresearch/14092112 Graphene implications

>>>/qresearch/14091791 rooftop chase, forced vaccination in Argentina

>>>/qresearch/14091822, >>>/qresearch/14091937 Cucker reads @martyrmade's viral thread on democrat hoaxes, election fraud background. subtly implies that 2020 election fraud wasn't real but here's why they think it is

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=eio8AF2bz0U - Trump supporters believe Election was stolen! Tucker Carlson reads series of tweets by Darryl Cooper [Channel: FaRaRi]

>>>/qresearch/14091826 DAI dig

>>>/qresearch/14091952 Police for me but not for thee

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=cVEz6kvL_NQ - As Dems move to defund police for citizens, Congress to get more protection [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14091990 Trump statement, anon on slush funds and taxes

>>>/qresearch/14092018 Blumenthal is so rich he forgot he has 100s of thousands in a CCP real estate venture

>>>/qresearch/14092022, >>>/qresearch/14092197, >>>/qresearch/14092312, >>>/qresearch/14092335 The earthquakes in California are appearing with military like precision.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=PciMoihszFk - Magnitude 6.0 earthquake on California-Nevada border triggers rockslides [Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco]

>>>/qresearch/14092042 something funny in the water in NYC

>>>/qresearch/14092049 FBI emails FOIA'd about Seth Rich assassination

>>>/qresearch/14092199 The Clintons' Crimes against Children

>>>/qresearch/14092293 Phoenicians' royal purple: Soros' Purple Revolution, commie RINOs, rachel chandler

>>>/qresearch/14092313 AZ Senate to conduct it's own recount using Cyber Ninjas' machines

>>>/qresearch/14092344 Nothing yet to show for Mueller Hoax, Durham

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=uVIk7bszMc0 - John Durham, Special Counsel - Chapter 4 [Channel: Eric D. Kirk]

(19 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70937

File: 2e29d01d5b43407⋯.jpg (7.69 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 14092413_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14092413 Q Research General #17832: 50 States of Audit Edition




>>>/qresearch/14092494, >>>/qresearch/14092520, >>>/qresearch/14092607, >>>/qresearch/14092636, >>>/qresearch/14092775, >>>/qresearch/14092809, >>>/qresearch/14092834, >>>/qresearch/14092842, >>>/qresearch/14092852, >>>/qresearch/14092866, >>>/qresearch/14092875, >>>/qresearch/14092876 Graphene Oxide in the Vaccines, alcohol consumption can help to increase this enzyme to break it. Appears to be a Q proof. FIFTH COLUMN

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=DuBnRbxNa44 - Puscifer - "Grey Area" (Visualizer) [Channel: pusciferdotcom]

>>>/qresearch/14092524, >>>/qresearch/14093235 Eric Swalwell in Qatar maskless and shirtless riding camels

>>>/qresearch/14092554 Satanic Holiday for today 'The Dawn of the First Light'

>>>/qresearch/14092586 Cryptocurrency – 100% Control of the Great Unwashed

>>>/qresearch/14092594 Donald Trump Jr Full Speech (12:07)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=3bVqfZCsKPU - CPAC 2021 Donald Trump Jr Full Speech 7/9/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/14092618, >>>/qresearch/14092640, >>>/qresearch/14092674 EVIL Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum warns of Cyber Pandemic & Cyber Attacks

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=gZFAzXn0Ne0 - Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum warns of Cyber Pandemic & Cyber Attacks [Channel: Jay]

>>>/qresearch/14092673 Haitian parliament, declared Senate President Joseph Lambert to be the country’s interim president

>>>/qresearch/14092723 Psaki gives briefing

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=y4utGWZjwjo - WATCH LIVE: White House Press Secretary Psaki gives briefing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/14092768 For KEKS

>>>/qresearch/14092830 Avenatti Cries as He’s Sentenced to Prison for ‘Outrageous’ Extortion Scheme

>>>/qresearch/14092897, >>>/qresearch/14092984, >>>/qresearch/14093007, >>>/qresearch/14093025, >>>/qresearch/14093075, >>>/qresearch/14093080 Above & Beyond - Great Falls

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=f-xwMSCdnW4 - Above & Beyond - Great Falls [Channel: Above & Beyond]

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=fxmL1pd_WRo - :QUANTUM-GRAMMAR-SEMINAR-~8-~FEBRUARY,-~2014,-~GREAT-FALLS,-~MONTANA,-~U.-S.-A. [Channel: :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.]

>>>/qresearch/14092929 FBI arrested Gregory Justice 2016

>>>/qresearch/14093049, >>>/qresearch/14093104, >>>/qresearch/14093122, >>>/qresearch/14093185 MARTIAL-LAW &: BLOOD-FEUD: Russell-Jay: Gould. (9:17)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=XJ9NxOXLpKA - : MARTIAL-LAW &: BLOOD-FEUD: Russell-Jay: Gould. [Channel: : Russell-Jay: Gould.]

>>>/qresearch/14093083 Ernesto Llaitul, the 26 year old son of a Chilean indigenous leader was assassinated by the Chilean police

>>>/qresearch/14093091 Graphene Oxide / Nanotech / Morgellons bun

>>>/qresearch/14093219 Ex-FBI agent linked to Whitey Bulger to be freed from prison

>>>/qresearch/14093287, >>>/qresearch/14093304 Israeli study points to nicotine as a potential therapeutic for COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/14093303 Informed consent and reproductive toxicity of vaccines (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein)

>>>/qresearch/14093331 Reminder 2018 “'Federal Judge throws out Stormy Daniels lawsuit versus Trump. Trump is entitled to full legal fees.”

>>>/qresearch/14093363 #17832

(20 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70938



>>>/qresearch/14091552 Q Research General #17831: The 'Shady DC Deals' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14091621, >>>/qresearch/14092084 DWS, dead Florida DA, laptop

>>>/qresearch/14091692 An anon's hitman dig and recent events

>>>/qresearch/14091709 "RESCUED: THE SCOURGE OF CHILD SEX SLAVERY" tomorrow morning on Bannon Warroom 10 EST

>>>/qresearch/14091736 chron: Taking Trump's cue, Bolsonaro clouds vote with fraud claims

>>>/qresearch/14091771 NYT oped: NYC shenanigans - By late afternoon, the board had removed the new results from its website

>>>/qresearch/14091774, >>>/qresearch/14091793, >>>/qresearch/14091814, >>>/qresearch/14092112 Graphene implications

>>>/qresearch/14091791 rooftop chase, forced vaccination in Argentina

>>>/qresearch/14091822 Cucker reads @martyrmade's viral thread on democrat hoaxes, election fraud background. subtly implies that 2020 election fraud wasn't real but here's why they think it is

>>>/qresearch/14091826 DAI dig

>>>/qresearch/14091937 Cucker reads tweets on democrat hoaxes, election fraud background. subtly implies that 2020 election fraud wasn't real but here's why they think it is

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=eio8AF2bz0U - Trump supporters believe Election was stolen! Tucker Carlson reads series of tweets by Darryl Cooper [Channel: FaRaRi]


>>>/qresearch/14091952 Police for me but not for thee

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=cVEz6kvL_NQ - As Dems move to defund police for citizens, Congress to get more protection [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14091990 Trump statement, anon on slush funds and taxes

>>>/qresearch/14092018 Blumenthal is so rich he forgot he has 100s of thousands in a CCP real estate venture

>>>/qresearch/14092022, >>>/qresearch/14092197, >>>/qresearch/14092312, >>>/qresearch/14092335 The earthquakes in California are appearing with military like precision.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=PciMoihszFk - Magnitude 6.0 earthquake on California-Nevada border triggers rockslides [Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco]

>>>/qresearch/14092042 something funny in the water in NYC

>>>/qresearch/14092049 FBI emails FOIA'd about Seth Rich assassination

>>>/qresearch/14092199 The Clintons' Crimes against Children

>>>/qresearch/14092293 Phoenicians' royal purple: Soros' Purple Revolution, commie RINOs, rachel chandler

>>>/qresearch/14092313 AZ Senate to conduct it's own recount using Cyber Ninjas' machines

>>>/qresearch/14092344 Nothing yet to show for Mueller Hoax, Durham

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=uVIk7bszMc0 - John Durham, Special Counsel - Chapter 4 [Channel: Eric D. Kirk]

>>>/qresearch/14092358 #17831

(21 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70941

File: 85d40d1a1d26094⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 255x147, 85:49, 14093368_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14093368 Q Research General #17833: Tell The Truth Till the Sun Comes Up Edition



>>>/qresearch/14093392 WHITE HOUSE PANIC Joe Biden to Travel to Pennsylvania Next Tuesday Following News of Upcoming Forensic Ballot Audit

>>>/qresearch/14093399 CDC announces it is targeting kids for COVID shots

>>>/qresearch/14093416 Biden Plans to Establish a world wide Cartel

>>>/qresearch/14093430 US National Guard officially kicks off exercise Cyber Shield 2021

>>>/qresearch/14093441 Water comms Obama releases 2021 summer reading list

>>>/qresearch/14093453, >>>/qresearch/14093458, >>>/qresearch/14093463, >>>/qresearch/14093839 CodeMonkey: Why is there an Italian affidavit alleging that Leonardo SpA's Head of IT Arturo D'Elia admitted to taking part in a cyber hack of the 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/14093471 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Can’t Stem the Flow of Revelations No Matter How Hard They Try

>>>/qresearch/14093511 If HCQ/Zinc is good enough for high profile politicians, why not for 'the average person’

>>>/qresearch/14093520, >>>/qresearch/14093527 Fauci says Pfizer head apologized for not giving 'heads up' on booster announcement (0:56)

>>>/qresearch/14093559 Raffensperger Investigating All 2020 Election Whistle Blowers, WHO is Investigating Raffensberger

>>>/qresearch/14093597 What Satanic Holiday is it today? Unholy Day of the Paladium

>>>/qresearch/14093627 W.Va. delegate stripped of committee position over sexually explicit TikTok

>>>/qresearch/14093641 Joseph J Flynn Read The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/14093688 Moar Graphene, brought to you by Nokia, Merck and others…

>>>/qresearch/14093734 These fucks are pure EVIL…BTW…have we always had allergies? NO

>>>/qresearch/14093746 The DEMOKKKRAT'$ Racist Narrative is Cratering

>>>/qresearch/14093751 Nobody Ever Expects Authoritarian Imposition!

>>>/qresearch/14093756 FBI Seth Rich Documents: Emails Suggest Assassination Discussions

>>>/qresearch/14093777 Nancy Pelosi interview you might not have seen, drain the swamp?

>>>/qresearch/14093831 Watch out for this Nesara/Gesara Birth Cert & SSN treasury Bond thing

>>>/qresearch/14093852 5G, Smart Dust and the Imminent Technological Possession of Mankind (360+)

>>>/qresearch/14093853, >>>/qresearch/14093868, >>>/qresearch/14093919, >>>/qresearch/14093935, >>>/qresearch/14094027 Cyber Polygon Backed By E.U Prepping for a cyber pandemic: worldwide drill underway

>>>/qresearch/14093883, >>>/qresearch/14093891, >>>/qresearch/14093903 Psaki uses Giuliani conspiracy defense to dismiss questions on Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/14093899 More Adverse Side Effects From The Covid Vax Than All Other Vaccines Combined (6:15)

>>>/qresearch/14093946 BRING OUT YOUR DEAD: Nobody Ever Expects Authoritarian Imposition

>>>/qresearch/14093972, >>>/qresearch/14093983 Avril Haine, Bio history being scrubbed

>>>/qresearch/14093995 The New VAERS Numbers Are Out Today: Comment by Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/14094002, >>>/qresearch/14094030 Pennsylvania Department of State Issues Directive Prohibiting County Election Boards from Cooperating with Senate’s Election Audits

>>>/qresearch/14094098 People Think There’s Something X-Rated About The Shape Of The CPAC Stage

>>>/qresearch/14094125 #17832

(30 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70989

File: 049443258545311⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 255x147, 85:49, 14094128_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14094128 Q Research General #17834: Leonardo SpA's Head of IT Arturo D'Elia Admits to Cyber Hacking 2020 Elec




>>>/qresearch/14094147, >>>/qresearch/14094189 #DemandAudits for the Win!!!

>>>/qresearch/14094174 @Daniel Scavino Jr. Great dinner, with great friends, who I can trust, tonight in DC! #BehindScenes

>>>/qresearch/14094193 Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul Refuses to Leave After Biden Fired Him Friday

>>>/qresearch/14094194 Arizona State Senator: Georgia Has Proof of Somebody Admitting to Running Ballots Through Numerous Times #DemandAudits

>>>/qresearch/14094205 McCarthy likely to publicly name members to January 6 committee soon | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/14094213 Haiti Assassination Drama Deepens as Opposition Admits Hiring DC Lobbyist Days Before Moise’s Murder©

>>>/qresearch/14094217 The Smithsonian has seen an influx of donations of relics from January 6

>>>/qresearch/14094220 Now We Know Who Personally Made the Order for Fox News to Call Arizona Early

>>>/qresearch/14094238, >>>/qresearch/14094264 @DanScavinoJr What is Haterade? #DontHateTheGreat

>>>/qresearch/14094254 anon list of OPTICS ON

>>>/qresearch/14094256 WATCH: New York Doctor Who Created Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) & Zinc COVID-19 Treatment Bashes U.S. Doctors & Experimental Jabs

>>>/qresearch/14094277 A Weekly Conversation: Susan Rice and Cecilia Rouse on the American Families Plan

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=aacpaiIRAuw - A Weekly Conversation: Susan Rice and Cecilia Rouse on the American Families Plan [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14094295 Sidney Powell says that the Biden administration has “aided and abetted and frankly encouraged” child sex trafficking.

>>>/qresearch/14094322 Ex-Deadspin EIC Jim Rich resigns in latest turmoil at G/O Media

>>>/qresearch/14094327 Arizona Audit Update: The Arizona Senate will conduct a NEW count of Maricopa County ballots.

>>>/qresearch/14094334 Pompeo live with Marxist MEK cult

>>>/qresearch/14094356 Steve going hard in the paint against Child trafficking

>>>/qresearch/14094381, >>>/qresearch/14094386 "Art in Embassies" scam deconstruction.

>>>/qresearch/14094383 California is being WATER BOARDED #RecallNewsom

>>>/qresearch/14094396, >>>/qresearch/14094406, >>>/qresearch/14094413, >>>/qresearch/14094440 American Arrested in Killing of Haiti President Worked Alongside Sean Penn After Earthquake

>>>/qresearch/14094416 Reminder AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN #MAGA

>>>/qresearch/14094426 Examination of remains recovered from wreckage of UFOBs indicates that Extraterrestrial Biological Entities may be classified into two distinct categories as follows:

>>>/qresearch/14094469 Pennsylvania forensic audit: Letter and clip from State Senator Doug Mastriano #PAaudit

>>>/qresearch/14094508 Andrei Merlescu, goes by A Raven

>>>/qresearch/14094519 PA Children and Youth Services Director Arrested After Throwing Backlogged Child Abuse Reports in the Trash

>>>/qresearch/14094549 California to require masks at schools, though CDC says they're not needed if vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/14094559 Robert E Lee removed from Charlottesville

>>>/qresearch/14094671 Update on 10,300 Illegal Votes Found in Georgia #GAaudit

>>>/qresearch/14094721, >>>/qresearch/14094739, >>>/qresearch/14094795 Google's Eric Schmidt: Funding the Wuhan Lab & the COVID Origins Cover-Up

>>>/qresearch/14094749 Qennedy Family Photo

>>>/qresearch/14094767 COVID-19 Public Education Campaign. An official website of the United States government

>>>/qresearch/14094773 Carlsbad Councilwoman Cori Schumacher Resigns Before Recall Effort Heats up #VoteAllDemsOut (Vid)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=XIAolKwgtbQ - Carlsbad Councilwoman Cori Schumacher Resigns Before Recall Effort Heats up [Channel: KUSI News]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.70990


>>>/qresearch/14094783 Is There A Massive U.S. Gold Deposit Hidden In The Chocolate Mountains, California??

>>>/qresearch/14094789 Weatherfag: D5 - No Data

>>>/qresearch/14094846 @USArmy Calling all @IPPSArmy haters! #DontHateTheGreat

>>>/qresearch/14094854 CNN Correspondent Donie O’Sullivan cowers away, winces, and hides from James O'Keefe

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=hojm79sBQzI - WATCH: CNN Correspondent Donie O’Sullivan cowers away, winces, and hides from James O'Keefe [Channel: Project Veritas]

(36 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8eeb78  No.71074



>>>/qresearch/14092413 Q Research General #17832: 50 States of Audit Edition




>>>/qresearch/14092422, >>>/qresearch/14092432, >>>/qresearch/14092442 <-( #17832: 50 States of Audit Edition)


>>>/qresearch/14092494, >>>/qresearch/14092520, >>>/qresearch/14092607, >>>/qresearch/14092636, >>>/qresearch/14092775, >>>/qresearch/14092809, >>>/qresearch/14092834, >>>/qresearch/14092842, >>>/qresearch/14092852, >>>/qresearch/14092866, >>>/qresearch/14092875, >>>/qresearch/14092876 Graphene Oxide in the Vaccines, alcohol consumption can help to increase this enzyme to break it. Appears to be a Q proof. FIFTH COLUMN

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=DuBnRbxNa44 - Puscifer - "Grey Area" (Visualizer) [Channel: pusciferdotcom]

>>>/qresearch/14092524, >>>/qresearch/14093235 Eric Swalwell in Qatar maskless and shirtless riding camels

>>>/qresearch/14092554 Satanic Holiday for today 'The Dawn of the First Light'

>>>/qresearch/14092586 Cryptocurrency – 100% Control of the Great Unwashed

>>>/qresearch/14092594 Donald Trump Jr Full Speech (12:07)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=3bVqfZCsKPU - CPAC 2021 Donald Trump Jr Full Speech 7/9/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/14092618, >>>/qresearch/14092640, >>>/qresearch/14092674 EVIL Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum warns of Cyber Pandemic & Cyber Attacks

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=gZFAzXn0Ne0 - Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum warns of Cyber Pandemic & Cyber Attacks [Channel: Jay]

>>>/qresearch/14092673 Haitian parliament, declared Senate President Joseph Lambert to be the country’s interim president

>>>/qresearch/14092723 Psaki gives briefing

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=y4utGWZjwjo - WATCH LIVE: White House Press Secretary Psaki gives briefing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/14092768 For KEKS

>>>/qresearch/14092830 Avenatti Cries as He’s Sentenced to Prison for ‘Outrageous’ Extortion Scheme

>>>/qresearch/14092897, >>>/qresearch/14092984, >>>/qresearch/14093007, >>>/qresearch/14093025, >>>/qresearch/14093075, >>>/qresearch/14093080 Above & Beyond - Great Falls

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=f-xwMSCdnW4 - Above & Beyond - Great Falls [Channel: Above & Beyond]

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=fxmL1pd_WRo - :QUANTUM-GRAMMAR-SEMINAR-~8-~FEBRUARY,-~2014,-~GREAT-FALLS,-~MONTANA,-~U.-S.-A. [Channel: :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.]

>>>/qresearch/14092929 FBI arrested Gregory Justice 2016

>>>/qresearch/14093049, >>>/qresearch/14093104, >>>/qresearch/14093122, >>>/qresearch/14093185 MARTIAL-LAW &: BLOOD-FEUD: Russell-Jay: Gould. (9:17)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=XJ9NxOXLpKA - : MARTIAL-LAW &: BLOOD-FEUD: Russell-Jay: Gould. [Channel: : Russell-Jay: Gould.]

>>>/qresearch/14093083 Ernesto Llaitul, the 26 year old son of a Chilean indigenous leader was assassinated by the Chilean police

>>>/qresearch/14093091 Graphene Oxide / Nanotech / Morgellons bun

>>>/qresearch/14093219 Ex-FBI agent linked to Whitey Bulger to be freed from prison

>>>/qresearch/14093287, >>>/qresearch/14093304 Israeli study points to nicotine as a potential therapeutic for COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/14093303 Informed consent and reproductive toxicity of vaccines (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein)

>>>/qresearch/14093331 Reminder 2018 “'Federal Judge throws out Stormy Daniels lawsuit versus Trump. Trump is entitled to full legal fees.”

>>>/qresearch/14093363 #17832

(21 notables)

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7dad00  No.71151

File: c0188f0b933d8e3⋯.png (999.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14095757_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14095757 Q Research General #17836: EBake




>>>/qresearch/14095808 After 12 years, the @Netanyahu family is set to leave Balfour.

>>>/qresearch/14095828 @USMC: The @USNavy #USSTheSullivans (DDG 68) and #USMC VMFA-211 transit the #SuezCanal as a part of the @HMSQNLZ Carrier Strike Group.

>>>/qresearch/14095842 FLASHBACK: Cuomo Signed The 'Toughest' Gun Laws 8 Years Ago. Now, He’s Declaring Gun Violence A 'Disaster Emergency'

>>>/qresearch/14095843 @USNavy: Bringing out the big guns! The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer #USSRafaelPeralta (DDG 115) fires an SM-2 missile during exercise Pacific Vanguard 2021.

>>>/qresearch/14095874 Doctor on CNN: The Biden Admin Should Tell Americans: ‘If You Don’t Get the Jab, You Have to Sign These Forms and Get Twice Weekly Testing’ (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/14095885 msnbc.com/opinion: QAnon moves from pro-Trump rallies to local schools

>>>/qresearch/14095983 FDA EUA amendment now states it´s your choice to get vaccinated.

>>>/qresearch/14095987 TGP: Arizona senate decided recount ballots audited maricopa county third time.

>>>/qresearch/14096033 Irvine Man Who Allegedly Posed as Media Member Charged in Capitol Breach

>>>/qresearch/14096115 (Vid) Watch @laurenboebert savagely take down Pelosi and tyrannical Democrats

>>>/qresearch/14096127, >>>/qresearch/14096190 rusty shackleford upload. Great dictator speech now

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Fd4OrQHmFXc - ]PRE11.3[ MRKSNW WE R QQ The Great Dictator Speech Charlie Chaplin Time Hans Zimmer INCEPTION Them: [Channel: Rusty Shackleford]

>>>/qresearch/14096132 Dem says party will lose House unless filibuster is squashed to pass election bill

>>>/qresearch/14096166 @USAirforce: Timestamp 4:22PM= 16:22 US MIL, anon say: Q 1622 Are you ready?

>>>/qresearch/14096276, >>>/qresearch/14096297 Leaders of N.Korea, China vow greater cooperation in face of foreign hostility -KCNA

>>>/qresearch/14096302 Americans at CPAC Are Removing Their Lanyards Because FOX News Is Listed As a Sponsor

>>>/qresearch/14096307 New Machines Used to Recount Ballots in Arizona Will Count Batches 600 Ballots at a Time

>>>/qresearch/14096311 Biden Administration Shows Little Appetite for Haiti’s Troop Request

>>>/qresearch/14096336 @USArmy: The Journey starts here.

>>>/qresearch/14096620 #17836

(19 notables)

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7dad00  No.71152

File: 6eb7389b5244c2a⋯.png (575.82 KB, 693x391, 693:391, 14097454_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14097454 Q Research General #17838: Ready 1 Edition




>>>/qresearch/14097478, >>>/qresearch/14097555, >>>/qresearch/14097647, >>>/qresearch/14097697 Re: @Dan Scavino twat: 45US on way✈to Las Vegas, Nevada! #UFC264

>>>/qresearch/14097594, >>>/qresearch/14097598 Vaccine victims release a plea, “we need to be heard”. Heartbreaking really

>>>/qresearch/14097625, >>>/qresearch/14097685 Finnish Politician Ano Turtiainen Redpills Finnish Parliament

>>>/qresearch/14097658 CodeMonkeyZ: The door-to-door vaccination program is a census-style check to see who is vaccinated and who isn’t. (Door knocking info and script)

>>>/qresearch/14097713, >>>/qresearch/14097848, >>>/qresearch/14097858 James Clyburn Instructs Joe Biden to Pressure Joe Manchin, Eliminate Senate Filibuster and Get Federal Control of Elections

>>>/qresearch/14097933 Africa: At least 8 killed in Mogadishu by suicide bomb targeting Farhan Qarole's government convoy

>>>/qresearch/14097972 PA Children and Youth Services Director Arrested After Throwing Backlogged Child Abuse Reports in the Trash

>>>/qresearch/14098191 #17838

(8 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7dad00  No.71182

File: 7bab2931e99bfe1⋯.jpg (7.69 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 14094891_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14094891 Q Research General #17835: Don't Hate The Great Edition




>>>/qresearch/14094961, >>>/qresearch/14094968, >>>/qresearch/14095572 Bill Binney ‘’’NSA TOTALITARIAN POPULATION CONTROL’’’ https://youtu.be/xF_VYNtDgN8

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=xF_VYNtDgN8 - Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is 'Total Population Control' [Channel: The 700 Club]

>>>/qresearch/14095052 Stunning Daszak/Fauci Emails Reveal Non-Zoonotic Coronavirus and Attempts to Infect Human Cells.

>>>/qresearch/14095065 There is no Kinkos or OfficeMax in rural areas so we need voter id

>>>/qresearch/14095094 Houston Man Praised by Fake News Media for Waiting Hours To Vote In Dem Primary — Is Arrested for Illegal Voting

>>>/qresearch/14095106 &#128165;&#128165;&#128165;Q-FUCKING BOOM!!!&#128165;&#128165;&#128165; 7-POINT PLAN TO REINSTATE DONALD J. TRUMP AS POTUS

>>>/qresearch/14095113 Update on 10,300 Illegal Votes Found in Georgia


Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=_cJ9Gdrr4NQ - : DAY OF THE SLAVES, PARALLEL-CONSTRUCTION &: THE [de]CLARATION OF THE SOVEREIGN. [Channel: : Russell-Jay: Gould.]

>>>/qresearch/14095168 Former New York Times Editor: "I'm A Biased Journalist And I'm Okay With That"

>>>/qresearch/14095183 Astonishing Spike in Post-Vaccine Deaths Gets No Media Coverage as Over 2,000 Reported THIS WEEK Alone

>>>/qresearch/14095218 27-Year Career Cop Admits Police Are Trained to Lie in Reports, Frame Themselves as Heroes

>>>/qresearch/14095239 Arizona Schools Partner With Pfizer, Offer Free Backpacks To Any Child Who Gets Vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/14095285 Mississippi Warns Vulnerable Residents to Avoid Mass Indoor Gatherings

>>>/qresearch/14095291 Rand Paul on CDC Guidance, Federal Mandates on Masks: ‘It’s About Submission’

>>>/qresearch/14095293 Door to door vaccine pitch, from Lake county

>>>/qresearch/14095309 UK Health Service Releases Pro-Vax TikTok Song Featuring Lesbian Kiss

>>>/qresearch/14095335 LOOK Where Biden WASTED Covid Funds – When You Learn You Will BE FURIOUS

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HJsKmD8YNZM - LOOK Where Biden WASTED Covid Funds - When You Learn You Will BE FURIOUS [Channel: The Next News Network]

>>>/qresearch/14095470 Wake up! https://twitter.com/ResPubl79983835/status/1413464228007010306?s=19

>>>/qresearch/14095504 Israeli forces open fire on Palestinians; hundreds wounded

>>>/qresearch/14095537 In apparent world first, IDF deployed drone swarms in Gaza fighting

>>>/qresearch/14095611 Pennsylvania Acting Secretary of State and State AG Warn Philadelphia Not To Comply With Senate Authorized Ballot Audit, Senator Mastriano Responds


(21 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7dad00  No.71183

File: 559a6e6d75f0f6b⋯.jpg (7.69 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 14098210_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14098210 Q Research General #17839: An audit a day keeps the Dems Away Edition




>>>/qresearch/14098274, >>>/qresearch/14098342 Potential "Garbage" Q decoding

>>>/qresearch/14098306 President Trump greeted with loud cheers at UFC 264

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=IHEWQwZzlGU - President Trump greeted with loud cheers at UFC 264... [Channel: Citizen Free Press]

>>>/qresearch/14098362, >>>/qresearch/14098420 Rusty Shackleford crumb hunt?

>>>/qresearch/14098365 GET IN HERE YOU MISERABLE AUTISTS

>>>/qresearch/14098425 They Know, We know, They Know We Know, We Know They Know We Know

>>>/qresearch/14098446 Rhodes led oathkeepeers on 1/6, resulting to be jailed, but he gets to go to CPAC

>>>/qresearch/14098456 Biden is one of the latest Democratic figures to have a suspicious package addressed to him.

>>>/qresearch/14098460 Trust the experts, this isn't rocket appliances.

>>>/qresearch/14098594 ,MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / babyfister team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board

>>>/qresearch/14098653 Biden & the Big Tech Fools on the Hill

>>>/qresearch/14098733 A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

>>>/qresearch/14098835, >>>/qresearch/14099098 MARTIAL-LAW &: BLOOD-FEUD, HR 6666

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=e48FHW3EU1k - : MARTIAL-LAW &: BLOOD FEUD: Russell-Jay: Gould. [Channel: : WAR-CASTLES.]

>>>/qresearch/14098898 microsoft patents cutting edge human powered crypto mining system

>>>/qresearch/14098952 #17835

>>>/qresearch/14098967 The Deep State Cabal has rigged the game on every level and in every way.

>>>/qresearch/14098986 The Netanyahus are official out of the Prime Minister's Residence

>>>/qresearch/14098999, >>>/qresearch/14099005 What's F-dawg? (on the topic of EVs)

>>>/qresearch/14099059 RE: Thorium, what did Iran just fire up in Bushehr?

>>>/qresearch/14099101 Dutch pedophile detected

>>>/qresearch/14099105 #17839

(20 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7dad00  No.71228

File: ea1e80ecbf7779e⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14099108_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14099108 Q Research General #17840: The Board Jew Edition




>>>/qresearch/14099234 $WHACKD What ever happened to those black triangles?

>>>/qresearch/14099243 Hervis Rogers in connection with CNN, Arrested for Illegal Voting (TX)

>>>/qresearch/14099279 The U.S. Capitol Police will begin fielding military surveillance equipment

>>>/qresearch/14099282 Power shuts off for 10 minutes during Glen Beck speech at CPAC

>>>/qresearch/14099285 Ashli Babbitt as the 21st-century Horst Wessel

>>>/qresearch/14099291 Roger Nils-Jonas Karlsson sentenced to 15 years in multimillion-dollar cryptocurrency

>>>/qresearch/14099304 India could be the first country to sue a WHO scientist

>>>/qresearch/14099313, >>>/qresearch/14099326, >>>/qresearch/14099352 Are you a "coincidence theorist"?

>>>/qresearch/14099330 $245.4 Gorillion For Door to Door Vax shilling!

>>>/qresearch/14099332 Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant to restart operation "soon"

>>>/qresearch/14099342, >>>/qresearch/14099353 Lets have a look at the Mathew Rozsa

>>>/qresearch/14099401 ABUSE OF OFFICE: CANADIAN MILITARY, collecting information, propaganda during pandemic

>>>/qresearch/14099411 Miami-Dade Courthouse Closed Over Potentially Dangerous Structural Issues

>>>/qresearch/14099469, >>>/qresearch/14099777 #TDIDCH: July 11, 1804 - It was the most famous duel in Dragon Corps history.

>>>/qresearch/14099471 Rusty Shackleford - Recently posted videos.

>>>/qresearch/14099487, >>>/qresearch/14099526 Put on your Graphene Foil Hats. Fuckery of all Fuckery?

>>>/qresearch/14099511 Jim Watkins: People don’t understand how deep Big Tech is with the Deep State

>>>/qresearch/14099556 HERO hotel maid prevents ‘Vegas style’ massacre Denver7 16 long guns - armor - 1,000+ rounds

>>>/qresearch/14099564 RE: Previous on Dig Fulton county's ballot drop

>>>/qresearch/14099595, >>>/qresearch/14099600 prayers for all of you brave patriots.

>>>/qresearch/14099657 Plane Crashed at Chandler Municipal Airport Saturday Investigation underway

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=JFKkHU25Hyw - News Update: Small plane crash at Chandler airport [Channel: azfamily powered by 3TV & CBS5AZ]

>>>/qresearch/14099687 Potential symbolism comms perhaps

>>>/qresearch/14099865 WSJ: The Hunter Biden Laptop Is Real

>>>/qresearch/14099872 #17840

(24 notables)

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7dad00  No.71229

File: fce6ff4f0edbe63⋯.png (759.78 KB, 1378x769, 1378:769, 14099933_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14099933 Q Research General #17841: Checkmate, Atheists. Edition




>>>/qresearch/14099994 Canada adds U.S. 3% group to terror watch list

>>>/qresearch/14100018, >>>/qresearch/14100041 "UNITY22"

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=KRsh2GsOk6E - Virgin Galactic Unity 22 Spaceflight Livestream [Channel: Virgin Hyperloop]

>>>/qresearch/14100048 NO means NO, 3+3=6, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HdNn5TZu6R8 - 300 - First Battle Scene - Full HD 1080p - Earthquake. No Captain, Battle Format [Channel: Alexandru Mortimer]

>>>/qresearch/14100059, >>>/qresearch/14100207 PRAYERS FOR AZ PLANE CRASH! Maricopa 4 people still in hospital

>>>/qresearch/14100089 Trump at the UFC that ESPN refused to air… Listen to that roar

>>>/qresearch/14100147 It would seem you are CORRECT

>>>/qresearch/14100246, >>>/qresearch/14100249, >>>/qresearch/14100440 Richard Branson Pedophiles in Space!

>>>/qresearch/14100306 RE: CONDO COLLAPSE: 90+ DEAD in 71 bodies identified Some 31 people remain missing.

>>>/qresearch/14100353, >>>/qresearch/14100424, >>>/qresearch/14100524 Thanks Planefag

>>>/qresearch/14100547 FF FAIL !!! AMERICA WINNING. NCSWC. DEMAND AUDITS!!!

>>>/qresearch/14100571 Keystone: Sean PENN movie, Flag Day, Massive fake money printing?

>>>/qresearch/14100595 [EYES ON THE BORDER]?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=9l20tu7O0OY - US-Mexico Border Crisis 2021 with Ed Calderon [Channel: Vigilance Elite]

>>>/qresearch/14100638 #17841

(13 notables)

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7dad00  No.71230

File: 4278f444844dec9⋯.png (759.78 KB, 1378x769, 1378:769, 14100691_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14100691 Q Research General #17842: WE ALREADY WON, DEMAND PROOF (AUDITS) EDITION!




>>>/qresearch/14100736 President Trump on Arizona Audit: It’s “Horrendous” – This was Done By Senators Who Said “We’re Being Scammed”

>>>/qresearch/14100748 Juror Fined $11K for Causing Mistrial by Telling Jurors ICE Officer’s Patch Is a White Supremacist Badge

>>>/qresearch/14100779 Billionaires Gates & Soros reportedly step in to cover fraction of foreign aid cut by UK, but some question their intentions

>>>/qresearch/14100791 Perkins Coie had Seth Rich laptop why?, DNC Hillary Clinton et al legal counsel, Redacted email reveals turned over to FBI

>>>/qresearch/14100806 'Still waiting for bloody vaccinations': Australians furious with graphic govt Covid ad telling people to get jabbed

>>>/qresearch/14100817 World Economic Forum Announces Creation of Orwellian ‘Global Coalition for Digital Safety’

>>>/qresearch/14100858 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/14100991 Project Rose?

>>>/qresearch/14101049, >>>/qresearch/14101238 @3rd_Infantry

>>>/qresearch/14101062 FBI tweets about children

>>>/qresearch/14101096 Interview with DJT: THE LAWSUIT

>>>/qresearch/14101223 board can still be viewed via TOR V3

>>>/qresearch/14101381 Anon supplied bun

>>>/qresearch/14101425 Theories on 5g/Graphene

>>>/qresearch/14101469 #17842#17841

(15 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7dad00  No.71253

File: 6dd5400b3bb694d⋯.png (999.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14096635_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14096635 Q Research General #17837: Are you ready? Edition




>>>/qresearch/14096691 Rony Célestin member in Haiti’s Parliament buys $3.4 million mansion in canada

>>>/qresearch/14096701 PA DOS prohibits county election boards from doing their jobs (NO AUDITS FOR PA)

>>>/qresearch/14096710 Atlantis found? Scientists from the University of Durham discover new continent under Iceland

>>>/qresearch/14096711 5G will Weaponize Everything

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=P5AYRWvjiVg - MUST WATCH - The SCARIEST 3-1/2 Minutes EVER! - 5G will Weaponize Everything [Channel: The Florida Outdoorsman]

>>>/qresearch/14096719 spike proteins have massive amounts of HIV like qualities

>>>/qresearch/14096768 Designing Humans for Fun and Profit

>>>/qresearch/14096770 biz partner to richard branson and Star William Hutchinson Charged For Raping a 16 Year Old Girl

>>>/qresearch/14096783 That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti…

>>>/qresearch/14096809 the night princess diana was murdered 17 cameras failed…

>>>/qresearch/14096814 Del Rio arrests a 382% increase migrants with convictions for child molestation, attempted murder

>>>/qresearch/14096819 They are panicking in Pa.

>>>/qresearch/14096839 a solar termination event may be imminent

>>>/qresearch/14096847 Lauren Witzke mocks "the plan"

>>>/qresearch/14096854 Covid-19 infection results in “broad immune cell reduction” of T cells

>>>/qresearch/14096945 Capitol Police are Now Being Stationed Around the United States, sstarting in Cali and Florida

>>>/qresearch/14096958 "Erupting" is the mockingbird word of the day

>>>/qresearch/14096963 “Brian Kemp & Brad Raffensperger Failed to Conduct a Secure Election” Statewide GA Audit called for

>>>/qresearch/14096971 'Cancel culture' targets prayer because atheists offended

>>>/qresearch/14096982, >>>/qresearch/14096983, >>>/qresearch/14096995, >>>/qresearch/14097009 statue removals

>>>/qresearch/14096990, >>>/qresearch/14096997 In Myanmar, the military and police declare war on medics ("the full truth would…")

>>>/qresearch/14097017 MAYOR FACES INDICTMENT

>>>/qresearch/14097026 Deaths due to the Covid vaccines in Australia

>>>/qresearch/14097033 (MSM) CPAC is now an Insurgency all on its own.

>>>/qresearch/14097044 (MSM) QAnon is hiding

>>>/qresearch/14097081 Biden: "what if they handcuff me, i feel like they're gonna strike"

>>>/qresearch/14097086 Covid19 vax makes people test positive for HIV in Australia

>>>/qresearch/14097107 Lost Civilization in Grand Canyon Was, Wait, Egyptian?

>>>/qresearch/14097164, >>>/qresearch/14097398 naval officer being discharged for refusing the VAX

>>>/qresearch/14097221 Calif. Venue Boots Matt Gaetz’s, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s America First Rally

>>>/qresearch/14097231 Feds Spend Millions Building Massive Database on January 6 Riot, None on Antifa

>>>/qresearch/14097370 aussie msm "TODAY IS THE FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER"

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HVBiF5X5mo4 - July 10, 2021 This is a news broadcast from Australia. First full day of the New World Order. [Channel: Rob Bunch]

>>>/qresearch/14097375 Lin Wood goes anti-vax

>>>/qresearch/14097388 Former Top US Sanctions Official Hired By Chinese Surveillance Firm With Ties To CCP Military

>>>/qresearch/14097440 Zuckerberg becomes wartime leader

>>>/qresearch/14098638 Mike Lindell is datefagging!

(35 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dcbc49  No.71307

File: 9c265706ef921dc⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14102260_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14102260 Q Research General #17844: The 'An actual #17844' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14102338 Yahoo: Billionaire entrepreneur and adventurer Richard Branson's dream of space travel was realized and celestial tourism took a leap forward Sunday as Virgin Galactic's rocket ship reached the edge of space during a historic flight from Spaceport America.

>>>/qresearch/14102352 GP: Globalist Leaders at G20 Endorse Global Tax Plan, Set For Vote in US Congress; “New Rules,” “No Turning Back”

>>>/qresearch/14102355 MiamiHerald: A Haitian doctor who has been a fixture in Florida for more than two decades has been arrested in Haiti under suspicion that he was one of the leaders behind the middle-of-the-night assassination of President Jovenel Moïse last week.

>>>/qresearch/14102373 NYP: UK mom killed hubby with boiling water for allegedly sexually abusing her kids.

>>>/qresearch/14102377 ZH Oped: Darryl Cooper: Why Trump Supporters Are Pissed Off And Don't Trust Anything

>>>/qresearch/14102398 NTD: Texas Now Investigating 386 More Cases of Voter Fraud, Attorney General Tells CPAC

>>>/qresearch/14102427, >>>/qresearch/14102759 More footage coming out of Cuba. Protestors in front of Communist Party Headquarters chanting "Cuba isn't yours" "We want Liberty"

>>>/qresearch/14102440, >>>/qresearch/14102644 RSBN LIVE - President Trump Speaks at CPAC in Dallas, TX 7/11/21 - 1,792,786 Views 183,771 watching now

>>>/qresearch/14102446 Sputnik: 'A Democrat Machine': Big Tech Companies Getting 'Biggest Subsidy' Under Section 230, Trump Says

>>>/qresearch/14102461 rt: School curriculum in Canada disputes view of math as 'objective' discipline, argues it has been used to 'normalize racism'

>>>/qresearch/14102485, >>>/qresearch/14102560 President Trump Gives A Shoutout To @martyrmade 's Viral Thread That @TuckerCarlson Read On His Show This Week.

>>>/qresearch/14102501 CIA: OTD in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt tapped Gen. William Donovan to serve as the Coordinator of Information (COI).

>>>/qresearch/14102505 GP: WTH? GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel Blocks Trump Election Lawyer Jenna Ellis on Twitter After News Breaks on RNC Attorney’s Election Lies

>>>/qresearch/14102507 uncancelled: Donald Trump Jr. Cannot Reveal Father’s Reelection Plans Due to ‘Campaign Financing,’ Which Means…

>>>/qresearch/14102576 Anon dig: Fox news coordinated the compromisation of seth rich's parents' investigation into his murder

>>>/qresearch/14102596 Redvoice: Sidney Powell: CDC = Criminal Disinformation Center, Committed Criminal Action to Support Big Pharma

>>>/qresearch/14102633 Anon nom: “Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”

>>>/qresearch/14102659 JosephJFlynn: Happy belated 100th Birthday to one of the Greatest American Patriots still walking this earth Major General Jack Singlaub

>>>/qresearch/14102710 JosephJFlynn: Arizona audit will soon explode on to the scene… then PA then GA then WI then MI… what they did in Maricopa they did everywhere.

>>>/qresearch/14102724 DJHJM: The Democrats in Pennsylvania Panic as State Senator Doug Mastriano Announces His Committee Has the Votes to Audit Several Counties

>>>/qresearch/14102745, >>>/qresearch/14102899, >>>/qresearch/14102915 PJM: Thousands Protest for Freedom in Communist Cuba. The New York Times' Framing Would Please Stalin.

>>>/qresearch/14102760, >>>/qresearch/14102768 Scavino CPAC

>>>/qresearch/14102761 Solomon: G20 finance ministers sign off on global tax deal

>>>/qresearch/14102764 LiberyDaily: Sydney Imposes Draconian Lockdown, Only One Person per Household May Leave per Day

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dcbc49  No.71308


>>>/qresearch/14102870 Posobiec: Why are the Cuban people flying the symbol of white supremacy? (The streets of Cuba understand this is a symbol of freedom. Flag of United States)

>>>/qresearch/14102886 Steve Scalise: America stands with the people of Cuba

>>>/qresearch/14102911 AP: 4 arrested, guns seized at hotel near All-Star Game events

>>>/qresearch/14102931 Gaetz: This morning, I had the opportunity to memorialize 22 fallen soldiers from the 7th Special Forces Group with service members at @TeamEglin

>>>/qresearch/14102980 TedCruz: The Communist Cuban regime will be consigned to the dustbin of history. It has brutalized & denied freedom to generations of Cubans, and forced my family & so many others to flee.

>>>/qresearch/14103005 #17844

(30 notables)

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dcbc49  No.71421

File: fa63932d93e5f4a⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14103070_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14103070 Q Research General #17845: The ' We Will Take Back That Glorious White House' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14103132 Hundreds of Thai Medical Workers Infected Despite Sinovac Vaccinations

>>>/qresearch/14103135 All star game targeted similar to vegas? Was the game moved under false pretenses so the FF would happen there instead of georgia?

>>>/qresearch/14103138 Australia Vax push - for a complete scam, where's the pandemic in these figures besides the deadly vaccine?

>>>/qresearch/14103166 New York Times declares the word “freedom” an anti-government slogan

>>>/qresearch/14103200 US logistical convoys hit in three locations across Iraq

>>>/qresearch/14103232 GOP makes political headway in Capitol Hill critical race theory confrontations

>>>/qresearch/14103277 Lawsuits against saudi arabia threaten US secrecy concerning 9-11, may trigger judicial intervention to prevent release of info

>>>/qresearch/14103293 Rasmussen: 58% of Voters Agree the Media ‘Are Truly the Enemy of the People’

>>>/qresearch/14103447 Gina Haspel joins the corrupt revolving door group via law firm that is a lobbying firm

>>>/qresearch/14103524 FBI’s war against the Nerds for proving them corrupt and incompetent

>>>/qresearch/14103572 Police credit ‘astute employee’ for arrests at Denver hotel

>>>/qresearch/14103628 Fences in DC coming down

>>>/qresearch/14103676 Arizona police officers using new tool that can stop people by wrapping their arms, legs

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=by0BGWJu6yo - Arizona police officers using new tool that can stop people by wrapping their arms, legs [Channel: azcentral.com and The Arizona Republic]

>>>/qresearch/14103679 New York Hydro Power Plant Mines Bitcoin Because More Profitable Than Selling Electricity To Grid

(14 notables)

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dcbc49  No.71422

File: 9ad8f87f29b9d0d⋯.png (759.78 KB, 1378x769, 1378:769, 14103845_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14103845 Q Research General #17846: AUDIT NAO! E-BAKE Edition




>>>/qresearch/14103870 Biotech companies using psych tactics to create vaccine demand

>>>/qresearch/14103898 Difference between freedom loving cubans and commie americans

>>>/qresearch/14103911 Cuba police opening fire on protestors

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=JuRg6hSon7Q - Cuba: Reports of Communist Regime Police Opening Fire on Protestors with Live Ammunition [Channel: M101 News]

>>>/qresearch/14103912 POTUS Trump says something, fox news immediately denies it to their audience

>>>/qresearch/14103975 FBI acting like KGB, Stasi, etc again

>>>/qresearch/14103977 Majority of americans believe lab leak was cause of virus

>>>/qresearch/14104038 The corrupt Pzizer is meeting with Fauci on monday regarding vaccine boosters

>>>/qresearch/14104063 Mel Gibson salutes Trump at UFC match

>>>/qresearch/14104111 Federal Judge angry that jan 6 protestor was not allowed access to evidence by the DC police

>>>/qresearch/14104192 Thousands showing support for cuban dissidents in florida

>>>/qresearch/14104209 Nearly the entire population in Britain is vaccinated yet hospital cases for covid are nearly twice what they were a year ago

>>>/qresearch/14104374 Evidentiary hearing in Jussie Smollett case scheduled in July

>>>/qresearch/14104642 Veteran judge who once kept Oprah on a jury assigned Jussie Smollett case

(13 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dcbc49  No.71423

File: 81d4c3a6e643a0e⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14104668_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14104668 Q Research General #17847: The 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14104717, >>>/qresearch/14104745 An anon dig and an Armstrong article: Mitt Romney sells $23.5M home after years fighting with neighbors

>>>/qresearch/14104786 Sputnik:; Chinese Military says US warship of illegally entering waters near Parcel Islands in South China Sea

>>>/qresearch/14104846 US reiterates: Attack on Philippine vessels, aircraft will trigger response under defense accord

>>>/qresearch/14104885 #17846 ty collector o7

>>>/qresearch/14104907 Breitbart: Biden Administration Claims Cuban Anti-Communist Protests Are About ‘Rising COVID Cases/Deaths' Yeah, right...

>>>/qresearch/14104914 Breitbart: Lieberman Urges Bill Clinton to Unite Dems on Israel, Tell Anti-Israel ‘Squad’ Members to ‘Cut It Out’

>>>/qresearch/14104952 Fake news pushing a fake narrative. Imagine that. Looks like people aren't buying it either.

>>>/qresearch/14105002 #17845 ty collector o7

>>>/qresearch/14105016 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 1000 lawyers have evidence that pandemic is crime against humanity

>>>/qresearch/14105063 timeslive: Protesting/Rioting continue in Johannesburg, South Africa

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7U0LUK1UZ9E - WATCH | Johannesburg police face-off with looters, fire stun grenades and rubber bullets [Channel: News24]

>>>/qresearch/14105076 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14105118, >>>/qresearch/14105151, >>>/qresearch/14105171, >>>/qresearch/14105179 Anons digging around: There are only three (3) countries on this planet whose government officials refused the COVID-19 vaccine from the WHO. Their presidents are all dead now.

>>>/qresearch/14105145 AP: Florida resident detained as latest suspect in Haiti killing

>>>/qresearch/14105205 Summary of Current Global Notable regarding Ingersoll Lockwood/MJ12: The long con to roll Q Research

>>>/qresearch/14105245 Adam Schiff is not a happy swamp creature tonight

>>>/qresearch/14105359, >>>/qresearch/14105361 CM: The “return-to-sender” process is not included in the Runbeck “Full Process Under One Roof” infographic.

>>>/qresearch/14105362 CM: Does Mike “Thirty” Pence still think he has a chance or is he just grifting GOP donations?

>>>/qresearch/14105394 #17847

(18 notables)

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4ee271  No.71500

File: 137060d1e22733a⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14105434_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14105434 Q Research General #17848: The 'The Ride Never Ends.' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14105449, >>>/qresearch/14105522, >>>/qresearch/14105542 Linking: 22 years of research

>>>/qresearch/14105537 Trump-endorsed SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick calls the MAGA Movement a “Colony of Lepers”

>>>/qresearch/14105538, >>>/qresearch/14105564 @RealGenFlynn,A worthy read…by the grace of God and the American people, my life has been renewed.

>>>/qresearch/14105551 PDJT at UFC264 and Q264

>>>/qresearch/14105559 Trump World wants distance from QAnon even as he winks at it

>>>/qresearch/14105578 US Flags out in Cuba, Iran, Venezuela and Hong Kong

>>>/qresearch/14105586 We have NEVER seen a day like today in #Cuba

>>>/qresearch/14105658 newly installed air defense system has been operational in Kabul since 2:00 am Sunday,

>>>/qresearch/14105659 probably already notabled but worth repeating: TRUMP AT CPAC

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=49oNjs1nJM8 - Watch: President Trump Full CPAC July 11th 2021 Speech [Channel: The Savage Diary]

>>>/qresearch/14105660 Thousands Protest for Freedom in Communist Cuba. NYT would please Stalin

>>>/qresearch/14105695 Cuban regime is hunting down protestors and imprisoning them without a trial, JK, that’s Biden

>>>/qresearch/14105796 Weapons Cache Seized at Denver Hotel Near Stadium Hosting All-Star Game

>>>/qresearch/14105803, >>>/qresearch/14105827 Theory, horrible thought, but a theory

>>>/qresearch/14105829 i smell a setup at town hall hosted by Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.)

>>>/qresearch/14105846 Miami Mayor Francis Suarez called on Biden administration to send troops to Cuba

>>>/qresearch/14105934 AI on the agenda. During his visit to St Petersburg, Vladimir Putin met with Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Martin Schwab

>>>/qresearch/14105953 Dr. Theresa Tam says concerned that vaccination rates among younger Canadians aren’t high enough

>>>/qresearch/14105982 Armed citizens fire on rioters in Durban, South Africa.

>>>/qresearch/14106056 Assess your strengths and find ways to meaningfully contribute

>>>/qresearch/14106088 goal was to bring Haiti President to the national palace

>>>/qresearch/14106226 Turn in your family

>>>/qresearch/14106287 scientist Opens Up on Email to Fauci on Virus Origins

(22 notables)

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0b6b16  No.71601

File: b179a5a52de8413⋯.png (681.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14108016_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14108016 Q Research General #17851: Ebake




>>>/qresearch/14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>>/qresearch/14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>>/qresearch/14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>>/qresearch/14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>>/qresearch/14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>>/qresearch/14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>>/qresearch/14108043, >>>/qresearch/14108056, >>>/qresearch/14108121, >>>/qresearch/14108157, >>>/qresearch/14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>>/qresearch/14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>>/qresearch/14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=31iquvNrCT0 - Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana... [Channel: Citizen Free Press]

>>>/qresearch/14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>>/qresearch/14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>>/qresearch/14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>>/qresearch/14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>>/qresearch/14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>>/qresearch/14108075 Propaganda

>>>/qresearch/14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>>/qresearch/14108095 Klauss Schwab Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex projec

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=6I7xd-FJ62M - CYBER POLYGON 2021: KLAUS SCHWAB FULL OPENING REMARKS [Channel: enlightenedprophets]

>>>/qresearch/14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>>/qresearch/14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=k7IT1A_woi8 - Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=NXL7-4Mrm5c - Dr. Anthony Fauci breaks down booster debate as concerns over Delta variant rises [Channel: CBS This Morning]

>>>/qresearch/14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>>/qresearch/14108243 -Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=1rUPFXbADvE - Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land [Channel: William Tyndale]

>>>/qresearch/14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>>/qresearch/14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>>/qresearch/14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>>/qresearch/14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b6b16  No.71602


>>>/qresearch/14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

>>>/qresearch/14108379 Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

>>>/qresearch/14108380, >>>/qresearch/14108391 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

>>>/qresearch/14108439 Tonight on #JustTheTruth, I’ll show emails from Justin Riemer that Ronna McDaniel knew existed in Nov 2020

>>>/qresearch/14108442 Belarus Opposition Candidate Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

>>>/qresearch/14108445 Sen. Doug Mastriano, chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee Pennsylvania's Senate says that his committee has enough votes

>>>/qresearch/14108454 (RE-POST) MAY I PRESENT THE BIDEN DOOR-TO-DOOR COVID COUNTER - not sure if posted.


Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=49oNjs1nJM8 - Watch: President Trump Full CPAC July 11th 2021 Speech [Channel: The Savage Diary]

>>>/qresearch/14108493 Dr. David Martin talks about the true origins and nature behind "Covid-19" and the "New Normal".

>>>/qresearch/14108505 politico hit piece

>>>/qresearch/14108521 Mexican President Says Protests in Cuba Manipulated From Outside

>>>/qresearch/14108531, >>>/qresearch/14108543 Jen Psaki Announces Biden Will Support Local Vaccine Mandates (Good fucking luck Assholes)

>>>/qresearch/14108540 Jenner Admits To Dressing Up In Adolescent Daughter’s Clothes, Is ‘Proud’ Of How ‘Stealthy’ Solo Drag Parties Were

>>>/qresearch/14108554 Israeli Millionaire Accused of Undermining Israel’s Security After Allegedly Passing Intel to Iran

>>>/qresearch/14108574, >>>/qresearch/14108575 Hive mind for keks.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=5T3UmvutR8k - Sun Is Shining [Channel: Bob Marley - Topic]

>>>/qresearch/14108711, >>>/qresearch/14108720 Heres a link for the Cherokee tribe stimulus check. The Cherokee tribe doesn't like giving money btw

>>>/qresearch/14108726 Top US general in Afghanistan stepping down

(44 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b6b16  No.71605

File: 7e62946fb8eb6ed⋯.png (999.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14108920_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14108920 Q Research General #17852: Ebake




>>>/qresearch/14108938, >>>/qresearch/14109084 Texas Democrats flee the STATE on a private jet with a crate of beer to stop Republicans passing voting rights bills

>>>/qresearch/14108944 Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson posts viral video of hawk vs. snake death match on his balcony

>>>/qresearch/14108977 @RealJamesWoods: The best is yet to come…

>>>/qresearch/14109013, >>>/qresearch/14109086 At least 39 killed, 20 injured after fire rips through coronavirus hospital in Iraq - Reuters

>>>/qresearch/14109021 #17851

>>>/qresearch/14109040 #17848

>>>/qresearch/14109148 Facing rising fears of "summer violence", President Joe Biden is embarking on a political high-wire act

>>>/qresearch/14109181, >>>/qresearch/14109222, >>>/qresearch/14109234, >>>/qresearch/14109235 Florida doctor arrested for role in assassination of Haiti president had campaigned to replace him in letter to U.S. State Department saying he was 'backed by key UN official' and business leaders to reform his poverty-stricken homeland

>>>/qresearch/14109195 Charlie Kirk just revealed lieutenant Michael Byrd, Chuck Schumer's private security,is the officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt.

>>>/qresearch/14109211 Psaki Implies Biden’s Statement on Cuba Protests Didn’t Actually Come From Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/14109270, >>>/qresearch/14109273 Ben Fulford

>>>/qresearch/14109298, >>>/qresearch/14109305, >>>/qresearch/14109321, >>>/qresearch/14109326, >>>/qresearch/14109394, >>>/qresearch/14109397 DJT´s Statements 07/12/21

>>>/qresearch/14109373 Cristina Greeven Cuomo, who is married to Chris Cuomo, is in Jeffrey Epstein's 1997 address book

>>>/qresearch/14109421 @RealGenFlynn 12.07.21 on telegram

>>>/qresearch/14109497, >>>/qresearch/14109529 New Dan!

>>>/qresearch/14109521 @USNavy: Always operating at the tip of the spear. #ForgedByTheSea

>>>/qresearch/14109618 hundreds syringes wash new jersey beaches forcing closures

>>>/qresearch/14109739 #17852

(18 notables)

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0b6b16  No.71607

File: 0ff6f86c4b626f7⋯.png (999.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14109692_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14109692 Q Research General #17853: The Best Is Yet To Come Edition




>>>/qresearch/14109814 Reuters: In a failed attempt to escape a record-breaking heat wave in late June in Pendleton, Oregon, more than 100 baby birds bailed from their nests.

>>>/qresearch/14109821 disclosetv: The Greeks and the French are in for some mandatory vaxxing.

>>>/qresearch/14109827 Sputnik: Trump Organization removes Weisselberg as financial officer

>>>/qresearch/14109830 Breitbart: 15 Woke Hollywood Celebrities Who Hobnobbed, Vacationed, Promoted Movies in Communist Cuba

>>>/qresearch/14109831, >>>/qresearch/14109896 Rapper Walking Out of Chicago Jail Shot SIXTY FOUR TIMES, Police Report Says

>>>/qresearch/14109859 RT: Cuban FM claims US-backed ‘mercenaries’ stoked unrest ahead of protests disguised as cry for help

>>>/qresearch/14109869 CNBC: “There are reports coming in that vaccinated populations have cases of infection, particularly with the delta variant,” - No possibility for fraud there... Right? Right??

>>>/qresearch/14109916 NYP: Staffers refuse COVID vaccine at scores of NY nursing homes

>>>/qresearch/14109957 GP: President Trump Releases Letter from US Attorney Who Claimed AG Barr Told Him Not to Investigate the 2020 Election Results in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/14109995, >>>/qresearch/14110013, >>>/qresearch/14110034, >>>/qresearch/14110059, >>>/qresearch/14110237 DOJ Fraud bun

>>>/qresearch/14109996 USN: Night moves

>>>/qresearch/14110002, >>>/qresearch/14110018 Anon dig: This Haitian Doc from BROWARD COUNTY has very strange bed fellows/biz partners.

>>>/qresearch/14110028, >>>/qresearch/14110047, >>>/qresearch/14110066 DOJ Child porn/sex trafficking bun

>>>/qresearch/14110089 WSBTV: Illinois child sex offender arrested in kidnapping of 13-year-old from central Georgia

>>>/qresearch/14110094 @VaticanNews Congolese Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya dies at the age of 81.

>>>/qresearch/14110099 WSMV: National Guard chaplain, youth pastor among 18 arrested on human trafficking charges

>>>/qresearch/14110170 911: Man Wanted For Murder, Kidnapping of Teen Girls Shot At Least 10 Rounds At Deputies Before Being Killed In Shootout

>>>/qresearch/14110173 And then the protected pedos walk free: People: Drake Bell has been sentenced to 2 years probation for the attempted endangering of children & disseminating matter harmful to juveniles.

>>>/qresearch/14110178, >>>/qresearch/14110219 Breitbart: Over 300,000 Sign Petition Demanding a Special Counsel to Investigate Biden Family Corruption

>>>/qresearch/14110182 NTD: CDC Investigating Cases of Neurological Disorder Linked to Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/14110210 Herridge: 2 Navy SEALs + 2 Marines who pleaded guilty/found guilty in the death of Staff Sgt. Logan Melgar got < 20 years total for their crimes. When the Green Beret was killed by his fellow service members, he was 34 years old

>>>/qresearch/14110454 #17853

(22 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b6b16  No.71609

File: 461463a7c0d127c⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14110482_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14110482 Q Research General #17854: The 'Celebrities Promoting Communism All Suck' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14110576 WV Dept. of Education launches ‘I Got Vaxxed’ competition for state schools

>>>/qresearch/14110580 Scavino is posting a vid of... ...Pretty Birds!

>>>/qresearch/14110611, >>>/qresearch/14110670 CBSLA: "Sewage spill" closes Ca. beaches. Just an accident. Like all the drinking water that was released into the sea, right?

>>>/qresearch/14110665 GP: SCOTTSDALE, AZ: Rally To Free POLITICAL PRISONERS Set for Wednesday, July 14

>>>/qresearch/14110666 Anon noms a study done by Melbourne Uni about the feasibility of using artificial intelligence to help hospitals better allocate resources and meet the needs of patients

>>>/qresearch/14110677 GP: Cyber Ninjas Reportedly Followed Jovan Pulitzer Method in Arizona Audit and Democrats Are Terrified

>>>/qresearch/14110731 Reuters: Former U.S. drug agency informant arrested in Haiti assassination, DEA source says

>>>/qresearch/14110737 Anon notices some differences in Biden's tweet of his meeting with the Attorney General, law enforcement officials, and local leaders concerning gun crimes.

>>>/qresearch/14110758 Anon continuing the Haitian doc dig: Bergmann was also involved in COV-ID and the address was in the same building as Quest Diagnostics.

>>>/qresearch/14110775 Guardiannews: Forty-three bodies found in Arizona borderland amid brutal heat

>>>/qresearch/14110776 Theguardian: Rothermere readies £810m bid to take Daily Mail owner private

>>>/qresearch/14110872, >>>/qresearch/14110993, >>>/qresearch/14111218 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14110968, >>>/qresearch/14110971, >>>/qresearch/14111016 Anon nom: Covid is a manufactured bioweapon, 20 years in the making, that was DELIBERATELY released from the lab. I was made in the NC research triangle and perfected in Wuhan.

>>>/qresearch/14110986 A new research thread shows up on Q Research. Anons talk about everything under the sun.

>>>/qresearch/14110998 DOD: Only a handful of people have the distinction of receiving the #MedalofHonor twice. @USArmy Maj. Gen. Frank D. Baldwin was the first

>>>/qresearch/14111005 GP: Capitol Police Will Use Military Surveillance Equipment on Citizens to “Identify Emerging Threats”

>>>/qresearch/14111051 An anon's night moves panel

>>>/qresearch/14111235 Sputnik: Rolls-Royce reportedly cancels assault boat contract with Ukraine five days before delivery

>>>/qresearch/14111256 More Scavino. They'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

>>>/qresearch/14111282 Sputnik: Citigroup prepares to quit Venezuela, selling its unit following century of operating

>>>/qresearch/14111368 GP: The Biden regime is now calling on SMS carriers to “fact-check” text messages in an effort to stop ‘misinformation’ about the Covid-19 vaccine.

>>>/qresearch/14111381 #17854

(22 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b6b16  No.71748


>>>/qresearch/14106185 Q Research General #17849: No Larpers Shilling 24/7 Edition




>>>/qresearch/14106307 save our children 2021 update and news roundup

>>>/qresearch/14106328 Scientist Opens Up About His Early Email to Fauci on Virus Origins

>>>/qresearch/14106391 Voter ID: Kamala Mocked After Suggesting Rural Americans Can't Use Copy Machines- zerohedge

>>>/qresearch/14106415 Mike Pompeo twat - Cuban gov poses a threat to the world and its people

>>>/qresearch/14106441 Heineken advert ''the night belongs to the vaccinated (fcuk off) my opinion, kek

>>>/qresearch/14106545 Biden on official gov post, but the Cubans are rioting in the streets.

>>>/qresearch/14106588 london library reading by a man dressed in a rainbow monkey suit with a dildo out.

>>>/qresearch/14106635 Top Trump Campaign Insider Speaks Out – “RNC Did Not Want Us to Fight for the President – They Collected $220 Million for Legal Fees – Where Did It Go?”gateway pundit

>>>/qresearch/14106777 <==trips cheked

>>>/qresearch/14106969 'Significant' 120 MPH Tornado Carves Through Georgia Submarine Base

>>>/qresearch/14107012 "explosive" announcement from Mike Pompeo, CHN Military involved with Wuhan biolab

>>>/qresearch/14107013, >>>/qresearch/14107018, >>>/qresearch/14107031, >>>/qresearch/14107035 July 14 Smollett Q proof. #3435

(12 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b6b16  No.71750

File: 102914fd02a05e0⋯.png (128.27 KB, 565x317, 565:317, 14107067_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14107067 Q Research General #17850: Cuba Libre Edition




>>>/qresearch/14107144 Former Casting Crowns drummer Andy Williams died Friday of injuries he sustained after a motorcycle accident on June 27.

>>>/qresearch/14107185 Green means "GO"

>>>/qresearch/14107203 entomological group a common name from an insect on the grounds that it is offensive to a community of people

>>>/qresearch/14107213 video of all the times Democrats wanted to 'defund the police'

>>>/qresearch/14107252 Your Air Gitmo update

>>>/qresearch/14107258 Illegal immigrant charged with killing as many as 24 elderly Texas residents will not face death penalty

>>>/qresearch/14107260 Monthly vaccine doses will be offered

>>>/qresearch/14107297 Ways to Neutralize Covid Vaxx Spike Protein Damage

>>>/qresearch/14107413 Fifth Circuit allowed him to continue following our nation’s long history and tradition of opening court proceedings with prayer

>>>/qresearch/14107417 WH affordable housing solution

>>>/qresearch/14107437 U.N. To Buy & Distribute Chinese Vaccines Over U.S. Objections

>>>/qresearch/14107479 uprising across Cuba is against the "economic mismanagement" not socialism

>>>/qresearch/14107515 in PA Attempting to Prevent Forensic Audit ? Pound Sand

>>>/qresearch/14107543 hearing the sanctions case against former federal prosecutors Sidney Powell and Lin Wood

>>>/qresearch/14107555 Rand Paul Pushing For Investigation Into NSA Spying On Tucker Carlson

>>>/qresearch/14107560 Water wars are here - Mississippi and Tennessee

>>>/qresearch/14107577 ‘Freedom of Speech’ bill, claiming it will embolden ‘hate speech’

>>>/qresearch/14107583 Journal of Medical Ethics last month argues parents have no rights over their children's medical decisions

>>>/qresearch/14107607 Sue Abortion Clinics

>>>/qresearch/14107642 WATCH THE WATER

>>>/qresearch/14107748, >>>/qresearch/14107767 French President Macron announces mandatory #COVID19 vaccinations

>>>/qresearch/14107805 37 US State and District Attorney's have SUED GOOGLE over Play Store Monopoly

>>>/qresearch/14107893 French president Macron mandates special COVID-19 pass for access to all restaurants, shopping malls (AP)

>>>/qresearch/14107914 Law cases on social media postings (doesn't seem to apply to platforms)

>>>/qresearch/14107985 one big giant RICO case: Covid Pandemic Fraud - Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

(25 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b6b16  No.71952



>>>/qresearch/14111389 Q Research General #17855: The 'Everything Under The Sun' Edition



>>>/qresearch/14111416 Clown fail to try to incriminate the board.

>>>/qresearch/14111570 Gov. Justice urges WV lawmaker to resign after sexually explicit videos

>>>/qresearch/14111571 Rusty Shackleford video #3 dropped today:

>>>/qresearch/14111649, >>>/qresearch/14111975 the day before McAfee was $WHACKD

>>>/qresearch/14111685 (You) Gh05t baker returns to ban and denounce

>>>/qresearch/14111702 Serious cardiac-related vax injury cases reports growing

>>>/qresearch/14111759 Constitutional attorney Jenna Ellis comments on her issues with the RNC

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=XJR7M92307w - Jenna Ellis: Why I'm leaving the Republican party [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/14111774 Florida doctor arrested for role in assassination of Haiti president His name was Sanon? Really?S ANON??!?

>>>/qresearch/14111794 Karma laundering by analogy with money laundering.

>>>/qresearch/14111816 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/14111843 Favorito, VoterGA, press conference Tuesday morning.

>>>/qresearch/14112067 Leaked Script for Christchurch Terror attack is over 17 glowing pages!

>>>/qresearch/14112083 Audits/Subpoenas coming soon to PA

>>>/qresearch/14112159 #17855

(14 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b6b16  No.71953

File: 09a20ea10ca12d4⋯.png (759.78 KB, 1378x769, 1378:769, 14112211_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14112211 Q Research General #17856: ECHOING THROUGH ETERNITY EDITION




>>>/qresearch/14112283, >>>/qresearch/14112391 The hoax is getting worse by the minute


>>>/qresearch/14112339 Bill Gates met with a group of Chinese tech startups in 2014

>>>/qresearch/14112370 @WendyRogers: Keep pushing until we have our country back

>>>/qresearch/14112371 Vanwa server is playing up again, facebook redirect 5AM Est

>>>/qresearch/14112377 Why Big Tech Will Lose the Censorship Wars

>>>/qresearch/14112386 GRAMMAR IS IMPORTANT - Companies using pronouns as if they were people

>>>/qresearch/14112387 Cuba is in revolt. South Africa is on fire.

>>>/qresearch/14112390 Doug Mastriano set to leave Biden stumbling

>>>/qresearch/14112395 AZ audit PANIC! MSM going haywire over Q

>>>/qresearch/14112509 AusAnons, petition has exploded already nearing 250k, closes tomorrow!

>>>/qresearch/14112556 Translated PDF Spike protein

>>>/qresearch/14112583 EVIDENCE LOST in case of soldier accused drugging soldiers with organic cupcakes

>>>/qresearch/14112601, >>>/qresearch/14112665, >>>/qresearch/14112705 Knowledge

>>>/qresearch/14112638 Quantifiable CLAIM OF THE LIFE VS. FICTIONAL Birth Certificate

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=OKAG-xTL4gk - :CLAIM OF THE LIFE. [Channel: For the QUANTUM-COMMUNITY.]

>>>/qresearch/14112701 ECHOING THROUGH ETERNITY

>>>/qresearch/14112708 Check your medical records, it's not isolated.

>>>/qresearch/14112724 THE SCHOOMIN IS BOOMIN'

>>>/qresearch/14112777 Did you know: Fauxi is a Dinosaur?

>>>/qresearch/14112922 , 17 million gallons of sewage on California beach! 17.

>>>/qresearch/14112965 #17855

(21 notables)


Go here to look at the reposted notables:


Or just visit the wayback machine archive.

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0b6b16  No.71954

File: 34a81752820c32d⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14112990_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14112990 Q Research General #17857: The 'Shadow Boxing' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14113199 Oil climbs on expected further draw in crude inventories

>>>/qresearch/14113259 Is Howard Dean making veiled threats at Trump supporters now?

>>>/qresearch/14113375 Maricopa County Voter Indicted And Accused of Casting a Ballot In Her DEAD Mother’s Name

>>>/qresearch/14113386 Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano Requests Meeting with Joe Biden on Election Fraud During His Stop in Philly Today

>>>/qresearch/14113406 Schweizer: Secret Service Records Validate Authenticity of Hunter’s Emails; Laptop’s Content Confirms “Joe Biden was a Direct Beneficiary” of Son’s Corrupt Deals

>>>/qresearch/14113473 Texas Dems: 'We are not afraid of Abbott'

>>>/qresearch/14113495, >>>/qresearch/14113507 Not much more to say here ~ They indict themselves.

>>>/qresearch/14113524 @JennaEllisEsq Buckle up: the swamp is protecting its own.

>>>/qresearch/14113538 Article about the Twitter thread: Thread Nails Why Trump Supporters Feel The Way They Do About The 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/14113556 Why Congress Should Demand An Audit Of Biden’s Taxes

>>>/qresearch/14113575 Anon notes the telegram fuckery. So, are Gen Flynn & Lin Wood the only legit self-admitted 'namefags' on there at this point? Need Sauce On Legit Telegram Accounts.

>>>/qresearch/14113623 Baltimore: 2 officers shot at Security Square Mall in Woodlawn

>>>/qresearch/14113645 @brianstelter "Restricting internet access has become a tried-and-true method of stifling dissent by authoritarian regimes around the world, alongside government-supported disinformation campaigns and propaganda…"

>>>/qresearch/14113673 ‘Let the Forensic Audit Go’: Donald Trump Issues Urgent Message on Biden’s Plans to Halt Pennsylvania Audit

>>>/qresearch/14113697 (If this '''ISN'T panic….) Texas State Representative Rafael Anchía: "We are not going to buckle to the Big Lie in the state of Texas…"

>>>/qresearch/14113718 Larry elder is in the Ca. governors race

>>>/qresearch/14113725 @tedcruz The Texas Democrats who have pulled this political stunt by flying to Washington, D.C. almost surely had to show ID to get on their jet, yet they’re throwing a fit because they don’t want basic election integrity steps strengthened in Texas.

>>>/qresearch/14113777 All known websites associated with the hacking group REvil are down, multiple cybersecurity experts confirm

>>>/qresearch/14113790 Grennel:; Big news coming out of Ohio Senate race soon….

>>>/qresearch/14113816 Press release put out ahead of news conference . GA fraud proof

>>>/qresearch/14113817 Can't make this shit up: Biological Male “Mother” Attempts To Breastfeed Newborn Birthed By His Biological Female “Boyfriend”

>>>/qresearch/14113849 Some Goldman Sachs numbers for the year so far

>>>/qresearch/14113871 The United States Coast Guard in Miami is monitoring any activity aimed at increasing “unsafe and illegal” crossings between Florida and Cuba in response to rare street protests on the island.

>>>/qresearch/14113925 Anon oped: Nancy created her own private army because the military wouldnt do her bidding

>>>/qresearch/14113927 New York Democrats accuse Chick-fil-A of discrimination, want to ban it from rest stops

>>>/qresearch/14113935 Melinda Gates hits New York City with president-level security

>>>/qresearch/14113941 France Moves to Totalitarian State – End of Tourism Other links re: health reform in France

>>>/qresearch/14113944 Cool, RNC will finally be exposed for the fucking traitors they’ve always been. Ellis tosses some grenades

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b6b16  No.71955


>>>/qresearch/14113948 Stepping up its drive to force Congress, and in particular the 50-50 Senate, to pass voting rights legislation, the Poor People’s Campaign announced July 12 it will launch a month of Moral Mondays.. Does this mean more riots?

>>>/qresearch/14113954, >>>/qresearch/14114039 REPORT: The @FBI Used AT LEAST 12 Co-Conspirators/Undercover In The #Michigan Kidnapping Case.

>>>/qresearch/14113974 Azure woes: Yesterday there were "Major Outages" Reported across a broad range of the internet.

>>>/qresearch/14114007 Inflation highest since 1991 Only a few point pts off of 1970’s inflation rate

>>>/qresearch/14114019 Oped: The Fourth Branch Of Government Just Exposed Itself

>>>/qresearch/14114038, >>>/qresearch/14114055 Scavino retweets, anons talk about it: Faith and Freedom are under attack in America

>>>/qresearch/14114129 #17856 (Shill bread maker's last bread got deleted too.)

>>>/qresearch/14114198 Bv gave warning for the deleteions. Too bad, so sad…

>>>/qresearch/14114224 #17857

(37 notables)

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f1261a  No.72114


so it was you who posted this missing bread?

Bless you blackbook anon, took me a while to figure out what was going on, sorry.

sometimes i come in and all kinds of crazy things are happening, try to figure em out but it takes time.


please feel free to post any other missing breads on the same missing post/missing bread thread.

history matters - let's preserve it.


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a59493  No.72127

File: bbd40aa81b2aea0⋯.png (773.6 KB, 698x559, 698:559, 953c2ab5759186553e90c3b55a….png)




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72128

File: 5c9911525254a8c⋯.jpg (6.55 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 14115055_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14115055 Q Research General #17859: ⚔⛨ Save The World Edition




>>>/qresearch/14115063, >>>/qresearch/14115114, >>>/qresearch/14115136, >>>/qresearch/14115170, >>>/qresearch/14115219, >>>/qresearch/14115228, >>>/qresearch/14115234, >>>/qresearch/14115237, >>>/qresearch/14115388, >>>/qresearch/14115484 Vaccine Passports & Other Foreign & Covid-19 News

>>>/qresearch/14115069 2016 Hillary Clinton's Brother & Rare Gold Mining Permit/Leaked Documents Confirm Clinton Haitian Gold Scheme (8/23/2016)

>>>/qresearch/14115070, >>>/qresearch/14115089, >>>/qresearch/14115116, >>>/qresearch/14115188, >>>/qresearch/14115207, >>>/qresearch/14115240, >>>/qresearch/14115259, >>>/qresearch/14115354 Texas Democrat Responds to Governor’s TX Gov Abbott Threat to Arrest

>>>/qresearch/14115074, >>>/qresearch/14115086, >>>/qresearch/14115087 ‘Global Citizen Live’ 24-Hour Special to Feature BTS, Ed Sheeran, the Weeknd, Lorde, Doja Cat and Dozens More Stars

>>>/qresearch/14115082 Ukraine’s longest-serving minister unexpectedly quit without explanation

>>>/qresearch/14115083 DEA Confirms Former Informant Arrested in Haitian President’s Assassination

>>>/qresearch/14115084, >>>/qresearch/14115115, >>>/qresearch/14115132 HAPPENING NOW: Palmetto Expressway in Miami shut down by protesters to show their support for the people of Cuba

>>>/qresearch/14115098 An Intel Committee Congressman Who Pushed the Russia Collusion Hoax Is Invested In Chinese Communist Party-Led Companies

>>>/qresearch/14115101, >>>/qresearch/14115296, >>>/qresearch/14115349 Found letter, looks like project apario/an ingersol larpwood/mj12 project, is fraudulent conjob "Personal Response to Ty Clevenger.pdf"

>>>/qresearch/14115106, >>>/qresearch/14115125, >>>/qresearch/14115152, >>>/qresearch/14115541, >>>/qresearch/14115682 Mystery Surfside Young Jewish Girl Whose Tehillim Caught Mayor’s Attention Meets with Biden (7/1/21)

>>>/qresearch/14115127, >>>/qresearch/14115178, >>>/qresearch/14115619 ‘Rest in hell to his dead career’: Liberals in meltdown after Mel Gibson seen ‘saluting’ Trump at UFC fight

>>>/qresearch/14115142 Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano Requests Meeting with Joe Biden on Election Fraud During His Stop in Philly Today

>>>/qresearch/14115147 NEW: Prominent philosopher Cornel West resigns his position at Harvard’s Divinity School, citing an “intellectual and spiritual bankruptcy of deep depths.”

>>>/qresearch/14115149 US Cracks Down On China Abuse, Warns American Firms Face Legal Risks Using Forced-Labor Suppliers

>>>/qresearch/14115174 More than 5,500 alleged sex abuse victims of Los Angeles gynecologist to share $73 million payout

>>>/qresearch/14115192, >>>/qresearch/14115334, >>>/qresearch/14115810 Joe Biden Lifts Sanctions on Venezuela, Giving Cuba a Lifeline and Other Fake POTUS Remarks and Ramblings

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=Ka7IP9GTYBk - President Biden Delivers Remarks on Protecting the Sacred, Constitutional Right to Vote [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14115273 FBI Used at Least 12 Informants in Whitmer Kidnapping Case

>>>/qresearch/14115324, >>>/qresearch/14115554 Anon nominates for family movie time: The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal

>>>/qresearch/14115412 Clerks all across Michigan are receiving letters like this from Election Source giving notice for "preventative maintenance" on voting equipment.

>>>/qresearch/14115517 @USNavy: #HonorAndRemember those who suffered at Kålaguak

>>>/qresearch/14115711 PEDO BUN 13 July 21

>>>/qresearch/14115744, >>>/qresearch/14115754 Plane Crashes Into Home In Monterey County, California

>>>/qresearch/14115751 Fmr US Attorney in Pennsylvania Claims Barr Ordered Him to Pass Election Allegations to PA Democrat AG

>>>/qresearch/14115825 @USNavy: The aircraft carrier #USSCarlVinson @CVN70

(24 notables)

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a59493  No.72129

File: c24beb43467b502⋯.png (1020.17 KB, 997x885, 997:885, 14116659_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14116659 Q Research General #17861: Appear Weak When One Is Strong E-Bake Edition




>>>/qresearch/14116678 Can't be having Cuban's coming here explaining communism!

>>>/qresearch/14116697, >>>/qresearch/14116703, >>>/qresearch/14116707, >>>/qresearch/14116758 Ballot Faggotry - Fulton County Georgia & Video! + Texas Vote\Politics Faggotry

>>>/qresearch/14116719 San Francisco Police Gets Real with Citizens amidst the Hype

>>>/qresearch/14116742 China delivered 17 grams of lunar samples brought back by the Chang'e-5 probe to 13 institutions, which applied for research programs to the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

>>>/qresearch/14116785 S-500 Prometheus: 'Killer of F-35' has undergone combat missile trials & is coming soon

>>>/qresearch/14116809 Pedo codes?

>>>/qresearch/14116811 All in a day's work for #Sailors assigned to USS John S. McCain (DDG56). #McCain is assigned to Commander, Task Force 71 and operating in the @US7thFleet to support a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.

>>>/qresearch/14116824 … Racecards for everyone… Trump Supporter Sued By Biden Campaign Staffers For Violating 1871 KKK Act After Escorting Biden Bus Out of Town — Vows to Fight Back and Launches GiveSendGo (Who Really Uses "Token" People…)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=p-iTF2fzWe8 - Trump Supporters Surround Biden Bus. We don't like commies here in TEXAS [Channel: Boonedog Music]

>>>/qresearch/14116828 'Is there a Food 'War' going on? There absolutely is a Food War going on,' Food 'War': Farmers, Ranchers & Our Food Security

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=IiyQrr5wOyc - Food War: Farmers, Ranchers & Our Food Security [Channel: Hive Mind]

>>>/qresearch/14116833 17 million gallons… of Sewage

>>>/qresearch/14116842 'VAERS Data Summary – 7-2-21'

>>>/qresearch/14116854 Judicial Watch Asks Court To Order USPS To Disclose Social Media Snooping Documents

>>>/qresearch/14116856 Former bank CEO convicted of bribery in scheme to land Trump admin job

>>>/qresearch/14116882, >>>/qresearch/14117058 , IlDonaldoTrumpo Tweetos! Ambassador to Shitistan Bill Barr Appointed Earlier Today By ElPresidente IlDonaldoTrumpo

>>>/qresearch/14116883, >>>/qresearch/14116907, >>>/qresearch/14116911 CISA Issues Emergency Directive for Federal Civilian Agencies to Immediately Disable Print Spooler service on Microsoft

>>>/qresearch/14116904 Secret DA Order That's Putting Felons Back on Texas Streets Blasted As 'Misuse of Office'

>>>/qresearch/14116918 COVID Faggotry - Arkansas: …which leads country in new COVID-19 infections per capita, sees biggest increase in cases in five months

>>>/qresearch/14116928, >>>/qresearch/14116983 Looks Like The Evidence Is Demonstrating Haitian President Jovenel Moïse Was Assassinated Before Blowing The Whistle On “Vaccines”

>>>/qresearch/14116935, >>>/qresearch/14116957, >>>/qresearch/14116961 Portions Of Mississippi River Nearing Record Low, May Jeopardize Barge Traffic

>>>/qresearch/14116943 Notable observation but bet they are in hiding anon

>>>/qresearch/14116947 FACT CHECK: Biden Falsely Claims Supreme Court Heard 2020 Election Challenges

>>>/qresearch/14116956 Two men are jailed for life for kidnapping realtor from fake viewing, torturing her then shooting her dead

>>>/qresearch/14116976 TURKEY FLAKES! Biden Recommended!

>>>/qresearch/14116987, >>>/qresearch/14116990 Most Recent, 26.6 - 13.7

>>>/qresearch/14116997, >>>/qresearch/14117017 Training for isolation and quarantine of rural populations + 09' Counterinsurgency Guide

>>>/qresearch/14117002 Are There any There? Smithfield Foods stops slaughtering pigs at U.S. hometown plant

>>>/qresearch/14117015 Former Spy Arrested for Serving as Double Agent for China.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72130


>>>/qresearch/14117057 Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier

>>>/qresearch/14117084 @mikepompeo - This Administration put Climate Change ahead of challenging the Chinese Communist Party. Not good.

>>>/qresearch/14117117 Michigan Attorneys Issue Cease and Desist Letter to Vendor ‘Election Source’ To Prevent Them from Removing Data from Election Machines on the 15th

>>>/qresearch/14117246, >>>/qresearch/14117259 deep dive into NYC subway

>>>/qresearch/14117274 Canada grounds vaxed pilots due to "experimental medical treatment"

>>>/qresearch/14117355 #17859

>>>/qresearch/14117429 #17861

(34 notables)

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a59493  No.72131

File: 0f940ef289047c8⋯.png (509.83 KB, 1646x925, 1646:925, 14117432_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14117432 Q Research General #17862: Basically an ebake with some flair




>>>/qresearch/14117477 40 trafficking arrests in AZ

>>>/qresearch/14117533 Possible multiple scanning of ballots in GA

>>>/qresearch/14117551 Voting machine comp in MI

>>>/qresearch/14117626 Cuba nukes their net to psyop the protests

>>>/qresearch/14117773 George Floyd mural gets struck by lightning

>>>/qresearch/14117797, >>>/qresearch/14117798, >>>/qresearch/14117905 Spanish influence in Cuba circa 1959-1975

>>>/qresearch/14118021 Some faggot's birthday, happy birthday, faggot

>>>/qresearch/14118092 #17862

(8 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72184

File: a22237f6574de48⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14114232_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14114232 Q Research General #17858: The 'Quick n Dirty' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14114248, >>>/qresearch/14114302, >>>/qresearch/14114314, >>>/qresearch/14114597, >>>/qresearch/14114599, >>>/qresearch/14114905 Texas House, voted 76-4 to have the Sergeant of Arms send for all members who are absent

>>>/qresearch/14114251, >>>/qresearch/14114305 "This has absolutely nothing to do with the effectiveness of the vaccine," says Dr. Anthony Fauci

>>>/qresearch/14114256 Austin Steinbart is exposing the MJ12 conjob

>>>/qresearch/14114266, >>>/qresearch/14114941 Democrat Groups Plan To "Fact Check" Private Text Messages

>>>/qresearch/14114276 Miles of California beaches closed after 17M gallons of sewage spills

>>>/qresearch/14114320 Red carpet event coming up?

>>>/qresearch/14114343 Canada Prohibits All Vaxxed Pilots From Flying

>>>/qresearch/14114370 Several Assassins of Haitian President Were US Law Enforcement Informants

>>>/qresearch/14114372, >>>/qresearch/14114384, >>>/qresearch/14114390 POTUS SAID READ THIS

>>>/qresearch/14114382 @US_SpaceCom The world watched in awe this week as @richardbranson

>>>/qresearch/14114393 Good demonstration of a modern flying disk configuration, but certainly not alien technology

>>>/qresearch/14114405, >>>/qresearch/14114470 Smoking gun evidence against Fauci and CDC?

>>>/qresearch/14114408 Mounting Evidence Shows Haitian President Moïse Was Assassinated Before Blowing Whistle on Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/14114501 US Army Elite precision! (Cap 0:35)

>>>/qresearch/14114541 'Help Me Save America': South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem delivers remarks at CPAC 2021

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=GgSS6AMV1UE - 'Help Me Save America': Kristi Noem Says Governors Must Step Up During CPAC 2021 Speech [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/14114548 Discrepancies in 2020 election ballot counts due to 'unforeseen consequences and misfortune,' Windham audit finds

>>>/qresearch/14114564, >>>/qresearch/14114902, >>>/qresearch/14114948 Ashli Elizabeth Pamatian Babbitt

>>>/qresearch/14114605 Texas Trespassing Laws: What You Need to Know

>>>/qresearch/14114621 BOOM! Steve Bannon: Shot Heard Around the World Will Be Karen Fann’s Letter to Maricopa County BOS “I Believe in the Next 10 Days”

>>>/qresearch/14114675 Scavino tweet equals Q drop #1005


>>>/qresearch/14114708 SHOCK REPORT: There Were More COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Last Week in US than COVID-19 Deaths

>>>/qresearch/14114709 Scathing official report finds US Navy is too woke for war because of risk averse, politically correct, control-freak top brass

>>>/qresearch/14114769 D.C. is not a state. Texas is a state. The battle in D.C. was hinted at by.

>>>/qresearch/14114821 Gunowners be careful. Knowing the law can save you from catching some serious charges

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ZnYAxc2BCHU - Young Guns HD Blaze Of Glory Jon Bon Jovi Unoffi [Channel: Mauricio batista de queiroz]

>>>/qresearch/14114853, >>>/qresearch/14114897, >>>/qresearch/14114924 N721AL

>>>/qresearch/14114880 Intel Committee Congressman Peter Welsh Who Pushed The Russia Collusion Hoax Is Invested In Chinese Communist Party-Led Companies

>>>/qresearch/14115201 Israel records more Corona cases than at any time in months, Despite many vaccinated

(28 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72185

File: 07b5c3f9454b110⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14115857_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14115857 Q Research General #17860: The 'EBAKE' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14115879 Chinese police rescue over 2,600 missing and abducted children under Reunion system

>>>/qresearch/14115880 Sri Lanka police arrest 41 including one of their own with links to online sex-trafficking ring

>>>/qresearch/14115891 Texas House votes to send LEOs to fetch the erstwhile democrats

>>>/qresearch/14115892 Fusion Centers Enter Kids As Young As 1 Year Old In Secret Gang Databases

>>>/qresearch/14115897 Covid cleaners NOT cleaning anything. Photo opps only for the government to keep people in fear (Cap 1:34)

>>>/qresearch/14115910 Tomi Lahren: There's 'No Room' in The 'America First Movement' For Those Opposed to Caitlyn Jenner

>>>/qresearch/14115916 World Health Organization Buys 550 Million Doses of Chinese Vaccines That Don't Work

>>>/qresearch/14115924 Dr. Fauci: Two-Year-Olds Should Mask Up

>>>/qresearch/14115935 Luzerne Children And Youth Services Director Arrested for Endangering Children

>>>/qresearch/14115942 How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash You

>>>/qresearch/14115957 Update on Rise of the Moors Members Arrested in MA. Two Face Felony Charges in RI

>>>/qresearch/14115978 Derailing relations? American embassy employee accused of STEALING Russian train station sign & ‘endangering lives of passengers’

>>>/qresearch/14115982 Post-COVID Vaccine Deaths Are Not Being Autopsied – Why?

>>>/qresearch/14115986 No decisions to toughen measures for non-vaccinated individuals in Russia, says Kremlin

>>>/qresearch/14115996 Cuban Regime Critic’s Home Raided by Police in the Middle of a Live Interview

>>>/qresearch/14116022 Doctors Can Vaccinate Kids in DC Without Parental Knowledge

>>>/qresearch/14116047 Joe Biden Says Trump Supporters Are Worse Than Slave-Owning Confederates in Divisive PA Speech

>>>/qresearch/14116051 Tennessee abandons vaccine outreach to minors — not just for COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/14116057 Evidence shows that batches were scanned in several times in Fulton County, GA contrary to what GA’s voting system implementation manager @GabrielSterling tweeted out.

>>>/qresearch/14116058 Chinese spy ship returns to waters off Queensland ahead of Defence's largest war-fighting exercise

>>>/qresearch/14116099 Cuomo on nursing home and hospital deaths " who cares?"

>>>/qresearch/14116143 Madera County, Calif. Sheriff Declares State of Emergency as ‘River Fire’ Explodes In Size

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=riUDPAX28yg - RIVER FIRE: Raw video of firefight near Yosemite National Park with the River Fire [Channel: KPIX CBS SF Bay Area]

>>>/qresearch/14116155 DJT: "Are they already conceding 6 million votes?"

>>>/qresearch/14116206 Trump Releases Letter From Former US Atty Who Says Barr Told Him Not to Investigate Election Cases

>>>/qresearch/14116229 Beirut blast demonstrators get past riot police and tear gas, smash front of minister’s home

>>>/qresearch/14116244 Raytheon’s alleged use of critical race theory in employee training appears to violate US anti-discrimination law, senator says

>>>/qresearch/14116298 Vice Adm. James Malloy, Deputy Commander #CENTCOM and Gen. Lt. Timur Dandybayev, Kazakhstan’s Deputy Minister of Defense met in Tampa, Fla. to discuss strategic security cooperation between the U. S. and #Kazakhstan, July 12.

>>>/qresearch/14116308 Banker convicted of bribery for plot to land Trump administration job

>>>/qresearch/14116332 Facebook fired three engineers a month on average for accessing private data

>>>/qresearch/14116354 Brad Raffensperger's office took $5 million from the Zuckerberg political operation for the 2020 election. Again: collaboration between Dems and GOP establishment at every level.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72186


>>>/qresearch/14116371 Well Well well….. Election source a "voting machine distributor" in Michigan is sending out letters to counties asking to do "preventative maintenance" on the voting machines…

>>>/qresearch/14116380 Top Republican Demands Janet Yellen Testifies About $44 Billion In Unused COVID Funds

>>>/qresearch/14116451 #DYK the #FBI partners with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to combat biological threats?

>>>/qresearch/14116528 Voting group says it has found 'massive errors and provable fraud' in key Georgia county

>>>/qresearch/14116548 Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Kidnapping Conspiracy Charges Against An Iranian Intelligence Officer And Members Of An Iranian Intelligence Network

>>>/qresearch/14116553 Cuba Accused Of Using Chinese Tech Systems To Block Internet Access Amid Protests

>>>/qresearch/14116558 Inmates in NY being offered parties, food, conjugal visits, more to take part in ‘health initiative’ if they get covid jab

>>>/qresearch/14116615 Special agents arrested a California man on federal child pornography charges alleging he paid impoverished Filipino boys to film sex acts.

(38 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72188

File: 5f606f952a4dc57⋯.png (510.63 KB, 1647x926, 1647:926, 14118195_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14118195 Q Research General #17863: Happy Birthday Faggot




>>>/qresearch/14118296 Death toll in Chinese hotel collapse raised to 17 as search and rescue mission ends

>>>/qresearch/14118371 Minnesota State Rep. Accused Officer of Racial Profiling, Police Chief Releases Video and Demands Apology

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=WZ5QOUIknA4 - SPPD releases body cam video from Rep. John Thompson traffic stop [Channel: KARE 11]

>>>/qresearch/14118384 Sebelius: Unvaccinated Americans Should Not Be Allowed to Work, Have Access to Children

>>>/qresearch/14118392 Report: Kushner Family ‘Cozying Up’ to Nikki Haley with Private Luncheons

>>>/qresearch/14118528, >>>/qresearch/14118542, >>>/qresearch/14118747 USN: All in a day's work for #Sailors assigned to USS John S. McCain

>>>/qresearch/14118540 California reverses policy that maskless children be banned from entering public schools, ending mandate hours after it began

>>>/qresearch/14118590 Democrats To Ram $3.5T Biden Agenda Through Senate Without Bipartisan Support As Inflation Skyrockets

>>>/qresearch/14118646 Group of 16 House Republicans send a letter to the National Security Agency demanding information about allegations the agency illegally spied on Tucker Carlson

>>>/qresearch/14118740 Conjunction junction, what’s your function?

>>>/qresearch/14118781 ARIZONA AUDIT: Discrepancies Found – Ballot Totals Do Not Match – More Results Expected WITHIN 48 HOURS

>>>/qresearch/14118908 January 6 inmates endure ‘human rights violations on a daily basis,’ bail motion alleges

>>>/qresearch/14119024 Armstrong oped: Why They Need to Destroy Everything

>>>/qresearch/14119074, >>>/qresearch/14119084 Eating each other: The MJ12 / Ingersol Lockwood / B / Babyfist / Project Apario Larp has been confirmed by Austin Steinbart, and he wants nothing to do with them

>>>/qresearch/14119128 An appeals court has ruled that a federal law banning licensed firearms dealers from selling handguns to young adults between age 18 and 21 is unconstitutional

(14 notables)

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a59493  No.72189

File: 522e9e8362ac3c8⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14119124_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14119124 Q Research General #17864: The 'Gravey Shift' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14119201 Chuck Schumer, the Democrats' leader in the Senate, just announced that Democrats have united behind a $3.5 trillion "infrastructure" spending package

>>>/qresearch/14119261 DOJ: Iranian Intelligence Officials Indicted on Kidnapping Conspiracy Charges

>>>/qresearch/14119264 #17863 posted in #17864

>>>/qresearch/14119321, >>>/qresearch/14119456, >>>/qresearch/14119468 Sebelius dig

>>>/qresearch/14119442 #17858 posted in #17864. TY notetaker o7

>>>/qresearch/14119490 Navy Brass Focused More on Wokeness than Warfighting: GOP Report

>>>/qresearch/14119579 #17860 posted in #17864

>>>/qresearch/14119585 Plane Crashes Into House Near Monterey Regional Airport

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=zbLIDoJOgQE - Plane Crashes Into House Near Monterey Regional Airport [Channel: KPIX CBS SF Bay Area]

>>>/qresearch/14119587, >>>/qresearch/14119600 AG Barr dig: Attorney General Bill Barr’s DOJ plane [N721AL] was very busy in the weeks after the election.

>>>/qresearch/14119594 You know you’re in trouble when the temp agency affirmative action diversity hires managing your election fraud come under the microscope.

>>>/qresearch/14119631, >>>/qresearch/14119641, >>>/qresearch/14119643, >>>/qresearch/14119654 Fulton Ballot dig: Here are more ways to download the Fulton county ballot images:

>>>/qresearch/14119634 If proven by the audit, will AG Brnovich also indict those responsible for the “alleged” fraud of X numbers of ballots in AZ?

>>>/qresearch/14119649, >>>/qresearch/14119652, >>>/qresearch/14119669, >>>/qresearch/14119705 The tides have turned. What is Benford’s law? Who are the “HAPPY FACES”?

>>>/qresearch/14119656 Gangsters Outnumber Cops 10:1 in Chicago Officers are fleeing the force

>>>/qresearch/14119692 This number looks familiar.

>>>/qresearch/14119703 UK detectives make record £180 million cryptocurrency seizure

>>>/qresearch/14119729, >>>/qresearch/14119737, >>>/qresearch/14119760, >>>/qresearch/14119764, >>>/qresearch/14119776 Newly Released Evidence Reveals GA Audit Fraud And Massive Errors. Petitions are in motion. Fraudulent Data Was On GA SoS Website

>>>/qresearch/14119731, >>>/qresearch/14119746 In 2 days #Michigan Election Officials are about to "memory compromise" all their voting machines. Many think this violates US Code 52 20-701 This must NOT happen while challenges are in place.

>>>/qresearch/14119802 Stunning New Claims: Georgia Election Riddled With Provable Fraud

>>>/qresearch/14119808 Michigan Attorneys Issue Cease and Desist Letter to Vendor ‘Election Source’ To Prevent Them from Removing Data from Election Machines on the 15th

>>>/qresearch/14119817, >>>/qresearch/14119847 Earlier tonight, Dan Scavino was following 872 peeps.

>>>/qresearch/14119897 #17864

(22 notables)

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a59493  No.72249

File: e9bdc223a896cd2⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14119913_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14119913 Q Research General #17865: The 'Playing To Win' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14119966, >>>/qresearch/14119967, >>>/qresearch/14119978 "Programs Exist That...".

>>>/qresearch/14120030 CODEMONKEYz: Remember when Lance Armstrong was the most popular bicycle racer of all time and ran seven consecutive perfect races? Remember when it was proven he cheated? Remember when they stripped him of all his titles? Fraud vitiates everything.

>>>/qresearch/14120031 CODEMONKEYz: Here are more ways to download the Fulton county ballot images:

>>>/qresearch/14120042, >>>/qresearch/14120046 WATCH: President Trump discusses letter from US Attorney McSwain revealing Bill Barr would not allow him to investigate Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/14120055, >>>/qresearch/14120100 Michigan Attorneys DePerno and Lambert Issue Cease and Desist Letter to Prevent Imminent Data Deletion by Dominion Vendor + New Lawsuit ForthcomingTGP

>>>/qresearch/14120058, >>>/qresearch/14120083, >>>/qresearch/14120101 This is the look you give when the numbers don't match.

>>>/qresearch/14120096, >>>/qresearch/14120523 Newly Released Evidence Reveals GA Audit Fraud And Massive Errors

>>>/qresearch/14120103, >>>/qresearch/14120108 It worked so well for the EU doe... NOT! United States should accommodate "millions of refugees" who will be forced to flee "effects of a changing climate," according to a study by the George Soros-funded Refugees International advocacy group.

>>>/qresearch/14120105, >>>/qresearch/14120257 Arizona Audit Update: New Machines In Use With New Equipment

>>>/qresearch/14120119 CNN’s Gergen: ‘Crazy’ Trump Is ‘More Dangerous’ Than Nixon — He ‘Could Bring the Whole System Down’

>>>/qresearch/14120122, >>>/qresearch/14120245, >>>/qresearch/14120247 Texas Senate passes voting bill despite Democrats fleeing the state

>>>/qresearch/14120128 January 6 inmates endure ‘human rights violations on a daily basis,’ bail motion alleges, D.C. Jail effectively bans attorney-client privilege for January 6 defendants, claim lawyers for accused Capitol rioter.

>>>/qresearch/14120134, >>>/qresearch/14120193, >>>/qresearch/14120264 Report: More vaccine deaths last week than COVID-19 deaths 'The fact that they're offering money to take, tells me that something is wrong' - Tennessee's former top vaccinations official, Dr. Michelle Fiscus, says the state’s elected leaders put politics over the health of children by firing her for her efforts to get more Tennesseans vaccinated. Only 38% of Tennesseans are fully vaccinated.

>>>/qresearch/14120139, >>>/qresearch/14120154 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani concedes his government won’t secure the revival of a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in its last few weeks & Perhaps Why?

>>>/qresearch/14120144 TWA 800: 25 Years of Deep State Deception

>>>/qresearch/14120149 Pope Francis has arrived at the Vatican 10 days after undergoing intestinal surgery. He got out of a car at the side gate to greet well-wishers.

>>>/qresearch/14120192, >>>/qresearch/14120282, >>>/qresearch/14120387, >>>/qresearch/14120394 They know Cubans won’t fall for the Democrat Party’s socialist policies so they won’t let them in.

>>>/qresearch/14120204, >>>/qresearch/14120227 Whitmer Kidnap Plot Defendant Demands Info on the DOZEN FBI Informants and Paid 'Snitches' Involved & Michigan Legislature Rulings

>>>/qresearch/14120213 Marjorie Taylor Greene Chides QAnon Over Trump August Claim: 'Careful Who You Believe'

>>>/qresearch/14120235 California school district will spend $40M making 'ethnic studies' MANDATORY for high school students sparking a woke gold rush for consultants who charge $1,500 an HOUR to train teachers in CRT

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72250


>>>/qresearch/14120279 When Commies Speak: Whether or not you’re going to watch tonight’s baseball All-Star Game, consider that they may have broken up a planned mass shooting there. And ask yourself: why doesn’t the 2nd Amendment have the word “own” in it?

>>>/qresearch/14120290 The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is part way through a world tour...

>>>/qresearch/14120297 Facebook reportedly fired 52 employees who were caught spying on users

>>>/qresearch/14120309 "MuhJoos..."

>>>/qresearch/14120317, >>>/qresearch/14120353 ? BlackRock profit beats estimates as assets reach $9.49 trillion

>>>/qresearch/14120318, >>>/qresearch/14120342 Tucker Carlson Teases Evidences... Fulton County...

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=jygYLvLuQVA - Biden rips Trump's 'big lie' in voting rights address [Channel: The Hill]

>>>/qresearch/14120325, >>>/qresearch/14120450 "Voter Fraud Proof"

>>>/qresearch/14120334 Stupid is Stupid... "It's not clear whether for most people you will need a third shot. You might get durability out of two shots in a younger population … what we're really talking about is a vulnerable population where you want maximal protection," says @ScottGottliebMD on a booster.

>>>/qresearch/14120361 BE THE UPGRADE Verizon 5g Push "That's Damn Important"

>>>/qresearch/14120401, >>>/qresearch/14120713 Brazil's President Bolsonaro hospitalized.

>>>/qresearch/14120415, >>>/qresearch/14120429 ?UK PM Johnson announces football ban for online racists.?

>>>/qresearch/14120443 Ronna claimed the RNC is “working hard” to support election integrity and the audits.

>>>/qresearch/14120461, >>>/qresearch/14120532 Maricopa County Voting to Replace Dominion Machines Tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/14120476 CodeMonkeyZ: The “facts” of the left don’t stand up to free speech and logic. They can only progress their narrative through censorship.

>>>/qresearch/14120511 Twitter Admits to Verifying Fake Accounts as Conservatives Dropped

>>>/qresearch/14120550, >>>/qresearch/14120562 Flynn: COVID-19 &ndash; The Other Side Of VACCINES

>>>/qresearch/14120572 COMMS? We going back to the dust bowl days? Never seen this before…

>>>/qresearch/14120574 Antrim County election management systems accessed remotely?

>>>/qresearch/14120592 No Guns cept tuh pruhtekt muh tyranny! Georgia Secretary Of State Sending Armed Representatives Into Polling Stations During Today’s Special Election To Intimidate Poll Managers, Staff

>>>/qresearch/14120619 France's Not Gonna Take it!

>>>/qresearch/14120631 "Zuchongzhi" Record-Breaking Chinese Supercomputer Marks New Quantum Supremacy Milestone

>>>/qresearch/14120643 When you're sending bullshit feel-good messages to liberals v. when you're in power:

>>>/qresearch/14120652 ...Stacey Abrams nominated for Emmy for ‘black-ish’ voiceover role of 1 minute....

>>>/qresearch/14120670 he Florida Board of Education on Wednesday will consider adopting a wide-ranging overhaul of curriculum standards across multiple subjects in public schools, including guidelines for teaching civics and government courses and Holocaust education.

>>>/qresearch/14120693 So it begins... U.S. State Department invites U.N. racism investigators to visit U.S.

>>>/qresearch/14120722 Horowitz: Has New York City become a sanctuary for sexual predators?

(46 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72251

File: 5bfd1346bf021f4⋯.png (1020.17 KB, 997x885, 997:885, 14120775_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14120775 Q Research General #17866: Winning While AFK E-Bake Edition




>>>/qresearch/14120791 Floyd Mural Struck By LIGHTNING! Some You Tube video

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=v2IkkkOPSk0 - George Floyd Mural Destroyed After Being Struck By Lightning [Channel: Salty Cracker]

>>>/qresearch/14120824 Member Wen Dey Said It was Only Two Shots, One Vax, One Booster? Anons Member...

>>>/qresearch/14120832, >>>/qresearch/14120834 Nancy's Peach Mint Praetorians

>>>/qresearch/14120857 Buht Muh Facts... Good catch Steve - Yeah and WAPO gave up fact checking Biteass at least two months ago

>>>/qresearch/14120867, >>>/qresearch/14121130, >>>/qresearch/14121220 South Africkan Warzone Pray.

>>>/qresearch/14120874, >>>/qresearch/14120926 Michigan Voter Manipulation Faggotry? Gerrymandering?

>>>/qresearch/14120892 North Carolina county launches 'doses to doors' vaccine campaign

>>>/qresearch/14120907, >>>/qresearch/14121407 HEINOUS! Should they go through the Southern Border???? Maybe Then...

>>>/qresearch/14120932 Clarence Thomas shuts down challenge to CDC transportation mask mandate

>>>/qresearch/14120935 A Citizen?s Thoughts... "There’s a prevailing feeling among many Americans that the left has gone too far and that we no longer live in a society where people are treated equally"

>>>/qresearch/14120954 SPOT THE BOTwatch

>>>/qresearch/14120956 Planefagging Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 7 13 21

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=x4YxxWbT_Gc - Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 7 13 21 [Channel: Monkey Werx US]

>>>/qresearch/14120965 ...This ANTIFA guy got released from jail.

>>>/qresearch/14120967 Cuba, Electricity was cut last night. Internet was cut today. These steps should surprise no one

>>>/qresearch/14120979 Proof(s)

>>>/qresearch/14120980 At least 1,146 people died while attempting to reach Europe by sea during the first six months of 2021, the U.N. migration agency said in a report on Wednesday...

>>>/qresearch/14120984 Breath THIS AIR Instead... Irish Grandmother jailed for 90 days over refusal to wear face mask

>>>/qresearch/14120985 "Looking Back..."

>>>/qresearch/14120988, >>>/qresearch/14121132 ...tucker talking about democrats as shills, he has definitely been here on the board...

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=BCl8i5unIpw - Tucker mocks 'truly heroic' Texas Democratic fugitives [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/14120993, >>>/qresearch/14121369 Payseur Shill Returns Kek.

>>>/qresearch/14120995 Plane Crashes Into House Near Monterey Regional Airport PB NOTABLE

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=zbLIDoJOgQE - Plane Crashes Into House Near Monterey Regional Airport [Channel: KPIX CBS SF Bay Area]

>>>/qresearch/14120997 Producer Price Inflation spikes to 7.3%…that’s food, gas, electricity, the stuff you buy everyday.

>>>/qresearch/14120998, >>>/qresearch/14121232, >>>/qresearch/14121261, >>>/qresearch/14121347 Cyber Attacker Notes? "In Game AI Games Gamers, increase sales of virtual article by 2000% in real world test on major gaming platform."

>>>/qresearch/14121024 Joosie Molliet Returns to Court Today

>>>/qresearch/14121036, >>>/qresearch/14121082 Pathetic. Bill Barr Runs to WaPo for Cover After President Trump Releases Letter of Him Bailing on Pennsylvania Election Fraud Probe

>>>/qresearch/14121058 ?Received an email from Dominion Voting alerting to an interview of their CEO John Poulos w/none other than Chris Krebs - who repeatedly uses "The Big Lie"?

>>>/qresearch/14121059 This doesnt make any sense at all... In just over a Month FL Orange County now feeling the heat and requires Masks again indoors:

>>>/qresearch/14121083 Reasons to tax new currencies - "Nuclear Bitcoin"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72252


>>>/qresearch/14121093 This is insane - Olivia Rodrigo is stopping by the White House today with a clear message to young people: get vaccinated. It’s the best way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from the dangerous new COVID-19 variants. Head to (Bullshit Link) to find a clinic near you.

>>>/qresearch/14121143 #17865\1

>>>/qresearch/14121144 #17865\2

>>>/qresearch/14121147, >>>/qresearch/14121216 Faggots attempt to confuse but only confuse themselves! "Looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+.." Probably all shills. Shills.

>>>/qresearch/14121148 Hahahaha Sexist Pig. So we are the cure? Douches Clean... So...

>>>/qresearch/14121174 Rep. Sharon Har to appear in court for alleged drunk driving arrest

>>>/qresearch/14121194 BREAKING: Government Elections Agency (EAC) Quietly Drops Language Banning Voting Equipment from Connecting to Internet

>>>/qresearch/14121210, >>>/qresearch/14121402, >>>/qresearch/14121449 PB Flynn: Center For Medical Freedom + KNOW THE FACTS BEFORE U VAX!

>>>/qresearch/14121230 John McAfee’s wife releases suicide note she believes is fake

>>>/qresearch/14121248 Tokyo archbishop asks Olympic athletes not to visit Catholic churches during games

>>>/qresearch/14121274 Here come the Tax increases

>>>/qresearch/14121297 COMMS? How Do You Solve an Extinction Mystery? Put a Tiny Computer on a Snail.

>>>/qresearch/14121315 Norwegian Cruise Lines is suing Florida after the state banned vaccine passports, saying it cannot safely resume sailings without ensuring passengers and crew are vaccinated against COVID-19.

>>>/qresearch/14121317 Indiana Teen Has Graduation Speech Confiscated - Dad Forcibly Removed After Confronting School Board

>>>/qresearch/14121319 Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro on Wednesday is announcing the launch of a Police Misconduct Database:

>>>/qresearch/14121320 It's Too Late... Give Up. Maricopa County BOS is rushing to buy more machines from Dominion before the audit results are released. Item 108 and 109 on today’s agenda:

>>>/qresearch/14121328 Who Is Lawyer Ken Starr?

>>>/qresearch/14121354 ...Look at Israel now the most vaccinated country in the world. No statistical difference in cases between vaccinated and unvaccinated. But and it's a big but, over double the hospitalisations in vaccinated versus unvaccinated!...

>>>/qresearch/14121371 MASSIVE evidence of treason coming out of Georgia!

>>>/qresearch/14121398, >>>/qresearch/14121433 John Basham... "Insurrectionist"? Hell No, PATRIOT! You Pinheads!.. +

>>>/qresearch/14121412 Recently released e-mails show that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew key facts about the origins of COVID-19 in January 2020. But at that critical time, when the country was first learning about the virus, Dr. Fauci chose not to share the facts with Americans. Instead, he acted to conceal them.

>>>/qresearch/14121413 Member Dis? When Dems and Media Called Biden Confused, Cognitively Declining and Out Of Touch... Member when he was the JOKE of The Obama Presidency? Anons Member...

>>>/qresearch/14121414 A former U.S. Attorney blew the whistle on a purported directive he received from then Attorney General William Barr not to pursue or raise public awareness about election fraud cases. McSwain sent the letter to Donald Trump, who released it. Barr has now run to the Washington Post to “rebuke” the claim.

>>>/qresearch/14121422 BREAKING: The Biden administration announces it will begin evacuation flights in late July for Afghans who aided the U.S. military.

>>>/qresearch/14121426 Unlawful Acts by Tyrannical Government - My thread on “Lego Man” hearing.Prosecutor claims she can’t think of a “more serious danger to the community” than Robert Morss—Army ranger, 3 tours in Afghanistan, Penn State grad, high school history teacher. Biden’s DOJ wants him in jail until his trial starts next year:

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72253


>>>/qresearch/14121453, >>>/qresearch/14121468 Old S.A. info...

>>>/qresearch/14121464 Define Gaslighting - Democrats.

>>>/qresearch/14121501 #17866\1

>>>/qresearch/14121504 #17866\2

(57 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72270

File: 1011f805f0a484c⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 14121521_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14121521 Q Research General #17867: The Winning Will Continue Eternally Edition



>>>/qresearch/14121566, >>>/qresearch/14121640, >>>/qresearch/14121829, >>>/qresearch/14121974, >>>/qresearch/14122135 National Protests in France + COMMS?

>>>/qresearch/14121602 This afternoon, I’ll be meeting with a bipartisan group of governors and mayors to discuss the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. They know firsthand the need to rebuild our nation’s crumbling infrastructure — and together, we’ll get it done.

>>>/qresearch/14121607, >>>/qresearch/14121611 JIM WATKINS ON THE BIG PICTURE OF FREE SPEECH AND PLACES LIKE 8KUN AND GAB !! NOTE: There is also a video of jim speaking which last 108 minutes at the bottom of the link

>>>/qresearch/14121619, >>>/qresearch/14121673, >>>/qresearch/14121937 McSwain comes out punching to Barr’s WAPO statement

>>>/qresearch/14121625, >>>/qresearch/14121659 "…said U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss for the Southern District of New York. “Among this country’s most cherished freedoms is the right to speak one’s mind without fear of government reprisal…"

>>>/qresearch/14121644, >>>/qresearch/14121688 ,Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America:"The news coming out of Georgia is beyond incredible." ... Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming ... "Will the Attorney General of Georgia Chris Carr finally act?"

>>>/qresearch/14121657, >>>/qresearch/14121685, >>>/qresearch/14121692, >>>/qresearch/14121724 The forgotten men and woman of the "COVID Pandemic"

>>>/qresearch/14121693, >>>/qresearch/14121807 Former Seahawk Richard Sherman arrested for burglary; domestic violence

>>>/qresearch/14121718, >>>/qresearch/14121722 Facebook Data Centers in Utah?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=PYckFoBx7og - Facebook data center opens in Eagle Mountain [Channel: FOX 13 News Utah]

>>>/qresearch/14121750 Spain’s first Covid lockdown was unconstitutional, court rules

>>>/qresearch/14121758 Green Barret Material?

>>>/qresearch/14121759 Man arrested over racist social media post after Euros final

>>>/qresearch/14121760 ,Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America:"The press is corrupt in this Country. They refuse to report on the many cases of election irregularities and outright fraud. They are an embarrassment to our Country!"

>>>/qresearch/14121763 Secret Society Faggotry You Tube video

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=eDrscByKEUQ - Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies [Channel: Amazing Discoveries]

>>>/qresearch/14121787 THREAD: Renegade, VICTOR and Ciphers

>>>/qresearch/14121806, >>>/qresearch/14121821 Learning While Leading Cinema - Self-reflection and interactions with students are taking @HQAirUniversity’s Squadron Officer School to the next level. Check it out!

>>>/qresearch/14121813, >>>/qresearch/14121820, >>>/qresearch/14121823, >>>/qresearch/14121961 "We Have The IPs..." Video\Audio of you caught in the act or plotting. Give It Up. You have been Had. It's Over.

>>>/qresearch/14121825 The Media-Appointed "Spiritual Leader" of the Baseless Conspiracy KoolAide Cult Known as "Muh Qannonnerz" Discovered and Outed as White Supremacist Infiltrator to the Movement.

>>>/qresearch/14121827 REVEALED: Trump's DOJ sought emails of three Washington Post reporters just a day before Bill Barr resigned as AG.. Maybe they had reason to...

>>>/qresearch/14121834, >>>/qresearch/14121845 Muh

>>>/qresearch/14121861 Who Controls Biden, muh You Tube

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=dlZ3GIPZ2Ag - Who Controls Joe Biden? [Channel: Mr Reagan]

>>>/qresearch/14121875 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/14121902 Who Dis?

>>>/qresearch/14121964 Hard Evidence Presented: Duplicate Ballots were Counted in Fulton County Georgia in 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/14121965 U.S. NAVY: Target Practice, Practice, Practice...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72271


>>>/qresearch/14121968 Cuban Government Took Citizen Incomes from Banks

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=a0H3kIiwyq8 - Update on ! [Channel: Zay speak truth]

>>>/qresearch/14121975, >>>/qresearch/14122047 U.S. Marines: Lt. Gen. Carl Mundy III, commanding general of @USMARCENT, center, visits #Marines with @24thMEUMarines during theater amphibious combat rehearsals (TACR) at Camp Titin, Jordan. TACR integrates @USNavy and Marine Corps assets to exercise key combat-related capabilities.

>>>/qresearch/14121990 Facebook Targets Lina Khan With Attempt To Sabotage FTC Antitrust Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/14122000 Over 70 Killed As South Africa "Crumbles" Despite Military Intervention

>>>/qresearch/14122019 U.S. Navy: #Sailors assigned to #NavyRegionHawaii conducted funerals for former #USSOklahoma Sailors Bandmaster James B. Booe & Seaman 1st Class Camillus M. O’Grady, June 1, 2021. Booe & O'Grady were recently identified by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA).

>>>/qresearch/14122044 There Is No Step 5.

>>>/qresearch/14122062 The proposal, known as the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, would “repair damage done by the War on Drugs—especially in communities of color."

>>>/qresearch/14122073 Amazon acquires Facebook's ENTIRE internet satellite team

>>>/qresearch/14122077 Twitter Says Government Demands To Remove Tweets From Journalists, News Outlets Jump 26%

>>>/qresearch/14122099 Lowenstein Lambastes Larry Fink: 'Activist' BlackRock & The Demise Of Shareholder Democracy

>>>/qresearch/14122109 Social media sites will be slapped with fines if they do not remove racist abuse online, UK prime minister pledges

>>>/qresearch/14122110 Fauci Durham NC Connection

>>>/qresearch/14122124 Horowitz: Israeli government data shows natural immunity from infection much stronger than vaccine-induced immunity

>>>/qresearch/14122139 FCC Votes to Finalize Program to Replace Huawei Equipment in US Networks

>>>/qresearch/14122141 Jussie Smollett maintains innocence as he heads into court on renewed charges


>>>/qresearch/14122161 Russian Mission Vienna: July 1️4️, 2021 marks 6️ years since the conclusion of the #JCPOA.

>>>/qresearch/14122174, >>>/qresearch/14122182, >>>/qresearch/14122202 Shameful! Britain Makes Vaccine Mandatory for Care Workers

>>>/qresearch/14122180, >>>/qresearch/14122272 Paranoid much? MI5 boss to urge Britons to be on alert over 'hostile spying from China, Russia'

>>>/qresearch/14122218 Biden Declares Civil War After Federal Court Overturns 1960s Gun Ban And Vaccine Death Toll Nears 25,000

>>>/qresearch/14122251 Jill Biden Appears on Sesame Street to Promote “Race Literacy” to Little Children

>>>/qresearch/14122275 USDA Attacks Amish Farmers Selling REAL Food to Protect Corporate Industrial Farming

>>>/qresearch/14122285 NZ Gov: “We are the only source of Truth. Don’t listen to anyone else. We will tell you how to think.”

>>>/qresearch/14122317 Maricopa Board of Supervisors to Vote Today on the Purchase of New Voting Machines – Let Them Know How You Feel at Link Below

>>>/qresearch/14122321 LEAKED MEMO: George Soros Funding BLM to Nationalize Police

>>>/qresearch/14122340 EU unveils sweeping climate change plan

>>>/qresearch/14122342 FLASHBACK: Media Enabled Castro’s Brutal Communist Regime

>>>/qresearch/14122360 "They are destroying our country" EPA Knew Fracking Chemicals Were Toxic, But Approved Them Anyway

>>>/qresearch/14122380 Activists sue federal agency over voting system guidelines

>>>/qresearch/14122383 America is now in the midst of a communist revolution that is trying to centralize power through bringing every element of the U.S. government, from the lowest levels to the top, under the control of the executive branch, said author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon.

>>>/qresearch/14122388 320 Killed in New Fighting in Central Yemen

>>>/qresearch/14122396 #17867\1

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72272


>>>/qresearch/14122398 #17867\2

(58 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72331

File: aff4c5a925b44b5⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1142x786, 571:393, 14122415_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14122415 Q Research General #17868: Audits Audits Audits Edition




>>>/qresearch/14122457 Judicial Watch: New VA Records Document COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reports among Veterans; Agency Withholds Detailed Reports; CRT Wording in Vaccine Plan

>>>/qresearch/14122460 Drug-overdose deaths in the U.S. rose by nearly 30% in 2020, synthetic opioids primarily to blame

>>>/qresearch/14122472 State board votes 4-0 to certify petition to revoke Michigan Gov. Whitmer emergency powers - The Unlock Michigan petition now heads to the GOP-led Legislature for expected enactment.

>>>/qresearch/14122487 Terry McAuliffe Fundraises for Virginia Dem Who Served Time for Pedophilia\Underage sex??

>>>/qresearch/14122490 Hasn't it been... Afghanistan Withdrawal a Mistake, May Lead to 'Unspeakable Harm' for Women, Bush Says

>>>/qresearch/14122503, >>>/qresearch/14122505 Cannabis Equity & Inclusion Community

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=FOFc1VaVV-o - Cannabis grab-and-go lockers coming to dispensaries in Las Vegas [Channel: FOX5 Las Vegas]

>>>/qresearch/14122511 "Careful what you ask for" Illhan

>>>/qresearch/14122524, >>>/qresearch/14122579 Dan "The Commando" Scavino RT's Braveheart

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=hIvRkjOd1f8 - Braveheart: Freedom Speech [Channel: FoxHomeEntertainment UK]

>>>/qresearch/14122525 Aerial Images Expose Illegal Oil Trafficking Between Kurdish Forces, Turkey’s Proxies In Syria

>>>/qresearch/14122538, >>>/qresearch/14122992 A homoeopathic doctor in California became the first person in the United States to face federal charges over fake COVID-19 immunizations and falsified coronavirus vaccine cards.

>>>/qresearch/14122546 Media Release 'Fact Checks' On InfoLib Article Highlighting Biden Kneeling Before Israeli Prez

>>>/qresearch/14122559 Architect of the Century’s Biggest Tax Scheme Arrested in Switzerland

>>>/qresearch/14122562 SEC Announces $97 Million Enforcement Action Against TIAA Subsidiary for Violations in Retirement Rollover Recommendations

>>>/qresearch/14122568, >>>/qresearch/14122590 Faggotry

>>>/qresearch/14122580 NASA has identified the possible cause of the problem with the payload computer that suspended science operations on June 13 and has approved plans to switch to backup hardware. These activities will begin tomorrow, July 15.

>>>/qresearch/14122585 Judge Rules Newsom Can’t Label Himself a Democrat on Recall Ballot

>>>/qresearch/14122586, >>>/qresearch/14122755 US Border Patrol, FURA Seize Cocaine Haul Worth $4.6 Million near Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico & Large Coast Guard Haul

>>>/qresearch/14122592, >>>/qresearch/14122600, >>>/qresearch/14122602, >>>/qresearch/14122608, >>>/qresearch/14122627, >>>/qresearch/14122640, >>>/qresearch/14123037, >>>/qresearch/14123049, >>>/qresearch/14123059 Justice.gov Wrapup Bun

>>>/qresearch/14122604 NEW - Fed central banker Powell: "You wouldn’t need stablecoins, you wouldn’t need cryptocurrencies if you had a digital U.S. currency."

>>>/qresearch/14122611, >>>/qresearch/14122713, >>>/qresearch/14123048 Olivia Rodrigo: Let's Get Vaccinated!

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=8LHmIr19UuQ - Olivia Rodrigo: Let's Get Vaccinated! [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14122619 What is Happening in South Carolina?

>>>/qresearch/14122631 Although I support his message of freedom for Cubans, he seems more passionate about representing Cubans than Floridians and other Americans.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=pkORrPkO9Q0 - Senator Rubio Delivers Floor Speech Addressing the Political Protests in Cuba [Channel: Senator Marco Rubio]

>>>/qresearch/14122638 Why California’s Governor Is Facing a Recall Election

>>>/qresearch/14122652 Human Trafficking Racket: Sex-change Racket by Assam Transgenders Unearthed, 6 Arrested

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72332


>>>/qresearch/14122654 IlDonaldoTrumpo Tweetos..Twice?

>>>/qresearch/14122660, >>>/qresearch/14122719 The king of #SouthAfrica's Zulu community, the country's largest ethnic group, on Wednesday called for 'peace' and an end to unrest after six days of looting left scores of dead and battered the economy While more troops are called up

>>>/qresearch/14122682 Vernon Jones Calls for Resignation of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for Certifying ‘Fraudulent Election’

>>>/qresearch/14122705 Canada Court Grants Spy Agency New Sweeping Powers to Run Operations in Foreign Countries

>>>/qresearch/14122707, >>>/qresearch/14122741 Democrats divided on Cuba response following anti-regime protests

>>>/qresearch/14122711 Wanted: Information about corporate registration of Inbrain Neuroelectronics headquarted in Barcelona, Spain

>>>/qresearch/14122721 WEF Admits: Covid Hoax is Pretext for Communist World Tyranny

>>>/qresearch/14122723 Add to resignations list: Max Hodak, co-founder of Neuralink

>>>/qresearch/14122758 U.S. NEWSHouse Republicans Send Letter To NSA Demanding Info On Tucker Carlson Spying Claims Reps demand “A full explanation of when the Agency understands it is lawful to monitor, surveil, collect, unmask, or receive data on a US citizen without a court order”

>>>/qresearch/14122760 2 Found Dead In Hotel Room At Former Miami Beach Versace Mansion

>>>/qresearch/14122765 "Infiltration, Not Invasion..." NAACP pledges to bail Texas Dems out of jail if they’re arrested for fleeing the state to tank bill

>>>/qresearch/14122774 Unhinged Keith Olbermann: 'Holy’ 2nd Amendment 'Does NOT Authorize Gun Ownership'

>>>/qresearch/14122782 Here’s What Happened at Cyber Polygon – And You’re Not Going to Like It

>>>/qresearch/14122822, >>>/qresearch/14123002 MOAR AUDITS! MI Attorney’s Explosive Interview: “We have proof that ‘Election Source’ was accessing machines and that the election was subverted”…”Votes were switched”

>>>/qresearch/14122829 Expansion of the Supreme Court is really a threat against "conservatives" on the Court: stay in line or there will be changes.

>>>/qresearch/14122837, >>>/qresearch/14122868 What is the Link Between COVID-19 Shots, Cancer and HIV?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=OZbRcCJIhfs - Covid-19 Shots, Cancer and HIV [Channel: Dr. Sam Bailey]

>>>/qresearch/14122856 Why does the Texas Republican Party seemingly never have any money? Does that make sense in a “Red state”? How much of the millions of dollars Trump supporters gave right after the election to investigate fraud was

>>>/qresearch/14122862 The Criminalization of Color. "Marihuana The Gateway Drug that Leads White Women to Proliferate with Niggers and Mexicans!" SCHUMER: “The war on drugs has really been a war on people, particularly people of color.” By the way Textiles profited also upon criminalization...

>>>/qresearch/14122900 Powerplant at Seneca Lake, Finger Lakes, mines Bitcoins. Warms lake for profit

>>>/qresearch/14122905 Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn says “no Democrat has ever been against voter ID.” Clyburn called voter ID “voter suppression” in October.

>>>/qresearch/14122922 Oh so we're going full retard then? BLM activist accused of molesting 62 kids returns to school board during ongoing investigation

>>>/qresearch/14122931 Michigan GOP, executive director who criticized Trump part ways

>>>/qresearch/14122984 BREAKING: Watchdog finds that FBI made errors in sexual abuse probe of Michigan State doctor Nassar, didn't treat case with “utmost seriousness.” (AP)

>>>/qresearch/14123013, >>>/qresearch/14123082 The Election Wizz. ...So I guess you could say things are serious.

>>>/qresearch/14123036, >>>/qresearch/14123100 Planefaggers. Going off-duty. Need EYES ON this plane, Tail Number: N225NE operated by Eastern (If you look for it by tail number it's blocked).

>>>/qresearch/14123057 Worrying details of Richard Sherman’s arrest emerge as wife speaks out

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72333


>>>/qresearch/14123079 NYS lawmaker who called for Cuomo to quit fumes when asked about joint appearance

>>>/qresearch/14123087 Federal appeals court strikes down law barring gun sales to people under 21

>>>/qresearch/14123101 Australia is ‘on the wrong road’ and government will ‘have to turn around’

>>>/qresearch/14123109 "Vaccines "can still kill you?"

>>>/qresearch/14123119 ‘Torture, Rape, Forced Sterilization’: Businesses Operating In Xinjiang, China, Could Violate US Law, State Dept. Says

>>>/qresearch/14123120 Biden White House Refuses to Say Cubans Are Opposing Communism

>>>/qresearch/14123151 Gitmo Watch...

>>>/qresearch/14123175 #17868\1

>>>/qresearch/14123177 #17868\2'''

(59 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72346

File: 10a65343f92729d⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1142x786, 571:393, 14122951_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14122951 Q Research General #17869: Fire On All Cylinders; Maximum Strata The Great Awakening Edition



>>>/qresearch/14123264 Wisconsin institute for law and liberty sends letter to aclu of WI. The aclu has been sending letters to school boards telling them it’s the law to teach crt.

>>>/qresearch/14123270, >>>/qresearch/14123573 Non standard definition referring to the shot patent?

>>>/qresearch/14123274 The state of Massachusetts, thanks to Governor Baker, has sent out mandatory spyware that silently installs on your phone to track individuals.

>>>/qresearch/14123284 Former teacher who sent X-rated emails to student, sought to ‘drink her blood’ gets 10 years

>>>/qresearch/14123296 The Federal Reserve Has Radically Changed from a Central Bank to a Bailout Kingpin. Americans Just Haven’t Paid Attention – Until Tonight

>>>/qresearch/14123315 Rusty is active again today. 3 vids uploaded so far.

>>>/qresearch/14123322 The United Nations has no business telling the U.S. what to do so long as China serves on the Human Rights Council. If you’re allowing China to get away with genocide, you’re doing it wrong.

>>>/qresearch/14123324 Book Deals? Controlled Position? "I'm not voting for Donald Trump. Period. … These bully, dirty tricks, Nixonian tactics, they're only going to backfire. So, count me as never Trump," Levin said Friday.

>>>/qresearch/14123329, >>>/qresearch/14123364, >>>/qresearch/14123580, >>>/qresearch/14123682, >>>/qresearch/14123733, >>>/qresearch/14123776, >>>/qresearch/14123978 PB Notabruhs Bun Graphene Nanotech, Neuroelectronics

>>>/qresearch/14123333 OAN Report: MSM Hiding Deaths And Damage From COVID-19 Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/14123377 PANIC

>>>/qresearch/14123388 President Biden arrives at the Capitol. “We’re going to get this done,” he says of the $3.5T budget framework agreed to by budget committee Democrats

>>>/qresearch/14123406 FBI Repeatedly Failed to Investigate Larry Nassar: DOJ Watchdog

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=6NedgyDfZpY - Michael Horowitz speaks at National Whistleblower Day 2018 [Channel: National Whistleblower Center]

>>>/qresearch/14123420 DeSantis Team Pushes Back After Establishment Media Smears Peaceful Cuba Protests: These Are ‘Not Riots’

>>>/qresearch/14123460 Martha Martha Martha!

>>>/qresearch/14123461 Canada court grants spy agency new sweeping powers to run operations in foreign countries

>>>/qresearch/14123467 "Higher Death, Hospitalization Rates Among Vaccinated Individuals: UK COVID-19 Data"

>>>/qresearch/14123475, >>>/qresearch/14123552, >>>/qresearch/14123557, >>>/qresearch/14123572 Bastille Day...

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=AGBf1a62gjc - Parisians protests against Vaccine passports... [Channel: Citizen Free Press]

>>>/qresearch/14123488 Mastriano Has ‘Heard Nothing From The RNC’ Despite Ronna McDaniel’s Claim That She Is Working Hard For Election Integrity

>>>/qresearch/14123498 U.S. Space Command: We don't recruit and we're not on Snapchat

>>>/qresearch/14123524 Mysterious Boom in Missouri Today?

>>>/qresearch/14123539 An #Israeli-#Canadian lobbyist hired by #Myanmar’s ruling military leaders to represent them in Washington and other capitals said on Wednesday he has stopped his work with the generals because sanctions prevented him from being paid.

>>>/qresearch/14123570 Justice Department Bun

>>>/qresearch/14123571 Deceptively Worded... IRELAND PASSES MEDICAL APARTHEID LEGISLATION "It will allow bars, restaurants and cafés to resume indoor service for those who are fully vaccinated"...

>>>/qresearch/14123587 Ed Buck’s trial centers on alleged injection fetish

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=T3rIn2byHH8 - Ed Buck’s trial centers on alleged injection fetish [Channel: FOX 11 Los Angeles]

>>>/qresearch/14123597 CodeMonkey Telegrams: Maricopa Audit is now under investigation...PDF

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a59493  No.72347


>>>/qresearch/14123600 “Muriel’s Torture Chamber”, D.C. Mayor Bowser Accused of Human Rights Abuses over Coronavirus Jail Policy

>>>/qresearch/14123644, >>>/qresearch/14123713 Member Dis? Researchers around the world are racing to patent the SARS virus and its genetic material, rekindling criticism of laws that allow people to claim intellectual property rights on living things. + Member Dat?

>>>/qresearch/14123681, >>>/qresearch/14123963 JUST IN - South Africa calls up all members of the Army Reserve. Ask Local Protectorates to allow passage for their units

>>>/qresearch/14123708 Jenna Ellis: ...What an obviously placed commercial to rehab the RNC. They REAAAAALLLLLLY don’t want us to stop funding them

>>>/qresearch/14123729, >>>/qresearch/14123780 Swedish Qomputer Shifts Up A Gear

>>>/qresearch/14123731 Michigan RINO GOP Executive Jason Roe Resigns After Pressure from Grassroots Activists

>>>/qresearch/14123751 USArmyReserve Soldiers under the @311th_esc participated in a chemical, biological, radiological & nuclear defense training exercise at @USAGMcCoy in preparation for their upcoming deployment.

>>>/qresearch/14123761 MLB donating free seats to BLM, NAACP, for "promotional purposes. "

>>>/qresearch/14123769 If we can't make you buy electric, we'll destroy your gas powered. Lawmakers introduce bill allowing higher ethanol blend in gasoline after ruling

>>>/qresearch/14123825 Liberal Journalist BLASTS Biden On Key Issue! SIDES WITH REPUBLICANS! We Are Right

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=FambhTUJgaA - ABOUT TIME. Liberal Journalist BLASTS Biden On Key Issue! SIDES WITH REPUBLICANS! We Are Right. [Channel: Liberal Hivemind]

>>>/qresearch/14123847 Rock Island Arsenal: Arsenal_Island will conduct a Full Scale Exercise (severe weather) on Wednesday, July 14, beginning at approximately 7:30 a.m. and concluding by 6 p.m.

>>>/qresearch/14123884 Dan "The Man In The Know" Scavino: RT 1.8M Americans turned down jobs due to unemployment benefits

>>>/qresearch/14123903 the moron also called his opponent "the Qanon Congresswoman"

>>>/qresearch/14123924 ,FF Averted!DEVELOPING: Numerous weapons reportedly discovered in vehicle stopped outside Roybal Federal Courthouse Building in Downtown Los Angeles; suspect detained - KTTV

>>>/qresearch/14123973 Jeff Bezos will give $200 million to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, marking one of the largest donations by the world’s richest person – days before he takes a trip to space

>>>/qresearch/14123977 "Did Psychopath Rockefeller Create the Spanish Flu Pandemic " (Old Article)

>>>/qresearch/14123998 #17869\1

>>>/qresearch/14124000 #17869\2

(44 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ea873  No.72468

File: 32fc5bab1986d67⋯.jpg (8.64 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 14124008_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14124008 Q Research General #17870:The Great Awakening In Over-Drive Edition




>>>/qresearch/14124157 Maricopa County Approves Millions to Obtain New Election Equipment From Dominion

>>>/qresearch/14124234 Maricopa County is conducting the FIRST forensic election audit in US history.

>>>/qresearch/14124247 @mattgaetz many things that still divide us but we can all still agree that James Spear is a dick.

>>>/qresearch/14124255 The Cosmic Brotherhood Association (CBA) stated that they contacted aliens

>>>/qresearch/14124258 Demand that Virginia colleges and universities revoke their mandate that students!!!!

>>>/qresearch/14124265 Dan's tweet is William Wallace, from Braveheart, a Scottish warrior, and he is talking about FREEDOM!

>>>/qresearch/14124284 Perryton Police Officer Pleads Guilty to Sharing Child Pornography on Kik

>>>/qresearch/14124294 Manager of Water System in Red River Parish Pleads Guilty to Fraud Charge

>>>/qresearch/14124303 45 churches engulfed or attacked in ongoing anti-Christian terror campaign

>>>/qresearch/14124305, >>>/qresearch/14124363, >>>/qresearch/14124404, >>>/qresearch/14124441, >>>/qresearch/14124473 Consolidated Past Bloatables

>>>/qresearch/14124325 Biden administration looks to set up ‘red phone’ to China for emergency communications

>>>/qresearch/14124333, >>>/qresearch/14124372 A hotline to Beijing would let President Joe Biden to immediately send encrypted phone calls

>>>/qresearch/14124343 There is some kind of steganography in COVID. Some message in the DNA

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=cTtIPBPSv0U - Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War [Channel: Modern War Institute]


>>>/qresearch/14124362 What happened at the Capitol today? Who did they take out?

>>>/qresearch/14124484 Look at all the boat comms Trump card and Durham aren't the only vessel comms.

>>>/qresearch/14124566 New evidence of an anomalous phase of matter brings energy-efficient technologies closer

>>>/qresearch/14124568 please help downvote: Read Aloud Picture Book! Dr. Fauci

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=OxdtlspjcIw - Read Aloud Picture Book! Dr. Fauci: How a Boy from Brooklyn Became America's Doctor [Channel: The Reading Den with Shen]

>>>/qresearch/14124571 Attention all Plane Fags. The Biden Administration is transporting illegal aliens all over the country

(19 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ea873  No.72469

File: 541dd498a3f8176⋯.png (128.27 KB, 565x317, 565:317, 14124904_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14124904 Q Research General #17871: E-bake




>>>/qresearch/14124933 Chris Cuomo’s Wife Found In Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Little Black Book

>>>/qresearch/14124937 One-hour flight from Las Vegas to California turned into a 17-hour journey

>>>/qresearch/14124941 New Rusty Video just dropped

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ce86bFTet5A - KNEW BIN LADENS EXACT LOCATION 08\09Lupe Fiasco BUILDING 7 DID THEY REALLY PULL IT [Channel: Rusty Shackleford]

>>>/qresearch/14124947 Biden Admin Using US Military to Secretly Move Illegal Aliens Around the Country

>>>/qresearch/14124959 USAG Barr actually a B2 using the Chain of Command or just setting up Josh Shapiro to take the fall,(Old Skool CIA style)???

>>>/qresearch/14124963 AZ Senate President @FannKfann announces a public election audit hearing for tomorrow at 10:00am MST.

>>>/qresearch/14124994 Fauci on July 11 said he supported vaccine mandates at the local level as per the delta variant

>>>/qresearch/14125014, >>>/qresearch/14125107 $706 Billion Pentagon Funding Bill Advanced by House Committee Would Close Gitmo, End 2001 AUMF, Nominee to Lead Pentagon Purchasing Withdraws Amid Investigation

>>>/qresearch/14125074 PAIN This is a soldier's interviewing a green beret RE 1/6.

>>>/qresearch/14125292 Girls want to meet us Shills want to be us.

>>>/qresearch/14125388 Johnson & Johnson is recalling five Neutrogena and Aveeno aerosol sunscreen product lines to the consumer level

>>>/qresearch/14125504 Biden administration invites UN experts on racism to visit U.S. in bid to combat racial injustice

>>>/qresearch/14125546 Dan Scavino &#129413;&#127482;&#127480; https://t.me/s/Dan_Scavino_Official

>>>/qresearch/14125581 (You) Ghosted "BV"

>>>/qresearch/14125605 TODAY a Q drop said, ‘[SMOLLETT] Federal charges coming?

(15 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ff8486  No.72472

File: 0047c539974c7ed⋯.png (39.97 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 14125713_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14125713 Q Research General #17872: "E-bake2" Edition




>>>/qresearch/14125969 [TheY] rage against the people. They say they're coming to our doors. too late! They are ROTH! tik tok.

>>>/qresearch/14125973, >>>/qresearch/14125978 ARIZONA AUDIT: Discrepancies Found – Ballot Totals Do Not Match – More Results Expected WITHIN 48 HOURS

>>>/qresearch/14125984 Rep. Pat Fallon, sells up to $250,000 in $MSFT right before JEDI contract cancellation in June.

>>>/qresearch/14125990 Michigan Attorneys Issue Cease and Desist Letter to Vendor ‘Election Source’ To Prevent Them from Removing Data from Election Machines on the 15th

>>>/qresearch/14126005 June 28, CIA Director William J. Burns, confirmed "delicate and important" mission.

>>>/qresearch/14126023 U.S. Coast Guard Offloads $15M in Seized Cocaine

>>>/qresearch/14126120 Fulton County falsified 7 audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches of ballot images.

>>>/qresearch/14126131 WOW whole lot incoming in the last 48 hours

>>>/qresearch/14126177 MOAR AUDITS PLEASE Quote from Bill O'Reilly on the History Tour

>>>/qresearch/14126213 Patriots chanting "Liberte!" in Paris as the protest mandatory vax

>>>/qresearch/14126219 2 Men Found Dead in Hotel Room at Former Versace Mansion on Miami Beach

>>>/qresearch/14126357 Lin Wood’s whistleblower went by the name Ryan Dark White, declares his true name to be Jonathan Ambrose McGreevy

>>>/qresearch/14126365 Feds Arrest California Woman For Fake Covid Vaccine Cards

>>>/qresearch/14126379 BREAKING: Arizona Senate to Hold Hearing Thursday Morning at 10 AM on Arizona Election Audit

>>>/qresearch/14126466 #17872

(15 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ff8486  No.72555



>>>/qresearch/14125713 Q Research General #17872: "E-bake2" Edition




>>>/qresearch/14125921 It's over. Ya blew it.


>>>/qresearch/14125969 [TheY] rage against the people. They say they're coming to our doors. too late! They are ROTH! tik tok.

>>>/qresearch/14125973, >>>/qresearch/14125978 ARIZONA AUDIT: Discrepancies Found – Ballot Totals Do Not Match – More Results Expected WITHIN 48 HOURS

>>>/qresearch/14125984 Rep. Pat Fallon, sells up to $250,000 in $MSFT right before JEDI contract cancellation in June.

>>>/qresearch/14125990 Michigan Cease and Desist Letter to Vendor ‘Election Source’ To Prevent Them from Removing Data from Election Machines on the 15th

>>>/qresearch/14126005 June 28, CIA Director William J. Burns, confirmed "delicate and important" mission.

>>>/qresearch/14126023 U.S. Coast Guard Offloads $15M in Seized Cocaine

>>>/qresearch/14126120 Fulton County falsified 7 audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches of ballot images.

>>>/qresearch/14126131 WOW whole lot incoming in the last 48 hours

>>>/qresearch/14126177 MOAR AUDITS PLEASE Quote from Bill O'Reilly on the History Tour

>>>/qresearch/14126213 Patriots chanting "Liberte!" in Paris as the protest mandatory vax

>>>/qresearch/14126219 2 Men Found Dead in Hotel Room at Former Versace Mansion on Miami Beach

>>>/qresearch/14126357 Lin Wood’s whistleblower went by the name Ryan Dark White, declares his true name to be Jonathan Ambrose McGreevy

>>>/qresearch/14126365 Feds Arrest California Woman For Fake Covid Vaccine Cards

>>>/qresearch/14126379 BREAKING: Arizona Senate to Hold Hearing Thursday Morning at 10 AM on Arizona Election Audit

>>>/qresearch/14126466 #17872

>>>/qresearch/14126468 Golden Referee: Sweet Retriever 'Tricked' by Owner to Blow a Whistle, kek


>>>/qresearch/14126519 #17870

(18 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ff8486  No.72558

File: 880a89bf89e9048⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14126497_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14126497 Q Research General #17873: Eyes On Arizona Edition




>>>/qresearch/14126727 Maduro chaos in Venezuela

>>>/qresearch/14126730 New update to my Firefox userChrome.css project

>>>/qresearch/14126736 Michael Yeadon RE: pfizer covid threat

>>>/qresearch/14126751 #JusticeForBeverly

>>>/qresearch/14126756 Heebification continues with the vaccinations

>>>/qresearch/14126761 What's exactly happening in Africa, Australia, Ireland, France?

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=gdPIr_hfeXo - What's GOING ON NOW!? A LOT! [Channel: Theoria Apophasis]

>>>/qresearch/14126855, >>>/qresearch/14126882 Anon Notable Buns

>>>/qresearch/14126898 So Dan Scavino doesn't have a Telegram

>>>/qresearch/14126912 Products containing human fetal tissue cells: unless they proved otherwise

>>>/qresearch/14126955 THE ETHICS OF THE WALVAX-2 CELL STRAIN Background:

>>>/qresearch/14126965 But Dan Scavino shared this pic on his Instagram

>>>/qresearch/14126973 $WHACKD timer less than 07:23:23:23

>>>/qresearch/14126999, >>>/qresearch/14127022, >>>/qresearch/14127036 Symbolism? Creepypasta

>>>/qresearch/14127006, >>>/qresearch/14127014 Interestingly 31 tebibytes equals 34 terabytes. Using terabytes (1 000 gigabytes) instead of tebibytes

>>>/qresearch/14127011 Search for "HEK293" It is used to create an "Umami"-effect

>>>/qresearch/14127038 for the clockfags.

>>>/qresearch/14127051 The Silent War Continues [Operation Truth Bomb]

>>>/qresearch/14127054 Pentagon Confirmed using Air Force base to 'secretly' fly illegal migrants

>>>/qresearch/14127062, >>>/qresearch/14127312 CodeMonkeyZ May have been a guest on AF1

>>>/qresearch/14127069 Counter Attacks planned for disruption of AZ info. SHOW THEM.

>>>/qresearch/14127096 Please take time to read the creed

>>>/qresearch/14127315 Breach of Contract!

>>>/qresearch/14127366 #17873

(23 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ff8486  No.72559

File: 80a13b9ffbe1857⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14127373_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14127373 Q Research General #17874: ALL EYES ON AZ PANIC! Edition




>>>/qresearch/14127396 Auras n' stuff

>>>/qresearch/14127444 There would be a whole other media narrative and “horror story” vax anomalies if Donald Trump had "won"

>>>/qresearch/14127506 The World Economic Forum announced June 29 it will initiate a new “public-private partnership” with Big Tech

>>>/qresearch/14127553 Who's heating up the ionosphere?

>>>/qresearch/14127573 What is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome?

>>>/qresearch/14127585 AZ SENATE TO HOLD LIVE HEARING THURSDAY 10. AM, Links Here

>>>/qresearch/14127593 Man shot on SEPTA bus in Center City

>>>/qresearch/14127718 Huge town size ‘prisons’ need debunk/confirm

>>>/qresearch/14127795 'Vampire' confesses to murdering ten children and sucking the blood from at least one victim in Kenya

>>>/qresearch/14127798 Just a few more hours until AZ audit progress announcment

>>>/qresearch/14127982 Today A Year Ago, 07/14/2020 #GeorgeTB ~ Image 1, 5:29PM ET

>>>/qresearch/14128019 FREEDOM PHONE, designed to fight back against Big Tech... anon has doubts

>>>/qresearch/14128130 PAIN23? The $WHACKD timer ends on the 23rd!

>>>/qresearch/14128147 Dan Scavino [Telegram] account confirmed unofficial!

>>>/qresearch/14128178 #17874

(15 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ff8486  No.72708

File: aa861e3d3c57968⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14129865_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14129865 Q Research General #17877: E Bake




>>>/qresearch/14130637, >>>/qresearch/14130640, >>>/qresearch/14130641

(1 notable)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b1268  No.72839

File: 0a6280c34bbe9d3⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14128193_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14128193 Q Research General #17875: AZ AUDIT updates incoming! Edition




>>>/qresearch/14128213 North Carolina is next up for Audits

>>>/qresearch/14128229 Here should be links to the live-feed for the video for the hearing.

>>>/qresearch/14128262 Arizona Senate Live Broadcasts Links

>>>/qresearch/14128278 Two in three Republicans in the South support SECEDING from the US

>>>/qresearch/14128287 Mark Zuckerberg has sold Facebook shares EVERY business day since November and has unloaded stock worth $2.8billion

>>>/qresearch/14128292 Ghislaine Maxwell used Bill Clinton to 'escape' from her 'sick partnership' with Jeffrey Epstein

>>>/qresearch/14128301 Boatfag Report Response to PF in LB/PB about Cuban migrant vessel traffic

>>>/qresearch/14128306 PDJT Nancy Pelosi is a known nut job.

>>>/qresearch/14128311 Kevin McCarthy will be meeting with me this afternoon at Trump National in Bedminster, N.J. Much to discuss!

>>>/qresearch/14128364 Maricopa checking math skills

>>>/qresearch/14128395, >>>/qresearch/14128428 Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Changes His Tune: “I Supported An Audit, I’m Pro-Audit, I’m Pro-Review” – Such BS

>>>/qresearch/14128399 Pentagon: Colombians arrested in Haiti leader's killing had US military training

>>>/qresearch/14128444 Arizona Senate to Hold Hearing Thursday Morning at 10 AM on Arizona Election Audit

>>>/qresearch/14128508 VP Kamala Harris welcomes German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a working breakfast at the vice president's residence

>>>/qresearch/14128510 Texas House Speaker calls for absconded Democrats to return their per diem pay.

>>>/qresearch/14128530 Manchin enters a meeting with Rep. Marc Veasey and the Texas House Democrats who broke quorum and flew to D.C.

>>>/qresearch/14128609 Gen. Mark Milley Compared Trump Supporters To Nazis: ‘

>>>/qresearch/14128669 https://cybermap.kaspersky.com/ AZ Lighting up!

>>>/qresearch/14128768 YT: Live Arizona AZ State Senate Hearing on the 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa County

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7OZmNbBDQ6k - 7/15/2021 Live Arizona AZ State Senate Hearing on the 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa County [Channel: Shawn Rhoads]

>>>/qresearch/14128894 Trump releases statement on General Milley:

(20 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b1268  No.72843

File: 5d5a3e92ae780c3⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14128944_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14128944 Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition




>>>/qresearch/14129004 Biden and Harris Deliver Remarks

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=LrT2DXAm_gQ - President Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Remarks [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14129006 AZ audit link


>>>/qresearch/14129067 POTUS meeting with McCarthy today. interdasting…

>>>/qresearch/14129082 Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, who is responsible for the certification of election results, calls for Fulton County election officials to be fired.

>>>/qresearch/14129140 Fulton County’s continued failures have gone on long enough with no accountability.

>>>/qresearch/14129148 DJT so far today

>>>/qresearch/14129187 IT’S HABBENING!!!


>>>/qresearch/14129320 Anon Bun

>>>/qresearch/14129359 Grassley/Johnson letter to the Justice Department asking for more information regarding missing phones used by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team during the Russian collusion investigation.

>>>/qresearch/14129448 The Goons are Loose: Biden’s Jab Patrol Spotted Going Door to Door; Now Offering Shots on the Spot

>>>/qresearch/14129471 Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Changes His Tune: “I Supported An Audit, I’m Pro-Audit, I’m Pro-Review” – Such BS

>>>/qresearch/14129487 Maricopa County Shares RIDICULOUS Theory As To Why FRAUD Was Found

>>>/qresearch/14129495 Cyber Ninjas Did Not Contaminate Voting Machines Used in 2020 Election in Arizona – Machines Weren’t Properly Certified In the First Place

>>>/qresearch/14129557 GOP Senators Demand Answers After 60% Of Phones Used By Mueller Probe Go Missing

>>>/qresearch/14129592 "Horrible": BLM Issues Statement Supporting Marxist Cuban Tyranny

>>>/qresearch/14129648 Cop Who Murdered Man with Hands Up, Given an iPad in Jail to Access Child Porn Behind Bars

>>>/qresearch/14129664 Microsoft says Israeli company is behind malware that affected Windows PCs

>>>/qresearch/14129773 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>>/qresearch/14129784 FREEDOM PHONE, designed to fight back against Big Tech… anon has doubts

(21 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b1268  No.72848



>>>/qresearch/14129865 Q Research General #17877: E Bake




>>>/qresearch/14129877 ‘We Can All Learn From China’ – Fauci-Funded Researcher Hyped CCP Vaccines and Lockdowns on Communist State Propaganda Network

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=RyEVHD7XD7Q - Dr Lee Riley on the state of the pandemic in China [Channel: CGTN America]

>>>/qresearch/14129881, >>>/qresearch/14129883, >>>/qresearch/14129886, >>>/qresearch/14129901, >>>/qresearch/14129907, >>>/qresearch/14130426 Arizona Senate Audit Team CAUGHT THEM! Ballots were on WRONG PAPER STOCK — Supports the SHARPIEGATE SCANDAL!

>>>/qresearch/14129885 State Department Offers a $10 Million Bounty for Information on Foreign Hackers Targeting Critical Infrastructure

>>>/qresearch/14129900 , Maricopa County Hearings Live Stream (Can't find the hearing on this OAN page)

>>>/qresearch/14129906 Special Agent Speaks Out: Biden Nominee Was Co-conspirator in Eco-terrorism Case, Would Have Been Indicted if Not for Plea Deal

>>>/qresearch/14129912, >>>/qresearch/14130014 St. Jude Children’s Hospital — ‘Staffers who refuse the Vaccine will be terminated’

>>>/qresearch/14129933, >>>/qresearch/14130005, >>>/qresearch/14130020, >>>/qresearch/14130052, >>>/qresearch/14130059, >>>/qresearch/14130073, >>>/qresearch/14130170, >>>/qresearch/14130198, >>>/qresearch/14130211, >>>/qresearch/14130225, >>>/qresearch/14130246, >>>/qresearch/14130250, >>>/qresearch/14130295, >>>/qresearch/14130566 Anon opinion, observations on AZ hearing today

>>>/qresearch/14129998 Arizona election auditor: 'Critically important' investigators get access to Maricopa County routers Systems are vulnerable to hacking, investigator claims

>>>/qresearch/14130027 CCP uses Big Tech and academia to censor, harass its critics worldwide, they say

>>>/qresearch/14130038, >>>/qresearch/14130358, >>>/qresearch/14130513, >>>/qresearch/14130525 Anon opinion, observations on AZ hearing today,

>>>/qresearch/14130046 Ron Kind (Rep. Ron Kind D., Wis.) Rented Property to Masseuse Suspected of Prostitution, Human Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/14130080, >>>/qresearch/14130092, >>>/qresearch/14130099, >>>/qresearch/14130114, >>>/qresearch/14130122, >>>/qresearch/14130135, >>>/qresearch/14130150, >>>/qresearch/14130160, >>>/qresearch/14130174, >>>/qresearch/14130182, >>>/qresearch/14130188 Pedos, Human Traffickers, Crooks/DOJ Roundoup

>>>/qresearch/14130187, >>>/qresearch/14130368 Corporate giants call on Congress to pass voting rights measure

>>>/qresearch/14130202, >>>/qresearch/14130232, >>>/qresearch/14130240, >>>/qresearch/14130252 More pedos, sexual perverts and deviant crooks in the news

>>>/qresearch/14130241, >>>/qresearch/14130275, >>>/qresearch/14130331, >>>/qresearch/14130433, >>>/qresearch/14130457 AZ Audit Team: BREACH of Computer Systems/Elliot Kerwin: Investigators seize devices from Fountain Hills residence in voter data theft case (December 5, 2020)

>>>/qresearch/14130264, >>>/qresearch/14130280 Twitter hides #TrumpWonBidenCheated trending

>>>/qresearch/14130266 Statements by Donald J. Trump: Congratulations to Mark R. Levin

>>>/qresearch/14130277 37,000 Anonymous Queries To Access 2020 Election In Arizona ‘Do Not Follow That Pattern Of Normal Windows Behavior’

>>>/qresearch/14130282 National Moon Day on July 20th commemorates the day man first walked on the moon in 1969. 3 days later is a Full Moon, known as the Buck Moon.

>>>/qresearch/14130291 NYC sex workers rampant in open-air prostitution market amid lax enforcement

>>>/qresearch/14130299, >>>/qresearch/14130407 Political donor Ed Buck used drugs and engaged in ‘sex play,’ prosecutors said

>>>/qresearch/14130317 Pittsburgh council advances proposal to spend $335 million in covid relief cash

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b1268  No.72850


>>>/qresearch/14130320 Here We Go: Major Texas Democrat Stripped of Leadership Post for Fleeing the State

>>>/qresearch/14130325 US Health Official Says COVID-19 Boosters Could Risk More Serious Side Effects

>>>/qresearch/14130346 Biden’s Supreme Court Commission Appointee Justified Looting in CNN Op-Ed

>>>/qresearch/14130363, >>>/qresearch/14130371, >>>/qresearch/14130416, >>>/qresearch/14130501 @WendyRogersAZ (AZ State Senator): I have heard enough. With the 10's of 1000's of ballots mailed w/out being requested, over 10,000 people who voted after registering after November 3rd, the failure of Maricopa to turn over the 40% machines, the passwords that Dominion still refuses…

>>>/qresearch/14130413 President Biden Participates in a Joint Press Conference with H.E. Dr. Merkel (Chancellor of Germany)

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=z4_zj9EMLH8 - President Biden Participates in a Joint Press Conference with H.E. Dr. Merkel [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/14130450, >>>/qresearch/14130493 More evidence for Trump to present that big tech is an arm of the government

>>>/qresearch/14130470 Arizona Election Audit: Maricopa County Stonewalling - Will Not Turn Over Routers, Chain Of Custody, Ballot Images As Discrepancies Found

>>>/qresearch/14130483 YouTube Cleaning Up Evidence: to set all unlisted videos that were uploaded prior to January 1st 2017, to private unless the video owner chooses otherwise

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=l6UHS1-vDMM - Changes to Unlisted Videos Uploaded Before 2017 [Channel: YouTube Creators]

>>>/qresearch/14130582 Pennsylvania County Refuses Participation in New 2020 Election Audit

>>>/qresearch/14130637, >>>/qresearch/14130640, >>>/qresearch/14130641

(32 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b1268  No.72854

File: 943341473da691a⋯.png (253.99 KB, 908x486, 454:243, 14130645_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14130645 Q Research General #17878: Another One




>>>/qresearch/14130659 Assassins Gouged Out Haiti President’s Left Eyeball

>>>/qresearch/14130680 #17875

>>>/qresearch/14130682 Pennsylvania County Refuses Participation in New 2020 Election Audit

>>>/qresearch/14130696 Biden hosts Merkel in press conference at the White House

>>>/qresearch/14130711 Anti-lockdown protesters storm Melbourne hours after Daniel Andrews’ announcement

>>>/qresearch/14130747 Someone Is Buying Up Power Plants and Critical Infrastructure in 22 Countries. The Trail Leads to JPMorgan – a Bank Repeatedly Charged with Rigging Markets

>>>/qresearch/14130749, >>>/qresearch/14130827 Sapulpa man mentenced after Child Pornography convictions

>>>/qresearch/14130752 Microsoft: Israeli group sold tools to hack Windows

>>>/qresearch/14130756 Senior NASA Employee Sentenced for COVID-19 Related Loan Fraud

>>>/qresearch/14130762, >>>/qresearch/14130790, >>>/qresearch/14130803 Arizona audit, level: Panic

>>>/qresearch/14130774 he ballot printers are bring removed from the MTEC on Jefferson and 3rd. They are potentially being destroyed. Get your cameras on and find out what's going on ASAP.

>>>/qresearch/14130781, >>>/qresearch/14130812, >>>/qresearch/14130823, >>>/qresearch/14130837 Dominion systems website offline

>>>/qresearch/14130806, >>>/qresearch/14130949 Pelosi feared Trump would launch nuclear war in final days: Book

>>>/qresearch/14130869 50 Year Prison Sentence For San Antonio Man Who Sexually Abused Multiple Children Under 10 Years Old

>>>/qresearch/14131128 Aerial shot shows massive demonstration against COVID vaccination in Greece

>>>/qresearch/14131163 NEW TRUMP STATEMENT: "If I was going to do a coup, one of the last people I would want to do it with is General Mark Milley."

>>>/qresearch/14131182 Congressional Black Caucus chairwoman Joyce Beatty is arrested in the Senate building by Capitol Police during a march demanding they pass the For the People Act

>>>/qresearch/14131264 A Massachusetts school can continue to use electric shock devices to modify behavior by students with intellectual disabilities, a federal court ruled.

>>>/qresearch/14131282 Electronic devices are seized from two homes as data watchdog investigates leaking of bombshell CCTV footage of Matt Hancock kissing aide

>>>/qresearch/14131305 'Vampire' confesses to murdering ten children and sucking the blood from at least one victim during five-year killing spree in Kenya

>>>/qresearch/14131323 @BernardKerik: You piece of shit! You denounced President Trump’s claims and told the media and Georgians it was a perfect election. You knew about the corruption and failures on November 7, and you did absolutely nothing about it. You and @GovKemp should resign immediately.

>>>/qresearch/14131363 L.A. County just announced it will reimpose an indoor mask mandate, regardless of your vaccination status, beginning Saturday night at 11:59 pm. @FoxNews

(22 notables)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b1268  No.72861

File: 363692be718d107⋯.png (999.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14131459_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14131459 Q Research General #17879: Az is so hot right now! Edition




>>>/qresearch/14131475, >>>/qresearch/14131964, >>>/qresearch/14131980, >>>/qresearch/14132001 Highlights AZ Audit Senate Hearing 7/15

>>>/qresearch/14131492 #17878

>>>/qresearch/14131543 PF 82-8000

>>>/qresearch/14131563 Microsoft blocks Israeli hacker-for-hire company’s spyware

>>>/qresearch/14131650 #17876

>>>/qresearch/14131769, >>>/qresearch/14131939 @ggreenwald: The White House is admitting that they're compiling lists of people who they claim are posting content they regard as "problematic" and that constitute "misinformation" and are demanding Facebook remove them. This is authoritarianism.

>>>/qresearch/14131884 NUNES: The Durham Report Is Still Coming; Some Obama Officials Will Go to Prison

>>>/qresearch/14131894, >>>/qresearch/14131907 @AZKellyT: I am calling on the Attorney General to open an investigation.


>>>/qresearch/14131926, >>>/qresearch/14131931 Telegram patriots

>>>/qresearch/14131941, >>>/qresearch/14131965 @Cernovich: What life is like in Cuba.

>>>/qresearch/14131951 AOC finally speaks on Cuba.

>>>/qresearch/14131954 Media launches 'Russia collusion Version 2.0' claims against Trump

>>>/qresearch/14131955 bout 60 dead, dozens missing, thousands out of power after devastating floods in Germany

>>>/qresearch/14131971, >>>/qresearch/14132036 Movie producer Dillon Jordan accused of running 'extensive' prostitution ring

>>>/qresearch/14131982 Authorities Report ‘Mass Casualty Incident’ at Detention Center In Southern California

>>>/qresearch/14131993, >>>/qresearch/14132027 ICE Will Issue Cell Phones to Released Migrants

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio - Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone [Channel: RealFreedom1776]

>>>/qresearch/14131999 @EmeraldRobinson: As proof of voter fraud begins to be reported in America, the left-wing press suddenly floods the airwaves with a woke general whining that "Trump is a Nazi who had to be stopped!" Democrats want you to believe that they cheated only to protect you from Orange Man Bad.

>>>/qresearch/14132064 justthenews.com: Arizona audit reportedly found ‘potentially thousands’ of duplicated ballots without serial numbers

>>>/qresearch/14132079 justthenews.com: Pennsylvania county refuses to participate in new 2020 election audit

>>>/qresearch/14132106 Megan Fox says Trump is a legend

>>>/qresearch/14132126 Georgia Secretary of State Finally Calls for Action on Fulton County Election 'Failures'

>>>/qresearch/14132223 Lebanon's Hariri recommends an international tribunal on Beirut port blast>>14132224 Anon bun: Child trafficker, narcotics, and more pedo´s news.

>>>/qresearch/14132275 @USNavy: Photos of the Day: Surgery aboard #USSAmerica; USS Charleston in the #SouthChinaSea; Line-handling at #RecruitTrainingCommand; Lt. Madeline Murphy feeds therapy animal at NMRTC San Diego

>>>/qresearch/14132331, >>>/qresearch/14132372 President Trump will be addressing America tonight at 9pm EST, 6pm PST on Right Side Broadcasting Network?

>>>/qresearch/14132386 @PacificSubs, USS Springfield departs from @nbguam after completing an evolution with submarine tender USS Emory S. Land.

>>>/qresearch/14132489 Nigerian Army General Hassan Ahmed murdered in Abuja, sister abducted

>>>/qresearch/14132624 #17879

(28 notables)

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2b1268  No.72875



---> >>72873

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b1268  No.72880

File: 70772055211a2e6⋯.png (999.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14132626_q_research_genera….png)


>>>/qresearch/14132626 Q Research General #17880: My fellow Americans… Edition




>>>/qresearch/14132676 Georgia secretary of state calls for Fulton County elections officials to be fired

>>>/qresearch/14132700 Actress Megan Fox Slams ‘Midevil, Burn-a-Witch-at-the-Stake’ Cancel Culture over her Trump Comment

>>>/qresearch/14132723 Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger Tries to Throw His Fulton County Election Team Under the Bus – Former NYPD Chief Bernie Kerik Puts Him In His Place

>>>/qresearch/14132736 AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli on Maricopa County Officials: “If They Continue To Defy Us, There’s Another Tool In The Toolbox”

>>>/qresearch/14132747 “Germany Does Not Use Voting Machines, Like in the US” – German Minister Defends Country’s Secure Elections Comparing them to Sh*tshow in US

>>>/qresearch/14132760 The Bristol County Sheriff’s office is adding a new tool to the department – canines trained to sniff out COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/14132791 Watchdog introduces new additions to ethics waiver tracker for CIA, other appointees

>>>/qresearch/14132792 USArmy: Even the boogie man has nightmares. That would be us.

>>>/qresearch/14132800 CNN is saying Mark Milley, was so shaken that then-President Donald Trump and his allies might attempt a coup that he and other top officials informally planned for different ways to stop Trump

>>>/qresearch/14132818 YouTube Bans National File Day Before Immigration Documentary Release

>>>/qresearch/14132830 NYC sex workers rampant in open-air prostitution market amid lax enforcement

>>>/qresearch/14132853 Indiana’s GOP Governor Will Not Send Police to Border After Sending Troops to Joe Biden’s Inauguration

>>>/qresearch/14132863 Chinese Communist Party Officials Share Viral Video Urging Nuclear Strikes On Japan

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7vKf5SXnsHA - CCP Vows to Nuke Japan Continuously Until It Surrenders Unconditionally for the Second Time [Channel: Inconvenient Truths-First Hand From China 牆國百態]

>>>/qresearch/14132893 Gretchen Whitmer Flees Question About Unemployment Agency Scandal

>>>/qresearch/14132968 Georgia state senator Burt Jones is requesting an investigation by the government oversight committee of GA SOS Brad Raffensperger for multiple issues!

>>>/qresearch/14133005 The masking is reaping what was sown.

>>>/qresearch/14133037 Texas House Speaker charters flight for Democrats to return to state

>>>/qresearch/14133102 Watchdog: FBI mishandled Nassar-USA Gymnastics abuse case

>>>/qresearch/14133130, >>>/qresearch/14133143, >>>/qresearch/14133232, >>>/qresearch/14133250 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14133135 Blinken Calls Hariri's Resignation 'Another Disappointing Development' for Lebanon

>>>/qresearch/14133152 Wisconsin man arrested after father found dismembered

>>>/qresearch/14133155 "Israel: 56% of serious coronavirus cases in hospitals are fully vaccinated"

>>>/qresearch/14133211 WOW: Venezuelan Socialist Leader: Cuba Protests Are Actually Euro Cup Celebrations

>>>/qresearch/14133225 U.S. Marines are being sent to American embassy in Haiti

>>>/qresearch/14133337 #17880

(25 notables)

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2b1268  No.72883

File: 8f469cff2cf35f7⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14133388_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14133388 Q Research General #17881: The 'Decertification Is A Thing' Edition



>>>/qresearch/14133440 A senator noticed, now take some action Senator Blackburn - Jen Psaki admitted what we’ve all known—big tech and Joe Biden are in cahoots

>>>/qresearch/14133442 Army put out same tweet 127 days apart

>>>/qresearch/14133451 #17876 rebunned

>>>/qresearch/14133463, >>>/qresearch/14133507, >>>/qresearch/14133519 Did Strzok send Paige info pertaining to Seth Rich's killer?

>>>/qresearch/14133468 Muh babyfist ingersoll lockwood website & business. 5:50 - 10:50 - Jim said babyfist would not have admitted to it unless he looked into it.

>>>/qresearch/14133470 Anon nom: The interview between Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. David Martin on CDC Patent Fraud must have really hit a nerve.

>>>/qresearch/14133515 Escapade to DC by Texas Dems funded by Beto O’Rourke’s PAC

>>>/qresearch/14133630 WendyRogersAZ: Arizona’s electors must not be awarded fraudulently & we need to get this right.

>>>/qresearch/14133689 Indie movie producer Dillon Jordan who was behind Maggie Gyllenhaal film The Kindergarten Teacher is indicted for 'running international prostitution ring with UK-based madam'

>>>/qresearch/14133695, >>>/qresearch/14133701 Looks like Billy was a return customer on Epstein's Isle.

>>>/qresearch/14133782, >>>/qresearch/14133794, >>>/qresearch/14133827, >>>/qresearch/14133846, >>>/qresearch/14133851 Is this shark week comms?

>>>/qresearch/14133852, >>>/qresearch/14133880 It’s about who gets to count the vote”. The Most Legitimate President Ever. Didnt Stalin say that?

>>>/qresearch/14133861 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14133892 Private student loans can be tossed in bankruptcy, appeals court rules

>>>/qresearch/14133964 FBI: 2 arrested for conspiracy to attack Democratic Headquarters in Sacramento

>>>/qresearch/14133986 US has produced its first in new line of updated 475-kiloton thermonuclear warheads

>>>/qresearch/14134011 Canada’s former top military commander charged in military sex scandal

>>>/qresearch/14134056 USAF: Basic Cadets from the Class of 2025 complete the assault course at the @AF_Academy's Jacks Valley in Colorado Springs

>>>/qresearch/14134059 Capitol Police to Use Same Surveillance Equipment Troops Used Against Terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/14134062 MSNBC’s McCaffrey: Trump ‘Was Edging Towards a Coup’ Like 1930s Nazis. Then why is Joe in the Oval Office?

>>>/qresearch/14134071 #17877 Posted in #17881

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=ywvRgGAd2XI - twenty one pilots: Lane Boy [OFFICIAL VIDEO] [Channel: Fueled By Ramen]

>>>/qresearch/14134103 WHO chief says China still hasn’t provided raw Covid-19 data, hindering investigation into origin of the virus

>>>/qresearch/14134131 So, are they mapping dna with covid tests? Or searching for something? The covid test is supposed to spot covid not map our dna right?

>>>/qresearch/14134142 #17881

(24 notables)

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2b1268  No.72975

File: d30890094371886⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14134152_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14134152 Q Research General #17882: The 'Getting It Right' Edition




>>>/qresearch/14134257 @USArmyReserve Global network super highway postures the @USArmy for multi-domain operations

>>>/qresearch/14134350 US, Italy amend SSA memo to include exchanging classified info

>>>/qresearch/14134432 Judge has power to nullify election and ability to say new elections have to take place for GA senate races

>>>/qresearch/14134437 Facebook says Iranian hackers used site in spying on U.S. military personnel

>>>/qresearch/14134681 Hong Kong customs authorities have arrested four people in connection with a suspected $155 million money laundering scheme using the cryptocurrency Tether.

>>>/qresearch/14134696 Documents suggest that January 22, 2016 is the date of the meeting where #Putin and his spy chiefs and senior ministers agreed that #Trump in the White House would help secure #Moscow's strategic objectives.

>>>/qresearch/14134948, >>>/qresearch/14134951, >>>/qresearch/14134952 Codemonkey Election fraud bun

>>>/qresearch/14134976 Hungary: Writers, bookstores brace for ban on LGBT content

>>>/qresearch/14134979 In February, a judge ordered Maricopa County to turn over the ballots, voting machines, and election data.

>>>/qresearch/14134982 Europe floods: Death toll over 100 as rescues continue

>>>/qresearch/14135001 Freedom or folly? UK’s end to mandatory masks sows confusion

>>>/qresearch/14135006 Idaho State Patrol Police Sent to Arizona Border to Help With Security

>>>/qresearch/14135009 Texas Speaker Calls for Democrats Who Fled the State to Forfeit Their Pay

>>>/qresearch/14135010 Biden: US will protect Haiti embassy, won’t send troops

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=B1Pesa4l7y8 - Biden: Sending troops to Haiti 'not on the agenda' [Channel: Associated Press]

>>>/qresearch/14135020 Highlights from AZ Audit Senate Hearing 7/15

>>>/qresearch/14135022 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14135050 Very scary for this to happen in America.

>>>/qresearch/14135056 Jason Miller @JasonMillerinDC This is how it starts

>>>/qresearch/14135087 @JosephJflynn1: And they call us fascists….

>>>/qresearch/14135090 Fire Christopher Wray today… the body rots from the head down

>>>/qresearch/14135094 WHO chief says it was ‘premature’ to rule out COVID lab leak

(21 notables)

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2b1268  No.72976

File: 8ac7213f8f04762⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 14135088_q_research_genera….jpg)


>>>/qresearch/14135088 Q Research General #17883: The 'EBAKE' Edition



>>>/qresearch/14135123 Americans support election audits. Why are Democrats smothering them?

>>>/qresearch/14135135, >>>/qresearch/14135143, >>>/qresearch/14135337 Judiciary Republicans demand answers on the Biden Administration’s attempt to regulate firearms with stabilizing braces.

>>>/qresearch/14135146 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is straight out of Dr. Strangelove

>>>/qresearch/14135160 Democrat Joyce Beatty Arrested by Capitol Police After Leading Protest in Hart Senate Building

>>>/qresearch/14135161 Oped: Sorry, Mr. President: The ‘fight’ for voter rights is nothing like the Civil War

>>>/qresearch/14135162 WEF: Its founder and executive chairman, Klaus Schwab, has emerged as the front man of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution,

>>>/qresearch/14135189 #17882 posted in #17883

>>>/qresearch/14135204 Michigan Senate approves petition to revoke Whitmer's pandemic powers

>>>/qresearch/14135217 Senator Karen Fann Annihilates the Biden Admin in less than 60 seconds

>>>/qresearch/14135238 Anon nom: Incoming

>>>/qresearch/14135241, >>>/qresearch/14135361, >>>/qresearch/14135410 XVIII Airborne: #TDIDCH: July 16, 1945 - As part of the Manhattan Project, the US conducts "Trinity" [the first test detonation of a nuclear device] in the desert of New Mexico

>>>/qresearch/14135248 National Guard Scrambles for Funds After Congress Refuses to Cover Jan. 6-Related Costs

>>>/qresearch/14135259 Arizona Audit Team Escorted from Building after Explosive Hearing Confirming Thousands of Fraudulent Votes

>>>/qresearch/14135266 Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago to Dispatch Mental Health Experts on 911 Calls Instead of Cops

>>>/qresearch/14135276 Judge Rejects Arizona Senate’s Bid To Dismiss Lawsuit Seeking Maricopa Audit Records

>>>/qresearch/14135289 Mass Protests Erupt Across Greece As Government Bans Unvaccinated From Public Spaces

>>>/qresearch/14135304, >>>/qresearch/14135314, >>>/qresearch/14135393 “Trust us, we totally didn’t connect the voting machines to the internet.” - North Carolina Board of Elections

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=RhbgrqpYbgo - Dominion Connected to Internet During Election: Expert; 35K Votes Added to Each Democrat: Witness [Channel: NTD]

>>>/qresearch/14135309 Armstrong oped: Asia Departs from the Gates/Schwab Agenda of Vaccinating the World

>>>/qresearch/14135319, >>>/qresearch/14135392, >>>/qresearch/14135411 Freedom Phone appears to be a simple rebranding of a budget phone called the “Umidigi A9 Pro,” made by the Chinese tech company Umidigi. Grifting on parade.

>>>/qresearch/14135354, >>>/qresearch/14135367 US Attorney in Delaware kept Hunter Biden investigation secret during 2020 campaign. Time had come to issue subpoenas, seek search warrants. Didn't do it.

>>>/qresearch/14135371, >>>/qresearch/14135378, >>>/qresearch/14135387 Armed Cubans from different parts of the United States are preparing to go to Cuba to confront the communist regime.

>>>/qresearch/14135373 Feds charge 4 in child sex trafficking case spanning from South Carolina to Arizona

>>>/qresearch/14135395 Dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs are unsealed by federal court in New York in her Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking case

>>>/qresearch/14135396 At a hearing, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Michael Hanzman ordered that the process begin to sell the site of Champlain Towers South, which could fetch $100 million to $110 million according to court records.

>>>/qresearch/14135398, >>>/qresearch/14135514 Maricopa County Supervisor Jack Sellers Fails BADLY With Total BS Response To AZ Audit Hearing, and a vid of the hearing

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7OZmNbBDQ6k - 7/15/2021 Live Arizona AZ State Senate Hearing on the 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa County [Channel: Shawn Rhoads]

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2b1268  No.72977


>>>/qresearch/14135406 Kasie Hunt announces she is leaving NBC

>>>/qresearch/14135457 Anon finds a DOD tweet that matches the USAF 'Class of 2025' tweet

>>>/qresearch/14135463 Rep. Ron Kind allegedly rented property to masseuse suspected of ties to human trafficking: report

>>>/qresearch/14135473 DJTjr: +\- 1000%

>>>/qresearch/14135503 Pope reverses Benedict, reimposes restrictions on Latin Mass

>>>/qresearch/14135549 Doug Logan from Cyber Ninjas Lays Out Duplicate Ballot Discrepancies (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/14135550 Protests broke out in dozen cities in Khuzestan province, southwest Iran on Thursday night due to the water crisis.

Video https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=G3bOvgFl-2I - Iran's potable water crisis in Khuzestan southern Iran [Channel: People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran - MEK IRAN]

>>>/qresearch/14135607, >>>/qresearch/14135651 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/14135668 MI Attorney’s Explosive Interview: “We have proof that ‘Election Source’ was accessing machines and that the election was subverted”…”Votes were switched”

>>>/qresearch/14135682 Biochemist Dr David Rasnick on the Covid Crisis – Don’t let your kids be vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/14135782 A document came to light that showed Adrian Fontes knew the servers were hacked.

>>>/qresearch/14135807 #17883

(37 notables)

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2b1268  No.73057

File: 0337492aabdc179⋯.jpg (8.17 KB, 255x170, 3:2, End_Near.jpg)











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2b1268  No.73059

File: b8ae0dd18966c30⋯.png (347.31 KB, 610x476, 305:238, feede4c677ec978fd230c802c6….png)

File: e24792f00adbc09⋯.jpg (140.75 KB, 769x960, 769:960, not_hopeless.jpg)

File: d78d09f005de284⋯.jpg (128.14 KB, 500x695, 100:139, we_are_here.jpg)

File: bbd40aa81b2aea0⋯.png (773.6 KB, 698x559, 698:559, 953c2ab5759186553e90c3b55a….png)


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04bd01  No.79590

File: dec1499a69e24ee⋯.png (314.68 KB, 396x538, 198:269, Screenshot_2021_07_21_6_48….png)


















Hello guys, are any of you interested in joining my political club to discuss Trump and the 2020 election? Email me at: benflee222@gmail.com and tell from what board you came from.

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