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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

11ed7c No.51603 [Last50 Posts]

28NOV23 to 01DEC23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

11ed7c No.110309

File: 6b46796b190e280⋯.jpg (193.47 KB,1000x462,500:231,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987837 (280134ZNOV23) Notable: The 17XX IM OccFld formally manages the career paths of Marines who have gained highly-specialized training required for Space, EMSO, Cyber Warfare, Civil Affairs, and PSYOP and will support the development and reutilization of high-demand skillsets.

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1.C. The 17XX IM OccFld formally manages the career paths of Marines who have gained highly-specialized training required for Space, EMSO, Cyber Warfare, Civil Affairs, and PSYOP and will support the development and reutilization of high-demand skillsets.

2. Occupational Field Opportunities

2.A. Enlisted (read in three columns)

PMOS Name Grades

1751 Influence Specialist Sgt-GySgt

1795 Influence Chief MSgt-MGySgt

2.B. Unrestricted Officer (read in three columns)

PMOS Name Grades

1706 Maritime Space Officer Capt-LtCol

1707 Influence Officer 2ndLt-LtCol

Upon promotion to Colonel, officers will merge into the 8041 population


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11ed7c No.110310

File: ec31acb518e32f4⋯.png (590.46 KB,783x701,783:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987844 (280135ZNOV23) Notable: Palestinians are still waiting for their hostages and prisoners to be released The first ones have just started to arrive

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Lately have noted that some palestinian press reporting are no longer wearing PRESS IDENTIFICATION

Openly identifying as PRESS will get you shot by IDF

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11ed7c No.110311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987879 (280141ZNOV23) Notable: @TrumpGolfDC Hard to believe the countdown for our beloved annual holiday tradition - Santa Brunch is officially 7 days away at @TrumpGolfDC We believe in the true magic of the holiday season!

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Trump Washington DC


Nov 26

Hard to believe the countdown for our beloved annual holiday tradition - Santa Brunch is officially 7 days away at @TrumpGolfDC We believe in the true magic of the holiday season!

#santa #santabrunch #trumpgolf

Nov 26, 2023 · 7:11 PM UTC



“The dogs are barking Quixote.

A sign we move forward Sancho, a sign we move forward.”

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11ed7c No.110312

File: 0e326176242fb7f⋯.jpeg (307.95 KB,1035x1251,115:139,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0f16f719a53166f⋯.jpeg (282.84 KB,995x1269,995:1269,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a7516cd42d54655⋯.jpeg (129.81 KB,1037x623,1037:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f0d9210017a7e55⋯.jpeg (251.72 KB,1064x1536,133:192,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987882 (280141ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6

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Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6

by Cristina Laila Nov. 27, 2023

Trump’s attorneys filed a motion for discovery in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case demanding documents regarding informants and undercover agents related to January 6.

“Please provide all documents regarding informants, cooperators, undercover agents, representatives, or anyone acting in a similar capacity on behalf of or at the behest of the Department of Justice or any law enforcement agency…who was present at or within five miles of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in the 9-page discovery letter.

Trump’s trial date for Jack Smith’s January 6 case is currently scheduled for March 4, 2024 (election interference).


Whoo boy-last week, Trump's lawyers in J6 case filed a 9-page discovery letter seeking lots of records from Special Counsel and DOJ related to 2020 election and Jan 6.

Some highlights:

Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump could backfire if Trump’s team gets some of the documents in its discovery request.

Trump’s attorneys said in last week’s motion: “We have found many redacted documents in the discovery production.”

The Gateway Pundit has reported numerous times on suspected federal agents (Ray Epps?) who infiltrated the January 6 crowd.

Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy specializing in propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion, said he was at the Capitol on January 6 and witnessed:

Plainclothes militants. Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;

Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;

Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backward and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and

Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.

Antifa terrorists also infiltrated the Capitol protest.

Trump supporters were blamed for all of the violence and chaos at the Capitol on January 6, but according to a former FBI agent, Antifa terrorists infiltrated the Trump rally.

Via investigative reporter Paul Sperry: Former FBI agent on the ground at the U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 “busload” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops

Over the summer Tucker Carlson said he interviewed the Chief of Police who was at the Capitol on January 6 and in charge of security that day.

“I interviewed the Chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, in an interview that was never aired on FOX by the way, I was fired before it could air. I’m gonna interview him again,” Tucker said. “But Steven Sund was the totally non-political, worked for Nancy Pelosi.”

“I mean this was not some right-wing activist – he was the Chief of the Capitol Police on January 6, and he said, ‘Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that crowd was filled with federal agents…’”

Tucker continued, “As time passed, it became more and more obvious that the core claims they made about January 6 were lies.”


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11ed7c No.110313

File: 06df3bb4332b4e5⋯.png (425.66 KB,1571x982,1571:982,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987958 (280156ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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Jet is refueled.

Rocketboy has launched.

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11ed7c No.110314

File: 7e5eec26dfc70b7⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,1620x1748,405:437,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987970 (280158ZNOV23) Notable: A Turkish-Iranian gold trader accused of violating US sanctions on Iran flipped against his codefendant on Tuesday and will cooperate with federal prosecutors.

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I call bullshit on Flynn….

A Turkish-Iranian gold trader accused of violating US sanctions on Iran flipped against his codefendant on Tuesday and will cooperate with federal prosecutors.

The plea deal could spell trouble for former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was reportedly offered $15 million to pursue Turkish government interests in the US.

The trader, Reza Zarrab, could have information about Flynn's ties to Turkish President Recep Erdogan that could be useful to federal investigators examining the extent to which Flynn was working for the Turkish government both before and after the election.


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11ed7c No.110315

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987985 (280200ZNOV23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

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Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 11/27/2023



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11ed7c No.110316

File: c4348c4bd4998be⋯.jpeg (301.19 KB,1177x605,107:55,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 191ec7c7184e745⋯.jpeg (356.68 KB,773x708,773:708,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988074 (280215ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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Elon Musk N628TS G650 NW after a refuel and heading to Hawthorn Airport (LA)-Tel Aviv departure earlier

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11ed7c No.110317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988159 (280229ZNOV23) Notable: #24537

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#24537 >>110292

>>110296, >>110306, >>110313, >>110316 PF updates

>>110293, >>110294 Major Trump donors who soured on him after 2020 and Jan. 6 now insist he's their best choice

>>110295, >>110301 Declaration of North America (DNA)

>>110297, >>110299, >>110310 Palestinians are still waiting for their hostages and prisoners to be released The first ones have just started to arrive

>>110298, >>110303 Pres. Jimmy Carter plans to attend late wife Rosalynn Carter's memorial service in Atlanta/all living first ladies to attend

>>110300 A Ukrainian news channel accidentally releases the Kiev regime’s official list of KIA/MIA

>>110302 A #nuclearfleet change of command: Cmdr. Daniel Jones, incoming CO of the Virginia-class submarine USS Hawaii (SSN 776)

>>110304 Operation MKNaomi pdf

>>110305 Several Piracy-Related Arrests Spark Fears of High-Level Crackdown

>>110309, >>110307 The 17XX IM OccFld formally manages the career paths of Marines who have gained highly-specialized training required for Space, EMSO, Cyber Warfare, Civil Affairs, and PSYOP and will support the development and reutilization of high-demand skillsets.

>>110311 @TrumpGolfDC Hard to believe the countdown for our beloved annual holiday tradition - Santa Brunch is officially 7 days away at @TrumpGolfDC We believe in the true magic of the holiday season!

>>110312 Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6

>>110314 A Turkish-Iranian gold trader accused of violating US sanctions on Iran flipped against his codefendant on Tuesday and will cooperate with federal prosecutors.

>>110315 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy


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11ed7c No.110318

File: 1fa61902ae28f94⋯.png (416.03 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f4165cb18c743b⋯.jpg (4.95 MB,4160x3120,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ea6343fef27a286⋯.png (42.97 KB,512x200,64:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 481c26e05571cef⋯.png (835.88 KB,644x709,644:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 078ee33c0ca9ec9⋯.gif (4.14 MB,775x775,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988179 (280232ZNOV23) Notable: #24538

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Bread needs baker

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11ed7c No.110319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988269 (280247ZNOV23) Notable: Biden's pathetic explanation of supply chains - "less than 10"

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President Biden



On Thanksgiving two years ago, 100 container ships were waiting to dock at U.S. ports.

This year, there wereless than 10.

So, as families start their holiday shopping, shelves are stocked.

And that's no accident – it comes down to supply chains.

Nov 28, 2023 · 1:15 AM UTC


Comfy Kek

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11ed7c No.110320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988289 (280251ZNOV23) Notable: Biden's pathetic explanation of supply chains - "less than 10"

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Who is the one person who can answer?




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11ed7c No.110321

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988306 (280255ZNOV23) Notable: Erik Prince interviewed on X22 Spotlight Streamed on: Nov 25, 2023

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I just got around to watching this - really interesting at the end about the new phone Erik Prince developed: unplugged.com

Erik Prince interviewed on X22 Spotlight

Streamed on: Nov 25, 2023



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11ed7c No.110322

File: 72f912449911eac⋯.png (25.12 KB,535x368,535:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 5345e6f4ca45884⋯.png (14.86 KB,444x198,74:33,Clipboard.png)

File: e7ae7f7baad38c4⋯.png (11.33 KB,444x217,444:217,Clipboard.png)

File: aa208bfebe0eddf⋯.png (17.97 KB,444x282,74:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988319 (280258ZNOV23) Notable: Biden's pathetic explanation of supply chains - "less than 10"

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>less than 10

this is notable



(9 **kekek Q posts with "Less then 10")

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11ed7c No.110323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988411 (280320ZNOV23) Notable: ENERGY = MONEY = LIFE, They really mean REDUCE LIFE

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no horses

no farming

no gas

no electricity

no fires

ban gas cars/trucks



They really mean REDUCE LIFE

it never was a Green Deal it was a Multinational conspiracy in Genocide.

You don't even want to hear my proposal what should happen next.

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11ed7c No.110324

File: fe241977315fcaf⋯.mp4 (13.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988427 (280322ZNOV23) Notable: Lady Ballers For the keks!

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Lady Ballers

Top Kek I think it's real anons...

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11ed7c No.110325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988437 (280326ZNOV23) Notable: Reducing The Effects of Blue Light Medically Reviewed by Whitney Seltman, OD on September 16, 2022

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Reducing The Effects of Blue Light

Medically Reviewed by Whitney Seltman, OD on September 16, 2022

Written by Jodi Helmer

2 min read

Blue light the kind from your smartphone, tablet, TV, and even energy-efficient light bulbs can trigger eyestrain and lead to a range of health issues. These include cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, poor sleep, and mood disorders.

Since ditching all digital devices isn’t a realistic option, here are a few tips to ward off blue light’s effects.

Cut down on screen time. Taking regular breaks from computer or TV screens rests your eyes and limits blue light exposure. Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and focus on an object 20 feet away. Do this for at least 20 seconds.

Take a break from blue light at night. Screen breaks are most important in the evening. Try to power down your devices at least 3 hours before bed. This can help stop blue light from affecting your body’s release of the sleep hormone melatonin. More melatonin means better sleep.

Get new glasses. Computer glasses with special lenses can lower exposure. The yellow-tinted lenses increase contrast on your screen, filtering blue light and easing digital eyestrain. More research is needed to know how well blue light-blocking glasses work. But one small study found that people who wore glasses with filtering lenses had less eyestrain, blurred vision and dry eyes after long screen times. Another found that filtering lenses helped with melatonin suppression. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates sleep. Blue light slows or stops your body from releasing it. Lenses with anti-reflective coatings may also help by reducing glare, increasing contrast and blocking blue light.

Use a filter. Adding a screen filter to your smartphone, tablet and computer helps filter the amount of blue light your screens give off. Switching your devices to “night mode” may also help. The setting lowers your screen’s brightness. This can ease digital eyestrain and may even help you sleep better.

Try supplements. One small study found that taking supplements with lutein and zeaxanthin for 6 months eased eyestrain, poor sleep quality, and headaches from excessive screen time. Ask your doctor if these supplements are safe for you to take.

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11ed7c No.110326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988448 (280329ZNOV23) Notable: Heavily redacted documents related to search warrant for Trump’s Twitter account released

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New York Post



Heavily redacted documents related to search warrant for Trump’s Twitter account released


Nov 28, 2023 · 1:58 AM UTC




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11ed7c No.110327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988469 (280335ZNOV23) Notable: ENERGY = MONEY = LIFE, They really mean REDUCE LIFE

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You will fight for your basic needs and your children.

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11ed7c No.110328

File: c2d2bca290d51af⋯.png (21.7 KB,901x904,901:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988482 (280339ZNOV23) Notable: Heavily redacted documents related to search warrant for Trump’s Twitter account released

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>Heavily redacted documents related to search warrant for Trump’s Twitter

"Eight of the 14 pages related to the search warrant are completely redacted."


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11ed7c No.110329

File: 581f584bdac1cd9⋯.png (443.71 KB,674x893,674:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988488 (280342ZNOV23) Notable: NETANYAHU: $8 BILLION USED SO FAR on Gaza

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"We are continuing to work on our goal of returning all our hostages and ensuring that Hamas does not pose a threat to us again.

We have allocated about $8 billion to cover civil and military expenses during the month and a half since the start of the war."


Source: Al Jazeera

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11ed7c No.110330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988503 (280346ZNOV23) Notable: A national emergency: QAnon on the rise/America winning

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>America winning

Thomas Zimmer



A national emergency: QAnon on the rise

According to the 2023 American Values Survey, almost one fourth of Americans can be qualified as QAnon believers. What on earth…

Some thoughts on what that means for American democracy:


From the AVS report: “Since March 2021, the share of QAnon believers has increased significantly, from 14% to 23% today. The percentage of Americans who completely reject QAnon beliefs has significantly decreased from 40% to 29% in 2023.”


29% of Republicans qualify as QAnon believers, up from 23% two years ago. And while support is lower on the Democratic side, we encounter the same trend, as the number of Democratic QAnon believers has doubled – doubled! – since March 2021, from 7% to 14%.


Nov 27, 2023 · 6:34 PM UTC


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11ed7c No.110331

File: e03b28ecf4753b9⋯.jpeg (389.82 KB,1233x592,1233:592,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b4092449f89efb⋯.jpeg (454.4 KB,543x1138,543:1138,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988530 (280353ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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>>110209, >>>/qresearch/19986408 pb

AF2 kneepads on ground-her natural position-at Dobbins ARB,GA from Houston after being Hispanic today and collecting munree for Potato

Harris speaks with Congressional Hispanic Caucus amid 'On the Road' event series


>Rosalyn Carter memorial service tomorrow

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11ed7c No.110332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988547 (280357ZNOV23) Notable: Welcome to the Age of Digital Media - IDF

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Welcome to the Age of Digital Media

Israel Defense Forces


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11ed7c No.110333

File: 966e538c47a6ba2⋯.png (471.93 KB,655x738,655:738,Clipboard.png)

File: de9bd3356a13a58⋯.png (2.33 MB,835x3660,167:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988596 (280405ZNOV23) Notable: Canada: National COVID -19 inquiry set to unveil groundbreaking final report detailing pandemic response impacts (Rebel News)

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The National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) will gather tomorrow for a virtual hearing to release the final report from the commissioners.


National COVID -19 inquiry set to unveil groundbreaking final report detailing pandemic response impacts


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11ed7c No.110334

File: 9060c1d8710e740⋯.jpg (178.58 KB,720x1158,120:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988634 (280416ZNOV23) Notable: Geert Wilders has spoken in an exclusive interview with Breitbart London, explaining his decision to broadcast cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammad on national television this weekend

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988710 (280437ZNOV23) Notable: Geert Wilders has spoken in an exclusive interview with Breitbart London, explaining his decision to broadcast cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammad on national television this weekend

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>got sauce for that image?

Geert Wilders has spoken in an exclusive interview with Breitbart London, explaining his decision to broadcast cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammad on national television this weekend


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11ed7c No.110336

File: ce935341540c30c⋯.jpeg (445.56 KB,1323x625,1323:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988722 (280440ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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Brazilian AF BRS01 A330“President” Lulaheading east over Med towards Tel Aviv

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11ed7c No.110337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988751 (280449ZNOV23) Notable: Geert Wilders has spoken in an exclusive interview with Breitbart London, explaining his decision to broadcast cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammad on national television this weekend

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>>>/qresearch/19988678, >>>/qresearch/19988716, >>>/qresearch/19988724

That image was used as image for a removed blog post from 2021

re: Geert Wilders Cartoon

Geert Wilders Relaunches Muhammad Cartoon...


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11ed7c No.110338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988792 (280501ZNOV23) Notable: U.S., Partner Nation Task Force Respond to Commercial Vessel Distress Call

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U.S., Partner Nation Task Force Respond to Commercial Vessel Distress Call

Nov. 27, 2023

This weekend, the USS Mason and partner nation naval vessels responded to a distress call from the commercial shipping vessel M/V Central Park, which had been boarded by five armed individuals while in transit in the Gulf of Aden near Yemen, said the Pentagon press secretary.


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11ed7c No.110339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988796 (280502ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing - transcript

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TRANSCRIPT Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing

Nov. 27, 2023


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11ed7c No.110340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988802 (280503ZNOV23) Notable: DOD Awards $3.7 Million to Enhance Advanced Thermoplastics Production

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DOD Awards $3.7 Million to Enhance Advanced Thermoplastics Production

Nov. 27, 2023

The Department of Defense today announced the award of $3.7 million via the Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) program to Qarbon Aerospace to design and manufacture advanced lightweight continuous fiber thermoplastic composite structures for national defense aviation applications.


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11ed7c No.110341

File: 609891148c404f7⋯.png (134.53 KB,889x622,889:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988808 (280505ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing - transcript

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"As you saw in CENTCOM's press release last night, the USS Mason, with allied ships from the combined — Maritime Forces Counter-Piracy Combined Task Force 151 and associated aircraft responded to a distress call from the Central Park when they came under attack by an unknown entity. Coalition vessels responded, and upon arrival, demanded the release of the vessel. Subsequently, five armed individuals disembarked the ship and attempted to flee via their small boat. The Mason pursued the attackers, resulting in their eventual surrender, and the crew of the Central Park is currently safe"

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11ed7c No.110342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988809 (280506ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing - transcript

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call With Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant

Nov. 27, 2023

Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder provided the following readout:

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III called Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant today to receive an update on hostage recovery and the Israel Defense Forces' operational pause in Gaza. The Secretary provided updates on U.S. security assistance support to Israel; reiterated that humanitarian aid into Gaza must increase; and called for state and non-state actors to avoid expanding the current conflict. Secretary Austin also provided updates on U.S. efforts to protect its forces and interests across the Middle East.


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11ed7c No.110343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988823 (280511ZNOV23) Notable: WEBCAST: PRESS CONFERENCE FOR P-8A POSEIDON IN KANEOHE BAY

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Nov 27 2023 6:50 PM EST

Press Conference for P-8A Poseidon in Kaneohe Bay


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11ed7c No.110344

File: b7e32532383891c⋯.jpg (44.71 KB,749x562,749:562,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5182ff384563479⋯.png (582.69 KB,761x485,761:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988827 (280514ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine Says More Than 26,000 People Missing Since Start Of Full-Scale Invasion

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Ukraine Says More Than 26,000 People Missing Since Start Of Full-Scale Invasion

More than 26,000 people have gone missing almost half of them civilians since the start of Russia's unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister Leonid Tymchenko told state television on October 5.

"More than 26,000 people are missing under special circumstances and are being sought. Of these, 11,000 are civilians and about 15,000 are military personnel," Tymchenko said.

Ukraine's government last month transferred the authority to search for those missing from the Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories Ministry to the Internal Affairs Ministry.

To read the original story by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service, click here.

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11ed7c No.110345

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11ed7c No.110346

File: cd3c0ed9d260f9d⋯.jpg (129.4 KB,982x1173,982:1173,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3399db6c6f519f0⋯.jpg (64.63 KB,1170x642,195:107,Clipboard.jpg)


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Stephen Colbert has canceled a week of his The Late Show allegedly due to an “emergency appendectomy”. The timing sure is coincidental! Let’s recap what happened right before this alleged surgery:

- The Recount editor, Slade Sohmer, who “debunked Pizzagate” and was also pals with John Podesta was arrested for child porn.

- Elon Musk commented on Pizzagate exposing his 165 million followers to the truth about Pizzagate here on X.

- The FBI confirmed pizza is a pedophile code word.

As I said in episode 8 of Vampire Hunter, Sohmer was another media bitch for John Podesta and Hillary Clinton who did their bidding by covering up Pizzagate. So is Stephen Colbert! Colbert has been covering up Pizzagate for years including mocking and slandering me on his show last December. (Scroll down for the clip!👇🏻) Not only is Colbert also friends with John Podesta, he took orders from the Clinton Foundation — their fake charity front they use as a cover for trafficking children.

In 2016, WikiLeaks revealed that The Colbert Report was colluding with the Clinton Global Initiative, years before Hillary’s campaign was officially launched. In an e-mail from Craig Minassian of the Clinton Global Initiative to Podesta, Minassian brags that Colbert’s show aired two episodes that he “had them do.” The episodes focused on presenting the Clinton Foundation in a positive light.

“I hope you got a chance to see the The Colbert Report’s two special episodes I had them do about CGI U that we taped in St. Louis this weekend,” Minassian wrote. “This is the link to last nights with a sketch about commitments and the monologue and WJC (Bill Clinton) interview aired Monday. Hope you enjoy and looking forward to your feedback. Next will be your Colbert appearance!”

Colbert is sick in the head but sick in the hospital? Doubt it!

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11ed7c No.110347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988953 (280548ZNOV23) Notable: #24538

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#24538 >>110318

>>110331, >>110336 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>110321 Erik Prince interviewed on X22 Spotlight Streamed on: Nov 25, 2023

>>110322, >>110319, >>110320 Biden's pathetic explanation of supply chains - "less than 10"

>>110323, >>110327 ENERGY = MONEY = LIFE, They really mean REDUCE LIFE

>>110324 Lady Ballers For the keks!

>>110325 Reducing The Effects of Blue Light Medically Reviewed by Whitney Seltman, OD on September 16, 2022

>>110326, >>110326, >>110328 Heavily redacted documents related to search warrant for Trump’s Twitter account released


>>110331 PF

>>110332 Welcome to the Age of Digital Media - IDF

>>110330 A national emergency: QAnon on the rise/America winning

>>110333 Canada: National COVID -19 inquiry set to unveil groundbreaking final report detailing pandemic response impacts (Rebel News)

>>110334, >>110335, >>110337 Geert Wilders has spoken in an exclusive interview with Breitbart London, explaining his decision to broadcast cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammad on national television this weekend

>>110338 U.S., Partner Nation Task Force Respond to Commercial Vessel Distress Call

>>110339, >>110341, >>110342 Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing - transcript

>>110340 DOD Awards $3.7 Million to Enhance Advanced Thermoplastics Production


>>110344, >>110345 Ukraine Says More Than 26,000 People Missing Since Start Of Full-Scale Invasion




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11ed7c No.110348

File: 6f4e13b264baf25⋯.png (179.14 KB,505x397,505:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19988967 (280551ZNOV23) Notable: #24539

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baker seeking handoff, OUT @20==

God bless this site, this board, this bread


QAnon on this rise?


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11ed7c No.110349

File: 6959eb298c38516⋯.mp4 (5.61 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d57e0daebc165f5⋯.png (54.06 KB,889x351,889:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 97c44933e2ea450⋯.png (199.17 KB,889x533,889:533,Clipboard.png)

File: e3e662baea0a305⋯.png (550.83 KB,498x613,498:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989002 (280601ZNOV23) Notable: Required reading for NATO recruits: Defeat the Memes

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Mike Benz: Why Memes

NATO military intelligence became obsessed with stopping funny online memes that seeded support for populist right-wing political parties in Europe.

The Integrity Initiative leaks had required reading material for new NATO cluster cell recruits to defeat funny online memes



In any given conflict, the way to tell who the good guys are is whoever has the best sense of humor


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11ed7c No.110350

File: b4235a6d994da1c⋯.png (537.29 KB,868x681,868:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 10c8507fa0c6989⋯.png (4.49 MB,1529x1356,1529:1356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989570 (281016ZNOV23) Notable: @TomFitton: Strzok/Page records still being reviewed - Judge wants answers.

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Tom Fitton


Last month DOJ Attorney told federal judge during status conference that after six years "other agencies and components" still reviewing 1500 Peter Strzok-Lisa Page records! They've been sitting on the records since 2017! Court wanted answers and ordered DOJ to report back in hearing tomorrow. (Pic with @JudicialWatch senior attorney Michael Bekesha, who is handling this lawsuit for us.)

Nov 27, 2023, 11:11 PM


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11ed7c No.110351

File: 53246fe1506df19⋯.png (1.04 MB,1002x558,167:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989596 (281026ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat on why Americans disapprove of Bidenomics: Trump

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Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Trump After

Peter Doocy Repeatedly Asks Her Why Americans

Disapprove of Biden Economy (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 11/28/2023 2:07:35 AM

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday absurdly claimed Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Joe Biden’s economy because of Trump. Recent polls reveal Americans say they were better off financially under Trump. (X) Fox News reporter Peter Doocy repeatedly grilled KJP on Biden’s failed economic agenda that has led to persistent inflation. “On lowering prices, you said earlier that the actions the President has taken have worked. So, is it your sense that, when people were home for Thanksgiving, catching up with their family members they were saying to each other. Can you believe how much more affordable things have gotten?” Peter Doocy asked KJP.

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11ed7c No.110352

File: c10c8ee377f583a⋯.png (360.66 KB,676x553,676:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989603 (281027ZNOV23) Notable: Tuberville (R-AL): Biden’s Border Policy Could Cause ‘9/11 Attack Every Few Weeks’

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Tuberville: Biden’s Border Policy Could

Cause ‘9/11 Attack Every Few Weeks’

Breitbart Clips, by Pam Key

Posted By: Imright, 11/28/2023 1:54:51 AM

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) said Monday on Newsmax TV’s “The Balance” that President Joe Biden’s border policy could cause multiple 9/11-style terror attacks. Anchor Eric Bolling said, “There was a headline the other day of massive amounts of Chinese migrants coming across our southern border, 24,000 in fact, the ones that are apprehended not to mention senator I mean people on the terror watch lists approaching 200, who knows who have gotten through those are the ones we catch.” Tuberville said, “Well what happened in Israel and Hamas that catastrophe going on over there, when that happened, Joe Biden should’ve woke up and

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11ed7c No.110353

File: eb1f7aba226791d⋯.png (145.19 KB,386x393,386:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989638 (281037ZNOV23) Notable: Daughter of Saudi official involved in Khashoggi murder kills herself

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OMG EXCLUSIVE: Daughter of Saudi official involved in Khashoggi murder kills herself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEJ_qUMVHA4

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11ed7c No.110354

File: 0375dd2fcdea111⋯.png (80.48 KB,623x567,89:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989647 (281040ZNOV23) Notable: American Thinker: Legalizing Ballot Fraud in Pennsylvania

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Legalizing Ballot Fraud in Pennsylvania

American Thinker, by David Lanza

Posted By: Imright, 11/27/2023 8:38:43 PM

On November 22, 2023 it was reported that a federal court in Pennsylvania changed the legal requirements for counting mail-in ballots by county boards of elections. When no-excuse mail-in balloting was permitted in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, we were told that such voting was secure and that safeguards would prohibit fraud. Doubters and skeptics are forcefully reminded that the 2020 election was the “most secure in history.” Last week’s court decision is one more example of the alleged safeguards being eroded. One year earlier the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that all mail-in ballots must be dated and must be rejected by county boards of election if the date is invalid.

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11ed7c No.110355

File: 7351a904f330f63⋯.png (48.82 KB,659x356,659:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989656 (281042ZNOV23) Notable: Top White House health official: it's 'certainly possible' China KILLED researcher who started Covid by throwing him off roof

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Top White House health official says it's

'certainly possible' China KILLED researcher

who started the Covid pandemic by throwing

him off Wuhan lab roof

Daily Mail (UK), by Cassidy Morrison

Posted By: Imright, 11/27/2023 8:29:36 PM

A retired high-ranking health official revealed a Wuhan scientist secretly working on a Covid vaccine months before the pandemic broke out could have caused the global crisis and then been murdered for it. Dr Robert Kadlec, who served in the Trump administration as an official in biodefense and epidemic response departments during the Covid-19 pandemic, revealed the coronavirus could have escaped a Wuhan lab at the hands of Chinese military scientist, Zhou Yusen, who was conducting risky research on live animals. Dr Yusen was believed to be involved in SARS-related coronavirus animal vaccine research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the Summer or Fall of 2019,

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11ed7c No.110356

File: 25913ff090a03f4⋯.png (268.52 KB,1090x793,1090:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989749 (281109ZNOV23) Notable: @EndWokeness: A large protest against mass migration has broken out in Lyon, France

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End Wokeness


BREAKING: A large protest against mass migration has broken out in Lyon, France

The protest is a tribute to Thomas and 17 others who were stabbed a week ago in Crépol by a gang of migrants.

This is similar to what unfolded last week in Dublin following a migrant stabbing attack against Irish children.


credit to anon on GA.win with this


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11ed7c No.110357

File: 16fb9b558339d13⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989771 (281116ZNOV23) Notable: @EndWokeness: A large protest against mass migration has broken out in Lyon, France

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11ed7c No.110358

File: bfc8909e8fed0d8⋯.png (891.94 KB,995x714,995:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989786 (281122ZNOV23) Notable: Lovely White House Christmas decorations - Biden wishes everyone a COVID Christmas

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Lovely White House Christmas decorations.

Biden wishes everyone a COVID Christmas.


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11ed7c No.110359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989809 (281128ZNOV23) Notable: #24539

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For Incoming Baker @ 702ish


#24539 >>110348

>>110349 Required reading for NATO recruits: Defeat the Memes

>>110350 @TomFitton: Strzok/Page records still being reviewed - Judge wants answers.

>>110351 Buckwheat on why Americans disapprove of Bidenomics: Trump

>>110352 Tuberville (R-AL): Biden’s Border Policy Could Cause ‘9/11 Attack Every Few Weeks’

>>110353 Daughter of Saudi official involved in Khashoggi murder kills herself

>>110354 American Thinker: Legalizing Ballot Fraud in Pennsylvania

>>110355 Top White House health official: it's 'certainly possible' China KILLED researcher who started Covid by throwing him off roof

>>110356, >>110357 @EndWokeness: A large protest against mass migration has broken out in Lyon, France

>>110358 Lovely White House Christmas decorations - Biden wishes everyone a COVID Christmas

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11ed7c No.110360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989862 (281141ZNOV23) Notable: #24540

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Dough: https://fullchan.net/?28e6a164bd1feb96#3jPi6QFRVuF31rEcNGDC4R5tCYDPcEDymGa5BwobEV24


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11ed7c No.110361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990021 (281249ZNOV23) Notable: X's lawsuit against Media Matters may come down to intent, proof of damages, legal experts say

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X's lawsuit against Media Matters may come down to intent, proof of damages, legal experts say

The company has asked the court to order the deletion of the original Media Matters article, that they pay X the cost of litigation, and to award X actual and consequential damages. That last part may be Musk's highest hurdle.

Last week, X owner Elon Musk made good on his promise to go "thermonuclear" on Media Matters for America (MMFA) after the self-described watchdog group published an article asserting that the company was positioning ads for major companies next to pro-Nazi and otherwise hateful content.

Earlier this month, Media Matters for America published an article titled "As Musk endorses antisemitic conspiracy theory, X has been placing ads for Apple, Bravo, IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity next to pro-Nazi content." Included in the piece were screenshots of ads for X's major advertisers, including Apple, Comcast, Oracle, and IBM, next to explicitly pro-Nazi or otherwise offensive material.

X subsequently filed suit, alleging that MMFA deliberately manipulated its algorithms to bypass existing safeguards for advertisers to prevent such pairings and instead intentionally created the false impression that such occurrences were pervasive on the platform. MMFA omitted its manicured search methodology from the article.


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11ed7c No.110362

File: d236275d836bf98⋯.jpg (62.1 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990041 (281254ZNOV23) Notable: Idaho asks Supreme Court to stop federal government from using ER as 'enclave' for abortions

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Idaho asks Supreme Court to stop federal government from using ER as 'enclave' for abortions

Idaho is asking the Supreme Court to intervene and allow the state to enforce its pro-life law despite the Biden Administration's efforts to block it by allowing abortions in emergency rooms, according to court documents.

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act is meant to ensure that all patients who request emergency room treatment are examined, but Idaho argued in its court filing Monday that the law turns "protection for the uninsured into a federal super-statute on the issue of abortion, one that strips Idaho of its sovereign interest in protecting innocent human life and turns emergency rooms into a federal enclave where state standards of care do not apply."


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11ed7c No.110363

File: f38e1cf0e1069c7⋯.png (58.38 KB,240x135,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990057 (281300ZNOV23) Notable: The Irish government is seeking to make all “unapproved” memes “illegal,” but the US is actually one step ahead of them…

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The Irish government is seeking to make all “unapproved” memes “illegal,” but the US is actually one step ahead of them…

November 27, 2023 (a day ago)



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11ed7c No.110364

File: 1411608de2ceb12⋯.png (183.46 KB,568x417,568:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990067 (281304ZNOV23) Notable: The only American who was held by Hamas has a great aunt who happened to purchase some of Hunter Biden's fingerprintings...

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Joseph A. Camp




BREAKING: The only American who was held by Hamas -and just recently swapped in the exchange (the 3 year old girl) has a great aunt who happened to purchase some of Hunter Biden's fingerprintings for princely sum, not to mention the massive donations to Joe Biden and the Democrats. And a fundraiser for Kamala Harris.

What are the odds?

Meet Liz Hirsh Naftali.


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11ed7c No.110365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990087 (281310ZNOV23) Notable: Email: top govt doc under Fauci tried to bypass oversight on Covid origins

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Email: top govt doc under Fauci tried to bypass oversight on Covid origins


In the letters, Johnson included the text of Dr. Morens’ June 17, 2021 email that he sent from his Gmail account to ten people he referred to as his American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) “colleagues.”

The email had the subject line, “CONFIDENTIAL WITHIN OUR SMALL GROUP, PLEASE." Dr. Morens attached a June 11, 2021 letter Johnson and four other senators had sent to Sec. Becerra and then-National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins requesting documents related to the origins of Covid-19.

Dr. Morens, who at the time reported to Dr. Anthony Fauci, summarized the request, and then informed his colleagues he has retained “very few” records on “these matters” and reiterated his preference that “correspondence on sensitive issues be sent to [him] at [his] gmail [sic] address[.]”

It appears that Dr. Morens may have intentionally deleted or destroyed records relating to the origins of Covid-19 given his admission that he has ‘retained very few emails or documents on these matters.’ Further, Dr. Morens’ stated preference to receive correspondence on ‘sensitive issues’ through Gmail shows an apparent evasion of federal record keeping requirements and a complete disregard for transparency. Dr. Morens’ apparent actions may have directly obstructed my oversight efforts. . . . [I]n light of the information I recently obtained regarding Dr. Morens’ efforts to hinder HHS’s response to my June 11, 2021 letter, I am deeply concerned that HHS officials may have intentionally removed or destroyed responsive records on the origins of Covid-19 or on other aspects of the pandemic.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc)


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11ed7c No.110366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990270 (281353ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Denies Trump’s Request To Subpoena Jan. 6 Records In Federal Election Case - Judge Tanya Chutkan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judge Denies Trump’s Request To Subpoena Jan. 6 Records In Federal Election Case

The former president’s request resembles a “fishing expedition,” Judge Tanya Chutkan wrote.


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11ed7c No.110367

File: 04c49f69fd11065⋯.png (525.42 KB,918x1280,459:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990278 (281356ZNOV23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s attorneys are offering for their client to testify PUBLICLY on December 13th instead of in a closed door session as was originally offered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a letter to the House Oversight and Judiciary Cmte’s, Hunter Biden’s attorneys are offering for their client to testify PUBLICLY on December 13th instead of in a closed door session as was originally offered.



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11ed7c No.110368

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990288 (281401ZNOV23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/28/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/28/2023



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11ed7c No.110369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990289 (281401ZNOV23) Notable: WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich could remain in prison through the end of January after a Russian court extended his detention by two months

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nov. 28 (UPI) - Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich could remain in prison through the end of January after a Russian court extended his detention by two months Tuesday after he was accused of espionage.


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11ed7c No.110370

File: f2830329be101b7⋯.png (353.74 KB,647x722,647:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990299 (281404ZNOV23) Notable: 19990603, VOTE FRAUD EVIDENCE TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE D.C. COURT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110371

File: 7e0dd0ef00c7256⋯.png (262.09 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 77b69c9011a8ed8⋯.png (348.33 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: ceaba591d99db55⋯.png (222.91 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990306 (281406ZNOV23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s attorneys are offering for their client to testify PUBLICLY on December 13th instead of in a closed door session as was originally offered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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11ed7c No.110372

File: 1b5bdbcee0d2eb7⋯.png (1.17 MB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990342 (281418ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Ganymede from Juno

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Nov 28, 2023

Ganymede from Juno

What does the largest moon in the Solar System look like? Jupiter's moon Ganymede, larger than even Mercury and Pluto, has an icy surface speckled with bright young craters overlying a mixture of older, darker, more cratered terrain laced with grooves and ridges. The cause of the grooved terrain remains a topic of research, with a leading hypothesis relating it to shifting ice plates. Ganymede is thought to have an ocean layer that contains more water than Earth - and might contain life. Like Earth's Moon, Ganymede keeps the same face towards its central planet, in this case Jupiter. The featured image was captured in 2021 by NASA's robotic Juno spacecraft when it passed by the immense moon. The close pass reduced Juno's orbital period around Jupiter from 53 days to 43 days. Juno continues to study the giant planet's high gravity, unusual magnetic field, and complex cloud structures.


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11ed7c No.110373

File: 13ba632df1df6e2⋯.jpg (133.41 KB,720x919,720:919,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990351 (281420ZNOV23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s attorneys are offering for their client to testify PUBLICLY on December 13th instead of in a closed door session as was originally offered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Hunter Biden agrees to testify publicly as part of a House impeachment inquiry into President Biden.


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11ed7c No.110374

File: caa3381d0794ba1⋯.png (260.01 KB,632x384,79:48,Clipboard.png)

File: 70fd6d6a4c4d25c⋯.png (207.36 KB,557x1549,557:1549,Clipboard.png)

File: 326885bc78e0144⋯.jpg (168.1 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990419 (281438ZNOV23) Notable: 19990603, VOTE FRAUD EVIDENCE TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE D.C. COURT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Trump team brings forth evidence in Jack Smith inquisition case.

it's happening


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11ed7c No.110375

File: 4f507948c22bc1b⋯.png (3.05 MB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990425 (281440ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Scientific Balloons Ready for Flights Over Antarctica

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Scientific Balloons Ready for Flights Over Antarctica

NOV 27, 2023

NASA kicks off its annual Antarctic Long Duration Balloon Campaign around Dec. 1, which includes three scientific balloon flights planned for launch from the long-duration balloon (LDB) Camp near McMurdo Station, Antarctica. NASA’s stadium-sized, zero-pressure balloons will support a total of five missions on the long-duration flights with one mission vying to break NASA’s heavy-lift, long-duration balloon flight record, which stands at 55 days, 1 hour, and 34 minutes.

“The annual Antarctic long-duration balloon campaign is the program’s flagship event for long-duration missions,” said Andrew Hamilton, acting chief of NASA’s Balloon Program Office (BPO). “The environment and stratospheric wind conditions provide a unique and valuable opportunity to fly missions in a near-space environment for days or weeks at a time. The BPO team is excited to provide support to all our missions this year.”

Headlining this year’s campaign is the Galactic/Extragalactic ULDB Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatory (GUSTO) mission. This Astrophysics mission is managed by NASA’s Explorers Program Office at Goddard Space Flight Center. The mission is led by principal investigator Christopher Walker from the University of Arizona with support from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. GUSTO will aim for 55-plus days in flight above the southernmost hemisphere’s skies to map a large part of the Milky Way galaxy, including the galactic center, and the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud. The GUSTO telescope is equipped with very sensitive detectors for carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen emission lines. Measuring these emission lines will give the GUSTO team deep insight into the full lifecycle of the interstellar medium, the cosmic material found between stars. GUSTO’s science observations will be performed from Antarctica to allow for enough observation time aloft, access to astronomical objects, and solar power provided by the austral summer in the polar region.

Additional missions set to fly during the Antarctic LDB campaign include:

- Anti-Electron Sub-Orbital Payload (AESOP-Lite): The mission, led by a team from the University of Delaware and University of California Santa Cruz, will measure cosmic-ray electrons and positrons. These electron measurements will be compared to Voyager I and II, which reached interstellar space and have been measuring cosmic ray electrons since 2012 and 2018, respectively. AESOP-Lite will fly on a 60 million cubic feet balloon, a test flight set to qualify the balloon for reaching altitudes greater than 150,000 feet, which is higher than NASA’s current stratospheric inventory.

- Long durAtion evalUation solaR hand LAunch (LAURA): This engineering test flight, led by NASA’s Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility, will utilize solar panels to extend the science capability of the hand launch platform from a few days in flight to long-duration flights. Hand-launched balloons are about 40 times smaller in volume than the heavy-lift balloons and have limited time aloft due to the amount and weight of batteries used for powering the science and balloon instruments.

- Anihala (Antarctic Infrasound Hand Launch): This piggyback payload on the AESOP-Lite launch, a cooperative mission between the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and Sandia National Lab, aims to measure natural background sound in the stratosphere over a continent where human-generated sound is largely absent.

Zero-pressure balloons feature open ducts that allow gas to escape and prevent an increase in pressure from inside the balloon. Gas expansion occurs as it heats during the balloon’s rise above Earth’s surface or by temperature increases from a rising Sun. These balloons, which typically have a shorter flight duration due to the loss of gas from the cycle of day to night, can only fly long-duration missions during the constant daylight of summer in polar regions, where the balloon stays in constant sunlight.

NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia manages the agency’s scientific balloon flight program with 10 to 15 flights each year from launch sites worldwide. Peraton, which operates NASA’s Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility (CSBF) in Texas, provides mission planning, engineering services, and field operations for NASA’s scientific balloon program. The CSBF team has launched more than 1,700 scientific balloons over some 40 years of operations. NASA’s balloons are fabricated by Aerostar. The NASA Scientific Balloon Program is funded by the NASA Headquarters Science Mission Directorate Astrophysics Division.


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11ed7c No.110376

File: f2a2583c312e094⋯.png (649.25 KB,1333x860,31:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990454 (281448ZNOV23) Notable: November 27 at 11:20 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

On Monday, November 27 at 11:20 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

This was the 17th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched GPS III Space Vehicle 04, GPS III Space Vehicle 05, Inspiration4, Ax-1, Nilesat 301, OneWeb Launch 17, ARABSAT BADR-8, and now 10 Starlink missions.


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11ed7c No.110377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990463 (281450ZNOV23) Notable: Habbenings for 11/28/2023

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10:00 AM EST

The Federal Reserve and the Economic Outlook: A Conversation with Federal Reserve Governor Christopher J. Waller

American Enterprise Institute





Federal Reserve Board Governor on the Economy

Federal Reserve Board Governor Christopher Waller discusses the economy at an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute.


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11ed7c No.110378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990470 (281452ZNOV23) Notable: Habbenings for 11/28/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EST

Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day


McElrath v. Georgia (22-721)


Wilkinson v. Garland, Att'y Gen. (22-666)


Supreme Court




10:00 AM EST

McElrath v. Georgia Oral Argument

The Supreme Court hears oral argument in McElrath v. Georgia, a case on the Fifth Amendment’s double jeopardy clause.



11:00 AM EST

Wilkinson v. Garland Oral Argument

The Supreme Court hears oral argument in Wilkinson v. Garland, a case concerning immigration law and final deportation orders.


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11ed7c No.110379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990506 (281501ZNOV23) Notable: The only American who was held by Hamas has a great aunt who happened to purchase some of Hunter Biden's fingerprintings...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aunt Of Four-Year Old American Hostage Released On Sunday Linked To Democratic Donations, Hunter Biden Painting, Biden White House Access, And Cushy Biden Appointment

so saith https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/middle-east/2023/11/26/aunt-of-four-year-old-american-hostage-released-on-sunday-linked-to-democratic-donations-hunter-biden-painting-biden-white-house-access-and-cushy-biden-appointment/

Abigail’s Aunt, Elizabeth Naftali, is a Los Angeles real estate investor, democratic donor, who is connected to Hunter Biden’s art, has had access to the Biden White House, and received a cushy appointment by President Joe Biden.

Federal Election Commission records show almost 1,700 democratic political donation entries by Natali over recent years.

It is reported in the records that Naftali gave $5,600 directly to Biden’s campaign and thousands in contributions to Democratic campaigns, party organizations, and PACs during the 2019-2020 campaign cycle, including a $50,000 contribution to a pro-Biden political action committee.

Naftali has been at the Biden White House at least 13 times since December 2021, the Washington Free Beacon reported just months ago.

...might make an anon wannee dig.

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11ed7c No.110380

File: ec8774d74d38af1⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990530 (281506ZNOV23) Notable: 19990603, VOTE FRAUD EVIDENCE TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE D.C. COURT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


American-made was better than European for energy savers too.

Though USA didn't make too many with that in mind

but when USA did, it blew the European brands out of the water

But they didn't build many of them

Thick enough insulation, a fridge will work like old-fashioned ice box, so when electricity goes out. Food is good for 2 / 3 days.

ALSO you can use a supplement freezer (small) to prepare ice packs - and it will work without electricity. (Or even freeze them outdoors in winter if you live in the North)

New fridges are flimsy.

Don't want to pay for them at all.

Think of heavy cars from the 50's - then a fridge built like that?

I think Nancy has one like that for herself and her ice cream? Same as pedoJoe?


who could think up a shill campaign against anon Swordy? That's so crazy. They're scraping the bottom of the barrel now.



^ maybe someone else can verify this? I 'm locked out of twit


is @patel_patriot pinned vid.

All I could get right now

can keep trying

but otherwise, easier for someone who already has twit?

Would be interesting to know the date of the posting!


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11ed7c No.110381

File: 825ecace6257c54⋯.jpeg (470.64 KB,1321x611,1321:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9230196f94cc30b⋯.jpeg (846.58 KB,1388x617,1388:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 18bcdb33ea0adbc⋯.jpeg (372.2 KB,1168x473,1168:473,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990551 (281509ZNOV23) Notable: Planefag with eyez on our skyz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

planeFag Europe/Gulf (C_A Director in Doha) activity

Italian AF PERSE71 G550 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control) AC back nao-this used to be pretty regular over this area but hasn’t been visible for several weeks-cap3 is this AC

Italian AF IAM3133 A319 back to Rome from Brussels depart-been a lot of EU member state diplomatic flights in/out of Brussels cuz the EU is running out of money and telling members to cut spending Italy’s budget approved a few days ago

Brussels must trim €13B from proposed budget increase, EU capitals say


169339 US Navy P8 Poseidon heading back to Sigonella AB after Black Sea patrol

DUKE60 US Army Beech Super King NW from Constanta AB Romania

ATILA07 US Army Super King also NW from Constanta as well

German AF GAF686 Global 5000 in at Belgrade, Serbia

German AF GAF884 A321neo departed Brindisi, Italy (on the heel) did a roundy at Bratislava and descending to Koln (Luftwaffe home base)

Qatar AF LHOB255 C17 WN from Doha

C_A head Burns in Qatar right now

CIA director in Qatar for talks on Israel-Hamas war, hostages


Will get to CONUS next but connect issues


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11ed7c No.110382

File: bddca187af05924⋯.png (220.66 KB,901x564,901:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990555 (281510ZNOV23) Notable: Comer didn't take the bait - Rep James Comer responds to Hunter Biden's offer, says he is required to sit for a deposition first.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep James Comer responds to Hunter Biden's offer, says he is required to sit for a deposition first.

“We expect full cooperation with our subpoena for a deposition but also agree that Hunter Biden should have opportunity to testify in a public setting at a future date.”


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11ed7c No.110383

File: d567d9310d84ad3⋯.pdf (483.45 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: b6b7f5572cf8fe9⋯.jpg (100.19 KB,836x714,418:357,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990647 (281526ZNOV23) Notable: 19990603, VOTE FRAUD EVIDENCE TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE D.C. COURT

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11ed7c No.110384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990653 (281527ZNOV23) Notable: JoeyCamp2020 - Faggot Judge Judge Arthur Engoron hires himself a lolywer to appeal the stay of Trump's gag order claiming Trump's speech is threatening his life with "credible threats"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joseph A. Camp




Allison Greenfield is the clerk that's been telling the judge what to do in the Trump trial.

Play VideoReplay


Current Time 3:02


Duration 3:02

1xPlayback Rate

Open quality selector menu



Joseph A. Camp




Faggot Judge Judge Arthur Engoron hires himself a lolywer to appeal the stay of Trump's gag order claiming Trump's speech is threatening his life with "credible threats" (yet to date no one has been arrested).

Nothing like a conflict of interests.


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11ed7c No.110385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990664 (281529ZNOV23) Notable: JoeyCamp2020 - Faggot Judge Judge Arthur Engoron hires himself a lolywer to appeal the stay of Trump's gag order claiming Trump's speech is threatening his life with "credible threats"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Joseph A. Camp




More on Allison Greenfield.


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11ed7c No.110386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990691 (281535ZNOV23) Notable: #24540

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #24540

backup baker in the bullpen?

hold em til the top

#24540 >>110360

>>110381 Planefag with eyez on our skyz

>>110361 X's lawsuit against Media Matters may come down to intent, proof of damages, legal experts say

>>110362 Idaho asks Supreme Court to stop federal government from using ER as 'enclave' for abortions

>>110363 The Irish government is seeking to make all “unapproved” memes “illegal,” but the US is actually one step ahead of them…

>>110364, >>110379 The only American who was held by Hamas has a great aunt who happened to purchase some of Hunter Biden's fingerprintings...

>>110365 Email: top govt doc under Fauci tried to bypass oversight on Covid origins

>>110366 Judge Denies Trump’s Request To Subpoena Jan. 6 Records In Federal Election Case - Judge Tanya Chutkan

>>110367, >>110371, >>110373 Hunter Biden’s attorneys are offering for their client to testify PUBLICLY on December 13th instead of in a closed door session as was originally offered.

>>110368 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/28/2023

>>110369 WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich could remain in prison through the end of January after a Russian court extended his detention by two months

>>110370, >>110374, >>110380, 19990603, >>110383 VOTE FRAUD EVIDENCE TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE D.C. COURT

>>110372 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Ganymede from Juno

>>110375 NASA Scientific Balloons Ready for Flights Over Antarctica

>>110376 November 27 at 11:20 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

>>110378, >>110377 Habbenings for 11/28/2023

>>110382 Comer didn't take the bait - Rep James Comer responds to Hunter Biden's offer, says he is required to sit for a deposition first.

>>110384, >>110385 JoeyCamp2020 - Faggot Judge Judge Arthur Engoron hires himself a lolywer to appeal the stay of Trump's gag order claiming Trump's speech is threatening his life with "credible threats"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110387

File: 267a260334af63a⋯.png (714.61 KB,640x478,320:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 567d24f973b2c18⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c51fa42e740e10⋯.jpg (724.44 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990723 (281542ZNOV23) Notable: #24541

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

morn'n baker requesting handoff

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11ed7c No.110388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990746 (281546ZNOV23) Notable: 10:40 AM EST Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:40 AM EST

Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Following the Informal Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)




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11ed7c No.110389

File: 350283babe0ac00⋯.png (160.46 KB,304x338,152:169,Clipboard.png)

File: bbbd595f57376b4⋯.png (80.42 KB,1182x640,591:320,Clipboard.png)

File: f0a73e36e9c90ed⋯.png (273.52 KB,759x742,759:742,Clipboard.png)

File: 293d5acc58834d8⋯.png (159.97 KB,304x338,152:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990753 (281547ZNOV23) Notable: BUN - D. The Solar Winds “SUNBURST” Attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That little pukeChris Kreb BTFOin the filing.

onNov 17

C. The 2020 Election CISA Statement

Less than two weeks after the 2020 election, CISA joined a public statement regarding

election security (the “2020 Election CISA Statement”). See Ex. B; see also Indictment ¶ 11(d).

The 2020 Election CISA Statement claimed, falsely, that “there was no evidence any voting system

had been comprised” and “declared the 2020 election ‘the most secure in American history.’”

On November 17, 2020, President Trump fired CISA’s Director. In a public statement,

President Trump explained that he terminated the Director because the CISA Election Statement

was “highly inaccurate.” 1


>>110370, >>110374, >>110380, >>>/qresearch/19990603, >>110383 VOTE FRAUD EVIDENCE TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE D.C. COURT

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11ed7c No.110390

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990757 (281548ZNOV23) Notable: 11:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11:00 AM EST

Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day


McElrath v. Georgia (22-721)


Wilkinson v. Garland, Att'y Gen. (22-666)


Supreme Court




Wilkinson v. Garland Oral Argument

The Supreme Court hears oral argument in Wilkinson v. Garland, a case concerning immigration law and final deportation orders.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110391

File: e30bb0d1d956dc1⋯.png (57.18 KB,409x475,409:475,Clipboard.png)

File: f0a73e36e9c90ed⋯.png (273.52 KB,759x742,759:742,Clipboard.png)

File: feb6edb19241270⋯.png (50.16 KB,902x311,902:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 38c69418913a3d9⋯.png (83.9 KB,954x300,159:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 350c7c817839313⋯.png (352.76 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990784 (281555ZNOV23) Notable: BUN - D. The Solar Winds “SUNBURST” Attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>That little puke Chris Krebs BTFOin the filing.

>onNov 17

That was 5 days after this Q drop I was looking over recently. Can't remember why. But related to some recent habbening.

The people in the Q drop who werefired were :

Bryan Ware


Valerie Boyd


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 11/12/2020 22:20:17 ID: b3a95d

8kun/qresearch: 11618946

Shall we play a game?

[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming



Who stepped down today [forced]?


More coming?

Why is this relevant?

How do you 'show' the public the truth?

How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?

How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?

It had to be this way.

Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.


> https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/12/politics/dhs-officials-forced-resign-white-house/index.html

Two top Homeland Security officials forced to resign by White House

Alex Marquardt Geneva Sands

By Alex Marquardt and Geneva Sands, CNN

3 minute read

Updated 5:39 PM EST, Thu November 12, 2020


Trump fires director of Homeland Security agency who had rejected President’s election conspiracy theories

Kaitlan Collins Paul LeBlanc

By Kaitlan Collins and Paul LeBlanc, CNN

7 minute read

Updated 4:55 AM EST, Wed November 18, 2020

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11ed7c No.110392

File: 7e27cf4571220f2⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990787 (281556ZNOV23) Notable: BUN - D. The Solar Winds “SUNBURST” Attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110393

File: c6f84ee39452734⋯.mp4 (9.78 MB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990809 (281601ZNOV23) Notable: BUN - D. The Solar Winds “SUNBURST” Attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110394

File: 665e0e629f5720a⋯.jpeg (659.28 KB,1173x608,1173:608,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cd279c57159ba1e⋯.jpeg (610.6 KB,828x1277,828:1277,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0c8780d007a3a1d⋯.gif (77.75 KB,498x498,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: ccb2a64760419a9⋯.png (512.37 KB,734x525,734:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990840 (281607ZNOV23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS-Potato to Carter memorial and on descent to Dobbins ARB-Kneepads

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

planeFag CONUS-Potato to Carter memorial and on descent to Dobbins ARB-Kneepads arrived yesterday

Potato in 92-9000 747 and 09-0018C32A escort to Atlanta and will be at Dobbins so both Potato and kneepads ACs will be there

09-0018 heading to Robbins AFB

There will be a tanker arrive and do roundies as the aerial refueling station at some point

Potato leaves for Denver later and yet another fundraiser tonight

8pm EST-participates in a campaign reception



Biden brings 'MAGA' playbook to Lauren Boebert's Colorado district


AF2 already at Dobbins ARB from Houston “event” yesterday-she wiz Hispanic and collected money for Potato

PAT786 US Army C560 west from Bragg (still calling it that and don’t care it’s name was changed)

PAT=Priority Air Transport

It is now on descent over Northern GA so likely part of this whole Carter thing today as security cuz from Bragg

PAT040 US Army Metro23SW from Dobbins (where AF2 parked on cap)

>>110316 pb

Elon Musk N628TS G650 landed at Austin Intl his AC has range to do this w/o a fuel stop cuz it did it from Austin to Tel Aviv so what was the extra weight picked up in Tel Aviv that required him to stop at Shannon for refuel?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110395

File: 77efd6874a7a7e3⋯.jpg (1.96 MB,972x6231,324:2077,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99af606a153ab24⋯.png (560.19 KB,1354x768,677:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e731e691e65696⋯.png (305.64 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990884 (281618ZNOV23) Notable: BUN - D. The Solar Winds “SUNBURST” Attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Moar Krebs from the filing.

Allowed Russia to infiltrate via SolarWinds hack, then

became a consultant for SolarWinds.

This sounds like an electino securtity executive order violation

D. The Solar Winds “SUNBURST” Attack

One of the reasons that the CISA Election Statement was inaccurate is that, between

January 2019 and at least December 2020, parties reportedly linked to Russia’s Foreign

Intelligence Service, the SVR, perpetrated what the SEC recently described as “one of the worst

cybersecurity incidents in history.” Ex. C ¶ 11. In connection with what is now known as the

“SUNBURST attack,”

[T]he threat actors inserted malicious code into three software builds for SolarWinds’ Orion

products. SolarWinds then delivered these compromised products to more than 18,000

customers across the globe. The malicious code provided the threat actors with the ability

to access the systems of these compromised customers, provided certain other conditions

were met, and became known as the SUNBURST attack.

Id. ¶ 13. During the attack:

[T]hreat actors conducted reconnaissance, exfiltration, and data collection; identified

product and network vulnerabilities; harvested credentials of SolarWinds employees and

On December 13, 2020, CISA issued Emergency Directive 21-01, titled “Mitigate

SolarWinds Orion Code Compromise.” Ex. D. The Directive noted that “SolarWinds Orion

products . . . are currently being exploited by malicious actors,” which posed “an unacceptable risk

to Federal Civilian Executive Branch agencies and requires emergency action.” Id. CISA made

those findings based on, among other things, the “[h]igh potential for a compromise of agency

information systems” and “[g]rave impact of a successful compromise.” Id. As a result, CISA

directed “[a]ffected agencies” to “immediately disconnect or power down SolarWinds Orion

products.” Ihe next day, the New York Times reported that the attack had impacted the DOJ,

n December 2020 and January 2021, CISA issued joint statements regarding the attack

with the FBI, the National Security Agency, and the Office of the Director of National

Intelligence. 3 On January 6, 2021, CISA “determined that this threat poses a grave risk to the

Federal Government and state, local, tribal, and territorial governments as well as critical

infrastructure entities and other private sector organizations.” 4

Following the termination of the CISA Director, he formed a consultancythat was retained

bySolarWinds in early 2021. 5

SolarWinds has hired ex-CISA chief Chris Krebs and Facebook's former security lead Alex Stamos months after its huge hack


Election Integrity Partnership

Electino Censorshipfags

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11ed7c No.110396

File: d30f3807f9e2b0a⋯.pdf (3.21 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 4f8e111d7bd2903⋯.pdf (4.46 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 2bead25ed5d0824⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,2072x2072,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990887 (281618ZNOV23) Notable: Epstein Flight Logs unredacted PDF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Epstein Flight Logs unredacted PDF

Epstein Black Book

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11ed7c No.110397

File: 2ce1245381a7fde⋯.png (351.65 KB,529x556,529:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990901 (281620ZNOV23) Notable: 11 more days. Go @USArmy, beat @USNavy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

& not a ship in sight.

11 more days.



, beat




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11ed7c No.110398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990912 (281622ZNOV23) Notable: Huge volcanic eruption on Japan's Iwo Jima Island

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110399

File: dc3c0d8baa0fd53⋯.png (10.4 KB,526x140,263:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990936 (281626ZNOV23) Notable: Clintons, Michelle Obama traveling on board Air Force One together with Bidens to Georgia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - Clintons, Michelle Obama traveling on board Air Force One together with Bidens to Georgia — The Hill


I find it sad nobody in America owns a surface to air missile.

Really dissapointing.

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11ed7c No.110400

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990978 (281634ZNOV23) Notable: Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify Publicly Before House Panel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bongino Report


BREAKING: Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify Publicly Before House Panel

Nov 28, 2023, 11:11 AM


Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify Publicly Before House Panel, he has a new strategy attack attack attack, he is trying to sue everybody




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11ed7c No.110401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991014 (281638ZNOV23) Notable: Nikki Haley lands endorsement from Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity PAC

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Nikki Haley lands endorsement from Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity PAC

November 28, 202311:16 AM ET


Inb4 the Nikki shills. Know your enemy.

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11ed7c No.110402

File: 865c1fddf7ce695⋯.png (100.86 KB,568x341,568:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991030 (281639ZNOV23) Notable: CAP is Derek Chauvin now a Loose End?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110403

File: ecded4f8a6bafa3⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991037 (281640ZNOV23) Notable: Police State Ireland MP4

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Police State Ireland

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991040 (281641ZNOV23) Notable: Google Issues Warning To Drive Users Over Sudden Deletion Of Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Google Issues Warning To Drive Users Over Sudden Deletion Of Files


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110405

File: 54526003f3e51a4⋯.png (12.22 KB,529x144,529:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991047 (281641ZNOV23) Notable: Sen. Tuberville says he expects a ‘9/11 attack every few weeks’ because of Biden’s policies

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NEW - Sen. Tuberville says he expects a ‘9/11 attack every few weeks’ because of Biden’s policies


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11ed7c No.110406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991057 (281642ZNOV23) Notable: Palm Beach County Florida: You can't give your garbage away, that belongs to us!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Palm Beach County Florida: You can't give your garbage away, that belongs to us!!!

County shuts down composting business that neighbors would give organic garbage to, claiming your garbage belongs to them.

Yay Freedom!!!

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11ed7c No.110407

File: f53c2fb7a464106⋯.png (102.22 KB,560x349,560:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991082 (281647ZNOV23) Notable: US Home Prices Rose For the 7th Straight Month In September

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Devil With A Blue Dress? US Home Prices Rose For the 7th Straight Month In September… Led By Detroit! (Illegal Immigration Destinations Lead Nation)

Odd that 4 metro areas with 6% or higher home price growth are all cities with larger illegal immigrant migration: Chicago, Detroit, New York and San Diego (all blue cities). This is what is called housing displacement, A surge in immigration leads to rent stock being absorbed and housing prices rising.


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11ed7c No.110408

File: f1976aaf7b23394⋯.png (15.23 KB,527x421,527:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991102 (281652ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine's spy chief’s wife poisoned, Ukraine suspects Russia behind it

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BREAKING - Ukraine's spy chief’s wife poisoned, Ukraine suspects Russia behind it


Lemme guess... novichok poisoning.

And we all know Hillary likes to use that.

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11ed7c No.110409

File: efc7f784d74890f⋯.png (10.43 KB,533x147,533:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991121 (281655ZNOV23) Notable: UK National Grid is activating its "blackout prevention scheme" amid current cold snap

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - UK National Grid is activating its "blackout prevention scheme" amid current cold snap — Sky News


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11ed7c No.110410

File: be6663c4a29091d⋯.png (126.37 KB,297x458,297:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991147 (281701ZNOV23) Notable: Finland closes its entire border with Russia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclose.tv / @disclosetv 11/28/2023 09:18:36

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 111488605671955860

Image Name: 24a3a4e655f18660.png

Filename: 24a3a4e655f18660.png

JUST IN - Finland closes its entire border with Russia. Effective from Thursday at 00:00 and for at least two weeks — PM Orpo

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11ed7c No.110411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991151 (281703ZNOV23) Notable: Tribute service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter

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Tribute service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter

By Elise Hammond, CNN

Updated 11:58 a.m. ET, November 28, 2023


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11ed7c No.110412

File: 119dfe8b7c64ecc⋯.jpeg (390.99 KB,1604x1512,401:378,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991158 (281704ZNOV23) Notable: FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110413

File: d2fa4cf2ddef9dd⋯.png (1.78 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991168 (281707ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon looks to commercial space for an edge

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Pentagon looks to commercial space for an edge

November 27, 2023

WASHINGTON — Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, who has spearheaded Pentagon efforts to bring cutting-edge technology into defense programs, is overseeing the military’s first commercial space integration strategy.

The new strategy comes as the Pentagon seeks to tap into advancements in commercial space technology to maintain an advantage over China, now seen as America’s top military competitor.

“At Deputy Secretary Hicks’ direction, the Department is currently developing our first DoD Commercial Space Integration Strategy in order to drive integration and ensure the availability of commercial space solutions during competition, crisis and conflict,” Pentagon Spokesman Eric Pahon said Nov. 27 in a statement to SpaceNews.

The space integration strategy is being drafted by the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb. Speaking at an industry conference last month, Plumb said, “It’s an exciting time for innovation in space and there’s major opportunities for the department to leverage, like the rapid production and technology refresh rates that the commercial sector can provide.”

The Pentagon’s annual report on Chinese military capabilities released to Congress last month warned that China was closing once-substantial gaps with American space technologies, increasing the possibility that Beijing could gain the upper hand in a future conflict by attacking United States satellites.

Speaking with reporters last week, Hicks called China’s rise the Pentagon’s top concern and said partnering with the private sector is vital to outpacing Beijing in developing cutting-edge technology. But she acknowledged the Pentagon needs to do more to attract commercial innovation. “We have a challenge with the commercial sector really looking at DoD as a strong and capable partner,” she said.

The new commercial strategy joins other initiatives led by Hicks, including a project to rapidly develop fleets of unmanned vehicles and platforms using artificial intelligence and other advanced commercial technologies, which she has pushed as a lesson from Ukraine’s war against Russian forces.

“The Ukrainians are showing a lot of how that rapid iteration is happening” in deploying drones and other unmanned systems, Hicks said. The Pentagon is now working to emulate that agility, she added.

Commercial space reserve

Separately from the commercial space integration strategy, DoD and U.S. Space Force officials are drafting plans to establish a commercial space reserve to ensure the U.S. military has access to commercial satellites during conflicts.

Under the program known as Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve (CASR), DoD would sign agreements with companies to ensure services like satellite communications and remote sensing are prioritized for U.S. government use during national security emergencies.

Hicks is backing these efforts, said Pahon. “With the rapid growth of the commercial space sector, we have an opportunity to capture that innovation in support of the warfighter,” he added. “The Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve is one of several important initiatives that are getting after this challenge.”

The CASR project is led by the Space Force’s Space Systems Command.

The goal is to recruit companies to participate in the program during peacetime, with the incentive that they would get large contracts for services if they are needed during conflicts or crises. To motivate companies to be part of CASR, the Space Force would give them access to wargames, for example, allowing them to participate in exercises so they can better understand how satellite-based services are used.


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11ed7c No.110414

File: b298c737d615837⋯.png (90.4 KB,893x471,893:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d8211df70353eb⋯.png (145.09 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e3f7a57b508a16d⋯.png (164.11 KB,440x320,11:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991192 (281710ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Congressman Robert Aderholt is doing a fantastic job representing the people of Alabama’s 4th Congressional District.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Congressman Robert Aderholt is doing a fantastic job representing the people of Alabama’s 4th Congressional District.=

Robert is an America First Conservative who is working hard to Secure our Borders, Strengthen our Military, Stop the Weaponization of “Justice”, Expand Rural Broadband, and Bring Manufacturing Back to the Great State of Alabama.

Robert Aderholt has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Nov 28, 2023, 12:07 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110415

File: d3a82803ce13f4d⋯.png (493.89 KB,856x760,107:95,Clipboard.png)

File: e1c2c7df3621fea⋯.png (209.76 KB,672x914,336:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991201 (281713ZNOV23) Notable: Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine Dr. Yusen Zhou was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine Dr. Yusen Zhou was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine

A new report today in the Daily Mail suggests that Dr. Yusen Zhou, the scientist who filed the patent on the COVID 19 vaccine in only three months, died when he was thrown from a roof in 2021.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Zhou Yusen (or Dr. Yusen Zhou) since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic.

As reported earlier, Yusen Zhou was from the People’s Liberation Army’s State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity in Beijing and a key link to the People’s Liberation Army’s research on coronaviruses.

Zhou Yusen is listed as a co-inventor on at least eight U.S. patents, the references supporting those patents, for example, 9889194, was research funded by NIAID. Lawrence Sellin reported that Yusen Zhou’s collaboration with Shibo Jiang continued into the COVID-19 pandemic, publishing a July 30, 2020 Science article together with institutions associated with China’s military.

In another report by Lawrence Sellin – Dr. Yusen Zhou was one of the Chinese military scientists, who collaborated with Major General Wei Chen in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak. He received his training as a military medical doctor and also studied the spike protein of the first SARS coronavirus in 2004, while working in the same research center as Major General Wei, the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

The Daily Mail reported:

A retired high-ranking health official revealed a Wuhan scientist secretly working on a Covid vaccine months before the pandemic broke out could have caused the global crisis and then been murdered for it.

Dr Robert Kadlec, who served in the Trump administration as an official in biodefense and epidemic response departments during the Covid-19 pandemic, revealed the coronavirus could have escaped a Wuhan lab at the hands of Chinese military scientist, Zhou Yusen, who was conducting risky research on live animals.

Dr Yusen was believed to be involved in SARS-related coronavirus animal vaccine research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the Summer or Fall of 2019, Kadlec claims in a government report he co-authored.

During his research, Dr Yusen filed a patent in February 2020 for a Covid vaccine that he was suspected of secretly having worked on for months, just three months after the first case of the virus was reported in China – a time far faster than typical vaccine development.

Three months after filing his patent, the scientist mysteriously died when he ‘fell from the roof of the institute.’



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11ed7c No.110416

File: fdca8c686ea7c63⋯.png (1.09 MB,888x1156,222:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 0466ca296c5e7b0⋯.png (1.03 MB,888x1156,222:289,Clipboard.png)

File: a27f00c39a56f6d⋯.png (1.23 MB,888x1156,222:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 79155d47c2fa03f⋯.png (638.08 KB,888x1156,222:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991221 (281716ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Trump arrives to fanfare at Williams-Brice Stadium for USC-Clemson football game”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


“Trump arrives to fanfare at Williams-Brice Stadium for USC-Clemson football game”

Nov 28, 2023, 12:10 PM


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11ed7c No.110417

File: f67592f94d9b7a4⋯.png (191.19 KB,776x818,388:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 30a472eda4ca39d⋯.png (203.13 KB,865x477,865:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991272 (281723ZNOV23) Notable: Donald J. Trump @JudicialProtest Follow When Judicial Protest promises, we always deliver.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



“New York Times’ Never-Trump Lawyers Masquerade as Conservatives”

Nov 28, 2023, 12:14 PM


Judicial Protest



When Judicial Protest promises, we always deliver. Our next Info drop shows that Hobo Judge Engoron’s Principal Law Clerk Allison Greenfield was ACTIVELY campaigning and petitioning to get radical Trump-hater


on the ballot for New York Governor while the #TrumpCivilFraud case was pending.

Here’s the petition where Allison Greenfield gathered signatures to get


on the ballot, signed under oath by Greenfield:


To show how radical Allison Greenfield is,


campaigned falsely calling Trump a “racist,” was arrested twice protesting outside of Trump Tower and claimed that Trump’s supporters have “Orange Madness.”

How can Trump get a fair trial when a radical left-wing activist like Allison Greenfield is steering the case against Trump and 74-year-old Hobo Judge Engoron — just one year away from mandatory retirement! There’s no accountability!

Allison Greenfield has committed gross and habitual violations of the Judicial Cannons and the Rules of Professional Responsibility, which the court system is trying to hide.

It’s time that we demand a MISTRIAL be declared in the #TrumpCivilFraudCase by Hobo Judge Engoron!

It’s time that we demand Hobo Judge Engoron be removed from the bench!

And, most importantly, it’s time that we demand Allison Greenfield be DISBARRED!

Don’t let the Soros-backed losers like Michael “Convict” Cohen


, Ben “Pedo” Meiselas


and Michael “The Groper” Popok


fool you with their disinformation! They are like Crackhead Santas, they never deliver. And, we will be exposing them and their disinformation in short order.




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11ed7c No.110418

File: 982e5fe8975eeeb⋯.png (209 KB,549x508,549:508,Clipboard.png)

File: 72ab42888586bff⋯.mp4 (312.41 KB,632x360,79:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991293 (281726ZNOV23) Notable: @NikkiHaleyHQ As Ron DeSantis put it yesterday: “If somebody endorses somebody other than you, you don’t always have to lash out.”

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Team Nikki Haley


As Ron DeSantis put it yesterday:

“If somebody endorses somebody other than you, you don’t always have to lash out.”

11:32 AM · Nov 28, 2023

from United States·


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11ed7c No.110419

File: 54691293e9857a6⋯.png (477.3 KB,526x538,263:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991302 (281728ZNOV23) Notable: @SpeakerJohnson Come see the more than 5,000 handcrafted ornaments made by the Shawnee Tribe and communities across West Virginia!

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The view from the Speaker’s Balcony this morning!

Come see the more than 5,000 handcrafted ornaments made by the Shawnee Tribe and communities across West Virginia!


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11ed7c No.110420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991358 (281737ZNOV23) Notable: Stephen Colbert cancels week of shows due to burst appendix?

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Stephen Colbert cancels week of shows due to burst appendix

The comedian revealed on social media that he is recovering after surgery, wiping out planned shows for the week

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11ed7c No.110421

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991367 (281738ZNOV23) Notable: Tucker Carlson: Ep. 41 Dublin in flames

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Tucker Carlson: Ep. 41 Dublin in flames

Tucker Carlson: Ep. 41 Dublin in flames. What’s happening in Ireland will happen here, at scale. Steve Bannon explains



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11ed7c No.110422

File: 122793777ed57e7⋯.png (597.78 KB,884x709,884:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 03386419c6b8d58⋯.png (716.12 KB,1198x743,1198:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991411 (281743ZNOV23) Notable: @mikelindell “We Need to Secure Our Election Platforms Immediately.”

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Mike Lindell


“We Need to Secure Our Election Platforms Immediately.” Click here to watch the entire interview:


Nov 28, 2023, 12:32 PM


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11ed7c No.110423

File: d821cfbf6fe0096⋯.png (659.35 KB,771x457,771:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991520 (281756ZNOV23) Notable: Michigan Tries to Force Christian School to Hire Anti-Christian Teachers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michigan Tries to Force Christian School to Hire Anti-Christian Teachers, But the School is Fighting Back

Several groups from diverse religious and philosophical backgrounds have united in support of a Grand Rapids-based parish, its Catholic school, and several of the school’s families in friend-of-the-court briefs filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit in Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish v. Nessel. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and its school, Sacred Heart Academy, are asking the 6th Circuit to protect the school’s constitutionally protected freedom to operate as a religious school.

The Michigan Legislature recently amended the Michigan Civil Rights Act to cover sexual orientation and gender identity but provided no protection for religious organizations that believe marriage between one man and one woman and the immutability of sex support human flourishing. The missing protections mean that the change to the law requires Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and its school, Sacred Heart Academy, to hire faculty and staff who lead lives in direct opposition to the Catholic faith, speak messages that violate Church doctrine, and decline to articulate Catholic beliefs in teaching students and when advertising the school to prospective students or job applicants. The amendment also threatens the rights of parents—including the three families who have joined the lawsuit—who specifically chose to send their children to Sacred Heart Academy because the school aligns with their values and religious beliefs.

“As a federal court concluded in another case involving a Catholic social-service organization, this sort of illegitimate targeting creates a ‘strong inference’ that the state’s ‘real target is the religious beliefs’ of the Catholic Church ‘and not discriminatory conduct,’” said ADF Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch. “Here, Michigan is forcing Sacred Heart to make an unconstitutional and unconscionable choice between teaching and practicing the Catholic faith or closing their doors forever, while denying parents the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish has faithfully served Grand Rapids families for more than a century, and its school provides a rich academic and spiritual environment for hundreds of children. We and the groups that have filed briefs in support of our clients are urging the 6th Circuit to allow their lawsuit to continue so they can take steps toward serving their community without fear of government punishment.”

More at: https://www.lifenews.com/2023/11/24/michigan-tries-to-force-christian-school-to-hire-anti-christian-teachers-but-the-school-is-fighting-back/

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11ed7c No.110424

File: afd4912b59a3c5f⋯.png (661.59 KB,909x2017,909:2017,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991527 (281756ZNOV23) Notable: Qapp Cap @ T: 00.17.17 REMINDER - NCSWIC @SourceCode

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991548 (281759ZNOV23) Notable: #24541

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#24541 >>110387

>>110388 10:40 AM EST Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

>>110390 11:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>110394 PlaneFag CONUS-Potato to Carter memorial and on descent to Dobbins ARB-Kneepads

>>110396 Epstein Flight Logs unredacted PDF

>>110397 11 more days. Go @USArmy, beat @USNavy

>>110398 Huge volcanic eruption on Japan's Iwo Jima Island

>>110399 Clintons, Michelle Obama traveling on board Air Force One together with Bidens to Georgia

>>110400 Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify Publicly Before House Panel

>>110401 Nikki Haley lands endorsement from Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity PAC

>>110402 CAP is Derek Chauvin now a Loose End?

>>110403 Police State Ireland MP4

>>110404 Google Issues Warning To Drive Users Over Sudden Deletion Of Files

>>110405 Sen. Tuberville says he expects a ‘9/11 attack every few weeks’ because of Biden’s policies

>>110406 Palm Beach County Florida: You can't give your garbage away, that belongs to us!!!

>>110407 US Home Prices Rose For the 7th Straight Month In September

>>110408 Ukraine's spy chief’s wife poisoned, Ukraine suspects Russia behind it

>>110409 UK National Grid is activating its "blackout prevention scheme" amid current cold snap

>>110410 Finland closes its entire border with Russia

>>110411 Tribute service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter

>>110412 FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots

>>110413 Pentagon looks to commercial space for an edge

>>110414 @realDonaldTrump Congressman Robert Aderholt is doing a fantastic job representing the people of Alabama’s 4th Congressional District.

>>110415 Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine Dr. Yusen Zhou was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine

>>110416 @realDonaldTrump “Trump arrives to fanfare at Williams-Brice Stadium for USC-Clemson football game”

>>110395 BUN - D. The Solar Winds “SUNBURST” Attack

>>110417 Donald J. Trump @JudicialProtest Follow When Judicial Protest promises, we always deliver.

>>110418 @NikkiHaleyHQ As Ron DeSantis put it yesterday: “If somebody endorses somebody other than you, you don’t always have to lash out.”

>>110419 @SpeakerJohnson Come see the more than 5,000 handcrafted ornaments made by the Shawnee Tribe and communities across West Virginia!

>>110420 Stephen Colbert cancels week of shows due to burst appendix?

>>110421 Tucker Carlson: Ep. 41 Dublin in flames

>>110422 @mikelindell “We Need to Secure Our Election Platforms Immediately.”

>>110423 Michigan Tries to Force Christian School to Hire Anti-Christian Teachers

>>110424 Qapp Cap @ T: 00.17.17 REMINDER - NCSWIC @SourceCode


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11ed7c No.110426

File: 364267863bfb525⋯.png (1.91 MB,1500x1000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991580 (281802ZNOV23) Notable: Remove the #Uniparty Blockades

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#24542 https://fullchan.net/?1869a17b9588eeeb#7teEZzL2DcCdUs6yAC11GZn1FSAj8sjeK7WJuWrZyHHR

#Palindrome Edition


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11ed7c No.110427

File: 4f1ce52b075eb03⋯.jpg (134.89 KB,1080x1964,270:491,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991588 (281802ZNOV23) Notable: Qapp Qlock Cap 00.00.00 {30} moar hours.

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11ed7c No.110428

File: 8781be88f68c52d⋯.jpg (58.04 KB,691x441,691:441,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991614 (281806ZNOV23) Notable: Amazon announces Q, an AI chatbot for businesses

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Amazon announces Q, an AI chatbot for businesses


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11ed7c No.110429

File: cd614f77fc907e0⋯.jpeg (19.11 KB,208x255,208:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3d876f52898e22c⋯.jpg (146.69 KB,1092x590,546:295,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 13fefbf8611efc4⋯.jpeg (147.75 KB,664x680,83:85,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f909c5db798c377⋯.png (316.05 KB,575x468,575:468,Clipboard.png)

File: 41710c75eacba45⋯.jpg (111.58 KB,1024x384,8:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991615 (281806ZNOV23) Notable: Remove the #Uniparty Blockades

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11ed7c No.110430

File: 412fc0073bc574a⋯.jpg (72.25 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991629 (281808ZNOV23) Notable: Remove the #Uniparty Blockades

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11ed7c No.110431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991645 (281811ZNOV23) Notable: Gold Fag Anon Report

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Gold hits intraday ALL time high

Gold 2041.00

Change +26.40

Dollar 102.80

Change -0.40

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11ed7c No.110432

File: c2ec8ae1f75b19b⋯.jpeg (73.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991678 (281815ZNOV23) Notable: Network of Ukrainian-run drug labs busted in Russia

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28 Nov, 2023 15:01

Network of Ukrainian-run drug labs busted in Russia

Almost 1.5 tons of the synthetic drug mephedrone and 35 tons of componentshave been seized, the Interior Ministry has revealed

Russian police have busted a major network of drug laboratories in Moscow and several other regions of the country, the Interior Ministry has said. The illegal activity was supervised from Ukraine, it added.

Officers have so far detained21 suspects, including 12 Ukrainian nationals, as part of the case, the ministry’s spokeswoman, Irina Vovk, announced on Tuesday.

“It has been established that over the past few years a whole network of drug laboratories was created by perpetrators in the Moscow, Pskov and Ryazan regions,” she said.

According to Vovk, the laboratories produced mephedrone, asynthetic stimulant drug of the amphetamine and cathinone classes. Almost 1.5 tons of the drug and some 35 tons of components to make it were seized, the spokeswoman said.

The investigation found that the recruiters sought people in Ukraine who then traveled to Russia, rented premises and obtained the necessary equipment and began making the illegal substance, she said.

The final product was placed at stash points and then distributed through dedicated websites. The Ukrainian curators coordinated their subordinates through online messenger platforms, the spokeswoman added.

“There was a clean-cut hierarchy and strict discipline within the criminal community. Those violating the rules established by the leadership were severely punished, up to physical elimination,” Vovk said.

The money earned by the network was distributed among its members and invested in further production of the drug, the spokeswoman added.

Vovk also recalled that the police had previously busted a Ukrainian-run network of laboratories in Moscow Region in 2020. More than a ton of mephedrone was seized in several locations, with 16 people, including 11 Ukrainian citizens, detained.


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11ed7c No.110433

File: 9e03a802342398a⋯.png (734.07 KB,1124x747,1124:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991733 (281823ZNOV23) Notable: REMOVE THE #UNIPARTY BLOCKADE MEME GALLERY

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MEME GALLERY https://postimg.cc/gallery/yCmB40BC

~450 count

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11ed7c No.110434

File: 32e69dd12111f9d⋯.jpg (27.7 KB,474x355,474:355,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2de4d31418b5626⋯.jpg (66.95 KB,400x600,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 43102c419d9a212⋯.jpeg (50.54 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4f3452aecfb379b⋯.png (156.74 KB,586x773,586:773,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b0b057bc5add2a⋯.png (104.16 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991751 (281826ZNOV23) Notable: Remove the #Uniparty Blockades

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11ed7c No.110435

File: c23ea30a0b045d6⋯.jpg (182.93 KB,747x554,747:554,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5e6ffd46ca65737⋯.jpg (129.54 KB,982x1046,491:523,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76ce42759688205⋯.png (702.51 KB,1479x1108,1479:1108,Clipboard.png)

File: 827fbbe8134987c⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,534x431,534:431,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991760 (281827ZNOV23) Notable: Remove the #Uniparty Blockades

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11ed7c No.110436

File: 13257ad991f0a38⋯.png (172.25 KB,277x416,277:416,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bdf301394c239c⋯.png (134.96 KB,277x416,277:416,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e092d2bb32428b⋯.png (140.12 KB,277x416,277:416,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a2597250da0de0⋯.png (162.47 KB,277x416,277:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991771 (281829ZNOV23) Notable: #Uniparty Cards

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11ed7c No.110437

File: b8813907b12ae08⋯.png (1.13 MB,1268x4476,317:1119,Clipboard.png)

File: ca0444468150475⋯.png (103.69 KB,776x476,194:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ec40a7327a8702⋯.png (94.8 KB,966x442,483:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 34bb18247dc42a2⋯.png (103.16 KB,902x692,451:346,Clipboard.png)

File: 151d47ec359be60⋯.png (218.34 KB,1161x971,1161:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991778 (281831ZNOV23) Notable: Cap List Rinos Democrats

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11ed7c No.110438

File: d93afe89e0c1c38⋯.png (401.47 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 20decfc4ddefdfd⋯.png (567.14 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

File: c959c339cdf524e⋯.png (490.22 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

File: eb1d8075f42729a⋯.png (411.52 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 608d66df94e59cc⋯.png (512.05 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991783 (281832ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Cards

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11ed7c No.110439

File: 19e62cf2c1ff82a⋯.png (129.15 KB,493x647,493:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991787 (281832ZNOV23) Notable: Hunter Biden Demands To Testify Publicly Vs. Closed-Door Deposition

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Hunter Biden Demands To Testify Publicly Vs. Closed-Door Deposition

Hunter's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, argues that public testimony will "prevent selective leaks, manipulated transcripts, doctored exhibits, or one-sided press statements."


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11ed7c No.110440

File: 8017b911b38c322⋯.png (553.22 KB,880x741,880:741,Clipboard.png)

File: da973f6793ca2dc⋯.png (463.75 KB,1428x1134,34:27,Clipboard.png)

File: c0b6c171e026959⋯.png (71.33 KB,590x516,295:258,Clipboard.png)

File: f03024d6bc36307⋯.png (440.95 KB,725x720,145:144,Clipboard.png)

File: 540a3036c04035c⋯.png (69.71 KB,516x388,129:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991793 (281833ZNOV23) Notable: Cap List Rinos Democrats

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11ed7c No.110441

File: 560b44ae8fca124⋯.png (372.3 KB,554x476,277:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991808 (281836ZNOV23) Notable: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens

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‘I Am Hopeful – that Congress Will Do It” – DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens Here in the US

Approximately 10 million illegal aliens have walked across the open southern US border in the first three years of Joe Biden’s administration. Millions more are on their way.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeatedly lied and told Congress that the border is secure for three years.

Don’t forget – Republican lawmakers refused to impeach Mayorkas earlier this month.

Now Mayorkas is pushing amnesty for the approximately 40 million illegals in the country today.

HOST: “What should we do with the 12 million illegals aliens already here in America?”

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: “The answer is quite clear and quite straightforward, and we’ve been waiting for for about 30 years, and that is to fix a system that everyone agrees is fundamentally broken, and we need congressional action both for the lawful pathways that really need to be more robust in statute and for the 12 million people who are here in the United States, who have been contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being. They’re our neighbors, our friends, our fellow congregants, they provide our front line workers. We need to do something, and I am hopeful and remain hopeful that Congress will do it. The president, on his first day in office, presented Congress with a proposal.”


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11ed7c No.110442

File: 2d3fe05c1a05e37⋯.png (366 KB,624x351,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bc881635602ae1⋯.png (41.92 KB,553x363,553:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991824 (281838ZNOV23) Notable: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots – But There’s No Verifiable Paper Trail Thanks to State Using Faulty Voting Machines

Caddo Parish, Louisiana – It turns out that voting can make a difference even when you are dead. This is especially the case if there is no paper trail ensuring election results are accurate.

Democrat Henry Whitehorn and Republican John Nickelson faced off in a November 18 election to determine who would become the next Caddo Parish sheriff. The final results showed the candidates separated by just a single vote out of more than 43,000 cast and Whitehorn was declared the winner.

Nicholson rightfully requested a recount to respect the “will of the people.”

This extraordinarily narrow margin absolutely requires a hand recount to protect the integrity of our democratic process, and to ensure we respect the will of the people.

Nicholson noted there were multiple irregularities that accounted for the final result, including dead voters being counted and people who voted twice:

We know that at least two voters voted twice, and that the votes of at least five people who were deceased as of Election Day were counted


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11ed7c No.110443

File: d80a309731898ed⋯.png (595.68 KB,796x755,796:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991859 (281844ZNOV23) Notable: Soros' ex-wife lists Upper West Side co-op for $27.5M

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Soros' ex-wife lists Upper West Side co-op for $27.5M

After a long pause, Susan Weber, an ex-wife of billionaire financier George Soros, is trying again to find a taker for her palatial uptown co-op.


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11ed7c No.110444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991861 (281844ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk Gets Brutally Honest on Dealing with Hamas Mass Murderers

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Elon Musk Gets Brutally Honest on Dealing with Hamas Mass Murderers: “There’s No Choice But to Kill Those Who Insist on Murdering Civilians”

President Herzog expressed deep gratitude for Musk’s visit, highlighting the contrast between Musk’s role in tech innovation and the stark reality of entrenched historical hatred.

“Your visit means a lot to us because the world is ever-changing and you are at the forefront of so many technologies and developments which look forward for humanity,” said Herzog.

“On the other hand, you’ve seen how evil can supersede everything. You’ve seen it this morning, you’ve seen what hate can bring about, you’ve seen how thought turns into evil, into hate, and into bloodshed. It is so close. And whilst you look forward with the most advanced technologies on Earth, it is clear that the oldest disease in humanity, antisemitism, lurks underneath and impacts so many societies.”

“It’s remarkable what humans are capable of if they’re fed falsehoods, from when they are children,” Musk said, suggesting how propaganda can affect children’s minds.


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11ed7c No.110445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991899 (281851ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas Releases American Hostage Whose Family Purchased Hunter Biden’s Art

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Hamas Releases American Hostage Whose Family Purchased Hunter Biden’s Art

Hamas released on Sunday four-year-old hostage Abigail Mor Edan, whose great aunt is a reported buyer of Hunter Biden’s artwork and a big donor to Democrats.

The release of Abigail suggests that her connections to the White House may have motivated the Biden administration to lobby Hamas to prioritize her release over other American hostages.


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11ed7c No.110446

File: 42323b17b920cd7⋯.png (745.08 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991946 (281858ZNOV23) Notable: PF Report

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I can only see 1 on here

There were 2 flying in formation

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11ed7c No.110447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991949 (281859ZNOV23) Notable: OP: Uniparty

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Page 1/4

OP: #Uniparty

Impeach Recall ALL RINOS & Corrupt Democrats

There are plenty of Patriots that are helping and working tirelesly and GOD BLESS!!!

We need to make room for these people to rise.

Objective will be 2 fold

Impeach/Recall Rinos: RINO = [R]EPUBLICAN [I]N [N]AME [O]NLY

Impeach/Recall Corrupt Dems = Leaders

Below is a list of RINOS currently holding a position of a GOP Senator or Congressman and Corrupt Democrats

Calling for You to help remove these people from their Post before they can do any more damage to our Constituional Republic.

Share this information with the world. Expose and Remove the #Uniparty Blockade. CALL FOR THEIR REMOVAL, LITERALLY

MEME GALLERY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/yCmB40BC

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/search?q=uniparty


Sen. Susan Collins of Maine

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina

Sen. John Thune of South Dakota

Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri

Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa

Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio

Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota

Sen. Bill Casidy Louisiana

Sen. Marco Rubio Florida

Sen. Marsh Blackburn Tennessee

Sen. Mike Lee Utah

Sen. James Lankford Oklahoma

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas

Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma

Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas

Sen. Mike Rounds of S. Dakota

Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama

Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Sen. Todd Young of Indiana


Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

Rep. David Valadao of California

Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

Rep. John Katko of New York

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington

Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia

Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida

Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas

Rep. Van Taylor Texas

Rep. Darrell Issa California

Rep. Kevin Mccarthy California

Roy Blunt (Missouri)

John Boozman (Arkansas)

Shelley Capito (WV)

Susan Collins (Maine)

John Cornyn (TX)

Tom Cotton (Arkansas)

Lindsey Graham (SC)

Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma)

Mitch McConnell (KY)

Jerry Moran (KS)

Lisa Murkowski (AK)

Rob Portman (Ohio)

Mitt Romney (UT)

Mike Rounds (SD)

Richard Shelby (AL)

John Thune (SD)

Roger Wicker (MS)

Todd Young (IN)


7 GOP Senators Voted To Convict Trump https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-trial-live-updates/2021/02/15/967878039/7-gop-senators-voted-to-convict-trump-only-1-faces-voters-next-year

A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for assistance for the situation in Ukraine https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00191.htm

GOP Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski who support abortion rights https://www.cbsnews.com/news/roe-v-wade-supreme-court-abortion-access-advocates-susan-collins-lisa-murkowski/

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11ed7c No.110448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991951 (281900ZNOV23) Notable: OP: Uniparty

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X List






























































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11ed7c No.110449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991957 (281901ZNOV23) Notable: OP: Uniparty

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991961 (281901ZNOV23) Notable: OP: Uniparty

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16 Committee

2020 Democrat Riots and timelines

2020 Riots and timelines



Ballot Trafficking


Border Crisis


Counter Fact Checkers

Counter Media Narrators



cuomo elders

cuomo producer

darpa fauci

Dominion Voting



epstein island


fauci no mask

foxx soros


GOP Back The Blue

Governor Seniorcide

griffen cuomo

Human Trafficking

Hunter Laptop


Lyndsey Graham Judges

maxine bill clinton


Milley biden afghanistan withdeawal

MilleyChina ReleaseTheTranscript

Natural Immunity

No Vaccine Child Passports Military

pelosi stocks


Save The Children

Save The Filibuster

schiff gitmo

Second Amendment

Section 230

Start a Garden






weinstein jail

PASTE: https://fullchan.net/?1f3f3f5bae28e12a#5aY8nW3GqLDF7N6m5VwdJB1ep2T7BBttKgD3AnBuQmrU

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11ed7c No.110451

File: 9b86ca6a0702c0e⋯.png (183.03 KB,470x1024,235:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991996 (281909ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Won All 50 States if Absentee Ballots Weren’t Counted

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Trump Won All 50 States if Absentee Ballots Weren’t Counted

According to Noah at 100percentfedup, he asked Google’s Bard AI to give a state-by-state breakdown of who won each state in the 2020 election in two different categories: in person election day votes and mail-in ballots.

The data given is below.

Former President Donald Trump won the “in person vote” in ALL 50 states in 2020, while Biden only won the “mail-in ballot” vote for each state.

Trump won the in-person vote in Hawaii and Delaware, with a close margin of 71% to 27%. In Delaware, he won the Election Day vote by 49.25%, while Biden won the absentee vote in reliably red states like Arkansas and South Carolina. Data shows Trump won the Election Day vote in every state, while Biden won the absentee vote in almost every state.


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11ed7c No.110452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992009 (281912ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas senior official invites Elon Musk to visit Gaza?

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Hamas senior official invites Elon Musk to visit Gaza

On Monday, Elon Musk, the social media mogul assailed for his endorsement of an anti-Jewish post, toured the site of the Hamas assault on Israel.

"We invite him to visit Gaza to see the extent of the massacres and destruction committed against the people of Gaza, in compliance with the standards of objectivity and credibility," Hamas' senior official Osama Hamdan said in a press conference in Beirut.


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11ed7c No.110453

File: 92d3b20e9b2591d⋯.jpg (131.53 KB,926x907,926:907,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992011 (281912ZNOV23) Notable: Pepe of the thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110454

File: ac78008230f0861⋯.png (766.41 KB,687x640,687:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992051 (281923ZNOV23) Notable: International collaboration leads to dismantlement of ransomware group in Ukraine amidst ongoing war

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International collaboration leads to dismantlement of ransomware group in Ukraine amidst ongoing war

The ransomware gang is behind high-profile attacks that created losses of hundreds of millions of euros

In an unprecedented effort, law enforcement and judicial authorities from seven countries have joined forces with Europol and Eurojust to dismantle and apprehend in Ukraine key figures behind significant ransomware operations wreaking havoc across the world. The operation comes at a critical time, as the country grapples with the challenges of Russia’s military aggression against its territory.

On 21 November, 30 properties were searched in the regions of Kyiv, Cherkasy, Rivne and Vinnytsia, resulting in the arrest of the 32-year-old ringleader. Four of the ringleader's most active accomplices were also detained.

More than 20 investigators from Norway, France, Germany and the United States were deployed to Kyiv to assist the Ukrainian National Police with their investigative measures. This set-up was mirrored from Europol’s headquarters in the Netherlands where a virtual command post was activated to immediately analyse the data seized during the house searches in Ukraine.

This latest action follows a first round of arrests in 2021 in the framework of the same investigation. Since then, a number of operational sprints have been organised at Europol and in Norway with the aim of forensically analysing the devices seized in Ukraine in 2021. This forensic follow-up work facilitated the identification of the suspects targeted during the action last week in Kyiv.

Dangerous, undetected and versatile

The individuals under investigation are believed to be part of a network responsible for a series of high-profile ransomware attacks against organisations in 71 countries.

These cyber actors are known for specifically targeting large corporations, effectively bringing their businesses to a standstill. They deployed LockerGoga, MegaCortex, HIVE and Dharma ransomware, among others, to carry out their attacks.

The suspects had different roles in this criminal organisation. Some of the them are thought to be involved in compromising the IT networks of their targets, while others are suspected of being in charge of laundering cryptocurrency payments made by victims to decrypt their files.

Those responsible for breaking into networks did so through techniques including brute force attacks, SQL injections and sending phishing emails with malicious attachments in order to steal usernames and passwords.

Once inside the networks, the attackers remained undetected and gained additional access using tools including TrickBot malware, Cobalt Strike and PowerShell Empire, in order to compromise as many systems as possible before triggering ransomware attacks.

The investigation determined that the perpetrators encrypted over 250 servers belonging to large corporations, resulting in losses exceeding several hundreds of millions of euros.

https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/international-collaboration-leads-to-dismantlement-of-ransomware-group-in-ukraine-amidst-ongoing-war

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11ed7c No.110455

File: 85f8c4ae01c2dc0⋯.jpeg (69.23 KB,600x334,300:167,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d5117f50e8d08f0⋯.jpg (155.08 KB,620x582,310:291,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9d49b1a53cd9f6d⋯.jpeg (97.73 KB,582x580,291:290,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7c4b7dafdaabbda⋯.jpg (51.9 KB,642x351,214:117,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c3bf6ce087daf4d⋯.jpeg (17.36 KB,307x258,307:258,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992180 (281948ZNOV23) Notable: Reminder NoName McStain CAPS #Terrorists

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terrorists, he and Lady Lindsey and Obama (Barry) trained so they'd have an excuse for "War in the Middle East" and all that entails; i.e. money laundering, traffic in humans, organs, drugs, natural resources, sale of weapons.

McCursed trained them.

Barry funded.

And likely before that; Bush Crime Family.

All the same network of crooks

Like a cancer on our planet, grown very large.

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11ed7c No.110456

File: 495d6dbac778e92⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,399x325,399:325,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 35bd1f26ea10a56⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992224 (281959ZNOV23) Notable: @bennyjohnson Joe Biden seen deplaning Air Force One with Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama in Georgia #WhereisBarak

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Benny Johnson


Joe Biden seen deplaning Air Force One with Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama in Georgia 👀

12:06 PM · Nov 28, 2023


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11ed7c No.110457

File: 92dc57f3ce6eebf⋯.jpeg (480.13 KB,1291x619,1291:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 06d8985d8c5168d⋯.jpeg (95.96 KB,1800x1221,600:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992251 (282006ZNOV23) Notable: HOMER42 Rivet Joint setting up off Israel/Gaza from Souda Bay,Crete IAF C130 also up

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HOMER42 Rivet Joint setting up off Israel/Gaza from Souda Bay,Crete

IAF C130 also up

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11ed7c No.110458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992275 (282012ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Opines The Uniparty steals all the elections.

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The Uniparty steals all the elections.

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11ed7c No.110459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992312 (282024ZNOV23) Notable: Taibbi and Schellenberger: bigger than Twitter files. Live in an hour or so.

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Taibbi and Schellenberger: bigger than Twitter files.

Live in an hour or so.


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11ed7c No.110460

File: 202be5bae79c41d⋯.mp4 (4.36 MB,480x592,30:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992344 (282029ZNOV23) Notable: US Navy medical officer discovers heart problems linked to Covax vaccine. MP4

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US Navy medical officer discovers heart problems linked to Covax vaccine.

The numbers are astounding:

“Myocarditis increased by 151%, coronary heart disease by 69%, pulmonary heart failure by 62%, heart failure by 973%.”


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11ed7c No.110461

File: b766fb577761813⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,330x384,55:64,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992349 (282030ZNOV23) Notable: BLM leader Mark Fisher endorses Donald Trump for president??!! MP4

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Whoah & Kek

BLM leader Mark Fisher endorses Donald Trump for president

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992362 (282034ZNOV23) Notable: #24542

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#24542 >>110426


>>110426, >>110429, >>110430, >>110434, >>110435 Remove the #Uniparty Blockades


>>110436 #Uniparty Cards

>>110437, >>110440 Cap List Rinos Democrats

>>110438 RINO Cards

>>110447, >>110448, >>110449, >>110450 OP: Uniparty

>>110458 Anon Opines The Uniparty steals all the elections.


>>110427 Qapp Qlock Cap 00.00.00 {30} moar hours.

>>110428 Amazon announces Q, an AI chatbot for businesses

>>110431 Gold Fag Anon Report

>>110432 Network of Ukrainian-run drug labs busted in Russia

>>110439 Hunter Biden Demands To Testify Publicly Vs. Closed-Door Deposition

>>110441 DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens

>>110442 Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballot

>>110443 Soros' ex-wife lists Upper West Side co-op for $27.5M

>>110444 Elon Musk Gets Brutally Honest on Dealing with Hamas Mass Murderers

>>110445 Hamas Releases American Hostage Whose Family Purchased Hunter Biden’s Art

>>110446 PF Report

>>110451 Trump Won All 50 States if Absentee Ballots Weren’t Counted

>>110452 Hamas senior official invites Elon Musk to visit Gaza?

>>110453 Pepe of the thread

>>110454 International collaboration leads to dismantlement of ransomware group in Ukraine amidst ongoing war

>>110455 Reminder NoName McStain CAPS #Terrorists

>>110456 @bennyjohnson Joe Biden seen deplaning Air Force One with Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama in Georgia #WhereisBarak

>>110457 HOMER42 Rivet Joint setting up off Israel/Gaza from Souda Bay,Crete IAF C130 also up

>>110459 Taibbi and Schellenberger: bigger than Twitter files. Live in an hour or so.

>>110460 US Navy medical officer discovers heart problems linked to Covax vaccine. MP4

>>110461 BLM leader Mark Fisher endorses Donald Trump for president??!! MP4



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11ed7c No.110463

File: 6117be664bc67ca⋯.mp4 (4.89 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992392 (282037ZNOV23) Notable: #24543

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#24543 https://fullchan.net/?b9cd522c82a26906#CDZ8CEhWXynZbwBHDrHDrbL4KjzRL15QrVAienRgoJer




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11ed7c No.110464

File: 68b18871f8968db⋯.jpeg (207.66 KB,1122x631,1122:631,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992437 (282044ZNOV23) Notable: Rosalynn Carter Funeral Updates

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Why is the LIGHT only shining on Melania?

Got anymore of those white envelopes…

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11ed7c No.110465

File: 98f11caf50996cc⋯.png (646.71 KB,596x799,596:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e920d4847f910f⋯.jpg (111.89 KB,1199x798,1199:798,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7d345e064e7a045⋯.jpg (127.73 KB,1200x739,1200:739,Clipboard.jpg)

File: adec6c839e05bef⋯.jpg (239.24 KB,1200x886,600:443,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992447 (282047ZNOV23) Notable: USCENTCOM supported USAID by airlifting more than 54,000 pounds of humanitarian supplies to Gaza

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==U.S. Central Command


USCENTCOM supported USAID by airlifting more than 54,000 pounds of humanitarian supplies to provide medical supplies and food to the people of Gaza. The supplies began arriving today in Egypt via a C-17 aircraft to then be distributed by UN agencies. Additional flights are expected in the coming days as part of the United States' ongoing efforts to increase the flow of humanitarian assistance into Gaza.


Nov 28, 2023 · 6:16 PM UTC

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11ed7c No.110466

File: 01a7e5d2309501a⋯.png (131.67 KB,245x346,245:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992457 (282050ZNOV23) Notable: Rosalynn Carter Funeral Updates

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Anyone know who is sitting next to Brandon?

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11ed7c No.110467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992458 (282051ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Depart. Data Showing Increase in Heart-Related Issues

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U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973%

According to the data presented by Lt. Macie, there has been a dramatic increase in various heart-related ailments among fixed-wing and helicopter pilots. The figures show surges in conditions like hypertensive disease (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), other forms of heart disease (63%), and cardiomyopathy (152%) compared to the five-year average prior to 2022.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110468

File: 97b08ef58e2a8f9⋯.png (706.05 KB,698x885,698:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992460 (282052ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Depart. Data Showing Increase in Heart-Related Issues

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992462 (282053ZNOV23) Notable: Supreme Court to consider ‘quadrillion-dollar question’ in major tax case

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Supreme Court to consider ‘quadrillion-dollar question’ in major tax case

by Tobias Burns and Zach Schonfeld - 11/28/231/3

(Wow this case could take down the entire corrupt system of the government, the IRS and the Tax Lawyers that make billions over tax cased.)

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in early December on a case that has the potential to broadly reshape the U.S. tax code and cost the government hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue.At issue in Moore v. United States is the question of whether the federal government can tax certain types of “unrealized” gains, which are property like stocks or bonds that people own but from which they haven’t directly recouped the value, so they don’t have direct access to the money that the property is worth.

Large portions of the U.S. tax code require that income be “realized” before it can be taxed, but critics say it’s an inherently wishy-washy concept that courts have just been ignoring for years due to administrative impracticalities. Even if the court limits the scope of its decision to the specific tax referenced in the case, known as the mandatory repatriation tax, a ruling in favor of the plaintiffs couldcost $340 billion over the next decade, according to the Justice Department.

For comparison, that would cancel out all the extra revenue generated by the $80 billion IRS funding boost and then add $140 billion to the national deficit, which now stands between $26 and $33 trillion, according to various measurements.

But experts say the cost could be much higher than that if the court broadens out its definition of what counts as realization, pushing heaps of taxable income out of the government’s reach. The decision could have implications for everything from potential wealth taxes, like the one the Biden administration proposed for billionaires in 2022, to large swaths of the international tax regime.

TheU.S. solicitor general herself is scheduled to argue the casebefore the justices, underscoring how the Biden administration views its importance. “It’s the million-dollar question, just with a few more zeros: the quadrillion-dollar question,” Harvard University tax law professor Thomas Brennan told The Hill.

“On one extreme, if theSupreme Court decides that a realization requirement is present in the 16th Amendment… then there are a number of code sections that arguably would be invalid or have to be reworked,” he said. These sections could involve partnership tax rules, rules on the taxation of debt and commodities, taxes on futures contracts and the international tax rules that string these areas together between countries.

“On the other extreme, even if the Supreme Court finds in favor of the taxpayers, they could do so in a narrow way that’s limited to the particular situation at hand, or in a way that … forecloses the possibility of Congress enacting wealth taxes but that doesn’t disturb much of existing tax law,” Brennan said.

What is the Moore tax case?

The dispute arose from businesspeople Charles and Kathleen Moore’s investment in an Indian company that sells farm equipment. Republicans’ 2017 tax bill imposed a one-time tax on Americans who owned shares in foreign corporations, even if the corporation hadn’t distributed any earnings to the taxpayer.

The Moores filed their lawsuit after paying a roughly $15,000 tax bill, court filings show.

Practical financial workarounds to realization

Whatever the decision of the court, which is expected before June of next year, there are in practice numerous, well-established workarounds for people who own a lot of “unrealized” property to access it before technically receiving it and having to pay taxes on it.

One famous strategy, known as “Buy, Borrow, Die,” involves using large, diversified stock portfolios as collateral for relatively low-interest loans. Rather than selling the holdings and “realizing” the taxable income, wealthy taxpayers use them as collateral to take out low-interest loans. Since debt isn’t taxable, they can skip paying tax on the holdings.

As long as the portfolio appreciates faster than the rate of interest on the loan, payments can be made and the line of credit remains viable. A law allowing a “step up in basis,” which means that inheritors of assets get to claim their present-worth value as opposed to what they were worth when they were originally bought, permits this scheme to continue through generations.

That’s compared to taxes on workers’ wages and salaries, which are “realized” immediately upon being sent out and taxed before they even reach their recipients.


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11ed7c No.110470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992471 (282055ZNOV23) Notable: Supreme Court to consider ‘quadrillion-dollar question’ in major tax case

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Conservative groups champing at the bit while critics cry foul

Conservative financial and economic groups have been rooting for a resounding endorsement of the realization requirement for tax purposes from the current court, which brushed aside decades of precedent in overturning the seminal abortion case Roe v. Wade last year.

“Realization has been the defining event that turns something from an asset holding value to income subject to federal tax under the Sixteenth Amendment,” lawyers for the Chamber of Commerce, thebiggest business lobby in the U.S., exhorted the court in an amicus brief, filed in March.

“The framers [of the Constitution] intentionally created a system that makes it difficult to pass destructive taxes such as the [mandatory repatriation tax] or a wealth tax,” the Philanthropy Roundtable wrote in their own brief. Critics of a blanket constitutional requirement for realization say the idea is trumped up, and it’s really just about the timing of when an asset is allowed to be taxed for accounting purposes.

They point to a 1940 decision in Helvering v. Horst finding that “the rule that income is not taxable until realized has never been taken to mean that the taxpayer … can escape taxation because he has not himself received payment of it from his obligor.”

This is because the taxpayer “has fully enjoyed the benefit of the economic gain represented by his right to receive income,” the court found. As such, the requirement was considered to be “founded on administrative convenience” and “not one of exemption from taxation.”

Calls for Alito to recuse have surfaced

Democrats have demanded that Justice Samuel Alito, one of the court’s leading conservatives, be recused from the case over his ties to one of the lawyers advocating for a realization requirement. Alito participated in two interviews with the lawyer, David Rivkin Jr., that were published in The Wall Street Journal’s opinion section.

In a rare public response, Alito noted other justices who had interviewed with lawyers practicing before the court.“There is no valid reason for my recusal in this case,” Alito said.

Tax lawyers worry the rules of the game are about to change

Tax lawyers are concerned that their jobs could change significantly due to the scope of the ruling.

“If [the court makes] a specific realization requirement, then it could have an impact on many other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, because there are provisions currently … that arguably diverge from the realization rule,” Lawrence Hill, a partner at the Steptoe & Johnson law firm, told The Hill.

He described these divergences as “very significant,” saying the rules pertaining to taxation of partnerships, S corporations, grantor trusts, controlled foreign corporations and original issue discounts could be affected, in addition to entire accounting norms pertaining to tax accrual and adjusting valuations to a going market rate.

“That is the concern of the tax bar,” he said.

Kyle Pomerleau, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute who filed an amicus brief supporting the government, said a broad ruling in favor of the Moorescould lead others to file a deluge of lawsuits challenging those other portions of the tax code.

“A cloud is going to be cast over the U.S. economy, as there’s all this uncertainty about what the tax code is going to look like in five, 10, 15 years from now.” Pomerleau instead suggested a narrower way for the Supreme Court to resolve the case that wouldn’t reopen the question of whether income must be realized for the federal government to tax it.

“Because this is a tax on business profits and a tax on the use of a certain type of foreign business entity, and because it’s a tax on foreign activity, not domestic activity, it falls under the umbrella of an indirect tax,” said Pomerleau.

“And indirect taxes don’t have the same limitation that direct taxes have under the Constitution, you don’t have to apportion them,” he continued. “Therefore, all of the Moores’ arguments kind of fall away.”


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11ed7c No.110471

File: f4ae03637996399⋯.png (99.12 KB,1049x691,1049:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992472 (282055ZNOV23) Notable: Trad Catholic Family Dragged Out of Home at Gunpoint, Locked in Van After FBI ‘Goaded’ Teen to Post

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11ed7c No.110472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992477 (282059ZNOV23) Notable: Rosalynn Carter Funeral Updates

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Chip Carter, son of Rosalynn, Jimmy Carter, shares fond memories of mother


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11ed7c No.110473

File: e2fdb7166edc926⋯.png (94.46 KB,953x329,953:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992481 (282100ZNOV23) Notable: Trad Catholic Family Dragged Out of Home at Gunpoint, Locked in Van After FBI ‘Goaded’ Teen to Post

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11ed7c No.110474

File: 48580da9c60ca13⋯.png (270.03 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992484 (282102ZNOV23) Notable: Judge recuses himself from Elon Musk’s case against Media Matters

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Judge recuses himself from Elon Musk’s case against Media Matters

by Dominick Mastrangelo - 11/28/23 3:17 PM ET

The judge presiding over tech billionaire Elon Musk’s lawsuit against Media Matters for America has recused himself from the case, according to court documents.

In a notice filed with the court on Tuesday, Judge Mark Pittman of the U.S. District Court in Northern Texas wrote that he was recusing himself from the case and requested the clerk of the court assign it to another judge.

Pittman, who was appointed to his position by former President Trump,did not give a reason for stepping away, and it was not immediately clear why the request was made. (Call to dig on why he recused himself+

Federal judges are mandated to recuse themselves when their “impartiality might reasonably be questioned,” including when they have a financial interest or personal bias.

Musk sued Media Matters, a progressive watchdog, last week for what his attorneys argued was the company’s misrepresentation of how content appears on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, “as if they were what typical X users experience on the platform.”

Media Matters had days earlier published a report on X, revealing it was placing advertising next to hateful content. The report came around the same time Musk had embraced an antisemitic conspiracy theory on the platform, which he owns.

The Media Matters report and Musk’s post triggered a wave of major companies pulling advertising from X.

“This is a frivolous lawsuit meant to bully X’s critics into silence,”Media Matters President Angelo Carusonesaid in a recent statement to The Hill on Musk’s suit. “Media Matters stands behind its reporting and looks forward to winning in court.”


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11ed7c No.110475

File: e3aeb09c28f0733⋯.jpeg (150.13 KB,828x491,828:491,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992496 (282108ZNOV23) Notable: Billionaire Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's quieter partner has died.

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Was 99

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11ed7c No.110476

File: 841f662a00d9cc3⋯.png (42.61 KB,716x489,716:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992498 (282109ZNOV23) Notable: Judge recuses himself from Elon Musk’s case against Media Matters

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Birth: 1975

Year Service Began: 2019

Appointed By: President Donald J. Trump

Education: Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, from Texas A&M University in 1996; Juris Doctor from the University of Texas School of Law in 1999

Judicial Service: Associate Justice, Court of Appeals for the Second District of Texas 2017 - 2019; Judge, 352nd District Court, Fort Worth, Texas 2015 - 2017

Legal Practice: Special Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas in Dallas 2014 - 2015; Enforcement Attorney with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Fort Worth 2011 - 2015; Senior Attorney for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in Dallas 2009 - 2011; Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas in Dallas 2007 - 2009; Trial Attorney with the United States Department of Justice, Civil Division, Commercial Litigation Branch in Washington, D.C. 2004 - 2007; Civil Litigation Attorney with Kelly, Hart and Hallman, L.L.P. 1999 - 2000 and 2001 - 2004; Law clerk to Judge Eldon Brooks Mahon of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas 2000 - 2001

Current Memberships: Texas Bar Foundation, Tarrant County Bar Association, Tarrant County Bar Foundation, Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services Committee, Texas Aggie Bar Association, Federalist Society, American Judges Association, Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court, Fort Worth Civil War Roundtable, Ballet Concerto of Fort Worth


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11ed7c No.110477

File: be6e57217287e67⋯.png (377.91 KB,1225x735,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992512 (282113ZNOV23) Notable: Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem – NOT Migrants

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Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem – NOT the Migrants Stabbing Children


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11ed7c No.110478

File: a314d8f6d234038⋯.png (637.84 KB,772x531,772:531,Clipboard.png)

File: 352a57323ad020d⋯.jpeg (379.72 KB,828x1094,414:547,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d7b4ad2f95cd928⋯.jpeg (376.87 KB,828x1138,414:569,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ecf10499df7efd5⋯.jpeg (217.27 KB,828x1129,828:1129,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992522 (282117ZNOV23) Notable: Bizfag Report

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>>110431 pb Gold Fag Anon Report

Au/Ag-pricing and weekly price print day (every Tuesday at 1:30pm EST-ATH in Au priced in USD & that has dropped

Ag outperforming on a % basis. Today (2hours ago) was it’s weekly ‘print day’-all commodities-so that new high in Au is gonna hurt as it is now applied to all assets that require a weekly price input-that habbens every Tuesday

Silver has a “line in the sand” and that is currently $26 so it’s likely to see some smackage (COMEX paper dump) if it gets close.

However unlike Silver most gold is owned by Central Banks (in size) and once it comes out of the ground it is put in a vault. Said Central Banks been buying it at 50 year highs (volume-wise) because that is how they settle backend transactions-the Treasury markets are what the public sees and those have been rehypothecated so many times it’s ridiculous. The NYFED “lends” $30-50B on a daily basis because ink is cheap. $38.59b today alone


OTOH about 60% of Silver is used in industrial production and is only going to increase with all the EVs (Elon has massive demand via FakeX and Tesla alone) and “green” energy bullshit. Most of what has been mined gets put in yer phones/TVs/electronics/Solar Panels etc and a lot is sitting in landfills because the price is low-and only low because it’s been the most manipulated commodity of all time since the Civil War.



However most of this is dollar related and the spot price is paper contracts (98% of all commodities are-some exceptions like lithium) so yes it’s good to see an ATH in Au just remember that is the price in US dollars as it’s been higher in other currencies for many weeks

Cap 4 is USD year to date chart


all in context

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11ed7c No.110479

File: c253bda1b76e128⋯.png (14.69 KB,597x157,597:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992523 (282117ZNOV23) Notable: Billionaire Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's quieter partner has died.

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Munger ded


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11ed7c No.110480

File: 34dfa4b3a6f6acc⋯.png (380.86 KB,449x583,449:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992543 (282121ZNOV23) Notable: @ArlingtonNatl: 20 days until #WreathsAcrossAmerica

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Wreaths Across America reposted

Arlington National Cemetery


20 days until #WreathsAcrossAmerica

Join us on Sat., Dec. 16 for National


America Day, beginning at 8 a.m. Volunteers may place wreaths at a veteran’s headstone or columbarium niche to remember their sacrifice.

For more info, visit http://arlingtoncemetery.mil/waa


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11ed7c No.110481

File: ed9c8b573a4f150⋯.png (96.68 KB,745x606,745:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992545 (282121ZNOV23) Notable: Court papers say ex-Virginia election official on trial 'altered election results' in 2020 election

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Court papers say ex-Virginia election official on trial 'altered election results' in 2020 election

Former Prince William County general registrar Michele White was indicted by a grand jury on two felony counts alleging corrupt conduct as an election official and making a false statement, and one misdemeanor charge of willful neglect of duty by an election officer last year. She has filed for a "Bill of Particulars" which requires prosecutors to provide more detail about her alleged wrongdoing.

The former general registrar of Prince William County, Va., allegedly “altered election results” during the 2020 election, according to court documents recently obtained by Just the News. However, the current general registrar says that his predecessor’s alleged conduct didn’t impact any election outcomes.

In a county where President Joe Biden received 54% of the vote in the 2020 presidential election to former President Donald Trump's 44%, an election official at the time allegedly "altered election results" in the state's reporting system, leading to three grand jury indictments last year.

In September 2022, former Prince William County general registrar Michele White was indicted by a grand jury on two felony counts alleging corrupt conduct as an election official and making a false statement, and one misdemeanor indictment of willful neglect of duty by an election officer. White’s jury trial is set to begin on Jan. 16, 2024, and go until Jan. 26.

White had abruptly resigned in 2021 without explanation.

When the Virginia attorney general’s office announced the indictments last year, the only additional information offered was that White allegedly violated the law between August and December 2020, but details regarding the alleged actions were not given.

This week, Just the News obtained documents from the Prince William County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office through a court records request regarding the three charges against White, which provided some additional information.







According to a notice and motion for release of court funds for defense investigation and expert assistance that was filed this past March, White’s lawyer stated that the Attorney General’s office alleges “White altered election results within the state reporting system, VERIS, and that her alterations resulted in the false reporting of the election results from Prince William County.”

The motion asked for the November 2020 election records to be unsealed, as they are “[t]he best evidence of the election results,” according to the filing by White’s attorneys.

The court ordered the unsealing of the election records later in March for both the prosecution and defense to inspect and copy.


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11ed7c No.110482

File: 6596d8e0bc2a1b9⋯.jpeg (1.49 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ce4f07b9900c64e⋯.jpeg (986.96 KB,1170x1481,1170:1481,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992561 (282125ZNOV23) Notable: Rosalynn Carter Funeral Updates

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Found a lady in red. And it looks like it could be Tiffany Blue beside her

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11ed7c No.110483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992592 (282133ZNOV23) Notable: Rosalynn Carter Funeral Updates

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Why is Melania first and dr potato is with her vp husband further down the row.?

cuz CiC is the Trumpster

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11ed7c No.110484

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992674 (282150ZNOV23) Notable: The national Christmas tree that Biden was set to light up Thursday night at the White House was blown over by the wind.

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5:00 PM EST

U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree @USCapitolTree

U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree lighting will occur Tuesday, November 28th at 5:00 P.M. EST. This event is free to the public. The tree will be lit at dusk until 11:00 P.M. each evening until January 1, 2024.



U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

House Speaker Mike Johnson and other congressional leaders, as well as members of the West Virginia delegation gather on the west front of the U.S. Capitol for the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony.


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11ed7c No.110485

File: f17acbc7b30b6b0⋯.png (32.78 KB,585x296,585:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992675 (282150ZNOV23) Notable: The Gaurdians of the Pedophiles have Q derangement syndrome!

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11ed7c No.110486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992677 (282150ZNOV23) Notable: The Gaurdians of the Pedophiles have Q derangement syndrome!

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Is QAnon a Shared Psychotic Disorder?

“These violent delights have violent ends.” — Romeo and Juliet


Is QAnon a Mass Delusion?

Conspiracy theories aren't delusions, but they can be just as unhealthy.


Understanding the QAnon Phenomena

Part 1: Here’s what we’ve found.


QAnon, Cognitive Dissonance, and Facts

When prophecy fails.

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11ed7c No.110487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992681 (282152ZNOV23) Notable: The Gaurdians of the Pedophiles have Q derangement syndrome!

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Marianne Williamson

Q Anon is a “dark psychic force,” by the way.

11:16 AM · Aug 20, 2020

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11ed7c No.110488

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992685 (282152ZNOV23) Notable: Judge recuses himself from Elon Musk’s case against Media Matters

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Anons I don't think he is comped, I think he's being targeted by the 5th Circuit Court and Texas Bar Association. Judge's don't have to say why they recused, I think. He's made some very good decisions including on Bidan's student loan bullshit, Laurance Tribe lost his shit on that decision, when lefties are outraged, the Judge is doing the right thing:

Judge who sanctioned 'lazy lawyers in glass towers' was too harsh, 5th Circuit rules for third time

By Debra Cassens Weiss November 9, 2023

(I’m pretty sure Judge Pittman is being targeted by the 5th Circuit Court, because he has been sanctioned 3 times thus far, probably because President Trump appointed him. See the 5th Court sanctions below:Any law fags want to weigh in on them?)

For at least a third time, a federal appeals court has ruled that a federal judge in Fort Worth, Texas, was too quick to sanction lawyers or parties. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orleans saidU.S. District Judge Mark Pittmanof the Northern District of Texas abused his discretion whenhe sanctioned two lawyers $250 each for submitting declarations instead of notarized affidavits.

Pittman, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, is a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. He acknowledged that a federal law allows declarations to be used in place of affidavits in a June 9 opinion. (There’s the bias in Texas Bar, why even include who he was appointed by!)

But Pittman said the law’s intended audience was not “lazy lawyers in glass towers who wish to skirt an explicit court order.” Pittman had sanctioned lawyers for both sides for failing to follow his order to the letter following discovery disputes in a sex harassment case involving Weatherford College. He did not make a finding of bad faith when imposing the sanctions. Pittman’s order required the lawyers to submit notarized affidavits certifying that they had read, understood and would follow Texas ethics rules, the Texas Lawyer’s Creed and a case involving overly aggressive lawyer conduct. The lawyers said they submitted declarations, rather than affidavits, because of inclement weather, the 5th Circuit said. Only one of the lawyers appealed the sanctions.

The appeals court noted the law allowing declarations, rather than affidavits. “Defense counsel’s alleged error was not even an error much less bad faith conduct justifying sanctions since he complied with the court’s order under federal law,” the appeals court said. “On this set of facts, the district court’s imposition of sanctions was a clear abuse of discretion.”

Law.com reports that the 5th Circuit has ruled twice before that Pittman’s sanctionswent too far. Last year, the 5th Circuit said Pittman abused his discretion when he dismissed a lawsuit against Spirit Airlines because of a missed deadline to file a certificate of interested persons. The dismissal was an “excessively harsh sanction,” the appeals court said.

In 2021, the appeals court said Pittman’s dismissal of a suit for the plaintiff’s failure to retain local counsel was “demonstrably unwarranted.”


Judge's Dismissal of Lawsuit Over Missed Filing Deadline Was 'Overkill,' Court Says

The Fifth Circuit panel said U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman abused his discretion in dismissing a personal injury lawsuit against Spirit Airlines and the Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.

September 16, 2022 at 02:19 PM

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman’s dismissal of a lawsuit over a missed filing deadline was “overkill” and an abuse of discretion, a federal appeals court said in reviving the case.

Pittman, who sits in the Northern District of Texas, dismissed a personal injury complaint brought by Meher Razvi against Spirit Airlines because Razvi failed to file a certificate of interested persons on time.


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11ed7c No.110489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992727 (282159ZNOV23) Notable: Massive heart related issues after the Covid-19 vaccine in United States Navy fixed wing and helicopter pilots

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United States Navy Medical Service Corps officer reveals Department of Defence data that shows massive heart related issues after the Covid-19 vaccine in fixed wing and helicopter pilots

Text of 50 sec video:

"In July, Under Secretary Cisneros acknowledged the D Med data, and acknowledged myocarditis increased 151%..."

"Myocarditis is up 151%, hypertensive disease is up 36%, Ischemic heart disease is up 69%, pulmonary heart disease is up 62%, heart failure is up 973%''', other forms of heart disease are up 63%, and cardiomyopathy is up 152%."

50 second video in link below: (can't embed)

Sauce: https://thecanadianindependent.substack.com/p/must-watch-united-states-navy-medical?

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11ed7c No.110490

File: 9f1e156be1471c7⋯.png (105.63 KB,739x840,739:840,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992765 (282210ZNOV23) Notable: Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Airlift of Critical Humanitarian Supplies to Egypt to Support Aid Delivery in Gaza

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The White House Logo


November 28, 2023

Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Airlift of Critical Humanitarian Supplies to Egypt to Support Aid Delivery in Gaza

Today, the United States airlifted over 54,000 pounds of medical items and food aid to the humanitarian logistics hub in Egypt for delivery for civilians in Gaza. This was the first of three planned deliveries in the coming days. These UN supplies will save lives and alleviate the suffering of thousands in Gaza. We are grateful to the Government of Egypt for its support of these deliveries and broader efforts to ensure humanitarian supplies reach Palestinians in need.

Over the past seven weeks, the United States has worked around the clock to address the acute humanitarian needs facing civilians in Gaza. Since October 21, thanks to a deal President Biden helped broker, we have worked with our partners in the region and international organizations to ramp up humanitarian assistance, with more than 2,000 trucks delivering aid, including food, water, medical and shelter supplies, and fuel. The ongoing humanitarian pause has enabled the international community to surge significant additional assistance as part of that effort, providing urgently needed relief to civilians in Gaza.

The humanitarian needs in Gaza demand that the international community do much more. The United States is committed to this effort. In the coming days and weeks, President Biden and other senior members of the Administration will continue to work to sustain and expand the international humanitarian response and rally the international community to urgently increase support to the UN Flash Appeal for Gaza.



White House Press Office . 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW . Washington, DC 20500-0003 . USA XXX-XXX-XXXX

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11ed7c No.110491

File: ee4f4e7fd0c2c18⋯.jpeg (551.7 KB,907x564,907:564,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 57b35992a9f9b8f⋯.jpeg (61.4 KB,794x543,794:543,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9736dfe836c82a3⋯.jpeg (46.77 KB,791x444,791:444,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 85e6df415a5620c⋯.jpeg (32.74 KB,792x372,66:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992777 (282212ZNOV23) Notable: Bizfag Report

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MktFag: The Santa Claus rally financial PsyOp and this years pros and cons-analysis/commentary

()= additional comments-and pay attention cuz if you read theseyou’d have known Novembers rally was a certainty…in early Oct

(Sometimes they do it into YE sometimes not but you need to know it’s a PsyOp and it all depends on how the whales are positioned as to the likelihood of it occurring because it ALWAYS gets talked about but doesn’t always habben. As already mentioned the Corporate Share Buyback window closes on December 8th so it will not have the record levels of that-and this is a qrtly habbening….it just had an 11% move up so anyone who thinks it’ll just keep going up at that rate needs to just send me yer money cuz you don’t belong in ANY market let alone these)

Is a stock market correction coming before the Santa Claus rally at the end of the year?(keep in mind it doesn’t always habben- see 2018 into 19 also 08-09 the 2 best examples of not and it was Sky’d the very FIRST trading day of ‘19)

It is a fascinating turn in sentiment, given that investors were convinced of the bear market’s return just a month ago. Now, investors are “making their list and checking it twice.” Given the 10% advance over the past month, it isn’t surprising, as hope rises that the Fed will return to more accommodative policies next year. Earnings remain very “nice,” and the market views the economic risks as primarily priced in. There are indeed “naughty” economic indicators, but the market seems convinced it will all be transient. Furthermore, companies seem to be able to pass costs along to consumers, at least for now. The hopes are high that profit margins will remain strong and earnings will eventually catch up to valuations.(total hopium). Investors’ “wish lists” are hung by the chimney with care, hopeful the “Santa Claus rally” will soon be there. While they remain “snug in their beds, the historical data dances in the heads.” Cap 2 is from EquityClock.com shows the annual S&P 500 index “seasonality.” (and gee it dumps just as said Corporate Buybacks are suspended-imagine that and not mentioned just the mutual fund withdrawals)

(Some of following is true and does occur because people take out of MMF for YE reasons and those values drop but moar to this)

However, notice that dip at the beginning of December. Mutual Fund Distributions Come First

Before “Santa Claus” makes his anticipated visit to “Broad and Wall,” mutual funds must distribute their capital gain, dividends, and interest income for the year. These distributions start in late November, but a large number of distributions occur in the first two weeks of December. Again, notice that dip in the seasonality chart above. However, you will receive additional fund shares or a cash deposit in a day or so. That difference depends on how you have elected to take your distributions. Your portfolio value will decline by the distribution amount on that date. But your value will return to normal when that distribution is received and credited.

There is no need to panic….(see below..right but don’t sit on yer butt watching account go down as it could and does get impacted by dropping markets in general so you might not “get it all back”). As shown, the volume has declined during the advance from the summer stock market correction. Furthermore, the market is now overbought and deviated from the 50-DMA. The problem is that “for every seller, there must be a buyer.” Buyers appear closer to the 50-DMA when mutual funds start making distributions. I am not saying the market will correct to that level. It is where the most volume occurred previously and is the most likely support area.

As the Wall Street axiom goes: “Sellers live higher. Buyers live lower.”(and the AI/HFT bots know this plus all the technical levels where you put stop losses at-a common one is Fibonacci retracement-so they set up programs via limit orders to scoop up the shares that your stop loss just sold and then move it up from there)



If you listen to Fin MSM and believe what they say then good luck-they are in total denialhowever don’t NOT know what they are saying because if you do exactly the opposite of what all these “experts” say you’ll find you are a lot moar successful.

The IPO market sucked last year (way less fees for the ded banks) so they are setting it up by painting a rosey picture and going parabolic but for the wrong reasons-doesn’t mean you can’t make some money off it when the Fed cuts rates AND restarts QE-by April they won’t have a choice. Fed sets prime so they can drop Prime but there will be a bifurcation between mortgage rates and Prime so fixing that requires MASSIVE QE (again)

>>110160 pb Fed Bank Bailout Program Borrowing Surged In November

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11ed7c No.110492

File: aec5ac2cfe94f99⋯.jpg (161.31 KB,720x806,360:403,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e2db20d68b6a5d8⋯.jpg (53.65 KB,636x358,318:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992797 (282216ZNOV23) Notable: The national Christmas tree that Biden was set to light up Thursday night at the White House was blown over by the wind.

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BREAKING: The national Christmas tree that Biden was set to light up Thursday night at the White House was blown over by the wind.

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11ed7c No.110493

File: f1704bc27603ba8⋯.png (713.57 KB,1045x940,209:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992799 (282216ZNOV23) Notable: Charlie Munger, friend and business partner of Warren Buffett, dies

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Breaking news: Charlie Munger, friend

and business partner of Warren Buffett, dies

CNN, by Paul R. La Monica & Krystal Hur

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/28/2023 4:32:27 PM

New York — Charlie Munger, a billionaire and long-time friend and business partner of Warren Buffett, has died. He was 99 years old. Berkshire Hathaway said in a press release that Munger passed “peacefully” on Tuesday morning in a California hospital. No cause of death was given. “Berkshire Hathaway could not have been built to its present status without Charlie’s inspiration, wisdom and participation,” CEO Warren Buffett said in the release. Charles Thomas Munger, known by his nickname, “Charlie,” was born on January, 1, 1924, in Omaha, Nebraska. Munger served in the US Army during World War II after leaving the University of Michigan in 1943 at the age of 19.

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11ed7c No.110494

File: 60a4d3962842c7b⋯.jpeg (613.53 KB,1211x611,1211:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 67ba76495386b9f⋯.jpeg (518.16 KB,1167x555,389:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992814 (282221ZNOV23) Notable: PF: Potato in Not AF1 92-9000 747 left Dobbins ARB heading to Denver Intl for a fundraiser with 09-0018 C32A as escort

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>>110394 pb

Potato in Not AF1 92-9000 747 left Dobbins ARB heading to Denver Intl for a fundraiser with 09-0018 C32A as escort

8pm EST participates in a campaign reception


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11ed7c No.110495

File: 63462a2cbbcffab⋯.png (451.9 KB,602x485,602:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992829 (282224ZNOV23) Notable: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens Here in the US via @gatewaypundit

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


‘I Am Hopeful – that Congress Will Do It” – DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens Here in the US via @gatewaypundit

6:39 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992839 (282227ZNOV23) Notable: Massive heart related issues after the Covid-19 vaccine in United States Navy fixed wing and helicopter pilots

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>United States Navy Medical Service Corps officer

U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973%


Revealing Myocarditis Surge in Military Post COVID Vaccine Launch: Whistleblower Comes Forward


Navy Officer Blows Whistle on Disturbing Military Health Trends Post-COVID Vaccine Rollout


Ted is a DMED Whistleblower who discusses his military experience during the height of the COVID pandemic, and how the COVID-19 vaccines were mandated and shortly after caused severe health problems. They also discuss how we must stop the election fraud, and get leaders who will fight alongside the people to prevent these type of mandates from happening again.


DOD Whistleblower Goes Public, Calls for Investigation Into New COVID Vaccine Injury Data


[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?

It was never about the virus.


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11ed7c No.110497

File: 1f25bee26a3a2cb⋯.png (43.37 KB,678x322,339:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992886 (282234ZNOV23) Notable: Trump demands communications between Biden, Hunter and Mike Pence and the Department

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Trump demands communications between Biden,

Hunter and Mike Pence and the Department

of Justice

Daily Mail (UK), by Katelyn Caralle

Posted By: Imright, 11/28/2023 3:39:28 PM

Donald Trump's legal team filed a document Monday arguing the ex-president had a legitimate 'good faith' basis to question the results of the 2020 election results. The long-shot filing also demanded government prosecutors to turn over communications between President Joe Biden and his family members with the Justice Department. Trump's lawyers, led by Todd Blanche and John Lauro, claim in the filing that the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021 could have resulted from 'failed sting operations rather than any directions from President Trump.'

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11ed7c No.110498

File: fbd96719d895cd0⋯.png (515.85 KB,591x462,197:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992898 (282235ZNOV23) Notable: Jill Biden DECORATES White House W/ COVID-19 Molecules

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The Gateway Pundit


WTF: Jill Biden DECORATES White House W/ COVID-19 Molecules | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit

4:05 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110499

File: cd492f3793448e9⋯.png (159.35 KB,989x622,989:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992901 (282236ZNOV23) Notable: Former Insider At Major Financial Services Organization Admits Involvement In Multimillion-Dollar Insider Trading Ring

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Former Insider At Major Financial Services Organization Admits Involvement In Multimillion-Dollar Insider Trading Ring


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11ed7c No.110500

File: 9144dfedbc00f5e⋯.png (16.14 KB,599x449,599:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992906 (282237ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine's spy chief’s wife poisoned, Ukraine suspects Russia behind it

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Insider Paper


BREAKING - Ukraine's spy chief’s wife poisoned, Ukraine suspects Russia behind it

5:33 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110501

File: 41eaaad190fe4f2⋯.png (111.69 KB,991x611,991:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 1670ff206b02e0f⋯.png (50.21 KB,1018x340,509:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992920 (282239ZNOV23) Notable: Former Portsmouth Police Officer Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Minor

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Former Portsmouth Police Officer Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Minor


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11ed7c No.110502

File: c59221b8596a107⋯.png (400.47 KB,594x485,594:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992949 (282242ZNOV23) Notable: FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots

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The Gateway Pundit


FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots – But There’s No Verifiable Paper Trail Thanks to State Using Faulty Voting Machines via @gatewaypundit

6:04 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110503

File: a8d15cee068cc3a⋯.png (11.72 KB,600x150,4:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992961 (282244ZNOV23) Notable: Finland closes its entire border with Russia. Effective from Thursday at 00:00 and for at least two weeks

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JUST IN - Finland closes its entire border with Russia. Effective from Thursday at 00:00 and for at least two weeks — PM Orpo

3:17 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110504

File: 322a8a53bf65549⋯.png (511.7 KB,599x900,599:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992972 (282246ZNOV23) Notable: CCTV camera outside of DeSantis’s office where Florida Election Crime unit lead Peter Antonacci was found dead “wasn’t working”

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Laura Loomer



Not sure anyone else noticed this, but the heavily redacted report that was published by The Florida Bulldog surrounding the suspicious death of Florida Election Crime unit lead Peter Antonacci, who randomly dropped dead outside of @GovRonDeSantis

’s office after they were heard arguing, reveals that the CCTV camera outside of DeSantis’s office where the body was found “wasn’t working”.

Gee! How convenient for @RonDeSantis


I just noticed that when I was re reading the FDLE report about the discovery of Antonacci’s body.

I also noticed that FDLE went out of their way to not mention the identity of the “unknown white male” inside the meeting with Antonacci.

As you can see below, I have been talking about the suspicious death of Peter Antonacci for a long time.

Then, this week, a publication called The Florida Bulldog confirmed what many people in Florida have been talking about for a while but didn’t have the receipts to prove. When Antonacci died, it was right before the 2022 election. He was brought in to make DeSantis look like a hero with his “election crime unit” to combat voter fraud. However, it was known that Antonacci publicly challenged DeSantis’s false claim that our elections in Fl are secure.

DeSantis was very angry with him about this. Many people wonder if Antonacci was murdered.

Making it even crazier, not only were some of the cameras not working inside and around DeSantis’s office, but Antonacci didn’t have an autopsy.

Really makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

RECEIPTS! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻



Laura Loomer



Jan 29

I’ve got news for you…Ron DeSantis has zero plans to address voter fraud. His “elections crime unit” is the biggest scam ever. Peter Antonacci DIED & DeSantis never selected a replacement for this do nothing “crime unit”. He refused to clean the voter rolls. And he uses ERIC.🤮 twitter.com/MTB96278800/st…

5:32 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110505

File: 4f7ec10cf0b16cd⋯.png (954.58 KB,875x800,35:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992979 (282247ZNOV23) Notable: @Timcast THE DEMON HUNTERS: Two Days in Ohio Catching Child Predators

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Tim Pool


THE DEMON HUNTERS: Two Days in Ohio Catching Child Predators

Inside the sting operation taking down pedophiles

This story is not for the faint of heart

2:34 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110506

File: 1b534e5200b13ef⋯.png (168.57 KB,527x721,527:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992992 (282249ZNOV23) Notable: Biden signals plan to sign the UN (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (IHRs) without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate approval.

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MUST NOT sign America onto foreign treaties without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate vote.

Joe Biden has signaled his plan to sign the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (IHRs) without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate approval.

If passed, HR 1425 will STOP Biden’s plans to bring America under the U.N.’s WHO control.

Contact Congress NOW to save America from Biden’s one world order plans.

Send your email, fax or call your Congressman and Senators NOW!!!

https://congress.gov https://senate.gov


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11ed7c No.110507

File: 5d2d59194219537⋯.png (11.36 KB,598x151,598:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992994 (282250ZNOV23) Notable: UK National Grid is activating its "blackout prevention scheme" amid current cold snap

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JUST IN - UK National Grid is activating its "blackout prevention scheme" amid current cold snap — Sky News

5:34 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110508

File: bbe2b49f9aae61f⋯.png (165.89 KB,454x392,227:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992998 (282250ZNOV23) Notable: Senate intelligence committee (SSCI) leaders have introduced a bill to reauthorize and EXPAND FISA Section 702 *until 2035.*

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Elizabeth Goitein


Senate intelligence committee (SSCI) leaders have introduced a bill to reauthorize FISA Section 702 *until 2035.* Although it claims to include “reforms,” the bill would actually do more to expand Section 702 surveillance than rein it in. 1/22


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11ed7c No.110509

File: a806b31a58f4913⋯.png (567.64 KB,1032x919,1032:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993000 (282250ZNOV23) Notable: Israel must face international court – Erdogan

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Good fucking job

Israel must face international court – Erdogan

>The military’s attacks in Gaza are “unlawful,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres


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11ed7c No.110510

File: e2094b3dcbfe8d2⋯.png (442.2 KB,590x451,590:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993023 (282254ZNOV23) Notable: @jsolomonReports Court papers say ex-Virginia election official on trial 'altered election results' in 2020 election

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John Solomon


Court papers say ex-Virginia election official on trial 'altered election results' in 2020 election | Just The News

Virginia election | Getty Images

2:25 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110511

File: d6942cd7e6adb11⋯.gif (194.24 KB,380x498,190:249,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993039 (282256ZNOV23) Notable: Trad Catholic Family Dragged Out of Home at Gunpoint, Locked in Van After FBI ‘Goaded’ Teen to Post Offensive Memes, Dad Says

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Trad Catholic Family Dragged Out of Home at Gunpoint, Locked in Van After FBI ‘Goaded’ Teen to Post Offensive Memes, Dad Says


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11ed7c No.110512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993044 (282257ZNOV23) Notable: ALMOST-X CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Sunspot AR3500 erupted on Nov. 28th (1950 UT)

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These folk avoid hype and tell it how it is.

ALMOST-X CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Sunspot AR3500 erupted on Nov. 28th (1950 UT), producing an M9.8-class solar flare-only percentage points below category X. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the blast:

A pulse of extreme UV radiation blacked out shortwave radio communications across the South Pacific Ocean and parts of the Americas: map. Mariners and ham radio operators may have noticed loss of signal at frequencies below 20 MHz.

This explosion almost certainly hurled a CME toward Earth. Confirmation awaits fresh data from SOHO coronagraphs. Stay tuned.


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11ed7c No.110513

File: 4c029ac5cf63042⋯.png (166.26 KB,837x760,837:760,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ea1d7445cc3161⋯.png (195.1 KB,600x587,600:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993052 (282257ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump’s Latest “Motion to Compel Discovery” Exposes Foreign Interference in 2020 Election in

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President Trump’s Latest “Motion to Compel Discovery” Exposes Foreign Interference in 2020 Election in “One of the Worst Cybersecurity Incidents in History”

Yesterday, President Trump’s legal team submitted a motion to compel discovery in the Washington DC case in which he is charged with conspiring to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election. Trump’s attorneys state that the case in Washington DC “reflects little more than partisan advocacy designed to sabotage President Trump’s leading campaign for the 2024 Presidential Election.”

On October 26th, 2023, Trump’s legal team submitted a Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) Notice and Objection to Unauthorized Deletions of Classified Information objecting to certain redactions in certain classified discovery items:

“…the Special Counsel’s Office argued that “the classified discovery issues” in this case are “limited,” “tangential,” “narrow,” and “incidental” because the charges…do not rely on classified materials.”

To which Trump’s counsel responded:

“…the government appears to have looked with tunnel vision at limited issues it believed were relevant.”

and that

“The Indictment in this case adopts classified assessments by the Intelligence Community and others that minimized, and at times ignored, efforts by foreign actors to influence and interfere with the 2020 election. President Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections, as well as efforts by his administration to combat those activities. President Trump will also present classified information relating to the biased and politicized nature of the intelligence assessments that he and others rejected during the events in question.”

With yesterday’s filing, we got quite a bit of clarification as to what “foreign interference” is being alleged.

Most notably: the infamous SolarWinds Orion hack.

The Gateway Pundit has previously reported on the hack itself, as well as SolarWinds ties to Dominion Voting Systems, the CEO selling off $45M worth of the stock just a week before the hack story broke, as well as the company’s ties to Obama, Hillary Clinton, China, Hong Kong, and the US elections process.

On November 17th, 2020, President Trump fired Chris Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Administration, regarding his “most secure election in American history,” claiming the statement was “highly inaccurate.”

In the Motion to Compel filing, regarding the “SolarWinds “SUNBURST” Attack, Trump’s counsel alleges that:

“…between January 2019 and at least December 2020, parties reportedly linked to Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Services…perpetrated what the SEC recently described as “one of the worst cybersecurity incidents in history.” In connection with what is now known as the “SUNBURST attack,”

[T]he threat actors inserted malicious code into three software builds [bold added] for SolarWinds’ Orion products. SolarWinds then delivered these compromised products to more than 18,000 customers across the globe. The malicious code provided the threat actors with the ability to access the systems of these compromised customers [bold added], provided certain other conditions were met, and became known as the SUNBURST attack.

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11ed7c No.110514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993053 (282258ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump’s Latest “Motion to Compel Discovery” Exposes Foreign Interference in 2020 Election in

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During the attack:

[T]hreat actors conducted reconnaissance, exfiltration, and data collection; identified product and network vulnerabilities; harvested credentials of SolarWinds employees and customers; and planned additional attacks against SolarWinds’ products that would be deployed during later stages of the campaign.

They claim the malicious code provides a “backdoor” into the network’s of SolarWinds customers who were using the infected versions of the software. Once SolarWinds was made aware of the vulnerabilities and the ensuing “SUNBURST” attack, the SEC claimed “[SolarWinds] did not fully disclose its known impact.”

Following the discovery of the attack, the New York Times reported that it impacted the DOJ, DHS, State, Treasury, and Commerce Departments, the National Security Agency, and parts of the Pentagon, among others.

Ironically,Chris Krebs, after being fired, would go on to form the Krebs Stamos Group with Stanford Internet Observatory founder Alex Stamos. Stamos’s Stanford Internet Observatory, along with The University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, Graphika, and The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab were members of the Election Integrity Partnership. They infamously published “The Long Fuse” report, which explicitly admits to “engag[ing] with government stakeholders primarily to provide analytical capability and context around election-related misinformation.”

The Long Fuse Report also admits to a corroboration with the EI-ISAC, which was a “singular conduit for election officials to report false or misleading information to platforms.”

When Stamos and Krebs formed the Krebs Stamos Group, their first customer was…you guessed it…SolarWinds.


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11ed7c No.110515

File: 8c66b7af8edc8a8⋯.png (416.16 KB,595x633,595:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993056 (282258ZNOV23) Notable: @zerohedge How Biden and Iran's Supreme Leaders Ali Khamenei became best buddies

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How Biden and Iran's Supreme Leaders Ali Khamenei became best buddies






"For the Biden administration, it’s the necessary cost to keep prices relatively low ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

For Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, it’s a gusher of petrodollars helping a weak economy."


2:00 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110516

File: e44a46090a129d3⋯.mp4 (5.82 MB,480x364,120:91,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993096 (282303ZNOV23) Notable: Iran recently released drone footage monitoring the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Strait of Hormuz

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JUST IN: Iran recently released drone footage monitoring the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Strait of Hormuz. The IRGC issued a warning to the US, instructing them to keep all aircraft on the carrier stationary during their passage through the area. The release of such footage adds to the ongoing tensions in the region.

🔗 (https://x.com/insiderscorner/status/1729560409072689347?s=20)


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11ed7c No.110517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993173 (282315ZNOV23) Notable: #24543

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#24543 >>110463

>>110475, >>110479 Billionaire Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's quieter partner has died.

>>110484, >>110492 The national Christmas tree that Biden was set to light up Thursday night at the White House was blown over by the wind.

>>110464, >>110483, >>110466, >>110472, >>110482 Rosalynn Carter Funeral Updates

>>110465 USCENTCOM supported USAID by airlifting more than 54,000 pounds of humanitarian supplies to Gaza

>>110467, >>110468 U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Depart. Data Showing Increase in Heart-Related Issues

>>110469, >>110470 Supreme Court to consider ‘quadrillion-dollar question’ in major tax case

>>110471, >>110473 Trad Catholic Family Dragged Out of Home at Gunpoint, Locked in Van After FBI ‘Goaded’ Teen to Post

>>110474, >>110476, >>110488 Judge recuses himself from Elon Musk’s case against Media Matters

>>110477 Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem – NOT Migrants

>>110478, >>110491 Bizfag Report

>>110480 @ArlingtonNatl: 20 days until #WreathsAcrossAmerica

>>110481 Court papers say ex-Virginia election official on trial 'altered election results' in 2020 election

>>110485, >>110486, >>110487 The Gaurdians of the Pedophiles have Q derangement syndrome!

>>110489, >>110496 Massive heart related issues after the Covid-19 vaccine in United States Navy fixed wing and helicopter pilots

>>110490 Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Airlift of Critical Humanitarian Supplies to Egypt to Support Aid Delivery in Gaza

>>110493 Charlie Munger, friend and business partner of Warren Buffett, dies

>>110495 DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens Here in the US via @gatewaypundit

>>110494 PF: Potato in Not AF1 92-9000 747 left Dobbins ARB heading to Denver Intl for a fundraiser with 09-0018 C32A as escort

>>110497 Trump demands communications between Biden, Hunter and Mike Pence and the Department

>>110498 Jill Biden DECORATES White House W/ COVID-19 Molecules

>>110499 Former Insider At Major Financial Services Organization Admits Involvement In Multimillion-Dollar Insider Trading Ring

>>110500 Ukraine's spy chief’s wife poisoned, Ukraine suspects Russia behind it

>>110501 Former Portsmouth Police Officer Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Minor

>>110502 FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots

>>110503 Finland closes its entire border with Russia. Effective from Thursday at 00:00 and for at least two weeks

>>110504 CCTV camera outside of DeSantis’s office where Florida Election Crime unit lead Peter Antonacci was found dead “wasn’t working”

>>110505 @Timcast THE DEMON HUNTERS: Two Days in Ohio Catching Child Predators

>>110506 Biden signals plan to sign the UN (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (IHRs) without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate approval.

>>110507 UK National Grid is activating its "blackout prevention scheme" amid current cold snap

>>110508 Senate intelligence committee (SSCI) leaders have introduced a bill to reauthorize and EXPAND FISA Section 702 *until 2035.*

>>110509 Israel must face international court – Erdogan

>>110510 @jsolomonReports Court papers say ex-Virginia election official on trial 'altered election results' in 2020 election

>>110513, >>110514 President Trump’s Latest “Motion to Compel Discovery” Exposes Foreign Interference in 2020 Election in

>>110511 Trad Catholic Family Dragged Out of Home at Gunpoint, Locked in Van After FBI ‘Goaded’ Teen to Post Offensive Memes, Dad Says

>>110512 ALMOST-X CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Sunspot AR3500 erupted on Nov. 28th (1950 UT)

>>110515 @zerohedge How Biden and Iran's Supreme Leaders Ali Khamenei became best buddies

>>110516 Iran recently released drone footage monitoring the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Strait of Hormuz


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11ed7c No.110518

File: 393dca86f849743⋯.jpg (14.95 KB,480x299,480:299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993191 (282317ZNOV23) Notable: #24544

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>seeking handoff

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11ed7c No.110519

File: 506906ec6e5af57⋯.png (3.54 MB,2360x1640,59:41,Clipboard.png)

File: dbd72c0c2ab8f2b⋯.jpeg (1.93 MB,2360x1240,59:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2fa27ef7084980e⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB,2163x1053,721:351,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4c41fffe7763f92⋯.jpeg (2.01 MB,1879x1530,1879:1530,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993225 (282322ZNOV23) Notable: Debt Clock - Tuesday 28th of November 2023

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Debt Clock - Tuesday 28th of November 2023


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11ed7c No.110520

File: b9627ee1246ea5f⋯.png (44.7 KB,1131x331,1131:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993228 (282323ZNOV23) Notable: Pope to evict Cardinal Burke from Vatican-subsidized apartment, strip him of salary

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Pope to evict Cardinal Burke from Vatican-subsidized apartment, strip him of salary

Earlier in November, Francis removed Tyler, Texas, Bishop Joseph Strickland, who had also been a prominent critic of the Pope.

Pope Francis is reportedly moving to evict one of his most prominent conservative critics from his Vatican-subsidized apartment and to strip him of his salary.

An anonymous Vatican official told the Italian newspaper La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana that Francis has reached his limit with Cardinal Raymond Burke, who has long been a conservative opponent of the Pope's reforming efforts.

Said official reportedly attended a Vatican meeting in which the Pope himself made the announcement and accused Burke of "working against the Church and against the papacy," Reuters reported. Burke primarily resides in Wisconsin.

"I don't have anything particular to say about that," Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said, according to the New York Times.

Earlier in November, Francis removed Tyler, Texas, Bishop Joseph Strickland, who had also been a prominent critic of the Pope.

"I believe Pope Francis is the Pope, but it is time for me to say that I reject his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith. Follow Jesus," he said on social media in May. Strickland was later the subject of a review by Vatican officials that resulted in his ouster.

Strickland, for his part, responded furiously to reports of Burke's planned eviction.

"If this is accurate it is an atrocity that must be opposed. If it is false information it needs to be corrected immediately," he posted on Monday.


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11ed7c No.110521

File: 645cfa387dc6acb⋯.png (475.09 KB,592x586,296:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993237 (282325ZNOV23) Notable: Moderna has its own spying operation using AI & a former FBI agent to monitor millions of vaccine-related conversations online

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What a shock: the people behind gene therapy "vaccines" are also our new fascist overlords


Lee Fang



Nov 27


Moderna has its own spying operation using AI & a former FBI agent to monitor millions of vaccine-related conversations online. Moderna is also partnering w/an anti-misinfo NGO to rebut critics, such as Elon Musk, Novak Djokovic & Russell Brand. New investigation on my 'stack.


2:46 PM · Nov 27, 2023




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11ed7c No.110522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993252 (282327ZNOV23) Notable: North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon

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North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon

By Josh Smith and Hyonhee Shin

Nov. 28, 20233:23 PM EST Updated 3 hours ago

SEOUL, Nov 28 (Reuters) - After decades of satellite surveillance by foreign governments and analysts, North Korea has sent its first spy satellite on a global orbit with a message to the world:we can watch you too. On Tuesday North Korean state media said leader Kim Jong Un had reviewed spy satellite photos of the White House, Pentagon and U.S. aircraft carriers at the naval base of Norfolk.

North Korea last week successfully launched its first reconnaissance satellite, which it has said was designed to monitor U.S. and South Korean military movements. Since then state media has reported the satellite photographed cities and military bases in South Korea, Guam, and Italy, in addition to Washington.

"Remember when you got that toy you always wanted at Xmas and were so excited you wanted to tell everyone about it?" Chad O'Carroll, founder of the North Korea-focused website NK News, said of the KCNA reports in a post on X. So far, Pyongyang has not released any imagery, leaving analysts and foreign governments to debate how capable the new satellite actually is.

South Korea, which said on Tuesday the Nov. 30 launch date for its own first spy satellite on a U.S. Falcon 9 rocket would be delayed by weather, has said the North's satellite capabilities could not be verified.

In Washington, thePentagon said North Korea's satellite did enter orbitbut did not comment on Pyongyang's claims about the images it had captured. "I will say that there are plenty of images of the Pentagon and the White House online," Pentagon spokesperson Brigadier General Patrick Ryder told reporters.

There's no reason to doubt that the satellite could see the large areas or warships North Korea claimed it could, as even a medium-resolution camera could offer Pyongyang that capability, said Dave Schmerler, a satellite imagery expert at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). "But how useful those images are depends on what they want to use them for," he said.

For medium-resolution satellites to be useful in a conflict, North Korea will need to launch many more to allow more frequent passes over key sites, Schmerler said, a goal that the North's space agency has said it is pursuing. "It's a big leap for them going from zero to something, but until we can see the images they're collecting, we're speculating on its use cases," he said.

Jeffrey Lewis, another researcher at CNS, said a state media photo of Kim examining the satellite images with his daughter suggest they may be panchromatic, a type of black-and-white photography that is sensitive to all wavelengths of visible light.

North Korea released panchromatic imagery of downtown Seoul after a rocket launch in December 2022 in what it said was a test of the satellite control, image taking and data downlink for its eventual military reconnaissance satellite. Tuesday's photos were the latest in a series of images of what KCNA described as "major target regions".

Kim also inspected satellite photos of the Andersen Air Force Base in the U.S. Western Pacific territory of Guam and a U.S. shipyard and airbase in Norfolk and Newport, where four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and a British aircraft carrier were spotted, KCNA said.

Commercial imagery of those cities on Nov. 27, the day North Korea says it captured its photographs, was not immediately available. The United States and South Korea have condemned the satellite launch as a violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions banning any use of ballistic technology.


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11ed7c No.110523

File: 6b71d932aa7efe9⋯.png (143.31 KB,387x690,129:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993258 (282328ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Kat Lindley on WHO’s Global Governance via Pandemic Treaties and Amendments

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‘Clock Is Ticking…’: Dr. Kat Lindley on WHO’s Global Governance via Pandemic Treaties and Amendments

Dr. Kat Lindley (https://twitter.com/KLVeritas) raises significant concerns about the overreach and influence of global organizations in health policy, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations, and similar bodies.

“… pandemic preparedness relies on this false premise that pandemics are common, they’re very deadly, and arise through contacts with animals, and that we can anticipate them, thus prevent them.”

As Dr. Lindley voices concerns over the unprecedented influence that organizations such as the WHO could exert on national health policies, she presents a clear and simple call to action:

“… it’s up to us, the American people, to put a stop to it.”



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11ed7c No.110524

File: 071aa6e86e87127⋯.png (472.89 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993263 (282328ZNOV23) Notable: Looks like a fairly dense full halo CME leaving the sun headed our way

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Looks like a fairly dense full halo CME leaving the sun headed our way courtesy of what was basically an X1 flare at 1950Z today. We should get speed and density models fairly soon now that it's visible.

Easier to appreciate by watching the LASCO C3 panel at:


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11ed7c No.110525

File: f397b719c916e9c⋯.png (21.01 KB,830x181,830:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993272 (282330ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Chutkan Blocks Trump Legal Team from Finding Out Truth About What Really Happened on J6

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Judge Chutkan Blocks Trump Legal Team from Finding Out Truth About What Really Happened on J6

By Kyle BeckerNovember 27, 2023

Trump’s lawyers claim there are missing records from the now-disbanded committee that they need for court preparation. However, former J6 committee members baldly assert that there is no missing material.

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11ed7c No.110526

File: 5183f5c376b7b90⋯.png (43.97 KB,1296x360,18:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993281 (282331ZNOV23) Notable: United Nations set to call on Americans to reduce meat consumption

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United Nations set to call on Americans

to reduce meat consumption

Fox News, by Thomas Catenacci

Posted By: NorthernDog, 11/28/2023 9:32:31 AM

A lead United Nations agency overseeing food and agriculture policy is expected to issue a road map in the coming weeks which will call on the West, including America, to dramatically reduce its meat consumption. The UN's Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish its so-called global food systems’ road map during the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai which will kick off on Thursday and extend nearly two weeks until mid-December. FAO's first-of-its-kind document will recommend nations that "over-consume meat" to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Bloomberg reported. "The failure

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11ed7c No.110527

File: 0e45a7f0352ea20⋯.png (191.78 KB,386x441,386:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993286 (282332ZNOV23) Notable: MD: Blue State Will Continue To Enforce Handgun Law Even After It Was Declared Unconstitutional

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Blue State Will Continue To Enforce Handgun Law Even After It Was Declared Unconstitutional


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11ed7c No.110528

File: 9ad47622939eb25⋯.jpg (123.74 KB,1200x627,400:209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 778d9929886563d⋯.png (51.25 KB,974x312,487:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993291 (282333ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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>>>/qresearch/19992808 pb

BREAKING: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.



This fucker needs a good digging.

Pizzagate is Real.

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11ed7c No.110529

File: 1fb9f6281179fce⋯.png (659.37 KB,634x397,634:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993293 (282333ZNOV23) Notable: Swedish yoga guru, 71, is arrested and 26 women freed from 'deplorable conditions' in France after kidnap and rape probe

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Swedish yoga guru, 71, is arrested and 26 women freed from 'deplorable conditions' in France after kidnap and rape probe into sect 'reminiscent of the Mafia' where followers were coerced into 'sexual initiations'

Swedish yoga guru Gregorian Bivolaru, 71, has been arrested in France

He is accused of running a sexually exploitative sect across Europe

26 women, many who were kept against their will, were freed today

A Swedish yoga guru is one of 41 people arrested by French authorities in raids against a controversial sect that has been accused of exploiting young women for sex.

Swedish-Romanian Gregorian Bivolaru, 71, and his group, the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA), are accused of several charges, including holding women against their wills.

The people were arrested in the Paris region and southern France and included other key members of the sect, the source added.

Bivolaru himself was apprehended in a house in Ivry-sur-Seine near Paris.

Some 175 police officers were deployed for the operation, during which 26 women - several of whom were held against their will - were freed.


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11ed7c No.110530

File: d319dfb13b7985a⋯.png (471.56 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993326 (282339ZNOV23) Notable: Looks like a fairly dense full halo CME leaving the sun headed our way

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Going frame by frame on the LASCO C3 instrument at 1954Z, there was only a small amount of image speckling from relativistic (speed of light) particles. The really big CMEs usually make a static snow effect as relativistic particles shower the sensor as kind of a warning of what's to come when the heavier stream arrives. Who knows. Wait and see.

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11ed7c No.110531

File: a18665751dda73a⋯.png (169.38 KB,387x596,387:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993335 (282340ZNOV23) Notable: Ron Paul: ‘Government, the Greatest Issuer of Disinformation’

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Ron Paul: ‘Government, the Greatest Issuer of Disinformation’

Governments, the supposed guardians of truth, are often its greatest distorters. The irony is as stark as it is unsettling.

“Every time the government says something about, we have to regulate this disinformation. They’re telling lies.”

Ron Paul’s message is clear - our greatest weapon in the fight against misinformation is the freedom to speak, think, and challenge.

“Free speech, the great enemy of the empire of lies, and I believe that truth does win out in the end.”



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11ed7c No.110532

File: 445a7c5ed07ffef⋯.jpg (264.48 KB,743x810,743:810,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 41f37761984fdc6⋯.png (1.28 MB,1181x2489,1181:2489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993340 (282342ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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According to a press release from federal prosecutors in New York, Zelony-Mindell in April 2022 used an encrypted messaging service to initiate a conversation with an undercover FBI agent (referred to as “UC-2” in court documents) who was posing as the father of a 9-year-old child. The agent and Zelony-Mindell had “numerous communications” on the messaging platform, via text, and over the phone during which Zelony-Mindell allegedly“made clear that he wanted to engage in sexual activity, including specifically anal sex, with UC-2’s purported child.”

“When told by UC-2 that the child would be ‘knocked out a little bit’ on sleep medication during the planned sexual activity, Zelony-Mindell agreed to have sex with the drugged child,” prosecutors wrote in the release.

“On or about May 2, 2022, [Zelony-Mindell] sent [the undercover] a video depicting an adult male raping an approximately 11-year-old boy by penetrating him anally,” the complaint states.

Two days later, Zelony-Mindell is accused of sending the undercover two images, one depicting “an approximately=4-year-old boy being forced to perform oral sex on an adult male,” and another depicting “an adult male restraining an approximately 12-year-old boy whose penis and anus were exposed.”

Later that month, Zelony-Mindellallegedly sent a video depicting “a nude boy, approximately 10 years old, being forced to perform oral sex on an adult male,” as well as an image of an adult male raping an 8-year-old girl.

Zelony-Mindell on May 31, allegedly said that he was “down” “100 percent” to meet with andhave sex with the 9-year-old boy. When told the child would be drugged with “sleep medication” so he was “knocked out a little bit” during the planned sexual activity, Zelony-Mindell allegedly wrote back, “Yeah, totally.”

In October, Zelony-Mindell allegedly said that he moved out of New York City, but still messaged the undercoverabout having sex with his son.

“On or about October 3, 2022, [Zelony-Mindell] communicated with [the undercover over Telegram and stated: “I want to have sex with your son dude. It’s honestly all I think about. You watching us together.” [Zelony-Mindell] stated also “I’m looking at December 15-23” to visit New York. Several messages later, [Zelony-Mindell] stated“You really want your kid to take my dick? Cause if we get together I’m absolutely going to fuck him.”

A meeting between the undercover posing as the 9-year-old’s father and Zelony-Mindell was allegedly set for Dec. 16, 2022. One day before the alleged meeting, Zelony-Mindell allegedly texted the undercover:“I can’t wait to taste his sexy little 9-year-old penis.”

Zelony-Mindell was arrested just before 10 a.m. on Dec. 16 at the location where he allegedly intended to meet the 9-year-old boy’s father. He lived in New York City during much of the time frame of the indictment, giving Southern District of New York prosecutors jurisdiction.

Dec 19, 2022


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11ed7c No.110533

File: 838e0479ef17892⋯.png (169.51 KB,590x441,590:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993341 (282342ZNOV23) Notable: Moms For America Endorses Trump For President

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Donald J. Trump



Nov 28, 2023, 12:41 PM

Moms For America Endorses Trump For President

Citing a cultural crisis, the group Moms for America officially endorsed former President Donald Trump in 2024.

“We realized that we already have someone who has proven to stand up for moms and families and freedom in the White House in that really important role,” Kimberly Fletcher, founder and president of Moms for America, told One America News. “And we could either take a chance on someone who might stand up for those things and be the fighter that we need, or we can go with someone who already has a proven track record of doing just that. And that is ultimately why we decided to endorse President Trump.”

The nationwide network of more than 500,000 moms, in a press release, emphasized that Trump’s stance on protecting values that mothers across the country share was a key factor as well.

[Trump] was very clear,” Fletcher said. “Moms are the ones who are making the deciding vote not just in the election, but in how our culture and our country is going to go in the future.”

“He even talked about his own mom and what an impact that she had on his life,” Fletcher continued. “He’s the only sitting president who has ever attended the March for Life. When he was there, he heralded moms as heroes. So he recognizes our role.”

Trump is currently the favorite to become the Republican nominee for president, and leads President Joe Biden by 2.6%, according to RealClearPolitics polling average. With the Iowa caucuses less than 50 days away, a Civiqs survey of likely Republican caucus goers showed the 45th president leading the pack by 36% in Iowa.

Fletcher emphasized that Trump’s common sense policies will ultimately win the day.

“It’s simple common sense things,” said Fletcher. “And there’s no common sense anymore. [Trump’s] someone who has stood strong on common sense values and principles.”

“It’s crazy where this world is going,” Fletcher continued. “And we need a strong champion who’s going to stand up and defend our freedoms, our families, and our children.”



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11ed7c No.110534

File: 353fe1f9cdd3dff⋯.png (204.15 KB,598x480,299:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993350 (282343ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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You can’t make this stuff up!

A former Vice News contributor — who wrote a story for Vice about a 13-year-old prostitute that he labeled as “iconic” — was sentenced to 90 months in federal prison today for the possession of child pornography after arranging to sexually abuse a 9-year-old boy. Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, was initially arrested in Manhattan, New York, on December 16, 2022.

Mindell came under investigation after messaging an undercover agent who posed as the father of the Manhattan minor on an encrypted messaging service.

In the messages, prosecutors wrote that Mindell attempted to arrange to meet the boy, making it clear, “in graphic and unambiguous terms, his desire to engage in sexual activity with minor children.” Mindell was also told the child would be drugged ahead of the rape.

Court documents revealed the extent of the disturbing content of the child porn Mindell distributed and possessed which included a video sent by him of “an adult male raping an approximately 11-year-old boy by penetrating him anally.”

Also, Mindell’s social media accounts were riddled with demonic perversion.

Just this morning Vice News reported this: “Elon Musk shared two posts on X that showed support for the long-debunked Pizzagate conspiracy on Tuesday.”

Define irony! I can’t repeat this enough: The media is Pizzagate!







12:21 PM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110535

File: a4e7ec4fe6be42d⋯.jpg (55.06 KB,667x375,667:375,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993353 (282344ZNOV23) Notable: Dark Legacy

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Anon has been down the JFK assassination rabbit hole the past few days.

Dark Legacyon Prime Video names Prescott Bush as a Nazi and GWB as instrumental in the killing of Kennedy. It delves into GWB's C_A involvement. Worth a watch.

Could P = Prescott?


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11ed7c No.110536

File: 17410c4fa1b7ee7⋯.png (146.57 KB,493x647,493:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993363 (282345ZNOV23) Notable: HOW DO YOU INTRODUCE EVIDENCE? I hope Hunter is ready to sing.

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HOW DO YOU INTRODUCE EVIDENCE? I hope Hunter is ready to sing.

Hunter Biden demands to testify pubicly vs closed-door deposition

Hunter's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, argues that public testimony will "prevent selective leaks, manipulated transcripts, doctored exhibits, or one-sided press statements."


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11ed7c No.110537

File: d193386e44ca5f6⋯.jpg (538.17 KB,1596x949,1596:949,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993364 (282346ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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VICE Mag STILL Promoting Him

Efrem Zelony-Mindell - Featured in Vice Mag Looking at a 13 yo prostitute

Mary Ellen Mark's iconic images of 13-year-old sex worker Tiny

In the 30 years Mark photographed Tiny, her dreams were shattered by drug abuse and other trying circumstances.

Efrem Zelony-Mindell


'Looking Back at Mary Ellen Mark's Iconic Photos of a Prostitute Named Tiny

Mary Ellen Mark began documenting drug users, vagrants, pimps, and more in Seattle during the 80s. After she met a 13-year-old prostitute named Tiny, her work focused on the young girl for the next 30 years.

Efrem Zelony-Mindell




(Anon used Translate)

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11ed7c No.110538

File: 3b1f78817827356⋯.png (755.12 KB,590x685,118:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993396 (282350ZNOV23) Notable: The sun was shining on Melania Trump today at Rosalynn Carter's tribute service.

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Citizen Free Press


The sun was shining on Melania Trump today at Rosalynn Carter's tribute service.

All the Democrats and Bush's wife were in the shadows.


9:17 AM · Nov 28, 2023




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11ed7c No.110539

File: 79d4a37491d62c0⋯.png (216 KB,591x518,591:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993406 (282351ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP PICKS UP MORE THAN 80 ENDORSEMENTS IN SOUTH CAROLINA

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November 27, 2023

President Donald Trump is enjoying robust support in South Carolina ahead of the 2024 GOP primary season, netting not only overwhelming primary support among Republican voters but also among state lawmakers and public leaders.

According to a statement from the Trump campaign, Trump netted 30 new endorsements in the Palmetto State last week, including six legislators who previously had endorsed South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott (R) before he dropped out of the presidential primary race.

The campaign explained in a statement, “President Trump has the most endorsements of any candidate running for President, including more South Carolina legislators than all opposing candidates combined. Today’s announcement is in addition to the more than 250 grassroots leaders who endorsed President Trump in South Carolina in June.”

Over Thanksgiving weekend, President Trump flexed his dominating support in South Carolina by attending the anticipated Palmetto Bowl (the Clemson vs. South Carolina football game). As reported by RSBN, the game has been held every year since 1896 aside from the Covid pandemic in 2020.

Trump entered the football stadium and was greeted by tens of thousands of audience members cheering and applauding. Footage captured online by Trump Senior Advisor Dan Scavino showed the thunderous support the president received at the game.

President Trump is holding tightly to 49 percent of GOP primary support in the Palmetto State, according to averaging data from FiveThirtyEight, giving him around 30 points of lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (29.5 points down).

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) held just 12.1 percent of support, according to their data.



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11ed7c No.110540

File: 258b7674a524358⋯.png (2.51 MB,1114x4672,557:2336,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f8ad9fbe3de407⋯.jpg (74.05 KB,362x408,181:204,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993433 (282356ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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Gov sauce -

U.S. v. Zelony-Mindell Complaint


Vice Contributor Sentenced for Distributing Child-rape Porn, Attempted Rape of Nine-year-old

A contributor toVice.comhas been sentenced to federal prison to seven-and-a-half years for possessing and distributing child-rape porn and attempting to arrange the rape of a nine-year-old boy.

Judge Paul A. Engelmayer of the federal Southern District of New York also sentencedsex fiend Efrem Zelony-Mindell to five years of supervised release.

Zelony-Mindell was a big-shot contributor to several leftist publications. And he’s just one of the many sex criminals who worked in the leftist media.

Other images he sent included the following:

[A]n image depicting an adult male with erect penis exposed pinning the legs of a boy over the boy’s head with his pants pulled down to expose his anus and penis. The boy is approximately 13 years old.…

[A] video depicting a child under the age of approximately 10 years old being raped by an adult male.…


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11ed7c No.110541

File: b18573ab23970b6⋯.png (371.58 KB,656x713,656:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993448 (282357ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Robert Epstein Launches ‘America’s Digital Shield’ Exposing Big Tech Meddling in 2024 Elections

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Dr. Robert Epstein Launches ‘America’s

Digital Shield’ Exposing Big Tech Meddling

in 2024 Elections

Breitbart, by Alana Mastrangelo

Posted By: Judy W., 11/28/2023 9:21:25 AM

Research psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein is launching America’s Digital Shield, a website that exposes Big Tech meddling in the 2024 elections through real-time “ephemeral manipulation” that can shift millions of votes. Epstein announced the release of a “public data dashboard” that shows how Big Tech giants like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are manipulating online content to influence votes in the elections.(Snip) “Permanent, large-scale monitoring systems are the only way to stop Big Tech companies from manipulating our elections, undermining our democracy, and indoctrinating our children,” the research psychologist added. “Laws and regulations — if they’re ever enacted at all — will never stop them. Only monitoring makes their activities transparent 24

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11ed7c No.110542

File: 02504d77a533350⋯.png (102.33 KB,382x546,191:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993456 (282359ZNOV23) Notable: NYT is losing bladder control over Schedule F. This smells like victory.

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"Trump Has a Master Plan for Destroying the ‘Deep State’"

Guest Editorial in the NYT

Ya think?

NYT is loosing bladder control over Schedule F. This smells like victory.


📌Follow and Share👇🏻

🔬🧬 @RWMaloneMD

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11ed7c No.110543

File: 7e5bec205cf2c25⋯.png (5.74 KB,1038x102,173:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993457 (282359ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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>Judge Paul A. Engelmayer of the federal Southern District of New York also sentencedsex fiend Efrem Zelony-Mindell tofive years of supervised release.

Kek. Sometimes the memes just write themselves. Wiki did a scrubbing, but missed a few things.....


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11ed7c No.110544

File: d5a2bae41d3a873⋯.png (922.44 KB,800x534,400:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993476 (290003ZNOV23) Notable: Indian Rescuers Save 41 Construction Workers Trapped In Tunnel For 17 Days

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UPDATE: Indian Rescuers Save 41 Construction Workers Trapped In Tunnel For 17 Days

11:50 AM – Tuesday, November 28, 2023

41 construction workers who have been trapped in a collapsed tunnel for 17 days in the Himalayan mountains were finally pulled out by Indian rescuers.

On Tuesday, the group of 41 men were saved by the rescuers after previous failed efforts.

The collapse is believed to have been sparked by a landslide in the unstable mountainous region.

India’s Transportation Minister Nitin Gadkari announced that the rescue was performed by a team of “rat miners” who shoveled through the large mound of debris that closed in on the tunnel’s entrance on November 12th.

“I am completely relieved and happy as 41 trapped laborers in the Silkyara Tunnel Collapse have been successfully rescued,” Gadkari said on X, formerly Twitter. “This was a well-coordinated effort by multiple agencies, marking one of the most significant rescue operations in recent years. Various departments and agencies complemented each other despite facing numerous challenges.”

“Tireless and sincere efforts by everyone, coupled with prayers from all, have made this operation possible,” Gadkari added. “The dedicated endeavors of the rescue teams have yielded favorable results.”

The Indian rescuers, who are said to be experts in a traditional method of coal mining, were called in on Monday after over two weeks of unsuccessful attempts to save the trapped workers.

The Indian rescue team were able to get through the debris pile and create a passageway for the trapped workers to get out.

The rescue came after numerous failed attempts to reach the stranded construction workers using strong machinery.

The rescuers have tried since the beginning of the collapse to drill through the wreckage using a heavy auger machine, however, the machine reportedly got stuck in the mountainside and had to be broken down in parts and then removed.

One day after the collapse, a narrow pipe was drilled into the tunnel, allowing rescuers to give the workers enough food, oxygen supply, and medicine.

None of the workers were severely injured or killed when the tunnel first collapsed on November 12th.


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11ed7c No.110545

File: acbc3e95e2c5b42⋯.jpg (308.9 KB,763x864,763:864,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f1ad80ec51735dd⋯.png (673.5 KB,1200x627,400:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 5df3c438dd2cbf4⋯.jpg (104.28 KB,270x550,27:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993495 (290007ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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Judge gives Vice Mag Contributer, Pedophile and Sex Fiend 5 Years Of Supervised Release

Judge Paul A. Engelmayer

Personal life

Engelmayer and his wife, Emily Mandelstam, who are both Jewish, live in Manhattan.[16] Engelmayer and Mandelstam have two children, Caroline and William. Engelmayer is a fan of the New York Yankees.[17]


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11ed7c No.110546

File: 07d12e02d280964⋯.png (28.22 KB,735x495,49:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 54298aaf41ce149⋯.png (71.33 KB,740x785,148:157,Clipboard.png)

File: cc93098b0bbbe34⋯.png (23.1 KB,739x392,739:392,Clipboard.png)

File: 94121517a56fcd4⋯.png (83.59 KB,742x721,106:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993499 (290007ZNOV23) Notable: DAILY GUIDANCE AND PRESS SCHEDULE, FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2023

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11/28/2023 · 6:15:21 PM EST

The White House Logo


November 28, 2023



In the morning, the President will receive the Presidents Daily Brief. This meeting will be closed press.

After, the President will depart Denver, Colorado en route to Pueblo, Colorado. The departure from Denver International Airport, Denver, Colorado will be covered by the out-of-town pool. The arrival at Pueblo Memorial Airport, Pueblo, Colorado will be open press.

In the afternoon, the President will tour CS Wind, the largest wind tower manufacturer in the world. This tour in Pueblo, Colorado will be covered by the out-of-town pool.

Then, the President will deliver remarks on how Bidenomics is mobilizing investments in clean energy manufacturing and creating good-paying jobs in communities across the country, including in Colorados third congressional district. The President will highlight how self-described MAGA Republicans like Representative Lauren Boebert are threatening those investments, jobs, and opportunities. These remarks at CS Wind, Pueblo, Colorado will be open press.

Later, the President will return to the White House from Pueblo, Colorado. The departure from Pueblo Memorial Airport, Pueblo, Colorado and the arrival at Joint Base Andrews will be covered by the out-of-town pool. The arrival to the South Grounds will be covered by the in-town travel pool.

Out-of-Town Pool

Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg

Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, NYT

TV Corr & Crew: NBC

Print: Daily Mail

Radio: NPR

In-Town Pool

Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg

Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, NYT

TV Corr & Crew: ABC

Print: HuffPost

Radio: AURN


9:00 AM Out-of-Town Pool Call Time

10:00 AM THE PRESIDENT receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

Closed Press

11:10 AM THE PRESIDENT departs Denver, Colorado en route to Pueblo, Colorado

Denver International Airport, Denver, Colorado

Out-of Town Pool

11:55 AM THE PRESIDENT arrives in Pueblo, Colorado

Pueblo Memorial Airport, Pueblo, Colorado

Open Press

12:35 PM THE PRESIDENT tours CS Windthe largest wind tower manufacturer in the world

CS Wind, Pueblo, Colorado

Out-of Town Pool

1:30 PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is mobilizing investments in clean energy manufacturing and creating good-paying jobs in communities across the country, and how self-described MAGA Republicans like Representative Lauren Boebert are threatening those investments, jobs, and opportunities

CS Wind, Pueblo, Colorado

Open Press

3:05 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Pueblo, Colorado en route to Joint Base Andrews

Pueblo Memorial Airport, Pueblo, Colorado

Out-of Town Pool


6:15 PM In-Town Pool Call Time

8:10 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House

Joint Base Andrews

Out-of Town Pool

8:30 PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House

South Grounds

In-Town Travel Pool



White House Press Office . 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW . Washington, DC 20500-0003 . USA XXX-XXX-XXXX

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11ed7c No.110547

File: 032b07ee936b6d5⋯.png (325.21 KB,557x674,557:674,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d20c1d44025b3c⋯.mp4 (892.03 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993509 (290010ZNOV23) Notable: A packed house in DERRY, NEW HAMPSHIRE tonight for @NikkiHaley!/pendulum haz swung RINO

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Team Haley


A packed house in DERRY, NEW HAMPSHIRE tonight for @NikkiHaley!


Rick Wiley

6:48 PM · Nov 28, 2023


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11ed7c No.110548

File: 4630ed581d44112⋯.png (188.05 KB,382x445,382:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993515 (290011ZNOV23) Notable: Black Lives Matter Leader Leaves The Democrat Plantation, Endorses Trump

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Black Lives Matter Leader Leaves The Democrat Plantation, Endorses Trump [VIDEO]


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11ed7c No.110549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993521 (290012ZNOV23) Notable: Nov 2023.Press conference European Parliament about the experimental COVID MRNA injections

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Shocking! Nov 2023.Press conference European Parliament about the experimental COVID MRNA injections



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11ed7c No.110550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993526 (290013ZNOV23) Notable: Ransomware Impacts Health-Care Systems in Six States

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Ransomware Impacts Health-Care Systems in Six States


“A Thanksgiving Day ransomware attack is impacting hospital systems across six states.

At least eight hospital and health-care systems were affected, reportedly diverting ambulances to other facilities in the days after the cyber attack hit their parent company, Ardent Health Services.”

Here’s another site: https://marquettewire.org/4110321/news/nursing-school-introduces-epic-program/

I used to work as a medical transcriber. I quit once ai was rumbling and the push for gender weird language that I don't agree with. Anyhoo, EPIC is buying up small companies. Expect these ransom attacks to continue. Who is looking at, trading and selling you? You are data, plain and simple..

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11ed7c No.110551

File: 1659c5aaca655e4⋯.jpg (183.84 KB,720x1030,72:103,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 563c857eade8747⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,386x360,193:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993573 (290022ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Gates went underground to show a tour of the hidden history Brussels sewage system./forgot to flush

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DEVELOPING: Bill Gates went underground to show a tour of the hidden history Brussels sewage system.


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11ed7c No.110552

File: 91e94a48d88fe07⋯.png (185.62 KB,390x358,195:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993583 (290023ZNOV23) Notable: Video footage of senior Pentagon official Stephen Hovanic getting arrested in connection to an alleged human trafficking ring has been released.

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Video footage of senior Pentagon official Stephen Hovanic getting arrested in connection to an alleged human trafficking ring has been released.

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11ed7c No.110553

File: 2889267daa4b4af⋯.jpg (427.22 KB,1308x843,436:281,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5cb35b7f3be08dd⋯.jpg (426.57 KB,1313x788,1313:788,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de75f4117798fd2⋯.jpg (570.52 KB,1466x886,733:443,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993647 (290033ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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archive call


This pedo's YT chanel is still up.

Stuff like this on it.

Calling archive/cap anons to help archive.



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11ed7c No.110554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993694 (290042ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat not Otay

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Keywords: precedent




WATCH: Fox Reporter Grills Jean-Pierre After Trans Influencer Goes Topless At WH Pride Celebration

Forbes Breaking News

2.54M subscribers

86K views 5 months ago

On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about her violation of the Hatch Act, an incident involving a transgender influencer exposing herself during the White House Pride celebration over the weekend and the criticism over their displaying of Pride flag

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11ed7c No.110555

File: 7087b76c2fdb9ae⋯.png (308.93 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993759 (290053ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Kat Lindley on WHO’s Global Governance via Pandemic Treaties and Amendments

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WHO’s close links to Gates and Big Pharma make the Pandemic Treaty a fundamental threat to our national sovereignty and personal liberty

Intended to form part of international law, preparations for the creation of a World Health Organisation (“WHO”) Pandemic Treaty or Pandemic Accord began in 2001.

Far from strengthening the prevention of, preparedness for and response to future pandemics as the latest draft of the text claims, its implementation could severely undermine democracy by limiting the ability of national parliaments to make crucial healthcare decisions in the best interests of their citizens.

Aided by proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations of 2005, the Treaty threatens to transform the WHO into a global health dictatorship.


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11ed7c No.110556

File: 28c2a1150199865⋯.jpeg (557.96 KB,828x1270,414:635,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 303f7f61ceeeb57⋯.jpeg (131.68 KB,828x420,69:35,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7088aff7087d567⋯.jpeg (492.34 KB,828x830,414:415,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993763 (290054ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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>>110494 pb

RICO24 RQ-4 Global Hawk @50k Ft just NW of an already landed at Denver Intl Potato in 92-9000 and 09-0018 C32A escort went to Albuquerque-Kirtland AFB and it shares with Sunport Intl

Prolly out of Minot AFB

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11ed7c No.110557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993780 (290057ZNOV23) Notable: Australian government issues apology for 'thalidomide tragedy' 60 years on

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Australian government issues apology for 'thalidomide tragedy' 60 years on

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will issue a national apology this morning to all Australians affected by the "thalidomide tragedy".

It comes more than 60 years after the pharmaceutical disaster which caused distress, disability and death for so many families — and people around the world.

Babies were born with deformities including shortened limbs, blindness, deafness or malformed internal organs.

Many women miscarried or lost their newborns soon after birth.


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11ed7c No.110558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993782 (290057ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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Archiving VICE Mag pedo Efrem Zelony-Mindell's creepy YT Channel


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11ed7c No.110559

File: fed492dbe46888f⋯.png (297.68 KB,596x875,596:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 461aee2af9c4d0b⋯.webm (11.49 MB,428x240,107:60,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993794 (290058ZNOV23) Notable: Safiye Elkhereji, daughter of @W_Elkhereiji who is a high ranking Saudi Arabian official and who was the ambassador to Turkey when Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, has committed suicide.

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O’Keefe Media Group


OMG EXCLUSIVE: Safiye Elkhereji, daughter of @W_Elkhereiji who is a high ranking Saudi Arabian official and who was the ambassador to Turkey when Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, has committed suicide.

OMG obtains audio from Safiye’s friend with concerns about arranged marriages, abuse, and inheritance.

Waleed Elkhereiji was the ambassador to Turkey when Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Turkish embassy.

As you recall, in 2018, former Saudi Arabian official turned Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi - who was highly critical of Saudi Arabia wound up dead after walking into the Saudi Consulate in Turkey under mysterious circumstances. In a country where women have hardly any rights, which is weird, it gets even weirder…

Nov 28, 2023, 11:58 AM


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11ed7c No.110560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993797 (290059ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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>archive call


Defendant sentenced to 90 months in prison for distribution of child pornography


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11ed7c No.110561

File: 342aa9edabd8acb⋯.jpg (279.02 KB,984x824,123:103,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993821 (290103ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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Any anon on fagbook can look/ archive Efrem Zelony-Mindell's shit?


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11ed7c No.110562

File: abf40714edadabe⋯.jpeg (214.81 KB,1067x1280,1067:1280,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e6f933c28fe058a⋯.jpeg (68.09 KB,634x356,317:178,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8dc39ba50ad07db⋯.jpeg (93.74 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993878 (290114ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina's president elect Javier Milei is due to meet Biden aide Jake Sullivan today after lunching with Bill Clinton

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Argentina's president elect Javier Milei is due to meet Biden aide Jake Sullivan today after lunching with Bill Clinton as he battles to shore up his country's stricken economy

According to reports, Clinton wished Milei's new regime well as the president-elect heads to DC to meet with some of President Biden's top aides


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11ed7c No.110563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993896 (290118ZNOV23) Notable: Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

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More archiving of Efrem Zelony-Mindell's creepy YT channel


TY baker, ty Archive Anon o7

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11ed7c No.110564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993910 (290121ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE - Jesses Watters Primetime 11/28/23

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>fox live fyi

>not Notable cuz link will soon expire fyi


🔴LIVE - Jesses Watters Primetime 11/28/23 - Full | Fox Breaking News Trump November 28, 2023

Chhittar Bazi

21.3K subscribers

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11ed7c No.110565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993945 (290126ZNOV23) Notable: #24544

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#24544 >>110518

>>110556 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>110519 Debt Clock - Tuesday 28th of November 2023

>>110520 Pope to evict Cardinal Burke from Vatican-subsidized apartment, strip him of salary

>>110521 Moderna has its own spying operation using AI & a former FBI agent to monitor millions of vaccine-related conversations online

>>110522 North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon

>>110523, >>110555 Dr. Kat Lindley on WHO’s Global Governance via Pandemic Treaties and Amendments

>>110524, >>110530 Looks like a fairly dense full halo CME leaving the sun headed our way

>>110525 Judge Chutkan Blocks Trump Legal Team from Finding Out Truth About What Really Happened on J6

>>110526 United Nations set to call on Americans to reduce meat consumption

>>110527 MD: Blue State Will Continue To Enforce Handgun Law Even After It Was Declared Unconstitutional

>>110528, >>110532, >>110534, >>110537, >>110540, >>110543, >>110545, >>110553, >>110558, >>110560, >>110561, >>110563 Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

>>110529 Swedish yoga guru, 71, is arrested and 26 women freed from 'deplorable conditions' in France after kidnap and rape probe

>>110531 Ron Paul: ‘Government, the Greatest Issuer of Disinformation’

>>110533 Moms For America Endorses Trump For President

>>110535 Dark Legacy

>>110536 HOW DO YOU INTRODUCE EVIDENCE? I hope Hunter is ready to sing.

>>110538 The sun was shining on Melania Trump today at Rosalynn Carter's tribute service.


>>110541 Dr. Robert Epstein Launches ‘America’s Digital Shield’ Exposing Big Tech Meddling in 2024 Elections

>>110542 NYT is losing bladder control over Schedule F. This smells like victory.

>>110544 Indian Rescuers Save 41 Construction Workers Trapped In Tunnel For 17 Days


>>110547 A packed house in DERRY, NEW HAMPSHIRE tonight for @NikkiHaley!/pendulum haz swung RINO

>>110548 Black Lives Matter Leader Leaves The Democrat Plantation, Endorses Trump

>>110549 Nov 2023.Press conference European Parliament about the experimental COVID MRNA injections

>>110550 Ransomware Impacts Health-Care Systems in Six States

>>110551 Bill Gates went underground to show a tour of the hidden history Brussels sewage system./forgot to flush

>>110552 Video footage of senior Pentagon official Stephen Hovanic getting arrested in connection to an alleged human trafficking ring has been released.

>>110554 Buckwheat not Otay

>>110557 Australian government issues apology for 'thalidomide tragedy' 60 years on

>>110559 Safiye Elkhereji, daughter of @W_Elkhereiji who is a high ranking Saudi Arabian official and who was the ambassador to Turkey when Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, has committed suicide.

>>110562 Argentina's president elect Javier Milei is due to meet Biden aide Jake Sullivan today after lunching with Bill Clinton

>>110564 LIVE - Jesses Watters Primetime 11/28/23


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11ed7c No.110566

File: 98b61ab79d20517⋯.jpg (275.79 KB,1756x2048,439:512,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cba725ed30ae23c⋯.mp4 (89.65 KB,518x478,259:239,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9a6da71b41dde41⋯.png (957.77 KB,799x587,799:587,Clipboard.png)

File: f46bced62a9c659⋯.jpg (186.47 KB,1290x1195,258:239,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 27b7501c7dde046⋯.png (610.92 KB,835x644,835:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993961 (290128ZNOV23) Notable: #24545

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Baker can continue or defer

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11ed7c No.110567

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994032 (290142ZNOV23) Notable: Panic in DC!

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Panic in DC! Really very Panicked and strangely more insane then ever




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11ed7c No.110568

File: 9d0870656be18e7⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994053 (290146ZNOV23) Notable: the evergreen is down? same day as carter funeral, comms? Keks at least

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the evergreen is down?

same day as carter funeral, comms?

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11ed7c No.110569

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994055 (290146ZNOV23) Notable: Joe Allen On Eric Schmidt: "He is promoting the use of these AI systems for weapons"

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Joe Allen On Eric Schmidt: "He is promoting the use of these AI systems for weapons"



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11ed7c No.110570

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994069 (290148ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone On The New Virus That Is Spreading: "I think this is another gross overreaction". Is another form of Fear Porn!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Robert Malone On The New Virus That Is Spreading: "I think this is another gross overreaction". Is another form of Fear Porn! Kek



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11ed7c No.110571

File: e0004a68228543e⋯.png (100.97 KB,645x781,645:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dea29f1f804122⋯.png (644.92 KB,752x743,752:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994081 (290150ZNOV23) Notable: Rosalynn Carter’s family said she specifically wanted Melania Trump to know she was invited to the service. In a time of division

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“Rosalynn Carter’s family said she specifically wanted Melania Trump to know she was invited to the service. In a time of division, she hoped all the first ladies would join in a show of solidarity as her farewell tribute,”


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11ed7c No.110572

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994091 (290151ZNOV23) Notable: Michael Walsh On The Situation In Ireland: "The media is really the problem"

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Michael Walsh On The Situation In Ireland: "The media is really the problem"



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11ed7c No.110573

File: 094544d8874e40d⋯.png (428.04 KB,688x681,688:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994143 (290201ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.

Donald Trump has taken to his Truth Social platform to slowly and clearly explain his penchant for substituting “Obama” for “Biden” during campaign speeches – after corporate media outlets and masses of online Ron DeSantis supporters accused the 45th President of having dementia as a result. “Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat’s Radical Left ‘Disinformation Machine,’ go wild saying that ‘Trump doesn’t know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired,'” Trump posted early on Monday: “No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country.”

Trump has interchanged Obama and Biden a number of times this year during campaign speeches, in a move that his most ardent supporters have understood to be an indication of who is really pulling the strings at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Former President Barack Obama has exercised an unprecedented level of influence over the Biden White House. The National Pulse previously reported Obama has overseen White House policy on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent months. Many in Washington, D.C. are beginning to acknowledge Obama has in fact secured a third term in office; going so far as influencing the staffing the Biden White House and handing down recommendations from his home in the D.C’s exclusive Kalorama neighborhood. Last week, Donald Trump’s doctor released a statement giving the former President a clean-bill of health. “His physical exams were well within the normal range and his cognitive exams were exceptional,” Dr. Bruce Aronwald, D.O. said, before adding: ” It is my opinion that President Trump is currently in excellent health, and with his continued interest in preventative health monitoring and maintenance, he will continue to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle for years to come.”


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11ed7c No.110574

File: d671afb44e1b695⋯.png (242.24 KB,705x473,705:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994149 (290202ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.

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Donald J. Trump



>Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.

Nov 28, 2023, 8:11 PM


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11ed7c No.110575

File: 0c651a92145cdf7⋯.png (285.04 KB,684x623,684:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994171 (290207ZNOV23) Notable: Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win

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Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win

There’s a strange disjunction in the discourse about the 2024 elections. On the one hand, when presented with the proposition “Trump can win,” people will nod their heads sagely and say something along the lines of: “Of course he can; only a fool would believe to the contrary.”

At the same time, whenever polling emerges showing that Donald Trump is performing well in 2024 matchups, a deluge of panicked articles, tweets (or is it “X”s?), social media posts, and the like emerge, reassuring readers that polls aren’t predictive and providing a variety of reasons that things will improve for President Biden.

As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Elections analysts seem to know that they are obliged to mouth the words that Trump can win, but deep down, they don’t believe them. The notion that Biden is the favorite is deeply internalized, likely for a variety of reasons.

So let us set the record straight: Trump can win. Not in a “maybe if all the stars align and then Russia changes the vote totals (even somehow in states like Michigan that use hand-marked paper ballots)” kind of way. Just flat out: Trump can win.

As of this writing, Trump leads Biden by 2.6 percentage points nationally in the RealClearPolitics Average. This is Trump’s largest lead in the RCP average to date. Not for 2024, mind you. Ever.

Let’s put this in perspective. In 2016, Trump led Hillary Clinton for all of five days in the national RCP Average, each of those days in the immediate aftermath of the Republican convention. He led in 29 polls taken over the course of the entire campaign, 10 of which are recorded in the RCP averages as Los Angeles Times/USC tracking polls.

In 2020, Trump never led Biden in the national RCP Average. He briefly closed to within four points in early January of 2020, but that is it. He led in five polls all cycle.

So, counting the L.A. Times tracker as a single poll, Trump led in a total of 24 national polls. This cycle? He’s led in that many since mid-September. He’s led in more polls in the past three weeks than he did against Biden in all of 2019-2020.

You may be thinking that we don’t elect our president via the popular vote, but rather do so through the Electoral College. This is, of course, true. It also makes Trump’s current position in the polls all the more striking. After all, Trump has consistently outperformed his polling, and his Electoral College positioning has consistently been stronger than his national positioning. That doesn’t mean that this will necessarily hold in 2024, and at some point, the GOP’s worsening position in the suburbs will reverse the Electoral College dynamic that has plagued Democrats for the past few cycles.


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11ed7c No.110576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994174 (290208ZNOV23) Notable: Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win

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>Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win


But we can look at state-level polling as well. In 2016, Trump (somewhat infamously) never led in a poll in Wisconsin. He was never within more than three points of Clinton there. He led in a single poll in Michigan and a single poll in Pennsylvania. His lead in North Carolina never exceeded two points in the RCP averages, while in Florida, his largest lead was 1.2 points.

The 2020 comparison is even more striking. Trump led Biden in Florida in the RCP averages briefly, in October and March of that year. In Arizona, it was the same story. North Carolina was a little better for Trump, as he led in the RCP averages perhaps a quarter of the time. In Ohio, Trump led in only six polls all cycle. He led in five polls in Pennsylvania. In Michigan it was five polls, and in Wisconsin, it was four.

To put this in even deeper perspective, Mitt Romney never led President Barack Obama in the RCP Average in Wisconsin (and led in just three polls), Pennsylvania (likewise, he led in just three polls), Michigan (he led in just eight polls), or Ohio (Romney led 10 polls all cycle). Things were a bit sunnier for Romney in Florida, where he had leads in the low single digits frequently. The same is true for North Carolina, although Obama led there until May.

What does the state polling show today? Trump leads in the RCP Average in Michigan for the first time, ever.

Pennsylvania? He leads for the first time ever, and has led in most polls.

He narrowly trails Biden in Wisconsin but has already led in almost as many polls as he led in the state in 2016 and 2020 combined. His 0.7% deficit compares to his previous best showing in the state: A 3.5% deficit in August of 2020.

Florida? Trump has led or tied in every poll, including some double-digit leads.

Arizona? He leads by five in the RCP Average.

Georgia? He leads by six.

Ohio? Polling is sparse, but he leads by 10.

In other words, analyzing this election correctly isn’t just a matter of giving lip service to the notion that Trump can win this election. The correct position right now is that Trump is better positioned in the polls to win this election than any GOP nominee since at least 2004. Not only that, he habitually over-performs his polls. Frankly, if you are willing to set favorites this far out, you should almost certainly declare Donald Trump the favorite.

Does any of this mean that Trump will win the presidency in 2024? Absolutely not. There are good arguments why perceptions of the economy will improve between now and then (although maybe they won’t). Perhaps Trump will under-perform his polling this time, as the GOP did in 2022 (although, maybe he won’t). There are good arguments that Trump’s criminal trials will erode his standing in the polls (although having watched Trump scandals unfold for the better part of four decades now, maybe they won’t).

These all make for fun speculation and are useful reminders that if a week is a lifetime in politics, then a year is, well, a very, very long time. Analysts should, of course, feel free to indulge in gaming out the possibilities.

But when the conversation returns to what we do know, there honestly is only one correct answer: Trump can win this election, and is well-positioned to do so.


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11ed7c No.110577

File: 466f280f6df96ae⋯.png (236.29 KB,715x471,715:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994183 (290210ZNOV23) Notable: Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




>Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win

Nov 28, 2023, 8:11 PM


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11ed7c No.110578

File: 57beacd0629c7ae⋯.png (164.61 KB,446x457,446:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 67e694be627b0c0⋯.mp4 (693.02 KB,600x360,5:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994194 (290211ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Biden is merely the public mascot for Barack Obama’s 3rd term. Same Obama staff is now Biden’s WH team. Same old Iran playbook and same foreign policy mistakes 2009 - 2016.

Obama in his own 👇words.


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11ed7c No.110579

File: 67a1fff80870986⋯.png (396.83 KB,677x812,677:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994196 (290212ZNOV23) Notable: Trump 'The Nominee' Before March 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump 'The Nominee' Before March 2024

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve been a bit out of my normal rhythm. I spent some time away celebrating a significant milestone, only to return last week to an abundance of work crammed into the shortened week before the holiday weekend.

However, something on social media caught my eye, and it reminded me that we’ve arrived.

The primary season is here.

You know that people are touting for their preferred candidates from all the endorsements. And since I have a microphone, a TV camera, and a keyboard, all the candidates have wanted me to know why they think they are left standing.

Nikki Haley’s team has mastered the art of texting me 78 times per day. Ron DeSantis zero texts, but quickly proffers current office holders and former Trump supporters’ endorsements as soon as they happen. Ramaswamy’s strategy to be the Trumpiest non-Trump in the race has sort of fallen apart (and his numbers reflect it.) And the disgraceful former Governor of New Jersey is still banking on down-splaining to the base why they’re wrong, and he’s right is going about as well as you’d think it would.

The silliest part of it is that none of it matters because none of them will be the nominee and likely won’t even be on the ticket, in the cabinet, or even on the shortlist.

The media really tried hard to make their candidacies “a thing.” Radio and Television networks did contests to give away seats at the debates—the lowest watched in modern history.

Basically, everyone who wished it has tried everything they could wish for, and the result has had one outcome: Donald Trump has a bigger lead.

A TV network programming director asked me this week to rank the top ten news stories of the year, and then he asked me if I felt the POTUS debates were among them. ...


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11ed7c No.110580

File: 8bc38d2f0a9645e⋯.png (131.36 KB,810x362,405:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994206 (290213ZNOV23) Notable: Trump 'The Nominee' Before March 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



>Trump 'The Nominee' Before March 2024

Nov 28, 2023, 8:11 PM


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11ed7c No.110581

File: f5b35649e2977d6⋯.jpeg (342.65 KB,1235x621,1235:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 42461791b33305f⋯.jpeg (1010.76 KB,1235x828,1235:828,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994212 (290214ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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>>110556 lb

RICO24 Global Hawk drone has set up just east of Cedar City, UT and circling Cedar Breaks Nat. Monument

Cedar Breaks sits at over 10,000 feet and looks down into a half-mile deep geologic amphitheater. Come wander among timeless bristlecone pines, stand in lush meadows of wildflower, ponder crystal-clear night skies and experience the richness of our subalpine forest.


Certainly looks like that wuz something ‘occupied’ a very long time ago and was destroyed (like the many sites in the Grand Canyon)

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11ed7c No.110582

File: 8cfe8cfa4478e9b⋯.png (84.57 KB,678x730,339:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994230 (290216ZNOV23) Notable: Trump wins generic vote big, 30% Democrats back him

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Trump wins generic vote big, 30% Democrats back him

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign juggernaut is roaring through the country with such force that now, he is winning the general election generic vote with 53% support from likely 2024 voters.

Coming on the same day that a Morning Consult survey had him leading the GOP race with a high of 61%, a Rasmussen Reports survey said that more than a majority of voters plan to vote for him.

And that includes Democrats.

Asked, “How likely are you to vote for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election?” 30% of Democrats said “very” or “somewhat likely.” Some 50% of black people agreed, as did 80% of Republicans.

What’s more, voters appear so focused on Trump that they don’t care who he picks as vice president.

Likely voters overwhelmingly said that his choice for a running mate wouldn’t matter. Asked, “Would the choice of a vice-presidential candidate not make much difference in whether you vote for Trump?” 57% agreed. The rest were divided over his pick of a woman, a black person, or a nonpolitician. ...


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11ed7c No.110583

File: 7f0dd6cf164ebc5⋯.png (293.83 KB,807x546,269:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994240 (290218ZNOV23) Notable: Trump wins generic vote big, 30% Democrats back him

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Donald J. Trump



>Trump wins generic vote big, 30% Democrats back him

Nov 28, 2023, 8:11 PM


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11ed7c No.110584

File: bc77d88b66a06b0⋯.png (454.53 KB,695x822,695:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994251 (290220ZNOV23) Notable: ‘We Need Him Back!’ Nigel Farage Notes Trump Predicted Biden’s Iran Deal Would Have ‘Deadly Consequences’ for Israel and US

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‘We Need Him Back!’ — Nigel Farage Notes Trump Predicted Biden’s Iran Deal Would Have ‘Deadly Consequences’ for Israel and U.S.

Brexit leader Nigel Farage said that the world needs Donald Trump back in office, pointing to the former president’s prediction in August that Biden’s Iran deal would have “deadly consequences” for Israel and the United States.

The attacks from the Palestinian Islamist terror group Hamas on Israel, which began on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret on Saturday and have been described as the “worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust,” have so far taken the lives of over 1,000 people, including at least 11 American citizens.

According to reports, the terror attacks against Israel were planned with the assistance of “Iranian security officials”. This has led to increasing scrutiny of the Biden administration for signing off a payoff of $6 billion to Tehran in exchange for the release of five American hostages held in Iranian prisons. The White House has denied that it was a “ransom” payment, as the money was mostly Iranian oil profits that had been frozen in South Korean banks since 2019 when President Trump imposed a ban on oil exports from Iran and enacted sanctions on the Islamist nation’s banking sector.

While the funds have yet to reach Iranian hands, it has been noted that because money is fungible, Tehran may well have financially backed the attacks with the expectation of coming into possession of the $6 billion shortly. Iran has a long history of funding Hamas, with the American State Department estimating in 2020 that Tehran provides the Palestinian terror organisation over $100 million per year and has been described by Hamas leadership as their “largest supporter”.

Responding to a resurfaced statement from former President Donald Trump, Nigel Farage wrote on social media on Tuesday: “Trump warned us in August that Biden’s capitulation to Iran would have deadly consequences. We need him back in charge.” ...


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11ed7c No.110585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994255 (290220ZNOV23) Notable: PEDO BUN 28 November 2023

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PEDO BUN 28 November 2023

LVMPD: Over 70 arrests, 200 victims in F1 sex trafficking operation


National Crime Agency to stop taking on new cases under Operation Stovewood investigation into Rotherham child sex abuse


European crackdown reveals widespread child pornography network

31 men implicated in a child pornography network that was primarily operated via the encrypted messaging service Signal have been arrested across Europe.


Border Patrol in Texas arrests 21 sex offenders in less than two months

The subjects have all been convicted of a slew of sex crimes involving young children, according to Bernal.


Raytown Man Indicted for Producing Child Pornography


Local Magician Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Offenses


Slingerlands Man Indicted for Sexual Exploitation of a Child


KC Man Sentenced to 16 Years for Distributing Child Pornography


Davie County Man Sentenced to 50 Years for Production and Distribution of Child Pornography


Charlotte Man Is Sentenced To 11 Years In Prison For Receipt Of Child Pornography


Schenectady County Sex Offender Sentenced to 300 Months for Attempted Enticement of a Minor


California Man Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Attempted Coercion Of A Child


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11ed7c No.110586

File: b856bc4076a95c1⋯.png (237.85 KB,813x539,813:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994258 (290221ZNOV23) Notable: ‘We Need Him Back!’ Nigel Farage Notes Trump Predicted Biden’s Iran Deal Would Have ‘Deadly Consequences’ for Israel and US

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Donald J. Trump



>‘We Need Him Back!’ — Nigel Farage Notes Trump Predicted Biden’s Iran Deal Would Have ‘Deadly Consequences’ for Israel and U.S.

Nov 28, 2023, 8:10 PM


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11ed7c No.110587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994272 (290224ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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>Global Hawk

It’s over eastern Poland and Black Sea all the time

FORTExx out of Sigonella AB for 12-20 hours at a time

See them near muh local occasionally but not often and I know the rules but they don’t care at least ‘round the “dangah zone”

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11ed7c No.110588

File: 62f284dc0db8513⋯.png (530.82 KB,698x790,349:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994276 (290224ZNOV23) Notable: Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

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Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

Instead of analyzing how the world’s supreme intelligence agencies and superpowers missed HAMAS’ attack on Israel, the media is sensationalizing its actuality. That’s the scary part, its not a miss, it’s a deliberate act of weaponization by the Biden administration of our national security apparatus.

The intelligence community, like our national command authority is directed by one thing, the Commander-in-Chief. Whether you grow its size is a red herring, when you reorient thousands of career individuals trained to detect prospects of war, you have less personnel and capacity detecting the threat environment. Its simple; there is only so much money, machines, and manning to direct against our enemies.

I know first hand during the Trump administration, our national intelligence priorities were foreign terrorist organizations, and defeating a nuclear Iran. We had specific cells and groups within the IC dedicated against groups like HAMAS and Iran, they were top tier priorities. President Trump made this mission simple, defeating our enemies will always be the top priority in his national defense arsenal. We used all options, overt and covert.

The National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF), is the bulwark of our national security efforts. What is the NIPF? Simply defined, amongst a multi-tier threat analysis, each White House is charged with the duty of prioritizing the greatest threats to the United States and our allies. In the Trump administration, this was simple, AQ, ISIS, and foreign terrorist organizations were all top priorities. Each year the White House creates a new rack and stack within the NIPF, for example during Biden’s first year, climate change was the top priority. Don’t believe me, his DoD’s first CONOP (concept of operations, the mandate that moves the DoD’s rudder) was on climate change. Not terrorists, not the CCP, not Iran, and not the cartels (like we did during Trump’s term), but the weather. There’s your critical intelligence failure driven by Biden’s desire to weaponize intelligence for political narrative purposes. And it was intentional. That’s the difference between Trump and Biden. Now the world sees what happens when you do not.

Immediately after the Biden administration just weeks ago provided Iran with $6billion of funding, the fake news declared this an overarching win because they carried the false narrative that this was a victory for global security. The day after Iran received this stack of cash, they kicked out every single UN inspector that guarded against their production of nuclear weapons grade material.

The media continued to print false stories that America will have oversight of all funds because Biden administration told them to say so. You now see the power of these disinformation campaigns. The reality, Iran’s president, the day after receiving the cash stated unequivocally Iran will use the funds as they see fit, with zero oversight. As a side, it’s a total fiction to believe America could have any oversight of these funds- to wit Afghanistan and Ukraine.

You do not need to be in national security to know planning a declaration of war of this magnitude by HAMAS and Iran takes thousands of people, months of work, and painstaking collaboration. Are we to believe the Biden IC ‘just missed’ on the intel, it was a gap? Not for one second, it was an intentional decision to prioritize the weather, diversity/inclusion, and giving money to terrorists, then the safety of us and our allies. ...


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11ed7c No.110589

File: 31be0fdb5619feb⋯.png (355.83 KB,812x605,812:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994278 (290226ZNOV23) Notable: Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

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Donald J. Trump



>Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

Nov 28, 2023, 8:10 PM


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11ed7c No.110590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994283 (290227ZNOV23) Notable: Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

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>Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?



When you demand the thousands of IC officials whose entire careers are spent fighting against actual top tier threats, and force them to study climate change and diversity, this is the result. We cannot expect America, nor its allies, to destroy terrorism, when you have demanded them to guard the setting sun. Trump had dedicated intelligence and defense cells focused against Hamas, Iran, and Shia militia groups. That work can only be stopped by reorganization of the NIPF at the charge of the commander-in-chief. It’s not complicated government gymnastics, rather simply government weaponization to satisfy a destructive radical agenda and the media.

Don’t believe me, here’s another dose of reality, Jake Sullivan, the current national security advisor to the president, and author of the false Russia Gate Alfa Bank narrative, definitely declared just one week ago, the Middle East has never been more at peace. How’s that aging?

When you have corrupt Government Gangsters running our national security, this is the result. As a side note, since we sent 7 years worth of surface to air missile defense systems (just one example) to the Ukraine along with $120 billion, what happens when Israel calls on us for aid.

Worse yet, what happens when we find out hostages taken by HAMAS are American, or those killed were one of ours. Do you trust this administration with our national security? Perhaps Biden will again give another $6 billion to Iran on 9/11.

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11ed7c No.110591

File: ce17fb42e2fca15⋯.png (395.07 KB,691x710,691:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994295 (290228ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Has Let Over 70,000 Illegals From Muslim Countries into U.S. in 2 Years

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Biden Has Let Over 70,000 Illegals From Muslim Countries into U.S. in 2 Years.

Stunning new U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data has revealed that over 70,000 illegal immigrants from Muslim countries have been encountered inside the United States over the past two years. CBP considers these “special interest aliens” as their countries of origin are considered by the U.S. government to be hot-beds of terrorism and pose a national security threat. It is unclear how many have been apprehended, detained, or deported, though the Biden regime operates a “catch and release” policy that usually allows illegals to abscond into the U.S. unabated. According to reports, 538 illegals originated from Syria and 139 from Yemen. Both countries have experienced bloody civil wars, with radical Islamist groups participating in the respective conflicts. A huge 659 of the “special interest aliens” originated from Iran, 123 from Iraq, 6,386 from Afghanistan, 164 from Lebanon, 3,153 from Egypt, 1,613 from Pakistan, 15,594 from Mauritania, 13,624 from Uzbekistan, and 30,830 from Turkey.

In light of the barbaric surprise attack launched by the terrorist organization Hamas against Israel, the number illegal immigrants trying to enter the U.S. from unstable Muslim nations known to harbor terrorist groups is especially concerning. The CBP believes upwards of 1.5 million individuals from countries of concern have managed to slip past their agents and may still be residing illegally within the United States. Over the course of 2023 so far, CBP says 151 individuals on the FBI watchlist were encountered at the U.S. border – a record number. President Trump’s infamous 2016 travel ban, coupled with his work in securing the U.S. border, saw these numbers tumble during his tenure. He recently announced he would reinstate such policies if re-elected in 2024.


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11ed7c No.110592

File: 995372fd817648d⋯.png (274.43 KB,807x527,807:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994301 (290230ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Has Let Over 70,000 Illegals From Muslim Countries into U.S. in 2 Years

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Donald J. Trump



>Biden Has Let Over 70,000 Illegals From Muslim Countries into U.S. in 2 Years.

Nov 28, 2023, 8:10 PM


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11ed7c No.110593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994303 (290230ZNOV23) Notable: Higher Incidence Of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers

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Higher Incidence Of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers: Peer-Reviewed Study

People who wore protective masks were found to be more likely to contract COVID-19 infections than those who didn't, according to a recent Norwegian study.


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11ed7c No.110594

File: f0d4cfe9f450b47⋯.png (429.3 KB,690x824,345:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994313 (290232ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Gives Kari Lake ‘Complete and Total Endorsement’ in Arizona Senate Race

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Trump Gives Kari Lake ‘Complete and Total Endorsement’ in Arizona Senate Race

A video showing the former president was played during the rally

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday was featured in a video endorsing Republican Kari Lake's Senate campaign in Arizona during the former television anchor's official campaign announcement rally.

The former president did not appear in-person, but a pre-recorded video was shown featuring Trump, who also shared it on his social media platform Truth Social.


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11ed7c No.110595

File: de84e73b5110da4⋯.png (235.75 KB,806x473,806:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994318 (290233ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Gives Kari Lake ‘Complete and Total Endorsement’ in Arizona Senate Race

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Donald J. Trump



>Trump Gives Kari Lake ‘Complete and Total Endorsement’ in Arizona Senate Race

Nov 28, 2023, 8:10 PM


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11ed7c No.110596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994355 (290242ZNOV23) Notable: Travel pool 11 - funder remarks, rolling

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From: Geoff Earle

Date: November 28, 2023 at 6:48:34/PM MST

To: Wranglers

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Travel pool 11 - funder remarks, rolling

Pool entered the home after walking across expansive grounds. The Beast was idling out front.

Guests were packed into a living room that featured a stone fireplace. Decor included evil eyes of the kind seen in Greece and Turkey.

Guests chatted about condo purchases and rentals while waiting for the event.

The Colo sec of state, AG were on hand. Sen Hickenlooper was there as well.

Gov. Polis spoke about how Biden rescheduled the event after the Oct. 7 attacks interrupted a planned trip.

POTUS spoke for about 22 minutes. He didnt roll out much new material, but repeatedly came back to Trump and MAGA Republicans. He spoke from a prompter at a lectern but went off script at times.

A few quotes below  please check against the transcript.

Donald Trumps about to find out the power of women in America in 2024, Biden said.

Since he came off the sidelines, We havent stopped winning and he hasnt stopped losing.

He spoke about this months elections in Ohio and Virginia.

Now Trump is running for president bragging that he killed roe v wade, he said.

Biden again riffed on Trumps recent line on the ACA.

His plan is to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, Biden said.

His plan is to throw every one of them off that legislation.

Trump gets his way  its all gone.

He vowed: Its not going to happen on my watch.

He said the Speaker and Trump and the MAGA wing are determined to protect tax cuts that are ridiculously low.

He spoke again about an inflection point.

I feel it in my bones. What I suspect you feel as well, he said.

Another age joke: Those of you over 40 like I am - we never talked this way in American politics, he said.

We just cant fall numb to Trump and the threats he poses, he advised.

He gave a bit of a preview to tomorrows event in Boeberts district, rapping her for calling his key legislation garbage.

I find it pretty unbelievable, he said.

Pool is rolling at 8:39.


Geoff Earle

Deputy US Political Editor



MailOnline | ^

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11ed7c No.110597

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994362 (290244ZNOV23) Notable: Steve Robinson, From “The Maine Wire”, Describes Chinese Nationals Running Massive Marijuana Grow Operations In The US. They have 300 MJ growing farms in Maine, where one got busted today

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Steve Robinson, From “The Maine Wire”, Describes Chinese Nationals Running Massive Marijuana Grow Operations In The US. They have 300 MJ growing farms in Maine, where one got busted today



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11ed7c No.110598

File: 3afec7698ad1eb6⋯.jpg (108.41 KB,720x738,40:41,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9c72a978e6ba19d⋯.jpg (93.45 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994390 (290252ZNOV23) Notable: Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier arrested, accused of using gun to strike a woman

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Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier arrested, accused of using gun to strike a woman


Ryan Fournier, the co-founder of Students for Trump, was arrested in North Carolina last week on accusations that he struck a woman in the head with a handgun, records show. 

Fournier, 27, allegedly grabbed the woman by her right arm and struck her in the forehead with a 9MM Sig Sauer P229 pistol, according to the Johnson County magistrate. 

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11ed7c No.110599

File: 48ccc6afbe328b9⋯.png (27.14 KB,456x267,152:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994417 (290259ZNOV23) Notable: holding a bipartisan press conference at the Capitol this Thursday morning before votes to publicly draw attention to the continual pushback, sidelining, & stonewalling we and countless Americans have received regarding UAPs.

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Rep. Anna Paulina Luna


My team and I, along with




, and


, will be holding a bipartisan press conference at the Capitol this Thursday morning before votes to publicly draw attention to the continual pushback, sidelining, & stonewalling we and countless Americans have received regarding UAPs. This is open to the public. Will announce time shortly.

Thank you




for giving us a platform while the government & media have tried to silence Americans and bar us from the truth.

9:51 PM · Nov 28, 2023





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11ed7c No.110600

File: d5a0711906ea7df⋯.png (14.77 KB,463x174,463:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994506 (290322ZNOV23) Notable: @CarloMVigano..being persecuted by Bergoglio is a source of pride: it remains to be seen..whether [they] will..say what really happened at the 2013 Conclave.

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..being persecuted by Bergoglio is a source of pride: it remains to be seen..whether [they] will..say what really happened at the 2013 Conclave.



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11ed7c No.110601

File: 1c615093733fff3⋯.png (74.3 KB,591x402,197:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994586 (290346ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE.....

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Donald J. Trump


MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Brian Robert’s, its Chairman and CEO, is a slimeball who has been able to get away with these constant attacks for years. It is the world’s biggest political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats who, by the way, are destroying our Country. Our so-called “government” should come down hard on them and make them pay for their illegal political activity. Much more to come, watch!

Nov 28, 2023, 10:42 PM


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11ed7c No.110602

File: e16b1d86ebfbbca⋯.png (433.08 KB,601x534,601:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994592 (290348ZNOV23) Notable: China’s Mystery Respiratory Illness Comes to USA?????

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China’s Mystery Respiratory Illness Comes to USA

Just like the first time. They identified a supposed health threat in China but didn’t shut down travel from China to protect local populations. Smelled fishy the first time, still stinks like 4 year old dead fish. They are going to do it again. Funny how it only seems to happen in election years.

Happening Now: The mysterious respiratory illness that has been hitting China hard has now made its way to the United States. Washington DC is now seeing an uptick in hospital cases due to the mysterious illness.

The illness appears to hit children the hardest but China is still saying that they haven’t seen any reason for concern yet. The WHO is monitoring the situation.

After Covid does anyone trust anything anymore?


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11ed7c No.110603

File: a2d75e4f3017808⋯.png (160 KB,452x358,226:179,Clipboard.png)

File: c1beef9b47ed6a1⋯.jpeg (366.63 KB,828x1468,207:367,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c992d0a770ba331⋯.jpeg (384.32 KB,828x1469,828:1469,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994631 (290356ZNOV23) Notable: Japan’s Nikkei Erases Early Losses as Heavyweight Stocks Gain

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Japan’s Nikkei Erases Early Losses as Heavyweight Stocks Gain

(Seems the BoJ has shifted its strategy as they’ve managed to get the bond market under control and as predicted muh Yen keeps getting stronger-Cap2,3 now its “must buy stonks” but the big banks are sucking wind -Mitsubishi Sumitomo CEO Just died at 65 of pancreatic cancer so he wasn’t on the “list” like Steve Jobs wasn’t either)

Japan’s Nikkei share average erased early losses to trade higher on Wednesday, underpinned by the gains in heavyweight stocks, while the yen’s rebound against the dollar capped further gains.

The Nikkei index was up 0.13% to 33,450.32 by the midday break after opening 0.49% lower.

“The Nikkei turned slightly positive because of the gains of heavyweight stocks. Investors bought those shares, which rallied last week, on dips,” said Shuutarou Yasuda, market analyst at Tokai Tokyo Research Institute.”But most shares were down, which meant that the market was not strong overall, the stronger yen weighed on investor sentiment.” Some 60% of shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s prime market fell.

The dollar tumbled more than 0.5% to 146.675 yen JPYEBS in early trade on Wednesday, its weakest level in more than two months…(and it was exactly 2 months ago it was mentioned to look out for its reversal go into into YE)

The broader Topix had slipped 0.25% to 2,370.83, dragged by banking shares. The TSE’s banking index lost 2.32% to become the worst performer among the TSE’s 33 industry sub-indexes.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group fell 2.56% and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group lost 2.16%. Mizuho Financial Group slipped 2.91%.




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11ed7c No.110604

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994660 (290404ZNOV23) Notable: 2:25 AM EST NATO Secretary General with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

November 29, 2023

2:25 AM EST

NATO Secretary General with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994662 (290404ZNOV23) Notable: 5:30 AM EST NATO Secretary General, Press Conference at Foreign Ministers Meeting: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

November 29, 2023

5:30 AM EST

NATO Secretary General, Press Conference at Foreign Ministers Meeting: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)




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11ed7c No.110606

File: f134093fac4a33b⋯.png (199.33 KB,445x591,445:591,Clipboard.png)

File: 89d50864565ecd8⋯.png (274.66 KB,351x680,351:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 644f47fbbc5851a⋯.png (100.44 KB,223x360,223:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 0eb11c72cc1adc9⋯.png (336.88 KB,357x679,51:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994683 (290411ZNOV23) Notable: When you understand that CISA owns a certain website attached to Sheriffs and Attorneys in Arizona, it might make your bum pucker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

True North


Y’all are gonna wanna put a pin this.

When you understand that CISA owns a certain website attached to Sheriffs and Attorneys in Arizona, it might make your bum pucker.

Just a little.

Isn’t that right










💥FUN FACT: If you’re looking for a neat way to clean up all the election fraud and overall corruption fast, get MICHELE WHITE (already indicted in VA) to roll on REY VALENZUELA (Maricopa), ERICKA HAAS (ERIC) and AMBER MCREYNOLDS (NVHI; USPS).https://twitter.com/DecentFiJC/status/1729633541384790419

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994696 (290416ZNOV23) Notable: #24545

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24545 >>110566

>>110581, >>110587 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>110567 Panic in DC!

>>110568 the evergreen is down? same day as carter funeral, comms? Keks at least

>>110569 Joe Allen On Eric Schmidt: "He is promoting the use of these AI systems for weapons"

>>110570 Dr. Robert Malone On The New Virus That Is Spreading: "I think this is another gross overreaction". Is another form of Fear Porn!

>>110571 Rosalynn Carter’s family said she specifically wanted Melania Trump to know she was invited to the service. In a time of division

>>110572 Michael Walsh On The Situation In Ireland: "The media is really the problem"

>>110573, >>110574, >>110578 Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.

>>110575, >>110576, >>110577 Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win

>>110579, >>110580 Trump 'The Nominee' Before March 2024

>>110582, >>110583 Trump wins generic vote big, 30% Democrats back him

>>110584, >>110586 ‘We Need Him Back!’ Nigel Farage Notes Trump Predicted Biden’s Iran Deal Would Have ‘Deadly Consequences’ for Israel and US

>>110585 PEDO BUN 28 November 2023

>>110588, >>110589, >>110590 Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

>>110591, >>110592 Biden Has Let Over 70,000 Illegals From Muslim Countries into U.S. in 2 Years

>>110593 Higher Incidence Of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers

>>110594, >>110595 Trump Gives Kari Lake ‘Complete and Total Endorsement’ in Arizona Senate Race

>>110596 Travel pool 11 - funder remarks, rolling

>>110597 Steve Robinson, From “The Maine Wire”, Describes Chinese Nationals Running Massive Marijuana Grow Operations In The US. They have 300 MJ growing farms in Maine, where one got busted today

>>110598 Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier arrested, accused of using gun to strike a woman

>>110599 holding a bipartisan press conference at the Capitol this Thursday morning before votes to publicly draw attention to the continual pushback, sidelining, & stonewalling we and countless Americans have received regarding UAPs.

>>110600 @CarloMVigano..being persecuted by Bergoglio is a source of pride: it remains to be seen..whether [they] will..say what really happened at the 2013 Conclave.

>>110601 @realDonaldTrump MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE.....

>>110602 China’s Mystery Respiratory Illness Comes to USA?????

>>110603 Japan’s Nikkei Erases Early Losses as Heavyweight Stocks Gain

>>110604 2:25 AM EST NATO Secretary General with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

>>110605 5:30 AM EST NATO Secretary General, Press Conference at Foreign Ministers Meeting: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

>>110606 When you understand that CISA owns a certain website attached to Sheriffs and Attorneys in Arizona, it might make your bum pucker.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110608

File: b11c305dff36891⋯.jpg (107.04 KB,982x692,491:346,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 16d959fff8fc66b⋯.jpeg (234.75 KB,829x434,829:434,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 629cd36e3d2cc9a⋯.jpg (15.82 KB,217x320,217:320,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3cb56b23958b602⋯.jpeg (889.21 KB,772x1048,193:262,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5b8a384ca839211⋯.png (1.11 MB,1000x1166,500:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994711 (290419ZNOV23) Notable: #24546

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off hand, gone @20

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11ed7c No.110609

File: 7bff5201971e99e⋯.png (534.76 KB,1003x828,1003:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994755 (290431ZNOV23) Notable: Tucker goes full AYYY LMAO to cover up the fact we've had access zero-point energy and electro-gravitic spacecraft for decades

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ep. 42 For more than 80 years, the US government has hidden the existence of UFOs. The question is why. The answer is ominous.

7:13 PM · Nov 28, 2023


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11ed7c No.110610

File: c4708e418420c16⋯.png (817.1 KB,990x751,990:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994827 (290453ZNOV23) Notable: It is unclear whether the current ceasefire agreement is at risk of dissolving due to the latest clash in the Gaza Strip.

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11:48 PM · Nov 28, 2023·168 Views


Israel says soldiers targeted with explosives, Hamas says Israel breached ceasefire

It is unclear whether the current ceasefire agreement is at risk of dissolving due to the latest clash in the Gaza Strip.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Published: November 28, 2023 9:34am

The Israel Defense Forces says that three explosive devices went off and terrorists opened fire near its troops in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday in violation of the temporary ceasefire, while Hamas is accusing Israel of breaking the temporary truce.

"Over the last hour, 3 explosive devices were detonated adjacent to IDF troops in 2 different locations in northern Gaza, violating the framework of the operational pause," the Israeli military wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "In one of the locations, terrorists also opened fire at the troops, who responded with fire. A number of soldiers were lightly injured during the incidents."

The Israeli troops were located in positions that were agreed upon as part of the pause, the military also said.

Meanwhile, Abu Obaida, a spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, blamed Israel for the ceasefire violation.

"Due to a clear breach by the enemy of the ceasefire agreement in the north of the Gaza Strip today, a field friction occurred, and our fighters dealt with this breach. We are committed to the truce as long as the enemy adheres to it, and we call on the mediators to pressure the occupation to comply with all terms of the truce on the ground and in the air," he said, according to an English-language outlet aligned with Hamas.

The Al-Qassam Brigades also said in Arabic on the messaging platform Telegram that "a landmine exploded in a number of occupation soldiers in the northern Gaza Strip," but the group did not address the causes of the other landmines, nor did it take responsibility for said explosive devices.

Israel and Hamas on Monday agreed to extend a temporary ceasefire for two more days in the Gaza Strip, after originally agreeing to a four-day ceasefire which would see 50 kidnapped women and children freed from Gaza in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinians convicted or suspected of terrorism.

It is unclear whether the current ceasefire is at risk of dissolving due to the latest clash in the Gaza Strip.

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11ed7c No.110611

File: 1c25e96aa8a3c6c⋯.png (716.57 KB,892x844,223:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994828 (290453ZNOV23) Notable: Senator Tommy Tuberville claims Biden's out of control border policy will result in 'a 9/11 attack EVERY FEW WEEKS'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Senator Tommy Tuberville claims Biden's out of control border policy will result in 'a 9/11 attack EVERY FEW WEEKS'

Tuberville, a Republican, has often been one of Washington's most combative conservatives, even angering his own party with his blockade of almost 400 military officers. Now, Tuberville is turning his ire toward the disaster at the border, saying in an interview that Americans could face mass tragedies over Biden's ineffectual policy. 'The Biden administration … is going to get us in so much trouble,' Tuberville said.' 'We're going to have a 9/11 attack every few weeks if we don't watch it.'


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11ed7c No.110612

File: e1babb78a6cfc97⋯.png (1.57 MB,994x1482,497:741,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d590c487e37b4a⋯.png (990.33 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994841 (290457ZNOV23) Notable: @RepRashida My statement calling for the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.

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My statement calling for the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.


"Every innocent civilian should be released and

reunited with their family, no matter their faith or

ethnicity. I will continue to call for the release of all

hostages, as well as the innocent Palestinians who were

arbitrarily detained and being held by the Israeli

government indefinitely without charge or trial.

"On average, 500-700 children are detained by Israeli

forces every year. Palestinian children are often

abducted from their homes and then subjected under

Israeli apartheid to a separate military judicial system.

The mistreatment of children is widespread and

systematic. According to Israel's largest human rights

organization B'Tselem, prior to October 7, the Israeli

government was holding 1 ,310 Palestinian civilians in

"administrative detention"—without charge, trial, or

access to an attorney. That number has increased

rapidly since the outbreak of this violence.

"l support the release of Israeli civilians and ask my

colleagues to demand the same for Palestinian civilians

being held by Israeli forces without charge or trial. Their

failure to do so demonstrates their refusal to view

Palestinians as equal human beings who deserve the

same rights, freedom, and human dignity."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110613

File: 71cecad6dd090de⋯.png (1.35 MB,2122x1428,1061:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994850 (290500ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves… nothing but a 24 hour hit job… for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Brian Roberts, its Chairman and CEO, is a slimeball who has been able to get away with these constant attacks for years. It is the world’s biggest political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats who, by the way, are destroying our Country. Our so-called “government” should come down hard on them and make them pay for their illegal political activity. Much more to come, watch!

Nov 28, 2023, 11:13 PM


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11ed7c No.110614

File: c4682101e7f5877⋯.jpeg (285.84 KB,828x941,828:941,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994852 (290501ZNOV23) Notable: FBI ordered to turn over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110615

File: 7cf107fc4d31ba5⋯.png (1.14 MB,2315x1226,2315:1226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994856 (290502ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump All of these Fake Lawsuits against me could have been brought years ago, but they waited and waited

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

All of these Fake Lawsuits against me are the work of the Radical Left Democrat Party. They could have been brought years ago, but they waited and waited, and brought them right in the middle of my very successful campaign for President - Strictly Third World Country “Stuff.” The good news is that the PEOPLE get what is going on and want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - AND WILL!!!

Nov 28, 2023, 11:02 PM


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11ed7c No.110616

File: 22dd3b3859d3904⋯.png (117.29 KB,586x620,293:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994859 (290504ZNOV23) Notable: FBI ordered to turn over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich

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FBI ordered to turn over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich who was allegedly linked to leaking disparaging DNC emails to WikiLeaks prior to his untimely and controversial demise.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110617

File: 57a3b1800f6c910⋯.png (516.8 KB,695x818,695:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994863 (290506ZNOV23) Notable: Speaker Johnson Refuses to Confirm Matt Gaetz’s Claim About Deep State Program Authorization

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Speaker Johnson Refuses to Confirm Matt Gaetz’s Claim About Deep State Program Authorization

Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) office has refused to confirm Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) claim that there will be no reauthorization, temporary or otherwise, of a deep state surveillance tool in the National Defense Authorization Act.

Breitbart News, as well as Wired, reported that Speaker Johnson and Democrat leaders are considering slipping a reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a defense bill that has little to do with government surveillance.

Section 702 is a law that allows intelligence agencies to collect communications of targeted foreigners. It also may lead to targeted surveillance of Americans’ private communications, which privacy advocates consider a run around the Fourth Amendment’s requirement for a warrant to search Americans’ communications. The law will expire at the end of 2023.

The Speaker’s office did not answer multiple requests for comment about Rep. Matt Gaetz’s claim that Johnson said there would be no Section 702 in the NDAA.

The controversy continued as Gaetz asserted that Section 702 would not be included in the NDAA, saying, “I love the folks at FreedomWorks – but this isn’t true. I spoke to @SpeakerJohnson and while there is still work to be done to hammer out the legislation, the plan is to run it as a SINGLE SUBJECT stand-alone bill.”

After Gaetz’s tweet, Breitbart News repeatedly inquired with multiple different staffers for Johnson asking for an on-record confirmation of what Gaetz claims Johnson told him. Multiple Johnson staffers would not provide such a statement.

Instead, a senior GOP leadership aide told Breitbart News, “The NDAA is not going to be a reauthorization of the FISA program. It is not going to include a full-year authorization of the FISA program.”

It is important to note that the leadership aide neglected to say if there would be a short-term extension of Section 702 in the NDAA. In other words, this senior GOP leadership aide in the House is openly saying it is certainly a possibility that the NDAA will include a short-term reauthorization of the FISA surveillance program–thereby effectively confirming the original reports from Breitbart News and Wired magazine. ...


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11ed7c No.110618

File: 97148e9c6cd86ef⋯.png (498.37 KB,1050x573,350:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994875 (290511ZNOV23) Notable: Nikki Haley wins backing from powerful Koch network

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nikki Haley wins backing from powerful Koch network

The political arm of the powerful Koch network has endorsed Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign. Americans for Prosperity promises to commit its nationwide army of activists and virtually unlimited funds to help Haley defeat former President Donald Trump in the GOP primary contest.

“AFP Action is proud to throw our full support behind Nikki Haley, who offers America the opportunity to turn the page on the current political era, to win the Republican primary and defeat Joe Biden next November,” AFP president and CEO Emily Seidel wrote in a memo announcing the group’s decision.

“She has what it takes to lead a policy agenda to take on our nation’s biggest challenges and help ensure our country’s best days are ahead. With the grassroots and data capability we bring to bear in this race, no other organization is better equipped to help her do it.” ...


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11ed7c No.110619

File: 7fecc376186a1fe⋯.png (1.54 MB,2122x1428,1061:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994888 (290517ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves… nothing but a 24 hour hit job… for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110620

File: 28216f82df740ac⋯.png (243.59 KB,597x693,199:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994910 (290524ZNOV23) Notable: Tunnels under Comet Ping Pong?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994934 (290535ZNOV23) Notable: Tunnels under Comet Ping Pong?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110622

File: 702ca034f55f425⋯.png (747.16 KB,1045x666,1045:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19994944 (290538ZNOV23) Notable: Tunnels under Comet Ping Pong?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


talks about tunnels under comet ping pong

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110623

File: 1f0a602619cf032⋯.png (408.56 KB,634x493,634:493,Clipboard.png)

File: cce4d828769c580⋯.png (172.21 KB,634x491,634:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995000 (290603ZNOV23) Notable: Tucker goes full AYYY LMAO to cover up the fact we've had access zero-point energy and electro-gravitic spacecraft for decades

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


EXCLUSIVE: CIA's secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistleblowers reveal

The Office of Global Access (OGA) - a wing of the CIA - has played a central role in collecting alien spacecraft since 2003, sources tell DailyMail.com

At least nine 'non-human craft' have been recovered by the US government – some wrecked from a crash, and two completely intact

The CIA has a 'system in place that can discern UFOs while they're still cloaked' and special military units are sent to salvage the wreckage, sources said


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11ed7c No.110624

File: 4c5c7e22029924e⋯.png (18.56 KB,559x133,559:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995061 (290623ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I don’t want to terminate Obamacare, I want to REPLACE IT with MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE. Obamacare Sucks!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He's got a way with words, kek

I don’t want to terminate Obamacare, I want to REPLACE IT with MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE. Obamacare Sucks!!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110625

File: baeb5ab1a1e3c8d⋯.jpg (235.43 KB,1080x1106,540:553,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5c3f9b96ed75f5⋯.jpg (102.71 KB,1080x730,108:73,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995074 (290630ZNOV23) Notable: Q Proof Trump Truth RT yesterday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It is.

He verified the new Q posts again yesterday.

Whatever happened to doubting 8bit? KEK

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11ed7c No.110626

File: 0ee21d616d40893⋯.png (423.28 KB,605x712,605:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995097 (290646ZNOV23) Notable: FBI ordered to turn over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110627

File: dbd3cbb905dc0f6⋯.png (1.88 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995104 (290651ZNOV23) Notable: Q Proof Trump Truth RT yesterday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I had missed thatQ Proof


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11ed7c No.110628

File: a76b873d5849e9d⋯.png (88.71 KB,816x446,408:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995109 (290654ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Ron DeSanctimonious has become an Absentee Governor of Florida,never there, not working. The same thing happened to Sloppy Chris Christie.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Ron DeSanctimonious has become an Absentee Governor of Florida,never there, not working. The same thing happened to Sloppy Chris Christie. He failed in New Jersey, and left with an 8% approval rating, lowest ever for a governor. Get back to Florida, Ron, and do what you campaigned on, which was NOT running for President. Fix the highest in the Nation Insurance problem. Oh, and you’re 54 Points down!

Nov 29, 2023, 1:16 AM


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11ed7c No.110629

File: 8a34ccafbb2ad01⋯.png (96.87 KB,823x479,823:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995120 (290658ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I hope that Mayor Eric Adam’s, Andrew Cuomo, and all of the others that got sued.. will fight it on being totally unfair and UNCONSTITUTIONAL

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Donald J. Trump

I hope that Mayor Eric Adam’s, Andrew Cuomo, and all of the others that got sued based on this ridiculous law where someone can be sued decades later, and with no proof, will fight it on being totally unfair and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I got sued, decades later (she has no idea when her made up event took place!), by a woman - I HAD NO IDEA WHO SHE WAS. It was a made up fairytale that was brought and funded by political operatives for purposes of Election Interference.

Nov 29, 2023, 12:55 AM


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11ed7c No.110630

File: a710314f9ab8599⋯.jpg (274.66 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995184 (290730ZNOV23) Notable: Q Proof Trump Truth RT yesterday

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Idk the exact time DJT reTruthed it - it was yesterday

Look at his timeline

It's just a little after all the Laura Loomer reposts

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11ed7c No.110631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995228 (290753ZNOV23) Notable: Q Proof Trump Truth RT yesterday

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TT7741 Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 11/28/2023 13:26:06

Truth Social: 111489578861669542


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11ed7c No.110632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995234 (290757ZNOV23) Notable: US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

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Eight people are feared dead after a US military helicopter crashed off the coast of Japan - with coastguards rushing to the scene as it plummeted to the sea.

According to officials, the Japanese coastguard received a call at 2.47pm that a US military Osprey crashed off Yakushima Island, south of Japan's southernmost main island Kyushu. Local media said the Osprey was trying to land at Yakushima airport. It added that the plane was on fire.


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11ed7c No.110633

File: dc310844d11353a⋯.jpg (115.4 KB,720x907,720:907,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995248 (290803ZNOV23) Notable: US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

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BREAKING 🚨 US Osprey military aircraft with 8 crew crashes off Japan: coastguard

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11ed7c No.110634

File: d4054bffd8ca8d9⋯.png (312.2 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995301 (290836ZNOV23) Notable: US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

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US military aircraft crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

TOKYO, Nov 29 (Reuters) - A U.S. military aircraft with eight people onboard crashed into the sea in western Japan on Wednesday with fishermen reporting three people had been found but that their condition was unknown.

The coast guard said it had sent patrol boats and aircraft to the area where the tilt-rotor V-22 Osprey crashed off the island of Yakushima.

Fishing boats in the area found three people in the surrounding waters, a representative of a local fisheries cooperative said.

The crashed occurred near the island's airport, where another Osprey successfully landed on Wednesday afternoon, a spokesperson for the prefectural government said.

U.S. forces in the region were still gathering information, a spokesperson said.

The crash happened just before 3 p.m. (0600 GMT) with witnesses saying the aircraft's left engine appeared to be on fire as it descended, media reported.

The aircraft disappeared from radar at 2.40 p.m. local time, Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said.

The plane, which can fly both like a helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft, is operated by the U.S. Marines, U.S. Navy and the Japan Self Defense Forces.

The deployment of the Osprey in Japan has been controversial, with critics saying it is prone to accidents. The U.S. military and Japan say it is safe.


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11ed7c No.110635

File: aa81ea385ae57c5⋯.png (320.8 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995319 (290847ZNOV23) Notable: US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

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Osprey plane crash Japan

Not much info on ASN it should be updated as more info comes in.


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11ed7c No.110636

File: 9c00029aad3432f⋯.png (10.4 KB,202x255,202:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995325 (290852ZNOV23) Notable: #24546

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Notables @575

#24546 >>110608

>>110632, >>110633, >>110634, >>110635 US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

>>110625, >>110627, >>110630, >>110631 Q Proof Trump Truth RT yesterday

>>110614, >>110616, >>110626 FBI ordered to turn over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich

>>110613, >>110619 @realDonaldTrump MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves... nothing but a 24 hour hit job... for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

>>110615 @realDonaldTrump All of these Fake Lawsuits against me could have been brought years ago, but they waited and waited

>>110624 @realDonaldTrump I don’t want to terminate Obamacare, I want to REPLACE IT with MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE. Obamacare Sucks!!!

>>110628 @realDonaldTrump Ron DeSanctimonious has become an Absentee Governor of Florida,never there, not working. The same thing happened to Sloppy Chris Christie.

>>110629 @realDonaldTrump I hope that Mayor Eric Adam’s, Andrew Cuomo, and all of the others that got sued.. will fight it on being totally unfair and UNCONSTITUTIONAL

>>110609, >>110623 Tucker goes full AYYY LMAO to cover up the fact we've had access zero-point energy and electro-gravitic spacecraft for decades

>>110610 It is unclear whether the current ceasefire agreement is at risk of dissolving due to the latest clash in the Gaza Strip.

>>110611 Senator Tommy Tuberville claims Biden's out of control border policy will result in 'a 9/11 attack EVERY FEW WEEKS'

>>110612 @RepRashida My statement calling for the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.

>>110617 Speaker Johnson Refuses to Confirm Matt Gaetz’s Claim About Deep State Program Authorization

>>110618 Nikki Haley wins backing from powerful Koch network

>>110620, >>110621, >>110622 Tunnels under Comet Ping Pong?



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11ed7c No.110637

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995551 (291142ZNOV23) Notable: #24547

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11ed7c No.110638

File: debbb4fb2596244⋯.png (220.91 KB,568x478,284:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995593 (291208ZNOV23) Notable: Special counsel Jack Smith got a secret search warrant for Trump's Twitter account for everyone who liked, followed, or retweeted 45

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110639

File: d65f29e4474d4d8⋯.png (518.54 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: baedb7bfed109b5⋯.png (1.22 MB,1162x794,581:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995623 (291216ZNOV23) Notable: US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

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>>110632 last bread

>>110633 last bread

>>110634 last bread

>>110635 last bread

>US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

USAF C-130 Hercules searching off Yakushima.


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11ed7c No.110640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995666 (291224ZNOV23) Notable: Special counsel Jack Smith got a secret search warrant for Trump's Twitter account for everyone who liked, followed, or retweeted 45

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Special counsel Jack Smith got a secret search warrant for Trump's Twitter account


Special counsel Jack Smith obtained a search warrant for former President Donald Trump's Twitter account back in January and requested Twitter not disclose this information to Trump, newly unsealed court documents show.

On Jan. 17, 2023, prosecutors applied for, and received, a search warrant directing Twitter, a company now known as X, to produce data and records related to the @realDonaldTrump account, documents from the U.S. Court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit show.

This warrant was tied to the special counsel's investigation into Trump and his involvement in attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump is now facing four criminal charges related to this investigation. He's pleaded not guilty.

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11ed7c No.110641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995761 (291241ZNOV23) Notable: Special counsel Jack Smith got a secret search warrant for Trump's Twitter account for everyone who liked, followed, or retweeted 45

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Special counsel Jack Smith got a secret search warrant for Trump's Twitter account

Special counsel Jack Smith obtained a search warrant for former President Donald Trump's Twitter account back in January and requested Twitter not disclose this information to Trump, newly unsealed court documents show.

On Jan. 17, 2023, prosecutors applied for, and received, a search warrant directing Twitter, a company now known as X, to produce data and records related to the @realDonaldTrump account, documents from the U.S. Court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit show.

This warrant was tied to the special counsel's investigation into Trump and his involvement in attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump is now facing four criminal charges related to this investigation. He's pleaded not guilty.

Trump was permanently suspended from Twitter just days after the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol. His account was reinstated on X, but he has not tweeted since Jan. 8, 2021, and instead uses his Truth Social platform.

The warrant was served along with an order that prohibited Twitter from notifying anyone about the existence or contents of the warrant.

Prosecutors shared fears with the court that if Trump knew about the warrant that he would jeopardize the investigation by giving him "an opportunity to destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior [or] notify confederates."

The social media company subsequently fought the Justice Department on this warrant request as well as its demand not to disclose this information to Trump or others, the court filings show.

In a since-rejected appeal, Twitter had argued that the nondisclosure order violated the First Amendment and the Stored Communications Act.

Twitter did eventually comply with the warrant, but failed to produce all of the requested information until three days after a court-ordered deadline, placing the company in contempt and was ordered to pay a $350,000 fine for the delay.

Trump called the revelation of this search warrant a "major 'hit' on my civil rights" on his Truth Social account.

A representative for the Justice Department declined to comment.

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11ed7c No.110642

File: 8b2fea7bb23591f⋯.png (407.66 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 99f9f30c61ecb79⋯.png (846.17 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995837 (291256ZNOV23) Notable: US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

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Osprey crash update

USAF Bell Boeing CV-22B Osprey with six crew members has crashed into the sea off Yakushima. Search operations are being conducted. Debris was found in the sea. There is at least one fatality. Eyewitness reports left engine fire.

The Osprey requested to Yakushima Radio about an emergency landing on Yakushima Airport (KUM/RJFC) at 14:35 LT, and was approaching to runway 32. However, a commercial flight, JL2450 from Yakushima to Osaka/Itami, an ATR 42-600, JA09JC, was just departing from Yakushima at that time, which might disturb a prompt landing of the Osprey. (Yakushima Airport has a single runway 32/14 with the length of 1500 m and without any parallel taxiway.)


Moar links msm in article

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11ed7c No.110643

File: f2e0d23da95fd49⋯.jpeg (338.16 KB,828x693,92:77,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995839 (291258ZNOV23) Notable: Americans need an extra $11,400 today just to afford the basics, according to analysis of govt data

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Commies fuckin suck at everything.

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11ed7c No.110644

File: 48f4e7fd84d37f9⋯.png (516.79 KB,1351x885,1351:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c8316be1ecaffc⋯.png (304.69 KB,1352x897,104:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19995866 (291302ZNOV23) Notable: US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110645

File: b1fc437a07ac5c8⋯.png (1.31 MB,1988x518,142:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d3de0a943b856b⋯.png (1.71 MB,1990x512,995:256,Clipboard.png)

File: d1b5e192f602ccf⋯.png (332.85 KB,884x728,17:14,Clipboard.png)

File: ef323539ccddf3b⋯.png (931.1 KB,1104x732,92:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996488 (291421ZNOV23) Notable: gentle reminder of the hell Gates awaits...

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Terrormar TM

Terror Energy TE


Anonymous View


Bill Gates: 'For the 100th time I shouldn't have had dinner' with Epstein

Jan 30, 2023 ... Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates continued to downplay his relationship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey ...


Bill Gates downplays relationship with Jeffrey Epstein - CNET

Oct 13, 2019 ... Their ties come up again in a detailed New York Times story published Saturday that says the two met many times. Gates says Epstein ...


Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past

Oct 18, 2021 ... Gates started the relationship after Mr. Epstein was convicted of sex crimes. Mr. Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, whose $100 billion-plus ...


It's No “Mistake” That Bill Gates Was Palling Around With Jeffrey ...

Aug 9, 2021 ... In a new interview, Bill Gates apologized for his ties with Jeffrey Epstein even as he downplayed their relationship.

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11ed7c No.110646

File: 00cc5682fa57dac⋯.png (971.81 KB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996584 (291432ZNOV23) Notable: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis on ‘Right Wing Extremism’ (VIDEO)

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this faggot is almost as lame as kun shillz, but prolly better luukn

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis on ‘Right Wing Extremism’ (VIDEO)


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11ed7c No.110647

File: 6314970149be2f7⋯.png (714.53 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996602 (291435ZNOV23) Notable: Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier arrested, accused of using gun to strike a woman

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Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier arrested, accused of using gun to strike a woman

By Social Links for Victor Nava

Published Nov. 28, 2023, 9:30 p.m. ET

Ryan Fournier, the co-founder of Students for Trump, was arrested in North Carolina last week on accusations that he struck a woman in the head with a handgun, records show.

Fournier, 27, allegedly grabbed the woman by her right arm and struck her in the forehead with a 9MM Sig Sauer P229 pistol, according to the Johnson County magistrate.

The victim – identified by Axios as Fournier’s girlfriend – suffered a minor injury in the alleged attack.

Fournier was taken into custody on Nov. 21 and faces two misdemeanor charges of assault on a female and assault with a deadly weapon.

He was released on a $2,500 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 18.


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11ed7c No.110648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996746 (291453ZNOV23) Notable: hearing and committee agendas for 11/29/2023

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10:00 AM EST

The High North: How U.S. Arctic Strategy Impacts Homeland Security

House Homeland Security Committee




10:00 AM EST

The Semi-Annual Report of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

House Financial Services Committee



The Honorable Rohit Chopra

Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau







CFPB Director Testifies on Oversight of Agency

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra testifies on a semi-annual report of his agency before the House Financial Services Committee.


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11ed7c No.110649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996755 (291454ZNOV23) Notable: hearing and committee agendas for 11/29/2023

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10:30 AM EST

Health Subcommittee Hearing: "Understanding How AI is Changing Health Care"

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Mark W. Menezes, President and CEO, United States Energy Association


Amanda Eversole, Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy Officer, American Petroleum Institute


Mark Mills, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute


Karl Hausker, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute






Health Care Policy Stakeholders Testify on the Use of AI in Health Care

Health care industry stakeholders testify on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health.


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11ed7c No.110650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996818 (291500ZNOV23) Notable: Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

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Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson


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11ed7c No.110651

File: 2c5fdf714537e48⋯.jpeg (111.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996820 (291500ZNOV23) Notable: NATO recognizes Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed - member state

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29 Nov, 2023 11:17

NATO recognizes Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed – member state

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto questioned the bloc’s strategy, given the poor results from its support for Kiev

Several foreign ministers at this week’s NATO meeting in Brussels have admitted that the much-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed to deliver any breakthrough or progress, according to Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto.

He said the original plan had been for Ukraine to defeat Russia on the battlefield, triggering political consequences in Moscow.

“I think today everyone can see – though they may not admit it – that this plan has failed” Szijjarto told journalists at a press conference during a break at the meeting on Tuesday.

“The goals and hopes of the Ukrainian counteroffensive have been dashed because there has been no major change on the battlefield and no breakthrough since its beginning. This has been recognized by many people here. Quietly, cautiously, but still recognized,” he admitted.

At the meeting of NATO foreign ministers, the bloc’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged member states to “stay the course”in arming Ukraine, insisting that this is also about “our security interests.”

Responding to a question from a journalist, Stoltenberg said NATO would support Kiev “as long as it takes.” He noted that NATO members had provided more than €100 billion ($109 billion) in military assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of its armed conflict with Russia in February 2022.

However, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said earlier this month that the supply of Western arms had had a negligible impact on the front line, remarking that “despite the supply of new kinds of NATO weapons, the Kiev regime is losing.”

Moscow insists that the delivery of Western-manufactured arms to Kiev makes the US and NATO countries de facto direct participants in the conflict, effectively waging a proxy war against Russia.

At October’s Xiangshan Security Forum in China, Shoigu called the conflict a “hybrid war”waged on Moscow with the goal of its strategic defeat. He added that “Ukraine was cynically chosen as a battering ram, and assigned the role of merely expendable material.”

Kiev’s forces have sustained more than 90,000 casualties during the counteroffensive as of late October, according to Moscow’s Defense Ministry. Last Tuesday, Shoigu released new estimates of Ukrainian losses for November, approximately 13,700 people.

(Doubling Down on Stupid!)


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11ed7c No.110652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996828 (291501ZNOV23) Notable: Order on Seth Rich Files

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Order on Seth Rich Files:


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11ed7c No.110653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996833 (291502ZNOV23) Notable: Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

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11ed7c No.110654

File: b1ff093cc1506e9⋯.jpeg (923.75 KB,1388x689,1388:689,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5a882818b7fc60d⋯.jpeg (422.29 KB,788x764,197:191,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 92f5f5cab4b9ad0⋯.jpeg (516.62 KB,1413x685,1413:685,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996854 (291504ZNOV23) Notable: Planefag with eyez on our skyz

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planeFag Europe-Blinken to Tel Aviv (again-“gibs us munee!”) some rats left Brussels,Dutch to Rzsesow Airport

SAM056 C32ABlinken douchebagheading to Tel Aviv to get scolded cuz we haven’t given them enuf munee yet

Blinken seeks a new extension of the Gaza cease-fire as he heads again to the Middle East


Secretary of State Blinken Holds NATO News Conference (vid)


Brussels departs and all part of the above ‘how much money can we give to Israel?’

Swiss AF SUI568 Challenger 60 to Bern, Czech AF CEF05B A319 to Prague, Hungarian AF HUAF 698 Falcon 7x to Budapest, Swedish AF SVF674 G5 all SE from Brussels Intl

French AF CTM008 Falcon 7x SE from Paris (French Air Cmd @ Villacoublay)

Mediterranean Sea

VALOR29 G5 NW from Pisa, Italy depart

Israel AF

IRON Oron AEW&C/ISR G550 off Gaza City

Doha depart

German AF GAF955 A350 President Steinmeir NW from Doha (C_A Director Burns there from yesterday)

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11ed7c No.110655

File: 46a0155affcf836⋯.jpeg (22.93 KB,400x215,80:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 36eea9b007eb460⋯.jpeg (281.94 KB,828x1097,828:1097,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996946 (291517ZNOV23) Notable: GM Shares Surge Over 10% After Announcing $10 Billion Buyback, Raising Dividend By 33%, Updating 2023 Guidance

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GM Shares Surge Over 10% After Announcing $10 Billion Buyback, Raising Dividend By 33%, Updating 2023 Guidance

(Complete and total desperation with this- raise guidance by 5%, record buyback-with almost 70% fine immediately-so the equity “looks good” for YE which means less shares applied to earnings and juices its qrtly results artificially/yet no one buying EVs)

Raises divided by33%

General Motors shares are surging more than 10% in the pre-market session on Wednesday after the company said it is set to boost its quarterly dividend by 33% to 12 cents per share in the coming year. Additionally, the company is launching a swift $10 billion share buyback, according to CNBC.“GM will immediately receive and retire $6.8 billion worth of its common stock,"the report said. (THAT is why it’s up 10% and they have to do it by December 8th)

GM CEO Mary Barra in a statement said the company is finalizing a budget for next year that will “fully offset the incremental costs of our new labor agreements.” The Detroit automaker plans to increase its quarterly dividend next year by 33% to 12 cents per share; initiate an accelerated $10 billion share repurchase program; and reinstate its 2023 guidance to include an estimated $1.1 billion in earnings before interest and tax, or EBIT-adjusted, impact from roughly six weeks of U.S. labor strikes by the United Auto Workers union. Shares of GM jumped roughly 10% in early trading Wednesday.Heading into the announcement, the stock was down 14.1% so far this year-cap 2



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11ed7c No.110656

File: 428f5d394bbcce5⋯.png (41.8 KB,666x351,74:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997162 (291545ZNOV23) Notable: Russia Takes Control of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery for 20 Years

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Russia Takes Control of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery for 20 Years


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11ed7c No.110657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997338 (291608ZNOV23) Notable: #24547

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final bun for #24547

backup baker in the bullpen?

hold em til the top

#24547 >>110637

>>110654 Planefag with eyez on our skyz

>>110638, >>110640, >>110641 Special counsel Jack Smith got a secret search warrant for Trump's Twitter account for everyone who liked, followed, or retweeted 45

>>110639, >>110642, >>110644 US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

>>110643 Americans need an extra $11,400 today just to afford the basics, according to analysis of govt data

>>110645 gentle reminder of the hell Gates awaits...

>>110646 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis on ‘Right Wing Extremism’ (VIDEO)

>>110647 Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier arrested, accused of using gun to strike a woman

>>110648, >>110649 hearing and committee agendas for 11/29/2023

>>110651 NATO recognizes Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed - member state

>>110650, >>110653 Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

>>110652 Order on Seth Rich Files

>>110655 GM Shares Surge Over 10% After Announcing $10 Billion Buyback, Raising Dividend By 33%, Updating 2023 Guidance

>>110656 Russia Takes Control of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery for 20 Years

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11ed7c No.110658

File: 0386e2f72e0857e⋯.png (27.3 KB,275x307,275:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fd3d618f1ef958⋯.png (799.71 KB,799x535,799:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997421 (291617ZNOV23) Notable: #24548

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

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11ed7c No.110659

File: 0f55e8a7dc5045d⋯.png (519.81 KB,790x596,395:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997438 (291622ZNOV23) Notable: Hospitals brace for fines and reform following flood of Adult Survivors Act cases/must reg to read

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Hospitals brace for fines and reform following flood of Adult Survivors Act cases

Since last November, New York City hospitals and health systems have been named at least 300 times in sex abuse cases filed under the Adult Survivors Act — a law that offered a year-long window for people to file claims that would have previously been prohibited because the statutes of limitation had expired.


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11ed7c No.110660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997447 (291625ZNOV23) Notable: Lawsuit accuses Utah AG Sean Reyes of intimidating critic of Tim Ballard

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Lawsuit accuses Utah AG Sean Reyes of intimidating critic of Tim Ballard, OUR

A lawsuit filed against Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes on Monday alleges he engaged in witness tampering and intimidated a critic of Operation Underground Railroad and its founder Tim Ballard when she brought complaints against the anti-sex trafficking organization.


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11ed7c No.110661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Note: Will write notes later on this Q & A, this is about the autumn statement delivered by this stooge where he introduced the concept of Supply Side Reforms which was originally mentioned once in the B.I.S annual report from 2022 -2023.

This is basically the centralization globally of all things pushed down on government's due to the loans given during the lockdowns by the I.M.F to all its 187 countries around the world to lockdown their populations.


Jeremy Hunt answers questions from Treasury committee – watch live



Started streaming 117 minutes ago

MPs on parliamentary committee question UK chancellor on autumn statement

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11ed7c No.110662

File: a538b528359256d⋯.png (685.42 KB,1444x533,1444:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997498 (291634ZNOV23) Notable: FBI never searched their records on "Seth Rich" in response to FOIA request

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>>110652 PB

>Seth Rich order


Looks like the

FBI never searched their records on "Seth Rich" in response to FOIA request

to seek records of Seth Rich in its database.

ONLY searched on

"Seth, Conrad,"

"Conrad, Seth,"

"Seth, Conrad, Rich."



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11ed7c No.110663

File: 84c21f64e7c85b4⋯.jpeg (261.97 KB,1234x1725,1234:1725,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997505 (291637ZNOV23) Notable: WHO Authorise Emergency Use of Novavax Protein-based COVID-19 Vaccine

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WHO Authorise Emergency Use of Novavax Protein-based COVID-19 Vaccine


Novavax Inc have announced that Nuvaxovid XBB.1.5 COVID-19 Vaccine (NVX-CoV2601) has been granted Emergency Use Listing (EUL) by the World Health Organization (WHO) for active immunisation to prevent COVID-19 in individuals aged 12 and older. The EUL assists WHO member states in assessing vaccines with the aim of expediting availability and enables the WHO's 194 member states to expedite regulatory approvals to import and administer the vaccine.

"The WHO Emergency Use Listing of our updated protein-based non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine enables expedited regulatory approvals for its 194 member states and UN procurement agencies, such as UNICEF, thereby supporting equitable access to our vaccine around the world," said John C. Jacobs, President and Chief Executive Officer, Novavax. "Rural or hard-to-reach areas can benefit from our vaccine's ease of transport and storage profile. As part of a diversified vaccine portfolio, our vaccine can play an important role in helping to protect people around the globe against the latest variants."

Novavax's vaccine can be stored at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius and has a 12-month shelf life, simplifying delivery, decreasing the carbon footprint and reducing wastage.

The EUL was based on non-clinical data showing that Novavax's COVID-19 vaccine induced functional immune responses against XBB.1.5, XBB.1.16 and XBB.2.3 variants. Additional non-clinical data demonstrated that Novavax's vaccine induced neutralising antibody responses to subvariants BA.2.86, EG.5.1, FL.1.5.1 and XBB.1.16.6 as well as CD4+ polyfunctional cellular (T-cell) responses against EG.5.1 and XBB.1.16.6. These data indicate Novavax's vaccine can stimulate both arms of the immune system and may induce a broad response against currently circulating variants.

In clinical trials, the most common adverse reactions associated with Novavax's prototype COVID-19 vaccine (NVX-CoV2373) included headache, nausea or vomiting, muscle pain, joint pain, injection site tenderness, injection site pain, fatigue and malaise.

Novavax's updated COVID-19 vaccine is also authorised in the U.S. and the European Union, and is under review in other markets.

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11ed7c No.110664

File: 027b934eba5a19b⋯.jpeg (1 MB,1234x6195,1234:6195,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997509 (291638ZNOV23) Notable: What if the Constitution no longer applied? Freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now

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What if the Constitution no longer applied? Freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now


We are approaching critical mass, the point at which all hell breaks loose.

The government is pushing us ever closer to a constitutional crisis.

What makes the outlook so much bleaker is the utter ignorance of the American people—and those who represent them—about their freedoms, history, and how the government is supposed to operate.

As Morris Berman points out in his book Dark Ages America, “70 percent of American adults cannot name their senators or congressmen; more than half don’t know the actual number of senators, and nearly a quarter cannot name a single right guaranteed by the First Amendment. Sixty-three percent cannot name the three branches of government. Other studies reveal that uninformed or undecided voters often vote for the candidate whose name and packaging (e.g., logo) are the most powerful; color is apparently a major factor in their decision.”

More than government corruption and ineptitude, police brutality, terrorism, gun violence, drugs, illegal immigration or any other so-called “danger” that threatens our nation, civic illiteracy may be what finally pushes us over the edge.

As Thomas Jefferson warned, no nation can be both ignorant and free.

Unfortunately, the American people have existed in a technology-laden, entertainment-fueled, perpetual state of cluelessness for so long that civic illiteracy has become the new normal for the citizenry.

It’s telling that Americans were more able to identify Michael Jackson as the composer of a number of songs than to know that the Bill of Rights was the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

In fact, most immigrants who aspire to become citizens know more about national civics than native-born Americans. Surveys indicate that a majority in every state but Vermont would fail a test of U.S. citizenship questions.

Not even the government bureaucrats who are supposed to represent us know much about civics, American history and geography, or the Constitution although they take an oath to uphold, support and defend the Constitution against “enemies foreign and domestic.”

For instance, a few year ago, a couple attempting to get a marriage license was forced to prove to a government official that New Mexico is, in fact, one of the 50 states and not a foreign country.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Here’s a classic example of how surreal the landscape has become.

Every year, the White House issues a proclamation affirming the importance of the Bill of Rights.

These proclamations pay lip service to the government’s commitment to upholding the Constitution and guarding against government abuses of power.

Don’t believe it for a second.

The government doesn’t want its abuses checked and its powers restricted.

For that matter, this is not a government that holds the Constitution in high esteem.

Indeed, we wouldn’t be in this sorry state if it weren’t for the damage inflicted in recent years on the freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights, which historically served as the bulwark from government abuse.

In the so-called named of national security, the Constitution has been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded to such an extent that what we are left with is but a shadow of the robust document adopted more than two centuries ago.


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11ed7c No.110665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997511 (291639ZNOV23) Notable: What if the Constitution no longer applied? Freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now

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The Bill of Rights—462 words that represent the most potent and powerful rights ever guaranteed to a group of people officially—became part of the U.S. Constitution on December 15, 1791, because early Americans such as James Madison and Thomas Jefferson understood the need to guard against the government’s inclination to abuse its power.

Yet the reality we must come to terms with is that in the America we live in today, the government does whatever it wants.

Make no mistake: if our individual freedoms have been restricted, it is only so that the government’s powers could be expanded at our expense.

The USA Patriot Act, passed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, drove a stake through the heart of the Bill of Rights, violating at least six of the ten original amendments—the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments—and possibly the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, as well. The Patriot Act also redefined terrorism so broadly that many non-terrorist political activities such as protest marches, demonstrations and civil disobedience were considered potential terrorist acts, thereby rendering anyone desiring to engage in protected First Amendment expressive activities as suspects of the surveillance state.

Since 9/11, we’ve been spied on by surveillance cameras, eavesdropped on by government agents, had our belongings searched, our phones tapped, our mail opened, our email monitored, our opinions questioned, our purchases scrutinized (under the USA Patriot Act, banks are required to analyze your transactions for any patterns that raise suspicion and to see if you are connected to any objectionable people), and our activities watched.

We’ve also been subjected to invasive patdowns and whole-body scans of our persons and seizures of our electronic devices in the nation’s airports and at border crossings.

We can’t even purchase certain cold medicine at the pharmacy anymore without it being reported to the government and our names being placed on a watch list.

Government surveillance, militarized police, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, overcriminalization, armed surveillance drones, whole body scanners, stop and frisk searches (all sanctioned by Congress, the White House, the courts and the like), etc.: these are merely the weapons of the police state.

The power of the police state is dependent on a populace that meekly obeys without question.

Remember: when it comes to the staggering loss of civil liberties, the Constitution hasn’t changed. Rather, it is the American people who have changed.

Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its citizens. The government’s purpose is to protect, defend and even enhance our freedoms, not violate them.


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11ed7c No.110666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997517 (291639ZNOV23) Notable: What if the Constitution no longer applied? Freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now

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It was no idle happenstance that the Constitution opens with these three powerful words: “We the people.” Those who founded this country knew quite well that every citizen must remain vigilant or freedom would be lost. As Thomas Paine recognized, “It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”

You have no rights unless you exercise them.

Still, you can’t exercise your rights unless you know what those rights are.

“If Americans do not understand the Constitution and the institutions and processes through which we are governed, we cannot rationally evaluate important legislation and the efforts of our elected officials, nor can we preserve the national unity necessary to meaningfully confront the multiple problems we face today,” warns the Brennan Center in its Civic Literacy Report Card. “Rather, every act of government will be measured only by its individual value or cost, without concern for its larger impact. More and more we will ‘want what we want, and [will be] convinced that the system that is stopping us is wrong, flawed, broken or outmoded.’”

Education precedes action.

As the Brennan Center concludes “America, unlike most of the world’s nations, is not a country defined by blood or belief. America is an idea, or a set of ideas, about freedom and opportunity. It is these ideas that bind us together as Americans and have kept us free, strong, and prosperous. But these ideas do not perpetuate themselves. They must be taught and learned anew with each generation.”

If there is to be any hope for restoring our freedoms and reclaiming our runaway government, we will have to start by breathing life into those three powerful words that set the tone for everything that follows in the Constitution: “we the people.”

People get the government they deserve.

It’s up to us.

We have the power to make and break the government.

We the American people—the citizenry—are the arbiters and ultimate guardians of America’s welfare, defense, liberty, laws and prosperity.

It’s time to stop waiting patiently for change to happen.

We must act—and act responsibly.

Get outraged, get off your duff and get out of your house, get in the streets, get in people’s faces, get down to your local city council, get over to your local school board, get your thoughts down on paper, get your objections plastered on protest signs, get your neighbors, friends and family to join their voices to yours, get your representatives to pay attention to your grievances, get your kids to know their rights, get your local police to march in lockstep with the Constitution, get your media to act as watchdogs for the people and not lapdogs for the corporate state, get your act together, and get your house in order.

In other words, get moving.

A healthy, representative government is hard work. It takes a citizenry that is informed about the issues, educated about how the government operates, and willing to make the sacrifices necessary to stay involved, whether that means forgoing Monday night football in order to attend a city council meeting or risking arrest by picketing in front of a politician’s office.

Whatever you do, please don’t hinge your freedoms on politics.

The Constitution is neutral when it comes to politics. What the Constitution is not neutral about, however, is the government’s duty to safeguard the rights of the citizenry.

“We the people” also have a duty that goes far beyond the act of voting: as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s our job to keep freedom alive using every nonviolent means available to us.

Know your rights. Exercise your rights. Defend your rights. If not, you will lose them.

Freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at staff@rutherford.org. Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at www.rutherford.org.

3 of 3

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11ed7c No.110667

File: 0a1369a13bf6ff7⋯.png (423.02 KB,553x369,553:369,Clipboard.png)


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jh: 110 measures to reform and profit from forign investment and get

moar value from measures taken - global control by big corporations

who are already captured by Blackrock bringing in D.E.I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and E.S.G (Environment, Social and Corporate Governance) or a anagram of which is Cages.

surprising that it actually is D.I.E if put in another order.

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11ed7c No.110668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997530 (291643ZNOV23) Notable: CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

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CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America


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11ed7c No.110669

File: 127d6b569aaaefb⋯.jpeg (986.61 KB,1234x3029,1234:3029,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997545 (291649ZNOV23) Notable: CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

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"The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation"

This anonymous letter landed in my inbox about a minute ago:


After more than 20 years, I've finally decided to tell the world what I witnessed in 1991, which I believe was one of the biggest turning point in popular music, and ultimately American society. I have struggled for a long time weighing the pros and cons of making this story public as I was reluctant to implicate the individuals who were present that day. So I've simply decided to leave out names and all the details that may risk my personal well being and that of those who were, like me, dragged into something they weren't ready for.

Between the late 80's and early 90’s, I was what you may call a “decision maker” with one of the more established company in the music industry. I came from Europe in the early 80’s and quickly established myself in the business. The industry was different back then. Since technology and media weren’t accessible to people like they are today, the industry had more control over the public and had the means to influence them anyway it wanted. This may explain why in early 1991, I was invited to attend a closed door meeting with a small group of music business insiders to discuss rap music’s new direction. Little did I know that we would be asked to participate in one of the most unethical and destructive business practice I’ve ever seen.

The meeting was held at a private residence on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I remember about 25 to 30 people being there, most of them familiar faces. Speaking to those I knew, we joked about the theme of the meeting as many of us did not care for rap music and failed to see the purpose of being invited to a private gathering to discuss its future. Among the attendees was a small group of unfamiliar faces who stayed to themselves and made no attempt to socialize beyond their circle. Based on their behavior and formal appearances, they didn't seem to be in our industry. Our casual chatter was interrupted when we were asked to sign a confidentiality agreement preventing us from publicly discussing the information presented during the meeting. Needless to say, this intrigued and in some cases disturbed many of us. The agreement was only a page long but very clear on the matter and consequences which stated that violating the terms would result in job termination. We asked several people what this meeting was about and the reason for such secrecy but couldn't find anyone who had answers for us. A few people refused to sign and walked out. No one stopped them. I was tempted to follow but curiosity got the best of me. A man who was part of the “unfamiliar” group collected the agreements from us.


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11ed7c No.110670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997551 (291650ZNOV23) Notable: CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

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Quickly after the meeting began, one of my industry colleagues (who shall remain nameless like everyone else) thanked us for attending. He then gave the floor to a man who only introduced himself by first name and gave no further details about his personal background. I think he was the owner of the residence but it was never confirmed. He briefly praised all of us for the success we had achieved in our industry and congratulated us for being selected as part of this small group of “decision makers”. At this point I begin to feel slightly uncomfortable at the strangeness of this gathering. The subject quickly changed as the speaker went on to tell us that the respective companies we represented had invested in a very profitable industry which could become even more rewarding with our active involvement. He explained that the companies we work for had invested millions into the building of privately owned prisons and that our positions of influence in the music industry would actually impact the profitability of these investments. I remember many of us in the group immediately looking at each other in confusion. At the time, I didn’t know what a private prison was but I wasn't the only one. Sure enough, someone asked what these prisons were and what any of this had to do with us. We were told that these prisons were built by privately owned companies who received funding from the government based on the number of inmates. The more inmates, the more money the government would pay these prisons. It was also made clear to us that since these prisons are privately owned, as they become publicly traded, we’d be able to buy shares. Most of us were taken back by this. Again, a couple of people asked what this had to do with us. At this point, my industry colleague who had first opened the meeting took the floor again and answered our questions. He told us that since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled. Our job would be to help make this happen by marketing music which promotes criminal behavior, rap being the music of choice. He assured us that this would be a great situation for us because rap music was becoming an increasingly profitable market for our companies, and as employee, we’d also be able to buy personal stocks in these prisons. Immediately, silence came over the room. You could have heard a pin drop. I remember looking around to make sure I wasn't dreaming and saw half of the people with dropped jaws. My daze was interrupted when someone shouted, “Is this a f**** joke?” At this point things became chaotic. Two of the men who were part of the “unfamiliar” group grabbed the man who shouted out and attempted to remove him from the house. A few of us, myself included, tried to intervene. One of them pulled out a gun and we all backed off. They separated us from the crowd and all four of us were escorted outside. My industry colleague who had opened the meeting earlier hurried out to meet us and reminded us that we had signed agreement and would suffer the consequences of speaking about this publicly or even with those who attended the meeting. I asked him why he was involved with something this corrupt and he replied that it was bigger than the music business and nothing we’d want to challenge without risking consequences. We all protested and as he walked back into the house I remember word for word the last thing he said, “It’s out of my hands now. Remember you signed an agreement.” He then closed the door behind him. The men rushed us to our cars and actually watched until we drove off.


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11ed7c No.110671

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997552 (291650ZNOV23) Notable: CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

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CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America


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11ed7c No.110672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997554 (291650ZNOV23) Notable: CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

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A million things were going through my mind as I drove away and I eventually decided to pull over and park on a side street in order to collect my thoughts. I replayed everything in my mind repeatedly and it all seemed very surreal to me. I was angry with myself for not having taken a more active role in questioning what had been presented to us. I'd like to believe the shock of it all is what suspended my better nature. After what seemed like an eternity, I was able to calm myself enough to make it home. I didn't talk or call anyone that night. The next day back at the office, I was visibly out of it but blamed it on being under the weather. No one else in my department had been invited to the meeting and I felt a sense of guilt for not being able to share what I had witnessed. I thought about contacting the 3 others who wear kicked out of the house but I didn't remember their names and thought that tracking them down would probably bring unwanted attention. I considered speaking out publicly at the risk of losing my job but I realized I’d probably be jeopardizing more than my job and I wasn't willing to risk anything happening to my family. I thought about those men with guns and wondered who they were? I had been told that this was bigger than the music business and all I could do was let my imagination run free. There were no answers and no one to talk to. I tried to do a little bit of research on private prisons but didn’t uncover anything about the music business’ involvement. However, the information I did find confirmed how dangerous this prison business really was. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Eventually, it was as if the meeting had never taken place. It all seemed surreal. I became more reclusive and stopped going to any industry events unless professionally obligated to do so. On two occasions, I found myself attending the same function as my former colleague. Both times, our eyes met but nothing more was exchanged.

As the months passed, rap music had definitely changed direction. I was never a fan of it but even I could tell the difference. Rap acts that talked about politics or harmless fun were quickly fading away as gangster rap started dominating the airwaves. Only a few months had passed since the meeting but I suspect that the ideas presented that day had been successfully implemented. It was as if the order has been given to all major label executives. The music was climbing the charts and most companies when more than happy to capitalize on it. Each one was churning out their very own gangster rap acts on an assembly line. Everyone bought into it, consumers included. Violence and drug use became a central theme in most rap music. I spoke to a few of my peers in the industry to get their opinions on the new trend but was told repeatedly that it was all about supply and demand. Sadly many of them even expressed that the music reinforced their prejudice of minorities.

I officially quit the music business in 1993 but my heart had already left months before. I broke ties with the majority of my peers and removed myself from this thing I had once loved. I took some time off, returned to Europe for a few years, settled out of state, and lived a “quiet” life away from the world of entertainment. As the years passed, I managed to keep my secret, fearful of sharing it with the wrong person but also a little ashamed of not having had the balls to blow the whistle. But as rap got worse, my guilt grew. Fortunately, in the late 90’s, having the internet as a resource which wasn't at my disposal in the early days made it easier for me to investigate what is now labeled the prison industrial complex. Now that I have a greater understanding of how private prisons operate, things make much more sense than they ever have. I see how the criminalization of rap music played a big part in promoting racial stereotypes and misguided so many impressionable young minds into adopting these glorified criminal behaviors which often lead to incarceration. Twenty years of guilt is a heavy load to carry but the least I can do now is to share my story, hoping that fans of rap music realize how they’ve been used for the past 2 decades. Although I plan on remaining anonymous for obvious reasons, my goal now is to get this information out to as many people as possible. Please help me spread the word. Hopefully, others who attended the meeting back in 1991 will be inspired by this and tell their own stories. Most importantly, if only one life has been touched by my story, I pray it makes the weight of my guilt a little more tolerable.

Thank you.

3 of 3

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11ed7c No.110673

File: c91c3a047206775⋯.png (462.52 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997561 (291651ZNOV23) Notable: NASA astronomy Picture of the Day A Landspout Tornado over Kansas

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NASA astronomy Picture of the Day

Nov 29, 2023

A Landspout Tornado over Kansas

Could there be a tornado inside another tornado? In general, no. OK, but could there be a tornado inside a wider dust devil? No again, for one reason because tornados comes down from the sky, but dust devils rise up from the ground. What is pictured is a landspout, an unusual type of tornado known to occur on the edge of a violent thunderstorm. The featured landspout was imaged and identified in Kansas, USA, in June 2019 by an experienced storm chaser. The real tornado is in the center, and the outer sheath was possibly created by large dust particles thrown out from the central tornado. So far, the only planet known to create tornados is Earth, although tornado-like activity has been found on the Sun and dust devils are common on Mars.


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11ed7c No.110674

File: 05a32a30124351d⋯.png (29.23 KB,358x316,179:158,Clipboard.png)

File: 98787d197db0e89⋯.jpg (125.72 KB,750x495,50:33,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997568 (291655ZNOV23) Notable: CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

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>private prisons

"Created in an executive order passed in 1987, Reagan’s Commission on Privatization was devoted to “[identifying] government programs that are not properly the responsibility of the federal government or that can be performed more efficiently by the pri­vate sector” (United States, Congress, Commission on Privatization 11). However, it was clear that from the start, Reagan’s commission was focused on one thing: the prison system (Brinkley 1)."


Ronald Reagan and the Comprehensive Crime Control Act 1984


The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 was a law pertaining to the War on Drugs passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by U.S. President Ronald Reagan.


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11ed7c No.110675

File: 02c74ee628d6e18⋯.jpeg (77.71 KB,640x763,640:763,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997572 (291656ZNOV23) Notable: British inquiry finds serious failings at hospitals where worker had sex with more than 100 corpses

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British inquiry finds serious failings at hospitals where worker had sex with more than 100 corpses

Nov. 29, 2023

A British government-ordered inquiry says it found serious failings at hospitals where an electrician who was later convicted of murder was able to have sex with more than 100 corpses over 15 years without being detected

British inquiry finds serious failings at hospitals where worker had sex with more than 100 corpsesBy BRIAN MELLEYAssociated PressThe Associated PressLONDON

LONDON (AP) — A British government-ordered inquiry said Tuesday it found serious failings at hospitals where an electrician who was later convicted of murder had been able to have sex with more than 100 corpses over 15 years without being detected.

David Fuller’s necrophilia was uncovered in 2020 when police used DNA to tie him to the 1987 slayings of two women and also discovered millions of images of sexual abuse in his home. The images included videos of him having sex with the dead bodies of women and girls in the mortuaries at two hospitals where he worked in southeast England.

“The offenses that David Fuller committed were truly shocking,” the 308-page inquiry report said. “However, the failures of management, governance, regulation and processes, and a persistent lack of curiosity, all contributed to the creation of the environment in which he was able to offend.

“This is not solely the story of a rogue electrical maintenance supervisor. David Fuller’s victims and their relatives were repeatedly let down by those at all levels whose job it was to protect and care for them.”

Fuller, 69, is serving a life sentence with no chance of release after pleading guilty to two counts of murder. He is serving a concurrent 12-year term after admitting dozens of instances of necrophilia that the prosecutor in the case said had never been seen on that scale before in a British court.

The inquiry was launched to find out how Fuller was able to get away with it for so long and to prevent such abuse from ever happening again.

Fuller, who had a criminal record as a burglar that he never disclosed in work papers, was hired at the now-closed Kent and Sussex Hospital two years after he killed Wendy Knell, 25, and Caroline Pierce, 20, in two separate attacks in the town of Tunbridge Wells in 1987. Those crimes wouldn’t be solved for 33 years, after he moved on to work at the Tunbridge Wells Hospital, in Pembury.

Fuller committed 140 violations against the bodies of at least 101 girls and women — aged 9 to 100 — between 2005 and 2020, the inquiry found. There was time-stamped photographic or video evidence of each instance.

The inquiry led by Jonathan Michael, a former NHS chief executive, made 17 recommendations including that surveillance cameras be installed in the mortuary and post-mortem room, and that non-mortuary workers and contractors be accompanied to the mortuary with another staff member.

Miles Scott, who became chief executive of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust in 2018, said the vast majority of the report’s recommendations had been put in place and others would be accomplished soon. He said in a statement he was “deeply sorry for the pain and anguish” of the families of Fuller’s victims.

Fuller was brazen in committing his crimes, taking risks during working hours when other employees were in the mortuary, the report said. The inquiry said it could not determine how he had been able to carry out the abuse during working hours without being caught.

“It remains hard to believe not only that he took the risk of offending during normal mortuary working hours but that this was unnoticed by the mortuary staff who, we are told, were actually present in the department,” the report said.

Fuller, who would occasionally have to perform maintenance on the refrigeration system in the mortuary, routinely entered the department — as many as 444 times in one year — without being properly questioned, the inquiry said.

Fuller said he selected his victims by viewing a logbook. He avoided those who died of an infection or something like COVID-19, the report said.

Family members of the victims who were interviewed by the inquiry but not identified in the report said they were stunned when they learned what had happened to their loved ones and discussed how difficult it had been to carry on afterwards.

One widower said he couldn’t bring himself to tell his family members about it.

Many questioned how Fuller was able to get away with it when surveillance cameras are so prevalent throughout Britain. Some said they had lost trust in the NHS leadership with at least one family member calling for the CEO to be sacked.


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11ed7c No.110676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997584 (291700ZNOV23) Notable: 6 Tim Ballard accusers speak publicly for the first time

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'Gaslighting on a global scale': 6 Tim Ballard accusers speak publicly for the first time

Five women and one man who have accused Operation Underground Railroad founder Tim Ballard of sexual assault in a pair of anonymous lawsuits revealed their identities and spoke publicly with reporters for the first time Tuesday.


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11ed7c No.110677

File: fc67e5817bf0f51⋯.png (447.49 KB,473x467,473:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 8de14f6a13fbf87⋯.jpg (35.84 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ddbd7cd651a5a4⋯.jpg (34.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997592 (291704ZNOV23) Notable: CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

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While at the same time...

Payton, Brenda (4 April 1988). "Is U.S. Backing Contras with Drug Funds?". Oakland Tribune.

"It wasn't until 1985 after an article in the New York Times describing crack use in the Bronx, New York titled "A new, purified form of cocaine causes alarm as abuse increases" that within a year, more than a thousand press stories were published."

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11ed7c No.110678

File: c2ada7530bfa42a⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1234x7489,1234:7489,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997609 (291707ZNOV23) Notable: The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

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>Is U.S. Backing Contras with Drug Funds?

The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2


Washington, D.C. – An August, 1996, series in the San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s. Webb's series, "The Dark Alliance," has been the subject of intense media debate, and has focused attention on a foreign policy drug scandal that leaves many questions unanswered.

This electronic briefing book is compiled from declassified documents obtained by the National Security Archive, including the notebooks kept by NSC aide and Iran-contra figure Oliver North, electronic mail messages written by high-ranking Reagan administration officials, memos detailing the contra war effort, and FBI and DEA reports. The documents demonstrate official knowledge of drug operations, and collaboration with and protection of known drug traffickers. Court and hearing transcripts are also included.

In his entry for August 9, 1985, North summarizes a meeting with Robert Owen ("Rob"), his liaison with the contras. They discuss a plane used by Mario Calero, brother of Adolfo Calero, head of the FDN, to transport supplies from New Orleans to contras in Honduras. North writes: "Honduran DC-6 which is being used for runs out of New Orleans is probably being used for drug runs into U.S." As Lorraine Adams reported in the October 22, 1994 Washington Post, there are no records that corroborate North's later assertion that he passed this intelligence on drug trafficking to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

In a July 12, 1985 entry, North noted a call from retired Air Force general Richard Secord in which the two discussed a Honduran arms warehouse from which the contras planned to purchase weapons. (The contras did eventually buy the arms, using money the Reagan administration secretly raised from Saudi Arabia.) According to the notebook, Secord told North that "14 M to finance [the arms in the warehouse] came from drugs."

An April 1, 1985 memo from Robert Owen (code-name: "T.C." for "The Courier") to Oliver North (code-name: "The Hammer") describes contra operations on the Southern Front. Owen tells North that FDN leader Adolfo Calero (code-name: "Sparkplug") has picked a new Southern Front commander, one of the former captains to Eden Pastora who has been paid to defect to the FDN. Owen reports that the officials in the new Southern Front FDN units include "people who are questionable because of past indiscretions," such as José Robelo, who is believed to have "potential involvement with drug running" and Sebastian Gonzalez, who is "now involved in drug running out of Panama."


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11ed7c No.110679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997616 (291709ZNOV23) Notable: The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

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On February 10, 1986, Owen ("TC") wrote North (this time as "BG," for "Blood and Guts") regarding a plane being used to carry "humanitarian aid" to the contras that was previously used to transport drugs. The plane belongs to the Miami-based company Vortex, which is run by Michael Palmer, one of the largest marijuana traffickers in the United States. Despite Palmer's long history of drug smuggling, which would soon lead to a Michigan indictment on drug charges, Palmer receives over $300,000.00 from the Nicaraguan Humanitarian Aid Office (NHAO) an office overseen by Oliver North, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Elliott Abrams, and CIA officer Alan Fiers to ferry supplies to the contras.

State Department contracts from February 1986 detail Palmer's work to transport material to the contras on behalf of the NHAO.

Evidence that NSC Staff Supported Using Drug Money to Fund the Contras

In 1987, the Senate Subcommittee on Narcotics, Terrorism and International Operations, led by Senator John Kerry, launched an investigation of allegations arising from reports, more than a decade ago, of contra-drug links. One of the incidents examined by the "Kerry Committee" was an effort to divert drug money from a counternarcotics operation to the contra war.

On July 28, 1988, two DEA agents testified before the House Subcommittee on Crime regarding a sting operation conducted against the Medellin Cartel. The two agents said that in 1985 Oliver North had wanted to take $1.5 million in Cartel bribe money that was carried by a DEA informant and give it to the contras. DEA officials rejected the idea.

The Kerry Committee report concluded that "senior U.S. policy makers were not immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras' funding problems."

2 of 2 (image in 1st post has more info than anon pasted here)

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11ed7c No.110680

File: 52fc82fad19da0a⋯.jpeg (625.47 KB,1406x595,1406:595,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ead26314e9e21ea⋯.jpeg (116.84 KB,581x1101,581:1101,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997625 (291711ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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>>110654 lb

SAM056 C32A Blinken went to Skopje, Northern Macedonia to stir up shit there first for OSCE Meeting

Is The OSCE Meeting In Skopje A Triumph For Russia?


French AF CTM009 Falcon 7x on ground at same while Czech AF CEF08 A319 can’t make up its mind over same and heading SW nao and prolly heading to Albania next door

Swedish AF SVF674 G5 went to Sophia, Bulgaria from its Brussels depart

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11ed7c No.110681

File: bd7123b10102648⋯.png (856.31 KB,807x480,269:160,Clipboard.png)


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jh; We made committements to ukraine by 2.3 billion to 2.5 billion

through world bank loans which need to be met (so they have borrowed

money from the world bank via I.M.F (supposed to be a charity for

nations in trouble with monetary issues. loans from the i.m.f

a vicious circle as soon as the globalist from the b.i.s sponsored

loans with conditions are given by them.

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11ed7c No.110682

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997641 (291716ZNOV23) Notable: The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

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OIG Investigation Regarding Support of the Contras by Blandon and Meneses


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11ed7c No.110683

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997645 (291720ZNOV23) Notable: The UN roadmap to eating less meat isn’t legally binding, but it is expected to have influence over policymakers

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U.S. beef producers say UN's proposal for eating less meat demonizes industry, ineffective

The UN roadmap to eating less meat isn’t legally binding, but it is expected to have influence over policymakers who are setting more and more rules to purportedly fight climate change. Many food producers aren't so sure those rules will work.

The United Nations is expected to ramp up its calls for the world to greatly reduce meat consumption in order to combat climate change.

During the COP28 climate summit, which starts Thursday in Dubai, the UN’s Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish a global plan calling on nations with high rates of meat consumption to change their diets in order to lower greenhouse gas emissions, according to Bloomberg News.

The document isn’t legally binding, but it is expected to have influence over policymakers who are setting more and more rules to fight climate change.

“It’s unclear which will come first: the UN taking away your hamburger or Joe Biden confiscating your gas stove so you can’t cook it,” said Daniel Turner, founder and executive director for Power The Future.

The roadmap, Bloomberg reports, will ask wealthy nations with high rates of per-capita meat consumption to curtail their carnivorous habits, and developing countries will be advised to improve their livestock raising and farming practices.

Livestock produces methane through their burps, contrary to conventional understanding of from which end of the animal the gas is produced.

With about three-quarters of a pound of meat consumed per person per day, the United States has the second highest rates in the world, following Hong Kong. 

Globally, according to the FAO, livestock production accounts for 14.5% of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

In the United States, the entire agriculture sector accounts for 8.6% of emissions, and livestock production accounts for 36% of the sector’s total emissions, or 3.1% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, which have been declining since 2005.

The livestock industry, especially the beef sector, has increasingly become a target for fighting global warming over the past few years. At the extreme end of the conversation, people are encouraged to give up meat in favor of insects, but the European Union has implemented livestock regulations that may force Ireland’s producers to cull their herds. The regulations have also led to widespread protests in the Netherlands.

Sustainability is a goal for much of the U.S. agriculture industry. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), for example, aims to be carbon neutral by 2040.


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11ed7c No.110684

File: f45d7d5acc45e7f⋯.jpg (139.05 KB,720x1141,720:1141,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997648 (291721ZNOV23) Notable: BLM leader endorses Trump for 2024, accuses Dems of 'racist' policies: 'We're not stupid'

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BLM leader endorses Trump for 2024, accuses Dems of 'racist' policies: 'We're not stupid'

Trump should flat out deny this endorsement.Fuck BLM and what they have done to our country

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11ed7c No.110685

File: c5ab70e78275ec7⋯.png (496.24 KB,500x603,500:603,Clipboard.png)

File: 1277af85fd71106⋯.png (664.3 KB,500x655,100:131,Clipboard.png)


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jh: This was the period where we had a world wide pandemic and

a world wide oil problems so we must now make sure we are

ready for anything like this happening again (problem, reaction solution)

every time j. cunt replies he mentions covid, ukraine and energy including the decisions made during the autumn statement 110 reforms.

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11ed7c No.110686

File: 60d51913c89296e⋯.png (756.92 KB,500x784,125:196,Clipboard.png)


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That movie despicable me seems to have a lot of global leader character look alikes.

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11ed7c No.110687

File: f2903532c5b79dd⋯.png (31.9 KB,473x350,473:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997677 (291730ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Globalist Koch Fake “Network,” Americans for China Prosperity, who constantly admit that they did better in Business under President Trump than EVER BEFORE, have decided to back Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley over Ron DeSanctimonious...

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Since nobody bothers to bring their leader's truths over here much anymore...I will help you and him out...

Donald J. Trump


The Globalist Koch Fake “Network,” Americans for China Prosperity, who constantly admit that they did better in Business under President Trump than EVER BEFORE, have decided to back Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley over Ron DeSanctimonious, a minor hit for Ron. I was never in the running because I’m all about Making America, not the outside World, Great Again! These losers have fought me from 2016 to the present. They are bad for our Country, and so is a very weak and ineffective Birdbrain, who still says that “President Trump was a GREAT President, I will never run against him.” She’s down 50 Points, she better start running FAST!

Nov 29, 2023, 10:33 AM


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11ed7c No.110688

File: 482ba4f1085bfed⋯.jpg (34.75 KB,477x458,477:458,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8bef695d5674163⋯.mp4 (449.97 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997682 (291731ZNOV23) Notable: Globalist Tony Blair ADMITS Digital ID is about the ability to FORCE vaccinate the population.

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💎Courage4ever 💎


Globalist Tony Blair ADMITS Digital ID is about the ability to FORCE vaccinate the population.

It's amazing how many people still think this is all just a 'conspiracy theory'.

Wake up, America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

2:18 AM · Nov 29, 2023


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11ed7c No.110689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997721 (291742ZNOV23) Notable: The UN roadmap to eating less meat isn’t legally binding, but it is expected to have influence over policymakers

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>Sustainability is a goal for much of the U.S. agriculture industry.


It's a goal for WEF and other globalists - they put pressure on all industries to conform or else.

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11ed7c No.110690

File: f5b8f6d5865f53d⋯.jpg (132.96 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997728 (291744ZNOV23) Notable: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Skydives with 106-Year-Old World War II Veteran

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WATCH: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Skydives with 106-Year-Old World War II Veteran

It was the governor’s first time skydiving.

“We did some hard turns,” Abbott told reporters once the daredevil duo made it back to land. “It’s an upside-down ride a couple of times, but it’s a lot of fun.”


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11ed7c No.110691

File: bbedaa95f75030a⋯.gif (3.1 MB,498x280,249:140,Clipboard.gif)

File: cae88e468322725⋯.jpeg (163.06 KB,1335x828,445:276,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d65a6e1cafb0dc2⋯.jpeg (227.88 KB,519x1066,519:1066,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997740 (291746ZNOV23) Notable: US third-quarter growth revised higher; corporate profits rise strongly

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US third-quarter growth revised higher; corporate profits rise strongly

(When the majority of your “earnings” are derived from buying your own shares-thus less shares to apply results to of course profits will “rise”-and the GDP revisions….fuckin’ comedy)

*Third-quarter GDP growth raised to 5.2% rate from 4.9%

*Consumer spending revised lower

*Corporate profits increase 4.3%

The U.S. economy grew faster than initially thought in the third quarter as businesses built more warehouses and accumulated machinery equipment,(a much nicer way to say “we believed the narrative…ramped up capital equipment spending and now we are fugged cuz no one is buying anything)but momentum appears to have since waned as higher borrowing costs curb hiring and spending.

The quickest growth pace in nearly two years reported by the Commerce Department on Wednesday, however, likely exaggerated the health of the economy last quarter. When measured from the income side, economic activity increased at a moderate pace. Nevertheless, the mixed report was another reminder that the economy continued to grow despite fears of a recession that have persisted since late 2022.

"No sign of darkening skies for the economy in today's report, but growth is cooling," said Christopher Rupkey, chief economist at FWDBONDS in New York. "There's simply not as much wind in the economy's sails in the final quarter this year."

Gross domestic product increased at a 5.2% annualized rate last quarter, revised up from the previously reported 4.9% pace, the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis said in its second estimate of third-quarter GDP. It was the fastest pace of expansion since the fourth quarter of 2021.(Wall Street has an ASS-ton of IPOs it needs to push out next year right away and US Treasury will be issuing record amounts of debt so the Polish is applied to the turd)

The upward revision to growth last quarter reflected upgrades to business investment on structures, mostly warehouses and healthcare facilities.Spending by state and local governments was also revised higher.Residential investment was also raised, thanks to the construction of more single-family homes. Private inventory investment was higher than previously estimated as wholesalers amassed more machinery equipment. Inventory investment added 1.40 percentage points to GDP growth.

But growth in consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity, was lowered to a still-solid 3.6% rate. The downgrade from the previously estimated 4.0% growth pace was because of cuts to outlays on financial services and insurance as well as used light trucks, likely the result of shortages caused by the recently ended United Auto Workers strike.

U.S. stocks opened higher. The dollar was steady against a basket of currencies. U.S. Treasury prices rose….(‘Trashuries’ have been basically panic bid because the Primary Dealers know the shit is hitting fan so they do the only thing they know…but moar debt because the likelihood of a Treasury default is slim and none if you own a printing press)

Moar hilarity here


Tomorrow this will be HEAVILY revised upwards from Atlanta FED tard Bostic as they were waiting for this today

Latest estimate: 2.1 percent - November 22, 2023


CME FEDwatch now has rate cuts of 25bp (with the bond market already doing it for them as that is how it weeks) at March meeting and will likely do it in January


What Wall Street wants….they getas the FOMC is just the delivery boi-rates have already been “cut” just Prime has not as that is all the FED is in charge of

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11ed7c No.110692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997742 (291747ZNOV23) Notable: "Biden Admin to convert empty office buildings into affordable housing units…" Banks Halt Lending | The Whitehouse Has A Plan

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"Biden Admin to convert empty office buildings into affordable housing units..."

Banks Halt Lending | The Whitehouse Has A Plan


13 min


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11ed7c No.110693

File: 5b0134f4c2bd629⋯.png (112.51 KB,510x676,255:338,Clipboard.png)


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jh: michael gove and i will confirm when things are available.

(Gove and Cunt are working together to tie up the u.k into

the globalish model.)

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11ed7c No.110694

File: 4ab141ae8c96acf⋯.jpeg (492.23 KB,1305x617,1305:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6f22b5105140f12⋯.png (197.89 KB,723x539,723:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997803 (291800ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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09-0018 C32A has joined 92-9000 747 at Denver Intl arriving from its overnight at Albuquerque-Kirkland AFB/Sunport Intl

Potato schedule has him going just south to Pueblo,CO which why this AC is at DIA and the 747 will depart back to JBA as I don’t think it’ll fit at Pueblo

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11ed7c No.110695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997809 (291803ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina's Milei visits the White House, and Joe Biden fails to turn up

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November 28, 2023

Argentina's Milei visits the White House, and Joe Biden fails to turn up. By Monica Showalter

What is it about Democrats and hospitality? The White House under them is the scene of many embarrassing episodes.

Which brings us to today, where Argentina's newly elected president came to the White House, not to ask for aid, but to tell them about his plans.

According to Breitbart News:

Javier Milei, the president-elect of Argentina, is scheduled to visit the White House on Tuesday for the final leg of his whirlwind visit to America this week, but President Joe Biden will not be there.

Milei, an outsider leading a populist libertarian movement that toppled both the establishment center-right and the ruling socialist coalition in the November 19 presidential election, will instead meet with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

On Monday, Milei arrived in New Jersey and made his way to New York for a spiritual visit to the Ohel – a Jewish holy site where the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, is buried –then met with Biden Latin America adviser Christopher Dodd and former President Bill Clinton for lunch.

He comes all the way to America from Argentina the equivalent of a cross-Siberian flight and the best he gets is Bill Clinton?

Biden, the White House said, was "traveling." And indeed he did travel - to former first lady Rosalynn Carter's funeral which would have been about an hour's flight and not a lengthy affair.He couldn't spare 15 minutes to totter downstairs and say 'hi' to the man, to get the relationship off to a good footing?

The travel excuse is cheesy, too. Historically, first ladies go to other first ladies' funerals. Joe thought it more important to do a first lady's job than meet the new president of South America's second-biggest and best developed country, a nation that has held the designation of a "major non-NATO" ally, and probably one we are going to need things from, be it tech, bases, listening stations, intelligence on the Chicoms, intelligence on the Iranians, or defense of our mutual ally Israel.

It's possible Joe skipped that, probably not wanting to risk another "bathroom incident," stumble and slur his words, get lost, say pervy things, or possibly fall asleep.

Or, he might have simply hated Milei for his message - that central banks must stop printing money, which in the mind of Joe, bears no connection to inflation. Milei message is all about free markets and the critical importance of liberty. Joe believes in none of that, so maybe he just hated and dreaded what the man might say. And while Milei never delivered any severe insults to Biden during the campaign, he delivered some mild ones. Perhaps Joe holds a grudge.

Milei did state on his way that he wasn't coming to the states to look for money, so greeting him should have been easy.


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11ed7c No.110696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997985 (291841ZNOV23) Notable: At Least One Dead After U.S Military Osprey Crashes Off the Coast of Japan

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At Least One Dead After U.S Military Osprey Crashes Off the Coast of Japan

TOKYO — At least one person has died after a U.S. military Osprey aircraft with six people on board crashed into the sea near an island off southern Japan on Wednesday morning, officials said.

A regional coast guard spokesperson confirmed to NBC News that the plane crashed into the ocean near Yakushima, an island about 45 miles south of the Kagoshima region on the southern main island of Kyushu.

The coast guard said in an earlier statement that eight people were on board the plane, a figure that was revised downward.

According to the Coast Guard, one man was recovered from the water unconscious. He was given CPR in an attempt to revive him but was unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead and his identity has not been released at this time.


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11ed7c No.110697

File: a6b418f20bce2cf⋯.png (296.42 KB,511x618,511:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997998 (291844ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland: Authorities Demand Access To Private Social Media Conversations To Spy On Anti-Mass Migration Sentiment

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Authorities Demand Access To Private Social Media Conversations To Spy On Anti-Mass Migration Sentiment

Authorities in Ireland are set to be given access to private social media conversations in order to spy on anti-mass migration sentiment following the riots in Dublin.

After an Algerian migrant stabbed three children outside a primary school, fiery but mostly peaceful protests broke out in the Irish capital.

Authorities reacted by being more outraged at the protesters than the actual would-be child murderer, who should have been deported 20 years ago and was previously released after being arrested for carrying a knife.

Now Irish people who share spicy memes in WhatsApp chat groups are going to be under government surveillance should this new ‘hate speech’ legislation pass.

“Gardai will be able to access and intercept private conversations on social media sites under new legislation, as the Justice Minister promised to crack down on crime following the riots in Dublin,” reports the Irish Times.


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11ed7c No.110698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998006 (291846ZNOV23) Notable: RI: Court Rejects Another Bid To Keep President Trump Off Primary Ballot

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Court Rejects Another Bid To Keep President Trump Off Primary Ballot

A federal district court in Rhode Island on Monday rejected a bid to disqualify former President Donald Trump from candidacy in the 2024 presidential elections, citing an earlier ruling by an appeals court that rejected a similar claim.

Chief Judge John J. McConnell of the U.S. District Court in Rhode Island on Monday summarily dismissed a complaint by John Anthony Castro, a lesser-known Republican presidential candidate from Texas, who sought to disqualify President Trump from the ballot.

That marked another defeat for Mr. Castro, who has filed lawsuits in more than two dozen states over the past few months, including the one in Rhode Island that was dismissed today, to disqualify Trump from the ballot for the 2024 presidential election.


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11ed7c No.110699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998042 (291854ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Judge Orders FBI to Hand Over Evidence in Former DNC Employee Seth Rich’s Murder Case within 14 Days

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Federal Judge Orders FBI to Hand Over Evidence in Former DNC Employee Seth Rich’s Murder Case within 14 Days

Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC and Podesta’s emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election.

Clevenger has been attempting to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC and Podesta emails to the DNC for several years now. This was always the key to the Russia collusion nightmare. If Russia didn’t supply emails to WikiLeaks (the FBI has never asked WikiLeaks who supplied the emails by the way) then the Russia collusion story was built on a lie.

After years of denying they had anything related to Seth Rich, the FBI and DOJ were caught lying over and over again. In September, a judge finally demanded the FBI and DOJ provide all they had in regard to Seth Rich and the FBI responded requesting another 66 years before releasing the information.

Now, a Federal Judge has just ruled the FBI must hand over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich’s murder.

Judge Amos L. Mazzant ruled the FBI must hand over Rich’s personal laptop, work laptop, a DVD, and thumb drive within 14 days.


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11ed7c No.110700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998047 (291855ZNOV23) Notable: BLM leader endorses Trump for 2024, accuses Dems of 'racist' policies: 'We're not stupid'

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POTUS! Video needs embedded. o7

Donald J. Trump


Spoke with Mark Fisher yesterday, a great guy, very honored to have his and BLM’s support. I have done more for Black people than any other President (Lincoln?), including 10 year funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, where they had none, Opportunity Zones, Criminal Justice Reform, and much more. Thank you to Mark!









Nov 29, 2023, 1:11 PM


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11ed7c No.110701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998050 (291856ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Florida Law that Protects Children from Sexually Explicit Drag Shows

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U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Florida Law that Protects Children from Sexually Explicit Drag Shows

The U.S. Supreme Court recently halted Florida’s “Protection of Children Act,” a law designed to prevent children from attending sexually explicit live performances, including drag shows.

This ruling, coming after a federal district court sided with an Orlando drag bar, Hamburger Mary’s, marks a significant setback in efforts to safeguard minors from potentially harmful content.

SB 1438, signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, criminalizes allowing children to witness sexually explicit live performances.

The state’s Protection of Children Act will fine or revoke the licenses of venues that “knowingly” admit children to “adult live performances.”

The law defines “adult live performances” as “any show, exhibition, or other presentation in front of a live audience which, in whole or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or specific sexual activities … lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.”

Orlando drag eatery Hamburger Mary’s immediately challenge the law after it was passed. The establishment argued that the measure infringed upon First Amendment rights, a contention that was initially upheld by a federal district court which ruled that the law likely violated constitutional protections of free speech.

The restaurant holds drag brunches and claims that the law is hurting their business. They argue that the decision on whether a performance is fitting for the underage audience should reside with the parents or guardians, not the state.

In October, the state asked the Supreme Court that the injunction only apply to Hamburger Mary’s while the case continues.

According to a report from Tampa Free Press, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Secretary Melanie Griffin has sent an emergency application to Justice Clarence Thomas requesting that the law be reinstated while the lawsuit in the state plays out.

“Florida is now unable to enforce its statue at all, to the detriment of Florida’s children and the State’s sovereign prerogative to protect them from harm,” Moody argued.

“Hamburger Mary’s has not alleged, much less proven, that application of the Protection of Children Act to others in the State of Florida will cause actual or imminent injury to Hamburger Mary’s itself. It was a serious error for the district court nonetheless to enjoin the statute as it may apply to the rest of the world,” the state’s court filings say.

Justice Thomas could act on the request alone or refer it to the full court for consideration, according to a report from The Hill.

On Thursday, Florida’s request to the Supreme Court to limit the lower court’s injunction solely to Hamburger Mary’s was rejected in a 6-to-3 vote, with Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissenting. Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett clarified that Florida’s failure to raise the First Amendment issue in the case means the court’s decision does not reflect a stance on whether the law breaches First Amendment rights.


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11ed7c No.110702

File: c1435edcb80b453⋯.mp4 (10.82 MB,538x480,269:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998057 (291859ZNOV23) Notable: BLM leader endorses Trump for 2024, accuses Dems of 'racist' policies: 'We're not stupid'

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11ed7c No.110703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998060 (291859ZNOV23) Notable: Biden’s media intimidation crusade takes a turn for the worse

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Biden’s media intimidation crusade takes a turn for the worse

A top White House censor heads for Biden’s re-election campaign to combat “misinformation” — which is now just another word for dissenting from this administration’s bungled economic policies.

The Biden administration’s efforts to intimidate media outlets into censoring information that might paint the president in a bad light (other than his own gaffes, lies, and plagiarism) are receiving new and much-needed attention this week. The House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government reconvenes Thursday to look into “the federal government’s involvement in social media censorship” and “recent attacks on independent journalism and free expression,” according to the committee’s press release.

It is a timely investigation. As Byron York noted at the Washington Examiner, “President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign is ‘overhauling’ its strategy to fight ‘misinformation’ on social media. The new effort includes ‘recruiting hundreds of staffers and volunteers to monitor platforms.’”

The Biden team’s big current concern is the economy. Somehow, the public just isn’t getting the message that everything is hunky-dory and that Biden is the reason we’re all supposedly so much richer than we were in January 2021. Yet even voters who admit to having voted for Biden in 2020 say the economy is awful.

The new operation is reminiscent of the Biden administration’s successful efforts in 2021 to persuade media companies to suppress unpopular observations about government initiatives, especially doubts about the science behind combatting COVID-19 and concerns about interference in the 2020 election. That was, in fact, a ruthless campaign of threats and intimidation against tech companies, the legality of which the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide in its current session.

“They were bullying companies to censor anything contradicting government guidance,” the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year. “The private intimidation was amplified by public threats to use antitrust action and regulation if tech companies didn't follow orders.”

The Biden administration has continually turned up the heat on those who dare to say things that might undermine the president’s re-election prospects.

In the spring of 2022, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced he was forming a Disinformation Governance Board, which a writer at the Hill aptly described as an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” The DHS shut down the board under pressure, but its work continued in other DHS sub-agencies, including the Secret Service, the Intercept reported.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people illegally enter the country each month while Mayorkas’ vigilant border guardians keep their eyes peeled for embarrassing tweets.


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11ed7c No.110704

File: 68e390c44033edd⋯.jpeg (484.94 KB,1187x613,1187:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998077 (291903ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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Potato on ground at Pueblo in 09-0018

>which why this AC is at DIA and the 747 will depart back to JBA

FORGE94 G5 in at Centennial Airport

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11ed7c No.110705

File: 478140a561798fe⋯.png (76.43 KB,635x651,635:651,Clipboard.png)

File: 39fc92b8111490c⋯.png (27.76 KB,638x230,319:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998095 (291905ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Accused of Spying on The Trump White House And The U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Training Base At Fort Huachuca

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Israel Accused of Spying on The Trump White House And The U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Training Base At Fort Huachuca

The Mossad is accused of pretending to be laptop kiosk salesmen at a shopping mall to spy on the U.S. military

Israel has been repeatedly accused of spying on the United States. Israel has been accused of spying on the Donald Trump White House and also spying on the U.S. army’s intelligence analyst training base at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. These disturbing allegations should make American politicians think twice before approving more billions of dollars in wartime aid to Israel. Republican Speaker Mike Johnson and the GOP caucus recently signed off on more than $14 billion in new funding for Israel but Biden hasn’t signed off on either Israel or Ukraine funding.

Current Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood accused of spying on President Donald Trump. That’s right. When U.S. senior officials told Politico back in 2019 that the Israelis planted “StingRay” cell phone surveillance gadgets in the general area of the White House (the kind of gadgets that pretend to be fake cell phone towers to steal cell phone user data) Netanyahu denied the claim. But Netanyahu was a White House guest during the time parameters of the Politico report. I remember the incident well.


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11ed7c No.110706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998108 (291907ZNOV23) Notable: House Freedom Caucus News Conference

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Senator Rick Scott and House Freedom Caucus News Conference

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) and the House Freedom Caucus hold a news conference at the U.S. Capitol.


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11ed7c No.110707

File: ecfeafd0955aa84⋯.png (370.92 KB,501x558,167:186,Clipboard.png)

File: 0101fc9cec87f99⋯.png (18 KB,641x169,641:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998116 (291908ZNOV23) Notable: Migrant Whistleblower: NGOs ‘Stealing A Tremendous Amount of Money’ From US Taxpayers in Transport Scam

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Migrant Whistleblower: NGOs ‘Stealing A Tremendous Amount of Money’ From US Taxpayers in Transport Scam

'Faith-based' 'non-profits' are taking advantage of the invasion of America to rip off the taxpayers.

An illegal migrant whistleblower says that the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working with the US government to house and relocate illegal border crossers who are admitted into the country are “stealing a tremendous amount of money” from American taxpayers by way of a migrant transport billing scam.

The illegal migrant, who identified himself only as “Carlos” and had his face obscured in a video interview in which he explained the alleged NGO scam, told reporter Hernando Arce that non-profits are submitting phony claims for airline ticket reimbursement to the federal government.

According to Arce, the NGOs at the crux of the scam are “faith-based” organizations like Catholic Charities USA, Endeavors, and the Interfaith Welcome Coalition, all of whom are active along the southern border, where they operate lucrative illegal migrant holding facilities.

“[Carlos is] testifying that what happens in the center is that these not-for-profit, faith-based organizations are actually creating fraudulent claims,” Arce explained to viewers of the illegal migrant whistleblower interview.

“Because what he just said is that his family member is buying a ticker for him to get out of the City of San Antonio, into the [US] interior by airplane. However, the NGOs are saying that they actually purchased the ticket for him and they’re billing the government, the federal government,” Arce went on. “That is fraud…They’re stealing the money.”

“They are stealing a tremendous amount of money,” Carlos said.

“Imagine how many thousands of migrants are processed there,” he added. “And if you don’t have the money to buy the ticket then you only have 13 to 15 days at this center, waiting for your family member to help you purchase a ticket so that they can register you.”

“And what are they giving us for food? A little bit of juice box and some cold bread,” Carlos went on. “So then where is the money that the government agency is giving them?”

Rather ironically, considering that Carlos is an illegal alien, he goes on in the interview to describe NGO employees and scammers as “sponges” who suck up Biden Administration funds meant for illegals.


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11ed7c No.110708

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998132 (291911ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Second Resolution to Impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Second Resolution to Impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files a second privileged resolution to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the situation on the border. Her first resolution was referred to committee for consideration in a 209-201 vote of the House on November 13.


from this morning

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11ed7c No.110709

File: c050510fc8fcb65⋯.png (672.61 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998164 (291916ZNOV23) Notable: Elites Meet: 70,000+ Attendees Flying to Dubai for COP 28 Climate Summit

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Elites Meet: 70,000+ Attendees Flying to Dubai for COP 28 Climate Summit

Ladies and gentlemen, please return your seats and tray tables to an upright position, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing… That is the order more than 70,000 people will hear as they arrive mostly by private and commercial jets to attend the COP 28 climate conference that begins Thursday in Dubai.

The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP28, in the United Arab Emirates is expecting close to a record turnout for the annual gathering of the globalist elites to vent their never-ending call for international climate action.

King Charles will be flying in especially to deliver the opening address as he joins tens of thousands of others who have eschewed the benefits of video conferencing in favour of boarding carbon-spewing aircraft for their travels even as flying creates more carbon emissions than any other form of transportation.


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11ed7c No.110710

File: 48ca0552cc27026⋯.png (1.9 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998175 (291918ZNOV23) Notable: REMOVE THE BLOCKADES!!!

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Reminder, You will never get shit accomplished while these niggers are still in office.



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11ed7c No.110711

File: 1f5bc2da8be67df⋯.png (39.26 KB,791x210,113:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998178 (291919ZNOV23) Notable: California water board to require reduced indoor water use for citizens

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RATIONING BEGINS: California water board to require reduced indoor water use for citizens

Residents of the Golden State ought to expect water rationing for their homes, as the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) is set to mandate lower indoor water-use standards.

According to Climate Depot, the SWRCB – which is under the California Environmental Protection Agency – will cap indoor water use standards to 47 gallons per person starting in 2025. It will then reduce the standard to 42 gallons in 2030.

Its decision followed an October hearing about Senate Bill (SB) 1157, which was passed by the California Legislature in 2022 and signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom in the same year. SB 1157 codified the water use standards the SWRCB proposed. According to the hearing's fact sheet, the Golden State has always experienced large swings between dry and wet weather and due to climate change, these are becoming more severe.

"The recent storms and flooding seen statewide following years of back-to-back extreme drought make clear the importance of staying prepared. Hotter and drier periods that are increasing in frequency, reduced snowpack and drier soils are making our water supplies more vulnerable," it pointed out. But according to National Review, total urban water consumption in California has been falling each year since the mid-1990s despite the growth of the state's population to more than 39 million. At just over seven million acre-feet (MAF) per year in 2022, urban water consumption hasn't been this low since 1985 when the population of the state was only 26 million.

The Golden State's water authorities and environmentalists aren't satisfied, however. SB 1157 seeks a massive reduction in consumption by 400,000 acre-feet per year by 2030. Diversions, which pertain to rainfall captured in reservoirs during the summer and fall seasons and released for future use, have a much bigger impact on the water supply. Agricultural diversions average 30 MAF annually, while diversions to maintain ecosystem health range between 20 MAF in dry years to over 60 MAF in wet years.

The targeted urban water consumption represents barely more than one-half of one percent of the amount of water California diverts and manages even in its driest years.

Water board's impact analysis is flawed

Drafted in 1957, California's original water plan called for an eventual statewide system capable of delivering 40 MAF to farms and 10 MAF to cities each year. While this wasn't completed, the system has become a remarkable example, delivering around 30 MAF per year to state farmers and around seven MAF to the cities.

But according to critics, over 25 MAF of water passed through the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta and out to the Pacific Ocean in the water season that just ended. This amount, they argue, is easily more than twice what is required for the health of delta ecosystems. Had this water been stored, it would have offered enough supplemental supply to easily withstand several years of drought.


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11ed7c No.110712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998213 (291927ZNOV23) Notable: Pfizers Post-Marketing Surveillance Report Reveals That Pfizer Manipulated Data and Wrongly Tabulated Adverse Events, Concealed Them.

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Report 93: Pfizers Post-Marketing Surveillance Report Reveals That Pfizer Manipulated Data and Wrongly Tabulated Adverse Events, Which Concealed Them.

We evaluated Pfizer’s 38-page “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Events Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162b2) received through 28-Feb-2021,” commonly known as “5.3.6,” starting in September of 2022. Patterns emerged across the System Organ Classes (SOCs). These patterns included Pfizer’s apparent concealment of various cases of adverse events, as well as unexplained causes of death.

Because we saw these patterns, we shifted our attention from Pfizer’s descriptions of adverse events and reviewed each SOC on its own. Thus, we found many data discrepancies. We saw that Pfizer manipulated data by setting various different “thresholds” for counting adverse events in each SOC. In addition, Pfizer frequently assigned adverse events to SOCs that were inappropriate, which obscured adverse event signals. We dedicated a year to this intensive analysis of this report, which contains 42,086 patients (“cases”) and 158,893 adverse events. Pfizer clearly did not expect this thoroughgoing analysis, which exposes data manipulation.


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11ed7c No.110713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998242 (291931ZNOV23) Notable: #24548

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#24548 >>110658

>>110680, >>110694, >>110704 PF Eyes on Skyz

>>110659 Hospitals brace for fines and reform following flood of Adult Survivors Act cases/must reg to read

>>110660 Lawsuit accuses Utah AG Sean Reyes of intimidating critic of Tim Ballard

>>110661, >>110667, >>110681, >>110685, >>110686, >>110693 JEREMY HUNT THE I.M.F, GLOBALIST CHINESE RAT ANSWERS QUESTIONS TO THE TREASURY COMMITTEE

>>110662 FBI never searched their records on "Seth Rich" in response to FOIA request

>>110663 WHO Authorise Emergency Use of Novavax Protein-based COVID-19 Vaccine

>>110664, >>110665, >>110666 What if the Constitution no longer applied? Freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now

>>110668, >>110669, >>110670, >>110672, >>110671, >>110672, >>110674, >>110677 CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

>>110673 NASA astronomy Picture of the Day A Landspout Tornado over Kansas

>>110675 British inquiry finds serious failings at hospitals where worker had sex with more than 100 corpses

>>110676 6 Tim Ballard accusers speak publicly for the first time

>>110678, >>110679, >>110682 The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

>>110683, >>110689 The UN roadmap to eating less meat isn’t legally binding, but it is expected to have influence over policymakers

>>110684, >>110700, >>110702, >>110702 BLM leader endorses Trump for 2024, accuses Dems of 'racist' policies: 'We're not stupid'

>>110687 @realDonaldTrump The Globalist Koch Fake “Network,” Americans for China Prosperity, who constantly admit that they did better in Business under President Trump than EVER BEFORE, have decided to back Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley over Ron DeSanctimonious...

>>110688 Globalist Tony Blair ADMITS Digital ID is about the ability to FORCE vaccinate the population.

>>110690 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Skydives with 106-Year-Old World War II Veteran

>>110691 US third-quarter growth revised higher; corporate profits rise strongly

>>110692 "Biden Admin to convert empty office buildings into affordable housing units…" Banks Halt Lending | The Whitehouse Has A Plan

>>110695 Argentina's Milei visits the White House, and Joe Biden fails to turn up

>>110696 At Least One Dead After U.S Military Osprey Crashes Off the Coast of Japan

>>110697 Ireland: Authorities Demand Access To Private Social Media Conversations To Spy On Anti-Mass Migration Sentiment

>>110698 RI: Court Rejects Another Bid To Keep President Trump Off Primary Ballot

>>110699 Federal Judge Orders FBI to Hand Over Evidence in Former DNC Employee Seth Rich’s Murder Case within 14 Days

>>110701 U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Florida Law that Protects Children from Sexually Explicit Drag Shows

>>110703 Biden’s media intimidation crusade takes a turn for the worse

>>110705 Israel Accused of Spying on The Trump White House And The U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Training Base At Fort Huachuca

>>110706 House Freedom Caucus News Conference

>>110707 Migrant Whistleblower: NGOs ‘Stealing A Tremendous Amount of Money’ From US Taxpayers in Transport Scam

>>110708 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Second Resolution to Impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

>>110709 Elites Meet: 70,000+ Attendees Flying to Dubai for COP 28 Climate Summit


>>110711 California water board to require reduced indoor water use for citizens

>>110712 Pfizers Post-Marketing Surveillance Report Reveals That Pfizer Manipulated Data and Wrongly Tabulated Adverse Events, Concealed Them.


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11ed7c No.110714

File: db8524e14b432b1⋯.png (1.05 MB,1170x1133,1170:1133,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a83ff61785f6c3⋯.jpg (34.83 KB,578x327,578:327,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b34f15df27432b8⋯.jpg (140.81 KB,746x839,746:839,Clipboard.jpg)

File: da1084a71764830⋯.jpg (104.49 KB,750x744,125:124,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 944b17426b60c52⋯.jpg (106.3 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998260 (291933ZNOV23) Notable: #24549

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off hand, tap @20

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11ed7c No.110715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998325 (291947ZNOV23) Notable: 3:00 PM EST - Roundtable With Families of Hostages Held by Hamas

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3:00 PM EST

Roundtable With Families of Hostages Held by Hamas

House Foreign Affairs Committee



Families of individuals being held hostage by Hamas.





Families of Hamas Hostages Testify on Capitol Hill

Families of hostages captured by Hamas testify before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia.


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11ed7c No.110716

File: cd35e2f4f5126c1⋯.png (141.15 KB,626x206,313:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998327 (291947ZNOV23) Notable: Derek Chauvin in stable condition after stabbing, lawyer says prison officials told him

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Derek Chauvin, convicted in George Floyd’s death, in stable condition after stabbing, lawyer says prison officials told him

Story by By Taylor Romine, CNN •


An attorney representing Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer convicted in the 2020 murder of George Floyd, said he was able to speak with officials at the Federal Bureau of Prisons after his client was stabbed in prison and has learned Chauvin’s health is “decent and improving.”

Officials have told attorney Greg Erickson that Chauvin’s condition is stable, he told CNN’s Laura Coates, noting the term stable is ambiguous. He spoke with a bureau official who “intimated that his condition is decent and improving, and intimated he will be contacting his family members once he is able to,” he said.

Erickson said he spoke with the official on Monday for about 10 minutes but “she told me basically nothing.”

“She said that the matter was under active investigation, and they weren’t going to give out any details,” he said. Erickson said for him to learn anything more on Chauvin’s medical condition, his client needed to fill out a report to give permission, which he hasn’t been given yet.

Erickson previously told CNN that Chauvin’s family wasn’t alerted about the incident and his parents hadn’t been able to reach him.

Erickson said he believes the agency won’t share details due to medical privacy, but they are really to try and keep the story out of the media.

The Bureau of Prisons said in a later statement that it “takes seriously our duty to protect the individuals entrusted in our custody, as well as maintain the safety of correctional employees and the community.

“For privacy, safety, and security reasons, we do not discuss the conditions of confinement for any individual in our custody, including medical status,” the agency said. “Additionally, we do not comment on matters related to investigations.”

Chauvin was assaulted Friday afternoon at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, a medium-security facility, while serving two concurrent sentences in Floyd’s death.

The Bureau of Prisons said an inmate was assaulted at the facility and “responding employees initiated life-saving measures.” The inmate was taken to a hospital.

In April 2021, Chauvin was convicted on state charges of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. He was sentenced to 22-and-a-half years in prison. Months later, Chauvin pleaded guilty to federal charges of depriving Floyd of his civil rights and was sentenced to 21 years in prison.

Chauvin, who is White, knelt on Floyd’s neck and back for more than nine minutes on May 25, 2020, after officers responded to reports suspecting Floyd used a counterfeit $20 at a Minneapolis corner store. Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, was handcuffed and lying face down on a street as he pleaded he couldn’t breathe.

Floyd’s death sparked massive racial injustice protests across the nation and around the world over the way police treat people of color, particularly Black Americans in the US.

Erickson said he was not aware of Chauvin being attacked before Friday’s incident, but he said Chauvin had always been concerned about his safety his safety entering the prison system. Going forward, Chauvin’s legal team and family will “need to be provided some sort of assurances that what happened can’t happen again,” he said.

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11ed7c No.110717

File: aa97345317ffe96⋯.png (1.25 MB,917x1007,917:1007,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998368 (291955ZNOV23) Notable: Reminder: 2/24/20 - Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen visited Doha on February 5 in order to ensure Qatar continues its financial aid policy to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip

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Feb 24, 2020

Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen visited Doha on February 5 in order to ensure Qatar continues its financial aid policy to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

"Both the Egyptians and the Qataris are angry with Hamas, and they were going to cut all ties with them. All of a sudden Netanyahu shows up as a Hamas advocate, pressuring Egypt and the Qataris to continue" with the financial support, said Lieberman, adding that Netanyahu's policy is tantamount to "surrender to terrorism."


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11ed7c No.110718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998379 (291958ZNOV23) Notable: Freed Palestinian children say fellow prisoners were 'tortured to death'

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Freed Palestinian children say fellow prisoners were 'tortured to death'

Palestinian children freed from Israeli jails as part of a prisoner exchange deal between Hamas and Israel said they were subjected to torture in captivity and that several fellow detainees were beaten to death.


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11ed7c No.110719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998397 (292002ZNOV23) Notable: Irish citizens have begun building barricades and checkpoints around their local towns and villages to prevent their communities from being overrun by newly arrived migrants

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Irish citizens have begun building barricades and checkpoints around their local towns and villages to prevent their communities from being overrun by newly arrived migrants forced on them by the government. Locals in the town of Dromahair held protests, manned roadblocks and checkpoints, and even checked cars coming in and out of the town after rumors abounded of refugees arriving in the area on Friday. The residents cited security and the overburdening of local public services as their principal concerns.


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11ed7c No.110720

File: c0744e81e615050⋯.jpg (129.53 KB,1077x1280,1077:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ea9ddd92907540c⋯.png (540.26 KB,694x396,347:198,Clipboard.png)

File: c07e8a89cd0e651⋯.png (529.21 KB,698x406,349:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998416 (292004ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden

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Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.

Donald Trump has taken to his Truth Social platform to slowly and clearly explain his penchant for substituting “Obama” for “Biden” during campaign speeches – after corporate media outlets and masses of online Ron DeSantis supporters accused the 45th President of having dementia as a result.

“Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat’s Radical Left ‘Disinformation Machine,’ go wild saying that ‘Trump doesn’t know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired,'” Trump posted early on Monday: “No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country.”


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11ed7c No.110721

File: 3a839d0ebadfd74⋯.jpeg (702.35 KB,1536x1049,1536:1049,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998427 (292008ZNOV23) Notable: RE: Israel Accused of Spying on The Trump White House And The U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Training Base At Fort Huachuca

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>>110705 Israel Accused of Spying on The Trump White House And The U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Training Base At Fort Huachuca

This PB post reminded me of this old 9/11 story:


Another version of kiosk diplomacy:


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11ed7c No.110722

File: a4cb5babd12f720⋯.png (1008.7 KB,840x1011,280:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998445 (292013ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI: US Cardinal Raymond Burke kicked-out of Vatican apartment and striped of his salary by Pope Francis for criticizing his pro-LGBT stance

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US Cardinal Raymond Burke kicked-out of Vatican apartment and striped of his salary by Pope Francis for criticizing his pro-LGBT stance

Pope Francis has kicked conservative US Cardinal Raymond Burke out of his Vatican apartment and stripped him of his salary after he criticized the pontiff's pro-LGBT stance.

Francis has decided to punish Burke by revoking his right to a subsidized Vatican apartment and salary in the second such radical action against an American prelate this month, according to two sources.

It is understood Francis told a meeting of the heads of Vatican offices last week that he was moving against Burke because he was a source of 'disunity' in the church, said one of the participants at the November 20 meeting.

Burke's privileges of having a subsidized Vatican apartment and salary as a retired cardinal have been removed because he was using the benefits against the church, said another person who was subsequently briefed on the pope´s measures.

Both insiders spoke on the condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to reveal the details.

Burke has not received any notification of measures being taken, his secretary said in a text message Tuesday to The Associated Press. ...


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11ed7c No.110723

File: 46bc72ef148cc4c⋯.png (113.6 KB,406x270,203:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998450 (292014ZNOV23) Notable: July Sounds of Freedom goes viral; November #meToo vs Balland

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>>110676 6 Tim Ballard accusers speak publicly for the first time

Sounds plausible.

So does it take 4 months to create an op like this?

Sound of Freedom goes viral - July

#meToo op vs Ballard - November

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11ed7c No.110724

File: 1e9de5d7360bd3d⋯.png (2.25 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998452 (292015ZNOV23) Notable: Biden-Appointed Commissioner with Links to Hunter Biden’s Art Sale is Related to the 4-Year-Old Released by Hamas

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Major Democrat Donor, Biden-Appointed Commissioner with Links to Hunter Biden’s Art Sale is Related to the 4-Year-Old First American Hostage Released by Hamas

There was good news this week when news broke that 4-year-old Jewish hostage Abigail Mor Idan was released by the Hamas terrorists.

Ben Weingarten of RealClearInvestigations (RCI) has reported a controversial connection in the recent hostage release by Hamas. The American child freed during the ceasefire with Israel is reportedly the great-niece of Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a major Democratic party donor with close ties to the Biden regime.

Abigail Mor Idan, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, was the only American among 80 hostages, primarily women and children, exchanged for Palestinian Arab prisoners. In return, Israel has freed 180 Palestinian prisoners.

This fragile truce followed a harrowing incident on October 7, where Abigail’s parents were tragically killed by jihadists in southern Israel.

“Thank God she’s home. The little – I just can’t imagine the enjoyment…I just wish I were there to hold her,” Biden said.

“Nothing is guaranteed and nothing is being taken for granted. But the proof that this is working and worth pursuing further is in every smile and every grateful tear we see on the faces of those families who are finally getting back together again. The proof is little Abigail,” Biden added.

RealClearInvestigations correspondent Ben Weingarten exposes a connection that casts a shadow over the joyous liberation: the child is the great-niece of Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a Democratic party heavy-hitter and benefactor to Hunter Biden’s controversial art sales who has parlayed her contributions into a high-ranking cultural position from Biden himself.

A senior administration official told RealClearInvestigations that the Biden administration, collaborating with Qatari and Egyptian mediators, ensured Abigail’s inclusion in the early list of hostages to be released. President Biden himself reportedly discussed Abigail’s case with numerous counterparts, including the Amir of Qatar.

“The President raised Abigail in nearly all of his phone calls with counterparts as well as with the Amir of Qatar on Saturday,” a senior administration official disclosed to RealClearInvestigations, hinting at special treatment, adding that “U.S. officials have also remained in close touch with Abigail’s family members including those the President spoke with on Sunday,” the day Abigail was returned from Gaza to Israel.


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11ed7c No.110725

File: 85925a6658f762d⋯.jpg (195.81 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f2ac8e473288b7d⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998453 (292015ZNOV23) Notable: Anti-Israel sentiment running high in Toronto demonstration

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Spotted at an anti-Israel protest in Toronto

Photo by @BethBaisch


Liberal insanity knows no bounds

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11ed7c No.110726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998463 (292018ZNOV23) Notable: We owe Nancy's niece a big thank you for investing our tax dollars in Bidenomics!

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3:30 PM EST

The President delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is mobilizing investments in clean energy manufacturing and creating good-paying jobs in communities across the country, and how self-described MAGA Republicans like Representative Lauren Boebert are threatening those investments, jobs, and opportunities

Pueblo, Colorado




President Biden Remarks on Clean Energy Manufacturing

President Biden gives remarks in Pueblo, Colorado, on his administration’s investments in clean energy manufacturing


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11ed7c No.110727

File: f989a8bdebc1b6f⋯.png (15.39 KB,473x147,473:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e7822d87cad419⋯.png (51.63 KB,473x518,473:518,Clipboard.png)

File: 7142eebe5f445e5⋯.png (36.19 KB,473x294,473:294,Clipboard.png)

File: 95361b3b3c514c4⋯.png (29.09 KB,473x329,473:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 892a480fda28be4⋯.png (39.69 KB,473x434,473:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998477 (292021ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI: Judge orders FBI to turn over Seth Rich's laptop info with 14 days

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Holy underwear Batman, this is HUUUUGE News

A judge has ordered the FBI to turn over the laptop of murdered Democrat staffer Seth Rich.

Texas Judge Amos L. Mazzant ordered "a timeline for the disclosure of information on Seth Rich's personal laptop, Seth Rich's work laptop, the DVD and tape drive within 14 days following issuance of this Memorandum of Opinion and Order" on Wednesday morning.

MS-13 involved.

Mainstream media involved.

No investigation as to why and how WikiLeaks received information.

No investigation why the info wasn't transferred via the Internet.

No investigation of actual direct-to-direct thumb drive transfer.

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software.

No 'direct' investigation into Crowdstrike.

FBI, special counsel, DOJ simply trusted Crowstrike's report on the data breach.

Obama blocked.

State secrets and White House national security articles 1-9 were buried.

Awan brothers attached to breach.


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11ed7c No.110728

File: d57d548f78b4e80⋯.jpg (194.16 KB,720x1223,720:1223,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 54991efd89b7dee⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1a6e1b21208600d⋯.mp4 (7.09 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998495 (292026ZNOV23) Notable: A 26-year-old man was arrested at Disneyland after stripping down on the It's A Small World ride

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A 26-year-old man was arrested at Disneyland after stripping down on the It's A Small World ride. Police say he was taken into custody on suspicion of indecent exposure and being under the influence of a controlled substance.

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11ed7c No.110729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998503 (292028ZNOV23) Notable: ADAM COROLLA discusses the difference between HENRY WINKLER and HARVEY WEINSTEIN

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Wow, at the 33:33 mark of this video, ADAM COROLLA discusses the difference between HENRY WINKLER and HARVEY WEINSTEIN!!! He is trying to sell Henry Winkler as the opposite of Harvey Weinstein! WHY is Adam Corolla presenting Henry Winkler as this harmless man compared to Harvey? HEATHER O'ROURKE???


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11ed7c No.110730

File: 636731c5df43ff2⋯.jpg (93.31 KB,861x435,287:145,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998517 (292030ZNOV23) Notable: Shitlibs proving they are the real racists, yet again

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11ed7c No.110731

File: 327b26f132ef792⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,514x360,257:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998529 (292033ZNOV23) Notable: Antarctic Raytheon Whistleblower Testimony: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS AT THE SOUTH POLE

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Looks like there is a little more going on in Antarctica than were led to believe!!!!

Raytheon, you bad boy!!!...you have been keeping secrets from the world!!!

Whistleblower steps forth!


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11ed7c No.110732

File: 047fb399f7f5251⋯.jpg (71.31 KB,613x460,613:460,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998535 (292034ZNOV23) Notable: Shitlibs proving they are the real racists, yet again

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Fuck the haters

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11ed7c No.110733

File: 5186d58fc4328c3⋯.png (63.37 KB,910x674,455:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998553 (292039ZNOV23) Notable: '19999999' is a Q delta for tomorrow...

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Funny enough this is a Q delta for tomorrow...

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11ed7c No.110734

File: e082611a69335e1⋯.jpg (93.95 KB,720x759,240:253,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 53bf9466bf9d004⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998580 (292046ZNOV23) Notable: BIDEN:"Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world"

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BIDEN:"Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world"

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11ed7c No.110735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998590 (292048ZNOV23) Notable: We owe Nancy's niece a big thank you for investing our tax dollars in Bidenomics!

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Nancy's niece is pouring money in to Biden's climate change programs and


The family tree branch that connects Nancy and Alexis originates from Alexis’ husband, Laurence Pelosi, whose father is the older brother of Paul Pelosi. And once more, the “real estate” connection emerges. It’s likely that Alexis’s influence and position have been advantageous to her husband’s firm as well.

Alexis goes to great effort to stay out of the public eye. The E&E News article goes on:

In Washington, Pelosi has remained mostly out of the headlines, including from HUD’s own news releases touting its climate efforts.

Last month, when HUD awarded its first grants under its $800 million “Green and Resilient Retrofit Program” — a major part of Pelosi’s portfolio — she stayed out of the limelight and instead posted a congratulatory message to HUD staff on her LinkedIn account.

Clearly, this is one big club where everybody knows each other, and we’re not on the guest list. This setup reeks of more backroom corruption, nepotism, and shady DC dealings—something that most of our lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are likely quite familiar with. However, it’s safe to say that the Pelosi family, much like the Bidens and the Clintons, has a real knack for dirty deeds.


>>>/qresearch/19995659 pb ALso into affordable rental communities

Much money much power

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11ed7c No.110736

File: 77433769d0aa389⋯.png (2.98 MB,1677x930,559:310,Clipboard.png)

File: b6b0ebed269d960⋯.png (1.85 MB,1595x809,1595:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998596 (292050ZNOV23) Notable: Antarctic Raytheon Whistleblower Testimony: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS AT THE SOUTH POLE

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11ed7c No.110737

File: 2f0d82453bda2e5⋯.png (447.61 KB,697x806,697:806,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998597 (292050ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI: US Cardinal Raymond Burke kicked-out of Vatican apartment and striped of his salary by Pope Francis for criticizing his pro-LGBT stance

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Pope Francis to Evict ‘My Enemy’ Cardinal Raymond Burke from Vatican Apartment

ROME — Pope Francis said he intends to evict conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke from his subsidized Vatican apartment and strip him of his monthly salary, calling the prelate “my enemy.”

Francis revealed his intentions at a closed meeting of the heads of Vatican offices on November 20 but the leaked news has since been confirmed by various independent sources present at the closed-door session.

According to Riccardo Cascioli of La Bussola Quotidiana, which broke the story, the alleged enmity of Cardinal Burke “has become a real obsession for Pope Francis in recent times,” even though the American cardinal has really been “in the crosshairs since the beginning of his pontificate.”

“Cardinal Burke is my enemy, so I am taking away his apartment and his paycheck,” the pope reportedly said, a financial loss calculated at between $112,000 and $152,000 per year.

In 2018, Burke criticized a secret deal between the Vatican and China’s Communist Party on the naming of bishops in China, calling it “absolutely unconscionable.”

The cardinal used stronger language still in 2021 in reaction to the pope’s decision to drastically restrict the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.

Those who are attached to the Traditional Latin Mass, sometimes called the Tridentine Mass, “are deeply disheartened by the severity of the discipline” imposed by Pope Francis and “offended by the language” he employs to describe them, their attitudes and their conduct, Burke said. ...


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11ed7c No.110738

File: f3f7c58577996f8⋯.png (187.83 KB,533x499,533:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c089088f7940a2⋯.png (500.78 KB,710x733,710:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998619 (292055ZNOV23) Notable: Irish Lives Matter is now hate-speech. But what if Irishanons crossed out "Irish" and sprayed in "BLACK"?

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legacy media is the enemy of the people

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11ed7c No.110739

File: 4dba2163f0bc204⋯.png (424.26 KB,568x489,568:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998680 (292108ZNOV23) Notable: Shitlibs proving they are the real racists, yet again

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11ed7c No.110740

File: 99da18230b6691f⋯.png (268.47 KB,867x813,289:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998687 (292110ZNOV23) Notable: Shitlibs proving they are the real racists, yet again

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We Thought The Deadspin Story Calling A Child Super-Fan Racist Couldn’t Implode Any Worse … And Then It Did


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11ed7c No.110741

File: 4924ff9f125bcc2⋯.png (746.96 KB,1162x909,1162:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998691 (292110ZNOV23) Notable: Class Action Lawsuit against Special Counsel Jack Smith NEEDED ASAP

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When you can't unseat the King or Queen, go for the pawns.

Special Counsel Jack Smith Demanded Info On Americans Who "Favorited Or Retweeted" Trump Tweets; Newly Released Docs Show


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11ed7c No.110742

File: f1da4da129b4bde⋯.png (278.57 KB,708x472,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: d96e0d40c73a4cb⋯.png (31.94 KB,439x443,439:443,Clipboard.png)

File: c6decda7a972f27⋯.png (95.05 KB,1029x467,1029:467,Clipboard.png)

File: ef2bb77bb651490⋯.png (117.87 KB,519x463,519:463,Clipboard.png)

File: cd968a3ec68ed51⋯.pdf (233.3 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998693 (292111ZNOV23) Notable: GEORGE_USSC_15JUNE2022.pdf

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Found some information.

Utilized Q's A=1, B=2 etc.

Given the current state of affairs with Veterans and how they are treated (as compared to illegals or foreign nationals by the current Admin) and their ability to receive appropriate and timely care/benefits thru the Veterans Affairs Office, it appears that some changes could potentially be on the table in the future.

-ReadGEORGE v McDonough/VETERAN ASSOCIATION https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/21/21-234/217762/20220304154739775_George.pdf

-Short version: George joined the military with a preexisting medical issue which was ultimately the cause of his medical discharge. He filed for Veterans Benefits and was denied due to it being a preexisting condition. He appealed and lost. Years later, the VA “amended verbiage” surrounding CLEAR and UNMISTAKEABLE EVIDENCE (CUE), and George reopened his complaint based on that verbiage change and was eventually again denied, and the case was closed. The premises of “Presumption of sound condition,” preexisting conditions”, and “aggravated while on active duty” were all in play in his 30+ year battle with the VA.. Note the EXACT 4 year DELTA between the court case and the HELLO GEORGE Qdrop, and that the docket number can be derived from within the Q drop.

B1-3are comments/dissents at the conclusion of the case document I believe. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/21/21-234/217762/20220304154739775_George.pdf https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21-234_2b8e.pdf

38 USC 1111 Section 1111 - Presumption of sound condition

For the purposes of section 1110 of this title, every veteran shall be taken to have been in sound condition when examined, accepted, and enrolled for service, except as to defects, infirmities, or disorders noted at the time of the examination, acceptance, and enrollment, or where clear and unmistakable evidence demonstrates that the injury or disease existed before acceptance and enrollment and was not aggravated by such service.


>>>/qresearch/19995578 PB shows that todays Date also resembles 1111. Qdrop 907 states “IT’S BEEN CORRECTED”. This was taken from a then-President Trump tweet, and Q responds to the post with 11:11, which coincides with 38 USC 1111. I may be wrong, but I am interpreting this to mean that Veterans Issues have been corrected (will come into play at a later point). Maybe that's what Q meant with "Class Action suits...Don't quote me on that though!

Q359, Code 299 SEC:F19-A, can be found onPage 299of Title 10, CH 36, and pertains specifically to “Eligibility for consideration for promotion: designation as joint qualified officer required before promotion to general or flag grade; exceptions”. It’s important to read the exceptions as we navigate exceptional waters right now with a lack of officers, officers retiring, and potentially more officers leaving/being removed from office. And then there’s Option C hanging out there all quiet like. (?!?!)

- I am not a militaryfag and would not presume to understand how, when or why these exceptions may come into play(now or future) for those currently active, or those who may be called up (Remember your oath- Qdrop). I can say that after reading George v Veterans Affairs and all the accompanying rebuttals and comments, it does appear to ask for future changes to the VA system that would better benefit our military personnel who have offered to put their lives on the line. I hope this is so. I also hope that, possibly, Veterans who were previously denied said benefits may be able to reopen their cases under the new (future) changes, and that subsequent Veterans filing for new benefits will have a speedy and accurate assessment of their personal benefits, without having to wait years for a yes or no. Many many Veterans have been affected by actions of the VA. Class Action lawsuits are very effective.


https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/21/21-234/204540/20211208161913747_21-234%20George%20opp.pdf (Separate comments at end)

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11ed7c No.110743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998706 (292115ZNOV23) Notable: Supreme Court questions federal agencies' ability to serve as judge and jury

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Supreme Court questions federal agencies' ability to serve as judge and jury

The Republican-appointed majority on the Supreme Court appears skeptical of the Securities and Exchange Commission's powers to conduct in-house adjudications without juries in a case that could disrupt the administrative state.

Justices heard oral arguments on Wednesday involving hedge fund manager and conservative radio jockey George Jarkesy, whom the SEC fined and barred from the industry after determining he had committed securities fraud. In a bid to avoid commission-appointed administrative law judges deciding his case behind a bureaucratic curtain, Jarkesy appealed to the federal courts, arguing the agency's procedures infringed on his Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial.

Jarkesy achieved favor from the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2022 ruling when the court held that the SEC's in-house proceedings violated the constitutional right to a jury trial and tore through presidential and constitutional powers.

During oral arguments Wednesday, Chief Justice John Roberts, an appointee of former President George W. Bush, said it was "curious" that federal agencies such as the SEC appeared to exert more leverage on daily life than in the past, a position that a majority of the court appeared to agree with in some capacity.

“The government is much more likely to affect you or proceed against you in one of its own agencies than it is in court,” he said. “It does seem to me to be curious that, and unlike most constitutional rights, that you have that right [to a jury trial] until the government decides it doesn’t want you to have it. That doesn’t seem to me the way the Constitution traditionally works.”

Carrying a similar tune of skepticism, Justice Neil Gorsuch, a Trump-era jurist, contended this isn't "your grandfather's SEC."

“A right to trial by jury … is a check on all branches of government,” he said. "An ancient right, too."

Roughly 27 federal agencies have utilized administrative law judges, which stand apart from the federal judiciary, which includes district courts, appeals courts, and the Supreme Court. Administrative law judges are touted by proponents as a way to adjudicate claims at a much faster rate than in the federal court system, and their rulings do not set a precedent.

A Supreme Court ruling affirming the 5th Circuit's holding for Jarkesy could reduce or delay action against misconduct by brokers, investment advisers, and more, possibly gumming up enforcement mechanisms at other agencies as well.

But critics of the commission's powers, such as Jarkesy, argue the authority of administrative law judges creates an unfair advantage in favor of the SEC's position against people it targets for fines.

More at: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/supreme-court-federal-agencies-ability-judge-jury

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11ed7c No.110744

File: 22654eec326d346⋯.png (526.95 KB,929x524,929:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998723 (292118ZNOV23) Notable: Pro-Trump NFL Star Announces Congressional Run: ‘We’ve Gotta Fire Joe Biden’

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Pro-Trump NFL Star Announces Congressional Run: ‘We’ve Gotta Fire Joe Biden’

On Wednesday, former NFL defensive end Wallace Gilberry declared his intention to run for the U.S. House of Representatives as a Republican, aiming to represent Alabama’s newly redrawn 2nd Congressional District.

Gilberry’s campaign is driven by a strong opposition to President Joe Biden. Hailing from Bay Minette, Alabama, Gilberry spoke to Fox News Digital to express his desire to “fire” President Biden and challenge the influence of liberal Democrats over Black Americans as a voting group.

The race for the congressional seat is competitive, with 13 Democrats and 8 Republicans, including Gilberry, vying for the position.

“I’m running because Joe Biden and the liberal politicians have let down my community and failed Alabama. Folks here at home are hurting and too many politicians don’t understand that – I see it every day,” said Gilberry.

“My mission is simple: we’ve got to fire Joe Biden, beat back the liberals who have held down the Black community for too long, put the people of Alabama first, and help President Donald J. Trump Make America Great Again.”

Gilberry, who grew up under the care of his great-grandmother and a single mother, transitioned from a Democrat background to forming his own individual political convictions, on the right side.

“Out-of-touch, out-of-state Democrats wasted all kinds of time and money trying to buy themselves another seat in Congress because they take Black folks for granted and think we will all just vote Democrat. Problem for them is that Alabama can’t be bought,” Gilberry explained.

“A Black man is going to win this race – but it’ll be me, a conservative Republican who puts Alabama first.”

More at: https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/pro-trump-nfl-star-announces-congressional-run-weve-gotta-fire-joe-biden-mace/

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11ed7c No.110745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998801 (292133ZNOV23) Notable: Class Action Lawsuit against Special Counsel Jack Smith NEEDED ASAP

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Class Action lawsuits can be quite profitable


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11ed7c No.110746

File: e91202c1645a671⋯.jpg (101.79 KB,720x750,24:25,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7e866697c1aef82⋯.mp4 (344.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998802 (292133ZNOV23) Notable: BIDEN: (heavily slurring): "I am friends with your leader, Mr. Moon, you know, hoo, we're, we're good guys"

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BIDEN (heavily slurring): "I am friends with your leader, Mr. Moon, you know, hoo, we're, we're good guys"

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11ed7c No.110747

File: 28e8fd80f26adb9⋯.png (117.62 KB,634x480,317:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998843 (292139ZNOV23) Notable: FBI Conducts Record Number Of Background Checks On Black Friday As Gun Demand Surges

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FBI Conducts Record Number Of Background Checks On Black Friday As Gun Demand Surges

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) reported the FBI conducted a record-breaking number of National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks on Black Friday.

NSSF said FBI NICS completed 214,913 background checks on Black Friday - the highest number recorded for the most popular shopping day of the year, besides Cyber Monday. It noted the figure also includes background checks for other firearms-related purposes, such as approvals for concealed carry permits. Recall that NICS data is a proxy for gun sales because there is no national database tracking firearm purchases.

Last week's 214,913 background checks surpassed 192,749 on Black Friday 2022, 187,585 NICS checks on Black Friday 2021, and 186,645 checks on Black Friday 2020.

From Nov. 18 through Black Friday, a total of 680,671 background checks were run by the FBI, down slightly from last year's figure of 711,372 for the same period.

"The background checks reported by the FBI are in keeping with the trends NSSF has seen throughout the year. Firearm sales remain consistently strong, with over a million per month for more than four years running," explained Joe Bartozzi, NSSF President and CEO.

Bartozzi continued, "These figures tell us that there is a continued strong appetite for lawful firearm ownership by law-abiding Americans and that firearm manufacturers across the country continue to deliver the quality firearms our customers have come to expect."

Reviewing several years of NICS data reveals that Covid plus BLM riots and the implosion of progressive cities significantly boosted the firearm industry. However, the gun-buying mania has cooled.

More at: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/fbi-conducts-record-number-background-checks-black-friday-gun-demand-surges

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11ed7c No.110748

File: 3c3b120b931d9bd⋯.jpg (40.79 KB,395x535,79:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998871 (292143ZNOV23) Notable: Brazil's Military placed on HIGH ALERT, making immediate preparations for Venezuelan Invasion..

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Chuck Callesto


JUST IN: Brazil's Military placed on HIGH ALERT, making immediate preparations for Invasion..

Brazil's military is said to be preparing in response to concerns that Venezuela might initiate a military action to seize a portion of Guyana's land, specifically the Essequibo region.

This development follows Venezuela's 'consultative referendum' regarding the Essequibo, an area rich in minerals. This territory has significantly contributed to Guyana's rapid economic growth, especially following oil discoveries since 2015.

10:57 AM · Nov 29, 2023


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11ed7c No.110749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998897 (292148ZNOV23) Notable: Antisemitism in US a 'five-alarm fire' amid Israel-Hamas war, Senator Schumer says

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Antisemitism in US a 'five-alarm fire' amid Israel-Hamas war, Senator Schumer says

Senate majority leader, who is Jewish, says 'bigotry against one group of Americans is bigotry against all' to praise from political rivals

Schumer made his remarks as the Senate was set to consider legislation next week providing aid for Israel and Ukraine, which are both fighting wars. Demonstrations have erupted in the U.S. and abroad against the Israeli bombing campaign in Gaza prompted by the Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel by Hamas.

Schumer, a Democrat who is the highest elected Jewish official in the United States, emphasized that he was not labeling the majority of criticisms of Israeli government actions as antisemitic.

"This speech is also not an attempt to pit hate towards one group against that of another. I believe that bigotry against one group of Americans is bigotry against all," he said.

Immediately after the speech, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who often jousts with Schumer over the events of the day, praised his remarks, saying, "I stand with him in condemning this hatred."


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11ed7c No.110750

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998908 (292149ZNOV23) Notable: Antisemitism in US a 'five-alarm fire' amid Israel-Hamas war, Senator Schumer says

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>five-alarm fire

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11ed7c No.110751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998927 (292153ZNOV23) Notable: Irish Lives Matter is now hate-speech. But what if Irishanons crossed out "Irish" and sprayed in "BLACK"?

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Irishanons, cross out "Irish" and spray in "BLACK".

Do it now, please. Make them look like the complete fuckwits that they are.

Will it still be a hate crime?

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11ed7c No.110752

File: 36ed811275cee37⋯.jpg (75.75 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998928 (292153ZNOV23) Notable: BIDEN:"Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world"

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11ed7c No.110753

File: d392601895f6d10⋯.png (213.24 KB,1080x536,135:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998955 (292156ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump There would NEVER have been an attack on Israel if I were President, and what is going on now is unthinkable!

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POTUS Actual.

Nov 29, 2023, 4:32 PM


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11ed7c No.110754

File: fcc8f633d91d6a5⋯.png (146.38 KB,489x501,163:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 00e8190c7e20ac8⋯.png (246.77 KB,485x592,485:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998962 (292158ZNOV23) Notable: The ADL Has Been Sending Top US Cops To Israeli Terrorism Seminars Blamed For 'Militarizing' Police

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The ADL Has Been Sending Top US Cops To Israeli Terrorism Seminars Blamed For 'Militarizing' Police

With the Anti-Defamation League making recent headlines over a (seemingly de-escalated) ongoing public spat with X owner Elon Musk...

...many have highlighted the ADL's nearly two-decade sponsorship of a program which sends US law enforcement officials to Israel for various training seminars which several organizations have blamed for the 'militarization' of US police.


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11ed7c No.110755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998966 (292159ZNOV23) Notable: CRISIS IN NEW YORK: 94-year-old vet struggles to move on after nursing home evicts him, replaced by migrants

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CRISIS IN NEW YORK: 94-year-old vet struggles to move on after nursing home evicts him, replaced by migrants

The veteran and his daughter say city 'more worried about migrants' than Americans

This article is part one of Crisis in New York, a series examining the effects public policies have on the city’s already strained housing, law enforcement and drug services.

NEW YORK CITY — Frank Tammaro, a 94-year-old Army veteran, loved the senior center he'd called home for five years until he was told to find somewhere new to live.

"I felt horrible," Tammaro told Fox News. "It's no joke getting thrown out of a house."

Months later, after two moves and an injury that put him in the hospital, the senior was living with his daughter when he learned migrants were moving into his old residence, free of charge.

A lifelong New Yorker, Tammaro says he grew up in the "slums" of the Lower East Side during the ‘30s and ’40s.

"I do get upset when I see them handing out all this money and all these things, and I'm paying taxes and getting kicked out," he said. "I've never got anything from the city. Or the state."


Tammaro planned to live out his years at the Island Shores Senior Residence when notices went up in September 2022 informing residents the facility was shutting down and they needed to pack up and leave by March. Many of the 53 seniors living there, including Tammaro, ignored the letters for months until it was brought to their attention that they only had weeks to find somewhere else to live.

"It was scary," Tammaro recalled. "Very scary. Especially when I don't get around like I used to. I didn't know where I was going."

The facility's owner, a New York City nonprofit called Homes for the Homeless, said in a statement that it intended to sell Island Shores "to focus on its core mission of serving homeless families" and the preferred buyer "would be another senior operator."


Staff assured the upset seniors that Island Shores would likely be sold and reopened. However, Tammaro’s daughter, Barbara Annunziata, was skeptical of the claim and reached out to the building's management for answers.


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11ed7c No.110756

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998969 (292159ZNOV23) Notable: CRISIS IN NEW YORK: 94-year-old vet struggles to move on after nursing home evicts him, replaced by migrants

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"We knew something was going to go in there," Annunziata said. "They kept saying, ‘oh, they're going to sell it. They're going to sell it.’ That's what they kept telling me."

During the Korean War, Tammaro served stateside for two years in the U.S. Army Signal Corps fixing telephone lines and improving communication between military camps. He was one of eight veterans who lived in Island Shores before it shut down.

"I was not in combat," Tammaro said. "But these boys that went over and went into combat — and now they're all settled in there with their lives and everything else — and they’re all disrupted, it isn’t fair."


When he was evicted from Island Shores, the 94-year-old had difficulty finding a new assisted living facility that suited his needs.

"I was pretty slow getting out," Tammaro said. "I figured they were gonna have my luggage on the curb."

94 year old frank tammaro in daughters house

Shortly after moving to another senior residence, Tammaro had a fall that landed him in the hospital. He told his daughter he didn’t want to return to the new facility.

"He hated it there," Annunziata said. "And for somebody his age, why should he live the rest of his life someplace he didn't like?"


In the end, Annunziata moved her father into her home in Midland Beach, New York, where she cares for him around the clock.

"I can't leave him home alone. … I raised my kids already. They’re all grown up," she said. "I mean, he’s a piece of cake, but still he’s 94 years old."

In August, Tammaro found out along with the rest of the community that Homes for the Homeless had made an arrangement with city hall to move migrants into Island Shores.

The facility was one of 200 buildings converted into emergency shelters to house some of the 130,000 migrants that landed in New York City after crossing the southern border since October 2022.

The influx of asylum seekers has stretched the city's budget and many of its services to their limits, with Mayor Eric Adams saying they are in "a desperate environment" during his trip to Mexico in October. And with 10,000 new refugees entering the city each month, he said there is "no end" in sight.


In September, 15 asylum-seeking families moved into the Island Shores. As the news spread, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the facility, and 10 people were arrested for trying to block a bus with migrants from reaching the building, according to law enforcement.

frank's daughter barbara Annunziata

"I don't understand it at all. It's not fair to anybody," Annunziata said. "These migrants, they're getting everything. They're getting everything and I can't get nothing for [Tammaro]. It angers me."

She said she’s struggled to get help for her father. His insurance rejected any long-term request for care.

"I can’t even get him an aide. I only could get him an aide for 30 days and then they cancel it," Annunziata told Fox News. "So what, he has to pay for it then?"

"Meanwhile, [migrants] get everything. And he's not entitled to anything," she added

After the "horrible experience," Tammaro has settled in with his daughter, only a few minutes away from his old home, which is now called the Midland Beach Migrant Center.


"I felt bitter at the beginning," Tammaro told Fox News. "But I'm satisfied where I am now."

"I was satisfied where I was until they threw me out," he added. "But making the best of a bad situation, that's what we're doing."

Annunziata remains angry about how her father was treated.

"They're worried about the migrants more than they're worried about the U.S. citizens," she said.

Homes for the Homeless declined to comment.

2 of 2

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11ed7c No.110757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998992 (292201ZNOV23) Notable: Majority Leader Schumer News Conference on AI Insight Forum

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5:10 PM EST

Majority Leader Schumer News Conference on AI Insight Forum

Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY) speaks with reporters following the Senate’s seventh AI Insight Forum.



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11ed7c No.110758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999007 (292203ZNOV23) Notable: #24549

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#24549 >>110714

>>110755, >>110756 CRISIS IN NEW YORK: 94-year-old vet struggles to move on after nursing home evicts him, replaced by migrants

>>110753 @realDonaldTrump There would NEVER have been an attack on Israel if I were President, and what is going on now is unthinkable!

>>110720 Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden

>>110744 Pro-Trump NFL Star Announces Congressional Run: ‘We’ve Gotta Fire Joe Biden’

>>110734, >>110752 BIDEN:"Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world"

>>110746 BIDEN: (heavily slurring): "I am friends with your leader, Mr. Moon, you know, hoo, we're, we're good guys"

>>110726, >>110735 We owe Nancy's niece a big thank you for investing our tax dollars in Bidenomics!

>>110724 Biden-Appointed Commissioner with Links to Hunter Biden’s Art Sale is Related to the 4-Year-Old Released by Hamas

>>110718 Freed Palestinian children say fellow prisoners were 'tortured to death'

>>110715 3:00 PM EST - Roundtable With Families of Hostages Held by Hamas

>>110738, >>110751 Irish Lives Matter is now hate-speech. But what if Irishanons crossed out "Irish" and sprayed in "BLACK"?

>>110719 Irish citizens have begun building barricades and checkpoints around their local towns and villages to prevent their communities from being overrun by newly arrived migrants

>>110730, >>110732, >>110739, >>110740 Shitlibs proving they are the real racists, yet again

>>110731, >>110736 Antarctic Raytheon Whistleblower Testimony: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS AT THE SOUTH POLE

>>110716 Derek Chauvin in stable condition after stabbing, lawyer says prison officials told him

>>110717 Reminder: 2/24/20 - Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen visited Doha on February 5 in order to ensure Qatar continues its financial aid policy to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip

>>110723 July Sounds of Freedom goes viral; November #meToo vs Balland

>>110728 A 26-year-old man was arrested at Disneyland after stripping down on the It's A Small World ride

>>110729 ADAM COROLLA discusses the difference between HENRY WINKLER and HARVEY WEINSTEIN

>>110742 GEORGE_USSC_15JUNE2022.pdf

>>110743 Supreme Court questions federal agencies' ability to serve as judge and jury

>>110747 FBI Conducts Record Number Of Background Checks On Black Friday As Gun Demand Surges

>>110748 Brazil's Military placed on HIGH ALERT, making immediate preparations for Venezuelan Invasion..

>>110725 Anti-Israel sentiment running high in Toronto demonstration

>>110749, >>110750 Antisemitism in US a 'five-alarm fire' amid Israel-Hamas war, Senator Schumer says

>>110757 Majority Leader Schumer News Conference on AI Insight Forum

>>110754 The ADL Has Been Sending Top US Cops To Israeli Terrorism Seminars Blamed For 'Militarizing' Police

>>110721 RE: Israel Accused of Spying on The Trump White House And The U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Training Base At Fort Huachuca

>>110722, >>110737 ICYMI: US Cardinal Raymond Burke kicked-out of Vatican apartment and striped of his salary by Pope Francis for criticizing his pro-LGBT stance

>>110727 ICYMI: Judge orders FBI to turn over Seth Rich's laptop info with 14 days

>>110741, >>110745 Class Action Lawsuit against Special Counsel Jack Smith NEEDED ASAP

>>110733 '19999999' is a Q delta for tomorrow...


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11ed7c No.110759

File: bca282ea0c74374⋯.png (2.54 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999041 (292208ZNOV23) Notable: #24550

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>baker is accepting handoffs

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11ed7c No.110760

File: 6b8f2aae8bc597e⋯.png (908.23 KB,1016x1403,1016:1403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999072 (292215ZNOV23) Notable: Russian Man Jailed for 10 days for 'No to War' Snow Message

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🇷🇺❄️ Russian Man Jailed for 'No to War' Snow Message

Dmitry Fyodorov gets 10 days behind bars for writing 'No to War' in snow at Gorky Park's ice rink.

If you're criticizing U.S censorship (which you should), do so while keeping in mind that we're far ahead most other countries.

11:47 AM · Nov 29, 2023·58.3K Views

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11ed7c No.110761

File: 1ab47c00cb0e335⋯.png (312.26 KB,541x731,541:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999080 (292216ZNOV23) Notable: OTD in 1943 at the Soviet Embassy in Tehran British PM Winston Churchill presented Soviet leader Joseph Stalin with the Sword of #Stalingrad.

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MFA Russia 🇷🇺



📅#OTD in 1943 at the Soviet Embassy in Tehran British PM Winston Churchill presented Soviet leader Joseph Stalin with the Sword of #Stalingrad.

⚔️It was a gift from George VI - in awe of the courage and heroism of the Soviet defenders of Stalingrad.


Nov 29, 2023 · 4:33 PM UTC




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11ed7c No.110762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999094 (292221ZNOV23) Notable: First Lady Jill Biden Unveils the 2023 White House Holiday Ice Rink

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5:30 PM EST

First Lady Jill Biden Unveils the 2023 White House Holiday Ice Rink

The White House





First Lady Jill Biden Unveils White House Ice Skating Rink

First lady Jill Biden unveils the 2023 holiday ice skating rink on the South Lawn of the White House.


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11ed7c No.110763

File: 81653146bc6ec5a⋯.jpg (49.8 KB,657x494,657:494,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999100 (292222ZNOV23) Notable: Is Crooked Joe a dual citizen? ...Was Sleepy?

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11ed7c No.110764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999120 (292226ZNOV23) Notable: RE: Osprey Crash

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11ed7c No.110765

File: 50631efc2c25174⋯.png (1.53 MB,1199x1160,1199:1160,Clipboard.png)

File: afaa72d045c9ba3⋯.png (436.8 KB,710x673,710:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999123 (292227ZNOV23) Notable: Is Crooked Joe a dual citizen? ...Was Sleepy?

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11ed7c No.110766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999137 (292228ZNOV23) Notable: NY Prosecutor Scrambles To Salvage Anti-Trump Case, Argues Deutsche Bank Being Happy Is 'Irrelevant'

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NY Prosecutor Scrambles To Salvage Anti-Trump Case, Argues Deutsche Bank Being Happy Is 'Irrelevant'

It gets even better...

Not only did that completely dismantle the prosecution's core argument that the bank was harmed by Trump inflating his assets, Trump's former private banker, Rosemary Vrablic, testified on Wednesday that the bank had aggressively pursued the real estate mogul as a 'whale' client.

"We are whale hunting ... haven’t seen him yet," she told bankers in a Nov. 29, 2011 email entered into evidence by Trump's defense team and displayed on screens during the trial. "Also maybe Dad will convert like Ivanka did," she added.

Vrablic is one of four current and former employees called to testify this week as part of Trump’s defense against claims brought last year by New York Attorney General Letitia James. The state alleges Trump inflated his net worth by as much as $3.6 billion a year to get better terms from banks and insurers, reaping $250 million in “illegal profit” over more than a decade.

While James has portrayed Deutsche Bank as a victim of Trump’s lies, the former president is seeking testimony supporting his argument that lenders were eager to do business with him and weren’t bothered by discrepancies in the value of his assets. -Bloomberg

What's more, Trump attorney Jesus Suarez on Wednesday asked Vrablic to comment on internal documents from 2014 which described plans to build "lasting, broad private banking relationships" with a list of US clients.

Vrablic, who brokered a loan for Trump's Doral golf course in Florida as well as properties in Chicago and Washington, testified that Trump fit the bill because "he was in the US commercial real estate market and had a successful track record."

Internal documents further showed that the bank made $6 million from Trump loans in 2013 alone.


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11ed7c No.110767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999145 (292229ZNOV23) Notable: Why does AP even have an HQ in Gaza?

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Need some help anons. Trying to find the news article from a few years ago when a terrorist org was in the same building or office of an oversees news organization.

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11ed7c No.110768

File: aff478e878a5520⋯.png (1.9 MB,1200x960,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999154 (292231ZNOV23) Notable: Is Crooked Joe a dual citizen? ...Was Sleepy?

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>So who is behind the mask?

Which one?

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11ed7c No.110769

File: 2f7945102035e7c⋯.pdf (887.7 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999164 (292232ZNOV23) Notable: Interviews with whistleblower Alexander Laurent. English transcript.

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The first interview with whistleblower Alexander Laurent. English transcript. PDF attached

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11ed7c No.110770

File: 637de54ed154377⋯.pdf (931.9 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999175 (292235ZNOV23) Notable: Interviews with whistleblower Alexander Laurent. English transcript.

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The second interview with whistleblower Alexander Laurent. English transcript. PDF attached

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11ed7c No.110771

File: 66b5d427400a4be⋯.png (73.13 KB,517x249,517:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999177 (292235ZNOV23) Notable: #Irish Lives Matter

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11ed7c No.110772

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999190 (292238ZNOV23) Notable: Why does AP even have an HQ in Gaza?

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Was it AP?

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11ed7c No.110773

File: 1dc46f46c837d19⋯.png (78.5 KB,681x400,681:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999201 (292241ZNOV23) Notable: Why does AP even have an HQ in Gaza?

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11ed7c No.110774

File: d82ee86197a0e39⋯.png (89.16 KB,660x606,110:101,Clipboard.png)

File: c79f50967aaa182⋯.png (103.41 KB,662x601,662:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 54a1347effd75d6⋯.png (34.35 KB,643x218,643:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 21ff69cdb15c33e⋯.png (89.21 KB,674x546,337:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 6230463badd5fe7⋯.png (65.24 KB,660x337,660:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999218 (292245ZNOV23) Notable: Bank raised red flags about $5 million loan from Chinese firm to Hunter Biden, memo reveals

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Bank raised red flags about $5 million loan from Chinese firm to Hunter Biden, memo reveals

Some of proceeds from 2017 Chinese loan ended up in Joe Biden's account, congressional investigators say

Amoney laundering investigator for a bank raised serious concerns in 2017 about a $5 million loan that the Biden family received from the arm of an Chinese energy firm, flagging the transaction as "high risk" and possibly tied to efforts by the communist to gain influence through Hunter Biden, according to an explosive new memo released by congressional investigators Wednesday.

The unnamed examiner specifically raised concerns that the loan had no paperwork, that a Biden family firm distributed large sums of the money to a Hunter Biden law firm and that the recipient firm inside the Biden family did not appear to have an investments in need of a loan, the memo released by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer stated.

"We have been monitoring the subject customer due to the PEP designation and observations on the account activity as well as recent negative news Indicate this entity to be high risk," the money laundering investigator wrote bank official as he traced the money from Northern International Capitol Holdings (HK) Limited, a firm tied to China CEFC Energy, through the Biden family's Hudson West III firm and to Hunter Biden's Owasco PC law firm.

"These payments were indicated as management fees and reimbursements. We find It unusual that approximately 58% of the funds were transferred to the law firm in a few months and the frequency of payments appear erratic," the investigator's memo noted, "It was also previously indicated Hudson West III LLC does not currently have any investment projects at this time, which raises further concerns as millions in fees are being paid but does not appear to have any services rendered by Owasco PC."


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11ed7c No.110775

File: ca8295b667bbdfe⋯.png (392.73 KB,1122x335,1122:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999224 (292246ZNOV23) Notable: Why does AP even have an HQ in Gaza?

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Another War Crime to be ignored.


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11ed7c No.110776

File: 8899c3fa2be6065⋯.png (401.45 KB,1079x1234,1079:1234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999240 (292249ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron and Letitia James should be impeached... REMOVE THEM AND DISMISS THIS RIDICULOUS, NO VICTIM, NO JURY, CASE!

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Nov 29, 2023, 5:41 PM


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11ed7c No.110777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999271 (292254ZNOV23) Notable: Is Crooked Joe a dual citizen? ...Was Sleepy?

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is joe biden a dual citizen?

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11ed7c No.110778

File: 3771b0be7025a57⋯.jpg (124.6 KB,1179x892,1179:892,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 944b17426b60c52⋯.jpg (106.3 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999322 (292300ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Spoke with Mark Fisher yesterday, a great guy, very honored to have his and BLM’s support

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I don't like this at first glance , 5D chess? Maybe. Trump is no fool, this is for a reason. But damn it's a bad look

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11ed7c No.110779

File: 5a7d405e7daf8ec⋯.png (83.22 KB,1570x694,785:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ff75ed1d8af97a⋯.png (1.12 MB,993x2799,331:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999334 (292302ZNOV23) Notable: There's a New QAnon Convoy in Canada. They Want to 'Pick Up' Homeless - vice

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Cannuckistan media in panic mode

There's a New QAnon Convoy in Canada. They Want to 'Pick Up' Homeless


Arrest warrant issued for Richmound QAnon's Ricky Manz


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11ed7c No.110780

File: 07d93569d8afcaa⋯.jpg (78.16 KB,720x676,180:169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8d179da55f231a7⋯.mp4 (101.66 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999391 (292313ZNOV23) Notable: BIDEN: "Congressman Trump"

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BIDEN: "Congressman Trump"


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11ed7c No.110781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999404 (292315ZNOV23) Notable: All Americans deserve dual Israeli citizenship!

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As an American, I want me some dual Israeli citizenship.

I can stand at the podium and look like a fool with the best of them.

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11ed7c No.110782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999418 (292318ZNOV23) Notable: #Irish Lives Matter

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Didn’t the BLM burn shit down, launder money for Soros and hire Obama in conjunction with Israel?

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11ed7c No.110783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999427 (292320ZNOV23) Notable: All Americans deserve dual Israeli citizenship!

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I think Manly P Hall wrote that the Masons of old crossed the pond to build the third temple over here as the new Jerusalem. Vice news did a piece on "extremist Jews" who protest the formation of Israel as it stands today. Many different viewpoints through even more lenses.

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11ed7c No.110784

File: ba34085fdb624dd⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999477 (292328ZNOV23) Notable: 3 People Dead, 1 Hospitalized In Ohio Auto Shop Explosion

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3 People Dead, 1 Hospitalized In Ohio Auto Shop Explosion

11:19 AM – Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Three people were killed and one was hospitalized after an explosion at an auto repair shop in Ohio.

According to local authorities, there was an explosion at Jimbo’s Auto in Highland County, Ohio. It left three people dead and one in the hospital.

Paint Creek Joint EMS and Fire District Chief David Manning stated that first responders were called to the scene of the incident after there was an “explosion and fire” in the afternoon.

“It definitely did rock and shake the area,” Manning told the press. “We could feel it at the firehouse.”

He continued by stating that eight different fire departments attended the scene.

Manning said that three people were killed but first responders were able to rescue one person who was taken to the hospital and is now in stable condition.

According to reports, no other buildings were damaged but the smoke could be seen from miles away and the structure smoldered for over ten hours after the fire was put out.

Paint Creek Joint EMS & Fire District released a joint statement after the incident thanking all the departments for their assistance.

“Thank you to all surrounding agencies, our community and local businesses for their support and assistance with our fire this afternoon,” Paint Creek Joint EMS & Fire District said late Tuesday night. “Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated.”


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11ed7c No.110785

File: ad88950f3d60e14⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999482 (292329ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk has a message for all the corporate blackballers "GO. FUCK. YOURSELF!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

💥Elon Musk has a message for all the corporations pulling ad money from X:

"If someone is going to try to blackmail me with advertising… blackmail me with money… Go fuck yourself. GO. FUCK. YOURSELF! Is that clear? I hope it is." 🔥🔥

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11ed7c No.110786

File: 335f95e6d9f897b⋯.png (853.79 KB,1085x611,1085:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999540 (292340ZNOV23) Notable: Japan's space agency hit by cyberattack

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Japan's space agency hit by cyberattack

November 29th, 2023

Japan's aerospace exploration agency (JAXA) was hit by a cyberattack, a government representative said during the briefing on Wednesday.

The unknown hackers reportedly targeted the agency’s network server but failed to gain access to sensitive information. JAXA is responsible for developing and launching satellites into orbit and is also involved in advanced missions such as asteroid exploration and potential human exploration of the moon.

JAXA did not disclose the exact timing of the incident, but sources within the agency told Japanese media that the system was likely hacked during the summer. They only became aware of the hack when contacted by law enforcement this fall.

According to Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, the hackers gained unauthorized access to JAXA’s central Active Directory server. The directory manages information such as employee IDs and passwords, as well as viewing privileges.

Another local media outlet, Nippon, reported that the hackers allegedly exploited a vulnerability disclosed by a network equipment manufacturer in June of this year, citing sources within the agency. The manufacturer's name wasn't mentioned.

During the investigation, the agency temporarily shut down a part of its network to assess the extent of the incident. An official at the agency said no data leaks have been confirmed so far. JAXA did not respond to the request for comment.

As of now, its website is up and running, and the agency has even published a press release today regarding the rescheduling of the rocket launch due to weather conditions.

This is not the first time JAXA has been hit by a cyberattack. In 2016 and 2017, it was among 200 Japanese companies and research institutes allegedly targeted by Chinese military hackers.

In the JAXA case, a Chinese systems engineer based in Japan allegedly gained access to a rental server by registering under a false identity to launch the cyberattacks, investigators said. The case against the man was dropped in October 2021 without specifying the reason.

The attack on JAXA comes amid a wave of incidents targeting large Japanese companies in recent months.

Earlier in November, Japan’s manufacturing giant Aviation Electronics said that it was hit by a cyberattack. In August, suspected Chinese hackers breached Japan’s cybersecurity agency and potentially accessed sensitive data stored on its networks for nine months.

Other Japanese companies targeted by hackers include Yamaha, Seiko, Casio, pharmaceutical company Eisai, and the largest trading port in Japan.


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11ed7c No.110787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999557 (292343ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk has a message for all the corporate blackballers "GO. FUCK. YOURSELF!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fuck You Money in action.

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11ed7c No.110788

File: efb5f9ebfe8d8ba⋯.png (562.71 KB,1202x1028,601:514,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e2d9ee80955c6a⋯.png (743.15 KB,750x1038,125:173,Clipboard.png)

File: dbcc4b09bfcbf50⋯.png (104.06 KB,305x265,61:53,Clipboard.png)

File: c58425aa6c51882⋯.png (833.8 KB,725x1416,725:1416,Clipboard.png)

File: 398bee731c8dd69⋯.png (640.45 KB,750x991,750:991,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999570 (292345ZNOV23) Notable: PF: GHOST55 plane up.

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Just saw this on TS:


GHOST55 plane up.

Ghost in the Machine?

55 Storm?





Replying to @theplqn

I’ve been watching it all day. 1st pic was earlier and 2nd pic was just now and something just flew over me no call sign. Very loud. Something is up.

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11ed7c No.110789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999624 (292353ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Spoke with Mark Fisher yesterday, a great guy, very honored to have his and BLM’s support

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SAUCE: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/111495182840132870

Spoke with Mark Fisher yesterday, a great guy, very honored to have his and BLM’s support. I have done more for Black people than any other President (Lincoln?), including 10 year funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, where they had none, Opportunity Zones, Criminal Justice Reform, and much more. Thank you to Mark!


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11ed7c No.110790

File: 3a44f3f866a6119⋯.png (461.18 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999660 (300001ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk, Israel agree on use of SpaceX Starlink satellite internet in Gaza

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Elon Musk, Israel agree on use of SpaceX Starlink satellite internet in Gaza

Nov 29, 2023

Elon Musk and the Israeli government have reached an agreement over the use of Starlink satellite services in Gaza.

The SpaceX CEO met with Israel's President Isaac Herzog and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit on Monday (Nov. 27) in which Musk toured the Kfar Azza kibbutz. This is where a horrific massacre was carried out by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 that spurred a bloody, ongoing war involving the deaths of more than 1,000 people in Israel and more than 13,000 people in Palestine. Israel and Hamas are currently in the midst of a cease fire to allow hostages and prisoners on both sides to return home.

After touring the site, Musk commented about the power of propaganda. "It's amazing what humans can do if they're fed lies since they were children. They will think that murdering innocents is a good thing, which shows how much propaganda can affect people's minds," Musk said during his visit, according to the Associated Press.

While much of the meeting concerned comments Musk made on X (formerly Twitter) that many, including the White House, condemned as anti-Semitic, it also helped iron out an agreement that would allow Starlink internet services to be used in Gaza with the approval of the Israeli government. It hasn't been specified whether this means on a case-by-base basis or if blanket approval will be granted under certain circumstances.

On Oct. 28, Musk published a statement on X (formerly Twitter) that Starlink would be available to "internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza." In response, Israeli minister of communications Shlomo Karhi stated on X that Hamas would only use Starlink for "terrorist activities."

"There is no doubt about it, we know it, and Musk knows it," Karhi added.

But following his meeting with Musk on Monday (Nov. 27), Karhi took to X to state that "Starlink satellite units can only be operated in Israel with the approval of the Israeli Ministry of Communications, including the Gaza Strip."

Starlink satellite internet services have been used to aid humanitarian efforts in Ukraine following Russia's invasion of the country, as well as in Tonga following a volcanic eruption that interrupted communication services on Dec. 20, 2021.

The Starlink satellite megaconstellation provides high-speed internet to subscribers around the world. It currently consists of more than 5,000 operational satellites, according to astrophysicist and spacecraft tracker Jonathan McDowell, but the number keeps growing with near-weekly launches of more spacecraft — and SpaceX shows no signs of stopping.

The company already has U.S. government approval to deploy 12,000 Starlink craft into low Earth orbit, and has applied for approval for an additional 30,000 satellites.


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11ed7c No.110791

File: 16a37e1bc06b22a⋯.jpeg (673.75 KB,1313x610,1313:610,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f1c8e2dc2c09674⋯.jpeg (645.13 KB,1338x617,1338:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bd9c84fcf6e7d1e⋯.jpeg (536.01 KB,1312x608,41:19,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c917833e9a3137a⋯.png (1.43 MB,959x626,959:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999719 (300014ZNOV23) Notable: PF: potato in 09-0018 C32A departed Pueblo, CO back to JBA

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>>110694 pb

potato in 09-0018 C32A departed Pueblo, CO back to JBA

09-0015 C32A also east from Pueblo, CO depart

SAM452 G5 EN from Hondo,TX

SAM494 G5 west from JBA

SAM489 G5 east from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM)

FORGE94 G5 left Centennial Airport east back to JBA

Italian AF IAM1432 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) NW from OKC-Tinker AFB

92-9000 747 still at Denver Intl (with all the VIPS that traveled with Potato to Carter memorial yesterday-do just wtf are they doing at DIA still?

When it leaves if it has SAM call sign those fuggers (Hussein/Clintons etc) still on board-if not then VENUS or just 92-9000

IGOR21 DC10 left back to Travis AFB, CA once Potato left Pueblo

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11ed7c No.110792

File: 6e9f5f976d8d421⋯.mp4 (260.42 KB,746x474,373:237,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999727 (300015ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk has a message for all the corporate blackballers "GO. FUCK. YOURSELF!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110793

File: 77a20ecce9f9a4f⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 399044540e5fb6d⋯.mp4 (9.69 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999737 (300018ZNOV23) Notable: Matt Hancock is due testify to the u.k covid enquiry tomorrow.

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matt hancock is due testify to the u.k covid enquiry tomorrow.

should be fun.

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11ed7c No.110794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999774 (300023ZNOV23) Notable: #24550

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24550 >>110759

>>110771, >>110782 #Irish Lives Matter

>>110780 BIDEN: "Congressman Trump"

>>110763, >>110765, >>110768, >>110777 Is Crooked Joe a dual citizen? ...Was Sleepy?

>>110781, >>110783 All Americans deserve dual Israeli citizenship!

>>110776 @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron and Letitia James should be impeached... REMOVE THEM AND DISMISS THIS RIDICULOUS, NO VICTIM, NO JURY, CASE!

>>110778, >>110789 @realDonaldTrump Spoke with Mark Fisher yesterday, a great guy, very honored to have his and BLM’s support

>>110785, >>110787, >>110792 Elon Musk has a message for all the corporate blackballers "GO. FUCK. YOURSELF!"

>>110790 Elon Musk, Israel agree on use of SpaceX Starlink satellite internet in Gaza

>>110760 Russian Man Jailed for 10 days for 'No to War' Snow Message

>>110761 OTD in 1943 at the Soviet Embassy in Tehran British PM Winston Churchill presented Soviet leader Joseph Stalin with the Sword of #Stalingrad.

>>110762 First Lady Jill Biden Unveils the 2023 White House Holiday Ice Rink

>>110764 RE: Osprey Crash

>>110766 NY Prosecutor Scrambles To Salvage Anti-Trump Case, Argues Deutsche Bank Being Happy Is 'Irrelevant'

>>110769, >>110770 Interviews with whistleblower Alexander Laurent. English transcript.

>>110767, >>110772, >>110773, >>110775 Why does AP even have an HQ in Gaza?

>>110774 Bank raised red flags about $5 million loan from Chinese firm to Hunter Biden, memo reveals

>>110779 There's a New QAnon Convoy in Canada. They Want to 'Pick Up' Homeless - vice

>>110784 3 People Dead, 1 Hospitalized In Ohio Auto Shop Explosion

>>110786 Japan's space agency hit by cyberattack

>>110788 PF: GHOST55 plane up.

>>110791 PF: potato in 09-0018 C32A departed Pueblo, CO back to JBA

>>110793 Matt Hancock is due testify to the u.k covid enquiry tomorrow.


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11ed7c No.110795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999808 (300027ZNOV23) Notable: #24551

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>accepting handoffs

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11ed7c No.110796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999841 (300032ZNOV23) Notable: Epic bread is epic

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Q Research Bread #24551 = 2+4+5+5+1 = 17

the same exact Q Research Bread that digits will cross 19999999 to 20000000

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11ed7c No.110797

File: 1d1539dc4c8401d⋯.png (926.78 KB,1463x722,77:38,Clipboard.png)

File: 3100b4144cf5e75⋯.png (948.54 KB,1463x722,77:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19999879 (300041ZNOV23) Notable: NEVADA: Corrupt Judge Blocks Exlection Fraud Investigation - BEADLES VS RODRIGUEZ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000000 (300055ZNOV23) Notable: Epic bread is epic

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110799

File: fd8d3e848d70a96⋯.png (53.35 KB,765x640,153:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000041 (300059ZNOV23) Notable: Epic bread is epic

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Please take not of the time the 20 millionth posts dropped.17:55

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11ed7c No.110800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000105 (300111ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots

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LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots

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11ed7c No.110801

File: b05bcfe84fe4b3c⋯.png (873.51 KB,1206x1025,1206:1025,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000107 (300111ZNOV23) Notable: 'Go F**K YOURSELF'! Elon Musk blasts advertisers fleeing X, trying to 'blackmail me with money'

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Elon Musk blasts advertisers fleeing X in the wake of his anti-Semitic post as he rips Disney boss Bob Iger - who is sitting in the audience - for trying to 'blackmail me with money'

It's just as well that Elon Musk can afford to be cancelled because tonight he told his advertisers: 'Go f* yourself.' Musk appeared at The New York Times ' DealBook summit, and was pressed by host Andrew Ross Sorkin on his November 15 tweet and the resulting fallout. He was asked specifically about Disney CEO Bob Iger, who explained on stage earlier on Wednesday his company's decision to pull advertising from the platform. 'I hope they stop,' said Musk, baffling the host, who replied: 'You don't want them to advertise?' Musk said: 'Don't advertise.' Ross Sorkin asked: 'What do you mean?' Musk said: 'If someone is going to try and blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail me with money? Go f* yourself. 'Go f* yourself, is that clear? Hey Bob, if you're in the audience. That's how I feel, don't advertise.' Disney was not alone: Companies including Apple, Paramount, Airbnb and Uber pulled their advertising from X - a move which X internal documents projected could cost the company $75 million. Musk said the advertising boycott could 'kill the company.' 'What this advertising boycott is going to do is, it is going to kill the company,' he said. 'And the whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company.' The CEO of X, Linda Yaccarino - who was appointed by Musk in June after years working in advertising - sat in the front row, and was listening 'stone faced', The Hollywood Reporter said.


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11ed7c No.110802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000124 (300114ZNOV23) Notable: Quebec's legislature has unanimously adopted a motion in defense of Christmas.

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Wakey wakey

Quebec stands up for Christ.

Quelled surprise

Quebec's legislature has unanimously adopted a motion in defence of Christmas.

Christopher Skeete, the province's anti-racism minister, introduced the motion today condemning the Canadian Human Rights Commission for describing Christmas as an "obvious example" of systemic religious discrimination linked to Canada's history of colonialism.

In an October discussion paper, the commission described statutory holidays related to Christianity as examples of religious discrimination because they are the only statutory holidays linked to religious holy days.

It says that, as a result, those who celebrate other religions may need to request special accommodations.

The motion, a copy of which will be sent to the rights commission and to Parliament, denounces attempts to "polarize" events that unite Quebecers and that have been part of the province's heritage for generations.

All 109 members of the national assembly who were present voted in favour of the motion, which was co-sponsored by Liberal Jennifer Maccarone, Parti Québécois Leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, and two Independents.

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11ed7c No.110803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000149 (300117ZNOV23) Notable: New details concerning the fatal crash of the USAF V-22 Osprey

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New details concerning the fatal crash of the USAF V-22 Osprey

USAF CV-22 Osprey Crash Japan 28 Nov 2023


390K subscribers

27,036 views 3 hours ago


Anon still has a bad feeling about this incident and is thiking this was a covert shoot down by hostile actors to remain unnamed. However given the part of the world that this tragedy took place in (you) can probably guess correctly what anon is thinking yet not stating outright in this post. God bless our soldier(s) who were taken from us. Rest in peace.

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11ed7c No.110804

File: b1a22d574b1c6f8⋯.png (267.84 KB,1237x610,1237:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000156 (300118ZNOV23) Notable: Irish Immigrant Politician Calls for the Execution of Native Irishmen Who Protested

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“I’d Like to See Them Shot in the Head” – Irish Immigrant Politician Calls for the Execution of Irishmen Who Protested the Stabbing of the Three Children by an Algerian National


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11ed7c No.110805

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000183 (300123ZNOV23) Notable: Scott McKay Makes The Case That Obama Is Still Calling The Shots In The White House

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Scott McKay Makes The Case That Obama Is Still Calling The Shots In The White House



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11ed7c No.110806

File: b7d346b120ca596⋯.png (209.06 KB,624x385,624:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000185 (300123ZNOV23) Notable: Irish Immigrant Politician Calls for the Execution of Native Irishmen Who Protested

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11ed7c No.110807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000191 (300125ZNOV23) Notable: Slip of the tongue by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla confirming vaccines are weapons.

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Slip of the tongue by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla confirming vaccines are weapons.

Go to the channel here: 👇


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11ed7c No.110808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000220 (300129ZNOV23) Notable: Newsom vs. DeSantis debate: A battle between 2 Disney governors

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Disney Governors



Orlando Sentinel

Newsom vs. DeSantis debate: A battle between 2 Disney governors

Mark Skoneki, Orlando Sentinel

Tue, November 28, 2023 at 10:43 AM EST·5 min read


TAMPA, Fla. — There are many ways to view this week’s unusual debate between Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gavin Newsom of California: Red State vs. Blue. A presidential candidate vying for attention in the 2024 cycle vs. an ambitious governor possibly setting ground work for the next one.

It’s also a battle of the two Disney governors.

The two men share a constituent in that multi-billion-dollar entertainment company — headquartered in California near its original park, Disneyland, while the larger Disney World is in Orlando. Both have leveraged that relationship, but in opposite ways. And while Walt Disney Co. CEO Robert Iger has said the company plans to “quiet the noise” in the culture wars, the company hasn’t silenced itself completely since its showdown with DeSantis.


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11ed7c No.110809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000246 (300134ZNOV23) Notable: JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon on 2024 election: Help Nikki Haley 'even if you're a very liberal Democrat'

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>for keks


JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon on 2024 election: Help Nikki Haley 'even if you're a very liberal Democrat'

CNBC Television

2.56M subscribers

10 hours ago

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11ed7c No.110810

File: 20e4d3d4264dfb5⋯.jpg (101.72 KB,1282x646,641:323,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 204f9ded846e048⋯.jpg (97.99 KB,1170x605,234:121,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 74e429ba6e34a3c⋯.jpg (117.33 KB,1302x661,1302:661,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7fdeebef91eaf4d⋯.jpg (116.89 KB,1294x677,1294:677,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 833f04af4019127⋯.jpg (85.22 KB,1120x674,560:337,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000284 (300142ZNOV23) Notable: USA Spending and Joseph R. Biden Jr.

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USA Spending and Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Anon has been digging around on USA Spending again. Searched for "All Years" and "Joseph R. Biden" in the recipient box. To Anon's surprise, there were 2 contracts found. These purchase orders appear to document the Department of Homeland Security renting housing from Biden on behalf of the Secret Service. Anon finds it massively ironic that Biden appears to be identified as anonprofit organization. This information can be seen in graph form, on Biden's recipient page.

USA Spending - Joseph R. Biden - Purchase Order (PO) - PIID HSSS0111P0253

April 1, 2011 - Mar 31, 2014


USA Spending - Joseph R. Biden - Purchase Order (PO) - PIID HSSS0114P0073

May 6. 2014 - Sep 30, 2017


USA Spending - Joseph R. Biden - Recipient Page - Latest


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11ed7c No.110811

File: 4e243f437ac2321⋯.gif (373.46 KB,498x498,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000308 (300149ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead at Age 100

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Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100



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11ed7c No.110812

File: 6efbbfa095a5828⋯.png (487.5 KB,498x769,498:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000362 (300158ZNOV23) Notable: OMG goes undercover in Fresno to report on Chinese funded Bio Lab

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11ed7c No.110813

File: 8dc07383b62e36e⋯.png (164.5 KB,2032x1112,254:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000364 (300159ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead at Age 100

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99, 100, ......



Kissinger dead at 100

Jimmy Carter, 99, Makes Rare Appearance at Late Wife Rosalynn ...

1 day ago ... Former President Jimmy Carter, 99, made a rare and poignant public appearance on Tuesday, attending his late wife Rosalynn Carter's memorial ...


Jimmy Carter, 99, expected to attend service for late wife Rosalynn

2 days ago ... Former President Jimmy Carter, who is 99 and in hospice care, is expected to attend a tribute service at a church in Atlanta on Tuesday for ...


Rosalynn Carter honored in service attended by Jimmy Carter

1 day ago ... Former President Jimmy Carter, who turned 99 last month, was in attendance, watching family and friends pay tribute to former first lady ...

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11ed7c No.110814

File: f8b4cb9b319da6f⋯.jpg (128.6 KB,930x500,93:50,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000367 (300159ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead at Age 100

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11ed7c No.110815

File: 5322328ddc4e106⋯.png (261.4 KB,640x632,80:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000368 (300159ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead at Age 100

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one final time for this meme

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11ed7c No.110816

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000433 (300211ZNOV23) Notable: 'Go F**K YOURSELF'! Elon Musk blasts advertisers fleeing X, trying to 'blackmail me with money'

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Elon Musk sends SCORCHING message to woke advertisers: "Go f**k yourself"




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11ed7c No.110817

File: 664f4f3d0162c4a⋯.png (297.47 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000444 (300213ZNOV23) Notable: Like father, like daughter: why Vanessa Kerry is demanding action on climate and health

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Like father, like daughter: why Vanessa Kerry is demanding action on climate and health

The doctor and special envoy for the World Health Organization talks about the need to invest in human wellbeing, what she’s learned from her father, John Kerry, and whether she would ever consider running for president

Vanessa Kerry is on a mission. A critical care doctor, she founded – and runs – Seed Global Health, an organisation that trains medics working in poor countries. But now Kerry, 46, daughter of the US politician and former Secretary of State John Kerry, is broadening her reach to embrace a family concern which is urgent for the whole planet: the need to combat global heating which is spreading disease and hampering medical care.

For Kerry, who was recently named by the World Health Organization as its first director-general special envoy for climate change and health, the two issues are urgently interdependent. Nearly one in four deaths in the world are from preventable environmental causes, according to WHO figures. The climate crisis is expected to lead to 250,000 more deaths every year, from causes such as heat stress to the spread of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue. Kerry has seen for herself what is happening in countries where Seed works.

“Malawi has been absolutely hammered by tropical storms in the last years with increased frequency, increased severity,” she says. “In fact, Cyclone Freddy passed over the country twice. What we’ve found is there has been a worsening effect of vector-borne diseases, the malaria season is worse, and the country just went through the longest and the largest cholera outbreak it’s seen in its history, where tens of thousands of people got sick and thousands died.”

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11ed7c No.110818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000457 (300216ZNOV23) Notable: DOD Enters Agreement to Expand Domestic Graphite Supply Chain

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DOD Enters Agreement to Expand Domestic Graphite Supply Chain

Nov. 29, 2023

The Department of Defense announced today a $3.2 million agreement with South Star Battery Metals Corporation (South Star) to support domestic production of Coated, Spheronized, Purified Graphite (CSPG) at their BamaStar Graphite Project (BGP) in Coosa County, Alabama.

"This is another example of the critical importance of the Defense Production Act investment authorities," said Dr. Laura Taylor-Kale, ASD(IBP). "As one of our first awards to a Canadian company in the battery materials sector, this award exemplifies our combined commitment to strengthening our battery material supply chains and global approach to industrial base resilience."


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11ed7c No.110819

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000472 (300218ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Andy Biggs On Hunter Biden: "He's the scapegoat they're willing to throw him off the bus". Biggs is from AZ

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Rep. Andy Biggs On Hunter Biden: "He's the scapegoat they're willing to throw him off the bus". Biggs is from AZ



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11ed7c No.110820

File: fc193143c759141⋯.png (1.77 MB,1920x1017,640:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000506 (300223ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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Our old friend. USAF Special Ops, FBI, CIA, FEST 757. Flight path today to the west with a turn around back to the east coast is reminiscent of the hijacked airplanes on September 11th, 2001. A few weeks ago PF actually caught them using a Delta Airlines call sign. Very uncool. Review flight history today and did not see them do that today though. When PF posted about the Delta call sign got one response with some sort of lame explanation that it was an honest mistake most likely. Yeah right. PF will tell you one thing for certain. The board really has changed a lot. Because posting that a few years back...the board would have had a full blown shit fit.


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11ed7c No.110821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000517 (300225ZNOV23) Notable: Why Tony Blair Never Went Away

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Note: The digital i.d was his idea and still pushing it world wide helping train the new global leaders program for klaus schwab and use his blair foundation to control all sides of the u.k government !!


Why Tony Blair Never Went Away

73,029 views 17 Nov 2023


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11ed7c No.110822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000539 (300228ZNOV23) Notable: #24551

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#24551 >>110795

>>110796, >>110798 , >>110799 Epic bread is epic

>>110811, >>110813, >>110815, >>110814 Henry Kissinger Dead at Age 100

>>110797 NEVADA: Corrupt Judge Blocks Exlection Fraud Investigation - BEADLES VS RODRIGUEZ

>>110801, >>110816 'Go F**K YOURSELF'! Elon Musk blasts advertisers fleeing X, trying to 'blackmail me with money'

>>110800 LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots

>>110802 Quebec's legislature has unanimously adopted a motion in defense of Christmas.

>>110803 New details concerning the fatal crash of the USAF V-22 Osprey

>>110804, >>110806 Irish Immigrant Politician Calls for the Execution of Native Irishmen Who Protested

>>110805 Scott McKay Makes The Case That Obama Is Still Calling The Shots In The White House

>>110807 Slip of the tongue by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla confirming vaccines are weapons.

>>110808 Newsom vs. DeSantis debate: A battle between 2 Disney governors

>>110809 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon on 2024 election: Help Nikki Haley 'even if you're a very liberal Democrat'

>>110810 USA Spending and Joseph R. Biden Jr.

>>110812 OMG goes undercover in Fresno to report on Chinese funded Bio Lab

>>110817 Like father, like daughter: why Vanessa Kerry is demanding action on climate and health

>>110818 DOD Enters Agreement to Expand Domestic Graphite Supply Chain

>>110819 Rep. Andy Biggs On Hunter Biden: "He's the scapegoat they're willing to throw him off the bus". Biggs is from AZ

>>110821 Why Tony Blair Never Went Away

>>110820 PF


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11ed7c No.110823

File: 6b61ce16ef530ea⋯.png (116.14 KB,255x207,85:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000568 (300231ZNOV23) Notable: #24552

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>accepting handoffs

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11ed7c No.110824

File: 0e3877ec2fac84c⋯.jpg (188.01 KB,1420x1439,1420:1439,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000608 (300239ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead? D5? State Funeral Coming Soon?

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11ed7c No.110825

File: 41a1898a100c834⋯.png (986.53 KB,1191x997,1191:997,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000609 (300240ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead? D5? State Funeral Coming Soon?

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***D5? State Funeral?*

Henry Kissinger dies aged 100:

Colossus of the world stage and former US Secretary of State whose family fled the Nazi regime passes away at home in Connecticut

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has died at the age of 100. Kissinger, the foreign policy behemoth throughout Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford's presidencies, passed away at his home in Connecticut, his consulting firm said. In a statement, Kissinger Associates announced: 'Henry Kissinger, a respected American scholar and statesman, died today at his home in Connecticut.' Despite being over 100 years old, he still attended meetings in the White House, published a book on leadership styles, and testified before a Senate committee about the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. In July 2023 he made a surprise visit to Beijing to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping. In the 1970s, he had a hand in many of the epoch-changing global events of the decade while serving as secretary of state under Republican President Richard Nixon. The German-born Jewish refugee's efforts led to the diplomatic opening of China, landmark U.S.-Soviet arms control talks, expanded ties between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and the Paris Peace Accords with North Vietnam.


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11ed7c No.110826

File: f1eb77e8495df93⋯.jpeg (124.82 KB,960x775,192:155,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000610 (300240ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead? D5? State Funeral Coming Soon?

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BREAKING Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dead at 100!

Yep I know killinger is the name of the bread but this is fucking fabulous news!

PRAISE GOD! One of Satans spawns is dead! May [he] rot & burn in hell just like the evil bastard that he is!


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11ed7c No.110827

File: 8fb3529c94f346b⋯.png (78.55 KB,263x338,263:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000631 (300244ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead? D5? State Funeral Coming Soon?

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11ed7c No.110828

File: 870a7c2ebd1d042⋯.png (543.79 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000648 (300246ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead? D5? State Funeral Coming Soon?

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President Donald Trump meets with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office at the White House on May 10, 2017

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11ed7c No.110829

File: de949ee025c094e⋯.jpg (215.86 KB,1147x1804,1147:1804,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 997cc7999e498a6⋯.jpg (221.74 KB,1169x1842,1169:1842,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 39d51b29504e1e2⋯.jpg (160.86 KB,1169x1344,167:192,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2277389d1c04205⋯.jpg (148.24 KB,1170x1308,195:218,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000821 (300313ZNOV23) Notable: Kissinger Digs

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11ed7c No.110830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000831 (300315ZNOV23) Notable: Kissinger Digs

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What did Kissinger do that was so evil?

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11ed7c No.110831

File: a1ea40815181fa7⋯.png (229.08 KB,544x559,544:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000847 (300317ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI: OMG goes undercover in Fresno to report on Chinese funded Bio Lab

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OMG goes undercover in Fresno to report on Chinese funded Bio Lab

Daniel Sepulveda, US Congressional staffer to Jim Costa admits the illegal Chinese biolab poses a grave risk to public health and national security. Asked if his boss, thinks the lab endangered public safety. “Yes, he does,” Sepulveda stated into a button cameras:

"I saw they had a secret recording the Lab Owner saying he was doing it to benefit the Chinese government"

"I knew months before anybody else did"

"How many other people are creating labs within the United States?" …”There could be more”

Thanks to a volunteer citizen journalist, we were able to confront the staffer and ask some important questions. We wanted to know if there are other labs operating in the same way, and what the implications might be of China operating a bioweapons program on American soil. As you may have guessed, Sepulveda wasn’t interested in going on the record.





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11ed7c No.110832

File: f071b073d330fdc⋯.png (201.2 KB,1196x860,299:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000864 (300321ZNOV23) Notable: Speaker Johnson bows down to kiss Kissingers Johnson in twatter tribute post

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All HAIL ZOG. This fucking clown...


>Henry Kissinger’s contributions to U.S. foreign policy and global diplomacy are immeasurable.

>A refugee of Nazi Germany, WWII veteran, and Nobel recipient—his life was one of a kind. As a confidant to multiple presidents, he was one of the most consequential figures of the 20th century.

>Kissinger was a statesman who devoted his life in service to the United States, and should be remembered for his efforts to ensure global peace and freedom abroad. We send our respect and prayers to the Kissinger family as they lay to rest a giant of a man.

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11ed7c No.110833

File: 9dee1eac728343d⋯.png (44.03 KB,745x785,149:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000901 (300327ZNOV23) Notable: Kissinger Digs

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"His real name isHeinz Kissinger." ~ Kay Griggs


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11ed7c No.110834

File: 3ae0a1e78e01263⋯.gif (986.31 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.gif)

File: 54ca9ffa64264a4⋯.jpeg (270.91 KB,1426x807,1426:807,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8b3ab4b72eb819b⋯.jpeg (355.51 KB,828x1466,414:733,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: eb1a34a88196c28⋯.jpeg (364.37 KB,828x1447,828:1447,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b0180998c3f4dca⋯.jpeg (492.4 KB,828x854,414:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000908 (300328ZNOV23) Notable: mktFag report

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>>110491 pb MktFag: The Santa Claus rally financial PsyOp and this years pros and cons-analysis/commentary

mktFag: Japan office market faces foreign sell-off amid rising rates + GameStop bull trap and Federal Reserve history in election cycles

(These WW asset sales cap 1 are going to be regretted HARD in a few months but understand that they are going on what they see and are being told-most of these asset managers don’t know how the central banking system works going into an election season-see cap 2 and we always get this shit too >>>/qresearch/20000611 as rates are dropped in front of most US elections-I am not an active trader so I have no “book” to talk but GameStop market makers and trapped longs by buying a shit ton of (wut were cheap) call options is trying to drive people to buy the equity on top of converting those OpEx purchases into share so they (Ryan Cohen cough) can sell in to that rise see:GameStop Stock: What's Behind the Unusual Options Trading Activity?


It is a common tactic known as a ‘bull trap’ (habbened in DWAC) see >>>/qresearch/19998127 pb and follow it back to OG post showing it ‘up’ on just thatBeware of this (and a lot are trapped in at much higher prices) look for an exit before YE and the smart ones sold already if they bought Monday

Ryan Cohen, the CEO takes no salary for his co role as Chairman too it’s likely he wants out as equity is only firm of compensation here-he also owns a shit ton of Apple equity and he did THIS same shit with Bed, Bath and Beyond-created a bull trap exactly this way and even admitted it-it’s not technically illegal but should be cause it’s immoral but those who buy into it make own decisions do their fault if they get screwed

begin article

The international investors who had driven Japan's office building market are on track to become net sellers for the first time in four years in 2023, as falling rents and rising interest rates dim its appeal.

In the first nine months of 2023, foreign investors' sales of Japanese real estate more than doubled on the year to 1.05 trillion yen ($7.1 billion) while their purchases fell about 20% to 830 billion yen, according to real estate services company CBRE. If these trends hold,it would mark the first full year of net selling since 2019.. Weak demand for offices is a major factor in the pullback. Average rents in Tokyo's five central wards fell for 39 straight months through October, data from office broker Miki Shoji shows. In October, rents averaged 19,471 yen per 3.3 sq. meters, down 14% from the July 2020 peak. Vacancy rates have stayed above the 5% threshold indicating a glut for nearly three years, standing at 6.1% now. 

Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC began the process of selling its majority stake in the Shiodome City Center skyscraper in Tokyo this summer, but how well that will go remains unclear. Fujitsu said in September it would move its head office out of the building as remote work changes its needs. With little sign of progress toward a sale seen recently, GIC "is being forced to reassess its plans," a real estate industry source said.

The fund has been shedding Tokyo offices in its portfolio amid an increasingly tough investing environment elsewhere. As office building prices tumble in the U.S. and Europe, GIC appears to be selling properties in Japan, where prices are higher, to make up for those losses.


A lot of liquidation going on and smart buyers are taking advantage because both the Japanese and US bond markets are basically being panic bought and yields dropping fast-really all over world-as they need to get the value of those bonds back up before the year ends so yields (coupon rate) dropping. It’s a race into December and the 2023 last day of trading print that closes out the books for those on normal calendar accts practices.

They can go into ‘24 and say “look the 60/40 (60% equity and 40% Bond asset allocation) model still works” and then really drive that home with an FOMC Prime Rate cut as early as late January then start MASSIVE QE (another reason US bond market is dropping yields-its 2 thins)…the panic and uncertainty because they don’t believe any of the bullshit coming from the FED speakers and they know the US will never default as the World’s Reserve Currency-they have a digital printing press so a technical default will NEVER happenand that is what Moral Hazard looks like.




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11ed7c No.110835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001025 (300351ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Dead? D5? State Funeral Coming Soon?

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New York Post:

"Kissinger will be interred at a private family service. A memorial service will also be held in New York City at a later date, according to his consulting firm"


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11ed7c No.110836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001037 (300354ZNOV23) Notable: Kissinger Digs

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Has the disgusting BB article been seen yet?

Henry Kissinger, America’s Greatest Modern Diplomat (1923-2023)


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11ed7c No.110837

File: c22bff8035d190d⋯.png (716.88 KB,900x867,300:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001077 (300402ZNOV23) Notable: An FBI special agent was carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

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ABC News



An FBI special agent was carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

The car was recovered a short time later, sources say. DC Police are investigating the matter.




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11ed7c No.110838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001081 (300402ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Maher wants to make a movie about QAnon!

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At 1:08:15 Bill Talks about how he met with the director of Borat to discuss a "new religilous" movie where instead of religion they tear apart "QAnon and Trumpism."


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11ed7c No.110839

File: c8a8ba45b4240d5⋯.png (520 KB,900x888,75:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001163 (300418ZNOV23) Notable: Bank record from @GOPoversight probe of Hunter Biden, Biden family foreign business deals indicated MONEY LAUNDERING

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Catherine Herridge



Bank record from @GOPoversight probe of Hunter Biden, Biden family foreign business deals. Described as email from money laundering investigator,“payments appear erratic,” “does not appear to have any services rendered,” “no current business purpose,’ + “China target[s] children of politicians..”

Nov 30, 2023 · 12:30 AM UTC



Don´t forget. Everything is a coincidence.

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11ed7c No.110840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001173 (300420ZNOV23) Notable: Kissinger Digs

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Henry Kissinger, who shaped world affairs under two presidents, dies at 100

The diplomat exercised an unparalleled control over U.S. international affairs and policymaking. He was also the target of relentless critics, who deemed him unprincipled and amoral.

By Thomas W. Lippman

November 29, 2023 at 8:45 p.m. EST

Henry A. Kissinger, a scholar, statesman and celebrity diplomat who wielded unparalleled power over U.S. foreign policy throughout the administrations of Presidents Richard M. Nixon and Gerald Ford, and who for decades afterward, as a consultant and writer, proffered opinions that shaped global politics and business,died Nov. 29 at his home in Connecticut. He was 100.

His death was announced in a statement by his consulting firm, which did not give a cause.

As a Jewish immigrant fleeing Nazi Germany, Dr. Kissinger spoke little English when he arrived in the United States as a teenager in 1938. But he harnessed a keen intellect, a mastery of history and his skill as a writer to rise quickly from Harvard undergraduate to Harvard faculty member before establishing himself in Washington.

As the only person ever to be White House national security adviser and secretary of state at the same time, he exercised a control over U.S. foreign policy that has rarely been equaled by anyone who was not president.

He and Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho shared the Nobel Peace Prize for the secret negotiations that produced the 1973 Paris agreement and ended U.S. military participation in the Vietnam War. His famous “shuttle diplomacy” after the 1973 Middle East war helped stabilize relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

As the impresario of Nixon’s historic opening to China and as the theoretician of détente with the Soviet Union, Dr. Kissinger earned much of the credit for seismic policy shifts that redirected the course of world affairs.

With his German accent, incisive wit, owlish looks and zest for socializing in Hollywood and dating movie stars, he was instantly recognized all over the world, in stark contrast to most of his understated predecessors. Shamelessly courting publicity, he was as much a star of the tabloids as he was of the heavy-duty quarterlies that ruminated over his ideas about geostrategy. When he was appointed secretary of state, a Gallup poll found him to be the most admired person in the country.

But he also became the target of relentless critics who deemed him unprincipled and amoral. He refrained from traveling to Oslo to accept the Nobel award for fear of hostile demonstrations — Tho rejected the prize outright — and in later years the animosity he inspired would intensify.

What he viewed as pragmatic, many writers and analysts regarded as unprincipled maneuvering, unguided by respect for human rights or even human life. Dr. Kissinger achieved power, fame and wealth beyond the dreams of most people in public life, yet he spent his final decades defending himself and his place in history, explaining that he did what he had to do...


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11ed7c No.110841

File: 50762d0564dace4⋯.png (386 KB,900x885,60:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001217 (300436ZNOV23) Notable: All AYYY LMAO roads seem to lead to CIA’s Directorate of Science & Technology

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Michael Salla


Nov 29

Tucker Carlson is exposing many details of the UFO coverup and allowing disclosure advocates a platform to reveal all they know. Here Carlson interviews Congressman Tim Burchett who discusses who is behind the effort to shut down the UAP Disclosure Act and why.

Tucker Carlson


Nov 29

Ep. 42 For more than 80 years, the US government has hidden the existence of UFOs. The question is why. The answer is ominous.

Nov 29, 2023 · 2:17 AM UTC


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11ed7c No.110842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001247 (300444ZNOV23) Notable: All AYYY LMAO roads seem to lead to CIA’s Directorate of Science & Technology

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See there’s that UAP shit sorry ain’t buying wut you sellin’

All C_A people and Salla?

Well shit the only solid thing he did was the volcano on big island being caused by the geo-thermal plant at Puna

He still looking/talking about muh secret space arks with his “ secret” US army source and highly comedic if you can stomach it

If I need a laugh I’ll click on it if it pops up but can’t get very far or I hurt from laughing

And then muh

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11ed7c No.110843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001263 (300448ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Maher wants to make a movie about QAnon!

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Bill Maher wants to make a movie about QAnon!

>At 1:08:15 Bill Talks about how he met with the director of Borat to discuss a "new religilous" movie where instead of religion they tear apart "QAnon and Trumpism."



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11ed7c No.110844

File: 404148d456067be⋯.jpg (218.9 KB,1283x1510,1283:1510,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9aac9df80ae737d⋯.png (811.85 KB,907x1063,907:1063,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a042961286d8e2⋯.png (1.12 MB,915x1296,305:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001281 (300452ZNOV23) Notable: All AYYY LMAO roads seem to lead to CIA’s Directorate of Science & Technology

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unsauced anon triggered?

Marker 9?




All roads seem to lead to CIA’s Directorate of Science & Technology

-DS&T (then OSI) was behind the government’s decades-long policy of discrediting all UAP sightings (via the unscientific Robertson Panel)

-DS&T led a secret study of UAP propulsion (and, possibly, antigravity)



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11ed7c No.110845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001325 (300501ZNOV23) Notable: #24552

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was tagging lb dough the whole time, woops


#24552 >>110823

>>110824, >>110825, >>110826, >>110827, >>110828, >>110835 Henry Kissinger Dead? D5? State Funeral Coming Soon?

>>110829, >>110833, >>110830, >>110836, >>110840 Kissinger Digs

>>110832 Speaker Johnson bows down to kiss Kissingers Johnson in twatter tribute post

>>110834 mktFag report

>>110837 An FBI special agent was carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

>>110839 Bank record from @GOPoversight probe of Hunter Biden, Biden family foreign business deals indicated MONEY LAUNDERING

>>110838, >>110843 Bill Maher wants to make a movie about QAnon!

>>110841, >>110842, >>110844 All AYYY LMAO roads seem to lead to CIA’s Directorate of Science & Technology

>>110831 ICYMI: OMG goes undercover in Fresno to report on Chinese funded Bio Lab

>>110807 ICYMI: Slip of the tongue by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

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11ed7c No.110846

File: 4ec8250c9136acf⋯.jpg (21.21 KB,284x289,284:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001340 (300503ZNOV23) Notable: #24553

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>accepting handoffs

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11ed7c No.110847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001382 (300514ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Ackman Says Biden Is Past His ‘Peak’ and Should Drop His 2024 Campaign

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Bill Ackman Says Biden Is Past His ‘Peak’ and Should Drop His 2024 Campaign

Story by Laura Davison • 13h

(Bloomberg) - Billionaire investor Bill Ackman said President Joe Biden risks tarnishing his political reputation by seeking a second term and that he’s intrigued by Representative Dean Phillips’s primary challenge for the Democratic nomination.

“I think Biden’s done a lot of good things. But I think his legacy will not be a good one if he is the nominee,” Ackman said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “I do think the right thing for Biden to do is to step aside, and to say he’s not going to run, and create the opportunity for some competition.”

The Pershing Square Capital Management founder said he recently met with Phillips and was “impressed” by the 54-year-old congressman who represents a swing district in Minnesota. Phillips launched a longshot presidential campaign last month, saying it was time for a new generation of leaders.

“You need to be at your intellectual best. And I don’t think Biden is there,” Ackman, 57, said in an upcoming episode of The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations that will debut Dec. 6 at 9 p.m. New York time on Bloomberg Television. “I don’t say that, you know, with any derision of the president,” he continued. “But I think he’s clearly past his physical and cognitive peak.”

Polls show voters hold serious doubts about Biden’s fitness to serve another four years. Biden, who turned 81 earlier this month, is already the oldest US president in history.

While Ackman has flirted with political candidates from across the political spectrum, Biden will need to make sure that he assuages any concerns over his age shared by more traditional deep-pocketed Democratic donors. Their support and financial backing will be essential in Biden’s bid to return to the White House.

Biden’s allies and people who interact with him say the focus on his age and health is unfair and that the president ishealthy enough to serve. They point to his work schedule as well as exercise routines prescribed by the White House physician. Biden himself has made light of his age at recent events. (WTF “healthy enough”???)

Ackman, who has traditionally donated to Democrats, said he is “much more open to Republican candidates” than reelecting Biden. The hedge fund manager said he is supportive of former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and ex-New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, two Republicans who are vying with former President Donald Trump for the nomination. He also donated to entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, but said his policies fell short of expectations.

“He’s just been a little too far off to the right,” Ackman said.“I’ve been disappointed a bit with his geopolitics.”


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11ed7c No.110848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001404 (300526ZNOV23) Notable: Bid to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6 violence stalls at appeals court

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Bid to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6 violence stalls at appeals court

The long-awaited D.C. Circuit ruling in a trio of civil lawsuits could influence Trump’s criminal cases as well.


11/27/2023 07:23 PM EST

A federal appeals court mulling Donald Trump’s legal liability for Jan. 6 violence is approaching a conspicuous anniversary of inaction.

Nearly a year ago, the court considered three lawsuits brought by Capitol Police officers and members of Congress accusing Trump and his allies of inciting the attack that threatened their lives and the government they were sworn to protect.

But their efforts to hold Trump accountable have languished. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals typically decides cases within four months of oral arguments, but the trio of Trump lawsuits has been sitting on the court’s docket with no ruling since they were argued last December.

“I am surprised how long it’s taking. The delay does seem unusual, but I’m hopeful we’ll get a decision,” said Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), who filed one of the three lawsuits two months after the Jan. 6 attack.

A three-judge panel of the appeals court is mulling a thorny constitutional question that hangs over each of the cases: whether Trump can be sued over his speech to an angry crowd on Jan. 6, 2021, just before the deadly riot at the Capitol. Since the panel considered whether Trump has immunity, Trump has surged to the front of the GOP presidential primary pack and been charged criminally twice for his efforts to subvert the 2020 election.

The D.C. Circuit’s long-awaited ruling — or its likely appeal to the Supreme Court — may either bolster or weaken both of those criminal cases. That’s because Trump is raising similar immunity defenses in his criminal prosecutions. Whatever the higher courts say about the scope of presidential immunity in the civil context will set an important precedent for the trial judges who will soon need to resolve Trump’s efforts to toss out his criminal charges on immunity grounds.

In the meantime, the protracted delay at the D.C. Circuit has created something of a vacuum on the question of how broadly Trump’s immunity sweeps.

“It seems like it’s extraordinarily long, even for the D.C. Circuit,” said University of Richmond law professor Carl Tobias.

Tobias noted that the D.C.-based court tends to take longer than most other federal appeals courts, generally because it handles a significant number of very complicated regulatory cases involving federal agencies. Still, the Trump immunity appeal seems like an outlier, he said.

“It’s certainly on the very long end of that, so you have to wonder,” the law professor added.

Statistics released by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courtsconfirm that the Trump appeal has been awaiting a decision for almost three times as long as the typical D.C. Circuit case.

The hold-up has even been remarked upon in Trump-related cases outside Washington, like a pair of lawsuits in New York related to writer E. Jean Carroll’s claim that Trump raped her in a department store dressing room in the 1990s and Trump’s disparaging comments about Carroll after she went public with her claim.

In those cases, too, Trump has raised immunity defenses. And last month, while arguing before a New York-based federal appeals court, a lawyer for Carroll pointed out that the D.C. Circuit appeal “has been pending for quite some time.”

The full legal odyssey for the Jan. 6-related lawsuits against Trump has now reached nearly three years. Within weeks of the attack on the Capitol, members of Congress, Capitol Police officers and members of the D.C. police department began filing the lawsuits, claiming that Trump and his allies bore responsibility for the violence and should pay monetary damages.

U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta issued his own landmark ruling on the matter on Feb. 18, 2022, concluding that Trump’s speech that day was a rare instance in which a president’s remarks were not immune from lawsuit.

“To deny a President immunity from civil damages is no small step,” wrote Mehta, an appointee of President Barack Obama. “The court well understands the gravity of its decision. But the alleged facts of this case are without precedent, and the court believes that its decision is consistent with the purposes behind such immunity.”

Trump appealed quickly, and the case has been meandering through the appeals court ever since. The three-judge panel, consisting of Obama-appointed Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan, Clinton appointee Judith Rogers and Trump appointee Gregory Katsas, heard oral arguments in the case on Dec. 7, 2022. Four months later, in March 2023, they solicited input from the Justice Department, which staked out a delicate approach to questions of presidential immunity…..


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11ed7c No.110849

File: b729ef0b06054e5⋯.png (586.59 KB,1080x1091,1080:1091,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001413 (300531ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Greene reintroduces articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas

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Rep. Greene reintroduces articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas

November 29, 2023 2:01pm

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., reintroduced articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday.

"While some members, like Tom McClintock, want to bloviate endlessly while imagining themselves wearing a powdered wig, the American people want action. These members whine about 'due process' while protecting Mayorkas from facing accountability for his violation of our border security laws," Greene said in a post on X.

Earlier this month, 8 Republicans had joined Democrats in blocking the previous effort to impeach Mayorkas.

Greene argued that "impeachment is due process," given that it would put Mayorkas before the Senate to face trial.

"We’ve seen the evidence of him breaking the law. It’s time for the Senate to try him for it," she wrote. "Today, I reintroduced my articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas because impeachment is EXACTLY what the founders intended for the House to do when a member of the executive branch intentionally violates the laws written by the legislative branch."


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11ed7c No.110850

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001425 (300536ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Berrel Howell is the one that gave Jack Smith all contacts, messages including followers and their user names

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They are coming for you

Laura Ingraham on the prosecution on Trump, and us!




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11ed7c No.110851

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001447 (300543ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Berrel Howell is the one that gave Jack Smith all contacts, messages including followers and their user names

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DC Judge leans in to open anti-Trump activism

Laura and Mike Davis

Judge Berrel Howell is the one that gave Jack Smith to all contacts, messages including followers and their user names.



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11ed7c No.110852

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001459 (300551ZNOV23) Notable: Kash Patel on the hostage situation

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Kash Patel on the hostage situation



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11ed7c No.110853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001679 (300706ZNOV23) Notable: On 100 year old Kissinger's most recent public appearance

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i have a question:

when and where did Kissinger appear publicly the last time?

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11ed7c No.110854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001714 (300724ZNOV23) Notable: On 100 year old Kissinger's most recent public appearance

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from: https://www.themirror.com/news/politics/frail-henry-kissingers-final-public-214908

Aged 100, Kissinger attended the October 24 event at The Ziegfeld Ballroom in New York City. Sat in a wheelchair with in his formal dinner suit, Kissinger addressed the crowd with a speech on the role of China and he U.S. in achieving global peace.3 hours ago

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11ed7c No.110855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001729 (300728ZNOV23) Notable: On 100 year old Kissinger's most recent public appearance

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Frail Henry Kissinger's final public appearance wearing bandage days before death

A frail-looking Henry Kissinger was seen with a bandaged arm at an awards ceremony just days before his death aged 100.

The former U.S. Secretary of State was pictured on stage alongside former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at the annual black-tie Gala hosted by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. Aged 100, Kissinger attended theOctober 24 event at The Ziegfeld Ballroom in New York City.

Sat in a wheelchair with in his formal dinner suit, Kissinger addressed the crowd with a speech on the role of China and he U.S. in achieving global peace. He even opened his speech with a joke on his management style as a boss, saying: "Working for me is not an easy task, and I was afraid [he] might accuse me of a human rights violation."

He continues to address the crowd, saying: "I have spent literally half of my life working on Chinese-American relations. I like the Chinese people. I am impressed by Chinese culture, but in the positions that I have had I have to look at American interests and I am convinced that the Chinese American relations depend on an understanding that the two countries have a unique ability to bring peace and progress to the world and they also have a unique ability to destroy the world, if they are not together." ...


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11ed7c No.110856

File: fcd0ef618e87870⋯.png (1.57 MB,1358x992,679:496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001733 (300729ZNOV23) Notable: On 100 year old Kissinger's most recent public appearance

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11ed7c No.110857

File: 9c33bc1c68dec1a⋯.jpg (41.82 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001792 (300803ZNOV23) Notable: Money laundering bank investigator raised serious concerns in 2017 about a $5 million Biden loan

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Bank flagged money laundering, influence peddling concerns about Biden family’s $5M China loan

Some of proceeds from 2017 Chinese loan, flagged by a bank investigator for potentially money laundering and political influence, ended up in Joe Biden's account, congressional investigators say.

A money laundering investigator for a bank raised serious concerns in 2017 about a $5 million loan that the Biden family received from the arm of a Chinese energy firm, flagging the transaction as "high risk" and possibly tied to efforts by the communist government to gain influence through Hunter Biden, according to an explosive new memo released by congressional investigators Wednesday.

The unnamed investigator specifically raised concerns that the loan had no paperwork, that a Biden family firm distributed large sums of the money to a Hunter Biden law firm and that the recipient firm inside the Biden family did not appear to have any investments in need of a loan, the memo released by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer stated.

Comer noted Wednesday that the complex $5 million trail of transactions also resulted in a $40,000 check landing in Joe Biden’s account.

The memo shows that the bank investigator identified Hunter Biden as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), which is a widely used term in financial industry money laundering reviews to classify a person who is either "entrusted with a prominent public function" or a family member of one who is, according to The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. 


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11ed7c No.110858

File: 8eb2f576887a6c2⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 7873ef0a96ca621⋯.png (859.97 KB,520x780,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: bc58deefb8537fc⋯.png (477.91 KB,882x932,441:466,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ec71935fec38b3⋯.png (387.4 KB,1016x1272,127:159,Clipboard.png)

File: eafb0cba8e3b7e0⋯.png (315.47 KB,754x412,377:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001900 (300918ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI - Major solar storm to hit Earth in the next few days?

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10 Days of Darkness





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11ed7c No.110859

File: b15f9d58b1bca19⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x2205,80:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001935 (300942ZNOV23) Notable: Ukranian female shrink shot/killed after calling a Major a coward

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ukrainian female military shrink fragged

shot by a major when she called his unit "cowards"

source: the military summary channel

natalia lichman was her name

very cynical, deploying women to cajole the men into battle

with azov hovering in the background to shoot anyone who retreats

this is the only mention i can find online:


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11ed7c No.110860

File: 6066a9385589c05⋯.jpg (110.86 KB,720x929,720:929,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9d11c3076cb5870⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,320x560,4:7,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001954 (300955ZNOV23) Notable: Columbia University: 'Hillary, Hillary, you can't hide! You are supporting genocide!'

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Columbia University protesters interrupt Clinton's class: 'Hillary, Hillary, you can't hide! You are supporting genocide!'

by Heather Hunter

November 29, 2023 09:14 PM

Columbia University students staged another walkout and subsequent sit-in protest during former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "Inside the Situation Room" class on Wednesday.

In footage captured by Ifrah Maskan, the former first lady and her teaching partner Dean Keren Yarhi-Milo, who formerly served in Israeli military intelligence, were seen walking past the student protesters.


The students chanted loudly at her "Hillary, Hillary, you can’t hide! You're supporting genocide!"

The protest was comprised of approximately 30 protesters and condemned Clinton for her stance on the Israel-Hamas war. They were seen holding a sign that said “Columbia Has Blood on Its Hands.”

Earlier in November, 30 students walked out of Clinton's Columbia University class to join nearly 300 other protesters in the school’s International Affairs Building. Students packed their bags and left halfway through Clinton's two-hour lecture.

Clinton was also previously interrupted a month ago when she was moderating an Oct. 23 event at Columbia University, and a student in the crowd repeatedly clashed with her, asking her to denounce President Joe Biden's speech in favor of funding military efforts in Israel during an Oval Office address.

Columbia students were outraged earlier this month when Accuracy in Media's mobile billboard trucks circled the university grounds and listed names of students that the organization believed to be antisemitic. Students have been pressing the university to investigate AIM, and one student has reportedly sued the organization.

The mobile billboards returned on Tuesday for another round of listing student names as they circled the campus.

Columbia students attempted to cover the mobile billboards with duct tape and shared artwork using profane language while depicting AIM's Jewish president, Adam Guillette.

Guillette, a former executive at Project Veritas, has been the target of numerous swatting incidents in the past few weeks to his personal home from activists claiming to police that he was performing violent acts in his home.

The streets will not be safe for them

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11ed7c No.110861

File: c0a36206ff79499⋯.png (623.89 KB,960x600,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001959 (300957ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI - Major solar storm to hit Earth in the next few days?

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MSM is reporting this hits later today, but NOAA is targeting Dec 1st


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11ed7c No.110862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001962 (300959ZNOV23) Notable: Ukranian female shrink shot/killed after calling a Major a coward

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here's the original story, they spelled her name as "natalya lichman"


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11ed7c No.110863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001994 (301017ZNOV23) Notable: Las Vegas police arrest more than 70 in sex trafficking operation

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Las Vegas police arrest more than 70 in sex trafficking operation during Grand Prix week

by: Stephanie Overton

Posted: Nov 28, 2023 / 12:41 PM PST

Updated: Nov 28, 2023 / 07:43 PM PST

215 people were identified as victims, including 5 minors


LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Police arrested more than 70 people and identified more than 200 victims in a sex trafficking operation during the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

In November, Las Vegas police focused on educating hundreds of workers at casinos, hospitals, airlines, hotels, and nightclubs, as well as the members of multiple community groups on how to spot human trafficking victims.

“The reality is human and sex trafficking happens in our city every day,” Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Deputy Chief Nicholas Farese said at a briefing Tuesday.

The LVMPD committed the full resources of the Vice section to “target those who prey on the vulnerable” during a sex trafficking operation that took place during the week of the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

Deputy Chief Farese said that while the effort was focused on the resort corridor, the LVMPD made arrests throughout the valley as part of the operation.

“It’s occurring in our neighborhoods beyond the Strip,” Captain of Gangs, Vice, and Special Investigations Bureau Hector Cintron said.

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11ed7c No.110864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20001995 (301018ZNOV23) Notable: Las Vegas police arrest more than 70 in sex trafficking operation

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During the operation, the LVMPD partnered with R.I.S.E. (The Resources and Integration for Survivor Empowerment program) to set up a vice operations center that ran 24 hours a day for a week.

The operation was run under a victim-centered approach. In this style of approach, victim advocates respond with LVMPD to scenes in order to connect with victims and immediately offer services and resources, according to Captain Cintron.

“Some of these victims may not even view themselves as victims,” Cintron said.

During the operation, Las Vegas police located five juveniles who were believed to be victims of sex trafficking. Deputy Chief Farese said the juveniles were reported as runaways who were then preyed upon by sex traffickers.

In total, police identified 215 victims and, with the help of R.I.S.E and victim advocates, offered them services such as emergency housing and legal protection from their trafficker.

Of those 215 victims, only 21 people accepted the service.

“We don’t look at it as being frustrating. We look at it as a huge win on our end,” R.I.S.E. CEO Kimberly Small said. “We do this on a daily basis. So when we see victims that want to follow up, we see that as a win. Each and every time we see it as a win, no matter how many.”

During the operation, police arrested more than 70 people for various sex-related crimes. Of those arrested, 36 were for sex trafficking, 31 for soliciting sex, and seven for luring a child/soliciting a minor.

Captain Cintron said the seven were arrested as part of a covert op where the suspects believed they were meeting an underaged victim for sex.

Deputy Chief Farese said a local public awareness campaign will soon launch to help increase awareness and teach the community the signs to look for in sex trafficking. More information about the effort will be shared soon.

Here are the things to look out for in sex trafficking victims:

Do they appear to be disconnected from family or friends?

Do they appear fearful or controlled by someone else?

Are they missing school or are dressed up to appear older than they are?

Are they going out by themselves in public late at night?

For parents and guardians, Captain Cintron says to check your child’s phones to see who they are texting and talking to in phone calls, or social media. Have conversations with your kids about the dangers and what to look out for.

“Each of these victims is someone’s daughter, sister, or family member. Together, as a community, we can help them become survivors,” Cintron said.

If you or anyone you know may be a victim of sex trafficking, call or text R.I.S.E. at 702-936-4004.


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11ed7c No.110865

File: 561447ce00099fd⋯.png (443.04 KB,896x760,112:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002063 (301057ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Berrel Howell is the one that gave Jack Smith all contacts, messages including followers and their user names

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Tom Fitton


Breaking News that Jack Smith and Biden DOJ (with the support of leftist DC judges) obtained sweeping subpoena on American citizens: including "lists of Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by (@RealDonaldTrump's @Twitter) account, as well as all tweets that include the username associated with the account (i.e. 'mentions' or 'replies')" lends further urgency to Congress DEFUNDING NOW this rogue operation. Call your members of Congress now to share your views: 202-225-3121.


Nov 29, 2023, 10:43 AMhttps://truthsocial.com/@TomFitton/posts/111494603462335514

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11ed7c No.110866

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002083 (301109ZNOV23) Notable: Live NOW - Matt Hancock testifying to the UK COVID inquiry

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Matt Hancock is testifying in front of the covid inquiry again today.

Watch his body language,

This fucker looks nervous in this one, the looks off into space a lot and his hand movements are really over the top. signs of tony blair training.

coming next post, rewind to start and forward through breaks.


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11ed7c No.110867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002085 (301110ZNOV23) Notable: Live NOW - Matt Hancock testifying to the UK COVID inquiry

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Note: Will write notes later on this and maybe even clip parts of the video out, this man should get the death penalty if there is any justice left in the world along with many others.


UK Covid-19 Inquiry Live Stream


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11ed7c No.110868

File: cc0c26bc5dba2cb⋯.png (741.78 KB,1189x802,1189:802,Clipboard.png)

File: ba90283eefa2649⋯.png (449.08 KB,610x831,610:831,Clipboard.png)

File: 77a20ecce9f9a4f⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002122 (301129ZNOV23) Notable: Live NOW - Matt Hancock testifying to the UK COVID inquiry

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there was a plan the 2011 pandemic flu strategy

this fucker already knew what was habbening and could not wait to get into it and take control, the made him the head of health care tech and was being pushed by Klaus Schwab and selling gates vaccines investments to depopulate.

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11ed7c No.110869

File: 2cd75fd0331554e⋯.png (72.67 KB,609x688,609:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002158 (301143ZNOV23) Notable: Philip Schuyler @FiveRights: I shrugged off Pizzagate for years. No more.

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Philip Schuyler @FiveRights

I shrugged off Pizzagate for years.

No more.

Not when it looks like Seth Rich was murdered for exposing the pedophile ring.

Not when the Washington Post wants it covered up.

12:32 PM · Nov 29, 2023


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11ed7c No.110870

File: 27be4a094043f1a⋯.png (431.39 KB,620x546,310:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002175 (301147ZNOV23) Notable: @BehizyTweets: Sources close to Trump say Dr. Ben Carson is the frontrunner for Vice President

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Interesting if true...



BREAKING: Sources close to Trump say Dr. Ben Carson is the frontrunner for Vice President



10:07 PM · Nov 29, 2023


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11ed7c No.110871

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002180 (301150ZNOV23) Notable: Philip Schuyler @FiveRights: I shrugged off Pizzagate for years. No more.

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Trump's Twitter Search Warrant; Bank Witness DESTROYS Leticia's Case; Rich Records Ordered RELEASED




Trump's defense attorneys released Jack Smith's Search Warrant that ordered Twitter to hand over all data related to people who "liked" or "retweeted" Trump's Twitter posts. The massively over broad Search Warrant was signed by Judge Beryl Howell, who recently left the D.C. Court and now focuses on slamming Trump in the media.

#Trump #Trial #SearchWarrant

Leticia James' civil fraud trial is on the rocks after Trump's defense introduced witnesses from banks to testify about their role in the Trump Organization loans. According to multiple reports, witnesses testified that Trump's loans were not unusual and the banks were not harmed by the terms of the allegedly fraudulent loans.

#Trump #Trial #NewYork

A federal judge ordered the FBI to release an index of files related to the Seth Rich investigation and laptop. Seth Rich, who some have alleged was involved in 2016 DNC email leaks, was found dead in the streets of Washington D.C.

#FBI #FOIA #HillaryClinton

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11ed7c No.110872

File: 4a93c37c71aa81e⋯.png (93.94 KB,592x593,592:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002200 (301155ZNOV23) Notable: @stclairashley: Did New York Times delete the interview of Elon telling the advertisers to go f*ck themselves?!

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Ashley St. Clair


Did New York Times delete the interview of Elon telling the advertisers to go f*ck themselves?! 😂


4:44 PM · Nov 29, 2023




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11ed7c No.110873

File: 084e8b5c1c63a6b⋯.png (22.82 KB,942x377,942:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002205 (301157ZNOV23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy's political director leaving to join Trump campaign

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Vivek Ramaswamy's political director leaving

to join Trump campaign

CBS News, by JACOB ROSEN & Shawna Mizelle

Posted By: FlyRight, 11/30/2023 6:25:07 AM

With the Iowa caucuses less than 50 days away, one of GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's top political advisers is leaving to work for former President Donald Trump's campaign, according to multiple sources familiar with the move. Brian Swensen, who served as Ramaswamy's national political director since the spring and was a key player in the campaign's work in New Hampshire, confirmed to CBS News he is leaving and directed further questions about his future role to the Trump campaign.

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11ed7c No.110874

File: a22fabbb4cb36c0⋯.png (253.88 KB,676x598,26:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002212 (301200ZNOV23) Notable: Schiff: Hundreds of Republican Cowards Enable Trump Attacks on Democracy

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Schiff: Hundreds of Republican Cowards

Enable Trump Attacks on Democracy

Breitbart Clips, by Pam Key

Posted By: Imright, 11/29/2023 11:55:45 PM

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that he believed there were hundreds of “cowards” in the Republicans Party who enable former President Donald Trump to tear down of our institutions. Schiff said, “Donald Trump could not have done any of the damage that he inflicted, the tearing down of our institutions, the causing Americans to distrust our election process, weakening the foundation of our system, and that is voting, but for the willing enablement of so many of her colleagues in Congress. One of the terrible realizations of these years is how many enablers there were and how few people of courage and conviction there were also.

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11ed7c No.110875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002217 (301203ZNOV23) Notable: #24553

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For Incoming Baker @ 580ish


#24553 >>110846

>>110850, >>110851, >>110865 Judge Berrel Howell is the one that gave Jack Smith all contacts, messages including followers and their user names

>>110847 Bill Ackman Says Biden Is Past His ‘Peak’ and Should Drop His 2024 Campaign

>>110848 Bid to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6 violence stalls at appeals court

>>110849 Rep. Greene reintroduces articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas

>>110852 Kash Patel on the hostage situation

>>110853, >>110854, >>110855, >>110856 On 100 year old Kissinger's most recent public appearance

>>110857 Money laundering bank investigator raised serious concerns in 2017 about a $5 million Biden loan

>>110859, >>110862 Ukranian female shrink shot/killed after calling a Major a coward

>>110860 Columbia University: 'Hillary, Hillary, you can't hide! You are supporting genocide!'

>>110861, >>110858 ICYMI Major solar storm to hit Earth in the next few days?

>>110863, >>110864 Las Vegas police arrest more than 70 in sex trafficking operation

>>110866, >>110867, >>110868 Live NOW - Matt Hancock testifying to the UK COVID inquiry

>>110869, >>110871 Philip Schuyler @FiveRights: I shrugged off Pizzagate for years. No more.

>>110870 @BehizyTweets: Sources close to Trump say Dr. Ben Carson is the frontrunner for Vice President

>>110872 @stclairashley: Did New York Times delete the interview of Elon telling the advertisers to go f*ck themselves?!

>>110873 Vivek Ramaswamy's political director leaving to join Trump campaign

>>110874 Schiff: Hundreds of Republican Cowards Enable Trump Attacks on Democracy


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11ed7c No.110876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002239 (301208ZNOV23) Notable: #24554

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Dough: https://fullchan.net/?a2d4b16e73e13725#BGErdSS8NwCXorn1Xt4etonpz6c4wufBtuSi8GYXfQZy


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11ed7c No.110877

File: 8df9aef38e6eb8a⋯.png (170.95 KB,1080x392,135:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002273 (301223ZNOV23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: GREAT POLLS!!!

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Good morning, Sir. o7


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11ed7c No.110878

File: df7e5bbc1403f03⋯.png (44.57 KB,643x361,643:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002285 (301232ZNOV23) Notable: Anthony Fauci to Testify in House on Covid-19 Pandemic’s Origins, U.S. Response

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Anthony Fauci to Testify in House on Covid-19 Pandemic’s Origins, U.S. Response

After months of negotiations, former chief White House medical adviser Anthony Fauci has agreed to testify in Congress on the U.S. response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the virus’s origins in China.

The testimony by Fauci, who led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 until last year, will be his first before the Republican-controlled House.


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11ed7c No.110879

File: 2ee817b0f3984ac⋯.png (159.49 KB,635x447,635:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002341 (301253ZNOV23) Notable: Russia's Supreme Court designates the "international LGBT movement" as an extremist organizationand banned its activities within the country.

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@disclosetv 22m

JUST IN -Russia's Supreme Court designates the "international LGBT movement" as an extremist organizationand banned its activities within the country.



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11ed7c No.110880

File: 62e675b7c03dbd2⋯.png (332.7 KB,768x520,96:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002351 (301256ZNOV23) Notable: 'Devastating loss': Hollywood figure killed inside home in random attack, LAPD says - Michael Latt, a marketing consultant and social justice advocate

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'Devastating loss': Hollywood figure killed inside home in random attack, LAPD says

Story by Jeremy Childs, Richard Winton •


Michael Latt, a marketing consultant and social justice advocate with strong ties to Hollywood, died Monday after a woman entered his home and fired a bullet that struck him in the head, law enforcement sources told The Times.

Authorities believe the shooting was a random act of violence.

Police were contacted around 6 p.m. about a shooting at Latt's residence in the 900 block of Alandele Avenue. Officers arrived to find him with a gunshot wound to his head. He was transported to a hospital, where he died of his injuries.

A preliminary investigation found Latt was shot by a woman who had entered his home without his permission. The suspect, identified by police as Jameelah Elena Michl, 36, was arrested on suspicion of murder at the scene. Taken into custody by responding officers, she is being held in lieu of $3-million bail.

Michl was described by law enforcement as a person living in her vehicle, which was parked nearby and removed as evidence by police. Latt did not know his assailant, and initial information indicated she was not given access to the home, law enforcement sources told The Times.

Latt was the chief executive of Lead With Love, an entertainment marketing consulting firm he founded in 2019 with an emphasis on elevating Black creatives and other underrepresented voices in Hollywood. He was the son of film producer David Latt and Michelle Satter, the founding senior director at the Sundance Institute. His brother, Franklin Latt, is an agent at CAA.

Satter shared the news Wednesday of Latt's death on X: "Our beloved son Michael Latt fell victim to a tragic act of violence this week," she wrote. "Michael devoted his career to supporting artists, championing organizations that raised up artists of color, & leveraged storytelling for enduring change. We celebrate his legacy, love & compassion."

As news spread Wednesday of Latt's death, hundreds of colleagues, friends and collaborators offered their condolences.

"Devastating loss — Michael was a shining beacon of selfless kindness and consistency," actor Jesse Williams wrote on Latt's final Instagram post.

The Sundance Institute, where Latt worked before and during his time at Lead With Love, issued a statement on behalf of the Latt family mourning his death.

"He dedicated his career to serving others, employing storytelling, art, and various mediums to create enduring change and galvanizing communities with hope, love, and inspiration," the statement read. "Michael will never be forgotten and his legacy and work will carry on through his family, his friends, and his colleagues."

After graduating from Chapman University in 2013 with a degree in public relations and advertising, Latt worked in entertainment marketing for several years. His work for Blackout for Human Rights, a social justice collective, led him to redirect the focus of his work to social justice activism.

"The moment I realized that I could use my skill set for social good, I decided to dedicate the rest of my career to helping others, empowering storytellers of color, and fighting injustice wherever it stands,” he told Forbes.

As the head of Lead With Love, Latt oversaw marketing campaigns featuring celebrities such as the musician Common and director Ryan Coogler. In 2020, the organization led a get-out-the-vote campaign in the lead-up to the November election. More recently, the organization led a campaign titled "Honoring Black Women" to promote the 2022 film "Till," which told the story of Emmett Till, the Black 14-year-old who was lynched in 1955, and his mother, Mamie.

"He was the definitive ally — used every tool he had to elevate the voices and work of Black creatives," writer Akilah Hughes, a friend of Latt's, wrote on X.

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.

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11ed7c No.110881

File: 3c7cf34c3ffd4c0⋯.png (272.99 KB,1080x995,216:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002385 (301303ZNOV23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Highly overrated Globalist Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMORGAN, is quietly pushing another non-MAGA person, Nikki Haley...

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11ed7c No.110882

File: 158107ec17c5873⋯.png (114.99 KB,424x1433,424:1433,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d69386a34247b2⋯.png (119.02 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: e2df60bde1b58e1⋯.png (20.01 KB,617x156,617:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002387 (301303ZNOV23) Notable: Henry Kissinger reportedly dead at age 100

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>Oldfags may or may not remember an anonfrom Late December 2020



>anon posts:

>Kissinger is dead

>Next Week

>700 Club


>Seem to be missing anon's 2nd post from 01-01-2021

>But have one

Why wait so long though?

So that he's100?

For kicks, did a Kissinger and Satan search.


Check that NYMag Headling

obituaries Nov. 29, 2023

The Devil at the Dinner Party Henry Kissinger’s long final act—after Harvard and D.C. and Cambodia—was spent at New York’s more rarefied tables.

By Choire Sicha, an editor at New York who also writes about the life of the city

and the trends

Henry Kissinger and satan are trending together today...

X · serbiaireland

4 hours ago

Henry Kissinger and satan are trending together today...


Anonymous 11/05/2017 18:41:11 ID: L8quGPI9

4chan/pol: 148143562

Who is the Queen of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to Queen?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?



Secret society.





Why are migrants important?


What are assets?

Define assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?



Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White

Godfather III



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11ed7c No.110883

File: fa124bc416f0597⋯.png (191.26 KB,1020x1120,51:56,Clipboard.png)

File: f8ea20a8ac0863b⋯.png (2.86 MB,2212x1654,1106:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002642 (301354ZNOV23) Notable: good dig on twitter concerning where the immigrant kiddos are going…

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good dig on twitter concerning where the immigrant kiddos are going...

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11ed7c No.110884

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002675 (301402ZNOV23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/30/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/30/2023



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11ed7c No.110885

File: 8e0143fdb16d846⋯.jpeg (624.01 KB,1234x4222,617:2111,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002690 (301405ZNOV23) Notable: The FDA Pulls Key Medications as New China Virus Emerges

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CRIMINAL: The FDA Pulls Key Medications as New China Virus Emerges


Toilet paper… water… food… medications. People hoarded these items in 2020 as the world locked down in fear of COVID-19.

Next, the FDA demonized and blocked life-saving medications like Ivermectin.

An election year is here, and it’s happening again.

After decades on the market, the FDA declared that the active ingredient in popular cold medicines like Dayquil, Mucinex, Sudafed, and Theraflu is ineffective. CVS and other pharmacies are pulling the products from store shelves.

It’s starting to feel like the perfect storm:

Remove reliable OTC medications and supplements from the shelves

Use wars and pandemics to enact severe shortages in prescription pharmaceuticals

Force lockdowns to push mail-in ballot voting, and as a bonus…

… fill Big Pharma’s wallet by mandating an experimental vaccine.

Don’t rely on Joe Biden’s healthcare system to have your back.

Whether the crisis comes in the form of a pandemic or something more mundane like a tick bite, you and your family need to be prepared. That’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

The Wellness Company and its great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media fighting against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of corrupt Big Pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic:

“I’ve strongly recommended ‘stockpiling’ critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family, and patients have benefited. Now, in the winter of 2023, this recommendation is even more crucial.”

The Wellness Company and their doctors are medical professionals that you can trust and their new Medical Emergency Kits are the gold standard when it comes to keeping you safe and healthy.

The Medical Emergency Kit is the ultimate safeguard for your health.

Be ready for the next crisis. This medical emergency kit contains an assortment of life-saving medications – including Ivermectin, Amoxicillin, and Z-Pak. The Medical Emergency Kit includes a guidebook to aid in the safe use of these life-saving medications.

From anthrax to tick bites to COVID and whatever that new disease is in China, the Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kit is exactly what you need to have on hand to be prepared.

This kit is prescription-only – you can’t find it in any store or pharmacy. Simply fill out a short questionnaire after purchase, and a trusted Wellness Company doctor will confirm your suitability and issue your prescription Medical Emergency Kit.

The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit includes:

Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (generic Augmentin) 875/125 mg – 28 tablets

Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets

Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg – 60 capsules

Metronidazole (generic Flagyl) 500 mg – 30 tablets

Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (generic Bactrim) 800/160 mg – 28 tablets

Ivermectin 18mg – 7 compounded capsules

Fluconazole (generic Diflucan) 150 mg – 2 tablets

Ondansetron (generic Zofran) 4mg – 6 tablets

1 Emergency Medication Guidebook written by the Chief Medical Board for safe use.

What people are saying about the Medical Emergency Kit:

Excellent Kit! This medical emergency kit is great. Having it “just in case” gives me peace of mind. Highly recommend. Thank you! – Melinda C.

Glad that I purchased your Medical Emergency Kit! Though I haven’t yet needed to use any of the medications that are in our kit, I am happy that I ordered it! One never knows when “an emergency might occur”, and I feel safer having your M.E.Kit at my disposal IF needed! We’re so glad we ordered ours! Thank you for making it available! – Susan M.

Peace of mind. It is an amazing peace of mind to have this kit in case of emergencies and shortages. The Wellness Company did an excellent job of getting this to me in a timely manner and I and thankful to have it. – Phyllis T.

Hope I will never need it! Thank you for caring! Nice to have doctors who look out for us. Times are unpredictable nowadays, feels good to have something in the medicine cabinet in case of an emergency. – Cat S.

Great medical emergency kit. Kit came as advertised! Neat and orderly. The guide is great. Only plan on using it in an emergency during a difficult time. Confident it is what I was counting on. – Fred D.

Don’t be caught unprepared. Don’t be reliant on the broken and corrupt medical-industrial complex. Don’t regret not acting today.

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11ed7c No.110886

File: f0f889f93dea407⋯.png (805.78 KB,941x1280,941:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002691 (301405ZNOV23) Notable: Users on X report mass cancellation of Disney subscriptions after Elon Musk's interview"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - Users on X report mass cancellation of Disney subscriptions after Elon Musk's interview"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110887

File: e7ad3ad1234d1ac⋯.jpeg (513.77 KB,1234x3043,1234:3043,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6c835f1b72c36fe⋯.jpg (235.32 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002703 (301408ZNOV23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Highly overrated Globalist Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMORGAN, is quietly pushing another non-MAGA person, Nikki Haley...

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JPMorgan Chase to Shut Down Nearly 160 Bank Branches Across the U.S.


(Natural News)—JPMorgan Chase, America’s largest bank, will have shut down 159 branches across the country by the end of 2023.

For Chase Bank’s customers, these closures represent serious inconveniences, if not outright terrible disruptions to their lives. Services previously offered by human bank tellers and other banking professionals who used to staff these now-shuttered branches have now been replaced by automated customer service helplines. (Related: Largest banks in America have collectively cut 20K JOBS so far this year.)

Many Americans are taking some of their money out of banks and “woke” retirement accounts and moving to physical precious metals. Contact Ira and he’ll show you how easy it is to move cash, investments, or retirement into PHYSICAL precious metals without the gimmicks or runaround.

Twenty states have or will be impacted by the Chase Bank branch closures. Some, like Wisconsin and Wyoming, will only have one branch closed in each state. Others have more than a dozen branches being shut down by the end of the year.

California is the hardest hit of all, with the state recording a total of 46 branches that will have closed by the end of the year.

Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada and Utah will see two branches shut down in each state by the end of the year. They are followed by Connecticut and Michigan with three branches each; Arizona and Florida with five branches each; and Colorado, Indiana, New Jersey, Ohio and Washington with six branches each.

Along with California, three other states will see double-digit number of Chase Bank branches shut down by the end of the year: Texas, New York and Illinois, with 13, 17 and 24 branches, respectively.

Our Gold Guy Biden Economy

Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citi Bank also shutting down hundreds of branches

The latest data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation notes that approximately 8,000 bank branches were in operation in the U.S. in 2000. By 2022, this figure had been halved. Other Big Banks in America are also reporting dozens of bank closures, including the Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citibank.

According to data provided by the Bank of America to the Office of the Comptroller of Currency, the bank will be shutting down 138 locations. To date, at least 95 of those branches have already been closed. Fifteen more will shutter by the end of the year, and the remainder will stay open up to 2024.

Wells Fargo has closed 61 branches so far – a number expected to increase to 65 before December. A spokesperson for the company claims many of its customers are already taking advantage of “our wide range of digital capabilities for many of their banking needs.” As a result, fewer and fewer transactions are being carried out in person in branches.

“We continually evaluate our branch network in light of changing customer needs, increased usage of digital banking and market factors,” added the spokesperson.

Protect your retirement with PHYSICAL BULLION. Gold and silver in a self-directed IRA or in your safe at home is quickly becoming the most popular way to defend Americans’ life’s savings. Contact Ira Bershatsky for real answers to your questions.

Citigroup, the parent company of Citibank, claimed that its shuttering of branches not just in the U.S. but globally is part of a shift in the company’s strategy to focus on wealth management. The shuttering of Citibank branches is aimed at focusing on more affluent clients and generating higher returns through feel while simplifying operations and reducing complexity and capital requirements.

Citigroup’s wealth division handled $746 billion of wealth globally in 2022, significantly lower than Bank of America’s own wealth management division, Merrill Lynch, which had an asset size of more than $2.8 trillion in the same year.

Collapse.news has more stories about bank closures. Watch this special report from Next News Network reporting on the downgraded credit ratings of major U.S. banks.


Don't' need cash, bank cards, banks, branches, or employees with CBDC

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11ed7c No.110888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002828 (301435ZNOV23) Notable: Habbenings for 11/30/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

December 13, 2023

7:00 PM EST

Commit to Caucus Event with President Donald J. Trump in Coralville, IA

Doors Open: 3:00 PM (US/Central)


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11ed7c No.110889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002867 (301440ZNOV23) Notable: Habbenings for 11/30/2023

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November 30, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

House Judiciary Committee



Mr. Matt Taibbi

Twitter Files journalist and author


Mr. Michael Shellenberger

Twitter Files journalist, author, and environmentalist


Ms. Rupa Subramanya

Canada-based journalist, The Free Press


Ms. Olivia Troye

Former Homeland Security & Counterterrorism Advisor, Office of Vice President Pence





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11ed7c No.110890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20002879 (301441ZNOV23) Notable: Habbenings for 11/30/2023

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November 30, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Unmasking Challenges CDC Faces in Rebuilding Public Trust Amid Respiratory Illness Season

House Energy and Commerce Committee



The Honorable Mandy Cohen, M.D., Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention






CDC Director Testifies on COVID-19 Response

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen testifies on the federal response to the C0VID-19 pandemic before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.


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11ed7c No.110891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003020 (301504ZNOV23) Notable: (Live) Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

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Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003172 (301534ZNOV23) Notable: #24554

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final bun for #24554

backup baker in the bullpen?

hold em til the top

#24554 >>110876

>>110877 DJT TS w/CAP: GREAT POLLS!!!

>>110878 Anthony Fauci to Testify in House on Covid-19 Pandemic’s Origins, U.S. Response

>>110879 Russia's Supreme Court designates the "international LGBT movement" as an extremist organizationand banned its activities within the country.

>>110880 'Devastating loss': Hollywood figure killed inside home in random attack, LAPD says - Michael Latt, a marketing consultant and social justice advocate

>>110881, >>110887 DJT TS w/CAP: Highly overrated Globalist Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMORGAN, is quietly pushing another non-MAGA person, Nikki Haley...

>>110882 Henry Kissinger reportedly dead at age 100

>>110883 good dig on twitter concerning where the immigrant kiddos are going…

>>110884 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/30/2023

>>110885 The FDA Pulls Key Medications as New China Virus Emerges

>>110886 Users on X report mass cancellation of Disney subscriptions after Elon Musk's interview"

>>110888, >>110889, >>110890 Habbenings for 11/30/2023

>>110891 (Live) Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

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11ed7c No.110893

File: 6d4455768d270ad⋯.png (156.43 KB,495x495,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 94e1c3ff955b5ba⋯.png (59.26 KB,388x397,388:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003188 (301537ZNOV23) Notable: #24555

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

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11ed7c No.110894

File: b1a02f950006045⋯.png (3.17 MB,1290x1248,215:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003202 (301539ZNOV23) Notable: Meme of the Bread

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11ed7c No.110895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003220 (301542ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110896

File: 32b83c5b2c3134c⋯.png (130.09 KB,808x678,404:339,Clipboard.png)

File: 4263f7ae68d1745⋯.png (144.54 KB,811x693,811:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003233 (301544ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT Truths CAP

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TYB, boss was busy during your bake.

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11ed7c No.110897

File: 5e6e3800aade587⋯.png (103.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003238 (301544ZNOV23) Notable: Meme of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003245 (301545ZNOV23) Notable: BUN "Who is Birx taking orders from?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


arrest her first. what a hack!

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11ed7c No.110899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003246 (301546ZNOV23) Notable: BUN "Who is Birx taking orders from?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


How much was she paid?

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11ed7c No.110900

File: 5c2a1ba2b101453⋯.jpeg (36.17 KB,546x787,546:787,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003266 (301549ZNOV23) Notable: BUN "Who is Birx taking orders from?

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>arrest her first. what a hack!


>How much was she paid?


>this broad looks familiar

oh look. a pic of her in muh archives from 2022

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11ed7c No.110901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003274 (301550ZNOV23) Notable: Troye [former Homeland Security]: Instead of continuing to spread conspiracy theories about government censorship

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Troye [former Homeland Security]: Instead of continuing to spread conspiracy theories about government censorship, this committee should instead focus on the very real, and very dangerous threat posed by the leading republican candidate, openly threatening to use every lever of presidential power against his political opponents if he returns to the White House. Former President Trump has promised, "retribution" against those who have wronged and betrayed him and his political movement, He has pledged to "rout out the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confined of our country". Trump has called the press the enemy of the people, and has vowed to, "come down hard on MSNBC and make them pay for it's critical coverage of him". He has promised to, "arrest his political opponents".

[former corrupt official PANIC]

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11ed7c No.110902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003276 (301550ZNOV23) Notable: BUN "Who is Birx taking orders from?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


im listening

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11ed7c No.110903

File: 362a8cd5c0f9414⋯.png (798.15 KB,1138x1732,569:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003281 (301551ZNOV23) Notable: Poll: Trump Continues to Lead Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Poll: Trump Continues to Lead Biden

The former president maintains his lead over Biden in the new Messenger/Harris poll

ormer President Donald Trump continues to lead President Joe Biden in the latest Messenger/Harris poll conducted by HarrisX.

The poll, conducted online November 22-28 among 4,003 registered voters, found Trump led Biden, 46%-42%. Thirteen percent were undecided. The margin of error was plus or minus 1.6 percentage points.

Biden and Trump’s support mostly breaks down along partisan lines. Independents, however, tilt towards Trump, 40%-34%, while 25% were undecided.

In a four-way race with independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Cornel West on the ballot, Trump earned 41%, Biden 33%, Kennedy 13%, and West 2%.

Biden’s approval ratings remain low. Thirty-eight percent of registered voters approved of his job performance while 57% disapproved.

While most data points to a Biden vs. Trump rematch, America isn’t so keen on the idea. Most voters don’t want Biden (67%) or Trump (55%) to seek another four-year term. Forty percent of Democrats say they don’t want Biden to seek another term while 22% of Republicans say they don’t want Trump to run again either.

In the national Republican primary, Trump extended his dominant lead over his primary rivals. Trump led the field with 68% support, followed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at 9% and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley at 7% Venture capitalist Vivek Ramaswamy was at 4%. All other candidates were at 1% or less.


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11ed7c No.110904

File: ab61ba0b0573983⋯.png (153.32 KB,926x414,463:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003287 (301552ZNOV23) Notable: BUN "Who is Birx taking orders from?

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no wonder she'spanic

Looks like there was a dig in July of2022

"Who wasBirxtaking orders from?

CompiledOlivia Troyedig from PB


>oh look. a pic of her in muh archives from 2022



>arrest her first. what a hack!


>How much was she paid?


>im listening

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11ed7c No.110905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003308 (301557ZNOV23) Notable: Connolly: This month, we learned that Donald Trump's shadow administration at Project 2025

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Connolly: This month, we learned that Donald Trump's shadow administration at Project 2025, is planning executive orders that would invoke the Insurrection Act, and allow him to send military out to patrol American streets....would you dismiss Trump's plans to deploy the military against American citizens as bluster?

Tyore: Absolutely not. Having worked in the Trump administration, when President Trump at the time repeatedly raised the Insurrection Act as a potential to be used on protesters, even safe protesters, repeatedly...that is something that should be taken very, very seriously.

[it is coming, and these state criminals are petrified]

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11ed7c No.110906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003323 (301600ZNOV23) Notable: Remarks: Donald Trump Testimony to Congress - November 21, 1991

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Remarks: Donald Trump Testimony to Congress - November 21, 1991

Donald Trump testifies before the House Task Force on Urgent Fiscal Issues on November 21, 1991. Uploaded to YouTube for archival purposes by Factba.se (https://factba.se)


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11ed7c No.110907

File: 4a6c91641fd7329⋯.jpg (699.59 KB,1894x2539,1894:2539,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003420 (301616ZNOV23) Notable: Rep MASSIE to TROYE re censorship of one of Massie's tweets of an Israeli scientific study: MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘Twitter Files’ authors testify before House Judiciary Committee: Watch live

by TheHill.com - 11/30/23 10:16 AM ET

The House Judiciary Committee is slated to hold a hearing titled the “Weaponization of the Federal Government” on Thursday morning.

The hearing will focus on the Twitter Files report, and the “federal government’s involvement in social media censorship,” according to the committee.

Witnesses set to testify include

Matt Taibbi, journalist;

Michael Shellenberger, journalist;

Rupa Subramanya, journalist for The Free Press;

Olivia Troye, former adviser to former Vice President Pence.

The hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. EST.


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11ed7c No.110908

File: 6197b110e2070fa⋯.jpeg (419.43 KB,1224x617,1224:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 78418d603ead33e⋯.jpeg (451.69 KB,906x478,453:239,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fc8113f0e7103c3⋯.jpeg (562.63 KB,1360x611,1360:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ce05598469b0fb9⋯.gif (2.1 MB,500x446,250:223,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003429 (301617ZNOV23) Notable: PlaneFag: Persian Gulf and Europe activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

planeFag: Persian Gulf and Europe activity

Blinken in UAE-Dubai (Muh climate conference-COP28) after Tel Aviv stop, VP’s Plane at Sochi, Macron to Dubai then Doha,Qatar on Saturday-moar bullshit in N. Macedonia (OSCE Mtg in Skopje)==

SAM056 C32ABlinkenon ground at Dubai from Tel Aviv depart

Brazil AF BRS2901 A330 departing C_A controlled for decades Doha, Qatar

French AF CTMOO1 A330 and CTM014 Falcon 7x as the escort to Dubai

Emmanuel Macron to head to Qatar after COP28 in Dubai (where he going nao)


Slovak AK LSV101 Falcon 2000PM Robert Ficoto Dubai

Colombian AF FAC001 737President Pierreto Dubai from a fuel stop at Lisbon

AE67C0 US Navy P8 Poseidon leaving western Black Sea back to Sigonella AB, Sicily


Cap 3 on right side VP landed at Sochi

Russian AF RSD681 Special Flight Detachment Ilyushin 76VP’s AC(almost 100% certain it’s him as this AC is one of 6 and now at Sochi so you figure that out) on ground at Sochi from Moscow depart-landed about 90m ago

Hungarian AF HUAF699 Falcon 7x back at BudapestFM Peter Szijjartoand arrived yesterday from Brussels

Hungary will be voting “No” on muh Ukraine joining NATO

Hungary: Ukraine will not join NATO in 2024


German AF GAF924 A321 also left Skopje (same and Hungarian FM Szijjarito) after OSCE meeting back to Berlin this is batshit crayFM BAERbock(notice to subtlety of Baer opposed to Bauer) who is angling to be PM cuz muh wimmins are better using Merkel as example

They all in Skopje for dis:

30th OSCE Ministerial Council


And they walk out when Lavrov spoke-truth hurts

Russia's Lavrov accuses West of killing the OSCE


Swiss AF SUI541 Challenger 600 WN from Bern and heading across Atlantic

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11ed7c No.110909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003440 (301619ZNOV23) Notable: Troye: I think you would see [in the second term of President Trump] many experts across US government and intelligence community purged.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Troye: I think you would see [in the second term of President Trump] many experts across US government and intelligence community purged. There is currently a plan, Project 2025, that talks about exactly that. I think you would see a lot of expertise replaced by loyalists, and as a result of that, you would see a lot of damage to programs across the US government.

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11ed7c No.110910

File: 33306ae7d8c3bef⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003468 (301625ZNOV23) Notable: ELON TOPKEK GFY MP4

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ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter


Good morning.

Yesterday, we had the richest man in the world tell the CEO of Disney, who anons know is a corrupt cabal player, to go f*ck himself on live television and then the establishment media tried to delete the video off the internet before public opinion could sway towards him.

There's something to be said about how they wield finances over the people even attempting to do any good whatsoever. When blackmail doesn't work, just as it doesn't on Trump, then they resort to other more extreme means.

Elon sure is making a lot of enemies in his alleged defense of the first amendment. He better acquaint himself with the second amendment quickly.

The mainstream media is furious at him. Disney, that corrupt company that had cruise lines moving near Epstein Island, is in a meltdown.

Even if you don't trust Elon, which is fine, you can't help but eat just a little popcorn cause he's been putting on a show. 🍿

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11ed7c No.110911

File: ca17ec9f79c40fe⋯.mp4 (7.53 MB,296x180,74:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003488 (301630ZNOV23) Notable: Rep MASSIE to TROYE re censorship of one of Massie's tweets of an Israeli scientific study: MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Rep MASSIE to TROYE re censorship of one of Massie's tweets of an Israeli scientific study:

Stanford Virality Project is gov't funded, they flagged it as misinformation (this from Shellenberger).

Massie: Is there any reason this should have been flagged

Troye: Depends on whether you're spreading inaccurate information...

Massie: If references a published study from Israel, the tweet just restates the title of the study...are you gonna sit here and maintain it's a conspiracy theory that this occurred?...

Troye: Well, then, it was flagged for a reason.

Massie: What's the reason?

Is there ever a good reason to censor a member of Congress?...

I bring this up to show that, number 1, YOUR TESTIMONY IS FALSE, but number 2, If they can do this to a member of Congress' official account, they can do it to ANYBODY.

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11ed7c No.110912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003506 (301634ZNOV23) Notable: Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24

Nov 30, 2023

Two bonafide American legends and notorious truth-tellers join forces in what is sure to be an illuminating episode. Tucker drops bombs about Julian Assange’s arrest and attempted murder by Trump appointee Mike Pompeo, the CIA’s complicity in the assassination of JFK, and how the manifesto of the Unabomber was prophetic.

Strap in for this one. Even YouTube won’t be able to throttle the views on this one!


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11ed7c No.110913

File: b6844175439c449⋯.png (282.48 KB,343x391,343:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 1aea4d7c6e84b80⋯.png (24.95 KB,95x91,95:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003526 (301639ZNOV23) Notable: Charms and Ruby Ring Club Confirmed Qmapped #DarkMagik

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110914

File: 9c7e07de9baa341⋯.png (388.93 KB,495x531,55:59,Clipboard.png)

File: a5dcbaf9ad70949⋯.png (34.71 KB,136x207,136:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003540 (301640ZNOV23) Notable: Charms and Ruby Ring Club Confirmed Qmapped #DarkMagik

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110915

File: 7038c209001e7d4⋯.png (170.79 KB,408x952,3:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 02babfecf905f60⋯.png (173.88 KB,403x873,403:873,Clipboard.png)

File: 01dee359aa90da8⋯.png (378.85 KB,415x1864,415:1864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003569 (301644ZNOV23) Notable: Charms and Ruby Ring Club Confirmed Qmapped #DarkMagik

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Aug 15, 2018 7:57:33 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7fb039 No. 2617872

Aug 15, 2018 7:53:25 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7fb039 No. 2617755

Aug 15, 2018 7:52:48 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: a73a15 No. 2617744






What do you notice?



Compare & contrast.


Location of painting confirmed.

Travel to Rome.

Charms are very important.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003593 (301649ZNOV23) Notable: Bishop [quoting Shellenberger's report]: The authors advocated for police, military and intelligence involvement in censorship across Five Eyes nations, and even suggested that Interpol should be involved.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bishop [quoting Shellenberger's report]: The authors advocated for police, military and intelligence involvement in censorship across Five Eyes nations, and even suggested that Interpol should be involved.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110917

File: 5d6ed40de795536⋯.png (430.4 KB,598x615,598:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003599 (301649ZNOV23) Notable: @JackPosobiec God will judge America for our sins

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


God will judge America for our sins


Square profile picture

New York Post




Army vet, 94, kicked out of NYC nursing home to make room for migrants https://trib.al/I5ALggH


5:45 AM · Nov 30, 2023




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11ed7c No.110918

File: 5eefed2accb32c7⋯.png (38.86 KB,764x299,764:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003635 (301655ZNOV23) Notable: BUN "Who is Birx taking orders from?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>"Who wasBirxtaking orders from?

>CompiledOlivia Troyedig from PB

Fmr Pence Adviser Olivia Troye Claims She Was Told to ‘Spy’ on Birx: They Felt ‘She Was Not to Be Trusted’

Josh FeldmanJan 25th, 2021, 10:39 pm

Olivia Troye, who was an advisor to Mike Pence on the Trump White House coronavirus task force, claimed on MSNBC Monday night she was told to “spy” on Dr. Deborah Birx.

Chris Hayes asked Troye about Birx’s recent interview saying she “always” thought about resigning and that Donald Trump was being fed “parallel data” by others that did not comport with the facts of the pandemic.

There’s been criticism of Birx — with CNN’s Brianna Keilar saying the interview was part of a “reputation rehab tour” — but Troye defended her and said, “I certainly saw the things she faced internally. She faced very challenging situations.”

“I shared an office with her for a while, and I’m the person that actually was brought into a room some point at some point when she first started and she was coming into a no-win situation and even more so than I think she even realized,” Troye said, “because I was told that I was to watch her. That she was not to be trusted because she was a Matt Pottinger hire.”

Troye said at the time she was stunned at being asked “to spy on this woman that I’m sharing an office with who is on our team when we know this pandemic is about to be out of control.”

Regarding what Birx said about parallel data being fed to Trump, Troye said Birx confronted her to find out who created those graphs.

You can watch above, via MSNBC.

Have a tip we should know? tips@mediaite.com

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11ed7c No.110919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003636 (301655ZNOV23) Notable: Garamendi: Indeed, we do have reasons to be concerned about this future,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Garamendi: Indeed, we do have reasons to be concerned about this future, should this man [President Trump] become president...he has repeatedly and egregiously used his position of power to spread conspiracy theories, fan the flames of discord with inflammatory rhetoric and make threats of political prosecution.

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11ed7c No.110920

File: 5b4cb4bea5fa927⋯.png (627.61 KB,796x738,398:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003646 (301656ZNOV23) Notable: A Waukesha judge ruled Wisconsin voters cannot cancel an absentee ballot that they have already mailed back

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Judge Makes Massive Absentee Ballot Ruling

In Wisconsin

Daily Caller, by Brianna Lyman

Posted By: Beardo, 11/30/2023 11:32:43 AM

A Waukesha judge ruled Wednesday that Wisconsin voters cannot cancel an absentee ballot that they have already mailed back just so they can cast a new ballot. (snip) The suit was launched in September of 2022 by Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections on behalf of voter Nancy Koranic who claimed that the Wisconsin Elections Commission illegally told clerks in August of 2022 that so-called “ballot spoiling” was legal. (snip) Wisconsin has seen several lawsuits relating to absentee ballots since the 2020 election, with a judge ruling in September of 2022 that guidance allowing election clerks to fill in missing information on absentee ballot witness certificates was illegal.

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11ed7c No.110921

File: 8262ac3e0898be0⋯.jpeg (522.09 KB,828x728,207:182,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 63af6e12a788765⋯.jpeg (357.66 KB,828x1306,414:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003667 (301659ZNOV23) Notable: Oilfag Checks in, MUH OIL!!!

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Why Oil Is Tumbling (massive demand destruction stoopid) Despite Another OPEC+ Production Cut: Wall Street Reacts

Initial leaks from the OPEC+ meeting suggested that the voluntary nature of additional output cuts is likely contributing to the negative market sentiment.

The producers are going to have to come up with some hard numbers to convince the market that the cuts are real, but as the communique below shows, there appears to be none.

The full OPEC+ communique has just been released: The 36th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting (ONOMM), was held via videoconference, on Thursday November 30, 2023.

The Meeting welcomed HE Alexandre Silveira de Oliveira, Minister of Mines and Energy of the Federative Republic of Brazil, which will join the OPEC+ Charter of Cooperation starting January 2024.

The meeting reaffirmed the continued commitment of the Participating Countries in the Declaration of Cooperation (DoC) to ensure a stable and balanced oil market.

In view of current oil market fundamentals, the Meeting:

1. Reaffirmed the Framework of the Declaration of Cooperation, signed on 10 December 2016 and further endorsed in subsequent meetings including the 35th OPEC and Non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting on 4 June 2023; as well as the Charter of Cooperation, signed on 2 July 2019.

2.  Noted that, in accordance with the decision of the 35th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting, the completion of the assessment by the three independent sources (IHS, Wood Mackenzie and Rystad Energy) for production level that can be achieved in 2024 by Angola, Congo and Nigeria as follows: Angola at 1,110 t/bd, Congo at 277 t/bd and Nigeria at 1,500 t/bd.

3. The 37th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting will be held on 1 June 2024 in Vienna.

The reaction is clear - oil prices are falling rapidly as the market had been led to expect 1 million barrels a day of extra cuts, but there’s no mention of them at all in the communique... There will be no press conference after today's virtual meeting. WTI crude futures swung between gains and losses to trade around $78 a barrel on Thursday after OPEC+ reached a preliminary agreement to implement an additional daily oil-supply cut of 1 million barrels. The agreement is still pending a vote at the meeting and the specific allocation of cuts among members and the impact of Russia's 300,000 barrel-a-day export reduction remain unclear



wholesale gasoline down almost 4%-bottom of cap 2

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11ed7c No.110922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003672 (301700ZNOV23) Notable: Troye just admitted she colluded with social media to censor Americans?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Troye just admitted she colluded with social media to censor Americans.

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11ed7c No.110923

File: ca105e7f248ea6a⋯.png (48.28 KB,1034x609,1034:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003677 (301701ZNOV23) Notable: Arizona officials who refused to canvass election results indicted

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Arizona officials who refused to canvass election results indicted by grand jury


Updated 12:01 PM GMT-11, November 29, 2023

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11ed7c No.110924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003714 (301705ZNOV23) Notable: Goldman: The only evidence that we have here in front of us today about the weaponization of the federal government, is from Ms. Troye,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Goldman: The only evidence that we have here in front of us today about the weaponization of the federal government, is from Ms. Troye, who has outlined in detail, and I'm sure she has more detail, how Donald Trump weaponized the federal government against his enemies, and for his own political interests, and how he intends to do it again.

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11ed7c No.110925

File: f6f67ed6edff561⋯.png (534.91 KB,1221x1067,111:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003769 (301714ZNOV23) Notable: Chairman Jordan Subpoenas Former Biden White House Officials for Roles in Government Censorship Efforts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chairman Jordan Subpoenas Former Biden White House Officials for Roles in Government Censorship Efforts

November 29, 2023

Press Release


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) subpoenaed Andrew Slavitt, President Biden's former White House Senior Advisor for the Covid response, and Robert Flaherty, former Director of Digital Strategy for the Biden White House, to appear for a deposition as part of the investigation by the Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government into how and to what extent the Executive Branch has coerced and colluded with companies and other intermediaries to censor speech.


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11ed7c No.110926

File: f0a372a08ea58f5⋯.jpeg (463.85 KB,1212x617,1212:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b525f50b30953a8⋯.jpeg (570.99 KB,1336x611,1336:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0865937dac8d417⋯.jpeg (488.08 KB,828x771,276:257,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003825 (301723ZNOV23) Notable: PlaneFag: Persian Gulf and Europe activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


PF: Persian Gulf update-JASDF JF001/2 777s heading to Dubai for muh climate meeting (COP28)-and here comes the French (2ACs) Colombian President and Brazilians heading east from Doha depart

Spanish AF AME4503 Falcon 900 also to Dubai-cap 2

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11ed7c No.110927

File: 2e265a95ea7175f⋯.png (428.96 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

File: bb263fafe2828da⋯.png (62.45 KB,262x262,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003835 (301725ZNOV23) Notable: Car slams into Capitol barrier ahead of Santos expulsion debate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post



Car slams into Capitol barrier ahead of Santos expulsion debate


Nov 30, 2023 · 1:32 PM UTC


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11ed7c No.110928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003866 (301730ZNOV23) Notable: Here is a list of companies pulling their ads from X in an attempt to blackmail Elon Musk #BoyCott

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here is a list of companies pulling their ads from X in an attempt to blackmail Elon Musk

- Apple

- Disney

- Washington Post

- Paramount


- Marvel


- Sony Pictures


- The Colbert Show

- Comcast

- Lionsgate

- Warner Bros. Discovery

Please let the world know these CORPORATIONS HATE FREE SPEECH and your family's future prosperity and well being.

BOYCOTT the bastards.

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11ed7c No.110929

File: 666e49ebf9ae310⋯.png (275.67 KB,458x501,458:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003896 (301736ZNOV23) Notable: TUNE IN NOW: Bipartisan UAP Transparency Press Conference

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna


TUNE IN NOW: Bipartisan UAP Transparency Press Conference


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003898 (301736ZNOV23) Notable: 1:00 PM EST Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

November 30, 2023

1:00 PM EST

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room





White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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11ed7c No.110931

File: c951510a29ab18d⋯.png (242.75 KB,474x475,474:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003932 (301744ZNOV23) Notable: GOD BLESS PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP PLUS #WWG1WGA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003950 (301748ZNOV23) Notable: #24555

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24555 >>110893


>>110895 LIVE: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>110904, >>110918 BUN "Who is Birx taking orders from?

>>110905 Connolly: This month, we learned that Donald Trump's shadow administration at Project 2025

>>110909 Troye: I think you would see [in the second term of President Trump] many experts across US government and intelligence community purged.

>>110913, >>110914, >>110915 Charms and Ruby Ring Club Confirmed Qmapped #DarkMagik

>>110916 Bishop [quoting Shellenberger's report]: The authors advocated for police, military and intelligence involvement in censorship across Five Eyes nations, and even suggested that Interpol should be involved.

>>110919 Garamendi: Indeed, we do have reasons to be concerned about this future,

>>110911, >>110907 Rep MASSIE to TROYE re censorship of one of Massie's tweets of an Israeli scientific study: MP4

>>110922 Troye just admitted she colluded with social media to censor Americans?

>>110924 Goldman: The only evidence that we have here in front of us today about the weaponization of the federal government, is from Ms. Troye,

>>110901 Troye [former Homeland Security]: Instead of continuing to spread conspiracy theories about government censorship

>>110925 Chairman Jordan Subpoenas Former Biden White House Officials for Roles in Government Censorship Efforts


>>110894 Meme of the Bread

>>110896 PDJT Truths CAP

>>110897 Meme of the Thread

>>110903 Poll: Trump Continues to Lead Biden

>>110906 Remarks: Donald Trump Testimony to Congress - November 21, 1991

>>110908, >>110926 PlaneFag: Persian Gulf and Europe activity


>>110917 @JackPosobiec God will judge America for our sins

>>110920 A Waukesha judge ruled Wisconsin voters cannot cancel an absentee ballot that they have already mailed back

>>110921 Oilfag Checks in, MUH OIL!!!

>>110923 Arizona officials who refused to canvass election results indicted

>>110927 Car slams into Capitol barrier ahead of Santos expulsion debate

>>110912 Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24

>>110928 Here is a list of companies pulling their ads from X in an attempt to blackmail Elon Musk #BoyCott

>>110929 TUNE IN NOW: Bipartisan UAP Transparency Press Conference

>>110930 1:00 PM EST Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre



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11ed7c No.110933

File: f6f67ed6edff561⋯.png (534.91 KB,1221x1067,111:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003969 (301750ZNOV23) Notable: #24556

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24556 https://fullchan.net/?03aef9eb8a983326#8S9i3VGRZQhTTogJkCorioZyHtBKqnVgghnzXVdPo7x4

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004004 (301755ZNOV23) Notable: Bipartisan UAP Transparency Press Conference

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna @RepLuna

TUNE IN NOW: Bipartisan UAP Transparency Press Conference


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11ed7c No.110935

File: caae9c8ad2fdc28⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1170x1294,585:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004030 (301800ZNOV23) Notable: Someone urinated on Rush Limbaugh’s grave and this guy is celebrating it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Someone urinated on Rush Limbaugh’s grave and this guy is celebrating it.


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11ed7c No.110936

File: 97f5f3d6a7b4b00⋯.png (1.26 MB,1020x582,170:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004079 (301816ZNOV23) Notable: Russia's Supreme Court in effect outlaws LGBTQ+ activism #ForTheGreaterGood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/20003854, >> 20003907 lb

In landmark ruling, Russia's Supreme Court in effect outlaws LGBTQ+ activism

Russia’s Supreme Court on Thursday in effect outlawed LGBTQ+ activism, in the most drastic step against advocates of gay, lesbian and transgender rights in the increasingly conservative country.

In a statement announcing a lawsuit filed with the court earlier this month, the Justice Ministry argued that authorities had identified “signs and manifestations of an extremist nature” by an LGBTQ+ “movement” operating in Russia, including “incitement of social and religious discord,” although it offered no details or evidence. In its ruling, the court declared the “movement” to be extremist and banned it in Russia.


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11ed7c No.110937

File: 9010b9f5755ff34⋯.jpg (30.84 KB,303x477,101:159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004098 (301823ZNOV23) Notable: AZ vax Adverse Reaction CAP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



THIS is the photo of my hand that still send’s shivers up my spine. I am still on meds to control it but still have flair ups. Two biopsy’s confirmed it was the AZ vax that did this to me. Fk you AZ. I have so many other side effects too. THESE JABS ARE POISON 🤬💉❌

1:53 PM · Nov 29, 2023



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11ed7c No.110938

File: 5fc61db37af3d57⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,453x444,151:148,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4114ce70ea6be88⋯.mp4 (950.57 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004113 (301826ZNOV23) Notable: King Charles at WEF: "The green recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Online Shogun


King Charles at WEF: "The green recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live. We need a shift in our model that places the world’s transition to Net Zero at the heart of how we operate.” What do you wanna tell this parasite?#MAGA

5:44 PM · Nov 28, 2023



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11ed7c No.110939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004120 (301828ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk on Power, Influence and the “Wild Storm” in His Mind FULL Interview - YT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elon's full "Go F*ck Yourself" Interview from yesterday

Elon Musk on Power, Influence and the “Wild Storm” in His Mind

The tech billionaire Elon Musk has come to define innovation, but he can also be a lightning rod for controversy; he recently endorsed antisemitic remarks on X, formerly known as Twitter, which prompted companies to pull their advertising. In his interview, Musk discusses his emotional state and why he has “no problem being hated.” This interview was with Andrew Ross Sorkin of The New York Times at the annual DealBook Summit and recorded live in front of an audience at Jazz at Lincoln Center.

New York Times Events

Nov 30, 2023 1:33:36


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11ed7c No.110940

File: cbc8773257dd210⋯.png (53.91 KB,907x243,907:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004123 (301828ZNOV23) Notable: “Over 200” FBI Agents Embedded Within Crowd on J6?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Clay Higgins Drops a Bomb on Newsmax: “Over 200” FBI Agents Embedded Within Crowd on J6 – FBI Agents Behind Talk of Violence in Chat Groups!

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) joined Chris Salcedo on Newsmax recently to discuss the government operation on January 6, 2021.

Rep. Higgins told Salcedo that “at least 200” FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters were in the crowd on January 6, 2021.

It was a government operation.

This is exactly what J6 political prisoner Jeffrey McKellop told The Gateway Pundit from his prison cell back in March 2023.

Jeffrey is a decorated former 3rd Special Forces Group soldier and US government contractor. Jeffrey McKellop is being held as a political prisoner after he served his country for 22 years. After his arrest in March 2021, Jeffrey delved into video footage and documented evidence from the January 6 protests. Jeffrey was able to identify numerous government informants and agitators in the massive Trump crowd that day. After putting together his evidence, he sent it to numerous contacts. That was when the FBI came into his prison cell and took his research. They then attempted to silence him and banned him from phone and mail privileges. We recently heard that Jeffrey was moved to a mental hospital. They really want him silenced.

Jeffrey McKellop, who is trained in crowd control and worked overseas for much of his career described Jan. 6 as a government operation. Jeffrey told TGP in March, “I know for a fact that there were undercover agents, man. I saw them. I spotted it. And when you find one, then you know what to look for, and then you find them. All undercover agents, they all wear the same thing. They all move the same way. They all get together the same way. Why do I know this? Because I used to do the same thing.”

On Wednesday, Rep. Clay Higgins expanded on his earlier accusations.

Rep. Clay Higgins: The FBI was not only involved in the actions on January 6 from within, they had, I suspect, over 200 agents embedded within the crowd, including agents or as they would call, human assets inside the Capitol dressed as Trump supporters before the doors were opened. Beyond that, the FBI had embedded themselves and infiltrated online chat groups and websites, and social media accounts across the country with any group that was discussing objections to COVID oppression. And the FBI effectively infiltrated those groups.


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11ed7c No.110941

File: 9b44116e70cac79⋯.jpeg (496.56 KB,1184x621,1184:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: ccac6e27ee3707a⋯.png (54.63 KB,362x294,181:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004127 (301828ZNOV23) Notable: PF: 92-9000 747 departed Denver Intl (this had Big Mike and Clintons on it yesterday as Potato went back to WH from Pueblo,CO yesterday

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PF: 92-9000 747 departed Denver Intl (this had Big Mike and Clintons on it yesterday as Potato went back to WH from Pueblo,CO yesterday on No call sign 09-0018

They spent night in Denver so just wtf did they all do?

09-0016 C32A also departed DIA ES

SAM552 G5 SW from JBA depart

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11ed7c No.110942

File: 5c2a1ba2b101453⋯.jpeg (36.17 KB,546x787,546:787,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0c8cb42083fee61⋯.png (1011.31 KB,1428x1068,119:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004137 (301830ZNOV23) Notable: BUN Olvia Troye Boyle Dig #Zaid

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Olvia Troye Boyle Dig

>looks like fetal alcohol syndrome

>>110897 Olive Troye. PANIC

>>>/qresearch/20003254, >>110900 this broad looks familiar

>>110904 Looks like there was a dig in July of 2022: "Who was Birx taking orders from? Compiled Olivia Troyedig from PB

>>110918 Fmr Pence Adviser Olivia Troye Claims She Was Told to ‘Spy’ on Birx:

>>>/qresearch/20003680 Troye on the List of former Trump administration officials who endorsed Joe Biden.

>>>/qresearch/20003961 Worked for Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. based on what looks like an old Council on Foreiegn Relations Contact List

>>>/qresearch/20004001 Olivia Troye Past Employment

>>>/qresearch/20003380, >>>/qresearch/20003403, >>>/qresearch/20003394, >>>/qresearch/20003414, >>>/qresearch/20003387 Pics from the July 2022 dig

>>>/qresearch/20003435 Uncle Tony is her idol

>>110907 Twitter Files’ authors testify before House Judiciary Committee: Watch live

>>110911 Rep MASSIE to TROYE re censorship of one of Massie's tweets of an Israeli scientific study: Stanford Virality Project is gov't funded, they flagged it as misinformation (this from Shellenberger)

>>110901 [former corrupt official PANIC]

>>>/qresearch/20003319 Troye essentially claiming ignorance; not aware that government-funded agencies were flagging and trying to censor

>>110909 She Scared of Trump term 2

>>>/qresearch/20003482, >>>/qresearch/20003490 Troye claiming she was doxxed when a lawsuit was filed against her by a member of President Trump's cabinet

>>>/qresearch/20003491, >>>/qresearch/20003556 Seems like it's indelible in her hippocampus.

>>>/qresearch/20003462 Horry Cheet! What are the odds, Anons? Aunt was at El Paso false flag

>>>/qresearch/20003329, >>>/qresearch/20003680 Wiki bio. self described "John Mccain Republican"

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11ed7c No.110943

File: 343d93c82665a88⋯.png (141.48 KB,904x558,452:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 38f5e4ee27fc506⋯.png (44.08 KB,881x195,881:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fec40115cb3f6a⋯.png (94.27 KB,904x440,113:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004138 (301830ZNOV23) Notable: Michael Shellenberger Reveals US and UK Military’s Leading Role in Censoring American Speech

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Weaponization Committee: Michael Shellenberger Reveals US and UK Military’s Leading Role in Censoring American Speech and Targeting Trump Supporters

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Federal Government is holding a hearing to examine federal government-sanctioned internet suppression and attacks on journalists and media outlets.

The hearing will feature testimony from Matt Taibbi, Twitter Files journalist and author; Michael Shellenberger, Twitter Files journalist, author, and environmentalist; Rupa Subramanya, Canada-based journalist for The Free Press; and Olivia Troye, former Homeland Security Advisor and Counterterrorism Advisor, Office of Vice President Pence.

For years The Gateway Pundit has been one of the main targets of the government’s censorship complex. Today, The Gateway Pundit is the lead plaintiff in the Missouri-Louisiana v. Biden free speech case that will be decided by the US Supreme Court early next year. This is the biggest First Amendment case in modern US history. The Biden regime is arguing that the US government has a right to control media content in America today.

Earlier this week Michael Shellenberger revealed that a whistleblower recently stepped forward with documented evidence on the origins of the Censorship Industrial Complex following the election of President Donald Trump in 2016 and the passage of Brexit in the UK.

On Thursday, Michael Shellenberger described to the Weaponization Committee how the US and UK military played a leading role in the establishment of the Government Censorship Complex.

Michael Shellenberger: Nine months ago, I testified and provided evidence to the Subcommittee about the existence of a censorship industrial complex, a network of government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, government contractors, and big tech media platforms that conspired to censor ordinary Americans and elected officials alike for holding disfavored views. I regret to inform the Subcommittee today that the SCO power and lawbreaking of the censorship industrial complex are even worse than we had realized back in March. 2 days ago, my colleagues and I published the first batch of internal files from the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, which show US. And UK military contractors working in 2019 and 2020 to both censor and turn sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics developed abroad against the American people. Many insist that all that we identified in the Twitter files, the Facebook files, and the CTI files were legal activities by social media platforms to take down content that violated the terms of service.

Facebook, X, formerly Twitter, and other big tech companies are privately owned, people point out, and free to censor content, and government officials are free to point out wrong information, they argue. But the First Amendment prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech. The Supreme Court has ruled that the government may not induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish, and there’s now a large body of evidence proving that the government did precisely that. What’s more, the whistleblower who delivered the CTIL files to us says that its leader, a quote unquote former British intelligence analyst, was quote unquote in the room at the Obama White House in 2017 when she received the instructions to create a counter disinformation project to, quote, stop a repeat of 2016. The US.


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11ed7c No.110944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004156 (301835ZNOV23) Notable: Hearing GOVT Weaponzation Oversight Committee - YT

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YouTube Files: Biden White House Dictated Censorship Demands Under "Misinformation" Canard

Internal documents from Google, which owns YouTube, reveal that the Biden White House pressured the company to censor Americans spreading alleged "misinformation" related to COVID-19 and vaccinations, according to House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) - who's holding a live hearing on social media censorship today.


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11ed7c No.110945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004184 (301842ZNOV23) Notable: Appeals court reinstates gag order on Trump in New York civil case

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Appeals court reinstates gag order on Trump in New York civil case

Nov 30, 2023

An appellate court in New York on Thursday reinstated the gag order on former President Donald Trump, preventing him from make public statements about the ongoing civil fraud trial.

Originally, Judge Arthur Engoron issued the order, which didn't allow Trump to make public statements about court staff after Trump made multiple comments about a clerk, according to CNN.

While the appeals court paused the gag order, it was ruled that it needed to be restored.

“Now, upon reading and filing the papers with respect to the motion, and due deliberation having been had thereon, It is ordered that the motion is denied; the interim relief granted by order of a Justice of this Court, dated November 16, 2023, is hereby vacated,” the latest appellate ruling reads, CNN reports.

“I intend to enforce the gag orders rigorously and vigorously. I want to make sure that counsel informs their clients of the fact that the stay was vacated,” the judge said.

Trump's attorney responded to the decision, calling it a "tragic day for the rule of law."

(This is Bullshit, the SC needs to correct these rogue Circuit Courts!)


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11ed7c No.110946

File: a80ecdb61fe733f⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,1096x610,548:305,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004215 (301849ZNOV23) Notable: Democrat Dan Goldman doesn't like being called a conspiracy theorist MP4

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Democrat Dan Goldman doesn't like being called a conspiracy theorist but arguing that Rudy Giuliani "manipulated the hard drive" on Hunter Biden's laptop makes him one. Kekekekek!

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11ed7c No.110947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004222 (301851ZNOV23) Notable: 2:00 PM EST Hearing on Compliance with Committee Oversight

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November 30, 2023

2:00 PM EST

Hearing on Compliance with Committee Oversight

House Judiciary Committee



Christopher Dunham, Acting Assistant Director, Office of Congressional Affairs, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice


The Honorable Naz Durakoglu, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of State


Jeanne Bumpus, Director, Office of Congressional Relations, Federal Trade Commission





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11ed7c No.110948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004224 (301852ZNOV23) Notable: 2:15 PM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken Holds a Press Availability

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November 30, 2023

2:15 PM EST

Secretary Antony J. Blinken Holds a Press Availability

Tel Aviv, Israel





Secretary Blinken News Conference in Israel

Secretary of State Blinken holds a news conference in Israel following meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.


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11ed7c No.110949

File: ce403b845bfb4dc⋯.png (168.03 KB,584x722,292:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 57d9974081545ac⋯.png (163.23 KB,463x756,463:756,Clipboard.png)

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File: 313e24c33e7e824⋯.png (80.08 KB,646x754,323:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 087145146a41369⋯.png (83.6 KB,609x736,609:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004271 (301901ZNOV23) Notable: BUN Olvia Troye Boyle Dig #Zaid

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>Olvia Troye Boyle Dig

>>looks like fetal alcohol syndrome

Cant copy pasta so all pics of this bio

Bet you she's an anchor baby

"She Belongs to amigrant familyfrom El Paso"

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11ed7c No.110950

File: 70bad1d38cecd54⋯.png (60.98 KB,565x660,113:132,Clipboard.png)

File: d7667c2721969b1⋯.png (199.48 KB,625x734,625:734,Clipboard.png)

File: e280125883e31fa⋯.png (181.95 KB,692x756,173:189,Clipboard.png)

File: 98bc4e26f1f6e8f⋯.png (259.09 KB,681x741,227:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fa4030b3451baa⋯.png (208.33 KB,644x708,161:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004279 (301902ZNOV23) Notable: BUN Olvia Troye Boyle Dig #Zaid

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>Bet you she's an anchor baby

>"She Belongs to amigrant familyfrom El Paso"

or anillegal

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11ed7c No.110951

File: 9af80b41ee9edb7⋯.png (370.44 KB,540x700,27:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004298 (301906ZNOV23) Notable: POTUS Truth Storm from (lb): #COMMSCHQ

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POTUS Truth Storm from (lb):


















































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11ed7c No.110952

File: 33dc690793d6c7e⋯.png (809.72 KB,990x557,990:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 61603c5c6f43095⋯.png (505.81 KB,637x488,637:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004328 (301913ZNOV23) Notable: Swalwell, "They're just feeding the Beast".

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"They're just feeding the Beast".


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11ed7c No.110953

File: b656041b9b78f0b⋯.png (282.92 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d89e3ece45d6d6⋯.png (254.42 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: ec314a8f3d508e9⋯.png (247.31 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 676f9a5001f72b2⋯.png (244.05 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c1a5be12c26622⋯.png (257.17 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004329 (301913ZNOV23) Notable: BUN Olvia Troye Boyle Dig #Zaid

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Bitch was sued by Ric Grennell and it looks like Kash

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11ed7c No.110954

File: c60dc5c9a297b45⋯.png (101.02 KB,669x637,669:637,Clipboard.png)

File: bf32acdb111d4fe⋯.png (317 KB,555x651,185:217,Clipboard.png)

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File: 1a33d3e1d2e633a⋯.png (87.82 KB,672x566,336:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004351 (301919ZNOV23) Notable: Federal censorship machine started years before COVID, involved military contractors

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Federal censorship machine started years before COVID, involved military contractors: whistleblower

"Cyber Threat Intelligence League" reportedly intended to implement "cognitive security," which involves "preventing malefactors from hacking people's beliefs."

The public-private efforts to restrict and suppress purported "mis-, dis- and malinformation" across tech platforms started almost immediately after the surprise election of Donald Trump in 2016, ramped up a year before the COVID-19 pandemic, and included U.S. and U.K. military contractors and plans to cut off financial services to dissenters and sue them.

That's according to a "highly credible whistleblower" who says they were recruited to participate in the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) "through monthly cybersecurity meetings hosted by" the Department of Homeland Security, independent journalists who reviewed the Twitter Files at new owner Elon Musk's invitation said Tuesday.

Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi are testifying about their latest revelations before the House Judiciary Committee's Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee on Thursday, a year after the first Twitter Files report. Tablet editor Alex Gutentag also collaborated on the report.

The trio says their so-called CTIL Files include "strategy documents, training videos, presentations, and internal messages" provided by the whistleblower that "offer the missing-link answers to key questions not addressed" by the Twitter Files or the similar Facebook Files made available this summer by Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

The feds appear to be scrambling in response to the flood of congressional interest in, and lawsuits against, their role in so-called content moderation and repeated pressure on social media companies to censor even self-acknowledged true content.

DHS surreptitiously removed a video from its YouTube channel that encouraged people to report "disinformation" spread by their family members, such as "Covid-19 is no worse than the flu," sometime between April 9 and May 9, according to archives of the video page.

The anti-censorship Foundation for Freedom Online preserved the video, whose existence it flagged a year ago, and called attention this week to the DHS removal. The timing suggests it was in response to a federal judge's March 21 ruling that greenlit a First Amendment lawsuit against the collaboration, which the Supreme Court agreed to review this term.

One of the leaders of the DHS-backed Election Integrity Partnership, which facilitated federal requests to remove purported election misinformation, even called on Tesla shareholders to retaliate against its CEO Musk in response to his purchase of Twitter, now X, and pledge to back off aggressive content moderation on the platform.

CTIL "officially began as the volunteer project of data scientists and defense and intelligence veterans," Shellenberger, Taibbi and Gutentag wrote in the first essay of their planned series on the disclosures that includes a handful of the whistleblower's documents.


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11ed7c No.110955

File: 3212b29195d0a51⋯.png (759.66 KB,1243x1701,1243:1701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004360 (301920ZNOV23) Notable: BUN Olvia Troye Boyle Dig #Zaid

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She is Defended byMark Zaid the pedo lawyer


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11ed7c No.110956

File: 7d49ced2bbd9631⋯.png (28.55 KB,665x911,665:911,Clipboard.png)

File: b8d3ec65e1f63f1⋯.png (36.51 KB,681x882,227:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004363 (301921ZNOV23) Notable: Who is Superman?

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11ed7c No.110957

File: a83faf266d58e9a⋯.png (294.3 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004378 (301925ZNOV23) Notable: LARGE BLAST ROCKS HOUTHI-HELD YEMENI CAPITAL

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A large blast rocked a mountain near Sanaa city on November 30 afternoon, sparking speculations of an attack on the Yemeni capital which is held by the Houthis (Ansar Allah).

The blast took place at the summit of Attan mountain, where several military facilities are allegedly located. Video footage posted to social media showed a fire and a large column of white smoke rising from the mountain. No casualties were reported.

The Houthis are yet to clarify the causes of the blast. Some Yemeni activists said that the blast emitted from a cooking gas plant and depot. However, other activists speculated that a military facility was attacked by Israel, or even the United States.

The Houthis, who control a large part of Yemen and maintain a large arsenal of missiles and drones, are a part of the so-called “Axis of Resistance” which is backed by Iran and opposes Israel.

After the start of the war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip, the Houthis launched several attacks with missiles and drones against Israel. The group also seized an Israeli-owned ship and vowed to target any other one that approaches Yemen. Israel vowed to respond.

However, the Houthis ceased all operations against Israel after the temporary ceasefire in Gaza entered into effect on November 24.

The Attan mountain blast came less than 24 hours after the U.S. military said that one of its warships intercepted a drone launched by the Houthis from Yemen over the Red Sea. This was not however the first such incident, thus it is most likely not linked to the blast.


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11ed7c No.110958

File: 0a7ecc0195ec20d⋯.png (2.18 MB,1342x900,671:450,Clipboard.png)

File: 947d208ef132c16⋯.png (975.7 KB,675x670,135:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004404 (301931ZNOV23) Notable: Moar #RubyRingClub

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>>110913, >>110914, >>110915 Charms and Ruby Ring Club Confirmed Qmapped #DarkMagik


Mario Nawfal


🚨JUST IN: Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah's statement:

"We confirm our readiness to act against Israel."


7:52 AM · Oct 13, 2023




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11ed7c No.110959

File: d5aa1460064efc6⋯.png (1.96 MB,1128x2110,564:1055,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004413 (301933ZNOV23) Notable: How Henry Kissinger Became an ‘Old Friend’ of China

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Peter Schweizer: How Henry Kissinger Became an ‘Old Friend’ of China Who ‘Rendered Great Help’ to the CCP

The following was excerpted from Peter Schweizer’s #1 New York Times bestselling book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

Henry Kissinger, the dean of American diplomats, once confided in a colleague his concerns about the challenge that Beijing would present to the United States. “When [the Chinese] don’t need us,” he reportedly said, “they are going to be very difficult to deal with.”

Apparently, until that time comes, there is no reason not to cash in.

Kissinger pioneered the idea of cashing in by using the relationships he had forged serving as America’s chief diplomat. Kissinger was the national security advisor to President Richard Nixon, and later secretary of state under Nixon and later President Gerald Ford. Most important, he had impeccable ties in the country that he had helped open in 1972: China. It was Kissinger, after all, who had conducted the secret diplomacy with Chinese officials beginning in 1971 that led to the restoration of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1972. As a result, he is revered in Chinese government circles. Kissinger, in return, was awed by Chinese leaders. “No other world leaders have the sweep and imagination of Mao and Chou [Zhou] nor the capacity and will to pursue a long-range policy,” he marveled to Nixon after one meeting in Beijing. Chairman Mao was apparently less impressed. He reportedly told British prime minister Edward Heath that Kissinger was “just a funny little man. He is shuddering all over with nerves every time he comes to see me.”

When he left government service in 1977, Kissinger had spent his entire career in academe and government. Now it was time to make some money. “Making money is actually boring, even if it is necessary,” he reportedly told Soviet foreign minister Andrei Gromyko in their last meeting.

In July 1982, he launched Kissinger Associates as an active business. Kissinger had no legal training and no background in finance, so the prospect of joining a high-powered law firm or investment bank was not an option. But he had something more important than both of those qualities: he had unparalleled relationships overseas—especially important were impeccable ties in Beijing.

Kissinger was clearly a regime favorite. As a private citizen, he repeatedly visited Beijing at the invitation of the Chinese government, often meeting with Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese leaders.

China in the early 1980s was still off the beaten path for many Western corporations. There can be little doubt, though, that many corporate leaders saw the massive potential in a market of one billion people. The work of Kissinger Associates included opening doors for foreign clients, but his most important and lucrative role was cutting through government regulations in Beijing. To do business in China, for example, you needed government endorsement and approval. As one Indian scholar allows, for Kissinger, this “often involved making a few well-placed phone calls to friends in top government positions.”

At the same time, Kissinger was a widely cited spokesman and commentator on foreign affairs, appearing on network television, in America’s leading newspapers, and of course in America’s bookstores. Kissinger seemed to ride these two horses at once until the tragic events of June 1989 put him in an awkward position. That was when the People’s Liberation Army marched into Tiananmen Square. The conflict resulted in the deaths of thousands of peaceful protestors. As events unfolded, Kissinger went on ABC News, where anchor Peter Jennings asked him: “What should America do?” Kissinger was calm and noted that we needed to maintain close relations and “I wouldn’t do any sanctions.” ABC News was paying him $100,000 a year at the time to provide insight and commentary on world events. In his newspaper columns, Kissinger took the same line, explaining that while he was “shocked by the brutality” of what had happened, we needed to view it as “an internal matter.”

Kissinger defended the Chinese government’s actions, strangely arguing, “No government in the world would have tolerated having the main square of its capital occupied for eight weeks,” and that “a crackdown was therefore inevitable.” How the United States responded was key, he argued, rejecting economic sanctions and suggesting that we could not do much. Doing little was “a test of our political maturity.” Above all, he maintained, it was “too important for American national security to risk the relationship on the emotions of the moment.”


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11ed7c No.110960

File: f4d8bea2b8c41e9⋯.png (768.29 KB,833x660,833:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004435 (301942ZNOV23) Notable: Early NS has begun.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110961

File: a415fb4c2d986e8⋯.jpeg (3.93 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ffb92050a4e9116⋯.jpeg (2.93 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004437 (301942ZNOV23) Notable: CALL TO DIG SWALWELL HANDLER!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crazy Eyes is back today with swallowell. Compliance with committee oversight.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004450 (301946ZNOV23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ, "This is the way." AG Paxton suing Pfizer for misrepresentation of Covid-19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is the way.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004466 (301951ZNOV23) Notable: Netanyahu gone down in history as 'butcher of Gaza,'?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Netanyahu gone down in history as 'butcher of Gaza,' Erdogan says

According to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey "will use all available means to hold the Israeli government accountable to international law and the conscience of humanity"


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11ed7c No.110964

File: b8b1351d1bec140⋯.png (3.29 MB,1920x1511,1920:1511,Clipboard.png)

File: 3708076775e60e0⋯.png (3.24 MB,1920x1504,60:47,Clipboard.png)

File: d1ff7401e8b6cde⋯.png (3.19 MB,1920x1292,480:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 06a46eeb689a17d⋯.png (3.63 MB,1920x1280,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004476 (301953ZNOV23) Notable: Kissinger Dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



1. U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger (left) and Chinese Premier Chou En-lai talk at the Government Guest House in Beijing, China, on July 9, 1971.

2. Chairman Mao Tse-Tung meets U. S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on Nov. 12, 1973, in Beijing, China.

3. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger chats with Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping of China (right) at a dinner on April 14, 1974, in New York.

4. Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping (right) shakes hands with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, on Nov. 8, 2018.

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11ed7c No.110965

File: 71f626ea3190006⋯.png (59.08 KB,1903x955,1903:955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004491 (301958ZNOV23) Notable: Qofficial Update

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110966

File: 541c445d7244b95⋯.jpg (131.91 KB,720x1163,720:1163,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e01a03f71f6c46f⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004496 (302000ZNOV23) Notable: @therealroseanne It’s up! Here’s a taste since no one has an attention span over 60 seconds on x Qmapped #Cathearding

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It’s up! Here’s a taste since no one has an attention span over 60 seconds on x… links below. This episode was the best one yet! I love @TuckerCarlson dearly.

Mike Pompeo is a villainous evil prick

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11ed7c No.110967

File: 5b6d4c8afaf7e2e⋯.png (446.38 KB,1280x2343,1280:2343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004520 (302005ZNOV23) Notable: @therealroseanne It’s up! Here’s a taste since no one has an attention span over 60 seconds on x Qmapped #Cathearding

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004523 (302006ZNOV23) Notable: To the effect of, Chad Wolf [Border Crisis Hearing]: During Biden, 500K unaccompanied alien children have come across the border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chad Wolf [Border Crisis Hearing]: During the Biden administration, there have been about five hundred thousand unaccompanied alien children that have come across that border...almost all of them are trafficked. They stay in Border Patrol, DHS custody, for a very short period of time, usually hours; seventy-two hours or below. Then they are transferred to HHS and ORR, where they are then processed and placed with sponsors. Unfortunately, what we have seen from this administration is a loosening of the sponsor requirements...they stopped the full vetting and background checking procedures of sponsors, and all household members...they also did away with fingerprints. They did away with rapid DNA testing at the border. We use that to establish that familial relationship. If it did not occur, we were going to separate and we were going to rescue that child. Rapid DNA testing is no longer occurring along the border, and I have no idea why, There is no valid reason to stop that. It goes to the hear at making sure those children are safe.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110969

File: bc58ea6ed65b5ea⋯.png (240.98 KB,600x545,120:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 2afac9e0981b0a6⋯.jpg (528.8 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004540 (302013ZNOV23) Notable: @catturd2 From President Trump to me. So cool. (Y)OU ARE GREAT!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Catturd ™



From President Trump to me. So cool.


Nov 30, 2023 · 5:09 PM UTC


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11ed7c No.110970

File: 7608ca80478437c⋯.png (651.05 KB,785x869,785:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004546 (302013ZNOV23) Notable: Kissinger Dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>an ‘Old Friend’ of China


>‘Old Friend’

Kissinger was also given the honored title of “an old friend” of China,

as one who has “rendered great help to China.” He is in a rarefied group.

When the Chinese government set up a think tank in Washington, D.C., called the Institute for China-America Studies, it did so in part to be “‘sending a clear message’ about Beijing’s claims on the South China Sea.” Beijing asserts territorial control over vast portions of the ocean, a claim rejected by the Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, and the United States. But Kissinger sent the organization a video message welcoming the new program.

Kissinger’s legacy as a major friend of China is well established in Beijing. As authors Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg put it, “Kissinger is a revered figure in CCP circles. It’s said that at the Central Party School in Beijing there is only one picture of a foreigner adorning the walls, that of Kissinger.”


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11ed7c No.110971

File: 524a9822d9c5a53⋯.png (476.39 KB,1137x324,379:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004570 (302021ZNOV23) Notable: @catturd2 From President Trump to me. So cool. (Y)OU ARE GREAT!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110972

File: 019d978464e3cdf⋯.png (708.56 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 7768f11c0f5ca33⋯.png (1 MB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e3375cd4af5feb⋯.png (1006.51 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004579 (302023ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reporting and Ghosting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This one is up now

The other set were up earlier

And this one says brrrrrtttttt

Have a marvelous day man

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11ed7c No.110973

File: 772f0b482c79822⋯.png (316.23 KB,600x498,100:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004607 (302030ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina rejects to join BRICS bloc under Milei,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Insider Paper


BREAKING: Argentina rejects to join BRICS bloc under Milei, Advisor says


9:14 AM · Nov 30, 2023




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11ed7c No.110974

File: 0e2cf4f976de833⋯.png (379.55 KB,593x611,593:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004612 (302031ZNOV23) Notable: Senator Dick Durbin just BLOCKED Senator Marsha Blackburn's request to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs! #PedoAlert

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Guess he's on the list then.


Brigitte Gabriel





BREAKING: Senator Dick Durbin just BLOCKED Senator Marsha Blackburn's request to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs!


9:09 AM · Nov 30, 2023




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11ed7c No.110975

File: 30ebff21e4b2227⋯.png (200.59 KB,390x346,195:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004641 (302039ZNOV23) Notable: KJP claims "families are seeing lower prices on everyday items from gas to groceries."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


KJP claims "families are seeing lower prices on everyday items from gas to groceries."

Since Biden took office, prices are up by 17.6% and the nationwide average for gas remains $0.86/gallon higher.

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11ed7c No.110976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004664 (302047ZNOV23) Notable: The U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution to an International Problem

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution to an International Problem

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110977

File: eeba71702b9501c⋯.jpg (135.63 KB,720x816,15:17,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 387327beb116f58⋯.jpg (109.38 KB,1164x778,582:389,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004667 (302047ZNOV23) Notable: FBI releases photos of suspects wanted for carjacking a FBI agent in D.C.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JUST IN - FBI releases photos of suspects wanted for carjacking a FBI agent in D.C.

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11ed7c No.110978

File: ec94c0cbd8136ca⋯.png (547.69 KB,794x630,397:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004669 (302048ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Dan Goldman Gets Humiliated as He Tries to Defend the Biden Regime’s Censorship Tactics MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rep. Dan Goldman Gets Humiliated as He Tries to Defend the Biden Regime’s Censorship Tactics 🤣🤣



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11ed7c No.110979

File: f6fd4869bd0a1ad⋯.png (60.12 KB,255x208,255:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004681 (302051ZNOV23) Notable: Anon's got a point, When Trump nominates, that's our cue to shine a spotlight and scrutinize the bastard.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump also nominates people that need to be exposed.

McCarthy recently, and... Johnson.

We need to unerstand not to take anyone's word for anything. Trump has always been about people doing their own due diligence.

If we can't/won't think for ourselves, what good are we as citizens?

When Trump nominates, that's our cue to shine a spotlight and scrutinize the bastard.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110980

File: 41208dec16685b6⋯.mp4 (9.28 MB,900x720,5:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004686 (302052ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Dan Goldman Gets Humiliated as He Tries to Defend the Biden Regime’s Censorship Tactics MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110981

File: c881ba8cf1d8a35⋯.png (1.02 MB,713x822,713:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004705 (302058ZNOV23) Notable: Anon contemplates, RoseAnon is ??? #StopThisShit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004753 (302103ZNOV23) Notable: #24556

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24556 >>110933

>>110934 Bipartisan UAP Transparency Press Conference

>>110942, >>110949, >>110950, >>110953, >>110955 BUN Olvia Troye Boyle Dig #Zaid

>>110935 Someone urinated on Rush Limbaugh’s grave and this guy is celebrating it.

>>110936 Russia's Supreme Court in effect outlaws LGBTQ+ activism #ForTheGreaterGood

>>110937 AZ vax Adverse Reaction CAP

>>110938 King Charles at WEF: "The green recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live MP4

>>110939 Elon Musk on Power, Influence and the “Wild Storm” in His Mind FULL Interview - YT

>>110940 “Over 200” FBI Agents Embedded Within Crowd on J6?

>>110941 PF: 92-9000 747 departed Denver Intl (this had Big Mike and Clintons on it yesterday as Potato went back to WH from Pueblo,CO yesterday

>>110943 Michael Shellenberger Reveals US and UK Military’s Leading Role in Censoring American Speech

>>110944 Hearing GOVT Weaponzation Oversight Committee - YT

>>110945 Appeals court reinstates gag order on Trump in New York civil case

>>110946 Democrat Dan Goldman doesn't like being called a conspiracy theorist MP4

>>110947 2:00 PM EST Hearing on Compliance with Committee Oversight

>>110948 2:15 PM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken Holds a Press Availability

>>110951 POTUS Truth Storm from (lb): #COMMSCHQ

>>110952 Swalwell, "They're just feeding the Beast".

>>110956 Who is Superman?


>>110954 Federal censorship machine started years before COVID, involved military contractors

>>110958 Moar #RubyRingClub

>>110959 How Henry Kissinger Became an ‘Old Friend’ of China

>>110960 Early NS has begun.


>>110962 @CodeMonkeyZ, "This is the way." AG Paxton suing Pfizer for misrepresentation of Covid-19

>>110963 Netanyahu gone down in history as 'butcher of Gaza,'?

>>110964, >>110970 Kissinger Dig

>>110965 Qofficial Update

>>110966, >>110967 @therealroseanne It’s up! Here’s a taste since no one has an attention span over 60 seconds on x Qmapped #Cathearding

>>110968 To the effect of, Chad Wolf [Border Crisis Hearing]: During Biden, 500K unaccompanied alien children have come across the border

>>110969, >>110971 @catturd2 From President Trump to me. So cool. (Y)OU ARE GREAT!

>>110972 PF Reporting and Ghosting

>>110973 Argentina rejects to join BRICS bloc under Milei,

>>110974 Senator Dick Durbin just BLOCKED Senator Marsha Blackburn's request to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs! #PedoAlert

>>110975 KJP claims "families are seeing lower prices on everyday items from gas to groceries."

>>110977 FBI releases photos of suspects wanted for carjacking a FBI agent in D.C.

>>110978, >>110980 Rep. Dan Goldman Gets Humiliated as He Tries to Defend the Biden Regime’s Censorship Tactics MP4

>>110976 The U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution to an International Problem

>>110979 Anon's got a point, When Trump nominates, that's our cue to shine a spotlight and scrutinize the bastard.

>>110981 Anon contemplates, RoseAnon is ??? #StopThisShit


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004776 (302106ZNOV23) Notable: #24557

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24557 https://fullchan.net/?7404a648f8c3b966#F2zx7LC3VaBmCht5mU4w3BCDZoBvw9HUM1v18RS6AMq9

The U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution to an International Problem


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110984

File: 2e54ae7f3e4ba53⋯.png (965.27 KB,997x563,997:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004794 (302110ZNOV23) Notable: German president ignored on arrival in Middle East (VIDEO)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fuck around and find out is not just a catch phrase.


German president ignored on arrival in Middle East (VIDEO)

>The Qatari foreign minister kept Frank-Walter Steinmeier waiting in scorching heat

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110985

File: ec103e3c699b7bf⋯.png (349.17 KB,768x1107,256:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004804 (302113ZNOV23) Notable: DAWN MARIE, GOING DARK!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110986

File: 0fc45b65f5b10c5⋯.png (390.61 KB,596x753,596:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004809 (302114ZNOV23) Notable: There should be an investigation into any member of Congress blocking the request to subpoena Epstein’s flight logs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




There are members of Congress who rape children.

Some are involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring while others are blackmailed or compromised in other ways.

There should be an investigation into any member of Congress blocking the request to subpoena Epstein’s flight logs.


Brigitte Gabriel





BREAKING: Senator Dick Durbin just BLOCKED Senator Marsha Blackburn's request to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs!


9:59 AM · Nov 30, 2023




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11ed7c No.110987

File: a51ef38fd3acd82⋯.png (614.28 KB,677x717,677:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004812 (302115ZNOV23) Notable: Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million Under Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million

Under Biden – Largest Ever in American History

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 11/30/2023 4:13:42 PM

The nation’s foreign-born population has hit an unprecedented 49.5 million, the largest ever recorded in American history, under President Joe Biden. Analysis by Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) revealed that in October the foreign-born population reached almost 50 million, increasing by 4.5 million foreign-born residents since Biden took office in January 2021. Put another way, the Biden administration has added more immigrants to the nation’s population than the annual number of U.S. births in fewer than three years.

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11ed7c No.110988

File: eeba71702b9501c⋯.jpg (135.63 KB,720x816,15:17,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 387327beb116f58⋯.jpg (109.38 KB,1164x778,582:389,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 95af56b5cfe7121⋯.png (737.13 KB,1586x743,1586:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004832 (302118ZNOV23) Notable: FBI releases photos of suspects wanted for carjacking a FBI agent in D.C.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - FBI releases photos of suspects wanted for carjacking a FBI agent in D.C.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110989

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004860 (302123ZNOV23) Notable: Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

11ed7c No.110990

File: fa0d7c16b761c4e⋯.png (559.05 KB,722x706,361:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004866 (302125ZNOV23) Notable: DAWN MARIE, GOING DARK!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


same on TRUTH

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11ed7c No.110991

File: 4b13e31f8d6c454⋯.jpg (179.9 KB,720x817,720:817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004945 (302144ZNOV23) Notable: Ohio defense attorney suspended for pooping in Pringles can that he dumped at victim-advocacy center

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Ohio defense attorney suspended for pooping in Pringles can that he dumped at victim-advocacy center

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11ed7c No.110992

File: b02f0978fbefdf9⋯.png (222.88 KB,539x660,49:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004955 (302146ZNOV23) Notable: Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship

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Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has initiated legal action against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc., citing allegations of deceptive practices related to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The lawsuit asserts that Pfizer engaged in misrepresenting the vaccine’s efficacy, particularly challenging the claim of 95% effectiveness, and accuses the company of trying to stifle public debate on the matter.

Attorney General Paxton accuses Pfizer of violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act through “false, deceptive, and misleading acts and practices.”

The lawsuit highlights the company’s claims that the vaccine has a 95% efficacy rate against COVID-19 infection, stating that this was based on “relative risk reduction” in Pfizer’s initial short-term clinical trial results.

It is argued that this figure is a misleading statistic that should not be used to unduly influence consumer choice, especially since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has indicated that long-term vaccine protection could not accurately be predicted at that point.

Furthermore, the lawsuit alleges that Pfizer misrepresented the durability of the vaccine’s protection and failed to disclose information that contradicted its claims. Additionally, it is claimed that Pfizer did not measure whether the vaccine prevents transmission but still promoted it as necessary to protect others.

As the vaccine’s efficacy came under scrutiny, Pfizer is accused of taking aggressive measures to suppress critics and silence truth-tellers, who the company labeled as “criminals” spreading “misinformation,” according to the lawsuit.

“We are pursuing justice for the people of Texas,” Attorney General Paxton stated. “Many were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a product that was sold based on lies.”

“The Biden Administration may have weaponized the pandemic to force public health decrees and enrich big pharma, but my office will use every tool available to protect our citizens who were misled and harmed by Pfizer’s actions.”


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11ed7c No.110993

File: 30a1644d1795bc4⋯.jpeg (659.05 KB,1203x681,401:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 72f44d2d099b382⋯.jpeg (726.2 KB,1199x673,1199:673,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 209df15376db180⋯.jpeg (512.65 KB,1200x679,1200:679,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5aa2484c0270cc6⋯.jpeg (615.75 KB,828x946,414:473,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6cec2687b21121e⋯.jpeg (80.39 KB,561x591,187:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004979 (302150ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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>>110941 lb

92-9000 747 arrived at JBA after it departed Denver Intl (this had Big Mike and Clintons on it yesterday)

SCORE46 Global Hawk drone trackin’ in front of 92-9000 arrival and went back to Pax River….so pretty clear who (((they))) are protecting as Potato rarely has this coverage but big mike and the fake Clintons do

09-0016 C32A also departed DIA ES and landed at Ft Worth after waiting for clearing weather

SAM552 G5 SW from JBA depart andwent to Lockheed-Martin Skunkworks@ Lancaster,CA

Pretty high level G5 from 99th Airlift Squad so would love to be “fly on wall” for that mtg

The 99th AS falls under 89th AW and the SAM flights managed by 99th

SAM=Special Air Mission

The 747 (VC-25) and the C17 Globemasters that transport equipment for the “VIP” visits are ran from 89th

89th Airlift Wing


99 Airlift Squadron (AMC)


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11ed7c No.110994

File: c720b338fd95ba9⋯.jpg (198.78 KB,720x1365,48:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 39c50a81cef544b⋯.jpg (60.02 KB,720x569,720:569,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0568fd691d6bc58⋯.jpg (208.41 KB,705x1253,705:1253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005029 (302203ZNOV23) Notable: The Satanic Temple’s new telehealth venture, named after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Jr.'s mom, seems like a social experiment in trolling.

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The Satanic Abortion Clinic That’s Pissed Off Pretty Much Everyone...and Might Beat the Bans Anyway

At first glance, The Satanic Temple’s new telehealth venture, named after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Jr.'s mom, seems like a social experiment in trolling. But as Cosmo reports, the fully credentialed clinic is serving real patients and has a real chance of breaking the religious right’s grip on abortion law.

Cosmopolitans website is full evil, with

letter T's turning into upside down crosses and all kinds of stupid satanic crap

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11ed7c No.110995

File: 87fa91bd19b0e3b⋯.png (52.13 KB,1080x786,180:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005033 (302204ZNOV23) Notable: Fox News' Sean Hannity to host Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom in debate

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Fox News' Sean Hannity to host Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom in debate

Tonight at 9pm EST. Today's Q deltas mentions Hannity 8 times. I don't give a shit about Gavin or Meatball, but it would be nice if we had a few note takers! :)


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11ed7c No.110996

File: f4e783d8ec9f9cd⋯.png (848.2 KB,1169x623,167:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005034 (302204ZNOV23) Notable: White House Briefing Descends Into Chaos as Karine Jean-Pierre Storms Out After Refusing to Call on African Journalist (VIDEO)

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White House Briefing Descends Into Chaos as Karine Jean-Pierre Storms Out After Refusing to Call on African Journalist (VIDEO)


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11ed7c No.110997

File: 9af3d274c8f8450⋯.png (59.49 KB,716x357,716:357,Clipboard.png)

File: 874ef18bd7b2462⋯.png (534.77 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005093 (302220ZNOV23) Notable: NASA's Christmas Eve launch will be first time US craft has landed on the lunar surface in more than 50 years...

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America is going back to the moon! NASA's Christmas Eve launch will be first time US craft has landed on the lunar surface in more than 50 years

12:12 EST, 30 November 2023

America is set to land a craft on the moon in January, marking the first touchdown on the lunar surface since the last Apollo mission more than 50 years ago.

Humans will not be making the journey, but a six-foot-tall lander called Peregrine is set to launch on Christmas Eve at 1:50am ET and arrive on January 25.

The craft was designed by Pittsburg-based Astrobotic, a space robotics company, which NASA commissioned in 2019 to carry out the mission.

Peregrine will take off from Florida, carrying 21 lunar payloads such as experiments, and touch down in a region of ancient basaltic lava flows.

The US last ventured to the lunar surface during the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972, which saw four astronauts trek across the barren landscape.

John Thornton, Astrobotic CEO, said: 'It’s incredible to realize that we are just a short time away from our Peregrine spacecraft beginning its journey to the moon.

'After years of dedication and hard work, we are so close to having our moonshot.

'We invite you to follow along as Peregrine, with seven countries represented aboard, launches to the moon and attempts one of the first successful landings of an American spacecraft since Apollo.'

Peregrine will launch aboard the inaugural flight of the new rocket, Vulcan Centaur, developed by aerospace manufacturer United Launch Alliance.

Thornton said that the probe will take 'a few days' to reach lunar orbit but will have to wait until January 25 before attempting landing so that light conditions at the target location are suitable.

The descent will be carried out autonomously, without human intervention, but monitored from the company's control center.

Astrobiotic’s lunar lander stands on four shock-absorbing legs and attaches to the launch vehicle via a standard clamp.

'The Peregrine Lander precisely and safely delivers payloads to lunar orbit and the lunar surface on each mission,' reads the company's official website.

'Payloads can be mounted above or below the decks and remain attached or deployed according to their needs.'

Peregrine can hold up to 265 pounds of payloads released from the underside of the deck.

Astrobotic delivered its probe to Florida last month for launch preparations.

Sharad Bhaskaran, Astrobotic’s Peregrine Mission One director, said: 'As we know, space is a difficult environment. We’re ready for launch after successfully completing a battery of industry-standard acceptance testing, so Peregrine has the best chance for mission success.

'Peregrine and the team are ready.

'After launch, we will separate from the Vulcan Centaur and establish power and communications with the spacecraft to guide it to the moon.

'Then, we will attempt a historic autonomous landing on the lunar surface.'

While Peregrine will be the first US-owned probe to land on the moon since 1972, NASA is set to put American boots on the lunar surface in 2025.


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11ed7c No.110998

File: 36de48572c2abd4⋯.png (663.11 KB,826x892,413:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005098 (302220ZNOV23) Notable: Cops investigate rapey Florida power couple with ties to DeSantis

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Chairman of Florida GOP and husband of Moms for Liberty co-founder is accused of raping woman who was part of the couple's MENAGE A TROIS - ascops investigate Florida power couple with ties to DeSantis

Chairman of the Florida Republican Party Christian Ziegler (top right) is reportedly under criminal investigation after a woman claiming to be part of a three-way relationship with Zeigler's wife alleged he raped her. Ziegler's wife is Bridget Ziegler (bottom right), a co-founder of Moms for Liberty, a right-wing parental rights group and Sarasota County School board member. Together, the couple holds powerful influence in Florida GOP politics. A heavily redacted police complaint, which was obtained by the Florida Trident, was submitted on October 4 and alleged the rape occurred in her Sarasota home. The words 'rape' and 'sexual battery' remained unredacted, according to the Trident.No criminal charges have been filed in the caseand Christian Ziegler's lawyer denied the allegations saying the chairman would be 'completely exonerated.'


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11ed7c No.110999

File: 38dd88304353084⋯.png (442.43 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 5decf1224ad52f0⋯.png (365.73 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9677e9f7520c046⋯.png (385.8 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005123 (302227ZNOV23) Notable: Mary Cleave, first female astronaut to fly after Challenger explosion, dies at 76

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Mary Cleave, first female astronaut to fly after Challenger explosion, dies at 76

November 30, 2023 8:42am EST

Retired astronaut Mary Cleave, the first woman to crew a spaceflight after the shocking Challenger explosion of 1986, died on Monday, NASA announced. She was 76.

A cause of death was not immediately released.

Cleave, a scientist with training in civil and environmental engineering, was the first woman to serve as an associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate.

Born in Southampton, New York, in 1947 to Howard and Barbara Cleave, both teachers, Mary Cleave received a Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, in 1969. She went on to obtain a Master of Science in microbial ecology and a doctorate in civil and environmental engineering at Utah State University, Logan, in 1975 and 1979, respectively.

Cleave was selected as an astronaut in May 1980.

Five years later, she launched her first NASA mission, STS-61B, aboard the space shuttle Atlantis on Nov. 26, 1985.

On that mission, the crew deployed communications satellites, conducted two six-hour spacewalks to demonstrate space station construction techniques, operated the Continuous Flow Electrophoresis experiment for McDonnell Douglas and a Getaway Special container for Telesat and tested the Orbiter Experiments Digital Autopilot, NASA said in a statement.

In 1989, Cleave became the first woman to fly in space after the Challenger tragedy, in which seven astronauts died after the shuttle exploded shortly after its launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Jan. 28, 1986. The mission, STS-30, was her second aboard the shuttle Atlantis.

Over four days, the Atlantis crew successfully deployed the Magellan Venus exploration spacecraft, the first planetary probe to be deployed from a space shuttle. Magellan arrived at Venus in August 1990 and mapped more than 95% of the planet's surface, NASA said.

The STS-30 crew also worked on secondary payloads involving indium crystal growth, electrical storms, and Earth observation studies, according to NASA.

After the mission, Cleave transferred to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, in 1991. There, she worked in a laboratory that monitored ocean vegetation globally.

In 2000, Cleave became deputy associate administrator for advanced planning in the Office of Earth Science at NASA’s Headquarters in Washington, D.C. From 2005 to 2007, she was the associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, where she "guided an array of research and scientific exploration programs for planet Earth, space weather, the solar system, and the universe," NASA said.

Cleave received numerous awards throughout her career, including two NASA Space Flight medals; two NASA Exceptional Service medals; an American Astronautical Society Flight Achievement Award; a NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal; and NASA Engineer of the Year.

Cleave retired from NASA in February 2007.


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11ed7c No.111000

File: af2875e9a2e36fc⋯.png (585.96 KB,808x809,808:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005133 (302228ZNOV23) Notable: Eric Adams 'fears he'll be indicted for campaign violations over donations from Turkey'

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Eric Adams 'fears he'll be indicted for campaign violations over donations from Turkey'

- which could lead to chaotic 60 day open election for new NYC Mayor if he steps down

* FBI investigating donations from Turkish individuals and organizations in 2021

* Aide Briana Suggs retained her own lawyer, foregoing City Hall's team of lawyers

* City Hall denied that Adams is in any way concerned about an indictment

* Sources close to the mayor say it's a 'stunt' by his political enemies


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11ed7c No.111001

File: 769bf1c3f47b286⋯.png (285.91 KB,389x680,389:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005148 (302232ZNOV23) Notable: Precision Strike Missile completes successful Production Qualification Test 1 flight.

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Precision Strike Missile completes successful Production Qualification Test 1 flight.

A final flight test report is anticipated in December 2023.

📰 https://army.mil/article/271709/army_announces_precision_strike_missile_completes_successful_production_qualification_test_1_flight


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11ed7c No.111002

File: 77ac38b8c498d28⋯.png (474.03 KB,759x771,253:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005149 (302232ZNOV23) Notable: Trump will hold a fundraiser instead of appearing at next week’s Republican presidential debate

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Trump will hold a fundraiser instead of appearing at next week’s Republican presidential debate

NEW YORK (AP) — As his Republican primary rivals return to the debate stage next week, former President Donald Trump will be headlining a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

Trump’s campaign has been advertising a chance to win tickets to the “end-of-year reception” in Hallandale Beach, Florida, near Miami on Dec. 6.

The former president has chosen to skip his party’s three previous primary debates, citing his commanding lead in early state and national polls. But his decision not to schedule a public counterprogramming event to upstage the debate in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, marks a change in strategy.

Trump held a rally in Hialeah, a Miami suburb, during the last debate, which felt, in many ways, like the main event. He traveled to Michigan in lieu of the second debate to rail against President Joe Biden at an auto-parts manufacturing plant during an autoworkers’ strike. And he sat for a pretaped interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson that was released on X, the platform previously known as Twitter, to coincide with the first GOP gathering.

A senior Trump aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity to address the decision, cited waning interest in the debates given Trump’s dominant front-runner status.

Next Wednesday’s debate comes as former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has seen a surge in support that has threatened Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ status as the distant runner-up to Trump.

The two are expected to continue to clash on a stage that will feature just a handful of candidates, as the Republican National Committee ups the threshold for participation. To make the stage, candidates must garner at least 6% in two approved national polls, or 6% in polls from two separate early-voting states. They will also need to have raised money from at least 80,000 unique donors.

Several high-profile candidates, including Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina and former Vice President Mike Pence, have already dropped out of the race.

Trump and his campaign have called on the RNC to cancel the remainder of the debates and instead focus on backing him against Biden.


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11ed7c No.111003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005173 (302237ZNOV23) Notable: Tater participates in the National Christmas Tree Lighting

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November 30, 2023

6:00 PM EST

The President and The First Lady participate in the National Christmas Tree Lighting; The Vice President and The Second Gentleman attend

Official Schedule




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11ed7c No.111004

File: 98e98c581a0596a⋯.png (97.16 KB,305x286,305:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005187 (302241ZNOV23) Notable: Greene pulls Mayorkas impeachment resolution from consideration on House floor

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MTG folds!

Just circus entertainment.

Her Mayorkas impeachment is off.


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11ed7c No.111005

File: c483a3306ec9e7b⋯.png (1.49 MB,836x1200,209:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005191 (302242ZNOV23) Notable: United States Space Force Prepares X-37B for Launch

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United States Space Force Prepares X-37B for Launch

Nov. 29, 2023

The Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, in partnership with the United States Space Force and SpaceX, is making final preparations to launch the seventh mission of the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle. Due to launch delays and pad availability, USSF-52 will now launch on Dec. 10, 2023.

The seventh mission of the X-37B, also known as OTV-7, will be the first to launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket—designated USSF-52—with a wide range of test and experimentation objectives. These tests include operating in new orbital regimes, experimenting with space domain awareness technologies and investigating the radiation effects to NASA materials.

These tests are key to ensuring safe and responsible operations in space for all users of the space domain. Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall said about the mission, “this seventh flight of the X-37B continues to demonstrate the innovative spirit of the United States Space Force.”

The X-37B, which first launched in April 2010, has accrued a total of 3,774 days in space. The previous missions have successfully experimented with Naval Research Laboratory technology designed to harness solar energy and transmit power to the ground; tested the effects of long-duration space exposure to organic materials for NASA; and provided an opportunity to launch a spacecraft designed and operated by cadets at U.S. Air Force Academy.


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11ed7c No.111006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005224 (302249ZNOV23) Notable: Launch coverage of the ISS Progress 86 cargo craft to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Launch scheduled for 4:23 a.m.

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graveyard anons

December 1, 2023

4:00 AM EST

Launch coverage of the ISS Progress 86 cargo craft to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Launch scheduled for 4:23 a.m.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)






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11ed7c No.111007

File: 7cba26291cd8a9b⋯.png (2.89 MB,1045x3189,1045:3189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005231 (302250ZNOV23) Notable: Trump-Hating Movie being made to launder $40M dirty money from "some South American child trafficker"

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Nolte: Trump-Hating Movie being made to launder $40M dirty money from "some South American child trafficker"

Sebastian Stan (Marvel’s Winter Soldier) will play a young Donald Trump in the upcoming feature film, The Apprentice, which will be flopping soon at a theater near you.

Succession’s Jeremy Strong will play notorious attorney Roy Cohn. Someone named Maria Bakalova will play Trump’s then-wife, Ivana.

Who is this movie for?

First off, the screenplay will be written by — lol — Gabriel Sherman, the obsessed Fox News Hunter who has no big screen credits. Yeah, that movie will be fair and well-scripted.

This whole thing has to be a troll designed to wash someone’s dirty money.

What we can be sure of is that this is just another one of those Hollywood vanity projects and probably one that got greenlit to launder tens of millions of dollars in illicit money so awful people can feel virtuous producing something Vital and Important that no one will watch.

I’ll ask again: Who is this movie for?

Half the country hates Trump, but is half the country going to waste $20 and an evening to sit in a dark theater with the Trump Family for two hours? In 2008, half the country and most of the world hated George W. Bush, and no one went to see Oliver Stone’s W. — and Oliver Stone has talent.

Besides, don’t America’s Trump haters get their fill of Trump Hate from Jimmy and Jimmy and Stephen and Seth and CNN and MSNBC and Comedy Central? Producing Trump Hate in popular culture is like producing sand in the desert.

Who is this movie for?

Some producers looked across the cinematic landscape, saw that every single time Hollywood lashes out at Trump, the ratings crash (Oscars, Emmys, MTV Awards, etc.), and thought to themselves, Yeah, this will make money.

No, they didn’t.

Some South American child trafficker who supplies left-wing Hollywood with trafficked children desperately needs to wash $40 million, so here we go. That’s my opinion, anyway. I am still allowed to have an opinion in America, correct?

There are tens of millions of normal Americans dying for normal movies like Top Gun: Maverick, and instead, we’re getting smug girlbosses and $40 million Trump Trolls. By the way, I have no idea if the movie will cost $40 million. That’s my educated guess of how much a child sex trafficker would make in Hollywood annually.

Hollywood is beyond repair. I’m good with that.


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11ed7c No.111008

File: 25d5e554288933a⋯.png (1.64 MB,1200x668,300:167,Clipboard.png)

File: ecbfc3995c6cc60⋯.png (1.94 MB,1200x955,240:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005240 (302253ZNOV23) Notable: MUOS SATCOM System Completes Successful Demonstration in Canada

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MUOS SATCOM System Completes Successful Demonstration in Canada

Nov. 30, 2023

The Canada Department of National Defense (DND), in conjunction with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Space Force, is the first partner nation to successfully access the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) Narrowband Global SATCOM System.

MUOS is the U.S. Department of Defense’s newer, more advanced UHF SATCOM system and is designed to provide joint warfighters with reliable, worldwide voice and data communications in challenging weather environments and through thick foliage. MUOS offers significant improvements over legacy systems, including a ten-fold increase in overall communications capacity, reduced signal interference and improved connectivity performance.

Canada DND used MUOS for voice and data transmission using AN/PRC-117G terminals from two different locations in Ottawa - Major EJG Holland VC Armoury and the Carling Campus.

Canada’s ability to close communication links on Canadian soil using Canadian-procured radio terminals through a Space Force UHF Narrowband military satellite system is a tremendous achievement, said Thomas Cesear, MUOS Integration Lab Lead.

Years of extensive planning, design modification and implementation went into getting the Tactical Narrowband SATCOM - Geosynchronous (TNS-GEO) project to the point of demonstration on Oct. 25, 2023. Not only did Canada demonstrate they could push to talk and connect from one Canadian radio terminal to another Canadian radio terminal - in other words, make a Point-to-Point (P2P) call - but they also were able to successfully accomplish other services like Point-to-Net (P2N) with chat, file transfer, email, as well as group calls.

Taking the demonstration event one more step further, the U.S.-Canadian team completed a call from Ottawa, Canada to the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) laboratory in San Diego, California.

“We are very proud of this accomplishment,” said Scott Mackenzie, TNS-GEO project manager for the Canada DND, who observed the entire demonstration event. “It is a measure of the superb teamwork between the Canadian and United States teams. And it bodes well for a successful formal demonstration in March of next year.”

The two-day demonstration was more than four years in the making. In March of 2019, Canada, through the TNS-GEO Coverage Project, initiated a foreign military sales project with the U.S. to provide access to MUOS.

The Navy MUOS program office, formerly PMW 146, developed concept of operations, assisted in the design of local terminal provisioning tool, conducted ground-system feasibility and trade studies. The Implementation Phase, which was the second FMS case for the overall effort to provide Canada access to MUOS, began May 2022. PMW 146 essentially laid the foundation for implementing the necessary changes to MUOS that ultimately allow Canada MUOS UHF SATCOM access.

In March 2023, the MUOS program, led by U.S. Navy Capt. Peter Sheehy, director of Narrowband SATCOM Acquisition Delta, was transferred from Navy to Space Force’s Space Systems Command (SSC), becoming Narrowband SATCOM Acquisition Delta, part of SSC’s Military Communications & Positioning, Navigation and Timing Program Executive Office.

Denese Cordaro, SSC deputy director for Narrowband, praised the remarkable level of coordination involved in making this FMS project so successful to this point.

“I cannot say thank you enough to the Navy International Program Office (NIPO) for shepherding this FMS case all the way from its infancy stage to this exciting implementation phase,” Cordaro said.


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11ed7c No.111009

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005259 (302300ZNOV23) Notable: The Financial Times Admits That Europe’s “Far Right” Does Not Threaten Democracy. The discuss Migrants and Irish aliens, raping women

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Harnwell: The Financial Times Admits That Europe’s “Far Right” Does Not Threaten Democracy. The discuss Migrants and Irish aliens, raping womenSerious problem in all EU countries.



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11ed7c No.111010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005271 (302304ZNOV23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr livestream

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Donald Trump Jr.


Going live now. Click the link below to tune in!!!!!

Nov 30, 2023, 5:57 PM


Donald Trump Jr.


The Police State is here - what now?

Jack Smith is spying on your “likes”

FBI thinks you’re a terrorist for calling out woke school boards

And these “defenders of democracy” want to imprison their political opponents

Triggered w/Dinesh D’Souza,6 pm

Nov 30, 2023, 12:41 PM


"The Police State" is here: What's Next? Interview with Dinesh D'Souza | TRIGGERED Ep.89



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11ed7c No.111011

File: 00051cb5b158226⋯.png (395.4 KB,530x521,530:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005306 (302313ZNOV23) Notable: Marines with 1st LAAD Battalion participate in the unit's “Turkey Bowl” on Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

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Turkey Bowl Time!

#Marines with 1st LAAD Battalion participate in the unit's “Turkey Bowl” on Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

Photos by Lance Cpl. Clayton Baker


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11ed7c No.111012

File: 15835eb6618bcff⋯.png (934 KB,1999x1366,1999:1366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005329 (302317ZNOV23) Notable: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Pauses Science Due to Gyro Issue

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NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Pauses Science Due to Gyro Issue

NOV 29, 2023

NASA is working to resume science operations of the agency’s Hubble Space Telescope after it entered safe mode Nov. 23 due to an ongoing gyroscope (gyro) issue. Hubble’s instruments are stable, and the telescope is in good health.

The telescope automatically entered safe mode when one of its three gyroscopes gave faulty readings. The gyros measure the telescope’s turn rates and are part of the system that determines which direction the telescope is pointed. While in safe mode, science operations are suspended, and the telescope waits for new directions from the ground.

Hubble first went into safe mode Nov. 19. Although the operations team successfully recovered the spacecraft to resume observations the following day, the unstable gyro caused the observatory to suspend science operations once again Nov. 21. Following a successful recovery, Hubble entered safe mode again Nov. 23.

The team is now running tests to characterize the issue and develop solutions. If necessary, the spacecraft can be re-configured to operate with only one gyro. The spacecraft had six new gyros installed during the fifth and final space shuttle servicing mission in 2009. To date, three of those gyros remain operational, including the gyro currently experiencing fluctuations. Hubble uses three gyros to maximize efficiency, but could continue to make science observations with only one gyro if required.

NASA anticipates Hubble will continue making groundbreaking discoveries, working with other observatories, such as the agency’s James Webb Space Telescope, throughout this decade and possibly into the next.


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11ed7c No.111013

File: 4e3d23e67ffa8cf⋯.png (678.85 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005367 (302326ZNOV23) Notable: Innovations in money-laundering! Iowa Lottery Announces the Wrong Winning Numbers.

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innovations in money-laundering

Oops! Iowa Lottery Announces the Wrong Winning Numbers.

Lottery officials apologized after human error led to the posting of the wrong numbers in a Powerball drawing this week. Some people cashed in before the mistake was spotted.


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11ed7c No.111014

File: 0cf7a3fd4999003⋯.png (216.72 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005370 (302326ZNOV23) Notable: @elisestefanik full statement on America's oldest gun manufacturer Remington Arms leaving New York State.

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Elise Stefanik


My full statement on America's oldest gun manufacturer Remington Arms leaving New York State.


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11ed7c No.111015

File: d8577da26909c90⋯.png (388.34 KB,600x513,200:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005417 (302339ZNOV23) Notable: Texas Car dealer paid Marines, ex-IDF member to kill escort, blackmailer over threats they’d expose sex trysts

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New York Post



Texas Car dealer paid Marines, ex-IDF member to kill escort, blackmailer over threats they’d expose sex trysts


Nov 30, 2023 · 8:46 PM UTC



Sure, your mom is in danger now.

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11ed7c No.111016

File: 3bd295a94f8bbf0⋯.png (356.3 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005431 (302342ZNOV23) Notable: @nypost Chinese spies could use travel program to monitor US sites in Guam

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New York Post



Chinese spies could use travel program to monitor US sites in Guam: senator


Nov 30, 2023 · 8:02 PM UTC


GITMO 2 = Guam.

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11ed7c No.111017

File: 2753ba62b2a4171⋯.jpeg (113.23 KB,801x600,267:200,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005461 (302351ZNOV23) Notable: Israel is our greatest a-ACKKKKK

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For the KEKs.

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11ed7c No.111018

File: 360fd46339c17dd⋯.png (688.76 KB,1316x642,658:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 857eb5bbb097119⋯.jpg (164.68 KB,806x740,403:370,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 380ab30d6b3f8a3⋯.jpg (169.01 KB,1200x1600,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005483 (302358ZNOV23) Notable: An Italian fugitive connected to the ‘Ndrangheta mafia network has been arrested in Colombia

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An Italian fugitive connected to the ‘Ndrangheta mafia network has been arrested in Colombia with support from the INTERPOL Cooperation Against ‘Ndrangheta (I-CAN) Project.

Massimo Gigliotti, aged 55, was wanted internationally by Italian authorities under an INTERPOL Red Notice for trafficking large quantities of cocaine from South America to Europe.

Investigation of the suspect had gathered pace in South America after the I-CAN Project flagged the fugitive last September to authorities in Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Panama, and Venezuela.



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11ed7c No.111019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005510 (010003ZDEC23) Notable: #24557

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#24557 >>110983

>>110984 German president ignored on arrival in Middle East (VIDEO)

>>110985, >>110990 DAWN MARIE, GOING DARK!

>>110986 There should be an investigation into any member of Congress blocking the request to subpoena Epstein’s flight logs.

>>110987 Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million Under Biden

>>110988 FBI releases photos of suspects wanted for carjacking a FBI agent in D.C.

>>110989 Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”

>>110991 Ohio defense attorney suspended for pooping in Pringles can that he dumped at victim-advocacy center

>>110992 Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship

>>110993 PF

>>110994 The Satanic Temple’s new telehealth venture, named after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Jr.'s mom, seems like a social experiment in trolling.

>>110995 Fox News' Sean Hannity to host Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom in debate

>>110996 White House Briefing Descends Into Chaos as Karine Jean-Pierre Storms Out After Refusing to Call on African Journalist (VIDEO)

>>110997 NASA's Christmas Eve launch will be first time US craft has landed on the lunar surface in more than 50 years...

>>110998 Cops investigate rapey Florida power couple with ties to DeSantis

>>110999 Mary Cleave, first female astronaut to fly after Challenger explosion, dies at 76

>>111000 Eric Adams 'fears he'll be indicted for campaign violations over donations from Turkey'

>>111001 Precision Strike Missile completes successful Production Qualification Test 1 flight.

>>111002 Trump will hold a fundraiser instead of appearing at next week’s Republican presidential debate

>>111003 Tater participates in the National Christmas Tree Lighting

>>111004 Greene pulls Mayorkas impeachment resolution from consideration on House floor

>>111005 United States Space Force Prepares X-37B for Launch

>>111006 Launch coverage of the ISS Progress 86 cargo craft to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Launch scheduled for 4:23 a.m.

>>111007 Trump-Hating Movie being made to launder $40M dirty money from "some South American child trafficker"

>>111008 MUOS SATCOM System Completes Successful Demonstration in Canada

>>111009 The Financial Times Admits That Europe’s “Far Right” Does Not Threaten Democracy. The discuss Migrants and Irish aliens, raping women

>>111010 @DonaldJTrumpJr livestream

>>111011 Marines with 1st LAAD Battalion participate in the unit's “Turkey Bowl” on Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

>>111012 NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Pauses Science Due to Gyro Issue

>>111013 Innovations in money-laundering! Iowa Lottery Announces the Wrong Winning Numbers.

>>111014 @elisestefanik full statement on America's oldest gun manufacturer Remington Arms leaving New York State.

>>111015 Texas Car dealer paid Marines, ex-IDF member to kill escort, blackmailer over threats they’d expose sex trysts

>>111016 @nypost Chinese spies could use travel program to monitor US sites in Guam

>>111017 Israel is our greatest a-ACKKKKK

>>111018 An Italian fugitive connected to the ‘Ndrangheta mafia network has been arrested in Colombia

das it mane

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11ed7c No.111020

File: b4d018e30e649eb⋯.png (1.95 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005530 (010005ZDEC23) Notable: #24558

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>accepting handoffs

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11ed7c No.111021

File: cb97a7312605920⋯.png (18.43 KB,524x227,524:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005561 (010010ZDEC23) Notable: Biden's Infrastructure Law, San Francisco will soon receive $22 million to modernize our ferry system to be cleaner, safer & more reliable.

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Under President Biden's Infrastructure Law, San Francisco will soon receive $22 million to modernize our ferry system to be cleaner, safer & more reliable.

It was my privilege to fight for this federal funding that will improve the quality of life for Bay Area working families.


If I didn't know better, I'd say Nancy is planning on destroying the Golden Gate Bridge down.

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11ed7c No.111022

File: 091dda7d9694c54⋯.png (229.25 KB,394x693,394:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005567 (010012ZDEC23) Notable: Targeting Friday, December 1 for a Falcon 9 launch of the Korea 425 mission

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Targeting Friday, December 1 for a Falcon 9 launch of the Korea 425 mission from Space Launch Complex 4E in California → http://spacex.com/launches


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11ed7c No.111023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005575 (010013ZDEC23) Notable: Sen. Rand Paul uses Heimlich maneuver on choking Sen. Joni Ernst: ‘Hero!’

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Rand to the rescue!

Sen. Rand Paul uses Heimlich maneuver on choking Sen. Joni Ernst: ‘Hero!’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was called into action Thursday, successfully using the Heimlich maneuver on a choking Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) during a GOP luncheon.

The midday meal was hosted by Ernst, 53, and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who shared a photo of himself and Ernst posing with plates loaded up with pork chops, creamed corn and salad shortly before the scary moment.

“Can’t help but choke on the woke policies Dems are forcing down our throats. Thanks, Dr. @RandPaul!” Enrst posted on X, apparently feeling OK after Paul, a practicing opthalmologist and graduate of Duke Medical School, performed the rapid first-aid procedure.

Kelley Paul, the senator’s wife of 33 years, showed pride in her husband’s quick thinking.

“Senator Rand Paul, MD is a hero! Glad Senator Ernst is ok!,” she tweeted.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has often butted heads with his libertarian-leaning colleague on foreign policy issues, also praised Paul’s good deed.

What do you think? Post a comment.

“God bless Rand Paul,” Graham told a reporter after the incident. “I never thought I’d say that.”

Ernst is the chair of the Republican Policy Committee and member of the GOP’s Senate leadership team. She has served in the upper chamber since 2015 and previously spent 23 years in the Army Reserves and Iowa National Guard.


Rand Paul Uses Heimlich Maneuver On Republican Senator After Choking At Senate Lunch


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11ed7c No.111024

File: a1e4cdbd574b7e3⋯.jpg (134.4 KB,715x1162,715:1162,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005603 (010019ZDEC23) Notable: Alec Baldwin, an American actor and producer, has reached a settlement in a $25 million defamation lawsuit

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Alec Baldwin, an American actor and producer, has reached a settlement in a $25 million defamation lawsuit brought against him by a Gold Star family.

Gold Star families refer to “families of military members who have died in the line of duty, meant to honor the service member’s ultimate sacrifice while acknowledging their family’s loss, grief and continued healing,” according to uso.org

The lawsuit sparked from one of Baldwin’s Instagram posts after the actor advised his followers to taunt the family of a Marine who had passed away, according to investigative journalist Emily Miller.

The fallen Marine, Cpl. Rylee McCollum, and his family is being represented by attorney Dennis Postiglione. Postiglione confirmed the news about the lawsuit settlement to Miller in a statement.

“My clients are happy that this matter is over,” Postiglione said. “They look forward to moving on, without Alec Baldwin in their lives.”

The actor dealt with legal action on four counts after telling his 2.4 million Instagram followers to target the fallen Marine’s widow, Jiennah, and his sisters, Cheyenne and Roice, back in 2022.

The Gold Star family filed the lawsuit after facing online hate and harassment as a result of Baldwin’s social media post.

According to reports, Baldwin called Roice an “insurrectionist” after she posted a picture of the January 6th demonstration. After receiving clearance from law enforcement, Roice made it known to the public that she was not present at the U.S. Capitol that day.

The Gold Star family claimed to have received hate mail and death threats after Baldwin’s post, even in public places like the grocery store. 

Miller said that the family was subjected to constant online hate, being called names like “White supremacists and Nazis,” and they had also received comments implying that Rylee’s death was “futile.”

The incident occurred just four months after the Marine lost his life at Kabul Airport in Afghanistan due to a suicide bomber, while his wife Jiennah was eight months pregnant.

The McCollum family originally filed a $25 million lawsuit in their home state of Wyoming, which Baldwin rejected on jurisdictional grounds. However, the family re-filed the case in New York, where Baldwin resides, but Judge Edgardo Ramos dismissed it.

Miller stated that the McCollum family claimed in their lawsuit that they were anticipating full compensation for their damages and to “punish, deter, and teach Baldwin a lesson that he frankly should have learned years ago.”

Judge Ramos stated that Baldwin calling Roice an “insurrectionist” lacked “actual malice and wasn’t false,” interpreting the term in accordance with Baldwin’s definition to include everyone who attended the protest in Washington, D.C., on January 6th, 2021.

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11ed7c No.111025

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005622 (010023ZDEC23) Notable: Raheem Kassam On Crime Committed By Migrants: "This is taking place all across Europe"

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Raheem Kassam On Crime Committed By Migrants: "This is taking place all across Europe"This is bad. Muslim grooming gangs are still as bad as it was there 15 years ago.



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11ed7c No.111026

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005639 (010026ZDEC23) Notable: Raheem Kassam On Crime Committed By Migrants: "This is taking place all across Europe"

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Raheem Kassam And Mike Davis Detail Mehdi Hasan's Firing From MSNBC



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11ed7c No.111027

File: d6703108810165f⋯.jpg (153.17 KB,720x986,360:493,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 128fa48991815ed⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,654x360,109:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005664 (010030ZDEC23) Notable: Commie tactics in the Senate. PANIC

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Holy Communist Takeover of the Senate Batman 👀

What the hell is going on?


Commie tactics in the Senate. PANIC

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11ed7c No.111028

File: d64aed15b8e68d1⋯.jpg (31.75 KB,412x529,412:529,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76e774828167299⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005718 (010039ZDEC23) Notable: UK: Tory arses be squeaking

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kerry ✊💙Save Our NHS


Matt Hancock says with hindsight if the government took his plan into action then we would’ve locked down on the 2nd March saving many many lives -3 weeks earlier

Hugo Keith - you have been heard loud & Clear

Tory arses be squeaking

#CovidInquiry #ToryCovidCatastrophe


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11ed7c No.111029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005723 (010040ZDEC23) Notable: Russian court bans 'LGBT movement'

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Russian court bans 'LGBT movement'

Russia's LGBT community has come under increasing pressure from the authorities for years

Russia's Supreme Court has declared what it calls "the international LGBT public movement" an extremist organisation and banned its activities across the country.

The ruling was prompted by a motion from the justice ministry, even though no such organisation exists as a legal entity.

The hearing was held behind closed doors, but reporters were allowed in to hear the court's decision. Nobody from "the defendant's side" had been present, the court said.

Russia's constitution was changed three years ago to make it clear that marriage means a union between a man and a woman. Same-sex unions are not recognised here.

Ahead of the ruling, I asked Sergei Troshin, a municipal deputy in St Petersburg who came out as gay last year, what effect it would have.

"I think this will mean that anyone whom the state considers an LGBT activist could receive a long prison sentence for 'participating in an extremist organisation'," he said.

"For the organiser of such a group, the prison term will be even longer.

"This is real repression. There is panic in Russia's LGBT community. People are emigrating urgently. The actual word we're using is evacuation. We're having to evacuate from our own country. It's terrible."

Sergei Troshin


In recent years Russia's LGBT community has come under increasing pressure from the authorities. In 2013, a law was adopted prohibiting "the propaganda [amongst minors] of non-traditional sexual relations".

Last year, those restrictions were extended to all age groups in Russia. References to LGBT people have been deleted from books, films, adverts and TV shows. Earlier this month, one Russian TV channel discoloured a rainbow in a South Korean pop video, to avoid being accused of violating the "gay propaganda" law.

At the Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, Vitaly Milonov, a famously homophobic MP from the ruling party, United Russia, said the ban on LGBT groups was "not about sexual minorities or the private life of individuals".

"It's more about the political agenda proclaimed by this LGBT international movement," he told me.

"They have their own tasks, their own goals. They act as a political force, a political structure and the goals of this structure contravene the Russian Constitution."

Vitaly Milonov


"You talk about a political structure," I responded. "But there isn't a movement called the 'International LGBT public movement.' How can you ban something that doesn't exist?"


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11ed7c No.111030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005724 (010040ZDEC23) Notable: Russian court bans 'LGBT movement'

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"Oh, it's easy," Mr Milonov replied. "We can ban any activities from LGBT international organisations here in Russia. That's nice. We don't need them.

"And I'm looking forward to the next step: banning the six-colour rainbow flag. We don't need this flag. It's a symbol of the fight with the traditional family. I hope that no-one can show this flag in Russia."

Under Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin has embraced an ideology centred around conservative thinking and "traditional family values". The authorities portray LGBT activism as something inherently Western and hostile to Russia. Pressure on the LGBT community is presented as a means of defending the moral fabric of Russia.

And is it also a potential vote winner?

"I think [the court hearing] is linked to the presidential election next March," believes Sergei Troshin. "[The authorities] are creating an artificial enemy."

"They say 'We are battling the West'. The battle with LGBT people fits in with this anti-Western rhetoric. Fighting both the West and the LGBT community is popular amongst the conservative, anti-Western part of society. So this topic will be pushed in the run-up to the election."

"They're trying to distract attention from more important problems, which the Russian authorities don't want people to think about," says Maxim Goldman. He works for a Russian organisation that has been offering support to transgender and non-binary people.

"As soon as we heard about the Supreme Court hearing, the people who run our organisation realised we would have to leave the country urgently. It became an emergency."

Maxim Goldman heads to the airport to leave Russia

Maxim Goldman is leaving Russia because of the crackdown on LGBT rights

I spoke to Maxim, who identifies himself as non-binary, on his final day in Russia. He had packed a small suitcase and was about to head to the airport.

"I feel totally rejected by my own country," he said. "We're supposed to have a democracy here. The people we put in power are supposed to take care of us.

"But the opposite is happening. They're punishing us. They're wiping their feet on us. I'm being forced out."

For now, municipal deputy Sergei Troshin is staying. But he has no illusions.

"I have spoken a lot in the past about LGBT rights," Sergei tells me. "It's possible this will be enough to launch a criminal case against me. I hope not, but maybe. And this is terrifying.

"Russian society is soaked in fear. With every word you're crossing a mine field. Say one thing and it might land you in prison for five years; say something else, and you'll get 10 or 15 years behind bars."

2 of 2

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11ed7c No.111031

File: 1556f49359da5e1⋯.jpg (31.51 KB,415x320,83:64,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 61f37d70d42eb50⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,476x270,238:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005734 (010041ZDEC23) Notable: 🇮🇪 The Absolute State of Ireland Right now

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🇮🇪 Gerard Delaney 🔞 🇮🇪


🇮🇪 The Absolute State of Ireland Right now

2:15 PM · Nov 30, 2023



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11ed7c No.111032

File: 07c1bb61f632500⋯.png (268 KB,600x490,60:49,Clipboard.png)

File: e9d212aa70da41f⋯.png (188.27 KB,315x582,105:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005743 (010044ZDEC23) Notable: Northern Lights expected tonight in the UK and US due to massive solar storm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Insider Paper



NEW - Northern Lights expected tonight in the UK and US due to massive solar storm

Nov 30, 2023 · 4:45 PM UTC




>Can’t wait for the GREEN LIGHT.

>Teams on standby.


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11ed7c No.111033

File: d75f6f20cbea32a⋯.mp4 (12.33 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b7f6141b9075866⋯.jpg (30.46 KB,413x498,413:498,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005744 (010044ZDEC23) Notable: Remember the housing market crash during the Obama years? Well, you'll want to hear this 👇

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪


Remember the housing market crash during the Obama years? Well, you'll want to hear this 👇

10:47 AM · Nov 29, 2023


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11ed7c No.111034

File: edbbbf751c5595f⋯.jpeg (676.14 KB,1220x679,1220:679,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3b029b790b51332⋯.jpeg (114.37 KB,497x554,497:554,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005770 (010046ZDEC23) Notable: Biden's Infrastructure Law, San Francisco will soon receive $22 million to modernize our ferry system to be cleaner, safer & more reliable.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nobody uses it declining usage for years

> I'd say Nancy is planning on destroying the Golden Gate Bridge down.

You can’t block access to the ports-that would be instant because they still need people to buy “stuff” still-CA is being depopulated to be their playground so no not taking down the GGB-it wouldn’t surprise me if they closed it for an extended period

Fun fact: painting it requires a non-stop process as by the time they finish it..it’s time to start again because of muh salt/wind erosion

This is money laundering (because mayor did a “good job” cleaning up city for the recent APEC mtg -this her reward) throwing it at a resource that has less than 2m projected rides in one year

And niggas paleeze…..electric ferries

Sounds like a good band name but bad idea.

Go ahead get on it when the wind picks up and it runs out of power fighting the waves-never an issue with diesel based power. Sure it can break but add the limited range and intensified drain with heavier load-and the load won’t be because the boat is full

Look at the chart

These are mostly used by tourists and a few (smart) north/east bay residents but.

Check Mayor London Breed’s bank account soon (always loved that name I mean really?!)


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11ed7c No.111035

File: a4261f7fbeab217⋯.png (17.73 KB,600x137,600:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005776 (010047ZDEC23) Notable: US forced Saudi fund to exit AI chip startup backed by Open AI's Sam Altman

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Insider Paper



BREAKING: US forced Saudi fund to exit AI chip startup backed by Open AI's Sam Altman - Bloomberg

Nov 30, 2023 · 11:38 PM UTC



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11ed7c No.111036

File: cb2c211e11dbc0f⋯.png (371.66 KB,617x492,617:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005802 (010052ZDEC23) Notable: Kim Jong-Un’s Powerful Sister Rejects US Calls for Return to Diplomacy: “Will Never Sit Face-To-Face”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Kim Jong-Un’s Powerful Sister Rejects US Calls for Return to Diplomacy: “Will Never Sit Face-To-Face”

4:21 PM · Nov 30, 2023


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11ed7c No.111037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005818 (010054ZDEC23) Notable: Calling for a dig on Robert Aderholt (Rep. from Alabama} who's been in D.C. going on 22 or 24 years, Trump endorsed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>110979 pb

Calling for a dig on Robert Aderholt (Rep. from Alabama} who's been in D.C. going on 22 or 24 years now. Nobody knows him. Trump gave him his unqualified endorsement yesterday. Could use a dig. Believe he may have a Republican primary challenger for the first time in over a decade.

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11ed7c No.111038

File: 644b1b6cba7b0b7⋯.png (314.86 KB,617x541,617:541,Clipboard.png)

File: b80a7da055bdf22⋯.mp4 (1023.03 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005836 (010057ZDEC23) Notable: Max Miller (R-OH): You’re a crook, George Santos (R-NY): You’re a woman beater

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Keith Boykin


Max Miller (R-OH): You’re a crook.

George Santos (R-NY): You’re a woman beater.

3:59 PM · Nov 30, 2023


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11ed7c No.111039

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005838 (010058ZDEC23) Notable: Burchett: "They're putting their political future ahead of the country's future"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Tim Burchett: "They're putting their political future ahead of the country's future". A lot of the republicans are about staying in power. Whenever they say my

company is a Christian Company, run as far away as possible. They are using Jesus for filthy lucre and the least trustworthy of them all.


Anon told the board the night he was elected, that Mike Johnson was a shiny toy (I even used the word anti-Christ) and said there is something really wrong with him! I don’t care how many prayers he says etc. I’ve always been offended by “supposed Christians” that announce their Christian beliefs to make money or rule over people.

Now he’s promoting a CR for the next year. Plus there are a lot of liberals that McCarthy backed opposed to America First in Congress today. They are pretending to be Republican.


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11ed7c No.111040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005887 (010109ZDEC23) Notable: Commie tactics in the Senate. PANIC

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VIDEO: Senator Kennedy: She got caught!

[reads from letter the judicial nominee has now disavowed]:

"As they stand, prisons and jails are detrimental to public health and human rights, and disproportionally harm marginalized communities, including black, brown, indigenous, immigrants, people with mental illness, people with disabilities, people in LGBTQ+ community, people who use drugs, people engaged in sex work and economies, and people experiencing houselessness and poverty"

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11ed7c No.111041

File: 58761a538c59509⋯.png (48.49 KB,871x323,871:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005905 (010112ZDEC23) Notable: New Polls: Thursday, November 30-RCP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Polls:

Thursday, November 30

1) General Election: Trump vs. Biden The Messenger/HarrisX Trump 52, Biden 48 Trump +4

2) General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West The Messenger/HarrisX Trump 43, Biden 36, Kennedy 17, West 4 Trump +7

3) 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination The Messenger/HarrisX Trump 68, DeSantis 9, Haley 7, Ramaswamy 4, Christie 1, Scott, Burgum 1, Hutchinson 0 Trump +59

4) 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination The Messenger/HarrisX Biden 65, Williamson 8, Phillips 4 Biden +57

5) Virginia: Trump vs. Biden Roanoke College Biden 48, Trump 44 Biden +4

6) 2024 Virginia Republican Presidential Primary Roanoke College Trump 51, DeSantis 14, Haley 10, Youngkin 10, Ramaswamy 3, Christie 2, Pence, Scott Trump +37


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11ed7c No.111042

File: d6c24ad5d63c252⋯.png (341.54 KB,656x627,656:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005928 (010116ZDEC23) Notable: UN private jets to be powered by ?????

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11ed7c No.111043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005934 (010118ZDEC23) Notable: anon transcript Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Great interview! - Tucker Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

Some of anon’s transcript:


TC: I was in a prison last week. … I saw Julian Assange in London.

RB: Talk about the truth being illegal. He's paid for it with dozens of years.

TC: Well, Assange has never been accused of lying, or of fraud, or of making money in some criminal scheme. Assange has been accused of telling the truth, period. And they are torturing him to death in front of all of us. No one's doing anything about it. And thatMike Pompeo is a very-very sinister person.

RB: Isn't he?

TC: The worst. And I always thought that. And I’ve told Trump that. Never should have allowed him to run CIA or State. But Mike Pompeo tried to have [Julian Assange] him murdered, and that's a criminal act. He’s not even charged with a crime in the United States. And Mike Pompeo was CIA director. This came out. Pompeo didn't deny it.

JP: I never heard this.

TC: Oh yes, oh absolutely.

JP: Oh my God.

TC: He tried to have Julian Assange murdered, poisoned in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. And that's a fact. Okay, and it's been established. So, why is Mike Pompeo not in prison? You're not allowed to murder people extrajudicially, especially when they haven't even been charged in the United States, which is he had not been. So, Mike Pompeo runs around these stupid Republican donor events. You're like a world expert on whatever, and he's a criminal and he should be in jail. Like if Julian is in jail, how about the attempted murderer, right? What am I missing?

RB: How about the people that put Julian Assange in jail? They should be in jail.

TC: 100%. First, they accuse him falsely of rape. Rape, so you know that just shuts people down - he's a rapist. It's like kitty-porn; it's like, I don't even want to know more. You're bad, right? But then it turns out there was not enough evidence to charge him. He didn't commit rape that was a lie. He's never been accused of doing anything. By the way he’s spent four and a half years in prison in the UK at Belmarsh Prison, which is where all the murderers in London go. And he's never been charged with a crime in the United Kingdom. To this day, he's not charged with a crime. He's being held at the request of the US government; and he's just sitting there. And they're torturing him to death. I mean, he's of course dying, as you are when you've spent a total of what 13 years now in incarceration.

RB: I wanted Trump to Pardon him and I was really disappointed.

TC: I was disappointed and I think Trump, I would say, I think very fair criticism of Trump is, he does tend to surround himself with some of the most mediocre people.

RB: I don't think he can find better.

TC: That may be right. ButI have to say Mike Pompeo, and I saw it up close - I saw it intimately close, is a liar and a flatterer.Beware the flatterers! You know, if someone comes up to you and says, I don't like you. Fuck you and here's why. I can deal with that. If someone's like you know I really think you may be The Reincarnation of the godhead, I think you're Buddha actually. That person is my enemy.

RB: That's right.

TC: That person is trying to subvert me – trying to subport me. There's something very feline and dangerous about that. And that's who he is.[Mike Pompeo] He’s a liar!And he's the reason, I'm not speculating. He is the reason that Trump didn't release the JFK files, which implicate the CIA in the murder of an American president.

RB: Right, and others. … But, uh yeah, I wish [Trump] had done that. I think that all of us wanted him to do that.

TC: I think he knows that he made a mistake.

RB: I want him to say, “If I'm reelected, I will pardon Julian Assange.”

TC: Also, because one man's life is as valuable as any other man's life. I mean we're all created by God.

RB: The guy put his whole life on, to expose to America the war crimes we were committing.

TC: It's completely, right? But that's not why they're holding him. They're holding him because there was the Afghanistan and Iraq files, including that famous video of the reporters getting killed. So that was bad. It was when he released details about the CIA's spying program they had, including on Americans. That's when Pompeo's like we're going to kill him now.

RB: It's also about the hacking of the DNC. That's what I think.

JP: Cuz he named Seth. He said someone named Seth.

TC: So, I asked him directly about that in prison. I asked him about Seth Rich. And, he said I'm not going to, I mean this, I’m not going to budge. I'm not going to reveal my sources.

RB: That's great for him. That means it was.

TC: But, it's pretty clear that those files were not hacked by Russia. There's no evidence they were hacked.

JP: That was a leak.


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11ed7c No.111044

File: 5fc1000ff8b3fed⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,1272x639,424:213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0dd8dc6113cbcaa⋯.jpg (104.09 KB,1302x671,1302:671,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ddce71429cfc7fa⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,1011x639,337:213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: af0b2532876fed7⋯.jpg (89.15 KB,543x658,543:658,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c455308cd2438d⋯.jpg (64.61 KB,559x426,559:426,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005955 (010124ZDEC23) Notable: AmeriCorps is Created

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1/2USA Spending and the Clintons

Look what popped up on a USA Spending "All Years" search for "Hillary Clinton". In 2010, the Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation got a grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). This grant involvesAmericorpsthrough something called Assistance Listings (CFDA Programs). In 1993, AmeriCorps was created (think Bill Clinton). CNCS seems to be synonymous with AmeriCorps. USA Spending doesn't seem to mention the purpose of the 2010 Clinton Foundation grant.

The Corps Network History webpage says that Covid-19 fallout and climate change have led to bills intended "to establish a modernCivilian Conservation Corpsprogram.". This webpage seems to confirm that AmeriCorps was created in 1993 by Bill Clinton.

As of October 2023, AmeriCorps and the Clintons are still a thing (see 2/2 this thread).

USA Spending - Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation - Project Grant - FAIN 10NDHAR001


Americorps - About

AmeriCorps is Created


Corps Network History


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11ed7c No.111045

File: f7e2692461811cc⋯.jpg (114.53 KB,1093x679,1093:679,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a5fca13100488a9⋯.jpg (169.72 KB,1162x676,581:338,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005960 (010125ZDEC23) Notable: AmeriCorps is Created

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2/2USA Spending and the Clintons

Americorps - AmeriCorps and the Clinton Foundation Host Summit for the Future of National Service at the Clinton Presidential Center

Oct. 19, 2023


Clinton Foundation - Americorps: THIRTY YEARS FORWARD

October 26, 2023


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11ed7c No.111046

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005963 (010127ZDEC23) Notable: Gorka: "China was more powerful economically than America and we turned that around". touches on Kissinger, idea that America is in a “Thucydides Trap”

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Seb Gorka: "China was more powerful economically than America and we turned that around". He touches on Kissinger and his idea that America is in a “ Thucydides Trap” and the country was in managed decline


Really interesting, just ignore Gorka’s voice! Kek

And talks about: The Thucydides Trap, or Thucydides' Trap, is a term popularized by American political scientist Graham T. Allison to describe an apparent tendency towards war when an emerging power threatens to displace an existing great power as a regional or international hegemon.[1] The term exploded in popularity in 2015 and primarily applies to analysis of China–United States relations.[2]

Supporting the thesis, Allison led a study at Harvard University's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs which found that, among a sample of 16 historical instances of an emerging power rivaling a ruling power, 12 ended in war.[3] That study, however, has come under considerable criticism, and scholarly opinion on the value of the Thucydides Trap concept—particularly as it relates to a potential military conflict between the United States and China—remains divided.[4][5][6][7][8]



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11ed7c No.111047

File: 5d9acb676b94d2e⋯.jpg (94.25 KB,1566x881,1566:881,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005978 (010132ZDEC23) Notable: Sen. Rand Paul uses Heimlich maneuver on choking Sen. Joni Ernst: ‘Hero!’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Senator Rand Paul (KY) on Thursday used the Heimlich maneuver to save a fellow Senator who choked on some food at a Senate lunch.

Rand Paul, a physician, performed the Heimlich maneuver on Senator Joni Ernst (IA).

Joni Ernst thanked Dr. Rand Paul and cracked a joke about woke Democrats.


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11ed7c No.111048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005985 (010135ZDEC23) Notable: anon transcript Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Great interview! - Tucker Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

Some of anon’s transcript:


TC: I was in a prison last week. … I saw Julian Assange in London.

RB: Talk about the truth being illegal. He's paid for it with dozens of years.

TC: Well, Assange has never been accused of lying, or of fraud, or of making money in some criminal scheme. Assange has been accused of telling the truth, period. And they are torturing him to death in front of all of us. No one's doing anything about it. And thatMike Pompeo is a very-very sinister person.

RB: Isn't he?

TC: The worst. And I always thought that. And I’ve told Trump that. Never should have allowed him to run CIA or State. But Mike Pompeo tried to have [Julian Assange] him murdered, and that's a criminal act. He’s not even charged with a crime in the United States. And Mike Pompeo was CIA director. This came out. Pompeo didn't deny it.

JP: I never heard this.

TC: Oh yes, oh absolutely.

JP: Oh my God.

TC: He tried to have Julian Assange murdered, poisoned in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. And that's a fact. Okay, and it's been established. So, why is Mike Pompeo not in prison? You're not allowed to murder people extrajudicially, especially when they haven't even been charged in the United States, which is he had not been. So, Mike Pompeo runs around these stupid Republican donor events. You're like a world expert on whatever, and he's a criminal and he should be in jail. Like if Julian is in jail, how about the attempted murderer, right? What am I missing?

RB: How about the people that put Julian Assange in jail? They should be in jail.

TC: 100%. First, they accuse him falsely of rape. Rape, so you know that just shuts people down - he's a rapist. It's like kitty-porn; it's like, I don't even want to know more. You're bad, right? But then it turns out there was not enough evidence to charge him. He didn't commit rape that was a lie. He's never been accused of doing anything. By the way he’s spent four and a half years in prison in the UK at Belmarsh Prison, which is where all the murderers in London go. And he's never been charged with a crime in the United Kingdom. To this day, he's not charged with a crime. He's being held at the request of the US government; and he's just sitting there. And they're torturing him to death. I mean, he's of course dying, as you are when you've spent a total of what 13 years now in incarceration.

RB: I wanted Trump to Pardon him and I was really disappointed.

TC: I was disappointed and I think Trump, I would say, I think very fair criticism of Trump is, he does tend to surround himself with some of the most mediocre people.

RB: I don't think he can find better.

TC: That may be right. ButI have to say Mike Pompeo, and I saw it up close - I saw it intimately close, is a liar and a flatterer.Beware the flatterers! You know, if someone comes up to you and says, I don't like you. Fuck you and here's why. I can deal with that. If someone's like you know I really think you may be The Reincarnation of the godhead, I think you're Buddha actually. That person is my enemy.

RB: That's right.

TC: That person is trying to subvert me – trying to subport me. There's something very feline and dangerous about that. And that's who he is.[Mike Pompeo] He’s a liar!And he's the reason, I'm not speculating. He is the reason that Trump didn't release the JFK files, which implicate the CIA in the murder of an American president.

RB: Right, and others. … But, uh yeah, I wish [Trump] had done that. I think that all of us wanted him to do that.

TC: I think he knows that he made a mistake.

RB: I want him to say, “If I'm reelected, I will pardon Julian Assange.”

TC: Also, because one man's life is as valuable as any other man's life. I mean we're all created by God.

RB: The guy put his whole life on, to expose to America the war crimes we were committing.

TC: It's completely, right? But that's not why they're holding him. They're holding him because there was the Afghanistan and Iraq files, including that famous video of the reporters getting killed. So that was bad. It was when he released details about the CIA's spying program they had, including on Americans. That's when Pompeo's like we're going to kill him now.

to be continued


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11ed7c No.111049

File: 4ca6651a685e51a⋯.jpeg (418.3 KB,986x555,986:555,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 073f459eca24c2f⋯.jpeg (425.24 KB,828x949,828:949,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20005987 (010135ZDEC23) Notable: Ed Martin Discusses The Bicentennial Celebration Of The Monroe Doctrine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James Monroe.

“The collapse of the Federalists left Monroe with no organized opposition at the end of his first term, and he ran for reelection unopposed,[123] the only president other than Washington to do so. A single elector from New Hampshire, William Plumer, cast a vote for John Quincy Adams, preventing a unanimous vote in the Electoral College.[123] He did so because he thought Monroe was incompetent. Later in the century, the story arose that he had cast his dissenting vote so that only George Washington would have the honor of unanimous election. Plumer never mentioned Washington in his speech explaining The collapse of the Federalists left Monroe with no organized opposition at the end of his first term, and he ran for reelection unopposed,[123] the only president other than Washington to do so. A single elector from New Hampshire, William Plumer, cast a vote for John Quincy Adams, preventing a unanimous vote in the Electoral College.[123] He did so because he thought Monroe was incompetent. Later in the century, the story arose that he had cast his dissenting vote so that only George Washington would have the honor of unanimous election. Plumer never mentioned Washington in his speech explaining his vote to the other New Hampshire electors.”

My feeling is we will see a similar outcome in 2024.

Just replace Federalists with democRATS.

A perfectly placed portrait tells a lot.

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11ed7c No.111050

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006002 (010137ZDEC23) Notable: Ed Martin Discusses The Bicentennial Celebration Of The Monroe Doctrine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ed Martin Discusses The Bicentennial Celebration Of The Monroe Doctrine. This is fantastic! The explanation is specific.



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11ed7c No.111051

File: 0a80c4472dad8d2⋯.jpg (50.23 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006009 (010140ZDEC23) Notable: Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

Rep. Barry Loudermilk says some J6 documents missing too, and came back from Biden White House heavily redacted.

Videotapes of witness interviews that the Democrat-led Jan. 6 congressional committee conducted have vanished, raising concerns for the chairman of the successor House panel that is now examining security failures related to the Capitol riot as well as possible implications for upcoming criminal trials.

“All of the videotapes of all depositions are gone,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the House Administration oversight subcommittee, told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show Thursday night.


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11ed7c No.111052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006016 (010143ZDEC23) Notable: anon transcript Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


part 3

Tucker on CIA

RB: It's not like you know where the emperor goes down the street naked on the horse and the people are like, “Hey you're naked,” or somebody say some crazy old Jewish lady goes, “You're naked,” and they try to lock her up. But it's even worse because it's like he's not just naked waving his penis in everyone's face in the parades, which they're doing. He's rubbing his butt right on our nose. He’s like do something about. You don't like it? What do you mean you don't like it?

JP: We're getting te bagged. There's no doubt about it.

TC: When I was in my late 40s, … I spent my whole life you know hearing the Baby Boomers talk about the Kennedy assassination and I'm just like come on we had a Warren Commission. There was this guy called Oswald, a marine he defected to the Soviet Union. It's obvious he hated Kennedy because he was a cold warrior. It all made sense to me. I was l in my late 40s before I was like wait a second. This does not make sense. The lone gunman kills the lone gunman on TV. Like wait, what are the odds of that anyway? Two lone gunmen, really? And anyway, so then it culminated last year when I spoke to someone at the age of 53, who had seen the classified files that were not being released. I spoke to someone directly. I'm not speculating. It's someone who I know for a fact saw them, and who told me directly on the phone, “Yes they implicate the CIA - James Jesus Angleton.” I mean CIA is a big operation. It's not everyone in the CIA; but the operations director it run by this guy called Angleton, very famous guy. They had absolute knowledge he participated in it. And I was like, my head exploded. I was like I cannot believe all the crazy people were well right. It was so obvious to everybody else. But because I lived there, I knew of course I applied to the CIA in college.

RB: My God.

TC: I know it's like crazy

JP: You would have been good.

TC: In 1991, I mean, they didn't let me in. Thank heaven. I would have been terrible at it; but it just it was such a far distance for me to go mentally, to realize all this stuff. I just can't even tell you. And I finally left. I had to leave the city. I was like I can't live here anymore.

RB: Because you just have that naivety of the good happy America where you know we all do.

TC: I know these people; I've known Mike Pompeo since he was a congressman from Kansas. He's like your average Republican guy. Mike Pompeo is not evil. He's kind-of like jovial. He's pretty smart actually - went to West Point. Like I never thought about it, but it's like no this is really dark. Nobody oversees the CIA. Its budget is not publicly disclosed. CIA owns companies and it kills people. That's all fact. I mean I’m not speculating at all. And I mean not overthrowing Mossadeq in 1953. I'm talking about 2023, 70 years later, right now. It's more powerful than it's ever been. I don't want to get too personal. But like I know a lot of people who work CIA and I know four different cases where I personally was involved, or right next to someone who was, where CIA officers bought or sold multi-million dollar houses, including you know in what I'm currently involved with. And you sort of ask like how would a CIA officer be able to afford a $4 million house or a $10 million? What you're a federal employee. Like where's this money coming from? I probably shouldn't even be talking about this but it's like that's crazy. I never even thought about it.

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11ed7c No.111053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006030 (010146ZDEC23) Notable: anon transcript Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

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part 4

Washington DC is the beneficiary of a Stalin/Hitler packed

RB: No. It's like that in Hawaii. I'm like wow, “You must have made it big.” What you know cuz I'm nosy. “What' you do?” Oh well we work for um you know we're military contractors. “Wow you got a house 10 times bigger than mine.” And you were what, something like selling toothbrushes? I don't know something.

JP: 10% to the big guy is what it is

RB: It’s all a scam.

TC: I just saw that the other in the little town. I again I don't want to get too much; but I've seen that a lot. In fact the house that I lived in in high school in Georgetown, my father bought from a CIA officer in Georgetown and my father paid him in cash in actual bills $100,000 in bills and this guy didn't live there he lived in Ireland. But he’d been a CIA operations officer for his whole life, you know second world war, OSS, CIA. My whole neighborhood was filled with people like this and he owned this 3047 1/2 End Street Northwest DC. That's where I lived; and that was bought from Mr. Taddy who was a CIA officer; and it's like how did, I said to my dad, like you paid him in bills. Yeah, I went to the bank I got bills. How did the guy? He goes, I don't know. It was some house the CIA own but he wound up with it. It's like, is that how the federal government works? I worked for a company they had lots of assets. I didn't wind up owning those assets. Like what who's doing the accounting here? Like, what is this?

RB: You know what it's such a scam. Here's the scam of it. Why they get the left and the right going on it. Because they, I got to say this right. They socialize the risk and then privatize the profits. It's the greatest bring scam you could come up with. It's a Stalin/Hitler packed. More of that shit.

TC: It is and Washington DC is the beneficiary. Nothing is made in Washington. There's no innovation. There's no manufacturing. There's no banking even really. There's no Finance sector. There's really nothing. There's no Arts. There's no television other than like cable news - just Schock. The only business in Washington is government. Okay, that makes sense. It's the capital city. But it's also the richest city of the United States and the counties around it are the richest counties, like eight out of ten. I think collar DC - ring DC.

RB: It's all for them. Like Trump that's corruption.

TC: If that was taking place in Africa, you'd be like well that's corrupt.

JP: It's like the cartel.

RB: Well, remember when Trump won, because he said this: “We will be replacing this government that serves only to enrich itself has nothing to do with you.” Everyone loved that because it's true.

TC: It is true.

42:00 (end of anon's transcription)

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11ed7c No.111054

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006035 (010147ZDEC23) Notable: Money Market Funds See Massive Inflows As Fed's Bank Bailout Fund Holds At Record High

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>>110834 pb mktFag: Japan office market faces foreign sell-off amid rising rates + GameStop bull trap and Federal Reserve history in election cycles

Money Market Funds See Massive Inflows As Fed's Bank Bailout Fund Holds At Record High

Money-market funds saw a massive $102BN inflow last week (the largest since the middle of the SVB crisis in March). The fifth straight week of inflows pushed total MM fund assets to a new record high of $5.84 TN.(and where do you think the money is going to come from to buy the coming US Debt issues next year?! because these MMFs have placed money at the NYFED RRF for 5 bp over Prime starting in 2021 and peaking at over $2T nightly in Dec ‘22-btw the OG Patriot Act allows Treasury to loot ANY account for your cash and replace it with their debt notes/bills)

A breakdown for the week to Nov. 29, government funds - which invest primarily in securities like Treasury bills, repurchase agreements and agency debt - saw assets rise to $4.77TN, a $71.5BN(see above)increase. 

Prime funds, which tend to invest in higher-risk assets such as commercial paper, meanwhile, saw assets climb to $940BN, a $2.19BN increase.

With the vast bulk of that being into institutional funds (+$71BN), but the unbroken trend of flows into retail funds also continued. The resurgence in money-market fund inflows is diverging from bank deposits (which are gently rising on a seasonally-adjusted basis). Meanwhile, despite a small uptick into month-end, November saw a massive exodus of funds from The Fed's reverse repo facility, now at its lowest since July 2021-(see cap 3 from NYFED site)

Demand for the facility has been fading this year as the Treasury ramped up fresh bill issuance, offering an alternative for short-term investors.(but it’s all washed through the Primary Dealers and the daily NYFED Securities Lending Facility:$40.65B today). https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/desk-operations/securities-lending

While reserve scarcity is not a serious worry yet, it;s coming if this pace continues. After stalling last week, The Fed's balance sheet contracted by $14.7BN last week (to its lowest since April 2021).(these are just maturing debt so if you owned them you could claim you “did QT”). QT also reaccelerated last week, with Securities Held declining by $12.3BN. Usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility for the banks remained at a record high of $114BN(and they will have to find a replacement for this Yuge hole in a little moar than 4 months and they will cause a “crisis” with PNC or Schwab and it’ll end up at shitibank or perhaps Goldman as they have the lowest amount of (AUM) Assets Under Mgmt compared to the size of derivatives they hold so even a few hundy million in depositor base will help them-think leverage-and don’t rule out Apple as they just “ended” its commercial bank arrangement with Goldman and also haz the experience nao (Goldman haz commercial bank license so giving one to Apple wouldn’t be much of a stretch nao because of previous arrangement).

Which should be no surprise, as we detailed earlier, unrealized losses for banks surged in Q3. And for now, banks appear to be pulling the cover over investors eyes that everything is going to be awesome (if rates keep falling).(this is the losses on hold to maturity bonds that haz improved since blowing up in late September/October)

Equity market cap continued to soar, having re-coupled with its years-long relationship with bank reserves at The Fed. The band-aid over bank losses may be holding for now... but what happens in March when The Fed pulls the plug on the 'temporary' bailout facility?(they won’t pay it back and the FED will have to start QE because they can’t have rates this high going into meat of election season-wouldn’t surprise me if they cut in January to get the ball rolling then enough distance for the QE in April)



Next week we’ll go into Foreign Bank Reverse Repo Usage as they are panic buying Treasuries in the same way but another report breaks it down via EuroDollar usage- they fugged too…you’ll see

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11ed7c No.111055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006040 (010149ZDEC23) Notable: A Detransitioner’s Take on the Transgender Movement

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A Detransitioner’s Take on the Transgender Movement

Chloe Cole LIVE at the University of Utah

Detransitioner Chloe Cole exposes the profit-driven motives behind the transgender movement and questions the concept of "gender-affirming" care.


Chloe Cole is an 18-year-old who previously identified as a trans male and underwent hormone treatment and a double mastectomy. At the age of 16, she detransitioned and now believes her desire to transition was driven by trauma, body image issues, and fear of growing into a woman. She now advocates against gender-affirming treatment for minors and young adults.

Young America's Foundation

Started streaming 47 minutes ago


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11ed7c No.111056

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006085 (010157ZDEC23) Notable: Mark Finchem: Arizona's Attorney General "Oversteps" Role To Influence Election Outcomes

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Mark Finchem: Arizona's Attorney General "Oversteps" Role To Influence Election Outcomes



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11ed7c No.111057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006108 (010202ZDEC23) Notable: JAMIE DIMON THREATENS TEXAS AT THE DEALBOOK SUMMIT !!!

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Notes: This interview is only 33 minutes long, what ever this summit is, it has the worlds wealthest people speaking, dimon talks about working with china and also global banking, remember j.p morgan were involved with setting up the b.i.s and the federal reserve in the u.s.a. Dimon does not want anyone to see the books of j.p morgan as it will reveal the depths of evil.


JP Morgan Chief Jamie Dimon on the Dire State of the Global Economy | DealBook Summit 2023



30 Nov 2023

Jamie Dimon’s leadership of JPMorgan Chase has often brought a sense of stability to roiling financial markets. But when he looks at the conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine and elsewhere, combined with inflation and rising interest rates at home, he sees ominous warning signs.

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11ed7c No.111058

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006115 (010204ZDEC23) Notable: Mark Finchem: Arizona's Attorney General "Oversteps" Role To Influence Election Outcomes

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Sonny Borrelli: Arizona Election Officials Start "Scare Tactic" Before 2024 Election



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11ed7c No.111059

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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