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fa412e No.19567242 [Last50 Posts]

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fa412e No.19567271

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fa412e No.19567276

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Reposting last few days…

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d93c13 No.19567396

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19542036 Q Research General #24000: Anons Are 24K Gold Edition

Created 131058ZSEP23




>>19542045 #24000

>>19542120, >>19542152 PF reporting

>>19542177 Massachusetts National Guard set to deploy Wednesday to help unstaffed shelters. National Guard call-up could last six months

>>19542181 SURPRISE! Cali Democrat Mayor Filmed Getting Spanked by a Drag Queen is a Self-Described MARXIST

>>19542247 Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Estimates Double to $100-$135 Billion; Smith and Crapo Call for Action.

>>19542288 ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - The City of Odessa voted to not enforce any mandates imposed nationally or by the State of Texas.

>>19542296, >>19542437 Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan to impeach president

>>19542305, >>19542330 New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not Complying With Net Zero Regulations & More News

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lcO9HJ6zftc - New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not Complying With Net Zero Regulations & More News [Channel: Alaska Prepper]

>>19542387 The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hckts - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19542421, >>19542491, >>19542499, >>19542507, >>19542562, >>19542568, >>19542576 congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3g9c - Day 7 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/13/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=AYv8c4AH0QA - Hearing Entitled: Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)... [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Rzp0Xc7q2Co - Hearing: “Keeping the Lights On: Enhancing Reliability and Efficiency to Power American Homes” [Channel: House Committee on Energy and Commerce]

>>19542451 US frets over ‘deepfake’ threats to national security

>>19542462 Caught: Manhunt ends as escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante captured in Chester County

>>19542757 Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least seventeen hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil

>>19542770 Blacks v. Indian/Asian shopkeepers kicking off in London now MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5321c1a99d89d5eb0a960f00e9b5024dbab1ca92ed2ede7d9c502370579d9d32.mp4

>>19542795 Pfizer’s covid injections target bone marrow and interfere with the body’s ability to manufacture blood cells

>>19542801 A California bill could help make EVs a blackout solution

>>19542811 Thompson [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: Republicans are trying to advance their illegitimate impeachment agenda

>>19542820 PedoJoe jumping from where he's walking by, to pet a child in the crowd

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b4584f45563c5246ad12f2acaa56689a2a4ebc503a983c8ca7ee902213981626.mp4

>>19542920 Cantu [wife of Border Patrol Agent]: Let's not forget to mention the stress of forced vaccinations by this administration

>>19542961 Gelernt [ACLU]: As we came to learn, the goal of the family separation policy was to subject families to such cruelty, that they would give up their asylum claims

>>19542967 #2400

(21 notables, 30 posts, 19 media/files)

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d93c13 No.19567400

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19542971 Q Research General #24001: Peach Mint on the Menu Boys Edition

Created 131501ZSEP23




>>19542980 #24001

>>19542997 OP: Impeach Joe Biden

>>19543004 Ukraine/CIA Back Nazis? MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f80ae4374a6aa06f220a921645742e960f2bf09e18f362755d28ad26fe2b9f59.mp4

>>19543011 Speaker Impeach Inquiry Presser MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/62ed6dccf09647f1d7fc087d1c379b95553a1b1ef18d5d6f05f388b8d2bba1d0.mp4

>>19543023 3-YEAR DELTA Q 4686

>>19543035 Tony Buzbee Destroys Another Paxton Impeachment Schemer

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=27o4HREJN3s - Ken Paxton Impeachment: Tony Buzbee Destroys Gregg Cox [Channel: The Luke Macias Show]

>>19543042 New Mexico AG Tells Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham He Will Not Defend Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban

>>19543093 Another Point, Kari Lake Would Have ‘Won Easily’ If Google Hadn’t Interfered

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3drhwt - Dr. Robert Epstein On How Google Manipulates Swing Voters To Vote Democrat [11:36] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19543139, >>19543284, >>19543501 MP4 'Non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6eb951d61010cd6e8f52d241de8bdd7aed9370f72f154eec64024250b202be95.mp4

>>19543153 Mysterious lights were spotted in the sky before Morocco's devastating earthquake hit

>>19543161, >>19543199, >>19543393 Memes of The Thread

>>19543181 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>19543396, >>19543432 @RepChipRoy Theory on Lies - Four kinds

>>19543451, >>19543483, >>19543514 Anon's Medical Industry Dig Bun

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13c92f3912c9840cb3c303388426c6b5c474756bb1ac1281f0e893ce0f51a7d0.mp4

>>19543481 1:00 PM EST Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MaXEaJpONQc - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, John Kirby, and Jared Bernstein [Channel: The White House]

>>19543482, >>19543500 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

>>19543485 Berkeley Poll: California Voters Oppose “Unfair” Reparations Cash Payments For Slavery

>>19543547 Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least (17) hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c21168752cf8f02f3bf98ef21cfe9fcb9083737d9e9b07b9a09bc39454bee4b2.mp4

>>19543552 Rockefeller Medicine MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee7d18372e83350c4f2a210c0014caaff7612d09a92ab02293a817392621910f.mp4

>>19543563 1:15 PM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=r8qnSU0omCU - Secretary Blinken at a Security Integration and Prosperity Agreement signing ceremony - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19543587 Husband of U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola died in a single-engine Piper PA-18 crash in Alaska

>>19543645, >>19543688, >>19543695 Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/317e6164a418face7d4ebbc532842a335041f31101afdf17e0c49795a43f2199.mp4

>>19543658 Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

>>19543744 Just to be clear, @RenzTom - CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP

>>19543755 #24001

(25 notables, 35 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567401

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19543760 Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition

Created 131738ZSEP23




>>19543771 #24002-A

>>19543782 Fetterman with bizarre tweet: more dick pics in house hearings????

>>19543797 LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus CHAPEL HILL, N.C

>>19543813 Housley: A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He’s crap too and we WILL be exposing him and his hypocrisy soon.

>>19543816, >>19543902, >>19544192, >>19544410 Romney not running for re-election

>>19543826 ELON: They’re desperate for ratings. Best to ignore them. re Madcow

>>19543834 Hunter Biden is suing Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishing emails, embarrassing images

>>19543843, >>19543855 Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brings reciepts.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nd6wuWTg9mw - Dr. David Martin at EU Parliament in Strasbourg:Expert Panel about WHO's power grab!Wed, Sept. 13th [Channel: Frank Priebe]

>>19543868 Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cS1iRjx4Np0 - Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>19543870 A Dangerous Strategy: Examining the Biden Administration’s Failures on Iran

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CSDDlafFp5I - Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>19543882 State of the Video Marketplace - House Energy and Commerce Committee

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6TImumK-N1U - Communications & Technology Hearing: “Lights, Camera, Subscriptions: State of the Video Marketplace” [Channel: House Committee on Energy and Commerce]

>>19543888, >>19543892, >>19543949 Unmasking the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign

>>19543890 HiTOPS admints their goal is to strip parents of Opt-Out Rights


>>19543965 10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs-Donald Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tscgWCBbeao - Agenda47: President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>19543973 No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

>>19544053 Ilya Kramnik: Supplying depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine

>>19544069, >>19544390 Dr David Martin accusing WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE

>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Absurd” Impeachment Remarks - Says There’s No Evidence Linking Joe Biden to a “High Crime or Misdemeanor”

>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: “It’s Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans”

>>19544136 ‘They Will Say It’s Nuclear Blackmail!’ – Putin Accuses UK of Training Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants – Warns of SERIOUS Consequences


>>19544158 DJT: FANTASTIC NEWS [re Romney Resignation]

>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours

>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, Wishing 'Great Victory' Over Enemies

>>19544170 MTG on AOC ranting about others re "Tax the Rich"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8206eef83d9844fc441ea6863df70c649fd7d4c2acd5a0aab8e7d2aaf8773c59.mp4

>>19544184 US Congresswoman’s Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms

>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't

>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From Charging Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show

>>19544218, >>19544293 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO

>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.

>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: ‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho

>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds

>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of ingratitude toward Russia

>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation

>>19544374 PF

>>19544399 The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is Climaxing. Can We Defeat It?

>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admitting rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'

>>19544466 #24002-A

>>19544477 Part 4: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County… 17k Missing Ballot Images, 10 “Phantom” Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More

>>19544501 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deploying to Eastern Europe

>>19544516 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan

>>19544528 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike…"

>>19544531 The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected using spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.

>>19544538 This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.

>>19544573 #24002-B

(46 notables, 55 posts, 55 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567403

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)


>>19544562 Q Research General #24003: ROMNEY Isn't Running! Edition

Created 131939ZSEP23




>>19544589 #24003

>>19544624, >>19545076 Q WEB 3.17.20 flyer-01.jpg

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/375a981cb1aae258c9cee09c8072f2eb1ca7cbdfe11c8c26b4e13cb717c965b6.pdf

>>19544703, >>19544715 @realDonaldTrump Just out: INFLATION UP, INCOME DOWN!

>>19544718 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f8e111d7bd29039742de62e9f67cf5051b617e26a923117df323a5d2fb3c0de.pdf

>>19544861 The first change of responsibility ceremony for the 11th Cyber (Electromagnetic Activity) Battalion

>>19544865 "It's a sponsor racket. That's why they aren't answering the phone. That's why you can't find who they are."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/61de407d88b93b924f5e3de3f33e4ccd47857b94f916f95343bdfc6eac473da4.mp4

>>19544892 Reminder: There is a Daily ASSAULT on the citizens of our, “Republic.”

>>19544930, >>19544934 Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricts firearm advertisements


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/34f995048910c878507b47fcbbc3a11c8b5d29737a359554a1a53b6a0340b461.mp4

>>19544946 Mass releases of THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS underway in Tucson, AZ sector due to CBP facilities being over capacity

>>19544953 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE'

>>19544958 Let's see if 41 senators can block a blank check for Biden’s releases & demand this funding restriction..

>>19544994 Matt Gaetz: Motions To Vacate the Speaker Could Come Next Week if McCarthy Fails to Comply

>>19545116 Kemp suspends Georgia gas tax, declares state of emergency over inflation

>>19545199 Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa Sep 20th

>>19545209 Ronny Jackson: "President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!"

>>19545222 Biden sits and blankly stares at the press as he refuses to answer questions about impeachment and his involvement in his son's corruption

>>19545230 Federal judge rules against Gov. Lujan Grisham’s order banning guns in public

>>19545235 RNC Lawyer Begins Contract Work on Background Effort to Disqualify Donald Trump

>>19545251 Representatives Scott Perry and Dan Bishop both confront the pretending media with facts that destroy the argument in defense of Joe and Hunter Biden.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UVL1kDI9TqA - WATCH: Scott Perry Snaps At Reporter Asking About Impeachment: 'If You Are That Blind...' [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19545257 Dominion touchscreen Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) has vulnerabilities so damning it was sealed by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and kept from the public for the past two years.

>>19545325 Hunter Biden just sued a former Trump official for illegally accessing his computer, when the data in question is actually from his iPhone...

>>19545350 Want to Help Clean Up Elections? Join This *No Cost* Nationwide Seminar for *Grassroots* Election Integrity Groups

>>19545383 Another SILENCED and censored by Police for reading from a filthy book 'Approved' by School District, if front of the School Board

>>19545409 #24003

(26 notables, 29 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567406

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19545414 Q Research General #24004: Sleepy Joe Pleads the 5th Edition

Created 132202ZSEP23




>>19545420 #24004

>>19545444 @GenFlynn Hey @GOP and Main Stream Media, this is not a conspiracy theory… this is called treason.

>>19545460 notable anon opine/appreciation

>>19545466 >They want you focused on the fake aliens so you wont notice the illegal aliens

>>19545472 SHOCKER: KNOWiNK Systems Allow Election Staff to Override Election Results

>>19545529 An unusual "fresh-air break" by the jury that convicted Peter NAVARRO is threatening to upend the case.

>>19545573, >>19545653, >>19545666 Cornered Joe Biden changes the subject from questioning over corruption, as other Dems are pleading the 5th

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfcee2fb72366d4142a1126771a7c3c41cccd7412f0e7849efd89803a4cb729b.mp4

>>19545583 Axiom Space Announces Astronauts for Third Mission to ISS

>>19545623 ‘Woke’ James Bond novel has conservative ‘anti-trans’ villain

>>19545629 from @CDCgov’s OWN data: 1 million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent 0-1 Covid deaths and CAUSE 100,000 - 200,000 severe side effects.

>>19545638 China Brings Taliban Out Of Total Isolation In Sending New Ambassador

>>19545641 As COVID recrudesces, major meta-study questioning lockdowns is censored

>>19545656, >>19545719 Biden puts John Podesta in charge of the $370 billion slush fund here that flows straight to the Zients family & their cronies

>>19545657 Vladimir Putin meets North Korea's Kim Jong-un at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport for 5-hour summit

>>19545662 72,000 Ukrainian Casualties in $110 Billion Meat Grinder – UN: “The World Cannot Afford for this Senseless War to Continue”

>>19545668 Misinformation Czar Under Fire for Reportedly Lying on Her Resumé

>>19545676 NY Governor Hochul: "don’t rely on the fact that you had a vaccine in the past, it will not help you this time around."

>>19545678 GOP Rep. Tom Emmer Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Reserve from Creating Central Bank Digital Currency

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nFl6KP7ZGl0 - Majority Whip Tom Emmer at Leadership Stakeout | September 13, 2023 [Channel: Rep. Tom Emmer]

>>19545681 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory Viruses, Harmful, and Infringe on Informed Consent Rights

>>19545688 Zelenskyy is suing American defense contractors for failing to supply weapons to Ukraine. Will he sue Elon Musk next? Joe Biden?

>>19545695 Karine Jean-Pierre and Longtime Lesbian Lover Suzanne Malveaux Have Separated, what does this mean for our democracy?

>>19545710 @tracybeanz THREAD: @elonmusk and X Corp have filed a lawsuit against California.

>>19545716 Andrew Makridis - the ringleader of the CIA’s scheme bribing COVID investigators to disavow the lab leak theory - is now a Senior Advisor at Beacon Global Strategies.

>>19545717 Alex DeGrasse Explains How Dems Inch Toward A House Majority With Their Wins In Court

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hh85m - Alex DeGrasse Explains How Dems Inch Toward A House Majority With Their Wins In Court [8:06] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19545731, >>19545743, >>19545746 Newly Emerged 9/11 Video Shows Previously Unseen Angle of Second Plane Hitting South Tower

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=o6t31R4tI10 - 9-11 Kevin's Video [Channel: Kevin Westley]

>>19545749, >>19545781 RE: Election Fraud

>>19545834 Ukraine used British missiles to attack Russian port – Sky News

>>19545835 @JackPosobiec Everyone knows cold medicines work. The FDA is doing this to get rid of Over the Counter drugs and move everything to a prescription model

>>19545839 Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County: Part 4

>>19545855 Time to stop Joe Biden’s power play to protect himself and his family - New York Post

>>19545856 What is the solution to a state being captured if law enforcement won’t arrest and prosecute them?

>>19545864, >>19545873 Former CEO of Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to $150M Investment Fraud Conspiracy

>>19545890 Are U.S. elections are controlled from Malta?

>>19545960, >>19546053 Why did Derna’s dams break whenStorm Danielhit Libya?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jjOW6kLEckg - How Libya Built Brand-New Rivers Across the Sahara [Channel: RealLifeLore]

>>19546004, >>19546016 Rep. Cline: “Overwhelming Evidence” On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3he68i - Rep. Cline: “Overwhelming Evidence” On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level [14:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3he558 - Rep. Cline: Republicans Don’t Feel Pressure On CR Yet, Any CR Must Address Broken Policy [6:08] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19546111 #24004

(36 notables, 45 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567408

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19546153 Q Research General #24005: 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE' Edition

Created 140009ZSEP23




>>19546161 #24005

>>19546199 Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois./Gotion

>>19546253, >>19546278 Biden, Obama Must Approve Release of Emails in Which Biden Uses Pseudonyms ‘To Discuss Business With Hunter’

>>19546268 Saltzman highlights new Space Force mission statement

>>19546348, >>19546489 Pinellas County Election Fraud Cover-Up Part of Statewide Election Fraud RICO Enterprise

>>19546353 DOD Exercises Option on Second Micro Nuclear Reactor Design

>>19546369 A panel bravely exposed the WHO (World Health Organisation) for the criminal organization it is, Dr David Martin's Speech

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c6bd69da7bafed61fe4b041c28128bfa41594b737224e15c3d7fb7cb866e62a.mp4

>>19546402 Hunter Biden scored meeting with father, business associates inside VP home at Naval Observatory

>>19546423 Patrick Gunnels: Erik Carlson on Digital Services!

>>19546428 Aussie: Macquarie Bank announces shock move to scrap cash in all branches

>>19546431 Tator: GOP is coming after him over connections to Hunter's shady deals 'because they want to shut down the government'

>>19546439 Paxton: I’m heading to Maine next week to sit down with @TuckerCarlson

>>19546460 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3heeou - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'-- 09/13/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19546463 Did @SenatorRomney sell his email list to Tim Scott?

>>19546524 Gaetz: Impeachment is not some get-out-of-jail-free card for Kevin McCarthy on the motion to vacate.

>>19546560, >>19546640, >>19546687, >>19546769, >>19546785 Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

>>19546562 My American Dream | Dr. Ben Carson LIVE at Roanoke College

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JOXkeZyIMIE - My American Dream | Dr. Ben Carson LIVE at Roanoke College [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

>>19546593 Response from multiple Sheriff’s to the Governor of New Mexico’s violation of the Constitution.

>>19546613 Collins Asks GA Election Officials: ‘Which Is Cheaper Dominion Voting Machines Or Paper Ballots?’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ktqTa35wXww - Collins Asks GA Election Officials: ‘Which Is Cheaper Dominion Voting Machines Or Paper Ballots?’ [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19546624 Rep. Tom Emmer introduces a bill to ban the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency.

>>19546644 CNN's "fact-checking" McCarthy’s claims while launching Biden impeachment inquiry acknowledges

>>19546741 UK: Tory MP, Europhile and Taliban PR man Tobias Ellwood has just resigned as Chair of the Commons Select Committee on Defence

>>19546745 Manhunt for escaped serial killer is over pics

>>19546753 Ep. 23 of ‘Tucker on X’ just dropped — Hyperinflation and reckless monetary policy could soon devastate the global economy. We traveled to Argentina, where it’s already happened.

>>19546795 End Times News.

>>19546796 Cabal Graphics

>>19546802 Federal Judge Again Declares DACA Program Unlawful

>>19546864 28 EAMs broadcast today FROG POND

>>19546866 The House Managers in the Ken Paxton trial accidentally just rested their case.

>>19546900 Our case against the use of electronic voting machines is NOW on the docket of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

>>19546967 #24005

(31 notables, 37 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567417

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19546982 Q Research General #24006: WHO Wants To Shut Down The Gubmint? Edition

Created 140159ZSEP23




>>19546993 #24006

>>19547022, >>19547102, >>19547125, >>19547154 Project Looking Glass Stuff

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc1055046203dfc2260cee51605491810ea59f6a2ae80accc5fe43e99913eb2a.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jKYua_4ls48 - USAF EC-135 Operation Looking Glass - 250196-10 | Footage Farm Ltd [Channel: footagefarm]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nfxt3Gvzkco - Guardians of Looking Glass (2): Kerry Cassidy Project Camelet Interviewed Bill Wood [Channel: Reborn : The World is about to change]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c07f6deddbd0cc4e2ad9386093fe835f7b5e46e7cc2b6bd13b601756011434f1.mp4

>>19547148 Binance US 🇺🇲 CEO just resigned

>>19547276 The Old World Order is over – Blinken

>>19547300 Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Charge

>>19547329 Tucker being blunt in Michigan.

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/q15DYNdSoaBj/ - WHAT DO GRETCHEN WHITMER & GREG ABBOT HAVE IN COMMON? [23-09-11] - TUCKER CARLSON (VIDEO) [Channel: Sergeant Major]

>>19547330 Report: Hundreds of Thousands of Florida Ballots Were Flagged as “Blank” and Later Adjudicated

>>19547353 Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To "Inclusive Capitalism" Agenda

>>19547356, >>19547533 Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aHW7629LyiE - Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/595deee088ca778500eecbc4234a6a8b82e222d70e34dda6b9dca82721b6dc58.mp4

>>19547390, >>19547407 Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group member caught masturbating at popular California park

>>19547427 How Deep Is The Deep State?

>>19547435 Planefag Reports

>>19547455 Federal judge says DACA program illegal but declines to order its termination

>>19547507, >>19547603 Dr. Rima Leibow: How to Defeat the Global Elite

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gl9pe - Dr. Rima Laibow: Monstrous Sexualization of Children and Colonization by Mind Control [1:44:14] [Channel: ICIC.LAW]

>>19547516 Exposing the REAL Child Traffickers: EVERY Foster or Adopted Child is Wanted by Someone – The Child Welfare System Needs to Abolished

>>19547611 Hunter Biden investigation: FBI agent testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority

>>19547620 FBI agent’s testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority.

>>19547637 Miller outlines how House Republicans need to hold the line as the deadline to fund the government approaches.

>>19547680 Nearly every cleaning product in your home may release hundreds of toxic chemicals linked

>>19547798 #24006

(20 notables, 26 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567418

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)


>>19547802 Q Research General #24007: Night Of The Living Comfefe Edition

Created 140430ZSEP23




>>19547811 #24007

>>19547887 Dr. Eric Berg - YouTube has now banned alternative views on health.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ETonDtzkETw - Dr. Berg Gets Censored (Silenced) [Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC]

>>19547908 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November

>>19547920 Dan Scavino - Average inflation Donald Trump 1.9% Biden Admistration 6.0

>>19547971 BLUR IMAGES, copy and save js in [options] top right-hand corner, then in the [theme] tab

>>19548055 Donal d J. Trump TruthSocial - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November

>>19548111 Phil Godlewski's Latest B.S., Jan Halper-Hayes Claims, Matrixxx is Asshoe, + More!

>>19548212 17: Popular Number for Headlines?

>>19548234 James O'Keefe: @GovHawaii fasten your seatbelt. Our crew, myself included wore button cams for days and spoke to officials who did not know they were being recorded

>>19548248, >>19548294 BO reminder on importance of global reporting illegal content to keep board operating

>>19548332 Secret Service agent next to JFK during assassination challenges official narrative

>>19548417 Max Igan shocking discovery - what happened to the missing children of Maui

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/1HYTHl9NFcm7/ - Max Igan shocking discovery - what happened to the missing children of Maui [Channel: Trazimo_Istinu]

>>19548450 Donald Trump to appear on ‘Meet the Press’ Sunday in Kristen Welker’s debut as host

>>19548508 Donald J. Trump w/CAP: We could all learn something from this. Great interview by @HerschelWalker!

>>19548592 kek: China demands Ukraine explain ‘low intellectual potential’ slur

>>19548632 #24007

(16 notables, 17 posts, 12 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567420

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19548655 Q Research General #24008: The Awakening Process Edition

Created 141133ZSEP23




>>19548665 #24008

>>19548688, >>19548732 Azerbaijan's preparations for a new armed confrontation with Armenia are increasing.

>>19548707 Prayers for Anon's Pup

>>19548712 63K Migrants Apprehended in First 10 Days of Sept — Up 10 Percent from Aug

>>19548787 India Leads the World in Internet Shutdowns

>>19548914 more Biden crime family news overnight, Hunter Biden met with business associates at the VP mansion in DC while Joe was VP. And those meetings involved Kazakhstan and Ukrainian deals…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42f346d0c7278bd67801a8bf9c43a2e68942ccfc60ec3ba9ed3f389478c82e81.mp4

>>19549095 DJT TS w/CAP: Not only is DeSanctimonious looking to destroy your Social Security, including moving the minimum age to 70, and your Medicare, but today…

>>19549100 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/14/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hixso - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/14/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19549171, >>19549176 10:00 AM EDT Georgia Election Interference Court Hearing. Day 8 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3h7y - Day 8 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/14/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19549219, >>19549220, >>19549224, >>19549226, >>19549234, >>19549237, >>19549239, >>19549246 Hearing Bun

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0-YnTQemYiM - Select Subcommittee Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=v5u8cF3EPvk - Iran’s Escalating Threats: Assessing U.S. Policy Toward Iran’s Malign Activities [Channel: House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GRf3wisY_s4 - An Update on the Department of Energy’s Science and Technology Priorities [Channel: House Science, Space, and Technology Committee]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Af_ZBpi725o - Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RcgiJ9bwJKU - Hearing Entitled: Implementing Basel III: What’s the Fed’s Endgame? [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DwJax8QbSaQ - Oversight Hearing | Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations [Channel: House Committee on Natural Resources GOP]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5aZW9Hol9Kw - Terrorist Entry Through the Southwest Border [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TMCfjU8iQpw - Health Hearing: "Legislative Proposals to Prevent and Respond to Generic Drug Shortages" [Channel: House Committee on Energy and Commerce]

>>19549228, >>19549309, >>19549318, >>19549325 @realDonaldTrump Post Cap

>>19549236 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=idJKLP5hcuQ - Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report [Channel: NASA]

>>19549247 Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d60edef376a4fa77110221899143eaf956bb6cdfaabd35f3c37f9b7a39845aa.mp4

>>19549285 Pope Francis to address pro-abortion Clinton Foundation conference on climate change

>>19549364 Member of anti-Catholic drag ‘nuns’ group arrested for indecent exposure near park

>>19549366 Anon Reminder - Parasites are everywhere

>>19549383 @DanScavino Dropping Vids

>>19549388 @DanScavino THE BEST IS YET TO COME

>>19549435 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]: On January 20th, we will mark the third anniversary of the Biden executive orders that opened our borders to the world,

>>19549456 Nigeria hit by major blackout with levels of power being generated fell to zero

>>19549497 Meme of the Thread

>>19549515 The spending standoff between House GOP leadership and conservatives hardened Wednesday

>>19549520 In Mexico, parents burned books promoting LGBT and homosexual ideas.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a62001a1283e04653ea508d64b9cd114e63c121e5580646e01d7b0ec098aab61.mp4

>>19549531 Lisa Page back in the news - Has DIVORCED her husband

>>19549532 Schumer 2019 vs 2023 MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c17c9b113b3a08ff8722b7df7312ab6ec351c7c9ee95acdd2f31cf3c8bf0a0b0.mp4

>>19549576 Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) 2024 economic agenda rollout Thursday featured many typical Republican objectives

>>19549590 @Thekeksociety YOUR DNA IS FROM GOD!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/737b9df30f1a263a403e59016bcfbcff58c192200632832146d02ca954f5df0e.mp4

>>19549615 Cato, Mr. Nowrasteh - Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border

>>19549678 #24008

(29 notables, 41 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567422

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19549686 Q Research General #24009: Joe Biden for Impeachment 2023 Edition

Created 141500ZSEP23




>>19549706 #24009

>>19549743 Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial starting in October

>>19549747 NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:

>>19549748 Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?

>>19549770 President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll

>>19549775 @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

>>19549780 Correa: Is the refugee movement something unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?

>>19549782 Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor’s Gun Ban Effort

>>19549793 AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Wa6aemT2R0c - Paxton impeachment trial: Tony Buzbee in another fiery exchange with prosecutors [Channel: WFAA]


>>19549799 PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo

>>19549804 Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay

>>19549806 Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hmwcg - Lara Logan | The Rest of the Story | Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees [15:59] [Channel: Lara Logan]

>>19549817 Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists

>>19549821 Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch

>>19549825 Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this

>>19549831 Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9U1nGF8UVAM - Senator Romney Releases Message to Utahns on Senate Reelection Plans [Channel: Senator Mitt Romney]

>>19549865 Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vetting procedure'

>>19549873 ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bbbe73cc467affbb07af6a336db61cfd39d0f03032030e9f142e7bda0b9a70a5.mp4

>>19549901, >>19549903, >>19549904, >>19549907, >>19549911 Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

>>19549919 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]:

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d66c2695f9fb919d06a8f0b1271fe3d91f2490da405b2407dd078998e0ebd75e.mp4

>>19549921 Exposing the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum Coming to a School Near You in 2024

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CXvXh0g6reg - Exposing "Ethnic Studies"- Live with Christine Sefein & Carob Marcelle [Channel: the radical center]

>>19549952 @Kash "Don't have to do 100 things,3 things…" Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hmy5s - Video upload for 111064071931309525 [51] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19549953 Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are entering our country through our open southwest border,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c988189e3dae30069eaa87444801f887112fe09f1365689b012ba538bf31db5a.mp4

>>19549959 Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations

>>19549971 UK 15 Minute City Down CAP

>>19549981 Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishingly rare.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01146cd7b9d7c7e85548f45d829ffd7773f691f47a83ebb04586cce9210ca296.mp4

>>19549985 Biden sitting in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair

>>19550043 Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"

>>19550060 Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports

>>19550071 CNN’s Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump’s Motion For Recusal Is ‘Not Outrageous’

>>19550083 Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RFl6FZhLmrs - JUST IN: Claudia Tenney Demands Resignation Of Biden's Energy Sec. Over Alleged Ethics Violations [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19550090 Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b44d65f055bf62c9f9eba12014e1969dde751e9b12e8b1e50cf4928809068215.mp4


>>19550153 Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ccd36527eeb6857f233fa96d866fcb3ab634424d94e5340235060821bac7fda.mp4

>>19550184 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies Harnessing Artificial Intelligence?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0hI-Tk4_L1I - Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>19550193 Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99b4f7604978fd0a57473392e079d2d066dfb814930094b0e0c2fb21947d6807.mp4

>>19550202 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kJYSeSoi-ls - Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour [Channel: The White House]

>>19550228 "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ing motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week

>>19550254 Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/80c90bdd8c93e9739905223646671eae7f13d974cc3d0dfc243d7f35482a8b95.mp4

>>19550319 Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/481c19cf40edc6da8d0af16d7c36fae769865f95b254640be171a1cd17e90b1c.mp4

>>19550444 Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges

>>19550451 Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER

>>19550514 Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden Funding

>>19550523 #24009

(45 notables, 49 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567425

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19550526 Q Research General #24010: Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges Edition

Created 141746ZSEP23




>>19550540 #24010

>>19550569 MTG - Hunter Biden has been indicted for three counts of federal gun charges. But where are the indictments for tax fraud, FARA abuse, money laundering, and sex trafficking???

>>19550588 The Inflation Reduction Act: A Year in Review House Oversight and Accountability Committee

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TZ3I2yuYvQ0 - Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>19550590 Digital Dollar Dilemma: The Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency and Private Sector Alternatives House Financial Services Committee

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RnW5EJ18550 - Hearing Entitled: Digital Dollar Dilemma: The Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency... [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

>>19550596 Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon DoD

>>19550731 Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges – Three Counts Related to Possession of Gun While on Drugs – Hallie Biden Tossed It in the Trash

>>19550734 New Trump Truth - Prosecutor Weiss is appointed by the 2 Democrat Senators of Delaware under Blue Slip!

>>19550747 "File The F*cking Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ZqYkctHf4mU - Matt Gaetz on Speaker Kevin McCarthy's Agenda [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>19550766 resident Biden Delivers Remarks on Bidenomics

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tMIRRHs-b50 - President Biden Delivers Remarks on Bidenomics [Channel: The White House]

>>19550813 Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

>>19550824, >>19550944 Ex-CIA Employee Guilty of Child Abuse Image Possession.

>>19550848 YouTube Censoring Evidence Of Ukrainian Troops Embracing Nazi Symbols

>>19550879 Corporation loyal to CCP builds battery plants near military bases in Illinois, Michigan

>>19550880 Elon Musk Admits X/Twitter Has to ‘Play Nice’ with China to Avoid Tesla Trouble, Sees ‘Two Sides’ to Uyghur Genocide

>>19550891 Explaining the Senate’s Blue Slip Process

>>19550896 Give Ukraine More Missiles, Urges Boris Johnson, as Ukraine Hammers Russian Black Sea Fleet at Anchor With Strikes

>>19550897 ‘Legalized Poisoning of 5,500 People’: Oregon County Fights Plan to Spray 473 Acres With Glyphosate

>>19550924, >>19550937 DJT Truths

>>19550970 Biden-appointed US attorneys refused to work on Hunter Biden case, FBI agent says

>>19550977 "The problems run vastly deeper and are far worse." - Flynn

>>19550982 Major Obama Policy Declared Unconstitutional

>>19550997, >>19551006, >>19551013, >>19551040, >>19551056, >>19551067 Pf Reports

>>19551002 NEW via @AP: "Pope Francis (@Pontifex) and @BillClinton set discussion on climate change at @ClintonGlobal Initiative."

>>19551018 GOP rep calls for impeachment inquiry into Biden energy secretary Granholm: 'she lied, under oath'

>>19551100 That a Threat? Zelensky Warns Ukrainians in Europe Could Act ‘Unpredictably’ if Western Aid Is Cut

>>19551211 'Has your ego cost Ukrainian lives?' Elon Musk was questioned by a Sky News reporter after the billionaire admitted thwarting a Ukrainian attack on Russia

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dbf321589b5ae91243876429847470689b8721c55a7c06f0a16a0361d2484835.mp4

>>19551297 #24010

(27 notables, 34 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567426

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19551332 Q Research General #24011: Let's See What Habbens Next Edition

Created 142001ZSEP23




>>19551339 CNN just spent an entire segment documenting how Joe Biden is a pathological liar

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec4a4372c04da2c83dc389c195cfe5c529cae576e3545c7f982ecb70c1f10dac.mp4

>>19551341 #24011

>>19551374, >>19551528, >>19551733, >>19551878, >>19551977 Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte

>>19551375 Saudis co-hosting UN event aimed at revamping Israeli-Palestinian peace process

>>19551381 Missed Red Flags: Leak Exposes Swiss Asset Management Firm’s Work for Clients Accused of Fraud and Corruption

>>19551398, >>19551427, >>19551451, >>19551513 Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed (and more)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74c14b3b5bfeb1ef99c1573e8059024a4d9dbd20ebe06dc9eef2ea9851ef4be1.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aHW7629LyiE - Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>19551410 Attorney General Bailey Files Suit Against Dollar General for Deceptive Pricing

>>19551425 Jack Poso - INCOMING

>>19551493 Iran maintains its intent to "plot attacks" against "current and former" US officials in retaliation for Soleimani's death — DHS

>>19551510 Mr. Nunes posted 17 popcorns last night. He knows what he dun did. Didn't even have to ask this time kek.

>>19551541 Spanish police has arrested three Real Madrid players for allegedly sharing a sexual video involving a minor, local media reports

>>19551542 Rudy knew yesterday "Where's Hunter?"


>>19551662 Q PROOF? Pandora's Box again re: Hunter

>>19551728 White House memo 'asks' media to quit asking questions about Biden and focus on Trump

>>19551729 Nanshee and the Soros crotch spawn meet

>>19551730 Another One Bites the Dust: New Hampshire Slaps Down Latest Attempt to Keep Trump off the Ballot

>>19551740 FBI lawyer Lisa Page divorces husband who stuck by her when she was outed over affair with her boss Peter Strzok while investigating then-president Trump

>>19551762 US power centers shift to Florida, Idaho and South Carolina as aging Americans decamp to those states - while New York, Louisiana and Illinois see biggest population drops, census shows

>>19551779 Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA): Biden So Afraid of the Truth He Will Demand Corporate Media Scrutinize Impeachment Inquiry

>>19551789 DJT jr - Tune in tonight at 6 PM Eastern, I’ll have @WhitlockJason of the Fearless podcast

>>19551805 resident Biden - Under MAGAnomics, the top 0.1% of households – folks making over $4 million – would get a tax cut worth twice the average family's salary.

>>19551810 resident Biden - It’s time billionaires paid at least a 25% minimum tax.

>>19551817 Hunter Biden lines up for free pizza with son Beau day before indictment

>>19551851 Manager of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Ring Indicted on Racketeering and Related Charges Along With Two of the Organization’s Enforcers

>>19551968 WATCH: Newt Gingrich, Kari Lake, Nick Searcy, Steve Bannon, John Eastman and Trump Impersonator Shawn Farash WARN About The Consequences If We Don’t Fight Back To Fight Back Against Lawfare

>>19552027 Trump WON'T stand trial in October: Judge rejects Fani Willis' bid to have all 19 co-defendants in Georgia election case be tried together - and warns they could ALL be split up

>>19552055 Growing costs of migrant care tied to projected $538 million budget deficit

>>19552067 'Blade runners' have removed or disabled nearly a 1000 of ULEZ cameras.

>>19552132 Lara Logan Drops Her Much-Anticipated Production – “The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1” From “The Rest of the Story” Series

>>19552148 #24011

(31 notables, 40 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567427

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19552154 Q Research General #24012: Distractions from the Distractions Edition

Created 142231ZSEP23




>>19552168 #24012

>>19552173 Lady Speaks to Newscasters about Nazis in Ukraine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/455519e68052eb7a09e9a20c3ce51038e5020926776e065186a37a3eec0f20e4.mp4

>>19552189 Ken Paxton trial

>>19552195 David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e4ae77aacf789f2451f529281072f3b67584d721dc3546a067eaa16a26424737.mp4

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/zE3J62uIpINx/ - MAUI FIRES AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS - GREG REECE REPORT [Channel: Prisoner TezdogH Truth Dawwg]

>>19552200 The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

>>19552209 About 6,800 migrants arrived on the Italian island of #Lampedusa in one day

>>19552216 New Mexico Governor on Emergency powers to restrict gun carry laws

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc1ab14907d194b28fccf02454c8557461930c17c5c525d5c5a98607a698b20a.mp4

>>19552223 Climate Eugenics - American Thinker

>>19552240 WH Chief of Staff Jeff Zients' family getting RICH from green energy company pushed by Biden/Harris

>>19552271 MELANIA TRUMP - I am pleased to continue USA Memorabilia’s tradition of celebrating the season with A Red, White and Blue Christmas.

>>19552281 Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

>>19552301 Providence Hospital System Imposes Draconian Mandatory COVID Vaccine for Healthcare Workers

>>19552323 We won’t let Ukrainian grain in – Polish PM

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/92d9d9a92872edbb66b3e491a33eb8309162d7f0f0b9bb708dad121ef6411a28.pdf

>>19552355 King Bau SHREDS Zuckerberg's Pedophile Network: Instagram Child Sex Abuse EXPOSED

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/3n7qv4gkWfct/ - King Bau SHREDS Zuckerberg's Pedophile Network: Instagram Child Sex Abuse EXPOSED [Channel: Stew Peters]

>>19552369 Bioweaponry Expert Calls out Eugenics Program

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/5bff9d38cf42d14c2403384ca50a5bfd - Bioweaponry Expert Calls out Eugenics Program - Tiger Network [Channel: Pearl]

>>19552396 Justice Alito temporarily lifts ban on Biden admin contact with social media

>>19552412, >>19552413 Under-the-tongue COVID vaccine could be on the way after trial on monkeys

>>19552421 CDC Admit 120K US Children ‘Died Suddenly’ Following Covid Jab Rollout

>>19552439 Lawsuit filed against UNMC, Nebraska Medicine over trans teen’s breast-removal surgery in 2018

>>19552463 SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

>>19552467 Pope Francis to participate in Clinton Foundation “Global Initiative 2023”

>>19552564 President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tscgWCBbeao - Agenda47: President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs [Channel: Donald J Trump]


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SA5Z5WTcpIg - Former President Donald Trump on Biden's Impeachment and Age, Fauci and COVID, & Melania and Barron [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>19552625 Trump Talking About "Qanon Movement" to Press - old

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2b683d43f07ad11d856773497911eb18f9fd409480a98457850b3c2e071dfad.mp4

>>19552713 O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1 - in maui undercover recordings of police and national guards and sherrifs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3af4a5535cbf64c67f0fce3510331bd7578ffde172eb3b25a626389634f4074a.mp4

>>19552908 Inside the mystery vigilante group removing Sadiq Khan’s hated ULEZ cameras

>>19552911 British royal holds hands with Neo-Nazi veteran (PHOTO)

(28 notables, 30 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567430

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)


>>19552967 Q Research General #24013: Behold A Comfy Horse Edition

Created 150101ZSEP23




>>19552970 #24012

>>19552971 #24013

>>19553004 Lara Logan on Ukraine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a3d6fb9286ad75b50cd8a4cc940c7ecb8a1051bea450b59a8ff8f81f89b8b76.mp4

>>19553010 America's Transforming Its War Machine to Beat China - America Uncovered

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WVU7KIMPqTc - America's Transforming Its War Machine to Beat China [Channel: America Uncovered]

>>19553057 Torture and Abuse: DC Officials Place Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag Back on COVID Lockdown, Solitary Confinement Starting Today!

>>19553065 TRUMP: "I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 States."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/95ba56005d2b4bf71838fd3da3df559e328c1be878ec5a5ca4d5c16294818887.mp4

>>19553066 Elon Musk has found himself in a battle & potential $22 billion lawsuit w/ the ADL

>>19553073, >>19553239 President Zelenskyy to visit Washington DC next week / Congress is debating $24 billion in aid for Ukraine

>>19553084 Normies Talking About Frazzle.rip on "X"

>>19553096 Judge Blocks Blue State School District Policy To Hide Pronouns From Parents

>>19553123 Per CBP sources, yesterday alone, Border Patrol apprehended over 7,400 illegal immigrants at the southern border

>>19553130 David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden

>>19553138 Hunter Biden is suing @MarcoPolo501c3, a non-profit organization that released a comprehensive 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop.

>>19553181 Dr. Michael Rectenwald On The Great Reset: “It Is A Globalist Plan”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hgjvg - Dr. Michael Rectenwald On The Great Reset: “It Is A Globalist Plan” [9:56] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19553186, >>19553198, >>19553222 O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

>>19553195 CIA Whistleblower: CIA Works With Pedophiles, Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, And Put Men in Harm’s Way For Frivolous Shopping And Baking Activities

>>19553213, >>19553335 Did they Just say Paying Taxes is Voluntary? / Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dDFoxAI2Glc - Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary" [Channel: RubyRedTootsies]

>>19553220 Fulton County DA Hands Over List of 30 Co-conspirators in Trump Election Case

>>19553263 PBD Podcast talking to Anthony Weiner

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=u8sKo4KQO-E - Anthony Weiner | PBD Podcast | Ep. 287 [Channel: PBD Podcast]

>>19553269 Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO)

>>19553287, >>19553589, >>19553602 Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/2FG7dzbeQbvW/ - WARNO FOR THE COUNTRY [Channel: KekAgent]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d55418ecc1ed0285a0bb40a9394538eb5f56c04fed03ff5eba6d18df16bd7849.mp4

>>19553292 UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications wants to "massively ramp up" an "information war" on "disinformation" with an "army of trusted messengers."

>>19553295 Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hn20e - “Be A Man”: Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime [10:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19553299 Miami city commissioner charged with bribery and money laundering

>>19553321 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000053

>>19553341 Megyn Kelly Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details of Her Interview with Former President Donald Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=b7rrt1YBz7E - Megyn Kelly Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details of Her Interview with Former President Donald Trump [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>19553368 The Dark Origin of the ADL

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/95b4c35ea8e3e12ed439428f14f642aea687cd45116723f554140b3eaea7d63a.mp4

>>19553379 Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To Discuss Who Joe Biden Is Actually Working For

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hgiec - Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To Discuss Who Joe Biden Is Actually Working For [6:12] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19553427 Mike Davis: "People should not be fooled at all by these gun charges against Hunter Biden"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hq4hq - Mike Davis: "People should not be fooled at all by these gun charges against Hunter Biden" [11:09] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19553432 China LACM History

>>19553454 ''Diverse Array of Global Experts Join DFRLab’s Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web - 2/13/23

>>19553495 South Korea to COMPENSATE deaths 90 days after covid shot

>>19553509 Biden Has People in Cages at the Border – Where’s the Democrat Outrage?

>>19553520 Anon - Start Tracking events anons, and add to the list! 9/13/23 - 9/14/23

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/865ca5ea37d0e354932597ee0bcde2a7969058c3fe1f7fb08d347d3983d41d2e.mp4

>>19553572 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Pandora's Box + Q DROP #4888

>>19553595 Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hq85k - Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation" [14:48] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19553601 Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer

>>19553710 #24013

(38 notables, 44 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567435

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)


>>19553709 Q Research General #24014: Activate Comfy Shift Edition

Created 150309ZSEP23




>>19553722 #24014

>>19553759 Anon's Big List of Events

>>19553788 Bannons War Room. No One Talks About The Southern Borders!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hqkoo - Todd Bensman: "There's hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the country who have disappeared" [17:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19553804 The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

>>19553808 CNN’s Amazingly Inept ‘Fact-Check’ on Impeachment Inquiry Instead Proves Republicans Correct

>>19553814 Biden claims to group of rabbis that he was ‘raised in synagogues in my state’

>>19553819 Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress

>>19553822 Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results

>>19553826, >>19553836 "I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn

>>19553828 Deputy saves a child being trafficked in Navajo County

>>19553840 Prominent Bucks County Democrat Turns to Violence at School Board Meeting

>>19553843 Bidenomics: As Historic Auto Union Strike Starts, White House Prepares Emergency Aid

>>19553846 Joe Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents and Excuse Criminal Illegal

>>19553902 CIA employee convicted for child porn.

>>19553904 The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

>>19553944 Bannons War Room. The military is the last pillar for enemies to destroy the US.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hplj2 - Col. Grant Newsham On The Chaos Gutting The US Military [8:56] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19553950 Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery

>>19553957 Apple’s creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to “save the planet”

>>19553963 Former USCP Chief Steven Sund will be the witness at next week’s House Administration’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing

>>19553968 The Biden Crime Family is Exposed in New Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Book

>>19553978 Post-Postmodern America

>>19553981 Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hp5ve - Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military [7:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19553986 Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has executed two military personnel who were accused of committing treason

>>19553994 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “REMEMBER THE MAN”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ea56d5a3c61091eae1505a1d691ef1cbcba5d235716a4a89d0aa55ad4f20c31.mp4

>>19554002 California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags

>>19554013 California passes law that suspends manual counts of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

>>19554049 Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jjpng5symNE - Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden [Channel: Newsmax]

>>19554053 Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hp45q - Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military [11:02] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19554129 GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HE1kI-C3LK8 - BREAKING NEWS: GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History | Impeachment [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19554173 Alex Soros Meets with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill

>>19554240 Historic move as Ansarullah (Houthis) delegation plans to visit Saudi Arabia for the first-ever talks on a permanent peace treaty

>>19554359 CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hru8a - CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires [4:41] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>19554421 Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’

>>19554479 #24014

(34 notables, 35 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567437

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)


>>19554480 Q Research General #24015: Morning Comfefe Edition

Created 150639ZSEP23




>>19554491 #24015

>>19554521 Lauren Boebert tard'n out on the vape

>>19554551 Australian MP Malcom Roberts: "This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty. A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

>>19554700 Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant

>>19554717 Donald Trump: ‘Concealed Carry a Right, Not a Privilege’

>>19554760, >>19554791 UAW launches strike against Big 3 automakers

>>19554764 California Officially Gives Up on Travel Bans to Conservative States

>>19554769 Musk Says Old Twitter Regime Censored GOP 10x More Than Leftists

>>19554779 ABC News producer John Santucci is appalled at how “bad” Fani Willis’ case against Trump is, admits she is just “throwing things against the wall.”

>>19554796, >>19555099 Pete Strozk needs protection from his own wife who turned his phone over to the FBI with his love texts to his mistress...

>>19554867 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Wants to Open Taxpayer-Funded City-Owned Grocery Stores

>>19554881 Narrative for future FF: Iran maintains its intent to "plot attacks" against "current and former" US officials in retaliation for Soleimani's death.

>>19554918, >>19554919 Steve Bannon ERUPTS On Kevin McCarthy: ‘Stop Posturing And END The Biden Regime’

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hn20e - “Be A Man”: Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime [10:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19555024, >>19555169 CDC Director Mandy Cohen recommends a COVID mRNA booster for everyone 6 months and older.

>>19555046 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Attends Vigil for Mistreated J6 Prisoners at DC Jail

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hDIXuq1PI60 - BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Attends Vigil for Mistreated J6 Prisoners at DC Jail [Channel: Congressman Matt Gaetz]

>>19555066 Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois.

>>19555144 Verizon, T-Mobile Discounts Are Being Used to Get Access to Your Bank Account

>>19555200 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/15/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hvai8 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/15/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19555227 Doctor with ties to Columbia sentenced for Medicare and Medicaid fraud

>>19555252 #24015

(20 notables, 24 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567439

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19555268 Q Research General #24016: TGIF File The F*cking Motion Edition

Created 151315ZSEP23




>>19555274 #24016

>>19555339 People of Color Trending Republican Townhall

>>19555341 Bidenomics Continues to Crash As Grocery Prices Jump 19.6%

>>19555346 Victor Davis Hanson Post-Postmodern America

>>19555349 Tucker Carlson goes to Argentina — and shows us what it's like to live in a country where the government can't stop printing money

>>19555352 Bidenese For the keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a0bf4a938a6bf9a7ae4c7904083f49f302de1b5fa6041611574d5ac520d38462.mp4

>>19555361 Tapper: Biden Has at Least ‘Been Letting’ His Family Profit off Their Relationship with Him

>>19555376, >>19555625 Yes, these flag officers didn’t think twice about destroying Service Members under their command for refusing the jab

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/86907b0ca82de237125a3c748d3c0eecebb282a7ffd8e58e6c90771e1d2646b6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc26088b9c5647c5112c47239d3d9866b60c9324b7c9baaa4dbe42674f7d2de0.mp4

>>19555390 ICYMI: O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Gov has prohibited photography on public land.

>>19555397 Barack Obama was a fake, a puppet, a complete construct from start to finish…

>>19555417 ICYMI: DACA declared illegal by fed judge

>>19555427 Document Dump On “Boneface”, Faux Nazi Confidential Informant For U.S. Government

>>19555428, >>19555684, >>19555700 LIVE - Day 9 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr/closing arguments

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3hsy - Day 9 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=a8rlcWHsWBE - Ken Paxton impeachment trial: Closing arguments (WATCH LIVE) [Channel: WFAA]

>>19555429 California lawmakers face a midnight deadline on Thursday to pass new, proposed laws for the year./czech em

>>19555431 Historic 16th Street Baptist Church 60 Years Commemoration of Church Bombing 16th Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama

>>19555433, >>19555877 Chief Master Sgt of the Space Force – Change of Responsibility Ceremony

>>19555447, >>19555466 Today marks the 3 year anniversary of Abraham Accords/needs sauce

>>19555479 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Venus, Moon, and the Smoking Mountain

>>19555513, >>19555515, >>19555520 Meet NASA's UFO boss: Former Pentagon liaison Mark McInerney

>>19555517 QClock September 15, 2023 - The Hanged Man

>>19555582, >>19556026 Powell & Co. have officially managed to lose a whopping $100 BILLION

>>19555605, >>19555607 Archaeologists are fuming over ancient human relative remains sent to edge of space

>>19555622, >>19555659 " More cities, towns need to share burden of Massachusetts’ shelter crisis, officials say "

>>19555692 Massive flooding cause chaos in Spain's Madrid, alert issued for 13 other regions

>>19555697 Hunter indictment to tie him up so he can't testify in peach mint hearings???

>>19555710 Refresher: Huber

>>19555718 Closed AI session

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c3b4260462b857ac15bef4e0dcfeb00c58cc6067b85017f308aea3909f7db4e.mp4

>>19555730 The Bee: Dims say...........

>>19555732, >>19555734 2015 Yes, Diversity Is About Getting Rid Of White People (And That’s A Good Thing)

>>19555785, >>19555825 ICYMI: CDC Study which Confirms COVID Jab Lowers Male Life Expectancy By 24 Years/kids

>>19555802 Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs Dutch Farmers & Fisherman with Elze van Hamelen

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hvsem - Dig It! #200: Dutch Farmers & Fisherman with Elze van Hamelen [1:18:13] [Channel: Corey's Digs]

>>19555807, >>19555885 Kerala Province in India locked down in 7 containment zones after deadly Nipah virus outbreak

>>19555818 End Times News

>>19555892 @RepJerryNadler, @AOC and otherdemocratic congress members' press conference in New York over illegal immigration turns chaoticwith people shouting "close the freaking border"

>>19555902 Theresa May says she is ‘woke (Dumb) and proud’

>>19555946 Watch NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara and 2 cosmonauts launch to the ISS on a Russian rocket today

>>19555989, >>19556003 North Korea plans to send 500,000 soldiers to Russia. In return, Russia and the CCP are assisting North Korea in developing rockets and bio-weapons?????

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1fbb49cc446c4ae355f1d757397868c6ab0bdc20268188f9f88f5a4f5e778e76.mp4

>>19556020, >>19556119 Biden considering emergency aid to suppliers who could be hit hard by UAW strike

>>19556043 Florida Neo-Nazis Find Anti-Drag Mania Is a Recruitment Tool.

>>19556172 #24016

(40 notables, 55 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567441

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19556174 Q Research General #24017: Prey Pray Edition

Created 151649ZSEP23




>>19556180 #24017

>>19556197, >>19556391, >>19556405, >>19556448, >>19556598, >>19556600, >>19556678, >>19556705, >>19556718, >>19556788 Sullivan/Buckwheat

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pu-HRsFiFzE - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Jake Sullivan [Channel: The White House]

>>19556201, >>19556216, >>19556284, >>19556287, >>19556301, >>19556414 Dang! Paxton's attorney went after the Bush family The Bush era ends today!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d0c8ae391cbc83968926918b4f1461ade6321bce7630a58aa9335ccdb52f7bd.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwxu0 - Cary Cheshire On Ken Paxton's Impeachment Trial: "No Evidence Ken Paxton Did Anything Wrong" [5:05] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwyd2 - Steve Bannon Calls Out "Bush Apparatus" Manipulating Texas And American Politics [4:54] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/54a0c3104bb07d9c575f0a94b2f02e5dc6a63121319ec0cc512e4355f413e1e0.mp4

>>19556204 Tater remarks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9c16de7d68d9348f1bfb0b1ab2ceea53ce3cec8cf262282ce584341b35a06689.mp4

>>19556215, >>19556252, >>19556346, >>19556384, >>19556424, >>19556518, >>19556534, >>19556687 Hunter gun??

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/98fcbdd3e5e1b1b9117eed555de0bc3860b59b5978ff0124b8d2c82c0153f199.mp4

>>19556221 Apple Tells Support Staff To Remain Silent On iPhone Radiation Concern

>>19556224 The Greatest Show On Earth

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/vJ61AcWYIfZQ/ - The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)Documentary: Good Lion Films [Channel: Nesara/Gesara]

>>19556233 Get rid of all whites 'Carol J. Baker, M.D., is a highly accomplished infectious diseases clinician, teacher and vaccinologist.

>>19556236, >>19556429, >>19556826 People in NYC are sick and tired of the illegal immigration crisis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72ed8b407c962257890cda94aa922b5a529020aee6fd16ff46eadb7fdf57b8cc.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PdP7X2n-ChI - New York City Migrants: Protesters take over AOC news conference | LiveNOW from FOX [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>19556239 Beware the DoJ’s Hunter Biden distraction

>>19556264 MeAgain Kelly Interviews President Donald Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SA5Z5WTcpIg - Former President Donald Trump on Biden's Impeachment and Age, Fauci and COVID, & Melania and Barron [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>19556275 Final Three Men Acquitted and Break Down Crying in Junk Whitmer Kidnapping Case That Was Hatched, Planned, Paid For, and Executed by Chris Wray’s FBI

>>19556293 2005 vid on Tater on Hunter biz

>>19556314 ICYMI: Fox News Poll - Trump Continues Massive Dominance, DeSantis Loses Ground Again

>>19556316 Dark to Light: Musk Sues CA, Government Demands SCOTUS Allow Censorship

>>19556335, >>19556789 Morning Mika and Joe lying about patriots, and saying democrats are dedicated to the law and constitution!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwz3i - Steve Bannon: The Administrative State Just Told Joe Biden To Not Run Again [5:38] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwtuw - Steve Bannon: Mika's In FULL MELTDOWN Because She Knows They Are Losing [5:16] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19556362, >>19556393 Rep. Rosendale: The United States Debt Service Bill's On Path To Reach 50% Of Annual Revenue. No one in the government can explain how we will incur a $2 Trillion into perpetuity!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hx24s - Rep. Rosendale: The United States Debt Service Bill's On Path To Reach 50% Of Annual Revenue [3:37] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hx4iy - "His Position Is In Jeopardy": Rep. Rosendale Discusses Future If McCarthy Works With Democrats [12:24] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19556464, >>19556478 Steve Bannon Discusses Lara Logan's Latest Film On Jan. 6's Truth

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hx1im - "Incredibly Powerful Piece": Steve Bannon Discusses Lara Logan's Latest Film On Jan. 6's Truth [7:32] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19556486 MASS RELEASE of illegal migrants on street in San Diego..

>>19556494 ‘He’s A Smart Guy’: Trump Reacts to Democrat Being Potential ’24 Running Mate

>>19556523 Milton Friedman famously said: “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon"

>>19556526 Arrogant Executives of Radical Non-Profit Group Reveal How They Are Sneaking Woke LGBTQ+ Curriculum Into Elementary Schools

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=t1tTtc4Q-24 - ‘HiTOPS’ Org Sneaks Sexual & LGBTQ+ Curriculum into Schools, Goal to Strip Parental Opt-Out Rights [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>19556535, >>19556543 Apples & Honey for Jewish New Year.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=T_M5-qthA8w - Rosh Hashanah Rock Anthem [Channel: AishJewish]

>>19556563 I pledge allegiance.............

>>19556575, >>19556580, >>19556601 'Equitable Weeding' in School Libraries and Replacing History With Perversion

>>19556578, >>19556929 PRAY FOR LIBYA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3de0c1a0f0a947e75cc839c8705ed335755c63ec2a2b081145b92f611b88159b.mp4

>>19556596 Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation, Greensboro, North Carolina

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=I3n4w35NLRI - Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation [Channel: The White House]

>>19556620 The Corporate Media is the Enemy of the People: Here's Ten Stories They Never Told You This Month

>>19556626, >>19556750 Aramco arrives in Chile: Saudi Arabia's state oil company announces deal and stays with Petrobras Chile/BRICS/Antartica Treaty

>>19556635 A 1967 CBS News Special about how the CIA funneled money to charities to infiltrate American news, student, and labor organizations.

>>19556640 Jimmy Dore and frens cracking up over new jab recommendations

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LW-PqEMi9vw - CDC Director’s New Booster Campaign Is A Debacle! [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>19556653 EU Hands TikTok $386 Million Fine for Child Data Breaches

>>19556658 Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Court Orders Arrest of Zelensky’s Covid-Era Health Minister

>>19556664 McCarthy is losing it!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwtaa - Steve Bannon: The Administrative State's Hitting The "Panic Button" [14:01] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19556682 Kash: Democrats will “off-ramp” Biden’s re-election campaign by urging him to pardon Hunter

>>19556686 The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

>>19556694 $300 weekly checks for illegal immigrants approved by Calif. Senate

>>19556712 Bank of Russia Chief says cash will not disappear from circulation

>>19556722 Windows 11 ‘ThemeBleed’ RCE bug gets proof-of-concept exploit

>>19556749 Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal Photos, Conditions in Illegal California Medical Labs Owned by Chinese Company

>>19556772 50 Most Influential Jews

>>19556774 Kazakhstan Soyuz launch sends 2 Russians, American to space station

>>19556792, >>19556816 Putin: Now we have 300,000 volunteers who will join the special operation in Ukraine/Belarus/Wagner

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c1c31e2897b2843d2b34a07c62bf5c39e3a5c05f9907120bf29695bfe8e75a9c.mp4

>>19556798 Government reports confirmed COVID-19 vaccination has caused Cancer at an unprecedented rate

>>19556821 Lithuania revokes Russian-born figure skater’s citizenship

>>19556923 Toxic lead found in MAJORITY of Americans' tap water is killing 5.5million people globally - more than smoking or obesity, study of 183 countries claims

>>19556936 We're Coming to Tear Down Australia's Corrupt Regime!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ZlqGyMWsdiI - We're Coming to Tear Down Australia's Corrupt Regime! [Channel: In the Interests of the People]

>>19556960 Pro-life rescuers found guilty, immediately taken into custody in second DC FACE Act trial

>>19556983 #24017

(49 notables, 81 posts, 81 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567444

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19556985 Q Research General #24018: Under Water Edition

Created 151930ZSEP23




>>19557007 #24018

>>19557047, >>19557090 Prof. Mattias Desmet: (YOU)r decision to speak the Truth will determine whether humanity survives!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae2b315d3a77c44b7718565cd298eecb6630ece33c3062f0d43950b9cb4f7c02.mp4

>>19557056, >>19557131 Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa "DOUBLEHEADER" SPEECH 7:00 p.m. ET on RSBN

>>19557059 Inside SECRET AFFAIR of Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski - DAILY MAIL EXCLUSIVE

>>19557079 Western nations ‘dream’ of sending troops to Ukraine – Lukashenko

>>19557123, >>19557743 Proclamation on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2023

>>19557128 Trump Is Scheduled For Two More Major Events In Iowa: ‘We Love Iowa’

>>19557145 @OAN House Passes Bill To Strike Down CA’s EV Mandate

>>19557159 Elon: The ADL was instrumental in getting Donald Trump deplatformed - 2:34 minute video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7b6925d7d1653be216b852b1efac36428ec96a3ce96b1d8229b36cb035361e5.mp4

>>19557173 BBC Radio Scraps Irish Singer Róisín Murphy After She Called Out Puberty Blocking Drugs

>>19557192, >>19557208 @realDonaldTrump 60% and climbing

>>19557205 Hey, doesn't this OPEN A DOOR TO THE CIA AND MOSSAD?

>>19557227, >>19557299, >>19557310, >>19557483, >>19557520, >>19557525 Ashton Kutcher Steps Down as Board Chair of Anti-Child-Sex-Abuse Organization After Danny Masterson Support Caused Backlash

>>19557242, >>19557276 Ukrainian commander slams ‘dangerous’ Western training

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3eaql1 - Colonel Douglas Macgregor: 'Ukraine Is Being Annihilated' (8-31-2023) [40:24] [Channel: RADcreate]

>>19557265 @DevinNunes Biden’s Impeachment Entanglement with guest Matt Boyle

>>19557275 Anon challenge

>>19557277 NICHOLAS COUNTY, WV Deputy Jarrod Bennett has been indicted on child pornography charges

>>19557316, >>19557339, >>19557365, >>19557422, >>19557430, >>19557479 This $80 pellet gun is not the same firearm Hunter attempted to buy during his crack bender... FYI

>>19557434, >>19557536 Apple CEO Tim Cook releases ad calling for depopulation and total EXTERMINATION of life on Earth

>>19557452, >>19557457, >>19557498 OUR Country Our choice (OCOC) will give “We The People” the tools, information and skills to proactively preserve and strengthen the security, prosperity, and moral fabric of our society.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h91gk - Robbing America Blind [3:01] [Channel: Our Country Our Choice]

>>19557559, >>19557583, >>19557597 Ronny Jackson: We already have more than enough evidence to IMPEACH BIDEN right now.

>>19557603 PDJT VPPence Both speaking at This event today?

>>19557609 Navy Puts The Kibosh On Digital Recruiting Program After Discovering Enlistees Aren’t Into Drag Queens

>>19557641 Virginia Democrat Who Raised Money By Selling Sex Acts Could Be Charged With Prostitution, Lawyers Say

>>19557703 James O'Keefe and Attorney Mike Yoder have filed a lawsuit against Hawaii Governor to invalidate the criminalization of protected First Amendment activity.

>>19557769 LIVE: Jack Smith OBJECTS; Hunter Defense BLASTS Congress; GOP Lawyer Fights for Trump REMOVAL - Robert Gouveia

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hzjvo - Jack Smith OBJECTS; Hunter Defense BLASTS Congress; GOP Lawyer Fights for Trump REMOVAL [0] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

>>19557780 #24018

>>19557798 Biden_gun_app.jpg

(28 notables, 48 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567448

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19557849 Q Research General #24019: You are not Forgotten Edition

Created 152232ZSEP23




>>19557854 #24019

>>19557879 https://stopworldcontrol.com/

>>19557893, >>19558119, >>19558527 President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5EqdmXI1aIM - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3mi4 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19557960, >>19558082, >>19558127, >>19558309 Boebert bad! REEEEEE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d31f10940a7812a47419e3b6a8861411fc890a0c2abbad39556485b21f00393.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c3ef39cd9c31268dd3a51449281969914a44d542004abf58043f7e210ba01f4b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/40e3576b43491d8bc8c96906061d3460d819f08eda4f1489911aabdc4a0d83ed.mp4

>>19557980 Firefly launches Space Force ‘Victus Nox’ mission

>>19558025, >>19558027 French Ambassador to Niger Held Hostage in Embassy

>>19558087 Why Are We Giving $8 Billion To Chinese Company With Communist Ties To Build A $2 Billion Battery Factory?

>>19558155 Union of Auto Workers (UAW) officially begins strike with 12,700 workers at three plants.

>>19558162 Was it just a coincidence that COVID+jab (gene therapy) was released during the peak of a solar minimum when our DNA was most vulnerable (Earth's magnetic shield down) to the effects of cosmic rays?

>>19558216 Biden Is Trying To Make It Harder To Fire Unelected Bureaucrats In Case A Republican Wins In 2024

>>19558232 Tim Ballard, the man behind Sound of Freedom plans to run for Mitt Romney’s Senate seat

>>19558242 Jim Jordan Subpoenas FBI Agent Who Allegedly Lied About Hunter Biden Laptop

>>19558266 @GenFlynn watch this interview between @TuckerCarlson and Argentinian Presidential candidate Javier Milei.

>>19558271 Special Counsel Jack Smith calls for 'narrowly tailored' gag order against Donald Trump in January 6 case after 'intimidating' comments

>>19558288 Garrett Ventry: Talking about Hunter and phony gun charge and it was the only charge that had no relationship to Joe.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hzx6e - Garrett Ventry: "He's gaining steam with Black voters, Hispanic voters, suburban women" [5:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19558291, >>19558331, >>19558340 Jim Jordan Blasts ‘Face-Saving’ Hunter Biden Indictment, Reveals Key Impeachment Inquiry Facts

>>19558296 Friendly reminder that 10 GOP Congressmen voted to impeach President Trump and 9 of them are no longer in Congress

>>19558306 MSNBC's @PeteStrzok: We need a special unit to protect FBI agents from Americans

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c3babcf329f11cf879d602120fc5c16e1727ed252ce593017a484417d23f2a8.mp4

>>19558310 E.J. Antoni: bidenomics is bombing "Not only have they gone to zero they've gone to negative 100 billion dollars"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hzsfw - E.J. Antoni: "Not only have they gone to zero they've gone to negative 100 billion dollars" [9:58] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19558329 @DC_Draino If you want to know why the Texas Bush cartel is trying to remove AG @KenPaxtonTX, here are the GOP primary results

>>19558347 Capt. James Fanell Answers Questions On What Needs To Change In US Approach In Asia

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hyr2c - Capt. James Fanell Answers Questions On What Needs To Change In US Approach In Asia [9:22] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19558404 Dr Shiva RE: the "Swarm" of Politicians Like Trump/Biden& Entertainers Like Alex Jones/Tucker Carlson

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/HGGP7W12X1UN/ - Dr Shiva: the "Swarm" of Politicians Like Trump/Biden& Entertainers Like Alex Jones/Tucker Carlson [Channel: The David Knight Show]

>>19558444 Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms.

>>19558464 Geraldine Laybourne and Kit Laybourne both are on the Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs. #ChildTrafficking

>>19558546 26 Defendants Charged for Drug Trafficking in Multi-State Operation

>>19558554 President Trump: We're going to do something about Washington. We're going to bring in the federal government. We're going to federalize it, we're gonna run it properly.

>>19558564 President Trump: We're going to take back our country, we're going to take back our culture, and we're going to Make America Great Again, Better Than Ever Before.

>>19558571 U.S. Attorney Charges High School Teacher With Attempted Transfer Of Obscene Material And Receipt And Possession Of Child Pornography

>>19558614, >>19558635 Gov. Gavin Newsom Officially Calls for Convention to Violate the Second Amendment

>>19558640 Dr. John Lenczowski Discusses Offensive And Defensive Strategies In China

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i09ro - Dr. John Lenczowski Discusses Offensive And Defensive Strategies In China [13:00] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19558657 President Trump: It's no wonder the far-left lunatics, perverts and crimials, are getting desperate to stop our movement by any means necessary. They are really trying to stop us.

>>19558673 they aren't recommending the vaccine to protect the health of the child, but to protect pharmaceutical companies from legal liability.

>>19558685 President Trump: [DeSantis] went down like an injured bird out of the sky.

>>19558692 President Trump: There has never been a more incompetent administration in the history of our country, than these clowns, and thugs, and very bad people, that are running our country now, and destroying our country. There's never been anything like this.

>>19558727 President Trump: [Electric cars] they've got some basic problems. Very expensive, and they don't go far. I think they want to keep you somewhere around your home. They don't want to build highways or something. They've got some crazy plan. They always have something.

>>19558730 President Trump: They want to build all-electric army tanks. [audience laughter]

>>19558748 #24019

(37 notables, 46 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567453

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19558758 Q Research General #24020: Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speech Edition

Created 160029ZSEP23




>>19558763 #24020-A

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5EqdmXI1aIM - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19558766 President Trump: I will fire every corrupt official who has weaponized our government against Christians, conservatives, patriots, and people of faith. We're gonna fire 'em. You're fired!

>>19558769 President Trump: I fired a lot of people [Apprentice], but we're gonna have to fire a lot more, because that deep state runs deeper than we thought.

>>19558797 President Trump: I will be your peacemaker, and I am the only candidate that can make this promise to you- I will prevent World War III. We are very close to World War III.

>>19558802 President Trump: America will have the number one lowest cost of energy and electricity anywhere in the world. We'll do that.

>>19558810 President Trump: Upon my inauguration, I'll terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration, and quickly achieve the most secure border in US history, as we had three years ago.

>>19558836 President Trump: Jim Caviezel put it very well in the movie Sound Of Freedom, "God's Children Are Not For Sale."

>>19558839 President Trump: I will insist on the right of every parent to send their child to the public, private charter, or religious school of their choice. Choice. Choice. Choice.

>>19558841 President Trump: I will close the Department of Education, and we will move everything back to the states, where they can individualize education, and do it with love for our children.

>>19558847 President Trump: We will have great schools that lead to great jobs, and ultimately, great lives, because we have horrible schools right now. Our programs are terrible.

>>19558857 President Trump: I'll take historic action to defeat the toxic poison of gender ideology, and reassert, In The Beginning, God Created Two Genders, Male And Female.

>>19558864 President Trump: On day one, I will sign an executive order, instructing every federal agency to cease the promotion of sex or gender transition at any age.

>>19558875 President Trump: I will challenge California's depraved new laws that strip parents of parental rights, that encourage minors to be transported across state lines for sexual mutilation.

>>19558889 President Trump: There is nothing we can not do as long as we hold fast to the timeless words of our national motto, In God We Trust.

>>19558903 President Trump: With your help, and your prayers, and your vote, we will stand up for the women of America, we will put America first, and we will, without question, Make America Great Again

>>19558937 President Trump: I stand here tonight confident that America can and will overcome it all by the strength of our faith the power of prayer and the grace of almighty God.

>>19558939 PF: Call sign Bruce89. USN E-6B Mercury 164408 up from TInker AFB

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/10dd836b7e3737403e9ea72609f18e20b33535d227e800f80cc7cd5086d3b4e6.mp4

>>19558990 RE Titanic Dig: Was a person listed as dead, but wasn't really?

>>19558996 Marco Rubio Urges U.S. Southern Command to Reschedule Cancelled ‘Sound of Freedom’ Screenings

>>19559069 Q189 Mila + Kutcher reference?

>>19559081, >>19559129, >>19559148, >>19559284 President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3mi4 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hyc7m - LIVE AT THE PRAY VOTE STAND SUMMIT [0] [Channel: RealAmericasVoice]

>>19559111 New Mexico Governor Grisham REFUSES to Comply with Court’s Restraining Order, ‘Narrows’ Her Unconstitutional Gun Grab

>>19559172 President Trump: I stopped Barack Hussein Obama's hatefull and bigoted assault on faith-based adoption and foster care services.

>>19559190, >>19559242 how does the ADL control 60% of advertising?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7b6925d7d1653be216b852b1efac36428ec96a3ce96b1d8229b36cb035361e5.mp4

>>19559217 President Trump: They [democrats] are a group of people that are willing to do things that nobody thought ever would be acceptable.

>>19559221 Canada’s governor general doubles down on residential school narrative, blames media for ‘denialism’

>>19559229 Libya Dam Failure Devastation. 11k dead, 10k still 'missing'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b9cf0c47855f728583adf04d0128d3198f7f0007b996904ad1c8de60ce167c9.mp4

>>19559249 President Trump: I was honored to get up every single day and do battle on your behalf. Oh I did battle; you probably read about some of those battles.

>>19559270 President Trump: It's no wonder that this very sinister opposition is now tearing down every law and institution, to try and stop us from vanquishing them from power forever.

>>19559293 Jim Watkins is on Revolution Radio Studio B

>>19559294 President Trump: Some of the illegal immigrants that came in; they've got my mugshot [shirt] on.

>>19559310 President Trump: Today we had this prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith. Has anyone ever heard of him? I wonder what his name used to be. Jack Smith.

>>19559311 "I wonder what his name used to be." (Jack Smith) CALL TO DIG

>>19559320 PF: Call sign EVAC850, USAF C-17 02-11047.

>>19559327 President Trump: The truth is, the radical left is coming after all of us, because they know that our allegiance is not to them, our allegiance is to our country, and to our Creator.

>>19559345 Hunter Biden's Net Worth is estimated to be between $1 and $330 million... nobody knows!

>>19559363 President Trump: The political repression is immoral, and it's very, very unamerican, and it's very dangerous for them to be playing that game

>>19559374 Court Orders Facebook To Comply With Subpoena For Data On All Users That Broke “Covid-19 Misinformation” Rules

>>19559385 President Trump: When I'm reelected, I will totally obliterate, we're going to obliterate the deep state.

>>19559393 Bill Mitchell is currently suffering a TDS melt down

>>19559397, >>19559464 What is this man doing to Lauren?! Better question, who's the peeping tom spying on people in a movie theater?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/776636134ae8f77ac18dd5bab2871024f163e9f7325978181bff3860fdc14864.mp4

>>19559413 Special Counsel Jack Smith Attempts to Gag Trump

>>19559419 President Trump: They're putting young children into schools who don't speak any English, and they're in school. Nobody is there to teach them; they're sitting in class they don't understand

>>19559479 President Trump: We will end this horrible Department of Education. We'll keep a few people there, just to make sure they're guaranteeing they're going to teach English.

>>19559487 President Trump: We had Paul Ryan… I call him Paul Rino [laughter]

>>19559521 President Trump: All-electric trucks, which would be like going back fifty years, because a diesel truck can go two thousand miles on a tank of fuel, whereas an electric truck can only go three hundred miles.

>>19559538 President Trump: We are a nation that no longer has a free and fair press. Fake news is all you get, and they are the true enemy of the people.

>>19559555 #24020-A

>>19559558 #24020-B

(49 notables, 54 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567465

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19559576 Q Research General #24021: In God We Trust Edition

Created 160251ZSEP23




>>19559590 #24021

>>19559683, >>19559705 Jack Smith is John Lumen Smith

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UJnO6Kr92bM - Behold the Lord High Executioner! The Mikado, National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company - 2012 [Channel: Gilbert & Sullivan Festival]

>>19559702, >>19559706 Biden's Dark Winter: Two Years Away, Fast Forward to Now

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Qu22-qcKx1A - Biden Says We 'Remain in a Very Dark Winter' [Channel: Bloomberg Television]

>>19559754 Three Reasons Why Military Recruitment Is In Crisis

>>19559761 Donald Trump says Melania will be on the campaign trail 'when it's appropriate'

>>19559768 Grassley: Republican Calls to Shut Down FBI ‘Stupid’ — ‘We’ve Got to Have an FBI’

>>19559774 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a unanimous three-judge decision on September 1, 2023, holding that the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) overstepped its statutory authority by attempting to ban using ivermectin to treat COVID-19

>>19559780 Support for Noem, Boebert from Gaetz, Poso

>>19559791 DJT: Hillary Clinton Doubles

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/642da058afa1433513ec7c3e69b0b160f2e789cd8d70f654ab69ad8bb11320ad.mp4

>>19559808 China shows its structural weakness with response to disappearing ministers

>>19559980 Armed Man Arrested at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Event in LA

>>19560209 RFK thanks Gavin DeBecker for protection after being DENIED Secret Service protection by BIDEN

>>19560216 States Beg Biden to Bolster Offshore Wind While Projects Flounder

>>19560288 US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Regime — You Can Add More Incidents

>>19560347 #24921

(15 notables, 17 posts, 15 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567475

File: 6118f4e0f560cc5⋯.png (224.51 KB,511x338,511:338,Clipboard.png)


>>19560342 Q Research General #24022: RFK's Life Threatened After Being DENIED Secret Service by BIDEN Edi

Created 160740ZSEP23




>>19560356 #24022-A

>>19560394 Ex-Homeland Security agent who inspired Sound of Freedom reveals he is considering a run for Mitt Romney's Senate seat in Utah

>>19560397 Trump hits opponents at leadership summit: 'Getting desperate to stop our movement'

>>19560401 Atlanta Area Superintendent Stands Firm On Opposing ‘Pornographic Material’ In Schools After Calls For His Removal, Says It’s About ‘Good And Evil’

>>19560404 Trump Defends Auto Workers Against Biden’s Green Agenda: You’re ‘Being Sold Down the River’ to China

>>19560412 Indecent Exposure

>>19560415 Canadian school library removes all books published prior to 2008

>>19560419 Final Three Men Acquitted and Break Down Crying in Junk Whitmer Kidnapping Case

>>19560424 FAA, DOT coordinated to hide cost of 18 Buttigieg flights on government planes

>>19560426, >>19560456, >>19560494, >>19560588, >>19560664, >>19560743, >>19560773

>>19560428 Armed Man With US Marshal’s Badge and Federal ID Arrested at Robert F. Kennedy Jr Appearance in Los Angeles After Trying to Infiltrate Security

>>19560429 Ashton Kutcher has stepped down as chairman of THORN

>>19560434 Providence Hospital System Clarifies COVID-19 Vaccine Policy: No Mandates, “Caregivers Can Choose to Decline the Vaccine”

>>19560437, >>19560877 New toxicology report reveals that graphene nanomaterials ingested by the vaccinated are being transmitted to the unvaccinated.

>>19560443 Dove faces growing boycott over partnership with morbidly obese BLM activist and hate hoaxer

>>19560453 New York Attorney General Letitia James Gets Confronted Over Her Decisions To APPEAL The End Of Quarantine Camp

>>19560459 New Mexico Governor Grisham REFUSES to Comply with Court’s Restraining Order, ‘Narrows’ Her Unconstitutional Gun Grab

>>19560468 Speaking in the European parliament, German MEP Christine Anderson, implores the people of the world to meet any attempt at resurrecting Covid tyranny with mass non-compliance.

>>19560479 Candace Owens is suspended from YouTube for hate speech against the LGBTQ community.

>>19560481 The Middle Class Is Increasingly Becoming “The Impoverished Class”

>>19560484 Gutfield

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rLmPW0vZa7U - Gutfeld! 9/15/23 FULL HD | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP September 15, 2023 [Channel: Kieu Oanh DIY]

>>19560486, >>19560507, >>19560642, >>19560694 MindWar 6th Gen. Warfare. 7 Day Plan to End Cartel Border Issue, Peace Deal Between Putin & Ukraine & more w/General Vallely

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xxvz2 - 7 Day Plan to End Cartel Border Issue, Peace Deal Between Putin & Ukraine & more w/ General Vallely [1:10:10] [Channel: Sarah Westall]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a863e5f31032ef79d2af2f801867c6bf3f521e6c8c4b8edb800d19b1ca6164b1.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hox40 - General Paul Vallely: The Enemy Within... [59:02] [Channel: OPERATION FREEDOM]

>>19560495 AZ: "Street releases like those happening in AZ this week put an immense strain on our local communities

>>19560504 @realDonaldTrump Great, we get twice as much of Mark. That can only be very good news, indeed!

>>19560539 President Trump: "I will not give ONE PENNY to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1nr2 - Video upload for 111072588671681487 [12] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19560540 President Trump: "I will keep men OUT of women's sports"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1nz8 - Video upload for 111072592298635074 [13] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19560541 Our movement is popular because people can't stand to see what's happening to our country. - President @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1rzw - Video upload for 111072668007076773 [1:05] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19560542 Upon my inauguration, I will terminate every Biden open border policy - President @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1si6 - Video upload for 111072674105611912 [1:13] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19560543 Jack Smith is a deranged individual and he wants to take away my First Amendment rights. - President @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1m2s - Video upload for 111072557474917414 [1:49] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19560545, >>19560547 >>1956054 Aussie: The US President’s recent appearances have been some of his worst./CNN/DIMS

>>19560555, >>19560561 House impeachment investigators now have the power to subpoena grand jury information

>>19560578 President Trump delivers a speech at the Concerned Women of America 2023 Leadership Summit

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3mi4 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19560589 DoD Awards Disinfo Researcher Who Praised Hunter Biden Laptop Censorship, Lisa Kaplan/ Nina Jankowicz

>>19560600, >>19560610 @DanScavino vid

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i4law - Video upload for 111074467606260508 [27] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19560620 @DanScavino WTF are they all gonna do when we win this thing?! Heads are going to explode to the likes of which we have never seen before🤯

>>19560626 THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i4rme -TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030[5:47] [Channel: chestercat01]


>>19560815 Coast Guard called in to battle woke Oakland's sea pirate problem

>>19560826, >>19560866 UK: status of dating the NSA traf/ROT/LISA pics.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Dch_qpR9i0A - Q London Pic, Piccadilly Circus Ticket Kiosk, Summer 2013 v 2014 [Channel: Fortu Nisko]

>>19560831 Republicans to dispense with ‘pro-life’in favor of ‘pro-baby’?

>>19560867 Only 800 of New York's tens of thousands of illegal immigrants have applied for work authorization

>>19560875 The FBI Illegally Politicized Background Investigations For Republican Presidential Nominees

>>19560903 A Federal Judge has blocked the lunatic running New Mexico’s attempt to violate the Constitution and suspend the right to carry firearms.

>>19560942 UK Biohazzrd tents are being erected at Dover and people seen wearing full hazmat suits have been witnessed there

>>19560948 Blackrock CEO: “Behaviours are gonna have to change. You have to force behaviours.”

>>19560950, >>19560964 Cases of COMIRNATY, Pfizer's branded death shot, just started showing up on U.S. military bases - MARKED 2023-2024!

>>19560978 Did y'all know there's a Catholic teachers union in Canada?

>>19561003 Joe Biden’s ‘TikTok Army’ received hundreds of thousands from George Soros to push left-wing causes, bash conservatives

(48 notables, 63 posts, 72 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567486

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19561139 Q Research General #24023: UK Anons Bringin The Pain Edition

Created 161425ZSEP23




>>19561143 #24023

>>19561155 #24022-A

>>19561161 #24022-B

>>19561189 Damning evidence of election fraud. Aids in defense of #16MIElectors, courageous lawyers targeted with unwarranted sanctions plus much more.

>>19561219 Family of Barack Obama Dig

>>19561225, >>19561678, >>19561706, >>19561737, >>19561769, >>19561795, >>19561821 . Verdict in Paxton Impeachment trial streaming now, RINOs BTFO

>>19561250 Kissinger, Harvard And the FBI

>>19561282, >>19561298 VIDEO: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suffers assassination scare

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/469dfe66d8cc214cec7d08bd47a7cbc894b8b8820a2ecf3e3e04df7edf4053dc.mp4

>>19561290 John Thaler: in 2020 at least 38,000 mail-in ballots were counted having totally mismatched signatures.

>>19561343, >>19561406, >>19561796, >>19561849 Dear, shitlibs, if you think two adults in a dark theater is bad just wait til you find out what Joe Biden does to kids in braod daylight

>>19561354 Fetterman posts unabomber selfie

>>19561366 The World Celebrates Batman Day 2023

>>19561430 The Japanese are marching for #Trump2024

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b30f14d431b7d802c58e83543c669ca2cffb2e8c2912d860d5219bbc92c5fa9f.mp4

>>19561434 Major Hospital Group Issues 'Updated' Covid Vaccine Mandate for Caregivers

>>19561441 Russell Brand accused of raping, sexually assaulting four women — including 16-year-old

>>19561479 What is US Army Operation blue roof?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/56edc54263b66859200ce5f2ac667bb0f339bd94215cd13ed8697b3ce23f170e.mp4

>>19561491 PF: A pair of USN UC-12M Hurons coming in from Gitmo. 163842 & 44.


>>19561856 Why won't President Biden's administration give Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Secret Service protection?

>>19561870 George Soros gives invests $300K into network of TikTok activists to praise Joe Biden and push ultra-left ideas on young voters

>>19561872, >>19561885 CEOs from Alphabet, Walmart, Pfizer meet White House officials on refugees

>>19561895 #24023

(22 notables, 33 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567488

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19561921 Q Research General #24024: Bogus Smear Campaigns Will Intensify Edition

Created 161708ZSEP23




>>19561929 #24024

>>19561973, >>19562143, >>19562475 Any laserfags in here?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fbaaf0e8e77207b7e4906f7b37f6e1e25d584da6e82314714c2e75a3f7f7849d.pdf

>>19561976, >>19562180, >>19562397, >>19562436, >>19562438 Texas AG Ken Paxton ACQUITTED on ALL Articles of Impeachment!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i7zum - BOOOOOOOM!!! KEN PAXTON ACQUITTED ON ALL CHARGES!!!🥳🥳🥳LET'S GO!!! [9] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>19562011 “I Can’t Wait for This to be Litigated – It’s Going to Highlight the Weaponization of Justice!”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i6hku - Kash Patel on Mobster Jack Smith's Latest Move to Silence Trump: "I Can't Wait for This to be Litigated [2:08] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>19562079 Justice Jackson couldn't go 15 seconds without referencing herself in her speech last night

>>19562237 PF: GTMO001 on the move.

>>19562239 Prosecutors celebrated in court as pro-lifers’ children wept after second DC FACE Act trial


>>19562407 San Diego, Border Patrol agents dumping and abandoning entire migrant caravans in parking lots

>>19562420 @western_journal Biden clearly (doesn't) want to talk about his son’s indictment

>>19562439, >>19562452 PF: Call sign SAM839. United States Air Force Gulfstream C-37A 20-1941.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01b637fe558c58b8bac3ad9caa5efe93cd3a80ce911d07c349614a02c3c1a971.mp4

>>19562516 @DonaldJTrumpJr Biden is hiding Delaware visitor logs. Are there secret meetings happening in Delaware?

>>19562540, >>19562542, >>19562602 Paxton statments + scheduled on Tucker next week "Let's go Brandon, we'll see you in court."

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i88ts - LOVE KEN PAXTON!!!😂😂😂 [25] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>19562573 PF: Call sign AURA93. USN E-6B Mercury 162783. This flight out of Pautuxent River NAS and headed west.

>>19562667 #24024

(15 notables, 24 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567491

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19562704 Q Research General #24025: Texas AG Ken Paxton ACQUITTED! Edition

Created 161917ZSEP23




>>19562717 #24025

>>19562737, >>19562766, >>19562781, >>19562889, >>19562913, >>19562941, >>19563005, >>19563017 Lauren Booba Theater MP4 dig and discussion.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5697e564d2f499c198140b9d9a62b104810fb72061e5c7e0f8d9def219cdfdbb.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c4b0d89740b1bc366b94edb28765677f3627e8a8c6a206a72611efa29306b142.mp4

>>19562764, >>19562840, >>19563021 Current COVID dogma - hurray for the new JABS!!

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3600a0125dd1c1ad0d1bef5202b5a6ce8d40923161e7219ba9277b9d2e2aee91.pdf

>>19562771, >>19562814 Russell Brand accused of raping, sexually assaulting 4 women — including 16-year-old

>>19562798 @KobeissiLetter Borrowing more debt is not the solution to high inflation.

>>19562802 Kash Patel: The America First Cadre’s About Roll Into Washington DC - full video

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i6zyc - Kash Patel: The America First Cadre’s About Roll Into Washington DC [5:32] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19562832 Ukrainian Opposition Lawmaker Arrested on Suspicion of High Treason, Spreading Russian ‘False Narratives’

>>19562837 Paul Dans: America’s President Can Only Remove 1% Of The Administrative State. Dans is working with Kash and John McEntee etc. has been working on this close to three years. Bidan etc are trying to shut them down

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i71t8 - Paul Dans: America’s President Can Only Remove 1% Of The Administrative State [13:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19562846 Panama Canal traffic nearly HALTED due to “drought,” global supply chain NIGHTMARE to unfold

>>19562892 Ford CEO Jim Farley On Auto Strike: ‘Transition To EVs’ Is Top Priority Despite Losing $4.5 Billion

>>19562906 DJT: “The polls that have been coming out repeatedly show Donald Trump winning over all and Donald Trump significantly ahead in key battleground states.”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i8q3g - Video upload for 111076494937572486 [21] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19562910 @realDonaldTrump on Will Cain re Trump re-election

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i8st2 - Video upload for 111076534990870131 [32] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19562950 Face masks increase the risk of cardiac arrythmians, more likely more so in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.

>>19562957 Freudian slip? Biden says CABINET will work to “increase the number and intensity of extreme weather events"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9dB7ftIODj8 - BIDEN SAYS WE WILL INCREASE NUMBER & INTENSITY OF EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS [Channel: EnvironmentalEducator]

>>19562967 Biden Administration Aims To Trump-Proof The Federal Work Force

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i71e2 - Biden Administration Aims To Trump-Proof The Federal Work Force [5:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19562972 @CodeMonkeyZ Blade Runners fighting on the front lines of the "Climate Wars".

>>19562973 "Migration Economy": South American Businessmen, Politicians Making 'Tens Of Millions' On Human Trafficking Empire

>>19563008, >>19563258 DJT: I want to thank the great Lt. Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, who served as Judge in the Ken Paxton Trial…

>>19563012, >>19563053 DJT: ….Attorney General Paxton was fully acquitted on all 16 Impeachment Articles

>>19563022, >>19563058, >>19563239, >>19563297 Attorney General Ken Paxton Releases Statement Following His Acquittal

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i74wu - LIVE - VERDICT: Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/16/23 [2:22:30] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19563040, >>19563116 June 2023: Evaluation of Mask-Induced Cardiopulmonary Stress

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84187623ec5ef23ca77534755605c31e79fd0dbf9d7f6f2525021b13ea9503d4.pdf

>>19563051 PJ Media: Video Resurfaces of Joe and Hunter Biden Talking Business With Potential Clients

>>19563054 RINOS who voted FOR Paxton impeachment

>>19563100 Interviews with Immigrants from Afghanistan coming through the Darien Gap

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i74ly - The Invasion Through Darien Gap IS The Democrats’ Policy [10:28] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19563157 Australian State Media: Prospect of another 'erratic' Trump presidency prompts call to move faster on AUKUS

>>19563162 Dem Governor Deploys National Guard as Thousands of Migrants Flood Into Her State

>>19563165 Immigrant children crawling thru razor wire to enter the US

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfd177aca9864991da371e7f15710658d5ee6e5f27bc075310696997b453a583.mp4

>>19563173 Red Voice Media: 36 States Have Contracts With A Clause That Allows Elections To Be Overridden [VIDEO]

>>19563234 Maren Morris' Shots at Jason Aldean's 'Small Town' in Music Video Epically Backfire

>>19563242, >>19563270, >>19563282, >>19563284 UN Set to Agree New Political Declaration on Pandemics Next Week

>>19563254 Artificial Intelligence Power Consumption About to Skyrocket – And No One Is Prepared

>>19563276 NC pastor denounces graphic sex ed material in Asheville NC schools

>>19563315, >>19563317, >>19563321 FOX: McCarthy does not have the votes to formally start an impeachment inquiry

>>19563330 Bizarre: Trudeau Threatens 'Grocery Tax' To Combat 'Record Profits'



>>19563377 Kari Lake Files 74-Page Lawsuit Against Katie Hobbs, Election Officials

>>19563392 Rep. Smithee Compares 3 Impeachments in Texas History, Emphasizes Due Process

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7lC8o-kbG1Q - Rep. Smithee Compares 3 Impeachments in Texas History, Emphasizes Due Process [Channel: NTD News]

>>19563460 #24025

(38 notables, 59 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567606

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19563500 Q Research General #24026: Impeachment Party Edition

Created 162200ZSEP23




>>19563513 #24026

>>19563520 Kari Lake with Roseanne

>>19563548, >>19564017 This Contract Makes the Elections Invalid We can just go Citizens arrest Cops need to just cuff them now

>>19563554, >>19563560, >>19563740, >>19563782 THE MAY 2023 VOTE WHICH BEGAN THIS WHOLE CIRCUS IN TEXAS COUNT'EM 60

>>19563556, >>19563557, >>19563812 @realDonaldTrump The Ken Paxton Victory is sooo BIG. WOW!!!

>>19563564, >>19563567 How big can Trump's lead get?

>>19563572 The Great Washington Of Our Time: Trump Is Leading America To The Biggest Victory For Freedom In 240 Years

>>19563580 China’s Xi Jinping TERRIFIED He’s Going to Get Assassinated?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mC3LB5CTFlg - China’s Xi Jinping TERRIFIED He’s Going to Get Assassinated [Channel: China Uncensored]

>>19563602, >>19563606, >>19563754, >>19563907 Texas State Rep. Calls for House Speaker Dade Phelan to “Step Down” After Acquittal of AG Ken Paxton on All Articles of Impeachment

>>19563687 Ivan Illich: The Anti-Christ is the liberal fantasy embodied by the “Institution”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jsW8UQgFOBI - The Antichrist was never a man, but rather the liberal fantasy embodied by the “Institution.” [Channel: sparkgap]

>>19563698, >>19563708, >>19563722, >>19563742 Russell Brand Responds After Accusations of Raping, Sexually Assaulting 4 Women, Including 16yrold

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c5964b9945f2c874bfe20d74f30b2bfbaa34656532afe1da756912fe376c071.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/243c28bc299c2ea912fb4af8d2b7de1c29cf9597b0e76232ad651f0aca5b6d30.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=goQD0HE9UfY - 'To be sovereign is to have ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY over our own bodies' | Neil Oliver VS the state [Channel: GBNews]

>>19563723, >>19563921 U.S. billionaire Elon Musk has agreed to sell a portion of Starlink assets to the DOD/regarding geofencing

>>19563783, >>19563985, >>19564001 Montenegro Police Hunt Suspects in Tunnel Raid on High Court

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OXoVv2cGRoI - Tucker: Why question US obligations to Montenegro [Channel: Fox News]

>>19563809 Map Of 'Zombie Drug' Tsunami Consuming America

>>19563813, >>19563909, >>19563964, >>19564035 Trump retruths another Q post as a meme. #2178

>>19563826 Sounds like the GOPe is mad at Noem endorsing Trump.

>>19563847, >>19563857, >>19563979 REMEMBER YOUR OATH

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tRQ0d3dd4A8 - Oath Of Office 2015 [Channel: National Security Agency]

>>19563869 Thousands of pounds of marijuana found hidden inside watermelons

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/867154d7701f430674b908a78a506891430fe20fc5ccfd13760fa7ded76a2feb.mp4

>>19563883 2020 NIH extends funding of research into deadly Nipah virus

>>19563919 PF updates

>>19563935 The battle for fourth place is tight.

>>19563953 Parmayxoviridae

>>19563990 You're Not Supporting Ukraine Enough Until the Nuclear Blast Hits Your /Face Rules for Rebels

>>19564274 #24026

(24 notables, 45 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567612

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19564281 Q Research General #24027: Are you ready to serve your country again? Edition

Created 170055ZSEP23




>>19564290 #24027

>>19564330 Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger signed an agreement to create a military alliance to ensure security in the Sahel, first anti-colonial alliance of countries on the African continent

>>19564357, >>19564376 PF reports

>>19564369 @KenPaxtonTX statement on today’s Senate acquittal vote

>>19564380 Hilton hotel logo symbolism

>>19564383, >>19564429 Rod Rosenstein's sister is Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

>>19564407 G20 Announces Plan For Worldwide Digital ID And CBDC

>>19564451 Massive Mystery Explosion at Key Rail Yard Forces 4-Mile-Wide Evacuation Due to Deadly Chemicals - No Clues Yet

>>19564454 Texas Rep. John Smithee Floor Speech on Paxton Impeachment

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yvKQCEx1GBc - John Smithee Floor Speech on Paxton Impeachment [Channel: The Luke Macias Show]

>>19564469, >>19564545 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

>>19564494 What a Coincidence - Potential RFK Jr Assassin Had Same Last Name as El Chapo’s Wife, Who Was Released from Federal Prison The Day Before

>>19564549 Sen. John Kennedy showed up to the NASA UFO press conference mp4s

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b603a42e7e48339f67f73c7659f8b299cdc2a10bd2c0c1d48077639a93fb35ed.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7ef23ea2433e6cb6069870e2ce51a15207ce79db01ba105feb5e4416ac2c0b70.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1cfc851735d78793eef8880c0f66dfb4ef145f73965e334e31fb9f6a5b777ea7.mp4

>>19564564 Taliban detains American and 17 others in Afghanistan for ‘propagating and promoting Christianity’

>>19564898, >>19564942 Donald J. Trump praised 'Sound of Freedom,' an anti-trafficking movie that has proven popular with QAnon conspiracy theorists, at a Christian event on Friday

>>19564974 @GenFlynn on Paxton statement: buckling up and getting accountability - get ready!

>>19565052 #24027

(16 notables, 20 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567613

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19565058 Q Research General #24028: Anons In The Machine Edition

Created 170327ZSEP23




>>19565062 #24028

>>19565124 DOJ blocks testimony of FBI agent who lied about Hunter laptop

>>19565134, >>19565145 Less than a week after New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an “emergency” order prohibiting the carrying of firearms in Albuquerque, she has backed down

>>19565144, >>19565179 Here We Go: Nipah Virus Outbreak Prompts Shutdowns and Containment Zones in Kerala, India

>>19565160 Socialist state lawmakers want new "Migrant Taxes" to fund Biden's migrant surge

>>19565165, >>19565367 MAGAnomics vs Potato

>>19565190, >>19565223, >>19565245 Argentina President Candidate Javier Milei dig

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b11a3b6eb9ac823e944dba394a1b5943686f7ff531ebeaa2d5acd8f4e5141bc1.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9d0fb88487b0e7d85ced5006a5c2e2aa59003f24dd2211e9540538f113a01bdf.mp4

>>19565219 Son of drug kingpin 'El Chapo' extradited to United States

>>19565257 PF reports: VETO91. USN E-6B Mercury 163918. Squawk 0543. Data shows they have been offshore for 7.5 hours

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1cde9224dca2c63bfc8c83f150bd3d5f8b1ce8c20fc14046889c672dd84ea056.mp4

>>19565403 Washington state spends $143 MILLION to get 126 out of homelessness — now Jay Inslee is asking for more

>>19565414 The latest ‘Threat to Democracy’: 'The Constitution

>>19565435 Kamala Harris Thinks Government Must Enforce Equal Outcomes - Also Known as Communism

>>19565489 University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering - “Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases

>>19565495 Multiple hostile aircraft were downed over the Black Sea as well as in Moscow Region, according to the Russian military

>>19565568 NATO country Romania moves radar near Ukrainian border and threatens to shoot down Russian aircraft

>>19565677 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

>>19565684 The state of California is suing the oil companies BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and ConocoPhillips and their trade group

>>19565822 #24028

(18 notables, 23 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567615

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19565826 Q Research General #24029: Donald J. Trump on Meet The Press This Morning, Enjoy The Show! Edition

Created 170637ZSEP23




>>19565851, >>19565870, >>19565875, >>19565877, >>19565883, >>19565891, >>19565902, >>19565924 Scavino/DJT/Q deltas/Nunes

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5SiJg43j2nk - AWOLNATION - Sail, 10th Anniversary [Audio] [Channel: Red Bull Records]

>>19565872 #24029

>>19565926 Muck warnin on AI

>>19565939 Biden made a last-minute decision to link the firing of Shokin - who was investigating Burisma – to the $1 billion loan guarantee

>>19565940 ICYMI: Biden gaffe or did he actually tell us what they're doing? weather

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b961b4a0a784634a14a74556a52994d23a93d887e9e76f82676d4b9f061e78af.mp4

>>19565941 It is necessary for Congress to gauge the extent to which FBI agents coerced, pressured, worked with, or relied upon social media and other tech companies

>>19565952 In the key swing states of Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada, and Michigan, Trump notched a 6% lead over Biden

>>19565972 A bizarre way to visualize gravity on different Solar System's celestial bodies

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b018e91d24d7181bc722baa9f9b55327f3c82a9605625817abddddf2712feb5.mp4

>>19565978 If Governor Gavin Newsom signs SB 799 into law, strikers would be eligible for receiving unemployment benefits two weeks into a strike.

>>19565979 National Cheeseburger Day Is Tomorrow & According To The Simpsons IT’S A TRAP

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b36124373c39db9c7c22eb989fe7c22454a715977360d685409fffa1250df9d2.mp4

>>19565980 Tim Ballard, the ex-Department of Homeland Security agent featured in the film "Sound of Freedom," is mulling a run for Senate in Utah

>>19565981, >>19566098 University of Chicago Professor Finds Trump’s Open Support of Q “Extremely Disturbing”/LMAO, anons DGAF

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1kl311-university-of-chicago-professor-finds-trumps-open-support-of-q-extremely-di.html - University of Chicago Professor Finds Trump’s Open Support of Q “Extremely Disturbing” [2:26] [Channel: Chief Nerd]

>>19565997 2016 MYSTERIOUS Flower That Blooms Every 3,000 YEARS Spotted Across Globe

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CNwwtZCNRPI - MYSTERIOUS Flower That Blooms Every 3,000 YEARS Spotted Across Globe [Channel: Beyond Science 2]

>>19566000 2019 The White House 45 Archived Soon...

>>19566005, >>19566006, >>19566007, >>19566008 Immunisation Agenda 2030: Bill Gates’ latest plan to vaccinate every man, woman and child on Earth

>>19566015 Ohio priest urges voters to reject ‘demonic’ pro-abortion amendment, send it ‘back to hell’

>>19566016 GOP Reps Release 22 Examples Of Biden’s Corruption After Dems Claim There’s No Evidence

>>19566022 IRS watchdog rips into Biden’s false pledge that $80B would not be used to audit average Americans

>>19566023 The Armed Man Who Tried to Enter the @RobertKennedyJr Event Last Night Has Been Identified as 44-Year-Old Adrian Paul Aispuro

>>19566025, >>19566026, >>19566028 Texas Lt. Gov. Unloads on ‘Indefensible’ Paxton Impeachment

>>19566040 81 M votes?????

>>19566044 Trump: "I will terminate every open border policy of the Biden administration and commence the largest deportation operation in American history. We have no choice. This is not sustainable…

>>19566067 Colombian elected officials charging millions on packages to guide migrants toward US border

>>19566076, >>19566135, >>19566390 Rig For Red Delta

>>19566089 X is complying with more German requests compared to pre-acquisition when it comes to identifying users in Hate speech cases

>>19566095 Italy has called a 6 month State of Emergency as the George Soros led invasion escalates…

>>19566106 Kamala Harris Thinks Government Must Enforce Equal Outcomes - Also Known as Communism

>>19566138 Just in case you were wondering corporations are working with the government against you…

>>19566191 The Relentless Regularity of Irregular Warfare

>>19566209 Air Force to fall short of annual training goal by about 120 pilots

>>19566307 @realDonaldTrump I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

>>19566334 Coach Deion Sanders has banned mask mandates for players and staff at the University of Colorado

>>19566379 Grassley 90 today

>>19566386 "I don't like using names of peoples doubles."- TRUMP

>>19566392, >>19566427 @ChuckGrassley harvest update #cornwatch

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f449a71c98a93ef91fea86c92d9ff91249fe9ee0503966a7e8be34a2e65b0d35.mp4

>>19566400 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will leave Tehran for New York on Sunday night to attend the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.

>>19566411 Smart Dieting

>>19566430 George Soros funded Joe Biden’s ‘TikTok Army’

>>19566431 Biden to meet with Netanyahu at UN General Assembly for first face-to-face meeting since Israeli PM returned to office

>>19566444, >>19566549, >>19566569 PF updates

>>19566445 Congress addresses another victim of COVID pandemic: the doctor-patient relationship

>>19566453 Machete and knife fighting in Chicago on "Mexican Independence Day."

>>19566495 Protesters march at Jesse Hall after MU Health Care stops gender-affirming care for minors

>>19566512, >>19566516 2022 AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens/karma bites

>>19566532 @GenFlynn “White, Black and Brown, it’s time to UNITE”

>>19566573 Zelensky and Lavrov might cross paths at UN

>>19566577 Donald Trump on Nancy Pelosi’s failures on J6, “She’s responsible for January 6th”

>>19566625, >>19566666 Trump talks to Kristen Welker about the charges brought against him in Florida, Georgia, Washington DC and New York, in an exclusive interview with Meet the Press.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ddb47bbf16bc1c9c26b1cd3a08c65e35d088677532cb46e934a903799cc1493.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/69eb53af388fe182b6b168537eeb8fe4d9dfe71da2fdc8b7ad63036afbe0701d.mp4

>>19566718 #24029

(49 notables, 69 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FRESHfrom this point on…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19567919

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19566639 Q Research General #24030: Easy Q Sunday Edition

Created 171353ZSEP23



>>19566644 #24030-A

>>19566672, >>19567283 Megadeath: the global conspiracy to kill every living thing until we submit.

>>19566689, >>19566694, >>19567371 dasting deltas today

>>19566709, >>19566774 Zelensky rival charged with treason

>>19566732 Billy Miller, Daytime Emmy-Winning Y&R and GH Vet, Dead at 43

>>19566757 'In darkness we find light': As missiles fall, Jews in Ukraine mark Rosh Hashana

>>19566759 Trump says it was his 'decision' to believe 2020 election was rigged

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ad284c3d5a8eb4a188b8ed58a06cf0488d4be287e9f374b67150e27ff19f149.mp4

>>19566764 Trump: ‘I could have had a pardon’ before leaving office

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7dbe390078b31e4aa08cea6fbd01d88bc6514fb14dfc9c86584129ab08cd52f7.mp4

>>19566773 Trump: Hunter Biden had ‘deal of the century’ until indictment news

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c79edc1433eae13fc7312566c23e657c003ddae07e2b1032edb3147cf96ac58.mp4

>>19566785 Massachusetts 'Right to Shelter' law is stated to be ...

>>19566805 Connecticut Democrat Primary Election Scandal: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud

>>19566835 Cruisin the Orcas

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DstWZY_eUOc - Extended audio: Horizon employee talks with air traffic control in cockpit [Channel: KING 5]

>>19566838 Climate activists spray-painted the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0705f5ec7b32ad27ea4c93bf5d846ec0e8cc1adf7ff0c0cad01d5bd55dad245.mp4

>>19566846 Woman Who Attempted To Assassinate Trump Learns Her Prison Sentence, 262 months, which is nearly 22 years

>>19566853 Hawaii Gov to O'Keefe Media Group: Right to jail!

>>19566867 Nation vs Republic

>>19566869 Capitol Hill warned to be on high alert after suspected Beijing espionage plot was uncovered in British parliament

>>19566877 @thejimwatkins Suppression of Reach is Suppression of Speech

>>19566880, >>19566994 Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?

>>19566883 MSNBC reports more Americans support Biden's impeachment inquiry than those who oppose it:

>>19566890 a L.A. County Sheriff’s deputy was ambushed and shot in the back of his head while in his patrol car

>>19566932, >>19567329, >>19567337 Grassley: "I think harvesting is going to start two or three weeks ahead of normal."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4aa0d34ea8b4557f68651270e460f8650adf2d730dd3a80fd118d81094206379.mp4

>>19566942 NFSC Exclusive Intelligence: At 1 AM yesterday, CCP's Defense Minister Li Shangfu was arrested by Xi, alongside over 200 PLA Rocket Force associates

>>19566946 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Moon Mountains Magnified during Ring of Fire Eclipse

>>19566953 Gaetz: It’s disappointing that @SpeakerMcCarthy is spending one of his final Sundays as Speaker lying about me on Fox.

>>19566960, >>19566967 Homeland Security Publishes Guidance for Using Artificial Intelligence as Tool for Surveillance, Monitoring and Tracking of American Citizens


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3igii8 -ALL WARS ARE BANKSTER WARS[4:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19566995 Las Vegas hit-and-run death of cyclist Andreas Probst was intentional, video shows

>>19567013, >>19567031 Milley says China's spy balloon got no intel

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mTq2FwiSq5o - China's spy balloon: What we've learned [Channel: CBS Sunday Morning]

>>19567028 The Left's Hatred of Trump Will Elect Him President Again55

>>19567034 What makes invermectin a kick ass anti-viral

>>19567053 Video Resurfaces of Joe and Hunter Biden Talking Business With Potential Clients

>>19567055 MAUI police chief John Pelletier's background

>>19567073, >>19567470 PF

>>19567081 SURPRISE: @KariLake team recorded the entire live-stream of testing AZ machines to make sure they FAILED with paper jams and rejected ballots

>>19567100 Blue roofs images in Maui - seem to do well in fire, who knew?

>>19567112 Biden: "The job’s not done."

>>19567119, >>19567381 Liz Crokin on Boebert's date - was he paid to set her up?

>>19567122 Biden re Pact Act

>>19567138 Musk: How did most of the legacy media go from superheroes of free speech to supervillains of speech suppression?

>>19567232 Re Covid: In FOUR MONTHS, the US was transformed into an obedient socialist country

>>19567251 Loomer: Why is @RonDeSantis allowing a map that tracks children in the state of Florida who aren’t vaccinated due to religious exemptions?

>>19567262 Biden Admin Breaks Eagle Pass All Time Record for Migrant Apprehensions

>>19567287 ‘Real Genius’ Actor Gabriel Jarret Caught in Underage Sting Operation

>>19567306, >>19567478 Million Man March - Sept 20 2023 school walkout, coast to coast in Canada

>>19567331 Biden ethics official Jeanne Duross donated $1,000 to Virginia 'porn Dem' Susanna Gibson who livestreamed her X-rated videos with husband

>>19567336 DeSantis Backers Jenna Ellis & Steve Deace Rant About Founding Fathers Being in Hell for Not Repenting Over Slavery

>>19567382 No more Senate dress code, can't embarrass Fetterman no siree! No more Senate dress code, can't embarrass Fetterman no siree!

>>19567398 Logan re Fauci admitting Covid vaxxes cause myocarditis: "Do people deserve justice?"

>>19567409 #24030-A

>>19567424 Q Clock Today - Jumpin' Jack Flash

>>19567502 #24030-B

(52 notables, 64 posts, 70 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19568471

File: 13914b05d72e381⋯.png (344.78 KB,993x564,331:188,Clipboard.png)


>>19567504 Q Research General #24031: Surprise - Lake Team Recorded Machine Testing Fuckery! Edition

Created 171757ZSEP23



>>19567526 #24031

>>19567527, >>19567690 US using NATO to ‘absorb’ countries – Moscow

>>19567543, >>19567588 'Chinese' balloon (had no correlation with following wildfires) - US military chief affirms

>>19567550 Connecticut Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Clerk Dumping Multiple Illegal Absentee Ballots Into a Drop Box

>>19567556, >>19567600 Creepy twins with ties to Jay-Z, De Niro upsetting NYC parents as they creep around kids at playground

>>19567559 Chechen leader dismisses media reports about poor health

>>19567564 Here's The Climate Dissent You're Not Hearing About Because It's Muffled By Society's Top Institutions

>>19567568, >>19567620, >>19567635, >>19567777, >>19567835, >>19567908, >>19567972 Mama Bears Have Had Enough, Stop Teaching LGBT In Our Schools, NOW!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50634bf21a2795ad2058029016b09e0c832522017a0ff683c00e68d08d7af982.mp4

>>19567572, >>19567631 PF: Call sign ROKT + Call sign PENT97. USN E-6B Mercury 164407 now up from Travis AFB. Squawking 0625.

>>19567575 Former Ambassadors Peter Hoekstra and Joseph Cella Call for Investigation into CCP-Linked Gotion

>>19567577, >>19567709 Commemorating Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

>>19567578 STRONG DELUSION Loza Alexander Feat. Drake & 21 Savage AI

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VL5ZmAS9Rzs - STRONG DELUSION Loza Alexander Feat. Drake & 21 Savage AI [Channel: Loza Alexander]

>>19567583 GOP Senators Cotton, Wicker, Collins, and Graham Urge Joe Biden to Send Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine: “Not Doing So Will Only Prolong the War”

>>19567584 Are they removing OTC medication to promote the next scamvax?

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/TagpcqNaW0mZ/ - The FDA are having some very interesting medications pulled from store shelves [Channel: ApplesIsland]

>>19567586 Ukraine seeking to dislodge Russia from uranium market (HRC sold our Uranium to Russia)

>>19567595, >>19567599, >>19567604, >>19567629 LIVE Escaping Communism Seminar

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gkVHDNtjEu0 - Venezuela, My Story…Your Future? | Andrés Guilarte LIVE at the Escaping Communism Seminar [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ig-iZjVFzeM - Beyond the North Korean Bubble | Seohyun Lee LIVE at the Escaping Communism Seminar [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=srLb3gtvegs - Real Socialism is Systemic Misery by Design | Helen Raleigh LIVE at the Escaping Communism Seminar [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CejlaMn4c64 - America: Never a Communist Country | Governor Scott Walker LIVE at the Escaping Communism Seminar [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

>>19567609 "We Dare Not Keep Silent": ATF Releases Anti-Gun Rule For Public Comment

>>19567619 AG Garland is the 'greatest mob attorney the mob could ever hope for': Levin - Fox News

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mDVwmntXRrY - AG Garland is the 'greatest mob attorney the mob could ever hope for': Levin [Channel: Fox News]

>>19567641 14 Dead in Plane Crash in Brazil yesterday

>>19567670 Pharma Doctors now promote Sodium deficiency

>>19567682 Wife/Mom stuck in Liberia. Liberia authorized adoption but US Embassy will not let child come with new parents.

>>19567703, >>19567746 JOE BIDEN DISQUALIFIED - An Anonymous Legal Expert

>>19567731 U.K. health agency 'closely' monitoring deadly virus in India, has up to 75% fatality rate

>>19567741 Gen Flynn: Is the CCP about to implode?

>>19567749 Apple ad blasted for suggestion people be … eliminated!

>>19567752 [MIRROR] The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

>>19567755 'Don't believe Crime Minister Netanyahu' political message projected on UN building in New York ahead of Israeli PM's visit

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc7605ef1a992f5efebe4c1bcdcf264271eab4b9f6c99a5882ef423520121747.mp4

>>19567765 White House Gives Biden’s Stance On Pardoning Son If He’s Convicted Of Crimes

>>19567768, >>19567928 RE: Congressional Probe Jack smith

>>19567840 Resurfaced clip from 2005 shows Joe and Hunter Biden discussing business IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA.

>>19567918 Fun Fact of the Day We gave more money to Ukraine than Russia spent on the war last year

>>19567957 Is Russell Brand getting the Julian Assange treatment?

>>19567959 DELTA 9/17/22 Youngstown Ohio Trump Rally where Flag without stars appeared in Trump's entry hall and media first pointed out the "QAnon Song"

>>19567998, >>19568009 The judge in Guantánamo’s 9/11 case, Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, is retiring.

>>19568012 Biden’s America: Child Poverty Rate Has More Than Doubled in a Year, US Census Bureau Reports

>>19568030 BREAKING: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown is missing

>>19568107 House Passes Bill Prohibiting States From Banning, Limiting Sale of Gas Powered Vehicles

>>19568225 What are the blue traffic lights for?

>>19568238 #24031

(39 notables, 56 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19568481

File: 64c221eb3de525c⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)


>>19398018 Q Research General #23824: New Week New Panic Edition

Created 211211ZAUG23




>>19398032 #23824-B

>>19398062 #23820-A

>>19398064 #23820-B

>>19398079, >>19398233 Exposing a Multibillion Dollar FRAUD | Ft. Vivek Ramaswamy for President…..We deserve the TRUTH.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/deeea9bb853f6d971855f3f56a5b3b48745da4c93b5907afc59051679e3e0ddc.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=59qQfV2_9w4 - Exposing a Multibillion Dollar FRAUD | Ft. Vivek Ramaswamy for President. [Channel: Meet Kevin]

>>19398102 Public mood in Ukraine ‘somber’ amid ‘sluggish’ counter-offensive/ The Economist DS mouth piece

>>19398166, >>19398168 7 Weeks and the Faustian Deal Hits the Table

>>19398171, >>19398217, >>19398224, >>19398267, >>19398517 Daily Mail calls RFKjr a "total conspiracy nut job"/Andrew Neil

>>19398189 @realDonaldTrump “A.G. Garland and Jack Smith, they are the criminals, not Donald Trump.” The “Great One,” Mark Levin.

>>19398192 X22 Ep 3143b - It Must Be Done Right & According To The Rule Of Law, No Mistakes, Election Interference

>>19398194 TS Hilary Moving Fast into California - Newsom Declares Proactive State of Emergency

>>19398201 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a04xb - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/21/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19398207 DeSantis insulted Trump supporters as “listless vessels”

>>19398208 @realDonaldTrump A MUST WATCH! /Levin parts 1 and 2

>>19398211 Russia: State of emergency declared over anthrax outbreak

>>19398245 AI-generated art can’t be copyrighted - US judge

>>19398261 If you voted for Biden you're responsiblefor everyone that's died in Ukraine during this war.

>>19398275, >>19398283 Biden quietly sells off border wall parts to thwart GOP push to use them

>>19398284 Protesters are blocking streets against Mayor Eric Adams and migrants being housed there before Senior Citizens.

>>19398288 Pro-Francis Suarez super PAC flies ‘Prosecute Hunter Biden’ banner near first family’s Delaware beach house

>>19398319, >>19398326 Iranian Delegation Arrives In Moscow To Discuss Ground Forces Cooperation

>>19398340 It’s a clown show in Washington, DC. 🤡

>>19398349 Moment Iranian drones and speedboats swarm two US warships with 4,000 troops on board during tense clash in the Persian Gulf


>>19398393 Owner of Lahaina 'miracle house' that was only one spared by devastating Maui wildfire shares secrets of how the $4M property survived


>>19398430 14 U.S Cities Planning to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030

>>19398436 @DonaldJTrumpJr Trump's America vs Biden's America

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/20e19a50d2b7db8a3945865fed95691ecca8947bf9e01705d0f6b78b92570ba1.mp4

>>19398474 Mark Levin: This has never been done before

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tVlLTuRYpFY - Mark Levin: This has never been done before [Channel: Fox News]

>>19398512 President Jimmy Carter’s grandson says his grandfather has entered the final stages of his life which breaks my heart

>>19398519 Tropical Storm Hilary soaks from coast to desert as it batters Nevada with 25 million people under flood warnings

>>19398534 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Introducing Comet Nishimura

>>19398536 Who else thinks it’s HILARIOUS that the website of Trump's Legal Defense Fund was HACKED?

>>19398578, >>19398616 digital nightmare I have no mouth, and i must scream.

>>19398614 Stephen Miller: After implementing the first-ever asylum ban, travel ban, public charge ban, welfare ban, lottery ban, etc., the nationalist reforms queued up for just the first 100 days of Term 2 are sublime.

>>19398668 Redwire and Sierra Space partner on commercial space station biotech research platform

>>19398738, >>19398761, >>19398795 @realDonaldTrump Governor Kemp of Georgia is fighting hard against the Impeachment of the crooked, incompetent, & highly partisan D.A. of Fulton County, Fani Willis...

>>19398768 NIH Is Due For An Overhaul After Covid Exposed Lies, Power Abuses, And Conflicts Of Interest

>>19398777 @loudobbs Joe lied his way into the White House to downplay the influence peddling scandal in his family.

>>19398807, >>19398830 Axiom Space and GU Energy Labs Team Up to Fuel Astronauts

>>19398851 BlackRock Advisors LLC ownership in MLP / Maui Land & Pineapple Co., Inc.

>>19398919 FBI Is Preventing the Release of FOIA Requests Related to Seth Rich -- Again!

>>19398938 Saudi border guards fired “like rain” on Ethiopian migrants trying to cross into the Gulf kingdom from Yemen

>>19398943 US urges its citizens to depart Belarus immediately.

>>19399016 @realDonaldTrump The highly anticipated Des Moines Register Poll of Iowa Voters is just out: “DONALD TRUMP HOLDS COMMANDING LEAD In First Test of 2024 Republican Caucus Field.”

>>19399024, >>19399131 @Kash Only the Biden's and his DOJ could masterfully lay out such a two tier system of justice operated by Wray and Garland…

>>19399031, >>19399099 Assisted suicide deaths in Quebec now the highest in the world

>>19399054 Richard Grenell Issues Warning About Government. Adam Kinzinger Tells Him to Shut Up. Grenell Fires Right Back.

>>19399055, >>19399076 2021 Assisted suicides in California jump 63% in just one year

>>19399071 Scott MacFarlane on Trump Indictments and Campaign 2024

>>19399072 @iimefmarines Cover and Concealment

>>19399092 U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commissioners on China's Economy

>>19399101 Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee Roundtable on K-12 School Cybersecurity

>>19399108 Secret Service protection for Donald Trump is different than for other ex-presidents

>>19399144 @1stMAW_Marines #Marines with VMGR-152 perform pre-flight inspections during Exercise Evergreen 2023

>>19399150 House Oversight Chair Reveals the Multiple Aliases Joe Biden Used to Communicate with Hunter About Ukraine

>>19399166 Former Dem. Governor Warns of Coming ‘Revolt’ Against Federal Government Over Migrant Crisis

>>19399169 More LEADERS like Senator Johnson need to keep telling the truth so more of the American people will wake up to the reality we face

>>19399275 The Post-Pandemic Murder Wave Is Cresting

>>19399284 Shelby car dealership employees hit with 400+ criminal charges

>>19399302 #23824-A

>>19399304 #23824-B

(61 notables, 76 posts, 84 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19568499

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,Clipboard.png)


>>19399309 Q Research General #23825: The Ride Never Ends LMAO Edition

Created 211550ZAUG23




>>19399321 #23825

>>19399352, >>19399362 The Kennesaw State University Election Hacks in Georgia -- How the FBI Never Investigated and Turned on the Whistleblowers Instead

>>19399403, >>19399527, >>19399579, >>19399651, >>19399795, >>19399809, >>19399811 PF up out of Reno to Maui

>>19399425, >>19399436, >>19399503 Good morning from rainy Lake Tahoe, where the POTUS and FLOTUS are preparing to head to Maui

>>19399429, >>19399905 Hawaii Announces Plans for Ukraine Independence Day to Raise Money for Ukrainians

>>19399440 Hawaii Gov. Josh Green: “There are Going to be Fires Month in and Month Out All Across the Country”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fU9o3XGHsgc - MAUI SIREN FAILURE WAS INTENTIONAL [Channel: The Healthy American Peggy Hall]

>>19399454 Dept. of Defense Pilot Diseases and Injuries Rose Dramatically After COVID Shots

>>19399464 Moderna Paid $400 Million to the US National Institute of Health (NIH)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dvUa-wgPOJs - Moderna paid 400 million to NIH [Channel: Dr. John Campbell]

>>19399479 Whistleblowers Say Lockdowns and Masks Are Coming Back

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZyfiZfTjViNQ/ - The Lockdowns Are Coming Back [Channel: Greg Reese]

>>19399490, >>19399665 California Bill Could Criminalize Parents’ Protests at School Board Meetings

>>19399508 KOHLER and using our connected app OnCue Plus Generator Management System.

>>19399532 @USSConstitution Today USS Constitution Sailors participated in gun and pike drills...

>>19399545 Bill Mitchell spreads lies

>>19399555 NYC: Curtis Sliwa Among Arrests at Migrant Shelter Protest, Guardian Angels founder and former New York City mayoral candidate

>>19399556 "No Adults In The Room": Vought Calls Out Republicans Not Using Leverage Points To Cut Spending

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2fa6 - "No Adults In The Room": Vought Calls Out Republicans Not Using Leverage Points To Cut Spending [13:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399607 @SecDef Lloyd Austin has directed multiple actions to enhance prevention of harmful behaviors at the military service academies.

>>19399631 Palm Springs is totally cut off and 911 is down as Storm Hilary soaks from coast to desert

>>19399633 Dershowitz Warns Of Repercussions If California Removes Trump From Ballot

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2r0x - Dershowitz Warns Of Repercussions If California Removes Trump From Ballot [7:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399636 Miller unveils the harsh anti-migrant tactics of a second administration - from land and sea military deployments to more wall, buoys, and even denying entry to Marxists

>>19399647 China ministry of foreign affairs: 'Taiwan has never been a country and will never be a country.'

>>19399662 Richard Baris On Democrats' Lawfare: "They Wouldn't Do This If They Thought They Could Beat Trump"!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2skw - Richard Baris On Democrats' Lawfare: "They Wouldn't Do This If They Thought They Could Beat Trump" [6:07] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399712 LIVE Board of Supervisors Meeting

>>19399721 Clapper 2018

>>19399728 Driver plows into at least 7 pedestrians at NYC crosswalk in bloody hit-and-run

>>19399729 Gaetz (R-FL) has introduced a resolution to censure and condemn Judge Tanya S. Chutkan

>>19399738 The Roseanne Barr Podcast #010 An0maly

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xBn6LtNo7uQ - #010 An0maly | The Roseanne Barr Podcast [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>19399747 The West Maui disaster is becoming less about the fire and more about the government's bizarre response to the aftermath.

>>19399769, >>19399819 All those unidentified “sources familiar with the matter” turned out to be liars

>>19399775 Air Force One is the official air traffic control designated call sign for a United States Air Force aircraft carrying the president of the United States

>>19399777 @AFGlobalStrike National Deterrence is a community effort

>>19399826 @realDonaldTrump McCarthy backs effort to expunge Trump impeachments

>>19399828, >>19399829, >>19399832, >>19399842 Victor Davis Hanson Actually, Joe, All Your ‘Objectives’ Were Failures

>>19399849, >>19399855 Turley: The disqualification of Donald Trump and other legal urban legends

>>19399860 House Freedom Caucus took an official position on a continuing resolutionto fund the government if the appropriations process is not complete by September 30th

>>19399866 A series of short-term continuing resolutions serves Washington, not the American people.

>>19399881 Candace Owens and DC Draino Tell Vivek Ramaswamy to Check Out THE GATEWAY PUNDIT for Trusted Elections Reporting During Heated Debate

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v36crx4 - Was the 2020 Election Stolen? | With Vivek Ramaswamy and DC_Draino [11:16] [Channel: Candace Owens Podcast]

>>19399893 Child sexual abuse survivors release names, urge Ohio to investigate Catholic dioceses

>>19399908 As Maui Struggles to Recover, U.S. Parishes Plan Special Collections to Help Relief Efforts

>>19399909 San Antonio gets $24.5M in FEMA funding to continue aiding migrants through 2025

>>19399910 Abandoned hospital retrofitted to house migrants in Matamoros, Mexico

>>19399911 @CBS_Herridge @WaysandMeansGOP subpoenas senior IRS officials at Oct. 7 2022 session that IRS whistleblower Shapley called his “red-line meeting.”

>>19399941, >>19399945 The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols."

>>19399968 “Prosecute Hunter Biden” Sign Seen Flying Over Joe Biden’s Beach Home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

>>19400015 Top Prosecutor On Hunter Biden Case Previously Worked With Beau Biden

>>19400022 China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

>>19400050 Leaked Document Shows American Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing Covid Jab

>>19400111 TRUMP FLAG flying high right under Old Glory on this live stream! God bless the Patriots of North Myrtle Beach

>>19400120 Soros-Funded Solidarity Journalism Initiative at Public University Trains Social Justice Reporters

>>19400125 @1stMEF For the first time, U.S. Marines delivered fuel to a Navy MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned autonomous helicopter

>>19400150 #23825

(50 notables, 67 posts, 62 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19569765

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19568276 Q Research General #24032: The Show Must Go On Edition

Created 172036ZSEP23




>>19568284 #24032

>>19568305 Meet the Press: Full Trump Interview

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>19568327 What the heck is going on in Chicago?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7060aa8d0d96ff4d9864be6572f73977d558067f18d21f72ad7e1fafb16cdc60.mp4

>>19568448 The United States Constitution was constructed on September 17, 1787. 236 years ago today.

>>19568468 SARS, gain of function research, ACE2 receptor, Chapel Hill, Wuhan

>>19568495 A Jan. 6 rioter was convicted and sentenced in secret. No one will say why

>>19568511 Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

>>19568513 Criminal breaking into our country Dies After Falling From 30-Foot Tall US-Mexico Border Wall

>>19568523 Armed Man Lawfully Protests Outside of Joe Biden's Delaware Home

>>19568526 Los Angeles Spends $44,000 Per 'Temporary' Tent For Homeless Village

>>19568547 Trump Blasts ‘Slime Balls’ Who Sued to Keep Him Off Colorado Ballot

>>19568559 McCarthy: Trump Will Be 2024 GOP Nominee, DeSantis ‘Not at the Same Level’

>>19568623 Nancy Mace: ‘Everything Is on the Table’ When it Comes to McCarthy’s Speakership

>>19568637 McCarthy: White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points

>>19568647 WINNING: Texas AG Sends Threatening Warning to Biden After Being Cleared From Impeachment Charges

>>19568649 Bidenflation Has Caused A Drastic Number of Americans to Live In Poverty


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3igii8 -ALL WARS ARE BANKSTER WARS[4:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19568756 Trump considers joining auto workers on strike in Michigan


>>19568814 WWI-era plane crashes at American Heritage Museum in Stow, Massachusetts.

>>19568942 WATCH 🚨 Video shows FerroMex train with massive number of migrants out of Zacatecas, Mexico heading to US southern border

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d31b42d9e938913585beffc97c7047df9e0b9f663c136bac17a04d4170832507.mp4

>>19568953 Former AG Ed Meese Submits Court Declaration Calling Prosecution of Trump DOJ Official Jeff Clark ‘A Major Affront to Federal Supremacy Never Seen Before’

>>19568967 NBC News mocked for report revealing doctors finding it 'increasingly difficult to distinguish COVID from allergies or the common cold'

>>19568989 Fire engulfs Greater Nile Petroleum Oil Company Tower in Sudan's capital as rival forces battle

>>19569029 PF: Call sign PIANO KEY all stations EAM force direction message for USN E-6B Mercury 164407 call sign PENT97.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d64cd357c06feab9af5de29b3698a2f841cd1b3db0a7d257efa37f863f9f5db3.mp4

>>19569033 #24032

(26 notables, 26 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19569789

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,Clipboard.png)


>>19399309 Q Research General #23825: The Ride Never Ends LMAO Edition

Created 211550ZAUG23




>>19399321 #23825

>>19399352, >>19399362 The Kennesaw State University Election Hacks in Georgia -- How the FBI Never Investigated and Turned on the Whistleblowers Instead

>>19399403, >>19399527, >>19399579, >>19399651, >>19399795, >>19399809, >>19399811 PF up out of Reno to Maui

>>19399425, >>19399436, >>19399503 Good morning from rainy Lake Tahoe, where the POTUS and FLOTUS are preparing to head to Maui

>>19399429, >>19399905 Hawaii Announces Plans for Ukraine Independence Day to Raise Money for Ukrainians

>>19399440 Hawaii Gov. Josh Green: “There are Going to be Fires Month in and Month Out All Across the Country”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fU9o3XGHsgc - MAUI SIREN FAILURE WAS INTENTIONAL [Channel: The Healthy American Peggy Hall]

>>19399454 Dept. of Defense Pilot Diseases and Injuries Rose Dramatically After COVID Shots

>>19399464 Moderna Paid $400 Million to the US National Institute of Health (NIH)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dvUa-wgPOJs - Moderna paid 400 million to NIH [Channel: Dr. John Campbell]

>>19399479 Whistleblowers Say Lockdowns and Masks Are Coming Back

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZyfiZfTjViNQ/ - The Lockdowns Are Coming Back [Channel: Greg Reese]

>>19399490, >>19399665 California Bill Could Criminalize Parents’ Protests at School Board Meetings

>>19399508 KOHLER and using our connected app OnCue Plus Generator Management System.

>>19399532 @USSConstitution Today USS Constitution Sailors participated in gun and pike drills...

>>19399545 Bill Mitchell spreads lies

>>19399555 NYC: Curtis Sliwa Among Arrests at Migrant Shelter Protest, Guardian Angels founder and former New York City mayoral candidate

>>19399556 "No Adults In The Room": Vought Calls Out Republicans Not Using Leverage Points To Cut Spending

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2fa6 - "No Adults In The Room": Vought Calls Out Republicans Not Using Leverage Points To Cut Spending [13:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399607 @SecDef Lloyd Austin has directed multiple actions to enhance prevention of harmful behaviors at the military service academies.

>>19399631 Palm Springs is totally cut off and 911 is down as Storm Hilary soaks from coast to desert

>>19399633 Dershowitz Warns Of Repercussions If California Removes Trump From Ballot

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2r0x - Dershowitz Warns Of Repercussions If California Removes Trump From Ballot [7:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399636 Miller unveils the harsh anti-migrant tactics of a second administration - from land and sea military deployments to more wall, buoys, and even denying entry to Marxists

>>19399647 China ministry of foreign affairs: 'Taiwan has never been a country and will never be a country.'

>>19399662 Richard Baris On Democrats' Lawfare: "They Wouldn't Do This If They Thought They Could Beat Trump"!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2skw - Richard Baris On Democrats' Lawfare: "They Wouldn't Do This If They Thought They Could Beat Trump" [6:07] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399712 LIVE Board of Supervisors Meeting

>>19399721 Clapper 2018

>>19399728 Driver plows into at least 7 pedestrians at NYC crosswalk in bloody hit-and-run

>>19399729 Gaetz (R-FL) has introduced a resolution to censure and condemn Judge Tanya S. Chutkan

>>19399738 The Roseanne Barr Podcast #010 An0maly

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xBn6LtNo7uQ - #010 An0maly | The Roseanne Barr Podcast [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>19399747 The West Maui disaster is becoming less about the fire and more about the government's bizarre response to the aftermath.

>>19399769, >>19399819 All those unidentified “sources familiar with the matter” turned out to be liars

>>19399775 Air Force One is the official air traffic control designated call sign for a United States Air Force aircraft carrying the president of the United States

>>19399777 @AFGlobalStrike National Deterrence is a community effort

>>19399826 @realDonaldTrump McCarthy backs effort to expunge Trump impeachments

>>19399828, >>19399829, >>19399832, >>19399842 Victor Davis Hanson Actually, Joe, All Your ‘Objectives’ Were Failures

>>19399849, >>19399855 Turley: The disqualification of Donald Trump and other legal urban legends

>>19399860 House Freedom Caucus took an official position on a continuing resolutionto fund the government if the appropriations process is not complete by September 30th

>>19399866 A series of short-term continuing resolutions serves Washington, not the American people.

>>19399881 Candace Owens and DC Draino Tell Vivek Ramaswamy to Check Out THE GATEWAY PUNDIT for Trusted Elections Reporting During Heated Debate

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v36crx4 - Was the 2020 Election Stolen? | With Vivek Ramaswamy and DC_Draino [11:16] [Channel: Candace Owens Podcast]

>>19399893 Child sexual abuse survivors release names, urge Ohio to investigate Catholic dioceses

>>19399908 As Maui Struggles to Recover, U.S. Parishes Plan Special Collections to Help Relief Efforts

>>19399909 San Antonio gets $24.5M in FEMA funding to continue aiding migrants through 2025

>>19399910 Abandoned hospital retrofitted to house migrants in Matamoros, Mexico

>>19399911 @CBS_Herridge @WaysandMeansGOP subpoenas senior IRS officials at Oct. 7 2022 session that IRS whistleblower Shapley called his “red-line meeting.”

>>19399941, >>19399945 The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols."

>>19399968 “Prosecute Hunter Biden” Sign Seen Flying Over Joe Biden’s Beach Home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

>>19400015 Top Prosecutor On Hunter Biden Case Previously Worked With Beau Biden

>>19400022 China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

>>19400050 Leaked Document Shows American Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing Covid Jab

>>19400111 TRUMP FLAG flying high right under Old Glory on this live stream! God bless the Patriots of North Myrtle Beach

>>19400120 Soros-Funded Solidarity Journalism Initiative at Public University Trains Social Justice Reporters

>>19400125 @1stMEF For the first time, U.S. Marines delivered fuel to a Navy MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned autonomous helicopter

>>19400150 #23825

(50 notables, 67 posts, 62 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19570038

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19569036 Q Research General #24033: FerroMex train of migrants heading to US southern border Edition

Created 172346ZSEP23




>>19569041 #24033

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>19569093 Donald Trump took ownership for his actions following the 2020 election

>>19569096 "In the Great Depression, homes were x3 the average salary. Now it's x8. A car was 46% of a salary.

>>19569098 PF update

>>19569119 End Times News

>>19569120 So the stealth works. Lost or laundered to Ukraine? Government loses F-35 somewhere in South Carolina After Pilot Ejects

>>19569122 Heartbeat law a terrible thing???

>>19569126 Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/BvxOv7y3w6Va/ - Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive 9-17-23 Stephen G [Channel: levtcs]

>>19569133 CT: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Cle…

>>19569134 Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gsoae - Ep. 306: Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show [59:28] [Channel: CourtenayTurner]

>>19569174 Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot

>>19569180 Ukraine’s drone attacks on Crimea, Moscow thwarted

>>19569183 Migrants on Lampedusa, Italy are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain areas of the island

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e1fd8a9db44e85be7addffa91b4cfa7a67c1c41373b749785190be0cbc224df6.mp4

>>19569200 Florida GOP Drops Loyalty Oath, Giving Big Win To Trump Over DeSantis.

>>19569231 Newsom is eyeing a change to the United States Constitution, The amendment would enshrine a list of Democratic gun-control policy priorities into federal law.

>>19569239 “In the last 24 hours, the California legislature has passed not one, not two, but four bills that are designed to remove children from their homes and into government systems

>>19569243 The Left Will Devour Itself — Just Ask Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner

>>19569252 Democrats may dump Joe Biden, but they still own his extreme policies

>>19569253 Russian top spy reveals CIA contacts

>>19569264 Chinese Police Move in on Evergrande Firm, Detain Wealth Management Staff

>>19569273 Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery/loop capital???

>>19569277 ‘Prepare For a Long War’ - NATO Chief Issues Stark Warning

>>19569287 General Flynn & Malik Obama Interview: Barack Obama's Older Half-Brother Discusses: What Country Is Barack Obama From?

>>19569312 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician. Olivia Hill, 57, a military veteran

>>19569326 The Demons of Davos

>>19569352 2022 President Trump's 1776 Report

>>19569357, >>19569372 AT-6 Mid Air collision in the pattern following the AT-6 Gold Race.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Uk8z7EtGiAA - September 17, 2023 UPDATE Races Cancelled [Channel: blancolirio]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xymLwDBSXws - 2023 Reno Air Races T-6 Mid Air Collision (Tragically Pilots Confirmed as Deceased) (Video #1) [Channel: Rain]

>>19569364 trans-exclusionary radical feminist aka TERF's.Trans rights activists shout 'F**k the TERFs' as clash with radical feminist group hosting conference at San Francisco Hilton

>>19569380 Yale University student acquitted of rape SUES accuser for $110MILLION in defamation

>>19569394 GOP Neocon Senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham Send Letter to Joe Biden Begging for More US Missiles for Ukraine

>>19569405, >>19569421 2017 Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

>>19569438, >>19569591 Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ySIiuej3hMs - WWIII - Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran [Channel: The Watchman Wire]

>>19569482 For some time, Trump has been systematically mispronouncing "True the Vote" as "True TO Vote"..

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>19569499, >>19569500, >>19569528 2014 [The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

>>19569509 Canada in crisis: gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES to ship overseas

>>19569514 The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop! 10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics

>>19569547 Cure for Prion diseases exists in the GUT and BACTERIA

>>19569553, >>19569639, >>19569652, >>19569820, >>19569837 F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

>>19569572 Timofey Bordachev: Here’s why events in Vladivostok prove that Russia has reached a new stage in its turn to the East

>>19569582 Australian workers extend gas strike

>>19569601, >>19569623 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

>>19569732 You Can’t Make This Up:Doctors Are Now Struggling to Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies, and Common Cold- ‘We Only Knew It Was Covid Because We Tested’

>>19569748 The man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b3b5b6ced4aa8bcf0c1a46fb159acb30045b0874ee2499f26f1cf2f4ba55590f.mp4

>>19569849 #24033

(44 notables, 54 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19570041

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19399309 Q Research General #23825: The Ride Never Ends LMAO Edition

Created 211550ZAUG23




>>19399321 #23825

>>19399352, >>19399362 The Kennesaw State University Election Hacks in Georgia -- How the FBI Never Investigated and Turned on the Whistleblowers Instead

>>19399403, >>19399527, >>19399579, >>19399651, >>19399795, >>19399809, >>19399811 PF up out of Reno to Maui

>>19399425, >>19399436, >>19399503 Good morning from rainy Lake Tahoe, where the POTUS and FLOTUS are preparing to head to Maui

>>19399429, >>19399905 Hawaii Announces Plans for Ukraine Independence Day to Raise Money for Ukrainians

>>19399440 Hawaii Gov. Josh Green: “There are Going to be Fires Month in and Month Out All Across the Country”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fU9o3XGHsgc - MAUI SIREN FAILURE WAS INTENTIONAL [Channel: The Healthy American Peggy Hall]

>>19399454 Dept. of Defense Pilot Diseases and Injuries Rose Dramatically After COVID Shots

>>19399464 Moderna Paid $400 Million to the US National Institute of Health (NIH)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dvUa-wgPOJs - Moderna paid 400 million to NIH [Channel: Dr. John Campbell]

>>19399479 Whistleblowers Say Lockdowns and Masks Are Coming Back

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZyfiZfTjViNQ/ - The Lockdowns Are Coming Back [Channel: Greg Reese]

>>19399490, >>19399665 California Bill Could Criminalize Parents’ Protests at School Board Meetings

>>19399508 KOHLER and using our connected app OnCue Plus Generator Management System.

>>19399532 @USSConstitution Today USS Constitution Sailors participated in gun and pike drills...

>>19399545 Bill Mitchell spreads lies

>>19399555 NYC: Curtis Sliwa Among Arrests at Migrant Shelter Protest, Guardian Angels founder and former New York City mayoral candidate

>>19399556 "No Adults In The Room": Vought Calls Out Republicans Not Using Leverage Points To Cut Spending

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2fa6 - "No Adults In The Room": Vought Calls Out Republicans Not Using Leverage Points To Cut Spending [13:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399607 @SecDef Lloyd Austin has directed multiple actions to enhance prevention of harmful behaviors at the military service academies.

>>19399631 Palm Springs is totally cut off and 911 is down as Storm Hilary soaks from coast to desert

>>19399633 Dershowitz Warns Of Repercussions If California Removes Trump From Ballot

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2r0x - Dershowitz Warns Of Repercussions If California Removes Trump From Ballot [7:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399636 Miller unveils the harsh anti-migrant tactics of a second administration - from land and sea military deployments to more wall, buoys, and even denying entry to Marxists

>>19399647 China ministry of foreign affairs: 'Taiwan has never been a country and will never be a country.'

>>19399662 Richard Baris On Democrats' Lawfare: "They Wouldn't Do This If They Thought They Could Beat Trump"!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a2skw - Richard Baris On Democrats' Lawfare: "They Wouldn't Do This If They Thought They Could Beat Trump" [6:07] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19399712 LIVE Board of Supervisors Meeting

>>19399721 Clapper 2018

>>19399728 Driver plows into at least 7 pedestrians at NYC crosswalk in bloody hit-and-run

>>19399729 Gaetz (R-FL) has introduced a resolution to censure and condemn Judge Tanya S. Chutkan

>>19399738 The Roseanne Barr Podcast #010 An0maly

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xBn6LtNo7uQ - #010 An0maly | The Roseanne Barr Podcast [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>19399747 The West Maui disaster is becoming less about the fire and more about the government's bizarre response to the aftermath.

>>19399769, >>19399819 All those unidentified “sources familiar with the matter” turned out to be liars

>>19399775 Air Force One is the official air traffic control designated call sign for a United States Air Force aircraft carrying the president of the United States

>>19399777 @AFGlobalStrike National Deterrence is a community effort

>>19399826 @realDonaldTrump McCarthy backs effort to expunge Trump impeachments

>>19399828, >>19399829, >>19399832, >>19399842 Victor Davis Hanson Actually, Joe, All Your ‘Objectives’ Were Failures

>>19399849, >>19399855 Turley: The disqualification of Donald Trump and other legal urban legends

>>19399860 House Freedom Caucus took an official position on a continuing resolutionto fund the government if the appropriations process is not complete by September 30th

>>19399866 A series of short-term continuing resolutions serves Washington, not the American people.

>>19399881 Candace Owens and DC Draino Tell Vivek Ramaswamy to Check Out THE GATEWAY PUNDIT for Trusted Elections Reporting During Heated Debate

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v36crx4 - Was the 2020 Election Stolen? | With Vivek Ramaswamy and DC_Draino [11:16] [Channel: Candace Owens Podcast]

>>19399893 Child sexual abuse survivors release names, urge Ohio to investigate Catholic dioceses

>>19399908 As Maui Struggles to Recover, U.S. Parishes Plan Special Collections to Help Relief Efforts

>>19399909 San Antonio gets $24.5M in FEMA funding to continue aiding migrants through 2025

>>19399910 Abandoned hospital retrofitted to house migrants in Matamoros, Mexico

>>19399911 @CBS_Herridge @WaysandMeansGOP subpoenas senior IRS officials at Oct. 7 2022 session that IRS whistleblower Shapley called his “red-line meeting.”

>>19399941, >>19399945 The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols."

>>19399968 “Prosecute Hunter Biden” Sign Seen Flying Over Joe Biden’s Beach Home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

>>19400015 Top Prosecutor On Hunter Biden Case Previously Worked With Beau Biden

>>19400022 China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

>>19400050 Leaked Document Shows American Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing Covid Jab

>>19400111 TRUMP FLAG flying high right under Old Glory on this live stream! God bless the Patriots of North Myrtle Beach

>>19400120 Soros-Funded Solidarity Journalism Initiative at Public University Trains Social Justice Reporters

>>19400125 @1stMEF For the first time, U.S. Marines delivered fuel to a Navy MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned autonomous helicopter

>>19400150 #23825

(50 notables, 67 posts, 62 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19570048

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19400155 Q Research General #23826: Moar Laps For The Deluded InComin Edition

Created 211822ZAUG23




>>19400168 #23826

>>19400206 Biden’s Main Super PAC Has A Massive Unexplained Discrepancy In Its Finances: REPORT

>>19400228, >>19400247, >>19400297 the Qanon shaman release psyop, either tucker lied, got played or jake is lying, the tucker video and the media spin including mp4 vid

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bpnQas0yS4s - "YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice #271: Jake Angeli [Channel: Michael Malice]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3565ab906ce0ac17c23bf27c53aa7323b9dfe310e3a8cfa828227d17e12582b1.mp4

>>19400266 Maui 850 missing after Lahaina fire, mayor says

>>19400283 Cybercrime: 14 arrests, thousands of illicit cyber networks disrupted in Africa operation

>>19400366 PF with eyez on the skyz

>>19400386 Top US General Meets with Pope to Discuss War After Dropping Cluster Bombs on Russians

>>19400513 Colorado District Attorney Dan Rubinstein Now Claims Gold Star Mom Tina Peters is a Flight Risk

>>19400549 USArmy w/CAP: Georgia Defense Forces, Türkiye & Multinational Division Southeast, along w. #Allies & #Partners, conduct exercise Agile Spirit 23 from 21 August -- 01 September

>>19400573 Trump co-defendant Attorney John Eastman agrees to $100,000 bond in Georgia election case

>>19400585 House Republicans Issue Subpoenas Compelling Witness Testimony on Political Interference in Hunter Biden Investigation

>>19400601 3 More Hunter Biden Lawyers Withdraw from His Case.

>>19400719 BREAKING: Donald Trump’s bond in the Fulton County case has been set at $200,000

>>19400787, >>19400791 Paul Sperry w/CAP: LITTLE KNOWN FACT: David Weiss, the Delaware prosecutor who let Hunter off the hook, oversaw an FBI probe of VP Biden's fundraising operation in Delaware last decade...

>>19400890 Stephen Miller w/CAP: Joe Biden is plainly ineligible to stand for re-election as President under the 14th Amendment for engineering an insurrection and invasion...

>>19400985 #23826

(16 notables, 19 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19570051

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)


>>19413637 Q Research General #23842: Sparks will FLY!! Edition

Created 232139ZAUG23




>>19413683 They didn't want more guns in schools. TN House Republicans moved forward the bill anyway.

>>19413727 CMz Meet Tim Scott….

>>19413731 GA indictment defendants so far


>>19413737 Footage of the uncontrolled fall of Prigozhin's plane immediately after two explosions in the sky.

>>19413777 #23841

>>19413810 #23842

>>19413900 Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren and Lindsey Graham flew to Ukraine for a fourth time to meet with Zelenskyy.

>>19413941 Tucker Carlson Announces Tonight’s Interview with President Trump -- Then Takes a Swipe at his Former Employer FOX News (VIDEO)

>>19413960 Anon: Did anons catch the STOLLEN and RIGGED? stolen vs STOLLEN? Trump has said STOLLEN many times.

>>19413962 Tucker teaser tweet: 9.4 Million views in 3 hours.

>>19414002 Peter Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7DPA6o7MUxM - Timeline Proves President Biden's Criminal Involvement | The Drill Down | Ep. 128 [Channel: The Drill Down]

>>19414110 LIVE COVERAGE OF GOP DEBATE: RINO Swamp Scared of MAGA More Than Ever - Rep MTG, Kari Lake, and More Join Live | TRIGGERED

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3atune - LIVE COVERAGE OF GOP DEBATE: RINO Swamp Scared of MAGA More Than Ever - Rep MTG, Kari Lake, and More Join Live | TRIGGERED [2:02:17] [Channel: Donald Trump Jr.]

>>19414152 "Houston’s wastewater shows significant spike in COVID cases"

>>19414270 Caroline Wren Details What's Going On In Milwaukee Ahead Of The Republican Debate. She said its dead as a doornail in Milwaukee today

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3az4dr - Caroline Wren Details What's Going On In Milwaukee Ahead Of The Republican Debate [3:38] [Channel: Bannons War Room]


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ufOunaPS81k - Ex Trump Campaigner On His Expected Surrender: “They Have Failed To Take Him Down [Channel: TalkTV]


>>19414343 Das boot

>>19414392 REMINDER: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

(19 notables, 19 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d93c13 No.19570052

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19415156 Q Research General #23844: Smile For The Camera Mofos Edition

Created 240112ZAUG23




>>19415184 #23844

>>19415192 Tucker: I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I believe everything I hear

>>19415198 President Trump: If Hillary would have gotten in, or if the Obama thought process continued, it would have been a nuclear war, absolutely, with North Korea. He [Kim] was expecting to go into a war, and it would have been a nuclear war.

>>19415208 40 million

>>19415227, >>19415817 Interview pics

>>19415234 President Trump @39:25:"Fanni, Fanni Willis, in Atlanta. She's getting killed."

>>19415239 President Trump: We built a thing called the Panama Canal. We lost thirty-five thousand people to the mosquito. You know, Malaria. We lost thirty-five thousand people.

>>19415246 53M viewers

>>19415261 President Trump: The Democrat Convention, the last one; they had voter ID…it looked like a prison card…that was to get into the Democrat National Convention.

>>19415263 62 million, holy shit it's not stopping

>>19415287 President Trump: Their grid [California] is a disaster. The grid all over the country is sort of a disaster…and yet they want to have, in a very short period of time, millions and millions of cars going off that grid.

>>19415294 It's not stopping.

>>19415299 President Trump: Now the new thing is your heating systems in the house. They don't want you to have a modern-day heating system.

>>19415321 Tucker Carlson asks Trump about his enemies

>>19415340 Tucker: When you were president, are you confident you knew everything, say, CIA was doing? President Trump: No I'm not. It's a very interesting group of people.

>>19415355 President Donald Trump has officially won the Fox News GOP debate… In a landslide.

>>19415390 BREAKING: Fox News sues President Donald Trump for winning tonight´s debate..In a lanslide.

>>19415405 In half an hour, more viewers than President Trump vs. Biden debate in 2020! graphic

>>19415423 President Trump: The attorney general, or the district attorney, Fani. Fani Willis in Atlanta; shes getting killed. Basically she's saying Trump doesn't have the right to criticize an election.

>>19415434 Aussie: BlackRock turned down record number of climate proposals amid inflation, ESG pushback

>>19415465 My statement on the S.C. Supreme Court’s ruling that will protect the lives of countless unborn children

>>19415475 Delaware prosecutor Alexander Mackler who worked with investigator probing Hunter Biden's shady overseas dealings was so chummy with president

>>19415491 ~50% of SIDS deaths happen within 48 hours of the vaccine.

>>19415584 Just to be clear, Murdoch is now selling Pedo Pete ads promoting baby murder

>>19415592, >>19415669 NOTES from Tucker Interview

>>19415661 “I am the President of everyone.” DJT

>>19415698 "Hillary called at 3:02am" -Trump during Tucker on X

>>19415734 They want your kids learning about porn, trans toddlers & sexual kinks by drag queen teachers & groomers.

>>19415791 “Who the F*ck Do You Think You Are?” -- Trump Supporter Harrison Floyd Indicted by Legal Scholar Fani Willis for Speech Crimes

>>19415808 Panama Canal5,609 official deaths, Trump - “35,000 to malaria”

>>19415822 Best Parody Ever! THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY DEBATE!!!🤣🤣🤣

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3azyyt - THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY DEBATE!!!🤣🤣🤣 [2:15] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>19415920 LIVE - Fox News Republican Presidential Primary Debate

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ak5c2 - Fox News Republican Presidential Primary Debate [0] [Channel: GOP]

>>19415945 #23844

(33 notables, 35 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19572646

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19569854 Q Research General #24034: F-35 Missing??? Edition

Created 180236ZSEP23




>>19569897, >>19570346 War is the only way for Pence (Cap 0:17)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/53a4fda6d5b0b8bd51e7b2cef42f02385c9be0749957001ef3d0d0f97394c82d.mp4

>>19569910, >>19569936, >>19570032 Man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Cap 2:15)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b3b5b6ced4aa8bcf0c1a46fb159acb30045b0874ee2499f26f1cf2f4ba55590f.mp4

>>19569912, >>19569954, >>19569992, >>19569995, >>19570306, >>19570463, >>19570476 US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

>>19569939 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: So very honored that this song, TRUMP WON by Natasha Owens, became so successful!

>>19569956 Rep. Boebert raises Swalwell Chinese spy scandal on House floor

>>19569999 Two random dudes walking outside during Trump's interview at Bedminster

>>19570017, >>19570035 LAST YEAR: Lockheed Martin cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end

>>19570040 A Ferro Max train is headed to the U.S. packed with illegals

>>19570046 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The United Autoworkers are being sold down the “drain” with this all Electric Car SCAM.

>>19570053, >>19570075 "When I was growing up they said I looked like Elvis"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db2f09d9691798c31aa1ee03d26a1e423395a5cfe24f90ce7491fdda4d228e2a.mp4

>>19570214 Multiple of Russell Brand’s Ex-Girlfriends Confirmed They Were Pressured By The Rape Squad To Create False Accusations

>>19570253 Ivanka Trump's secret trip to Maui to give meals to families devastated by wildfires

>>19570313 PF reports: Ukrainian Military Airbus flying from Krakow, Poland back to Ukraine

>>19570340 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Fatally Shot in Ambush Attack in Palmdale, CA - Manhunt Underway

>>19570377 Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>19570389 German comedian Carolin Kebekus, shapeshift eyes multiple times (Cap 0:25)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2e19b86ffce5f6c4c8c5d3f19e17367363e948cb1569e92a89ba6b04ea032569.mp4

>>19570559, >>19570570 Pennsylvania judge rules Trump has presidential immunity, cannot be sued over statements on 2020 election fraud

>>19570677 Who controls the corrupt NCGOP?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ibj3q - Who Controls the Corrupt NCGOP? [16:00] [Channel: johnkane1776]

>>19570708 #24034

(19 notables, 31 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19572657

File: 5ebd6544e6adc21⋯.png (344.78 KB,993x564,331:188,Clipboard.png)


>>19570711 Q Research General #24035: Blessings Be Upon The Early Bread Edition

Created 181043ZSEP23




>>19570717 #24035

>>19570735 The Clinton Global Initiative will announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits…

>>19570838, >>19571093, >>19571104 Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

>>19570854, >>19570860, >>19570861 anons opine on 45's comment on Biden leading us into “World War Two” if re-elected

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dfe376fa4b05e8bad67df790c1f22172df139b910e9ca359724a238cdea765ee.mp4

>>19570870 More Hospitals Across the US Are Bringing Back Mask Mandates

>>19570895, >>19571482, >>19571494, >>19571686, >>19571720, >>19571763 AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-QAcvmT63Hg - “A Revolution Against The Elites!” - WEF’s Klaus Schwab Openly Worries [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i4rme -TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030[5:47] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19570907 Russell Brand: "The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military…

>>19570967 Senator Mark Warner Says SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence Close to Completion

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=x0KGYeGd3hk - Democratic Senate intelligence chair Mark Warner on the U.S.-Iran prisoner swap [Channel: Face the Nation]

>>19571023, >>19571118, >>19571242, >>19571254, >>19571277, >>19571324, >>19571341 Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

>>19571039 Tony Buzbee Discusses Background of Sham Impeachment Effort Against AG Ken Paxton

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FP1nCn8JDXw - Paxton warns Biden to ‘buckle up’ after failed impeachment trial [Channel: Fox News]

>>19571047 Hunter Biden is suing the IRS.

>>19571064 Kamala Harris Lectures on Racist Criminal Justice System After She Kept Black Men in Prison

>>19571105, >>19571174, >>19571207 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

>>19571137 Full Interview Between President Trump and NBC Narrative Engineer Kristen Welker

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>19571151 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ipjio - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19571219, >>19571234 A DC Cornerstone Issue That Must Be Understood – This Isn’t What You Learned on Schoolhouse Rock

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=F9cO3-MLHOM - All-In Summit: Bill Gurley presents 2,851 Miles [Channel: All-In Podcast]

>>19571233, >>19571261 Tim Ballard stepped down OUR started new trafficking org w/new partner named Jessica Munoz?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6cfaf546b6268772c0df25259c2e5671b16c21437a6a5a9f71c30aad3e795825.mp4

>>19571330 Joint Press Statement for the 23rd Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue

>>19571397, >>19571503 Iran prisoner swap live updates: Officials say Americans have flown out of Tehran

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8oJzmWevfrE - Watch live: 5 Americans freed from Iran [Channel: USA TODAY]

>>19571412 The Morning Briefing: Biden's Border Blow-Up Is the Mess That Just Gets Messier

>>19571420 Police: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown missing, mother found dead by homicide near a creek

>>19571493 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sep 18, 2023

>>19571599 African nation denies claims of coup attempt

>>19571612 Kennedy Space Center post office closing after 58 years of postmarks

>>19571671 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols w/out flinching

>>19571743 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician

>>19571801, >>19571802 @elonmusk: Artificial intelligence discussion with PM Netanyahu in an hour

>>19571818 Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press at the United Nations General Assembly - 11:15 AM

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7XR7YiL3KXg - Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press at the United Nations General Assembly - 11:15 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19571855 #24035

(30 notables, 52 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19573073

File: 0023c7c118972ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.png)


>>19571865 Q Research General #24036: Retaliation - 'Horizon' active Edition

Created 181527ZSEP23




>>19571882 #24036

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9df19dd90eab475f1bd5caefc0eb8a4f037d736d2cff8f6b307874e1921f06cd.mp4

>>19571903 @FAKEFLOTUS: Happy 76th Birthday, @usairforce!

>>19571906 Macias: AG Ken Paxton Will Mostly Be Indicted With A Federal Grand Jury Before The End of The Year

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3iafcg - AG Ken Paxton Will Mostly Be Indicted With A Federal Grand Jury Before The End of The Year [1:58] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19571912, >>19572057, >>19572142, >>19572171 A STEALTH plane ejects piolet…Stealth jet then disappears…stealthy like

>>19571920, >>19571921, >>19571922, >>19571981, >>19572313, >>19572395, >>19572503 POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

>>19571941, >>19571961, >>19572103, >>19572104, >>19572282, >>19572333, >>19572405 POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

>>19571947 Jenna Ellis: will not vote for him in future because is “malignant narcissist” who cannot admit mistakes

>>19571952, >>19571956, >>19571982, >>19571990 PROPLE > PEOPLE

>>19571959, >>19571968, >>19571973, >>19571976 PROPLE Inc. DIGG

>>19572035 Texas Republican Precinct Chairs Must File A Censure Resolution Against RINOs

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3iaeww - Texas Republican Precinct Chairs Must File A Censure Resolution Against RINOs [2:04] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19572036 NASA Welcomes Germany as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory


>>19572088 @thejimwatkins: I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will do my best to solve our problems with networking

>>19572089 QClock September 17, 2023 - The Lost F-35

>>19572125 Technology once used combat ISIS propaganda is enlisted by Democratic group to counter Trump’s c-19 messaging

>>19572127 London taxpayers attack surveillance vans in continued revolt

>>19572129 Laura Loomer: Those Targeting Ken Paxton Now Backing Ron DeSantis, Bush Apparatus Included

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ir2c4 - Laura Loomer: Those Targeting Ken Paxton Now Backing Ron DeSantis, Bush Apparatus Included [3:31] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19572136, >>19572230, >>19572296, >>19572310, >>19572391 Cuba to host Chinese spy base eavesdrop on the US?

>>19572151 There are 15 Freedom Fighters already in the House that are opposing the CR now

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ir33q - Steve Bannon: “It’s Upon YOU The Whole Thing Rests” [4:09] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19572152 Border Patrol Separated Immigrant Families

>>19572174 Bomb threats at several schools in sw PA

>>19572184, >>19572205 There was a movie awhile back about an autonomous fighter jet. It went rogue


>>19572231 BREAKING: Massive Explosions In Columbus, GA - Possible Factory Explosion (9/17)

>>19572267 F-35 happens to go down in the same area PDJT will be speaking next week??

>>19572344 Mike Lindell: “They’ve Upped Their Attacks”. Really bad on My Pillow

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ir7mo - Mike Lindell: “They’ve Upped Their Attacks” [4:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19572345 Virginia Rep. Wexton will not seek reelection, citing new diagnosis

>>19572398 Hunter Biden Sues IRS Alleging Agency Whistleblowers Improperly Disclosed Info to Congress

>>19572421, >>19572430 Ukraine’s Trans ‘Spokesperson’ Lashes out Sen Vance, gender chaos, Refuses Deny U.S. Gov’t Ties

>>19572428 @JustTheNews: U.S. officials with dementia may pose national security threat, Pentagon-funded study finds

>>19572455 Pictures: Iran Completes Biden’s $6 Billion Hostage Deal

>>19572463 Albuquerque Mayor: We Enacted Same Gun Ban Gov. Grisham Is Pushing – 3 Years Ago

>>19572465 Suspect Arrested in Ambush Killing of LA County Sheriff's Deputy

>>19572489, >>19572499 Integrated teams are searching and preparing for the recovery of the jet

>>19572502 Five Facts That Compel the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

>>19572547, >>19572572, >>19572596 Planefag Reports

>>19572599 @charliekirk11: Illinois becomes the first state to abolish cash bail today

>>19572605 Attorneys For IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley Respond to Hunter Biden Lawsuit Against IRS

>>19572614 #24036

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=83e3-dIpaCo - HV-TV Opening Fantasy Island Video [Channel: Jeff Nimoy]

(39 notables, 69 posts, 70 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19573935

File: 0023c7c118972ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.png)


>>19572616 Q Research General #24037: De Plane! De Plane! Edition

Created 181812ZSEP23




>>19572643 #24037

>>19572670 Clinton Global Initiative 2023 Meeting: Satanist Pope Francis

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HRnk0S9J4F4 - His Holiness Pope Francis: Clinton Global Initiative 2023 Meeting [Channel: Clinton Global Initiative]

>>19572677 Oversight Committee Issues Statement Following Hunter Biden’s Lawsuit Against the IRS

>>19572685 Pelosi Refused to Hand Over Communications Surrounding Jan. 6

>>19572697, >>19572700, >>19572706, >>19572707, >>19572746, >>19572843 Second Marine F-35C Squadron Conquers “Safe for Flight” Certification

>>19572698 PF Ukraine coming in for another load of cash

>>19572703 Clinton 'The Harvest' in plain sight

>>19572731 FAKE PERSECUTION: Senior British Politicians Push Police to Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Russell Brand

>>19572757 Rather than addressing the substance of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry, the mainstream media attacked the investigator

>>19572760 Kash Patel: We throwing axes 🪓 tonight. Gonna be a barn burner, tune into @rumble with @DonaldJTrumpJr at 6pm est

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3irckm - Government Gangsters Didn't Want This Book Released: Live with Kash Patel | TRIGGERED Ep.69 [0] [Channel: Donald Trump Jr.]

>>19572763 Donald J. Trump: Ken has been a great A.G., and now he can go back to work for the wonderful people of Texas. It was my honor to have helped correct this injustice!

>>19572764 Donald J. Trump: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


>>19572766 Donald J. Trump: 58 HOSTAGES home Once you pay, you always pay, & MANY MORE HOSTAGES WILL BE TAKEN

>>19572767, >>19572952, >>19573055 Donald J. Trump: This absolutely ridiculous 6 Billion Dollar Hostage Deal with Iran has set a terrible PRECEDENT for the future. Buckel up

>>19572784 @thejimwatkins Our digital ghetto has a reduced ability to show the interwebs to folks. My gang of trusty raccoons are getting on it, and hopefully, the servers will work better, but expect more downtime and expect trouble

>>19572785, >>19572789, >>19572792, >>19572938 Invasion update: "One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3e4ebad9c74384061770bc0cd34549dea160b09b89a3c169799d7a903a35080c.mp4


>>19572793 Donald J. Trump: ...each statement has a Disclaimer Clause strongly telling these institutions to do their own analysis...In other words, Trump Hating Letitia James has no case!

>>19572796 RESIGNATION Jennifer Wexton, Dem Lawmaker Stepping Down From Congress After Developing Terminal Illness

>>19572809, >>19572838, >>19573153, >>19573160 Q 2206, U.S. officials have ordered a 2-day stand down for all military aviation inside as well as outside the United States after an F-35 jet went missing in South Carolina

>>19572817, >>19572824 John Zack Ortiz, Regional Coordinator for the ADL’s Central Pacific branch, Outed as Antifa Organizer

>>19572820, >>19572837, >>19572839, >>19572904, >>19573184 As Marines continue to search for F-35 after "mishap," officials order two-day stand-down for all jets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3354187ddc74105c65efa187a2a2fad82b7ab8f19bf9c270dc18bd00ca88e2a9.mp4

>>19572873 Kash Patel sues FBI director, former Trump DOJ officials for allegedly targeting personal records

>>19572874, >>19572894 PANIC: Moderna Plunges After Pfizer Sees Just 24% Of Americans Seeking Covid Boosters

>>19572881 Biden’s DOJ secures conviction against journalist over reporting on January 6

>>19572902 Wisconsin Oust Top Election Official Meagan Wolfe, Following Messy And Chaotic 2020 Election

>>19573003, >>19573008, >>19573014, >>19573048, >>19573068, >>19573079 Remember the stand down on 9/11? NORAD drill grounded all jets; Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa6c2c368764818d8b04b355d81831588a2db6a82e437f5ad43fc0ed3a7c3c87.mp4

>>19573011 DOJ draft letter being used as evidence by Fani Willis page 25-29, Declaration in support of AAG Jeff Clark

>>19573136 Jake Sullivan held an unscheduled meeting with China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, in Malta during the weekend

>>19573168 Billion-dollar industry: Gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES from the US & Canada to ship to Africa - hundreds found stashed in containers on the East Coast

>>19573189, >>19573194 Seeing Traffic is stopped or very slow on Old Georgetown Road. I’m not going to confirm anything but I’m fairly certain “something has been found here”

>>19573207, >>19573216, >>19573218, >>19573228, >>19573234, >>19573240, >>19573242, >>19573247, >>19573248, >>19573254, >>19573255, >>19573271, >>19573276, >>19573277, >>19573283 @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3e97ff36f3960a59fd157129edf183794626a3e48f071d476576b28cfa5f38ba.mp4

>>19573209 If I were an F-35B Lightning II jet, where would I be?

>>19573258, >>19573272 Two day stand down you say?

>>19573262 The military Super King Air from Myrtle Beach has really been searching this area around Hemingway, SC. This area had reports of a loud boom on Sunday #MissingF35 #scwx

>>19573312, >>19573315 Debris field located near Williamsburg County in search for missing F-35 fighter jet, officials confirm

>>19573327 Missing F-35 fighter jet found, crashed in Williamsburg County, South Carolina

>>19573333 #24037

(39 notables, 80 posts, 74 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19575129

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19573359 Q Research General #24038: LOST & FOUND? Black Box CUBED & GROUNDED Fuckery Afoot Edition

Created 182221ZSEP23




>>19573378 #24038

>>19573405, >>19573412, >>19573422, >>19573715, >>19573777 F-35 found in South Carolina

>>19573418, >>19573621 Tim Ballard Accused of Sexual Misconduct Days After Announcing Possible Senate Run

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nT-ESKtdWQg - Packer OUR Report 31—Sex Allegations [Channel: Lynn Kenneth Packer]

>>19573445, >>19573471 Florida man (former preacher) was sentenced today to 60 years in prison for sexually abusing a child while traveling in Fiji

>>19573453, >>19573726 Chinese firm receives $530 million in state incentives to build EV battery plant in Illinois, sparking national security concerns

>>19573472, >>19573488 Chuck Grassley bday party

>>19573487, >>19573538 Son of El Chapo arraigned in Chicago on federal criminal charges for international drug trafficking

>>19573555 @ObamaFoundation "Tu Mexico, Tu Chicago"

>>19573571 Q#1290 - Military aircraft crashing in US. Coincidence?

>>19573576 Donald J. Trump to skip second Republican debate for Detroit prime-time speech

>>19573583 Fire dangers in Australia lifted to extreme - expecting 91F/33C degree weather

>>19573588, >>19573616 Multiple cases: Democrats challenging local level election results after discovering fraud

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3bfcfbe3fbe24c03e59a4cff024b97d1a42f94ad490ea09e8222892988599200.mp4

>>19573609 @Potato: When I signed the American Rescue Plan, we invested $17 billion in veterans’ health care, including mental health care

>>19573627 @NSA/CSS wishing the CIA a happy birthday #WeAreTheIC

>>19573664 FEMA Upcoming nationwide emergency alert test

>>19573672 USAID Office of Inspector General audit: Counter-Trafficking in Persons. Improved Guidance and Training Can Strengthen USAID’s C-TIP Efforts in Asia

>>19573674, >>19573970 Anons testing Google search engine word prediction function

>>19573718 Buckel misspelling: David Buckel was an American LGBT rights lawyer who worked with Lambda Legal. He died on April 14, 2018, by self-immolation as a protest against the use of fossil fuels

>>19573737 Faux News hit piece: Trump blasted online after attack on DeSanctimonious proposed 6 week abortion ban

>>19573746 Alex Soros and Gavin Newsom together at Clinton Global Initiative

>>19573843 Japanese company Air Water Inc. has been manufacturing liquid biomethane in Hokkaido since 2021, hopes to create carbon-neutral rocket fuel

>>19573890 The United States national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time, according to the information released by the US Department of the Treasury

>>19573898 @Potato: Tomorrow marks the beginning of another great UN General Assembly. Ready to get to work.

>>19573956 @Rep Tim Burchett questions Intel Committee Inspector General on UAP crash retrieval programs

>>19573999 GWP: Newly Obtained Evidence Shows Key Signatures Are Missing on Wayne County’s 2020 General Election Certification

>>19574033 Chinese military conducts massive dispatch of jets near Taiwan

>>19574100 Questionable age content will not be tolerated

(27 notables, 38 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19575133

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19574209 Q Research General #24039: If Not You Who? Edition

Created 190113ZSEP23




>>19574211 #24039

>>19574275 NM: [Rules Committee Hearing]Tiffany: Yeah, I'd like to if I may just close with a coup three comments

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a5b435c85f1e37f2e28937bc23b0a7bb96b83c340b7baf399e4ad09bf213932.mp4

>>19574293 Supremes have affirmed Biden Admin can resort to disinfo with soc med platforms

>>19574304, >>19574327 Zelensky visits wounded Ukrainian soldiers at NYC hospital ahead of UN General Assembly

>>19574318 Apparently the debris field has been found but no pics or vids yet.

>>19574350, >>19574496 Trump said over and over to Welker, we will have discussions of the weeks of abortions bans and both sides will come to an agreement

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ippxw - A Watershed Moment Is Imminent (Ep. 2090) - 09/18/2023 [57:56] [Channel: The Dan Bongino Show]

>>19574380 Taliban Arrests American, 17 Others in Afghanistan

>>19574408, >>19574454 Assuming 2 days ahead of schedule… Lag started yesterday, here is 1 of tomorrow's Qdeltas.

>>19574414 “Commercial plane that flew Chinese delegation to UN General Assembly parked at Joint Base Charleston until Sept 21st.

>>19574458 Blizzard comms and Q proof

>>19574481 Wisconsin Republicans Consider Impeachment of Justice Over Redistricting Comments, Donations

>>19574482, >>19574500 one piece of evidence that GA Fulton County DA Fani Willis is using to justify the RICO charge against AAG Jeff Clark

>>19574486, >>19574652 WTF:Stoltenberg Admits Putin Made Sensible Final Ultimatum to NATO Which Forced Him to Invade

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/tVWT1UPKzS6y/ - WTF: Stoltenberg Admits Putin Made Sensible Final Ultimatum to NATO Which Forced Him to Invade [Channel: December1991]

>>19574520 Male crowned homecoming queen in Missouri

>>19574534, >>19574543, >>19574546 The Georgia election final report.

>>19574629 The Foer book on Biden. It shows exactly what Biden is, a cretin and hateful authoritarian

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3fx4h8 - Greg Kelly Reports | 09-07-2023 [59:53] [Channel: Patriot News Outlet Live]

>>19574638 #24038

>>19574644 ICYMI: Today, AOC and Nadler blamed Republicans for the border crisis

>>19574662, >>19574694 Trump to Appear with Striking Autoworkers as GOP Debate Counter-Programming

>>19574677 Epstein - Tom Pritzker - Penny Pritzker now handing the Ukraine issue for Sleepy Joe

>>19574681 Proud Boys leader didn't realize how many FBI joined the group.

>>19574684, >>19574761 PF updates

>>19574688 McCarthy Won't Weigh In on Tuberville Holding Up 300 Military Promotions

>>19574840 PF reports: Singapore military craft in Idaho

>>19574854 Biden Admin Shells Out Over $5 Million To Give Journalists ‘Trauma-Informed’ Support If They’re Getting Trolled

>>19574870 @MalikObama: So Bill Gates is the PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD. Kenya President reduced to being a SIDEKICK. A PROP!

>>19574911 PF reports flight history of newly minted V-22 Osprey, first appearance September 11th

>>19574961 #24039

(28 notables, 37 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19575136

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)


>>19528561 Q Research General #23984: Comfy Pasta Edition

Created 110555ZSEP23




>>19528590 #23984

>>19528639, >>19528642 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “THIS IS A RAILROAD JOB—PLAIN AND SIMPLE!”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gp8fs - Video upload for 111044612830822737 [4:53] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19528666 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “ABUSE OF OUR ELECTORAL SYSTEM!” A MUST WATCH…

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gpaz6 - Video upload for 111044661560455533 [4:53] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19528696 The Strange Disappearance and Death of Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Erin Valenti

>>19528826 Satanic Sam Smith

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/170534a5e1eff0eb80bacdbe610ff45fcfff7b6e9e570bfd3fee824a550cd6da.mp4

>>19528827 There is a Rothschild in our government?

>>19528869 What’s going on in the Ukrainian parliament? People have had enough?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/14526c275cab0c3ad0b93d1ba9698150c271474e2f7a52d59b3103eecf027319.mp4

>>19528870 Incredible moment White House staff abruptly end Biden's rambling Vietnam press conference mid-sentence and cut his mic

>>19528897 Kilauea IS ERUPTING in Hawaii - LIVESTREAM

>>19528951 Epstein reportedly hoped to develop super-race of humans with his DNA

>>19529029 tension between African and Latino illegals at one of the NYC tents shelter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/314d1e4f5af96b41efb6dd47388970ac24b81305d6766f6e196903a6cde86c16.mp4

>>19529052 ‘Several’ employees injured after explosion rips through Illinois ADM plant

>>19529072, >>19529076 General Mike Flynn w/CAPs: calling out crimes against children by corporations (pr0nhub)

>>19529122 Breaking! DOJ Looking To Jail Infowars’ Owen Shroyer For 120 Days In Jan. 6th Trial

>>19529128 NATO Chief Openly Admits, Russia Invaded Ukraine Because of NATO Expansion.

>>19529162 Fourteen siblings, aged 13 months to 19 years, have been rescued from a harrowing situation in a Sydney suburban home...

>>19529163, >>19529199, >>19529230, >>19529259, >>19529270, >>19529298, >>19529390 22 years ago today - 9/11

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd91dac3f6458a5e1d148fd17b4f5868e5234df3dba0d5e9a15bfc917fc14d41.mp4

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/cMI60EAS5q4Z/ - 🛑 Gadgafi on Bin Laden & 911 👀 [Channel: RoseArcana]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0bc9d97484efc501ec0d5d1f953977b727f1a6dd20bba3d5d6263886d669035b.mp4

>>19529303 Mass Murder Update: UK boosting all in elder care starting today (9/11) w/ provider incentive (£7.54) per dose administered

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee356798a9e5a8f86e1f7b05793622ae51765e46dab8618f02ba612825917630.pdf

>>19529324 PF reporting - two DC to Gitmo hops today. One en route, the other in a couple of hours. Dasting.

>>19529403 Dog Comms??? - "Dog lost after owner injured by lightning strike returned safely "

>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X

>>19529476 #23984

(22 notables, 31 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19576262

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19574972 Q Research General #24040: A Fresh & Tidy Night Shift Edition

Created 190420ZSEP23




>>19574977 #24040

>>19575021 Unique mRNA vaccine formulation or dosing schedule potentially behind uptick in autoimmune deficiency disease

>>19575067 US Military scheduled livestream meetings and conferences - 3:30/4:00 AM EDT

>>19575094 Trannys preaching acceptance in the church "we pledge to be allies to the drag community"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/71dc5618da584662ac4ccefdf1ffdd5ba5e9768c3c183b250643e0b5e905d8e2.mp4

>>19575318 California earthquake activity

>>19575403 Kash Patels joins Don Jr. to discuss his new book "Government Gangsters"

>>19575416 PANIC at CNN - Warning Constitution is 'Outdated, Puts Democracy at Risk'

>>19575417 Antifa Discussed Plans To Firebomb Federal Buildings, Jan. 6 Court Filing Contends

>>19575420 New Delhi slams Canada for linking its government to the murder of a political activist

>>19575422 Mexican Mafia member who ran Ventura County rackets is killed in Baja California, authorities say

>>19575425 California district judge blocked the state from enforcing a new law requiring Big Tech companies to verify users' ages before giving them access to their websites

>>19575431 Rep. Chip Roy of Texas has been trying to destroy AG Ken Paxton for nearly 4 years

>>19575432 Libya Dam Disaster Shows Horrific Consequences Of US-NATO Imperialism

>>19575433 BlackRock and the Potato Admin

>>19575434 YouTube has suspended monetization on Russell Brand's channel for violating its creator responsibility policy

>>19575435 North Carolina Lt Governor Mark Robinson calls for state level military action to step-up and secure the border

>>19575443 American Library Association Intensifies Push To Radicalize Children

>>19575461 Video shows more than 2,000 migrants crossing Rio Grande in one night

>>19575466 FBI being called to answer for active involvement in online censorship

>>19575543 Who is Seth Rich? Who Murdered Him? And What’s The Deep State Hiding?

>>19575555 $120,000 Vanishes From Woman’s Bank Account, Banking Giant Says Account Will Be Terminated: Report

>>19575716 A 1967 CBS News Special about how the C_A funneled money to charities to infiltrate American news, student, and labor organizations.

>>19575879 #24040

(23 notables, 23 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1850e1 No.19576264


UPDATE for >>19573359 Q Research General #24038: LOST & FOUND? Black Box CUBED & GROUNDED Fuckery Afoot Edition

>>19574100 What counts as CP?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ca2629 No.19577205

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19575900 Q Research General #24041: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 191104ZSEP23




>>19575915 #24041

>>19575987, >>19576007 Are we in the Storm? Some dasting things going on

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/27e24bf2434b213acfa53e3dbff69aa1f8ff37517f4a47c16b95ffce5fc329cb.mp4

>>19576030 Sounds like @pawpatrol is run by groomers who are after your kids. PARENTS BEWARE

>>19576237, >>19576320, >>19576338, >>19576353, >>19576364 B.I.S NWO, videos, screenshots and research, now also on tora.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i4rme -TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030[5:47] [Channel: chestercat01]

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/c1298a83b2ceb074de99d3915d148985 - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030 - Tiger Network [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19576317 "No Soliciting!" Dumb Cop Told to SHUT UP by First Amendment Auditor!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zEw_9Py9_kQ - "No Soliciting!" Dumb Cop Told to SHUT UP by First Amendment Auditor! [Channel: Recognizing Our Rights]

>>19576377 Former President Donald Trump plans to skip the second Republican presidential debate and come to Metro Detroit instead to rally unionized auto workers...

>>19576385, >>19576508, >>19576537, >>19576659, >>19576661, >>19576671 F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/047167bae593615730f4d6b8d8f376e62bf8a303de3540ed60cadf983bffca9c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7253503eec8991f6b3d73e98ea88f5c52428ae30b53a8fe66a1cd6c2a9f315a2.mp4

>>19576413 LIVE - Ahoy The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3iwov8 - Ahoy The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19576614 Russell Brand will no longer make money from streaming his videos on YouTube after the site suspended his ability to monetize his presence Tuesday...

>>19576624, >>19576628, >>19576633 House committee meetings and other happenings for 9/19/2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oVIm3oMmIm0 - President Biden Delivers Remarks Before the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly [Channel: The White House]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oRQZpi3yC_Q - FEMA: The Current State of Disaster Readiness, Response, and Recovery [Channel: T&I Committee Republicans]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1-TaRcwD_Rw - Chips on the Table: A one year review of the Chips and Science Act [Channel: House Science, Space, and Technology Committee]

>>19576682 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: HH 211: Jets from a Forming Star

>>19576691 BREAKING: House to hold first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing next Thursday

>>19576780 Now NYT admits that Ukraine fired the missile, not Russia."

>>19576872 Mummified 'alien corpses' are from single skeletons and were not assembled, Mexican doctor claims as he examines 'eggs' in one of the 'non-human' bodies...

>>19576896 Wayne County, Michigan, never lawfully certified their 2020 presidential election results, potentially making Donald Trump the winner.

>>19576980 #24041

(16 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

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ca2629 No.19577207


UPDATE for >>19573359 Q Research General #24038: LOST & FOUND? Black Box CUBED & GROUNDED Fuckery Afoot Edition

>>19574100 Questionable age content will not be tolerated

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19578001

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19576987 Q Research General #24042: Warmonger Diversion Up Next Edition

Created 191524ZSEP23



>>19576997 #24042

>>19576999, >>19577143, >>19577213, >>19577585 Ray Epps has been charged relating to January 6, Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

>>19577007, >>19577738 End Times News

>>19577053 Sikh and Muslim groups discuss alleged assassination of B.C. Sikh leader

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FcAD6_nWzjM - Sikh and Muslim groups discuss alleged assassination of B.C. Sikh leader – September 19, 2023 [Channel: cpac]

>>19577069 @realDonaldTrump Biden has just said that he has gotten rid of certain WMD’s, but other countries have not done so. This puts us in an untenable negotiating position...

>>19577070 @realDonaldTrump The Election Cheaters hate to see this. MAGA!

>>19577096, >>19577129, >>19577227 Refresher: Autopsy Shows FBI Agents Executed ‘Domestic Terrorist’ in Michigan Days Before Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Plot was Rolled Out

>>19577218 9/17 @realDonaldTrump Reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy American and Israel...

>>19577236 PA: Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8Yk-m9uzW-s - Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation [Channel: The White House]

>>19577265 “Ring Of Fire Eclipse” On October 14th Will Combine With Another Eclipse In 2024 To Form A Giant “X” Over “The Empty Cross” In Texas

>>19577271 Trump child actor

>>19577279 @MELANIATRUMP Check out Melania Trump’s new collection of Christmas ornaments, up for sale

>>19577346 Maritime industry explores nuclear power for ships as technology opens up

>>19577391, >>19577431, >>19577721 STAR ANISE HEALTH BENEFITS/cloves

>>19577396 Germany bans hammerskins, ties to US???

>>19577420, >>19577429, >>19577661, >>19577686, >>19577696, >>19577697, >>19577711, >>19577722 NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

>>19577422, >>19577454, >>19577462, >>19577590 @ChuckGrassley Each Monday when I go to our Leadership mtg I take a big handful of Hersey kisses from McConnell’s office/hear say? heresy?/anon?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2b16478dd43558f2a185032d2be8414885783bc82f2656db75a7451ffed33683.mp4

>>19577434 Republic vs Democracy

>>19577463 Sunac just beat Country Garden to US bankruptcy. Evergrande, Sunac and Country Garden (expected to be the next to file for bankruptcy) is a real estate disaster in the making.

>>19577517 2022 Military Grounds Some F-35s Following Crash in Texas

>>19577536 Gaetz Demands Pre-COVID Spending And More From January Deal

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j1q0a - The “Rational” CR Deal | Matt Gaetz Demands Pre-COVID Spending And More From January Deal [13:21] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19577566 UK's "Online Safety Bill" for a "safer Internet" has passed its final parliamentary debate and will become law soon.

>>19577631 #ICYMI Germany 🇩🇪 became the 29th nation to join the #Artemis Accords. Together, like-minded spacefaring nations are safeguarding outer space, fostering global collaboration...

>>19577636 Biden failed to report more than $5 million in incomein his sworn financial disclosures for the years 2017-19

>>19577659 St. Louis FBI officials encourage school districts to adopt Safe Schools Initiative

>>19577668 House Judiciary Committee Examines Proposed Constitutional Amendments

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ryfPU-qox7U - Examining Proposed Constitutional Amendments [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>19577710 Evaluating CISA’s Federal Civilian Executive Branch Cybersecurity Programs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/805a497c6dc7c05ee99d32d2d24246ae1077e1a7fe3de39e0b27bd12173fead3.mp4

>>19577765 “Where Is The Audit?”: Steve Bannon Rails American Leaders For Funding The Corrupt Ukrainian Regime

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j1nxh - “Where Is The Audit?”: Steve Bannon Rails American Leaders For Funding The Corrupt Ukrainian Regime [7:54] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19577821 #24042

(29 notables, 47 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19578004


UPDATE for >>19573359 Q Research General #24038: LOST & FOUND? Black Box CUBED & GROUNDED Fuckery Afoot Edition

>>19574100 What counts as CP?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19578918

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19577827 Q Research General #24043: EPPS Gets One Piddly Charge, Limited Hangout Edition

Created 191838ZSEP23




>>19577842 #24043-A

>>19577862 New escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh, alleged Armenian military buildup

>>19577870, >>19578349 DHS Announces Establishment of New “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group”

>>19577875 @realDonaldTrump There is no insurrection case against Trump

>>19577878 Gaetz Drafts Subpoena for Hunter Biden’s Records and Deposition, Calls on Kevin McCarthy to Sign it: “Millions of Americans Are Wondering if You’re Serious”

>>19577894 Radical Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Begins Implementing Climate Organization’s Goal to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles In 14 US Cities by 2030

>>19577915 5 Year Deltas Are The Best Deltas

>>19577920 Fauci, wife Christine Grady worth $11M last year after he retired

>>19577937, >>19577946 Investigation Reveals NATO Supervises Ukrainian Child Abduction Groups

>>19577955 Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho announced Tuesday morning that his office has filed a civil lawsuit against the city of Sacramento over its response to the growing unhoused population

>>19577973 Canada Sentences Pastor to Prison for Speech in Which He Called Freedom Convoy Truckers ‘Heroes’

>>19577984 Tara Reade: Russell Brand rape allegations are the return of the MeToo political zombie

>>19577986, >>19578031 Vaccine Effectiveness of Fourth Dose Against Death Was Around Zero

>>19577995 McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters Monday that he will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Washington this week

>>19578000 Senator John Fetterman delivers a powerful message in support of the United Auto Workers.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f8b90d2bafff311d5a2840c7d2117d588acd0eba1208a6d447536f936ee9cd19.mp4


>>19578037 Ukraine will get Abrams tanks soon - Pentagon

>>19578044 Military Whistleblower Exposes Massive Heart Failure Spike in Vaxxed Personnel

>>19578048 Resolution declaring the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE VACANT has been observed circulating the House Floor..

>>19578064 EU reacts to Ukraine's grain lawsuit

>>19578089 Biden: US to work for Israeli normalization and two states

>>19578095 One of China’s leading property developers, Sunac, has filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States

>>19578109 NYT: Evidence Suggests Ukraine Carried Out Missile Strike on Ukrainian Market Which They Blamed Russia

>>19578125 Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund about to testify before Congress.

>>19578129 Another EU nation snubs cheap Ukrainian grain

>>19578145 Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=onPmNc-7-bw - Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures [Channel: Committee on House Administration]

>>19578149 ZELENSKYY: “We know the names of tens of thousands of children and have evidence of hundreds of thousands of others kidnapped by Russia”

>>19578156 starting today, Pennsylvania will begin automatic voter registration for folks getting a driver's license or state ID card at the DMV.


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/4iFHPqxiNoCT/ - The Rest of the Story Episode 1 by Lara Logan [Channel: AwakeOutOfSleep_Romans13.11]

>>19578185 How Microsoft helped Germany rig 2020 United States presidential election to overthrow President Donald Trump

>>19578652 #24043-A

(31 notables, 34 posts, 61 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19579797

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19578665 Q Research General #24044: Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures Edition

Created 192119ZSEP23



>>19578670 Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=onPmNc-7-bw - Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures [Channel: Committee on House Administration]

>>19578680, >>19578742, >>19578778 >> 9578759, Arrested child trafficker admits to boarding school used as front for organ harvesting network in Ukraine - by: Jack Posobiec and Thomas Stevenson

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j1gly - Video from @VGlagola on child trafficking in Ukraine [27:23] [Channel: The Post Millennial]

>>19578718, >>19578780 Temple University says President JoAnne A. Epps has suddenly died, the same day Ray Epps catches a charge, how convenient

>>19578752 How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Elite Parents Enabled His Crypto Empire

>>19578806 #24043-B posted in #24044

>>19578843 Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Claims Client ‘Did Not Share Money’ with Joe Biden, Contradicting Hunter’s Own Words

>>19578860 New York City Considering Removing Statues of George Washington, Others

>>19578928 The BEE: Zelensky Passes Around Offering Plate During U.N. Speech

>>19578940 A visits Ukraine wounded in NY hospital: When did Staten Island become part of Ukraine?

>>19578955 MOAR BEE: Bad Luck: Military Announces Lost F-35 Was Carrying Epstein Client List

>>19578963 PF REPORT

>>19578997, >>19579000 Why is nobody objecting when they call January 6th an 'Insurrection'?

>>19579127 Iranian President Raisi at the UN: Some intl powers and their shadow rulers are trying to provoke conflicts

>>19579165 Grassley meets with Save the Children

>>19579192 Mary Lasker established the Birth Control Federation (later PP), later pushed NIH funding - DIG CALL

>>19579219 Ford Lays Off 600 Workers Due To UAW Strike

>>19579229 Gavin Newsom defends Hunter Biden's business deals, says family influence peddling is 'hardly unique'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=scnwCq8x4kE - Gavin Newsom Calls GOP Impeachment Inquiry Of Biden 'Student Government' And 'A Joke' [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19579275 End Times News

>>19579284 Rotting garbage, dead bodies, and robbers in the jungle - they don’t tell you that when the cartel and NGOs are selling illegals the travel brochures! Darien Gap, Panama. #BidenDidThis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c575f6e51f3defc8b6cc43d5aa7e8a64113704e5859a7958eeb83c4f5d194e5.mp4

>>19579291 India Rejects Trudeau's "Absurd" Accusations It Assassinated Canadian Citizen, Expels Diplomat In Tit-For-Tat

>>19579301 Australia to back Ukraine's proceedings against Russia by delivering intervention in Intl Court of Justice

>>19579306 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand’s South Island

>>19579311, >>19579383 PELOSI LIED! Former Cap. Police Chief Testifies on J6

>>19579328 House Judiciary Committee Republicans - FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the J6 Crowd

>>19579330 BREAKING: Pentagon officials are worried that Biden may pose a national security risk given his apparent dementia.

>>19579396 Lincoln Project Has a Field Day on Fox News, Trump, and Family Values Hyprocrites

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/08d2faa8396e967da95f41502b19642c8ebc61a813e5cc01d92fd40ece0b8942.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9ca72c230f342c6c1b8af500f5dd764564333b67b4eef50a2f7ee17a7c4a9842.mp4

>>19579440 #24044

(27 notables, 32 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19579799


UPDATE for >>19573359 Q Research General #24038: LOST & FOUND? Black Box CUBED & GROUNDED Fuckery Afoot Edition

>>19574100 >19148273, NEW What counts as CP?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19579802


UPDATE for >>19577827 Q Research General #24043: EPPS Gets One Piddly Charge, Limited Hangout Edition

>>19578214, >>19578397 California’s Democrat Legislators Want to Make it ILLEGAL to Touch Grass

>>19578227 Seized Zelensky home could become anti-Nazi museum

>>19578307 Two Pharmafags Plead Guilty To Insider Trading Scheme Surrounding Alexion Pharmaceuticals’ Acquisition Of Portola Pharmaceuticals

>>19578354 Air Force Releases Never-Before-Seen Side Photo of Secretive B-21 Raider

>>19578359, >>19578485, >>19578695 Secretary Mayorkas Announces Establishment of Homeland Intelligence Experts Group

>>19578376 500 Pound ‘Green’ Delivery e-Bikes Planned by City Set To Replace NY Cyclists and Pedestrians

>>19578381 Canada Rolls Out First Nationally Accredited Program for How to Kill a Patient

>>19578386, >>19578389, >>19578391 @PDJT I got the job done! Republicans must learn how to talk about Abortion... Radical Left Democrats who are so willing to destroy Life!

>>19578406 Did China Just Create a New Bermuda Triangle?

>>19578421 Gavin Newsom's Defense of Hunter Biden Is as Telling as It Is Ridiculous

>>19578427 Rep. Matt Gaetz Calls for Repatriation of US Taxpayer Dollars Sent to Ukraine (VIDEO)

>>19578428 Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To Form DHS ‘Expert’ Committee

>>19578437 CALL TO DIGG:This is "general" CQ "Swamp Thang" Brown (swamp thang is his real call sign from when he ejected from a functioning F-16 back at Moody AFB, GA - landed in the swamp).

>>19578442 UN globalists descend upon Gotham City for crisis talks as ‘progress’ of Sustainable Development Goals backslides - americanthinker

>>19578448, >>19578506 AF was warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

>>19578458, >>19578540 The Biden Admin Just Declared 'War on Consumers'

>>19578467 Joe Biden Laments He Could Be Dead Before Hunter Biden’s Legal Woes Resolved

>>19578475 Peter Schweizer Schools Ex-FBI Agent Who Shielded Bidens

>>19578480 Rep. Donalds to Zelensky: 'No money in the House' for Ukraine

>>19578515 Biden Admin Shuts Down Future Oil and Gas Activity on Thousands of Acres of New Mexico Land for Next 50 Years

>>19578524 Defiant journo drops damning new Ray Epps footage night before Epps is slapped with ‘joke’ of a charge

>>19578548 Jack Smith’s Gag Order Designed To Destroy Trump’s First Amendment Right To Criticize Biden On Campaign Trail

>>19578552 Judicial Watch Uncovers Key Documents and Photos on Chinese Covid Labs in California

>>19578559 Elon Musk Sues Joe Biden’s Administration For Violating U.S. Constitution

>>19578617 Hundreds of high school students walk out after school board said transgender students must be allowed to use whichever bathroom they choose

>>19578622 Russell Brand’s girlfriend Kristen Bell was convicted of recruiting for a literal sex cult

>>19578637 House GOP yanks vote to avoid a government shutdown

>>19578653 Congrats to Jack Poso for making it to Zelensky's Kill List of "Enemies of Ukraine"!!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19580485

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)


>>19579435 Q Research General #24045: J6 was NEVER an Insurrection! Edition

Created 200016ZSEP23



>>19579463 #24045

>>19579478 Darren Beattie: "It's a major development in the January 6th Fedsurrection saga" Ray Epps petty charge

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j4zgw - Darren Beattie: "It's a major development in the January 6th Fedsurrection saga" [6:37] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19579551 Resolution Declaring the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives to be Vacant Found in Capitol Restroom Under House

>>19579553 Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss Whether The 14th Amendment Will Keep Trump Out Of Office

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j3usc - Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss Whether The 14th Amendment Will Keep Trump Out Of Office [9:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19579574 CCP-Linked Battery Maker Eligible For $7.5 Billion In Biden Bucks

>>19579576, >>19579589 The ‘chai’ charm that keeps this secretary of health grounded in the value of life

>>19579604, >>19579620 President of Brazil speaking at the opening of the UN General Assembly today: "It is (essential) to preserve the freedom of the press. A journalist like Julian Assange cannot be punished for informing society in a transparent and legitimate way

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/53e330f9eac86fbf1c28fed41a4577893a8a315a028d5309a85bc899e6f811ce.mp4

>>19579616 Former Investment Banker and Registered Broker Pleads Guilty to Cryptocurrency Investment Fraud Scheme/Rashawn Russell

>>19579627 Zelensky sure does move around freely for a guy in war posture against a major world power. Enjoy the show!

>>19579633 Former Congressman Sentenced To 22 Months In Prison For Insider Trading/Stephen Buyer

>>19579645 More abortions in California

>>19579656, >>19579875 @realdonaldtrump I was able to do something that nobody thought was possible, end Roe v. Wade. For 52 years, people talked, spent vast amounts of money, but couldn’t get the job done...

>>19579674, >>19579702 5 Year Delta Consider the vastness of space

>>19579682 Iranian President Raisi at United Nations General Assembly: The Zion Occupation Regime (Israel) in Jerusalem is the primary source of terrorism in the Middle East region and beyond

>>19579756, >>19579888 Mayorkas Names Russia Hoaxers, Laptop Deniers Brennan, Clapper to Intelligence ‘Experts’ Panel

>>19579810 Demons in the Media - John B Wells LIVE

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mO3JihF9VOQ - Demons in the Media - John B Wells LIVE [Channel: John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight]

>>19579823, >>19579851 2019 The F-35: Made in China? We Explain.

>>19579833 Ed Dowd: "We found a signal in cardiovascular deaths in the UK"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j4m2u - Ed Dowd: "We found a signal in cardiovascular deaths in the UK" [10:34] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19579900 2007 Mossad reveals photo of ‘the Angel,’ Egyptian agent who warned of Yom Kippur war

>>19579914, >>19579931, >>19579940 B25 hits Empire State Building Never Forget.

>>19579963 Boebert's ex-husband Jayson has responded to the Colorado rep's viral theatre video, "I deeply regret the choices I made that led to the breakdown of our marriage …

>>19579974 Protesters rage outside United Nations HQ in opposition to WHO, 'Great Reset,' human rights abuses

>>19580114 If the Federal Govt shuts down Sept 31 due to no new budget approved or no new Continuing Resolution agreed upon…. where does that leave the Federal Court System?

>>19580132 Hundreds of students in Pennsylvania walked out of school in protest over a new rule allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.

>>19580164, >>19580170, >>19580204 F-35 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges/wingman, not pilot

>>19580222 #24045

(26 notables, 36 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19581280

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)


>>19580231 Q Research General #24046: Consider The Vastness of Space Delta, Never Forget, Intelligence? Edition

Created 200226ZSEP23



>>19580236 #24046

>>19580252, >>19580257 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f0d914b290eadfb2106af81552c3bad52c5085b59c57bae4b682594699876c7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4b21a90b3935a8a97219b7234cd0129f3103eeef2800993b603f2eb77dbd260.mp4

>>19580338, >>19580484, >>19580503, >>19580522, >>19580523, >>19580576, >>19580612 Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

>>19580345 DEVELOPING: I have the original Edgartown Police Report and I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but why are there ‘42 PAST INCIDENTS’ at Barrack and Michelle Obama’s house

>>19580364 PlaneFag Report - Call sign MOST11

>>19580370 Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans -FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!

>>19580424 Nanorobots Are Everywhere

>>19580470 LAW OFFICES OF AISSA WAYNE (John Wayne's Daughter) Obama's SS Number

>>19580514 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - New Radio Ad

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5270e1f2c4d2311bd9e99d5db4d59745b210b2aac8179bb88c6b7b45ef2e3d64.mp4

>>19580592 Biden quietly makes it harder for future Republican presidents to slash size of the federal bureaucracy

>>19580628 The Biden administration has appointed James Clapper, John Brennan, and Paul Kolbe, former intelligence officials, to a DHS "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" handling national security issues."

>>19580642 John Kerry’s son cut business ties with Hunter Biden over Ukrainian oil deal

>>19580648 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - NEVER GIVE UP

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/03c05b78fff1e6c01f8eda8ce29e9ea97bb99c7b75b11391f020ca302a1f5fe4.mp4


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/CqAvj1PolFVq/ - Juan O Savin.. Whistleblower Testimony Exposing Mike Pence + Rod Rosenstein's 'Dirty Trick Squad' [Channel: rockyoumentally]

>>19580804 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “Joe Biden was using his son to get rich, now he’s using his son to obstruct justice. It’s now a crime to get Hunter Biden in trouble.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/011d60ec053b95350f5b63331eb2d31be3ea332a03f1e88a9db8a713dbf052f5.mp4

>>19580872 PlaneFag Report - Upsun

>>19581077 #24046

(17 notables, 24 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19581369


UPDATE for >>19578665 Q Research General #24044: Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures Edition

>>19579328 House Judiciary Committee Republicans -- FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the J6 Crowd

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19581370


UPDATE for >>19579435 Q Research General #24045: J6 was NEVER an Insurrection! Edition

>>19580164, >>19580170, >>19580204 F-35 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” -- Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges/wingman, not pilot

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19581371


UPDATE for >>19580231 Q Research General #24046: Consider The Vastness of Space Delta, Never Forget, Intelligence? Edition

>>19580252, >>19580257 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” -- Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f0d914b290eadfb2106af81552c3bad52c5085b59c57bae4b682594699876c7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4b21a90b3935a8a97219b7234cd0129f3103eeef2800993b603f2eb77dbd260.mp4

>>19580370 Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans --FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19582211

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)


>>19581076 Q Research General #24047: Consider The Comfyness Of Space Edition

Created 200602ZSEP23



>>19581137 #24047

>>19581143 DJT TS w/CAP: Our Country has spent almost 200 Billion Dollars more than the countries of Europe in fighting go Ukraine. Does anybody think this is fair and reasonable?...


>>19581326 NEW Side by side of Lahaina before and after

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=j-ZnayPTe4c - New details on the Lahaina fire. Unreleased footage and multiple side by side comparisons. [Channel: Geoff Cygnus]

>>19581412, >>19581414 FDA trying to remove reformulate mucous thinning drugs and 2021 NIH study concerning mucous thinning and treatments.

>>19581416, >>19581421 UN Secretary-General Admits New World Order Is Failing, Agenda 2030 ‘In Peril’

>>19581462 Next stop, USA! Moment huge group of migrants bursts through cordon and trample officials in Mexico as they demand expedited processing...

>>19581467 Biden Administration Makes Unbelievable Move to Re-Employ James Clapper and John Brennan

>>19581471 Joe Biden to Announce Executive Level Gun Control Office

>>19581497 General Mike Flynn w/CAP: We’re closer to conformity than you think

>>19581682 Putin to visit China in October, accepts Xi's invitation

>>19581724, >>19581748 10:00AM - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4lFkrj5MmVw - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice [Channel: House Committee on the Judiciary]

>>19581772 "It was kinda genius" - Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike

>>19581802, >>19581806, >>19581809, >>19581812, >>19581814, >>19581817, >>19581825, >>19581828, >>19581835 DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

>>19581862 #24047

(15 notables, 27 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19582213


UPDATE for >>19578665 Q Research General #24044: Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures Edition

>>19579328 House Judiciary Committee Republicans - FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the J6 Crowd

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19582215


UPDATE for >>19579435 Q Research General #24045: J6 was NEVER an Insurrection! Edition

>>19580164, >>19580170, >>19580204 F-35 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges/wingman, not pilot

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19582217


UPDATE for >>19580231 Q Research General #24046: Consider The Vastness of Space Delta, Never Forget, Intelligence? Edition

>>19580252, >>19580257 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f0d914b290eadfb2106af81552c3bad52c5085b59c57bae4b682594699876c7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4b21a90b3935a8a97219b7234cd0129f3103eeef2800993b603f2eb77dbd260.mp4

>>19580370 Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans -FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19582881

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19581906 Q Research General #24048: Light About To Shine On DOJ Edition

Created 201303ZSEP23



>>19581917 #24048

>>19581939, >>19581942, >>19581943 @realDonaldTrump “Feds thwarted probe into possible ‘criminal violations’ involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say”

>>19581945 End of an era: No more ‘Chief Caddo’ for NSU-SFA football

>>19581948 @realDonaldTrump If I would have made that speech yesterday at the United Nations, for all of the World to see, including the HORRENDOUS delivery...

>>19581952 resident discussed with the CEO of BlackRock the coordination of efforts to rebuild Ukraine

>>19581958 @realDonaldTrump 2024 NRP Trump 59% (+9)

>>19581964 Specklin Forensics Finds 34,000 Illegal 2020 Election Ballots in Michigan

>>19581977 "The 2021 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors two scientists—Katalin Karikó (BioNTech) and Drew Weissman (University of Pennsylvania)—who discovered a new therapeutic technology based on the modification of messenger RNA."

>>19582005, >>19582239, >>19582280 The House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing at 10 am with Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5c903178f4e1254af7d6cd3e746a6b10edfed3c104845aa703f2132ccbdaf86.mp4

>>19582018 Ukraine Begins Putting American Conservatives on Official Kill List???

>>19582024 Conspiracy theorist lawyer Lin Wood is a witness "for the State" in Trump's Georgia RICO case.

>>19582049 Hillary Clinton embraced Olena Zelenska on stage at a New York conference last night

>>19582080, >>19582105 ️Azerbaijani President Aliyev told US Secretary of State Blinken that Baku's operation in Karabakh will be stopped after the Armenian armed forces surrender their weapons.

>>19582081, >>19582110, >>19582248, >>19582344, >>19582374, >>19582406, >>19582417, >>19582470, >>19582507, >>19582527, >>19582530, >>19582538, >>19582624 Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4lFkrj5MmVw - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice [Channel: House Committee on the Judiciary]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WY-WXw8Lcp4 - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5132c35dc0a5843065519f59344f97fff22ebaff1202960437a8915973256e06.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b8fafbd928f31616021e81b74659252daa6aaa32bee4f0f15190afb29ee571db.mp4

>>19582112 Oversight of the Department of Transportation’s Policies and Programs

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hb2RNyiUFpQ - Oversight of the Department of Transportation’s Policies and Programs [Channel: T&I Committee Republicans]

>>19582117 The Financial Costs of Mayorkas’ Open Border

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=49LVY4FL2xk - The Financial Costs of Mayorkas’ Open Border [Channel: Homeland Security Committee Events]

>>19582141 In challenge for NATO, election front-runner in Slovakia wants to end aid to Ukraine/noice proxy to beat the paywall tyvm

>>19582162, >>19582199 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Set To Deliver Remarks At Several Stops In Iowa 4:00 PM EDT

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3isqp8 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Set To Deliver Remarks At Several Stops In Iowa - 9/20/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19582167 Ukraine - Security Council Meeting, Upholding the Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter Through Effective Multilateralism

>>19582170, >>19582173 UN Sec-Gen: Guterres had to say regarding Egypt and Libya, What he is doing is threatening those in the room with recalling loans given to them by the World bank, I.M.F, weather warfare

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cJ_P43W8Iog - 🇺🇳 UN Secretary-General Addresses General Debate, 78th Session | #UNGA [Channel: United Nations]

>>19582186, >>19582596 Reports Of Donald Trump's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated For The Keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/511a2904ca9e6a0fe68a6babc743a535ae12bbd4c355adc78f17239732e4b23c.mp4

>>19582190 1971 New York Times: "Concern of viruses is about genetics and THE SECRET TO LIFE"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j6hgc - Vaccine pushin! 1971 New York Times: "Concern of viruses is about genetics and THE SECRET TO LIFE" [1:00] [Channel: Housatonic]

>>19582195, >>19582329 QintelPro. Is this the Q plan? Looks like it to me and what they are trying to accomplish

>>19582225 Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike

>>19582247 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Methane Discovered on Distant Exoplanet/no mention of cow farts, waiting for the "View" to weigh in

>>19582270 Canada recently was blaming Modi for assassinating a Sikh leader.

>>19582273, >>19582391, >>19582433 Ukraine ‘behaving like a drowning man’ - Poland Warsaw must protect its agricultural interests to prevent Kiev from dragging it down

>>19582288 Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1789 which, among other things, established the Office of the Attorney General.

>>19582343 Scientific Highlights of NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio’s Year in Space

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=d6F9o6LKpVA - NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio: A Year of Science in Space [Channel: NASA]

>>19582362 C_A Facility List ??

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3460b31a10ca87047e2ea1d01a3810ee411d41521509cede5ae0a76574dd8fd8.pdf

>>19582405 Kaiser Permanente workers in the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland have joined workers in other states in voting to authorize a strike

>>19582469, >>19582474 Powerful observatories reveal 5 breathtaking corners of the universe hidden to human eyes

>>19582524 Inside Colony Ridge: The ‘Fastest Growing Development’ In The U.S. Is A Magnet For Illegal Immigrants

>>19582532 Comer (R-Ky.) is furthering an investigation into how Hunter Biden has used his new art career to peddle influence in and WH access

>>19582571 World's 1st mountaintop impact crater discovered in northeastern China

>>19582579 It Appears Former FBI DC Supervisor D’Antuono Was Lying to House Investigators About the Number of FBI Operatives Embedded in Crowds on January 6

>>19582605 Solar Filament Eruption Captured with SUVI

>>19582644 Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Exposes horror inflicted on many men, women & children.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xirqu - Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Exposes horror inflicted on many men, women & children. (disturbing content) [1:13:46] [Channel: Truths Unlimited]

>>19582703 #24048

(39 notables, 63 posts, 60 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19582883

File: f42aeeb0c154cd4⋯.png (83.83 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.png)


>>19474073 Q Research General #23917: Still Pushing Mongo IDGAF EDITION

Created 012139ZSEP23




>>19474089 #23917

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7WTys3cSFWY - Skatin Through the City [Channel: Murs - Topic]

>>19474127 Ukraine Officially Orders Troops to Kill Surrendering Russians - theinteldrop.org

>>19474149 @DonaldJTrumpJr Absolutely MUST-WATCH legal breakdown of the baseless witch hunt indictments with lawyer Robert Barnes.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3dz97e - Video upload for 110992011767055220 [1:58] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19474163 Ukraine Drug Trafficking Report

>>19474178 FDA to finalize ban on menthol cigarettes in coming months

>>19474181 Alaska state board of education on Thursday voted to support banning transgender girls from competing on high school girls athletic teams, sending the issue to the attorney general

>>19474184 New Jersey Gov. Murphy 'doesn't see a scenario where state can take in migrants from NYC'

>>19474195 Michigan EV plant’s work retreat features Red Army outfits, pledges to ‘fight for communism’

>>19474228 Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election. City police report now received

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3dwshm - Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election [8:18] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19474237 Mohamed Al-Fayed dies at age 94

>>19474266 Tucker Carlson is about to cross 10M followers on Xwitter.

>>19474331, >>19474344, >>19474352, >>19474358, >>19474398, >>19474612 Malik Obama Interview with @TuckerCarlson Tuesday Sept 19th?

>>19474350, >>19474367, >>19474500 With 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead, US getting ‘money’s worth’ in Ukraine -- Biden ally

>>19474363, >>19474387, >>19474412 Amazon complicit with CIA in election tampering? CALL TO DIG AWS=CIA

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=qWaQE6xAdC8 - Ric Grenell: Livestream is a win for Trump against Georgia circus craziness | Newsline [Channel: Newsmax]

>>19474386, >>19474410 Interesting details on Spartz in relation to Ukraine, why would she and Daines the first to visit and why did she go twice?

>>19474396, >>19474399 Byron Donalds bamboozles Twitter exec, FACT CHECKS her live after she lies to him

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v28tpp6 - Byron Donalds sets trap for Twitter exec, FACT CHECKS her live after she lies to him [3:32] [Channel: BonginoReport]

>>19474487 How the Ukrainian Centre for Informational and Psychological Operations Works

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cafeb0d0ec81577e806237bdca89b310bed2bc9aab60732ac1d3978170784a12.pdf


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZiwWk7gCKCkP/ - GOVERNMENT ARSON IS PREDICTABLE NOW (SHARE) [Channel: Indie Media Eastcoast]

>>19474600 Where is Hunt?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/25a48a783d840a3ddc2fbeb673884f98960e02712f28c1eabeffc69d5ed546ab.mp4

>>19474607 CodeMonkeyZ: Working on a short documentary about human trafficking. Polishing it now and should be able to publish it in the morning.

>>19474610, >>19474688 @RepBurchett "We Need To Cut Their Money”: Rep. Burchett Calls Out Unelected Officials Ignoring Congress

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3dx66c - “We Need To Cut Their Money”: Rep. Burchett Calls Out Unelected Officials Ignoring Congress [12:52] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Mqfwbf3X8SA - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man - Live At The Florida Theatre / 2015 (Official Video [Channel: LynyrdSkynyrdVEVO]

>>19474621 Arizona secretary of state says he doesn't have authority to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot

>>19474625, >>19474675, >>19474772

>>19474626 Sound of Freedom director Alejandro Monteverde ‘My film made $180 million at the box office -- but I’m not making a dollar’

>>19474634 Over 60% of ‘active shooters’ stopped by ‘good guy with a gun’

>>19474650 @ChrisDJackson 🐾 Happy Birthday to Commander Biden! Keep protecting the First Family from sus people!

>>19474657 Protests Erupt in London as Mayor Sadiq Khan Expands Carbon Tax Green Zone

>>19474665 Biden Admin Intervenes in Red State's Quest to Protect Kids From Gender Agenda

>>19474667 GREAT discussion: Catherine Austin Fitts and Sasha Latypova MAUI report

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/9hHU87ot6zEm/ - Sasha Latypova with Catherine Austin Fitts on the Cabal's Land and Real Estate Stealing Tactics [Channel: PAY ATTENTION]

>>19474669 Archives Asks Biden, Obama if It Can Release 'Robert Peters' Alias Emails

>>19474705 Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition

>>19474724 Why Is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

>>19474841 JPMorgan reported $1 BILLION of Jeffrey Epstein's transactions as 'suspicious' to feds - but only AFTER the sex predator's death, US Virgin Island claims in court

>>19474854 #23917

(34 notables, 48 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19582887

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19475608 Q Research General #23919: Peach Mint Season Edition

Created 020300ZSEP23




>>19475614 #23919

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OgFZk8vEzMs - THE SECRET TAPE (FULL TAPE) [Channel: 9.11 playa]

>>19475656, >>19475805, >>19475868 2020 @LouDobbs Release the Kraken: @SidneyPowell1

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3ea9df63fbf205f588e6495d3ad8bf2468623cab449d431a5c66d82b35461b44.mp4

>>19475675, >>19475732, >>19476115 David Hawkins Exposes Trudeau Family

>>19475685, >>19475769, >>19475885 DIGG Biden's 5G RICO HECO Fires & Trudeau's Mutant-Gender Impulse Lab

>>19475686, >>19475794, >>19476276, >>19476277, >>19476291 DIGG US Patent Law 'Can't Cope' with Human Clones

>>19475700, >>19475702 60 min Benghazi

>>19475711 GROOMER ALERT [Sacha Baron Cohen]: 'The Idea that Queer People Are a Threat to Our Children Is a Lie'

>>19475713, >>19475849 ELECTION FRAUD DIGGS

>>19475737 ATF Broadens Definition of Gun Dealer and Draws Closer to Imposing Universal Background Check System

>>19475768 G-7 Will Support Ukraine for as Long as It Takes, Trudeau Says

>>19475775 CCP distant-water fishing armadas ensnare Pacific economies & ecologies/paywall

>>19475799 Conflicting Evidence Of mRNA Technology Raises Serious Concerns About Rush For Use In New Vaccine Development

>>19475838 110 dead in maui, 110 dead also in Somalia/Somaliland: Red Cross visits hundreds of detainees in Las Anod

>>19475887, >>19475900 YouTube ‘Parenting Advice’ Star Arrested after Starving Child with Duct Tape Around The Extremities Escapes From Home and Runs to Neighbors for Help .

>>19475893 2ND WINNING: Federal Judge Blocks ATF's 'Tyrannical Overreach' Of Labeling Forced Reset Triggers As Machine Guns

>>19475926, >>19475952, >>19475970, >>19476000, >>19476005 numberfag notices coincidences / Twitter is still there, X is a rebrand

>>19475983 Biden Admin Black Shirt Photo Op Kinda Sus

>>19475985 Sundance: US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation

>>19475989 Red Castle says watch the water this Labor Day

>>19476011 Mohamed Al-Fayed Dies: ‘Chariots Of Fire’ Backer, Princess Diana Confidant, Harrod’s And Ritz Owner Was 94

>>19476019 Ukrainian naval drones target Crimean Bridge

>>19476026 US to send depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine -- Reuters

>>19476062, >>19476064 NEWSMAX/Rick G on DJT Trials

>>19476077 Non-violent January 6 Defendant, Nejourde Meacham, Dies at 22; Suicide Suspected

>>19476095 Air Force Research Laboratories located in Maui

>>19476108 Bidenomics causes unemployment and inflation spike.

>>19476122 GOA Condemns Biden ATF’s Move to Implement Backdoor Universal Background Checks

>>19476131 Michigan EV plant's owner promotes Chinese communist ideology at worker retreats - 'I volunteer to join the CCP, uphold the Party’s platform,'

>>19476132 Launch of PSLV-C57/Aditya-L1 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_IcgGYZTXQw - Launch of PSLV-C57/Aditya-L1 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota [Channel: ISRO Official]

>>19476135 Is New Hampshire and Vermont the next places to get Maui? Or will they do the Big Island next?

>>19476148 Entertainment Industry Loses17,000Jobs in August As Strike Continues

>>19476202 X really need to remove this misinformation about Michelle Obama registering to vote as a male at Chicago Board of Election in 1994 until 2008←whiny wokeness

>>19476210 perhaps "Chatter - Bill & Hillary's 'public' health will begin to rapidly deterorate." -Q re: BC red shoes vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/87dc0beb630395105a0392d9b52dd181e810c8abca331dc689bbe889f2bfdc84.mp4

>>19476244 Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

>>19476471 AT WAR WITH THE CIA: Julian Assange's Warning // DOCUMENTARY FILM

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7lkFZ9eY5wY - AT WAR WITH THE CIA: Julian Assange's Warning // DOCUMENTARY FILM [Channel: Broken Anthem]

>>19476475 #23919

(36 notables, 54 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7fae5f No.19582889


UPDATE for >>19573359 Q Research General #24038: LOST & FOUND? Black Box CUBED & GROUNDED Fuckery Afoot Edition

>>19574100 What counts as CP?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

52fff6 No.19584000

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19582708 Q Research General #24049: The World Burns, Garland Cries, Anons Meme Edition

Created 201553ZSEP23




>>19582723 #24049

>>19582734, >>19582797, >>19582806, >>19582812, >>19582815, >>19582872, >>19582878, >>19582977, >>19582987, >>19583005, >>19583047, >>19583078, >>19583108, >>19583266, >>19583302, >>19583384, >>19583419 Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4lFkrj5MmVw - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice [Channel: House Committee on the Judiciary]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a4498676883db2896946244f48618c8b059cad3f3b154c1c8363100d2d590209.mp4

>>19582822 Integrating Mail to Influence Voters

>>19582907 @realDonaldTrump Endorsing Congressman Jim Banks for the U.S. Senate from the Great State of Indiana was a very easy thing for me to do/"Drooped" vs. "Dropped"

>>19582940, >>19582957, >>19582999, >>19583001, >>19583091, >>19583111 The Million March 4 Children Canada

>>19582995, >>19583049, >>19583063 "Jagoffs" vs "Jackoffs"

>>19582997, >>19583007 DOJ's Harsh Treatment of J6 Defendant Drove Him to Suicide

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/4iFHPqxiNoCT/ - The Rest of the Story Episode 1 by Lara Logan [Channel: AwakeOutOfSleep_Romans13.11]

>>19583075 UN Security Council live

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=wfAa1GiNdgM - United Nations - LIVE (Security Council on Ukraine (11am EDT)) [Channel: United Nations]

>>19583156 Dozens of nations to sign UN ocean treaty but implementation still awaits

>>19583174, >>19583487 Air Force's 9th Bomb Squadron Commander Fired After Just a Couple of Months on the Job

>>19583186 Arming Cartels: Inside the Mexican-American Gunrunning Networks

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=QeTRB6Eeif8 - Arming Cartels: Inside the Mexican-American Gunrunning Networks | CBS Reports [Channel: CBS News]

>>19583190 The first human patient will soon receive a Neuralink device. This ultimately has the potential to restore full body movement.

>>19583191 @EliseStefanik I just sued Kathy Hochul with members of the NY Delegation challenging the unconstitutional unregulated mass mail ballots

>>19583194, >>19583202, >>19583224 Zionism the issue??

>>19583215 Trial begins for Rocheport woman accused of sex trafficking her daughter

>>19583219 Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood is a witness in Georgia election subversion case CNN???

>>19583244 COVID Vaccine Crime Evidence Provided to Tennessee Governor and Attorney General

>>19583259 Tim Ballard Accused of Sexual Misconduct After Demanding Biden Regime Find 85,000 Missing Migrant Children

>>19583289, >>19583428 2022 Merrick Garland Accused Of Going Easy On Unabomber re: Neguse unwittingly listed the numerous suspicious, high-profile cases, that Garland was involved in: Unabomber, Atlanta Olympic Bombing, Oklahoma City

>>19583453, >>19583471, >>19583475, >>19583476 Lawless AG Merrick Garland

>>19583477 Former NZ PM Ardern Urges United Nations To 'Crack Down On Free Speech As A Weapon Of War'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b35d3d4a60f9381febbc6a5fb9b823b2b4c5145e8ce93864393fa487ebd6b254.mp4

>>19583545 #24049

(22 notables, 53 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

52fff6 No.19584416

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19583549 Q Research General #24050: The UNjustice Systems Churn N Burn Edition

Created 201809ZSEP23



>>19583561 #24050

>>19583576, >>19583624, >>19583633, >>19583693, >>19583756, >>19583762, >>19583824 Cassidy Hutchinson, 27, ex-Trump aide claims Rudy Giuliani, 79, groped her on day of Jan 6 riots

>>19583583, >>19583612 Garland hearing quotes

>>19583584 At new mental health courts in California, judges will be able to mandate treatmentSeptember 20, 20235:01 AM ET

>>19583589 California City Plans to Grant Illegal Immigrants the Right to Vote

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=x6XsZBg4sPM - Santa Ana City Council considers noncitizen voting [Channel: FOX 11 Los Angeles]

>>19583606, >>19583810 Donald Trump Jr.’s X-Twitter Account Hacked - Posts Several Disturbing and Bizarre Messages Including One Falsely Announcing President Trump’s Death UPDATE: Trump Jr. Responds

>>19583616, >>19583647 The Receipts: How the WHO, Gates and Blackrock Want to Take Over the World

>>19583634 ‘Whose kids? Our kids!’ LGBT Radicals in Canada Claim Ownership of Children

>>19583635 Posobiec: “Hundreds Of Thousands Of Missing Children Coming Out Of Ukraine”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jbe8w - Jack Posobiec: “Hundreds Of Thousands Of Missing Children Coming Out Of Ukraine” [11:51] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19583637 2:00 PM EDT Federal Open Market Committee FOMC Two-day Meeting - Press Conference

>>19583640 TOM BLOOD ART ST LOUIS MO Satanic freemasonic art/money laundering.

>>19583646 Musk’s Neuralink to Start Human Trials of Brain Implant for Paralysis Patients

>>19583662, >>19583695 LIVE - PRESIDENT TRUMP LIVE FROM DUBUQUE, IA 9-20-23

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3isqp8 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Set To Deliver Remarks At Several Stops In Iowa - 9/20/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j2i6w - PRESIDENT TRUMP LIVE FROM DUBUQUE, IA 9-20-23 [0] [Channel: RealAmericasVoice]

>>19583675, >>19583812 Former NZ PM Ardern Urges United Nations To 'Crack Down On Free Speech As A Weapon Of War'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b35d3d4a60f9381febbc6a5fb9b823b2b4c5145e8ce93864393fa487ebd6b254.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e17422c9b942d2b63c77cf7c5957b67cd68745d2daccf8f1cf6126cddc2d7344.mp4

>>19583676, >>19583821 Eagle Pass declares Emergency over illegal migrant surge

>>19583766 Australian TV personalities accused of heinous crimes against children

>>19583797 Mark Levin names them: here are the five “cabal” members who hijacked the DOJ…, Find their connection to Obama...

>>19583841 Smith’s Gag Order Would Essentially Ban Trump from Criticizing Biden, Critics Say


>>19583875 President Trump: If we don't have a victory, I really think this country is, I think it's finished. It's finished. I really think it's finished. That's how bad it is

>>19583891 President Trump: With the military, we're ending 'woke' immediately…they want our military to be 'woke', and it's just not going to happen. We'll end that very quickly

>>19583911 Trump: I wonder whose cocaine that was in the WH? NOT ONE FINGERPRINT - that's impossible

>>19583917 President Trump: That's my number one thing…that they don't cheat. Because they will try, and they will be successful to an extent, but we're not going to let them steal this election

>>19583928 Tucker challenges Jim Jordan after Big Tech hearing: 'Google is your second biggest campaign contributor'

>>19583942 TRUMP Message to [IA] "with your help we will EVICT Joe Biden from the White House" (Cap 2:20)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8fd25df576c9a7c0f5f75592dc9dfeba049f192703ec282ec25988c4298f4b4f.webm

>>19583966 President Trump: We were allies with all these different countries. Everyone's left us. Brazil is up with China now. Saudi Arabia is with China. Many of the Middle Eastern countries, a lot of oil, a lot of money, they're with China. The whole of South America is with China. This all happened over the last two and a half years…with all the money we waste on trying to bribe friendship, you know, we try and bribe our friendships; we're not with anybody

>>19584039 President Trump: There are many many more of you, then there are of them, you must remember there are many more of you!

>>19584046 Nehls [Judiciary Committee Hearing]: Are you familiar with Victor Shokin? Who is Mr. Victor Shokin? Victor Shokin, who is he? Garland: I don't know.

>>19584050 Garland hearing back on: Live link Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice

>>19584062, >>19584144 Dan Scavino: "We've been like a rocketship" - PDJT 0:45

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jd94c - Video upload for 111099071580691890 [45] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19584075 Soros foundation buys up 23 Maine newspapers

>>19584084 Moran [Judiciary Committee Hearing]: Can you conceive of a reason why Mr. Weiss or Ms. Wolf would have given a heads up to Hunter Biden's legal team that a search of the storage unit was forthcoming? Garland: I'm not going to get into hypotheticals about this.

>>19584102 'Tater and President Luiz Inácio Lula of Brazil Launch the Partnership for Workers’ Rights

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U1Vsf6cngR0 - President Biden and President Luiz Inácio Lula of Brazil Launch the Partnership for Workers’ Rights [Channel: The White House]

>>19584115 Updates from across Canada on the Million March 4 Children

>>19584120 Dog comms DeSantis ‘Kicked’ Tucker Carlson’s Dog under Dinner Table, New Book Claims

>>19584128 The FBI Didn't Know How Many Paid Informants They Had at the Capitol on January 6

>>19584160, >>19584176 Garland indicts Ray Epps yet unprofessional, has no idea how many FEDs/operatives were installed on J6 create havok “You may have just perjured yourself” 2:06

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jd9jw - Video upload for 111099077083254161 [2:06] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19584174 Matt Gaetz Asks Merrick Garland Point-Blank If The DOJ ‘Told President Biden To Knock It Off With Hunter’

>>19584196 Rep. Thomas Massie Leaves Corrupt Merrick Garland Stuttering After Destroying Him for Coddling Ray Epps and Locking Up In…

>>19584235 #24050

(40 notables, 54 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

52fff6 No.19585357

File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19584244 Q Research General #24051: PDJT: There are many many more of you, then there are of [them]? Edition

Created 201952ZSEP23



>>19584264 #24051

>>19584438 USPS election fraud dig 24 Gaylord containers filled with ballots in PA

>>19584444, >>19584696, >>19584734, >>19584777, >>19584988 CHEKT

>>19584452, >>19584459, >>19584525, >>19584541 Not Hyperbole. If Trump returns to the White House, it will be the end of American Democracy. ABOUT FARGIN TIME!

>>19584476 President Trump: With your support on Monday, January 15th, we're going to win the Iowa caucuses in a historic landslide. We're going to crush Crooked Joe Biden.

>>19584502 US labels AI satirical RT video a national security threat

>>19584588 @ChuckGrassley Barbara welcomed 87 veterans on the eastern Iowa honor flight to the WW2 memorial 4:44 PM

>>19584595 America is a REPUBLIC not a democracy, democracy is socialism (Cap 0:51)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3f3d58b24c82a73bca2b6a6285bf1286f581e1465e9e4289fb4562d665211b26.mp4

>>19584620 President Trump: I will also use existing federal law to deny entry to all communists and marxists to the United States.

>>19584626 Eagle Pass TX Haitian migrants causing chaos

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2a9c9dea8265fd4853a6944aedef016d7fd1a3568fd4c8bc672683280e9f28f.mp4

>>19584732 Report: 90% Of Online Content May Be AI-Generated Garbage by 2026

>>19584744 Are Monoclonal antibodies a cure for addiction?

>>19584766 President Trump: We will rebuild the FBI and the Department of Justice from the ground up, and make them fair again.

>>19584778 President Trump: To save Iowa farmers and Iowa ethanol, I will cancel Joe Biden's preposterous electrical vehicle mandate.

>>19584864 Hunter Biden’s Mugshot Concealed by Joe Biden’s Justice Department

>>19584874, >>19584914 Rumble tells UK to "sod off" about banning Russell Brand

>>19584886 THEY HAVE TO GO BACK! Donald Trump Promises the ‘Largest Domestic Deportation Operation in American History’

>>19584901 Food stamp (SNAP) recipients will be getting, effective October 1 of THIS year, a bigger monthly increase than Social Security retirees are projected to get in 2024.

>>19584911 Groomers: Oprah quietly DELETES controversial Cindy Crawford interview from her YouTube

>>19584918 Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) to Striking Auto Workers: Biden Agenda ‘Explicitly Designed’ to Offshore Your Job

>>19584932 Garland Denies Biden Told Him To Indict Trump

>>19584944 Arizona AG says Phoenix plan to send confiscated guns to Ukraine police against state statutes

>>19584959 7K Migrants Cross into One Texas Border Town in 72 Hours

>>19584964 Ukrainian MOD announces 'Sarah' Ashton-Cirillo has been suspended, placed under investigation

>>19584965 Ejected due to "Climate Change"

>>19584971 All together now! Jump! @NATO’s largest technical airborne exercise.

>>19584972 Billionaire GOP Donor Jeff Yass Is Fighting to Stop a Ban of China’s TikTok

>>19584981 AG Garland claims he doesn’t know ‘whether there were any’ government informants among January 6 crowd

>>19585034 Elon Musk's Neuralink gets greenlight to recruit humans for Brain Chip Trial. Revelation 19:9-10

>>19585045 Biden is Using Executive Power to Create New Deal-style American Climate Corps

>>19585108 CHARLIE KIRK: Zelensky is 'fighting for the transification of Kiev'

>>19585132 Unaccompanied children fleeing Ukraine at risk of child trafficking: UNICEF

>>19585137 #24051

(33 notables, 41 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

52fff6 No.19586201

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19585162 Q Research General #24052: N.C.S.W.I.C. Edition

Created 202241ZSEP23




>>19585170 #24052

>>19585178, >>19585198 Garland's DOJ: I hold you accountable for the labeling of parents as domestic terrorists standing up for the proper education of their own children. I hold you accountable for the anti-Catholic memo…

>>19585193 The Biden administration has announced that it’s providing $600 million in funding to produce new at-home COVID-19 tests

>>19585195, >>19585365 FBI Had So Many Paid Informants In J6 Riot They Lost Track And Had To Perform Audit

>>19585197, >>19585214, >>19585228 The 'highly mutated' COVID variant BA.2.86 — known as Pirola — has landed in Australia

>>19585216, >>19585238 Wood eventually turns on EVERYBODY who associates with him.

>>19585222 @CodeMonkeyZ DeSantis is now in 5th place. His donors are running for the hills.

>>19585246 House Financial Services Committee passes bill to ban the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency

>>19585255 "Our findings demonstrate that the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA is not confined to the injection site but spreads systemically and is packaged into breast milk extracellular vesicles."

>>19585263 Michael Bloomberg pumps $500 million into bid to close all US coal plants

>>19585272, >>19585311 @JamesOKeefeIII Pfizer Whistleblower Debbie Bernal asked Brown the employment status of Walker. I followed up with Brown and other board members.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3d587130fea8dc27d7f829345738a1ba610b7df996a0e63d99954a21d4a6b99.mp4

>>19585275 Failed Biden nominee quietly appointed to top role overseeing war on household appliances/Jennifer Granholm

>>19585308, >>19585773 Biden launches "American Climate Corps" to mobilize young people for the "frontlines of clean energy and climate resilience."/brownshirts?

>>19585340 FDA Refuses To Change Anti-Ivermectin Statements After Court Ruling

>>19585348 Judge Rebuffs Hunter Biden’s Lawyers, Orders Hunter to Appear IN PERSON at Arraignment

>>19585370 NATO Fractures: In U-Turn, Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine

>>19585396 California has a nut court now/mental health court

>>19585397 Michigan House Freedom Caucus Leader Steve Carra Exposes RINO-Led Hiring Discrimination Scandal Targeting Conservatives

>>19585399 Shots fired outside US Embassy in Lebanon

>>19585404 UN must adapt to new world – Kremlin/read UN screwed kek

>>19585443 DHS refuses to release data on illegal immigrants' cartel ties, citing privacy concerns

>>19585458 The Obamas Chef Tafari Campbell’s autopsy conducted by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Massachusetts, Campbell’s cause of death was ruled to be the result of “submersion in a body of water.”

>>19585492 Sen. Josh Hawley is calling on credit card APRs to be capped at 18% amid record high credit card debt and soaring interest rates.

>>19585496 G7 believes (hopes) Ukraine conflict will last until end of decade

>>19585502 AG Merrick Garland just admitted that David Weiss did NOT have full authority during the Hunter Biden investigation/he committed perjury

>>19585524 Massie: “Elon Musk was a Democrat who admittedly supported Biden but then he became a critic of the administration and exposed the censorship regime. Now per public reports the DOJ has opened not one but two investigations of Elon Musk…

>>19585533 @RepThomasMassie questions Merrick Garland on Ray Epps: "You indicted him on a misdemeanors and meanwhile you're sending grandmas to prison.

>>19585545 Elon Musk's Neuralink Gets Greenlight To Recruit Humans For Brain-Chip Trial

>>19585574 Drag queen teacher at @pcsd allegedly told students to search his drag profiles where they were subjected to graphic sexualized content.

>>19585583 Reminder that it wasn’t just FBI that had undercover assets on the ground on J6. So did DC police among others.

>>19585591 Latest U.S. Marshals Operation Nabs More Than 4,400 Fugitives

>>19585597 The Santa Ana City Council in Orange County, California, is revisiting a contentious proposal: granting noncitizens, including illegal immigrants, the right to vote in municipal elections.

>>19585624 An American patriot who escaped tyranny lets Merrick Garland have it! @RepSpartz

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/efd1932d0a3e778af986c2bf398b6f254e40f3e4a38b5a7be0ceda018f977c06.mp4

>>19585668, >>19585732 It’s State vs Federal governments Civil War Ensues

>>19585759 Q Intel Pro is AUSTIN STEINBARTS Website

>>19585767 Union President Bashes Trump Ahead of Michigan Speech

>>19585781 PF stuffs

>>19585795 We Will Get Nuclear Weapon If Iran Does, Saudi Crown Prince Tells Fox

>>19585802 Trump suggests feeding migrants to ALLIGATORS to fix the border/moar like gaties to keep em from crossing but OK

>>19585807 Dallas: 134 arrested for commercial sex transactions, including 'one prominent DFW city employee'

>>19585817 Share and Help Us Find Missing Darlene Florez

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=A1VD8tI3N8I - Share and Help Us Find Missing Darlene Florez [Channel: 1st Responders Media]

>>19585835 Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, plays video about Joe Biden getting the Ukraine Prosecutor fired to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Rep. Nehls also tell Jerry Nader to "Pipe Down" for interrupting him.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ojzoGBBR1Jg - GOP lawmaker calls for Garland's impeachment to his face [Channel: Fox News]

>>19585844 Attorney for IRS Whistleblowers Responds to Lawsuit Filed by Hunter Biden's Attorneys

>>19585875, >>19585909 DHS announces it is extending and redesignating Temporary Protected Status for 18 months to Venezuelans

>>19585919 #24052

(45 notables, 54 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

52fff6 No.19587414

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19585944 Q Research General #24053: Fed Vs State Is The Civil War Now Edition

Created 210042ZSEP23




>>19585953 #24053-A

>>19585970 Ted Cruz: Democrats Will ‘Parachute’ Michelle Obama in to Replace Joe Biden

>>19585979 EU's Biggest Economy Crashes: Germany Is Warned To Cut Ties With China

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cp3Rzzdj0-k - 🔴 EU's Biggest Economy Crashes: Germany Is Warned To Cut Ties With China [Channel: Lena Petrova, CPA - Finance, Economics & Tax]

>>19586008 Project Veritas suspends all operations effective immediately

>>19586011 TX Gov Greg Abbott declares invasion

>>19586012, >>19586090 Lahaina Town is a CRIME SCENE! Demand an ESTOPPEL NOW

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VtXjYI-Rz0g - Lahaina Town is a CRIME SCENE! Demand an ESTOPPEL NOW [Channel: Hawaii Real Estate]

>>19586013 President Eisenhower's1953 'Operation Wetback' deported 1 million - Trump aims for more

>>19586014 New: Founder Of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Answers Whether Jet Fuel can Melt Steel Beams

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xWi0x9xigQM - Founder Of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Answers Whether Jet Fuel Can Melt Steel Beams [Channel: Valuetainment Short Clips]

>>19586017 Trump quotes from Iowa talks

>>19586021 'It's Like KGB!':Victoria Spartz Explodes At AG Merrick Garland Over His Handling Of Justice Dept

>>19586023 President Trump handing pizzas off in Iowa

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aaba0986f59950b6bae794de931e704886fd143b749199e27abfb9c4c17b25e5.mp4

>>19586025 Attorney General Garland Left Speechless Under Scrutiny From Republican

>>19586037 F-35 pilot ejected from $100M jet over South Carolina due to ‘bad weather’ as experts reveal why plane couldn’t be tracked

>>19586041 Rep. Rosendale: U.S. On Track To Spend 50% Of Budget JUST On Debt Service

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jbkys - Rep. Rosendale: U.S. On Track To Spend 50% Of Budget JUST On Debt Service, Must Be Addressed TODAY [10:19] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19586045, >>19586198 BREAKING: Arrested Ukrainian child trafficker details how babies are taken from black market surrogacy centers for organ harvest

>>19586049 Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine

>>19586053 Okeefe tracking down VP from

>>19586055 IRS Official Was ‘Frustrated’ After Biden-Appointed Prosecutors Refused To Cooperate On Hunter Biden Case

>>19586062 BREAKING: Leftwing media credits Libs of TikTok for teachers being nervous to talk to little kids about LGBTQ+ propaganda.

>>19586078 IRS official says he was frustrated DOJ did not bring charges against Hunter Biden for 2014, 2015 tax years

>>19586082 Attorney for IRS Whistleblowers Responds to Lawsuit Filed by Hunter Biden's Attorneys

>>19586084, >>19586121, >>19586173 AG Merrick Garland Lectures on Holocaust to Defend His Policies of Persecuting, Indicting and Imprisoning His Political Opponents

>>19586085 New Mexico State Republicans Are Moving Forward With Their Plan to Impeach Governor

>>19586087 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jf8cg - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'-09/20/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19586089 Parents Face LGBT Activists In Multiple Cities During Nationwide Parental Rights Protests (Canada)

>>19586117 The Receipts: How the WHO, Gates and Blackrock Want to Take Over the World

>>19586120 Nasty Leftists Outside Iowa Trump Rally

>>19586123 Germany has reached 'a limit' on migration

>>19586137 National Guard Refused Before Jan. 6 Because 'Pelosi Will Never Go For It': Former Capitol Police Chief

>>19586138 Moms skewer 'Gender Queer' author claiming book is not for children, say it's 'pornography for kids'

>>19586168 What is this "CIA Facility List" on the USPS.com web site?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3460b31a10ca87047e2ea1d01a3810ee411d41521509cede5ae0a76574dd8fd8.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/171fb253e4e4e72708e16001622f9af481538a81e6bd331ff94fdfc12ed4d9db.pdf

>>19586183 FBI Had So Many Paid Informants In J6 Riot They Lost Track And Had To Perform Audit: Ex-Official

>>19586185 WHO's Watching: Senate Software or State Spy - John B Wells LIVE

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9b00yDlgTOM - WHO's Watching: Senate Software or State Spy - John B Wells LIVE [Channel: John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight]

>>19586187 Mexico railway halts train operations after viral video showing migrants riding to the US

>>19586244, >>19586322 Tim Ballard releases new video slamming 'false allegations' against him

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cbfaa9bb152a824ab5ef23c48c056568367cb0f7f01665342a2ac876559d5292.mp4

>>19586245 OMG OKeefe questions Josh Brown, National VP, Govt Relations at Pfizer

>>19586273 Kash Patel just filed a major lawsuit against FBI director Chris Wray

>>19586274 Republicans sue NY Gov. Hochul over expansion of absentee voting

>>19586290 The U.S. Army, Air Force and Navy are all, right now, attempting to fold directed-energy systems into offensive and defensive capabilities.

>>19586301 American Citizen Journalist Gonzalo Lira Sitting in Ukraine Prison, State Dept. Confirms, as Biden Begs for Billions More to Protect Ukrainian 'Freedom'

>>19586313 Spartz is SPOT ON in her diagnosis of the corrupt DOJ.

>>19586323, >>19586413 Biden Admin. Gives Half-A-Million Illegal Venezuelan Migrants Legal Status And Work Permits

>>19586333 Rep. Brian Harrison and Rep. Matt Schaefer on the Invasion on the Southern Border and Call for Immediate Special Session

>>19586335, >>19586392 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - "A very important deadline is approaching at the end of the month" - @9:08 = 17 / Q Drops 2658, 2650 - POWER OF THE PURSE

>>19586369 Canadians have gathered at Parliament Hill to protest the indoctrination of children into gender ideology in schools

>>19586372 Bannon: The Establishment Does Not Want To Talk About The Real Issue - Appropriations And Our Debt!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jbcgc - Bannon: The Establishment Does Not Want To Talk About The Real Issue - Appropriations And Our Debt [11:03] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19586406 Jeff Clark Discusses Merrick Garland’s Performance Today In Congress

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jfbpe - Jeff Clark Discusses Merrick Garland’s Performance Today In Congress [8:52] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19586461 Harnwell: While Zelensky Flails At The UN, China and Russia “Bolster Coordination” In St Petersburg

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jf9sj - Harnwell: While Zelensky Flails At The UN, China and Russia “Bolster Coordination” In St Petersburg [10:58] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19586466 Former President Donald Trump signs autographs at the Treehouse Pub & Eatery in Bettendorf, IA today.

>>19586539 Kane Joins WarRoom To Give His Analysis Of Newly Released Polls Showing Trump Surge

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jf1i4 - Kane Joins WarRoom To Give His Analysis Of Newly Released Polls Showing Trump Surge [9:40] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19586567 It Appears Former FBI DC Supervisor D'Antuono Was Lying to House Investigators About the Number of FBI Operatives (J6)

>>19586576 Trump says if elected again he will send troops to US-Mexico border

>>19586581, >>19586601 Wisconsin Ethics Commission Investigating Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz’s Campaign for Illegal Donation Harvesting and Money Laundering

>>19586591 Alex Degrasse: "In New York State there's nothing more egregious than how we run our elections"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jeyqi - Alex Degrasse: "In New York State there's nothing more egregious than how we run our elections" [4:49] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19586592 Feds Blocked Probe Into ‘Criminal Violations’ Involving Joe Biden’s 2020 Campaign and Politically Connected Lawyer Who Paid Hunter’s Large Tax Debts

>>19586607 Lin Wood has officially flipped on Donald Trump

>>19586627 Clinical trials of HIV vaccine to start in the US

>>19586631 #24053-A

>>19586681, >>19586688 New Tucker Interview with TX AG Ken Paxton on Twitter tonight. 46 min long

>>19586700 Biden administration clears way for Venezuelan migrants to get work permits after request from NY

>>19586716 #24053-B

(61 notables, 70 posts, 67 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

52fff6 No.19587574

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)


>>19586708 Q Research General #24054: Comfy News Network Edition

Created 210251ZSEP23



>>19586723 #24054

>>19586752 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Hawaiian Democrats Rip Biden Apart, Vow to Vote for Trump

>>19586755 Russian troops have thwarted Kiev’s plan to conduct “terrorist attacks” in several regions using drones

>>19586765 Lawmakers Slam AG Merrick Garland as Most Corrupt.

>>19586784 Senate confirms Air Force Gen. Charles Brown as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

>>19586786 US Army's Hypersonic Missile Hit With Fielding Delay As China And Russia Lead Global Arms Race

>>19586789 Javier's Milei's Populist Strategy In Argentina Is Working

>>19586791, >>19586796, >>19586839 Anon Speculates on "Da Bears" Defensive Coordinator, Alan Williams / Chicago Bears raided by FBI for Pedophilia, Defensive Coordinator resigns

>>19586793 Despite 'Financial Tsunami' From Migrants, NYC Mulls Reparations, Removal Of George Washington Statues

>>19586794 Biden HHS Hits Wuhan Lab With 10-Year Funding Ban Amid Mounting Evidence Of Leak

>>19586797, >>19586874, >>19586952 PlaneFag Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f837e25f08a6b966581f00c2c0465b8cc208243e1950a0a47955614db7202116.mp4


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/SOI9qTulNK1S/ - MARIA CRISLER on WORLD HEALTH SOVEREIGNTY SUMMIT 2023 [Channel: Sacha Stone]

>>19586811 Iran president says Saudi ties with Israel would be 'stab in back' of Palestinians

>>19586820 OMG questions Josh Brown, Pfizer National VP, Govt. Relations at Williamson Co. School board

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4ODmSZGoPDU - WATCH: OMG questions Josh Brown, Pfizer National VP, Govt. Relations at Williamson Co. School board [Channel: O’Keefe Media Group]

>>19586823, >>19586827 Oil and gas workers association with 47,000 members endorses TRUMP in 2024

>>19586829 Mexican Railway Overrun by Illegal Immigrants Suspends Services

>>19586843 Military Leaders Left Speechless After GOP Rep Asks If The Military Is Ignoring Biden’s Diversity Order

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=p57SEFK7350 - 20230920 MLP: Meritocracy in the Military Services: Accession, Promotion, and Command Selection [Channel: U.S. House Armed Services Committee]

>>19586846 The Gateway Pundit Uncovers MASSIVE J6 DATABASE Engineered by 'SEDITION HUNTER' DHS Front Group [Part 1]

>>19586855 Has Lin Wood Flipped on Trump?

>>19586857, >>19586904 White House to announce Friday first-ever 'federal office of gun violence prevention' - AP

>>19586863 Biden Admin. Gives Half-A-Million Illegal Venezuelan Migrants Legal Status And Work Permits Following Demands From Strained Cities

>>19586864 Greg Abbott - I officially declared an invasion at our border because of Biden's policies.

>>19586875, >>19586880, >>19586886, >>19586890 DS Has Been Trying to Eliminate Their Carbon Problem for a Long Time

>>19586902 F-35 pilot ejected from $100M jet over South Carolina due to ‘bad weather’ as experts reveal why plane couldn’t be tracked

>>19586913 UK intelligence spun 2013 Syria chemical attack, leaked docs show

>>19586930 ‘Bonkers’: AEC boss unleashes on ‘tinfoil hat wearing’ conspiracy theorists

>>19586975 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Chris Christie is a grifter!

>>19587002 Missing Ex-NFL Player Makes Bizarre Statement on His Mom’s Murder: ‘It Had to Be the FBI’

>>19587019 Who Really Runs The World? - Russell Brand & Yuval Noah Harari - 10/13/18

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ta4U8G03q98 - Who Really Runs The World? - Russell Brand & Yuval Noah Harari [Channel: Russell Brand]

>>19587085, >>19587097, >>19587103 US Marshals operation arrests more than 4,000 fugitives, more than 300 were in Houston

>>19587152 75K Persons City Being Built In Texas For Illegals

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/F0XbUyilR7KF/ - 75K Persons City Being Built In Texas For Illegals [Channel: The Salty Cracker]

>>19587159, >>19587168 Why was Ken Paxton, Texas AG, being impeached?

>>19587162 AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens - 5/6/22

>>19587164, >>19587165 How the Texas House voted on Ken Paxton’s impeachment

>>19587222 RINO law Professor has dramatic about-face: now says 14th Amendment CAN’T remove Trump from ballot

>>19587240 The Bidens: "Stone Cold Crooked" (9) – When Can We Start Calling It What It Is, Namely Bribery?

>>19587296 Federal Judge Rejects Hunter Biden Request To Appear In Court Via Video Conference

>>19587305 House Committee Approves Bill to Restrict FED's U.S. CBDC Plans

>>19587425 State Lockdowns, Mandates Free From Scrutiny in New Federal Inquiry into Pandemic

>>19587453 US continues to build Space Force strength with new base in Japan

>>19587476 Who is Russell Steenberg? "Chairman of BlackRock Private Equity Partners (PEP) within BlackRock Alternatives (BA)"

>>19587481 The Receipts: How the WHO, Gates and Blackrock Want to Take Over the World

>>19587511 #24054

(43 notables, 56 posts, 62 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5c4f4e No.19588517

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>>19587495 Q Research General #24055: Collective Comfy Consciousness Edition

Created 210715ZSEP23




>>19587516 #24055

>>19587659, >>19587907 Marines under fire for flying $80M F-35 over SC during thunderstorm when report shows jets CAN'T handle storms...

>>19587675 Finally. Governor Abbott has declared an invasion. A few years late, but there’s no question this is a major development.

>>19587680 x22 report Ep 3168b - [DS] Just Played Their Hand, You Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard

>>19587698 How Google Shifted 6 MILLION Votes To Joe Biden! w/ Dr. Robert Epstein

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/KcGQW1U6NA8X/ - How Google Shifted 6 MILLION Votes To Joe Biden! w/ Dr. Robert Epstein [Channel: Conservative Politics,anti-NWO,anti-left/socialist]

>>19587778 Russia strikes Ukrainian energy facilities in biggest attack in weeks

>>19587793 Texas border city obstructs livestream view of migrant overflow facility with black box

>>19587976 19588040 Rumble rejected UK parliament demand to demonetize Russell Brand's channel - letter

>>19587995 A federal magistrate judge on Wednesday denied Hunter Biden's effort to avoid appearing in person at his arraignment on federal gun charges, ordering him to appear at a hearing...

>>19588085 DJT TS w/CAP: Why won't Fox (Fox & Friends!) show the National Poll that THEY just did. They refuse to put it up...

>>19588102 The Senate voted 83 to 11 to confirm General Charles Q. Brown Jr as the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

>>19588123 Air Force's 9th Bomb Squadron Commander Fired After Just a Couple of Months on the Job.

>>19588166 Fed Pauses Rate Hikes… For Now – But 8%+ Mortgage Rates Are Here to Stay

>>19588189 Biden wanders off UN stage without shaking President Lula's hand at end of joint speech - leaving Brazilian leader visibly irritated

>>19588227 Newsom in the hot seat after California passes bill to give striking workers unemployment benefits

>>19588284 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000062

>>19588318 Rupert Murdoch stepping down as chairman of Fox Corp. and News Corp.

>>19588321 Poland Halts Weapons Transfers to Ukraine After Being Insulted by Zelensky at the UN

>>19588351 #24055

(19 notables, 20 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5c4f4e No.19588521


UPDATE for >>19585944 Q Research General #24053: Fed Vs State Is The Civil War Now Edition

>>19585953 #24053-B

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5c4f4e No.19589480

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>>19588380 Q Research General #24056: Destruction Of The Old Guard Edition

Created 211337ZSEP23




>>19588391 #24056

>>19588416, >>19588428, >>19588435 Rupert Murdoch stepping down as News Corp chairman after 70 years in charge

>>19588436 US Army War College Considers Drafting Americans Into Direct War With Russia

>>19588463, >>19588491 Annalena Baerbock says Berlin does not support Kiev’s call to strip Russia of its veto power/EU to back members against Ukraine

>>19588519 Wagner chief’s grave under 24/7 guard

>>19588570, >>19589171 6 GOP Senators & 22 GOP Congressmen are now a hard NO on Ukraine funding

>>19588571 Polish MP ‘bills’ Ukraine $23 billion for support/EU on the US gubmint teat

>>19588638, >>19588882 Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer to Testify TODAY in Kari Lake’s Trial, Live Trial Link

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jl028 - LIVE: Kari Lake Goes to Trial for Denied Public Records Request - 9/21/2023 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19588671 Russia issues warning over NATO war games

>>19588679 India suspends visas for Canadians as row escalates

>>19588693 Russia halts all exports of gasoline and diesel!!!

>>19588742, >>19588752 Visitors to Royal Academy of Arts will squeeze between nude performers at exhibition

>>19588756 End Times News

>>19588767 Blinken delivers remarks at the Advancing the Sustainability and Adaptability of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda Event

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TIXNLn1aYzc - Advancing the Sustainability and Adaptability of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda Event 11:00AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19588770 U.S. will again offer free at-home Covid tests starting THIS MONDAY

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=o3u66skVgEw - White House announces free Covid tests to be available by mail again [Channel: NBC News]

>>19588865 Oct 4 Nationwide Emergency Alert Test

>>19588895 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Tagging Bennu

>>19588922, >>19588929 Rep Nehls proves why Biden/Garland must be impeached immediately

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sZRJKT4kRVg - 'Pipe Down': Tory Nehls Shuts Down Jerry Nadler During Intense Questioning Of Merrick Garland [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19588944 Col. Douglas MacGregor by Professor Glenn Diesen at the University of North-Eastern in Norway: NATO

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=3KIqR3ORYLE - NATO Escalates: The War enters a new phase - Colonel Douglas Macgregor and Glenn Diesen [Channel: Glenn Diesen]

>>19588980, >>19589014 The ‘Biden Phase’ of the Ukraine War

>>19588991, >>19589051 Front Line Docs. protocol for preventative (Prophylaxis) and Early Outpatient, Ivermectin

>>19589004 #OTD in 1956, the pilot of an F-11F Tiger managed to shoot himself down. After going into a dive and test-firing the 20-mm cannons, he inadvertently outraced the rounds and then crossed their path.

>>19589028 Zelensky holds secret NYC meeting with private equity bosses at JPMorgan, Google and Blackstone to discuss rebuilding war-torn Ukraine

>>19589073 Liberal actor John Cusack says Democratic Party elite 'sold out the working class for decades' and accuses them of not having 'moral and intellectual honesty'

>>19589081 NASA's Parker Solar Probe flies through major coronal mass ejection — and survives to tell the tale

>>19589098 AP Logo News

>>19589100 Kari Lake | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=M9M6sA1AwtU - #015 Kari Lake | The Roseanne Barr Podcast [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>19589123 JOHN KIRIAKOU: Animal-Grade Prison Food Indicts US Society

>>19589307 #24056

(29 notables, 38 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

be783a No.19590471

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19589310 Q Research General #24057: Murdoch Steps Down, Project Veritas Closes It's Doors Edition

Created 211642ZSEP23




>>19589322 #24057

>>19589370, >>19589510, >>19589525, >>19589557, >>19589591, >>19589638, >>19589653, >>19589733, >>19589746, >>19589757 Buckwheat N Sullivan up

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Dwruq4RucUE - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Jake Sullivan [Channel: The White House]

>>19589380, >>19589400 Bannon: We’re Witnessing The Global Elites Implode The Greatest Nation Ever and the House stopping the CR, McCarthy should be vacated for caving to the bidan budget

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jlmqx - Bannon: We’re Witnessing The Global Elites Implode The Greatest Nation Ever [2:49] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jlp0c - “The world Is Not Gonna End”: Bannon Backs Shutdown Until Democrats End Reckless Spending [4:50] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19589384 Rep. Ralph Norman Threatens Potential Motion-To-Vacate If Speaker McCarthy Conspires With Democrats

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jll3s - Rep. Ralph Norman Threatens Potential Motion-To-Vacate If Speaker McCarthy Conspires With Democrats [11:11] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19589392 A Conversation with the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_6xou7njw-A - A Conversation with the First Lady of Ukraine - Olena Zelenska [Channel: Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace & Security]

>>19589453 ‘Go to Hell’: MEP Christine Anderson Delivers Damning Message to the Global Tyrants

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/806e48575ad3fcf22ca824c60710928eecd31e30ea58f339deec8be8848e5b55.mp4

>>19589460 “They Want You Stupid”: Bannon On GOP Leadership And The Murdoch’s View Of You

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jlhgi - “They Want You Stupid”: Bannon On GOP Leadership And The Murdoch’s View Of You [6:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19589494, >>19589907 Tucker Carlson Interviews Texas AG Ken Paxton

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Mkyitd6mG3U - Tucker Carlson Ep. 25 - Ken Paxton [Channel: Tucker Carlson]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/edbffc0a47c826651f1731cf5e32243b88c19df72cb9e0c461689a184302557c.mp4

>>19589506, >>19589589 Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the news media at the Pentagon

>>19589623 Senate confirms chairman of joint chiefs as GOP senator still blocking hundreds of military nominees

>>19589643 Bob Ross's first ever TV painting 'A Walk in the Woods sells at auction for nearly $10 MILLION - 40 years after iconic artist created it in 30 minutes

>>19589687 Linkages Between Geomagnetic Activity and Blood Pressure

>>19589709 @RealMacReport Sen. Rand Paul on Ukraine: "They have cancelled the elections. What kind of democracy has no election. If you don't have elections, why will the world be supporting a country that is not a democracy?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06e770cdf07be0ce69709c05a15eb4ffc25ba798f9d684f82636e0f6f0266563.mp4

>>19589723 Mainstream “Newsweek” Wakes up to Reality: “$113 Billion in Modern Arms Hardly Dented Russian Lines”

>>19589743, >>19589768, >>19589805, >>19589989, >>19590012, >>19590073, >>19590138 The Border Isn't Open For the Keks! Then NOT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e1e49677479b48a1dd720ad009b62dd7116726d55e2d872d4b5e5abe7f83e88.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/552a21e5f23d73c2cebaf5e60601bbe84e5dc0140b95673a3c95ed6ee0d9a4a1.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ebdaf53b0acd3ec6cc7410b8f01b4f28c17ca8d3fcee3573d8d886e6c93c03f3.mp4

>>19589807 Confronted on Explicit Pornographic Books Offered to Kids, Colorado School District Blocks Libs of TikTok Domain

>>19589823, >>19590119, >>19590171 Zelenskyy Meets Lawmakers at US Capitol | VOA News

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0bUiOdgnufE - Zelenskyy Meets Lawmakers at US Capitol | VOA News [Channel: Voice of America]

>>19589832 Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine 'Humanitarian' Aid

>>19589861 Biden Has Relaunched Reagan’s Murderous War Against Nicaragua

>>19589866 Top DeSantis, ‘Club for Growth’ Backers Are CCP App Investors Working to Prevent U.S. Ban

>>19589872 Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) New York: “We’re at our limit. If you’re going to leave your country, go somewhere else.”

>>19589887 Google Search Buried Links to Rumble’s Exclusive Republican Presidential Debate Stream

>>19589898 7K Migrants Cross into One Texas Border Town in 72 Hours

>>19589929, >>19589965, >>19590007 Some interesting information about the persistence of vaccine spike protein in the circulation.

>>19589941 U.K. Parliament Demands Rumble Demonetize Russell Brand; Rumble Responds

>>19589949 Biden to announce ‘significant air defense capabilities’ for Ukraine: White House

>>19589966 Here’s The Authoritative List Of Lies Joe Biden Has Told As President: 250 And Counting

>>19589981 Chicago Mayor signs $26 MILLION contract to build migrant camps

>>19589995, >>19590008, >>19590056 Conservatives deal blow to McCarthy with second failure to advance Pentagon funding

>>19590003 Wyoming Expands Hunter Education in Schools after Biden Defunded Programs

>>19590027 Mexico on track to have its first Jewish, female president??

>>19590044 Signatories of Hunter Biden laptop letter get plum jobs after pumping disinformation into election

>>19590064 Pedophile escapes from hospital in St. Louis during incarceration

>>19590065 Leaked images show Biden admin's planned ICE ID card for illegal immigrants

>>19590076 Venezuela's Tocoron prison raided: find a ZOO, casino, nightclub, pool and supermarket after the Tren de Aragua criminal gang roamed free

>>19590097, >>19590167 Glory Urine/Ukraine flad in times square

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d56de13c120f21e5684d2f42b92b9f92da57a0c4a1418f875cd6df13a88aff0d.mp4

>>19590162 U.S. Government Contractor Arrested on Espionage Charges

>>19590195 #24057

(38 notables, 63 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

be783a No.19591529

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19590200 Q Research General #24058: The Border Isn't Open Edition

Created 211936ZSEP23



>>19590211 #24058

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/552a21e5f23d73c2cebaf5e60601bbe84e5dc0140b95673a3c95ed6ee0d9a4a1.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e1e49677479b48a1dd720ad009b62dd7116726d55e2d872d4b5e5abe7f83e88.mp4

>>19590242 27 arrested in Spain for laundering over EUR 65 million drug profits

>>19590256, >>19590270, >>19590437, >>19590451, >>19590454, >>19590468, >>19590479 UN Approves Pandemic Declaration ‘Unprecedented’ Agreement Comes at Expense of National Sovereignty

>>19590262 Four-year-olds at an Alert Bay, British Columbia school given masturbation worksheets

>>19590292 BRICS is part of the plan to reshape the world economy; launched decades ago by Goldman Sachs

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8vR0P02_Luc - 024: Warning! Big Moves Are Coming [Channel: Uncharted Territory Podcast]

>>19590294 Queen Camilla and Brandon Macron startled by a sneeze as they read through comic book archives in the French National Library

>>19590304 PF F5 Tiger 2 up out of Midland, TX

>>19590311, >>19590754 Kari Lake trial live

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jlgs8 - KARI LAKE TRIAL LIVE [0] [Channel: RealAmericasVoice]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jlgs8 - KARI LAKE TRIAL LIVE [0] [Channel: RealAmericasVoice]

>>19590315, >>19590316 Garland Stonewalls Congress

>>19590326, >>19590378, >>19590585, >>19590901, >>19590922, >>19590950 Biden welcomes Ukrainian Zelenskyy to The White House, is expected to announce a new $325 million aid package

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d88bcbf88aa4b7484c6495efdccad1acf61fefd8ce4272e2e9b8283e0e06d77.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VW0A7C3g97Y - President Biden Holds an Expanded Bilateral Meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine [Channel: The White House]

>>19590335 DOOCY: "What do you call it, here at the White House, when 10,000 people illegally cross the border in a single day?"

>>19590369 AEC Commissioner Tom Rogers says result of Voice referendum could take days or weeks to become clear due to postal votes

>>19590384 Pedophile Eric Wong, jailed for secretly filming 90 videos and 300 photos up the skirts of his students OVERTURNS his sentence

>>19590443 Navy's "Smart Ship Program", propulsion system failed because the computers crashed after trying to divide by 0

>>19590542, >>19590646, >>19590872, >>19590879 Nuclear/Atomic history dig

>>19590620 Project Veritas Had Information In 2021 Big Pharma Was Lying On Covid Vaccine Safety Data, O'Keefe Told Board Member, Never Published

>>19590678 ‘Free’ costs $600 million: Step right up and get your false-positive Chinese test kit!

>>19590707 Video Shows Climate Activists Blocking Rush Hour Traffic In Boston

>>19590724 Project Veritas suspends operations amid funding collapse, O'Keefe departure

>>19590736 Data Shows Cheating on Homework Is a Primary Use of AI Powerhouse ChatGPT

>>19590757 US Navy SEAL (Ret.) Chadd Wright - "LEOs and all gov't employees are viewed as a threat"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uZi5jEysx98 - Government Distrust Deepening | Effects On Local Law Enforcement [Channel: 3 of 7 Project]

>>19590784 Polish MP ‘bills’ Ukraine $23 billion for support

>>19590844 Speaker McCarthy has agreed to Gaetz’s demand the House vote on individual spending bills next week instead of a combined bill loaded with pork

>>19590846 Paramount+ Removes Russell Brand Comedy Special While Continuing to Stream Harvey Weinstein Movies

>>19590849, >>19591070 Rep. James Comer (R-KY): Impeachment Inquiry ‘Unfortunate’ But Biden ‘Blocked and Obstructed Us at Every Turn’

>>19590853 Rand Paul has HAD IT, goes OFF on Biden and Ukraine

>>19590860 Dana Nessel blames right wing jury for acquittal in Fednapping plot

>>19590868 Degenerate CEO Bob Iger Says Disney Will ‘Quiet the Noise’ in Culture Wars

>>19590997 Trump Minority Support Higher Than Any Republican In 50 Years

>>19591003 Josh Hawley Comments After Senators Meet With Zelelskyy

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vnJZ29OtpZY - Josh Hawley: This Is What Zelensky Told Us About Ukraine's Efforts Against Russia's Invasion [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19591010 Biden: Second Amendment Does Not Allow Tank Ownership

>>19591029 ADHD is nothing more than an all-out war on our children

>>19591093, >>19591111 Robert P. "Staunch" Storch selected to deliver comprehensive and effective oversight of the wider U.S. response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine

>>19591129 Ex-Mobster Michael Franzese says 75% of people in Congress have shell companies. Most all of these companies are located in Delaware.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8-jzlSG3uyU - Joey Merlino - The boss comes to YouTube! | Sitdown with Michael Franzese [Channel: Michael Franzese]

>>19591139, >>19591148 #24058

(35 notables, 54 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

be783a No.19592307

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19591158 Q Research General #24059: Catharsis of Corruption Edition

Created 212217ZSEP23



>>19591167 #24059

>>19591321, >>19591385 BRIBES and KICKBACKS aka TREASON: ‘We’ll get it done,’ Pentagon has decided to exempt Ukraine operations from a potential shutdown

>>19591341 Third IRS Agent Says Joe Biden’s DOJ Blocked David Weiss from Charging Hunter

>>19591348 Another Misspelled tweet by the commander & thief. Zalenska?

>>19591363 Biden admin demands Congress pass continuing budget resolution including Ukraine funding

>>19591372 No moar SMOKING CRACK: Sen. Chuck Schumer's request to ban the use of "open flame" anywhere in the Senate.

>>19591392 JIC admonishes Mercer magistrate for selling jewelry, inappropriate social media memes

>>19591395 Mining for electric-powering minerals has left 23 million people exposed to toxic waste, 500,000km of rivers polluted and 16 million acres of farmland ruined

>>19591400 Mexican cartels are fifth-largest employers in the country, study finds

>>19591417 'Euphoria' star Angus Cloud accidentally overdosed on meth, cocaine, fentanyl, coroner says

>>19591456 HHS pulls all federal funding from Wuhan Institute of Virology

>>19591462 Vodafone claims first space-based 5G phone call – no modifications needed

>>19591565 Kiev’s top general may become subject of criminal probe – BBC

>>19591671 RNA has been recovered from an extinct species for the first time

>>19591673 Gov. Brian Kemp admits to a Republican voter: "If you give anybody a voting machine, they can hack it".

>>19591725 “Light Em Up” | Call Congress Members Today About The Impending CR Deal. $880 Billion

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jltii - “Light Em Up” | Call Congress Members Today About The Impending CR Deal [1:44] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19591789 Independent Journalist Who Videotaped Man Being Shoved Off Ledge By Police at Capitol Found GUILTY on All Four Charges Related To January 6

>>19591796 Critics Aren't Buying Story Of Why Pilot Ejected From $100 Million F-35 Fighter Jet Before It Crashed—Here's What They're Sayiing…

>>19591805 Go WOKE, FAFO coming soon: Missing: Philadelphia Sheriff Cannot Account for 185 Firearms

>>19591811 2K Migrants Apprehended in Texas Border Town Adds to 20K Currently in BP Custody

>>19591842 NASA Seeks Proposals from US Industry for Station Deorbit Spacecraft

>>19591878 #24059

(22 notables, 23 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

be783a No.19593111

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19591910 Q Research General #24060: Intentional Incompetence Edition

Created 220007ZSEP23



>>19591926 #24060

>>19591973 Rebel News’ Ezra Levant appears in court to appeal fine over marketing for anti-Trudeau book

>>19591986 Canadian police SHUT DOWN 1 Million March 4 Children speech by Meghan Murphy after far-left trans activists attack the stage

>>19591993, >>19592020 Seems MG has a new target. Ever since Ballard mentioned he was interested in Romney's seat? Co-ordinated attack

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c5bc4e3f949bf6b018b5bd255e94cb43ac31f3564e951c5f979aca8aeff27fa4.mp4

>>19592001 PG&E Knows 'smart meters' Catch Fire" - Meter Reader

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EnxIoItNUek - "PG&E Knows 'smart meters' Catch Fire" - Meter Reader [Channel: eon3]

>>19592029, >>19592100 Kyle Rittenhouse attacker Gaige Grosskreutz gets hit by car in Milwaukee

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/23455056f54332a0d0b83bc18b9dbe92ad332f8a0c3dbae63ff33bc454898fa1.mp4

>>19592084 Rep. Eli Crane Reveals Why He Thinks Ray Epps Only Charged With One Misdemeanor

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jp33k - Rep. Eli Crane Says He Believes Ray Epps was “Working With Our Government” on Jan 6 [2:36] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>19592091 Wisconsin Republicans Introduce 15 Articles of Impeachment Against Elections Administrator Meagan Wolfe

>>19592106 While Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders At The UN Made A 7 Year Agreement To Implement A Single Global Agenda

>>19592116 Nigel Farage:Invasion of Lampedusa will destroy Europe.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Y2d2R_PZlNg - Farage: Invasion of Lampedusa will destroy Europe. [Channel: Nigel Farage]

>>19592127 Biden DHS Has Approved Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants for Secretive Foreign Flights

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jlm9f - Biden DHS Has Approved Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants for Secretive Foreign Flights [13:49] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19592133 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - A great Patriot, Cary Roque, sadly passed away yesterday.


>>19592147 Third IRS Agent Says Joe Biden’s DOJ Blocked David Weiss from Charging Hunter

>>19592150 Todd Callender on Agenda 21

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/12bb1135ceee66176b1aecf6cab36ee132b089f419414fb58434270707b8da1d.mp4

>>19592275, >>19592295, >>19592501, >>19592613 Smoke spotted rising from Idaho National Lab which tests advanced nuclear energy / Idaho National Lab confirms there is NO fire

>>19592358 Pentagon to continue Ukraine-related activity even if there's a government shutdown

>>19592366 Something is rotten in GOP Sussex – Comment Rescue

>>19592452 Flynn and Lindell teaming up on command centers for voters in FL for the 2023 Election. A big project to secure our election

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jlrt2 - Shop The NEW MyPillow Sheets With Special Deals Only For The WarRoom [3:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19592476 PEDO BUN 21 September 23

>>19592484, >>19592627 PlaneFag Reports

>>19592494 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - SHOW THE POLL!!!

>>19592595 Ray Epps Pleads Guilty to Single Petty Misdemeanor Count

>>19592646 Canada has Indian diplomats' communications in bombshell murder probe: sources

>>19592679 Seattle City Council Passes Ban on Public Drug Use

>>19592684 Zelensky calls on Trump to release his Ukraine peace plan now

>>19592701 #24060

(27 notables, 33 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b617e No.19595305

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)


>>19592662 Q Research General #24061: Comfy Ultra MAGA Edition

Created 220212ZSEP23




>>19592711 #24061

>>19592768 Australian delegation visits DC to push for Assange’s release

>>19592776 Wisconsin Republicans Introduce 15 Articles of Impeachment Against Elections Administrator Meagan Wolfe

>>19592783 Philly is so messed up, there's a zombie livestream

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8LWXrQeIOpM - Kensington Ave. Philadelphia, PA. Camera 2 [Channel: USA Livestream tv]

>>19592809 A third party signed up 15,000 voters in Arizona. Democrats worry that's enough for a Biden spoiler

>>19592810 DOJ - US contractor originally from Ethiopia arrested on espionage charges

>>19592827 The people of Alaska have won the right to examine taxpayer-funded reports concerning dead people on the state voter roll

>>19592831 UN chief warns of ‘gates of hell’ in climate summit, but carbon polluting nations stay silent

>>19592857 3.8 million migrants have entered US since Biden took office

>>19592862, >>19593167 PF reports: doomsday plane activity, GORDO15 landing at JB Andrews

>>19592874 Schiff urges Potato to transfer frozen Russian assets to help meet Ukraine's urgent needs - new report says it's the right thing to do

>>19592883 Potato announces $325 million in Ukraine aid

>>19592905 PF reports: USAF 757 landed at Boeing Field. Renton, Washington, where it was built. United Airlines recently confirmed finding fake parts in other aircraft engines

>>19592909 According to a Fox News report, the Department of Homeland Security plans to provide hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants with photo ID cards before they are released into the United States

>>19592975 Democrat Senator Bob Menendez and His Wife Now Under Investigation for Allegedly Accepting Gold Bars for Favors

>>19592990, >>19593330 Potato: Mega Republicans in Congress and my predecessor spent four years gutting the immigration system under my predecessor and continue to undermine our border security today

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a7e9e0c967ebfa3e3365613d67045bb759248fac28a20f056a4f81903469f930.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d1d48fbc5d0b02a9462f77dba2161ac7725a0988a3c486443d8b8b2aed05f534.mp4

>>19593000 U.S. Announces Temporary Residence, Work Permits To Nearly Half A Million Venezuelans

>>19593026 Obama in 2006: The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure

>>19593062, >>19593114 With opposition in Congress, Biden issues memorandum granting new powers to the Secretary of State to provide $128 million in assistance to Ukraine without regard to any provision of law

>>19593097 UK man arrested and charged with inciting hatred: "repeatedly insisting he was 'English' in the presence of minority groups"

>>19593140 Mass. Gov. Maura Healey Expanding State-Funded Legal Services for Illegal Aliens

>>19593251 CNN interviews mayor, accurately and fairly covering border crisis at Eagle Pass, Texas - "Please, just enforce the laws that are on the books"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf4329bc3c20ca5b2b7320e564328f0159ee0b6bf0c2eddc09da929952d77654.mp4

>>19593286 Seattle City Council on Tuesday ruled that public drug use will soon be illegal in the city

>>19593356 Moscow has found new markets for its oil despite sanctions imposed by G7 countries since the start of the war in Ukraine, which Moscow calls a special military operation

>>19593363 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: A great Patriot, Cary Roque, sadly passed away yesterday. A woman of great courage and faith, and an inspiration for all freedom lovers around the USA

>>19593413 Canada’s Mega Pipeline Promises to Redraw Global Oil Flows

>>19593421 @NatReconOfc: #TBT: In 2005, Corona was awarded the Charles Stark Draper Prize for Engineering for its "design, development, and operation" as "the first space-based Earth observation system"

>>19593529 Senator Josh Hawley: Kiev has ‘nothing to show’ for all the money spent

>>19593560 #24061

(29 notables, 32 posts, 28 media/files)

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0b617e No.19596205

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19593565 Q Research General #24062: Night Shift In Magadonia Edition

Created 220438ZSEP23



>>19593595 Mystery European state awards Elbit Systems with $95 million SkyStriker drone supply contract

>>19593612, >>19593626 Biden Taps Vice President Harris to Lead Executive Level Gun Control Office

>>19593629 Hapag-Lloyd to Roll Out Starlink Internet Service Across Fleet

>>19593649, >>19593668, >>19593672, >>19593687, >>19593947, >>19594171, >>19594224 US Senator Menendez hit with bribery charges over Egypt ties

>>19593666 Visitors must squeeze through two nude models to view Marina Abramović exhibit

>>19593684 In June 2020, a Ukrainian International Airlines plane arrived in Toronto, where Canadian authorities found 500 crated purebred puppies. Many were dehydrated and weak, and 38 were dead

>>19593700 RE: Pritzker

>>19593731 Rep. Tim Burchett Explains How Leadership Is Broken On Both Sides

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jotl4 - Rep. Tim Burchett Explains How Leadership Is Broken On Both Sides [13:55] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19593836 Top House Democrat floats voting to save McCarthy's job — if he ends the Biden impeachment inquiry

>>19593840 Naomi Wolf Joins WarRoom To Drop Bombshell Report Over FOIA Request Findings

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jp3v6 - Naomi Wolf Joins WarRoom To Drop Bombshell Report Over FOIA Request Findings [19:42] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19593852 New $1.3M Georgia State Patrol post announced for Buckhead for increased security 'around the clock'

>>19593898, >>19593949 Help me, I'm winning!

>>19593900 @realDonaldTrump RT definitions of misinformation and disinformation from the American PSYCHOLOGICAL Association

>>19593993 Katy Faust exposes how Ukraine's surrogacy industry has led to global child trafficking


>>19594030 Rules Committee Hearing on HR 4367 [DHS Appropriations], 4665 [State Department/Foreign Operations Appropriations], 4365 [DOD Appropriations], 4368 [Agriculture/FDA Appropriations]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hYlLpwf-jro - Rules Committee Hearing H.R. 4367, 4665, 4365, and 4368 [Channel: HouseRules]

>>19594032 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Representative Lucy McBath

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4QC1SqiVkTk - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Representative Lucy McBath [Channel: The White House]

>>19594065 Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson FLIPS to Republican Party

>>19594118 Giuliani: Rupert Murdoch Never Backed Me Or President Trump Until We Won Elections. He talks about Cassidy’s accusations and he’s quite funny

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jv8ye - Giuliani: Rupert Murdoch Never Backed Me Or President Trump Until We Won Elections [9:18] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19594161 Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine

>>19594184 Peter Nygart Pleads Not-Guilty to Five Counts of Sexual Assault - Trial in Toronto Happens Before His Extradition to the US for Alleged Dozens of Rapes of Girls and Women

>>19594205 Ex-FBI agent Charles McGonigal to plead guilty in DC over pocketing payments

>>19594213 New Admission from the BIS That Central Banks Play in the Gold Market

>>19594217 President Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Gaslighting Remarks on Gun Safety

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=KlBUMvjZSBk - President Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Remarks on Gun Safety [Channel: The White House]

>>19594240 PM predicts an Israel transformed in Mideast, has no words for internal Israeli peace

>>19594267 46 Pages FOIAed Emails Between CDC Leaders Show They Knew About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Blood Clotting Disorder(s). Emails Over 80% Redacted.

>>19594294 Netanyahu-Biden meeting illustrates the political madness of the U.S.-Israeli relationship

>>19594299 U.S. Gov. data confirms a 143,233% increase in Deadly Cancer cases due to COVID Vaccination

>>19594305 China, Syria Announce Strategic Partnership

>>19594310 Are Port Cities imPORTant?

(30 notables, 39 posts, 7 media/files)

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0b617e No.19596212

File: 403a4fea9bdbefa⋯.jpg (8.9 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19594376 Q Research General #24063: EBAKE What storm, Mr. President?

Created 221946ZSEP23




>>19594405 Biden Claims It's Republicans Who Are "Undermining Our Border Security"

>>19594407 42 Members of a Violent Gang Charged with Drug Trafficking and Firearms Violations in Manatí, Puerto Rico

>>19594408 Robert Steele C_A Documentary

>>19594423 BIDEN: I got elected to the Senate when I was 29 years old, only difference was he was eligible when he got elected to take office. I had to wait 17 days to be eligible. That was 827 years ago."

>>19594426 Today is National Redhead Appreciation Day

>>19594444 No escape from the bakery

>>19594641 Biden makes border history with highest illegal crossing attempts ever recorded in a month: 304,162

>>19594647, >>19594665 United States Homeland Security intelligence service branded this video as “a threat to national security”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v35qbxg - West Runs Out Of Ideas For Sanctions, RT Keeps Running [1:10] [Channel: Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative.]

>>19594678 VOLATILE NETWORKS AS A SOURCE OF DENIAL OF SERVICE in Weaponizing proxy and VPN providers

>>19594716 Project Veritas attempts to serve James O'Keefe one day after announcing it was shutting down

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OcEUIMVunvc - WATCH: Project Veritas attempts to serve James O'Keefe one day after announcing it was shutting down [Channel: O’Keefe Media Group]

>>19594746 RE: New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, Indicted for Bribery and Corruption… AGAIN

>>19594756 Ex-FBI agent Charles McGonigal pleads guilty to one count in DC over pocketing payments


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jx8pg - So... [3:18] [Channel: Russell Brand]

>>19594792 LIVE - Democrat Senator CHARGED: Menendez Cash Photos, Indictment and Biden Crime Connections

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jxqkk - Democrat Senator CHARGED: Menendez Cash Photos, Indictment and Biden Crime Connections [0] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

>>19594844 Fun fact: the CEO of Green Hills Software is none other than infamous Elon Musk hater Dan O'Dowd. (RE: F-35 Operating Systems)

>>19594861 ‘Kiss My Ass!’ Deposition Video Shows BASED Mike Lindell Cursing and Yelling at Lawyers

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IbhgPKVgb9M - Mike Lindell calls Eric Coomer's attorney an "ambulance-chasing asshole" [Channel: Jesse Aaron Paul]

>>19594920 India's visa suspension in Canada upends travel plans

>>19595031 607 Unc, best known in Missouri’s local Hip Hop circuit, has claimed he was forced to sacrifice his own child in order to escape the Illuminati.


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jyjzc -COMPLETE TIMELINE - B.I.S 1930 TO 2030 TO THE NWO AND AGENDA 21[3:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19595067 Push Back Against Doctors who Medically Kidnap Children Increases Nationwide

>>19595137 House GOP Points out the Interesting Email Involving Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Bob Menendez

>>19595156 @DJT Mark Milley, who led perhaps the most embarrassing moment in American history …will be leaving the military next week.

(22 notables, 23 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b617e No.19596214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>19595022 Q Research General #24064: Are You Being Served?

Created 222359ZSEP23



>>19595080 #24064 PARTIAL to @300

>>19595125 Marina Abramovic: “I have been invited by Zelensky to be an ambassador of Ukraine, to help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such.”

>>19595143 #24062 posted in #24064

>>19595155 Rep. Eli Crane Discusses Continuing Resolution Battle, Says Speaker Kevin McCarthy Should Be REMOVED

>>19595162 Top NJ Democrats Call on Embattled Sen. Menendez to Resign Over Bribery Indictment - Menendez Responds with Race Card!

>>19595180 Architect of US anti-Russia sanctions accused of corruption/Menendez

>>19595188 WEF: AI Will ‘End Human Dominance’ in ‘Five Years’

>>19595195 Hunter Biden Suggested Lobbying Democratic Senator Indicted For Bribery, Emails Show/Menendez

>>19595201 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3juu0c - Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- -09/22/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19595229, >>19595281 I just wanna state for the record I have been warning the U.S. Govt about a potential leak of the Integrity 178B Operating System/Guess what OS powers the F-35…. /Green Hills Software

>>19595242 Hole in one for Bobby on 17th

>>19595299 What do anons make of Vivek’s “CCP waged Opium War Against the U.S.” narrative?

>>19595308 Remember how the COVID vaccines contaminated with endotoxin & plasmid DNA that Pfizer/BioNTech sold to the world were only tested on 252 people

>>19595333 #64063

>>19595476 #24064

(15 notables, 16 posts, 15 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b617e No.19596952

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)


>>19595925 Q Research General #24065: Crazy Day on the Board Edition

Created 230320ZSEP23



>>19595942 #24065

>>19596064 Democratic Mayor Of Dallas: "American Cities Need Republicans… & I'm Becoming One"

>>19596100 Call sign TEAL72. USAF Hurricane Hunter C-130 96-5302

>>19596256 Increased rates of chronic physical health conditions across all organ systems in autistic adolescents and adults

>>19596270 McDonald's advertising efforts portray its promotion of family values in Japan, whereas, in the West, 'woke' propaganda.

>>19596516 Now requiring facial authentication ticket tech for Phillies Baseball games, good luck migrant invaders!

>>19596524 Solomon Islands PM snubs meeting with US president, praises China's 'global security initiative' in UN speech

>>19596567 #24065 partial

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g19zKqDt9G4 - Gho$tFrieza - Triple Six Mafia: Killaz Creepin Thru tha Night [Mix 1993-1995] [Channel: GhostFrieza]

(8 notables, 8 posts, 8 media/files)

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0b617e No.19596954


UPDATE for >>19595022 Q Research General #24064: Are You Being Served?

>>19595333 #24063

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0b617e No.19597723


UPDATE for >>19595022 Q Research General #24064: Are You Being Served?

>>19595080 #24064

>>19595333 #24063

>>19595512 Michael Bloomberg Is Throwing $500 Million at Efforts to Shut Down All U.S. Coal Plants

>>19595517 Biden OK’s Sending Long-Range Nuclear Capable Missiles To Ukraine, After Saying Yesterday They Would Not!


>>19595541 Rand Paul showed up to work at the Capitol today barefoot and wearing a bathrobe

>>19595554 The Great Debt Fiasco: How Washington's 'Reckless And Opportunistic' Pandemic Splurge Jeopardized America's Future

>>19595568 FBI Informant Created One Of Largest Nazi Groups In American History: CALL THE DIGG

>>19595572 @ChuckGrassley - Thx to Senator Tim Scott for blizzard socks in honor of my bday Now I can hv ice cream from my head to my toes

>>19595576 Biden’s DHS and HHS Now a "Child Trafficking Delivery Service," Tim Ballard Says

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UKdCHgbzWts - Biden’s DHS and HHS Now a "Child Trafficking Delivery Service," Tim Ballard Says [Channel: The Daily Signal]

>>19595581 Maui Residents Divided Over Planned Oct. 8 Reopening

>>19595587 Ed. Sec. Miguel Cardona Has a Terry McAuliffe Moment on Parental Rights That Could Haunt Biden in 2024

>>19595597 US Navy SEAL (Ret.) Chadd Wright Why The Warrior Class Is Dying: 3 of 7 Project

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=A6Udw0kEMlQ - Why The Warrior Class Is Dying [Channel: 3 of 7 Project]

>>19595605 If You Think Joe Biden Will Make It Much Longer, Read This

>>19595629 Micro-Cults’: Gavin Newsom Is Terrified That His Son Is Listening To Joe Rogan And Jordan Peterson

>>19595637 The Right Loses When It Adopts Leftist Narrative Euphemisms

>>19595644 The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, meeting with the CEO of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, in New York.

>>19595684 'Spain going even more woke.== Will remove the word "women" from woman's soccer.

>>19595697 Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch

>>19595717 All Over America, Blue Cities Are Facing A Severe Shortage Of Police Officers.

>>19595776 West preparing to ‘dump’ Zelensky - Lukashenko

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b617e No.19597972

File: 1d1f09a68834935⋯.jpg (4.29 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19596867 Q Research General #24066: Bake the Bake Edition

Created 231145ZSEP23



>>19596876 #24066

>>19596881, >>19597237 Vaccine Law Conference bolo What this way comes next...

>>19596884 Texas National Guard is repelling illegal immigrants today.

>>19596944, >>19596976 Anons Opine - On the new vaccine release

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7dd017a691f980d8dd51729d5a4b52ae65fa82e2a805e11e535666a6a7714163.mp4

>>19596955 #24064 posted in #24066

>>19597071 #24065 posted in #24066

>>19597080 Fenbendazole For Cancer?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e4b04f6adfab279f5c8bd2adcb0947093ee9961d60ad4af9372572e3c1fd121.pdf

>>19597081 Jimmy Kimmel catches COVID, canceling live Strike Force show with Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon

>>19597167 Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>19597202 Trump -> TruthSocial - The real Howard Stern is a weak, pathetic, and disloyal guy, who lost his friends and MUCH of his audience.

>>19597234 Trump -> TruthSocial Whoop a Man's Ass (Trace Adkins)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c6fb71ef9b96ef33a3f05c632cfbd6234ee3753593e442d5a235539b4d8f068.mp4

>>19597306 Ukrainian missile stocks and depleted-uranium shells destroyed – Moscow

>>19597349, >>19597355 Flaskback - Menendez Prostitutes?

>>19597411 Following Significant Policing Reform Progress, Federal Judge Terminates Most Consent Decree Provisions for City of Seattle and Seattle Police Department

>>19597412 Pfizer-Funded Study Shows Poor Effectiveness for COVID-19 Vaccine in Young Children

>>19597427, >>19597587 Flashback - Illinois Gov. Pritzker, Billionaire Family At Forefront Of Radical Gender Ideology Push: Report

>>19597428 Le Pen accused of misusing EU funds

>>19597457 476,000-Year-Old Wooden Structure Unearthed in Zambia

>>19597479 Mike Benz: How Governments Are Manipulating the Industry of News

>>19597543 Congressman Shares 'Very Elusive' NASA Remarks from UFO Meeting

>>19597560 The U.S. House gavels into session awaiting debate rules to begin work on federal spending bills for 2024

>>19597566 Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Oprah and More Attend Kevin Costner's Santa Barbara Fundraiser

>>19597579 The Lame Duck Period Begins – Florida Republicans Move Away from DeSantis, as Failed Campaign Will Return Him to State

>>19597582 The New COVID Vaccine Roll-Out Is Off to a 'Nightmare' Start as Unsuspecting Customers Get Slapped with Big Bills

>>19597599 Evidence of mysterious 'recurring nova' that could reappear in 2024 found in medieval manuscript from 1217

>>19597611 Sealed Indictment - Menendez

>>19597624 #24066

(27 notables, 31 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b617e No.19597973


UPDATE for >>19595022 Q Research General #24064: Are You Being Served?

>>19595080 #24064

>>19595373 As Migrants Pour Across the Border in Record Numbers, Biden Brags It Is By Design: “I’ve also directed my team to make a historic increase in the number of refugees admitted from Latin America”

>>19595408 Tony Abbott nominated to Fox Corporation board of directors

>>19595426 Trump - TruthSocial On top of everything else going wrong with our Country, Interest Rates have just hit an almost 16 year high...

>>19595428 Trump - TruthSocial Trump White House Lawyer Sues Former Mueller Deputy For Libel

>>19595431 Russell Brand slams UK Parliament for demanding social media companies deplatform him

>>19595568 FBI Informant Created One Of Largest Nazi Groups In American History

>>19595594 Boeing-built X-37B space plane lands after completing record 908-day orbital mission

>>19595669 Rough start for Covid vax rollout

>>19595697 Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch

>>19595698 Grassley, Colleagues Welcome Historic Reform To U.S. Organ Donation System As Bipartisan Bill Is Signed Into Law

>>19595776 West preparing to ‘dump’ Zelensky – Lukashenko

>>19595797 Gaige Grosskreutz, the man who was shot in the bicep after attacking Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was hit by a car in a hit-and-run incident.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a44efc06db872c0d2fe9e7ab7ff23cb9e59ef1fd7145456405c909e664ff6bdb.mp4

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b617e No.19597976


UPDATE for >>19595925 Q Research General #24065: Crazy Day on the Board Edition

>>19596079 anon opine They can't create, they just just take and deface, rather than add or improve

>>19596080 Did Poland Just Torpedo NATO And Ukraine?

>>19596716 Wooo - Mike Lindell Deposition Remix for the KEKS

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GZmH1aK9NN0 - Mike Lindell's Deposition (Lumpy Pillows) REMIX - The Remix Bros [Channel: The Remix Bros]

>>19596836 CDC recommends first vaccine to protect infants from RSV

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

48392f No.19598639

File: 1d1f09a68834935⋯.jpg (4.29 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19597657 Q Research General #24067: In Times Gone By Edition

Created 231501ZSEP23



>>19597712 Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador

>>19597779 Trump re-truthed that vid that Q posted..

>>19597781 Mayors National Climate Action Agenda (Maui included in grouping)

>>19597782 Kiev’s counteroffensive unlikely to achieve its goals – US officials to NYT

>>19597792, >>19598017, >>19598053 WATCH: Lenticular Cloud spotted over Cape Town, South Africa (earthquake incoming..?)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae98234ac5a8eb49b973a580b49790651a39782510f5b552d602c554556a8c8a.mp4

>>19597799 South Africa: Using Only Pistols, Local Militia Stops 15 Armed Robbers with AK-47s Who Blew Up Armored Truck

>>19597807 POTATO: In 2020, 55 of the largest corporations paid zero in income tax. Under the law I passed, they'll have to pay a minimum tax of 15%.

>>19597813 “No mas” – Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden

>>19597869 EXCLUSIVE: I'm a former defense official who warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

>>19597912 We are :16 on the clock today - Aliens and "Detraction"

>>19597931 Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20,000 people have vanished and 'UFOs' appear

>>19598018, >>19598026, >>19598034, >>19598044, >>19598072, >>19598126 How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ed9ac9edb7bab90acf0712e0724163eb02d6ab833c35e1f7b53d27e1db114b9.pdf

>>19598022, >>19598172 vid: Rep. Boebert Demands All 15 Individual Appropriations Bill Are Passed Separately, NO CR

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3k4ng0 - Rep. Boebert Demands All 15 Individual Appropriations Bill Are Passed Separately, NO CR [11:20] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3k4ps0 - Rep. Boebert: Criminal Evidence On Biden Family Demands Yes/No Impeachment Vote Today [7:52] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19598288 vid: Bannon: The DC Cartel Does Not Understand What Rep. Matt Gaetz Is Doing

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3k4mo0 - Bannon: The DC Cartel Does Not Understand What Rep. Matt Gaetz Is Doing [14:38] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19598318 John of God Sex Cult Leader pictured with Marina Abramovic.

>>19598325 Here is satanic witch Marina Abramovic dumping real, coagulated blood on a child effigy.

>>19598353 President-elect Donald Trump conceded Tuesday that he probably won’t make good on his campaign pledge to pursue a new criminal investigation into his political rival, Hillary Clinton

>>19598470 #24067

(18 notables, 26 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

48392f No.19599476

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)


>>19598437 Q Research General #24068: Satanic State Seeks Satanic Ambassador Edition

Created 231829ZSEP23



>>19598489 #24068

>>19598536 LIVE: Worldwide Freedom March In Toronto

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xvELFDKC7tE - WORLDWIDE FREEDOM RALLY CANADA TORONTO [Channel: Portland Andy🌭]

>>19598557, >>19598691, >>19598710 Piedras Negras (Eagle Pass) actually means [black rocks] in Spanish

>>19598601 Biden to ‘join the picket line’ with UAW strikers: ‘Time for a win-win agreement’

>>19598634 UK Government Contract States That Illegal Immigrants Must Have 3 Star Hotel Rooms or Better

>>19598661 Did he say meme warfare is going to the difference between shitposting and effective cyberware?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/49bc9a263980e0ff807bab688189f370464df8f0d6a9642cb89bb9e2e47fe555.mp4

>>19598673 National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass [Black Rock], Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control

>>19598678 Gov. Newsom Attacks Federal Judge As Child-Killing, Extremist, Right-Wing Zealot Owned By The NRA

>>19598681 Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down

>>19598695 WaPo is now running PR for Democratic politicians who are unable to carry out basic activities of daily living, let alone represent Americans.

>>19598704, >>19598812 Justin Trudeau Accuses Parents Protesting Grooming of Manifesting ‘Hate’ as Canadian Police Stand Down for Antifa to assault them

>>19598722 Just 8% Of EU Illegal Migrants Are Women.

>>19598730 Cardinal Dolan on Biden’s NYC migrant response: ‘He doesn’t take my calls’

>>19598731 Fourth IRS Agent Says D.C. and California Prosecutors Blocked Hunter Biden Charges

>>19598745, >>19598810, >>19598820 As yes, the video of Snoop dawg begging black people not to vote for Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b63f83667bacb1f0f946f96a545f929d977841077b48d7182ad6ff6b304a463a.mp4

>>19598753, >>19598816, >>19598829, >>19598837, >>19598856 Reminder, 5G is watching you

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/251a62d0cc38449478be5fe6fd2f74895f54a8fd3ef140471b85d31af9643ddc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d28d1eee9252a6d496d9f7124190f06880c3bfd63e2773eab8912fef3aa9a59.mp4

>>19598759 Senator Mitch McConnell (81) has frozen again

>>19598760 Migrants Resume Border Crossings into Texas Town as Biden Admin Re-Opens Rail Bridge

>>19598764 Gavin Newsom Responds to COVID Criticism: “We Would Have Done Everything Differently”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GnOZXJoraF0 - Full Newsom: ‘I’m not convinced we’ve learned the lessons from’ Covid [Channel: NBC News]

>>19598766 Hochul: Some People Falsely Claim Asylum to Get in, I’m Glad Biden Gave People Claiming Asylum Work Permits

>>19598787 If many of the military-aged illegal immigrants are actually a army to violate us, then where are they training?

>>19598805 Over 3,000 headed to border on train

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91e584b06002b60e01d32de70014c030f49d63881e91f2064e1117a84bce7bcc.mp4

>>19598826 Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

>>19598841, >>19598927, >>19598983, >>19599014, >>19599018, >>19599217, >>19599252 Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

>>19598864, >>19598912, >>19598947, >>19598989 Patents on Targeted Individual and DEW Technologies

>>19598874 @JamesOKeefeIII Well it turns out Dan Cash’s daughter… works for Pfizer!

>>19598942 Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hgn62 - Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023) [1:20:04] [Channel: The Michelle Moore Show]

>>19599057 US prepares measures to help Cuban small businesses -source

>>19599071 Truth Social increases digit count to 1000

>>19599112 Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/47965a6f0cd894913efa47179a8327dc71b0320d1926906c43bb5b4af3452793.mp4

>>19599131, >>19599165 PDJT: Hear we go again!

>>19599233 "Ukraine's counter offensive has been a total failure" Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hlbjd - "Ukraine's counter offensive has been a total failure" Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News [17:39] [Channel: Redacted News]

>>19599289 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov calls Ukraine's peace formula unrealistic and slamming Kyiv's Western allies, which he said are "directly at war" with Moscow.

>>19599314 @WarClandestine Many still don’t know just how bad it is. Here is the infamous spirit cooking video.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a305d89c1b7185f106cdef6eb3ae8652145c31bc28a9b7fc060beead293b2455.mp4

>>19599361 #24068

(35 notables, 54 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1605f No.19601304

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19599365 Q Research General #24069: Hear We Go Again Edition

Created 232153ZSEP23




>>19599367 #24069

>>19599370 Mich. Dems Passing Bill Making “Intimidating” Election Officials a Felony, Want to Imprison Ballot Challengers

>>19599400 Anon opines RE: Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jyjzc -COMPLETE TIMELINE - B.I.S 1930 TO 2030 TO THE NWO AND AGENDA 21[3:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19599416, >>19599900 PF Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0917cfa9fbc6b03c957d377287bb8fba3c74df0f046d2cc96943485cd31b9008.mp4

>>19599423 @GovChristie The indictment against Bob Menendez is sickening... He should resign.

>>19599509 @TomFitton Obviously, Hillary wants to run for president…hence, she's restarted her Ukraine shakedown.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=S2x3FiMSiwo - Obviously, Hillary wants to run for president: Tom Fitton [Channel: Fox News]

>>19599512 LIVE: Kari Lake & Jim Caviezel at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference in Michigan

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mggnWrJ9jeg - LIVE: Kari Lake & Jim Caviezel at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference in Michigan [Channel: The Midwesterner]

>>19599524, >>19599887, >>19599910 Is the CCP poised to replace [Menendez]

>>19599527 Joe Sends Gavin to the RNC Debate at The Reagan Library

>>19599558 Comet Nishimura photobombs NASA spacecraft after its close encounter with the sun

>>19599693 The Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined

>>19599720, >>19599760 TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

>>19599784 Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down

>>19599825 Oops! US Space Force may have accidentally punched a hole in the upper atmosphere

>>19599844 Cheers to U.S. House @RepClyde (R-GA) for championing 2 appropriation riders of @Article3Project:

>>19599849 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene America First Emergency Townhall in Plainville, GA

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jyura - FULL EVENT: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene America First Emergency Townhall in Plainville, GA 9/22/23 [2:06:05] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19599878 Here is an image of the show that Marina Abramović is hosting that force guests to enter between two naked models at the Royal Academy of Arts in London today.


>>19599915 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, Michigan

>>19599965 McCarthy Backtracks, Says He Will Keep $300 Million of Ukraine Aid in Pentagon Funding Bill

>>19600110 #24069

(21 notables, 25 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1605f No.19601306

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19600115 Q Research General #24070: Shadilay Saturday Edition

Created 240041ZSEP23




>>19600126 #24070

>>19600148 New law could allow big business to profit from organ donation

>>19600174 Russian Foreign Minister hits out at West’s ‘empire of lies’

>>19600182, >>19600411, >>19600460 German soldiers (NATO), not mercs/contractors, captured having 'invaded' 'Russian-occupied' territory via Leopard II tank

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aXyN8RBv3lc - ⚡EMERGENCY ALERT: 3000 NUCLEAR TROOPS ON HIGHEST ALERT, GERMAN SOLDIERS FOUND IN "RUSSIA"! TAURUS! [Channel: Canadian Prepper]

>>19600196, >>19600248 Potato has gotten the updated COVID-19 vaccine and the annual flu shot

>>19600212 Potato admin cracking down on important issues

>>19600213 Current immigration madness has been planned by the UN for many years

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dNRoDxhFCKA - States prepare global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration [Channel: United Nations]

>>19600249, >>19600257, >>19600330 PF reporting heavy cargo activity out of Pope Army Airfield

>>19600285 Anderson Cooper says his late mother Gloria Vanderbilt offered to serve as SURROGATE for his baby when she was 85

>>19600296, >>19600366 Tropical Depression Seventeen forms in the Atlantic

>>19600317 Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

>>19600334 Unlicensed migrants, unregistered cars turn NYC shelter neighborhood into demolition derby

>>19600341 General of US Air Force’s Air Mobility Command has defended a memo he sent to his officers earlier this year where he predicted the US would be at war with China in 2025

>>19600387 A Utah gender clinic is performing "irreversible" sex changes on minors despite being fully aware that they can cause permanent side effects, which lasting physical changes, including sterility

>>19600420 "There is No American Tradition of Limiting Ammunition Capacity” - Federal Judge Strikes Down California’s Ban on High-Capacity Magazines

>>19600426 Mass Migration Could Be the ‘Dissolving Force’ that Destroys the European Union, Bloc’s Top Diplomat Admits

>>19600435 Pope Francis meets with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife following the conclusion of the Mediterranean Meetings

>>19600453, >>19600687 WATCH: Matt Gaetz Causes CNN Host to End Interview After Fact-Checking Her Live On-Air

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db0bac67945059ca49bdbec4738e365b6578c629bfde2623930bca2622a431fe.mp4

>>19600458 West Point Sued After Director of Admissions Brags That Race Is Determining Factor for Many Applicants

>>19600486 BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

>>19600495 Missouri correctional officers assigned to guard a convicted child sex predator, who escaped custody by walking out of a hospital, has been fired

>>19600497 Four B.C. Wildfire Service contract workers die in crash on Highway 1 near Walhachin

>>19600518, >>19600657 @DanBongino: It's evil. Don't make the mistake I did. They're not wrong, they're evil. If only you knew

>>19600552 Oregon Taxpayers on the Hook for Out of State, Transgender Youth Surgeries

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2p24ig - Out of trauma the push for freedom thrives [1:26] [Channel: ThePeoplesRevolution]

>>19600573 Gavin Newsom confirms he is concerned about “micro-cults” influencing his children because they listen to Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson

>>19600639 Speaker McCarthy says he will keep Ukraine aid in the Pentagon funding bill, a reversal from his announcement one day earlier that he would strip the money out due to opposition

>>19600640 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>19600650, >>19600745 Cassidy Hutchinson text messages contradict her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

>>19600738 Breakdown of aid provided to Ukraine as of July 31, $220 Billion Euro = $234 Billion USA

>>19600776 PF reports: German and Spanish A400s are landing at Alexandria Intl

>>19600806 Abramovic art piece reminder: 'Crystal Wall of Crying' commemorates Jews killed in Babyn Yar massacre - 2021

>>19600831 During their first visit to China in many years, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his wife attended the 19th Asian Games

>>19600852 BREAKING: Oklahoma State fair is currently being evacuated after reports of multiple shots fired

>>19600880 #24070

(34 notables, 43 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1605f No.19601766

File: d70ad4a7cbc9d59⋯.png (8.03 KB,407x202,407:202,Clipboard.png)


>>19389079 Q Research Canada #46: MAiD For All Occasions? Edition

Created 191943ZAUG23



>>19391836 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / IWR Weekly August 18th: Trudeau Directly Responsible for Rising Crime (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v38z9ea - Weekly News Report: Trudeau Directly Responsible for Rising Crime [14:54] [Channel: The Strong And Free Truthcast]

>>19391918 Updated Wildfires Bun / Press for Truth: Arson Is NOT Climate Change, What You NEED To Know About The Raging Fires In Canada & The US (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v39dgi6 - Arson Is NOT Climate Change, What You NEED To Know About The Raging Fires In Canada & The US!!! [12:26] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19393147 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Ottawa Detective was singled out by police leadership for her opposition to Covid mandates

>>19393381 Updated Woke Bun / The woke takeover of Canada ft. Ari Goldkind (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v39cl1f - The woke takeover of Canada (Ft. Ari Goldkind) [52:39] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19393421 LAWTON: Should Canada boycott the WEF? feat. Spencer Fernando (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v39h5rl - Should Canada boycott the WEF? (feat. Spencer Fernando) [13:13] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19393465 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Manitoba Premier says schools should inform parents if kids want to change genders

>>19393499, >>19450113 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Investigation launched into 'at least 15' judges, tribunal appointees over alleged partisan activity since 2016

>>19393526 Updated Climate Change Bun / Joe Rogan Blasts the Left’s Obsession With Climate Change: ‘You’re Not Saving Jack Sh*t!’

>>19393682 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canceled doctors have message for their colleagues: ‘You have failed Canadians’

>>19393842 Updated Wildfires Bun / Canadian wildfires prompt evacuation of 20 000 as flames approach Yellowknife

>>19394506 Updated Residential School and Mass Graves Bun / ‘Unmarked graves’ discovery at Manitoba residential school turns out to be hoax — no bodies found, only rocks (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v39di80 - Chief Derek Nepinak says no evidence of human remains found on church's grounds [6:29] [Channel: The Post Millennial Live]

>>19399077 Assisted suicide deaths in Quebec now the highest in the world

>>19401066 Protecting Small Business: Benoit Trudeau (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v38xxay - Protecting Small Business: Benoit Trudeau [56:14] [Channel: StrongAndFreeCanada]

>>19402083 Updated Residential School and Mass Graves Bun / Ratio’d: Excavation of residential school site finds nothing…what a surprise (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a72r4 - Excavation of residential school site finds nothing...what a surprise [15:17] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19402703 Updated Climate Change Bun / Catherine McKenna calls carbon tax opponents “arsonists”

>>19405168 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Press for Truth: Are YOU Ready For Covid-19(84) Round 2? We Will NOT Submit!!! (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3a6mjq - Are YOU Ready For Covid-19(84) Round 2? We Will NOT Submit!!! [15:03] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19405170, >>19405177 Updated Climate Change Bun / 19405191 C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

>>19405385 Updated Climate Change Bun / “Climate Change” Crusher: HumanProgress.org Publishes Video Claiming 14% INCREASE in Green Vegetation. Mostly Due to Excess Carbon in Air

>>19405486 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Blood Clots in the Legs, Lungs and Hearts of Young COVID-19 Vaccinated People

>>19405820 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland was forced to make an ethics filing under Conflict of Interest Act in regard to the hiring of unidentified person

>>19405987 Updated Residential School and Mass Graves Bun / Canada’s ‘Mass Graves’ Hoax Is Yet Another Fabricated Narrative To Demonize Christians

>>19407416 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / ‘They Risk To Be Suspended’: Powerlifting Body Issues Ultimatum About Trans Powerlifters

>>19409132, >>19411010 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Drug activity leads to state of emergency in Fredericton First Nation community

>>19410978 Minister of Housing suggests feds may cap international students to address housing crisis

>>19411153 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Saskatchewan mandates parental consent for name and pronoun changes at school

>>19411245 GED to be phased out across Canada next year, may be replaced with new ‘made-in-Canada’ test

>>19411810 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Anti-lockdown Justice Centre president fined $5K, banned from practicing law in Manitoba

>>19411944 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Gates Foundation Pushes National Digital ID Tech

>>19412145, >>19421965 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Jordan Peterson forced to undergo reeducation from Ontario College of Psychologists to retain his license

>>19413364 Elections Canada flies Pride Progress flag outside head office

>>19413738 Trudeau government denies P.E.I. hurricane disaster relief money

>>19413896 Updated Woke Bun / CAMPUS WATCH: Western DEI presentation says merit, racial colour blindness cause ‘microaggressions’

>>19413981 Canada on track to reach record oil production growth, analysts say

>>19414083 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Wagner mercenary boss listed as passenger aboard fatal plane crash

>>19414757, >>19415301 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Freeland apologizes after being caught speeding (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9SWalUxIys4 - Chrystia Freeland BUSTED & CHARGED for Near Criminal Speeding - 42KPH OVER [Channel: Clyde Do Something]

>>19416956 Updated Protests Bun / The Last Trucker in Ottawa/ 18 Months Later (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3amkkq - The Last Trucker in Ottawa/ 18 Months Later [10:21] [Channel: Druthers News & Information]

>>19421631 Updated Woke Bun / CAMPUS WATCH: Ontario universities offering segregated orientation for black students

>>19421935 Governor General billed taxpayers $3 million for travel during first year in office

>>19422347 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty Threatens to be an Expansive Global Surveillance Pact

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b2311aef74cf407efbf28f84c7104a8fe1d413fbb1898322d18d80f36effa51e.pdf

>>19422610 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Establishment That Cannot Be Trusted With Human Life

>>19424097 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Aviation and healthcare workers challenge Feds in court over vaccine status (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3b7ocg - Aviation and healthcare workers challenge Feds in court over vaccine status [12:16] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19424270 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk to pursue legal action against Soros-backed NGOs over censorship agenda

>>19424316 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Alice Cooper weighs in on transgender issue and woke culture, stirring controversy

>>19424365 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Decriminalizing hard drugs ‘unpopular’ with British Columbians, say focus groups

>>19424701 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Public Health internal docs: Canadians distrust the government and the media!

>>19424823 Updated Wildfires Bun / Firefighter exposes shocking truth behind Lahaina's devastating wildfires (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3bab8u - EXCLUSIVE: Firefighter exposes shocking truth behind Lahaina's devastating wildfires [9:46] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19425150 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / B.C. prisoners seek more jail time to get 'three hots and a cot'

>>19427411 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Sheila Lewis, denied transplant due to vaccination status, passes away

>>19427509 Updated Wildfires Bun / Press for Truth: Shuswap Fires INTENTIONALLY LIT By Canadian Authorities With PLANNED IGNITION (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3bbxj9 - BOMBSHELL: Shuswap Fires INTENTIONALLY LIT By Canadian Authorities With PLANNED IGNITION!!! [15:05] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19427709 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / "Election Interference": Trump Returns To Twitter After Georgia Booking

>>19427792 Visualizing The Future Global Economy By GDP In 2050, report from Goldman Sachs

>>19428003 The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men

>>19428084 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / BlackRock Business Model

>>19428164 Updated Wildfires Bun / Maui's top emergency officials were on different island for disaster training as flames flared and did not join response call until five hours after deadly wildfires begun

>>19428510 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canadian Frontline Nurses get Sloan's fundraising help after failed libel suit

>>19429538 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Dismissal of unvaccinated workers ruled 'reasonable' by labour arbitrator

>>19429676 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Heritage Minister won’t ‘roll back’ Bill C-18 to appease big tech

>>19430164 Updated Wildfires Bun / Canada On Fire: Fighting the Largest Canadian Wildfire in Recorded History (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CrDi0AXASMc - Canada On Fire: Fighting the Largest Canadian Wildfire in Recorded History | Foreign Correspondent [Channel: ABC News In-depth]

>>19430708 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Ingram v. Her Majesty Case Finally got a decision - Court says "Ultra Vires"

>>19435044 Freeland, Anand say feds will reallocate ‘$15 billion of savings’ to non-pandemic programs

>>19435096 Updated Climate Change Bun / John Kerry Says Climate Change Deniers are Part of a Dangerous Cult (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DynbOJP2SE0 - "Climate Envoy" John Kerry Plays Up Theatrics In Scotland, Calls Out Critics As Being In A "Cult" [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>19435225 Visualizing The BRICS Expansion In 4 Charts

>>19435709 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / The DEATH of freedom? UN unleashing “digital army” to censor online “disinformation” all around the world

>>19435765 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / A Rockefeller Foundation 2010 'Scenarios For The Future' Report 'Predicted' A March To Medical Tyranny

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/127f63a160fd86b19afb358bd95dec4c0138f44812259abd518a4628277b065f.pdf

>>19436380 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Jordan Peterson: I'm Going Through a Very DIFFICULT TIME in My Life!!! (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=75Rl737EY1E - Jordan Peterson: I'm Going Through a Very DIFFICULT TIME in My Life!!! [Channel: MotivHolic]

>>19436449 Updated Residential School and Mass Graves Bun / Retired Calgary bishop slams Church hierarchy for going along with gov’t residential school narrative

>>19436535 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / New EU regulation forces social media platforms to censor ‘disinformation’ and ‘hate speech’

>>19436654 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The CEO of Pfizer Is Now the World’s Highest Paid Pharma boss

>>19437113 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Canada Probes Slavery Allegations in Walmart and Hugo Boss Supply Chains

>>19438623 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Press for Truth: These Protesters Are DEMANDING That MANDATORY MASK MANDATES RETURN!!! (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3c1fao - These Protesters Are DEMANDING That MANDATORY MASK MANDATES RETURN!!! [14:16] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19441019 Trucking industry feeling the squeeze of high costs and low profits

>>19441101 Farmers and Food Bun / Liberals ‘holding agriculture industry hostage’ with climate research funding

>>19441380 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / High Ranking Ukraine Officials Accused of Embezzling Funds Worth 62.5 Million Allocated for Humanitarian Aid During War

>>19441689 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / UK Employment Tribunal: Calling Trans People ‘Wankers’ is Discrimination Because Insult Not ‘Gender Neutral’

>>19441761 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Thank You For Your Participation • CDC Has Stopped Collecting New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in V-Safe Program

>>19441797, >>19535970 Updated Climate Change Bun / There Is No Climate Emergency: 1609 Signatories

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2afb3a52b54463a506c0253c042b7e0b779cfa5cd691a72513a9063af1ff8fb.pdf

>>19442100 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Ukraine conflict may be lengthy - Canadian PM

>>19442147 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Famed Ukrainian fighter pilot dies in jet collision

>>19442742 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Infamous Canadian trans shop teacher with massive prosthetic breasts returns to classroom this fall

>>19447224 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / LAWTON: Doctor sues Queen’s University over job loss for Covid opinions (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ca0dm - Doctor sues Queen’s University over job loss for Covid opinions (ft. Dr. Matt Strauss) [16:10] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19447316 Updated Wildfires Bun / Lahaina Fire Survivor Blasts Jeff Bezos and Oprah During Emergency Council Meeting: “Jeff Bezos, You Got What You Wanted. Oprah, You Got What You Wanted (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DpFnb6BHJuY - Emergency Maui County Council Meeting Highlights: Lahaina Fires – Community Outcry [Channel: Matt Holton]

>>19447386 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / National Prayer At Federal Court House During Proud Boys Sentencing Hearing On Wednesday Aug. 30 - Black Lives Matter, to Join Protest

>>19447468 The Unabomber Predicted the Rise of WEF-Style Technocracy in the Mid-90s (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SjxJ1wPnkk4 - WEF - Klaus Schwab (founder of The World Economic Forum): "We penetrate the cabinets" [Channel: Nieuwsitems]

>>19447537 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / The Positive Feedback Loop: How Totalitarians Instill Fear & Restrict Human Rights

>>19447592 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Elite Crackdown On Free Speech Worldwide Intensifies

>>19447670 Updated Woke Bun / BlackRock Faces Leftist Backlash As It Votes For Fewer ESG Proposals

>>19447880 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine - Study is Removed Within 24 Hours

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8fedce6abd71ae709ed694a538b42ae8cf723e37a66d68ada3c4c37ffb5acf2b.pdf

>>19450149 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Charlie Angus deletes post about death of unvaccinated woman

>>19450198 Ratio’d: Canada may have the largest housing bubble OF ALL TIME (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3cq0go - Canada may have the largest housing bubble OF ALL TIME [10:01] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19450223, >>19465316 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Whistle Stop Cafe owner Chris Scott acquitted after being accused of breaking Covid-19 public health orders

>>19450264 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ottawa Pride attendee rejects critics who call parade 'excessive' (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3cptq6 - Ottawa Pride attendee rejects critics who call parade 'excessive' [6:09] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19450319 Updated Wildfires Bun / Highlighting Trudeau’s broken promises for BC firefighting during his visit to Vancouver

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3cqghk - Highlighting Trudeau’s broken promises for BC firefighting during his visit to Vancouver [12:56] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19453365 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canadian Activists Demanding Return Of Mask Mandates Attack Counter Protester (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ZH1A5YigNUA - Vancouver rally calls for mandatory masks in B.C. healthcare settings [Channel: CityNews]

>>19453441 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / George Soros Still Active In EU: Company Backed By Billionaire Takes Control Of Top Polish Daily Paper (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2v58x2 - Hungary’s Orban: George Soros is a War Speculator Profiting Off Ukraine [3:15] [Channel: Remix News & Views]

>>19460299, >>19460320, >>19460339 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Plothe and Trozzi: A crime of intent

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v38jrzp - Dr Mark Trozzi: We Tried to Warn People About This in 2020, but They Didn't Listen [2:12] [Channel: World Council for Health]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v39buv5 - Scientists All Over the World Knew in 2021 That Covid-19 "Vaccines" Were Harmful [2:18] [Channel: World Council for Health]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v38yqlb - Unfortunately, Covid-19 "Vaccines" Actually Increase Your Chances of Getting Sick with Covid [2:19] [Channel: World Council for Health]

>>19460374 Updated China Bun / Guilbeault lectures Suncor from China

>>19462013 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / First Canadian case of new mutated COVID variant detected in BC

>>19462134 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Redacted: Jordan Peterson GOES nuclear against Trudeau's censorship regime (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3cw9ab - Jordan Peterson GOES nuclear against Trudeau's censorship regime | Redacted with Clayton Morris [17:53] [Channel: Redacted News]

>>19465355 Updated Woke Bun / Ford gov’s anti-racism plan doubles down on funding for DEI, left-wing groups

>>19465417 Updated Woke Bun / Western University's bold mission to 'dismantle whiteness'

>>19465490 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Donald Trump Defiantly Declares ‘WE WILL NOT COMPLY’ in Response to Efforts to Reinstate COVID Lockdowns and Mask and Vaccine Mandates (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3dfgfc - Trump Defiantly Declares 'WE WILL NOT COMPLY' Against COVID Lockdowns and Mandates [1:33] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>19465577 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / The Official Coverup of Vaccine Injury | All Vaccines

>>19468588 Updated Wildfires Bun / What's going on? Fires broke out in Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai, as well as earthquakes (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NuCMcSsye7w - What's going on? Fires broke out in Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai, as well as earthquakes... [Channel: China Insights]

>>19468949 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trans customer slaps Montreal Walmart with Human Rights complaint over using women's bathroom

>>19469048 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ratio’d: Trans activists are LIVID that premiers are defending parental rights (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3dobf8 - Trans activists are LIVID that premiers are defending parental rights [19:01] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19469129 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canadian doctors warn of ‘tripledemic’ this flu season

>>19469506 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / How Pfizer’s shot changed one young man’s life forever (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=POdXP3ud4xc - How Pfizer’s shot changed one young man’s life forever [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19469554 Modeling Disobedience with James Corbett and Bruce de Torres (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3cwan0 - James Corbett and Bruce de Torres - August 28, 2023 [23:10] [Channel: Bruce de Torres]

>>19472156 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Excess Mortality Just Got Even Worse: Ed Dowd Drops Alarming New Data

>>19472315 Fake Jet Engine Parts Supplied To Repair Shops For Older Airbus And Boeing Planes

>>19472559 Updated Wildfires Bun / As The 'Biden Curtain' Goes Up Around Lahaina, What's Going On With All Of The 'Wildfires' Across America, Canada And Europe?

>>19472852 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Canada: Man Who Raped Infant Transferred to Women’s Prison After Claiming to Be Transgender

>>19472941 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / ‘100% Transparent’: Jordan Peterson Says He Will Move To Broadcast Mandated Social Media Training

>>19474132 Updated Protests Bun / Trudeau Liberals request another six months to complete 'Freedom Convoy' report

>>19474160 Redacted MAID documents to be uncovered by Fraser Health

>>19474440 Updated Climate Change Bun / Canada to unveil cap on oil and gas emissions before upcoming UN climate summit, says Guilbeault

>>19474481, >>19497035, >>19499832 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Lemieux ditches Z-cup breasts, shows up as a man ahead of new school year (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3f3gy7 - He’s Back!! Trans Teacher With Huge Fake Breast Now Presents As Man And Is Protected By Trans Cops!! [11:34] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19474512 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Pandemic hiring spree bloated public sector 3x faster than private sector

>>19475677 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Ty Northcott, organizer of ‘No More Lockdowns’ rodeo, acquitted of all COVID charges

>>19477538 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / BC man charged with three sexual assaults released on bail

>>19477561 Updated Woke Bun / LEVY: Trudeau thinks my wife and I are in danger… in Florida

>>19477580 Updated Climate Change Bun / Less than 20% of federally funded EV charging stations are operational

>>19477786 Updated Residential School and Mass Graves Bun / Years After Churches Burned in Retaliation, Dig Finds No Human Remains at Supposed Site of ‘Mass Grave’

>>19477947 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Judicial Watch: Records Reveal Pfizer Tested Safety of Covid Vaccine Booster on 23 People Before Biden FDA Approved the Shots (attached .pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7f5f346069aaa0524f600eec05d06983903bca5b83a952138d721039261a9bb9.pdf

>>19478024 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Conflicting Evidence Of mRNA Technology Raises Serious Concerns About Rush For Use In New Vaccine Development

>>19478111 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Twitter can now harvest YOUR 'biometric' information including fingerprint, face recognition and eye tracking data - as Musk's site quietly updates its T&Cs 'for safety purposes'

>>19478131 Updated Woke Bun / Saskatchewan bans Planned Parenthood from school classrooms, Premier Scott Moe confirms

>>19478227 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Canada’s sharp rise in overdose deaths coincides with Trudeau government’s lax policy on hard drugs

>>19478447 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Soros Son Vows ‘No Retreat’ From Europe, Warns Trump and ‘MAGA-Style’ Republicans Threaten EU Unity

>>19482391 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / EU Labels Anyone Calling For Peace A "Kremlin Propagandist", Hungarian Minister Exclaims

>>19482478 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / US To Arm Ukraine With Toxic Depleted Uranium Munitions

>>19482602 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Billionaire ex-Zelensky sponsor arrested

>>19482913 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / The growing pushback against gender ideology (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3e6ny9 - The growing pushback against gender ideology (Ft. Chris Elston) [41:56] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19488402 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Infectious disease specialists say return to masking not needed

>>19488418 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Free Speech in Medicine: upholding scientific integrity amid political subversion (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ehy8n - Free Speech in Medicine: upholding scientific integrity amid political subversion [12:03] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19488567 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Vaccine? No, it’s Long-Long Covid - ‘Experts’ Publish Warning That Covid Can Kill For Up to TWO YEARS Post-Infection

>>19488646 These Are The Largest UN Peacekeeping Operations In 2023

>>19488695 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Direct Government Censorship Of The Internet Is Here

>>19488852 Updated Climate Change Bun / Corporate Media Gripped A Nation In "Climate Anxiety" Despite Scientists Who Say 'No Emergency'

>>19488929 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated: Documents

>>19489481 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / How Ethical Were the Lockdowns?

>>19489618 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Doctor Warns that 75% of People with Vax-Induced Myocarditis Will Be Dead in 10 Years

>>19496807 Updated Wildfires Bun / Trudeau’s environment minister blames Canada’s oil and gas sector for wildfires in visit to China

>>19496871 Updated Woke Bun / Josh Alexander wins right to appeal his school suspension for opposing gender ideology

>>19496963 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Mysterious Murder of a Billionaire Canadian Couple (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hzdODmH3_70 - The Mysterious Murder of a Billionaire Canadian Couple [Channel: Bloomberg Originals]

>>19497096 Updated Climate Change Bun / Africa Climate Summit Hears Calls for Carbon Tax on World’s Richest Nations

>>19497956 Updated Protests Bun / Freedom Convoy lawyers REJECT portrayal of protest against Trudeau Covid lockdowns as an ‘occupation' during first day of trial

>>19499844 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / PHAC wants new surveillance tools to track Covid vaccination in 'hard-to-reach populations'

>>19499866 Updated China Bun / Guilbeault silent on China using slave labour to build solar panels

>>19499878 Updated China Bun / MP Michael Chong will testify before U.S. committee on Chinese interference

>>19499908 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Community concerns mount as drug use normalization infiltrates small Ontario town (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3f4u08 - Community concerns mount as drug use normalization infiltrates small Ontario town [13:33] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19503032 Updated Climate Change Bun / Retired general says “climate change” warrants new disaster relief force

>>19503278 Updated China Bun / RCMP investigating former RCAF pilots training Chinese military

>>19503400 Klaus Schwab once praised ‘leadership’ of Canada Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland in hand-signed letter

>>19503501 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / WHO director Tedros says COVID is ‘here to stay,’ urges people to get booster shots

>>19503593 Updated China Bun / Conservative national council member alleged to have ties to China and donated to other parties

>>19503737 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / CDC Repeatedly Advised People With Post-Vaccination Conditions To Get More Doses

>>19505828 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Ottawa Hospital reinstates mask mandate amid new Covid scare

>>19508439 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Canada called out for sending trans cricket player to women’s competition

>>19508443 Updated Climate Change Bun / Enbridge announces $14 billion deal to buy US natural gas utilities

>>19508521 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Government-ordered COVID school closures will haunt Canadian youth forever

>>19509005 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / UNMASK: Why Canadians should demand evidence-based policies and reject harmful mandates (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3frv5y - UNMASK: Why Canadians should demand evidence-based policies and reject harmful mandates [7:17] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19509078 Updated Residential School and Mass Graves Bun / Trudeau gov’t offering course for all employees on residential school ‘denialism’

>>19509214 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canadian Vaccine Travel Mandates Lawsuit

>>19511812 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Disabled black Nova Scotian impregnated daughter, receives two years of house arrest

>>19511833 Updated Climate Change Bun / Poll says young Canadians are ‘most fearful’ about ‘climate change’

>>19511868 Updated Protests Bun / Prosecution evidence undermines their own ‘anything but peaceful’ Freedom Convoy claim (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lewVjRlL-cI - Prosecution evidence undermines their own ‘anything but peaceful’ Freedom Convoy claim [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19511958 UN Bun / UN warns foreign workers subject to “contemporary slavery” in Canada

>>19512583 Updated Woke Bun / New documentary explores Canada’s decline into a ‘woke nightmare’ (video)

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/V9DpnMyxSesA/ - Canada's woke nightmare: A warning to the West | Documentary [Channel: Freedom of speech is everything]

>>19512708 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Elise Stefanik Decries Surge in Illegal Migrants at the Northern Border: ‘Unprecedented’

>>19513549 Senator Batters hits a homer: Exposing the Trudeau Foundation’s ominous power over Canada

>>19513869 Justin Trudeau pressed on foreign agent registry: 'We’re not going to be naïve about it'

>>19513941 Updated China Bun / Guilbeault dodges questions on why he attacks Canada's natural resources and promotes China's instead (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3g2gl8 - Guilbeault dodges questions on why he attacks Canada's natural resources and promotes China's [5:02] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19517563 Updated Wildfires Bun / Man charged with arson in relation to Quebec wildfires

>>19517638 Updated China Bun / Taiwan offers Canadian government 'assistance' in fighting Chinese interference

>>19517915 The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded) (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lJoXwh0Vu9M - The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican [Channel: Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism]

>>19518189 Updated G20 Summit Bun / G20 summit begins in New Delhi amid concerns over final declaration

>>19518262 Updated China Bun / Redacted: They are HIDING this about China, and it's about to get worse (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hKXoEmLf__M - "They are HIDING this about China, and it's about to get worse" | Redacted with Clayton Morris [Channel: Redacted]

>>19518505 Schwab promotes the merging of state and corporate power at Asian Summit

>>19518568 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Here’s why all biotechnology experimentation should be outlawed

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1605f No.19601768


>>19518912 Updated Woke Bun / How BlackRock ESG Agenda Triggered the Global Energy Crisis

>>19518951 Failure of popular payment system exposes vulnerability of cashless society

>>19519062 Updated Protests Bun / Freedom truckers trial judge slams prosecution for introducing 'chat' messages without disclosing them to defense

>>19519246 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Worst Ever Human and Child Trafficking is Now (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PZJlWUJSrKM - World Council for Health expose evil [Channel: Dr. John Campbell]

>>19519359 Updated Protests Bun / LAWTON: New documentary combats persecution of Tamara Lich (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3garng - New documentary combats persecution of Tamara Lich [22:09] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19519482 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Rebel News is being raided— we need your help! (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gc69b - Rebel News is being raided— we need your help! [25:41] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19519698 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / IWR Weekly, Sept. 8: C-18 Online by December (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3g3ei3 - Weekly News for Sept. 8: C-18 Online by December [12:44] [Channel: The Strong And Free Truthcast]

>>19524358 Updated G20 Summit Bun / What’s in the G20 leaders’ declaration?

>>19524477 Updated G20 Summit Bun / G20 admits African Union as permanent member

>>19526207 BC begins construction of 50-kilometer Woodfibre LNG pipeline

>>19529957 Updated G20 Summit Bun / BAD TRIP: Canada’s Justin Trudeau Stranded in New Delhi After Plane Breaks Down - G20 Fiasco Included Scolding by Indian PM Modi

>>19530021 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The COVID Crisis Response Has Driven A Global Increase In 'Learning Poverty'

>>19530381 UN Bun / Preview of Upcoming UN High-Level Week

>>19530621 UN Bun / The UN's Nefarious 'Summit of The Future' is Coming Soon - Alex Newman on OAN (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v33wt3x - The UN's Nefarious 'Summit of The Future' is Coming Soon - Alex Newman on OAN [5:07] [Channel: Liberty Sentinel]

>>19535560 Press For Truth Presents: 9/11 Decade of Deception (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gk45n - Press For Truth Presents: 9/11 Decade of Deception (Full Film) [2:05:02] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19535668 Updated G20 Summit Bun / Ratio’d: Trudeau HUMILIATED AGAIN! Another disastrous India trip (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gxaw9 - Trudeau HUMILIATED AGAIN! Another disastrous India trip [11:19] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19535693 Updated Woke Bun / Ottawa school trustee Nili Kaplan-Myrth facing code of conduct complaint

>>19535704 Updated Woke Bun / Former general condemns Canada's ‘woke’ military culture

>>19535728 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Rebel News: We just crushed Trudeau's cabinet minister Steven Guilbeault in court! (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gxexo - 🚨 We Beat Trudeau's Cabinet Minister Steven Guilbeault in Court! [5:11] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19535795 Updated Protests Bun / Judge questions relevance of Crown's witnesses Tamara Lich trial (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gyans - Judge questions relevance of Crown's witnesses Tamara Lich trial [9:04] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19535876 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / NATO Prepares For Biggest Military Exercise Since Cold War, And Close To Russia

>>19537396 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Here’s what corporate media is not reporting about the rise in cancer cases

>>19537540 Updated G20 Summit Bun / EU Chief Calls on World Leaders to Usher In Global ‘Digital ID’

>>19537756 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Charges dropped, fines withdrawn two years after Canadian couple refused to stay in quarantine hotel

>>19537944 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Fourth Ontario hospital announces return of COVID mask mandate

>>19538054 Updated Woke Bun / Ontario speech pathologists trained to push gender ideology on vulnerable patients

>>19538769 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Health Canada approves Moderna COVID-19 vaccine targeting Omicron subvariant

>>19539167 Jordan Peterson Bun

>>19539178 Updated Wildfires Bun

>>19539438 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Press for Truth: Warning: Do NOT Get The New Covid-19(84) Shot According To Top Vaccine Scientist And Surgeon General (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h5z7q - Warning: Do NOT Get The New Covid-19(84) Shot According To Top Vaccine Scientist And Surgeon General [12:40] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19542884 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Privy Council asked feds to 'downplay' vaccine-related deaths and injuries: memo

>>19542953 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Tax-funded CBC pays 144 execs while crying for a larger budget

>>19543036 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Ezra Levant: 'These so-called journalists are attacking Facebook, the victim of this tax hike, rather than Trudeau' (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h77li - 'So-called journalists are attacking Facebook, the victim of this tax hike, rather than Trudeau' [2:41] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19544619 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canadian embalmer with 27 years of experience, Laura Jeffrey speaks out against the #Covid #Vaccine and the horrifying things she noticed happen to people’s blood after #Vaccination

>>19544882 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Ontario school board removes Anne Frank’s Diary, Harry Potter, The Very Hungry Caterpillar from libraries in the name of 'equity'

>>19546511 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Pornhub exec caught on camera admitting rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'

>>19549441 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Suspect behind triple stabbing in Vancouver was on day release

>>19549516 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Alberta trustee reprimanded for Instagram post critical of gender “indoctrination”

>>19549549, >>19574881 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Public safety is at risk as Health Canada greenlights new COVID-19 booster with incomplete data (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hfquw - Public safety is at risk as Health Canada greenlights new COVID-19 booster with incomplete data [13:54] [Channel: Rebel News]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3iu4w0 - Health Canada’s approval of new COVID booster leaves Canadians in the dark due to missing info [12:00] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19549638 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Lawyer confronts Ottawa Hospital and police over reinstated mask mandate (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hgc84 - Lawyer confronts Ottawa Hospital and police over reinstated mask mandate [6:35] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19549777 Updated Protests Bun / New Evidence: Convoy organizers repeated calls for 'peaceful' demonstrations (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hhvhg - KEY EVIDENCE: Convoy Organizers Continually Call for Peace [10:29] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19549790 Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden Funding

>>19549838 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Ukraine’s Transgender Spokesperson Issues Stark Warning to Russian Propagandists: “All Will Be Hunted Down and Justice Will Be Served

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hicvk - Ukraine Troops Wave Their Flags [2:46] [Channel: lcjohnson]

>>19550010 Updated G20 Summit Bun / G20 Announces Plan To Impose Digital Currencies And IDs Worldwide

>>19550073 Updated Woke Bun / Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To "Inclusive Capitalism" Agenda (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eZzZubPKPrw - Lynn Forester de Rothschild Says Its Time to "Dustbin" ESG [Channel: Bloomberg Television]

>>19550109 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Death Of Informed Consent

>>19550422 Depopulation Fanatics Should Never Be Trusted with Government Power

>>19550485 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / UN Cybercrime Treaty Talks End Without Consensus on Scope And Deep Divides About Surveillance Powers

>>19551916 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Federal government extends 'temporary' $595 million media slush fund

>>19551964, >>19582652 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Ontario doctor vindicated in the fight against imposed singular narratives by medical regulator (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j4xco - Regulatory showdown over COVID ends abruptly: lawyer speaks out after hearing withdrawn [12:26] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19553305 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Redacted: Controversy erupts as Canada pushes MASKS mandates and tracking (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hl8dt - Controversy erupts as Canada pushes MASKS mandates and tracking | Redacted with Clayton Morris [11:06] [Channel: Redacted News]

>>19555333, >>19579793 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Ratio’d: They have returned. Here we go again… (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hqd0e - They have returned. Here we go again... [12:25] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3izblv - Canada's Trudeau govt is doing it AGAIN! | Redacted with Clayton Morris [12:37] [Channel: Redacted News]

>>19555368 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Liberals want to let kids make 'irreversible' life-altering decisions, says psychologist (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hq488 - Liberals want to let kids make 'irreversible' life-altering decisions, says psychologist [9:21] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19555546 Updated Protests Bun / Timeline blowout: Crown pushes for 22 more witnesses in Barber and Lich trial (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FoENQN206oc - Timeline blowout: Crown pushes for 22 more witnesses in Barber and Lich trial [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19557070, >>19574269 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Diagolon Does Not Pose A Criminal or National Security Threat -RCMP Internal Docs (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hqbso - "Diagolon Does Not Pose A Criminal or National Security Threat" -RCMP Internal Docs [39:24] [Channel: Bright Light News]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3iujcq - The biggest scandal that you've never heard of [13:24] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19557133 “We Own the Science and Think the World Should Know It” - Globalist UN Official Calls for More Controls Over Speech, Greater Censorship of the Masses

>>19559743 Farmers and Food Bun / Trudeau Threatens NEW TAX ON GROCERIES!! - Flip Flops on GST Campaign Promise (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mk3rY_7gzX4 - Trudeau Threatens NEW TAX ON GROCERIES!! - Flip Flops on GST Campaign Promise [Channel: Clyde Do Something]

>>19559955, >>19571722 Updated Climate Change Bun / PFT LIVE: Climate Change Crazies Try To Surround And Intimidate Dan Dicks (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hxwg8 - PFT LIVE: Climate Change Crazies Try To Surround And Intimidate Dan Dicks!!!! [1:22:52] [Channel: PressForTruth]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i8yw0 - Antifa Surround And Attempt To Intimidate Dan Dicks… [26:55] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19560809 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Transparency under attack as Health Canada accused of misleading Canadians with COVID-19 messaging (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hzlug - Transparency under attack as Health Canada accused of misleading Canadians with COVID-19 messaging [10:56] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19561028 Interior Health’s former top doctor has sex-related charges involving a minor withdrawn

>>19561060 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / 'Statistically Significant Increase' In Myopericarditis And Single Organ Cutaneous Vasculitis Found After COVID-19 Vaccination

>>19561191 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / G7 Prepares Russian Diamond Ban, Potentially Reshaping Global Rough Stone Supply Chain

>>19561288 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Experts estimate over 20 million are already Dead due to COVID-19 vaccination & over 2 billion are Severely Injured

>>19561408 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Kiev orders closure of Christian churches

>>19561695 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / X ID Verification Goes Live

>>19562086 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / George Soros funded Joe Biden’s ‘TikTok Army’

>>19562979 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / New charges against ex-Zelensky sponsor announced

>>19563361 Farmers and Food Bun / (from General Research) Trudeau Threatens 'Grocery Tax' To Combat 'Record Profits'

>>19567125 Updated Protests Bun / 'Arrest Trudeau!' PM confronted with protesters during Toronto visit after Liberals drop in polls (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i8f2e - 'Arrest Trudeau!' PM confronted with protesters during Toronto visit after Liberals drop in polls [9:02] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19571836 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Feds extend deadline a second time for COVID loan repayment

>>19572166 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Entire world ‘needs absolute transparency’ on CIA COVID allegations (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=m1zrJKO10CY - Entire world ‘needs absolute transparency’ on CIA COVID allegations [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>19574238 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Clinton Global Initiative to Launch Network to Provide ‘Humanitarian Aid’ to War-Torn Ukraine

>>19574329 Updated Protests Bun / Pastor Artur Pawlowski sentenced time served for sermon at Coutts protest

>>19574830 Canada vs India Bun / Canada expels Indian diplomat after accusing India of murdering Sikh activist

>>19576582, >>19584049 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / National Citizen’s Inquiry interim report calls on Trudeau to halt Covid-19 vaccines (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=O9CbEfZi3iw - Canada, National Citizens Inquiry [Channel: Dr. John Campbell]

>>19576629 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / AI spurs “hatred against political leaders,” threatens green transition: gov report

>>19576674 Canadian CPI Triggers Panic-Puke In Bonds: 5Y Treasury Yield Highest Since 2007

>>19576799 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / COVID-19 Vaccines Revealed To Be 'Neither Safe, Nor Effective': Watchdog

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/054247753bda7f110e8a8329c4042683ec5d9f3d10cabe1ae8c4cf4471756ed3.pdf

>>19577073 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / German MEP Urges Citizens Worldwide To Peacefully Disobey Covid Tyranny

>>19577151 Updated Climate Change Bun / Pope Francis to Bill Clinton: We Must Halt the ‘Ecological Catastrophe’ of Climate Change

>>19577290 Canada vs India Bun / India rejects Canada’s ‘absurd’ allegations

>>19577380 219 Canadians euthanized by the state in 2021 were not facing ‘imminent death’

>>19577490 Updated Woke Bun / Trudeau's passport revamp blew through nearly a third of a billion dollars

>>19578898 "ONLY 15% COMPLETION" WE MAY HAVE TO ABANDON THE SDG'S" - UN Secretary General at the SDG Summit (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ivwq6 - "ONLY 15% COMPLETION" WE MAY HAVE TO ABANDON THE SDG'S" - UN Secretary General at the SDG Summit | Sustainable Development | United Nations 2023 Global Summit [9:18] [Channel: nonvaxer420]

>>19582263 Updated Climate Change Bun / Grassroots group pushes back against Liberal energy policies (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3j46eg - Grassroots group pushes back against Liberal energy policies [11:36] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19582330 Updated China Bun / Inquiry of ministry finds 'special rapporteur' Johnston's $5M expense allotment went to Liberal insiders

>>19582361 Farmers and Food Bun / Farmers say 'government-made food crisis' will worsen due to carbon tax, fertilizer limits

>>19582408 Liberals won't say who was granted a ‘secret pardon’ or why

>>19582591 Farmers and Food Bun / Grocers agree to 'stabilize' food prices by Thanksgiving amid threat of 'grocery tax'

>>19582831 Million March 4 Children Bun / '1 Million March 4 Children' Canada-wide protest against gender ideology

>>19583040 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Former NZ PM Ardern Urges United Nations To 'Crack Down On Free Speech As A Weapon Of War'

>>19583199 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / NYT Does Some Surprising Journalism and Finds That Deadly Missile Strike On Kostantinovka Market Was Caused by Ukrainian Air Defense Mishap - NOT Russian Attack

>>19583237 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Today The UK Parliament Undermined The Privacy, Security, And Freedom Of All Internet Users

>>19583734 UN Bun / Eleven countries express their opposition to UN political pandemic declaration

>>19583789 Pro-life hospice launches ‘Guardian Angels’ program to help patients avoid euthanasia trap

>>19583844 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / ‘Creating a digital prison’: WHO rushes ahead on global digital health certificates

>>19583878 Updated Climate Change Bun / ‘Creating a digital prison’: WHO rushes ahead on global digital health certificates

>>19584403 Updated Residential School and Mass Graves Bun / Church privileges must be cancelled: Vancouver City Council ordered to nullify tax exemptions (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=w_bk0DTIdpY - Church privileges must be cancelled: Vancouver City Council ordered to nullify tax exemptions [Channel: Kevin A]

>>19584518 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Soros foundation buys up 23 Maine newspapers

>>19588545 Million March 4 Children Bun / Thousands of Canadians join nationwide parental rights march

>>19588599 Million March 4 Children Bun / Trudeau, Singh denounce “hateful” Million Person March

>>19588657 Trudeau government 'blocked' CSIS operation in B.C. that would have dismantled Indian intelligence networks: report

>>19588834 Updated Law & Disorder Bun / Illegal immigrants are smuggled across the U.S.-Canada border by 'organized crime,' says document

>>19588933 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Did Poland Just Torpedo NATO And Ukraine?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ded94fc3d8807ac12d6d87630eb616d6bbb354600cd8321a1e997b519f2a5e5f.pdf

>>19589176 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Evidence shows HPV vaccines like Gardasil are causing severe injuries and deaths

>>19589951 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Manitoba churches file appeal against COVID-era worship restrictions with Supreme Court

>>19590053 Million March 4 Children Bun / Pierre Poilievre told Conservative MPs to remain silent about Million Person March

>>19590630 Updated Woke Bun / Justin Trudeau Mocked over Support of ‘2SLGBTQI+’ Canadians, Condemning ‘Biphobia’

>>19590739 Canada vs India Bun / Sikh separatist on India’s most wanted list murdered in Winnipeg: reports

>>19591370 Canada loans Romania $3 billion to bolster nuclear program amid concerns of 'energy security'

>>19593676 Million March 4 Children Bun / Ratio’d: The #1MillionMarch4Children TAKES OVER Canada (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jp8v2 - The #1MillionMarch4Children TAKES OVER Canada [19:11] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19594410 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Quebec faces lawsuit alleging late COVID response and neglect in long-term care facilities resulting in thousands of deaths

>>19594425 Peter Nygart Pleads Not-Guilty to Five Counts of Sexual Assault - Trial in Toronto Happens Before His Extradition to the US for Alleged Dozens of Rapes of Girls and Women

>>19595171 Mapping The Migration Of The World's Millionaires In 2023

>>19595210 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Trudeau Unveils C$650M More For Ukraine Defense As Zelensky Addresses Parliament

>>19595392 Canada vs India Bun / India Suspends Visas For Canadians, Denounces Terrorist "Safe Haven"

>>19595515 Updated Media and Censorship Bun / ‘Anti-hate’ group wants more Canadian gov’t money because millions believe in ‘conspiracy theories’

>>19595557 Million March 4 Children Bun / ‘Wrong side of history’: Jordan Peterson slams Trudeau for condemning Million Person March

>>19595613 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Civil servant accuses Trudeau gov’t of ‘genocide’ in court filing over COVID jab mandate

>>19595703 Million March 4 Children Bun / Josh Alexander’s brother bloodied by LGBT activists, arrested at Toronto pro-family protest

>>19595810 Catholic hospital slammed for naming euthanasia doctor as palliative care director: ‘Hired a murderer’

>>19596000 Million March 4 Children Bun / Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Accuses Parents Protesting Grooming of Manifesting ‘Hate’

>>19597632 UN Bun / Canada leads UN declaration to fight online disinformation

>>19597688 Million March 4 Children Bun / TDSB trustee says parental rights don’t exist in response to One Million March for Children

>>19597738 Updated Protests Bun / Chrystia Freeland refuses to answer why she froze bank accounts

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jvpg8 - Chrystia Freeland refuses to answer why she froze bank accounts [2:46] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19597789 UN Bun / Trudeau defends carbon tax, oil and gas production cap at UN climate summit

>>19597830 Marco Mendicino's office caught meddling in access to info filings about SNC-Lavalin

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4858db84cddc0863e396487df4d54402251cb65a81adfbc2c541ac2abf0e7445.pdf

>>19597876 52 unelected bureaucrats have their own cars and drivers provided by taxpayers (with pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2dcf7ee3778dcdeba9415fc73cd97109d8e99e11849f304e70779f8b24c1566b.pdf

>>19597925 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Controversy erupts over resurfaced Braun ad showing trans man with mastectomy scars

>>19597957 Canada vs India Bun / Feds will not investigate 'Indian agents' as part of foreign interference inquiry: LeBlanc

>>19598006 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Right-Wing Polish MP Delivers $23 Billion Bill to Ukrainian Embassy

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rpSCL7tasJc - Rachunek dla Ukrainy! [Channel: Krzysztof Bosak]

>>19598050 Globalist Pope Francis Absurdly Claims EU Is NOT Facing a Mass Immigration Emergency

>>19598253 Updated Climate Change Bun / Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative?

>>19598640 Million March 4 Children Bun / 100M+ views for video shared by Elon Musk of Canada’s Million Person March

>>19598777 Updated Protests Bun / Court hears Freedom Convoy leaders cooperated when asked to move trucks out of downtown Ottawa

>>19598892 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine 'Humanitarian' Aid

>>19598979 Canada vs India Bun / Canada spied on Indian diplomats - reports

>>19601047 Million March 4 Children Bun / Antifa and parental rights protesters in Toronto, multiple arrests

>>19601611 Canada vs India Bun

>>19601618 Updated China Bun

>>19601621 Updated Climate Change Bun

>>19601623 Updated Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>19601625 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>19601632 Farmers and Food Bun

>>19601636 Updated G20 Summit Bun

>>19601638 Updated Law & Disorder Bun

>>19601641 Million March 4 Children Bun

>>19601643 Updated Media and Censorship Bun

>>19601647 Updated Protests Bun

>>19601657 Updated Residential School and Mass Graves Bun

>>19601660 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>19601686 UN Bun

>>19601688 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>19601690 Updated Woke Bun

(334 notables, 351 posts, 426 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1605f No.19601770

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19600887 Q Research General #24071: Nothing Can Stop All The Winning Edition

Created 240309ZSEP23



>>19600902 dough

>>19600940 @JamesO'Keefe: Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed. The Strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere

>>19600953 Woman from Nebraska was sentenced to two years in prison for helping her daughter obtain abortion pills and have an abortion. The teenager was sentenced earlier this year to 90 days in prison

>>19600977 Oklahoma shooting: Police have apprehended the suspects

>>19601039, >>19601045 @HHS.gov: Free COVID-19 tests available for home delivery starting Monday

>>19601042 Rep. Jim Banks: Republicans Putting Ukraine over U.S. Won’t ‘Pass the Test in 2024,’ Voters Want ‘America First Fighters’

>>19601050 Man and 4 boys shot in Virginia home

>>19601054 Watch: National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass, Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control

>>19601055 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Pro lifers had absolutely zero status on the subject of abortion until I came along. For 52 years everyone “talked,” but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE!

>>19601082 Call to dig on (pb) notable: Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined - AOG Technics and its founder, Jose Zamora Yrala

>>19601089 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: On numerous occasions I told the Air Force and Lockheed Martin that the F-35 Fighter Jet is, in effect, DEFECTIVE

>>19601090 Bill Clinton back massage photo making the rounds today on X

>>19601092 @SpaceX: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, the second booster in our fleet with 17 launches and landings

>>19601106 Inside Venezuelan prison reclaimed by 11,000 troops, bitcoin mining machines among items seized

>>19601113, >>19601117 24 year old pedo posed as 16 year old to lure minors into sending pictures has been sentenced to 21 years in prison

>>19601114 Bill Clinton, Mobileye co-founder launch $1 billion climate fund

>>19601145 Microsoft’s big Windows 11 update drops on September 26 with Copilot AI baked in

>>19601169 Russel Brand redpill response to censorship: "it's clear that these organizations collaborate in constructing narratives, whether that's around the war or the pandemic"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0863dff8ccb3422fee0d8b65c488fab77c0349064cbc2c2e10b68db79f8bc48d.mp4

>>19601183 $190 for the booster!? :laughing::joy::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

>>19601191 Chicago's Trillion-Dollar Financial Engine At Risk Of Leaving Over $800 Million Tax Proposal

>>19601193 Lavrov Squares Off With CNN at the UN Press Conference

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jb6PhlweSKLu/ - Lavrov Squares Off With CNN at the UN Press Conference [Channel: December1991]

>>19601199 As Generals Disappear: Xi Holds Tight Grip on Agency Overseeing Chinese Military, Expert Says

>>19601206 PF

>>19601208 Moscow Says Kyiv ‘Losing Allies’ as Poland-Ukraine Relations Continue to Sour

>>19601234 DJT on his pro-life victories

>>19601275 Scavino video on Trump vs Biden Sept 24 2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3k9an2 - Video upload for 111118341145626146 [5] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19601319 Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative?

>>19601342 German police threaten to arrest anyone distributing migrant brawl video

>>19601365 History of Azov Movement

>>19601371 Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine 'Humanitarian' Aid

>>19601410 An on Summary of recent events

>>19601432, >>19601452 Cates claims that the Texas GOP party just publicly disowned House Speaker Dade Phelan and voted overwhelmingly to support a demand he step down and vacate the chair.

>>19601436 POTATUS Refers to Rapper LL Cool Jay As Boy While Speaking To Congressional Black Caucus

>>19601440 Washington negotiating F-16 deal with Vietnam - Reuters

>>19601616 #24071

(35 notables, 38 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1605f No.19602747

File: ea7e35639e951f0⋯.png (281.53 KB,740x500,37:25,Clipboard.png)


>>19601668 Q Research General #24072: Easy like sunday morning edition

Created 240740ZSEP23




>>19601699, >>19601715, >>19601721 TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i4rme -TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030[5:47] [Channel: chestercat01]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3igii8 -ALL WARS ARE BANKSTER WARS[4:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jyjzc -COMPLETE TIMELINE - B.I.S 1930 TO 2030 TO THE NWO AND AGENDA 21[3:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19601748 Illegals in NY making big illegal bucks in NYC

>>19601810 First 9 Minutes of Trump's Meet The Press Interview with Kristen Welker Were Edited Out: Report

>>19601816, >>19601824, >>19601831, >>19601835, >>19601871 In 2014, ‘Deagel Corporation' published a projection of massive global depopulation by 2025

>>19601907 Zelensky and Trudeau greet former Nazi unit fighter - AP photo

>>19601922 Washington Post/ABC Poll Shows President Trump With 10 Point Lead Over Potato

>>19602109 @FAKEPOTUS: The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention is going to save lives

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c826572524daab1d24dd009a94b401ca11018efb6d62a43638f1d9eb6234fec.mp4

>>19602267, >>19602303 Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

>>19602276 Ukraine's Zelenskiy says he met top businessmen during U.S. visit

>>19602298 People Planning to Get New Covid-19 Vaccine Are Getting Hit With High Fees

>>19602339, >>19602361, >>19602368, >>19602385 Bay Area officials: antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ derailing local democracy

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d8503e06938533978f6a96f34b232909481c62b2ab38c4c17d1769a656d70ff2.mp4

>>19602373 Joe Biden needs to be impeached and tried for the crimes he has committed

>>19602426 "Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time": Tucker Carlson Gives Bombshell Interview

>>19602428, >>19602441 Wake The Black Female Democrat Voter

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=piBD9FqXzuM - *OH S**T!! BLACK WOMAN DELIVERS POWERFUL SPEECH IN SUPPORT OF DONALD TRUMP [Channel: Half And Jai]

>>19602436 Planefag Reports

>>19602446 @FAKEPOTUS: As Jewish communities in the United States, Israel, and around the world observe Yom Kippur

(16 notables, 27 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1605f No.19602997


UPDATE for >>19600887 Q Research General #24071: Nothing Can Stop All The Winning Edition

>>19601440 Washington negotiating F-16 deal with Vietnam -- Reuters

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19603392


UPDATE for >>19600887 Q Research General #24071: Nothing Can Stop All The Winning Edition

>>19601440 Washington negotiating F-16 deal with Vietnam - Reuters

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19604301

File: 0023c7c118972ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.png)


>>19602534 Q Research General #24073: Wake Up Edition

Created 241416ZSEP23




>>19602539 #24073

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a6e4e58762be2d0bc2838bccb180b4f5841b9fd6554d9c54fd6bc05209237b01.mp4

>>19602542 PF reports: C130 coming from GITMO

>>19602546, >>19602968 Canada parliament gives standing ovation to literal Nazi

>>19602557, >>19602567 Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

>>19602560, >>19602784 Former Trump Adviser Calls Cassidy Hutchinson and Other Female White House Aides ‘Pimp Ladies’

>>19602565, >>19602571 Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was a Nazi collaborator

>>19602577 End Times News #493

>>19602589 Somorie Moses, a longtime pimp known for his "extreme violence," has admitted to murdering his prostitute girlfriend and sex trafficking eight other women

>>19602602, >>19602851 Video game (Metal Gear Solid) reveals the use of AI in the war on digital misinformation, and the solution of total digital identification for the global populace

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-gGLvg0n-uY - Raiden Warned About AI Censorship - MGS2 Codec Call (2023 Version) [Channel: CYBERGEM]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32a975eca3bab23c4daab658eab8bd743d637f108aadfad3d83a2f3aa68f9c2a.webm

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c9707de1b06bcb95d7670f362f39f31b2c1f7631f5b9ad641e62dee7bb39f7ef.webm

>>19602608 Nasa pic of the day: A Ring of Fire Sunrise Solar Eclipse

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UJfpqSj7cCs - A Ring of Fire Sunrise Solar Eclipse [Channel: APOD Videos]

>>19602609 3 year delta: Q#4749 Everyone has a choice to make and POTUS pro life post on truthsocial

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d73543624da507cd224e89eb1a41d04b1d56854dedcce9c8840c4034fd53064.mp4

>>19602611 Watch a spacecraft deliver an asteroid sample to Earth. OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will release its sample return capsule into the atmosphere and land at the DoD's test range in Utah

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Kdwyqctp908 - OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return (Official 4K NASA Broadcast) [Channel: NASA]

>>19602625 Anon digs into Texas campaign funds

>>19602627 UFC fighter clutching bible claims fires in Hawaii were man-made to steal land from the natives in live post fight victory speech

>>19602663 Anon digs: pregnancy pictures of Michelle Obama on google appear to be AI generated

>>19602704 @MattGaetz: We should have separate single-subject spending bills. @SpeakerMcCarthy promised that in January. He is in breach of that promise.

>>19602793 UN Secretary General: Clear and present global threat - digital platforms subverting science, requires global action

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4917032a3be24123267aa8747be76636c1c2bb831a9223809aac31d67003f9be.mp4

>>19602822 Full 30 minutes of the UN Secretary General fear mongering globalism

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cJ_P43W8Iog - 🇺🇳 UN Secretary-General Addresses General Debate, 78th Session | #UNGA [Channel: United Nations]

>>19602865 Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blames sanctions on Venezuela for the southern border crisis

>>19602881 Direct connection between ERIC and ERICSSON, means ALL of our current voting hardware and software, as well as the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, are an imminent threat to national security

>>19603088 A police officer in Pennsylvania assaulted a woman he had an intimate relationship with and then had her involuntarily committed for several days, has been charged with multiple felonies

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3db87d5867fdba6912cf64e2ef2cb544cd9538e2e39f425ea6335bcf79f06ea5.mp4

>>19603148 First 9 minutes of Donald J. Trump interview from Meet the Press that were edited out

(22 notables, 27 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19604309

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19603325 Q Research General #24074: E-Baked Edition

Created 241752ZSEP23




>>19603328 #24074

>>19603346 Sub chronic endotoxin inhalation causes persistent airway disease

>>19603523, >>19603612, >>19603643 Bay Area officials says anti-Semitic "Zoombombing" is detailing local democracy

>>19603533, >>19603549, >>19603554, >>19603688, >>19603944 Canadian Parliament Receives Zelensky, and Gives Standing Ovation to 98 Year-Old Man Who Fought for Nazi SS Division Involved in War Crimes

>>19603559 End Times News


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/PwgtSXeatv1i/ - FREEDOM RISING: MAN UNMASKS CANADIAN CITY COUNCIL'S ECOFASCIST NWO PLAN & THE AUDIENCE APPLAUDS [Channel: Philosophers-stone.info pureblood]

>>19603571 Elites Enjoy Lavish Dinner at Palace of Versailles While Discussing Climate Change

>>19603578 Point La Jolla California beach indefinitely shut down to protect sea lions

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UJrWjUBrrQk - Onyx - Shut 'Em Down ft. DMX [Channel: OnyxVEVO]

>>19603591, >>19603749 United States Army Hospital located in Germany Is Now Treating AMERICAN SOLDIERS Hurt While Fighting in Ukraine.

>>19603597 Mayo Clinic Website Now Says HCQ CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients

>>19603604 2018 and 2020 Elections Break Benfords Law

>>19603609, >>19603761, >>19603766, >>19603778, >>19603792 Chuck Grassley #cornwatch

>>19603629 #24072 Posted in @24074

>>19603650 Constitutionality of the Death Penalty in America

>>19603656 Ben Gvir threatens to implode Israeli govt over concessions to Palestinians

>>19603663 UK quietly passes “Online Safety Bill” into law

>>19603703, >>19603712, >>19603760 B.I.S Digg, con't.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kfekg - THE GREEN BONDS B.I.S GLOBAL AGENDA !!! [4:51] [Channel: chestercat01]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jyjzc -COMPLETE TIMELINE - B.I.S 1930 TO 2030 TO THE NWO AND AGENDA 21[3:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19603754 Parental rights group: 1,000 school districts support hiding kids' gender issue from parents

>>19603755 Interior decorator to the stars: ‘Sex rooms are on trend – ours are very luxurious’

>>19603762 People looking to get new COVID vaccine getting hit with $190 fees

>>19603763 Top Toxicologist Warns mRNA Jabs Are Laced With Cancer-Causing SV40

>>19603788, >>19603808 MSM Investigative Journalist Totally Exposes The MAUI MASSACRE During Prime Time

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/87af5bb37e8dad1545c53b6667001d3d99a8ac5ce695db1093e3c8842be4e00f.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ivkie - Maui Fires - She Knocked it Out of the Park [2:55] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>19603791 Joseph Ladapo, Florida Surgeon General: "NOBODY Should Take a COVID Shot…These Are Terrible Products That Absolutely Shouldn't Be in Human Beings"

>>19603794, >>19603815, >>19603935, >>19603960 Black helicopters flying low over Largo, FL (no sauce, anons discuss)

>>19603844 #24073

>>19603870 Evaluation of the bacterial contamination of face masks worn by personnel in a center of COVID 19 hospitalized patients: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

>>19603881 China has floated a barrier about 150 miles west of Luzon, the main island of the Philippines and 560 miles from China owned land

>>19603883 Wisconsin Supreme Court has banned absentee ballot drop boxes in the state

>>19603939 Major Depression INCOMING: Credit card losses are rising at the fastest pace since the Great Financial Crisis

>>19603949 Gavin Newsom's wife reached out to Harvey Weinstein to help deal with Gavin's affair

>>19603965 Crime, drugs and terrorism: What Biden’s open-border agenda means for the US. Becoming impossible for either side to ignore

>>19603991 PF reports: C130 returning to GITMO

>>19604024 #24074

(33 notables, 50 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19605057

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19604032 Q Research General #24075: Sunday Blessings Edition

Created 242029ZSEP23



>>19604036 #24075-A

>>19604108 Over the past three years, Minneapolis Police Dept. experienced the most significant exodus of uniformed personnel in its history and, last month, dipped to the lowest level in at least four decades

>>19604116 CDC Director on School Mask Mandates: We Want People 'Protecting Themselves' and 'Reacting to What They're Seeing'

>>19604150 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Morning Consult Poll: Trump’s Favorability Continues to Rise

>>19604151 Migrants in NYC Pocketing $3,000 a Month Working Illegally While the City Foots Their Bills

>>19604171 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Trump's Role in History - and Why He Must Be Reelected

>>19604183 Potato Touts Millions for Clean Water for Ukraine as East Palestine Suffers

>>19604186 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: REED COOPER: We’re Witnessing A Repeat Of 2016 And Trump Is Set To Win By A Landslide

>>19604196 More details of the German tank crew fighting for Ukraine

>>19604200, >>19604369 Jewish group says an ‘apology is owed’ after Canadian MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/430375e2e7ca011e08754a2cf83b3c3acb64b712b1342a055ff441e8ea3a2092.mp4

>>19604207 Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective

>>19604220 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Steve Bannon Unleashes on the Murdochs: ‘President Trump Will Return Like Cincinnatus and Murdoch Can’t Do Anything To Stop It’

>>19604223 Geomagnetic stormfag reports

>>19604240 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Part II: If Trump Doesn’t Win in 2024, He Won’t Just be the Last Republican President Ever. He’ll be the Last Republican- PERIOD

>>19604252 NASA's first asteroid samples land on Earth after release from spacecraft

>>19604255 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Senate Democrat’s homes like they illegally raided Mar-a-Lago

>>19604258, >>19604287 Under congressional mandate, the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (IG) has conducted unannounced visits to CBP holding facilities across the country, many of which have fallen well shy of agency standards.

>>19604280 Donald J. Trump on truth social: Media fumed over Trump's detention of illegal immigrants, now issue has boomeranged on Biden

>>19604302 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The Brief: The Media’s Favorite Lies To Protect Joe Biden In His Son’s Influence Peddling Schemes

>>19604308, >>19604325 Vaccination Offers ‘No Meaningful Protection’ Against Long COVID: Study

>>19604312 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The WAPO has just increased my polling lead over Crooked Joe Biden to 10 Points, from 9. Well, at least they admitted their mistake!

>>19604362 WATCH: The National Pulse Interview With President Trump, Trailer

>>19604366 PF reports on PB tracked flight: calling bullshit on the entire flight. The Super Hornet has a ferry range of 1,800 nm. But not with these speed variations

>>19604376 BREAKING: President Emmanuel Macron says France will end its military presence in Niger and pull its ambassador from the country

>>19604387 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Washington Post gobsmacked over its own poll result on Trump soaring approval– and hastens to tell its readers it may be an 'outlier'

>>19604397, >>19604410, >>19604430, >>19604436, >>19604454, >>19604507 MSM struggling to handle polls showing Trump leading Potato

>>19604404, >>19604456 Niger's new leaders have increased the price of uranium exports from $0.80 to $200 per kilogram. France and other nations will now have to pay the market price rather than a plunder price

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/87ea6caac79a52885e216dab1846cdf7a7f02d6b06c8acdfc8747ec8b1caadf0.mp4

>>19604423 Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn blasted Potato on Sunday for being “weak” on America’s adversaries

>>19604467, >>19604483 HRC interview with Psaki: Russia Russia Russia, Putin hates democracy

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/12b9468b57409274a82bd5ad71aaf881c3d108271a478f91ea29b40a3226fbf1.mp4

>>19604469 An official member of the Democrat Party in Richmond, Virginia, Jimmie Lee Jarvis, posted a bomb threat against journalist Andy Ngo on Friday

>>19604485 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: NATIONAL POLL: ABC/WP (R) Trump 52% (+10) (D) Biden 42% - ABC/WP (A)890 RV9/15-20

>>19604491 Smartmatic implicated in alleged bribery scheme involving top Filipino election official

>>19604504 The Swamp: Brother of Biden’s Top Adviser Is Lobbyist for General Motors

>>19604511 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: It would be nice if we won first. They Rigged and Stole the Election!

>>19604521 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: CNN Host, Analyst Agree Trump’s Messaging ‘Works,’ Says He’s Talking About Issues Voters Actually Care About

>>19604558 Blackout in St. Petersburg

>>19604593 Donald J. Trump retruth from March 30: Alvin Bragg is a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT to our justice system. President Trump has been proven to have done NO wrong. This is nothing more than a political stunt to prevent Trump from becoming President in 2024!

>>19604656 Chinese aircraft carrier CV 17 Shandong was spotted in the Taiwan Strait area

>>19604659 Report: Migrants Committed Almost 70% of Violent Crimes in France Last Year

>>19604734 @Potato mp4: When I came to office I knew what to do, I vaccinated the nation, I rebuilt NATO for the war in Ukraine and I rebuilt the economy. Our democracy is still at stake

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91571b220d379cefccb33875bad005a22195b0a1ba805dac4f345b0443808294.mp4

>>19604793 #24075-A

>>19604794 #24075-B

(42 notables, 52 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19605062


UPDATE for >>19602534 Q Research General #24073: Wake Up Edition

>>19602865 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blames sanctions on Venezuela for the southern border crisis

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19606419

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19604805 Q Research General #24076: Reminder: Russia Fought Against The Nazis Edition

Created 242329ZSEP23




>>19604809 #24076

>>19604873 Battlefield Massacre: Wounded Ukrainian Soldier Vows to ‘Shoot Himself in the Leg’ Rather Than Go Back to the Front

>>19604898 Hilarious Old Trump TV Commercial

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d5d9bd4ddaf6decd055a338a61e3f08ee49b05174cb2aff6218abc77e6edb555.mp4

>>19604921 How the Husbands of "The Squad" Are Making Millions Off Their Wives

>>19604922 Burger King Pulls Advertising from Rumble After Russell Brand Scandal

>>19604952, >>19605285, >>19605371 Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given out to addicts to enable their ongoing addiction.

>>19604954 Republican Congressman Calls For General Mark Milley to Be Executed in Shockingly Homophobic Screed

>>19604960, >>19605512, >>19605560 Donald J. Trump: KNOWINGLY: when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized THE ENEMY

>>19604999 Here We Go Again… CT Health Commissioner Juthani, Other Doctors Push New Covid Vaccines, Hint At Masks

>>19605051 @USNavy Is down

>>19605068 Dan Scavino: Biden's Taco stand...

>>19605090, >>19605141 @JamesOKeefeIII Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed. The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere.

>>19605091 Dan Scavino: Naked Fetterman exits stage right, senate left too fold

>>19605098 Louisiana Gov to Ask for Federal Emergency Declaration After Contamination of Drinking Water

>>19605102, >>19605119 Something about that corn… Grassley and Nunes posts are 1,520 days apart. ”Corn ready…”

>>19605176 PF Spanish military Flying out of swamp and then Vanishes

>>19605307 Terrible Things Happened to Monkeys After Getting Neuralink Implants, According to Veterinary Records

>>19605429 Donald J. Trump: It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell... WE NEED NEW, & REAL, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, NOT A CLONE OF MITCH, & WE NEED IT NOW!!!

>>19605463 Joe Rogan Is Voting For Trump 3:10

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3khn97 - JOE ROGAN IS VOTING FOR TRUMP!!! [3:10] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>19605561 Travis Tritt: Nevertheless, I stand by my decision and I refuse to be bullied by any agenda that ultimately wants to reduce the population because of a “climate change” hoax.

>>19605595 Matt Gaetz Blasts McCarthy On Impeachment, Says He’s ‘Not Serious’

>>19605621 Donald J. Trump: [ABC] They spend millions of dollars on these polls, and then, if the result isn’t what they want it to be, refuse to properly report the results. @Footdoc WE'RE COMING

>>19605662 #24076

(23 notables, 29 posts, 29 media/files)

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d8b8e0 No.19606424


UPDATE for >>19604032 Q Research General #24075: Sunday Blessings Edition

>>19604036 #24075-B

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d8b8e0 No.19606574

File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19605664 Q Research General #24077: ABC FAKE NEWS SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!! HOLD ON, WE'RE COMING? Edition

Created 250207ZSEP23




>>19605678 CDC Refuses To Release Updated Information On Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation

>>19605682 Scavino: Here is a smile and a 'fuck you'

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ki161 - Video upload for 111123331515599574 [12] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19605686, >>19605712 @DanScavino: When you see a person who is often silent and avoids people, try to stay close

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5cf3c96feae85858dce4c2af372cc3684cb0f27f16da8676701306795854f9ee.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/484db637a1b0c8c72367b75efb1b4d4763866f11b9041fcfe5e45edea40589a9.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ki044 - Video upload for 111123313192850704 [11] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19605696 Hawley Shocked By Classified Briefing On Ukraine: Warhawks Want Blank Check With No Victory In Sight

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vVew6MC3-KE - Josh Hawley Slams Calls To Indefinitely Fund Ukraine Prior To Zelensky's Washington, D.C., Visit [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19605704 HBO is airing pedophilia

>>19605705 Conflict in Ukraine to last until 2035 – ex-Zelensky aide


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/xiiaCq7GuTfq/ - Ed Dowd Reveals Astonishing Death Rates in the UK [Channel: BaggyPants]

>>19605741, >>19605791, >>19605796, >>19605866, >>19606468 @elonmusk: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

>>19605805 West is ‘arrogant and hypocritical’ – Swiss watch boss

>>19605827 Freemasons international and American pedophilia networks work together to traffic children

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/niFVJ5mLc3CV/ - Freemasons international and American pedophilia networks work together to traffic children [Channel: Jim Crenshaw]

>>19605841 Fulton County DA investigator 'accidentally' shoots herself in courthouse bathroom

>>19605848 Deep Hot Biospere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels

>>19605851, >>19605869 POTUS T: Can you imagine?

>>19605920 Dan Scavino Just posted twice an owl clip @9:59pm ET

>>19605963 'America Has Become The World's Dumping Ground For Illegal Immigration': Dale Strong Slams Biden

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lIjRqIY2i-c - 'America Has Become The World's Dumping Ground For Illegal Immigration': Dale Strong Slams Biden [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19605978 Narrative Combat: Maria Bartiromo -vs- Matt Gaetz; guess who won?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SA7kMtWBIXI - Matt Gaetz CLASHES With Maria Bartiromo Over Speaker McCarthy's Failures! [Channel: Congressman Matt Gaetz]

>>19606064, >>19606093 Tragic Mid-Air Emergency: Veteran LATAM Pilot Dies on Duty, Flight Diverted

>>19606159 @DanScavino: SIT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f13f85050ba8d83000bad62aa4e24ae3dab595a89319e14457b635980824c8e4.mp4

>>19606218 Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine

>>19606229 Mosquito surge brings Ventura County's first West Nile case in 4 years

>>19606336 Canadian parliament speaker ‘regrets’ honoring Ukrainian Nazi SS veteran

>>19606344 Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case

>>19606359 After over $100 billion aid from the US, Ukraine’s ‘game-changer’ weapon is a kayak with a grenade launcher

>>19606381 Zelensky Bodyguard Gets Arrested in NY After Drunken Bar Brawl, Forcing Patrons Shout: Slava Ukraini

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/iq4YVvAn60CO/ - Zelensky Bodyguard Gets Arrested in NY After Drunken Bar Brawl, Forcing Patrons Shout: Slava Ukraini [Channel: December1991]

>>19606416 12th Constitutional Convention of the State of “New California” Next Weekend – Joe Hoft Guest Speaker


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/vQLdya29aTzm/ - John Kerry Tells Biggest Lie Yet, Says China Is Environmental Leader Of The World [Channel: BANNED.VIDEO]

>>19606488 #24077

(27 notables, 34 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19606576


UPDATE for >>19604032 Q Research General #24075: Sunday Blessings Edition

>>19604036 #24075-A

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19606645


UPDATE for >>19604805 Q Research General #24076: Reminder: Russia Fought Against The Nazis Edition

>>19605068 Dan Scavino: Biden's Taco stand…

>>19605429 Donald J. Trump: It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell… WE NEED NEW, & REAL, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, NOT A CLONE OF MITCH, & WE NEED IT NOW!!!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19607655

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)


>>19606492 Q Research General #24078: Roller Coaster Ride Wheeee! Edition

Created 250641ZSEP23




>>19606511 #24078

>>19606518 #24076

>>19606561 FBI sued after allegedly losing hundreds of thousands in rare coins during raid. "shady" process of civil forfeiture

>>19606583, >>19606639 Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case

>>19606609 Washington Is Fighting Against Emergence Of "Genuine Multipolar World Order": Lavrov Tells UN

>>19606634 "Don't Be Intimidated" By The Censors - Tucker Carlson Urges Americans To Fight Back By 'Telling The Truth'

>>19606711 Hollywood studios are self-censoring their films to appease the Chinese government

>>19607155, >>19607197 DC Draino w/CAP: Exposed: The UN & Clinton Foundation occupy an old US base in Panama to help supply illegal aliens on their way to America

>>19607171 Federal Court Shuts Down Special Counsel Jack Smith Again - Smith cannot have access to the phone records of Rep. Scott Perry

>>19607205 The Swamp today - 9/25/2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zZV4bRRmMhM - Secretary Blinken remarks at the 8th Annual CSIS Republic of Korea-US Strategic Forum - 9:00 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19607220 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/25/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kmxvv - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/25/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19607262 DJT TSw/CAP: Crooked Joe Biden, who is killing the United Autoworkers with his WEAK stance on China and his ridiculous insistence on ALL Electric Cars...

>>19607274 Sea Island Cries Uncle? – GA Governor Brian Kemp Says He Will Support Donald Trump if GOP Nominee

>>19607419 #24078

(14 notables, 16 posts, 10 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19607663


UPDATE for >>19604032 Q Research General #24075: Sunday Blessings Edition

>>19604036 #24075-B

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8b8e0 No.19607669


UPDATE for >>19604805 Q Research General #24076: Reminder: Russia Fought Against The Nazis Edition

>>19605068 Dan Scavino: Biden's Taco stand...

>>19605429 Donald J. Trump: It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell... WE NEED NEW, & REAL, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, NOT A CLONE OF MITCH, & WE NEED IT NOW!!!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

865fc5 No.19608485

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19607426 Q Research General #24079: BOOM Week Begins Edition

Created 251429ZSEP23




>>19607440 #24079

>>19607454, >>19607508, >>19607569, >>19607837 Grandson of Ukraine's Stepan Bandera Reckons With Legacy of Nazi Collaboration

>>19607456 Rep. Massie says DOJ put a “MAFIA” hit on Elon Musk…

>>19607459, >>19607533, >>19607544, >>19607558 resident hosts a meeting with Pacific Islands Forum

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uk2Fzh3JmPY - President Biden Hosts a Meeting with Pacific Islands Forum Leaders [Channel: The White House]

>>19607470, >>19607475 Biden Forced to Respond - State of the Race

>>19607486, >>19607524, >>19607770 Jack Smith’s “gag order” is actually a new trap - and it’s worse than you imagined…

>>19607502 @SecDef Landed in 🇰🇪 Nairobi, Kenya.

>>19607517 FCC Announces Nationwide Emergency Alerting Tests on October 4, 2023

>>19607575, >>19607712, >>19607727, >>19607738, >>19607757 Senator Robert Menendez Press Conference

>>19607581 Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End

>>19607594 Perdue, Tyson probed by feds over employment of migrant children who likely washed bloody floors and razor-sharp machines

>>19607595 @USArmy Tank superiority!

>>19607603, >>19607919, >>19608019, >>19608022, >>19608034, >>19608082, >>19608095 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jmm70 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 9/25/2023 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19607627 Judge overseeing case to remove Trump from ballot agrees to order banning threats and intimidation

>>19607666 @AFGlobalStrike Eyes on the sky

>>19607699, >>19607708, >>19607732 How to Hide a $2 Trillion Antitrust Trial

>>19607716 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Arp 142: The Hummingbird Galaxy

>>19607730 Putin suffers another blow as top nuke submarine commander shot dead

>>19607775 @US_TRANSCOM Got dirt?

>>19607804 Wisconsin Supreme Court BANS use of absentee ballot drop boxes in big election ruling

>>19607818 45th President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, MI - 9/27/2023

>>19607820 Space Force starts uniform wear testing at eight military installations across the world

>>19607862 ‘Bryce Mitchell vs. Satan, book it’: Pros react to Mitchell’s UFC Vegas 79 win, bizarre post-fight speech

>>19607879 Space Force accepts second weather satellite through NOAA partnership

>>19607983 Fetterman on Menendez For The Keks!

>>19608076 @realDonaldTrump I have been unfairly sued by the Trump Hating Democrat Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, over the false fact that I inflated my Financial Statements in order to borrow money

>>19608101 THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI: Movie based on the 2021 RFK jr book "The Real Anthony Fauci".

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/MHjISMkB4kv0/ - The Real Anthony Fauci - The Movie [Channel: Florian Schneider - By Mr. Z]

>>19608140 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NkFmtg1EeYk - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - September 25, 2023 - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19608156 Buckwheat up

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GaTEitrs_pQ - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre [Channel: The White House]

>>19608170, >>19608179 Joby Delivers First eVTOL Aircraft to Edwards Air Force Base Ahead of Schedule

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6qVLQsz_YJc - Joby x USAF Delivery Event: Livestream, Sept. 25, 2023. [Channel: Edwards Air Force Base]

>>19608288 #24079

(31 notables, 53 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

865fc5 No.19609353

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19608304 Q Research General #24080: MOAB MONDAY Trump Speaks In South Carolina Edition

Created 251743ZSEP23




>>19608323 #24080-A

>>19608326, >>19608572, >>19608652, >>19608736 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PmqYCjtv7W4 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 9/25/2023 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19608347, >>19608370, >>19608376, >>19608409, >>19608466 Buckwheat up

>>19608348 @AFWERX & BETA Technologies, an electric aerospace company, broke ground on the first electric ✈️ aircraft charging station on a military installation at Duke Field, FL,

>>19608350 Scores dead in Nagorno-Karabakh blast

>>19608368 Busted! Adam Schiff Funneled Millions To Defense Contractors After Taking Donations

>>19608381 Accused 2017 ‘Vault 7’ Leaker Convicted of Hosting Child Porn on Server Maintained While in CIA Employ

>>19608393 Trump Says MSNBC and NBC News Will Be Investigated for ‘Country-Threatening Treason’ if He is Re-Elected

>>19608403 Sources say the Biden aide who put together the $6 billion ransom deal for Iran is the same aide who put together the $2 billion Iran nuke deal – Jake Sullivan, aka "Architect of Appeasement"

>>19608405 Newsom Signs Law Requiring Gender-Neutral Bathrooms in California K-12 Schools

>>19608407, >>19608822 President Trump purchases a Glock in South Carolina!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6d8a1c2cf6507bb3a387e338e805e72f7d11bddf44511af41291a804a791ad46.mp4

>>19608415 City of Chicago Denies Request for Records on How $57M Was Spent on Migrant Shelter Staffing

>>19608418 Day 2 Part 1Kari Lake's Hearing

>>19608426 EU state used Israeli spyware on exiled Russian journalists

>>19608437 Moar Menendez

>>19608439 FBI hit with lawsuit after allegedly losing valuable rare coins during raid

>>19608465 The Eagle Pass area continues to experience an influx of illegal immigrants - the majority from Venezuela.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fbadacc94bc9f295d3ae73335d5ba4a29d485db75b2c9dcb5cc7fb6a02488a62.mp4

>>19608469 Trudeau Faces Hard Pushback After Honoring SS Fighter on Parliament

>>19608477 @OfficialFtSill Keep up the intensity. 💥

>>19608496 Canada: Calling On House Speaker To RESIGN For Bringing A NAZI Into Parliament

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WmFk-EeNCYE - Calling On House Speaker To RESIGN For Bringing A NAZI Into Parliament [Channel: House Of Canada]

>>19608497 Border Patrol Head Says Agency Cannot Protect U.S. Because They Are Forced To Process So Many Illegals

>>19608501 Former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores Shares Bloody Photo of Border Patrol Agent After Alleged Attack By Illegal.

>>19608505 University in Ireland is to offer the country’s first Bachelor's degree in "social-media influencing"

>>19608507 Evergrande Former CEO And CFO Arrested As Insolvent Property Giant Misses Payment On $550MM Onshore Bond

>>19608549 Hungary issues ultimatum to Ukraine

>>19608554 A Molotov cocktail is thrown at the Cuban Embassy in Washington, but there's no significant damage

>>19608558 Gaetz on Bartiromo When confronted with our argument on government spending, most smart and open-minded people will convert.

>>19608563 34% of children put on transgender puberty blockers end up becoming mental cases

>>19608614 These are the child traffickers at the border

>>19608637 Department of Defense Signs Contract With Social Media Monitoring Company

>>19608649 New York teacher 'prefers' underage girls, concealed images in secret app

>>19608651 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul calls in National Guard amid New York's worsening migrant crisis

>>19608662, >>19608668 Up On Stage Now


>>19608684 Governor McMaster [Trump rally]: Every day we had to fight the Biden administration. It's just one thing after another…they sent the FBI to the school boards, couldn't believe that. Then we couldn't believe they sent the vaccine mandates down, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, everybody. And if that wasn't enough, then they destroyed the borders…cartels sending people from all over, then they put a judge on the Supreme Court who could not explain what a woman was….They destroyed our energy independence, been borrowing money by the trillions…and from 2016 till now, they have been doing anything and everything they could, legal, illegal, ethical, unethical, unheard of, unprecedented, to do one thing: and that includes two bogus impeachments, and four bologna indictments, to do what? To stop one man, to stop our man from being president of the United States. He won't stop. We won't stop. We believe in America. We believe in Donald Trump.

>>19608690 Lindsay Graham getting heartily booed

>>19608723 Squalene in vaccines can cause our immune systems to self-destruct; it also decimates shark populations

>>19608738 President Trump: Biden's energy crisis has hurt [boat] sales by nearly tripling the cost to fill up a sportsman's three hundred and fifty-five gallon gas tank.

>>19608751 British Telecom CEO Firing Whites, Hiring Non-Whites to 'Hit Diversity Targets' and 'Pocket £220K Bonus'

>>19608753 President Trump: Biden puts China first, Mexico first, Ukraine first, Europe first, Asia first, illegal aliens first, above our great Veterans, you know that. Puts the illegal aliens above our Veterans. Our Veterans live like hell.

>>19608770 President Trump: They put illegal aliens first, and everyone first, but he puts America last, he puts our military last, he puts our Veterans last, he puts workers last, he puts small businesses last. He puts everything that's good and proper, last. He puts it last. It's crazy.

>>19608792 President Trump: The Biden administration is right now trying to bludgeon the boating and maritime industry…with a boat speed limit of less than eleven miles per hour, about ten miles an hour…alone the entire eastern part of our country., This is supposedly in the name of preventing whale strikes, but you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than hitting a whale with your boat. There has only been one such whale killed off the coast of South Carolina in the last fifty years, but on the other hand, their windmills are causing whales to die in numbers never seen before.

>>19608802 President Trump: The Biden speed limit will demolish the charter fishing business, crush boat manufactures, and desecrate your cherished low-country traditions….On Day One, I will cancel Biden's ridiculous speed limit regulation.

>>19608842, >>19608860 @NavalInstitute Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command

>>19608849 President Trump: We fired Comey; we got rid of a lot of scum.

>>19608879 "In less than 5 months from now we are going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden…"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca9357b8a4ad3002e2424a2cc05b421922a8d16b5cdd93add7eadacd828fb3e6.mp4

>>19608901 @DeptofDefense With Government Shutdown, Troops Still Protect Nation, But Possibly Without Pay

>>19608909 Maine Dad Says High School Clinic Sent 17-Year-Old Daughter Home with Secret Baggy of Zoloft, Sicced Child Protective Services on Him For Complaining

>>19608928 The benefits of certain commonly used herbs for smoking are listed below.

>>19608939 California superintendent ousted after school pays $27M to parents of 13-year-old who was beaten to death by bullies after 'restorative justice' intervention failed

>>19608947 WININNING: Billionaire RINO donors are giving up. Trump has won.

>>19608966 Blinken participates in a joint statement signing ceremony with Niue Premier Dalton Tagelagi

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XsLQusNrFHE - Secretary Blinken at a joint statement signing ceremony with Niue Premier Dalton Tagelagi - 3:45 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19608972 Dr Kerry Chant refuses to rule out lockdowns if Australia is hit by another pandemic

>>19608977 DeSantis and Newsom officially agree to November 30 Fox News debate (but Newsom isn't running!?)

>>19608978 Jill Biden Welcomes the White House Historical Association 2023 Presidential Sites Summit

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=a93Gskea9yY - First Lady Jill Biden Welcomes the White House Historical Association 2023 Presidential Sites Summit [Channel: The White House]

>>19608994 Stacey Abrams & U.S. Reps Discuss Female Representation in Public Office

>>19609007 #24080-A

>>19609107 #24080-B

(58 notables, 68 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

865fc5 No.19610053

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19609116 Q Research General #24081: MOAB MONDAY In Less Than 5 Month Biden Is Gone Edition

Created 252028ZSEP23



>>19609127 #24081

>>19609139 Pollster Rasmussen Says “Election Fraud Renders Scientific Election Forecasting Worthless” - Will Start Sharing Evidence

>>19609150 Former agent admits to scheme to illegally employ non-immigrants for American company

>>19609186 President Donald J. Trump visits the Palmetto State Armory in Summerville, SC

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eO872jsxs3Q - President Donald J. Trump visits the Palmetto State Armory in Summerville, SC - 9/25/2023 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19609188 Can Joe Biden be made cooler online? One group's $70 million bet on yes

>>19609194 CBP announces August border numbers were 232,972.

>>19609210 What’s the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital ?

>>19609223 Chicago Signs Nearly $30 Million Contract To Build Giant Winterized Tent Camps For Migrants

>>19609226 …all roads lead to ‘Illary! Rep. James Comer (R-KY): ‘All Roads Lead to Joe Biden’

>>19609235 Biden administration knew border surge was coming,- and did nothing

>>19609243 Justin Trudeau blames Russian propaganda for Canadian Parliament honoring a Nazi.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1a79acc47765144c424f5ebaee0454bad493d0bebd546b0dbc459cfbd1e0887.mp4

>>19609246 Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

>>19609253 Reports coming in that Catturd was just swatted during his livestream today, cops all over his ranch

>>19609300 Fox News cuts feed when Trump mentions Tucker Carlson

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/63e15b1ae5672d19337ffde68406c559373ca42aa8af69c7a86a2550c2634aa6.mp4

>>19609304 Deciphering the Soros Code - A Technology Blueprint for Reclaiming our Elections

>>19609314 On Friday, #FBI Director Christopher Wray ran the G-Man 5k with the new agent class at Quantico.

>>19609320 FBI aka Hackers steal $200 million from crypto company Mixin

>>19609350 Speaker Pleads Ignorance After Leading Zelensky and Trudeau in Tribute to Nazi SS Soldier

>>19609376 Senator John Cornyn, TX-RINO, Backs White-Hating Activist For Military Leadership

>>19609392 Biden Regime Sent Goons To Cut The Razor Wire Protecting The Southern Border In Texas.

>>19609396 Illegal Venezuelan Invaders Plant Venezuela Flag on Texas after 11,000 conquistadors arrive in 24 hours, “the single highest day in recent memory.

>>19609412 New California Law Requires Schools To Have Gender Neutral Restroom

>>19609416 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jmm70 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 9/25/2023 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19609417 Trump calls on House GOP to ‘SHUT IT DOWN,’ says it’s time Republicans ‘learned how to fight!

>>19609489 State officials call for new owners to take over Long Island nursing home

>>19609493 New Jersey's corruptocrat Menendez is a Republican from Texas according to Mexican cartel leader

>>19609495 Fake votes, fake contracts: Smartmatic Voting Machine Company Implicated In $4 Million 'Slush Fund' Bribery Scheme Using 'Fake Contracts'

>>19609547 Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

>>19609570 BAKER CHANGE

>>19609584 High-Level Week of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 23, 2023, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s transcript

>>19609597 Zelensky persecutes his former friend and financier, Kolomoyskiy appeal was declined

>>19609608 Live with General Michael Flynn | TRIGGERED Ep.71

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kojdg - MEDIA'S POLL PANIC: TRUMP DOMINATING, Live with General Michael Flynn | TRIGGERED Ep.71 [0] [Channel: Donald Trump Jr.]

>>19609648, >>19609680, >>19609735 Troy Nehls DEMOLISHES Merrick Garland and Jerry Nadler 5:34

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kpMV2p2gFXE - Troy Nehls DEMOLISHES Merrick Garland and Jerry Nadler [Channel: Blaze News]

>>19609720, >>19609782 Western public 'stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda' – Kremlin

>>19609732 Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence

>>19609754 "Events Are Moving Quickly Now" - Kunstler Warns Of Imminent "Banquet Of Consequences" For Biden Admin

>>19609755, >>19609841 Dan Scavino 😵‍💫

>>19609780, >>19609791 Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer for Bribery Case

>>19609781 First Impeachment Inquiry hearing into The President will be held on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. ET..

>>19609854 President Trump long list of economic accomplishments, saying, It only came to a stop when the economy slammed into a rock called Crooked Joe 2:02

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kqzby - Video upload for 111127494813482127 [2:02] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19609869 #24081

(41 notables, 46 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

865fc5 No.19610055


UPDATE for >>19608304 Q Research General #24080: MOAB MONDAY Trump Speaks In South Carolina Edition

>>19608323 #24080-B

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

865fc5 No.19610885


UPDATE for >>19608304 Q Research General #24080: MOAB MONDAY Trump Speaks In South Carolina Edition

>>19608323 #24080-A

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

865fc5 No.19610886


UPDATE for >>19609116 Q Research General #24081: MOAB MONDAY In Less Than 5 Month Biden Is Gone Edition

>>19609570 BAKER CHANGE

>>19609720, >>19609782 Western public 'stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda' - Kremlin

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

865fc5 No.19611605

File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19609893 Q Research General #24082: The economy slammed into a ROCK called Crooked Joe? Edition

Created 252329ZSEP23




>>19609945 President Trump long list of economic accomplishments his Administration had, saying, It only came to a stop when the economy slammed into a rock called Crooked Joe. 2:02

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kqzby - Video upload for 111127494813482127 [2:02] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19609946 Theoria Apophasis: DEMON. Deeper METAPHYSICS OF

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pfHmxhWbzc8 - 👹 DEMON. Deeper METAPHYSICS OF 🤔 [Channel: Theoria Apophasis]

>>19609956, >>19609980 Rep. Matt Gaetz: “Garret Graves Has Paved The Yellow Brick Road Of Working With Democrats” McCarthy is a big fat money sucking liar 13:14

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kowm4 - Rep. Matt Gaetz: “Garret Graves Has Paved The Yellow Brick Road Of Working With Democrats” [13:14] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kov84 - Gaetz: “Continuing To Vote For Continued Resolutions Under Joe Biden Will Lead To Continued Failure” [6:39] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19609966 BIDEN SHUTDOWN: "The Black community in particular is going to suffer, nutrition assistance for nearly 7 million moms and childrendisproportionately affect black families."

>>19609972 KJP: "This President has been so zeroed in, so laser-focused, on lowering costs for Americans — and we've done that!"

>>19610004 House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair Comer announced the witness for the first hearing on the impeachment inquiry of President Biden. Thursday on @cspan 3

>>19610020, >>19610023 Threats Continue Against Rumble Video Platform – The Background Players Seem Interestingly Connected

>>19610033, >>19610036 Maria Bartiromo Attempts Cleanup Saying, “Democracy Is Messy” – Matt Gaetz Has Hit a Nerve

>>19610034 ‘All Of Sony Systems’ Allegedly Hacked By New Ransomware Group

>>19610038, >>19610057, >>19610072 Mayor Adams, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and NYPD Chief of Dept. Jeffrey Maddrey were initiated this weekend as Freemasons.

>>19610054 American Express Cuts Mike Lindell’s MyPillow’s Credit Line by 90% After 15-Year Partnership(VIDEO)

>>19610088, >>19610096, >>19610105 A Few Good 3 Year Deltas

>>19610104 WEF advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, suggests that the totalitarian restrictions implemented in response

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/0GYO8wDk49al/ - WEF advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, suggests that the totalitarian restrictions implemented in response [Channel: Liberum Arbitrium]

>>19610108 the end of the glitter conspiracy What was glitter invented for? What was it really invented for? Where are the only 2 glitter companies in the world? Tied to Manhattan project?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=y08scEk59G0 - The End of the Glitter Conspiracy [Channel: CHUPPL]

>>19610124 Obama's order take out: White House Pledges $100 Million Support Kenyan UN Soldiers In Haiti

>>19610144 Popular COVID Drug Manufactured by Merck is Causing “Unintended” Virus Mutations, Potentially Fueling COVID’s Spread

>>19610161 'Electric car' EXPLODES on driveway and sets fire to Merseyside family home after 'battery malfunctions'

>>19610171 Night Owl News with Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Bizznizzy & More - 09/25/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kojoy - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox - 09/25/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19610221 Darren Beattie: Merrick Garland Shoots Himself In The Foot With Sloppy Ray Epps Plea Deal 7:59

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ks6oq - Darren Beattie: Merrick Garland Shoots Himself In The Foot With Sloppy Ray Epps Plea Deal [7:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19610247 Joe Kent: "This really is just one big money laundering operation" US gov buying seeds fertilizers for Ukrainian farmers and paying for 57,000 firefighters

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ks2wh - Joe Kent: "This really is just one big money laundering operation" [15:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19610349 Mayor Adams named ‘Master Mason’ in secret Freemason ceremony at Gracie Mansion

>>19610431 Louis Milione The DEA’s recently departed No. 2 returns to a Big Pharma consulting firm

>>19610498 Murdoch Again – Sean Hannity Will Host Debate Between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom on November 30th in… Wait for It…. Georgia lol

>>19610534, >>19610577 PhD Adam Britton, Prominent Zoologist guilty of 60 bestiality, animal abuse and possessing child exploitation material charges

>>19610560 Australian Daniel Andrews resigns

(25 notables, 33 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

865fc5 No.19611607

File: 17dfb26ecc8033c⋯.png (87.17 KB,255x246,85:82,Clipboard.png)


>>19610688 Q Research General #24083: Late Night Activated Edition

Created 260414ZSEP23




>>19610696 #24083

>>19610703, >>19611008 OUR COUNTRY OUR CHOICE

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3f62vb - Col Douglas Macgregor Invitation [8:26] [Channel: CDMReport]

>>19610711 Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine - to help rebuild SCHOOLS

>>19611048 @Kash: ULTRA MAGA #GovernmentGangsters LIVE launch party, on Tuesday Sept 26, 10am ET with Bannon and the #WarRoom

>>19611228 #24082 posted in #24083

>>19611239, >>19611257, >>19611263, >>19611268 David McCallum dead: NCIS star dies at 90

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9zugv1NdMj4 - The Great Escape (6/11) Movie CLIP - How to Get Rid of the Dirt (1963) HD [Channel: Movieclips]

>>19611240 A Vincent van Gogh Painting Stolen From a Dutch Museum Was Just Returned—in a Blue Ikea Bag

>>19611256, >>19611258 Cassidy Hutchinson text messages CONTRADICT her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

>>19611458 Dr. Paul Marik Bombshell: Covid "Vaccine" Shedding of Spike Protein Can Occur During Sex! - TheLibertyDaily

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a98a360842b46468aef94fc09158dd9588deea465b44c4f2599c47dcce988c06.mp4

>>19611465 #24083

(10 notables, 15 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4b8d34 No.19612694

File: 5ebd6544e6adc21⋯.png (344.78 KB,993x564,331:188,Clipboard.png)


>>19611459 Q Research General #24084: Tribute to Pepe Memes Edition

Created 260859ZSEP23




>>19611474 #24084

>>19611504 Amazon to invest up to $4 billion in AI startup Anthropic

>>19611505 RUSSEL BRAND #209, The first after a full scale attack on free speech

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ko2cy - ARE WE BEING SILENCED!? The Battle For Free Speech! Plus, Jimmy Dore - Stay Free #209 [1:35:26] [Channel: Russell Brand]

>>19611510 Ausie Premier Dan Andrews, draconian COVID lockdown king, has RESIGNED

>>19611516 DJT in S. Carolina: "he [Graham] helps me on the left - we need help sometimes"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cb9dfa72d1cb49afa1fe369d37a28c7f49240f42b8046a78f299328e9d59dd82.mp4

>>19611548, >>19611553, >>19611562, >>19611575, >>19611579, >>19611584 MTG in S. Carolina: impeachment, shutdowns, Ukraine, pistol braces, Gavin, UAW Strike

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06fc8965d6e58a7470f811c83cda33748cd9551dcd733e86fa3a0e2778836c0c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/64335d35297b8e6b9712f3322b3b02cd7d0dff6e04b413658b82c49fbe7c2e96.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/61c52461ec7f0a2c814ee3893c33eda2e6fc8781bf218626b093f3726d251a5e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a3890199eb0ea7a5c2bc664fefb71f0be220d6931f500391ec237f3311df6a4d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/69046c9fc21978b9d8745fdb5a9ecc7326883bd33dc5dcef0cf5156820478ff0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91cc62b72206799b9ed8d220afe7154c3958dfa77a92946bd0a839c138734973.mp4

>>19611573 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone - 1,000 missing this year

>>19611603, >>19611777, >>19611793, >>19611812, >>19611819, >>19611835 Trump speech on the 25th September from Summerville, notes and decodes - trump rumble channel

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3kcpuc - LIVE: President Trump in Summerville, SC [40:37] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/3f3m3JRPaggP/ - Thrown to the Wind - Trailer for NEW documentary about threat to whales from wind industry [Channel: Defending-Gibraltar_Truther_Forum]

>>19611604 UN General Assembly Approves Global Pandemic “Authority” With Lockdown Enforcement Powers

>>19611617 American Express Cuts Mike Lindell’s MyPillow’s Credit Line by 90% After 15-Year Partnership

>>19611641 Bill would criminalize 'extremely harmful' online 'deepfakes'

>>19611660 Ukraine's special forces claim they have killed Moscow's top admiral and 33 others in Crimea

>>19611722 Mystery as nearly 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone as over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in 'alarming' trend...

>>19611811 Customs And Border Protection Cuts Barbed Wire Barrier, Allows Illegal Aliens to Flood Into Eagle Pass, Texas (VIDEO)

>>19611876 Congress is f**king around and our country is falling apart

>>19612093 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/26/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ku5kg - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/26/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19612305 Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and DEA Administrator Anne Milgram to Deliver Remarks at DEA’s Second Annual Family Summit on Fentanyl

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5x9W_g_3-LU - 2023 DEA Family Summit on Fentanyl [Channel: Drug Enforcement Administration]

>>19612421 #24084

(18 notables, 28 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19613544

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19612447 Q Research General #24085: Invasion Is On - 2024 Steal Is A Go Edition

Created 261431ZSEP23




>>19612458 #24085

>>19612481 ‘Killed’ Russian fleet commander spotted in new MOD video

>>19612487 The Great Qing Code

>>19612492 Q+ retruth "REQDY"

>>19612505, >>19612537 John Garrido III [retired Chicago Police Officer, Violent Crime Hearing]:

>>19612528 Russian drone strikes Ukrainian jet from long range (VIDEO)

>>19612561, >>19612605 Impeach Recall ALL RINOS (RINO List)

>>19612604 FBI Predicted Those Jan 6 Riots They Instigated

>>19612607, >>19612826, >>19612860 11:15 AM EDT Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OjjqghseedE - Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One [Channel: The White House]

>>19612615 Swastikas, it is symbolic for the FOUR RIVERS?

>>19612664 @realDonaldTrump Joe Biden’s draconian and indefensible Electric Vehicle mandate will annihilate the U.S. auto industry

>>19612691 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>19612709 There are more Nazis (.i.e. former German Nazis) in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world?

>>19612736 Empty callsign Reg.:92-9000

>>19612775 Senior Liberals join calls for Speaker to resign over inviting Ukrainian soldier with Nazi ties to Parliament

>>19612789 JPMorgan Chase settles Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking suit

>>19612820 @OfficialFtSill All we know is full throttle! #FiresStrong

>>19612847 What everybody’s missing regarding Maricopa County election fraud: it’s all about the “TYPE” of paper they used…

>>19612874 @realDonaldTrump Did Stuart Varney of Fox Business, ... ever apologize for probably purposely mixing up my Poll numbers

>>19612916 J6 Meme of the Thread

>>19612930 @realDonaldTrump I watched Fox & Friends this morning, and it is totally unrecognizable.

>>19612932 A #SkySoldier with 2nd Battalion, 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment “The Rock” #StrongerTogether

>>19612933 The Supreme Court will let Alabama's congressional map be redrawn to better represent Black voters

>>19612940 A B-52H’s engines set into action with a “cart start”. #B52sday

>>19612948 Biden planned on blowing up Nord Stream before Ukraine conflict began

>>19613007 North Korea tells UN that peninsula ‘on the brink of nuclear war’

>>19613028 Pumpkin Pepe

>>19613038, >>19613052 Tomorrow’s National Scarf Day

>>19613060 Last supermoon of 2023 rises this week. Don't miss the Harvest Moon shine with 3 bright planets

>>19613067 Swamp Schedule

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=H7iL4KtTmCA - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - September 26, 2023 - 12:45 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19613146 LIVE: Biden joins UAW picket line

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vH6bmGcgfrc - Live: President Biden joins United Auto Workers picket line [Channel: The Independent]

>>19613185 #24085

(32 notables, 37 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19613548


UPDATE for >>19611459 Q Research General #24084: Tribute to Pepe Memes Edition

>>19611474 #24084

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19614133

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19613192 Q Research General #24086: Impeach and Recall RINOS Edition

Created 261708ZSEP23




>>19613213 #24086

>>19613252 VW temporarily curbs production of electric vehicles in Zwickau and Dresden due to weakening demand

>>19613256, >>19613330 Is Hunter Biden is trying to use lawsuits to get dirt on would be witnesses against him?

>>19613270 Trump was in South Carolina for that speech. Is the 5 month connection here to the SC D Primary?

>>19613277 Secretary Blinken delivers remarks, portrait unveiling of the 67th Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Mm4LYOUxzDM - Secretary Blinken remarks at a portrait unveiling of the 67th Secretary of State Clinton - 1:30 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19613283 Trump spokesperson reverses, says ex-president didn’t buy Glock at South Carolina gun store

>>19613286 @realDonaldTrump: FoxNews was our VOICE, but sadly, that VOICE has developed a serious case of Laryngitis!!!

>>19613294 @FAKEPOTUS: Today, I'm in Wayne County, Michigan to join UAW members on the picket line

>>19613299, >>19613761 Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt

>>19613313 The President of the International Criminal Court Piotr Hofmanski has been declared wanted under a criminal article

>>19613329 Dems, Repubs sent over $100,000,000,000 of YOUR $$ to corrupt foreign government & there's NO oversight

>>19613344 Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xEd-t4nlNJU - Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation [Channel: The White House]

>>19613356, >>19613429, >>19613437 Under Joe Biden’s leadership, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent M's of $$ in taxpayer funds on military grade hardware

>>19613362 Matt Gaetz Tells House To Withhold His Pay During Gov Shutdown

>>19613454, >>19613625 US says Amazon running illegal monopoly in online retail

>>19613458 Polish Minister Has 'Taken Steps' To Extradite Ukrainian Nazi Veteran Honored By Trudeau Govt

>>19613475 Cuba Tries to Pin Bob Menendez Scandal on ‘Ultraconservatives’: ‘The Most Republican Democrat’

>>19613477 Pete Evans - It’s Time To Reverse What The [DS] Has Pushed On Us, Food Is Medicine

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/UWoTqYokZZcu/ - Pete Evans - It’s Time To Reverse What The [DS] Has Pushed On Us, Food Is Medicine [Channel: X22report]

>>19613488 Hunter Biden Sues Giuliani For 'Hacking' His Abandoned Laptop

>>19613514 CIA getting their own ChatGPT-style Artificial intelligence (AI) tool to sift through an avalanche of public information for clues. -

>>19613533 UK Home Secretary: "Multiculturalism has failed."

>>19613555 Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton Claims Blocking Children’s Access to Explicit Books is ‘White Supremacy’

>>19613586 FCC Chair Rosenworcel Remarks on Net Neutrality

>>19613606 Tech CEO Pava LaPere, 26, found dead with blunt-force trauma inside her apartment

>>19613613 Our molnupiravir work is now out after peer-review! We definitively demonstrate that molnupiravir has resulted in viable SARS-CoV-2 viruses with significant numbers of mutations

>>19613767 Oversight Hearing: Examining VA.gov

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4R2MYxSlT8Q - Subcommittee on Technology Modernization Oversight Hearing [Channel: House Committee On Veterans' Affairs]

>>19613801 Target says it will close nine stores in major cities, citing violence and theft

>>19613816 MARCO POLO is going On TOUR

>>19613845, >>19613903 @realdonaldtrump Whether you like Amazon or not, how can the Federal Trade Commission sue to break it up? ...

>>19613878, >>19613881 Adolph Hitler is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” according to Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (2016-2019)/zionism/satan??

>>19613893 PF Potato up…"no callsign"…

>>19613916 @realDonaldTrump Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump...

>>19613918 John Kerry’s Daughter Vanessa Suggests Using “Emotion” from Pandemic and “Storytelling” To Advance Climate Crisis Narrative

>>19613941 Tasmania's commission of inquiry into child sexual abuse finds children 'disbelieved' and failed by state institutions

>>19613967 #24086

(35 notables, 42 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19614147

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19613192 Q Research General #24086: Impeach and Recall RINOS Edition

Created 261708ZSEP23




>>19613213 #24086

>>19613252 VW temporarily curbs production of electric vehicles in Zwickau and Dresden due to weakening demand

>>19613256, >>19613330 Is Hunter Biden is trying to use lawsuits to get dirt on would be witnesses against him?

>>19613270 Trump was in South Carolina for that speech. Is the 5 month connection here to the SC D Primary?

>>19613277 Secretary Blinken delivers remarks, portrait unveiling of the 67th Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Mm4LYOUxzDM - Secretary Blinken remarks at a portrait unveiling of the 67th Secretary of State Clinton - 1:30 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19613283 Trump spokesperson reverses, says ex-president didn’t buy Glock at South Carolina gun store

>>19613286 @realDonaldTrump: FoxNews was our VOICE, but sadly, that VOICE has developed a serious case of Laryngitis!!!

>>19613294 @FAKEPOTUS: Today, I'm in Wayne County, Michigan to join UAW members on the picket line

>>19613299, >>19613761 Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt

>>19613313 The President of the International Criminal Court Piotr Hofmanski has been declared wanted under a criminal article

>>19613329 Dems, Repubs sent over $100,000,000,000 of YOUR $$ to corrupt foreign government & there's NO oversight

>>19613344 Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xEd-t4nlNJU - Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation [Channel: The White House]

>>19613356, >>19613429, >>19613437 Under Joe Biden’s leadership, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent M's of $$ in taxpayer funds on military grade hardware

>>19613362 Matt Gaetz Tells House To Withhold His Pay During Gov Shutdown

>>19613454, >>19613625 US says Amazon running illegal monopoly in online retail

>>19613458 Polish Minister Has 'Taken Steps' To Extradite Ukrainian Nazi Veteran Honored By Trudeau Govt

>>19613475 Cuba Tries to Pin Bob Menendez Scandal on ‘Ultraconservatives’: ‘The Most Republican Democrat’

>>19613477 Pete Evans - It’s Time To Reverse What The [DS] Has Pushed On Us, Food Is Medicine

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/UWoTqYokZZcu/ - Pete Evans - It’s Time To Reverse What The [DS] Has Pushed On Us, Food Is Medicine [Channel: X22report]

>>19613488 Hunter Biden Sues Giuliani For 'Hacking' His Abandoned Laptop

>>19613514 CIA getting their own ChatGPT-style Artificial intelligence (AI) tool to sift through an avalanche of public information for clues. -

>>19613533 UK Home Secretary: "Multiculturalism has failed."

>>19613555 Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton Claims Blocking Children’s Access to Explicit Books is ‘White Supremacy’

>>19613586 FCC Chair Rosenworcel Remarks on Net Neutrality

>>19613606 Tech CEO Pava LaPere, 26, found dead with blunt-force trauma inside her apartment

>>19613613 Our molnupiravir work is now out after peer-review! We definitively demonstrate that molnupiravir has resulted in viable SARS-CoV-2 viruses with significant numbers of mutations

>>19613767 Oversight Hearing: Examining VA.gov

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4R2MYxSlT8Q - Subcommittee on Technology Modernization Oversight Hearing [Channel: House Committee On Veterans' Affairs]

>>19613801 Target says it will close nine stores in major cities, citing violence and theft

>>19613816 MARCO POLO is going On TOUR

>>19613845, >>19613903 @realdonaldtrump Whether you like Amazon or not, how can the Federal Trade Commission sue to break it up? ...

>>19613878, >>19613881 Adolph Hitler is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” according to Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (2016-2019)/zionism/satan??

>>19613893 PF Potato up…"no callsign"…

>>19613916 @realDonaldTrump Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump...

>>19613918 John Kerry’s Daughter Vanessa Suggests Using “Emotion” from Pandemic and “Storytelling” To Advance Climate Crisis Narrative

>>19613941 Tasmania's commission of inquiry into child sexual abuse finds children 'disbelieved' and failed by state institutions

>>19613967 #24086

(35 notables, 42 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19614776

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19613977 Q Research General #24087: Amazon On The Block Edition

Created 261939ZSEP23



>>19613985 #24087-B

>>19614005 Tucker: abortion regime, 'This is not a political debate. This is a spiritual battle'

>>19614025, >>19614083 Canada's Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister (Cap 1:47)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/63db862b73212b95251289ef8a958ba665a675c2b71968d0e9e4d4031bb3593e.mp4

>>19614028 @realDonaldTrump Fox: the way Martha cut in when I started speaking badly about them was a classic. She is, after all, a professional!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04ced4394b688c2d52e3d03077d98175ff6572bd78cb3d144a72d11d2ed171f1.mp4

>>19614036 Ronald Reagan is dead, Mike Pence, just as you are in the water. Watching the water

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Enriching Diversity]

>>19614046 Former Indian diplomat Deepak Vohra claims on TV "credible rumours" that sniffer dogs found cocaine on Trudeau’s plane and that Canada's PM didn't attend the G20 dinner because he was high on drugs

>>19614069 Rockefeller bought and corrupted medicine. Don't take anything made by people in white lab coats. (Cap 2:05)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e8532e743fc9bedc7dd67ade9a5ee80273f0e115af46df37a45e04dac153d68d.mp4

>>19614072, >>19614076 Donald J. Trump: Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump.

>>19614081 More Than $370 Million In Judgments Against Rajen Shah For Laboratory Testing Scheme That Targeted Medicare: United Diagnostics Lab, Tomoka Medical Lab, Tennessee Valley Regional Laboratory, Luminus Diagnostics, and Golden Rule Management

>>19614095 GOP oversight: our first hearing on the President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Impeachment Inquiry witnesses Bruce Dubinsky, Eileen O’Connor, Jonathan Turley

>>19614102, >>19614122, >>19614388, >>19614417, >>19614437, >>19614448, >>19614457 Hillary Clinton unveiling my official portrait as 67th Secretary of State....in case you don't make it in person to headquarters in Foggy Bottom anytime soon

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cba8e7704ff77630db808cb0dcc6b2e4c788135a64cf67f0cf6d58678faeaf8e.mp4

>>19614103 Biden's dog has bitten another Secret Service agent That's the 11th biting incident

>>19614111 Donald J. Trump: Chris Christie (Cap 0:12)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e000cecaa150f0bab88236dc56348c52bb9e4d9ad3a67718f9c25eb6940b8cc.mp4

>>19614113, >>19614271 Hold the damn phone Almonds activated NASA: Our experts are talking about the "ring of fire" eclipse that will pass over parts of North, Central, and South America on Saturday, Oct. 14.

>>19614148 PANIC: Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Expanding Bans on Concealed Carry for Self-Defense

>>19614151 The Hills Have Eyes 👀

>>19614161 Pandering Biden joins striking US auto workers on picket line

>>19614164 Biden EEOC Makes It Easier to Hire Individuals With Criminal Records for Government Positions

>>19614169 Donald J. Trump: Desantis (Cap 0:29)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/46ed8ec1517ba7afc6051ce8e6c7f32ade1ccba8108e239798bd50e619b8e390.mp4

>>19614170 Ford Gets Cold Feet, Pulls Plug on Multibillion-Dollar China-Backed EV Battery Plant

>>19614172 Smartmatic Faces Federal Grand Jury Indictment for illegal activities

>>19614189 Donald J. Trump: They are coming for your jobs, they are coming for your guns, they are coming for you freedom (Cap 1:40)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd29e75f37348dcbab022291960a886966204047fa7fe6880db962cff3d12fdd.mp4

>>19614191 Banking giant admits pressuring Intuit into cutting off gun companies

>>19614198, >>19614209 DoD Inspector General: virtual ceremony at DoD OIG HQ, IG Storch signed an agreement with the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine to formalize information sharing, in other words to protect corruption

>>19614208 Donald J. Trump: Flags ]fly[ High-way (Cap 0:17)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca38f67697b2860afa8ccc7ead2416076e75d4032234953ddda990d95c236e08.mp4

>>19614240, >>19614399 The guards at the Treblinka Concentration extermination Camp were Ukrainians, that evil bastard Ivan the Terrible, John Demjanjuk

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2Yfj70ANE7g - Ukraine’s Quest for Justice: A Conversation with Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin [Channel: Carnegie Endowment]

>>19614242 Trump Campaign Statement on Crooked Joe Biden’s Visit to Detroit

>>19614268 William ‘Trey’ Harris Local TX developer accused of selling land to illegal immigrants creating entire town with ‘four cartels operating there’

>>19614274, >>19614302, >>19614327, >>19614407, >>19614422 HOXSEY - When Healing Becomes a Crime

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wx2c0 - Royal Raymond Rife - The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius - Documentary - HaloDocs [2:05:25] [Channel: HaloRockDocs]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nCkupIqbNXo - Rife Machine Killing Bacteria [Channel: B Mellow]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2ledhy - Hoxsey Cancer Cure [1:32:12] [Channel: MCFowler]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=P24NLaf4ibg - Harry Hoxsey: Blood money? [Channel: Mark Cain]

>>19614276 Donald J. Trump: Dark to light (1:42)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/92ae0d686107bfa0eb5346a9a815568adbdf7211c5e85cc35ae163bca802625e.mp4

>>19614286, >>19614311 NASA’s Mobile Launcher-2 costs have rocketed over $1b—nearly three times the original contract estimate

>>19614293 Stephen Miller reposted No one wants a shutdown, House members need to start using the phrase:“15 days to stop the spread of spending.”

>>19614304 Biden Orders Border Patrol To Cut Barbed Wire Fences Holding Back Masses Of Migrants

>>19614312, >>19614325 Photos deleted from the now-defunct Burisma Holdings website show former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch

>>19614375, >>19614408, >>19614414, >>19614551 Judge Arthur Engoron rules that Donald Trump committed fraud with financial statements

>>19614404 Joe Biden's biggest nightmares are all starting to come true: American thinker

>>19614435 Dmitry Medvedev: Russia direct ground conflict with NATO, which has turned into an openly fascist block like Hitler’s Axis, just bigger. We are ready, even though the end-result will be achieved at a far greater cost for mankind, than in 1945…

>>19614460 Mike Davis: What a joke.The Democrat New York Attorney General had a Democrat judge Arthur Engoron simply rule Trump committed fraud. No trial. No jury. Democrat law-fare. Appellate courts must reverse.

>>19614484 Trump Org has been ordered to dissolve by New York Judge Arthur Engoron

>>19614496, >>19614519 Russian Forces Destroy Depot With 3K Tons of Ammo in HUGE BLAST – And Two Ukrainian Mig-29 Fighters Destroyed in Attacks the MSM Don’t Want You to See

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3l1lzb - Ukrainian Ammo depot explosion Kiselevka [52] [Channel: PaulSerran]

>>19614601 #24087-A

>>19614610 #24087-B

(42 notables, 63 posts, 71 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19615734

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19614632 Q Research General #24088: Arthur Engoron orders Trump Org to dissolve. No trial. No jury? Edition

Created 262151ZSEP23




>>19614659 #24088

>>19614747, >>19614847, >>19615061, >>19615387 TRUMP LIVE SPEECH RE LATEST NONSENSE

>>19614756, >>19614759 How veteran Yaroslav Hunka's military unit was linked to the Nazis

>>19614768 Biden Fails to Mention China-Friendly EV Mandates in Visit with Auto Workers

>>19614781 A Huge Backlash Against Globalism, Climate Change Alarmism And Immigration Madness Has Started

>>19614784, >>19615118 Hunter Biden received $250K wire originating in Beijing with beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden's home

>>19614794 I REPEAT: Hunter Biden listed dad Joe's Delaware HOME as the address on $250,000 wire transfer from China

>>19614827 So immediately after Biden’s Iran hostage deal, his DOJ is now looking into Trump’s “war crimes”. Is this really just a coincidence???

>>19614834 Leaked Docs Might Offer Some Insight As to Why the Biden Admin Has Been So Eager to Make Deals With Iran

>>19614842, >>19614853 See for yourself: Hunter Biden tax case documents, IRS recommended felony charges for Hunter.

>>19614848 Mayor Adams, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban + NYPD Chief of Dept. Jeffrey Maddrey were initiated this weekend as Freemasons.

>>19614849 NEW RAY EPPS:Surveillance video shows Epps involved in the second breach of Capitol grounds

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4004c821861cea3c8ae2bb6e0f26b6298a8bbe5df9b776506951583dea1f5b8b.mp4

>>19614864 @DC_Draino SLAMS Pro-@SpeakerMcCarthy Operatives for Offering Payments in Exchange for Negative Gatez Tweets Regarding the Potential Government Shutdown

>>19614866 FCC announces plans to resurrect net neutrality rules

>>19614867 US Army Massively Revs Up Pacific War Preparations

>>19614879 Chevron to Add New Oil Drilling Rigs in Venezuela Following Biden Sanctions Relief

>>19614883, >>19614993 Was the F-35 hacked?

>>19614888 Chicago Man Accused of Shooting Neighbor’s Dog Is Released with Curfew

>>19614896 Dig on 'tht Law of Peace.'

>>19614900 Transgender Daycare Worker Jailed for Abusing ‘Tod­dler and Preschool-Aged Chil­dren’

>>19614904 GOP pushes to defund new DHS ‘intel experts’ group featuring ‘spies who lied’

>>19614907 California Looking To Restrict Travel For Classic Cars

>>19614919 Maui Fires Cover Up Story Eric West, Hawaii Rest Estate, 35 minutes

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zFG8n3jsU6A - Maui Fires Cover Up Story [Channel: Hawaii Real Estate]

>>19614932 Instagram, OnlyFans Fueling “Epstein-Island-Like” Child Trafficking Industry

>>19614944 Biden impeachment hearing to begin this week, GOP announces first witnesses

>>19614945 Senate Democrats and Republicans reach DEAL on short-term plan to keep government funded with $6.2B aid to Ukraine

>>19614953 New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Assigns 250 National Guard Members to Fast-Track Illegals to Work Permits

>>19614981 Sen. Bill Eigel Vows to ‘Protect’ Missourians’ Rights in Bid for Governor, Takes on Viral ‘Flamethrower Clip'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/918182e190a5f4ab30331593da605b11a7337acd98993f31306542b386c7297a.mp4

>>19614987, >>19615393 1992 Barcelona Olympics Reveal Entire Pandemic And Future

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/e1eca5493b0ef0d836023355d8b150b6 - Rik Clay on the 2012 Olympics in London - Tiger Network [Channel: SyncKronicles]

>>19614996, >>19615235, >>19615295, >>19615297 The Question No One Is Asking….WHO INVITED THE NAZI INTO CANADIAN PARLIAMENT?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JsilnLnyWCA - Trudeau and Zelensky give Ukrainian Nazi war veteran standing ovation in Canadian parliament [Channel: The Independent]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f9b7d5e09e4215f9be0c0cb3826189b68d1a8acd0179db7abd9277aae5dc04b6.mp4

>>19615007, >>19615020, >>19615080, >>19615143 Were BABIES sold as PRODUCTS during the Victorian era?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Z1Bobun67gA - Babies were sold as PRODUCTS in the 1900s "À Vendre" + New Repopulation Postcards Collection Update [Channel: Mind Unveiled]

>>19615014 Illegal Aliens Run Into US in San Diego Through Construction Site on Border Wall

>>19615022 RE: Sen. Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ)

>>19615055 Tesla battery on fire at Bouldercombe energy storage site, Genex confirms

>>19615062 Small dig on the Ohio cities which have a "climate mayor"

>>19615064 Anyone voting on sending more money to Ukraine, is a traitor to America.

>>19615072 Discussion: If USA civilians mustered a few thousand people and went down to protect our boarders

>>19615081, >>19615127 Call to dig on 'Mission Democracy', another tri-banner deepstate psyop org

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GXL24m9tfA0 - Kick The Can [Channel: Mission Democracy PAC]

>>19615112, >>19615162, >>19615175, >>19615247, >>19615310 JACK SMITH BRINGING IN ALEX WHITING, A WAR CRIMES PROSECUTOR FOR THE HAGUE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df3900a201171aa8b519984d57b8d9f6d91f9bcbec8ee7c6727991cd6763a3d6.webm

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jyjzc -COMPLETE TIMELINE - B.I.S 1930 TO 2030 TO THE NWO AND AGENDA 21[3:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>19615131 Former Clay County Softball Coach Sentenced To 20 Years For Producing And Attempting To Produce Sexually Explicit Images And Videos Of Children

>>19615132 'CIA cutouts', big money grants and biolabs: The depth of US interference in Armenia explained

>>19615206 The Black Pope and slavery: silence amid the madness

>>19615229 Guy says Potato gets a Military Funeral Salute every time. This true?

>>19615330 American Express took away a $1 million line of credit to destroy My Pillow, company over night.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3l0d3p - "I'm Never Shutting Up" | Support Lindell Against The Administrative State At MyPillow.com Today [6:42] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19615392, >>19615403 @Potato RE: Gov shitdown: There’s no reason for us to be in this position.

>>19615458 #24088

(46 notables, 66 posts, 72 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19616433

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19615470 Q Research General #24089: 5 Days of Government Left Edition

Created 270030ZSEP23




>>19615478 #24089

>>19615522 @realDonalTrump Today’s Ruling fails to acknowledge the fact that Murder and all other forms of Violent Crime have reached record levels in New York State.

>>19615556, >>19615579 In 2018, Forbes estimated the value of the Mar a lago estate at around $160 million

>>19615584 The DEA is setting us up for a medication supply, drug categories controlling the brain and nervous system

>>19615668 @DonaldJTrumpJr If my father sold Morado to me for $18 million the same people would be suing him for fraudulent conveyance and estate tax avoidance.

>>19615683, >>19615732, >>19615770, >>19615775, >>19616078, >>19616178 🚨 Looting LIVE Philadelphia Police Dispatch - LIVE | Armed gangs looting liquor stores and pharmacies 🚨

>>19615705 pop star Taylor Swift working with George Soros and Gavin Newsom

>>19615707 the Court Jester Clowns have "No Standing" which means they haven't claimed "Damages" as "No banks were Harmed"

>>19615712 Rep. Andy Ogles: "There was never any intention to pass all 12 appropriations bills".

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3l3vhh - Rep. Andy Ogles: "There was never any intention to pass all 12 appropriations bills" [13:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19615735 American Express by cuts MyPillow's credit line, Mike Lindell "crippled"

>>19615772 North Carolina Mom Goes Nuclear on Her School Board

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f47dd953d0f819af63f5c8ce4995f6afc0ef15863f755dfd46d223b0c67ab17e.mp4

>>19615816 Biden's America: 95-year-old veteran kicked out of nursing home to make way for migrant housing

>>19615834 What a “coincidence” that on the same day we learn Joe Biden was wired $260,000 from China, a NY judge rules Trump committed fraud and needs to shut down all his businesses.

>>19615850 Judge Arthur Engoron Wiki, Biography, Age, Wife, Family, Net Worth

>>19615873, >>19616023 why would the wicked witch get an American Flag backdrop… a wrinkled American Flag…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/359f758fff3998d335fbc6e79282c532afdb58d6982e61d0ece7f54c04be7da5.mp4

>>19615886, >>19615899, >>19616162 Fauci Was 'Smuggled' Into CIA Headquarters To "Influence" Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee

>>19615912 Trump asks Putin to release info on Hunter Biden business deal - nypost

>>19615960 They[Y] have increased their attacks on the trump family and especially Eric who is in charge of the Trump business's and Brand

>>19615964 @elonmusk The only way the deficit actually gets paid is [them] taxing the living daylights out of everyone.

>>19615968 PF REPORT: Hungary MIL out of Salt Lake City, Utah over Canada heading East 39,000+

>>19615969 Bill Gates' recent instagram post: "together we can transform our world by 2030."

>>19615975 PEDO BUN 26 September 23

>>19615982 Washington National Cathedral replaces stained glass windows to honor BLM protestors

>>19615989, >>19616081, >>19616126 Dr. Lee Merritt on Optogenetics, nanotech, mrna, and light/sound frequency waves as related to Oct 4 FEMA/FCC pulses and alert.

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/PCToG0GHSicQ/ - Dr. Lee Merritt - Caution about October 4th and 11th - Be Vigilant [Channel: XANDREWX]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83d740f7c0edbea650b97480c651a256e97d3601a8f00b86b97932b4c361141e.webm

>>19615998 MTG: I just voted NO to advance Ukraine funding bills. After tonight, we will find out who is actually against sending YOUR money to Ukraine.

>>19616004 Global elite Rupert Murdoch fakes “resignation” from Fox and News Corp boards to avoid financial liability for his crimes

>>19616010 Bensman Discusses The Invasion Of Terrorists At The Southern Border. this is very bad now!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3l4y0m - Bensman Discusses The Invasion Of Terrorists At The Southern Border [15:21] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19616016, >>19616039, >>19616049, >>19616125 jesuit text, wikieaks emails - The Jesuits infiltration.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e47be3ccafe5f1add83269a0f153869080c1da01afc591ea1539bf9813ec6bc.mp4

>>19616032 Wife Of Dem Senator Who Called For Clarence Thomas To Resign Made Up To $1.75 Million From Stock Sales, Disclosure Shows

>>19616047 Trump esitmates Maralago @$426-612m KEK

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/104a4eeffbd262e80090cc2cb43863a14f61c029f1bfb3d9fb92714753b5b52a.mp4

>>19616087 Ad Hits Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown for Using Tax Dollars on Drag Queen Story Hour

>>19616102 Recent murder of tech CEO linked to 300lb violent sex offender released early by Soros-backed DA

>>19616148 RFK Jr. is correct: USAID is a "CIA Cutout". USAID uses our tax dollars to spread propaganda and make crap deals to disintermediate Russia and 'the official other'

>>19616172, >>19616189 US pushing Ukraine towards ‘self-destruction’ Kiev has lost more than17,000servicemen this month alone – Moscow

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/rVE558vmhFG4/ - Grinding Ukrainian Offensive, Russian Military Advances In Various Directions [Channel: SouthFront]

>>19616224 #24089

(35 notables, 50 posts, 68 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19616435


UPDATE for >>19614632 Q Research General #24088: Arthur Engoron orders Trump Org to dissolve. No trial. No jury? Edition

>>19614747, >>19614847, >>19615061 TRUMP RE LATEST NONSENSE

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19618238

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19616243 Q Research General #24090: Ignore The Circus, Target the Clowns Edition

Created 270319ZSEP23




>>19616249 #24090

>>19616262, >>19616385 Paul Sperry: Sources say John McCain's longtime speechwriter and confidant Mark Salter wrote Cassidy Hutchinson's new "tell-all" book on Trump, "Enough" RE: Q4958

>>19616266, >>19616315, >>19616325, >>19616336, >>19616370, >>19616421, >>19616436, >>19616441 CITY-WIDE PHILADELPHIA MOB OF JUVENILE LOOTERS

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GRWq_pNh0s4 - PHILLY LOOTING & RIOTING | RAPID RESPONSE TEAM ACTIVATED | LIVE POLICE SCANNER [Channel: Philly Crime Update]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9c73418763fbac03059a33769349ed07d142bea44f0eec13bda4702163f354d1.mp4

>>19616267 Matt Gaetz: in America today you can't even bribe Democrat senators in cash alone, you need gold bars just so the money can hold value!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83fddddcfaedd1c567434948a6e61c137132bfa3e2865110d8988bcf32179b92.mp4

>>19616276 Dominion is on the job Projecting Biden @66.6%

>>19616282 Polish govt has confirms that missile killing 2 Polish farmers last year was fired by Ukraine

>>19616294 PF Report: Keck239, Chaos 95&96, Bat23, Elvis

>>19616306, >>19616353 All of the World's Money and Markets in One Visualization (2022)

>>19616311 Liberal government asking court to prohibit disclosure of documents related to firing of lab scientists

>>19616320 This 'Over-Night' NY ruling against Trump sets the stage for Communist-style land confiscation

>>19616346 'Missing' Biden Whistleblower (Who Garland Indicted) Offers Dirt On FBI 'Mole' Who Tipped Off Hunter

>>19616359 Rising Dem California Politician Isaac "dangerous clown" Bryan Wants to Remove Major LA Freeway

>>19616369 SoCal Real Estate Industry Sees Biggest Slowdown In 35 Years

>>19616417 Biden Border Crisis: By the end of 2024, 1 in 9 people will be here illegally

>>19616437 Jimmy Dore speaks to the UN saying Joe Biden and the US gov are responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream. Pipeline.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VcDMNJZbyAk - Jimmy Dore briefs the United Nations about the 2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage [Channel: δ baudrillard-lacanian]

>>19616442 US surgeons are killing themselves at an alarming rate. One decided to speak out

>>19616446 Left going *all out* in their attacks and smears of Justice Clarence Thomas

>>19616473 Shoigu States Russia's Plan Is To End the SMO in 2025 With Completion of All Military Objectives

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/D3IYveAswDOD/ - Shoigu States Russia's Plan Is To End the SMO in 2025 With Completion of All Military Objectives [Channel: December1991]

>>19616483, >>19616492 God Bless Q+ QResearch and QTeam, WWG1WGA, ncswic

>>19616511 The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft

>>19616530, >>19616553, >>19616623 Tens Of Thousands Of Armenians Flee Homeland in Karabakh, Facing Genocide

>>19616554 Kari Lake Podcast ep. 307

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=D97fe_s3yaw - Kari Lake | PBD Podcast | Ep. 307 [Channel: PBD Podcast]

>>19616560 Tired of All the Political Lies? Stand Up and Defend the Truth - The Sara Carter Show

>>19616561 Smartmatic Implicated In Alleged Bribery Scheme Involving Top Filipino Election Official

>>19616562 Ava Chen is back to talk about The Secret Deals - Diamond & Silk

>>19616572 Bongino: Is The Biden Regime About To Collapse?

>>19616574 Trump To Skip Second Republican Debate (Wed, 9 PM EDT) - Will Visit Detroit Union Workers Instead

>>19616619 Only Richest 20% of Americans Still Have Excess Pandemic Savings

>>19616625 Blm Supporter Throws Fit After SITTING In First Class Seat She Wasn't Assigned To

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=AhtyNJzC9YQ - Blm Supporter Throws Fit After SITTING In First Class Seat She Wasn't Assigned To [Channel: Kendel Reacts]

>>19616626 Even James Carville is annoyed by progressives

>>19616630 @DanScavino: 0/26/2023—Moments ago @realDonaldTrump’s Mar-a-Lago…[lightning strikes]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3l5ypv - Video upload for 111134864636145069 [14] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19616653 COMMIE MARXIST TREASON: California. Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Package of Pro-LGBTQ Bills

>>19616661 Connection between Bush Sr and Barack Obama? Have we been played?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b6c9b757c664563d84541f53ab89e510b1accd9802ccf481fa6d56024556da03.mp4

>>19616665 Hollywood Strikes: Biden and Democrats Saw Campaign Donations Dry Up When the Cameras Stopped Rolling

>>19616674 Victoria’s Secret Unveils ‘More Diverse’ Fashion Show After Billion-Dollar Backlash

>>19616675 Jim Watkins' thanks to anons

>>19616683 Investigation Into Biden, Classified Docs Is Reportedly Far Wider Than Previously Believed

>>19616696 General Who Ukraine Said Was "Killed" In Sevastopol Attack Appears Alive And Well With Shoigu

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/9TnOPWqrB1eJ/ - General Who Ukraine Said Was "Killed" In Sevastopol Attack Appears Alive And Well With Shoigu [Channel: December1991]

>>19616699 Baltimore city schools failing BIGLY despite huge influx of CASH - where's the money going?

>>19616702 Obviously Trudeau and Zelensky are both homosexuals but ask yourself WHY did Ukraine turn to Germany during World War II?

>>19616714 German FM Admits Some Of Berlin's Weapons To Ukraine Are "Not Really Functioning"

>>19616865 Charges Dismissed Against Philly Cop Who Killed Eddie Irizarry During Traffic Stop

>>19616926 Philadelphia crime: Looters ransack retail stores after protest

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DvLM7GAkgJw - Philadelphia crime: Looters ransack retail stores after protest | LiveNOW from FOX [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

(43 notables, 55 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e21364 No.19618239

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19617032 Q Research General #24091: EBAKE Edition

Created 271015ZSEP23




>>19617037 #24091

>>19617096, >>19617114 Eyez on the skyz and other plane faggory observations

>>19617159, >>19617169, >>19617184, >>19617196, >>19617252, >>19617263 (continued from lb) danscvino w/CAP: lighting strikes over maralago (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e3ac90cf2b8d076e4f795c229ee179aa5359a0b73967c105d8227c91661cf1c6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/26f960c3aa603e470d411b4d396a96871934971456bff6cab6f6838e2582b1f5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4f2a38108d5e9f246db5263c3109347e237dfce9d3c59a58bab13d80ba3d3ef.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f83649397bcd03109d6acc850226f340a520db54e1b2c704adb6b5c6e2c5ea49.mp4

>>19617189 CIA accused of bribing analysts to change COVID origins lab leak theory to zoonosis: whistleblower

>>19617239 Lawsuit Accuses City of Flooding Christian Camp

>>19617248, >>19617251 DJT TS w/CAP: I have a Deranged, Trump Hating Judge, who RAILROADED this FAKE CASE through a NYS Court at a speed never seen before, refusing to let it go...

>>19617392 A fund manager is shelling out $269 million to buy and rejuvenate a clandestine network of tunnels under London

>>19617418 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/27/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3l6lqd - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/27/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19617477 Target Closing Stores in NYC, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland and Seattle Due to Rampant Crime and Lawlessness

>>19617600 Science and Technology at the EPA

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=s9x1sxi5eO0 - Science and Technology at the EPA [Channel: House Science, Space, and Technology Committee]

>>19617604 House Republican Leadership News Conference

>>19617605, >>19617940 Destroying America’s Best Idea: Examining the Biden Administration’s Use of National Park Service Lands for Migrant Camps

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5Nl12KrClwo - Oversight Hearing | Full Committee [Channel: House Committee on Natural Resources GOP]

>>19617626 Ukraine moves missile production ‘abroad’

>>19617645 US surgeons are killing themselves at an alarming rate. One decided to speak out

>>19617736 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day STEVE and Milky Way Cross over Rural Road

>>19617769, >>19617833 @votetimscott I look forward to sharing my message on the debate stage tonight./Haley

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09f17908c5e68e832b2f8dff86215d8b2fd1d70df0107b3f5cfc8e3f31f87695.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c3fb1960af590444123aab28235a64c64ef95a3fcaf4786cbc5cc746b74ddf12.mp4

>>19617793 Examining the Policies and Priorities of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cfawhx_QCkk - Examining the Policies and Priorities of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration [Channel: House Committee on Education & the Workforce]

>>19617812 @US_TRANSCOM Load 'em up…🏋

>>19617854 Blue Origin CEO Smith to step down


>>19617885, >>19617899 Electric blue tarantula species discovered in Thailand

>>19617905 Former major city police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine

>>19617922 Biden’s German Shepherd Commander Bites Another Secret Service Agent

>>19617925 #24090 posted in #24091

>>19617936 @DeptofDefense Defense Official Says Shutdown Worse Than Continuing Resolution

>>19617996 #24091

(26 notables, 36 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fd7e3e No.19619219

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19617998 Q Research General #24092: Fear Pron Not Workin, Enter The Dicks Edition

Created 271509ZSEP23




>>19618007 #24092

>>19618012 "Bolsonaro indicted for 2014 remarks against PT congresswoman"

>>19618032, >>19618042, >>19618046, >>19618092, >>19618146, >>19618172, >>19618199, >>19618255, >>19618408, >>19618506 Hearing on using National Parks for illegals

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5Nl12KrClwo - Oversight Hearing | Full Committee [Channel: House Committee on Natural Resources GOP]

>>19618033 The discussion about covid response is often clouded by a conflation of 2020 and 2021.


>>19618049 Investigation Into Biden, Classified Docs Is Reportedly Far Wider Than Previously Believed

>>19618057 ‘It’s Wrong’: Former Obama Official Rips Biden For Attending UAW Picket Line

>>19618058 House Democratic Leaders Call on Senator Menendez to Resign

>>19618063, >>19618090, >>19618130 Bannon: “This Is No Longer The Managed Decline Of A Nation. This Is The Complete Bottom Falling Out”/timeline

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lbv4a - Bannon: “This Is No Longer The Managed Decline Of A Nation. This Is The Complete Bottom Falling Out” [4:31] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lbupa - Steve Bannon: “You’re Seeing The End Of A Nation” [13:52] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19618088 Vermont town shuts down road to keep out annual influencer invasion/tourists

>>19618127, >>19618134, >>19618617, >>19618688 Meet Judge Arthur Engoron, the man who is helping democrats “get” Trump.

>>19618142 Norway partners with Boston Properties on huge Midtown tower

>>19618173 Transportation Secretary Buttigieg News Conference on Potential Government Shutdown

>>19618190, >>19618264, >>19618341, >>19618401 Steve Bannon: “Nobody Cares About The Keebler Elves” running for President plus moar

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lbyj1 - Steve Bannon: “Nobody Cares About The Keebler Elves” [2:32] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lbzcd - Listen To Trump Discuss Policy Like Never Before | Watch National Pulse’s Exclusive Interview [9:12] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lc1w1 - Dave Brat: “We Will Default On The Debt, No Doubt About It” [13:28] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lc3id - Bannon: We’re Witnessing The Acceleration Of The Destruction Of Our Nation By Globalists [8:57] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19618290 PedoJo's Wilmington house in wires with China

>>19618327 Attorneys for Man Charged With Killing 2 Teenage Indiana Girls Argue They Died in Ritual Sacrifice

>>19618351 Significance of MAUI as a World Event

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f36c71764a1383ce9ec910f5ee7c29c767fda6a29bc29edffe5424fc7dd7ec5.mp4

>>19618364 A shocking way to produce hydrogen from plastic waste

>>19618378 Ramirez Breaks Down Destruction Mass Migration’s Creating In Latin American Countries As Well As US

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lc117 - Ramirez Breaks Down Destruction Mass Migration’s Creating In Latin American Countries As Well As US [8:02] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19618405, >>19618528, >>19618579 PF

>>19618443 Tennessee To Consider Cutting Off Federal Government Funding For Education

>>19618450 rump Towerless? Former president could LOSE his iconic skyscraper, Wall Street high-rise, Westchester golf club and NY estate after judge ruled he committed years-long fraud

>>19618454 ‘A Mistake, Not Criminal’ - Feds Leak Biden Classified Docs Findings to ABC.

>>19618466 Combating Ransomware Attacks

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9JobbjLJ54k - Joint Hearing: Combating Ransomware Attacks [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>19618479 The National Pulse Interviews President Donald J. Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3l0hk4 - The National Pulse Interviews President Donald J. Trump [36:58] [Channel: thenationalpulse]

>>19618493 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=KjfC1UYkldY - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - September 27, 2023 - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19618565 @realDonaldTrump GOP debate kek

>>19618580 15-Minute City: This Statement Should Be Read At Every City Council Meeting In America

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4u3q83MTuVg - Aurora says NO to 15 minutes cities! [Channel: Gather 2030]

>>19618717 US and UK involved in attack on Crimea - Russia

>>19618732 Have Your Read The 2024 Indivisible Guide To Defeating MAGA? Want To Know The Game Plan FOR The KEKS!

>>19618743 Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci 'Influence' Campaign Bombshell

>>19618752, >>19618781 Freeland asked about reopening investigation into Nazi war criminals living in Canada

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f9b7d5e09e4215f9be0c0cb3826189b68d1a8acd0179db7abd9277aae5dc04b6.mp4

>>19618789 Author of School Districts’ Most-Challenged LGBT Book Speaks Out: ‘Parental Rights Really Anger Me’

>>19618806 #24092

(34 notables, 56 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fd7e3e No.19619947

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19618809 Q Research General #24093: INFORMATON WARFARE Edition

Created 271803ZSEP23



>>19618821 #24093

>>19618870, >>19619171, >>19619225 Potato holds a meeting with the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), which develops recommendations on science, technology, and innovation policy.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MD5I5MOY2o0 - President Biden Holds a Meeting with the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology [Channel: The White House]

>>19618873, >>19618880, >>19618894 28 Republican Senators voted for Ukraine

>>19618883 QClock September 27, 2023 - Mission Forward

>>19618899 Activist Simeon Boikov ‘Aussie Cossack’ gets Russian citizenship

>>19618902 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, MI – 9/27/2023

>>19618918 Researchers reveal new evidence of Nord Stream explosions

>>19618956 Bob Menendez Faces First Court Appearance in Federal Bribery Case

>>19618963 Kari Lake: Ukraine First Members Must Be Replaced With America First Members If We Hope To Save The Nation 9:19

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lcdrj - Kari Lake: Ukraine First Members Must Be Replaced With America First Members If We Hope To Save The Nation [9:19] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19618989, >>19619067, >>19619086, >>19619201 PF REPORT

>>19619023 DOG COMMS A Pattern Emerging? Joe Biden’s Dog Bites Another Secret Service Member

>>19619047 Azerbaijan detains former Nagorno-Karabakh State Minister Ruben Vardanyan

>>19619053, >>19619062, >>19619180, >>19619303 Donald J. Trump: Remember when Racist New York State Attorney General, Letitia “Peekaboo” James WERE/ WHERE

>>19619058 MGT amendment to FIRE Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin just passed on the House floor (Cap 1:04)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7321bb70deca6e6a2fef10766d97da830f22bf04e55b0d340c10d980b3b2fd7.mp4

>>19619070 Listen to the 'scariest sound in the world': Scientists recreate the noise of the Aztec Death Whistle that may have accompanied human sacrifices

>>19619074 Nurse Testifying To What COVID Patients Actually Died From 2:17

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3l7ovy - Nurse Testifying To What COVID Patients Actually Died From [2:17] [Channel: Blabber.Buzz]

>>19619096 James Biden confirmed to FBI family tried to help Chinese firm buy US energy assets

>>19619097 House Ways and Means Committee Statement on Biden Impeachment Inquiry (Cap 4:08)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cb278f9fcd9a7c75ed09e89ba348127809c340952ee7f3212f47ed3ace799a1e.mp4

>>19619106 China’s Tencent Profited Off Fraudulent PPP Loans Womply was founded by Toby Scammell, who was convicted of insider trading in 2014

>>19619126 DHS stonewalls on legal basis for policing 'misinformation, disinformation, malinformation'

>>19619135 Donald J. Trump: “MAGAnomics Trumps Bidenomics: Americans Were Better Off Four Years Ago-/Trump trounces Biden on one meaningful measure after another.”

>>19619196, >>19619349 J6 Prosecutor Patrick Douglas Scruggs, arrested after stabbing motorist who crashed into him on Tampa bridge

>>19619255 Biden administration meetings today

>>19619288 Former Jacksonville Sheriff’s Officer Alejandro Carmona-Fonseca, 11 Years In Federal Prison For Attempted Online Enticement To Engage In Sexual Activity With A Minor

>>19619289 Hunter Biden's 2014 and 2018 tax returns are detailed in flow charts released by the House Ways and Means Committee

>>19619364 Grassley Discusses Medicare Solvency At Budget Committee Hearing 11:18

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=m6Xhx8PHB08 - Grassley Discusses Medicare Solvency At Budget Committee Hearing [Channel: SenChuckGrassley]

>>19619392, >>19619401, >>19619568 Donald J. Trump: Stunning First 9 Minutes Of Kristen Welker’s Trump Interview That Were Edited Out Of Meet the Press 2:37

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lebhs - Video upload for 111138709355116422 [2:37] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19619412 Dan Scavino: @realDonaldTrump departing Mar-a-Lago, for the Great State of Michigan… 9 seconds

>>19619413, >>19619432, >>19619454, >>19619481 Dan Scavino: plane makes a Q maneuver. And the clip is 45 seconds… (CAPS)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/284467a9198a69f0cd02af6e3b8b2187a496faf69abdac583199d14d8939fd90.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/254a4b01dbc24cf9d593f1c8f6588c69421fbd059bf8e5d9d3aa2814259a68d2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/254a4b01dbc24cf9d593f1c8f6588c69421fbd059bf8e5d9d3aa2814259a68d2.mp4

>>19619488, >>19619503, >>19619508, >>19619524 Time to play Dopey Black Forest

>>19619494, >>19619496, >>19619517 Dan Scavino: Nessun dorma 0:29

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3leohp - Video upload for 111138862404208590 [29] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19619539 Donald J. Trump: Heading to Michigan now. I LOVE, & WILL SAVE, THE AUTOWORKERS. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>19619543 Donald J. Trump: In New York State Supreme Court, these cases take many years to get to trial. My Political Witch Hunt case is actually scheduled to start on Monday. Nobody can believe it? This is a “Railroading” job,

>>19619549 Aren't the Republican debates tonight? POTUS is gonna do it again, rob all their ratings, legal likeKEK

>>19619605 TRUMPFORCE 1 airborne out of Palm Beach FL heading north.

>>19619629 #24093

(36 notables, 57 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fd7e3e No.19620676

File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19619636 Q Research General #24094: TRUMP to Michigan now. I LOVE, & WILL SAVE, THE AUTOWORKERS MAGA Edit

Created 272027ZSEP23



>>19619672, >>19619697, >>19619704, >>19619706, >>19619712 TRUDEAU: "All of us who were in this House on Friday regret deeply having stood and clapped, fags fees butthurt

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b794c0a2be2f445732fab8b02152840b6efddcaebbe81a8a7d5cbde00ba93b7.mp4

>>19619681 House Investigators Release Trove Of Documents Supporting IRS Whistleblower Testimony EXECUTIVE SESSION MATERIALS RELEASED:

>>19619728 Dan Scavino: 45 off to the Great State of Michigan… Stairs (Cap 0:40)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1875612d6cd6d10e8032385c72140b570cf14cd6826c62e1fcdf20b8e524864.mp4

>>19619735 Dan Scavino: 45🛫MICHIGAN🇺🇸🦅 LIVE—8:15pmE: https://rumble.com/v3l1xu1-live-president-trump-in-clinton-township-mi.html

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d2fbc27ead2b2983748af9aa4a699a0b0912c4a7e1abdd9dee82b817c68f3f32.mp4

>>19619741 potato: I’ll continue to take executive action and work with my Administration to ensure America leads the way towards responsible AI innovation

>>19619742 Delaware Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf DID NOT ALLOW AGENTS TO INVESTIGATE JOE BIDEN as part of a FARA probe

>>19619749 "Own Nothing - be Happy" feat. Klausi McSchwabbin'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dad1240a9d4610d59d25126002af62e966e05ecd63e119bf5d664696ed9f60fa.mp4

>>19619761, >>19619805 PF 3. E 6 in air presently

>>19619837, >>19619866 Gary Gensler - talking insider trading? hey’ll be in a subliminal state where they can’t access the markets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/721ad3a0571cf4448c5c7c2cd7b5df3e4a2987ed4aacaec56ee1af11b1989873.mp4

>>19619849 Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Ottumwa

>>19619913 Big Mike enters the race gif… accurate mimic

>>19619954 Clinton Comms: playful personality. Daphne and her friends leave on October 1, so plan

>>19619970 Barack Obama This week’s WGA deal is an example of what’s possible

>>19619981 @RaheemKassam Fox News intends to play pro-amnesty Reagan videos tonight at the Republican debate, attempting to shift candidates to the left

>>19619989 President Trump in Clinton Township, Michigan LIVE LINKS

>>19620009 Record-Setting NASA Astronaut, Crewmates Return from Space Mission

>>19620022 Massive lightning bolt striking Mecca Clock Tower building in Saudi Arabia

>>19620049 President Trump says: “I don’t know if it takes another year”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/88b7a22c25a0e216b66136b0d9797190a7260533d9f640909b047a864b71cc84.mp4

>>19620055, >>19620066 Tom Fitton: RULE OF LAW COLLAPSE: NY Democrats Use Courts To Railroad @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lfe74 - Video upload for 111139210297006153 [6:01] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19620075, >>19620144 BREAKING: Chinese hackers who subverted @Microsoft's email platform earlier this year managed to steal tens of thousands of emails from US @StateDept accounts.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad6aa2e70db1148c921dc57c9185e9b94cf46988ca6c131b080a67bf310693f0.mp4


>>19620110 10,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender Using Special Radio Frequency to Escape Meat Grinder

>>19620131 EU official calls out X as largest promotor of disinformation

>>19620159 Staff at @isd721reportedly had a professional development training which included this bizarre and racist video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c66316d4808b3307470f50edaa9319033de7772f1f835f4e533a802057592ae.mp4

>>19620172 “Trump sold us out" plane flying over venue where Trump speaks tonite

>>19620188 Officials cement plans for Monday's $250 million civil fraud trial against Trump

>>19620244 DJT Jr: "Once you go against that machine you are to be destroyed"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lfg6q - Donald Trump Jr. : "Once you go against that machine you are to be destroyed" [14:07] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19620250 PF

>>19620281 NYC Mayor Eric Adams inducted as highest-level Freemason during city mansion ceremony

>>19620298 Meet The Dem Lawmaker At The Center Of California’s War On Parental Rights


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3lcy54 - So, This Actually Happened [19:14] [Channel: Russell Brand]

>>19620330 "Sold! To The Asian Man Who Looks Like Winnie The Pooh"

>>19620348 BREAKING: Elon Musk Fires 𝕏 "Election Integrity" Team For Undermining Election Integrity

>>19620369 Chris Christie: Like it or not, I’m telling the truth tonight. Get ready…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/43f746eda91fd9e7e03ebcd9b7ed1a6de7c9ebac2c47237c7b7b289a1558056d.mp4

>>19620399 #24094

(35 notables, 43 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fd7e3e No.19621598

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)


>>19620400 Q Research General #24095: Dig Meme Pray x24094! Edition

Created 272230ZSEP23



>>19620409 #24095-B

>>19620436, >>19620829, >>19621097 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Clinton Township, MI MICHIGAN

>>19620474 Waterstone Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dig

>>19620483 10,000+ Ukrainian servicemen have surrendered to Russian forces using special 149.200 "Volg