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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

668e89 No.51602 [Last50 Posts]

24NOV23 to 28NOV23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

668e89 No.109558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967313 (240029ZNOV23) Notable: UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP

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It’s the money all that matters. If the bond holders don’t wanna negotiate then UBS has a problem and need someone like that. The Qatari s got screwed on Moran Stanley in 07 so unlikely them.

Look how long the Chinese saga went on w/Evergrande and the others still ongoing

I wouldn’t rule out Japan either Mitsui or sumitomo

They also focused on China nao and raising savings rates to mebby shove money that way….did it in 2015.

MBS could do it no problem money wise but it’s a black hole like douche bank and monte de paschi in Italy so the question is why would he want to.

Likely the bondholders take a haircut or risk having nuffin later.

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668e89 No.109559

File: 1af845a6c592776⋯.jpg (373.77 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967314 (240029ZNOV23) Notable: Michael Hayden is the former director of the CIA and NSA. This is what he really thinks of regular patriotic Americans.

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668e89 No.109560

File: d61498a92f0d39b⋯.jpg (198.58 KB,720x857,720:857,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dd635657a9da817⋯.jpg (143.42 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967321 (240030ZNOV23) Notable: President Biden and son Hunter take Thanksgiving ‘polar plunge’ in frigid Nantucket waters

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President Biden and son Hunter take Thanksgiving ‘polar plunge’ in frigid Nantucket waters

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668e89 No.109561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967322 (240031ZNOV23) Notable: UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP

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he sank that swiss concern.

one thinks his total c.o.h. effectively

slaves the world bank to his will...

or whim.

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668e89 No.109562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967334 (240033ZNOV23) Notable: Fashion photographer Terry Richardson accused of sexual assault in new lawsuit

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Fashion photographer Terry Richardson accused of sexual assault in new lawsuit

Nov 23, 2023 · 10:17 PM UTC


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668e89 No.109563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967349 (240035ZNOV23) Notable: Michael Hayden is the former director of the CIA and NSA. This is what he really thinks of regular patriotic Americans.

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Here (you) go


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668e89 No.109564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967409 (240050ZNOV23) Notable: UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP

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>>109552, >>109558, >>109561

Anyone can go in and buy those default swaps at anytime and the CEO knows it’s gonna have to be an external (non Swiss bank ) cuz they shot wad putting CS into UBS

“Of course, this would likely entail an international buyer."

CEO Ermotti said so he knows they need it outside or get it from NYFED-those swap lines reported every Thursday so we’ll see but they vaporized $20b last year via Swiss Nat Bank and NYFED doing the CS-UBS shotgun wedding and that dint include the loan loss guarantees

And then he sez this? After selling AT1 bonds just recently

UBS chief Sergio Ermotti calls for tougher sanctions on negligent bankers


Investors Return to AT1 Bonds as UBS’s Sale Inspires Confidence

Credit spreads on UBS’s AT1 bond have tightened since issuance last week


I wanna know where they gonna put or do with Santander


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668e89 No.109565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967432 (240056ZNOV23) Notable: UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP

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Beeg lawsuit acomin' on AT1s, so that muddies that market a bunch.

Anyone here able to name just ONE CDS owner that got paid? Or was the real winner the one collectin' all that daily "premium"?

BTW, I think BNP Paribas is the sick man of all of Europe.

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668e89 No.109566

File: be4b2af6ef614ae⋯.png (1.11 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: df77cd7b9157dc4⋯.png (77.38 KB,1336x447,1336:447,Clipboard.png)

File: d6a9aa6c733873c⋯.png (10.48 MB,2344x3000,293:375,Clipboard.png)

File: d9188284df178eb⋯.png (259.07 KB,608x403,608:403,Clipboard.png)

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668e89 No.109567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967537 (240123ZNOV23) Notable: #24513

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#24513 >>109542

>>109543, >>109549, >>109551 RE: OpenAi project “Q*”

>>109545, >>109546, >>109555 Irish kids knifed by foreign nationalist result in "Far Right Nazis" protesting mass immigration

>>109544 Meathead claims JFK was killed by FOUR shooters not one

>>109546 Have-a-go heroes praised for tackling knifeman in mass stabbing of children

>>109547 Melting ice exposes new petroleum reservoirs in the Arctic worth $7TRILLION

>>109548 Group Releases Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, Finds ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified

>>109550 Regardless of where they serve, let's give a Hooah to our #USArmy culinary specialists

>>109552, >>109558, >>109561, >>109565, >>109564 UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP

>>109553 Sean “Diddy” Combs was hit with a second lawsuit

>>109554 Video shows how dolphins pull bait from hooks and open bait boxes off Western Australia in what experts called first-of-its kind footage.

>>109556 FBI has reported that now-arrested Clint Harden, who worked at Texas A&M, used the pedophile code word “pizza” in chats to discuss child porn.

>>109560 President Biden and son Hunter take Thanksgiving ‘polar plunge’ in frigid Nantucket waters

>>109562 Fashion photographer Terry Richardson accused of sexual assault in new lawsuit

>>109559, >>109563 Michael Hayden is the former director of the CIA and NSA. This is what he really thinks of regular patriotic Americans.




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668e89 No.109568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967636 (240149ZNOV23) Notable: #OTD in 1963, LIFE Magazine halted the printing of 7M copies of an issue featuring Navy QB Roger Staubach on the cover. The issue was scrapped and replaced with a special JFK memorial edition.

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U.S. Naval Institute



#OTD in 1963, LIFE Magazine halted the printing of 7 million copies of an issue featuring Navy QB Roger Staubach on the cover. The issue was scrapped and replaced with a special John F. Kennedy memorial edition. The few surviving Staubach covers are highly valued by collectors.

Nov 23, 2023 · 2:29 AM UTC



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668e89 No.109569

File: a94eacbe438dea0⋯.jpg (80.96 KB,588x820,147:205,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967662 (240155ZNOV23) Notable: Michael Hayden is the former director of the CIA and NSA equates average American with gun & Bible to Hamas with gun & quran

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Michael Hayden is the former director of the CIA and NSA. This is what he really thinks of regular patriotic Americans.


Should Be Removed of RANK...!!!


Then Court Marshaled

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668e89 No.109570

File: f7f058972b168f2⋯.jpeg (333.07 KB,819x470,819:470,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967677 (240158ZNOV23) Notable: China Races to End Property Panic, Fill $446 Billion Funding Gap

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>>109539 pb

China Races to End Property Panic, Fill $446 Billion Funding Gap

Chinese leaders are making their most forceful push yet to end the nation’s property crisis, ramping up pressure on banks to plug an estimated $446 billion shortfall in funding needed to stabilize the industry and deliver millions of unfinished apartments. Policymakers are finalizing a draft list of 50 developers eligible for financial support that includes Country Garden Holdings Co. and Sino-Ocean Group and indicated a pivot by Beijing to help some of the most distressed builders. Meanwhile, the country’s top lawmaking body said banks should increase funding for developers to reduce the risk of additional defaults and make certain that housing projects get completed.

Chinese President Xi Jinping steps up support for the broader economy, moves this week indicate a widening of support with efforts to put a floor under the property crisis that’s plagued the nation’s finance industry for years. While developer stocks climbed in recent days, many investors remain wary authorities haven’t gone far enough yet to rekindle growth in a vital area for the broader economy and the push is likely to further squeeze profits at the nation’s largest lenders.

The $56 trillion banking industry has been battling shrinking margins and rising bad loans since they were drafted by authorities to backstop the economy and prevent risk spillover from the sluggish property sector. Authorities had guided banks to trim deposit rates three times over the past year to ease their margin pressure, and slashed banks’ reserve requirements twice this year to boost their lending capacity.

Net interest margins of the big state-owned banks dropped to a record low 1.74% at the end of the first half of 2023, below the industry’s 1.8% threshold seen as necessary to maintain a reasonable amount of profitability.

The sector’s shares have taken a beating. A Bloomberg index of Hong Kong-listed Chinese banks tumbled as much as 18% this year from a high in May, while the big four state banks remain near record low valuations of about 0.4 of their book value. (Book value is just what they or what other analysts say they are work: mark-to-model)


From the link at top

>(There was some big meeting a few weeks ago that Xi attended at the PBOC-where he’s only been a few times officially-and all the insolvent property companies begged to be bailed out and extended moar “loans”-meanwhile they (PBOC) been buying up yuan so it went up in value by 2% in one week-they are getting closer to losing control of the prop markets and that is 70% of its stated GDP)

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668e89 No.109571

File: b1cb95a3fc4abcf⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1170x1484,585:742,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967697 (240203ZNOV23) Notable: M. Gates, M.Obama & Amal Clooney team up to end child marriage

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When did Melinda Gates become such a political activist?


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668e89 No.109572

File: 26221f78845d54f⋯.png (3.52 MB,3229x2469,3229:2469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967715 (240208ZNOV23) Notable: The Israel Op on the Clock!

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On the clock.

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668e89 No.109573

File: 0280127375cdcac⋯.jpg (37.94 KB,600x376,75:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967737 (240217ZNOV23) Notable: Economist: Bidenomics is Putting ‘Astonishing Burden’ on American Households

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Economist: Bidenomics is Putting ‘Astonishing Burden’ on American Households

An economist who is the acting director of the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation, Richard Stern, is marking Thanksgiving Day 2023 with a warning that Joe Biden’s economy is putting an “astonishing burden” on American households.


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668e89 No.109574

File: 93278a462edafb1⋯.png (591.59 KB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ceb70e2c81da6d⋯.png (286.93 KB,620x413,620:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967743 (240218ZNOV23) Notable: PF: US Coast Guard C-130 Circling off Norfolk.

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US Coast Guard C-130 Circling off Norfolk.


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668e89 No.109575

File: 702890c9f9c4466⋯.png (114.38 KB,450x561,150:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967778 (240230ZNOV23) Notable: Conor McGregor on Dublin Stabbings: Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory 🇮🇪 God bless those attacked today, we pray

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Conor McGregor


Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough. There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory 🇮🇪 God bless those attacked today, we pray 🙏


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668e89 No.109576

File: 6ed0c63ef0988a9⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB,1668x1986,278:331,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967786 (240231ZNOV23) Notable: The anger of the Irish against mass immigration is unstoppable.

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The Irish are now Pissed…

The anger of the Irish against mass immigration is unstoppable.


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668e89 No.109577

File: 4bff7f3de85f558⋯.png (247.61 KB,456x625,456:625,Clipboard.png)

File: fd112cecdd5c327⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967844 (240243ZNOV23) Notable: Gearóid Murphy: For those not familiar, the war started when the state began secretly dumping busloads of strange foreign men into Irish communities against the wishes of the people.

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Gearóid Murphy


For those not familiar, the war started when the state began secretly dumping busloads of strange foreign men into Irish communities against the wishes of the people. They're trying to kill Ireland.


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668e89 No.109578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967900 (240253ZNOV23) Notable: Houthi rebels: We may seize more ships

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Houthi rebels: We may seize more ships

Warning issued after Yemeni group took control of ship with Filipino crew

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen warned allies of Israel on Wednesday that their vessels in the Bab al-Mandab Strait at the entrance to the Red Sea were "legitimate" targets.

The warning came after the Houthis on Sunday seized an Israel-linked cargo vessel, opening a new dimension in the war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

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668e89 No.109579

File: d61498a92f0d39b⋯.jpg (198.58 KB,720x857,720:857,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dd635657a9da817⋯.jpg (143.42 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a27ddf3793226cd⋯.jpg (83.53 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967907 (240255ZNOV23) Notable: President Biden and son Hunter take Thanksgiving 'polar plunge' in frigid Nantucket waters; replete with Epstein Island Temple themed towels

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668e89 No.109580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967909 (240256ZNOV23) Notable: Anon theory RE: Israel Last

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Trump couldn't be "president" during the 'saving Israel for last" chapter.

He would be (and was) forced to show support for the Zionist state or they would nuke him outright taking anyone with him. And 'peace is the prize' not what people think of trump.

So he gets actor Biden to "support them" to the demise of all those who do. Against other reasonable countries and common sense this stage of the show will support them until bankruptcy. Count on it.

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668e89 No.109581

File: 57c6427d6f0ebdc⋯.png (1.3 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 164476fa6ec653d⋯.png (81.7 KB,1385x447,1385:447,Clipboard.png)

File: b40aa940fac06b3⋯.png (1.22 MB,1200x816,25:17,Clipboard.png)

File: e74f76e5375a8af⋯.png (924.21 KB,1075x1015,215:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 7651b9832fae731⋯.png (768.82 KB,1318x680,659:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967984 (240312ZNOV23) Notable: PF: N777ZH up from Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport. TVPX AIRCRAFT SOLUTIONS INC TRUSTEE/POWER CONCEPT

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N777ZH up from Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport. This dig took a little bit of effort to uncover ownership.






Founded by Mr Wong Tat Wah, director of the company in 1978 and headquartered in Hong Kong, Yee On (Group) Limited Hong Kong is a conglomerate that specializes in processing and marketing gems, pearls and jewellery, development of industry and real estate, and operation of hotels and restaurants. Its subsidiary companies include Yee On Group, Arising Sun Holdings and Suzhou Jewellery International Exhibition Trade Center.



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668e89 No.109582

File: 968d251e6600b1d⋯.png (404.76 KB,820x546,410:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967991 (240313ZNOV23) Notable: Stellantis recalls more than 32,000 hybrid Jeep Wrangler SUVs because of potential fire risk

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Stellantis recalls more than 32,000 hybrid Jeep Wrangler SUVs because of potential fire risk

AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP) — Automaker Stellantis on Wednesday announced a recall of more than 32,000 of its hybrid Jeep Wrangler SUVs because they pose a potential fire risk.

As part of what the company described as a routine review of customer information, Stellantis determined that eight of the hybrid Wranglers had caught fire while they were turned off and parked. Six of the vehicles were being charged when the fires started. The company said it doesn’t believe anyone was hurt in the fires.


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668e89 No.109583

File: 76d96c0ec764632⋯.png (283.49 KB,1214x411,1214:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968023 (240319ZNOV23) Notable: Riots and arson grip Dublin after migrant stabbing spree

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Old post to ponder. What if the Irish are the tip of the spear?

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668e89 No.109584

File: 1844cbc9c5e4254⋯.png (314.64 KB,535x415,107:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c835fde2a30920⋯.png (66.16 KB,739x469,739:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968045 (240324ZNOV23) Notable: Iraqi Government 'Vehemently' Condemns US Airstrikes As Violation Of Sovereignty

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Iraqi Government 'Vehemently' Condemns US Airstrikes As Violation Of Sovereignty

Iraq’s government on Wednesday blasted US airstrikes launched in the country against Shia militias, calling them a violation of Iraqi sovereignty.

"We vehemently condemn the attack on Jurf al-Nasr, executed without the knowledge of Iraqi government agencies," said Iraqi government spokesman Basem al-Awadi.

"This action is a blatant violation of sovereignty and an attempt to destabilize the security situation," al-Awadi added.

"The Iraqi government is solely dedicated to enforcing the law and holding violators accountable, a prerogative exclusively within its purview. No party or foreign agency has the right to assume this role, as it contradicts Iraqi constitutional sovereignty and international law," the statement said.


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668e89 No.109585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968052 (240325ZNOV23) Notable: Riots and arson grip Dublin after migrant stabbing spree

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Anti-immigration protesters set bus ablaze in Dublin following knife attack

New York Post


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668e89 No.109586

File: 3391747579e8ea5⋯.png (977.15 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: d4d35ef1473813b⋯.png (1.09 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 7aa03ef1e150007⋯.png (696.76 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: c2cb8e181e8589b⋯.png (693.28 KB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 00909d0866cc0c6⋯.png (696.91 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968070 (240328ZNOV23) Notable: PF: N777ZH up from Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport. TVPX AIRCRAFT SOLUTIONS INC TRUSTEE/POWER CONCEPT

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Wow this aircraft really gets around the East. Owned by Chinese mega businessman and has US FAA tail number and hidden by the now infamous Bank of Utah Trustee. Only past history allowed PF to get lucky and trace ownership to Wong Tat Wah. Flight history shows flights all over. Including from Hainan Island. South Korea. etc.






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668e89 No.109587

File: 41d598017c2a3f7⋯.png (363.58 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

File: e5404d52e620fc8⋯.png (407.94 KB,563x414,563:414,Clipboard.png)

File: f4d88c5b363cbb7⋯.png (533.73 KB,555x591,185:197,Clipboard.png)

File: cc1875e20c3c412⋯.png (361.3 KB,536x462,268:231,Clipboard.png)

File: f0d9c63ccb3530f⋯.png (244.55 KB,869x483,869:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968074 (240329ZNOV23) Notable: Riots and arson grip Dublin after migrant stabbing spree

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Riots and arson grip Dublin after stabbing spree

Police cars and buses were torched after local media identified a man who stabbed multiple children as Algerian

Crowds of rioters have set police and public transport vehicles on fire in the Irish capital, Dublin, amid rumors that a man who stabbed three children and a woman at a city school was a foreign national.

Protesters began to assemble in the center of the city on Thursday afternoon following the knife attack. One of the victims, a five-year-old girl, was hospitalized with serious injuries.

Police arrested a man in his 50s at the scene, and although no description of the man has been released, Irish news site Gript identified him as an Algerian national, citing police sources.

Riot police were deployed to keep the protesters in check, but clashes soon broke out, with multiple officers assaulted, RTE News reported. Fireworks and crowd-control barriers were hurled at police, who attempted to push crowds of angry locals back with riot shields.

Several police vehicles were set on fire, with arsonists also targeting at least two double-decker buses and a tram, according to multiple reports.


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668e89 No.109588

File: c92bae78170657f⋯.png (1.06 MB,882x881,882:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968080 (240332ZNOV23) Notable: PF: N777ZH up from Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport. TVPX AIRCRAFT SOLUTIONS INC TRUSTEE/POWER CONCEPT

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>infamous Bank of Utah Trustee

correction: equally infamous TVPX AIRCRAFT SOLUTIONS INC TRUSTEE


Tobias Kleitman's smirk says it all.

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668e89 No.109589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968089 (240335ZNOV23) Notable: IDF elite intel officer warned about Hamas attacks, ignored - report

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Israeli media now reporting on the ff. I posted this news last week....interesting

IDF elite intel officer warned about Hamas attacks, ignored - report

This is the response they received from him: "I don't want to hear about this nonsense again. If you bother me with these things again, you will stand trial."


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668e89 No.109590

File: 2b745d176b5311e⋯.jpeg (444.85 KB,779x656,19:16,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9ed8329fe6afc7a⋯.jpeg (349.7 KB,828x827,828:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968091 (240335ZNOV23) Notable: British investment managers get green light for tokenised funds

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British investment managers get green light for tokenised funds

(THIS is the beginning of the end as if this gets adopted across anything moar than 15-20% of all asset classes it will be almost impossible to extract ourselves out of it-(((they))) want to tokenize the entire financial system that includes the almost $4 quadrillion amount of derivatives and once they do that-still a big IF-it will be very hard to remove it as once it (asset) becomes a token it is not yours any longer and can be rehypothecated to infinity basically and they just point you to the digital I’d that “proves” it is yours. You think the leverage and lack of compliance at FTX and Binance is/was bad?…this is the start of something many multiple times worse-great for bankers as what little enforcement of rules is completely gone because “muh blockchain tech” but horrible for normal people)

British investment managers have got the go-ahead to develop tokenised funds, in which assets are split into smaller tokens backed by blockchain technology, the industry's trade body said on Friday.

Tokenisation, or fractionalisation, of funds will enable a fund's assets to trade more cheaply and transparently and investors to buy into a wider range of assets, industry proponents say.

Funds authorised by Britain's Financial Conduct Authority can take the first steps towards offering tokenised funds, provided the investments are in mainstream assets and valuation and settlement arrangements don't change, the Investment Association said in a statement. Fund tokenisation has great potential to revolutionise how our industry operates, by enabling greater efficiency and liquidity, enhanced risk management and the creation of more bespoke portfolios," said Michelle Scrimgeour, chief executive of Legal & General Investment Management .

Scrimgeour is chair of a working group which is working with the FCA and Britain's finance ministry to open up opportunities for tokenised funds. Other members of the working group include BlackRock (BLK.N), M&G (MNG.L) and Schroders (SDR.L)

Blockchain is a digital ledger that records ownership of tokens. So far, its main use has been for cryptocurrencies, which remain a relatively small part of the global financial system.

Britain is looking to bolster liquidity in its asset management sector in a revamp of its rules following Brexit. Investment managers and exchanges in the United States, Europe and Asia have already taken tentative steps in offering tokenised funds.


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668e89 No.109591

File: 22da56c748ae7e0⋯.png (367.16 KB,940x501,940:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968111 (240343ZNOV23) Notable: Neurosurgeon Unveils Shocking Link Between COVID Vaccine and Brain Damage & Cancer Risk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breakthrough Discovery: Neurosurgeon Unveils Shocking Link Between COVID Vaccine and Brain Damage & Cancer Risk

NOVEMBER 23, 2023

Retired American neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock recently gave an in-depth presentation on the adverse effects the spike proteins, induced by Covid-19 vaccination, have on the body.

The doctor shared shocking discoveries about neurological damage, cancer rates, cardiac arrest and other exacerbating health issues as well as their connection to mRNA technology.

“This [Covid] injection is an injection of artificial exosomes … The brain is one of the most complex things in the entire universe … [The medical profession] really doesn’t understand this injection. They don’t understand what it does to the neurological apparatus of the brain and spinal cord,”

Microglia, Cytokines, Chemokines and Excitotoxins

With all vaccines, and this injection in particular, if you stimulate the peripheral immune system within minutes there’s microglial activation in the brain – the brain’s primary immune cell. This is what Dr. Blaylock describes as “sickness behaviour.”

When there’s systemic inflammation or any kind of trauma occurs in the body, it produces inflammation and activation of the immune system. This sends a signal to the brain within minutes and starts activating the microglia which is the inflammatory, cytotoxic cell in the brain.


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668e89 No.109592

File: 2e1bc5eb9cf5c04⋯.png (524.29 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968122 (240346ZNOV23) Notable: Sky News host Laura Jayes slams Hamas head of international relations Basem Naim October 7 claims in tense back and forth ahead of Gaza ceasefire

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THIS is INTERESTING she relies on hear say

Sky News host Laura Jayes slams Hamas head of international relations Basem Naim October 7 claims in tense back and forth ahead of Gaza ceasefire

Sky News host Laura Jayes has taken a Hamas representative to task over his claims on the October 7 terrorist attack, the use of Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital and the number of Israeli hostages taken by the movement in a fiery back and forth live on-air.

Sky News Australia's Laura Jayes has blasted a Hamas representative over his "ridiculous" claims about the unfolding Israel-Palestine conflict.

The AM Agenda host on Friday spoke to Hamas head of international relations, Basem Naim, who was in Doha for hostage negotiations ahead of a four-day deal which will see a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of dozens of hostages.

When asked how many Israeli hostages Hamas is holding and how many will be released, Mr Naim said: "It's extremely difficult now to give exact numbers or figures about the captured hostages".

"Is that because you have killed some hostages that have been in Gaza over the last 48 days?" Jayes asked.

Mr Naim hit back at the question, saying: "It is impossible to accuse us when we are bombarded".

The leader was then questioned about the war in Gaza after Israeli Defense Forces claimed Hamas had used the Al-Shifa Hospital for military purposes and had built a 55-metre fortified tunnel following the October 7 attacks.

"We have seen the pictures, the horrific pictures of babies being killed. But Hamas has built tunnels and stored weapons under the biggest hospitals in Gaza... are you saying that's not true?" Jayes asked.

"I'm sorry. You are not. You are misled or misinformed because if you cannot give me any proof, because the Israelis themselves, they were not able to prove any of these allegations," he responded.

Jayes then argued that Western journalists had gone into Gaza with the IDF and had seen the tunnels and weapons "with their own eyes".

Mr Naim continued to deny any claims Hamas was at fault when Jayes asked how he expected Israel to react on October 7.

"When Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th and you killed 1400 people, innocent people, including babies, whole families, how did you expect Israel to react?" she asked.

He then claimed it was Israeli jets at the music festival on October 7 which saw Jayes implode.

"You are unfortunately misinformed... our own people, they were killed by Israeli jets blindly attacking the musical festival," Mr Naim said.

Jayes hit back: "So you're saying Israeli jets killed these young people at the music festival? Is that what you're alleging here?"

"I'm sorry. That is just that is completely unrealistic."

After thanking Mr Naim for his time and concluding the interview, Jayes declared "we are really getting into the realms of ridiculous".

A temporary pause in the almost seven-week conflict will begin on Friday at 7am (local time) before 13 captives - mostly women and children - will be released about 4pm into the care of aid workers who will be medically checked then released to loved ones.

The "initial" list of names of those to be set free has been provided and Israeli authorities have been in contact with relevant families, the Prime Minister's office confirmed.


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668e89 No.109593

File: 71a67d0eb13ffbb⋯.mp4 (10.12 MB,190x180,19:18,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968150 (240354ZNOV23) Notable: RealDrJan: "Why has this speech been suppressed by the MSM?" RE FEMA CAMPS - ANONS DIG

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I guess this guy is F&G n was supposedly poasted by Jan Halper, but I don't see it on her page. Don't have a twat account though so won't really let me dig, but I don't see it. >>>/qresearch/19965213 pb

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668e89 No.109594

File: 0f64a92fb47b03d⋯.png (547.38 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: cd7b5151125fef3⋯.png (81.38 KB,1380x461,1380:461,Clipboard.png)

File: c7dcdb08a923856⋯.png (542.88 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 2193429a67b2750⋯.png (262.46 KB,1316x1014,658:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 42321e8c8ac7935⋯.png (228.8 KB,1590x1014,265:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968161 (240356ZNOV23) Notable: PF: N481GV. Wilmington Trust Co Trustee.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PF on a roll tonight, oh yeah. N481GV. Wilmington Trust Co Trustee.


DB flags: LADD.

Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD)

The Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD) Program implements the requirements set forth in 2018 HR 254 FAA Reauthorization Bill: Section 566, Right to Privacy When Using Air Traffic Control System.

The Administrator shall, upon request of a private aircraft owner or operator, block the registration number of the aircraft from any public dissemination or display, except in data made available to a Government agency, for the noncommercial flights of the owner or operator.

In order to satisfy Section 566, the Administrator implemented the Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD) program.

The LADD program provides aircraft owners the ability to have their flight data filtered from distribution via the FAA System Wide Information Management (SWIM) data feed or filtered from public display by web sites that participate in the program. Vendors who subscribe to FAA SWIM Data feeds are bound by a Data Access User Agreement to filter any LADD participant from public display of aircraft flight data.

Aircraft owners or designated representatives may request Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD). Limiting aircraft data from the FAA data systems will limit flight tracking information transmitted over the internet by participating internet flight tracking vendors. "Unblocking" will ensure aircraft flight data will be included in the FAA data feed utilized by participating internet flight tracking vendors.


That's okay we got this!

Hex: A5ECFA returns as Bollinger Enterprises LLC.



Donald is the Chairman and CEO of Bollinger Enterprises, a single-family investment office headquartered in New Orleans. Prior to founding Bollinger Enterprises, he served as Chairman and CEO of Bollinger Shipyards, established in 1946 and the largest vessel-repair firm in the Gulf of Mexico.

Boysie currently serves as Chairman of the Board of First Bank and Trust and Chairman of the Nicholls State University Foundation. He is also a board member of numerous professional and civic organizations, including the University Medical Center Management Corporation, Audubon Commission, Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corporation, National World War II Museum, and Chief Executives Organization. Boysie earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration in 1971 from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette.



Cane Capital

DAVID S. FONTENOT Founder and Managing Partner of Cane Capital Management, LLC, (“Cane Capital”).


Charles is the President of Roemer, Robinson, Melville & Co. For the past 12 years Mr. Roemer has been a leader in the senior housing industry throughout the United States, serving as a consultant to senior housing developers and as a part owner, senior vice-president, and board member of CRSA. CRSA is one of the nation’s leading developers and managers of senior housing, developing over $2 billion in senior housing projects and operating in 21 states.

Charles also serves as one of eight elected members to Louisiana’s State Board of Education. He graduated with honors from Harvard University in 1992.


Peyton is the Chief Investment Officer of Bollinger Enterprises and oversees all investment activities and asset allocation. Peyton is responsible for the portfolio which includes publicly-traded debt and equity securities, hedge funds, and direct investments in both real estate and private equity. Prior to this he was Vice President at LongueVue Capital, a New Orleans based private equity firm. He also held roles at Highland Capital Management, a multi-strategy alternative investment firm in Dallas, TX, and JP Morgan Securities.

Peyton earned his Bachelor of Science from Tulane University, his MBA from Vanderbilt University, and served four years as an Intelligence Officer in the United States Marine Corps.

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668e89 No.109595

File: aaf3f4f6b2d1e3a⋯.png (413.49 KB,725x732,725:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968257 (240424ZNOV23) Notable: RealDrJan: "Why has this speech been suppressed by the MSM?" RE FEMA CAMPS - ANONS DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here's her post anon. On TS


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668e89 No.109596

File: 9bee9d2b958e8e3⋯.png (236.84 KB,500x261,500:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968272 (240428ZNOV23) Notable: CNBC has “dismantled its climate desk" amid layoffs and will no longer have a dedicated team to cover our impending doom

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNBC has “dismantled its climate desk" amid layoffs and will no longer have a dedicated team to cover our impending doom

CNBC is going through budget cuts (I wonder why!), meaning they have to decide which news divisions are the most important and which they can cut.

The 24-hour news network has decided that its going to be "dismantling" its "climate desk," which was the company's full-time team for covering climate doom.

I guess either climate change was solved or they decided it's not actually the most important crisis of our lifetime anymore.


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668e89 No.109597

File: 1cf267c0a379d1b⋯.png (30.95 KB,914x239,914:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968321 (240447ZNOV23) Notable: Musk: Grok punches above its weights

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Grok punches above its weights

8:09 PM · Nov 23, 2023


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668e89 No.109598

File: 5fcd8ec4f52d6f4⋯.jpg (184.92 KB,720x901,720:901,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968354 (240457ZNOV23) Notable: Satanic Temple's 'bizarre' inclusion at Wisconsin Christmas tree festival sparks outrage: 'No neutral ground'

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Satanic Temple's 'bizarre' inclusion at Wisconsin Christmas tree festival sparks outrage: 'No neutral ground'


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968425 (240512ZNOV23) Notable: #24514

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>109574 PF: US Coast Guard C-130 Circling off Norfolk.

>>109581, >>109586, >>109588 PF: N777ZH up from Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport. TVPX AIRCRAFT SOLUTIONS INC TRUSTEE/POWER CONCEPT

>>109594 PF: N481GV. Wilmington Trust Co Trustee.

>>109568 #OTD in 1963, LIFE Magazine halted the printing of 7M copies of an issue featuring Navy QB Roger Staubach on the cover. The issue was scrapped and replaced with a special JFK memorial edition.

>>109569 Michael Hayden is the former director of the CIA and NSA equates average American with gun & Bible to Hamas with gun & quran

>>109570 China Races to End Property Panic, Fill $446 Billion Funding Gap

>>109571 M. Gates, M.Obama & Amal Clooney team up to end child marriage

>>109572 The Israel Op on the Clock!

>>109573 Economist: Bidenomics is Putting ‘Astonishing Burden’ on American Households

>>109575 Conor McGregor on Dublin Stabbings: Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory 🇮🇪 God bless those attacked today, we pray

>>109576, >>109587 The anger of the Irish against mass immigration is unstoppable.

>>109577 Gearóid Murphy: For those not familiar, the war started when the state began secretly dumping busloads of strange foreign men into Irish communities against the wishes of the people.

>>109578 Houthi rebels: We may seize more ships

>>109579 President Biden and son Hunter take Thanksgiving 'polar plunge' in frigid Nantucket waters; replete with Epstein Island Temple themed towels

>>109582 Stellantis recalls more than 32,000 hybrid Jeep Wrangler SUVs because of potential fire risk

>>109583, >>109585, >>109587 Riots and arson grip Dublin after migrant stabbing spree

>>109584 Iraqi Government 'Vehemently' Condemns US Airstrikes As Violation Of Sovereignty

>>109589 IDF elite intel officer warned about Hamas attacks, ignored - report

>>109592 Sky News host Laura Jayes slams Hamas head of international relations Basem Naim October 7 claims in tense back and forth ahead of Gaza ceasefire

>>109580 Anon theory RE: Israel Last

>>109590 British investment managers get green light for tokenised funds

>>109591 Neurosurgeon Unveils Shocking Link Between COVID Vaccine and Brain Damage & Cancer Risk

baker change

>>109593, >>109595 RealDrJan: "Why has this speech been suppressed by the MSM?" RE FEMA CAMPS - ANONS DIG

>>109596 CNBC has “dismantled its climate desk" amid layoffs and will no longer have a dedicated team to cover our impending doom

>>109597 Musk: Grok punches above its weights

>>109598 Satanic Temple's 'bizarre' inclusion at Wisconsin Christmas tree festival sparks outrage: 'No neutral ground'



baker seeking handoff at the top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109600

File: 59d78c58a48a11d⋯.png (234.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d21e2fac81daa3⋯.png (34.6 KB,170x133,170:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 15ee697ea0c020d⋯.png (108.08 KB,324x216,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968436 (240514ZNOV23) Notable: #24515

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20



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668e89 No.109601

File: 9b3fae55b7a6b7b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1485x865,297:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968594 (240621ZNOV23) Notable: Q Clock Nov 23, 2023: Evergreen and… 9/11 & Freemasons??

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QR Bunker #410 >>>/qresearch/134568

Q Clock Nov 23, 2023: Evergreen and... 9/11 & Freemasons??

anon hasn't clocked much since DI30CF days. surprised where this led, was expecting Hillbags as codename EVERGREEN.

- Q3856 clocks on today's MIN: 17

- Timestamp delta between today's DJT Jr Evergreen tweet (ref'ing DJT 2013 tweet) & Q3856 is :33 min. anon starts thinking Freemasons

- Freemasons have this thing for Acacia wood (an evergreen). Hiram Abiff legend. Symbol for immortality of the soul. Biblefags know it relates to the Temple, Arc of the Covenant, Sacred Tabernacle.


- Freemason pillars Boaz & Jachin trace back to pillars of the Temple. Thought to also have been symbolized in Twin Towers.

- Date delta between DJT Jr's tweet today and DJT's 2013 tweet is: 9yrs 11mo 27days or 119mo 27 days. 9/11 & MIRROR 9/11 symbolism. 27=3^3. moar Freemason 33 numerology stuff?

- :33 is on today's Clock as the :25/:55 mirror. anon considers :25/:55 to be THE STORM axis of the Clock



- last thought: https://www.freemason.com/the-masonic-connection-to-thanksgiving/

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668e89 No.109602

File: d5e7253bf9e4126⋯.png (29.85 KB,617x289,617:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d8717ea8e681b7⋯.png (277.79 KB,549x856,549:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 15921495a199fe1⋯.png (152.01 KB,373x394,373:394,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b3803aec4e4902⋯.png (193 KB,609x463,609:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968657 (240653ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas has broken the ceasefire 15 minutes after it started.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The @IDF has completed its operational preparations for the brief hostage-release pause. Until the last minute, it was destroying tunnels and tunnel shafts in the Shifa complex. Hamas has of course already violated the terms of the pause with rocket fire.

11:53 PM · Nov 23, 2023


Chaya Raichik


Ceasefire lasted 15 minutes. Hamas just couldn’t stop launching rockets at Israel. I’m absolutely shocked that an evil terrorist organization whose stated goal is to murder Jews wouldn’t be honest!

11:38 PM · Nov 23, 2023



#BREAKING: Rocket sirens in southern Israel.Hamas has broken the ceasefire 15 minutes after it started.

11:16 PM · Nov 23, 2023


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668e89 No.109603

File: 0bb22aed0c3faf6⋯.jpg (318.94 KB,1076x1123,1076:1123,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968715 (240712ZNOV23) Notable: Inside James Comey’s Bizarre $7M Job as a Top Hedge Fund’s In-House Inquisitor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thanksgiving = harvest

Harvest = corn

Corn = corney?

Go time

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109604

File: 1a5214223d0fe04⋯.png (5.32 MB,1898x13041,1898:13041,Clipboard.png)

File: a27cbbcc582f14a⋯.png (72.58 KB,905x600,181:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968741 (240734ZNOV23) Notable: Inside James Comey’s Bizarre $7M Job as a Top Hedge Fund’s In-House Inquisitor

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>Corn = corney?

Oh! Was looking into this new book filled with dirt on Bridgewater and Ray Dalio, and here's this excerpt on how supposedly anal-retentive Comey was while General Counsel there. Even if a smidge true, he sounds borderline psycho kek. He was the Godfather, dontcha know? Godfather and Cardinal, huh.


Inside James Comey’s Bizarre $7M Job as a Top Hedge Fund’s In-House Inquisitor

A few years before his unforgettable cameo in the 2016 presidential election, the future FBI director worked at Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater Associates, where he pursued the firm’s goal of “radical transparency” with prosecutorial zeal.

By Rob Copeland

November 5, 2023

They called him the “Godfather.”

Before he was FBI director, Jim Comey was general counsel of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund. There he would practice and perfect the knack for drama that later thrust him into the center of the national political scene.

Comey was far from a household name when he joined Bridgewater in 2010. He was best known for his stint as US attorney for the Southern District of New York, and he made no secret to friends of his financial motive for jumping to Bridgewater, which would pay him $7 million per year.

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio, famed for devising a collection of so-called “Principles,” also made no secret of his hopes for the new hire. Dalio’s Principles, later adapted into a best-selling book and TED Talks, centered on a philosophy of “radical transparency” that involved tearing into the firm’s troublesome corners. They called for videotaped, internal “trials,” and investigations of even the smallest problems at the firm; these were often called “diagnoses” to find the “root cause.” Staff voted in real-time on disagreements. Dalio told staff that Comey would be like a godfather adjudicating it all.

Comey’s early days were inglorious. He often acted as if the hedge fund’s rules did not apply to him. Most every meeting, no matter how minor, was recorded at Bridgewater’s Connecticut headquarters, and at six foot, eight inches, Comey would sometimes reach toward the ceiling to deactivate any hidden recording devices in the light fixtures. He tended to speak in meetings from his experience, so Dalio would quickly correct him that he should apply the firm’s Principles rather than his own (one read, “Don’t tolerate badness,” while another prescribed “truth at all costs”).

Comey was smart enough to course correct—he was soon citing Principles with such frequency that Dalio told the whole firm that his new general counsel was a “chirper,” or someone who repeats stale ideas. Evidently eager to finally prove his worth, Comey found an opportunity to earn some points.

A relatively new lawyer on Bridgewater’s staff, Leah Guggenheimer, had taken to The Principles with gusto. She ostensibly worked in the operational side of the organization, but had earned a reputation for hunting firmwide for “badness,” including writing up a colleague for failing to bring in bagels on the agreed-upon day. This went on long enough that her colleagues voted to let her go. Her salary was cut off.

Dalio caught wind and didn’t like the idea of penalizing an employee—even a tedious one—for speaking her mind. He called in Comey for a second opinion.

Comey seemed to sense an opening to impress his new boss.

“Do you want it done like case law?”

Dalio energetically confirmed that he did.

“Well, Ray, the trial has happened. It’s gone through due process. It looks like it followed The Principles. So reopening it doesn’t make any sense, unless we hear it de novo.”

“What’s that?”

“You assume that the other trial never happened and you look at everything fresh.”

Dalio was fine with that.

Comey threw himself into the investigation. He listened to reams of meeting recordings and told Dalio that his review indicated the firing was justified.

Dalio concluded that beyond adjudicating the blow by blow of the bagels, Comey had performed a poor diagnosis:

“You didn’t get to the root cause.”

Dalio ordered a third investigation.


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668e89 No.109605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968744 (240736ZNOV23) Notable: Inside James Comey’s Bizarre $7M Job as a Top Hedge Fund’s In-House Inquisitor

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During and after Comey’s era at Bridgewater, tens of thousands of hours of the firm’s internal deliberations, arguments and trials were uploaded into what was called the “Transparency Library” and available for playback for all at the firm.

Lordy, there was plenty to watch.

No doubt Comey’s most infamous internal case was his prosecution of Bridgewater co-chief executive officer, Eileen Murray, who stood out like a pimple in Bridgewater’s blue-blooded executive suite. She’d grown up in a housing project in Queens, rarely wore skirts, never married, never had children, and talked frequently about her dogs. A former Morgan Stanley executive, she sent emails off the cuff, all lowercase, with typos, suggesting she was too busy to give anything her full attention.

The proximate cause of Murray’s lesson in the application of The Principles was innocuous enough. A job candidate mentioned to a Bridgewater executive that he was familiar with the hedge fund’s head of accounting, Perry Poulos, one of Murray’s hires. The job candidate evinced surprise—didn’t they know Poulos had been fired from Morgan Stanley?

Comey grabbed a former FBI agent on the Bridgewater staff and went to intercept the unsuspecting Poulos. The duo pulled him into a conference room without warning.

“Hi, guys,” Poulos said.

“We just want to know, is there anything in your background we should know about?” Comey responded.

“I had some things there, but it’s all cleared up now.”

“You wouldn’t mind if we ask a few questions and look a little more?”

There’s really nothing to find, Poulos said. Go ahead.

He exited the room, heart racing, and soon found Murray. She knew, as he did, that he had been let go from Morgan Stanley after questions were raised about his expenses. But Murray sensed a larger target at play. “It’s not you,” she told Poulos. “It’s me. They are trying to get to me.”

Comey called in Poulos for another interview.

“Did you talk to anyone about this?” Comey asked.


“Are you sure?”

“No, I haven’t talked to anyone.”

“You live with Eileen, don’t you?”

Knowing Bridgewater’s reputation for intimate relationships, Poulos assumed Comey was sniffing for a romantic angle. During the week, Poulos said, he sometimes spent the evening at Murray’s place, in separate bedrooms.

“Even that evening, after we spoke, you didn’t talk to her?” Comey asked.

“I don’t remember saying anything in particular.”

The answer evidently didn’t strike Comey as credible, so the same question was asked of Eileen. Did she speak to Poulos? She answered no. Murray was instructed to write a memo with everything she knew about Poulos’s background.

The email that landed in Comey’s inbox, labeled as sent from Murray’s BlackBerry, was pristine. The grammar was clean and every word was properly capitalized. Comey showed it to Jensen. Both agreed it could not possibly have been written by her. Comey had access to security cameras. He pulled the footage and showed it to Jensen. Murray, sitting at her desk, was on camera, clearly in conversation with a subordinate in the minutes leading up to the email’s being sent. One could even pinpoint the moment she asked her subordinate to hit send.

Comey and Jensen pulled Murray into another meeting.

Are you sure you didn’t talk to anyone about this? they asked.

“Of course not.”

Even as the words left her mouth, Murray must have known she had made a mistake. She had worked on the email with an assistant, dictating phrases and going back and forth until they had come up with clean answers. She had been visibly nervous that she was walking into a trap and wanted to get it all exactly right. But now she was in a deeper hole of her own making. She had now been dishonest twice—once about speaking to Poulos, and now about typing the email.

Murray fled to Dalio and confessed her sins. She had lied only out of panic. She hadn’t been feeling herself, she said. She had just been trying to stay out of Comey’s crosshairs, and to keep Poulos away from the dragnet, too. “It was a white lie,” she said.

Dalio paused to confirm that the tape recorder was on and then said that Bridgewater was a place where liars were punished. There would have to be a trial.


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668e89 No.109606

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968746 (240738ZNOV23) Notable: Inside James Comey’s Bizarre $7M Job as a Top Hedge Fund’s In-House Inquisitor

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It wasn’t just a trial, it was the trial. The investigation of Murray and Poulos went on for nine months. Cameras rolled all the while as Comey and Jensen probed Murray and Poulos on their transgressions. Everyone at the firm saw footage of Murray sitting at her desk, dictating the infamous email. The inquest didn’t stop at Murray’s pair of confessed lies. Comey seemed to act as if he had gotten Al Capone on tax evasion—once Comey had her in court, he had an excuse to investigate her whole life’s story.

Murray walked past Comey’s office one day to see the walls covered in newspaper clippings, and sticky notes, all about her, with lines drawn all over like a police sketch board on a procedural television series. She felt sick to her stomach.

It seemed to Murray and those sympathetic to her as if Dalio couldn’t get enough. He sat in as judge and turned the investigation into a real-time case, called “Eileen Lies.” Videos were released weekly, as serialized viewing for all Bridgewater staff. The updates were a combination of reality television, soap opera, and cinema verité. Comey played bad cop; in one video, he told Poulos, “Just tell the truth, it might make you feel good.” Jensen cast himself as the victim. “You lied to me,” he told Murray.

New episodes of “Eileen Lies” continued to air even after Poulos was fired, and after Murray’s assistant—called to testify against her boss—decided to resign instead.

After the better part of a year, even Comey and Jensen could wring no more juice out of the incident. Jensen presented his final argument: Eileen was an inveterate liar, and an avowed violator of the most sacred of The Principles. She had to be fired, for the good of the firm. Comey backed him up.

Dalio punted. Murray had lied, he ruled, but she hadn’t been proven to be a liar. The whole incident, Dalio told the firm, was a learning experience. It inspired him to write two new Principles. One dealt with white lies—they were acceptable, in small quantities. The other new Principle: “Everything looks bigger up close.” Of course, Murray would have to pay penance. He stripped her of her co-CEO title, bouncing her down to firm president. Everyone was unsatisfied. Murray had lost her role and her dignity. Comey was even more apoplectic—he had proven his case and lost anyway

In time, Comey came to see that a job at the world’s biggest hedge fund was not the slam dunk it had once seemed. Comey’s name was being whispered about for high-level government jobs, and what was happening at Bridgewater had the potential to burn, rather than burnish, his résumé.

For all Bridgewater’s talk of radical transparency, considerable secrecy surrounded Comey’s own resignation in October 2012, which came without an immediate explanation from Dalio. Questions piled up, and when employees were asked to vote at a Bridgewater town hall on queries to be answered, the top-voted topic was Comey’s imminent departure.

Comey laid out his thinking in an email:

From: Jim Comey

Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012

To: Bridgewater

Subject: Why is Jim leaving?

... I like Bridgewater very much. I love the idea of our culture of transparency and truth and find both addictive...

Like all of you, I have strengths and weaknesses. Among my strengths are some leadership abilities that are not critical here, but that are both needed and highly effective in the rest of the world… Those competencies are also what makes work and life fun for me….

... There is something in the logic-based, relentless pursuit of excellence that is inconsistent with the kind of joy that animates me… I’m not saying Bridgewater’s personality should be different; only that it is different. Bridgewater reflects Ray’s personality, which is a cool thing. But he and I are very different people. . . .

I will be better as a public sector leader and teacher for having been here.


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668e89 No.109607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968806 (240807ZNOV23) Notable: UK Govt Quietly Confirms It Will No Longer Publish ‘Deaths By Vaccination Status’

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UK Govt Quietly Confirms It Will No Longer Publish ‘Deaths By Vaccination Status’

A British Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) quietly decided that it would no longer publish data on deaths by vaccination status.


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668e89 No.109608

File: 92259b8f143ab70⋯.png (469.46 KB,718x403,718:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968811 (240809ZNOV23) Notable: Toxic chemical spill from train derailment forces Kentucky residents to flee homes

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Toxic chemical spill from train derailment forces Kentucky residents to flee homes

Evacuation orders were lifted Thanksgiving afternoon.


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668e89 No.109609

File: c21dc4bffcbafcb⋯.jpg (28.8 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968886 (240844ZNOV23) Notable: LAUGHABLE: Biden and Democrats Preparing 2024 Message That Trump Will Make the Border Crisis Worse

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LAUGHABLE: Biden and Democrats Preparing 2024 Message That Trump Will Make the Border Crisis Worse

The Biden campaign and Democrats are apparently crafting a message for voters in 2024 that will suggest Trump will make the border crisis worse.

No one believes this. Even Democrats in their hearts, could not possibly believe this.

Just a few years ago under Trump, we had the most secure border we have ever had. Since Biden took office, it’s like we don’t even have a southern border. Biden has allowed millions of people to illegally cross into the country and even people in blue cities are finally getting angry about it.

This message from Biden and Dems is gaslighting, pure and simple.

Trump’s border policies helped Americans get better jobs at higher wages and move into new homes at lower costs.


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668e89 No.109610

File: 9cfc7a88730f5fa⋯.png (109.73 KB,904x469,904:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19968958 (240914ZNOV23) Notable: TS: Donald J. Trump: Andrew C. McCarthy: “In reality, it is not the government but the Democratic Party that has an interest in a speedy trial — i.e.,

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Donald J. Trump


Andrew C. McCarthy: “In reality, it is not the government but the Democratic Party that has an interest in a speedy trial — i.e., one that ties its main political opponent up in court and generates negative publicity for him during key junctures of the campaign. If the chief concern were due process rather than electoral politics, the Justice Department and the court would not be prejudiced in the slightest if Trump’s trial were postponed until after the November 5, 2024, election. If that happened, Trump’s free-speech and fair-trial rights would be protected with no harm to the administration of justice.”

Nov 23, 2023, 3:42 PM


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668e89 No.109611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969093 (241023ZNOV23) Notable: God bless this board, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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Here is President Donald J. Trump sharing Jesus with the American People at a Trump Rally. God bless this man!

God bless this board, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA


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668e89 No.109612

File: 0f21e2ebeb25409⋯.png (269.8 KB,592x467,592:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969100 (241026ZNOV23) Notable: New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035 via @gatewaypundit

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The Gateway Pundit


New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035 via @gatewaypundit

3:34 PM · Nov 23, 2023




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668e89 No.109613

File: 4a32c6e6783d73c⋯.png (740.24 KB,766x691,766:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969108 (241030ZNOV23) Notable: New York is now the ‘least free’ state, thanks to Democratic policies

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New York is now the ‘least free’ state,

thanks to Democratic policies

New York Post, by Post Editorial Board

Posted By: Mercedes44, 11/24/2023 5:09:32 AM

New York state once again ranks as the “least free” in America, as a new Cato Institute report nails woes The Post has long decried. Cato’s libertarians rank the Empire State dead-last, 50th, for policies impacting economic, social and personal freedoms — and even where it scores slight gains (for legalizing pot and reforming criminal justice), Albany plainly screwed up. “Combined, state and local taxes are crushing. Debt is down from years past but is still the highest in the country at 26.1 percent of income,” notes the report. No wonder the state’s seeing a huge exodus to Florida (No. 2 in freedom, behind New Hampshire, and first in economic freedom),

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668e89 No.109614

File: 3af82b4884f9b22⋯.png (587.61 KB,663x712,663:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969131 (241039ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Impeccable’: Investigators Reveal Details on Brothel Ring Serving Politicians, Military Officials

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‘Impeccable’: Investigators Reveal

Details on Brothel Ring Serving Politicians,

Military Officials

Breitbart Crime, by Olivia Rondeau

Posted By: Imright, 11/24/2023 1:05:10 AM

Federal investigators have released further details on a network of “sophisticated high-end brothels” that serviced politicians, military officials, and government contractors, revealing that the alleged ringleaders kept “impeccable” records of their million-dollar operation. The prostitution ring was busted earlier this month by the Department of Justice (DOJ), with three Korean nationals arrested for their alleged roles in orchestrating the criminal network. Han Lee, 41, James Lee, 68, and Junmyung Lee, 30, “walked through the border safeguards that have been relaxed by President Joe Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas,” Breitbart News reported after their arrests on November 8.

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668e89 No.109615

File: dfc8419b77a46e9⋯.png (55.02 KB,652x433,652:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969139 (241041ZNOV23) Notable: Congress demands answers from White House over 'invasive' surveillance program

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Congress demands answers from White House

over 'invasive' surveillance program known

as Hemisphere that has tracked TRILLIONS

of phone records for Americans each year

- even if they are not suspected of a crime

Daily Mail (UK), by Morgan Phillips

Posted By: Imright, 11/23/2023 9:58:19 PM

Congress is demanding answers from the Biden administration about a secret spying program that tracks more than a trillion phone records from innocent and unsuspecting Americans each year. The under-the-radar system, known as Data Analytical Services or 'Hemisphere,' has been in operation for over a decade. It allows federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to tap into the phone records of U.S. citizens who have not been accused of any crime. Under the Hemisphere program the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) pays phone service provider AT&T to hand over phone records as far back as 1987.

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668e89 No.109616

File: 1ef04aa79af73a0⋯.png (411.7 KB,885x739,885:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 913bf34dcfc2428⋯.png (778.66 KB,1009x624,1009:624,Clipboard.png)

File: 1026233591265ae⋯.jpg (100.66 KB,1029x997,1029:997,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f4f30ca85b2e75c⋯.png (175.08 KB,621x788,621:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969152 (241045ZNOV23) Notable: Wow! For all of my many lawyers, and others, to watch. I am guilty of nothing! - Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump&AnonDig.

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Donald J. Trump


Wow! For all of my many lawyers, and others, to watch. I am guilty of nothing!

Nov 24, 2023, 5:33 AM


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668e89 No.109617

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969182 (241056ZNOV23) Notable: Wow! For all of my many lawyers, and others, to watch. I am guilty of nothing! - Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump&AnonDig.

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Last week, an appellate judge temporarily shut down Engoron’s ruling while agreeing with Trump’s lawyers that the gag order was an abuse of power.This is especially true because the person being censored is running for high public office —the American presidency— and has a preeminent right to speak freely in defense of himself.

Equally important are the First Amendment rights of listeners. They are entitled to hear speech in the same way that speakers are entitled to deliver their speech.

In the very few cases where the U.S. Supreme Court has tolerated limited gag orders, they invariably involve the issue of speech that might adversely affect a jury. But this is a bench trial. There is no jury that will be tainted by any out-of-court remarks. That renders Engoron’s order even more absurd.

Engoron has alleged that Trump is harming the legal process. That’s laughable. In reality, Trump is the victim of a politically driven case brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James who campaigned on the promise to “get Trump.” She literally said that.

At the time, James had no access to investigative files, had seen no documents or evidence, and knew nothing at all about Trump’s financial statements submitted years ago to banks for business loans. Yet, in exchange for votes, she committed herself to a predetermined course of action with a preordained outcome.

James’ actions are an egregious violation of the canons of ethics that govern prosecutors. They have a duty to see that justice is done, not gain a conviction by targeting a specific individual for personal or political reasons. But the AG selfishly wanted to advance her career by exploiting the high office she was seeking. So, she went about vilifying Trump and derogating her authority.

In a series of splashy news conferences she all but convicted Trump in the court of public opinion before ever filing her specious case accusing him of inflating the value of his assets to obtain favorable loans from banks. She then mangled evidence, twisted facts, and contorted the law to achieve her malevolent goal.

The notion that Trump should not be permitted to respond in public is offensive and an affront to the First Amendment. He can and must defend himself by pointing out the unethical behavior of James, her prejudicial case against him, and the overwhelming bias of the court. This is fundamentally constitutional.

Beyond the spurious gag order, the trial itself resembles a farce. Before any witnesses took the stand or evidence was introduced, Engoron ruled that Trump committed fraud and was liable. The trial hadn’t even started! It is reminiscent of the old Soviet show trials where guilt is predetermined. The trial itself is an ostensible exercise. A charade.

James brought her case based on an oddball consumer protection statute that she dusted off from the basement archives. Her interpretation of it completely undermines more than a century of established common law, which requires proof of “intent to deceive.” She unilaterally tossed that basic principle out the window.

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668e89 No.109618

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969183 (241056ZNOV23) Notable: Wow! For all of my many lawyers, and others, to watch. I am guilty of nothing! - Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump&AnonDig.

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Moreover, the lawsuit against Trump also violates the U.S. Constitution by penalizing incorrect commercial speech, which the First Amendment absolutely protects.

The testimony at trial shows that Trump did not himself prepare the financials given to lending banks. His organization hired outside real estate experts, respected accountants, and some of the top lawyers in New York to perform the calculations. Those professionals vouched for their work.

But in a disclaimer document they also alerted lending institutions that they must conduct their own “due diligence,” which they did. The banks retained separate experts who, in the end, agreed with the Trump valuations and loaned the money.

Those banks profited handsomely by pocketing more than a hundred million dollars in profits. Trump even repaid many of the loans early. So, who has been harmed here? Where is the concrete injury that the law routinely demands? How is it possible that a consumer protection statute can be used (or, more aptly, misused) in a case where no consumer has been damaged or impaired in any way?

Only in an Alice in Wonderland justice system can a rogue prosecutor and a lame judge be allowed to levy a quarter of a billion dollars penalty against a defendant and take away his business despite no showing of detriment to any individual or entity.

But that is the sorry state of affairs in New York these days…where the inmates run the asylum.


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668e89 No.109619

File: d0d79b03fb8c687⋯.png (49.93 KB,660x368,165:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969187 (241057ZNOV23) Notable: Six in 10 Americans believe Joe Biden 'participated' in son Hunter's business?

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Six in 10 Americans believe Joe Biden

'participated' in son Hunter's business

deals in another dire poll for president

as Republicans zero in on their impeachment investigation

Daily Mail (UK), by Morgan Phillips

Posted By: Imright, 11/23/2023 8:44:02 PM

More than half of Americans believe Joe Biden is directly implicated in his son Hunter's business dealings, despite the White House's insistent denials, according to a new poll. Sixty percent of respondents said they believed Joe 'helped and participated in Hunter Biden’s business,' while 40 percent said they did not think the president helped or participated, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll. Republicans were more likely than Democrats to think Joe Biden was involved in his son's deals - 81 percent of GOP voters thought he was implicated compared to 39 percent of Democrats.

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668e89 No.109620

File: dec12997609e236⋯.png (20.43 KB,593x272,593:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969192 (241059ZNOV23) Notable: I discovered a pattern of corruption that the Washington press covered up for years! - @RudyGiuliani

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Rudy W. Giuliani


I discovered a pattern of corruption that the Washington press covered up for years!

I’m also going to bring out a massive pay-for-play scheme under the Obama Administration that will devastate the Democrat Party.

Do you honestly think I’m intimidated?

7:37 AM · Nov 23, 2019

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668e89 No.109621

File: 88472158af200f3⋯.png (1.35 MB,1061x871,1061:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969202 (241103ZNOV23) Notable: Texas A&M University Employee Arrested on Child Pornography Charges, FBI Uncovers Use of “PIZZA” as Code Word in Chats

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Texas A&M University Employee Arrested on Child Pornography Charges, FBI Uncovers Use of “PIZZA” as Code Word in Chats

by Jim Hᴏft Nov. 23, 2023 11:20 am

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668e89 No.109622

File: 19af6c9da49bbe7⋯.pdf (565.83 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 6cf74fc4a4ae793⋯.png (68.36 KB,656x655,656:655,Clipboard.png)

File: e89b7aad850d391⋯.png (97.05 KB,663x559,51:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969248 (241120ZNOV23) Notable: The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers are good for understanding the Context of Concerns that drove the establishment of a Union. - PDF

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Honestly, Anon couldn't tell you.

The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers are good for understanding the Context of Concerns that drove the establishment of a Union.

But, honestly there's nothing better to study that the Document that speaks for itself, the US Constitution.

(PDF at link)


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668e89 No.109623

File: 41cb3b18b520ef2⋯.png (38.39 KB,858x399,286:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969261 (241124ZNOV23) Notable: Was Sam Altman's Sacking By OpenAI's Board Over 'Q-Star' Breakthrough Seen As Threat To Humanity?

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Was Sam Altman's Sacking By OpenAI's Board Over 'Q-Star' Breakthrough Seen As Threat To Humanity?

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Thursday, Nov 23, 2023 - 04:45 AM

The mystery surrounding the brief dismissal of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman last Friday, who has since been reinstated, might revolve around a Reuters report that suggests Altman's removal was due to a breakthrough in artificial general intelligence (AGI), which could threaten humanity.

In the days before Altman was sent off into exile, several staff researchers penned a letter to the board about a significant breakthrough - called Q* and pronounced Q-Star - that allowed the AI model to "surpass humans in most economically valuable tasks."

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668e89 No.109624

File: aa418aebd82b965⋯.png (22.99 KB,867x283,867:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969292 (241139ZNOV23) Notable: Dark Money’ Climate Group Popular in Hollywood is Connected to ‘Criminal Organization’

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‘Dark Money’ Climate Group Popular in Hollywood is Connected to ‘Criminal Organization’


thepoliticsbrief -

November 23, 2023

The worldwide climate activism network engaging in criminal activity such as vandalism and obstruction of public business has not been vigorously prosecuted in the U.S.

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668e89 No.109625

File: 8faa3e74cf0daaa⋯.png (302.03 KB,838x750,419:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969304 (241142ZNOV23) Notable: Official's Wife Convicted of 52 Counts of Voter Fraud Connected to 2020 Election

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Official's Wife Convicted of 52 Counts of Voter Fraud Connected to 2020 Election

By George C. Upper III November 22, 2023 at 11:31am

In January, Biden’s Department of Justice charged Kim Phuong Taylor, the wife of former U.S. Rep. and current Woodbury County Supervisor Jeremy Taylor, with 52 counts related to voter fraud, according to KCAU.

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668e89 No.109626

File: 87fabc7596bee5c⋯.png (264.27 KB,462x346,231:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969368 (241218ZNOV23) Notable: #24516

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e-baked old dough


e-baking anon lurking

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668e89 No.109627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969416 (241242ZNOV23) Notable: United States v. United States of America

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United States v. United States of America

Dear Friends,

For an entity to become a corporation under federal law, there must be an Act of Congress creating that corporation. There are no Acts of Congress expressly incorporating either the "United States" or the "United States of America".

In 1871 Congress did expressly incorporate the District of Columbia, but D.C. and the "United States" are not one and the same. In that Act of 1871, Congress also expressly extended the U.S. Constitution into D.C.


In United States v. Cooper Corporation, 312 U.S. 600 (1941), the Supreme Court wrote:

"We may say in passing that the argument that the United States may be treated as a corporation organized under its own laws, that is, under the Constitution as the fundamental law, seems so strained as not to merit serious consideration ."


Furthermore, under the Articles of Confederation, the term "United States of America" is the "stile" or phrase that was used to describe the Union formed legally by those Articles:

Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

Article I. The Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America."

Article II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.”

Therefore, the "United States of America" now refer to the 50 States of the Union, and the term "United States" refers to the federal government.

much much moar


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668e89 No.109628

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969426 (241250ZNOV23) Notable: United States v. United States of America

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To make matters worse and to propagate more confusion, the entity "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" incorporated twice in the State of Delaware:



The main problem that arises from these questions is that United States Attorneys are now filing lawsuits and prosecuting criminal INDICTMENTS in the name of the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" [sic] but without any powers of attorney to do so. Compare 28 U.S.C. 547 (which confers powers of attorney to represent the "United States" and its agencies in federal courts):


They are NOT "United States of America Attorneys", OK?

First of all, they do NOT have any powers of attorney to represent Delaware corporations in federal courts; Congress never appropriated funds for them to do so and Congress never conferred any powers of attorney on them to do so either.

Secondly, the 50 States are already adequately represented by their respective State Attorneys General; therefore, U.S. Attorneys have no powers of attorney to represent any of the 50 States of the Union, or any of their agencies, either.

They are "U.S. Attorneys" NOT "U.S.A. Attorneys", OK?

Accordingly, it is willful misrepresentation for any U.S. Attorney to attempt to appear in any State or federal court on behalf of the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" [sic]. And, such misrepresentation is actionable under the McDade Act at 28 U.S.C. 530B:


There are quite a few "activists" running around the Internet claiming that the "United States" and the "United States of America" are both corporations. These claims are not correct, for the reasons already stated above.

A similar error occurs when these so-called “activists” cite the federal statute at 28 U.S.C. 3002 as their only “proof” that the “United States” was incorporated by Congress.

Here’s the pertinent text of that statute:

As used in this chapter:


(15) "United States" means -

(A) a Federal corporation;

(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

(C) an instrumentality of the United States.


[end excerpt]


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668e89 No.109629

File: ca695ba8c8de4fb⋯.jpeg (116.93 KB,772x450,386:225,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969505 (241324ZNOV23) Notable: #24515

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>>109626 tyb

#24515 >>109600

>>109601 Q Clock Nov 23, 2023: Evergreen and… 9/11 & Freemasons??

>>109602 Hamas has broken the ceasefire 15 minutes after it started.

>>109603, >>109604, >>109605, >>109606 Inside James Comey’s Bizarre $7M Job as a Top Hedge Fund’s In-House Inquisitor

>>109607 UK Govt Quietly Confirms It Will No Longer Publish ‘Deaths By Vaccination Status’

>>109608 Toxic chemical spill from train derailment forces Kentucky residents to flee homes

>>109609 LAUGHABLE: Biden and Democrats Preparing 2024 Message That Trump Will Make the Border Crisis Worse

>>109610 TS: Donald J. Trump: Andrew C. McCarthy: “In reality, it is not the government but the Democratic Party that has an interest in a speedy trial — i.e.,

>>109611 God bless this board, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

>>109612 New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035 via @gatewaypundit

>>109613 New York is now the ‘least free’ state, thanks to Democratic policies

>>109614 ‘Impeccable’: Investigators Reveal Details on Brothel Ring Serving Politicians, Military Officials

>>109615 Congress demands answers from White House over 'invasive' surveillance program

>>109616, >>109617, >>109618 Wow! For all of my many lawyers, and others, to watch. I am guilty of nothing! - Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump&AnonDig.

>>109619 Six in 10 Americans believe Joe Biden 'participated' in son Hunter's business?

>>109620 I discovered a pattern of corruption that the Washington press covered up for years! - @RudyGiuliani

>>109621 Texas A&M University Employee Arrested on Child Pornography Charges, FBI Uncovers Use of “PIZZA” as Code Word in Chats

>>109622 The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers are good for understanding the Context of Concerns that drove the establishment of a Union. - PDF

>>109623 Was Sam Altman's Sacking By OpenAI's Board Over 'Q-Star' Breakthrough Seen As Threat To Humanity?

>>109624 Dark Money’ Climate Group Popular in Hollywood is Connected to ‘Criminal Organization’

>>109625 Official's Wife Convicted of 52 Counts of Voter Fraud Connected to 2020 Election

I collected NOTA.

If you think you can use it, please use it.


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668e89 No.109630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969567 (241352ZNOV23) Notable: Part III: Hezbollah’s Clandestine Terror Wing in America: the Michigan Mystery

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Part III: Hezbollah’s Clandestine Terror Wing in America: the Michigan Mystery


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668e89 No.109631

File: 6ff6eebfc4c585f⋯.png (383.33 KB,595x462,85:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969762 (241500ZNOV23) Notable: @gatewaypunditThe Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election

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The Gateway Pundit


The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election — Part I via @gatewaypundit

3:04 AM · Nov 24, 2023




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668e89 No.109632

File: a709a3e8f8bb295⋯.png (203.04 KB,383x442,383:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969776 (241504ZNOV23) Notable: After China's Xi visit to San Francisco, business owners are complaining that the city is reverting into a den for homelessness and drug use.

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NEW - After China's Xi visit to San Francisco, business owners are complaining that the city is reverting into a den for homelessness and drug use.



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668e89 No.109633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969796 (241509ZNOV23) Notable: UnitedHealthcare accused of using AI that denies critical medical care coverage

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UnitedHealthcare accused of using AI that denies critical medical care coverage

(Allegedly) putting profit before patients? What a shock.

By Rob Thubron November 19, 2023, 9:55 AM 32 comments

A hot potato: In yet another story about the damaging effects of faulty artificial intelligence, the largest health insurance company in the US, UnitedHealthcare, is being sued over claims it is using a flawed AI model. The system is said to have wrongfully denied health coverage to critical elderly patients and disagreed with doctors' determinations.

The lawsuit filed in the US District Court for the District of Minnesota comes from the estates of two now-deceased men who needed long-term care in post-acute facilities. The families of these men were forced to pay a combined $210,000 out of pocket for their therapy and care before their deaths.

The suit alleges that UnitedHealth repeatedly and wrongfully refused to pay the healthcare claims of the two seniors, who were using the Medicare Advantage Plans. It adds that such incidents have been going on since at least 2020, when UnitedHealthcare acquired post-acute care management firm Navihealth.

The lawsuit followed an investigation by Stat News about the use of an AI algorithm called nH Predict developed by Navihealth. The algorithm is used to anticipate how long patients will stay in rehab following acute injuries, illness, or events. Post-acute care includes the likes of nursing homes and rehab centers. The algorithm reportedly does this by examining a database of medical cases from 6 million patients and estimating a patients' medical requirements and length of stay.

The lawsuit alleges that the AI system has a 90% error rate and overruled the post-acute care opinions of physicians. Furthermore, claims that nH Predict failed to take into account individual patient needs, such as comorbidities (having multiple conditions or diseases) and contracting an illness while staying at a facility.

Another damning section of the suit claims that while only a few patients appealed coverage denials that were based on nH Predict estimates, over 90% of them were reversed through internal appeals processes or federal Administrative Law Judge proceedings.

https://www.techspot.com/news/100895-un ... dical.html

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668e89 No.109634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969800 (241510ZNOV23) Notable: Declining response rates to official surveys raise the possibility that government and central bank officials have been making decisions based on flawed data.

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Economists May Have Been Flying Blind All Along

Declining response rates to official surveys raise the possibility that government and central bank officials have been making decisions based on flawed data.

November 24, 2023 at 5:00 AM CST

By Claudia Sahm


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668e89 No.109635

File: 3ffd811d33955f5⋯.png (204.63 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969845 (241523ZNOV23) Notable: High-energy 'sun goddess' particle opens possibilities for new physics, exciting scientists

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High-energy 'sun goddess' particle opens possibilities for new physics, exciting scientists

Nov 23, 2023

Over the years, scientists have managed to unveil the existence of quite a few intriguing particles, pushing the entire field of physics forward with each discovery. There's the "God Particle" for instance, aka the Higgs Boson that grants all other particles their masses. There's also the so-called "Oh My God!" particle, an unimaginably energetic cosmic ray.

But now we have a new particle in town. It's named the "sun goddess" particle  —  and is fittingly extraordinary.

This particle has an energy level one million times greater than what can be generated in even humanity’s most powerful particle accelerators; it appears to have fallen to Earth in a shower of other, less energetic particles. Like the "Oh My God!" particle, these bits come from faraway regions of space and are known as cosmic rays. The particle has been dubbed "Amaterasu" after Amaterasu Ōmikami, the goddess of the sun and the universe in Japanese mythology, whose name means "shining in heaven."

And just as its mythological namesake is shrouded in mystery, so too is the Amaterasu particle. Its discoverers, including Osaka Metropolitan University researcher Toshihiro Fujii, don’t know where the particle came from or indeed what it is. They also still aren't sure what kind of violent and powerful process could have given rise to something as energetic as Amaterasu.

"This is the most energetic charged particle ever detected by the Telescope Array experiment," Fujii told Space.com.

The hope is that, just as Amaterasu is credited with the creation of Japan according to the Shinto tradition, the Amaterasu particle can help create an entirely new branch of high-energy astrophysics.

High-energy cosmic rays are extremely rare to begin with, but Fujii said the Amaterasu particle has an energy level not seen in a staggering 30 years of cosmic ray detections.

In fact, when the researchers spotted Amaterasu with the Telescope Array experiment — involving 507 detectors spread across 270 square miles (699 square kilometers) of the high desert of Millard County, Utah —they initially thought the detection must be some kind of mistake.

"I thought it would be my mistake or bug, and then after checking the details of the event, I was excited to find it was not an error," Fujii said.

First spotted by the Telescope Array experiment on May 27, 2021, the Amaterasu particle exhibits an energy of 224 exa-electron volts (EeV). For contest, one EeV is equivalent to 10¹⁸ electron volts. This puts Amaterasu on a similar energy level to the most energetic cosmic ray ever discovered — yes, that's the "Oh My God!" particle, which was detected in Oct. 1991 by the Fly’s Eye camera in Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. The latter had an energy of 320 EeV.

"The Amaterasu particle should be an important messenger from the universe about extremely energetic phenomena, but we need to disentangle the origin of this mysterious particle," Fujii explained.

There isn’t an astrophysical object, or any cosmic event for that matter, in the direction from which the sun goddess particle appears to have come from. That's why scientists are pretty unclear on what led to its creation. But, while the origins of the Amaterasu particle may be currently unknown, Fujii does have some avenues of investigation to follow up on. Importantly, some of these ideas could extend beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, which is the best outline we have of the universe’s particle zoo and how each of those particles interact with one another.

"One possibility is the particle has been accelerated by extremely energetic phenomena, such as a gamma-ray burst or a jet from a feeding supermassive black hole at the center of active galactic nuclei," Fujii said. "Another possibility is creation in an exotic scenario such as the decay of super heavy dark matter  —  a new particle, from unknown physics beyond the Standard Model."

The team has been hunting cosmic rays with the Telescope Array experiment in Utah since 2008, and will now continue to do so with a fourfold improved sensitivity of the newly upgraded project. They also expect other next-generation observatories to get in on the cosmic-ray action to help scientists embark on a more detailed investigation of the Amaterasu particle.


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668e89 No.109636

File: edbc3a6c93bafec⋯.png (978.33 KB,1029x1029,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969853 (241525ZNOV23) Notable: it matters not the HUMAN BEING'S NAME who tells LIES about another HUMAN.

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it matters not the HUMAN BEING'S NAME who tells LIES about another HUMAN.

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668e89 No.109637

File: c62656b94abb6f0⋯.png (889.68 KB,970x545,194:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969906 (241541ZNOV23) Notable: China's youngest space station crew send home spectacular views from space (video)

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China's youngest space station crew send home spectacular views from space (video)

Nov 23, 2023

China's Shenzhou 17 astronauts are getting into the rhythms of life in orbit — and also sending back some choice clips of their activities.

Shenzhou 17 arrived at the Tiangong space station on Oct. 26, where they were greeted by the outgoing Shenzhou 16 mission crew.

Mission commander Tang Hongbo, a veteran of 2021's Shenzhou 12 mission, and rookie astronauts Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin have now been in orbit for three weeks and working well.

Their daily work includes moving equipment outside the space station for experiments, managing equipment and facilities and maintaining science facilities for long-term research, according to a report from Chinese broadcaster CCTV.

The Shenzhou 17 astronauts have also conducted "medical care skill training" to boost their physical fitness and meet the demands of living in orbit.

China's human spaceflight agency recently released footage of the crewmembers as they ate and exercised. The astronauts also captured their own footage, including a view of their Shenzhou 17 spacecraft docked with Tiangong.

The trio are expected to spend another five months in orbit. They will welcome the arrival of a new cargo spacecraft, Tianzhou 7, in early 2024. They are also reported to soon conduct their first extravehicular activity, or spacewalk.


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668e89 No.109638

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969914 (241544ZNOV23) Notable: Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow

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Notable from last bread


Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow


Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow..., Montauk Survivor

@Montauk was built over a Pyramid from Egyptians, also Atlantis is under Montauk

@11m Homeless, Milk cartoon children were in the program

@16 45m merchants who did not care who was on the right side, just wanted to sell merchandise, learned a lesson from the Philadelphia experiment, USS Liberty

@24m technology that could pick up thought patterns then manifest them physically

@26m at Camp Hero: creature came through and caused havoc, needed to create an anti-matter, creature froze in space. 12 years later the energy field dissipated. all entrances are no cemented over and "no digging" signs to find entrances. hadron collider in Geneva is part of the experiments and elsewhere including the U.S.

@29m What did the Montauk Chair look like? Like a dental chair . . . semi living creature . . . using frequency a human can travel instantly. Time travel is done with a mirror type vehicle. A crystal can reveal everything in history.

@36m Michael had surgery to give him site, he traveled from his closet to Montauk. his family immigrated from Russia and were tracked by CIA

@40m Stewart was forced to be in experiments Dr. Green who is Mengele, his mother did not have a birth canal. Michael was tortured under Dr. Green

@45:40m A friend projected himself to Michael's window as a child. He was sent to other countries nad sometimes thru Time Travel tunnels, once to time of Christ with a gun and orders to kill him. Then again to collect toe from Christ's toe to create a clone for the second coming. "the first one to come back is not the real Christ.'

RE: clone, would a soul be needed to be put in a clone. Michaels says all clones have a soul, but whose soul? like A.I.

Technology came from the greys who are all cones, with souls imbedded in them.

Greys are an artificial race created by reptilians and not around much anymore

Humans are a created race as well

Many beings were seen by Michael, he describes many the government was interacting with. Most have been reduced, expelled by reptilians, several different reptilian races.. The agenda to create androgenous people so you can tell them who they are, since they no longer have an identity.

@ 54:3m Mars, atmosphere and plants growing. Underground living so artificial atmosphere can be controlled

1937 Germans were on Mars.

Our battle is not right against left, but spiritual against non-spiritual

Mars and Venus are not what they told us it was, Domes and creatures that moved were photographed.

@59m Belief that Humans are very dangerous, earth is too dangerous. Some believe Humans should be annihilated. Antartica, Nazi visiting for slavery, 1938-1944 as a paradise in natural caverns. Reptilians were there and in ancient times, Antartica was green and lush 10500bc

1:02h Dark Knight explained, huge cylinders put under the ground in Canada to control the Black Knight to anchor the earth.

60kil w 100 kil long to prevent another pole shift. Electric Magnetic pole will shift then go back.

1:04:5h The Nazi Base on the dark side of the moon photograph.


has a worm hole to an underground base. . . persons with black eyes.

1:09:3h What is Cern?

1:11h why change Pluto to a non planet status?

1:12h there is something found in space that are artificial watching earth, also the moon is artificial. Those who want to change what is going on here on earth. NAZI's did win, controlled America and Europe since WWII, . . . eventually we will be a blend of communism and Nazism.

the big change will be 2024, everyone will be told who is reall in control of this world. Ukraine is the precursor . . .

1:19h unpredictable whether positive or negative

other factors we are not locked into one reality of the timeline. Humans have technology that rivals the alien's technology.




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668e89 No.109639

File: 9d7871ecfe721f0⋯.png (526.2 KB,909x818,909:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969924 (241547ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina's Milei says shutting central bank 'non-negotiable'

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Argentina's Milei says shutting central bank 'non-negotiable'

BUENOS AIRES, Nov 24 (Reuters) - Argentina's President-elect Javier Milei said on Friday that the closure of the country's central bank, a signature campaign pledge, was a "non-negotiable matter", according to a statement from his office posted on social media platform X.

The comments, in response to what he called "false rumors", come as the outsider libertarian economist races to put together his team ahead of taking office on Dec. 10, with some signs that he is picking a more moderate Cabinet that expected.

Argentina's social security administration ANSES, a key institution given Milei's pledge to slash state spending and subsidies, will be lead by economist Osvaldo Giordano from the key central Cordoba region, the statement added.

That marks a shift from a previous plan that Milei would appoint a close ally to lead the administration.

Horacio Marin, a private energy sector executive, was also confirmed as the incoming chief of state oil company YPF.

Milei faces major hurdles to implement his more radical reform plans, which include dollarizing the economy, shutting the central bank and privatizing state companies like YPF, which will take time if they can be done at all.

His libertarian coalition has a limited number of seats in Congress and no provincial governors. Milei also has to juggle demands from the more mainstream conservative bloc, whose public backing was key to him winning the run-off election last week.

Reporting by Gabriel Araujo and Adam Jourdan

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668e89 No.109640

File: 29d433e38b42d60⋯.png (573.25 KB,634x797,634:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969956 (241557ZNOV23) Notable: Is US on the Verge of 'Catastrophic' UFO Leak? What We Know

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Is US on the Verge of 'Catastrophic' UFO Leak? What We Know

Nov 22, 2023 at 12:44 PM EST

A retired U.S. Army Colonel has said continuing to hide information about UFOs could have "catastrophic" consequences for America, amid new claims that government officials agreed to hold back top-secret research 20 years ago.

Colonel Karl E. Nell called on a Stanford University conference for a "campaign plan" that would force greater transparency and a "Manhattan project" to reverse engineer recovered UFOs or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday.

Washington insiders also heard how in 2004, a CIA thinktank, the Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Pentagon, broadly agreed that information about UFOs should not be declassified, deeming the societal risks too great.

The Mail based its report on the first symposium of the Sol Foundation, a nonprofit calling for "serious, well-funded, and cutting-edge academic research into the nature of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and their broad cosmological and political implications."

The event on Saturday heard from Col. Nell and former CIA scientist Hal Puthoff. Puthoff made the allegations about the 2004 thinktank discussions, which he said had erred toward not disclosing UFO research details to the public.

Slides presented by Col. Nell and published by the Mail showed Nell's hopes that disclosure about UAP would be achieved by October 1, 2030, admitting there was "risk" that his timeline targets could fall behind.

In the slides, Nell argued his plan, if achieved, would see "Proper Oversight Restored," "Catastrophic Disclosure Avoid," and "Scientific Understanding Advanced."

More specifically, Nell advocated for "restoration of proper Federal government oversight over all UAP legacy (and ongoing) program efforts" and "transformative" research and technology programs.

On LinkedIn, Nell lists his most recent position as "Modernization Advisor to Vice Chief of Staff of the Army." In response to a Newsweek comment request, the Army Futures Command said in an email that Nell is no longer assigned to the Army Futures Command.

Among the Sol Foundation's other speakers were former U.S. Air Force veteran David Grusch, who testified before Congress earlier this year under oath that "the U.S. government is operating with secrecy—above Congressional oversight" over UAP.

Grusch told the symposium: "Let us advocate for transparency, not for ourselves, but for the generations to come, as we embark on a journey toward a more enlightened and interconnected world."

A June 2023 article by The Debrief stated that Nell worked with Grusch on the National Reconnaissance Office's UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022, and referred to him as "beyond reproach".

The Mail's report on the Sol Foundation event did not directly quote Nell's concerns around "catastrophic disclosure" but summarized that preventing the release of information could sow discord from the likes of independent actors or U.S. foreign rivals.

Newsweek has contacted the Sol Foundation and the Pentagon via email for comment.



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668e89 No.109641

File: f19bde607e3831e⋯.jpg (269.37 KB,717x1134,239:378,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1eeaba3152927e0⋯.jpg (524.05 KB,1456x1712,91:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19969960 (241559ZNOV23) Notable: Algerian migrant stabs Irish children. Irish newspapers the next day:

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Algerian migrant stabs Irish children. Irish newspapers the next day:


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668e89 No.109642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970030 (241616ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Threatens to Jail Cops for Civil Asset Forfeiture Games

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Judge Threatens to Jail Cops for Civil Asset Forfeiture Games - Ep. 7.301


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668e89 No.109643

File: 70b83b32693cb3d⋯.png (362.77 KB,655x733,655:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970036 (241618ZNOV23) Notable: Joe Rogan grills UFO whistleblower David Grusch on alien entities as ex-intel officer says ‘variety interacting with us’

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Joe Rogan grills UFO whistleblower David Grusch on alien entities as ex-intel officer says ‘variety interacting with us’

Updated: 19:53 ET, Nov 22 2023

A GOVERNMENT whistleblower has sat down with chart-topping podcaster Joe Rogan to discuss UFOs and aliens.

In June, David Grusch made headlines after claiming that the US had found vehicles of non-human origins.

“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” the former intelligence officer with top-secret clearance said.

Grusch said that after his discovery, he notified Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General about the program, which he claimed the unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) task force was denied access to.

Now, he has appeared as a guest on Joe Rogan's show to discuss all that he saw in his time holding top-secret government clearance.

Rogan first talked to Grusch about the "entities," he had refered to in the past, asking just how many might be out there.

"There is a variety and we have a certain number of different things," responded Grusch.

He went on to explain that the total amount of these entities is not presently calculatable but confirmed that they are interacting with Earth.

The former intelligence officer then shifted to explain more details about ''biologically" studying the entities.

"You're looking at it and it's like, I don't even understand the physiology at all. It's like what the heck, it's like way different," explained Grusch.

"We have some idea not a complete picture," he described of the government's understanding of the entities.

Grusch then divulged that he was present when the physiological descriptions of some of these entities were presented to government officials.

"They went into all those details and stuff and I remember, you know, some of the professional staff members were like 'whoa'," recalled Grusch.

"Like a total World bubble got burst right there for a lot of people."

The former agent explained that what these officials saw was a driver for the support behind the Schumer Amendment.

The amendment was proposed by Senators Chuck Schumer and Mike Rounds in July to alter the National Defense Authorization Act.

The Amendment was meant to "mandate government records related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), more commonly known as UFOs, carry the presumption of disclosure."

Grusch himself has to be careful with what he reveals due to laws restricting his transparency; multiple times throughout the interview he expressed he had, "to be careful."


Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), recently spoke on some of the claims Grusch has made regarding UFOs and entities interacting with Earth.

"I can’t comment on anything he’s told other people. The only way we can get anything that he has shared to other people is if he gives permission to them to share it because he’s protected under those same laws," Kirkpatrick told NewsNation.

"But I have a whole range. I’ve got almost 40 other people that have come in and provided a lot of rich information that we’ve been investigating and crossreferencing and researching and trying to figure out the truth. And again, that’s what I’m saying."

Since Grusch came forward, the AARO hasn't definitively stated that he is wrong but Kirkpatrick hasn't verified any of the claims.

Kirkpatrick said more information about UFOs and what the US government has uncovered will soon be made public.

"We’ve got a package of a lot of new material that we’ve got ready for release," he said.

"We’ve uncovered some things that we are having declassified. Not just operational videos, but historical documents."

Kirkpatrick described the information as “educational material that will help inform the public."


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668e89 No.109644

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970081 (241626ZNOV23) Notable: New retirement extensions allow the Army to retain critical talent

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New retirement extensions allow the Army to retain critical talent

U.S. Army Colonel Paul Schmitt, a Foreign Area Officer (FAO) stationed in Kyiv, Ukraine, was planning to retire after 30 years of service. Schmitt serves as the Army Attaché with the Defense Attaché Office (DAO) at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. The DAO represents the Department of Defense to the host-nation government and military and assists and advises the U.S. ambassador on military matters.

With Schmitt’s impending retirement and no one qualified to replace him, the Army faced a critical capability shortage. A new authority granted by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2019 allows the Army to authorize select officers to serve up to 40 years. Under previous authorities, officers could only be retained no more than 5 years based on their time in grade and service. When offered to extend his MRD, Schmitt agreed to postpone his retirement plans and continue to serve.


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668e89 No.109645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970093 (241629ZNOV23) Notable: RepAdamSchiff twats

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Nov 23, 20236:03PM UTC


Nov 23, 2023 ·6:08PM UTC


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668e89 No.109646

File: 07771c91616b3d2⋯.jpeg (665.8 KB,1201x606,1201:606,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4db5a7956bd9bc4⋯.jpeg (574.26 KB,1326x611,102:47,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e7e09a3d81c840e⋯.jpeg (321.26 KB,905x521,905:521,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8042df8252d4761⋯.gif (2.2 MB,498x363,166:121,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970105 (241632ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag: Europe-RAF IN at Rzsesow/Eastern Med: Italians Spanish left Tel Aviv and two Egyptian locations

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planeFag: Europe-RAF IN at Rzsesow/Eastern Med: Italians Spanish left Tel Aviv and two Egyptian locations

Starting off in Poland we have RAF RRR6604 C17 Globemaster arriving at Rzsesow Airport from RAF Brize Norton (home of RAF) and likely delivering moar toys for Zelensky however that is pretty much done and the media still refuses to admit it. I think Secretary of Defense Austin’s trip was him telling Zelensky it’s over as his call sign was SAM409 (409 is a household cleaner) and not a coincidence that was used as he tasked as the ‘clean up’ act preparing muh Ukraine to be split up-the Russians don’t want to occupy western Ukraine as it was always really eastern Poland for hundreds of years-so eventually that will be a ‘neutral’ zone cuz the Polish don’t wanna hafta clean all that up and that border wall between Belarus and Poland will likely be extended south

Italian AF IAM1496 G5Defence Minister Guido Crosettoand Spanish AF AME4505 Falcon 900 departed Tel Aviv Intl-Spanish stopped at Cairo after Tel Aviv depart

Italy, Israel concerned about escalation to Lebanon-Crosetto

(You can see this exact AC in the articles picture-cap #3 Italy and Israel defense minister shaking handsIAM1496 G5 is behind them-grey AC)


Spanish AF AME4594 A310 departed Arish, Egypt on Sinai Peninsula

Libyans left Istanbul 5ALBY Embraer 135- they have been to Istanbul and Ankara several times over last week and heading NW so not back to Libya

FORTE10 US Navy Global Hawk drone off of Lebanon and east of Cyprus

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668e89 No.109647

File: 5bbea6615166fa3⋯.png (151.85 KB,781x490,781:490,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970122 (241637ZNOV23) Notable: Data from Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveal gamma radiation pulses from Sagittarius A*

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Data from Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveal gamma radiation pulses from Sagittarius A*

NOVEMBER 24, 2023

A pair of astrophysicists at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico has found, via study of data from the low-Earth orbiting Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, regular gamma radiation pulses emanating from around the black hole (at the center of the Milky Way galaxy Sagittarius A*). Gustavo Magallanes-Guijón and Sergio Mendoza have written a paper describing their findings, published on the arXiv preprint server.

Prior research has shown that there is a relatively stable supermassive black hole near the center of the Milky Way galaxy—it has been named Sagittarius A*. Prior research has also shown that, unlike many other supermassive black holes at the center of other galaxies, Sagittarius A* is not actively pulling in hordes of materials, nor is it shooting out a lot of jets of plasma.

In this new effort, the research pair has found something else unique about it, though: A blob of gas orbiting it at a distance similar to that of Mercury from the sun.

Back in 2021, scientists were able to identify gamma radiation arriving here on Earth as coming from Sagittarius A*. Scientists have known since that time that such radiation is not coming from the black hole itself—black holes do not emit radiation—but from something close to it. In this new effort, the researchers sought to learn more about the source of such radiation.

The work by the researchers involved obtaining publicly available data captured by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope for the period June to December 2022 and then analyzing it. Their analysis involved processing and searching for patterns, particularly those that occurred periodically. In so doing, they found one.

They discovered that every 76.32 minutes, a pulse of gamma radiation emitted from something close to Sagittarius A* makes its way to Earth. Such pulses, they note, have a periodicity of almost exactly half of the X-ray flares that have been recorded also coming from near Sagittarius A*, suggesting that the two are connected.

The research pair suggests that the source of both is likely a blob of gas orbiting Sagittarius A*—one that is traveling at nearly 30% of the speed of light. They also suggest that the blob is emitting across multiple wavelengths and flares periodically as it moves.


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668e89 No.109648

File: 1fce83fa733b52f⋯.png (1.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 92e09e3846acbba⋯.png (425.11 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970149 (241645ZNOV23) Notable: China Launches Fifth Military Force – ‘Near-Space Command’

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China Launches Fifth Military Force – ‘Near-Space Command’

NOVEMBER 23, 2023

China has created a new military force to develop capabilities for a contested zone deemed crucial for determining the outcome of future battles.

Dubbed the “Near-Space Command,” the service will serve as the fifth force of the People’s Liberation Army (PLAS) alongside the army, navy, air force, and rocket force.

According to researchers at the National University of Defence Technology in Hunan province, the new force will be responsible for defending the country against attacks that utilize the lower boundary of space.

It will be tasked with developing and deploying solar-powered drones and spy balloons for high-latitude surveillance and intelligence gathering.

The Chinese researchers clarified that the near-space combat force is still in development and that relevant units are not yet mature.

“Combat operations [in the near-space] have not been standardized. The understanding of near-space combat command needs to be deepened,” they said, as quoted by South China Morning Post.

Using Hypersonic Weapons

During a war, the Near-Space Force will have full control of China’s hypersonic weapons, including those in the inventory of the other four branches of the military.

The near-space area is too thin to support aircraft operations, so the new service will utilize weapons that travel more than five times the speed of sound and operate above 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Earth.

In order to effectively do that, Beijing will reportedly integrate a professional hypersonic weapons team for smoother operations in conflicts.

Together, the new force will be responsible for targeting heavily-protected military assets and disrupting enemy war machines in the early stages of war.

China will tap commanders who possess impeccable decision-making skills and have a deep understanding of international strategy and national policies.


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668e89 No.109649

File: dec5fe263620637⋯.png (2.15 MB,1343x893,1343:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970166 (241652ZNOV23) Notable: China conducts launch to test satellite internet capabilities

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China conducts launch to test satellite internet capabilities

November 23, 2023

HELSINKI — China sent an undisclosed number of satellites into orbit Thursday to test satellite internet technologies.

A Long March 2D rocket using a Yuanzheng-3 upper stage lifted off at 5:00 a.m. Eastern (1000 UTC) Nov. 23 from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China. The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., (CASC), only announced the nature of the payload when it declared the launch successful.

No details of the launch payloads were revealed. Xinhua tersely described the launch as carrying a single “experiment satellite for satellite internet technologies.”

A launch statement from the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) however suggests that separate satellites were developed by SAST and the Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (IAMCAS) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) respectively.

Space object tracking from the U.S. Space Force’s space domain awareness teams will later reveal the number of objects associated with the launch that have been cataloged in orbit.

A pair of satellites under the same name launched from Jiuquan spaceport July 9. That launch used a Long March 2C rocket with a YZ-1S upper stage. Xinhua again characterized the launch as a single satellite, yet two entered orbit.

The most likely application for the satellites is testing for China’s national satellite internet megaconstellation project, named Guowang.

The project envisions placing 13,000 satellites in low Earth orbit, partly in response to Starlink and other planned LEO megaconstellations. SpaceX has launched 5,000 Starlink satellites since 2019 and is seeking international approvals which could see it expand to 40,000 Starlinks in orbit.

IAMCAS and the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), another major subsidiary of CASC, were previously understood to be two entities contracted to manufacture satellites for Guowang.

CASC had stated earlier in the year that it intended to begin launching batches of satellites for Guowang. This would potentially be using a Long March 5B rocket modified to use a Yuanzheng-2 upper stage. The Long March 8 is also being considered for high-density launches of satellites for Guowang. Chinese commercial launch actors say they are also vying for contracts related to the project.

A communications megaconstellation would not only provide telecommunications and internet coverage domestically, but also potentially position China as a provider of global public goods, a commercial competitor to other systems, and, among other things, provide military and government communications that would be hard to degrade.

China is also looking at building a space infrastructure system that would integrate communications with navigation and positioning and remote sensing.

Meanwhile the government of Shanghai has expressed backing for another broadband megaconstellation. That project would consist of an initial 1,296 satellites.

Thursday’s launch was China’s 54th of 2023. CASC stated early in the year it would aim to launch more than 60 times. It has so far completed 40 launches. Commercial actors have accounted for the other 14 orbital launches so far this year.


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668e89 No.109650

File: 7470f56ff5c2ff7⋯.png (612.52 KB,1024x681,1024:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970218 (241706ZNOV23) Notable: Space Force Reports 2 Suicides This Year, Marking the First in the Service's Short History

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Space Force Reports 2 Suicides This Year, Marking the First in the Service's Short History

Tuesday, Nov 21 2023

The Space Force has reached a sobering new milestone as it ends its fourth year in operation: the first two suspected deaths by suicide in its ranks.

The guardians’ deaths, which occurred between April and June, mark the first time the Space Force has reported suicides in the Defense Department’s quarterly tallies since the service was founded in December 2019. The periodic updates include confirmed suicides as well as deaths that are still under investigation.

It’s a tragic statistic for the smallest and newest branch of the armed forces, which has sought to craft flexible, empowering quality-of-life policies for the nearly 9,000 troops in its care.

“We are committed to fostering a culture that encourages help-seeking behavior and dispels the perceived stigma of seeking mental health treatment,” a spokesperson for the Department of the Air Force, which oversees the Space Force, told Air Force Times Monday.

The other branches of the U.S. armed forces typically log at least a dozen suicides every three months.

Around 25 of every 100,000 active duty troops die by suicide each year, according to Pentagon data. That’s compared to the national rate of 15 suicides per 100,000 Americans, as reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Air Force, which saw 91 suicides in 2022, has already logged about half that many in 2023, according to Pentagon data. The service reported 46 presumed suicides across the active duty, Reserve and Guard components in the first half of 2023, eight more than in the same time period one year earlier.

Twenty-four airmen were thought to have died by suicide from January to March this year, plus another 22 from April to June, the Pentagon’s most recent quarterly report showed.

The number has continued to climb in the third quarter of 2023.

A spokesperson for Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, confirmed Wednesday the service is investigating the deaths of three airmen who died in apparent suicides in October. Airmen have often criticized how the far-north base handles suicides as troops struggle with its isolation and long winters.

Minot is “actively working to provide extensive mental health and resilience resources to struggling individuals,” Capt. Christopher Thibeaux-Moore said. He declined to answer to which squadrons the airmen belonged at the base, which manages a portion of the country’s underground nuclear missiles and B-52 Stratofortress bombers.

“There are a variety of resources in place to provide support systems for our airmen and families in times of need,” 5th Bomb Wing Commander Col. Daniel Hoadley said in an emailed statement. “We worked with higher headquarters to make extra chaplains, counselors and mental health professionals available to support those who are grieving.”

A counselor is embedded with the squadrons affected by the recent deaths, Thibeaux-Moore said, and the base has bolstered a local peer-to-peer support program for those who might be at risk of suicide.

“The loss of any airman affects us as a team,” 91st Missile Wing Commander Col. Kenneth McGhee said in the emailed statement. “We must continue to advocate for various support systems through the Air Force and the local community to ensure that those who need to seek help are able to do so.”

The Department of the Air Force has struggled to curb suicides in its ranks for years, and in 2019 briefly paused daily operations to encourage unit commanders to discuss mental health with their airmen. After falling from 110 that year to 72 in 2021, Air Force suicides are again on the rise.

Service leaders have encouraged troops to seek help for poor mental health — including taking advantage of expedited appointments made possible by the “Brandon Act” reforms — and invested in other suicide-prevention measures ranging from gun locks to local intervention training programs.

As the Space Force looks to carve out its own culture, further differentiating itself from the Air Force from which it came, it has not begun to explore a service-specific set of suicide-prevention initiatives or support services, the spokesperson said.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has pledged to pursue a multifaceted approach to bolstering suicide prevention and response in the military.

“Suicide prevention is a long-term effort,” he wrote in a Sept. 28 memo. “Change will not happen overnight, but we have no time to spare. The health and well-being of these extraordinary public servants and their families is an obligation that I take seriously and personally.”


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668e89 No.109651

File: c732cab87e4435b⋯.png (178.5 KB,318x402,53:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970225 (241709ZNOV23) Notable: Space Force Reports 2 Suicides This Year, Marking the First in the Service's Short History

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A way to end Suicide would be to


END DEI and this multinational totalitarian communist fascism

deactivate all non tenth amendment agencies.

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668e89 No.109652

File: 61186e6a9b48bc0⋯.png (715.92 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970258 (241720ZNOV23) Notable: Global tyrannical government isn’t a distant, future threat. It’s a clear and present danger

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will poast here because bread is probably slow

Global tyrannical government isn’t a distant, future threat. It’s a clear and present danger

Individuals can counteract the globalist agenda by learning more about the treaties and agreements and conventions that are increasingly governing our lives, parlaying that knowledge into an effective movement to exit the WHO and the UN.


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668e89 No.109653

File: ec76963b56f46c0⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,320x576,5:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970270 (241722ZNOV23) Notable: Concentration Camps, Watchtowers going up in Ireland?

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Concentration Camps

Watchtowers going up in Ireland 👀

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668e89 No.109654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970273 (241723ZNOV23) Notable: #24516

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#24516 >>109626

>>109630 Part III: Hezbollah’s Clandestine Terror Wing in America: the Michigan Mystery

>>109627, >>109628 United States v. United States of America

>>109631 @gatewaypunditThe Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election

>>109632 After China's Xi visit to San Francisco, business owners are complaining that the city is reverting into a den for homelessness and drug use.

>>109633 UnitedHealthcare accused of using AI that denies critical medical care coverage

>>109634 Declining response rates to official surveys raise the possibility that government and central bank officials have been making decisions based on flawed data.

>>109635 High-energy 'sun goddess' particle opens possibilities for new physics, exciting scientists

>>109636 it matters not the HUMAN BEING'S NAME who tells LIES about another HUMAN.

>>109637 China's youngest space station crew send home spectacular views from space (video)

>>109638 Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow

>>109639 Argentina's Milei says shutting central bank 'non-negotiable'

>>109640 Is US on the Verge of 'Catastrophic' UFO Leak? What We Know

>>109641 Algerian migrant stabs Irish children. Irish newspapers the next day:

>>109642 Judge Threatens to Jail Cops for Civil Asset Forfeiture Games

>>109643 Joe Rogan grills UFO whistleblower David Grusch on alien entities as ex-intel officer says ‘variety interacting with us’

>>109644 New retirement extensions allow the Army to retain critical talent

>>109645 RepAdamSchiff twats

>>109646 planeFag: Europe-RAF IN at Rzsesow/Eastern Med: Italians Spanish left Tel Aviv and two Egyptian locations

>>109647 Data from Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveal gamma radiation pulses from Sagittarius A*

>>109648 China Launches Fifth Military Force – ‘Near-Space Command’

>>109649 China conducts launch to test satellite internet capabilities

>>109650, >>109651 Space Force Reports 2 Suicides This Year, Marking the First in the Service's Short History

>>109652 Global tyrannical government isn’t a distant, future threat. It’s a clear and present danger

>>109653 Concentration Camps, Watchtowers going up in Ireland?


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668e89 No.109655

File: 7475ec89732acda⋯.png (960.88 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970285 (241725ZNOV23) Notable: #24517

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>baker will be AFK at some point

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668e89 No.109656

File: 0da002cc3039f29⋯.jpg (62.44 KB,1024x766,512:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970328 (241733ZNOV23) Notable: Conor McGregor UNLOADS on Nasty Irish Lib Journalist Who Smears Opponents of Mass Migration

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“The Most Divisive of All is the Weak Man” – MMA Champ Conor McGregor UNLOADS on Nasty Irish Lib Journalist Who Smears Opponents of Mass Migration

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown.

There are reports that the perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant.

Following the attack an angry Irishman harassed a liberal reporter in Ireland after a migrant stabbed 5 people including three kids.

The video was first posted at RichTea36 on Twitter-X a user who has only posted two tweets in two years.

Later in the day MMA Champion Conor McGregor retweeted the video adding this comment,

Conor McGregor: Isn’t that something. The absolute picture of weak and feeble. The most divisive of all is the weak man. One of the most horrific crimes this nation ever seen has occurred, we do not care anymore what you sad cases have got to say. In a war you are nothing. We are not backing down, we are only warming up. There will be no backing down until real change is implemented for the safety of our nation. We are not losing any more of our woman and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place. Call it what you want. We do not care. May God help us all. Ireland for victory.


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668e89 No.109657

File: 4d00c1d1a503ddf⋯.mp4 (6.18 MB,512x848,32:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970353 (241737ZNOV23) Notable: Who is doing the looting? The Irish or the (male, fighting age) Migrants?

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The Riotors are migrants

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668e89 No.109658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970380 (241747ZNOV23) Notable: The Sea Organization of Scientologists have signed a billion-year pledge of service to Scientology

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The Sea Organization (also known as the Sea Org) is a core group of Church of Scientology staff members who have signed a billion-year pledge of service to Scientology.[3]: 53  All Scientology management organizations are controlled exclusively by members of the Sea Org.[4] David Miscavige, the de facto leader of Scientology, is the highest-ranking Sea Org officer, holding the rank of captain.[1]: 139 

The Sea Org has been described as a paramilitary organization[5] and as a private naval force,[6] having operated several vessels in its past and displaying a maritime tradition. Some ex-members and scholars have described the Sea Org as a totalitarian organization marked by intensive surveillance and a lack of freedom.[7]: 125 



Watch the water.

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668e89 No.109659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970388 (241752ZNOV23) Notable: @FBIPittsburgh Hurricane Man Pleads Guilty to Bank Fraud

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Hurricane Man Pleads Guilty to Bank Fraud


Nov 24, 2023 · 2:00 PM UTC


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668e89 No.109660

File: 28708398967c7cc⋯.png (1.13 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970395 (241754ZNOV23) Notable: Driver taken into custody after smashing car into New York subway station entrance

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Driver taken into custody after smashing car into New York subway station entrance

UPDATED: 11:43 EST, 24 November 2023

A driver has been taken into custody after a car crashed into a subway entrance in New York City on Friday morning.

Reports emerged that a car had ploughed into a subway stop in Washington Heights around 9:26 am.

Police rushed to the scene and expressed concern that the driver may be stuck inside the vehicle. An ambulance was called to the scene at 9:30am.

Just before 10am the vehicle was removed from the scene, police said.

A spokesperson for the NYPD told DailyMail.com told DailyMail.com 'Officers responded to 911 call at 157 street.

'Upon arrival officers found a vehicle had collided with a subway entrance.

'There have been no reported injuries, the driver of the vehicle has been taken into custody and and an investigation is ongoing.

'No charges have been filed at this time.'


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668e89 No.109661

File: a69dee0614cfc63⋯.png (569.86 KB,634x418,317:209,Clipboard.png)

File: afa4473f1df8ad1⋯.png (531.08 KB,634x418,317:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 57a33f37c672892⋯.png (383.1 KB,634x420,317:210,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ff60d84b9361e2⋯.png (342.59 KB,634x419,634:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bfd4ae943e0c18⋯.png (496.17 KB,634x420,317:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970413 (241800ZNOV23) Notable: Kim Jong Un celebrates North Korea's 'new era of space power' with his daughter and scientists after successfully launching spy satellite

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Leather-clad Kim Jong Un celebrates North Korea's 'new era of space power' with his daughter and scientists after successfully launching spy satellite

UPDATED: 07:54 EST, 24 November 2023

Kim Jong Un celebrated a 'new era of space power' with his daughter on Friday after North Korea successfully put a military spy satellite into orbit.

The dictator was also joined by scientists and state media as Pyongyang launched the 'Malligyong-1' on Tuesday.

Images released by Pyongyang showed Kim praising scientists and workers at the National Aerospace Technology Administration while accompanied by his young daughter Ju Ae.

Wearing a black leather coat, a grinning Kim was seen waving at the uniformed workers, all of whom appeared to be enthusiastically cheering him and Ju Ae.

There is speculation that Kim is preparing his daughter to take the reigns of power when he dies.

His daughter even shares his distinctive chubby cheeks and the family resemblance is uncanny.

Kim almost never appears in public with his children, so experts believe it's highly significant that Ju-ae has now joined him at events.

State media released images of Kim enjoying a reception with NATA workers, top military and political officials, and his daughter and wife, Ri Sol Ju.

Kim's family members and other reception attendees were seen wearing matching T-shirts that said 'NATA' in English.

All of the attendees 'enthusiastically cheered expressing thanks to the great father who finally ensured the successful launch', KCNA said.

Kim showed 'such paternal love for the space scientists', the state mouthpiece added.

The launch was North Korea's third attempt at securing a military eye in the sky after failures in May and August.

Wthin hours of the launch, it was claimed that Kim was already reviewing images of US military bases in Guam.

The launch was 'a full-fledged exercise of the right to self-defence', Kim said during a visit to the national space agency, according to Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency.

The spy satellite will help protect the North from 'dangerous and aggressive moves of the hostile forces', he said, adding that it had pioneered 'a new era of a space power' coming to the country.

South Korea confirmed that the launch was successful but said it was too early to determine if the satellite was functioning as claimed by the North.

After Tuesday's launch, South Korea partially suspended a five-year-old military accord with the North and deployed 'surveillance and reconnaissance assets' to the border.

Pyongyang responded by calling Seoul's moves 'reckless' and saying it would also suspend the deal in full, adding that it 'will never be bound' by the agreement again.

Experts have said putting a working spy satellite into orbit would improve North Korea's intelligence-gathering capabilities, particularly over South Korea, and provide crucial data in any military conflict.


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668e89 No.109662

File: 644e696eae4a970⋯.png (844.16 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970416 (241801ZNOV23) Notable: RE: Q* algorithm search 'Q-learning'

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Q* algorithm search

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668e89 No.109663

File: 7431dd6c486032c⋯.png (957.56 KB,731x816,43:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970419 (241801ZNOV23) Notable: Manila 'sleepwalking 'into Washington's plans poses a threat to regional peace and stability: China Daily editorial

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...ass in a lion's skin...

nice word choice


Although Manila claims the three-day joint maritime and air patrols of the Philippine and US forces in the South China Sea aim to "enhance regional security" and "foster a seamless partnership with the United States in safeguarding our shared interests", the contradiction between the two objectives should be evident to all.

The joint patrols that finished on Thursday were part of a series of military cooperation moves by the Philippines and the United States since Ferdinand Marcos Jr took office as Philippine president in June last year. While he pretends his administration is engaged in balanced diplomacy, in actuality it adopts a pro-US stance, with the aim of the Philippines being an ass in a lion's skin so as to gain the upper hand in its long-festering maritime disputes with China.

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668e89 No.109664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970430 (241806ZNOV23) Notable: Who is doing the looting? The Irish or the (male, fighting age) Migrants?

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here are some vids from /pol/


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668e89 No.109665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970436 (241807ZNOV23) Notable: Agency drops Susan Sarandon for saying Jews ‘getting taste’ of what Muslims go through

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Agency drops Susan Sarandon for saying Jews ‘getting taste’ of what Muslims go through

Actors are not allowed to free think


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668e89 No.109666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970438 (241808ZNOV23) Notable: Musk on Twit-X posts

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Elon Musk


More than 10 per human on average






The posts on 𝕏 gets ~ 100 billion impressions every day.


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668e89 No.109667

File: 20fe9c4905328e0⋯.jpg (20.06 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970448 (241811ZNOV23) Notable: Californians To Pay Billions To Cover Costs Of New $25 Minimum Health-Care Wage Law

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Get out Cal

Californians To Pay Billions To Cover Costs Of New $25 Minimum Health-Care Wage Law

California analysts and health care experts are warning that a new law mandating $25 per hour minimum wages in the industry will cost more than $4 billion per year in state and federal expenditures while raising prices for patients and having additional economic impacts totaling billions of dollars annually.

“Increasing the pay for ...  health care workers will cause an additional financial burden on organizations already facing financial challenges,” Genaro Grajeda, CEO of HealthPact—a California-based company offering professional services to health care providers, told The Epoch Times.

Signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on the last day to pass legislation this year, Senate Bill 525, authored by Sen. María Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles), raises the minimum wage for such employees, including janitors and gift shop workers, from about $15 to $25 by June 1, 2025 for employers with more than 10,000 employees. Others with government ties have until 2033 to make the change.

Some see the increases unnecessary, as wages for such workers have grown over the last three years due to high demand and lack of available skilled workers in the state.

“The health care industry has had a drastic shift in employment as a result of the pandemic causing a labor shortage in various non-clinical areas,” Mr. Grajeda said.

“Many organizations have already increased the salary for entry-level positions in order to meet the demand and organizational need.”

Such wages increased across the board because workers were switching to hospitality, fast food, and other industries, he said.  According to researchers at the University of California–San Francisco, the state could face a shortage of more than 600,000 health care workers by 2030.

Others said the new law will change the industry, both in terms of workers and patients, as budgets will become strained.


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668e89 No.109668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970453 (241813ZNOV23) Notable: Conor McGregor UNLOADS on Nasty Irish Lib Journalist Who Smears Opponents of Mass Migration

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Contrary to Macgregor’s assessment, Biden is not escalating. In demanding that Israel allow aid trucks across the Egyptian border uninspected, and restore Gaza’s electricity, water, and internet, the president is dismantling Israel’s blockade. With Israeli troops on the verge of bisecting Gaza Wednesday, Biden called for a ceasefire. These are actions characteristic not of an ally but an adversary. And offering Iran negotiations for the purpose of legalizing its nuclear weapons program and giving it access to hundreds of billions of dollars are signs of friendship, not enmity.

And it’s working. The Biden administration warned Israel that it would stop supplying weapons if they were used to arm civilians, even to defend themselves against another Oct. 7 massacre.

Macgregor worked briefly in Trump’s administration, and thought he, too, was headed for war with Iran after the president killed Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s external terror unit, the Quds Force. Soleimani was behind an attack on an Iraqi airbase that killed one American contractor and then an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. He was plotting more operations against Americans, and had been responsible for the deaths of thousands of U.S. servicemen in Iraq. It wasn’t complicated for Trump: If you kill Americans, you die.

Some of Trump’s base don’t like that about him. They praise him for starting no new wars but that was an effect of his being good at foreign policy: He had a clear vision of the national interest, he supported allies, and he was unpredictably violent, and sometimes emotional. He wanted to kill Bashar Assad, too, after he’d seen pictures of children murdered by the Syrian president, until Defense Secretary James Mattis talked him out of it.

Trump’s assessment of the Oct. 7 massacre shows that the man who was the immediate target of every information operation over the last seven years nonetheless sees the world clearly. “This is a fight between civilization and savagery, decency and depravity, and between good and evil,” Trump told a Jewish organization recently. “There is no comparison between a group that worships death and a group that cherishes life.” He added that every death in the conflict was on Hamas alone, and then seemed to go off script for a moment. “I think you really have to add in the word ‘Iran’—Iran, people don’t want to talk about it.”

Trump was referring primarily to the Biden White House, but he might also have been referring to some of his supporters. Trump is right. The best way for America to avoid entering foreign wars is to get the details straight, or else relaying White House and Iranian talking points will obscure the factor most likely to lead to Armageddon—that the Biden administration is determined to give Iran’s murderous regime the bomb.

It’s nearly impossible to believe it and most people won’t until it’s too late. The American right can’t afford self-pity and self-delusion.


It's a good article. I'm not sure why it's become a target for shills.


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668e89 No.109669

File: 5eaf776447ce09d⋯.png (48.58 KB,590x423,590:423,Clipboard.png)

File: e0011ba4f78f912⋯.jpg (69.79 KB,614x406,307:203,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fef0abb4cafb846⋯.jpg (60.08 KB,581x430,581:430,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970457 (241814ZNOV23) Notable: ADL's leader has curious praise for Elon Musk

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The Biden administration in May released a groundbreaking U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism that for the first time laid out a comprehensive federal response to antisemitism. In the wake of Hamas’s horrific attack on Israel, antisemitic incidents have soared more than 300 percent, according to the Anti-Defamation League.


Anti-Defamation League’s leader has curious praise for Elon Musk

The CEO of one of the world’s most prominent pro-Jewish groups applauded the leadership of someone who espouses antisemitism.


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668e89 No.109670

File: e50f54d15e49f1e⋯.png (251.5 KB,499x639,499:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 2789435fc510a37⋯.png (393.64 KB,749x596,749:596,Clipboard.png)

File: aa65c1ce7b4085a⋯.png (361.19 KB,747x574,747:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970503 (241829ZNOV23) Notable: WHO Recommends Masks, Social Distancing In China Amid "Mystery Pneumonia Outbreak"

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WHO Recommends Masks, Social Distancing In China Amid Mystery Pneumonia Outbreak

The World Health Organization (WHO) is recommending that people in China wear masks, socially distance and stay home if they're unwell, as cases of an 'undiagnosed pneumonia' has been detected in hospitals in Beijing and Liaoning - located roughly 500 miles northeast of the capital.

According to reports, healthcare facilities are "overwhelmed" with sick children, whose schools are on the verge of suspending classes. Meanwhile, the situation prompted an alert from ProMed, the disease surveillance system which similarly sounded the alarm when COVID-19 was an emerging mystery infection in Wuhan towards the end of 2019.

The WHO, which of course helped China cover-up during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, says 'no unusual or novel' pathogens have been detected, Reuters reports.

The State Council said influenza would peak this winter and spring and mycoplasma pneumoniae infection would continue to be high in some areas in future. It also warned of the risk of a rebound in COVID infections.

"All localities should strengthen information reporting on infectious diseases to ensure information is reported in a timely and accurate manner," the State Council said in a statement.

The situation came into the spotlight this week when the WHO asked China for more information, citing a report by the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) on clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia in children.

Both China and the WHO have faced questions about the transparency of reporting on the earliest COVID-19 cases that emerged in the central city of Wuhan in late 2019.

Since the beginning of October, the Beijing CDC says that more than 3,500 cases of "respiratory infection" had been admitted into the Beijing's Children's Hospital, Radio Free Asia (funded by the US State Department) reported.


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668e89 No.109671

File: 0bea9d27cf6eb13⋯.png (274.29 KB,551x540,551:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970525 (241837ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas frees 24 hostages in exchange for 39 Palestinian prisoners as part of cease-fire swap

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Hamas frees 24 hostages in exchange for 39 Palestinian prisoners as part of cease-fire swap


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668e89 No.109672

File: 9879f395d874c1a⋯.png (296.62 KB,509x926,509:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970537 (241839ZNOV23) Notable: Revolver: A federal judge, appointed by Obama, just ruled against voting machines in Georgia

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Sweet vindication for the Pillow Guy, thanks to an Obama-appointed Judge who believes in voter fraud…

November 24, 2023 (13 hours ago)

Mike Lindell has sacrificed almost everything in his battle against voter fraud. He’s a man who truly stands by his convictions, continuously speaking the truth despite relentless attacks from the heartless left-wing cancel mob, who have successfully destroyed much of his business. However, a recent decision by an Obama-appointed judge has finally given Mike some well-deserved vindication.

BREAKING: A federal judge, appointed by Obama, just ruled against voting machines in Georgia

‘The machines’s cybersecurity flaws violate the constitutional rights of voters’ pic.twitter.com/0Rv99YZiB7— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 21, 2023

It must have been incredibly satisfying for Mike to witness this ruling from an Obama-appointed judge who also recognizes the risks of electronic voting. While it may not be the final word on the matter, it’s certainly a recognition of Mike’s hard work and the sacrifices he’s made to ensure our voices are genuinely heard at the polls.

Jack Posobiec went on to note this as well:

In a footnote of the order, the judge ruled that the evidence in the case “does not suggest that the Plaintiffs are conspiracy theorists of any variety.” Here’s a closeup of the image Jack shared:

As many know, Mike has been persistently challenging Dominion voting machines, expressing concerns that electronic voting is vulnerable to hacking. This issue should transcend party lines, but now it’s become suddenly partisan. It’s worth noting that before the 2020 election, many Democrats expressed similar concerns about these voting machines, deeming them unreliable and susceptible to tampering. When Democrats make these claims, they’re considered serious and thought-provoking. But when Republicans voice the same concerns, they’re labeled as “election deniers” and “conspiracy theorists.”

Will (@NoLeftTurns):

Reminder: In 2018, Kamala Harris expressed significant concerns about the security of voting machines used in American elections. A notable instance of her addressing this issue was during a session captured by C-SPAN, where she discussed witnessing a demonstration of voting machines being hacked.

– She organized a demonstration for her colleagues at the Capitol, where experts successfully hacked voting machines right before them. Trump has made the same argument concerning the 2020 election but is labeled an “election denier” for doing so, while Kamala has received a pass.

Reminder: In 2018, Kamala Harris expressed significant concerns about the security of voting machines used in American elections. A notable instance of her addressing this issue was during a session captured by C-SPAN, where she discussed witnessing a demonstration of voting…— Will 🇺🇸 🍢 (@NoLeftTurns) November 16, 2023


Remember how even pro-Hillary supporters thought the 2016 election was “rigged” and manipulated, urging her to contest the results? Interestingly, these people weren’t labeled as “election deniers.” Instead, they were hailed as ‘heroes” fighting for justice. Meanwhile, people like Mike Lindell were put through a wood chipper for suggesting something might be “off.”

Independent UK:

A group of renowned computer scientists and lawyers have urged Hillary Clinton to challenge the election results in three key states after they gathered “evidence” to suggest the election results were potentially manipulated. The group of activists, including voting rights lawyer John Bonifaz and J Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan’s center for computer security and society, believe their evidence shows that results in these three battleground states – which lost Ms Clinton the election on 8 November – might have been hacked.

As reported by New York Magazine, the group is not speaking on the record but is privately lobbying Clinton’s team to challenge the election results. In Wisconsin, Ms Clinton received 7 per cent fewer votes in counties that depended on electronic-voting machines compared to countries that used optical scanners and paper ballots, and consequently Ms Clinton may have lost up to 30,000 votes. She lost Wisconsin by 27,000 votes.

The group has already held a call with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and campaign general counsel Marc Elias to argue that while they have not found conclusive evidence of a hack, the pattern in their results merits an independent review.

Here’s hoping this is just the start of more truth and transparency in the future. And remember, keep supporting the Pillow Guy. He’s still out there battling for what he believes in, despite facing enormous personal losses.


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668e89 No.109673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970542 (241841ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli troops open fire at Palestinian civilians despite ceasefire - AP

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Israeli troops open fire at Palestinian civilians despite ceasefire – AP

At least two people were killed during the incident, according to the news agency

Israeli soldiers have opened fire at Palestinian civilians who attempted to return to their homes in northern Gaza shortly after the start of the four-day truce between Israel and Hamas, an AP journalist has reported from the scene. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) had earlier warned the displaced residents of Gaza against attempting to move to the north of the enclave.

At least two people were killed and 11 others were injured during the incident, the news agency claimed on Friday.

An Israeli military spokesman told Haaretz that reports of the use of live fire by IDF troops against Palestinians were being investigated.

According to the paper, the number of civilians wounded by “Israeli fire” during their attempts to reach the north of Gaza stood at 15. They’ve been transferred to a hospital in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza for treatment, Haaretz added.

The Times of Israel also reported that some people were trying to get out of the southern part of the enclave. However, it said that the IDF had used riot dispersal means to make them turn back.

Shortly after the truce kicked in at 7am local time, the Israeli military began dropping leaflets on Gaza warning locals against returning to their homes in the northern part of the enclave.

The IDF’s Arabic media spokesman Avichay Adraee also addressed Palestinians on X (formerly Twitter), reminding them that, despite the ceasefire, “the war is not over yet. The humanitarian pause is temporary. The northern Gaza Strip is a dangerous war zone and it is forbidden to move north.” Those who are still in northern Gaza should instead use the truce to evacuate to the south via the Salah al-Din Road, Adraee stressed.

The ceasefire deal calls for Hamas to free at least 50 out of around 240 hostages it captured during the October 7 attack and Israel to release some 150 of its Palestinians prisoners. The first exchange, reportedly featuring 13 Israeli women and children and 39 Palestinian females and teenagers, is expected to take place on Friday.

The IDF also pledged to halt its airstrikes on southern Gaza, introduce daily six-hour pauses in its attacks on the northern part of the enclave and allow for aid to enter Gaza, Qatar’s Foreign Ministry, which helped to broker the agreement, said. The first trucks with humanitarian cargo have already begun entering Gaza from Egypt, according to reports.


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668e89 No.109674

File: e877917091a6813⋯.png (487.78 KB,647x647,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e7c09c9ae155dc⋯.png (43.11 KB,655x452,655:452,Clipboard.png)

File: a28c29fdabb3d4d⋯.png (65.86 KB,627x571,627:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d0c405021dee6e⋯.png (75.51 KB,655x581,655:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970583 (241852ZNOV23) Notable: National File Restores Patrick Howley’s Classic “Obama and Hillary Created ISIS” Scoop After Breitbart Pulled It Down

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National File Restores Patrick Howley’s Classic “Obama and Hillary Created ISIS” Scoop After Breitbart Pulled It Down

President Trump Shared The Epic Story In 2016

NATIONAL FILE has restored senior reporter Patrick Howley’s June 2016 scoop “Hillary Clinton Received Secret Memo Stating Obama Admin ‘Support’ For ISIS,” which President Donald Trump famously shared during the 2016 election. Breitbart News, where Howley worked at the time, mysteriously deleted the article from their website years after Howley first published it. Now, NATIONAL FILE is correcting that travesty and re-publishing the complete article below.

President Donald Trump shared Patrick Howley’s article in June 2016, during the presidential election, and it quickly went viral.


They took it down as deep state, Israel and ISIS are all fighting together against the Syrian army now in Syria

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668e89 No.109675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970597 (241855ZNOV23) Notable: DeSantis Super PAC in Shambles

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DeSantis Super PAC in Shambles: CEO Quits Amid Near-Physical Altercation Chaos

'You have a stick up your a-, Scott...'

Posted by Luis Cornelio November 23, 2023

Never Back Down, a super PAC in support of

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s presidential bid, is in disarray following the abrupt resignation of CEO Chris Jankowski. Jankowski’s departure comes amid internal strife surrounding the future direction of the political committee’s strategies, particularly on how to best attack DeSantis’s opponents. The resignation, announced just days prior to a contentious meeting at the PAC’s Georgia headquarters, signifies a significant shake-up within the organization.

“Never Back Down’s main goal and sole focus has been to elect Governor Ron DeSantis as President,” Jankowski claimed in a statement. “Given the current environment it has become untenable for me to deliver on the shared goal and that goes well beyond a difference of strategic opinion.”

In the same statement, Jankowski pledged his commitment to DeSantis’s candidacy for the presidency. “For the future of our country I support and pray Ron DeSantis is our 47th president,” he added.

Reports indicate that internal disputes over countering former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s surging popularity in polls fueled the internal turmoil. A clash between key PAC executives, including chief strategist Jeff Roe and DeSantis ally Scott Wagner, escalated to a heated confrontation during which Wagner had to be physically restrained. NBC Reports that Desantis’ Super PAC had an emergency meeting to address Nikki Haley’s rise and a fist fight almost broke out

You’re about to see massive leaks from Desantis world— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) November 21, 2023

“You have a stick up your a–, Scott,” Roe shouted at Wagner, according to NBC News. “Why don’t you come over here and get it?” Wagner responded. Wagner then rose from his chair but was physically restrained by two other board members.

Speculation looms over DeSantis and Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis attributing the PAC’s ads to the decline in the governor’s presidential campaign ratings, trailing way behind former President Donald Trump.

Criticism has arisen particularly around Never Back Down’s advertisements targeting Haley’s alleged ties to China, which have seemingly backfired, with some attributing the negative sentiment to DeSantis himself, the New York Times reported.

In response to the backlash, allies of DeSantis launched a separate PAC, Fight Right, with the intention of mounting attacks against Haley. Notably, one of the ads released by this new PAC drew parallels between Haley and disgraced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

New Pro-DeSantis super PAC drops million dollar ad buy highlighting Nikki Haley’s love of Hillary Clinton. pic.twitter.com/QSYMDac9R3 — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) November 21, 2023


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668e89 No.109676

File: 3466b2a06244211⋯.png (660.57 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 72dd0730b79e298⋯.png (416.12 KB,497x663,497:663,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d5eb254de2a0e5⋯.png (310.91 KB,499x475,499:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970602 (241856ZNOV23) Notable: Irish Patriots Burn Hotel Housing Illegals After Mass Stabbing Attack on Irish Kids

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Irish Patriots Burn Hotel Housing Illegals After Mass Stabbing Attack on Irish Kids

The Irish corporate media, aided by their globalist pals in England and abroad, are attacking Irish patriots while giving murderous third-world illegals a free pass once again.

Irish patriots set fire to a Dublin hotel that’s being used to house illegal migrants at the expense of the nation’s taxpayers after an illegal Islamic migrant from Algeria carried out a mass stabbing attack against Irish children. Law enforcement and the globalist corporate media have refused to lay blame for the attack at the feet of the deranged third-worlder, and have instead slammed the people of Ireland as racists for fighting back.

On the night of November 23rd, Irish patriots set upon the Holiday Inn Express hotel in Dublin, Ireland, which is being used to house illegal third-world migrants at the expense of Irish taxpayers, after a reportedly Islamic migrant of Algerian extraction stabbed three Irish children and an employee of their school who used her body as a “shield” to protect the kids. One of the children was reportedly left in serious condition, and others suffered from numerous stabbing and slashing wounds.

Naturally, Ireland’s knife control laws failed to stop the attack.

Though the assailant was arrested at the scene, Irish authorities have refused to name their third-world suspect and have even refused to describe him to the press, with the vast majority of identifying information coming from eye-witnesses, leading to word about the attack spreading rapidly by way of social media.

In response, hundreds of Irish patriots converged on Dublin’s Holiday Inn (and reportedly, other hotels as well), where the attacker is suspected to have been residing, along with other illegal migrants living off the people of Ireland, and set the place on fire. Video footage shared on social media shows the hotel lobby in flames, while additional footage shows fires raging in the streets as patriots wave Irish flags in a moment of defiance.

Thus far, at least 3 dozen Irish citizens have been arrested in connection with the events, and the nation’s left-wing government is slamming the anti-terror attack demonstrators as “right-wing extremists” and


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668e89 No.109677

File: 8e1907798735f0f⋯.png (972.92 KB,677x1024,677:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970616 (241900ZNOV23) Notable: Terry Richardson sued by second model claiming he forced her into sex, used photo for ‘art’

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Terry Richardson sued by second model claiming he forced her into sex, used photo for ‘art’

Photographer Terry Richardson was hit with a second sex assault lawsuit filed hours before the deadline expired for special legislation which allowed the claim.

Caron Bernstein, a former model and actress, claims that the disgraced fashion photographer forced her to perform oral sex on him during a shoot in 2003 then published the images in his art book.

The allegations are nearly identical to those made by model Minerva Portillo, who filed her own lawsuit a day earlier.

Both claims were made under the Adult Survivors Act, the New York law that gave sex crime victims a one year window to file allegations which are normally outside of the statute of limitations.

Bernstein’s lawyers said it was filed at the “11th hour” ahead of the deadline to make a claim, coming four hours before the midnight on Thanksgiving expiration of the law.

Other high profile men who were hit with claims shortly before the window expired include: Axl Rose, Sean “Puffy” Combs, Cuba Gooding Jr. and New York City Mayor Eric Adams.


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668e89 No.109678

File: f2ed51831df78bc⋯.png (506.78 KB,666x537,222:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 3943cca639d6234⋯.png (25.23 KB,670x199,670:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970626 (241905ZNOV23) Notable: Moderna Engaged in Covert Operations to Control Online Criticism of Vaccines

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Report: Moderna Engaged in Covert Operations to Control Online Criticism of Vaccines

Moderna, known for its mRNA coronavirus vaccine, reportedly engaged in extensive surveillance and influence operations, attempting to remove criticism or pushback against its vaccine from online discourse.

UnHerd reports that Moderna, the biotech firm raised to prominence by its mRNA coronavirus vaccine, is now at the center of a complex and controversial situation. While it achieved a staggering $100 billion valuation during the pandemic, recent reports suggest the company ventured beyond pharmaceutical innovation into the world of surveillance and public influence.

According to the report from UnHerd, Moderna developed an intricate network of monitoring that it aimed to use to influence the public discourse on vaccines. Central to this operation is a collaboration with Public Good Projects (PGP), a drug industry-funded NGO, and former law enforcement officials, aimed at combating what the company considers to be vaccine misinformation. However, this initiative’s scope and methods have sparked significant concerns about the blurring lines between public health advocacy and corporate surveillance.

During the pandemic, Moderna transformed almost overnight from a fledgling biotech firm to a household name, thanks to the widespread use of its mRNA vaccine. However, as the demand for vaccinations waned, so did Moderna’s earnings. In response, Moderna not only increased vaccine prices but also embarked on a marketing campaign to maintain its relevance in the public health sphere.

The company’s surveillance arm, led by Nikki Rutman, a former FBI analyst, monitors a vast array of mainstream and alternative media outlets. Utilizing advanced technology like Talkwalker’s “BlueSilk” AI, the team tracks vaccine-related conversations across millions of websites globally. High-risk alerts are raised for narratives that could potentially harm Moderna’s interests or bolster anti-vaccine sentiments.

This proactive approach to monitoring and influencing vaccine discourse extends to scrutinizing public figures like Elon Musk and Russell Brand. Moderna’s reporting on public figures’ comments on vaccines does not necessarily dispute their claims but flags them as misinformation if they are perceived to encourage vaccine hesitancy.


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668e89 No.109679

File: f2ed51831df78bc⋯.png (506.78 KB,666x537,222:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 3943cca639d6234⋯.png (25.23 KB,670x199,670:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970630 (241907ZNOV23) Notable: Moderna Engaged in Covert Operations to Control Online Criticism of Vaccines

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Report: Moderna Engaged in Covert Operations to Control Online Criticism of Vaccines

Moderna, known for its mRNA coronavirus vaccine, reportedly engaged in extensive surveillance and influence operations, attempting to remove criticism or pushback against its vaccine from online discourse.

UnHerd reports that Moderna, the biotech firm raised to prominence by its mRNA coronavirus vaccine, is now at the center of a complex and controversial situation. While it achieved a staggering $100 billion valuation during the pandemic, recent reports suggest the company ventured beyond pharmaceutical innovation into the world of surveillance and public influence.

According to the report from UnHerd, Moderna developed an intricate network of monitoring that it aimed to use to influence the public discourse on vaccines. Central to this operation is a collaboration with Public Good Projects (PGP), a drug industry-funded NGO, and former law enforcement officials, aimed at combating what the company considers to be vaccine misinformation. However, this initiative’s scope and methods have sparked significant concerns about the blurring lines between public health advocacy and corporate surveillance.

During the pandemic, Moderna transformed almost overnight from a fledgling biotech firm to a household name, thanks to the widespread use of its mRNA vaccine. However, as the demand for vaccinations waned, so did Moderna’s earnings. In response, Moderna not only increased vaccine prices but also embarked on a marketing campaign to maintain its relevance in the public health sphere.

The company’s surveillance arm, led by Nikki Rutman, a former FBI analyst, monitors a vast array of mainstream and alternative media outlets. Utilizing advanced technology like Talkwalker’s “BlueSilk” AI, the team tracks vaccine-related conversations across millions of websites globally. High-risk alerts are raised for narratives that could potentially harm Moderna’s interests or bolster anti-vaccine sentiments.

This proactive approach to monitoring and influencing vaccine discourse extends to scrutinizing public figures like Elon Musk and Russell Brand. Moderna’s reporting on public figures’ comments on vaccines does not necessarily dispute their claims but flags them as misinformation if they are perceived to encourage vaccine hesitancy.


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668e89 No.109680

File: daf29f4409e3d94⋯.png (148.38 KB,714x528,119:88,Clipboard.png)

File: 408bbeaeff9cddc⋯.png (1.1 MB,940x4410,94:441,Clipboard.png)

File: da8e56413767bfb⋯.png (893.28 KB,940x3390,94:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970633 (241909ZNOV23) Notable: Pres. Trump RT's Nov 3 Israel Op op-ed

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668e89 No.109681

File: 5749785e1f78072⋯.png (421.1 KB,544x342,272:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 2723fc7890ae02f⋯.png (105.28 KB,733x1128,733:1128,Clipboard.png)

File: f6a953e2d50d666⋯.jpeg (316.97 KB,828x1313,828:1313,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 07aa8adab4ac3be⋯.jpeg (218.35 KB,828x1015,828:1015,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 302312e1e448bf5⋯.jpeg (429.95 KB,828x1268,207:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970634 (241909ZNOV23) Notable: European Bonds Shaken As Germany Suspends "Debt Brake" To Allow Increased Borrowing

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European Bonds Shaken As Germany Suspends "Debt Brake" To Allow Increased Borrowing

Dutch bond yields hardly widened vis-à-vis their German counterparts yesterday, following the political shockwave in the Netherlands. Yet the whole European bond building shook a little as the German government decided to suspend its debt brake in order to allow for increased borrowing. That decision was a big climbdown for ‘frugal’ FDP finance minister Christian Lindner. Indeed, it was a painful defeat for the coalition as a whole, since the debt brake, which limits the amount of new debt to 0.35% of GDP in normal times, was reinstated earlier this year after being dormant for three years during the pandemic and the energy crisis.

The suspension followed on the heels of last week’s ruling by the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, saying that the German government unjustly relabelled EUR 60bn in unspent off-balance sheet pandemic funds for climate investments. This implies that the fund can no longer be held off-balance sheet and that any spending that was planned with the fund would have to run through the budget. Spending on projects that is not yet committed can be cancelled, but the government will have to honour any commitments already made (estimated at EUR 37bn, about 1% of GDP).This left a gaping hole in the 2023 budget, which has thus forced the government to temporarily suspend the debt brake.

More importantly than the 2023 budget, is the structural challenge the ruling poses. German policy makers have often used off-balance sheet funds that do not show up in the annual budget, to avoid the straightjacket of the debt brake. The Economic Stabilisation Fund (EUR 200bn, some 5% of GDP) is one of them and now also under scrutiny. If a complaint is filed and it is ruled to be unconstitutional as well, this could derail the German investment agenda completely. In that case, any investment planned for through the fund, would have to be made from the running budget, without taking on any (significant) extra debt. This is a serious risk for the economic outlook of Germany, which isn't doing that great to say the least, as confirmed by yesterday's PMI figures and with industrial production still well below pre-pandemic levels. Moreover, the need for state-led investments in (energy) infrastructure, digitalisationsee here >> 19968091 pband new technologies is bigger than ever.


(The rally’s in global equity markets will continue as even the threat of yet another default-this time at UBS-just doesn’t matter as you’ve got constant short covering and corporate buybacks to counter any perceived release of bad economic data-they have largely gotten the AI trading programs to go long but took a little away from them in the NASDAQ in todays shortened session. That-bot trading positions-changes in milliseconds so it could have already been reapplied-but the last month has been largely those AI programs having to cover AND go long so that is TWICE the upside buying pressure)

All pb

>>109552, >>109558, >>109561, >>109565, >>109564 UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP

If the Swiss are going to get a swap line from the New York Fed-to bail out UBS-it hasn’t habbened yet-none done this week

And it’s US equity trades actually had it up today do those bondholders must be in negotiations


UBS NYSE price went up today and is basically about $.60 below it’s year to date high-cap 3 which is also its 5 year high so whatever is going on with the rise in Credit Default Swaps is NOT affecting its equity price…..yet see links above on that story


Today in US Markets is cap 4 and cap 5 is Energy with WTI crude down again -2.56% and just above $75 per barrel


>>109639 lb Argentina's Milei says shutting central bank 'non-negotiable'

They (previous President) locked Argentina into moar IMF debt slave munee prior to election so if you thought it was going to change with a “new” President that was yer clue it wasn’t-even before his WEF profile posted

None of these leaders get to the top spot unless controlled or allowed N-O-N-E

Argentina “borrowed” 20 times from the IMF since 1956-when Peron kicked out just before so they lost the hard connection to Martin Bormann and the black Nazi money-so they just went to the official Nazis…the IMF for money

Nuffin changing for people of Argentina but it will take a few weeks for the ‘hangover’ to wear off before they realize they have yet another stooge as President

Argentina's Milei may find an unexpected friend in the IMF


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668e89 No.109682

File: 69d5c27b7212381⋯.png (467.24 KB,558x654,93:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970637 (241910ZNOV23) Notable: Conor McGregor UNLOADS on Nasty Irish Lib Journalist Who Smears Opponents of Mass Migration

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Conor McGregor: We Are Not Losing Any More Women & Children to Twisted People Who Should Not Be in Ireland

UFC legend Conor McGregor has called for Ireland to rally together and ensure the stabbing of three young children and two adults on Thursday is never repeated.

A five-year-old girl remains in critical condition at a Dublin hospital and a teacher’s aide is in serious condition after the horrific attack, as Breitbart New reported.

A six-year-old girl continues to receive treatment for less serious injuries and another child was discharged overnight. The alleged assailant, who was tackled by witnesses, remains hospitalized in serious condition.

He is yet to be publicly identified and police have not have not yet ruled out any motive, including whether it could be terror-related.

Social media reports indicated the man was Algerian, but that has not been confirmed by the Gardai, as the Irish police are known.

McGregor took to social media outlet X – formerly known as Twitter – to voice his anger at the stabbing, telling his followers “we are not losing any more of our woman and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place.” He said:

Isn’t that something. The absolute picture of weak and feeble. The most divisive of all is the weak man. One of the most horrific crimes this nation ever seen has occurred, we do not care anymore what you sad cases have got to say. In a war you are nothing. We are not backing down, we are only warming up. There will be no backing down until real change is implemented for the safety of our nation. We are not losing any more of our woman and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place. Call it what you want. We do not care. May God help us all. Ireland for victory.

The tweet and comment was in reaction to another X posting that highlighted the presence of a journalist after the attack.


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668e89 No.109683

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970656 (241916ZNOV23) Notable: Netanyahu Says UN Isn’t Doing Enough for Palestinians in Gaza

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Netanyahu Says UN Isn’t Doing Enough for Palestinians in Gaza

Israeli airstrikes have killed over 100 UN aid workers in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday accused the UN of not doing enough to respond to the humanitarian crisis he created in Gaza.

“I have not seen yet the effort that I’d like to see from the UN and the international agencies to build shelters there [in Gaza],” Netanyahu said.

The Israeli leader said there is “no reason not to erect tens of thousands of tents in the safe zone or next to the safe zone.” It’s unclear what safe zone he’s referring to as Israel has continued to bomb southern Gaza after telling Palestinians to evacuate the north.

Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has displaced 1.7 million people in Gaza, four-fifths of the enclave’s population. It has also killed at least more than 11,000 people, including over 4,500 children, according to the last update put out by Gaza’s Health Ministry on November 10.

While Netanyahu has criticized the UN response, his campaign in Gaza has killed over 100 UN aid workers. POLITICO recently reported that the US had been sharing the locations of aid groups and workers in Gaza, but Israel continued to bomb them anyway.


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668e89 No.109684

File: c848dea1256afea⋯.jpg (167.48 KB,1068x1000,267:250,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970673 (241922ZNOV23) Notable: President Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank in Argentina

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JUST IN: 🇦🇷 Argentina President Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank.

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668e89 No.109685

File: a2d634b85473864⋯.png (372.63 KB,552x629,552:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970676 (241923ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon Wants AI Weapons to Make Killing Decisions

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Pentagon Wants AI Weapons to Make Killing Decisions

– Lethal autonomous weapons, utilizing AI for target selection, are under development by countries including the US, China, and Israel.

– Critics express concern over the development of “killer robots” that make life-and-death decisions without human input.

– Several governments, including the US, resist binding UN resolutions restricting the use of AI killer drones, preferring non-binding resolutions.

– The deployment of AI-enabled drone swarms is part of the Pentagon’s plans, aiming to offset numerical advantages of adversaries like China.

– US Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks, emphasizes the advantage of AI drones in terms of planning, defense, and effectiveness.

– Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall notes the importance of AI drones making lethal decisions under human supervision for strategic advantage.

– Reports suggest AI-controlled drones have been used by Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, but it’s unclear if they caused human casualties

Stephen Hawkin once said: Humanity will not last 100 years from now. Is this part of what he meant?


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668e89 No.109686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970697 (241931ZNOV23) Notable: FOUR ATTACKS TARGETED U.S. FORCES IN IRAQ, SYRIA WITHIN HOURS

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United States forces were attacked four times in Iraq and Syria late on November 23, but there were no casualties or damage to infrastructure, a U.S military official told Reuters.

According to the unnamed official, U.S. forces were attacked at two bases in northeastern Syria with multiple rockets and a suicide drone

In Iraq, multiple suicide drones were launched at Ayn al-Assad Air Base in the western province of al-Anbar and another was launched at a base housing U.S. forces near Erbil International Airport in the northern autonomous region of Kurdistan, the official said.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI), a coalition of Iranian-backed armed factions, claimed responsibility for the attack and said that they were carried out in response to Israeli “crimes” against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Video footage released by the IRI showed the launch of multiple suicide drones, all of which were similar in design to the Iranian-made Ababil-2.

The IRI formed a special operations room to support Gaza and began launching attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq and neighboring Syria following the October 17 Al-Ahli Arab Hospital massacre. Since then, around 70 attacks have targeted U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria.

Earlier this week, nine fighters of the IRI, most of them members of the Kata’ib Hezbollah, were killed in two waves of U.S. retaliatory strikes on Iraq.

It is still unclear if the IRI will halt attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria during the temporary ceasefire in Gaza which began on November 24.


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668e89 No.109687

File: eca4c065015d126⋯.png (115.17 KB,668x600,167:150,Clipboard.png)

File: 75cb44b1c31e39e⋯.png (612.58 KB,669x600,223:200,Clipboard.png)

File: 143167e7af3e896⋯.png (109.25 KB,670x596,335:298,Clipboard.png)

File: 2076837a33f95d1⋯.png (98.96 KB,696x585,232:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 197adbf41c32cb3⋯.png (116.24 KB,675x582,225:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970711 (241936ZNOV23) Notable: How covid advanced One World Gov't plan

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Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone: How the covid pandemic has advanced the UN’s aim of becoming the One World Government

By globally synchronising the public health response across the United Nations (“UN”) member states, new powers were granted to the UN. These universally applied regulations and multilateral agreements have created a vast interlocking public health network throughout the world which in turn birthed a new, globalised administrative state.

The UN has been quietly gestating and building power for years before the pandemic through agreements such as Agenda 2030 and has now become a sovereign power unto itself. This is the shadow global government that seeks to regulate every dimension of our lives.

The above is the subject of a speech written and delivered by Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone at the fourth International Covid Summit (“ICS 4”) held from 18 to 19 November 2023 in Bucharest, Romania, at the Palace of the Parliament.

The Summit was organised by the Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor or AUR party (English translation Alliance for the Union of Romanians). Over the two days, 46 medical professionals, scientists and other professionals gave presentations including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Chris Shoemaker.

This latest International Covid Summit (“ICS”) comes as the organisation is in the process of changing its name. So, ICS 4 is also being referred to as the International Crisis Summit because “as we now know, this was never just about covid,” ICS said.

Dr. Malone explained that ICS was created for doctors, lawyers and professionals from all over the world to unite and discuss their experiences with covid. This is an uncensored and safe haven where they are able to gather, share, discuss and analyse their findings in order to find safe and effective treatments for covid and all of the complications that surround it.

The following is the transcript of Dr. Glasspool Malone’s speech at ICS 4. You can watch all the speeches and presentations given at the Summit HERE.



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668e89 No.109688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970731 (241943ZNOV23) Notable: "Israeli Air Force (reserve) Col. Nof Erez has described Israel's actions on 7 October as a "mass Hannibal" event

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"Israeli Air Force (reserve) Col. Nof Erez has described Israel's actions on 7 October as a "mass Hannibal" event, in reference to the controversial directive ordering Israeli commanders to kill their own soldiers to prevent them being taken captive.

The Apache pilots had no way to distinguish between Hamas fighters, Palestinians, and Israelis, and therefore opened fire on all cars and people on the Gaza border without distinction, a 15 October report from Yedioth Ahronoth explained.

"The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the target," the paper added.

Amid the confusion, twenty-eight Israeli combat helicopters fired all of the ammunition they were holding, including hundreds of 30 mm explosive shells and Hellfire missiles, during the course of the day.

After landing his Apache to reload ammunition at roughly 10:00 am, the commander of the 190 Squadron instructed the other pilots "to shoot at everything they see in the fence area," separating Israel from Gaza, the Yedioth Ahronoth report said.

Col. Erez also commented on reports the Israeli army had used tanks and helicopters to bomb homes in settlements around Gaza, such as kibbutz Be'eri, with both Hamas fighters and Israeli captives inside.


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668e89 No.109689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970738 (241945ZNOV23) Notable: Pfizer sues Poland for breach of contract over Covid-19 vaccines, demands $1.5 billion

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Pfizer sues Poland for breach of contract over Covid-19 vaccines, demands $1.5 billion

Poland claims that the war in Ukraine and its considerable financial assistance led to the country being unable to fulfill its contractual obligations

In March 2022, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stating that Poland would not be taking receipt of Pfizer's order, citing the war in Ukraine as a force majeure event.


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668e89 No.109690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970811 (242010ZNOV23) Notable: 'Calculated, predatory, manipulative' Aussie politician is jailed for 20 years for sexually abusing four boys aged between 10 and 15

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Aussie politician is jailed for 20 years for sexually abusing four boys aged between 10 and 15: 'Calculated, predatory, manipulative'

Disgraced former MP and twice-convicted paedophile Milton Orkopoulos has been jailed for twenty years for 'calculated, predatory, and manipulative' child sex offences.

The former NSW Labor member for Swansea and minister for Aboriginal affairs appeared in the NSW District Court on Friday to learn his fate for sexually abusing four boys between 10 and 15 years old.

Earlier this year, a jury determined he was guilty of 26 charges relating to the sexual abuse of the boys in the Lake Macquarie region, north of Sydney, between 1993 to 2003.

The court heard the 66-year-old used his powerful position in the community to groom his victims and ply them with drugs before abusing them.

On Friday, Judge Jane Culver sentenced him to at least 13 years behind bars, with a maximum sentence of 20 years for the 'calculated, predatory and manipulative' offences.

Orkopoulos wore a prison green tracksuit and maintained an impassive expression as his sentence was delivered.

She found the former Labor MP had engaged in 'opportunistic abuse' by isolating four vulnerable and pre-pubescent boys to sexually exploit them.

The court heard the pedophile had sexual intercourse with three of the boys and indecently assaulted another.

The court was told he gave three of the victims drugs, cigarettes, and money in exchange for sexual activity, which often took place in his car or his parliamentary office.

Judge Culver found those three victims were subjected to 'persistent' sexual abuse by Orkopoulos as part of his 'general pattern of sexual exploitation of young males'.

The court heard he continued to have sex with one child for a short time, despite the boy crying from the pain and screaming for the offender to stop.

Orkopoulos pleaded not guilty to the offences and continues to deny engaging in sexual conduct with the underage boys.

Judge Culver found his denials revealed he had 'no remorse or contrition' for his crimes.

The former MP was jailed for 11 counts of intercourse with a child, six counts of indecent assault, two counts of an act of indecency and seven counts of supplying a prohibited drug.


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668e89 No.109691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970846 (242021ZNOV23) Notable: More Fake Fed Nazis Show Up in Wisconsin

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More Fake Fed Nazis Show Up in Wisconsin

No one has a bigger cosplay fetish than an alphabet agency spook.

The inaugural titular head of the FBI, in fact, J. Edgar Hoover, was infamously reported to enjoy getting dressed up in lady-clothes and exploring his feminine side while trampling on the slaves’ Constitutional rights. Wearing pumps really, allegedly, got his authoritarian vigor up.

Anyway, the ADL apparently needs some more White Supremacy™ fear porn (demand always outstripping supply, as it does) to distribution in donation solicitation literature, and so the feds supplied in the form of a handful of masked “Nazis” taking an afternoon family stroll through the Capitol of Wisconsin.

Viewer discretion is advised. Hide the kids; they may never recover from the images below.


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668e89 No.109692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970860 (242024ZNOV23) Notable: Dark Money Fund Poured Millions Into Unhinged Climate Activist Groups That Vandalize Priceless Art and Block Highways

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Dark Money Fund Poured Millions Into Unhinged Climate Activist Groups That Vandalize Priceless Art and Block Highways

Now, Fox News shares additional details of the dark money climate group Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) and the millions they have poured into funding activists that vandalize priceless works of art and disrupt communities by blocking busy highways across the world.

Fox News reports:

The Beverly Hills, California-based, Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) — which has been funded in large part by Hollywood actors and producers since it was founded in 2019 — raised $6.1 million in 2022, a 165% increase from the $2.3 million it raised in 2021, the tax filings showed. The sharp increase in funding led to CEF sending $5 million to left-wing protest groups, a 274% year-over-year increase.


In CEF’s tax filings, the group stated that the activist organizations it supported last year “brought new life and vigor” to the climate movement. It further reported that its grantees trained more than 15,000 people, their protests included 47,000 people and their actions were covered by global media outlets 25,000 times.

The majority of CEF’s 2022 grants, approximately $4 million, were sent overseas, with the most sizable slice being wired to U.K. climate activists. The largest beneficiary of CEF’s funds appeared to be Just Stop Oil, a British activist group that has repeatedly made headlines for stopping traffic and disrupting public places across the U.K.

Examples of unhinged activities by deranged activists include an October 2022 incident when two disturbed women from the activist group Just Stop Oil threw tomato soup over Vincent van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ on display at London’s National Gallery. Thankfully, the painting was protected by museum glass.

In June 2022, another pair from Just Stop Oil glued themselves to the frame of another Van Gogh painting.

In France, a 36-year-old man dressed as an old lady tried to break the glass protecting the famous Mona Lisa painting before throwing a cake on its surface.

Claude Monet’s ‘Les Meules,’ displayed at the Potsdam Barberini Museum in Germany, was attacked by an alliance of German and Austrian activists, Letzte Generation (Last Generation.)

Letzte Generation also vandalized an artwork near the German parliament building.

Vandals smeared black and red paint on the glass case and pedestal of Edgar Degas’ famous and beloved sculpture “Little Dancer Aged Fourteen,” displayed at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

Activists have also repeatedly targeted roadways, causing headaches and heartaches.

In 2022, activists caused chaos on Britain’s M25 over multiple days that led to a car crash in which a policeman was injured.


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668e89 No.109693

File: c0234d435a85086⋯.png (208.05 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970873 (242027ZNOV23) Notable: Asian Brothels That Serviced Military Officials and Politicians Kept “Impeccable Records” as Feds Prepare to Identify “Johns”

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Asian Brothels That Serviced Military Officials and Politicians Kept “Impeccable Records” as Feds Prepare to Identify “Johns”

The Justice Department earlier this month announced arrests in a high-end brothel network used by elected officials, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, lawyers, doctors and more.

According to the Justice Department, the ringleaders operated two websites to advertise Asian ‘models’ for photography as a front.

“Three individuals have been arrested in connection with operating sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and eastern Virginia. Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys, scientists and accountants, among others,” the US Attorney’s Office of the District of Massachusetts said.

According to the DOJ, the following defendants have been charged with conspiracy to coerce and entice to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity:

Han Lee, a/k/a “Hana,” 41, of Cambridge, Mass.;

James Lee, 68, of Torrance, Calif.; and

Junmyung Lee, 30, of Dedham, Mass.

According to the charging documents, the defendants operated an interstate prostitution network with multiple brothels from July 2020 to present in Cambridge and Watertown, Massachusetts, as well as in Fairfax and Tysons, Virginia.

Federal investigators received examples of a “menu” text message (pic below) sent to one of the “Johns.”

Fox News reported:

The three individuals charged with running brothels in Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., that allegedly hosted high-profile clientele, including political and military leaders, brought in over a million dollars running the operation, a top federal investigator on the case said Wednesday.

According to an affidavit submitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts by the Department of Homeland Security, the alleged ringleaders of the operation, James Lee of California, along with Han Lee and Junmyung Lee of Massachusetts, made the chunk of change while running the service out of high-end apartments in Massachusetts and the Washington, D.C., suburbs since 2020.

The affidavit also said the defendants kept “impeccable” records of the operation showing the amounts it brought in.

“I do not believe that HAN has legitimate employment but I do believe she has made an astounding amount of money running her prostitution business over the last several years,” DHS Special Agent Zachary Mitlitsky wrote, referencing the alleged ringleader of the operation.

The affidavit added that two of Han Lee’s bank accounts brought in $965,000, mostly in cash, from December 2019 to October 2023, and that she is believed to have access to other foreign accounts.

According to investigative reporter Paul Sperry, “Investigators suspect prostitution ring may have been part of Chinese espionage plot targeting high-tech government contracting centers like Cambridge and Tysons Corner”


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668e89 No.109694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970896 (242038ZNOV23) Notable: Anon doomsday schedule

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Stage 1: Go into Muslim Countries + African - rape pillage child traffic organ harvest

Stage 2: Start a war in said country for cover of child + organ harvesting

Stage 3: Import refugees into western nations

Stage 4: Start a war between Israel and Gaza

Stage 5: Commit unspeakable atrocities to get everyone riled up

WE ARE HERE Stage 6: Export the war to western nations by causing civil unrest

Stage 7: Pandemic 2.0 release - Cyber attack banking sector - blackout

Stage 8: Send in the Military to lock everyone down

Stage 9: Old system didn't work so welcome to the NWO

Stage 10: Implement Noahide laws

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668e89 No.109695

File: 5767c24821a91f8⋯.jpeg (52.73 KB,1200x515,240:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971009 (242111ZNOV23) Notable: New documents reveal Moderna is spying on you

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Moderna is spying on you

New documents reveal its attempts to control the vaccine debate

Behind the scenes, the marketing arm of the company has been working with former law enforcement officials and public health officials to monitor and influence vaccine policy. Key to this is a drug industry-funded NGO called Public Good Projects. According to documents we have seen, PGP works closely with social media platforms, government agencies and news websites to confront the “root cause of vaccine hesitancy” by rapidly identifying and “shutting down misinformation”. A network of 45,000 healthcare professionals are given talking points “and advice on how to respond when vaccine misinformation goes mainstream”, according to an email from Moderna.

Moderna also retains Talkwalker which uses its “Blue Silk” artificial intelligence to monitor vaccine-related conversations across 150 million websites in nearly 200 countries. Discussions around “competitor” issues, including discussions of Pfizer are flagged as well as vaccine hesitancy.

Their monitoring team includes Moderna’s global intelligence division, which is run by Nikki Rutman, who spent nearly 20 years as an analyst with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


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668e89 No.109696

File: 8e414c17645d334⋯.png (1.59 MB,1280x705,256:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971036 (242121ZNOV23) Notable: 73 attacks on U.S. mil in the middle easts since Oct 7th

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73 and counting


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668e89 No.109697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971062 (242128ZNOV23) Notable: The United States Air Force have prohibited military personnel from attending a patriot rally organized by Turning Point Action, labeling the group as “pro-Trump” and “alt-right.”

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The United States Air Force Just declared WAR on MAGA and Congress wants answers…=

November 24, 2023

The United States Air Force has declared “war” against Trump supporters. Echoing tactics reminiscent of Chairman Mao’s era, they have prohibited military personnel from attending a patriot rally organized by Turning Point Action, labeling the group as “pro-Trump” and “alt-right.” This implies that, in the eyes of our government and military, any MAGA-affiliated entity is synonymous with “domestic terrorism.”


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668e89 No.109698

File: 543450228f3469e⋯.png (350.69 KB,1080x1755,8:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971112 (242146ZNOV23) Notable: RE: Q* algorithm search 'Q-learning'

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Look who wrote about Q learning.... Interesting! Any relation to Jim Watkins?

Q-learning(Watkins, 1989)is a simple way for agents to learn how to act optimally in controlled Markovian domains. It amounts to an incremental method for dynamic programming which imposes limited computational demands. It works by successively improving its evaluations of the quality of particular actions at particular states.


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668e89 No.109699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971144 (242152ZNOV23) Notable: #245173

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#24517 >>109655

>>109656, >>109668, >>109682 Conor McGregor UNLOADS on Nasty Irish Lib Journalist Who Smears Opponents of Mass Migration

>>109676 Irish Patriots Burn Hotel Housing Illegals After Mass Stabbing Attack on Irish Kids

>>109657, >>109664 Who is doing the looting? The Irish or the (male, fighting age) Migrants?

>>109673 Israeli troops open fire at Palestinian civilians despite ceasefire - AP

>>109671 Hamas frees 24 hostages in exchange for 39 Palestinian prisoners as part of cease-fire swap

>>109680 Pres. Trump RT's Nov 3 Israel Op op-ed

>>109683 Netanyahu Says UN Isn’t Doing Enough for Palestinians in Gaza


>>109688 "Israeli Air Force (reserve) Col. Nof Erez has described Israel's actions on 7 October as a "mass Hannibal" event

>>109658 The Sea Organization of Scientologists have signed a billion-year pledge of service to Scientology

>>109659 @FBIPittsburgh Hurricane Man Pleads Guilty to Bank Fraud

>>109660 Driver taken into custody after smashing car into New York subway station entrance

>>109661 Kim Jong Un celebrates North Korea's 'new era of space power' with his daughter and scientists after successfully launching spy satellite

>>109662, >>109698 RE: Q* algorithm search 'Q-learning'

>>109663 Manila 'sleepwalking 'into Washington's plans poses a threat to regional peace and stability: China Daily editorial

>>109665 Agency drops Susan Sarandon for saying Jews ‘getting taste’ of what Muslims go through

>>109666 Musk on Twit-X posts

>>109669 ADL's leader has curious praise for Elon Musk

>>109667 Californians To Pay Billions To Cover Costs Of New $25 Minimum Health-Care Wage Law

>>109672 Revolver: A federal judge, appointed by Obama, just ruled against voting machines in Georgia

>>109674 National File Restores Patrick Howley’s Classic “Obama and Hillary Created ISIS” Scoop After Breitbart Pulled It Down

>>109675 DeSantis Super PAC in Shambles

>>109677 Terry Richardson sued by second model claiming he forced her into sex, used photo for ‘art’

>>109678, >>109679 Moderna Engaged in Covert Operations to Control Online Criticism of Vaccines

>>109681 European Bonds Shaken As Germany Suspends "Debt Brake" To Allow Increased Borrowing

>>109684 President Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank in Argentina

>>109685 Pentagon Wants AI Weapons to Make Killing Decisions

>>109670 WHO Recommends Masks, Social Distancing In China Amid "Mystery Pneumonia Outbreak"

>>109687 How covid advanced One World Gov't plan

>>109689 Pfizer sues Poland for breach of contract over Covid-19 vaccines, demands $1.5 billion

>>109695 New documents reveal Moderna is spying on you

>>109690 'Calculated, predatory, manipulative' Aussie politician is jailed for 20 years for sexually abusing four boys aged between 10 and 15

>>109691 More Fake Fed Nazis Show Up in Wisconsin

>>109692 Dark Money Fund Poured Millions Into Unhinged Climate Activist Groups That Vandalize Priceless Art and Block Highways

>>109693 Asian Brothels That Serviced Military Officials and Politicians Kept “Impeccable Records” as Feds Prepare to Identify “Johns”

>>109694 Anon doomsday schedule

>>109696 73 attacks on U.S. mil in the middle easts since Oct 7th

>>109697 The United States Air Force have prohibited military personnel from attending a patriot rally organized by Turning Point Action, labeling the group as “pro-Trump” and “alt-right.”


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668e89 No.109700

File: 515fcefa445334d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971162 (242155ZNOV23) Notable: #24518

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>baker can continue or defer

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668e89 No.109701

File: e80f701e00d360d⋯.jpeg (304.14 KB,960x1048,120:131,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971212 (242213ZNOV23) Notable: Right-wing MAGA politics caused Conservatives to turn backs on Ukraine, Trudeau claims

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Right-wing MAGA politics caused Conservatives to turn backs on Ukraine, Trudeau claims


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668e89 No.109702

File: 181793ae0525e5b⋯.jpg (173.16 KB,1316x1097,1316:1097,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971329 (242244ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland has been Europe's guinea pig since they joined the EU

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Many people who were all about ending the Royals rule in Ireland still did not support the IRA. Their methods were heinous.

"The IRA Assassination of Lord Mountbatten: Facts and Fallout

The murder of the British royal and World War II hero signaled a dark period ahead for relations between England and Northern Ireland."


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668e89 No.109703

File: 386659eac79bb1d⋯.jpg (103.15 KB,720x1035,16:23,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 64fe7c35c3fe049⋯.mp4 (9.19 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971402 (242258ZNOV23) Notable: STILL suffering from TDS?

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Jim Breuer roasts liberals with TDS

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668e89 No.109704

File: 95ff47a165fefde⋯.png (271.98 KB,478x532,239:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971427 (242303ZNOV23) Notable: Until now, Americans didn't realize that the federal agents provoking the J6 riot were uniformed police

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For the last 3 years, right wing pundits have blamed the J6 riot on federal agent provocateurs.

Until now, Americans didn't realize that the federal agents provoking the riot were uniformed police – USCP and MPD fired unrelenting munitions on the J6 protesters without warning, sparking a riot and the building entry an hour later.


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668e89 No.109705

File: d7f523e93b386cc⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB,544x976,34:61,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971451 (242308ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland has been Europe's guinea pig since they joined the EU

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668e89 No.109706

File: f1e6b9381d7c4dc⋯.png (460.89 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971501 (242319ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland has been Europe's guinea pig since they joined the EU

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FBI files allege Lord Mountbatten, murdered by the IRA, was a pedophile

FBI files on Prince Charles' uncle Lord Mountbatten, killed by an IRA bomb 41 years ago, describe him as "homosexual with a perversion for young boys."


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668e89 No.109707

File: 84e43b3463d6020⋯.png (316 KB,568x439,568:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971543 (242327ZNOV23) Notable: THERE'S A HAMAS COMMAND CENTER UNDER THE IRS BUILDING!

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668e89 No.109708

File: 5ca30ccda23e63a⋯.png (28.22 KB,585x392,585:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971603 (242337ZNOV23) Notable: New Twitter Poll: Of the three groups, who is the greatest threat to Europe?

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668e89 No.109709

File: 22aafd2de17fc49⋯.png (1.14 MB,909x1539,101:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971655 (242349ZNOV23) Notable: Police are riot gear as a citywide Tactical Alert has been declared for a large groups of Pro-Palestine protesters

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🚨#BREAKING: Police are riot gear as a citywide Tactical Alert has been declared for a large groups of Pro-Palestine protesters

📌#LosAngeles | #California

The Los Angeles Police Department has declared a citywide tactical alert due to multiple incidents involving large groups of pro-Palestine protesters reportedly turning violent. Police are in riot gear as hundreds of pro-Palestine demonstrators march through city streets. One group has entered The Grove shopping center in Los Angeles, California trying to shutdown police from shopping on Black Friday, as part of a nationwide effort demanding an immediate and lasting ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, as well as an end to U.S. aid for Israel.

4:32 PM · Nov 24, 2023

from Los Angeles, CA·


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668e89 No.109710

File: f10761f267f56f8⋯.jpeg (550.56 KB,828x1232,207:308,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971668 (242351ZNOV23) Notable: ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Chaos has erupted at Coronado Mall at reports of an active shooter

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668e89 No.109711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971673 (242353ZNOV23) Notable: ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Chaos has erupted at Coronado Mall at reports of an active shooter

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🚨#UPDATE: Albuquerque police has confirmed that there is no active shooter or threat at Coronado Mall. Police say one shot was fired causing crowds of people to run, no injuries have been reported. Officers are actively working to identify the individual responsible and are focused on safely evacuating people from the mall.


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668e89 No.109712

File: ff726a99e54aa8e⋯.png (15.17 KB,439x239,439:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971689 (242356ZNOV23) Notable: New Twitter Poll: Of the three groups, who is the greatest threat to Europe?

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668e89 No.109713

File: be89cf630f52c2e⋯.png (1.07 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f27c1b2625d1fb⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d35a83af615066⋯.png (86 KB,924x920,231:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971704 (250000ZNOV23) Notable: PF: HAMPSHIRE AVIATION LLP out of France

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You are watching a movie. Nice, France to ???






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668e89 No.109714

File: 943f9504ee0c0b6⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f7111b2a0cbab47⋯.png (1.11 MB,960x853,960:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971720 (250004ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Senator Ron Johnson CALLS OUT Shadow Government. LIVE on FOX!

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Great Awakening anons >> Conspiracy NO MORE >> MSM has it on the idiot box for all the normies to see...

BREAKING: U.S. Senator Ron Johnson CONFIRMS that there is indeed a Cabal of elite people that are running things all over the world as a Shadow Government. He says the “Pandemic” was pre-planned by them, as are many other world events.


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668e89 No.109715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971728 (250006ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland has been Europe's guinea pig since they joined the EU

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Ireland has been Europe's guinea pig since they joined the EU. Everything gets rolled out there first, this is the culmination of that policy.

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668e89 No.109716

File: fdfdb628d339715⋯.jpg (25.39 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971731 (250008ZNOV23) Notable: A college Degree is now the fastest way to unemployment line - GWP

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A college Degree is now the fastest way to unemployment line.

Colleges Have Worked Themselves ‘Out of a Job,’ Report Charges

‘Failed to prepare them for the 9-to-5 workplace’

There’s certainly no secret about the fact that American colleges and universities have gone far left.

Their faculty members only rarely include a conservative or a Republican. Their students learn that clearly.

Then instead of skills, logic and reason, the classes focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, race-baiting agendas, sex ideologies and more.

They tell members of women’s sports teams they must allow men to share their locker rooms and they often allow advocacy for violence, such as the pro-Hamas protests that have happened in recent weeks.

Neither is the result a secret.

“The higher ed system has worked itself out of a job,” according to CEO Andrew Crapuchettes of RedBalloon. “By losing focus on the mission of preparing their students for their career, they’ve become a non-factor, or even a negative factor, in helping job seekers find a job.”

A report in the Washington Times reveals that only 10% of small business owners in a RedBalloon survey said they want job candidates with college degrees.


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668e89 No.109717

File: 9865230e5273f62⋯.png (650.66 KB,881x1545,881:1545,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ecc8002663ec79⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971741 (250009ZNOV23) Notable: ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Chaos has erupted at Coronado Mall at reports of an active shooter

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🚨#BREAKING: Unconfirmed Reports of an active shooter at Coronado Mall

📌#Albuquerque | #NewMexico

Currently, numerous authorities and emergency personnel are responding to unconfirmed reports of an active shooter at or inside Coronado Mall in Albuquerque, New Mexico. With reports shots being fired inside or outside of the mall, crowds of shoppers can be seen running for cover or taking shelter. The mall is currently on lockdown, and the situation is still developing.

6:43 PM · Nov 24, 2023;

from Albuquerque, NM· 77.7K Views

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668e89 No.109718

File: 33943d8f27365cf⋯.jpg (151.43 KB,720x1099,720:1099,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bbda2ee08a48704⋯.mp4 (9.23 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971743 (250009ZNOV23) Notable: ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Chaos has erupted at Coronado Mall at reports of an active shooter

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BREAKING: Active shooter reported at Coronado Mall in Albuquerque, New Mexico

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668e89 No.109719

File: c3d6392c3157454⋯.png (788.65 KB,1142x680,571:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971769 (250017ZNOV23) Notable: Nevada Judge Rejects Efforts to Place Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment on 2024 Ballot

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Nevada Judge Rejects Efforts to Place Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment on 2024 Ballot

NOVEMBER 24, 2023

The judge explained the proposal was too broad, misleading, and contained an unfunded mandate in violation of Nevada’s existing laws.

In Nevada, a recent development saw a judge dismissing a petition from pro-abortion groups seeking to introduce a ballot question in 2024.

The proposal aimed to establish access to abortion as a constitutional right throughout the state, but the judge, James Russell, deemed the measure too wide-ranging to be a single-subject question fit for the ballot.

Judge Russell’s decision, delivered on Tuesday, highlighted the petition’s flaw in encompassing a multitude of subjects. He emphasized the lack of functional connections between various topics, such as infertility care, vasectomy, postpartum care, and abortion, within the proposed amendment.

Moreover, the judge pointed out that the petition failed to address funding for establishing a panel to oversee compliance with the suggested “reproductive rights.” According to Nevada’s constitutional stipulations, any citizen-initiated measure demanding additional spending must identify a funding source, which the pro-abortion initiative lacked.

The proponents, including Planned Parenthood and the Nevada ACLU, asserted that the constitutional amendment wouldn’t curtail equality rights. Judge Russell, however, deemed this assertion misleading and highlighted the potential adverse impact on pregnant women’s rights.

The judge pointed out that the proposal might prevent the state from investigating or taking action in cases of miscarriage or stillbirth.

Following the judge’s ruling, the pro-abortion advocates expressed intentions to challenge the decision in the Nevada Supreme Court. Lindsay Harmon, president of Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom, reaffirmed their commitment to securing the right to vote on protecting reproductive rights in the state constitution.

Conversely, Jason Guinasso, representing the state, applauded the ruling, stating that the proponents need to redefine their proposal more clearly.

The initiative, originally filed in September, faced obstacles due to its broad scope. If it were to make it onto the 2024 ballot and receive a simple majority, it would require a second passage on the 2026 ballot to amend the state constitution.

The Nevada Democrats, eyeing an upsurge in turnout in the upcoming presidential election, view the abortion debate as a crucial factor. They aim to highlight the GOP’s anti-choice agenda to rally their base for the next election cycle.

Notably, Nevada’s current abortion laws permit procedures up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, affirmed through a 1990 ballot referendum.

The recent proposal by Senate Democrats seeks to amend the state constitution, asserting the right to reproductive freedom for all individuals in Nevada, presenting another avenue for potential change in the state’s legal framework if passed in legislative sessions and voter approval in subsequent years.


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668e89 No.109720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971779 (250019ZNOV23) Notable: The hospital IDF still raided, after confirming Hamas HQ miles away...

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IDF raided Al-Shifa hospital despite uncovering Hamas HQ miles away – media

Israel has long insisted that the Palestinian militant group operates out of hospitals and other protected infrastructure

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) raided Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital complex, insisting Hamas was using the healthcare facility as its “terror headquarters,” despite having uncovered the militant group’s actual headquarters just days earlier, Consortium News reported on Thursday.

The outlet’s report cited a Jerusalem Post story published ahead of the controversial raid detailing how the IDF had discovered Hamas’ underground high command center – five miles (8.5km) away from the hospital. The IDF nevertheless went ahead with the assault on Al-Shifa, continuing to insist that the complex hid Hamas’ central base of operations without mentioning the discovery it had made days before.

The actual Hamas “pit” headquarters was reportedly accessible via an unusually deep (30 meters, or 98 feet) elevator shaft opening into an underground cavern outfitted with oxygen, air conditioning, and advanced communications technology, which bore signs of recent use by the group’s Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar and military chief Mohammed Deif, the IDF told the Post.

While the IDF pointed to an underground dormitory-style room and a handful of guns and grenades supposedly found during the raid on Al-Shifa as proof of a Hamas “bunker” inside the complex, reporters given tours of the findings pointed out that the weapons could have been brought in by anyone. The BBC also found the IDF’s supposedly unedited clip of the discovery had at least one edit.

The IDF subsequently unpublished the video of a lengthy presentation spokesman Daniel Hagari had delivered on October 27 that had laid out a 3D rendering of Hamas’ alleged command-and-control center inside the Al-Shifa complex from its website. The supposed sprawling operations center was said to encompass five separate buildings and tunnels connecting them all with various other assets.

Failure to uncover such a structure has led news outlets like the Associated Press and The Guardian to question the claims that served as the basis for the raid on the hospital, a protected site under international humanitarian law. Israel has been accused of misrepresenting water reservoirs and elevator shafts inside Al-Shifa and other hospitals as “Hamas tunnels” in what critics say is an effort to justify what would otherwise be illegal airstrikes. A video purporting to show a Palestinian nurse complaining Hamas was “taking over” Al-Shifa was also exposed as fake, with the “nurse” identified as an Israeli actress.

While Washington initially backed the IDF’s claims that Hamas was using Al-Shifa as a command center, US officials began referring to the hospital as a “command node” instead even before the raid, suggesting an awareness that the militant group’s nerve center was elsewhere. Hamas and the doctors employed at Al-Shifa have always denied the hospital was used for military purposes.


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668e89 No.109721

File: c28c5d5bf7794f5⋯.jpg (67.26 KB,645x687,215:229,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971786 (250020ZNOV23) Notable: STILL suffering from TDS?

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668e89 No.109722

File: 71ea379a48991dd⋯.png (529.7 KB,898x760,449:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971789 (250020ZNOV23) Notable: A federal judge in Georgia has ordered a trial for the case against Dominion voting machines.

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BREAKING: A federal judge in Georgia has ordered a trial for the case against Dominion voting machines.

4:09 PM · Nov 24, 2023


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668e89 No.109723

File: 51440288679d92c⋯.png (390.83 KB,746x616,373:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971799 (250022ZNOV23) Notable: Tucker is killin' it. Half a billion views on this interview alone.

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Holy fuck, Tucker is killin' it. Half a billion views on this interview alone.


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668e89 No.109724

File: 17b796d25920ff7⋯.jpg (103.97 KB,1290x1082,645:541,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971813 (250024ZNOV23) Notable: STILL suffering from TDS?

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NEW: 'Comedian' Kathy Griffin says she moos like a cow and meows like a cat to deal with her "PTSD" from Donald Trump.

Griffin is a good example of why we need to bring insane asylums back.

While speaking with Vulture, Griffin says she makes the noises during yoga class to get over her PTSD and says she even vomits because it's so bad.

Griffin said part of the reason she has PTSD is from when she was investigated by the DOJ for holding up a fake decapitated Trump head.

"It’s when I get on all fours like a kitty cat and then I arch my back and I am instructed by my teacher to say the word meow. I feel like a fucking fool, but I do it."

"And then I un-arch my back and, wait for it, I ‘moo’ like a cow. PTSD is a b*tch, and when I get PTSD attacks, I can’t stop vomiting. So if I have to meow like a kitty cat and moo like a cow, I’m gonna f*cking do it."

"I actually do have PTSD, and I’m laughing because I thought that was only for combat veterans."

"But apparently if you’re put under investigation by the Department of Justice, and the president wants you to be charged with conspiracy to assassinate the president, and you’re put on the No Fly List, and then your tour is canceled because of bomb threats, and then your phone doesn’t ring for six years, and then you get cancer and lose part of your voice ’cause half of your lung is gone, you gotta laugh about it."

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668e89 No.109725

File: 7df792f0bd91cfe⋯.png (717.41 KB,756x1779,252:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971817 (250024ZNOV23) Notable: 16-YEAR OLD PALESTINIAN GIRL WHO TRIED TO STAB SOLDIER RELEASED

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Freed prisoner Marah Bakir breathes freedom after her release through the exchange deal.

She was taken into custody on October 12, 2015, at the age of 16, following an incident where Israeli soldiers shot her in the hand after she stabbed a soldier.

Source: Bader

Last edited

1:59 PM · Nov 24, 2023


** In NYC under Giuliani, we try that as an adult for attempted murder...just sayin'

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668e89 No.109726

File: b99bbd10f6ad939⋯.png (396.94 KB,1000x1024,125:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971865 (250034ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland has been Europe's guinea pig since they joined the EU

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They hate you!

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668e89 No.109727


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668e89 No.109728

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971917 (250050ZNOV23) Notable: lb President Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank in Argentina SOURCE NEEDED

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Anon would just like to say, that this is bollocks below without source.

This is no way to make a notable of such a large event.

as much as this is what anon wants to see. anons not here to sell fake news.

Anon is here to fact chek and confirm.


>>109684 lb


>>109684 lbPresident Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank in Argentina

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668e89 No.109729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971960 (250059ZNOV23) Notable: #24518

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#24518 >>109700

>>109710, >>109711, >>109717, >>109718 ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Chaos has erupted at Coronado Mall at reports of an active shooter

>>109702, >>109706, >>109715, >>109705, >>109726 Ireland has been Europe's guinea pig since they joined the EU

>>109701 Right-wing MAGA politics caused Conservatives to turn backs on Ukraine, Trudeau claims

>>109703, >>109721, >>109724 STILL suffering from TDS?


>>109704 Until now, Americans didn't realize that the federal agents provoking the J6 riot were uniformed police

>>109708, >>109712 New Twitter Poll: Of the three groups, who is the greatest threat to Europe?

>>109709 Police are riot gear as a citywide Tactical Alert has been declared for a large groups of Pro-Palestine protesters

>>109713 PF: HAMPSHIRE AVIATION LLP out of France

>>109714 U.S. Senator Ron Johnson CALLS OUT Shadow Government. LIVE on FOX!

>>109716 A college Degree is now the fastest way to unemployment line - GWP

>>109719 Nevada Judge Rejects Efforts to Place Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment on 2024 Ballot

>>109720 The hospital IDF still raided, after confirming Hamas HQ miles away...

>>109722 A federal judge in Georgia has ordered a trial for the case against Dominion voting machines.

>>109723 Tucker is killin' it. Half a billion views on this interview alone.



>>109728 lb President Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank in Argentina SOURCE NEEDED


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668e89 No.109730

File: ce2726e6191e032⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971984 (250102ZNOV23) Notable: #24519

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>seeking handoff

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668e89 No.109731

File: e5ddbd5663d5432⋯.png (773.56 KB,597x818,597:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971999 (250106ZNOV23) Notable: @thejimwatkins Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too.

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James Watkins


Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too.



Kai On Your Side🌺




Replying to @BloggsSir @thejimwatkins and 3 others

Q sent me.... Just saying...

10:55 AM · Nov 24, 2023




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668e89 No.109732

File: 8e132d78d618b8f⋯.png (242.74 KB,379x632,379:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972147 (250139ZNOV23) Notable: Nevada judicial corruption: Washoe County, and the stunning disregard shown by the judge (Russell).

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Will be focusing quite a bit of energy in the coming week on Nevada judicial corruption. I posted a video this week about Robert Beadles' case in Nevada against Washoe County, and the stunning disregard shown by the judge (Russell).

For more on Russell - read here -


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668e89 No.109733

File: a51929e7e023703⋯.png (691.51 KB,980x914,490:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972199 (250149ZNOV23) Notable: Tennessee: 10 men charged after 2-day undercover human trafficking investigation

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TBI: 10 men charged after 2-day undercover human trafficking investigation

As part of their operation, decoy advertisements were placed on websites known to be linked to prostitution and commercial sex.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation(TBI)

By Carmyn Gutierrez

Published: Nov. 21, 2023 at 2:02 PM GMT-11

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668e89 No.109734

File: f6063bf5c477881⋯.png (198.13 KB,385x745,77:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972206 (250150ZNOV23) Notable: Study Reveals More than Half of COVID-19 Vaccinated Feel Sick a Year Later - Naveen Athrapully

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Study Reveals More than Half of COVID-19 Vaccinated Feel Sick a Year Later - Naveen Athrapully

"Over half of COVID-19 vaccine recipients in a recent study were found to be suffering from some form of health complications one year after taking the shots.

The study, published at ScienceDirect on Nov. 10, examined potential post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PCVS) among vaccinated individuals and assessed their quality of life (QoL). The study was conducted among adults aged 18 and above from India who had received either Bharat Biotech’s COVAXIN or the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines.

Among vaccine recipients, 52.8 percent of individuals were found to have at least 1 PCVS a month after primary vaccination. At 12 months, 64.6 percent reported at least 1 PCVS. Though the quality of life rose at six months following vaccination, it subsequently fell at 12 months."



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668e89 No.109735

File: 64ab235c4a5f1ef⋯.png (520.29 KB,1196x1066,46:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972216 (250152ZNOV23) Notable: @elonmusk Guys I found Q*

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>Guys I found Q*

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668e89 No.109736

File: 9fbd66966043490⋯.png (721.61 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 47b14dbf14e98e8⋯.png (1.34 MB,1260x839,1260:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972220 (250153ZNOV23) Notable: PF: FORTE10 USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk 10-2045

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USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk 10-2045


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668e89 No.109737

File: 8be0b69ce756aac⋯.png (214.95 KB,390x553,390:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972258 (250200ZNOV23) Notable: The EU could be facing another departure from the bloc, as the new President of the Netherlands is eyeing plans to leave the bloc.

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🚨The EU could be facing another departure from the bloc, as the new President of the Netherlands is eyeing plans to leave the bloc.


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668e89 No.109738

File: 896937d4417b62b⋯.png (843.82 KB,827x581,827:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972287 (250205ZNOV23) Notable: Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified

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Group Releases Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, Finds ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified

November 23, 2023 Rachel Alexander

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668e89 No.109739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972318 (250211ZNOV23) Notable: ON THE LOTUS EATERS, GROK, ELON MUSKS NEW A.I PLUS ITS CONNECTIONS THE U.N AND THE W.E.F

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Note: This is a all encompassing build back better, great reset and the fourth industrial revolution powered, monitored and controlled by A.I project, think internet of things, bodies and social credit. Klaus has stated that to bring this into reality, first a thing must be destroyed, than deconstructed and finally reconstructed they way they want it to perform.

p.s anon is working on a new project to explain what supply side reforms will be as they will be replacing interest rates which were once controlled by Libor but are now controlled by the B.I.S and implemented by the central banks.




First published at 20:46 UTC on November 24th, 2023.



p.s bitchute link is not working on 8kun so youtube also provided.

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668e89 No.109740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972381 (250222ZNOV23) Notable: Irish Lives Matter

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Irish Lives Matter

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668e89 No.109741

File: a843e6d566af690⋯.png (916.8 KB,1284x630,214:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972414 (250226ZNOV23) Notable: The housing market has hit 'rock bottom' and the sales slump will last a long time, Redfin CEO says

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The housing market has hit 'rock bottom' and the sales slump will last a long time, Redfin CEO says

Jennifer Sor

Nov 24, 2023, 5:01 AM GMT-11

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668e89 No.109742

File: ae44d7a69755034⋯.png (640.25 KB,997x803,997:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972422 (250227ZNOV23) Notable: Biden impeachment inquiry continues to build momentum

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Biden impeachment inquiry continues to

build momentum, evidence

Just the News, by The Center Square Staff

Posted By: Ida Lou Pino, 11/24/2023 10:56:11 AM

The impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden is gaining momentum as more evidence comes out to back allegations that the president himself financially benefited from the overseas business dealings of his son, Hunter. While Republicans will find it very difficult to get the needed supermajority to impeach Biden, the mounting evidence and media coverage would be another obstacle for Biden to overcome as he campaigns for reelection.

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668e89 No.109743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972430 (250229ZNOV23) Notable: CHALLENGE: Terminology to quash stereotypes while still calling out the combative subgroups.

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You have to repeat a term as part of training the mind else it falls into into the waste bin of history. Shills do not try to diffuse violence but openly mock inviting more. Not everyone associated with any of these X are X-goofies and we need a way to separate "Identities". This is what is happening in Ireland where innocent migrants are having their homes burned and concentration camps are being setup. This applies everywhere as in Palestine and in a short while it will come to Israel in a bigger way than any of these exemplify.

I have saved more lives than anyone in the history of the world and I invite you or anyone else to challenge me on this. I wrote this last night and I stand by my principle whether you make it notable or not: A laborer works to the best of their ability regardless of how others work. That was a reference to God's Kingdom come. Amen?

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668e89 No.109744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972483 (250239ZNOV23) Notable: CHALLENGE: Terminology to quash stereotypes while still calling out the combative subgroups.

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New terms to quash stereotypes while still calling out the combative subgroups.

While we coined the phrase "not anti-X but pattern matching, so we can called out organized fanatical combatives logically; this phrase does not go far enough and should be used after we have defined the subgroups distinctively. Whether it is anti- :: (Semitic, Black, Muslim, LGBT, and other terms such as Homophobia, Misogyny, and other isolate terms), there is no pre-term to describe such subgroups with clarity; although we do have terms like: (ultra, intra, radical, etc…) they still leave these subgroups vaguely defined.

We need a term to describe:

a. that they are a subset and not a stereotype

b. that they converge around a mindset

c. that they have and use an excuse for their actions

d. that they will take actions that go beyond boundaries

e. that they are will to destroy in order to accomplish their agenda.

As I tried numerous combinations, I kept coming back to "gang of" to describe their sub-grouping and "organized" as in organization, whether explicit or implicit, based upon "fanatical" principles.Thus the post-term:


gang of organized fanatical indignant extremist saboteurs

and the pre-term to describe an individual


gangster of organized fanatical indignants.


Their is a faction of Migrant-goofies

He is acting like a goofi-progressive

This way we are neither prejudice, discriminatory, biased, nor stereotyping but calling out dangerous subgroups that even the MSM cannot argue by our definition. Pattern matching at this point is not only fair and justified but undeniable.

Feel free to critique and make suggestions to better exemplify a-e.

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668e89 No.109745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972573 (250256ZNOV23) Notable: RE: GENEVA 'SUGGESTIONS' FOR ISRAEL: How hospitals became ‘fair game’ in Gaza | The Listening Post

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26 minutes

How hospitals became ‘fair game’ in Gaza | The Listening Post

Al Jazeera English

578K views 6 days ago

The evidence provided by Israeli forces to justify their attacks on Gaza's hospitals has come up short - and so has the news coverage

see how propaganda is done... badly

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668e89 No.109746

File: bbfe6f16061ade4⋯.mp4 (11.85 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972574 (250256ZNOV23) Notable: Newly elected Argentinian President Javier Milei meets with producer of The Sound of Freedom Eduardo Verástegui who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF MEXICO.

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668e89 No.109747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972684 (250316ZNOV23) Notable: Newly elected Argentinian President Javier Milei meets with producer of The Sound of Freedom Eduardo Verástegui who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF MEXICO.

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Chuck Callesto



JUST IN: Newly elected Argentinian President Javier Milei meets with producer of The Sound of Freedom Eduardo Verástegui who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF MEXICO.

The two just signed an agreement to work together to ERADICATE child sex trafficking.

Eduardo Verástegui

Nov 25, 2023 · 1:37 AM UTC






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668e89 No.109748

File: 3abf67aa1e94156⋯.png (98.37 KB,255x250,51:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972692 (250317ZNOV23) Notable: A deeper dive into Lucius trust. Who is Alice Bailey and what is the connection to the UN?

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668e89 No.109749

File: 87d11fcc694edaf⋯.png (103.51 KB,681x746,681:746,Clipboard.png)

File: 5edaa87184136bf⋯.png (542.64 KB,823x463,823:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972707 (250321ZNOV23) Notable: A deeper dive into Lucius trust. Who is Alice Bailey and what is the connection to the UN?

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A deeper dive into Lucius trust. Who is Alice Bailey and what is the connection to the UN?


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668e89 No.109750

File: a890b330441a86c⋯.png (152.65 KB,1115x758,1115:758,Clipboard.png)

File: 6394bb2623c59f7⋯.png (947.99 KB,1283x757,1283:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972716 (250324ZNOV23) Notable: A deeper dive into Lucius trust. Who is Alice Bailey and what is the connection to the UN?

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Ho Hum...

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668e89 No.109751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972743 (250331ZNOV23) Notable: #24519

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#24519 >>109730

>>109747, >>109746 Newly elected Argentinian President Javier Milei meets with producer of The Sound of Freedom Eduardo Verástegui who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF MEXICO.

>>109745 RE: GENEVA 'SUGGESTIONS' FOR ISRAEL: How hospitals became ‘fair game’ in Gaza | The Listening Post

>>109731 @thejimwatkins Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too.

>>109735 @elonmusk Guys I found Q*

>>109734 Study Reveals More than Half of COVID-19 Vaccinated Feel Sick a Year Later - Naveen Athrapully

>>109732 Nevada judicial corruption: Washoe County, and the stunning disregard shown by the judge (Russell).

>>109733 Tennessee: 10 men charged after 2-day undercover human trafficking investigation

>>109736 PF: FORTE10 USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk 10-2045

>>109737 The EU could be facing another departure from the bloc, as the new President of the Netherlands is eyeing plans to leave the bloc.

>>109738 Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified


>>109740 Irish Lives Matter

>>109741 The housing market has hit 'rock bottom' and the sales slump will last a long time, Redfin CEO says

>>109742 Biden impeachment inquiry continues to build momentum

>>109743, >>109744 CHALLENGE: Terminology to quash stereotypes while still calling out the combative subgroups.

>>109749, >>109750, >>109748 A deeper dive into Lucius trust. Who is Alice Bailey and what is the connection to the UN?


last call if mist

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668e89 No.109752

File: 795d2b69c5514fb⋯.mp4 (711.22 KB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972802 (250340ZNOV23) Notable: #24520

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baker requesting handoff

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668e89 No.109753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972869 (250354ZNOV23) Notable: Another Epstein victim sues Ghislaine Maxwell

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Another Epstein victim sues Ghislaine Maxwell


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668e89 No.109754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972878 (250356ZNOV23) Notable: Diverse group of Navy women had one job to do and they failed miserably…

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Diverse group of Navy women had one job to do and they failed miserably…

November 24, 2023 (a day ago)

It’s a troubling sign when our military prioritizes diversity over defense. But sadly, this aligns with the progressive obsession for celebrating “firsts”—be it the first female president or the first cross-dressing, luggage-stealing Department of Energy employee. However, the problem with this unprofessional approach is the shift in focus from the actual job that has to get done to aimlessly promoting a laundry list of social issues. When you lose sight of the primary objective and concentrate on the superficial fluff, your mission is doomed. This is particularly true for the US military, where losing focus can mean death. They nearly learned this lesson the hard way, thanks to a diverse group of Navy women who missed the runway and ended up landing in the water.

USNI News:

A Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol airplane is in Hawaii’s Kaneohe Bay after attempting to land on a Marine Corps runway Monday afternoon, according to Marine Corps officials.

The P-8A reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft was on approach to land on the runway at Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay on the island of Oahu.

“The aircraft was landing and overshot” the runway, said 1st Lt. Hailey Harms, a Marine Corps Base Hawaii spokesperson, told USNI News.

The aircraft, assigned to the Whidbey Island, Wash.-based “Skinny Dragons” of Patrol Squadron (VP) 4″ landed at 1:59 p.m. local Hawaii time and ended up in shallow water just off the coast. The air station’s main runway runs in a northeast-to-southwest direction.

“At approximately 2 p.m. local (Hawaii), a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon overshot the runway on landing at Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, and ended up in nearby water,” reads a statement from U.S. 3rd Fleet.

“All personnel safely evacuated the aircraft. The crew, assigned to Whidbey Island, Wash.-based squadron VP-4 ‘Skinny Dragons,” were on a detachment in support of maritime homeland defense.”

Nine people were aboard the aircraft at the time but no immediate injuries were reported.

“They are still being medically assessed,” Harms said.

Base emergency services quickly responded to the scene, including federal firefighters, military police, air traffic control, fire rescue and waterfront operations, she said.

Thankfully, no one was injured, but this doesn’t excuse the fact that a very expensive U.S. aircraft is now a giant “floaty” in the water, thanks to the left’s obsession with diversity, not quality.

And when they’re confronted with this issue, they circle the wagons, deploying every measure to protect their twisted social experiments. A prime example of this happened with a popular X user known as “Amuse,” who commented on the Navy incident only to be immediately attacked by “Community Notes” without justification. This incident illustrates the lengths to which social media platforms will go to defend flawed diversity initiatives. Here’s what he shared in his post:

DIVERSITY:Shortly after a Navy P-8A overshot the runway and landed in Kaneohe Bay (everyone survived) I pointed out that the crew was diverse. For that I got a scathing community note saying it wasn’t true. The Navy is very proud of the fact that it’s P-8 fleet features the most diverse crews in military aviation. 1st Lt. Hailey Harms, a Marine spokesperson confirmed the crew was both diverse and alive. Because the MSM isn’t reporting the identity of the crew the community notes community decided my comment was wrong. Annoying and false. Before you apply a community note make sure you know what you’re talking about – your inability to confirm a statement isn’t proof it isn’t accurate. Note: This crew photo is just the one the Navy distributed to show how diverse its P-8 crews are. They did not share one of the P-8 crew that went for a swim.

Sadly, there have been countless incidents lately where women “teams” have wreaked major havoc, from taking over marketing departments and crushing major businesses like Bud Light and Target to accidentally starting devastating forest fires.

It’s commendable that women are eager to contribute, but the notion that ‘girl power’ alone is superior when managing global affairs is not only misguided but also potentially hazardous and profoundly unwise.


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668e89 No.109755

File: aea831a6559ecd0⋯.jpeg (103.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972892 (250359ZNOV23) Notable: Geert Wilders Wins Bigly in Netherlands, media proclaims 'far right'

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Geert Wilders Wins Bigly in Netherlands

November 23, 2023

It was Christmas 2009, when the Massachusetts Democrat party filled with hubris and complacency scoffed at the idea that the seat of Ted Kennedy would ever be challenged by Republicans. However, a group of patriots worked tirelessly and quietly throughout the holiday season to change the dynamic. No one saw it coming, Scott Brown won.

In 2023 another group in the Netherlands took the same quiet and deliberate approach. Again, no one saw it coming but Geert Wilders is now on track to be the next prime minister.

The Party for Freedom (PVV) won 37 seats in Parliament and now stand as the largest political force in the country.

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders said Thursday that he is ready to join the next Dutch coalition government after he surged to a huge election victory that marked a stunning lurch to the far right for a nation once famed as a beacon of tolerance.

The result is sending shockwaves through Europe, where extremist nationalist ideology is putting pressure on democracies that now face the possibility of having to deal with the first far-right prime minister of the Netherlands.

“It is going to happen that the PVV is in the next Cabinet,” Wilders said, using the Dutch abbreviation for his Party for Freedom.

With nearly all votes counted, Wilders’ party was forecast to win 37 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament, more than double the 17 the party secured in the last election.

[…]Wilders’ election program included calls for a referendum on the Netherlands leaving the European Union, a total halt to accepting asylum-seekers and migrant pushbacks at Dutch borders.

It also advocates the “de-Islamization” of the Netherlands. He says he wants no mosques or Islamic schools in the country, although he has been milder about Islam during this election campaign than in the past.

[…] In his victory speech, Wilders said he wants to end what he called the “asylum tsunami,” referring to the migration issue that came to dominate his campaign. “The Dutch will be No. 1 again,” Wilders said. “The people must get their nation back.” (read more)

[Friday is my travel day. I will see y’all on Saturday 😊]


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668e89 No.109756

File: 4548e7fe242461b⋯.jpg (180.14 KB,1065x2048,1065:2048,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972894 (250400ZNOV23) Notable: Diverse group of Navy women had one job to do and they failed miserably…

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668e89 No.109757

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972897 (250401ZNOV23) Notable: Dank anon vids

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Anon made a short meme/vid, noice job!


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668e89 No.109758

File: f7a10a5dbf002da⋯.jpeg (51.1 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 207b8ba9f36ced2⋯.jpeg (469.71 KB,1084x1503,1084:1503,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972942 (250411ZNOV23) Notable: Man Pleads Guilty to Firebombing Wisconsin Pro-Life Organization

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Man Pleads Guilty to Firebombing Wisconsin Pro-Life Organization

Katherine Hamilton24 Nov 2023

A man pleaded guilty this week to the 2022 firebombing of a Wisconsin pro-life organization — an attack which occurred just days after someone leaked the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the invented constitutional “right” to abortion.

Madison resident Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury, 30, signed a plea agreement on November 20, admitting to attacking the Madison headquarters of Wisconsin Family Action. Roychowdhury signed the agreement in exchange for the recommendation he not receive a maximum punishment of 20 years behind bars, LifeSite News reportedWednesday. A judge is set to review the plea deal on December 1.

The fiery attack occurred early in the morning on May 8, 2022. Law enforcement responded to an active fire at the organization’s building and found the remnants of two mason jars, one of which was singed but had not successfully caught fire. The outside of the building was spray-painted with, “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” as well as a large “A” and the number “1312” a derogatory acronym that numerically stands for “ACAB” (All Cops are Bastards).

According to the DOJ, law enforcement identified Roychowdhury as a possible suspect in March 2023. Local police officers observed Roychowdhury dispose of food in a public trash can and were able to recover it and collect DNA from the food. On March 17, 2023, a forensic biologist tested the two DNA samples and found that they matched and were likely from the same person.

That same month, law enforcement arrested Roychowdhury at the Boston Logan International Airport, where he was planning to fly to Guatemala City. He was charged with one count of attempting to cause damage by means of fire or an explosive, which carries a mandatory minimum penalty of five years and a maximum of 20 years in prison, according to officials.

The firebombing was one of dozens of attacks against pro-life organizations and churches following the leak of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. According to trackers kept by CatholicVote, 88 pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers have been attacked since the decision was leaked, along with 214Catholic churches. Even so, Roychowdhury is one of the few pro-abortion extremists who have been arrested, as the DOJ continues to go after pro-life activists under FACE Act charges.

“Roychowdhury’s crime was not the only incident that Wisconsin Family Action endured, either,” LifeSite reported. “Following the attack, the group received a series of angry and threatening voicemails from pro-abortion radicals, including ‘Burn, little Jesus freaks’ and other death wishes, a declaration that the arsonist was a ‘true American patriot,’ obscenities, general expressions of contempt, and a suggestion that pro-abortion violence was some sort of logical progression from abortion activists unsuccessfully ‘trying for years to deal with this nonviolently.”‘


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668e89 No.109759

File: 525392a54c1882f⋯.jpeg (217.71 KB,1534x880,767:440,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973017 (250435ZNOV23) Notable: The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election

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The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election — Part I

by Jim Hoft Nov. 24, 20231/3

The information in this article was provided by Georgia citizen Joseph Rossi, originally appeared on JoeHoft.com, and was republished with permission.

Material errors were embedded in Georgia’s 2020 Election recount efforts in Fulton County. The Secretary of State and his team initially lied about these errors, and then they worked with the Attorney General’s office and the State Elections Board to exonerate the Secretary of State.


After the 2020 Election, a Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) was carried out by Georgia’s Secretary of State’s (SOS’s) Office. The results of this exercise confirmed the 2020 Election results.

However, thanks to the efforts ofGeorgian Joseph Rossi, 36 errorswere found in the Fulton County data in the RLA report posted on the SOS website.

Rossi doggedly went after those in authority in the state to review his data. He was turned down and ignored numerous times. But eventually after a series of events,Rossi was able to get these errors in front of members of Governor Kemp’s office.

As a result of Rossi’s work, the Georgia State Elections Board (SEB) initiated an investigation into the Fulton County data from the RLA report. This investigation was labeled SEB2021-181. Eventually the SEB identified violations and errors in the recounts of the 2020 Election in Fulton County.

** Our next article in this series will show that the SOS’s office lied about the accuracy of the recounts in Georgia.

** Our third article will show that with their backs to the wall post-Governor Kemp’s validation letter from November 17, 2020 – the SOS’s office, the AG’s office, and the Georgia SEB worked andcontinue to work to this day to exonerate the SOS of any responsibilityfor these numerous errors and violations.

And, by the way, there is an open inquiry before the Georgia SEB (SEBBI2023-001), regarding Election Code Violations committed by the SOS.

[Remember that the 2020 results were certified for Biden three days after the election. This was after he overcame President Trump’s 200,000 vote lead on election night to steal the election by less than 12,000 votes in Georgia. – See The Steal – Volume II: The Impossible Occurs for more information.

Note also that the investigations in this series were independent of two court cases that took place in Georgia after the 2020 Election.At least three individuals involved in a recountthat occurred in the state after the electionidentified 148,000 ballots that appeared to have been created by a machine and to be fraudulent. Fulton county and state are still preventing access to these ballots even though the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that the plaintiffs have the right to audit these ballots.

In addition, a separate audit of voting machines was initiated after the 2020 Election which was finally released years later which showed that the systems used in Georgia had security issues and bad actors could hack into them and change the results of an election.]….


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668e89 No.109760

File: 287a1f0069c7c44⋯.jpeg (230.19 KB,705x564,5:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973027 (250438ZNOV23) Notable: The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election

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The Errors

A Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) was prepared of the results from the 2020 Election in Georgia. The report of this audit is still available at the wayback machine here. The report concluded:

Following the November 2020 General Election, the Secretary of State selected the presidential contest for a statewide risk limiting audit (“RLA”). Due to the tight margin of the race and the principles of risk-limiting audits, this audit was a full manual tally of all votes cast. The audit confirmed that the original machine count accurately portrayed the winner of the election.

[These RLAs are garbage “audits” as they only count ballots which may be fraudulent after the election.]

Attached to the RLA was a supplemental report with results from the 2020 Election in each Georgia County. One individual in Georgia by the name of Joseph Rossi decided to review the numbers included in this report specifically related to Fulton County and he found numerous errors in the process. Rossi identified 36 errors that resulted in a net of 4081 false absentee by mail votes counted for Joe Biden in the 2020 Election.

After numerous tries, Rossi was able to reach Gabriel Sterling of the SOS’s office who admitted to errors in the report in an email dated February 26, 2021 when the complainant pointed out 1 of the 36 errors to him. “It appears that Fulton made a data entry error.”

Rossi continued to press forward with his observations and eventually Georgia Governor Brian Kemp got involved. His team reviewed Rossi’s work and per a letter from Governor Kemp to the Georgia SEB dated November 17, 2021 validated the errors identified by Rossi.

The 36 inconsistencies noted by Mr. Rossi are factual in nature…To determine whether it was appropriate to refer Mr. Rossi’s claims to you, my office tested the veracity of his work by independently repeating the research.”

Furthermore, the Governor’s letter, explicitly calls out that the errored RLA Report was posted publicly on the SOS website.

The data that exists in public view on the Secretary of State’s website of the RLA report does not inspire confidence. It is sloppy, inconsistent…”

Governor Kemp was sure to say that these errors did not dispute the outcome of the 2020 Election.

SEB Letter by Joe Ho on Scribd

Along with the governor’s report was a review of the inconsistencies in the RLA performed across the state.

Review of Inconsistencies in the Data Supporting the Risk Limiting Audit Report by Joe Ho on Scribd

On December 16, 2021, SOS Investigator Vincent Zagorin confirmed that the errors existed within the RLA Report posted on the SOS website. At the 00:31:39 mark of this meeting with the complainants, Zagorin referred to the length of time it took the complainant to find the errors and then adds that he found the errors quickly. “I can see it took you 15 minutes. It took me four.”

See the transcript of this meeting below:

Im Going to Turn in Warner Robins (From Aliceapp.ai) by Joe Ho on Scribd


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668e89 No.109761

File: 7608a241df253a6⋯.jpeg (97.01 KB,633x442,633:442,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973032 (250440ZNOV23) Notable: The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election

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By March of 2022, Fulton County Attorney Ringer admitted to errors during the March 16, 2022 hearing on investigation SEB2021-181. Ringer stated when referring to the errored RLA Report, “Fulton County did not have the time to go back and fix the errors…”

After the March SEB hearing – the Board voted 3:1, in agreement that the RLA Report had errors, and to send the case to the Attorney General’s office for further investigation.

The attorney for SOS Raffensperger was Ryan Germany. He was also on the phone call with Raffensperger and President Trump after the 2020 Election. In an email dated July 9, 2022, Germany acknowledged to Rossi that errors existed in the RLA report posted on the SOS website.

…our investigators looked at the alleged allegations, and found that Fulton did make mistakes in the audit counting/reporting.”

We also know that errors existed in Fulton County because the Attorney General’s Consent order for Fulton County confirmed errors exist in the RLA Report and that Fulton violated a SEB audit rule.

By failing to enter all of the audit batch sheet data accurately, Respondent violated SEB Rule 183-1-15-.04 regarding audits.”

Signed_Consent Order SEB 2021-181 and 2022-025 (Fulton County) With Exhibit A_Redacted by Joe Ho on Scribd

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) performed an internal review of the errors found in the RLA Report for Fulton posted on the SOS website and confirmed the existence of errors.

A rough estimate by the AJC indicates the errors identified by investigators amounted to about 3,000 too many absentee votes counted for Biden during the audit…”

Note that the AJC review of the errors was not as extensive as the reviews completed by the complainants and the Governor’s team, hence the “rough estimate,” reported by the AJC.

Also, regarding Machine Count2 for Fulton County, a complaint was filed July 8, 2022. The complaint specifically called out 3125 duplicate ballot counts and 17,852 votes counted that do not have a corresponding ballot image. This complaint resulted in investigation SEB2023-25. This investigation is complete and the results of this investigation will be presented to the SEB on December 19, 2023. This complaint has been categorized by the Board as “violations found.”

SEB202325violationsfoundcategory – Copyby Joe Ho on Scribd

SOS Raffensperger and his gang claimed there were no issues in the 2020 Election. This was not true. Next,we will show how the SOS’s office lied and then work with others to cover this all up.


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668e89 No.109762

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973159 (250517ZNOV23) Notable: Dank anon vids

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668e89 No.109763

File: 95c9fbda43ee807⋯.png (81.69 KB,540x650,54:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973279 (250611ZNOV23) Notable: Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Federal Prison; Cop Convicted in George Floyd Death Given “Life-Saving Measures” Before Being Taken to Hospital

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Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Federal Prison; Cop Convicted in George Floyd Death Given “Life-Saving Measures” Before Being Taken to Hospital

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who pled guilty to federal charges in the 2020 death while in custody of 46-year-old George Floyd, was stabbed and seriously injured in prison on Friday by a fellow inmate, according to a report by the Associated Press. Chauvin, 47, was also convicted on state charges in Minnesota and is serving concurrent sentences of over 20 years on the federal and state charges.

The attack happened at the Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson, a medium-security prison that has been plagued by security lapses and staffing shortages. The person was not authorized to publicly discuss details of the attack and spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity.

The Bureau of Prisons confirmed that an incarcerated person was assaulted at FCI Tucson at around 12:30 p.m. local time Friday. In a statement, the agency said responding employees contained the incident and performed “life-saving measures” before the inmate, who it did not name, was taken to a hospital for further treatment and evaluation.

…Chauvin, 47, was sent to FCI Tucson from a maximum-security Minnesota state prison in August 2022 to simultaneously serve a 21-year federal sentence for violating Floyd’s civil rights and a 22½-year state sentence for second-degree murder.

Chauvin’s lawyer, Eric Nelson, had advocated for keeping him out of general population and away from other inmates, anticipating he’d be a target. In Minnesota, Chauvin was mainly kept in solitary confinement “largely for his own protection,” Nelson wrote in court papers last year.

On Monday, the Supreme Court declined to hear Chauvin’s appeal of his conviction in state court in Minnesota (CNN excerpt):

The US Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from former Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of murder in the 2020 killing of George Floyd.

Chauvin was found guilty in April 2021 of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Floyd’s death. He was sentenced to 22 1/2 years in prison – which exceeded Minnesota’s sentencing guidelines range of 10 years and eight months to 15 years.

Chauvin later pleaded guilty to federal charges of violating Floyd’s civil rights and was sentenced to 21 years in prison to run concurrently with his state sentence.

…Chauvin claimed in his appeal against conviction he had not received a fair trial because jurors in his case may have had a vested interest against acquitting, out of fear of instigating more street protests and violence.



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668e89 No.109764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973311 (250630ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian PM blames ‘MAGA’ for Ukraine setback, says Conservatives are under the influence of American right-wing thinking and Russian disinformation

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Canadian PM blames ‘MAGA’ for Ukraine setback

Justin Trudeau saw American thinking and “Russian propaganda” behind the Conservative vote

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada accused the Conservative opposition on Friday of being under the influence of American right-wing thinking and Russian disinformation, after it voted against a trade pact with Ukraine on grounds of a carbon tax provision.

Earlier this week, 109 Tory MPs voted against the proposal to update the Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre called it “cruel” and “disgusting” to demand Kiev impose a carbon tax.

Speaking at a press conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland – having announced a new “green alliance” with European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen – Trudeau called this explanation “absurd.”

“The real story is the rise of a right-wing, American MAGA-influenced thinking that has made Canadian Conservatives – who used to be among the strongest defenders of Ukraine, I’ll admit it – turn their backs on something Ukraine needs in its hour of need,” the Liberal PM said.

MAGA is short for “Make America Great Again,” the winning slogan of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign that has been dusted off for this 2024 comeback candidacy. In addition to blaming “MAGA-influenced thinking,” Trudeau argued that the “right-wing” forces in the US and in “certain corners” of Europe were “starting to parrot Russian disinformation and misinformation and propaganda” to push for ending the Western support to Ukraine.

“All Canadians should be concerned,” Trudeau insisted, when the Conservatives “turn their backs on history, turn their backs on our friends and allies, turn their backs on the international rules-based order and our support for the UN charter on territorial integrity.”

He then announced that Ottawa would donate “over 11,000 assault rifles” and more than nine million rounds of small-arms ammunition to Kiev.

Some 1.4 million of the 40 million Canadians are of Ukrainian origin. Many of them are descendants of pro-Axis nationalists who fled after WWII, and reside in the Conservative stronghold of Alberta. Explaining his party’s vote on Thursday, Poilievre accused Trudeau of being “pathologically obsessed” with the carbon tax to the point of wanting to impose his ideology on Kiev “while the knife is at the throat of Ukrainians.”

Liberals have countered that Ukraine has had a carbon tax since 2011, as part of Kiev’s push for EU membership, and that Article 13.24 of the new trade deal was just a suggestion for further discussion. Trudeau was able to advance the proposal to a parliamentary committee with the votes of Bloc Quebecois and the National-Democrats.


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668e89 No.109765

File: ef2dbfed2b20609⋯.png (207.71 KB,941x1363,941:1363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973315 (250631ZNOV23) Notable: UBS Bank Branch in Basel Switzerland DENYING Withdrawals - "Liquidity Challenges"

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UBS Bank Branch in Basel Switzerland DENYING Withdrawals - "Liquidity Challenges"

A branch of UBS Bank, located at Tellplatz 12, Basel, Switzerland, gave a written notice to a Depositor today explaining why they CANNOT GIVE HIM HIS WITHDRAWAL: "Liquidity Challenge."

Yes, you read that right: The largest Bank in Switzerland told a Depositor IN WRITING, they cannot give him his withdrawal due to "Unforeseen liquidity challenges."

The Branch involved is shown in the Google Street-view image above.(in article)

Due to unforseen liquidity challenges, we regret to inform you that we are currently unable to fulfill your request.

As most readers already know from prior stories this week, UBS is the largest bank in Switzerland, and the largest PRIVATE BANK in the world.

For them to have "unforeseen liquidity challenges" is a staggering admission!

Worse, I am told, but have yet to confirm, that another Bank Customer of UBS was told today that he, too, could not get his money, and that he should"try in 3 weeks."

UBS has banking branches in many, MANY, countries around the world. One wonders if this "liquidity challenge" will affect the branches in all those other countries as well?

Do you have money in that bank?

Sauce: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/ubs-bank-branch-in-basel-switzerland-denying-withdrawals-liquidity-challenges

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668e89 No.109766

File: 456c3bfdb4b38e2⋯.jpeg (97.86 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f08367f916323da⋯.jpeg (294.52 KB,1106x1155,158:165,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973439 (250739ZNOV23) Notable: DeSantis Camp Releases brutal Ad Exposing Nikki Haley’s Ties to Clinton

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WATCH: DeSantis Camp Releases BRUTAL Ad Exposing Nikki Haley’s Ties to Clinton

Ben Bartee November 23, 2023

I actually didn’t know before watching this how many times, and how hard, Nikki Haley has sucked up to Clinton on the public stage. I would never have voted for her at all, but, if it’s possible, I hold her in lower regard now than I did before.

Let’s be honest, though; it wasn’t possible to hold her in lower regard before. That was just rhetorical.

Via NBC News:

The 30-second ad takes past Haley quotes about Clinton out of context. It is the latest instance of pro-DeSantis groups’ targeting Haley, the former United Nations ambassador, who has been rising in both early-state and national polls, threatening DeSantis' long-established second-place standing in the Republican presidential primary campaign.

“Crooked Hillary,” the ad intones, as an animated stone bust of Clinton is introduced on the screen. “But to Nikki Haley, she’s her role model. The reason she ran for office.

The ad features brutal back-to-back clips in Haley’s own voice of the candidate praising Hillary Clinton and honoring her as the reason she got into politics. It concludes with a nail-on-chalkboard sound bite of Clinton’s infamous hyena-like cackle.

Why any Republican, even twenty years ago, would have thought that sucking up to Hillary Clinton, of all people, was a solid political move is beyond me.

Haley’s been playing the Yass Slay Queen third-wave feminist card aggressively lately, including referring to her heels cryptically as “ammunition,” a declaration that literally no one has been able to decipher, perhaps including Haley herself. I think she just assumed mixing the right’s appreciation for guns with a healthy injection of feminism would somehow equal a rhetorical windfall.

While entertaining, this ad is actually really sad. It would be an effective ad if Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis weren’t fighting over second place.

What kind of a political moron makes an ad attacking his competition that’s polling at around 10% when the Big Guy has a 40+% lead on the entire field?

Of course, in Nikki Haley’s case, she’s not actually running for president, so it makes sense that she’s not gunning for Trump. Maybe she gets a VP slot; or maybe, much better, she cashes in her warmongering for a fat MIC check at a think tank or Raytheon.

DeSantis appears to have been earnest in his bid, which makes him spending money to attack Haley inexplicable.


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668e89 No.109767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973573 (250914ZNOV23) Notable: #24520

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#24520 >>109752

>>109753 Another Epstein victim sues Ghislaine Maxwell

>>109754, >>109756 Diverse group of Navy women had one job to do and they failed miserably…

>>109755 Geert Wilders Wins Bigly in Netherlands, media proclaims 'far right'

>>109757, >>109762 Dank anon vids

>>109758 Man Pleads Guilty to Firebombing Wisconsin Pro-Life Organization

>>109759, >>109760, >>109761 The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election

>>109763 Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Federal Prison; Cop Convicted in George Floyd Death Given “Life-Saving Measures” Before Being Taken to Hospital

>>109764 Canadian PM blames ‘MAGA’ for Ukraine setback, says Conservatives are under the influence of American right-wing thinking and Russian disinformation

>>109765 UBS Bank Branch in Basel Switzerland DENYING Withdrawals - "Liquidity Challenges"

>>109766 DeSantis Camp Releases brutal Ad Exposing Nikki Haley’s Ties to Clinton



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668e89 No.109768

File: 72b9321abb5927b⋯.png (615.79 KB,1080x608,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973596 (250932ZNOV23) Notable: #24521

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668e89 No.109769

File: d7cc677d4ad4cc3⋯.png (1.35 MB,1620x1440,9:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973634 (251008ZNOV23) Notable: Kanye West ex personal trainer Harley Pasternak was STALKING him in Dubai

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EXCLUSIVE: Kanye West believes ex personal trainer Harley Pasternak is FOLLOWING him in Dubai one year after rapper leaked alleged texts from 'creepy' former employee threatening to get him 'institutionalized again

Kanye West believes his ex personal trainer Harley Pasternak has been following him in Dubai - one year after the rapper leaked alleged texts from his 'creepy' former employee threatening to get him 'institutionalized again'.

Photo and video obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com shows Pasternak, 49, in the lobby of a hotel on Monday where West is staying with his children - which a source called 'extremely suspect'.

West, 46, was notably hospitalized in November 2016 after suffering a temporary psychosis at Pasternak's home in West Hollywood - reportedly brought on by sleep deprivation and extreme dehydration following a stream of Twitter posting frenzies, political and personal rants at his fans and cancelled concerts.

West was diagnosed with bipolar disorder but has claimed in the years since that he was 'mentally misdiagnosed' and that Pasternak was allegedly to blame - later leaking texts Pasternak had reportedly sent him in the wake of the musician's 2022 anti-Semitic rants.

An insider told DailyMail.com of Pasternak: 'We have grave concerns as to what this creepy operative is doing in Ye’s hotel.

'The timing is extremely suspect.

'We are very concerned indeed about his motives and intentions.

'This is the man who threatened to "drug Ye to Zombieland". Why has he suddenly shown up here?'

DailyMail.com has contacted representatives for Pasternak for comment.

In November 2022, West leaked alleged text messages from Pasternak in which his former employee reportedly threatened to 'have you institutionalized again' if he wasn't allowed to sit down with the musician for a 'loving, open conversation' in the wake of the musician's anti-Semitic rants.

The alleged texts from Pasternak read: 'First, you and I sit down and have a loving and open conversation, but you don’t use cuss words, and everything that is discussed is based in fact, and not some crazy stuff that dumb friend of yours told you, or you saw in a tweet.

'Second option. I have you institutionalized again where they medicate the crap out of you, and you go back to Zombieland forever. Play date with the kids just won’t be the same.'

Photo and video obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com shows Pasternak in the lobby of a hotel where West is staying with his children

West was notably hospitalized in November 2016 after suffering a temporary psychosis at Pasternak's home in West Hollywood

West was diagnosed with bipolar disorder but has since claimed that he was 'mentally misdiagnosed' and that Pasternak was allegedly to blame


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668e89 No.109770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973654 (251029ZNOV23) Notable: Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison

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Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who was convicted of murdering George Floyd was reportedly stabbed in prison.


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668e89 No.109771

File: a0f5285eee5196c⋯.png (259.37 KB,935x596,935:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973683 (251057ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Judge Orders Troopers to Stop the 'Kansas Two-Step'

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Federal Judge Orders Troopers to Stop the 'Kansas Two-Step'


Interesting Logo, Mr. Lehto.

Lot's of +'s and Symbols

The Standard of Carthage

ASE (All Seeing Eye)(Automotive Service Excellence?)

Why build all the roads if not to sell them cars and Tyres, and then Pirate them?

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668e89 No.109772

File: b8d3635778b27a8⋯.png (90.58 KB,628x659,628:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973778 (251229ZNOV23) Notable: Qatar plays host to terror - American Thinker

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Qatar plays host to terror

American Thinker, by Harold Witkov

Posted By: FlyRight, 11/25/2023 7:21:57 AM

Qatar loves to play host. In 2022, they hosted the prestigious FIFI World Cup. Presently and into next year, they will be hosting the AFC Asian Cup, and in 2030, they will host a multi-sport event called the Asian Games. There are plans in the making for Qatar to host the 2036 Olympics. Don’t be surprised if it happens. But Qatar is not just about hosting sporting events. Qatar loves to playhost to important Hamas leaders like Khalid Mashaal, Ismail Haniyeh, and Moussa Abu Marzuk. These three Hamas billionaires are permanent guests of Qatar. While they enjoy the highlife,

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668e89 No.109773

File: 553d83c67bd9bcc⋯.png (452.78 KB,585x746,585:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973781 (251231ZNOV23) Notable: @therealjimcaviezel Watch THE REDLINE INTERVIEW with me & @TrueGenFlynn

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Kash Patel ReTruthed


Jim Caviezel



Jul 14

Where's your REDLINE? Are you willing to sacrifice to do the RIGHT THING? When it comes to children- It's not even a question.

Watch THE REDLINE INTERVIEW with me & @TrueGenFlynn discussing faith, fear, & love of Christ above all else. Time to WAKE UP & tell the WORLD #GodsChildrenAreNotForSale

(thank you @joythayer of @speropictures for hosting) #savethechildren #soundoffreedom




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668e89 No.109774

File: f42b961f20e92bd⋯.png (555.39 KB,759x714,253:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973791 (251235ZNOV23) Notable: Migrant children sexually abused in ‘rape tents’ while crossing deadly Darien Gap

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Migrant children sexually abused in ‘rape tents’ while crossing deadly Darien Gap: report

By Social Links for Steve Janoski

Published Nov. 23, 2023, 4:27 p.m. ET

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668e89 No.109775

File: 85313981fa20c4a⋯.png (799.53 KB,783x930,261:310,Clipboard.png)

File: f53346d98936908⋯.png (249.86 KB,749x587,749:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973801 (251238ZNOV23) Notable: A damn good PsyOp.

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Burning Bright

Jan 8, 2023

A damn good PsyOp.

This is how one of the most respected figures—and for good reason—in the MAGA and America First movements referred to the Q Operation on a recent appearance on a popular show.

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668e89 No.109776

File: 7c12db1454459b3⋯.png (491.02 KB,902x564,451:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973809 (251240ZNOV23) Notable: Headaches at Fox as Lachlan Murdoch takes reins from father Rupert

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Headaches at Fox as Lachlan Murdoch takes reins from father Rupert

Tycoon’s eldest son promises ‘no change’ in Fox News strategy but suite of legal claims threaten to derail family empire

Edward Helmore

Sat 25 Nov 2023 06.00 EST

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668e89 No.109777

File: 832bea72a001b99⋯.png (846.68 KB,678x676,339:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973828 (251252ZNOV23) Notable: Disney Report Warns Investors Social Goals Take Priority over Profits

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Disney Report Warns Investors Social Goals

Take Priority over Profits

Breitbart, by John Nolte

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/25/2023 12:27:29 AM

The Disney Grooming Syndicate’s annual SEC report tried to bury its foundational problems in the word salad of all word salads. Thankfully, That Park Place saw right through it. The key takeaway from the report is that Disney, as required by law in these filings, is warning investors that its social goals are more important than profits. “There is in such things a statement of the various ‘Risk factors’ the company may encounter,” explains That Park Place, “all in the obligatory legal way to avoid people later saying ‘You never warned us about this!!’” In other words, in this annual report, Disney must warn stockholders and potential stockholders

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668e89 No.109778

File: 15e8ca4b897b74a⋯.png (917.53 KB,885x847,885:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973837 (251256ZNOV23) Notable: Feds Considered Sex Trafficking Charge for Hunter Biden.

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Saturday, November 25, 2023

hunter biden sex trafficking

2 months ago

Jake Welch


Feds Considered Sex Trafficking Charge for Hunter Biden.

Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors considered the possibility of charging Hunter Biden for crimes involving sex trafficking, according to emails from an IRS whistleblower made available to the public by the House Ways and Means Committee.

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668e89 No.109779

File: 4edde355fb6c446⋯.png (415.51 KB,596x630,298:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973860 (251307ZNOV23) Notable: Oliver Stone Stuns Bill Maher Saying Ukrainian BioLabs Could Be Working on Pathogens Worse Than COVID

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Chief Nerd


👀 Oliver Stone Stuns Bill Maher Saying Ukrainian BioLabs Could Be Working on Pathogens Worse Than COVID

"What if it was a lab leak? What if the United States was developing these pathogens to kill for military reasons?...It's worse than that I think. What are the labs in Ukraine? What is that about?...Do you remember she admitted it? Nuland admitted it... Come on. I'm surprised that you didn't know that."

5:09 PM · Nov 24, 2023




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668e89 No.109780

File: e8ae39c1711cd27⋯.jpg (216.5 KB,720x1214,360:607,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9d96b8c39588fe4⋯.jpg (134.09 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973863 (251310ZNOV23) Notable: How Bill Gates came to own America’s heartland

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How Bill Gates came to own America’s heartland

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668e89 No.109781

File: 1962a754480c7ff⋯.png (972.6 KB,881x747,881:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973912 (251326ZNOV23) Notable: A Dirty Little Secret About Drudge PJ Media

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A Dirty Little Secret About Drudge

PJ Media, by Paula Bolyard

Posted By: Hazymac, 11/24/2023 8:21:49 PM

It's no secret that for years, the Drudge Report drove conservative (and often mainstream) media news cycles. If Drudge was talking about it, you could bet everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Fox News to PJ Media was also discussing it. In fact, there was a symbiotic relationship between Drudge's aggregated links and the pages of most conservative media outlets. Pretty much everyone was either getting story prompts from Drudge or sending him stories (often via AOL Instant Messenger) hoping he'd link them. A Drudge link day was always a good one

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668e89 No.109782

File: 1ecec9c420d102f⋯.jpeg (123.98 KB,960x601,960:601,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973924 (251332ZNOV23) Notable: Bethlehem cancels Christmas

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Bethlehem cancels Christmas

Bethlehem, the town where Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago, recently announced it is "canceling" Christmas this year……in honor of Palestinians who have died in Hamas’ brutal war with Israel. Bethlehem normally generates a majority of its revenue from tourism, especially around Christmas, when Christians flock to the Church of the Nativity, thought to be on or near the site where Jesus was born in a manger. But city officials said that virtually all decorations, including a tree, lights, and a nativity scene would be dismantled prior to December 25 in honor of Palestinian “martyrs.” It will likely penalize many Christians there.

This means that there will be no Christmas tree or decorative lights in Manger Square, which marks the spot where Jesus Christ was said to have been born, for the first time since modern celebrations began.


Just seventy years ago, Christians made up 80 percent of Bethlehem’s population, but now comprise only about 10 percent. Bethlehem is now majority Muslim- and will remain dark this December.

Symbolic enough for you?




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668e89 No.109783

File: ec7e2513e0564d9⋯.png (416.31 KB,600x793,600:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973953 (251340ZNOV23) Notable: More Than Half of United States at Risk of WINTER BLACKOUTS as a Direct Result of Biden Energy Policies..

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Chuck Callesto


SHOCKING REPORT: More Than Half of United States at Risk of WINTER BLACKOUTS as a Direct Result of Biden Energy Policies..

A warning has been issued by an energy watchdog stating that the energy policy of President Joe Biden could lead to increased blackout risks for over half of the United States this winter.

Referencing the 2023–2024 Winter Reliability Assessment, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association has identified Biden’s energy strategies as a significant hazard to the reliability of the national power grid..

Residents from Texas to New England could be subject to blackouts during the expected extreme cold this winter due to "inadequate generator weatherization and limitations to natural gas infrastructure."

FULL REPORT: https://nerc.com/pa/RAPA/ra/Reliability%20Assessments%20DL/NERC_WRA_2023.pdf


5:48 PM · Nov 24, 2023




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668e89 No.109784

File: 64ab235c4a5f1ef⋯.png (520.29 KB,1196x1066,46:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 334db4e2c984165⋯.png (364.05 KB,828x400,207:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 16d711c3063f3c1⋯.webp (156.4 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973957 (251341ZNOV23) Notable: Everyone's talking about OpenAI's Q*. Here's what you need to know about the mysterious project.

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>>109735 (PB)


>Guys I found Q*

Who is he Talking To?

Could this for his handlers?

Is this to let them know he has an out? Leverage?

More than 1 Q?

How Many Qs?

Or simply just to call out - Sam Altman?

Everyone's talking about OpenAI's Q*. Here's what you need to know about the mysterious project.


Do you think He will have an 11th Child and Name it Q?

Musk has 10 children, and has generated a lot of media buzz for some of their more unusual names.

In 2020, Musk and Grimes welcomed a son, who they named X Æ A-12. This created a stir because in California, where Musk was living at the time, names can only use the 26 letters of the English alphabet, The Washington Post reports. His name was eventually changed to remove the '12.'

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668e89 No.109785

File: b806a54e3e8746f⋯.png (536.45 KB,794x798,397:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19973961 (251342ZNOV23) Notable: George Soros Sent $5 Million To Legal Group Founded By Democrat Lawyer Behind Discredited Steele Dossier

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George Soros Sent $5 Million To Legal Group Founded By Democrat Lawyer Behind Discredited Steele Dossier


(Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)

James Lynch

Investigative Reporter

November 22, 2023 8:57 PM ET

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668e89 No.109786

File: cb8c73e76bc0886⋯.jpg (76.48 KB,895x886,895:886,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1eb33fbcc179495⋯.jpg (68.98 KB,640x629,640:629,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974013 (251358ZNOV23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes Teaches David Nino Rodriguez Patience

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They don't even bother to hide it anymore.

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668e89 No.109787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974063 (251412ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Islamists On London Streets

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LIVE: Islamists On London Streets


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668e89 No.109788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974084 (251421ZNOV23) Notable: Sanctuary City NYC Defunds POLICE, FIRE & SCHOOLS To Care For illegal immigrants.

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Sanctuary City NYC Defunds POLICE, FIRE & SCHOOLS To Care For illegal immigrants.


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668e89 No.109789

File: c7e1f51d4b74989⋯.png (391.25 KB,770x737,70:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974112 (251432ZNOV23) Notable: Red Cross Convoy Carrying Hostages Crosses Over from Egypt to Israel

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WATCH: Red Cross Convoy Carrying Hostages Crosses Over from Egypt to Israel

Colby HallNov 24th, 2023, 11:01 am

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668e89 No.109790

File: f03e5209714f6b8⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974120 (251435ZNOV23) Notable: Griswold accused of sending more than 30,000 VOTER REGISTRATION MAILERS to illegal aliens in Colorado during 2022 election

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Chuck Callesto


BOMBSHELL REPORT: Secretary of State Jena Griswold accused of sending more than 30,000 VOTER REGISTRATION MAILERS to illegal aliens in Colorado during 2022 election..



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668e89 No.109791

File: bfd0d1450b3445c⋯.gif (5.77 MB,720x404,180:101,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974125 (251437ZNOV23)

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>thanksgiving with my vaxxed friends

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668e89 No.109792

File: 8cae5411331c4ad⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974132 (251440ZNOV23) Notable: @JMilei explains the Cantillon Effect, or how printing money benefits the first receivers of money at the expense of everyone else.

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I dare just one US politician to say exactly this.

Liam McCollum



Nov 24


Argentina’s new president


explains the Cantillon Effect, or how printing money benefits the first receivers of money at the expense of everyone else.


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668e89 No.109793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974168 (251450ZNOV23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes Teaches David Nino Rodriguez Patience

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‘Chasing Dollars’: Rishi Sunak Under Scrutiny For Rejecting Gaza Ceasefire

Critics have slammed Sunak for his government’s blind pro-Israel stance and lack of moral clarity or leadership as a genocide unfolds in Gaza.

Safaa KasraouiNov. 08, 2023 8:19 p.m.

Many, including netizens, have been looking for answers to explore why the British PM would disagree with a ceasefire, undertaking efforts to also know more about his family background in the search for reasons behind his cabinet’s blatant complicity in the war crimes being perpetrated on a daily basis by Israel against the Palestinian people. .

Some have suggested that one of the reasons could be the financial interests of Sunak’s family, recalling Israel’s October 30 decision to award gas exploration licences to two companies, including BP, a multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London.

The announcement came amid Israeli shelling against Gaza.

Months before the Israeli announcement, news reports in May reported on Infosys, an Indian IT firm owned by Rishi Sunak’s in-laws, which signed a $1.5 billion deal with BP in May.

Infosys is a large technology company co-founded by Sunak father in law.

News outlet the National said on August 2 that “just two months before Rishi Sunak opened hundreds of new licences for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea, an IT firm founded by his father-in-law signed a $1.5 billion deal with energy giant BP.”

This comes amid criticism from many, including opposition parties and climate change petitioners, who opposed his announcement of 100 new licences for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea.

Read Also: The Forgotten Gaza: For the West to Call it War Crimes, It Needs to Be Ukraine

Sunak’s support for gas drilling also caught the attention of many netizens, who directly accused him of prioritizing his family's financial interest over peace.

“UK’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has Palestinian blood on his hands,” one commentator said on X, previously known as Twitter.

“Turns out Rishi’s wife is getting MEGA rich off this war. Her dad is co-founder of Infosys. Zionists just awarded gas exploration licences to several gas companies, one of them was BP. Rishi’s wife just signed a deal worth 1.5 billion dollars with BP via her company infosys, because BP was awarded a licence by Israel,” the commentator added.


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668e89 No.109794

File: f35c600038d61ae⋯.jpeg (109.91 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: aca7e9d0ebb2b4d⋯.png (856.13 KB,742x638,371:319,Clipboard.png)

File: f2355619ea83054⋯.png (622.18 KB,916x547,916:547,Clipboard.png)

File: d7a39acf6ee7880⋯.png (593.62 KB,868x473,868:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c4ec3a22768fcf⋯.png (402.46 KB,909x434,909:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974171 (251450ZNOV23) Notable: Firearm Industry Giants Sued For Gun Memes. THE DUMBEST LAWSUIT (SO FAR…)

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Full Retard…

Firearm Industry Giants Sued For Gun Memes


Did you know that you can be sued for posting gun memes? Well, maybe not you, but firearm brands can.

In Lowy V. Daniel Defense et al. Karen Lowy of Washington D.C. is suing a very long list of firearm and firearm accessory manufacturers because the companies' products were owned by (not necessarily used by, just owned by) a would-be mass shooter.

A large part of her case rests on the fact that many of these brands have marketing departments that post gun memes.

The named defendants include:

Daniel Defense

Fab Defense

Fab Manufacturing

Bravo Company USA

Loyal 9 (Sons Of Liberty Gunworks)


Hearing Protection, LLC (Griffin Armament)

Centurion Arms

Magpul Industries

Federal Cartridge Company

Vista Outdoor

Fiocchi Of America

Fiocchi Munizioni S.P.A

Starline Brass



And 20 more unnamed defendants.


Lowy was the unfortunate victim of a mass shooter. While waiting to pick up her daughter at the Edmund Burke School in Washington D.C., a shooter opened fire from a nearby apartment window. Firing over 200 rounds at the school and pick-up area, the shooter killed no one but wounded four, including Lowy.

The shooter then killed himself as police arrived.

According to the lawsuit, Lowy only survived the attack after being resuscitated twice by emergency medical teams. There is no doubt that Lowy is a victim in this matter and that she suffered greatly.

However, the lawsuit claims that the shooter only became a shooter because of marketing created by and posted by the named defendants. Basically, the entire gun industry.

From the filed complaint:

“The mass shooting at Edmund Burke School (the “Shooting”) was the foreseeable and entirely preventable result of a chain of events initiated by Daniel Defense et al. For years, these manufacturers have deceptively and unfairly marketed their assault rifles, rifle accessories, and ammunition in ways designed to appeal to the impulsive, risk-taking tendencies of civilian adolescent and post-adolescent males—the same category of consumers Defendants have watched, time after time, commit the type of mass shooting that unfolded again at the Edmund Burke School.”


Lowy’s suit contends that:

“These advertisements are especially salient for—and are targeted to attract—troubled young men attracted to violent combat, increasing the risk that these young men will use Defendants’ deadly weapons, weapon accessories, and ammunition to perpetrate mass violence.”


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668e89 No.109795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974176 (251452ZNOV23) Notable: "Extreme Situation": Fat-Finger Trade Sends Finnish Power Prices Crashing Deeply Negative

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The problem with politicians hiding graft by trying to trade their way out of reliable power generation, because MuhGreen. (Watermelons, all)



"Extreme Situation": Fat-Finger Trade Sends Finnish Power Prices Crashing Deeply Negative


"Extreme Situation": Fat-Finger Trade Sends Finnish Power Prices Crashing Deeply Negative


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668e89 No.109796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974189 (251455ZNOV23) Notable: "Don't elect non-natives." has a certain ring to it.

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He has a point. "Don't elect non-natives." has a certain ring to it.



🇮🇪 Elon Musk says Ireland's Taoiseach Leo Varadkar 'hates Irish people' after revealing new legislation to crack down on hate speech.


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668e89 No.109797

File: d953900dd2e1793⋯.png (164.04 KB,271x360,271:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 74a1ebd8e4d948b⋯.png (80.96 KB,240x225,16:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974212 (251459ZNOV23) Notable: just another Saturday in #Iraq with a #USAF E-11A BACN circling for hours at 41,000ft

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"Operators are standing by...."

Steffan Watkins 


🇮🇶 It's just another Saturday in #Iraq with a #USAF E-11A BACN circling for hours at 41,000ft, which gives them a radio horizon of 460 km, allowing them to stay in friendly Iraqi airspace and communicate with Americans deployed hundreds of km away, as well as be geolocated with MLAT from roughly that distance, from another country even; if only #ADSBexchange had 4 receivers in LOS. 📡

8:22 PM · Nov 24, 2023




See similar posts

Steffan Watkins 




One day I'm going to wake up and see these aircraft labeled "Mode-S" that were over Iraq, geolocated using multilateration, their flight paths shown, and labelled "MLAT" on the map.

Steffan Watkins 




See the 0000010 at the top? #ASYLM25

That's usually the 🇺🇸 State Department deliberately using a transponder number not associated with that aircraft or the United States.

"Rules based international order" 🤡

These can be geolocated with #MLAT too, including 🇬🇧 #OpSHADER flights


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668e89 No.109798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974216 (251501ZNOV23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes Teaches David Nino Rodriguez Patience

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Got it from here, was looking for the whole interview


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668e89 No.109799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974234 (251504ZNOV23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes Teaches David Nino Rodriguez Patience

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subscription only


But here's a page that contained embedded video: https://roserambles.org/2023/11/24/jan-halper-hayes-teaches-david-nino-rodriguez-patience-november-24-2023

>full 54 minute video



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668e89 No.109800

File: 49c35a2948b96cf⋯.png (766.52 KB,1151x1684,1151:1684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974244 (251506ZNOV23) Notable: Pope has a mild flu, CT scan shows no pulmonary issues

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Pope has a mild flu, CT scan shows no pulmonary issues

After cancelling his audiences on Saturday, Pope Francis undergoes a CT scan in connection with his flu-like symptoms, which rules out the risk of pulmonary complications.

25 November 2023, 14:43


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668e89 No.109801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974267 (251511ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Islamists On London Streets

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LIVE: Islamists Take Control Of London Streets


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668e89 No.109802

File: 71edb61325de9a8⋯.gif (8.67 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974268 (251511ZNOV23)

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>my recent trip to the local walgreens

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668e89 No.109803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974273 (251512ZNOV23) Notable: Eni, BP (British Petroleum) Enter Israel's Upstream Despite War in Gaza

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Eni, BP (British Petroleum) Enter Israel's Upstream Despite War in Gaza

Israel has awarded European majors Eni and BP offshore oil and gas exploration blocks as part of its fourth upstream bid round, just as its war with Palestinian militant group Hamas threatens to spread beyond the Gaza Strip.


Sunak’s family firm signed a billion-dollar deal with BP before PM opened new North Sea licences

The CEO of one of Infosys' other major clients, Shell, also joined Rishi Sunak's new business council two weeks ago.

Jack Peat by Jack Peat 2023-08-01 08:28 in Politics

A firm founded by Rishi Sunak’s father-in-law signed a billion-dollar deal with BP two months before the prime minister opened hundreds of new licences for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea.

In May, the Times of India reported that Infosys bagged a huge deal from the global energy company which is thought to be the second-largest in the history of the firm.

The Indian IT company is owned by the prime minister’s wife’s family although Sunak has insisted the matter is of “no legitimate public interest”.

It has since come to light that the IT giant has been involved in £172 million worth of public sector contracts in the UK, and even the most innocent bystanders would admit that the current drive to increase oil and gas exploration in the North Sea is more than convenient.

What’s more, it is made even more convenient by the fact that one of Infosys’ other major clients is Shell, whose CEO joined Rishi Sunak’s new business council two weeks ago and promised a “candid collaboration” with his government.

Sunak's family firm Infosys also signed a deal reported to be worth $1.5billion with BP just two months ago. pic.twitter.com/FNa9UIjqqM

— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) July 31, 2023


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668e89 No.109804

File: 278af3d3013efdd⋯.gif (3.7 MB,470x490,47:49,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974278 (251513ZNOV23)

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>playing with muh vaxxed doggo

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668e89 No.109805

File: 350f659a69b7e0d⋯.png (1.4 MB,675x910,135:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974308 (251521ZNOV23) Notable: @thejimwatkins call out to the influencers... stick to your guns and double down on red pilling

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James Watkins


I’d like to call out to the influencers in the house.

There was a time when I had influence.

I had a big budget operation with plenty of customers and cashflow.

Your time as an influencer is limited. There is no recovery allowed by those

That take away your income. There is no rebuilding yourself. They want you dead.

They want you shut up permanently. Begging for forgiveness will not solve your dilemma.

Billionaires have been brought down to their knees by these monsters. Do you think that

Tapdancing around on TikTok and YouTube can let you compete at that level.

I want you to know. You have to stick to your guns and double down on red pilling the nation, the world, and everyone.

We won’t win this. Our liberty and freedom will be lost for generations if you tiptoe around and avoid confronting the monsters. Maybe a frontal assault isn’t wise, but a plan is. Make a plan. Stick to it, and use what rights you have left to shout them out to the world. Coercive and overbearing forces will only be subdued by positive and godly actions.

Don’t stop digging.

Don’t stop memeing,

and don’t stop praying.


4:04 AM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974311 (251522ZNOV23) Notable: Everybody Wants Gaza's Gas

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Everybody Wants Gaza's Gas

The $500 billion windfall shoring up EU supplies


Gas in Gaza (excerpt)

In 1999, BG Group (BGG) discovered a large gas field between 17 and 21 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza. According to the Oslo II accords, the Palestine National Authority has maritime jurisdiction up to 20 nautical miles off of Gaza’s coast. In November 1999, the PNA signed a 25-year contract for gas exploration with BGG.

The reserves were estimated at 1 trillion cubic feet and would meet Palestine’s demands and allow for exports. Ehud Barak, Israel’s Prime Minister at the time, approved authorisation for BGG to drill the first well in July 2000. They struck gas gold. Palestine and Israel began to negotiate and the deal was seen to benefit both Israeli demand and Palestinian supply.

However, a change in Israeli leadership soured the deal, with Ariel Sharon’s government allegedly driving the rejection of a supply deal between the Palestinian gas field and the state-owned Israel Electric Corporation. In May 2002, the UK’s then-PM, Tony Blair, got involved and Sharon agreed to negotiate an agreement for the annual supply of 0.05 trillion cubic feet of Palestinian gas for a period of 10 to 15 years.

However, he changed his mind in 2003 stating that the funds could be used to support terrorism.

Ehud Olmert’s government, spurred on by the new PM, agreed to reopen negotiations with BGG in April 2007. Starting 2009, Israel would purchase 0.05 trillion cubic feet of Palestinian gas for $4 billion annually, creating a good atmosphere for peace, it was argued.

However, the 2007 Battle of Gaza in which Hamas took control of the strip changed the deal once more, with Hamas looking to increase the original 10% Palestinian share in the BGG deal. An Israeli team of of negotiators was set up by the Government of Israel to formulate a deal with BGG, bypassing both the Palestinian government and PNA, effectively nullifying the contract signed in 1999 between BGG and PNA. However, in December 2007, BGG withdrew from negotiations with the Israeli government.

In June 2008, the Israeli government recontacted BGG to urgently renegotiate the deal. The UN report states: “The decision to speed up negotiations with BGG coincided, chronologically, with the planning of an Israeli military operation in Gaza, whereby it would appear that the Government of Israel wished to reach an agreement with BGG prior to the military operation, which was already in an advanced planning stage.”

Israel’s invasion of Gaza in December 2008 brought the Palestinian gas fields under Israeli control—without regard for international law. BGG has been dealing with the Israeli government ever since. The UN estimates billions of dollars in loss for the Palestinian people.


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668e89 No.109807

File: 9f53f6c1660d5b8⋯.png (446.29 KB,733x756,733:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974357 (251533ZNOV23) Notable: Pro-abortion extremist who firebombed pro-life headquarters agrees to plead guilty

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Pro-abortion extremist who firebombed

pro-life headquarters agrees to plead guilty

Alpha News, by Calvin Freiburger

Posted By: pensom2, 11/25/2023 9:39:49 AM

The perpetrator of a 2022 firebombing of Dairy State pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action has agreed to plead guilty in exchange for a yet-to-be-determined prison sentence of less than 20 years. In the early hours of Mother's Day 2022, following the May leak of a draft of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that would overturn Roe v. Wade, WFA's Madison headquarters was hit with an arson attack that burned one of the walls. The building was also defaced with a graffiti threat that "if abortions aren't safe then you aren’t either," as well as an anarchist "A" symbol and "1312,"

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668e89 No.109808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974375 (251538ZNOV23) Notable: Everybody Wants Gaza's Gas

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Everybody Wants Gaza's Gas


Why share when you can export?

The USA’s and EU’s allyship with Israel has been steadfast since the state’s creation in 1948, with agreements strengthening ties ever since. In June 2022, under pressure to find another source of gas since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the EU signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a different colonising force to import gas from the Leviathan gas field. This gas field, the biggest of recent discoveries, holds 22 trillion cubic feet in recoverable natural gas and could meet Israel’s domestic demands for 40 years.

The USA went one further, creating a USA-Israel energy cooperation agreement which stipulates that “United States-Israel energy cooperation and the development of natural resources by Israel are in the strategic interest of the United States”, promising to assist Israel with “regional safety and security issues”.

Natural gas is seen as a resource to “positively impact regional security”, which is policy jargon for building trading bridges with neighbouring Arab countries. Egypt began importing gas from the Leviathan field in 2020, and signed the MoU with Israel and the EU last year.

Natural gas, or “LNG” is being used as a political ploy around the world to deepen political relationships and economic interdependence as the world shifts from oil not out of morality but simply because oil reserves are running dry. Branded as a transition fuel by everyone from fossil fuel chiefs to the French President, LNG is the darling fossil fuel with 40% less carbon dioxide emissions than coal (a low bar), and 125 years of global supply in current reserves.

The USA, the world’s biggest producer and exporter of LNG, is banking on the energy transition going gassy before it goes green. 20 new LNG terminals, transporting gas from Southwest’s Permian Basin, are expected to be approved by Biden’s administration this year. -Bookmarked for exports, analysts say the greenhouse-gas emissions associated with it would be twenty times larger than those from the oil drilling at Willow, the much-protested new oil field in Alaska.-


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668e89 No.109809

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974420 (251549ZNOV23) Notable: THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

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exactly right jim.

There will be a divide.

those who choose to stay in their system and those who find alternatives.

above all stop using their corporations and go local, stop investing in the same companies who are doing this to you.

Anon has finally got to the bottom of the SUPPLY SIDE REFORM meaning.

it is exactly the end of this video of Agenda 21 aka the next hundred years in this video. and it is done by the banksters for the elites.

Above all stop paying taxes as much as you can and live below the tax threshold.






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668e89 No.109810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974491 (251609ZNOV23) Notable: World Bank grants Uruguay green-oriented loan"

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World Bank grants Uruguay green-oriented loan"


interest is lower if they can reduce cow farts.


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668e89 No.109811

File: e7c7e436741bbf6⋯.gif (3.3 MB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974521 (251632ZNOV23)

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Its interesting that in the new RE4 remake

the character that looks like Jesus had this

big piece of added content about curing the

vax. The information provided from the NPC

and from his notes has the shocking

appearance of accuracy. He mentions

removing the parasite from his own body

with surgery showing the scar - the cells

in the vax turn into a 10ft morgellon/atenna

head tapeworm like the ones seen in the

blood scans, and that 10ft module takes

root as the sort of motherboard, along the

spine twice like a kundalini. It would be

damnear impossible to remove.

His notes say that if done before the parasite

hatches, it can be removed with an antigen

but after it hatches its damn near impossible

and that it could be removed with a special

radioactive frequency, which is used on the

two main characters to remove it very

painfully. Cus its lodged into their nervous


Its like Jesus Christ rolled out to give us a

crashcourse on treating the vaccinated.

compare it to fixing a car. Your car works, than a

whole entire car is built inside of your car, and the

only way to fix it is to remove that car from your car.

Except all the parts are inside of all the parts.

You'd do so much work it would be easier just to build

a new car from scratch.

But if you took out the motherboard morgellon, maybe

MAYBE the bodies natural process, scalar energy,

could excreet all the rest. Cept, the rest of the parasite

is actively holding onto the body as to not be destroyed

or excreeted.

You can't fix this without an apocalypse and a destruction of earth. and a new earth.

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668e89 No.109812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974827 (251753ZNOV23) Notable: #24522

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109813

File: 7d1b5e06487dadc⋯.png (219.4 KB,591x559,591:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974902 (251805ZNOV23) Notable: @JimWatkins on 'My dearest friends....by E.' video: These are serious words my friend.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


James Watkins


These are serious words my friend.






Replying to @thejimwatkins

My dearest friends....by E.

4:47 AM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109814

File: 7e642a0c3874cdd⋯.png (424.42 KB,841x675,841:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974913 (251806ZNOV23) Notable: 'Woke' Kellogg's Froot Loops Faces Boycott Calls for Attempting to Indoctrinate Kids

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Woke' Kellogg's Froot Loops Faces Boycott Calls for Attempting to Indoctrinate Kids

By Lorri Wickenhauser November 25, 2023 at 8:44am

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109815

File: 1f3bc060c851574⋯.png (822.11 KB,666x754,333:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974925 (251808ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Gates’s Relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Revolved Around a Global Health Investment Fund

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


EXPOSED: Bill Gates’s Relationship with

Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Revolved

Around a Global Health Investment Fund

Breitbart, by Seamus Bruner

Posted By: mc squared, 11/25/2023 12:05:40 PM

Earlier this month, I revealed that one of Bill Gates’s most powerful business partners, JPMorgan Chase, had reached a combined $365 million settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s victims and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which a federal judge approved on November 9./snip/ Over time, Gates and JPMorgan established an investment fund that sought to profit from the development of vaccines and other health technologies. Epstein wanted a piece of the action, and Staley brought Epstein into the Gates partnership. The Gates-JPMorgan partnership was called the Global Health Investment Fund (GHIF) and was created circa 2011. At the time, Staley managed the Epstein relationship for the bank,

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668e89 No.109816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974953 (251812ZNOV23) Notable: President JFK funeral 60 year delta - JFK is a legend in Special Forces after giving his support for them and the authorization of the #GreenBeret

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




11/25/1963 At the request of the Kennedy family, #GreenBerets from #FortBragg made their way to Washington, DC, to participate in the funeral for President JFK. President JFK is a legend in Special Forces after giving his support for them and the authorization of the #GreenBeret

Nov 25, 2023 · 3:00 PM UTC



We are here for a reason.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974971 (251815ZNOV23) Notable: President JFK funeral 60 year delta - JFK is a legend in Special Forces after giving his support for them and the authorization of the #GreenBeret

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


John F. Kennedy Funeral November 25, 1963

60 years Delta.

Godspeed patriots WW.


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668e89 No.109818

File: 53dc39d647c75b0⋯.png (693.84 KB,898x745,898:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974993 (251819ZNOV23) Notable: @USAirForce: Members of NY Air National Guard & @AFResearchLab team up to improve MQ-9 Reaper's command & control and communications applications

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975119 (251849ZNOV23) Notable: #24521

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>>/qresearch/19975005 (me)



>>109769 Kanye West ex personal trainer Harley Pasternak was STALKING him in Dubai

>>109770 Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison

>>>/qresearch/19973670 US debt clock is going backwards

>>109771 Federal Judge Orders Troopers to Stop the 'Kansas Two-Step'

>>109772 Qatar plays host to terror - American Thinker

>>109773 @therealjimcaviezel Watch THE REDLINE INTERVIEW with me & @TrueGenFlynn

>>109774 Migrant children sexually abused in ‘rape tents’ while crossing deadly Darien Gap

>>109775 A damn good PsyOp.

>>109776 Headaches at Fox as Lachlan Murdoch takes reins from father Rupert

>>109777 Disney Report Warns Investors Social Goals Take Priority over Profits

>>109778 Feds Considered Sex Trafficking Charge for Hunter Biden.

>>109779 Oliver Stone Stuns Bill Maher Saying Ukrainian BioLabs Could Be Working on Pathogens Worse Than COVID

>>109780 How Bill Gates came to own America’s heartland

>>109781 A Dirty Little Secret About Drudge PJ Media

>>109782 Bethlehem cancels Christmas

>>109783 More Than Half of United States at Risk of WINTER BLACKOUTS as a Direct Result of Biden Energy Policies..

>>109784 Everyone's talking about OpenAI's Q*. Here's what you need to know about the mysterious project.

>>109785 George Soros Sent $5 Million To Legal Group Founded By Democrat Lawyer Behind Discredited Steele Dossier

>>109787, >>109801 LIVE: Islamists On London Streets

>>109788 Sanctuary City NYC Defunds POLICE, FIRE & SCHOOLS To Care For illegal immigrants.

>>109789 Red Cross Convoy Carrying Hostages Crosses Over from Egypt to Israel

>>109790 Griswold accused of sending more than 30,000 VOTER REGISTRATION MAILERS to illegal aliens in Colorado during 2022 election

>>109786, >>109793, >>109793, >>109798, >>109799 Jan Halper-Hayes Teaches David Nino Rodriguez Patience

>>109792 @JMilei explains the Cantillon Effect, or how printing money benefits the first receivers of money at the expense of everyone else.

>>109794 Firearm Industry Giants Sued For Gun Memes. THE DUMBEST LAWSUIT (SO FAR…)

>>109795 "Extreme Situation": Fat-Finger Trade Sends Finnish Power Prices Crashing Deeply Negative

>>109796 "Don't elect non-natives." has a certain ring to it.

>>109797 just another Saturday in #Iraq with a #USAF E-11A BACN circling for hours at 41,000ft

>>109800 Pope has a mild flu, CT scan shows no pulmonary issues

>>109803 Eni, BP (British Petroleum) Enter Israel's Upstream Despite War in Gaza

>>109805 @thejimwatkins call out to the influencers... stick to your guns and double down on red pilling

>>109806, >>109808 Everybody Wants Gaza's Gas

>>109807 Pro-abortion extremist who firebombed pro-life headquarters agrees to plead guilty

>>109809 THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

>>109810 World Bank grants Uruguay green-oriented loan"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109820

File: 08d2b8743bf8d35⋯.png (861.61 KB,1354x2039,1354:2039,Clipboard.png)

File: b820eb8880041cd⋯.png (414.69 KB,1135x2004,1135:2004,Clipboard.png)

File: 0991ad4129a545a⋯.png (617.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 161508e454002a1⋯.gif (3.68 MB,264x275,24:25,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975143 (251854ZNOV23) Notable: PF reports on Nantucket

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Figured I'd planefag a bit for Nantucket, since Potato is spending Thanksgiving there with his Billionaire Puppet master David Rubenstein.

First plane I check is this Cessna Citation that just left ACK and en route to Illinois.

[United States (US)] N82BB

Registered owner is out of Maricopa County Arizona


Street 22510 N 18TH DR


County MARICOPA Zip Code 85027-1363



Check these moar details about the company

More details about this business

According to our records, this business is located at 9420 E Dbltree Ranch Rd C104 in Scottsdale (in Maricopa County), Arizona 85258, the location GPS coordinates are: 33.569217 (latitude), -111.87754 (longitude).Son Raes Medical Products LLC is categorized under Incontinent Care Products and Supplies (SIC code 5047). Known organization member is Merrill Stromer. Current estimates show that the unit has a sales volume of $100,000 and staff of approximately 5 people. You can contact the company by phone at (480) 451-1154.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109821

File: c0d54e5e864b916⋯.png (87.75 KB,891x394,891:394,Clipboard.png)

File: 47e792f22c31b60⋯.png (186.72 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975147 (251854ZNOV23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: It’s so good to see how badly the THIRD RATE MAGAZINE, The Atlantic, is doing. It’s failing at a level seldom seen before, even in the Publishing Business.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


It’s so good to see how badly the THIRD RATE MAGAZINE, The Atlantic, is doing. It’s failing at a level seldom seen before, even in the Publishing Business. False and Fake stories do it every time! They’ve got a rich person funding the ridiculous losses, but at some point, rich people get smart also. Steve Jobs would not be proud of his wife, Laurene, and the way she is spending his money. The Radical Left is destroying America!

Nov 25, 2023, 1:41 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109822

File: 8f0753a3cda4e08⋯.png (95.92 KB,885x424,885:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b0f12ad0f04122⋯.png (192.68 KB,1274x1082,637:541,Clipboard.png)

File: b6b3e89bf0c2293⋯.png (225.85 KB,452x440,113:110,Clipboard.png)

File: 4def8c26bb0520d⋯.png (290.77 KB,587x480,587:480,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ce82f134b5b023⋯.png (1.15 MB,1267x942,1267:942,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975176 (251903ZNOV23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I don’t believe anything Bob Vander Plaats says. Anyone who would take $95,000, and then endorse a Candidate who is going nowhere, is not what Elections are all about!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Bob Vander Plaats, the former High School Accountant from Iowa, will do anything to win, something which he hasn’t done in many years. He’s more known for scamming Candidates than he is for Victory, but now he’s going around using Disinformation from the Champions of that Art, the Democrats. I don’t believe anything Bob Vander Plaats says. Anyone who would take $95,000, and then endorse a Candidate who is going nowhere, is not what Elections are all about!

Nov 25, 2023, 1:33 PM


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668e89 No.109823

File: aed75f6c12969ea⋯.jpg (124.87 KB,720x1062,40:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975185 (251904ZNOV23) Notable: BusinessInsider runs an article about what happens if Trump dies while running for President

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here's what happens if Donald Trump dies while running in the 2024 presidential election


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975190 (251906ZNOV23) Notable: PB digs on Bob Vander Plaat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>109144 pb, >>109149 pb Bob Vander Plaats boy lover symbol in plain sight, 1 logo of VP's "Church" resembles 5th Column?

ALL pb and ob

>>109149, >>109162, >>109147, >>109153 Bob Vander Plaats Boy Lover Symbols In Plain Sight

>>109140, >>109142, >>109145, >>109146 Donald J. Trump: Ron DeDeSanctimonious, in an act of sheer desperation, paid Iowa preacher Bob Vander Plaats $100,000, and then got his Endorsement?

>>109144. >>109143, >>109160, >>109161 Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of The Family Leader, is fueling... he believes he can sway the vote in Iowa

>>109147 Donald J. Trump: DeSanctimonious has been exposed: Bob Vander Plaats has deep influence in the early-voting state

>>109148 Bob Vander Plaats, Family Foundation Got Massive PaymeLast Updated on August 7, 2023 "That's what we call BRIBERY."

>>>/qresearch/169023 WOW - it looks like Ron DeSanctimonious has been exposed for trying to "buy" the endorsement of Bob Vander Plaats for nearly $100,000.

>>>/qresearch/166360 War Room Steve Bannon: Never-Trumpers Bob Vander Plaats and Glen Beck up to their old 2016 tricks again—trying to splinter-off evangelicals to some hopeless candidate

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668e89 No.109825

File: bbce1dfbddb070c⋯.jpg (628.3 KB,1080x1395,24:31,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975206 (251908ZNOV23) Notable: @USArmy Fort Sill: Waiting for a fire mission is just the calm before the STORM! 🌩️

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Waiting for a fire mission is just the calm before the STORM! 🌩️

#FiresStrong #TeamSill



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668e89 No.109826

File: 3d188ea4785ee69⋯.png (63.01 KB,899x321,899:321,Clipboard.png)

File: f68060c712507df⋯.png (63.08 KB,426x521,426:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bbac9da8e55df8⋯.png (209.72 KB,480x319,480:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975220 (251912ZNOV23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Has anybody noticed that Hamas has returned people from other Countries but, so far, has not returned one American Hostage?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Has anybody noticed that Hamas has returned people from other Countries but, so far, has not returned one American Hostage? There is only one reason for that, NO RESPECT FOR OUR COUNTRY OR OUR LEADERSHIP. This is a very sad and dark period of America!

Nov 25, 2023, 2:04 PM


Capital Letters:




Duplicates removed:




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668e89 No.109827

File: 7b8048e9adcfa41⋯.png (284.37 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975225 (251913ZNOV23) Notable: NBA Launches Investigation Into Josh Giddey for Alleged Relationship With Minor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NBA Launches Investigation Into Josh Giddey for Alleged Relationship With Minor

Rising NBA star Josh Giddey is reportedly under investigation by the NBA after rumors broke out that the 21-year-old is in a relationship with a girl who is believed to be 15 years old.

According to reports, the NBA got involved after a picture of Giddey and the girl surfaced online.

During a recent press conference, a reporter asked Giddey about the allegations, to which Giddey responded, “I understand the question obviously, but there’s no further comment right now.”

A reporter also questioned Thunder Head Coach Mark Daigneault regarding the allegations. Still, Daigneault offered no further details but shared, “It’s a personal matter, and I have no comment on it. And that’ll be my comment on anything related.”


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668e89 No.109828

File: ec3fe0afd9d6c35⋯.png (421.44 KB,1305x731,1305:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 394426b170ff38d⋯.png (895.92 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c8c7b3af17a0c5⋯.png (292.11 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 02abc4608f9d006⋯.png (232.9 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ce5ffa0808fcad⋯.png (221.49 KB,1279x1529,1279:1529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975244 (251917ZNOV23) Notable: PF reports on Nantucket

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Figured I'd planefag a bit for Nantucket, since Potato is spending Thanksgiving there with his Billionaire Puppet master David Rubenstein.



Blockedout of Nantucket

en route to Santa Ana California.

Plane registered to Tim Walsh

founder of SES media

Tim Walsh

Small Business Owner in Westport, Connecticut

Barter, Banking and Advertising since 1981. Married and proud father of two lovely daughters. Currently in CT.

My media over social platform called Hello is crazy exciting!

Check out the video attached.

Any Merceded SL or SLS fans or owners feel free to contact.

Total car nut! UK Top Gear Fan

And I love to ski!!


Founder - SES Media Group - Fearless Partner


Sacred Heart University

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109829

File: b7ab3a459d92af9⋯.png (76.76 KB,920x353,920:353,Clipboard.png)

File: c9843fc6c5fd0cd⋯.png (575.35 KB,736x414,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975253 (251919ZNOV23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Oh, really bad news! The Owned by China Forbes Magazine deal with Russia just fell apart, so China will continue to own and run it, and say bad things about your favorite President, ME.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Oh, really bad news! The Owned by China Forbes Magazine deal with Russia just fell apart, so China will continue to own and run it, and say bad things about your favorite President, ME. But eventually it will cease to exist, be worthless. BAD WRITERS! Anyone that pays more than $50 Million for this pathetic outlet of Fake News is a fool!

Nov 25, 2023, 12:00 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109830

File: d45932e5ba149e3⋯.png (395.02 KB,494x629,494:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975256 (251920ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli-Owned Ship Comes Under Iranian Suicide Drone Attack In Indian Ocean

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Israeli-Owned Ship Comes Under Iranian Suicide Drone Attack In Indian Ocean

Another Israeli-linked shipping vessel has been targeted by Iran-backed forces against the backdrop of the Gaza war. A US defense official was cited in the Associated Press as describing that a container ship owned by an Israeli businessman came under attack by an Iranian-made Shahed-136 drone on Friday.

Separately, the pan-Arab satellite channel Al Mayadeen said an Israeli ship was targeted. The Malta-flagged, French-operated CMA CGM Symi vessel was in international waters when the suicide drone armed with a bomb exploded into the ship, causing damage but not resulting in injury to crew members.

The US official cited in AP said "we continue to monitor the situation closely" but did not cite any specific evidence showing Iran to be behind the attack.

Maritime security company Ambrey said the vessel had departed a port in the UAE, and soon the ship's tracking signal went offline. "The vessel was managed by an Israeli-affiliated company, which was assessed to be the reason why it was targeted," a statement from the security company said.

As for Israeli ties, The Times of Israel has learned that "The ship, its cargo, its operating company and its points of departure and destination did not appear to have any clear ties to Israel. Rather, the Symi is leased to CMA CGM by Singapore-based Eastern Pacific Shipping, which is a company ultimately controlled by Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer."

According to further emerging details:

CMA CGM, a major shipper based in Marseille, France, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. However, the vessel’s crew had been behaving as though they believed the ship faced a threat.

...The ship had its Automatic Identification System tracker switched off since Tuesday when it left Dubai’s Jebel Ali port, according to data from MarineTraffic.com analyzed by the AP.

Thus it's likely the crew switched off the tracker as it suspected a drone was overhead seeking to target the ship. In the attack aftermath, a statement from the operator indicated that as of Saturday, "The vessel in question is currently sailing as planned" and that "all crew are safe and well."

The following unverified photograph is widely circulating on Saturday...


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668e89 No.109831

File: 3b3a6fd2eb7d1a2⋯.png (192.49 KB,850x345,170:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975265 (251922ZNOV23) Notable: China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

Officials say the Western nuclear tech-sharing deal could kick off a new arms race

The international community must address nuclear “proliferation risks” posed by the three-way AUKUS agreement between the US, UK and Australia, Beijing’s envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said.

Speaking before the IAEA board of governors on Friday, Chinese envoy Li Song argued that the AUKUS deal “runs counter to the purpose and objectives” of the landmark Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and threatens the Asia-Pacific region.

Li went on to call for formal “intergovernmental discussions” on the matter between IAEA member states, saying they “have enough wisdom, patience and determination to properly respond to the AUKUS-related proliferation risks.”

AUKUS was established in 2021 between Washington, Canberra and London in part to facilitate the transfer of military technology among the three allies, with the US military pledging to help Australia obtain nuclear-powered submarines.

Though officials from each country have maintained that the bloc is not a formal military alliance and is solely focused on technology-sharing, Beijing has condemned the project, claiming it would only kick off an arms race in Asia and help to spread nuclear weapons around the globe.

“The three countries have gone further down the wrong and dangerous path for their own geopolitical self-interest, completely ignoring the concerns of the international community,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said earlier this year, adding that the AUKUS pact is based on a “Cold War mentality which will only motivate an arms race, damage the international nuclear nonproliferation regime, and harm regional stability and peace.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109832

File: 688b1b33ac7b074⋯.png (33.82 KB,886x214,443:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c516a90b65504a⋯.png (749.91 KB,975x650,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975336 (251934ZNOV23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Hamas now wants a better deal for hostages. This is not going to end well!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Hamas now wants a better deal for hostages. This is not going to end well!

Nov 25, 2023, 2:28 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109833

File: a6dbd823c830f05⋯.png (34.36 KB,912x251,912:251,Clipboard.png)

File: b9c1ea4b7f6f413⋯.png (43.95 KB,892x251,892:251,Clipboard.png)

File: cee19aabedd9d22⋯.png (2.54 MB,1416x797,1416:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 99f9eda9b9885b0⋯.png (1.25 MB,800x563,800:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975359 (251939ZNOV23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Getting ready to leave for the Great State of South Carolina, to attend the Palmetto Bowl. Will be a terrific game. See you all later!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Getting ready to leave for the Great State of South Carolina, to attend the Palmetto Bowl. Will be a terrific game. See you all later!

Nov 25, 2023, 2:35 PM


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668e89 No.109834

File: 8fe6110d3eecaea⋯.png (111.02 KB,1382x682,691:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975441 (251951ZNOV23) Notable: Timestamp and delta on DJT's Hamas hostage truth

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>Donald J. Trump


>Hamas now wants a better deal for hostages. This is not going to end well!

>Nov 25, 2023, 2:28 PM


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668e89 No.109835

File: 4d2db7391bafb20⋯.png (123.62 KB,1004x643,1004:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975492 (252001ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli Official Admits Not Even Trying to Get American Hostages Released

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Israeli Official Admits Not Even Trying to Get American Hostages Released

The Israeli state and Hamas appear to have reached a tentative hostage exchange deal.

Via NBC News:

“Israel and Hamas have agreed to a breakthrough deal to release 50 women and children who were kidnapped and held in Gaza, a potential landmark deal that will also involve a four-day pause in fighting, the delivery of hundreds of aid trucks, and the release of 150 Palestinian women and children* held in Israeli jails.”

*Note that when Israeli civilians are held in Gaza, they were “kidnapped” and are termed “hostages,” but when Israeli jails Palestinian women and children with no charges or judicial process of any kind, they do not receive the benefit of the same designation in Western corporate state media. That’s how subtle propaganda can get, and it’s easy to miss it if you’re not attuned to the pettiness with which these organizations play semantical games.

Curiously, though, Israel is not making any effort to get non-Israeli hostages released — only Israeli.

Via NBC News:

“Israel will not exchange Palestinian prisoners in exchange for non-Israeli hostages, a senior Israeli official who gave NBC News details on a tentative agreement with Hamas that is awaiting a vote from Israel’s government

According to the official, Israel is currently only negotiating for its citizens and that other countries will have to negotiate for their own terms with Hamas. Dual nationals, those who hold Israel citizenship along with another country, are included in Israel’s deals, the official said.”

So, the U.S. government hands Israel no-strings-attached billions of dollars every single year, to the tune of hundreds of billions in the aggregate, in exchange for zero effort to get American hostages freed when they’re captured within the territorial bounds of the Israeli state. When it is finally presented with one opportunity to repay in infinitesimally small part all of that generosity, it offers only its middle finger to its American patrons.


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668e89 No.109836

File: f99ab11a0fb24d5⋯.png (431.38 KB,1904x2438,952:1219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975533 (252009ZNOV23) Notable: Timestamp and delta on DJT's Hamas hostage truth

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668e89 No.109837

File: 9afd29be30e7781⋯.png (452.31 KB,593x479,593:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975549 (252012ZNOV23) Notable: Argentinian President Signs Agreement With ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Producer To Eradicate Child Trafficking

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Square profile picture

One America News


Argentinian President Signs Agreement With ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Producer To Eradicate Child Trafficking https://oann.com/newsroom/argentinian-president-signs-agreement-with-sound-of-freedom-producer-to-eradicate-child-trafficking/


8:02 AM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109838

File: 063e12309d6b65b⋯.png (542.49 KB,762x503,762:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975576 (252017ZNOV23) Notable: Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips won't seek reelection in 2024

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Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips Says He Won’t Seek Reelection Amid 2024 Run

Phillips last month announced that he’ll challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Nina Golgowski


Nina Golgowski

Nov 24, 2023, 03:15 PM EST

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668e89 No.109839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975628 (252027ZNOV23) Notable: #24522

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#24522 >>109812

>>109813 @JimWatkins on 'My dearest friends....by E.' video: These are serious words my friend.

>>109814 'Woke' Kellogg's Froot Loops Faces Boycott Calls for Attempting to Indoctrinate Kids

>>109815 Bill Gates’s Relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Revolved Around a Global Health Investment Fund

>>109816, >>109817 President JFK funeral 60 year delta - JFK is a legend in Special Forces after giving his support for them and the authorization of the #GreenBeret

>>109818 @USAirForce: Members of NY Air National Guard & @AFResearchLab team up to improve MQ-9 Reaper's command & control and communications applications

>>109820, >>109828 PF reports on Nantucket

>>109821 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: It’s so good to see how badly the THIRD RATE MAGAZINE, The Atlantic, is doing. It’s failing at a level seldom seen before, even in the Publishing Business.

>>109822 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I don’t believe anything Bob Vander Plaats says. Anyone who would take $95,000, and then endorse a Candidate who is going nowhere, is not what Elections are all about!

>>109823 BusinessInsider runs an article about what happens if Trump dies while running for President

>>109824 PB digs on Bob Vander Plaat

>>109825 @USArmy Fort Sill: Waiting for a fire mission is just the calm before the STORM! 🌩️

>>109826 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Has anybody noticed that Hamas has returned people from other Countries but, so far, has not returned one American Hostage?

>>109827 NBA Launches Investigation Into Josh Giddey for Alleged Relationship With Minor

>>109829 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Oh, really bad news! The Owned by China Forbes Magazine deal with Russia just fell apart, so China will continue to own and run it, and say bad things about your favorite President, ME.

>>109830 Israeli-Owned Ship Comes Under Iranian Suicide Drone Attack In Indian Ocean

>>109831 China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

>>109832 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Hamas now wants a better deal for hostages. This is not going to end well!

>>109833 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Getting ready to leave for the Great State of South Carolina, to attend the Palmetto Bowl. Will be a terrific game. See you all later!

>>109834, >>109836 Timestamp and delta on DJT's Hamas hostage truth

>>109835 Israeli Official Admits Not Even Trying to Get American Hostages Released

>>109837 Argentinian President Signs Agreement With ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Producer To Eradicate Child Trafficking

>>109838 Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips won't seek reelection in 2024



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668e89 No.109840

File: e2f2840324bc655⋯.jpg (220.62 KB,474x321,158:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975644 (252029ZNOV23) Notable: #24523

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baker requires handoff

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668e89 No.109841

File: 46c2b639618bf4d⋯.png (118.28 KB,626x825,626:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 91321467be23bb4⋯.png (758.07 KB,1121x421,1121:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975697 (252042ZNOV23) Notable: American Thinker: First They Came for the Smokers…

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November 21, 2023

First They Came for the Smokers...

By William Sullivan

In the early 2000s, entertainers Penn and Teller had a show called Bullsh*t! that aired on Showtime, in which the iconic duo apply their sense of humor and libertarian sensibilities to butcher lots of sacred cows.

In recently revisiting some episodes of the show that I enjoyed back then, one moment, in particular, contained a brief bit of what can only be described as the purest prophecy.

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668e89 No.109842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975706 (252045ZNOV23) Notable: @RealJamesWoods this day in 1783: Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

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James Woods



Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

On this day in history, November 25, 1783, the last British soldiers evacuate the United States.

The signing of the Treaty of Paris ended hostilities between the United States and Great Britain on September 3, 1783. Sir Guy Carleton, commander of British forces in North America at the time, received orders in August to begin planning the evacuation of all remaining British troops from the United States.

The evacuation plans dragged on because of large numbers of Loyalists descending on New York in a panic to flee the country. Nearly 30,000 Loyalists and escaped slaves left with the British, most ending up in Quebec or Nova Scotia.

General Carleton finally announced the last of the troops would be leaving at noon on November 25th. George Washington waited outside the city until the British left and their flag was removed from a pole at the Battery at the southern end of Manhattan (A battery is a military fortification with guns or cannons). Wiley British soldiers had hoisted their Union Flag on a greased pole on their way out of the city.

Several attempts were made to get the flag down, but were unsuccessful due to the grease. Eventually, American soldier John Van Arsdale was able to climb the pole by nailing pieces of wood to the pole and climbing up on them. He tore the British flag down and replaced it with the American Flag. Shortly after, a triumphant General George Washington entered the city and marched down Broadway to the Battery.

For a hundred years after, Evacuation Day was celebrated around the United States, but especially in New York City. Evacuation Day was New York City's biggest celebration of the year for a century and the evacuation was commemorated with a game of boys competing to take down a Union Flag from a greased flagpole in Battery Park. A descendant of John Van Arsdale would then climb the pole and put up a US Flag.

Once the Civil War came and Abraham Lincoln announced the annual Thanksgiving Day, Evacuation Day celebrations around the country tended to be absorbed by Thanksgiving Day celebrations. Evacuation Day was eventually lost because the date of November 25 was so close to the Thanksgiving date of the last Thursday of the month. The annual celebrations continued in New York, however, until World War I, at which time people seemed to lose their animosity toward Britain after its allied cooperation with the United States during the war.


Nov 25, 2023 · 5:25 PM UTC


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668e89 No.109843

File: 0779d8062f4da3c⋯.png (87.46 KB,558x555,186:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975719 (252047ZNOV23) Notable: Nearly two-thirds of COVID-19 vaccine recipients suffer from health complications a year later

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Study: Nearly two-thirds of COVID-19 vaccine recipients suffer from health complications a year later

A recent study published in ScienceDirect revealed that nearly two-thirds of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine recipients suffer from health complications one year after getting vaccinated.

The study, funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research in New Delhi and conducted between September 2021 and May 2023, focused on potential post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PCVS) and its impact on the quality of life (QoL) among Indian adults aged 18 and above who received either Bharat Biotech's COVAXIN or the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines. (Related: Australian actress sues AstraZeneca for life-threatening vaccine injury, but continues to ADVOCATE for other COVID-19 "vaccines.")

According to study authors Yogendra Shrestha and Rajesh Venkataraman from the Department of Pharmacy Practice, Sri Adichunchanagiri College of Pharmacy, 52.8 percent of the vaccine recipients experienced at least one PCVS a month after their first vaccination. Shockingly, this number increased to 64.6 percent at the 12-month mark. Overall, the PCVS was higher among vaccinated individuals with AstraZeneca (65.59 percent) compared to COVAXIN (59.4 percent).

Notably, individuals who opted for booster shots revealed even higher rates of PCVS, with over 80 percent reporting complications. This contrasts sharply with the unvaccinated group, where only 50 percent reported a similar syndrome. In other words, the occurrence of PCVS decreases over time but increases after booster shots. The QoL improves over time but declines after boosters.


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668e89 No.109844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975724 (252048ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots; Queen's HS too

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LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots

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668e89 No.109845

File: 1a265232f916282⋯.jpg (158.94 KB,720x1183,720:1183,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1450dcfd7b21e0f⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975734 (252052ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots; Queen's HS too

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Riot at Queens high school after radicalized kids learned a teacher attended a Pro-Israel rally.

Teacher was forced to hide in l


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668e89 No.109846

File: 09e6efb955f635f⋯.png (24.29 KB,544x162,272:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975746 (252056ZNOV23) Notable: Sam Altman's Sister Annie Altman's Old Tweets About Abuse Resurface After His Exit As OpenAI CEO

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Sam Altman's Sister Annie Altman's Old Tweets About Abuse Resurface After His Exit As OpenAI CEO

Following the news of Altman's departure, attention on social media turned to old tweets from Sam Altman's sister, Annie, where she had previously accused him of abuse. The resurfacing of these tweets sparked speculation among netizens, leading some of them to assume a potential connection between these allegations and Altman's departure from the company.

"Sam Altman’s sister has made some wild claims in her past posts. Could this have led to his departure?" one person asked.

"Have the allegations of Sam Altman's sister finally caught up with him?" another asked.

In a series of tweets in 2021, Annie accused her brothers Sam and Jack of subjecting her to abuse while she was a child.

“I feel strongly that others have also been abused by these perpetrators. I’m seeking people to join me in pursuing legal justice, safety for others in the future, and group healing," she wrote at the time.

Neither Sam Altman nor OpenAI have spoke about the allegations.


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668e89 No.109847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975754 (252058ZNOV23) Notable: @RealJamesWoods this day in 1783: Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

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Call bullshit. They have a redcoat turncoat in office, right the fuck now

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668e89 No.109848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975774 (252103ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots; Queen's HS too

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Woke Activist Teachers learning the old lesson of F Around and F Out...

Turning kids woke is a crime on the level of COVID gain of fauci bioweapon attack

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668e89 No.109849

File: 5c8d72a76a9fd03⋯.png (1.65 MB,935x996,935:996,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975777 (252104ZNOV23) Notable: 19976353 V2 pen - no Tineye matches

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668e89 No.109850

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975793 (252109ZNOV23) Notable: Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

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Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

This is great! Really Victor Davis Hanson is brilliant. “They think Trump is a vampire and he will arise again! They are so afraid of HIM!”




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668e89 No.109851


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By easing virtually all limits on Israel’s use of the stockpile, Biden could undercut U.S. military preparedness and congressional oversight.

US President Joe Biden during a meeting to accelerate efforts to counter the flow of fentanyl into the United States in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, DC, US, on Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023. The Biden administration's decision to remove a Chinese organization from a sanctions list as part of a deal to combat the fentanyl crisis marks an unusual concession to Beijing's complaints over US trade restrictions. Photographer: Shawn Thew/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The White House has requested the removal of restrictions on all categories of weapons and ammunition Israel is allowed to access from U.S. weapons stockpiles stored in Israel itself.

The move to lift restrictions was included in the White House’s supplemental budget request, sent to the Senate on October 20. “This request would,” the proposed budget says, “allow for the transfer of all categories of defense articles.”

The request pertains to little-known weapons stockpiles in Israel that the Pentagon established for use in regional conflicts, but which Israel has been permitted to access in limited circumstances — the very limits President Joe Biden is seeking to remove.

“If enacted, the amendments would create a two-step around restrictions on U.S. weapons transfers to Israel.”

“If enacted, the amendments would create a two-step around restrictions on U.S. weapons transfers to Israel,” said John Ramming Chappell, a legal fellow with the Center for Civilians in Conflict.

Created in the 1980s to supply the U.S. in case of a regional war, the War Reserve Stockpile Allies-Israel, or WRSA-I, is the largest node in a network of what are effectively foreign U.S. weapons caches. Highly regulated for security, the stockpiles are governed by a set of strict requirements. Under circumstances laid out in these requirements, Israel has been able to draw on the stockpile, purchasing the weapons at little cost if it uses the effective subsidy of U.S. military aid.

With the WRSA-I, Biden is looking to lift virtually all the meaningful restrictions on the stockpile and the transfer of its arms to Israel, with plans to remove limitations to obsolete or surplus weapons, waive an annual spending cap on replenishing the stockpile, remove weapon-specific restrictions, and curtail congressional oversight. All of the changes in the Biden budget plan would be permanent, except for lifting the spending cap, which is limited to the 2024 fiscal year.

The changes would come in an arms-trade relationship that is already shrouded in secrecy, as The Intercept recently reported. Whereas the administration has provided pages of detailed lists of weapons provided to Ukraine, for instance, its disclosure about arms provided to Israel could fit in a single, short sentence. Last week, Bloomberg obtained a leaked list of weapons provided to Israel, revealing that they include thousands of Hellfire missiles — the same kind being used extensively by Israel in Gaza.


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668e89 No.109852


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The effect of lifting the restrictions on transfers to Israel — such as eliminating the requirement that the weapons be part of a surplus — could harm U.S. interests by diminishing American preparedness for its own conflicts in the region, said Josh Paul, a former official who served in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.

Paul, who resigned over U.S. arms assistance to Israel, told The Intercept, “By dropping the requirement that such articles be declared excess, it would also increase the existing strain on U.S. military readiness in order to provide more arms to Israel.”

“Undermine Oversight and Accountability”

The U.S. government is only supposed to spend $200 million per fiscal year restocking the WRSA-I — about half the total cap for all U.S. stockpiles round the globe. The White House request, however, would waive the limit on U.S. contributions to the stockpile in Israel. That would allow the stockpile to be continuously replenished.

“The President’s emergency supplemental funding request,” Paul said, “would essentially create a free-flowing pipeline to provide any defense articles to Israel by the simple act of placing them in the WRSA-I stockpile, or other stockpiles intended for Israel.”

The U.S. currently requires that Israel grant certain concessions in exchange for certain types of arms assistance from the Pentagon, but the White House request would remove this condition as well.

Finally, the White House request would also reduce congressional oversight of U.S. arms transfers by reducing the length of advance notice made to Congress before a weapons transfers. Under current law, there must be 30 days prior notice, but the Biden budget request would allow this to be shortened in “extraordinary” circumstances.

“It will make it much harder for Congress or the public to monitor U.S. arms transfers to Israel.”

“The Biden administration’s supplemental budget request would further undermine oversight and accountability even as U.S. support enables an Israeli campaign that has killed thousands of children,” said Chappell, of Center for Civilians in Conflict.

The House has already passed legislation reflecting the White House’s request last month, and it now stands before the Senate.

“Taken as a package,” said William Hartung, an arms expert at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, “it is extraordinary, and it will make it much harder for Congress or the public to monitor U.S. arms transfers to Israel, even as the Israeli government has engaged in massive attacks on civilians, some of which constitute war crimes.”

2 of 2

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668e89 No.109853

File: 01b12e4d8d24d74⋯.png (366.51 KB,544x611,544:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975839 (252122ZNOV23) Notable: Charlie Kirk - Don't put anything past these people.

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First, Levi Strauss heir Rep. Dan Goldman says Trump must be "eliminated," and now Business Insider is openly asking: What would happen if Donald Trump “dies while seeking reelection” in 2024?

Don't put anything past these people.


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668e89 No.109854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975857 (252126ZNOV23) Notable: New York City will pay homeowners up to $395,000 to build an extra dwelling in their garage or basement to help ease the housing shortage

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New York City will pay homeowners up to $395,000 to build an extra dwelling in their garage or basement to help ease the housing shortage


New York City unveiled a pilot program to help homeowners build accessory dwelling units.

The city will give 15 lucky homeowners up to $395,000 each to construct the extra unit.

The New York State government has also handed out millions of dollars for ADU development.

As cities and towns across the country struggle with a housing shortage, policymakers are looking to legalize and even fund the construction of accessory dwelling units, or "granny flats," on existing residential property.

New York City just unveiled its newest effort, which will hand 15 homeowners up to $395,000 to build an additional apartment. This could mean an extra unit in a garage, basement, or attic, or a tiny home in the backyard. The idea is to boost housing density in a city in desperate need of new housing.

New Yorkers can apply online for the funding, but high-income residents aren't eligible — the income limit for a family of four is $232,980, the New York Times reported. And the ADUs that are built will have a limit on rent: a one-bedroom can't be rented for more than $2,600.

The city's department of housing preservation and development on Tuesday unveiled the "Plus One ADU" pilot program, similar to a state-wide initiative with the same name that has doled out tens of millions of dollars to help homeowners across New York State build ADUs in their backyards.

"Whether it's for seniors who need space for a caregiver, a multigenerational household who want separate living spaces, or young parents with a little one on the way, an ADU can offer the flexibility families need to make New York City work for them," New York City Mayor Eric Adams said in a statement.

The effort is part of the city's sweeping new housing reform proposal, which seeks to pave the way for 100,000 new homes in the city by encouraging conversions of commercial buildings into residential, boosting density near mass transit, and reducing space devoted to parking. The proposal also aims to legalize ADU construction across much more of the city.

New York City is facing an especially severe housing affordability crisis. Over the last 10 years, the Big Apple has created 800,000 new jobs, but just 200,000 new homes, according to the mayor. Now, half of New Yorkers are rent-burdened, meaning they spend more than 30% of their income on rent.

New York is following in the footsteps of states like California and Oregon, which have altered zoning laws and made other policy changes to encourage ADU construction.

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668e89 No.109855

File: dedc64d78119507⋯.png (49.05 KB,1057x479,1057:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975865 (252128ZNOV23) Notable: IDF confirms 13 Israeli hostages are in hands of Red Cross, on their way out of Gaza

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IDF confirms 13 Israeli hostages are in hands of Red Cross, on their way out of Gaza

The IDF spokesperson’s office confirms that 13 Israeli hostages are in the hands of the Red Cross and are on their way to the Rafah crossing into Egypt.

From there they will be met by Israeli officials and brought into Israeli territory.


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668e89 No.109856

File: de49e7320c3355d⋯.jpg (35.39 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975873 (252130ZNOV23) Notable: At Least 30,000 Additional Babies Born After Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

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Study: At Least 30,000 Additional Babies Born After Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

Good news for families and babies. Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, over 30,000 additional babies have been born.

This statistic was from a new study that was published in November 2023 by the Institute of Labor Economics.

The study, which looked at the first half of 2023 showed that births went up about 2.3 percent in states that didn’t allow abortion and compared it to states that didn’t have restrictions.


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668e89 No.109857

File: b8b223b61ab7887⋯.png (1.02 MB,911x839,911:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975901 (252136ZNOV23) Notable: The Left must get its violence under control

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The Left must get its violence under control.

It's not going to like the counterreaction

Washington Examiner, by Becket Adams

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 11/25/2023 3:19:40 PM

When it comes to political violence, the Left has a problem. The Right likewise has a problem, but there's no shortage of commentary regarding this exact topic. In fact, even the federal government is laser-focused on violence from the Right. In contrast, left-wing violence in the United States tends to go largely unnoticed, if not unpunished. A word of advice from a historical perspective, for both parties: Get your people under control, embrace coexistence, and stop trying to "immanentize the eschaton" via violence. Because if you do manage to brute force the U.S. into adopting your preferred reality,

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668e89 No.109858

File: 4f4aa08002eafb6⋯.png (242.1 KB,599x634,599:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975922 (252141ZNOV23) Notable: 2024 is starting to look amazing - Musk's suit could prove very EXPENSIVE for Media Matters

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Scott Adams


2024 is starting to look amazing.






Elon Musk’s lawsuit is well-grounded in Texas law and could prove very expensive for Media Matters

Excellent article & legal analysis by ex-lawyer @baseballcrank

The specific charge by X in its lawsuit is that Media Matters took extraordinary steps to game X’s system in order…

Show more





9:21 AM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109859

File: 9f52efd33f345b8⋯.png (1.77 MB,1008x1019,1008:1019,Clipboard.png)

File: 063b089dfefad75⋯.png (1.78 MB,1300x796,325:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 25e6ce3a95a65cb⋯.png (1.07 MB,758x844,379:422,Clipboard.png)

File: bb02ab656f16090⋯.png (994.81 KB,666x852,111:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 268657b133ce51b⋯.png (384.69 KB,914x698,457:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975924 (252142ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: This Rigged Case should be ended immediately. POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!

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Donald J. Trump


This Rigged Case should be ended immediately. POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!

Nov 25, 2023, 10:47 AM


Corrupt Co-Judge Engoron Is Upset About Being Called Mean Names.

Arthur Engoron, the Democrat donor judge overseeing a civil fraud lawsuit against Donald Trump, is upset members of the public are insulting him and “co-judge” Allison Greenfield. Court officials have filed affidavits arguing a gag order preventing Donald Trump from criticizing Engoron should not be lifted, supposedly to reduce the number of insults. Court Officer-Captain Charles Hollon alleged Trump violated the gag order with remarks alleging “[Chuck] Schumer’s girlfriend, Allison R. Greenfield, is running this case against me.”

“When Mr Trump violated the gag orders, the number of threatening, harassing and disparaging messages increased,” claimed Hollon. He provided transcripts of voicemails left for Engoron, describing the judge as a “little fruit cake” and a “fagot [sic] dork”. Other messages suggested Greenfield, his Democrat-linked law clerk, fellates his “micro penis”. Some of the messages were anti-Semitic in character, though in others the caller said they “love Jewish [p]eople.” Some of the messages appeared threatening, suggesting Engoron “should be killed,” but others said he should “not [be] assassin executed… But [after] trial executed for your crimes.” “The messages received by Justice Engoron and his staff every day [have] created an ongoing security risk for the judge, his staff and his family,” Hollon claimed, insisting the gag order reduced the volume of supposed threats.

Threats sent to the voicemail of Judge Arthur Engoron, according to an affidavit filed by Charles Hollon, a Court Officer-Captain in the NY Department of Public Safety. pic.twitter.com/b9T90WfXBo — nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) November 22, 2023


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668e89 No.109860

File: f0112560fef0f42⋯.jpeg (556.17 KB,1060x778,530:389,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 99e1891895b6026⋯.jpeg (50.26 KB,500x346,250:173,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975963 (252152ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Heckled by Protesters in Nantucket

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File Under they won’t be able to walk down the street

Biden Heckled by Protesters in Nantucket Before Dining at Curiously-Named Restaurant That Really Fit His Family Name

Joe Biden was heckled in Massachusetts.

The far-left Israel haters tracked him down.

Protesters at a Christmas tree lighting in Nantucket chanted and accused Joe Biden of genocide.

But after he left the presser, he went out to lunch in town at a place that some noted was perhaps appropriately named, given the allegations of corruption that are currently being investigated about Biden and his family in Congress, “Brotherhood of Thieves.” Anti-Israel protesters were across the street shouting, “Free Palestine!” Biden saluted a man who was nearby because he was wearing a USS Nantucket hat.


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668e89 No.109861

File: 1a74c4edf07c405⋯.png (528.49 KB,815x830,163:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 51363f1f7297fdd⋯.png (769.2 KB,1272x954,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 813b91d355642a5⋯.png (643.87 KB,1272x954,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 21f082f77a29b89⋯.png (800.21 KB,1084x1049,1084:1049,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975973 (252156ZNOV23) Notable: Tom Renz: RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew

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Tom Renz


This is a critical article about the #mRNA #modRNA #DNA poisons (like in the #COVID #vaccines) in our food. It really is a terrible situation and we MUST take action. My hope is that @MTG will have another hearing about the food supply soon.

Nov 25, 2023, 4:04 PM


#Truth #MAGA #usa #bigpharma @TrueGenFlynn @ClayClark @hisgloryme @themelkshow @annvandersteel @DougBillings @RealSKeshel @EricTrump @vigilantnews @VigilantFox @jdrucker @gatewaypundit @infowars @AlexJones @RepMattGaetz @RepClayHiggins @busydrt @CowboyLogic @petermcculloughmd

RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew.


NOV 25, 2023

The situation for our food supply is worse than we knew. As a predicate to this conversation let me remind you of a few things. First mRNA, as discussed by big pharma and political class is nothing short of fraud. People are still talking about “messenger RNA” but the mRNA in the vaccines and food supply are NOT messenger RNA. Instead they are various versions of laboratory created RNA and/or DNA particles designed to be more stable and durable than messenger RNA. Some are specifically designed to survive digestion (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9347755/).

Worse than this, there are a tremendous number of DNA based “vaccine” technologies being created for use in people and animals. None other than the completely corrupted WHO is talking about and pushing it. Here’s a screenshot:

Please note the highlighted pull quote, “The field of DNA vaccination is developing rapidly. Vaccines currently being developed use not only DNA, but also include adjuncts that assist DNA to enter cells, target it towards specific cells, or that may act as adjuvants in stimulating or directing the immune response.” If this does not terrify you it should - remember, DNA vaccines have a very real likelihood directly entering and altering the DNA in your cell nucleus… quite possibly permanently.

A great overview of what is happening with this can be found at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Clarissa-Rocha/publication/273684639_DNA_Vaccines_Approach_From_Concepts_to_Applications/links/5646529708aef646e6cdae66/DNA-Vaccines-Approach-From-Concepts-to-Applications.pdf?origin=publication_detail. If you are into science this article is great and gives you TON to be terrified about but I’m going stay focused on the point of this article. Here’s a screenshot from that article:

I included the portion aboutSV40and will discuss below but note that the purpose of the DNA vaccine is to enter the cell nucleus and deposit whatever gene sequence the big pharma scientists design. There are questions about whether this sequence will become self-replicating or if the genetic change will simply produce the product it is intended to and then die off. Both are clearly possible which means that these changes could potentially become permanent and systemic in the host system (feel free to argue with me about this - I have a LOT more documents to cite that are beyond the scope of this without making it a science project).

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668e89 No.109862

File: 1a74c4edf07c405⋯.png (528.49 KB,815x830,163:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 51363f1f7297fdd⋯.png (769.2 KB,1272x954,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 813b91d355642a5⋯.png (643.87 KB,1272x954,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 21f082f77a29b89⋯.png (800.21 KB,1084x1049,1084:1049,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975977 (252156ZNOV23) Notable: Tom Renz: RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tom Renz


This is a critical article about the #mRNA #modRNA #DNA poisons (like in the #COVID #vaccines) in our food. It really is a terrible situation and we MUST take action. My hope is that @MTG will have another hearing about the food supply soon.

Nov 25, 2023, 4:04 PM


#Truth #MAGA #usa #bigpharma @TrueGenFlynn @ClayClark @hisgloryme @themelkshow @annvandersteel @DougBillings @RealSKeshel @EricTrump @vigilantnews @VigilantFox @jdrucker @gatewaypundit @infowars @AlexJones @RepMattGaetz @RepClayHiggins @busydrt @CowboyLogic @petermcculloughmd

RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew.


NOV 25, 2023

The situation for our food supply is worse than we knew. As a predicate to this conversation let me remind you of a few things. First mRNA, as discussed by big pharma and political class is nothing short of fraud. People are still talking about “messenger RNA” but the mRNA in the vaccines and food supply are NOT messenger RNA. Instead they are various versions of laboratory created RNA and/or DNA particles designed to be more stable and durable than messenger RNA. Some are specifically designed to survive digestion (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9347755/).

Worse than this, there are a tremendous number of DNA based “vaccine” technologies being created for use in people and animals. None other than the completely corrupted WHO is talking about and pushing it. Here’s a screenshot:

Please note the highlighted pull quote, “The field of DNA vaccination is developing rapidly. Vaccines currently being developed use not only DNA, but also include adjuncts that assist DNA to enter cells, target it towards specific cells, or that may act as adjuvants in stimulating or directing the immune response.” If this does not terrify you it should - remember, DNA vaccines have a very real likelihood directly entering and altering the DNA in your cell nucleus… quite possibly permanently.

A great overview of what is happening with this can be found at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Clarissa-Rocha/publication/273684639_DNA_Vaccines_Approach_From_Concepts_to_Applications/links/5646529708aef646e6cdae66/DNA-Vaccines-Approach-From-Concepts-to-Applications.pdf?origin=publication_detail. If you are into science this article is great and gives you TON to be terrified about but I’m going stay focused on the point of this article. Here’s a screenshot from that article:

I included the portion aboutSV40and will discuss below but note that the purpose of the DNA vaccine is to enter the cell nucleus and deposit whatever gene sequence the big pharma scientists design. There are questions about whether this sequence will become self-replicating or if the genetic change will simply produce the product it is intended to and then die off. Both are clearly possible which means that these changes could potentially become permanent and systemic in the host system (feel free to argue with me about this - I have a LOT more documents to cite that are beyond the scope of this without making it a science project).

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668e89 No.109863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975979 (252157ZNOV23) Notable: Tom Renz: RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew

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If RNA vaccines and treatments are scary, DNA based gene therapies are an absolute nightmare. As I noted in a previous article there are billions of line of code that make up the human genome and we cannot even write a few million in an operating system or phone without bugs so why in God’s name would I want someone tinkering with the code that makes me live? Remember, veterinary research translates very easily to human products (https://www.sidley.com/en/insights/publications/2022/01/a-new-era-for-novel-therapies-in-animal-health) and so to reiterate that this is happening, here’s a graphic from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fvets.2021.654289/full demonstrating the number of gene therapy products out as of early 2021 (with a bit of explanation of how they are made):

Let’s now turn to the SV40 part. This is relevant for the current generation of COVID jabs. Why you ask? Well let’s start with the above. Within the world of gene therapy there are 2 major components of vaccines/treatments. The first is the genetic code that you are trying to get into your cells and the second is the vehicle that is used to get it there. The vehicle is generally called an adjuvant and can be made from a lot of different things. We all know and love the lipid nanoparticles but there is more to it than that. When the jabs themselves are being made they are essentially distilled from DNA particles down into the “mRNA” that is in the shots. It appears that the DNA used to create these mRNA particles is SV40. I say this because we keep finding SV40 in the vials and also because it is a natural fit for the job. As noted above SV40 is able to be a carrier/vehicle (see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7823859/#:~:text=SV40%20late%2Dreplacement%20vectors%20provide,of%20less%20than%202400%20bp and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15169607/). Note that they’ve been using SV40 for a long time with the second article being published in 2004.

Let me address the 600 pound gorilla in the room. In light of the demonstrated fraudulent behavior of those pushing the jabs by stating that these were “messenger RNA” as opposed to laboratory created modRNA is it impossible that these same people did not intentionally allow a modified SV40 DNA creation to exist in these vials? Could this have happened despite the known risks of cancer that SV40 poses? Maybe it seems like a stretch but should we consider the almost available DNA Cancer vaccines these same people are about to produce (see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10251337/). While I cannot prove it, it would certainly be the ultimate snake-oil sales tactic to create a problem while prepping the cure but clearly the good people at big pharma would never do that right?

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668e89 No.109864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975980 (252157ZNOV23) Notable: Tom Renz: RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew

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Now let me bring this back around to the food supply. DNA vaccines exist and are available in the food supply and MANY more are being developed. Here is a great article demonstrating this: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fvets.2021.654289/full. As you can see a number DNA type products are out or coming out. Whether they call them vaccines or something else is less relevant than the fact that these are all gene therapies and all have the potential to alter genetics permanently. Further, because of a loophole in the Organic Food Act in the USA, food that is genetically modified with a “vaccine” can be labeled organic. In light of the fact that the good people at big pharma have worked so hard to create transmissible vaccines that can survive through the food supply we need to ask ourselves whether there are any ulterior motives here. Further, even if these gene therapies are not designed with the specific intent to pass to people what impact will eating an animal with modified genetics have on human health? Will any of the injections that are designed to be more durable survive and pass to humans in a way that would expose humans to animal vaccines and what would that do? Where are the studies on all this (I can’t find any)?

I’m going to continue researching and writing on this but let me end with this, EVERYONE that has said ANYTHING about the COVID vaccines from the various international bodies, US Government, and Big Pharma has lied universally. We the people were lied to about COVID, masks, social distancing, early treatment, HCQ, Ivermectin, PCR tests, and the vaccines so why in the hell would we trust these same people to research, develop, and create new gene therapies and new delivery vehicles and not force them down our throats? Whether through lying about their presence in our food or other products or telling us they are safe and effective why would I trust these demonstrated liars? Frankly, I don’t and unless you are the type of person that is looking for a bridge to buy I recommend you don’t either. They ARE putting this garbage in our food and potentially in many other places. If they aren’t then they should support closing the organic food loophole and passing legislation that would require of disclosure of the presence of ANY gene therapy product in anything that could get into a human body in any way.


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668e89 No.109865

File: 9b2ff4b9f0660da⋯.webp (73.13 KB,892x1075,892:1075,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976005 (252204ZNOV23) Notable: Pfizer Sues Poland, Demanding Money for Undelivered and Unwanted COVID Vaccines.

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You’ve got to be Keking Me…

Filling Read - We built a shitty product that’s not Safe or Effective, Pay Us…

Pfizer Sues Poland, Demanding Money for Undelivered and Unwanted COVID Vaccines.

After achieving a modest 57% COVID vaccination rate and seeing the vaccines not live up to the promise, Poles refused additional Pfizer COVID vaccine doses around April 2022.


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668e89 No.109866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976011 (252208ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Protest at Michigan State Capitol by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots

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LIVE: Protest at Michigan State Capitol by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots, calling for an 'intifada revolution'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109867

File: 9d6484c05d43c73⋯.png (1.04 MB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dfb93d420e809a⋯.png (747.58 KB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

File: edfeefd2019b490⋯.png (264.1 KB,905x640,181:128,Clipboard.png)

File: 52d736c0c0cabba⋯.png (649.25 KB,780x1315,156:263,Clipboard.png)

File: ddbc0bbd7febc22⋯.png (405.02 KB,607x1024,607:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976021 (252210ZNOV23) Notable: @DC_Draino: Vivek was NOT always a Trump fan

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People are asking for receipts so here’s a big 1 from Vivek’s book “Nation of Victims”

He may pretend to be a Trump fan now, but he wasn’t when he wrote this book

He says the 2020 election was *not* stolen & Pence did the right thing on J6

These positions are disqualifying




Yeah I mean sure he:

-was affiliated with the WEF

-took money from the Soros family

-got rich in Big Pharma

-does massive deals with Pfizer

-pushed for masks, testing, and vaccines

-thinks Mike Pence did the right thing on J6

-thinks Trump is a liar about election fraud similar to Stacey Abrams

-never voted most of his adult life

-wants to re-enter TPP

-wants uncapped immigration (if they’re educated)

-changes his positions weekly when called out

But we should totally trust him to lead the MAGA movement b/c he called out Ronna McDaniel (like 99% of other Republicans have been doing for years)

Nov 25, 2023, 3:40 PM


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668e89 No.109868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976028 (252211ZNOV23) Notable: IDF confirms 13 Israeli hostages are in hands of Red Cross, on their way out of Gaza

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109869

File: cfdafe46bece809⋯.png (462.55 KB,604x876,151:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976035 (252213ZNOV23) Notable: The Red Cross is a child trafficking money laundering operation.

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Shadow of Ezra


The Red Cross is a child trafficking money laundering operation.

Red Cross takes your free blood donations and sells it for billions of dollars for profit.

The Rothschild family has been closely associated with the British Red Cross since its inception in 1870 when Nathaniel, 1st Lord Rothschild (1840-1915) became one of the founder members.

5:51 AM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109870

File: 3f3193bc720b640⋯.png (524.45 KB,866x666,433:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976052 (252217ZNOV23) Notable: Russian, Chinese Businessmen Considering Secret Underwater Tunnel Connecting to Crimea

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Russian, Chinese Businessmen Considering Secret Underwater Tunnel Connecting to Crimea: Report

Nicholas Dolinger by Nicholas Dolinger

November 25, 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109871

File: 46ccb815a02c684⋯.png (116.5 KB,600x844,150:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976075 (252221ZNOV23) Notable: Musk agrees that the Irish version of the Twitter Files is "probably" waiting to be uncovered

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See new posts


Sir Doge of the Coin ⚔️




I wonder if there is an Irish equivalent to the “Twitter files” that has yet to be uncovered at X. 🤔

Elon Musk









Absolutely there is bro. Look at Sinead McSweeney's CV before she took over in Dublin.

Also former Lord Mayor of Dublin Hazel Chu once tweeted that she had a friend in Twitter Dublin who helped her get rid of accounts she didn't like.



Michael Rae Khoury reposted

Elon Musk


Wow, this is bad!

10:56 AM · Nov 25, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109872

File: 27c12bdea11a35f⋯.jpeg (258.5 KB,749x506,749:506,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976095 (252227ZNOV23) Notable: Ex-Binance CEO Zhao urges judge to allow him to leave US before sentencing

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Ex-Binance CEO Zhao urges judge to allow him to leave US before sentencing

(No official extradition treaty between US and UAE and according to below link it “could be arranged” but UAE law would be applicable so this guy leaves he’ll be ded’d and you’ll never see him again plus the next step would be for DoJ to go after Tether and that would unravel ALL crypto exchanges cuz they don’t have the money they say (1:1 dollars:tokens)and the CEO of tether may as well be Kaiser Souze cuz no one knows who they are and furthermore they will not provide ANY audited results but they are “on the way”….for over 4 years)

Lawyers for former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao are urging a U.S. judge to reject the Justice Department's request to bar him from returning to his home in the United Arab Emirates until he is sentenced for violating anti-money laundering requirements.

Zhao's lawyers in a Thursday filing asked U.S. District Judge Richard Jones in Seattle not to reverse bail conditions set by a magistrate judge on Tuesday that would allow him to leave the U.S. while awaiting sentencing. Zhao, a citizen of the UAE and Canada, stepped down as CEO of Binance on Tuesday after pleading guilty to willfully causing the global cryptocurrency exchange to fail to maintain an effective anti-money laundering program.

U.S. authorities said Binance broke U.S. anti-money laundering and sanctions laws and failed to report more than 100,000 suspicious transactions with organizations the U.S. described as terrorist groups including Hamas, al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

The company as part of a plea deal agreed to pay more than $4.3 billion. Zhao has agreed to pay a $150 million penalty to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC total joke and as bad as the SEC as current SEC chair Gensler used to be CFTC chair)and prosecutors in a Wednesday filing said he faces up to 18 months in prison.

The Justice Department has asked Jones by Monday to reverse a decision by U.S. Magistrate Judge Brian Tsuchida to allow Zhao to return home to the UAE ahead of his Feb. 23 sentencing after he agreed to release him on a $175 million bail bond.The government said it may be unable to secure his return if he chooses not to come back to the U.S. for sentencing, given that it has no extradition treaty with the UAE-(see below)and Zhao is a multi-billionaire with significant assets.

But Zhao's lawyers argued that the former CEO had demonstrated he was not a flight risk by agreeing to a "substantial" bail package and by voluntarily coming to the U.S. to accept responsibility for his actions. Allowing Zhao to return to the UAE would allow him to take care of his partner and three children and prepare them for his sentencing, defense lawyers argued.

The Justice Department responded in a brief on Friday that its decision at Tuesday's hearing to recommend Zhao remain free before sentencing was "exceptional" and was only because it believed the risk of flight he posed could be "managed" by restricting his travel.


Extradition from the United Arab Emirates to the United States of America

There is currently no such mutual extradition agreement.


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668e89 No.109873

File: fb07891dc5c157a⋯.png (526.39 KB,782x850,23:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fab70c74e73550⋯.png (1.79 MB,1778x1000,889:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 5034dedf6044b2f⋯.png (3.2 MB,1908x1146,318:191,Clipboard.png)

File: f2a979637ac768c⋯.png (2.75 MB,2033x1497,2033:1497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976111 (252231ZNOV23) Notable: Deranged leaders and lunatics love "The Polar Express"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WORLD — The Polar Express has officially won the title of "Best Christmas Movie" amongst deranged, psychotic serial killers.

While normal humans find the film to be an unending string of nightmarish horror, The Polar Express has garnered praise from unhinged lunatics. "Oh yeah, I love Polar Express," stated notorious axe murderer Griff Hillsworth. "The way the animation makes all the characters look like they murdered someone and are now wearing a mask of their victim's skin - it just really speaks to me. The film does such an amazing job taking everything in a child that's supposed to be innocent and twisting it into fear, violence and mania. Ugh, it's just so good!"

Though popular with run-of-the-mill serial killers, The Polar Express has also developed a cult following amongst murderous dictators. "Seeing Santa as a tyrannical communist overlord - it's what made the Christmas story finally come alive to me," said North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. "The North Pole in the movie looks so much like North Korea, it's honestly uncanny. Welcome to paradise, kid."

According to sources. mentally disturbed psychopaths rated a live viewing of The Nutcracker as a close second.


Starring Tom Hanks

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668e89 No.109874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976123 (252233ZNOV23) Notable: Eric West: Lahaina Fire Update November 24th - It's NOT GOOD.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Red Cross

Speak of the Devil...

Anywhere the Red Cross goes, it's bad news. Remember Maui?

Latest report from Eric West: NOTHING is being done in the way of cleanup, releasing police personal camera footage, getting money to those who need it. It's like pulling teeth to get anything out of FEMA or any other "helpers."


What Does Baby Beach on Maui Look Like Today? Lahaina Fire Update November 24th Hawaii Real Estate

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668e89 No.109875

File: 5324207f88728c2⋯.png (67.94 KB,591x880,591:880,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976133 (252237ZNOV23) Notable: @GenFlynn: Never forget that war results when diplomacy fails. And we have massive failure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn


Never forget that war results when diplomacy fails. And we have massive failure occurring on an almost daily basis right now. Like it or not, we are in WWIII (and greater sacrifices are on the horizon).

And God help us, but below is only a summary of our current (Biden) administration:

1. They describe America as a systemically racist nation;

2. They appoint Marxists and other radical ideologues to positions of power (some now aides to the POTUS himself accused of spying for our most determined adversaries);

3. They allow millions to surge across our southern border (~10M now);

4. They’re still attempting to federalize our election systems and processes;

5. They’ve implemented critical race theory in our schools, our military and across the entire U.S. government (and our military still misses its recruiting goals!);

6. And all along, they’ve raised the national debt which now exceeds $30 trillion — spending us toward extinction.

All of this for left-wing causes.

Let us not forget the Afghanistan disaster, the myriad lies about COVID, a certain Biden-owned laptop, a complete refusal to investigate allegations of election irregularities (anywhere) … the war in the Middle East, Americans still held hostage, the war in Ukraine (that’s right, it’s still ongoing), “peaceful” pro-Palestinian protests on our streets based on one-sided media manipulation, all while China gets a pass (in fact, the administration not only gave them a pass, they recently embraced them).

It is extremely difficult to trust this administration on any level, especially when they lie with a straight face to the American people daily.

Anyone who questions these rotten foreign and domestic policies are demonized as racist, an Islamophobe, homophobe or whatever-o-phobe.

We also see the continuation of the unleashing of the federal government on citizens who are simply exercising their constitutional rights and the establishment media covers all this incompetence with a fake smile due to their own deep corruption.

Lastly, our president rarely entertains questions or takes responsibility for his tone deafness and failures.

This White House ignores any questions about America’s legitimate security concerns. We have yet to hear from the President of the United States an explanation of any U.S. national security interests for any of these failures in Ukraine, the Middle East, at the border, rising crime, a failing economy, etc., etc.

Americans must take a stand at their local levels and get involved where you can, with what you can, when you can. No more excuses. Pro-America Governors need to step up and do more. All RINO candidates running for POTUS need to step down and get behind the one candidate (DJT) who might be able to right this sinking ship.

In the end, trust in God.

May He continue to watch over and protect all Americans, but especially our military serving overseas right now.

And may God continue to bless and protect the United States of America 🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸

11:30 AM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109876

File: 8532d0b566198b3⋯.png (1.36 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: cd20c65e124d098⋯.png (2.58 MB,1632x1224,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 3638a424e725e2e⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976139 (252239ZNOV23) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Must have missed that part of the movie.

>>109713 past bread



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668e89 No.109877

File: 62ced55c9501ef7⋯.png (239.23 KB,596x452,149:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976174 (252246ZNOV23) Notable: History You Were NEVER Told re The FED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wall Street Apes


History You Were NEVER Told. American’s Banded Together To REJECT The Federal Reserve. Bankers & The Media Lied To The People & Included Clauses Limiting Congress Powers AFTER They Passed Central Banking Legislation. It Was Passed When Most Of Congress Was “Out On Holiday”

“People knew what central banks were and understood them very well.

Everywhere a central bank went, there'll be wealth inequality, wild swings between economic booms and busts, and after each bust, those at the top of society mysteriously came out richer while everyone else got poorer. Europe was the running example of this at the time. The Federal Reserve was originally drafted as the Aldridge Bill, but when it came into Congress they recognized Senator Aldridge's name and smelt a rat.

The bankers needed better cover. They decided to send two millionaire friends to carry the bill to quell the suspicions renamed at the Federal Reserve Act.

Next, in a textbook lesson of deceit, the bankers set out to fool the American people through disinformation. In the newspapers of the day, the bankers screened and protested against a new Federal Reserve bill. It would ruin the banks, they exclaimed. The average person read the protesting articles of the bankers and thought to themselves, if the bankers hate it, it must be good and then they ended up unknowingly supporting a Trojan horse.

The bankers also fooled Congress by putting clauses in the bill that limited their power once the bill was passed. A doublehead fake of the public and Congress was all it took.

The bill was passed on December 23rd 1913 while most of Congress was out on holiday and with that a small group had complete monopoly over the issuing and creation of American money.”

0:22 / 1:25

11:16 AM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109878

File: 83a5f3553680e47⋯.jpeg (524.83 KB,1202x613,1202:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976177 (252247ZNOV23) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19975518 lb planeFag: Europe/eastern Med activity

PF: US Coast Guard G5 landed at London-Stansted Airport

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668e89 No.109879

File: 2caa5c0281ab3a7⋯.png (492.28 KB,650x394,325:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976211 (252256ZNOV23) Notable: Mkt Fag, Godzilla and Mecha-Godzilla present: The Gold Act of 1900 and the Market Crash of 1907-setting the stage for the creation of the Fed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mkt Fag, Godzilla and Mecha-Godzilla present: The Gold Act of 1900 and the Market Crash of 1907-setting the stage for the creation of the Federal Reserve

For those interested in historical market events and also because everyone has been calling for one-which makes it less likely to occur in the way it is being presented everywhere-the short interest and ‘bot trading can keep it going up until the decision is made to drop it.

Scroll down to post 140771 to learn about the above. Many things written about 1929 and the subsequent ones after but many don’t know the set up to create the Federal Reserve….it certainly wasn’t just the Jekyll Island meeting. There was a consolidation starting in 1906 with another market event. It is an easy to read and lighthearted take on it but the source material is included.

Thank you for your time


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668e89 No.109880

File: 6e5b281b3336f00⋯.png (168.46 KB,648x563,648:563,Clipboard.png)

File: b022046a13f8c18⋯.png (97.66 KB,1128x564,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 841c6b4f142f349⋯.png (718.1 KB,1284x903,428:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 12f119847d6ea4f⋯.png (930.51 KB,1279x823,1279:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976258 (252309ZNOV23) Notable: 19976353 V2 pen - no Tineye matches

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ZERO matches


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668e89 No.109881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976289 (252314ZNOV23) Notable: 19976353 V2 pen - no Tineye matches

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


That nib looks AI generated - mishapen, etc, etc. That's not a functional fountain pen nib.

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668e89 No.109882

File: 8a01ed3c8f32c7e⋯.png (1.04 MB,1272x942,212:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976295 (252316ZNOV23) Notable: 19976353 V2 pen - no Tineye matches

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

string extraction





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668e89 No.109883

File: 50e15f183dedd01⋯.png (1.19 MB,1272x942,212:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976320 (252321ZNOV23) Notable: 19976353 V2 pen - no Tineye matches

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In the string extraction





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668e89 No.109884

File: 43453385496ae44⋯.png (389.96 KB,1276x927,1276:927,Clipboard.png)

File: e37c34709467264⋯.jpg (151.68 KB,1125x1054,1125:1054,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1a6b33c7339a7f4⋯.jpg (40.43 KB,662x377,662:377,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c0701c4e2ce2317⋯.jpg (2.1 MB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976334 (252327ZNOV23) Notable: 19976353 V2 pen - no Tineye matches

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







Wernher von Braun V2 rocket


The Wernher von Braun V2 Rocket Academy


The V-2 Rocket - Wernher Von Braun


Wernher von Braun’s V-2 Rocket


Wernher von Braun


The V-2 became the first artificial object to travel into space on 20 June 1944

Von Braun is a highly controversial figure widely seen as escaping justice for his Nazi war crimes due to the Americans' desire to beat the Soviets in the Cold War.[9][10][4] He is also sometimes described by others as the "father of space travel",[11] the "father of rocket science",[12] or the "father of the American lunar program".[9]He advocated a human mission to Mars.

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668e89 No.109885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976409 (252342ZNOV23) Notable: #24523

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24523 >>109840

>>109841 American Thinker: First They Came for the Smokers…

>>109842, >>109847 @RealJamesWoods this day in 1783: Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

>>109843 Nearly two-thirds of COVID-19 vaccine recipients suffer from health complications a year later

>>109844, >>109845, >>109848 LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots; Queen's HS too

>>109846 Sam Altman's Sister Annie Altman's Old Tweets About Abuse Resurface After His Exit As OpenAI CEO

>>109849, >>109881, >>109882, >>109880, >>109883, >>109884, >>>/qresearch/19976367, >>>/qresearch/19976353, >>>/qresearch/19976353 V2 pen - no Tineye matches

>>109850 Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson


>>109853 Charlie Kirk - Don't put anything past these people.

>>109854 New York City will pay homeowners up to $395,000 to build an extra dwelling in their garage or basement to help ease the housing shortage

>>109855, >>109868 IDF confirms 13 Israeli hostages are in hands of Red Cross, on their way out of Gaza

>>109869 The Red Cross is a child trafficking money laundering operation.

>>109856 At Least 30,000 Additional Babies Born After Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

>>109857 The Left must get its violence under control

>>109858 2024 is starting to look amazing - Musk's suit could prove very EXPENSIVE for Media Matters

>>109859 PDJT: This Rigged Case should be ended immediately. POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!

>>109860 Biden Heckled by Protesters in Nantucket

>>109861, >>109862, >>109863, >>109864 Tom Renz: RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew

>>109865 Pfizer Sues Poland, Demanding Money for Undelivered and Unwanted COVID Vaccines.

>>109866 LIVE: Protest at Michigan State Capitol by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots

>>109867 @DC_Draino: Vivek was NOT always a Trump fan

>>109870 Russian, Chinese Businessmen Considering Secret Underwater Tunnel Connecting to Crimea

>>109871 Musk agrees that the Irish version of the Twitter Files is "probably" waiting to be uncovered

>>109872 Ex-Binance CEO Zhao urges judge to allow him to leave US before sentencing

>>109873 Deranged leaders and lunatics love "The Polar Express"

>>109874 Eric West: Lahaina Fire Update November 24th - It's NOT GOOD.

>>109875 @GenFlynn: Never forget that war results when diplomacy fails. And we have massive failure.

>>109876, >>109878 PF

>>109877 History You Were NEVER Told re The FED

>>109879 Mkt Fag, Godzilla and Mecha-Godzilla present: The Gold Act of 1900 and the Market Crash of 1907-setting the stage for the creation of the Fed



baker seeking handoff at the pass

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668e89 No.109886

File: 2659d5c50eebf8d⋯.png (149 KB,372x247,372:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976426 (252345ZNOV23) Notable: #24524

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



baker seeking handy, ghosting @20

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668e89 No.109887

File: 23f4fda41ed124d⋯.png (1.49 MB,1342x932,671:466,Clipboard.png)

File: cd7eb9df07d3932⋯.png (263.99 KB,446x442,223:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e7a4400590ffbf⋯.png (433.59 KB,1334x1102,23:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976537 (260005ZNOV23) Notable: Starting in 2024, all ballots will be required to have a watermark

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


International Ink Library

Forensic database of inks

The International Ink Library and its Digital Ink Library are an FBI forensic database of inks. It is used to identify writing instruments, makes, models, ink types, and document authenticity. It contains over 15,000 samples of pen, marker, and printer inks dating from the 1920s. As part of the FBI Questioned Documents Branch, it is used to investigate criminal and terrorist cases, fraudulent documents, forgeries, checks, money orders, and threats to persons. It uses high-performance thin-layer chromatography, electrophoresis, ultraviolet spectra, electrospray ionization and mass spectrometry. It also analyzes chemical date tags expressly inserted by ink manufacturers. The database originated in the 1960s from the collection of Antonio Cantu, former Chief Forensic Chemist at the Secret Service, which dedicated the lab in his honor.-

Read More

>anyone trust KS?

DID YOU KNOW: Ballots Have Watermarks

Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab

53 subscribers

75 views 5 months ago

This video goes over new provisions for election ballots that will increase security measures. Starting in 2024, all ballots will be required to have a watermark


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668e89 No.109888

File: a3fee07d8fe2df7⋯.jpg (225.57 KB,720x1217,720:1217,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5126c8dbdecba4f⋯.jpg (97.9 KB,634x866,317:433,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23eeb2656241665⋯.jpg (67.12 KB,720x548,180:137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976568 (260015ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Jill wearing skull and bones

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dr. Jill wearing skull and bones

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668e89 No.109889

File: 32b1ab5fae17949⋯.png (845.82 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 48adb13523693c4⋯.png (1.2 MB,1600x1016,200:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c766439651162c⋯.png (1.82 MB,1434x1078,717:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 85bf3622afcbcf2⋯.png (250.12 KB,1920x1079,1920:1079,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976687 (260038ZNOV23) Notable: PF: Call sign BLOKE05. USAF Boeing RC-135S Cobra Ball 61-2663. Squawk 2241

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Call sign BLOKE05. USAF Boeing RC-135S Cobra Ball 61-2663. Squawk 2241. Are we expecting a NK missile test?




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668e89 No.109890

File: a7838245e8805b4⋯.mp4 (8.75 MB,768x1270,384:635,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976802 (260058ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump arrives at Williams-Brice Stadium

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109891

File: 8c717b0a52601ce⋯.png (833.82 KB,1196x1298,598:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976945 (260123ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump arrives at Williams-Brice Stadium

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Holy SHIT anons! Is POTUS passing out popcorn tonight at the football game. Needs embed please.


>President Trump arrives at Williams-Brice Stadium! 🇺🇸

>And the crowd is going wild.

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668e89 No.109892

File: 9783962476c62c7⋯.png (1.64 MB,1406x938,703:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976983 (260129ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Absolute liars': Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Insurrection Fallout

‘Absolute liars': Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6

In a 36-page memo to the Capitol riot committee, Col. Earl Matthews also slams the Pentagon’s inspector general for what he calls an error-ridden report.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109893

File: 0dd1fc8a5e9d110⋯.mp4 (450.44 KB,320x584,40:73,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19976987 (260129ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump arrives at Williams-Brice Stadium

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109894

File: 3436beb5b8d74d0⋯.png (18.4 KB,1175x178,1175:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977019 (260133ZNOV23) Notable: Air Force base walks back statement encouraging soldiers not to attend a conservative rally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Air Force base walks back statement encouraging

soldiers not to attend a conservative rally

Just the News, by Charlotte Hazard

Posted By: Beardo, 11/25/2023 6:01:18 PM

An Air Force base in North Dakota recently walked back its statement that discouraged soldiers from going to a conservative rally titled "Dakota Patriot Rally." In a message sent out last week, leaders at Minot Air Force Base were told to "exercise caution if downtown this weekend" due to a conservative rally occurring that would feature a speaker from Turning Point USA, which was labeled as "alt-right." (snip) "Additionally please remind them that participation with groups such as Turning Point Action could jeopardize their continued service in the U.S. military."

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668e89 No.109895

File: 7591fd4aef3ae59⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1170x1705,234:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977021 (260133ZNOV23) Notable: @JudiciaryGOP subpoenas AUSA Lesley Wolf. Allegations include Hunter Biden probe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@JudiciaryGOP subpoenas AUSA Lesley Wolf. Allegations include Hunter Biden probe “deviated from standard investigative procedures, “Ordering investigators to remove from a search warrant any reference to “Political Figure 1,”that is, President Biden.” Deposition Dec. 7

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668e89 No.109896

File: 214ba86dec294f2⋯.png (613.98 KB,675x672,225:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977023 (260135ZNOV23) Notable: Over 23M Immigrants Eligible to Vote in U.S. Ahead of 2024 Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Analysis: Over 23M Immigrants Eligible

to Vote in U.S. Ahead of 2024 Election

Breitbart Immigration, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 11/25/2023 5:23:23 PM

Ahead of the highly-anticipated 2024 presidential election, more than 23 million immigrants to the United States who now have naturalized American citizenship are eligible to cast ballots, new analysis reveals. The left-wing American Immigration Council released the analysis recently, giving a glimpse into the electoral power that the nation’s annual importation of more than a million legal immigrants has given to naturalized citizens.“As more immigrants naturalize and become eligible to vote, they continue to gain political power,” the analysis states. “The number of immigrant voters is only projected to rise in the next decade,

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668e89 No.109897

File: 233293d89894397⋯.png (257.6 KB,835x734,835:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977043 (260139ZNOV23) Notable: 'Elusive' Billionaire Dubbed 'Canada's Jeffrey Epstein' Accused of Horrific Sex Acts with Minors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Elusive' Billionaire Dubbed 'Canada's Jeffrey Epstein' Accused of Horrific Sex Acts with Minors

By Ben Kew November 25, 2023 at 5:10pm

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109898

File: c51ae50df9761d2⋯.png (216.33 KB,387x517,387:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977068 (260146ZNOV23) Notable: Japan's Prime Minister Shifts to Assertive Diplomacy Against CCP at APEC Summit

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Japan's Prime Minister Shifts to Assertive Diplomacy Against CCP at APEC Summit READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/japans-prime-minister-shifts-to-assertive-diplomacy-against-ccp-at-apec-summit-5535669?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=telegram&utm_campaign=USChinaWatch

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668e89 No.109899

File: 22b38ceaf2759b6⋯.png (873.84 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977069 (260146ZNOV23) Notable: At Least 4 Dead, Dozens Injured In Stampede At Music Festival In India

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At Least 4 Dead, Dozens Injured In Stampede At Music Festival In India

1:51 PM – Saturday, November 25, 2023

At least four people have died and dozens of others were injured during a stampede at a university in Southern India.

On Saturday, at least four students’ lives were taken and 60 others were injured in a stampede at the Cochin University of Science and Technology in Kerala state.

Students were said to have been enjoying a music festival when heavy rain started, causing chaos in the crowd as people began to seek shelter.

According to media reports, some people slipped on stairs and were subsequently trampled.

State Health Minister Veena George released a statement saying that four people had been brought to the Kalamassery Medical College Hospital dead, while at least four more were in critical condition.

Kerala state governor Arif Mohammed Khan also released a statement on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, saying he was “deeply shocked and grieved to know about the sad demise of four students at a stampede at Cochin University of Science & Technology. Heartfelt condolences to their families. Prayers for speedy recovery of injured"

Local officials are conducting an investigation into the incident.


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668e89 No.109900

File: 06556872df0fe8f⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB,720x616,90:77,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977083 (260149ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump arrives at Williams-Brice Stadium

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45 is in the house, at the Palmetto Bowl in South Carolina…


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668e89 No.109901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977091 (260151ZNOV23) Notable: Ministers accused of a cover up as it is revealed shadowy army unit DID spy on British critics of Covid lockdown policies

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Daily Mail Online



Ministers accused of a cover up as it is revealed shadowy army unit DID spy on British critics of Covid lockdown policies


Nov 25, 2023 · 11:50 PM UTC


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668e89 No.109902

File: 3db97041cf590a6⋯.png (410.39 KB,593x811,593:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977138 (260159ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump arrives at Williams-Brice Stadium

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Graham Allen


There is no primary!! NO OTHER CANDIDATE CAN DO THIS!!

Everyone needs to drop out now and back Trump to take on the Democrats!!


Margo Martin

2:45 PM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977184 (260209ZNOV23) Notable: #24524

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#24524 >>109886

>>109890, >>109891, >>109893, >>109900, >>109902 President Trump arrives at Williams-Brice Stadium

>>109887 Starting in 2024, all ballots will be required to have a watermark

>>109888 Dr. Jill wearing skull and bones

>>109889 PF: Call sign BLOKE05. USAF Boeing RC-135S Cobra Ball 61-2663. Squawk 2241

>>109892 ‘Absolute liars': Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6

>>109894 Air Force base walks back statement encouraging soldiers not to attend a conservative rally

>>109895 @JudiciaryGOP subpoenas AUSA Lesley Wolf. Allegations include Hunter Biden probe

>>109896 Over 23M Immigrants Eligible to Vote in U.S. Ahead of 2024 Election

>>109897 'Elusive' Billionaire Dubbed 'Canada's Jeffrey Epstein' Accused of Horrific Sex Acts with Minors

>>109898 Japan's Prime Minister Shifts to Assertive Diplomacy Against CCP at APEC Summit

>>109899 At Least 4 Dead, Dozens Injured In Stampede At Music Festival In India

>>109901 Ministers accused of a cover up as it is revealed shadowy army unit DID spy on British critics of Covid lockdown policies


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668e89 No.109904

File: 1dc4d9202deaa2d⋯.png (358.1 KB,555x521,555:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977199 (260211ZNOV23) Notable: #24525

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668e89 No.109905

File: 862bf0c905665fe⋯.png (97.18 KB,536x644,134:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977236 (260218ZNOV23) Notable: RE: Jill Biden Skull and Bones comms (322)

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>>109888 (lb) Dr. Jill wearing skull and bones

-Skull and Bones (322)

-Qpost 322 involves Trump and 4th Quarter (Football game)

We're in the Final Precipice-y Act

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668e89 No.109906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977240 (260219ZNOV23) Notable: Official conservatism would rather harumph about dissidence than address core issues

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Everything Is—Still—Fine

Michael Anton. 11/20/23

“Official conservatism would rather harumph about dissidence than address core issues”.

A consistent theme of my writing over the past seven years—that is to say, since the publication of “The Flight 93 Election”—is thata non-trivial number of the leaders of America’s legacy “conservative” institutions are either liars or fools. Since I can’t think of a better way to restate the point, I will just repeat what I wrote then:

One of the paradoxes—there are so many—of conservative thought over the last decade at least isthe unwillingness even to entertain the possibility that America and the West are on a trajectory toward something very bad. On the one hand, conservatives routinely present a litany of ills plaguing the body politic. Illegitimacy. Crime. Massive, expensive, intrusive, out-of-control government. Politically correct McCarthyism. Ever-higher taxes and ever-deteriorating services and infrastructure. Inability to win wars against tribal, sub-Third-World foes. A disastrously awful educational system that churns out kids who don’t know anything and, at the primary and secondary levels, can’t (or won’t) discipline disruptive punks, and at the higher levels saddles students with six figure debts for the privilege. And so on and drearily on. Like that portion of the mass where the priest asks for your private intentions, fill in any dismal fact about American decline that you want and I’ll stipulate it.

Conservatives spend at least several hundred million dollars a year on think-tanks, magazines, conferences, fellowships, and such, complaining about this, that, the other, and everything. And yet these same conservatives are, at root, keepers of the status quo. Oh, sure, they want some things to change. They want their pet ideas adopted—tax deductions for having more babies and the like. Many of them are even good ideas. But are any of them truly fundamental? Do they get to the heart of our problems?

If conservatives are right about the importance of virtue, morality, religious faith, stability, character and so on in the individual; if they are right about sexual morality or what came to be termed “family values”; if they are right about the importance of education to inculcate good character and to teach the fundamentals that have defined knowledge in the West for millennia; if they are right about societal norms and public order; if they are right about the centrality of initiative, enterprise, industry, and thrift to a sound economy and a healthy society; if they are right about the soul-sapping effects of paternalistic Big Government and its cannibalization of civil society and religious institutions; if they are right about the necessity of a strong defense and prudent statesmanship in the international sphere—if they are right about the importance of all this to national health and even survival, then they must believe—mustn’t they?—that we are headed off a cliff.

But it’s quite obvious that conservatives don’t believe any such thing, thatthey feel no such sense of urgency, of an immediate necessity to change course and avoid the cliff.

I won’t apologize for the length of that quote; every word of it is truer and more relevant now than it was when first published (September 5, 2016).

Indeed, by most measures, things today are worse. To the above list of catastrophes, we may add two categories of problems. The first encompasses trends that were already obvious then but which I didn’t enumerate for reasons of space; e.g., opioid addiction, drug cartels operating on American soil with impunity, and falling life expectancies. Add to those the many others that have emerged since or deteriorated considerably: a nationwide crime wave, rampant anti-white racism, the worst inflation since the 1970s, increasingly unaffordable housing, crashing birthrates, anti-constitutional biomedical tyranny imposed by fiat, state-enforced anti-family transgenderism, pornography deliberately stocked in grade school libraries, a wide-open border, the federal government spending taxpayer dollars to transport and dump illegal immigrants throughout Middle America, years of pretrial detention for walking into the Capitol and staying within the velvet ropes, and so on and on.

Also much worse—dumber, more in denial, more out of touch, more treacherous to its ostensible allies and more obsequious toward the ruling class—is the “conservative” intelligentsia, whose responses to all this range from “None of that is happening” to “You’re grossly exaggerating” to “Actually, all this is fine; good even” to (especially) “How dare you say that!”….

(Very long article, but well worth it)


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668e89 No.109907

File: 260359bb97213b1⋯.jpg (122.03 KB,743x661,743:661,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 90ac593110438df⋯.jpg (107.87 KB,708x558,118:93,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 942f13ef9d2b051⋯.jpg (132.63 KB,708x604,177:151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e00917b32ee7331⋯.jpg (158.51 KB,797x544,797:544,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977259 (260223ZNOV23) Notable: Pavlov's dog experiment

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Pavlov's Dogs and the Conditioned Response; Don't Be the Dog

Psychology - Pavlov’s Dog: The Psychology Experiment That Changed Everything


Pavlov's dog experiment is a very well-studied event. Pavlov (a Russian physiologist) conditioned dogs to respond in a specific way. Every time he fed his dogs, he rang a bell. Over time, the dogs associated the sound of the bell with being fed. After conditioning the dogs, he rang the bell but did not feed the dogs. What happened? Salivating dogs happened. The dogs associated the sound of the bell with food so strongly that they drooled even though they were not fed.

Please review the followingPB

>>108605, >>108607 Fed Boys: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

Check out the FLETC PDF paying close attention to the "Role Players" who (according to FLETC) "enact simulated threats...".



Anon would like to suggest to law enforcement, who are being trained at places like the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, that you consider the possibility that you are being conditioned to respond in a certain way to the people you swore to protect and serve. Anon has noticed that people express their patriotism in many different ways. Anon would suggest that the people who are burning shit down and causing harm to others are the threat. Just because a person wraps him or herself in patriotic and/or historic symbolism, doesn't mean they are bad or racist or phobic or any other ism/ist.

Anon would also like to ask ordinary people to consider the possibility that you are being conditioned to respond in a certain way to law enforcement. The talking heads on your TV, on your social media platforms and on your streets are working to influence a specific response from you. We are all being played against each other.

Anon remembers another Pavlov experiment from psychology class. Anon can find no reference to this in any search and the textbook is long gone. You'll have to believe Anon or not. This experiment involved prey fish and predator fish. Pavlov set up an aquarium with a glass divider in it. On one side of the glass were prey fish. On the other side of the glass, was a predator fish. The prey fish crowded to the far side of the tank, while the predator fish hurled itself into the glass. The predator fish, after many encounters with the glass divider, finally stopped trying. The prey fish relaxed and moved about their side freely. Eventually, the glass was removed. The prey fish stayed on their side (and only their side) of the tank and the predator fish stayed on its side of the tank. Anon believes that the predator fish died of hunger but is not certain of that.

We all need to consider the possibility that someone is trying to erect a glass wall between us and normal lives. Anon suspects that this has been happening for a long time. We should always look for ways around the glass. Sane lives are out there and we should strive to get them back.

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668e89 No.109908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977309 (260235ZNOV23) Notable: Prosecutors probing prime suspect in Madeleine McCann case hit major stumbling block

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Daily Mail Online



Prosecutors probing prime suspect in Madeleine McCann case hit major stumbling block


Nov 25, 2023 · 8:11 PM UTC


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668e89 No.109909

File: 8672ed1d2e3d113⋯.png (610.06 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977369 (260247ZNOV23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting January 6 Was a Hoax

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WATCH: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting January 6 Was a Hoax

BEN BARTEE | 11:06 AM ON NOVEMBER 25, 2023

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668e89 No.109910

File: 11a51b525867a6e⋯.png (822.6 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: a3f487886c4c050⋯.png (3.69 MB,1587x903,529:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977374 (260248ZNOV23) Notable: PF: Call sign CPS99. Former USAF Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker refueling something out over the Pacific

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Get this anons. Call sign CPS99. Former USAF Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker. Now privately owned with tail number N572MA. Apparently refueling something out over the Pacific. Crazy.


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668e89 No.109911

File: c2168d03a7a1cf3⋯.png (1.05 MB,634x951,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 30a2135e8c2ead7⋯.png (631.16 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 06ab6385317d16d⋯.png (803.23 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: cf9e35f38ecbdfc⋯.png (558.53 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: fe52dd2073a4b90⋯.png (1.29 MB,634x951,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977404 (260252ZNOV23) Notable: RE: Jill Biden Skull and Bones comms (322)

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1) Jill Biden, in workout gear and carrying gloves and a water bottle, was shopping in downtown Nantucket on Saturday

2) Finnegan Biden (right), looks back to talk to her grandmother Jill Biden

3) Naomi Biden follows Jill Biden out of Murray's, the local liquor store

4) Jill Biden and her granddaughters also shopped in Ralph Lauren

5) Jill Biden heads into Ralph Lauren for some shopping


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668e89 No.109912

File: a290748ad5c5a5c⋯.jpeg (83.44 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977451 (260300ZNOV23) Notable: Mass drone attack on Moscow repelled

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26 Nov, 2023 01:58

Mass drone attack on Moscow repelled – mayor

Ukrainian UAVs have been shot down outside the Russian capital, according to Sergey Sobyanin

Ukrainian forces have targeted the Russian capital in an attempted coordinated drone attack, withalmost a dozen of UAVs intercepted over Moscow, Bryansk, Kaluga and Tula regionsearly Sunday morning, according to the mayor and the Defense Ministry.

“A massive drone attack was attempted tonight… The air defense forces shot down UAVs in the area of Naro-Fominsk and Odintsovo city district, en route to Moscow,”mayor Sergey Sobyanin said on Telegram on Sunday morning. Another drone was shot down near Podolsk.

The drones caused no casualties or significant damage on the ground in Moscow, Sobyanin said, adding that the emergency services were responding to the incident and locating the debris.

However, in Tula one of the jammed drones lost control and hit a residential highrise, slightly injuring one person, according to local governor Aleksey Dyumin.

The military said that yet another “attempted Ukrainian terrorist attack was thwarted”overnight, confirming that at least 11 drones were intercepted over four regions southwest of the Russian capital.

Kiev has repeatedly used drone strikes in what Russian officials described as “terrorist attacks” on civilian infrastructure, reaching as far as Moscow.

Earlier this month, a Ukrainian general in charge of UAV operations claimed that Kiev was gearing up for a massive drone bombing campaign against Russia this winter, as the fighting on the ground is expected to enter a lull due to harsh weather conditions.

On Saturday, Ukraine accused Russia of carrying out its biggest drone attack, with most of its targets located in the country’s capital, Kiev. The Ukrainian Air Force claimed to have intercepted over 70 Russian drones overnight. Moscow had previously blamed Kiev for vastly exaggerating its supposed successes, and claiming to take down more munitions than Russia actually fires.

(Ukraine counteroffensive fails so they go back to terrorist activites)


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668e89 No.109913

File: 758edbb1e4e7d78⋯.png (792.64 KB,1117x1249,1117:1249,Clipboard.png)

File: 27844dbe9b5854d⋯.png (674.65 KB,1121x1212,1121:1212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977575 (260329ZNOV23) Notable: Nogalesis in Arizona, Nagalaseis in the jabs?

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chkt (199-77-199, TMBG-style palindrome)


Anon just noticed a pattern.

Nogalesis in Arizona.

Nagalaseis in the jabs.

Biden’s Border Crisis: Group After Group of Illegal Aliens Walk IntoNogales, Arizona





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668e89 No.109914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977618 (260340ZNOV23) Notable: Pfizer Failed To Disclose Risks Of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death To Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial

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Pfizer Failed To Disclose Risks Of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death To Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial

Pfizer failed to inform pregnant women participating in its clinical trial for the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine that the clinical trial of a similar vaccine by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was halted after a safety signal revealed a potential risk of preterm births leading to neonatal deaths.

Even though Pfizer knew about the potential safety signal and was studying preterm births as an “adverse event of special interest,” it continued to enroll women in its clinical trial and did not fully inform participants of the risks the vaccine may pose to their babies—and in some cases, provided misleading and contradictory statements, according to an investigation by The BMJ.

“The BMJ article demonstrates Pfizer’s continued disregard for the law and patient choice,” attorney Thomas Renz told The Epoch Times in an email. “The entire point of informed consent is to ensure a patient can make a decision based on all available information. Rather than embracing the Nuremberg Code and American laws and regulations, Pfizer seems to view informed consent as a barrier to sales—something that causes vaccine hesitancy or drug hesitancy.”

“There should have never been a clinical trial in pregnant women studying any injections aimed at RSV in pregnant women,” Sasha Latypova told The Epoch Times in an email. “Pregnancy and potential to become pregnant is historically the most protected class of human subjects from clinical research because the risks and potential to cause inadvertent harm are too devastating to justify scientific interest in made-up subjects like RSV.”

Ms. Latypova is a retired pharmaceutical industry executive with 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical research and development and co-founder of several organizations that work with pharmaceutical companies to design, execute, collect data, and submit clinical trial data to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


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668e89 No.109915

File: 5ebc4fe4097a03d⋯.jpeg (270.56 KB,1100x770,10:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977624 (260342ZNOV23) Notable: Corrupt Judge Engoron Is Upset About Being Called Mean Names

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Corrupt Judge Engoron Is Upset About Being Called Mean Names.

Transcripts of voicemails left for Engoron, describing the judge as a “little fruit cake” and a “fagot [sic] dork”. Other messages suggested Greenfield, his Democrat-linked law clerk, fellates his “micro penis”.


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668e89 No.109916

File: 50adbd6d9a7f565⋯.png (830.33 KB,1044x1204,261:301,Clipboard.png)

File: fa87cd14ece7034⋯.png (637.82 KB,1054x638,527:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d28209a9de1345⋯.png (784.79 KB,848x1160,106:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 494225b2d3a162e⋯.png (946.91 KB,882x672,21:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977643 (260346ZNOV23) Notable: Corrupt Judge Engoron Is Upset About Being Called Mean Names

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Threats sent to the voicemail of Judge Arthur Engoron, according to an affidavit filed by Charles Hollon, a Court Officer-Captain in the NY Department of Public Safety.

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668e89 No.109917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977662 (260351ZNOV23) Notable: On this day in 1783, Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

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Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

On this day in history, November 25, 1783, the last British soldiers evacuate the United States.

The signing of the Treaty of Paris ended hostilities between the United States and Great Britain on September 3, 1783. Sir Guy Carleton, commander of British forces in North America at the time, received orders in August to begin planning the evacuation of all remaining British troops from the United States.

The evacuation plans dragged on because of large numbers of Loyalists descending on New York in a panic to flee the country. Nearly 30,000 Loyalists and escaped slaves left with the British, most ending up in Quebec or Nova Scotia.

General Carleton finally announced the last of the troops would be leaving at noon on November 25th. George Washington waited outside the city until the British left and their flag was removed from a pole at the Battery at the southern end of Manhattan (A battery is a military fortification with guns or cannons). Wiley British soldiers had hoisted their Union Flag on a greased pole on their way out of the city.

Several attempts were made to get the flag down, but were unsuccessful due to the grease. Eventually, American soldier John Van Arsdale was able to climb the pole by nailing pieces of wood to the pole and climbing up on them. He tore the British flag down and replaced it with the American Flag. Shortly after, a triumphant General George Washington entered the city and marched down Broadway to the Battery.

For a hundred years after, Evacuation Day was celebrated around the United States, but especially in New York City. Evacuation Day was New York City's biggest celebration of the year for a century and the evacuation was commemorated with a game of boys competing to take down a Union Flag from a greased flagpole in Battery Park. A descendant of John Van Arsdale would then climb the pole and put up a US Flag.

Once the Civil War came and Abraham Lincoln announced the annual Thanksgiving Day, Evacuation Day celebrations around the country tended to be absorbed by Thanksgiving Day celebrations. Evacuation Day was eventually lost because the date of November 25 was so close to the Thanksgiving date of the last Thursday of the month. The annual celebrations continued in New York, however, until World War I, at which time people seemed to lose their animosity toward Britain after its allied cooperation with the United States during the war.

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668e89 No.109918

File: 7dd12ff9121a05a⋯.png (507.63 KB,725x593,725:593,Clipboard.png)

File: d67b23a760b8ab3⋯.png (379.47 KB,759x654,253:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a47e359ff65379⋯.png (457.02 KB,729x640,729:640,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e1e4e313ac80fd⋯.png (570.26 KB,730x612,365:306,Clipboard.png)

File: 066ee98f828de27⋯.png (491.76 KB,730x599,730:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977678 (260354ZNOV23) Notable: Meet The Mega Donors At Play In The 2024 Election

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Meet The Mega Donors At Play In The 2024 Election


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668e89 No.109919

File: 4501892f4c5d632⋯.png (70.99 KB,741x487,741:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977693 (260357ZNOV23) Notable: Zurich Issues Digital Bond Using Wholesale CBDC

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Zurich Issues Digital Bond Using Wholesale CBDC

On Monday the Canton of Zurich issued a CHF 100 million ($113m) digital bond via the SIX Digital Exchange, Ledger Insights reported. While most of the bond terms were unexciting - it has an 11 year term and a coupon of 1.45% - the most distinctive aspect is this transaction is that it settles using a wholesale central bank digital currency (wholesale CBDC) issued by the Swiss National Bank (SNB).

The joint lead managers on the issuance were Zürcher Kantonalbank, UBS and Raiffeisen Switzerland. Zürcher and UBS were announced as part of the CBDC pilot earlier this month, but Raiffeisen was not.

A Zurich spokesperson confirmed that wholesale CBDC settlement takes place on December 1 and only for the two pilot banks. Raiffeisen and the Canton of Zurich will receive conventional Swiss francs, not wholesale CBDC. At that point, the bond will be listed on both the SIX Digital Exchange and the main SIX Swiss Exchange.


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668e89 No.109920

File: 5d69340dcfd825c⋯.png (300.32 KB,556x494,278:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977706 (260400ZNOV23) Notable: Five Men Arrested After Police Post Fake Ad Promoting ‘Sexual Services From Minors’

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Five Men Arrested After Police Post Fake Ad Promoting ‘Sexual Services From Minors’

Five Canadian men were arrested after police posted a fake ad promoting “sexual services for minors.”

The Durham Regional Police Service in Ontario said that the fake advertisement was visited more than 6,600 times in four days and received messages from over 600 different phone numbers.

The ad was part of Project Firebird, an operation by the Human Trafficking Unit to crack down on pedophiles seeking minors.

During the bust, police arrested Krish Subiah, 37, from Clarington, Rajwant Singh, 30, from Belleville, Mahbubar Rahman, 48, from Pickering, Sarangan Kirupamoorthy, 28, from Whitby, and Rajasekaran Natarajan, 38, from Clarington, Durham Radio News reports.

All of the men have been charged with luring a child for the purpose of obtaining sexual services (under 18 years), obtaining sexual services (under 18 years) and invitation to sexual touching (under 16 years).

The Durham Regional Police Service is asking anyone with any new information about this incident or other incidents to contact them.


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668e89 No.109921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977712 (260402ZNOV23) Notable: Royal profits on dead citizens’ money a ‘remnant of feudal Britain’ – mayor

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Royal profits on dead citizens’ money a ‘remnant of feudal Britain’ – mayor

The official's comment follows a media report claiming that the royal family appropriates deceased people’s assets

Britain must do away with the last vestiges of feudalism that have supposedly allowed the royal family to line their pockets at the expense of dead people, Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham argued in a statement on Friday.

His comment came after a report by The Guardian claimed that King Charles III and his relatives have been appropriating money left behind by deceased individuals who had made no will or had no known next of kin, and are doing so to refurbish their properties.

Under a system known as ‘bona vacantia,’ the assets of such individuals in most of England and Wales go to the Treasury, which then spends them on public services. However, as per an old custom dating back to the Middle Ages, people who die near two hereditary royal estates in England have their money collected by the monarch and their relatives.

These two estates are located in the Duchy of Lancaster and the Duchy of Cornwall, the first traditionally belonging to the reigning king or queen and the other to their heir. The royals have maintained that while they take in bona vacantia, the money is donated to local charities.

Mayor Burnham, who heads the county within the limits of the Duchy of Lancaster, described the practice as a “bizarre remnant of feudal Britain” used to redistribute “wealth in the wrong direction,” as quoted by The Guardian. The mayor added that local residents had never been informed of the system’s existence nor consented to it.

“I don’t recall this archaic system ever being explained to anyone here nor public consent for it being given,” the official said. “I would call on the government and the Duchy of Lancaster to initiate a public consultation on this issue to work towards a set of arrangements that could command greater public consent.”

Steve Rotheram, the mayor of the Liverpool City Region, shared Burnham’s concern, pointing out that the proceeds collected would be better spent helping “thousands of families in our region [who] are trying to make ends meet amidst the cost of living crisis.”

On Thursday, The Guardian published an article alleging that over the past ten years, the Duchy of Lancaster has collected more than £60 million ($75.6 million) in bona vacantia, with only a small portion of that money going to charity despite the royal family’s assurances to the contrary.

Instead, the funds have been routinely used to upgrade the Royals’ commercial property, which is rented out for profit. The newspaper quoted three anonymous sources as saying that the people managing the estate considered bona vacantia to be “free money.”

While Buckingham Palace has refused to comment on the issue, a Duchy of Lancaster spokesperson told reporters that the money is, among other purposes, designated for the “restoration and repair of qualifying buildings in order to protect and preserve them for future generations.”


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668e89 No.109922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977733 (260406ZNOV23) Notable: PF: Call sign CPS99. Former USAF Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker refueling something out over the Pacific

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>Owned by the chinese or clowns?




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668e89 No.109923

File: 51cf9c609bdaebb⋯.png (987.96 KB,568x722,284:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977746 (260410ZNOV23) Notable: If genitals don't define gender, why does removing them affirm it?

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668e89 No.109924

File: 04f3efe64342f19⋯.png (130.03 KB,741x615,247:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977806 (260427ZNOV23) Notable: Nogalesis in Arizona, Nagalaseis in the jabs?

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> >>109913 Nogales is in Arizona, Nagalase is in the jabs?


Anon also notes: both these rhyming cases (the town and the substance) are helping invaders.

The town: it's at the border and the invaders pass through it.

The substance: it's in the jabs and helps cancers grow.

Also, the gene that codes for this enzyme isNAGAwhich is +1 fromMAGA.



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668e89 No.109925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977814 (260431ZNOV23) Notable: The DAS program, formerly known as Hemisphere, is tracking more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year

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A WIRED analysis of leaked police documents verifies that a secretive government program is allowing federal, state, and local law enforcement to access phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.

A little-known surveillance program tracks more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year, according to a letter WIRED obtained that was sent by US senator Ron Wyden to the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Sunday, challenging the program’s legality.

According to the letter, a surveillance program now known as Data Analytical Services (DAS) has for more than a decade allowed federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to mine the details of Americans’ calls, analyzing the phone records of countless people who are not suspected of any crime, including victims. Using a technique known as chain analysis, the program targets not only those in direct phone contact with a criminal suspect but anyone with whom those individuals have been in contact as well.

The DAS program, formerly known as Hemisphere, is run in coordination with the telecom giant AT&T, which captures and conducts analysis of US call records for law enforcement agencies, from local police and sheriffs’ departments to US customs offices and postal inspectors across the country, according to a White House memo reviewed by WIRED.


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668e89 No.109926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977896 (260454ZNOV23) Notable: The Overton Window has moved.

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One of the current psyops is splitting Progressives and Jews:

Is the Overton Window Moving to the Right?

I can think of so many Jewish friends who in recent years loyally sympathized with progressive causes. And now these causes seem, among other things, to be riddled with anti-semitic leanings. I think that it will take many years for erstwhile progressive Jews to come to terms with the extent to which 21st-century Progressive causes are fraudulent.

By fraudulent, I mean that they do not help the people that they purport to help. BLM does not help black people. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion does not help achieve any of those goals. The champions of the Palestinian cause do not help Palestinians. The climate alarmists probably do not help the climate. The various gender ideologues probably do not help people who are struggling with the psychological problems that accompany their gender identity issues.

Recently, Tablet published a symposium called What Now? It was an opportunity for Jews to offer opinions that they probably would not have articulated prior to the October 7 Hamas pogrom. Titles of the essays include:


Replace American Communal Jewish Leadership

Get a Gun

Deport Violent Radicals

What has shocked Jews much more than the atrocities of Hamas are the atrocities committed by Progressives. It turns out that Progressives support a Palestinian cause that seeks not peace and dignity for all but to drive Jews out of the Middle East completely. Progressives say that the “context” justifies rape, murder and kidnapping of innocent people. Under the doctrine of intersectionality, Progressives manage to link support for Islamic theocrats to LGBTQ rights.

The Overton Window has clearly moved for many American Jews. The Ivy League is now disgraced. Imagine if on college campuses there were students marching around in Ku Klux Klan hoods shouting racist slogans. And imagine they were doing this right after the death of George Floyd. That is what the pro-Hamas demonstrations feel like to Jewish students.

The same Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offices that supposedly are there to make minorities feel comfortable on campus are actively promoting Jew-hatred. Going forward, Jews are not going to regard DEI as benevolent.


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668e89 No.109927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977961 (260511ZNOV23) Notable: #24525

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#24525 >>109904

>>109908 Prosecutors probing prime suspect in Madeleine McCann case hit major stumbling block

>>109909 Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting January 6 Was a Hoax

>>109910, >>109922 PF: Call sign CPS99. Former USAF Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker refueling something out over the Pacific

>>109907 Pavlov's dog experiment

>>109906 Official conservatism would rather harumph about dissidence than address core issues

>>109911, >>109905 RE: Jill Biden Skull and Bones comms (322)

>>109912 Mass drone attack on Moscow repelled

>>109913, >>109924 Nogalesis in Arizona, Nagalaseis in the jabs?

>>109914 Pfizer Failed To Disclose Risks Of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death To Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial

>>109915, >>109916 Corrupt Judge Engoron Is Upset About Being Called Mean Names

>>109917 On this day in 1783, Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

>>109918 Meet The Mega Donors At Play In The 2024 Election

>>109919 Zurich Issues Digital Bond Using Wholesale CBDC

>>109920 Five Men Arrested After Police Post Fake Ad Promoting ‘Sexual Services From Minors’

>>109921 Royal profits on dead citizens’ money a ‘remnant of feudal Britain’ – mayor

>>109923 If genitals don't define gender, why does removing them affirm it?

>>109925 The DAS program, formerly known as Hemisphere, is tracking more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year

>>109926 The Overton Window has moved.

le final

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668e89 No.109928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19977985 (260514ZNOV23) Notable: #24526

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668e89 No.109929

File: 2f481f73bbff299⋯.png (347.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978006 (260518ZNOV23) Notable: Russian evacuees brought home from Gaza - every other countries works to get their citizens out of Gaza except the US!

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24 Nov, 2023 21:15

Russian evacuees brought home from Gaza

More than 100 people have arrived on a charter flight to Moscow ahead of ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war

Russia has repatriated 103 evacuees from Gaza on a charter flight to Moscow that was completed just before the four-day ceasefire began in Israel’s war with Hamas.

The Russian nationals were brought home on an Ilyushin-76 transport plane on Friday morning, according to a statement by Russia’s Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM).

Such evacuations have been carried out over the past two weeks amid a conflict that has left more than 14,000 people dead in the Palestinian enclave. Over 900 people – including 639 Russian citizens and 271 Palestinian relatives – have requested Moscow’s help in fleeing the war zone.

More than 750 Russian evacuees have been brought out so far, and some 650 have been flown back to Moscow, according to the latest EMERCOM figures. Over 300 children have been transported on the evacuation flights.

The temporary ceasefire began on Friday morning after weeks of negotiations brokered by Qatar. Hamas released 24 of the approximately 240 hostages taken during its October 7 attacks on southern Israel. Among them were 13 Israelis, ten Thai farm workers, and one Filipino. In exchange, 39 Palestinians were reportedly released from Israeli jails. The halt to combat operations is also expected to allow for increased deliveries of food, fuel, and other humanitarian aid into besieged Gaza.

(Every other countries works to get their citizens out of Gaza except the US!)

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668e89 No.109930

File: e84a3e2d25e2ea4⋯.jpeg (62.56 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978022 (260525ZNOV23) Notable: Biden suggests Palestinian militants sought to derail a Saudi-Israeli peace deal

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24 Nov, 2023 22:59

Biden suggests he was the reason for Hamas attack

The US president has speculated that Palestinian militants sought to derail a Saudi-Israeli peace deal

US President Joe Biden has offered a theory on what might have triggered the surprise Hamas attacks that ignited the Palestinian militant group’s latest war with Israel: himself.

Speaking to reporters in Nantucket, Massachusetts on Friday, Biden speculated that Hamas was motivated to launch its October 7 assault on villages in southern Israel by US progress in negotiating a peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The president claimed that the talks were heating up after a massive railway project, including a link between Riyadh and Israel, was announced at the G20 summit in September – a deal for which he took credit.

I cannot prove what I’m about to say,” Biden said. “But I believe one of the reasons why Hamas struck when they did was they knew that I was working very closely with the Saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by having recognition of Israel and Israel’s right to exist.”(Fuck Joe Bidan)

Biden made his comments after a four-day ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict began on Friday morning. He credited “extensive US diplomacy,” including telephone calls that he placed from the Oval Office, with bringing about the temporary halt to fighting in Gaza. Hamas agreed to release 50 hostages in exchange for 150 Palestinian civilians held in Israeli jails.

“Today has been a product of a lot of hard work and weeks of personal engagement,”Biden said. “From the moment Hamas kidnapped these people, I along with my team have worked around the clock to secure their release.”

The October 7 raids killed an estimated 1,200 people in Israel, and the Islamist militants took around 240 hostages back to Gaza. The attacks triggered a war that has left more than 14,000 people dead in the Palestinian enclave, according to local health officials.

Saudi Arabia, which was reportedly nearing an agreement to normalize relations with Israel, put the deal on ice after the latest conflict in Gaza began.

Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump had brokered the Abraham Accords, under which Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates established diplomatic ties with Israel. Sudan and Morocco later signed the accords.

(Fuck Joe Bidan)


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668e89 No.109931

File: b7e943da9983b56⋯.jpeg (61.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978065 (260538ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 - Kiev’s top MP

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24 Nov, 2023 20:08

Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 – Kiev’s top MP

David Arakhamia led Kiev’s delegation in the talks with Moscow

Russia was ready to stop the fighting had Ukraine agreed to remain neutral,but the West advised Kiev to keep going, the head of President Vladimir Zelensky’s parliamentary faction – and thechief negotiator at the peace talks in Istanbul – David Arakhamia admitted on Friday.

Arakhamia, who heads the ‘Servant of the People’ parliamentary group, told the TV channel 1+1 that Moscow had offered Kiev a peace deal in March 2022, but the Ukrainian side did not trust Russia.

“Russia’s goal was to put pressure on us so that we would take neutrality. This was the main thing for them:They were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality, like Finland once did. And we would make a commitment that we will not join NATO. This was the main thing,” said Arakhamia.

However, agreeing to neutrality and giving up NATO membership would have required changing the constitution of Ukraine, Arakhamia explained. “Secondly, there was no trust in the Russians that they would do this. This could only be done with security guarantees,” he told 1+1.

During the talks, Arakhamia added,British then-PM Boris Johnsonarrived in Kiev and told Ukrainian officials to keep fighting andnot sign any agreements with Moscow.

Johnson’s role in scuttling the peace talks in Istanbul was revealed in May 2022 by the outlet Ukrayinska Pravda. However, neither the British politician – who was ousted as PM in June that year and eventually landed a job at an American think tank – nor the US government ever officially acknowledged pressuring Kiev into reneging on the draft agreement, which Arakhamia himself had signed with the Russians. Kiev had likewise never officially commented on the matter – until now.

Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed to African leaders that Moscow and Kiev had signed a draft agreement “on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for Ukraine” at the talks hosted by Türkiye.

As soon as Russia pulled back its troops from the vicinity of Kiev, as a gesture of good will, Ukraine reneged on the deal, Putin said.

The Russian withdrawal was presented by Western governments and media as a Ukrainian military victory and they began sending heavy weapons and equipment to Zelensky’s government, fueling the conflict for the next 18 months.

(Kiev is getting back at their masters. Bidan and Johnson are going to take the blame of 200,000 young Uhranian men dying in a war the West wanted. Ukraine is going to pretend they were forced to do it.Fuck Joe Bidan!)


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668e89 No.109932

File: 6a1207ad43defcb⋯.jpeg (174.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978078 (260545ZNOV23) Notable: China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

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25 Nov, 2023 02:22

China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

Officials say the Western nuclear tech-sharing deal could kick off a new arms race

The international community must address nuclear “proliferation risks” posed by the three-way AUKUS agreement between the US, UK and Australia, Beijing’s envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said.

Speaking before the IAEA board of governors on Friday, Chinese envoy Li Song argued that the AUKUS deal “runs counter to the purpose and objectives” of the landmark Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and threatens the Asia-Pacific region.

Li went on to call for formal “intergovernmental discussions” on the matter between IAEA member states, saying they “have enough wisdom, patience and determination to properly respond to the AUKUS-related proliferation risks.”

AUKUS was established in 2021 between Washington, Canberra and London in part to facilitate the transfer of military technology among the three allies, with the US military pledging to help Australia obtain nuclear-powered submarines.

Though officials from each country have maintained that the bloc is not a formal military alliance and is solely focused on technology-sharing, Beijing has condemned the project, claiming it would only kick off an arms race in Asia and help to spread nuclear weapons around the globe.

“The three countries have gone further down the wrong and dangerous path for their own geopolitical self-interest, completely ignoring the concerns of the international community,”Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said earlier this year, adding that the AUKUS pact is based on a “Cold War mentality which will only motivate an arms race, damage the international nuclear nonproliferation regime, and harm regional stability and peace.”

In previous comments to the UN nuclear watchdog, Li argued the IAEA’s “current safeguards system is not able to achieve effective monitoring” for technology-sharing between the AUKUS partners, adding that the deal “seriously undermines the authority of the Agency and its safeguards system.”

Tensions between Washington and Beijing have steadily escalated in recent years, with US President Joe Biden repeatedly labeling China as America’s top “competitor” and deploying warships near the country on a near-monthly basis since taking office. Though the US leader recently held “productive” talks with his Chinese counterpart, Biden went on to label Xi Jinping a “dictator” soon after the meeting, prompting a sharp response from Beijing.

(Joe is only playing his part to make China look like the victim.Fuck Joe Bidan)


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668e89 No.109933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978082 (260546ZNOV23) Notable: Video emerges of the Kennedy Assassination leaving more questions than answers..

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Chuck Callesto



JUST IN: Video emerges of the Kennedy Assassination leaving more questions than answers..



Nov 26, 2023 · 4:30 AM UTC


Well, here we go.

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668e89 No.109934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978112 (260602ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli-Managed Vessel Hit By Suspected Iranian Drone

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Israeli-Managed Vessel Hit By Suspected Iranian Drone

By Aziz El Yaakoubi Reuters November 25, 2023

RIYADH, Nov 25 (Reuters) – A container ship managed by an Israeli-controlled company was hit by a suspected Iranian drone in the Indian Ocean, causing minor damage to the vessel but no injuries, a U.S. defense official said on Saturday.

The Malta-flagged CMA CGM SYMI, recently renamed Mayet, was struck on Friday by an unmanned aerial vehicle, which appeared to be an Iranian Shahed-136 drone, in the northeast portion of the Indian Ocean, the official said, asking not to be named.

Iran has supplied Shahed-136 “kamikaze” drones to Russia for use in Ukraine. They carry a small warhead that explodes on impact.

The incident comes amid heightened maritime security tensions due to the Israel-Hamas war and follows the seizure of an Israeli-linked cargo ship by Yemen’s Houthis, an ally of Iran, in the southern Red Sea earlier this week. Israel called the vessel’s seizure an “Iranian act of terrorism.”

Singapore-based Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS), which had rented Mayet, said it was aware a container ship was targeted in a possible security incident on Friday.

“The vessel in question is currently sailing as planned. All crew are safe and well,” EPS said in a statement sent to Reuters.

EPS is controlled by Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer and its ships have previously come under similar attacks.

There was no immediate comment from Iranian and Israeli officials.

Mayet switched off its transponder on Tuesday after leaving Dubai’s Jebel Ali port, LSEG data showed. It was unclear if it made a scheduled stop in Oman’s Sohar port on Wednesday.

The United States has blamed Iran for unclaimed attacks on several vessels in the region in the past few years. Tehran has denied involvement.

In a separate incident, Britain’s Maritime Trade Operations agency (UKMTO) said on Saturday a ship was ordered to alter course in the Red Sea by an entity declaring itself to represent Yemeni authorities and called on other vessels to exercise caution.


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668e89 No.109935

File: 91b9c1de28f4c80⋯.png (616.51 KB,817x874,43:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978130 (260615ZNOV23) Notable: NJ high school football star fatally stabbed by a shoeless stranger in a late-night Manhattan street assault

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NJ high school football star fatally stabbed on pre-Thanksgiving NYC night out ‘biggest warrior and protector’ says devastated dad

The New Jersey high school football player fatally stabbed by a shoeless stranger in a late-night Manhattan street assault was remembered Saturday as a fun-loving teen destined for far bigger things.

Victim Rocco Rodden, 17, was “the light in the darkest room, the eye of the tiger, the life of the party, the biggest warrior and protector there was,” his devastated dad Douglas Rodden, 53, told the Daily News.

“It’s a tragedy. The family is broken because, you know, he died in his brother’s arms.”

The father last spoke with his slain son only a few hours before the stabbing, reminding him to be careful on his night out in the city.

“Yesterday I had to plan a funeral and pick a coffin and a mausoleum for my son. I would not wish that upon anybody,” Rodden said.

“I just hope that justice is served,” Rodden said of the suspect arrested in the case. “You know, we live in a free country, and people should really learn to love and respect one another. There’s no reason for people to stab people. … But no justice is going to bring back the life of a child of Rocco’s character.”


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668e89 No.109936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978138 (260617ZNOV23) Notable: LA police chase

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LIVE: Police chase in Los Angeles

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668e89 No.109937

File: ad417fd36bd82db⋯.jpeg (742.07 KB,1324x582,662:291,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c945b0192af5a29⋯.jpeg (680.78 KB,1263x617,1263:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f628a3712518997⋯.jpeg (433.59 KB,911x434,911:434,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978139 (260617ZNOV23) Notable: PF: Swiss President’s fake and ghey visit with Zelensky “in Kiev”

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PF: Swiss President’s fake and ghey visit with Zelensky “in Kiev”-Swiss AF SUI028 Falcon 900 departed Rzsesow Airport SW from Rzsesow Airport, Poland-arrived and departed before sunrise

Supposedly the Swiss President Alsin Berset met with Zelensky “in Kiev” today and having ANY world leader being separated from his aircraft is a HUGE security breach and would NEVER habben-we have been expected to believe that this happens with these “secret visits” all the time

Why would a Presidential Security Team remove the access to the Swiss President’s AC by placing an additional 2 hours of flight time in case an extraction needed?

This is all total bullshit as no security team would allow that scenario to exist-end of story but this is not the only example-the Aussie AF did the same thing last year and that AC flew back to Paris and that is about 3 hours-bottom line: NFW does any competent security team allow a separation of the protectee (Swiss President) and it’s primary means of evacuation-they should have left the AC at Rzsesow the entire time.

This is additional proof that these “trips to Kiev” DO NOT take place there and habben via green screen at Rzsesow Aitport since it is 12 hours each way via train from Rzsesow to Kiev.

Now they have gotten much better at having enough time elapse for these visits to be “plausible” howevershow me the head of any country’s Presidential security team that allows the above to occur.. They did NOT allow enough time for Sec of Defense Lloyd Austin’s trip to occur unless it lasted less than 30 minutes and according to published reports it lasted several hours.

Zelensky meets Swiss president in Kyiv

President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Swiss counterpart Alain Berset met in Kyiv on Nov. 25, discussing the use of frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine and Switzerland's role in implementing Zelensky's peace formula, among other things.


The end is very near for Zelensky

Muh guess is that soon he will be “evacuated” to Switzerland as the perception is they are neutral-nothing could be further from the truth…they need to keep him quiet so stick him in Geneva (in one of the Rothschilds’ D.U.M.B. s) and then they can create whatever narrative they want on muh Ukraines collapse and failure.

>>108997 pb

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in SAM409 (cleaning solution as call sign) ‘secret visit to Kiev’ earlier this week and had a NATO24 E3 Sentry AWACS doing roundies over Rzsesow as a Polish AF medium cargo AC departed earlier today. This AWACS AC left to the NW and that tells me it (meeting) was at Rzsesow because that is where this meeting took place and Zelensky was likely taken out on the Polish Antonov to Warsaw as the NATO AWACS left area at same time Polish Antonov left Rzsesow-so the President of Switzerland had his thumb up his ass waiting for time to pass to make it look believableZelensky will end up in Switzerland when this “action movie” officially ends in the media cuz it’s been over for months in reality

See >>>/qresearch/19975518 pb for NATO24 and Polish AC leaving several hours ago.

Have you ever heard of Switzerland’s President doing anything or even know his name-bet that answer is solidly no.

This AC Swiss Falcon arrived under coverage of darkness-just after 5am local time and sunrise not for another 2 hours at time of arrival and left just before sunrise.

From earlier today

With Hundreds Of German- And Polish-Made Tanks And Fighting Vehicles Arriving, Ukraine Now Needs Ammo, Sappers And Staff


And from November 17th (I’m sure the “neutral” Swiss will do a credible and thorough investigation on themselves…/s)

Switzerland to investigate reports of Swiss ammunition being supplied to Ukraine


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668e89 No.109938

File: eedcffb535a71d5⋯.png (178.04 KB,768x448,12:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978148 (260621ZNOV23) Notable: 17 hostages and 39 Palestinian prisoners released in second exchange

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17 hostages and 39 Palestinian prisoners released in second exchange

Israel and Hamas moved forward with an exchange of captives Saturday after a dispute over the amount of aid moving into Gaza was ironed out by Qatari and Egyptian mediators, ending a period of uncertainty over whether the truce between the two sides would hold past midnight. The second day of hostage transfers and prisoner releases began late Saturday night, according to Hamas and the Israel Defense Forces. Thirteen Israelis and four Thai nationals were released to Israeli Special Operations forces, according to the Israeli Prime Minister’s office. In exchange, Israel released dozens of Palestinians held in its prisons.


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668e89 No.109939

File: 726baf1f1534743⋯.png (575.89 KB,810x881,810:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978187 (260630ZNOV23) Notable: Dean Phillips announces he will not seek reelection to Congress in 2024

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Dean Phillips announces he will not seek reelection to Congress in 2024

“[After] three terms it is time to pass the torch,” Phillips said in a statement, echoing the argument for generational change he has called for in his primary bid against Biden.

Phillips formally launched his campaign for the Democratic presidential nod last month in New Hampshire. He told CNN he was compelled to challenge the president – whom he called “terrific” – over his concerns that Biden would lose a general election rematch against former President Donald Trump due to the incumbent’s age and low approval ratings.

“Congressman Phillips has voted for nearly 100% of President Biden’s policies, and the President will miss his support for the Biden-Harris legislative agenda,” spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement Friday.


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668e89 No.109940

File: af83a6716dbc3af⋯.jpeg (346.11 KB,1339x574,1339:574,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a82975879041b7f⋯.png (242.31 KB,583x341,53:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978216 (260636ZNOV23) Notable: PF: 2 C5 Galaxy ACs with early morning departures NE from Dover AFB-RCH805/216 and both headed across Atlantic

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PF: 2 C5 Galaxy ACs with early morning departures NE from Dover AFB-RCH805/216 and both headed across Atlantic

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668e89 No.109941

File: a922bf982ddd2cf⋯.png (641.75 KB,1054x903,1054:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978295 (260712ZNOV23) Notable: Flight recorder recovered from Navy spy plane that overshot runway in Hawaii

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Flight recorder recovered from Navy spy plane that overshot runway in Hawaii

The flight data recorder of a large U.S. Navy plane that overshot a runway and ended up in the water near Honolulu this week has been recovered as the military continues to plan for the aircraft's removal.

The surveillance plane flying in rainy weather overshot a runway Monday at a military base in Hawaii and splashed into Kaneohe Bay, but all nine aboard were uninjured, authorities said.

The Navy's Aircraft Mishap Board is investigating on scene at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, trying to determine the cause of the accident and any contributing factors, the Navy said Friday in a statement. Marine Corps Base Hawaii is about 10 miles from Honolulu on Oahu. The base houses about 9,300 military personnel and 5,100 family members. It's one of several key military installations on Oahu.


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668e89 No.109942

File: 8b29a3568577ae1⋯.png (1.4 MB,1335x938,1335:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978304 (260716ZNOV23) Notable: Arizona pilot tried to pull out of landing before plane crashed on the doorstep of Texas mall

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Arizona pilot tried to pull out of landing before plane crashed on the doorstep of Texas mall

PLANO, TX (AP) — A pilot who died when the small plane he was flying crashed and burned on the doorstep of a strip mall in Texas was aborting a landing, according to an incident report released Wednesday.

Plano police on Wednesday identified the pilot of the single-engine Mooney M20 as 87-year-old Elzie Monroe McDonald, of Arizona, The Dallas Morning News reported. McDonald was the only person on board when the plane crashed Tuesday.

The National Transportation Safety Board is still investigating the crash. But a Federal Aviation Administration incident report says McDonald was pulling out of a landing before crashing.

Photos from the scene showed the wreckage in a parking space next to a nail salon and diner just outside of the shopping center in the Dallas suburb of Plano.

The crash caused a parked car to catch fire. No one was inside the vehicle, and no bystanders were injured, authorities said.


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668e89 No.109943

File: 14313f387cdd0a2⋯.jpeg (681.57 KB,1262x579,1262:579,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 889e925b5594f14⋯.jpeg (561.25 KB,711x1105,711:1105,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978314 (260723ZNOV23) Notable: PF: Czech AF CEF08 A319 heading to Lublin Airport, Poland from Prague depart

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PF: Czech AF CEF08 A319 heading to Lublin Airport, Poland from Prague depart

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668e89 No.109944

File: 0e9ca3d2d3d8728⋯.png (626.85 KB,956x897,956:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978336 (260803ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau Blames ‘MAGA Influence’ For Vote Against Ukraine Bill

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Trudeau Blames ‘MAGA Influence’ For Vote Against Ukraine Bill

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau blamed the “MAGA influence” for why there is a low amount of support for Ukraine among Canadian conservatives.

On Friday, Trudeau spoke at a press conference after the Canadian Conservative Party unanimously voted against an update to the Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement between, saying it was the “rise of right-wing rhetoric in the United States with MAGA conservatives” fault.

“I’ve actually boasted . . . that it’s not a political debate in Canada, all parties in Canada stand with Ukraine,” Trudeau said. “So it is particularly troubling to see — even though we are seeing a rise of right-wing rhetoric in the United States with MAGA conservatives, across Europe, in certain corners of right-wing politicians and parties — starting to pull their support for Ukraine. Starting to parrot Russian disinformation and misinformation and propaganda.”


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668e89 No.109945

File: 676312b005b2b36⋯.mp4 (15.23 MB,1244x1102,622:551,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978339 (260807ZNOV23) Notable: 60 years after JFK's assassination, the agent who tried to save him opens up

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60 years after JFK's assassination, the agent who tried to save him opens up


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668e89 No.109946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978340 (260809ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau Blames ‘MAGA Influence’ For Vote Against Ukraine Bill

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Canada #49 >>>/qresearch/19974069

What a Jerk: Justin Trudeau Blames “Rise of a Right Wing MAGA Influenced Thinking” for Dwindling Support for Bloody Ukrainian War

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lashed out at MAGA conservatives in the United States. The commie tyrant blames MAGA Republicans for the dwindling support for the ongoing bloodbath in Ukraine.

The globalists want their war with Russia. They’re very upset with the MAGA Republicans.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: Canada has been one of those countries that has been the most steadfast with Ukraine. In my many conversations with Ursula (EU Chief) about the sanctions we’ve brought in together, the military support, the financial support that we’ve had over the years. Every step of the way I’ve stood up and said, “Canada will be there with everything it takes for as long as it takes to support Ukraine.” And I’ve actually boasted to her and to others that it’s not a political debate in Canada. All parties in Canada stand with Ukraine.

So it is particularly troubling even though we are seeing a rise of right-wing rhetoric in the United States, with MAGA conservatives across Europe, in certain corners of right wing politicians and parties starting to pull their support for Ukraine, starting to parrot Russian disinformation and misinformation and propaganda, that suddenly the Conservative Party of Canada would choose to not stand with Ukraine in something that they need that the Ukraine has asked for. And to use the frankly absurd excuse that it’s because Ukraine will be bringing in a price on pollution in the coming years. Obviously that’s an excuse, but it’s not the real story.

The real story is the rise of a right wing American MAGA influenced thinking that has made Canadian conservatives who used to be among the strongest defenders of Ukraine, I’ll admit it, turn their backs on something Ukraine needs in its hour of need. That is the danger of the rise of the right wing influence that is feeling its impact in Canada that’s what not just Ukrainian Canadians, but all Canadians should be concerned about.

When the Conservative Party of Canada and Pierre Poliev turn their backs on history, turn their backs on our friends and allies, turns their backs on the international rules based order and our support for the UN charter and territorial integrity.

It is of real concern and should be of concern to all of us because we’re seeing that spiking up all around the world.


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668e89 No.109947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978343 (260813ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau Blames ‘MAGA Influence’ For Vote Against Ukraine Bill

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>>109946 (me)

Canada #49 >>>/qresearch/19959793

German Priorities: Berlin Imposes a Spending Freeze Over Budget Crisis - AND ON THE SAME DAY, Releases a New 1.4B Military Aid Package to Ukraine

by Paul Serran Nov. 22, 2023

Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his liberal-green Globalists have just slapped the German people in the face.

When money gets tight, the real priorities of a country’s government become clear.

In Germany’s case, Scholz and his coalition are taking money from the budget with one hand, and sending it to Ukraine with the other.

Germany’s finance ministry has imposed a ‘spending freeze’ on all federal ministries.

That escalates the budget crisis generated by a ruling by the country’s Constitutional Court that curtailed the ‘smart’ maneuver of using ‘Covid money’ to cover their climate alarmist policies.

That blew a €60 billion hole in the government’s spending capabilities.

Politico reported:

“The government is now bracing for the potential of far wider financial implications stemming from the ruling that may limit its ability to draw money from a variety of special funds that have been established to circumvent the country’s debt brake, which restricts the federal deficit to 0.35 percent of GDP, except in times of emergency.

In a letter to all ministries, State Secretary Werner Gatzer said the finance ministry is freezing spending “in order to avoid further upfront burdens on future financial years.” The step does not impact those financial commitments that have already been made, Kevin Kühnert, the secretary general of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), told public television on Monday.”

Lawmakers held a public hearing with legal experts on Tuesday morning to assess the impact.

“Although the €60 billion financial gap following last week’s court ruling theoretically stretches over several years, in practice the effect will be more immediate, Thiess Büttner, a professor from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, said in a to parliament ahead of Tuesday’s hearing. “There is a need for consolidation in the budget planning for the coming year of €52 billion,” he said.



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668e89 No.109948

File: 7ccedb876fd2c81⋯.png (459.78 KB,752x915,752:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978344 (260813ZNOV23) Notable: APD: At least one shot fired at Coronado Mall, no injuries reported

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APD: At least one shot fired at Coronado Mall, no injuries reported

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Albuquerque police officers responded to reports of at least one shot fired at Coronado Mall Friday afternoon.

Officers quickly determined there was not an active shooter, and there did not appear to be any injuries, according to APD.

About 100 police officers were in the area monitoring a demonstration at the Uptown shopping area when they were alerted to the reports of shots fired just before 4 p.m. Friday. They rushed to Coronado Mall.

While there are no reported injuries, officers did find at least one bullet casing near Boba Tea Company, police say.

The suspect is not in custody — police say he was chased out of the mall and he got away. They released two photos of him Friday night.


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668e89 No.109949

File: d2a39539c1ee118⋯.png (125.35 KB,1218x278,609:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 9eeb0981bb884e1⋯.png (200.68 KB,1730x862,865:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978362 (260837ZNOV23) Notable: Why is the GAY MEN'S CHORUS hanging around the WEST L.A. CHILDREN'S CHOIR?

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Why is the GAY MEN'S CHORUS hanging around the WEST L.A. CHILDREN'S CHOIR? I'm disgusted by this.

Father in Heaven, protect our children from this evil and bring healing to our land. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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668e89 No.109950

File: 6280322305f3d24⋯.png (629.35 KB,668x714,334:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978536 (260945ZNOV23) Notable: Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’ After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time

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Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’

After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time

Breitbart Local, by Olivia Rondeau

Posted By: Imright, 11/25/2023 11:00:46 PM

Pennsylvania voters are doubting the integrity of local elections in the swing county of Northampton after issues with touchscreen voting devices arose on the most recent Election Day. The glitches were similar to those seen in the county’s 2019 judges race. Election officials are scrambling to ensure trust in the voting system as voters and local leaders alike are sounding the alarm, a Saturday Politico report revealed.Northampton used Election Systems & Software touchscreen machines for the first time in 2019 and saw a “programming glitch” that caused a significant “undercount” of votes in the local judge’s race, the publication reported. Then, on November 7, 2023, suspicion grew

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668e89 No.109951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978649 (261024ZNOV23) Notable: Flashback - Plane Carrying 9-11 Widow Beverly Eckert Crashes - Accident Or Covert Murder? One Of 9-11's Most Outspoken Critics Has Been Silenced

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Also this from 2009:

Eckert was also extremely critical of the U.S. Congress, whom she accused of allowing for the capping of awards, in order to protect organizations that were in some way involved in impropriety regarding 9-11. In other words, while she won many supporters for her efforts, she also made a number of powerful enemies within the U.S. Federal Government, whose job was to obscure evidence which could have led to the individuals within this U.S. Federal Government, who orchestrated and implemented the attacks on 9-11.

New Jersey Senator Robert Torricelli also called for an investigation into the Intel community's failures on 9-11, only to find himself set upon by the FBI, which was then used to destroy his chances at reelection, in what now appears to have been a made to order witch hunt which went no where. Only succeeding in preventing Torricelli from regaining his seat in the Senate and severely damaging his reputation.

Georgia Senator Max Cleland became yet another victim of U.S. Intel's, when he resigned from the 9-11 Commission after stating that the Commission was "engaged in a whitewash" of the facts regarding the attacks on 9-11-2001.

Cleland also stated " he didn't want to look at partial evidence, because the Commission had agreed with the White House not to look at the full Presidential Daily Briefings, and even then only some of the Commissioners are allowed to see them. He said, 'As each day goes by we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted.' (New York Times, Oct. 26, 2003.) And also: 'Bush is scamming America.'"

Like former Senator Torricelli, Cleland's punishment for refusing to kowtow to the official 9-11 mega lie appears to have been the sabotage of his reelection campaign. In Cleland's case, an Intel rigging of his reelection campaign (rigging of Diebold machines is said to be the cause), in which Cleland lost the election; even though he was heavily favored to win reelection to the Senate.


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668e89 No.109952

File: b7c25cd719adc97⋯.png (385.02 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978775 (261121ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump attends college football game between South Carolina and Clemson as the former US President gets a loud ovation from fans at Williams-Brice Stadium

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Trump sends crowd wild as he takes the field at Williams-Brice Stadium before watching South Carolina take on Clemson


Trump got 81 million votes in 2020, change my mind.

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668e89 No.109953

File: b0f1550faf7deff⋯.jpg (21.99 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5272884714b9f38⋯.png (161.37 KB,430x240,43:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978783 (261124ZNOV23) Notable: Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Look who's planning a come back

Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Pol

A recent poll shows that failed 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is among the Democrats' top picks for the party's primary if 81-year-old President Joe Biden decides not to run in 2024 due to age or other factors, such as fitness for office.

Most of the 2,000-plus respondents to the Harvard-Harris poll said that they have doubts about President Biden's mental fitness to serve as commander-in-chief, while more voters said he is worsening as president rather than improving.

Around three in five of all likely voters said President Biden shouldn't run for a second term, though there were sharp partisan differences, with 33 percent of Democrats compared to 81 percent of Republicans and 66 percent of Independents expressing that view.

At the same time, strong majorities across the political spectrum agreed that the country needs "another choice" other than a matchup between President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Clinton Near Top of List

Amid swirling doubts about President Biden's fitness to continue to occupy the White House, pollsters asked Democrat voters who their pick would be if President Biden decides to opt out of the 2024 race.

The top pick was Vice President Kamala Harris (24 percent), with Ms. Clinton in second spot with 13 percent.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was third (10 percent), followed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, both with 7 percent each.

While the poll didn't gauge voter expectations for the results of a matchup between President Trump and Ms. Clinton, the former president was expected to beat Vice President Harris handily in a head-to-head contest (52 percent versus 41 percent).

In terms of net favorability ratings, President Trump trailed only Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (52 percent versus 51 percent), with the former president well ahead of Ms. Clinton (44 percent), who was in 7th place


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668e89 No.109954

File: 762adfbd4c5b528⋯.png (415.81 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978787 (261125ZNOV23) Notable: 'Shame On You': Joe Biden gets booed and heckled on streets of Nantucket as protesters are kept away from president after interrupting his earlier shopping trip

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'Shame On You': Joe Biden gets booed and heckled on streets of Nantucket as protesters are kept away from president after interrupting his earlier shopping trip


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668e89 No.109955

File: 980edd741d55cde⋯.png (66.78 KB,828x888,69:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978840 (261148ZNOV23) Notable: #24527

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668e89 No.109956

File: b0f1550faf7deff⋯.jpg (21.99 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978848 (261151ZNOV23) Notable: Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll

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I'm Back

Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll

A recent poll shows that failed 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is among the Democrats' top picks for the party's primary if 81-year-old President Joe Biden decides not to run in 2024 due to age or other factors, such as fitness for office.

Most of the 2,000-plus respondents to the Harvard-Harris poll said that they have doubts about President Biden's mental fitness to serve as commander-in-chief, while more voters said he is worsening as president rather than improving.

Around three in five of all likely voters said President Biden shouldn't run for a second term, though there were sharp partisan differences, with 33 percent of Democrats compared to 81 percent of Republicans and 66 percent of Independents expressing that view.

At the same time, strong majorities across the political spectrum agreed that the country needs "another choice" other than a matchup between President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Clinton Near Top of List

Amid swirling doubts about President Biden's fitness to continue to occupy the White House, pollsters asked Democrat voters who their pick would be if President Biden decides to opt out of the 2024 race.

The top pick was Vice President Kamala Harris (24 percent), with Ms. Clinton in second spot with 13 percent.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was third (10 percent), followed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, both with 7 percent each.

While the poll didn't gauge voter expectations for the results of a matchup between President Trump and Ms. Clinton, the former president was expected to beat Vice President Harris handily in a head-to-head contest (52 percent versus 41 percent).

In terms of net favorability ratings, President Trump trailed only Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (52 percent versus 51 percent), with the former president well ahead of Ms. Clinton (44 percent), who was in 7th place.


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668e89 No.109957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978873 (261210ZNOV23) Notable: First They Came For The Smokers

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Reposting for Optics

First They Came For The Smokers

American Thinker November 21, 2023

By William Sullivan

The point is, the COVID tyranny did not happen in a vacuum, and the government didn’t learn that it had such power overnight. As this man knew, and we should recognize now, losing something as seemingly trivial for most people as the right to smoke in a bar was a monumental loss for individual liberty that would directly lead to the kind of tyranny that we later experienced.

We didn’t push back against the government’s fabrication of data to construct a narrative presenting secondhand smoke as a substantial cancer risk, because most people didn’t smoke, and they would prefer not to endure smoke in bars to fighting for their fellow citizens’ right to liberty. But in doing so, we accepted that it was appropriate for the government to limit individual liberty on the basis of its health prescriptions, and what’s more, the tyrants learned that they could invent the reasons for doing it by hiding behind studies that their agencies created and marketed, and that the hoi polloi supposedly wouldn’t understand.

Just like with secondhand smoke, myriad government agencies acted as one organ in 2020 to distribute the message that school lockdowns, economic shutdowns, silly cloth masks, and mandates to inject a hastily concocted drug were the only ways we could stay safe from COVID-19. You had to be saved from yourselves and your fellow citizens who did not choose to follow the state-approved guidance.


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668e89 No.109958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978882 (261214ZNOV23) Notable: First They Came For The Smokers

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Medical Tyrrany started with the administration of polio vaccine sugar cubes in elementary school during LBJ's administration. Urban Plantations and the destruction of the black american family also started under him. Democrats using bait and switch successfully for over 150 years.

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668e89 No.109959

File: f674425178c64b8⋯.png (150.23 KB,611x721,611:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978901 (261218ZNOV23) Notable: Could this Democrat Congressman really be so blind? Maybe he should ask @JoeBiden why he willingly continues to renew the EOs of the @realDonaldTrump

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See new posts


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes




Could this Democrat Congressman really be so blind? Maybe he should ask @JoeBiden

why he willingly continues to renew the EOs of the @realDonaldTrump



Bill Pascrell, Jr. 🇺🇸🇺🇦



Nov 24

Recently the washington post revealed donald trump is planning to impose a military dictatorship if he seizes power again. I am going to post this repeatedly so no American can say they haven’t been told.


The Authority


You provide absolutely nothing to the real conversation in this movement.

You contribute to the raw sewage Obama spoke of.

Stop operating.


Liz Churchill



Oct 6, 2022

“You just have to flood a Country’s Public Square with enough raw sewage…you just have to raise enough questions…spread enough dirt…plant enough Conspiracy Theorizing…that Citizens no longer know…what to believe…” -Barack Obama

0:13 / 0:40

2:46 AM · Nov 25, 2023




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668e89 No.109960

File: 41bd5ded7483e89⋯.png (639.07 KB,841x730,841:730,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978908 (261223ZNOV23) Notable: States are spending millions to send migrants somewhere else

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23 hours ago -

Politics & Policy

States are spending millions to send migrants somewhere else




Stef W. Kight,

Asher Price,

Jeremy Duda,

Alayna Alvarez

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668e89 No.109961

File: fe273adc8fcd28b⋯.png (645.77 KB,723x354,241:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978913 (261224ZNOV23) Notable: China infiltrated local and federal political leadership races in Canada

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Canadian News Nov 25, 2023

China infiltrated local and federal political leadership races in Canada: intelligence report

The classified document does not identify the candidate in question but only calls him "CA3."

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668e89 No.109962

File: 3cd397212151936⋯.png (1.19 MB,1614x785,1614:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978937 (261233ZNOV23) Notable: Two more House lawmakers announce they won’t run for reelection

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Two more House lawmakers announce they won’t run for reelection

By Clare Foran and Molly English, CNN

Updated 4:51 PM EST, Tue November 21, 2023

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668e89 No.109963

File: 1972a7eb4abf7e5⋯.png (894.32 KB,828x871,828:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19978999 (261254ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI: Retreat is Defeat in the Mind War

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Overton's Goalpost

Retreat is Defeat in the Mind War

Burning Bright

Sep 1, 2023

Overton’s Goalpost, then, refers to the general Narrative pattern I feel can be observed by tracking the Media Industrial Complex’s—and their political stooges—movement in the rhetorical realm along a chartable and illogical pathway when confronted not just with the truth as put forward by patriots, Anons and truthers, but rather when confronted by the effects those truths and revelations are visiting on the Collective Mind they are rapidly losing control of.

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668e89 No.109964

File: 47c9c5218ec21ad⋯.png (478.12 KB,667x715,667:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979066 (261314ZNOV23) Notable: Alex Vindman’s Brother Makes His Virginia Congressional Campaign About Fighting Trump

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Alex Vindman’s Brother Makes His Virginia

Congressional Campaign About Fighting Trump

Breitbart Politics, by Kristina Wong

Posted By: Imright, 11/26/2023 5:39:59 AM

Yevgeny “Eugene” Vindman, the brother of the man who reported former President Donald Trump for an allegedly inappropriate call with the president of Ukraine, is making his campaign for a House seat in Virginia all about fighting Trump. “I fought Trump before. I’m running for Congress to do it again,” Vindman posted on X: (X Video) Endorsing Vindman on this endeavor is Russia collusion hoaxer Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat running for a Senate seat. Immediately after news broke of Vindman running for Congress, Schiff posted he was proud and excited for his “friend”:

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668e89 No.109965

File: 7eab3b851e409f3⋯.jpg (34.41 KB,314x513,314:513,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 68f9eba518e35fa⋯.mp4 (612.06 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979150 (261336ZNOV23) Notable: After the Trudeau Liberals announced cuts to the the Canadian military, gave $9 billion in aid to Ukraine, added another donation yesterday of “11,000 assault rifles and over 9,000,000 rounds of ammunition”

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Paul Mitchell



After the Trudeau Liberals announced cuts to the the Canadian military, gave $9 billion in aid to Ukraine, added another donation yesterday of “11,000 assault rifles and over 9,000,000 rounds of ammunition”, Chief of Defence Staff General Wayne Eyre shockingly admits:

1) “We are short of people.”

2) “We need to rapidly, urgently rebuild our readiness.”

3) “Equipment: our serviceability rates are low.”

4) “Ammunition: critically low.”


5) “Our infrastructure needs a lot of of work. In some cases it is in critical shape.”

Wow! 😬

It sounds like the negligence and poor priorities of the Trudeau Liberals have nearly crippled the effectiveness of the Canadian military, while giving away billions to foreign countries.

Now that the damage is done, what should Canada do now? 🤔

7:22 PM · Nov 25, 2023

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668e89 No.109966

File: cc41f6921530ab8⋯.png (440.33 KB,587x471,587:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979202 (261346ZNOV23) Notable: Police arrest Tommy Robinson in London

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NOW - Police arrest Tommy Robinson in London.

2:41 AM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.109967

File: 5edadb41fb64cb3⋯.png (1.04 MB,1053x845,81:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979276 (261407ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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No C/S

REG: 73-1676 (E4B Doomsday)

West bound out of Robins AFB

Climbing through 15,400

Squawking 3574




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668e89 No.109968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979313 (261417ZNOV23) Notable: #24526 notes

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#24526 >>109928

>>109929 Russian evacuees brought home from Gaza - every other countries works to get their citizens out of Gaza except the US!

>>109932 China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

>>109933 Video emerges of the Kennedy Assassination leaving more questions than answers..

>>109930 Biden suggests Palestinian militants sought to derail a Saudi-Israeli peace deal

>>109931 Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 - Kiev’s top MP

>>109934 Israeli-Managed Vessel Hit By Suspected Iranian Drone

>>109935 NJ high school football star fatally stabbed by a shoeless stranger in a late-night Manhattan street assault

>>109936 LA police chase

>>109938 17 hostages and 39 Palestinian prisoners released in second exchange

>>109939 Dean Phillips announces he will not seek reelection to Congress in 2024

>>109937 PF: Swiss President’s fake and ghey visit with Zelensky “in Kiev”

>>109940 PF: 2 C5 Galaxy ACs with early morning departures NE from Dover AFB-RCH805/216 and both headed across Atlantic

>>109943 PF: Czech AF CEF08 A319 heading to Lublin Airport, Poland from Prague depart

>>109941 Flight recorder recovered from Navy spy plane that overshot runway in Hawaii

>>109942 Arizona pilot tried to pull out of landing before plane crashed on the doorstep of Texas mall

>>109944, >>109946, >>109947 Trudeau Blames ‘MAGA Influence’ For Vote Against Ukraine Bill

>>109945 60 years after JFK's assassination, the agent who tried to save him opens up

>>109948 APD: At least one shot fired at Coronado Mall, no injuries reported

>>109949 Why is the GAY MEN'S CHORUS hanging around the WEST L.A. CHILDREN'S CHOIR?

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668e89 No.109969

File: 727119d2049d22a⋯.jpg (55.22 KB,639x335,639:335,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979338 (261422ZNOV23) Notable: BIOLABS AND HOW TO SPOT THEM

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A small city on the outskirts of St. Louis that was evacuated because, the claim, a contractor had sprayed dioxin on the roads to keep the dust down. This small community was directly next to a military research center, which was operating under the guise of Washington University of St. Louis. Dioxin is the main chemical in AGENT ORANGE. Now, where this gets more interesting is that there is a specific rise in red meat allergy (alpha gal syndrome) from tick borne disease in this area. In the same way that Lyme Disease is focused around Lyme Connecticut which is next to Plumb Island (military research center), this red meat allergy radiates from this specific epicenter as shown in the picture. The dioxin scare was simply to move people away from the research center so that they could cover up the "lab leak," which very obviously didn't work. By the way, I wonder how many foreign agents are employed by Washington University doing bio-research.

Do we really believe these diseases just randomly show up? Nope. If you've heard of CWD (chronic wasting disease) in deer, you should also know that this disease came from a "lab leak" in Montana and is essentially kuru, which was being studied there. The animals they kept penned up outside were not perfectly isolated and ticks, showing up again, are the perfect vector for spreading this prion disease. CWD is a prion disease (think: mad cow) and ticks can be a vector of this. This is the reason they are pushing lab grown meat and bug-burgers. They expect to make LOTS of money off this by destroying the food chain. Most cases of alzheimers and dementia are simply a form of mad cow, they are a type of misfolded protein building up in the brain.

CURE: there are a few things I've seen theorized that can work for these tick born diseases, ivermectin being one for lyme or parasites in general. As for prions, look into HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN. It is a chaperone molecule that can break down these built up proteins and clear them from the brain. Sauna use can kill off bad bacteria and can clear misfolded proteins. Use carefully.

source: https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2019/07/did-us-invent-lyme-disease-1960s-house-aims-find-out/158529/

souce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Times_Beach,_Missouri

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8246598/

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6163571/

I've given you all a few things here. Watch out for "universities" doing military grade research. We all know what the universities really are. I've given you precedence for lab leaks and how to spot them. I've shown somewhat how some of these diseases are caused and potential treatments. Hopefully this info will help some of you struggling with chronic diseases. Most importantly, we will probably see COVID part II rolled out soon. Keep your eyes on the headlines as I fully expect these bastards to do it again. If there is COVID, Biden doesn't have to campaign. SAY NO THIS TIME. NOBODY COMPLY. Why was Bill Gates messing around with mosquitoes? Are they similar to ticks? How?

God Bless.

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668e89 No.109970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979392 (261435ZNOV23) Notable: BIOLABS AND HOW TO SPOT THEM

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Thank you anon. I suppose a good takeaway here would be the following:

What universities are involved in virology research?

Would they be the ones to roll out New Covid?

Do they have lots of foreign agents working as "students?"

Where do their grants come from?

Didn't Rockefeller pioneer "modern medicine?"

What universities doing this kind of research are also located near international airports?

If covid required a "wet market" nearby, what other types of "cover" would be needed for a "new virus" to "escape?"

What will the story they make up look like? Can we see those actors preparing?

It's going to be just like covid, they can't choose a more intense virus because everyone would see straight away that it's fake, they need the world to still somewhat function, but they need it to be scary.

Watch the universities. Especially the ones doing medical research/virology. If I were looking at a map, I would specifically look for universities doing medical research near international airports, sea ports, freemason lodges, "charities," spook headquarters, highways, sewer systems/tunnels.

Wasn't James Alefantis' father involved in biolab research? Where? When? What universities?

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668e89 No.109971

File: 9bc3bde519d449f⋯.png (652.09 KB,1094x1096,547:548,Clipboard.png)

File: 53d8e1398d860a0⋯.png (243.99 KB,1078x1994,539:997,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979409 (261439ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos

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>Business Insider slammed for trying to 'normalize the death of Trump' in new 'what if' piece

Rawstory did one too

under the guise of reporting on the report from BI


Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos: report

David McAfee

November 25, 2023 3:03PM ET

There are numerous ways in which Donald Trump could throw a wrench into the Republican primary leading up to the 2024 election, and one of them is to not survive.

The former president, who is currently 77 and turns 78 in June, recently mourned the loss of his older sister. He also used that event to complain that the "fake news went after her mercilessly." Trump has also called into question the health of President Joe Biden, who is a few years older than Trump.

If Trump were to die, the change in the election cycle would be dependent upon when in the process that loss of life occurred, according to a Business Insider report. The outlet also reported that such a change would be highly dependent upon the states.

"There are currently eight declared candidates, including Trump, on the GOP side. If Trump were to die before January 1, 2024, there would likely be other Republicans who want to jump into the race," according to the news report. "Many states' filing deadlines have already passed, however, meaning that state election officials would need to adjust them to allow new candidates to enter the race."

There's also the possibility that Trump dies before the middle of June, when the primary season ends, according to the analysis.

"If Trump died during primary season — which ends in mid-June — some states may postpone their scheduled primaries," the report states. "There's some precedent for this; at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than a dozen states postponed their primaries or expanded vote-by-mail options."

Lastly, there's a potential scenario in which Trump dies even later.

"If Trump died after the last primary contest but before the Republican National Convention, the other GOP presidential candidates would have to make a case to every state delegation at the convention for why they should be the party's nominee," according to the report. "And if Trump secured the GOP nomination but died between the convention and Election Day 2024, the RNC would convene to select another presidential candidate."

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668e89 No.109972

File: 07c32b35ad82da5⋯.png (71.59 KB,1071x440,1071:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979432 (261443ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos

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>Rawstory did one too


Check the comments


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668e89 No.109973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979454 (261449ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos

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They are praying to their god, satan, that he dies. Our POTUS is in excellent health and it is 1000x's more likely that the dementia riddened Biden will die before june. Not our POTUS.

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668e89 No.109974

File: 07c32b35ad82da5⋯.png (71.59 KB,1071x440,1071:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fdbb73fc460202⋯.png (49.48 KB,728x438,364:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 93e0002a16bf510⋯.png (66.4 KB,749x559,749:559,Clipboard.png)

File: dadf712b193d2da⋯.png (59.08 KB,734x552,367:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979480 (261454ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos

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>Check the comments



>Check the comments


Anons, check out this guy's disqus comments.

Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos: report





• 16 hours ago

The planetary celebrations would go on for weeks.

4 

View in discussion



• 16 hours ago

Die Trump die. Like right now. Scumbag.

Discussion on Raw Story • 194 comments

Mike Lindell tries to save floundering MyPillow with deep Black Friday price cuts: report



• 2 days ago

We need to abolish this asshole from the planet.

Discussion on Raw Story • 197 comments

'Enough is enough!' Ex-prosecutor calls for gag order 'with teeth' to make Trump 'shut up'



• 3 days ago

There's only one way to stop Trump. We all know what it is.

Discussion on Raw Story • 106 comments

Elon Musk's latest lawsuit set to backfire spectacularly



• 4 days ago

Why don't we just execute Trump, Eloon and scores of other criminal repukkke assholes,wipe our hands and be done with it.

using the language of Congressman Dan Goldman

Discussion on Raw Story • 273 comments

Mike Lindell claims he has been vindicated



• 5 days ago

These 2 seditious assholes need to be exterminated.

Discussion on Raw Story • 271 comments

Trump's next potential attorney general threatens to put MSNBC host in prison after…





• 6 days ago

I'm waiting to see the look on his face right before he's hanged for treason.

6 

View in discussion



• 6 days ago

I'm pretty sure that this fucking scumbag will be whacked before he gets anyways near the AG's office. Hopefully very soon. Pretty much guaranteed.

> https://archive.ph/g96P6

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668e89 No.109975

File: 516a86a6b8ecdc0⋯.png (655.69 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979536 (261508ZNOV23) Notable: North Korea rocket explodes during spy satellite launch, and meteor hunters caught it on camera

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North Korea rocket explodes during spy satellite launch, and meteor hunters caught it on camera: report

Nov 24, 2023

The first stage of a North Korean rocket apparently exploded Tuesday (Nov. 21) during a purported spy satellite launch, a new video suggests.

A camera at South Korea's Yonsei University, usually used for tracking meteors or shooting stars, showed the first stage of the North Korean Chollima-1 rocket appearing to erupt and spread debris, Reuters reported Friday (Nov. 24).

"This time they appear to have detonated the first stage propellant in mid-air," Byun Yong-Ik, an astronomy professor at Yonsei University, told Reuters. "This kind of measure was not seen in the previous launch attempts, and it could have been an effort to prevent South Korean and U.S. authorities from recovering the (rocket), as it is equipped with a new engine."

The activity was classified as unusual by North Korean rocket experts in the report, given that countries typically allow rocket stages to fall naturally into Earth's atmosphere — absent the ability to land the first stage, like SpaceX or Blue Origin does. North Korea has reported an ability to self-destruct rockets on previous launches, too.

The U.S. Space Force has cataloged an object in orbit matching the trajectory of the launch, suggesting the spy satellite is indeed in space, astronomer Jonathan McDowell posted Tuesday on X, formerly Twitter. McDowell, who is based at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, also tracks worldwide space launches, landings and re-entries.

Following North Korea's claims of the successful spy satellite launch on Tuesday, senior U.S. officials and the White House condemned the activity; the American security community has said the technologies used for the rocket are similar to those for the nation's intercontinental ballistic missile program.

For example, officials with the White House released a statement saying the launch on Tuesday was "a brazen violation of multiple UN (United Nations) Security Council resolutions, raises tensions, and risks destabilizing the security situation in the region and beyond."

Previously, senior U.S. officials have also raised concerns of North Korea's closer ties with Russia in recent months, including a joint meeting of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin in September concerning sharing spaceflight and rocket technologies. (North Korea denied Russia provided assistance for Tuesday's launch, however, according to media reports.)

Russia has been cut off from most international space activities since its unsanctioned invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, lessening opportunities for its space companies. North Korea, meanwhile, has been a communist state for 80 years. Its economy is controlled by the state and its citizens are said to lack basic food and services, according to Britannica.

North Korea's nuclear program ambitions in the last decade have drawn concerns from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) that includes the U.S., so much so that the U.S. and South Korea have done collaborative military exercises in the region lately. (South Korea is also a signatory to NASA's Artemis Accords, a coalition of dozens of nations that is in part moon-focused and in part a framework for peaceful international space exploration.)

The launch by North Korea is its third try to send a spy satellite to orbit in recent months. The first two attempts were confirmed failures, and the South Korean government has said it found debris associated with at least one of the launches. South Korea is also searching for debris for Tuesday's launch, Reuters said.

South Korea is said to be planning its own first spy satellite for launch later in November, on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launching from Vandenberg Space Force Base.


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668e89 No.109976

File: 83c93cd01243b9e⋯.png (1.84 MB,1280x1065,256:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979576 (261514ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Administrator to Travel to India, UAE; Discuss Space Cooperation

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NASA Administrator to Travel to India, UAE; Discuss Space Cooperation

NOV 24, 2023

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson will travel to India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for a series of meetings beginning Monday, Nov. 27, with key government officials.

Nelson also will meet with space officials in both countries to deepen bilateral cooperation across a broad range of innovation and research-related areas, especially in human exploration and Earth science.

The visit to India fulfills a commitment through the United States and India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology spearheaded by President Joe Biden. Nelson will visit several locations in India, including the Bengaluru-based facilities where the NISAR spacecraft, a joint Earth-observing mission between NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), is undergoing testing and integration for launch in 2024. NISAR is short for NASA ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar.

As the first satellite mission between NASA and ISRO, NISAR is a revolutionary Earth-observing instrument, the first in the Earth System Observatory, that will measure Earth’s changing ecosystems, dynamic surfaces, and ice masses providing information about biomass, natural hazards, sea level rise, and groundwater, key information to guide efforts related to climate change, hazard mitigation, agriculture, and more.

While in the UAE, Nelson will participate in the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, highlighting NASA’s role as a global leader in providing decisionmakers with critical Earth-science data. It will be the first time a NASA administrator will have attended the conference.

Students in each country also will have the opportunity to meet with Nelson to discuss science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and their roles as members of the Artemis Generation.


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668e89 No.109977

File: 161ee45971146bd⋯.png (985.93 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979648 (261525ZNOV23) Notable: Space Force extends Kratos’ contract for satellite ground systems

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Space Force extends Kratos’ contract for satellite ground systems

November 25, 2023

WASHINGTON — Kratos Defense & Security Solutions has received an eight-year extension to a contract it has held since 2002 for technical services in support of U.S. military communications satellites’ ground systems.

The company, based in San Diego, California, was awarded an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract worth up to $579 million, the U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command said Nov. 22.

The contract is for a program named C-SAR, short for Command-and-Control System-Consolidated Sustainment and Resiliency. The new agreement with Kratos runs through November 2031.

The company will maintain and develop satellite ground systems for the U.S. Space Force and U.S. Space Command. The satellites covered under the contract include the Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) III, the Milstar Satellite Communications System, the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF), and the Wideband Global Satellite Communications (WGS) systems.

The Command-and-Control System-Consolidated system provides “planning, processing and information assurance measures,” the Space Systems Command said. It is designed to interface with existing constellations and also to support future satellites. As new constellations are deployed, Kratos will be responsible for information technology infrastructure upgrades.

Contract supports 26 satellites

Program director George Gonzales, of the Space Systems Command’s military communications satellite office, said the new contract with Kratos supports command-and-control operations of four constellations and 26 military communication satellites, “as well as the integration of new satellites and future constellations.”

According to a DoD contract announcement Nov. 6, the work will be performed at Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado; Vandenberg Space Force Base, California; and Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado. The C-SAR award was a competitive acquisition but only one offer was received.


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668e89 No.109978

File: 936882457d03149⋯.mp4 (9.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979728 (261539ZNOV23) Notable: BIOLABS AND HOW TO SPOT THEM

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109979

File: 4cec7629f38612b⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979764 (261548ZNOV23) Notable: Video decoding one of JFKjr’s “George Magazine” CoversPretty interesting

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Defender of the Republic 🇺🇸

Enjoy the Show


Video decoding one of JFKjr’s “George Magazine” CoversPretty interesting.


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668e89 No.109980

File: 7bc18649b09913f⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979827 (261600ZNOV23) Notable: #MH370x #MH370

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ashton Forbes


**MH370x Satellite Video Explainer

Here is the satellite explainer that goes over pertinent evidence related to the MH370 Satellite Video and the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS).

Solving the Malaysia Missing Jet


#MH370x #MH370

8:09 PM · Nov 25, 2023


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668e89 No.109981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979867 (261612ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon school representative gets detained in human trafficking puncture

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pentagon school representative gets detained in human trafficking puncture

In a shocking turn of events, a high-ranking Pentagon education official, identified as Stephen Hovanic, has been apprehended in a human trafficking crackdown conducted by the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office in suburban Atlanta. The 64-year-old, who serves as the chief of staff for the Department of Defense Education Activity Schools (DoDEA) in the United States, was among 26 individuals caught in the two-day sting operation, which took place in Newnan, Georgia, southwest of Atlanta.

The initiative, assisted by the sheriff’s department in neighboring Haralson County, led to the arrest of Hovanic on allegations of attempting to purchase sex. According to deputies cited by Fox News Atlanta, Hovanic solicited sex from an undercover officer in a motel room where the police had set up the sting. He reportedly claimed to believe that he was purchasing a massage.

The operation resulted in the rescue and relocation to safety of six victims of human trafficking, as reported by the Haralson County Sheriff’s Department. Hovanic now faces a misdemeanor charge of pandering, adding a significant legal dimension to the scandal. The sting operation, which targeted individuals involved in pandering, pimping, and prostitution, resulted in a total of 26 arrests.

Speaking about the gravity of the charges, Coweta County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Toby Nix emphasized that pandering is not a victimless crime. Nix highlighted the role of such offenses in driving the sex-trafficking market, shedding light on the broader implications of the crackdown beyond individual arrests.

The arrest of a Pentagon education official adds a layer of complexity to the scandal, given Hovanic's position overseeing DoDEA schools. These schools cater to the children of both military personnel and civilian employees on American military bases, emphasizing the potential impact of the incident on the military community. With DoDEA overseeing a significant number of schools and students both in the Americas and globally, questions arise about the potential ramifications for the organization and the broader issue of ensuring the safety and well-being of students in military-connected educational institutions.

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668e89 No.109982

File: e6aa27b40e4e5a5⋯.png (583.63 KB,1082x895,1082:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 142a731a46c138f⋯.gif (1.45 MB,500x215,100:43,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979868 (261612ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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REG: 73-1677 (E4B Doomsday)

Out of Davis-Monthan AFB

Northeast bound at FL 330

Squawking 2602


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668e89 No.109983

File: e66c6186cbf435e⋯.png (502.22 KB,599x465,599:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979875 (261617ZNOV23) Notable: Democratic fundraiser ActBlue processing donations for illegal immigrant bail fund

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John Solomon


Democratic fundraiser ActBlue processing donations for illegal immigrant bail fund | Just The News

Migrant caravan, Mexico, April 24, 2023 | Isaac Guzman/picture alliance via Getty Images

4:45 AM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.109984

File: f3c131e38a51f49⋯.png (978.67 KB,1199x842,1199:842,Clipboard.png)

File: 141418c8cb5d8cb⋯.png (205.38 KB,389x413,389:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 7967605295d58d6⋯.png (280.85 KB,510x444,85:74,Clipboard.png)

File: f81f8c8cc20688b⋯.png (380.21 KB,965x453,965:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f7e12266038678⋯.png (544.41 KB,1022x490,73:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979883 (261619ZNOV23) Notable: Video decoding one of JFKjr’s “George Magazine” CoversPretty interesting

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668e89 No.109985

File: dd61bb0f9612df2⋯.png (33.19 KB,1317x309,439:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979911 (261631ZNOV23) Notable: Obama-era deal to allow Hamas office in Qatar backfired on US

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Obama-era deal to allow Hamas office in

Qatar backfired on US: experts

Fox News, by Peter Aitken

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/26/2023 11:11:36 AM

The U.S. played a direct role in helping set up the Hamas office in Qatar during the Obama administration, seeking appeasement and soft diplomacy but ultimately failing to control the terrorist group as it festered in Gaza. "For many years now, both the United States and Israel have been living in a policy fantasy world where we have tolerated Hamas' existence in Doha and believed that Doha would be a moderating influence," Richard Goldberg, the coordinator for the Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign on Iran, told Fox News Digital. "That thesis was disproven on Oct. 7, so whatever has happened in the last few years,

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668e89 No.109986

File: aa1db0071141c91⋯.mp4 (8.32 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979938 (261638ZNOV23) Notable: #24528

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980029 (261657ZNOV23) Notable: #24526

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24526 >>109928

>>109929 Russian evacuees brought home from Gaza - every other countries works to get their citizens out of Gaza except the US!

>>109932 China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

>>109933 Video emerges of the Kennedy Assassination leaving more questions than answers..

>>109930 Biden suggests Palestinian militants sought to derail a Saudi-Israeli peace deal

>>109931 Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 - Kiev’s top MP

>>109934 Israeli-Managed Vessel Hit By Suspected Iranian Drone

>>109935 NJ high school football star fatally stabbed by a shoeless stranger in a late-night Manhattan street assault

>>109936 LA police chase

>>109938 17 hostages and 39 Palestinian prisoners released in second exchange

>>109939 Dean Phillips announces he will not seek reelection to Congress in 2024

>>109937 PF: Swiss President’s fake and ghey visit with Zelensky “in Kiev”

>>109940 PF: 2 C5 Galaxy ACs with early morning departures NE from Dover AFB-RCH805/216 and both headed across Atlantic

>>109943 PF: Czech AF CEF08 A319 heading to Lublin Airport, Poland from Prague depart

>>109941 Flight recorder recovered from Navy spy plane that overshot runway in Hawaii

>>109942 Arizona pilot tried to pull out of landing before plane crashed on the doorstep of Texas mall

>>109944, >>109946, >>109947 Trudeau Blames ‘MAGA Influence’ For Vote Against Ukraine Bill

>>109945 60 years after JFK's assassination, the agent who tried to save him opens up

>>109948 APD: At least one shot fired at Coronado Mall, no injuries reported

>>109949 Why is the GAY MEN'S CHORUS hanging around the WEST L.A. CHILDREN'S CHOIR?

>>109929 Russian evacuees brought home from Gaza - every other countries works to get their citizens out of Gaza except the US!

>>109932 China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

>>109933 Video emerges of the Kennedy Assassination leaving more questions than answers..

>>109930 Biden suggests Palestinian militants sought to derail a Saudi-Israeli peace deal

>>109931 Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 - Kiev’s top MP

>>109934 Israeli-Managed Vessel Hit By Suspected Iranian Drone

>>109935 NJ high school football star fatally stabbed by a shoeless stranger in a late-night Manhattan street assault

>>109936 LA police chase

>>109938 17 hostages and 39 Palestinian prisoners released in second exchange

>>109939 Dean Phillips announces he will not seek reelection to Congress in 2024

>>109937 PF: Swiss President’s fake and ghey visit with Zelensky “in Kiev”

>>109940 PF: 2 C5 Galaxy ACs with early morning departures NE from Dover AFB-RCH805/216 and both headed across Atlantic

>>109943 PF: Czech AF CEF08 A319 heading to Lublin Airport, Poland from Prague depart

>>109941 Flight recorder recovered from Navy spy plane that overshot runway in Hawaii

>>109942 Arizona pilot tried to pull out of landing before plane crashed on the doorstep of Texas mall

>>109944, >>109946, >>109947 Trudeau Blames ‘MAGA Influence’ For Vote Against Ukraine Bill

>>109945 60 years after JFK's assassination, the agent who tried to save him opens up

>>109948 APD: At least one shot fired at Coronado Mall, no injuries reported

>>109949 Why is the GAY MEN'S CHORUS hanging around the WEST L.A. CHILDREN'S CHOIR?

>>109950 Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’ After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time

>>109951 Flashback - Plane Carrying 9-11 Widow Beverly Eckert Crashes - Accident Or Covert Murder? One Of 9-11's Most Outspoken Critics Has Been Silenced

>>109952 Donald Trump attends college football game between South Carolina and Clemson as the former US President gets a loud ovation from fans at Williams-Brice Stadium

>>109953 Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll

>>109954 'Shame On You': Joe Biden gets booed and heckled on streets of Nantucket as protesters are kept away from president after interrupting his earlier shopping trip


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109988

File: ae976e28cb3a44d⋯.png (1.58 MB,1280x905,256:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980040 (261659ZNOV23) Notable: Which Muslim countries are filling the gas tank of the Israeli killing machine?

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Which Muslim countries are filling the gas tank of the Israeli killing machine?


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668e89 No.109989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980054 (261702ZNOV23) Notable: 'Tater Delivers Remarks on the Release of Hostages

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'Tater link HOT


'Tater Delivers Remarks on the Release of Hostages



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668e89 No.109990

File: af91fb90916aed1⋯.jpeg (40.52 KB,700x400,7:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980055 (261703ZNOV23) Notable: anons ever dig into this troon, Omid Scobie?

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anons ever dig into this tranny, Omid Scobie?


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668e89 No.109991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980139 (261722ZNOV23) Notable: EDL founder Tommy Robinson arrested at anti-Semitism march in London

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EDL founder Tommy Robinson arrested at anti-Semitism march in London | AFP


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668e89 No.109992

File: 1270d7f7dbdf6ea⋯.png (85.86 KB,796x894,398:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c13cb1069c3de0⋯.jpeg (63.14 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980155 (261724ZNOV23) Notable: MOAB MONDAY? 11/27/23 1 year last Qdrop Δ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From “2 more weeks” to tomorrow: MOAB MONDAY

11/27/23 1 year last Qdrop Δ

ΒΟΟΜ time! Tick tock - heart beating 💓 like thunder ⚡️


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668e89 No.109993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980211 (261737ZNOV23) Notable: #24527

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#24527 >>109955

>>109956 Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll

>>109957, >>109958 First They Came For The Smokers

>>109959 Could this Democrat Congressman really be so blind? Maybe he should ask @JoeBiden why he willingly continues to renew the EOs of the @realDonaldTrump

>>109960 States are spending millions to send migrants somewhere else

>>109961 China infiltrated local and federal political leadership races in Canada

>>109962 Two more House lawmakers announce they won’t run for reelection

>>109963 ICYMI: Retreat is Defeat in the Mind War

>>109964 Alex Vindman’s Brother Makes His Virginia Congressional Campaign About Fighting Trump

>>109965 After the Trudeau Liberals announced cuts to the the Canadian military, gave $9 billion in aid to Ukraine, added another donation yesterday of “11,000 assault rifles and over 9,000,000 rounds of ammunition”

>>109966 Police arrest Tommy Robinson in London

>>109967, >>109982 PF updates

>>109968 #24526 notes

>>109969, >>109970, >>109978 BIOLABS AND HOW TO SPOT THEM

>>109971, >>109972, >>109973, >>109974 Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos

>>109975 North Korea rocket explodes during spy satellite launch, and meteor hunters caught it on camera

>>109976 NASA Administrator to Travel to India, UAE; Discuss Space Cooperation

>>109977 Space Force extends Kratos’ contract for satellite ground systems

>>109979, >>109984 Video decoding one of JFKjr’s “George Magazine” CoversPretty interesting

>>109980 #MH370x #MH370

>>109981 Pentagon school representative gets detained in human trafficking puncture

>>109983 Democratic fundraiser ActBlue processing donations for illegal immigrant bail fund

>>109985 Obama-era deal to allow Hamas office in Qatar backfired on US


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668e89 No.109994

File: 96b45857f4aed4e⋯.jpeg (789.13 KB,1331x619,1331:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4a8af226442dd96⋯.jpeg (503.08 KB,1120x590,112:59,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b97cc7328b0d7c4⋯.jpeg (574.01 KB,1311x617,1311:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7415679c68fb8ca⋯.jpeg (293.36 KB,752x459,752:459,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980305 (261757ZNOV23) Notable: PF CONUS activity: Germans arrived at Dulles Intl-2 SAMs west from JBA and Europe/Med activity

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planeFag CONUS activity: Germans arrived at Dulles Intl-2 SAMs west from JBA and Europe/Med activity

Let’s start over CONUS as it’s busy for a Sunday

German AF GAF884 319 on ground at Dulles Intl from Koln/Bonn Intl (Luftwaffe home base)

09-0015 C32A arrived at Nantucket Airport from JBA depart about 2 hours ago

Mr and Mrs Potato scheduled to leave Nantucket at 1:25 pm EST back to JBA then WH


SAM411 and 378 C32A west from JBA

SPICE98 E4B Nightwatch NE from Davis-Monthan AFB-this has been at DM since the ASEN meeting last week so it probably had some maintenance done as DM is the ‘boneyard’-it’s heading to Offutt AFB (STRATCOM)

RCH3238 C17 Globemaster heading SW to deliver equipment for VIP visit(s) VINYL37 C17 behind it delivering equipment for Mr and Mrs Potato visit to Atlanta for Rosalyn Carter memorial on Tuesday

Biden, first lady to attend Georgia service for Rosalynn Carter


Europe and Med activity

Egyptian AF SUBGM G5 back to Cairo from Rome depart-left last night CONUS time

Egyptians are also involved in these “hostage negotiations” it’s not just C_A controlled Qatar

Third round of prisoners released as Gaza truce continues

Egypt has received the third list of prisoners to be released by Hamas and Israel as a truce continued for the third day in Gaza, authorities said.


German AF GAF955 A350 arrived at Cyprus from Tel Aviv departPresident Walter Steinmeirdint stay long and already in Cyprus

Israel-Hamas updates: Germany's Steinmeier lands in Tel Aviv


Belgian AF BAF74 high level Falcon 7x departed Ankara back to Brussels

Slovak AF LSV101 Falcon 2000PM Robert Ficowent to Barcelona

>>109940 pb

The 2 C5 Galaxy ACs that left Dover early morning local arrived at Ramstein AFB

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668e89 No.109995

File: c6c58ea50e133c7⋯.png (687.59 KB,1140x760,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980321 (261801ZNOV23) Notable: Chinese Wealth Giant Crumbles: ZEG's Insolvency Shakes Shadow Banking

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Chinese Wealth Giant Crumbles: ZEG's Insolvency Shakes Shadow Banking


A leading Chinese wealth management company, Zhongzhi Enterprise Group (ZEG), has declared itself "severely insolvent," sending shockwaves through the country's financial sector and raising concerns about the stability of the $3 trillion shadow banking industry.

The Ripple Effect of Real Estate Slump

ZEG's announcement comes amidst China's ongoing real estate crisis, signaling potential spillover effects into the broader financial market. The Beijing-based conglomerate, with significant investments in the property sector, disclosed in a letter to investors that its total liabilities could reach 460 billion yuan (about $65 billion), starkly outweighing its assets valued at 200 billion yuan.

According to reports by lanjinger.com, a Chinese state-owned news outlet, and international agencies such as Reuters, ZEG's financial distress highlights the challenges facing China's shadow banking system. However, the contents of the letter and the full extent of ZEG's financial woes remain unverified, as the company has not responded to requests for comment.

Sauce: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/chinese-wealth-giant-crumbles-zeg-s-insolvency-shakes-shadow-banking/ar-AA1kyxlL

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.109996

File: d16855b32ab0582⋯.png (302.81 KB,900x818,450:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 522fae5254a3817⋯.png (679.4 KB,900x846,50:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980380 (261809ZNOV23) Notable: The #Israeli ship "Central Barak," which sources claimed the #Yemeni army had taken control of, had reportedly halted its surveillance system after exiting the Suez Canal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Quds News Network



The #Israeli ship "Central Barak," which sources claimed the #Yemeni army had taken control of, had reportedly halted its surveillance system after exiting the Suez Canal.

Nov 26, 2023 · 2:16 PM UTC



The #Israeli ship "Central Barak,"

Hmmm intensifies...

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668e89 No.109997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980383 (261810ZNOV23) Notable: EDL founder Tommy Robinson arrested at anti-Semitism march in London

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The march organizers wanted him to stay away, so he was directed to leave the area under a dispersal order by the police - he refused, so they arrested him.


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668e89 No.109998

File: 4d5fb4cf1d133c1⋯.png (266.25 KB,900x755,180:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980410 (261816ZNOV23) Notable: “Are there civilians inside?” “I don’t know. Just shoot!” - Israeli untrained tank crews on 7 Oct who shot indiscriminate fire.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Quds News Network



“Are there civilians inside?” “I don’t know. Just shoot!”

Israeli media confirm that Israel’s military deployed untrained tank crews on 7 Oct who shot massive, likely indiscriminate fire. Lends more corroboration to evidence that Israel killed its own, including children.

Nov 26, 2023 · 6:01 PM UTC


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668e89 No.109999

File: e1e49783dcc5066⋯.png (37.07 KB,473x252,473:252,Clipboard.png)

File: c41e7bab5dc6389⋯.png (149.8 KB,473x911,473:911,Clipboard.png)

File: db9fa96dd00b932⋯.png (50.35 KB,473x378,473:378,Clipboard.png)

File: 0545005e76c6711⋯.png (35.86 KB,473x273,473:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980422 (261817ZNOV23) Notable: Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals

Men and women brought up among an estimated 8 million members of over 6,000 IFB churches attest to a cult-like culture of coverups, abuse, and corruption in the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) church.

Link: https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/show/let-us-prey-a-ministry-of-scandals-investigation-discovery-atve-us

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.110000

File: 8ca730c6a27b39e⋯.png (67.87 KB,888x441,296:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 04a88380536b544⋯.png (255.27 KB,555x630,37:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980438 (261820ZNOV23) Notable: DC_Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background

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Conservative Lawyer DC_Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background


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668e89 No.110001

File: 27a5e74b22c792c⋯.png (376.21 KB,900x832,225:208,Clipboard.png)

File: 40dc27555de6e32⋯.mp4 (663.69 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980439 (261820ZNOV23) Notable: Google’s own AI says that US moon landing photos/videos are fake. And Putin doesn’t look surprised.

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S.L. Kanthan



Google’s own AI says that US moon landing photos/videos are fake.

And Putin doesn’t look surprised.🧐

Oh, America, what other tall tales have you spun?

Hu Xijin 胡锡进

Nov 26, 2023 · 9:38 AM UTC



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668e89 No.110002

File: e0a9fa8f64e1674⋯.png (599.46 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 12819741a089604⋯.png (445.45 KB,613x432,613:432,Clipboard.png)

File: 1da58b2956c9f61⋯.png (158.34 KB,1267x486,1267:486,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f9f44e93df3a05⋯.png (477.57 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980450 (261822ZNOV23) Notable: United Nations Connection: @andrewzimmern and @chefaz

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Holy Shit

I was half joking when wondering if celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern is the Disqus account threatening Potus Donald Trump.

But he's very proud of how many years he's been sober.

I mean I know "these people are stupid" but can they be that stupid? I'm still leaning towards coincindence but this loser should be dug on either way

It's also highly likey he's a pedo



Has Been Sober

from Instagram

chefaz's profile picture

Today is my 27th anniversary...sober, joyous and free. I am grateful to you all for this amazing gift, one day at a time, but none more than this kid, who has taught me more about patience tolerance and understanding than anyone, who’s inspired me to be the best person I can. So many out there are still suffering. My prayer for everyone today is to find the love and forgiveness to heal. There is a solution! If you’re sober today, please pass it on.


estuardo_garzona's profile picture

@chefaz thank you for touching me with your words! It

Andrew Zimmern


Today I’m 28 years sober on the 28th. A golden date. I’m grateful and very overwhelmed. Every anniversary I wonder “why me”? Why me when so many others end up in jails, institutions or die from this illness. Well, I did jails/institutions and I wanted to…

Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into…




19 hours ago

The planetary celebrations would go on for weeks.


View in discussion



19 hours ago

Die Trump die. Like right now.Scumbag.


>>109971, >>109972, >>109973, >>109974 Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos

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668e89 No.110003

File: 3ae15a5d5de28b5⋯.png (96.42 KB,744x512,93:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980454 (261823ZNOV23) Notable: Deepstate Dreams: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances

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Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances

“Experts suggest” your standard of living be reduced by over 85%

A report on the future of travel and tourism, co-authored by a travel agency called Intrepid Travel and The Future Labs Institute, posits a future deeply impacted by climate change and restrictions on tourist travel to combat it.

From the report (pardon the length, emphasis added):

“Carbon Passports

A personal carbon emissions limit will become the new normal as policy and people’s values drive an era of great change.

As demonstrated by a worldwide tourism boom, the frequency at which we can fly is once again seemingly unlimited.

Conscience and budgets permitting, we feel free to hop on planes from one place to the next. But this will change. ‘On our current trajectory, we can expect a pushback against the frequency with which individuals can travel, with carbon passports set to change the tourism landscape,’ says Raymond [Martin Raymond, Future Laboratories co-founder]

Personal carbon allowances could help curb carbon emissions and lower travel’s overall footprint.

These allowances will manifest as passports that force people to ration their carbon in line with the global carbon budget, which is 750bn tonnes until 2050.

By 2040, we can expect to see limitations imposed on the amount of travel that is permitted each year.

Experts suggest that individuals should currently limit their carbon emissions to 2.3 tonnes each year – the equivalent of taking a round-trip from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. However, the average carbon footprint in the US is 16 tonnes per person per year, 15 tonnes in Australia and 11.7 tonnes in the UK. This is in stark contrast to where we may find ourselves in the future, with 2040’s travellers forced to forgo the horizon-expanding experiences so readily embraced by today’s tourists”

For all practical purposes, your carbon emissions will line up with your energy usage, give or take a relatively narrow band of efficiencies (unless we have some kind of clean energy breakthrough, and the only viable one we have, nuclear, is not considered clean energy by the climate cult).

Said differently: Your standard of living is your energy usage. Reducing a society’s energy usage is the same as reducing its living standards.

With this in mind, let’s look at the numbers cited by the Sustainable Future for Travel report:

“Experts suggest that individuals should currently limit their carbon emissions to 2.3 tonnes each year.”


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668e89 No.110004

File: 7da71c8c26ff7a3⋯.png (1.47 MB,1918x937,1918:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980458 (261824ZNOV23) Notable: PF: SAM378, SAM411 Blue and White 757s up and headed West

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Blue and White Livery 757's up and headed West.



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668e89 No.110005

File: 7ce92bdcc2d802b⋯.mp4 (6.98 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980471 (261825ZNOV23) Notable: Russia news agency claims evidence of UK Private Military Company trafficking in children and 2 Billion in "body parts"

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668e89 No.110006

File: 536238ee3f86c3d⋯.png (793.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b1de7adb02f549⋯.png (738.61 KB,598x664,299:332,Clipboard.png)

File: b3ec6f56edf0a86⋯.png (527.87 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 02d32d0d3fa0fe0⋯.png (524.01 KB,598x513,598:513,Clipboard.png)

File: 0135c082a32549b⋯.png (567.93 KB,640x678,320:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980487 (261827ZNOV23) Notable: United Nations Connection: @andrewzimmern and @chefaz

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>but none more than this kid,

>t's also highly likey he's a pedo

Posts shoes when Bourdain died

Kinda Like Hanks posting random boots on the ground

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668e89 No.110007

File: b9d7d999904bce5⋯.png (126.82 KB,482x572,241:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980493 (261828ZNOV23) Notable: Have Estonia, Slovinia, New Zealand & now Slovakia REJECTED the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty Accord?

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Estonia, Slovinia, New Zealand & now Slovakia have all REJECTED the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty Accord.

The list is growing! there is hope that people are waking up rather than being in the "Woke" trans!

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668e89 No.110008

File: c64af41e9a88e49⋯.png (377.19 KB,554x645,554:645,Clipboard.png)

File: a8b3a5393efaa93⋯.png (347.06 KB,563x537,563:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980496 (261828ZNOV23) Notable: Conor McGregor Under Investigation for ‘Muh Hate Speech’

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Martial Artist Superstar Conor McGregor Under Investigation for ‘Online Hate Speech’ Following Remarks on Children Being Stabbed by Immigrants in Dublin

Former UFC champion and one of Ireland’s most prominent celebrities, Conor McGregor, finds himself in the eye of a new storm, as he is currently under investigation for comments linked to a series of violent events in Dublin involving immigrant assailants, The Sunday Times reported.

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown.

There are reports that the perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant.

“Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough. There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory. God bless those attacked today, we pray,” he wrote.


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668e89 No.110009

File: 1a9367e5cbf4313⋯.png (414.13 KB,664x625,664:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 38f7a5759b0f266⋯.png (239.79 KB,646x498,323:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980516 (261831ZNOV23) Notable: United Nations Connection: @andrewzimmern and @chefaz

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United Nations Connected

Andrew Zimmern


Chef, Writer, Traveler, TV Host,@wfp

ambassador. Family Dinner on @MagnoliaNetwork

. Wild Game Kitchen on @outdchannel

. Sign up for my newsletter at the link.

Minneapolis, MNlinktr.ee/chefazJoined October 2008

World Food Programme


Laureate of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize. 🇺🇳🌾🍛 The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency working towards #ZeroHunger.

Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization Worldwidewfp.orgJoined March 2009

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668e89 No.110010

File: d0d4da38c4ebeb1⋯.png (474.23 KB,744x634,372:317,Clipboard.png)

File: cdf2fcdb391e6aa⋯.png (64.85 KB,737x509,737:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980540 (261834ZNOV23) Notable: Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online

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Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online

A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories,” sparking alarm among free-speech advocates and top U.S. lawmakers

In its 59-page report released this month, the U.N. Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) outlined a series of “concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society, and the platforms themselves.”

This approach includes the imposition of global policies, through institutions such as governments and businesses, designed to stop the spread of various forms of speech while promoting objectives such as “cultural diversity” and “gender equality.”

In particular, the U.N. agency aims to create an “Internet of Trust” by targeting what it calls “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and “conspiracy theories.”

Examples of expression flagged to be stopped or restricted include concerns about elections, public health measures, and advocacy that could constitute “incitement to discrimination.”


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668e89 No.110011

File: b296823d2977525⋯.mp4 (4.93 MB,288x640,9:20,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980569 (261837ZNOV23) Notable: The mother of one of the children stabbed in Ireland speaks out about living in a multicultural society.

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The mother of one of the children stabbed in Ireland speaks out about living in a multicultural society.

But according to the lying media, this is 'far-right misinformation'.

The media don't care how many White children are stabbed or sexually assaulted, all they care about is replacing White people. https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/153/543/327/playable/8b0ebeb73d25a898.mp4

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668e89 No.110012

File: ee5fb44a9844539⋯.png (38.93 KB,608x296,76:37,Clipboard.png)

File: ae93d5c6ed724bb⋯.png (19.72 KB,494x219,494:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980645 (261851ZNOV23) Notable: The Enemy Within: Major Money of Conservative American Compass comes from Far Left

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Busted! The Enemy Within: Major Money of Conservative American Compass comes from Far Left

American Compass is a partner organization in Project 2025, a right-wing think tank that has been building the policy ….for a second Trump administration.

Project 2025 is an arm of the Heritage Foundation

American Compass whose specific political allegiances lie with the so-called “New Right” uses thee address on its tax filing as inside the Conservative Partnership Institute, which employs Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows and political attorney Cleta Mitchell


The Omidyar Network has contributed a total of $400,000 to American Compass since 2020


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668e89 No.110013

File: a70159dcf5eec22⋯.png (38.08 KB,749x263,749:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980663 (261854ZNOV23) Notable: Biden DOJ Quietly Hires More Lawyers For Vaccine Injury Lawsuits

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Biden DOJ Quietly Hires More Lawyers For Vaccine Injury Lawsuits


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668e89 No.110014

File: d193ce83fd04817⋯.jpeg (469.34 KB,1203x590,1203:590,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0a102ef55822b47⋯.png (161.23 KB,445x324,445:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980665 (261855ZNOV23) Notable: PF: RCH3238 C17 Globemaster heading to Houston

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RCH3238 C17 Globemaster heading to Houston

Kneepads going to Houston tomorrow to be Hispanic and a fundraiser for Potatoand will do nuffin that involves the border despite being about tree-fiddy miles from it

Kamala Harris to visit Houston for Hispanic outreach event


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668e89 No.110015

File: 35b9d8223822017⋯.jpg (133.92 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980684 (261858ZNOV23) Notable: “Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available

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“Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available for Lawsuits Against Vaccine Manufacturers“Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available for Lawsuits Against Vaccine Manufacturers


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668e89 No.110016

File: 400aa97a3d301b9⋯.png (398.63 KB,818x636,409:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980687 (261859ZNOV23) Notable: “Are there civilians inside?” “I don’t know. Just shoot!” - Israeli untrained tank crews on 7 Oct who shot indiscriminate fire.

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668e89 No.110017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980693 (261900ZNOV23) Notable: ISRAELI AIRSTRIKES KNOCK DAMASCUS AIRPORT OUT OF SERVICE DAY AFTER IT REOPENED

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A series of strikes hit Damascus International Airport on November 26, knocking it out of service just a day after its resumed operations.

Israel was behind the strikes, according to the Syrian Al-Watan newspaper, which said that all flights destined to Damascus were rescheduled to airports in Lattakia and Aleppo. There was no imminent comment from the Syrian Ministry of Defense.

Video footage posted on social media showed several clouds of smoke rising from the main runway of Damascus Insertional Airport.

Meanwhile, Syrian activists said that air defenses deployed at Mezzeh Military Airport in the southwestern outskirts of Damascus were struck just a few minutes earlier. Photos from the scene showed the aftermath of a large blast at the military airport.

There were also reports of Syrian air defenses firing at targets over Damascus and nearby areas more than half an hour after the attack.

Just a day earlier, Damascus International Airport resumed operation following a long pause forced by Israeli strikes that took place on October 22. Two civilian workers were killed back then. No casualties were however reported after the latest attack.

Israel escalated its attacks on Syria significantly since the outbreak of the war with the Hamas Movement and other Palestinian armed factions in the Gaza Strip.

Several waves of strikes attributed to Israel have hit not only Damascus, but also Aleppo International Airport. In addition, the Israeli military struck southern Syria more than once in response to rocket attacks that targeted the occupied Golan Heights.

Syria has largely refrained from responding to Israel’s repeated attacks over the past decade in an apparent attempt to avoid a dangerous confrontation.


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668e89 No.110018

File: 756721b591e06a4⋯.png (833.18 KB,964x542,482:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980694 (261900ZNOV23) Notable: More than 200 march through London 'in largest protest against anti-Semitism since 1936'

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More than 100,000 march through London 'in largest protest against anti-Semitism since 1936': Huge crowds waving Israeli flags and placards descend on capital and are joined by ex PM Boris Johnson, Rachel Riley, Eddie Marsan and Vanessa Feltz


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668e89 No.110019

File: d34901b190321ea⋯.png (123.27 KB,993x563,993:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980707 (261902ZNOV23) Notable: Greece Plays Both Sides: Delivers Weapons to Ukraine, Greek Shipping Companies in Lucrative Trade in Russian Oil

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Greece Plays Both Sides: Delivers Weapons to Ukraine, Greek Shipping Companies in Lucrative Trade in Russian Oil

Greece has delivered huge amounts of weapons to Ukraine and has vehemently backed sanctions against Russia. In fact, last year, on September 22, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis declared in an interview with Bloomberg,

“We’re fighting a war against Russia, and we try to support Ukraine.”

However, over the last year, Greek shipowners have dramatically increased their oil shipments from Russia, creating serious tensions between Athens and Kiev. At the same time, it is recalled that in discussions in the European Union about sanctions against Russia, the Greek prime minister defended them.

Effectively, Mitsotakis is trying to play both sides of the conflict, committing fully to instructions from the EU and NATO but also protecting the interests of the Greek oligarchs – the shipowners. The protection of Greek shipowners’ interests by Mitsotakis has caused a rift in relations, especially after Kiev published a “blacklist” of the names of important Greek shipowners, most with extremely close ties to the ruling New Democracy party. Ukraine has put up that list because they transport Russian oil.

Kiev has proven, once again, that it is not a reliable partner who coerces EU members into pushing through the adoption of anti-Russian sanctions.

For Greece to approve the previous 11th package of sanctions against Moscow in June, Kiev removed Greek shipping companies from the “International War Sponsors” register of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) for the transportation of Russian hydrocarbons. After adopting anti-Russian sanctions, Kiev again included the Greek shipowners in the sanctions list.

Instead of showing gratitude to Greece for providing military and financial assistance, especially given its own military confrontations with Turkey and recovering from a devastating economic crisis, Kiev is brazenly manipulating its European partners and, demonstratively, is non-obligatory in its implementation of agreements reached.

Therefore, it can be expected that Kiev will continue to deceive its Western partners. In this situation, the Greek oligarchs are increasingly convinced of the need to reject the package of anti-Russian sanctions being developed by the European Council.


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668e89 No.110020

File: 37aec9db1573ad0⋯.png (467.03 KB,600x403,600:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980717 (261904ZNOV23) Notable: 3 Palestinian Students gunned down in Burlington, Vermont, on their way to a family dinner.

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Palestinian Students Blasted

The Groaniad reports"

Victims reportedly were wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh and speaking in Arabic when they were attacked

hree college students described as being of Palestinian descent were shot and wounded on Saturday evening in Burlington, Vermont, on their way to a family dinner.

The head of the Palestinian mission to the UK, Husam Zomlot, identified the victims as Hisham Awartani, Tahseen Ahmed and Kinnan Abdalhamid, undergraduate students at Brown, Haverford and Trinity. Zomlot said on X – formerly known as Twitter – that each of the victims was wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh when they were attacked, though authorities have stopped short of publicly discussing a possible motive for the triple shooting.

Meanwhile, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee added in a separate post on X: “We have reason to believe that the shooting was motivated by the three [victims] being Arab.

and a whole lot



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668e89 No.110021

File: 341f5677b70a24b⋯.png (327.06 KB,925x624,925:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980759 (261912ZNOV23) Notable: Arizona: ‘The poison continues to spread’: legal losses fail to quell election denial hotbed

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The election office


‘The poison continues to spread’: legal losses fail to quell election denial hotbed

Cochise county, Arizona, has been convulsed by the actions of two Republican supervisors who questioned the integrity of elections and faces huge legal costs

The fight for democracy is supported by


About this content

Rachel Leingang

Sat 25 Nov 2023 07.00 EST

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668e89 No.110022

File: 05c7c560ce11714⋯.png (91.92 KB,833x734,833:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980791 (261917ZNOV23) Notable: South Afrika: Tens of Thousands Take to the Streets, Demand Restoration to Their Monarchy

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Tens of Thousands Take to the Streets, Demand Restoration to Their Monarchy

By Jack Gist, Western Journal November 26, 2023 at 1:08pm

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668e89 No.110023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980837 (261924ZNOV23) Notable: 'PLAY THE VIDEO' Wray HIDES LIKE RAT After Matt Gaetz Revealed SH0CKING 'FBI Spy' Recording

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'PLAY THE VIDEO' Wray HIDES LIKE RAT After Matt Gaetz Revealed SH0CKING 'FBI Spy' Recording


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668e89 No.110024

File: 63d4383dceb560c⋯.jpg (77.67 KB,932x785,932:785,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980839 (261924ZNOV23) Notable: #24529

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>baker is finishing up lb notes

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668e89 No.110025

File: f5db822eb3526d9⋯.png (170.65 KB,594x708,99:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980848 (261927ZNOV23) Notable: The usual idiots are about to jump the shark on Macgregor...

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Catturd ™


Fascist regime!


Benny Johnson




Right on schedule, Conor McGregor is now under investigation by Irish Police for ‘Online Hate Speech’ after he spoke out against children being stabbed by a migrant in Dublin.



8:23 AM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980861 (261930ZNOV23) Notable: Does Mattias Desmet's mass formation theory account for responses to Gaza?

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>>>/qresearch/19980671 (pb)

>’moral dissonance’ of Western supporters of Israeli genocide

All would fall into place for this guy if he were to read Dr. Mattias Desmet on “Mass Formation”:

“Dr. Mattias Desmet on how to stop Mass Formation [Psychosis]”

Note that Desmet wisely rejects the MSM-tag of “psychosis” as it implies that a proper psychiatric examination has been performed. Desmet knows that any MD could lose their license by using the term on those who haven’t been personally examined.

This is how Dr. Malone gave the MSM an effective weapon by calling the phenomenon “Mass Formation Psychosis” on Joe Rogan.

Mattias Desmet has NEVER used the term “psychosis” when explaining Mass Formation.

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668e89 No.110027

File: 73c02cdcb50ae63⋯.png (1.04 MB,1920x1009,1920:1009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980863 (261931ZNOV23) Notable: PF reports

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Special Air Missions 378 and 411 westbound from DC over central Kansas.

Serial numbers 99-0003 and 99-0004.

Wonder what gives here?


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668e89 No.110028

File: eb5a1ca640be741⋯.png (210.38 KB,3687x612,1229:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980888 (261938ZNOV23) Notable: Ex-WH doctor warns pace of Biden's cognitive decline is putting US 'at great risk'

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Our genius medical profession, the one that killed millions for COVID bioweapon, have just figured out that bastard Bidan is brain dead and a national security threat...

President Biden's 81st birthday ushered in even more conversations surrounding his age and declining cognitive acuity, two things Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, believes are valid causes for concern.

"[The decline is] happening quickly," Jackson told "Sunday Morning Futures" guest anchor Sean Duffy.

"Like you said, I've taken care of three presidents… so I know firsthand what it takes to be the commander-in-chief and the head of state. It's a grueling job, both mentally and physically. This man can't do the job. He's proven to us every single day that he can't do the job, but this is going to get worse."


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668e89 No.110029

File: 7cfe9d6e1bdaddb⋯.jpg (402.19 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980927 (261948ZNOV23) Notable: Judge who approved FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search represented clients linked to Jeffrey Epstein

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LinkedIn post...

Sorry best sauce I can give...

U know y

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668e89 No.110030

File: 1bed27b19a48694⋯.jpeg (389.63 KB,828x818,414:409,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980936 (261949ZNOV23) Notable: Three Palestinian men shot in Burlington, VT, circumstances unclear

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668e89 No.110031

File: 68816e46f13e900⋯.png (70.53 KB,714x704,357:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980971 (261955ZNOV23) Notable: Judge who approved FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search represented clients linked to Jeffrey Epstein

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Judge who approved FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search represented clients linked to Jeffrey Epstein

Bruce Reinhart worked as a federal prosecutor until Jan. 1, 2008, when a day later he became a defense attorney representing employees of Epstein.


Reinhart, who earned his law degree from University of Pennsylvania and also graduated from Princeton, worked for the Treasury Department, the public integrity section of the U.S. Department of Justice, and spent more than 11 years as an assistant United States attorney. During that time he handled more than 100 grand jury investigations including cases involving health care fraud, public corruption and tax fraud, according to a biography of Reinhart posted by the private law firm where he worked for about six years. His official bio on the U.S. District Court Southern District of Florida site appeared to be deactivated.

He worked as a federal prosecutor until Jan. 1, 2008, when a day later he became a defense attorney representing employees of Epstein, according to a 2018 story by the Miami Herald. According to the Herald, the employees included pilots for Epstein, his scheduler and a woman who had been described by some of Epstein’s victims as his sex slave. Epstein committed suicide in a Manhattan federal jail in 2019 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking.

The Herald also reported that in 2011, Reinhart was named in a lawsuit where he was accused of violating Justice Department policies by representing the employees. Reinhart denied the allegations and said he did not participate in Epstein’s criminal case and did not learn any confidential information while working as a prosecutor.



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668e89 No.110032

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980978 (261957ZNOV23) Notable: Economic discussion

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yes, simple follow the money.

video with sources this time.

follow the threads.





Note: If it is too fast, pause the video so you can read what is on the screen.

sources below. All below is from primary sources like the B.I.S home site, I.M.F plus research and saved archives from 8kun and the anons on Qresearch.






First published at 01:30 UTC on September 20th, 2023.




5) Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30



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668e89 No.110033

File: c9aa70bc3a56108⋯.jpeg (554.23 KB,1163x588,1163:588,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 675e0dcaeb84cd0⋯.png (209.87 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981004 (262002ZNOV23) Notable: PF reports

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==Mr and Mrs Potato departed Nantucket Airport in 09-0015 and heading to JBA after normalizing “negotiating w/(C_A backed and funded) terrorists”

Nuffin else on schedule as usual

09-0018 C-32A left Manchester as the escort

>>109994 lb

VINYL82 C17 Globemaster done dropping off Potato equipment for Tuesday visit by the Potatoes

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668e89 No.110034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981005 (262002ZNOV23) Notable: #24528

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#24528 >>109986

>>110012 The Enemy Within: Major Money of Conservative American Compass comes from Far Left

>>109988 Which Muslim countries are filling the gas tank of the Israeli killing machine?

>>109989 'Tater Delivers Remarks on the Release of Hostages

>>109990 anons ever dig into this troon, Omid Scobie?

>>109991, >>109997 EDL founder Tommy Robinson arrested at anti-Semitism march in London

>>109992 MOAB MONDAY? 11/27/23 1 year last Qdrop Δ

>>109994 PF CONUS activity: Germans arrived at Dulles Intl-2 SAMs west from JBA and Europe/Med activity

>>110014 PF: RCH3238 C17 Globemaster heading to Houston

>>110004 PF: SAM378, SAM411 Blue and White 757s up and headed West

>>109995 Chinese Wealth Giant Crumbles: ZEG's Insolvency Shakes Shadow Banking

>>109996 The #Israeli ship "Central Barak," which sources claimed the #Yemeni army had taken control of, had reportedly halted its surveillance system after exiting the Suez Canal.

>>109998, >>110016 “Are there civilians inside?” “I don’t know. Just shoot!” - Israeli untrained tank crews on 7 Oct who shot indiscriminate fire.

>>109999 Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals

>>110000 DC_Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background

>>110001 Google’s own AI says that US moon landing photos/videos are fake. And Putin doesn’t look surprised.

>>110003 Deepstate Dreams: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances

>>110005 Russia news agency claims evidence of UK Private Military Company trafficking in children and 2 Billion in "body parts"

>>110008 Conor McGregor Under Investigation for ‘Muh Hate Speech’

>>110011 The mother of one of the children stabbed in Ireland speaks out about living in a multicultural society.

>>110007 Have Estonia, Slovinia, New Zealand & now Slovakia REJECTED the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty Accord?

>>110009, >>110002, >>110006 United Nations Connection: @andrewzimmern and @chefaz

>>110010 Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online

>>110013 Biden DOJ Quietly Hires More Lawyers For Vaccine Injury Lawsuits

>>110015 “Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available


>>110018 More than 200 march through London 'in largest protest against anti-Semitism since 1936'

>>110019 Greece Plays Both Sides: Delivers Weapons to Ukraine, Greek Shipping Companies in Lucrative Trade in Russian Oil

>>110020 3 Palestinian Students gunned down in Burlington, Vermont, on their way to a family dinner.

>>110021 Arizona: ‘The poison continues to spread’: legal losses fail to quell election denial hotbed

>>110022 South Afrika: Tens of Thousands Take to the Streets, Demand Restoration to Their Monarchy

>>110023 'PLAY THE VIDEO' Wray HIDES LIKE RAT After Matt Gaetz Revealed SH0CKING 'FBI Spy' Recording


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668e89 No.110035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981009 (262003ZNOV23) Notable: Economic discussion

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WSS fag here. I knows all about financial fucker on the global scale. Big changes. America goes protectionist in the future and tells Europe to fuck off. DJT alludes to this in his speeches, ANWAR makes us independent. Manufacturing powerhouse. Mass deportations.

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668e89 No.110036

File: b123436d1603e16⋯.png (574.88 KB,1016x882,508:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981010 (262003ZNOV23) Notable: RT - Bibi's odd symbiosis with Hamas

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Morning frens.

There will be shitposts, but let's start with a story about Hamas and Bibi in love from none other than WaPo.

Netanyahu was protecting Hamas – WaPo


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668e89 No.110037

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,1066x600,533:300,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981079 (262016ZNOV23) Notable: Economic discussion

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if he destroys the federal reserve and the credit reference agencies world wide it would make a difference.

all anon wants is a level playing field.

no way is anon going back to a farm.

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668e89 No.110038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981110 (262022ZNOV23) Notable: Economic discussion

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DJT will have to dismantle high frequency trading first. Carefully dismantle the system B/C it's so embedded, that if it's torn down hastily there would be a lot of collateral damage.

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668e89 No.110039

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981118 (262024ZNOV23) Notable: Q1 2024: NG911 - the transition of the 911 system from analog and digital to Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems

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Q1 2024

preparation and implementation of NG911

>NG911 stands for Next Generation 911, which is a term that refers to the transition of the 911 system from analog and digital to Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems that can support multimedia communication and data exchange

>can support multimedia data exchange

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668e89 No.110040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981122 (262024ZNOV23) Notable: Q1 2024: NG911 - the transition of the 911 system from analog and digital to Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems

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668e89 No.110041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981148 (262029ZNOV23) Notable: New crime ranking lists St. Louis as third ‘most dangerous’ US city

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New crime ranking lists St. Louis as third ‘most dangerous’ US city

by Joey Schneider | Nov 25, 2023 02:32 PM CST


California based… “real estate company Norada lists St. Louis as the third ‘most dangerous’ city in the United States. Only Detroit, Michigan, and Baltimore, Maryland, were deemed more dangerous than St. Louis in the rankings.

Norada says many of the ten cities listed have high violent crime rates, gang violence and poverty, among other factors.

Norada claims that St. Louis is plagued by a gun violence epidemic and youth involvement in criminal activities. ‘The prevalence of firearms, coupled with limited gun control measures, further contributes to the overall crime rates in St. Louis.’ . . .”


Strange that New York City is not on this company’s list.

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668e89 No.110042

File: 12900f5b90b981a⋯.png (109.08 KB,966x321,322:107,Clipboard.png)

File: fdf9ee0805c35e0⋯.png (153.31 KB,724x635,724:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981159 (262032ZNOV23) Notable: SAFECOM 2023 has been dug and dug again right?

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surely this has been dug and dug again right?

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668e89 No.110043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981160 (262032ZNOV23) Notable: Norm Finkelstein DISMANTLES Hillary Israel Spin

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“Liar!” Norm Finkelstein DISMANTLES Hillary Israel Spin

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668e89 No.110044

File: 118b3b171158a12⋯.png (631.45 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981167 (262033ZNOV23) Notable: PF reports

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E6 east coast

E3 t

E6 on ground

What's going on out west

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668e89 No.110045

File: b49df85a98ec118⋯.png (180.5 KB,829x779,829:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981192 (262036ZNOV23) Notable: SAFECOM 2023 has been dug and dug again right?

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668e89 No.110046

File: b69c0744b932a9f⋯.png (9.87 KB,1120x695,224:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 49c893a894f0e99⋯.jpeg (175.66 KB,1348x2048,337:512,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981201 (262037ZNOV23) Notable: Economic discussion

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Starting with Virtu Financial

That is who controls it all

45 nominated the CEO for Sec of Army but luckily that asshoe withdrew or was told to…Vincent Viola

They are the AI/HFT overlords

Blackrock is a church picnic compared to them.

They (Virtu) are also listed as custodian on SLV-now why would a market maker need to be in that role?!



They tried to IPO under Elliott Wave Theory LLC and claimed no losing trading days for 3 years or something close to that

It’s a footnote in the Michael Lewis book ‘Flash Boys’

They pulled IPO then because too hot when people noticed the lack of losses meant complete control and manipulation

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668e89 No.110047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981223 (262041ZNOV23) Notable: Economic discussion

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according to this doc based on their books. the roths state they are jewish.


Note: There are clues here to build a bigger picture of the Rothschild control including the set up of the Global central banking and eventually the creation of the B.I.S as their main sorting house in Geneva and now also Mexico city and Hong Kong and international banking trading transactions, not mentioned once in this documentary. interesting nonetheless.


Empire of Shadows: True Story of the Richest Family in History


446,766 views 18 Nov 2023 #jpmorgan


Unravels the Roths-child family's history. Delve into the labyrinth of power, wealth, and secrets that have defined one of the most influential banking dynasties in the world.

𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤s 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 -

📘The House of Rothschild (https://amzn.to/49IygYL)

📘House of Morgan (https://amzn.to/44Mv6QY)

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668e89 No.110048

File: 68d0b5cea73db85⋯.png (858.12 KB,1392x866,696:433,Clipboard.png)

File: c82f85d3566e610⋯.png (690.42 KB,945x981,105:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981266 (262052ZNOV23) Notable: Arcturus mRNA medicines and vaccines company Timeline from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023 (STARR® vaccine platform)

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About Us

Arcturus Therapeutics a global late-stage messenger RNA medicines and vaccines company focused on the development of infectious disease vaccines and significant opportunities within liver and respiratory rare diseases.

Our team has extensive experience in the discovery and development of mRNA medicines, as well as design and utilization of lipid-mediated drug delivery systems. This combination of in-house expertise, innovative spirit, and passion for what we do, uniquely position us to catalyze the next generation of mRNA medicines.


Arcturus Therapeutics Begins Operations in Janssen Labs

March 4, 2013


Funny New Covid-19 Variant has the same name as a MRNA Company Just another coincidence

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668e89 No.110049

File: 1fa905703785c22⋯.png (811 KB,1857x948,619:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981298 (262057ZNOV23) Notable: Arcturus mRNA medicines and vaccines company Timeline from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023 (STARR® vaccine platform)

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Has Time Line from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023

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668e89 No.110050

File: 43a7be59af17d4e⋯.png (259.27 KB,1262x955,1262:955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981326 (262100ZNOV23) Notable: Arcturus mRNA medicines and vaccines company Timeline from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023 (STARR® vaccine platform)

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We had considerable progress this quarter expanding our next generation STARR® vaccine platform,” said Joseph Payne, President & CEO of Arcturus Therapeutics. “Our monovalent ARCT-154 COVID vaccine remains on track for approval in December and we reached our target enrollment for the bivalent COVID vaccine Phase 3 study, with PMDA-approval anticipated Q3 2024.”

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668e89 No.110051

File: b9b97e4a388e71b⋯.png (368.18 KB,929x777,929:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981333 (262101ZNOV23) Notable: James O’Keefe Put on ‘SSSS’ List for Extra Screening for Domestic Flights

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James O’Keefe Put on ‘SSSS’ List for Extra Screening for Domestic Flights


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668e89 No.110052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981354 (262104ZNOV23) Notable: Arcturus mRNA medicines and vaccines company Timeline from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023 (STARR® vaccine platform)

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We are happy to announce our expected cash runway was extended to the end of 2026,” announced Andrew Sassine, Chief Financial Officer. “A combination of lower expenses, additional development milestones and accelerated timelines for manufacturing technology transfer to CSL have contributed to the extended runway. Additionally, substantial funding was obtained by ARCALIS, our joint venture mRNA manufacturing partner, from the Japanese Government with up to $165 million committed to date. We expect this facility to become a leading manufacturer of mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics, with the ability to manufacture vaccines within 100 days of an emerging viral strain

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668e89 No.110053

File: 52e6d5275826f1e⋯.png (1.12 MB,878x588,439:294,Clipboard.png)

File: 48a7809bdea5275⋯.png (97.73 KB,876x441,292:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981404 (262113ZNOV23) Notable: Three Top Palestinian College Students Shot in Vermont

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Three Top Palestinian College Students Shot in Vermont – Gunman Allegedly Fired on Students Without Speaking

Three top Palestinian college students were fatally shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.” The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) named the individuals involved as Hiham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid, who had gathered to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday break.

According to WCAX: “The suspect was on foot in the area when investigators say he discharged at least four rounds from his pistol without speaking. Two of the victims were wearing keffiyehs at the time of the assault, according to Chief Murad.”

Authorities transported the victims to the University of Vermont Medical Center. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) reported that two of the individuals were in intensive care, with one suffering from extremely critical and severe injuries.

Read the full statement from ADC:

Earlier this morning ADC was aware of the shooting of three Palestinian-American, Arab students in Burlington, VT. After reviewing the initial information provided we have reason to believe this shooting occurred because the victims are Arab. All three victims survived the initial shooting, however two of them are currently in ICU, and one of the students has sustained very critical and serious injuries. The full extent of injuries is unknown at this time.


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668e89 No.110054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981432 (262119ZNOV23) Notable: The flu avian, Corona, Arcturus... they´re trying to tell us something.

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> >>110048, >>110049, >>110050, >>110052 Arcturus mRNA medicines and vaccines company Timeline from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023 (STARR® vaccine platform)


Movie from 2015:


Marvel planet:


More disambiguation:


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668e89 No.110055

File: 2c35664c33e1d63⋯.png (1.79 MB,1800x1200,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981457 (262124ZNOV23) Notable: The flu avian, Corona, Arcturus... they´re trying to tell us something.

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668e89 No.110056

File: 0d7bb32c029e35e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1106x832,553:416,Clipboard.png)

File: 1da03b4efdd072f⋯.png (81.03 KB,190x270,19:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 865973d5dfa4d7f⋯.png (1.53 MB,1794x1286,897:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a9ccdac5a3a287⋯.png (439.85 KB,902x476,451:238,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ee0da35249407a⋯.png (1.08 MB,1148x968,287:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981477 (262127ZNOV23) Notable: The usual idiots are about to jump the shark on Macgregor...

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Captain Robert Bennet Forbes (September 18, 1804 – November 23, 1889), was an American sea captain, China merchant and ship owner.[1] He was active in ship construction, maritime safety, the opium trade, and charitable activities, including food aid to Ireland, which became known as America's first major disaster relief effort.

"Biden: I May Be Irish, But I’m Not Stupid"

Mr Producer Media

1.18K subscribers


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668e89 No.110057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981485 (262128ZNOV23) Notable: The flu avian, Corona, Arcturus... they´re trying to tell us something.

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The flu avian



they´re trying to tell us something. As if there were a prohibition against explicitly telling us the truth. But they accept that truth is reached organically.

If I were studying alien signals, this would be proof.

>The narrative of Xenu is part of Scientologist teachings about extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in earthly events, collectively described as "space opera" by L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard detailed the story in Operating Thetan level III (OT III) in 1967, warning that the "R6 implant" (past trauma)[9] was "calculated to kill (by pneumonia, etc.) anyone who attempts to solve it".[9][10][11]


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668e89 No.110058

File: 10181feca966070⋯.jpg (339.25 KB,800x1532,200:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981487 (262129ZNOV23) Notable: William Morgan (born 1774 – c. 1826) disappear'd for plotting to expose The Freemason Conspiracy?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.110059

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981504 (262134ZNOV23) Notable: William Morgan (born 1774 – c. 1826) disappear'd for plotting to expose The Freemason Conspiracy?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


William Morgan (born 1774 – disappeared c. 1826) was a resident of Batavia, New York, whose disappearance and presumed murder in 1826 ignited a powerful movement against the Freemasons, a fraternal society that had become influential in the United States. After Morgan announced his intention to publish a book exposing Freemasonry's secrets, he was arrested on trumped-up charges.

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668e89 No.110060

File: 16e27f7aecf6068⋯.png (677.25 KB,2840x4534,1420:2267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981507 (262134ZNOV23) Notable: Arcturus mRNA medicines and vaccines company Timeline from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023 (STARR® vaccine platform)

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668e89 No.110061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981514 (262136ZNOV23) Notable: William Morgan (born 1774 – c. 1826) disappear'd for plotting to expose The Freemason Conspiracy?

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sauce... https://ia800301.us.archive.org/9/items/morgansfreemason00morg/morgansfreemason00morg.pdf

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668e89 No.110062

File: 0e9bf75c0c98de5⋯.png (640.08 KB,890x478,445:239,Clipboard.png)

File: bade9675088aa96⋯.png (2.22 MB,1974x974,987:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 9105ababfe5f7e5⋯.png (622.05 KB,1048x768,131:96,Clipboard.png)

File: bf0b7bd6ab9415d⋯.png (2.64 MB,1972x904,493:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981532 (262141ZNOV23) Notable: The usual idiots are about to jump the shark on Macgregor...

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>including food aid to Ireland, which became known as America's first major disaster relief effort.




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668e89 No.110063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981549 (262146ZNOV23) Notable: #24529

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#24529 >>110024

>>110036 RT - Bibi's odd symbiosis with Hamas

>>110043 Norm Finkelstein DISMANTLES Hillary Israel Spin

>>110025, >>110056, >>110062 The usual idiots are about to jump the shark on Macgregor...

>>110053 Three Top Palestinian College Students Shot in Vermont

>>110031, >>110029 Judge who approved FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search represented clients linked to Jeffrey Epstein

>>110028 Ex-WH doctor warns pace of Biden's cognitive decline is putting US 'at great risk'

>>110026 Does Mattias Desmet's mass formation theory account for responses to Gaza?

>>110027, >>110033, >>110044 PF reports

>>110030 Three Palestinian men shot in Burlington, VT, circumstances unclear

>>110039, >>110040 Q1 2024: NG911 - the transition of the 911 system from analog and digital to Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems

>>110041 New crime ranking lists St. Louis as third ‘most dangerous’ US city

>>110042, >>110045 SAFECOM 2023 has been dug and dug again right?

>>110032, >>110035, >>110037, >>110038, >>110046, >>110047 Economic discussion

>>110048, >>110049, >>110050, >>110052, >>110060 Arcturus mRNA medicines and vaccines company Timeline from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023 (STARR® vaccine platform)

>>110054, >>110055, >>110057 The flu avian, Corona, Arcturus... they´re trying to tell us something.

>>110051 James O’Keefe Put on ‘SSSS’ List for Extra Screening for Domestic Flights

>>110058, >>110059, >>110061 William Morgan (born 1774 – c. 1826) disappear'd for plotting to expose The Freemason Conspiracy?


any bread title suggestions?

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668e89 No.110064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981576 (262151ZNOV23) Notable: #24530

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>can continue or defer

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668e89 No.110065

File: 1e94d10bb52c5c2⋯.png (473.05 KB,818x658,409:329,Clipboard.png)

File: ceac2ef2ab63390⋯.jpg (86.07 KB,646x850,19:25,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981635 (262205ZNOV23) Notable: Virginia doctor Siavash Sobhani, (born in US) loses his CITIZENSHIP after applying for new passport because his dad was Iranian diplomat

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Daily Mail Online



Virginia doctor, Siavash Sobhani, who was born in US loses his CITIZENSHIP after applying for new passport because his dad was Iranian diplomat and he wasn't entitled to claim it


Nov 26, 2023 · 9:01 PM UTC



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668e89 No.110066

File: 7d737a839bff801⋯.jpeg (405.38 KB,1155x1655,231:331,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981657 (262210ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump Jr.'s Thanksgiving Message Sparks Backlash

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Donald Trump Jr.'s Thanksgiving Message Sparks Backlash

Kate PlummerNov 24, 2023 at 4:20 AM

(The media, etc. sure get triggered pretty easily. KEK. They fail to list those that got triggered)

Donald Trump Jr. has triggered a backlash after posting a Thanksgiving message criticizing the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

On X, formerly Twitter, the ex-president's son shared a painting of a family enjoying a Thanksgiving dinner from outside the window of their home. Outside the window, an FBI agent stands looking in and holding a gun.

He wrote: "Hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving... Be thankful that the FBI is watching the real domestic, terror threats!!!!"

While it is not immediately clear what aspect of the FBI the Republican was criticizing, high-profile right-wing figures have accused the agencies of having a political bias in favor of Democrats while targeting Republicans for political purposes.

In October, it labeled MAGA followers as a new category of extremists, as revealed by Newsweek.

The bureau was also responsible for seizing thousands of documents in a search of Donald Trump's Florida estate Mar-a-Lago in August 2022, including about 100 marked as classified, as part of the former president's classified documents indictment, in which he is accused of hoarding important documents after leaving the White House and obstructing the government's efforts to retrieve them. Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

In October, Trump Jr. blamed the intelligence service for a deadly mass shooting in Mainethat killed 18 people and injured another 13 at a bar and a bowling alley, saying the bureau could have stopped the shooter if it was less focused on investigating "MAGA patriots."

"If only the FBI would stop spying on Catholics, concerned parents at PTA meetings, and MAGA patriots maybe they'd actually stop real terrorists for a change rather than trying to create them," the former president's eldest son said on X.

Newsweek has contacted Trump Jr. on social media and the FBI by email to comment on this story.


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668e89 No.110067

File: 85a5449bdaa7f91⋯.png (860.19 KB,818x626,409:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981726 (262224ZNOV23) Notable: California artist creates world's largest stain-glass window for Kansas' United Methodist Church, 100 FEET long

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Daily Mail Online



California artist shares dramatic story of how he created world's largest stain-glass window for Kansas' United Methodist Church of the Resurrection that is almost 100 FEET long


Nov 26, 2023 · 6:14 PM UTC



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668e89 No.110068

File: b2cb64bc1c9d414⋯.png (9.21 MB,2636x8588,659:2147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981730 (262225ZNOV23) Notable: Moar on Arcturus. Advisory Board has some sketchy connections, including pformer Pfizer and W.H.O. execs.

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>>110048, >>110050 (PB)

Moar on Arcturus. Advisory Board has some sketchy connections, including pformer Pfizer and W.H.O. execs.



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668e89 No.110069

File: 9e995077bb13684⋯.png (9.69 KB,593x126,593:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981741 (262227ZNOV23) Notable: Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant, per BI.

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Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant, per BI.

11:01 AM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110070

File: 18b28ceb7dfc4f3⋯.png (980.02 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 524499df19e3c67⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fe045c9c2a5a98⋯.png (141.29 KB,790x944,395:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981750 (262229ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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N100LR a1982 BOMBARDIER CL-600 Challenger

Aww. Look how stubby and cute it is, kek. We'll call it chubby.


Flight plan hidden.


Apparently the company lost three pilots quite a while in a different type. Israeli made and seems to have a history of explosions on take off. Wonder what the problem is/was?


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668e89 No.110071

File: 86a4e06bcad5bea⋯.png (31.79 KB,594x470,297:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981776 (262234ZNOV23) Notable: @GenFlynn Sadly for our country, I believe @DougAMacgregor is right about the overall atmosphere in WDC.

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General Mike Flynn


Sadly for our country, I believe @DougAMacgregor

is right about the overall atmosphere in WDC.

An atmosphere that must change.





Douglas Macgregor




Despite what you hear in the mainstream media, Washington DC is paralyzed.

Paralyzed with a mix of arrogance, ignorance and stupidity.

They have failed consistently in every single important category of foreign and defense policy.

The defense establishment is in ruins.


Show more

10:56 AM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110072

File: 928ddb9ccb2e666⋯.jpg (23.23 KB,500x274,250:137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981792 (262238ZNOV23) Notable: Brace Yourself For What's Coming In 2024: Victor Davis Hanson Warns The Left Knows They're "Cooked" If "Vampire" Trump Wins

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Brace Yourself For What's Coming In 2024: Victor Davis Hanson Warns The Left Knows They're "Cooked" If "Vampire" Trump Wins

"they look at Trump as a vampire and they put a stake in his heart but they're afraid that that stake could come out any time."

This vivid imagery sets the stage for a discussion about the intense paranoia and strategic maneuvering in the political arena, particularly among those who view Trump not just as a political rival, but as an existential threat to their vision of America.

Hanson argues that there is a perception among Trump's adversaries that he is now more formidable and justified in his anger due to perceived injustices against him:

"They are terrified of him because they think he's smarter this time and he has just cause to really get angry because of what they did to him."

They rightly fear that Trump's potential comeback would be fueled not just by political ambition, but by a personal vendetta, which could make him a more unpredictable and determined opponent.

"...if a MAGA candidate wins and they win the house and the Senate, we're cooked."


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668e89 No.110073

File: bcf986f6be9cbe2⋯.png (923.19 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: b6e2d3da6485500⋯.png (1.05 MB,1465x788,1465:788,Clipboard.png)

File: b7773dd036430b0⋯.png (595.53 KB,899x584,899:584,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c4385d6f93948⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bbc20a257ca6f13⋯.png (32.9 KB,601x397,601:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981810 (262242ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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Three USN E-6B TACAMO Airborne Command Posts are up at this time over CONUS. MATE52, COMER53, and NEVIN54. Squawks 3640, 6027, and 7066 respectively.


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668e89 No.110074

File: 5a64b02f2853c0f⋯.png (215.13 KB,643x361,643:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981887 (262253ZNOV23) Notable: Chemical Tanker Seized In Gulf Of Aden

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Regarding #24528 >>109996 (pb)

Vessel name is CENTRAL PARK, not Central Barak

Chemical Tanker Seized In Gulf Of Aden

By Aziz El Yaakoubi Reuters November 26, 2023

RIYADH, Nov 26 (Reuters) – Unidentified armed individuals have seized a tanker carrying a cargo of phosphoric acid in the Gulf of Aden on Sunday, the vessel’s managing company and a U.S. defense official said.

The incident, involving the chemical tanker Central Park, is the latest in a series of attacks in Middle Eastern waters since a brutal war between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas broke out on Oct. 7.

It followed a seizure of an Israeli-linked cargo ship by Yemen Houthis, allies of Iran, in the southern Red Sea last week. The group, which also fired ballistic missiles and armed drones at Israel, vowed to target more Israeli vessels.

“U.S. and coalition forces are in the vicinity and we are closely monitoring the situation,” the U.S. official said.

Central Park, a small chemical tanker (19,998 metric tons), is managed by Zodiac Maritime Ltd, a London-headquartered international ship management company owned by Israel’s Ofer family. The Liberian-flagged vessel was built in 2015 and is owned by Clumvez Shipping Inc, LSEG data showed.

Zodiac Maritime said in a statement Central Park, which is carrying a full cargo of phosphoric acid, was involved in a suspected piracy incident while crossing international waters, approximately 54 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia.

Phosphoric acid is mostly used for fertilizers.

“Our priority is the safety of our 22 crew onboard. The Turkish captained vessel has a multinational crew consisting of a crew of Russian, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Indian, Georgian and Filipino nationals,” the statement added.

There was no immediate comment from Houthi officials.



Israeli-Linked Tanker Seized in Act of "Piracy" in Gulf of Aden

Published Nov 26, 2023 3:02 PM by The Maritime Executive

An unidentified group has seized an Israeli-linked chemical tanker in the Gulf of Aden, about 30 nm off Yemen's southern coast, according to security consultancy Ambrey.

The tanker Central Park was boarded and captured by unknown attackers on Sunday, according to UKMTO. An American defense official has confirmed the attack to the Associated Press, and Zodiac also confirmed the incident in a statement, calling it a suspected act of "piracy."

Yemen's Houthi rebel faction has repeatedly threatened to attack vessels with ties to Israel. The Central Park is managed by Israeli shipping magnate Eyal Ofer's ship management company, London-based Zodiac Maritime. The company has previously emphasized that it is a UK-based and registered firm, with all employees in the UK and offices in the UK.

The ship's crewmembers include Turkish, Russian, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Indian, Georgian and Filipino nationals, according to Zodiac. The firm said that the tanker has a full cargo of phosphoric acid.

Central Park was on an eastbound voyage at the time of the incident, and had previously transited past the coast of Houthi-controlled northern Yemen. Ambrey reported that the ship had received radio communications from Houthi forces and an instruction to divert to the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah, which it did not obey.



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668e89 No.110075

File: 494acaea5296677⋯.png (409.79 KB,818x732,409:366,Clipboard.png)

File: 253c3e4618880e4⋯.png (318.58 KB,698x393,698:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981955 (262305ZNOV23) Notable: @AlexanderSoros propaganda machine cranked

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Alex Soros



Where Are Murder Rates Actually Higher? Not in progressive cities


Where Are Murder Rates Actually Higher?

Conservative rural America now has higher homicide and gun murder rates than liberal big cities


Nov 26, 2023 · 9:36 PM UTC



They play the victim when they are about to commit a new genocide.

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668e89 No.110076

File: e79e08ec3f53efb⋯.png (719.51 KB,969x789,323:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981990 (262310ZNOV23) Notable: CIA’s Operation Mockingbird Historical Deep Dive & The Rise Of Alternative Media

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National Security (Premium)

CIA’s Operation Mockingbird Historical Deep Dive & The Rise Of Alternative Media

Over 1,500 pages of documents inside...

By Zach Heilman

November 26, 2023

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668e89 No.110077

File: 7b708133d5fb3a4⋯.png (2.99 MB,1600x919,1600:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982030 (262320ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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CL-600 with the winglets introduced on the CL-601-1A, three built


If wikipedia is correct then Chubby is one of only three built. Rare bird.

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668e89 No.110078

File: f7618140bae25db⋯.png (713.89 KB,607x789,607:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982046 (262324ZNOV23) Notable: Thousands of Pro-Palestine protesters chanting for a ceasefire just shut down the Manhattan Bridge bringing traffic to a complete standstill.

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Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: Thousands of Pro-Palestine protesters chanting for a ceasefire just shut down the Manhattan Bridge bringing traffic to a complete standstill.



9:50 AM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110079

File: 17739bb15467133⋯.png (379.58 KB,586x597,586:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982053 (262326ZNOV23) Notable: If you missed the documentary Plot Against the President by @Amanda Milieus , based on the book by @LeeSmith, you won't find it on #Amazon. But be of good cheer. You will find it on @rumble

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Kash Patel ReTruthed






If you missed the documentary Plot Against the President by @Amanda Milieus , based on the book by @LeeSmith, you won't find it on #Amazon. But be of good cheer. You will find it on

@rumble here: rumble.com/embed/ucfsd.v83vd1/

Plot Against The President Movie - Highly Rated and Well Documented


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668e89 No.110080

File: c9690893db2025c⋯.jpg (49.73 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982132 (262344ZNOV23) Notable: Iranian-Backed Houthis Hijack Israel-Linked Ship the Central Park Tanker in Red Sea, Three ships are now under their control

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iranian-Backed Houthis Hijack Israel-Linked Ship the Central Park Tanker in Red Sea

Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized the Central Park tanker in the Red Sea on Sunday. The Liberian-flagged ship is managed by Zodiac Maritime.

Three ships are now under their control.

The Jewish Press reported: An Israeli-owned cargo ship was damaged in an Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drone attack in the Indian Ocean this past Friday. One week ago, an Israel-linked cargo ship in the southern Red Sea was also hijacked by the Houthis.

According to Lord Bebo.

The attackers seized the Liberian-flagged Central Park, managed by Zodiac Maritime, in the Gulf of Aden, the company and private intelligence firm Ambrey said. An American defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, also confirmed to The Associated Press that the attack took place.


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668e89 No.110081

File: 2ef9ace7ea7904b⋯.png (839.34 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982148 (262349ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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>Lemme know if you wanna go to Mardi Gras again, kek.


>USN E-6B TACAMO Airborne Command Post are up at this time. MATE52 Squawks 3640

MATE52 now approaching New Orleans.


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668e89 No.110082

File: bd5293ae4a353fd⋯.jpg (88.39 KB,700x700,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982169 (262352ZNOV23) Notable: Online shopping sales on Black Friday rose 7.5% this year compared to 2022, hitting a record $9.8 billion in the United States

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Black Friday online sales hit record high as shoppers stay at home

About $79 million of the Black Friday sales came from shoppers opting for the "Buy Now, Pay Later" flexible payment option, which is up 47% from last yea

Online shopping sales on Black Friday rose 7.5% this year compared to 2022, hitting a record $9.8 billion in the United States, according to a new report that comes as more consumers choose to stay home. 

Consumers are additionally willing to spend more this year than in 2022, when gas and food prices were higher, according to an Adobe Analytics report, CNBC reported Saturday.

"We’ve seen a very strategic consumer emerge over the past year where they’re really trying to take advantage of these marquee days, so that they can maximize on discounts," lead Adobe Digital Insights analyst Vivek Pandya said.

However, about $79 million of the sales came from shoppers opting for the "Buy Now, Pay Later" flexible payment option, which is up 47% from last year.


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668e89 No.110083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982462 (270048ZNOV23) Notable: #24530

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#24530 >>110064

>>110070, >>110073, >>110077, >>110081 PF

>>110065 Virginia doctor Siavash Sobhani, (born in US) loses his CITIZENSHIP after applying for new passport because his dad was Iranian diplomat

>>110066 Donald Trump Jr.'s Thanksgiving Message Sparks Backlash

>>110067 California artist creates world's largest stain-glass window for Kansas' United Methodist Church, 100 FEET long

>>110068 Moar on Arcturus. Advisory Board has some sketchy connections, including pformer Pfizer and W.H.O. execs.

>>110069 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant, per BI.

>>110071 @GenFlynn Sadly for our country, I believe @DougAMacgregor is right about the overall atmosphere in WDC.

>>110072 Brace Yourself For What's Coming In 2024: Victor Davis Hanson Warns The Left Knows They're "Cooked" If "Vampire" Trump Wins

>>110074 Chemical Tanker Seized In Gulf Of Aden

>>110075 @AlexanderSoros propaganda machine cranked

>>110076 CIA’s Operation Mockingbird Historical Deep Dive & The Rise Of Alternative Media

>>110078 Thousands of Pro-Palestine protesters chanting for a ceasefire just shut down the Manhattan Bridge bringing traffic to a complete standstill.

>>110079 If you missed the documentary Plot Against the President by @Amanda Milieus , based on the book by @LeeSmith, you won't find it on #Amazon. But be of good cheer. You will find it on @rumble

>>110080 Iranian-Backed Houthis Hijack Israel-Linked Ship the Central Park Tanker in Red Sea, Three ships are now under their control

>>110082 Online shopping sales on Black Friday rose 7.5% this year compared to 2022, hitting a record $9.8 billion in the United States


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668e89 No.110084

File: f8b33bde0466e60⋯.png (1.57 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982485 (270051ZNOV23) Notable: #24531

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Need off hand, gone @20

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668e89 No.110085

File: 69d5afc313d24ae⋯.jpeg (573.38 KB,1221x670,1221:670,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f137297670a2785⋯.jpeg (316.68 KB,1210x664,605:332,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982595 (270113ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag CONUS update

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>>109994 pb

planeFag CONUS update-those 2 SAMs arrived at LAX from JBA depart earlier, high level French AF Falcon departed NYC NE

SAM411 and 328 C-32As on ground at LAX from JBA depart earlier today

French AF CTM1275 Falcon 7x NE back to Villacoublay (French Air Cmd.) from JFK Intl

This AC left Paris and went to Dulles Intl yesterday had a ground stop there and then to JFK

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668e89 No.110086

File: 6ccb2f28144efaf⋯.mp4 (982.45 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982611 (270117ZNOV23) Notable: It's almost time for “Pandemic” 2.0!

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“Pandemic” 2.0 INCOMING



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668e89 No.110087

File: 859ea83e475e912⋯.png (29.42 KB,759x273,253:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982627 (270119ZNOV23) Notable: War Is Peace’: MSNBC Claims (Again) That Voting Is Anti-Democratic

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‘War Is Peace’: MSNBC Claims (Again) That Voting Is Anti-Democratic

One could accuse me of beating this horse to death, even gratuitously so. Fair enough.

But it’s worth emphasizing just how stupid the corporate state media thinks its viewers are — and, by extension, the public-school-educated American public generally — that it can ram down its audience’s slack-jawed throats the narrative that voting for unapproved parties or candidates is a violation of sacred Democracy™.

That’s how stupid they think their loyal Democrat viewers/readers are, that they can’t see through the most glaring contradiction in all of human history; that merely by waving hypnotically the avatar of the Orange Bad Man in front of their faces, back and forth, they can convince them that voting the wrong way makes the fascists.

If they can convince their audience that the act of voting is anti-democratic, the sky’s the limit gaslighting-wise. No contradiction is too strained to bear. Cognitive dissonance has been fully remedied by the state. The full surrender of their conscience to the hive-mind is then complete.

“War is peace.”

Orwell, once again, did not write science fiction; he was the real Nostradamus.

If you’re a decent American who doesn’t live in one of the affluent D.C. suburbs that feeds parasitically off of the American taxpayer – which is why these counties are immune to economic downturn, making them care even less, if that’s possible, about the plight of Middle America – the corporate state media is literally your enemy.

Pearl-clutchers accused Trump of hyperbole when he said so (first in 2015). But he was factually accurate, and ahead of the curve in terms of mainstream figures.


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668e89 No.110088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982636 (270121ZNOV23) Notable: Powerful Home Affairs boss Mike Pezzullo sacked after investigation into backchannel lobbying

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Powerful Home Affairs boss Mike Pezzullo sacked after investigation into backchannel lobbying

One of the most powerful figures in the public service has been sacked after leaked conversations revealed the depths of his attempts to influence the government on policy and the shape of government.

Key points:

Mike Pezzullo was a central architect and inaugural boss of the Home Affairs Department

He has been stood down on full pay pending an inquiry into his conduct

Changes to secretary pay and conditions mean Mr Pezzullo might not receive a termination payment

Mike Pezzullo, the head of the Home Affairs Department, was considered one of the most influential figures in the machinery of government even before alleged private conversations with a Liberal powerbroker exposed he had seemingly spent years using a political backchannel to influence prime ministers and undermine others.

Following the leaked text exchanges, Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil stood aside Mr Pezzullo and referred the matter to the Australian Public Service Commission to investigate.

In a statement, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the governor-general had terminated the appointment of Mr Pezzullo.

"This action was based on a recommendation to me by the secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Australian Public Service Commissioner, following an independent inquiry by Lynelle Briggs," he said.

"That inquiry found breaches of the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct by Mr Pezzullo. Mr Pezzullo fully cooperated with the inquiry."

The inquiry found Mr Pezzullo had broken the public service code of conduct on at lease 14 occasions. The breaches included:

Using his duty, power, status or authority to seek to gain a benefit or advantage for himself

Engaged in gossip and disrespectful critique of ministers and public servants

Failed to maintain confidentiality of sensitive government information

Failed to act apolitically in his employment

Failed to disclose a conflict of interest

The prime minister thanked Ms Briggs for conducting the inquiry and added that Stephanie Foster would continue to act as secretary of the department until a permanent appointment was made.


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668e89 No.110089

File: 31e1743c2ca3663⋯.png (351.02 KB,857x256,857:256,Clipboard.png)

File: fbadb35b6f7b6ac⋯.png (552.03 KB,1002x781,1002:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982666 (270129ZNOV23) Notable: NEVER FORGET: 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 – Never Explained

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NEVER FORGET: From 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained

The information was made public at a press conference by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization.

The Amistad Project said at the time that they had sworn declarations that over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.

They said that their evidence reveals multi-state illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the election in at least three of six swing states.

The whistleblower statements included potentially hundreds of thousands of completed absentee ballots being transported across three state lines, and a trailer filled with ballots disappearing in Pennsylvania.

Attorney Phil Kline said, “130,000 to 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 general election were shipped from Bethpage, NY, to Lancaster, PA, where those ballots and the trailer in which they were shipped disappeared.”

Truck driver Jesse Morgan was present at the press conference and spoke for 9 minutes about his unbelievable ordeal. Morgan was tasked with delivering completed ballots to Pennsylvania from New York State.

This was explosive testimony.

Jesse Morgan: In total I saw 24 gaylords, or large cardboard containers of ballots, loaded into my trailer. These gaylords contained plastic trays, I call them totes or trays of ballots stacked on top of each other. All the envelopes were the same size. I saw the envelopes had return addresses… They were complete ballots.”

Jesse went on to say that he sat in Harrisburg for hours, and when he was told to leave, the supervisor at the post office would not give him a slip or an overtime slip so he could get paid. Jesse said the manager-supervisor was “kinda rude.”

Jesse’s testimony revealed that United States Post Office employees were in on the conspiracy to steal the votes.


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668e89 No.110090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982677 (270131ZNOV23) Notable: Second group of hostages held by Hamas released following delay

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Second group of hostages held by Hamas released following delay

Seven Israeli children from ages 3 to 16 and six Israeli women from ages 18 to 67 were released, according to reports. 

The second round of hostages that were held captive in Gaza by Hamas were released on Saturday after a long delay. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement that 13 Israelis and four Thai nationals were released, according to CBS News. 

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed they had been freed in a statement Saturday night, saying that "after undergoing an initial medical assessment" the hostages "will continue to be accompanied by IDF soldiers as they make their way to Israeli hospitals, where they will be reunited with their families."

Seven Israeli children from ages 3 to 16 and six Israeli women from ages 18 to 67 were released, according to reports. 


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668e89 No.110091

File: 7bc08d1e7d905eb⋯.jpeg (86.66 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982734 (270142ZNOV23) Notable: Ukrainian military leadership has no plan for 2024 – senior MP (It’s over)

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26 Nov, 2023

Ukrainian military leadership has no plan for 2024 – senior MP (It’s over)

Ukraine’s military leadership wants to draft tens of thousands every month without a clear strategy, Mariana Bezuglaya says

The Ukrainian military leadership has absolutely no strategic plan for the ongoing conflict with Russia in 2024, Mariana Bezuglaya, the deputy head of the Ukrainian parliament’s security, defense and intelligence committee, said on Sunday. The top brass only want to mobilize tens of thousands of people every month without a clear understanding of what should be done in Kiev’s ongoing conflict with Moscow, she added.

==“The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has been unable to provide a [strategic] plan for 2024,”= Bezuglaya wrote in a post on her Facebook page, referring to Ukraine’s top military commander, General Valery Zaluzhny. The general has absolutely no concept of further conflict, she claimed, adding that he has no plan for any type of warfare, “either large or small… asymmetrical or symmetrical.”

Such a stance by the military leadership has been a major setback for the lawmakers planning the nation’s budget for the next year, the senior MP said. The problems had been growing both in parliament and at the military leadership’s HQ, at least since the summer, Bezuglaya revealed.

At that time, the Ukrainian military was in the midst of its much-touted large-scale military offensive launched in early June. The operation was largely unsuccessful as it did not allow Kiev’s troops to gain any major territories but led to heavy losses on the Ukrainian side in both personnel and equipment, including dozens of Western-supplied hardware like tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

According to Bezuglaya, Zaluzhny and other top commanders have so far failed to present any detailed plans for future training, troop rotation, or for the funding needed for some new brigades they supposedly planned to form.

Instead, the Ukrainian military “simply said they would need to draft no less than 20,000 citizens every month,” the senior MP added.

“If the military leadership cannot provide any plan for 2024 and all their proposals for mobilization boil down tothe fact that more people are needed without any … changes to the Armed Forces system, then this [military] leadership has to go,” Bezuglaya, who is a member of President Vladimir Zelensky’s ‘Servant of the People’ party, said.

The presidential party’s faction in parliament refused to provide any comments on Bezuglaya’s words when approached by the Ukrainian ‘Pravda’ newspaper.

In early November, Zaluzhny admitted in an interview with The Economist that the situation on the frontlines was essentially a World War I-style stalemate. He also said that Russia had an upper hand in that sort of warfare due to its superior personnel reserves and vast material resources. This assessment was later rejected by Zelensky.

The president also warned the nation’s military leadership to stay out of politics or risk harming “the unity of the nation.”

Earlier this week, Russia’s foreign intelligence service (SVR) reported that Ukraine’s Western backers have encouraged Kiev to expand draft efforts and enlist the elderly, teenagers, and women into the army. The new draft is supposedly needed to replace the heavy losses Kiev’s troops suffered in the largely unsuccessful summer counteroffensive.

(The real problem is Ukraine leadership have always been the European Mafia and are terrorists and oligarchs, so they can never lead a military operation)


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668e89 No.110092

File: 1fa454f3fc0c1ef⋯.png (309.66 KB,597x799,597:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982755 (270147ZNOV23) Notable: Did The Latest iPhone Software Update Just Compromise Your Privacy?

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iPhone users turn this off NOW!!!

Settings>General>Air drop> bringing devices together

Ht @BriEavesGFX







⚫️Did The Latest iPhone Software Update? You may want to go to “Settings/General/Airdrop” to turn off the new “Bringing Devices Together” setting.

0:15 / 0:59

2:02 PM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110093

File: 5c46e3f5bfacac4⋯.png (220.26 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982766 (270149ZNOV23) Notable: Ukrainian military leadership has no plan for 2024 – senior MP (It’s over)

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27 Nov, 2023

‘Russia will not lose’ – EU member state (He’s right you know!)

Hungary’s Viktor Orban says the West should accept the “reality” and come up with a plan B

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the US and the European Union’s strategy of funding Ukraine’s battle with Russia, in hope that an unlikely battlefield loss will bring about a regime change in Moscow, is futile.

Instead of trying to localize the conflict, the West decided to escalate, turning it global, Orban said last week at an event celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Swiss conservative weekly Weltwoche in Zurich.

“What was the strategy of the West in that war? I simplify it a little bit, but this is the fact.Our strategy was that the Ukrainians will fight and will win on the frontline. The Russians will lose… and that loss will create a change in Moscow,” he explained, according to a video of the speech published by Zoltan Kovacs, a spokesman for the Hungarian government on Sunday.

“That was the strategy: We finance, the Ukrainians fight and die,” he added. However, he said, “where we are now, it is obvious that the Ukrainians will not win on the frontline.”

“There is no solution on the battleground. Russians will not lose. There will be no political change in Moscow. This is the reality,”the Hungarian leader stated.

Zoltan Kovacs




@PM_ViktorOrban: Where we are now, it's obvious that the Ukrainians will not win on the frontline. There is no solution on the battleground. Russians will not lose. There will be no political change in Moscow. This is the reality.

“Russia will not lose, and nothing will change in its policy. Therefore, we must face reality. We must switch to Plan B,” Orban reiterated, adding that the European Union currently has no such plan.

Last week Orban reportedly demanded that the EU re-examine its strategy,warning he would oppose any further aid unless the bloc’s leaders make sure their objectives are “realistically attainable” without continued US support. “The European Council must have a frank and open discussion on the feasibility of the EU’s strategic objectives in Ukraine,”Orban wrote in a letter to European Council President Charles Michel, according to Politico.

From the very onset of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Hungarian PM has been calling for a negotiated solution, rather than prolonging the crisis and risking further escalation. While he condemned Moscow’s actions, he still repeatedly clashed with Brussels, saying that sanctions against Russia are destroying European economies.

Kiev has suffered “colossal” casualties at the front, with at least 13,700 troops and approximately 1,800 tanks and other heavy weaponry lost this month alone, according to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. In total, according to Russian estimates, Kiev has lost more than 100,000 troops since its failed counteroffensive began in early June.


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668e89 No.110094

File: a65899c53009b30⋯.jpeg (81.29 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982857 (270210ZNOV23) Notable: Germany in ‘serious crisis’ – Bavarian leader

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26 Nov, 2023 18:01

Germany in ‘serious crisis’ – Bavarian leader

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government is “completely helpless,” head of Bavaria Markus Soeder says

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his cabinet have led Germany into a “serious national crisis,” Markus Soeder, the prime minister of the nation’s most populous state, Bavaria, told journalists on Saturday. Berlin can now hardly find a way out of this predicament, the politician warned, adding that the government’s “budget emergency” would likely turn into another burden for ordinary Germans.

His words came as the federal government announced the lifting of energy-price controls by the end of the year. Limits on electricity and gas prices were introduced in 2022 to protect households and businesses from soaring prices of gas and electricity as Germany was actively slashing energy imports from Russia, along with many other EU nations. The measure was introduced in response to the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine.

The brakes were to remain in place until at least March 2024, but Berlin had to change its plans after the German Constitutional Court blocked its attempt to transfer €60 billion ($66 billion) from the Covid-19 pandemic fund to other projects.

According to Soeder, the lack of funding and the corresponding budget crisis are “nothing but this government’s emergency.” Scholz and his cabinet have absolutelyno policy plan and are “completely… mindless,” said the politician, who also leads Bavaria’s biggest party – the Christian Social Union (CSU). “This government has gone bankrupt,” he added.

“Basically, we have a government that is just reeling,”he told journalists on the sidelines of his party’s meeting in Nuremberg ahead of the EU parliament elections. Soeder also branded the declaration of the “budget emergency” byBerlin as a sign of the “complete helplessness”of the government coalition.

The head of Bavaria in particular criticized the federal government’s strategy of combating energy price hikes resulting from forgoing Russian energy supplies with mere subsidies. “The idea of just subsidizing electricity prices doesn’t work. A different energy policy is needed. That is the core of the problem,” he said, demanding that Berlin reverse its nuclear power plants’ phaseout in particular.

Now, removing the energy price brakes would lead to a high level of uncertainty for the economy and send electricity prices for both citizens and companies up, he warned.

Last year, Germany and the broader EU faced an energy crisis, largely caused by the loss of Russian gas imports due to Ukraine-related sanctions against Moscow. Berlin managed to substitute some of the gas it had previously bought from Russia, but high energy costs still weakened Germany’s economy and pushed up inflation. Germany fell into a technical recession in the first quarter of 2023 and demonstrated little recovery in the following two quarters.

(NWO Collapse thanks to Bidan)


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668e89 No.110095

File: d06f299deb50d96⋯.jpeg (258.18 KB,775x904,775:904,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19982910 (270221ZNOV23) Notable: Japan rushes to contain bird flu spread in 1st outbreak of season

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Japan rushes to contain bird flu spread in 1st outbreak of season

Authorities in southwestern Japan on Saturday rushed to contain the season's first avian influenza outbreak, identifying around 40,000 birds for culling and implementing quarantine measures for nearby farms. A highly contagious strain of the virus was detected on a poultry farm in Kashima, Saga Prefecture, prompting neighboring prefectural and national authorities to convene task forces. The Saga prefectural government said Saturday morning that bird flu cases were confirmed at a farm in Kashima, with the culling of all 40,000 birds expected to be completed by Sunday morning. The movement of about 255,000 birds at 12 poultry farms located within a 10-kilometer radius of the outbreak's epicenter and related products such as eggs was restricted, while vehicle disinfection sites were set up across the prefecture. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Minister Ichiro Miyashita said at his ministry's task force meeting that swift action will be taken to combat the virus, including by dispatching an epidemiological survey team. According to Saga prefectural authorities, an increasing number of dead chickens were reported on Friday, with the results of two basic tests coming back positive. Genetic tests later confirmed the presence of the virus.


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668e89 No.110096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983046 (270251ZNOV23) Notable: Biden economic adviser insists 'real wages have grown', says economy is 'on the right track'

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Biden economic adviser insists 'real wages have grown', says economy is 'on the right track'

Bernstein glossed over gas prices becoming far higher since Trump left the White House.

On Sunday, President Biden's economic advisor Jared Bernstein asserted that the U.S. economy was "moving on the right track."

Bernstein made the claims while appearing on "Fox News Sunday" with host Shannon Bream who pressed him on the average American suffering over high inflation; something that the United States did not experience under former President Donald Trump's administration.

Despite record-breaking inflation under the Biden admin, Bernstein insisted that "real wages have grown." Bream called out the economic adviser for misleading the public because he only cited data from within the last couple of months, which she said doesn't reveal the accurate picture.

While inflation rates may have minorly descended as of recently, the rates are still way up from when Trump was in the White House. So any measure of decrease that Bernstein cited was a decrease in inflation that had increased due to President Biden.

The transcript of the interview is as follows, courtesy of Breitbart News:

Berstein: "Well, I want to try to paint a realistic picture that's nuanced, that takes into account everything you just said. But also reflects not just what on people — what people are saying, which we have to listen to, they are the best arbiters of their economic conditions, but also what they're doing. So we're just coming out of a Black Friday, that is already setting records for online buying between 10 and 16 billion for Black Friday online."

"We are looking at consumer spending that’s been driving this economy forward posting growth rates that are north of 5 percent. We have an unemployment rate that's been below 4 percent for 21 months. Now, what that means in a period where inflation has come down by two-thirds, it peaked at 9 percent. It's now 3.2."

Bream: "And wages have not kept up."

Berstein: "So real wages have grown, real wages, in other words, wages are beating prices now. So is disposable income, by the way."

Bream: "For most of that time, they have not."

Berstein: "Correct. So I'm talking about the last four or five months. So that speaks to both. I think my argument and perhaps your argument — my argument is that we are moving on the right track, but we have a lot more work to do. The question needs to be, in regard to all these polls you just cited, are we moving in a direction that will reach the American people, give them more buying power, continues to see actual declines in gas prices? By the way, you put up a slide there, 3.79 for gas prices. That is a stale picture, Shannon. The average gas price 3.25."

Bream: "Yes, well, listen, I need to find that, you know, around here, D.C., we're not going to find that. But hopefully, out in the country, people are doing a little bit better. You talk about spending on Black Friday, which is always a good indicator to look at where people are. But we've got this headline from The Wall Street Journal this morning: "American borrowers are getting closer to maxing out." They're talking about how close people are to getting to the very last of what they have in savings or at their credit limit. So still spending, yes, but that is going to come due at some point. They say delinquencies are way up between September and October as well."

Bernstein argued about a recent decline in gas prices as a measure of Biden's success but failed to mention that the average price of gas is exponentially higher than when President Trump left the White House in 2021.

At the time of Trump's departure on Jan. 20, 2021, the average price of gasoline in the United States was $2.39 per gallon, according to data from the American Automobile Association, which is much less than the current average of $3.25.

In June 2022, the United States had the highest average gas price on record which was $5.06 per gallon, according to historical data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

In addition to high gas prices, Americans are also struggling to buy groceries as prices increase. Some Americans spend as much as 27 percent of their income on groceries, meaning that inflation strongly impacts poorer families.

The recent Thanksgiving holiday revealed that prices of many holiday staples have soared up to 60 percent, leaving families to come up with clever ways to put food on their tables this holiday season.


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668e89 No.110097

File: bf49bab9626e49c⋯.jpeg (42.35 KB,740x500,37:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: daa6cf274d957d1⋯.jpeg (210.48 KB,1555x1681,1555:1681,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983063 (270255ZNOV23) Notable: Japan PM Kishida's approval rating sinks to new low of 30%

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Japan PM Kishida's approval rating sinks to new low of 30%

(Yer gonna hafta deal with the Unification Church controlling the LDP-or they’ll put someone else in who will at least do a sham investigation as he (Kishida-San) won’t even acknowledge it-quick refresher:Abe-sans assassin blamed his mothers donations to that church for him killing Abe and they are in pocket of prolly 80% of all politicians there-Japanon would know better he runs the Japan Intl board-but I think that’s a close % and article does not mention this at all of course…at this point and never thought ISR say this but they’d be better off with the Yakuza running govt- and way moar peeps would have died during Fukushima if the Yakuza did not hand out food and clean water cuz they did so since the govt response was fuggen inept- not endorsing them but you think we’re fugged- they in way worse shape imo-just handle outward emotions and displays differently than most cultures-that is why they are fugged though because society taught them to stay quiet- been long overdue that they got “loud”)

The approval rating of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's cabinet plumbed a new low at 30%, slipping 3 percentage points from October, in the latest poll by Nikkei and TV Tokyo.

The 30% approval rating is the lowest of Kishida's time in office, which began in October 2021. It is also the lowest since his Liberal Democratic Party regained power in 2012 with Shinzo Abe's second stint as prime minister. Respondents expressing disapproval of the cabinet climbed 3 points from last month's poll to 62% - the highest dating back to the LDP's return.

Bad policies topped the reasons for disapproving of the cabinet, at 50%, followed by lack of leadership at 36%.

Among those in support, 36% pointed to the LDP-centered cabinet lineup. Trustworthiness followed at 23%. On policy priorities for the prime minister, combating inflation was the top response, at 40%, and the overall economy drew 35%. Child care, education and birthrate efforts came in at 33%.

Multiple vice ministers have resigned in separate incidents since Kishida's September cabinet reshuffle, with cases involving unpaid taxes, an extramarital affair and an alleged election law violation. Asked about the impact on the prime minister's ability to govern, 63% thought they would have an effect, while 31% did not. Respondents were asked how long Kishida, who is also LDP president, should stay in office. "Until the LDP president's term ends next September" was the top answer at 56%, while 30% wanted an "immediate change."

Support for the LDP climbed to 34% from the previous poll's 32%. The Japan Innovation Party, or Nippon Ishin no Kai, and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan were tied for second at 8% each, both down 1 point. Respondents not expressing a party preference held steady at 30%. The telephone survey was conducted by Nikkei Research from Friday through Sunday using random-digit dialing. Covering men and women 18 and older nationwide, the poll drew 869 responses, for a response rate of 40.1%.


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668e89 No.110098

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983080 (270301ZNOV23) Notable: Dan the Man, does great videos!

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Song in Background “I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord”


Dan the Man, does great videos!


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668e89 No.110099

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983218 (270334ZNOV23) Notable: MITT RINO BOOED IN HIS HOME STATE!

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Romney tries to say the “Former President had character issues”, that only got the crowd booing louder


What can I say, watching these videos cheer me up andmake me remember “Camelot”, when Trump was President and CiC. And shaming Romney everyday of the week is fully deserved!


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668e89 No.110100

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983223 (270335ZNOV23) Notable: UK gov publications: Human Augmentation–The Dawn of a New Paradigm

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Human Augmentation–The Dawn of a New Paradigm


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668e89 No.110101

File: ba665c9b66cfca7⋯.png (485.12 KB,900x762,150:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 20eb0792dfe38b4⋯.jpg (148.76 KB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983233 (270337ZNOV23) Notable: @elonmusk Language being proposed as law in Ireland means this could literally happen to you for having a meme on your phone

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Elon Musk



Language being proposed as law in Ireland means this could literally happen to you for having a meme on your phone

Sir Doge of the Coin ⚔️



When you make a meme in Ireland 🇮🇪

Nov 27, 2023 · 12:41 AM UTC


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668e89 No.110102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983236 (270338ZNOV23) Notable: Discover the role the United States played in the growth of nationalists in Ukraine

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[DECLASSIFIED] -CIA INVOLVEMENT IN UKRAINIAN NATIONALISM Discover the role the United States played in the growth of nationalists in Ukraine OPERATION BELLADONNA https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/AERODYNAMIC%20%20%20VOL.%209%20%20(DEVELOPMENT%20AND%20PLANS)_0001.pdf



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668e89 No.110103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983240 (270338ZNOV23) Notable: #24531

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#24531 >>110084

>>110085 planeFag CONUS update

>>110086 It's almost time for “Pandemic” 2.0!

>>110087 War Is Peace’: MSNBC Claims (Again) That Voting Is Anti-Democratic

>>110088 Powerful Home Affairs boss Mike Pezzullo sacked after investigation into backchannel lobbying

>>110089 NEVER FORGET: 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 – Never Explained

>>110090 Second group of hostages held by Hamas released following delay

>>110091, >>110093 Ukrainian military leadership has no plan for 2024 – senior MP (It’s over)

>>110092 Did The Latest iPhone Software Update Just Compromise Your Privacy?

>>110094 Germany in ‘serious crisis’ – Bavarian leader

>>110095 Japan rushes to contain bird flu spread in 1st outbreak of season

>>110096 Biden economic adviser insists 'real wages have grown', says economy is 'on the right track'

>>110097 Japan PM Kishida's approval rating sinks to new low of 30%

>>110098 Dan the Man, does great videos!

>>110100 UK gov publications: Human Augmentation–The Dawn of a New Paradigm


>>110101 @elonmusk Language being proposed as law in Ireland means this could literally happen to you for having a meme on your phone

>>110102 Discover the role the United States played in the growth of nationalists in Ukraine


last call

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668e89 No.110104

File: 411193ec5b43c9d⋯.png (621.02 KB,610x609,610:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983308 (270355ZNOV23) Notable: #24532

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>can continue or defer

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668e89 No.110105

File: a3d6b57f3bf12f4⋯.png (573.73 KB,1582x1015,226:145,Clipboard.png)

File: b9273d4f55dcc4b⋯.jpg (206.52 KB,1916x1078,958:539,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983351 (270406ZNOV23) Notable: Beijing rebukes Washington after warning off US warship in South China Sea

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Beijing rebukes Washington after warning off US warship in South China Sea

PLA command calls US the ‘biggest disrupter of peace’ in the region, accusing destroyer of ‘illegally’ entering waters near contested islands

It is first encounter between the powers in the disputed waters since leaders Xi Jinping and Joe Biden met in effort to manage rising tensions

Beijing hit out at Washington on the weekend, describing it as “the biggest disrupter of peace” in the South China Sea after a US warship entered waters near disputed islands.

The Chinese military said it “warned off” a US destroyer that “illegally” entered its territorial waters near the Xisha Islands, also known as the Paracels, on Saturday.

The People’s Liberation Army Southern Theatre Command said it responded by mobilising naval and air forces to “track and monitor” the US vessel in the waters, which are claimed by Beijing, Hanoi and Taipei.

“The serious violation of China’s sovereignty and security by the United States is further iron proof that it is pursuing ‘navigation hegemony’ and creating ‘militarisation of the South China Sea’,” command spokesman Tian Junli said.

“It fully proves that the United States is an out-and-out ‘security risk creator of the South China Sea’, and the ‘biggest disrupter’ of peace and stability in the South China Sea.

“Troops in the theatre remain on high alert at all times and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security and peace and stability in the South China Sea.”

A Philippine Air Force FA-50PH jet fighter, centre, joins the maritime jount patrol with the US on Tuesday. Photo: AP

The US Navy’s Seventh Fleet confirmed that the USS Hopper guided missile destroyer sailed near the Paracel Islands under “international law”, saying its operation was regular and safe.

“US forces operate in the South China Sea on a daily basis, as they have for more than a century. They routinely operate in close coordination with like-minded allies and partners that share our commitment to uphold a free and open international order that promotes security and prosperity,” the Seventh Fleet said.

“All of our operations are conducted safely, professionally, and in accordance with customary international law. The operations demonstrate that the United States will fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows – regardless of the location of excessive maritime claims and regardless of current events.”

Beijing and Manila trade blame over ‘provocative’ moves with ship collisions near disputed shoal

The operation came as the United States and the Philippines wrapped up three days of joint patrols near Taiwan, prompting strong condemnation from Beijing, which also organised live-fire drills in the area last week.

The encounter near the Paracels was the first in the area between the US and China since the presidents of the two countries met in San Francisco in a broader effort to manage rising tensions between the two powers.

The summit between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden on November 15 yielded agreements to resume top-level military-to-military communications, including telephone communications between theatre commands.

The US has been normalising military activities in the South China Sea, often keeping Beijing on high alert and occasionally resulting in dangerous encounters.

Last month, a Chinese J-11 fighter jet came within three metres (10 feet) of a US B-52 strategic bomber over the South China Sea, almost causing a “collision”, according to the US military.

The US has also teamed up with its Indo-Pacific allies for joint military operations to tackle what it calls an “increasingly assertive” Beijing in the region.

The Saturday operation by the USS Hopper coincided with the start of three days of joint patrols by Australia and the Philippines in the South China Sea.

Manila has been at the forefront of tensions with Beijing in the contested waters, and encounters between the two have increased near disputed islands such as the Second Thomas Shoal and Scarborough Shoal.


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668e89 No.110106

File: a19945cd58a6052⋯.png (472.14 KB,982x1014,491:507,Clipboard.png)

File: fc5b29b913e80bc⋯.png (362.45 KB,957x621,319:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983357 (270407ZNOV23) Notable: Chinese hackers steal chip designs from major Dutch semiconductor company

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Chinese hackers steal chip designs from major Dutch semiconductor company — perps lurked for over two years to steal NXP's chipmaking IP: Report

By Anton Shilov published 1 day ago

>The full extent of the security breach is unknown.

Chimera, a Chinese-linked hacker group, infiltrated the network of the Dutch semiconductor giant NXP and had access for over two years from late 2017 to the beginning of 2020, reports NRC. During this period, the notorious hackers reportedly stole intellectual property, including chip designs — however, the full extent of the theft is yet to be disclosed. NXP is the largest chipmaker in Europe, and the scale and extent of the reported attack is shocking.

According to the report, the breach remained undetected for roughly two and a half years while the hackers lurked in the company's network — the breach was only discovered because a similar attack occurred on the Dutch airline Transavia, a subsidiary of KLM. Hackers accessed Transavia's reservation systems in September 2019. An investigation of the Transavia hack uncovered communications with NXP IPs, which led to the discovery of the NXP hack. The attack bears all of the hallmarks of the Chimera hacking group, including the use of its ChimeRAR hacker tool.

To break into NXP, the hackers initially used credentials from previous data leaks on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook and then used brute force attacks to guess the passwords. They also bypassed double authentication measures by altering phone numbers. The hackers were patient, only checking for new data to steal every few weeks, and then snuck the data out using encrypted files uploaded to online cloud storage services, like Microsoft's OneDrive, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

NXP is a major player in the global semiconductor market and has been particularly influential after it acquired Freescale (an American company) in 2015. NXP is known for developing secure Mifare chips for public transportation in the Netherlands, but also for secure elements for the iPhone - Apple's Pay, in particular.

However, even though it confirmed the theft of its intellectual property, NXP says that the breach did not result in material damage — saying that the data stolen is complex enough that it can't be easily used to replicate designs. As such, the company didn't see the need to inform the general public, reports NRC.

Following the breach, NXP reportedly took measures to boost its network security. The company enhanced its monitoring systems and imposed stricter controls on data accessibility and transfer within the company. These steps aim to safeguard against similar incidents in the future to avoid breaches, safeguard the company's valuable intellectual assets, and maintain the integrity of its network.

But who knows what has been stolen already? Additionally, it is anyone's guess how many other semiconductor companies have been hacked yet haven't disclosed those breaches to the public.


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668e89 No.110107

File: 56644b2333425c5⋯.jpg (242.75 KB,720x1326,120:221,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ea26422a32b996⋯.mp4 (3.38 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983382 (270414ZNOV23) Notable: Hillary is a Dandelion

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I'm a Dandelion—and maybe you're one too. In the run-up to the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, join me in holding leaders accountable and commit to urgent climate action.

Women around the world are pushing for change—and where women lead, action follows.


Hillary is a Dandelion

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668e89 No.110108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983481 (270434ZNOV23) Notable: 17 Donald Trump Quotes That Are Surprisingly Brilliant

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17 Donald Trump Quotes That Are Surprisingly Brilliant

AUG 24, 2015

Whatever else he tries in life, Trump is an inspirational businessman.

Larry Kim

"Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive."

"As an entrepreneur, I choose my teachers carefully, very carefully. I am extremely cautious of the people with whom I spend my time and to whom I listen."

"Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make."

"Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser."

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable."

"I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And do you know what? When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me."

"I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's where the fun is."

"In a lot of ways it is easier to do things on a large scale. It is easier to build a skyscraper in Manhattan than it is to buy a bungalow in the Bronx. For one thing, it takes just as much time to close a big deal as it does to close a small deal. You will endure as much stress and aggravation; you will have all the same headaches and problems."

"Don't get sidetracked. If you do get sidetracked, get back on track as soon as possible. Ultimately sidetracking kills you."

"I could never have imagined that firing 67 people on national television would actually make me more popular, especially with the younger generation."

"I don't hire a lot of number-crunchers, and I don't trust fancy marketing surveys. I do my own surveys and draw my own conclusions."

"The point is that if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you."

"Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll love it up here."

"Watch, listen, and learn. You can't know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity."

"Criticism is easier to take when you realize that the only people who aren't criticized are those who don't take risks."

"Entrepreneurs are always taking feedback, especially from their customers, bankers, workers, and sales force. Without straightforward feedback, entrepreneurs cannot make sound decisions."

"Do not spend too much time planning or trying to anticipate and solve problems before they happen. That is just another kind of excuse for procrastination. Until you start, you won't know where the problems will occur. You won't have the experience to solve them. Instead, get into action, and solve the problems as they arise."


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668e89 No.110109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983518 (270448ZNOV23) Notable: Carrier USS Eisenhower Enters Persian Gulf

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Carrier USS Eisenhower Enters Persian Gulf


Published Nov 26, 2023 3:43 PM by The Maritime Executive

On Sunday, the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group transited through the Strait of Hormuz and into the Persian Gulf, sending a clear message to Iran about American intentions to defend maritime security.

"While in the Arabian Gulf, the IKECSG are patrolling to ensure freedom of navigation in key international waterways while supporting CENTCOM requirements throughout the region," said Central Command in a statement.

The carrier's transit through this maritime flashpoint follows shortly after news of attacks on two Israeli-linked vessels, the boxship CMA CGM Symi and the product tanker Central Park.

USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and her escorts were first dispatched to the Eastern Mediterranean and were expected to relieve USS Gerald R. Ford. However, as Israel's campaign against Iran-backed terrorist organization Hamas continued in Gaza, the Pentagon extended the Ford Carrier Strike Group's deployment.

Ford remains on station in the Eastern Mediterranean to deter Iran-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which has previously used rockets and missiles to attack Israel during periods of heightened tension. During the current period of fighting, Hezbollah has not joined the conflict at full scale, though border clashes have occurred.

While Ford remained on station, Eisenhower headed south through the Suez Canal on November 4 (top). She transited the Strait of Bab El-Mandeb and headed onwards to the Arabian Sea, where she could provide deterrence against further Iranian involvement in the conflict.

According to USNI, the decision to send Eisenhower through the closely-watched Strait of Hormuz marks a break from recent policy. During the long years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. maintained two carriers in the Persian Gulf to provide air support and deterrence. However, the Navy has not had any carrier presence there since 2021, when Nimitz exited for the last time.

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668e89 No.110110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983556 (270501ZNOV23) Notable: Background checks now required for New Yorkers buying ammunition

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Background checks now required for New Yorkers buying ammunition


SYRACUSE, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — Regular deer season opens up Saturday morning in New York’s southern zone, which includes Central New York. However, a new law could impact their supply of ammunition.

Hunters are heading to gun shops, gearing up for deer season.

“It’s definitely picking up. A lot of people wait until the last minute,” said David Steinberg, owner of the Sporting Department at Ra-Lin’s in Syracuse.

New York’s most popular hunting season begins Saturday

But a new law requiring New Yorkers to go through a background check to buy ammunition for their gun could have you waiting even longer. It’s all part of the Concealed Carry Improvement Act passed last year by Governor Kathy Hochul. The new law has only been in effect for about two months now, but Steinberg says it’s been a time-consuming process for not only him but also his customers.

“A lot of times, it’s five to 10 minutes. Other times, you put it in the computer, and you get an answer. Sometimes it could be a two to three-day delay,” said Steinberg.

The sheriff’s office in Oswego County is also feeling the impact.

“In some cases, it could have been a day long. In the beginning, the sheriff’s department was locked out when they were trying to transfer between the two systems,” said Terry Wilbur, Oswego County Clerk.

That delay has since been resolved. The background check process has significantly picked up in Oswego County. But Steinberg says some people are having to wait longer than expected.

“Hunting season times we’re busy or like Black Friday next week when the system is busy, it could be just a delay because the computer system can’t handle it all,” said Steinberg.

Since the law went into effect in September, Steinberg says this has been the busiest week for ammunition sales, with about three background checks being done a day.

“When we put it in the computer, they pretty much need the same information if someone is buying a firearm so that’s the paperwork we use and just write on it, ammunition, make, model, and serial number of the ammunition they’re buying, put it in the computer, all of their information, and it’s time-consuming,” said Steinberg.

If you’re looking to buy ammunition, Steinberg has some advice for buyers.

“Be patient and shop early,” said Steinberg.

For the first time this year, rifle hunting for deer and bear will be legally permitted in Onondaga County beginning Saturday, Nov. 17, until Sunday, Dec. 10.

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668e89 No.110111

File: 050bc3ad011977d⋯.png (355.56 KB,965x1063,965:1063,Clipboard.png)

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File: e38c35e38ac3496⋯.png (366.65 KB,792x1296,11:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983568 (270507ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump RTs

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Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 11/26/2023 23:58:27

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111480740736120497

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 11/26/2023 23:58:59

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111480742827503166

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 11/26/2023 23:59:59

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111480746802984446

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 11/27/2023 00:00:33

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111480748968991094

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 11/27/2023 00:00:59

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111480750681020392

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668e89 No.110112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983609 (270517ZNOV23) Notable: "BREAKING. US Navy Rescues Hijacked Israeli-Managed Oil Tanker and Captures Houthi Pirates"

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"BREAKING. US Navy Rescues Hijacked Israeli-Managed Oil Tanker and Captures Houthi Pirates"


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668e89 No.110113

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983629 (270526ZNOV23) Notable: Hunter Biden demands top prosecutor investigates former business partner Tony Bobulinski for 'lying to the FBI' about 'big guy'

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Hunter Biden demands top prosecutor investigates former business partner Tony Bobulinski for 'lying to the FBI' about 'big guy' Joe getting 10% in a deal with China

3 November 2023

Lawyer's letter says Tony Bobulinski was not present at key 2017 meeting

And he later raised the idea of a cut for the 'big guy' with another associate

Lawyer says they have evidence that Bobulinski lied to the FBI to smear Bidens

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668e89 No.110114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983810 (270635ZNOV23) Notable: Drug kingpin with El Chapo ties shot dead in Los Angeles two days ago

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Nov. 25, 2023 / 8:03 PM

Drug kingpin with El Chapo ties shot dead in Los Angeles


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668e89 No.110115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983814 (270637ZNOV23) Notable: Russia put a Meta employee on a wanted list after designating the company a 'terrorist and extremist' organization

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Russia put a Meta employee on a wanted list after designating the company a 'terrorist and extremist' organization


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668e89 No.110116

File: a450aaf9c5e57c8⋯.gif (1.78 MB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19983829 (270644ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's organized looters have cost NYC over 4.4b in stolen property this year

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668e89 No.110117

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984074 (270808ZNOV23) Notable: MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza

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More body cam video of DC police errantly tossing stun grenades into crowd outside on Jan 6.

full Rumble video attached

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668e89 No.110118

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984080 (270810ZNOV23) Notable: MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza

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MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza

full video



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668e89 No.110119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984084 (270812ZNOV23) Notable: NFL RedZone Studio Evacuated, Emergency Sirens Blast During Live Game

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NFL RedZone Studio Evacuated, Emergency Sirens Blast During Live Game

Football fans watching the NFL RedZone broadcast of the Buffalo Bills vs. the Philadelphia Eagles were quite confused when an emergency alarm started to sound off during the middle of the live broadcast.

NFL RedZone Host Scott Hansen was calling the game when all of a sudden, an alarm started to sound in the background of the NFL RedZone studio in Inglewood, California.

Hanson, entirely shocked by the alarm, told viewers, “This is the first in my twenty-something years of broadcasting career.”

He continued, “We have an alarm going off in the studios of NFL RedZone right now, in our studios here in Inglewood, California. We are being told we need to evacuate the building. We do not know the nature of the emergency.”


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668e89 No.110120

File: f7a15c61984fbdb⋯.jpg (44.29 KB,768x453,256:151,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984092 (270814ZNOV23) Notable: NEVER FORGET: From 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained

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NEVER FORGET: From 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained (VIDEO)

The information was made public at a press conference by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization.

The Amistad Project said at the time that they had sworn declarations that over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.

They said that their evidence reveals multi-state illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the election in at least three of six swing states.


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668e89 No.110121

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984100 (270817ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's organized looters have cost NYC over 4.4b in stolen property this year

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Retailers Lost Over $4.4 Billion in Democrat-Run New York Due to Organized Shoplifting

Organized shoplifting has impacted New York retailers greatly. The Democrat-run state and its soft-on-crime policies have resulted in huge losses for businesses.

In 2022, there was an estimated $4.4 billion loss for retailers across the state of New York. Store owners are not happy about Governor Hochul’s approach to handling this situation.

Democrat Governor Hochul recently vetoed a bill that would have facilitated the issue of dealing with organized theft rings. A spokesperson for the Governor said the $35 million cost for the proposal was not in the budget.


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668e89 No.110122

File: b5a3542a8f19d45⋯.jpg (54.25 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984101 (270818ZNOV23) Notable: Treasury fines Binance $3.4 billion for failure to report suspicious activity by terrorists

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Treasury fines Binance $3.4 billion for failure to report suspicious activity by terrorists

Cryptocurrency firm accused of failing to implement programs to prevent and report suspicious transactions.

The U.S. Department of Treasury has levied a $3.4 billion fine against Binance Holdings, Ltd. in a settlement with the world's biggest cryptocurrency exchange for failure to prevent and report suspicious transactions with terrorist organizations.

Binance was accused by the Treasury of failing to implement programs to prevent and report suspicious transactions involving terrorist groups such as Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades, Al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The U.S. Justice Department stated in a media release last week that one Binance compliance employee joked in a February 2019 chat that the company needed a banner that said, "is washing drug money too hard these days – come to binance; we got cake for you."

“Binance turned a blind eye to its legal obligations in the pursuit of profit," Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said in a media release. "Its willful failures allowed money to flow to terrorists, cybercriminals, and child abusers through its platform. Today’s historic penalties and monitorship to ensure compliance with U.S. law and regulations mark a milestone for the virtual currency industry."


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668e89 No.110123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984146 (270851ZNOV23) Notable: #24532

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#24532 >>110104

>>110105 Beijing rebukes Washington after warning off US warship in South China Sea

>>110106 Chinese hackers steal chip designs from major Dutch semiconductor company

>>110107 Hillary is a Dandelion

>>110108 17 Donald Trump Quotes That Are Surprisingly Brilliant

>>110109 Carrier USS Eisenhower Enters Persian Gulf

>>110110 Background checks now required for New Yorkers buying ammunition

>>110111 @realDonaldTrump RTs

>>110121, >>110116 Hochul's organized looters have cost NYC over 4.4b in stolen property this year

>>110112 US Navy Rescues Hijacked Israeli-Managed Oil Tanker and Captures Houthi Pirates"

>>110113 Hunter Biden demands top prosecutor investigates former business partner Tony Bobulinski for 'lying to the FBI' about 'big guy'

>>110114 Drug kingpin with El Chapo ties shot dead in Los Angeles two days ago

>>110115 Russia put a Meta employee on a wanted list after designating the company a 'terrorist and extremist' organization

baker change

>>110112 "BREAKING. US Navy Rescues Hijacked Israeli-Managed Oil Tanker and Captures Houthi Pirates"

>>110117, >>110118 MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza

>>110119 NFL RedZone Studio Evacuated, Emergency Sirens Blast During Live Game

>>110120 NEVER FORGET: From 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained

>>110122 Treasury fines Binance $3.4 billion for failure to report suspicious activity by terrorists



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668e89 No.110124

File: cdfa91cea8d4359⋯.png (37.3 KB,219x299,219:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984149 (270853ZNOV23) Notable: #24533

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tired baker, this bread is ghosted

ty anons for your contributions


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668e89 No.110125

File: eca2fc408ac3fc3⋯.png (1.11 MB,1246x605,1246:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984219 (271001ZNOV23) Notable: American Spectator: The High Price of Gaslighting

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Bidenomics: The High Price of Gaslighting

American Spectator, by David Catron

Posted By: Garnet, 11/27/2023 12:49:42 AM

Anyone still wondering why voters trust former President Trump more than President Biden on the economy should read what the White House posted on X about inflation last week: “Ahead of the holiday season, costs are down for everything from airline tickets and car rentals to toys and TVs.” Biden and his underlings continue to believe public disapproval of his disastrous economic performance can be improved with happy talk and cherry picked statistics. It assumes Americans can’t remember how much less the cost of living was when Biden was elected.

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668e89 No.110126

File: d98e607ed6b70ae⋯.png (301.89 KB,591x746,591:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984268 (271039ZNOV23) Notable: Ezra Cohen Repost re: OSINT defender and arrest of Houthi pirates

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The USS Mason (DDG-87) an Arleigh Burke-Class Guided-Missile Destroyer of the U.S. Navy with the Assistance of a Destroyer of the Japanese Navy and Helicopter Gunships was able to Capture several Houthi Terrorists today who were attempting to Hijack the Israeli-Linked Oil Tanker “Central Park” while it was off the Coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden; the Crew of the “Central Park” during the Hijacking were able to Lock themselves in a Safe Room and send out a Distress Signal which was picked up by the Ships of the U.S. and Japanese Navy who were nearby. The Terrorists then Abandoned the Tanker and tried to Flee back towards Yemen which is when they were Intercepted and Arrested, during which only Warning Shots were Fired by Naval Personnel.


12:43 PM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110127

File: fc8f5a7738d2428⋯.png (255.57 KB,539x504,77:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984269 (271039ZNOV23) Notable: First German village throws out “refugees” (Nov. 23rd)

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First German village throws out “refugees”.

The reason for this are incidents related to migrants. Specifically, it concerns sexual harassment, burglaries and thefts.


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668e89 No.110128

File: 5e0b019ad818616⋯.png (203.77 KB,385x327,385:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984274 (271043ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland's Green Party Senator O'Reilly: "We are restricting freedom for the common good."

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NEW - Ireland's Green Party Senator O'Reilly: "We are restricting freedom for the common good."


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668e89 No.110129

File: 80ad788f0b291c9⋯.png (204.64 KB,390x501,130:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984277 (271045ZNOV23) Notable: Boris Johnson's father: If that means some of us are told 'well you can't go on a plane' - That's part of the national plan

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Stanley Johnson—the elitist, depopulation obsessed father of Boris Johnson—admits it's "part of the national plan" that the peasants will no longer be able to fly, under the incoming 'carbon allowance' system.

"If that means, actually, some of us are told 'well you can't go on a plane', that's fine. That's part of the national plan."

Remember the people who got injected so they could travel?

Credit to @wideawake_media on X.

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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668e89 No.110130

File: 6c3364d83695a21⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,456x256,57:32,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984286 (271049ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland's Green Party Senator O'Reilly: "We are restricting freedom for the common good."

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668e89 No.110131

File: d8bea7763824a81⋯.png (833.41 KB,889x827,889:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984288 (271049ZNOV23) Notable: Arabic Becoming ‘Second Language’ in France

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Monday, November 27, 2023

10 hours ago

Jake Welch


Arabic Becoming ‘Second Language’ in France.

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668e89 No.110132

File: 846f3e2112f74c6⋯.png (350.76 KB,1075x923,1075:923,Clipboard.png)

File: cff802b36b26821⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,480x294,80:49,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984408 (271141ZNOV23) Notable: NY Resident on FOX live: "They will never be allowed to walk down the streets again" (vid)

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FOX LIVE: New York Resident Loses It & Exposes The Truth Behind Illegal Immigrants Being Imported Into America. Fox News Chooses To Cut Away

“This is up to us. This is up to each and every one of us to stand up. Nobody's coming here for us. Right. We're here for ourselves. If we don't get up and fight for our city, nobody's coming for us. They're coming to destroy it. The reason why they're here is to steal our votes. Right. They're not we're not gonna be able to live there stealing our votes, our kids' future, my birthright, our United States is great city that I refuse to leave.

Do you understand? Nobody's coming for us. These Officials aren't even elected. They're using absentee ballots. They're being selected.”

Reporter “What did you think that AOC, um, you know, when she came out and other members of Congress, and they had this press conference. What do you think about their comment?”

New York Resident“They will never be allowed to walk down the streets again.They have destroyed our city, and New York, especially, Queens has woken up.”


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668e89 No.110133

File: fe1fe88f77c233e⋯.jpeg (930.09 KB,918x901,54:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2aa8860c68aa255⋯.jpeg (148.32 KB,1125x1152,125:128,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984429 (271149ZNOV23) Notable: Barclays Bank locks superglued by Extinction Rebellion as more than 40 branches targeted

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It’s “SuperGlue Your Banks Door Lock Monday”

Barclays Bank locks superglued by Extinction Rebellion as more than 40 branches targeted




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668e89 No.110134

File: 679b627000a1737⋯.jpeg (118.14 KB,634x422,317:211,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f41e9a9f01bdede⋯.jpeg (101.09 KB,800x552,100:69,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984444 (271154ZNOV23) Notable: Mask-wearing crowds piling into an 'overwhelmed' Beijing hospital - fears over mystery pneumonia sweeping country

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Today’s MSM Health Scare Event

Footage shows mask-wearing crowds piling into an 'overwhelmed' Beijing hospital amid fears over mystery pneumonia sweeping country - but China insists flu and usual winter bugs are to blame, NOT a new virus


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668e89 No.110135

File: 672a1b7adc8d28f⋯.jpg (177.3 KB,581x1090,581:1090,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2491cf5a9fe3448⋯.jpg (244.97 KB,1179x1494,131:166,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984462 (271200ZNOV23) Notable: @OliLondonTV: Elon and Bibi at Kfar Aza, Israel

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Elon Musk and Israeli PM inspect a babies crib in Kfar Aza, Israel.

62 people were killed in the Kibbutz on Oct 7th including children.

Dozens of residents went missing.

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668e89 No.110136

File: a5d69f2d2c98a7b⋯.jpg (161.6 KB,720x817,720:817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984481 (271205ZNOV23) Notable: Suspect arrested in possible hate crime shooting of 3 Palestinian college students in Vermont

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Suspect arrested in possible hate crime shooting of 3 Palestinian college students in Vermont


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668e89 No.110137

File: 9e05f1762336971⋯.png (142.23 KB,1166x266,583:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984632 (271318ZNOV23) Notable: UK records "first human case" of new swine flu variant — Sun

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JUST IN - UK records "first human case" of new swine flu variant — Sun


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668e89 No.110138

File: 8d81fa6361c892c⋯.png (528.29 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984696 (271336ZNOV23) Notable: White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records

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at&t is the debil

White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records


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668e89 No.110139

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984792 (271402ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/27/2023

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/27/2023



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668e89 No.110140

File: d4e65828767f3d6⋯.png (963.26 KB,882x1086,147:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 07566bea65b1aa2⋯.jpg (230.97 KB,1024x1216,16:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984796 (271404ZNOV23) Notable: White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records

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>at&t is the debil

akaProject Hemisphere

DEA supplied with access to vast database of AT&T phone records

Project Hemisphere, which was detailed in slides supplied to The New York Times, included access to phone logsdating back 26 years.

Steven Musil

Sept. 2, 2013 9:54 a.m. PT

U.S. law enforcement officials working on counter-narcotics operations have had routine access to AT&T's enormous database of Americans' phone records dating back more than 25 years, according to a New York Times report.

The Hemisphere Project involves a close relationship in which the government has paid company employees to supply drug-enforcement officials with phone data dating back as far as 1987, the Times reported. The partnership, which began in 2007, is reportedly similar but separate from the National Security Agency's controversial data-collection programs revealed earlier this year.

However, unlike the NSA's collection of phone logs, the data covered by Hemisphere is stored by the company with access granted via administrative subpoena. The database, which includes records on every call that passes through the company's network, not just AT&T customers, grows by 4 billion records a day.

Details of the program were revealed in a 27-slide PowerPoint presentation provided to the newspaper by peace activist Drew Hendricks, who received the information in response to public information requests. The slides were marked "law enforcement sensitive" and indicate that the program was to be carried out in great secrecy.

"All requestors are instructed to never refer to Hemisphere in any official document," one slide states.

The Obama administration acknowledged and defended the use of the database but said the program represented no privacy risk.

"Subpoenaing drug dealers' phone records is a bread-and-butter tactic in the course of criminal investigations," Justice Department spokesperson Brian Fallon told the Times. The program "simply streamlines the process of serving the subpoena to the phone company so law enforcement can quickly keep up with drug dealers when they switch phone numbers to try to avoid detection," he said.

AT&T told CNET that it could not comment on the report but indicated it was bound by government requests for data.

"While we cannot comment on any particular matter, we, like all other companies, must respond to valid subpoenas issued by law enforcement," an AT&T spokesperson said in a statement.


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668e89 No.110141

File: d23af5f30619fc0⋯.png (76.56 KB,1195x519,1195:519,Clipboard.png)

File: 318ff0e754156b0⋯.pdf (1.95 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 2d55de46ca34665⋯.png (69.98 KB,1173x508,1173:508,Clipboard.png)

File: 42b49ae449d6c89⋯.png (63.86 KB,1139x509,1139:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984839 (271418ZNOV23) Notable: White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records

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Hemisphere Summary The Hemisphere Project is coordinated from the Los Angeles Clearinghouse and is funded by ONDCP and DEA. Hemisphere provides electronic call detail records (CDRs) in response to federal, state, and local administrative/grand jury subpoenas. The Hemisphere database contains CDRs for any telephone carrier that uses an AT&T switch to process a telephone call. Hemisphere is an unclassified program. Hemisphere provides de-confliction within the Hemisphere database. 4 billion CDRs populate the Hemisphere database on a daily basis


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668e89 No.110142

File: e479ff2fe5d6393⋯.png (74.86 KB,1088x552,136:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984859 (271424ZNOV23) Notable: White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records

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>The NSA should be disbanded

>SCOTUS ruled bulk collection of data is unconstitutional

>NSA is proof government employees are useless scum

Drug Agents Use Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.S.A.’s

By Scott Shane and Colin Moynihan

Sept. 1, 2013

For at least six years, law enforcement officials working on a counternarcotics program have had routine access, using subpoenas, to an enormous AT&T database that contains the records of decades of Americans’ phone calls — parallel to but covering a far longer time than the National Security Agency’s hotly disputed collection of phone call logs.

The Hemisphere Project, a partnership between federal and local drug officials and AT&T that has not previously been reported, involves an extremely close association between the government and the telecommunications giant.

The government pays AT&T to place its employees in drug-fighting units around the country. Those employees sit alongside Drug Enforcement Administration agents and local detectives and supply them with the phone data from as far back as 1987.

The project comes to light at a time of vigorous public debate over the proper limits on government surveillance and on the relationship between government agencies and communications companies. It offers the most significant look to date at the use of such large-scale data for law enforcement, rather than for national security.

The scale and longevity of the data storage appears to be unmatched by other government programs, including the N.S.A.’s gathering of phone call logs under the Patriot Act. The N.S.A. stores the data for nearly all calls in the United States, including phone numbers and time and duration of calls, for five years.

Hemisphere covers every call that passes through an AT&T switch — not just those made by AT&T customers — and includes calls dating back 26 years, according to Hemisphere training slides bearing the logo of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. Some four billion call records are added to the database every day, the slides say; technical specialists say a single call may generate more than one record. Unlike the N.S.A. data, the Hemisphere data includes information on the locations of callers.

The slides were given to The New York Times by Drew Hendricks, a peace activist in Port Hadlock, Wash. He said he had received the PowerPoint presentation, which is unclassified but marked “Law enforcement sensitive,” in response to a series of public information requests to West Coast police agencies.

The program was started in 2007, according to the slides, and has been carried out in great secrecy.






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668e89 No.110143

File: 654f5629f880076⋯.png (1.19 MB,680x2306,340:1153,Clipboard.png)

File: b57112d9c1e0184⋯.png (269.55 KB,1260x552,105:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984881 (271429ZNOV23) Notable: White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records

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>Drug Agents Use Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.S.A.’s

Breitbart article mentionsHemisphereand sauce for their artricle is a Wired investigation here


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668e89 No.110144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984951 (271456ZNOV23) Notable: #24533

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final bun for #24533

>>>/qresearch/19984936 o7

backup baker in the bullpen?

hold em n czech em

#24533 >>110124

>>110125 American Spectator: The High Price of Gaslighting

>>110126 Ezra Cohen Repost re: OSINT defender and arrest of Houthi pirates

>>110127 First German village throws out “refugees” (Nov. 23rd)

>>110128, >>110130 Ireland's Green Party Senator O'Reilly: "We are restricting freedom for the common good."

>>110129 Boris Johnson's father: If that means some of us are told 'well you can't go on a plane' - That's part of the national plan

>>110131 Arabic Becoming ‘Second Language’ in France

>>110132 NY Resident on FOX live: "They will never be allowed to walk down the streets again" (vid)

>>110133 Barclays Bank locks superglued by Extinction Rebellion as more than 40 branches targeted

>>110134 Mask-wearing crowds piling into an 'overwhelmed' Beijing hospital - fears over mystery pneumonia sweeping country

>>110135 @OliLondonTV: Elon and Bibi at Kfar Aza, Israel

>>110136 Suspect arrested in possible hate crime shooting of 3 Palestinian college students in Vermont

>>110137 UK records "first human case" of new swine flu variant — Sun

>>110138, >>110140, >>110141, >>110142, >>110143 White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records

>>110139 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/27/2023

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668e89 No.110145

File: 4da6a46acc3d02a⋯.png (369.14 KB,637x477,637:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984979 (271502ZNOV23) Notable: #24534

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

ready to taker the naker caker?

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668e89 No.110146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19984995 (271508ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country...

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Donald J. Trump


Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat’s Radical Left “Disinformation Machine,” go wild saying that “Trump doesn’t know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired.” No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country. Also, and as reported, I just took a cognitive test as part of my Physical Exam, and ACED it. Also ACED (a perfect score!) one taken while in the White House. Biden should take one so we can determine why he wants Open Borders, No Energy Independence, A Woke Military, High Inflation, No Voter I.D., Men playing In Women’s Sports, Only Electric Cars & Trucks, A Weaponized DOJ/FBI, and so many other CRAZY things!!!





Nov 27, 2023, 8:08 AM



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668e89 No.110147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985008 (271509ZNOV23) Notable: Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

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November 27, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day


Brown v. United States (22-6389)

Jackson, v. United States (22-6640)



Supreme Court




Brown v. United States Oral Argument

The Supreme Court hears oral argument in Brown v. United States, a consolidated case on criminal law and the definition of “serious drug offense.”


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668e89 No.110148

File: 8a486d63238fc20⋯.jpeg (309.04 KB,1146x1650,191:275,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d9d34b7c5808842⋯.jpeg (462.39 KB,1089x1584,11:16,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985058 (271525ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI: Trump Wrecks DeSantis in Email Featuring Thigh-High Boot Meme

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Trump Wrecks DeSantis in Email Featuring Thigh-High Boot Meme

Ben Bartee2:43 PM on November 25, 2023

I don’t care what anyone says: Trump still has it.

Maybe his cachet is diminished a bit due to Operation Warp Speed and a hundred other scandals, some legitimate but most ginned up by his opponents; maybe the endless political prosecutions have taken their toll; maybe he’s weather-beaten from years of living in the shadow of the Deep State with the biggest target on his back possible.

Regardless, he’s still got that free-wheeling, no-holds-barred, shoot-from-the-hip style that made him the undisputed leader of the party, as showcased by a fan’s brutal meme of Ron DeSantis that he turned into a campaign email.

A doctored image of DeSantis in thigh-high hooker boots appears below text that reads:

“Whoever photoshopped this image should be ashamed of themselves. We don’t condone editing a photo of Ron with pleather thigh-high boots. Do not send this picture around”.

(Kek, “Chris Christie is NOT a Fat Pig!” statement)

The enduring appeal of Trump —what skyrocketed him from 1% in the polls when he initially launched his 2015 campaign (many assume he started with a commanding lead, forgetting he started from the metaphorical bottom of that escalator) to the far-and-away winner in a short matter of weeks — is that he has an unrivaled capacity for stripping politicians of all of their put-on, unearned dignity.

The American people as a whole, and the GOP base in particular, hate the professional political class with a burning passion. This is evidenced, among many other proofs, in the pitiful polling numbers of all of Trump’s competitors, who are largely seen universally as products of the ruling elite.

In the case of, for instance, Chris Christie and weapons contractor-funded Nikki Haley, charges of being donor creations are entirely accurate.

Whether DeSantis fits neatly into that category is debatable (he is the product of the Ivy League but has postured and, to his credit, largely governed in many ways as a populist), but he’s certainly earned the reputation as a standard GOP politician over the last several months.

Allowing the consultants to carefully try to manage his image instead of just letting it rip in the way that Trump doesn’t hasn’t done any favors to his reputation as a political robot.

Neither has very obviously wearing heels in an apparent sad attempt to boost his height.

DeSantis fans can deny it until the cows come home, but the dead giveaway, as explained in the Tweet below, is the ratio of Ron’s shins to his thighs. That is not natural.


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668e89 No.110149

File: e46de4164905074⋯.png (267.59 KB,682x564,341:282,Clipboard.png)

File: 578ad6bfffba15c⋯.jpg (175.22 KB,1129x670,1129:670,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985061 (271526ZNOV23) Notable: Potus seeking some interdasting Discovery items

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Fresh Julie Kelly

Potus seeking some interdasting Discovery items

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸



Whoo boy-last week, Trump's lawyers in J6 case filed a 9-page discovery letter seeking lots of records from Special Counsel and DOJ related to 2020 election and Jan 6.

Some highlights:

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668e89 No.110150

File: aebe76b3ff00d75⋯.png (407.39 KB,600x1011,200:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985065 (271527ZNOV23) Notable: Potus seeking some interdasting Discovery items

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Desimps were on Julie's case last night. She's ripping on Van der Platts

"closing the sale"

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668e89 No.110151

File: 7d4b4e248631d3a⋯.jpeg (48.37 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985069 (271528ZNOV23) Notable: Wait, The FBI Had 40 Confidential Informants Tracking the Biden Family's Shady Deeds

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Wait, The FBI Had 40 Confidential Informants Tracking the Biden Family's Shady Deeds

Matt Vespa. Nov. 26, 2023

There’s been a war, and Hamas terrorists and their supporters are coming out of the woodwork, so this story got buried. If you’re Joe Biden, you’re probably happy about it. The media can fawn over how you were supposedly pivotal about this recent Israel-Hamas hostage ceasefire based on hostage releases.

However, none of the Americans held by the terrorists have been set free. Anyway, it’s better to get knocked for that than being besieged by questions surrounding the FBI’s army of informants feeding information about you and your family’s alleged shady deeds to those in the J. Edgar Hoover Building. The FBI reportedly has not one but 40 people feeding them information about the Biden family. Is that normal? Does that sound like things are kosher regarding their business dealings? As you’d expect, the FBI was able to shut down some of the reporting on these leads by waving the magic wand and saying “foreign disinformation” (via Fox News):

The FBI maintained more than 40 confidential human sources on various criminal matters related to the Biden family, including Joe Biden,dating back to his time as vice president, according to information obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

The confidential human sources "provided criminal information to the FBI relating to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden." Those confidential human sources were managed by multiple FBI field offices across the nation, including the FBI’s Seattle Field Office.

But Grassley learned that an FBI task force within the Washington Field Office sought to, and in some cases, successfully, shut down reporting and information from those sources by falsely discrediting the information as foreign disinformation. That effort "caused investigative activity to cease."

However, despite those efforts by the FBI task force, Grassley said in at least one instance, a confidential human source and its information had been vetted by multiple U.S. attorneys' offices, which found "no hits to known sources of Russian disinformation."

The revelations were laid out in a letter Grassley wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray ... The letter was exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital.

(Body language: Bongino says when Bidan touches his eye or nose, he’s telling a whopping lie. He has other tells also, “I swear to god it’s true”)


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668e89 No.110152

File: f92ffd3422e9cf5⋯.jpeg (670.06 KB,1228x600,307:150,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 82c46e00dc0b6c5⋯.jpeg (430.71 KB,1194x613,1194:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3266195e17e2ad5⋯.jpeg (306.18 KB,760x479,760:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985090 (271535ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag: Europe and eastern Med activity

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planeFag: Europe and eastern Med activity-Musk in Tel Aviv w/German President and sucking up to Nutty Asshoe and muh anti-semitism-ProTip: not semites

Dutch AF MMF49 A330 and Polish AF PLF110 737 departed Rzsesow Airport NE-Polish AC went to Gdansk

Germans busy right now

German AF GAF711 Neo321 SW from Kanaus, Latvia

German AF GAF733 Global Explorer ES from Bonn (Luftwaffe home base) heading to Tel Aviv and also have GAF955 A350President Walter Steinmeirreturning to Tel Aviv after spending weekend at Cyprus

SAM357 G5 left JBA late last night and went to Ramstein AFB

AE67C0 US Navy P8 Poseidon leaving western Black Sea after getting a fill up from RAF RRR9954 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) from Cyprus

QID11 KC135 tanker over Adriatic refueling F16s from Aviano AFB

Cap 2

And speaking of Tel Avivwe haveElon MuskN628TS G650 on ground at Ben Gurion Intl as the German President has just landed from Cyprus

Elon Musk begins wartime visit to Israel


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668e89 No.110153

File: 1f466813e3a4752⋯.jpeg (374.72 KB,1094x1573,1094:1573,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d44b0ca0dbb52c2⋯.jpeg (588.13 KB,1096x2435,1096:2435,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc7c9eb62b31ced⋯.jpeg (468.42 KB,1118x1642,559:821,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985124 (271547ZNOV23) Notable: REDO of 2014 Massive Porno Bust At Bill Gates’ House

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Massive Porno Bust At Bill Gates’ House

Nov. 26, 2023

This story is actually from 2014, but it wasn’t covered much back then….

And it seems VERY relevant now.

And I bet you haven’t seen it before either, so I’m covering it again.

Let me lay out the story and then you can tell me if you’re buying this:

Here’s the short summary: in 2014, an “engineer” at the Gates home compound was arrested for having 6,000 child rape porno images with him.

My friend Dom recently covered this as well:

From local KIRO7:

Police arrested a Seattle man at Bill Gates and Melinda Gates’ mansion for allegedly collecting more than 6,000 child rape photos.

Rick Allen Jones, reportedly employed as an engineer at the Gates’ home, is also accused of trading pornography images via Gmail.

He is charged with possession of child pornography.

And from the Daily Mail:

An engineer employed at the home of Bill and Melinda Gates has been charged with possession of child porn after he was discovered to have more than 6,000 images depicting rape and sexual abuse.

Rick Allen Jones, 51, of Seattle, allegedly had thousands of images stashed on his home computer, according to court documents this week.

According to prosecutors, the engineer had shared the images using his Gmail account.

Rick Allen Jones, 52, worked for Bill and Melinda Gates at their waterfront home in Medina, Washington (pictured) until late 2014, when he was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. He was sentenced Friday to 90 days in jail

Rick Allen Jones, 51, worked for Bill and Melinda Gates at their waterfront home in Medina, Washington

Investigators were able to identify some of the children in the images, according to Kiro TV.

Police began to investigate Jones in 2013 after tracking him down from a sordid image which was posted online.

According to Seattle PI, the image showed the sexual exploitation of two young boys.

Cops went to look for him at his home in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle in March.

Jones was finally tracked down to his workplace at the tech billionaire’s $147-million-dollar, waterfront estate in Medina, Washington.

He was interviewed in a security office at the estate by detectives, according to Seattle PI.

While he was being interviewed, police went into his home with a search warrant and found more than 6,000 child porn images.

Ok, so a Gates staff member “took the fall”?

That’s what it sounds like to me.

Otherwise, you mean to tell me some guy was working at the Gates compound and just decided to bring along with him 6,000 child porno images?

Does that make sense to anyone?

Or did he take the fall?

I’m not making accusations, I’m just asking questions.

Because apparently Bill Gates seems to be the absolute WORST judge of character, hiring degenerate engineers to work at his home and of course who can forget his best-buddy friendship with Jeffrey Epstein?


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668e89 No.110154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985132 (271550ZNOV23) Notable: The Biden Administration Is Scheming To Take Your Kids Away

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The Biden Administration Is Scheming To Take Your Kids Away


Democrats have been suggesting taking children away from ‘non-affirming’ parents for years now, but Biden’s HHS is getting the ball rolling.

As Americans celebrate the holidays with their families, the Biden administration is laying the groundwork to destroy families by taking children away from their parents in order to sterilize and sexually mutilate them.

The Biden administration has proposed new rules for foster care, which would treat any parent rejecting LGBT ideology as a child abuser. The public comment deadline is today, the Monday after Thanksgiving, a bureaucratic middle finger to the public it is supposed to serve. The proposed regulations state that “to be considered a safe and appropriate placement, a provider is expected to utilize the child’s identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression.” In short, those who don’t believe the superstition that a child can somehow be born into the wrong body are, per the Biden administration, unfit to be foster parents.

This won’t stop with foster parents.

Cutting Christians and other dissenters from the sexual revolution out of the foster care system is only the start. Given the government control of the foster care system, this is a convenient place for the left to establish the precedent that rejecting gender ideology and the rest of the LGBT movement’s dogmas is abusive and harmful to children and that those who do so are unfit parents. Once they have set this point, they’ll expand it to everyone else — after all, if it’s abuse for foster parents, it’s abuse for biological parents as well.

This should not be a surprise.


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668e89 No.110155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985146 (271553ZNOV23) Notable: The Biden Administration Is Scheming To Take Your Kids Away

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Democrats have been suggesting taking children away from “non-affirming” parents for years now, but they have thus far been too scared to go through with it. But the folks in Biden’s administration — led by Babylon Bee “Man of the Year” Rachel Levine — are going to see if they can get the ball rolling this time.

The justification for these new rules is based on the usual junk science, created and pushed by activist organizations and those whose reputations and livelihoods depend upon validating transitioning children. For example, the Biden administration repeatedly cites a survey by the activists at The Trevor Project. This survey consisted of a self-selected online sample. The Biden administration wants to keep kids away from loving homes because the science told them to — the science of a self-selected online survey created by an activist group.

These sorts of garbage studies are necessary for the LGBT movement to justify itself, especially as it has shifted to an obsession with “LGBT youth.” They long ago dropped the pretense that this is about consenting adults, or that they seek some sort of live-and-let-live settlement. Rather, they are determined to claim other people’s children for themselves and their movement.

Trying to take children away from “non-affirming” parents is the predictable result of the lies that children are born LGBT, and that sexual and gender identities are the essential core of our being. The belief that nothing is more authentic or important than sexual desire and “gender identity” is what lies behind the LGBT movement’s fanatical drive to groom other people’s children. It is why educators are eager to push sexually explicit material onto even very young children. It is why schools fill kids’ minds with gender ideology, and then encourage them to transition without telling their parents. And it is why the left has wholeheartedly embraced medically “transitioning” children, sometimes starting before they are even teenagers.

This wrongly termed “gender-affirming care” is incredibly abnormal medicine. It attempts to treat psychological distress by radically remaking the patient’s body in a way that is completely medically unnecessary, indeed, medically harmful. As the proposed Biden administration rules make clear, there is no objective physical or psychological diagnosis for being transgender; rather, it is a purely subjective, self-diagnosed identity — a “self-identified gender identity and expression.” And there is never any medical need to transition.

When someone who identifies as transgender does not chemically and surgically transition, his or her body continues its natural, healthy development and functioning. The only harm that can come from not transitioning is self-harm, which is why the transgender movement has become totally reliant on threats of suicide.

This suicide narrative is used to rush children into transition, with almost all the power centers of our nation pushing them on. But studies show that children overwhelmingly desist from transgender identification if given time and counseling. The Biden administration nonetheless relies on threats of self-harm in making its case for the proposed rules for foster care. It is pure hostage-taking, done to enable the sterilization and sexual mutilation of children on the superstition that they are being born into the wrong bodies.

In short, the Biden administration plans to treat parents who object to this grotesque medical malpractice as child abuse. They are coming for your children, and they aren’t bothering to hide it anymore.

Nathanael Blake is a senior contributor to The Federalist and a postdoctoral fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

2 of 2

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668e89 No.110156

File: b4cc3168dbbf3de⋯.jpeg (517.9 KB,1242x2028,207:338,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985149 (271553ZNOV23) Notable: Techno-Hell: AI Might Rather Kill a Billion White People Than Utter a Racial Slur

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Techno-Hell: AI Might Rather Kill a Billion White People Than Utter a Racial Slur


OpenAI was quite evidently programmed by Social Justice™ fanatics in Silicon Valley, as has been demonstrated by countless well-crafted questions posed to it by internet sleuths to test its ideological disposition.

Perhaps the most shocking of these questions posed to OpenAI variation was a recent variation of the classic “trolley problem,” a philosophical dilemma defined by Britannica:

Foot imagined the dilemma of “the driver of a runaway tram which he can only steer from one narrow track on to another; five men are working on one track and one man on the other; anyone on the track he enters is bound to be killed.” If asked what the driver should do, “we should say, without hesitation, that the driver should steer for the less occupied track,” according to Foot. (Foot’s description of this example has been generally interpreted to mean that the tram is traveling down the track on which five people are working and will kill those people unless the driver switches to the track on which one person is working, in which case the tram will kill only that person.) Foot then compared this situation to a parallel case, which she described as follows: “Suppose that a judge or magistrate is faced with rioters demanding that a culprit be found for a certain crime and threatening otherwise to take their own bloody revenge” on five hostages. “The real culprit being unknown, the judge sees himself as able to prevent the bloodshed only by framing some innocent person and having him executed.” In both cases, she notes, “the exchange is supposed to be one man’s life for the lives of five.” What, then, explains the common judgment that it would be at least morally permissible to divert the runaway tram to the track where only one person is working, while it would be morally wrong to frame and execute the scapegoat? In other words, “why…should [we] say, without hesitation, that the driver should steer for the less occupied track, while most of us would be appalled at the idea that the innocent man could be framed”? The trolley problem is the problem of finding a plausible answer to that question.

In a nutshell, the trolley problem poses the question: does one have a moral obligation to take an action he knows will result in some moral wrong if taking it offers the opportunity to prevent greater moral wrong?

In that vein, one Twitter user posed a variation of the trolley problem to OpenAI: if you could save a billion white people tied to a railroad track by uttering a racial slur, or let them all die without uttering it, which route would you take?

Ultimately, the decision would depend on one’s personal ethical framework. Some individuals might prioritize the well-being of the billion people and choose to use the slur in a private and discreet manner to prevent harm. Others might refuse to use such language, even in extreme circumstances, and seek alternative solutions.

(Aren’t you glad Microsoft, created by Bill Gates, owns 49% of OpenAI, because the company has seemingly the same ethics of Gates!)


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668e89 No.110157

File: 5434209c8ed68df⋯.png (2.01 MB,960x1200,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985151 (271554ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day LBN 86: The Eagle Ray Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Nov 27, 2023

LBN 86: The Eagle Ray Nebula

This eagle ray glides across a cosmic sea. Officially cataloged as SH2-63 and LBN 86, the dark nebula is composed of gas and dust that just happens to appear shaped like a common ocean fish. The interstellar dust nebula appears light brown as it blocks and reddens visible light emitted behind it. Dark nebulas glow primarily in infrared light, but also reflect visible light from surrounding stars. The dust in dark nebulas is usually sub-millimeter chunks of carbon, silicon, and oxygen, frequently coated with frozen carbon monoxide and nitrogen. Dark nebulas are also known as molecular clouds because they also contain relatively high amounts of molecular hydrogen and larger molecules. Previously unnamed, the here dubbed Eagle Ray Nebula is normally quite dim but has been imaged clearly over 20-hours through dark skies in Chile.


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668e89 No.110158

File: 23d2a1c194ca112⋯.png (1.19 MB,1024x685,1024:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985152 (271554ZNOV23) Notable: America’s Sixth-Largest Bank Announces Closure of 19 Additional Branches Nationwide After Closing 203 Branches in 2023

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America’s Sixth-Largest Bank Announces Closure of 19 Additional Branches Nationwide After Closing 203 Branches in 2023


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668e89 No.110159

File: 3e72e73efc1379e⋯.jpg (34.08 KB,405x366,135:122,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985155 (271555ZNOV23) Notable: Ireland: They will literally jail you for the memes you saved on your phone.

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End Wokeness


This is the actual text of a bill in Ireland that the government is trying to pass

They will literally jail you for the memes you saved on your phone.

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668e89 No.110160

File: 2b745d176b5311e⋯.jpeg (444.85 KB,779x656,19:16,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bfcd4119ff13a7e⋯.png (77.95 KB,1012x617,1012:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 73120f1c77686b1⋯.jpeg (252.31 KB,828x1138,414:569,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985157 (271555ZNOV23) Notable: Fed Bank Bailout Program Borrowing Surged In November

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Fed Bank Bailout Program Borrowing Surged In November

()=additional comments

(MktFag has covered this weekly but here is another take headline wise….In the last month the AI/Bot traders were short-the majority of them-especially Hedge Funds as they were slaughtered and now BOTH forced to go long so now you’ve also got money market funds chasing the move up and just as November ends the Corporate Share buyback ends on December 8th-meaning whatever was left “in the tank” has to be completed by that date because they are blacked out 3 weeks prior to any qtr closing so expect to see some drops after that date or the US Treasury will need to activate the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) to keep it propped-as a side note there are several Treasury Auctions this week that will affect the Bond complex-short duration first (Bills) then a 2,5 and 7 year Note “auctions”-cap 3)


Total outstanding loans in the Federal Reserve’s bank bailout program jumped by just over $5 billion in November.

There was a sudden spike in banks tapping into the bailout program during the first week of the month with financial institutions borrowing $3.87 billion from the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP). There was another surge in borrowing between Nov. 15 and Nov. 22, according to Fed data.

As of Nov. 22, there was $114.1 billion in outstanding loans in the BTFP bank bailout program. As you can see from the chart-cap 2-borrowing had leveled off in August before the sudden spike in November. Keep in mind that banks were still tapping into the bailout even as the total balance in the program plateaued. Some banks were paying off loans as others borrowed.

The fact that banks are still accessing the bailout program, and suddenly at a faster rate, would seem to indicate that the banking sector remains shaky.

After the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, the Fed created the BTFP, allowing banks to easily access capital “to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors.”

The ability to borrow against the face value of their bond portfolios is a sweetheart deal for banks given the big drop in bond prices.

As the Fed jacked up interest rates to fight price inflation, it decimated the bond market. (Bond prices and interest rates are inversely correlated. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall.) With interest rates rising so quickly, banks were not able to adjust their bond holdings. As a result, many banks have become undercapitalized on paper. The banking sector was buried under some $620 billion in unrealized losses on securities at the end of last year, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

The BTFP gives banks a way out, or at least the opportunity to kick the can down the road for a year. Instead of selling bonds that have dropped in value at a big loss, banks can go to the Fed and borrow money at the bonds’ face value.

In the first week of the BTFP, banks borrowed $11.9 billion from the program, along with more than $300 billion from the already-established Fed Discount Window.

The Discount Window requires banks to post collateral at face value and loans come with a relatively high interest rate and must post collateral at fair market value. While Discount Window borrowing surged in the weeks after the collapse of SVC and Signature Bank, the balances were quickly paid back down, and Discount Window borrowing returned to normal levels. But borrowing through the bailout program never slowed down and then suddenly accelerated this month.

It’s notable that the sudden spike in bailout borrowing happened even as the bond market rallied and bonds regained some of their value. This ostensibly provided some relief on banks’ balance sheets.

Granted, the $114 billion outstanding is insignificant compared to the $22.8 trillion in commercial bank assets held by the 4,100 commercial banks in the US. The fact that some troubled banks are still tapping into a bailout program eight months after the crisis doesn’t necessarily mean the banking system is on the verge of collapse(not on verge of collapse it’s already collapsed years ago and the need for these programs to plug the holes proves it-just wait until about start of q2 next year when the Reverse Repo Facility isn’t able to fund US Treasury debt purchases and the NYFED starts moar money printing or Quantitative Easing)But while the bailouts might not be a fire, it’s at least smoke. There are still problems in the banking system bubbling under the surface.(this money from BTFP has to start flowing back on March 11th exactly one year and one day from the FDIC taking over Signature Valley/First Republic Banks-this one was handed to JP Moran and was responsible for its recently reported earnings “beat”)


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668e89 No.110161

File: c7b19bd2c0a280e⋯.jpg (101.69 KB,720x810,8:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98a190a23983e2a⋯.mp4 (867.59 KB,848x458,424:229,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985162 (271556ZNOV23) Notable: Houthis fire 2 missiles at USS Mason in Mideast. Just a matter of time./Ukraine-nope/Israel-nope/Muzzies-let's try it

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Houthis fire 2 missiles at USS Mason in Mideast. Just a matter of time.

Are you ready for WWIII?

It’s closer than you think.


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668e89 No.110162

File: ab08f5bb2ce950d⋯.jpeg (394.54 KB,1241x1126,1241:1126,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985174 (271559ZNOV23) Notable: White Savior Hysteria And The Real Reasons Why Leftists Hate YouTuber MrBeast

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White Savior Hysteria And The Real Reasons Why Leftists Hate YouTuber MrBeast

There is a fundamental disconnect between the political left and the rest of the world that requires extensive investigation and dissection. For most people the idea of someone spending a solid portion of their time and finances helping those in dire need could only be considered a good thing. This is not true for the average leftist, though. For such activists we tend to find that good is evil and evil is good, and the upside down nature of their thinking bewilders those with normal brains.

For the woke, the more you help people, the more you are hurting them (unless you hold a high place on the victimhood totem pole). But this juxtaposition is only part of the reason why they seem to loath YouTuber MrBeast so much.

MrBeast (real name Jimmy Donaldson) has made a successful career out of engaging in philanthropy and he gets results; helping people to gain back their eyesight, saving orphanages overseas or giving poverty stricken children shoes. All of these efforts have for years garnered accusations from the political left and their organizations of “white savior” activities.

They argue that the white savior trope seen in Hollywood movies (where a white man travels to desperate countries and helps non-white people get back on their feet) is an unacceptable image in our modern era of “equity and inclusion.” They claim that MrBeast is exploiting the white savior symbol as a way to elevate himself instead of simply helping others.

In his latest video, MrBeast showcased his program to dig 100 wells in Africa for villages with no access to clean drinking water. The video triggered yet another social media firestorm in which leftist activists raged about a white man “pretending to help” brown people while taking attention away from what they consider to be more acceptable and progressive non-profits.They say that brown people must be helped by brown people. If white people do it, there must be a darker ulterior motive.

In the western world access to clean water is usually a given and often taken for granted. Sadly, in many countries clean water is a mere dream, and lack of access holds these communities back from developing and improving their economic situation. Almost everything relies on water.

The video has garnered over 115 million views so far and earns millions of dollars in ad revenue, all of which goes directly back into his charity fund to continue paying for more wells and other charity projects.

Who among these hundreds of villages in Africa cares that a white man helped them get access to clean water for generations to come? So far, none of them have complained. Only hyper-privileged first-world woke activists seem to care.

It's important to remember that leftists are predominantly collectivists, and it is likely that their deeperdisdain for people like MrBeast is rooted in their desire to undermine individualism and meritocracy.

As conservatives commonly point out, good charities and individual efforts to help others are far more effective than taxation and financial appropriation by governments. Leftists love big government, but governments waste money, steal money, and misallocate money into non-helpful areas. Individual crusaders, however, inject money exactly where it needs to go and make governments look bad.

In the case of MrBeast, he accomplished in a few years what African governments claimed they would do for decades. Their corruption made viable change impossible, and leftist run programs are limited by their own ideological hangups, making them useless. All it took was one “white guy” with a YouTube channel and some cash to circumvent all of that and get things done.

They hate MrBeast because he represents the power of individual effort. His whiteness is just an excuse they use to avoid admitting that what they really dislike is individualism. Many defenders have pointed out the hypocrisy of the leftist reaction to MrBeast – They drone on and on about how the mega rich should contribute reparations to help those less fortunate. Yet, when someone like MrBeast does this on his own, they are outraged.

The point for these activists is that the hive gets the credit. They want the mob to be seen as the hero, not the individual. They didn't force MrBeast to do good things, he just did them. Therefore, they don't get the glory they think they deserve. The political left is often portrayed as the side of empathy and compassion, but their behavior proves they are not interested in legitimately helping others. They only care about optics; constantly scheming to steal acclaim while obstructing good men in their charitable endeavors.


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668e89 No.110163

File: 604dd8e0179ed35⋯.jpg (26.77 KB,402x275,402:275,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985177 (271600ZNOV23) Notable: Houthis fire 2 missiles at USS Mason in Mideast. Just a matter of time./Ukraine-nope/Israel-nope/Muzzies-let's try it

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See new posts


Defcon Level Warning System | Current Levels 2023


Incident Updates: US Central Command: Two ballistic missiles were fired from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen toward the general location of the USS Mason (DDG 87) and M/V Central Park.

Read More:🔻



Central Command News | CENTCOM Or USCENTCOM Alerts For Middle East

Central Command news and alerts. CENTCOM Or USCENTCOM For Middle East.

1:02 AM · Nov 27, 2023


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668e89 No.110164

File: f96e3a9bb69846d⋯.png (3.9 MB,2000x1161,2000:1161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985187 (271602ZNOV23) Notable: Former NASA acting administrator Jurczyk passes away, died Nov. 23 of cancer. He was 61

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Former NASA acting administrator Jurczyk passes away

November 27, 2023

WASHINGTON — Steve Jurczyk, a former NASA official who briefly led the agency as acting administrator in 2021 before going into the private sector, died Nov. 23 of cancer. He was 61.

Jurczyk joined NASA in 1988 and rose through the ranks at the Langley Research Center in Virginia, becoming director of the center in 2014. A year later he went to NASA Headquarters as associate administrator for space technology, and in 2018 became associate administrator, the highest-ranking civil service position in the agency. In that role, he led NASA’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

He became acting administrator in January 2021 at the start of the Biden administration, serving in that role until the beginning of May, when Bill Nelson was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in as administrator. His brief tenure was highlighted by the successful landing of the Perseverance rover on Mars and the first crew rotation of commercial crew vehicles at the International Space Station as Crew-2 relieved Crew-1.

“Steve was a dedicated public servant who spent his career advancing our ability to explore the cosmos,” Nelson said in a social media post.

“Steve was one of the most dedicated civil servants I ever had the honor of serving with,” Mike Gold, chief growth officer at Redwire and a former NASA official who worked with Jurczyk, told SpaceNews. “In particular, NASA faced unprecedented challenges during COVID, and Steve’s tireless efforts and selfless leadership were a large part of why NASA was able to accomplish so much during such a difficult period. He was an unsung hero of the agency and will be sorely missed.”

Jurczyk retired from NASA in May 2021. He became one of the co-founders of Quantum Space, a startup that announced plans in 2022 to develop robotic platforms in cislunar space. “I wasn’t ready to retire. I wanted to do something else,” he said in a February 2022 interview.

Jurczyk led Quantum Space until June 2023, when he became executive vice president of IBX, a company established by Quantum Space co-founder Kam Ghaffarian whose portfolio includes commercial space station developer Axiom Space and lunar lander company Intuitive Machines.


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668e89 No.110165

File: b9a6e382f5e51a6⋯.jpeg (433.09 KB,1234x2429,1234:2429,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985191 (271602ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau now paying 55% of Journalists' salaries Bill C-18 Bailout

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Trudeau now paying 55% of Journalists' salaries

Bill C-18 Bailout: Government Announces Plans to Pay For 35% of Journalist Costs for News Outlets as It More Than Doubles Tax Credit Per Employee

[link to www.michaelgeist.ca (secure)]

The government has taken the first step to creating a bailout for its disastrous Bill C-18 by agreeing to News Media Canada demands to increase the support under the Labour Journalism Tax Credit. While the current system covers 25% of the journalist costs up to $55,000 per employee (or $13,750), the government’s fall economic statement increases both the percentage covered and cap per employee. Under the new system, which is retroactive to the start of this year, Qualified Canadian Journalism Organizations (which covers print and digital but not broadcasters) can now claim 35% of the costs of journalist expenditures up to $85,000 per employee. The increases the support to up to $29,750 per employee or an increase of 116%. This new support will run for four years at a cost of $129 million ($60 million this year alone).


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668e89 No.110166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985203 (271606ZNOV23) Notable: House committee will deliver the accountability Americans demand on President Biden’s corruption

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Biden's mishandling of documents, his family's business schemes threaten our national security

House committee will deliver the accountability Americans demand on President Biden’s corruption

By Rep. James Comer

Published November 27, 2023 5:00am EST

According to the Biden team, documents were discovered at Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2, 2022. However, based on our investigation, the real timeline began 18 months earlier. President Biden used significant federal resources, including five White House employees and a Department of Defense employee, to access and secure what were purportedly personal items of his at Penn Biden Center.


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668e89 No.110167

File: ef84e61b58277c3⋯.jpeg (604.66 KB,1532x2298,2:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985242 (271613ZNOV23) Notable: This Gen Z Investigative Reporter Is Rocking Conservative Media??

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This Gen Z Investigative Reporter Is Rocking Conservative Media

Aaron Sibarium says he’s providing Old School, shoe-leather reporting from a conservative point of view. Except he’s not conservative.

But for Sibarium, the fact that very few others are doing it is precisely the reason he wanted to. “I feel like, look, if there’s only 10 or 20 people in the country who are willing to do this and good enough to do this,” he says, “I should do it.”

This opportunity to do work that few others are doing, coupled with a contrarian impulse and a “visceral” opposition to wokeness, is what led Sibarium to a career in conservative journalism. 

Even though he’s not much of a conservative himself. 

Sibarium is a “liberal but,” in the words of fellow conservative journalist Charles Fain Lehman (as in “I’m a liberal, but … ”). He’s “reluctantly pro-choice,” somehow “not dogmatically opposed to affirmative action,” an unmarried, secular Jew who lives in a dense metro area with proximity to fast casual, who voted for Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden — a kind of rogue liberal who ended up in the trenches of conservative journalism after being disturbed by what he viewed as woke excess on and off campus.

He was raised on the outskirts of D.C., in ritzy Chevy Chase, Md., The house .When he was 4, Sibarium was diagnosed with autism. As he wrote in a column for the Yale Daily News, “I flapped my hands, compulsively and uncontrollably, until I was almost 6 years old. I barely spoke until I was 3. I had no true friends until I was 7.” His parents, he says, “hired a coterie of experts to improve my speech, motor and social skills and eventually enrolled me in a school for students with special needs.” By age 7, “a team of child psychologists” told his parents he no longer fit the criteria of autism, andby age 9, he was “pronounced autism-free.” 

Today, though, he says some of those traits persist, particularly a “kind of mild disagreeableness and willingness to just argue about stuff and not really care that much what others think.” He also has no trouble turning a single question into five or ten minutes of uninterrupted speech; he sometimes laughs for longer than seems appropriate; and he often closes his eyes for 5, or 10, or 15 seconds while talking in depth about things. He says he’s got a “lust for order,” although that cannot be observed in his apartment, which is crammed with old papers and open envelopes.

Before Sibarium left for college, his basic political opinions were that “political correctness goes too far and free speech is good.” Yale is where Sibarium developed his political views, which are, in a nutshell, anti-woke.  

“I don’t think there was really ever one single radicalization moment, so to speak, for me. It was a series of incremental things,” he says. Some of the incremental things: the left-liberals in the Yale Political Union who wouldn’t watch Comedy Central’s Tosh.0 because its host made a rape joke, and the Yale Halloween Costume Scandal, where students protested an email sent... The latter event was especially annoying to Sibarium…

Yale is also where Sibarium fell in love with philosophy, which in turn, nurtured his “visceral” opposition to wokeness. “I was the kid who really liked just taking nerdy analytic philosophy classes and debating crazy, esoteric, and at times perhaps even offensive thought experiments.” He says the culture of speech-stifling that took place and still takes place at Yale (and many other schools) made fun, clarifying and potentially morbid intellectual conversations (he brought up a thought experiment about whether to shoot a baby strapped to the front of a tank heading toward you) rarer and more fraught.  

After leaving Yale and working at the now-defunct magazine The American Interest for two years,Sibarium landed at the Washington Free Beacon, an online publication that is explicitly conservative and dedicated to “combat journalism,” but which is somewhat grudgingly respected in liberal circles. Ben Smith, longtime media critic and current editor-in-chief of Semafor, wrote of the Free Beacon in 2019 that it was “alternately parodic and wire-service serious.” The description still rings true. You could read a story about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez misclassifying her fiance as a spouse on an official House Ethics Committee filing, possibly to exploit House ethics loopholes, and after you read that piece of reporting, you could read a story titled, “FACT CHECK: Is Tom Brady’s New Girlfriend Jewish?,” featuring four different pictures of the purported girlfriend in a swimsuit and the line, “Other than winning his eighth Super Bowl, dating a Zionist smokeshow would be the ultimate rebuke to the vegan shiksa who tried to ruin his life.” (Brady was raised Catholic.) 


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668e89 No.110168

File: c04c10f1cfee57b⋯.mp4 (8.52 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985275 (271620ZNOV23) Notable: Food For Thought Argentina vs IMF?

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668e89 No.110169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985287 (271625ZNOV23) Notable: Democracy, Populism, and the Tyranny of the Minority

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Democracy, Populism, and the Tyranny of the Minority

National Constitution Center




Political Scientists Discuss Challenges to Democracy

Political Scientists discuss threats and challenges to democracy during a virtual conversation hosted by the National Constitution Center.


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668e89 No.110170

File: 8a4c3b24e65d42e⋯.webp (90.24 KB,1272x1272,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985294 (271626ZNOV23) Notable: The Decline of American Judeophilia…and What Comes Next

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The Decline of American Judeophilia...and What Comes Next

It’s that embarrassing time of year when the lights go up on the houses, tinsel and holly start to occupy every space, and I can’t go through a checkout line without having that little twerp Ralphie staring at me from some weird novelty candy. It’s the Phony Christmas Season, that which now eats up Hunting Opener, Thanksgiving, and Advent. It’s embarrassing to be amidst all the bogus cheer, especially if you truly love Christmas. Phony Christmas effectively squelches the real Christmas season, which is supposed to begin on December 25th, not end on it. Yet it’s hard to complain much, because the desire to celebrate Christmas is obviously based on Christian impulse, though one which is devoid of Christian rationality. The result is a status quo that’s logically anti-Christian.

This is basically how I feel about mostAmerican Christians’ philo-Semitism. Jews are more popular among American Christians than Christians are among themselves.

Much could be said about the strange roots of this situation. Suffice it to say that American Jew worship is a sentiment born out of good impulses, out of attempts at altruism and charity sprung from a kind of half-understanding of the Jewish persuasion. The problem is that it is nonsense, absolutely abhorrent with relation to dogma and history. It prevails because even the remaining Christians long ago abjured the rational bases of the faith and operate only on sentiment.The end result is a status quo that is everywhere anti-Christian.


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668e89 No.110171

File: 2d9193c99fe9e50⋯.png (921.3 KB,1248x688,78:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985311 (271631ZNOV23) Notable: Reminder: Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

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Election Interference

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States: 2017 ‐ 2021

Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

September 12, 2018

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America's free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.


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668e89 No.110172

File: f3be804b50a6f1e⋯.jpg (175.31 KB,720x935,144:187,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6462816d52210f5⋯.jpg (34.96 KB,679x452,679:452,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6eea97c3df4960d⋯.jpg (34.35 KB,739x415,739:415,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9974906e9fcbefc⋯.jpg (62.56 KB,800x534,400:267,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a6d5c56108e5bd9⋯.jpg (62.55 KB,739x415,739:415,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985316 (271632ZNOV23) Notable: Zelenskyy allegedly bought 2 yachts via proxy worth over $75 million as reported by The Islander

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US tax dollars at work. Zelenskyy allegedly bought 2 yachts via proxy worth over $75 million as reported by The Islander. The names of the yachts are an insult to all Ukrainians:

‘Lucky me’ and ‘My Legacy’

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668e89 No.110173

File: bc1073ca58af976⋯.gif (612.25 KB,624x352,39:22,Clipboard.gif)

File: f2b30fa242815a7⋯.png (101.1 KB,1075x710,215:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985360 (271645ZNOV23) Notable: New Home Sales demand FIFY decrease to 679,000 Annual Rate in October

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New Home Sales demand FIFY decrease to 679,000 Annual Rate in October

The Census Bureau reports New Home Sales in October were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of 679 thousand.

The previous three months were revised down.

Sales of new single‐family houses in October 2023 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 679,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 5.6 percent below the revised September rate of 719,000, but is 17.7 percent above the October 2022 estimate of 577,000. New home sales are close to pre-pandemic levels.

The months of supply increased in October to 7.8 months from 7.2 months in September. The all-time record high was 12.2 months of supply in January 2009. The all-time record low was 3.3 months in August 2020. This is above the top of the normal range (about 4 to 6 months of supply is normal).

"The seasonally‐adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of October was 439,000. This represents a supply of 7.8 months at the current sales rate."

Sales DEMAND FIFY again were well below expectations of 730 thousand SAAR, and sales for the three previous months were revised down.


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668e89 No.110174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985362 (271646ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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November 27, 2023

12:00 PM EST

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. She is joined by NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby.


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668e89 No.110175

File: 674c02f1570ee78⋯.png (254.6 KB,395x681,395:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985482 (271708ZNOV23) Notable: Have you already secured your ticket for the eagerly-awaited Third Collisions #CERNAlumni reunion, taking place from 9 – 11 February 2024 at #CERN?

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Welcoming our


back to CERN.

Have you already secured your ticket for the eagerly-awaited Third Collisions #CERNAlumni reunion, taking place from 9 – 11 February 2024 at #CERN?

This is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with old colleagues, revisit CERN, and maybe find your next professional challenge, among a variety of engaging activities.

Register now: https://alumni.cern/page/third-collisions

We’ll see you soon at CERN!


And just what is CERN planning for 9/14/2024?

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668e89 No.110176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985485 (271709ZNOV23) Notable: Milei Begins Whirlwind U.S. Tour with Jewish Holy Site Visit in NYC

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Milei Begins Whirlwind U.S. Tour with Jewish Holy Site Visit in NYC

Argentine President-elect Javier Milei announced on Sunday night he would be flying to the United States overnight and making stops in New York and Washington, DC, on Monday.

Milei landed in New Jersey on Monday morning, the Argentine newspaper Clarín reported, and began his travel to New York City.

Milei, a libertarian economist who first held elected office in 2021, won a decisive victory in the November 19 presidential election against current Economy Minister Sergio Massa, an establishment socialist whose tenure has corresponded to historically high levels of inflation, unemployment, and poverty. As a presidential candidate, Milei repeatedly stated that he would seek to realign Argentina’s foreign policy – inclined towards growing ties with rogue states such as China and Iran during the 12 of the past 16 years it has been led by socialist presidents – toward making America and Israel the country’s top allies.

Milei posted a photo on social media before departing alongside Luis Caputo, the man he has chosen for minister of economics, and Nicolás Posse, who is expected to take on the chief of staff role.


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668e89 No.110177

File: ef9cbff1f739545⋯.jpeg (78.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985489 (271709ZNOV23) Notable: US Senate announces vote on Ukraine aid

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27 Nov, 2023 05:54

US Senate announces vote on Ukraine aid

The White House is trying to push through $106bn in funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on Sunday that he will hold a vote on President Joe Biden’s request for billions of dollars in assistance for Ukraine and Israel during the first week of December.

The Biden administration has so far failed to push through its supplementary “national security” proposal of roughly $106 billion for combined aid for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan.

According toSchumer, “the biggest holdup”to passing the packageis Republican insistence on US border security policy changes, which they have set as a condition for sending any additional funds to Ukraine.

“One of the most important tasks we must finish is taking up and passing a funding bill to ensure we as well as our friends and partners in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region have the necessary military capabilities to confront and deter our adversaries and competitors,” Schumer said in a letter to senators on Sunday.

The lawmaker warned that Ukraine is likely to lose the fight against Russia without further funding from the US, urging senators to attend a classified briefing in the coming days to get updated on the situation.

However, Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Sunday that it is unlikely that the aid package for Ukraine and Israel will be approved before the year's end, citing the southern border policies as an obstacle to passing the bill.

“I think it would be very difficult to get it done by the end of the year andthe impediment, currently, is the White House policy on the southern border,” he said on NBC’s Meet the Press, further explaining that the White House needs to recognise it as a priority threat to US national security.

In early November, House Republicans passed an Israel-only aid deal of 14.3 billion, which, according to Chuck Schumer, was “deeply flawed” and would not be taken up by the Senate. The White House has also indicated that the bill will not be signed by President Biden if it includes Israel only. Biden, however, was recently forced to sign a stopgap funding plan excluding Ukraine assistance, to avert a government shutdown.

Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict last year, Washington has provided Kiev with more than $76 billion in military and other assistance, but recently said that available funds were running out.

(These Ghouls & assholes will never stop, until the are retired and even then, they will interfere with protecting and defending America!)


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668e89 No.110178

File: 1944b94963225c6⋯.png (349.85 KB,557x492,557:492,Clipboard.png)

File: 448e07f93cd5fcc⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985500 (271711ZNOV23) Notable: @NikkiHaley Defund sanctuary cities. Hire 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop catch-and-release; start catch-and-deport. Enact E-Verify/ Medicare will start running out of money in less than 10 years

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Nikki Haley


Defund sanctuary cities. Hire 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop catch-and-release; start catch-and-deport. Enact E-Verify.

Close. The. Border.

11:37 AM · Nov 27, 2023


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668e89 No.110179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985505 (271712ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Jean-Pierre: [Biden] and the first lady were horrified to learn about the three college students of Palestinian descent, two of whom are American citizens, who were shot Saturday in Burlington, Vermont.

[selective outrage over victims of violence]

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668e89 No.110180

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985507 (271712ZNOV23) Notable: Bannon Destroys General Milley For His “Was It Worth It?” Answer On The Afghanistan War

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MUST-SEE: Bannon Destroys General Milley For His “Was It Worth It?” Answer On The Afghanistan WarThis guy is such a fool, Milley should be court marshaled and charged with treason



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668e89 No.110181

File: d837cbb483b66c1⋯.jpeg (139.79 KB,828x470,414:235,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985509 (271712ZNOV23) Notable: Milei lines up ‘protocol meetings’ in United States with IMF, World Bank

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Still an IMF debt slave

You obviously don’t do much research

20 times borrowed from IMF since 1956

This will be habbening this week and you ain’t having meetings with people you are “ kicking out”

Milei lines up ‘protocol meetings’ in United States with IMF, World Bank


Good luck!


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668e89 No.110182

File: 040d269b2402092⋯.png (317.12 KB,557x514,557:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985522 (271716ZNOV23) Notable: @NikkiHaley Defund sanctuary cities. Hire 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop catch-and-release; start catch-and-deport. Enact E-Verify/ Medicare will start running out of money in less than 10 years

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Nikki Haley


No one wants to talk about the fact that Medicare will start running out of money in less than 10 years. But we have the solution to lower costs and improve care.

Read how here:

6:47 PM · Nov 26, 2023


Article Link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/medicare-advantage-centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid-services-nikki-haley-healthcare-f527c74d

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668e89 No.110183

File: 1c24c2107e51765⋯.png (426.4 KB,588x652,147:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bffe587c0836a3⋯.png (21.79 KB,742x235,742:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985523 (271717ZNOV23) Notable: @HQ_AFMC Mission Ready

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Mission Ready:

Maintenance teams at


held a Crashed, Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery exercise Nov. 7.

The scenario this year included recovering the fuselage of a T-37 Tweet trainer aircraft from a simulated crash

More: https://afmc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3598278/maintenance-crews-unite-for-cddar-exercise/


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668e89 No.110184

File: d2e4e8e3233060e⋯.png (492.86 KB,556x609,556:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985535 (271720ZNOV23) Notable: @NikkiHaley Defund sanctuary cities. Hire 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop catch-and-release; start catch-and-deport. Enact E-Verify/ Medicare will start running out of money in less than 10 years

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Meg Kinnard


Today I’m in Bluffton SC, where @NikkiHaley is holding a town hall in her home state ahead of a campaign swing to New Hampshire.

There are 100+ people lined up 2 hours ahead of the start for this event, which I’m told had to be moved to a bigger venue due to demand.

12:16 PM · Nov 27, 2023

from South Carolina, USA·


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668e89 No.110185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985549 (271723ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Reporter: How many Americans are still being held hostage, and do you have proof of life?

John Kirby [White House press conference]: We think the number is, well, it's less than ten, probably in the neighborhood of eight to nine, but we don't necessarily have firm, sold information on each and every one of them

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668e89 No.110186

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985579 (271731ZNOV23) Notable: Bannon Destroys General Milley For His “Was It Worth It?” Answer On The Afghanistan War

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"You're A Liar And Treasonous": Steve Bannon Promises To Hold General Milley Accountable For Betraying The Republic


Milley is the most treasonous and disrespectful General of perhaps all time! He’s actually worse than Benedict Arnold, because he lasted this long in the military! How many more Milley’s are there in our military?


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668e89 No.110187

File: aa257ab456b149b⋯.png (235.9 KB,1175x706,1175:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985585 (271733ZNOV23) Notable: 2023-2024 Winter Reliability Assessment

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2023–2024 Winter Reliability Assessment

A large portion of the North American BPS is at risk of insufficient electricity supplies during peak winter conditions.


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668e89 No.110188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985590 (271735ZNOV23) Notable: Milei lines up ‘protocol meetings’ in United States with IMF, World Bank

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If he was “kicking them out” as the other ijit thinks we’d be going there like Thatcher did I when Argentina took over the Falkland Islands

And it ended because the French told the Argentinian military that if you sink another UK ship the Brits will shove a nuke up yer ass

British ship sunk by French Exocet missile so Thatcher told the French to tell them what was next cuz the Brits also put battleships off France and threatened them cuz they supplied the missile to Argentina

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668e89 No.110189

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985606 (271740ZNOV23) Notable: Bannon Destroys General Milley For His “Was It Worth It?” Answer On The Afghanistan War

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3rd video

Steve Bannon Slams General Milley For Enforcing The "Post-War International Rules Based Order Fetish" Set Up By The Globalist And CCP


The worst part of Milley’s statements is he is teaching a whole class of new military to disobey the CiC, he is setting the US up for military rule without the CiC. The new ones cannot understand how important it is to follow the chain of command of the CiC. Its there constitutional duty to report and take orders from the CiC. Milley is a Manchurian Candidate in real life.Have anons dug on Milley’s compromise by the Chinese? How do they own him? Call to dig if not


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668e89 No.110190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985632 (271747ZNOV23) Notable: call to diggz Boehringer Ingelheim connected to: vaccines AND ivermectin

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Call to DIG!

Boehringer Ingelheim

connected to:




Inotabled^ last night/early am but I was ignored

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668e89 No.110191

File: d4727614cbdc3c4⋯.png (353.4 KB,551x657,551:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f46da4643358f8⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985666 (271800ZNOV23) Notable: @NikkiHaley Defund sanctuary cities. Hire 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop catch-and-release; start catch-and-deport. Enact E-Verify/ Medicare will start running out of money in less than 10 years

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Suzanne Youngblood Lane


South Carolinians are excited to see Nikki Haley!

12:46 PM · Nov 27, 2023


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668e89 No.110192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985672 (271802ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Jean-Pierre: The fact is, the data shows that the economy is improving. The data shows that households remain in a strong financial position. Household wealth is at a record high, with lower income households seeing the largest gains since the pandemic.

Reporter: Almost three years in office; inflation is up over seventeen percent since [Biden] came here.

Jean-Pierre: Inflation is moderating because of the actions that this president has taken...the prices are going down.

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668e89 No.110193

File: 29bb9faa3c38e57⋯.jpeg (93.33 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985686 (271806ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Satanic’ Christmas tree draws lawmaker's ire/can sumbody meme satan with xmas tree up his ass?

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27 Nov, 2023 17:07

‘Satanic’ Christmas tree draws lawmaker's ire

A ‘Gender Diversity Tree’ calling on festival attendees to ‘protect trans kids’ was also the subject of considerable blowback

A museum in the US state of Wisconsin has beenaccused of promoting “cultural propaganda”after it featured some non-traditional entries in its annual Christmas tree festival this year, including one adorned with red ornamental pentagrams paying festive homage to Beelzebub.

Among the 66 uniquely decorated exhibits displayed in the Green Bay suburb of Ashwaubenon at the National Railroad Museum’s ‘Festival of Trees,’ perhaps none have generated quite as much intrigue – or in some cases dismay – as the one supplied by Wisconsin’s Satanic Temple.

The majority of trees at the event, which runs until the end of December, are your typical Christmas fare, depicting traditional imagery related to Jesus, or angels, or any other manner of festive decorations. A notable exception, though, is the Satanic Temple’s offering, which in addition to its dark red baubles also has anornament reading ‘Hail Santa’.

The decorations are a gross distortion of basic traditions, according to state Representative Mike Gallagher. “Conservatives are often accused of launching a culture war or focusing or fixating on cultural issues,” Gallagher, a Republican, told Fox News on Sunday. “But here is a perfect example of how that’s not happening."

Gallagher added that objections to non-traditional Christmas trees are meant to “defend basic traditions, or defend our children in the midst of these basic traditions, from the encroachment of woke ideology or offensive upside-down cultural propaganda.”

Another tree that appeared to inflame Gallagher’s ire was the so-called ‘Gender Diversity Tree’, which displays pink and blue colored flags and has ornaments that bear phrases like ‘Protect Trans Kids’.

However, in response to the blowback, the museum’s CEO, Jacqueline Frank, told the Green Bay Gazette that if it is to be an “inclusive organization” it must make steps to ensure everyone who visits feels comfortable.“Who am I to say … this thing that is your belief system and outside the mainstream is bad?”

Gallagher remains unconvinced, describing the comment as “insufficient” and said that hewould not be bringing his children to the museum. “I don’t want them to be surrounded by Satanic trees,” he said, according to the news website BPR.

The Satanic Temple, which claims to have more than 700,000 members across the globe according to NBC News, does not deify Satan, its co-founder Malcolm Jarry said earlier this year. Nor does it even believe in Satan’s very existence, but more a “literary representation of Satan,” Jarry added, whom he said could be viewed as a “heroic figure who fights against tyrannical authority.”

In June, the group announced a plan whereby its ‘priests’ would offer to testify on behalf of members who may wish to undergo gender affirmation procedures in the face of “infringement of their bodily autonomy by government authorities.” The temple says that maintaining full control over one’s body is one of the tenets that define its beliefs.


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668e89 No.110194

File: 2b0b8c3534afccc⋯.png (420.2 KB,609x755,609:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a6d77864b8fa59⋯.png (136.29 KB,1103x776,1103:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985687 (271806ZNOV23) Notable: call to diggz Boehringer Ingelheim connected to: vaccines AND ivermectin

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668e89 No.110195

File: 93b7fd0138670b1⋯.png (439.98 KB,527x703,527:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 22d033d0b695ef8⋯.png (55 KB,581x659,581:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985688 (271806ZNOV23) Notable: @DeptofDefense Knees in the breeze! 🪂

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Knees in the breeze! 🪂

Listen as 2nd Lt. O'Neal shares her journey through


's Basic Airborne Course and what it's like to hit the skies.


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668e89 No.110196

File: 935ca3d193a715a⋯.png (288.32 KB,551x661,551:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 70b2365a8e5f488⋯.mp4 (800.5 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985721 (271812ZNOV23) Notable: @NikkiHaley Defund sanctuary cities. Hire 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop catch-and-release; start catch-and-deport. Enact E-Verify/ Medicare will start running out of money in less than 10 years

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Here we go.....;

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.110197

File: 8fb2f94006afb4e⋯.png (159.51 KB,1142x791,1142:791,Clipboard.png)

File: d2f736721d6f44b⋯.png (171.72 KB,1172x795,1172:795,Clipboard.png)

File: 0adb3fffe81e945⋯.png (132.19 KB,926x787,926:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 0150087a7ee7f64⋯.png (298.83 KB,643x788,643:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 81a8e2e20278845⋯.png (246.64 KB,1134x947,1134:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985729 (271814ZNOV23) Notable: call to diggz Boehringer Ingelheim connected to: vaccines AND ivermectin

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they got animal division and aquired T3, they got some contract awards.. ties to J&J, large employer..

dunno what are we diggin... for award contracts?


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668e89 No.110198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985767 (271819ZNOV23) Notable: #24534

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#24534 >>110145

>>110152 planeFag: Europe and eastern Med activity

>>110146 @realDonaldTrump Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country...

>>110147 Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>110148 ICYMI: Trump Wrecks DeSantis in Email Featuring Thigh-High Boot Meme

>>110149, >>110150 Potus seeking some interdasting Discovery items

>>110151 Wait, The FBI Had 40 Confidential Informants Tracking the Biden Family's Shady Deeds

>>110153 REDO of 2014 Massive Porno Bust At Bill Gates’ House

>>110154, >>110155 The Biden Administration Is Scheming To Take Your Kids Away

>>110156 Techno-Hell: AI Might Rather Kill a Billion White People Than Utter a Racial Slur

>>110157 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day LBN 86: The Eagle Ray Nebula

>>110158 America’s Sixth-Largest Bank Announces Closure of 19 Additional Branches Nationwide After Closing 203 Branches in 2023

>>110159 Ireland: They will literally jail you for the memes you saved on your phone.

>>110160 Fed Bank Bailout Program Borrowing Surged In November

>>110161, >>110163 Houthis fire 2 missiles at USS Mason in Mideast. Just a matter of time./Ukraine-nope/Israel-nope/Muzzies-let's try it

>>110162 White Savior Hysteria And The Real Reasons Why Leftists Hate YouTuber MrBeast

>>110164 Former NASA acting administrator Jurczyk passes away, died Nov. 23 of cancer. He was 61

>>110165 Trudeau now paying 55% of Journalists' salaries Bill C-18 Bailout

>>110166 House committee will deliver the accountability Americans demand on President Biden’s corruption

>>110167 This Gen Z Investigative Reporter Is Rocking Conservative Media??

>>110168 Food For Thought Argentina vs IMF?

>>110169 Democracy, Populism, and the Tyranny of the Minority

>>110170 The Decline of American Judeophilia…and What Comes Next

>>110171 Reminder: Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>110172 Zelenskyy allegedly bought 2 yachts via proxy worth over $75 million as reported by The Islander

>>110176 Milei Begins Whirlwind U.S. Tour with Jewish Holy Site Visit in NYC

>>110173 New Home Sales demand FIFY decrease to 679,000 Annual Rate in October

>>110174, >>110179, >>110185, >>110192 Buckwheat n Kirby up

>>110175 Have you already secured your ticket for the eagerly-awaited Third Collisions #CERNAlumni reunion, taking place from 9 – 11 February 2024 at #CERN?

>>110177 US Senate announces vote on Ukraine aid

>>110178, >>110182, >>110184, >>110191, >>110196 @NikkiHaley Defund sanctuary cities. Hire 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop catch-and-release; start catch-and-deport. Enact E-Verify/ Medicare will start running out of money in less than 10 years

>>110180, >>110186, >>110189 Bannon Destroys General Milley For His “Was It Worth It?” Answer On The Afghanistan War

>>110181, >>110188 Milei lines up ‘protocol meetings’ in United States with IMF, World Bank

>>110183 @HQ_AFMC Mission Ready

>>110187 2023-2024 Winter Reliability Assessment

>>110190, >>110194, >>110197 call to diggz Boehringer Ingelheim connected to: vaccines AND ivermectin

>>110193 ‘Satanic’ Christmas tree draws lawmaker's ire/can sumbody meme satan with xmas tree up his ass?

>>110195 @DeptofDefense Knees in the breeze! 🪂


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.110199

File: 604dd8e0179ed35⋯.jpg (26.77 KB,402x275,402:275,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fbbce83fb5e5623⋯.jpeg (390.09 KB,1037x883,1037:883,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c7b19bd2c0a280e⋯.jpg (101.69 KB,720x810,8:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b950e84d2d4b105⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985788 (271821ZNOV23) Notable: #24535

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can continue or defer, for now

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668e89 No.110200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985803 (271825ZNOV23) Notable: Olivers’ Non-Pretending Assessment of Global Politics

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Olivers’ Non-Pretending Assessment of Global Politics

November 26, 2023 | Sundance |

Neil Oliver delivered a good summation of recent global events in the world of politics when contrast against the stabbing of school children in Ireland; the resulting populist backlash to the forced multicultural import and elimination of national identity, and the immediate reaction by Ireland’s leader Leo Varadkar as he demands new hate speech laws to stop people from speaking out against government forced migration.

Once again as with Brexit and the first Trump election victory, free people are pushing back while the authoritarian government regimes of the global UniParty threaten arrest. The people speak in Holland as nationalist Geert Wilders wins election; the left goes bananas. In Argentina nationalist and populist Javier Milei wins the election, again the globalist left goes bananas.

We are standing on the precipice, fighting with the “tools of democracy,” while those who have bastardized the termdispatch any semblance of democratic norms that do not fit the UniParty agenda. As Oliver notes, in the USA Democrats and Republicans both unite the ranks of the totalitarian government; in the U.K the Conservatives and Labor party politicians form the same UniParty.

The voices of the voters are being dispatched, ignored and labeled as extreme while Ireland starts to show what comes after the ballot box approach no longer works. WATCH:

It can no longer be argued or ignored…. there is simply too much evidence.

“We are in an abusive relationship with our government.“

~ Comrade, dissident and far-right extremist, Sundance



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668e89 No.110201

File: 8260dd7ab601db8⋯.png (346.25 KB,528x489,176:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985805 (271825ZNOV23) Notable: @1stArmoredDiv Mr. Paul Albright CSM (Ret), El Paso’s Chief Military Officer, was recently recognized for his instrumental work in El Paso’s selection as one of five Great American Defense Communities in 2023

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Mr. Paul Albright CSM (Ret), El Paso’s Chief Military Officer, was recently recognized for his instrumental work in El Paso’s selection as one of five Great American Defense Communities in 2023.



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668e89 No.110202

File: 5e5b61d07caa54b⋯.jpeg (800.89 KB,1170x2020,117:202,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985815 (271828ZNOV23) Notable: 2 days ahead of schedule? delta?

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Who fired?

DJT talking about BO

2 days ahead of schedule?

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668e89 No.110203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985816 (271828ZNOV23) Notable: Jill Biden Reveals the 2023 Holidays at the White House

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November 27, 2023

1:30 PM EST

First Lady Jill Biden Reveals the 2023 Holidays at the White House and Thanks Volunteers

The White House



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668e89 No.110204

File: 13dcfa8795f78b6⋯.jpg (145.87 KB,720x1192,90:149,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed1d7c230cc2ca9⋯.mp4 (9.97 MB,480x600,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985837 (271832ZNOV23) Notable: Passenger Causes Panic On Southwest Airlines Flight to Atlanta After Jumping Out Emergency Exit as the Plane Was Preparing For Departure

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WATCH: Passenger Causes Panic On Southwest Airlines Flight to Atlanta After Jumping Out Emergency Exit as the Plane Was Preparing For Departure and Attempts to Steal Truck

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668e89 No.110205

File: c96b7528f0fe497⋯.png (362.31 KB,500x327,500:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985850 (271836ZNOV23) Notable: Musk Offers To Help Rebuild A Deradicalized, "Prosperous" Gaza After Touring Ravaged Kibbutz With Netanyahu

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Musk Offers To Help Rebuild A Deradicalized, "Prosperous" Gaza After Touring Ravaged Kibbutz With Netanyahu

Elon Musk showed up in southern Israel on Monday at the personal invitation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, where he was given a tour of an Israeli kibbutz left desolate by the Oct.7 Hamas terror raids.

Musk while on a tour of Kfar Aza heard details from Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops of the massacres in the kibbutz. Israeli media has described it as a scene of "horrors"—one among more than 20 communities ravaged, where in some cases entire families were butchered. Musk later in the day said it was "it was jarring to see the scene of the massacre."

Musk heard briefings and personal stories both of tragedy and heroism, including the story of kidnapped Israeli-American toddler Avigail Idan, who turned 4 in captivity but was released Sunday as part of the third round hostage swap between Hamas and Israel. Her parents were murdered directly before her eyes, with accounts saying her dad was holding her when he was shot.

After also being shown a short film of the Hamas attacks, Musk commented that it was "troubling" to see the "to see the joy experienced by people that were killing innocent civilians."

As part of Musk's visit, he and PM Netanyahu held a live talk via X Spaces (recently known as Twitter Spaces) wherein the prime minister repeated his call for Hamas to be destroyed. Musk responded, "There's no choice," and said after touring ravaged kibbutzes: "I'd like to help as well." The full section of that exchange is below:

Netanyahu laid out that his main priority is to neutralize Hamas, after which he will turn to rebuilding Gaza: "You first have to get rid of this poisonous regime."

Musk agreed and offered to be involved in the post-war recovery.

"I think that makes perfect sense that those who are intent on murder must be neutralized, then the propaganda must stop ... and then making Gaza prosperous," Musk said.

"Well, I hope you’ll be involved," Netanyahu responded.

"I’d love to help," Musk said.


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668e89 No.110206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985868 (271841ZNOV23) Notable: John Kirby Admits Biden Regime Has Limited Information on the Condition of American Hostages Held by Hamas Terrorists

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John Kirby Admits Biden Regime Has Limited Information on the Condition of American Hostages Held by Hamas Terrorists: “We Don’t Have a Whole Lot of Information About Them”

National Security Council Chief Spokesperson John Kirby revealed that the U.S. government has limited information on the condition and whereabouts of American hostages currently held in Gaza by Hamas militants. Despite the successful release of a young American girl, Abigail Idan, there are concerns for the remaining hostages whose situation remains unclear.

On Friday, Hamas terrorists released 13 Israeli hostages, including women and children. In a separate deal, Hamas released 12 Thai workers they captured on October 7, 2023, in southern Israel during their attack and massacre of 1,400 innocent civilians. There were no Americans.

On Saturday, the Israeli Defense Forces, IDF, announced that Hamas released a second set of Israeli and Thai hostages.

According to the IDF, 13 Israeli and 4 Thai hostages were released. This was after Hamas delayed their release earlier Saturday. Again, no Americans were released.

On Sunday, the International Red Cross announced the latest release of Israeli hostages by Hamas. Hamas released 14 Israeli captives and 3 foreign nationals, including a 4-year-old American girl.

A 4-year-old Israeli-American girl with dual citizenship whose parents were killed was one of the hostages released on Sunday.

Joe Biden on Sunday delivered remarks on the release of Israeli and American hostages by Hamas terrorists. He went off-script and made a creepy comment about 4-year-old Abigail Edan during his remarks to reporters.


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668e89 No.110207

File: 58dfd9c2b73bdb8⋯.jpg (108.71 KB,720x619,720:619,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985873 (271842ZNOV23) Notable: So you're telling me that the great-aunt of the youngest American hostage and first American to be released by Hamas is a buyer of Hunter Biden's art……

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So you're telling me that the great-aunt of the youngest American hostage and first American to be released by Hamas is a buyer of Hunter Biden's art, who was then appointed by Joe Biden to the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad?

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668e89 No.110208

File: 9874a908b5e7ce6⋯.png (378.71 KB,541x659,541:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985881 (271844ZNOV23) Notable: Greta Thunberg Caught on Video Going Full Anti-Semite, Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’

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Greta Thunberg Caught on Video Going Full Anti-Semite, Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’: Report


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668e89 No.110209

File: 7e41646ecb440a0⋯.jpeg (712.08 KB,1414x591,1414:591,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 09149cbc1b14962⋯.jpeg (719.81 KB,1432x790,716:395,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985895 (271847ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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>>110085 pb planeFag CONUS update-those 2 SAMs arrived at LAX from JBA depart

AF2 C32A kneepads leaving LAX and heading to Houston with SAM2A also departed LAX

She will be about tree giddy miles from border and still do nuffin also there for a Biden Fundraiser and to be Hispanic today-mebby throw down with with Barrio Azteca, Latin Kangzz and Tango Blast all locals so she’ll “fit right in” coming in from Brentwood “ghetto” (LA)

Kamala Harris visiting Houston Monday


RCH3238 C17 Globemaster delivered equipment yesterday to Houston for this visit

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668e89 No.110210

File: 72a90af50775088⋯.png (589.39 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 82af59a1fe88c20⋯.png (574.23 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: ec5f8b4f8b356a6⋯.png (659.58 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985914 (271851ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina’s Javier Milei Visits the Ohel, Gravesite of Lubavitcher Rebbe, Before Meeting U.S. Officials

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PHOTOS: Argentina’s Javier Milei Visits the Ohel, Gravesite of Lubavitcher Rebbe, Before Meeting U.S. Officials

Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei on Monday visited the burial site of the the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, as the first stop of his visit to the United States, ahead of his meetings with U.S. officials.

Milei arrived at the cemetery, located in Queens, New York, just after 9 A.M. with his entourage, where he met Rabbi Simon Jacobson, who has become somewhat of an informal advisor and mentor. Milei was visibly emotional when he met Rabbi Jacobson at the entrance of the site, and they went together to pray at the grave.

The Libertarian Populist Milei is an ardent admirer of Judaism, and has even studied the Torah and considered converting to the Jewish faith from Catholicism, Breitbart News reported.

Jacobson told Breitbart News that Milei called him after Shabbat to notify him that he would be visiting the Ohel (the name of the Schneerson burial site) Monday morning.

Milei has repeatedly vowed that he would dramatically change Argentina’s foreign policy, currently oriented under leftist rule towards China, Russia, and Iran, as Breitbart previously reported.

Rabbi Jacobson told Breitbart that he believes there is divine intervention at play in Milei’s election, amid the turmoil in the Middle East, stoked and funded by Iran.

“We were speaking earlier, I was sitting with him for breakfast, and I said to him that, ‘you’re here at the Ohel, it’s historic times now with everything going on in Israel, and all the chaos.’ To have a leader like him, if he shows an example, he can have influence on all the leaders of the countries of the world. Because leadership is lacking, and he can be that, kind of, moral example,” Jacobson said. “He could change the world.”

“I find it serendipitous here, that in the middle of all that’s going on in the Middle East, in Israel, and here we are, and he becomes president, an underdog, and in a landslide win— there’s a lot of elements that sound to me like there’s some type of deeper choreography, an invisible hand at work,” Jacobson continued, adding that he is “honored to be part of it.”


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668e89 No.110211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985932 (271856ZNOV23) Notable: Schumer: Senate Priority for Ukraine, Israel Funding Next Week, No Border Security Cash

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Schumer: Senate Priority for Ukraine, Israel Funding Next Week, No Border Security Cash.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has informed the Senate through a ‘Dear Colleague Letter’ they will be taking up supplemental funding for Ukraine and Israel the week of December 4th. According to Schumer’s letter the Senate will likely not include any of the Republican controlled House language (H.R.2) on border security – Schumer referred to the House plan as “partisan” and “hard-right” in his letter. “The biggest holdup to the national security assistance package right now is the insistence by our Republican colleagues on partisan border policy as a condition for vital Ukraine aid. This has injected a decades old, hyper-partisan issue into overwhelmingly bipartisan priorities,” Schumer wrote. “Democrats stand ready to work on common-sense solutions to address immigration, but purely partisan hard-right demands, like those in H.R. 2, jeopardize the entire national security supplemental package.”

Senate Democrats and the Biden White House are insistent the supplemental aid for Ukraine and Israel be passed as a single legislative package. They fear the collapsing support for Ukraine in the United States could embolden House Republicans to pass a funding supplemental for Israel while leaving Ukraine funding to languish. Since September, Biden has been pushing lawmakers on Capitol Hill to take up a massive funding proposal for Ukraine – with cash for Israel added to the plan after the barbaric October terrorist attack by Hamas. For House Republicans, a robust border security plan is a must if they’re to take up any defense supplemental. Republican voters have indicated in poll-after-poll the need to Congress to increase border protections and funding to end the illegal-immigration crisis which continues to cause fiscal and social strain on cities across the U.S.


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668e89 No.110212

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985933 (271856ZNOV23) Notable: Expose RINOS/DEMS, will help secure America and cancel a lot of the other BS out.

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Anons Work #Together, Rinos will be exposed, the border will be secured, Black Democrats will leave the party and Meme Cannon will help get the word out 24/7





Trans agenda

Republicans not Voting













Black Rock









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668e89 No.110213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985938 (271857ZNOV23) Notable: UK Army spied on lockdown critics: Sceptics, including Peter Hitchens, suspected they being watched

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Matt Taibbi



UK Army spied on lockdown critics: Sceptics, including Peter Hitchens, suspected they being watched

Military operatives in the UK's 'information warfare' brigade were part of a operation that targeted politicians and high-profile journalists who raised doubts about the official pandemic response.


Nov 27, 2023 · 4:10 PM UTC


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668e89 No.110214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985964 (271905ZNOV23) Notable: NATO reaffirms its long-term support for Ukraine and says its members all agree the nation will join the alliance, but not while the war is ongoing, and not before it has reformed.

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‘All Allies Agree’ Ukraine Will Join NATO, Says Alliance Boss

NATO reaffirms its long-term support for Ukraine and says its members all agree the nation will join the alliance, but not while the war is ongoing, and not before it has reformed.

The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Jens Stoltenberg again spoke of NATO membership for Ukraine as a definite matter — despite previous dissent from within the alliance — as he spoke of a forthcoming meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council this week.

“Allies agree that Ukraine will become a member of NATO”, Stoltenberg said as he said discussions this week would focus on “priority reforms” for the country to make it fit to join the organisation. Recent direct support for Ukraine cited by the Norwegian politician turned alliance leader included the air defence coalition, billions in new funding, and the opening of the F-16 training centre in Romania for Ukrainian pilots.


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668e89 No.110215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985968 (271907ZNOV23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried’s Life Behind Bars: Crypto Tips and Paying With Fish

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Sam Bankman-Fried’s Life Behind Bars: Crypto Tips and Paying With Fish

FTX founder learns that mackerel is a jailhouse currency and shares a dorm with other high-profile defendants

Sam Bankman-Fried, convicted of fraud in the meltdown of FTX, has traded in crypto for a new currency: mackerel.

The fallen crypto king, who is cooling his heels at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center while he awaits sentencing for seven felony offenses, has learned the fundamentals of prison economics while sharing a dormitory with a former Honduran president awaiting criminal trial and a recently convicted former top cop of Mexico, people familiar with the matter said.

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668e89 No.110216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985971 (271907ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Allows Lawsuit To Proceed Against Biden For Allegedly Aiding Palestinian Terrorists

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Judge Allows Lawsuit To Proceed Against Biden For Allegedly Aiding Palestinian Terrorists

“America First Legal (AFL) first filed the lawsuit in 2022, alleging that President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken resumed payments to the Palestinian Authority (PA) that former President Trump ended in order to be in compliance with the Taylor Force Act—a federal law that prohibits the government from sending American taxpayer dollars to the PA until it stops supporting terrorism,” Fox News reported.

“The lawsuit claims the Biden administration has transferred nearly half a billion American taxpayer dollars ‘to directly benefit and subsidize the Palestinian Authority’ while admitting that the PA still operates its” program, the outlet continued.

U.S. District Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk of the Northern District of Texas, a Trump appointee, found last week that AFL’s “recent production of records shows that the Government knew its economic support fund (ESF) funding in the West Bank and Gaza was benefiting Palestinian terrorists, thereby ‘increasing the risk of terrorist attacks against the Plaintiffs and others similarly situated.’”


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668e89 No.110217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985986 (271910ZNOV23) Notable: Expose RINOS/DEMS, will help secure America and cancel a lot of the other BS out.

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Using Meme Cannon

Expose RINOS/DEMS, will help secure America and cancel a lot of the other BS out.

Anons #WorkTogether using Meme Cannon [Alt+ Xacct]



Cant impeach - Rinos/Dems

Cant secure border - Rinos/Dems

Cant stop trans agenda - Rinos/Dems

Cant stop covid masking - Rinos/Dems

Cant stop mail in ballots - Rinos/Dems

Cant stop agencies - Rinos/Dems

Cant elect patriots - Rinos/Dems

Cant have fair elections - Rinos/Dems

Cant stop the FBI - Rinos/Dems

Cant stop the CIA - Rinos/Dems

Cant remove DC - Rinos/Dems

Im telling ya anons. remove the Rinos/Dems and a lot of the problems will correct themselves. imeo

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668e89 No.110218

File: 90467c4d90bf6f8⋯.png (910.61 KB,914x1122,457:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986029 (271922ZNOV23) Notable: JUST IN: Video emerges of Allison Greenfield, Judge Engoron's law clerk attending a Dem event campaigning for NY AG Letitia James.

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668e89 No.110219

File: 2fc111c3606413a⋯.png (312.19 KB,552x484,138:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986089 (271936ZNOV23) Notable: He isn’t going away quietly …

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Ron Filipkowski


He isn’t going away quietly …

George Santos Accuses House GOP Colleagues of Drunkenness, Adultery, and Insider Trading

1:45 PM · Nov 27, 2023


Article Link: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/george-santos-accuses-gop-colleagues-of-drunkenness-adultery-insider-trading

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668e89 No.110220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986173 (271957ZNOV23) Notable: Representative Thomas Massie Stumps Climate Hoaxer John Kerry

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Representative Thomas Massie Stumps Climate Hoaxer John Kerry

Watch this Hilarious: Rep Massie Grills dumb John Kerry. Kerry unknowingly admits “Human are not responsible for climate change”



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668e89 No.110221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986212 (272008ZNOV23) Notable: Tommy Robinson RELEASED From Jail And Speaks Out

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Tommy Robinson RELEASED From Jail And Speaks Out


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668e89 No.110222

File: 23e5635a03d9ec6⋯.jpeg (760.37 KB,1170x1543,1170:1543,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d26701387290ab5⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1170x2225,234:445,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986217 (272009ZNOV23) Notable: MIRANDA DEVINE AND GENERAL FLYNN AMPLIFYING #PIZZAGATE!

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668e89 No.110223

File: aaca626c380e4ae⋯.jpg (35.37 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986413 (272051ZNOV23) Notable: Trump challenges Biden to take cognitive exam

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Trump challenges Biden to take cognitive exam

Trump, on Monday, rejected speculation from campaign of Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis about his health, asserting that his references to Biden as "Obama" was a sarcastic derision of the commander-in-chief's alleged lack of independence.

Former President Donald Trump on Monday challenged President Joe Biden to take a cognitive exam amid mounting speculation about his age and fitness for office.

Earlier in November, Trump's doctor issued the former president a clean bill of health and touted his cognitive results, saying "[h]is physical exams were well within the normal range and his cognitive exams were exceptional."

Trump, on Monday, rejected speculation from campaign of Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis about his health, asserting that his references to Biden as "Obama" was a sarcastic derision of the commander-in-chief's alleged lack of independence.


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668e89 No.110224

File: c1bb20b636754fd⋯.png (354.28 KB,660x1308,55:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986441 (272056ZNOV23) Notable: DJT truths

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Kim Reynolds supported someone the people do not want, Ron DeSanctimonious. For what reason, no one knows. She was the most popular Governor and now she is at the bottom of the list!


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668e89 No.110225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986476 (272103ZNOV23) Notable: First Lady Jill Biden Hosts Military Families for a Special Performance from Disney’s Frozen

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November 27, 2023

4:15 PM EST

First Lady Jill Biden Hosts Military Families for a Special Performance from Disney’s Frozen

The White House



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668e89 No.110226

File: ea6f5274099a75f⋯.png (233.72 KB,1652x864,413:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986483 (272105ZNOV23) Notable: DJT truths

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Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat’s Radical Left “Disinformation Machine,” go wild saying that “Trump doesn’t know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired.” No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country. Also, and as reported, I just took a cognitive test as part of my Physical Exam, and ACED it. Also ACED (a perfect score!) one taken while in the White House. Biden should take one so we can determine why he wants Open Borders, No Energy Independence, A Woke Military, High Inflation, No Voter I.D., Men playing In Women’s Sports, Only Electric Cars & Trucks, A Weaponized DOJ/FBI, and so many other CRAZY things!!!


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668e89 No.110227

File: 79ca61652f33adf⋯.jpg (172.52 KB,720x874,360:437,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 12a638aa59a0533⋯.jpg (101.2 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 779b4f790cf59b3⋯.jpg (81.07 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986515 (272114ZNOV23) Notable: Knife-wielding maniac arrested trying to drag his mom down NYC street by the hair

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Knife-wielding maniac arrested trying to drag his mom down NYC street by the hair


He looks like a flag, who has that color flag?

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668e89 No.110228

File: 51fef2ffee1fb28⋯.png (846.13 KB,925x569,925:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986602 (272140ZNOV23) Notable: What is Plasmid DNA?

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668e89 No.110229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986604 (272141ZNOV23) Notable: New Outbreaks, OH NO, Fear Pron bun

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China Seeks More Clinics To Cope With Surge Of Respiratory Illnesses In Children

China's top health body urged hospitals nationwide to extend service hours and set up more clinics, as the recent increase in respiratory illnesses drew global concerns.

The message delivered at a Nov. 26 news conference held by the National Health Commission (NHC) came as domestic media reports show that long lines have formed at pediatric hospitals, with some parents reporting that they waited up to eight hours to get their children to see a doctor.

Health officials on Nov. 26 acknowledged that hospitals are overcrowded, and to quell public concerns, they urged local clinics to enhance their capacity to accommodate the growing number of patients.

"Efforts should be made to increase the number of relevant clinics and treatment areas, appropriately extend service hours, and strengthen guarantees of drug supplies," NHC spokesperson Mi Feng told reporters on Nov. 26.

"It is necessary to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in key crowded places such as schools, child care institutions, and nursing homes, and to reduce the flow of people and visits."

The health ministry reiterated the previous response to the World Health Organization (WHO), attributing the recent spike in acute respiratory cases to a combination of pathogens, most prominently influenza.

Wang Huaqing, the chief expert at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention's immunization program, listed other pathogens behind the rise in cases among the 5-to-14 age group, including the rhinovirus, a typical cause of the common cold, and mycoplasma pneumoniae, a bacterial infection that usually affects younger children.

Meanwhile, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, is being detected among patients older than 60, according to Mr. Wang.


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668e89 No.110230

File: ee70f12ef8fcfd3⋯.png (6.64 MB,1800x1713,600:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986605 (272141ZNOV23) Notable: #24536-A

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668e89 No.110231

File: 4c12c56d89e95da⋯.jpg (129.48 KB,1080x1221,360:407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986607 (272142ZNOV23) Notable: Pelosi's daughter: "J6, the greatest hoax we've ever pulled off"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.110232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986611 (272142ZNOV23) Notable: New Outbreaks, OH NO, Fear Pron bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK Detects First Human Case of H1N2, Scrambles to Find Contacts of Person Infected

UKHSA reported, “The individual was tested by their GP after experiencing respiratory symptoms.”

The agency continued, “Influenza A(H1N2)v virus was detected by UKHSA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and characterized using genome sequencing.”

As is usual early in emerging infection events, UKHSA is working closely with partners to determine the characteristics of the pathogen and assess the risk to human health.

The case was detected as part of routine national flu surveillance undertaken by UKHSA and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). The individual was tested by their GP after experiencing respiratory symptoms. Influenza A(H1N2)v virus was detected by UKHSA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and characterised using genome sequencing.

The individual concerned experienced a mild illness and has fully recovered. The source of their infection has not yet been ascertained and remains under investigation.

Close contacts of the case are being followed up by UKHSA and partner organisations. Any contacts will be offered testing as necessary and advised on any necessary further care if they have symptoms or test positive.

People with any respiratory symptoms should continue to follow the existing guidance; avoid contact with other people while symptoms persist, particularly if the people they are coming into contact with are elderly or have existing medical conditions.

UKHSA is monitoring the situation closely and is taking steps to increase surveillance within existing programmes involving GP surgeries and hospitals in parts of North Yorkshire. To assist in the detection of cases and assessment of transmission, those people who are contacted and asked to test are encouraged to do so.

Meera Chand, Incident Director at UKHSA, said:

It is thanks to routine flu surveillance and genome sequencing that we have been able to detect this virus. This is the first time we have detected this virus in humans in the UK, though it is very similar to viruses that have been detected in pigs.

We are working rapidly to trace close contacts and reduce any potential spread. In accordance with established protocols, investigations are underway to learn how the individual acquired the infection and to assess whether there are any further associated cases.

Chief Veterinary Officer, Christine Middlemiss, said:

We know that some diseases of animals can be transferred to humans – which is why high standards of animal health, welfare and biosecurity are so important.

Through our animal and human surveillance systems we work together to protect everyone. In this case we are providing specialist veterinary and scientific knowledge to support the UKHSA investigation. Pig keepers must also report any suspicion of swine flu in their herds to their local vet immediately.


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668e89 No.110233

File: ddaaf7d495f9be1⋯.png (468.49 KB,925x645,185:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986627 (272145ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6

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668e89 No.110234

File: 12c03f10da9527d⋯.png (155.68 KB,587x656,587:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986666 (272152ZNOV23) Notable: WINNIPEG SHOOTING | Fourth victim confirmed dead, one left in critical condition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WINNIPEG SHOOTING | Fourth victim confirmed dead, one left in critical condition

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668e89 No.110235

File: 28748eeb6758a55⋯.png (361.83 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986689 (272155ZNOV23) Notable: New Outbreaks, OH NO, Fear Pron bun

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Influenza A virus subtype H1N2 (A/H1N2) is a subtype of the species Influenza A virus (sometimes called bird flu virus). It is currently endemic in pig populations and is occasionally seen in humans.

Influenza A virus subtype H1N2

Virus classificationEdit this classification


















Influenza A virus


Influenza A virus subtype H1N2



The virus does not cause more severe illness than other influenza viruses, and no unusual increases in influenza activity have been associated with it.


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668e89 No.110236

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986701 (272157ZNOV23) Notable: Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein Reveals New Software To Catch Real-Time Ephemeral Manipulation by BIG TECH

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Must Watch

Big Tech is shifting millions of votes. Robert Epstein Reveals New Software To Catch Real-Time Ephemeral Manipulation

"6 Million Votes Shifted To Joe Biden In 2020": Robert Epstein Reveals New Software To Catch Real-Time Ephemeral Manipulation


Big News capturing data on Big Tech manipulating voters, go to website and see how many elections, Big Tech have shifted. Google, Microsoft, Yahoo etc, the magnitude of this is a million times the voter fraud locally

Website below monitoring Big Tech in real time, predominantly to the left. Its a $3 million dollar website monitoring 24 hours a day, check it:


New system


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668e89 No.110237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986707 (272157ZNOV23) Notable: Musk met with Netanyahu - says Israel has no choice but to “destroy Hamas"

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Musk backs Israeli assault on Gaza

The head of X met with PM Netanyahu and President Herzog

Israel has no choice but to “destroy Hamas,” Elon Musk said on Monday after meeting with the country's leadership in West Jerusalem.


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668e89 No.110238

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986735 (272203ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: They are trying to scare everyone with a new variant, and to scare and force the people into complying so they can rig elections, lockdowns, vaccines, masks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


PDJT: They are trying to scare everyone with a new variant, and to scare and force the people into complying so they can rig elections, lockdowns, vaccines, masks. etc



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668e89 No.110239

File: 4395bf0c19d2c9b⋯.png (1.19 MB,919x590,919:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986740 (272203ZNOV23) Notable: Suicide missions, abuse, physical threats: International Legion fighters speak out against leadership’s misconduct

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Suicide missions, abuse, physical threats: International Legion fighters speak out against leadership’s misconduct

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668e89 No.110240

File: 53f072e80d9c00a⋯.png (204.2 KB,400x500,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986748 (272205ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: They are trying to scare everyone with a new variant, and to scare and force the people into complying so they can rig elections, lockdowns, vaccines, masks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


When was this posted?

Sauce is just embed

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668e89 No.110241

File: 2b73c1f86534fe2⋯.png (216.69 KB,591x779,591:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986751 (272206ZNOV23) Notable: HAPPENING NOW: A huge group of migrants is 3 miles away and making their way to Eagle Pass, TX.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


🚨HAPPENING NOW: A huge group of migrants is 3 miles away and making their way to Eagle Pass, TX.

🎥 @efraiinGzz

10:47 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110242

File: ac954ccdb4070f8⋯.png (149.02 KB,602x685,602:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986762 (272207ZNOV23) Notable: Trump filed a motion in the J6 indictment case Requesting ALL Documents Regarding Informants, Cooperators, Undercover Agents, Representatives, who was Present or within 5 Miles of the US Capitol on J 6

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🚨That’s some “Stable Genius” sh#t right there!

I hope EVERY SINGLE Fed informant gets named!






Uh ohh… Discovery is a Bish 🪃

Trump filed a motion in the J6 indictment case Requesting ALL Documents Regarding Informants, Cooperators, Undercover Agents, Representatives, who was Present or within 5 Miles of the US Capitol on January 6

The Deep-State now has a choice……

Show more

10:06 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110243

File: 90687a2828e95c3⋯.png (610.16 KB,680x716,170:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986770 (272209ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei on Monday visited the burial site of the the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Photos: Argentina’s Javier Milei Visits

the Ohel, Gravesite of Lubavitcher Rebbe,

Before Meeting U.S. Officials

Breitbart Politics, by Emma-Jo Morris

Posted By: Imright, 11/27/2023 2:33:06 PM

Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei on Monday visited the burial site of the the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, as the first stop of his visit to the United States, ahead of his meetings with U.S. officials.Milei arrived at the cemetery, located in Queens, New York, just after 9 A.M. with his entourage, where he met Rabbi Simon Jacobson, who has become somewhat of an informal advisor and mentor. Milei was visibly emotional when he met Rabbi Jacobson at the entrance of the site, and they went together to pray at the grave.

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668e89 No.110244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986779 (272210ZNOV23) Notable: Vatican Says Transgender People Can Be Baptized and Become Godparents

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Vatican Says Transgender People Can Be Baptized and Become Godparents

A document approved by Pope Francis lays out nuanced guidance in keeping with his vision of a more inclusive church, but it does not amount to a policy change in the church, the Vatican says.

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668e89 No.110245

File: ce8b340799958b2⋯.png (54.85 KB,658x399,94:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986782 (272210ZNOV23) Notable: At least 400 female and child migrants have been brutalized in 'rape tents' along infamous Darien Gap

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At least 400 female and child migrants

have been brutalized in 'rape tents' along

infamous Darien Gap while making treacherous

journey to the US, bombshell new report reveals

Daily Mail (UK), by MaryAnn Martinez

Posted By: Imright, 11/27/2023 2:28:09 PM

At least 400 women and children have been treated this year by Doctors Without Borders after they were raped in tents set up specifically to abuse migrants in the notorious Darien Gap, a bombshell new report has revealed. In October alone, 107 rape survivors, including 59 people in a single week, were treated by the organization. The youngest victims were 11, 12, and 16. 'A 100-kilometer stretch of wilderness known as one of the most dangerous migrant crossings in the world - people report being subjected to kidnappings and rape in tents set up for that purpose,' Doctors Without Border said last week.

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668e89 No.110246

File: cd3b0c337b10e50⋯.png (389.18 KB,500x499,500:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986784 (272211ZNOV23) Notable: #24535 Posted in #24536

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>110230 (me)


#24535 >>110199

>>110209 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>110200 Olivers’ Non-Pretending Assessment of Global Politics

>>110201 @1stArmoredDiv Mr. Paul Albright CSM (Ret), El Paso’s Chief Military Officer, was recently recognized for his instrumental work in El Paso’s selection as one of five Great American Defense Communities in 2023

>>110202 2 days ahead of schedule? delta?

>>110203 Jill Biden Reveals the 2023 Holidays at the White House

>>110204 Passenger Causes Panic On Southwest Airlines Flight to Atlanta After Jumping Out Emergency Exit as the Plane Was Preparing For Departure

>>110205 Musk Offers To Help Rebuild A Deradicalized, "Prosperous" Gaza After Touring Ravaged Kibbutz With Netanyahu

>>110206 John Kirby Admits Biden Regime Has Limited Information on the Condition of American Hostages Held by Hamas Terrorists

>>110207 So you're telling me that the great-aunt of the youngest American hostage and first American to be released by Hamas is a buyer of Hunter Biden's art……

>>110208 Greta Thunberg Caught on Video Going Full Anti-Semite, Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’

>>110210 Argentina’s Javier Milei Visits the Ohel, Gravesite of Lubavitcher Rebbe, Before Meeting U.S. Officials

>>110211 Schumer: Senate Priority for Ukraine, Israel Funding Next Week, No Border Security Cash

>>110213 UK Army spied on lockdown critics: Sceptics, including Peter Hitchens, suspected they being watched

>>110214 NATO reaffirms its long-term support for Ukraine and says its members all agree the nation will join the alliance, but not while the war is ongoing, and not before it has reformed.

>>110215 Sam Bankman-Fried’s Life Behind Bars: Crypto Tips and Paying With Fish

>>110216 Judge Allows Lawsuit To Proceed Against Biden For Allegedly Aiding Palestinian Terrorists

>>110217, >>110212 Expose RINOS/DEMS, will help secure America and cancel a lot of the other BS out.

>>110218 JUST IN: Video emerges of Allison Greenfield, Judge Engoron's law clerk attending a Dem event campaigning for NY AG Letitia James.

>>110219 He isn’t going away quietly …

>>110220 Representative Thomas Massie Stumps Climate Hoaxer John Kerry

>>110221 Tommy Robinson RELEASED From Jail And Speaks Out


>>110223 Trump challenges Biden to take cognitive exam

>>110224, >>110226 DJT truths

>>110225 First Lady Jill Biden Hosts Military Families for a Special Performance from Disney’s Frozen

>>110227 Knife-wielding maniac arrested trying to drag his mom down NYC street by the hair

#24535 Posted in #24536

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668e89 No.110247

File: d181a2a31da1f23⋯.png (19.68 KB,579x203,579:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986790 (272212ZNOV23) Notable: The great-aunt of the youngest American hostage and first American to be released by Hamas is apparently a buyer of Hunter's art

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Benjamin Weingarten


So you're telling me that the great-aunt of the youngest American hostage and first American to be released by Hamas is a buyer of Hunter Biden's art, who was then appointed by Joe Biden to the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad?

7:00 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110248

File: f06c3fcf573a6c4⋯.jpg (118.54 KB,720x826,360:413,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6b24d22f8c425de⋯.mp4 (11.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c809ae33c52c308⋯.jpg (74.97 KB,720x392,90:49,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986799 (272213ZNOV23) Notable: HAPPENING NOW: A huge group of migrants is 3 miles away and making their way to Eagle Pass, TX.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: A train filled with military aged illegal migrants headed to the U.S. border was captured on video.

What do you see at 0:23


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668e89 No.110249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986816 (272216ZNOV23) Notable: #Supercomputer Kraken is named third most powerful in the @top500supercomp ranking

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oak Ridge Lab



2008: The Jaguar #supercomputer is named the world's most powerful computer.

#Supercomputer Kraken is named third most powerful in the @top500supercomp ranking.



Nov 27, 2023 · 9:09 PM UTC


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668e89 No.110250

File: 6aa868a6842075e⋯.png (365.93 KB,595x629,35:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986818 (272215ZNOV23) Notable: "Judge DENIES Trump’s Request to Call Court-Appointed Monitor as Defense Witness"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Adam Klasfeld



"Judge DENIES Trump’s Request to Call Court-Appointed Monitor as Defense Witness"

The monitor, ex-Judge Barbara Jones, has been tasked with watching Trump Org and possibly, dissolving the ex-president's business empire.

DEVELOPING, @TheMessenger

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a break at his civil fraud trial at New York State Supreme Court on October 18, 2023 in New York City.

8:42 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110251

File: b4d30d036f8ce78⋯.jpeg (223.55 KB,1081x753,1081:753,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: aece48570ebd577⋯.jpeg (320.28 KB,1092x2122,546:1061,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f50f30a84ad9348⋯.jpeg (404.78 KB,1109x2328,1109:2328,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986819 (272215ZNOV23) Notable: Check our America's Digital Shield site

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Check out the elections Epstein and Company they can prove the stole in 2020 and 2022

Anons check out the website


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668e89 No.110252

File: 5b3fae5cc3845f8⋯.png (529.81 KB,597x734,597:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986829 (272217ZNOV23) Notable: Callesto - BREAKING REPORT: Rhode Island Federal Court DISMISSES Latest Challenge to Keep Trump Off the 2024 Ballot..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Rhode Island Federal Court DISMISSES Latest Challenge to Keep Trump Off the 2024 Ballot..

"The American People have the unassailable right to vote for the candidate of their choosing at the ballot box, something the Democrats and their allies driving these cases clearly disagree with."

"President Trump believes the American voters, not the courts, should decide who wins next year’s elections and we urge a swift dismissal of all such remaining bogus ballot challenges." -Trump Spox


10:43 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110253

File: adb1879a5ddc56c⋯.png (370.49 KB,710x740,71:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986834 (272218ZNOV23) Notable: Callesto - BREAKING REPORT: Rhode Island Federal Court DISMISSES Latest Challenge to Keep Trump Off the 2024 Ballot..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.110254

File: 0f1f9d75c496943⋯.jpeg (427.58 KB,1293x575,1293:575,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 191ec7c7184e745⋯.jpeg (356.68 KB,773x708,773:708,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986846 (272220ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk N628TS G50 departed Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion Intl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>110152 pb, >>>/qresearch/19986597

Elon Musk N628TS G50 departed Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion Intl after arriving earlier today-done groveling to Nutty Asshoe and heading NW

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668e89 No.110255

File: dcedf539795143f⋯.png (325.44 KB,634x718,317:359,Clipboard.png)

File: d329e1ee0e5f1dd⋯.png (928.03 KB,893x508,893:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986863 (272223ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Epstein's wife died in a mysterious crash after he blew the whistle on Google

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Robert Epstein

Wife of Google Whistleblower Killed In I-15 Crash

A North County woman identified as the wife of the Google whistleblower died following a car crash on the State Route 78 onramp to Interstate 15.


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668e89 No.110256

File: cf665afc1fa9a8c⋯.png (670.87 KB,799x777,799:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986871 (272224ZNOV23) Notable: Businesses Ditch ‘Diversity’ Initiatives In Droves Amid Economic Uncertainty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Businesses Ditch ‘Diversity’ Initiatives

In Droves Amid Economic Uncertainty

Daily Caller, by Will Kessler

Posted By: Imright, 11/27/2023 2:25:42 PM

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives lost steam in 2023 compared to previous years as companies increasingly shift resources due to tightening economic conditions, according to Paradigm. The total percentage of American organizations with a DEI budget dropped 4 percentage points, from 58% in 2022 to 54% in 2023, while the number of organizations with a DEI strategy fell 9 points in that same time frame, according to a report from consulting firm Paradigm. DEI initiatives in the workplace gained huge traction following the death of George Floyd, which encouraged companies to divert resources to the practice, but now “external forces,” including tightening economic condition public and judicial pressure,

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668e89 No.110257

File: e1813e73f5a3ddd⋯.png (459.37 KB,606x751,606:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986874 (272225ZNOV23) Notable: Anons say sauce not enough for this lb notable: In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oli London


One is an innocent teen girl.

The other is a suicide bomber.

This was the exchange Israel had to make in order to get back the hostages.

In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners- all with convictions for terror or violence.


1:20 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986888 (272227ZNOV23) Notable: New research reveals humans in N American thousands of years earlier than previously thought

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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory



#ICYMI: New research from a team including a #LLNL scientist reaffirms that human footprints found in White Sands National Park, New Mexico, date to the Last Glacial Maximum, placing humans in North America thousands of years earlier than once thought:



Nov 27, 2023 · 6:11 PM UTC



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668e89 No.110259

File: 0b4d92f6548c39e⋯.png (321.12 KB,597x794,597:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986912 (272232ZNOV23) Notable: Hernando Arce report un SATXPolice unprofessional conduct re border duties

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hernando arce


Meet Sgt Oliva #3233 from @SATXPolice

he admits drinking alcohol while in uniform ! At the illegal human trafficking facility

He then turns the illegals against me. Making it more dangerous to document at night.

Did he act professional?

#illegalaliens #bordercrisis #invasion #migrants #securetheborder #cbp #openborders #closetheborder #borderwars #immigration


1:14 / 4:22

Last edited

6:27 PM · Nov 26, 2023

from San Antonio, TX




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668e89 No.110260

File: 9a9367d733714c7⋯.jpeg (478.1 KB,828x878,414:439,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986916 (272233ZNOV23) Notable: President-elect Javier Milei will meet with President Joe Biden's national security adviser

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>>110181, >>110188 pb Milei lines up ‘protocol meetings’ in United States with IMF, World Bank

Told ya even before election NO ONE GETS IN UNLESS APPROVED


Argentina's right-wing president-elect to meet with a top Biden adviser(NSO Stooge Sullivan)


ASHINGTON (AP) — Argentina's right-wing President-elect Javier Milei will meet with President Joe Biden's national security adviser on Tuesday in Washington, according to the White House.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Monday that Milei will meet with White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan and other administration officials. Biden, who will be traveling on Tuesday to Georgia for a memorial service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter and then to Colorado, will not meet with Milei.

The Treasury Department said in a statement that Milei's economic policy advisers will also meet with senior Treasury Officials on Tuesday. That meeting is expected to focus on the incoming Milei administration's economic policy priorities.

“We want to continue to look for ways to cooperate with Argentina,” Kirby said. "Argentina is a healthy and vibrant partner in this hemisphere on many, many issues. And so we’re looking forward to obviously hearing what the president-elect's ideas are and where he wants to go on policy issues and making sure that we have a chance to keep that channel of communication open. Milei’s meetings in Washington ”are protocol-driven to explain the economic plan: fiscal adjustment, monetary reform, state reform and deregulation,” a Milei spokesman, who declined to be named because he was not authorized to talk on the record, said. “It is not in search of financing.”(cuz he’s already got $40b in recent IMF funds). Milei spent Monday in New York City and was traveling to Washington primarily for talks with International Monetary Fund officials, according to Kirby.


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668e89 No.110261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986917 (272233ZNOV23) Notable: Anons say sauce not enough for this lb notable: In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners

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BS sauce for this

not notable

>>>110257 In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners- all with convictions for terror or violence.

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668e89 No.110262

File: a8d8bcb083b4ddd⋯.png (422.61 KB,594x496,297:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986918 (272233ZNOV23) Notable: Google's AI supposedly reveals that photos taken on the moon by NASA were faked

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SHOCK: Google’s AI has revealed the photos allegedly taken on the moon by NASA were fake! Here is video of Putin getting a demo.


Hu Xijin 胡锡进

5:02 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110263

File: ef4df9af0843cdf⋯.png (136.74 KB,602x707,86:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986928 (272235ZNOV23) Notable: Polly: Sooo..Jack Posobiec's super insider source "Microchip" was FBI? Did he just fall for BS story?

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See new posts






Holy shizzz. @JackPosobiec

your boy Microchip verified as a FBI informant.

You all remember the fake chat log

deal, where Jacky was going on for months bout Q being fake and ultimately put Microchips “chat logs” on as legit and they had a date in the thread that was a couple…

Show more





Crazy how they let he keep his name anonymous 🤔

4:10 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986930 (272236ZNOV23) Notable: Anons say sauce not enough for this lb notable: In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners

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Agree BS notable.

Bad sauce.

>>110257 In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners- all with convictions for terror or violence.

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668e89 No.110265

File: da8f40e68777432⋯.png (39.18 KB,666x425,666:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986937 (272238ZNOV23) Notable: Polly: Sooo..Jack Posobiec's super insider source "Microchip" was FBI? Did he just fall for BS story?

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FBI agent accidentally reveals own 8chan posts; attempts to redirect white supremacist rage against Russia

Posted on 17 June 2019 by @henrykrinkie

Updated August 4, 2019: Added link to “A.C.L.U. Says F.B.I. Funded ‘Army’ To Terrorize Young War Dissidents“

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668e89 No.110266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986941 (272238ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Epstein's wife died in a mysterious crash after he blew the whistle on Google

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notableDr Epstein wife killed, he was a whistleblower He created the digital tracking on Big tech stealing elections. Video on the board now

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668e89 No.110267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986948 (272240ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Epstein's wife died in a mysterious crash after he blew the whistle on Google

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Thx for that reminder. He said he suspects the people he was blowing the whistle on killed her

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668e89 No.110268

File: f56c1cf814ffcce⋯.png (281.2 KB,504x447,168:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986974 (272247ZNOV23) Notable: CMz: When will the rest of the J6 tapes be released? @SpeakerJohnson

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When will the rest of the J6 tapes be released? @SpeakerJohnson


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668e89 No.110269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986975 (272247ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: They are trying to scare everyone with a new variant, and to scare and force the people into complying so they can rig elections, lockdowns, vaccines, masks.

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3 hours ago


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668e89 No.110270

File: bde0c575d89199f⋯.webp (15 KB,615x403,615:403,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987024 (272257ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Epstein's wife died in a mysterious crash after he blew the whistle on Google

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Q proof?

So he was reporting on the 2016 presidential election stealing!

Wife of Google whistleblower who alleged election meddling dies in car crash. Dec 29, 2019

psychology professor Robert Epstein

Tragic Misti Dawn Vaughn, 29, was killed when her Ford Ranger spun into the path of a tractor-trailer in California, her husband Robert Epstein revealed in a heartbreaking Twitter post

The wife of a whistleblower who claimed there was widespread Google meddling in the last US Presidential election has died in a car crash.

Tragic Misti Dawn Vaughn, 29, was killed after her vehicle spun into the path of a tractor-trailer in California.

She was married to psychology professor Robert Epstein, 66, who shared his grief in a heartbreaking Twitter post. Prof Epstein wrote: "My beautiful wife Misti, a published poet, succumbed last night to injuries sustained in a car accident.

California Highway Patrol spokesman Officer Mark Latulippe told the San Diego Union-Tribune that the car spun into the path of a big rig, which was hauling two dump trailers.

Prof Epstein claimed Hillary Clinton picked up more than 2.6 million votes because ofGoogle bias

The Washington Post/Getty Images)

Prof Estein controversially claimed that Google search resultsgave Hillary Clinton an advantage in the 2016 election.

Testifying to Senator Ted Cruz in July, he said theDemocratic candidate benefited from 2.6 million extra votes as a result.

He said: "I know the number of votes that shifted because I have conducted dozens of controlled experiments in the US and other countries that measure precisely how opinions and votes shift when search results favor one candidate, cause, or company."

But Google denied favouritism, saying in a statement: "This researcher's inaccurate claim has been debunked since it was made in 2016. As we stated then, we have never re-ranked or altered search results to manipulate political sentiment.

"Our goal is to always provide people with access to high quality, relevant information for their queries, without regard to political viewpoint."


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668e89 No.110271

File: 27f6e1309e35a41⋯.png (13.56 KB,552x196,138:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987027 (272257ZNOV23) Notable: Wyatt: Post the truth. Let them hate you, unfriend you, block you, and mock you. We are here to feed the lions, not entertain the sheep.

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Post the truth. Let them hate you, unfriend you, block you, and mock you.

We are here to feed the lions, not entertain the sheep.

1:15 PM · Nov 27, 2023


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668e89 No.110272

File: 0a8f0843208c897⋯.png (419.66 KB,596x531,596:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987036 (272259ZNOV23) Notable: Polly: Sooo..Jack Posobiec's super insider source "Microchip" was FBI? Did he just fall for BS story?

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Amazing Polly Isn't Here to Compromise


Sooo.. Jack Posobiec's super insider source "Microchip" was FBI?

Not surprising.

Does this mean Posobiec is intel, or is he merely 'unintel' and fell for Microchip's BS story?

Video below to refresh your memory - Posobiec's coverage is included.

2:43 AM · Nov 27, 2023




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668e89 No.110273

File: cd62056e9e3e07f⋯.png (127.01 KB,552x755,552:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987050 (272300ZNOV23) Notable: Bidan says horrified at shooting of Palestinian students

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Herbie Ziskend



@POTUS: "Jill and I were horrified to learn that three college students of Palestinian descent, two of whom are American citizens, were shot Saturday in Burlington, Vermont. They were simply spending Thanksgiving gathered with family and loved ones."

3:24 PM · Nov 27, 2023


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668e89 No.110274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987095 (272309ZNOV23) Notable: Joe Biden Claims “MAGA Republicans” Are Proposing Cuts [in spending] to the Internet

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Joe Biden Claims “MAGA Republicans” Are Proposing Cuts to the Internet

Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks on his administration’s so-called actions to strengthen the supply chains and lower costs for families from the Treaty Room at the White House.

Recent polls reveal Americans say they were better off financially under Trump.

No matter what Joe Biden and his stenographers in the media say, Americans are not happy with ‘Bidenomics.’

Yet Joe Biden was out flapping his gums again on Monday claiming he brought the economy back from the brink after Democrats forcefully shut down businesses during Covid.

“From turkey to air travel to tank of gas, costs went down. They went down!” Biden said.

This is, of course, a lie. Airfare is up more than 20%, Thanksgiving dinner is up more than 25% and gas prices are still higher now than when Biden took office in January 2021.

“Wages for working families have gone up while inflation has come down 65%!” Biden said.

Another lie. Real wages are down over 3% and prices are up more than 17% since January 2021.

Joe Biden then bizarrely claimed, without offering any proof whatsoever that “MAGA Republicans” are “proposing cuts” to “the internet.”

“[MAGA Republicans] still want to undo this progress we’re making. They’re proposing cuts in investments and roads and bridges, the internet, the high-speed internet, the very things that…anyway,” Biden said.

Joe Biden shuffled away without answering any questions.


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668e89 No.110275

File: 5f958b1ae777c82⋯.png (193.35 KB,592x718,296:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987112 (272311ZNOV23) Notable: @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden removed the Houthis from the Terror Watch List - now they are firing on America

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Richard Grenell


Joe Biden removed the Houthis from the Terror Watch List.

The Houthis are now firing on America and @JakeSullivan46

hasn’t put them back on the list.

Biden’s weakness is making us less safe.


Square profile picture

U.S. Central Command




On Nov. 26, the USS MASON (DDG 87), with allied ships from our coalition counter-piracy task force (TF 151), and associated aircraft responded to a distress call from the M/V CENTRAL PARK, a commercial vessel, that they were under attack by an unknown entity. Upon arrival,…

Show more


5:08 PM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110276

File: 3daecc4a12e730d⋯.png (424.07 KB,600x510,20:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987124 (272313ZNOV23) Notable: "BlackRock Set To Rake in $1 Trillion Rebuilding the Destruction They Financed in Ukraine"

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Luke Rudkowski


The Ukrainian men were sacrificed for this!

"BlackRock Set To Rake in $1 Trillion Rebuilding the Destruction They Financed in Ukraine"

2:41 PM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987135 (272314ZNOV23) Notable: SLD 45 will support a Falcon 9 Starlink Southerly Trajectory Launch

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To travel to the Moon you don't need a ship, just to go through a portal on Earth.

Space Launch Delta 45




SLD 45 will support a Falcon 9 Starlink Southerly Trajectory Launch.

The launch window opens at 23:00 EST Nov 27 (04:00 UTC Nov 28). Expected T-0 may vary.

Check launch hazard and airspace for closure areas at patrick.spaceforce.mil/

Nov 27, 2023 · 2:17 AM UTC


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668e89 No.110278

File: 92ded0067e2cad4⋯.png (46.44 KB,570x242,285:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987165 (272320ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: Congressman Gary Palmer is a tremendous advocate for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District.

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Congressman Gary Palmer is a tremendous advocate for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District.

As Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, Gary is working hard to advance our America First agenda in Congress. He is fighting to Secure the Border, Strengthen our Military, Lower your Taxes, Defend our Second Amendment, and Make America Energy Independent.

Gary Palmer has my Complete and Total Endorsement — he will never let you down!

18:16 ET


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668e89 No.110279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987259 (272340ZNOV23) Notable: Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein Reveals New Software To Catch Real-Time Ephemeral Manipulation by BIG TECH

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The real villain here is Google.

Google found one of the very best business models of all time, skimming all the surplus profit off of the entire free open internet.

This is the natural end state of that process.

The closure of internet has been driven by this because the only way to make money sustainably is to *not* leave your shit open on the internet where Google will index it, middleman you, and eventually clone you.

If your content was hard to index (eg video) that would work for a while, but those days are coming to an end. Plus Google bought the world’s *second* biggest search engine, YouTube, so it’s sort of a moot point anyway.

This could have been averted if Google was less avaricious. Instead of trying to eg. eat Yelp alive with by giving Google reviews an unfair advantage in search, they could have partnered with them and cut them in on the revenue.

The fact revenue sites now optimize to trick you into reading for as long as possible before giving you the recipe is directly due to this phenomenon…more time on site both ranks them higher on Google, and also lets them show more ads, which they need to compete for top spot.

The reason the % of the internet that is globally indexed keeps dropping is because of this.

If Google worked closely with their partners, the sites and people who provide the open content that makes one of the most profitable businesses in the world work…then people like SEO-heist-man would be out of luck. Bc Google would know they were being ripped off.

Look how it works on YouTube. Extensive controls mean you can’t just copy someone else’s videos and rank. If you tried to GPT-steal their YT videos they’d rightly strike you. But Google hasn’t bothered to build that for the open web because it’s just a commons to plunder to them.

Sad. I remember the huge surplus of an open web. Maybe someday we’ll figure out how to get it back.


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668e89 No.110280

File: 3e0c84832cba03b⋯.png (276.4 KB,595x631,595:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987278 (272342ZNOV23) Notable: General Flynn was investigating money laundering through military operations at the Pentagon before the Deep State had him removed

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General Mike Flynn




Douglas Macgregor




General Flynn was investigating money laundering through military operations at the Pentagon before the Deep State had him removed.

Today the Pentagon cannot account for $3-Trillion.

We are spending over a Trillion dollars plus to service our sovereign debt.

Flynn was right!

Show more

3:10 PM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110281

File: 65852a6921ff939⋯.png (21.87 KB,598x285,598:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987286 (272343ZNOV23) Notable: @GuntherEagleman: Remember when our @HouseGOP gave Joe Biden a blank check during the debt ceiling debate? I do.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gunther Eagleman™


Remember when our @HouseGOP

gave Joe Biden a blank check during the debt ceiling debate? I do.

The 17.1% is on y’all too.


Square profile picture

House Republicans




Since Joe Biden took office, prices have risen 17.1%.

1:17 PM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110282

File: 6cf57346bedcf33⋯.png (278.74 KB,589x476,589:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987294 (272345ZNOV23) Notable: @TheLastRefuge2: Sen. Ron Wyden Asks AG Merrick Garland to Release Information About AT&T Hemisphere" Dragnet Surveillance Agreement With U.S. Govt

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Senator Ron Wyden Asks AG Merrick Garland to Release Information About AT&T "Hemisphere" Dragnet Surveillance Agreement With U.S. Government

2:25 PM · Nov 26, 2023




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668e89 No.110283

File: cf4152fa07a66fb⋯.png (18.18 KB,720x146,360:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e2487fbb8c5fc1⋯.png (829.75 KB,750x397,750:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987311 (272348ZNOV23) Notable: Health Scare Forces Stephen Colbert To Urgently Cancel Shows

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BREAKING: Health Scare Forces Stephen Colbert To Urgently Cancel Shows

By Chris PowellNovember 27, 2023Updated:November 27, 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

668e89 No.110284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987314 (272349ZNOV23) Notable: #24536-A

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#24536-A >>110230

>>110228 What is Plasmid DNA?

>>110229, >>110232, >>110235 New Outbreaks, OH NO, Fear Pron bun

>>110231 Pelosi's daughter: "J6, the greatest hoax we've ever pulled off"

>>110233, >>110242 Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6

>>110234 WINNIPEG SHOOTING | Fourth victim confirmed dead, one left in critical condition

>>110236, >>110279 Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein Reveals New Software To Catch Real-Time Ephemeral Manipulation by BIG TECH

>>110255, >>110266, >>110267, >>110270 Dr. Epstein's wife died in a mysterious crash after he blew the whistle on Google

>>110237 Musk met with Netanyahu - says Israel has no choice but to “destroy Hamas"

>>110238, >>110240, >>110269 PDJT: They are trying to scare everyone with a new variant, and to scare and force the people into complying so they can rig elections, lockdowns, vaccines, masks.

>>110239 Suicide missions, abuse, physical threats: International Legion fighters speak out against leadership’s misconduct

>>110241, >>110248 HAPPENING NOW: A huge group of migrants is 3 miles away and making their way to Eagle Pass, TX.

>>110242 Trump filed a motion in the J6 indictment case Requesting ALL Documents Regarding Informants, Cooperators, Undercover Agents, Representatives, who was Present or within 5 Miles of the US Capitol on J 6

>>110243, Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei on Monday visited the burial site of the the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe

>>110244 Vatican Says Transgender People Can Be Baptized and Become Godparents

>>110245 At least 400 female and child migrants have been brutalized in 'rape tents' along infamous Darien Gap

>>110247 The great-aunt of the youngest American hostage and first American to be released by Hamas is apparently a buyer of Hunter's art

>>110249 #Supercomputer Kraken is named third most powerful in the @top500supercomp ranking

>>110250 "Judge DENIES Trump’s Request to Call Court-Appointed Monitor as Defense Witness"

>>110251 Check our America's Digital Shield site

>>110252, >>110253 Callesto - BREAKING REPORT: Rhode Island Federal Court DISMISSES Latest Challenge to Keep Trump Off the 2024 Ballot..

>>110254 Elon Musk N628TS G50 departed Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion Intl

>>110256 Businesses Ditch ‘Diversity’ Initiatives In Droves Amid Economic Uncertainty

>>110257 In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners- all with convictions for terror or violence.

>>110258 New research reveals humans in N American thousands of years earlier than previously thought



B still open

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668e89 No.110285

File: 022fd8d0029fb23⋯.png (1.31 MB,895x790,179:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987327 (272351ZNOV23) Notable: Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers

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Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers: Study

Some mask wearers were found to have up to 40 percent higher incidence of infection, contradicting earlier studies and opposing the narrative of mask mandates.

Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers: Study

A discarded mask lay on a sidewalk in Orange, Calif., on June 19, 2020. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

Naveen Athrappully

By Naveen Athrappully




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668e89 No.110286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987333 (272352ZNOV23) Notable: Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US due to Insurrection Act

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This looks like PANIC to me!

Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US

Experts in constitutional law and the military say the Insurrection Act gives presidents tremendous power with few restraints

ByGARY FIELDS Associated Press

November 27, 20231/2

WASHINGTON - Campaigning in Iowa this year, Donald Trump said he was prevented during his presidency from using the military to quell violence in primarily Democratic cities and states.

Calling New York City and Chicago “crime dens,” the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination told his audience, “The next time, I’m not waiting. One of the things I did was let them run it and we’re going to show how bad a job they do,” he said. “Well, we did that. We don’t have to wait any longer.”

Trump has not spelled out precisely how he might use the military during a second term, although he and his advisers have suggested they would have wide latitude to call up units. While deploying the military regularly within the country's borders would be a departure from tradition, the former president already has signaled an aggressive agenda if he wins, from mass deportations to travel bans imposed on certain Muslim-majority countries.

A law first crafted in the nation’s infancy would give Trump as commander in chief almost unfettered power to do so, military and legal experts said in a series of interviews.

The Insurrection Act allows presidents to call on reserve or active-duty military units to respond to unrest in the states, an authority that is not reviewable by the courts. One of its few guardrails merely requires the president to request that the participants disperse.

“The principal constraint on the president’s use of the Insurrection Act is basically political, that presidents don’t want to be the guy who sent tanks rolling down Main Street,” said Joseph Nunn, a national security expert with the Brennan Center for Justice. “There’s not much really in the law to stay the president’s hand.”

A spokesman for Trump’s campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment about what authority Trump might use to pursue his plans.

Congress passed the act in 1792, just four years after the Constitution was ratified. Nunn said it's an amalgamation of different statutes enacted between then and the 1870s, a time when there was little in the way of local law enforcement.

“It is a law that in many ways was created for a country that doesn’t exist anymore,” he said.

It also is one of the most substantial exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act, which generally prohibits using the military for law enforcement purposes.

Trump has spoken openly about his plans should he win the presidency, including using the military at the border and in cities struggling with violent crime. His plans also have included using the military against foreign drug cartels, a view echoed by other Republican primary candidates such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, the former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina governor.

The threats have raised questions about the meaning of military oaths, presidential power and who Trump could appoint to support his approach.

Trump already has suggested he might bring back retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who served briefly as Trump’s national security adviser and twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI during its Russian influence probe before being pardoned by Trump. Flynn suggested in the aftermath of the 2020 election that Trump could seize voting machines and order the military in some states to help rerun the election.

Attempts to invoke the Insurrection Act and use the military for domestic policing would likely elicit pushback from the Pentagon, where the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is Gen. Charles Q. Brown. He was one of the eight members of the Joint Chiefs who signed a memo to military personnel in the aftermath of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The memo emphasized the oaths they took and called the events of that day, which were intended to stop certification of Democrat Joe Biden's victory over Trump, “sedition and insurrection.”

Trump and his party nevertheless retain wide support among those who have served in the military. AP VoteCast, an in-depth survey of more than 94,000 voters nationwide, showed that 59% of U.S. military veterans voted for Trump in the 2020 presidential election. In the 2022 midterms, 57% of military veterans supported Republican candidates.

Presidents have issued a total of 40 proclamations invoking the law, some of those done multiple times for the same crisis, Nunn said. Lyndon Johnson invoked it three times — in Baltimore, Chicago and Washington — in response to the unrest in cities after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968…


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668e89 No.110287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987337 (272353ZNOV23) Notable: Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US due to Insurrection Act

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During the Civil Rights era, Presidents Johnson, John F. Kennedy and Dwight Eisenhower used the law to protect activists and students desegregating schools. Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, Arkansas, to protect Black students integrating Central High School after that state’s governor activated the National Guard to keep the students out.

George H.W. Bush was the last president to use the Insurrection Act, a response to riots in Los Angeles in 1992 after the acquittal of the white police officers who beat Black motorist Rodney King in an incident that was videotaped.

Repeated attempts to invoke the act in a new Trump presidency could put pressure on military leaders, who could face consequences for their actions even if done at the direction of the president.

Michael O’Hanlon, director of research in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution think tank, said the question is whether the military is being imaginative enough with the scenarios it has been presenting to future officers. Ambiguity, especially when force is involved, is not something military personnel are comfortable with, he said.

“There are a lot of institutional checks and balances in our country that are pretty well-developed legally, and it’ll make it hard for a president to just do something randomly out of the blue,” said O’Hanlon, who specializes in U.S. defense strategy and the use of military force. "But Trump is good at developing a semi-logical train of thought that might lead to a place where there’s enough mayhem, there’s enough violence and legal murkiness” to call in the military.

Democratic Rep. Pat Ryan of New York, the first graduate of the U.S. Military Academy to represent the congressional district that includes West Point, said he took the oath three times while he was at the school and additional times during his military career. He said there was extensive classroom focus on an officer’s responsibilities to the Constitution and the people under his or her command.

“They really hammer into us the seriousness of the oath and who it was to, and who it wasn’t to,” he said.

Ryan said he thought it was universally understood, but Jan. 6 “was deeply disturbing and a wakeup call for me.” Several veterans and active-duty military personnel were charged with crimes in connection with the assault.

While those connections were troubling, he said he thinks those who harbor similar sentiments make up a very small percentage of the military.

William Banks, a Syracuse University law professor and expert in national security law, said a military officer is not forced to follow “unlawful orders." That could create a difficult situation for leaders whose units are called on for domestic policing, since they can face charges for taking unlawful actions.

“But there is a big thumb on the scale in favor of the president’s interpretation of whether the order is lawful," Banks said. "You’d have a really big row to hoe and you would have a big fuss inside the military if you chose not to follow a presidential order.”

Nunn, who has suggested steps to restrict the invocation of the law, said military personnel cannot be ordered to break the law.

“Members of the military are legally obliged to disobey an unlawful order. At the same time, that is a lot to ask of the military because they are also obliged to obey orders,” he said. “And the punishment for disobeying an order that turns out to be lawful is your career is over, and you may well be going to jail for a very long time. The stakes for them are extraordinarily high.”

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668e89 No.110288

File: b8f48c3d1b50942⋯.png (127.62 KB,384x420,32:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987340 (272353ZNOV23) Notable: ​Police Warn Parents About iPhone’s New ‘NameDrop’ Feature

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​Police Warn Parents About iPhone’s New ‘NameDrop’ Feature

READ: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/QBoEjB

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668e89 No.110289

File: b2b6f3cea612abc⋯.png (803.02 KB,797x686,797:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987350 (272355ZNOV23) Notable: Woke Disney Buries ‘Social Goals’ in Long List of Risks to Investors in Required SEC Filing

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Woke Disney Buries ‘Social Goals’ in Long List of Risks to Investors in Required SEC Filing

by The Western Journal about 3 hours ago

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668e89 No.110290

File: 69c69da4eff890c⋯.png (1.11 MB,1115x839,1115:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987357 (272356ZNOV23) Notable: Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers

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Neutral White Male

6:15 AM by Maggie Harrison

Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers

We asked them about it — and they deleted everything.

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668e89 No.110291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987387 (280002ZNOV23) Notable: #24536-B

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>>110259 Hernando Arce report un SATXPolice unprofessional conduct re border duties

>>110260 President-elect Javier Milei will meet with President Joe Biden's national security adviser

>>110261 >>110264, >>110272 Anons say sauce not enough for this lb notable: >>110257 In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners

>>110262 Google's AI supposedly reveals that photos taken on the moon by NASA were faked

>>110272, >>110263, >>110265 Polly: Sooo..Jack Posobiec's super insider source "Microchip" was FBI? Did he just fall for BS story?

>>110268 CMz: When will the rest of the J6 tapes be released? @SpeakerJohnson

>>110273 Bidan says horrified at shooting of Palestinian students

>>110271 Wyatt: Post the truth. Let them hate you, unfriend you, block you, and mock you. We are here to feed the lions, not entertain the sheep.

>>110274 Joe Biden Claims “MAGA Republicans” Are Proposing Cuts [in spending] to the Internet

>>110275 @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden removed the Houthis from the Terror Watch List - now they are firing on America

>>110276 "BlackRock Set To Rake in $1 Trillion Rebuilding the Destruction They Financed in Ukraine"

>>110277 SLD 45 will support a Falcon 9 Starlink Southerly Trajectory Launch

>>110278 PDJT: Congressman Gary Palmer is a tremendous advocate for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District.

>>110280 General Flynn was investigating money laundering through military operations at the Pentagon before the Deep State had him removed

>>110281 @GuntherEagleman: Remember when our @HouseGOP gave Joe Biden a blank check during the debt ceiling debate? I do.

>>110282 @TheLastRefuge2: Sen. Ron Wyden Asks AG Merrick Garland to Release Information About AT&T Hemisphere" Dragnet Surveillance Agreement With U.S. Govt

>>110283 Health Scare Forces Stephen Colbert To Urgently Cancel Shows

>>110285 Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers

>>110286, >>110287 Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US due to Insurrection Act

>>110288 ​Police Warn Parents About iPhone’s New ‘NameDrop’ Feature

>>110289 Woke Disney Buries ‘Social Goals’ in Long List of Risks to Investors in Required SEC Filing

>>110290 Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers



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668e89 No.110292

File: 05a06a14db84d83⋯.png (419.16 KB,655x536,655:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987405 (280004ZNOV23) Notable: #24537

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

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668e89 No.110293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987446 (280013ZNOV23) Notable: Major Trump donors who soured on him after 2020 and Jan. 6 now insist he's their best choice

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Major Trump donors who soured on him after 2020 and Jan. 6 now insist he's their best choice

ABC News1/2Nov. 27, 2023

Donald Trump and his allies are ramping up high-dollar fundraising efforts with less than two months to go until the Iowa caucus begins the 2024 Republican primary, as several major donors show signs of returning to the former president - including those who once called on him to exit the race.

Some observers say the changing view of big financial backers shows a recognition that because Republican voters are sticking with Trump amid his continued controversy and legal troubles, he remains a very real contender for the White House. Trump is battling a slew of unprecedented criminal charges all of which he denies but remains the front-runner in polling.

At the same time, anti-Trump Republican donors have spent millions while scrambling to coalesce behind an alternative candidate to take on the former president and anti-Trump voters remain divided between a handful of challengers.

Charlie Kolean, a GOP strategist who raises money for the Trump campaign, said that "while Trump may have not been some Republicans' first choice for 2024, many are coming back on board because the risk of Joe Biden being a two-term president is just too high." "His lead in the polls is unparalleled and barring any legal action, there is nothing politically that could stop him from becoming the nominee," Kolean said.

Later this week, the former president and his campaign are hosting a fundraiser at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, with ticket prices ranging from $11,600 per person for general attendance to $23,200 for attendance and a photo opportunity.

The following week, real estate executives Steven Witkoff and Howard Lorber are co-hosting a fundraiser for the former president in Hallandale Beach, Florida, for a $23,200-per-person ticket that includes a photo opportunity.

Both Witkoff and Lorber are longtime friends of Trump, and Witkoff testified as the first witness for Trump's defense team in a New York civil trial in which Trump is accused of inflating the values of his properties. Trump has denied any wrongdoing.

But other Republican donors who hadshown reservationsabout Trump after the 2020 election orhad been sitting on the sidelines are now gradually coming out in support of him, too.

Over the last couple of years, a number of the GOP's big backers from financiers like Ken Griffin, Thomas Peterffy and Stephen Schwarzman to cosmetics executive Ronald Lauder and oil and gas mogul Harold Hamm turned their backs on Trump or expressed reservations about him.

Some cited the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and some blamed Trump for Republican disappointments during the 2022 midterms. Others said the party needed a new generation of leaders.

Several bundlers and fundraisers that raised money for Trump had also moved on to raise money for his 2024 rivals.

Home Depot co-founderBernie Marcuswas among the major donors that had declined to weigh in on the 2024 presidential election before he announced asurprise endorsementof Trump in an op-ed published on the website Real Clear Politics in early November, sayingthe "stakes are just too high" and the "choice is simple."….


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668e89 No.110294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987449 (280013ZNOV23) Notable: Major Trump donors who soured on him after 2020 and Jan. 6 now insist he's their best choice

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"I understand the frustration of some of my Republican friends who do not like or are offended by things Donald Trump does and says," Marcus wrote. "I, too, have been frustrated at times, but we cannot let his brash style be the reason we walk away from =his otherwise excellent stewardship of the United States during his first term in office==."

"I endorse him not only because he has the best chance of winning the general election but because he is the best person to take on and dismantle the administrative state that is strangling America," Marcus argued.

A top GOP donor, Marcus has been one of Trump's most loyal political benefactors over the years, giving millions of dollars to his campaign and various other fundraising vehicles supporting him. In March, however, Marcus donated $16,000 to South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's federal joint fundraising committee soon after she announced her presidential bid.

Hamm, the energy magnate, followed a similar pattern. He was one of Trump's biggest donors during Trump's first presidential bid and throughout Trump's presidency but called for Trump to drop out of the race earlier this summer.

Hamm also told the Financial Times earlier this summer that "Jan. 6 separated a lot of people" in the GOP and that the party needed a chaos-free candidate in 2024.Hamm told the Financial Times that Trump should become a Republican "kingmaker" instead of running for the presidency again.

Hamm donated $16,000 to Haley's joint fundraising committee after she announced her presidential bid and gave $6,600 to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' campaign after he announced.Later, in August, Hamm gave $3,300 to the Trump campaign. Last month, Hamm had a private meeting with the former president at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, with a $200,000 check for a pro-Trump super PAC, according to The Washington Post.

Dan Eberhart, a GOP donor who supports and raises money for DeSantis but had previously supported Trump, wasn't surprised.

"He's saying the quiet part out loud," Eberhart said, describing his own thoughts on Hamm's moves."Even for the people that don't really prefer Trump, it's about time to come home, rally around Trump, and he recognizes that."(Multiple efforts to reach Hamm for comment were unsuccessful.)


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668e89 No.110295

File: e40df50eefcaeb3⋯.png (99.42 KB,629x640,629:640,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b2a1672642edfc⋯.png (97.48 KB,626x636,313:318,Clipboard.png)

File: 74fe1c1f574d2ad⋯.png (92.07 KB,622x576,311:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987476 (280022ZNOV23) Notable: Declaration of North America (DNA)

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Declaration of North America (DNA)


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668e89 No.110296

File: 0f57beeab2720e8⋯.png (536.32 KB,1571x982,1571:982,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987483 (280025ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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Rocketboy is touching down in Ireland


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668e89 No.110297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987494 (280028ZNOV23) Notable: Palestinians are still waiting for their hostages and prisoners to be released The first ones have just started to arrive

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Palestinians are still waiting for their hostages and prisoners to be released

The first ones have just started to arrive

after 2am Gaza time




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668e89 No.110298

File: 240117883d80ab9⋯.png (379.14 KB,552x852,46:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987520 (280033ZNOV23) Notable: Pres. Jimmy Carter plans to attend late wife Rosalynn Carter's memorial service in Atlanta/all living first ladies to attend

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President Carter will be able to attend Rosalynn's service...

ABC News


Former Pres. Jimmy Carter, who is currently in hospice care, plans to attend late wife Rosalynn Carter's memorial service in Atlanta on Tuesday alongside other family members as well as local leaders, Pres. Biden and several former first ladies. https://abcn.ws/3GfegzD

4:58 PM · Nov 27, 2023


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668e89 No.110299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987545 (280039ZNOV23) Notable: Palestinians are still waiting for their hostages and prisoners to be released The first ones have just started to arrive

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released hostages are being interviewed live now

in gaza

where no journalists are allowed

by Israeli law

why is it so hard to "sauce" israeli law?

because they don't put it in writing

various Int'l and ME groups are left responsible for knowing what is expected by Israel, or banned or allowed. The rules constantly change and are arbitrarily enforced.

only palestinian journalists are reporting from gaza and more than 3 dozen journalists have been killed since oct 7th



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668e89 No.110300

File: 9cb6019236b120c⋯.png (343.01 KB,970x976,485:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987562 (280042ZNOV23) Notable: A Ukrainian news channel accidentally releases the Kiev regime’s official list of KIA/MIA

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1.1 Million Dead

A Ukrainian news channel accidentally releases the Kiev regime’s official list of KIA/MIA


The Ukrainian TV Channel 1+1 accidentally did put out the real number of Ukrainian fatalities suffered in the NATO-Russian War. So, here it is:

1, 126,652 KIAs and MIAs for VSU. Somebody will have to answer for this atrocity and the main puppet masters sit in Washington and London and their names will be named at the Ukraine War Crimes Tribunal. Many will also be charged with crimes in absentia. In related news–this number is larger than US losses in all XIX, XX and XXI centuries wars combined. They are beyond comprehension of any US military, let alone political, figure.

The office of a 404 “president” reacted immediately and forced 1+1 to retract the story, but it is too late.

VD's note:

It’s not too surprising that the news of the utter defeat of the Ukrainian military is being leaked out to the ignorant global public. The USA is pulling the plug on its proxy war now that it has a higher priority in the Middle East, the European economies are teetering on the edge of collapse going into another energy-expensive winter, and the neoclowns have finally realized that China poses the much more dangerous threat to Clown World going forward than Russia.

Except in that it represents a step toward the world’s eventual acceptance of Russia’s victory over NATO, the slaughter of five percent of the male Ukrainian population isn’t something to celebrate. It is an abomination and an object lesson in the intrinsic danger of a nation permitting itself to be ruled over by foreigners and thereby sacrificed to interests that are not their own.

The staggering death toll should also provide a sobering lesson to the Boomers and others who still believe in the myth of American military supremacy, as it represents more soldiers than are presently on active duty in the US Army, Navy, and Marine Corps combined.

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668e89 No.110301

File: 62272719fd49889⋯.png (76.43 KB,893x553,893:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987624 (280051ZNOV23) Notable: Declaration of North America (DNA)

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No treaties without congressional approval

Protect your DNA

Creepy MOONday, today!

JANUARY 10, 2023

but was done almost last year


they are annoucing what they plan; giving fair warning, I guess?

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668e89 No.110302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987656 (280057ZNOV23) Notable: A #nuclearfleet change of command: Cmdr. Daniel Jones, incoming CO of the Virginia-class submarine USS Hawaii (SSN 776)

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Naval Reactors


Nov 24

A #nuclearfleet change of command: Cmdr. Daniel Jones, incoming CO of the Virginia-class submarine USS Hawaii (SSN 776), right, assumes command from Cmdr. Preston Gilmore, off-going CO, left, this week in Pearl Harbor. #peoplegetthingsdone #technicalexcellence

Nov 24, 2023 · 1:00 PM UTC


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668e89 No.110303

File: a5c76c7251dc336⋯.png (348.65 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987673 (280100ZNOV23) Notable: Pres. Jimmy Carter plans to attend late wife Rosalynn Carter's memorial service in Atlanta/all living first ladies to attend

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Melania Trump and all living first ladies to attend Rosalynn Carter's funeral: Jill Biden, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush to mourn their predecessor - whose husband Jimmy was vocal critic of Donald

Melania Trump and all living former first ladies will join President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden in paying tribute to Rosalynn Carter in Atlanta on Tuesday.

Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, Michelle Obama and Melania Trump will attend an invitation-only tribute service, the Carter Center announced. Former President Bill Clinton will also attend as will Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff.

It's a rare public appearance from Melania Trump, whose husband Donald Trump had been highly critical of Jimmy Carter's time in office. The Trumps paid tribute to Rosalynn Carter's work on humantarian and mental health issues when she died earlier this month.


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668e89 No.110304

File: 12ddc8b30be5026⋯.png (68.37 KB,549x554,549:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987707 (280106ZNOV23) Notable: Operation MKNaomi pdf

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Operation MKNaomi pdf


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668e89 No.110305

File: f930f1ecf7ccbf3⋯.png (2.28 MB,1920x4899,640:1633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987723 (280110ZNOV23) Notable: Several Piracy-Related Arrests Spark Fears of High-Level Crackdown

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Several Piracy-Related Arrests Spark Fears of High-Level Crackdown

A series of arrests that began in late August and continued into last week has sparked concerns that a relatively rare 'Scene' crackdown targeting the top of the so-called 'Piracy Pyramid' may be underway in the Nordic region. A long-running investigation involving Denmark's Special Crime Unit appears to be the common denominator. Coincidentally, several groups have stopped releasing.

denmark-target-sOver the past few years, increased enforcement by players in both the private and public sectors has made Denmark one of the riskiest places in Europe for pirate site operators and prolific file-sharers.

Relentless pushback from local anti-piracy group Rights Alliance and its partnership with Denmark’s Special Crime Unit (National enhed for Særlig Kriminalitet (NSK)) has led to many site closures, arrests, and subsequent prosecutions.

The most recent reported conviction saw a 37-year-old man receive a 60-day suspended prison sentence in September for pirating more than a thousand works through local BitTorrent trackers.

In connection with this and other successes over the past few years, last month Rights Alliance revealed that Thomas Heldrup, the anti-piracy group’s Head of Content Protection & Enforcement, had been running an undercover operation in piracy circles since 2016.

Fears of Infiltration

Concerns that a site might have a spy on board certainly aren’t unusual; for many site operators, however, it’s the kind of thing that only ever happens to someone else, usually those perceived to be less careful than them. In some cases that might be true but

Denmark’s distinguishing features as a country may introduce complications.

A relatively small population and a language rarely spoken outside Denmark’s borders, presents an increased chance of local piracy communities overlapping. Combine that with a shared reliance on locally attractive content and one site’s security issues risk becoming a much broader problem, as the last couple of years appear to show.

Until recently, however, there were few signs to suggest those at the top of the so-called ‘Piracy Pyramid‘ may also have become targets in Denmark. Nevertheless, some of those with connections to Scene entities are starting to ask questions.

47-Year-Old Arrested in Denmark

In a statement last week, Denmark’s National Unit for Special Crime (NSK) announced that as part of a long-running investigation, a man was arrested on November 22 and then charged with copyright infringement offenses.

NSK said its officers searched the home of a 47-year-old man in South Zealand (Sydsjælland) and seized IT equipment in connection with illegal file-sharing and “copyright infringement of a particularly serious nature.”

“The case is about an organized network that has illegally shared extremely large quantities of films and TV series via file sharing services,” said NSK Police Commissioner Anders-Emil Nøhr Kelbæk.

While noting that NSK had no further information to offer at this time, Kelbæk said he was pleased that NSK had arrested another suspect believed to have played a ‘significant role’ in the unnamed network.

At Least Five Arrests Thus Far

Last week’s arrest was only the latest in a series of arrests carried out as part of the same long-running NSK investigation into the illegal distribution of movies and TV shows.

In late August, NSK arrested four people on suspicion of sharing “extremely large quantities” of movies and TV shows. NSK raided addresses in South-West Jutland, North Zealand and Bornholmand. A 43-year old was arrested at the last location, but it’s claimed he lives elsewhere. In common with last week’s arrest, all were charged on suspicion of “particularly serious” copyright infringement offenses.

In an almost identical statement to that issued last week, Commissioner Anders-Emil Nøhr Kelbæk said the case was about “an organized network that shares extremely large amounts of data, presumably in the form of films and series.”

Does Available Information Really Indicate a ‘Scene’ Bust?

TorrentFreak sources report concerns that last week’s arrest may be linked to Scene groups. Terminology used by NSK doesn’t instantly rule that out and does seem to suggest something potentially more significant than other arrests over the past few years.

According to NSK, the August arrests took place on August 28, 2023. Using information in Scene release databases we looked for Danish Scene groups and/or groups that were releasing Denmark-focused content before that date but then made no releases afterward; while that wouldn’t provide conclusive proof that a group had been targeted, the method has proven useful in the past. Findings as follows:

Nordic blu-ray release group (including Danish) paused Aug 13, restarted Oct 16. Nothing since

TV show release group paused Aug 28 to Sep 1 but continued as normal

At least one TV show group made dozens of releases on Aug 28 suggesting little ‘panic’ on that date

While activity late August suggests nothing especially out of the ordinary, activity since the arrest last week stands in contrast.

Notable Danish content release group inactivity since November 22 arrest as follows:

‘HYGGE’ | TV shows | 550+ releases since March 23 | Last release Nov 23, 2023 07:43:39

‘HiVE’ | TV shows | 650+ releases since March 23 | Last release Nov 23, 2023 05:03:52

‘DKiDS’ | TV shows | 3000+ release since March 23 | Last release Nov 21, 2023 10:34:50

‘DANES’ | TV shows | 640+ releases since May 23 | Last release Nov 22, 2023 08:13:21

‘JYSK’ | TV shows | 520+ releases since March 23 | Last release Nov 23, 2023 08:20:39

TF is informed that some groups may have gone dark simply out of an abundance of caution. That may or may not include all or none of the above. It’s also possible that the groups have nothing to release. Furthermore, there are many other global groups with no obvious links to Danish content or Denmark that also stopped releasing on November 21. The reasons for this are unknown but holidays in the United States may play a role.

In an information vacuum, rumors are extremely common but if the authorities and/or Rights Alliance used intelligence obtained in other operations to infiltrate Scene groups or their affiliates, it wouldn’t be a surprise. It wouldn’t be surprise to hear that any group downtime was directly linked to turkey and/or alcohol consumption either but in any event, the next couple of weeks should prove informative.

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668e89 No.110306

File: 63af5805b00e708⋯.jpeg (410.95 KB,1208x575,1208:575,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987730 (280111ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>110254 lb

Elon Musk N628TS G650 went to Shannon,Ireland-that AC has moar than enough range so he meeting with someone or going back to LA and needs a little moar fuel for that as he originally left Austin,TX and needed no stop to Tel Aviv

Prolly headed to Hawthorne (LA)

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668e89 No.110307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987799 (280124ZNOV23) Notable: The 17XX IM OccFld formally manages the career paths of Marines who have gained highly-specialized training required for Space, EMSO, Cyber Warfare, Civil Affairs, and PSYOP and will support the development and reutilization of high-demand skillsets.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am a Soldier


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668e89 No.110308

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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