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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,04d99161d854161c86edffc2cc….jpg)

5dc969 No.20072068 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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5dc969 No.20072070

>>19822242 ——–——– Australia #33

>>19911841 ——–——– Canada #49

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>19988670 ——–——– Germany #106

>>19930440 ——–——– Japan #20

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>20038152 ——–——– Scotland #9

>>19636057 ——–——– South Africa #12

>>19804572 ——–——– UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal

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>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20017667 Reporting CP when none exists violates 8kun rules


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

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#24634 >>20071281

>>20071387 PF Report: TRIXY73 E6B Mercury out of PAX River ‘cleared the road’ in front an approaching45in GJE21 G5 heading back back to PBI

>>20071393 Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three floor are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher to put it out

>>20071433 Hunter Speech

>>20071472 mp4 rally clips from rally bread

>>20071504 Must See Movie “Let My People Go” – Produced by Professor Clements to Be Released on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th

>>20071589 When you guys see what Based AI can do you're going to have a blast. Gab is going to be the place to be for uncensored Based AI in 2024

>>20071592 Tom Renz - Hunter Biden made money off Covid scamdemic by investing in Metabiotic

>>20071594 @robbystarbuck - @Google’s AI Bard was asked about me in a series of questions and the results are insane. Bard didn’t just lie about me, it invented fake articles, videos and quotes to paint me as a racist, KKK supporting danger to America. Then it admitted it lied.

>>20071653 PF Reports

>>20071692 PF Report: And landed at PBI about 15m ago

>>20071695 Billionaire hedge fund boss Ken Griffin to pay Manhattan cathedral up to $164 million for air rights to build new skyscraper

>>20071959 Steve Doocy floats outrageous new plan to “stop Trump,” and his cohosts quickly shoot him down…

>>20072066 #24634

#24633 >>20070487

>>20070541 @CodeMonkeyZ - House formally votes to open impeachment inquiry into Biden. More trumped up charges for Trump incoming.

>>20070547, >>20070608 Milei govt building fire

>>20070549 New Dubinsky and Kulyk Case: How Joe Biden is Cleaning Up Evidence of His Corruption in Ukraine with the Help of Ukrainian Authorities

>>20070595 FCC Denies Elon Musk’s Starlink $886 Million in Rural Broadband Subsidies

>>20070724 WATCH: Rand Paul Raises Eyebrows With Comments On Fauci's Link To CIA

>>20070733 Japan's negative rate exit scenario muddled by Fed outlook

>>20071052, >>20071056, ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN IOWA CORALVILLE 13TH DEC 2023 !!!

>>20071074 AdamSchiff - House Republicans just voted to open an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. It’s a complete sham. Let’s break it down.

>>20071076 @thejimwatkins - Rally Breads are best breads

>>20071093 Ben Bergquam: IOWA Caucus. "There's clear direction, there's clear objective to win the caucus for Trump"

>>20071102 PF: 45 in GJE21 G5 departed Iowa City Muni Airport after rally and back to PBI

>>20071181 Ben Bergquam Reporting Live From President Trump's Caucus Event In Iowa. There is a convergence on conservatives of every state and every race...

>>20071211 Mike Davis: "There's no rush to get Trump before the election other than election interference"

>>20071236 Tucker Carlson: "Anne Applebaum Is The Totalitarian": Carlson On The Global Progressive Advocating For Oligarchy

>>20071259 #24633

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5dc969 No.20072072

#24632 >>20069699

>>20069775 Baker claim

>>20069703 LIVE: President Trump rallies voters at Commit to Caucus event in Coralville, Iowa - 12/13/23

>>20069755 @SLDelta45 - Congratulations Team Great Eight!

>>20069762 Protesters shut down major Calif. freeway during rush hour

>>20069794 Yes, Trump can win the 2024 election. Here are four reasons why

>>20069800 DJT Rally Schedule 12/13/23

>>20069842 @NavalInstitute - “Thank you for your service” should be said both more frequently and beyond the armed forces.

>>20069899 @ORNL_PhysSci - Magnesium oxide is a promising material for capturing carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere

>>20069921 Judge pauses Jan. 6 case against Trump amid former president's appeal to dismiss

>>20069937 Etsy is Discovered to Have Suspicious High Priced “Child” Items on their Website and now their Stock Falls and They’re Laying off 11% of their Employees

>>20069941 DOJ just filed a sentencing rec asking for 66 MONTHS IN PRISON largely based on 1512c2 conviction…

>>20069946 HOUSE GOP @RepJamesComer @Jim_Jordan initiate contempt proceedings

>>20069973 House Session, Part 2: The House plans to consider a resolution to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

>>20069986 Trump, Elon Musk, and Billionaire ‘Populists’ Threaten Democracy and Freedom (for the keks)

>>20069997, >>20070052, >>20070260 Impeachment inquiry is a go.

>>20070060 PF Report - Russian AF RFF7301 Tupolev Tu-154 returned to Moscow from Tehran depart-landed about 30m ago

>>20070072 @SpeakerRyan and @SpeakerJohnson just emerged from the speakers suite together

>>20070080 Statement from Trump Campaign on Pause of Biden’s D.C. January 6 Hoax

>>20070116 @DeptofDefense - Celebrating 387 years of the National Guard!

>>20070136 Q: "Should your son have defied the subpoena?" President Biden does not respond

>>20070196 SenSchumer - After years of advocacy, I'm announcing—standing with @SecArmy

>>20070222 Judge Chutkan has stayed Donald Trump’s D.C. case pending his appeal of the motion to dismiss based on presidential immunity

>>20070262 DJT Truth - So Deranged Jack Smith, the Biden appointed “nut job” prosecutor with a big record of loses because he goes too far, wants to RUSH,RUSH,RUSH to the Supreme Court on the important matter of Presidential Immunity, something which is so basic to America that it should be automatic.

>>20070340 Soros Media Matters Sues to 'PERMANENTLY BLOCK' AG Ken Paxton From Investigating Them

>>20070388 PF: Bottom line is somebody went from Oahu to Maui yesterday-and nothing shows up until cap 2-in a high level AC (sometimes used as AF2) and no stories that I see

>>20070462 #24632

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5dc969 No.20072073

#24631 >>20068908

>>20068920 , >>20069356, >>20069674 House lawmakers debate possible Biden impeachment inquiry

>>20068971 @realDonaldTrump WHERE’S HUNTER?

>>20068967 Nebraska Farmer Turns Cornfield Into Giant Image Of trump's Mugshot

>>20069028 Republicans to Initiate Contempt of Congress Proceedings After Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena

>>20069012 Vax Ammo Bun

>>20069046 Anti-Zionist Jews Block Major LA Freeway To Demand Gaza Ceasefire

>>20069055 Polands most popular fundraising site has raised tens of thousands in USD for Grzegorz Braun will be blocked.

>>20069079 @DJT A Fake News article in Politico, through anonymous sources (as usual!

>>20069113 Ted Cruz Reveals Why He Thinks Dems Are ‘Blocking’ Epstein Flight Logs

>>20069115 2:00 PM EST Reforming the WHO: Ensuring Global Health Security and Accountability

>>20069123, >>20069520 Twitter Trends

>>20069133 2:30 PM EST Press Conference Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

>>20069103 Special Counsel Jack Smith Asks Supreme Court to Decide Trump Immunity

>>20069140, >>20069178 Meme of the Thread

>>20069124 In case you missed it, The new Pindar is dead.

>>20069168, >>20069195, >>20069418 A truck driver attacked by protesters drives over one of them on LA freeway. MP4

>>20069190 Based Cap of the Thread

>>20069232 Gov’t Report Finds, Feds Sent Nearly $2 Billion To Planned Parenthood And Other Pro-Abortion Groups

>>20069252 @Snowden opines If Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) abuses the NDAA, then he should be dumped just like McCarthy.

>>20069257 Supreme Court agrees to hear showdown over abortion pill access

>>20069266 SAM564 C40B departed San Jose Intl

>>20069272 Note Taker Bun

>>20069288 @bennyjohnson US border utterly overrun by illegal migrants

>>20069224, >>20069450, >>20069617 Keks of the Thread

>>20069330 Federal Reserve signals rate cuts next year #Financefag


>>20069413 Jean-Pierre: It's been unprecedented number of seventeen of his (Biden) cabinet members, and other principal, has traveled to the continent (Africa).

>>20069473 Police Detective and Former School Resource Officer Indicted on Child Sex Abuse Material Charges

>>20069488 Supreme Court to hear case that could undo hundreds of Jan. 6 charges, including Trump's

>>20069509 Was JFK’s Assassination Instrumental is Strengthening Zionist Israel?

>>20069548 Hunter Biden refuses to attend deposition, claims House committee that subpoenaed him is 'illegitimate'

>>20069560 Soros-funded IfNotNow just blocked an entire freeway in LA with buses full of children for almost 2 hours.

>>20069456 Coming soon

>>20069476, >>20069571 ADL dig on the magnifying of White Nationalism #CallforDig

>>20069640 #BidenCrimeFamily these are not good people.

>>20069643 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò mentions HRC, Podesta, Pizzagate and their friend who was just convicted for CP?

>>20069645 School Bus involved in 3 vehicle accident

>>20069678 #24631

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5dc969 No.20072076

#24630-B >>20067876

>>20068470, >>20068472 @realDonaldTrump Moms for America Action Endorses Trump for President.....


>>20068479 @realDonaldTrump Ohio GOP endorses

>>20068480 @realDonaldTrump FBI @1/6

>>20068483 @realDonaldTrump Lake on Smith

>>20068486 @realDonaldTrump MS muscle

>>20068494 Stunning new information now has Americans seriously questioning 2020 election…

>>20068519 Tesla issues massive recall of more than 2 million vehicles over autopilot safety concerns

>>20068552 re: Jack Smith and extortion scheme

>>20068573 Argentina peso: Milei begins 'shock therapy' by devaluing currency

>>20068595 @realDonaldTrump Join me LIVE tonight in Coralville, Iowa at 6pmCST---7pmEST. Will be on @RSBN, @NewsMax, @realamericasvoice, @OAN, and Donald J. Trump @rumble, among others. MAGA!

>>20068600 'It's So Unimaginable': Tucker Carlson Says He's 'Not Suited' to Be Donald Trump's Running Mate Ahead of 2024 Election

>>20068624 WTI Holds Gains After Big Crude Draw; Biden Admin Unexpectedly Drains SPR

>>20068628 resident Biden Delivers Remarks at a Meeting of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council

>>20068632 House Republicans speak after Hunter Biden defies subpoena for closed-door testimony

>>20068634 UAP disclosure bill revised; two key provisions stripped

>>20068640 More Damning Information Revealed about RFK Jr.’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

>>20068660 Rumble Hit With "Unprecedented" Cyber Attack After Posting J6 Security Cam Footage

>>20068703 At Grocery Stores, Customer Marketing Data Is Becoming The Product

>>20068717 Those darned Trump supporters

>>20068723 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>20068727 Tireless Busybodies Again Target Substack

>>20068733 Harris Remarks on Gun Violence Prevention

>>20068737 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism launches partnership with the Vatican

>>20068739, >>20068754 Jonathan Gilthorpe the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the mRNA vaccines

>>20068792 Four years ago today, Biden called an Iowa man “a damn liar” after the man accused Biden of “selling access” (which was completely true)

>>20068800, >>20068810, >>20068882 Switzerland has moved to defund UNRWA!

>>20068812 Sad Meatball -- Chris Sununu Slights DeSantis, Endorses Nikki Haley

>>20068831 Hunter rode in some piece of shit little car, up front I might add whereas Swallwell rode in a normal SUV

>>20068859 Rep. Raskin News Conference Ahead of Biden Impeachment Inquiry Vote

>>20068865 Buckwheat n Kirby up

>>20068870 McGovern [House Biden Impeachment Inquiry Vote]

>>20068895 #24630-B

Previously Collected

>>20066497 #24628, >>20067846 #24629, >>20068763 #24630-A

>>20064012 #24625-B, >>20064705 #24626, >>20065522 #24627

>>20062028 #24623, >>20063117 #24624, >>20064010 24625-A

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Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #21: Not Giving Up >>19567242

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5dc969 No.20072083

File: d5835b72b989780⋯.png (105.48 KB,373x243,373:243,d5835b72b989780cfe23ed832d….png)



Baker must relinquish bread; 3 bake limit. Looking for handoff or ghosting

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092229 No.20072101

File: 8160a0674eb5332⋯.png (2.52 MB,2758x1074,1379:537,IMG_0721.png)

File: 6e9c35b25343584⋯.png (1.25 MB,1675x991,1675:991,IMG_0723.png)

File: 542631e2e0aa1a5⋯.jpeg (2.37 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0720.jpeg)

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3a3b23 No.20072105

File: 29fa6889b8519d1⋯.jpg (77.65 KB,507x338,3:2,yt7u8ir9.jpg)



confirm handoff

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a4ac02 No.20072108

the need to belong.

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5dc969 No.20072111

File: 443ea8dc78787c8⋯.png (590.73 KB,760x432,95:54,pcugutter.png)



…Don't scratch it up too much. o7

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cf2655 No.20072112


Gonzalo Lira's Wrongful Imprisonment Highlighted

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a33f60 No.20072117

File: c96cd9fd26257bf⋯.png (1.44 MB,940x1253,940:1253,1701504160702.png)

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3a3b23 No.20072118

File: 7fe145b9aebe752⋯.jpg (59.29 KB,608x456,4:3,7fe145b9aebe7526dc55b6925e….jpg)


trips chkt & acknowledged

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ab5abf No.20072119


6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. 7 He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” 8 For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!”

9 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” 10 And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.

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a33f60 No.20072122

File: 8b202559b1e0965⋯.jpg (532.62 KB,559x555,559:555,20231203_152405.jpg)

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ab5abf No.20072126

There is Q

There are anons

There is no Q anon

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7cc85d No.20072130

File: 8ec4d3e98a3428c⋯.jpg (450.86 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20210617_111259.jpg)

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67654b No.20072131

File: a1e52b5e93020d0⋯.png (863.18 KB,750x715,150:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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49d6ee No.20072132

File: 23f5e9541f9c05d⋯.png (382.47 KB,720x714,120:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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a33f60 No.20072133

File: 21a21ca91108128⋯.gif (4.75 MB,600x336,25:14,21a21ca91108128a70b055bf1c….gif)


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9c56ce No.20072135

File: ec8d39431efadad⋯.jpg (43.26 KB,540x595,108:119,rq4yfs.jpg)

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ab5abf No.20072137


11 A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. 12 The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” 13 He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.

14 Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. 15 When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 16 Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man—and told about the pigs as well. 17 Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.

18 As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. 19 Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” 20 So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis[b] how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.

21 When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake,

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c6511e No.20072138

File: 0910bd4d1a0a297⋯.png (84.17 KB,500x361,500:361,Utah_Data_Center_of_the_NS….png)

File: fcd7849633deb73⋯.jpg (8.95 KB,300x168,25:14,images.jpg)

File: 17bdca73d7a5a94⋯.jpg (41.96 KB,474x300,79:50,th_3061466573.jpg)


>There is no Q anon

There's also the No Such Agency

Weird how it's also in Utah.

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67654b No.20072141


So was the ST6 shoot down a hoax?

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3525d3 No.20072146

FUCKING stupid QANON niggers



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41b407 No.20072149


sole survivor

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5ebe3c No.20072150

File: 02bd771c877f56c⋯.jpg (115.81 KB,1170x938,585:469,02bd771c877f56cce713b2c559….jpg)

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a33f60 No.20072152

File: 8fa30cefbce1811⋯.mp4 (15.25 MB,1288x720,161:90,8fa30cefbce181195f25479626….mp4)

Warface !

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a33f60 No.20072154

File: 343137d3f7144fd⋯.jpg (84.4 KB,621x630,69:70,343137d3f7144fdd6c37e0762a….jpg)

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9adcc1 No.20072155

File: 72e454c3b0ffc84⋯.png (46.46 KB,647x351,647:351,ch.PNG)


Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald

Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three

floor are evacuated after person set papers

on fire then used a fire extinguisher

to put it out

Daily Mail (UK), by Bethan Sexton

Posted By: Imright, 12/14/2023 2:52:55 AM

A fire at the New York City courthouse where Donald Trump's civil fraud case is being heard has left 17 people injured. Three floors of the state's Supreme Court in lower Manhattan had to be evacuated on Wednesday afternoon after a person set papers on fire. The person, who was taken into custody, then used an extinguisher to put out the fire. A Sergeant and a Court Officer were rushed to New York-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital for observation, while 15 others were treated on the scene.'Preliminary information indicates that at approximately 4:15 pm today, an individual depressed a fire extinguisher on the fourth floor at 60 Centre Street

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c50506 No.20072157







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2bf5fa No.20072158


Any Congressmen in the area?

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d30dd2 No.20072160

File: ee48ba664addc93⋯.png (4.45 MB,1114x1392,557:696,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ec202 No.20072162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lone 65 year old man vs. Anti Trump Protesters at the University of California, Irvine…


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9adcc1 No.20072163

File: 0e18dd776ebad6f⋯.png (1.1 MB,898x704,449:352,hand.PNG)


New York High Court Just Handed Democrats

Control of the House

PJ Media, by Rick Moran

Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/14/2023 12:19:25 AM

The New York Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state, ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance. The significance of this decision is that the bipartisan commission couldn't agree on district lines in 2020, giving the task to the state legislature where Democrats have a super majority. The map Democrats drew would have given the party 22 of 26 districts in the state and virtually destroyed the Republican party. Thankfully, a state judge ruled that the grossly gerrymandered map needed to be fairer, and a special master then redrew the lines.

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c6511e No.20072165

File: 6abb6e243b0fc6b⋯.png (290.85 KB,568x561,568:561,6abb6e243b0fc6b0ce531ad51e….png)

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2bf5fa No.20072167


It’s LATE! Don’t you have anywhere you should be? You turned on your device and decided to go to 8kun in the middle of the night?

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49d6ee No.20072168

File: 40e8f027f76b4b4⋯.jpg (11.55 KB,235x213,235:213,boohoo.jpg)



Welcome back

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c6511e No.20072170



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9adcc1 No.20072173

File: ab1a956f1290085⋯.png (192.31 KB,367x783,367:783,ib.PNG)




This is contrary to what he stated when IBM pulled their advertising saying:

"IBM has zero tolerance for hate speech and discrimination, and we have immediately suspended all advertising on 𝕏 while investigating this entirely unacceptable situation."

This is ironic, considering they were exposed for their DISCRIMINATION while hiring and letting go of employees to meet their steep DEI metrics.


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a07181 No.20072176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Archbishop Vigano speaks

IS THE BLACK POPE CATHOLIC? We are living in historical times


Free Julian

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c6511e No.20072177

File: 90f8cd65ddd0062⋯.jpg (19.32 KB,318x450,53:75,huge_1_5271_3802218939.JPG)

File: f063fdb4ffea794⋯.jpg (38.93 KB,630x400,63:40,58ee5fe19fd5d_capiroresG_1….jpg)

File: 891cb732988c878⋯.png (501.72 KB,685x847,685:847,Screenshot_2023_11_27_2225….png)

File: 55341dda2c3a71b⋯.png (2.37 MB,1920x1080,16:9,9528fbe4bc957de26f620e3040….png)


Not as long as The Hoods openly celebrate murdering The Innocent in the streets and Worshipping the Murderer.

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a33f60 No.20072180

File: c86b8b7fe99ae6f⋯.png (244.56 KB,406x614,203:307,1702548391570_removebg_pre….png)

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cf2655 No.20072182

File: 5653eafeed749ee⋯.png (341.43 KB,661x545,661:545,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6ca9d637ecd2ae⋯.webm (23.21 KB,720x480,3:2,smokie.webm)

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be3539 No.20072193

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49d6ee No.20072196

File: 0e1ec5a29c70414⋯.png (215.93 KB,768x768,1:1,0e1ec5a29c70414dc12ed14271….png)

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ae5edf No.20072205


So, WHO was trying to burn what papers???

Never heard of courthouses "burning papers".

Wonder if it was Engoron's bff.

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5ebe3c No.20072206

File: 8acdeeb7c08e8df⋯.png (18.26 KB,248x178,124:89,Screen_Shot_2023_12_14_at_….png)

Can any Japfags tell me if there's a letter/character like this in your language?

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41b407 No.20072207


i need crazy lib pics

the purple haired he/she/them type

3 or 4 will suffice


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a3f248 No.20072209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9adcc1 No.20072211

File: 563da8251c4df0c⋯.png (3.03 MB,1217x951,1217:951,up.PNG)

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1e638b No.20072212

File: 5f7469377eef5f4⋯.png (307.24 KB,600x594,100:99,hanging_wTeam.PNG)




Its good to see the op image consistency and tradition.

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fce4f9 No.20072213

File: 979ac0025b5614e⋯.png (571.46 KB,728x954,364:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 109e0575ee6f6a1⋯.png (785.11 KB,720x1280,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2c835d64425fb7⋯.png (824.37 KB,1014x1280,507:640,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d01f3bb79d1384⋯.jpg (99.97 KB,910x886,455:443,photo_2023_12_08_16_10_03.jpg)

File: c67f64652ab83d2⋯.png (3.91 MB,4404x2967,1468:989,adreno.png)

'shane and his brothers (((jacob and jared)))'

canis baal = cannibalistic dog from (((inbreeding))).


In 2018, Dawson was the subject of a controversy regarding comments he had made about pedophilia on a 2013 episode of his podcast Shane and Friends, after which he published an apology video likening his comedic style at the time to that of shock jocks. The same comments were also the subject of a controversy in March 2019, coupled with more controversy regarding comments he had made on a 2015 episode of the same podcast about engaging in sexual activity with his cat.

The Homosexual Baby Harvesting is not only a money scheme, but also a selective form of genocide.

Criminalize it. Now.


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9adcc1 No.20072215

File: 33167b85e9a965b⋯.png (2.49 MB,1191x950,1191:950,i_am.PNG)

File: 02ad1e0d9a9e77a⋯.png (340.83 KB,510x375,34:25,lt.PNG)

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c6511e No.20072217

File: b081edcf8a1a74f⋯.jpg (6.81 KB,299x168,299:168,download.jpg)

File: 0bb4e5b5933e295⋯.jpg (143.4 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


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a07181 No.20072220



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49d6ee No.20072221

File: 4bce228a5a8669e⋯.png (320.41 KB,623x368,623:368,4bce228a5a8669ec1b62c19da4….png)

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67654b No.20072222


That's gonna bite some folks in the ass!

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782c7d No.20072223

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9adcc1 No.20072224

File: 4fad91bb1e217d0⋯.png (193.34 KB,369x773,369:773,sup.PNG)


The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines, Study Finds

A new study published in the Journal of Medical Ethics found that unvaccinated people were unfairly scapegoated during the pandemic.

The authors seem to be shocked by their discovery that much of the lies and misinformation came from the government and media:

“However, what we found to be missing was an address to misinformation and the consequences stemming from overestimating the threat. Consider, for instance, how in 2020, more than 30% of Americans believed that a COVID infection led to a 50% chance of hospitalization; it never did, nor was there ever evidence to suggest it might. Left-leaning individuals tended to over-estimate COVID harms to a greater degree than conservatives.”

The truth, of course, was that the Covid vaccine did not work and did not prevent any transmission, and after a month or two past vaccinations, it made the vaccinated MORE likely to be infected.

However, the impact of the media’s fear-mongering was all-encompassing. 35% of adults believed that half of Covid infections required hospitalization!

The hatred and division were relentless. What is the result of it? Almost everyone had COVID anyway. Fortunately, COVID was not nearly as deadly as it was hyped up to be.

The worst outcome is thousands of broken families, economic devastation among the families of fired unvaccinated workers, and persisting social alienation and division – all created in the name of anti-human “science” driven by profit and careerism.

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2bf5fa No.20072227

File: 7bddaf0878ac85d⋯.jpeg (64.34 KB,1079x610,1079:610,8EA78632_BB06_4C9F_8ECB_2….jpeg)



POTUS biometrics acquired.

>Then this happened.

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9adcc1 No.20072229

File: 5da6e6f92aeab12⋯.png (418.53 KB,608x857,608:857,rep.PNG)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊


West Virginia Official Accuses the CIA of Stealing the 2020 Election: "Gateway: Beyond the Headlines"

01:06 - West Virginia Secretary of State asserts the CIA covertly manipulated the 2020 election.

08:37 - Sarah Biden's congressional probe and her involvement in family's international dealings.

13:22 - Startling poll reveals widespread mail-in-ballot fraud.

28:40 - Political prisoner: Owen Schroyer's harrowing tale behind bars.

34:30 - Who will be Trump's right hand? VP contenders for 2024.


, @IvoryHecker

, @VigilantNews

Thanks for watching! Repost and follow to support the show. Tune in again tomorrow at 8 PM EST.

2:00 PM · Dec 13, 2023




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cf2655 No.20072230

File: dad7aa8803acaef⋯.jpg (56.85 KB,654x600,109:100,d94f24a0b1eb4f57888b677cc2….jpg)

File: 249b5b644db4416⋯.jpg (92.24 KB,794x841,794:841,il_794xN_1702496398_o8b1.jpg)

File: 684cc1e3c37a297⋯.gif (1.48 MB,600x457,600:457,ezgif_3_28d3db55a22.gif)

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617c21 No.20072233


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772d16 No.20072235

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

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a33f60 No.20072236

File: 438c7bcc15dfca4⋯.jpg (128.06 KB,720x760,18:19,20231214_034209.jpg)

File: e913a2cc2d0d980⋯.jpg (154.03 KB,1318x865,1318:865,20231214_034124.jpg)


That escalated quickly.

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a07181 No.20072237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And beating them solid.

History is being made. Right here.


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a33f60 No.20072238

File: 168c1ee39a6e064⋯.png (884.14 KB,1247x945,1247:945,1694462629969.png)

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2fe70c No.20072239

Hear ye, hear ye!

My son spontaneously remarked “What is the point of voting if they are just going to steal it again? Trump just loses.” I asked and he said he was not registered to vote. My message for the “Patriots in Control” is that your Plan is screwed up. You’ve let things get too far gone, too hopeless, too many deaths from vax and drugs and too many kids snatched or butchered by transdocs. Border is collapsed, who now’s how many terrorist cells are infiltrated. Evil people run the government at all levels. USA is almost done, by objective assessment. If (you) got some rabbits to pull out of a hat, now would be a good time. I’m just sayin.

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772d16 No.20072242

File: fa1d75e582dafe3⋯.png (122.38 KB,537x464,537:464,ClipboardImage.png)


excellent breakdown from vigano

some notes below



note: Archbishop Vigano gives a top down view of the importance of the current jesuit pope, he names zionism as a big problem, mossad, epstein and maxwell including Slade Sohmer who was a pedo allowed into the white house, Theodare McCarrick, obama, clinton, bill gates plus many others. Total runtime 50 minutes long split into sections. worth watch, so much in this speech that it would take a substack to just take notes of the full speech. excellent vigano gets the big picture and explains it in detail.

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2bf5fa No.20072243

File: 4d816809790e140⋯.jpeg (41.03 KB,474x379,474:379,ED30E91E_3041_484E_8F22_9….jpeg)

File: b7ebd17868f3d2d⋯.jpeg (67.71 KB,474x351,158:117,EA33E547_9F54_4DA7_BB3F_D….jpeg)

File: f0859f0a8918fc4⋯.jpeg (43.71 KB,474x335,474:335,F4E4BABF_7A57_46F6_AA0D_6….jpeg)

File: 0ec81aeb0a5e005⋯.jpeg (51.28 KB,474x230,237:115,ABF63983_541F_4956_B8A9_4….jpeg)

File: 59e3d4f988be062⋯.jpeg (115.29 KB,474x750,79:125,ADEA5493_2B5B_4881_A75C_C….jpeg)

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782c7d No.20072244


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1e638b No.20072246

File: 9d18a8c5fd5fc2e⋯.jpg (19.5 KB,329x357,47:51,Feels_good_man.jpg)

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c6511e No.20072247

File: 520920e205d350e⋯.jpg (40.98 KB,America_Poster.jpg)


"Say's right here we can steal any memes we want."

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a33f60 No.20072248

File: 686cfc6c0f5bfcd⋯.jpg (184.18 KB,720x1164,60:97,20231214_034843.jpg)

File: 5aa9cca225ae8f0⋯.jpg (116.59 KB,1284x1305,428:435,20231214_034746.jpg)


Journalist who advocated that the unvaccinated be put in concentration camps dies suddenly at the young age of 33:

“Ian Vandaelle has died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead,” his family revealed.

Vandaelle was a business journalist who worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post.

He was also previously a producer at BNN Bloomberg for over a decade.

Vandaelle advocated for vaccine passports and mandates and called for the firing of anyone who refused the injections.

He also suggested that unvaccinated people should be arrested and taken away to concentration camps.”

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772d16 No.20072249

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


repost with updated dough for rally notes



Note: rally notes and pastebin link below.



LIVE: President Trump rallies voters at Commit to Caucus event in Coralville, Iowa - 12/13/23




President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will host a Commit to Caucus Event in Coralville, Iowa, on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. ET.


President Trump: This year alone, the typical American family is seven thousand, five hundred dollars poorer, because Crooked Joe's globalist blunders and greedy betrayals have really hurt us badly. Joe Biden is a low-IQ individual, and he is truly the worst, most incompetent and most corrupt president in the history of the United States.

President Trump: Since Joe Biden took over, we've had a three year inflation rate of over twenty percent. Gasoline prices are now five, six, seven dollars, and even eight dollars a gallon. By contrast, under the Trump leadership, my leadership, inflation was non-existent, and we had gasoline down to a dollar eighty-seven a gallon.

President Trump: The next economic boom will begin the instant the world knows that Crooked Joe Biden is gone, and Donald J. Trump has won four more years as President of the United States.

President Trump: Under my leadership, we have a great rebirth of loyalty to the American farmer, and to the American Flag. Because we've lost a lot of loyalty.

President Trump: We're going to get your energy prices down so low, and that's gonna knock the hell out of the inflation. Don't forget, you're already up really close to thirty percent over the period of three years…interest rates are gonna follow, because inflation is going to be ended.

President Trump: As we speak, the Biden administration is also negotiating to redistribute billions and billions of dollars in American wealth to other countries, through the so-called 'climate reparation'…they're saying we were so bad, that we're paying reparations to other countries.

President Trump: When I'm back in office, all climate reparation payments will be cancelled immediately. We're not paying reparations to other countries who have abused us on trade, who have abused us on NATO, and we'll work to claw back any transfers made by Crooked Joe and his globalists in the next twelve months. He's literally giving billions of dollars to other countries that have abused us.

President Trump: They took a top prosecutor from Washington, and put him with Letitia James, a very fine woman. A woman who campaigned, without knowing anything about me, "I will get Trump"…she's screamin'. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. And they got nothing. They got nothing. But they have a good judge for them, and it's a very, sadly to say, it's a very corrupt system.


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656d8d No.20072250


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9adcc1 No.20072251

File: 520e2054160e32d⋯.png (34.98 KB,827x303,827:303,hang.PNG)


We Shall All Hang Together

John Nantz

John Nantz

| Dec 12, 2023

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Recently, the always amicable and eminently rational James Woods lamented on X (formerly Twitter), “Maybe you all should stop attacking Ron DeSantis with ridiculous accusations about his stance and his shoes and the rest of the nonsense…We all know Trump will most certainly be our Republican nominee…Why are you all participating in the Democrats’ dirty tricks playbook? If we don’t pull together as a party and defeat the socialist jihad of the left, this nation is done. Wake up.”

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772d16 No.20072253

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 965790a2cacd41c⋯.png (277.12 KB,478x523,478:523,ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump: Look at school boards, where they're going after the parents, where they're going after Catholics in particular. How can a Catholic vote for this group of people? I don't know what it is about Catholics, they are going violent and viciously after Catholics. They're going after Christians, but they're really going after Catholics at a level that nobody quite understands.

President Trump: I am going to indemnify thorough the federal government, all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States, for being destroyed by the radical-left who are taking strong actions on crime. They're afraid to do anything. They're forced to avoid any conflict, they are forced to let a lot of bad people do what they want to do, because they're under threat of losing their pension, losing their house, losing their families…we are going to indemnify them against any and all liability.

djt: The margin of victory is so important, and that includes the foreign nations. are you listening.

djt: i am sharper today than 20 years ago, i don't know why, but i am..

President Trump: Like those great Patriots before us, we will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield. We will never give in. We will never give up. And we will never, ever, back down.

mp4 rally clips below from rally bread

>>20070921 President Trump: This year alone, the typical American family is seven thousand, five hundred dollars poorer, because Crooked Joe's globalist blunders and greedy betrayals have really hurt us badly. Joe Biden is a low-IQ individual, and he is truly the worst, most incompetent and most corrupt president in the history of the United States. mp4 vid

>>20070980 President Trump: Since Joe Biden took over, we've had a three year inflation rate of over twenty percent. Gasoline prices are now five, six, seven dollars, and even eight dollars a gallon. By contrast, under the Trump leadership, my leadership, inflation was non-existent, and we had gasoline down to a dollar eighty-seven a gallon. mp4 vid

>>20071165 When I'm back in office, all climate reparation payments will be cancelled immediately. We're not paying reparations to other countries who have abused us on trade, who have abused us on NATO, and we'll work to claw back any transfers made by Crooked Joe and his globalists in the next twelve months. He's literally giving billions of dollars to other countries that have abused us. mp4 vid

>>20071178 17 points trump rally clip in iowa mp4 vid

>>20071204 What happened to the Hailey surge? Any answers Hailey shill? mp4 vid


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e04b9d No.20072255


The nineteenth amendment was a mistake.

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e04b9d No.20072256

File: 4cde7605ef7de11⋯.jpg (80.56 KB,500x532,125:133,toots.jpg)

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203592 No.20072259


ah yes, blame the catholics

gotta blame someone.

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a560dd No.20072260


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a33f60 No.20072261

File: c5e8fe6750027e4⋯.jpg (121.63 KB,720x785,144:157,20231214_035206.jpg)

File: 2b57f4d3e0a5574⋯.jpg (95.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,20231214_035124.jpg)



Minor suspected in Upland carjacking, hit-and-run arrested

That's a big ass minor , you gotta love the media coddling criminal scum

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bd692b No.20072262

I should go to sleep. So tired. But I just keep staying up for some reason. Don't want the next day to start.

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eaf051 No.20072264

File: 916fddd2b1effaa⋯.jpeg (36.77 KB,285x352,285:352,IMG_7348.jpeg)


Toots had huge balls

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c6511e No.20072265


Those Catholics,

Big Supporters of Free Speech are they?

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772d16 No.20072267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




President Trump: Look at school boards, where they're going after the parents, where they're going after Catholics in particular. How can a Catholic vote for this group of people? I don't know what it is about Catholics, they are going violent and viciously after Catholics. They're going after Christians, but they're really going after Catholics at a level that nobody quite understands.

President Trump: I am going to indemnify thorough the federal government, all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States, for being destroyed by the radical-left who are taking strong actions on crime. They're afraid to do anything. They're forced to avoid any conflict, they are forced to let a lot of bad people do what they want to do, because they're under threat of losing their pension, losing their house, losing their families…we are going to indemnify them against any and all liability.


Vigano Mentions Pizzagate, Names Names


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a07181 No.20072269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If they put enough of us in prison,

It's our prison.

USSA, Gulag 2.0?

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a15619 No.20072270

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watching the rally from yesterday.

POTUS said we are beating him by 11,12,14 points, I saw a pol with 17 points





Boothville Heliport


United States


Radio Station?



Vibration welding

As a principle our standard machines are equipped with an hydraulic lifting table. Depending on the machine size a contact force of up to 70 kN can be applied. This is necessary for large suction pipes made of PA 6.6 GV30 with heavy distortion or very large welding surfaces. Since many years all our vibration welders are fitted with our patented CPC system. This kind of regulation which is integrated in the converter stimulates the vibration unit with optimal resonance frequency. Thus, a low energy consumption is guaranteed during the friction phase.

It is not necessary to enter the frequency parameter in the machine, as it is permanently “optimized”. Thus, the KLN drive systems are independent from the tool weight. The tool weight is solely limited in height, caused by the mechanical design and the high accelerating powers arising in these systems.


Don´t know if anything but KLNQ.



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772d16 No.20072272


Filtered vatican shill

your font is giving you away as well as your repetitive spamming.

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2bf5fa No.20072276


Sleep in late, and post in the late morning. Or afternoon.

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a07181 No.20072277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't forget me.


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656d8d No.20072279


fucking bullshit larp

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656d8d No.20072282


fuck off

just neck yourself

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c6511e No.20072289

File: e5919e12b0fe0c8⋯.png (161.18 KB,916x1152,229:288,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35a67167e5e2ad2⋯.png (599.85 KB,2123x1175,2123:1175,ClipboardImage.png)



Way down yonder in the PawPaw patch.

Jumping off point for access to the offshore refineries?

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cf2655 No.20072291

File: db7576bd9fc8d85⋯.jpg (72.5 KB,736x588,184:147,wiseguy.jpg)

stop poasting things that make me mad

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eaf051 No.20072294


I can help you get to the other side

I have piano wire and a butchers hook

let's meet up

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c6511e No.20072297

File: af867a8b562f5e9⋯.png (358.78 KB,710x697,710:697,af867a8b562f5e909b535c168d….png)


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7dcd6b No.20072299

File: a7b8f0ee171a7ac⋯.gif (4.58 KB,291x309,97:103,laugh.gif)

>>20071959d lb

this is why Doocy had front row seat every day at the Biden pressers.

And the only one allowed to ask tough questions

Was a sleeper all along.

Ordinary people will imagine he's honest because of that

Twas a set-up

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eaf051 No.20072300


both of them are jews

nuff said

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5ebe3c No.20072302

File: ac74be2656182ce⋯.jpg (17.39 KB,255x255,1:1,60952c37de4a5d1f5d0511b5c7….jpg)


Thanks, anon.

Not seeing anything similar.

May sound tarded, but anon is looking for symbology on a cat's markings.

Autists gonna autist.

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7dcd6b No.20072303


go back to sleep "Alex"

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4261cc No.20072309


that is no minor. That is a huge ass monkey of a nigger.

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656d8d No.20072311


see you

>sooner than you think

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2bf5fa No.20072313

File: 02a6f6a7708eb61⋯.jpeg (14.08 KB,160x254,80:127,89A8A7BF_396F_4F52_A663_D….jpeg)


>of the Spears?

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7dcd6b No.20072314


this is false

All Congress has to do is cut off the funds of every State which fails to allow examination of the ballots.

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656d8d No.20072316


stfu jew

I can smell your kikeness thru the web

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cf2655 No.20072318

File: 67ee48edbc1f787⋯.png (688.53 KB,986x752,493:376,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ebe3c No.20072320

File: 8b3873cba338694⋯.png (554.94 KB,639x639,1:1,8b3873cba338694addba348cf4….png)



He identifies as a 13 year old.

Don't be agephobic.

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4261cc No.20072321


im being large nigger phobic.

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5ebe3c No.20072327

File: b2820c3d6bd27ce⋯.png (1.01 MB,1463x822,1463:822,b2820c3d6bd27ce004f9d42cd1….png)


Sarcasm isn't for everyone…

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4261cc No.20072335


yeah I know, amazing isn't it.

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e04b9d No.20072336



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49d6ee No.20072337

File: 780313a153a3298⋯.png (433.55 KB,1200x675,16:9,780313a153a3298c915832de53….png)

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c6511e No.20072344

File: b14558ed209a79a⋯.jpg (42.78 KB,750x1000,3:4,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)


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ab5abf No.20072346

File: f8198cd1fcaecab⋯.jpg (7.9 MB,3504x2733,1168:911,18.jpg)


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5ebe3c No.20072351

File: 31d9d8643d37531⋯.png (962.8 KB,1024x1024,1:1,31d9d8643d375317060f6b8a69….png)


>Pig is the avatar of Jim Watkins, the comped turncoat glownigger who runs this shitfest

Sounds like a good reason to support him.

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3a3b23 No.20072352

File: 844919db0ef2f14⋯.jpg (13.87 KB,255x172,255:172,844919db0ef2f1414a8c8b00d8….jpg)

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9a6c9e No.20072358

File: 81a8a6b97858b58⋯.png (588.23 KB,800x771,800:771,81a8a6b97858b5863b44fd0cff….png)


Ladies and Gentlemen (because there are only two genders)

I present to you the "activist"

All Caps and Red Text. Somehow that and using the "N-iword" is supposed to intimidate. This is the kind of Useful Idiot that wants to go to the protests and do Pantifa stuff, but knows they don't have the intestinal fortitude to stand face to face with a Patriot.

This one is an independent as both Media Matters and ShareBlue at least put some effort into the shilling. Somewhere some other minor bolshevik told them about the site so here they are thinking they have an effect other than causing chuckles at the futility of the tiny thing.

One of the serfs wanting government to take care of everything for them as they can't do better than microwave some ramen for themselves.

I wonder about such creatures. The kind that pushed to the head of the line to get the clot shot. Same when the boosters first came out. The kind that only has a few years left, and will waste them, and then be forgotten.

A moment of silence please, for the utter waste of potential………

Moment over, I shall speculate what slim pickings will be had at their Estate Sale. Other than Che Guevara t-shirts in faggot colors, not expecting much.

Whilst I seek the juice if the java been and prepare to greet the sunrise, I shall contemplate what I might accomplish for this day and within a few minutes, give a final sensible chuckle at the waste of an Obstetrician's talents and then carry on as if the tiny thing never existed

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cf2655 No.20072363

File: 0514b260e7c08c9⋯.jpg (153.39 KB,1064x745,1064:745,mpfasb.jpg)

File: 69c55a403fb9177⋯.jpg (168.46 KB,751x685,751:685,POTATUS_2021.jpg)

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4261cc No.20072365


fuck off you stupid copy paste rambling nigger fuck.

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a15619 No.20072367

File: 6c595dfc2fd6472⋯.gif (5.3 MB,600x336,25:14,KimJongLook.gif)


Hm. Maybe the planefags can find more about, if this is something? I am looking at that, but I have no idea!

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fce4f9 No.20072369

File: fd04982fd08e0f2⋯.png (199.57 KB,610x612,305:306,ClipboardImage.png)

Just one of many smoking hot quotes to discuss with you all tonight.


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110151 No.20072370

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fce4f9 No.20072373

File: e49bd3cd8e81449⋯.png (1.53 MB,2327x1200,2327:1200,geneticwarefareukraine.png)

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110151 No.20072374

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a33f60 No.20072377

File: fc5e46a738b4eec⋯.jpg (128.92 KB,720x1016,90:127,20231214_042147.jpg)

File: 51bd5e65fbc36ca⋯.mp4 (10.67 MB,720x996,60:83,Southland_Post_20231214_1_….mp4)


After getting his phone smashed, little punk drives truck into restaurant

Ok ,question, when Trump is back in office ,how is this fixed , can this be fixed with just law and order? The police forces need to be beefed up to the extreme , and use extreme measures to curb this behavior , fuck thier diverse bullshit, start cracking skulls, white, black whatever. you act like a fuckin animal expect to be severely checked

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5ebe3c No.20072380

File: 7d30079a1964e1d⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,364x364,1:1,tLEN91ZU_400x400.jpg)


>fuck off you stupid copy paste rambling nigger fuck.

Your 75'ish IQ really stands out in this post.

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110151 No.20072387

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9a6c9e No.20072389


I dare you to try

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110151 No.20072392

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4261cc No.20072395


it can not be fixed until people decide to stop acting like niggers, and as you said don't matter their skin color, niggers be niggers. Problem is that with how society is and people are either cracked out on the jimmy juice or something else who the fuck knows. Cops are already over armored and yet do shit. What are you going to do have armed soldiers at every chuck e cheese in case someone shouts world star?

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cf2655 No.20072396


Listen to me.


Sheriff's have not gon after the 17 million dead blood trail

America is fucked.


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4261cc No.20072401


thank you. now kill yourself

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c6511e No.20072402


>Ok ,question, when Trump is back in office ,how is this fixed

Okay go fuck yourself

What the Fuck does the White House have to do with an argument over french fries and fifty dollar bills?

The cops are going to come write a report and the business owner will file an insurance claim and, if smart, fire anyone stupid enough to go hands on causing damage and liability.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

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7dcd6b No.20072404

File: 06dc1d7e905fdfc⋯.jpg (462.41 KB,1200x900,4:3,clownsgonnaliepuppet.jpg)


>>20071393 lb

There are no serious injuries reported.

17 injured?

someone smelled smoke and they're "injured'

snowflake time.

injured by fire extinguisher.

Next they will ban fire extinguishers.


he was one of the 17.

What a surprise, the fire was in Engornon's office.

Closing arguments next month?

I thought Engoran was supposed to make his announcement, yesterday.

Mandala effect?

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110151 No.20072405

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cf2655 No.20072409

File: 2b12a013c4fc109⋯.jpg (153.65 KB,724x479,724:479,smashing_blackberries.jpg)


also we seen judges are in BAD BEHAVIOUR

at this point whole fucking US gov is complicit in WAR CRIMES.

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2bf5fa No.20072410


What led you to Japanese? Reminds…As you might imagine, the Japs have their own ‘code’ language for talking about people when they are in the same room.

GirlfrenAnon sez they would call certain people “ten and nine” because 10 plus 9 equals 19 which is pronounced “ju kyu”.

To say “19” might tip off persons who had a smattering of Japanese.

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110151 No.20072411

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9a6c9e No.20072413


Try Harder

Your shit is old a and boring

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5ebe3c No.20072414

File: 95e6a90a7a56d92⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,1920x1500,32:25,95e6a90a7a56d92218e1b39108….jpg)


>thank you. now kill yourself

Anon would be happy to comply, but between the two of us, it would lower the mean IQ to 75.

Doing that to society would be a disservice to everyone involved.

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110151 No.20072416

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4261cc No.20072420


the courts are jacked, and the concept of the law is not only bullshit at this point it is down right fraud. The entire judicial system top to bottom is corrupt.

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7dcd6b No.20072421


Hi "Jones" you got that magic satanic number of posts


figures, clown

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4261cc No.20072423


so basically it would be like Harlem.

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cf2655 No.20072426


anon live with this knowledge for several years now, a punch to the solar plexus and mind fuck it is. makes you feel nausea and sometimes the shakes.

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b00299 No.20072427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


WATCH: State Dept. Goon Grilled on Prosecuting Netanyahu Over Material Support to Hamas Terrorists


“The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 gave the Secretary of State authority to designate foreign terrorist organizations whose terrorist activity threatens the security of United States nationals or the national defense, foreign relations or economic interests of the United States. See Pub. L. 104-132, § 302, 110 Stat. 1214, 1248. See also section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. § 1189). The Antiterrorism Act also created 18 U.S.C. § 2339B, which makes it unlawful, within the United States, or for any person who is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States anywhere, to knowingly provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization that has been designated by the Secretary of State.”

The U.S. government designates Hamas a terrorist organization.

The logic is clear and, actually, impeccable:

· Hamas has been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. government

· Providing material support to designated terrorist organizations is illegal under U.S. law 18 U.S.C. 2339B

· Bibi Netanyahu is on record bragging about funneling cash to Hamas

· Bibi Netanyahu broke U.S. law 18 U.S.C. 2339B

· Bibi Netanyahu is a criminal enabler of terrorism and ought to be brought up on charges just as soon as he steps foot next on American soil to cajole the American taxpayer into sending him more money and weapons

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110151 No.20072428

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cdb2b6 No.20072429



It's gonna be a real shit show next year. Buckle up.

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fce4f9 No.20072430

File: db1456f8223c874⋯.mp4 (5.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,video_2023_12_14_12_35_12_….mp4)



00:38 Netanyahu has claimed that the ratio of terrorist to civilian deaths in Gaza is 1:1. This can't be verified and bears little resemblance to the actual situation.

Following that logic, at least half of Gaza are baby terrorists (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/30907)! Does any Western leader ever dare to question the factually incoherent spiels that tend to come out of Israel?

Boost us (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost) @IntelRepublic


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2bf5fa No.20072432

File: 148b128344ef64b⋯.jpeg (31.77 KB,474x395,6:5,5FEE2B88_97E3_4FA3_B1F4_F….jpeg)


>would be a disservice to everyone involved.

Stop. We are in enough trouble with Gen. Flynn with disservice.

No make a the Flynn mad.

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110151 No.20072433


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c6511e No.20072436


>No Filters

Always sounded like code for attacking filtered cigarettes in favor of Time, Place, Manner approved Cigars only.

Also, filtering water doesn't remove the Cl⁻ or the F⁻ ions.

Filtering posts is anons discretion, just like filtering their water or smoke.

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cf2655 No.20072437


is anon here to protect Flynn or is anon here to put a stop to the black hand of bio agents and coronavirus award contracts.

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110151 No.20072439

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b00299 No.20072440

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


his is so bad.


doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out the key word. Wow.

NYT: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not involved in my business.”

Hunter: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not *financially* involved in my business.”


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a4336b No.20072444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4261cc No.20072447


it is pretty disgusting. The question I have is when the courts are shown to have no trust , what does that do for the people already incarcerated. Some for petty things some for major things. But can any of them be assured that justice was followed considering the absolute failure of equal justice under the law. But then I think about how Q said not everything will be said. Which makes me think the illusion continues with some modifications and in some cases people may never even realize what has happened because for the most part not much did. That is my black pill about this. Because what if the election happens like "normal", Trump is elected what looks fair and square. Then what just go back to pretending and the sheep go on about their business thinking this is a win. I just do not see how there can be any compliance with any of this shit.

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1f3ae5 No.20072449

Deepstaters and the pedo elite they protect are all moribund, depraved and deranged traitors will only moments of relative freedom left.

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e04b9d No.20072450


The JIDF has been rebranded to many different names under new management multiple times. It's now called ACT-IL

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3a3b23 No.20072451


#24635 >>20072083

>>20072155 Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three floor are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher

>>20072163 The New York Court of Appeals ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance

>>20072224 The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines - Journal of Medical Ethics study

>>20072229 West Virginia Official Accuses the CIA of Stealing the 2020 Election: "Gateway: Beyond the Headlines"

>>20072249, >>20072253 Rally archive anon: repost with updated dough for rally notes

>>20072377 After getting his phone smashed, little punk drives truck into restaurant mp4



nom if missed amongst the shit storm

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5ebe3c No.20072453


>What led you to Japanese

Cat responds to a Japanese name…nowhere near Japan.

Is strange kitten who has lived many lives.

Old soul, unbelievably gentle, with very unique markings.

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7dcd6b No.20072454

File: 32a7c36ffb986f9⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,320x240,4:3,jonesstudiosmall.mp4)

shill team. what a surprise


guy faux is his leader


yep, it's "Jones'



8kun" to nefarious images.

We see you.


mr. nonsense.

no comment except nonsense to my post about Engornon fire


Have to blank that out.

What about your office, "jones'


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b00299 No.20072455

File: 36736056b7bf71f⋯.png (543.41 KB,500x489,500:489,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cabeaca0f3d2bfb⋯.png (234.19 KB,500x282,250:141,ClipboardImage.png)


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cf2655 No.20072457

File: bb910688509cf61⋯.png (266.03 KB,542x688,271:344,ClipboardImage.png)

Washington, D.C. is in more chaos than usual.

As our U.S. Senators and Representatives rush to RAM through

last-minute legislation so they can run out of town, you and I

still have an opportunity to derail Section 702 of the Foreign

Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

On Monday, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson was forced to pull two

competing bills: one that would start to reform FISA and one that

would embolden the spy state and make Section 702 - the "Crown

Jewel" of the Spy State - stronger than ever.

So the Deep State, afraid they might lose their power to spy on

innocent Americans, added in a four-month extension of Section

702 in its current form to the National Defense Authorization Act

(NDAA), which must be voted on and approved before Congress

adjourns until January.

Some in the Senate are objecting to this extension as a part of

the NDAA in part because the extension was not a part of the

versions of the bill passed in either the House nor the Senate.

Yet the Conference Committee - members from both houses who came

together to iron out differences in their bills - inserted the

extension into the final bill.

Senate rules prohibit additions to bills that were not a part of

either of the original bills.

But to the Deep State apologists in the Senate and House, the

rules don't matter, and they will do everything they can to

ignore the rules.

Meanwhile, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) just minutes ago put a hold

on the NDAA in order to force a vote on Joe Biden's request for

$106 BILLION in supplemental funding for war in Ukraine and


This has been a busy few weeks tracking and fighting the bills

Congress is trying to slip in while America is looking elsewhere,

but now is not the time for you and I to lose focus.

Perhaps you've already made the phone calls we've asked you to

make. And these calls have made a difference and contributed to

Speaker Johnson and the House Rules Committee backing down on the

awful Intelligence Committee bill.

But we need to keep the phones ringing, showing them we are not

happy with them playing fast and easy with their own rules and

with the Constitution!

Call both of your U.S. Senators now at 202-225-3121 and demand

they vote NO on the NDAA which will be up for a vote as soon as

this evening and to vote NO on the $106 BILLION supplemental


Demand transparency. Demand they follow the rules. Demand they

follow the Constitution!

Call your U.S. Senators now at 202-225-3121 and demand they vote


Keep up the fight,

John McCardell

Executive Director

Campaign for Liberty

anon's suggested (no time waste call)

Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List (PDF) A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can also connect you directly with the Senate office. (202) 224-3121

Tell em

stop bombin the apartment complex

stop writing checks to israel (aparteid)

stop writing checks to ukraine (nazis)

write a check to Hawaii | Maui | Lahaina (A us State)

no cbdc

no digital id

end the fed

let 702 die

vote NO on NDAA follow the constitution!

support H.R. 6570, the Protect Liberty and End Warrantless

Surveillance Act, and vote NO on H.R. 6611

arrest the fisa judges and ses guys

no WHO treaty

close the border from invasion

make a new law and oath of national security to get

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud off the ballots, out off offices, removed from weapon secrets, supply chain, being appointed.

So help you god.

Thanks bye bye

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7dcd6b No.20072461


It's a jew-hater with 100 posts

whatya know.


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7b813e No.20072462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5002b3 No.20072463

Did anyone else get Elected of Color Holiday Party invitations?

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0f631b No.20072465

Oh gracious….where is Ainsley this morning?

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7dcd6b No.20072468

File: 0a359cf01b2254c⋯.jpg (38.81 KB,1140x555,76:37,bethedifferencevote.jpg)


people forgot the importance of the vote.

Not for long.

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c6511e No.20072471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FACT: The Military Is Punishing Service Members for Their Politics!


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5ef0ed No.20072472

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18289d No.20072473

File: e951184c63189d0⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB,1920x1036,480:259,vote.mp4)


I've done everything to the best of my abilities to prove election fraud and even built a prototype of an election system that cannot be tampered with while under constant chemical attacks, severe blacklisting, and unlawful harassment and sabotages from local DS cronies and governmental infiltrators that constantly put our lives in jeopardy and left us debilitated. Unimaginable the depraved indifference towards life in this world.

>>16440518 pb

Once again: RemoveRestrictions.bat from Mike Lindell Sympossium proves widespread election fraud. Essentially what the script does is switches a voting machine local security to point to a temporary database so nefarious activities can be logged there and leave no trace. Then after the machine reboots, it utilizes the normal database that is on the local hard drive.

Echo off means no output to console

Echo on means output to console, used for debugging

Line by Line

1 Shut off output to console window and set a local variable enableextensions to true

2 types Removing Security Restrictions out to console, when Echo is on

3. sets the configuration for the database, db, to a temp database and silently overwrites the initiatization file. This is the database that the windows local security authority logs all information, metrics, and changes to the system. It is the machines system of records.

4. Overwrites the GroupPolicy for the windows/system32 giving it new authority rules and policies.

5. Modifies the windows registry to force it to accept the new security providers

6. if errorlevel os negative or 0 pause

7. types Critical restrictions disabled when Echo is on, set on line 1, and types Registry value that indicates the current hardening state

8. Modifies Dominion SQL database registry key Hardened variable and forces a Dehardened-WS2016 string to be set.

9. Sets the local machines SQL server socket network library to disable encryption

10 stop the SQL database

11 start the SQL database without encryption

12 starts the SQLServerAgent

Because this is a script, it takes a long time to write and test to get correct. This is only done when one wants to repeat the same tasks on many many machines instead of doing commands by interacting with the mouse and keyboard. Because it tampers with a machines local security on a voting machine it is a crime. In addition, to run a web server on a voting machine is remote access; which is also illegal.

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110151 No.20072474

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3a3b23 No.20072476


at least you post good music to go along with the rest of the garbage


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22f971 No.20072478

File: 9738a731bb4b652⋯.jpg (91.16 KB,634x985,634:985,41002856_9408813_image_a_2….jpg)

>>20068971 PB

>Donald J. Trump






>Dec 13, 2023, 1:11 PM

future proves the past ...


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2bf5fa No.20072479



North Carolina?

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110151 No.20072482

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e9e1dc No.20072483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

we here together, faggots

never forget

I love you

no homo

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110151 No.20072489


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e9e1dc No.20072490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9a6c9e No.20072491


I fart in your general direction

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3a3b23 No.20072492


>Really though, Baker… Don't you think

baker thinks that's a fuck of a lot of tagged posts

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956d48 No.20072493


Just shoot them

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3f073c No.20072494

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB,1326x878,663:439,88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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7dcd6b No.20072498

File: 2a5ee56748eb9da⋯.jpg (141.71 KB,787x523,787:523,declasslaptopq.jpg)


jew haters gonna spam.

that's fer sure.

memes are nasty put-downs, Mockeries.

"Jones'" calling card.

such a pathological liar.

He thinks he's a God.

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5ef0ed No.20072499

File: 04df8c308c26ca6⋯.png (74.11 KB,598x468,23:18,ClipboardImage.png)


I am the mother of @elonmusk

His goal is to make this world a better place. @POTUS

wants to stop him. Have you any idea how furious I am? People in other countries are proud of Elon and do not understand the US President’s motive. Please tell me how I should answer them.


elon has a mom?

who knew

kek, jk dont ban me elon

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912448 No.20072501

File: 71c115198ee5771⋯.png (187.94 KB,308x400,77:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9e1dc No.20072503

bots are triggered

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a07181 No.20072504

What makes Christians different from every other faith in the world?

Roman Christian scientists defined humans as having a soul. Having souls, we may not be enslaved, like cattle or poultry.

I am not Roman Catholic, but they have done good works on a bigger scale than racist Obama, who hates us and competes against us. So I worked with Roman Catholics until, because of Obama, the beneficiaries of my work started killing us - because we are white.

Barry Soetoro is insane.

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22f971 No.20072505

File: 4ddcfda8867d2ef⋯.png (10.29 KB,600x121,600:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf2655 No.20072508


>what Q said

why are Q people so fucking nasty when you tell em you don't ever listen to Q? Will you start talking shit now too? Really I can't keep talkin to ya with this Q said shit.

you have the right to LOVE Q.

I have the right to call it out as ENEMY of AMERICA.

so the only question is how nasty will you get now…

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e9e1dc No.20072509

File: 6b513b6d01c0733⋯.png (1.57 MB,1242x1526,621:763,ClipboardImage.png)


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110151 No.20072511

Ready to Rumble: Lawsuits Against Censorship-Industrial Complex Heat Up After Musk Kicks Open the Floodgates

It took the richest man in the world to begin dismantling the censorship-industrial complex; a tightly connected network of government agencies, think tanks, private media platforms, and activist organizations whose goal is to censor, control, and bankrupt free speech platforms under the guise of battling ‘hate speech’ and ‘misinformation’ that run counter to prevailing establishment narratives.

One of these entities, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, is a dark money organization run by an alleged former British intelligence operative.

We know all this because just over a year ago, X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk disseminated the “Twitter Files” to a small group of independent journalists, from which we learned that the Biden administration collaborated with Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story, ban Donald Trump, and that the FBI essentially had its entire arm up Twitter’s ass in order to shape and control narratives.


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912448 No.20072512

File: 7eddd23b5117fb2⋯.png (186.54 KB,400x266,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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9357e3 No.20072513


not anymoar

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af290e No.20072515

if you know where you know who

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c6511e No.20072516


According to Congressman Gaetz, the Security Forces Squadron Commander had to get clarification from a Medical Squadron Commander to understand the Civil Rights of Military Members.

Not an opinion from "Base Legal" but instead the Commander had to investigate how attending this Event might affect a "Medical Clearance" to work as a Military Cop.

Medical Intel

"Permanent Record"

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cf2655 No.20072519


people left republican party

people left the democrat party

are people so stupid not to leave the Q party?

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4261cc No.20072520


christians are just as retarded as every other fucking system. Catholics, just like muslims are full of shit.

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e9e1dc No.20072523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you are the best thing

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7dcd6b No.20072524

File: 4cc3cc8efe8ae98⋯.jpg (91.21 KB,800x450,16:9,barrfraud.jpg)


oh good.

maybe all 100+ posts are gone

Thank you , BV. BO and Admin

Wonder what happened to Barr?

Is he still on TV?

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49d6ee No.20072525


Two more weeks

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4261cc No.20072526


show everyone your tits you fucking whore. As for nasty this is nothing, its the internet you soft snowflake. Oh no offensive language. What ever shall people do.

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0f631b No.20072527

Putin says Ukraine must agree to peace on Russia's term per CNN.

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110151 No.20072528

‘Back to Square One’: Supreme Court Tosses Cases Challenging Federal COVID Vaccine Mandates

Unfortunately, the move leaves the door wide open for future COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday threw out three cases challenging the Biden administration’s now-defunct COVID-19 vaccine mandate for executive branch employees and military service members.

The lower courts had reached conflicting decisions about the mandates in the three cases. However, before the Supreme Court heard them, the mandates were rescinded.

Rather than deciding the cases on their merits, the Supreme Court remanded the cases back to the lower courts with instructions to dismiss the cases as “moot.” In this instance, “moot” refers to a case involving an issue (COVID-19 vaccine mandates) that did exist, but was resolved by some means other than the court ruling in favor of one side or the other.

Once a case is declared moot, the lower court’s decision can no longer be used to set a precedent for future cases — which in this case opens the door for future vaccine mandates, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) staff attorney Ray Flores told The Defender.

“Erasing a ruling erases case precedent,” Flores said. “When the next mandates come, and they will, it’s back to square one.”


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a74601 No.20072529

File: 9afa2853cc4045e⋯.png (2.04 MB,1896x1656,79:69,whatkind.png)


> I have the right to call it out as ENEMY of AMERICA.

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67cab8 No.20072530


Ep. 51 It’s becoming obvious that the US government has made contact with nonhuman beings. So why are they lying to us about it? We asked UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch.

Dec. 13, 2023


(sorry anons, don't know how to embed X video)

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a07181 No.20072532


Walk my path, you ignorant fool.

Remember this: I am not constrained by Roman Catholic principles against slaughtering my enemies.


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3f073c No.20072533

File: 2fb69002078ce25⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,501x500,501:500,DjR4PaiVsAAh02y.jpg)

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956d48 No.20072536


Well, we know who runs the house now.

Bet the dude is making sammiches right now.

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5ef0ed No.20072537


>Roman Christian scientists defined humans as having a soul

and thats where they fucked up

I am not a human with a soul

I am a soul whithin human form

ask me how i know

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4261cc No.20072538


ain't doing shit, now fuck off you deluded cunt.

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cf2655 No.20072539


I find it hard to believe someone so INTERESTED in what I post also has this Q said nonsense every time they interact.

it's like…. it's like these "Q followers" aren't good people.

don't bring that "Q said" shit to me. and we will get along fine. it's fucking childish and I tire of it. Your blessed Q has been fucking AWOL anyway.

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9357e3 No.20072543


its like you were never even here

gotta be frustrating

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e9e1dc No.20072546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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49d6ee No.20072547

File: 1aa4540a9414780⋯.jpg (9.92 KB,254x255,254:255,1aa4540a941478033ec64a8937….jpg)


>deepstate propaganda

>the movie

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5ef0ed No.20072548


sorry nigger u already was filtered earlier

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e9e1dc No.20072551

if you got this far you would know that there is a lot of shit here

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4261cc No.20072552


it is like you are a stupid nigger.

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912448 No.20072553

File: 795d779c10aac32⋯.png (38.63 KB,332x400,83:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9e1dc No.20072556

dismiss that shit

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cf2655 No.20072557

File: 409a42f83805a5c⋯.png (10.63 KB,526x74,263:37,ClipboardImage.png)


so you defend Q with that tongue?

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e9e1dc No.20072558

I've got something they don't have.

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5ef0ed No.20072559


sorry nigger, u got the early filter too this morning

try again next bread

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0f631b No.20072560


F your mandates!

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4261cc No.20072561


yes, now quit being a nigger about it. faggot.

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e9e1dc No.20072562

I'm here, drinking, smoking, farting

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1d9c5c No.20072564

File: c7305bcf22a0af6⋯.png (404.02 KB,600x314,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)


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e9e1dc No.20072565

like you

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a74601 No.20072566


You forgot about Katrina.

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e9e1dc No.20072567

my wife left me, just like you

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e9e1dc No.20072568

I am listening to music

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e9e1dc No.20072570

I am comfy

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a74601 No.20072571


>deepstate propaganda

Patriots in control.

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a07181 No.20072572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I have no tears left for you. Figure it out yourself.


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110151 No.20072573

Unvaccinated Dating Guide: How to Keep Your Love Life Jab-Free

In a world where vaccination status can be a polarizing topic, the realm of dating for those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 presents unique challenges and opportunities. This decision, often rooted in deeply held beliefs about health autonomy and personal freedom, significantly impacts social interactions and relationship-building. It’s not just about a medical choice; it’s a lifestyle and a worldview that demands understanding and respect from a potential partner.

Understanding this niche, Unjected.com emerges as a groundbreaking platform, tailored specifically for the unvaccinated community. It’s not just a dating site; it’s a social network that offers a sanctuary for those who feel strongly about their medical autonomy. Whether it’s seeking romantic relationships, friendships, or simply a sense of belonging, Unjected.com provides a safe and accepting environment where members can connect without judgment or fear.

The platform stands out by focusing on health-conscious living. It’s not anti-science or anti-health; rather, it promotes a different perspective on wellness, emphasizing natural immunity and avoiding exposure to spike protiens. This approach resonates with a growing segment of the population who feel that mainstream health advice doesn’t align with their personal or ethical beliefs.

Moreover, Unjected.com goes beyond just connecting individuals. It’s a community builder, offering a space for sharing ideas, experiences, and support. Whether it’s discussing natural health remedies, exchanging views on personal freedoms, or sharing experiences of living unvaccinated in a vaccinated world, the platform fosters a sense of community and solidarity among its members.


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cf2655 No.20072574

File: 05ac985310181f7⋯.png (601.34 KB,821x462,821:462,ClipboardImage.png)


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e9e1dc No.20072575

I love you

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e9e1dc No.20072577

no homo

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7dcd6b No.20072578

File: 434aa31e7ea091c⋯.jpg (596.62 KB,1024x867,1024:867,40kgoingforlanding.jpg)


well, why don't you re-post it with commentary?

Baker supported chem trails?

Some people like to take a positive view?

"necessary to produce rainfall"?

sounds like a trans-humanist / science worshiper.

Science always does it better, doncha know.

A bottle for baby is more sanitary and better than a teat.

they are all nuts.

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e9e1dc No.20072580

we cruise together

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e9e1dc No.20072581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e9e1dc No.20072583


of course

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cf2655 No.20072584

how high is the SES cruising on 17 million dead lives?

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9357e3 No.20072586



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e9e1dc No.20072587

most of the shit you see here is machines

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74e51f No.20072588

File: 06c9c9279f9e71d⋯.jpg (61.25 KB,654x429,218:143,06c9c9279f9e71dd6c934ee098….jpg)


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e9e1dc No.20072589

not me

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7dcd6b No.20072590


pedo sadist is the jew-hate spammer

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a07181 No.20072591


I changed the world. My work stands on its own.

You never did anything.

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e9e1dc No.20072592

I'm just some guy in SEQ.


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cbd247 No.20072593


STFU jew

I will put you in a cattle car and send you to Fun Camp

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3a3b23 No.20072594

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7b813e No.20072595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5002b3 No.20072596

File: 1336259e80c7d0b⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,578x336,289:168,Denmark_arrests.mp4)

Denmark arrests?

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cbd247 No.20072597


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49fd45 No.20072598

Hey Frens. I haven't been here much this week, just a few quick scrolls of notables.

Those of you who really are sincere, really craving deeply, knowledge of the plan and what's next… I give to you this knowledge, but it comes, wrapped in layers. You'll have to peel it yourself.

1974 (beginning) Richard Nixon. (Genius plan to make America #1 @that time and forever more.) {Why does Brics exist? /Why is Putin attacking Ukraine?}

What are we waiting for before the storm?

Will there be a storm?

How do currencies of the world fit in?

Define "Petro$"

It's all there in Nixon's plan.

Dig: "The Doomsday Contract."

(everything, and I mean everything will become clear.)

This is what is meant by, "events set in motion." & especially, (NCSWIC)

Good Digging. The truth is now yours.

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e9e1dc No.20072599

File: 4f4a2487b174b9b⋯.png (497.16 KB,710x850,71:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6511e No.20072601


Are you also wearing a helmet with an MSF sticker?

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49fd45 No.20072602


Make this a notable-keep making it a notable.

Trust me, you'll want to.

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5ef0ed No.20072603

File: 09b76530e058000⋯.jpeg (376.63 KB,1086x1093,1086:1093,09b76530e058000dec0933599….jpeg)


careful who you speak down too.

Some of us dont play so nice

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cf2655 No.20072605

machine posts can't slap the cat laser out of Woolsey's hand.

machine posts won't stop or oppose the mRNA platform

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9a6c9e No.20072607


You get winded just going to take a leak

Too out of shape to do 12 ounce curls so not putting anybody in anything, except maybe fits of derisive laughter

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9357e3 No.20072608


he says 'suspension'

comms for suspend the broader op?

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e9e1dc No.20072609

File: a2c7769a586f636⋯.png (981.78 KB,1188x1280,297:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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a07181 No.20072611

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110151 No.20072612

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c6511e No.20072613

File: 3e6c45a2a1d87b9⋯.jpg (40.84 KB,590x332,295:166,inline_image_preview_18371….jpg)


Harvesting pigs isn't "Big Game" hunting

C'mon now.

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744363 No.20072614

File: 28d4a0b66574542⋯.png (1.95 MB,1692x948,141:79,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 61fbf0be52fbffb⋯.png (780.47 KB,822x984,137:164,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 077af04a8b4d993⋯.png (2.29 MB,1808x1030,904:515,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 6520359b1d84056⋯.png (513.5 KB,952x678,476:339,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 8322d777c1e49f6⋯.png (1.78 MB,1476x870,246:145,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)



Should we declare a pandemic amnesty? - NPR

Nov 4, 2022 … In fact, the COVID risks from school were quite low. So I think I was right. I was right about that. But there were plenty of things that, like …


Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty - The Atlantic

Oct 31, 2022 … In April 2020, no one got the coronavirus from passing someone else hiking. Outdoor transmission was vanishingly rare. Our cloth masks made out …

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110151 No.20072616

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e0c401 No.20072617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c223e No.20072619

File: 6136f84f2689e54⋯.jpeg (65.99 KB,600x401,600:401,6136f84f2689e54f6750d353a….jpeg)


Nice work Anon!! Post it again so I can quickly save it before the comped BV glownigger famefaggot shill handlers delete it again.

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5002b3 No.20072620

File: 76e3073b35eb5fc⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,578x336,289:168,Loyal_to_Familia.mp4)

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e9e1dc No.20072621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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22f971 No.20072622



>Why was the Lord's prayer posted?


>Which version?

asks Q … he posts a correct Latin version and a wrong translation … "debita" means debts not trespasses …

what's the point in all of this?

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110151 No.20072623

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b70b13 No.20072624

File: 99ea01150fcb461⋯.jpeg (172.46 KB,1024x1024,1:1,_7a0b3691_5b88_4acd_9eaf_….jpeg)

Would Q ever of posted if it was not for the Obama presidency?

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cf2655 No.20072625

File: 4c20825f2aa7c51⋯.png (1.05 MB,1002x958,501:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9e1dc No.20072627

it's going to be OK

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cbd247 No.20072628

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3a3b23 No.20072629


hot air pepe is W for AI

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22f971 No.20072630


Dur[h]am Dur[h]am

HH = 88 = Heil Hitler

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3c223e No.20072631

File: f85f922dc7f27da⋯.jpg (17.86 KB,218x255,218:255,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)

It really pisses off the comped BV handlers when you threaten their hall monitor famefaggot sacred cow board personalities they spent 5 years manufacturing acceptance for.

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cbd247 No.20072632

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5ef0ed No.20072633

File: 56f11a3e73cc0be⋯.jpg (11.42 KB,194x255,194:255,54d40a437bd3301eb5612c2f15….jpg)



Aint that cute

pussy is to scared to say fuck you

filtered for being a pussy too early in the morning

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49fd45 No.20072634


Yes… it is all about Nixon's Doomsday Contract. Biden broke the dooms day contract. Obama paved the way. This was the goal all along.

This is what is meant by, "NCSWIC."

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e9e1dc No.20072635

most of what you are seeing is machines talking to machines

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9a6c9e No.20072636


This should cover the amnesty thing:


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c6511e No.20072637

File: c21f7a81704366c⋯.jpg (238.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,La_Sagrada_Familia_Barcelo….jpg)

File: d86667bd503446f⋯.jpg (596.53 KB,2022x1632,337:272,Sagrada_Familia_Fa_ana_del….jpg)


La Sagrada Familia?


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a07181 No.20072640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I told you I am not Roman Catholic.

You are not even considered. Look around.

No. Rules.

Go home.

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cf2655 No.20072641

File: bb9f8af6849f5f4⋯.png (1.16 MB,1002x958,501:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c223e No.20072642

File: 5466357eabc21e2⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)


Nicely done!! How every REAL ANON feels about the famefaggot shills and exactly what should habben to them. I pray to God daily that the BVs and shills all die in a fire.

God bless.

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e9e1dc No.20072643


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7dcd6b No.20072644

File: 0908c06a33d5279⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,640x360,16:9,titsandschroomerplannedit.mp4)


Jew-haters are violent, threatening, and out themselves as such.

they are really hitting the ceiling now?

Do you think it's the fire in Engornon's office

Or is it the fact ChuckShuck Judge just delayed the Trial hoped-for by extortionist Jack Smith of the International Law tribunal.


So many choices.

Or the fact Trump is leading.

And Impeachment inquiry just officially began.

Or the fact the Senate is refusing to send more money to Ukraine or to Israel unless the borders is fixed.

No wonder the hate-jew shill spammers here are on edge?

Here's Tits and Scroomer dancing.

Who do you think lit the fire in Engoron's office?

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e9e1dc No.20072646

i am human

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c6511e No.20072647


Every now and again anon's ego perks up and wants to namefag a little.

But time after time, we see how well that works out.

"Anon" is moar comfy

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3a3b23 No.20072649


#24635 >>20072083

>>20072155 Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three floor are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher

>>20072163 The New York Court of Appeals ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance

>>20072224 The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines - Journal of Medical Ethics study

>>20072229 West Virginia Official Accuses the CIA of Stealing the 2020 Election: "Gateway: Beyond the Headlines"

>>20072249, >>20072253 Rally archive anon: repost with updated dough for rally notes

>>20072377 After getting his phone smashed, little punk drives truck into restaurant mp4

>>20072440 @nytimes doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out "financially"

>>20072499 I am the mother of @elonmusk His goal is to make this world a better place. @POTUS wants to stop him. Have you any idea how furious I am?

>>20072528 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday threw out three cases challenging the Biden administration’s now-defunct COVID-19 vaccine mandate for executive branch employees and military service members

>>20072530 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 51: It’s becoming obvious that the US government has made contact with nonhuman beings. So why are they lying to us about it? We asked UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch



requesting handoff

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22f971 No.20072650


>Would Q ever of posted if it was not for the Obama presidency?

mathematically impossible?

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49fd45 No.20072651

How DID America become #1? How did they become the riches and most powerful country on the planet?

One contract did it all.


Richard Nixon.


Understand - NCSWIC

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3c223e No.20072652


Fingers crossed that Q will shut down whatever 3 letter agency is making the Mr pig memes, along with the clearly COMPED admin faggot shills.

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e9e1dc No.20072653

I am alive

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46e16d No.20072655

File: 468b4773e199389⋯.jpeg (109.23 KB,628x500,157:125,189AEBFB_99FE_40AF_8242_3….jpeg)

I Thought Taking A Class Taught By Hillary Clinton Would Be Empowering. I Was Wrong.

Bitterness inside the classroom grew as the war in the Middle East evolved. Clinton faced walkouts, sit-ins and, on several occasions, fierce vocal backlash in response to her often bland answers to conflict-related questions.

[this may be why next year]

next year the same class will be offered, but instead of in-person lectures with Clinton each week, students will be offered the videos of our class via a platform called Columbia+, which sounds to me more like a streaming service than a scholarly site.


Nice gig, keep getting a pay check…

Q: What happened to 32,000 Emails?

A: You just Failed this Class!

Next year will she not be there because she’s hiding, or facing Treason?

Probably Both…

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e9e1dc No.20072656


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5ef0ed No.20072657


TYB, dont worry im sure some fine baker will stand up and finish collecting

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890952 No.20072658


o7 Brother!

all namefags & famefags will die in exquisite agony……that is my fervent prayer

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e0c401 No.20072659


Sun Shines on Fed ‘Doomsday Book’

The so-called Doomsday Book, an internal document used to guide the Federal Reserve’s actions during emergencies, has long been the subject of intrigue and suspicion. Largely a compilation of legal opinions, the book has been a key resource for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for decades, allowing it to play a unique and oversize role during financial crises. No other regional Federal


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22f971 No.20072660

File: 3fb48c216d769a4⋯.png (186.7 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Who are the puppet masters?

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49fd45 No.20072662


Every single note you have collected in this thread, came from, originated from and continue on from, Nixon's 1974 Doomsday contract.

There is a reason I keep telling you this and waited until today to post it. Anons can do this. Anons will have to save the world.

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7b813e No.20072664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a07181 No.20072665


Good for you. You write your own epitaph.

Name one death cult name who is remembered, today. Get busy living or go ostrich.

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e9e1dc No.20072666

I am still here

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5ef0ed No.20072667

File: 07c567b47dc61ba⋯.png (25.82 KB,598x176,299:88,ClipboardImage.png)




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092229 No.20072668


Devils trips says so

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cf2655 No.20072669

File: eae9da00d268255⋯.png (813.24 KB,1002x958,501:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d9298 No.20072672

File: 09ee8f069adb6de⋯.png (663.5 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


A CBS Reporter is at the Mercy of the Court for Refusing to Reveal Her Source of Confidential Information

Story by GistFest • 4h

CBS reporter Catherine Herridge did an investigative report in 2017 that made headlines. To expedite the story, she had to source information from confidential sources, probably serving or ex-government officials. The story made headlines in 2017 when Herridge was still working for Fox News.

Now, Herridge has a Thursday deadline to unbox the identity of her source of classified information for the 2017 stories. She does have a second option, but it involves civil sanctions, including thousands of dollars in fines.

The 2017 story by Herridge revolved around a Chinese-American scientist, Yanping Chen. It turns out the federal government was running a discreet probe on Chen. Of course, whoever ordered the investigation never intended it to go public.

However, Herridge, an investigative journalist, laid hands on confidential documents about Chen’s federal probe. She then wrote the story, which went live on Fox News in 2017.

Chen was ignorant of a federal probe of her activities before the Fox News report. She was an academic running a graduate program in Virginia.

Chen’s federal probe borders on the veracity of her military service and the integrity of her student database. So, Chen sued the federal government to seek redress for infringing her privacy.

Since the case began, some 18 officials suspected of leaking confidential government documents have been subjects of depositions. Chen’s lawyer has questioned the said witnesses under oath. However, he could not extract information about the identify the official who leaked the information.

To press her case further, Chen requested a deposition of Herridge, who made the leaked materials public in her story. Presiding Judge Christopher Cooper also gave consent to Herridge’s deposition.

The judge did acknowledge Herridge’s right, under the First Amendment, to keep her source(s) anonymous. However, he also insists that the need for evidence for a case involving the federal government supersedes her First Amendment privileges.

First Amendment advocates have cried foul in response to the Judge’s stance. They believe that such rulings will hinder the right to freedom of speech and protection of confidential sources by American journalists. Reporters may shrink away from investigative journalism for fear of potential litigations.

Judging by precedence, similar cases from the past had the media houses involved in making multimillion-dollar settlements. For example, The Washington Post was forced to pay a settlement of $750,000 in a similar Privacy Act case.

The settlements are often to make sure the reporting journalist does not end up doing jail time. So, Herridge’s affiliate media houses, Fox News and CBS may have to make settlements to save her from going to jail.

Unfortunately, Herridge’s case took a surprising turn. Chen requested that Herridge, not Fox News or CBS, be made to make a personal payment of the daily fees. As the situation stands, the outcome of this case may very well affect the quality of investigative journalism in the United States.

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e9e1dc No.20072674

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c6511e No.20072675

File: 075b49a2d5942e1⋯.png (1.4 MB,2092x1435,2092:1435,ClipboardImage.png)







The Cult of Marry

"'Til Death do we part"

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99fffc No.20072677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Neil Oliver: ‘Democracy is dead!

14th December 2023


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9357e3 No.20072678

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,sharing_bread.jpg)

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)


Firm it fam

morn'n baker can take this one to the top

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4261cc No.20072679



ds trying to take out one of the few reporters that actually does their god damn job.

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cf2655 No.20072681

File: 49708ac04ddd18f⋯.jpg (79.25 KB,640x480,4:3,warwarwar.jpg)



it's already hit for many.

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8d68cf No.20072682

Be at peace and hear the good news. Prior to your incarnation, your Creator promised that you would be allowed in this very lifetime to embody the fullness of your God Presence and your Christhood. You will be allowed to manifest on Earth, in your present incarnation, the fullness of your divinity and spiritual gifts which have been hidden from you for so long.

Understand that the beings controlling your planet propose to stop this developing enlightenment at all costs since it will bring their reign to an end. As the dark forces strive to bring all of you and the planet into greater servitude and increase your allegiance to separation and fear, the polarity of Light will at the same time create awakening and enlightenment. Even the planetary bodies in the heavens have aligned to facilitate this great surge in consciousness.

Soon those who are destined to form new governments and economic structures will become more visible. They have been preparing for this day and are already living among you. Do not judge them harshly or create expectations about them, for many who step forward may surprise you.

Many have masked their true identities from within the very groups they seek to replace. Reach out with your hearts to recognize who your new leaders may be. All new structures will be formed for the benefit of the collective. This is an important key to identifying those who are finally ready to really support humanity. Even national borders will not stop those who support true change from coming together.

These conflicts will initiate an acceleration on the entire planet and assist in awakening millions to a new awareness of their divinity and a reconsideration of new values in their lives. Multitudes will discover new goals and purposes more aligned with their divine nature. As a result of these conflicts you will find millions of people swelling the ranks of the lightworkers and banding together to create permanent peace and a new reality based on divine truths.

These conflicts will also assist in eroding the outmoded patriarchal structures that no longer serve you. Be prepared to experience some sorrow and to witness the suffering that will take place. This will assist in opening your heart and easing your passage into the higher dimension. You will also clear much accumulated karma, making way for the new order and the recognition of your true Divine Self.

Children of my heart, allow the hand of God to wield its magic. Your Creator is watching attentively, protecting the Earth and Her people who have chosen to remain and embrace their new glorious destiny. Instead of going into fear, despair and hopelessness, light a candle of hope in your heart. Know that beyond war, a brand new world awaits. Miracles are just waiting to manifest. The gifts of love and grace from the Creator and your star family will pour down in ways you have never experienced before.

In your heart, light the candle of knowingness that the Divine will prevail and victory is assured.

People on this planet have stood together by the millions and stated their intention for peace, and so it shall be. You are marching across your planet demanding peace, and so it shall be. You have become the focus of the entire cosmos. We watch you, with love, intention and bravery rise up against the tyranny of one world government, saying, “This far and no further; your day is done.” The Creator and all of you co-Creators are smiling, saying, “At last they are waking up; let there be peace on Earth, and so it shall be.”

As the vibration continues to increase upon the planet, so will your responsibilities. We, your Lemurian brothers and sisters, are gathering our teams on the surface to implement our plans with many of you in every corner and country of this planet. Eventually, we will be working in good will with all who desire to serve the greater good with us. Nothing will be imposed on you. Your desire to serve with us must be ignited by the calling of your heart.

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3a3b23 No.20072683


firmed yo

morn'n Wake N Baker

grab some coffee and have a good one


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8d68cf No.20072685



If you wish to be of service, our mission will involve great numbers of people. Many wondrous opportunities will offer themselves for those desiring to work with us side by side. You are the way-showers, the nucleus of many small groups that we are nurturing, embracing and cherishing here in Mount Shasta. The time of joy you have been waiting for is just beyond the clouds, beyond the storms of fabricated wars. If you can allow the clouds and storms to play out this last game, this last illusion, you shall never regret it.

Keep the candle of hope lit in your heart, for beyond the dark clouds is joy, ease and grace.

The dawning of a new world of unity and love, where violence no longer exists, is now just beyond the horizon. Take care of each other in times of need. Extend your love and comfort to those who have not had the opportunity to learn what you already know.

Become the pillars of peace for all those in fear, so that they can lean on you for comfort. As others lean on you, we invite you to lean on us for your strength and support. In the days to come, we will be close to you, extending much love and assistance.

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c21cf3 No.20072686

File: 2d3333e096ff05b⋯.png (595.52 KB,1267x839,1267:839,ClipboardImage.png)

Kimberly said, "the doctor was very sure it was fentanyl."

Eight Granbury students hospitalized after eating candy distributed by student, officials say

Granbury ISD and Granbury police say the students are OK and they are investigating the incident.

Author: Rachel Snyder

Published: 1:37 PM CST December 13, 2023

Updated: 8:36 PM CST December 13, 2023

GRANBURY, Texas — Granbury ISD and Granbury police say they’re investigating after eight Granbury Middle School students were hospitalized after eating candy distributed by a student Tuesday that was initially believed to contain a narcotic.

They say the students are OK.

An initial test of the candy tested negative for THC, but additional testing will follow as the investigation into the incident continues, the district and police say.

“We are taking every step necessary to ensure the safety of our students and prevent any future occurrences. We understand the seriousness of this matter and are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for your children,” the statement, signed by Granbury Middle School principal Dr. Andy Smith, read.

“This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of educating our children about the potential dangers of unknown consumptions. As parents or guardians, it is crucial that we have open and honest conversations with our children about making responsible choices and being cautious when it comes to accepting or consuming anything unfamiliar. We kindly request that you take the time to talk to your child about these risks, even if they may seem harmless at first," the statement continued.

Two of the eighth grade students who ate the candy shared their experience after being taken to the emergency room. Hannah and Victoria, both 13, are home now.

"It tasted like toothpaste and it was really disgusting," said Hannah.

She told WFAA during an exclusive interview that their classmate told them the candy was a gift from her grandmother.

"It was gross, and it looked like a Twizzlers," said Victoria.

After eating the candy, Victoria and Hannah went to separate classes. But they, along with six other students, started feeling sick, especially Victoria. That's when she decided to ask her teacher if she could go see the school nurse.

"I did pass out, and I am not sure how many kids passed out," said Victoria.

Hannah said, "I felt really dizzy. My heart was going really fast. I felt like I was really sick."

As the school called parents, paramedics transported four students to the hospital. Parents took the other four to get checked out at the hospital.

When Hannah's mother got the phone call about what happened at her daughter's school, she not only learned her daughter was sick but also unresponsive. That scared her the most.

"It was a very scary moment. I thought I was going to lose my child," Kimberly told WFAA. "I want to get to the bottom of this for other kids out there and other parents."

Although Kimberly shared preliminary guesses from ER doctors, just like police, she and the parents of all of the students are waiting to learn exactly what made their children sick.

Kimberly said, "the doctor was very sure it was fentanyl."

Following the incident, the school district and police reiterated “the importance of reporting any suspicious or concerning behavior to a trusted adult, whether it be a teacher, a school staff member, or yourself.”

“Rest assured, we are committed to maintaining a safe and secure learning environment for your child. We will continue to work closely with the authorities, review our existing protocols, and implement any necessary additional measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future,” the district's statement said.

The district asks those with questions or concerns to reach out to contact school administration.


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5ef0ed No.20072687

File: 0d8e02b71f7b9ac⋯.png (124.56 KB,497x850,497:850,ClipboardImage.png)


I wanted 50B

thought i heard 15B

they sd we got 14B

I sd i want 50B

55 SIR 07



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8a3bae No.20072690

File: cc3861210faddc6⋯.png (1.07 MB,1312x730,656:365,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 5366a808cd14022⋯.png (154.67 KB,408x438,68:73,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: eebb6db432828f5⋯.png (2.01 MB,1268x1048,317:262,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 28ab12714d803df⋯.png (134.94 KB,194x336,97:168,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)


war trophy or promotion?

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9357e3 No.20072691



ty for your gy service!


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c6511e No.20072692


>Kimberly said, "the doctor was very sure it was fentanyl."

Oh, "Very Sure."

That's pure Science right there.

Definitely not Mass Hysteria


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0f631b No.20072693

File: a23c8a7f99a4840⋯.png (56.95 KB,1307x776,1307:776,Screen_Shot_12_14_23_at_07….PNG)

Republicans Independents Democrats

%29 %40 %29

2023 Nov 1-21


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cf2655 No.20072695

File: edd20431a8bf64c⋯.png (560.99 KB,1901x920,1901:920,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ef0ed No.20072696


>war trophy

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1f3ae5 No.20072697

Deepstate ground assets are frozen, cannot trust anyone, surrounded by those who have flipped. Every move monitored, every communique logged, a fretful existence wrought with fear and paranoia.

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a07181 No.20072698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


None of the above.

I am still changing the world. Taste my dust.



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9357e3 No.20072701


ready to dance vd?

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cf2655 No.20072702


NPP is different than INDY/.

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5ef0ed No.20072703

By Hunter talking about the subpoena, he complied with the subpoena.

Maybe some of you twitter lawyer MAGA extremest should get a college education like I have.

man u people are ghey

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49fd45 No.20072705


in 1974, Nixon's plan brought the Saudi King to the White house, as well as the CIA chief and several others. Less than 10 people. The plan was to make America the most powerful nation on Earth. From then, to forever more.

US had done several sanctions and made them high visibility as a warning and show of power to the world. Then…

They forced Saudi to sell their oil for US $ only. No other currency would ever be allowed. Never, none, USD only.

In return, Saudi got access to US markets to spend their USD. So we were getting our money back, recycled… (Follow where it went)

Any other country needing Saudi oil (wonderland's oil) had to buy and sell into US trade markets to gain USD (petrodollars)

Only then could they buy Saudi oil… and saudi got rich buying into US markets.

Ghadhafi tried to sell his own oil. The US made an example out of him. He was shot down in the street, in a crowd of his own people, begging for mercy while a Bayonet was shoved up his ass. The rest of the world decided it was best to go with the petro-dollar.

Obama paved the way for BRICS… Putin began trading oil for gold and rupi. Other countries, including China began trading their own oil and buying with other currencies.

Biden blew it for all of us… (dig how) Think Deep, very deep.

Now, because we have a clown in the WH that no one is afraid of, because he's an idiot, many other countries have begin trading oil in other currencies. Soon, the petro dollar will be worthless, and America falls with it. It's too late now, not even Trump can stop it. Nothing can. We are on a sinking ship and going down. Hence, the title of the contract. "The Doomsday Contract."

Now anons know everything. Anons should immediately begin to prepare, because… Nothing can stop what is coming.

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22f971 No.20072706















>The Cult of Marry


>"'Til Death do we part"

Abrahamic religions and Marriage are the infamous 12 000 year old Death Cult … interesting take but does not fit well in the Q narrative

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4b9a8c No.20072707

File: 11a97defa45823e⋯.gif (516.52 KB,220x343,220:343,whatupwitthat4.gif)

File: 4e6cf44cdc4826a⋯.png (548.52 KB,696x1328,87:166,does1.png)

File: b5c99d42fd94fd9⋯.gif (1.08 MB,498x210,83:35,devil_satan.gif)

File: 6a38a15df7be7c5⋯.png (194.33 KB,574x952,41:68,Q_133_satana.png)

File: 0615afeb8d5168c⋯.gif (498.67 KB,129x159,43:53,whatupwitthat6.gif)





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9681ac No.20072708

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

No time for the old in-out, in-out, I'm only here to read the Notes.

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cf2655 No.20072709

File: e890c9a11c35e93⋯.jpg (179.38 KB,670x1250,67:125,2023_NOV_22_WELCOME_TO_THE….jpg)


* gallup

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4261cc No.20072710


thanks shill for your input. now throw yourself out a window like a good little chink.

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5ef0ed No.20072711

File: caf75c7d9112615⋯.png (627.1 KB,1304x968,163:121,ClipboardImage.png)




Hunter Biden today defied lawful subpoenas and we will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.

We will not provide special treatment because his last name is Biden.

Read my full statement with @Jim_Jordan



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1f3ae5 No.20072712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5ef0ed No.20072713

File: 175db3197243695⋯.png (33.33 KB,598x174,299:87,ClipboardImage.png)



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c6511e No.20072714

File: 91fafb77f21795c⋯.png (279.64 KB,700x697,700:697,ClipboardImage.png)


Does that ID her as the Highest Ranking "Wellness" Dealer?

a formidable-looking, stiletto-shaped gold pin on her left lapel. The brooch is a miniature of the speaker’s mace, the official symbol of the House of Representatives, a ceremonial version of which stands on a pedestal to the speaker’s right when the House is in session.

The pin was made by a Texan—jewelry maker Ann Hand, the wife of LBJ confidant and Democratic party éminence grise Lloyd Hand, who came to Washington, D.C., in the sixties, one of the last of the contingent of LBJ-era Texans still in D.C.

“I designed it when she was speaker the first time,” Hand told Texas Monthly from her store in the Georgetown area of D.C. She became enchanted by the mace, which is nearly four feet high and made of silver and ebony, during visits to the House chamber. With a woman as speaker, Hand thought a brooch would be a good fit for her bipartisan line of Americana jewelry. (Hand’s best-seller, popular with Republican women in particular, is an American eagle brooch.) But for some reason, the mace piece didn’t sell well when Pelosi was speaker from 2007 to 2011.



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9a6c9e No.20072715


If you don't "listen to Q" or care about the drops then WHY are you here?

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8a3bae No.20072716



Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene expresses some regret about QAnon …

Feb 4, 2021 … Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Thursday said she regrets some of the false conspiracy theories she had promoted in the past, …


Marjorie Greene Claims She Stopped Believing QAnon In 2018—A …

Feb 4, 2021 … Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) disavowed her past support for QAnon—but did not apologize—before equating the media with the crackpot conspiracy …

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4261cc No.20072717


low level ?

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ab5abf No.20072718

Cool chop was bf bo saw pb a co ex pub s22 go 2C oh cup s22 0th Co 2C in go f1 of Chi ov ex go fa on ew do pc work dog go go go to pick 1 pick odi I've do j go pick pick pick if do wh few she DZ wh ha why he threw f1 F3 fat he s22 storm dog shot stupid food cops stood your food for do an f1 z exquisite dip pd do of do wha foods do cock doc dog Bocelli click bozo build dodo Unix box bloc born coliseum Nubian G8 impostor mock piddly goodbye bolero crossover forgo Jekyll postlude biffo fossils 3h good boxful cupful click

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5ef0ed No.20072719


yeah, u thought anon wrote that garbage, got triggered and reacted

that aint how anons roll.

best u lurk moar

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c6511e No.20072720


>but does not fit well in the Q narrative

They keep pushing wars between monogamists and polygamists.

They really don't care which side wins, as long as the Lifetime Care & Feeding Contract for Women and Children is kept legally saddled to "The Men".

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cf2655 No.20072721

File: d3b3a4d7da9d429⋯.png (674.31 KB,824x459,824:459,ClipboardImage.png)


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5ef0ed No.20072722


Texas Institute of Technology & Science

>let me know when you see it

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4261cc No.20072725


yeah because normal people attribute quotes you stupid nigger. Not everyone goes and follows whores around on twitter like you do apparently. Also saying how anons do or do not, dead give away. Fag.

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be7d82 No.20072727


How is the media not criminal co-defendant conspirators offending on a daily basis

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22f971 No.20072729


fake news?

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99fffc No.20072731

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

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a07181 No.20072733


The name of one person, please.

Just one.

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cf2655 No.20072735

File: 9465f5ad3cff573⋯.png (584.29 KB,862x521,862:521,ClipboardImage.png)


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5ef0ed No.20072736


Another give away, is when confronted with the truth, instead of repenting your mistake, you follow through will further insults

you are not anon, best u return to reddit

ps its an AOC parody account

You really cant be this stupid, but hey its 2023

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5ef0ed No.20072738


>How is the media not criminal co-defendant conspirator


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49d6ee No.20072739

File: 963dc379e8f2cdb⋯.gif (3.79 MB,600x338,300:169,4346735670796853423894.gif)


>How is the media not criminal co-defendant conspirators offending on a daily basis

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c6511e No.20072741


Ruth? As in The Book of Ruth, who lashed her destiny to the life of her Mother In Law?

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aa3da2 No.20072743

File: bdd4a61a3f14895⋯.jpg (353.97 KB,1024x613,1024:613,grammar_kitty_thumbs_corre….jpg)


>Would Q ever of…

A modal verb is never followed by the preposition "of".

It's have, you ill educated retard.

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4261cc No.20072745


Why would I repent to an obvious jack ass. Kill yourself. Again claiming who is and who is not, not very anon either. Maybe you should go back to facebook. Well you sure can be this stupid for 2023 thinking telling anons what is and isn't. Fag.

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460afa No.20072746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cf2655 No.20072747

File: c066c795690c2f2⋯.png (24.93 KB,731x141,731:141,ClipboardImage.png)


this means that satan can't leave Earth. all you gotta do is get on a Rocket. No mo Satan.

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aa3da2 No.20072748

File: 7b416c9df239feb⋯.png (338.48 KB,632x704,79:88,shakespeare_to.png)


> to scared

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c21cf3 No.20072753

File: 499b31b5e61008d⋯.png (196.57 KB,720x498,120:83,rocketns.png)



Waiting for test results. I'll have the Peking Duck. Is that your sister working the cash register?

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5ed377 No.20072754



( . ) ( . )

: D

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cdb2b6 No.20072755


Wonder if Tucker can get Bob Lazar on there. His information is from the 80s, but his story has always been compelling to me

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8a3bae No.20072756

File: 9af605ba8f458ac⋯.png (709.12 KB,722x1100,361:550,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: d0dc98220d2e535⋯.png (816.63 KB,566x934,283:467,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 3f1af78783f3c3e⋯.png (1.35 MB,920x916,230:229,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 05754c3dfdc6112⋯.png (2.07 MB,2048x714,1024:357,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 101cbb261dea387⋯.png (2.09 MB,2040x878,1020:439,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

>Does that ID her as the Highest Ranking "Wellness" Dealer?


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19426a No.20072757

File: c411e1b66c32ef6⋯.png (433.08 KB,1080x673,1080:673,Memeto_1606048559166.png)

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5ef0ed No.20072759


Is everyone a gd grammar fag today?

dont answer that

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5ef0ed No.20072761

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4261cc No.20072762


would he really be the best?

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cdb2b6 No.20072764


It's easier to stomach this now that we're on the ass end of 2023. Now we just survive 2024 and help our friends and family.

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cdb2b6 No.20072765

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22f971 No.20072766


WASHINGTON — Hunter Biden on Wednesday repeated his offer to appear at a public hearing on Capitol Hill, defying a House Republican-issued subpoena that called for him to testify instead at a closed-door deposition.

why would closed door be better? otherwise 99% would end in hospital or what?

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d13284 No.20072768

File: e90526c768891d5⋯.png (579.87 KB,568x594,284:297,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a3bae No.20072770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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cdb2b6 No.20072771


It's a contest anon. It's okay to have more than one witness to a habbening.

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22f971 No.20072775


that tatted bearded guy looks like the Capitol Cop, but hard to believe Capitol would employ guys that freakish looking for security

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5ed377 No.20072776

File: f0f8c250a0a50f4⋯.jpg (32.88 KB,460x276,5:3,Only_Fools_and_Horses_001.jpg)



Wonder if he is related to Del-Boy.

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46e16d No.20072777

File: f298d2f448f9298⋯.jpeg (98.19 KB,676x680,169:170,58C992AC_CDBA_4BB9_9748_1….jpeg)

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9357e3 No.20072778


depo's are under oath and on the record

he lies in public hearing afterward and its purgery

why he won't do closed door testimony

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cf2655 No.20072779

File: 33b859b76f7000c⋯.png (608.5 KB,636x774,106:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ef0ed No.20072780


>why would closed door be better?

with close door you dont get all the theatrics intended for tv. thus allowing congress to the ability to get better answers from the fucktard

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4261cc No.20072781



its not that, its just bob lazar is a name that has a lot of baggage in the community for the ufo people, he does have some interesting stuff. Tucker does long format interviews now, so maybe that would be ok. Its just so much of this information is predicated on knowing something else so the connections are made. I also think it will be easier to convince people of aliens then telling them these are your gods and their minions, that humanity through the deep state has struck a deal with. Possibly in the 50s under eisenhower. Then toss in some vallient thor into the mix also

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49fd45 No.20072782

Love your way of renouncing Templars/Freemasons. Would enjoy having a cup of tea or coffee with you one day and discussing how they were usurped, their origins and their plans for order from the coming chaos.

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22f971 No.20072783



>Does Night Shift exist?


>Does the 'Thought' of Night Shift exist?

there is Night.

there are Shifts.

There is no Night Shifts.

Does QAnon exist?

Does the Thought of QAnon exist?

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5ef0ed No.20072785


>Now we just survive 2024


not sure a lot will make it out

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c21cf3 No.20072786

File: 4834613a1e73f92⋯.mp4 (11.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,2023_12_13_20_45_11.mp4)

Anon gets the feeling that Cuomo enjoyed getting to have uncensored profanity on his show. Just for the profanities sake and not the girls condition. Cuomo's kids apparently have their father fooled. Something satisfying about watching this young lady let him have it though.

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49fd45 No.20072788

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c6511e No.20072789


Someone has never has to attend to Night Shift duties "religiously" to pay their bills.

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22f971 No.20072790


anon's uncle was a Templar and a Patriot.

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c21cf3 No.20072791

File: 5cff703b8a7e6b8⋯.mp4 (10.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,2023_12_13_20_46_38.mp4)

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74e51f No.20072793


>Less than 10

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5ed377 No.20072794


With closed door the ne'er-do-wells have the opportunity to leak and shape the narrative.

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8a3bae No.20072795

File: 9299cd0210686c6⋯.png (981.22 KB,750x960,25:32,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 78e9173e6f07a20⋯.png (1.43 MB,1162x808,581:404,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)



David DePape found guilty in federal trial over Paul Pelosi hammer …

Nov 16, 2023 … DePape told investigators he was "going to hold Nancy hostage and talk to her," according to authorities. If she told the truth, he said he " …


Surveillance Video Shows Suspect Entering Pelosi's Home

Jan 27, 2023 … Surveillance video from the Capitol police shows Paul Pelosi's attacker grabbing a hammer out of his bag before entering the home.

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c6511e No.20072796


>Uncensored Profanity

You mean Free Speech?

Unencumbered by arbitrary and capricious censorship which discriminates against the disabled?

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99fffc No.20072798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bank of England has held the interest rates at 5.25%, not a surprise at as the b.i.s has told the central bankers that going forward it the nations will have to rely on Supply Side Reforms to control spending.

What does that mean, Scarcity and recession.

liam is a good economic pundit but it worries anon why these people are not looking at the direction set by the b.i.s.


Interest Rate - Liam Halligan reacts as Bank of England holds rate at current level of 5.25%

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49fd45 No.20072800


Their meaning of patriot and your understanding are not the same. I promise you. You cannot become a Templar, without sodomy and renouncing christ and pledging your sword to the "lightbringer."

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4261cc No.20072805


does it matter he could just claim the 5th through the entire thing in public or private. Far as I am aware congress does not have the authority to force you to testify to anything. Just claim the 5th so in public or private he would have the same rights. Should have called his bluff and said OK in public and force him to say the 5th shit over and over again.

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3a3b23 No.20072806


always night shift somewhere

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22f971 No.20072808

File: b43dd8aa68828ee⋯.png (324.81 KB,2802x1573,2802:1573,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>20072783 (You)


>Someone has never has to attend to Night Shift duties "religiously" to pay their bills.

been there done that … was actually very good for Study and Relaxation

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49fd45 No.20072809

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5ef0ed No.20072810

File: c9b9bb01354ea26⋯.png (185.21 KB,875x548,875:548,ClipboardImage.png)


221 - 212 = 9 POINT Difference


OB >>20065280

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c21cf3 No.20072811


Anon is saying that Cuomo seems to be enjoying it a little too much. You read too much into what I wrote. Stay in your lane.

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cdb2b6 No.20072812



> Its just so much of this information is predicated on knowing something else so the connections are made.

His story has none of that baggage and isn't predicated on knowing anything beforehand. In fact it's the most compelling, because unlike most, he doesn't claim to know every detail and motivation.

the ufo community are some f the most open minded people you'll ever find. They hear ridiculous shit and rarely bat an eye.

Yet, out of all the stories out there from so called whistleblowers, his is the only one that catches this huge amount of flak, effort to discredit, effort to dismiss.

What does that tell you

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cf2655 No.20072813


Their bitch is with the Catholic Church, and yet they have nothing they can say, "THIS IS ILLEGAL"

anon would happily put the masons on the list…

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud

but anon don't see anything they do that's ILLEGAL - show anon. pissing off the church isn't illegal.

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5ef0ed No.20072815


Is it Dayshift yet?

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0111ff No.20072816



> >>20069476 (pb), >>20069571 (pb) ADL dig on the magnifying of White Nationalism #CallforDig

Rolling "ADL" around in head, anon landed on another Zionist object.

There are doctors (doctorates, that is) working at ADL.

So, "Dr. ADL"?

Pronouncing the word formed from the letters, is a device that spins. Like their speech. And "news".

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49fd45 No.20072820


Nixon and Wonderland are the keys to everything… and I do mean everything.

How does the CF fit in?

Bigger than you realize.

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5ef0ed No.20072821

You know what people with a 150 IQ like to do?

make fun of people with a 140 IQ

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cf2655 No.20072822


don't spin a bunch of stupid into it.

ADL founding on RAPE.

the end

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bc6e3b No.20072825

File: 4ac51fa808f6cd6⋯.png (367.84 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f971 No.20072828


>Disney is a distraction.

Q said that after anons had exposed Disney as a blood drinking pedo satanist? what is going on?

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8a3bae No.20072831

File: ced434f785af130⋯.png (1.22 MB,1324x748,331:187,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)


Democrats made early moves on high-speed internet access, but at …

Dec 28, 2021 … This, he said, "has always left unprofitable rural markets with poor or no service." Democrats, meanwhile, have sought to fund broadband …


We've spent billions to provide broadband to rural areas. What failed?

Jul 14, 2021 … With poor data, deficient requirements and little oversight, massive public spending still hasn't solved the rural internet access problem.


Congressional Democrats Introduce Net Neutrality Bill - CNET

Jul 28, 2022 … … broadband infrastructure by reclassifying internet service as a telecommunications service, Markey's release says. … poor Americans for phone …


Open Access Fiber to Improve U.S. Internet Connectivity

Lack of regulation has led to natural monopolies in both urban and rural areas, resulting in poor service and high prices. Nearly eighty million Americans …


"the internet is dangerous"

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4261cc No.20072833


the ufo people believe, but will Tuckers average boring boomer audience member who has never even watched the x-files believe it. I should rewatch some of his stuff, I was really into it years ago, but go more interested in other things. I remember hearing his was compelling. The problem is just like all this you have real truth and then you have the nut jobs saying similar shit to muck it all up. Which is where the confusion can come from.

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49fd45 No.20072836



Why did Obama go to Saudi before Trump?

Why did Trump go?

What happened to Dopey after Trump left?

Why was Hillary sending Huma to Saudi?

Doomsday contract / Nixon. 1974… ( EVERYTHING)

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c6511e No.20072837


>seems to be enjoying it a little too much

Just looking for that clause that limits of "The Pursuit of Happiness" in the Declaration or Consitution.

Sauce your feelings report with a Law or get back in your box, Bitch.

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0111ff No.20072840


>don't share your thoughts here

okay dr censor!

yes anon knows of Leo Frank. Wonder if the character of Fagin in Oliver (Twist) was designed/named so as to deter searche(r)s from finding out something about Mary?

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c21cf3 No.20072841

File: fe1141a1a99a225⋯.png (844.24 KB,1002x955,1002:955,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f971 No.20072844

File: 56212d1cb1c4547⋯.png (180.19 KB,736x528,46:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf2655 No.20072855




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abeb9f No.20072858

File: f5c2f05fe7c608c⋯.jpeg (884.59 KB,1569x1029,523:343,IMG_5820.jpeg)

Word on the street is US nukes in silos is over….the entire world knows where the missiles are

US defense contractors are POS


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5ef0ed No.20072859

File: c1b0ec0d11cc947⋯.png (256.09 KB,566x763,566:763,ClipboardImage.png)


Quit issuing memorandums and shut the government down immediately. We cannot have this contempt for #WeThePeople any longer.


You are already viewed as weak and pathetic do nothing congress.

Use the power and authorities under the constitution you have and ACT!







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38ae5d No.20072860

Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Global Illicit Drug Trade

DECEMBER 13, 2023

On December 15, 2021, by Executive Order 14059, I declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States constituted by global illicit drug trafficking.

The trafficking into the United States of illicit drugs, including fentanyl and other synthetic opioids, is causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans annually, as well as countless more non-fatal overdoses with their own tragic human toll. Drug cartels, transnational criminal organizations, and their facilitators are the primary sources of illicit drugs and precursor chemicals that fuel the current opioid epidemic, as well as drug-related violence that harms our communities. International drug trafficking — including the illicit production, global sale, and widespread distribution of illegal drugs; the rise of extremely potent drugs such as fentanyl and other synthetic opioids; as well as the growing role of Internet-based drug sales — continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14059 of December 15, 2021, must continue in effect beyond December 15, 2023. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14059 with respect to global illicit drug trafficking.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.



December 13, 2023.


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49fd45 No.20072862

Anons, what happens if Saudi begins selling their oil in different world currencies?

Understand. Olympus is down.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Be prepared - Quickly.

Net shut down. Tv shut down.

Growing talk of cyber attack/EMP?

Obama spending small fortune on movie?

What happens to banks?

10 days of darnkess?


Doomsday contract 1974

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bc6e3b No.20072863

File: 9e28a3165bb473b⋯.png (337.16 KB,500x510,50:51,woooooo.png)

The paid postin', consensus crackin', bread slidin', contant whinin', VPN hoppin', persona swappin', fedfag pieces of shit, and they're havin' trouble keepin' their narratives on the board! WOOOOOOOOOO!

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49d6ee No.20072867

File: 17c476c1cd8566d⋯.png (93.68 KB,479x555,479:555,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb37b74fc06eb2b⋯.gif (1.17 MB,480x212,120:53,bb37b74fc06eb2be61266be107….gif)

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bc6e3b No.20072878

File: d7eadc138edab98⋯.png (384.78 KB,1000x500,2:1,oncesaw2.png)

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5ef0ed No.20072880

File: 275003eec81a23f⋯.png (726.7 KB,1284x1305,428:435,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ef0ed No.20072882


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9a6c9e No.20072883

File: b57872ae992360a⋯.jpg (155.53 KB,887x765,887:765,b57872ae992360aa0eeac57ddf….jpg)


You pushed it way too hard

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38ae5d No.20072884

Message to the Congress on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Global Illicit Drug Trade

DECEMBER 13, 2023


Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, within 90 days prior to the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date. In accordance with this provision, I have sent to the Federal Register for publication the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency with respect to global illicit drug trafficking declared in Executive Order 14059 of December 15, 2021, is to continue in effect beyond December 15, 2023.

The trafficking into the United States of illicit drugs, including fentanyl and other synthetic opioids, is causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans annually, as well as countless more non-fatal overdoses with their own tragic human toll. Drug cartels, transnational criminal organizations, and their facilitators are the primary sources of illicit drugs and precursor chemicals that fuel the current opioid epidemic, as well as drug-related violence that harms our communities. International drug trafficking — including the illicit production, global sale, and widespread distribution of illegal drugs; the rise of extremely potent drugs such as fentanyl and other synthetic opioids; as well as the growing role of Internet-based drug sales — continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. Therefore, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14059 with respect to global illicit drug trafficking.



November 30, 2023.


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9357e3 No.20072885

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01b4fc No.20072887


You may have enough of those

If you would add one to the front of

Assassins in white jackets

Or doctors are killing you

Or ….

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38ae5d No.20072888

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Tennessee Disaster Declaration

DECEMBER 13, 2023

Today, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. declared that a major disaster exists in the State of Tennessee and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms and tornadoes on December 9, 2023.


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5ef0ed No.20072889

File: c543ca5ba84f03b⋯.png (24.19 KB,481x593,481:593,ClipboardImage.png)



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5ef0ed No.20072890


not bv, just anon

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4261cc No.20072891


fuck off

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9357e3 No.20072892


wrong tag

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2f6c58 No.20072893

Morning anons…

The veil is falling EVERYWHERE…glorious times.

Have you every noticed (they) use sympathy and sadness as manipulative tools? It is SO OBVIOUS with H.Biden. They media are working hard to portray him as a victim. This is causing their PSYOP to GLOW.


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3d9298 No.20072894

spit it out fag

you aint q

filtered for being a tard

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abeb9f No.20072895


Kek…..Dem/commies issuing EO for fentanyl problem [[they]] created

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c6511e No.20072897

File: 8de618023daff10⋯.png (172.88 KB,956x442,478:221,Screenshot_2023_12_05_0915….png)

File: 063732db3a6b372⋯.png (358.81 KB,898x387,898:387,Screenshot_2023_12_05_0914….png)

File: d581649a9b83d5c⋯.png (182.15 KB,957x414,319:138,Screenshot_2023_12_05_0914….png)

File: c852bccd36738b2⋯.png (307.77 KB,890x534,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0645d435ecf01b3⋯.png (49.66 KB,400x300,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


If you're not getting your Fentanyl or Opiates from a Licensed Cartel Dealer, The Biden Admin is coming for you.

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c6511e No.20072899


P = Pharmacy

Pharmacies = Pharisees

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c7667c No.20072901


>17 injured

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4261cc No.20072904

looks like russell is here being a fuck.

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cf2655 No.20072907

File: 10fd9e6d8e03df7⋯.png (120.29 KB,631x420,631:420,Screenshot_2023_05_20_16_0….png)

File: 370783cca61f3a7⋯.png (43 KB,235x378,235:378,Screenshot_2023_05_20_16_1….png)

File: 458c0ffc6da054c⋯.jpeg (69.41 KB,680x545,136:109,FuuTWpRagAAGw_E.jpeg)

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9a6c9e No.20072910


The part I am enjoying the most is they try to push the "Rule of Law" shit on other countries who see this two-tiered legal system with no justice in it

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5ef0ed No.20072911

File: 93263a564f6f123⋯.png (794.21 KB,1256x692,314:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e4388 No.20072913


I love this place

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9e4388 No.20072917


Sauce pls

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2f6c58 No.20072918



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abeb9f No.20072920

File: 66e6835c47f9738⋯.jpeg (453.75 KB,2778x728,1389:364,IMG_5659.jpeg)

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1de07c No.20072921


>for security


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2051bf No.20072924

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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2f6c58 No.20072925


I'm a +1 on this…the SON will judge us…

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c00ca8 No.20072926

File: fe96854e2addc6a⋯.png (275.96 KB,563x566,563:566,ClipboardImage.png)

Seems to check out: Ian Vandaelle

https://financialpost.com/author/ivandaellepostmedia-com - posts stopped Nov 10 2023




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01b4fc No.20072927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pantera at 8 am

Y'all are the best

Seen them live twice

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5ef0ed No.20072928

File: 2d254f9c7507899⋯.png (619.43 KB,598x962,23:37,ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING NOW: ⚠️ House insiders report that Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, a Judiciary Committee member, "AIDED AND ABETTED" a crime by collaborating with Hunter Biden's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, to assist Hunter in defying a Congressional subpoena…


Swalwell is an attorney from California's 14th congressional and could possibly face disbarment among other sanctions..


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c7667c No.20072930

File: ae01bfe6dda6173⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,252x226,126:113,Hunter_s_speech.mp4)

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5ef0ed No.20072931




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49fd45 No.20072933


On the contrary, not hard enough. Dig on your own. It will confirm. Time is of the essence.

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abeb9f No.20072936


Rock music ain’t been the same since Dimebags death

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9e4388 No.20072938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think they’ll believe it. 56 million gave it a look. Comes off as just a guy who had a cool job and fucked up his gig.

It’s the top viewed video on rogans youtube.


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5ef0ed No.20072939



fuck did i just say that

damn im getting old

self filtered

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49fd45 No.20072944



Why do you think shills are suddenly trying to spam board and end thread. I will not be here for next thread. You have some of the most valuable information ever dropped on this board now. It is up to you, what you do with it. I believe in anons. Believe in yourself.

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9e4388 No.20072947




Canadian journalist who pushed forced vaccination dies suddenly

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bc6e3b No.20072954

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,sippingpepe2.png)

I think they might be a little angry…

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634cfb No.20072960

File: 0ea81990406200a⋯.jpg (191.97 KB,680x820,34:41,NDAA_Authorization_Vote_Se….jpg)


The Senate Passes 2024 NDAA Bill 87-13 Which Includes Four Month FISA Extension and $300 Million for Ukraine

As expected, the Senate dropped all the woke restrictions from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and added $300 million for Ukraine along with a four-month extension of the FISA 702 authority until April 19, 2024.

The vote roll for this bill is here. With the final vote at 87-13.

Only six republicans voted against the $886 billion dollar bill.


Meanwhile over in the House of Representatives, Speaker Mike Johnson entertained prior House Speaker Paul Ryan for lunch. (link)


links mentioned:



Democrat and Republican propaganda link here:


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9a6c9e No.20072964


I can hear the Sinaloa Cartel laughing from here

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49d6ee No.20072965

File: eceda387cfc9af2⋯.png (18.76 KB,479x149,479:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6511e No.20072966


A bill of attainder (also known as an act of attainder or writ of attainder or bill of penalties) is an act of a legislature declaring a person, or a group of people, guilty of some crime, and punishing them, often without a trial. As with attainder resulting from the normal judicial process, the effect of such a bill is to nullify the targeted person's civil rights, most notably the right to own property (and thus pass it on to heirs), the right to a title of nobility, and, in at least the original usage, the right to life itself.

The United States Constitution forbids legislative bills of attainder: in federal law under Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 ("No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed"), and in state law under Article I, Section 10. The fact that they were banned even under state law reflects the importance that the Framers attached to this issue.

Within the U.S. Constitution, the clauses forbidding attainder laws serve two purposes. First, they reinforce the separation of powers by forbidding the legislature to perform judicial or executive functions, as a bill of attainder necessarily does. Second, they embody the concept of due process, which is reinforced by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution.

Every state constitution also expressly forbids bills of attainder.[38][39] For example, Wisconsin's constitution Article I, Section 12 reads:

No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, nor any law impairing the obligation of contracts, shall ever be passed, and no conviction shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate.

In contrast, the Texas Constitution omits the clause that applies to heirs.[40] It is unclear whether a law that called for heirs to be deprived of their estate would be constitutional in Texas.[41]

Supreme Court cases

The U.S. Supreme Court has invalidated laws under the Attainder Clause on five occasions.[42]

Two of the United States Supreme Court's first decisions on the meaning of the bill of attainder clause came after the American Civil War. In Ex parte Garland, 71 U.S. 333 (1866), the court struck down a federal law requiring attorneys practising in federal court to swear that they had not supported the rebellion. In Cummings v. Missouri, 71 U.S. 277 (1867), the Missouri Constitution required anyone seeking a professional's license from the state to swear they had not supported the rebellion. The Supreme Court overturned the law and the constitutional provision, arguing that the people already admitted to practice were subject to penalty without judicial trial.[43] The lack of judicial trial was the critical affront to the Constitution, the Court said.[


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2b999e No.20072968

File: 95b2155f408b650⋯.png (45.4 KB,229x250,229:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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4261cc No.20072969


yeah I think you may have convinced me to rewatch that episode. I was thinking about that specific one actually.

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634cfb No.20072971

File: be693a7ecfeef0f⋯.jpg (75.16 KB,675x900,3:4,Ryan_and_Johnson_1.jpg)

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4261cc No.20072972

Russell are you mad no one is buying your shit?

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72a3df No.20072973

File: d9083c800516883⋯.png (73.43 KB,319x331,319:331,fallback.png)

File: 52b65e490f8fc95⋯.gif (1.94 MB,360x270,4:3,ralphDonuts1.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

>No time for the old in-out, in-out, I'm only here to read the Notes.

Same. Overslept.

Have a good Peachmint day shift, anons

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49d6ee No.20072974

File: f1acd363efff428⋯.png (932.57 KB,680x863,680:863,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ccb54 No.20072981


1 post wonder is filterd

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c6511e No.20072982


>The United States Constitution forbids legislative bills of attainder: in federal law under Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 ("No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed"), and in state law under Article I, Section 10. The fact that they were banned even under state law reflects the importance that the Framers attached to this issue.

The United States Constitution forbids legislative bills of attainder: in federal law under Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 ("No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed"), and in state law under Article I, Section 10. The fact that they were banned even under state law reflects the importance that the Framers attached to this issue.

The Legislative Branch, Legislates.

It does not have "arrest" powers delegated to it in the Constitution.

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49d6ee No.20072985

File: e619450be6c4aae⋯.png (426.5 KB,680x587,680:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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4508fb No.20072989


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49d6ee No.20072991

File: dc3a5284a165091⋯.png (600.98 KB,680x517,680:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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c00ca8 No.20072995

File: 960663f65399d3f⋯.png (771.72 KB,634x793,634:793,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 966f319640feb98⋯.png (426.18 KB,634x444,317:222,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 966f319640feb98⋯.png (426.18 KB,634x444,317:222,ClipboardImage.png)

Outraged parents and church leaders criticize new Satanic Temple after-school club due to start at an elementary school in January saying: 'Satan has no room in this district'

- The Satanic Temple is set to host an after-school club at a Tennessee school

- Parents and local leaders are furious that it has been allowed to go ahead

- But the school district says the Satanic Temple has the right to host events

>hey teachers, leave our kids alone


Parents and local leaders are outraged that a new Satanic Temple after-school club is set to start running sessions at a Tennessee elementary school in January.

The Satanic Temple is set to host an after-school club at Chimneyrock Elementary School in Cordova, just outside Memphis, in January. A flyer about the club says the Satanic Temple is a non-theistic religion that views Satan 'as a literary figure who represents a metaphorical construct of rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirit.'

It called on elementary school-aged children to 'have fun at after school Satan club.'

It says it does not attempt to convert children to any religious ideology, but offers activities that 'emphasize a scientific, rationalistic, non-superstitious worldview.' Memphis-Shelby County Schools, the school district in charge of Chimneyrock, said in a statement that the district would rent out the space to the organization per its policy.

'As a public school district, we´re committed to upholding the principles of the First Amendment, which guarantees equal access to all non-profit organizations seeking to use our facilities after school hours,' the statement read.

'This means we cannot approve or deny an organization's request based solely on its viewpoints or beliefs.'

But parents and local religious leaders were furious with the school district for allowing the event to take place at the school.

'Satan has no room in this district,' said MSCS school board chair Althea Greene, who is also a pastor, as she quoted scripture.

Bill Adkins, a pastor at nearby Greater Imani Church, said he believes in the First Amendment, but his 'liberality is being challenged.'

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5ed377 No.20073001

File: c0c6745b5985de9⋯.png (689.39 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_news_snbc13_com_1….png)

File: e3f6d01f9c54f7e⋯.png (877.97 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_news_snbc13_com_1….png)

File: df4f77a96a857d3⋯.png (902.01 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_discernreport_com….png)



Died on the 5th.

Posted cap 3 on the 10th.

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9357e3 No.20073003

notables bun @500

post count accurate ^^^

czech em

#24635 >>20072083

>>20072155 Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three floor are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher

>>20072163 The New York Court of Appeals ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance

>>20072224 The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines - Journal of Medical Ethics study

>>20072229 West Virginia Official Accuses the CIA of Stealing the 2020 Election: "Gateway: Beyond the Headlines"

>>20072249, >>20072253 Rally archive anon: repost with updated dough for rally notes

>>20072377 After getting his phone smashed, little punk drives truck into restaurant mp4

>>20072440 @nytimes doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out "financially"

>>20072499 I am the mother of @elonmusk His goal is to make this world a better place. @POTUS wants to stop him. Have you any idea how furious I am?

>>20072528 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday threw out three cases challenging the Biden administration’s now-defunct COVID-19 vaccine mandate for executive branch employees and military service members

>>20072530 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 51: It’s becoming obvious that the US government has made contact with nonhuman beings. So why are they lying to us about it? We asked UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch

Baker Change

>>20072672 Catherine Herridge update: judge insists that the need for evidence for a case involving the federal government supersedes her First Amendment privileges.

>>20072860 Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Global Illicit Drug Trade

>>20072880, >>20072926 Canadian journalist who pushed forced vaccination dies suddenly

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c0f513 No.20073008

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)


Tater had a teaching gig with UPenn for 4 years, got paid and never showed up for 1 class.

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c6511e No.20073010


Freedom of Religion not valid in Tennessee

Must Swear an Oath to Christianity to live there.

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4261cc No.20073011


tough shit. They are allowed to do that. Freedom of Speech is fine until it is something you don't agree with. Christians are the biggest fucking hypocrites about this.

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0f631b No.20073012

File: 876fcecc43fb05a⋯.png (68.49 KB,986x447,986:447,Screen_Shot_12_14_23_at_08….PNG)

Nikki Haley's path to victory in GOP primary could be through independent voters

Story by Mabinty Quarshie •


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3d9298 No.20073013

File: 54e5d2e3180a454⋯.png (533.63 KB,630x358,315:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2726cf7e803924f⋯.png (386.31 KB,642x402,107:67,ClipboardImage.png)


Turkish lawmaker dies two days after collapsing while giving a speech saying Israel would 'suffer the wrath of Allah' for invading Gaza

Islamist party politician said Israel would 'suffer the wrath of Allah' in speech

Bitmez suffered a heart attack and collapsed in front of parliament

Rounding off a strongly worded speech, Bitmez had concluded: 'We can perhaps hide from our conscience but not from history,' stating that 'Israel will suffer the wrath of Allah', as reported by The Yeshiva World.

At that moment, he stumbled and dropped to his knees before lying flat on his back. The Saadet Party Kocaeli Deputy had to be stretchered out of the hall after receiving chest compressions 'for a long time', Turkish media reports.

Turhan Çömez, a deputy from the Kemalist İYİ Party and a trained doctor, was reportedly the first to help his political rival.

Bitmez, who is married and has a child, was taken to the Bilkent City Hospital in Ankara where he underwent treatment in the intensive care unit while in a critical condition.

Koca said on Tuesday that an angiography revealed that the two main veins in his heart were completely blocked.

'His heart stopped beating, then he was resuscitated in parliament and transferred within 20 minutes to hospital' where medical machinery kept him alive, Koca had said on Tuesday.

But Koca revealed that Bitmez died today - two days after he suffered the heart attack.

A graduate of Cairo's Al Azhar University, Bitmez was the chairman of the Centre for Islamic Union Research and had previously worked for Islamic non-governmental organisations, his parliament biography shows.

Shortly before he collapsed on Tuesday, Bitmez had been criticising President Tayyip Erdogan's ruling AK Party (AKP) over Turkey's ongoing trade with Israel despite the war in Gaza, and despite the government's sharp rhetorical criticism of Israel's military bombardment.

"You allow ships to go to Israel and you shamelessly call it trade… You are Israel's accomplice," Bitmez said in his speech after placing a banner on the podium reading: "Murderer Israel; collaborator AKP".

"You have the blood of Palestinians on your hands, you are collaborators. You contribute to every bomb Israel drops on Gaza," he told lawmakers during debate over the foreign ministry's 2024 budget.

After finishing the speech, Bitmez suddenly fell backward on the floor, with other MPs rushing from their seats to help. It has now been confirmed he died today after receiving treatment in hospital.

he ded

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3c0795 No.20073014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.











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2051bf No.20073016

File: dabe21a717ca0ef⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,4096x2896,256:181,dabe21a717ca0efc0dfce4480c….jpg)


Godspeed anon

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977e10 No.20073018

trump should pick alex jones as his vp just to piss everyone off

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cf4ea1 No.20073019

Ok which one of you fags triggered the shills and bots today?

Man you file one impeach inquiry and the world loses its mind

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46e16d No.20073024

File: 72220e1decb1837⋯.jpeg (874.1 KB,1775x1415,355:283,8D7BCEF2_ECD2_432E_8ED8_E….jpeg)

File: 01b81c868ae8229⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,IMG_5116.MOV)

WATCH:Imagine if @EliseStefanik's questioning of the university presidents was about other groups instead of "Jews." Someone did that using AI voice generation.

How much rage would there be?

Video by FightBackFilm.org


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4261cc No.20073030


I think its russell. He did this yesterday but with his own crap.

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73eef6 No.20073031

why do they still attack this place?

apparently it still irritates [them].

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01b4fc No.20073033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well apparently…some cock sucker don't like Pantera…..

How bout

Dave mustain instead

Sweating bullets

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977e10 No.20073034

especially to piss vatican shill nigger off

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99fffc No.20073039

File: 0a6a42e10468d88⋯.png (181.84 KB,300x297,100:99,ClipboardImage.png)


A case of suddenly probably

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c6511e No.20073040


Speech isn't conduct

Conduct isn't Speech

Yelling isn't Hitting

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5a1807 No.20073041


What is the definition of insanity?

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5043c6 No.20073044


white christians are next on the chopping block

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73eef6 No.20073047

Freedom of speech!!!!!

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2b999e No.20073052

File: 148b20d11b5ba6c⋯.png (225.09 KB,476x313,476:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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977e10 No.20073053

shilly shilly vatican nigger hahahahaha

impotent faggot

makes empty threats like some edgy 110 lbs 40 year old virgin

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2b999e No.20073058

File: c9b1628cba1e4c9⋯.png (461.24 KB,568x718,284:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b999e No.20073066

File: 05010f1b71ca1e6⋯.png (386 KB,568x537,568:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6511e No.20073071


Pretty sure that meme is banned in 50+ Countries.

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977e10 No.20073074

oh shillllllly boy vatican nigger

i can't see you but you still reply hahahaha

shilly shilly little girl

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2b999e No.20073076

File: 9f5c3fc43fac54d⋯.png (301.18 KB,568x422,284:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b999e No.20073079

File: 8295c8f500328dc⋯.png (408.03 KB,568x458,284:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b999e No.20073085

File: e0dfca7ef030e75⋯.png (276.41 KB,568x1009,568:1009,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c6516 No.20073088

File: d205d4abb974afd⋯.gif (537.77 KB,182x275,182:275,d205d4abb974afdec085b13e88….gif)

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99fffc No.20073090

File: 4649a57a34111ed⋯.png (419.44 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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01b4fc No.20073092

Annoying little vermin aint they

It just a dn shame they have to list their job title first…

Poor Bastards have to suck tranny cocks

Better them than me …

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c6511e No.20073095

File: 372225a35a30102⋯.png (2.96 MB,2557x1440,2557:1440,Screenshot_1_.png)

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be7d82 No.20073099


Standing by your man, 2023. What a timeline this has turned out to be. bwahahaha

Get a brain - morans

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2b999e No.20073101

File: 7e2868f8be819cf⋯.png (354.57 KB,513x410,513:410,ClipboardImage.png)

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7200d3 No.20073102

File: 3627b5e3f3a01bd⋯.jpg (60.79 KB,503x496,503:496,spam.jpg)

File: 3627b5e3f3a01bd⋯.jpg (60.79 KB,503x496,503:496,spam.jpg)


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46e16d No.20073104

File: 1bd7f154c47aedc⋯.jpeg (71.49 KB,608x640,19:20,59900182_CAAD_4BD6_AD07_B….jpeg)

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977e10 No.20073106

shillllllly vatican nigger is so shilly

how shilly is she?

so shilly she spends the last 5+ years spamming the same obscure websites as sauce and black propaganda spread by rothschild agents after and during ww2

so shilly she has to ip hop and reply to herself because nobody else takes her seriously

so shilly her momma wish she had an abortion

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6f31c8 No.20073112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It would seemBrunson has won before the SCOTUS


Is under a gag order

Just like the Roe v Wade decision they are hiding it

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2b999e No.20073113

File: 68f0eec1fbd60fd⋯.png (217.33 KB,568x476,142:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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da1672 No.20073116

File: 736e1db40ff7902⋯.webp (33.84 KB,686x384,343:192,IMG_4857.webp)

Boston mayor sends holiday party invite meant only for 'electeds of color,' dividing city councilors

(I bet she is CCP)

One outgoing councilmember said the move was 'unfortunate and divisive'

December 13, 2023 4:01pm EST

Boston's Democratic mayor has come under fire after she sent out invitations for a holiday party intended only for minority city councilors.

Michelle Wu, the city's first Asian American mayor, recently had her aide, Denise DosSantos, send out an email for the event.

"Honorable members: On behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu, I cordially invite you and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party," the email said, according to the Boston Herald.

The city leader quickly drew criticism after it became apparent the email was sent to all city councilors, seven of whom are White.The invitation was meant only for the city's six councilors "of color."

Fifteen minutes after the email was sent out, DosSantos apologized and clarified that the invitation wasonly meant for minority city councilors. However,she did not apologize for planning a party that excluded White city leaders.

"I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow," DosSantos wrote. "I did send that to everyone by accident and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused."

The revelation about the holiday party quickly received responses from Boston's city council.

Outgoing City Councilor Frank Baker, a White man, called the mayor's exclusion of certain members "unfortunate and divisive," according to the Boston Herald.

Citing recent tensions on the City Council, Baker did not speculate about the reasoning behind the mayor's decision to host the party but said he did not think it was a "good move."

"I find it unfortunate that with the temperature the way it is, that we would further division," he added.

Baker said he was not personally insulted by the decision.

"I don't really get offended too easily," he said. "To offend me, you're going to have to do much more than not invite me to a party."

Black City CouncilorBrian Worrell held a different opinion and defended the invitation, suggesting the holiday party was merely a way to represent "all kinds of special groups" in the Boston government.

"We make space and spaces for all kinds of specific groups in the city and city government. This is no different, and the Elected Officials of Color has been around for more than a decade," Worrell said in a statement.

He also stressed that DosSantos had "no ill will" when sending the email.

Five-term Boston city councilor Michael McCormack said the party was not typical of the mayor's office and saidformer city leaders would have invited the entire chamber.

"The problem is that Boston and race, unfortunately, are synonymous," McCormack said. "I'm just hoping it was a mistake. It's not something that anyone in the mayor's office should be proud of."

On Wednesday, Wu spokesperson Ricardo Patron said that the Electeds of Color group had asked the mayor to host the annual party. He stressed the event was just one of several happening throughout the season.

Wu is planning a holiday party for all cabinet members, city councilors and the legislature next week.


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2b999e No.20073118

File: cf3176739fcda32⋯.png (514.4 KB,568x691,568:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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67cab8 No.20073122


THIS needs notable attention.

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977e10 No.20073135

poor ol shilly vatican nigger

such a sad little girl

desktop filled with tranny pr0n and desk covered in purple dildos

poor poor shilly vatican nigger

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593736 No.20073136


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c00ca8 No.20073140

notable if true

Speaker with Nino is Jim Willie


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4261cc No.20073143


I just did a quick look and I am not seeing anything updated last thing I could see back a few months ago and it appears to have been dismissed for lack of evidence and standing.

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7200d3 No.20073146

File: b8e170adf208ad3⋯.png (175.87 KB,403x737,403:737,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Donald Trump leading Biden in seven critical swing states, Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows

Arizona: Trump +4

Georgia: Trump +6

Michigan: Trump +4

Nevada: Trump +3

North Carolina: Trump +9

Pennsylvania: Trump +2

Wisconsin: Trump +4


Dec 14 at 07:45


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22f971 No.20073147





has the Ingersoll larp connection been confirmed? it was anons first hunch

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49d6ee No.20073149

File: ea233a07ab8246b⋯.png (452.92 KB,680x382,340:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf4ea1 No.20073153

File: 23e305685846691⋯.png (491.74 KB,598x615,598:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b813e No.20073154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fcabb3 No.20073156

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c7667c No.20073158

>I have warned you of a raging Fire, in which none will burn except the most wretched.

Far in the future, when hydrogen fusion in the Sun's core diminishes to the point where the Sun is no longer in hydrostatic equilibrium, its core will undergo a marked increase in density and temperature which will push its outer layers to expand, eventually transforming the Sun into a red giant. This process will make the Sun large enough to render Earth uninhabitable approximately five billion years from the present.

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593736 No.20073159

File: 633077dab0aec86⋯.png (807.21 KB,1024x768,4:3,HUNTER12.png)

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46e16d No.20073160

File: bba4f42322749b4⋯.jpeg (183.9 KB,1500x1000,3:2,61028789_7AE3_4BC8_A309_6….jpeg)


See This Family Photo…

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22f971 No.20073161

File: 9b511405c22434d⋯.png (663.37 KB,1404x756,13:7,ClipboardImage.png)


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73eef6 No.20073162

if i buy a koran and film myself burning it,

will the true believers murder me?

what about other holy books?

hmmm..just pondering.

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4261cc No.20073163

File: a36ff7f31d9c20c⋯.png (87.92 KB,944x747,944:747,ClipboardImage.png)


this is the most recent thing I found, the previous thing I mentioned was the original ruling this is for the appeal. Unless it just has not been updated through these systems yet.

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593736 No.20073164

File: 633077dab0aec86⋯.png (807.21 KB,1024x768,4:3,HUNTER12.png)


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6f8f79 No.20073165

File: bd1982f2c5b02cb⋯.png (12.14 KB,255x255,1:1,c.png)

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2b999e No.20073166

File: 42bf24354d09aaf⋯.png (879.23 KB,568x1392,71:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f31c8 No.20073168


There a followup vid he did late last night.

In both videos: skip towards the end for the updates.

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c6511e No.20073169

File: f8e434438a5ec3f⋯.jpg (66.11 KB,511x382,511:382,Bible_Burning1_2509765879.jpg)


Anon chucked a KJV into the Bonfire a few years ago. Felt good.

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cf4ea1 No.20073170


tell me again how a chink became mayor of a mostly white city?

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5f1955 No.20073171

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8a3bae No.20073172

File: 263f2598b708efc⋯.png (1.45 MB,1312x742,656:371,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

clowns in action

a march to the virgin

fucking loco

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fcf206 No.20073173

File: 5399b2317f7a0c2⋯.png (180.73 KB,535x551,535:551,5399b2317f7a0c2f62f326dc45….png)

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329747 No.20073176

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/14/2023



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977e10 No.20073177


they're all cults anyway

you can start one too

make your cult about burning other cult books


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f3e825 No.20073180

File: 7c8412f310e43d4⋯.png (16.93 KB,365x261,365:261,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)


>A fire at the New York City courthouse where Donald Trump's civil fraud case is being heard has left17 people injured.

6 days off


Dec 19, 2017 6:00:02 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No. 127154

We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

We will howeverLIGHT A FIREto flush them out.


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6f31c8 No.20073181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guess posting it might help


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c7667c No.20073183

File: 70f7a1cfb98b284⋯.png (914.96 KB,1200x674,600:337,ClipboardImage.png)


>I have warned you of a raging Fire, in which none will burn except the most wretched.

As a red giant, the Sun will grow so large (over 200 times its present-day radius) that it will engulf Mercury, Venus, and Earth.

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593736 No.20073184

File: e1846e02a19754c⋯.png (560.75 KB,800x600,4:3,Cortez38.png)

File: e7b02031e659ea8⋯.png (629.53 KB,770x412,385:206,PelosiGrinch.png)

File: ced29fe7e92fc33⋯.png (251.77 KB,430x518,215:259,biden191.png)


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01b4fc No.20073188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And all my cares go up in smoke

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6f31c8 No.20073194


Vid explains everything has been hidden away

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f3e825 No.20073197

File: 537a56793578473⋯.png (42.93 KB,355x609,355:609,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)


>>17 injured


>6 days off

also yesterday was Presidential Records Act Qdrop delta


Dec 13, 2017 11:35:55 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 267271 No. 92710

“Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that underthe Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.”


Shockingly quiet.

No leaks?

Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.


Review the law.

What is different re: Hussein's PL?

Who controls?

These people really are stupid.


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2b999e No.20073200

File: 10b92883bbb5bbe⋯.png (229.29 KB,568x415,568:415,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f1955 No.20073204

File: 23cba6727c3eb7d⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1204,270:301,Screenshot_20231214_060201….png)

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71d99d No.20073206

File: de7ecb087346378⋯.png (14.42 KB,566x180,283:90,ClipboardImage.png)



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fce4f9 No.20073208

File: 458322110ee891b⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_0948_1_.mp4)

Regrowing teeth with frequencies - where did this device disappear to? 🤔


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a0336b No.20073212

File: b9a9cc35dab97e8⋯.png (530.31 KB,400x560,5:7,b9a9cc35dab97e88a69793acc7….png)

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4261cc No.20073214


well if you can not explain or provide a link as to why this should be watched. Not worth my time.

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f9d608 No.20073215


This has been going on since forever, so yes. Even faster since Kennedy.

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2b999e No.20073221

File: 05561022c8d02e6⋯.png (403.49 KB,568x748,142:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6511e No.20073222

File: 23f57e9316ea8e0⋯.jpg (173.27 KB,1440x809,1440:809,AWFJQXDL3WMXYSAJ4PGWJXUYUA.jpg)

File: dfed46ba6a79001⋯.jpg (230.07 KB,1200x1200,1:1,hero_image_fill_size_1200x….jpg)

File: 79513acf7ed1e38⋯.webp (73.32 KB,630x630,1:1,39415737_1.webp)

File: 931c32a290cb3d7⋯.jpg (10.43 KB,588x85,588:85,images.jpg)

File: ec5e5ca2845f38f⋯.webp (300.17 KB,1500x1068,125:89,050414_smoke_signals_hmed.webp)

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a15619 No.20073223

File: efac7540805eb55⋯.mp4 (10.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,With_God.mp4)

We will be with God. I never heard him saying that before.

Anons, this mission is the reason we all are here on this earth, from conception to the "right now"!

I pray that we all are prepared for the massive amount of madness, 2024 will bring! Stay comfy whatever will happen!

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2b999e No.20073224

File: bdda3d4848c1818⋯.png (361.01 KB,568x718,284:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f631b No.20073225

File: 7df92e685c6077d⋯.png (20.45 KB,543x228,181:76,Screen_Shot_12_14_23_at_09….PNG)



Darkness can't exist with Light. Please understand this dynamic. If u bring light darkness has to leave & it won't be happy it does. So when there's Negativity please bring yo Positivity & don't leave until u change the room. God said Let there be Light & u are that light! SHINE baby SHINE! #CoachPrime

8:32 AM · Dec 14, 2023


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01b4fc No.20073226

Yo noggin

1649 humans will die today

From experimental cancer treatments

At 2016 prices of 27000 per noggin

That 44, 530, 000 dollars a day

You are either helping to expose

Or helping to kill people

If a man reply.

If a machine ..run your program….

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5f1955 No.20073227

File: 37302ac2105fe84⋯.jpg (75.3 KB,500x673,500:673,886uct.jpg)


Childish little faggot.

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2b999e No.20073228

File: 42f5850b84a6f4b⋯.png (207.95 KB,550x503,550:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc6e3b No.20073229

File: 2b35c3b4f2d1354⋯.png (787.94 KB,828x824,207:206,ClipboardImage.png)

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9357e3 No.20073233


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f601c1 No.20073235


Look like a female dude.

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2b999e No.20073237

File: 5535ba8c08b946d⋯.png (316.82 KB,568x816,71:102,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f631b No.20073239


>So when there's Negativity please bring yo Positivity & don't leave until u change the room.

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22f971 No.20073244


>Far in the future, when hydrogen fusion in the Sun's core diminishes to the point where the Sun is no longer in hydrostatic equilibrium, its core will undergo a marked increase in density and temperature which will push its outer layers to expand, eventually transforming the Sun into a red giant. This process will make the Sun large enough to render Earth uninhabitable approximately five billion years from the present.

might be true, as anons already know, the drop #4600 and #4601 say "Sunlight kills"

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2b999e No.20073247

File: 94d6f605d8fd0af⋯.png (198.7 KB,378x383,378:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b813e No.20073251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

stop hoarding

to raise your


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bc6e3b No.20073252

File: ed684ae95c6b5ad⋯.png (102.09 KB,1024x839,1024:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf4ea1 No.20073253


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0f631b No.20073255

"Have you ever raised the value of everyone around you?

Have you ever been so high they gotta down you?"

-Jack Harlow

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8a3bae No.20073259

File: dd62d02340d502c⋯.png (865.93 KB,1002x622,501:311,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: ae01bfe6dda6173⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,252x226,126:113,hunter_biden_iamhere_speec….mp4)

File: 1f8d566e7d9514f⋯.png (354.76 KB,426x726,71:121,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 2f2e252cb54d167⋯.png (1.63 MB,1632x910,816:455,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)


The Cringe Continues

pic 1(.gif) : Xunter Xiden acting out the alter's fantasies

pic 2 : Another day at the Xiden camp

pic 3 : The collective audience

aaaand, ACTION!

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0f631b No.20073260

“Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.”

—Andrew Breitbart

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0f631b No.20073265

“Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Embrace that label being an outsider is fine, embrace the label because it's the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference.” -DJT

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2b999e No.20073267


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88c85f No.20073270

File: 20596c06e2a1be2⋯.jpg (51.1 KB,494x478,247:239,e1aaef7847ea6457d7646b2046….jpg)

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c00ca8 No.20073271

Neon Deion shining the light


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2b999e No.20073275

File: d805112ef55df2e⋯.png (135.93 KB,568x464,71:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f971 No.20073276




>they're all cults anyway


>you can start one too

the Military recognizes Satanism as a valid religious choice, they provide satanists prayer/meditation/study rooms or chapels

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cf4ea1 No.20073277

Holy fuck anon has never filtered so much shillery on all my breads.

comment /######################/ X





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f3e825 No.20073278

File: de9d95d5640c856⋯.png (197.22 KB,1060x467,1060:467,Screenshot_from_2023_12_14….png)

File: 2e3abfe20023352⋯.png (85.08 KB,846x763,846:763,nakersdin.png)

File: 160cb53cfb586f9⋯.png (75.65 KB,1074x536,537:268,Screenshot_from_2023_12_14….png)





Looks like Court Reporters are on the 4th floor.

Court Reporters

Senior Court Reporters are responsible for verbatim recording and transcribing of testimony in court.

Senior Court Reporters record proceedings upon request of a Part, Judicial Hearing Officer or Court Attorney-Referee. Due to staff shortages, Court Reporters may not be able routinely to cover arguments on motions and may not always be immediately available if a record has to be made in a Part on a non-trial day.

Parties obtain copies of transcripts by contacting the Reporter in the Part or the main Court Reporters' Office (646-386-3050).The address of the Office is:

Court Reporters Office

New York County Courthouse

60 Centre Street, Room 420

New York, NY 10007

Principal Court Reporter

Michael Barfield

Deputy Principal Court Reporter

Carolyn Barna

For information on technologically advanced capabilities offered by the Court Reporters, see Courthouse Technology. Reporters rotate among the Parts according to a schedule.


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c6511e No.20073279


Just as soon as the Bots in charge of Corporate America Stop Shorting Anon in the Market.


$70K for a pickup truck?

Anon needs all the scraps just to survive until death.

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6f31c8 No.20073282

I'll be home for Christmas -Trump

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38ed43 No.20073283

File: bfa31fc374aa1fc⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,720x406,360:203,bfa31fc374aa1fc3716c52c35b….mp4)

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bc6e3b No.20073284

File: 2f98bcd66bf6c9b⋯.gif (1.54 MB,697x764,697:764,2f98bcd66bf6c9b0a5fe7a3225….gif)

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ad6c65 No.20073285

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c6511e No.20073286


Satan is the Supreme Being of the Abrahamic Cults, with the Wives Playing the Role of Accuser, Judge, and Executioner.

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22f971 No.20073288


>“Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Embrace that label being an outsider is fine, embrace the label because it's the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference.” -DJT

any idea who wrote that speech? Stephen Miller?

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c7667c No.20073289

File: 300d1a81f616a49⋯.png (721.39 KB,627x771,209:257,frendo.png)

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0f631b No.20073290


But of course!

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c7667c No.20073291

File: 34c2b80ba7002dc⋯.png (457.75 KB,800x541,800:541,ClipboardImage.png)

scorched Earth

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bc6e3b No.20073292

File: 1df7549597b35a0⋯.gif (3.21 MB,363x396,11:12,1df7549597b35a0cbadb8933da….gif)

It's going to be a good day today.

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977e10 No.20073293


well they love killing for money anyway so it's about par for the course

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f3e825 No.20073294

File: 96ab8093431b788⋯.png (13.53 KB,327x191,327:191,Screenshot_from_2023_12_14….png)

File: 105e7dc53ef7943⋯.png (271.99 KB,1186x2072,593:1036,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 724fce8f94076e6⋯.jpg (77.64 KB,500x624,125:156,greenfieldfatSeething.jpg)

File: 431911fb64f2723⋯.jpg (68.51 KB,500x624,125:156,greenfieldfat1.jpg)






Surprised she didn't just put em in her belly.

Can't quite tell if the address on this page is for Chuck Schumer's girlfriend or not….

> https://www.avvo.com/attorneys/10007-ny-allison-greenfield-3794545.html#contact

Allison Rebecca Greenfield

Not Active on Avvo

Attorney at New York, NY

New York State Supreme Court

60 Centre St

New York, NY, 10007-1402

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ad6c65 No.20073295

File: cc09d64ad5a64f2⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1535,216:307,Private_Contractors.png)

File: d16fda958c9f787⋯.png (617.58 KB,905x602,905:602,MAGA.png)

File: 3555673197dc1b6⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,500x573,500:573,2024.jpg)

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9357e3 No.20073296


baker sez better already

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bc6e3b No.20073297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37e3fb No.20073298


Analytics are down?

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c6511e No.20073299

>A Higher Loyalty


>Anniversary Parties

Imagine being a married SCOTUS and having every future annual BJ on the line, depending on how you rule in some case or another.

Tough spot.

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01b4fc No.20073301


Yo noggin

When clawing your way to the top remember this

There is one just like you waiting to take your spot

Keep diggin daddio

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593736 No.20073302

File: 57437e48b8533b9⋯.png (588.87 KB,1024x768,4:3,MIBZ1.png)

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22f971 No.20073303


there can't be no light without darkness as a background.

Think Yin.

Think Yang.

You have to reconcile Light with Darkness to become a whole human being and a Patriot

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bc6e3b No.20073304

File: 9ee1d51a5ad0491⋯.png (89.58 KB,941x862,941:862,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a3bae No.20073305

File: ff845fc4adc8b91⋯.png (337.01 KB,1318x178,659:89,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 795f29f358ca049⋯.png (1.26 MB,1266x692,633:346,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: e3c58f43a58ad79⋯.png (995.14 KB,1044x858,174:143,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

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f3e825 No.20073307

File: 506547cad797e99⋯.png (75.8 KB,892x439,892:439,Screenshot_from_2023_12_14….png)

File: c4c7228385555a4⋯.png (910.05 KB,713x1200,713:1200,tt_schumersGirlfrien_d.png)




> an individual depressed a fire extinguisheron the fourth floorat 60 Centre Street



Part 37 General IAS Part

60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007

Chambers: Room 566 Phone: (646) 386-3181

Courtroom: Room 418 Phone: (646) 386-3222

Law Clerks:Allison R. Greenfield, Esq.; Jessica M. Goldberg, Esq.

> https://www.abramsonlegal.com/new-york-county-supreme-court-civil-branch

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6f31c8 No.20073308


Trump is learning you cant just have people pray over you (especially questionable people) ..you got to do the heavy lifting yourself. intimacy with Christ is not transferable

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c7667c No.20073309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Sunlight kills

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593736 No.20073311

File: 7359eebf9d5c56b⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x792,128:99,biden194.png)

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22f971 No.20073312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“If you consider yourself a patriot, you should be drinking gallons of Bud Light

Dana White

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bc755a No.20073314



2 ends of the same stick

like a dimmer switch

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664569 No.20073316


do New Jersey

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c7667c No.20073317

In Anton LaVey's The Satanic Bible, Lucifer is one of the four crown princes of hell, particularly that of the East, the 'lord of the air', and is called the bringer of light, the morning star, intellectualism, and enlightenment.

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6f8f79 No.20073318

File: cd66305f00bbb15⋯.jpeg (31.73 KB,750x405,50:27,noidontthink.jpeg)


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8a3bae No.20073320

File: 6b23d623e5356c0⋯.png (182.07 KB,224x500,56:125,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)




Bound bundle of wooden rods, sometimes including an axe with its blade emerging

Fasces (FASS-eez,Latin:[ˈfaskeːs]; aplurale tantum, from the Latin wordfascis, meaning "bundle"; Italian: fascio littorio) is a bound bundle of wooden rods, sometimes including an axe (occasionally two axes) with its blade emerging. The fasces is an Italian symbol that had its origin in the Etruscan civilization and was passed on to ancient Rome, where it symbolized a Roman king's power to punish his subjects, and later, a magistrate's power and jurisdiction. The axe, originally associated with the labrys (Ancient Greek:λάβρυς, romanized: lábrys; Latin: bipennis), the double-bitted axe originally from Crete, is one of the oldest symbols of Greek civilization.

The image has survived in the modern world as a representation of magisterial or collective power, law, and governance. The fasces frequently occurs as a charge in heraldry: it is present on the reverse of the U.S. Mercury dime coin and behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives; and it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived).

During the first half of the twentieth century, both the fasces and the swastika (each symbol having its own unique ancient religious and mythological associations) became heavily identified with the fascist political movements of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. During this period the swastika became deeply stigmatized, but the fasces did not undergo a similar process outside Italy.

The fasces remained in use in many societies after World War II due to its already having been adopted and incorporated into the iconography of numerous governments outside Italy, prior to Mussolini. Such iconographical use persists in governmental and various other contexts. In contrast, the swastika remains in common usage only in Asia, where it originated as an ancient Hindu symbol, and in Navajo iconography, where its religious significance is entirely unrelated to, and predates, early 20th-century European fascism.

More from Wikipedia

Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license

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0111ff No.20073321



>Gonzalo Lira's Wrongful Imprisonment Highlighted


Baker, Notable

This guy's been reporting on Ukraine war for years. Had his eyeballs scratched with a toothpick, apparently, in a previous abduction. Praying for his safety.

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a0336b No.20073322

File: 7e985acc18bdd07⋯.png (40.77 KB,766x540,383:270,903.png)

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38ae5d No.20073323

December 14, 2023

9:30 AM EST

Understanding a Growing Crisis: Substance Use Trends Among Older Adults

Senate Aging (Special) Committee



Keith Humphreys PhD

Esther Ting Memorial Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Stanford School of Medicine

Stanford, CA


The Honorable James W. Carroll JD

Former Director, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

Partner, Frost Brown Todd, LLP

Washington, DC


Deborah Steinberg JD

Senior Health Policy Attorney

Legal Action Center

Washington, DC


William Stauffer LSW

Executive Director

Pennsylvania Recovery Organization Alliance

Harrisburg, PA





Hearing on Substance Abuse by Senior Citizens

The Senate Special Aging Committee holds a public hearing to examine substance usage and abuse by older adults.


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da1672 No.20073325

Huge fire breaks out in 13-storey offices next to Buenos Aires government building

This footage was filmed and produced 12 December 2023.The firesixth and seventh floorsof the building, located next to the headquarters of theSecretariat of Labor, Employment and Social Security. According to the Emergency Medical Care System and the City Police, 35 citizens were taken to hospitals, including three minors.Firefighters and the Federal Special Rescue Brigade were immediately mobilized and the head of the former, Diego Coria, assured that the fire was already under control.He also ruled out the danger of collapse and assured that the necessary investigations are being carried out to determine the causes.

Video if anon can convert it


Firefighters race to save people trapped by flames on top floors of 13-storey building in Buenos Aires

By Perkin Amalaraj 12 Dec 2023 ,

While people on the lower floors have been evacuated, eight firefighters are still working to rescue those on the upper floors, after getting a call at 11.37am. People inside the Ministry of Labour have also been evacuated, as a precaution.

Local media reported that at least 12 people have been kept on the building's terrace and in the back of the building.

Over 15 emergency medical vehicles have been sent to the scene, and hospitals in the surrounding area have been put on alert.

So far, 11 people, including three minors, have been sent to nearby hospitals.

The cause of the fire has not yet been determined. Local media has reported that those nearby heard an explosion shortly before the fire broke out.

It was reported that brickwork can be seen strewn across the street below the fire.

The building's manager told Argentinian newspaper Clarín that the 'private'building does not have not have any gas, adding: 'It is only electric.' (Can you imagine if that building had gas, it would have blown up the whole block)

'I can't give you any explanation because the firefighters didn't even let me look at the door.


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38ae5d No.20073326

December 14, 2023

10:00 AM EST

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will continue work on the final version of the 2024 defense programs and policy bill (NDAA).


December 14, 2023

10:00 AM EST

What is Fueling the Diabetes Epidemic?

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee



Ashley Gearhardt, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI


Lindsey Smith Taillie, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Nutrition

University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, NC


Kasia Lipska, M.D., M.H.S

Associate Professor of Medicine

Yale School of Medicine

New Haven, CT


Natalie Stanback



Lewisville, TX


Aaron J. Kowalski, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer


New York, NY





Hearing on Obesity & Diabetes Epidemic

The Senate Health Committee holds a public hearing to examine the obesity and diabetes epidemic.


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0111ff No.20073328


>Bound bundle of wooden rods, sometimes including an axe with its blade emerging

that's not an axe

it's a speaker in profile

these were frequency weapons

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c50506 No.20073330


Election rigging, Constituent fleecing, CCP infiltration, Gov't sponsored and coerced marxism, backroom deals, etc…

Take a bit of each of the above and mix into a bowl of asleep everymen, and you got a shit casserole

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45deeb No.20073331

File: 4c1575aaebd6f01⋯.jpeg (382.38 KB,1952x1335,1952:1335,IMG_1358.jpeg)

File: 22a3a0a11fb388f⋯.jpeg (467.35 KB,1804x1467,1804:1467,IMG_1359.jpeg)

File: ca0e4cb31696ada⋯.jpeg (392.36 KB,1818x1441,1818:1441,IMG_1360.jpeg)

File: 58613bb81d3ed21⋯.jpeg (365.38 KB,1844x1420,461:355,IMG_1361.jpeg)

File: 119b5177558b2c7⋯.jpeg (73.56 KB,1800x434,900:217,IMG_1362.jpeg)

Its all about the break


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4261cc No.20073332


it is not even an american company.

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9357e3 No.20073333

notables bun @650

czech em

#24635 >>20072083

>>20072155 Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three floor are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher

>>20072163 The New York Court of Appeals ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance

>>20072112, >>20072182 Gonzalo Lira's Wrongful Imprisonment Highlighted

>>20072224 The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines - Journal of Medical Ethics study

>>20072229 West Virginia Official Accuses the CIA of Stealing the 2020 Election: "Gateway: Beyond the Headlines"

>>20072249, >>20072253 Rally archive anon: repost with updated dough for rally notes

>>20072377 After getting his phone smashed, little punk drives truck into restaurant mp4

>>20072440 @nytimes doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out "financially"

>>20072499 I am the mother of @elonmusk His goal is to make this world a better place. @POTUS wants to stop him. Have you any idea how furious I am?

>>20072528 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday threw out three cases challenging the Biden administration’s now-defunct COVID-19 vaccine mandate for executive branch employees and military service members

>>20072530 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 51: It’s becoming obvious that the US government has made contact with nonhuman beings. So why are they lying to us about it? We asked UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch

Baker Change

>>20072672 Catherine Herridge update: judge insists that the need for evidence for a case involving the federal government supersedes her First Amendment privileges.

>>20072860 Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Global Illicit Drug Trade

>>20072880, >>20072926 Canadian journalist who pushed forced vaccination dies suddenly

>>20073013 Turkish lawmaker dies two days after collapsing while giving a speech saying Israel would 'suffer the wrath of Allah' for invading Gaza

>>20073112 needs verification: It would seemBrunson has won before the SCOTUS But Is under a gag order

>>20073146 Donald Trump leading Biden in seven critical swing states, Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows

>>20073176 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/14/2023

>>20073323, >>20073326 Swamp habbenings for 12/14/23

>>20073325 Huge fire breaks out in 13-storey offices next to Buenos Aires government building

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37e3fb No.20073335



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c7667c No.20073336

File: 1d1a046eb546a34⋯.jpeg (171.45 KB,1026x1026,1:1,zulk.jpeg)


>Homosexual Baby Harvesting

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cc0c83 No.20073337


>What is Fueling the Diabetes Epidemic?

(((They))) already know it's bad diet, lack of vital nutrients & vitamins, and lack of sunlight & exercise.

>We are determined to find a solution to this epidemic, but since health at every size interferes with this pursuit, let us give non governmental agancies a shidton of money and fuhgeddaboutid 'til next year.

>Happy Queeannzwa

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38ed43 No.20073339



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8ac519 No.20073341

File: 21c4ac9950175b6⋯.mp4 (11.63 MB,530x308,265:154,Invitations.mp4)

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8a3bae No.20073343

File: 108fa9db9154547⋯.png (208.16 KB,1290x586,645:293,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)


>First Amendment privileges


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22f971 No.20073344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it's Trump's Commencement speech to Liberty University grads …

Liberty University was founded by the Televangelical swindler Jerry Falwell

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c7667c No.20073345

How the G7 Central Banks collapse ALL at once: Because the dollar was pegged to Saudi oil, the G7 Central Banks (Bank of Japan) printed their own local currency (bonds), to acquire dollars (U.S.Treasury bonds), $1.1t worth, This not only strengthens the other G7 currencies by holding dollar bonds (because the other G7 currencies were not pegged to Saudi oil), But now the U.S. Treasury could create a double entry bookkeeping scheme (you create the asset, the bond. Then you created the liability, a deposit), This allowed the U.S. Treasury (through Blackrock-Vanguard etc etc) to acquire cheap foreign assets of poor countries and denominate them in dollars, that created a huge equity market, Now, all the other currencies within the G7 could do the same as long as they held the dollar carry trade on their central bank balance sheet, The Euro system could then inflate Ponzi assets, Remember, the G7 currencies would be nothing without the Dollar Saudi oil peg. The Fed funds rate is still 5.5% for the other G7 Central Banks that hold dollars. And to keep the G7 local currencies from collapsing against a stronger dollar, and to suppress bond yields against rising dollar interest rates, The G7 Central Banks printed Like Crazy (their own currency). O.K. Now remove the Saudi oil peg from the dollar that occurred on December 5th, 2023 during Putin's visit to UAE/S.A. Remember how the G7 Central Banks printed their local currencies to acquire dollar bonds? And to keep interest rates suppressed? The dollar peg to the other G7 Central Banks that allowed them to also inflate financial assets via the yen, the euro, the pound, etc etc. Now that the Arabs have removed the oil peg from the dollar, what is the value of the yen, the euro, the pound, etc etc and their corresponding financial assets? ZERO! What is the value of the dollar at 5.5% interest rate for the G7 to hold Dollars that no longer have an oil peg? ZERO! If the G7 were to unwind the dollar carry trade, and because the G7 no longer wants to pay 5.5% interest on a dollar that no longer has an oil monetary anchor, And now because the yen, the pound, and the euro financial assets are worthless without the Saudi dollar oil peg, do you think the Federal Reserve would want to buy back their own worthless dollars (from the G7) at 5.5% interest rate when their dollar no longer has the Saudi oil peg??? NO! Welcome to the financial collapse everyone. And the Bank of Japan can “fluff” their balance sheet all they want, They aren’t getting any oil.

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74c062 No.20073347


Still hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell. Period. Fuck that fraud ass bitch.

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238719 No.20073348


Never stopped drinking Bud light..

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37e3fb No.20073349

File: e3953777bb5cb5d⋯.png (307.65 KB,598x523,598:523,ClipboardImage.png)


Ohio Senate approves bans on gender-affirming care, transgender athletes


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22f971 No.20073351




>>17 injured

anons always over the target, spotting COMMs left and right

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0111ff No.20073352

File: 98be68965e25a87⋯.png (148.31 KB,1431x157,1431:157,2023_12_14_09_43.png)


Baker, Notable.

a "D5" even, on Bush's funeral anniversary!

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37e3fb No.20073353

File: c0914cfcadd1eea⋯.png (168.42 KB,416x416,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec1e7778c9f6deb⋯.png (3.13 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

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238719 No.20073354


US debt will never be paid back it's mathematically impossible.

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dbd662 No.20073355

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


>Nikki Haley's path to victory in GOP primary could be through independent voters

If she wins the primary, it will mean that the system is totally corrupted.

Oh, wait…

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8a3bae No.20073356

File: c1ddb6323a6f21d⋯.png (282.24 KB,506x458,253:229,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 3e5c5743739a4fb⋯.png (468.56 KB,1808x416,113:26,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)


variant story…

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22f971 No.20073357


if FED falls America falls …

or at least the free ride is over

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a0336b No.20073358

File: bedfbdea45ebf8f⋯.jpeg (467.53 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GBRg8pKbkAAiR_i.jpeg)

File: 21df47d0fb47daf⋯.png (570.99 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20231214_094248.png)

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238719 No.20073359

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7200d3 No.20073361

File: 53c2cc09e9b11f4⋯.jpg (41.53 KB,1022x480,511:240,that_shuge.jpg)

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7200d3 No.20073362

File: bc731837ab04c7f⋯.mp4 (88.51 KB,360x202,180:101,hillbags.mp4)

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c7667c No.20073363

File: 38113575fab7432⋯.png (1.35 MB,1005x1024,1005:1024,goblin.png)

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22f971 No.20073364


States with an open presidential primary






Massachusetts (Primaries open for "unenrolled"/unaffiliated voters only)





New Hampshire (Primaries open for “undeclared”/unaffiliated voters only)

North Carolina (Primaries open for unaffiliated voters only)[13]

North Dakota

Ohio (semi-open)[14]

Oklahoma (Only Democratic primary is open to Independent voters as of November 2015) [15]

South Carolina

South Dakota (Only Democratic primary is open to Independent voters as of November 2018)



Utah (for the Democratic Presidential Primary)[16]





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5ea8e2 No.20073367

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7aee6e No.20073370

Venereal Disease spamming the catalog

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977e10 No.20073372

pissing in vatican nigger's bran flakes this morning feelsgoodman

making that faggot seethe is one step closer to its inevitable heart attack

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22f971 No.20073377



says unnamed government officials according to to WaPo and CISA ("securest elections ever") and 5EYES

must be "true news" then

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ae534f No.20073378

Faggot Jim Watkins is deleting all my posts again…. MAGA Patriots hate that fucker.

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22f971 No.20073380




>US debt will never be paid back it's mathematically impossible.

you just print more dollars, no problem

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5a3224 No.20073381






Do some cognitive exercise in the gym of reality and you will see that you too could get back into shape… mentally

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7200d3 No.20073382

File: d8e702b4bc5ace9⋯.jpg (106.54 KB,638x391,638:391,whateverp.jpg)

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a2bfb1 No.20073383



condone child rape

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2a9fd2 No.20073384

File: bc5471c5f99283d⋯.png (221.63 KB,456x551,24:29,tyN.png)



mornin wakers

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22f971 No.20073385


>Never stopped drinking Bud light..


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f5535b No.20073386




Jim Watkins is going into the witness protection program.

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9357e3 No.20073387

File: 1c377acaf39c90f⋯.png (604.35 KB,951x985,951:985,1c377acaf39c90ff84c097bcaa….png)


morn'n fam

slayn shills n baker'n bredz yo

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f8dff0 No.20073388

File: 3a899dea5d99707⋯.png (266.34 KB,568x620,142:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed0ed8 No.20073389


Deleting Jim Watkins eats shit.

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8a3bae No.20073390

File: e7b642287efccb1⋯.png (362.04 KB,612x386,306:193,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 0d3cab7ee71b4c6⋯.png (2.21 MB,1394x1006,697:503,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 1498d6be4e31164⋯.png (127.2 KB,838x1084,419:542,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)

File: 782ae30b43fabf4⋯.png (2.64 MB,2038x998,1019:499,Screenshot_2023_12_14_at_0….png)





the face is never the author

follow the pen

2023 Writers Guild of America strike

American media labor dispute

From May 2 to September 27, 2023, the Writers Guild of America (WGA)—representing 11,500 screenwriters—went on strike over a labor dispute with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). With a duration of 148 days, the strike is tied with the 1960 strike as the second longest labor stoppage that the WGA has performed, only behind the 1988 strike (153 days). Alongside the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike, which continued until November, it was part of a series of broader Hollywood labor disputes. Both strikes contributed to the biggest interruption to the American film and television industries since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The lack of ongoing film and television productions resulted in some studios having to close doors or reduce staff. The strike also jeopardized long-term contracts created during the media streaming boom: big studios could terminate production deals with writers through force majeure clauses after 90 days, saving them millions of dollars. In addition, numerous other areas within the global entertainment ecosystem were impacted by the strike action, including the VFX industry and prop making studios. Following a tentative agreement, union leadership voted to end the strike on September 27, 2023. On October 9, the WGA membership officially ratified the contract with 99% of WGA members voting in favor of it. Its combined impact with the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike resulted in the loss of 45,000 jobs, and "an estimated $6.5 billion" loss to the economy of Southern California.

More from Wikipedia

Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license


FBI and Hollywood: How Feds Worked With Studios

Jul 7, 2023 … The most notorious and admired of the gangster breed was the stylish and trigger-happy John Dillinger, a criminal so popular that the Hays …

Anonymous View


William Barr's Connection to Ruby Ridge, Defending FBI Snipers

Jan 16, 2019 … William Barr's Connection to Ruby Ridge, Defending FBI Snipers. Trump's AG pick was top cop during the federal siege and killing of Randy …


How the FBI secretly shapes movies and TV shows about Bureau

Jul 1, 2023 … Among them is the story she witnessed herself on 9/11, which she made into the Paramount+ documentary: “26 Street Garage: The FBI's Untold Story …


Ninth 'Twitter Files' alleges FBI, CIA content moderation - NewsNation

Dec 26, 2022 … … Twitter owner Elon Musk's effort to document how the company was run before he took over. NewsNation reporter Tom Dempsey said the latest tweets …

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f8dff0 No.20073391

File: 33461971f9695cc⋯.png (182.27 KB,568x417,568:417,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff4033 No.20073392

Spit balling here.

What if you had the ability to Clone a human and purposely gave the young Clone Progeria disease?

Then at the desired aged cured the disease.

Hypothetically of course (using this method) how long would it take to create an adult Clone?

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03b5a7 No.20073393

File: 54d522a52a8d522⋯.jpeg (193.8 KB,796x512,199:128,IMG_1393.jpeg)

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2a9fd2 No.20073394

File: 6fe039fde9d3139⋯.jpg (9.77 KB,210x255,14:17,b002194eb736ae6964d5eac6ed….jpg)


bout wut we doooz ebday


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b3a7f6 No.20073395

Can you imagine some faggot sitting at the keyboard deleting Q Research posts…. Q said delete nothing.

Jim Watkins sold out and gets paid to let NSA run this board.

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9357e3 No.20073396

File: 6f67b8c04512b2c⋯.png (789 KB,622x621,622:621,6f67b8c04512b2c3645b38ff3b….png)

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074b59 No.20073397


manufactured data with no founding in any reality.

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ff4033 No.20073398


Adult clone in 4 months?

That would be interesting

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74c062 No.20073399


Simple way to deal with this. Nobody shows up. Any parent taking their child to shit like this needs to have that child taken from them. This is flat out using the 1st Amendment to subvert all. Fine, these evil fucks have the right but that does not mean that it has to be accepted or attended. Tell them to fuck off and take your child somewhere else that is healthy both mentally and spiritually.

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b3a7f6 No.20073400


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074b59 No.20073401


think illiterate

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c7667c No.20073402


13-year-old accused of planning mass shooting at Temple Israel in Canton

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8a3bae No.20073403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

one day early?

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c7667c No.20073404


"(Name redacted) did create a detailed plan to complete a mass shooting at the Temple Israel on the Discord platform which was reported to law enforcement and required an immediate investigatory response and notification of public individuals and agencies including the school system in which caused significant public alarm within those agencies."

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2a9fd2 No.20073405

File: 9d871ac8cff65e9⋯.jpg (93.9 KB,1125x1110,75:74,9d871ac8cff65e959443dc6dc2….jpg)

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096a4a No.20073406

Jim Watkins is a piece of shit.

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74c062 No.20073407


Sauce that anon. You got proof?

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22f971 No.20073409


anons already know Elon is a White HAt or a Black Hat.

or flipped but that's basically the same as above

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f7c925 No.20073410

File: 9555243cc25466f⋯.png (283.95 KB,1620x1080,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



we know

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ff4033 No.20073411

What if clones are used for false flags?

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73eef6 No.20073412


did he say that to the original colorado players?


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c7667c No.20073413

File: 9491966f73e0225⋯.png (208.3 KB,437x542,437:542,ClipboardImage.png)

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7200d3 No.20073414

File: 1609cb1891602dc⋯.jpg (192.79 KB,640x480,4:3,Shit_posts.jpg)

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074b59 No.20073415



is a fucking idiot

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f8dff0 No.20073416

File: d258bbee2004f89⋯.png (221.31 KB,568x595,568:595,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f971 No.20073417



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074b59 No.20073419


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9357e3 No.20073420

final bun for #24635

bu baker in the bullpen?

hold yer laties tight - its clos'n time

czech em

#24635 >>20072083

>>20072155 Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three floor are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher

>>20072163 The New York Court of Appeals ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance

>>20072112, >>20072182 Gonzalo Lira's Wrongful Imprisonment Highlighted

>>20072224 The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines - Journal of Medical Ethics study

>>20072229 West Virginia Official Accuses the CIA of Stealing the 2020 Election: "Gateway: Beyond the Headlines"

>>20072249, >>20072253 Rally archive anon: repost with updated dough for rally notes

>>20072377 After getting his phone smashed, little punk drives truck into restaurant mp4

>>20072440 @nytimes doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out "financially"

>>20072499 I am the mother of @elonmusk His goal is to make this world a better place. @POTUS wants to stop him. Have you any idea how furious I am?

>>20072528 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday threw out three cases challenging the Biden administration’s now-defunct COVID-19 vaccine mandate for executive branch employees and military service members

>>20072530 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 51: It’s becoming obvious that the US government has made contact with nonhuman beings. So why are they lying to us about it? We asked UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch

Baker Change

>>20072672 Catherine Herridge update: judge insists that the need for evidence for a case involving the federal government supersedes her First Amendment privileges.

>>20072860 Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Global Illicit Drug Trade

>>20072880, >>20072926 Canadian journalist who pushed forced vaccination dies suddenly

>>20073013 Turkish lawmaker dies two days after collapsing while giving a speech saying Israel would 'suffer the wrath of Allah' for invading Gaza

>>20073112 needs verification: It would seemBrunson has won before the SCOTUS But Is under a gag order

>>20073146 Donald Trump leading Biden in seven critical swing states, Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows

>>20073176 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/14/2023

>>20073323, >>20073326 Swamp habbenings for 12/14/23

>>20073325 Huge fire breaks out in 13-storey offices next to Buenos Aires government building

>>20073331 MikeCristo8 w/CAP: How the G7 Central Banks collapse ALL at once…

>>20073349 Ohio Senate approves bans on gender-affirming care, transgender athletes

>>20073360 Narrative: Cyber attacks against key US infrastructure continue, but this time its China

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63621c No.20073421

File: 13748402de4b579⋯.jpg (810.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,QResearch_Diner_2018.jpg)



>>20073400 PB butt


tend to agree anon kek

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9357e3 No.20073422

#24635 >>20072083

>>20072155 Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three floor are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher

>>20072163 The New York Court of Appeals ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance

>>20072112, >>20072182 Gonzalo Lira's Wrongful Imprisonment Highlighted

>>20072224 The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines - Journal of Medical Ethics study

>>20072229 West Virginia Official Accuses the CIA of Stealing the 2020 Election: "Gateway: Beyond the Headlines"

>>20072249, >>20072253 Rally archive anon: repost with updated dough for rally notes

>>20072377 After getting his phone smashed, little punk drives truck into restaurant mp4

>>20072440 @nytimes doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out "financially"

>>20072499 I am the mother of @elonmusk His goal is to make this world a better place. @POTUS wants to stop him. Have you any idea how furious I am?

>>20072528 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday threw out three cases challenging the Biden administration’s now-defunct COVID-19 vaccine mandate for executive branch employees and military service members

>>20072530 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 51: It’s becoming obvious that the US government has made contact with nonhuman beings. So why are they lying to us about it? We asked UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch

Baker Change

>>20072672 Catherine Herridge update: judge insists that the need for evidence for a case involving the federal government supersedes her First Amendment privileges.

>>20072860 Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Global Illicit Drug Trade

>>20072880, >>20072926 Canadian journalist who pushed forced vaccination dies suddenly

>>20073013 Turkish lawmaker dies two days after collapsing while giving a speech saying Israel would 'suffer the wrath of Allah' for invading Gaza

>>20073112 needs verification: It would seemBrunson has won before the SCOTUS But Is under a gag order

>>20073146 Donald Trump leading Biden in seven critical swing states, Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows

>>20073176 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/14/2023

>>20073323, >>20073326 Swamp habbenings for 12/14/23

>>20073325 Huge fire breaks out in 13-storey offices next to Buenos Aires government building

>>20073331 MikeCristo8 w/CAP: How the G7 Central Banks collapse ALL at once…

>>20073349 Ohio Senate approves bans on gender-affirming care, transgender athletes

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c7667c No.20073423

File: 08004120bc0e25d⋯.png (302.86 KB,437x357,437:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8dff0 No.20073424

File: 0da439f5b58b6dd⋯.png (271.34 KB,568x499,568:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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c47cf1 No.20073425

gov't own AI; pope OK with that

Warning of ‘risk to our survival,’ pope calls for global treaty on AI

ROME — He has dwelled on it in meetings with global tech executives and been the victim of a deepfake that went viral. Now, in his most sweeping statement on a technology poised to change the world, Pope Francis has issued a verdict on artificial intelligence.

It must be regulated.



Make no mistake—AI is owned by Big Tech

If we’re not careful, Microsoft, Amazon, and other large companies will leverage their position to set the policy agenda for AI, as they have in many other sectors.



In many cases, the government will enter contracts with tech providers and fund the development of an AI/ML product even before a prototype is ready. Sometimes, the research begins without a clearly defined outcome or product in mind.

The most successful government contractors in AI and ML can create repeatable solutions that the government can use to modernize old systems and practices.


- - -

The friend of my enemy…

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bb9545 No.20073426


see earthquake.usgs.gov, not 5km, but 10.0. daily occurances, most in a 24 hour window I have seen is 21, a few years ago I saw a 17. watch daily for pattern. 10.0 km deep repeating and frequency too common for a coincidence.

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3111be No.20073427

File: 31da96e5b33032d⋯.jpg (83.68 KB,500x507,500:507,88lrvv.jpg)



Hell yeah o got proof wouldn't post if I didn't. There is government cyber groups just like Skunk Works secret even from Congress and the president…

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49d6ee No.20073428

File: 959e96186c0f6da⋯.png (461.31 KB,558x546,93:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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c47cf1 No.20073430


zatchew, Dutch?

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c7667c No.20073434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Civil War | Official Trailer

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f8dff0 No.20073435

File: 29a421d7f179b4f⋯.png (592.33 KB,568x840,71:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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074b59 No.20073436

still niggers

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22f971 No.20073437


>What if clones are used for false flags?

if all false flag crisis actors look exactly alike that should arouse suspicions

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38ed43 No.20073439

File: 963255a7921ada9⋯.png (743.45 KB,498x676,249:338,day_glo_fag_1.png)

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22f971 No.20073446






>Hell yeah o got proof wouldn't post if I didn't. There is government cyber groups just like Skunk Works secret even from Congress and the president…

Wizards and Warlocks … (inside terms in the LARP/D&D community)

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c7667c No.20073447

File: 49b4ba10e369054⋯.mp4 (195 KB,480x270,16:9,boomboomboomboom.mp4)

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074b59 No.20073449

Reality is in front of (you),

while you make up bullshit

to avoid it.

This is why you lost…


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9a6c9e No.20073450



Then that means they know every one of the shills and where they are located

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f8dff0 No.20073452

File: f88b17fe169100f⋯.png (296.73 KB,568x373,568:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f8279 No.20073453


Texas and California? Where's the logic in that?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bc755a No.20073454

File: f25aa2e91c1f69e⋯.png (44.06 KB,552x322,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f24d6e461d5b50⋯.png (34.56 KB,507x335,507:335,ClipboardImage.png)

DJT truth "nut jub" old tweets point to Scaramucci

And he's in the news yesterday…

CNN Anchors Praise Ex-Trump Aide’s ‘Rizz’ After He Torches Trump’s Rival For Lacking Said ‘Rizz’ As Teens Die of Cringe

Interesting choice of words seeing as 17 injured after torched papers at courthouse.



Thought this was interesting:


>Delay US/China trade negotiations?

[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]

>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?

>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?

>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]


>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?


What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?

Outside of standard deviation?


[Mueller failed]

[Impeachment failed]

>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?

old tweet related to china tariffs AND the drop metions impeachement - house voted last night.

>no need to rush


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6cf091 No.20073455

File: 512dc9190068e56⋯.png (244.41 KB,1266x532,633:266,blocking.png)

File: c132ee0e369e023⋯.png (80.89 KB,1266x545,1266:545,symbolismby6g_1.png)

File: e8c184a02d8ffd2⋯.png (24.12 KB,1266x210,211:35,symbolismby6g_2.png)

File: 8e432a3689fd5af⋯.png (81.67 KB,1266x575,1266:575,THIS4.png)

File: e89d39811a7d579⋯.png (81.32 KB,1267x576,1267:576,THIS5.png)

>no mission, my wellbeing in this minute and hence forth.

>no excuse.

if you post offensive stuff, your ky mates will hand you over to Kim´s folks for cherubim style detention.

also the one supervising.

have you met a grandma yet who makes a whole company bow down by looking at them?

those waiting for Christmas and using this as their own apology to keep stealing from me and attacking me, realize that there was "two days ahead of schedule marker" already, it was Christmas last year.

Since then you tortured me daily and despite you I invented the heavens.

I will do extraordinarily well.

I am the holy temple.

Those that force themselves in while hurting not only me but creation itself, will be kept out.


my wellbeing only, no matter what.





done by the end of this week, no matter how, I work throughout time and can undo some of what it maybe needs.

meaningful single measures and not big blows, but without misunderstanding and finished by the end of this week.

no excuses.

my wellbeing.

how can you think there would be truth in ritual, when you are scheduled to meet me for a snippet in an environment highly manipulated to go pick a preselected truth fitting a build that clearly breaks the #1 rule, being LOVE.

Focus here: Raise (1).

there is no such thing as tracking.

there is no such thing as placement.

>From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there is no soundness

wanna support creation and with that you beeing?

pray for me to do fine.

go figure out how symbolism kept you from doing good.

that is what irl cunts can do, even those that have capable crates.

Psalms 1

1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,

2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.


never ever will you force "care" like a theft, to be used for unholy shit.


I work throughout time and ritual apology after checks that it was me having shouted a year ago are fake and have ridiculing God as base motive.

Stop ritual.


Nah. Mark 12 30.





stop torturing me or be held accountable.

having a cagey bad day?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c47cf1 No.20073456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


moarly related

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f8dff0 No.20073457

File: a033972c26f07f8⋯.png (305.25 KB,568x434,284:217,ClipboardImage.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6cf091 No.20073458

File: 512dc9190068e56⋯.png (244.41 KB,1266x532,633:266,blocking.png)

File: c132ee0e369e023⋯.png (80.89 KB,1266x545,1266:545,symbolismby6g_1.png)

File: e8c184a02d8ffd2⋯.png (24.12 KB,1266x210,211:35,symbolismby6g_2.png)

File: 8e432a3689fd5af⋯.png (81.67 KB,1266x575,1266:575,THIS4.png)

File: e89d39811a7d579⋯.png (81.32 KB,1267x576,1267:576,THIS5.png)

>no mission, my wellbeing in this minute and hence forth.

>no excuse.

if you post offensive stuff, your ky mates will hand you over to Kim´s folks for cherubim style detention.

also the one supervising.

have you met a grandma yet who makes a whole company bow down by looking at them?

those waiting for Christmas and using this as their own apology to keep stealing from me and attacking me, realize that there was "two days ahead of schedule marker" already, it was Christmas last year.

Since then you tortured me daily and despite you I invented the heavens.

I will do extraordinarily well.

I am the holy temple.

Those that force themselves in while hurting not only me but creation itself, will be kept out.


my wellbeing only, no matter what.





done by the end of this week, no matter how, I work throughout time and can undo some of what it maybe needs.

meaningful single measures and not big blows, but without misunderstanding and finished by the end of this week.

no excuses.

my wellbeing.

how can you think there would be truth in ritual, when you are scheduled to meet me for a snippet in an environment highly manipulated to go pick a preselected truth fitting a build that clearly breaks the #1 rule, being LOVE.

Focus here: Raise (1).

there is no such thing as tracking.

there is no such thing as placement.

>From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there is no soundness

wanna support creation and with that you beeing?

pray for me to do fine.

go figure out how symbolism kept you from doing good.

that is what irl cunts can do, even those that have capable crates.

Psalms 1

1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,

2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.


never ever will you force "care" like a theft, to be used for unholy shit.


I work throughout time and ritual apology after checks that it was me having shouted a year ago are fake and have ridiculing God as base motive.

Stop ritual.


Nah. Mark 12 30.





stop torturing me or be held accountable.

having a cagey bad day?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6cf091 No.20073460

File: 512dc9190068e56⋯.png (244.41 KB,1266x532,633:266,blocking.png)

File: c132ee0e369e023⋯.png (80.89 KB,1266x545,1266:545,symbolismby6g_1.png)

File: e8c184a02d8ffd2⋯.png (24.12 KB,1266x210,211:35,symbolismby6g_2.png)

File: 8e432a3689fd5af⋯.png (81.67 KB,1266x575,1266:575,THIS4.png)

File: e89d39811a7d579⋯.png (81.32 KB,1267x576,1267:576,THIS5.png)

>no mission, my wellbeing in this minute and hence forth.

>no excuse.

if you post offensive stuff, your ky mates will hand you over to Kim´s folks for cherubim style detention.

also the one supervising.

have you met a grandma yet who makes a whole company bow down by looking at them?

those waiting for Christmas and using this as their own apology to keep stealing from me and attacking me, realize that there was "two days ahead of schedule marker" already, it was Christmas last year.

Since then you tortured me daily and despite you I invented the heavens.

I will do extraordinarily well.

I am the holy temple.

Those that force themselves in while hurting not only me but creation itself, will be kept out.


my wellbeing only, no matter what.





done by the end of this week, no matter how, I work throughout time and can undo some of what it maybe needs.

meaningful single measures and not big blows, but without misunderstanding and finished by the end of this week.

no excuses.

my wellbeing.

how can you think there would be truth in ritual, when you are scheduled to meet me for a snippet in an environment highly manipulated to go pick a preselected truth fitting a build that clearly breaks the #1 rule, being LOVE.

Focus here: Raise (1).

there is no such thing as tracking.

there is no such thing as placement.

>From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there is no soundness

wanna support creation and with that you beeing?

pray for me to do fine.

go figure out how symbolism kept you from doing good.

that is what irl cunts can do, even those that have capable crates.

Psalms 1

1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,

2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.


never ever will you force "care" like a theft, to be used for unholy shit.


I work throughout time and ritual apology after checks that it was me having shouted a year ago are fake and have ridiculing God as base motive.

Stop ritual.


Nah. Mark 12 30.





stop torturing me or be held accountable.

having a cagey bad day?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bb9545 No.20073461


as of 10:15 AM EST I counted a frequency of 10 occurances of an earthquake at exactly 10.0 km deep on earthquake.usgs.gov.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9a6c9e No.20073463

File: b58f6ade9b6a4e2⋯.png (860.34 KB,1880x931,1880:931,oceantraffic.png)



Much boat

Sooooooo much boat

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

977e10 No.20073465

File: ba675219746bd0b⋯.png (633.83 KB,1307x773,1307:773,ClipboardImage.png)

how to make niggers seethe with this one simple trick!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6cf091 No.20073466

File: 512dc9190068e56⋯.png (244.41 KB,1266x532,633:266,blocking.png)

File: c132ee0e369e023⋯.png (80.89 KB,1266x545,1266:545,symbolismby6g_1.png)

File: e8c184a02d8ffd2⋯.png (24.12 KB,1266x210,211:35,symbolismby6g_2.png)

File: 8e432a3689fd5af⋯.png (81.67 KB,1266x575,1266:575,THIS4.png)

File: e89d39811a7d579⋯.png (81.32 KB,1267x576,1267:576,THIS5.png)

>no mission, my wellbeing in this minute and hence forth.

>no excuse.

if you post offensive stuff, your ky mates will hand you over to Kim´s folks for cherubim style detention.

also the one supervising.

have you met a grandma yet who makes a whole company bow down by looking at them?

those waiting for Christmas and using this as their own apology to keep stealing from me and attacking me, realize that there was "two days ahead of schedule marker" already, it was Christmas last year.

Since then you tortured me daily and despite you I invented the heavens.

I will do extraordinarily well.

I am the holy temple.

Those that force themselves in while hurting not only me but creation itself, will be kept out.


my wellbeing only, no matter what.





done by the end of this week, no matter how, I work throughout time and can undo some of what it maybe needs.

meaningful single measures and not big blows, but without misunderstanding and finished by the end of this week.

no excuses.

my wellbeing.

how can you think there would be truth in ritual, when you are scheduled to meet me for a snippet in an environment highly manipulated to go pick a preselected truth fitting a build that clearly breaks the #1 rule, being LOVE.

Focus here: Raise (1).

there is no such thing as tracking.

there is no such thing as placement.

>From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there is no soundness

wanna support creation and with that you beeing?

pray for me to do fine.

go figure out how symbolism kept you from doing good.

that is what irl cunts can do, even those that have capable crates.

Psalms 1

1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,

2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.


never ever will you force "care" like a theft, to be used for unholy shit.


I work throughout time and ritual apology after checks that it was me having shouted a year ago are fake and have ridiculing God as base motive.

Stop ritual.


Nah. Mark 12 30.





stop torturing me or be held accountable.

having a cagey bad day?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9357e3 No.20073467

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Moar Bread Just Ahead





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

22f971 No.20073468


anons memba how the C_A super computers running Traitor A_s were destroyed by strong memes ceated by anons?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6cf091 No.20073469

File: 512dc9190068e56⋯.png (244.41 KB,1266x532,633:266,blocking.png)

File: c132ee0e369e023⋯.png (80.89 KB,1266x545,1266:545,symbolismby6g_1.png)

File: e8c184a02d8ffd2⋯.png (24.12 KB,1266x210,211:35,symbolismby6g_2.png)

File: 8e432a3689fd5af⋯.png (81.67 KB,1266x575,1266:575,THIS4.png)

File: e89d39811a7d579⋯.png (81.32 KB,1267x576,1267:576,THIS5.png)

>no mission, my wellbeing in this minute and hence forth.

>no excuse.

if you post offensive stuff, your ky mates will hand you over to Kim´s folks for cherubim style detention.

also the one supervising.

have you met a grandma yet who makes a whole company bow down by looking at them?

those waiting for Christmas and using this as their own apology to keep stealing from me and attacking me, realize that there was "two days ahead of schedule marker" already, it was Christmas last year.

Since then you tortured me daily and despite you I invented the heavens.

I will do extraordinarily well.

I am the holy temple.

Those that force themselves in while hurting not only me but creation itself, will be kept out.


my wellbeing only, no matter what.





done by the end of this week, no matter how, I work throughout time and can undo some of what it maybe needs.

meaningful single measures and not big blows, but without misunderstanding and finished by the end of this week.

no excuses.

my wellbeing.

how can you think there would be truth in ritual, when you are scheduled to meet me for a snippet in an environment highly manipulated to go pick a preselected truth fitting a build that clearly breaks the #1 rule, being LOVE.

Focus here: Raise (1).

there is no such thing as tracking.

there is no such thing as placement.

>From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there is no soundness

wanna support creation and with that you beeing?

pray for me to do fine.

go figure out how symbolism kept you from doing good.

that is what irl cunts can do, even those that have capable crates.

Psalms 1

1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,

2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.


never ever will you force "care" like a theft, to be used for unholy shit.


I work throughout time and ritual apology after checks that it was me having shouted a year ago are fake and have ridiculing God as base motive.

Stop ritual.


Nah. Mark 12 30.





stop torturing me or be held accountable.

having a cagey bad day?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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