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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

d6e896 No.51604 [Last50 Posts]

01DEC23 to 04DEC23


Re-Posts of notables

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d6e896 No.111060

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006124 (010206ZDEC23) Notable: LIVE: Gavin Newsom & Ron DeSantis DEBATE

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🚨 LIVE: Gavin Newsom & Ron DeSantis DEBATE

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d6e896 No.111061

File: de7865859735307⋯.jpeg (333.38 KB,828x1295,828:1295,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006126 (010206ZDEC23) Notable: Money Market Funds See Massive Inflows As Fed's Bank Bailout Fund Holds At Record High

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Muh GameStop today -10.46%


Dint “go to the moon today”

>>110834 pb. GME Bull Trap

>the smart ones sold yesterday

Or they watched the equity drop but the options got HAMMERED the tranche bought that started all this expire on Dec 8th which is 2 days after earnings so if you bought these last week you are still fine BUT if you bought them based on the news broke yesterday of the big purchase you are underwater ftmp because of delta slippage. The options were already priced for a 28-30% move upwards when it became public knowledge so unless GME delivers something special on Dec 6th you probably just funded Ryan Cohen’s exit as already mentioned yesterday this is how he got out of Bed,Bath and Beyond

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d6e896 No.111062

File: 094ce5db01f88cb⋯.gif (11.66 KB,640x512,5:4,Clipboard.gif)

File: bba4c2cfd280da6⋯.gif (27.33 KB,860x1240,43:62,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006189 (010218ZDEC23) Notable: CME first shocks from the M9.8 (X flare) of 112823 have already arrived…about 5+ hours early.

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CME first shocks from the M9.8 (X flare) of 112823 have already arrived...about 5+ hours early.

Magnetometers picking it up and upstream satellites are recording increasing solar wind speed and density. Bz component pointing south, so the stream should magnetically couple with Earth.

Auroras should be getting good soon and into the night. It's just getting started.





I can hear my phone alerts going off in the next room, so stuff is habbening.

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d6e896 No.111063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006361 (010252ZDEC23) Notable: #24558

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#24558 >>111020

>>111021, >>111034 Biden's Infrastructure Law, San Francisco will soon receive $22 million to modernize our ferry system to be cleaner, safer & more reliable.

>>111022 Targeting Friday, December 1 for a Falcon 9 launch of the Korea 425 mission

>>111023, >>111047 Sen. Rand Paul uses Heimlich maneuver on choking Sen. Joni Ernst: ‘Hero!’

>>111024 Alec Baldwin, an American actor and producer, has reached a settlement in a $25 million defamation lawsuit

>>111025, >>111026 Raheem Kassam On Crime Committed By Migrants: "This is taking place all across Europe"

>>111027, >>111040 Commie tactics in the Senate. PANIC

>>111028 UK: Tory arses be squeaking

>>111029, >>111030 Russian court bans 'LGBT movement'

>>111031 🇮🇪 The Absolute State of Ireland Right now

>>111032 Northern Lights expected tonight in the UK and US due to massive solar storm

>>111033 Remember the housing market crash during the Obama years? Well, you'll want to hear this 👇

>>111035 US forced Saudi fund to exit AI chip startup backed by Open AI's Sam Altman

>>111036 Kim Jong-Un’s Powerful Sister Rejects US Calls for Return to Diplomacy: “Will Never Sit Face-To-Face”

>>111037 Calling for a dig on Robert Aderholt (Rep. from Alabama} who's been in D.C. going on 22 or 24 years, Trump endorsed

>>111038 Max Miller (R-OH): You’re a crook, George Santos (R-NY): You’re a woman beater

>>111039 Burchett: "They're putting their political future ahead of the country's future"

>>111041 New Polls: Thursday, November 30-RCP

>>111042 UN private jets to be powered by ?????

>>111043, >>111048, >>111052, >>111053 anon transcript Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>111044, >>111045 AmeriCorps is Created

>>111046 Gorka: "China was more powerful economically than America and we turned that around". touches on Kissinger, idea that America is in a “Thucydides Trap”

>>111050, >>111049 Ed Martin Discusses The Bicentennial Celebration Of The Monroe Doctrine

>>111051 Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

>>111054, >>111061 Money Market Funds See Massive Inflows As Fed's Bank Bailout Fund Holds At Record High

>>111055 A Detransitioner’s Take on the Transgender Movement

>>111056, >>111058 Mark Finchem: Arizona's Attorney General "Oversteps" Role To Influence Election Outcomes


>>111060 LIVE: Gavin Newsom & Ron DeSantis DEBATE

>>111062 CME first shocks from the M9.8 (X flare) of 112823 have already arrived…about 5+ hours early.


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d6e896 No.111064

File: 5e07b96382edd32⋯.png (1.64 MB,860x1736,215:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 78e192e932b6f5a⋯.gif (303.78 KB,220x165,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

File: 515ddcadaa14dc2⋯.png (1.02 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: deed599db8fb896⋯.png (471.37 KB,569x335,569:335,Clipboard.png)

File: d639340f79bc000⋯.jpg (68.67 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006394 (010255ZDEC23) Notable: #24559

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can continue or defer

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d6e896 No.111065

File: 2f46e945ae888bb⋯.jpg (792.48 KB,1080x1696,135:212,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006410 (010257ZDEC23) Notable: @11thmeu: Living of[f] the land. [f]

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Living of the land.

U.S. Marines with Marine Rotational Force-Southeast Asia and an Indonesians marines with 4th Marine Infantry Brigade, Pasmar 1, share food at jungle survival training during Keris Marine Exercise 2023.

📍Sukabumi, Indonesia



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d6e896 No.111066

File: eb200f3d9ea082c⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 310b9dfcca28470⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8531317fdbdd018⋯.png (322.69 KB,458x402,229:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006435 (010302ZDEC23) Notable: "They have a formal name for it. You don't need to call it a conspiracy. They call it the Whole-Of-Society framework."

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Mike Benz: Whole-Of-Society framework

"They have a formal name for it. You don't need to call it a conspiracy. They call it the Whole-Of-Society framework."

I explain how to crush any argument that censorship industry revelations are a "conspiracy theory."


I could've made this supercut 10 hours. But just watch 2 minutes & you'll get it. The Whole-Of-Society censorship coalition:

1. Government institutions

2. Private sector institutions

3. Civil society institutions:

4. Media & fact-checking institutions


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d6e896 No.111067

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006440 (010303ZDEC23) Notable: Thayer Joins WarRoom To Discuss Henry Kissinger’s Passing. “When China says Kissinger was an Old And Valued Friend”

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Bradley Thayer Joins WarRoom To Discuss Henry Kissinger’s Passing. “When China says Kissinger was an Old And Valued Friend”, What does that mean? It means he was valuable to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In other words, he was a useful idiot for the CCP, to use Lenin’s term. Which is why China is mourning his loss!

If there is a father of CCP, it is Henry Kissinger and what he allowed. He sold America out by allowing China to join the free trade, etc.


(I don’t think it was ignorance, I think he was just another George Soros!)


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d6e896 No.111068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006472 (010310ZDEC23) Notable: Thayer Joins WarRoom To Discuss Henry Kissinger’s Passing. “When China says Kissinger was an Old And Valued Friend”

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This is a really good about Kissinger and his negative effects on Nixon, Ford etc. Kissinger said “Reagan was the most dangerous man in America when he said we could overcome the Soviet Union”.

Great history lesson hereshort video

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d6e896 No.111069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006485 (010313ZDEC23) Notable: Newsom gives Biden an 'A'. kek

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Newsome gives Biden an 'A'. kek

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d6e896 No.111070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006500 (010316ZDEC23) Notable: Newsom gives Biden an 'A'. kek

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Newsom: Biden is doing fantastically.

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d6e896 No.111071

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006513 (010319ZDEC23) Notable: Cleo Paskal Explains How China Is Buying Territorial Influence In The Pacific Ocean

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Cleo Paskal Explains How China Is Buying Territorial Influence In The Pacific Ocean. She writes for the UK paper “The Sunday Guardian”More excellent history vs what is going on today.



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d6e896 No.111072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006524 (010322ZDEC23) Notable: Ron's coming on a little stronger with twitter level talking points but really all this just makes me want yo vote for Trump Harder. So Trump, Trump is winning this.

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Ron's coming on a little stronger with twitter level talking points but really all this just makes me want yo vote for Trump Harder. So Trump, Trump is winning this.

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d6e896 No.111073

File: 14721381f1619d3⋯.png (233.5 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: ae426386078a6c1⋯.png (776.96 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 252c68155fc289b⋯.png (2.45 MB,1602x912,267:152,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f23c064d65c219⋯.png (8.23 MB,2692x1636,673:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006532 (010324ZDEC23) Notable: PF updates

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Call sign FFAB123 US Navy Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk 168115. On deck of USS Harry S. Truman steaming ESE in the Persian Gulf 16 knots.



HSM-72 Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron Seven-Two, also known as Proud Warriors is a helicopter squadron of the United States Navy based at Naval Air Station Jacksonville. The Proud Warriors are a part of Carrier Air Wing One and deploy aboard the USS Harry S. Truman.


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d6e896 No.111074

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006566 (010332ZDEC23) Notable: Daniel Richard Joins WarRoom To Discuss Unconstitutional Moves Made In New Hampshire 2020 Election.

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Daniel Richard Joins WarRoom To Discuss Unconstitutional Moves Made In New Hampshire 2020 Election. The legislature went beyond their constitutional duties, and expanded their authorities by statute

They are still fighting in NH anons! Good for them!



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d6e896 No.111075

File: b31537751b7fe8d⋯.jpg (340.54 KB,1080x1725,72:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006615 (010349ZDEC23) Notable: Huge win for Trump tonight.

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Huge win for Trump tonight.

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d6e896 No.111076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006628 (010353ZDEC23) Notable: Daniel Richard Joins WarRoom To Discuss Unconstitutional Moves Made In New Hampshire 2020 Election.

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Seriously guys this is fantastic, this can, related to 2020 election. If the words of the current state constitution on elections is violated it can be challenged and taken over by the SC.

SC Justice Roberts forced the SC to hear this case“Moore v Harper” recently (I wonder why he forced them and why now?) that allows the SC to have priority over State courts, to hear election cases ie 2020. (Is Roberts preparing for the 2024 Presidential Election steal, or is his fixing 2020?)

Legal Fags please listen, its complicated. He does explain why the SC turned down the 2020 presidential election fraud.

I’ve had to listen 2x to get the gist

Really good listen and interesting action by Justice Roberts

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d6e896 No.111077

File: 8ba20f850670ada⋯.png (760.67 KB,603x952,603:952,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006648 (010359ZDEC23) Notable: Idiots at @MetOpera stopped the show, twice, to tell us all that there will be no opera on a dead planet. 🥴

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Idiots at


stopped the show, twice, to tell us all that there will be no opera on a dead planet. 🥴😵‍💫 #Tannhauser #MetOpera

10:44 PM ¡ Nov 30, 2023


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d6e896 No.111078

File: 0df2501fd6df30d⋯.mp4 (985.51 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006661 (010403ZDEC23) Notable: Idiots at @MetOpera stopped the show, twice, to tell us all that there will be no opera on a dead planet. 🥴

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d6e896 No.111079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006666 (010404ZDEC23) Notable: Aurora: Panel of 17 live sky cams from Greenland. Can see which ones are good or cloudy.

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Panel of 17 live sky cams from Greenland. Can see which ones are good or cloudy.


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d6e896 No.111080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006668 (010405ZDEC23) Notable: MARX is not dead! | Dinner Banquet featuring Jake Jacobs

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watching now

MARX is not dead! | Dinner Banquet featuring Jake Jacobs

Free Enterprise Leaders Conference: Dinner Banquet featuring Jake Jacobs LIVE from the The Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, CA

Young America's Foundation

Started streaming 17 minutes ago


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d6e896 No.111081

File: 15f149e0cbcb587⋯.png (47.84 KB,734x550,367:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006742 (010434ZDEC23) Notable: Pressure Builds in Idaho for Replacement for Establishment Rep. Mike Simpson

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>Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID)

Richard Grenell

I am hearing that Idaho Republicans will primary @MikeSimpson4ID with an America First patriot.

I support them. We don’t have time for lip service.

This is their previous statement.

"Representative Simpson has served in Congress for decades. Perhaps all this time away from Idaho has caused him to lose sight of the real work that Americans need on the important issues that impact them and their families."

Idaho GOP slams Rep. Simpson over speaker vote, says he has been in D.C. too long

by CBS2 News Staff - Tue, October 17th 2023


12:49 PM ¡ Nov 30, 2023


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d6e896 No.111082

File: cf5fa578b645e36⋯.png (2.36 MB,1053x3220,1053:3220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006753 (010436ZDEC23) Notable: Pressure Builds in Idaho for Replacement for Establishment Rep. Mike Simpson

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Pressure Builds in Idaho for Replacement for Establishment Rep. Mike Simpson

Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID), the establishment career politician who represents the eastern part of the state, has already lost the support of the Republican Party of Idaho and now there are growing calls for a credible challenger to step up and run against him.

Ric Grenell, who served as former President Donald Trump’s acting Director of National Intelligence and previously as U.S. Ambassador to Germany, said on Thursday he supports local efforts to recruit a replacement for Simpson as the longtime establishment fixture says he will seek another term.


Grenell’s post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, links to a local news story in Idaho from October that details how the state GOP in Idaho said Simpson had been in Washington in elected office for too long, as evidenced by the fact that he several times went to the U.S. House floor and voted against then-GOP conference nominee for Speaker, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). Simpson’s intransigence, alongside his 24 other accomplices, caused significant pain to the American public at a time when the House needed a Speaker. Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had been ousted weeks before, and these 25 intransigents had a way out of the chaos but instead chose to violate the will of the GOP conference and vote against Jordan repeatedly across three separate floor votes.

The state GOP in Idaho in its formal statement condemning the intransigence of Simpson made clear he was causing pain to the people in the district he is supposed to represent.

“We would like to express our disappointment in our Republican U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson (ID-2) for not voting with the Republican caucus for Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House today,” the Idaho Republican Party said in the statement. “Our party has always championed fair and open deliberation, and it is disheartening to see one of our own Idaho congressmen deviate from a fair process to emphasize the same message as the radical Democrat members of the House.”

The state GOP also made clear in its statement that it is time for Simpson to be retired.

“Representative Simpson has served in Congress for decades,” the Idaho GOP said. “Perhaps all this time away from Idaho has caused him to lose sight of the real work that Americans need on the important issues that impact them and their families.”

Simpson was just one of the 25 intransigents who caused the nation serious pain during the Speakership selection process. The full list of the 25 intransigents is as follows:


For now, the newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson — as Breitbart News reported Wednesday — has been granting these 25 intransigents amnesty and clemency for their actions ...


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d6e896 No.111083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006781 (010449ZDEC23) Notable: Jim Jordan Chairs Weaponization Hearing On Govt - 2:21

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Jim Jordan Chairs Weaponization Hearing On Govt

Free Speech Suppression Feat. Matt Taibbi

The House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee holds a hearing about government collusion with social media to suppress free speech.

Forbes Breaking News

Nov 30, 2023 2:21:30


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d6e896 No.111084

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006799 (010457ZDEC23) Notable: Joe Allen Joins WarRoom To Discuss Musk’s Bombshell Claim That AGI (Active Godlike Intelligence) Is 3 Short Years Away

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Joe Allen Joins WarRoom To Discuss Musk’s Bombshell Claim That AGI Is 3 Short Years Away

Musk said this last night with Sorkin


AGI: Active Godlike Intelligence


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d6e896 No.111085

File: fda1d907d96df15⋯.png (387.55 KB,615x551,615:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 86d8aa36280a4ec⋯.mp4 (527.88 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006814 (010506ZDEC23) Notable: @brianstelter on Newsom to DeSantis

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Brian Stelter


Newsom to DeSantis: "You're trolling folks and trying to find migrants to play political games, to try to get some news and attention, so you can out-trump Trump. And by the way, how's that going for you, Ron? You're down 41 points in your own home state."

9:37 PM ¡ Nov 30, 2023


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d6e896 No.111086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006824 (010513ZDEC23) Notable: Texas AG Ken Paxton takes Pfizer to court over Covid-19 shot

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30 Nov, 2023 (Anons the flood is coming)

US state takes Pfizer to court over Covid-19 shot

The pharmaceutical giant misled the public about the vaccine’s effectiveness and sought to silence critics, the Texas lawsuit claims

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer on Thursday, alleging that the company misrepresented the effectiveness of its Covid-19 vaccine andsought to suppress public discussion of the product’s failures.

The lawsuit follows a six-month investigation by Paxton into alleged gain-of-function research by Pfizer and fellow Covid-19 vaccine developers Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.

“Pfizer engaged in false, deceptive, and misleading acts and practices by making unsupported claims regarding the company’s Covid-19 vaccine,in violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act,” Paxton said in a statement, arguing the company had illicitly made billions of dollars in profit.

Paxton specifically challenged Pfizer’s claim that its shot was 95% effective against the novel coronavirus, arguing that this was astatistical trick called “relative risk reduction,”which the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admitted might mislead consumers by presenting a treatment as more effective than it is. Clinical trial data showed the shotactually decreased the likelihood of contracting Covid-19 by just 0.85%, the lawsuit said.

According to the complaint,the pandemic “got worse”after the majority of Americans were vaccinated against the disease, pointing out that “official government reports showed that in at least some places agreater percentage of the vaccinated were dying from Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.”

The suit also claims thatPfizer “knowinglymade false and unsupported claims about vaccine performance against variants, including specifically the so-called Delta variant,” while labeling its critics as “criminals”and accusing them of spreading “misinformation.”

Paxton seeks financial penalties and an injunction preventing Pfizer from continuing to “misrepresent” the effectiveness of its product.

In a statement to the media, a Pfizer spokesperson said that the company is “deeply committed to the well-being of the patients it serves and has no higher priority than the safety and effectiveness of its treatments and vaccines.” It added that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been administered to more than 1.5 billion people worldwide, helping protect them against severe symptoms and showing “a favorable safety profile in all age groups.”

“The company believes that the state’s case has no merit and will respond to the petition in court in due course,” Pfizer said. (Good luck with that assholes!)


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d6e896 No.111087

File: 525961a4a7b66ec⋯.png (15.84 KB,615x180,41:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006832 (010516ZDEC23) Notable: According to Rawsalerts, Israel-Hamas ceasefire has expired immediately following rocket launches from Gaza, the war has restarted.

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🚨#BREAKING: Israel-Hamas ceasefire has expired immediately following rocket launches from Gaza, the war has restarted.

12:12 AM ¡ Dec 1, 2023


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d6e896 No.111088

File: 4b86e2227c41931⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5a9c5a991652d87⋯.mp4 (5.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006834 (010517ZDEC23) Notable: More from Roseanne's Tucker interview

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>>111048 (pb)

The Hatred of Truth is the Hallmark of Darkness

>She was yelling Russia Russia Russia while she had been selling plutonium to Russia.

>Sociopaths don't tell small lies, they invert the truth.

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d6e896 No.111089

File: 0566bd543db750e⋯.jpeg (311.84 KB,1101x1170,367:390,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8f6c89384f102ef⋯.jpeg (51.1 KB,435x432,145:144,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006840 (010519ZDEC23) Notable: Senator Rand Paul used the Heimlich maneuver on fellow Republican Joni Ernst at a luncheon

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1 Dec, 2023

US lawmaker saves colleague from choking

Senator Rand Paul used the Heimlich maneuver on fellow Republican Joni Ernst at a luncheon

US Senator Rand Paul may have saved the life of Senator Joni Ernst on Thursday, performing the Heimlich Maneuver when she began choking on a piece of food at a lunch meeting in Washington.

The incident occurred at a luncheon for GOP senators hosted by Ernst and Chuck Grassley, both Iowa Republicans. Paul, a Kentucky eye surgeon who was elected to the Senate in 2010, came to the rescue after Ernst began choking.

The Heimlich Maneuver involves reaching around from behind a choking person with both hands and administering abdominal thrusts to the base of their diaphragm to dislodge the object by forcing air up through the throat.

Senator Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, called Paul a hero.

“Not all heroes wear capes,”Lee said on X (formerly Twitter). “Not all senators can quote Mises and Hayek while saving lives,” he added, referencing two Austrian economists popular among libertarians.

Ernst joked about the incident by taking a jab at Democrats.

“Can’t help but choke on the woke policies Dems are forcing down our throats. Thanks Dr. Rand Paul!” she wrote on X.

The Iowa Day luncheon was sponsored at least partly by the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association. A photo posted by Grassley showed him and Ernst holding plates of food, a pork chop for him and a steak sandwich for his colleague.

Ernst, 53, retired as a lieutenant colonel in Iowa’s Army National Guard after being elected to the Senate in 2014.

Paul has been a lightning rod for controversy in the Senate with his libertarian policies, including fighting against the Covid-19 vaccine mandates, trying to block extension of the Patriot Act, and opposing funding for military aid to Ukraine.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a war hawk who has repeatedly clashed with Paul, thanked him for saving their mutual colleague on Thursday.

“It’s a good thing he did,” Graham said.“God bless Rand Paul. I never thought I’d say that.”

(what an ahole Graham is!)


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d6e896 No.111090

File: 30815926da91a90⋯.jpeg (72.73 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006856 (010528ZDEC23) Notable: Top US general warns lawmakers of funding crisis

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(Too bad, so sad Gen, Charles Q. Brown, the Woke Dope.)

30 Nov, 2023 22:24

Top US general warns lawmakers of funding crisis

A Pentagon official has claimed that failure to pass a new budget would hurt recruiting and block new projects

Funding for America’s troops will be jeopardized if US lawmakers continue to rely on stopgap funding measures, rather than passing a new Pentagon budget, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Brown Jr. has claimed.

Brown issued his warning in a letter to members of the US Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, sayingthe military will face a $5.8 billion shortfall* in personnel funding if Congress does not pass a full-year spending bill. Like the rest of the federal government, the Pentagon has been operating under a so-called CR, or continuing resolution, since its fiscal year began on October 1, because US lawmakers haven’t been able to reach agreement on budget legislation. (*stop sending money to Ukraine then!)

A CR essentially kicks the financial can down the road,keeping funding at the previous year’s level and blocking new programs from starting. US House Speaker Mike Johnson reportedly plans to push forward a CR that will keep the government operating on stopgap funding for the whole fiscal year if lawmakers can’t come together to pass a budget.

Brown warned that a year-long CR would prevent the Pentagon from starting any new construction projects or pushing forward with such key initiatives as modernizing US nuclear forces and ramping up production of artillery shells and other munitions. Funding for new warships would be cut sharply, and maintenance delays would undermine the US Navy’s readiness.Recruiting of fresh troopswould have to be slowed, he added, and transfers of service members to their new duty stations would be delayed.

The Department of Defense plans to increase the pay of service members by 5.2% in the current fiscal year, but with spending frozen at the previous year’s level, it will be forced to cut other personnel costs, such as recruiting, to make up the difference.

US military spending isprojected to rise by 3.6% in the 2024 fiscal year, to around $830 billion. The Pentagon already boasts more spending than the world’s nine next-largest defense budgets combined. In addition, President Joe Biden has requested congressional approval for $106 billion in supplemental national security funding,including $61.4 billion in additional military aid for Ukraine.

“We owe our service members the tools they need to be successful,” Brown said in his letter. “We have asked them to modernize and accelerate the future capabilities they need to continue to deter and project credible combat power. We need full appropriations to stay ahead of pacing, acute, and unforeseen challenges.”

(Hey Pentagon go and find the billions or trillions you can’t account for first!)


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d6e896 No.111091

File: 35fb39d62e04841⋯.jpeg (60.08 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006874 (010537ZDEC23) Notable: European Council chief pitches EU ‘cyber force’

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30 Nov, 2023

European Council chief pitches EU ‘cyber force’

Charles Michel urged member countries tomove away from national defense models, framing the funding of Ukraine’s military as a success

The European Defence Agency must establish a “European cyber force” with offensive capabilities in order to keep Russia at bay and take the lead in the emerging field of cyber-defense, European Council President Charles Michel told an audience at the agency’s annual conference on Thursday.

Cyber-defense is the future of security, Michel argued, insisting that Europe must get in on the ground floor by creating a bloc-wide cyber-force and making it a “fundamental component” of the EDA. “It would help us to take a position of leadership in cyber response operations and information superiority, and I believe it should be equipped with offensive capabilities,” Michel explained.

Michel’s enthusiasm for cyber-warfare was echoed by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who argued individual nations should defer responsibility for defending cyberspace – a “flagship capability” – to the EU.

Both leaders pushed formore “collaborative spending” on defense, framing bloc-wide spending on the conflict in Ukraine as a success story. However, member states are “buying alone and buying abroad” instead of pooling their resources and supporting continental businesses, von der Leyen complained, while Michel called for member states to remove regulatory red tape to streamline the purchase of weapons systems to better confront the Russian threat.

To sweeten the deal, von der Leyen suggested states that cooperated by increasing their contribution to the EU’s war chest could receive fiscal incentives, such as leniency regarding debt repayment. Even previously stable nations such as Germany have experienced economic hardship after pouring billions of dollars into the conflict in Ukraine and cutting themselves off from their most affordable source of oil and gas via sanctions on Russia.

The European Commission earlier this year announced a collaboration with private companies on a €1.1 billion pan-European “cyber-shield,” to be comprised of systems for the prevention and detection of cyberattacks and an emergency mechanism capable of responding to them. While the details of the vetting process through which private-sector partners will be selected have not been agreed upon yet, legislators are expected to vote to establish and fund the cyber-shield next week.

The European Parliament reported a “sophisticated” denial-of-service attack last year coinciding with a vote to declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, blaming a “pro-Kremlin group” for the infiltration, which kept its website offline for several hours.

EU leaders have been confronted with flagging enthusiasm for continued funding to Kiev. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on Thursday urged an end to weapons deliveries to Ukraine, declaring its conflict with Moscow was “not Europe’s fight” and reiterating previous warnings against fast-tracking Ukrainian membership in either the EU or NATO.

(These people are insane, all the countries all but gave up on Ukraine and now EU leadership wants to give them more money to launder. EU leaders in Brussels needs to be investigated for corruption and money laundering.)


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d6e896 No.111092

File: 99e893217394ddf⋯.jpeg (127.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006886 (010545ZDEC23) Notable: Slovakia's new PM meets Russian ambassador

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30 Nov, 2023 19:59

EU state’s new PM meets Russian ambassador

Robert Fico of Slovakia had a message for both Moscow and Washington

Slovakia’s national interest is to promote peace and not war in Ukraine, Prime Minister Robert Fico told the Russian ambassador to Bratislava on Thursday.

The Russian embassy confirmed that Ambassador Igor Bratchikov met with Fico and discussed both the current state of bilateral relations and its future prospects.

Fico posted on Facebook that he also met with the US envoy to Bratislava, Gautam Rana, and that he informed both the Russian and the American ambassadors of Slovakia’s policy priorities.

“I explained Slovak national priorities to both ambassadors, as well as my view of the war in Ukraine, where the EU and US strategy set up so far is clearly failing,” Fico said.

WhileSlovakia is a member of the EU and NATO, which “naturally affects our foreign policy priorities,” he added, that “cannot limit us in sovereign positions, which are not always in line with the EU policy of having one single correct opinion.”

The foreign policy priority I intend to implement is the protection and promotion of Slovak national-state interests, which includes supporting peace initiatives and not war in Ukraine.

Slovakia has to “prepare for the period after the end of the war in Ukraine and for thestandardization of Slovak-Russian relations,”added Fico.

Fico became prime minister last month, after his Social Democrats won the most votes in October’s general election on the platform of negotiating an end to the Ukraine conflict, among other things. He was prime minister twice before, from 2006-2010 and from 2012-2018.

His government has already informed Brussels-that it would veto the 12th round of EU sanctions against Russia if it included a ban on nuclear fuel. Meanwhile, Slovakian truckers have protested in solidarity with their Polish colleagues, against what they called unfair competition by Ukrainian cargo companies due to preferential treatment by the EU.

The previous government in Bratislava had supported Kiev with €671 million ($716 million) worth of weapons, such as MiG-29 fighter jets and a 2K12 Kub air defense systems.In early November, Fico canceled the deliveryof another €40.3 million ($43 million) worth of weapons.

Private contracts to manufacture weapons for Ukraine – such as the order for 16 of the Zuzana 2 self-propelled 155mm howitzers, funded by several NATO members – have been allowed to proceed, however.

(Next West Color Revolution planned for Slovakia already)


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d6e896 No.111093

File: fd55bbafe25c15c⋯.jpeg (75.35 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006900 (010553ZDEC23) Notable: US closes secret tavern at key military base

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30 Nov, 2023 20:27

US closes secret tavern at key military base – media

The John Wayne Saloon has reportedly been shut down after a newspaper raised questions about alcohol use at NORAD

The US general overseeing Washington’s defenses against nuclear bombers and other threats by air has reportedly ordered the shutdown of a secret saloon after a major media outlet raised questions about daytime drinking inside the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).

US Air Force General Glen VanHerck closed the bar last week anddemanded an investigation into how NORAD officers were allowed to operate a clandestine drinking joint during work hours, USA Today reported on Wednesday. Known as the John Wayne Saloon – named after an iconic American actor known for tough-guy roles – the tavern was located atPeterson Space Force Base in Coloradoand served its patrons by invitation only, the newspaper said.

A John Wayne poster was affixed to the tavern’s door, and visitors had to enter a keypad code to gain access. “Nearby, lieutenant colonels and majors planned future NORAD operations,” USA Today said, citing unidentified officers and civilian employees familiar with the saloon. “Also at hand: computers with access to the Pentagon’s secret email system.”

VanHerck told the newspaper that he had confirmed the presence of hard liquor, beer and a refrigerator in a locked office space with a John Wayne poster inside the NORAD headquarters. He also confirmed that the facility had access to “classified networks for planning purposes.”

The NORAD commander added that the presence of alcohol was “certainly something that was concerning enough to me to direct a commander’s-directed investigation.” The probe will determine whether alcohol use inside the NORAD headquarters compromised America’s national security, VanHerck said.

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studies have shown that military service is America’s heaviest-drinking occupation. Troops consume alcohol on 130 days out of the year, on average, and they binge-drink 41 times annually, according to an analysis of CDC data released in 2019.

Alcohol use is prohibited in US military offices without special permission. Waivers are sometimes granted for such events as retirement celebrations and holiday parties.

NORAD is responsible for overseeing the airspace defenses of both the US and Canada. The US Northern Command (NORTHCOM), which coordinates the Pentagon’s response to attacks and natural disasters in North America, is also headquartered at Peterson Space Force Base.

VanHerck said he hadn’t heard about any concerns regarding on-the-job drinking at NORAD prior to USA Today’s inquiry. He claimed credit for being “transparent” when the newspaper brought the secret tavern to his attention. “I would tell the people in the United States and Canada: trust the commands that defend them each and every day,” the general said.

Earlier this year, VanHerck fired his NORTHCOM operations chief, US Army Major General Joseph Lestorti, citing “a loss of trust and confidence.” Several officials told USA Today thatthe ousted general was known for being gruff, demanding and intolerant of workplace alcohol use. (Why was that a bad thing?)


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d6e896 No.111094

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006907 (010557ZDEC23) Notable: In Roseanne interview, Tucker reveals he supported Trump for President after MarALago search

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“It’s Bigger than Trump. It’s Bigger than Biden. Do You Want to Live in a Free Country?” – Tucker Carlson Reveals the Exact Moment He Supported Trump for President (VIDEO)

@30:17 ja talk

@30:51 4554551n

@23:27 hoomanizing hoomans

@29:37 "it seems like there's probably a lot of feds in the crowd" and they seethe.

Whole populations, as Gaza, younger the better.

And then there's "finishing schrool."

Barry even had/tried to create pre-kindergarten.

Listen whole.


Bottom vid.

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d6e896 No.111095

File: 4e9a2218d46cff8⋯.jpg (177.3 KB,720x1100,36:55,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b27dc230578c8ff⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006916 (010601ZDEC23) Notable: Your average stupid woke leftist "activist" explaining geopolitical issues in the Middle East.

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Your average stupid woke leftist "activist" explaining geopolitical issues in the Middle East. 🤣



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d6e896 No.111096

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006921 (010604ZDEC23) Notable: Ep. 43 of Tucker on Twit-X: Marjorie Taylor Greene

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BREAKING: Ep. 43 of ‘Tucker on X’ just dropped, with MTG


2 hours ago


BREAKING: Ep. 43 of ‘Tucker on X’ just dropped - You think elected Republicans in Washington are craven frauds who’d sell your children for a steak dinner at the French Laundry? Actually, says Marjorie Taylor Greene, it’s worse than that


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d6e896 No.111097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006932 (010610ZDEC23) Notable: Grassely participating in Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes; corn header new or not?

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The corn is always ripe for harvesting depending on what you want to turn that corn into. Saving the best for last.

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d6e896 No.111098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006933 (010611ZDEC23) Notable: Ep. 43 of Tucker on Twit-X: Marjorie Taylor Greene

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 43 You think elected Republicans in Washington are craven frauds who’d sell your children for a steak dinner at the French Laundry? Actually, says Marjorie Taylor Greene, it’s worse than that.

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d6e896 No.111099

File: 9a3ae708b7145c4⋯.jpg (146.17 KB,720x757,720:757,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b93d89ed23c9655⋯.jpg (235.93 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6748adc4e33f87a⋯.jpg (559.06 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d0b366075e2a32⋯.jpg (293.82 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b992e2efcd0e9e2⋯.jpg (134.6 KB,720x996,60:83,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006935 (010612ZDEC23) Notable: Grassely participating in Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes; corn header new or not?

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Also Grassley today

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d6e896 No.111100

File: 0276a53ee721323⋯.jpg (137.63 KB,720x770,72:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006937 (010613ZDEC23) Notable: Grassely participating in Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes; corn header new or not?

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Corn header not sure if new

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d6e896 No.111101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006942 (010615ZDEC23) Notable: Grassely participating in Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes; corn header new or not?

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Corn: It's Everything


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d6e896 No.111102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006947 (010617ZDEC23) Notable: Disney Stock CRASHES After Elon Musk-Led Boycott

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10:34 / 16:53

Disney Stock CRASHES After Elon Musk-Led Boycott! "Go F*** Yourself" Bob Iger Admits TOTAL FAILURE

Benny Johnson


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d6e896 No.111103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20006949 (010618ZDEC23) Notable: Grassely participating in Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes; corn header new or not?

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Chuck jogs 2 miles a day, is the reason he looks good for his age, plus all the vacuuming.

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d6e896 No.111104

File: b07321263fcd739⋯.png (404.34 KB,846x732,141:122,Clipboard.png)

File: b82f9f52878159d⋯.png (105.84 KB,842x655,842:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a6954cc087f255⋯.png (69.63 KB,817x711,817:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007069 (010719ZDEC23) Notable: A Florida election fraud chief died last year in the hallway of Ron DeSantis' office

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A Florida election fraud chief died last year in the hallway of Ron DeSantis' office

November 28, 202312:43 PM ET

Florida's top election fraud officer collapsed in the hallway of the governor's office after a heated meeting last year, then lay dead or dying for 24 minutes before someone came to his aid, according to a new report from a local watchdog group.

Peter Antonacci, who was appointed to lead Florida's controversial new elections fraud office in July 2022, died at the state Capitol building weeks later, on Sept. 23, 2022.

Initial reports of his death were scant on details, saying only that he died of a heart attack "while at work in the Capitol building." The 74-year-old had a known history of heart disease and cardiac conditions, according to his wife.

High Stress Drives Up Your Risk Of A Heart Attack. Here's How To Chill Out

Shots - Health News

High stress drives up your risk of a heart attack. Here's how to chill out

On Sunday, a law enforcement investigation into the death was released by the Florida Bulldog, an independent online watchdog group that monitors state politics and government.

The 17-page investigation, retrieved through a public records request, paints a fuller portrait of Antonacci's death, including that he'd just left a contentious meeting with some of the state's top officials inside the office of Gov. Ron DeSantis.

read moar.... https://www.npr.org/2023/11/28/1215563959/antonacci-desantis-florida-election-official-death

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d6e896 No.111105

File: 9fef9f969fee061⋯.jpg (134.95 KB,720x850,72:85,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9e114d9de3e08c7⋯.jpg (49.86 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007071 (010719ZDEC23) Notable: Wendy Rogers' Mystery map - trafficking routes from Mexico?

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Goodness, from where did this get leaked?

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d6e896 No.111106

File: dd46e2bf92571eb⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB,886x486,443:243,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007072 (010720ZDEC23) Notable: @DJT - “BATTLE OF LOSERVILLE”

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d6e896 No.111107

File: ab3d0648b88ed0c⋯.png (257.66 KB,641x613,641:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007084 (010726ZDEC23) Notable: Wendy Rogers' Mystery map - trafficking routes from Mexico?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111108

File: 69ea31bd511f7a0⋯.png (495.79 KB,646x820,323:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007094 (010731ZDEC23) Notable: Conor McGregor has been arrested on charges of incitement and hate speech - Ireland is no longer a free country.

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d6e896 No.111109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007099 (010735ZDEC23) Notable: Mass Disney+ Cancellations After Elon Musk Told Bob Iger to GO 👀 HIMSELF!

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Mass Disney+ Cancellations After Elon Musk Told Bob Iger to GO 👀 HIMSELF!

Tyrone Magnus

1.96M subscribers

6 hours ago

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d6e896 No.111110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007126 (010747ZDEC23) Notable: #24559

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note collector here

here are notes, didn't sign in to bake, feeling kinda lousy

can you bake?

#24559 >>111064

>>111073 PF updates

>>111065 @11thmeu: Living of[f] the land. [f]

>>111066 "They have a formal name for it. You don't need to call it a conspiracy. They call it the Whole-Of-Society framework."

>>111067, >>111068 Thayer Joins WarRoom To Discuss Henry Kissinger’s Passing. “When China says Kissinger was an Old And Valued Friend”

>>111069, >>111070 Newsom gives Biden an 'A'. kek

>>111071 Cleo Paskal Explains How China Is Buying Territorial Influence In The Pacific Ocean

>>111072 Ron's coming on a little stronger with twitter level talking points but really all this just makes me want yo vote for Trump Harder. So Trump, Trump is winning this.

>>111074, >>111076 Daniel Richard Joins WarRoom To Discuss Unconstitutional Moves Made In New Hampshire 2020 Election.

>>111075 Huge win for Trump tonight.

>>111077, >>111078 Idiots at @MetOpera stopped the show, twice, to tell us all that there will be no opera on a dead planet. 🥴

>>111079 Aurora: Panel of 17 live sky cams from Greenland. Can see which ones are good or cloudy.

>>111080 MARX is not dead! | Dinner Banquet featuring Jake Jacobs

note collector

>>111082, >>111081 Pressure Builds in Idaho for Replacement for Establishment Rep. Mike Simpson

>>111083 Jim Jordan Chairs Weaponization Hearing On Govt - 2:21

>>111084 Joe Allen Joins WarRoom To Discuss Musk’s Bombshell Claim That AGI (Active Godlike Intelligence) Is 3 Short Years Away

>>111085 @brianstelter on Newsom to DeSantis

>>111086 Texas AG Ken Paxton takes Pfizer to court over Covid-19 shot

>>111087 According to Rawsalerts, Israel-Hamas ceasefire has expired immediately following rocket launches from Gaza, the war has restarted.

>>111088 More from Roseanne's Tucker interview

>>111094 In Roseanne interview, Tucker reveals he supported Trump for President after MarALago search

>>111089 Senator Rand Paul used the Heimlich maneuver on fellow Republican Joni Ernst at a luncheon

>>111090 Top US general warns lawmakers of funding crisis

>>111091 European Council chief pitches EU ‘cyber force’

>>111092 Slovakia's new PM meets Russian ambassador

>>111093 US closes secret tavern at key military base

>>111095 Your average stupid woke leftist "activist" explaining geopolitical issues in the Middle East.

>>111096, >>111098 Ep. 43 of Tucker on Twit-X: Marjorie Taylor Greene

>>111099, >>111100, >>111097, >>111101, >>111103 Grassely participating in Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes; corn header new or not?

>>111102 Disney Stock CRASHES After Elon Musk-Led Boycott

>>111104 A Florida election fraud chief died last year in the hallway of Ron DeSantis' office


>>111105, >>111107 Wendy Rogers' Mystery map - trafficking routes from Mexico?

>>111108 Conor McGregor has been arrested on charges of incitement and hate speech - Ireland is no longer a free country.

>>111109 Mass Disney+ Cancellations After Elon Musk Told Bob Iger to GO 👀 HIMSELF!

#24559 >>111064

>>111073 PF updates

>>111065 @11thmeu: Living of[f] the land. [f]

>>111066 "They have a formal name for it. You don't need to call it a conspiracy. They call it the Whole-Of-Society framework."

>>111067, >>111068 Thayer Joins WarRoom To Discuss Henry Kissinger’s Passing. “When China says Kissinger was an Old And Valued Friend”

>>111069, >>111070 Newsom gives Biden an 'A'. kek

>>111071 Cleo Paskal Explains How China Is Buying Territorial Influence In The Pacific Ocean

>>111072 Ron's coming on a little stronger with twitter level talking points but really all this just makes me want yo vote for Trump Harder. So Trump, Trump is winning this.

>>111074, >>111076 Daniel Richard Joins WarRoom To Discuss Unconstitutional Moves Made In New Hampshire 2020 Election.

>>111075 Huge win for Trump tonight.

>>111077, >>111078 Idiots at @MetOpera stopped the show, twice, to tell us all that there will be no opera on a dead planet. 🥴

>>111079 Aurora: Panel of 17 live sky cams from Greenland. Can see which ones are good or cloudy.

>>111080 MARX is not dead! | Dinner Banquet featuring Jake Jacobs

note collector

>>111082, >>111081 Pressure Builds in Idaho for Replacement for Establishment Rep. Mike Simpson

>>111083 Jim Jordan Chairs Weaponization Hearing On Govt - 2:21

>>111084 Joe Allen Joins WarRoom To Discuss Musk’s Bombshell Claim That AGI (Active Godlike Intelligence) Is 3 Short Years Away

>>111085 @brianstelter on Newsom to DeSantis

>>111086 Texas AG Ken Paxton takes Pfizer to court over Covid-19 shot

>>111087 According to Rawsalerts, Israel-Hamas ceasefire has expired immediately following rocket launches from Gaza, the war has restarted.

>>111088 More from Roseanne's Tucker interview

>>111094 In Roseanne interview, Tucker reveals he supported Trump for President after MarALago search

>>111089 Senator Rand Paul used the Heimlich maneuver on fellow Republican Joni Ernst at a luncheon

>>111090 Top US general warns lawmakers of funding crisis

>>111091 European Council chief pitches EU ‘cyber force’

>>111092 Slovakia's new PM meets Russian ambassador

>>111093 US closes secret tavern at key military base

>>111095 Your average stupid woke leftist "activist" explaining geopolitical issues in the Middle East.

>>111096, >>111098 Ep. 43 of Tucker on Twit-X: Marjorie Taylor Greene

>>111099, >>111100, >>111097, >>111101, >>111103 Grassely participating in Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes; corn header new or not?

>>111102 Disney Stock CRASHES After Elon Musk-Led Boycott

>>111104 A Florida election fraud chief died last year in the hallway of Ron DeSantis' office


>>111105, >>111107 Wendy Rogers' Mystery map - trafficking routes from Mexico?

>>111108 Conor McGregor has been arrested on charges of incitement and hate speech - Ireland is no longer a free country.

>>111109 Mass Disney+ Cancellations After Elon Musk Told Bob Iger to GO 👀 HIMSELF!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007232 (010830ZDEC23) Notable: #24560

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q Research General #24560: “BATTLE OF LOSERVILLE” Desantis & Newsom DED? Edition







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d6e896 No.111112

File: 9a8375b16d9f012⋯.png (149.62 KB,594x878,297:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007462 (011029ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson - Mike Pompeo Tried to have Julian Assange Poisoned and Murdered at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Oh boy.. 👀

Tucker Carlson - Mike Pompeo Tried to have Julian Assange Poisoned and Murdered at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London

“Assange has been accused of telling the truth, period. And they are torturing him to death in front of all of us. No one's doing anything about it.

And that Mike Pompeo is a very, very sinister person. The worst. And I always thought that, and I've told Trump that. Never should have allowed him to run CIA or state.

But Mike Pompeo tried to have him murdered. And that's a criminal act. He's not even charged with a crime in the United States. And Mike Pompeo is CIA director.

This came out, Pompeo didn't deny it.

He tried to have Julian Assange murdered, poisoned in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. And that's a fact…”

Trust Kansas or no?

What’s important to me is the attempt failed.

This Clip


Full Interview


11:05 AM ¡ Nov 30, 2023




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d6e896 No.111113

File: a3b797570a16d17⋯.png (953.77 KB,719x716,719:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007513 (011053ZDEC23) Notable: ‘MasterChef’ finalist Paul Douglas Frost found guilty of 43 child sex offenses

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘MasterChef’ finalist Paul Douglas Frost found guilty of 43 child sex offenses

By News.com.au

Published June 14, 2023

Updated June 14, 2023, 11:46 a.m. ET

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d6e896 No.111114

File: 26e81ba51f70caf⋯.png (1.19 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007536 (011105ZDEC23) Notable: ‘MasterChef’ finalist Paul Douglas Frost found guilty of 43 child sex offenses

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former swimming coach

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d6e896 No.111115

File: 7b1abadfb48a0a6⋯.png (225.78 KB,408x449,408:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007542 (011110ZDEC23) Notable: Ireland's "Media Minister" calls on the public to report any "hate speech" they see online to the police, vows "new era"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ireland's "Media Minister" calls on the public to report any "hate speech" they see online to the police, vows "new era" to "make the online world safer" from next year.

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | X (https://twitter.com/zeee_media?lang=en) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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d6e896 No.111116

File: 8a9925d2059a0b1⋯.png (393.58 KB,594x581,594:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20007889 (011248ZDEC23) Notable: johnny maga w/CAP: Trump kept Kissinger close because he wanted to learn US foreign policy at a granular level

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johnny maga


Trump kept Kissinger close because he wanted to learn US foreign policy at a granular level

He’s always had an exceptional understanding of Geopolitics — better than anyone at the state department



1:52 AM ¡ Nov 30, 2023




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d6e896 No.111117

File: d316f2c4edacc02⋯.png (290.1 KB,602x508,301:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008243 (011341ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Jr w/CAP: Yikes! Washington Examiner: DeSantis gave federally investigated Chinese company tax credit despite earlier denials

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald Trump Jr.



Washington Examiner: DeSantis gave federally investigated Chinese company tax credit despite earlier denials

Election 2024 Republicans Iowa

1:49 AM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111118

File: 1b5693d07cf69fc⋯.png (988.93 KB,2142x1530,7:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008313 (011351ZDEC23) Notable: NYT RUNNING COVER FOR THE C_A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Encrypted emails? How did the NYT get their hands on those?

There are no atheists in foxholes.

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.


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d6e896 No.111119

File: 2304b57e3da9e97⋯.png (877.78 KB,874x790,437:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008368 (011357ZDEC23) Notable: Jack Smith Is Our 'Fascist Thug of the Year'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jack Smith Is Our 'Fascist Thug of the Year'

PJ Media, by Stephen Kruiser

Posted By: Hazymac, 12/1/2023 7:50:23 AM

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) Back in the Wild West internet broadcasting days of PJTV, we used to fill our first couple of weeks of December recording a lot of end of the year "best of/worst of" type specials. It was a lot of fun, and I was just reminiscing about it the other day. Maybe I should bring back a version of that here in writing form this year. It's the last day of November, so why not start now? Gosh, has it only been a day since we last discussed the un-American insanity of the Democrats' attempts to railroad former President Donald Trump?

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d6e896 No.111120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008530 (011430ZDEC23) Notable: King Charles delivers address at opening ceremony of COP28 Summit in UAE

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Note: They are no longer meeting in secret, the worlds leaders are at this summit.


King Charles delivers address at opening ceremony of COP28 Summit in UAE


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d6e896 No.111121

File: 7c8ecc230bc4681⋯.png (177.35 KB,556x315,556:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008556 (011434ZDEC23) Notable: Kamala Harris Promises She Will Tell Americans There Is a ‘Problem’ with Joe Biden ‘If Necessary’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kamala Harris Promises She Will Tell Americans There Is a ‘Problem’ with Joe Biden ‘If Necessary’


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008636 (011454ZDEC23) Notable: #24560

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #24560

backup baker in the bullpen?

hold em til the top

#24560 >>111111

>>111112 Tucker Carlson - Mike Pompeo Tried to have Julian Assange Poisoned and Murdered at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London

>>111113, >>111114 ‘MasterChef’ finalist Paul Douglas Frost found guilty of 43 child sex offenses

>>111115 Ireland's "Media Minister" calls on the public to report any "hate speech" they see online to the police, vows "new era"

>>111116 johnny maga w/CAP: Trump kept Kissinger close because he wanted to learn US foreign policy at a granular level

>>111117 DJT Jr w/CAP: Yikes! Washington Examiner: DeSantis gave federally investigated Chinese company tax credit despite earlier denials


>>111119 Jack Smith Is Our 'Fascist Thug of the Year'

>>111120 King Charles delivers address at opening ceremony of COP28 Summit in UAE

>>111121 Kamala Harris Promises She Will Tell Americans There Is a ‘Problem’ with Joe Biden ‘If Necessary’

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111123

File: 5c304f1c2051936⋯.png (687.43 KB,680x677,680:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008656 (011457ZDEC23) Notable: #24561

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111124

File: 6faa58a9c6ba192⋯.png (432.03 KB,615x568,615:568,Clipboard.png)

File: c99945b4ed055b0⋯.mp4 (7.92 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008702 (011511ZDEC23) Notable: Presidential Candidate @NikkiHaleysits down with @SenScottBrown and lays out her plan to bring out the best in America

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Great Interview!



WATCH: Presidential Candidate @NikkiHaleysits down with @SenScottBrown and lays out her plan to bring out the best in America.




8:15 PM ¡ Nov 30, 2023


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d6e896 No.111125

File: 962c685060455d4⋯.png (574.74 KB,1037x662,1037:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008721 (011516ZDEC23) Notable: DeSantis gave federally investigated Chinese company tax credit despite earlier denials

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DeSantis gave federally investigated Chinese company tax credit despite earlier denials

by Naomi Lim, White House Reporter

November 30, 2023 02:20 PM

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) provided tax relief to a federally investigated subsidiary of a Chinese company, according to Florida state government records, despite claiming in the past his administration had not supported the business.

JinkoSolar, a Chinese Communist Party-connected solar panel manufacturer whose factory in Jacksonville was raided by the Department of Homeland Security last spring after allegations it violated the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act in 2022, received $90,000 from DeSantis in 2020 through his urban job tax credit program, according to Florida's Department of Economic Opportunity. JinkoSolar was eligible because it created 90 jobs in Duval County that year.

More at link: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/desantis-chinese-company-tax-credit-jinko-solar

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d6e896 No.111126

File: 846b1a41d92b81e⋯.png (1.03 MB,916x904,229:226,Clipboard.png)

File: bfd6a96c291779f⋯.png (31.98 KB,1432x320,179:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008739 (011520ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election

Aug 7, 2018 ... Bush v. Gore was no ordinary lawsuit and it was the vote cast by the first woman to serve as a Supreme Court justice that would decide the ...

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d6e896 No.111127

File: 25c4860e7a35151⋯.png (725.75 KB,796x481,796:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008750 (011524ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111128

File: 17667eb2567ea08⋯.png (170.2 KB,605x664,605:664,Clipboard.png)

File: c488e6b66a51808⋯.png (108.96 KB,605x458,605:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008766 (011528ZDEC23) Notable: MAX MILLER just sent this email to all House Republicans, Santos under fire

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Jake Sherman


MAX MILLER just sent this email to all House Republicans.

10:05 AM ¡ Dec 1, 2023


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d6e896 No.111129

File: fc4e1e5132c7ae5⋯.png (114.15 KB,370x370,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008773 (011530ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111130

File: 7c56b1c6eb8954b⋯.png (617.69 KB,787x449,787:449,Clipboard.png)

File: a324c7f82160fad⋯.png (492.84 KB,519x344,519:344,Clipboard.png)

File: e1e784e396a9612⋯.png (551.43 KB,783x450,87:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008784 (011532ZDEC23) Notable: The last month of a turbulent year

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The last month of a turbulent year


Morning Joe questions Netanyahu

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d6e896 No.111131

File: 894e72cfddb19db⋯.png (65.59 KB,389x533,389:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008809 (011537ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



First Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has died at 93. She is the first woman to sit on the nation’s highest court.

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d6e896 No.111132

File: 8ebba5316131fba⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008818 (011540ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Milky Way Rising

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 1, 2023

Milky Way Rising

The core of the Milky Way is rising beyond the Chilean mountain-top La Silla Observatory in this deep night skyscape. Seen toward the constellation Sagittarius, our home galaxy's center is flanked on the left, by the European Southern Observatory's New Technology Telescope which pioneered the use of active optics to accurately control the shape of large telescope mirrors. To the right stands the ESO 3.6-meter Telescope, home of the exoplanet hunting HARPS and NIRPS spectrographs. Between them, the galaxy's central bulge is filled with obscuring clouds of interstellar dust, bright stars, clusters, and nebulae. Prominent reddish hydrogen emission from the star-forming Lagoon Nebula, M8, is near center. The Trifid Nebula, M20, combines blue light of a dusty reflection nebula with reddish emission just left of the cosmic Lagoon. Both are popular stops on telescopic tours of the galactic center. The composited image is a stack of separate exposures for ground and sky made in April 2023, all captured consecutively with the same framing and camera equipment.


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d6e896 No.111133

File: 9920401524f0a3c⋯.png (93.37 KB,666x499,666:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008824 (011541ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111134

File: 60725c2603c77a3⋯.png (101.13 KB,1108x558,554:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008828 (011541ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111135

File: bb1191b11e9f553⋯.png (133.86 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008829 (011542ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111136

File: f6c654946ea90f8⋯.png (27.1 KB,919x274,919:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008832 (011543ZDEC23) Notable: DC spends over $270,000 on BLM paint job as violent crime skyrockets

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


DC spends over $270,000 on BLM paint job

as violent crime skyrockets

Washington Examiner [DC], by Breccan F. Thies

Posted By: Hazymac, 12/1/2023 10:09:52 AM

Taxpayers in Washington are footing the bill for a $270,000 paint job to refresh "Black Lives Matter Plaza" as violent crime in the district has spiked 40% since last year. The move to repaint the anti-police street art, which features 50-foot yellow letters along two blocks of 16th Street outside the White House, comes as the district has implemented millions in budget cuts to the Metropolitan Police Department over the past several years and crime has skyrocketed. "It's insulting on multiple fronts," Zack Smith, a crime and justice expert at the Heritage Foundation, told the Washington Examiner. "If the city council and the mayor's office are serious about combating violent crime,

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111137

File: cb12be33cd53c88⋯.png (83.85 KB,600x566,300:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008834 (011543ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111138

File: 0c428444529f216⋯.png (79.32 KB,850x400,17:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008837 (011544ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111139

File: 915fa3e961db176⋯.png (24.4 KB,611x302,611:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008839 (011545ZDEC23) Notable: Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008842 (011545ZDEC23) Notable: Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments - 'The Meaning Of Serious Drug Offense.' (AUDIO)

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LISTEN: Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments - 'The Meaning Of Serious Drug Offense.' (AUDIO)


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d6e896 No.111141

File: 623a85bfd32efb8⋯.png (1020.91 KB,977x807,977:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008850 (011547ZDEC23) Notable: Pedophile & Sex Trafficking Cover-Up? | Why Is This Dem Keeping Info Hidden?

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Pedophile & Sex Trafficking Cover-Up? | Why Is This Dem Keeping Info Hidden? [VIDEOS]

The most obvious answer is...

By Zach Heilman

December 1, 2023

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d6e896 No.111142

File: c3bacccfa7cae88⋯.png (396.62 KB,598x509,598:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 817a296e1e1dc6c⋯.mp4 (864.52 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008869 (011552ZDEC23) Notable: Newsom: When are you going to drop out and at least give Nikki Haley a shot to take down Donald Trump….

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Newsom: When are you going to drop out and at least give Nikki Haley a shot to take down Donald Trump….

10:37 PM ¡ Nov 30, 2023


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d6e896 No.111143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008933 (011613ZDEC23) Notable: Hearing for President Trump in Georgia attempting to throw out charges in 2020 election case

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LIVE: Hearing for President Trump in Georgia attempting to throw out charges in 2020 election case

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d6e896 No.111144

File: a00c06c49720184⋯.png (1.11 MB,1200x796,300:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008939 (011613ZDEC23) Notable: Shanghai to foster commercial space ecosystem

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Shanghai to foster commercial space ecosystem

November 30, 2023

A Shanghai government initiative aims to foster a robust commercial space ecosystem including a range of satellites, launch vehicles and related applications and infrastructure.

The “Shanghai Action Plan to Promote Commercial Aerospace Development and Create a Space Information Industry Highland (2023-2025)” was published in a notice by the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Nov. 20.

The initiative envisions building capacity for an annual output of 50 commercial rockets and 600 commercial satellites by 2025.

The plan notes the development of new generation medium and large launch vehicles, as well as intelligent terminals. The plan also aims to strengthen the development of integrated communications, navigation and remote sensing satellite technologies.

A policy infographic released Nov. 23 states that space transportation plans include the new Long March 6C kerolox rocket developed by state-owned SAST. The rocket could have a debut launch from Taiyuan before the end of the year. Methane-liquid oxygen and reusability are also noted as key technologies requiring breakthroughs.

The plan aims to build a space information industry worth more than 200 billion yuan ($28.2 billion) by 2025. As with Beijing, the city wants to create dedicated satellite and rocket hubs.

The comprehensive initiative contributes to the wider, national goal of making China a “powerful aerospace country.” That goal was laid out in discourse from Chinese president Xi Jinping.

Key tasks for the initiative include strengthening basic capabilities in launch, satellite manufacturing and the ground segment. The plan also calls for innovation in core technologies related to the above and constellation network architecture, and promoting large-scale and innovative applications. The plan also highlights digital and intelligent manufacturing, along with direct mobile phone-to-satellite connections.

The Shanghai government will adapt policies to attract and foster related high-end industry and talent, according to the announcement. This includes creating industrial funds and improving related industry support policies and cultivating 10 key commercial aerospace enterprises. It will also support a group of private “specialized, special and innovative” enterprises.

Constellations and competition

Overall the plan seeks to create a robust commercial aerospace sector by integrating technologies and applications across various domains, and developing new models and patterns for technology-driven growth. Shanghai hopes the results will benefit governance, its economy, everyday life, and boost the city’s role in the national and global space industry. Collaboration, resource optimization, and talent cultivation play key roles in achieving these objectives.

The Shanghai commercial space ecosystem plan also mentions the Yangtze river delta region in terms of building a space ecosystem and supply chain. Launch companies Landspace (Huzhou) and Deep Blue Aerospace (Nantong) have facilities located within the region.

Earlier this year the city backed a broadband megaconstellation project known as “G60 Starlink,” centered in Shanghai’s Songjiang District. The initial phase envisions 1,296 satellites and more than 12,000 in orbit once completed.

Shanghai’s action plan will likely face challenges in the form competing domestic space startups and hubs elsewhere, particularly in the increasingly crowded launch and satellite manufacturing sectors. Constellation plans may also face policy and regulatory hurdles.

It will also face competition from the likes of ASPACE, a satellite manufacturer and HKATG subsidiary. ASPACE is seeking to leverage its location in Hong Kong-based and related regulatory and trading advantages. Last month it signed a major deal with Saudi Arabia.


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d6e896 No.111145

File: 3231462eb5dbed0⋯.jpeg (455.08 KB,1213x617,1213:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e0d3caf04ab175b⋯.jpeg (560.51 KB,1255x619,1255:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5aa2484c0270cc6⋯.jpeg (615.75 KB,828x946,414:473,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ead26314e9e21ea⋯.jpeg (116.84 KB,581x1101,581:1101,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008941 (011613ZDEC23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity/India

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PlaneFag CONUS activity: SAMs, High level Canada AF ACs from Ottawa plus some comms with SHADY11 and 13

SAMFOX G5 heading to Miami,GTMO845 departed Ft Lauderdale

SAMFOX used to be a designation that a Foreign VIP (Presidents, Foreign Ministers-basically high level Foreign visiting VIPs that the 99th Airlift Squad is transporting-SAMFOX is also the 99ths ‘mascot’ see cap 3

GTMO845 US Navy was early (after overnight and arrival from NAS JAX yesterday) returning to GITMO these usually inbound at this time so someone moved from JAX spent night at Lauderdale and to GITMO

SHADY13 Beech Super King Air south from JBA heading to Key West and also SHADY11 south from same

There was13republicans who voted for Potato’s Infrastructure Bill and11Republitards who voted to raise debt ceiling

Here are the 13 House Republicans that defied Kevin McCarthy and voted for Biden's $550 billion bipartisan infrastructure bill


Full List of 11 Republicans Who Joined Democrats to Lift Debt Ceiling


LOBO273 C560 south from Savannah Intl (this call been going to GITMO lately on descent for stop at Ft Lauderdale

Canada AF CFC3082 Challenger 600 south from Ottawa-high level AC could be a cabinet member as Trudope has used this many times-plus Canada having continuing problems with its relationship with India

Alleged assassination plots in the US and Canada signal a more assertive Indian foreign policy


Canada AF CFC3200 A330 also south from Ottawa-on descent for New Orleans-Armstrong Intl

SAME40 KC-135 tanker out of Majors Airport, Greenville-TX and since L3/Harris located here this is a test flight and possible conversion to Stratolifter or Constant Phoenix (nuke sniffer)…regardless this is a call sign used for testing/cert flights

SAM550 G5 just departed Louisville, KY-Muhammad Ali Intl after an overnight and inbound from Austin Intl depart yesterday-mebby a little “chat” with Elon

This also high level (tail #20-1941)

VV101 US Navy G5 “brass” west from JBA

>”truce” over in sand land so will have a look at Gulf/Med/Europe coming up next

These take a while as lotta work looking up the Sov ACs who they are wut they doing/going and possible destinations

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d6e896 No.111146

File: e80d2b305c702eb⋯.png (818.69 KB,1200x674,600:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e868b57b6be68d⋯.png (193.79 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 339ac21555f4b22⋯.gif (3.9 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009026 (011636ZDEC23) Notable: First-Ever 360° Images Of Earth From Space Are Truly Out Of This World

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First-Ever 360° Images Of Earth From Space Are Truly Out Of This World

Nov 30, 2023

Earlier this year, the company Insta360 sent two cameras to low-Earth orbit on a private space mission. Their camera is called Insta360 X2 and it can capture incredible 360-degree views; when applied to our planet and the rest of the galaxy, the videos and photos are truly something else. This is the first time that 360-degree cameras have been sent to space and the results speak for themselves.

The company is no stranger to extreme feats for their camera – this year, they also sent one of their new models on a weather balloon 26 kilometers (16 miles) into the stratosphere. But space is a completely different type of environment. The extreme temperatures that the camera experiences 500 kilometers (310 miles) above the Earth's surface are no joke, ranging from -70 to 50 degrees Celsius (-94 to 22 degrees Fahrenheit).

And that’s not all. The camera had to be able to withstand an increased dose of radiation, as cosmic rays are not stopped outside of the atmosphere; this can harm electronics. It also had to withstand shocks and vibrations – rocket launches, even in the best conditions, are not smooth rides. Plus, there’s no one up there to fix or reposition the camera if something goes wrong.

Insta360 worked with Media Storm and satellite company Spacety, which creates Synthetic Aperture Radar images of Earth. Engineers had to adapt the camera to the harsh conditions in space with modifications to the lens, motherboard, and casing. The glue in the seal and plastic in the camera had to be adjusted and tested extensively, and to protect it from radiation, gold foil was added as a shield.

It resulted in cameras that can withstand low-Earth environments and slowly rotate, adjusting angle and shooting position, for some fantastic shots. It also goes to show that stars and galaxies are very visible in space; the reason why you usually don't see them in photos is that video photography in space tends to focus on a lot of bright close-up objects and the dimmer starlight is not snapped. Insta360 X2 shows that this is indeed the case.

The satellite to which the camera is attached was launched in January 2023 and it is expected to work until 2026, when it will be deorbited. It will burn in the atmosphere during reentry.


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d6e896 No.111147

File: 5a71e2d0f3065cc⋯.png (1.48 MB,1080x1629,120:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009032 (011638ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump US Jews should deploy ultimate weapon. Stop voting democrat-starting today

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d6e896 No.111148

File: 9cdd952488c340c⋯.png (672.39 KB,1280x996,320:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009049 (011642ZDEC23) Notable: 8 KUN MP4 Archive Updated

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>>111123 TYB!!!

8 KUN MP4 Archive Updated

100 New Videos Archived.

4200 atm



Watch, Share, Archive Offline

Thank you Anons and GOD Bless us All!!!

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d6e896 No.111149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009072 (011647ZDEC23) Notable: Here is a full list of the 105 Republicans who voted to expel Santos on Friday

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Here is a full list of the 105 Republicans who voted to expel Santos on Friday.

Robert Aderholt, Alabama

Rick Allen, Georgia

Mark Amodei, Nevada

Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota

Don Bacon, Nebraska

Troy Balderson, Ohio

Andy Barr, Kentucky

Cliff Bentz, Oregon

Jack Bergman, Michigan

Stephanie Bice, Oklahoma

Ken Buck, Colorado

Larry Bucshon, Indiana

Michael Burgess, Texas

Ken Calvery, California

Mike Carey, Ohio

Buddy Carter, Georgia

Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Oregon

Juan Ciscomani, Arizona

Tom Cole, Oklahoma

James Comer, Kentucky

Dan Crenshaw, Texas

John Curtis, Utah

Anthony D'Esposito, New York

Monica De La Cruz, Texas

Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida

John Duarte, California

Neal Dunn, Florida

Chuck Edwards, North Carolina

Jake Ellzey, Texas

Ron Estes, Kansas

Randy Feenstra, Iowa

Drew Ferguson, Georgia

Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania

Mike Flood, Nebraska

Virginia Foxx, North Carolina

Scott Franklin, Florida

Andrew Garbarino, New York

Mike Garcia, California

Carlos Gimenez, Florida

Tony Gonzalez, Texas

Kay Granger, Texas

Garet Graves, Louisiana

Mark Green, Tennessee

Glenn Grothman, Wisconsin

Michael Guest, Texas

Brett Guthrie, Kentucky

Ashley Hinson, Iowa

Erin Houchin, Indiana

Richard Hudson, North Carolina

John James, Michigan

Dusty Johnson, South Dakota

David Joyce, Ohio

John Joyce, Pennsylvania

Thomas Kean, New Jersey

Jen Kiggans, Virginia

Kevin Kiley, California

Young Kim, California

Darin LaHood, Illinois

Nick LaLota, New York

Nick Langworthy, New York

Bob Latta, Ohio

Jake LaTurner, Kansas

Mike Lawler, New York

Julia Letlow, Louisiana

Frank Lucas, Oklahoma

Nicole Malliotakis, New York

Celeste Maloy, Utah

Tracey Mann, Kansas

Lisa McClain, Michigan

Dan Meuser, Pennsylvania

Max Miller, Ohio

Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Iowa

Marcus Molinaro, New York

Blake Moore, Utah

Nathaniel Moran, Texas

Greg Murphy, North Carolina

Dan Newhouse, Washington

Zack Nunn, Iowa

Jay Obernolte, California

Burgess Owens, Utah

Greg Pence, Indiana

August Pfluger, Texas

Hal Rogers, Kentucky

John Rose, Tennessee

David Rouzer, North Carolina

John Rutherford, Florida

David Schweikert, Arizona

Austin Scott, Georgia

Mike Simpson, Idaho

Chris Smith, New Jersey

Lloyd Smucker, Pennsylvania

Pete Stauber, Minnesota

Michelle Steel, California

Bryan Steil, Wisconsin

Glenn Thompson, Pennsylvania

David Valadao, California

Jeff Van Drew, New Jersey

Ann Wagner, Missouri

Dan Webster, Florida

Brad Wenstrup, Ohio

Bruce Westerman, Arkansas

Brandon Williams, New York

Steve Womack, Arkansas

Rudy Yakym, Indiana

Ryan Zinke, Montana


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d6e896 No.111150

File: acb73c6b56e863d⋯.png (965.5 KB,1080x583,1080:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009078 (011648ZDEC23) Notable: NASA researchers get permission to apply for China’s moon samples

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NASA researchers get permission to apply for China’s moon samples

December 1, 2023

NASA-funded researchers have been granted permission to apply for access to China’s Chang’e-5 lunar samples in an exception to a prohibition on bilateral activities.

An internal email sent Nov. 29 informed NASA researchers that they would be able to apply to the China National Space Administration (CNSA) for access to portions of samples collected by China’s Chang’e-5 mission.

“NASA has certified its intent to Congress to allow NASA-funded researchers to apply to the China National Space Administration for access to lunar samples returned to Earth on the Chang’e-5 mission and made available recently to the international scientific community for research purposes,” the email read.

The move opens the rare possibility of cooperation between China and NASA-funded entities and researchers. It also comes despite NASA Administrator Bill Nelson’s strong rhetoric towards China and his stated support for maintaining ongoing restrictions on collaboration.

The “Wolf Amendment” is a provision in annual NASA appropriations bills which heavily restricts bilateral cooperation with entities of the People’s Republic of China. Any NASA-funded individual or entity seeking to engage in bilateral activity would require a prior written request to, and granted permission from, Congress in advance, along with certification from the FBI that the activities would not pose a national security risk.

China launched its Chang’e-5 mission in late 2020. The complex, four-spacecraft mission included a lunar landing, ascent from the lunar surface, docking in lunar orbit and a high-speed atmospheric reentry.

The mission collected 1,731 grams of material from a geologically young area of Oceanus Procellarum, using a scoop and a drill. The country said it would make samples available internationally, after first allowing Chinese researchers and institutions access.

The samples have generated a range of science papers relating to the history and evolution of the moon, its composition and more. CNSA announced that internationally-led groups could apply for samples in August this year, more than 2.5 years after Chang’e-5 landed.

“The Chang’e 5 samples originate from regions of the Moon not yet sampled by NASA and are expected to provide valuable new scientific insight on the geological history of the Moon, which could provide new understanding of the Earth-Moon system and potentially inform NASA’s future lunar exploration plans,” the NASA email read.

“Applying for samples will ensure that United States researchers have the same research opportunities as scientists around the world.”

The email provided directions on how to apply for the seventh round of applications for access to Chang’e-5 samples via CNSA webpages. Applications are open until December 22, 2023.

Researchers are asked to contact a NASA official for guidance on next steps should their applications be selected. The email underlines that the allowance applies specifically to Chang’e-5 mission samples and that the normal prohibition on bilateral activity with China on NASA funded projects remains in place.

The development is an exciting and welcome development, James Head, a planetary scientist at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, told SpaceNews via email.

“The Moon is actually a big place, and our Apollo and the Soviet Luna samples are derived from a limited part of the central and northeast part of the Moon. We have had no samples returned from landing sites on the other half of the Moon (the lunar farside), nor on the northwestern and southern parts of the lunar nearside.”

“The Solar System is a big place, and planetary science can benefit tremendously from complementary, non-duplicative exploration destinations, and the sharing of samples and other results.”


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d6e896 No.111151

File: 28c15943605e8c2⋯.png (811.56 KB,1080x1477,1080:1477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009140 (011700ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Newt article

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d6e896 No.111152

File: 409101e3600a6cd⋯.png (193.54 KB,1080x389,1080:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009148 (011702ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Howie Carr show

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d6e896 No.111153

File: e6ed455634ac8a4⋯.png (581.55 KB,1080x1643,1080:1643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009176 (011706ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Paula Grassia substack

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d6e896 No.111154

File: 85cd06f4d271caa⋯.png (689.38 KB,1080x1202,540:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009204 (011712ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Townhall

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111155

File: 6a578a8ca1f0412⋯.jpeg (493.82 KB,1461x623,1461:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b2084f1424b2387⋯.jpeg (360.37 KB,772x630,386:315,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009208 (011713ZDEC23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity/India

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planeFag: Dubai/Abu Dhabi departs-INDIA1 737 PM Modi, Spanish AF-Pedro Sanchez and escort, French AF left COP28 in U.A.E

Europe/eastern Med looks pretty normal so nuffin of note…yet

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d6e896 No.111156

File: 02539d80da40799⋯.png (786.98 KB,1080x1638,60:91,Clipboard.png)

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d6e896 No.111157

File: 7a8e356e9bf06e8⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1664,135:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009222 (011715ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump MTG

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111158

File: 6657896ceebc725⋯.png (617.11 KB,1080x1385,216:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009251 (011719ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Top contender

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111159

File: 222ea3f8cc655f1⋯.png (733.27 KB,1080x1461,360:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009267 (011721ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump DeSantis donor

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111160

File: 281cfa64224d1b6⋯.png (654.72 KB,1079x1465,1079:1465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009273 (011722ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump DeSantis RINO donors

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111161

File: 963ae11548d38ef⋯.png (665.09 KB,2046x770,93:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 0912cd2c2582b76⋯.png (1.69 MB,1626x958,813:479,Clipboard.png)

File: c5dee68234eea43⋯.png (1.28 MB,2028x646,1014:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009278 (011722ZDEC23) Notable: Refresher: 2019 Trump repeatedly pushed for Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden,

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Anonymous View


Read Trump's phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNN

Sep 25, 2019 ... President Donald Trump repeatedly pushed for Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, ...

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d6e896 No.111162

File: 0993bd4803495e4⋯.png (605.86 KB,1079x1402,1079:1402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009282 (011723ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Time for GOP to unite behind Trump

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d6e896 No.111163

File: c18d7b070330067⋯.png (768.91 KB,1080x1403,1080:1403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009288 (011724ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Fulton County, GA

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d6e896 No.111164

File: 4ee7f60e28d3011⋯.png (530.39 KB,1080x1629,120:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009306 (011726ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Top contender

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d6e896 No.111165

File: dba481d89b6225c⋯.png (693.26 KB,1079x1415,1079:1415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009312 (011727ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Role In History

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d6e896 No.111166

File: 49ec864f85adf71⋯.png (587.11 KB,1079x1634,1079:1634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009326 (011730ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump LEO

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d6e896 No.111167

File: 578dc606c737f4f⋯.png (896.9 KB,1080x1660,54:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009330 (011730ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Make Christmas Great Again

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111168

File: d3bc439a9e0586d⋯.png (98.21 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f8fbafb364bbaa6⋯.jpeg (204.38 KB,828x1196,9:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f7f058972b168f2⋯.jpeg (333.07 KB,819x470,819:470,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009331 (011731ZDEC23) Notable: As Chinese Stocks Tumble To 4 Year Low, Beijing Steps In, Buys ETFs

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As Chinese Stocks Tumble To 4 Year Low, Beijing Steps In, Buys ETFs

(This is exactly what our Federal Reserve started by tasking Blackrock to do this-and Blackrock is the biggest player in the US Market ETF space-through ishares- so effectively buying own products to prop them and our markets continue to run-especially the Russel 2k cap 2 it’s parabolic today)

While US stocks are trading just shy of 2023 highs and less than 5% from all time highs thanks to the second best November performance since 1980, China is having big problems with, well, everything... but certainly its stock market.

Overnight, Chinese shares slumped again, extending their recent underperformance versus global peers, when the CSI 300 Index was set for its lowest close since 2019 amid growing fears the relentless housing crisis will steamroll the economy, as a decline in home sales accelerated in November despite more funding support for developers.

Chinese losses were almost erased, however, and stocks rebounded in the afternoon after the China Securities Journal reported that the "National Team" was back in play, as an unidentified Chinese state institution bought exchange-traded funds whose underlying assets are A-shares issued by central state-owned enterprises in the domestic stock market Friday.

The news outlet didn’t name the institution. But after the markets closed, China Reform Holdings said in a statement that one of its units bought an unspecified amount of an ETF tracking the Guoxin Central-SOEs Technology Lead Index. According to Bloomberg, turnover for the China Southern CSI Guoxin Central-SOEs Technology Lead ETF also surged to around 10 times the daily average over the past three months on Friday, according to Bloomberg-compiled data. As a result of Beijing's latest direct effort to prop up markets, the CSI 300 Index closed down only 0.4% after earlier falling more than 1% while the Shanghai Composite index ended in the green, bouncing back from a 0.6% slide that pushed it near the key 3,000-level that has in the past triggered intervention moves. Stocks slumped earlier after data showed the decline in China’s home sales accelerated in November, while the latest Caixin PMI, which showed an unexpected pickup in a private gauge of China’s manufacturing activity, proved insufficient to ease fears about the economy’s recovery (and made more government stimulus unlikely).

The reported buying of ETFs “would be a policy-driven move to prop up markets as investors stand on the sidelines and are hesitant to build positions toward the end of the year,” said Shen Meng, a director with Beijing-based Chanson & Co. Lifting the market in this manner “is unlikely to bring any long-term boost apart from this knee-jerk reaction,” he said correctly. Trillions in fiscal and monetary stimulus will be needed for a sustained uplift in risk assets, something Beijing refuses to do due to China's record 300%+ debt/GDP.Instead, authorities have taken piecemeal steps to lift confidence and put a floor under sinking markets, including purchases of ETFs and bank stocks by the sovereign wealth fund.. However, rebounds have rarely lasted more than a day, speaking to profound pessimism among foreign investors in particular. The afternoon report also drove other ETFs higher. China AMC CSI Central Enterprises Structure Adjustment ETF closed 0.5% higher, while China Universal CSI Guoxin Central-SOEs Shareholder Return ETF rose 0.8%. Bosera CSI Central-SOEs’ Innovation Driven ETF added 0.6%.

In Hong Kong, key gauges continued to slide. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index fell 1.6%, while the Hang Seng Tech Index slumped more than 2%. The CSI 300 benchmark slid 2.1% in November, the worst performance among the world’s major equity benchmarks and missing out on a broad rally in global markets. Foreign investors sold nearly 5 billion yuan ($700 million) on a net basis Friday, following four straight months of outflows.



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d6e896 No.111169

File: 437fa7fb972080f⋯.png (790.75 KB,1080x1393,1080:1393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009338 (011732ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2024 Landslide win?

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d6e896 No.111170

File: 245b9aa39162f78⋯.png (959.17 KB,1079x1603,1079:1603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009344 (011733ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Biden n basketball

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d6e896 No.111171

File: bd865a986c4b7a0⋯.png (686.11 KB,1080x1645,216:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009351 (011734ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Gen Kellogg

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d6e896 No.111172

File: 86a154d2eafe564⋯.png (939.25 KB,1079x1646,1079:1646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009359 (011735ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Gen Kellogg

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d6e896 No.111173

File: 477f6ed25dbec18⋯.png (581.8 KB,1080x1635,72:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009366 (011736ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Jan 6

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d6e896 No.111174

File: 9ee5740c6d09959⋯.png (706.54 KB,1080x1647,40:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009375 (011738ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Vindicated

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d6e896 No.111175

File: f5f30a1510508df⋯.png (52.32 KB,579x318,193:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009378 (011738ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron’s Wife deleted her account yesterday, because what she said...

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Donald J. Trump


Judge Engoron’s Wife deleted her account yesterday, because what she said, in any other Court in the Nation, would call for an immediate Mistrial with sanctions against the Judge and the Attorney General. We demand to see her account before it was deleted, and all other Family Members likewise. Judge Engoron is a Trump Hater and Puppet for Letitia James, all wrapped up in one!

Dec 01, 2023, 12:36 PM


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d6e896 No.111176

File: 3a3f3ef74211222⋯.png (909.95 KB,1079x1651,83:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009381 (011738ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump MTG

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d6e896 No.111177

File: 2bf4df9dd933765⋯.png (814.37 KB,1080x1615,216:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009386 (011739ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Time for GOP to unite behind Trump

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d6e896 No.111178

File: ece961ae68797b2⋯.jpeg (376.63 KB,1147x2351,1147:2351,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 190dc60d673ed67⋯.jpeg (461.08 KB,1170x1114,585:557,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009413 (011745ZDEC23) Notable: Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

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This article must be a Q proof!

Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People | Opinion

By Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States

Jul 31, 2023 at 2:29 PM EDT

The report by Special Counsel John Durham makes clear beyond a shred of doubt that the Russia Hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history. It was a crime like no other.

Seven years ago, I ran for office taking on all the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests in our nation's capital. My agenda was an existential threat to a Washington establishment that got rich and powerful bleeding America dry.

I vowed to stop mass illegal immigration, terminate globalist trade deals, end the sellout of our country to Communist China, stand up to the permanent bureaucracy and the corporate media, and break the neocon addiction to endless foreign wars.

In response, an unelected cabal in the senior ranks of our government, in concert with their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, and their allies in the media, launched the de-facto coup attempt known as the Russia Hoax.

Their goal was to prevent my election, and failing that, to throw me out of office or sabotage my presidency, undercut my agenda in Congress, block my domestic reforms, and interfere with my foreign policy.

For nearly three years, they carried out a massive disinformation campaign and lawless persecution based on the monstrous lie that I was a traitor to my country.

Your daily briefing of everything you need to know

These Deep State plotters spied on my campaign. They forged false evidence to get illegal surveillance warrants and smear innocent people through leaks to the media. They offered $1 million for a fictitious dossier written by a foreign spy to try to frame me with treason. They shattered countless lives.

The Durham Report proves that the key figures involved knew from the start that the Russia Collusion conspiracy theory was a lie. The FBI launched their witch hunt without a scrap of legitimate evidence—and when they came upon exonerating information time after time, they covered it up and kept the hoax going forward.

The sickness was driven from the very top. FBI Director James Comey constantly pressured agents for more surveillance and warrants, demanding to know over and over "Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?"

Barack Obama and Joe Biden were in on it, too. They were briefed in August 2016 on reports that Clinton planned to "vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian Security Services."

They knew the truth, yet they put our country through hell.

As savage and cruel as the Russia Hoax was for me, my family, my staff, and so many innocent bystanders, the real victims were the American People.

The destruction this hoax caused to America is almost incalculable. It subverted our democracy, it threatened our security, and it endangered our freedom.

At a critical moment when we should have been reducing tensions with Russia, the Russia Hoax stoked mass hysteria that helped drive Russia straight into the arms of China.

Instead of having a better relationship with Russia as I worked to build, we now have a proxy war with Russia, fueled in part by the lingering fumes of Russiagate delirium. Ukraine has been utterly devastated. Untold numbers of people have been killed. And we could very well end up in World War III.

As the Twitter Files have proven, the Radical Left establishment also used the Russia Hoax to attack freedom of speech. They built a sprawling domestic censorship regime under the guise of combatting so-called "Russian disinformation"—which they quickly defined to include any content they did not like.



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d6e896 No.111179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009425 (011746ZDEC23) Notable: Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

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The intelligence community, the media, and the Silicon Valley tech companies then deployed this very pretext, "Russian disinformation," to censor the Biden corruption scandal in 2020—censorship orchestrated, as we now know, by the Biden campaign.

In one poll last year, 79 percent of Americans following the story about Hunter Biden's sordid laptop said truthful coverage of that wrongly censored story would have changed the outcome of the election. Our country is now paying a very steep price.

Perhaps most dangerous of all, the Russia Hoax normalized the weaponization of law enforcement against the Left's political enemies. The Radical Democrats and their media partners now cheer as Biden's DOJ demands the FBI investigate parents at school board meetings, deploys heavily armed teams to arrest pro-life activists, and pursues an all-out persecution of Joe Biden's leading opponent for the presidency.

These corrupted agencies have interfered in every election since 2016—and they are interfering in the 2024 election before our very eyes.

There must be a reckoning. Accountability now lies in the hands of the voters. The Durham Report has made the stakes abundantly clear, and now the choice is ours: either the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.

Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of the United States.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.


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d6e896 No.111180

File: edbd798ff48f9e4⋯.jpg (236.83 KB,869x1182,869:1182,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 961e864efa65ec0⋯.jpg (327.27 KB,869x1182,869:1182,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dd098566511726b⋯.jpg (278 KB,869x1182,869:1182,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009437 (011748ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Thank you to very talented Writer and Thinker, Byron York. He is right, the Radical Left Democrat Judge ruled against me before he learned anything about the case,

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Donald J. Trump


Thank you to very talented Writer and Thinker, Byron York. He is right, the Radical Left Democrat Judge ruled against me before he learned anything about the case, then he fraudulently reduced the value of Mar-a-Lago from over $1 Billion to $18 Million, with other Assets likewise, in order to justify what he purposefully did, which is fraudulent. He is a Puppet for Radical Left Lunatic, the worst Attorney General in the Nation, Letitia James. She is driving Businesses out of New York while Crime flourishes. Peekaboo is the best thing that ever happened for Violent Criminals, and for other States that are plucking our Businesses like taking candy from a baby!

Dec 01, 2023, 12:28 PM


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d6e896 No.111181

File: 886021678e508fc⋯.jpg (249.63 KB,798x1287,266:429,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009449 (011749ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Thank you to very talented Writer and Thinker, Byron York. He is right, the Radical Left Democrat Judge ruled against me before he learned anything about the case,

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Dec 01, 2023, 12:35 PM

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d6e896 No.111182

File: 195095530adbebd⋯.png (1019.3 KB,1080x1415,216:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009467 (011752ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump See you tomorrow Iowa

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d6e896 No.111183

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009484 (011755ZDEC23) Notable: #24561

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#24561 >>111123

>>111145, >>111155 PlaneFag CONUS activity/India

>>111124 Presidential Candidate @NikkiHaleysits down with @SenScottBrown and lays out her plan to bring out the best in America

>>111125 DeSantis gave federally investigated Chinese company tax credit despite earlier denials

>>111126, >>111127, >>111129, >>111131, >>111133, >>111134, >>111135, >>111137, >>111138, >>111139 Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

>>111128 MAX MILLER just sent this email to all House Republicans, Santos under fire

>>111130 The last month of a turbulent year

>>111132 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Milky Way Rising

>>111136 DC spends over $270,000 on BLM paint job as violent crime skyrockets

>>111140 Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments - 'The Meaning Of Serious Drug Offense.' (AUDIO)

>>111141 Pedophile & Sex Trafficking Cover-Up? | Why Is This Dem Keeping Info Hidden?

>>111142 Newsom: When are you going to drop out and at least give Nikki Haley a shot to take down Donald Trump….

>>111143 Hearing for President Trump in Georgia attempting to throw out charges in 2020 election case

>>111144 Shanghai to foster commercial space ecosystem

>>111146 First-Ever 360° Images Of Earth From Space Are Truly Out Of This World

>>111147 @realDonaldTrump US Jews should deploy ultimate weapon. Stop voting democrat-starting today

>>111148 8 KUN MP4 Archive Updated

>>111149 Here is a full list of the 105 Republicans who voted to expel Santos on Friday

>>111150 NASA researchers get permission to apply for China’s moon samples

>>111151 @realDonaldTrump Newt article

>>111152 @realDonaldTrump Howie Carr show

>>111153 @realDonaldTrump Paula Grassia substack

>>111154 @realDonaldTrump Townhall

>>111156 @realDonaldTrump MTG

>>111157 @realDonaldTrump MTG

>>111158, >>111164 @realDonaldTrump Top contender

>>111159 @realDonaldTrump DeSantis donor

>>111160 @realDonaldTrump DeSantis RINO donors

>>111161 Refresher: 2019 Trump repeatedly pushed for Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden,

>>111162, >>111177 @realDonaldTrump Time for GOP to unite behind Trump

>>111163 @realDonaldTrump Fulton County, GA

>>111165 @realDonaldTrump Role In History

>>111166 @realDonaldTrump LEO

>>111167 @realDonaldTrump Make Christmas Great Again

>>111168 As Chinese Stocks Tumble To 4 Year Low, Beijing Steps In, Buys ETFs

>>111169 @realDonaldTrump 2024 Landslide win?

>>111170 @realDonaldTrump Biden n basketball

>>111171, >>111172 @realDonaldTrump Gen Kellogg

>>111173 @realDonaldTrump Jan 6

>>111174 @realDonaldTrump Vindicated

>>111175 @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron’s Wife deleted her account yesterday, because what she said...

>>111176 @realDonaldTrump MTG

>>111178, >>111179 Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

>>111180, >>111181 @realDonaldTrump Thank you to very talented Writer and Thinker, Byron York. He is right, the Radical Left Democrat Judge ruled against me before he learned anything about the case,

>>111182 @realDonaldTrump See you tomorrow Iowa


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d6e896 No.111184

File: 91501dbc3a86fce⋯.jpg (78.37 KB,659x499,659:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 051211949206d9e⋯.jpg (50.88 KB,577x417,577:417,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 46f9861a4934c99⋯.png (272.81 KB,760x416,95:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009503 (011758ZDEC23) Notable: #24562

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d6e896 No.111185

File: d214e9381693569⋯.png (486.68 KB,499x641,499:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 239db7d37d832ae⋯.png (81.08 KB,593x467,593:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009592 (011818ZDEC23) Notable: Truce Collapses, Missiles Fly Over Gaza, With 137 Israelis Still In Hamas Captivity

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Truce Collapses, Missiles Fly Over Gaza, With 137 Israelis Still In Hamas Captivity

The Gaza truce has collapsed and Israel has resumed its bombing campaign of the Strip, following a full week of ceasefire and seven rounds of hostage/prisoner exchanges.

Qatar and Egypt were reportedly pressing to extend the temporary pause in fighting for another two days, but Israel was not satisfied with the list of captives offered. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been looking into Hamas claims that the two young Bibas brothers were killed. "Israeli military has informed Bibas family members it is assessing a Hamas claim that the youngest Israeli hostage, 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, his brother Ariel, 4, and their mother Shiri are no longer alive," CNN reports.

This grim and tragic revelation is likely what left Israel with less incentive to keep the ceasefire going, also as pressure has mounted from ultra-conservative circles within Netanyahu's own ruling coalition to take the fight back to Hamas, and to see through the vow of eliminating the terror group.

Another big factor was Thursday's terror attack involving a pair of Palestinian gunmen who unleashed M16 and pistol fire on a crowd waiting at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing three Israelis and injuring 16. Shortly after the attack, Hamas claimed responsibility.

It's likely that negotiators in Doha are still scrambling to get a ceasefire urgently back in place. After all, Israel says there are still 137 hostages in Hamas captivity, which also includes some Americans. In total 110 were returned home over the past week, with hundreds of Palestinian prisoners released as part of the swap. The Times of Israel details of those who remain captive:

Among those still in captivity after the end of the truce Friday are 115 men, 20 women and two children, government spokesperson Eylon Levy says. Ten of the hostages are 75 and older, he says. The majority, or 126, are Israeli and 11 are foreign nationals, including eight from Thailand.

Levy lists the youngest hostage, 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, his 4-year-old brother Ariel and their mother Shiri as among the hostages. The military has said it is investigating a Hamas claim that the boys and their mother were killed.

Dozens of Palestinians have been reported killed after airstrikes started again Friday morning...


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d6e896 No.111186

File: eb4ec3f3cea636c⋯.jpeg (367.48 KB,1319x619,1319:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 29faa613cf070f0⋯.png (383.98 KB,720x401,720:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009607 (011824ZDEC23) Notable: PF: SAM056 C32A Blinken leaving Dubai

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>>111155 lb

planeFag: SAM056 C32A Blinken left Dubai-prolly to Tel Aviv again or Cairo and IAF IRON AEW&C AC up from Nevatim Ab

Blinken Says Discussed Future of Gaza With Arab Foreign Ministers


Blinken looks BAD he is on last legs imo and prolly replaced soon-he owns all this as Sec of State and will likely be in the area for a while or until he gets tha boot cuz this really looks bad

Modi on INDIA1 on way back to Delhi

A reminder that C_A Director Burns is STILL in Doha trying to keep a lid on this so full on PANIC mode for the Clowns In America

They (TeeVee) is trying so hard to compare Blinken with the “successes” of Kissenger-total hilarity

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d6e896 No.111187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009619 (011826ZDEC23) Notable: Kneepads says AI robots like Schwarzenegger in "Terminator" are "not a current threat."

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Nov 30

NEW -Kamala Harris says AI robots like Schwarzenegger in "Terminator" are "not a current threat."

RNC Research

Nov 30, 2023 ¡ 5:03 PM UTC





SandraDay O'Connor, the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, dies at 93

Dec 1, 2023 ¡ 4:01 PM UTC



What are the odds?

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d6e896 No.111188

File: 5fda3aa04a167b8⋯.png (719.16 KB,812x741,812:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009631 (011828ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Twitter Files’ Journalist Says FBI Director ‘Misled’ Congress On Its Censorship Operations

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‘Twitter Files’ Journalist Says FBI

Director ‘Misled’ Congress On Its

Censorship Operations

Daily Caller, by James Lynch

Posted By: Beardo, 12/1/2023 11:19:55 AM

Shellenberger said Thursday that FBI Director Christopher Wray “misled” Congress on the scope of the FBI’s coordination with social media platforms to censor speech online. Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi, another “Twitter Files” journalist, testified Thursday before the House Select Subcommittee on Weaponization, where Shellenberger questioned Wray’s October testimony on the FBI’s relationship with social media platforms. (snip) “I think it’s fair to say they misled Congress, I can’t be sure of their intention,” Shellenberger replied. “They’re wrong that those agencies weren’t involved in demanding censorship by the social media platforms.”

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d6e896 No.111189

File: 7d12d21b9cb9d59⋯.png (655.44 KB,853x818,853:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009660 (011831ZDEC23) Notable: Reauthorizing FISA and Strange Bedfellows

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Reauthorizing FISA and Strange Bedfellows

Hot Air, by Beege Welborn

Posted By: mc squared, 12/1/2023 11:12:34 AM

I’ve been writing an awful lot lately about the Irish and the onrushing totalitarianism of the government there. We’ve got our own insidious version of lawless Big Brother here. It’s called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), but it’s got the vaguest schmear of constitutional protections supposedly wiped on top, even though they’ve proven to be no protection at all from those willing to ignore them. Which Merrick’s merry men certainly qualify for considering how they’ve loosey-gooseyed, and massaged every aspect of the mechanisms meant to protect Americans from unlawful intrusions and surveillance. They’ve used lies and omissions to receive permission from courts to wander warrant-free,

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d6e896 No.111190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009670 (011833ZDEC23) Notable: DHS deletes video encouraging people to report family members for spreading COVID ‘disinformation’ online

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DHS deletes video encouraging people to report family members for spreading COVID ‘disinformation’ online: Report

The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency quietly deleted a video posted in June 2021 that encouraged Americans to report their family members to social media platforms for spreading “disinformation” online regarding COVID, a Tuesday report from the Foundation for Freedom Online revealed.

The FFO, which archived a copy of the “dystopian” video, accused the DHS’ CISA of attempting to hide evidence that it supports censorship in online discourse.

The now-deleted, animated video featured a teacher providing a lesson on “Countering Disinformation: Cybersecurity 101.”

“Since 2020, there has been a lot of false and inaccurate information about COVID-19,” the video stated.

The CISA’s instructional video depicted a cartoon version of a social media feed from the perspective of a made-up character named Susan.

“Consider this post from Susan’s feed: It’s from her Uncle Steve, who claims everybody knows COVID is no worse than the flu,” the video continued.

In the fictional scenario, Susan’s uncle is accused of using unreliable sources, including a “fake news story,” to back up his claims about COVID. Meanwhile, Susan argues her stance and is praised in the video for using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, which the video described as a “trustworthy” and “fact-based” source “due to large government funding.”

The video concludes with Susan reporting her uncle’s statement on social media as “disinformation.”

“You can’t win every argument online, but you can protect yourself from disinformation. You can stop it from spreading, too,” the video stated.

“By definition, if you’re trying to separate children from their parents, break apart the family so that you can have more control over the country – that’s the very definition of authoritarianism,” Carlson said.

According to the FFO, the video was removed from the CISA’s YouTube account sometime between April 9 and May 9 of this year, leading up to the landmark Missouri v. Biden censorship lawsuit that the Supreme Court is set to hear.

The CISA was formed in 2018 to combat threats of foreign cyberattacks, the FFO report noted. However, the DHS subdivision orchestrated two “switcheroos,” including changing the meaning of “cybersecurity” to include online so-called disinformation and expanding its focus from foreign attacks to domestic, the report added.

FFO Executive Director Mike Benz told the Daily Caller News Foundation, “DHS now has no defense to a Supreme Court injunction prohibiting them from future domestic censorship activity. If DHS is deleting evidence of its past behavior today, it should have no problem with a court order today barring such activity in the future.”

The CISA did not respond to a request for comment from the DCNF.


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d6e896 No.111191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009675 (011834ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker profited by every lie [and murder] perpetrated against the American people???

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Never forget, Tucker was raised for the Farm.

Listen to this podcast- He tries to Cover his ass.

-I applied for CIA but they rejected me.

-I had no idea what was going on around me (I was too close to it).

-My dad bought a home with CASH for 100K

-I know a lot of people in DC

-I had no journalism experience, but they made me a star.

Tucker is CIA all the way.

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d6e896 No.111192

File: ff00ea75ce6bf9f⋯.png (183.24 KB,592x896,37:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009693 (011838ZDEC23) Notable: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump

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Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes reposted

Truth Justice ™


THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.

Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election.

Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte. This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet.

U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.

Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.

1:57 PM ¡ Nov 8, 2023




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d6e896 No.111193

File: a6cb6919831f83a⋯.png (32.38 KB,751x376,751:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009699 (011839ZDEC23) Notable: Missing ‘Services’: Bank examiner raises concerns about Hunter’s account in 2018.

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Hunter Biden’s Missing ‘Services’

A bank examiner raised concerns about the president’s son’s account in 2018.

Kimberley A. Strassel

By Kimberley A. Strassel

Nov. 30, 2023 6:14 pm ET

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d6e896 No.111194

File: 59d4da9404d831b⋯.png (49.94 KB,577x334,577:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009700 (011839ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Melania and I are saddened by the loss of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

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Melania and I are saddened by the loss of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. She was a great friend of my Sister, the amazing Judge Marianne Trump Barry, who left us just a few weeks ago. My wonderful Sister and Justice O’Connor had deep respect and admiration for one another’s intellect and fairness, with Marianne receiving the Sandra Day O’Connor Medal of Honor. We send our deepest condolences and prayers to the entire O’Connor family.


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d6e896 No.111195

File: c7bc50d75d71ad3⋯.png (33.81 KB,474x291,158:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009705 (011840ZDEC23) Notable: US Aid to Israel: A Staggering $160 Billion Since 1949 - Where's the Balance?

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🚨 US Aid to Israel: A Staggering $160 Billion Since 1949 - Where's the Balance?

Israel rakes in $4.8 billion from the US in 2022 alone, dwarfing other nations' aid. Since 1949, Israel has pocketed a massive $160.553 billion from US coffers.

Inflation-adjusted, Israel's aid haul since 1951 hits an eye-watering $317.9 billion - leading the post-WWII pack. In the global aid game of 2019, where the US dished out $47 billion, Israel still emerged as the second-highest beneficiary. These figures beg the question: Is US foreign aid disproportionately skewed towards Israel?

Sauce: https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1730592762230079702

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d6e896 No.111196

File: 76f70bbc5296a42⋯.png (265.87 KB,389x607,389:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009712 (011841ZDEC23) Notable: MEXICO 🇲🇽 Angry protesters burst into the Nuevo Leon legislature with smoke bombs after an interim governor was named

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[ Album ]

MEXICO 🇲🇽 Angry protesters burst into the Nuevo Leon legislature with smoke bombs after an interim governor was named to take Gov. Samuel García’s place, who took a leave of absence to pursue a run for the presidency in Mexico’s June 2 elections.

García wanted someone from his Citizen’s Movement party to replace him, but the legislature named someone else to serve for the six-month leave.

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d6e896 No.111197

File: e56ad2dea307055⋯.png (1.24 MB,1431x1419,477:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009715 (011842ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker profited by every lie [and murder] perpetrated against the American people???

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at the very least, Tucker profited by every lie [and murder] perpetrated against the American people

According to Insider, Tucker Carlson was raised in California, but spent his teenage years at a prep school in Rhode Island. His classmates also viewed him as "a self-assured conservative who wasn't afraid to speak his mind," per The New Yorker. But before Carlson became known for his sharp tongue, strong debating skills, and of course, signature ties, he had a family dynamic that wasn't exactly traditional or conservative, for that matter. He grew up with a younger brother named Buckley, but their mother, Lisa McNear Carlson, left the family when he was just 6 years old, per the Columbia Journalism Review.

Read More: https://www.nickiswift.com/722428/the-truth-about-tucker-carlsons-wealthy-family/

Recalling his childhood, Tucker said, "Totally bizarre situation—which I never talk about, because it was actually not really part of my life at all." While he has made his apparent distaste for the country's "elites" well-known, according to Fox News, he certainly spent a lot of time with them. After all, he went to a prestigious prep school where he met his future wife, Susan Andrews. He was also admitted to Trinity College, which has one of the most expensive yearly tuitions, according to the university's website.

Meanwhile, Tucker's father, Richard Carlson, was once the President and CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, according to WNYC, a banker, investigative journalist, and author before his unsuccessful 1984 mayoral campaign. The senior Carlson was also someone who had a very specific outlook when it came to raising his two sons.

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d6e896 No.111198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009724 (011843ZDEC23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein Israeli Spy Allegations Haunt Washington As A Cover-Up Takes Place

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Jeffrey Epstein Israeli Spy Allegations Haunt Washington As A Cover-Up Takes Place

"a honey trap operation to entrap politicians, policymakers, celebrities, people in the media eye. Basically, to become Israel's assets"

The late Jeffrey Epstein has been accused numerous times of being an Israeli spy. Epstein cavorted with his companion Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of accused Israeli spy Robert Maxwell. As America prepares to possibly send more than $14 billion in new funding for the Zionist state’s war effort against the Palestinians, Jeffrey Epstein is now more relevant than ever. Epstein was accused of being a child sex trafficker and they say he committed suicide in prison, though his suicide is widely disbelieved. “Epstein didn’t kill himself,” according to many truthers on the World Wide Web.

Recently, Tennessee Republican senator Marsha Blackburn squared off with Democrat Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin over Epstein. Blackburn demanded a subpoena for Jeffrey Epstein’s complete flight logs, but Democrat Dick “Dirty” Durbin shut down Blackburn’s quest for truth and refused to hold a vote on Blackburn’s subpoena request. Dick Durbin is a Bill Clinton ally who recently tried to quash the Jeffrey Epstein disclosure movement, claiming “this death was not due to a grand conspiracy.”

“Your employer Robert Maxwell, owner of the Daily Mirror, you say that he was an Israeli agent, and as was his daughter,” stated Rattansi.

“He was not my employer, I would like to correct that. We work together with him,” Ari Ben-Menashe said.

“And you say that his daughter Ghislaine also, though, worked for Israel and it was Robert Maxwell who introduced Jeffrey Epstein to Ghislaine Maxwell way before the 1990’s as mainstream media is reporting?,” Rattansi asked.

“Correct,” Ari Ben-Menashe said.

“I suppose what the most alarming allegations that you’ve been making are that the entire Epstein operation was a honey trap operation to entrap politicians, policymakers, celebrities, people in the media eye. Basically, to become Israel’s assets,” Rattansi questioned.

“Correct,” Ari Ben-Menashe said. “That, it became basically an intelligence operation to entrap different politicians.”

The July 2021 Vicky Ward article for Rolling Stone entitled “Was Jeffrey Epstein A Spy?” delved into the allegations that Jeffrey Epstein was a spy for Israel. Islam Times also ran the headline, “Was Jeffrey Epstein a spy for Israel in US?”

“Robert Maxwell certainly had those kinds of connections, and Epstein had a close relationship with Robert Maxwell,” Julie K. Brown, an investigative journalist for the Miami Herald who specializes on the Epstein case, said in an interview, referring to Israeli intel connections. Brown also stated that “neither the FBI nor the United States Justice Department have convinced me that Jefferey Epstein committed suicide.”

Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak had a multi-million dollar financial relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and Ehud Barak also regularly visited Jeffrey Epstein at the billionaire weirdo’s homes.

Former U.S. attorney in Miami Alex Acosta reportedly said that Jeffrey Epstein belonged to “intelligence,” and Acosta helped arrange for a sweet deal for Epstein when the billionaire first became a convicted pedophile.


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d6e896 No.111199

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009732 (011845ZDEC23) Notable: Santos interview with FOX

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Santos interview with FOX, he is funny, he’s right though, there are others who were treasonous and were not expelled like Swalwell etc



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d6e896 No.111200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009742 (011846ZDEC23) Notable: John Kerry Scolds World on Climate: ‘Not Everybody Is Doing What They Promised’

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John Kerry Scolds World on Climate: ‘Not Everybody Is Doing What They Promised’

“There’s too much business as usual still. We have got to bring people to the table who are not yet there. And we will make progress in that,” Kerry said.

“Not everybody is doing what they promised to do. And needless to say, that’s a problem and we need to have accountability at this COP, for that lack of follow-through by some,” he lectured.

Kerry said the world – by which he presumably means the Western world, since the developing world has made it clear that climate change is purely a Western problem – will “need to step up and help get the job done at a faster rate.”


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d6e896 No.111201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009751 (011847ZDEC23) Notable: Veterinarian performed surgery on Israeli-French woman held hostage by Hamas

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New York Post



Veterinarian performed surgery on Israeli-French woman held hostage by Hamas: family


Dec 1, 2023 ¡ 3:37 PM UTC


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d6e896 No.111202

File: 10557e5da3e6883⋯.png (284.62 KB,2034x1098,113:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009763 (011850ZDEC23) Notable: "The Aladdin package contains classes and types to access functionalities provided by Sentinel protection keys"

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''Aladdin Package

The Aladdin package contains classes and types to access functionalities provided by Sentinel protection keys.''



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d6e896 No.111203

File: ea3b152d7c83b0e⋯.png (265.29 KB,597x715,597:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009765 (011850ZDEC23) Notable: Good on Sen. Marsha Blackburn for continuing to push for the release of Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs!

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Good on Sen. Marsha Blackburn for continuing to push for the release of Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs!

Why would the Senate Judiciary Democrats block this?

They all should be investigated for this!


Sen. Marsha Blackburn




Senate Judiciary Democrats don’t want to approve my subpoenas for Justice Sotomayor’s staff or Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs.

This is not how the committee works.

7:25 AM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009780 (011855ZDEC23) Notable: Bank of Israel estimates cost of war against Hamas will cost $53 BILLION dollars but don’t worry though American taxpayers got the tab!

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Bank of Israel estimates cost of war against Hamas will cost $53 BILLION dollars but don’t worry though American taxpayers got the tab!

Why are we paying for their war? When will we start asking these questions. Give til it hurts you cattle…

via RT:

Israel’s war on Hamas will cost the country $53 billion and hamper economic growth into 2024, according to figures published by the Bank of Israel on Monday. Fighting has been paused since a truce came into effect on Friday, but the Israeli military is expected to resume operations in Gaza this week.

Direct military spending will account for $29 billion of the $53 billion total, the bank stated, adding that this figure includes military aid provided by the US. Compensation for damage will come to $6 billion, while other civilian expenditure will come to $6.75 billion. Lost tax revenue and interest on government debt will make up the remainder.


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d6e896 No.111205

File: a8899a300c71fe9⋯.png (576.21 KB,833x652,833:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009790 (011857ZDEC23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Lawsuit Uncovers 2016 Joe Biden Email Showing Hunter Biden Copied on Ukraine President Information

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December 01, 2023 | Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch: Lawsuit Uncovers 2016 Joe Biden Email Showing Hunter Biden Copied on Ukraine President Information

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d6e896 No.111206

File: 9eac38169f69dd7⋯.png (305.6 KB,611x441,611:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009812 (011902ZDEC23) Notable: Whistle-Blower information coming out of New Zealand

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Important Whistle-Blower information coming out of New Zealand - 30th November 2023.

It's an hour long clip but I edited some highlights and key analysis. Please watch!


I was involved with building a project, helped with implementing a vaccine payment system for our providers. It's called a pay per dose system. So that means that every time someone gets vaccinated, they get a payment for it as a provider. And I helped build it, I implemented it. And when I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated.

"the chances of that occurring naturally by chance is almost impossible."

"Well, as soon as the system went live, we noticed that people were dying almost straight away after being injected. So that sort of prompted my curiosity a bit, and so I dug a little deeper. And I am a scientist by nature. I love science. It's my all time favorite. I've got a master's degree in science."

"Because it's a payment system and I'm the database administrator for it. I'm the only one. Because New Zealand is a small country, you can get away with one database administrator to do this. So I'm in a unique position in the world. And because New Zealand is a tier one country with really good in I.T., I was able to manage and build the system and be the only database administrator needed to look after it. In other countries like America or Britain, you'd need a whole team of people. So it would be very difficult for one person to get access to all of this information. But in New Zealand, because of its size and because it's got really good I.T, I happen to be the one."


Please note that this will likely be "community noted" because (as of 30 Nov 2023), the existing "official" COVID guidelines appear to still be significantly influenced by major pharmaceutical entities, and regulatory bodies continue to be potentially compromised.


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d6e896 No.111207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009827 (011905ZDEC23) Notable: Voting Company Smartmatic Banned From Philippines' Elections

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Voting Company Smartmatic Banned From Philippines' Elections

The Philippines' Commission on Elections (COMELEC) moved Wednesday to ban Smartmatic PH, a voting technology company, after the U.S. Justice Department filed criminal charges against a former COMELEC official alleging that he was bribed by Smartmatic in exchange for winning contracts in the Philippines.

Smartmatic is suing numerous media outlets and individuals for defamation related to the 2020 United States presidential election claiming that media coverage of it harmed its reputation.

In its action, COMELEC said Smartmatic had been "disqualified and disallowed" after the Justice Department alleged that it had bribed Andres Bautista, the former COMELEC chairman, and other Filipino officials $4 million in exchange for obtaining a contract for election machines, according to a report in CNN Philippines.


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d6e896 No.111208

File: a7ae40b3f20ff7a⋯.png (40 KB,665x253,665:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009874 (011915ZDEC23) Notable: Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

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Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

Rep. Barry Loudermilk says some J6 documents missing too, and came back from Biden White House heavily redacted.

Videotapes of witness interviews that the Democrat-led Jan. 6 congressional committee conducted have vanished, raising concerns for the chairman of the successor House panel that is now examining security failures related to the Capitol riot as well as possible implications for upcoming criminal trials.

“All of the videotapes of all depositions are gone,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the House Administration oversight subcommittee, told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show Thursday night.

Loudermilk said he believes under the House rules the videotapes qualified as congressional evidence because some clips were aired at hearings, and all the tapes should have been preserved by the now-defunct J6 committee and its chairman, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss.

Thompson did not return a request for comment from Just the News left with his office.

“We found out about this early in the investigation when I received a call from someone who was looking for some information off one of the videotapes, and we started searching, and we had none,” Loudermilk explained. “I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them. And he confirmed that they did not preserve those types. He didn't feel that they had to.

“But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and information and documents that are used in an official proceeding, which they did, They (J6 Democrats) actually aired portions of these tapes on their televised hearings, which means they had to keep those. But yet he chose not to, I believe they exist somewhere. We've just got to find where all these videos are.”

The revelation also could have implications for criminal trials being conducted in state court in Georgia and federal court in Washington where former President Donald Trump and allies are charged with crimes related to the Jan. 6, 2021 events. Trump’s legal team recently was turned down by a judge when he requested certain evidence from the Jan. 6 committee.

Loudermilk also revealed another tantalizing twist in the J6 committee evidence: the Democrat-led House committee sent certain evidence such as transcripts to the Biden White House and Homeland Security Department and now the transcripts have been returned to Loudermilk’s GOP-led subcommittee nearly fully redacted so their contents can’t be read.

House Republicans have no records of who the witnesses were, what they said, or why it is being used by the federal prosecutor in their case against Trump, Loudermilk said.


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d6e896 No.111209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009883 (011917ZDEC23) Notable: Modified mRNA Vaccines for Livestock and Cattle

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Modified mRNA Vaccines for Livestock and Cattle


Dr. Brooke Miller (00:04):

Good evening. My name is Brooke Miller and I'm the former immediate past President of the United States Cattlemen's Association. I'm here with Robert Malone, Dr. Robert Malone, who has been so gracious to have a discussion tonight on mRNA in livestock. Robert was originally going to be on our panel at the United States Cattlemen's Association annual meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, but he got called out of town and has to be in London. So he's so gracious to be here tonight with me and we're going to have a discussion. Just a little background on Robert, I've known Robert and his wife, Jill, for over two years now. We've become great friends and close allies. He has been a freedom fighter and a fighter for medical freedom since day one. He is a very accomplished individual. He has done a lot of research on mRNA technology and is credited by most as being the original inventor of mRNA technology.

So I thought he would be a great person to add his insight to mRNA technology and livestock. And Robert also has an agricultural background. He and his wife, Jill, have a horse farm here in Madison County, Virginia, and I'm proud to announce that he is a brand new member of the United States Cattlemen's Association. So with that, I'll introduce Robert Malone, my good friend. And we're just going to have a discussion on mRNA technology and livestock and just some of the science behind it and some of the concerns that we have about using this technology in food animals.

Dr. Robert Malone (01:51):

So we first broke this story well over a year ago on our Substack, and it was my wife, Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone, that did the deep dive of the research into where the mRNA technology was at, in terms of its use in livestock. And after that publication came out on Substack, then we had a number of people start to pick up that thread, which we're very grateful for. We always love it when people... We break the ice and then other people follow. And that's a great thing. And there's been a lot of follow-on concern. Some of it's valid, some of it's a little bit overblown.


And then we had various legislative initiatives come out, and unfortunately, at least one of those was overplayed and it easily got knocked down by the folks that have vested interest in moving this technology forward. And I think that was unfortunate because if the legislation had been written a little more conservatively, a little more cautiously, a little more focused on what the real issues are in terms of animal husbandry and livestock management, then it could have and should have gone through, in my opinion. But this is what happens often at the front edge of things. So let's jump into it, Brooke. You and I have talked about this before in another recording when we were setting up the beef initiative venue at your farm.

Dr. Brooke Miller (03:30):

Robert and I wrote a Substack on this issue, I guess it was probably back in August or September that we wrote the Substack, probably in August. And it's available on The Rancher Doctor Newsletter Substack.

Dr. Robert Malone (03:43):

So the gist of it is that right now we don't have any of these products that are authorized for cattle, whether it's beef or milk.

I had a long chat with a politician from Wisconsin. Obviously, they have considerable interests more in the dairy side than in the beef side. I talked to him about strategies suggesting that because these mRNA-based technologies are excreted in human breast milk, that there was a valid concern about them being transmitted in bovine products and that that ought to be one of the key focuses of the cattle industry for milk production in Wisconsin milk and cheese.


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d6e896 No.111210

File: 09115216d1fad4d⋯.png (1.19 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009892 (011919ZDEC23) Notable: The beautifully bizarre animated classic 'Fantastic Planet' turns 50 today

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The beautifully bizarre animated classic 'Fantastic Planet' turns 50 today


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d6e896 No.111211

File: 97903a2d8bc3368⋯.jpeg (415.45 KB,1234x2503,1234:2503,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009907 (011922ZDEC23) Notable: Drivers would pay $15 to enter busiest part of Manhattan under plan to raise funds for mass transit

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Drivers would pay $15 to enter busiest part of Manhattan under plan to raise funds for mass transit


Passenger car drivers entering Manhattan south of 60th Street during daytime hours would be charged $15 electronically; trucks would be charged more

Traffic traverses 42nd Street near Grand Central Terminal in New York City.

Associated Press

NEW YORK — Most drivers would pay $15 to enter Manhattan’s central business district under a plan released by New York officials Thursday. The congestion pricing plan, which neighboring New Jersey has filed a lawsuit over, will be the first such program in the United States if it is approved by transportation officials early next year.

Under the plan, passenger car drivers entering Manhattan south of 60th Street during daytime hours would be charged $15 electronically, while the fee for small trucks would be $24 and large trucks would be charged $36.

Cities such as London and Stockholm have similar programs in place, but New York City is poised to become the first in the U.S.

Revenue from the tolls, projected to be roughly $1 billion annually, would be used to finance borrowing to upgrade the city’s mass transit systems.

The proposal from the Traffic Mobility Review Board, a New York state body charged with advising the Metropolitan Transportation Authority on the tolls, includes discounts for travel between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. and for frequent low-income drivers. Government vehicles such as municipal garbage trucks would be exempt.

Taxi drivers would pass a $1.25 surcharge onto their passengers for entering the congestion zone, while app-based ride-hail passengers would see a $2.50 surcharge.

Officials say that in addition to funding needed transit improvements, congestion pricing will result in improved air quality and reduced traffic.

“Absent this we’re going to choking in our own traffic for a long time to come and the MTA is not going to have the funds necessary to provide quality service,” Carl Weisbrod, chair of the traffic review board, said in presenting the report to MTA officials.

Opponents include taxi drivers, who had pushed for a full exemption.

“The city has already decimated the taxi industry with years of unregulated, unchecked competition from Uber and Lyft, and the MTA seems poised to land a final blow to the prospect of stability and modest survival,” Bhairavi Desai, executive director of the New York City Taxi Workers Alliance, said in a news release. “If this proposal is implemented, thousands of driver families will get dragged back into crisis-level poverty with no relief in sight.”

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy criticized the traffic mobility board’s proposal after some news organizations reported on it Wednesday ahead of its official release.

“The Traffic Mobility Review Board’s recommended credit structure is wholly inadequate, especially the total lack of toll credits for the George Washington Bridge, which will lead to toll shopping, increased congestion in underserved communities, and excessive tolling at New Jersey crossings into Manhattan,” Murphy, who filed a federal lawsuit over congestion pricing in July, said in a statement.

The MTA board will vote on the plan after a series of public hearings scheduled for February 2024.

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d6e896 No.111212

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009909 (011923ZDEC23) Notable: Shellenberger: "US and UK military contractors" deployed "sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics… against the American people."

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Nov 30

NOW - Shellenberger: "US and UK military contractors" deployed "sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics... against the American people."

Weaponization Committee

Nov 30, 2023 ¡ 4:10 PM UTC



>text-align: fail

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d6e896 No.111213

File: a71536ca0b785f1⋯.jpg (318.29 KB,720x1004,180:251,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2aa20e38e701aa6⋯.jpg (267.43 KB,720x1088,45:68,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009915 (011924ZDEC23) Notable: Vidor Police investigating alleged gun altercation involving Orange County constable

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Small potatoes on the world stage, I know, but something strange be goin' on in Southeast Tx. This man is closely connected to Dade's groupies, which includes a highly-visible, alcoholic, local celebrity lawyer named Crenshaw; cousin to Congressman Dan Crenshaw.

This man is very high profile to just be a constable. I've never seen a constable promoted in such an aggrandizing way.

Just a strange story. One of the kids he alledgedly threatened with his gun was his own daughter.

Had this been (you), or me, we would have been immediately taken into custody and taken straight to the old hoosegow. No hospital for us unconnected peasants.

Vidor Police investigating alleged gun altercation involving Orange County constable

VIDOR — Vidor Police Department investigators confirmed they are investigating an incident in which a local constable allegedly pulled a gun and threatened to shoot several children while intoxicated.

Police Chief Rod Carroll confirmed the investigation is ongoing but declined to give further details.

The incident report released by VPD shows a call made at 1:05 a.m. Sunday from a woman who said her child called her crying. The caller said her ex-husband, Matt Ortego, pulled a gun out and threatened to shoot her child and other children in the home and that Ortego was “extremely intoxicated.”

Then at 2:11 a.m. the dispatcher comments show the male subject, Ortego, being taken to St. Elizabeth Hospital in Beaumont.

Five Vidor police units and one Orange County Sheriff’s Office deputy responded to the home on Timberlane. Ortego is the Orange County Precinct 4 Constable.

Orange Newsmedia left a message with Ortego’s office seeking comment.

Earlier this year he announced his intent to run for reelection, as has Orange County Sheriff’s Capt. Joey Jacobs. The primary election is in March.

No arrests were made at the time and the case is under investigation, police said.


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d6e896 No.111214

File: 62e598f648893e9⋯.png (424.3 KB,711x530,711:530,Clipboard.png)

File: d2e472664278108⋯.png (111.13 KB,761x590,761:590,Clipboard.png)

File: ea7907d2270e3aa⋯.png (110.46 KB,782x564,391:282,Clipboard.png)

File: df0cc7783be227a⋯.png (118.28 KB,764x585,764:585,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f63e510558f617⋯.png (107.93 KB,755x584,755:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009917 (011925ZDEC23) Notable: FOI request reveals Bellingcat collusion with Western intelligence

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FOI request reveals Bellingcat collusion with Western intelligence

An extraordinary email uncovered by a Dutch researcher under freedom of information laws confirms what many have long charged: Bellingcat, the “open source” collective widely cited by mainstream journalists and loved by the CIA, collaborates directly with Western intelligence agencies.

An email sent on November 12 2020 by an officer within Amsterdam’s National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) shows a Bellingcat investigation was intentionally shared with the agency prior to publication, so as to assist the Dutch spooks in shaping media strategies and messaging following its release. The revealing communication is irrefutable proof of the cozy relationship the self-styled “independent investigative collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists” enjoys with Western intelligence services.

In the message, marked “high importance,” the undisclosed author explained that Bellingcat would soon publish research amounting to a deeply libelous attack on independent journalists and researchers, who challenged the mainstream narrative surrounding Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. As such, the Dutch intelligence officer wrote, “it is probably smart to put together interdepartmental wording for this already”:

“Because the article highlights several sides (MH17 but also COVID19) it is probably wise to wait a while and see if; a. the mainstream media pick it up; b. from which angle the media pick up and highlight it (MH17 or COVID); c. from this angle to determine the wording and therefore which department is in the lead; d. coordinate the language as much as possible interdepartmentally.”


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d6e896 No.111215

File: 24602335ee961ab⋯.png (160.66 KB,391x389,391:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009956 (011933ZDEC23) Notable: Fitness guru Doug Brignole 'dies suddenly'

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Fitness guru Doug Brignole 'dies suddenly'

Back in 2021 he said:

"Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die, you were right".

10:57 AM ¡ Nov 30, 2023



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d6e896 No.111216

File: 9dd271056794abc⋯.jpeg (644.64 KB,1234x4562,617:2281,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009964 (011934ZDEC23) Notable: The thyroid-poisoning additive in popular drinks

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The thyroid-poisoning additive in popular drinks


When it comes to keeping consumers safe from potentially harmful food additives, Europe is way ahead of the United States.

As soon as an additive is linked to health issues, European regulators tend to err on the side of caution.

For example, you may remember when I wrote about five food additives they’ve banned across the pond and beyond, but are still being fed to us in America — chemicals linked to cancer, endocrine disruption and type 2 diabetes.

Well, it looks like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally coming around on at least one of those additives found in drinks enjoyed by almost 65 percent of Americans daily — and linked to thyroid toxicity…

The additive that makes sodas toxic

In November 2023, the FDA proposed a measure that would ban the use of brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in the U.S.

Used to keep the citrus flavoring in beverages from separating, until now the FDA has considered its use in small quantities as safe.

But the agency was prompted to revisit this safety classification after scientific evidence from toxicology studies conducted in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that an accumulation of BVO is toxic to the thyroid.

Your thyroid produces hormones that are instrumental in helping control blood pressure, body temperature, metabolism and response to other hormones. Disrupting the function of the thyroid means throwing these key processes out of whack.

And that’s not all. Brominated vegetable oil has also been linked with skin and mucous membrane irritation, fatigue, loss of muscle coordination and memory problems.

BVO was given the “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS) designation by the FDA in the 1970s. However, as a result of these recent findings, the FDA now deems the continued use of BVO in food as unsafe.

Peak Liver Support™

All toxic chemicals disrupt the endocrine system, which negatively impacts your hormones. But toxins don’t just cause hormones to go haywire. They change your metabolism so your body becomes a storage unit for toxin-filled fat cells that… MORE⟩⟩


Some beverage manufacturers jumped ahead of the game to remove BVO from product formulations a few years ago when questions first began to arise about its safety. One prominent example is PepsiCo, which removed BVO from its citrus-flavored Gatorade in 2013 because consumers perceived the product in a negative light.

But according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), up to at least 90 products common on your grocer’s shelves contain BVO — mostly sodas, sports drinks and juice-like drinks with a citrusy flavor, including regional and store brands. You can view EWG’s complete list here.

The state of California has already made moves to ban the use of BVO and three other food ingredients within its borders: potassium bromate, propylparaben and FD&C Red No. 3, or red dye No. 3. By 2027, manufacturers will no longer be able to use these four ingredients in food sold in California.

The FDA says it continues to assess the safety of various chemicals in food based on the latest scientific findings and legal requirements, including the recent California law. In fact, the agency is in the process of reviewing FD&C Red No. 3 and says a decision on the chemical is forthcoming.

Going forward, the FDA plans to streamline the process of evaluating chemicals in the food supply by creating an “Office of Food Chemical Safety, Dietary Supplements, and Innovation.” This office is part of the agency’s proposed Human Foods Program (HFP) transformation to enhance its review of food chemical safety.

Dodging brominated vegetable oil

While the FDA’s announcement about BVO is good news, it could take a while for its proposed ban to take effect.

Until then, you’ll want to check your beverage labels to make sure BVO isn’t an ingredient.

Of course, one surefire way to reduce the danger of accidentally ingesting BVO is to ditch sodas —and it’s far from the only reason you should…

A large study found that postmenopausal women who drank one or more sugar-sweetened beverages per day were 78 percent more likely to develop liver cancer, compared with women who didn’t (or consumed less than three servings per month). The researchers also concluded that even consuming just one a day increased the likelihood of liver cancer by 73 percent!

And of course, aspartame, the most commonly used artificial sweetener in sodas has been listed as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization.

It looks like giving them up altogether is the wise thing to do.

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d6e896 No.111217

File: 352cb8b9fa3ece4⋯.jpeg (202.07 KB,1234x1213,1234:1213,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009970 (011936ZDEC23) Notable: China defense report links high-altitude spy balloons to hypersonic missile program

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China defense report links high-altitude spy balloons to hypersonic missile program

New Beijing command looks to dominate 'near-space' - domain the U.S. says does not exist

In this photo provided by the U.S. Navy, sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recover a high-altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, S.C., Feb. 5, 2023. A missile fired on Feb. 5 by a U.S. F-22 off the Carolina coast ended the days-long flight of what the Biden administration says was a surveillance operation that took the Chinese balloon near U.S. military sites. It was an unprecedented incursion across U.S. territory for recent decades, and raised concerns among Americans about a possible escalation in spying and other challenges from rival China. (U.S. Navy via AP) **FILE

In this photo provided by the U.S. Navy, sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recover a high-altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, S.C., Feb. 5, 2023. A missile fired on Feb. 5 by a U.S. … In this photo provided by the … more >

China’s high-altitude balloon program is linked to the military’s hypersonic missile program, and a new command for both systems is prepared to conduct “merciless” attacks in a conflict with the United States, according to a Chinese defense research report.

The report by a group of researchers at the National University of Defense Technology states that the military set up a command for hypersonic missiles and high-altitude balloons, such as the suspected surveillance balloon shot down in February off the South Carolina coast by an Air Force jet fighter after traversing much of the continental U.S.

The report, “Near Space Operations Command,” made public during a Beijing conference on command and control in October, said the new operations command will direct hypersonic missiles against heavily protected targets, including communications equipment and hubs in the heartland of an adversary.

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d6e896 No.111218

File: 824ae991bde0a30⋯.png (365.27 KB,517x597,517:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009979 (011937ZDEC23) Notable: Pregnant Palestinian woman stabbed to death in Israel

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Pregnant Palestinian woman stabbed to death in Israel

Disturbing footage shows a settler attacking a pregnant Palestinian mother on her way to dropping her kids to school in the city of Lod. The attacker stabs her multiple times and gets into a getaway car leaving her to bleed before her children’s eyes. She was reported dead shortly after.


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d6e896 No.111219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009980 (011938ZDEC23) Notable: Jussie Smollett headed back to jail after conviction for hoax attack upheld on appeal

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moar sauce

BREAKING: Jussie Smollett headed back to jail after conviction for hoax attack upheld on appeal

Smollett was convicted in 2021 and spent just 6 days in Cook County jail before being released while appealing the conviction.


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d6e896 No.111220

File: 0b9ff85dd1aaedf⋯.png (392.24 KB,591x528,197:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010003 (011942ZDEC23) Notable: Sebastian Stan to play young Donald Trump in upcoming film ‘THE APPRENTICE’.

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Film Updates


Sebastian Stan to play young Donald Trump in upcoming film ‘THE APPRENTICE’.

(Source: https://deadline.com/2023/11/the-apprentice-movie-sebastian-stan-donald-trump-1235643089/




11:20 AM ¡ Nov 29, 2023




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d6e896 No.111221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010009 (011944ZDEC23) Notable: Putin orders the increase of the Russian Armed Forces by almost 170,000 military personnel per decree

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JUST IN - Putin orders the increase of the Russian Armed Forces by almost 170,000 military personnel per decree — TASS

Dec 1, 2023 ¡ 6:36 PM UTC




Just playing with the food at this point.

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d6e896 No.111222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010047 (011953ZDEC23) Notable: @repmtg Maxine Waters is attacking me for taking a PPP loan... Maxine is 85 yrs old and has held government office since 1976!!!

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Maxine Waters is attacking me for taking a PPP loan (like so many had to), before I was a member of congress, when the tyrannical government shut us all down.

Maxine is 85 yrs old and has held government office since 1976!!!

She has no idea what it’s like to meet payroll and keep a business running.

Maxine is everything wrong with politicians today.

Too old.

No real life experience.

Corrupt and tyrannical.

Is she going to cling to power until she dies like so many of her peers?

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d6e896 No.111223

File: f52195839d15eb3⋯.png (63.26 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010094 (012003ZDEC23) Notable: Trump can be sued for Capitol riot, court rules

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1 Dec, 2023 15:44

Trump can be sued for Capitol riot, court rules

Presidential immunity will not protect the former leader from lawsuits over the January 6, 2021 riot

Former US President Donald Trump is not immune from being sued over his alleged role in instigating the January 6, 2021 riot on Capitol Hill, anappeals court in Washington DC ruled on Friday. Democrats and Capitol Police officers took legal action against Trump in the wake of the violent protest.

In a unanimous verdict, the court rejected Trump’s argument that “presidential immunity” forbids him from being held liable for the events of that day, which took place while he was still in power. In a speech to his supporters before the riot, Trump told them to “fight like hell” against his election loss, but to do so “peacefully and patriotically.”

In the ruling, Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan wrote that the president “does not spend every minute of every day exercising official responsibilities,” and “when he acts in an unofficial, private capacity, he is subject to civil suits like any private citizen.”(That is so convoluted interpretation of Presidential Duties, it’s ridiculous and will get overturned, but they intended this.)

A trio of lawsuits brought by Democratic lawmakers and US Capitol Police officers allege that Trump’s ‘fight like hell’ speech encouraged the mob to storm the Capitol, and should pay damages. Two officers injured during the riot are seeking a minimum of $75,000 from the former president.

Four people died during the protest, all of them Trump supporters. One woman, an Air Force veteran named Ashli Babbitt, was shot dead by a Capitol Police officer during a scuffle near the entrance to the House chamber.

The court’s decision paves the way for these lawsuits to go ahead, and could also influence the outcome of a criminal case brought against the former president by Special Counsel Jack Smith. In August, Smith charged Trump with conspiracy to defraud the US, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights, making the same argument that Trump’s speech provoked the storming of the Capitol.

Trump’s lawyers have argued thatspeeches on “election integrity” are “at the heart of his official responsibilities as president,” and are therefore protected from legal consequences. Trump himself has dismissed Smith’s case as a “pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election.”

Trump is currently the frontrunner to take the Republican Party’s nomination for next year’s election. However, the former president faces multiple legal obstacles. Smith is overseeing two criminal cases against Trump, the second concerning his alleged mishandling of classified documents.

In addition to the three civil suits concerning the Capitol riot, Trump is being sued by New York Attorney General Letitia James for allegedly inflating the worth of his business empire, and faces charges in Georgia for allegedly trying to overturn President Joe Biden’s 2020 victory in the state. Finally, Trump is being tried in New York for his alleged misreporting of “hush-money” payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Trump insists that all of the cases against him are part of the same overarching, Democrat-led plot to sideline Biden’s leading opponent ahead of the 2024 election.


(this decision is going to backfire on them so bad, it will be funny.)

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d6e896 No.111224

File: dc4e1732ff18c98⋯.png (233.18 KB,530x656,265:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010176 (012023ZDEC23) Notable: Massive Unknown Object Enters Solar System - UFO Enigma Unfolds

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Massive Unknown Object Enters Solar System - UFO Enigma Unfolds

An unidentified object, approximately 5000 km in size, has penetrated the solar system, detected by various probes monitoring the sun. Its size and speed surpass typical natural celestial bodies, raising questions about its origin. Is it linked to the surge in solar storms currently impacting Earth? As our sun approaches its peak activity in 2024, some speculate on a connection between solar phenomena and the anticipated revelation of extraterrestrial presence.

#SolarSystemMystery #UFOEnigma #UnknownObject #SolarStorms #ExtraterrestrialRevelation


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d6e896 No.111225

File: efa15beee3edd78⋯.png (29 KB,965x254,965:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010187 (012025ZDEC23) Notable: North Carolina court blocks law that would strip governor of election board appointment power

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North Carolina

North Carolina court blocks law that would strip governor of election board appointment power

by Jack Birle, Breaking News Reporter

December 01, 2023 01:50 PM

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d6e896 No.111226

File: 8c8b2bc250546c7⋯.png (2.04 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010244 (012038ZDEC23) Notable: Rep. Brandon Williams, Who Voted to Expel Rep. Santos, Filmed Threatening his Former Campaign Manager at DC Charity Event

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Rep. Brandon Williams, Who Voted to Expel Rep. Santos, Filmed Threatening his Former Campaign Manager at DC Charity Event: “You F*ck with my Family, I’ll End Every Relationship That You Have”

U.S. Representative Brandon Williams (R-NY) is embroiled in controversy following a recorded altercation with his former campaign manager at a Washington D.C. charity event.

The incident occurred at an annual holiday party organized by the BGR Group, a prominent lobbying firm. The event, held at a local museum, was attended by members of Congress, staffers, and lobbyists, Syracuse reported.

During the recorded confrontation, Williams can be seen in a tense face-off with Michael Gordon, who served as campaign manager during the congressman’s successful 2022 bid for the 22nd Congressional District seat.

Williams can be heard threatening Gordon, indicating a willingness to ruin Gordon’s relationships in response to alleged actions taken against the congressman’s family.

“… Just so you know I haven’t done anything. Everything. You f*ck with my family, I’ll end every relationship that you have! Every single friend! Do you understand me? You think I don’t know?” said Williams.

Williams appears to knock a cell phone from another former staff member, Ryan Sweeney, who was apparently recording the exchange.

According to Syracuse, the cell phone landed under a table, and the situation only ceased to heighten when Gordon chose to walk away.


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d6e896 No.111227

File: d94dee38ede6aab⋯.png (121.96 KB,598x894,299:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010245 (012039ZDEC23) Notable: @USNavy forced @ted_macie to take down his video which highlighted increases in heart damage among active duty aviation forces

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Lara Logan reposted

Tom Renz


Why did the DoD force this guy to remove his video (according to a report I received)? When is the DoD going to respond UNDER OATH to this and the DMED data I disclosed in Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing almost 2 years ago? The United States Department of Defense, along with the CIA and other government agencies funded and were involved in the creation of COVID and then knowingly continued to poison our own soldiers despite known dangers. When will @Jim_Jordan



and the others start asking the real and difficult questions where criminal charges can be filed for lying instead of deflection questions about crooked #Fauci?

Fauci is and was terrible but he was part of a much larger scheme and the loudest voices in the America First world are too afraid to ask the real questions about our work with Pfizer Moderna and the others. Time to man up and do something real instead of everything political. #RINOs #Fraud #COVID #vaccines #DiedSuddenly #Pfizer #Moderna #GOP @GenFlynn











Nov 29

The @USNavy forced @ted_macie to take down his video which highlighted increases in heart damage among active duty aviation forces, to include an increase of 973% in heart failure.

Fortunately it’s property of the public now. Trying censoring me. @laralogan @GenFlynn you see…

Show more

3:25 AM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111228

File: 3720c2809fa687e⋯.jpg (594.75 KB,1080x1488,45:62,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010266 (012045ZDEC23) Notable: State economist forced to resign for his analysis that the state's cap-and-trade policy would significantly increase gas prices

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A state economist says he had to resign after suffering retaliation for his analysis that the state's cap-and-trade policy would significantly increase gas prices.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010345 (012109ZDEC23) Notable: #24562

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#24562 >>111184

>>111186 PF: SAM056 C32A Blinken leaving Dubai

>>111185 Truce Collapses, Missiles Fly Over Gaza, With 137 Israelis Still In Hamas Captivity

>>111187 Kneepads says AI robots like Schwarzenegger in "Terminator" are "not a current threat."

>>111188 ‘Twitter Files’ Journalist Says FBI Director ‘Misled’ Congress On Its Censorship Operations

>>111189 Reauthorizing FISA and Strange Bedfellows

>>111190 DHS deletes video encouraging people to report family members for spreading COVID ‘disinformation’ online

>>111192 Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump

>>111193 Missing ‘Services’: Bank examiner raises concerns about Hunter’s account in 2018.

>>111194 @realDonaldTrump Melania and I are saddened by the loss of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

>>111195 US Aid to Israel: A Staggering $160 Billion Since 1949 - Where's the Balance?

>>111196 MEXICO 🇲🇽 Angry protesters burst into the Nuevo Leon legislature with smoke bombs after an interim governor was named

>>111197, >>111191 Tucker profited by every lie [and murder] perpetrated against the American people???

>>111198 Jeffrey Epstein Israeli Spy Allegations Haunt Washington As A Cover-Up Takes Place

>>111199 Santos interview with FOX

>>111200 John Kerry Scolds World on Climate: ‘Not Everybody Is Doing What They Promised’

>>111201 Veterinarian performed surgery on Israeli-French woman held hostage by Hamas

>>111202 "The Aladdin package contains classes and types to access functionalities provided by Sentinel protection keys"

>>111203 Good on Sen. Marsha Blackburn for continuing to push for the release of Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs!

>>111204 Bank of Israel estimates cost of war against Hamas will cost $53 BILLION dollars but don’t worry though American taxpayers got the tab!

>>111205 Judicial Watch: Lawsuit Uncovers 2016 Joe Biden Email Showing Hunter Biden Copied on Ukraine President Information

>>111206 Whistle-Blower information coming out of New Zealand

>>111207 Voting Company Smartmatic Banned From Philippines' Elections

>>111208 Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

>>111209 Modified mRNA Vaccines for Livestock and Cattle

>>111210 The beautifully bizarre animated classic 'Fantastic Planet' turns 50 today

>>111211 Drivers would pay $15 to enter busiest part of Manhattan under plan to raise funds for mass transit

>>111212 Shellenberger: "US and UK military contractors" deployed "sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics… against the American people."

>>111213 Vidor Police investigating alleged gun altercation involving Orange County constable

>>111214 FOI request reveals Bellingcat collusion with Western intelligence

>>111215 Fitness guru Doug Brignole 'dies suddenly'

>>111216 The thyroid-poisoning additive in popular drinks

>>111217 China defense report links high-altitude spy balloons to hypersonic missile program

>>111218 Pregnant Palestinian woman stabbed to death in Israel

>>111219 Jussie Smollett headed back to jail after conviction for hoax attack upheld on appeal

>>111220 Sebastian Stan to play young Donald Trump in upcoming film ‘THE APPRENTICE’.

>>111221 Putin orders the increase of the Russian Armed Forces by almost 170,000 military personnel per decree

>>111222 @repmtg Maxine Waters is attacking me for taking a PPP loan... Maxine is 85 yrs old and has held government office since 1976!!!

>>111223 Trump can be sued for Capitol riot, court rules

>>111224 Massive Unknown Object Enters Solar System - UFO Enigma Unfolds

>>111225 North Carolina court blocks law that would strip governor of election board appointment power

>>111226 Rep. Brandon Williams, Who Voted to Expel Rep. Santos, Filmed Threatening his Former Campaign Manager at DC Charity Event

>>111227 @USNavy forced @ted_macie to take down his video which highlighted increases in heart damage among active duty aviation forces

>>111228 State economist forced to resign for his analysis that the state's cap-and-trade policy would significantly increase gas prices


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d6e896 No.111230

File: 9629308783817a1⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010355 (012110ZDEC23) Notable: #24563

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111231

File: 48f742a7f3d0e9a⋯.png (25.87 KB,590x360,59:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010419 (012125ZDEC23) Notable: They would rather be exposed for destroying records than risk the American people seeing what is in them and what they did with them.

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Lara Logan


They would rather be exposed for destroying records than risk the American people seeing what is in them and what they did with them. Take the smaller hit - and keep the truth hidden.






🚨J6 Committee Chair confirms all videos of depositions are gone

It’s illegal to destroy official

Records so why would they do this?

We all know why - they don’t want Americans to learn the truth about J6

That’s why they never even interviewed the US Capitol Police Chief! twitter.com/jsolomonreport…

Show more

9:37 AM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111232

File: 046c87535295d14⋯.png (380.33 KB,1088x837,1088:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010426 (012126ZDEC23) Notable: Xwitter is being flooded with fake Paul Sperry accounts

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Paul Sperry has been flooded with fake accounts on X (twitter), fyi


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d6e896 No.111233

File: d1a7582dc1afdd5⋯.png (315.92 KB,592x718,296:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010433 (012129ZDEC23) Notable: @RepAdamSchiff Here’s why I voted to expel George Santos

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Adam Schiff


Here’s why I voted to expel George Santos:

10:09 AM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111234

File: 91ecdeac5c76550⋯.jpg (319.01 KB,750x1305,50:87,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7e69f5a8ac19804⋯.jpg (229.13 KB,712x1101,712:1101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010440 (012131ZDEC23) Notable: CALL TO DIG: Nathan Reynolds

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Requesting smarter and skilled Anons and Autists to dive dig deep on this dude Nathan Reynolds, he has some of the best stuff to say re: Spiritual Warfare, The cult/family, DNA-blood, etc.

He mentions (our?) NO NAME in his book-copyright 2018. ScreenCapped

I am sure I missed other connections, yet, other than scripture, his words have been the most convicting and inspiring I’ve heard for many years. I think having autist’s eyes on could be valuable for the board and all anons. I listened to his full audiobook free on his site: https://snatchedfromtheflames.com/ free pdf there as well, after hearing his interviews below.






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d6e896 No.111235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010453 (012136ZDEC23) Notable: Footage of Jussie Smollet in court

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FOOTAGE of Jussie Smollet in court. Judge Sheindlin is having NONE OF HIS NONSENSE!


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d6e896 No.111236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010460 (012138ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana (proving USA is a dictatorship)

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Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana and Occupy 74% Of Its Territory!

All over the world, old borders and treaties are back in play.

South America is tense as Venezuela flexes its political and military muscles to try and solve its territorial dispute most favorably, with the annexation of no less than 74% of neighboring Guyana’s territory.

Miami Herald reported:

“Venezuelans going to the polls Sunday will be asked to answer an unusually provocative question: Should their government be given a blank check to invade neighboring Guyana, and wrest away three-quarters of its oil-rich territory?”

Socialist dictator NicolĂĄs Maduro is putting the question before voters, raising tensions in the region and threatening to escalate into a kinetic war.

“The question will be on the ballot in a five-part referendum that, among other things, would grant Maduro special powers to invade Guyana and create a new Venezuelan state encompassing 74% of English-speaking Guyana’s current landmass. The new area would be called Guayana Esequiba.”

Some see it as a mere political ploy, though many Guyanese citizens see the threat as real and fear the loss of their identity and citizenship.

“’Clearly Maduro has domestic constituencies in mind, but I think when you weigh the number of negatives of annexation, Maduro would be crazy to risk all of those negatives to take 74% of Guyana’, said Ivelaw Griffith, a senior associate with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington and a former vice chancellor of the University of Guyana, who is a security expert in the region. ‘That’s not a small hunk of land’.”


Better than some countries who just do a FF to steal land, but I'm sure the irony is lost on the fag who runs gateway pundit

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d6e896 No.111237

File: fc5a5a52e3d996f⋯.png (331.84 KB,461x284,461:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010465 (012138ZDEC23) Notable: Club of Rome anti-growth plan seeks global socialism, accelerated population collapse

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Club of Rome anti-growth plan seeks global socialism, accelerated population collapse

A group aligning with visions of the UN, the EU, and Pope Francis believes the world’s biggest problem is economic inequality, and that global socialism is the answer.

Emily Mangiaracina Wed Nov 29, 2023 - 10:47 pm EST1/3

(LifeSiteNews) — A plan to accelerate population collapse and redistribute global wealth is quietly being pushed by the globalist-backed Club of Rome, which declared in 1991 that our “real enemy” “is humanity itself.”

The Earth4All initiative, launched in 2020 at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is marketed with an innocent sheen, as if to children: a colorfully animated video explaining the impetus behind Earth4All cites a desire to end poverty earlier, lessen “social tensions,” and minimize climate change impacts.

But it is plain to see, even in this carefully crafted video, that what is being espoused is a global socialist or communist government, a monumental affront to human freedom and prosperity as well as national sovereignty. The Earth4All video reveals this when it proposes a “Citizens’ Fund for each country, where companies pay to use our commons, the wealthiest contribute fairly, and the funds are distributed to all citizens equally.”

“We need a global movement kicked off with citizens’ assemblies,” the video adds, seemingly attempting to warm the viewer to the idea by suggesting that such global governance will be democratic. The video’s childlike facade attempts to sugarcoat a perverse, ultimately anti-human agenda that can be summed up in a 1991 report issued by The Club of Rome, titled “The First Global Revolution,” discussed earlier this year by LifeSiteNews reporter Frank Wright:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.

While Earth4All downplays the role of population decline in its plan, accelerating such decline is naturally a key part of the agenda of those who see humanity as the “enemy.” One would think they would be pleased enough that the world is already on an auto-pilot trajectory towards population collapse, the economic effects of which even the World Economic Forum (WEF) has admitted will be “severe.”

Yet the Club of Rome, through its Earth4All plan, aspires to a faster, even more extreme population collapse. The plan seeks an added 81% reduction in childbirths by the year 2100 — that is, 24 million births per year by 2100 instead of 53 million births per year. This is to be achieved at least in part through increased access to education, especially for women; health care; and contraception, according to those behind the plan. One naturally wonders: How can an initiative that claims to seek humanity’s well-being support exacerbated economic decline?

Earth4All is anti-economic growth

Earth4All proponents don’t bat an eyelash about such decline, because they view it — disturbingly — as necessary for a better future. The project champions what it calls “degrowth,” that is, a reduction in resources consumed, such as food and energy sources. In fact, one of the strongest beliefs behind Earth4All is that economic growth is detrimental to society.

Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, the project lead of Earth4All and co-president of the Club of Rome, declared during the Beyond Growth 2023 Conference that “the obsession with economic growth is clearly failing the majority of people,” claiming that such growth is incompatible with strong democracies. According to Dixson-Decleve, “the most important thing we can do right now is invest in social cohesion,” and “at the heart of that is human wellbeing, economic security and ecological resilience … not growth.”

In fact, a website devoted to the conference goes so far as to criticize the European Union’s flagship initiative, the European Green Deal, for being “ill equipped to address the interlinks between the ecological imperative and the reduction of socio-economic inequalities.” Why? Because it “relies on a green growth-centered approach which unrealistically assumes that it is possible to simultaneously sustain economic growth while improving environmental sustainability and social justice.”


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d6e896 No.111238

File: 9d437521e994126⋯.png (111.1 KB,1046x587,1046:587,Clipboard.png)

File: aebd4155215eff8⋯.png (312.37 KB,870x769,870:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010469 (012139ZDEC23) Notable: pb, [they] "lost" the "tapes, How many coincidences…..? NYYRC 111th Annual Gala with President Donald J. Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz

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J6 Committee Chair confirms all videos of depositions are gone

It’s illegal to destroy official

Records so why would they do this?

We all know why - they don’t want Americans to learn the truth about J6

That’s why they never even interviewed the US Capitol Police Chief!

Dec 01, 2023, 4:10 PM


Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan. 6 Committee depositions are gone

Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) says taped depositions of January 6 star witness Cassidy Hutchinson and all other testifiers from the original January 6 Select Committee investigation are now missing. “I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them and he confirmed that they did not preserve those tapes. He didn’t feel that they had to,” Rep. Loudermilk says. “But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and any information and documents that are used in an official proceeding.”


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d6e896 No.111239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010473 (012140ZDEC23) Notable: Club of Rome anti-growth plan seeks global socialism, accelerated population collapse

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Thus, Earth4All is anti-growth at its core.

However, its supporters stress the fact that such an anti-growth worldview, with respect to both population and economics, is (supposedly) in service of higher goods, namely sustainability, equity, and “social cohesion.” This idea of positive “degrowth” stems from another fundamental tenet of Earth4All: that economic inequality, which is assumed to be worsened by economic growth, in turn causes one of the worst societal evils, “social tension.” Therefore, resource consumption needs to be flattened and leveled by the force of a socialist world government (hence, the above-mentioned Citizens’ Funds).

The plan’s advocates admit that population growth alone will not overtax the earth’s resources, perhaps because the Club of Rome has already failed in its simulations of the future contained in its 1972 report “The Limits to Growth,” which all “invariably end[ed] in collapse,” a scathing New York Times commentary on the report noted at the time.

As the Times pointed out, the models used by the report’s researchers put “arbitrary” limitations on technological progress that interfered with their predictions for the earth’s “carrying capacity.” It would be like applying the capabilities of the 1880s to that of the 1970s: “ … as British editor Norman Macrae has observed, an extrapolation of the trends of the 1880s would show today’s cities buried under horse manure,” the Times noted.

Global wealth redistribution

Instead of emphasizing the need for population reduction, Earth4All proponents stress wealth redistribution and the importance of reduced and altered consumption patterns, particularly by those in more prosperous nations.

Earth4All’s 2023 working paper declares that according to all of its simulations for a “Too Little Too Late” future scenario and an “ideal” scenario, the “Great Leap,” “the primary issue is not overpopulation in comparison with available resources, but rather the current (too) high consumption levels among the world’s richest quarter. Or, put even more concisely: humanity’s main problem is distribution rather than population.”

“Therefore, we would argue that the most appropriate and important measure to reach a long-term sustainable global population is a strongly progressive taxation, targeting primarily the richest elements of the global population,” the paper continues. It is only by such wealth redistribution from richer to poorer countries that the plan can claim to aim to “eliminate poverty.”

The working paper elaborates on other elements of this global socialist vision, proposing “An international corporation tax (agreed in 2021)” that “provides additional income for redistribution and investment by active governments seeking common prosperity.” It also proposes that “More countries adopt a Universal Basic Income (or similar) to provide economic security and help fight inequality, particularly as a stimulus during major shocks.”

This is madness. It is delusional enough to think that the world will be better off without economic growth, and misanthropic enough to want to worsen population collapse. But its deeply socialist ideology further guarantees more human misery. As the real world has borne out, socialism harms everyone.

Most fundamentally, this is because, as the English journalist John Strachey (1860-1927) noted, socialism diminishes the world’s total wealth, meaning “there will be less to go round, and, therefore, the share of each person will be less. That is, Socialism would injure instead of benefiting the poor.”

As Angelica Walker-Werth has pointed out, its harms are compounded by the fact that socialism diminishes all of society’s incentive to work. This doesn’t take a genius to understand. “However hard you work, whatever you achieve, whatever value you create — it won’t be reflected in your earnings,” she noted.

And at its core, such policies are immoral, because to enforce them, governments must control people’s property, “whether by fully nationalizing businesses, mandating what and how much a company must produce, or seizing and distributing their products — thereby violating people’s right to the product of their own effort,” Walker-Werth observed.


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d6e896 No.111240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010480 (012143ZDEC23) Notable: Club of Rome anti-growth plan seeks global socialism, accelerated population collapse

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In addition to wealth redistribution, Earth4All envisions a dramatic transformation of agriculture/food systems, as well as energy usage. Its 2023 working paper shows its plan will require very sharp drops in carbon emissions (necessary in order to achieve its goal of zero net emissions by 2050), and that it seeks to “electrify almost everything.” The plan also calls for an “end to agricultural expansion against nature” with the help of farming techniques that use less fertilizer, and for a “transformation to healthy diets,” which are to include “grass-fed livestock and new proteins.”

A shared globalist vision

Earth4All’s goals might be dismissed if they were not supported by powerful figures and organizations. These include significant portions of the European Union (EU). For instance, the European Economic and Social Committee, a consultative body of the EU, put its weight behind the Beyond Growth 2023 Conference, as did 20 Members of European Parliament (MEP) who supported it, including organizer MEP Philippe Lamberts (Greens/EFA).

It is noteworthy that the Earth4All plan deliberately dovetails with the UN’s Sustainable Development goals and the European Commission’s European Green Deal. As Dixson-Decleve noted during the Beyond Growth 2023 Conference, Earth4All’s “Great Leap” plan aims to utilize “a small set of actions … to reach as many Sustainable Development Goals and Europe’s vision of a social and green region.” That is, it seeks to meet both UN and EU goals for a sustainable future.

Pope Francis, who is considered to be one of the world’s most influential people, has also expressed support for Earth4All goals, which are echoed in his encyclical Laudato Si.

Earth4All has produced a documentary, aired on Wednesday, called “Earth4All and the World of the Pope,” showing that Earth4All’s vision is shared by Pope Francis and showcasing his encounter with Dixson-Decleve and other Earth4All supporters.

According to Earth4All’s website, the documentary “aims to reveal the convergence of scientific evidence, the activists’ objectives, and the Pope’s vision — driving towards a unique goal: to awaken global consciousness and urge governments to take bold action for a just ecological transition.”

Dixson-Decleve emphasized in the documentary that Earth4All’s goals align with those of Francis, not just on the issue of climate change and sustainability, but even more importantly (in her eyes), on the question of economic “equality.” “[Francis] has continuously indicated that we must actually work together to shift from extractive economies and to service people, most importantly focusing on poverty and inequality. This is very much what Earth4all indicates,” Dixson-Decleve said.

“Across our book what we are saying is that it’s the social tensions, it’s the tensions between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ that are going to be the most explosive. That will be our greatest demise and our greatest risk for the survival of humanity, even more than our planetary boundaries and the issues that we see around climate change.”

Francis affirmed the initiative’s vision during a private audience with Dixson-Decleve and other Earth4All supporters, telling them that our current state of affairs “requires a change of course, a decisive shift in the current model of consumption and production, all too often entrenched in a throwaway and indifferent culture, towards both the environment and people.”

Apart from the influence of secular groups, Dixson-Decleve and Per Espen Stoknes, the co-author of Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity, see Francis’ support as a great bolster to their movement, not only because of his sway with Catholics but because of his work with the leaders of other faith groups.

Dixson-Decleve pointed out that Francis “has tried to bring different religions together in order to underpin the key messages of our common home.”

Even heavily secular, mainstream media platforms have sought to leverage Francis’ exhortations, as expressed in Laudato Si, to work toward a more sustainable world as well as “global equality.” Just last year, YouTube released an original film titled “Pope Francis, the Environmental Crisis, and Frontline Leaders,” which framed care of the environment as an integral part of all religions, and pointed out the first major meeting between the faiths with “the major environmental groups” was in 1986 at Assisi.

Calls for global wealth redistribution and more “sustainable” standards of living are apparently being issued from a disturbingly influential cohort of international bodies, media and activist groups, and religious leaders, especially Francis. Citizens everywhere must respond with a firm “no” to global socialism before it’s too late.


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d6e896 No.111241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010483 (012144ZDEC23) Notable: $280* BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED (and that's just what's on the books)

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>>>111195 US Aid to Israel: A Staggering $160 Billion Since 1949 - Where's the Balance?

Hey, Bakerer. I tried to tell people in a previous bread that the actual number is around 248 billion, but no one bothered to do their own research on the truth. It's actually estimated to be over 260 billion. Here's the sauce. You might want to update the notabrus.




It's time we cut off these fuckers.


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d6e896 No.111242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010488 (012145ZDEC23) Notable: $280* BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED (and that's just what's on the books)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts

Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

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d6e896 No.111243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010493 (012146ZDEC23) Notable: $280* BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED (and that's just what's on the books)

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Yeah, most Americans don't realize that a good chunk of this parasitical grifting is off the books.

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d6e896 No.111244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010499 (012148ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Williams’ former San Francisco abode on sale for $39.3m

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A slice of comedic history is now up for grabs, with the late Robin Williams’ former San Francisco abode — adorned with secret rooms and hidden passageways designed for his children — set to make waves with a jaw-dropping price tag of $39.3m (US$25m).

The captivating tale of this Sea Cliff gem began in 1991 when Williams and his then-wife, the famed “Mrs. Doubtfire” producer, Marsha Garces Williams, acquired the property for $3.2m, according to The Post.


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d6e896 No.111245

File: 203d7627e239b15⋯.jpg (109.98 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010504 (012149ZDEC23) Notable: DeSantis Super PAC Loses Its Chairman

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DeSantis Super PAC Suffers Another Big Staff Loss, This Time Its Chairman

The main super PAC supporting Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign has been rocked by another significant departure, as Adam Laxalt, a friend and former roommate of the Florida governor, has stepped down as chairman of the group.



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d6e896 No.111246

File: 2fc899137d733ec⋯.mp4 (428.55 KB,484x270,242:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010526 (012155ZDEC23) Notable: Whatever Mr. Santos did with Botox or OnlyFansis far less concerning than the indictment against Sen. Menendez who’s holding gold bars from Egypt

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Citizen Free Press @CitizenFreePress

"Matt Gaetz on the resolution to expel George Santos: "Whatever Mr. Santos did with Botox or OnlyFansis far less concerning to me than the indictment against Sen. Menendez who’s holding gold bars from Egyptwhile he is still getting classified briefings."


The Recount

3:55 PM ¡ Nov 30, 2023


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d6e896 No.111247

File: 012f4882b480960⋯.png (790.64 KB,988x809,988:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010590 (012207ZDEC23) Notable: Over 100 pigs lost after fire on Iowa highway

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Over 100 pigs lost after fire on Iowa highway

HOSPERS, Iowa (KIWA) - Several baby pigs died and a livestock trailer was damaged after a fire in Sioux County, Iowa.

According to KIWA, the fire happened on Tuesday, Nov. 28 on Highway 60 just southwest of Hospers. The Hospers Fire Chief, Jason Overmole, said it was a truck fire with baby pigs in the trailer.

Overmole said firefighters saw the trailer on fire as they approached the scene, and they used water and foam to fight the flames. According to Overmole, over 100 pigs died because of the fire.

The cause of the fire appeared to be mechanical in nature. Overmole told KIWA that the trailer received heavy damage and that the fire was so hot it melted some of the aluminum trailer.

Firefighters were at the scene for about two hours.

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d6e896 No.111248

File: cd703e5a9fde6fb⋯.webp (20.1 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010598 (012209ZDEC23) Notable: AZ Paul Gosar Shares Why He Voted Against George Santos Expulsion, Weighs in on The 105 RINOs Who Voted With Democrats

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EXCLUSIVE: “They’re Stupid” – Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar Shares Why He Voted Against George Santos Expulsion, Weighs in on The 105 RINOs Who Voted With Democrats

Congressman Paul Gosar on Friday slammed the RINOs and lack of due process, while speaking with The Gateway Pundit about the expulsion of George Santos after voting no on the resolution.

“People that try to anger the base, they’re stupid,” he said of the Republicans who voted to slim the House Majority by expelling a sitting Republican with one of the strongest conservative voting records of any freshman legislator.

The Gateway Pundit reported that 105 RINOs joined the Democrats in voting to expel George Santos from Congress on Thursday. Read the full list of weak Republicans who turned on the voters.

“He wasn’t given his full rights,” said Gosar, likening Santos’ expulsion to psycho Trump-hater Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s view of justice: “[Trump] has the right to a trial to prove innocence.”


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d6e896 No.111249

File: 9dd982bf4865e5a⋯.png (586.35 KB,645x487,645:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010614 (012213ZDEC23) Notable: Dave Chappelle poses for selfie with Reps. Lauren Boebert, Anna Luna on Capitol Hill

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Dave Chappelle poses for selfie with Reps. Lauren Boebert, Anna Luna on Capitol Hill

Nov. 30, 2023, 7:28 p.m. ET

Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) and Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) spotted comedian Dave Chappelle wandering the halls of Congress Thursday, and he obliged the starstruck lawmakers with a selfie.

Just three people who understand that there’s only two genders,” Boebert wrote on X, including a photo of her and Luna with the “Chappelle’s Show” star in the Capitol Rotunda.

“Ran into @DaveChappelle,” Luna tweeted, sharing the same photo as Boebert.

“Thanks for all you do,” the Florida Republican told the comedian during the friendly encounter.

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) was also filmed greeting Chappelle and chit chatting with the funny man.

The comedy legend was reportedly at the Capitol for a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus, according to Punchbowl News.

Chappelle, a Washington, DC, native, offered a different explanation for his surprise appearance, when asked by a reporter.

“A lot of the people I grew up with work on the hill, so I hang out here sometimes when I’m in DC, to catch up with old friends,” he said.

Chappelle did not conduct any business or attend any meetings while at the Capitol, a representative for the comedian told the Washington Examiner, explaining that he’s in town for Sunday’s Kennedy Center Honors and an “Art is Activism” workshop at a local public high school.

Chappelle is performing a stand-up show in DC Thursday.


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d6e896 No.111250

File: 4c0070f70749b0c⋯.png (357.49 KB,589x606,589:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010631 (012215ZDEC23) Notable: The US House of Representatives has blocked access for Congressmen and Congressional staff to the Gateway Pundit

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Citizen Free Press


Matt Gaetz:

"The US House of Representatives has blocked access for Congressmen and Congressional staff to the Gateway Pundit. If you try to go to the Gateway Pundit the website is blocked according to House policy. We're gonna fix that."


Rep. Matt Gaetz

11:10 AM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111251

File: 53a32d168ffc7ea⋯.png (275.61 KB,453x578,453:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c921291f0b4fb9⋯.mp4 (11.08 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010633 (012216ZDEC23) Notable: Dozen’s of illegals sleeping outside of a shopping center in San Antonio Tx

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hernando arce


Exclusive footage of dozen’s of illegals sleeping outside of a shopping center in San Antonio Tx. 2 hours from the border !!





Do you approve of this ??

#illegalaliens #bordercrisis #invasion #migrants #securetheborder #cbp #openborders #closetheborder #borderwars #immigration



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d6e896 No.111252

File: a327f3c5d70dfa5⋯.jpeg (119.54 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010681 (012224ZDEC23) Notable: Walmart is the Latest Company to Cease Advertising on Elon Musk’s X Platform

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Walmart is the Latest Company to Cease Advertising on Elon Musk’s X Platform

Walmart has announced its decision to halt advertising on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter, now owned by free-speech advocate Elon Musk.

X, under Musk’s leadership, has recently been embroiled in allegations of antisemitism, leading to a notable exodus of advertisers. The list of companies pulling back includes names such as:



Washington Post





Sony Pictures


The Colbert Show



Warner Bros. Discovery

In response to these developments, Walmart has stated, “We aren’t advertising on X as we’ve found other platforms to better reach our customers,” according to a spokesperson’s statement to Reuters.

X Corp filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters on Monday, accusing the “radical anti-free speech organization” of publishing a report that falsely claimed that X was allowing ads to run next to pro-Nazi content. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas Fort Worth Division, alleges that Media Matters’ report was “malicious” and “intended to drive advertisers away from X.”


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d6e896 No.111253

File: 7483c7d67e0ddd2⋯.png (198.3 KB,596x808,149:202,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ea50e9cc3e0499⋯.png (446.94 KB,906x1133,906:1133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010693 (012226ZDEC23) Notable: DefendingTheRepublic Obtains Thousands of Pages of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Records

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Sidney Powell


DefendingTheRepublic Obtains Thousands of Pages of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Records

Nov 30, 2023, 2:09 PM


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d6e896 No.111254

File: 2d05fc57620a6aa⋯.png (497.39 KB,574x1416,287:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010748 (012235ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine seizes $1.5 million worth of crypto from former public official

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This one of the places the Pentagram can go to get back the money they already blew.

Ukraine seizes $1.5 million worth of crypto from former public official


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d6e896 No.111255

File: ddac833a178ea8c⋯.png (414.59 KB,583x494,583:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010777 (012241ZDEC23) Notable: We are now officially a communist third world banana republic with unrecoverable debt, a military that worries more about DEI than readiness and winning, a collapsed border, a demented person in charge of our nuclear codes, never mind being in charge of our economy, a severely corrupted justice system at the very top and now an even worse censorship state than previously imagined.

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After listening to


‘s testimony today, we are now officially a communist third world banana republic with unrecoverable debt, a military that worries more about DEI than readiness and winning, a collapsed border, a demented person in charge of our nuclear codes, never mind being in charge of our economy, a severely corrupted justice system at the very top and now an even worse censorship state than previously imagined.

The weakness in the


will fix NONE of this. Don’t expect them to hold anyone accountable.


please prove me wrong.

If and only if we get


with a strong team of advisors and leaders back in charge of the United States of America, can we fix this problem.

Otherwise, we are going to become the United Socialist States of America! This is the direction the “progressive” lunatics on the left are taking us.


==Well Gen Flynn what are you doing about it?

I know people who have sent you irrefutable evidence of deep state corruption

and instead of exposing it you were more interested in using it for

leverage. Plus Roger Stone tweeted in 2017 that

you had the Epstein client list

but no one has seen that either. You

Sir are a gatekeeper and former C_A.==

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d6e896 No.111256

File: f41ebd65916d2c2⋯.png (135.93 KB,590x472,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010779 (012242ZDEC23) Notable: Sidney Powell Discusses Lawfare on Cowboy Logic

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

Good News Friday: December 01, 2023

Dear Patriots,

Over the last years, we like to think that we have formed our own community with all of you.

We have wept together. We have laughed together. And most importantly, we have prayed together.

Sharing information that is as truthful as we can find is a goal that drives us every day. We would like to expand our audience and ask your help.

Today, we link for you the first interview with Sidney since "the great unpleasantness".

Take a moment to catch up with Sidney.

Sidney Powell Discusses Lawfare on Cowboy Logic

1- No one has ever accused woke leftists of being particularly smart. But they are good at paying off people they approve.

The good news is that once again we see that leftist ideas do not sell.


Woke Authors Getting Massive Advances For Books That Don't Sell

2- What these companies are realizing is that hiring the typical college graduate these days will be a nothing but trouble. So here is to all those young people who no longer have to waste four years for an expensive degree. This is a big cultural shift in the right direction.

Daily Mail Online

How the college degree lost its value: Nearly half of US companies plan to ax Bachelor's degree requirements - after Walmart, Accenture and IBM led the charge

3- Unless you live in Florida, you may not have heard of the work of Christopher Rufo and the turnaround of an ultra leftist college, New College.

Please go to the link on Substack to watch the short video explaining a hopeful transformation. Education is vital to a thriving, productive society. We need to bring new ideas and different thinking to turn the tables on a system that clearly is not working.

Christopher F. Rufo on Substack

The Fight for New College

4- Another subtle shift in the culture of America is happening in Hollywood. And that can be nothing but good for America.

Paul Mirengoff at Ring Side At The Reckoning on Substack

A Hollywood two-fer

5- Praise God for every single child born.

The National Post

BE THANKFUL: 1 in 4 Babies That Would've Been Aborted Have Been Born in a Post-Roe World.

6- A major tool of the left to foster fear is the FACE MASK. We always knew masks were worthless but now we see they are actually dangerous to your health.

Do not ever be force to participating in this lie again!

The National Pulse

Study: Mask-Wearing Associated With INCREASED COVID Infection Risk.

7- The first hospital in the USA to force employees to be injected has declared defeat on that policy.

The Center Square

Houston Methodist reverses course on COVID vaccine employee mandate

8- Humans can be amazingly wonderful!

The Gateway Pundit

MIRACULOUS RESCUE: When All Machines Fail, Indian 'Rat Miners' Dig Non-Stop for 26 Hours WITH HAND TOOLS To Free 41 Workers Trapped in a Collapsed Tunnel



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d6e896 No.111257

File: 31cd8ebdbedb000⋯.png (663.87 KB,563x613,563:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010781 (012242ZDEC23) Notable: Fatima TV Anchorwoman Anna Kulanová detained near St. Peter’s Square by Italian Police per the Vatican over a banner supporting cancelled Bishop Strickland

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Fatima TV Anchorwoman Anna Kulanová was stopped and detained near St. Peter’s Square by Italian Police acting on instruction of the Vatican over a banner that displayed public support for recently cancelled Bishop Joseph Strickland. Vatican police admitted on camera that support for Bishop Strickland was the reason for detainment. After being forced into a police vehicle, police confiscated Kulanová’s banner and cameras. Kulanová was held by the police for more than 3 hours—providing the police enough time to wipe her electronics of footage. Now, Kulanová is telling her story. It is impossible to now deny, Pope Francis’ Vatican seeks to cancel real dialogue — and she has the hidden mic recording to prove it.

Source: https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/hot-mic-vatican-using-mafia-tactics-to-stop-public-support-of-bishop-strickland/

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d6e896 No.111258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010815 (012250ZDEC23) Notable: They’re arresting J6’ers by almost 1 new arrest per day - nearly 4 years after it happened

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




They’re arresting J6’ers by almost 1 new arrest per day - nearly 4 years after it happened!

How many Oct 18th Pro-Hamas’ers are they hunting down that broke the exact same laws that J6’ers did?

Their organizer’s chat was called “global intifada.”

Is the FBI & DOJ concerned?

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d6e896 No.111259

File: 1b0877d536945c5⋯.png (181.2 KB,568x396,142:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010816 (012250ZDEC23) Notable: In 2020 Netanyahu sent Mossad general to Qatar, ‘begged’ it to pay Hamas

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d6e896 No.111260

File: 3c9d5c529c3bf6c⋯.mp4 (6.82 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010819 (012250ZDEC23) Notable: ICYMI: Seating incident at Carter Funeral

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I’d say that’s a daily boom 💥 we missed!

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d6e896 No.111261

File: 13aea16c010c074⋯.png (16.6 KB,474x354,79:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010821 (012250ZDEC23) Notable: Chinse robots reaching beyond uncanny valley

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Mike Adams episode about China's Humanoid Robot production from yesterday. One of his best commentaries.

Nov 28, 2023 - The Chinese humanoid robot factories go online in 2025, churning out workers to replace HALF the human labor force.

Robot footage starts at 28 seconds: (can't embed)


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d6e896 No.111262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010830 (012252ZDEC23) Notable: Idaho Man Arrested on Felony and Misdemeanor Charges for Actions During January 6 U.S. Capitol Breach

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Still hunting them down....

FBI Washington Field


Idaho Man Arrested on Felony and Misdemeanor Charges for Actions During January 6 U.S. Capitol Breach



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d6e896 No.111263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010840 (012254ZDEC23) Notable: Russia's Supreme Court effectively outlawed LGBTQ+ activism

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Seethe moar!

The Washington Times


Russia's Supreme Court effectively outlawed LGBTQ+ activism on Thursday, the most drastic step against advocates of gay, lesbian and transgender rights in the increasingly conservative country.


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d6e896 No.111264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010842 (012254ZDEC23) Notable: In 2020 Netanyahu sent Mossad general to Qatar, ‘begged’ it to pay Hamas

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22 February 2020,

Liberman: Netanyahu sent Mossad head, general to Qatar, ‘begged’ it to pay Hamas

Yisrael Beytenu party leader says the pair were sent by PM two weeks ago to convince Doha not to end its money transfers to the Gaza-based terror group

Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and the top officer of the Israel Defense Forces in charge of Gaza, Herzi Halevi, visited Qatar earlier this month on the instructions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to plead with its leaders to continue their periodical payments to Hamas, Yisrael Beytenu party chief Avigdor Liberman claimed Saturday night.

Speaking to Channel 12 news, Liberman censured Netanyahu for having “begged” the Qataris to continue supporting the Gaza-based terror group.

“On Wednesday two weeks ago the head of Mossad… and the head of [IDF] Southern Command visit Qatar on an errand from Netanyahu, and they simply beg the Qataris to keep sending money to Hamas after March 30. The Qataris have said they will stop sending money on March 30,” Liberman said.

“Both Egypt and Qatar are angry with Hamas and planned to cut ties with them. Suddenly Netanyahu appears as the defender of Hamas, as though it was an environmental organization. This is a policy of submission to terror,” he said, adding that Israel was paying Hamas “protection money” to maintain the calm.


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d6e896 No.111265

File: 1aa78f611e95996⋯.jpg (17.61 KB,435x245,87:49,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f24983a5115b6a5⋯.jpg (49.66 KB,450x600,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010843 (012254ZDEC23) Notable: Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

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Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

The push to replace real beef with other forms of protein has been ramping up in recent weeks. The powers-that-be want us to stop eating steaks and instead eat cricket burgers or lab-grown meat replacements as our protein. Ireland is even considering culling 200,000 cows to meet their climate change virtue signaling goals.

But their climate change argument is patently false. Recent studies have shown growing meat in a lab is actually as much as 25-times worse for the environment than producing the same amount of real beef. Corporate media is barely reporting on it, but they’ve been forced to mention it over the past couple of weeks thanks to the persistence of those championing the truth.

One such champion is Dr. Joseph Mercola who recently noted:

While the fake meat industry is being touted as an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to feed the world, the true intent is to recreate the kind of global control that Monsanto and others achieved through patented GMO seed development. In the end, lab-created meats are worse for the environment than livestock and will undoubtedly deteriorate human health to boot, just like GMO grains have.

Dr. Mercola also said, “Each kilo of cultured meat produces anywhere from 542 pounds (246 kilos) to 3,325 pounds (1,508 kg) of carbon dioxide emissions, making the climate impact of cultured meat four to 25 times greater than that of conventional beef.”

Jason Nelson, CEO of freeze-dried food company Whole Cows, has focused his team on producing as much shelf-stable all-American beef as they can have slaughtered. It is his belief that beef cattle will be systematically removed from the American food supply in the coming years and even months with attacks from multiple angles (plus, ordering through this link and the links below benefits Gateway Pundit). The climate change argument is only one of them.

“They prey on the ignorance of the average mainstream media watcher who nods along as they’re being told cow farts will kill them,” Nelson said. “It’s patently ludicrous but they need something shocking in order to get people to comply when they try to outlaw real meat. And they will. They’re already trying to do it.”


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d6e896 No.111266

File: 1f65a441813e979⋯.png (745.26 KB,938x534,469:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010999 (012318ZDEC23) Notable: California Defies SCOTUS by Imposing Myriad New Restrictions on Public Gun Possession

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California Defies SCOTUS by Imposing Myriad New Restrictions on Public Gun Possession

A California law that is scheduled to take effect on January 1 will impose a host of new restrictions on public possession of firearms. That may seem counterintuitive, since Senate Bill 2 is the state legislature's response to the U.S. Supreme Court's June 2022 ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, which upheld the Second Amendment right to carry guns for self-defense outside the home. But California, like several other states with discretionary carry-permit policies that had to be revised because of Bruen, is attempting an end run around that decision by simultaneously making permits easier to obtain and much harder to use.

In Bruen, the Supreme Court said states may not require permit applicants to demonstrate "a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community." Accordingly, S.B. 2, which Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law on September 26, eliminates California's "good cause" requirement, along with a similarly amorphous "good character" criterion (although it still disqualifies applicants deemed "reasonably likely" to pose a danger to themselves or others). By limiting the discretion of licensing authorities, S.B. 2 notes, those changes could have opened the door to "broadly allowing individuals to carry firearms in most public areas." Deeming that outcome intolerable, legislators instead decreed that guns may not be carried in most public areas.

Copying the constitutionally dubious approach taken by states such as New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Hawaii, S.B. 2 designates myriad locations as "sensitive places" where guns are not permitted. It also establishes a default rule that people may not bring guns into a business unless the owner "clearly and conspicuously posts a sign at the entrance of the building or on the premises indicating that licenseholders are permitted to carry firearms on the property."

As a federal lawsuit challenging those rules notes, the law "turns the Bruen decision on its head, making nearly every public place in California a 'sensitive place' (in name only)" and "forbidding firearm carry even after someone has undertaken the lengthy and expensive process to be issued a concealed handgun license." California's gun-free zones "include every park and playground, every hospital, all public transportation, any place that sells alcohol (which, in California, includes most gas stations and convenience and grocery stores), all land under the control of the Department of Parks and Recreation or the Department of Fish and Wildlife (with exceptions for hunting), libraries, churches, banks, and many more." S.B. 2 "even transforms private businesses into 'gun-free zones' by default, imposing an unprecedented affirmative duty on private business owners to post signage to authorize people exercising an enumerated constitutional right to enter the property."

More at: https://reason.com/2023/12/01/california-defies-scotus-by-imposing-myriad-new-restrictions-on-public-gun-possession/

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d6e896 No.111267

File: 790a5c691c4bb2a⋯.png (990.45 KB,786x534,131:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011011 (012321ZDEC23) Notable: Man Plotted ‘Mass Casualty’ Attack At Tesla Event Attended By Elon Musk, Officials Say

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Man Plotted ‘Mass Casualty’ Attack At Tesla Event Attended By Elon Musk, Officials Say

11:45 AM – Friday, December 1, 2023

A Florida man has been arrested for allegedly planning to commit a mass casualty incident at a Tesla-sponsored event hosted by CEO Elon Musk.

According to a Travis County arrest warrant, Paul Ryan Overeem, 28, was booked on suspicion of making a terrorist threat, which is a third-degree felony.

Authorities said that on November 9th, the 28-year-old, going by the handle “ufotnoitalumis,” made many online threats against Tesla’s Cybertruck promotional event in Austin, Texas, on Thursday. He conveyed these messages via an Instagram exchange.

The threats included: “But yeah so at teh (sic) Tesla event I’m planning to attach (sic) so up to you guys to stop me… I plan on killing people at that even (sic) ok (sic) November 30th and I would like you do something about it so I don’t have to” as well as “I wanna die.”

Additionally, Overeem blamed “technology” as being a key reason why he was not able to express himself.

“I wanna die. My thoughts haven’t been free for over a year. All the electronics around me,” he wrote, according to the arrest warrant.

According to Travis County Sheriff’s Detective Jennifer Borland, the statements created Overeem’s potential to “carry out his threats of a mass casualty event.”

Instagram gave authorities the phone number associated with the user account “ufotnoitalumis,” which was traced back to Overeem, whose Chevy Tahoe truck was then later spotted in Austin, according to the affidavit.

Overeem was booked into custody on Wednesday and is currently being held on $300,000 bail, jail records show.


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d6e896 No.111268

File: 30ed051f57746dd⋯.mp4 (7.81 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011016 (012322ZDEC23) Notable: We are now officially a communist third world banana republic with unrecoverable debt, a military that worries more about DEI than readiness and winning, a collapsed border, a demented person in charge of our nuclear codes, never mind being in charge of our economy, a severely corrupted justice system at the very top and now an even worse censorship state than previously imagined.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111269

File: 5dbc96463e0ff5d⋯.png (639.28 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.png)

File: d8f8123cabb1eb3⋯.png (395.36 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 108e03430d4ee43⋯.png (441.13 KB,949x499,949:499,Clipboard.png)

File: bbaaf7fa7f449bd⋯.png (538.38 KB,753x500,753:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011017 (012322ZDEC23) Notable: Prayers for Elon!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111270

File: e26341c9ba1311b⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011040 (012325ZDEC23) Notable: Prayers for Elon!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011073 (012332ZDEC23) Notable: #24563

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#24563 >>111230

>>111255, >>111268 We are now officially a communist third world banana republic with unrecoverable debt, a military that worries more about DEI than readiness and winning, a collapsed border, a demented person in charge of our nuclear codes, never mind being in charge of our economy, a severely corrupted justice system at the very top and now an even worse censorship state than previously imagined.

>>111258 They’re arresting J6’ers by almost 1 new arrest per day - nearly 4 years after it happened

>>111262 Idaho Man Arrested on Felony and Misdemeanor Charges for Actions During January 6 U.S. Capitol Breach

>>111231, >>111238 They would rather be exposed for destroying records than risk the American people seeing what is in them and what they did with them.

>>111246 Whatever Mr. Santos did with Botox or OnlyFansis far less concerning than the indictment against Sen. Menendez who’s holding gold bars from Egypt

>>111232 Xwitter is being flooded with fake Paul Sperry accounts

>>111233 @RepAdamSchiff Here’s why I voted to expel George Santos

>>111234 CALL TO DIG: Nathan Reynolds

>>111235 Footage of Jussie Smollet in court

>>111236 Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana (proving USA is a dictatorship)

>>111237, >>111239, >>111240 Club of Rome anti-growth plan seeks global socialism, accelerated population collapse

>>111241, >>111242, >>111243 $280* BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED (and that's just what's on the books)

>>111244 Robin Williams’ former San Francisco abode on sale for $39.3m

>>111245 DeSantis Super PAC Loses Its Chairman

>>111247 Over 100 pigs lost after fire on Iowa highway

>>111248 AZ Paul Gosar Shares Why He Voted Against George Santos Expulsion, Weighs in on The 105 RINOs Who Voted With Democrats

>>111249 Dave Chappelle poses for selfie with Reps. Lauren Boebert, Anna Luna on Capitol Hill

>>111250 The US House of Representatives has blocked access for Congressmen and Congressional staff to the Gateway Pundit

>>111251 Dozen’s of illegals sleeping outside of a shopping center in San Antonio Tx

>>111252 Walmart is the Latest Company to Cease Advertising on Elon Musk’s X Platform

>>111253 DefendingTheRepublic Obtains Thousands of Pages of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Records

>>111254 Ukraine seizes $1.5 million worth of crypto from former public official

>>111256 Sidney Powell Discusses Lawfare on Cowboy Logic

>>111257 Fatima TV Anchorwoman Anna Kulanová detained near St. Peter’s Square by Italian Police per the Vatican over a banner supporting cancelled Bishop Strickland

>>111263 Russia's Supreme Court effectively outlawed LGBTQ+ activism

>>111259, >>111264 In 2020 Netanyahu sent Mossad general to Qatar, ‘begged’ it to pay Hamas

>>111265 Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

>>111260 ICYMI: Seating incident at Carter Funeral

>>111261 Chinse robots reaching beyond uncanny valley

>>111266 California Defies SCOTUS by Imposing Myriad New Restrictions on Public Gun Possession

>>111267 Man Plotted ‘Mass Casualty’ Attack At Tesla Event Attended By Elon Musk, Officials Say

>>111269, >>111270 Prayers for Elon!


last call

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d6e896 No.111272

File: 680265dbd05ba0e⋯.png (1.72 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011132 (012344ZDEC23) Notable: #24564

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>accepting handoffs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111273

File: ee870b5c1f223b5⋯.png (36.96 KB,910x454,455:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011191 (012351ZDEC23) Notable: Underground Data Center DELTA

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Thank you Baker. o7

All this Elon talk is D.U.M.B. Any relationship to today's delta I wonder.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111274

File: 2cf95598457ba8c⋯.jpeg (95.43 KB,2560x1707,2560:1707,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011222 (012357ZDEC23) Notable: Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES by John Turscak

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REVEALED: Former Minneapolis Cop Derek Chauvin was Stabbed22 TIMES– New Details Emerge Including His Alleged Attacker’s Identity

The Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor previously reported that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who pled guilty to federal charges in the 2020 death while in custody of 46-year-old George Floyd, was stabbed and seriously injured in prison. Now major details have emerged including the culprit allegedly responsible and reason for the attack.

The New York Post reported Friday that an incarcerated gang member named John Turscak was arrested and charged with attempted murder. Turscak is currently serving a 30-year sentence for crimes he committed while a member of the Mexican mafia gang.

Federal prosecutors revealed 52-year-old Turscak stabbed Chauvin 22 TIMES at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson and said he would’ve murdered Chauvin had correctional officers not responded so rapidly. As Taylor noted, Chauvin had to be given life-saving measures before being taken to the hospital.

Prosecutors say Turschak attacked Chauvin with an “improvised knife” in the prison’s law library at approximately 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 24, which is Black Friday.

Turscak told FBI agents that he chose to assault Chauvin on Black Friday as a symbolic connection to the Black Lives Matter movement. This Marxist organization garnered widespread support in the wake of Floyd’s death and the “Black Hand” symbol associated with the Mexican Mafia.

Jim Hoft previously reported the FBI launched an investigation into the jailhouse stabbing of Chauvin. The quick confession of Turschak should raise questions regarding what he received in return.

Turschak has also been charged with assault with intent to commit murder, assault with a dangerous weapon and assault resulting in serious bodily injury. The Post notes the attempted murder and assault with intent to commit murder charges are each punishable by up to 20 years in prison.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111275

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011223 (012358ZDEC23) Notable: Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES by John Turscak

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🇺🇸texasgirlnyc reposted

Collin Rugg


JUST IN: The man who stabbed Derek Chauvin in prison was 52-year-old John Turscak who previously worked as an FBI informant.

How ironic.

Chauvin was stabbed 22 times with a knife that was crafted by Turscak.

This is where it gets interesting. Turscak was in prison after being found guilty of racketeering and conspiring to kill a gang rival.

Before that, he worked as an FBI informant against the Mexican Mafia organization.

When being sentenced in 2001, Turscak admitted that he carried out crimes while working undercover as an informant to the FBI.

"I didn’t commit those crimes for kicks. I did them because I had to if I wanted to stay alive. I told that to the [FBI] agents and they just said, ‘Do what you have to do.’" (LA Times)



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d6e896 No.111276

File: 3d4e4720961b5c4⋯.png (295.07 KB,450x402,75:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011243 (020002ZDEC23) Notable: Today's conference at SCOTUS for cert petition on the 1512(c)(2) appeal was cancelled due to Sandra Day O'Connor's passing. Rescheduled for next Friday

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


Update: Today's conference at SCOTUS for cert petition on the 1512(c)(2) appeal was cancelled due to Sandra Day O'Connor's passing. Rescheduled for next Friday.



This is the questionable felony charge of "obstruction of an official proceeding" statute that is from the ENRON case the DOJ is leveling at everyone of the J6ers.

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d6e896 No.111277

File: 1426d98eec0fbfd⋯.png (1.4 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011254 (020003ZDEC23) Notable: Angola signs Artemis Accords

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Angola signs Artemis Accords

December 1, 2023

WASHINGTON — Angola signed the U.S.-led Artemis Accords outlining best practices for space exploration Nov. 30, becoming the third African nation to do so.

The signing took place during the visit of Angola’s president, João Lourenço, to the White House to meet with President Joe Biden. The signing was mentioned briefly in White House statements about the meeting.

In a background briefing about the meeting, a senior administration official called Angola an “important country” to sign the accords even though the country has a small space program.

“One of the hallmarks of President Biden’s administration’s policy towards Africa is incorporating our African partners in the most important conversations that affect the future of this very decisive decade in space — space norms,” the official said. “And our approach towards how countries behave and operate in outer space is incredibly important, and the Africans have and should be at the table for that conversation.”

Angola is the third African nation to sign the accords, after Rwanda and Nigeria, which joined in December 2022 during the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. Thirty-three countries have now signed the accords, 10 of which have done so this year.

“Angola is already using space-based capabilities to map United Nations sustainable development goals across the country, helping to tackle ambitious objectives such as eliminating poverty and hunger,” Mike Gold, chief growth officer at Redwire and a former NASA official who helped develop the Accords, told SpaceNews. “By signing the Artemis Accords, Angola is taking its space ambitions beyond Earth orbit, while supporting norms of behavior that will lead to a peaceful and prosperous future in space for all of humanity to enjoy.”

Angola’s signing comes after a meeting of U.S. and African space industry officials during the International Astronautical Congress in October in Baku, Azerbaijan. “It is exactly this type of outreach that I think is critical to achieving our goals in space diplomacy in this new and collaborative space era,” said Valda Vikmanis Keller, director of the Office of Space Affairs within the State Department, at a Dec. 1 meeting of the National Space Council’s Users’ Advisory Group.


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d6e896 No.111278

File: a30eacad1a38d6e⋯.png (145.75 KB,344x410,172:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011262 (020005ZDEC23) Notable: $24,000,000,000,000/144,500,000 taxpayers = $168,420 each,

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$24,000,000,000,000/144,500,000 taxpayers = $168,420 each, $0 ROI, 100% globoRICO


I think I see a way out of this.

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d6e896 No.111279

File: 9061889a106f2a4⋯.jpg (28.28 KB,593x289,593:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011276 (020008ZDEC23) Notable: This Michigan courts ruled two to three weeks ago that Pfizer’s mRNA jab is an adulterated product, YOU CAN SUE PFIZER

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Andrew G. Huff, PhD, MS 🇺🇸


This Michigan courts ruled two to three weeks ago that Pfizer’s mRNA jab is an adulterated product. This means if you are vaccine injured it is nearly impossible to lose in court. I don’t think the message is getting across to people…


3:21 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023


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d6e896 No.111280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011278 (020008ZDEC23) Notable: First on CNN: Biden campaign prepares legal fight against election deepfakes

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Eyes on

First on CNN: Biden campaign prepares legal fight against election deepfakes



President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign has assembled a special task force to ready its responses to misleading AI-generated images and videos, drafting court filings and preparing novel legal theories it could deploy to counter potential disinformation efforts that technology experts have warned could disrupt the vote.

The task force, which is composed of the campaign’s top lawyers and outside experts such as a former senior legal advisor to the Department of Homeland Security, is exploring what steps Biden could take if, for example, a fake video emerged of a state election official falsely claiming that polls are closed, or if an AI-generated image falsely portrayed Biden as urging non-citizens to cross the US border to cast ballots illegally.

The effort aims to produce a “legal toolkit” that can allow the campaign to quickly respond to virtually any scenario involving political misinformation and particularly AI-created deepfakes — convincing audio, video or images made using artificial intelligence tools.


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d6e896 No.111281

File: 70035aa1146433a⋯.png (194.56 KB,886x737,886:737,Clipboard.png)

File: 7489660dffa3a0e⋯.png (358.56 KB,1210x849,1210:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011290 (020010ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Catturd 81% you say?… 18 = R

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Donald J. Trump


Dec 01, 2023, 7:03 PM


81% you say?... 18 = R

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d6e896 No.111282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011293 (020011ZDEC23) Notable: According to the Los Angeles Times, Turscak was sentenced in 2001 to 30 years in prison for carrying out crimes while working as a federal informant

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According to the Los Angeles Times, Turscak was sentenced in 2001 to 30 years in prison for carrying out crimes while working as a federal informant.

He was recruited as part of a 1999 case that eventually brought down charges against members of the Mexican Mafia, a gang that he admitted he had joined in 1990, according to court documents.

During his time in the mafia, he said he authorized "assaults of individuals for infractions of Mexican Mafia rules," and collected "taxes" from street gangs and drug dealers in "return for Mexican Mafia protection and permission to engage in narcotics trafficking."

He also said he murdered a man in 1990 while he was in Folsom Prison, and authorized the murder of another man in 1998, according to documents.

Chauvin was hospitalized following the attack, but was said to be in stable condition as of Saturday.


> John Turscak


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d6e896 No.111283

File: e1b9a7d2d5701d2⋯.png (50.34 KB,891x295,891:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ec65b2de39725f⋯.png (364.49 KB,865x748,865:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011301 (020012ZDEC23) Notable: Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES by John Turscak

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Gateway Pundit




REVEALED: Former Minneapolis Cop Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES – New Details Emerge Including His Alleged Attacker’s Identity

Dec 01, 2023, 6:47 PM


REVEALED: Former Minneapolis Cop Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES – New Details Emerge Including His Alleged Attacker’s Identity

The Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor previously reported that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who pled guilty to federal charges in the 2020 death while in custody of 46-year-old George Floyd, was stabbed and seriously injured in prison. Now major details have emerged including the culprit allegedly responsible and reason for the attack.

The New York Post reported Friday that an incarcerated gang member named John Turscak was arrested and charged with attempted murder. Turscak is currently serving a 30-year sentence for crimes he committed while a member of the Mexican mafia gang.

Federal prosecutors revealed 52-year-old Turscak stabbed Chauvin 22 TIMES at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson and said he would’ve murdered Chauvin had correctional officers not responded so rapidly. As Taylor noted, Chauvin had to be given life-saving measures before being taken to the hospital.

Prosecutors say Turschak attacked Chauvin with an “improvised knife” in the prison’s law library at approximately 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 24, which is Black Friday.

Turscak told FBI agents that he chose to assault Chauvin on Black Friday as a symbolic connection to the Black Lives Matter movement. This Marxist organization garnered widespread support in the wake of Floyd’s death and the “Black Hand” symbol associated with the Mexican Mafia.

Jim Hoft previously reported the FBI launched an investigation into the jailhouse stabbing of Chauvin. The quick confession of Turschak should raise questions regarding what he received in return.

Turschak has also been charged with assault with intent to commit murder, assault with a dangerous weapon and assault resulting in serious bodily injury. The Post notes the attempted murder and assault with intent to commit murder charges are each punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

The Daily Mail reports Turschak remains in custody and has no attorney listed in court records. The Mexican mafia member has previously represented himself in several court proceedings.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Chauvin pled guilty to federal charges in the 2020 death while in custody of 46-year-old George Floyd. Chauvin, 47, was also convicted on state charges in Minnesota and is serving concurrent sentences of over 20 years on the federal and state charges.

The former police officer’s lawyer Eric Nelson had previously lobbied for keeping his client out of general prison populations, anticipating he’d be a target. In Minnesota, Chauvin was mainly kept in solitary confinement “largely for his own protection,” according to Nelson.


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d6e896 No.111284

File: a264abb8eee478b⋯.jpg (37.28 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011329 (020019ZDEC23) Notable: Comer rejects Hunter Biden's testimony demands, accuses legal team of bullying, intimidation

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Comer rejects Hunter Biden's testimony demands, accuses legal team of bullying, intimidation

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer on Friday formally accused Hunter Biden's team of of trying to "bully and intimidate" impeachment investigators as he formally rejected the presidential son's demands to skip a transcribed interview with Congress and move straight to public testimony.

In a letter joined by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Comer told Hunter Biden's attorney Abbe Lowell that the first son must show up as required by his subpoena for a transcribed interview on Dec. 13 or face legal consequences.  

"Mr. Biden’s attempt to avoid sitting for a deposition pursuant to the terms of the subpoenas – by offering instead to testify at a public hearing – amounts to a demand that he receive special treatment from the Committees," the two lawmakers wrote Lowell.


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d6e896 No.111285

File: ffa31c2cac9eed2⋯.png (300 KB,995x999,995:999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011337 (020020ZDEC23) Notable: A presidential candidate winning a poll on who won the debate he didn't even participate in, and it not only that, the vote total is not even close

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I don't think this has ever happened before.

A presidential candidate winning a poll on who won the debate he didn't even participate in, and it not only that, the vote total is not even close.

ThankQ very much!


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d6e896 No.111286

File: e9318e33b01f7b1⋯.jpg (116.02 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011346 (020021ZDEC23) Notable: UPDATE: President Donald Trump Announced as Keynote Speaker at 111th New York Young Republican Club’s Annual Winter Gala

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UPDATE: President Donald Trump Announced as Keynote Speaker at 111th New York Young Republican Club’s Annual Winter Gala

The biggest night of the year in the entire conservative movement is upon us. The New York Young Republican Club will hold its 111th Annual Winter Gala next Saturday, December 9th at the elegant Cipriani Wall Street in Lower Manhattan.

Last year’s gala made international headlines as the spiritual zeitgeist of the American Right was fearlessly declared to the world. This year promises to be even more explosive, led by keynote speaker Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is coming in hot fresh off the heels of his history-making year ousting Kevin McCarthy of his speakership. The evening will also feature exclusive speeches from New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax, and this year’s gala’s Master of Ceremonies, Alex Stein, the host of PrimeTime with Alex Stein.


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d6e896 No.111287

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011351 (020022ZDEC23) Notable: McCarthy and his corrupt crowd are behind the Santos expulsion, They are going to go after every MAGA candidate now

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Frank Luntz roommate was behind this! McCarthy and his corrupt crowd are behind the Santos expulsion! They are going to go after every MAGA candidate now. Bannon says, bring it!




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d6e896 No.111288

File: bd2567309bba23d⋯.png (64.93 KB,910x674,455:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011358 (020024ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Catturd 81% you say?… 18 = R

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Posted at 7:03pm.

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d6e896 No.111289

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011364 (020026ZDEC23) Notable: Garrett Ziegler: "Hunter Biden's entire lifestyle is paid for by this bong smoking degenerate". They are coming after Ziegler with guns blazing

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Garrett Ziegler: "Hunter Biden's entire lifestyle is paid for by this bong smoking degenerate". They are coming after Ziegler with guns blazing



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d6e896 No.111290

File: 391a6d0d9c20119⋯.png (1.09 MB,1368x934,684:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011370 (020027ZDEC23) Notable: SpaceX KOREA 425 MISSION

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DECEMBER 1, 2023

On Friday, December 1 at 10:19 a.m. PT, Falcon 9 launched the Korea 425 mission to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. There were a total of 25 spacecraft on board this mission, including KOREA's 425, Space BD’s ISL48, SITAEL’s microHETSat, D-Orbit’s ION SCV Daring Diego, York Space Systems’ Bane, and PlanetIQ’s GNOMES-4.

This was the 17th flight of the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched Crew-1, Crew-2, SXM-8, CRS-23, IXPE, Transporter-4, Transporter-5, Globalstar FM15, ISI EROS C-3, and seven Starlink missions.


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d6e896 No.111291

File: b5d959f027ab490⋯.png (43.36 KB,343x574,49:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011379 (020028ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Catturd 81% you say?… 18 = R

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46,143 votes = 17

12 hours 27 minutes = Q 1227


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/21/2018 13:42:05 ID: 32d632

8chan/qresearch: 1131963

Anonymous 04/21/2018 13:39:56 ID:ae030d

8chan/qresearch: 1131935


We are patriot diggers Q

Give us a shout and we will dig harder.



We are honored, proud, and appreciative.



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d6e896 No.111292

File: 73faf26859c7a15⋯.png (64.88 KB,910x674,455:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011386 (020030ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Catturd 81% you say?… 18 = R

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Anonymous 02/23/2018 19:22:52 ID: 3f8788

8chan/qresearch: 476806


Check code line 1183.

Embed added7:03pm EST.

Embed string active in SATRREC.

Warning alerts 5-12.

Brute force will be necessary.

T-2 warning.


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d6e896 No.111293

File: 74a717b28feb5b5⋯.png (1.04 MB,1920x2429,1920:2429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011393 (020031ZDEC23) Notable: PlayStation/Sony To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For

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PlayStation/Sony To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For

Sony says Mythbusters and more Discovery TV shows are going away whether you bought them or not

The promise of digital media is that it can last forever, pristine and undisturbed by the forces of entropy constantly buffeting the material world. Unfortunately, a mess of online DRM and license agreements means that we mostly don’t own the digital stuff we buy, as most recently evidenced by the fact that Sony is about to delete Mythbusters, Naked and Afraid, and tons of other Discovery shows from PlayStation users’ libraries even if they already “purchased” them.

The latest pothole in the road to an all-digital future was discovered via a warning Sony recently sent out to PlayStation users who purchased TV shows made by Discovery, the reality TV network that recently merged with Warner Bros. in one of the most brutal and idiotic corporate maneuvers of our time. “Due to our content licensing arrangements with content providers, you will no longer be able to watch any of your previously purchased Discovery content and the content will be removed from your video library,” read a copy of the email that was shared with Kotaku.

It linked to a page on the PlayStation website listing all of the shows impacted. As you might imagine, given Discovery’s penchant for pumping out seasons of relatively cheap to produce but popular reality TV and documentary-based shows, there are a lot of them. They include, but are not limited to, hits such as: Say Yes to the Dress, Shark Week, Cake Boss, Long Island Medium, Deadly Women, and many, many more.

“Is there a way I can save this content?” asked one panicked PlayStation user on Reddit. “I use PS4...But I have bought many seasons of shows such as Dual Survival that I do not wish to lose. I was actually under the impression since I owned it, I wouldn’t ever lose it…”

Movies and TV shows first came to the PlayStation Network in 2008 via the PS3. At the time it was possible to transfer the content you bought between devices for viewing on things like the PlayStation Portable. Sony removed that option beginning with the PS4 and beyond. Now, essentially anything you buy on PSN, whether a PS5 blockbuster or, uh, Police Women of Cincinnati, is essentially just on indefinite loan until such time as the PlayStation servers die or the original copyright owner decides to pull the content.

This isn’t the first time Sony has done something like this and it won’t be the last. I’d say just buy your favorite shows on Bluray instead, but Sony and Microsoft also appear to be planning to slowly phase out optical disc drives in the future. Even the new PS5 slim’s detachable disc drive will require an online DRM check every time you plug it in. Fortunately, generic Blu-ray players are cheaper than never. Unfortunately, they don’t really print discs of Pregnant Behind Bars Season 1 anymore.

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d6e896 No.111294

File: 84a8f8d06cdc412⋯.png (2.71 MB,1917x1499,1917:1499,Clipboard.png)

File: 03c3693fd82546f⋯.png (69.06 KB,950x504,475:252,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cea0003dece6f8⋯.png (80.39 KB,952x576,119:72,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a93750e0bc363c⋯.png (55.49 KB,953x404,953:404,Clipboard.png)

File: 9263adf538ceaa3⋯.png (255.93 KB,835x1388,835:1388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011402 (020033ZDEC23) Notable: "Polls confirm that something special is happening."

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"Polls confirm that something special is happening."


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d6e896 No.111295

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011426 (020039ZDEC23) Notable: Must Watch: Eric Schmidt should have been arrested and judged for treason! Now he wants AI in every aspect of the Government running our lives

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Ric Grenell: "When the left and these big government types see AI they wanna operationalize it". Must Watch: Eric Schmidt should have been arrested and judged for treason! Now he wants AI in every aspect of the Government running our lives, down to children with AI tutors, and AI doctors for all of the world.



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d6e896 No.111296

File: ff14f9cfb60137b⋯.png (1.27 MB,1920x2024,240:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 68c6768c2f86b06⋯.png (905.56 KB,960x1680,4:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011428 (020039ZDEC23) Notable: New images of rare thunder

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New images of rare thunder

Dec 1, 2023

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen has captured images of rare thunder phenomena as part of the Thor-Davis experiment on his Huginn mission.

Every Saturday Andreas grabbed the Space Station’s camera, mounted the Davis camera on top and headed to the Cupola to look out for thunderstorms on Earth. The first image is now out.

Andreas managed to capture a red sprite, a thunderous phenomenon called Transient Luminous Event (TLE), that takes place above thunderclouds, between 40 and 80 kilometres over the ground. From the image and the video, he captured, scientists estimate that the size of the red sprite is roughly 14 by 26 km. As the red sprites form above thunder clouds, they are not easily studied from ground and are therefore mostly seen from space, including using the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) that sits on the outside of the Space Station. However few sprites have been seen from the ground.

The Davis camera is an event camera, which works more like the human eye, sensing change in contrast instead of capturing an image like a regular camera. The power draw of an event camera is very low, on the order of a few watts while still being able to take the equivalent of 100 000 pictures a second. The speed of the camera is evident from the video below where you see the thunder strike below and then the red sprite form above.

“These images taken by Andreas are fantastic. The Davis camera works well and gives us the high temporal resolution necessary to capture the quick processes in the lightning,” said Olivier Chanrion, lead scientist for this experiment and DTU Space senior researcher.

The Thor-Davis experiment investigates lightning in the upper atmosphere and how it might affect the concentration of greenhouse gasses. It builds upon the former Thor experiment from Andreas’s first mission in 2015, when he also captured images of a different thunder event shooting up towards space, a blue jet,. The experiment is led by Danish Technical University (DTU) together with ESA.

Follow Andreas’s updates from space on social media and visit the Huginn page for more news on his mission and the science he performs on the International Space Station.


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d6e896 No.111297

File: 10f951e2981b536⋯.png (330.39 KB,895x664,895:664,Clipboard.png)

File: 0455b2d9c01ed64⋯.png (445.11 KB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 019b7cd9b0e9d64⋯.png (57.11 KB,506x281,506:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 1600aa2e2c0ccd6⋯.png (123.68 KB,220x331,220:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011431 (020040ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Thank you to the Ohio Republican Party, and Alex Triantafilou

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Donald J. Trump


Thank you to the Ohio Republican Party, and Alex Triantafilou for unanimously endorsing me for President. Something which has never happened before, a great honor, WE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!

Dec 01, 2023, 7:33 PM



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d6e896 No.111298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011454 (020045ZDEC23) Notable: Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be A Fake

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Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be A Fake


That’s right. Despite media, American intelligence, and even other Democrats acknowledging the authenticity of the laptop, Goldman is still spreading denials . . . at a hearing on the weaponization of disinformation policies.

Goldman has previously been criticized for making the case against President Joe Biden in disastrous efforts to discredit whistleblowers.

As in past hearings, the Democrats opposed witnesses who tried to detail the growing evidence of a government-directed censorship system. Members like Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) continued to deny that there was any evidence of such censorship after spending years opposing the investigation of the program. Even with thousands of pages of evidence and a federal judge finding an “Orwellian” censorship system, Plaskett and her colleagues simply denied that such evidence exists.

However, it was Goldman who stole the show in an exchange with journalist Michael Shellenberger. Shellenberger referenced the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election, a decision that Twitter and other companies now admit was wrong.

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d6e896 No.111299

File: 9f74e96981b8256⋯.png (502.41 KB,539x867,539:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011465 (020047ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump, 44m TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!(Cap 0:44) (Cap 1:03)

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two moar, but im not downloading any more stuff on to the puter, who ever changed from rumble to dl, i want to strangle that little fucker!

if there was a way to copy with out down loading, i would do it...?

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d6e896 No.111300

File: 34ebbe4c51f3b99⋯.png (557.51 KB,818x811,818:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011481 (020050ZDEC23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: Pushing'white lung' pneumonia spike China and the US, not falling for your brand of bullshit, fuck off

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What is causing the 'white lung' pneumonia spike in China and the US?

How worried should you be?

And what is mycoplasma?

Everything we know about the outbreaks

Nearly two weeks ago, news broke of an outbreak of a 'mysterious' pneumonia in China affecting children. While the spread began in May, the world only learned about it last week. Similar outbreaks of the strain of pneumonia - dubbed 'white lung syndrome' because of the distinctive white patches on chest x-rays of affected children - have been reported in Denmark, the Netherlands , and at least two states in the US - Ohio and Massachusetts.


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d6e896 No.111301

File: 6876eb7465ad322⋯.jpeg (608.11 KB,801x1155,267:385,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f0288d1d07848c3⋯.jpeg (196.97 KB,576x1280,9:20,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011485 (020051ZDEC23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: Pushing'white lung' pneumonia spike China and the US, not falling for your brand of bullshit, fuck off

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d6e896 No.111302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011488 (020052ZDEC23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: Pushing'white lung' pneumonia spike China and the US, not falling for your brand of bullshit, fuck off

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Myco? Like fungal shit that infects and docs butcher faces, mycosis?

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d6e896 No.111303

File: fd380a1c281728e⋯.jpg (468.48 KB,1026x777,342:259,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011493 (020052ZDEC23) Notable: Meta struggling to control pedophiles

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Meta struggling to control pedophiles

Facebook Groups reportedly have the same problem identified earlier on Instagram

The parent company of Facebook and Instagram continues to struggle with its algorithms enabling child molesters on its platforms, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

Earlier this year, the Journal and researchers at two US universities revealed that Instagram algorithms were helping connect accounts “devoted to the creation, purchasing and trading of underage-sex content.” Meta responded by setting up a child-safety task force and developing software tools to deal with the issue.

Five months later, the company is “struggling to prevent its own systems from enabling and even promoting a vast network of pedophile accounts,” the Journal noted.

Earlier this week, the Journal cited research by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, showing that Instagram algorithms still recommended pedophile content. While some pedophilia-related hashtags have been banned, the system just spits out new ones with minor variations, they said.

According to the Canadians, a “network” of Instagram accounts that had up to 10 million followers apiece “has continued to livestream videos of child sex abuse months after it was reported to the company.” Another group, the Stanford Internet Observatory, flagged several groups “popular with Instagram’s child sexualization community” to Meta back in June, and said that some of them are still operating.


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d6e896 No.111304

File: 2383913e34d7e69⋯.jpg (631.11 KB,1033x791,1033:791,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011523 (020057ZDEC23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: Pushing'white lung' pneumonia spike China and the US, not falling for your brand of bullshit, fuck off

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The new ‘Chinese disease’ panic is upon us

With Covid-19 being old news, China detractors will take every opportunity to portray an ordinary winter outbreak as something sinister

The new ‘Chinese disease’ panic is upon us

Lockdown due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreaks in Beijing on May 10, 2022 Š Noel Celis / AFP

News has been spreading throughout the media about a “disease outbreak” in China.

For many, this brings back bad memories. The illness, described as a form of pneumonia, has reportedly gone widespread very quickly, triggering comparisons to how the Covid-19 pandemic emerged. As with the coronavirus, it was not long before there followed accusations of a government cover-up of the extent of the spread.

Cases of the same illness occurring outside of China have been the target of media attention, such as those in Denmark and the US, as has the World Health Organization’s request for more information and Beijing’s response.

In reality, there doesn’t appear to be that much to worry about this time around. The pathogen responsible has already been determined not to be a novel virus and therefore not posing a distinctive new threat to humans the way Covid did. Known as “white lung syndrome,” it is a form of pneumonia that is resistant to some antibiotics and usually causes mild flu-like symptoms.In fact, the aforementioned Denmark suffers nationwide outbreaks every few years.


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d6e896 No.111305

File: 7152be5b2bdd51a⋯.png (52.75 KB,936x364,18:7,Clipboard.png)

File: e63733685d00dbf⋯.png (26.1 KB,528x160,33:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011538 (020101ZDEC23) Notable: Chauvin's attacker John Turscak was a FBI informant

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Chauvin's attacker was a Fed.


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d6e896 No.111306

File: a7d837efa94d51d⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,854x468,427:234,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8028afd475fc1df⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,854x468,427:234,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011551 (020103ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump, 44m TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!(Cap 0:44) (Cap 1:03)

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Videos here:







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d6e896 No.111307

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011563 (020107ZDEC23) Notable: Dr. Wolf Breaks Down AG Ken Paxton's Lawsuit Against Pfizer For Defrauding American Citizens 29:25

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Dr. Wolf Breaks Down AG Ken Paxton's Lawsuit Against Pfizer For Defrauding American Citizens



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d6e896 No.111308

File: f14b139b11ffcb4⋯.mp4 (15.78 MB,886x484,443:242,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011568 (020108ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump, 44m TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!(Cap 0:44) (Cap 1:03)

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18:36 ET


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d6e896 No.111309

File: 5b3d06c523596ec⋯.jpeg (442.67 KB,1230x617,1230:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e0347ac74cb7321⋯.jpeg (657.29 KB,1245x613,1245:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d2c2eb3a727d50c⋯.jpeg (399.88 KB,785x719,785:719,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 51edd0b7ae9a161⋯.jpeg (445.12 KB,1194x613,1194:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bfc2ae34d2fdbca⋯.png (734.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011603 (020118ZDEC23) Notable: PlaneFag: SAM056 C32ABlinken-and his lack of a soulon ground at Shannon, Ireland-for a little over an hour and soon back to JBA

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>>111186 pb

planeFag: SAM056 C32ABlinken-and his lack of a soulon ground at Shannon, Ireland-for a little over an hour and soon back to JBA (he won’t be in DC for long or he’s going back to be fired) after a fuel stop from Dubai COP28 Summit departure earlier today

Canada AF CFC1TrudopeChallenger 60 departed Toronto Intl back to Ottawa Intl

Trying to look like he gives a shit : The Prime Minister will meet with local women leaders to discuss affordability and child care.


AGING02 E6B Mercury west from Tinker AFB-OKC and will be making a “right turn Clyde” to head over West coast of CA and eventually end up at Travis AFB in NorCal

E-6B Mercury


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d6e896 No.111310

File: 0dce7004965cd08⋯.jpg (94.13 KB,1216x620,304:155,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3827f1f41299fb1⋯.jpg (113.5 KB,1266x599,1266:599,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ef1bc2b5a3d7a72⋯.jpg (90.13 KB,1089x680,1089:680,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011608 (020120ZDEC23) Notable: 2014 Dominion Voting Systems, Election Assistance Commission, The Department of the Treasury, the Bureau of Fiscal Service

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The Department of the Treasury, the Bureau of Fiscal Service, the Election Assistance Commission and Dominion Voting Systems

On Aug. 13, 2014, theDepartment of the Treasury(Awarding Agency) gaveDominion Voting Systems $8,880. The Awarding Sub-Agency was theBureau of Fiscal Service. TheElection Assistance Commissionwas both the Funding Agency and the Funding Sub-Agency.

USA Spending - Dominion Voting Systems - Purchase Order (PO) - PIID TPDEAC130011


USA Spending - Dominion Voting Systems - Latest


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d6e896 No.111311

File: 46d728b3cd2ff2a⋯.jpeg (38.36 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011615 (020122ZDEC23) Notable: They tried silence him You Can’t Make This Up: Derek Chauvin’s Attacker, John Turscak, Is a Former Mexican Mafia and a Former FBI Informant

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They tried silence him

You Can’t Make This Up: Derek Chauvin’s Attacker, John Turscak, Is a Former Mexican Mafia and a Former FBI Informant

Derek Chauvin, the former police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, was assaulted in prison by John Turscak, an individual with a complicated past.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, federal prosecutors disclosed that 52-year-old John Turscak stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 times at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson.

The rapid response of correctional officers averted a more tragic outcome, as they intervened before Turscak could murder Chauvin. After the attack, Chauvin required life-saving measures before being transported to the hospital.

Following this jailhouse stabbing, the FBI initiated an investigation. Turscak, in his confession to FBI agents, indicated that he deliberately chose Black Friday for the assault as a symbolic gesture towards the Black Lives Matter movement, which gained significant attention following the death of George Floyd. He also referred to the “Black Hand” symbol, which is associated with the Mexican Mafia.

Turscak was charged with attempted murder, assault with intent to commit murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, and assault resulting in serious bodily injury following the incident, according to the DOJ.

Now, it has been revealed that Turscak is a former gang member and an FBI informant, according to a report from the LA Times in 2001.

Turscak has a complex history involving both criminal activity and cooperation with law enforcement. In the late 1990s, Turscak led a faction of the Mexican Mafia in the Los Angeles area, known by the nickname “Stranger.”

His involvement with the Mexican Mafia was significant, as he became an FBI informant in 1997. In this role, Turscak provided vital information about the gang, including recordings of conversations with other members and associates of the Mexican Mafia

While working undercover as an FBI informant, Turscak committed numerous crimes. His cooperation with the FBI was instrumental in an investigation that led to the indictment of over 40 alleged members of the Mexican Mafia.


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d6e896 No.111312

File: 19569c2c83cb6cd⋯.png (111.3 KB,798x722,21:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011625 (020124ZDEC23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: Pushing'white lung' pneumonia spike China and the US, not falling for your brand of bullshit, fuck off

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>Myco? Like fungal shit that infects and docs butcher faces, mycosis?

What is mycoplasma pneumonia?

Mycoplasma pneumonia is caused by a very small, 'atypical' bacterium called mycoplasma pneumoniae, which can lead to upper respiratory tract infections and pneumonia.

It causes illness by damaging the lining of the respiratory tract, including the throat, lungs and windpipe and is one of the most common causes of community-acquired pneumonia in the US.

The bacterium causes people with the lung infection to present with 'atypical' characteristics compared to those people experience with 'typical' pneumonia caused by germs or complications from another illness.

The bacterium spreads through droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs. It can linger in the nose and throat without making a person sick, but if it spreads to the lungs, people can develop mycoplasma pneumonia.

While mycoplasma pneumonia is often a milder form of the lung disease - sometimes referred to as walking pneumonia - its symptoms last longer and people with the illness do not respond to antibiotics used to treat typical pneumonia.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the number of infections varies over time and peaks every three to seven years.

An estimated 2million mycoplasma pneumonia cases occur every year and deaths are so rare the CDC doesn't have a firm estimate.



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d6e896 No.111313

File: 67956c167639aaf⋯.png (399.09 KB,691x420,691:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011653 (020132ZDEC23) Notable: Julian Assange truth memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111314

File: e41988c077579f8⋯.png (135 KB,635x479,635:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011686 (020140ZDEC23) Notable: pb, [they] "lost" the "tapes, How many coincidences…..? NYYRC 111th Annual Gala with President Donald J. Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>111238 pb

same reason "they" "lost" the "tapes [allegedly] taken on the Moon"

How many coincidences.....?

Young Republicans Club NYC will be hosting DJTrump for their Holiday Gala 111th annual.

just announced today?

Looked at the prices... yesterday or so... before Trump was going.

oooooops; It will be FABULOUS

Can't imagine ticket prices meow.


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d6e896 No.111315

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011710 (020146ZDEC23) Notable: House Republicans uprising against Mike Johnson: he's failing already, he failed by the CR and he’s listening to the Senate again 5:46

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Steve Bannon Reacts To Rep. Burlison Holding Speaker Johnson Accountable Over Spending Crisis. The House Republicans are uprising against the leader Mike Johnson. Johnson is failing already, he failed by the CR and he’s listening to the Senate again.

(Anon’s comments) Speaker Johnson, Employ your biblical world view, in effect you won’t do it, unless you say NO, we will all be worse off! Turn over the tables of the Money Changers in Government and Congress. Honor your vow to God and the People of the United States. Do it now Johnson!



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d6e896 No.111316

File: b6d686c1ecce538⋯.png (285.71 KB,1236x930,206:155,Clipboard.png)

File: c084ed86d8a6e93⋯.png (159.09 KB,849x807,283:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011719 (020149ZDEC23) Notable: pb, [they] "lost" the "tapes, How many coincidences…..? NYYRC 111th Annual Gala with President Donald J. Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NYYRC 111th Annual Gala with President Donald J. Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz

Saturday, December 9, 2023, we will hold our 111th Annual Gala

This year’s honored guests include:

Charly Arnolt, Media Personality

Maureen Bannon, Army Veterans and CEO of War Room

Steve Bannon, Host of War Room

Alex Bruesewitz, CEO of X Strategies

Representative Mike Collins (GA-10)

Danielle D’Souza, Host of Counterculture at Epoch Times

Representative Paul Gosar (AZ-09)

Andrew Giuliani, Former New York State Gubernatorial Candidate

Rudy Giuliani, America’s Mayor

Bo Hines, Congressional Candidate (NC-06)

Jim Hoft, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Gateway Pundit

Raheem Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse

Joseph McBride, Esq, Civil Rights and Criminal Defense Attorney

Amanda Millius, Film Director

Representative Cory Mills (FL-07)

Chadwick Moore, Contributing Editor of The Spectator & Author of “Tucker: The Biography”

Deroy Murdock, Political Commentator

Jack Posobiec, Senior Editor of Human Events

Scott Presler, Founder of RISE PAC

Bill Spadea, Media Personality


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111317

File: 406ac4e9afe52a1⋯.png (201.14 KB,1230x928,615:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011731 (020151ZDEC23) Notable: pb, [they] "lost" the "tapes, How many coincidences…..? NYYRC 111th Annual Gala with President Donald J. Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Holey shit that is expensive


When: Saturday, December 9, 2023

Time: 6:00 P.M. Doors Open

Location: Cipriani Wall Street


Member Ticket – $599

Non-Member Ticket – $799

A general admission ticket grants attendees access to a full open bar with top-shelf liquor and a cocktail hour followed by a four-course meal!

Member VIP Ticket – $999

Non-Member VIP Ticket – $1,299

Enjoy an exclusive VIP Meet & Greet Reception with speakers and honored guests! VIP includes reception and general admission.

To upgrade your general ticket to VIP, please email Gala@NYYRC.com.

Table of 10 – $6,999

VIP Table of 10 – $9,999

Host Committee – $15,000

Host Committee Vice Chairman – $20,000

Host Committee Co-Chairman – $25,000

Host Committee Chairman – $30,000

Become a member of our exclusive Host Committee to support the 111th Annual Gala and advance the NYYRC mission.

Sponsorships – Please email Gala@NYYRC.com for pricing.

No refunds.


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d6e896 No.111318

File: 9db4147b90e69f2⋯.png (782.14 KB,611x1059,611:1059,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011743 (020154ZDEC23) Notable: Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES by John Turscak

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>John Turscak

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111319

File: 3778299f9cb24df⋯.jpeg (393.51 KB,1188x611,1188:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011758 (020159ZDEC23) Notable: PlaneFag: SAM056 C32ABlinken-and his lack of a soulon ground at Shannon, Ireland-for a little over an hour and soon back to JBA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


SAM056 C32ABlinkendeparted Shannon back to JBA

He looks like shit physically and I hope he gets no rest and has a really bumpy flight-worthless apologist fugger

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d6e896 No.111320

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011781 (020203ZDEC23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 12/01/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 12/01/2023



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111321

File: 920ae8190080eaf⋯.png (271.77 KB,610x420,61:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011827 (020217ZDEC23) Notable: Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES by John Turscak

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111322

File: 204f17647890cf2⋯.png (156.72 KB,354x348,59:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011833 (020217ZDEC23) Notable: Julian Assange truth memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011834 (020218ZDEC23) Notable: Julian Assange truth memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111324

File: 6db9381fb78e1ba⋯.png (1.06 MB,1290x1609,1290:1609,Clipboard.png)

File: 6406d73ae7acdb7⋯.png (1.29 MB,1274x1536,637:768,Clipboard.png)

File: bfcb4beeec54aa1⋯.png (621.61 KB,1263x1536,421:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011935 (020252ZDEC23) Notable: House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN: House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

House Republicans on Friday demanded all communications between Special Counsel Jack Smith and Merrick Garland’s DOJ about the decision to indict President Trump.

The Deep State’s hired gun Jack Smith indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami in June.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

In August Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The superseding indictment, filed in the Southern District of Florida, claims Trump was part of a scheme to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago.

In September Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case up in DC: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

In a letter to Jack Smith, the House Oversight Committee said, “The Supreme Court has consistently overturned criminal convictions against public officials and private parties based upon broad theories of prosecution brought under general criminal statutes. Yet you have used just such a theory in your prosecution of President Trump, relying on a general conspiracy statute to allege a conspiracy to defraud the United States. The Supreme Court has held past attempts to prosecute under such a theory exceeded the reach of the statutes on which they were based, including overly expansive definitions of “official acts,” the lawmakers wrote.

They continued, “The Committee is interested to learn whether the Department considered the Supreme Court’s parameters in weighing the prosecution of former President Trump and any analysis developed in determining that the use of the general conspiracy statute conformed to the precepts articulated in these cases.”

The Committee is seeking:

1. All documents and communications concerning your authority to empanel a grand jury in the United States District Courts for the District of Columbia and the Southern District of Florida.

2. All documents and communications concerning your authority to offer immunity, pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 6002, to individuals testifying before either grand jury.

3. All documents and communications concerning any oversight by the Department of Justice regarding any of these topics, specifically including, but not limited to, all documents and communications exchanged between your office and the Department concerning your decision to return an indictment of President Trump.

GOP lawmakers gave Jack Smith a December 15 deadline to turn over all requested documents.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011940 (020253ZDEC23) Notable: #24564

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#24564 >>111272

>>111324 House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

>>111273 Underground Data Center DELTA

>>111274, >>111275, >>111283, >>111318, >>111321 Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES by John Turscak

>>111305 Chauvin's attacker John Turscak was a FBI informant

>>111311 They tried silence him You Can’t Make This Up: Derek Chauvin’s Attacker, John Turscak, Is a Former Mexican Mafia and a Former FBI Informant

>>111276 Today's conference at SCOTUS for cert petition on the 1512(c)(2) appeal was cancelled due to Sandra Day O'Connor's passing. Rescheduled for next Friday

>>111277 Angola signs Artemis Accords

>>111278 $24,000,000,000,000/144,500,000 taxpayers = $168,420 each,

>>111279 This Michigan courts ruled two to three weeks ago that Pfizer’s mRNA jab is an adulterated product, YOU CAN SUE PFIZER

>>111280 First on CNN: Biden campaign prepares legal fight against election deepfakes

>>111281, >>111291, >>111292, >>111288, >>111294 Donald J. Trump: Catturd 81% you say?… 18 = R

>>111285 A presidential candidate winning a poll on who won the debate he didn't even participate in, and it not only that, the vote total is not even close

>>111282 According to the Los Angeles Times, Turscak was sentenced in 2001 to 30 years in prison for carrying out crimes while working as a federal informant

>>111284 Comer rejects Hunter Biden's testimony demands, accuses legal team of bullying, intimidation

>>111286 UPDATE: President Donald Trump Announced as Keynote Speaker at 111th New York Young Republican Club’s Annual Winter Gala

>>111287 McCarthy and his corrupt crowd are behind the Santos expulsion, They are going to go after every MAGA candidate now

>>111289 Garrett Ziegler: "Hunter Biden's entire lifestyle is paid for by this bong smoking degenerate". They are coming after Ziegler with guns blazing

>>111290 SpaceX KOREA 425 MISSION

>>111293 PlayStation/Sony To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For

>>111294 "Polls confirm that something special is happening."

>>111295 Must Watch: Eric Schmidt should have been arrested and judged for treason! Now he wants AI in every aspect of the Government running our lives

>>111296 New images of rare thunder

>>111297 Donald J. Trump: Thank you to the Ohio Republican Party, and Alex Triantafilou

>>111298 Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be A Fake

>>111303 Meta struggling to control pedophiles

>>111299, >>111306, >>111308 Donald J. Trump, 44m TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!(Cap 0:44) (Cap 1:03)

>>111300, >>111301, >>111302, >>111312, >>111304 FAKE NEWS: Pushing'white lung' pneumonia spike China and the US, not falling for your brand of bullshit, fuck off

>>111307 Dr. Wolf Breaks Down AG Ken Paxton's Lawsuit Against Pfizer For Defrauding American Citizens 29:25

>>111309, >>111319 PlaneFag: SAM056 C32ABlinken-and his lack of a soulon ground at Shannon, Ireland-for a little over an hour and soon back to JBA

>>111310 2014 Dominion Voting Systems, Election Assistance Commission, The Department of the Treasury, the Bureau of Fiscal Service

>>111314, >>111238 pb, >>111316, >>111317 [they] "lost" the "tapes, How many coincidences…..? NYYRC 111th Annual Gala with President Donald J. Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz

>>111315 House Republicans uprising against Mike Johnson: he's failing already, he failed by the CR and he’s listening to the Senate again 5:46

>>111320 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 12/01/2023

>>111322, >>111313, >>111323 Julian Assange truth memes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111326

File: a4a9d03e2435487⋯.png (614.16 KB,866x761,866:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011963 (020255ZDEC23) Notable: #24565

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'Q Research General #24565: All Comms Between Jack Smith and DOJ's Decision to Indict Trump? Edition


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d6e896 No.111327

File: 363f7eb4578fa22⋯.jpeg (332.82 KB,960x1494,160:249,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a74b626d285f5a1⋯.png (1.06 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 237bc7619591691⋯.png (944.51 KB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 55c7382853b7803⋯.png (625.81 KB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012009 (020303ZDEC23) Notable: House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

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1 hr ago

Jack off


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d6e896 No.111328

File: eca133650e064b5⋯.png (630.6 KB,867x778,867:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 6db9381fb78e1ba⋯.png (1.06 MB,1290x1609,1290:1609,Clipboard.png)

File: 6406d73ae7acdb7⋯.png (1.29 MB,1274x1536,637:768,Clipboard.png)

File: bfcb4beeec54aa1⋯.png (621.61 KB,1263x1536,421:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012015 (020305ZDEC23) Notable: House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN: House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

House Republicans on Friday demanded all communications between Special Counsel Jack Smith and Merrick Garland’s DOJ about the decision to indict President Trump.

The Deep State’s hired gun Jack Smith indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami in June.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

In August Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The superseding indictment, filed in the Southern District of Florida, claims Trump was part of a scheme to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago.

In September Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case up in DC: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

In a letter to Jack Smith, the House Oversight Committee said, “The Supreme Court has consistently overturned criminal convictions against public officials and private parties based upon broad theories of prosecution brought under general criminal statutes. Yet you have used just such a theory in your prosecution of President Trump, relying on a general conspiracy statute to allege a conspiracy to defraud the United States. The Supreme Court has held past attempts to prosecute under such a theory exceeded the reach of the statutes on which they were based, including overly expansive definitions of “official acts,” the lawmakers wrote.

They continued, “The Committee is interested to learn whether the Department considered the Supreme Court’s parameters in weighing the prosecution of former President Trump and any analysis developed in determining that the use of the general conspiracy statute conformed to the precepts articulated in these cases.”

The Committee is seeking:

1. All documents and communications concerning your authority to empanel a grand jury in the United States District Courts for the District of Columbia and the Southern District of Florida.

2. All documents and communications concerning your authority to offer immunity, pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 6002, to individuals testifying before either grand jury.

3. All documents and communications concerning any oversight by the Department of Justice regarding any of these topics, specifically including, but not limited to, all documents and communications exchanged between your office and the Department concerning your decision to return an indictment of President Trump.

GOP lawmakers gave Jack Smith a December 15 deadline to turn over all requested documents.


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d6e896 No.111329

File: aae838d111c49b6⋯.png (2.55 MB,868x2803,868:2803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012052 (020314ZDEC23) Notable: The Fed Just Lost Control of Interest Rates

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Breitbart Business Digest:

The Fed Just Lost Control of Interest Rates

Powell’s Speech Backfired

Jerome Powell probably did not mean to trigger a significant easing of financial conditions on Friday, but that’s exactly what he did.

The chairman of the Federal Reserve gave a talk today at Spelman College in Atlanta in which he declared that it was “premature” to conclude that monetary policy was “sufficiently restrictive” or to speculate on when the central bank might start cutting rates. He even added that the Fed is prepared to tighten further if needed.

The market’s reaction was a flat-out rejection of that idea.

Just a few days ago, no one in their right mind would have told you there was any chance the Fed might lower its benchmark interest rate target in at the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting scheduled for the end of January. The big debate on Wall Street was whether the Fed would cut in May or June, which was markedly earlier than Fed officials appear to have been signaling.

After Powell’s speech on Friday, however, the market was pricing in a 16 percent chance the Fed will ease in January. While that is still only a slim chance, it is a significant move from zero.

The Markets Go A-Marching

Looking out to the March meeting, the move is even more striking. Hedge fund manager Bill Ackman made headlines earlier this week by arguing for a March rate cut. At the time, this was a very far out-of-consensus call that many folks shrugged off. Ackman likes to make headlines and has a reputation for bold—and often wrong—forecasts about markets, companies, and the economy.

He was joined, however, by Neel Dutta, head of U.S. economic research at Renaissance Macro Research. Dutta is a serious economic analyst and a thoughtful Fed watcher who was one of the few Wall Street economists to correctly defy the consensus view that we would see a recession this year. He told Bloomberg News this week that the Fed was on a “glidepath” to a cut in March because it is “highly likely that core inflation is running sub-2.5 percent on a six-month basis by the first quarter of next year.”

Even still, by yesterday, the fed funds futures market was pricing in just a 43 percent chance of a rate cut at the March meeting. That was up from a 21 percent chance a week ago and 13 percent a month ago.

Following Powell’s speech the odds went up to 64.4 percent, according to the CME FedWatch Tool.

If you are reading this, Mr. Chairman, you might want to look away because after this it gets even uglier.

The odds that the Fed will have eased at least once by the May meeting jumped to 90 percent on Friday. A week ago, they stood at 47.8 percent. In fact, there’s now close to a fifty percent chance that the Fed will be cutting rates a second time at that May meeting.

The fed funds futures have now priced in near certainty—98 percent—of at least some easing by the June meeting. They’re implying something like a 75 percent chance of two cuts by June and a 37 percent chance that June will bring a third cut. Going even further out—all the way to December 2024—the market is pricing in overwhelming odds that the Fed will have cut five or six times next year, which would mean more than one quarter-point cut every other meeting.

To see how far the market has moved ahead of the Fed, keep in mind that back at the September meeting, the Summary of Economic Projections showed the Fed penciling in a range of five percent to 5.25 percent Fed funds rate for year-end 2024. The market currently assigns a zero chance of that. ...


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d6e896 No.111330

File: db20f38b394989d⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012058 (020316ZDEC23) Notable: Twelve Q-drops of Christmas

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Dec 1st Night Shift

Twelve Q-drops of Christmas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111331

File: e4821cd5f757e43⋯.png (130.22 KB,772x1080,193:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012061 (020317ZDEC23) Notable: The Fed Just Lost Control of Interest Rates

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>The Fed Just Lost Control of Interest Rates

rest of it

Bond Market Vigilantes Take Off Powell’s Head

It was not just the futures market that moved against Powell. The U.S. Treasury market—the largest and most liquid financial market the world has ever seen—swung its axe like a medieval executioner. And it was Powell’s head on the block.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury dropped 12 basis points, a huge move, to 4.23 percent, the lowest since early September. The yield on two-year Treasuries dropped 15 basis points to 4.568 percent.

Lower bond yields mean easier financial conditions. The decline in the 10-year Treasury yield, for example, is likely to drag down mortgage rates, re-energizing the housing market. Lower bond yields push investors into riskier assets, pushing up the prices of stocks and making investment in business expansion more attractive.

It was as if the bond market were mocking Powell’s claim that “the full effects of our tightening have likely not yet been felt.”

Powell does not get a second chance at this. The Fed’s official blackout period before the next meeting starts tomorrow, which means we will not hear from Fed officials on monetary policy until after the next FOMC meeting on December 12 and 13.

The Fed lost control of interest rates on Friday. We will not know until the next meeting if it can win it back.

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d6e896 No.111332

File: a66aff0f2ce4783⋯.jpg (270.51 KB,2048x1200,128:75,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012071 (020320ZDEC23) Notable: 38% of the 800 protesters who entered the US Capitol on January 6th were waved in by Capitol Police at the West Terrace entrance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THE END OF AMERICA: FBI-Stasi Arrest Hollywood Actor Siaka Massaquoi at Airport for Attending Jan. 6 Protests and Walking Inside Open Doors of the US Capitol – Nearly 3 Years Later!

Los Angeles-based Siaka Massaquoi posing with activist Philip Anderson on Jan. 6. Anderson was viciously beaten by Antifa at an earlier protest.

The FBI sent a SWAT team of 20 agents to the home of Hollywood actor Siaka Massaquoi in North Hollywood just before 6 AM back in June 2021.

The Chris Wray FBI felt it necessary once again to use the full force of the law to arrest a Hollywood actor in a predawn raid for walking into the US Capitol on Jan. 6.

We now know that 38% of the 800 protesters who entered the US Capitol on January 6th were waved in by Capitol Police at the West Terrace entrance.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111333

File: 1e9d81c59013431⋯.jpg (94.75 KB,685x481,685:481,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 612578428904fd9⋯.png (715.38 KB,575x1024,575:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: e3ffe8b914236f5⋯.png (397.25 KB,622x356,311:178,Clipboard.png)

File: 180a93cb994f7c9⋯.png (242.92 KB,1024x674,512:337,Clipboard.png)

File: d9e71ca03085682⋯.png (2.12 MB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012080 (020322ZDEC23) Notable: House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111334

File: 89333da33dfff0d⋯.png (2.35 MB,2878x1052,1439:526,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d9bb1825c36839⋯.png (848 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 51001bb4b8274ee⋯.png (1.41 MB,1351x760,1351:760,Clipboard.png)

File: 681fe90b3cb3d1b⋯.png (761.57 KB,892x502,446:251,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d487d678ea07ea⋯.png (1.59 MB,1015x1011,1015:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012083 (020322ZDEC23) Notable: House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111335

File: ae598bbb175ceed⋯.png (41.85 KB,620x465,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012092 (020324ZDEC23) Notable: Hollywood Reprobates Attend MOCA Spirit Cooking Gala, Marina Abramovitz 2023

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Hollywood Reprobates Attend MOCA Spirit Cooking Gala

Dec 1, 2023

Large contingents of Hollywood stars and cognoscenti regularly attend what is called the MOCA Gala, a fundraiser for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. From the website here is what the tickets ran.

Individual tickets to this years MOCA Gala range from $2,500 to $10,000.

The MOCA dinner, as shown in the next two photos, consisted of cheese pizza, noodles and two walnuts.

Here is a representative table “art” display. They are using a live nude “model” and skeleton ensemble.

At one point, none other thanMarina Abramovitz of Spirit Cooking fame entered the gala for her cutting ritual. Here are Marina and her sidekick starting at it.

Here the cutting ritual continues to the ohs and ahs of the degenerate death cult crowd. Marina stands on the left as red-dress lady holds up a severed heart.

The next photo shows the remains after dessert has been passed out to the Luciferians. Ultimately the severed head is dumped into a plastic trash bag.

Photos in article at link:

Sauce: https://www.winterwatch.net/2023/12/hollywood-degenerates-attend-moca-spirit-cooking-gala/

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d6e896 No.111336

File: c21277b81af6e68⋯.jpeg (79.33 KB,784x900,196:225,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0230c5e04b845c6⋯.jpg (103.41 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c0bb0162e72d571⋯.png (961.7 KB,690x828,5:6,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bb7d0877a2caf6⋯.png (908.5 KB,682x938,341:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 7be75a3156ff43d⋯.png (476.16 KB,804x537,268:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012102 (020325ZDEC23) Notable: House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

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d6e896 No.111337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012165 (020339ZDEC23) Notable: Anchors Laugh At Biden’s ‘Price Gouging’ Inflation Gaslighting mp4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Watch: Bloomberg Anchors Laugh At Biden’s ‘Price Gouging’ Inflation Gaslighting

President Joe Biden’s claim that businesses should be cutting prices because inflation has declined—and his accusation that not cutting amounts to price gouging—prompted laughter and derision Friday morning from the normally straight-laced anchors of Bloomberg TV’s “Surveillance” program.

“I have no idea who actually wrote this tweet, but it’s got the president’s name on it so we should probably read it,” said Bloomberg anchor Jonathan Ferro.

John Carney @carney

Jonathan Ferro & Lisa Abramowicz of Bloomberg on Biden's now infamous inflation tweet.

12:56 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023¡1,893 Views 1:44



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d6e896 No.111338

File: 122791807097290⋯.jpeg (264.93 KB,1125x529,1125:529,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012171 (020340ZDEC23) Notable: Heels trying to be cocky…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Heels trying to be cocky…

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d6e896 No.111339

File: 65ad75dd50efc93⋯.jpg (181.61 KB,576x1280,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012180 (020342ZDEC23) Notable: Myco Plasma Pneumonia" is listed in the Pfizer Documents as an ADVERSE REACTION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Pneumonia that is circulating in China is called 'Myco Plasma Pneumonia' and is listed in the Pfizer Documents as an ADVERSE REACTION!!!




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d6e896 No.111340

File: 02653dd0cde1826⋯.png (450.13 KB,870x731,870:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012188 (020343ZDEC23) Notable: The Washington Post is Laying Off Hundreds of Staffers

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SAD TROMBONE: The Washington Post is Laying Off Hundreds of Staffers

The liberal propaganda newspaper the Washington Post is laying off hundreds of employees due to ‘economic hardship.’ What a shame.

The paper has seen a drop in digital subscription revenue and is trying to buy out employees to balance the budget.

Perhaps more people would read the paper if they weren’t so obviously Democrat activists pretending to be journalists.

The Hill reports:

Check Out This Week’s Deals At The Gateway Pundit MyPillow Discounts Page – Plus Free Shipping With Promo Code TGP!

Washington Post braces for layoffs

The Washington Post has been able to attain just half of the job reductions it needs to secure before the end of the year, the newspaper’s leadership said this week.

In a note to staff shared with multiple outlets on Tuesday, Post interim CEO Patty Stonesifer said the company had accepted 120 voluntary buyouts as it seeks to cut some 240 jobs across its newsroom.

The Post plans to resort to involuntary layoffs if it does not reach the 240 job threshold by the middle of next month, Stonesifer said.

“These layoffs would offer significantly less generous benefits than the voluntary package and will be consistent with prior layoff packages at The Post,” she wrote.

The Post is just the latest in a slew of media organizations that have announced plans to cut back staff and implement other cost-saving measures amid widespread economic hardship in the media business.

John Nolte of Breitbart News comments:

Per the always-upset Washington Post Guild, this loss of 240 liars, I mean staffers, represents ten percent of the Post’s overall staff. The Guild also doesn’t understand why the Post, which is owned by “one of the richest people in the world,” needs to lay people off. Maybe it’s just to make me happy? Or maybe the Post’s owner, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, bought a newspaper and not a daycare center for crybaby liars that will cost him $100 million a year to subsidize?

I’m just thinking out loud here.

Like CNN, the Washington Post’s problems are entirely self-inflicted.


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d6e896 No.111341

File: 1dab108930e7a51⋯.png (1.86 MB,1241x2019,1241:2019,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012191 (020343ZDEC23) Notable: Irish Officials Are Trying to Use Welfare to Implement a Social Credit System

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Irish Officials Are Trying to Use Welfare to Implement a Social Credit System

On Thursday’s broadcast of One America News’ “Real America,” Seamus Bruner, Director of Research at the Government Accountability Institute and author of Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life, stated that some officials in Ireland are essentially using the European welfare state to impose a China-style social credit score by threatening to revoke government benefits from people protesting against the government’s migrant policies.

Bruner said, “And here’s one more thing, this is the biggest outrage, everybody should be kind of shocked — well, not shocked, I guess it’s shocking, but also not surprising, in Ireland, some of these protesters — the officials, these left-wing, globalist officials want to take away their welfare. Now, the European countries have a much bigger welfare state and much more people qualify, but they’re saying that if you’re going to protest for your country, that you should have your welfare taken away. That’s like a social credit score now that they have sort of implemented de facto. So, if you go out and peacefully — they don’t say they’re rioters or violent people — they’re talking about protesters, that you should [lose government benefits]…and so, this is like a social credit score happening all at the same time.”


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d6e896 No.111342

File: 33f51a8474f3ae0⋯.png (491.73 KB,864x715,864:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012198 (020344ZDEC23) Notable: WaPo is moving from twitter to REDDIT

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WaPo is moving from twitter to REDDIT


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d6e896 No.111343

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012207 (020346ZDEC23) Notable: Dave Chappelle DROPS MIC when asked what he'll do if Trump gets re-elected 0:15

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dave Chappelle DROPS MIC when asked what he'll do if Trump gets re-elected




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d6e896 No.111344

File: fa354f99d390e8a⋯.png (64 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012216 (020347ZDEC23) Notable: Dave Chappelle DROPS MIC when asked what he'll do if Trump gets re-elected 0:15

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d6e896 No.111345

File: 4d5c9d9326729d7⋯.png (522.6 KB,564x564,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: ce82766b388b8b6⋯.jpeg (36.29 KB,544x424,68:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d7bc7ec6b41994f⋯.gif (1.11 MB,245x200,49:40,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012223 (020348ZDEC23) Notable: The Fed Just Lost Control of Interest Rates

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>>111329, >>111331

The common misconception is that the Fed controls interest rates-they do not

All they control is Prime and Federal Funds Rates-the later is what banks charge each other to lend themselves munee-all with ZERO collateral

Prime is the rate at which most consumer loans by those lovely insolvent POS banks use as a baseline like for credit cards (usually Prime + and the avg rate for credit cards is over 20%), auto loans and same (Prime +)

The Bond market controls it and since you’ve seen the 10y drop from just under 5% that is the reason they won’t raise and likely cut in March but could be as early as January

The FOMC is just the delivery boi for the bond market digital ink printers/exchangers.

The term Bond Vigilantes is (now) just a nice way to say that most of the holders of US Debt are net sellers thus the spike in rates as the value of actual bond(s) dropped.

Cap #2 is what the current unrealized losses sitting in the US banking system but that has improved a bit because rates have dropped thus increasing the value of those bonds

All of the US banking system suffers from this to various degrees. In Silicon Balley Banks case it only had 5% of available cash for the billions of “deposits” it had-what it had was billions in US Debt (thank you fractional reserve banking) that had to be sold at deep discounts in order to satisfy the run that was intentionally created.

It’ll habben again but a different trigger.

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d6e896 No.111346

File: b19a25586d13f52⋯.jpg (106.97 KB,720x837,80:93,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d7077f0cfa2a14f⋯.jpg (68.12 KB,720x719,720:719,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012319 (020411ZDEC23) Notable: Here is how to find the value of your birth certificate /SS#..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here is how to find the value of your birth certificate/SS#..

1st picture- choose exactly what I have done. E bond/ 10,000, your bond number can be found either on top or on corner of your birth certificate. Mine was on left hand corner of my birth certificate. SS bond # is on the back of your SS card... It starts with a letter, it's red.

Example- E23456, you need to change the E to a number... A=1, B=2, etc. Your birthday MM/YEAR exact format. I didn't use this format the first time and it didn't work.

Remember, it's worth much more. It matures 30yrs and no more interest accrues on this one. However, it's on the stock market.


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d6e896 No.111347

File: b1c91fec76c2d4e⋯.jpeg (906.83 KB,1125x1941,375:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012327 (020413ZDEC23) Notable: Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy threatens Matt Gaetz (FL) could end up like George Santos

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Listen to this video. What’s Gaetz got an ethics complaint about?


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d6e896 No.111348

File: 97025e17bdd7b28⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012333 (020415ZDEC23) Notable: Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy threatens Matt Gaetz (FL) could end up like George Santos

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111349

File: fb3aeba56cbc0c7⋯.mp4 (5.48 MB,480x784,30:49,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012428 (020436ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump you have been invited!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111350

File: 66a9a6069c30b60⋯.png (235.53 KB,582x468,97:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012466 (020446ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump you have been invited!

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NOTABLEif we have a bakes or note takes

I really hope DJT takes them up & goes!

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d6e896 No.111351

File: 3246966eff453ad⋯.jpeg (643.53 KB,1543x623,1543:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c471fcb44d680c⋯.jpeg (372.39 KB,1270x611,1270:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012534 (020504ZDEC23) Notable: PF reports CONUS activity

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planeFag CONUS activity

SAM552 G5 NE. From Hickam AFB, Oahu to JBA

C102 US Coast Guard G5 with a late departure west from Reagan National Airport-speculation is that some of these flights are Navy Ops using the Coast Guard as a cover-this is the newest of the 3 G5s they have

RCH4167 C-17 Globemaster WN from JBA-4 diggies on these means VIP equipment delivery for upcoming Potato/Kneepads/Flauxtus visit

>>111309 lb

AGING02 E6B Mercury did some roundies at Fresno/Yosemite Airport before arriving at Travis AFB

The airport identifier at Fresno is “FAT” for Fresno Air Terminal and goes back to before they added the Yosemite part to name-so when pick up yer bag you have a tag that sez FAT on it

RCH890 And BLUE21 DC-10 extenders (tankers) NE from Travis-these were used as aerial refueling platforms for spots to as he was in the SF Bay Area last week

>BLUE21 ……”Hut,Hut!….that’s especially for (You) Corey ;)

JASDF (Japanese Air Self Defense Forces) JF491 Kawasaki C2 returning to Japan after picking up refugees in Jordan-they’ve been the only ones that have done this visibly and the third one I’ve seen-prolly trying to curry favor with muh Arabs as they import almost all oil from several Arab states and they are record as supporting the Palestinians-not Hamas-and actually doing something about it however self-serving it may/may not be

It departed Kuala Lumpur after a refuel earlier today

Departed Amman (ammanRa) Jordan on 1128 went to Mumbai for a stop then on to Kuala Lumpur arriving early 11/29 for crew rest then departed several hours ago

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d6e896 No.111352

File: 71da75f4ef3d3b9⋯.png (153.53 KB,458x396,229:198,Clipboard.png)

File: e28b812524b7a40⋯.mp4 (10.59 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012535 (020504ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Thanks Laura! - Laura Loomer interview mp4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A war on truth.


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d6e896 No.111353

File: 8e4782204251ab3⋯.jpg (217.11 KB,711x1263,237:421,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f84a645fd4079b8⋯.mp4 (4.3 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012557 (020512ZDEC23) Notable: Actress Taryn Manning claims ‘gold juice’ is responsible for the unmeasurable success of Hollywood stars, 1m+ views and adrenochrome talk on social media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Netflix’s Orange is The New Black Actress Taryn Manning was on Whitney Cummings’ podcast when she claimed ‘gold juice’ is responsible for the unmeasurable success of Hollywood stars.

She said she was ‘offered the gold juice 3 times’ This has led to ‘Adrenochrome’ related theories on TikTok.

Manning finished by saying she doesn’t believe in Adrenochrome or Pizza Gate, the host mentioned Kevin Spacey at the end as well.

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d6e896 No.111354

File: 9ed9c658f01cd14⋯.png (254.72 KB,697x785,697:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012564 (020514ZDEC23) Notable: New Zealand vaccine database whistle-blower on vaccine deaths "people were dying as soon as they were vaccinated"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111355

File: cfdfa73d0a2e28d⋯.mp4 (6.73 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012676 (020549ZDEC23) Notable: New Zealand vaccine database whistle-blower on vaccine deaths "people were dying as soon as they were vaccinated"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012732 (020627ZDEC23) Notable: @RepHageman pulls back the curtain on the censorship industrial complex and exposes government censorship through proxies such as social media, academia, and private companies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Listen as @RepHageman pulls back the curtain on the censorship industrial complex and exposes government censorship through proxies such as social media, academia, and private companies.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111357

File: f833f411ee6f6df⋯.jpeg (591.65 KB,828x1370,414:685,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012733 (020627ZDEC23) Notable: PF reports Early morning departure for Israeli AF IAF695 707 Re’em tanker from Dover AFB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Early morning departure for Israeli AF IAF695 707 Re’em tanker from Dover AFB

These function as cargo ACs as well as configurations for troops- betcha it’s loaded with “toys” and no seats on that

Blinken promised nosr “ help.” There it is

Think no one watching eh?


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d6e896 No.111358

File: aeb00d4281b885e⋯.mp4 (10.1 MB,646x360,323:180,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7f7922d8d2b4e21⋯.png (226.2 KB,601x521,601:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012735 (020630ZDEC23) Notable: @RepHageman pulls back the curtain on the censorship industrial complex and exposes government censorship through proxies such as social media, academia, and private companies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Sunlight kills


Listen as @RepHageman pulls back the curtain on the censorship industrial complex and exposes government censorship through proxies such as social media, academia, and private companies.

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d6e896 No.111359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012764 (020656ZDEC23) Notable: COP28 High Level Segment National Statements Opening - Day 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

just in case somebody is interested

COP28 High Level Segment National Statements Opening - Day 2


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d6e896 No.111360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012888 (020735ZDEC23) Notable: #24565

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24565 >>111326

>>111328, >>111327, >>111333, >>111334, >>111336 House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

>>111329, >>111331, >>111345 The Fed Just Lost Control of Interest Rates

>>111330 Twelve Q-drops of Christmas

>>111332 38% of the 800 protesters who entered the US Capitol on January 6th were waved in by Capitol Police at the West Terrace entrance

>>111335 Hollywood Reprobates Attend MOCA Spirit Cooking Gala, Marina Abramovitz 2023

>>111337 Anchors Laugh At Biden’s ‘Price Gouging’ Inflation Gaslighting mp4

>>111338 Heels trying to be cocky…

>>111339 Myco Plasma Pneumonia" is listed in the Pfizer Documents as an ADVERSE REACTION

>>111340 The Washington Post is Laying Off Hundreds of Staffers

>>111341 Irish Officials Are Trying to Use Welfare to Implement a Social Credit System

>>111342 WaPo is moving from twitter to REDDIT

>>111343, >>111344 Dave Chappelle DROPS MIC when asked what he'll do if Trump gets re-elected 0:15

>>111346 Here is how to find the value of your birth certificate /SS#..

>>111347, >>111348 Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy threatens Matt Gaetz (FL) could end up like George Santos

>>111349, >>111350 @realDonaldTrump you have been invited!

>>111351 PF reports CONUS activity

>>111352 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Thanks Laura! - Laura Loomer interview mp4

>>111353 Actress Taryn Manning claims ‘gold juice’ is responsible for the unmeasurable success of Hollywood stars, 1m+ views and adrenochrome talk on social media

>>111354, >>111355 New Zealand vaccine database whistle-blower on vaccine deaths "people were dying as soon as they were vaccinated"

>>111356, >>111358 @RepHageman pulls back the curtain on the censorship industrial complex and exposes government censorship through proxies such as social media, academia, and private companies

>>111357 PF reports Early morning departure for Israeli AF IAF695 707 Re’em tanker from Dover AFB

>>111359 COP28 High Level Segment National Statements Opening - Day 2



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d6e896 No.111361

File: bcd0bca3a862474⋯.png (406.9 KB,435x430,87:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012892 (020737ZDEC23) Notable: #24566

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d6e896 No.111362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012916 (020744ZDEC23) Notable: Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan. 6 Committee depositions are gone

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Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan. 6 Committee depositions are gone

Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) says taped depositions of January 6 star witness Cassidy Hutchinson and all other testifiers from the original January 6 Select Committee investigation are now missing. “I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them and he confirmed that they did not preserve those tapes. He didn’t feel that they had to,” Rep. Loudermilk says. “But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and any information and documents that are used in an official proceeding.”


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d6e896 No.111363

File: 0df1a560953139b⋯.jpeg (49.45 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012919 (020746ZDEC23) Notable: Scientists still unsure what's causing mysterious, potentially fatal respiratory illness in dogs (Fauci)

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Scientists still unsure what's causing mysterious, potentially fatal respiratory illness in dogs (Fauci)

Published: December 1, 2023

Scientists are still unsure what is the exact cause of a mysterious, sometimes fatal respiratory illness in dogs that has now been detected in 14 states.

Symptoms include sneezing, lethargy and loss of appetite – similar to those found in what is known as "kennel cough."

Among the states reporting cases are Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Rhode Island.

University of New Hampshire’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory senior veterinary pathologist David Needle told the news outlet Axios that his research appear to show the disease is spread through close contact of an infected animal.

The Director of Oregon Veterinary Diagnostics Lab, Dr. Kurt Williams, is telling pet owners to make sure their dogs are vaccinated and to avoid taking them to dog parks until more information is available.

“It would be prudent, first and foremost, to make sure your dog is fully vaccinated,” Dr. Williams said in an interview with Fox 12. “I think it would not be a bad idea to perhaps avoid possible situations where your dog is mingling with many other dogs. So, at boarding facilities, or dog parks, or something like that.”

The illness is thought to be new and perhaps first detected in 2022 in New Hampshire, according to National Geographic, which also reports it is resistant to most treatments, including anti-inflammatories.

The American Veterinarian Medical Association is working with pathologists and virologists to learn more about what some suspect is a virus.

"As a pet owner in Maryland, I am incredibly concerned with this virus, especially since this virus is respiratory in nature and my dog is a pug," Maryland resident Annie Moreno said. "Pugs already have respiratory issues. Such struggles are natural for them due to their flat-faced complexions. I'm wondering if this virus could pose an even greater threat to flat-faced breeds."

She also says that making others awareness of the illness is one of the best ways to avoid its spread.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has already taken precautions.

"The Maryland SPCA has successfully managed several viral exposures in the past few months, including Parvovirus and Canine H3N2 Influenza," a spokesperson for the group told Just the News.

"Our shelter has procedures in place to help mitigate outbreak scenarios that include [Personal Protective Equipment] protocols for staff when handling sick animals, and isolation areas to prevent direct interaction of potentially contagious residents."

The group also said: "Our veterinary team is monitoring the mystery illness closely and suggests that members of the publickeep their dogs up to date on their vaccines and avoid any voluntary pet gatherings. Owners should observe their pets closely and report any illnesses to their veterinarian."


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d6e896 No.111364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012923 (020749ZDEC23) Notable: 'Arian Taherzadeh was sentenced today to 33 months in prison for pretending to be a federal law enforcement officer

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'Arian Taherzadeh was sentenced today to 33 months in prison for pretending to be a federal law enforcement officer to curry favor with members of the U.S. Secret Service'



As the scheme unfolded, Taherzadeh falsely claimed at various times to be, among other things, a Special Agent with the DHS, a member of a multi-jurisdictional federal task force, a former U.S. Air Marshal, and a former U.S. Army Ranger. He used these false claims to recruit others to USSP, under the guise that it was part of a covert federal law enforcement task force, to defraud owners of three apartment complexes into providing him with multiple apartments and parking spaces for his supposed law enforcement operations, and to ingratiate himself with members of federal law enforcement and the defense community. Both Taherzadeh and Ali used these false claims to recruit others to join their “task force” or “unit,” which these individuals believed to be part of DHS and federal law enforcement.

In furtherance of the scheme, Taherzadeh and Ali ingratiated themselves with employees of the U.S. Secret Service because it provided them with cover and aided in their scheme. Beginning as early as the spring of 2020, Taherzadeh began falsely identifying himself as a Special Agent to employees of the United States Secret Service. In one instance, he falsely claimed to two Secret Service employees that he was in a gang unit. He told another that he was part of a covert task force. Taherzadeh also provided these Secret Service employees with tangible and intangible gifts. For instance, Taherzadeh provided one employee and his wife with a generator and a doomsday/survival backpack. He provided another employee with a rent-free penthouse apartment for approximately one year, worth approximately $40,200. He provided a third employee with a rent-free apartment for approximately one year, worth an estimated $48,240, as well as a drone, a gun locker, and a Pelican case.

Taherzadeh and others used assumed law enforcement personas and the business to maintain leases for multiple apartments and parking spaces for supposed law enforcement operation at three luxury apartment complexes in the District of Columbia. At one luxury apartment complex in Southeast D.C., Taherzadeh and Ali maintained several units including a penthouse where Taherzadeh and Ali possessed, among other things, a Glock handgun registered to Ali that was loaded with a large-capacity ammunition feeding device, surveillance equipment, law enforcement tactical gear and a machine capable of programming Personal Identification Verification (PIV) cards used to create false credentials. Within his own apartment, Taherzadeh possessed a Sig Sauer P229 handgun with five, fully loaded large-capacity ammunition feeding devices, containing 61 rounds of ammunition. They also used their false identification with law enforcement to obtain security footage in the building as well as a list of the building’s residents as well as their apartment numbers and contact information.

Throughout their tenancies at the three luxury apartment complexes, no rent was paid on the leased apartments or parking garage spaces. This resulted in a loss to the buildings of $698,363 and to the garage of $7,854.

Finally, Taherzadeh installed surveillance cameras outside and inside his apartment in one of the complexes. Among other places, he installed, maintained, and utilized cameras in his bedroom. He used these cameras to record women engaged in sexual activity. Taherzadeh then showed these explicit videos to third parties.

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d6e896 No.111365

File: 3f93570f89fc991⋯.png (618.12 KB,710x856,355:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012928 (020752ZDEC23) Notable: 'Arian Taherzadeh was sentenced today to 33 months in prison for pretending to be a federal law enforcement officer

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According to WaPo: his crime was 'Befriending' a secret service agent. Nothing to see here...

Amazing how the sentence and media coverage compares to headlines about indoor jaywalkers on J6

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d6e896 No.111366

File: 8f2e4d72b9830d2⋯.jpg (48.83 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012940 (020809ZDEC23) Notable: Ohio state GOP endorses Trump

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Ohio state GOP endorses Trump

"While we appreciate all of the Republican candidates who are passionately making their case to the American people, it is clear that President Trump is the right choice in this moment," Triantafilou said.

The Ohio state Republican Party on Friday endorsed former President Donald Trump's bid to return to the White House in 2024, a potentially significant endorsement in the key battleground state that also carries weight in the party primary.

"President Trump has proven time and again that despite the unhinged and relentless attacks from the radical left, he will never give up on fighting for Ohio’s workers, business and families," Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou said in a press release from the Trump campaign. "His unapologetic leadership and commitment to putting America First is exactly what we need to reverse course from the failed policies of Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown."


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d6e896 No.111367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012943 (020812ZDEC23) Notable: Gateway Pundit was notified by friendly sources on Capitol Hill that our website was being censored by the House network.

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On Thursday afternoon, The Gateway Pundit was notified by friendly sources on Capitol Hill that our website was being censored by the House network.

A staffer from Congressman Paul Gosar’s office sent the following email to The Gateway Pundit:

Hello Jim,

Wanted to notify you that I have been unable to access the Gateway Pundit on the House network for the past two weeks.

Included in the email was a photo from their computer of the Gateway Pundit censored by the House internet.


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d6e896 No.111368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012954 (020828ZDEC23) Notable: California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?

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California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?

The United States currently imports 25% of its consumed lithium, down from 50% in 2020.

California governor Gavin Newsom announced the state’s Salton Sea lithium deposit could yield 3.4 million tons of the valuable commodity, or enough to meet global demand for the world’s primary battery material for 25 years. Critics warn that due to the state’s environmental regulations, it’s unlikely extraction can ever be brought up to scale.

“We’ve been all-in on Lithium Valley, building up a global hub for clean energy and making sure that local communities benefit from this once-in-a-generation opportunity,” said Newsom in a statement. “This is further evidence that California is poised to become the world’s largest source of batteries for our cars, homes, and businesses.”


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d6e896 No.111369

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012959 (020831ZDEC23) Notable: GEMMA O'DOHERTY EXPOSES THE IRISH PSYOP

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Note: This is a excellent interview, worth watching, many truths. problem, reaction solution, she is a brave woman, keep her in you prayers !!



First published at 01:19 UTC on December 2nd, 2023.


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d6e896 No.111370

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012960 (020831ZDEC23) Notable: Bryan Ardis interview on plasmid DNA

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Bryan Ardis interview on plasmid DNA


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d6e896 No.111371

File: 5ddd65cc63d3fdb⋯.png (155.63 KB,546x698,273:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012964 (020852ZDEC23) Notable: GEMMA O'DOHERTY EXPOSES THE IRISH PSYOP

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Gemma states colin macgregar is involved in the psyop.

seems like tommy robinson was the u.k version as the loud mouth that they want the world to believe represents the voices of the oppressed. he is a zionist clown.

hold the line anons, this seems suspect as fuck

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d6e896 No.111372

File: cf16785fd69e2a9⋯.png (579.12 KB,762x887,762:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20012966 (020852ZDEC23) Notable: Durbin Blocks Senator Blackburn’s Request To Subpoena Sotomayor Staff, Epstein Flight Logs

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BREAKING: Judiciary Chair Durbin Blocks Senator Blackburn’s Request To Subpoena Sotomayor Staff, Epstein Flight Logs

After launching an assault on the Supreme Court’s legitimacy, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin blocked Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) from bringing forward her request for subpoenas, including for Justice Sotomayor’s staff and Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs


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d6e896 No.111373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013044 (020942ZDEC23) Notable: Fairbanks Alaska Aurora cam live

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Fairbanks Alaska Aurora cam live


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d6e896 No.111374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013148 (021049ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

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President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks to a Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Ankeny, Iowa, on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. ET. He will then speak in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Join RSBN for all-day coverage starting at 1:00 p.m. ET.


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d6e896 No.111375

File: 46ab433b749ec30⋯.png (60.78 KB,588x632,147:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013156 (021056ZDEC23) Notable: Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

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Lara Logan


Repost and repost and repost…





Sep 4

Rafa of @wooz_news just got his YouTube Account NUKED for posting this!!

This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy prohibiting hate speech.

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

SUPPORT Rafa! (link below)

Show more

5:33 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111376

File: d4ce8aec1855fdd⋯.png (407.28 KB,593x433,593:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013158 (021059ZDEC23) Notable: First Hospital In Nation To Require COVID-19 Vaccines Will End Mandate

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First Hospital In Nation To Require COVID-19 Vaccines Will End Mandate

3:05 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




Houston Methodist, which made national headlines after becoming the first hospital in the United States to mandate the COVID-19 vaccines, will no longer require its employees to receive the controversial shots after a new law passed by the Texas legislature outlawed the practice of denying vaccine choice to workers in the private sector.

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d6e896 No.111377

File: 5139ecd96b1a686⋯.png (39.58 KB,589x560,589:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013160 (021100ZDEC23) Notable: Hochul: This botox clown got community noted today for not knowing how a vacancy in the House of Representatives is filled.

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Brick Suit


This botox clown got community noted today for not knowing how a vacancy in the House of Representatives is filled.


Governor Kathy Hochul




I am prepared to undertake the solemn responsibility of filling the vacancy in New York’s 3rd District.

The people of Long Island deserve nothing less.

Readers added context

House Representatives must be elected by the people of the district they represent. The Governor in the State of New York cannot appoint a replacement member. The Governor can call a special election to fill the vacancy.




Do you find this helpful?

12:02 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111378

File: bee83ac27479be5⋯.png (439.97 KB,1053x624,27:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013172 (021108ZDEC23) Notable: Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

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Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

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d6e896 No.111379

File: 8e57b84c6586998⋯.png (184.7 KB,368x460,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013185 (021119ZDEC23) Notable: Journalist Liz Gunn joins Maria Zeee after releasing the most damning data to date on COVID crimes, with NZ Ministry of Health whistleblower data

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If you missed it👇

Journalist Liz Gunn joins Maria Zeee after releasing the most damning data to date on COVID crimes, with NZ Ministry of Health whistleblower data showing the death of New Zealanders directly from the COVID injections in a dataset that can be used by EVERY country to hold the criminals accountable.

👉👉 https://rumble.com/v3z3v3a-uncensored-liz-gunn-nz-government-whistleblower-explodes-worldwide-accounta.html

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | X (https://twitter.com/zeee_media?lang=en) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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d6e896 No.111380

File: 18304f69c42e123⋯.png (461.68 KB,662x716,331:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013187 (021120ZDEC23) Notable: Jim Jordan’s YouTube Files: Internal Emails Show Google Sought to ‘Work Closely with Biden Administration’

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Jim Jordan’s YouTube Files: Internal

Emails Show Google Sought to ‘Work Closely

with Biden Administration’

Breitbart Tech, by Alana Mastrangelo

Posted By: Imright, 12/1/2023 11:56:05 PM

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) took to X/Twitter on Friday to reveal that internal emails show the Government Affairs teams at Google and its YouTube subsidiary had acknowledged that they were “seeking to work closely with the Biden administration on multiple policy fronts.” “To appease the Biden White House, Big Tech gave into the federal government’s relentless pressure campaign to censor Americans’ speech, including true information,” Rep. Jordan said at the beginning of a thread posted to X/Twitter on Friday. ( X ) Jordan went on to explain that the House Judiciary and Weaponization Committee “obtained internal Google & Facebook docs revealing which Big Tech companies buckled first under pressure from

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d6e896 No.111381

File: d13ef1f21f8b05c⋯.png (201.18 KB,796x764,199:191,Clipboard.png)

File: f031ac51fa47594⋯.png (534.66 KB,1131x844,1131:844,Clipboard.png)

File: a56b280748d94d7⋯.png (121.49 KB,608x444,152:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 07ddc1010c8b1f4⋯.png (176.92 KB,613x679,613:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013203 (021133ZDEC23) Notable: Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

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John Angel (ZerocoolØ)


This censored video was taken down by @YouTube.

Original creator is @wooz_news.(give him a follow. He is feeling down after being censored.)

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles Act 2

5:18 PM ¡ Sep 4, 2023


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d6e896 No.111382

File: d70d236467eb95e⋯.png (59.23 KB,598x376,299:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013213 (021141ZDEC23) Notable: @GenFlynn #WeThePeople 🔥🦅🇺🇸

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General Mike Flynn


#WeThePeople 🔥🦅🇺🇸

Beam me up Scotty!


Star Trek - We the People...

Season 2 Episode 23Production No. #054Episode: "The Omega Glory"After discovering the crew of the USS Exeter, all dead from having contracted a mysterious il...

6:17 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111383

File: 367e0808d1fc64f⋯.png (859.85 KB,679x712,679:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013251 (021201ZDEC23) Notable: Study: Children of Conservative Parents Have Better Mental Health

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Study: Children of Conservative Parents

Have Better Mental Health

Breitbart Politics, by Katherine Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 12/1/2023 9:03:46 PM

Children of conservative parents are more likely to have good mental health compared to children of liberal parents, according to a new Institute for Family Studies (IFS) and Gallup research brief published Thursday. “As it happens, being raised by liberal parents is a much larger risk factor for mental health problems in adolescence than being raised in a low-income household with parents who did not attend college,” wrote the brief’s author, Jonathan Rothwell, the principal economist at Gallup and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

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d6e896 No.111384

File: 7861ea3609d3436⋯.png (198.97 KB,367x332,367:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013275 (021216ZDEC23) Notable: Joe Allen Questions Musk’s Prediction For AGI In Less Than 3 Years

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WarRoom - Home Of ultraMAGA🇺🇸

Joe Allen Questions Musk’s Prediction For AGI In Less Than 3 Years: “You’re Talking About Such A Enormous Leap Skipping All These Intermediate Steps”

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d6e896 No.111385

File: 6f6677e224ae575⋯.png (147.66 KB,370x327,370:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013286 (021220ZDEC23) Notable: Bradley Thayer On The Chinese Considering Henry Kissinger An Old And Valued Friend

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WarRoom - Home Of ultraMAGA🇺🇸

Bradley Thayer On The Chinese Considering Henry Kissinger An Old And Valued Friend: “He Was A Useful Idiot”

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d6e896 No.111386

File: c93e1f2a0cfadaa⋯.png (918.03 KB,671x725,671:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013291 (021221ZDEC23) Notable: Six Democrats Join House GOP to Block Biden from Turning Federal Lands into Migrant Camps

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Six Democrats Join House GOP to Block

Biden from Turning Federal Lands into

Migrant Camps

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 12/1/2023 9:00:16 PM

Just six Democrats joined House Republicans this week to prevent President Joe Biden from turning federal lands into migrant camps for tens of thousands of illegal aliens who have been released into the United States interior. On Thursday, the House passed Rep. Nicole Malliotakis’s legislation known as the “Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act” to block the federal government from using federal lands to house illegal aliens in a 224-203 vote. Joining House Republicans to pass the legislation were Reps. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Don Davis (D-NC), Jared Golden (D-ME), Vicente Gonzalez Jr. (D-TX), Mary Peltola (D-AK), and Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA).

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d6e896 No.111387

File: 36821b24189f7a7⋯.png (148.63 KB,364x436,91:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013328 (021245ZDEC23) Notable: Trump the choice

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"While we appreciate all of the Republican candidates who are passionately making their case to the American people, it is clear that President Trump is the right choice in this moment," Triantafilou said.

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d6e896 No.111388

File: 2e46adef08c3971⋯.png (27.78 KB,598x340,299:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013336 (021252ZDEC23) Notable: Monday I will be filling an official complaint with the Office of congressional Ethics against @NMalliotakis regarding her questionable stock trading

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Some may want to add this account to follow. It might get wild.

George Santos


Monday I will be filling an official complaint with the Office of congressional Ethics against

@NMalliotakis regarding her questionable stock trading since joining the Ways and Means committee this Congress.

Before joining the committee the congresswoman didn’t have an active trading habit or a high volume stake.

The question is, what set of information is she trading with?

11:48 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023


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d6e896 No.111389

File: e9e8a286b1a5db4⋯.jpg (47.12 KB,501x524,501:524,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cbca67d257e7fe8⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013347 (021256ZDEC23) Notable: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

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from October

‘An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines


World Council for Health (WCH)


#PlasmidGate: Scientists Around the World Have Now Found DNA in C-19 Vaccines

🇺🇸 Kevin McKernan: "It started with a group in Japan who took our sequence data, reassembled it, and actually found the same vector that we found."

Full video:



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d6e896 No.111390

File: 414c5c30441f2b3⋯.png (36.78 KB,598x450,299:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013348 (021256ZDEC23) Notable: Monday I will be filling an official complaint with the Office of congressional Ethics against @NMalliotakis regarding her questionable stock trading

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


George Santos


On Monday the 3rd ethics report I’ll be submitting to the Office of Congressional Ethics is on @RepLaLota.

It has been raised in the local media that congressman Lalota obtained his JD attending Hofstra in day school while he was supposed to be working at the Board of elections at the same time.

The questionable actions are? Did Rep Lalota no-show to his tax pay funded job while going to school and if so he can potential have stolen public funds form the tax payers of NY.

I will let the Office of Congressional Ethics determine the validity of this grave allegation raised in his local media.

12:19 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023


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d6e896 No.111391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013352 (021257ZDEC23) Notable: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

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Explosive Story: Health Canada Admits Pfizer Misrepresented Their COVID-19 Shot

Is Health Canada now a spreader of 'misinformation'?

It has been two years, two months, and twenty-six days (818 total days) since the administration of my employer, the University of Guelph, banned me from accessing my office and laboratory.

- B. Bridle -

COVID Chronicles is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

I am astonished. Canada’s health regulatory agency has made a stunning admission about Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots. They seem to be grasping reality again; at least for an issue that is a big no-no in the regulation of novel medical products.

First, some background information…

Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots consist of three parts:

A tiny genetic blueprint for the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2, which can cause COVID-19 in some people. This blueprint is called modified RNA.

Lipid nanoparticles, which are tiny fat bubbles that carry the modRNA throughout the body.

A carrier solution that allows the first two products to be injected into the body.

RNA comes from DNA. So, for Pfizer to manufacture their modRNA, they used a form of DNA that comes from bacteria. It is called bacterial plasmid DNA. This is used to make many copies of the modRNA that then get packaged into the lipid nanoparticles.

The bacterial plasmid DNA is then supposed to be removed from the material that gets injected into people. Unfortunately, it turns out that this was not done properly. It appears that most, if not all of the batches of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots were contaminated with excessive amounts of fragmented bacterial DNA. A few of the problems is that this DNA…

can be very long-lasting

can be a source of proteins that are encoded in the DNA

has the potential to be incorporated into a person’s chromosomes

can cause inflammation in the body

was not disclosed to anyone receiving the shots

Kudos to Kevin McKernan from the USA, who is a great scientist and the person who discovered this issue.

Now, here is one of the biggest shockers about this contaminating bacterial DNA:

The bacterial DNA contains a genetic sequence called the ‘SV40 enhancer’ (‘SV40’ because it comes from ‘Simian Virus 40’). The virus from which this genetic sequence is derived has been implicated in causing cancers in people. It was odd that this was put into the bacterial DNA because its intended function is duplicated by another non-controversial sequence. Here is where things get really ugly. Pfizer was required to disclose to health regulatory agencies all of the bioactive sequences in the bacterial plasmid DNA that they used to manufacture their shots. Pfizer DID NOT DISCLOSE the presence of the genetic sequence from SV40 !!!

Here is another bombshell. A friend and member of my research team, the incredible Canadian virologist Dr. David Speicher, just released a preprint article today. He authored it with the great Kevin McKernan, awesome Jessica Rose, amazing Maria Gutschi, and fabulous David Wiseman. I can attest to the integrity and intellectual brilliance of each of these individuals.

I would like to point you to a Substack article in which Dr. Speicher provided some personal background information. The preprint article can be found here.


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d6e896 No.111392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013355 (021257ZDEC23) Notable: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

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The results of Dr. Speicher’s research are profound. He generated the largest data set to date on this topic, using vials from multiple Canadian batches of both the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Every single one was contaminated with bacterial DNA. He also confirmed the presence of the SV40 enhancer sequence in the contaminating DNA in Pfizer’s Canadian vials. And this is hot off the press: he is the first to test a batch of Moderna’s newest booster COVID-19 shot; it was also contaminated, although Moderna’s bacterial DNA does not contain the genetic sequence from SV40.

Speicher, McKernan, and others sharing these scientific findings have been the focus of attacks from many so-called ‘misinformation experts’; none of whom have been able to refute their findings. Colleagues at my own academic institution even took to attacking Dr. Speicher in social media, at least in part as a way to get at me. Faculty and others attacking a member of someone’s research team is profoundly inappropriate. Most academic institutions would view such behaviour, at a minimum, as a form of academic misconduct.

My intention with this article is not to debate the potential harms of the contaminants. There is no question that the safety issue must be taken seriously and robust research must be encouraged and funded. After all, most people in the world have likely had excessive amounts of contaminating bacterial DNA injected into their bodies and there are multiple potential mechanisms whereby this DNA could cause harm.

What I do want to emphasize is this:

The Epoch Times just published a very important article about this issue. Note the stunning headline…

Health Canada Confirms Undisclosed Presence of DNA Sequence in Pfizer Shot

The article directly quotes an email sent by Health Canada to Epoch Times. Specifically, the following was disclosed…

“Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission"

The ‘sponsor’ in this case is Pfizer.

Health Canada went on to say…

"Although the full DNA sequence of the Pfizer plasmid was provided at the time of initial filing, the sponsor did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence."

And only because Kevin McKernan and others revealed the unexpected presence of the SV40 sequence…

“it was possible for Health Canada to confirm the presence of the enhancer based on the plasmid DNA sequence submitted by Pfizer against the published SV40 enhancer sequence."

This is an admission of epic proportions, coming from Health Canada. One must wonder why Pfizer would not disclose the presence of a biologically functional DNA sequence to a health regulator when it is clearly their responsibility to do so. I suspect that Health Canada is not happy that their rules were not adhered to and that this was only discovered by objective third-party scientists of integrity who worked diligently despite incessant harassment, defamation, and threats.

Notably, Pfizer has been granted legal indemnity for their shots; something which in and of itself should be a major concern. However, an important court ruling was recently made in Michigan, USA. Specifically, the court ruled that a pharmaceutical company’s legal indemnity was null and void for a contaminated version of the medical product. The product, but not any contaminants are subject to the legal indemnity. And failing to disclose a bioactive component would seem to go one step further. You can read an article about the legal issue here.

So, it would follow that Pfizer’s legal indemnity should be null and void for shots that contaminated with bacterial DNA that included a bioactive sequence that was not disclosed to regulatory agencies.

I wonder what people will think knowing that Health Canada has listened to ‘misinformation spreading scientists’, done their own homework, and then confirmed that they were duped by Pfizer.


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d6e896 No.111393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013358 (021258ZDEC23) Notable: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

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If Health Canada was duped, then everyone that received a Pfizer shot was duped.

I call this a proof of principle. What other important information might Pfizer have withheld from regulatory agencies? When someone is caught being deceitful, the onus is not on the one deceived to find a way to trust the deceiver again. Rather, the onus is on the deceiver to earn trust back through a slow, methodical, and repetitious cycle.

This news was broken by Epoch Times several hours ago. This news should be breaking around the world. I just did a search and couldn’t find anything on this from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

This issue can serve as a litmus test in two areas…

If Health Canada does not immediately halt the use of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots and pursue disciplinary action, then they are undeserving of public trust. It would be an egregious ignorance of the sacred precautionary principle.

Any state-funded news agencies that do not broadcast this bombshell information will demonstrate that they have no concern for the concept of fully informed consent, especially as they continue to espouse taking the shots.

For people who have taken the Pfizer shot, please leave honest feedback in the comments…

Did you consent to receiving shots contaminated with bacterial DNA that includes a bioactive genetic sequence for which Health Canada has confirmed its presence and that they were not informed about it, which contradicts their rules?

How does it make you feel that Pfizer duped Health Canada?

How confident are you in the ‘safe and effective’ mantra after learning of these admissions by Health Canada?

I have often been accused of spreading ‘misinformation’, even though my early warning signals, which have always been solidly based on scientific facts, have proven correct over and over again. But, you don’t need to listen to me on this one. Maybe hearing egregious admissions directly from Health Canada will help wake a few more people up to reality.

This news needs to be spread far and wide. Out of fairness, and for the sake of full disclosure, every person that received at least one Pfizer COVID-19 shot deserves to know this truth.

3 of 3

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d6e896 No.111394

File: 9fae5a2fa8000a4⋯.png (39.97 KB,598x500,299:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013364 (021301ZDEC23) Notable: Monday I will be filling an official complaint with the Office of congressional Ethics against @NMalliotakis regarding her questionable stock trading

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George Santos


Mondays 4th Ethics report will be filled on Congressman Menendez (not to be confused with the senator).

While congressman Menedez has not been invoked by the diligent investigation of the DOJ into his father, there remains a question of what did he know and when did he know it, the complaint is to seek clarification from the freshman congressman on his involvement with his fathers overseas dealing over the years and any potential compensation he received.

I think it’s a fair point to make sure we weed out the doubt surrounding Rep Menendez and his business associations with his father.

I will leave it to the office of congressional ethics to investigate the material I’ll be submitting to them.

12:42 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023


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d6e896 No.111395

File: 679ac28b9cb78a3⋯.png (44.16 KB,673x354,673:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013381 (021307ZDEC23) Notable: Wells Fargo shutters 15 locations while Bank of America closes seven in a week

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America's bank branch bloodbath continues:

Wells Fargo shutters 15 locations while

Bank of America closes seven in a week

- is YOUR local on the list?

Daily Mail (UK), by Neirin Gray Desai

Posted By: Imright, 12/1/2023 7:29:56 PM

Banks filed to close 24 branches last week - and to open just two - as part of an ongoing scramble to eliminate costly brick and mortar banking locations. Wells Fargo notified its regulator of 15 planned closures, including three in Florida and two in California, Georgia and New Jersey. Bank of America reported seven over the same week, between November 19 and November 25, according the latest bulletin published by the regulator, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

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d6e896 No.111396

File: 38d3d9b0ce04ecc⋯.png (23.96 KB,793x248,793:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013386 (021308ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley rakes in cash — from Democrats looking to stop Trump

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Nikki Haley rakes in cash — from Democrats

looking to stop Trump

New York Post, by Lydia Moynihan

Posted By: 4250Luis, 12/1/2023 6:42:28 PM

As Nikki Haley nabs endorsements from Republican kingmakers, some wealthy Democratic donors also have begun quietly funneling cash to her campaign, On The Money has learned. In a desperate bid to chip away at Donald Trump’s odds for the GOP nomination, a coterie of DNC donors are sending checks to Haley — even as they continue to publicly voice support for Biden and push for his White House bid, sources said. Deep-pocketed participants view the unusual diversion of funds as an “opposition effort” against another Trump presidency, according to insiders. “If we’re going to lose, let’s lose to her, not Trump,” one source said of Democratic donors’ thinking.

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d6e896 No.111397

File: e74529dc768cef8⋯.png (891.06 KB,935x578,55:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013404 (021312ZDEC23) Notable: War in the Middle East: A plot to destroy mankind's faith and spiritual principles

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War in the Middle East: A plot to destroy mankind's faith and spiritual principles

Mike Adams states that the war in the Middle East is a Luciferian plot designed to destroy all faith on the planet, pit religions against each other and destroy humanity's faith, so they will turn to and worship the antichrist after having seen the failure of religions and total destruction from the Third World War that is now underway. He believes Palestinians or Muslims must understand that this is not a war of people against people, but of governments against people!

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d6e896 No.111398

File: 0987cc36b78c49a⋯.png (613.1 KB,1055x785,211:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013406 (021312ZDEC23) Notable: FactChecking DeSantis-Newsom Debate

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The fact checking from Desantis/Newsome debate is in...

FactChecking DeSantis-Newsom Debate

Story by Eugene Kiely •



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d6e896 No.111399

File: be65ab5bec51ba3⋯.png (89.04 KB,1055x734,1055:734,Clipboard.png)

File: ef61b9803ae36d0⋯.png (61.93 KB,969x371,969:371,Clipboard.png)

File: 0dec60456203d67⋯.png (60.86 KB,969x371,969:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013428 (021318ZDEC23) Notable: FactChecking DeSantis-Newsom Debate

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Covid 19 restrictions

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d6e896 No.111400

File: 12c9222914d162b⋯.jpg (16.16 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013439 (021321ZDEC23) Notable: Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger

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Not Satisfied with killing us mRNA

Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger

The next generation of RNA-based injections will contain self-amplifying RNA (saRNA). If the term “self-amplifying RNA” sounds frightening, it should. It likely brings to mind images of scientific experiments run amok.

As discussed in a previous article, “mRNA vaccines” are not made with messenger RNA but with modified RNA (modRNA). These so-called vaccines are actually gene therapy products (GTPs), as modRNA hijacks our cells’ software. We have no possibility at all to gain influence on modRNA (or saRNA) after it has been injected.

What Distinguishes saRNA From modRNA?

The term “self-amplifying” is self-explanatory: saRNA replicates itself repeatedly, which is not natural, as natural mRNA is always (without exception) transcribed from DNA (this is called the “central dogma of molecular biology”).

Compared to modRNA, a small amount of saRNA results in an increased amount of produced antigen; one shot of saRNA-based injection may be enough to generate sufficient antibodies against a virus.

Both saRNA and modRNA represent the blueprint for a viral protein, which, after entering our cells, will be produced by our cell machinery (i.e., ribosomes).

Scientists created the genetically modified modRNA sequence by replacing natural uridines with synthetic methyl-pseudouridines to generate a maximum amount of viral antigen. This modification is the basis of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 shots.

Unlike modRNA, saRNA does not contain methyl-pseudouridines, but uridines. Why? Since saRNA self-replicates and synthetic methyl-pseudouridines are not available in our cells, saRNA must rely on natural uridines that exist in our cells. Our cells will produce foreign proteins using their own cell machinery and their own natural resources—the main reason these cells finally become exhausted.

However, this causes a significant problem: mRNA is highly unstable and, therefore, has only a short lifespan—too short for our immune system to produce sufficient antibodies. The solution to this problem is the second difference between modRNA and saRNA.

Unlike modRNA, saRNA contains an additional sequence for the replicase, as destroyed (by RNases) saRNA must be replaced by new saRNA.

As natural mRNA will never self-replicate, saRNA definitely represents a genetically modified RNA (modRNA).

Put simply, saRNA is just another type of modRNA.


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d6e896 No.111401

File: 8105b4f173b4ca8⋯.jpeg (2.94 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013469 (021330ZDEC23) Notable: Jim Watkins on liberty n shills

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Your communication here is essential. Please don’t stop.

Don’t give up or relent in your pursuit of retiring tyranny.

Let’s return Liberty to the American way of life.

The leftists take long weekends, so maximize your efforts accordingly.

In another year, it will be virtually impossible to distinguish AI posters from human posters.

So don’t waste these precious opportunities to express yourself.

Express your humanity. We have worth and value.

God created us for a purpose.

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d6e896 No.111402

File: eb079d2df250376⋯.png (395.71 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013492 (021337ZDEC23) Notable: Jim Watkins on liberty n shills

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There is a time and a place for everything. This has been discussed in the past.

There is a random board. There is a board for almost everything.

You are confusing me with this board operator.

Suppose you don't like their rules. Request your own board.

New boards are created all the time.

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d6e896 No.111403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013510 (021344ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley rakes in cash — from Democrats looking to stop Trump

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She addresses this in this wonderful interview.

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d6e896 No.111404

File: 2ea9947504cdc9b⋯.png (325.12 KB,838x751,838:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013523 (021346ZDEC23) Notable: George and Alex Soros Have Already Maxed Out Their Donations to Biden

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George and Alex Soros Have Already Maxed Out Their Donations to Biden

By Stefanie Ladner December 2, 2023 at 4:13am

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d6e896 No.111405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013537 (021349ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley rakes in cash — from Democrats looking to stop Trump

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"We should want to win the majority of Americans. Anybody that wants to come support the cause whether they are Republican, Independent. or Democrat we are going to take them.... and thats the way the Republican party should look at it. This is a story about addition not about getting people and pushing people away. We've got to think about America." - Nikki Haley


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d6e896 No.111406

File: 33d24fe3d5f0cb0⋯.png (601.77 KB,711x697,711:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013540 (021350ZDEC23) Notable: Tuberville’s principled stand to block Biden’s radical military nominees

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One Senator is Blocking Hundreds of Biden

DEI Nominees From Taking Over the Military

Frontpage Mag, by Daniel Greenfield

Posted By: Hazymac, 12/2/2023 6:43:02 AM

It’s unfortunate that the destruction of our military isn’t a bigger story and it’s also a shame that so few Republicans and conservatives have backed Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s principled stand to block Biden’s radical military nominees. Senate Republicans are seeking to bypass his insistence that Biden’s nominees pass proper confirmation with appropriate scrutiny instead of being shoved through. And that may mean the end of the military as an American institution committed to defending the nation. Instead, it will become another DEI operation. As this letter from Save America’s Military warns, “independently conducted research

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d6e896 No.111407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013582 (021405ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley rakes in cash — from Democrats looking to stop Trump

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Bush family member backing Nikki Haley, targeting independents with super PAC | Cuomo


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d6e896 No.111408

File: 2a917650f790e1f⋯.jpg (203.27 KB,1280x753,1280:753,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013649 (021427ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

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Good morning!

Trump Rally today!!!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111409

File: a26816e55e4eb6c⋯.png (560.2 KB,668x1812,167:453,Clipboard.png)

File: f16cf87c0c1c79c⋯.jpg (175.88 KB,1004x2048,251:512,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f4a628498d2ec36⋯.jpeg (162.25 KB,1284x1153,1284:1153,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5007a468e0a121f⋯.jpeg (250.24 KB,1022x2048,511:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8c4fad16d8239ce⋯.jpeg (144.11 KB,1284x1335,428:445,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013675 (021433ZDEC23) Notable: Maricop antics

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Jonathan @DecentFiJC dropping some MOABS




💥MARICOPA: Appears they’ve decided to raise the stakes and go “full speed ahead” with the ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL, CCP-style COMMUNIST/GLOBALIST AGENDA. Okie doke. As you wish. We’ll just raise the stakes right back.


✅AreKEN BENNETT (Maricopa) and DAVID BECKER (CEIR; ERIC; PFAW) being extorted into doing the biddings of those “STAKEHOLDERS” who are attempting hostile takeover of America?

✅If so, would the attempts to EXTORT them (potentially)involve their SONS possibly having SERIOUS SEXUAL CRIMINAL HISTORIES?

🚨This is especially relevant considering both of their sentencings were (conveniently) considered to be EXTREMELY LIGHT at the time, relative to the alleged nature of their sex crimes. Further, both “somehow” managed to avoid the expected consequences of imprisonment and full “sex offender registration” status.


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d6e896 No.111410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013717 (021444ZDEC23) Notable: #24566

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#24566 >>111361

>>111362 Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan. 6 Committee depositions are gone

>>111363 Scientists still unsure what's causing mysterious, potentially fatal respiratory illness in dogs (Fauci)

>>111364, >>111365 'Arian Taherzadeh was sentenced today to 33 months in prison for pretending to be a federal law enforcement officer

>>111366 Ohio state GOP endorses Trump

>>111367 Gateway Pundit was notified by friendly sources on Capitol Hill that our website was being censored by the House network.

>>111368 California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?


>>111370 Bryan Ardis interview on plasmid DNA

>>111372 Durbin Blocks Senator Blackburn’s Request To Subpoena Sotomayor Staff, Epstein Flight Logs

>>111373 Fairbanks Alaska Aurora cam live

>>111374, >>111408 President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

>>111375, >>111381 Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

>>111376 First Hospital In Nation To Require COVID-19 Vaccines Will End Mandate

>>111377 Hochul: This botox clown got community noted today for not knowing how a vacancy in the House of Representatives is filled.

>>111378 Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

>>111379 Journalist Liz Gunn joins Maria Zeee after releasing the most damning data to date on COVID crimes, with NZ Ministry of Health whistleblower data

>>111380 Jim Jordan’s YouTube Files: Internal Emails Show Google Sought to ‘Work Closely with Biden Administration’

>>111382 @GenFlynn #WeThePeople 🔥🦅🇺🇸

>>111383 Study: Children of Conservative Parents Have Better Mental Health

>>111384 Joe Allen Questions Musk’s Prediction For AGI In Less Than 3 Years

>>111385 Bradley Thayer On The Chinese Considering Henry Kissinger An Old And Valued Friend

>>111386 Six Democrats Join House GOP to Block Biden from Turning Federal Lands into Migrant Camps

>>111387 Trump the choice

>>111388, >>>/qresearch/20013342, >>111390, >>111394 Monday I will be filling an official complaint with the Office of congressional Ethics against @NMalliotakis regarding her questionable stock trading

>>111389, >>111391, >>111392, >>111393 Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

>>111395 Wells Fargo shutters 15 locations while Bank of America closes seven in a week

>>111396, >>111403, >>111405, >>111407 Nikki Haley rakes in cash — from Democrats looking to stop Trump

>>111397 War in the Middle East: A plot to destroy mankind's faith and spiritual principles

>>111398, >>111399 FactChecking DeSantis-Newsom Debate

>>111400 Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger

>>111401, >>111402 Jim Watkins on liberty n shills

>>111404 George and Alex Soros Have Already Maxed Out Their Donations to Biden

>>111406 Tuberville’s principled stand to block Biden’s radical military nominees

>>111409 Maricop antics

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d6e896 No.111411

File: 5f2341b7abb7f88⋯.jpeg (79.58 KB,750x450,5:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013842 (021515ZDEC23) Notable: Chairman of Ron DeSantis Superpac, Never Back Down, Quits

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Chairman of Ron DeSantis Superpac, Never Back Down, Quits

December 1, 2023 | Sundance |

It’s like watching a slow-motion train wreck of Sea Island billionaires.

Last week the Chief Executive Officer of the DeSantis “Never Back Down” super PAC, Chris Jankowski, backed down and quit. This week the Chairman of the SuperPAC,Adam Laxalt, quits. …And Florida now dislikes DeSantis, so there’s no easy return home. Best primary election ever.

Associated Press – The chairman of the most powerful independent group supporting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential ambitions has resigned, marking the second major departure at the pro-DeSantis Never Back Down super PAC in the last two weeks.

Never Back Down Chairman Adam Laxalt, the former Nevada attorney general and a close DeSantis confidant, submitted his resignation on Sunday, according to a copy of the letter obtained by The Associated Press on Friday. The New York Times first reported Laxalt’s decision.

“Effective immediately, I am resigning from the Board of Directors of Never Back Down. After nearly 26 straight months of being in a full scale campaign, I need to return my time and attention to my family and law practice,” Laxalt wrote to the super PAC board. “I will continue to support Governor DeSantis in whatever ways I can, and I hope and pray that his campaign will be successful.”

Last week, the super PAC’s chief executive, Chris Jankowski, also resigned.

The moves come as DeSantis struggles to redirect his stagnant presidential campaign, which has fallen far short of expectations. The 45-year-old Florida governor entered the 2024 GOP primary this spring as the chief rival to former President Donald Trump. Now, he’s locked in a fierce contest for a distant second place with former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley as Iowa’s make-or-break presidential caucuses loom just six weeks away. (read more)

All of these characters were former Ted Cruz 2016 guys. Too funny.


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d6e896 No.111412

File: 22d3e32d0376956⋯.png (1.42 MB,1088x866,544:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013871 (021521ZDEC23) Notable: Biden’s DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring Workers to Disclose Legal Status

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Biden’s DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian

Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring

Workers to Disclose Legal Status

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 12/2/2023 10:17:22 AM

Biden’s Department of Justice has slapped a whopping $700,000 fine on Covenant Transport Inc. and the affiliated Transport Management Services LLC, both stellar examples of Tennessee’s robust transportation sector. The recent decision by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to impose a $700,000 fine on Covenant Transport Inc., a Christian trucking company based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, raises significant concerns about the overreach of federal power and the disregard for the realities faced by businesses in regulating their workforce. The DOJ, under Joe Biden’s regime, claims this measure is to resolve alleged violations of the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) by Covenant and its affiliated entity, Transport Management Services LLC.

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d6e896 No.111413

File: cd610c6cdb2c1f9⋯.png (828.81 KB,695x805,139:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013878 (021524ZDEC23) Notable: Terrorist Group Sponsored Princeton Anti-Israel Rally

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Terrorist Group Sponsored Princeton Anti-Israel Rally

Washington Free Beacon [D.C.], by Alana Goodman

Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/2/2023 10:09:55 AM

A Palestinian terrorist group cosponsored an anti-Israel rally at Princeton University on Friday, according to a flier advertising the event. Samidoun, which has been designated as a terrorist group in Israel and banned from operating in Germany, is listed on the poster advertising the "Princeton Rally for Divestment from Israel," scheduled to take place on campus Friday afternoon. Although Samidoun has been banned by PayPal and other payment platforms due to its terrorist connections, the group has helped organize and promote dozens of anti-Israel rallies

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d6e896 No.111414

File: cae02068828bb0a⋯.png (859.82 KB,853x763,853:763,Clipboard.png)

File: b78bfa6dbb3255f⋯.jpg (38 KB,645x723,215:241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013886 (021526ZDEC23) Notable: Ex-CIA head Michael Hayden: Gun-toting Christian 'no different' than Hamas suicide bomber

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>>111397 War in the Middle East: A plot to destroy mankind's faith and spiritual principles


Ex-CIA head Michael Hayden: Gun-toting Christian 'no different' than Hamas suicide bomber

By Ian M. Giatti, Christian Post Reporter Thursday, November 30, 2023

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d6e896 No.111415

File: fce32a0a02089f6⋯.jpeg (339.98 KB,828x893,828:893,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013906 (021530ZDEC23) Notable: 7.8 earthquake in Philippines

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d6e896 No.111416

File: dec32b0892b1a60⋯.png (1.15 MB,1199x809,1199:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013919 (021531ZDEC23) Notable: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? The CCP’s Covert Biolab Program in America

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Webinar | What Could Possibly Go Wrong? The CCP’s Covert Biolab Program in America

Published On: November 27, 2023

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d6e896 No.111417

File: 0954f3a523c625d⋯.png (294.45 KB,463x476,463:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 8af661d80d8376e⋯.png (172.42 KB,469x498,469:498,Clipboard.png)

File: d031bbc663608a9⋯.png (113.79 KB,259x194,259:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d75a9fdf4ed536⋯.png (114.18 KB,310x163,310:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013920 (021531ZDEC23) Notable: California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?

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This does explain a lot

California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?


Newsom is going for homeless/immigrant slave labor Lithium mining, partnered with Xi

>prove anon wrong

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d6e896 No.111418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013928 (021533ZDEC23) Notable: TOTAL BANK SURVELIENCE COMING IN THE U.K.?

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Note: As always, if you give a inch they will take a mile, if they pass this bill on top of the online safety bill, they will be able to stop peoples pensions for speaking out against this despot government behaviour.


Stephen criticises the Government for plans to inspect bank accounts



33,185 views 30 Nov 2023

Yesterday, 29 November 2023, Parliament debated the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill. The Government proposed two new amendments (New Clause 34 and New Schedule 1) to give it the power to inspect the bank accounts of people claiming social security, such as benefits or the state pension.

The Government's argument is that this will allow them to reduce fraud and error in the social security system. However, the powers are wide-ranging and do not have clear safeguards. The Government also only admitted that the powers allowed them to inspect the accounts of those who could receive the State Pension (i.e., almost everyone) after being questioned in Parliament.

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d6e896 No.111419

File: b366db32b2dae17⋯.png (196.17 KB,667x279,667:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 1779b9cff690f58⋯.png (55 KB,969x524,969:524,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f8547d03a220ea⋯.png (47.74 KB,1221x485,1221:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014061 (021606ZDEC23) Notable: AZ Senate president’s son sodomizes 18 boys, is not charged with sexual assault

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Reposting Ken Bennett's Son stories from last bread.

Surprised I hadn't heard about this one.

Senate president’s son sodomizes 18 boys, is not charged with sexual assault

Diane E. Dees


Fight disinformation: Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters.

Clifton Bennett, 18-year-old son of Arizona state Senate president Ken Bennett, and his friend, 19-year-old Kyle Wheeler, were charged in January of 18 counts of aggravated assault and 18 counts of kidnapping.The charges refer to incidents which occurred at a boys’ student government leadership skills camp in June of 2005, at which==Bennett confesed that he and Wheeler sodomized several 11- to 14-year-old boys with broomsticks and flashlights in 40 separate incidents.

Wheeler has an additional assault charge based on his choking three boys until they passed out.

Yesterday, the pair was offered a plea agreement that will include no record of sexual assault; they will likely receive 90-day jail sentences, though the judge could reduce the charges and give them no jail time at all.

According to the victims’ parents, the boys are having some type of colonic difficulty, they are sleeping with their clothes on, are afraid at night, and have received sexual assault-related counseling. However, the prosecutor told the judge that the “broomsticking” was a “hazing ritual” and a punishment for breaking rules, not sexual assault. The assaults, he said, were not viewed as sexual in nature because the prosecution could not prove that the perpetrators had “sexual intent.” One has to wonder how this prosecutor does with other rape cases.

Bennett is an honor student and an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If convicted of a felony, he would not be allowed to go on a planned church mission in September.

> https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2006/04/senate-presidents-son-sodomizes-18-boys-not-charged-sexual-assault/


Are KEN BENNETT (Maricopa) and DAVID BECKER (CEIR; ERIC; PFAW) being extorted

>>111409 Are KEN BENNETT (Maricopa) and DAVID BECKER (CEIR; ERIC; PFAW) being extorted into doing the biddings of those “STAKEHOLDERS” who are attempting hostile takeover of America?

>>>/qresearch/20013693 TIMOTHY ALEXANDER STEINERT ST. PAUL’S SCHOOLin NEW HAMPSHIRE because a similar situation occurred there a few years back.

>>>/qresearch/20013720 DAN SACHS GOLDMAN has ties to the ERIC voter registration (data laundering) system

>>>/qresearch/20013708 Bennett rigged the AZ Audit and stole the log book. On some sham "task force" with other election thieves

>>>/qresearch/20013745, >>>/qresearch/20013774 Moar on AZ state senator Ken Bennett's Rapist son who got off easy for his crimes

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d6e896 No.111420

File: 4a0d5dd010a1ad9⋯.png (89.47 KB,601x707,601:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 6369d59a33cc1de⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,480x864,5:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014096 (021614ZDEC23) Notable: Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway

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Ryan Maue


Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway, which has turned into a glacier.


Breaking Aviation News & Videos




Meanwhile in Munich ❄️✈️

📹 schoko131

8:23 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023














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d6e896 No.111421

File: e623edb9bb79180⋯.png (1.12 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014225 (021640ZDEC23) Notable: PF

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USN E-6B Mercury and USAF E-4B Nightwatch just took off from USSTRATCOM, Offutt AFB.


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d6e896 No.111422

File: a29d0ab3f716f12⋯.jpeg (40.72 KB,476x556,119:139,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014330 (021703ZDEC23) Notable: Sundance: Walmart Joins List of Companies that Withdraws Advertising from Twitter

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Walmart Joins List of Companies that Withdraws Advertising from Twitter – Looming Collapse of Platform Evident

December 1, 2023 | Sundance1/2

At dinner last night, I was questioned about Twitter and the recent remarks of Elon Musk. My opinion is somewhat out of variance with the mainstream considerations.

I believe the demise of Twitter was essentially determined long ago. Musk stepped into a scenario that was tenuous at best, and the government control of the platform was always the fulcrum issue. Musk’s prior intent with the platform may be up for debate; however, against his recent remarks, I would argue Musk is presenting the potential collapse of the platform as a martyr scenario.

Musk said recently the platform may collapse without advertisers, but he will not acquiesce to corporate blackmail. Sounds great, but keep in mind that Musk has known about the fulfillment of the DOJ search warrant for user data since January of this year; we only recently discovered it. Put that background reality into the overlay of your opinion, given the year of comments about users shared by Musk, and the known lack of platform privacy.

Musk knew as an outcome of the platform fulfillment of the court order, the release of all user metadata who supported, followed, liked, or shared the tweets of Donald Trump, that the government created the “his kind” list earlier this year. Yet, he never discussed the issue of compromised privacy throughout his commentary; he did exactly the opposite while assuring people the platform would protect users. [Ex. How did the encrypted DM promise work out?]

Now Musk positions himself as the martyr, the victim of leftist targeting…. and his hired CEO Linda Yaccarino is doing the same thing [SEE HERE]. What better way to guide the platform into a controlled collapse than to be a martyred hero as the Twitter platform potentially disappears. Just think about it.

Simultaneously, =•all prior DOJ/FBI/IC datamining and intelligence gathering operations against conservative or liberty-minded Americans becomes legal== when contrast against the fulfilled subpoena. That’s the same DOJ/FBI/IC motive behind the Carter Page FISA application. All prior surveillance legalized ex-post-facto, history rhymes.

VIA CBS – Walmart said Friday that it is scaling back its advertising on X, the social media company formerly known as Twitter, because “we’ve found some other platforms better for reaching our customers.”

Walmart’s decision has been in the works for a while, according to a person familiar with the move. Yet it comes as X faces an advertiser exodus following billionaire owner Elon Musk’s support for an antisemitic post on the platform.

The retailer spends about $2.7 billion on advertising each year, according to MarketingDive. In an email to CBS MoneyWatch, X’s head of operations, Joe Benarroch, said Walmart still has a large presence on X. He added that the company stopped advertising on X in October, “so this is not a recent pausing.”

“Walmart has a wonderful community of more than a million people on X, and with a half a billion people on X, every year the platform experiences 15 billion impressions about the holidays alone with more than 50% of X users doing most or all of their shopping online,” Benarroch said.

Musk struck a defiant pose earlier this week at the New York Times’ Dealbook Summit, where he cursed out advertisers that had distanced themselves from X, telling them to “go f— yourself.” He also complained that companies are trying to “blackmail me with advertising” by cutting off their spendingwith the platform, and cautioned that the loss of big advertisers could “kill” X. (read more)



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d6e896 No.111423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014376 (021711ZDEC23) Notable: Sundance: Walmart Joins List of Companies that Withdraws Advertising from Twitter

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Twitter has $12.5 billion in debt from the initial investor purchase of the platform. The debt service costs around $1 billion per year ($100 million/mo). There was never a viable path to profitability and/or platform solvency; the operating costs when combined with the debt service are just too high.

Now, think carefully…. In late September, Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino made a bold statement. Yaccarino stated that from her review of the current status, Twitter would start to turn a profit in the first quarter of 2024 {link}. However, with $100 million per month in debt service alone, this statement seemed too far of a stretch. At pre-Musk levels of revenue, maybe; but that $1.5 billion debt service is a heavy nut to carry.

Timing – Remember, in early October the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) gave special regulatory approval to Bill Ackman’s firm, Pershing Square (hedge fund), for a new investment vessel called SPARC, whose purpose is to invest in private companies in order to take them public. As noted by CNBC, “In a SPARC, investors will know what company the financing vehicle would be used to merge with before they have to pledge their investments.” The financial mechanism avoids some of the issues with typical IPOs.

•It was October 2023, inflection time. •Yaccarino says a strategy is underway for profitability in Q1 2024. •Ackman gets SPARC approval. If you ask me what was going on, I’d say they were positioning a mechanism to get the debt removed and the investors repaid – sell the debt via Ackman.

Once the new advertising boycott began, the Ackman story disappeared completely. The debt holders are naked with a platform that is worth less than the original investment.

Was this just naive stupid thinking? Was the current scenario the result of failed foresight…. or, was this a guided and controlled outcome? If you ask me, I’d say the latter.

Who wins? The surveillance state…

….while everyone proclaims Elon Musk a hero for trying.


Welcome to the 2024 election season.

(If this happens and Musk tries to crash and burn Twitter, that might be a tactic to get the government to take on the debt of Musk to keep their programs going, after all the gov owned and funded twitter forever. It would be interesting to see. I think Musk lost a light of eyeballs on Twitter when he implemented you have to have a subscription to see it! Also the subscribers lost a lot of views on the articles like The Federalist because I followed Molly, Sean and others, but was not subscribed. Did Musk want to trash and burn it after he realized the platform could never be a free speech platform. Him retweeting that Tate tweet seemed stupid at the time, was it intentional?)


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d6e896 No.111424

File: 14da3258e46fc20⋯.png (518.69 KB,1230x964,615:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 8752cdc8a24d926⋯.png (855.51 KB,2166x1032,361:172,Clipboard.png)

File: c771866fe3de0a7⋯.png (147.31 KB,604x976,151:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014428 (021721ZDEC23) Notable: PF

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Several Blackhawks operating around Rapid City Regional airport...

Looks like they are looking for something...

Rapid City Regional not a major hub for Blackhawks...just sayin'

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d6e896 No.111425

File: af3f546331af588⋯.png (1.08 MB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 323f76079f175b9⋯.png (1.19 MB,1440x1014,240:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014469 (021732ZDEC23) Notable: PF

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>USN E-6B Mercury and USAF E-4B Nightwatch just took off from USSTRATCOM, Offutt AFB.

Top Kek!

2nd USN E-6B Mercury now airborne.

Call sign DANK07



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d6e896 No.111426

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014470 (021733ZDEC23) Notable: Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2PN

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>>111375, >>111381 Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2PN

I found his Rumble Channel and the video:

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

Wooz News

His mission statement: J6 was an inside job

1:18:30 length of video


Channel with other videos:


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d6e896 No.111427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014528 (021755ZDEC23) Notable: The former general registrar of Prince William County, Va., allegedly “altered election results” during the 2020 election

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The former general registrar of Prince William County, Va., allegedly “altered election results” during the 2020 election, according to court documents recently obtained by Just the News. However, the current general registrar says that his predecessor’s alleged conduct didn’t impact any election outcomes.

In a county where President Joe Biden received 54% of the vote in the 2020 presidential election to former President Donald Trump's 44%, an election official at the time allegedly "altered election results" in the state's reporting system, leading to three grand jury indictments last year.

In September 2022, former Prince William County general registrar Michele White was indicted by a grand jury on two felony counts alleging corrupt conduct as an election official and making a false statement, and one misdemeanor indictment of willful neglect of duty by an election officer. White’s jury trial is set to begin on Jan. 16, 2024, and go until Jan. 26.

White had abruptly resigned in 2021 without explanation.

When the Virginia attorney general’s office announced the indictments last year, the only additional information offered was that White allegedly violated the law between August and December 2020, but details regarding the alleged actions were not given.

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d6e896 No.111428

File: 7867661f628221e⋯.png (560.26 KB,1600x1575,64:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014555 (021803ZDEC23) Notable: #24568-A

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d6e896 No.111429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014589 (021814ZDEC23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

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LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks to a Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Ankeny, Iowa, on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. ET. He will then speak in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Join RSBN for all-day coverage starting at 1:00 p.m. ET.


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d6e896 No.111430

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014610 (021823ZDEC23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

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President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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d6e896 No.111431

File: 2bbad0f8efa96a4⋯.png (64.25 KB,589x295,589:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014613 (021824ZDEC23) Notable: Antiwar.com: Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War

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Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War

"Now, this machine produces 100 targets a single day, with 50% of them being attacked."

Tel Aviv has been relying on an AI Program dubbed the Gospel to select targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. In past operations in Gaza, the IDF ran out of targets to strike in the besieged enclave.

A statement on the IDF website says the Israeli military is using the Gospel to “produce targets at a fast pace.” It continues, “Through the rapid and automatic extraction of intelligence,” the Gospel produced targeting recommendations for its researchers “with the goal of a complete match between the recommendation of the machine and the identification carried out by a person.”

Aviv Kochavi, former head of the IDF, said the system was first used in the May 2021 bombing campaign in Gaza. “To put that into perspective, in the past we would produce 50 targets in Gaza per year,” he said. “Now, this machine produces 100 targets a single day, with 50% of them being attacked.”

The IDF does not disclose what it inputs into the Gospel for the program to produce a list of targets.

Thursday, the Israeli outlet +972 Magazine reported Tel Aviv was using AI to pick targets in Gaza. A former Israeli official told the +972 that the Gospel was being used as a “mass assassination factory.” The program is selecting the home of suspected low-level Hamas members for destruction. Sources told the outlet that strikes on homes can kill numerous civilians.

One source was critical of the Gospel. “I remember thinking that it was like if [Palestinian militants] would bomb all the private residences of our families when [Israeli soldiers] go back to sleep at home on the weekend,” they said.

On Friday, the Guardian expanded on the +972 article by reporting that the Gospel plays a central role in the Gaza military operations.

A former senior Israeli military source told the Guardian that operatives use a “very accurate” calculation of the number or rate of civilians fleeing a building before an impending strike. However, other experts disputed that assertion. A lawyer who advises governments on AI and compliance with humanitarian law told the outlet there was “little empirical evidence” to support the claim.

During the nearly two-month-long conflict, Israel has hit over 15,000 targets. According to the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tonnes of explosives on the Gaza Strip. The IDF reports that it has only killed between 1,000 and 2,000 suspected Hamas members. At the same time, at least 15,000 civilians have been killed, including 6,000 children.

Richard Moyes, a researcher who heads Article 36, said the images of Gaza prove the Israeli bombing of Gaza has not focused on accuracy. “Look at the physical landscape of Gaza,” he explained. “We’re seeing the widespread flattening of an urban area with heavy explosive weapons, so to claim there’s precision and narrowness of force being exerted is not borne out by the facts.”

This week, the BBC reviewed drone and satellite images of Gaza and determined that over 100,000 buildings have sustained damage.

Israeli sources speaking with +972 also disputed the claim that the IDF has attempted to avoid civilian casualties. A senior intelligence officer told his officers after October 7 that the goal was to “kill as many Hamas operatives as possible,” for which the criteria around harming Palestinian civilians were significantly relaxed, the outlet reported.


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d6e896 No.111432

File: f135b5ce9cd66c8⋯.png (53.61 KB,571x477,571:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014637 (021831ZDEC23) Notable: Daniel Sachs controls the Soros by the open society.

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Daniel Sachs controls the Soros by the open society.

Soros have their banking in SEB (Wallenberg)

It's all connected.

We just need to get the light on it.

Emelie Eklund Sachs, daughter of Bengt Eklund and Fanny Sachs Wallenberg, has married Peder Bonnier, son of director Carl-Johan Bonnier.

Emilie's mother Fanny Sachs is now married to Marcus Wallenberg, who is a cousin of Jacob and Peter Jr (Poker) Wallenberg. Fanny Sachs, in turn, is the ghosted sister of Daniel Sachs, who is CEO of Proventus.

Their great-grandfather was Josef Sachs, who founded Nordiska Kompaniet in Stockholm.

Peder Bonnier's father, Carl-Johan Bonnier, is director and chairman of the board of the Bonnier Group. Cal-Johan Bonnier's uncles were Lukas and Albert Bonnier.


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d6e896 No.111433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014643 (021834ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine removes Kissinger from ‘kill list’

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Ukraine removes Kissinger from ‘kill list’

The veteran US diplomat, who died on Wednesday, had been added to the ‘Peacemaker’ database for allegedly spreading anti-Kiev narratives

Ukraine’s ‘Peacemaker’ database, which features supposed enemies of the state, has marked US veteran diplomat Henry Kissinger as ‘deceased.’ The former US secretary of state, who passed away on Wednesday, was added to the list in May 2022 for his alleged participation in “Russia’s information special operation against Ukraine.”

The online resource, created back in 2014, describes itself as a “non-government Center for Research of Elements of Crimes against the National Security of Ukraine, Peace, Humanity, and International Law.” Over the years, it has been implicated in multiple scandals, including the publishing of personal data of foreign journalists and other individuals deemed by ‘Peacemaker’ as enemies.

According to the website, Kissinger had spread “propaganda” and also advocated the separation of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as several southern regions, from Ukraine. The former US national security adviser was designated by ‘Peacemaker’ as an “accomplice to the Russian authorities’ crimes against Ukraine and its people.”

Kissinger served as US secretary of state from 1973 to 1977 under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and played a crucial role in improving US relations with the Soviet Union. The diplomat also spearheaded the normalization of ties with China, something he was revered for in Beijing for the rest of his life.

After leaving office, Kissinger remained active, giving lectures and commenting on international affairs. He also traveled to China and was received by the country’s leaders dozens of times.

Regarding the Ukraine conflict, the former secretary of state characterized the West’s decision to offer Kiev a pathway to NATO as “a grave mistake,” which triggered the current hostilities.

Last year, he suggested that Ukraine could relinquish its territorial claims to Crimea and grant autonomy to the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics – all considered Russian regions by Moscow – in a bid to end the bloodshed.

The Ukrainian leadership, for its part, has repeatedly rejected any territorial concessions to its neighbor, insisting on the full restoration of its sovereignty over all territories within its 1991 borders.


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d6e896 No.111434

File: 2a5b17f476d5f66⋯.png (346.34 KB,796x443,796:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014646 (021833ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuelan vote on oil in Guyana raises concern - will Madura invade the country?

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Maduro is going to do what!

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d6e896 No.111435

File: 3b12ed92b730dba⋯.png (122.13 KB,876x914,438:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014652 (021835ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuelan vote on oil in Guyana raises concern - will Madura invade the country?

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Maduro Is About To Invade Guyana - We Will Do Nothing To Stop Him

Sam Faddis

Dec 2, 2023

Joe Biden is mentally compromised. He is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party. His national security team is composed of similar individuals, all of whom place multiple interests above their loyalty to the people of the United States. Our foreign policy is in free fall, and the world is catching fire.

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d6e896 No.111436

File: 5921e76c1c81fc8⋯.png (667.77 KB,665x680,133:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014676 (021839ZDEC23) Notable: Remington Closing New York Plant, Which Opened in 1828

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Remington Closing New York Plant, Which

Opened in 1828

Breitbart, by AWR Hawkins

Posted By: Beardo, 12/2/2023 10:55:21 AM

Renowned American shotgun maker Remington Arms is closing its facility in Ilion, New York, nearly 100 years after it opened. CNY Central reported that the closure will be completed by early March 2024. (snip) The company has faced struggles with New York Democrats’ passage of gun control upon gun control. (snip) Remington, the largest employer in Ilion, will continue to make shotguns at its Huntsville, Alabama, location.

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d6e896 No.111437

File: 11f7e743cbef849⋯.png (1018.38 KB,938x887,938:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014690 (021842ZDEC23) Notable: A student made an AI version of Anderson Cooper. Can you spot the difference?

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A student made an AI version of Anderson Cooper. Can you spot the difference?

A student developed a deepfake version of Anderson Cooper to showcase how the technology has the possibility to change many aspects of our lives, as major tech companies race to advance AI. Watch "The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper," Sundays at 8pm ET.

01:21 - Source: CNN

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d6e896 No.111438

File: 3f9a707340e6fce⋯.png (575.84 KB,1079x1084,1079:1084,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014709 (021847ZDEC23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump lands in Iowa - will campaign in Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

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Video needs embedded o7


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d6e896 No.111439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014718 (021849ZDEC23) Notable: TRUMP IS LIVE!

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d6e896 No.111440

File: c97754a16c5c8f5⋯.png (353.21 KB,534x588,89:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014740 (021853ZDEC23) Notable: Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Automatically Handing Biden the State's Votes

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Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Automatically Handing Biden the State's Votes

Florida Democrats have decided they just don’t need to hold a presidential primary this year, automatically awarding President Joe Biden the state’s 250 delegates.

Thursday marked the deadline for Florida Democrats and Republicans to submit their lists of approved candidates for their receptive primaries. According to Politico, Biden was the only name on the list for his party despite other candidates running against him.

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN.) took to social media to express his fury with the Democratic Party, vowing to challenge “this absolute nonsense.”

“What happened in Florida yesterday is a tragedy and a travesty. The Florida Democratic Party – just a handful of people – decided to disenfranchise millions of Democratic voters in Florida by saying, ‘We’re not gonna have a presidential primary,’” Phillips said in a video. “I’m running for president; there are others running for President as Democrats, and this is the kind of stuff that happens in Tehran, not in Tallahassee. We’ve got to do something about this.”

In other words, the Left is determined not to let the 4.4 million Florida Democrats have a say in the party’s 2024 nominee.

Phillips called his party’s actions a “blatant act of electoral corruption,” demanding Biden to “condemn and immediately address” it.


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d6e896 No.111441

File: 116a2cbe4f30b91⋯.png (651.4 KB,848x477,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 63e93fbb573f901⋯.png (505.33 KB,839x472,839:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014741 (021853ZDEC23) Notable: TRUMP IS LIVE!

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d6e896 No.111442

File: 54bb7fcedb85a10⋯.png (489.74 KB,1033x575,1033:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014742 (021853ZDEC23) Notable: Lebron James’ Manager Maverick Carter Admits to Federal Agents He’s Bet Illegally on the NBA

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Lebron James’ Manager Maverick Carter Admits to Federal Agents He’s Bet Illegally on the NBA

by Anthony Scott Dec. 2, 2023 9:00 am

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d6e896 No.111443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014763 (021856ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Recalls Ambassador After Spanish PM Accuses IDF of Breaking Humanitarian Law

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Israel Recalls Ambassador After Spanish PM Accuses IDF of Breaking Humanitarian Law

Israel has gone from declaring war on Gaza to declaring war on the whole world.

I’m sure it’s going to work out very well for them.

The Israeli government has recalled its ambassador in Madrid and said it will be reprimanding Spain’s top diplomat in Tel Aviv after the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, said he had “genuine doubts” about whether Israel was complying with international humanitarian law in its offensive in Gaza.

Sánchez’s latest remarks came a week after he caused a diplomatic spat by using a visit to Israel to urge it to rethink its operations in Gaza, claiming its response to Hamas’s atrocities on 7 October could not “imply the deaths of innocent civilians, including thousands of children”.


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d6e896 No.111444

File: 7d411bf1d7bf96c⋯.png (629.25 KB,1062x658,531:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014767 (021858ZDEC23) Notable: Ransomware attack causes outages at 60 credit unions

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Ransomware attack causes outages at 60 credit unions, federal agency says

Sean Lyngaas

By Sean Lyngaas, CNN

2 minute read

Published 8:25 PM EST, Fri December 1, 2023

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d6e896 No.111445

File: 2bc5e3298f59cc2⋯.png (1.67 MB,1065x838,1065:838,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014776 (021900ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuelan vote on oil in Guyana raises concern - will Madura invade the country?

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Powder Keg America: World Court Forbids Venezuela To Invade Oil-Rich Guyana, as Socialist Dictator NicolĂĄs Maduro Uses Referendum To Distract From His Unpopular Rule

by Paul Serran Dec. 2, 2023 11:20 am

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d6e896 No.111446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014794 (021904ZDEC23) Notable: Actress Julianna Margulies is slammed for saying all Palestine supporters have been 'brainwashed to hate Jews'.....

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Actress Julianna Margulies is slammed for saying all Palestine supporters have been 'brainwashed to hate Jews' and that Black and LGBT people are 'lower than the Jews' and need to do more to support Israel

Julianna Margulies made a series of offensive remarks on a podcast last month

The Good Wife star, who is Jewish, claimed Palestine supporters are supporting 'terrorists who don't want women to have rights'

She claimed Black and queer people supporting Palestine are 'lower than the Jews' as she fumed over their 'lack of support' for Israel


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d6e896 No.111447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014811 (021907ZDEC23) Notable: 'Blatant Corruption': Byron Donalds Absolutely Hammers Biden In Heated Floor Speech

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BREAKING: 'Blatant Corruption': Byron Donalds Absolutely Hammers Biden In Heated Floor Speech

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d6e896 No.111448

File: 37659db6a840d33⋯.jpeg (142.02 KB,1224x1316,306:329,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014818 (021908ZDEC23) Notable: Rep. Jim Jordan: THE YOUTUBE FILES PART 2.

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Seriously if Jim Jordan buys the BSthat big tech and social media were coerced by the Bidan Admin, he’s more naive than I thought.

This is a Jordan clean up job because he is funded by Google, FB and other Tech Companies? He’s using the Judiciary Committee to defend them, exactly what they expect by funding his PAC

Rep. Jim Jordan


To appease the Biden White House, Big Tech gave into the federal government’s relentless pressure campaign to censor Americans’ speech, including true information.

YouTube capitulated first; Facebook caved next.Thread: dailywire.com

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Praised YouTube’s Censorship, Used It To Pressure Facebook To Intensify...

2:26 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan

.@JudiciaryGOP and @Weaponization obtained internal Google & Facebook docs revealing which Big Tech companies buckled first under pressure from the Biden White House to censor Americans’ posts,including true statements, jokes, memes, and opinions.

Rep. Jim Jordan

And once YouTube (Google) relented to censoring more content, the Biden White House used that as leverage to further increase the pressure on Facebook to do the same.

2:26 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan

Remember how the Biden White House was “outraged” that Facebook didn’t censor a meme?

Rep. Jim Jordan

What did the Biden White House want removed?

A meme.

That’s right, even memes weren’t spared from the Biden White House’s censorship efforts.

Rep. Jim Jordan

In that same April 2021 “hour long call,” Biden White House Senior Advisor Andy Slavitt warned Nick Clegg, Facebook’s President for Global Affairs, that “YT has made significant advances to remove content leading to vaccine hesitancy whilst [Facebook has] lagged behind.”

2:26 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan

That’s right. The Biden Admin praised Google for censoring Americans while criticizing Facebook.

In an internal Facebook email obtained by @JudiciaryGOP & @Weaponization, Clegg described his call with the Biden White House regarding censorship.

Rep. Jim Jordan

The email reveals that Nick Clegg—former UK Deputy Prime Minister—tried to reason with the Biden White House that, under America’s First Amendment, “removing content like that would represent a significant incursion into traditional boundaries of free expression in the US.”

2:26 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan

But the Biden White House was unmoved, and the response to Facebook was clear: you need to be like Google and YouTube and censor more.

Rep. Jim Jordan

In response to the White House’s demands, Clegg asked

his colleagues at Facebook to check whether the content is available

on YouTube because the White House’s “assumption is that [YouTube]

would never accept something like this.”

(This is utter bullshit, Clegg is playing a roll as an adversary of limiting free speech, when Youtube does nothing than censor free speech. I think this email chain was set up as plausible deniability)

2:26 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan

But why did Facebook and Google/YouTube relent to the White House’s pressure?

Because the companies had other policy priorities that they feared the White House could use as leverage against them.

Dec 1, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan

Facebook executives warned that they had “bigger fish to fry.”

2:26 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan

Meanwhile, the Google/YouTube Gov’t Affairs team cautioned that they were“seek[ing] to work closely with [the Biden] administration on multiple policy fronts.”

Rep. Jim Jordan

And so the gatekeepers of the modern town square relented—they censored Americans’ true speech and even jokes—all to appease the censors in the Biden White House.

2:26 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan

While the Biden @WhiteHouse is trying to obstruct our investigation and hide its role in censoring Americans, the investigation by the @JudiciaryGOP and @Weaponization continues to make progress.

Rep. Jim Jordan

Yesterday, we issued deposition subpoenas to two senior Biden White House officials, Rob Flaherty and Andy Slavitt, who were central to communicating the Biden White House’s censorship demands.


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d6e896 No.111449

File: 6eee7ee4cd04e15⋯.png (12.06 KB,369x311,369:311,Clipboard.png)

File: d02f8b8398ea52d⋯.png (441.88 KB,1268x996,317:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014822 (021909ZDEC23) Notable: Bombshell report gets dropped about the FBI meeting with George Floyd's medical examiner and altering the autopsy report

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Let me get this timeline straight...

A bombshell report gets dropped about the FBI meeting with George Floyd's medical examiner and altering the autopsy report.

Then, just days later, a long-time FBI informant stabs Derek Chauvin 22 times in jail.

Is that accurate?




George Floyd/Date of death

May 25, 2020 ???

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d6e896 No.111450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014824 (021911ZDEC23) Notable: US Reportedly Shipped 100 BLU-109 Bunker Buster Bombs to Help Israel Fight Hamas

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US Reportedly Shipped 100 BLU-109 Bunker Buster Bombs to Help Israel Fight Hamas

The United States has delivered 100 units of 2,000-pound BLU-109 bunker buster bombs among thousands of other ammunition and weapons systems to Israel in the war against the Palestinian movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip, US media reported on Friday.

Among the nearly 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells delivered to the Israeli military following Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, the United States has also transferred 100 BLU-109 bunker buster bombs, media reported, citing US officials.

The BLU-109 bomb, created to cause maximum damage, carries a 2,000-pound warhead capable of penetrating concrete shelters, it was reported. Israel could use such bunker buster bombs to penetrate Hamas’ vast network of underground tunnels and installations.

However, several security analysts have pointed out that the delivery of such bombs to Israel is inconsistent with the calls made by senior US officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to protect civilians and minimize human loss of life.


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d6e896 No.111451

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014841 (021914ZDEC23) Notable: Heart issues skyrocketing in military, US Navy medic says

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the military is fully vaxxed

thank Trump

America fuqqed

Heart issues skyrocketing in military, US Navy medic says

A United States Navy Medical Service Corps whistleblower recently disclosed information from the Department of Defense that reportedly shows a major increase in military pilots with heart-related issues after the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination.

Navy Medical Service Corps Lt. Ted Macie, who is an active-duty officer, a Navy health administrator, and a medical recruiter, shared the information Monday in a video on X, formerly Twitter. Macie presented his claims over concerns that have repeatedly been emphasized by his wife, Mara Macie, who is currently running for Florida’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In his video, Ted Macie claimed that the U.S. military has experienced a major increase in heart-related issues with helicopter and fixed-wing pilots. Macie claimed that Defense Department data shows a 937% increase in heart failure, a 152% increase in cardiomyopathy, a 69% increase in ischemic heart disease, a 62% increase in pulmonary heart disease, a 36% increase in hypertensive disease, and a 63% increase in other forms of heart disease compared to the five-year average before 2022.

USA 🇺🇲 Wow, The Insanity Continues 🔥Navy Medical Officer reveals Covax Vaccine Related Heart Issues. These numbers are astounding. "Myocarditis up 151%, Ischemic heart disease up 69%, pulmonary heart disease up 62% and Heart Failure is up 973% 👀👇 pic.twitter.com/KoPb82uUbr

— 𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙈𝙀𝙇𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀 (@Risemelbourne) November 28, 2023

In a statement released on X, Macie’s wife criticized the U.S. government’s treatment of military troops during the COVID-19 pandemic, argued that there is currently a high level of mistrust in the military’s leadership, and demanded accountability as “the only answer.”

“So you may have seen my wife’s recent post, and I want to elaborate on that and give you an example as to why reinstatement, back pay, and apologies isn’t enough,” Macie said in his video on Monday.

Macie told The Gateway Pundit, “The responses to our concerns from the DoD have been memorandums, letters. As in a letter displaying how they confirmed the data but said it was due to the covid virus, even though all the issues start in 2021.”

Macie explained that after meeting with the Chief of Naval Operations and her aid, the only response he has received is that the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database information has been passed on to the Navy Inspector General. “Slow-rolling everything has been the norm, as well as denying anything is happening,” he said.

“Congress’ response has been abysmal,” Macie added. “They’re more interested in going after woke things in the DoD, which, as we all know, is low-hanging fruit that’s of relatively low consequence compared to the death and injury over the illegal shot mandate.”

According to recent information published by the U.S. Army, 97% of active-duty U.S. troops are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, 90% of Army National Guard members are fully vaccinated, and 91% of U.S. Army Reserve members are fully vaccinated.



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d6e896 No.111452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014851 (021915ZDEC23) Notable: Introductory episode for a series on Child Abduction, trafficking and judicial kidnap

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This is the introductory episode for a series on Child Abduction, trafficking and judicial kidnap. Thousands of children are being removed from good parents across Australia. In the series we will try join the dots across the child protection industry and what is happening across the world. (A not on using Sophie's Choice: We will discuss the Holly wood elite in later videos.)

2 -

• Child Abduction Video 2 - Intersecti...

3 -

• Child Abduction Video 3 - Trashing a...

4 -

• Child Abduction Video 4: Cycle of "Co...

5 -

• Child Abduction Video 5: Sacred Bonds...

6 -

• Video

7 -

• Child Abduction Video 6: Maggie Woodh...


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d6e896 No.111453

File: 46fa0e5722f0954⋯.png (301.8 KB,599x514,599:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014852 (021915ZDEC23) Notable: DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer's Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Vaxxed Pilots

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The Gateway Pundit


UPDATE: DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer's Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit



7:58 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023




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d6e896 No.111454

File: 7d7177a19b3d8c6⋯.png (590.56 KB,631x759,631:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014857 (021915ZDEC23) Notable: US sends Israel 2000 lb bunker buster bombs

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d6e896 No.111455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014863 (021916ZDEC23) Notable: Heart issues skyrocketing in military, US Navy medic says

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SEPTEMBER 09, 2021



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d6e896 No.111456

File: 552144416c682db⋯.png (441.34 KB,593x462,593:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014864 (021916ZDEC23) Notable: Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer Sentenced for Being at the Capitol on January 6 via @gatewaypundit

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The Gateway Pundit


Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer Sentenced for Being at the Capitol on January 6 via @gatewaypundit

8:04 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023




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d6e896 No.111457

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014875 (021918ZDEC23) Notable: Harnwell: Putin orders 10% increase in troops as Zelensky blinks and pivots from offense to defense

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Harnwell: Putin orders 10% increase in troops as Zelensky blinks and pivots from offence to defence


President Zelensky’s shock pivot from offence to defence reveals the catastrophic implosion of Ukraine’s military capabilities. The order to divert scarce — and diminishing — resources to fortifying Kiev’s defences indicates they know the game is effectively up.

President Putin meanwhile pivots from “denazification” as his rationale for the war — which was for domestic consumption; to “opposing NATO expansion” — which is for the foreign audience. This suggests Putin is preparing the international community for a “mediated ceasefire” — on his terms.






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d6e896 No.111458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014890 (021920ZDEC23) Notable: Moderna admits COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer

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Moderna confirms COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer

Moderna has admitted its mRNA COVID vaccine causes CANCER after billions of DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous injection.

The revelation was made after Dr. Robert Malone recently made an appearance at an “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), at which he revealed how Moderna’s patent shows that its (COVID-19) “vaccine” vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.


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d6e896 No.111459

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014932 (021934ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuelan vote on oil in Guyana raises concern - will Madura invade the country?

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Faddis: Venezuela Prepares To Tear Off Two-Thirds Of A Neighboring Country Over Natural Resources. Guyana. President Xi approved when Madura went to China. Natural Resources being snapped up all over the globe by China, with tremendous help from Bidan; who just lifted sanctions on Venezuela



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d6e896 No.111460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014933 (021934ZDEC23) Notable: LEAKED Audio-ADL chief Jon Greenblatt says its no longer Left vs Right on Israel, it's old versus young.

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LEAKED Audio-ADL chief Jon Greenblatt says its no longer Left vs Right on Israel, it's old versus young.

Polling shows Israel has totally lost the sympathy of Millennials and Gen Z.

ADL is SPYING On Pro Palestine Orgs


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d6e896 No.111461

File: 71af063d2e25da7⋯.png (336.3 KB,620x280,31:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 01906631f745341⋯.png (120.65 KB,638x665,638:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014968 (021941ZDEC23) Notable: Romanian Prosecutors Request Criminal Inquiry into Former PM's Billion Dollar Spend on Unused Pfizer Vaccines

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Romanian Prosecutors Request Criminal Inquiry into Former PM's Billion Dollar Spend on Unused Pfizer Vaccines

Governments worldwide have disbursed substantial sums, amounting to tens of billions of dollars, to pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer for COVID-19 vaccines that will remain unused due to insufficient demand.

In a recent development, the Romanian Senate has granted permission for prosecutors to scrutinize Florin Citu, who served as Romania’s prime minister in 2021, for allocating $1.1 billion towards the purchase of 53 million mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses from Pfizer. Remarkably, these acquired vaccines were never used in Romania.

Florin Citu, is presently a senator within the ruling Liberal Party, a role that ordinarily grants him immunity from prosecution. However, on Thursday, anti-corruption prosecutors in Romania formally requested parliament and the president to authorise a criminal inquiry into the actions of the former Prime Minister and also of his former health ministers.

Florin Citu led a centrist coalition government after the December 2020 general election, which was in power for less than a year amid the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, with Vlad Voiculescu and Ioana Mihaila, who were both members of the junior party USR and served as health ministers in his administration.

Abuse of Power

The investigation centers on suspected abuse of office related to the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines. The prosecutors aim to scrutinize Citu, Voiculescu, and Mihaila for allegedly acquiring an excessive number of Pfizer and Moderna vaccine doses between January and May 2021 without proper documentation or assessments justifying the scale of the purchase, but Florin Citu has emphasised that he exercised his duties as prime minister “in accordance with Romanian legislation.”

Under Romanian law, prosecutors need parliament’s and the president’s approval to investigate and detain sitting lawmakers and former cabinet ministers for graft offences allegedly committed while they were in office, according to Reuters, who add that “Lawmakers have a patchy record of approving such requests, but Citu has been a vocal critic of the current coalition government which includes his party, ahead of local, European, general and presidential elections in 2024.”

Unfortunately for Citu, but rightly so, the Senate voted 90-2 to lift that immunity to enable the investigation to move forward, Romanian news outlets reported. Source All three may be charged with “abuse of power” (also translated as “abuse of office”), prosecutors have said.


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d6e896 No.111462

File: eec942a2280fb3b⋯.png (707.9 KB,894x763,894:763,Clipboard.png)

File: fcf1d9243ea3570⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014995 (021947ZDEC23) Notable: Scavino: "Nothing good about the clock!"

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Clock is no good.



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d6e896 No.111463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014999 (021949ZDEC23) Notable: "Nano Graphene Oxide is a GENETIC AND VASCULAR HACKSAW especially when the particular size is sub 2 micron."

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"Nano Graphene Oxide is a GENETIC AND VASCULAR HACKSAW especially when the particular size is sub 2 micron.

Nano Aluminum Oxide is powdered Alzheimer's... regardless of size, smaller is worse obvious because it penetrates bloodbrain, bloodreproductive, and even intracellular membranes.

When either are inhaled, ingested, and or injected... they start destroying the immune system, the organs, the blood, and the central nervous system.

Governments have been lacing the air, water, food, and "medicine" with these substances.

Here is some proof.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9558614/pdf/ao2c03171.pdf (USES OF TOXIN Graphene)

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-66714-2.pdf (CHEMICAL WEATHER WARFARE)

https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b10675 (CHEMICAL WEATHER WARFARE)

https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/counter/pdf/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y.pdf (PROOF IT'S BEEN USED IN CLOTSHOTS AND IS UNHEALTHY)

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d6e896 No.111464

File: 607b0be4709bac4⋯.png (150.48 KB,1089x701,1089:701,Clipboard.png)

File: a6bc8d1d1edbba3⋯.png (619.25 KB,931x655,931:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e06fb109aec77f⋯.png (26.99 KB,728x186,364:93,Clipboard.png)

File: b9a6ce9e24ed76f⋯.png (166.28 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015068 (022010ZDEC23) Notable: When Truth Becomes a Crime w/ Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

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1:04:35 TRT

Ep. 341: When Truth Becomes a Crime w/ Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff | The Courtenay Turner Podcast

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d6e896 No.111465

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015082 (022015ZDEC23) Notable: When Truth Becomes a Crime w/ Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

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d6e896 No.111466

File: b77ecfd4875ed1c⋯.jpeg (587.8 KB,1479x613,1479:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a69c93511bf7806⋯.jpeg (333.39 KB,899x534,899:534,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015113 (022020ZDEC23) Notable: PF

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planeFag muh climate change COP28 departures-kneepads is NOT AF2

JASDF JF001 777PM Kishidadeparted Dubai N/NE back to Tokyo Haneda-JF002 777 is under as escort

Indonesia AF IDAF01 737President Joko Widodoalso left Dubai

Hungarian AF HUAF339 A319President Katalin Novaksame thing-outta Dubai

Hungary's President: Sustainable Future Requires Sustainable Demography


Not AF2 kneepadsSAM850 C32A on ground at Dubai for muh climate change

COP28: US (kneepads) touts climate leadership as oil and gas output hits record


Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudadeparted Dubai back to Warsaw

Armenia AF ARY4002 A319 departed DubaiPresident Vahagn Khachaturyan

Sisi holds meeting with Armenian President at COP28


Sisi=IsiS think mirror

eastern Med

FORTE16 RQ4 Global Hawk drone and IAF IRON Oron G550 AEW&C out from Nevatim AB

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d6e896 No.111467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015120 (022022ZDEC23) Notable: Cedar Rapids Trump Rally coming up!

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d6e896 No.111468

File: 7f789d81a9a3cb3⋯.png (72.2 KB,713x585,713:585,Clipboard.png)

File: fbbd42359c397f6⋯.png (36.91 KB,727x327,727:327,Clipboard.png)

File: af048251c407b72⋯.png (76.62 KB,738x641,738:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 722a69f1e42e014⋯.png (277.08 KB,730x632,365:316,Clipboard.png)

File: c7d6b106b4ffc31⋯.png (57.75 KB,730x504,365:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015133 (022025ZDEC23) Notable: New Canal Between the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea will Cross Israel/Palestine?

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New Canal Between the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea will Cross Israel/Palestine?

Does Israel want to build an alternative to Suez?

Behind the official and declared causes of Israel invasion of Gaza’s Strip as a military action by the IDF aimed at fighting Hamas terrorism and expelling the Palestinian population there may be at least three much more concrete motivations.

The first of these motivations is of a political nature, i.e. the expulsion of the Palestinian population from the Gaza Strip, and is instrumental to the realization of the other two of very important economic reasons.

The second is the one I talked about in my previous article on VT entitled: ”Israeli Rogue Intentions Towards Gaza’s Gas Fields Behind the Official and Declared Causes of Invading Gaza’s Strip” and which I attach at the bottom of this article.

The third is equally of economic nature and consists of a very grandiose project of geoengineering transformation of Israel’s natural landscape.

It is divided into a series of projects which can be alternative but also susceptible of integration and completion between them.

Evidently also as a consequence of the amount of financial resources that their fund raising will be able to take on the financial markets after their disclosure.

In simple terms it is the opening of a very long big canal that could connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Dead Sea as an alternative to the opening of an other canal that could connect the Red Sea to the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea which in these projects would take on a central role as a logistics hub for maritime transport in central Israel.

As an alternative to these projects of opening of very long and large canals intended for maritime navigation which bypasses circumnavigation of Africa, two other projects are possible for the eventual exploitation of hydroelectric energy flowing from the Mediterranean Sea and/or from the Red Sea towards the Dead Sea through underground tunnels.

The maximum project that could connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea could be integrated and combined with the great Saudi project of the gigantic construction of the mega city of Neom overlooking the Gulf of Aqaba.



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d6e896 No.111469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015136 (022026ZDEC23) Notable: 'One of the best': Defenders show support for ousted Green Beret

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'One of the best': Defenders show support for ousted Green Beret

Former Capt. Daniel Quinn works with locals while deployed in Afghanistan. He left the Army in 2012 after being sent home for attacking an alleged confessed child rapist. Quinn is advocating that Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, who participated in the attack, be able to continue to serve.

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d6e896 No.111470

File: 9336881fc90c9a9⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB,2048x1496,256:187,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015145 (022026ZDEC23) Notable: PF

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Not much goin' on. (/sarc)

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d6e896 No.111471

File: eaf120db3ca13d8⋯.png (1.75 MB,1280x898,640:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015158 (022029ZDEC23) Notable: Scavino: "Nothing good about the clock!"

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Timestamp 242 is a near perfect 6 year Dec 1st Delta. “t the clock” appears in just 2 drops – Timestamp 14:42 – Hit’s drop #1441 – It’s never a coincidence.


A Week to [Remember].

Think Logically.

First private [CLAS-5(6)]

Second public.

Blackwater on GUARD.

Evidence KILLS.

These people are STUPID.


Be here tomorrow.

The story unfolds.


DARK [10]


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d6e896 No.111472

File: db3c79d40988584⋯.png (868.98 KB,1052x845,1052:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015200 (022040ZDEC23) Notable: Leo Hohmann: FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated

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Leo Hohmann: FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated

by Guest Contributor Dec. 2, 2023 1:40 pm

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d6e896 No.111473

File: 2de95fb0ae84130⋯.png (355.05 KB,1146x321,382:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015205 (022042ZDEC23) Notable: Children of liberal parents more likely to have mental issues - study

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Who'd have thunk it?

Children of liberal parents more likely to have mental issues – study


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d6e896 No.111474

File: e0569778647cb9c⋯.png (547.29 KB,1026x848,513:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015212 (022043ZDEC23) Notable: Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ - Guardian

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Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ – Guardian

>The media outlet has lamented that youthful citizens are increasingly backing “xenophobic” populists who prioritize their needs


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d6e896 No.111475

File: ad63394c599405e⋯.png (637.96 KB,1287x655,1287:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015227 (022045ZDEC23) Notable: U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say

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The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal with Russia.

Nov. 3, 2023, 7:47 PM EDT

By Courtney Kube, Carol E. Lee and Kristen Welker

WASHINGTON — U.S. and European officials have begun quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail to end the war, according to one current senior U.S. official and one former senior U.S. official familiar with the discussions.

The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal, the officials said. Some of the talks, which officials described as delicate, took place last month during a meeting of representatives from more than 50 nations supporting Ukraine, including NATO members, known as the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the officials said.

The discussions are an acknowledgment of the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine and politically in the U.S. and Europe, officials said.

They began amid concerns among U.S. and European officials that the war has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providing aid to Ukraine, officials said. Biden administration officials also are worried that Ukraine is running out of forces, while Russia has a seemingly endless supply, officials said. Ukraine is also struggling with recruiting and has recently seen public protests about some of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s open-ended conscription requirements.

And there is unease in the U.S. government with how much less public attention the war in Ukraine has garnered since the Israel-Hamas war began nearly a month ago, the officials said. Officials fear that shift could make securing additional aid for Kyiv more difficult.

Some U.S. military officials have privately begun using the term “stalemate” to describe the current battle in Ukraine, with some saying it may come down to which side can maintain a military force the longest. Neither side is making large strides on the battlefield, which some U.S. officials now describe as a war of inches. Officials also have privately said Ukraine likely only has until the end of the year or shortly thereafter before more urgent discussions about peace negotiations should begin. U.S. officials have shared their views on such a timeline with European allies, officials said.

Full Zelenskyy: ‘We are not ready to give our freedom to this f—ing terrorist Putin’

Nov. 5, 202343:51

“Any decisions about negotiations are up to Ukraine,” Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the National Security Council, said in a statement. “We are focused on continuing to stand strongly in support of Ukraine as they defend their freedom and independence against Russian aggression.”

An administration official also noted that the U.S. has participated with Ukraine in discussions of its peace summit framework but said the White House “is not aware of any other conversations with Ukraine about negotiations at the moment.”

Questions about manpower

President Joe Biden has been intensely focused on Ukraine’s depleting military forces, according to two people familiar with the matter.

"Manpower is at the top of the administration’s concerns right now,” one said. The U.S. and its allies can provide Ukraine with weaponry, this person said, “but if they don’t have competent forces to use them it doesn’t do a lot of good”

Biden has requested that Congress authorize additional funding for Ukraine, but, so far, the effort has failed to progress because of resistance from some congressional Republicans. The White House has linked aid for Ukraine and Israel in its most recent request. That has support among some congressional Republicans, but other GOP lawmakers have said they’ll only vote for an Israel-only aid package.

Before the Israel-Hamas war began, White House officials publicly expressed confidence that additional Ukraine funding would pass Congress before the end of this year, while privately conceding concerns about how difficult that might be.

Biden had been reassuring U.S. allies that Congress will approve more aid for Ukraine and planned a major speech on the issue. Once Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on Oct. 7, the president’s focus shifted to the Middle East, and his Ukraine speech morphed into an Oval Office address about why the U.S. should financially support Ukraine and Israel.

Is Putin ready to negotiate?

The Biden administration does not have any indication that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to negotiate with Ukraine, two U.S. officials said. Western officials say Putin still believes he can “wait out the West,” or keep fighting until the U.S. and its allies lose domestic support for funding Ukraine or the struggle to supply Kyiv with weapons and ammunition becomes too costly, officials said.

Both Ukraine and Russia are struggling to keep up with military supplies. Russia has ramped up production of artillery rounds, and, over the next couple years may be able to produce 2 million shells per year, according to a Western official. But Russia fired an estimated 10 million rounds in Ukraine last year, the official said, so it will also have to rely on other countries.

The Biden administration has spent $43.9 billion on security assistance for Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in February 2022, according to the Pentagon. A U.S. official says the administration has about $5 billion left to send to Ukraine before money runs out. There would be no aid left for Ukraine if the administration hadn’t said it found a $6.2 billion accounting error from months of over-valuing equipment sent to Kyiv.

Public support slipping

Progress in Ukraine’s counteroffensive has been very slow, and hope that Ukraine will make significant advances, including reaching the coast near Russia’s frontlines, is fading. A lack of significant progress on the battlefield in Ukraine does not help with trying to reverse the downward trend in public support for sending more aid, officials said.


U.S. news

U.S. border officials are closing a remote Arizona crossing because of overwhelming migrant arrivals

U.S. news

Belief death penalty is applied unfairly shows isolation in U.S. on capital punishment, report says

A Gallup poll released this week shows decreasing support for sending additional aid to Ukraine, with 41% of Americans saying the U.S. is doing too much to help Kyiv. That’s a significant change from just three months ago when 24% of Americans said they felt that way. The poll also found that 33% of Americans think the U.S. is doing the right amount for Ukraine, while 25% said the U.S. is not doing enough.

Public sentiment toward assisting Ukraine is also starting to soften in Europe.

As incentive for Zelenskyy to consider negotiations, NATO could offer Kyiv some security guarantees, even without Ukraine formally becoming part of the alliance, officials said. That way, officials said, the Ukrainians could be assured that Russia would be deterred from invading again.

In August national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters, “We do not assess that the conflict is a stalemate.” Instead, Sullivan said, Ukraine is taking territory on a “methodical, systematic basis.”

But a Western official acknowledged there has not been a lot of movement by either side in some time, and with the cold weather approaching it will be tough for either Ukraine or Russia to break that pattern. The official said it will not be impossible, but it will be difficult.

U.S. officials also assess that Russia will attempt to hit critical infrastructure in Ukraine again this winter, attempting to force some civilians to endure a frigid winter without heat or power.

Administration officials expect Ukraine to want more time to fight on the battlefield, particularly with new, heavier equipment, “but there’s a growing sense that it’s too late, and it’s time to do a deal,” the former senior administration official said. It is not certain that Ukraine would mount another spring offensive.

One senior administration official pushed back on any notion of the U.S. nudging Ukraine toward talks. The Ukrainians, the official said, “are on the clock in terms of weather, but they are not on the clock in terms of geopolitics.”

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d6e896 No.111476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015243 (022048ZDEC23) Notable: U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say

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U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say



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d6e896 No.111477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015260 (022052ZDEC23) Notable: What Happened at the Barzilai Hospital? - Israel Defense Forces

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What Happend at the Barzilai Hospital?

Israel Defense Forces


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015263 (022052ZDEC23) Notable: "Litigation floodgates are now open" for the mRNA vaccine-injure - 90 atty's available for lawsuits in different countries

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"Litigation floodgates are now open" for the mRNA vaccine-injured. Here is a current comprehensive list of all 90 attorneys around the world available for lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers.


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d6e896 No.111479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015309 (022104ZDEC23) Notable: #24568-A

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#24568-A >>111428

>>111429, >>111430 LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

>>111431 Antiwar.com: Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War

>>111432 Daniel Sachs controls the Soros by the open society.

>>111433 Ukraine removes Kissinger from ‘kill list’

>>111434, >>111435, >>111445, >>111459 Venezuelan vote on oil in Guyana raises concern - will Madura invade the country?

>>111436 Remington Closing New York Plant, Which Opened in 1828

>>111437 A student made an AI version of Anderson Cooper. Can you spot the difference?

>>111438 LIVE: President Trump lands in Iowa - will campaign in Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

>>111439, >>111441 TRUMP IS LIVE!

>>111440 Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Automatically Handing Biden the State's Votes

>>111442 Lebron James’ Manager Maverick Carter Admits to Federal Agents He’s Bet Illegally on the NBA

>>111443 Israel Recalls Ambassador After Spanish PM Accuses IDF of Breaking Humanitarian Law

>>111444 Ransomware attack causes outages at 60 credit unions

>>111446 Actress Julianna Margulies is slammed for saying all Palestine supporters have been 'brainwashed to hate Jews'.....

>>111447 'Blatant Corruption': Byron Donalds Absolutely Hammers Biden In Heated Floor Speech

>>111448 Rep. Jim Jordan: THE YOUTUBE FILES PART 2.

>>111449 Bombshell report gets dropped about the FBI meeting with George Floyd's medical examiner and altering the autopsy report

>>111450 US Reportedly Shipped 100 BLU-109 Bunker Buster Bombs to Help Israel Fight Hamas

>>111451, >>111455 Heart issues skyrocketing in military, US Navy medic says

>>111452 Introductory episode for a series on Child Abduction, trafficking and judicial kidnap

>>111453 DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer's Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Vaxxed Pilots



B is open

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d6e896 No.111480

File: d5d9fd4807aec87⋯.png (497.59 KB,592x621,592:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015329 (022107ZDEC23) Notable: @WallStreetSilv: Sis anyone tracking these promises so they can be reminded later that they need to leave?

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Wall Street Silver


Sis anyone tracking these promises so they can be reminded later that they need to leave?


Donald J. Trump 🇺🇸 News




🚨BREAKING: Taylor Swift and Nancy Pelosi say they will leave the United States if Donald Trump becomes President in 2024.

What's your reaction?



9:22 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023




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d6e896 No.111481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015389 (022120ZDEC23) Notable: #24568-B

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>>111454 US sends israel 2000 lb bunker buster bombs

>>111456 Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer Sentenced for Being at the Capitol on January 6 via @gatewaypundit

>>111457 Harnwell: Putin orders 10% increase in troops as Zelensky blinks and pivots from offense to defense

>>111458 Moderna admits COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer

>>111460 LEAKED Audio-ADL chief Jon Greenblatt says its no longer Left vs Right on Israel, it's old versus young.

>>111461 Romanian Prosecutors Request Criminal Inquiry into Former PM's Billion Dollar Spend on Unused Pfizer Vaccines

>>111462, >>111471 Scavino: "Nothing good about the clock!"

>>111463 "Nano Graphene Oxide is a GENETIC AND VASCULAR HACKSAW especially when the particular size is sub 2 micron."

>>111464, >>111465 When Truth Becomes a Crime w/ Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

>>111467 Cedar Rapids Trump Rally coming up!

>>111468 New Canal Between the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea will Cross Israel/Palestine?

>>111469 'One of the best': Defenders show support for ousted Green Beret

>>111466, >>111470 PF

>>111472 Leo Hohmann: FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated

>>111473 Children of liberal parents more likely to have mental issues - study

>>111474 Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ - Guardian

>>111476, >>111475 U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say

>>111477 What Happend at the Barzilai Hospital? - Israel Defense Forces

>>111478 "Litigation floodgates are now open" for the mRNA vaccine-injure - 90 atty's available for lawsuits in different countries

>>111480 @WallStreetSilv: Sis anyone tracking these promises so they can be reminded later that they need to leave?


baker needs handoff at the top

President Trump on around THIRTY minutes after the hour, according to RSBN.


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d6e896 No.111482

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015406 (022124ZDEC23) Notable: #24569-A

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baker needs handoff

LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23


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d6e896 No.111483

File: dc772a9b42e39af⋯.png (1.09 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015414 (022125ZDEC23) Notable: PF

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USN E-6B Mercury Flying Command Posts. DANK07 on the west coast. Coke06 on the east coast.


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d6e896 No.111484

File: a8ee70b8ce37eca⋯.jpeg (114.36 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015420 (022125ZDEC23) Notable: Russia reveals new size of army

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1 Dec, 2023 19:43

Russia reveals new size of army

Citing the NATO build-up, Moscow has increased the size of its active service to 1.3 million

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed an executive order increasing the size of the armed forces by 170,000 members, effective immediately.

The order establishes the size of the armed forces of the Russian Federation at 2,209,130 personnel, of which 1,320,000 would be under arms.

The expansion is related to increased security threatsdue to the expansion of NATO and the massing of US-led bloc’s troops on the Russian borders, the Kremlin explained. Growing the military will happen in stages and will start with those service members who enlisted into contract service.

Since the start of 2023, over 450,000 people have signed enlistment contracts with the Russian armed forces, according to the deputy chairman of the National Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev.

Contract soldiers are a separate category from professional soldiers and conscripts called up for their mandatory service, who make up the bulk of the Russian military. Moscow also called upabout 300,000 reservistslast fall, due to the changing nature of the Ukraine conflict.

Putin also noted that the US has announced the intent to replace 200 of its nuclear bombs currently deployed to Europe and TĂźrkiye with new weapons by the end of 2025.Expanding the size of the Russian military is a prudent step with that in mind.

The Russian government was instructed to allocate the funding to the Defense Ministry necessary to carry out the order. It came into effect upon publication, overriding the August 2022 decree on the size of the armed forces.


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d6e896 No.111485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015436 (022129ZDEC23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump ON NOW

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d6e896 No.111486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015439 (022129ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: For decades you watched as a corrupt political class in our nation's capital, looted your money, trampled on your dignity, and pushed their radical agenda into every aspect of your lives. But in 2016, you voted to stand up to those liars, losers, crooks and creeps, and you elected an outsider as your president. It was about America First. We want to put our country first.

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President Trump: For decades you watched as a corrupt political class in our nation's capital, looted your money, trampled on your dignity, and pushed their radical agenda into every aspect of your lives. But in 2016, you voted to stand up to those liars, losers, crooks and creeps, and you elected an outsider as your president. It was about America First. We want to put our country first.

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d6e896 No.111487

File: a1eb6e07a8e2357⋯.jpeg (539.49 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015440 (022129ZDEC23) Notable: Dem presidential candidates left off the FL ballot are digging in; party is standing by the process

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Latest in Election Theft

Don’t put Competition on the Ballet

Dem presidential candidates left off the FL ballot are digging in; party is standing by the process

As of Friday, three Democratic presidential candidates are stuck and unable to get on the March primary ballot in Florida — and they say it’s suppressing democracy.

At issue is that the Florida Democratic Party has submitted only President Joe Biden’s name on the March 2024 presidential primary ballot. Biden is dominating the Democratic race for president, with an average lead of approximately 60 points over any other contender in the presidential race, according to RealClearPolitics.

But Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips, author and former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson and “The Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur said Friday that they’re still pushing to get their own names on the primary ballot in Florida.

Williamson and Uygur together sent a letter to the Florida Democratic Party on Friday, asking for their names to be submitted to the Florida Secretary of State’s office, according to comments they made during a Zoom press conference.

Uygur says that if the state party doesn’t submit their names to get on the ballot, they will make an “implementation challenge” to both the FDP and the Democratic National Committee and “try to actually get them to follow their own rules and by-laws.”

“Because we are correct,” he said at the Zoom conference call. “The FDP is incorrect in how they are applying these rules. That implementation challenge has succeeded before. It will likely succeed in this case if we have to go to it and it’s just flat out embarrassing for the FDP leadership that they have to be forced to follow their own rules.”


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d6e896 No.111488

File: 18bca41fd61e8c1⋯.jpeg (79.67 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015442 (022129ZDEC23) Notable: White House admits time running out for Ukraine cash

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2 Dec, 2023 15:52

White House admits time running out for Ukraine cash

Washington needs to secure additional funding before it gets “really hard” tocontinue propping upKiev, John Kirby has admitted

The White House urgently needs supplemental funding to continue supporting Ukraine, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has admitted. The official added that the Biden administration effectively only has until the end of the year until it gets “really hard” to continue propping up Kiev.

Kirby made the remarks on Thursday during a joint press briefing with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. The official claimed a new Russian campaign against Ukrainian critical infrastructure was imminent, and, despite the US and Kiev “working aggressively” for months to prepare for it, there were still things to be done, he warned.

“We have more work to do in support of Ukraine, and we need Congress to take action to pass additional supplemental funding so that we can keep providing Ukraine with air-defense assess – assets, the protection equipment, and the backup supplies that they need,” Kirby stated.(Fuck Off Kirby, it’s not gonna happen!)

The window of opportunity for securing the funding is getting narrower, the official admitted, urging Congress to allocate it finally. “The supplemental funding is important.We didn’t pull those figures out of thin air.(kek yes you did because Kiev steals all the money!!) We need that funding. We continue to urge Congress to pass that supplemental as soon as possible,”he said.

Again, as I said before many times,the runway is getting shorter. And we think we got until, you know, about the end of the year before it gets really, really hard to continue to support Ukraine. And the end of the year is coming soon.

For weeks, the Biden administration has unsuccessfully tried to push its new “national security” funding package for Kiev through Congress. The latest iteration of the package includes roughly $106 billion for combined aid for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

The new attempt to pass the package will be undertaken in the first week of December, according to US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. According to Schumer, “the biggest holdup” to passing the supplementary funding was the opposition of Republicans and their insistence on tying foreign aid to US border security policy changes. (Fuck you Schumer, go home to Fred Flintstone and get groove on!)

“One of the most important tasks we must finish is taking up and passing a funding bill to ensure we, as well as our friends and partners in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region, have the necessary military capabilities to confront and deter our adversaries and competitors,” Schumer wrote in a letter to senators last Sunday. The senior lawmaker claimed that Kiev was likely to lose the conflict with Russia without receiving further funding from the US.

Since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022, the US has provided Kiev with more than $76 billion in military hardware and other aid but recently warned that available funds were running out.

(Did Kirby use “propping up Kiev”? Kinda weird messaging eh?Bidan pop Admin has already surpassed Jimmy Carter’s awful records on military plans that were losers and pathetic! Out of the many reasons I want him arrested for Treason is because, if he’s not charged he’d have a state funeral.)


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d6e896 No.111489

File: 355f238cc64bf47⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015448 (022130ZDEC23) Notable: EVERYTHING WE TOLD YOU ABOUT J6 IS TRUE. Watch the MPDC's failed attempt to tear gas peaceful J6 protestors

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>Everything is just complete ridiculous!


👀 Watch the MPDC's failed attempt to tear gas peaceful J6 protestors.

Listen to the officer say: "Hey Rich, put it up in the fucking scaffolding." (14 sec)

Then, watch the MPDC tear gas itself and the entire Western Terrace collapse.


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d6e896 No.111490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015457 (022131ZDEC23) Notable: New school bus tracking system at Rio Rancho Public Schools

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NM school tracking students using RFID cards. So they aren't tracking the buses, they are tracking the students.

New school bus tracking system at Rio Rancho Public Schools

Rio Rancho Public Schools is implementing a school bus tracking system as part of a new district-wide initiative to help increase school safety. Students will be required to use scannable IDs to check in and out through the tracking system while boarding their bus routes.

"It's a tracking system. We want to be able to completely track our students during the transportation process. Essentially, the way it works, when students get on a school bus, they will take their proximity card and scan it onto the bus. This way, we'll know everybody that is on the bus," Rio Rancho Public Schools Chief Operating Officer Michael Baker said.

"When they depart from the bus, they will scan off the bus and, in this way, we know each student that gets on and off the bus and what stops they get on and off the bus. It helps us double-check to ensure the students are getting on the correct bus and they're getting off at the correct stop," Baker said.

"It's not really often that we have to go looking for kids. At the most, maybe one a month. As you can imagine, if you're a parent and your student doesn't get off the bus, especially with kindergarten students and first-grade students, we get really concerned," Baker said. "We want to kind of close that gap with this system. By using this system, instead of taking hours to do this investigation, it should only take us a few minutes."

Baker told KOAT that some schools within the district have received their cards, and the remaining cards will be distributed in the second week of December 2023. The system will go into effect next school semester.


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d6e896 No.111491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015463 (022132ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: For four straight years, they tried to overthrow the duly elected president with one hoax, witch hunt and abuse of power after another. Remember Russia, Russia, Russia, remember all of the nonsense all turned out to be fake. Then they rigged and stole the election of 2020. They rigged it, and they stole it.

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President Trump: For four straight years, they tried to overthrow the duly elected president with one hoax, witch hunt and abuse of power after another. Remember Russia, Russia, Russia, remember all of the nonsense all turned out to be fake. Then they rigged and stole the election of 2020. They rigged it, and they stole it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111492

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015482 (022134ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: Over the past few years, you've watched Biden and his band of marxists, communists, fascists, try to crush free speech, censor their critics, criminalize dissent, destroy attorney-client privilege, which is something nobody ever though they would see in this country, and even attempt to imprison their leading electoral rival by far, on bogus charges; that happens to be me, in case you forget.

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President Trump: Over the past few years, you've watched Biden and his band of marxists, communists, fascists, try to crush free speech, censor their critics, criminalize dissent, destroy attorney-client privilege, which is something nobody ever though they would see in this country, and even attempt to imprison their leading electoral rival by far, on bogus charges; that happens to be me, in case you forget.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015508 (022138ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: No president ever sent the FBI to raid the home of his opponent for crimes that he himself actually committed. He committed crimes.

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President Trump: No president ever sent the FBI to raid the home of his opponent for crimes that he himself actually committed. He committed crimes.

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d6e896 No.111494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015516 (022139ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: "Ban the use of AI to censor the speech of citizens on Day 1."

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"Ban the use of AI to censor the speech of citizens on Day 1."

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d6e896 No.111495

File: 6be33343eb500cb⋯.png (40 KB,1234x389,1234:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015522 (022140ZDEC23) Notable: US commits to shutting down its coal plants during COP28

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US commits to shutting down its coal plants

during COP28

Fox News, by Michael Dorgan

Posted By: Grateful, 12/2/2023 2:25:06 PM

The Biden Administration is forging ahead with its green agenda by committing the United States to not building any new coal plants and phasing out existing plants. U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry announced at the annual United Nations climate change summit, known as COP28 and which is being held in Dubai, although no date was given for when the existing plants would have to go. "We will be working to accelerate unabated coal phase-out across the world, building stronger economies and more resilient communities.”

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d6e896 No.111496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015531 (022143ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: This campaign is a righteous crusade to liberate our Republic from Biden and the criminals in the Biden administration; they're criminals. They're criminals. That think they can do whatever they want, break any law, tell any lie, ruin any life, trash any norm, and get away with anything they want. They want to control your speech, and they want to control your social media, they want to control what car you drive…They want to talk about your dishwashers and how much water you can have in your dishwater, even though they don't work, and all the other things that were so precious and dear, that you never really appreciated until now, because they want to take them away. Your heating and cooling in your house; they want to change it. They want to change everything. These people are sick.

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President Trump: This campaign is a righteous crusade to liberate our Republic from Biden and the criminals in the Biden administration; they're criminals. They're criminals. That think they can do whatever they want, break any law, tell any lie, ruin any life, trash any norm, and get away with anything they want. They want to control your speech, and they want to control your social media, they want to control what car you drive...They want to talk about your dishwashers and how much water you can have in your dishwater, even though they don't work, and all the other things that were so precious and dear, that you never really appreciated until now, because they want to take them away. Your heating and cooling in your house; they want to change it. They want to change everything. These people are sick.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015542 (022145ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: Just this week, Biden's Homeland Security Secretary even admitted that they are weaponizing artificial intelligence to target American citizens for political speech…when I am reelected, I will cancel Biden's artificial intelligence executive order, and ban the use of AI to censor the speech of American citizens on Day One.

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President Trump: Just this week, Biden's Homeland Security Secretary even admitted that they are weaponizing artificial intelligence to target American citizens for political speech...when I am reelected, I will cancel Biden's artificial intelligence executive order, and ban the use of AI to censor the speech of American citizens on Day One.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111498

File: 3d5e878d748f4cc⋯.png (179.39 KB,590x533,590:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015548 (022146ZDEC23) Notable: @catturd2 - Badass.

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Catturd ™




Citizen Free Press




American Excellence 🇺🇸

8:15 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023




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d6e896 No.111499

File: 6397edff1052047⋯.jpeg (386.76 KB,1234x3471,1234:3471,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015562 (022147ZDEC23) Notable: Man arrested for suspected online terrorism offences

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Man arrested for suspected online terrorism offences

A man has been arrested by officers from the Met's Counter Terrorism Command as part of an investigation into online Islamist terrorist and anti-Semitic material.

The 20-year-old man was arrested in north London on Wednesday, 22 November on suspicion of encouragement of terrorism and dissemination of a terrorist publication - both relating to Islamist Terrorism online content.

He was also arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred, which relates to anti-Semitic online content. The investigation predates the current Israel-Hamas conflict.

The man was initially stopped back in June 2023 during a Schedule 7 stop at Heathrow. During the stop, officers examined his electronic devices and they were subsequently seized and sent for further analysis, the results of which led to his arrest this week.

He was taken to a south London police station and has since been released on bail to a date in Feb 2024 pending further enquiries.

Commander Dominic Murphy, who leads the Met's Counter Terrorism Command, said:

"While this investigation predates the current Israel-Hamas conflict, we know many people - particularly those in our Jewish communities - are concerned about certain material they may be seeing online. I hope this reassures the public that we will take action where people are breaking the law in this way. Anyone concerned about content that they think could be terrorist-related should report it to us.

"This arrest came about as a result of a schedule 7 stop at a port and these powers help us to keep the public and UK safe from terrorism. There is no place for hateful, terrorist ideology to be spread online and where we identify people who we believe to be committing offences, we will investigate and take action.”

If you have seen material online which you are concerned could be terrorist or extremist, please report it at: www.gov.uk/report-terrorism

Communities defeat terrorism, and information from the public is vital to our counter terrorism investigations. If you see or hear something unusual or suspicious and think someone may be engaging in terrorist activity, trust your instincts and ACT by reporting it in confidence at www.gov.uk/ACT or call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321.

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d6e896 No.111500

File: 0ec3f4e86236d8c⋯.png (867.3 KB,886x803,886:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015563 (022147ZDEC23) Notable: California Imposing Restrictions on Carrying Guns Despite SCOTUS Ruling

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California Imposing Restrictions on Carrying

Guns Despite SCOTUS Ruling

PJ Media, by Rick Moran

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 12/2/2023 3:19:11 PM

In New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the Supreme Court upheld the Second Amendment right to carry guns for self-defense outside of the home. But California is looking to circumvent that right by imposing dubious restrictions on where citizens can carry guns. Other states have tried this route and each has been struck down by various courts. But that didn't stop Governor Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the state legislature from trying. S.B. 2, signed into law by Newsom in September and effective January 1, 2024, recognizes the right of individuals to carry firearms for self-protection. But it limits the discretion of licensing authorities to a ludicrous degree.

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d6e896 No.111501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015564 (022147ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: In the past three years, Biden and the radical-left democrats spent twelve trillion dollars wasting colossal amounts of your money on socialist scams that caused cumulative inflation of over twenty percent. As a result, the average thirty-year mortgage rate is now 7.8%, but you can't get it, so it doesn't matter.

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President Trump: In the past three years, Biden and the radical-left democrats spent twelve trillion dollars wasting colossal amounts of your money on socialist scams that caused cumulative inflation of over twenty percent. As a result, the average thirty-year mortgage rate is now 7.8%, but you can't get it, so it doesn't matter.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111502

File: f307d97838c1e82⋯.jpeg (973.71 KB,1234x5892,617:2946,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015588 (022152ZDEC23) Notable: Long Island nonprofit ERASE Racism has created a mapping tool that allows users to identify "high-opportunity" areas that might make prime candidates for affordable housing.

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Long Island nonprofit ERASE Racism has created a mapping tool that allows users to identify "high-opportunity" areas that might make prime candidates for affordable housing.

The tool evaluates how suitable areas are for affordable housing, using data on financial stability, health outcomes, housing and school district quality.

The online mapping tool covers all of New York State, enabling users to analyze data by county, town, school district and census tract. ERASE Racism, a Syosset-based civil rights organization, said it hopes the tool will help inform discussions about development as New York faces a housing affordability crisis.

“When affordable housing is built, it’s normally built in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods, which increases economic and racial segregation,” said Olivia Ildefonso, a research consultant to ERASE Racism who developed the tool with its president, Laura Harding.


The nonprofit ERASE Racism released a map that identifies areas it said would make prime candidates for affordable housing, using data from the U.S. Census and state Education Department.

The map highlights financially stable areas with strong school districts that have the resources to take on more students, said Laura Harding, president of the nonprofit.

Local leaders in housing and education said the tool will inform the housing debate on Long Island but overlooks major obstacles, such as zoning rules and environmental concerns.

“We’re really trying to advocate for more affordable housing and more inclusive housing all over New York State and Long Island, not just always in the same neighborhoods," said Ildefonso, who has a doctorate in Earth and environmental sciences from the CUNY Graduate Center. Her dissertation focused on the history of the public education system in the U.S. and how it reproduces social inequities.

Skeptics said the map leaves out key context about the reasons why housing hasn't been developed in certain areas, including zoning rules, infrastructure issues and environmental concerns.

Grading neighborhoods and schools

The new tool uses 30 measures, including health characteristics, such as life expectancy and percentage of the population with health insurance; financial characteristics, such as median income, employment rate and the percentage living above the poverty rate; and housing data, such as the percentage of people who pay a high percentage of their income toward rent.

The map’s Neighborhood Opportunity Index, which focuses on financial stability, health and housing, identified Lloyd Harbor and parts of Commack and East Setauket as showing the greatest opportunity for housing on Long Island.

ERASE Racism's Affordable and Inclusive Housing Tool shows which parts of Long Island it has identified as "high-opportunity" areas to add affordable housing. Credit: ERASE Racism

ERASE Racism’s Education Opportunity Index, which is separately broken out by school systems, showed the North Shore, East Williston, Merrick, Cold Spring Harbor, Quogue and Amagansett districts have the highest opportunity for housing. That rating reflects areas with fewer economically disadvantaged students, better performance on standardized tests and higher spending per pupil, among other measures.

ERASE Racism’s Education Opportunity Index is broken out by school districts on Long Island. The chart on the right includes all of New York State. Credit: ERASE Racism

The tool allows users to search specific addresses, see which areas of Long Island are the most and least racially diverse and view where subsidized housing was previously built.

It also provides data on changes in student enrollment between 2016 and 2021. Cold Spring Harbor schools, for example, saw a 12% decline in enrollment during the five-year span.

Areas with strong school districts that have seen enrollment fall make good candidates for new housing, Harding said.

"These are some places, which ended up usually to be predominantly white communities on Long Island and across New York State, that can stand to take more people — both from a housing perspective and a schoolwide perspective — and not see a loss in services or a derogatory, negative impact on housing and education," she said. "We should be looking at building affordable housing here."

The high cost of housing

Long Islanders are facing record home prices, and more than half of local renters spend at least 30% of their income on rent. A large majority say they want more housing options, according to a nextLI/Newsday poll of 2,910 local residents conducted last year. But there was less consensus on the types of housing Long Islanders would like to see built, with a majority saying they would like to see less "dense housing" built.


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d6e896 No.111503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015591 (022153ZDEC23) Notable: Long Island nonprofit ERASE Racism has created a mapping tool that allows users to identify "high-opportunity" areas that might make prime candidates for affordable housing.

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Gov. Kathy Hochul made affordable housing a key part of her executive budget this year, proposing to increase the number of housing units in New York State by 800,000 over 10 years. But the proposal didn't make it into the final budget. It faced significant opposition from suburban lawmakers, including Long Island Republicans, who said it represented an overreach by the state into local zoning decisions.

The latest effort from ERASE Racism builds upon its previous work that showed student enrollment declined 12% on Long Island from 2007 to 2022. However, enrollment grew by 34% in the 11 Long Island school districts where students of color represent 90% of students.

“Segregation that concentrates all the high-needs students in the same school districts places a financial strain on these districts,” Ildefonso said.

Kevin Scanlon, superintendent of the Three Village Central School District, which serves Stony Brook and surrounding communities and was highlighted as a high-opportunity area, said he believes the district can absorb some additional students, but increasing enrollment could require more staffing. He noted the district’s students have become more diverse in the past decade, with its Asian population rising to 13% of students, from 9%, and its Hispanic/Latino students increasing to 9%, from 4%.

“Declining enrollment does not necessarily mean that any district has the capacity to take on new students,” he said. “Some districts have reduced their staffing based on declining enrollment. Adding students may require additional staffing, which would also mean an increase to the budget.”

He said the state’s 2% cap on annual increases to the property tax levy for school districts might require examining other potential cuts if spending were to increase.

While the map identifies areas of opportunity, it doesn’t address some of the key obstacles to housing development, including zoning rules that prohibit multifamily housing or require large lot sizes. Other areas lack the needed sewers to accommodate development or have been preserved because of environmental concerns, said Richard Murdocco, an adjunct professor of economic development and planning at Stony Brook University.

“Tools like this are not a three-dimensional solution to a three-dimensional problem,” Murdocco said. “… What it lacks is the nuance of why denser housing wasn’t put there in the first place.”

Murdocco noted that areas such as Bay Shore, which are in high-risk flood zones, are described as opportunity areas, while areas that include shopping malls that could be redeveloped for housing, including Lake Grove and Hicksville, aren’t highlighted.

Building affordable

David Gallo, co-founder and president of affordable housing developer Georgica Green Ventures, said he sees the tool as useful because it aggregates data in one place. He believes it will be helpful to community members as they consider housing proposals.

Georgica Green Ventures built 28 units of income-restricted apartments at...

Georgica Green Ventures built 28 units of income-restricted apartments at Sandy Hollow Cove in Southampton in 2019. Credit: Courtesy of Georgica Green Ventures

“Affordable housing has a place in all communities,” Gallo said. “Diversity of race, diversity of income, diversity of age, make our communities better and our children smarter.”

While Gallo said he couldn’t comment specifically on the high-opportunity areas identified on the map, he noted Georgica Green has had success building affordable housing developments on Long Island in high-income areas, including East Hampton, Roslyn Heights and Southampton.

“Everyone said we couldn’t do affordable housing in Southampton. ‘That’s impossible. The land costs are too high. There’s no sewers.’ But we were able to, and we’ve done two [projects] and we’ve done two in East Hampton,” Gallo said. “So, I never want to say it can’t happen in any community.”

Ian Wilder, executive director of Long Island Housing Services, said the tool will supply data for discussions about housing development on Long Island and could be used by people searching for housing, town planners and advocacy groups.

“We have any number of communities on Long Island that have great school districts, really good business opportunities, great neighborhoods, great shopping," Wilder said, "but the question is, does everybody have access to those?”

With Craig Schneider

Explore the map

Use the "County" filter to focus on Nassau and/or Suffolk areas, Zoom/pan tools or address search (tap on the magnifying glass) to explore the data. Click on a specific area to get more information.

Jonathan LaMantia

2 of 2

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d6e896 No.111504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015596 (022154ZDEC23) Notable: President Trump: I think if you had a real election, and Jesus came down, and God came down, and said, 'I'm gonna be the scorekeeper here', I think we'd win there [California], I think we'd win in Illinois, and I think we'd win in New York.

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President Trump: I think if you had a real election, and Jesus came down, and God came down, and said, 'I'm gonna be the scorekeeper here', I think we'd win there [California], I think we'd win in Illinois, and I think we'd win in New York.

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d6e896 No.111505

File: d0608dc6b8badac⋯.png (193.69 KB,559x529,559:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015657 (022201ZDEC23) Notable: Kamala Harris Attacks Israel Over Hamas War: “Too Many Innocent Palestinians Have Been Killed”

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Here comes the mindfuck propaganda - remember they all serve the same master and her husband is a Zionist - Polarization tactic - psych warfare

Kamala Harris Attacks Israel Over Hamas War: “Too Many Innocent Palestinians Have Been Killed”

Kamala Harris attacked Israel over its conduct of the war with Hamas in Gaza in remarks made Saturday at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, saying, “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.”

The criticism comes as the Biden administration is facing enormous political pressure by the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party with reports of Arab Muslims and progressives in swing states including Michigan saying they will not vote for Biden-Harris in the 2024 election because of the administration’s support for Israel. Biden went through a struggle session with Arab Muslims at the White House on October 26 in which he criticized himself for doubting the high number of Palestinian casualties in Gaza claimed by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry: “I’m sorry. I’m disappointed in myself,” he told the group, according to two people familiar with the meeting. “I will do better.” (via the Washington Post)

Harris began her remarks with a recitation of the horrors of the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and support for Israel’s right to defend itself, noting that Americans were killed and are still being held hostage. Harris praised the release of about half the hostages held by Hamas that was facilitated by the now ended ceasefire agreement. Harris went on to differentiate the Palestinians in Gaza from Hamas and then blasted Israel for its conduct of the war.

“Let me be also very clear as I have said before. We cannot conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization. Hamas has vowed to repeat October 7 until Israel is annihilated. No nation could possible live with such danger, which is why we support Israel’s legitimate military objectives to eliminate the threat of Hamas. President Biden and I have also been clear with the Israeli government in public and in private many times: As Israel defends itself, it matters how. The United States is unequivocal: International humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating. I have spoken with members of the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities of America, including those who have lost loved ones in Gaza and American citizens who were injured and evacuated from Gaza. It is truly heartbreaking. As Israel pursues its military objectives in Gaza, we believe Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians.”

“Let me be also very clear as I have said before. We cannot conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization. Hamas has vowed to repeat October 7 until Israel is annihilated. No nation could possible live with such danger, which is why we support Israel’s legitimate military objectives to eliminate the threat of Hamas. President Biden and I have also been clear with the Israeli government in public and in private many times: As Israel defends itself, it matters how. The United States is unequivocal: International humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating. I have spoken with members of the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities of America, including those who have lost loved ones in Gaza and American citizens who were injured and evacuated from Gaza. It is truly heartbreaking. As Israel pursues its military objectives in Gaza, we believe Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians.”


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d6e896 No.111506

File: 98c1ac14cd39b95⋯.jpg (22.3 KB,486x370,243:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015664 (022202ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING: UK to conduct surveillance flights over Israel and Gaza to help find hostages held by Hamas

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Sky News


BREAKING: UK to conduct surveillance flights over Israel and Gaza to help find hostages held by Hamas

3:01 PM ¡ Dec 2, 2023



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d6e896 No.111507

File: 5bb1cd147f1d3d8⋯.png (81.59 KB,404x494,202:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015673 (022204ZDEC23) Notable: The Islamic Resistance in Iraq published a statement claiming responsibility for attacking an American position with a drone at Erbil airport in Iraq.

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Joe Truzman


Iraqi militias have officially resumed targeting American positions: The Islamic Resistance in Iraq published a statement claiming responsibility for attacking an American position with a drone at Erbil airport in Iraq.

Last edited

3:14 PM ¡ Dec 2, 2023


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d6e896 No.111508

File: b6ce3f1135ffe6a⋯.jpeg (371.39 KB,1168x625,1168:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c43fe00aa406b64⋯.jpeg (741.13 KB,1321x611,1321:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 26d60c29f5ff2c2⋯.jpeg (513.43 KB,1299x619,1299:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 33732f11c2b26a8⋯.jpeg (788.75 KB,1611x671,1611:671,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015684 (022205ZDEC23) Notable: PF: IAF 695 707 Re’em tanker departed Birmingham Intl Airport to Tel Aviv (with a load of weaponry) and 45’s flight from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids

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>>111357 pb

Early morning departure for Israeli AF IAF695 707 Re’em tanker from Dover AFB

IAF 695 707 Re’em tanker departed Birmingham Intl Airport to Tel Aviv

It appears it was going to land at RAF Honington earlier on inbound and was doing roundies (6) just south of it. I’m guessing they did not get clearance from RAF ATC so had to go to civil airport and the roundies was when the “negotiating” was going on. You don’t cross the Atlantic (likely fully loaded out of Dover-because it left just after 1AM EST) and then do runway roundies after that crossing-appears RAF ATC doesn’t want the optics of a 707 loaded with weapons on its base-it would be easily visible from the “A”roads/area as it arrived during daylight hours

It landed at Birmingham earlier today cap 2

Missed from last bread and cap 3, cap 4 is AC

45in N895MM Hawker Beechcraft in transit from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids-eastern Iowa Airport

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d6e896 No.111509

File: 6e4d4f47af45696⋯.jpeg (428.37 KB,1264x613,1264:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a7ea94956ea652d⋯.jpeg (462.25 KB,913x633,913:633,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015782 (022220ZDEC23) Notable: Planefag: France's Macron Going to leaving (FIFY) Qatar to Restart Israel-Hamas Truce

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PF:Macronin CTM001 A330 and CTM014 Falcon 7x as escort departed Doha, Qatar back to Paris-was at COP28 yesterday

France's Macron Going to leaving (FIFY) Qatar to Restart Israel-Hamas Truce


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d6e896 No.111510

File: e9de5f0ac92d92a⋯.jpeg (129.49 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015842 (022230ZDEC23) Notable: Truckers and farmers have blocked border crossings in protest against EU trade deals with Kiev

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2 Dec, 2023 13:45

Ukraine counts losses from Polish border blockade

Truckers and farmers have blocked border crossings in protest against EU trade deals with Kiev

Ukraine’s exports through Poland have sharply dropped since Polish truckers and farmers blocked border crossings inprotest against the EU’s trade regulations with Kiev, the country’s Economy Ministry announced on Saturday.

According to the Kiev ministry, some 282,000 tons of Ukrainian freight transport exports passed through the Polish border in November, a 40% decrease from the previous month. The ministry noted that at several checkpoints, exports have almost stopped entirely or have been cut in half.

Earlier, Deputy Economy Minister Taras Kachka warned that Ukrainian imports have also been affected by the blockades, noting that they have likely dropped by at least 20% last month.

Polish truckers started the round-the-clock protests and blockades at the border between Ukraine and Poland in early November. The protests aimed to attract attention to the damage inflicted on the industry by the EU’s decision to relax the bloc’s regulations for Ukrainian transport companies in 2022. Polish truck drivers say therule gave their Ukrainian counterparts an unfair advantageas they offer cheaper service prices.

OnNovember 27, the protests were joined by Polish farmers, who are unhappy with low grain prices brought about by cheap imports from Ukraine.

As a result, thousands of trucks are currently stuck on both sides of the Polish-Ukrainian border.

The EU Transport, Telecommunications, and Energy Council is scheduled to meet in December to discuss the blockade and the EU’s legislative changes that led to it.



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d6e896 No.111511

File: e7a99e4d75143ae⋯.png (564.27 KB,546x610,273:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015872 (022234ZDEC23) Notable: Dozens of US soldiers want to overthrow government - Pentagon

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Dozens of US soldiers want to overthrow government – Pentagon

An annual report on extremism in the American military has revealed a rise in suspected cases

Extremism in the ranks remains a troubling trend for the US military, as evidenced by the fact that 78 service members were suspected of being advocates for the overthrow of their own government, an annual Pentagon report has revealed.

The report, released this week, also showed that 44 service members were suspected of supporting or engaging in terrorism in the past year. Overall, the 183 allegations of extremism across all branches of America’s military marked a 25% increase from the previous year’s level.

In addition to cases in which service personnel allegedly advocated revolution or supported terrorism, the study documented cases of criminal gang activity, the promotion of widespread discrimination, and advocating or engaging in violence to achieve political objectives. The Pentagon has been releasing its extremism data to US lawmakers since 2021, the year in which President Joe Biden took office and began touting the threats posed by white-supremacist terrorism.

Under Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s push to root out extremism in the military, the Pentagon issued new rules in December 2021 advising troops on banned activities, ranging from advocating terrorism to “liking” extremist views on social media. He also ordered stronger screening during the recruiting process and the creation of an investigative unit to identify potential extremists in the ranks.

The crackdown came at least partly in response to concerns raised by the January 2021 US Capitol riot, in which dozens of military veterans and a few active-duty troops took part in trying to disrupt congressional certification of Biden’s presidential election victory.

The Pentagon’s latest annual extremism review found that the US Army had the most alleged cases among all military branches, with allegations made against 130 soldiers. The Air Force had 29 cases, while the Navy and Marine Corps had ten each. More than 30% of the overall allegations were investigated and found to be unfounded or unsubstantiated.

Austin said in a February 2021 video message to troops that extremism had long been a concern in the US military. “What is new is the speed and the pervasiveness with which extremist ideology can spread today, thanks to social media and the aggressive, organized and emboldened attitude that many of these hate groups and their sympathizers are now applying to their recruitment and to their operations.”



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d6e896 No.111512

File: 15bbfdfd0e5295e⋯.png (495.42 KB,848x683,848:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015939 (022244ZDEC23) Notable: Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign

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Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign


Russell Contreras

, author of

Axios Latino

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d6e896 No.111513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016085 (022314ZDEC23) Notable: #24657 (posted in #24659)

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>>111411 Chairman of Ron DeSantis Superpac, Never Back Down, Quits

>>111412 Biden’s DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring Workers to Disclose Legal Status

>>111413 Terrorist Group Sponsored Princeton Anti-Israel Rally

>>111414 Ex-CIA head Michael Hayden: Gun-toting Christian 'no different' than Hamas suicide bomber

>>111415 7.8 earthquake in Philippines

>>111416 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? The CCP’s Covert Biolab Program in America

>>111417 California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?


>>111419 AZ Senate president’s son sodomizes 18 boys, is not charged with sexual assault

>>111420 Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway

>>111421, >>111425, >>111424, >>111425 PF

>>111422, >>111423 Sundance: Walmart Joins List of Companies that Withdraws Advertising from Twitter

>>111426 Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2PN

>>111427 The former general registrar of Prince William County, Va., allegedly “altered election results” during the 2020 election

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111514

File: 003018e549d69a3⋯.png (751.57 KB,900x692,225:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016152 (022328ZDEC23) Notable: #24569-B

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#24569-A >>111482

President Trump:

>>111485 President Donald J. Trump ON NOW

>>111486 President Trump: For decades you watched as a corrupt political class in our nation's capital, looted your money, trampled on your dignity, and pushed their radical agenda into every aspect of your lives. But in 2016, you voted to stand up to those liars, losers, crooks and creeps, and you elected an outsider as your president. It was about America First. We want to put our country first.

>>111491 President Trump: For four straight years, they tried to overthrow the duly elected president with one hoax, witch hunt and abuse of power after another. Remember Russia, Russia, Russia, remember all of the nonsense all turned out to be fake. Then they rigged and stole the election of 2020. They rigged it, and they stole it.

>>111492 President Trump: Over the past few years, you've watched Biden and his band of marxists, communists, fascists, try to crush free speech, censor their critics, criminalize dissent, destroy attorney-client privilege, which is something nobody ever though they would see in this country, and even attempt to imprison their leading electoral rival by far, on bogus charges; that happens to be me, in case you forget.

>>111493 President Trump: No president ever sent the FBI to raid the home of his opponent for crimes that he himself actually committed. He committed crimes.

>>111494 President Trump: "Ban the use of AI to censor the speech of citizens on Day 1."

>>111496 President Trump: This campaign is a righteous crusade to liberate our Republic from Biden and the criminals in the Biden administration; they're criminals. They're criminals. That think they can do whatever they want, break any law, tell any lie, ruin any life, trash any norm, and get away with anything they want. They want to control your speech, and they want to control your social media, they want to control what car you drive…They want to talk about your dishwashers and how much water you can have in your dishwater, even though they don't work, and all the other things that were so precious and dear, that you never really appreciated until now, because they want to take them away. Your heating and cooling in your house; they want to change it. They want to change everything. These people are sick.

>>111497 President Trump: Just this week, Biden's Homeland Security Secretary even admitted that they are weaponizing artificial intelligence to target American citizens for political speech…when I am reelected, I will cancel Biden's artificial intelligence executive order, and ban the use of AI to censor the speech of American citizens on Day One.

>>111501 President Trump: In the past three years, Biden and the radical-left democrats spent twelve trillion dollars wasting colossal amounts of your money on socialist scams that caused cumulative inflation of over twenty percent. As a result, the average thirty-year mortgage rate is now 7.8%, but you can't get it, so it doesn't matter.

>>111504 President Trump: I think if you had a real election, and Jesus came down, and God came down, and said, 'I'm gonna be the scorekeeper here', I think we'd win there [California], I think we'd win in Illinois, and I think we'd win in New York.



>>111483 PF

>>111484 Russia reveals new size of army

>>111487 Dem presidential candidates left off the FL ballot are digging in; party is standing by the process

>>111488 White House admits time running out for Ukraine cash

>>111489 EVERYTHING WE TOLD YOU ABOUT J6 IS TRUE. Watch the MPDC's failed attempt to tear gas peaceful J6 protestors

>>111490 New school bus tracking system at Rio Rancho Public Schools

>>111495 US commits to shutting down its coal plants during COP28

>>111498 @catturd2 - Badass.

>>111499 Man arrested for suspected online terrorism offences

>>111500 California Imposing Restrictions on Carrying Guns Despite SCOTUS Ruling

>>111502, >>111503 Long Island nonprofit ERASE Racism has created a mapping tool that allows users to identify "high-opportunity" areas that might make prime candidates for affordable housing.

>>111505 Kamala Harris Attacks Israel Over Hamas War: “Too Many Innocent Palestinians Have Been Killed”

>>111506 BREAKING: UK to conduct surveillance flights over Israel and Gaza to help find hostages held by Hamas

>>111507 The Islamic Resistance in Iraq published a statement claiming responsibility for attacking an American position with a drone at Erbil airport in Iraq.

>>111509 Planefag: France's Macron Going to leaving (FIFY) Qatar to Restart Israel-Hamas Truce

>>111510 Truckers and farmers have blocked border crossings in protest against EU trade deals with Kiev

>>111511 Dozens of US soldiers want to overthrow government - Pentagon

>>111512 Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign

>>111508 PF: IAF 695 707 Re’em tanker departed Birmingham Intl Airport to Tel Aviv (with a load of weaponry) and 45’s flight from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids


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d6e896 No.111515

File: 1f667997297833b⋯.png (1.76 MB,869x1007,869:1007,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016185 (022332ZDEC23) Notable: #24570

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d6e896 No.111516

File: a937cec248b7ec0⋯.jpeg (521.66 KB,1212x623,1212:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 33732f11c2b26a8⋯.jpeg (788.75 KB,1611x671,1611:671,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9d136320aaacb9e⋯.jpeg (259.68 KB,707x482,707:482,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016247 (022342ZDEC23) Notable: PF update 45 Palm Beach/Cedar Rapids

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>>111508 lb

45in N895MM Hawker Beechcraft departed Cedar Rapids,IA-Eastern Iowa Airport ES back to PBI arrived from Des Moines Intl from speech and arrived from Palm Beach Intl earlier today

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d6e896 No.111517

File: 55d859ac8027f7e⋯.jpg (33.13 KB,438x426,73:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cfdfa73d0a2e28d⋯.mp4 (6.73 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016295 (022350ZDEC23) Notable: New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine

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Kim Dotcom


New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine. This must be investigated. If this data of mass vaccine casualties is real there must be accountability.



8:21 AM ¡ Nov 30, 2023


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d6e896 No.111518

File: 7847245bb54d746⋯.png (411.86 KB,878x1282,439:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016312 (022354ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - “President Donald Trump delivered a knockout speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa…"

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“President Donald Trump delivered a knockout speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Saturday afternoon, marking the second of two back-to-back speeches in the Hawkeye State just 45 days out from the important Iowa caucuses on January 15, 2024.

His speech centered on taking the country back from tyranny. He also pointedly took a swing at the dangers of Artificial Intelligence.

The president stated, ‘Just this week, Biden’s Homeland Security secretary even admitted that they are weaponizing Artificial Intelligence to target American citizens for political speech…When I am reelected, I will cancel Biden’s Artificial Intelligence Executive Order and ban the use of AI to censor the speech of American citizens on day one.’”


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d6e896 No.111519

File: a1129776493c478⋯.png (31.31 KB,609x403,609:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016316 (022354ZDEC23) Notable: President Biden on Sandra Day O'Connor

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President Biden


Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was an American icon, the first woman on our nation’s highest court. I admired her decency and unwavering devotion to the facts, to our country, to active citizenship and the common good.

She knew that for democracy to work, we have to listen to each other, and remember how much more we all have in common as Americans than what keeps us apart.

Our hearts today are with Justice O’Connor’s three sons, her brother, her grandchildren, and all those who loved her.

6:05 PM ¡ Dec 2, 2023


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d6e896 No.111520

File: 95403ffee48075f⋯.png (134.74 KB,661x776,661:776,Clipboard.png)

File: 76d852a57f5fd43⋯.png (539.63 KB,647x764,647:764,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016318 (022354ZDEC23) Notable: Tourist is stabbed to death and 'British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower' - as suspect is arrested

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Tourist is stabbed to death and 'British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower'

A tourist has been stabbed to death while a British man is reportedly among two others badly injured after a knifeman screaming 'Allahu Akbar' launched a frenzied attack in central Paris tonight.

The suspect, identified as Armand R., attacked any passersby he saw while shouting 'Allahu Akbar' - Arabic for God is the Greatest - near the Eiffel Tower at around 10pm, reports say.

The attacker had already been sentenced to 'four years in prison' in 2016 for planning another attack, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin revealed.

One victim, a tourist with dual German and Filipino nationality, was slashed in the back and shoulder by the attacker tonight. The man, who had not been named, was found in cardiorespiratory arrest before he passed away.

The second victim of tonight's attack was British, and was out walking with his wife when Armand R. attacked him from behind.

'The family were on the Avenue President Kennedy when they were set upon,' said an investigating source, who added: 'A hammer was used to hit the man over the head.'

The Englishman was rushed to hospital, where his condition was later described as 'stable'. A third victim was also badly hurt in a hammer attack, said the source.

The arrested man was 'immobilised with an electric stun gun,' as he ran up the Avenue du Parc de Passy, said the source. He was born in France and is French, a source added.

The bloodbath happened on the Grenelle quay, close to the Eiffel Tower in the 15th arrondissement of the French capital.

The attacker was reportedly known to police for 'radical Islamism'. He was on an 'S-File' which means he should have been under surveillance, after telling people that he wanted to die as a martyr.

A police source said that the attacker was known for psychiatric disorders and had said he could not stand Muslims being killed in the world.

In 2016, he was arrested by the French national security agency before carrying out an attack.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin confirmed tonight that one person died and another was injured. The minister wrote on X: 'The police have just courageously arrested an assailant attacking passersby in Paris, around the Quai de Grenelle.

'One deceased person and one injured person treated by the Paris fire brigade. Please avoid the area.'

Transport Minister Clement Beaune said that Paris was 'in mourning'. He wrote on X: 'Thoughts and solidarity with the families and loved ones of the victims. Thank you to our security and emergency forces for their rapid and decisive intervention.'

The attacker was arrested soon afterwards, and is currently in custody and facing a possible murder charge.



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d6e896 No.111521

File: 1a37d47322a9778⋯.png (667.37 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016338 (030000ZDEC23) Notable: Tourist is stabbed to death and 'British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower' - as suspect is arrested

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One Dead, Two Injured in Paris Terror Attack – Attacker Was Shouting “Allahu Akbar”

An Islamist murdered one man and injured at least two others in a knife and hammer terrorist attack Saturday in Paris.

"A knife and hammer attack in the Quai de Grenelle area, in Paris (15th), left one dead and one injured this Saturday evening. The alleged perpetrator of the tragedy was arrested. He shouted “Allah Akbar” during the attack, a police source told AFP."


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d6e896 No.111522

File: 53f54626ee01ba6⋯.jpeg (583.55 KB,828x1133,828:1133,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f1c7a7866bbcaa7⋯.jpeg (859.06 KB,828x1243,828:1243,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c73c1eac26ca991⋯.png (917.21 KB,989x587,989:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016370 (030007ZDEC23) Notable: PF update 45 Palm Beach/Cedar Rapids

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Look at timing

Depart PBI

Arrive Des Moines give speech

Depart Des Moines to Cedar City give speech


The times match his normsl patterns-not muh first rodeo

Only missed his flights if I wasn’t here and the first one (border trip after Biden installed)

So all the private ACs I have caught him in prior to 757 returning to service (N757AF is in Tampa being serviced)

Only been wrong once mid flight and managed to correct and find the real one before it landed in Az

Used Steve Wynn’s Challenger last rally

That him

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d6e896 No.111523

File: 90647c3c4afe4f3⋯.jpeg (79.3 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016419 (030014ZDEC23) Notable: Tourist is stabbed to death and 'British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower' - as suspect is arrested

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2 Dec, 2023

Islamist stabs three people in central Paris – interior minister

The assailant shouted “Allahu Akbar”, Gerald Darmanin said

One person was killed and two others were wounded in a stabbing attack in downtown Paris on Saturday evening, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has said.

“The police have just courageously arrested an assailant attacking the passersby in Paris, around the Quai de Grenelle. One person is dead, and one injured person is being treated by the Paris fire brigade. Please avoid the area,” the minister wrote on X (formerly Twitter). He later told reporters that a third victim was also hospitalized.

Darmanin said that the assailant shouted “Allahu Akbar,” confirming previous reports by Le Parisien and AFP.

“After his arrest, he said that he could no longer tolerate seeing Muslims dying in Afghanistan and Palestine,”Darmanin told reporters after arriving at the crime scene.

A tourist with dual German-Philippine nationality, was attacked on the Bir-Hakeim bridge and has died from stab wounds to the back and shoulder, the French media reported.

An English tourist was attacked when walking with his wife and child on Avenue du President Kennedy. He was reportedly hospitalized with head injuries.

According to BFM TV, the suspect was born in France in 1997.He was known to authorities as a person espousing radical Islamist viewsand suffering from “significant psychiatric disorders,” the channel said. Darmanin that the suspect was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 for plotting “a violent action.”

France has seen a wave of anti-Semitic incidents following the outbreak of the fighting between Israel and Palestinian militants on October 7.

On October 13, a knife-wielding Islamist attacked a school in the northern French city of Arras, killing a teacher and injuring three people.The assailant was detained.


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d6e896 No.111524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016422 (030015ZDEC23) Notable: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations

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70.6% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

13.53 billion doses have been administered globally, and 7,489 are now administered each day.


More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population.

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d6e896 No.111525

File: d8c3eb38dd3ba3a⋯.jpeg (72.23 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016484 (030026ZDEC23) Notable: Zelensky has devolved into authoritarianism – Kiev mayor

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2 Dec, 2023 20:59

Zelensky has devolved into authoritarianism – Kiev mayor

All of Ukraine is becoming dependent on the “mood” of a single person, Vitaly Klitschko says

Ukraine’s municipal authorities now remain the only independent force in the country, which has grown increasingly authoritarian amid the conflict with Russia, the Mayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko has said.

Klitschko shared his assessment of the state of ‘democracy’ in Ukraine in an interview with German daily Der Spiegel, published on Friday. The country’s governing institutes have greatly deteriorated amid the hostilities, with local municipal authorities effectively remaining the only independent force standing, he asserted.

“Ukraine is on the path to authoritarianism,”the mayor said. “There is only one independent institution left –local authorities– and they are under enormous pressure.”

During the conflict, the central government has been communicating poorly, if at all, with local authorities, the mayor of the Ukrainian capital claimed.

“In a year and a half since the beginning of the conflict with Russia, there hasnot been a single meetingor telephone conversation between [the city of] Kiev and UkrainianPresident Vladimir Zelensky. At some point, we will get to the situation where everything depends on the mood of a single person,”Klitschko told Der Spiegel.

Boxing star-turned-politician Klitschko was elevated to his position shortly after Ukraine’s 2014 Maidan coup, remaining one of the few Poroshenko-era officials to retain his post under Zelensky.

Over the past few months, relations between the capital’s mayor and the central government have been marred by multiple public spats. In June, for instance, the national government reprimanded Klitschko over the state of the city’s bomb shelters, with the heads of two districts and two acting district heads dismissed from their posts over their failure to keep the facilities operational.

Klitschko also became one of the first major Ukrainian public figures to admit the failure of his country’s long-heralded counteroffensive against the Russian forces. In early November, the mayor said the troops were moving “slowly” and were unable to “swiftly breach” fortifications erected by Russia.

The mayor’s assessment drastically contrasted with the stance taken by the president at the time, who was insisting the counteroffensive was still going on and consistently denied any setbacks. Zelensky conceded its failure only this week, telling AP that he now considers the fact that his country’s troops are not retreating at the moment a “satisfying” result.

(This man needs some serious protection, or he should disappear.)


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d6e896 No.111526

File: 5a8c292a1c9b0e0⋯.jpg (63.29 KB,448x512,7:8,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 898a2a0c37ce879⋯.jpg (68.19 KB,448x515,448:515,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 47df26352affef9⋯.jpg (60.16 KB,468x437,468:437,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016514 (030032ZDEC23) Notable: New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine

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Dr. My Le Trinh -unlawful indefinte suspension8:32


New Zealand Data Concerning Deaths Associated With Vaccine



Winston Smith (alias), a statistician and data administrator for the Ministry of Health in New Zealand, has come forward with a wealth of government data that he believes shows the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine. Winston was involved in the implementation of a vaccine payment system for providers, which allowed him access to detailed data on vaccine administration and related deaths.

Winston's position as the sole data administrator for the system makes his data unique and highly important. In a small country like New Zealand, only one data administrator is needed, and Winston has been able to closely analyze and monitor the data. He has witnessed a concerning pattern in the data that he believes shows a correlation between vaccine administration and deaths.

One compelling piece of evidence Winston presents is the consistent rise in daily deaths above 120 after the vaccine rollout began in New Zealand. Typically, deaths in New Zealand do not exceed this number, except during specific events like the flu season or natural disasters. However, since the vaccine rollout, daily deaths consistently surpass the 120 mark, with no gaps in between.


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d6e896 No.111527

File: 16c6330578ad3a4⋯.jpg (35.43 KB,875x502,875:502,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a602cbbd84562b2⋯.jpg (122.02 KB,1284x1004,321:251,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016516 (030033ZDEC23) Notable: New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine

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Photo 1: [ "Daily deaths above 120 from Jan 2020 to Sept 2023"]

To further support his claims, Winston analyzed mortality rates in different vaccination centers across the country. He found that mortality rates varied significantly between sites, with top 10 centers with the highest mortality rates ranging from 22% to 32%, well above the national average of 0.75%. Interestingly 10 out of 20 of those centres were located in Christchurch. This observation raised graves concern about the safety of the vaccine.

Photo 2: [ Top 10 sites with highest mortality rate]

Winston also discovered significant variations in mortality rates between different vaccine batches. Analyzing 119 batches, mostly consisting of Pfizer vaccines, he found the top 10 worst batches with mortality percentages ranging from 4.52% to 21.38%. These variations were statistically significant and highly unlikely to occur naturally by chance. The data strongly suggested a causality between the vaccine and the reported deaths.

Photo 3: [10 batches with the highest mortality rates]

Additionally, Winston examined the variation in mortality rates among different vaccinators. He identified the top 10 vaccinators with the highest mortality rates, highlighting the inconsistency in vaccine administrations and potential flaws in the vaccination process.

Photo 4 : [Top 10 vaccinators with highest mortality]

Finally, Winston uncovered clusters of deaths that occurred among groups of individuals who had received the vaccine in the same location and around the same time. The presence of these clusters statistically indicated a problem with the vaccine, as the likelihood of them occurring by chance was extremely low.


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d6e896 No.111528

File: dd47b9605a1943d⋯.png (787.79 KB,926x615,926:615,Clipboard.png)

File: fdbb0ab6db53f71⋯.jpg (70.93 KB,1143x885,381:295,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4027ae58f99f282⋯.jpg (53.37 KB,1080x600,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016522 (030034ZDEC23) Notable: New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine

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In summary, Winston's analysis of government data reveals a concerning correlation between COVID-19 vaccine administration and increased mortality rates in New Zealand. The consistent rise in daily deaths above 120, variations in mortality rates among vaccination centers and batches, and clusters of deaths all point to the potential dangers of the vaccine. Winston's unique position as the data administrator for the vaccine payment system allows him access to irrefutable data that supports his claims. His decision to come forward now is based on the availability of complete and conclusive data, which he believes demands immediate attention as he is convinced that the vaccine is killing the New Zealanders. He’s also hoping that others that are in similar positions around the world would come forward to reveal the danger of the vaccine.

Full VDO ( 1hour) 👇


3 of 3

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d6e896 No.111529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016545 (030040ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine has lost up to 300,000 soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

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1 Dec, 2023 21:03

Ukraine has lost up to 300,000 soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

Kiev’s refusal to negotiate with Moscow has only caused the country heavy battlefield casualties, Aleksey Arestovich says

Ukraine has lost up to 300,000 soldiers during its conflict with Russia, Aleksey Arestovich, a former aide to President Vladimir Zelensky, has claimed.

Arestovich made the revelation on Friday while speaking to journalist Yulia Latynina via video link. The former presidential aide was addressing the recent admission made by top Ukrainian MP David Arakhamia, who said the Istanbul talks between Moscow and Kiev were derailed by then-UK PM Boris Johnson, who urged Ukraine to “just continue fighting” instead of attempting to reach a deal with Russia.

“I was a member of the Istanbul negotiating team, but even I don’t know how it happened that we decided to break off the Istanbul [talks],” Arestovich stated.

The initiatives floated during the Istanbul talks were actually “very good,” he admitted, claiming thatUkraine’s neutrality and its non-alignment with NATO was a “red line” for Moscow.

Refusing to negotiate, however, has only resulted in heavy casualties, while its prospects to join NATO still remain dubious, he suggested.

“Where is NATO? Does it accept us or not? And will it accept us? ... Then the 200 thousand [Ukrainian servicemen]or whatever, 300 thousand, would still be alive,” the ex-aide said.

The remarks come as Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu revealed Moscow’s latest estimates on Kiev’s casualties. Speaking during a ministerial meeting on Friday, Shoigu claimed that the Ukrainian military has lost more than 125,000 troops and around 16,000 military hardware pieces since the beginning of its botched counteroffensive, which started in early June. The country’s efforts, as well as Western aid, have not yielded any tangible result, the minister added.

“The total mobilization in Ukraine, delivery of Western arms, and deployment of strategic reserves by the Ukrainian command have not changed the situation on the battlefield,”Shoigu explained. “Those desperate actions simply increased the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces.”

In recent weeks, top Ukrainian officials admitted the counteroffensive had failed to reach the desired outcome, and they seemed to shift blame for the failure on each other. Early in November, for instance, Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s top general, said the battlefield situation had reached a “stalemate,”with Kiev unlikely to achieve a breakthrough unless it received a wonder-weapon of sorts.

The assessment has been vehemently rejected by Zelensky, who insisted the counteroffensive was still making progress. In an interview with AP published on Friday, however, Zelensky finally admitted that it had failed, stating that he considers the fact that his country’s troops arenot retreating at the moment a “satisfying” enough result.

(This is insanity his ego is bigger than 200-300,000 Ukrainians dead. Zelensky needs to go otherwise he will be taken out. Even the West wouldn’t mind that.)


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d6e896 No.111530

File: 2cb221461f4a5d2⋯.jpg (102.21 KB,543x679,543:679,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0bfda625e2b661c⋯.jpg (33.63 KB,309x542,309:542,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016573 (030045ZDEC23) Notable: Guess what causes the new ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumonia, which is also termed “white lung syndrome”?

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Brandon Taylor Moore


Guess what causes the new ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumonia, which is also termed “white lung syndrome”?

Drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁….

It’s caused by the #covid19 #vaccines as revealed by #Pfizer in their own documentation.

Check out page 7 of Pfizer’s Adverse Events Report and consider telling a friend.

Last edited

10:20 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023

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d6e896 No.111531

File: 2fccc1f0af4fd71⋯.jpg (75.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016641 (030057ZDEC23) Notable: Guess what causes the new ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumonia, which is also termed “white lung syndrome”?

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'Mycoplasma pneumonia aka white lung syndrome is CAUSED by Pfizer's covid mrna technology, per Pfizer"

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d6e896 No.111532

File: dc6981feee5de47⋯.png (71.43 KB,679x360,679:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016646 (030057ZDEC23) Notable: DJT - TruthSocial - The Ron DeSanctimonious campaign people are dropping like flies.

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Donald J. Trump

The Ron DeSanctimonious campaign people are dropping like flies.

Kristin Davidson of Always Back Down PAC is out. Many others have recently quit, or been fired, in a very unceremonious way. JEFF ROE, who heads “Always,” and is known for spending Top Dollars on failing campaigns (doing massive surgery on a candidate’s wallet!), will, I predict, soon follow. I beat him when he ran the Ted Cruz 2016 campaign - It was great fun!

Dec 02, 2023, 7:47 PM


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d6e896 No.111533

File: e1bb80003c55700⋯.png (578.88 KB,1042x801,1042:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016700 (030106ZDEC23) Notable: German city paralyzed by heavy snowfall

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Hold mein Schnapps, Hans!

>They got lucky with a mild winter last year but let’s see.



> the snowfall recorded in Munich from Friday into Saturday was the most ever recorded in the state capital since records were first collected in 1933.

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d6e896 No.111534

File: 8aea7d852f724d6⋯.png (1.06 MB,993x1087,993:1087,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016774 (030136ZDEC23) Notable: Exercise FREEZING WINDS 23, 🇫🇮 first major-led naval exercise as a member of NATO has come to an end 🏁

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Exercise FREEZING WINDS 23, 🇫🇮 first major-led naval exercise as a member of NATO has come to an end 🏁

The exercise featured nearly 30 vessels, and the strength of the exercise totalled over 4000 persons 💪



3:01 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023¡7,774 Views

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d6e896 No.111535

File: 9bbbee11f3e1198⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7702ba88ce60fdc⋯.png (446.88 KB,692x736,173:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016783 (030137ZDEC23) Notable: DJT - TruthSocial - A great day in Iowa. Tremendous crowds and enthusiasm—will be back soon! MAGA!!!

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Donald J. Trump

A great day in Iowa. Tremendous crowds and enthusiasm—will be back soon! MAGA!!!


Thank you to all of those in the overflow crowd that came out this afternoon in Ankeny, Iowa. TOGETHER, WE ARE GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! ia.donaldjtrump.com/


Dec 02, 2023, 8:24 PM


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d6e896 No.111536

File: a952e1bb6428bd1⋯.png (752.21 KB,1046x1969,1046:1969,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016793 (030141ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING: President Trump Makes MAJOR Endorsement In Hotly Contested Texas Primary - 'Brandon Will Not Let You Down'

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BREAKING: President Trump Makes MAJOR Endorsement In Hotly Contested Texas Primary - 'Brandon Will Not Let You Down'

Trump endorses Brandon Gill for U.S. Congress in Texas-26 - the clear 'America First' candidate

On Saturday, 45th President Donald Trump officially weighed into the Republican primary in Texas' 26th Congressional District, which encompasses large swaths of North Texas. Gill secured the endorsement after announcing his bid last month and earning the endorsement of other prominent conservatives like Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and the Dallas Young Republicans.

"It is my great honor to ENDORSE Brandon Gill for U.S. Congress in Texas-26. He is the clear 'America First' candidate, and is as loyal and tough as they come. He's a Cowboy, Businessman, Husband and Father, but also, a True Patriot," Trump wrote on Truth Social. "Brandon is Strong on SECURING OUR BORDER, STOPPING CRIME, FIGHTING INFLATION, & PROTECTING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT. He also comes with the love and respect of his father-in-law, a true warrior, Dinesh D'Souza. Brandon will not let you down. Onward to VICTORY!" ...


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d6e896 No.111537

File: 7837a4c1551b9a7⋯.png (296.32 KB,807x547,807:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016796 (030143ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING: President Trump Makes MAJOR Endorsement In Hotly Contested Texas Primary - 'Brandon Will Not Let You Down'

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Donald J. Trump


>BREAKING: President Trump Makes MAJOR Endorsement In Hotly Contested Texas Primary - 'Brandon Will Not Let You Down'

Dec 02, 2023, 8:32 PM


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d6e896 No.111538

File: 037e5ac2f635eca⋯.jpeg (368.97 KB,1196x619,1196:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8c6b8978e7f4dc9⋯.png (626.02 KB,611x409,611:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016804 (030146ZDEC23) Notable: PF update 45 Palm Beach/Cedar Rapids

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45descent for PBI from Cedar Rapids-Eastern Iowa Airport departure after rally

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d6e896 No.111539

File: 49f48a37b375bbf⋯.png (385.65 KB,699x749,699:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016838 (030154ZDEC23) Notable: Trump, DeSantis Grasp for Last-Minute Iowa Support Before Caucus

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Trump, DeSantis Grasp for Last-Minute Iowa Support Before Caucus

▶ Two top-polling GOP candidates attack one another in remarks

▶ Republican presidential hopefuls to caucus in Iowa on Jan. 15

Former President Donald Trump rallied his campaign volunteers for Iowa’s Republican Party caucuses on Jan. 15, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made good on his pledge to visit all of the state’s 99 counties. ...


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d6e896 No.111540

File: ba90bee24b78f9e⋯.png (307.41 KB,818x534,409:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016843 (030155ZDEC23) Notable: Trump, DeSantis Grasp for Last-Minute Iowa Support Before Caucus

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Donald J. Trump


>Trump, DeSantis Grasp for Last-Minute Iowa Support Before Caucus


Dec 02, 2023, 8:40 PM


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d6e896 No.111541

File: b2353a19dc8df8c⋯.png (486.28 KB,1004x660,251:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016943 (030226ZDEC23) Notable: Swing state Muslim group to withdraw Biden 2024 support over war

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Swing state Muslim group to withdraw Biden

2024 support over war

WEWS-TV (Cleveland), by AP Via Scripps News

Posted By: OhioNick, 12/2/2023 5:57:02 PM

Muslim community leaders from several swing states pledged to withdraw support for U.S. President Joe Biden on Saturday at a conference in suburban Detroit, citing his refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Democrats in Michigan have warned the White House that Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war could cost him enough support within the Arab American community to sway the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. Leaders from Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania gathered behind a lectern that read "Abandon Biden, ceasefire now" in Dearborn, Michigan - the city with the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the United States.

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d6e896 No.111542

File: cfb4f25bf539833⋯.png (836.23 KB,805x775,161:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016951 (030228ZDEC23) Notable: Biden’s DOJ arrests prominent conservative actor in front of pregnant wife for attending Jan 6 protests THREE YEARS after the fact, charges him with 4 misdemeanors

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Biden’s DOJ arrests prominent conservative actor in front of pregnant wife for attending Jan 6 protests THREE YEARS after the fact, charges him with 4 misdemeanors

by The Post Millennial about 4 hours ago

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d6e896 No.111543

File: 9bf465d531b2339⋯.png (383.18 KB,865x715,173:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016953 (030228ZDEC23) Notable: Because She’s a Liar. J6 Select Committee Star Witness Made SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to Her Testimony – Then J6 Committee Deleted Her Taped Deposition

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Because She’s a Liar. J6 Select Committee Star Witness Cassidy Hutchinson Made SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to Her Testimony – Then J6 Committee Deleted Cassidy Hutchinson Taped Deposition

By Jim Hoft Dec. 2, 2023 7:40 pm19 Comments


Pretty little liar, Cassidy Hutchinson

In June 2022, Liz Cheney and the sham Jan. 6 Select Committee brought in Mark Meadows’ former junior staffer Cassidy Hutchinson as a “surprise witness.”

Democrats and their media lackeys billed this as an “explosive development” in their hopes to jail President Donald Trump based on a heaping pile of lies.

The fake news mainstream media GLADLY aired young Cassidy as she lied through her teeth to the J6 Committee and America. She fit in nicely with Liz Cheney and her committee.

Democrats, the FBI, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and Liz Cheney all believed Cassidy. They agree that Donald Trump and his supporters must be publicly humiliated and ruined for trying to save this country from their failed policies and tyrannical ambitions.

Young Cassidy sat for testimony and proceeded to tell several lies while under oath before the committee.

Here a few of Cassidy’s whoppers that we posted back in June 2022:

How To Join The "Secret Boycott" Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporations

1.) Cassidy Hutchinson said President Trump attempted to grab the steering wheel of “the beast” and wrestle control from the Secret Service on January 6th.

Truth: President Trump was not in “the beast” on January 6th.

Truth: Secret Service agents willing to testify against this ridiculous lie by young Cassidy. It never happened.

2.) Cassiday Hutchinson said President Trump grabbed the neck area of Secret Service agent Bobby Engel.

Truth: Bobby Engel willing to testify this was a lie.

3.) Cassidy Hutchinson said President Trump broke dishes and flipped tablecloths on January 6th.

Truth: President Trump refutes the nonsensical claim.

4.) Cassidy Hutchinson claimed to have written a handwritten note on January 6th.

Truth: Former White House lawyer Eric Herschmann wrote the note and testified to this fact under oath previously before the committee.

5.) Cassidy Hutchinson said her boss Mark Meadows called Roger Stone on January 5th to find out what would play out the next day on January 6th.

Truth: Roger Stone has never spoken to Mark Meadows outside of a conversation they held in a green room in 2019.

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d6e896 No.111544

File: 6b242656c5db942⋯.png (209.2 KB,613x663,613:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016976 (030236ZDEC23) Notable: This is a call between Hunter Biden and the CHAIRMAN of Walmart plotting how to take Trump out in 2020 by running Biden with Kasich. - @MarcoPolo501c3

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Gosh, this looks an awful lot like coordinated extortion today, given the recent “ads decision”.

Fantastic find, @MarcoPolo501c3



Robby Starbuck




Huge scoop by @MarcoPolo501c3 — This is a call between Hunter Biden and the CHAIRMAN of Walmart plotting how to take Trump out in 2020 by running Biden with Kasich. The swamp is DEEP! Walmart cancelled all ads on X today. I won’t shop @Walmart again. You?

4:16 AM ¡ Dec 2, 2023




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d6e896 No.111545

File: cb3050a187ec528⋯.png (398.7 KB,592x729,592:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20016985 (030239ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump delivers his concluding remarks in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this evening—with only 44 days until the IOWA Caucuses…

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



delivers his concluding remarks in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this evening—with only 44 days until the IOWA Caucuses…

2:44 PM ¡ Dec 2, 2023

from Cedar Rapids, IA




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d6e896 No.111546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017003 (030243ZDEC23) Notable: #24570

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#24570 >>111515

>>111516, >>111522, >>111538 PF update 45 Palm Beach/Cedar Rapids

>>111517, >>111526, >>111527, >>111528 New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine

>>111518 DJT Truth - “President Donald Trump delivered a knockout speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa…"

>>111519 President Biden on Sandra Day O'Connor

>>111520, >>111521, >>111523 Tourist is stabbed to death and 'British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower' - as suspect is arrested

>>111524 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations

>>111525 Zelensky has devolved into authoritarianism – Kiev mayor

>>111529 Ukraine has lost up to 300,000 soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

>>111530, >>111531 Guess what causes the new ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumonia, which is also termed “white lung syndrome”?

>>111532 DJT - TruthSocial - The Ron DeSanctimonious campaign people are dropping like flies.

>>111533 German city paralyzed by heavy snowfall

>>111534 Exercise FREEZING WINDS 23, 🇫🇮 first major-led naval exercise as a member of NATO has come to an end 🏁

>>111535 DJT - TruthSocial - A great day in Iowa. Tremendous crowds and enthusiasm—will be back soon! MAGA!!!

>>111536, >>111537 BREAKING: President Trump Makes MAJOR Endorsement In Hotly Contested Texas Primary - 'Brandon Will Not Let You Down'

>>111539, >>111540 Trump, DeSantis Grasp for Last-Minute Iowa Support Before Caucus

>>111541 Swing state Muslim group to withdraw Biden 2024 support over war

>>111542 Biden’s DOJ arrests prominent conservative actor in front of pregnant wife for attending Jan 6 protests THREE YEARS after the fact, charges him with 4 misdemeanors

>>111543 Because She’s a Liar. J6 Select Committee Star Witness Made SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to Her Testimony – Then J6 Committee Deleted Her Taped Deposition

>>111544 This is a call between Hunter Biden and the CHAIRMAN of Walmart plotting how to take Trump out in 2020 by running Biden with Kasich. - @MarcoPolo501c3

>>111545 @realDonaldTrump delivers his concluding remarks in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this evening—with only 44 days until the IOWA Caucuses…

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d6e896 No.111547

File: baf0e45b3df62df⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,607x686,607:686,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017036 (030245ZDEC23) Notable: #24571

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d6e896 No.111548

File: b3ef806847db51e⋯.jpg (35.57 KB,504x511,72:73,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 52bde4f6f970bf6⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017087 (030254ZDEC23) Notable: Dennis Meadows-Club of Rome on population reduction

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>>>/qresearch/20017044 (lb)

to you.

not to [them] nor what is underway.

Seems pretty accurate, and that is just from the jabs. Wait for the wars, supply chain halting, and famines.

Wall Street Silver


This is a prominent member of the Club of Rome. His name is Dennis Meadows.

He hopes for the "necessary" depopulation of the planet, down to just one billion people. An 87.5% reduction from today's population. He hopes it occurs in a civil way🚨🚨🚨


10:10 PM ¡ Sep 27, 2023


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d6e896 No.111549

File: 8b6cd72206846de⋯.jpeg (374.02 KB,1234x2249,1234:2249,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017117 (030306ZDEC23) Notable: Appeals court orders Texas to remove buoy barrier on the Rio Grande border

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Appeals court orders Texas to remove buoy barrier on the Rio Grande border


A federal appeals court on Friday ordered Texas to remove a floating barrier from the Rio Grande placed there under the direction of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott to deter illegal migrant crossings.

In a 2-1 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld a lower court's finding that the buoys were illegal.

Judge Dana M. Douglas, a Biden appointee, wrote that the lower court "considered the threat to navigation and federal government operations on the Rio Grande, as well as the potential threat to human life the floating barrier created.”

"The district court’s factual findings were not clearly erroneous," Douglas wrote.

Judge Don Willett, a Trump appointee, wrote the dissenting opinion.

Abbott responded to the ruling in a post on X, calling the decision "clearly wrong," adding that he would "seek an immediate rehearing by the entire court" and go the the Supreme Court "if needed to protect Texas from Biden’s open borders."

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The court's decision comes amid a lengthy battle between Abbott and the Biden administration over a floating 1,000-foot barrier near Eagle Pass.

The appeals court had temporarily put on hold a judge’s order in September requiring Abbott to remove the barrier from the middle of the Rio Grande after finding that it posed a threat to human life, and that “impairment to free and safe navigation” outweighed the state’s interest in installing the buoys.

In a civil lawsuit this year, the Justice Department said that Abbott violated a federal law which prohibits creating any obstruction to the navigable capacity of the country’s waters without authorization when he ordered the installation of the barrier.

Attorneys for Texas had argued that the U.S. Constitution afforded the state the power to “repel invasions,” including the illegal entry of thousands of migrants.

The floating barrier is part of a broader fight Texas has waged against the Biden administration over its immigration policy.

Abbott sent a letter sent to President Joe Biden in July accusing the administration of impeding his state’s “sovereign interest” in securing its border. His office has repeatedly touted busing thousands of migrants out of his state since last year to cities like Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver and Los Angeles.

Abbott vowed again this week to continue the busing effort, writing on X that "Texas will bus migrants to sanctuary cities until Biden secures the border."

Some of the state's other border tactics have been dealt legal setbacks.

A federal court this week rejected an effort by Texas to block U.S. Customs and Border Patrol from removing razor wire near the Rio Grande. Abbott had ordered the wire to be placed there to stop migrants from entering the state after crossing the river from Mexico.

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d6e896 No.111550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017156 (030318ZDEC23) Notable: New Hampshire shares unredacted complaint against Facebook parent Meta

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" New Hampshire shares unredacted complaint against Facebook parent Meta "

“The people of New Hampshire can now see that Meta’s own documents acknowledge the harms its platforms inflict on kids,” said New Hampshire AG John Formella. “Meta not only knows that its products exploit the vulnerabilities of children’s developing brains, it actively studies the most effective ways to ‘hack’ the brain chemistry of children for profit. We will continue to prosecute this matter to stop Meta’s unlawful conduct and protect New Hampshire’s kids.”


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d6e896 No.111551

File: 45665a71d6ec9dc⋯.jpeg (763.27 KB,1234x3520,617:1760,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b0614f5b57e5ee⋯.jpg (233.58 KB,1265x554,1265:554,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 468977608731645⋯.jpg (274.7 KB,1256x596,314:149,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb07e6277f7e6d5⋯.jpg (166.34 KB,1253x342,1253:342,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 19465b101e8f815⋯.jpg (90.46 KB,1238x269,1238:269,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017159 (030320ZDEC23) Notable: Dennis Meadows-Club of Rome on population reduction

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>Dennis Meadows

Dennis Lynn Meadows[1] (born June 7, 1942) is an American scientist and Emeritus Professor of Systems Management, and former director of the Institute for Policy and Social Science Research at the University of New Hampshire.[2] He is President of the Laboratory for Interactive Learning and widely known as a coauthor of The Limits to Growth.


Dennis Meadows was born on June 7, 1942.[3] He received a BA from Carleton College, a PhD in Management from the MIT Sloan School of Management, and holds four honorary doctorates.

He started working at the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1960s.[citation needed] From 1970 to 1972 at MIT he was director of the "Club of Rome Project on the Predicament of Mankind".[4] Further on Meadows has been a tenured professor in faculties of management, engineering, and social sciences. For many years he was the director of a graduate program based in business and engineering. He has facilitated workshops and developed innovative and complex strategic games all over the world for decades. In addition, Dr. Meadows has lectured in over 50 countries.

He has been the Director of three university research institutes: at MIT, Dartmouth College and the University of New Hampshire. He is the Past President of the International System Dynamics Society and the International Simulation and Games Association.

In 1986, Dr. Meadows along with Thomas Adler and Colin High co-founded RSG (originally Resource Systems Group, Inc.) as a spin-off of Dartmouth's Resource Policy Center. RSG sought to combine academic rigor with high-impact government and business projects. Their vision was to foster sound decision-making rooted in serious data analysis to address “resource” constraints with complex “systems” (hence, Resource Systems Group).[5][better source needed]

He has been a corporate board member and a consultant for government, industry and non-profit groups in the U.S. and many countries abroad. He co-founded the Balaton Group, an international network of over 300 professionals in over 30 nations involved in systems science, public policy and sustainable development.

He has received numerous international awards for his work, including the Japan Prize in April 2009.[6]


Moscow, 16 Febr. 2007

Club of Rome

The Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues. It was founded in April 1968 and raised considerable public attention in 1972 with its report The Limits to Growth. From 1970 to 1972 at MIT Meadows was director of the "Club of Rome Project on Predicament of mankind at MIT"[4] which constructed the world model underlying that publication.



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d6e896 No.111552

File: 54ec802d75b735f⋯.gif (26.1 KB,600x354,100:59,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017171 (030324ZDEC23) Notable: Dennis Meadows-Club of Rome on population reduction

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>Club of Rome

hand in hand w/ Committee of 300, CFR, UN, Tavistock, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Bilderberg, etc...

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d6e896 No.111553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017325 (030405ZDEC23) Notable: The US Air Force (USAF) eliminated Boeing Co. from the replacement competition of a half-century-old "Doomsday" plane that can survive a nuclear war.

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"The US Air Force (USAF) eliminated Boeing Co. from the replacement competition of a half-century-old "Doomsday" plane that can survive a nuclear war. This leaves Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) as the sole remaining known competitor. "

Interdasting here as "Sierra Nevada Corporation" is the front corp for one of the five fifedoms of the clowns in america.

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d6e896 No.111554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017330 (030406ZDEC23) Notable: Nathan Reynolds - Eaters of Children corporately and wholesale video

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This. Phonephagging n I don’t see an embed link.

Reynold’s bloodline SRA survivor, veteran, whistleblower, Nathan Reynolds. He’s kind of intense (passionate?) but very eloquent n worth a listen. Says to be mad as hell at [these] mofos.


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d6e896 No.111555

File: bc471efeb78dae7⋯.webp (41.35 KB,1300x1707,1300:1707,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017343 (030410ZDEC23) Notable: Replace American Jewish Communal Leadership

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==Replace American Jewish Communal Leadership

Look around at the disarray and the betrayal of Jews by alleged friends and allies, and you’ll see a bitter truth: Our leadership has gone bad==


NOVEMBER 08, 2023.1/3

Years ago, I read a 1923 short story by Dovid Bergelson that has haunted me ever since. Titled “Among the Refugees,” it revolves around a tormented Jew originally from a region called Volhynia, who has moved to a squalid boarding house in Berlin. One day, into the room across the hall from him moves the notorious pogromist from his hometown, the person responsible for, among many other horrors, his grandfather’s death. The villain isn’t hiding or obscuring his identity; in fact, he’s brazenly using his own name.

The distressed young man realizes the opportunity that has come to him: He must kill this devil. But he does not have a weapon, and has no family or friends to turn to for help. One day, he bumps into a man he knows from Volhynia, a man named Beryl, who has connections to the respected leaders of the Jewish community in town: “He’s always involved with Jewish groups here. He associated with them, and they associate with him … Who should I turn to if not him?” he thinks. He asks Beryl to beseech the elders to get him a gun so that he can rid the world of this murderous enemy of the Jews.

The next day, he meets Beryl, who ushers him off to the planned secret rendezvous. There, he is taken into a room with the Jewish leaders, who have brought not a weapon to be used on the enemy but a psychiatrist—to be used on him. In their eyes, this young Jewish man’s instinct for personal and collective self-defense is not heroism; it’s hysteria.

That the story takes place—and was written—between the wars, before the horror of the Holocaust, adds to our terror as modern readers—turning it from a story ostensibly about a revenge killing into one about Jewish communal self-defense. How on earth could those so-called leaders be so blind, so dismissive of the concerns of someone so close to the ground, so outrageously entitled?How indeed.

Now that pogromists are parading in the streets, smashing windows and noses, and cheering on Jewish genocide, it’s easy for Jewish leaders to wave the biggest blue-and-white flag they can find and vow to take “immediate and concrete action,” whatever that is. But look around at the disarray and the chaos and the betrayal of Jews by alleged friends and allies, and you’ll see a bitter truth: Our communal leadership has gone bad.

Bad leadership failed us on college campuses, pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into “advocacy” while sucking up to university administrations and leaders turning once-illustrious institutions into festering swamps of antisemitism.

Bad leadership failed us on the international scene, complicit in the single greatest blow America has ever dealt to Israeli security, the Obama administration’s Iran deal, while mumbling stupidly about bipartisanship. They swaggered about D.C. declaiming their political clout and influence, yet they were unwilling, when the hour of need arose, to withdraw their support for those intent on giving a genocidal, Holocaust-denying regime hundreds of billions of dollars, regional legitimacy, and the power and motivation to resume exporting death and destruction against its enemies, the Jews first and foremost.

Bad leadership failed us on the political front, rushing to embrace obvious Jew-haters. Like New York’s Jewish Community Relations Council, for example, which was eager to engage Alexandria “the U.S. tested chemical weapons in Vieques as a dress rehearsal for Israeli war crimes in Gaza” Ocasio-Cortez in a fawning dialogue while simultaneously hosting seminars on “white supremacy” and cracking down on Orthodox communities that dared to defy the state’s draconian COVID restrictions.

Bad leadership failed us by failing to prioritize our own, very real needs, abandoning its core mission—to serve and protect Jews—in order to imagine itself instead as yet another tile in the mosaic of the Democratic Party’s contemporary coalition of grievances. Earlier this year, when a Tablet staffer asked a senior executive at a very large American Jewish organization what their group’s top priority was for the year, this person replied, without missing a beat: “Ukraine.” What?

In every precinct and every channel, these leaders not only failed to see what was coming down the pike; they also did their best to sideline and even demonize those who did—snidely dismissing our clear-eyed observers, like Bari and Liel, who’ve grown hoarse from sounding the alarm about intersectionality and antisemitism in left-wing spaces, or Lee, Tony, and Mike, righteous gentiles who’ve spent years warning about the insane and irreversible dangers—to the U.S., to Israel, and to American Jews—of playing footsie with Iran…


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d6e896 No.111556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017348 (030412ZDEC23) Notable: Replace American Jewish Communal Leadership

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Replace American Jewish Communal Leadership

2/2 or 3

Some of these misguided communal leaders have been chastened by recent events.Andres Spokoiny, of the Jewish Funders Network, spent years using social media platforms to argue that these concerns, particularly about antisemitism in liberal circles, were overwrought. Two weeks ago, in a public forum, Liel asked him point-blank about the large philanthropies he had engaged turning sharply against Israel when it mattered most, like the Ford Foundation—whose CEO, months after appearing as a featured speaker at JFN’s conference, issued a stunningly terrible statement in the wake of the Hamas attacks. Spokoiny answered briefly, clearly, and convincingly. He said he had been wrong, that he had learned his lesson, and that he would not be fooled again.

Others, though, are more sure of themselves than ever. Appearing on Eli Lake’s podcast, the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt was asked why the organization under his leadership dedicated itself to decrying right-wing antisemitism and running cover for a censorship and surveillance effort that undermines the First Amendment, not to mention the centurylong Jewish commitment to it?

What did Greenblatt—whose ADL published a guide to America’s leading antisemites that did not include Rashida Tlaib or Ilhan Omar but only a handful of meaningless right-wing bloggers; who stood shoulder to shoulder with Al Sharpton, America’s most prominent living pogromist, to demand that social media outlets censor speech, including of a president elected by 60 million Americans; and who repeatedly championed the Black Lives Matter movement even when it was abundantly clear that it was both financially corrupt as well as deeply anti-Israel—have to say in response?

“We definitely do not play this left-right game,” Greenblatt replied, before going on to blame the media for making up lies.

Of course, it’s not hard to know why. Greenblatt can’t give up on this intersectional racket, since it’s responsible for nearly doubling the ADL’s coffers under his reign. But that’s business, not communal leadership—and we, the community, must finally accept that.

Two weeks ago, a friend was on multiple calls with other Jewish communal professionals where people were trying to square our new reality with the mixed-up ideas they had come to believe were our communal priorities. “We need to hold space in the Jewish community for Jews who are struggling in this moment because they don’t support Israel.” Do we? It seems to me this is an opportunity to bring clarity to what has been obscured, by answering charges like this one as directly as possible: “It is very important that we not misrepresent ourselves, because then these people will ultimately—rightly—feel gaslit. We are Zionists, and we believe that Zionism is central to our work. If this makes our spaces not right for certain people, we need—for their sakes and ours—for them to know it now.”

If we want more morally focused leaders, we need to start being more active followers. Stop reflexively writing checks to legacy organizations whose real work you don’t actually understand. Start demanding to see charters and mission statements, and demanding that they be changed immediately if somewhere along the way they lost the thread of concern for Jews, Israel, and America. And if the leaders at these organizations themselves seem unclear about or uncommitted to the priorities you believe should be paramount right now, fire them or jump ship. Empower new people and new organizations with the smarts and strength and vision to truly lead.

Now is not the time to forgive and forget, because we have no way of knowing if the worst is behind us or not. And I, for one, will not end up on some shrink’s couch, wishing for the gun that never came.

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d6e896 No.111557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017363 (030417ZDEC23) Notable: The US Air Force (USAF) eliminated Boeing Co. from the replacement competition of a half-century-old "Doomsday" plane that can survive a nuclear war.

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>The US Air Force (USAF) eliminated Boeing Co. from the replacement competition of a half-century-old "Doomsday" plane that can survive a nuclear war. This leaves Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) as the sole remaining known competitor. "


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d6e896 No.111558

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017385 (030423ZDEC23) Notable: Nathan Reynolds - Eaters of Children corporately and wholesale video

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d6e896 No.111559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017446 (030439ZDEC23) Notable: The Curious Fraud Case Against Trump Just Got ‘Curiouser’

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The Curious Fraud Case Against Trump Just Got ‘Curiouser’


“Curiouser and curiouser.” Those words from Alice in Wonderland seem the only apt description of the case unfolding in the New York courtroom of Justice Arthur F. Engoron over the alleged fraudulent practices of former president Donald Trump, his family and his business.

The charges brought by New York State Attorney General Letitia James were curious from the start. James had run for office on the pledge that she would hunt down Trump, a promise that apparently thrilled many New Yorkers. However, she brought a civil case based on Trump over- and under-estimating the values of his properties.

As some of us have previously stated, there do appear to have been assets that were inflated or deflated in value. That may be a common practice in New York real estate, but it is not a good practice. Indeed, I believe a penalty is warranted for such practices, but those should be uniformly imposed and would be a fraction of the fortune sought by James in this case.

The evidence shows that banks made money on these loans, which were paid off either early or on time. In fact, none of the banks complained about the Trump organization’s estimations, which were accompanied by a warning that the banks should not rely on those estimates.

Moreover, James is seeking to kill a corporation once viewed as iconic in New York, not just by denying the certificates for the Trumps to do business in the city but by imposing $250 million in penalties for money that no one actually lost.

That all became curiouser this week when two bankers were called by the defense. Rosemary Vrablic and David Williams worked on Deutsche Bank loans to the Trumps for years, and they testified that the banks made millions and viewed Trump as a much-sought-after "whale" client — what Vrablic described as a “very high net-worth individual.”

Williams testified that net worth is "subjective" in such documents as property valuations and are offered as mere "estimates." It is not uncommon for a bank's estimates to differ from a client’s.

Vrablic wrote emails at the time about the benefits to the bank in dealing with the Trumps, as well as pitches to the family that the bank was happy to extend conditions which allowed added benefits of "flexibility, rate and service" to get the business relationship.

Justice Engoron seemed irritated by the testimony, however, and when Trump counsel asked why the bank was so eager to secure future loans, Engoron snapped back: "They're trying to make money. Why wouldn't they be interested?”

The real question here is James’ overriding interest in killing the company. Engoron has already declared that Trump is guilty of fraud, and he is now weighing the massive penalties sought by James — and eagerly supported by many New Yorkers.…


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d6e896 No.111560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017448 (030439ZDEC23) Notable: The Curious Fraud Case Against Trump Just Got ‘Curiouser’

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That eagerness could prove the court's undoing, however. Some of Engoron's earlier orders are currently under review. Yet it is James’ demand for the effective dissolution of the corporation and $250 million in penalties that could push this case beyond the curious to the unconstitutional.

It is relatively rare for civil damages to trigger constitutional review, and it is still far from clear that this case will rise to that level. The New York law is unique in allowing massive penalties without the loss of a single dollar by a bank. However, James wants dissolution and crippling damages, and that could trigger a higher-court review.

In 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court decided a case, BMW of North America v. Gore, striking down a punitive damage award. The case involved the practice of the company to repair and repaint cars damaged in transit without telling the customers. The jury in the original trial awarded $4,000 in compensatory damages for the lost value to the car in not having a factory paint job and other damage; it then imposed $4 million in punitive damages for the company’s dishonesty. Even though the Alabama Supreme Court previously reduced the punitive award by half, the U.S. Supreme Court still found that the award violated the Due Process Clause as "grossly excessive.”

While the High Court agreed on the need for punitive damages to deter future misconduct, it found the ratio between compensatory and punitive damages to be too great.

One distinction between that case and the Trump proceeding is that the Supreme Court found no intentionally false statements by BMW — but effective dissolution of Trump’s business and a quarter-billion dollars in damages may raise analogous concerns over excessive penalties.

In the Trump case, the banks made money. It would be akin to the car owner's value going up with the paint job but still hitting BMW with punitive damages.

James is known for her embrace of nuclear options when it comes to political opponents or groups. She previously sought to persuade a court to force the dissolution of the National Rifle Association. The question is, what happens if she finally has found an enabling judge in Engoron?

The testimony of the bankers highlights how out of proportion this effort has become. One would expect the banks to have sought action as the aggrieved parties if they had suffered losses as a result of Trump misconduct. They did not. While they discontinued working with the Trumps after the start of the New York criminal and civil actions, they have remained silent.

It all reminds one of another great work. In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s story, The Adventure of Silver Blaze, Sherlock Holmes investigated the disappearance of a racehorse. Holmes noted to the local inspector "the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime.”

When the inspector objected, “The dog did nothing in the night-time,” Holmes replied: “That was the curious incident.”

The lack of any barking by the banks is just another curious element in a case against Trump that gets curiouser and curiouser.

( https://themessenger.com/opinion/donald-trump-fraud-trial-engoron-letitia-james-bankers-testimony

Jonathan Turley, an attorney, constitutional law scholar and legal analyst, is the Shapiro Chair for Public Interest Law at The George Washington University Law School.

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d6e896 No.111561

File: 32bd233138df98d⋯.png (336.66 KB,600x577,600:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017493 (030455ZDEC23) Notable: The Guam National Guard hosts the 2024 Central Pacific Cybersecurity Summit,

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DATSD Melanie Fonder Kaye


Dec 1

The Guam National Guard hosts the 2024 Central Pacific Cybersecurity Summit, bringing together 100+ cybersecurity leaders, including reps from @INDOPACOM, @FBI, @DHSgov, and more.




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d6e896 No.111562

File: 53421d72b33df37⋯.png (312.39 KB,600x594,100:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017514 (030506ZDEC23) Notable: Ops never stop - USAF Twitter

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d6e896 No.111563

File: 7679a302e076744⋯.png (1.6 MB,1198x837,1198:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017561 (030516ZDEC23) Notable: PF update DEBT49 Pope to Nellis

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Probably also unrelated that this C17 callsign DEBT took off from Pope Field to land at Nellis outside of Vegas last night around mindnight too. Probably just a bunch of Green Berets going gambling or something because training is like that sometimes.

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d6e896 No.111564

File: eb056125bfeb5e1⋯.png (640.38 KB,615x729,205:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017566 (030518ZDEC23) Notable: #Marines with @2nd_MAW band alongside Italian Forces' musicians perform at the Vatican City, on Nov. 22.

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U.S. Marines



#Marines with @2nd_MAW band alongside Italian Forces' musicians perform at the Vatican City, on Nov. 22.

The Marines integrated with the @USNavy Forces Europe and Africa band for the Vatican Papal Address Performance to strengthen the enduring alliance.

Dec 2, 2023 ¡ 6:00 PM UTC


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d6e896 No.111565

File: 3886eaa9e6cd293⋯.png (685.4 KB,1015x758,1015:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017602 (030537ZDEC23) Notable: PF Update

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SAMFOX flight out of Miami. I've only seen one before, and it was the second week of January 2020 ...when things were just starting to get weird. Extra points for googling SAMFOX callsign...

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d6e896 No.111566

File: 3881489d5e6dd95⋯.jpeg (155.34 KB,960x1236,80:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dea8775820e327e⋯.png (549.35 KB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017626 (030548ZDEC23) Notable: Special Counsel’s Office – Smith Statement of Expenditures November 18, 2022 through March 31, 2023

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Spends a lot


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d6e896 No.111567

File: 6169da211ccaaa1⋯.mp4 (14.05 MB,886x1406,443:703,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017647 (030555ZDEC23) Notable: Dan Scavino - TruthSocial - Mar A Lago

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Post It Dan You Late ?

What's up anons, slow bread?


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d6e896 No.111568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017675 (030605ZDEC23) Notable: Dan Scavino - TruthSocial - Mar A Lago

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Nessun Dorma sung by Pavarotti.

Nessun Dorma translates to None Shall Sleep / Let No One Sleep

Water shot too, very interesting.

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d6e896 No.111569

File: 8428299a0437ea6⋯.jpeg (562.02 KB,1160x596,290:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9138025051a1d05⋯.jpeg (464.54 KB,1345x594,1345:594,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 16c3e1cc73e6ad9⋯.jpeg (493.74 KB,907x574,907:574,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017680 (030606ZDEC23) Notable: PF Update

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PF:SAM453 G5 and VV101, VM101 US Navy “brass” left Pt Mugu EN and SAM453 just landed at JBA while SPAR28 Indo-PAC G5 is behind the 2 high level Navy birds outta Pt. Mugu-SPAR 28 Hickam AFB, Oahu depart earlier

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

SAM=Special Air Mission

The G5s outta Mugu 43-45k and over 500kts

The SAM in at JBA about 560kts so Saturday night action heading to JBA in a bit of hurry


SAMFOX call is or has been used for visiting foreign VIP so some minister or cabinet member is being moved by the 99th Squad

Seen about 6-7 over the last 4-5 yrs

Rare and only one I could confirm via a news story was a Moroccan Energy cabinet official (here about Natty Gas in 2029 the others I don’t know

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d6e896 No.111570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017683 (030607ZDEC23) Notable: PF Update

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d6e896 No.111571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017690 (030609ZDEC23) Notable: Dan Scavino - TruthSocial - Mar A Lago

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111572

File: 3886eaa9e6cd293⋯.png (685.4 KB,1015x758,1015:758,Clipboard.png)

File: 52c47fa13d494b5⋯.png (878.7 KB,1091x800,1091:800,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b1b2daf88dfae4⋯.png (1.06 MB,1259x794,1259:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017705 (030613ZDEC23) Notable: PF Update

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SAMFOX headed west from Miami over the Gulf -switched off -and when he switched back on he was SAM453 coming into Texas ...then later landed in Point Mugu NAS

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d6e896 No.111573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017787 (030640ZDEC23) Notable: #24571

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#24571 >>111547

>>111548, >>111551, >>111552 Dennis Meadows-Club of Rome on population reduction

>>111549 Appeals court orders Texas to remove buoy barrier on the Rio Grande border

>>111550 New Hampshire shares unredacted complaint against Facebook parent Meta

>>111553, >>111557 The US Air Force (USAF) eliminated Boeing Co. from the replacement competition of a half-century-old "Doomsday" plane that can survive a nuclear war.

>>111555, >>111556 Replace American Jewish Communal Leadership

>>111554, >>111558 Nathan Reynolds - Eaters of Children corporately and wholesale video

>>111559, >>111560 The Curious Fraud Case Against Trump Just Got ‘Curiouser’

>>111561 The Guam National Guard hosts the 2024 Central Pacific Cybersecurity Summit,

>>111562 Ops never stop - USAF Twitter

>>111563 PF update DEBT49 Pope to Nellis

>>111564 #Marines with @2nd_MAW band alongside Italian Forces' musicians perform at the Vatican City, on Nov. 22.

>>111565, >>111569, >>111570, >>111572 PF Update

>>111566 Special Counsel’s Office – Smith Statement of Expenditures November 18, 2022 through March 31, 2023

>>111567, >>111568, >>111571 Dan Scavino - TruthSocial - Mar A Lago

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d6e896 No.111574

File: d7c957f0ca6a057⋯.png (755.77 KB,692x1072,173:268,Clipboard.png)

File: 9db0f456b2677dc⋯.png (803.67 KB,751x1128,751:1128,Clipboard.png)

File: 87f7d18a527054a⋯.png (941.9 KB,710x1153,710:1153,Clipboard.png)

File: bcebf7f60790a60⋯.png (455.51 KB,681x1152,227:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017877 (030721ZDEC23) Notable: Review of Deep State Assets in Ukraine and how they were used against Trump

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Article from Feb 17, 2018 worth revisiting to illustrate just how embedded the DS was in Ukraine, and how they worked hand in glove to target Trump.

Lots of sauce. Great for sharing with normies who may now be more receptive in light of the industrial scale corruption that's taken place since original publish date.

Wonder how well that 'State Audit Service' is tracking our $150B in tax dollars?

Good thing it was built by DC's finest before the late unpleasantness started.


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d6e896 No.111575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017880 (030722ZDEC23) Notable: Review of Deep State Assets in Ukraine and how they were used against Trump

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original article URL


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d6e896 No.111576

File: 2028a51e5da4419⋯.png (275.17 KB,831x562,831:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20017990 (030807ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden was on the Amtrak board

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Sleepy Joe tells the same bullshit story about Amtrak regularly. Journalists don't call him out.

It's never even been asked about or mentioned that Hunter was on the board. That's the state of journalism today.

That's why We are the News Now.


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d6e896 No.111577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018002 (030812ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Planning for Gaza War To Last Over a Year

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Israel Planning for Gaza War To Last Over a Year


The Financial Times reported speaking with sources who said that Israel plans to wage war on Gaza for over a year. In a little less than two months, Israel has killed at least 15,000 people, damaged 100,000 buildings, displaced 1.7 million Palestinians, and destroyed most of Gaza’s medical facilities.

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d6e896 No.111578

File: d717db7d7887635⋯.png (209.24 KB,545x564,545:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018013 (030817ZDEC23) Notable: GO For Launch of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich!

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Wonder how Sentinel-6 is doin. Launch tweet sure was dasting

GO For Launch of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich!

The Launch Readiness Review at @30thSpaceWing

has concluded and we are GO for #SeeingTheSeas. 🌊 Launch is targeted for tomorrow, Nov. 21 at 9:17 a.m. PT aboard a @SpaceX

#Falcon9 rocket: http://go.nasa.gov/2HnWEXq


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d6e896 No.111579

File: 8c1798899b1f36e⋯.png (444.77 KB,739x1098,739:1098,Clipboard.png)

File: b6140739c281d04⋯.png (68.37 KB,735x549,245:183,Clipboard.png)

File: bb451c5156f7a0a⋯.png (50 KB,728x409,728:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018125 (030915ZDEC23) Notable: 3 yrs after Pentagon announces Cyber Warriors & Information Operators tasked with fighting disinformation & influence campaigns online, they are either creating it or ineffective against it

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Old article but it's a good time to stop and ask: what exactly have they accomplished in 3 years of fighting 'misinformation'?

Would they say it's more of a problem, or that they're good at their jobs? It can't be both.


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d6e896 No.111580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018127 (030916ZDEC23) Notable: December 2, 2023, is 11 months and 3 days until November 5, 2024.11.3

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Today, December 2, 2023, is 11 months and 3 days until November 5, 2024.11.3

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d6e896 No.111581

File: d30e3aa34170510⋯.png (122.22 KB,759x927,253:309,Clipboard.png)

File: f196419d35844a4⋯.png (471.48 KB,750x1091,750:1091,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018142 (030924ZDEC23) Notable: 3 yrs after Pentagon announces Cyber Warriors & Information Operators tasked with fighting disinformation & influence campaigns online, they are either creating it or ineffective against it

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Different article, but related.

Reading this one has to conclude that if these astronauts aren't the shills/spammers etc - then they should be helping to combat them here. So far I'm not impressed with the work product either way.


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d6e896 No.111582

File: 36d0e58b85e2912⋯.png (469.05 KB,841x1155,841:1155,Clipboard.png)

File: a0e901077867de8⋯.png (273.32 KB,821x968,821:968,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018181 (030939ZDEC23) Notable: WW2 Navy Dirty Tricks Dept successfully fights Japanese misinformation conducted via radio

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To be fair, these guys sound like a successful example in similar work.


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d6e896 No.111583

File: e16a24df94a4aed⋯.png (96.04 KB,1096x571,1096:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f8720c38120422⋯.png (128.21 KB,707x903,101:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018202 (030946ZDEC23) Notable: Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data

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Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111584

File: 9c5cc691ee025b3⋯.png (1.41 MB,1258x683,1258:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018274 (031026ZDEC23) Notable: Moving moment huge group of MAGA Republicans PRAY over Donald Trump

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Moment huge group of MAGA Republicans

PRAY over Donald Trump as former president

is mobbed during Iowa campaign stop

Daily Mail (UK), by Ishita Srivastava

Posted By: Harlowe, 12/3/2023 12:36:55 AM

Former President Donald Trump's Iowa campaign has been blessed by faith pastors as over a hundred MAGA Republicans prayed over him for his victory. [Snip] He even claimed that Jesus and God would now declare him the 2024 US President and race winner. 'I think if you had a real election and Jesus came down and God came down and said, "I'm gonna be the scorekeeper here," I think we'd win there, I think would win in Illinois, and I think it we'd win in New York.

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d6e896 No.111585

File: 519bccc5472f809⋯.png (384 KB,675x590,135:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018279 (031028ZDEC23) Notable: ADL CEO: We’ve Talked About Twitter, But TikTok Is ‘Like Al Jazeera on Steroids’

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ADL CEO: We’ve Talked About Twitter,

But TikTok Is ‘Like Al Jazeera on Steroids’

with Antisemitism

Breitbart, by Ian Hanchett

Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/2/2023 10:11:23 PM

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt stated that while we’ve talked about Instagram and Twitter/X, TikTok’s antisemitism issues should be discussed because it “is the 24/7 news channel of so many of our young people and it’s like Al Jazeera on steroids, amplifying and intensifying the antisemitism and the anti-Zion[ism] with no repercussions.” Greenblatt stated, “We’ve been on this show. We’ve talked about Instagram, we’ve talked about Twitter or X, and you’ve seen my back-and-forth with Elon Musk. But we need to talk about TikTok. TikTok, if you will, is the 24/7 news channel of so many of our young

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d6e896 No.111586

File: 730409f92d4ce85⋯.png (338.45 KB,593x620,593:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018284 (031031ZDEC23) Notable: Holy Shit! Human Chop Shop discovered in Phoenix AZ. Selling human body parts.

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Juanita Broaddrick


BREAKING: Holy Shit! Human Chop Shop discovered in Phoenix AZ. Selling human body parts.


Kasey Lynae 🇺🇸

5:50 PM ¡ Dec 2, 2023




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d6e896 No.111587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018287 (031032ZDEC23) Notable: ADL CEO: We’ve Talked About Twitter, But TikTok Is ‘Like Al Jazeera on Steroids’

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Remember that "archive offline?"

General Research #23075 >>40570



Amid a national hysteria claiming the popular video-sharing app is a Chinese Trojan Horse, a MintPress News investigation has found dozens of ex-U.S. State Department officials working in key positions at TikTok. Many more individuals with backgrounds in the FBI, CIA and other departments of the national security state also hold influential posts at the social media giant, affecting the content that over one billion users see.

While American politicians demand the app be banned on national security grounds, try to force through an internet surveillance act that would turn the country into an Orwellian state, make clueless statements about how TikTok is dangerous because it connects to your Wi-Fi, it is possible that TikTok is already much closer to Washington than it is to Beijing.

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d6e896 No.111588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018330 (031055ZDEC23) Notable: Health worker arrested after allegedly misusing data to spread vaccine misinformation

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Health worker arrested after allegedly misusing data to spread vaccine misinformation

Police have confirmed a health worker has been arrested for allegedly misusing and disclosing vaccination data.

He has been charged with accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes and will appear in the Wellington District Court on Monday.

Te Whatu Ora have confirmed the employee has since been removed, a police complaint has been laid and an employment investigation is underway.

Margie Apa, Chief Executive of Te Whatu Ora said the individual had worked in the health system for a number of years, and was authorised to access data as part of his work.

“From what we have established to date, the individual downloaded a large amount of vaccine related information. We are still working to confirm the full extent of this activity,” she said.

“The data, as published on an overseas site, appears to have been anonymised. Analysis of the released data is ongoing, but work so far has not found any National Health Index Numbers or personally identifiable information.”

Advertise with Stuff

Apa said an injunction had been granted by the Employment Relations Authority that prevents any publication of the data.

“We have already used the injunction to have information taken down from an overseas website and cybersecurity specialists are continuing to scan extensively for any other places where the information may appear.”

”What this individual is trying to claim about vaccines is completely wrong and ill-informed and their comments demonstrate this. The person has no clinical background or expert vaccine knowledge and appears to be trying to spread misinformation,” Apa said.

”We assure people there is no evidence whatsoever that vaccination is responsible for excess mortality in New Zealand.”

Stuff understands the alleged misinformation centred around the number of vaccine-related deaths.

In New Zealand, there have been four deaths linked to the Covid-19 vaccination since it was rolled out.

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d6e896 No.111589

File: 0a16b5a63c19366⋯.png (510.17 KB,585x573,195:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018401 (031121ZDEC23) Notable: X22 Report

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X22 Report



Ep 3225b - [DS] Has No Plan B, Transparency & Prosecution, There Is Simply No Other Way, Except 1


Dec 01, 2023, 11:02 AM

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d6e896 No.111590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018402 (031122ZDEC23) Notable: UPDATE: DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer’s Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination (VIDEO)

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UPDATE: DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer’s Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination (VIDEO)

Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps and whistleblower, has been barred from accessing his work computer by the Department of Defense (DOD).

This action comes after The Gateway Pundit wrote about Lt. Macie’s exposé on the significant increase in heart-related issues among military pilots post-COVID-19 vaccination.

Lt. Macie, who also holds roles as a Navy Health Administrator and Medical Recruiter, brought attention to these concerns through a video, echoing the initial alarms raised by his wife, Mara Macie, a candidate for Florida’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House against RINO John Rutherford.

Mara Macie has been vocal on social media about the mistreatment of thousands of service members during the vaccine rollout. Her posts have underscored a growing mistrust in military leadership and a call for accountability and justice.


Thousands of servicemembers were treated with “disrespect” and fired because of “tyranny,” yet citing recruitment challenges as a reason this should be a priority diminishes the sentiment.

There is a complete lack of trust in the military “leadership” among those who were… https://t.co/qDxywoq5q9

— Mara Macie (@MaraMacie) November 27, 2023

The data presented by Lt. Macie reveals a dramatic spike in various heart-related ailments among fixed-wing and helicopter pilots. The statistics show increases in conditions like hypertensive disease (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), other forms of heart disease (63%), and cardiomyopathy (152%) compared to the five-year average prior to 2022.


“The responses to our concerns from the DoD have been memorandums, letters. As in a letter displaying how they confirmed the data but said it was due to the COVID-19 virus, even though all the issues start in 2021,” Lt. Macie told The Gateway Pundit last Tuesday when asked if the DoD has taken any specific measures in response to this alarming data.

He continued, “I met with the Chief of Naval Operations and her aide. So far the only response to that is that the DMED data has been sent to the Navy IG from the CNO’s office. Slow rolling everything has been the norm as well as denying anything is happening. “We’ll take a look.””

On Thursday, two days after our report on this alarming incident, Mara Macie shared in a video statement that Lt. Ted Macie lost access to his work computer unexpectedly, an essential tool for his duties.

“This afternoon, as Ted was nearing the end of his work day, he went to use the restroom. And when he returned, he no longer had access to his work computer, and he needs to have access to his work computer to do his job,” Mara said.

Update on my husband, @ted_macie (DMED Whistleblower).

Transparency ALWAYS.

Help us fight government corruption!https://t.co/l5GVD8eh2C pic.twitter.com/44z6E3asUS

— Mara Macie (@MaraMacie) November 30, 2023

Mara Macie told The Gateway Pundit that the order to block Lt. Macie’s access to his work computer was from the Commanding Officer.

The Commanding Officer is the one relaying anything through his OIC. So, at their branch clinic, per Mara, the Officer in Charge (CIO) is the “little” Commanding Officer for the branch, but their actual Commanding Officer is at the Naval hospital in Jacksonville, about half an hour away.

According to Mara, the Commanding Officer would not give the OIC any information about the decision.

Recall, in an interview with Emerald Robinson, host at Frankspeech.com, Lt. Macie said he has not received any backlash yet for disclosing the data.

“I haven’t yet, and I believe that’s because I’m putting out the DoD’s own data. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s not my job to look at the defense database. However, it’s something that is affecting our entire DoD. So, I think it’s kind to point this out…” said Lt. Macie on Wednesday.


After joining @EmeraldRobinson on The Absolute Truth, the DoD blocks access to Lt @ted_macie‘s work computer according to the Whistleblower’s wife @MaraMacie. pic.twitter.com/McU5GXsg5a

— The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson (@AbsoluteWithE) December 2, 2023

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d6e896 No.111591

File: 1fbc00763a4b816⋯.jpg (176.26 KB,1005x1194,335:398,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018403 (031122ZDEC23) Notable: Philippine is being hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake just hours after the 7.6 earthquake.

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Philippine is being hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake just hours after the 7.6 earthquake.

Source: Reuters


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d6e896 No.111592

File: eed7f8079efc0aa⋯.png (282.52 KB,594x578,297:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018410 (031124ZDEC23) Notable: Poso "Kek" tweet: Trump last night: “Thank you very much for being here. They wanted to use the place … this place is packed. We don’t let people use Mar-a-Lago very much because, as you know, we hold very important documents here.”

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸




Ron Filipkowski




Trump last night: “Thank you very much for being here. They wanted to use the place … this place is packed. We don’t let people use Mar-a-Lago very much because, as you know, we hold very important documents here.”

11:45 PM ¡ Dec 2, 2023




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d6e896 No.111593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018413 (031126ZDEC23) Notable: Video: It is now possible to buy javelin missile guidance computers off the internet thanks to ukraine.

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It is now possible to buy javelin missile guidance computers off the internet thanks to ukraine.

Here is a video of someone disassembling one.


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d6e896 No.111594

File: 63c7f08964ab4c1⋯.jpg (168.15 KB,1055x915,211:183,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018432 (031130ZDEC23) Notable: New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine. This must be investigated. If this data of mass vaccine casualties is real there must be accountability.

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Kim Dotcom



Nov 30

New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine. This must be investigated. If this data of mass vaccine casualties is real there must be accountability.


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d6e896 No.111595

File: fd3ff4e660f7be0⋯.png (124.52 KB,631x842,631:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018503 (031156ZDEC23) Notable: American Thinker: United Nation’s agencies involved in the Middle East have placed it on the side of the most barbarous enemies of civilization.

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Winkin', Blinken, and Nod

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: Judy W., 12/3/2023 6:20:42 AM

This week’s column on the ongoing fight between civilization and barbarity focuses on the role on the United Nations and its various agencies in keeping jihadism alive and well; the outrageous efforts by the incompetent Anthony Blinken to hamstring Israel’s justified defense; and the little-known or publicized support by Arab leaders for Israel’s eradication of Hamas. Winkin’ Every one of the United Nation’s agencies involved in the Middle East have placed it on the side of the most barbarous enemies of civilization. The worst is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Disgusted by the agency’s role, Germany has frozen its substantial contributions to UNRWA

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d6e896 No.111596

File: 0f588e290bc1fb6⋯.jpeg (442.19 KB,1170x2332,585:1166,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d22054533d7a257⋯.jpeg (548.92 KB,1170x2319,390:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3e37ec71aee6dfe⋯.jpeg (584.88 KB,1170x2317,1170:2317,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 05854a358340958⋯.jpeg (443.7 KB,1170x1994,585:997,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018508 (031158ZDEC23) Notable: Paris attack near Eiffel Tower leaves one dead and two injured

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Paris attack near Eiffel Tower leaves one dead and two injured

A man has died and two others, including a British man, have been injured in a knife and hammer attack on a street in central Paris.

The attack occurred near the Eiffel Tower shortly before 21:00 local time (20:00 GMT) on Saturday.

A 26-year-old French national known to security services has been arrested and anti-terrorism prosecutors have opened an investigation.

Officials confirmed that the man killed was a German national.

France's Interior Minister GĂŠrald Darmanin said the victim was with his wife when he was attacked and fatally stabbed on Quai de Grenelle.


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d6e896 No.111597

File: 4afcb8f9d28086a⋯.png (312.45 KB,1031x877,1031:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018512 (031201ZDEC23) Notable: Witch Screams BALENCIAGA Before Being Burned In American Horror Story Scene (2022-Video)

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Bizarre: Witch Screams BALENCIAGA Before Being Burned In American Horror Story Scene (Video)

by Anthony Scott Dec. 2, 2022 10:12 pm


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d6e896 No.111598

File: f3bcc27242f7ed5⋯.png (983.88 KB,901x948,901:948,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018539 (031213ZDEC23) Notable: 6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

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6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

President Joe Biden gestures as he speaks at a press briefing at the White House on Dec. 3, 2021. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Tom Ozimek

By Tom Ozimek





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d6e896 No.111599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018547 (031215ZDEC23) Notable: US Tightens Noose Imposing More Sanctions for Russian Price Cap Violations

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US Tightens Noose Imposing More Sanctions for Russian Price Cap Violations

Published Dec 1, 2023 1:16 PM by The Maritime Executive

For the third time in seven weeks, the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) has imposed sanctions targeting the trade in Russian oil. It is reported to be part of a concerted campaign that is beginning to affect the Russian oil trade and causing some shipping companies to reconsider their business transporting Russian oil.

“Enforcement of the price cap on Russian oil is a top priority for the United States and our coalition partners,” said Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo in a statement issued today, December 1, outlining the latest actions. “By targeting these companies and their ships, we are upholding the dual goals of the price cap by restricting Russia’s profits from oil while promoting stable global energy markets.”

There have been numerous reports that the price of $60 a barrel launched a year ago has had little effect on the trade which has continued to flourish and grow. S&P Global Maritime Intelligence in a recent report calculated that there were over 432 ship-to-ship transfers of Russian oil in the third quarter up from basically none at the start of 2022 before the Ukraine war. They reported that the price of Russia’s main crude export has risen from $52 in June to nearly $80 in September well exceeding the price cap.

Today’s action by OFAC imposed sanctions on three shipping companies and designated three more tankers as blocked property. This follows the first round of actions launched on October 12 which blocked two crude oil tankers and a second round of sanctions on November 16 which also targeted three tankers indirectly associated with Russia’s Sovcomflot.

“The vessels NS Champion, Viktor Bakaev, and HS Atlantica carried Russian Urals crude oil priced above $70 per barrel after the crude oil price cap took effect. The NS Champion, Viktor Bakaev, and HS Atlantica used U.S.-person services while transporting the Russian-origin crude oil,” the U.S. stated in the announcement.

The NS Champion (110,000 dwt) built in 2005 and the Viktor Bakaev (118,175 dwt) built in 2013 have both been previously managed by SCF but are now listed as run by UAE-based Sterling Shipping and Streymoy Shipping, which were each sanctioned for the price cap violations. Both vessels are registered in Liberia. Also designated is the HS Atlantica (114,896 dwt) built in 2006. It is managed and registered in Liberia and management in India.

U.S. officials said that the actions were taken because the vessels used Price Cap Coalition services while carrying Russian crude oil about the coalition-agreed price cap. They highlighted the action as once again demonstrating Treasury’s commitment, alongside its coalition partners, to “responsibly reduce oil revenues that the Russian government uses to fund it is war against Ukraine.”

The Financial Times is quoting a U.S. senior diplomat as saying that the U.S. aims to cut Russia’s oil and gas revenues in half by 2030. The report says that the U.S. is looking for ways to target the “shadow fleet” of tankers.

Some indications are that the efforts are already having an effect. Bloomberg traced the previous batch of blocked tankers as transporting oil to India and the AIS signal from the Viktor Bakaev shows it just departed India. Reports are that India has been holding another sanctioned tanker offshore while it debates its response.

At the same time, Reuters is reporting that three Greek shipping companies stopped transporting Russian oil to avoid U.S. sanctions. The U.S. is believed to have sent written warnings to the Greek shipping community calling for them to immediately cease participation in the Russian oil trade and warning of potential actions. The U.S. has previously gone after Greek shipping interests for transporting Iranian oil including the seizure of the oil from the Suez Rajan controlled by Empire Navigation of Greece.


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d6e896 No.111600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018564 (031221ZDEC23) Notable: (2007) CIA Jet Crashed With 4 Tons Of Cocaine On Board

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crash-landed Sept. 24, 2007

CIA Jet Crashed With 4 Tons Of Cocaine On Board

Posted by Luke Rudkowski Oct 28, 2014

A Gulfstream II jet, aircraft # N987SA, allegedly used to transport Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) rendition prisoners from Europe and America to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba crash-landed Sept. 24, 2007 in Mexico carrying a cargo of over four tons of cocaine. It is suspected the Gulfstream jet ran out of fuel as it traveled from Colombia to the United States.

Federal Aviation Association records list the plane in question as belonging to Atef Hanna of Tarpon Springs Florida, but at the time of the incident, it was registered to Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc. of Coconut Creek, Florida. According to an article in The Tampa Tribune, Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc. was a front for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE claims it sold the aircraft to Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)-suspected drug smugglers as part of an undercover operation immediately prior to the crash in Mexico.

The ICE undercover agent who brokered the deal, former racecar driver Don Whittington, pled guilty to federal tax charges in 1987. According to an affidavit accidentally unsealed then subsequently resealed, Whittington is currently under investigation for using a Colorado Springs resort and spa to launder profits from the sale of this and other aircraft used in smuggling busts.







Image Sources: http://banoosh.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/plano3.jpg


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d6e896 No.111601

File: c19da502495b49c⋯.png (475.13 KB,589x494,31:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018576 (031224ZDEC23) Notable: Kash Patel-Truth: Loser has to take home stolen classified docs in his vette and lock them in the garage. HA - thanks @RealDirty

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Kash Patel


Loser has to take home stolen classified docs in his vette and lock them in the garage. HA - thanks @RealDirty





Jan 12, 2023, 6:11 AM

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d6e896 No.111602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018587 (031228ZDEC23) Notable: #24572

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Last call


>>111574, >>111575 Review of Deep State Assets in Ukraine and how they were used against Trump

>>111576 Hunter Biden was on the Amtrak board

>>111577 Israel Planning for Gaza War To Last Over a Year

>>111579, >>111581 3 yrs after Pentagon announces Cyber Warriors & Information Operators tasked with fighting disinformation & influence campaigns online, they are either creating it or ineffective against it

>>111582 WW2 Navy Dirty Tricks Dept successfully fights Japanese misinformation conducted via radio

>>111583 Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data

>>111578 GO For Launch of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich!

>>111584 Moving moment huge group of MAGA Republicans PRAY over Donald Trump

>>111585, >>111587 ADL CEO: We’ve Talked About Twitter, But TikTok Is ‘Like Al Jazeera on Steroids’

>>111586 Holy Shit! Human Chop Shop discovered in Phoenix AZ. Selling human body parts.

>>111588 Health worker arrested after allegedly misusing data to spread vaccine misinformation

>>111580 December 2, 2023, is 11 months and 3 days until November 5, 2024.11.3

>>111590 UPDATE: DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer’s Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination (VIDEO)

>>111591 Philippine is being hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake just hours after the 7.6 earthquake.

>>111592 Poso "Kek" tweet: Trump last night: “Thank you very much for being here. They wanted to use the place … this place is packed. We don’t let people use Mar-a-Lago very much because, as you know, we hold very important documents here.”

>>111590 UPDATE: DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer’s Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination (VIDEO)

>>111593 Video: It is now possible to buy javelin missile guidance computers off the internet thanks to ukraine.

>>111589 X22 Report

>>111594 New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine. This must be investigated. If this data of mass vaccine casualties is real there must be accountability.

>>111595 American Thinker: United Nation’s agencies involved in the Middle East have placed it on the side of the most barbarous enemies of civilization.

>>111596 Paris attack near Eiffel Tower leaves one dead and two injured

>>111597 Witch Screams BALENCIAGA Before Being Burned In American Horror Story Scene (2022-Video)

>>111598 6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

>>111599 US Tightens Noose Imposing More Sanctions for Russian Price Cap Violations

>>111600 (2007) CIA Jet Crashed With 4 Tons Of Cocaine On Board

>>111601 Kash Patel-Truth: Loser has to take home stolen classified docs in his vette and lock them in the garage. HA - thanks @RealDirty

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d6e896 No.111603

File: 4e57ac4a7a29c18⋯.jpg (59.97 KB,414x354,69:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018651 (031300ZDEC23) Notable: #24573

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ebaker signing OUT, bread is ghosted


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d6e896 No.111604

File: 480b894a0dc6338⋯.jpeg (398.26 KB,853x1668,853:1668,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c045f5367a001ff⋯.jpeg (574.21 KB,961x1647,961:1647,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bf663a73b584af4⋯.jpeg (613.47 KB,877x1668,877:1668,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 11a178b5603d74f⋯.jpeg (205.96 KB,1134x1332,63:74,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018655 (031301ZDEC23) Notable: Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan with Military and Federal Laws and Orders via current Bipartisan Legislation.

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There’s already overwhelming evidence of Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan with Military and Federal Laws and Orders via current Bipartisan Legislation

Remember the June 24, 2018, and August 2019, articles about the Army spending half a billion training soldiers for our next wars will be in mega-cities, not inside them but beneath them?

“U.S. Army leaders say the next war will be fought in mega-cities, but the service has embarked on an ambitious effort to prepare most of its combat brigades to fight, not inside, but beneath them.”



“The Army is preparing soldiers for the wars of the future by training them to fight in subway tunnels and sewers common to big cities.”

Washington Examiner:


Subterranean Warfare = Tunnels.


Now let’s look at Israel in the November 2023 news.

Gaza’s Tunnels Loom Large for Israel’s Ground Forces

Israel-Hamas War

Israel Says Video Shows Hamas Tunnel Under Besieged Hospital

Israel Displays Tunnel Shaft at Gaza Hospital and Says It Will Let In Some Fuel

The Tunnels of Gaza

How Subterranean Maze below the Gaza Strips works

Weird… why do we need to know how it works?

‘Special K’ aka “Kamala Harris” said the United States won’t be sending any troops to Israel.

Yet, 10 days after that, a United States C-17 Globemaster was in Israel.

And what a coincidence a Manual from a dot Mil site from 2019 just so happens to have a chapter titled:

Hamas: Egypt-Gaza Cross Border Operations.

Look:Shaping the Deep Fight: Operational Implications Of for the 21st Century Subterranean Conflicthttps://apps.dtic.mil/sti/trecms/pdf/AD1083592.pdf

“To some, the solution to the subsurface problem lies at the tactical level of war. In 2017, the US Army allocated $572 million into training and equipping active duty brigades to fight in large scale subterranean facilities.”

Weirdddddddd. Not only is it titled: Shaping the Deep Fight: Operational IMPLICATIONS Of for the 21st Century Subterranean conflict… it just so happens to align with the funding for the Army troops that the articles mentioned in 2018 and 2019 with aChapter about Subterranean Warfare with Hamas in Gaza

All planned. Military Occupation.

It matters because it’s literally right in front of everyone and public information, zero propaganda and predictions needed. 🫡🇺🇸

Source - https://t.me/rattletrap1776/6207

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d6e896 No.111605

File: a2892dd2b237a49⋯.png (104.39 KB,622x729,622:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018747 (031338ZDEC23) Notable: Donald Trump: Man in the Arena

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Donald Trump: Man in the Arena

American Thinker, by J.B. Shurk

Posted By: Hazymac, 12/3/2023 7:02:01 AM

Sundance, that tireless intellectual warrior standing guard over at The Conservative Treehouse, occasionally jeers: “You ‘conservative pundits’ still don’t get it. Trump isn’t our candidate. He’s our murder weapon. And the GOP is our victim.” Recently, he returned to that refrain after highlighting an interview in which Mitt Romney announced his intention to vote for a Democrat unless Republican primary voters nominated Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, or Ron DeSantis for president. Given that Romney tried to remove President Trump from office for Joe Biden’s quid-pro-quo crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere, his continued betrayal of grassroots voters is no surprise. Still, considering how many ordinary

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d6e896 No.111606

File: 767b5771a5799c4⋯.png (262.53 KB,596x460,149:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018765 (031349ZDEC23) Notable: Techno Fog: Henry Kissinger: America’s Most Prolific War Criminal

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Techno Fog: Henry Kissinger: America’s Most Prolific War Criminal via @gatewaypundit

2:35 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111607

File: 7711a0fa84ee5a6⋯.png (306.51 KB,593x455,593:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018768 (031351ZDEC23) Notable: Occidental Private Jet Visits Buffett's Hometown Twice Amid Speculation Of Major Shale Deal

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Occidental Private Jet Visits Buffett's Hometown Twice Amid Speculation Of Major Shale Deal

2:45 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111608

File: be3d50af335ef10⋯.png (30.28 KB,596x439,596:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018843 (031412ZDEC23) Notable: How did the 3-letter agencies take charge of COVID response inside the WH during Trump Administration?

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


How did the 3-letter agencies take charge of COVID response inside the WH during Trump Administration?

Olivia Troye.

cc: @mtaibbi

and @MikeBenzCyber


Emerald Robinson ✝️



Oct 29, 2021

He should have fired Fauci and Birx.

He should not have given to the COVID task force over to VP Pence - who gave it to Marc Short who gave it to “national security” aide @oliviatroye who had zero medical training.

That’s how America ended up with the Bill Gates/DARPA plan. twitter.com/AdamBaldwin/st…

Show more

3:10 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111609

File: e6e499c4705f9c0⋯.png (287.59 KB,418x712,209:356,Clipboard.png)

File: a2f3394c85f252b⋯.png (1.31 MB,1300x898,650:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20018936 (031443ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse

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Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse


Phase One of Israel’s genocidal campaign on Gaza has ended. Phase Two has begun. It will result in even higher levels of death and destruction.

The skies over Gaza are filled — after a seven-day truce — with projectiles of death. Warplanes. Attack helicopters. Drones. Artillery shells. Tank shells. Mortars. Bombs. Missiles. Gaza is a cacophony of explosions and forlorn screams and cries for help beneath collapsed buildings. Fear, once again, is coiling itself around every heart in the Gazan concentration camp.

By Friday evening, 184 Palestinians — including three journalists and two doctors — had been killed by Israeli air strikes in the north, south and central Gaza, and at least 589 injured, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Most of them are women and children. Israel will not be deterred. It plans to finish the job, to obliterate what is left in the north of Gaza and decimate what remains in the south, to render Gaza uninhabitable, to see its 2.3 million people driven out in a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing via starvation, terror, slaughter and infectious diseases.

The aid convoys, which brought in token amounts of food and medicine — the first batch was shrouds and coronavirus tests ...


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d6e896 No.111610

File: 87f3831d9c78df6⋯.jpg (72.61 KB,664x498,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8824197b3401940⋯.jpg (76.36 KB,1010x788,505:394,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019001 (031458ZDEC23) Notable: Maduro Is About To Invade Guyana - We Will Do Nothing To Stop Him

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Maduro Is About To Invade Guyana - We Will Do Nothing To Stop Him

Joe Biden is mentally compromised. He is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party. His national security team is composed of similar individuals, all of whom place multiple interests above their loyalty to the people of the United States. Our foreign policy is in free fall, and the world is catching fire.

The latest nascent disaster? An impending invasion of Guyana by the hostile Marxist regime of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.

Venezuela claims roughly two-thirds of the neighboring nation of Guyana as its own. Maduro, no doubt sure that Biden will do nothing to interfere, has announced a national referendum at which he will ask the people of Venezuela whether he should simply declare this part of Guyana a new Venezuelan state, and then occupy it.

Elections in Venezuela are never really in doubt. There is as much chance the referendum will fail as that Maduro will be voted out of office. In other words, it appears Maduro is about to attack Guyana.

Why? Because Guyana may be a small country but it is rich in oil, gold, and copper. In particular, Guyana controls lucrative offshore oil fields being developed by multiple companies including Exxon.

As all of this has been perculating and heading toward possible war, the Biden administration, never one to miss a chance to project weakness decided to suspend sanctions on Venezuelan oil and investments in the country’s oil and gas sector. Wars can be expensive. Apparently, Joe wanted to make sure Maduro had the cash on hand for this one.

The Biden administration justified the lifting of sanctions saying that Venezuela was making progress toward ensuring fair elections in 2024. Given that the Biden administration has shown no similar inclination it seems unlikely Maduro’s assurances amount to anything. It should also be noted that while Joe seems eager to help the Venezuelan oil industry he continues to wage war on American domestic fossil fuel production.

Venezuela is a communist dictatorship. It has a longstanding operational relationship with Iran and Hezbollah. Maduro provides Hezbollah operatives with fully backstopped alias documents so that they can operate clandestinely worldwide including inside the United States. Maduro has also been dumping inmates from his country’s jails into the flood of Venezuelans fleeing his nation and walking across our now-open southern border.


Good read.

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d6e896 No.111611

File: ee7a041a76f6dd4⋯.png (936.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019006 (031459ZDEC23) Notable: UFO Researcher: Peru 'Aliens' Are 'Unknown Species'

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UFO Researcher: Peru 'Aliens' Are 'Unknown Species'

Friday, 01 December 2023 12:19 PM EST

The researcher who presented mummified remains from Peru to Mexico's Congress as evidence of "nonhuman" aliens on Earth now claims that tests confirm these remains contain DNA that is "not from any known species."

JosĂŠ Jaime Maussan, a Mexican journalist and UFO researcher, presented the mummified remains to Mexico's Congress in September claiming at the time that testing showed that "these specimens are not part of our terrestrial evolution."

In testimony before the Mexican Congress this week, Maussan claimed that further tests show that 30% of the remains' DNA is "not from any known species," and he brought three Mexican researchers who testified that the remains were "authentic."

Maussan said: "This is the first time extraterrestrial life has been presented in this manner. We have a clear example of nonhuman specimens unrelated to any known species on our planet. The public has the right to know about nonhuman technology and beings. This reality unites humanity rather than dividing us. We are not alone in this vast universe; we should embrace this truth."

He added: "These specimens do not belong to our terrestrial evolution. They were not creatures discovered after a UFO crash. Instead, they were found in diatom mines and later transformed into fossilized mummies."


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d6e896 No.111612

File: 9406bee3a420d48⋯.png (578.27 KB,896x746,448:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019021 (031502ZDEC23) Notable: Maduro Is About To Invade Guyana - We Will Do Nothing To Stop Him

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d6e896 No.111613

File: c06f19ffbddb368⋯.png (919.22 KB,1374x910,687:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019030 (031506ZDEC23) Notable: STARLINK MISSION

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

Dec 2, 2023

On Saturday, December 2 at 11:00 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

This was the sixth flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched Crew-6, SES O3b mPOWER, and now four Starlink missions.


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d6e896 No.111614

File: da532f297eb040d⋯.png (43.88 KB,1224x381,408:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019059 (031512ZDEC23) Notable: Cosmopolitan magazine shares steps for how to have a 'Satanic Abortion Ceremony'

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Cosmopolitan magazine shares steps for

how to have a 'Satanic Abortion Ceremony'

Fox News, by Alexander Hall

Posted By: Moritz55, 12/3/2023 9:35:43 AM

Cosmopolitan, a popular magazine for young women, shared with readers how they could have a ritualized abortion service via an abortion facility named after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's mother. Cosmopolitan explained on its Instagram page on Nov. 16 about the process of having a Satanic-themed abortion. It specifically addressed a "ceremonial" service provided at the "Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic," named as an insult to Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

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d6e896 No.111615

File: 62b618b4d5c3793⋯.webp (56.17 KB,600x499,600:499,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019060 (031513ZDEC23) Notable: Maduro Is About To Invade Guyana - We Will Do Nothing To Stop Him

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Venezuela Threatens Tiny Guyana as Vote Nears

The United Nations' top court Friday ordered Venezuela not to take any action that would alter Guyana's control over a disputed territory, but did not specifically ban it from holding a referendum Sunday on the territory's future.

Guyana had asked the International Court of Justice to order a halt to parts of the planned referendum. The court verdict did not refer to the referendum, but it ruled that Venezuela must "refrain from taking any action which would modify that situation that currently prevails" in the disputed Essequibo region, which makes up some two-thirds of Guyana.

The legally binding ruling remains in place until a case brought by Guyana against Venezuela on the future of the region is considered by the court.

Venezuela does not recognize the International Court of Justice's jurisdiction in the decades-old dispute over the Essequibo region and is expected to press ahead with the referendum regardless of what its judges decide.

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d6e896 No.111616

File: cad7fd88cac9fa0⋯.png (351.77 KB,611x964,611:964,Clipboard.png)

File: dcbac941065b9b2⋯.png (134.15 KB,578x1007,578:1007,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d4d5f98eff3461⋯.png (109.78 KB,558x930,3:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a3ff3ce1653c20⋯.png (92.04 KB,427x477,427:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019063 (031513ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Is Not Our Ally

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Israel Is Not Our Ally


>Israel is a grotesque country. Not only do we not receive anything in compensation for our support, but American interests are also damaged as a result of our support for Israel. There is no moral imperative to support Israel. There is no shared civilization or values between us. Israel is a pariah state that is propped up by American support. Compromise that support and Israel would face an existential threat given the terrible things that it does and the lack of international support it has sans America. While my own politics tend towards non-intervention generally such that I lament American imperial pretensions, I am not immune to human suffering beyond the borders of my country. To be sure, I denounce the murder of civilians in any conflict — whether they are Israeli or Palestinian or whether they are Rwandan, but it is not my business — or my country’s business — to fix it as a matter of foreign policy. Whether or not it is too late in the game to address the enormous cost of America’s immoral and stupid support of Israel, these things must be said.

>Israel is not our greatest ally — not by a long shot.

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d6e896 No.111617

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019169 (031534ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Is Not Our Ally

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>Israel is NOT our Ally


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d6e896 No.111618

File: 25682bbbf11e14f⋯.jpg (51.99 KB,500x624,125:156,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 43a130d51bcd827⋯.jpg (91.65 KB,500x641,500:641,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019418 (031645ZDEC23) Notable: Meet Allison Greenfield, the law clerk driving Trump bonkers at his fraud trial

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Anons review it and relish in the bullshit.


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d6e896 No.111619

File: 8ad043497d0e1b1⋯.png (97.61 KB,259x194,259:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019440 (031652ZDEC23) Notable: Who is Loretta Durbin?

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Loretta Durbin

Prior to forming Government Affairs Consulting, LLC in 2012, Loretta Durbin was a partner in the lobbying firm of Government Affairs Specialists, Inc. (GASI). GASI, a bi-partisan firm that contracted with a varied array of clientele, lobbied in the Illinois legislature for more than ten years prior to the retirement of one of its partners. While with GASI, she lobbied for a public university, local unit of government, not-for-profit human service, social service and planning entities. From 1985 to 1994, she worked in the Illinois Senate under the leadership of Senate President Philip J. Rock and Democratic Leader Emil Jones, Jr. She worked closely with Senators on legislative initiatives ranging from elementary and secondary education to state government operations to executive appointments. Following that, Loretta Durbin served in a senior capacity for the Illinois Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation; an agency of the Illinois General Assembly that tracks federal funds provided to the state, analyzes federal legislation affecting the state, and determines the impact of state mandates on local governmental units. She is a founding member of the Illinois Women’s Institute for Leadership, a comprehensive training program that prepares women to become effective leaders in government. Loretta stepped down in 2014, and is currently enjoying her retirement



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d6e896 No.111620

File: 76fc6e3a7085e6f⋯.png (60.99 KB,599x463,599:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019474 (031700ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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Benny Johnson


🚨 BREAKING: The Pentagon says a US warship and multiple commercial ships have come under attack in the Red Sea

5:10 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111621

File: 2377c7050fc8212⋯.png (485.85 KB,590x693,590:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019486 (031703ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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Happening Now: A US Navy Destroyer is under attack in the Red Sea and it is believed the attacks came from Yemen. Yemen has been launching multiple attacks on ships in the sea.

Yemen has seen much conflict in its own country and received over $1 billion in Aid from the US last year alone. Now they’re attacking our ships without fear or consequence.

Why is the Biden admin so weak globally?


5:27 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111622

File: 78fa3ecff67eddc⋯.png (602.74 KB,883x852,883:852,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019488 (031704ZDEC23) Notable: ABANDON BIDEN

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‘Abandon Biden’ Campaign Launched

By Left-Wing Muslim Leaders

Daily Caller, by Julianna Frieman

Posted By: Imright, 12/3/2023 12:00:17 PM

Several Muslim leaders from swing states launched a campaign against President Joe Biden’s reelection Saturday at a gathering in Dearborn, Michigan. The “#AbandonBiden” campaign is a direct response to the president’s diplomacy toward Israel after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks waged by Hamas, Politico reported. Organizers from Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania joined forces to ensure Biden does not serve another term.

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d6e896 No.111623

File: 465566410aa4121⋯.png (18 KB,599x226,599:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019503 (031709ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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Catturd ™


Here we go - Biden’s WWIII






JUST IN - American warship and multiple commercial vessels have come under attack in the Red Sea — Pentagon

5:07 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111624

File: 7d4fb2c544131f3⋯.png (572.32 KB,662x664,331:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019507 (031710ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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Swing-state Muslims Gather in Michigan

to ‘#AbandonBiden’ over Israel

Breitbart Politics, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Imright, 12/3/2023 10:58:38 AM

Muslims from swing states descended on Michigan on Saturday to issue a call to voters to “#AbandonBiden” over his support for Israel. Though the Biden administration has been vocal in recent weeks in its criticisms of Israel’s plans to defeat the Palestinian terror group Hamas, and has pushed for more humanitarian aid to the Gaza, many in the Arab- and Muslim-American community are angry that the White House has supported Israel at all, and are vowing to punish Biden at the ballot box in 2024.

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d6e896 No.111625

File: a34c34bd9a78ace⋯.jpg (9.67 KB,393x106,393:106,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019524 (031716ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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War Intel


#BREAKING Yemen’s Ansarullay is at war with the Americans, the Israelis and the British in the Red Sea

9:11 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111626

File: 0e74b2d2c4d3e63⋯.jpg (37.81 KB,325x511,325:511,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 47509ab7e4eb184⋯.png (428.18 KB,526x680,263:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019530 (031717ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO)


UKMTO Advisory 001/DEC/2023

Category: Irregular Activity


#MaritimeSecurity #MarSec


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d6e896 No.111627

File: 4361c3d3fc579d7⋯.png (157.45 KB,596x898,298:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019532 (031718ZDEC23) Notable: The mainstream media is telling you that J6 was an insurrection. Please tell me if the actions of Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman were heroic and proper.

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Tarik Johnson


Here we go... Episode 1:

The mainstream media is telling you that J6 was an insurrection. Please tell me if the actions of Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman were heroic and proper. To give so some context Pittman's call sign is Unit 2 and she is sitting on a dias in the USCP Commander Center where she can hear the radio traffic and she has a 360 degree view of the outside of the Capitol. She can also see the actives inside the Capitol where there is a camera. Chief Steven A Sund was on the phone trying to obtain approval for the National Guard's assistance and assistance from other law enforcement agencies. I was on the ground trying to de-escalate the situation specially asking Pittman for help. My call sign was 405J-John.

2:51 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111628

File: 1169e20bc67d315⋯.png (367.07 KB,716x892,179:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019537 (031720ZDEC23) Notable: How George Soros Funds Anti-Semitism

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How George Soros Funds Anti-Semitism

by Rachel EhrenfeldDecember 2, 2023075


Congress is debating legislation to strip tax-exempt status from “terrorist-supporting organizations.” The Open Society Foundations would be a prime target.

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d6e896 No.111629

File: ef5bdf47d32cc37⋯.jpg (59.52 KB,612x495,68:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019538 (031720ZDEC23) Notable: IDF attack about an hour ago in the Aladisa area in southern Lebanon in response to Hezbollah attacks

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Jack Ryan 🇺🇸🇺🇦


The results of the IDF attack about an hour ago in the Aladisa area in southern Lebanon in response to Hezbollah attacks.

8:59 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111630

File: 24cb6c5d9cc9581⋯.jpg (58.73 KB,539x483,77:69,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6ed3ed11d4925ea⋯.jpg (209.75 KB,1152x2048,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019545 (031722ZDEC23) Notable: UKMTO reports three incidents involving ships in the vicinity of the Bab El-Mandeb Strait today

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#UPDATE: UKMTO reports three incidents involving ships in the vicinity of the Bab El-Mandeb Strait today. Two attacks involving Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) and one incident involving an entity declaring itself to be “Yemeni authorities” ordering a ship to alter it’s course.

9:45 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111631

File: 2c9651af1d9d7f4⋯.png (644.97 KB,518x673,518:673,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e17801414b712c⋯.png (56.48 KB,656x423,656:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019546 (031722ZDEC23) Notable: Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

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Top conservative says Donald Trump will be Julius Caesar-esque DICTATOR if he wins in 2024 and could use his enormous power to refuse to stand down in 2028

Robert Kagan makes a case for the potency of Trump's power and what could happen if he finds himself back in the White House

'Like Caesar, Trump wields a clout that transcends the laws and institutions of government,' writes Kagan

Trump is currently polling some 30-40 points in front of his closest GOP competitor, and several points ahead of Joe Biden in most match ups

By Sophie Mann For Dailymail.Com

Published: 19:57 EST, 2 December 2023 | Updated: 20:46 EST, 2 December 2023

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d6e896 No.111632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019551 (031723ZDEC23) Notable: UKMTO reports three incidents involving ships in the vicinity of the Bab El-Mandeb Strait today

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Israel Hamas war: American warship and other vessels under attack in Red Sea

The Pentagon confirmed that several vessels had come under attack after the UK reported alleged Yemenese drone activity in the area.

The Pentagon confirmed that it was aware of reports that multiple commercial ships and an American Arleigh Burke-class destroyer had come under attack.

They said: "We're aware of reports regarding attacks on the USS Carney and commercial vessels in the Red Sea and will provide information as it becomes available."

Earlier the UK's Maritime Trade Operations Agency had warned there were reports of drone activity originating from Yemen and reports of a possible attack in the Bab al-Mandab strait.

Reuters has reported that the Houthi militant group has claimed to have launched a naval missile and an armed drone at two Israeli ships. They said the two ships were called the Unity Explorer and Number Nine which were targeted after they both rejected warnings from their navy.


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d6e896 No.111633

File: 83748b0c8db1f5a⋯.mp4 (414.32 KB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 14cd3b821146a99⋯.jpg (28.86 KB,458x541,458:541,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019559 (031725ZDEC23) Notable: Aftermath of #IAF 🇮🇱 airstrike, Deir El Balah, central #Gaza

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Aleph א


Aftermath of #IAF 🇮🇱 airstrike, Deir El Balah, central #Gaza

9:47 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111634

File: 675a40be6c329e1⋯.jpg (33.23 KB,445x542,445:542,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019562 (031726ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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VisegrĂĄd 24



The Houthi rebels in Yemen have fired rockets and drones against the USS Carney.

The US Navy vessel is trying to aid a British-owned vessel that was struck by a Houthi suicide drones earlier today.


9:32 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023



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d6e896 No.111635

File: adc24b9be551a8c⋯.jpg (30.08 KB,445x376,445:376,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019565 (031727ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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The Jerusalem Post


Israeli and Hezbollah forces traded fire across the Israel-Lebanon border on Sunday for the third consecutive day, and Israel said several of its soldiers were lightly injured.

9:55 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023



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d6e896 No.111636

File: eeabeb81579ae34⋯.png (763.96 KB,584x577,584:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019567 (031728ZDEC23) Notable: Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (12/03/23)

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (12/03/23)

#10 - Private jets headed to global warming conference get “literally frozen” on the runway.

#9 - New ruling in New York state allows for indefinite detention of the unvaccinated.

#8 - Police warn a brand-new iPhone feature could put your children at grave risk.

#7 - Masks paradoxically increased people’s chances of contracting COVID.

#6 - X influencers make Walmart instantly regret its decision to pull advertisements off of the platform.

#5 - Fake obituaries are being created to conceal cases of “died suddenly.”

#4 - Nine-year-old Chief’s fan responds to false allegations of wearing blackface.

#3 - Military could owe billions to service members involuntarily discharged for refusing COVID-19 shots.

#2 - Texas AG Ken Paxton sues Pfizer for misrepresenting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor public discourse.

#1 - New trove of documents exposes government-involved, sweeping plan for global censorship.

Repost and follow for more headlines next week.

Articles links are included in the thread below ⬇️


3:28 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111637

File: 75da2e2e2794d87⋯.jpg (20.31 KB,456x259,456:259,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019574 (031729ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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Faytuks News Δ


"A Pentagon official tells Al Jazeera: The USS Carney detected at least one ballistic missile fired at a commercial ship in the Red sea"


10:11 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111638

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019577 (031730ZDEC23) Notable: Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

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>Top conservative

Robert Kagan

Never have I ever heard of this guy.

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d6e896 No.111639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019578 (031730ZDEC23) Notable: Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

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U.S. and Coalition Forces at the Rumalyn Landing Zone in Northeastern Syria were Attacked today by several Rockets launched by Iranian-Backed Militias, with the Base suffering No Damage or Casualties.

10:13 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111640

File: f70a764b321dfe3⋯.png (190.44 KB,674x665,674:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019583 (031730ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Kills Hamas Commander Wissam Farhat

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Israel Kills Hamas Commander Wissam Farhat

in Renewed Gaza Offensive

Breitbart, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/3/2023 10:40:43 AM

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Saturday that it had killed Hamas commander Wissam Farhat, who was involved in planning the October 7 terror attack and had been involved in terrorism against Israel for almost three decades. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised that Israel will kill every Hamas member involved in the October 7 attack. Farhat was arrested in 1995 while driving a truck full of explosives for use in a terror attack against Israel. Hamas claimed later that he had divulged the location of another Hamas commander in Gaza City, who was later killed in an explosion.

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d6e896 No.111641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019584 (031731ZDEC23) Notable: #24573 posted in #24574

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#24573 >>111603

>>111604 Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan with Military and Federal Laws and Orders via current Bipartisan Legislation.

>>111605 Donald Trump: Man in the Arena

>>111606 Techno Fog: Henry Kissinger: America’s Most Prolific War Criminal

>>111607 Occidental Private Jet Visits Buffett's Hometown Twice Amid Speculation Of Major Shale Deal

>>111608 How did the 3-letter agencies take charge of COVID response inside the WH during Trump Administration?

>>111609 Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse

>>111610, >>111612, >>111615 Maduro Is About To Invade Guyana - We Will Do Nothing To Stop Him

>>111611 UFO Researcher: Peru 'Aliens' Are 'Unknown Species'


>>111614 Cosmopolitan magazine shares steps for how to have a 'Satanic Abortion Ceremony'

>>111616, >>111617 Israel Is Not Our Ally

>>111618 Meet Allison Greenfield, the law clerk driving Trump bonkers at his fraud trial

>>111619 Who is Loretta Durbin?

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d6e896 No.111642

File: d7398e333842524⋯.jpg (30.33 KB,445x257,445:257,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019608 (031738ZDEC23) Notable: Last night Former Obama CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta were at the Reagan National Defense Forum disussing how the U.S. should respond

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Lucas Tomlinson


Following reports of an attack on a U.S. warship in the Red Sea, here was former Obama CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta last night at the Reagan National Defense Forum about how the U.S. should respond to the increasing number of attacks by Iran's proxy groups against U.S. forces in the Middle East:

"I would be much more aggressive," Panetta said. "I want to go after those who are firing missiles at our troops and make sure they understand that when they fire a missile-they are going to die."

10:27 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019612 (031739ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Ex’ of Uvalde mass shooter busted for repeatedly threatening community, victims’ families

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‘Ex’ of Uvalde mass shooter busted for repeatedly threatening community, victims’ families

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d6e896 No.111644

File: 8e3d9b314540d83⋯.png (208.42 KB,570x467,570:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 4caa0a0840539eb⋯.mp4 (12.99 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019625 (031744ZDEC23) Notable: New Biden/DNC diss track just dropped

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@DJT[vid 1:27]



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d6e896 No.111645

File: afd8c6dc3b250a3⋯.png (146.01 KB,274x645,274:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019633 (031748ZDEC23) Notable: Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

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Yep, top conservative who I've never heard of.

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d6e896 No.111646

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019642 (031750ZDEC23) Notable: Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

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Nuland's husband.

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d6e896 No.111647

File: 62b7fa44afc091b⋯.png (344.14 KB,1072x866,536:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019651 (031753ZDEC23) Notable: Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

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Kagan's pushed Russia Collusion.

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d6e896 No.111648

File: db7f835abf613f0⋯.png (199.06 KB,458x590,229:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019677 (031800ZDEC23) Notable: Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

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Got a little moar info on Ron Paul's website.

A Family Business of Perpetual War

article is way old, btw.


Might bring those of us who do not know who the Kagan's are up to speed?

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d6e896 No.111649

File: 0fc4574a599492e⋯.jpeg (116.73 KB,860x547,860:547,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1e9c55ebea5471e⋯.jpeg (313.83 KB,1045x602,1045:602,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019679 (031801ZDEC23) Notable: Eastern Europe Is Privately Not Quite as Pro-Ukraine as Western Media Claim

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Eastern Europe Is Privately Not Quite as Pro-Ukraine as Western Media Claim

December 3, 2023 | Sundance1/2

If you were a curious and nationalist minded European person who wanted to better understand the dynamic of American politics, such an intentioned person would likely visit Washington DC to meet, understand and absorb the reality of USA politics. However, that approach, while familiar, would be a mistake.

A visit to the DC beltway would generate opinions and insights from the perspective of the federal government apparatus. Additionally, the U.S. politicians are going to repeat the policy agenda points that are debated and discussed. But does that approach really inform the curious visitor about how Americans feel, engage and interact with the government? The answer is no; the visitor would get the official skewed perspective, but leave without any understanding of how the policies described are actually considered by the American people.

To really understand the nature of how Americans view the political dynamic inside the U.S, as well as discover how the people would be reacting to policy or possible workarounds therein,the curious visitor would need to go to where the boots on the ground are– to the actual people who are engaging in American life.

The reverse of this scenario is also true. Traveling from the USA to visit Spain, Holland, Hungary or Belarus, and spending time with their political leadership, will only gain you a top-level policy outline of what those officials and politicians are trying to achieve. If there is a conflict between the official position and the actual reality on the ground, the curious visitor would never see it.

This dichotomy is the fatal flaw within the process of gathering information. Tucker Carlson or (fill_in_blank) cannot understand how/if the political policy transfers to the citizens by talking to the known leadership. What is happening on the ground could be entirely different, and that begins the conversation to a larger awakening.

My curiosity revolved around Western global sanctions against Russia. It has been almost two years since massive sanctions against Russia were implemented. The goal of the sanctions was to hurt Russia economically, weaken Putin domestically, and ultimately change the outcome in Ukraine. However, the Russian economy is larger than before the sanctions; the Ruble is stronger against the US Dollar than before; Vladimir Putin is more supported inside Russia than before, and most of the financial and economic systems under sanction have failed to yield a substantive difference on the ground in Russia.

How is this possible, when we are told the sanctions delivered hardship to Russia? The answer is simple;the sanctions didn’t work. Why not?What is happening? These were the questions I had in mind as I went to where the economic systems are actually being engaged by the people.I can say with certainty what I found is nowhere in any Western media presentation.

I will describe tomorrow the granular details of why the claims of the west do not match the reality of what is taking place. On the ground, the sanctions are invisible because ordinary people in Europe, (a) are not in alignment with the expressed government intent, and (b) therefore have no issue constructing ways around them.

The US, UK, France and bureaucrats in Brussels are the tip of the spear against Russia, but behind that face there are EU mechanisms that do not align. Things are not what they seem.

Before getting to those details, some of which have to be shared carefully due to the sensitivity of the information and process (sand in the machine), let’s start by looking at the subtle indications which will validate what we discuss next.

WASHINGTON DC – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán regularly pushes the EU to the cliff edge,but diplomats are panicking that his hostility to Ukraine is now about to finally kick the bloc over the precipice.

A brewing political crisis is set to boil over at a summit in mid-December when EU leaders are due to make a historic decision on bringing Ukraine into the 27-nation club and seal a key budget deal to throw a €50 billion lifeline to Kyiv’s flailing war economy. The meeting is supposed to signal to the U.S. that, despite the political distraction over the war in the Middle East, the EU is fully committed to Ukraine…


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d6e896 No.111650

File: f9ead4243ac0689⋯.png (119.58 KB,366x471,122:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019684 (031803ZDEC23) Notable: Texas Lawsuit Filed Against Pfizer for 'Defrauding Public' Could Unravel the Covid Vaccine Conspiracy

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Texas Lawsuit Filed Against Pfizer for 'Defrauding Public' Could Unravel the Covid Vaccine Conspiracy

"Pfizer’s product, buoyed by the company’s misrepresentations, enriched the company enormously..."


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d6e896 No.111651

File: 66ed3b5dfbb9d61⋯.jpeg (123.26 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c7222a0a5894b35⋯.jpeg (157.57 KB,992x626,496:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019686 (031805ZDEC23) Notable: Eastern Europe Is Privately Not Quite as Pro-Ukraine as Western Media Claim

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Those hopes look likely to be knocked off course by OrbĂĄn, a strongman who cultivates close ties with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and who is widely seen as having undermined democracy and rule of law at home. He is demanding the whole political andfinancial process should be put on iceuntil leaders agree to a wholesale review of EU support for Kyiv.

[…] Previous peacemakers such as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel or other Orbán-whisperers from the so-called Visegrád Four — Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic — are no longer there. The expected comeback of Donald Tusk for Poland, a pro-EU and anti-Russian leader, will only heighten Orbán’s status as the lonely, defiant hold-out.

“There is no one left to talk sense into Orbán,” a third EU official said. “He is now undermining the EU from within.”

[…] In theory, Brussels could come out with the big guns and use the EU’s so-calledArticle 7 procedure against Hungary, used when a country is considered at risk of breaching the bloc’s core values. The procedure is sometimes called the EU’s “nuclear option” as it provides for the most serious political sanction the bloc can impose on a member country — the suspension of the right to vote on EU decisions.

Because of those far-reaching consequences, there is reticence to roll out this option against Hungary. When EU leaders brought in “diplomatic sanctions” against Austria in 2000, the day after the party of Austrian far-right leader Jörg Haider entered the coalition, it backfired. Many Austrians were angry at EU interference and anti-EU sentiment soared. Sanctions were lifted later that year.

There is now a widespread feeling inBrussels that Article 7 could create a similar backlash in Budapest, fueling populism and in the longer term potentially even trigger a snowball effect leading to an unintended Hungarian exit of the bloc.

Given those fears, diplomats are doubling down on ways to work around a Hungarian veto. (read more)

Now you know why I went to Budapest.

What I can tell you is the nationalist outlook, asentiment against the interests of Brussels, is not only an Orban perspective. The Hungarian people, and the institutions therein, have no issue with Russia. This extends to the reality within the Russian consulate in Budapest; you’ll specifically see how this all manifests tomorrow.

(Washington DC) – […] Instead of targeting flagship exports like oil and gas, Ukraine’s European allies will focus on restricting trade in diamonds, iron and copper, which are of relatively little value to the Russian state. When it comes to energy, “we’ve reached the capacity of what we can do without shooting [ourselves] in the foot and harming our competitiveness,” one EU diplomat claimed.

The biggest omission is liquefied natural gas, the all-important fossil fuel that netted President Vladimir Putin’s regime an estimated $6.6 billion in sales in the EU this year alone. Countries like Spain and Belgium have actually even boosted their LNG imports by a massive 50 percent in 2023, compared to 2022.

Meanwhile, hopes that Europe could agree toshut the door on Russia’s atomic energysector given its dangerous occupation of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant — the continent’s largest —have failed to materialize. Hungary is expanding one of its own atomic power stations with Moscow’s help and populist Prime Minister ViktorOrbán has vowed to veto any sanctions that would hurt the industry, despite criticism from EU and Ukrainian officials alike. Unanimous support from all 27 member states is needed to impose new restrictions,meaning talks on the subject are now deadlocked. (read more)


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d6e896 No.111652

File: 57ddc0aa1745e42⋯.png (520.75 KB,717x844,717:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019687 (031805ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump ...when Drudge went anti-Trump, the site fell apart, very much like Ron DeSanctus.

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A Dirty Little Secret About Drudge


It's no secret that for years, the Drudge Report drove conservative (and often mainstream) media news cycles. If Drudge was talking about it, you could bet everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Fox News to PJ Media was also discussing it. In fact, there was a symbiotic relationship between Drudge's aggregated links and the pages of most conservative media outlets. Pretty much everyone was either getting story ideas from Drudge or sending him stories (often via AOL Instant Messenger), hoping he'd link them.

A Drudge link day was always a good one for a website. In the early days of PJ Media, before we had the sophisticated technology we do now, a link would crash our servers. Back then, our tech guys would get an email alert anytime we got a Drudge link so they could fortify our site against the barrage of people swarming to read our stories.

I remember my first Drudge link. I wrote something criticizing John Kasich, then my governor (and the son of a mailman). I was so excited that I printed out the page and hung it on my refrigerator. It ranked up there with my first mentions by Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin. Those were heady times.

For a few years, Drudge links made up a rather large percentage of traffic to our site. We'd get a link every day or two. Sometimes multiples. A link at the top of the page, "above the fold," could bring in hundreds of thousands of readers—and no small amount of revenue.

Many of you will recall that Drudge at first did everything he could to promote Donald Trump. Then something happened, some sort of falling-out that no one ever really got to the bottom of, and Matt Drudge turned on the president. That was in 2019, a year of big changes for Drudge. There were rumors (still unconfirmed) that the site had been sold. Drudge changed its ad provider and began to lean more liberal and more favorable toward mainstream media. That same year, PJ Media became part of the Townhall Media family and the links stopped—abruptly. Literally on the day of the sale. Whoever was running Drudge at the time, whether Matt or some minimum-wage intern, apparently had some sort of grudge against Townhall and he/they even dropped us from the blogroll at the bottom of the page. Petty, vindictive, and, if I'm being honest, rather costly to our bottom line.


Now, if you go to the Drudge Report, you'll find links to a bunch of left-wing UK sites and well-funded mainstream media sites like the Wall Street Journal, CNN, and the New York Post. Good for them, I guess. For whatever reason, Matt Drudge, who was reportedly apolitical and more interested in the success of his site than any agenda, decided to tank the site. A comparison of Similiar Web (a site that ranks websites based on various metrics) shows that Drudge was listed as #41 in the nation with 164 million visits in October 2018. Currently, the site ranks at #145, with 51 million visits in October 2023. That's a major, major drop.

I'm not losing any sleep over any of this, and I trust you're not either.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this background with you to demonstrate how it's not just the Left that's hurting our bottom line with their Big Tech censorship and demonization. Sometimes, the hits come from inside the house. At least Drudge used to be in the conservative house. Now, it's anyone's guess what's going on with that site.

While you're here, check out our Cyber Monday VIP membership sale. Today, we're offering a 60% discount with the promo code CYBERMONDAY60. The sale gets you a year of VIP Gold for about $36 – less than 70 cents per week. Just 70 cents a week for VIP Gold level access to all six of our sites – PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, HotAir, and Bearing Arms!


That's hundreds of articles a day from your favorite conservative authors, plus a treasure trove of VIP members-only articles, podcasts, and more. Sign up here.

Drudge, smudge. Thanks to loyal readers like you, we can tell him to go pound sand.


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d6e896 No.111653

File: 14ff09025fa07df⋯.png (25.64 KB,589x290,589:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019689 (031805ZDEC23) Notable: There have been no consequences for previous attacks by these rebels by the Biden administration

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Lara Logan


How can anyone think it has anything to do with being inept at this point?


Carmine Sabia 🇺🇸 🇮🇱




If you are wondering why Iranian backed Houthis would attack a United States Warship in the Red Sea it is because there have been no consequences for previous attacks by these rebels by the Biden administration. This is not another Gulf of Tonkin. It is an inept administration.

6:50 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111654

File: 27bfdfa5d7fc505⋯.png (180.11 KB,829x520,829:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019694 (031806ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump ...when Drudge went anti-Trump, the site fell apart, very much like Ron DeSanctus.

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Donald J. Trump

Something happened, butwhen Drudge went anti-Trump, the site fell apart, very much like Ron DeSanctus.It happened instantly, without notice, but I believe I know the reason why. Drudge had a big moment, but now it’s gone—Never to resurface again. It is totally irrelevant! That often happens when people cover “TRUMP” unfairly. I love it!


>A Dirty Little Secret About Drudge


Dec 03, 2023, 12:07 PM


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d6e896 No.111655

File: 86f9d9eb8c352d0⋯.jpeg (239.97 KB,1234x2179,1234:2179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019696 (031807ZDEC23) Notable: U.S. Governmnent Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines

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U.S. Governmnent Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines


The Gateway Pundit reported in July that the FDA approved Emergent BioSolution’s new anthrax vaccine for adults 18-65.

The FDA approved Emergent Biosolution’s Cyfendus for use following any confirmed or suspected exposure to anthrax, but it was also noted it must be administered with antibacterial drugs.

Now Emergent BioSolutions has announced that the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has “exercised an option valued on an existing deal to procure additional doses of its recently approved anthrax vaccine Cyfendus (AV7909).”

The additional doses bought by BARDA will cost an additional $75 million.

In case you are unfamiliar with the office of BARDA, it is an office under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) office that is in charge of the procurement and research of medical countermeasures, mostly against bioterrorism and emerging pandemics.


After Cyfendus’ full approval, Emergent clinches $75M anthrax vaccine supply pact in US https://t.co/z3fo5KfVuS

— Bio/Tech Stock Focus (@MarcJacksonLA) November 28, 2023

The Gateway Pundit reported in October that public safety, health, and emergency management agencies across the state of Ohio conducted a three-day anthrax attack simulation.


Ohio isn’t the only one concerned with a possible attack. Federal agencies have claimed if a bioterrorist attack were to occur, it’s likely anthrax would be used in the attack.

Per the CDC’s website, “If a bioterrorist attack were to happen, Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria that causes anthrax, would be one of the biological agents most likely to be used.”

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d6e896 No.111656

File: cbb91663b89a5d8⋯.jpg (33.41 KB,453x436,453:436,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019715 (031812ZDEC23) Notable: Ansarullah Yemen has officially announced that they have attacked 2 ships in the Red Sea

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Iran Observer



Ansarullah Yemen has officially announced that they have attacked 2 ships in the Red Sea.

Unity Explorer (Right) and Number 9 (Left)

10:36 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111657

File: e2e22bfbf084d21⋯.jpg (36.53 KB,462x556,231:278,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b4de8937bf82af4⋯.mp4 (7.49 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019723 (031814ZDEC23) Notable: Why is the Israeli DEFENSE Force constantly targeting CIVILIANS?! The following media includes potentially sensitive content.

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The Saviour


🇮🇱 Why are ISRAEL constantly targeting CIVILIANS?!

The following media includes potentially sensitive content. Change settings


Angelo Giuliano

11:05 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


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d6e896 No.111658

File: b9ff770720210ae⋯.png (413.73 KB,568x499,568:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019728 (031815ZDEC23) Notable: Barnard’s Jewish president dig

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111659

File: e16e1a18905aa59⋯.gif (882.76 KB,244x194,122:97,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019734 (031817ZDEC23) Notable: 5 Al-Nujabaa militants were killed by USAF airstrike in Kirkuk

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Tammuz Intel



5 Al-Nujabaa militants were killed by USAF airstrike in Kirkuk. 🇺🇸👀


11:17 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


Faytuks News Δ


BREAKING: 5 members of Islamic Resistance in Iraq have been killed following US airstrikes in northern Iraq, sources tell Al Mayadeen


11:17 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023


So Israel, Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen all hot right now.

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d6e896 No.111660

File: e39be3bf4888fc0⋯.jpeg (424.39 KB,1223x615,1223:615,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a69c93511bf7806⋯.jpeg (333.39 KB,899x534,899:534,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019735 (031818ZDEC23) Notable: planeFag: SAM580 Not AF2 kneepads departed Ramstein AFB after arriving from Dubai (COP28) depart

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planeFag: SAM580 Not AF2 kneepads departed Ramstein AFB after arriving from Dubai (COP28) depart

It has stopped transmitting a little less than 2h ago-she does NOT get AF2 on Intl trips and only had it 2x returning from Mexico City and a Hanoi, Vietnam depart-she gets it over CONUS all the time but not internationally-Flauxtus same way…gets EXEC1f over CONUS but not on Intl trips only SAM call signs

CONUS coming up

RCH4005 C17 Globemaster departed Dubai (kneepads equipment)

SAM520 G5 crossed Atlantic from JBA early morning departure heading east nao

Italian AF IAN9002 A319 back to Rome from OSCE meeting in Skopje N. MacedoniaPM Georgia Meloni stopped at Skopje from Dubai depart

Also IAM1496 G5 NW from Rome-high level diplomatic AC from Italian AF

Modi left yesterday so Meloni was there until later

“Meeting Friends Always A Delight": PM Modi On Selfie With Giorgia Meloni


Slovenia AF LSV101 G5 President NataĹĄa Pirc Musardeparted Dubai back to Ljubljana

From Nov 29

Slovenia to purchase six AW139M helicopters(from Italy)


Brazilian AF BRS03 Embraer 190 west from Athens depart

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d6e896 No.111661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019740 (031819ZDEC23) Notable: Barnard’s Jewish president dig

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d6e896 No.111662

File: 7b88c65bef6e052⋯.jpeg (56.05 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019747 (031821ZDEC23) Notable: Russian Su-25 jets strike Ukrainian targets

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3 Dec, 2023 12:19

Russian Su-25 jets strike Ukrainian targets(VIDEO)

The Defense Ministry has shown off its attack aircraft operating above the Donetsk People’s Republic

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of what it described as Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jets striking Ukrainian forces.

The clip captured the attack aircraftoperating in undisclosed airspacein Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic, the ministry said in a post on Telegram on Saturday.

The footage from several cameras placed on board the planes shows the Su-25 firing missiles and making evasive maneuvers while flying at extremely low altitudes.

On Sunday, a Telegram channel reporting on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine posted another video depicting Su-25s.

According to the channel, the Russian attack aircraft were filmed from a drone while performing a combat mission above the strategic town of Avdeevka, north of Donetsk.

Su-25s were introduced into the Soviet military in the mid-1970s and are still actively used by the Russian Aerospace Forces. Over the years, the plane, nicknamed ‘grach’ (rook), has earned itself a reputation as one of the country’s most reliable attack aircraft.

It has two engines and an armored underside, which protects it from surface-to-air missiles. During the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, there have been several reports of Su-25s making it back to base despite suffering heavy damage, including losing an engine

(Cool video, too large to post)


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d6e896 No.111663

File: e9c12edb874e590⋯.png (4.75 MB,2200x1467,2200:1467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019769 (031826ZDEC23) Notable: Barnard’s Jewish president dig

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Every aspect of my identity plays into my leadership. I do think being brought up in a [Jewish] culture that values this type of really tough, honest questioning and discourse is something that I bring to what I do as an administrator, and so that is definitely part of my identity. I find opportunities to celebrate that, whether it’s going to the Hillel for Shabbat dinner or the High Holidays or even just talking about it with students on campus.

This came up in conversations with students and even conversations with faculty and an understanding that not everyone, Jewish or otherwise, came to campus with a full understanding of history. Recently, my Dean of the College sent out an email to all the faculty about the High Holidays and about the diversity of ways that Jews can honor the holidays and to be aware of that. These are important values and ideas to continually call out, and there are always mechanisms to do that within an institution.

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d6e896 No.111664

File: 6ef9f582bbd8b3e⋯.png (123.32 KB,612x492,51:41,Clipboard.png)

File: e31a1ecb65a3285⋯.png (977.73 KB,1107x801,123:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 89bf647b194ec6f⋯.png (47.72 KB,567x442,567:442,Clipboard.png)

File: fd6ac22b56be75d⋯.png (149.53 KB,1185x446,1185:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019780 (031829ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump ...when Drudge went anti-Trump, the site fell apart, very much like Ron DeSanctus.

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"When does NDA expire re: DrudgeR sale to foreign entity?" - Q

Anons want to guess which "foreign entity" bought Drudge and for some totally not nefarious reasons was put under an NDA to prevent the public from knowing who is directing the content AND WHY?






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d6e896 No.111665

File: 877af54bdbc3bbd⋯.png (298.16 KB,539x544,539:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019782 (031830ZDEC23) Notable: U.S. Governmnent Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines

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U.S. Governmnent Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines

The FDA approved Emergent Biosolution’s Cyfendus for use following any confirmed or suspected exposure to anthrax, but it was also noted it must be administered with antibacterial drugs.

Now Emergent BioSolutions has announced that the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has “exercised an option valued on an existing deal to procure additional doses of its recently approved anthrax vaccine Cyfendus (AV7909).”

The additional doses bought by BARDA will cost an additional $75 million.

In case you are unfamiliar with the office of BARDA, it is an office under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) office that is in charge of the procurement and research of medical countermeasures, mostly against bioterrorism and emerging pandemics.


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d6e896 No.111666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019789 (031832ZDEC23) Notable: Over 140 Mail-in Ballots Discovered from Inactive Mailboxes Across Washington State

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Over 140 Mail-in Ballots Discovered from Inactive Mailboxes Across Washington State

Washington county election officials reported the retrieval of over 140 ballots from inactive mailboxes across the state. This incident illuminated critical postal service mishaps just as the nation gears up for the upcoming 2024 elections.

The ballots were found after the November 7 election when vigilant voters who hadn’t seen updates on the status of their ballots raised concerns, King5 reported.

Officials reported finding 87 ballots in King County, 37 in Pierce County, with smaller counts in Clark and Thurston counties.

A concerted effort by election officials confirmed that all but one of these ballots were validly cast for the November 7th elections. Officials emphasized that the count reportedly did not affect the outcome of any races.

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is now under scrutiny for this lapse. Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs (D) has sent a letter to USPS.

“The delayed discovery of at least 124 voters’ ballots in USPS collection boxes in public spaces in King and Pierce counties undercut a foundational tenet of our vote-by-mail architecture. Every Washington voter needs to be able to trust that a mailed ballot is a voted ballot. It is unacceptable that voted ballots placed in USPS receptacles went undelivered for so long. Leaving disused collection boxes in public spaces during an election creates a potential disenfranchisement,” Hobbs wrote.

“Please advise me, as soon as possible, of all steps USPS is taking to prevent such a situation from arising in future election cycles and ensure every ballot put into a USPS collection box is delivered in a timely fashion. Please also notify me if any resources of the Office of the Secretary of State could help facilitate these improvements. Our agencies must credibly assure the public that no similar circumstances will interfere with future vote-by-mail elections.”

“This point of failure was brought to light by voters who reached out after mailed ballots did not show up in ballot tracking mechanisms, which my office provides to voters statewide via VoteWA.gov as a transparency measure. While we are grateful for their vigilance, we owe them the assurance that the secure delivery of each ballot matters as much to our institutions as it does to the person who filled it out.”

In response to a letter from Democrat Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs, USPS has pledged to implement measures to avert similar occurrences in future elections.

“The response letter cited the prevention steps already underway to promptly remove out-of-service collection boxes while maintaining collection up until their removal.”

“I feel confident, but I know that doesn’t give confidence to some voters out there,” Hobbs said. ”They’re going to remove all those boxes that are malfunctioning, or they’re having problems with.”


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d6e896 No.111667

File: b8122afcfe80273⋯.png (409.03 KB,556x660,139:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019798 (031834ZDEC23) Notable: Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Processed 161,000 Medical and Dental Claims for ILLEGALS in 2022 while Delaying Service to US VETERANS

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Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Processed 161,000 Medical and Dental Claims for ILLEGALS in 2022 while Delaying Service to US VETERANS

Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs processed 161,000 medical and dental claims for illegal aliens in 2022 while delaying service to US veterans who served their country.

Pete Hegseth exposed this shocking abuse on FOX News.

Concerned Veterans for America and senior adviser Darin Selnick is calling on lawmakers to investigate this horrible abuse by the Biden regime.

Darin Selnick: Hey, Pete, thanks for having me on your show. Yeah, it’s happening. And, I gotta tell you, when I found out about this a few weeks ago, it made me mad. And everyone I’ve talked to who is a veteran, it makes them mad. The VA’s mission is to serve veterans. It’s not to help ICE and the Border Patrol – which we have the documents, which on your websites and from a memo – it’s not to help them go ahead and process medical claims and pay medical claims and make it easy for the unauthorized migrants to get healthcare and dental care.

So what is happening is and look, as someone who’s a former senior advisor in the Trump administration at the VA and advisor at the White House, I would have stopped this. We would have stopped this because it’s not right. The mission of the VA is to serve veterans, not to serve unauthorized migrants. And so what’s happening is, and we have this from the undersecretary health he’s put out in a video which I’ve seen, hey, make it hard for veterans. Make it hard for veterans to go ahead and get community care. But at the same time, they are processing for 2022, 161,000 medical claims and paying those claims for unauthorized migrants.

Meanwhile, veterans are having a hard time getting health care. They’re literally dying because they can’t get mental health in a timely manner. They can’t get cancer treatment. Bills are being sent to them because they’re not paying the providers on time. So it makes it hard for veterans. They’ve told the staff to do that only default to the VA community care when you have to. At the same time, they’re helping border Patrol and ICE make it easy button. Easy button for unauthorized migrants. Hard button for veterans. It’s got to stop. Congress needs to investigate this. Last year, Mayorkas said in testimony that they were working with the VA to go ahead and expand this, possibly in medical centers. We don’t know exactly how deep this is. It’s got to be investigated.

Pete Hegseth: It’s insane.

And to think, the Republican members of Congress could not even impeach Alejandro Mayorkas!


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d6e896 No.111668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019814 (031837ZDEC23) Notable: N. Korea warns 'physical clash, war' on Korean Peninsula a matter of time, not possibility

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N. Korea warns 'physical clash, war' on Korean Peninsula a matter of time, not possibility


(LEAD) NK threat-military pact

SEOUL, Dec. 3 (Yonhap) - North Korea warned Sunday that a "physical clash and war" have become a matter of time on the Korean Peninsula in the wake of the scrapping of an inter-Korean military tension reduction accord, threatening that South Korea will face "total collapse" if it undertakes any hostile act.

A North Korean military commentator made the threat in an article carried by the country's official Korean Central News Agency, blaming the South for the scrapping of the 2018 Comprehensive Military Agreement that called for a series of military measures to reduce tensions along the border.

The North effectively scrapped the agreement last month after the South suspended part of the deal in protest of the North's successful launch of a military spy satellite. The North has since restored guard posts and brought heavy firearms along the border.

"Owing to the reckless and imprudent moves of the puppet group of traitors to nullify the north-south military agreement, the extreme military confrontation as serious as that before the adoption of the agreement has been created again on the Korean peninsula," the commentator said.

The 2018 deal was the "minimum mechanism and the final line for preventing accidental military conflict in the area along the Military Demarcation Line where huge armed forces stand in highest density and sharp confrontation in the world," the commentator said.

"The physical clash and war on the Korean Peninsula have become a matter of time, not possibility," the commentator said.

The commentator also said the North's satellite launch was the country's "legitimate and just right of a sovereign state" and that it makes no sense for the South to suspend the deal in response to the satellite launch that is not banned under the agreement.

If the North's satellite launch constitutes a violation of the 2018 accord, South Korea's launch of its own military spy satellite would be no different, the commentator said, referring to Friday's launch of the country's first indigenous military spy satellite.

"Any hostile act of the puppet group against the DPRK will lead to the miserable destruction of the puppet army and the total collapse of the ROK," the commentator said, using the acronyms of the official names of the North and the South.

"The prevailing situation proves once again the validity of the choice of the DPRK which has pushed forward with the bolstering of nuclear war deterrence and modernization of armed forces," the commentator said. "The provokers who completely nullified the north-south military agreement will have to surely pay a high price."

Seoul's foreign ministry responded by reiterating that any launch by North Korea using ballistic missile technology is a "clear violation" of U.N. Security Council resolutions.

"The international community strongly condemns this," a ministry official said, noting that North Korea's claimed right to space development is reserved only for countries that abide by international law and maintain international peace and security.

On North Korea's claims that South Korea's own military spy satellite launch constituted a violation of the inter-Korean agreement, the ministry official said Seoul's actions were "lawful" as they were in line with international law and did not pose a threat to international peace and security.

"We strongly urge North Korea to immediately stop the false instigation over our lawful actions and any additional provocations, and swiftly return to the path to denuclearization," the official said.


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d6e896 No.111669

File: 36c44d25720227c⋯.png (346.85 KB,566x620,283:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 0da3eb28af3a52d⋯.png (62.14 KB,565x478,565:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019836 (031842ZDEC23) Notable: Number Of Kids Put On Puberty Blockers Doubles Despite NHS Promising To Stop

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Number Of Kids Put On Puberty Blockers Doubles Despite NHS Promising To Stop

Medical expert warns of “serious concerns about bone mineralisation and long-term cognitive effects.”

The number of children placed on puberty blockers for ‘gender affirming care’ has doubled in the UK in a year despite the government run National Health Service saying it would stop the practice outside of clinical trials.

The Telegraph reports that at least 100 children, some as young as 12, have been given the drugs since July 2022 regardless of the NHS’ decision that month to stop doing so based on a damning review by Dr Hilary Cass, former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Dr Cass warned that puberty blockers could permanently disrupt the brain development of adolescents, and irreversibly rewire neural circuits.

Cass also charged that Tavistock clinic, where the ‘treatment’ is carried out, operates an “affirmative, non-exploratory approach”, diagnosing children with gender dysphoria without proper oversight.

NHS England agreed with Cass’ findings and announced that “due to the significant uncertainties surrounding the use of hormone treatments” puberty blockers for children would be halted.

The report notes that Freedom of Information requests for referrals from the Tavistock’s Gender Identity Development Service have revealed that hasn’t happened.

The figures also do not include those given the drugs by GPs or privately, and are likely to be much higher.

Commenting on the findings, Psychotherapist Stella O’Malley charged that “This demonstrates that the culture war is more important than the medical war.”


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d6e896 No.111670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019843 (031844ZDEC23) Notable: Israeli UN envoy attacks Soros over funding ‘pro-Hamas groups’

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Israeli UN envoy attacks Soros over funding ‘pro-Hamas groups’

The behavior of the Jewish billionaire is “shameful,” but not surprising, UN envoy Gilad Erdan says

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan fired a broadside at the Jewish billionaire and bankroller of liberal causes, George Soros, accusing him of funding groups allegedly seeking “destruction” of the country.

The diplomat made the remarks in an interview with Fox News Digital, commenting on reports of Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) donating at least $15 million to organizations that openly cheered the October 7 attack on Israel staged by the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

“George Soros’ donations to organizations that seek the destruction of the State of Israel as a Jewish state is shameful. However, I am not surprised,” Erdan stated.

The Hungarian-American billionaire has long supported anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian groups, including through funding the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, the envoy noted.

“For years, Soros has backed and transferred money to organizations supporting BDS that want to isolate Israel,” Erdan said, claiming that such groups have “never been about real peace or any solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

The diplomat’s remarks apparently come in response to a recent report by the New York Post that explored donations by the OSF. The daily tabloid found that since at least 2016, the foundation has funneled more than $15 million to groups that cheered the Hamas attack and staged pro-Palestinian protests in its aftermath.

Namely, Soros’ network donated $13.7 million to the Tides Center, a rights advocacy group that has been sponsoring multiple non-profits that have justified the Hamas attack, the report noted. The OSF also made sizable donations to Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now groups, which have been actively staging protests amid the new escalation in the Middle East and “have been spewing hate at rallies since the massacre,” as the Post put it.

The Israeli UN envoy has been very vocal amid the ongoing crisis, repeatedly lashing out at any attempts to criticize Israel and its heavy-handed campaign in Gaza, prompted by the Hamas attack. Among other things, Erdan accused UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of “justification for terrorism and murder,” demanding that he resign. The angry reaction was prompted by Guterres suggesting the Hamas attacks “did not happen in a vacuum” but after Palestinians had been “subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation” by Israel.


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d6e896 No.111671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019862 (031849ZDEC23) Notable: Paris Terror Suspect Declared ISIS Support, Was Jailed in 2016 for Terror Offenses, But French Govt Says He Has ‘Psychiatric Disorders’.

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Paris Terror Suspect Declared ISIS Support, Was Jailed in 2016 for Terror Offenses, But French Govt Says He Has ‘Psychiatric Disorders’.

The main suspect in Saturday’s terror attack in Paris has been named as Arman Rajabpour-Miyandoab, who was imprisoned for terror-related offenses in France in 2016, and has been in contact with multiple other Islamic terrorists, according to reports. Rajabpour-Miyandoab, a 26-year-old French national of Iranian descent, killed one and injured another two as he screamed “Allah-hu Akbar!” this weekend. He was previously jailed for plotting a terrorist attack in the Paris’ business district of La Defense in 2016. He received a four-year sentence and lived with his parents after his release.

The suspect released a video shortly before the attack in which he declared himself a supporter of ISIS and pledged his allegiance to Caliph Abu Hafs, leader of the “Islamic State” terror faction. Rajabpour-Miyandoab confessed to launching the attack to “avenge Muslims” and said he could not watch “Arabs being killed in Afghanistan and Palestine.” French Interior Minister Gerald Darmian told the press, “He is known to the intelligence and justice services… He had already wanted to carry out violent action but had been arrested before being able to do it.” “He is being monitored as a person with very significant psychiatric disorders. He was also under psychiatric and neurological treatment,” Darmian added. Before his imprisonment, Rajabpour-Miyandoab was reportedly in contact with jihadist fighters who had traveled to Syria to fight for ISIS. He allegedly also communicated with Abdoullakh Anzorov, who was responsible for beheading French teacher Samuel Paty in 2020.


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d6e896 No.111672

File: 5b7f09945fcb00f⋯.jpeg (590.6 KB,1277x611,1277:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 146de96c7e85b3f⋯.jpeg (725.24 KB,1268x625,1268:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc53f307079ecf8⋯.jpeg (436.78 KB,917x533,917:533,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019895 (031859ZDEC23) Notable: planeFag CONUS activity-lots of high level Point Mugu NAS departs and east coast stuff

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planeFag CONUS activity-lots of high level Point Mugu NAS departs and east coast stuff

Start on east coast

SAM455 C40B landed at JFK IntlState Dept. AC

SPAR508 Learjet 35 west to Scott AFB from JBA

West Coast departs and all high level- some high level meetings at Point Mugu NAS over last few days

BOXER40 C40B east, C102 US Coast Guard G5 back to Reagan National, SPAR10 C40B, FORGE78 G5, DEPOT12 G5 and all east back to JBA except C102

SPAR65 Indo-PAC G5 and likely ==Cmdr John Aquilino WS from Mugu back to Hickam AFB, Oahu

GRZLY39 USMC C560 east from MCAS Miramar-this been making moar trips to the east coast but primarily stays on West Coast/Midwest

FORGE94 G5 on ground at LAX and should depart soon

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d6e896 No.111673

File: a64e1c6cea91f76⋯.jpeg (86.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019898 (031900ZDEC23) Notable: Sergey Poletaev: Here's the reason why next year's Ukrainian elections have been cancelled

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3 Dec, 2023 08:55

Sergey Poletaev: Here's the reason why next year's Ukrainian elections have been cancelled

Washington doesn’t know what to do with Kiev, so Zelensky will remain in power.1/2

Back in October, it seemed that Vladimir Zelensky’s days as president were numbered. Time magazine and other publications accused Ukraine’s leader of being responsible for failures at the front. He was described as having lost touch with reality, being unwilling to negotiate, with increasingly dictatorial and narcissistic tendencies, and so on. Prior to that, some prominent figures in the West had stressed the need to hold presidential elections in Ukraine exactly on time – in March 2024. This was mentioned by US Senator Lindsey Graham, who visited Kiev in the early fall.

Now, despite the fact that the media keeps publishing stories about the deplorable state of affairs in Ukraine, it looks like Zelensky will remain in power. In early November, the spokesperson for the US Department of State said that the Ukrainian constitution allows the country to cancel elections, and, on November, 30, all factions and groups of the Ukrainian parliament agreed that elections should be put off for as long as martial law remains in effect, plus for an additional six months after it is lifted.

What does all this mean? Is this the result of Zelensky’s skilled politics or a trap into which he voluntarily fell? Or else, is itan indicator of Washington’s political paralysis on the Ukrainian front?

Post-Azov stupor

A year ago, trusting in their omnipotence, Ukraine and the West anticipated Russia’s inevitable defeat on the battlefield. Vladimir Zelensky personified this confidence, which culminated in the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ (AFU’s) counteroffensive in the direction of the Azov Sea. However, theAFU’s failure in the summer and fall of this yearwas not just a military defeat – it demonstrated the failure of Ukraine’s entire post-Soviet policy, which has been actively supported by the West.

After such a fiasco, one would think Ukraine might fancy a change of leadership. So, why does Zelensky remain in office?

It looks like themost obvious answerto this question is also the most probable one – theWest does not know what to do. In order for a new person to replace Zelensky, Ukraine needs a new strategy, which it doesn’t have.Western eliteswho went all in on the illusory idea of Russia's military defeat are now at a loss and face a bunch of new problems:

• the conflict in the Middle East,

• far-right parties gaining support in Europe,

• and the political paralysis ahead of the US elections.

After all, no one is quite certain that Joe Biden, whose health is deteriorating with each day, will be able to run for another term.

It is important to remember thatWashingtonhas no need for Ukrainian elections as such,it just needs to keep a tight grip on Kiev. It’s true that Zelensky started to get out of control – he imagined himself to be a great military commander, lost his head, and started throwing tantrums in public, like at the NATO summit in July. The US understands that something has to be done, since a mentally unbalanced head of state is dangerous and unpredictable.

However, as of now, the US Department of Statecannot orchestratea change of power in Ukraine, particularly since Ukraine’s ‘prima donna’ refuses to leave the stage.

In the absence of a clear strategy,keeping Zelenskyin office seems like thelesser of two evils– if political chaos were to break out in Ukraine, it would inevitably impact the Democrats’ ratings during the upcoming elections, but if everything stays as is, the issue could be swept under the rug for the time being. Moreover, if the current administration manages to convince Congress to approve a minimum aid package for Ukraine, it would consider the job done.

The lame duck

There is another important aspect, however. An increasing number of people both in Ukraine and in the West realize that the coming year will be a lotmore difficult for Kiev. The consequences of the fatal decisions made by Zelenskyin the past two years will become fully evident – from the refusal to conclude a peace agreement in Istanbul, to the meaningless fight for Bakhmut, the failed counteroffensive, and other battles that resulted in heavy losses.


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d6e896 No.111674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019907 (031904ZDEC23) Notable: Biden Admin Rule Would Withhold Lunch Money From Schools That Reject ‘Woke’ Agenda

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Biden Admin Rule Would Withhold Lunch Money From Schools That Reject ‘Woke’ Agenda

A new Biden administration rule that seeks to withhold lunch money funds from public schools that refuse to accept or comply with new far-left mandates regarding sexuality and gender is likely to outrage parents anew.

As reported by The Center Square, failure to comply with the White House’s leftist school agenda could result in the loss of federal tax funds administered through the Department of Agriculture.

The controversy began after the USDA announced in May 2022 that “it would change its longstanding interpretation of Title IX, the law broadly governing discrimination protections in education,” the outlet reported. “USDA said it would expand its previous prohibition against discriminating based on sex ‘to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.'”

Funding for school lunches goes through the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service.

“As a result, state and local agencies, program operators and sponsors that receive funds from FNS must investigate allegations of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation,” the department said in a statement. “Those organizations must also update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include prohibitions against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.”

“This is a significant departure from what Title IX has always been interpreted to be,” Sarah Perry, an expert on the issue and an attorney with the Heritage Foundation, told the outlet.

As the range of orientations and gender identities continues to expand, schools, despite the political discord surrounding the issue, will now be compelled to navigate the complex and highly politicized landscape of gender and sexuality if the rule survives legal challenges that have already begun.

“This is no small change. This is a significant interpretation to say that sex equals sexual orientation and gender identity when Title IX, we know, dates back to 1972 and the women’s liberation movement, and at the time, there was an entire campaign by LGBTQ activists to be included in anti-discrimination law indicating that they themselves did not believe that they were protected in these particular contexts,” Perry told The Center Square.


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d6e896 No.111675

File: fe0deaad09f43ee⋯.png (139.81 KB,749x742,107:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019949 (031914ZDEC23) Notable: Man killed in landslide at Minnesota state park

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Man killed in landslide at Minnesota state park


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d6e896 No.111676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019957 (031915ZDEC23) Notable: Sergey Poletaev: Here's the reason why next year's Ukrainian elections have been cancelled

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==Russians Are Advancing ‘On All Sides’! Watch: Victory Banner Flies Over Maryinka – Missiles at Tunnels Under Coke Plant in Avdiivka – Su-25 Aircraft Blasted by Lancet Drone

by Paul Serran Dec. 2, 2023

The Mainstream Media in the west continues with their (for them) painful work of realigning the public’s expectations in face of the upcoming Russian victory in the war against Ukraine.

While today’s main theme was Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s assessment of the war, let’s just take a peek at a couple of developments.

For starters, look what a once-great magazine has belatedly understood:

The Economist reported:

“For the first time since Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24th 2022, he looks as if he could win. Russia’s president has put his country on a war footing and strengthened his grip on power. He has procured military supplies abroad and is helping turn the global south against America. Crucially, he is undermining the conviction in the West that Ukraine can—and must—emerge from the war as a thriving European democracy.”

Ok, for the lads at The Economist, it’s ‘the first time’ they realize that. Let’s carry on.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has declared that Ukraine will build defensive structures from Donbas to Western Ukraine.

There will be fortifications on the main defensive lines, including the Avdeevsky, Maryinsky and Kupyansk-Limansky directions – as well as along the borders with Russia and Belarus.

Also vital to note: Ukraine’s Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny was conspicuously absent when Volodymyr Zelensky met with army commanders yesterday. The undeclared civil war is on.

Sputnik reported:

“Zelensky visited a military command post in Kharkov Oblast on November 30 to discuss strengthening fortifications and other front-line necessities.

Footage accompanying the post showed Zelensky conferring with recently appointed businessman-turned-Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, Ground Forces Commander Oleksandr Syrskyi and others.

However, the no-show by the Commander-in-Chief, coming amid the spiraling Zelensky-Zaluzhny spat, begs the question: is this further proof of bitter behind-the-scenes infighting for control of Ukraine?”

But let’s cut to the chase: Russia’s army is advancing ‘in all directions’ in Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated on Friday.

Euronews reported:

“’Our military is acting with competence and determination, occupying a more favorable position, and expanding its zones of control in all directions’, said Shoigu.”

During the six months of the counter-offensive, Ukrainians lost more than 125,000 men and 16,000 weapons, according to Shoigu.

“The Ukrainian counteroffensive, launched in June after months of preparation, has stalled in the south and east, without significant progress.”

In the autumn, Russian forces have launched attacks, notably assaulting Avdiivka, in northern Donetsk.

“Moscow’s army has “considerably increased” its activity around Avdiivka in recent days, Oleksandr Tarnavsky, the Ukrainian commander responsible for the area, said on Wednesday.”

Despite the massive supply of Western weapons and training, Kiev’s summer offensive could not breach the formidable Russian defensive lines.

To close this update, it bears mentioning that Pulitzer Prize Winner Seymour Hersh claims, citing anonymous US official sources, that ‘Russia and Ukraine military are allegedly conducting secret peace negotiations’, despite the objections of Zelensky and the White House.



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d6e896 No.111677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019960 (031917ZDEC23) Notable: Ansarullah Yemen has officially announced that they have attacked 2 ships in the Red Sea

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US Says Warship Attacked, UK-Owned Ship Hit By ‘Rocket Fire’

By Christine Burke Bloomberg December 3, 2023

Dec 3, 2023 (Bloomberg) –A US warship, the USS Carney, and multiple commercial ships came under attack Sunday in the Red Sea, Associated Press reported, citing a statement from the Pentagon.

The incidents are the latest in a string of attacks on vessels in the region since rebels in Yemen last month issued a threat against ships with ties to Israel. The Pentagon didn’t identify where the latest fire came from, AP said.

Earlier, Al Arabiya reported that a UK-owned ship transiting the Red Sea was “struck by a rocket” off Yemen’s western coast, citing the maritime security firm Ambrey.

The Bahamas-flagged vessel, which was on its way to Singapore from the US, issued “distress calls related to piracy/missile attack,” Al Arabiya cited Ambrey as saying.

The ship’s owner was linked to Dan David Ungar, a UK citizen listed in British directories as an Israeli resident, Al Arabiya said.

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations said it received a report of a drone attack in the vicinity of the Bab el Mandeb Strait near Yemen. It’s unclear if the incidents are related.

US Central Command on Saturday said on X, formerly Twitter, that a US military plane had intercepted an Iranian drone “operating in an unsafe and unprofessional manner during aircraft carrier flight operations in the Arabian Gulf.”


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d6e896 No.111678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019976 (031923ZDEC23) Notable: Sergey Poletaev: Here's the reason why next year's Ukrainian elections have been cancelled

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>>111676 (me)

Canada #49 >>>/qresearch/20019669

NATO Chief: West Should Brace For More 'Bad News' From Ukraine

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Dec 03, 2023 - 12:15 PM

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in a fresh interview warned the Western alliance to brace for more "bad news" from Ukraine, according to Saturday remarks given to Germany's national ARD television.

He was asked whether he thinks the situation will worsen for Ukrainian forces in the future, after the counteroffensive has been widely acknowledged as a failure. "We should also be prepared for bad news," he responded. "Wars develop in phases. But we have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times."

He said that in response to the current "critical situation" the West must boost ammunition production. "I will leave it to the Ukrainians and military commanders to make these difficult operational decisions," Stoltenberg explained.

"One of the issues we should address is the fragmentation of the European defense industry," he said. Countries have gone from being enthusiastic supporters and donors of Ukraine's cause to more lately sounding the alarm over dwindling or tapped defense stockpiles, as ammo production also can't keep up.

AFP/Getty Images

A week ago, a German official raised eyebrows by speculating that if Germany was forced to enter a major war its troops would only last "two days in battle" due to severe shortages of defense supplied and ammunition as a result of giving them to Ukraine. Below are the German politician's words, according to a translation:

The combat capacity of the German Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr, has been seriously weakened by the shortage caused by the continuous supplies of material and ammunition to Kiev, said Johann Wadephul, German deputy of the opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party. His comments come as it was discovered nearly half of Germans want to see the coalition government dissolved.

“Crucial [German] troop units can only last a maximum of two days in a battle [due to these shortages]. And that is a catastrophic finding overall,” Wadephul said. “Anyone who even talks about being ready for war, but expects the Bundeswehr to be at least ready to defend itself, should have ensured that such a bad situation does not occur. Unfortunately, the opposite is the case.”

Wadephul argued that the process of improving the combat capacity of the country’s armed forces was slow and blamed the German defence minister, Boris Pistorius, for the current state of things. He added that he sees high-sounding statements but little real action to change the current situation.

According to the politician, “the turning point” for the Bundeswehr has not yet arrived.

“Even when it comes to replacement procurement, the Bundeswehr is actually making a loss. As correct as the donations to Ukraine are in terms of material and ammunition, in the current security situation, it is unacceptable that there is no compensation,” Wadephul said. “We need much more [weapons] than we have had.”

All of this is also part of the 'war fatigue' echoed in media headlines. Still, Stoltenberg and the Biden White House are pressing European leaders to double and triple down. Stoltenberg also recently tried to swat down assertions that fatigue has finally set in even among NATO leadership.

And in his latest interview, the NATO chief emphasized that "Wars are inherently unpredictable" - but that "we know that the more we support Ukraine, the faster the war will end." Yet this strategy hasn't worked out so far.


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d6e896 No.111679

File: f6df8668db268c9⋯.jpeg (574.74 KB,1273x600,1273:600,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019984 (031924ZDEC23) Notable: planeFag: SAM580 Not AF2 kneepads departed Ramstein AFB after arriving from Dubai (COP28) depart

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SAM250 G5 to Berlin and RCH4005 C17 to Ramstein from Dubai

Brazilian President also in Berlin so UscState Dept “following up”

Lula in Berlin for first Brazil-Germany talks in eight years


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d6e896 No.111680

File: 0bb62f6a1ccf6f7⋯.jpeg (67.22 KB,470x329,10:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019994 (031927ZDEC23) Notable: US defense secretary revealed ‘military secret’ – ex-Russian president

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3 Dec, 2023 18:02

US defense secretary revealed ‘military secret’ – ex-Russian president

Lloyd Austin has admitted the true goal of Ukraine support is the modernization of the US’ military industry, Dmitry Medvedev says

The Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin has apparently revealed the true goal of his country’s enduring support for Ukraine and it has nothing to do with defending “democracy”or even battling Russia, but boils down to the modernization of the US’ own military-industrial complex, ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said.

Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy chairman of the country’s National Security Council, took to social media platform X on Sunday, commenting on a speech made by Austin at the Reagan National Defense Forum in the US.

“We’ve launched what the Army calls ‘the most ambitious modernization effort in nearly 40 years’ for our defense industrial base,” the Pentagon boss said during the event.

Some $50 billion of our supplemental budget request would flow through our defense industrial base. And that will create or support tens of thousands of good American jobs in more than 30 states. That includes making missiles in Arizona; vehicles in Wisconsin and Indiana; and artillery shells in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.

The remarks by the secretary of defense, himself a retired general, =•effectively amount to an admission of the true goals of Washington==, Medvedev said, suggesting that a “sincere”Austin might have inadvertently revealed a genuine “military secret” of the US.

A straightforward and simple-minded person, the general unhesitatingly stated the reason for the US involvement in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The US is not driven by a desire to help stop Ukraine from “disappearing from the world map” or by an intent to fight “for democracy against tyranny,” he said. Moreover, the US is apparently not even motivated by its repeatedly proclaimed goal of “even confronting Russia to diminish its defense capacity,” the ex-president suggested.

“It turns out, it’s all about defense goods commissioning to increase military production output and create jobs. And,possibly, about the enormous profit that the companies close to the Biden administration get from it,Medvedev wrote.

(This might be a stretch without more info from the speech, but I don’t doubt it. Based on his choice of outfits does explain the “simple minded” comment. They always reveal their plans.Anons try looking for memes on Austin online, you can’t find many!Release your Austin memes for collection please.)

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d6e896 No.111681

File: 21d0f5e03ff773a⋯.png (798.01 KB,816x811,816:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 184cf063735bb43⋯.png (155.03 KB,611x867,611:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020044 (031939ZDEC23) Notable: 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Near the Philippines

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>>111591 lb

>Philippine is being hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake just hours after the 7.6 earthquake.

Tsunami Warning Issued

After 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Near the Philippines


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d6e896 No.111682

File: 91492e22c110e5c⋯.png (83.56 KB,803x684,803:684,Clipboard.png)

File: a748acbf476d7b5⋯.jpeg (365.54 KB,886x691,886:691,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020077 (031948ZDEC23) Notable: Recent Homeowners Lose Over $200 Per Day In Property Value Each Day

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Recent Homeowners Lose Over $200 Per Day In Property Value Each Day

the first couple of pandemic years, buyers swarmed the housing market to seize record-low mortgage rates with little regard to home prices. Many of them are now realizing that they may have bought a pig in a poke.

According to a recent report from Point2 Homes, many recently bought homes, particularly in the hottest regions, are deep in the red. On average, single-family homeowners have been shedding $223 in property value every day since they bought their homes last year. Condo owners are faring even worse, losing up to $336 a day in San Francisco, or a stunning $122,500 a year. This double-blow market means that the most newly minted owners were first hit by the highest home prices in history, only to be cut off from building wealth by the current falling prices,” analysts wrote.

Some major markets are seeing massive net losses

Single-family homes in 16 cities examined in the analysis have faced price declines of over $10,000 over the past year.

Memphis saw the most significant single-family price plunge, as well as the second-largest decline in condo prices, which analysts say could be due to rising inventory in the city.

Condo prices in 37 cities are also weakening, including in New York and Oakland.

So, what does this mean for homeowners? Folks who shelled out plenty of cash last year to secure their deals are now grappling with depreciating property values, which means it’s harder to build equity.

And if they want to sell in today’s market, they risk reaping less for their homes than what they paid for them. Zillow reports new buyers won’t sell at a profit until they’ve spent over a decade in their homes.

In another report from Redfin, analysts estimated that more than 3% of homes sold at a loss between August to October this year. The median amount was recorded at around $40,000, although some properties lost up to six figures on the sale.

Again, San Francisco sellers reported the biggest losses, with 1 in 7 homeowners losing money on their sales.



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d6e896 No.111683

File: 05237dcb2a02d2e⋯.png (3.13 MB,2618x1480,1309:740,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020087 (031954ZDEC23) Notable: Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

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Glenn Greenwald


Says everything:

Robert Kagan Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

His job is now? He's a WashPost editor, where he writes hysterical articles about how Trump, this time, will be a real dictator.

If you work for these media corporations, how can you think it's unfair that Americans hate and distrust journalists? *Media promotes those who lie most*:


now runs



**And: why are the most monstrous neocons those who most hate and fear Trump?


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d6e896 No.111684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020105 (031958ZDEC23) Notable: White lung is how pneumonia shows up with x-ray (when they are starting another narrative)

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no such thig as white lung that is how pneumonia shows up with x-ray they are starting another narriteve

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d6e896 No.111685

File: d92f6105ec8fa52⋯.png (153.78 KB,1096x811,1096:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020130 (032004ZDEC23) Notable: NZ Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data!

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“As the case is before the court, police cannot comment further,” police said.

We're in some stupid world where corporations control speech.

(Courts are, in general these days, almost all corporations and not actual government.)

It's ridiculous to "freeze speech" when it's "related to something ongoing."


Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data


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d6e896 No.111686

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020152 (032013ZDEC23) Notable: NZ Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data!

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New Zealand Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data!


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d6e896 No.111687

File: 97a849486bf3d48⋯.png (242.42 KB,623x596,623:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020153 (032013ZDEC23) Notable: Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

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d6e896 No.111688

File: e0db10c15c13b06⋯.png (619.23 KB,868x790,434:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020188 (032029ZDEC23) Notable: Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

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U.S. Not Giving Enough Extortion Money

for Climate Change, Say Poor Countries

PJ Media, by Rick Moran

Posted By: Hazymac, 12/3/2023 2:57:14 PM

Vice President Kamala Harris is in Dubai this week to take part in the UN's annual effort to extort money from rich countries to give to poor countries. It's called the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC ( United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). COP28 for short.“Today, I am also proud to announce a new $3 billion pledge to the Green Climate Fund, which helps developing countries invest in resilience, clean energy and nature-based solutions,” Harris said Friday during a speech at the summit. Does anyone have any idea what a "nature-based solution" to climate change might be?

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d6e896 No.111689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020211 (032035ZDEC23) Notable: ELON WINS! Disney CEO Bob Iger Will STEP DOWN After Disney DISASTER

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ELON WINS! Disney CEO Bob Iger Will STEP DOWN After Disney DISASTER, Hostile Takeover | “GFY Bobby!"

Benny Johnson

1.44M subscribers

2 days ago

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d6e896 No.111690

File: 0d056d24d903946⋯.png (462.3 KB,596x508,149:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020215 (032036ZDEC23) Notable: @Not_the_Bee A Vermont Christian school is suing after being banned from sporting tournaments because they refused to let a male play against their girl's team.

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Not the Bee


A Vermont Christian school is suing after being banned from sporting tournaments because they refused to let a male play against their girl's team.


4:30 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020254 (032045ZDEC23) Notable: In 2014, the US Patent Office issued Patent #8691563B2, for something called "iDNA" vaccine technology.

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Did You Know:

In 2014, the US Patent Office issued Patent #8691563B2, for something called "iDNA" vaccine technology.

Whereas mRNA vaxxines instructs the body's cells to replicate only part of a virus's genetic makeup (the largest example being the harmful spike proteins), which cannot reproduce themselves without the host's cells, iDNA vaxxine technology is intended to compel the body's cellular replication process into fulfilling the replication of a *complete*, self-replication-competent live virus.

In other words, this technology is able to destroy the body's natural cellular replication process, and replace it with a gigantic self-sustaining viral replication load; and if that wasn't bad enough, the replication-competent viruses that the body's cells produce will themselves be able to reproduce (and potentially mutate), entirely independent of the host organism.

What could possible go wrong?


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d6e896 No.111692

File: adccef9307c7f33⋯.png (3.62 MB,2560x1962,1280:981,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020282 (032057ZDEC23) Notable: #24575

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d6e896 No.111693

File: c09026cc662d464⋯.jpeg (85.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020329 (032109ZDEC23) Notable: Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ - Guardian

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2 Dec, 2023

Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ – Guardian

The media outlet has lamented that youthful citizens are increasingly backing “xenophobic” populists who prioritize their needs

European voters under age 35 are increasingly supporting “far-right” political candidates,not out of xenophobiabut because conservative populists seem to offer more solutions to the quality-of-life issues that concern them most, the UK’s Guardian newspaper has claimed.

“Across the continent,the image of the radical-right voter– typically white, male, non-graduate and, above all, old –is changing, and studies suggest that in several countries,support for the far right is growing fastest among younger voters,” the Guardian said on Friday. Italian political scientist Catherine de Vries told the newspaper that while many young voters aren’t in ideological alignment with far-right candidates, they are swayed by those whopledge greater “livelihood security”as their lives become more precarious.

The Guardian noted that conservative parties are appealing increasingly to young voters in suchcountries as Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. The trend also was evident in last week’s Dutch election, in which the victorious Party for Freedom (PVV) fared even better among voters under age 35 than it did overall.

A 24-year-old Amsterdam man told the media outlet that he and his friends voted for PVV leader Geert Wilders because the right-wing candidate “wants to figure out the housing crisis and make our health care better.” He added that many “woke” people in big cities focus on such issues as climate and gender while ignoring the “real problems” facing Dutch citizens today. “I am not a racist because I voted for Wilders. It frustrates me that migrants receive more help from the government than Dutch people, but I’m not against Islam. I don’t want mosques closed. I just think we need to control immigration better.”

Other political analysts lamented thatfar-right parties had successfully positioned themselves as “cool,” in some cases skillfully reaching large audiences on social media. One observer claimed that a rising “ultra-right”counterculture has been able to “reach and radicalize” many young Europeans.

However,Pawel Zerka, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said economic insecurities are the key driving force. “Young voters haven’t moved rightwards on migration, abortion, minority rights,” he said.“Far-right parties have convinced them that they offer a credible economic alternative.” (Oh Thank God they still like migration, abortion and minority rights! Not for long dude, they’ll soon learn those policies are reducing their economic survival! Kek what an idiot!)

A 22-year-old woman in Amsterdam said she and her family members voted for the PVV party because the current Dutch government didn’t seem to care about their top concerns, including inflation. “When it comes to migration, people from a war country deserve a better life here, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of Dutch people,” she said.


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d6e896 No.111694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020349 (032116ZDEC23) Notable: CBS New York celebrates 30 years since one of the nation's first public mass shootings with hour-long documentary on

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CBS New York


Dec 1

Next week marks 30 years since one of the nation's first public mass shootings, and it happened on a Long Island Rail Road train. Friday night, CBS New York looks back at the tragedy with the hour-long documentary. @GusoffTV has a preview.


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d6e896 No.111695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020351 (032117ZDEC23) Notable: US college enrollment falling – CNBC (CIA failing to woo more propaganda tools)

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2 Dec, 2023

US college enrollment falling – CNBC (CIA failing to woo more propaganda tools)

More students question the return on investing in a degree, the broadcaster reports

Enrollment in colleges across the US continues to decline, CNBC has reported, citing data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

The trend, which began during the Covid-19 pandemic, when many opted to get a job or complete a certificate program instead of seeking a four-year degree, does not appear to be reversing, the broadcaster reported in an article on Friday.

As of September, freshmanenrollment in US colleges went down by 3.6%, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center survey revealed. “Almost all of the freshman declines occurred atbachelor’s programs at public and private four-year institutions,” it said.

Another paper from the same center pointed to a stall in completion rates in six-year colleges. According to the figures,nearly a third, or 29% of all students enrolledin such programs in 2017, have dropped out or put their education on hold.

“This is more bad news for four-year colleges,”Doug Shapiro, the executive director of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, told CNBC. “Not only have fewer of the 2017 starters completed as of 2023, but the data also show fewer still enrolled,suggesting that this is more than just a matter of slower progress during the pandemic years,” he explained.

According to Shapiro, rising college costs and “ballooning” student debt balances are making more prospective students question the return on investment in higher education.

The Federal Reserve said last month that the total student debt in the US has nearly tripled since 2008,increasing from $619 billion to more than $1.77 trillion.

CNBC also cited studies by Lumina and Gallup pollsters that suggested that most of those who put their education on hold did so due to financial issues such as program costs, inflation, and the need to work.

The broadcaster stressed that the decline in college enrollment was taking place even before Junewhen the Supreme Court torpedoed US President Joe Biden’s student debt relief plan. The judges ruled that the president, who is seeking reelection in 2024, had overstepped his authority by suggesting to cancel up to $20,000 of student debt for tens of millions of Americans.

(College sucks because no one wants to pay to learn how to be mouthpieces of propaganda!)


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d6e896 No.111696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020398 (032128ZDEC23) Notable: #24574

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>>111620, >>111621, >>111623, >>111624, >>111625, >>111626, >>111635, >>111634, >>111637, >>111639 Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney

>>111656, >>111677 Ansarullah Yemen has officially announced that they have attacked 2 ships in the Red Sea

>>111642 Last night Former Obama CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta were at the Reagan National Defense Forum disussing how the U.S. should respond

>>111653 There have been no consequences for previous attacks by these rebels by the Biden administration

>>111629 IDF attack about an hour ago in the Aladisa area in southern Lebanon in response to Hezbollah attacks

>>111640 Israel Kills Hamas Commander Wissam Farhat

>>111633 Aftermath of #IAF 🇮🇱 airstrike, Deir El Balah, central #Gaza

>>111657 Why is the Israeli DEFENSE Force constantly targeting CIVILIANS?! The following media includes potentially sensitive content.

>>111659 5 Al-Nujabaa militants were killed by USAF airstrike in Kirkuk

>>111662 Russian Su-25 jets strike Ukrainian targets

>>111668 N. Korea warns 'physical clash, war' on Korean Peninsula a matter of time, not possibility

>>111670 Israeli UN envoy attacks Soros over funding ‘pro-Hamas groups’

>>111673, >>111676, >>111678 Sergey Poletaev: Here's the reason why next year's Ukrainian elections have been cancelled

>>111680 US defense secretary revealed ‘military secret’ – ex-Russian president

>>111648, >>111631, >>111638, >>111645, >>111646, >>111647, >>111683 Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

>>111660, >>111679, >>111679 planeFag: SAM580 Not AF2 kneepads departed Ramstein AFB after arriving from Dubai (COP28) depart


>>111644 New Biden/DNC diss track just dropped

>>111627 The mainstream media is telling you that J6 was an insurrection. Please tell me if the actions of Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman were heroic and proper.

>>111628 How George Soros Funds Anti-Semitism

>>111630, >>111632 UKMTO reports three incidents involving ships in the vicinity of the Bab El-Mandeb Strait today

>>111636 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (12/03/23)

>>111643 ‘Ex’ of Uvalde mass shooter busted for repeatedly threatening community, victims’ families

>>111649, >>111651 Eastern Europe Is Privately Not Quite as Pro-Ukraine as Western Media Claim

>>111650 Texas Lawsuit Filed Against Pfizer for 'Defrauding Public' Could Unravel the Covid Vaccine Conspiracy

>>111655 U.S. Governmnent Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines

>>111650 Texas Lawsuit Filed Against Pfizer for 'Defrauding Public' Could Unravel the Covid Vaccine Conspiracy

>>111652, >>111654, >>111664 @realDonaldTrump ...when Drudge went anti-Trump, the site fell apart, very much like Ron DeSanctus.

>>111655, >>111665 U.S. Governmnent Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines

>>111658, >>111661, >>111663 Barnard’s Jewish president dig

>>111666 Over 140 Mail-in Ballots Discovered from Inactive Mailboxes Across Washington State

>>111667 Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Processed 161,000 Medical and Dental Claims for ILLEGALS in 2022 while Delaying Service to US VETERANS

>>111669 Number Of Kids Put On Puberty Blockers Doubles Despite NHS Promising To Stop

>>111671 Paris Terror Suspect Declared ISIS Support, Was Jailed in 2016 for Terror Offenses, But French Govt Says He Has ‘Psychiatric Disorders’.

>>111672 planeFag CONUS activity-lots of high level Point Mugu NAS departs and east coast stuff

>>111674 Biden Admin Rule Would Withhold Lunch Money From Schools That Reject ‘Woke’ Agenda

>>111675 Man killed in landslide at Minnesota state park

>>111681 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Near the Philippines

>>111682 Recent Homeowners Lose Over $200 Per Day In Property Value Each Day

>>111684 White lung is how pneumonia shows up with x-ray (when they are starting another narrative)

>>111685, >>111686 NZ Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data!

>>111687, >>111688 Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

>>111689 ELON WINS! Disney CEO Bob Iger Will STEP DOWN After Disney DISASTER

>>111690 @Not_the_Bee A Vermont Christian school is suing after being banned from sporting tournaments because they refused to let a male play against their girl's team.

>>111691 In 2014, the US Patent Office issued Patent #8691563B2, for something called "iDNA" vaccine technology.

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d6e896 No.111697

File: e3e8cf6d82dd487⋯.jpg (88.83 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020418 (032136ZDEC23) Notable: 71-Year-Old Romanian Yoga Guru Arrested in France for Allegedly Running International Sex Cult

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71-Year-Old Romanian Yoga Guru Arrested in France for Allegedly Running International Sex Cult

A 71-year-old Romanian Tantric yoga guru and 14 others have been charged in France for crimes involving an alleged international sex cult.

Gregorian Bivolaru has been charged with human trafficking, sequestration or arbitrary detention of numerous people along with rape, and “abusing the weakness of a group” via psychological or physical subjection.

Bivolaru is also accused of being involved in the kidnapping of 26 women who were seeking spiritual guidance.

The guru founded the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA), which ran many yoga schools. It was later renamed the Atman Yoga Federation, which it currently operates under.

The Paris prosecutor’s office has interrogated the 15 people and ordered six to be held on Friday, including Bivolaru. The other nine have been freed under judicial surveillance


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d6e896 No.111698

File: 6ef6ceff8cc0b29⋯.jpeg (104.7 KB,898x636,449:318,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020421 (032136ZDEC23) Notable: Foreign Minister Meets with Russian Counterpart Sergey Lavrov

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Foreign Minister Meets with Russian Counterpart Sergey Lavrov

MTI-Hungary Today 2023.12.01.

It is in the national interest to maintain stable, predictable, and fair cooperation between Hungary and Russia, and the government rejects any pressure to end this, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade PĂŠter SzijjĂĄrtĂł underlined in a statement issued by the Ministry in Skopje, Macedonia on Thursday.

Following talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, the Hungarian Minister said that it remains in the national interest to maintain bilateral cooperation in certain areas. “We are implementing our foreign policy on the basis of national interest. We do not accept any pressure from outside, and therefore we will continue to cooperate with Russia in the coming period in the same way as we have done so far in securing Hungary’s energy supply,” he stressed.

He welcomed the fact that the expansion of the Paks nuclear power plant is progressing well. “It remains a realistic goal (…) to connect the new units of the Paks nuclear power plant to the grid in the early 2030s,” he underlined.

As the statement reads, Sergey Lavrov assured that Russia and Russian companies will fully meet their obligations under the contracts signed and will deliver the necessary gas and oil on schedule. “Thus, (…) Hungary’s natural gas supply will continue to be guaranteed, despite the extra tax imposed by the Bulgarians on gas to be delivered to Hungary, Serbia, and northern Macedonia through Bulgaria,” he said.

Péter Szijjártó also noted that during their talks he had informed his Russian counterpart that Hungary remained committed to peace in Ukraine. “It is important for us that weapons should not be firing in our region, but rather that peace talks should finally begin. (…) Hungary is standing up in all international organizations for keeping the channels of communication open, for a ceasefire as soon as possible and for the start of peace talks,” he pointed out.


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d6e896 No.111699

File: f6df8668db268c9⋯.jpeg (574.74 KB,1273x600,1273:600,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020445 (032142ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Lula in Berlin for first Brazil-Germany talks in eight years

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Scholz got time to talk to Brazilian President and US State Dept though-cap

He won’t be in that job for long as the Batshit cray FM BAERbock trying to get his job and probably will

Lula in Berlin for first Brazil-Germany talks in eight years


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d6e896 No.111700

File: 6f2ad7e89901c09⋯.jpeg (269.97 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020448 (032144ZDEC23) Notable: Positive Changes in the Rate of National Population Decline

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The US should focus on this!

Positive Changes in the Rate of National Population Decline

Hungary Today 2023.12.01. Based on preliminary data, 7,089 children were born and 10,706 people died in October, reports Magyar Nemzet. Compared to October last year, the number of births fell by 5.9 percent, deaths by 6.7 percent, and marriages by 9.6 percent. The natural population decline has slowed down, the Central Statistical Office emphasized.

In October, 7,089 children were born, 5.9 percent (444) fewer than a year earlier. A total of 10,706 people died, 6.7 percent (769) fewer than in October 2022. The natural death rate was 3,617 in contrast to 3,942 in October 2022.

It was also reported that 4,261 couples married in October, 9.6 percent (451) fewer than in October 2022.

Between January and October, 71,778 babies were born, 2.7 percent (1,999) fewer than January-October 2022. Within this, the number of live births was 7.7 percent higher in January-March, 2.1 percent lower in April, 9.3 percent lower from May-June, and 6 percent lower from July-October compared to the same months in 2022. The estimated total fertility rate per woman is 1.52, compared to 1.53 a year earlier.

Between January and October, 104,404 deaths occurred, 7.5 percent (8,451) fewer than a year earlier. The number of deaths was 11 percent lower between January-February, 4.2 percent lower from March-June, and 8.7 percent lower from July-October than in the same period a year earlier, the Statistical Office noted.

The number of deaths fell more than births, resulting in a natural decrease of 32,626 deaths, 17 percent lower than the 39,078 deaths from January-October 2022.

During this period, 44,372 couples married, 24 percent (13,633) fewer than a year earlier. There were 45 fewer marriages registered during January-February, 31 from March-April, 23 from May-August, and 9.7 percent fewer during September-October than in the same months of 2022.

The figures show nine live births and 13.1 deaths per thousand inhabitants. The live birth rate was 0.2 thousandths of a point lower and the death rate 0.9 thousandths of a point lower than during January-October 2022, resulting in a reduction in the natural decrease. From January-October of this year, there were 3.1 infant deaths per thousand live births, 0.3 thousandths of a point lower than in the same period last year.

The marriage rate was 5.6 thousandths, 1.6 thousandths of a point lower than a year earlier.

The data shows that 86,492 children were born between November 2022 and October 2023, 2,535 fewer than in the previous 12 months, a decrease of 2.8 percent. During this period, 127,995 deaths occurred, 17,086 fewer than in the previous 12 months.

They added that 50,334 couples married, 15,892 fewer than in the previous 12 months, down 24 percent.

To help the nation’s depopulation, policies are needed that encourage people to have children and care for the elderly. Hungary’s family policy is almost unique in the world in that it not only supports families through some 30 measures, but the support system covers the whole life cycle. Hungary’s family-friendly system is based on three pillars: guaranteeing financial security, supporting home ownership, and promoting a quality work-life balance. It is a complex system that families can rely on in all life situations, from welcoming a baby, to setting up a home and helping elderly relatives.



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d6e896 No.111701

File: 2e6e1171a1143ce⋯.webp (33.41 KB,1024x681,1024:681,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020449 (032145ZDEC23) Notable: IRS penalty for underpayments soars to 8% — nearly triple what it was 2 years ago

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IRS penalty for underpayments soars to 8% — nearly triple what it was 2 years ago

The Internal Revenue Service penalty for tax underpayments has nearly tripled since 2021, putting gig economy workers and consultants at the largest risk of having to cough up big bucks to Uncle Sam.

As of Oct. 1, the IRS will now charge 8% interest on estimated tax underpayments, up from 3% two years ago, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The penalties are largely applied to pay-as-you-go workers who do not have taxes withheld and fail to make estimated quarterly payments before filing their taxes in April.

Workers who do have taxes withheld would still be hit with the new higher penalty if they don’t accurately calculate and pay taxes on any additional income, as would people earning higher-than-expected dividend payments.

Karla Dennis, a La Palma, Calif., enrolled agent, said taxpayers who change their withholding to get more weekly cash could also run into trouble.

“It’s a cascading problem: getting them on a payment plan, setting up a budget so they don’t get into that situation again,” she said.

The increased penalty came after the IRS collected $1.8 billion in underpayment penalties from some 12.2 million Americans in fiscal year 2022, the paper reported.

The fines can be avoided by paying at least 90% of one’s tax bill before filing, or having less than a $1,000 difference — whichever sum is higher, according to the IRS. Filers who pay 100% of the previous year’s tax bill would also be spared — a figure that rises to 110% for those who make more than $150,000 or married taxpayers who file separately and earn at least $75,000.

“It’s a cautionary tale for individuals to think about as we get toward year-end. Are you where you should be?” Joseph Doerrer, a CPA and certified financial planner at Mezzasalma CPAs in Tinton Falls, NJ, told the Journal.


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d6e896 No.111702

File: 01e534b48c81d9e⋯.jpg (69.03 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020458 (032148ZDEC23) Notable: George Santos is filing ethics complaints against several of his top New York tormenters.

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George Santos should run again,He'll Win Yuge

George Santos Goes SCORCHED EARTH – Announces Ethics Complaints Against Top RINO Tormenters and One Democrat

The US House of Representatives voted Friday morning on Resolution 878 – the expulsion of House member Representative George Santos.

Democrats and 105 Republican lawmakers voted him out. Republicans now hold only a 3-vote majority in the House. This was not one of their finer moments. These same GOP lawmakers could not even impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas, but they gladly tossed Santos out the door.

This was the first time in our nation’s history that a lawmaker was expelled from Congress for being accused of a crime. George Santos is an innocent man. He was never found guilty by a court of criminal conduct. The RINOs didn’t care. They voted him out anyway.

But George Santos is not going quietly. The conservative Republican announced over the weekend that he is filing ethics complaints against several of his top New York tormenters.

In a recent social media post, George Santos disclosed the names of legislators against whom he intends to file a complaint.

First up is Rep. Nicole Maliotakis, whom Santos referred to as Nicole “MalioStockTips.” He is requesting information on who is leaking stock tips to her.

Let’s talk about hypocrisy.

Can someone ask Nicole MalioStockTips when did she become a savant in stock trading?

The signature bank trades she did REEKS of insider trading much like Paul Pelosi’s every trade!

Nicole is in it for herself! Just look at her record and it speaks for itself.

Nicole MalioStockTips is a dirty dishonorable swamp creature selling the American people down a river for her own benefit.Rep. Nicole Maliotakis the difference between you and I is that I don’t live in denial, I’m a PROUD GAY man and I’m not afraid to say it.


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d6e896 No.111703

File: d328ce5151d443e⋯.jpeg (404.21 KB,1115x616,1115:616,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b7a60f2dd6c26da⋯.jpeg (439.44 KB,915x656,915:656,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020468 (032150ZDEC23) Notable: PF: SAM580 C32A kneepads still NOT AF2 reappears on the ‘sidewalk’ after crossing Atlantic from Ramstein AFB depart/stop and Dubai original departure

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>>111660 pb

SAM580 C32Akneepads still NOT AF2reappears on the ‘sidewalk’ after crossing Atlantic from Ramstein AFB depart/stop and Dubai original departure

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d6e896 No.111704

File: 86be0373526d677⋯.png (713.59 KB,1000x703,1000:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020480 (032154ZDEC23) Notable: Cassidy Hutchinson who was supposed to “destroy Trump” just changed her story

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The girl who was supposed to “destroy Trump” just changed her story …

December 2, 2023 (a day ago)

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d6e896 No.111705

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020488 (032156ZDEC23) Notable: Rep James Comer - Crooked Biden Compromised

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Rep James Comer-Crooked Biden Compromised



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d6e896 No.111706

File: b281c53c778f9a5⋯.png (1.3 MB,960x709,960:709,Clipboard.png)

File: aac33da571c0f00⋯.png (304.23 KB,1024x435,1024:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020513 (032205ZDEC23) Notable: Chris Christie Fails to Qualify for Maine Primary Ballot

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Chris Christie Fails to Qualify for Maine Primary Ballot


December 3, 2023

In the state of Maine, the deadline for candidates for president to turn in a sufficient number of signatures to be on the March 5, 2024 Primary Election ballot was 5 p.m. on Friday. The candidates needed 2,000 valid voter signatures to appear on the ballot. According to the Secretary of State, candidate Chris Christie did not make the cut.

[Source Link]

Dec. 2 (UPI) — Former New Jersey governor and Republican presidential hopeful Chris Christie will not be on the Maine primary election ballot after failing to obtain the required number of in-state petition signatures.

In order to be on the ballot for Maine’s March 5, 2024, primary election, candidates must have 2,000 in-state signatures, but state officials said Saturday he didn’t make the cut.

“The deadline for candidates for president to turn in a sufficient number of signatures to be on the March 5, 2024, primary election ballot was 5 p.m. today,” Maine’s Secretary of State said in a press release.

Christie only received 844 signatures, Maine Director of Elections Heidi Peckham told CBS News. (link)

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d6e896 No.111707

File: 3b6be232fdc148d⋯.png (549.92 KB,1059x889,1059:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020530 (032211ZDEC23) Notable: EU needs its own nuclear weapons – ex-German FM

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EU needs its own nuclear weapons – ex-German FM


How many US bases on German soil? how many troops?

Never trust the "Greens", they'll fuck everything up.

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d6e896 No.111708

File: 1a2919159adff49⋯.jpg (108.27 KB,1536x861,512:287,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020541 (032214ZDEC23) Notable: NZ Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine

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BREAKING:New Zealand Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine — Another Person Also Targeted in Raids

A Ministry of Health employee-turned-whistleblower and another individual have been targeted by police raids on Sunday. The whistleblower’s actions in exposing a connection between certain Pfizer vaccine batches and a series of deaths have led to a dramatic confrontation with law enforcement.

A whistleblower responsible for managing New Zealand’s COVID-19 vaccination database has come forward with alarming data regarding excess deaths that he claims are connected to specific batches of the Pfizer vaccine.

The individual, known by the pseudonym Winston Smith, expressed concerns over what he describes as “the greatest evil that has been perpetrated on human beings.”

Liz Gunn, the leader of the NZ Loyal Party, a former mainstream media journalist and lawyer, interviewed Smith, who chose to risk his job and personal safety to shed light on the statistical anomalies he encountered in his professional role.

The interview underscores the whistleblower’s desire to be proven wrong, hoping that his analysis is merely an anomaly. Yet, he feels compelled to pursue the truth, regardless of personal risk or repercussions, driven by the apparent severity and implications of the data.When asked what brought him to speak up and take such a risk, Smith said, “I saw too much that I couldn’t do nothing anymore.”

He continued, “And someone said that bad things happen when good people do nothing. And that was obvious during World War II when Germany went and killed millions of innocent people. We know that they’re not all bad people. Germans are not all bad people. So there were good people. They just followed orders. They were just told what to do and just went along with it.”

“One of the reasons why this is happening now is that good people are not doing enough to stop it,” he continued.

Winston Smith played a key role in developing a project that established a vaccine payment system for providers, known as the pay-per-dose system. Under this system, providers receive a payment each time a vaccination is administered. As part of his responsibilities, he analyzed the data and noticed inconsistencies.

“I was involved with building a project and helped with implementing a vaccine payment system for our providers. It’s called a pay-per-dose system. So that means that every time someone gets vaccinated, they get a payment for it as a provider. And I helped build it, I implemented it. And when I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated,” Smith said.


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d6e896 No.111709

File: 6f4715eccfb790a⋯.png (439.24 KB,600x547,600:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020550 (032217ZDEC23) Notable: Roseanne Barr roasts Bill Maher on his own show

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Chief Nerd


💥 Fireworks Erupt When Roseanne Visits Bill Maher’s Podcast

“The sh*t you say drives me berserk…What about the vaccine sh*t?…You were wrong!”

0:33 / 2:30

11:14 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111710

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020617 (032233ZDEC23) Notable: NZ Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine

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New Zealand Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data!


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d6e896 No.111711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020675 (032246ZDEC23) Notable: Roseanne Barr roasts Bill Maher on his own show

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Roseanne Barr | Club Random with Bll Maher


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d6e896 No.111712

File: dd689f180ba6047⋯.jpeg (393.78 KB,1001x1902,1001:1902,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020729 (032257ZDEC23) Notable: Cassidy Hutchinson who was supposed to “destroy Trump” just changed her story

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The girl who was supposed to “destroy Trump” just changed her story …

December 2, 2023 (2 days ago)

Remember when everyone, including the folks at the National Review Journal, claimed that the so-called J6 “whistleblower” and former low-level aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, was going to “destroy” President Trump? How can we forget? She was the fake news darling of the media for quite some time and the silver bullet who would supposedly take down MAGA with one brutal revelation after another.

Well, womp, womp.

As is often the case with these hyped-up “whistleblowers,” Cassidy’s star also dimmed before it could reach its full potential. In fact, the regime now faces a significant issue as Cassidy’s story has changed.

Anyone not afflicted with Stage 5 TDS could have quickly seen that this low-level staffer was not going to bring down President Trump. However, the media and the regime held high hopes. Yet, these recent developments once again cast doubt on this young woman’s credibility.

Just the News:

The 15-page-long errata sheet, uncovered recently by Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., includes significant changes to Hutchinson’s account of key events in the Capitol riot drama, including what Secret Service vehicle transported Donald Trump to the Jan. 6, 2021 rally, whether guns were at the Washington D.C. rally that preceded the riot, and what she knew about a meeting where “Hang Mike Pence” chants were allegedly made.

The errata sheet contained a digital signature from Hutchinson approving the changes.

Legal experts said errata sheets for congressional witnesses are common but usually are limited to technical or typographical errors. The experts who reviewed Hutchinson’s errata sheet dated Sept. 12, 2022 said it appears to make material changes to her stories.

“These aren’t ‘corrections.’They constitute entirely new testimonythat should be subjected to cross examination,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Just the News after reviewing the memo. Dershowitz represented Trump at his first impeachment trial where the 45th president was acquitted on charges related to Ukraine and did not have a role in the Jan. 6 impeachment.

Robert Charles, former staff director for the House Oversight national security subcommittee during its 1990s-era investigations into the Clinton White House and the Whitewater scandal, said Hutchison’s errata were unlike any he had ever seen in his career as a lawyer andcould become an issue in future criminal trials in Georgia and Washington D.C., where defendants like Donald Trump and others face Jan. 6-related charges.

“It throws into serious question the credibility of both the witness and the committee and the information she has related to the committee,” Charles said. “And it looks like an attempt to manipulate the written record in a way that wasn’t supported by the original testimony.”

This is commonly referred to as lying in most circles, and it seems Ms. Cassidy is trying to avoid facing consequences for telling whoppers to Congress. However, when all is said and done, she achieved the headlines she wanted, secured a book deal, and, of course, won’t face prosecution for her dishonesty. This is because the entire January 6th investigation is a sham, and this absurd “star witness” is evidence of that.


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d6e896 No.111713

File: ee1b3566f3c2121⋯.jpeg (687.72 KB,2000x1307,2000:1307,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020736 (032259ZDEC23) Notable: SK Innovation to secure significant volume of cobalt in long-term supply deal with Glencore

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Mining Cobalt News



December 2019 - Contract for 6 Years 2020 - 2025 (2 more Years Left)

SK Innovation to secure significant volume of cobalt in long-term supply deal with Glencore


SK Innovation has today signed a six year agreement with Glencore for up to c.30,000 tonnes of cobalt contained in hydroxide between 2020 and 2025.

SK Innovation commented:

“In signing this contract with the world’s largest producer of cobalt, SK Innovation has secured supply of a metal which is both core to battery production and in short supply. SK Innovation stands ready to produce the batteries required to meet the significant anticipated battery demand.

The electric vehicle (EV) battery market is growing fast and the total market size will be c.US$150bn in 2025, larger than the semiconductor market. Accordingly, cobalt demand will keep increasing. We assume global cobalt demand for EV batteries will be 32kt in 2020 and 92kt in 2025. With this contract, SK Innovation can produce batteries for 3 million EVs.

4 Years in and we have a Problem:

Glencore’s Mutanda mine to produce less cobalt on ore depletion

Depleting ore grades of cobalt deposits at Glencore’s Mutanda mine in Congo means the miner will produce up to 15% less a year of the battery metal, three sources with knowledge of the matter said.

The problem at Mutanda is shrinking oxide ore deposits on the surface. Glencore would have to invest in retrieving and processing the sulphide ores located below the surface, the sources added.

The London-listed miner is carrying out a feasibility study, which one of the sources said is expected to be completed soon, to assess how much it would need to invest and whether it will.

Glencore declined to comment.

However, further investments would increase costs of production at Mutanda at a time of weak cobalt prices.Cobalt metal priced at around $16 a lb has more than HALVED since June 2022, partly due to flagging demand from the electric vehicle sector.

Lower cobalt production from Mutanda will likely mean Glencore reduces its output guidance by 5,000 metric tons from 2024, two of the sources said. It expects to produce around 38,000 tons this year.


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d6e896 No.111714

File: 627f7ab5843f9bd⋯.jpeg (208.64 KB,1063x996,1063:996,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020773 (032308ZDEC23) Notable: Don’t be surprised if Fox News fires Greg Gutfeld after this…

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Don’t be surprised if Fox News fires Greg Gutfeld after this…

December 2, 2023 (2 days ago)

Tucker Carlson recently openly discussed how Fox News is basically controlled opposition and heavily influenced by very specific sectors of corporate America, such as Big Pharma. This is how networks control their talent. They know what they can and cannot say based on who is paying the bills.

However, it’s not limited to Fox News; this is essentially how our entire news media functions. This is why a significant portion of what we hear is left-wing propaganda. After all, the woke progressive left is closely aligned with the “establishment,” and their authoritarian agenda revolves around the same goals: money, power, and control. So, it’s really no surprise that Tucker called this out. However, what is surprising to many is that Greg Gutfeld essentially echoed the same sentiment, albeit in a somewhat more gentle manner. Nevertheless, Greg supported Tucker and stated that he was let go due to “special interests,” making it clear that Fox isn’t exactly “fair and balanced”—more like bought and paid for.

Many are now wondering if Gutfeld will be next on the chopping block.

Zeno Calhoun




Two Words Tucker Carlson - yep Gutfeld went there!

Greg definitely went there, but it’s possible he held back just enough to maintain his position at the network. In fact, some might argue that this was Fox News playing the “controlled opposition” card, allowing Greg to support Tucker (and Elon) in order to create the illusion that they’re still championing the good fight.

What are your thoughts? Is Greg genuinely challenging the establishment, or is he taking a safer approach to give Fox News some much-needed street cred?



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d6e896 No.111715

File: 5b0dabd07a864bd⋯.png (639.55 KB,1060x884,265:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020780 (032309ZDEC23) Notable: Israeli UN envoy attacks Soros over funding ‘pro-Hamas groups’

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Israeli UN envoy attacks Soros over funding ‘pro-Hamas groups’

You and I call Soros anything and it's antisemitic, yet...

WTF do these people think they are, 'chosen' or something?


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d6e896 No.111716

File: ca7bd22d076e66c⋯.png (277.51 KB,713x823,713:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020830 (032324ZDEC23) Notable: Robert De Niro anti-Trump speech mysteriously replaced in teleprompter at Awards Show

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Robert De Niro anti-Trump speech mysteriously replaced in teleprompter at Awards Show

Published 3 days ago on November 28, 2023By Sara Carter Staff

Actor Robert De Niro got a taste of Hollywood’s own medicine when he was reportedly unable to deliver his planned Trump-bashing speech at an awards show. The “Killers of the Flower Moon” actor spoke at Monday’s Gotham Awards, but says when he took the stage he discovered that his anti-Trump remarks had been altered.

The actor said he had not been informed of the changes, which took out any mention of the former president. De Niro, who was on hand to present “Killers of the Flower Moon” with the Gotham Historical Icon and Creator Tribute, criticized the awards show and Apple. “I don’t feel like thanking them at all for what they did,” he said. “How dare they do that, actually.”

According to sources with knowledge of the show, a revised version of the speech was placed into the teleprompter less than ten minutes before the event started. Reportedly the speech was altered at the behest of Apple, the film’s producer.

The source says the company was responding to feedback from the filmmaking team that wanted the actor’s remarks to be centered on the movie. However, a source close to the film denied that there was any censorship involved and said that the incident was a miscommunication.

There had been multiple versions of De Niro’s speech and there was a desire to focus solely on the moviemakers and their artistry, according to the source. Apple and the filmmakers were unaware that De Niro hadn’t signed off on the final draft, the source maintained.

e Niro did however take the opportunity to criticize Trump regardless of the prompter; the actor read his remarks from his phone. “Lying has become just another tool in the charlatan’s arsenal,” De Niro said. “The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four years in office. And he’s keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution. But with all his lies, he can’t hide his soul. He attacks the weak, destroys the gifts of nature and shows disrespect, for example, by using ‘Pocahontas’ as a slur” he stated.


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d6e896 No.111717

File: a8a9ed04485abc9⋯.png (688.43 KB,1006x1265,1006:1265,Clipboard.png)

File: 7694e118d79c16e⋯.png (1.03 MB,1593x883,1593:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 92e9122a17cdf81⋯.png (1.31 MB,1360x883,1360:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020832 (032324ZDEC23) Notable: Massive Unknown Object Enters Solar System - UFO Enigma Unfolds

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>>>/qresearch/20020500 ???

OB >>>/qresearch/20010600


Massive Unknown Object Enters Solar System - UFO Enigma Unfolds

An unidentified object, approximately 5000 km in size, has penetrated the solar system, detected by various probes monitoring the sun. Its size and speed surpass typical natural celestial bodies, raising questions about its origin. Is it linked to the surge in solar storms currently impacting Earth? As our sun approaches its peak activity in 2024, some speculate on a connection between solar phenomena and the anticipated revelation of extraterrestrial presence.

#SolarSystemMystery #UFOEnigma #UnknownObject #SolarStorms #ExtraterrestrialRevelation

3:21 PM ¡ Dec 1, 2023




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d6e896 No.111718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020837 (032325ZDEC23) Notable: Jeff Bezos Hires Elon Musk TO FIRE MORE STUPID ROCKETS INTO SPACE

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Jeff Bezos Hires Elon Musk For Rocket Launches

Jeff Bezos's space efforts at Amazon and his space company, Blue Origin, have been hit with 'frustrating delays' including a rocket engine explosion during a routine test earlier this year. With mounting delays, Amazon was forced to sign a deal with rival Elon Musk's SpaceX for future rocket launches.

In a press release on Friday, Amazon announced that it had "signed a contract with SpaceX for three Falcon 9 launches to support deployment plans for Project Kuiper, Amazon's low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite broadband network."

Project Kuiper has only a handful of satellites in orbit compared with SpaceX's Starlink, which has over 4,000 satellites in service. Amazon's earlier procurement of 77 heavy-lift rockets was from Arianespace, Blue Origin, and United Launch Alliance. However, Blue Origin's delays forced Amazon to tap SpaceX for more launch capacity.

"Project Kuiper has contracted three Falcon 9 launches, and these missions are targeted to lift off beginning in mid-2025," Amazon said.

This is the first time Bezos has turned to Musk for help in its space endeavors, and a sign that all is not well with Blue Origin.

In August, Cleveland Bakers and Teamsters Pension Fund, or CB&T, sued Amazon's Board of Directors for breach of duty by not considering SpaceX for Project Kuiper launches.

"By completely abdicating its fiduciary duties, the Board has already exposed Amazon to substantial harm and placed the Company's entire Kuiper program at needless risk. And with each passing day, as Amazon's chosen launch partners (Blue Origin in particular) continue to struggle and SpaceX continues to prove itself, this Board-inflicted harm continues to grow," CB&T wrote.

CB&T continued, "Bezos, it must be assumed, could not swallow his pride to seek his bitter rival's help to launch Amazon's satellites."

Bezos has finally done that... Also, maybe the billionaire should not have bought a half-billion dollar yacht that emits 447 times the entire annual carbon footprint of the average US household and spent that money more wisely on progressing rocket engine technology.


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d6e896 No.111719

File: 09344d28c1c50f9⋯.png (810.64 KB,586x871,586:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020842 (032326ZDEC23) Notable: Roseanne Barr roasts Bill Maher on his own show

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Roseanne Barr


Guys- they’re on to me! I can’t believe I left the checkerboard doormat out there! I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for these damn kids!






Roseanne Barr is controlled opposition

Notice the checkerboard floor mat behind her


11:23 AM ¡ Dec 3, 2023




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d6e896 No.111720

File: 2a2ad7523b3723d⋯.png (95.46 KB,750x641,750:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020851 (032328ZDEC23) Notable: Judge Slams SEC For "Materially False" Deception In Crypto Case, Threatens To Sanction Agency

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Judge Slams SEC For "Materially False" Deception In Crypto Case, Threatens To Sanction Agency

The crypto industry is sure to seize on Shelby’s order to reiterate long-standing complaints that the agency under Chairman Gary Gensler has pursued a vendetta against it.

Back in April 2021, when Joe Biden appointed former Goldman Sachs reject Gary Gensler as head of the SEC, some hoped that the former US commodities chief and MIT professor would usher in a golden age for the US crypto sector and enable the US to pull away from the rest of the world in this all-important sector which will be so very critical when (not if) the dollar loses its reserve currency status. Little did they know, that besides encouraging unprecedented cronyism that enabled such criminals as Sam Bankman-Fried to oversee the biggest financial fraud in Wall Street history, one which was only possible thanks to SBF's generous donations to Democrats (and because of SBF's father years of assistance and donations to Gary Gensler's patron, Elizabeth Warren) which prompted them to ignore the historic crimes committed by SBF's group of "effective altruists", Gensler would be the arguably the worst thing that ever happened to crypto.

And yet, if Gensler's relentless attempts to destroy the US crypto industry were the product of his ideology, however twisted and wrong it may be, they would have been perhaps excusable if not understandable. However, the fact that Gensler has - as the top US securities regulator - been abusing his power in order to facilitate what is clearly a crusade to crush crypto at the behest of a few powerful democrats (who clearly are unable to grasp how much more wealth would be unleashed - and taxed - if the US were to return to its position as the world's most advanced crypto market) is not only inexcusable, it should be ground for immediate termination.

A federal judge rebuked the Securities and Exchange Commission, and its boss Gary Gensler, over its treatment of a crypto firm, expressing concern the agency had made “materially false and misleading representations” in order to freeze millions of dollars in assets belonging to the project, Fortune reported.

The case, filed in Utah federal court, concerns a firm called Digital Licensing Inc., or DEBT Box. In its complaint, filed this summer, the SEC alleged the project had defrauded investors out of nearly $50 million by selling unregistered securities called “node licenses.”

As part of the initial process, the SEC successfully obtained a temporary restraining order and asset seizure through a so-called ex parte application—meaning the crypto firm was not informed of the proceedings and was not able to challenge them in court at the time.

These types of one-sided proceedings are uncommon and typically take place when a government agency fears that notifying the defendant will result in their destroying evidence or whisking assets overseas. Meanwhile, a temporary restraining order requires a party to show a high likelihood of “irreparable harm”—a high bar to clear.

In his Thursday order, District Judge Robert Shelby explained he had agreed to grant the SEC’s request because the agency’s lawyer, Michael Welsh, had said the crypto company was actively closing bank accounts—including 33 in the last 48 hours—as part of a bid to move the firm to Abu Dhabi and beyond the reach of U.S. regulators.


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d6e896 No.111721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020858 (032331ZDEC23) Notable: Roseanne Barr roasts Bill Maher on his own show

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d6e896 No.111722

File: d448ad95b6cdd5d⋯.jpeg (385.21 KB,828x877,828:877,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d002ac28f978d5f⋯.jpeg (594.71 KB,828x1007,828:1007,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020868 (032334ZDEC23) Notable: Jeff Bezos Hires Elon Musk TO FIRE MORE STUPID ROCKETS INTO SPACE

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He just sold AMZN shares too not a lot as it’s a parking ticket but expect moar towards YE.

Sells about $1-2n to fund muh blue dick

Jeff Bezos Just Sold $240 Million Worth of Amazon Stock and He's Planning to Sell More. Here's What Investors Need to Know



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d6e896 No.111723

File: e06bfc26fc7125f⋯.mp4 (14.15 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020875 (032336ZDEC23) Notable: Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How do u Stop the News? Arrest the Source…

Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data


Police have arrested a man in connection with a mass privacy breach of Covid-19 vaccination data.

It comes after Te Whatu Ora- Health New Zealand launched an employment investigation, accusing a health sector worker of spreading misinformation using government data about Covid-19 vaccines.

A 56-year-old man was arrested this afternoon in relation to the “unauthorised disclosure and misuse of data”, police said.

He is charged with accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes and will appear in Wellington District Court tomorrow.

“As the case is before the court, police cannot comment further,” police said.

A man believed to be a Te Whatu Ora staff member was interviewed on a New Zealand conspiracy theory site last week. He claimed he developed a database for the vaccine rollout and quoted from that work.

Former TV presenter and conspiracy theorist Liz Gunn took to X, formerly Twitter, this afternoon to report police surrounded the “whistleblower’s” house at 2.15pm and that an arrest was imminent.

A woman who lost both parents during the pandemic is furious people’s health data is being used to spread misinformation about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccination.

“The idea that these clowns [could be] using my loved ones’ deaths as so-called proof that the jab kills, when it simply doesn’t, is truly distressing to me.”


This is the 56 YO man in the attached video that they failed to include in the story…

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d6e896 No.111724

File: c0d4bc7929ca96b⋯.mp4 (6.13 MB,480x256,15:8,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020908 (032345ZDEC23) Notable: US Military whistleblower LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian Bio-weapons Labs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Military whistleblower LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian Bio-weapons Labs:

“It originally started in 2005 with the Defence Intelligence Agency…which created a 501 C3…called the Global Viral Forecasting Institute…with a Mossad Operative named Nathan Wolfe…which became Metabiota.

This was funded by Rosemont , an investment firm, where Hunter Biden was the head of…along with Christopher Heinz (John Kerry’s son) and Paul Pelosi…Nancy Pelosi’s son.

The West has been developing this under Obama and Biden for the last 10 years for the purposes of generating Biological and Chemical Warfare to use against the Russians, which is why they’ve been collecting DNA samples from Slavic People. Revelations of a Massive War Crime…Crimes Against Humanity …as it’s a violation of the Global Biological Weapons Agreement.

This shows America with its 30 BIOLABS in Ukraine was involved in the experimentation on Human to Animal Transmission…which is precisely the origin of ‘Covid-19’."


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d6e896 No.111725

File: 34a0ee49e3e61de⋯.jpg (68.59 KB,1025x1138,1025:1138,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020920 (032347ZDEC23) Notable: Roseanne Barr roasts Bill Maher on his own show

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>>111709, >>111721, >>111711


Bill: I can't believe I don't remember that

Rosanne: No shit, you blocked it out MK ULTRA

Bill: ...Who's that?

Rosanne: That's the mind control program you're under, Bill

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d6e896 No.111726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020939 (032351ZDEC23) Notable: THE LINK BETWEEN HUNTER BIDEN, UKRAINE BIOLABS, ECO HEALTH ALLIANCE AND WUHAN

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‼️Hunter Biden and his firm Rosemont Seneca was directly involved in the financing of Metabiota, one of the companies entrusted by the US and Ukrainian government to undertake the construction and management of the biolabs.

‼️The founder and chairman of Metabiota, is Dr. Nathan Daniel Wolfe

‼️Dr. Wolfe also serves on the editorial board of EcoHealth Alliance (https://www.ecohealthalliance.org/) a company who became famous for its notorious “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the alleged epicenter of the SARS COV2 outbreak.

‼️The CEO of EcoHealth Alliance is Peter Dazsak (https://www.ecohealthalliance.org/personnel/dr-peter-daszak), who works with Dr Nathan Wolfe as part of a consortium and initiative led by USAID called, PREDICT.

‼️Dr. Wolfe was also a member of DARPA’s Defence Science Research Council.(DSRC).

‼️Wolfe is also an alumni of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program.


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d6e896 No.111727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020949 (032353ZDEC23) Notable: THE LINK BETWEEN HUNTER BIDEN, UKRAINE BIOLABS, ECO HEALTH ALLIANCE AND WUHAN

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We can get a rough idea of the US political elites’ involvement in the military biological activity in Ukraine if we rely on open sources as well as leaked documents. Below is an attempt to reconstruct the chronology of this involvement, though not a comprehensive one. There are many gaps in this truly diabolical plan that are still to be filled.

‼️1991 – the US launches the Nunn-Lugar programme for the former Soviet countries to control/eliminate Soviet weapons of mass destruction including bioweapons. The Pentagon's Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) was named as the programme’s main executor.

‼️1993 – the Ukraine-US Agreement on the Prevention of Proliferation of WMD is signed.

‼️2005 – an additional protocol is signed to the agreement between the Ukrainian Health Ministry and the DTRA on the prevention of the proliferation of technologies, pathogens and know-how that can be used to develop bioweapons. This is the start of the transfer of the Ukrainian military biological potential into US specialists' hands.

‼️2000s – large US military-industrial companies are engaged in military biological activity in Ukraine.

‼️2005-2014 – Black & Veatch Special Projects, a DTRA contractor, builds and upgrades 8 biolabs in Ukraine instead of eliminating military biological infrastructure, as was originally claimed. One of the facilities, a biolab in Odessa, has been financed since 2011 for the study of “pathogens that can be used in bioterrorism attacks.”

‼️2007 – US DoD employee Nathan Wolfe founded Global Viral Forecasting Institute (subsequently - Global Viral), a biomedical company. The mission stated in the charter is non-commercial study of transborder infections, including in China.

‼️2009 – Rosemont Seneca Partners is established by former US Secretary of State John Kerry’ stepson Christopher Heinz and incumbent US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

‼️2014 – anti-constitutional coup d’etat in Ukraine.

‼️2014 – Hunter Biden joins the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company.

‼️2014 – Metabiota, a private commercial organisation specialising in the study of pandemic risks is detached from Global Viral. Neil Callahan and John DeLoche, employees of Hunter Biden’s company Rosemont Seneca Partners are appointed to the board of Metabiota. Global Viral and Metabiota begin to get funding from the US Department of Defence.

‼️2014 - Metabiota shows interest in Ukraine and invites Hunter Biden to "assert Ukraine's cultural & economic independence from Russia".

‼️2014 - Metabiota and Burisma Holdings begin cooperation on an unnamed "science project in Ukraine".

‼️2014 - Metabiota, Global Viral and Black & Veatch Special Projects begin full-fledged cooperation within the US DoD programmes.

‼️2014-2016 - Implementation of Metabiota and US DoD contracts, including a $300,000 project in Ukraine.

‼️2016 – US citizen Ulana Nadia Suprun, a descendant of Ukrainian Nazis, is appointed Acting Health Minister of Ukraine. The US DoD and Ukraine’s Health Ministry cooperation programme is greatly expanded.

‼️2016 – an outbreak of swine flu among Ukrainian Defence Ministry personnel guarding a biolab in Kharkov, Ukraine; 20 dead.

‼️2016 – former US Assistant Secretary for Defence Andrew Weber is appointed head of Metabiota’s global partnerships department.

‼️2016 – EcoHealth Alliance, a Global Viral founder Nathan Wolfe’s structure, is engaged in the study of bat-transmitted coronaviruses at the Wuhan laboratory, China.

‼️2016 – the DTRA and Ukraine’s Health Ministry extend the contract after getting approval from the Ukrainian Defence Ministry.

‼️2019 – the COVID-19 mutated bat coronavirus pandemic begins with an outbreak in Wuhan.

‼️February 24, 2022 – launch of the Russian Operation Z in Ukraine.

‼️February 24-25, 2022 – rapid elimination of strains in biolabs in Ukraine.

‼️March 8, 2022 – US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland openly acknowledges the existence of US funded bioresearch centres.

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d6e896 No.111728

File: 75abbdf357c0109⋯.png (666.75 KB,1186x758,593:379,Clipboard.png)

File: cf2d080e0373537⋯.png (911.56 KB,1347x785,1347:785,Clipboard.png)

File: 157216929033202⋯.png (1.35 MB,1230x792,205:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020961 (032355ZDEC23) Notable: PF: QID62 lands at Nellis

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Stratotanker based in RAF Mildenhall flew across the globe to ...apparently draw a big Q over Nellis AFB near Vegas? I'm pretty sure they don't need another tanker over there on the US west coast -so maybe he just siphoned a bunch of RAF fuel to bring over to help out with Bidenomics ...or something -maybe he brought something else over. Crumpets, I bet -and tea probably.


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d6e896 No.111729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021032 (040015ZDEC23) Notable: #24575

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#24575 >>111692

>>111704, >>111712 Cassidy Hutchinson who was supposed to “destroy Trump” just changed her story


>>111708, >>111710 NZ Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine

>>111709, >>111721, >>111711, >>111719, >>111725 Roseanne Barr roasts Bill Maher on his own show

>>111718, >>111722 Jeff Bezos Hires Elon Musk TO FIRE MORE STUPID ROCKETS INTO SPACE

>>111699 PF: Lula in Berlin for first Brazil-Germany talks in eight years

>>111703 PF: SAM580 C32A kneepads still NOT AF2 reappears on the ‘sidewalk’ after crossing Atlantic from Ramstein AFB depart/stop and Dubai original departure

>>111728 PF: QID62 lands at Nellis

>>111693 Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ - Guardian

>>111694 CBS New York celebrates 30 years since one of the nation's first public mass shootings with hour-long documentary on

>>111695 US college enrollment falling – CNBC (CIA failing to woo more propaganda tools)

>>111697 71-Year-Old Romanian Yoga Guru Arrested in France for Allegedly Running International Sex Cult

>>111698 Foreign Minister Meets with Russian Counterpart Sergey Lavrov

>>111700 Positive Changes in the Rate of National Population Decline

>>111701 IRS penalty for underpayments soars to 8% — nearly triple what it was 2 years ago

>>111702 George Santos is filing ethics complaints against several of his top New York tormenters.

>>111705 Rep James Comer - Crooked Biden Compromised

>>111706 Chris Christie Fails to Qualify for Maine Primary Ballot

>>111707 EU needs its own nuclear weapons – ex-German FM

>>111713 SK Innovation to secure significant volume of cobalt in long-term supply deal with Glencore

>>111714 Don’t be surprised if Fox News fires Greg Gutfeld after this…

>>111715 Israeli UN envoy attacks Soros over funding ‘pro-Hamas groups’

>>111716 Robert De Niro anti-Trump speech mysteriously replaced in teleprompter at Awards Show

>>111717 Massive Unknown Object Enters Solar System - UFO Enigma Unfolds

>>111720 Judge Slams SEC For "Materially False" Deception In Crypto Case, Threatens To Sanction Agency

>>111723 Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data

>>111724 US Military whistleblower LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian Bio-weapons Labs


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d6e896 No.111730

File: 9247eae355f3cb5⋯.png (245.67 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021080 (040025ZDEC23) Notable: #24576

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>accepting handoffs

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d6e896 No.111731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021096 (040029ZDEC23) Notable: Roseanne Barr | Club Random with Bll Maher ENTIRE INTERVIEW

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>>111719 PB

Roseanne Barr | Club Random with Bll Maher



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d6e896 No.111732

File: af151d1372bb8db⋯.png (16.49 KB,592x197,592:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 50202a1f6d8bf78⋯.jpg (114.88 KB,1278x871,1278:871,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 62b3bea1ee76450⋯.jpg (106.21 KB,1312x865,1312:865,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021209 (040050ZDEC23) Notable: Recent findings link the CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation to Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast

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Patrick Webb


BREAKING: Recent findings link the CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation to Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast.

Deagel.com, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and chilling depopulation forecasts for 2025.

Recent findings link Deagel directly to significant entities with major pull on the world stage;

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)/ The Pentagon, and The Rockefeller Foundation.

Current real-world data on excess deaths in the West strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast may not just be an estimation but in fact, a target for the global agenda by the elites.

Meet Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr., who passed away on February 16th 2021, who is claimed to be the figurehead authorities would like you to believe is solely behind http://Deagel.com.

Dr Edwin served as the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense. He was also the Director of International Relations for The Rockefeller Foundation, an influential global philanthropic organization.

In 1993, Deagle was nominated by President Bill Clinton to be Under Secretary of the Air Force to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition.

Declassified docs, via FOIA requests reveal Deagle’s communication with the then U.S. Director of Central Intelligence, Stansfield Turner, hinting at a relationship with the CIA.

One doc refers to an event described as “the most significant in the intelligence field since 1947.”

The CIA has released 23 FOIA articles relating to Dr Deagle, the Rockefeller Foundation, the U.S. DOD and the former director of the CIA.

This strongly suggests that http://Deagel.com isn’t just the work of one man, but is in fact the work of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex consisting of the CIA, the U.S. DoD and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Here are some of the Deagel’s apocalyptic depopulation forecasts for 2025 across various countries in the world:

Deagel.com’s [infamous] 2025 forecasts have been removed from their website sometime in 2020. However, the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive, we are able to view the original predictions, below.

A full list of Deagel’s original apocalyptic depopulation predictions can be viewed here.


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d6e896 No.111733

File: de79b1a1b86778f⋯.jpg (102.65 KB,1327x670,1327:670,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1b391cab69e0f87⋯.jpg (109.73 KB,1336x672,167:84,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021304 (040108ZDEC23) Notable: The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

From vehicle rental (inChinain 2021) to 8GB computer stations (in the Clinton birthplace in 2015), more than $10,000 is re-homed, just like that. It gets better. From ceiling fan coils to gas service at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library, the spending continues (see 2/5 - 5/5).

USA Spending - William J. Clinton in China - Purchase Order (PO) - PIID SHK30012M0074


Hong Kong - China

Nov 04, 2011 - Nov 13, 2011

Potential End Date - Dec 31, 2011



USA Spending - William J. Clinton Birthplace - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID INP15PD03152


William J. Clinton birthplace




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d6e896 No.111734

File: 93ce5ba2743f668⋯.jpg (118.17 KB,1347x674,1347:674,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 35a529ef060b3d9⋯.jpg (121.2 KB,1347x673,1347:673,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be912406bcf2fa8⋯.jpg (106.59 KB,1333x673,1333:673,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2e495f143d9027a⋯.jpg (105.44 KB,1322x673,1322:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021318 (040111ZDEC23) Notable: The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

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The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 88310320F00135


File folders


USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID NAMANL10F0067




USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) Call - PIID HHSP23337009




USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 88310324F00008




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d6e896 No.111735

File: 49171470bef11f3⋯.jpg (106.76 KB,1358x678,679:339,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e9cf396bbfa34e2⋯.jpg (105.4 KB,1350x677,1350:677,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 025b32fb5131aa3⋯.jpg (119.82 KB,1350x675,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3993c2b1e2f3460⋯.jpg (131.43 KB,1357x673,1357:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021329 (040113ZDEC23) Notable: The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Purchase Order (PO) - PIID NAMA09M0005




USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Purchase Order (PO) - PIID NAMA06M0017




USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Definitive Contract - PIID NAMA15C0003

$1.0 Million



USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 88310320F00067

$4.5 Million



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d6e896 No.111736

File: 41432ef8c2f3ff5⋯.jpg (129.97 KB,1328x675,1328:675,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 926d679e3f326a0⋯.jpg (102.87 KB,1335x671,1335:671,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 556684148af6980⋯.jpg (121.72 KB,1316x675,1316:675,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 20df1c7cbdf43e9⋯.jpg (120.55 KB,1314x673,1314:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021339 (040115ZDEC23) Notable: The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 88310320F00055

At least $5.4 Million



USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 88310320F00136




USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 88310319F00108




USA Spending - William J. Clinton Presidential Library - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 88310319F00111




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d6e896 No.111737

File: c2de39bf1a9ef79⋯.jpg (53.76 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021340 (040115ZDEC23) Notable: US warship, multiple commercial ships attacked in Red Sea, Pentagon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US warship, multiple commercial ships attacked in Red Sea, Pentagon says

The Pentagon did not identify what group was responsible for the attack.

An American warship and multiple commercial vessels were attacked in the Red Sea on Sunday, the Pentagon said, in what may mark a major escalation of military activity in the Middle East related to the Israel-Hamas conflict. 

"We’re aware of reports regarding attacks on the USS Carney and commercial vessels in the Red Sea and will provide information as it becomes available," the Pentagon said, according to The Associated Press. 

The British military said earlier in the day that a suspected drone attack and explosions occurred in the Red Sea, but it did not provide further details. 


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d6e896 No.111738

File: b8ebed607b57d9e⋯.jpg (120.39 KB,1318x673,1318:673,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ec319a40a0103f3⋯.jpg (119.69 KB,1314x666,73:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bc522f7b0277181⋯.jpg (108.07 KB,1335x675,89:45,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1bffe9909f57bd4⋯.jpg (121.46 KB,1343x673,1343:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021345 (040117ZDEC23) Notable: The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

They name a building after a president and that has upkeep, too. That has to be some ceiling fan. What is a lead-acid battery and what do you put it in?

USA Spending - William J. Clinton North South Building - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 47PM0720F0117


Covid-19 - cleaning



USA Spending - William J. Clinton Federal Building N&S - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 47PM0618F0024


Snow Removal


USA Spending - William J. Clinton Federal Building - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID GSP1114ZG0002




USA Spending - William J. Clinton Federal Building - Delivery Order (DO) - PIID 47PM0720F0124


Lead-Acid Battery Replacement


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d6e896 No.111739

File: 7b246fb41140e21⋯.png (52.04 KB,713x180,713:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021348 (040117ZDEC23) Notable: Recent findings link the CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation to Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast

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d6e896 No.111740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021530 (040152ZDEC23) Notable: Chinese developer Evergrande risking liquidation if creditors veto its plan for handling $300B in debts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post



Chinese developer Evergrande risking liquidation if creditors veto its plan for handling $300B in debts


Dec 3, 2023 ¡ 9:36 PM UTC


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d6e896 No.111741

File: 247029c91238f72⋯.png (477.59 KB,709x757,709:757,Clipboard.png)

File: e2d65013609513c⋯.png (81.02 KB,1024x692,256:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f26218d7a98fcd⋯.png (22.16 KB,854x248,427:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 22948d551f54947⋯.png (109.99 KB,1015x872,1015:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021564 (040201ZDEC23) Notable: Putin on WWII

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d6e896 No.111742

File: fbba9e0a13dfa1f⋯.jpg (28.42 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021633 (040220ZDEC23) Notable: GOP attorneys general argue Colorado can't remove Trump from primary ballot, based on 14th Amendment.

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GOP attorneys general argue Colorado can't remove Trump from primary ballot, based on 14th Amendment.

A coalition of 19 attorneys general filed a brief with the Colorado Supreme Court arguing an appeal to keep former President Donald Trump off the primary ballot can’t be decided by the courts.

The 41-page brief, led by Republican Attorneys General Patrick Morrisey of West Virginia and Theodore Rokita of Indiana, argues Congress should decide any alleged violation of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The brief states the “courts have no business second guessing Congress’s decisions to enforce – or not enforce—the Clause,” referring to the insurrection clause in the amendment.

“The Fourteenth Amendment entrusts Insurrection Clause questions to Congress—not state officials or state courts,” the brief states. “The Amendment vests Congress with ‘power to enforce’ the Insurrection Clause ‘by appropriate legislation’ and power to ‘remove [the] disability’ it imposes.”


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d6e896 No.111743

File: 08315537bfd1951⋯.jpeg (127.14 KB,907x660,907:660,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021634 (040220ZDEC23) Notable: Was Ron DeSantis lacklustre campaign doomed from the start?

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Was Ron DeSantis lacklustre campaign doomed from the start?

Ex-GOP strategist believes the governor’s mix of awkwardness and nastiness will end his campaign, while a pollster says nothing can be predicted when it comes to the Iowa caucuses where it comes down to what happens in the room on the night, Gustaf Kilander reports

December 2, 2023

Ron DeSantis entered the Republican primary this spring as the preeminent challenger to former President Donald Trump and as the heir apparent taking on the old guard.

The Florida governor was “Trump without the baggage,” a far-right fighter ready to rumble with the “radical left” and govern more productively than the chaotic reality TV star, blustering real estate mogul and grievance-filled showman.

In a race against the oldest president in US history, being born in the late 1970s instead of the mid-1940s would also be helpful. Part of the thinking was that Mr DeSantis could win the White House by simply standing next to President Joe Biden on the debate stage and not looking old.

But was his floundering campaign always inevitable?Was Mr DeSantis always too awkward to be president?

Former GOP strategist and Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson certainly thinks so.

“I said as early as in the spring of 2021 that Ron DeSantis was the most overpriced stock in American politics,” he tells The Independent. “He didn’t win in Florida by some magical gift of his own, he inherited the best Republican machine in the country – it elected him, he didn’t win – he was hustled in there on the backs of 30 years of Republican dominance in the state and an infinite amount of money.”

Calling Mr DeSantis “the opposite of political charisma”, Mr Wilson adds that “the initial idea of Ron DeSantis being a great campaigner was rapidly put to the test and discovered to be a lie”.

Mr Wilson says the governor is “without a question, the worst-performing, best-funded primary candidate I’ve seen in a long time”.

Rich Lowry, the editor of the conservative National Review, disagrees.

“I think the fundamental factor is Trump’s strengths,” he tells The Independent. “It’s not as though Trump calling him ‘DeSanctimonious’ has destroyed him, or there’s any particular hit that’s hurt him, it’s just that Trump is just incredibly strong among Republican voters and became even more so after the first indictment, and has kind of dominated the attention space.”

Mr Lowry notes that the DeSantis campaign “overspent” and “overemphasized cultural issues at the beginning although not for crazy reasons”.

“But they adjusted and widened out their message. He just hasn’t proven to be an electric campaigner,” he adds, noting the difficulty of “running against the greatest showman on Earth”.

“He’s in a bad place now,” Mr Lowry says, adding that “there’s a potential path… but he basically has to win Iowa. And he’s not close to being there at the moment”.

‘His numbers there aren’t moving in a good direction’

Mr De Santis’s support in Iowa is actually on the decline, Ann Selzer, a prominent pollster in the Hawkeye State. “His numbers there aren’t moving in a good direction,” she says. But she cautioned that the result is still up to the voters.

“I have been active in enough caucuses – I’ve seen everything happen. So I cannot say whether this will or will not result in success for DeSantis”.

There has been reporting on how the pandemic, Mr Trump’s dominance, and the increasing use of social media, have led to less campaign activity. “There are not a lot of yard signs. I will say the only two yard signs I’ve seen were for DeSantis, but there’s just no visibility out there,” Ms Selzer adds. “Those are the things that in the olden days used to be a gauge of how active the campaign is. They’re not setting up their headquarters for phone banking, because volunteers can do that remotely.”

“It’s just very hard to see except if you tag along with him and go to his events, and get a sense of the crowd size. And that’s what likely caucusgoers are doing,” she says. “That is meaningful – if he’s not able to gather very many people at the Pizza Ranch it’s possible for likely caucusgoers to say he just doesn’t have the stuff.”

Des Moines Register politics reporter Katie Akin has been to countless Desantis events in Iowa this campaign season. She notes that Mr DeSantis’s tour of Iowa’s all 99 counties, known as the “full Grassley” – named after the 90-year-old senator – is set to finish Saturday 2 December…..continued..


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d6e896 No.111744

File: a32f1ffb113a6b2⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB,1668x1971,556:657,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 017c950ca6f1cca⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021648 (040221ZDEC23) Notable: China had another successful Mars landing. They left the cameramen there from last time. For The KEKS!

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China had another successful Mars landing. They left the cameramen there from last time.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111745

File: 08315537bfd1951⋯.jpeg (127.14 KB,907x660,907:660,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021674 (040228ZDEC23) Notable: Was Ron DeSantis lacklustre campaign doomed from the start?

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A split campaign with ‘a lot staff’

After driving all over the state to cover the governor, she noticed that he does have a large footprint. “He has a lot of staff. I don’t know exactly how many, but he definitely has a lot of people,” she tells The Independent, adding that, unlike with most other campaigns, she interacts with two separate groups – the campaign and the Never Back Down Super PAC.

Both the campaign and the PAC have been beset by infighting and high staff turnover – most recently the head of Never Back Down – 2022 Nevada GOP Senate nominee Adam Laxalt – did just that when he backed down and left the PAC late last month.

Mr DeSantis has often been seen as combative with the press, taking a card from Mr Trump’s playbook. But on the trail, Ms Akin says he’s “not too hard to get hold of … I wouldn’t say he’s been particularly aggressive”.

“He’s pretty good at staying on message, which doesn’t always make for the answer that you’re hoping to hear from him,” she adds.

‘Hillary Clinton looks like Ronald Reagan compared to Ron DeSantis’

Part of that may be what some see as his robotic nature and reliance on talking points.“Hillary Clinton looks like Ronald Reagan compared to Ron DeSantis,” Mr Wilson says. “He’s literally among the worst candidates I have ever seen in any race at any level for human connection.”

“You can give him the best speech writers in the world and he still would deliver it in that robotic, snipping, nasty, totally flat effect,” he adds. “And it’s weird because his wife, Casey, who is going to run for governor of Florida by the way, she’s a former television anchor, so she’s a trained performer. They had a guy giving him speech prep and debate lessons – it clearly did not take.”

Mr Wilson says Mr DeSantis’s awkwardness and lack of charisma aren’t fatal in and of themselves.

Speaking of the 41st president, the strategist says, “George Herbert Walker Bush, who I worked for as a young man, was what I call charmingly awkward. He had a sort of New England preppy aspect. And it was a little goofy, a little silly sometimes, but he still had a certain charm”.

“Richard Nixon was in many ways an awkward man,” Mr Lowry notes. “It’s just hard to do it against Trump.”

“You can’t get away with it if you’re just awkward, or you’re just weird,” Mr Wilson adds. “Trump is a great performer. I hate him on every conceivable axis, but you have to see that the guy is a showman. He understands how to put on a performance – not everybody can do that in politics, and DeSantis least of all.”

Mr Lowry says he “certainly didn’t think” Mr DeSantis’s supposed awkwardness doomed him from the get-go. “That was one of the many hostile narratives about him before he got in.” But he notes that “there’s clearly some truth to” the narrative that Mr DeSantis isn’t the most personable of candidates. “He’s fine on the stump, but it’s not like Bill Clinton lining up with every person he sees.”

Will the DeSantis campaign end in Iowa?

“I think he sticks it out to Florida because he’s arrogant. From what I’m hearing in Tallahassee,his wife doesn’t want him to quit and hand it to Nikki Haley,” Mr Wilson says. “None of this had to go this way for him. He could have run a different campaign, he could have been a different candidate.

“His people were literally talking about ‘I’m gonna be the secretary of this,” ‘I’m gonna take over in the Commerce Department’ … astounding hubris. “Politics punishes hubris like no other business I’ve ever seen,” he adds.

Not all Republican voters see this awkwardness and nastiness in the governor.

“He’s had pretty good attendance at his events,” Ms Akin, the Iowa political reporter, says. “If you look at some of the candidates that have polled lower or some of the candidates that are lesser known, at some of these Iowa caucus campaign stops for them, it’ll be like five people. Consistently, DeSantis is bringing out a couple dozen even in small rural areas.”

“Everybody’s perspectives on him are so different based on who they are and what they believe,” she adds. “I’ve talked to people after his events who think he seems very charismatic and charming and I’ve talked to people after who do think he seems a little bit stilted and weird … I really have talked to people who will come away from the same event with opposite opinions of how he seemed on stage.”

‘The key in Iowa is you never say never’

“I think the key in Iowa is you never say never,” Ms Akin says. “Looking back at previous cycles, there have been people who saw a surge in support just in the last couple of weeks before the caucus, even in the last couple of days.” “Iowa is the least predictable,” Ms Selzer says. “We look at the most the largest number of candidates…..


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d6e896 No.111746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021677 (040229ZDEC23) Notable: Was Ron DeSantis lacklustre campaign doomed from the start?

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The end:

“Keep in mind that in 2012, [former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum] had polled only as high as maybe five or six per cent poll after poll after poll. In the final poll was the first time he ever hit double digits.” “Our polling showed him on an upward trajectory – that didn’t happen until the final week ahead of the caucuses,” she says. “And by caucus night, he won.”

In 2016, in the Democratic primary, Ms Clinton was “leading, leading, leading”…..

“[Vermont Senator] Bernie Sanders never dipped in our polling and he started at three per cent. And by caucus night, he lost by less than one delegate equivalent. It’s just as it is designed, for things to happen late, and for there to be surprises,” she adds.

But the longtime pollster notes that when Mr Obama was running “you could kind of feel the contagion of a candidate picking up momentum and I can’t say that I feel that for DeSantis”….

‘You never know what’s going to happen in Iowa’

“You never know what’s going to happen in Iowa until it happens,” she says. “I was just looking back at some data from past years – we’ve had people who poll first in November or October … and then they come in third or fourth on caucus night.”…

One of Mr DeSantis’s main arguments, Mr Lowry notes, was that “‘I can be Trump, but more successful and I can win’. And I still think he’d be the better general election candidate than Trump, but it’s hard to make the argument when Trump is beating Biden in the polls and beating DeSantis and everyone else by 30 or 40 points in the primary.”

By going hard in Iowa, visiting all 99 counties and getting the endorsements of Governor Kim Reynolds and Bob Vander Plaats, the leader of a socially conservative group and a serial gubernatorial candidate, Mr Lowry says Mr DeSantis is “playing the only hand he can”.

“He’s done the work. He’s done the trips. He’s done the campaigning, he’s done the full Grassley … but the hour’s late and he needs to show movement,” he says.


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d6e896 No.111747

File: 78cebac55b50125⋯.jpeg (537.21 KB,1213x617,1213:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 584c309a09b773f⋯.png (234.38 KB,780x767,60:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021684 (040231ZDEC23) Notable: PF SAM400Blinken again?

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SAM400Blinken again?C32A departed JBA EN if so prolly to Cairo and yet another trip to Tel Aviv

Argentina AF FAG072 737 departed JBA WS after arriving from Tucson,AZ-Davis-Monthan AFB depart on 11/30

Prior activity is Lima, Peru to San Salvador for stop then to Tucson on 11/28 and Buenos Aires to Lima on 11/25

This is not Milei as it wasn’t in New York and he has yet to be sworn in-that is on Dec 10th

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d6e896 No.111748

File: e37feeb350fb084⋯.jpg (138.97 KB,930x626,465:313,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021716 (040238ZDEC23) Notable: Found this "Exhibit J" from the Trump case. It seems very strange to Anon because it seems to be Engoron speaking on behalf of Letitia James, while James' name doesn't appear anywhere in the document

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Found this "Exhibit J" from the Trump case. It seems very strange to Anon because it seems to be Engoron speaking on behalf of Letitia James, while James' name doesn't appear anywhere in the document. James' name is in the URL.


ocr.docketalarm.com - Engoron - EXHIBIT J


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d6e896 No.111749

File: 8e0bb9ce9ee5fa5⋯.jpeg (89.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021735 (040243ZDEC23) Notable: West blocked Russia from international maritime body

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1 Dec, 2023

West blocked Russia from international maritime body – Moscow

The Foreign Ministry blamed an “unhinged” campaign for the IMO vote

Russia failed to secure re-election to the executive body of the UN ship agency, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), on Friday. Moscow has blamed the setback on the efforts of Kiev and its Western backers.

The London-based IMO is responsible for regulating the safety and security of international shipping, preventing pollution, and governing other issues. It brings together 175 member countries.

A long-time member of the IMO Council, Russia was oustedfrom the executive body after asecret ballot to select 40 supervisory members.

The outcome of the vote was the result of an“unhinged and politicized campaign,”unleashed by thecollective West, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “From the very beginning of the election cycle, Western countries and their Kiev protégés set the only goal for themselves – to prevent our country from being re-elected to the Council at any cost.”

In recent weeks, Russia has repeatedly warned the IMO was apparently losing its impartial role and was facing enormous “external pressure.” The anti-Russia campaign apparently culminated with an address by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who spoke to the agency on Monday via video link. Zelensky urged the body’s members to oust Moscow from the Council, claiming that Russia has inflicted the “worst [damage] in decades”to the “freedom of navigation.”

Roughly half of IMO member-states supported Russiaeven after “unprecedented pressure”from the West, the ministry noted. “We are grateful to all our partners who found the strength to resist the neocolonial ambitions of the Euro-Atlantic allies led by Washington and Brussels and cast their vote for Russia.”

The ministry described Russia’s ouster as a “Pyrrhic victory” for the West, given that the actual work of the IMO is largely conducted within its subcommittees rather than at the executive body itself.

“Russia, together with its allies, partners and like-minded nations, intends to continue to play a significant role on the platform of the IMO, including in its Council as an observer. Efforts to counter the Westerners’ line of politicizing the work of the agency, as well as to return the IMO to its original purely technical mandate, will continue,” it concluded.

(UN is filled with cowards)


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d6e896 No.111750

File: 065f32853d014e8⋯.jpeg (135.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021751 (040248ZDEC23) Notable: Russian MP proposes taxing childless people

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4 Dec, 2023

Russian MP proposes taxing childless people

Evgeny Fyodorov said the measure would help fill the state’s coffers and incentivize population growth

A member of Russia’s State Duma has proposed to revive a tax on childlessness, which existed during the Soviet times, citing the need to boost population.

“We must encourage the birth of children,”Evgeny Fyodorov from the ruling United Russia party told Govorit Moskva radio on Saturday. He added that the tax revenue could be used to fund existing and future welfare programs designed to help families with children.

“Should we introduce a tax for this cause? If we won’t have enough money for such projects, we should,” the MP who sits on the parliamentary budget and taxation committee said. “It is not a punishment, but a solution to the problem.”

The tax on childlessness was adopted during World War II and existed until the breakup of the Soviet Union. The tax applied to men aged 20-50 and married women aged 20-45.

Over the years, politicians and church officials floated the idea of a similar tax. The proposed measure has its opponents, however. Nina Ostanina, chair of the Duma family affairs committee, said on Sunday thatsuch a tax could only work under a socialist system. “We are living in an absolutely different society,”she said.

MP Svetlana Bessarab told news website Lenta.ru that a tax on childlessness would amount to “discrimination of people who have no children.” She added that it would “really be a punishment, regardless of what we call it.”


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d6e896 No.111751

File: 5d177250f9ca715⋯.png (380.32 KB,736x580,184:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021764 (040253ZDEC23) Notable: Retired FBI Agent Issues Face-to-Face Warning to Vivek Ramaswamy

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Resist the Mainstream


Retired FBI Agent Issues Face-to-Face Warning to Vivek Ramaswamy


8:55 PM ¡ Dec 3, 2023¡88.8K Views


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d6e896 No.111752

File: 3681156716076c5⋯.jpeg (422.99 KB,719x983,719:983,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8105acb980eab56⋯.jpeg (354.63 KB,828x1112,207:278,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4869f10520aa3b4⋯.jpeg (365.07 KB,828x1102,414:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021767 (040254ZDEC23) Notable: Right on the the open and the paper pushers got to work

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Right on the the open and the paper pushers got to work

Usually a very quiet part of the day-and WW open

Dollar is flat so NOT that



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d6e896 No.111753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021769 (040255ZDEC23) Notable: Snow and gusty winds hit inactive volcano summit on Hawaii's Big Island

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Snow and gusty winds hit inactive volcano summit on Hawaii's Big Island

ABC 7 Chicago


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d6e896 No.111754

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021772 (040258ZDEC23) Notable: Carlson: Want to be happy? Care only about the opinions of people who love you

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Tucker Carlson: Want to be happy? Care only about the opinions of people who love you



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d6e896 No.111755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021775 (040259ZDEC23) Notable: Former US ambassador arrested in Florida, accused of serving as an agent of Cuba, Manuel Rocha, 73

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New York Post



Former US ambassador arrested in Florida, accused of serving as an agent of Cuba: report


Dec 4, 2023 ¡ 1:47 AM UTC


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d6e896 No.111756

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021831 (040318ZDEC23) Notable: Dang Fox is showing The Boss Rip Biden!

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Dang Fox is showing The Boss Rip Biden!

Anon mentioned earlier FOX personalities are supporting Trump, I think the pivot has happened.



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d6e896 No.111757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021863 (040329ZDEC23) Notable: #24576

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#24576 >>111730

>>111731 Roseanne Barr | Club Random with Bll Maher ENTIRE INTERVIEW

>>111732, >>111739 Recent findings link the CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation to Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast

>>111733, >>111734, >>111735, >>111736, >>111738 The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

>>111737 US warship, multiple commercial ships attacked in Red Sea, Pentagon

>>111740 Chinese developer Evergrande risking liquidation if creditors veto its plan for handling $300B in debts

>>111741 Putin on WWII

>>111742 GOP attorneys general argue Colorado can't remove Trump from primary ballot, based on 14th Amendment.

>>111744 China had another successful Mars landing. They left the cameramen there from last time. For The KEKS!

>>111743, >>111745, >>111746 Was Ron DeSantis lacklustre campaign doomed from the start?

>>111747 PF SAM400Blinken again?

>>111748 Found this "Exhibit J" from the Trump case. It seems very strange to Anon because it seems to be Engoron speaking on behalf of Letitia James, while James' name doesn't appear anywhere in the document

>>111749 West blocked Russia from international maritime body

>>111750 Russian MP proposes taxing childless people

>>111751 Retired FBI Agent Issues Face-to-Face Warning to Vivek Ramaswamy

>>111752 Right on the the open and the paper pushers got to work

>>111753 Snow and gusty winds hit inactive volcano summit on Hawaii's Big Island

>>111754 Carlson: Want to be happy? Care only about the opinions of people who love you

>>111755 Former US ambassador arrested in Florida, accused of serving as an agent of Cuba, Manuel Rocha, 73

>>111756 Dang Fox is showing The Boss Rip Biden!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111758

File: c87ebb76dc747a9⋯.jpeg (47.54 KB,624x454,312:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d1d60bd3e22cb71⋯.jpeg (338.92 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bfcbf741a4c01d8⋯.jpg (282.62 KB,940x788,235:197,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2d529783475f3a9⋯.png (160.91 KB,523x305,523:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 2484a345d6394ec⋯.gif (5.37 MB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021878 (040332ZDEC23) Notable: #24577

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Baker needs off hand, gone @20

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d6e896 No.111759

File: 28f01991fc92042⋯.png (577.39 KB,858x958,429:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021903 (040336ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Argentinafag going home from DC. Callsign FAG72

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Argentinafag going home from DC.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021934 (040343ZDEC23) Notable: Bob Iger says he WILL step down in 2026 and insists he has 'robust' succession plans

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Bob Iger says he WILL step down in 2026 and insists he has 'robust' succession plans - as he also defends removing Disney ads from X because associating with Elon Musk was 'not necessarily positive'

Disney CEO Bob Iger confirmed on Tuesday that he will be stepping down as the company's CEO as planned in 2026 and that succession planning is 'robust'

Iger, who returned to Disney in 2022, defended pulling Disney's advertising from Elon Musk's X platform at the New York Times Dealbook Summit on Wednesday

The 72-year-old also touched on the threat from activist investor Nelson Peltz

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d6e896 No.111761

File: 9f1576d82c195e3⋯.png (294.61 KB,730x809,730:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021946 (040346ZDEC23) Notable: Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

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>>111716 pb

>Robert De Niro anti-Trump speech mysteriously replaced in teleprompter at Awards Show

>>>/qresearch/20020840 pb

>Dec 03, 2023, 6:13 PM


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d6e896 No.111762

File: c0391965a873d39⋯.png (481.52 KB,810x806,405:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021948 (040347ZDEC23) Notable: Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

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Raging bulls!

Trump slams 'total loser' Robert De Niro and says his life is 'a mess'

- after Oscar-winner launched latest salvo against ex-president and complained it was EDITED

▶ De Niro was left fuming after he claimed a portion of his speech was edited out because it contained a number of barbs about the former president

▶ Trump responded to the incident on his Truth Social platform, seeing the incident as confirmation the Raging Bull star has lost it

▶ The ex-president said his 'acting talents have greatly diminished, with his reputation now shot' in a rant

Former President Donald Trump has slammed actor Robert De Niro as a 'total loser' after the legendary actor reignited his feud with Trump in a speech De Niro claims was censored at the Gotham Awards.



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d6e896 No.111763

File: 93395181532cd45⋯.png (525.17 KB,710x917,710:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021992 (040413ZDEC23) Notable: Trading in death responsibly: ‘Woke’ funds funnel $5 trillion into arms industry

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trading in death responsibly: ‘Woke’ funds funnel $5 trillion into arms industry


Indeed, we've reached a point where the politicians who advocate for allowing kids to choose their gender are now dictating terms to hedge funds in the Environmental and Social realm. They even endorse investments in wars and guns, branding them as "crucial for sustainability."

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d6e896 No.111764

File: 56154586c145fe5⋯.png (567.88 KB,1080x593,1080:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ac5337d94a2041⋯.png (771.56 KB,1014x655,1014:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021997 (040413ZDEC23) Notable: conspiratorial theories.PDF

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Dayshift was a waste of time with this question, earlier...Ima try the REAL ANONS!!!



Can anons shed some light on this?

This anon finds it rather dasting!

It's a vidya posted to the toob, by the page, The Why Files, which posts regular conspiratorial theories with very little sauce,

but this particular vid, after mentioning the "Annunaki", Majestic 12 and a non-Biblical flood event, then goes on to reference both "Looking Glass" and "Alice & Wonderland" as

projects originating at Area 51!

It has anon confused and puzzled but yet very curious!



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d6e896 No.111765

File: 94506f445433d6b⋯.png (411.91 KB,927x834,309:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022038 (040430ZDEC23) Notable: Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the 2-State Solution

In one of the final interviews before he died, the famous statesman said the two-state solution was no longer viable and that the U.S. must reconcile with China.

When I spoke with Henry Kissinger on Oct. 18, I didn’t know it would be one of the last — or perhaps the last — interviews he’d ever do. I talked to him via Zoom as part of a WORLD.MINDS gathering. There were 25 people on the call, including historians Niall Ferguson and Stephen Kotkin, investor Bill Ackman, artist and architect Neri Oxman, and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Several participants asked him the questions published below. The interview was Chatham House Rules, so the questioners are not identified by name, but Kissinger agreed to give his responses on the record.

We talked about the latest in the Israel-Hamas war, and he told the group that he didn’t think the two-state solution was viable, that instead the West Bank should be put under Jordanian control. He also said the U.S. should seek rapprochement with China and that the world was facing a crisis of leadership.

The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Understandably, Israel is reacting with full force against Hamas. If you, Dr. Kissinger, were in Netanyahu’s shoes, would you have reacted differently?

Well, I’m not in Netanyahu’s shoes so that I cannot judge all the forces that impinge on him. I am in favor of a peaceful outcome. I don’t see a peaceful outcome with Hamas involved in the conflict. I would favor negotiations between the Arab world and Israel. I do not see, especially after these events, that direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are very fruitful.

Can there ever be lasting peace in the Middle East without a two-state solution?

A formal peace doesn’t guarantee a lasting peace. The difficulty of the two-state solution is shown by the experience of Hamas. Gaza was made quasi-independent by [former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon in order to test the possibility of a two-state solution. It has led, in fact, to a much more complex situation. It has become so much worse in the last two years than it has been in 2005. So the two-state solution doesn’t guarantee that what we saw in the last weeks won’t happen again.

Imagine for a moment you are secretary of State. And we advance forward a few months. Hopefully then Israel has gotten rid of the Hamas terrorists. Then what do we do? What becomes of Gaza? How does Israel feel secure in that world? How do you negotiate such an outcome?

I believe the West Bank should be put under Jordanian control rather than aim for a two-state solution which leaves one of the two territories determined to overthrow Israel. Egypt has moved closer to the Arab side, so Israel will have a very difficult time going forward. I hope that at the end of it there will be a negotiation, as I had the privilege to conduct at the end of the Yom Kippur War. At that time, Israel was stronger relative to the surrounding powers. Nowadays, it requires a greater involvement of America to prevent a continuation of the conflict.

Would America be willing to show stronger support?

It has to.

It seems to me that the Biden administration is not sending a clear enough message to Iran that it will take military action against Iran if Hezbollah attacks Israel from Lebanon. Instead, its messaging has been almost to appease Iran by pretending Iran is not directly involved in the Gaza attacks. Would you be sending different messages to Iran if you were secretary of State today?

I think if they wanted to do it they could do it. Hezbollah has tens of thousands of missiles on the northern border of Israel. That adds up to a dangerous combination.

Is there the possibility for Russia to show greater involvement in the Middle East, partly as an attempt to divert attention from their problems in Ukraine?

Before the Ukrainian war, Russia was generally in favor of Israel in the confrontation with Arabs. If Russia now would intervene, it has two options: to engage on the side of the Arabs or to appear as a mediator in the crisis — which would be strange in light of the Ukrainian war.



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d6e896 No.111766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022042 (040434ZDEC23) Notable: Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

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>Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the 2-State Solution


Does the current crisis create the opportunity for the Chinese to attack Taiwan? Things have been awfully quiet there in the last weeks.

In my opinion, China is not ready for such a conflict. It’s a theoretical opportunity. China, in my view, has the capacity to establish a relationship with the United States. But we have to pay attention that on our side the attitude that has developed may not make it impossible.

So then what should the U.S. stance be towards China?

The U.S. should reconcile with China.

One of the great achievements of the Nixon-Kissinger years was to squeeze the Soviet Union out of the Middle East. You are more celebrated for the rapprochement with China than you are for squeezing out the Soviets from the Middle East. Do we need to squeeze Russia and or China out of the Middle East today? Is it a good idea or can they play a constructive role somehow, including in the current crisis?

The ability to squeeze these powers out of the Middle East, or to encourage them to play a positive role depends fundamentally on China-American relationships. And those are not improving. Right now, the greatest difficulty with respect to Russia is that we have not heard what their thinking is, because there is no dialogue with Russia at all.

The decades between 1990 and 2020 were geopolitically relatively calm. Why didn’t we use this time of opening and friendship to create a more peaceful world?

Who should make the world peaceful? In the Middle East: If Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states were willing to put pressure on the radicals and impose a peaceful solution that would be the best outcome. But I fear that the events of the past weeks will force them into a more radical stance and that would lead to a situation in which the United States will have to balance the equation.

There is a crisis of leadership in our world, a crisis of leadership in the United States, in Israel, in Russia. When you think about the leaders of the future, what are some of the qualities they should possess?

The leaders of the world have failed. They have failed to master the overriding concepts, the fundamentals and the day-to-day tactics. Societies have to find a way to solve their problems without continuously having a series of conflicts. That is the challenge. We have been facing a period of constant conflict resulting in a major wars destroying much of the civilization that has been built.

Dr. Kissinger, you are 100 years young. How do you stay so sharp? What is your secret?

I chose my parents well. I have inherited good genes as a result.

What are your plans?

I have no future plan except to be engaged in matters that are important and to which I can make a small contribution.

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d6e896 No.111767

File: 348cc675f7a6dc5⋯.png (562.7 KB,788x837,788:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022044 (040434ZDEC23) Notable: Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kissinger’s Final Interview: Forget a Palestinian State, Let Jordan Rule

The late Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who passed away last week at the age of 100, gave a recent interview in which he suggested that Hamas’s terror attack October 7 had killed the two-state solution, and Jordan should rule the West Bank.

The October 18 interview, published by Politico on Saturday, is thought possibly to be Kissinger’s last. It includes the following:



>Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the 2-State Solution

Kissinger was referring to the “disengagement” by Israel from Gaza in 2005, when it pulled out all of its soldiers and civilians.

Instead of turning Gaza into a viable state, despite generous promises of international aid, the Palestinians turned it into a staging ground for terror attacks and rocket fire against Israel. Hamas aso seized power from the Palestinian Authority in a 2007 coup, making the problems of the Gaza Strip even worse and giving Iran a foothold in the area, leading to several conflicts with Israel.

The “Jordanian option” has long been favored by the Israeli right, though it has been, until now taboo in foreign policy circles.

Palestine, as governed by Britain after the First World War, included land on both sides of the Jordan River. In 1922, Britain divided the land into Transjordan (which later became Jordan), and Palestine; the latter was to provide for a “Jewish national home,” with consideration to the rights of Arabs as well. Palestine was ultimately partitioned between a Jewish and Arab state by the United Nations; the Arabs rejected the plan.

Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders recently triggered international controversy by declaring that “Jordan is Palestine” — a proposal with which Kissinger might, apparently, agree in the wake of the October 7 terror attack.


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d6e896 No.111768

File: b2ee4d03c22d14d⋯.png (398.49 KB,511x432,511:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022057 (040440ZDEC23) Notable: J6 NOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/20022004 lb


>notables bread

>ctrl + f "J6"

>>107991 Donald J. Trump: Congratulations to Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson for having the Courage and Fortitude to release all of the J6 Tapes, which will explicitly reveal what really happened on January 6th!

>>107985, >>108165, >>108171, >>108340 Is this person flashing a badge? RE J6 clip: 'The Fistbump' mp4 + analysis

>>108400, >>108402, >>108405, >>108406, >>108407, >>108439 J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

>>108152 J6 clip: What's he saying?

>>108191 J6 VIDEO MAPPING PROJECT: Step 1 - Track Ray Epps and everyone he came in contact with

>>108369 Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot By Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd

>>108811 InvestigateJ6 Shows Police, Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd w/ubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades

>>108446 Cheney, Kinzinger, And "Sham" J6 Committee Under Fire After Friday Footage Dump; GOP Senator Calls For Investigation

>>108499, >>108500, >>108501, >>108502, >>108503, >>108504, >>108505, >>108506, >>108508, >>108509, >>108513 Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

>>108811 InvestigateJ6 Shows Police, Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd w/ubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades

>>109376 Air Marshals are Monitoring Americans who Flew into DC on J6 Instead of Monitoring Potential Terrorist Threats “Quiet Skies”

>>109704 Until now, Americans didn't realize that the federal agents provoking the J6 riot were uniformed police

>>110117, >>110118 MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza

>>110231 Pelosi's daughter: "J6, the greatest hoax we've ever pulled off"

>>110242 Trump filed a motion in the J6 indictment case Requesting ALL Documents Regarding Informants, Cooperators, Undercover Agents, Representatives, who was Present or within 5 Miles of the US Capitol on J 6

>>110940 “Over 200” FBI Agents Embedded Within Crowd on J6?

>>111051 Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

>>111489 Watch the MPDC's failed attempt to tear gas peaceful J6 protestors

>>111543 Because She’s a Liar. J6 Select Committee Star Witness Made SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to Her Testimony - Then J6 Committee Deleted Her Taped Deposition

>>111627 CALL TO DIG Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman willful misconduct

Please Discuss

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d6e896 No.111769

File: 114ba2f15c04b03⋯.png (441.6 KB,1164x803,1164:803,Clipboard.png)

File: c29d614dc456e56⋯.png (925.74 KB,1200x687,400:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022068 (040446ZDEC23) Notable: PF: XCOPF. Mexican National Guard from Mexico City to Rodriguez International Airport up by Tijuana

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This flight has been happening regularly lately under callsign XCOPF. Mexican National Guard from Mexico City to Rodriguez International Airport up by Tijuana. Just gives me a "busted cartel" vibe.


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d6e896 No.111770

File: e05edaf13bf0d94⋯.png (1.72 MB,860x1162,430:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b48749c8020dce⋯.png (887.4 KB,634x878,317:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022079 (040449ZDEC23) Notable: Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>deNiro wearin' stacks

(Robert DeNiro Wears Platform Shoes to Film 'The Irishman')

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d6e896 No.111771

File: d7edb97ae371cd5⋯.png (912.31 KB,1184x612,296:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022094 (040457ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuelans voted by a wide margin Sunday to approve the takeover of an oil-rich region in neighboring Guyana

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Seems a little aggressive to decide you're taking 2/3rd of a neighboring Nation. What does one suspect would come of Venezuela if they should follow through this arc...

"Venezuelans voted by a wide margin Sunday to approve the takeover of an oil-rich region in neighboring Guyana – the latest escalation in a long-running territorial dispute between the two countries, fueled by the recent discovery of vast offshore energy resources.

The area in question, the densely forested Essequibo region, amounts to about two-thirds of Guyana’s national territory and is roughly the size of Florida."


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d6e896 No.111772

File: 85bee0edabbd8ff⋯.pdf (3.16 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: dff63304a51a547⋯.pdf (2.33 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: e20e6c9936353ab⋯.pdf (6.48 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022111 (040503ZDEC23) Notable: conspiratorial theories.PDF

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d6e896 No.111773

File: 392f690cde7cebc⋯.pdf (610.58 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 48fda113787ff3f⋯.pdf (284.09 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: bd16e727ee1bf99⋯.pdf (3.56 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022137 (040512ZDEC23) Notable: conspiratorial theories.PDF

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d6e896 No.111774

File: 8e92ef46901c58c⋯.pdf (6.53 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022233 (040545ZDEC23) Notable: conspiratorial theories.PDF

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Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation

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d6e896 No.111775

File: 41e12f120ef06ac⋯.png (797.33 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 07cede4040981c7⋯.png (361.68 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: ff16ada344164fb⋯.png (1.11 MB,1199x819,1199:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022305 (040610ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.


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d6e896 No.111776

File: 9171f6fcaf95c8f⋯.png (859.01 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022318 (040614ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

And having a USAF KC-135 tanker on hand certainly simplifies the problem of aerial refueling for the wing.


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d6e896 No.111777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022329 (040619ZDEC23) Notable: Bodies of 11 climbers after the eruption of the Mount Merapi volcano in West Sumatra.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Indonesian rescuers have found the bodies of 11 climbers after the eruption of the Mount Merapi volcano in West Sumatra.


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d6e896 No.111778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022394 (040644ZDEC23) Notable: American diplomat accused of being a Cuban spy.

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American diplomat accused of being a Cuban spy.

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d6e896 No.111779

File: 44c1af4fe6e0bb3⋯.jpg (123.1 KB,720x1020,12:17,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6b1ab676ccc72d1⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,720x1138,360:569,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022398 (040644ZDEC23) Notable: Christmas market and new carols in Germany in 2023 - singer is Muslim.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Christmas market and new carols in Germany in 2023.

Christmas market in old timey Germany, you can really feel the culture of the native German people ...................

They will go door to door with their Carols soon.....

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d6e896 No.111780

File: 669b19c889c7f74⋯.jpeg (91.29 KB,619x852,619:852,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022457 (040701ZDEC23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi Accused of Setting Up Taxpayer-Funded Fraudulent Slush Fund for House Members

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Title: Nancy Pelosi Accused of Setting Up Taxpayer-Funded Fraudulent Slush Fund for House Members

Date: December 4, 2023

In a shocking revelation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been accused of orchestrating a vote-buying scheme that involves a taxpayer-funded slush fund for House members. According to recent allegations, Pelosi established a fund that allows House members to receive up to $1,880 every 10 days the House is in session, on top of their annual salary of $174,000.

The accusations were made public by Wendy Patterson, a Twitter user, who claimed that Pelosi set up this fraudulent scheme just before House Republicans regained control. Patterson’s tweet, which gained significant attention, pointed out that House members were also receiving an additional kickback for security every month.

The allegations have ignited a firestorm of controversy and criticism, with many demanding an immediate investigation into these serious claims. Critics argue that such a slush fund would be a blatant abuse of taxpayer funds and a clear violation of ethical standards.

The accusations leveled against Pelosi have not been independently verified, and her office has vehemently denied any wrongdoing. In a statement released earlier today, Pelosi’s spokesperson, Sarah Adams, called the allegations baseless and politically motivated. Adams emphasized that Pelosi has always upheld the highest ethical standards and is committed to transparency.

Despite the denial, calls for an investigation have grown louder. Several House Republicans have expressed their intention to push for an inquiry into the allegations, citing the need for accountability and trust in government institutions. It remains to be seen whether these calls will gain traction and result in a formal investigation.

If proven to be true, the implications of such a scheme would be far-reaching. It would not only damage Pelosi’s reputation but also undermine the trust and confidence citizens place in their elected representatives. The potential misuse of taxpayer funds for personal gain would be a severe breach of public trust.

The allegations come at a time when public scrutiny of politicians’ conduct is at an all-time high. Recent years have seen numerous instances of corruption and ethical violations among government officials, eroding public confidence in the political system.

As the accusations against Pelosi gain traction, it is crucial that a thorough and impartial investigation takes place to determine the veracity of the claims. The American public deserves transparency and accountability from their elected officials, and any wrongdoing must be condemned and appropriately addressed.

The coming days and weeks will undoubtedly shed more light on this controversy. For now, the allegations against Speaker Pelosi remain unproven, but their potential impact on public trust and confidence in government cannot be underestimated..


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d6e896 No.111781

File: af2334534048bb6⋯.png (5.04 MB,2360x1640,59:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022476 (040705ZDEC23) Notable: House Oversight Committee chairman reveals how China 'buys politicians off'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


House Oversight Committee chairman reveals how China 'buys politicians off'

Latest evidence in Biden family probe 'fits a pattern that we've been talking about,' Rep. James Comer tells Maria Bartiromo

House Oversight Chairman James Comer discussed the latest evidence revealed from the investigation into the Biden family business deals during "Sunday Morning Futures."The Kentucky congressman revealed to host Maria Bartiromo a bank investigator's concerns regarding loan payments made to Hunter Biden from China, saying the evidence "fits a pattern" with the Biden family.


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d6e896 No.111782

File: e961702b36d1cef⋯.jpeg (712.04 KB,1170x1295,234:259,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022504 (040721ZDEC23) Notable: PDJT truth about McCarthy - spelling Keven wrong twice 2 e’s e=5 ee=55

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PDJT truth about McCarthy

Spelling Keven wrong twice 2 e’s e=5 ee=55

Kevin Mccsrthy was 55 speaker was supposed to UnitedThe Republican House. Until Gaetz

Crazy Liz Cheney, who suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome at a level rarely seen before, writes in her boring new book that Keven McCarthy said he came to Mar-a-Lago after the RIGGED election because, “the former president was depressed and not eating.” That statement is not true. I was not depressed, I WAS ANGRY, and it was not that I was not eating, it was that I was eating too much. But that’s not why Keven McCarthy was there. He was at Mar-a-Lago to get my support, and to bring the Republican Party together - Only good intentions. Liz Cheney, on the other hand, went on to lose her seat in Congress by the largest margin for a sitting Congressperson in the history of the U.S. She then worked with others on the J6 Committee to delete and destroy the evidence and findings of the committee.


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d6e896 No.111783

File: e412676615493b2⋯.png (1.11 MB,866x3408,433:1704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022560 (040747ZDEC23) Notable: Knife attack on tourists at the Eiffel Tower on 3rd December DELTA?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reviewing the Q drops I noticed that on 3rd December Q posted an image of the Eiffel Tower.

Then watching the news saw that there had been a knife attack on tourists at the Eiffel Tower on 3rd December.


While possibly tenuous as a Q proof, as the saying goes 'there are no coincidences'.

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d6e896 No.111784

File: b291809a190b646⋯.png (192.01 KB,655x943,655:943,Clipboard.png)

File: d67766f8f51d854⋯.png (148.59 KB,634x381,634:381,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022564 (040749ZDEC23) Notable: New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

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Can ANYTHING stop him? New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

After deeming his debate with California Governor Gavin Newsom 'the Battle of Loserville,' former President Donald Trump continues to dominate Florida's Ron DeSantis in the Republican Primary.

According to polling aggregator FiveThirtyEight, Trump is now on track to win around 60 percent of the votes in the contest, which begins with the Iowa Caucus on January 24.

It leaves Ron DeSantis a long way back in second place at 12.6 percent with just 52 days until the votes start to count.

DeSantis will join former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, ex-New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy at the next GOP Wednesday but Trump - as he did with all three previous debates - will skip it.

The Florida governor has recently lost two key cogs in his Never Back Down Super PAC, with chairman Adam Laxalt resigning a week ago and chief executive Kristin Davison among several staffers being fired Saturday.

They've been replaced in both roles by Scott Wagner, according to the New York Times.

The numbers are the first time in 2023 that Trump has garnered 60 percent of the polling average.

DeSantis placing second in the polls which such a low total shows how none of the other candidates have been able to lay a glove on the incumbent nominee Trump.

Haley is currently averaging 9.5 percent, Ramaswamy 5.1 percent and Christie 2.9 percent.

In reality, The Washington Post reported Friday on the troubles plaguing DeSantis' presidential campaign.

During Thursday night's debate with Newsom, the California governor declared that neither he nor DeSantis would be the 'nominee for our party in 2024.'

At one point Newsom told DeSantis, 'you're down 41 points in your home state.'

Beyond the paltry polls, DeSantis's chief rival for second place, former U.N. Amb. Nikki Haley, got the endorsement of the Koch network this week, a group that had previously been drawn to the Florida governor.

Senior campaign aides are feeling gloomy about their chances in the upcoming primary, which kicks off with the Iowa caucuses on January 15.

'People increasingly think it's over,' a person close to DeSantis told The Post. 'It's a dumpster fire.'

In recent weeks, a tiff between DeSantis' campaign and its allied super PAC, Never Back Down, spilled out into public view.

On November 21, NBC News reported that Jeff Roe, a longtime consultant for the PAC, got into a heated argument with DeSantis confidant Scott Wagner.

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d6e896 No.111785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022566 (040750ZDEC23) Notable: New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

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'You have a stick up your a**, Scott,' Roe reportedly said.

Wagner responded by saying, 'Why don't you come over here and get it!'

And then last week, Never Back Down's CEO Chris Jankowski quit the group.

In the meantime, DeSantis' allies have set up another PAC to help their guy: Fight Right.

That PAC ran an ad against Haley calling her out for saying that she jumped into politics after being inspired by something Democrat Hillary Clinton said.

FactCheck.org called the ad misleading because the videos were edited to omit Haley saying that she does not agree with Clinton on 'anything' or 'a lot.'

The move created more internal strife with Ken Cuccinelli, a Never Back Down board member, calling the hits against Haley 'exceedingly objectionable' and asking that his comments be preserved in the records of the board, NBC and The Post reported.

On Friday, Trump's allies highlighted the discord.

'For a group named Never Back Down, it sure seems everyone is backing out,' Taylor Budowich, the CEO of the Trump-aligned PAC Make America Great Again Inc., said in a statement.

But Communications Director for Never Back Down, Erin Perrine, told The Post to be prepared for a DeSantis upset in Iowa on caucus night, where Trump presently leads by nearly 30 points.

'The governor has received the support of Iowa's popular Gov. Kim Reynolds, evangelical leaders like Bob Vander Plaats, will hit all 99 counties across the state, and has our historic and unmatched caucus operation and grassroots efforts behind him to win on caucus night,' Perrine told the paper.

'Instead of regurgitating the consultant class talking points, The Post should get back to reporting,' she also said.

A Never Back Down source contacted by DailyMail.com did not respond to a request for comment.

Trump mocked DeSantis' debate against California Gov. Newsom, dubbing it the 'Battle of Loserville.'

After midnight on Truth Social Friday, Trump shared a dubbed 'Battle of Loserville' video, with moderator Sean Hannity asking DeSantis, 'Have you ever betrayed the greatest president who ever lived, President Donald J. Trump.'

Trump has long fumed that DeSantis shouldn't be running against him for the 2024 nomination because the then-president backed the aspiring Florida governor over another Republican in the 2018 GOP gubernatorial primary.

In the faked clip, Hannity also asks DeSantis, 'Are you a short insecure little man that likes to wear lifts inside your cowboy boots, yes or no answer please,' while faux Newsom outs the Florida governor for bringing along a stepstool.

The 55-second clip ends with DeSantis shrinking and then slinking offstage.


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d6e896 No.111786

File: 37a39d00d7f93c0⋯.png (454.75 KB,957x832,957:832,Clipboard.png)

File: aeacd2406d4efc1⋯.png (865.73 KB,1324x775,1324:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d38e955f74d7f3⋯.png (221.26 KB,382x382,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022591 (040802ZDEC23) Notable: Dan has changed his banner and circle pic

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Dan has changed his banner and circle pic

me like-key

Dan is a Maestro

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d6e896 No.111787

File: d69905c0bab1f67⋯.jpg (70.92 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022649 (040836ZDEC23) Notable: Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts claims the pcr testing hoax 19 pcr testing hoax was planned for decades

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Picked up on They Live vision..

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts claims the pcr testing hoax 19 pcr testing hoax was planned for decades before it was unleashed on the world allowing governments to control their people.

He also said he would “hound” people down and hold them accountable 🔥


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d6e896 No.111788

File: 8d076b4694a7012⋯.jpeg (122.76 KB,720x1182,120:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fec7066f05d0f56⋯.jpeg (119.98 KB,709x925,709:925,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: 4510a836fa9784d⋯.jpeg (197 KB,720x1480,18:37,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022759 (040949ZDEC23) Notable: Kissinger died on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Warren Commission.

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Kissinger died on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Warren Commission.

D5? 12/5 will also be the 60th Anniversary of the first formal meeting of said commission.

Coincidences, right?

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d6e896 No.111789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022806 (041012ZDEC23) Notable: Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

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I had never heard about a leterr from Obama. Weird. Why would he send a letter? And someone took a picture of Joan at the medical place after incide t. Sounds like a death porn i age sent to Obama and letter to Melissa in kindness was a way to say fuck you and yor mom.

Veiled fuck you and a you better THIBNK veield threat in my opinion.



"I received a letter from the White House, from President Obama, someone who was often a target of her jokes, as was Mrs. Obama," Melissa Rivers said. "But I received a handwritten note saying, 'Not only did she make us laugh, she made us think

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d6e896 No.111790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022826 (041018ZDEC23) Notable: Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

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688K views 3 months ago

that's a lot of views....

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d6e896 No.111791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022850 (041029ZDEC23) Notable: Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

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Washington Post in area called



President Obama sent handwritten condolences after Joan Rivers’s death

Democracy Dies in Darkness


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Democracy in America

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President Obama sent handwritten condolences after Joan Rivers’s death

By Elahe Izadi

September 19, 2014 at 5:01 p.m. EDT

Joan Rivers died Sept. 4 at age 81. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)


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It's pretty standard for the White House to issue a statement from President Obama when a prominent cultural figure dies. But the White House didn't do that when Joan Rivers died Sept. 4.

What Obama did do was send a handwritten note to Rivers's daughter, Melissa Rivers, who made that revelation in a clip from a forthcoming episode of E!'s "Fashion Police: Celebrating Joan."

"I received a letter from the White House, from President Obama, someone who was often a target of her jokes, as was Mrs. Obama," Melissa Rivers said. "But I received a handwritten note saying, 'Not only did she make us laugh, she made us think.'"

Back in July, Rivers joked about Obama being gay and his wife transgender, which got her into a bit of a heated discussion on CNN. Thus, some folks noticed when Obama didn't offer a public comment on her death.

Democracy Dies in Darkness


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This article was published more than 9 years ago


Biden administration

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Democracy in America

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President Obama sent handwritten condolences after Joan Rivers’s death

By Elahe Izadi

September 19, 2014 at 5:01 p.m. EDT

Joan Rivers died Sept. 4 at age 81. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)


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It's pretty standard for the White House to issue a statement from President Obama when a prominent cultural figure dies. But the White House didn't do that when Joan Rivers died Sept. 4.

What Obama did do was send a handwritten note to Rivers's daughter, Melissa Rivers, who made that revelation in a clip from a forthcoming episode of E!'s "Fashion Police: Celebrating Joan."

"I received a letter from the White House, from President Obama, someone who was often a target of her jokes, as was Mrs. Obama," Melissa Rivers said. "But I received a handwritten note saying, 'Not only did she make us laugh, she made us think.'"

Back in July, Rivers joked about Obama being gay and his wife transgender, which got her into a bit of a heated discussion on CNN. Thus, some folks noticed when Obama didn't offer a public comment on her death.

“There’s no hard-and-fast rule about who gets a statement and who does not,” Dana Perino, White House press secretary under President George W. Bush from 2007 to 2009, told my Post colleague Helena Andrews.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In one of the most recent such public statements, Obama called Williams "one of a kind" and said that "the Obama family offers our condolences to Robin’s family, his friends, and everyone who found their voice and their verse thanks to Robin Williams."

Rivers likewise touched the lives of many, but her sharp humor spared few, and she remained unconcerned with being deemed offensive.

"Sometimes presidents just want to make a statement,” Perino told Andrews."And guess what? They get the right to.”

Well, Obama did want to say something just, privately.-

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d6e896 No.111792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022869 (041033ZDEC23) Notable: Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

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>>>/qresearch/20022841 (You)


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d6e896 No.111793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022904 (041044ZDEC23) Notable: #24577

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#24577 >>111758

>>111761, >>111762, >>111770 Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

>>111759 PF: Argentinafag going home from DC. Callsign FAG72

>>111769 PF: XCOPF. Mexican National Guard from Mexico City to Rodriguez International Airport up by Tijuana

>>111775, >>111776 PF: Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

>>111760 Bob Iger says he WILL step down in 2026 and insists he has 'robust' succession plans

>>111763 Trading in death responsibly: ‘Woke’ funds funnel $5 trillion into arms industry

>>111764, >>111772, >>111773, >>111774 conspiratorial theories.PDF

>>111765, >>111766, >>111767 Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

>>111771 Venezuelans voted by a wide margin Sunday to approve the takeover of an oil-rich region in neighboring Guyana

>>111768 J6 NOTABLES

baker change

>>111777 Bodies of 11 climbers after the eruption of the Mount Merapi volcano in West Sumatra.

>>111778 American diplomat accused of being a Cuban spy.

>>111779 Christmas market and new carols in Germany in 2023 - singer is Muslim.

>>111780 Nancy Pelosi Accused of Setting Up Taxpayer-Funded Fraudulent Slush Fund for House Members

>>111781 House Oversight Committee chairman reveals how China 'buys politicians off'

>>111782 PDJT truth about McCarthy - spelling Keven wrong twice 2 e’s e=5 ee=55

>>111783 Knife attack on tourists at the Eiffel Tower on 3rd December DELTA?

>>111784, >>111785 New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

>>111786 Dan has changed his banner and circle pic

>>111787 Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts claims the pcr testing hoax 19 pcr testing hoax was planned for decades

>>111788 Kissinger died on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Warren Commission.

>>111789, >>111790, >>111791, >>111792 Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death



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d6e896 No.111794

File: fc59d9788e6fd17⋯.jpeg (214.1 KB,828x547,828:547,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022984 (041123ZDEC23) Notable: unusual whales w/CAP: pay to drive in NYC - home prices down 13%

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Wokeness equals brokeness

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d6e896 No.111795

File: bd093b1bbd10157⋯.jpeg (213.01 KB,828x549,92:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023024 (041146ZDEC23) Notable: unusual whales w/CAP: pay to drive in NYC - home prices down 13%

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111796

File: a3655ddd95fcd77⋯.jpg (177.55 KB,720x999,80:111,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023110 (041222ZDEC23) Notable: Two happy gay men posing with a baby they Just purchased from a black mother

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Two happy gay men posing with a baby they Just purchased from a black mother

We are living in a strange time


Does anyone seriously think that these two are going to live a happy picket fence lifestyle with their new chilld? No ,they bought a sex toy. These two don't want to raise children ,none of these progressive pieces of shit care about kids, it's about warping them while they are young

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d6e896 No.111797

File: 8a23b5ddad79714⋯.png (35.35 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023155 (041233ZDEC23) Notable: UK Government clause 34 would give Ministers power to inspect the bank accounts of any person in receipt of any social security benefits including child benefit…

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UK Government clause 34 would give Ministers power to inspect the bank accounts of any person in receipt of any social security benefits including child benefit, pensions and Universal Credit.

The aim is to save half a Billion pounds in 2024 through surveillance where their is absolutely no suspicion at all. Privacy is for the rich.

Take all your cash out the day it's paid in.

We need Nigel Farage.

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d6e896 No.111798

File: e336d6952006025⋯.pdf (1.39 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023302 (041324ZDEC23) Notable: Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

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Add this to J6 research, Report attached

Add this to J6 research, Report attached

Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6


The whistleblower alleges, among multiple serious allegations, that former acting chief Yogananda Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot.

The whistleblower accuses Sean Gallagher, the Capitol Police’s acting chief of uniformed operations, and Yogananda Pittman, its assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations, of deliberately choosing not to help officers under attack on Jan. 6. | Julio Cortez/AP Photo, file


10/08/2021 03:34 PM EDT

A former high-ranking Capitol Police official with knowledge of the department’s response to the Jan. 6 attack has sent congressional leaders a scathing letter accusing two of its senior leaders of mishandling intelligence and failing to respond properly during the riot.

The whistleblower, who requested anonymity for privacy reasons and left the force months after the attack, sent the 16-page letter late last month to the top members of both parties in the House and Senate. His missive makes scorching allegations against Sean Gallagher, the Capitol Police’s acting chief of uniformed operations, and Yogananda Pittman, its assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations — who also served as its former acting chief.

The whistleblower accuses Gallagher and Pittman of deliberately choosing not to help officers under attack on Jan. 6 and alleges that Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot. After a lengthy career in the department, the whistleblower was a senior official on duty on Jan. 6.

The whistleblower’s criticism went beyond Capitol Police leaders to Congress. Without naming specific lawmakers, his letter accuses congressional leaders of having “purposefully failed” to tell the truth about the department’s failures.

POLITICO obtained the letter detailing the allegations, which is circulating among Capitol Police officers, and is publishing portions of it here. To protect the whistleblower’s identity, POLITICO is not publishing the letter in full.

“The truth may be valued less than politics by many members of the congressional community to include those that have made decisions about the leadership of the USCP post January 6th, but I believe the truth still matters to real people and certainly the men and women of the U.S. Capitol Police,” the whistleblower wrote.

A spokesperson for the Capitol Police sent a statement in response to the letter that begins: “A lot has changed since January 6. Although there is more work to do, many of the problems described in the letter have been addressed.”

The spokesperson added that the department “has implemented, and continues to implement, many of the critical recommendations called for in” a Senate inquiry into Jan. 6, a separate review conducted by retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, and multiple probes by its own inspector general.

“The letter from the former employee echoes the thoughtful recommendations in those reports,” the Capitol Police spokesperson continued. “USCP leaders, under new Chief Tom Manger, are committed to learning from prior mistakes and protecting our brave officers, who fought valiantly on January 6, so we can continue to carry out the Department’s critical mission. The men and women of this Department are committed to that critical mission. Our goal is to work as a team, to move forward, and advance the work that keeps the U.S. Capitol and the people who work here safe.”

The letter was sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. The House Administration Committee’s Republican staff was also sent a copy….


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d6e896 No.111799

File: 9f3c7e0b256b6b5⋯.jpeg (202.3 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d0a7f2048d35b78⋯.jpeg (193.33 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023307 (041326ZDEC23) Notable: Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

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Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6


The whistleblower accused Pittman of lying to Congress about a key intelligence report the department received in late December. That report noted that a blog called “thedonald.win” posted a map of the Capitol campus, and that commenters on the site called for protesters to carry guns and confront members of Congress on Jan. 6.

Pittman told congressional investigators in April that a cohort of senior officials in the department were also aware of that intelligence before the attack. The whistleblower claimed in his letter, however, that other officials did not receive the intelligence report, and that Pittman lied when she said they did.

“These officials were the only officials that had all the intelligence information for the 6th,” the whistleblower wrote, regarding Gallagher and Pittman.

“The single most important piece of intelligence information ... was never shared with any members of USCP leadership,” the whistleblower added, asking: “Why did they approve the operational plan for the 6th if they knew the intelligence?”

A senior law enforcement official said that other people in the department actually did have the intelligence, but that it clearly should have been distributed more widely. The Capitol Police spokesperson disputed the allegation that Pittman lied to Congress and noted that the department has changed its internal and external intelligence-sharing practices because of the attack.

However, the report in question wasn’t the only key piece of intelligence that didn’t reach the right people in the department, according to the whistleblower. Gallagher and Pittman also had information showing groups that received permits to hold events surrounding the Capitol on Jan. 6 were all front operations for Stop the Steal, the whistleblower wrote.

Stop the Steal was a movement promoting the conspiracy theory that nefarious forces stole the election from Trump. The movement’s organizers promoted a rally on the National Mall that preceded the attack on the Capitol.

That was “game changing information,” the whistleblower added, but operational commanders — meaning, the law enforcement officers in the field supervising police activity — never learned about it.

In the whistleblower’s view, Gallagher and Pittman had all the intelligence needed to justify demanding reinforcements from the National Guard, closing the doors to the Capitol and using tougher but less-than-lethal weapons on the morning of Jan. 6. But they didn’t share that intelligence with the right people, the whistleblower wrote, and instead approved a woefully inadequate security plan.

The whistleblower also said he spent hours during the attack in the Capitol Police’s Command Center with Pittman and Gallagher, claiming that they did little to stop the violence. The whistleblower’s presence in the command center on Jan. 6 was confirmed by two other law enforcement officials and a third person who was there during the attack.

Those three people gave different accounts of how long the whistleblower was there. One of the people said he was there for six hours, another said he was there for “several” hours and a third said he was there for less than two hours.


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d6e896 No.111800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023313 (041330ZDEC23) Notable: Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

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Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6


“What I observed was them mostly sitting there, blankly looking at the TV screens showing real time footage of officers and officials fighting for the Congress and their lives,” the whistleblower wrote.

“It is my allegation that these two with intent and malice opted to not try and assist the officers and officials, blame others for the failures, and chose to try and use this event for their own personal promotions,” he added. “This was done not after the even[t] but while officers and officials were still fighting the demonstrators.”

They watched “mostly with their hands in their laps,” he added, and “did not try to help or assist as officers and officials were literally fighting for each other, their lives and the Congress.”

The two law enforcement official who confirmed Pittman and Gallagher’s presence in the command center disputed the claim that they passively watched the attacks. Those officials said Gallagher focused on bringing in support from the National Guard and law enforcement partners, and that Pittman focused on the evacuation and protection of members of Congress and the vice president. The whistleblower, however, wrote that officials and officers have resigned from the department en masse because Pittman and Gallagher haven’t been held accountable for what happened that day.

“This concerted effort to protect the two members of the Department without question the most responsible for the tragic events of January 6th is repulsive,” the whistleblower wrote.

And the whistleblower lambasted congressional leadership for letting Gallagher and Pittman maintain their senior roles in the police department even as a new chief took over at the Capitol Police.

“[I]t is immensely embarrassing to the congressional leadership and staff that they selected the two individuals most responsible for the 6th to lead the Department after the 6th,” he wrote in his conclusion. “Especially since some entity selected them without any investigation. To hold them accountable would require this same group to admit they were wrong.”

Tucker Interviews Former Capitol Police Chief About What REALLY Happened On January 6th

Tucker Oct, 2023



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d6e896 No.111801

File: 1bcf5206937efd7⋯.webp (23.66 KB,450x300,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023332 (041337ZDEC23) Notable: Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

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Add to J6 research, new article!

Ex-Capitol Police Officer Promises to Release Info on Jan. 6 'Cover-Up'

Nov 30, 2023 at 5:43 PM EST

Former U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik Johnson has revealed his plans to release information about a January 6 "cover-up."

On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington, D.C., while Congress was attempting to certify the 2020 election results after the former president baselessly claimed the election was stolen from him in favor of President Joe Biden, via widespread voter fraud.

More than 1,200 people have been charged in the deadly siege, according to the latest data from the Department of Justice (DOJ), including more than 400 accused of assaulting or impeding law enforcement, which is a felony.

Johnson claimed, without providing evidence, that the events of January 6 were a "set-up," which was then concealed to the public.

He wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday, "I spoke to my lawyer and I told him what my plans are as it relates to releasing information on X about the J6 set-up and the cover-up that ensued after."

After consulting with his lawyer, Johnson said that he was given the green light to release the information relating to the Capitol attack. He said he hopes to release the information by next week.

"Please know that I am fighting for EVERYONE that was aggrieved from the events of J6 and UNITY in our country," Johnson posted. "I am a LION and I will protect my cubs. In this case they are EVERYONE in the J6 community as you were set-up and that should not have happened to you even if you did wrong things that day.

"The police from all 17 agenciesthat responded to the Capitol to defend it as we should have been more prepared that day. All the people that died on J6 or as a result from that day. All whistleblowers from every agency that put their careers in jeopardy and or lost them because they wanted the truth out and saw what was happening to US citizens because of J6," Johnson continued.

Newsweek reached out to the Capitol Police via email on Thursday for comment.

When asked about Johnson's allegations, U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, who does not speak on behalf of Capitol Police, told Newsweek via phone,"If he had something, then go ahead and show it. I've been all for the truth coming out and if he got something that will show the truth, then show it."

Dunn has been vocal regarding his experience during the Capitol riot, writing a New York Times bestseller titled, Standing My Ground.

Johnson was not the only ex-Capitol Police officer to claim that there was a "cover-up" following January 6. Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund revealed in a leaked un-aired interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he believed officials were aware of the Capitol riot before it happened and covered it up by failing to disseminate the information to those who needed it.

"If I was allowed to do my job as a chief, we wouldn't be here," Sund said in the interview with Carlson."This didn't have to happen. Everything appears to be a cover-up.”

(Picture: Supporters of ex-President Donald Trump swarm the U.S. Capitol's east steps during the siege of January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C. Former U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik Johnson has revealed plans to release information about a January 6 "cover-up.")


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d6e896 No.111802

File: 5cf34b3afe28d56⋯.png (43.12 KB,766x295,766:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023455 (041413ZDEC23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Robert De Niro is a “mental midget” whose mind is shot, and whose life is a total train wreck. Very much like Crooked Joe Biden, he can’t put two sentences together…

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Donald J. Trump


Robert De Niro is a “mental midget” whose mind is shot, and whose life is a total train wreck. Very much like Crooked Joe Biden, he can’t put two sentences together. The good news is that this crude and very stupid “animal” has lost all credibility!

Dec 04, 2023, 8:01 AM


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d6e896 No.111803

File: 0b171ca8b567d4b⋯.jpeg (498.23 KB,1200x802,600:401,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 066dec11108721b⋯.png (219.36 KB,353x508,353:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023525 (041428ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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>>111769 lb

>>Mexican National Guard

Very regular flight/stays for a few hours in TJ or Mexicali then back to Mex City

It’s the Federales (Po-Po XCOPF for Federales)and they use National Guard to back them up

You’ll see Mexican AF FAMXXXX 737s going to same places plus the western coastal cities as well and south to Peru on occasion and it was one of those that picked up Chspito she in Ciudad Ibregon and departed under heavy gunfire back to Mecca City (FAM3526)

>>111759 lb

Likely the “official Govt contingent to accompany Milei’s visit as he is not active until Dec 10th and it left around same time as SAM400 did last night >>111747 pb

And no they aren’t “ kicking out the World Bank or IMF as we’d be going there if that was what going on-you don’t go to the US and in that ACs case also to Tucson and have a new President visit Both NYC and DC if they were being kicked out (ijit poster last week insisted this was case so Milei likely flew private

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d6e896 No.111804

File: 3bcd06faa150a7f⋯.jpeg (476.32 KB,1241x608,1241:608,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e211b6444a41c70⋯.jpeg (557.92 KB,766x994,383:497,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023551 (041436ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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planeFag: Europe: Ukraine AF A319 leaving Brussels after arriving from Rzsesow Airport, Poland

Ukraine AF UKN1301 A319 briefly switched on (pilot prolly gonna go “fuqqq I’ve been planeFag’d!” cuz they usually keep these off and hard to see) Brussels after arriving from Rzsesow Airport-yet moar proof they don’t “fly from Kiev over ‘active’ war zone”and other than what looks like a ton of props and stock footage it remains to be seen just how “active” it ever was/is.

That visit by Swiss President was the “this is over” speech and “where is the money?” so the Finance Minister (likely who on that plane in Brussels nao) is either making “the arrangements” or trying to stall Zelensky’s eventual evacuation to Zurich or Geneva

This AC at Brussels for money no doubt and likely Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko but who noes…either way they are winding this down and Z gonna be taken to Switzerland for sure

Internal EU rows threaten Ukraine's $54 billion FT


>>111747 pb

SAM400 C32A landed at a very snowy (and closed over weekend) Munich Intl Airport from last nights JBA depart-dunno who this is yet but eventually will figure it out-usually do

Polish AF PLF 101A 737 back to Warsaw this escort AC to PLF101 737President Dudaswitched on and should be departing soon back to Warsaw

>Duda returned from Dubai on 12/02 from COP28 to Warsaw went to Krakow earlier today.

Swedish AF SVF645 G5 WS from Tampere AB Finland to Linkoping, Sweden and on ground nao

Hungarian AF HUAF701 Falcon 7x returning from Dubai COP28 to Budapest-Hungarian President left yesterday so dunno who this is could beFM Szijjaritobut can’t confirm

French AF CTM2038 A400 the “long way around” out of Jordan from right on Jordan/Syrian border

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d6e896 No.111805

File: 4d7d68c2fd4dd37⋯.png (937.8 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023674 (041459ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Plane Crossing Crescent Moon

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 4, 2023

Plane Crossing Crescent Moon

No, the Moon is not a bow, and no, it did not shoot out a plane like an arrow. What is pictured is a chance superposition. The plane's contrail would normally appear white, but the large volume of air toward the rising Sun preferentially knocked away blue light, not only making the sky blue, but giving the reflected trail a bright red hue. Far in the distance, well behind the plane, the crescent Moon also appears slightly reddened. Captured early last month from Bolton, UK, the featured image was taken so soon after sunrise that the plane was sunlit from below, as was its contrail. Within minutes, unfortunately, the impromptu sky show ended. The plane moved out of sight. The Moon kept rising but became harder to see through a brightening sky. And the contrail gradually dispersed.


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d6e896 No.111806

File: de953068ef5ff85⋯.png (713.19 KB,832x553,832:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 767e11e35f88f43⋯.jpeg (354.33 KB,828x1108,207:277,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fbaaf4fcf86d2fd⋯.jpeg (343.04 KB,828x1084,207:271,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 02347e3e7f24b5e⋯.jpeg (407.17 KB,828x1208,207:302,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 733b52e99fc5b54⋯.jpeg (232.53 KB,828x880,207:220,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023676 (041459ZDEC23) Notable: mktFag:Metals and crude dropped/Stonks notsomuch

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>>111752 pb

mktFag:Metals and crude dropped/Stonks notsomuch

They on metals hard with COMEX paper contract dumps after those initial spikes on the GLOBEX (WW) open-cap 1 is current CFTC Chair Bentham and reference to his all wimmin “regulators”

Also Crude Oil continues its drop as well




Equities still nuffin really /yes they are down but that’s no big deal-as a reminder ==about $5B in overall Corporate share buybacks (and third largest amount on record) are fine by Dec 8th for the coming earnings blackout period so that why GM announced its buyback and they will need to finish the stated amount (about70%) of that $10B by then -they said “effective immediately”

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d6e896 No.111807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023717 (041511ZDEC23) Notable: Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority

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Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority

DECEMBER 03, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority on her flight to Washington, D.C., from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where the Vice President had several conversations with Arab leaders on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The Vice President reiterated U.S. support for the Palestinian people and their right to security, dignity and self-determination. She underscored our commitment to a two-state solution and said that the Palestinian people must have a clear political horizon. They spoke about the situation in the West Bank and the Vice President reiterated our concerns with steps that could escalate tensions, including extremist settler violence.

Building on her meetings in Dubai, the Vice President discussed U.S. ideas for planning for the day after the fighting ends in Gaza, and the Vice President reiterated U.S. support for a unified West Bank and Gaza under a revitalized Palestinian Authority. The Vice President told President Abbas that, to follow-up on this conversation and her meetings in Dubai on day-after planning, her National Security Advisor, Dr. Phil Gordon, would travel to Israel and the West Bank this week for additional discussions.



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d6e896 No.111808

File: 3d53e114b1d8052⋯.png (150.48 KB,700x906,350:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023718 (041511ZDEC23) Notable: This was the plan of J6 Committee all along

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This was the plan of J6 Committee all along:

“NBC News first reported last month that members of the congressional staff tasked with conducting that and other parts of the committee's investigationwere upset after they were informedthat much of their work would be left outin favor of a narrative that focused only on the actions of former President Donald Trump.”


Jan. 6 committee avoids criticizing law enforcement in report summary

The committee was charged with examining law enforcement and intelligence failures. Analysis was largely left out of the introduction, with the full report expected this week.

Dec. 19, 2022, 8:37 PM EST


Intel community escapes major criticism by Jan. 6 committee for missing 'foreseeable' Capitol violence

The intelligence available to law enforcement was "sufficient to warrant far more vigorous preparations for the security of the joint session," the committee's appendix said.

Dec. 23, 2022, 2:03 AM EST


Jan. 6 committee staffers told preliminary plan for final report would focus largely on Trump, not on law enforcement failures, sources say

The House resolution that created the committee said its mission included examining “the preparedness and response” of Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies.

Nov. 11, 2022, 8:28 PM EST


The House resolution that created the committee said its mission included examining “facts and causes relating to the preparedness and response” of Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies. NBC News has previously reported that one of the investigatory teams conducted more than 100 interviews and depositions with officials from the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the Pentagon, the D.C. and Capitol police, and other law enforcement agencies.

The final report —much like the committee’s hearings — seems to be shaping up to be “all-Trump,” one source said.

Informant warned FBI weeks before Jan. 6 that the far right saw Trump tweet as 'a call to arms'

Theemail, which has not previously been made public, adds to the mounting evidence that the FBI had intelligence warnings that Jan. 6 was a major threat.

Dec. 21, 2022, 9:37 AM EST


FBI failures before the Capitol siege avoided the Jan. 6 committee's scorn.Not for long.

The House Jan. 6 panel has been running a behind-the-scenes investigation into how law enforcement missed the warning signs flashing before the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

July 31, 2022, 4:30 AM EDT


Shown Here: Engrossed in House (06/30/2021)H. Res. 503

In the House of Representatives, U.

June 30, 2021.

Whereas January 6, 2021, was one of the darkest days of our democracy, during which insurrectionists attempted to impede Congress’s Constitutional mandate to validate the presidential election and launched an assault on the United States Capitol Complex that resulted in multiple deaths, physical harm to over 140 members of law enforcement, and terror and trauma among staff, institutional employees, press, and Members;

Whereas, on January 27, 2021, the Department of Homeland Security issued a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin that due to the “heightened threat environment across the United States,” in which “[S]ome ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.” The Bulletin also stated that—


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d6e896 No.111809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023725 (041513ZDEC23) Notable: Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Isaac Herzog of Israel

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Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Isaac Herzog of Israel

DECEMBER 03, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today to President Isaac Herzog of Israel on her flight to Washington, D.C., from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where the Vice President had several conversations with Arab leaders on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The Vice President reiterated the strong U.S. support for Israel’s right to self-defense and she and President Herzog discussed latest developments in Gaza. They spoke about the situation in the West Bank and the Vice President reiterated our concerns with steps that could escalate tensions, including extremist settler violence.

Building on the Vice President’s meetings in Dubai, the Vice President reiterated the importance of planning for the day after the fighting ends in Gaza, and she underscored our commitment to a two-state solution. The Vice President told President Herzog that, to follow-up on this conversation and her meetings in Dubai on day-after planning, her National Security Advisor, Dr. Phil Gordon, would travel to Israel and the West Bank this week for additional discussions.



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d6e896 No.111810

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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