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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

d6e896 No.51604 [View All]

01DEC23 to 04DEC23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 737 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d6e896 No.111761

File: 9f1576d82c195e3⋯.png (294.61 KB,730x809,730:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021946 (040346ZDEC23) Notable: Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

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>>111716 pb

>Robert De Niro anti-Trump speech mysteriously replaced in teleprompter at Awards Show

>>>/qresearch/20020840 pb

>Dec 03, 2023, 6:13 PM


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d6e896 No.111762

File: c0391965a873d39⋯.png (481.52 KB,810x806,405:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021948 (040347ZDEC23) Notable: Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

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Raging bulls!

Trump slams 'total loser' Robert De Niro and says his life is 'a mess'

- after Oscar-winner launched latest salvo against ex-president and complained it was EDITED

▶ De Niro was left fuming after he claimed a portion of his speech was edited out because it contained a number of barbs about the former president

▶ Trump responded to the incident on his Truth Social platform, seeing the incident as confirmation the Raging Bull star has lost it

▶ The ex-president said his 'acting talents have greatly diminished, with his reputation now shot' in a rant

Former President Donald Trump has slammed actor Robert De Niro as a 'total loser' after the legendary actor reignited his feud with Trump in a speech De Niro claims was censored at the Gotham Awards.



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d6e896 No.111763

File: 93395181532cd45⋯.png (525.17 KB,710x917,710:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021992 (040413ZDEC23) Notable: Trading in death responsibly: ‘Woke’ funds funnel $5 trillion into arms industry

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Trading in death responsibly: ‘Woke’ funds funnel $5 trillion into arms industry


Indeed, we've reached a point where the politicians who advocate for allowing kids to choose their gender are now dictating terms to hedge funds in the Environmental and Social realm. They even endorse investments in wars and guns, branding them as "crucial for sustainability."

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d6e896 No.111764

File: 56154586c145fe5⋯.png (567.88 KB,1080x593,1080:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ac5337d94a2041⋯.png (771.56 KB,1014x655,1014:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20021997 (040413ZDEC23) Notable: conspiratorial theories.PDF

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Dayshift was a waste of time with this question, earlier...Ima try the REAL ANONS!!!



Can anons shed some light on this?

This anon finds it rather dasting!

It's a vidya posted to the toob, by the page, The Why Files, which posts regular conspiratorial theories with very little sauce,

but this particular vid, after mentioning the "Annunaki", Majestic 12 and a non-Biblical flood event, then goes on to reference both "Looking Glass" and "Alice & Wonderland" as

projects originating at Area 51!

It has anon confused and puzzled but yet very curious!



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d6e896 No.111765

File: 94506f445433d6b⋯.png (411.91 KB,927x834,309:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022038 (040430ZDEC23) Notable: Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

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Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the 2-State Solution

In one of the final interviews before he died, the famous statesman said the two-state solution was no longer viable and that the U.S. must reconcile with China.

When I spoke with Henry Kissinger on Oct. 18, I didn’t know it would be one of the last — or perhaps the last — interviews he’d ever do. I talked to him via Zoom as part of a WORLD.MINDS gathering. There were 25 people on the call, including historians Niall Ferguson and Stephen Kotkin, investor Bill Ackman, artist and architect Neri Oxman, and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Several participants asked him the questions published below. The interview was Chatham House Rules, so the questioners are not identified by name, but Kissinger agreed to give his responses on the record.

We talked about the latest in the Israel-Hamas war, and he told the group that he didn’t think the two-state solution was viable, that instead the West Bank should be put under Jordanian control. He also said the U.S. should seek rapprochement with China and that the world was facing a crisis of leadership.

The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Understandably, Israel is reacting with full force against Hamas. If you, Dr. Kissinger, were in Netanyahu’s shoes, would you have reacted differently?

Well, I’m not in Netanyahu’s shoes so that I cannot judge all the forces that impinge on him. I am in favor of a peaceful outcome. I don’t see a peaceful outcome with Hamas involved in the conflict. I would favor negotiations between the Arab world and Israel. I do not see, especially after these events, that direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are very fruitful.

Can there ever be lasting peace in the Middle East without a two-state solution?

A formal peace doesn’t guarantee a lasting peace. The difficulty of the two-state solution is shown by the experience of Hamas. Gaza was made quasi-independent by [former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon in order to test the possibility of a two-state solution. It has led, in fact, to a much more complex situation. It has become so much worse in the last two years than it has been in 2005. So the two-state solution doesn’t guarantee that what we saw in the last weeks won’t happen again.

Imagine for a moment you are secretary of State. And we advance forward a few months. Hopefully then Israel has gotten rid of the Hamas terrorists. Then what do we do? What becomes of Gaza? How does Israel feel secure in that world? How do you negotiate such an outcome?

I believe the West Bank should be put under Jordanian control rather than aim for a two-state solution which leaves one of the two territories determined to overthrow Israel. Egypt has moved closer to the Arab side, so Israel will have a very difficult time going forward. I hope that at the end of it there will be a negotiation, as I had the privilege to conduct at the end of the Yom Kippur War. At that time, Israel was stronger relative to the surrounding powers. Nowadays, it requires a greater involvement of America to prevent a continuation of the conflict.

Would America be willing to show stronger support?

It has to.

It seems to me that the Biden administration is not sending a clear enough message to Iran that it will take military action against Iran if Hezbollah attacks Israel from Lebanon. Instead, its messaging has been almost to appease Iran by pretending Iran is not directly involved in the Gaza attacks. Would you be sending different messages to Iran if you were secretary of State today?

I think if they wanted to do it they could do it. Hezbollah has tens of thousands of missiles on the northern border of Israel. That adds up to a dangerous combination.

Is there the possibility for Russia to show greater involvement in the Middle East, partly as an attempt to divert attention from their problems in Ukraine?

Before the Ukrainian war, Russia was generally in favor of Israel in the confrontation with Arabs. If Russia now would intervene, it has two options: to engage on the side of the Arabs or to appear as a mediator in the crisis — which would be strange in light of the Ukrainian war.



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d6e896 No.111766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022042 (040434ZDEC23) Notable: Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

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>Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the 2-State Solution


Does the current crisis create the opportunity for the Chinese to attack Taiwan? Things have been awfully quiet there in the last weeks.

In my opinion, China is not ready for such a conflict. It’s a theoretical opportunity. China, in my view, has the capacity to establish a relationship with the United States. But we have to pay attention that on our side the attitude that has developed may not make it impossible.

So then what should the U.S. stance be towards China?

The U.S. should reconcile with China.

One of the great achievements of the Nixon-Kissinger years was to squeeze the Soviet Union out of the Middle East. You are more celebrated for the rapprochement with China than you are for squeezing out the Soviets from the Middle East. Do we need to squeeze Russia and or China out of the Middle East today? Is it a good idea or can they play a constructive role somehow, including in the current crisis?

The ability to squeeze these powers out of the Middle East, or to encourage them to play a positive role depends fundamentally on China-American relationships. And those are not improving. Right now, the greatest difficulty with respect to Russia is that we have not heard what their thinking is, because there is no dialogue with Russia at all.

The decades between 1990 and 2020 were geopolitically relatively calm. Why didn’t we use this time of opening and friendship to create a more peaceful world?

Who should make the world peaceful? In the Middle East: If Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states were willing to put pressure on the radicals and impose a peaceful solution that would be the best outcome. But I fear that the events of the past weeks will force them into a more radical stance and that would lead to a situation in which the United States will have to balance the equation.

There is a crisis of leadership in our world, a crisis of leadership in the United States, in Israel, in Russia. When you think about the leaders of the future, what are some of the qualities they should possess?

The leaders of the world have failed. They have failed to master the overriding concepts, the fundamentals and the day-to-day tactics. Societies have to find a way to solve their problems without continuously having a series of conflicts. That is the challenge. We have been facing a period of constant conflict resulting in a major wars destroying much of the civilization that has been built.

Dr. Kissinger, you are 100 years young. How do you stay so sharp? What is your secret?

I chose my parents well. I have inherited good genes as a result.

What are your plans?

I have no future plan except to be engaged in matters that are important and to which I can make a small contribution.

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d6e896 No.111767

File: 348cc675f7a6dc5⋯.png (562.7 KB,788x837,788:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022044 (040434ZDEC23) Notable: Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

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Kissinger’s Final Interview: Forget a Palestinian State, Let Jordan Rule

The late Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who passed away last week at the age of 100, gave a recent interview in which he suggested that Hamas’s terror attack October 7 had killed the two-state solution, and Jordan should rule the West Bank.

The October 18 interview, published by Politico on Saturday, is thought possibly to be Kissinger’s last. It includes the following:



>Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the 2-State Solution

Kissinger was referring to the “disengagement” by Israel from Gaza in 2005, when it pulled out all of its soldiers and civilians.

Instead of turning Gaza into a viable state, despite generous promises of international aid, the Palestinians turned it into a staging ground for terror attacks and rocket fire against Israel. Hamas aso seized power from the Palestinian Authority in a 2007 coup, making the problems of the Gaza Strip even worse and giving Iran a foothold in the area, leading to several conflicts with Israel.

The “Jordanian option” has long been favored by the Israeli right, though it has been, until now taboo in foreign policy circles.

Palestine, as governed by Britain after the First World War, included land on both sides of the Jordan River. In 1922, Britain divided the land into Transjordan (which later became Jordan), and Palestine; the latter was to provide for a “Jewish national home,” with consideration to the rights of Arabs as well. Palestine was ultimately partitioned between a Jewish and Arab state by the United Nations; the Arabs rejected the plan.

Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders recently triggered international controversy by declaring that “Jordan is Palestine” — a proposal with which Kissinger might, apparently, agree in the wake of the October 7 terror attack.


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d6e896 No.111768

File: b2ee4d03c22d14d⋯.png (398.49 KB,511x432,511:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022057 (040440ZDEC23) Notable: J6 NOTABLES

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>>>/qresearch/20022004 lb


>notables bread

>ctrl + f "J6"

>>107991 Donald J. Trump: Congratulations to Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson for having the Courage and Fortitude to release all of the J6 Tapes, which will explicitly reveal what really happened on January 6th!

>>107985, >>108165, >>108171, >>108340 Is this person flashing a badge? RE J6 clip: 'The Fistbump' mp4 + analysis

>>108400, >>108402, >>108405, >>108406, >>108407, >>108439 J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

>>108152 J6 clip: What's he saying?

>>108191 J6 VIDEO MAPPING PROJECT: Step 1 - Track Ray Epps and everyone he came in contact with

>>108369 Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot By Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd

>>108811 InvestigateJ6 Shows Police, Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd w/ubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades

>>108446 Cheney, Kinzinger, And "Sham" J6 Committee Under Fire After Friday Footage Dump; GOP Senator Calls For Investigation

>>108499, >>108500, >>108501, >>108502, >>108503, >>108504, >>108505, >>108506, >>108508, >>108509, >>108513 Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

>>108811 InvestigateJ6 Shows Police, Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd w/ubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades

>>109376 Air Marshals are Monitoring Americans who Flew into DC on J6 Instead of Monitoring Potential Terrorist Threats “Quiet Skies”

>>109704 Until now, Americans didn't realize that the federal agents provoking the J6 riot were uniformed police

>>110117, >>110118 MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza

>>110231 Pelosi's daughter: "J6, the greatest hoax we've ever pulled off"

>>110242 Trump filed a motion in the J6 indictment case Requesting ALL Documents Regarding Informants, Cooperators, Undercover Agents, Representatives, who was Present or within 5 Miles of the US Capitol on J 6

>>110940 “Over 200” FBI Agents Embedded Within Crowd on J6?

>>111051 Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

>>111489 Watch the MPDC's failed attempt to tear gas peaceful J6 protestors

>>111543 Because She’s a Liar. J6 Select Committee Star Witness Made SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to Her Testimony - Then J6 Committee Deleted Her Taped Deposition

>>111627 CALL TO DIG Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman willful misconduct

Please Discuss

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d6e896 No.111769

File: 114ba2f15c04b03⋯.png (441.6 KB,1164x803,1164:803,Clipboard.png)

File: c29d614dc456e56⋯.png (925.74 KB,1200x687,400:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022068 (040446ZDEC23) Notable: PF: XCOPF. Mexican National Guard from Mexico City to Rodriguez International Airport up by Tijuana

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This flight has been happening regularly lately under callsign XCOPF. Mexican National Guard from Mexico City to Rodriguez International Airport up by Tijuana. Just gives me a "busted cartel" vibe.


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d6e896 No.111770

File: e05edaf13bf0d94⋯.png (1.72 MB,860x1162,430:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b48749c8020dce⋯.png (887.4 KB,634x878,317:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022079 (040449ZDEC23) Notable: Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

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>deNiro wearin' stacks

(Robert DeNiro Wears Platform Shoes to Film 'The Irishman')

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d6e896 No.111771

File: d7edb97ae371cd5⋯.png (912.31 KB,1184x612,296:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022094 (040457ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuelans voted by a wide margin Sunday to approve the takeover of an oil-rich region in neighboring Guyana

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Seems a little aggressive to decide you're taking 2/3rd of a neighboring Nation. What does one suspect would come of Venezuela if they should follow through this arc...

"Venezuelans voted by a wide margin Sunday to approve the takeover of an oil-rich region in neighboring Guyana – the latest escalation in a long-running territorial dispute between the two countries, fueled by the recent discovery of vast offshore energy resources.

The area in question, the densely forested Essequibo region, amounts to about two-thirds of Guyana’s national territory and is roughly the size of Florida."


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d6e896 No.111772

File: 85bee0edabbd8ff⋯.pdf (3.16 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: dff63304a51a547⋯.pdf (2.33 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: e20e6c9936353ab⋯.pdf (6.48 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022111 (040503ZDEC23) Notable: conspiratorial theories.PDF

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d6e896 No.111773

File: 392f690cde7cebc⋯.pdf (610.58 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 48fda113787ff3f⋯.pdf (284.09 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: bd16e727ee1bf99⋯.pdf (3.56 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022137 (040512ZDEC23) Notable: conspiratorial theories.PDF

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d6e896 No.111774

File: 8e92ef46901c58c⋯.pdf (6.53 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022233 (040545ZDEC23) Notable: conspiratorial theories.PDF

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Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation

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d6e896 No.111775

File: 41e12f120ef06ac⋯.png (797.33 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 07cede4040981c7⋯.png (361.68 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: ff16ada344164fb⋯.png (1.11 MB,1199x819,1199:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022305 (040610ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

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Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.


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d6e896 No.111776

File: 9171f6fcaf95c8f⋯.png (859.01 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022318 (040614ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

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>Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

And having a USAF KC-135 tanker on hand certainly simplifies the problem of aerial refueling for the wing.


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d6e896 No.111777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022329 (040619ZDEC23) Notable: Bodies of 11 climbers after the eruption of the Mount Merapi volcano in West Sumatra.

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Indonesian rescuers have found the bodies of 11 climbers after the eruption of the Mount Merapi volcano in West Sumatra.


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d6e896 No.111778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022394 (040644ZDEC23) Notable: American diplomat accused of being a Cuban spy.

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American diplomat accused of being a Cuban spy.

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d6e896 No.111779

File: 44c1af4fe6e0bb3⋯.jpg (123.1 KB,720x1020,12:17,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6b1ab676ccc72d1⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,720x1138,360:569,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022398 (040644ZDEC23) Notable: Christmas market and new carols in Germany in 2023 - singer is Muslim.

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Christmas market and new carols in Germany in 2023.

Christmas market in old timey Germany, you can really feel the culture of the native German people ...................

They will go door to door with their Carols soon.....

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d6e896 No.111780

File: 669b19c889c7f74⋯.jpeg (91.29 KB,619x852,619:852,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022457 (040701ZDEC23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi Accused of Setting Up Taxpayer-Funded Fraudulent Slush Fund for House Members

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Title: Nancy Pelosi Accused of Setting Up Taxpayer-Funded Fraudulent Slush Fund for House Members

Date: December 4, 2023

In a shocking revelation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been accused of orchestrating a vote-buying scheme that involves a taxpayer-funded slush fund for House members. According to recent allegations, Pelosi established a fund that allows House members to receive up to $1,880 every 10 days the House is in session, on top of their annual salary of $174,000.

The accusations were made public by Wendy Patterson, a Twitter user, who claimed that Pelosi set up this fraudulent scheme just before House Republicans regained control. Patterson’s tweet, which gained significant attention, pointed out that House members were also receiving an additional kickback for security every month.

The allegations have ignited a firestorm of controversy and criticism, with many demanding an immediate investigation into these serious claims. Critics argue that such a slush fund would be a blatant abuse of taxpayer funds and a clear violation of ethical standards.

The accusations leveled against Pelosi have not been independently verified, and her office has vehemently denied any wrongdoing. In a statement released earlier today, Pelosi’s spokesperson, Sarah Adams, called the allegations baseless and politically motivated. Adams emphasized that Pelosi has always upheld the highest ethical standards and is committed to transparency.

Despite the denial, calls for an investigation have grown louder. Several House Republicans have expressed their intention to push for an inquiry into the allegations, citing the need for accountability and trust in government institutions. It remains to be seen whether these calls will gain traction and result in a formal investigation.

If proven to be true, the implications of such a scheme would be far-reaching. It would not only damage Pelosi’s reputation but also undermine the trust and confidence citizens place in their elected representatives. The potential misuse of taxpayer funds for personal gain would be a severe breach of public trust.

The allegations come at a time when public scrutiny of politicians’ conduct is at an all-time high. Recent years have seen numerous instances of corruption and ethical violations among government officials, eroding public confidence in the political system.

As the accusations against Pelosi gain traction, it is crucial that a thorough and impartial investigation takes place to determine the veracity of the claims. The American public deserves transparency and accountability from their elected officials, and any wrongdoing must be condemned and appropriately addressed.

The coming days and weeks will undoubtedly shed more light on this controversy. For now, the allegations against Speaker Pelosi remain unproven, but their potential impact on public trust and confidence in government cannot be underestimated..


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d6e896 No.111781

File: af2334534048bb6⋯.png (5.04 MB,2360x1640,59:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022476 (040705ZDEC23) Notable: House Oversight Committee chairman reveals how China 'buys politicians off'

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House Oversight Committee chairman reveals how China 'buys politicians off'

Latest evidence in Biden family probe 'fits a pattern that we've been talking about,' Rep. James Comer tells Maria Bartiromo

House Oversight Chairman James Comer discussed the latest evidence revealed from the investigation into the Biden family business deals during "Sunday Morning Futures."The Kentucky congressman revealed to host Maria Bartiromo a bank investigator's concerns regarding loan payments made to Hunter Biden from China, saying the evidence "fits a pattern" with the Biden family.


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d6e896 No.111782

File: e961702b36d1cef⋯.jpeg (712.04 KB,1170x1295,234:259,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022504 (040721ZDEC23) Notable: PDJT truth about McCarthy - spelling Keven wrong twice 2 e’s e=5 ee=55

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PDJT truth about McCarthy

Spelling Keven wrong twice 2 e’s e=5 ee=55

Kevin Mccsrthy was 55 speaker was supposed to UnitedThe Republican House. Until Gaetz

Crazy Liz Cheney, who suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome at a level rarely seen before, writes in her boring new book that Keven McCarthy said he came to Mar-a-Lago after the RIGGED election because, “the former president was depressed and not eating.” That statement is not true. I was not depressed, I WAS ANGRY, and it was not that I was not eating, it was that I was eating too much. But that’s not why Keven McCarthy was there. He was at Mar-a-Lago to get my support, and to bring the Republican Party together - Only good intentions. Liz Cheney, on the other hand, went on to lose her seat in Congress by the largest margin for a sitting Congressperson in the history of the U.S. She then worked with others on the J6 Committee to delete and destroy the evidence and findings of the committee.


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d6e896 No.111783

File: e412676615493b2⋯.png (1.11 MB,866x3408,433:1704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022560 (040747ZDEC23) Notable: Knife attack on tourists at the Eiffel Tower on 3rd December DELTA?

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Reviewing the Q drops I noticed that on 3rd December Q posted an image of the Eiffel Tower.

Then watching the news saw that there had been a knife attack on tourists at the Eiffel Tower on 3rd December.


While possibly tenuous as a Q proof, as the saying goes 'there are no coincidences'.

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d6e896 No.111784

File: b291809a190b646⋯.png (192.01 KB,655x943,655:943,Clipboard.png)

File: d67766f8f51d854⋯.png (148.59 KB,634x381,634:381,Clipboard.png)

File: e5df7db56be2a62⋯.png (548.69 KB,673x902,673:902,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f4eb6adc4f5c7d⋯.png (405.48 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022564 (040749ZDEC23) Notable: New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

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Can ANYTHING stop him? New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

After deeming his debate with California Governor Gavin Newsom 'the Battle of Loserville,' former President Donald Trump continues to dominate Florida's Ron DeSantis in the Republican Primary.

According to polling aggregator FiveThirtyEight, Trump is now on track to win around 60 percent of the votes in the contest, which begins with the Iowa Caucus on January 24.

It leaves Ron DeSantis a long way back in second place at 12.6 percent with just 52 days until the votes start to count.

DeSantis will join former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, ex-New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy at the next GOP Wednesday but Trump - as he did with all three previous debates - will skip it.

The Florida governor has recently lost two key cogs in his Never Back Down Super PAC, with chairman Adam Laxalt resigning a week ago and chief executive Kristin Davison among several staffers being fired Saturday.

They've been replaced in both roles by Scott Wagner, according to the New York Times.

The numbers are the first time in 2023 that Trump has garnered 60 percent of the polling average.

DeSantis placing second in the polls which such a low total shows how none of the other candidates have been able to lay a glove on the incumbent nominee Trump.

Haley is currently averaging 9.5 percent, Ramaswamy 5.1 percent and Christie 2.9 percent.

In reality, The Washington Post reported Friday on the troubles plaguing DeSantis' presidential campaign.

During Thursday night's debate with Newsom, the California governor declared that neither he nor DeSantis would be the 'nominee for our party in 2024.'

At one point Newsom told DeSantis, 'you're down 41 points in your home state.'

Beyond the paltry polls, DeSantis's chief rival for second place, former U.N. Amb. Nikki Haley, got the endorsement of the Koch network this week, a group that had previously been drawn to the Florida governor.

Senior campaign aides are feeling gloomy about their chances in the upcoming primary, which kicks off with the Iowa caucuses on January 15.

'People increasingly think it's over,' a person close to DeSantis told The Post. 'It's a dumpster fire.'

In recent weeks, a tiff between DeSantis' campaign and its allied super PAC, Never Back Down, spilled out into public view.

On November 21, NBC News reported that Jeff Roe, a longtime consultant for the PAC, got into a heated argument with DeSantis confidant Scott Wagner.

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d6e896 No.111785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022566 (040750ZDEC23) Notable: New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

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'You have a stick up your a**, Scott,' Roe reportedly said.

Wagner responded by saying, 'Why don't you come over here and get it!'

And then last week, Never Back Down's CEO Chris Jankowski quit the group.

In the meantime, DeSantis' allies have set up another PAC to help their guy: Fight Right.

That PAC ran an ad against Haley calling her out for saying that she jumped into politics after being inspired by something Democrat Hillary Clinton said.

FactCheck.org called the ad misleading because the videos were edited to omit Haley saying that she does not agree with Clinton on 'anything' or 'a lot.'

The move created more internal strife with Ken Cuccinelli, a Never Back Down board member, calling the hits against Haley 'exceedingly objectionable' and asking that his comments be preserved in the records of the board, NBC and The Post reported.

On Friday, Trump's allies highlighted the discord.

'For a group named Never Back Down, it sure seems everyone is backing out,' Taylor Budowich, the CEO of the Trump-aligned PAC Make America Great Again Inc., said in a statement.

But Communications Director for Never Back Down, Erin Perrine, told The Post to be prepared for a DeSantis upset in Iowa on caucus night, where Trump presently leads by nearly 30 points.

'The governor has received the support of Iowa's popular Gov. Kim Reynolds, evangelical leaders like Bob Vander Plaats, will hit all 99 counties across the state, and has our historic and unmatched caucus operation and grassroots efforts behind him to win on caucus night,' Perrine told the paper.

'Instead of regurgitating the consultant class talking points, The Post should get back to reporting,' she also said.

A Never Back Down source contacted by DailyMail.com did not respond to a request for comment.

Trump mocked DeSantis' debate against California Gov. Newsom, dubbing it the 'Battle of Loserville.'

After midnight on Truth Social Friday, Trump shared a dubbed 'Battle of Loserville' video, with moderator Sean Hannity asking DeSantis, 'Have you ever betrayed the greatest president who ever lived, President Donald J. Trump.'

Trump has long fumed that DeSantis shouldn't be running against him for the 2024 nomination because the then-president backed the aspiring Florida governor over another Republican in the 2018 GOP gubernatorial primary.

In the faked clip, Hannity also asks DeSantis, 'Are you a short insecure little man that likes to wear lifts inside your cowboy boots, yes or no answer please,' while faux Newsom outs the Florida governor for bringing along a stepstool.

The 55-second clip ends with DeSantis shrinking and then slinking offstage.


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d6e896 No.111786

File: 37a39d00d7f93c0⋯.png (454.75 KB,957x832,957:832,Clipboard.png)

File: aeacd2406d4efc1⋯.png (865.73 KB,1324x775,1324:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d38e955f74d7f3⋯.png (221.26 KB,382x382,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022591 (040802ZDEC23) Notable: Dan has changed his banner and circle pic

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Dan has changed his banner and circle pic

me like-key

Dan is a Maestro

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d6e896 No.111787

File: d69905c0bab1f67⋯.jpg (70.92 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022649 (040836ZDEC23) Notable: Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts claims the pcr testing hoax 19 pcr testing hoax was planned for decades

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Picked up on They Live vision..

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts claims the pcr testing hoax 19 pcr testing hoax was planned for decades before it was unleashed on the world allowing governments to control their people.

He also said he would “hound” people down and hold them accountable 🔥


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d6e896 No.111788

File: 8d076b4694a7012⋯.jpeg (122.76 KB,720x1182,120:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fec7066f05d0f56⋯.jpeg (119.98 KB,709x925,709:925,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 27336e5b2ee3a31⋯.jpeg (195.19 KB,720x1369,720:1369,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4510a836fa9784d⋯.jpeg (197 KB,720x1480,18:37,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022759 (040949ZDEC23) Notable: Kissinger died on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Warren Commission.

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Kissinger died on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Warren Commission.

D5? 12/5 will also be the 60th Anniversary of the first formal meeting of said commission.

Coincidences, right?

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d6e896 No.111789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022806 (041012ZDEC23) Notable: Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

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I had never heard about a leterr from Obama. Weird. Why would he send a letter? And someone took a picture of Joan at the medical place after incide t. Sounds like a death porn i age sent to Obama and letter to Melissa in kindness was a way to say fuck you and yor mom.

Veiled fuck you and a you better THIBNK veield threat in my opinion.



"I received a letter from the White House, from President Obama, someone who was often a target of her jokes, as was Mrs. Obama," Melissa Rivers said. "But I received a handwritten note saying, 'Not only did she make us laugh, she made us think

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d6e896 No.111790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022826 (041018ZDEC23) Notable: Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

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688K views 3 months ago

that's a lot of views....

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d6e896 No.111791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022850 (041029ZDEC23) Notable: Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

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Washington Post in area called



President Obama sent handwritten condolences after Joan Rivers’s death

Democracy Dies in Darkness


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This article was published more than 9 years ago


Biden administration

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Democracy in America

Election 2024


President Obama sent handwritten condolences after Joan Rivers’s death

By Elahe Izadi

September 19, 2014 at 5:01 p.m. EDT

Joan Rivers died Sept. 4 at age 81. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)


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It's pretty standard for the White House to issue a statement from President Obama when a prominent cultural figure dies. But the White House didn't do that when Joan Rivers died Sept. 4.

What Obama did do was send a handwritten note to Rivers's daughter, Melissa Rivers, who made that revelation in a clip from a forthcoming episode of E!'s "Fashion Police: Celebrating Joan."

"I received a letter from the White House, from President Obama, someone who was often a target of her jokes, as was Mrs. Obama," Melissa Rivers said. "But I received a handwritten note saying, 'Not only did she make us laugh, she made us think.'"

Back in July, Rivers joked about Obama being gay and his wife transgender, which got her into a bit of a heated discussion on CNN. Thus, some folks noticed when Obama didn't offer a public comment on her death.

Democracy Dies in Darkness


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This article was published more than 9 years ago


Biden administration

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Democracy in America

Election 2024


President Obama sent handwritten condolences after Joan Rivers’s death

By Elahe Izadi

September 19, 2014 at 5:01 p.m. EDT

Joan Rivers died Sept. 4 at age 81. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)


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It's pretty standard for the White House to issue a statement from President Obama when a prominent cultural figure dies. But the White House didn't do that when Joan Rivers died Sept. 4.

What Obama did do was send a handwritten note to Rivers's daughter, Melissa Rivers, who made that revelation in a clip from a forthcoming episode of E!'s "Fashion Police: Celebrating Joan."

"I received a letter from the White House, from President Obama, someone who was often a target of her jokes, as was Mrs. Obama," Melissa Rivers said. "But I received a handwritten note saying, 'Not only did she make us laugh, she made us think.'"

Back in July, Rivers joked about Obama being gay and his wife transgender, which got her into a bit of a heated discussion on CNN. Thus, some folks noticed when Obama didn't offer a public comment on her death.

“There’s no hard-and-fast rule about who gets a statement and who does not,” Dana Perino, White House press secretary under President George W. Bush from 2007 to 2009, told my Post colleague Helena Andrews.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In one of the most recent such public statements, Obama called Williams "one of a kind" and said that "the Obama family offers our condolences to Robin’s family, his friends, and everyone who found their voice and their verse thanks to Robin Williams."

Rivers likewise touched the lives of many, but her sharp humor spared few, and she remained unconcerned with being deemed offensive.

"Sometimes presidents just want to make a statement,” Perino told Andrews."And guess what? They get the right to.”

Well, Obama did want to say something just, privately.-

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d6e896 No.111792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022869 (041033ZDEC23) Notable: Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

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>>>/qresearch/20022841 (You)


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d6e896 No.111793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022904 (041044ZDEC23) Notable: #24577

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#24577 >>111758

>>111761, >>111762, >>111770 Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

>>111759 PF: Argentinafag going home from DC. Callsign FAG72

>>111769 PF: XCOPF. Mexican National Guard from Mexico City to Rodriguez International Airport up by Tijuana

>>111775, >>111776 PF: Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

>>111760 Bob Iger says he WILL step down in 2026 and insists he has 'robust' succession plans

>>111763 Trading in death responsibly: ‘Woke’ funds funnel $5 trillion into arms industry

>>111764, >>111772, >>111773, >>111774 conspiratorial theories.PDF

>>111765, >>111766, >>111767 Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

>>111771 Venezuelans voted by a wide margin Sunday to approve the takeover of an oil-rich region in neighboring Guyana

>>111768 J6 NOTABLES

baker change

>>111777 Bodies of 11 climbers after the eruption of the Mount Merapi volcano in West Sumatra.

>>111778 American diplomat accused of being a Cuban spy.

>>111779 Christmas market and new carols in Germany in 2023 - singer is Muslim.

>>111780 Nancy Pelosi Accused of Setting Up Taxpayer-Funded Fraudulent Slush Fund for House Members

>>111781 House Oversight Committee chairman reveals how China 'buys politicians off'

>>111782 PDJT truth about McCarthy - spelling Keven wrong twice 2 e’s e=5 ee=55

>>111783 Knife attack on tourists at the Eiffel Tower on 3rd December DELTA?

>>111784, >>111785 New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

>>111786 Dan has changed his banner and circle pic

>>111787 Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts claims the pcr testing hoax 19 pcr testing hoax was planned for decades

>>111788 Kissinger died on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Warren Commission.

>>111789, >>111790, >>111791, >>111792 Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death



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d6e896 No.111794

File: fc59d9788e6fd17⋯.jpeg (214.1 KB,828x547,828:547,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20022984 (041123ZDEC23) Notable: unusual whales w/CAP: pay to drive in NYC - home prices down 13%

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Wokeness equals brokeness

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d6e896 No.111795

File: bd093b1bbd10157⋯.jpeg (213.01 KB,828x549,92:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023024 (041146ZDEC23) Notable: unusual whales w/CAP: pay to drive in NYC - home prices down 13%

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6e896 No.111796

File: a3655ddd95fcd77⋯.jpg (177.55 KB,720x999,80:111,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023110 (041222ZDEC23) Notable: Two happy gay men posing with a baby they Just purchased from a black mother

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Two happy gay men posing with a baby they Just purchased from a black mother

We are living in a strange time


Does anyone seriously think that these two are going to live a happy picket fence lifestyle with their new chilld? No ,they bought a sex toy. These two don't want to raise children ,none of these progressive pieces of shit care about kids, it's about warping them while they are young

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d6e896 No.111797

File: 8a23b5ddad79714⋯.png (35.35 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023155 (041233ZDEC23) Notable: UK Government clause 34 would give Ministers power to inspect the bank accounts of any person in receipt of any social security benefits including child benefit…

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UK Government clause 34 would give Ministers power to inspect the bank accounts of any person in receipt of any social security benefits including child benefit, pensions and Universal Credit.

The aim is to save half a Billion pounds in 2024 through surveillance where their is absolutely no suspicion at all. Privacy is for the rich.

Take all your cash out the day it's paid in.

We need Nigel Farage.

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d6e896 No.111798

File: e336d6952006025⋯.pdf (1.39 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023302 (041324ZDEC23) Notable: Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

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Add this to J6 research, Report attached

Add this to J6 research, Report attached

Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6


The whistleblower alleges, among multiple serious allegations, that former acting chief Yogananda Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot.

The whistleblower accuses Sean Gallagher, the Capitol Police’s acting chief of uniformed operations, and Yogananda Pittman, its assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations, of deliberately choosing not to help officers under attack on Jan. 6. | Julio Cortez/AP Photo, file


10/08/2021 03:34 PM EDT

A former high-ranking Capitol Police official with knowledge of the department’s response to the Jan. 6 attack has sent congressional leaders a scathing letter accusing two of its senior leaders of mishandling intelligence and failing to respond properly during the riot.

The whistleblower, who requested anonymity for privacy reasons and left the force months after the attack, sent the 16-page letter late last month to the top members of both parties in the House and Senate. His missive makes scorching allegations against Sean Gallagher, the Capitol Police’s acting chief of uniformed operations, and Yogananda Pittman, its assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations — who also served as its former acting chief.

The whistleblower accuses Gallagher and Pittman of deliberately choosing not to help officers under attack on Jan. 6 and alleges that Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot. After a lengthy career in the department, the whistleblower was a senior official on duty on Jan. 6.

The whistleblower’s criticism went beyond Capitol Police leaders to Congress. Without naming specific lawmakers, his letter accuses congressional leaders of having “purposefully failed” to tell the truth about the department’s failures.

POLITICO obtained the letter detailing the allegations, which is circulating among Capitol Police officers, and is publishing portions of it here. To protect the whistleblower’s identity, POLITICO is not publishing the letter in full.

“The truth may be valued less than politics by many members of the congressional community to include those that have made decisions about the leadership of the USCP post January 6th, but I believe the truth still matters to real people and certainly the men and women of the U.S. Capitol Police,” the whistleblower wrote.

A spokesperson for the Capitol Police sent a statement in response to the letter that begins: “A lot has changed since January 6. Although there is more work to do, many of the problems described in the letter have been addressed.”

The spokesperson added that the department “has implemented, and continues to implement, many of the critical recommendations called for in” a Senate inquiry into Jan. 6, a separate review conducted by retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, and multiple probes by its own inspector general.

“The letter from the former employee echoes the thoughtful recommendations in those reports,” the Capitol Police spokesperson continued. “USCP leaders, under new Chief Tom Manger, are committed to learning from prior mistakes and protecting our brave officers, who fought valiantly on January 6, so we can continue to carry out the Department’s critical mission. The men and women of this Department are committed to that critical mission. Our goal is to work as a team, to move forward, and advance the work that keeps the U.S. Capitol and the people who work here safe.”

The letter was sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. The House Administration Committee’s Republican staff was also sent a copy….


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d6e896 No.111799

File: 9f3c7e0b256b6b5⋯.jpeg (202.3 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d0a7f2048d35b78⋯.jpeg (193.33 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023307 (041326ZDEC23) Notable: Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

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Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6


The whistleblower accused Pittman of lying to Congress about a key intelligence report the department received in late December. That report noted that a blog called “thedonald.win” posted a map of the Capitol campus, and that commenters on the site called for protesters to carry guns and confront members of Congress on Jan. 6.

Pittman told congressional investigators in April that a cohort of senior officials in the department were also aware of that intelligence before the attack. The whistleblower claimed in his letter, however, that other officials did not receive the intelligence report, and that Pittman lied when she said they did.

“These officials were the only officials that had all the intelligence information for the 6th,” the whistleblower wrote, regarding Gallagher and Pittman.

“The single most important piece of intelligence information ... was never shared with any members of USCP leadership,” the whistleblower added, asking: “Why did they approve the operational plan for the 6th if they knew the intelligence?”

A senior law enforcement official said that other people in the department actually did have the intelligence, but that it clearly should have been distributed more widely. The Capitol Police spokesperson disputed the allegation that Pittman lied to Congress and noted that the department has changed its internal and external intelligence-sharing practices because of the attack.

However, the report in question wasn’t the only key piece of intelligence that didn’t reach the right people in the department, according to the whistleblower. Gallagher and Pittman also had information showing groups that received permits to hold events surrounding the Capitol on Jan. 6 were all front operations for Stop the Steal, the whistleblower wrote.

Stop the Steal was a movement promoting the conspiracy theory that nefarious forces stole the election from Trump. The movement’s organizers promoted a rally on the National Mall that preceded the attack on the Capitol.

That was “game changing information,” the whistleblower added, but operational commanders — meaning, the law enforcement officers in the field supervising police activity — never learned about it.

In the whistleblower’s view, Gallagher and Pittman had all the intelligence needed to justify demanding reinforcements from the National Guard, closing the doors to the Capitol and using tougher but less-than-lethal weapons on the morning of Jan. 6. But they didn’t share that intelligence with the right people, the whistleblower wrote, and instead approved a woefully inadequate security plan.

The whistleblower also said he spent hours during the attack in the Capitol Police’s Command Center with Pittman and Gallagher, claiming that they did little to stop the violence. The whistleblower’s presence in the command center on Jan. 6 was confirmed by two other law enforcement officials and a third person who was there during the attack.

Those three people gave different accounts of how long the whistleblower was there. One of the people said he was there for six hours, another said he was there for “several” hours and a third said he was there for less than two hours.


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d6e896 No.111800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023313 (041330ZDEC23) Notable: Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

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Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6


“What I observed was them mostly sitting there, blankly looking at the TV screens showing real time footage of officers and officials fighting for the Congress and their lives,” the whistleblower wrote.

“It is my allegation that these two with intent and malice opted to not try and assist the officers and officials, blame others for the failures, and chose to try and use this event for their own personal promotions,” he added. “This was done not after the even[t] but while officers and officials were still fighting the demonstrators.”

They watched “mostly with their hands in their laps,” he added, and “did not try to help or assist as officers and officials were literally fighting for each other, their lives and the Congress.”

The two law enforcement official who confirmed Pittman and Gallagher’s presence in the command center disputed the claim that they passively watched the attacks. Those officials said Gallagher focused on bringing in support from the National Guard and law enforcement partners, and that Pittman focused on the evacuation and protection of members of Congress and the vice president. The whistleblower, however, wrote that officials and officers have resigned from the department en masse because Pittman and Gallagher haven’t been held accountable for what happened that day.

“This concerted effort to protect the two members of the Department without question the most responsible for the tragic events of January 6th is repulsive,” the whistleblower wrote.

And the whistleblower lambasted congressional leadership for letting Gallagher and Pittman maintain their senior roles in the police department even as a new chief took over at the Capitol Police.

“[I]t is immensely embarrassing to the congressional leadership and staff that they selected the two individuals most responsible for the 6th to lead the Department after the 6th,” he wrote in his conclusion. “Especially since some entity selected them without any investigation. To hold them accountable would require this same group to admit they were wrong.”

Tucker Interviews Former Capitol Police Chief About What REALLY Happened On January 6th

Tucker Oct, 2023



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d6e896 No.111801

File: 1bcf5206937efd7⋯.webp (23.66 KB,450x300,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023332 (041337ZDEC23) Notable: Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

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Add to J6 research, new article!

Ex-Capitol Police Officer Promises to Release Info on Jan. 6 'Cover-Up'

Nov 30, 2023 at 5:43 PM EST

Former U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik Johnson has revealed his plans to release information about a January 6 "cover-up."

On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington, D.C., while Congress was attempting to certify the 2020 election results after the former president baselessly claimed the election was stolen from him in favor of President Joe Biden, via widespread voter fraud.

More than 1,200 people have been charged in the deadly siege, according to the latest data from the Department of Justice (DOJ), including more than 400 accused of assaulting or impeding law enforcement, which is a felony.

Johnson claimed, without providing evidence, that the events of January 6 were a "set-up," which was then concealed to the public.

He wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday, "I spoke to my lawyer and I told him what my plans are as it relates to releasing information on X about the J6 set-up and the cover-up that ensued after."

After consulting with his lawyer, Johnson said that he was given the green light to release the information relating to the Capitol attack. He said he hopes to release the information by next week.

"Please know that I am fighting for EVERYONE that was aggrieved from the events of J6 and UNITY in our country," Johnson posted. "I am a LION and I will protect my cubs. In this case they are EVERYONE in the J6 community as you were set-up and that should not have happened to you even if you did wrong things that day.

"The police from all 17 agenciesthat responded to the Capitol to defend it as we should have been more prepared that day. All the people that died on J6 or as a result from that day. All whistleblowers from every agency that put their careers in jeopardy and or lost them because they wanted the truth out and saw what was happening to US citizens because of J6," Johnson continued.

Newsweek reached out to the Capitol Police via email on Thursday for comment.

When asked about Johnson's allegations, U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, who does not speak on behalf of Capitol Police, told Newsweek via phone,"If he had something, then go ahead and show it. I've been all for the truth coming out and if he got something that will show the truth, then show it."

Dunn has been vocal regarding his experience during the Capitol riot, writing a New York Times bestseller titled, Standing My Ground.

Johnson was not the only ex-Capitol Police officer to claim that there was a "cover-up" following January 6. Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund revealed in a leaked un-aired interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he believed officials were aware of the Capitol riot before it happened and covered it up by failing to disseminate the information to those who needed it.

"If I was allowed to do my job as a chief, we wouldn't be here," Sund said in the interview with Carlson."This didn't have to happen. Everything appears to be a cover-up.”

(Picture: Supporters of ex-President Donald Trump swarm the U.S. Capitol's east steps during the siege of January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C. Former U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik Johnson has revealed plans to release information about a January 6 "cover-up.")


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d6e896 No.111802

File: 5cf34b3afe28d56⋯.png (43.12 KB,766x295,766:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023455 (041413ZDEC23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Robert De Niro is a “mental midget” whose mind is shot, and whose life is a total train wreck. Very much like Crooked Joe Biden, he can’t put two sentences together…

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Donald J. Trump


Robert De Niro is a “mental midget” whose mind is shot, and whose life is a total train wreck. Very much like Crooked Joe Biden, he can’t put two sentences together. The good news is that this crude and very stupid “animal” has lost all credibility!

Dec 04, 2023, 8:01 AM


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d6e896 No.111803

File: 0b171ca8b567d4b⋯.jpeg (498.23 KB,1200x802,600:401,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 066dec11108721b⋯.png (219.36 KB,353x508,353:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023525 (041428ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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>>111769 lb

>>Mexican National Guard

Very regular flight/stays for a few hours in TJ or Mexicali then back to Mex City

It’s the Federales (Po-Po XCOPF for Federales)and they use National Guard to back them up

You’ll see Mexican AF FAMXXXX 737s going to same places plus the western coastal cities as well and south to Peru on occasion and it was one of those that picked up Chspito she in Ciudad Ibregon and departed under heavy gunfire back to Mecca City (FAM3526)

>>111759 lb

Likely the “official Govt contingent to accompany Milei’s visit as he is not active until Dec 10th and it left around same time as SAM400 did last night >>111747 pb

And no they aren’t “ kicking out the World Bank or IMF as we’d be going there if that was what going on-you don’t go to the US and in that ACs case also to Tucson and have a new President visit Both NYC and DC if they were being kicked out (ijit poster last week insisted this was case so Milei likely flew private

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d6e896 No.111804

File: 3bcd06faa150a7f⋯.jpeg (476.32 KB,1241x608,1241:608,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e211b6444a41c70⋯.jpeg (557.92 KB,766x994,383:497,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023551 (041436ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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planeFag: Europe: Ukraine AF A319 leaving Brussels after arriving from Rzsesow Airport, Poland

Ukraine AF UKN1301 A319 briefly switched on (pilot prolly gonna go “fuqqq I’ve been planeFag’d!” cuz they usually keep these off and hard to see) Brussels after arriving from Rzsesow Airport-yet moar proof they don’t “fly from Kiev over ‘active’ war zone”and other than what looks like a ton of props and stock footage it remains to be seen just how “active” it ever was/is.

That visit by Swiss President was the “this is over” speech and “where is the money?” so the Finance Minister (likely who on that plane in Brussels nao) is either making “the arrangements” or trying to stall Zelensky’s eventual evacuation to Zurich or Geneva

This AC at Brussels for money no doubt and likely Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko but who noes…either way they are winding this down and Z gonna be taken to Switzerland for sure

Internal EU rows threaten Ukraine's $54 billion FT


>>111747 pb

SAM400 C32A landed at a very snowy (and closed over weekend) Munich Intl Airport from last nights JBA depart-dunno who this is yet but eventually will figure it out-usually do

Polish AF PLF 101A 737 back to Warsaw this escort AC to PLF101 737President Dudaswitched on and should be departing soon back to Warsaw

>Duda returned from Dubai on 12/02 from COP28 to Warsaw went to Krakow earlier today.

Swedish AF SVF645 G5 WS from Tampere AB Finland to Linkoping, Sweden and on ground nao

Hungarian AF HUAF701 Falcon 7x returning from Dubai COP28 to Budapest-Hungarian President left yesterday so dunno who this is could beFM Szijjaritobut can’t confirm

French AF CTM2038 A400 the “long way around” out of Jordan from right on Jordan/Syrian border

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d6e896 No.111805

File: 4d7d68c2fd4dd37⋯.png (937.8 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023674 (041459ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Plane Crossing Crescent Moon

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 4, 2023

Plane Crossing Crescent Moon

No, the Moon is not a bow, and no, it did not shoot out a plane like an arrow. What is pictured is a chance superposition. The plane's contrail would normally appear white, but the large volume of air toward the rising Sun preferentially knocked away blue light, not only making the sky blue, but giving the reflected trail a bright red hue. Far in the distance, well behind the plane, the crescent Moon also appears slightly reddened. Captured early last month from Bolton, UK, the featured image was taken so soon after sunrise that the plane was sunlit from below, as was its contrail. Within minutes, unfortunately, the impromptu sky show ended. The plane moved out of sight. The Moon kept rising but became harder to see through a brightening sky. And the contrail gradually dispersed.


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d6e896 No.111806

File: de953068ef5ff85⋯.png (713.19 KB,832x553,832:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 767e11e35f88f43⋯.jpeg (354.33 KB,828x1108,207:277,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fbaaf4fcf86d2fd⋯.jpeg (343.04 KB,828x1084,207:271,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 02347e3e7f24b5e⋯.jpeg (407.17 KB,828x1208,207:302,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 733b52e99fc5b54⋯.jpeg (232.53 KB,828x880,207:220,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023676 (041459ZDEC23) Notable: mktFag:Metals and crude dropped/Stonks notsomuch

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>>111752 pb

mktFag:Metals and crude dropped/Stonks notsomuch

They on metals hard with COMEX paper contract dumps after those initial spikes on the GLOBEX (WW) open-cap 1 is current CFTC Chair Bentham and reference to his all wimmin “regulators”

Also Crude Oil continues its drop as well




Equities still nuffin really /yes they are down but that’s no big deal-as a reminder ==about $5B in overall Corporate share buybacks (and third largest amount on record) are fine by Dec 8th for the coming earnings blackout period so that why GM announced its buyback and they will need to finish the stated amount (about70%) of that $10B by then -they said “effective immediately”

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d6e896 No.111807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023717 (041511ZDEC23) Notable: Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority

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Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority

DECEMBER 03, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority on her flight to Washington, D.C., from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where the Vice President had several conversations with Arab leaders on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The Vice President reiterated U.S. support for the Palestinian people and their right to security, dignity and self-determination. She underscored our commitment to a two-state solution and said that the Palestinian people must have a clear political horizon. They spoke about the situation in the West Bank and the Vice President reiterated our concerns with steps that could escalate tensions, including extremist settler violence.

Building on her meetings in Dubai, the Vice President discussed U.S. ideas for planning for the day after the fighting ends in Gaza, and the Vice President reiterated U.S. support for a unified West Bank and Gaza under a revitalized Palestinian Authority. The Vice President told President Abbas that, to follow-up on this conversation and her meetings in Dubai on day-after planning, her National Security Advisor, Dr. Phil Gordon, would travel to Israel and the West Bank this week for additional discussions.



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d6e896 No.111808

File: 3d53e114b1d8052⋯.png (150.48 KB,700x906,350:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023718 (041511ZDEC23) Notable: This was the plan of J6 Committee all along

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This was the plan of J6 Committee all along:

“NBC News first reported last month that members of the congressional staff tasked with conducting that and other parts of the committee's investigationwere upset after they were informedthat much of their work would be left outin favor of a narrative that focused only on the actions of former President Donald Trump.”


Jan. 6 committee avoids criticizing law enforcement in report summary

The committee was charged with examining law enforcement and intelligence failures. Analysis was largely left out of the introduction, with the full report expected this week.

Dec. 19, 2022, 8:37 PM EST


Intel community escapes major criticism by Jan. 6 committee for missing 'foreseeable' Capitol violence

The intelligence available to law enforcement was "sufficient to warrant far more vigorous preparations for the security of the joint session," the committee's appendix said.

Dec. 23, 2022, 2:03 AM EST


Jan. 6 committee staffers told preliminary plan for final report would focus largely on Trump, not on law enforcement failures, sources say

The House resolution that created the committee said its mission included examining “the preparedness and response” of Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies.

Nov. 11, 2022, 8:28 PM EST


The House resolution that created the committee said its mission included examining “facts and causes relating to the preparedness and response” of Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies. NBC News has previously reported that one of the investigatory teams conducted more than 100 interviews and depositions with officials from the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the Pentagon, the D.C. and Capitol police, and other law enforcement agencies.

The final report —much like the committee’s hearings — seems to be shaping up to be “all-Trump,” one source said.

Informant warned FBI weeks before Jan. 6 that the far right saw Trump tweet as 'a call to arms'

Theemail, which has not previously been made public, adds to the mounting evidence that the FBI had intelligence warnings that Jan. 6 was a major threat.

Dec. 21, 2022, 9:37 AM EST


FBI failures before the Capitol siege avoided the Jan. 6 committee's scorn.Not for long.

The House Jan. 6 panel has been running a behind-the-scenes investigation into how law enforcement missed the warning signs flashing before the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

July 31, 2022, 4:30 AM EDT


Shown Here: Engrossed in House (06/30/2021)H. Res. 503

In the House of Representatives, U.

June 30, 2021.

Whereas January 6, 2021, was one of the darkest days of our democracy, during which insurrectionists attempted to impede Congress’s Constitutional mandate to validate the presidential election and launched an assault on the United States Capitol Complex that resulted in multiple deaths, physical harm to over 140 members of law enforcement, and terror and trauma among staff, institutional employees, press, and Members;

Whereas, on January 27, 2021, the Department of Homeland Security issued a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin that due to the “heightened threat environment across the United States,” in which “[S]ome ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.” The Bulletin also stated that—


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d6e896 No.111809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023725 (041513ZDEC23) Notable: Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Isaac Herzog of Israel

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Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Isaac Herzog of Israel

DECEMBER 03, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today to President Isaac Herzog of Israel on her flight to Washington, D.C., from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where the Vice President had several conversations with Arab leaders on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The Vice President reiterated the strong U.S. support for Israel’s right to self-defense and she and President Herzog discussed latest developments in Gaza. They spoke about the situation in the West Bank and the Vice President reiterated our concerns with steps that could escalate tensions, including extremist settler violence.

Building on the Vice President’s meetings in Dubai, the Vice President reiterated the importance of planning for the day after the fighting ends in Gaza, and she underscored our commitment to a two-state solution. The Vice President told President Herzog that, to follow-up on this conversation and her meetings in Dubai on day-after planning, her National Security Advisor, Dr. Phil Gordon, would travel to Israel and the West Bank this week for additional discussions.



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d6e896 No.111810

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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