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d99742 No.51606 [Last50 Posts]

07DEC23 to 11DEC23


Re-Posts of notables

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d99742 No.112562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040092 (071755ZDEC23) Notable: #24597

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#24597 >>112533

>>112534 Disney lost over 195 billion this past year

>>112535 December 7, 2023 10:00 AM EST National Archives and Records Administration's Freedom of Information Act

>>112536 December 7, 2023 10:00 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the Anti-Corruption Champions Award Ceremony

>>112537 Trump: I won’t be a dictator ‘except for day one’

>>112538 11:00 AM EST Business Meeting Senate Foreign Relations Committee

>>112539 (SOUTHCOM) will conduct flight operations in Guyana's airspace amid Venezuela tensions.

>>112540 Trump Blasts Judge, 'Lunatic' Letitia James Before NYC Civil Fraud Trial Resumes

>>112541 Anon Defines Democide

>>112542, >>112544 House censures Bowman for falsely pulling fire alarm

>>112543, >>112546, >>112548 PF report

>>112545 Ramaswamy Meme Template

>>112549 CBP to ‘temporarily’ suspend operations at Lukeville border amid migrant surge

>>112550 Station Reaches 25 Years in Orbit

>>112547 Musk / GROK: The creation of the internet and ‘connecting’ platforms is bringing about their downfall.

>>112551, >>112559 planeFag:Europe/Med-Ukraine AF A330 landed at Rzsesow from JBA

>>112552 12:00 PM EST News Conference on Sandy Hook Anniversary

>>112555 President Trump speaks during a break in his NYC civil fraud trial outside the courtroom.

>>112556 Elon Musk unloads on advertisers - Yeah, why do their Chief Marketing Officers endorse child trafficking!?

>>112557 NYC man wins $10M on scratch-off lottery ticket — for the second time

>>112558 California Governor Cancels Public Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

>>112560 Trump’s loyalty-first cabinet. EXCLUSIVE details:


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d99742 No.112563

File: 2ce5ad8d9af318a⋯.png (1.15 MB,1274x1276,637:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040105 (071757ZDEC23) Notable: #24598

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#24598 https://fullchan.net/?ab9178465672a894#AY9XnHxNXShKn6Shc7dVUvwRPe1sspnA4UAhqZCWXnK4

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d99742 No.112564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040126 (071800ZDEC23) Notable: 1:00 PM EST Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans Hold News Conference on Border Security

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December 7, 2023

1:00 PM EST

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans Hold News Conference on Border Security

Senators Graham (R-SC), Grassley (R-IA), Cornyn (R-TX), and Tillis (R-NC), all members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, speak with reporters about the Biden administration’s border security policies.


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d99742 No.112565

File: 0e46754690b2860⋯.png (62.84 KB,1004x631,1004:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040140 (071802ZDEC23) Notable: MP4, Memes of the Thread

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d99742 No.112566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040175 (071808ZDEC23) Notable: Israel 10/7 Day of Rampage

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load-of-shit-nothingburger proven burger

Graphic report details new evidence of rape, sexual violence during October 7 rampage

Witnesses, volunteers tell UK’s Sunday Times of seeing gang-rape, remains found mutilated. (WHAT?)

The investigation was hampered initially by the fact that physical evidence of sexual assault was broadly not collected on the day of the attacks due to complications posed by the evidence being located in an active warzone.

Rape kits, which need to be used in the first 48 hours following an assault, could not be used, and many of the bodies arriving at the emergency morgue set up at the Shura military base were so badly mutilated that collecting physical evidence of sexual assault, such as semen or DNA samples, was not possible.

Police spokesperson Mirit Ben Mayor said, however, that based on “the conditions of the bodies that came in, bodies in the field, by the stories people are telling, by the situation of the bodies that arrived for forensic checking at Shura, we say that there was rape, that there was sexual [assault]. There is no room for doubt about these events.”

Many of the women who experienced the sexual assault and rape firsthand, however, were either killed or taken hostage, and so cannot provide the firsthand information that some are demanding.


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d99742 No.112567

File: 8c8f491c718548e⋯.jpg (80.47 KB,678x398,339:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040187 (071812ZDEC23) Notable: MP4, Memes of the Thread

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d99742 No.112568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040202 (071815ZDEC23) Notable: Mike Johnson Compares Himself to Moses #Biblical

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much ree

Mike Johnson Compares Himself to Moses While Claiming God Led Him to ‘Red Sea Moment’ for the House GOP

House Speaker Mike Johnson leaned heavily into his religious convictions during a keynote speech where he drew a connection between himself and the prophet Moses.

Johnson spoke at the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) gala Tuesday night, where Pastor E.W. Jackson set the stage with flagrantly anti-LGBTQ comments flagged by the progressive watchdog group, Right Wing Watch. When the Speaker took the stage, he thanked the NACL “for not allowing the media in.”


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d99742 No.112569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040221 (071819ZDEC23) Notable: Trump will leave NATO?

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Trump will leave NATO – ex Pentagon chief

Without the US to hold it up, the bloc would “collapse,” Mark Esper has told MSNBC

“I think one of the first things that would happen is he would withdraw support for Ukraine,” Esper replied. “And of course if that were to happen, the whole effort to support Ukraine in its war with Russia would eventually crumble. The United States is like the big block in the Jenga tower; you pull us out and everything collapses.”

“His next move would be to begin pulling us out of NATO, certainly troops out of NATO countries,” Esper told MSNBC. “And eventually that could cause the collapse of the alliance ... and the next – does he start looking, as he would discuss with me and others at the time – does he look to pull troops out of Korea, out of Japan, out of other countries that are allied with us?”


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d99742 No.112570

File: bd6961bd2175978⋯.png (86.66 KB,902x391,902:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040234 (071822ZDEC23) Notable: Maricopa County Republicans Passes Resolution to Impeach Arizona’s AG for Persecuting Election Officials

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Maricopa County Republicans UNANIMOUSLY Pass Resolution Calling on Arizona Legislature Impeach Arizona’s Attorney General for Persecuting Honest Election Officials

The Maricopa County Republican Committee has unanimously adopted a resolution, calling on the Republican Controlled Arizona House and Senate to bring impeachment charges against the fraudulently elected and tyrannical Attorney General.

The Arizona Legislature reconvenes on January 8, 2024.

Recall that the 2022 election in Arizona was rigged and stolen when 60% of machines failed on election day in the state’s largest county. Trump-Endorsed Republican Arizona Attorney General Nominee Abe Hamadeh reportedly lost by 280 votes out of more than 2.5 million ballots.

Mayes is now targeting election officials who questioned her fraudulent election and are fighting for honest elections moving forward.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that a grand jury indicted Republican Cochise County Supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd on felony charges of Interference with an Election Officer and Conspiracy — all because they wanted to ensure accuracy with a hand count audit of the stolen 2022 election before officially certifying.

This is perfectly legal as ARS 16-622(A) gives Arizona County Supervisors discretion over canvassing election results, and ARS 16-602(B) requires County Supervisors to conduct a hand count audit of “at least two percent of the precincts in that county.”

Previously, former Secretary of State and questionably elected Governor Katie Hobbs sued Cochise County for not certifying her stolen election – where 60% of machines failed Republican Voters on election day in Maricopa County. Republican Cochise County Chairwoman Peggy Judd later voted to certify the election in Cochise under duress with Democrat Ann English. However, Tom Crosby, the third vote, refused to attend the coerced and corrupt certification meeting. Crosby is the only County Supervisor in Arizona who courageously did not vote to certify the rigged 2020 election.

Hobbs also threatened to jail Mohave County Supervisors if they did not vote to certify the stolen election.

Kris Mayes, who also stole her election by just 280 votes, is now weaponizing her legal authority to “quash any and all opposition,” said attorney Bryan Blehm, who is still fighting to overturn the rigged 2022 election on behalf of Kari Lake. The message is clear: “If you don’t agree with Kris Mayes’ interpretation of the law, then we will send you to jail,” Blehm continued with sarcasm. “She wants to do for Arizona, I think, what Joseph Stalin did for the Soviet Union.”

This is nothing more than a ploy to intimidate Counties into certifying future elections with massive fraud.


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d99742 No.112571

File: 70bfab75f98a1ad⋯.jpeg (284.84 KB,1280x854,640:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040246 (071825ZDEC23) Notable: MP4 UNLV shooting suspect dead after 3 killed on campus, Las Vegas police say

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UNLV shooting suspect dead after 3 killed on campus, Las Vegas police say

(FF operation to push the agenda)

Updated on: December 7, 2023 /1/2

Three people were killed and one person was wounded in a shooting on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, campus Wednesday afternoon, police said. The suspect was killed by officers who rushed to the scene at UNLV and there was no ongoing threat to the community, police said later on Wednesday.

Two law enforcement sources told CBS News the gunman, who they described as awhite male in his sixties, was a former college professor who had previously taught in Georgia and North Carolina.

Sheriff Kevin McMahill of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said at a Wednesday evening news conference that police know the identity of the suspect but would not release his name until the families of the victims are notified. But CBS Las Vegas affiliate KLAS-TV reports that its sources identified him as Anthony "Tony" Polito. The sources said Polito recently applied for a job at the university but didn't get it. He may have also had a connection to a person who works on campus, KLAS sources said.

McMahill had said earlier in the day that police did not know the suspect's motive.

The first call about the active shooter came at about 11:45 a.m. local time, after which metropolitan and university police immediately responded, shooting and killing the suspect outside of Beam Hall, McMahill said. The shooting originated on the fourth floor of the building.

In addition to the three people killed, one person was taken to an area hospital with a gunshot wound. The person was in stable condition, McMahill said. Four other people were hospitalized after suffering panic attacks.

Two police officers received minor injuries while searching the campus's rooms and buildings for more victims, McMahill said.

McMahill said that, during the attack, there was a gathering outside Beam Hall that included people eating and building Lego sets together. He said there could have been many more deaths if responding officers had not "raced to the campus" within minutes and engaged in armed contact.

"No student should have to fear pursuing their dreams on a college campus," McMahill said, calling the incident "a heinous, unforgivable crime."

Sunrise Hospital Trauma Center confirmed on Wednesday afternoon that it had received three patients from the shooting, according to trauma medical director Chris Fisher.

A reunification center for families unable to contact their loved ones was opened at the campus's North Hall, Clark County Fire Chief John C. Steinbeck said at an afternoon news conference.

A federal law enforcement official told CBS News the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were responding and offering assistance with the investigation to the metropolitan police.

UNLV will remain closed for the week, and additional determinations will be made about whether it will reopen on Monday, university police chief Adam Garcia said at the evening news conference.

President Biden addressed the shooting in a statement Wednesday and called for measures to address "the epidemic of gun violence we face."… (stop sending money to Ukraine and it will fix itself!)


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d99742 No.112572

File: 03d2269639c37e9⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,1920x1040,24:13,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040252 (071826ZDEC23) Notable: MP4, Memes of the Thread

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d99742 No.112573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040269 (071830ZDEC23) Notable: Speaker Mike Johnson Tables Move to Slip Deep State Reauthorization in Defense Bill

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>much ree

Speaker Mike Johnson Tables Move to Slip Deep State Reauthorization in Defense Bill

Mike Johnson (R-LA) has decided not to include an extension of FISA authority in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) a move that received strong bipartisan opposition.

Instead, the Judiciary Committee will consider a proposal to rein in the controversial surveillance law.

The proposed legislation, Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act (PLEWSA), aims to require warrants for Americans’ information sought under Section 702, limit FBI database searches, and set penalties for FISA violations.

Rep. Warren Davidson said, “Keeping FISA out of the NDAA is a victory for the American people who demand the end of warrantless government surveillance. I applaud Speaker Johnson’s decision to not cave to the Biden admin, Christopher Wray, and the entire intel community.”

Sen. Ron Wyden said, “We’re going the distance with reform.”

“Business as usual is not going to be acceptable,” he continued.

“When I started, it was pretty lonely. You could have meetings about 702 reform operations in a couple of phone booths. And I’m looking around now and I’m seeing a lot of allies,” said Wyden.

Bipartisan support exists for the bill, with lawmakers emphasizing the need to protect civil liberties and privacy rights.

Rep. Andy Biggs released a statement, saying, “America’s intelligence community continues to conduct a warrantless, mass surveillance campaign on innocent citizens.”

“In 2021 alone, the FBI misused FISA 278,000 times to spy on American citizens – including a U.S. congressman and political donors. Our civil liberties are at stake,” recalled the GOP rep.

“Without serious reforms to FISA 702, our Fourth Amendment rights will be all but gone. My legislation addresses numerous loopholes in federal law to end this unconstitutional practice and to ensure rogue agents are held accountable,” warned Biggs.

“I am grateful for the bipartisan, bicameral effort to overhaul the FISA 702 spying authority. I call on my colleagues to pass this legislation into law,” concluded the lawmaker.


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d99742 No.112574

File: 2c684eaececd48a⋯.png (45.92 KB,738x545,738:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a0c39d51c46410⋯.png (148.93 KB,744x446,372:223,Clipboard.png)

File: a0ec96723099380⋯.png (46.17 KB,655x585,131:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040270 (071829ZDEC23) Notable: "Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's (E)Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell #Disneygate

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"Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell

Elon Musk took another shot at Disney CEO Bob Iger Thursday, after the state of New Mexico sued Meta for allegedly enabling child sexual abuse and trafficking - yet Disney and other woke advertisers, who paused advertising on X in a kneejerk reaction to claims of antisemitism - apparently have no problem when it comes to the sexual exploitation of minors.

"Why no advertiser boycott, Bob Eiger? [sic]" Musk posted on X. "You are endorsing this material!"

The fact check on this is beyond hilarious... with Snopes suggesting that it's false because " the claim is based on the incorrect assumption that snorkeling in the waters around a private island is the same as physically standing on that island," and "Second, the trip advertised is not one that is, or was, led by Disney. It was, instead, what is known as a "Port Adventure." These are activities recommended by Disney that can be found, for extra cost, when docked at various ports of call on Disney Cruises."

In short, Disney only recommended the trip to Epstein's pedo island, and it doesn't count if it's just snorkeling.

Meta Sued

On Tuesday, New Mexico sued Meta for "knowingly" exposing children to 'sexual exploitation and mental health harm.'

In a Tuesday court filing, New Mexico’s Attorney General’s (NMAG) Office revealed that it had conducted an undercover investigation, creating fake accounts of minors which were then used to fish for offending content, according to a press release reported by the Daily Caller.

"Meta and its CEO tell the public that Meta’s social media platforms are safe and good for kids," reads the lawsuit. "The reality is far different. Meta knowingly exposes children to the twin dangers of sexual exploitation and mental health harm. Meta’s conduct has turned New Mexico children who are on its platforms into victims. Meta’s motive for doing so is profit."


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d99742 No.112575

File: f794532fe2a85ee⋯.png (72.32 KB,919x600,919:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040293 (071835ZDEC23) Notable: Disney Official Guilty in Pornography Case #Disneygate

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Disney Official Guilty in Pornography Case

A prominent Internet executive for the Walt Disney Company was convicted today of possessing child pornography on his computer, but a Federal jury deadlocked on the most serious charges against him: that he enticed a minor to have sex and traveled across state lines with the intent of doing so.

The executive, Patrick J. Naughton, 34, oversaw Internet content for Disney and was earlier a creator of the Java computer language.

Mr. Naughton faces up to 10 years in prison on the pornography charge and 15 years each on the two other counts if he is retried and convicted. The government has until Jan. 5 to decide whether to refile the charges: sentencing was scheduled for March 6.

Mr. Naughton was arrested in September after he flew from Seattle to Southern California for what the authorities said he believed was a rendezvous with a 13-year-old Los Angeles girl he had met online. His arrest became a tremendous embarrassment to Disney, which announced simply that he no longer worked there. At one point his name was expunged from several past announcements on a corporate Web site, Wired magazine reported.

Still, Mr. Naughton's lawyer, Donald Marks, said today that the jury's inability to agree on the more serious counts represented a victory for a defense that portrayed the Internet as a fantasy land where others are not what they claim to be.

We're very gratified, Mr. Marks said. The problem with the case is that a lot of people do not believe that being involved in chat rooms, and being involved in the fantasy of having sexual talk with unknown persons of unknown genders and ages on the Internet, represents anything but role playing.

Taking the stand in his own defense, Mr. Naughton testified that he did not really believe the girl from Los Angeles whom he met in the dad&daughtersex chat room, with the online identity of KrisLA, was who she said she was.

She was not. KrisLA was in reality a male agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation named Bruce Applin. In an affidavit, Mr. Applin wrote that he repeatedly told Mr. Naughton, who was using the name hotseattle, that he was 13.

Mr. Naughton responded by saying he wanted to come to Los Angeles to kiss, make out and play and stuff.

Mr. Naughton was arrested on Sept. 16 at the Santa Monica pier after approaching a woman who was an undercover Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy carrying a green backpack, as Mr. Applin said had been agreed to in one of the chat sessions.


Not any of this is new for Disney.

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d99742 No.112576

File: 7ee4f8010ea9379⋯.jpeg (83.09 KB,503x499,503:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: 7729d2456d8cc4c⋯.png (941.77 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040294 (071835ZDEC23) Notable: Disney Official Guilty in Pornography Case #Disneygate

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>"Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell

break out your Disney memes, anons.

Some x fag should make sure Elon knows that the Disney cruise ship made a stop at Epstein Island

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d99742 No.112577

File: 8922c31574ef866⋯.png (609.71 KB,652x638,326:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 86f80047c350940⋯.jpg (176.56 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: d7044403c060995⋯.mp4 (208.35 KB,320x402,160:201,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040307 (071838ZDEC23) Notable: Disney Official Guilty in Pornography Case #Disneygate

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>break out your Disney memes, anons.

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d99742 No.112578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040324 (071842ZDEC23) Notable: "Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's (E)Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell #Disneygate

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>>>/qresearch/20039309 LB

>>>/qresearch/20039309 LB

>why is Elon Musk spelling Iger, Eiger?

Slander or Libel laws?

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d99742 No.112579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040360 (071850ZDEC23) Notable: MP4 UNLV shooting suspect dead after 3 killed on campus, Las Vegas police say

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Vegas shooter who killed 3 was a professor who recently applied for a job at UNLV, AP source says

Another law enforcement official identified the suspect as Anthony Polito, 67. Investigators searched an apartment in Henderson, Nevada


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d99742 No.112580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040383 (071855ZDEC23) Notable: John Kirby (WH conference): There are a small number of republicans that want to hold that aid (Ukraine) hostage

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John Kirby [White House press conference]: There are a small number of republicans that want to hold that aid [Ukraine] hostage, for some pretty extreme border policies that [Biden] is not willing to talk about.

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d99742 No.112581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040398 (071857ZDEC23) Notable: Israel 10/7 Day of Rampage

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Suspicious Israeli Stock Market Activity Hints At Foreknowledge Of October Seven Attack

An analysis of financial trends inside Israel days prior to the beginning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood seemingly indicate insider trading in an attempt to profit from the attack.

A new academic study has made a shocking and highly controversial finding. Suspicious Israeli stock market activity in the days preceding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7 indicates that a particular party had foreknowledge of the impending attack and used that information to directly profit from the panic that ensued.

The paper, authored by Robert J. Jackson Jr. of New York University School of Law and Joshua Mitts of New York University School of Law, concludes that based on a “significant spike” in short selling of listed Israeli companies, persons unknown were aware of the operation was impending, and sought to profit illicitly. Short selling – or shorting – allows traders to bet a stock will perform poorly and reap rewards if they’re correct.

Shorting is a relatively rare practice compared to traditional trading and with good reason. Losses can be vast if forecast poor performance doesn’t materialize, and many investment advisors warn against engaging in the practice under any circumstances. Strikingly though, the academics found shorting of Israeli companies in days immediately before October 7 “far exceeded short selling that occurred during numerous other periods of crisis, including the recession following the financial crisis, the 2014 Israel-Gaza war, and the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The pair argue this activity may reflect attempts by Hamas operatives to profit from, if not outright finance, their forthcoming attack, an allegation eagerly taken up by Hebrew newspaper Haaretz. Meanwhile, Israeli finance rag Globes attacked the study, claiming “huge errors” by its authors in overestimating the profits of individuals who shorted Israeli stocks. The pair mistakenly quoted returns in agorot, a denomination of Israeli currency, as shekels – in pennies as dollars in U.S. terms – leading them to inflate investor returns by a magnitude of 100.

Yet, the outlet acknowledged a “consistent rise in short trading balances on [Israeli] shares prior to the outbreak of the war.” Moreover, the Israeli government has taken the paper’s findings so seriously that an official investigation has been launched to ascertain the truth. As we shall see, there is good reason to believe that if someone sought to enrich themselves due to foreknowledge of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, it is unlikely they were connected to Hamas.

The paper notes numerous historical precedents for such activity, which “occurs in gaps in U.S. and international enforcement of legal prohibitions on informed trading.” Research on “profitable trading on the basis of information about coming military conflict” is an underdeveloped academic field. Such lack of oversight and scrutiny around shorting by Western regulators and watchdogs may explain who profited this time and why.


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d99742 No.112582

File: 3adb17e3ca46909⋯.jpeg (19.06 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040407 (071900ZDEC23) Notable: Trump will leave NATO?

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7 Dec, 2023

Trump will leave NATO – ex Pentagon chief

Without the US to hold it up, the bloc would “collapse,” Mark Esper has told MSNBC

(KEK their biggest fear, its not about democracy in Ukraine or the EU, its to keep this useless blood and money sucking agency to continue to be funded by America, because the EU doesn’t contribute their 2%. That’s why they needed war in Ukraine and against Russia. In addition to feeding the beast of MIC, that’s why Esper is getting involved. He’s telling NATO and EU to interfere with the 2024 Election again! Esper needs his kickbacks.)

Former US President Donald Trump will pull American support for Ukraine if elected next year, setting in motion a chain of events that would lead to the collapse of NATO, his former defense secretary, Mark Esper, has claimed.

In an interview with MSNBC on Thursday, Esper was asked what the prospects of a second Trump presidency would mean for the future of NATO.

“I think one of the first things that would happen is he would withdraw support for Ukraine,” Esper replied. “And of course if that were to happen, the whole effort to support Ukraine in its war with Russia would eventually crumble. The United States is like the big block in the Jenga tower; you pull us out and everything collapses.”

Trump has repeatedly promised that he would end the conflict in Ukraine “within 24 hours” of his inauguration, should he defeat President Joe Biden in next year’s election. The former president has hinted that he would use military aid as leverage to achieve this by cutting off the flow of weapons to force Kiev to the negotiating table.

“His next move would be to begin pulling us out of NATO, certainly troops out of NATO countries,”Esper told MSNBC. “And eventually that could cause the collapse of the alliance ... and the next – does he start looking, as he would discuss with me and others at the time – does he look to pull troops out of Korea, out of Japan, out of other countries that are allied with us?”

Throughout his presidency, Trump railed against NATO’s European members, accusing them of freeloading off the US’ massive military presence on the continent while failing to meet the bloc’s target of spending 2% of GDP on defense. Trump used NATO's annual summits to berate European leaders into boosting their military spending, and according to former National Security Adviser John Bolton, was ready to announce the US’ withdrawal from the alliance in 2018.

According to media reports, Trump also demanded that South Korea and Japan pay the US more to keep its forces stationed in both countries. While Trump carried out military strikes on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, he attempted to pull American troops from all three countries and declared that he did not want US troops “to be the policemen of the world.”

Two months prior to Esper’s interview,“anonymous sources”told Rolling Stone magazine that Trump and his advisors have discussed pulling the US out of NATO or dramatically scaling back Washington’s commitment to the pact if he defeats Biden. According to the magazine, Trump told his team that his second administration would not be staffed by “NATO lovers.”

With the 2024 election less than a year away and Trump leading Biden in most polls, a flurry of newspaper articles and op-eds have been published in recent days claiming – often without evidence – that the former president would abandon NATO, sic the military on protesters, and attempt to install himself as“president for life” if successful in 2024. All of the articles’ authors were prominent critics of Trump during his presidency.

(PANIC in DC, EU and NATO! Ongoing war is the only way.)


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d99742 No.112583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040424 (071905ZDEC23) Notable: EU state expels US embassy staff

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7 Dec, 2023

EU state expels US embassy staff – El Pais

The decision followed allegations the personnel bribed host country intel agents, the newspaper has said

At least two employees at the US embassy in Madrid have been quietly expelled from Spain on suspicion of recruiting agents from the country’s National Intelligence Center (CNI) to obtain highly classified information, El Pais reported on Thursday, citing government sources.

According to the newspaper, two Spanish intelligence officers were arrested two months ago after an internal inspection revealed that they had gained access to classified information that was not required for their work and which they had no right to know.

The investigation found thatat least one of them had been bribed by US agents. The incident has not been made public as a Spanish court has ordered the case kept secret.

US agents are believed to have begun recruiting the officers more than a year ago, El Espanol reported.

Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles summoned the US ambassador in Madrid, Julissa Reynoso, and asked for an explanation. The diplomat said she was unaware of what had happened, apologized and promised to cooperate with the investigation as much as possible, according to El Pais.

The Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs agreed on the discreet expulsion of at least two US staff involved in the recruitment and bribery of CNI agents, as Washington hastened to withdraw them, the article reported.

The recruitment of secret agents of the host state to betray their own country is considered an openly hostile action,” the newspaper detailed, noting that the occasions when Spain refuses to share information of interest to Washington “are counted between one and none” and it is unclear why the US had to pay when they “get everything they ask for.”

This is not the first time the US has been suspected of spying on its allies. In 2013, an international scandal erupted after former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden leaked information about Washington’s eavesdropping on former German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Two years ago, Reuters reported that in addition to tapping Merkel’s phone, the US National Security Agency (NSA) had allegedly spied on senior officials in Sweden, Norway, France and Germany using Danish information cables.


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d99742 No.112584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040433 (071907ZDEC23) Notable: Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’

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Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’

New Canadian government data has revealed the nation has suffered a staggering 135% spike in listed as “unspecified causes.”

Statistics Canada, an agency of the Canadian government, has just published a new report revealing that the nation smashed records for deaths in 2022.

Aside from soaring numbers of Canadians dying from “unspecified causes,” the nation recorded a record number of Covid deaths, despite high vaccination uptake and the pandemic being over.

A report released by Statistics Canada last week admitted that deaths due to COVID-19 in Canada rose by 36% last year.

According to the government, Covid caused 19,716 deaths in total.

However, deaths due to “Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality” rose by a shocking 135% from 2020 to 2022.

Statistics Canada blames the increase in Covid deaths on the relaxing of the tyrannical mandates, masking, and lockdowns.

The government agency also argues the “new highly transmissible COVID-19 variants” are causing deaths to spike.

Additionally, the report reveals that Canadian life expectancy dropped for the third year in a row.

The falling life expectancy trend coincidentally started in 2020.

Maxime Bernier, the leader of the conservative-populist People’s Party of Canada (PPC), took to Twitter/X to blow the whistle on this development.

Here are more shocking data on the number and causes of deaths in Canada released earlier this week by StatsCan.

Not only were there more official covid deaths in 2022 than in 2021 and 2020 despite the fact that 85% of Canadians had by then received a supposedly “safe and… pic.twitter.com/ePFQkUoEnt

— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) November 30, 2023

In the December 5 edition of the PPC newsletter, Bernier delved into the implications of the report.

“These deaths have almost TRIPLED since 2020 from 6,841 to 16,043 in 2022,” Bernier warned.


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d99742 No.112585

File: bffc9eddb839e7e⋯.png (376 KB,900x723,300:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040455 (071914ZDEC23) Notable: Saudi Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz bin Bandar Al Saud has passed away,

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Breaking News



🇸🇦 | Saudi Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz bin Bandar Al Saud has passed away, as announced by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

#SaudiArabia #AlSaud

Dec 7, 2023 · 6:39 PM UTC


Prince Talal died in a military airplane crash in the Eastern Province during a training mission on 7 December 2023.[7][8]



>Saudi Prince Talal Bin Abdulaziz Bin Bandar Al Saud has died….

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d99742 No.112586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040533 (071933ZDEC23) Notable: White House Approves Arms Sales to UAE and Saudi Arabia

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White House Approves Arms Sales to UAE and Saudi Arabia

The White House approved two arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE totaling over $600 million. The sale to two of Washington’s closest Arab partners in the Middle East comes as America’s regional reputation is tanking over US support for Israel’s onslaught against the besieged Gaza Strip.

On Monday, the State Department announced it had approved a $583 million sale of RE-3A Tactical Airborne Surveillance System Aircraft Modernisation and related equipment. The equipment will be used to modernize surveillance aircraft from the 1980s.

The Biden administration also approved the $85 million sale of 18 AN/TPQ-50 radar systems to the United Arab Emirates. The radar system is designed to detect the direction of mortar fire, and SRC INC will be the primary contractor.

The arms sales come as Washington is losing favor among the people in the Middle East over Israel’s brutal military operations in Gaza. A cable authored by an American diplomat in the Middle East warned last month that Israel’s destructive and deadly military campaign in Gaza “is losing us Arab publics for a generation.”

However, the Biden administration’s policy on the Middle East has centered on expanding the Trump-era Abraham Accords. The accords saw Washington make a series of concessions to Muslim nations to get their governments to normalize ties with Israel.

At the core of the Abraham Accords is an agreement from the Muslim states to abandon their pledge to withhold normalization with Israel until it grants the Palestinians an independent state. In exchange, the Arab states have received access to acquire advanced US weapon systems.


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d99742 No.112587

File: a955d400d43274d⋯.png (190.93 KB,359x580,359:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040535 (071934ZDEC23) Notable: "Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's (E)Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell #Disneygate

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d99742 No.112588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040565 (071940ZDEC23) Notable: Jean-Pierre: We're coming out of a pandemic. What Americans had to deal with was a big deal.

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Jean-Pierre: We're coming out of a pandemic. What Americans had to deal with was a big deal. People lost loved ones. The economy was in a tailspin; certainly wasn't helped by the last administration. This administration had to actually do the work.

Reporter: But inflation is up 17.7% since [Biden] took office.

Jean-Pierre: Inflation fell to three percent. That matters...we're seeing prices go down.

[no way it is currently at three percent]

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d99742 No.112589

File: 7d1f7b7c39c1997⋯.png (510.77 KB,900x724,225:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040582 (071944ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones, the most censored man in the world, will be released tonight!

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Breaking News



🇺🇸Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones, the most censored man in the world, will be released tonight!

#TuckerCarlson #AlexJ

Dec 7, 2023 · 5:39 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112590

File: e2526278197d915⋯.gif (781.56 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.gif)

File: a07b8ac16fe5577⋯.jpeg (27.04 KB,500x327,500:327,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 88ee80b65aab637⋯.jpeg (27.17 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4fb8af76589efa9⋯.jpeg (35.79 KB,714x492,119:82,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040593 (071948ZDEC23) Notable: End Of Fed Liquidity Pump Spells Trouble For Markets?

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End Of Fed Liquidity Pump Spells {potential cuz they always have a ‘solution’} Trouble For Markets

{} additional

{a profit can be made by the following-everyone:the smart ones WW (and brother) long treasuries so you then can short Treasury futures thus picking up the smaller movements and voila! take the SOFR-overnight finance rate as yer profit…fttdk SOFR=Secured Overnight Finance Rate which is a gift to the system as @5.32% as of posting}

See here: >>111345 pb Bond Markets control rates NOT FOMC

{Rates been cut already and inflation (while it’s not going away) will be ridiculous in the things you need i.e food shelter-that is not counted in official #s and deflation in the things you don’t need i.e. TeeVee, the latest phone, basically if you are not loaded the “keeping up with Jones’” items. Cutting FED Funds Rates (FFR)would matter to the banks in but one example & that need to start paying back the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) but that remains to be seen at the end of its term-1y but they still using it and FFR is the rate where banks charge each other to “lend” money the cheaper that is….but cutting them, raising or pausing makes no difference to the consumer loans tied to them-what is your credit card, auto, rate at? It would take a couple of rate cuts for it to even show up there anyway-it’s not instant like raises}

The Federal Reserve’s reverse repo (RRP) facility has been a key support for liquidity and stocks this year. But it is falling. As it approaches zero, markets face much less benign conditions as a formidable tailwind is extinguished. Everyone’s a plumber, or at least should be. A good place to start is the Fed’s RRP facility. It reached a peak of over $2.5 trillion in May this year {and also got close in Dec ‘22 and in May ‘23 that is where money supply M2 began dropping} But it is now falling at a steady rate, down more than half from its peak. What happens when it goes to zero is a key question for markets and plumbers alike.{as mentioned several times the bond market loses its main source of buying as RRP dwindles and why the FED will be eventually doing QE}. In sum, the RRP meant that what would have otherwise been very unfriendly conditions for stocks were instead supportive. In fact, equities not only benefited from buoyant liquidity conditions, they were also aided by an unusually interest-rate resistant economy being flooded with public money. This has been pro-cyclical government spending on steroids. What happens, then, to risk assets when the RRP goes to zero? {RRP pays 5bp above FFR I believe…might be moar or less but it is just above}.

1 of 2

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d99742 No.112591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040607 (071951ZDEC23) Notable: End Of Fed Liquidity Pump Spells Trouble For Markets?

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2 of 2

There are two aspects to consider: the effect in relation to funding the fiscal deficit, and the impact on money markets. Both ultimately mean a less easy ride for stocks and other risk assets. On the deficit, the Treasury’s choice to fund most of it using bills has been a material support for stocks this year. MMFs can buy bills and were incentivized to do so as the yield on them rose above the RRP rate. As they were the ones with almost all the liquidity parked at the RRP, reserves have actually managed to rise this year, paradoxically so given the Fed’s ongoing quantitative tightening program.(again QT-at this point-is just maturing debt rolling off and not renewed or extended)However, when the RRP goes to zero, government funding of the deficit will be functionally no different than if it had issued primarily longer-term debt (as is usual). Bank deposits and reserves are likely to fall more. Stocks will thus have less support when the RRP runs out. (Banks may decide to buy more of the issuance, which would mitigate the drop in reserves. But they have been heavy sellers of USTs, and look like they will continue to be until their duration risk falls further.) {Banks have been but everyone else no-especially the big bois/whales}

In a potential echo of 2019, {AKA the ‘Repocalypse’}SOFR unexpectedly jumped six basis points this week - a huge amount outside of Fed rate moves - causing jitters that funding flare-ups can happen even when reserves are at a much higher level. The rise was blamed on many factors, such as demand for extra funding due to the rally in Treasuries, reserve hoarding in anticipation of Basel III regulations {those have to enforced and the “hearings yesterday was bank CEOs crying about it-it’s a self regulating environment so just rhetoric} or as a buffer for underwater hold-to-maturity portfolios of bonds (i.e. what did it for SVB). Assuming the SOFR rate does not jump higher than the RRP again, it should take some 5-6 months to deplete the domestic RRP on the current trend.



Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) Definition and History


{While not perfect it’s better than say the CFRs interpretation of it}

What Was the LIBOR Scandal? What Happened and Impacted Companies


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d99742 No.112592

File: 0f32505594cee17⋯.mp4 (14.38 MB,578x324,289:162,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040642 (072000ZDEC23) Notable: MP4 UNLV shooting suspect dead after 3 killed on campus, Las Vegas police say

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Woman interviewed shortly after the shooting in LV.

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d99742 No.112593

File: 8b1b01270c732d1⋯.jpeg (411.32 KB,1223x577,1223:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b446d65a9a1c69⋯.jpeg (621.53 KB,773x1082,773:1082,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040643 (072000ZDEC23) Notable: PF: SAM312 C40B on final at Portsmouth Intl from Charleston Intl-WH

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PF: SAM312 C40B on final at Portsmouth Intl from Charleston Intl-WH NSO AC and arrived from Glacier Park Intl, MT to Savannah last night

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d99742 No.112594

File: 5bcc816c4189697⋯.png (918.51 KB,1017x1408,1017:1408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040658 (072004ZDEC23) Notable: Hazmat crews are on the scene as 10,000 Gallons of Fuel has Spill Onto JFK Airport

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🚨#BREAKING: Hazmat crews are on the scene as 10,000 Gallons of Fuel has Spill Onto JFK Airport Runway from Overturned Tanker Truck

📌#Queens | #NewYork

Emergency crews, including Hazmat units, are currently on the scene at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, after a tanker truck overturned, spilling 10,000 gallons of hazardous jet fuel spilled onto the runway. The spill has been covered in foam to prevent further spreading. Hazmat units are actively working to determine the optimal method for offloading the remaining fuel from the truck. As of now, no injuries have been reported

12:51 PM · Dec 7, 2023

from Queens, NY·277K


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d99742 No.112595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040685 (072009ZDEC23) Notable: PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places

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An old article from David Hawkins and Field McConnell shows how deeply humanity is and long has been subverted and misled.

PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places


PEDOGATE & CHILD MURDER: Everyone needs to watch this video!


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d99742 No.112596

File: 6d8bd1cff965c43⋯.png (562.4 KB,633x633,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040714 (072014ZDEC23) Notable: Elon's giving the world the opportunity to call out Disney. #Memes

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Dank memes anon.

Elon's giving the world the opportunity to call out Disney.



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d99742 No.112597

File: 58eeb6f3b8bedec⋯.png (550.69 KB,768x492,64:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040764 (072023ZDEC23) Notable: Cosmopolitan Admits Abortion Is Satanic

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Damn, I never thought I'd see this in the mainstream media.

Another Conspiracy Theory Proven True As Cosmopolitan Admits Abortion Is Satanic

Moar: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/another-conspiracy-theory-proven-true-as-cosmopolitan-admits-abortion-is-satanic/ar-AA1laiAS

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d99742 No.112598

File: c84b9bf1c9ba701⋯.png (196.77 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040870 (072043ZDEC23) Notable: Army Soldier Files Criminal Complaint Against Commanding General for Unlaw in Violating His Whistleblower Status

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BREAKING: Army Soldier Files Criminal Complaint Against Commanding General for Unlaw

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/army-soldier-files-criminal-complaint-against-commanding-general/ful Retaliation – in Violating His Whistleblower Status

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d99742 No.112599

File: 7287992466959ab⋯.png (743.86 KB,574x720,287:360,Clipboard.png)

File: bcb1a79e89e6d9f⋯.png (535.99 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040982 (072106ZDEC23) Notable: Soros nonprofit donated over $1M to group that previously bailed out suspect charged in deadly Texas shootings

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FOX News

Soros nonprofit donated over $1M to group that previously bailed out suspect charged in deadly Texas shootings

Story by Joe Schoffstall • 3h

nonprofit bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros provided over $1.2 million to the left-wing group that previously bailed out the individual charged with killing several people in Texas, including his parents.

Shane James, 34, is accused of killing six people and injuring others in Bexar County and Austin. James served as a U.S. Army Infantry officer from February 2013 to August 2015 and has been charged with several counts of capital murder.

In January 2022, James was charged with aggravated assault against his mother, father, and sister, Fox San Antonio reported. Bail records showed he was bonded out by the Texas Organizing Project, a nonprofit focused on progressive issues that helped elect Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales and county Sheriff Javier Salazar.

Meanwhile, the Texas Organizing Project received hefty donations from Soros' nonprofit before bailing out James.

"The Texas Organizing Project, like its major donor, Mr. Soros, thinks that our Justice system is an arbitrary social construct that can be torn down and reshaped however they see fit with no consequences," the Capital Research Center's Parker Thayer told Fox News Digital. "There are always consequences, and this time, six people lost their lives because a billionaire wanted to feel morally superior by funding activists with too many college degrees and not enough common sense."

The Open Society Policy Center, the advocacy nonprofit in the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations network, provided $700,000 to the Texas Organizing Project in 2019 for organizational support.

Later, in 2021, the policy center gave the group $565,000 to "support policy advocacy on democracy reform and government accountability in Texas," according to its grant database.

Soros' cash accounted for a sizable chunk of the group's reported money in both of those years. According to the Texas Organizing Project's tax forms, the group pulled in $2.3 million in donations in 2019, meaning the $700,000 from the Soros nonprofit accounted for roughly 30% of its cash that year. And in 2021, the Texas Organizing Project received $2.4 million, with the Soros contribution making up nearly a quarter of its contributions.

"The violence earlier this week in Texas is horrific and tragic," an Open Society Spokesperson told Fox News Digital. "We share the sentiments expressed in the Texas Organizing Project’s statement and support the decision to review its programs."

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d99742 No.112600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040989 (072108ZDEC23) Notable: #24598

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#24598 >>112563

>>112564 1:00 PM EST Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans Hold News Conference on Border Security

>>112565, >>112567, >>112572 MP4, Memes of the Thread

>>112566, >>112581 Israel 10/7 Day of Rampage

>>112568 Mike Johnson Compares Himself to Moses #Biblical

>>112569, >>112582 Trump will leave NATO?

>>112570 Maricopa County Republicans Passes Resolution to Impeach Arizona’s AG for Persecuting Election Officials

>>112571, >>112579, >>112592 MP4 UNLV shooting suspect dead after 3 killed on campus, Las Vegas police say

>>112551, >>112553, >>112554, >>112559 ALL PB planeFag: Europe/Med-Ukraine AF A330 landed at Rzsesow from JBA

>>112573 Speaker Mike Johnson Tables Move to Slip Deep State Reauthorization in Defense Bill

>>112574, >>112578, >>112587 "Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's (E)Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell #Disneygate

>>112575, >>112576, >>112577 Disney Official Guilty in Pornography Case #Disneygate

>>112580 John Kirby (WH conference): There are a small number of republicans that want to hold that aid (Ukraine) hostage

>>112583 EU state expels US embassy staff

>>112584 Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’

>>112585 Saudi Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz bin Bandar Al Saud has passed away,

>>112586 White House Approves Arms Sales to UAE and Saudi Arabia

>>112588 Jean-Pierre: We're coming out of a pandemic. What Americans had to deal with was a big deal.

>>112589 Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones, the most censored man in the world, will be released tonight!

>>112593 PF: SAM312 C40B on final at Portsmouth Intl from Charleston Intl-WH

>>112594 Hazmat crews are on the scene as 10,000 Gallons of Fuel has Spill Onto JFK Airport

>>112595 PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places

>>112596 Elon's giving the world the opportunity to call out Disney. #Memes

>>112597 Cosmopolitan Admits Abortion Is Satanic

>>112590, >>112591 End Of Fed Liquidity Pump Spells Trouble For Markets?

>>112598 Army Soldier Files Criminal Complaint Against Commanding General for Unlaw in Violating His Whistleblower Status

>>112599 Soros nonprofit donated over $1M to group that previously bailed out suspect charged in deadly Texas shootings



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d99742 No.112601

File: f9fba5cdc73bcf9⋯.png (598.14 KB,598x840,299:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041004 (072111ZDEC23) Notable: #24599

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24599 https://fullchan.net/?1f1162144167cb1d#39PWp1sqfRXm8TP7o9iRjmzmXg7hTHUtqtn63R1N1PRh


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112602

File: 72394a49f4fe9b2⋯.png (145.36 KB,980x447,980:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041010 (072112ZDEC23) Notable: ACT NOW AGAINST SECTION 702 ILLEGAL SPYING https://www.chooseliberty.org/intel-false-702-reform

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112603

File: 55f14edfedca511⋯.jpeg (63.61 KB,568x682,284:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041014 (072112ZDEC23) Notable: Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List (PDF) A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can also connect you directly with the Senate office. (202) 224-3121

Tell em

stop bombin the apartment complex

stop writing checks to israel (aparteid)

stop writing checks to ukraine (nazis)

write a check to Hawaii | Maui | Lahaina (A us State)

no cbdc

no digital id

end the fed

let 702 die

arrest the fisa judges and ses guys

no WHO treaty

close the border from invasion

make a new law and oath of national security to get

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud off the ballots, out off offices, removed from weapon secrets, supply chain, being appointed.

So help you god.

Thanks bye bye

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d99742 No.112604

File: 74e14993cc7b473⋯.png (476.83 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041066 (072124ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Memer of Congress’ Mike Collins trolls Hunter Biden with Christmas display: ‘Let it snow’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post



‘Memer of Congress’ Mike Collins trolls Hunter Biden with Christmas display: ‘Let it snow’


Dec 7, 2023 · 8:11 PM UTC




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d99742 No.112605

File: 42235a3727d088d⋯.png (398.85 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041099 (072135ZDEC23) Notable: @nypost Man found mauled to death in zoo enclosure after staff spotted big cat with shoe in its mouth

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post



Man found mauled to death in zoo enclosure after staff spotted big cat with shoe in its mouth


Dec 7, 2023 · 6:19 PM UTC



Now we are talking...

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d99742 No.112606

File: 05277ef56d4f6cd⋯.jpg (1.85 MB,3623x4372,3623:4372,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7729d2456d8cc4c⋯.png (941.77 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 12537a472965310⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,2347x1845,2347:1845,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b113611014c0045⋯.jpg (93.92 KB,498x750,83:125,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041113 (072137ZDEC23) Notable: It's a big club and we ain't in it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112607

File: c00d3313f6e6dd2⋯.jpeg (875.53 KB,1283x642,1283:642,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041149 (072145ZDEC23) Notable: PF: SAM520 G5 returns to JBA after a quick 40m on ground at Offutt AFB-STRATCOM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM520 G5 returns to JBA after a quick 40m on ground at Offutt AFB-STRATCOM

Not in a particular hurry on both legs but quick stop nonetheless

Lockdown last Thursday at Offutt cuz of some front gate attempted breach iirc

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d99742 No.112608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041185 (072155ZDEC23) Notable: It's a big club and we ain't in it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disney has "Club 33" and anons should look into the freemason/Disney/Eastern connection.

Just a thought from 40k feet.

God Bless.

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d99742 No.112609

File: 884e803fe04e506⋯.png (314.03 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041196 (072156ZDEC23) Notable: Forest Whitaker’s ex-wife, Keisha Nash Whitaker, dead at 51

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post



Forest Whitaker’s ex-wife, Keisha Nash Whitaker, dead at 51 trib.al/iN4EJBN

Dec 7, 2023 · 8:36 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041207 (072158ZDEC23) Notable: The J6 download app has been updated. Now features the ability to download the videos as MP4.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The J6 download app has been updated

Now features the ability to download the videos as MP4.

>they will still need to be chopped into 2 minute clips in order to be uploaded here


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d99742 No.112611

File: a95a132cf4ee6a0⋯.png (379.8 KB,618x618,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b15741ca007bf1⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041214 (072201ZDEC23) Notable: Fox News has spent today absolutely burying Vivek Ramaswamy over his debate performance last night.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Awesome Job, Emily! :)

Justin Baragona


Fox News has spent today absolutely burying Vivek Ramaswamy over his debate performance last night.

Emily Compagno: "It's frankly disappointing and unpalatable that we keep being subjected to what has, as I see, become behavior as a court jester."

0:48 / 1:41

12:28 PM · Dec 7, 2023


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d99742 No.112612

File: 74c2bb09ffebd1b⋯.png (1.12 MB,1242x807,414:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041220 (072202ZDEC23) Notable: Democrat school board president eschews Bible, takes oath of office on pornographic LGBT book

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Democrat school board president eschews Bible, takes oath of office on pornographic LGBT book

Karen Smith defended the pornographic 'Flamer' but admitted she has never actually read the book.

DOYLESTOWN, Pennsylvania (LifeSiteNews) — A school board president took her oath of office on a stack of books that included a pornographic LGBT book instead of the custom of using a Bible.

Karen Smith put her hand on top of a stack of books that included “Flamer,” a sexually explicit book to start her new term with the Central Bucks Board of School Directors on Dec. 4.


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d99742 No.112613

File: eed6f9b85ba4ace⋯.png (34.68 KB,600x395,120:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 08a62d4215d186b⋯.jpg (53.93 KB,620x496,5:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041229 (072204ZDEC23) Notable: @X buckle up everyone, access to @grok is now rolling out to Premium+ subscribers in the US over the next week.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




ok buckle up everyone

access to @grok is now rolling out to Premium+ subscribers in the US over the next week. the longer you’ve been a subscriber, the sooner you can grok.

you can find Grok in the side menu on web, iOS, and Android (app must be up to date).

on iOS & Android, you can add it to your bottom menu for easy access.

don’t forget your towel!

Dec 7, 2023 · 9:50 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112614

File: 6642da3b0602d22⋯.png (168.65 KB,598x608,299:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041245 (072208ZDEC23) Notable: lawyers at Defending the Republic just obtained thousands of pages of #Moderna documents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽⚖️🚜🇺🇸 Attorney & Author


This week our lawyers at Defending the Republic obtained thousands of pages of #Moderna documents. It is the largest release of Moderna's COVID-19 records to date. They are now available for public review and download at https://defendingtherepublic.org/moderna-dec-production/

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d99742 No.112615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041250 (072209ZDEC23) Notable: 50-year-old man once again competes with teenage girls in Ontario swim competition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

50-year-old man once again competes with teenage girls in Ontario swim competition

This is the second time that 50-year-old Nicholas Cepeda has been allowed to compete against teenage girls and use their changeroom and showers.


can't be habbening. where are the protective fathers?

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d99742 No.112616

File: 9d098bf6ae8b6a4⋯.jpeg (585.55 KB,1148x621,1148:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8288caf4e07d374⋯.jpeg (470.81 KB,828x570,138:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041265 (072212ZDEC23) Notable: PF: SAM480 G5 inbound to JBA, C102 US Coast Guard G5 west from Reagan National, 73-2676 E4B Nightwatch SE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


SAM480 G5 inbound to JBA from Los Angeles Intl depart and another quick stop of about 40m and in a bit of a hurry at well over 500kts (ground speed) most of way

C102 US Coast Guard G5 west from Reagan National-was part of some ‘meeting’ last week at Pt Mugu NAS with 2 Navy brass G5s and a SPAR Indo-PAC one along with 2 SAM flights- they all left within about 90m

73-2676 E4B Nightwatch SE after over upper MI

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d99742 No.112617

File: f573dbc4459b014⋯.png (723.2 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041307 (072224ZDEC23) Notable: Archives to Divulge 62K Biden Records to Investigators, Including Alias Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Report: Archives to Divulge 62K Biden Records to Investigators, Including Alias Emails

7 Dec 2023

The trove of records could provide House investigators with additional evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement in the family business. The evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement includes but is not limited to:

Photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners

Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter

Five individuals referencing Joe Biden as the “big guy”

Two whistleblower testimonies

FBI FD-1023 form alleging recorded phone calls and texts between Biden and a Burisma executive

Video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor

Hunter’s statements about giving half his income to his dad

Joe Biden receiving money from James Biden and Hunter Biden

Email aliases

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) expects to receive the archived records in the coming days, a source told Fox News on Wednesday.

“The Biden White House still has an ‘F’ in document production to the Oversight Committee,” Comer told Fox.

“Just today, President Biden lied again when confronted with information that he interacted with his family’s business associates,” Comer added. “The White House must comply with all of our requests for records from Joe Biden’s time as vice president and all other committee requests related to the impeachment inquiry.”

Earlier this year, Comer requested the Archives provide any document or communication regarding Joe Biden’s four aliases: Robert Peters, Robin Ware, JRB Ware, and Auks. He also requested information on communications between Hunter Biden and business associates Eric Schwerin or Devon Archer.

House investigators opened a probe into the Biden family in November 2022. They revealed Joe Biden received money from James Biden and Hunter Biden. They also showed that nine additional Biden family members received payments from the family’s foreign business ventures, including two of the president’s grandchildren.


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d99742 No.112618

File: 80ccc385c9f98c0⋯.png (364.43 KB,600x558,100:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041315 (072228ZDEC23) Notable: Russian hackers accused of targeting U.S. intelligence community with spear phishing campaign

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CBS News



Russian hackers accused of targeting U.S. intelligence community with spear phishing campaign


Russian hackers accused of targeting U.S. intelligence community with spear phishing campaign

The Justice Department accused Russia-based hackers of targeting U.S. intelligence officials as part of an international spear phishing campaign.


Dec 7, 2023 · 5:00 PM UTC



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d99742 No.112619

File: 6aa5f92986ab5cf⋯.mp4 (10.62 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b65b532ba6f0e4e⋯.png (212.12 KB,473x382,473:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041321 (072229ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Happy Hanukkah!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Happy Hanukkah Baker!


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d99742 No.112620

File: daa9ea0402e256b⋯.png (730.34 KB,800x534,400:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041333 (072232ZDEC23) Notable: Over $239M Worth Of Cocaine Seized In Pacific Last Month

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Over $239M Worth Of Cocaine Seized In Pacific Last Month

12:13 PM – Thursday, December 7, 2023

Over 18,000 pounds of cocaine from six separate drug smuggling events were seized last month and offloaded in San Diego, California, on Wednesday, according to authorities.

The cocaine has an estimated street value of over $239 million. It was recovered off the coasts of Central America, Mexico and South America by two U.S. Coast Guard ships in November, the Coast Guard said in a press release.

This comes after the largest seizure, which weighed over 5,500 pounds, was recovered by Coast Guard Cutter Waesche on Nov 20th, found on a narco-submarine.

“Our last interdiction of a semi-submersible vessel was noteworthy since it was the first semi-submersible interdicted in the Eastern Pacific in over three years,” said Captain Robert Mohr, the commanding officer of the Waesche.

Additionally, to go along with the drug seizures, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control announced sanctions against 15 people involved, which were all Mexican citizens, for their alleged roles.

In 2023, over 40 tons of cocaine have been seized so far, according to statistics from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This was the third most seized drug behind marijuana and methamphetamines.

U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California Tara McGrath thanked the Coast Guard in helping seize the drugs.

“The significance of keeping this much cocaine from reaching our shores and streets is, no doubt, life-changing,” said McGrath. “Without these 9 tons of cocaine on American streets, fewer people will have access to this toxic poison, and hundreds of millions of dollars will not make it into cartel coffers.”


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d99742 No.112621

File: 41f3528fad6e745⋯.jpg (44.22 KB,444x474,74:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041340 (072234ZDEC23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” - Lloyd Austin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tucker Carlson


The Biden administration is openly threatening Americans over Ukraine. In a classified briefing in the House yesterday, defense secretary Lloyd Austin informed members that if they don’t appropriate more money for Zelensky, “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” Pay the oligarchs or we’ll kill your kids.

2:16 PM · Dec 7, 2023

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d99742 No.112622

File: 1b1d06859785542⋯.jpg (61.75 KB,720x411,240:137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041356 (072240ZDEC23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” - Lloyd Austin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lloyd Austin needs to be forcibly removed

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d99742 No.112623

File: 46594693b4c9629⋯.png (41.79 KB,586x253,586:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041394 (072249ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Failing New York Times. Perhaps the most egregious statement of FAKE NEWS I have seen in years. [Maggot Hagerman]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


“There is no evidence that President Biden has meddled in any of the Trump prosecutions (persecutions)!” Maggot Hagerman, The Failing New York Times. Perhaps the most egregious statement of FAKE NEWS I have seen in years. “All the News That’s Unfit To Print”

Dec 07, 2023, 5:45 PM


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d99742 No.112624

File: 5016d037a3cf480⋯.png (259.23 KB,600x623,600:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041399 (072250ZDEC23) Notable: Son of North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer killed a police deputy in stolen SUV crash yesterday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CBS News



A son of freshman North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer was driving a stolen SUV being pursued by police when it crashed and killed a deputy Wednesday evening, Cramer and authorities say.


Dec 7, 2023 · 11:40 AM UTC


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d99742 No.112625

File: 329502112e26453⋯.png (525.41 KB,866x563,866:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 61627451bfc6cd4⋯.mp4 (14.16 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041463 (072304ZDEC23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy Takes CNN's Dana Bash to School Regarding the New Footage Release from January 6th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vivek Ramaswamy Takes CNN's Dana Bash to School Regarding the New Footage Release from January 6th


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d99742 No.112626

File: 6317d2bf320f989⋯.jpg (28.72 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041467 (072305ZDEC23) Notable: UN Secretary-General invokes Article 99 on humanitarian crisis in Gaza: Why and what it means?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


UN Secretary-General invokes Article 99 on humanitarian crisis in Gaza: Why and what it means?

The development comes as Israel increased the intensity of its operations, especially in the areas of southern Gaza with Israeli defence leadership claiming that half of Hamas’ battalion commanders are killed.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres during a press conference at the COP28 United Nations climate summit in Dubai (AFP)Premium

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres during a press conference at the COP28 United Nations climate summit in Dubai (AFP)

Israel-Hamas War: As the death toll in Israeli bombardments on Gaza crosses 16,000, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has decided to invoke Article 99 of the UN Charter and urged the UN Security Council to act on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The development comes as Israel increased the intensity of its operations, especially in the areas of southern Gaza with Israel's defence leadership claiming that “half of Hamas’ battalion commanders" are killed.

I've just invoked Art.99 of the UN Charter- for the 1st time in my tenure as Secretary-General. Facing a severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system in Gaza, I urge the Council to help avert a humanitarian catastrophe & appeal for a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared," said in a post on X.

What is Article 99 of the UN Charter?

As per the UN Charter, Article 99 is an independent tool in the hands of the Secretary-General who "may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security." The special powers allow the UN Secretary-General to call a meeting of the Security Council on an emerging situation of international concern.

The invocation of Article 99 by the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres comes as the 15-member UN Security Council, which is its most powerful body has not adopted any resolutions on a ceasefire in Gaza between Israel Defence Forces and Hamas militants.

If the UN Security Council chooses to act on the advice of the United Nations Secretary-General and successfully adopts a resolution urging both parties to commit to a ceasefire, then it can use various options to get the ceasefire executed like deployment of international forces to maintain peace or sanction one or both parties involved in the conflict.

However, the resolution on the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas does not seem to be around the corner as the five permanent members of the Security Council have expressed different views on the conflict, with the US even supplying arms to Israel in its fight against the Hamas militants.

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d99742 No.112627

File: 71b7329409e1bf2⋯.png (823.04 KB,620x533,620:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041470 (072305ZDEC23) Notable: Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein dies "unexpectedly" at 51

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein dies "unexpectedly" at 51

Prince Constantin, the youngest son of the reigning Prince of Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II, died suddenly this week, the Princely House said in a statement Wednesday. He was 51.

"The Princely House regrets to announce that Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein passed away unexpectedly on December 5, 2023," the statement said.

Prince Constantin in front of the Liechtenstein castle in Vaduz, .

Constantin was seventh in line to the throne. The statement provided no cause of death.


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d99742 No.112628

File: 7689e49b7a51c3b⋯.mp4 (13.25 MB,1272x704,159:88,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041478 (072307ZDEC23) Notable: Matt Perna gets an military honor guard at his funeral

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112629

File: 3c7a19293989f90⋯.jpeg (311.42 KB,1234x2033,1234:2033,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041525 (072313ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine's latest weapons request includes THAAD air defenses and F-18s

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ukraine's latest weapons request includes THAAD air defenses and F-18s


A Ukrainian service member of the 55th Separate Artillery Brigade prepare carries a shell for a Caesar self-propelled howitzer before firing towards Russian troops, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, near the town of Avdiivka in Donetsk region, Ukraine May 31, 2023. REUTERS/Viacheslav... Acquire Licensing Rights Read more

WASHINGTON, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Ukraine's latest list of U.S. weapons it says it needs to fight the Russian military includes sophisticated air defense systems, F-18 "Hornet" fighter jets, drones, Apache and Blackhawk helicopters, according to documents seen by Reuters.

Officials from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense presented a "list of armaments to meet the needs of defense forces of Ukraine" during a closed-door session of a conference in Washington on Wednesday attended by government officials and defense industry executives.

The comprehensive list included weapons Ukraine already has in stock like Abrams tanks and 155 millimeter artillery, as well some weaponry such as F-16s, drones and long-range ATACMS missiles that it has asked for in the past.

But the list has a few surprises including big-ticket items like C-17 Globemaster transport jets made by Boeing (BA.N) and the C-130 Super Hercules made by Lockheed Martin (LMT.N). Boeing's Apache attack helicopters made the list, as did the Black Hawk helicopter made by Lockheed Martin's Sikorsky unit.

But the Ukrainians did not stop there. The documents show Ukraine is also seeking F-18 "Hornet" fighter jets, three types of drones made by General Atomics including the MQ-9B Sky Guardian and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) air defense system made by Lockheed.

Ukrainians know they must secure Western military aid to carry on the fight.

Legislation that would provide billions of dollars in new security assistance for Ukraine and Israel was blocked in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday as Republicans pressed their demands for tougher measures to control immigration at the U.S. border with Mexico.

U.S. President Joe Biden has made a Ukrainian victory a foreign-policy goal as he campaigns for re-election in November 2024.

Ukraine's list reflects what would easily be billions of dollars' worth of purchases or donations of weapons.

The Ukrainian embassy in Washington did not immediately return a request for comment.

Reporting by Mike Stone in Washington Editing by Matthew Lewis

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d99742 No.112630

File: 36962c6ce7c70e3⋯.png (368.04 KB,601x798,601:798,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041591 (072326ZDEC23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson Ep. 46 The Alex Jones Interview https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1732897835572461582

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 46 The Alex Jones Interview

3:00 PM · Dec 7, 2023


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d99742 No.112631

File: c9e2fa248ece08a⋯.png (36.33 KB,725x350,29:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041642 (072335ZDEC23) Notable: M 7.1 Earthquake - 123 km S of Isangel, Vanuatu

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M 7.1 Earthquake - 123 km S of Isangel, Vanuatu

2023-12-07 12:56:30 (UTC)

20.659°S 169.206°E

48.4 km depth


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d99742 No.112632

File: 5a1e7c6cc63819e⋯.png (670.76 KB,1024x680,128:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041658 (072337ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Worse than Pornhub and OnlyFans’ — New Mexico AG Sues Meta Platforms and Mark Zuckerberg Following Undercover Operation Involving Minors

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‘Worse than Pornhub and OnlyFans’ — New Mexico AG Sues Meta Platforms and Mark Zuckerberg Following Undercover Operation Involving Minors

Dec. 7, 2023

In a major legal offensive aimed at combating online risks to minors, New Mexico Democrat Attorney General Raúl Torrez took decisive action against tech giant Meta Platforms, Inc., its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and associated entities, including Instagram, LLC and Facebook Holdings, LLC.

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, represents a bold effort to curb the exploitation of children on social media platforms.

“Our investigation into Meta’s social media platforms demonstrates that they are not safe spaces for children but rather prime locations for predators to trade child pornography and solicit minors for sex,” Attorney General Torrez said in a statement.

“As a career prosecutor who specialized in internet crimes against children, I am committed to using every available tool to put an end to these horrific practices and I will hold companies — and their executives — accountable whenever they put profits ahead of children’s safety,” he added.


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d99742 No.112633

File: f094a9c30caa1be⋯.png (90.41 KB,588x450,98:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041679 (072343ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Just three years ago, our economy was booming

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Donald J. Trump


Just three years ago, our economy was booming, the world was safe, and America was strong. Annual incomes went up by more than $6,000 under the Trump administration, and they went down by about $6,000 under the horrible Biden administration — the worst in the history of our country. The 30-year mortgage rate reached a record low of 2.65%. We had no inflation. We had gasoline down to $1.87 per gallon. … Under Crooked Joe Biden, the economy is in shambles and the world is going up in flames. Real incomes have gone down by $7,400 per family. … Cumulative inflation is nearly 20%. … We have war in Europe. We have wars in the Middle East. And we are stumbling into World War III.

Dec 07, 2023, 6:41 PM


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d99742 No.112634

File: d48c7c77f5a85c4⋯.jpeg (355.43 KB,1214x579,1214:579,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041709 (072351ZDEC23) Notable: PF: SAM480 G5 inbound to JBA, C102 US Coast Guard G5 west from Reagan National, 73-2676 E4B Nightwatch SE

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>>112593 pb

SAM312 C-40B WH NSO AC departed Portsmouth after ground stop WS and likely to MacDill AFB-CENTCOM


73-1676 E4B Nightwatch landed at JBA

Austin going somewhere? Come out as TITAN25 if he do-not uncommon to see them go to JBA though

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d99742 No.112635

File: 79acb4811f8419d⋯.png (1.12 MB,1169x596,1169:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041732 (072357ZDEC23) Notable: Never-Ending Line of Military-Age Men show up on Biden’s Open Border Invitation

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Never-Ending Line of Military-Age Men From Africa, Middle East Illegally Cross Into Lukeville, Arizona on Biden’s Open Border Invitation

A massive line of military-age men from all over the world including Africa and the Middle East illegally crossed into Lukeville, Arizona late Wednesday night.

This is after there were 12,000 encounters with illegal aliens at the southern border on Wednesday.

More than 10 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age men – have flooded into the US since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

“Another enormous line of hundreds upon hundreds of adult men from around the globe crossed illegally into Lukeville, AZ last night, and are now waiting for Border Patrol to take custody of them, as they expect to be released into US. Non-stop flow of illegal crossings here,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.

Mayorkas on Wednesday said securing the border and limiting asylum is “violence to our fundamental values.”

Mayorkas’ comments on CNN come as human smugglers brazenly stand on US soil and help illegal aliens rush through a hole in the border wall in Lukeville, Arizona while Border Patrol agents did absolutely nothing to stop the invasion.


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d99742 No.112636

File: b03682832777da4⋯.png (498.25 KB,608x534,304:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041740 (072359ZDEC23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” - Lloyd Austin

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The Biden administration is openly threatening Americans over Ukraine. In a classified briefing in the House yesterday, defense secretary Lloyd Austin informed members that if they don’t appropriate more money for Zelensky, “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” Pay the oligarchs or we’ll kill your kids.


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d99742 No.112637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041754 (080002ZDEC23) Notable: 6 pro-Trump ‘fake electors’ indicted by Nevada grand jury

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6 pro-Trump ‘fake electors’ indicted by Nevada grand jury

12/06/23 3:30 PM ET

Nevada’s attorney general on Wednesday announced charges against six so-called fake electors who falsely claimed former President Trump won the state in the 2020 presidential election.

“When the efforts to undermine faith in our democracy began after the 2020 election, I made it clear that I would do everything in my power to defend the institutions of our nation and our state,” Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said in a statement. “We cannot allow attacks on democracy to go unchallenged.”

The six Nevadans face felony charges of offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged document for disseminating a document titled “Certificate of the Votes of the 2020 Electors from Nevada” to several government entities.

The pro-Trump electors facing charges are Michael McDonald, Jesse Law, Jim DeGraffenreid, Durward James Hindle III, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice. The Nevada attorney general’s office said in a statement that they posed as “duly qualified” electors in an effort to “disrupt the results of a free and fair presidential election.”

The alternate electors scheme, spearheaded by Trump lawyers, relied on former Vice President Mike Pence to certify slates of Trump-supporting electors in battleground states instead of the true Electoral College votes cast for Biden. He ultimately declined to do so on Jan. 6, 2021 — the day of the election certification — after which a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol in protest.

In addition to Nevada, fake electors allegedly convened in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Wisconsin, claiming without basis that they were “duly elected” electors from their states.

Michigan’s attorney general in July charged 16 people for falsely stating they were the state’s “duly elected and qualified electors.” The investigations into fake electors there, in New Mexico and in Arizona are ongoing.

In Georgia, three fake electors were charged alongside Trump and more than a dozen others in a sprawling racketeering case alleging they joined a criminal enterprise bent on keeping Trump in the White House.

Kenneth Chesebro — the Trump lawyer who was a defendant in the Georgia case before pleading guilty to lesser charges as part of an agreement with Fulton County prosecutors — is cooperating with the probes in Nevada and Arizona.

Planning in Nevada to use an alternate slate of electors began as early as four days before the 2020 election, when DeGraffenreid — one of the charged fake electors — told other state party officials in a text that former Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske (R) “might do a lot of things, but sending a slate of Republican electors without them being clearly the winners of the popular vote is not one of them.”

Details from the months after Trump lost the 2020 election indicate that the former president and his closest allies could be implicated in the state’s investigation.

DeGraffenreid, a GOP committee member, emailed then-Trump lawyer Chesebro on Dec. 11, 2020, with the subject “URGENT-Trump-Pence campaign asked me to contact you to coordinate Dec. 14 voting by Nevada electors,” according to the Jan. 6 committee’s final report.

McDonald, another of the fake electors charged, joined a conference call on Nov. 4, 2020, with Trump, his son Eric Trump,

“They went full attack mode,” McDonald later wrote of the call in a text message.


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d99742 No.112638

File: 10e238613e20e75⋯.jpg (48.46 KB,450x675,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041761 (080004ZDEC23) Notable: James Biden to Skip Wednesday’s Impeachment Inquiry Deposition

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d99742 No.112639

File: 282eb9aa1e8b38b⋯.png (71.02 KB,785x658,785:658,Clipboard.png)

File: 9368d84217254ea⋯.png (70.43 KB,795x650,159:130,Clipboard.png)

File: e2c0f3383b5165a⋯.png (61.28 KB,786x625,786:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fd9039d26dbb38⋯.png (46.37 KB,796x487,796:487,Clipboard.png)

File: eb0711555ecb745⋯.png (21.21 KB,790x270,79:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041768 (080006ZDEC23) Notable: It Now Costs 3.4 Million Dollars To Live “The American Dream”

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It Now Costs 3.4 Million Dollars To Live “The American Dream” And The Gap Between The Wealthy And The Rest Of Us Is Bigger Than Ever

For a long time, it has been clear that the middle class is being systematically destroyed. The cost of living has been rising faster than paychecks have for years, and this has pushed millions of Americans into poverty. As for those that were already impoverished, many of them have been pushed out into the streets. According to the Wall Street Journal, homelessness in the United States is increasing at the fastest rate ever recorded in 2023. Anyone that thinks that we do not have a major problem on our hands simply has not been paying attention. At one time, living “the American Dream” was a goal that the vast majority of Americans could aspire to achieve, but now it is out of reach for most of the country. In fact, a report that was just released concluded that it now takes 3.4 million dollars for the typical U.S. household to live “the American Dream” over the course of a lifetime…

The so-called ‘American Dream’ is the benchmark that many people hope to achieve in their lifetime – getting married, buying a home and a car and raising children.

But new analysis has found that achieving these milestones now costs a staggering $3,455,305 – much more than most Americans will make in their lifetime.

One of the biggest amounts is for paying off a mortgage on a property. The average homebuyer will fork out $796,998, according to Investopedia – assuming a 10 percent down payment and a 30-year fixed loan at 7.2 percent interest.

Are you going to make 3.4 million dollars during your working years?

If not, “the American Dream” is not for you.


Today, it is only those that are at the very top of the economic food chain that are thriving.

Once upon a time, America had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now the top 1 percent controls more wealth than the entire middle class…

Thirty years ago, America’s celebrated middle class commanded twice as much wealth as the upper 1%.

Over the years, the rich have grown steadily richer. The top 1% caught and passed the middle class in collective wealth in late 2020, Fed data show.

The top 1% of American earners now control more wealth than the nation’s entire middle class.

This is what happens when power and wealth are highly centralized.

The gap between the wealthy and the rest of us is now bigger than ever.

So good luck trying to live a middle class lifestyle in this environment.


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d99742 No.112640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041776 (080009ZDEC23) Notable: Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing

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Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing


How is this not financial blackmail?

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d99742 No.112641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041778 (080009ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Happy Hanukkah!

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Israel was wound up 31st October, which is why the Gooks took it of their maps.

Israel was created by royal charter to prevent Russian and German advances on the Suez canal, and the terms and conditions are that they do nothing to harm the original occupants.

King Charles sent them to administration when they attacked Gaza.

Israel is Fucked,

All the dual nationality citizens are also fucked.

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d99742 No.112642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041793 (080012ZDEC23) Notable: #24599

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#24599 >>112601

>>112602 ACT NOW AGAINST SECTION 702 ILLEGAL SPYING https://www.chooseliberty.org/intel-false-702-reform

>>112610 The J6 download app has been updated. Now features the ability to download the videos as MP4.

>>112603 Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List

>>112604 ‘Memer of Congress’ Mike Collins trolls Hunter Biden with Christmas display: ‘Let it snow’

>>112605 @nypost Man found mauled to death in zoo enclosure after staff spotted big cat with shoe in its mouth

>>112606, >>112608 It's a big club and we ain't in it

>>112607 PF: SAM520 G5 returns to JBA after a quick 40m on ground at Offutt AFB-STRATCOM

>>112616, >>112634 PF: SAM480 G5 inbound to JBA, C102 US Coast Guard G5 west from Reagan National, 73-2676 E4B Nightwatch SE

>>112609 Forest Whitaker’s ex-wife, Keisha Nash Whitaker, dead at 51

>>112627 Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein dies "unexpectedly" at 51

>>112611 Fox News has spent today absolutely burying Vivek Ramaswamy over his debate performance last night.

>>112612 Democrat school board president eschews Bible, takes oath of office on pornographic LGBT book

>>112613 @X buckle up everyone, access to @grok is now rolling out to Premium+ subscribers in the US over the next week.

>>112614 lawyers at Defending the Republic just obtained thousands of pages of #Moderna documents

>>112615 50-year-old man once again competes with teenage girls in Ontario swim competition

>>112617 Archives to Divulge 62K Biden Records to Investigators, Including Alias Emails

>>112618 Russian hackers accused of targeting U.S. intelligence community with spear phishing campaign

>>112619, >>112641 @realDonaldTrump Happy Hanukkah!

>>112620 Over $239M Worth Of Cocaine Seized In Pacific Last Month

>>112621, >>112622, >>112636 @TuckerCarlson “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” - Lloyd Austin

>>112624 Son of North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer killed a police deputy in stolen SUV crash yesterday

>>112623 @realDonaldTrump The Failing New York Times. Perhaps the most egregious statement of FAKE NEWS I have seen in years. [Maggot Hagerman]

>>112633 @realDonaldTrump Just three years ago, our economy was booming

>>112625 Vivek Ramaswamy Takes CNN's Dana Bash to School Regarding the New Footage Release from January 6th

>>112626 UN Secretary-General invokes Article 99 on humanitarian crisis in Gaza: Why and what it means?

>>112628 Matt Perna gets an military honor guard at his funeral

>>112629 Ukraine's latest weapons request includes THAAD air defenses and F-18s

>>112630 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 46 The Alex Jones Interview https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1732897835572461582

>>112631 M 7.1 Earthquake - 123 km S of Isangel, Vanuatu

>>112632 ‘Worse than Pornhub and OnlyFans’ — New Mexico AG Sues Meta Platforms and Mark Zuckerberg Following Undercover Operation Involving Minors

>>112635 Never-Ending Line of Military-Age Men show up on Biden’s Open Border Invitation

>>112637 6 pro-Trump ‘fake electors’ indicted by Nevada grand jury

>>112638 James Biden to Skip Wednesday’s Impeachment Inquiry Deposition

>>112639 It Now Costs 3.4 Million Dollars To Live “The American Dream”

>>112640 Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing

@last call

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d99742 No.112643

File: 63d4383dceb560c⋯.jpg (77.67 KB,932x785,932:785,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041840 (080019ZDEC23) Notable: #24600

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The J6 download app has been updated


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d99742 No.112644

File: 80101e545cabe08⋯.png (1.46 MB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: eaa692347227b4d⋯.png (1.6 MB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041858 (080026ZDEC23) Notable: Crooked Joe has agreed to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023

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Attorney: “Mr. Biden has offered to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023…He is making this choice because the Committee…uses closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort, the facts…”

GOP response via @RepJamesComer @Jim_Jordan

“there is no ‘choice’…If Mr. Biden does not appear…the Committees will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.


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d99742 No.112645

File: 6c370d1c5fdbe96⋯.png (258.76 KB,1200x732,100:61,Clipboard.png)

File: ccbeb6004adc846⋯.png (101.01 KB,801x537,267:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e4a9c5b31bf75a⋯.png (973.36 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a94ed744680e3c⋯.png (95.92 KB,801x538,801:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 9de1117d63f7ec7⋯.png (53.87 KB,799x332,799:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041863 (080027ZDEC23) Notable: Owner of Philly restaurant targeted in Palestine protests is official Israeli govt propagandist and Biden ally

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Owner of Philly restaurant targeted in Palestine protests is official Israeli govt propagandist and Biden ally

The Biden White House and top Democrats have denounced Palestine solidarity activists as antisemites for protesting outside an Israeli-owned restaurant in Philly. Its owner happens to be an official Israeli government propagandist with close ties to the Biden White House.

If powerful Democrats are to be believed, it was a night of shattered glass in Philadelphia, PA this December 3. Local Palestine solidarity activists calling for a ceasefire in a war that has left 16,000 civilians dead in the besieged Gaza Strip stopped for a few minutes outside an “Israeli-style” falafel shop and shouted chants accusing the business of supporting Israel’s ongoing massacre. Beyond leaving a few stickers on the restaurant’s windows, they did no damage and moved on.

The restaurant in question was not just some random mom-and-pop eatery that fell victim to an anti-Semitic pogrom. It is owned by celebrity chef Michael Solomonov, an Israeli government culinary ambassador who appears in Department of Justice Foreign Agent Registration Act documents as an official propagandist for the country’s Ministry of Tourism.

Solomonov is also a prominent campaigner for the Biden presidency. Since the full-scale war was launched this October, Solomonov’s restaurant group has been funneling money to the Israeli Defense Forces through a non-profit.

“Our protest was not organized around Goldie’s whatsoever. We were marching to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and made a brief 2-4 minute pit stop to call out Michael Solomonov’s complicity and financial support for an apartheid government. We also stopped at Starbucks to chant near identical chants,” Natalie Abulhawa, organizer with the Philadelphia Free Palestine Coalition, told The Grayzone. “The claims that we stopped by Goldie’s because of the owner’s religious beliefs are naive and dangerously untrue,” she said.

Abulhawa added that Solomonov’s fundraising was the real reason for the protest: “Our Jewish brothers and sisters were out there marching and chanting with us.”

Within hours of the protest, a chorus of Democratic Party elites chimed in to condemn the rally. The White House on Monday denounced the protesters outside of Philadelphia’s Goldie restaurant as “antisemitic and completely unjustifiable.” Douglas Emhoff, husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, spoke with the restaurant owner days later, telling him that President Biden, VP Harris, and the “entire Biden-Harris Administration will continue to have his back.” Emhoff went on to claim — without evidence — that protesters “yelled antisemitic chants.”


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d99742 No.112646

File: f2237f5ecff9cbf⋯.jpg (37.34 KB,500x669,500:669,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041870 (080030ZDEC23) Notable: Gaza / Isreal Livefeed of Updates

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d99742 No.112647

File: 6e8169e91e9bc04⋯.png (471.23 KB,1192x905,1192:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041891 (080034ZDEC23) Notable: Trump trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,'

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Trump fraud trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,' accounting expert testifies

The former president is on trial in New York for allegedly defrauding lenders.

President Donald Trump is on trial in New York in a $250 million civil lawsuit that could alter the personal fortune and real estate empire that helped propel Trump to the White House.

Trump, his sons Eric Trump and and Donald Trump Jr., and other top Trump Organization executives are accused by New York Attorney General Letitia James of engaging in a decade-long scheme in which they used "numerous acts of fraud and misrepresentation" to inflate Trump's net worth in order get more favorable loan terms. The trial comes after the judge in the case ruled in a partial summary judgment that Trump had submitted "fraudulent valuations" for his assets, leaving the trial to determine additional actions and what penalty, if any, the defendants should receive.

The former president has denied all wrongdoing and his attorneys have argued that Trump's alleged inflated valuations were a product of his business skill.

Top headlines:

'There is no fraud here,' accounting expert testifies

Judge says he'll 'rigorously' enforce limited gag order

Deutsche Bank made money from Trump, defense emphasizes

Trump's disclaimer told bankers to 'beware,' expert says

Trump distances himself from preparation of statements

Trump's misrepresentations cost banks $168M, expert testifies

Trump, after testifying, fined $10,000 for violating gag order

Trump tax rep acknowledged much lower value for Mar-a-Lago


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d99742 No.112648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041926 (080040ZDEC23) Notable: Trump trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,'

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Dec 07, 11:59 AM EST

Trump penthouse misstatement was not fraud, expert says

Donald Trump's overstatement of the value of his Trump Tower penthouse apartment was a mistake, according to accounting expert Eli Bartov - but not fraud.

"The price was inflated. There is no question about it," Bartov said about Trump more than doubling the value of his triplex apartment on his statement of financial condition, from $80 million to $180 million, between 2011 and 2012.

Bartov chalked up the mistake to the inevitable errors that occur in the process of compiling a statement of financial condition. He said that if Trump meant to commit fraud by inflating the value of his apartment, he would have made some effort to conceal it.

"There is no evidence here of concealment," Bartov said. "It's true this is an error. But it is no fraud."

Bartov instead blamed Trump's external accounting firm for failing to catch the obvious error.

"They submitted to him the supporting documents. Any person that had one year experience in auditing ... will immediately see there is a jump from 80 million to 180 million," he said.

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d99742 No.112649

File: f19be561a9a0708⋯.jpeg (365.9 KB,1206x602,603:301,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e4c657a13c119eb⋯.jpeg (374.43 KB,1295x586,1295:586,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3ea2b7dbdf66e47⋯.png (137.16 KB,231x261,77:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041935 (080040ZDEC23) Notable: PF: BOXER42 C40C departed JBA NE across Atlantic

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BOXER42 C40C departed JBA NE across Atlantic

Usually politicians on these-the C model passenger oriented as opposed to the B which has office space built in.

Dunno who it is yet but when it arrives at destination easier to know

Nancy has used it in the past

SPAR19 C40C SW from JBA into Gulf of Mexico

Special Priority Air Resource

>Yellen in Mexico nao

>>112634 lb

SAM312 heading to Miami instead of MacDill

11-3104 USAFSOC C-146 Wolfhound NW from San Juan, PR overnight

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d99742 No.112650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041936 (080041ZDEC23) Notable: Trump trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,'

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Dec 07, 11:45 AM EST

No merit to NY AG's complaint, defense expert says

The New York attorney general's civil fraud complaint against former President Trump lacks merit, a defense expert in accounting testified.

"My main finding is that there is no evidence whatsoever for any accounting fraud," New York University professor Eli Bartov said. "My analysis shows the statements of financial condition for all the years were not materially misstated."

Bartov's testimony bolstered the defense's contention that non-audited financial statements, like Trump's, are unreliable and represent only a first step in analysis.

"You cannot use the raw numbers in the statements as the basis for making decisions," Bartov said. "If you do that, you are likely to reach the wrong decision."

Judge Engoron asked Bartov whether the attorney general's complaint had no merit.

"This is absolutely my opinion," Bartov replied.

"And why is that?" defense attorney Jesus Suarez jumped in to ask.

"There is not a single reference to a specific provision of GAAP that was violated," Bartov said, referring to the generally accepted accounting principles." "If you allege there was an accounting violation, they have to tell us what provision was violated."

State attorneys objected to the relevance of Bartov's opinion, but Judge Engoron denied the objection.

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d99742 No.112651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041938 (080041ZDEC23) Notable: Trump trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,'

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Dec 07, 10:39 AM EST

Court affirms pausing dissolution of Trump Organization

A panel of five appellate judges has affirmed a judge's Oct. 6 decision that paused the dissolution of the Trump Organization.

Judge Peter Moulton issued a ruling during the first week of the trial pausing the immediate cancellation of Donald Trump's business certificates, as ordered by Judge Arthur Engoron in his partial summary judgment ruling on the eve of the trial.

Trump's attorneys argued in favor of the stay of enforcement action until the end of the trial, and the New York attorney general supported their argument.

Today's ruling formally pushes a decision on the fate of the Trump Organization into the new year, when Engoron issues his final ruling in the case.

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d99742 No.112652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041946 (080042ZDEC23) Notable: Trump trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,'

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Dec 07, 10:17 AM EST

Trump in attendance for accounting expert's testimony

Donald Trump is back in court as a spectator, marking the first time the former president has attended the proceeding in over a month.

Trump entered the courtroom alongside his legal spokesperson Alina Habba and his son Eric Trump, who canceled his testimony that was initially scheduled for yesterday.Notably absent from the courtroom is New York Attorney General Letitia James.

PHOTO: Trump Fraud Lawsuit

Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/AP

Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/AP

Former President Donald Trump, center, sits at the defense table with his attorney's Chri...Read More

Previewing today's testimony from New York University accounting professor Eli Bartov, Trump said on his way into the courtroom that he has "one of the greatest experts in the country" taking the stand today.

"We did nothing wrong. There were no victims. The bank loves us," Trump said.

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d99742 No.112653

File: 32ce447de8e04fb⋯.png (380.1 KB,833x802,833:802,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c574577c1cab4f⋯.png (370.86 KB,589x953,589:953,Clipboard.png)

File: aee407d70565ef4⋯.png (623.99 KB,733x729,733:729,Clipboard.png)

File: b50af6b0be6271d⋯.png (706.83 KB,640x604,160:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041968 (080047ZDEC23) Notable: Trump trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,'

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Donald J. Trump


Dec 07, 2023, 7:29 PM


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d99742 No.112654

File: a411227d8058536⋯.png (143.45 KB,986x571,986:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fb65a387417a4f⋯.png (93.67 KB,991x378,991:378,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042016 (080056ZDEC23) Notable: Former Pennsylvania State Police Corporal Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison for Child Sexual Exploitation Offenses

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former Pennsylvania State Police Corporal Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison for Child Sexual Exploitation Offenses


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d99742 No.112655

File: ca81d00460e0c6f⋯.webp (122.94 KB,582x244,291:122,Clipboard.webp)

File: 95254b18a2aa2a1⋯.jpeg (347.27 KB,828x1454,414:727,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 248983082dd2a3e⋯.jpeg (350.63 KB,828x1451,828:1451,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042031 (080100ZDEC23) Notable: Japan's GDP contraction revised to 2.9% drop (annualized)

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Japan's GDP contraction revised to 2.9% drop (annualized)

{cap 2 is 10y and began reversing yesterday cuz comments from BoJ sez they really are going to slow down buying all own debt this time /s and cap 3 in muh Yen-which is sitting right on 143 vs US$ and about to drop below it}

Japan's economy shrank an annualized 2.9% in the three months through September from the previous quarter, according to data from the Cabinet Office on Friday,worse than the preliminary 2.1% contraction released last month{that is quite a miss there} The revised gross domestic product figure showed the country marking its first economic contraction in four quarters, as inflation weighed on private consumption and as corporate investment slowed. A recent Reuters poll of 16 economists pointed to a 2.0% contraction for the revised data. Meanwhile, monthly wage statistics released the same day by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare showed Japan's average real wages adjusted for inflation dropped 2.3% in October from a year earlier, recording the 19th straight month of decline.




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d99742 No.112656

File: 7697db40fb988dc⋯.png (956.48 KB,887x1607,887:1607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042093 (080109ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Ted Yoho: “America faces a crisis on almost every front."

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Donald J. Trump

Ted Yoho: “America faces a crisis on almost every front. The problems we face – open borders, unsustainable debt, a struggling economy, lack of energy security, and an increasingly volatile world did not just happen. Joe Biden’s ineptitude created them.

The cause of our problems is as clear as the solution. I proudly endorse Donald Trump for President because he has a clear record of success and a vision for moving America into the future.

This country will not survive four more years of a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration.”


Dec 07, 2023, 8:05 PM


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d99742 No.112657

File: ef8fd3317aa6121⋯.png (287.51 KB,1171x873,1171:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042287 (080136ZDEC23) Notable: (DoD) has announced it will conduct military training across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex from December 4 to December 16, 2023

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DALLAS, Texas — The Department of Defense (DoD) has announced it will conduct military training across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex from December 4 to December 16, 2023, according to the Dallas Police Department.

The training, which will involve air and ground mobility operations, will take place across the Metroplex, with Dallas serving as a key location. The Dallas Police Department, in collaboration with other North Texas law enforcement agencies, will provide support for the DoD during the training period.

Safety measures have been put in place to protect residents and those participating in the exercise. Despite efforts to minimize the impact on the community and private property, the public is advised to be prepared for potential traffic delays.

While there will be no public or media viewing opportunities, this advisory is intended to provide awareness to the community should they encounter the training. The DoD has clarified that this is a scheduled training exercise and is not in response to any current world events.


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d99742 No.112658

File: b72d4c08157d94e⋯.png (171.5 KB,438x635,438:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042292 (080137ZDEC23) Notable: US MILITARY BACKS GUYANA

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⚡️🇺🇸US MILITARY BACKS GUYANA in tensions with Venezuela (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/31408) (see map) as US Army's Southern Command to conduct "flight operations" within Guyana under cover of "routine engagement", while Caracas mobilizes forces to claim historically disputed region (red stripes on map).

This comes as Guyanese military helicopter carrying senior officials VANISHES near border with Venezuela while authorities cite "bad weather" in area as reason (top pic).

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost)! @IntelRepublic

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d99742 No.112659

File: 8ecc55aefa5c6d1⋯.png (68.45 KB,1176x332,294:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042324 (080144ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden indictments unsealed: [9] new tax evasion charges in California, facing 17 YEARS

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JUST IN - Hunter Biden has been indicted by a federal grand jury on 9 counts, including multiple felonies.


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d99742 No.112660

File: d62dd0bdf351040⋯.png (1.61 MB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

File: a79c35c0f8380f3⋯.png (1.04 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ba8432f0261825⋯.png (30.63 KB,961x526,961:526,Clipboard.png)

File: bded234ab14c2e1⋯.png (1.46 MB,1100x740,55:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f190b9aa3a1797⋯.png (549.22 KB,1024x759,1024:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042373 (080152ZDEC23) Notable: PF: B-52H 60-0001 "Memphis Belle IV". Still flying unidentified at this time and now holding station to the NNE of Syracuse, New York

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ok. PF got a sneaky one, Noticed this one earlier while away from home using mobile device. This ADS-B no type identifier signal first appeared (near Barksdale AFB) . PF figured it was a B-52. Got home and checked the ICAO hex code AE586C and sure enough it is B-52H 60-0001 "Memphis Belle IV". Still flying unidentified at this time and now holding station to the NNE of Syracuse, New York. That is a long way from Bossier City, Louisiana.



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d99742 No.112661

File: ced230387bdf49e⋯.png (165.35 KB,1706x745,1706:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042380 (080153ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden indictments unsealed: [9] new tax evasion charges in California, facing 17 YEARS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112662

File: 7189c1362380e51⋯.png (896.96 KB,1133x905,1133:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042400 (080156ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden indictments unsealed: [9] new tax evasion charges in California, facing 17 YEARS

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Hunter Biden indicted on NINE tax evasion charges:

President Biden's son is accused of spending MILLIONS 'on extravagant lifestyle' while avoiding paying taxes and faces 17 YEARS in jail

The Department of Justice has filed new criminal charges against U.S. President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, CNN reported on Thursday, citing people briefed on the matter. CNN said the exact nature of the charges wasn't immediately clear because the court documents had not yet been made public. Hunter Biden in October pleaded not guilty to charges that he lied about his drug use while buying a handgun, in the first criminal prosecution of a sitting U.S. president's child.


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d99742 No.112663

File: 5b917d632ba9dde⋯.png (74.97 KB,519x892,519:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 83085f6408024ec⋯.png (57.36 KB,519x797,519:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042445 (080205ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden indictments unsealed: [9] new tax evasion charges in California, facing 17 YEARS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


mass 'POP' awakening

>They will fight but you are ready.

>Are you ready to take back control?

>You have all the tools you need.

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d99742 No.112664

File: 9c49d881ee053c3⋯.png (531.64 KB,1272x843,424:281,Clipboard.png)

File: ac7c6a615b1a644⋯.png (26.94 KB,448x491,448:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042450 (080206ZDEC23) Notable: BUY YOUR OWN COPY OF THE MARCO POLO REPORT

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what do you get the guy who has everything?

a hardcopy.


50 bux

support the work

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d99742 No.112665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042511 (080220ZDEC23) Notable: Voat Anon reporting. The v/pizzagate anon who’s been investigating Heather O’Rourke’s death.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Voat Anon reporting. The v/pizzagate anon who’s been investigating Heather O’Rourke’s death.

I just obtained witness testimony from one of her neighbors/classmates. Said person was with Heather the night before her death. This is the synopsis (from my interview logs):

1. On the night before Heather’s death, she was looking pale as a ghost. She had two black eyes but no physical evidence of an assault. Witness believes them to be “panda eyes”. Heather was at a Dairy Queen, where she talked about filming a pilot but “it went wrong”. She asked the witness if they believed in God.

Forensically speaking, if the bruises were black and blue, then the date of the rape (must have been brutal if she had panda eyes) was sometime between 1/27/1988 and 1/30/1988.

2. Heather O’Rourke was already dead when the witness came by the apartment complex to escort her to school. Ambulence, police tape, and National Inquirer were already there.

This bit turns the entire case on its head. Meaning the “air lift to hospital -> died mid operation” narrative was a lie. Autopsy report lied about the time of death (threatened or on the take).

Means that Heather O’Rourke’s stenosis got infected via the recent rape (rapist is the killer), or Heather was murdered (given 2/1/1988 is Candlemas, sacrifical homicide) in her apartment.

Witness was scared for their life to report what truly happened at the time.

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d99742 No.112666

File: d2fdb96f960ac9d⋯.jpeg (348.28 KB,522x855,58:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8288344cac2950e⋯.jpeg (319 KB,536x776,67:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042536 (080224ZDEC23) Notable: Voat Anon reporting. The v/pizzagate anon who’s been investigating Heather O’Rourke’s death.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Excerpts from the interview.

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d99742 No.112667

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042545 (080226ZDEC23) Notable: BUY YOUR OWN COPY OF THE MARCO POLO REPORT

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all 644 pages free online

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d99742 No.112668

File: c542fd7acf1fbd5⋯.mp4 (6.2 MB,854x478,427:239,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0c11451cb49ff1b⋯.png (748.44 KB,797x583,797:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042585 (080232ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 45Conven.mp4

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112669

File: c1c428b43c874b1⋯.png (30.33 KB,675x336,225:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042616 (080238ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden indictments unsealed: [9] new tax evasion charges in California, facing 17 YEARS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a94806 No.11130246 📁

Oct 17 2020 23:45:19 (EST)


Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records?

Death blow?

Pandora's 'political elite' box?


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d99742 No.112670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042643 (080244ZDEC23) Notable: #24600

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#24600 >>112643

>>112659, >>112661, >>112663, >>112669, >>112662 Hunter Biden indictments unsealed: [9] new tax evasion charges in California, facing 17 YEARS


>>112644 Crooked Joe has agreed to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023

>>112653, >>112647, >>112648, >>112650, >>112651, >>112652 Trump trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,'

>>112656 @realDonaldTrump Ted Yoho: “America faces a crisis on almost every front."

>>112668 @realDonaldTrump 45Conven.mp4

>>112645 Owner of Philly restaurant targeted in Palestine protests is official Israeli govt propagandist and Biden ally

>>112646 Gaza / Isreal Livefeed of Updates

>>112649 PF: BOXER42 C40C departed JBA NE across Atlantic

>>112660 PF: B-52H 60-0001 "Memphis Belle IV". Still flying unidentified at this time and now holding station to the NNE of Syracuse, New York

>>112654 Former Pennsylvania State Police Corporal Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison for Child Sexual Exploitation Offenses

>>112655 Japan's GDP contraction revised to 2.9% drop (annualized)

>>112657 (DoD) has announced it will conduct military training across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex from December 4 to December 16, 2023


>>112665, >>112666 Voat Anon reporting. The v/pizzagate anon who’s been investigating Heather O’Rourke’s death.

le final

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d99742 No.112671

File: 0463bd1db9bb353⋯.png (151.15 KB,375x204,125:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042664 (080247ZDEC23) Notable: #24601

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>seeking handoff

The J6 download app has been updated to convert into mp4


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d99742 No.112672

File: 36f039a7cac724a⋯.png (268.75 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042734 (080303ZDEC23) Notable: Italy becomes the first country to officially ban lab grown meat.

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FDA Approved, Controversial Lab-Grown Meat Becomes A Reality

In an effort to protect its farming industry, its economy, and the health of its citizens, Italy recently became the first country to officially ban cultivated meat.

Cultivated meat, also known as lab-grown meat, is created in a lab through a five-step process in which stem cells from an animal are replicated and grown in a series of bioreactors before being blended with additives to create a more realistic texture. The meat cells are then drained in a centrifuge, formed, and packaged for distribution, according to consulting firm McKinsey & Company.

In a Nov. 16 Facebook post, Italian Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida said, “In defense of health, of the Italian production system, of thousands of jobs, of our culture and tradition, with the law approved today, Italy is the first nation in the world to be safe from the social and economic risks of synthetic food," according to an English translation.

The bill passed the Italian Senate by a measure of 159–53 and was supported by the country's agricultural groups, which worked to protect Italy's $10.1 billion meat-processing industry.


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d99742 No.112673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042754 (080310ZDEC23) Notable: What is an abortion ritual?

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The facility, Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic, is set to open in New Mexico on February 14, and it will offer telehealth visits “for those who wish to participate in TST’s Satanic Abortion Ritual in states where abortion has been banned.” It will also prescribe abortion pills for $90, which the Satanic Temple said will be “discreetly mailed to them by TST Health’s pharmacy partner.” However, it noted that those seeking an abortion must be in the state and the pills delivered to a New Mexico address due to state law.

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d99742 No.112674

File: 78d43fe27ca6168⋯.jpeg (98.09 KB,700x700,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042756 (080310ZDEC23) Notable: RE: [9] New Hunter Indictments UNSEALED

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Hunters probably not even worried, But the last admins and Vatican and [DS] behind all dems probably changing pants RaN.

Looking good for Trumps return 2024, hopefully.


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d99742 No.112675

File: c10f6b660d799d9⋯.png (377.77 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: e1ba6b67067f995⋯.png (259.69 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042764 (080312ZDEC23) Notable: What is an abortion ritual?

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>The facility, Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic, is set to open in New Mexico on February 14, and it will offer telehealth visits “for those who wish to participate in TST’s Satanic Abortion Ritual in states where abortion has been banned.” It will also prescribe abortion pills for $90, which the Satanic Temple said will be “discreetly mailed to them by TST Health’s pharmacy partner.” However, it noted that those seeking an abortion must be in the state and the pills delivered to a New Mexico address due to state law.



What is the Abortion Ritual?

What is an abortion ritual?

The Abortion Ritual serves as a protective rite. Its purpose is to cast off unwanted feelings that a patient may be experiencing due to choosing to have a legal and medically safe abortion. This ritual is designed to alleviate stressors and empower the patient to be guided by The Satanic Temple's Third and Fifth Tenets when pursuing their decision. The ritual serves to assist in affirming their decision and to ward off the effects of unjust persecution, which can cause one to stray from the paths of scientific reasoning and free will that TST Members strive to embody.

The ritual consists solely of spoken words. TST’s abortion ritual is exclusively verbal. It is meant to provide vocal affirmation and comfort for those obtaining an abortion. The oral ritual includes the recitation of The Satanic Temple's Third and Fifth tenets.

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d99742 No.112676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042772 (080315ZDEC23) Notable: NOTABLE PDF - Dissertation on the relationship between Congress and FBI

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Lack of Oversight: The Relationship Between

Congress and the FBI, 1907-1975


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d99742 No.112677

File: c3684be1cb8c45b⋯.png (277.61 KB,1001x566,1001:566,Clipboard.png)

File: 1463bf441f6ea16⋯.png (434.82 KB,1020x523,1020:523,Clipboard.png)

File: ca95e46d91ac3cd⋯.png (385.03 KB,1004x638,502:319,Clipboard.png)

File: c8d9c6c05cf8b13⋯.png (285.54 KB,1014x618,169:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e1a6cc20b0de13⋯.png (651.35 KB,1006x622,503:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042817 (080325ZDEC23) Notable: The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon - globalresearch

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The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon

In 1996, a nest of American-born imperialists revolving around Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Richard Perle created a new think tank called “The Project for a New American Century.”

While the principled aim of the think tank ultimately hinged on a new “Pearl Harbor moment” that would justify a new era of regime-change wars in the Middle East, a secondary but equally important part of the formula involved the dominance of “Greater Israel” Likud fanatics then taking power over the murdered body of Yitzhak Rabin.

It was toward the start of the new regime of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Richard Perle wrote the report “Clean Break: A Strategy for Securing the Realm,” which outlined a series of goals that would govern the strategic vision of Washington and Tel Aviv for the next two decades. It called for:

Canceling the foundations for the Oslo Accords that threatened to bring about a climate of peace through economic cooperation in the Middle East under a two-state solution

Launching a new doctrine of “right of hot pursuit” justifying armed incursions into Palestinian territories

Inducing the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq

Armed incursions into Lebanon and possible strikes against Syria and Iran

In 2007, General Wesley Clark added even more detail to this neocon program when he revealed the content of a discussion he had with Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld 10 days after 9/11. General Clark stated that he was told of planned invasions of seven countries scheduled to take place within five years… namely: “Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.”

This program was, in short, a recipe for establishing the long-awaited “Greater Israel” promoted by the likes of Theodor Herzl, Vladimir Jabotinsky, and Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook over a century ago.



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d99742 No.112678

File: c0a0843c535cf38⋯.jpeg (358.15 KB,1199x606,1199:606,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 13708ca0aedb959⋯.jpeg (387.29 KB,1193x619,1193:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f6df1aaa9bfde89⋯.jpeg (505.56 KB,1191x617,1191:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042829 (080327ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Tracking SAM312

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>112649 lb

SAM312 went to Ft. Lauderdale not Miami-Ft.Lauderdale/Hollywood Intl is the most common arrival and departure point for all GTMO flights

11-3104 USAFSOC C-146A stopped at Homestead and heading to home base of Elgin AFB origin San Juan,PR

SPAR19 updated and heading to Guatemala City

Guatemala's President-elect Leads Anti-corruption March

Guatemala's president-elect Bernardo Arevalo led an anti-corruption protest of thousands of people in the capital Thursday that also called for the ousting of the attorney general investigating him. Arevalo, a 65-year-old political outsider and anti-corruption crusader, scored a shock upset win at polls in August and is due to assume office on January 14.The United States, European Union, UN and Organization of American States have all expressed concern over the actions of Porras, who is on a US list of "corrupt actors" along with other top Guatemalan officials.


Side note: If Argentinas newly elected President was “kicking out the IMF/World Bank” its likely this is what you would have seen, namely our government going there not scheduling meetings with them but n Washington

Some instructions and rules being delivered here perhaps? cuz if the above list in red doesn’t like him…even though still a politician so can’t forget that…he’s off to a good start in my book

It is a SPAR flight (Special Priority Air Resource)

PF Housekeeping

C102 Coast Guard G5 landed at LAX several hours ago-had SAM480 arrive from JBA depart stay for 40m then over 500kts all the way back to JBA

>>112616 pb

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d99742 No.112679

File: 0aeaf01bb5f0e66⋯.png (435.58 KB,996x590,498:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c168a8786e0c91⋯.png (126.82 KB,1003x634,1003:634,Clipboard.png)

File: aad1a692bac8621⋯.png (151.42 KB,1104x647,1104:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 69a06d26a51669e⋯.png (164.16 KB,1004x640,251:160,Clipboard.png)

File: 8afa7df0d46b039⋯.png (18.65 KB,988x131,988:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042835 (080328ZDEC23) Notable: The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon - globalresearch

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It appears more likely that the Greater Israel fanatics simply want to take control of the Suez Canal (after a war can be provoked with Egypt of course), and so building the 1963 canal is irrelevant in the minds of ‘the Chosen People.’

A Real Concern: Gaza Offshore Energy Steal

The east Mediterranean offshore oil/gas fields are much more strategic and feasible and have taken on additional appeal for a desperate Europe cut off from Russian fuel since Russia’s special military operation (SMO) began in February 2022.


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d99742 No.112680

File: 91cf59a316ecb42⋯.jpg (155.37 KB,535x579,535:579,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ec83377a70f45e2⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB,1276x720,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042874 (080335ZDEC23) Notable: ADL Funding DIG #BanTheADL

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The ADL is an unelected organization. Its power to censor and silence us is more than you can imagine.

Here is the CEO of ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, telling you in his own words.



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d99742 No.112681

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042894 (080340ZDEC23) Notable: RE: [9] New Hunter Indictments UNSEALED

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First on CNN: Federal prosecutors file new criminal case against Hunter Biden

CNNUpdated 5 min ago

HUNTER to be indicted in California


New time line LOL

1) Indict Hunter Biden.

2) President pardons son.

3) Congress impeaches president.

4) Vive-president becomes president.

5) New president pardons former president.

6) Winning.

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d99742 No.112682

File: 5fc50fb4fb6b8c8⋯.jpg (102.67 KB,866x460,433:230,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 13704eba4127d5a⋯.jpg (80.87 KB,913x407,83:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26d9dfcf1084fdd⋯.jpg (78.7 KB,973x674,973:674,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 77ad5982fc078e8⋯.jpg (106.73 KB,1247x678,1247:678,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d48578a79b7bde⋯.jpg (104.33 KB,1261x600,1261:600,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042999 (080401ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

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Robin Ware and USA Spending

James Comer requested information about Joe Biden's aliases from the National Archives, on August 17th. One of those aliases is Robin Ware. Out of curiosity, Anon searched USA Spending for all years and Robin Ware. The results included 7 loans to Robin Ware and one direct payment to Robin Ware Events. There were some additional results in which the "Ware" turned out to be warehouse (Anon did not look into those results). Anon knows that these Robin Wares may not be that Robin Ware but decided to post the results anyway. Do Anons see any connections to any of your digs?

The direct payment, dated July 1, 2020, is to something called Robin Ware Events and is Covid-19 related. The loans are a little different story. The recipient identifier # and the dates of the loans are "not provided" at the top of the page as usual. The dates can be found further down the page in the "Award History section. It seems strange that the dates are listed as "not provided", when they obviously were provided. Anon can't believe that the government gave somebody money and didn't record the recipient identifier. There are different addresses associated with the name "Robin Ware" in these loans. Visit the sauce provided to see the addresses.

Time - Here’s What We Know About the Email Aliases Joe Biden Used While Vice President

James Comer requested information on:






USA Spending - Robin Ware Events - Direct Payment for Specified Use - FAIN EIDLGT:3307699846


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d99742 No.112683

File: b56ecde9fafead5⋯.png (125.57 KB,554x549,554:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043011 (080405ZDEC23) Notable: ADL Funding DIG #BanTheADL

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So they were ok funding all the left wing tranny pedo libtard shit tho

CEO of Stone Ridge Asset Management Withdraws $100M Donation to UPenn Due to Pres. Liz Magill’s Anti-Semitism Remarks Before Congress

On Tuesday, the House Education Committee invited the leaders of MIT, Harvard, and Penn to testify in front of Congress.

During their testimony, Rep. Elise Stefanik asked the educators if calling for the genocide of Jews violates the code of conduct on their campuses. Not one of the campus leaders could answer the question.

Presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and MIT smilingly say that calling for the genocide of Jews isn’t necessarily against their code against harassment and bullying on campus. Penn president Liz Magill suggested it was not a violation unless it led to actual genocide.

On Thursday, Ross Stevens, CEO of Stone Ridge Asset Management, sent a letter to the University of Pennsylvania, announcing the withdrawal of a substantial $100 million donation. This move comes in response to President Liz Magill’s recent anti-Semitic comments before Congress.

Stone Ridge Asset Management is a financial advisory firm that focuses on alternatives. The company is based in New York City and was founded in 2012 by Ross Stevens. It has $21.7 billion under management and serves 81 clients.

Addressed to Wendy S. White, Senior Vice President & General Counsel at the University of Pennsylvania & Penn Medicine, the letter outlines the reasons for this drastic step. Stevens, an alumnus of UPenn, had initially earmarked these funds for the Stevens Center for Innovation in Finance.

The core issue, as stated in the letter obtained by Axios, revolves around the University’s alleged violation of the terms set in Stone Ridge’s limited partner agreement.

According to the agreement, Stone Ridge retains the right to retire the Units of a partner if they engage in conduct that is “materially injurious to [Stone Ridge’s] business, reputation, character, or standing.” This includes violations of anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, particularly those based on religion.

Stevens and Stone Ridge have expressed deep concern over UPenn’s handling of anti-Semitism on campus, particularly in light of President Magill’s recent comments and the University’s leniency towards hate speech and discrimination against Jewish students.

The letter goes on to state that these actions (or lack thereof) by the University could constitute a violation of the “Limited Partner Cause” clause in the agreement. The implication is clear: Stone Ridge sees these failures as a breach of their shared values and contractual obligations.


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d99742 No.112684

File: a1918b5e8297604⋯.jpg (77.88 KB,895x667,895:667,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3edc3db1b52ce11⋯.jpg (107.04 KB,1228x638,614:319,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a3b0d03cb21cb66⋯.jpg (124.04 KB,1131x605,1131:605,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1fdbcf6f5aad566⋯.jpg (88.58 KB,1115x603,1115:603,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043013 (080406ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

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Robin Ware and USA Spending

USA Spending - Robin Ware - Latest



USA Spending - Robin Ware - Guaranteed/Insured Loan - FAIN 2461518907


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d99742 No.112685

File: dc8c7e87c88b469⋯.jpg (106.6 KB,1229x638,1229:638,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f711d8da930e480⋯.jpg (161.98 KB,1268x554,634:277,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8578c39670a54f3⋯.jpg (104.6 KB,1248x677,1248:677,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043019 (080407ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

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Robin Ware and USA Spending

USA Spending - Robin Ware - Guaranteed/Insured Loan - FAIN 2503668502


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d99742 No.112686

File: b5fe9bf6fa78b66⋯.jpg (106 KB,1222x638,611:319,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 90e8878d565b44e⋯.jpg (158.5 KB,1259x673,1259:673,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 75966adafb28ebd⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,1118x605,1118:605,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043025 (080409ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Robin Ware and USA Spending

USA Spending - Robin Ware - Guaranteed/Insured Loan - FAIN 2576038807


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d99742 No.112687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043030 (080410ZDEC23) Notable: Private Emails Reveal Fani Willis Wants to Jail Trump and His Top Allies Charged in RICO Case - GWP

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Private Emails Reveal Fani Willis Wants to Jail Trump and His Top Allies Charged in RICO Case

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis wants to jail Trump, his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani in the RICO and conspiracy case against the former president.

“We have a long road ahead,” the Fulton County district attorney, Fani Willis, wrote in one email on November 29, according to The Guardian. “Long after these folks are in jail, we will still be practicing law.”

In August Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

A Fulton County grand jury returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump.

Four of Trump’s co-defendants, including attorneys, have pleaded guilty to lesser charges in plea deals in Fani Willis’s RICO case.

In October Trump’s lawyer, Kenneth Chesebro pleaded guilty to the Georgia case in exchange for reduced charges.

Chesebro was set to stand trial, but he accepted a plea agreement as jury selection was underway. He will pay a $5,000 fine, serve 5 years probation and 100 hours of community service to avoid prison.

The Trump attorney also wrote an apology letter and must testify.

Attorney Sidney Powell and bail bondsman Scott Hall both pleaded guilty in exchange for reduced charges because Fani Willis does not have a RICO case.

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis pleaded guilty in Fani Willis’ Georgia election case in exchange for reduced charges in October.

Ellis was the fourth co-defendant and third attorney to plead guilty in the Georgia election case. Not one defendant has pleaded guilty to RICO charges.

A tearful Ellis, 38, pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings. She did not plead guilty to the RICO charge.

As part of her plea deal, Ellis was sentenced to 5 years probation, ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, serve 100 hours of community service and pen an apology letter to the people of Georgia in a Mao struggle session.

Fani Willis’s prosecutors however are not expected to offer plea agreements to Trump, Meadows and Giuliani.

President Trump’s attorneys previously said they will not strike a deal with the Fulton County DA. Trump pleaded not guilty to all charges.


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d99742 No.112688

File: ace65824f308753⋯.jpeg (476.4 KB,1285x669,1285:669,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 292aa6343165dd7⋯.jpeg (75.24 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043031 (080410ZDEC23) Notable: PF: RCH1583 and 2805 C5 Galaxys departed Dover AFB w/4 digit call signs-equipment for VIP visits

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RCH1583 and 2805 C5 Galaxys departed Dover AFB w/4 digit call signs-equipment for VIP visits most likely or someone taking a clandestine trip across the pond

This is exactly how Blinken and Austin made “secret trip to Kiev” after that started and just before Pelosi’s 3h stay at Rzsesow Airport but “in Kiev” but those were on Globemasters however they had 4 digit call signs-equipment for VIP visits or VIPs incognito.

It’s one or other and there is a Nighwatch sitting at JBA so Austin might be going somewhere too. 73-1676 in cap

>>112551 pb

As a reminder that Ukrainian AF A330 left last night-stopped in Frankfurt and then arrived at Rzsesow earlier this morning CONUS time

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d99742 No.112689

File: 7ca83a3072866ea⋯.jpg (101.89 KB,1225x638,1225:638,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 07f0f5ab0021644⋯.jpg (130.82 KB,1126x604,563:302,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de8f8568d24a5bd⋯.jpg (103.31 KB,1251x676,1251:676,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043033 (080410ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Robin Ware and USA Spending

USA Spending - Robin Ware - Guaranteed/Insured Loan - FAIN 6485049003


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d99742 No.112690

File: 0b75e729beb9404⋯.jpg (105.89 KB,1222x636,611:318,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2195ce2f976e600⋯.jpg (157.89 KB,1252x676,313:169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4e87e13539832f8⋯.jpg (103.31 KB,1248x684,104:57,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043037 (080412ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Robin Ware and USA Spending

USA Spending - Robin Ware - Guaranteed/Insured Loan - FAIN 7443808910


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d99742 No.112691

File: 21c47bd70f69692⋯.jpg (101.77 KB,1224x638,612:319,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 232531726849805⋯.jpg (133.44 KB,1125x605,225:121,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d91bfbe6a5d10f8⋯.jpg (103.66 KB,1249x678,1249:678,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043043 (080413ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Robin Ware and USA Spending

USA Spending - Robin Ware - Guaranteed/Insured Loan - FAIN 8179598608


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d99742 No.112692

File: 09eae2b74adec94⋯.jpg (103.72 KB,1223x637,1223:637,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f39bd5cca49a909⋯.jpg (159.13 KB,1253x677,1253:677,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d4b1e76825c60d⋯.jpg (103.58 KB,1245x684,415:228,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043046 (080415ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Robin Ware and USA Spending

USA Spending - Robin Ware - Guaranteed/Insured Loan - FAIN 8475248809


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d99742 No.112693

File: e2b76c8dcd586c5⋯.jpg (74.64 KB,916x658,458:329,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 19e70cb58562e35⋯.jpg (101.58 KB,1225x629,1225:629,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f86606d855976c1⋯.jpg (61.59 KB,819x637,9:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2251cf781ecac96⋯.jpg (152 KB,1263x678,421:226,Clipboard.jpg)

File: beb0146e49b16b7⋯.jpg (104.77 KB,1248x688,78:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043053 (080417ZDEC23) Notable: Robin Ware and USA Spending

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Robin Ware and USA Spending

Anon also searched for Robert L Peters and all years. There were no results for Robert L Peters but there was a result for Robert L Peterson.

Robert L Peterson

Robert L Peters' son?

Yeah, Anon has been spending too much time on this board but that's what came to mind, upon seeing the name. (It just occurred to Anon that it would be a good idea to do searches for Robert.L.Peters, Robert L.Peters, Robert.L. Peters, etc.). Here too, the "recipient identifier" is missing and the date is not provided at the top of the page, while it is available further down. Note that this loan was made on 2/13/2021 and repaid (?) on 4/19/2021. Weird huh?

USA Spending - Robert L Peterson - Latest


USA Spending - Robert L Peterson - Guaranteed/Insured Loan - FAIN 8599848400


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d99742 No.112694

File: 2aed71a2e5ec7cd⋯.png (975.93 KB,1024x1280,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: bba95b59bb97aea⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043077 (080426ZDEC23) Notable: RE: [9] New Hunter Indictments UNSEALED

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Catherine Herridge thinks the new charges open up Hunter Biden to more charges, specifically FARA

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d99742 No.112695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043088 (080436ZDEC23) Notable: FBI Whistleblower: Why I Had to Expose the Political Agenda of Our Two-Tiered Bureau

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



FBI Whistleblower: Why I Had to Expose the Political Agenda of Our Two-Tiered Bureau

The Sara Carter Show


2 days ago

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d99742 No.112696

File: b867705223728e0⋯.png (53.78 KB,561x1311,187:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043174 (080508ZDEC23) Notable: Elon's caveman chatbot Grok has been released to the public

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It's here.

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d99742 No.112697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043194 (080514ZDEC23) Notable: RE: [9] New Hunter Indictments UNSEALED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hunter Biden will be running from his upcoming imprisonment. He will be utilizing every asset available to him, including assistance from his father, to escape his charges.

The Hunter will be the Hunted.

It will be the last nail in the coffin for the democrat party as his escape will shine a light on the entirety of his and his father’s criminal empire.

So go ahead, Hunter. Run.

It will make the end that much sweeter.

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d99742 No.112698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043258 (080545ZDEC23) Notable: [WHO] offers modest $250 compensation to Congo sexual abuse victims

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Canada #49 >>>/qresearch/19925584

WHO offers modest $250 compensation to Congo sexual abuse victims

By Ian Miles Cheong November 15, 2023

The World Health Organization (WHO) has come under scrutiny following revelations that it paid $250 to victims in the Democratic Republic of Congo who suffered sexual abuse by its employees during the Ebola outbreak. These payments, revealed in internal documents, were also linked to mandatory training courses for the victims.

The issue, which represents one of the largest sex scandals in the UN health agency's history, involved over 100 local women abused by staffers and associates during the Ebola crisis, Euronews reported.

Dr. Gaya Gamhewage, leading the WHO's sexual abuse prevention efforts, visited Congo in March to address this crisis. During her visit, she encountered victims like a young mother whose child, born from abuse, required special medical treatment, further straining her finances.

The WHO's response involved financial aid of $250 each to at least 104 women, a sum that contrasts sharply with the daily expenses of UN officials in the region and barely covers four months of typical living expenses in Congo. Furthermore, this assistance required the women to complete training for starting income-generating activities, a condition that has raised ethical questions.

Despite these efforts, many victims remain uncompensated. Approximately a third of the known victims were untraceable, and some declined the WHO's offer. The total sum provided, $26,000, is a fraction of the WHO's $2 million survivor assistance fund for sexual misconduct victims, primarily in Congo.

Recipients interviewed by the Associated Press expressed that the compensation was insufficient and emphasized their desire for justice. Paula Donovan, co-director of the Code Blue campaign, criticized the WHO's approach, calling the blending of seed money with compensation for sexual abuse "perverse" and inappropriate.

The WHO's criteria for determining the support package considered local food costs and guidelines to avoid exposing recipients to further harm by dispensing excessive cash. However, the agency's approach has been met with skepticism. Dr. Gamhewage acknowledged the inadequacy of the response and expressed the WHO's intention to seek direct input from survivors for further support.

In addition to financial aid, the WHO has also covered medical expenses for 17 children born from sexual exploitation and abuse. One woman, impregnated by a WHO doctor, received a land plot and health care in a compensation deal, along with a monthly payment until the baby's birth, intended to preserve the WHO's reputation.

Despite these measures, other victims assert that the WHO's response has been insufficient, underscoring a continuing struggle for adequate support and justice in the wake of the sexual abuse scandal.


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d99742 No.112699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043273 (080552ZDEC23) Notable: RE: [9] New Hunter Indictments UNSEALED

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Tore says. Mentioned in hunters lawsuit against rudy.



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d99742 No.112700

File: d947d1b784a9cb3⋯.jpg (90.42 KB,699x146,699:146,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3005dd29d23e3d6⋯.pdf (311.23 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043324 (080616ZDEC23) Notable: Excerpts: The ADL's '[PROTECT] Plan' DIG

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ADL Funding Dig

HORY SHIT - The ADL are funded by the US GOVERNMENT?

call to shovels



In the aftermath of the January 6th insurrection, ADL created the PROTECT Plan – a comprehensive, bipartisan approach to mitigate the threat of domestic terrorism while protecting civil rights and liberties.


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d99742 No.112701

File: 52e2f8c578fbd49⋯.jpg (420.16 KB,919x760,919:760,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bb24f30d3ed594e⋯.jpg (333.74 KB,888x751,888:751,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d6eab2768dc54dc⋯.jpg (335.73 KB,887x647,887:647,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2ed09d697b1e421⋯.jpg (320.54 KB,844x438,422:219,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043329 (080618ZDEC23) Notable: ADL Funding DIG #BanTheADL

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Caps from this pdf

These are the AMERICAN ISSUES the ADL are 'taking care of'

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d99742 No.112702

File: 720dee249058871⋯.jpg (368.88 KB,1245x787,1245:787,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043342 (080625ZDEC23) Notable: Excerpts: The ADL's '[PROTECT] Plan' DIG

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Exceprt from the ADL's 'Protect Plan'.

The ADL's Enemy Number 1 appears to be 'white supremacy' —-

U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill joined ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and Oren Segal, the VP of ADL’s Center on Extremism, to analyze the anger and vitriol we saw during the attack on the Capitol, what drove things to that boiling point, and what comes next as we face an extremist threat that appears to have significant staying power. They shared insights about who these militants are, how to disrupt the dangers they present, and how to reduce their ongoing reach.

Extremist-related Shootouts with Police Soar in 2020

ADL Finds Domestic Extremist Murders in 2020 Overwhelmingly Linked to Far-Right Extremists

extremely: A Podcast for Anyone Who Wants to Understand and Interrupt Modern Hate and Extremism

Countering Election-Motivated Violent Extremism In 2020 And Beyond

White Supremacist Terror: Modernizing Our Approach to Today's Threat

Addressing the National Security Threat of White Supremacist Terrorism

Reframing Prevention: If Government Won’t Lead, Civil Society Must Step Up to Curb Extremism


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d99742 No.112703

File: 1eea08238de8970⋯.jpg (526.88 KB,737x953,737:953,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ec751c580523738⋯.jpg (397.6 KB,736x947,736:947,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7a1a4ec7854c0ed⋯.pdf (460.02 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043359 (080634ZDEC23) Notable: Excerpts: The ADL's '[PROTECT] Plan' DIG

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Here is the ADL's 'Protect Plan' - which they requested 77million for.

Can nightshift confirm this is actually being requested from the US Gov, from the pdf in above post?


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d99742 No.112704

File: f045b40417fd9d9⋯.jpg (270.73 KB,787x377,787:377,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043370 (080638ZDEC23) Notable: ADL Funding DIG #BanTheADL

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ADL requests $100 million for grants to State, local, and tribal law enforcement agenciesto conduct educational outreach and training on hate crimes and to investigate and prosecute hate crimes, as authorized by section 4704 of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (Public Law 111–84).

ADL also requests $30 million for grants to support community-based approachesto preventing hate crimes through conflict resolution and community empowerment and education, which was included in the FY 2023 House appropriations bill. While Congress ultimately appropriated $5 million of this funding in FY 2022, that amount falls far short of the need.

ADL supports the President’s FY 2023 budget request for an additional $5.8 millionfor the Civil Rights Division to increase capacity to enforce civil rights statutes and address hate and bias in in the areas of education, employment, housing, policing, public accommodations, and access to federally funded programs and urges the inclusion of this funding in the FY 2024 request.


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d99742 No.112705

File: 1a37155433b508a⋯.jpg (148.02 KB,916x391,916:391,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 15f371d6740e28a⋯.jpg (492.1 KB,1259x834,1259:834,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 92fb716eb6bb029⋯.jpg (92.09 KB,708x160,177:40,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 92fb716eb6bb029⋯.jpg (92.09 KB,708x160,177:40,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043395 (080657ZDEC23) Notable: ADL Funding DIG #BanTheADL

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ADLConsolidated Financial Statements 2020'


Total liabilities and net assets $ 221,702,901

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d99742 No.112706

File: f4aa4bfbbd38797⋯.pdf (260.5 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043396 (080658ZDEC23) Notable: ADL Funding DIG #BanTheADL

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d99742 No.112707

File: e179fb965bc0456⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,556x558,278:279,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c3dd722b80766fb⋯.png (131.96 KB,327x343,327:343,Clipboard.png)

File: daf4e803095e6d3⋯.png (113.67 KB,615x394,615:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043405 (080707ZDEC23) Notable: Remarks of James Yoo, owner of the house that got blown up in Arlington VA

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>>112700, >>112701, >>112702

[needs to be vetted but interdasting]

James Yoo - Arlington, VA incident

Trad Strength Coach


Dude in Arlington, Virginia who’s house got blown up tonight is talking in the comments in his short on YouTube. This whole thing is wild.



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d99742 No.112708

File: 402c34cdec48f23⋯.png (39.93 KB,699x458,699:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043434 (080738ZDEC23) Notable: Excerpts: The ADL's '[PROTECT] Plan' DIG

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two namefag posts with [protect] in brackets

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d99742 No.112709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043450 (080809ZDEC23) Notable: #24601

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#24601 >>112671

>>112680, >>112683, >>112701, >>112704, >>112705, >>112706 ADL Funding DIG #BanTheADL

>>112700, >>112702, >>112703, >>112708 Excerpts: The ADL's '[PROTECT] Plan' DIG

>>112695 FBI Whistleblower: Why I Had to Expose the Political Agenda of Our Two-Tiered Bureau

>>112676 NOTABLE PDF - Dissertation on the relationship between Congress and FBI

>>112674, >>112681, >>112694, >>112697, >>112699 RE: [9] New Hunter Indictments UNSEALED

>>112672 Italy becomes the first country to officially ban lab grown meat.

>>112673, >>112675 What is an abortion ritual?

>>112677, >>112679 The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon - globalresearch

>>112682, >>112684, >>112685, >>112686, >>112689, >>112690, >>112691, >>112692, >>112693 Robin Ware and USA Spending

>>112687 Private Emails Reveal Fani Willis Wants to Jail Trump and His Top Allies Charged in RICO Case - GWP

>>112696 Elon's caveman chatbot Grok has been released to the public

>>112698 [WHO] offers modest $250 compensation to Congo sexual abuse victims

>>112707 Remarks of James Yoo, owner of the house that got blown up in Arlington VA

>>112678 PF: Tracking SAM312

>>112688 PF: RCH1583 and 2805 C5 Galaxys departed Dover AFB w/4 digit call signs-equipment for VIP visits


baking fresh

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d99742 No.112710

File: 457c70c57257836⋯.png (1.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043467 (080825ZDEC23) Notable: #24602

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Ty Anons!

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d99742 No.112711

File: b6fe1645f648f70⋯.png (797.34 KB,964x544,241:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043518 (080836ZDEC23) Notable: Trump-appointee will oversee Hunter Biden's tax evasion case: First Son potentially faces 17 years in jail

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Trump-appointee will oversee Hunter Biden's tax evasion case: First Son faces 17 YEARS in jail after being indicted over four-year '$1.4m avoidance scheme' - while spending MILLIONS on 'drugs and hookers' instead


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d99742 No.112712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043532 (080840ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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>>112700, >>112701, >>112707, >>112702, >>112707, >>>/qresearch/20043406, >>>/qresearch/20043421 pb

"James Yoo" refers to Israel's Checkpoint Security surveillance...possibly linked to ADL's "PROTECT Plan"

"All software and hardware have backdoor security breeches purposefully built-in with governments/nations spying on people. I doubt America and DoD changed their network security architecture since my CFIUS days around 2003...but Checkpoint Secuity (Israel-based company) firewalls and security products are deeply entrenched throughout America and DoD's network (including the internet). This is not a secret.

They intentionally sacrificed Americas & Dod's security to Israel.

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d99742 No.112713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043551 (080903ZDEC23) Notable: Saudi prince dies in plane crash – media

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in case overlooked if it was in notables already:

Saudi prince dies in plane crash – media

Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz was reportedly killed during a training exercise with the Royal Saudi Air Force

Saudi Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has died aged 62, the Saudi monarchy announced on Thursday. Reports in Arabic media claim the prince was killed in a plane crash.

The Saudi royal court announced the prince’s passing in a short statement, saying that funeral prayers for the deceased royal would be performed at the Imam Turki bin Abdullah Mosque in Riyadh.

Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz was the son of Prince Bandar and the grandson of the first Saudi monarch, King Abdulaziz. Born in 1961, he was a lieutenant colonel in the Royal Saudi Air Force and served as assistant intelligence chief at the GIP, the Saudi intelligence agency, from 2004 to 2012.

While the court’s statement did not reveal a cause of death, Lebanon’s Al Mashhad news outlet reported that the prince died when his F-15 fighter jet crashed during a training exercise with the air force earlier on Thursday.


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d99742 No.112714

File: 6bdd1d29459c4ef⋯.png (231.99 KB,612x1449,68:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 67e23d7d4141e1d⋯.png (709.8 KB,605x1512,605:1512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043552 (080904ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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>>112707 PB Remarks of James Yoo, owner of the house that got blown up in Arlington VA

Spent about an hour trying to get everything down from the James Yoo thread, hope it's accurate. 4 posts with thread broken into 8 sections plus a YT video.

DIG CALL: Was James Woo's house blown up to eliminate another witness in the Global Crossing Cyber OP?




Thread 🧵

Remember that house that just blew up in Arlington? Well things are not exactly as they seem.

Hang on, here we go…

Let’s go step by step. The house is owned by a man named James Woo.

Where was James Yoo's house?

844 N. Burlington Street Arlington, VA

Who is James Yoo's father?

James Yoo’s father, Ki Hong Yoo, American University (CIA cutout), wrote plan to retake North Korea with bioagents for President of South Korea in this picture.

Who is James Yoo's mother?

James Yoo’s mother, Anne Shinn Yoo, US State Dept/CIA, Voice of America lead broadcaster for South Korean division of US propaganda mouthpiece Voice of America.

Who was James Yoo?

James Yoo had a long career but his most notable job was a"Head of Global Information and Physical Security" atGlobal Crossing.

What was Global Crossing?

It was espionage central and an international spying apparatus that is still in operation today.

Who founded Global Crossing?

Gary Winnick founded the company in 1997.

Is Gary Winnick still alive?

Gary Winnick died on November 4th, exactly one month before James Yoo's house exploded.

page 1 of 4

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d99742 No.112715

File: 62bb82ccda1416e⋯.png (91.1 KB,616x832,77:104,Clipboard.png)

File: bedb5d2c922bc23⋯.png (816.5 KB,538x1420,269:710,Clipboard.png)

File: 29420a959ffc765⋯.png (127.75 KB,595x1151,595:1151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043555 (080906ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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Who sat on the board of Global Crossing?

Members of the board include Secretary of Defense William Cohen, CEO of JPMORGAN Private Bank Elena Lagomasino, and Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Pearle Elena was also Gary Winnick's "personal banker"

What business was Global Crossing involved in?

Global Crossing managed inter-continental fiber-optic lines.


In 2003, James Woo facilitated of the transfer of ownership of a massive global wire tapping operation.

This image comes from the Indiana link in the above tweeted link

Eric Holderwho 5 years later would go on to become Attorney General picked by Obama was key to this deal and he made millions of dollars doing it.


Global Crossing Ltd., Bermuda, owner of the Atlantic Crossing (AC-1) submarine fiber-optic cable system now under construction, plans to add three new undersea cables connecting the United States with the Caribbean, Panama, and Japan.

>Global Crossing recently announced plans to build the Mid-Atlantic Crossing, an undersea fiber-optic cable that will connect with AC-1. Service on AC-1, which spans more than 14,000 km and connects the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany, is scheduled to begin in May 1998. The system will be built in a self-healing ring configuration and use wavelength-division multiplexing (wdm) technology (see Lightwave, June 1997, page 7).

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d99742 No.112716

File: 06d4a5332795fa8⋯.png (84.98 KB,602x794,301:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 006d1637703058a⋯.png (987.86 KB,617x2874,617:2874,Clipboard.png)

File: 18f2b4ba5cac349⋯.png (621.5 KB,625x1850,25:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043557 (080908ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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Pan-American Crossing

>Global Crossing has also announced plans to build a private, 8000-km undersea fiber-optic network connecting California and Panama. The Pan-American Crossing (pac-1) will have landing stations in Mexico and other points in Central America. The cable, which will contain eight zero-dispersion-shifted fiber strands, is scheduled for full commercial service in 1999. It is expected to use wdm technology and include a dedicated pair of fiber-optic cables running between the United States and Panama.

>pac-1 will create the first direct path from Latin America to the United States and Asia without additional transit fees, according to the company. Currently, traffic from Latin America must cross the United States through terrestrial networks before connecting with fiber-optic cables going to the Pacific Rim. Carriers sending traffic must pay a transit fee for the connection.

Global Crossing`s fourth undersea fiber-optic system, Pacific Crossing (PC-1), will connect the United States with Japan. The privately owned and operated system will also be built with a self-healing ring configuration that uses wdm technology. It will have two landing points in both countries, and is scheduled for commercial service in 1999. Marubeni, a Japanese trading firm and partner in the Fiber-optic Link Around the Globe (flag) undersea cable, is also involved in the project.

>The AC-1 cable system was privately owned by Global Crossing. Following the acquisition of Global Crossing by Level3 in 2011 and the acquisition of Level3 by CenturyLink in 2017, the AC-1 is now wholly owned by CenturyLink, as well as AC-2/Yellow, Mid-Atlantic Crossing (MAC), Pan-America Crossing (PAC), South America Crossing (PAC), etc.

>On September 14, 2020, CenturyLink, Inc announced that it had changed its name to Lumen Technologies, Inc.[54] Effective with the opening of the trading day on Sept. 18, 2020, the company stock ticker changed from CTL to LUMN. The CenturyLink brand will continue to be the customer-facing brand for traditional copper-based services. Fiber-based products and services will use the brand Quantum Fiber.[55]

The Kim Dae-jung administration built up country-wide high-speed ICT infrastructure and fostered IT and venture businesses as the future source of growth. In his inaugural address, he expressed a vision for South Korea to advance "from the ranks of industrial societies…into the ranks of the knowledge and information-based societies where intangible knowledge and information will be the driving power for economic development".[43][44] Today, South Korea is one of the most technologically developed countries in the world and has a well-connected cyberinfrastructure which began to be built and fostered under President Kim.

>President Kim Dae-jung in South Korea, who served on the National Committee on Science and Technology before his election, approved $1.1 billion in funds for nanotechnology research. Once in the Blue House, he campaigned successfully to make his country a world leader in the application of IT and broadband communications—which it is today.16

>Kim Dae-jung’s affection for TEIN was manifested many times even after it was launched. At the European Parliament in 2001, the fourth summit of ASEM in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2002 and on many other occasions, his convictions about cyberinfrastructure became only stronger, more specific, and more realistic. As the first leader from Asia who gave a speech at the European Parliament, he described TEIN as a“cyber Silk Road”realizing “e-Eurasia.”

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d99742 No.112717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043560 (080909ZDEC23) Notable: Seychelles Declares Emergency After Heavy Flooding, Massive Blast at Explosives Depot

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Seychelles Declares Emergency After Heavy Flooding,Massive Blast at Explosives Depot

A state of emergency was temporarily declared by the president of Seychelles on Thursday after the country was hit with deadly flooding and a major blast at an explosives depot just hours later... The blast hit the archipelago, which is made up of 115 islands, at about 2 a.m. on Thursday, just hours after heavy rain and flooding which came ashore late Wednesday... Four containers of explosives blew off...


Aerial footage of the aftermath after the explosion at the CCCL explosives store that has caused massive damage to the Providence Industrial area, Seychelles 🇸🇨 | 7 December 2023

Disaster Tracker



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d99742 No.112718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043564 (080913ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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It’s public knowledge that the CIA put Kim Dae-Jung in place.

What we’re looking at is a hit. Murder. Assassination. A very public hit and the second to strike members of Global Crossing within a month.

And it involves the highest levels of government and industry.



So what does all this mean?

It means the people responsible for building the cyber infrastructure in Iraq post-invasion, the infrastructure whose point was to provide the US Intel Community with total back door access into not just Iraqs digital communications, but all of Europe’s, are now being killed off one by one.


page 4 of 4

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d99742 No.112719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043565 (080915ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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dig packaged for incoming baker:

>>112714, >>112715, >>112716, >>112718 DIG CALL: Was James Woo's house blown up to eliminate another witness in the Global Crossing Cyber OP?

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d99742 No.112720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043568 (080917ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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Global Crossing laid a huge amount of fiber optics across America in underground oil pipe lines that promised all American unlimited bandwidth before being financially scammed out of business.

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d99742 No.112721

File: f3b9c47977d6d11⋯.png (154.98 KB,300x359,300:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043574 (080920ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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>Global Crossing laid a huge amount of fiber optics across America in underground oil pipe lines that promised all American unlimited bandwidth before being financially scammed out of business.

>before being financially scammed out of business.

Anon reads that as:

>Given back to clowns for virtually nothing

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d99742 No.112722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043583 (080924ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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Correct, it happened right after the collapse of Enron and I believe they were both tied together but not sure how. Bernie Madoff happened around that time too. All three, one after the other until boom 911 and trillions stolen from the Pentagon and the WTC building's gold. I wouldn't doubt that they were all tied together because in reality, Clintons, Bushes, and Obamas are really SA stooges. And SA and the Jews run the banks on Wall st and in America.

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d99742 No.112723

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043594 (080934ZDEC23) Notable: Russell Brand: U.S Government forced to censor Anti-Vax videos because of surplus vaccines

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U.S Government forced Youtube to censor Anti-Vax videos because of surplus vaccines

>1 minute summary:


>full video:



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d99742 No.112724

File: 3775a7465d3e5e8⋯.png (131.86 KB,1025x766,1025:766,Clipboard.png)

File: 74a69af79ce5f8a⋯.pdf (286.55 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043596 (080935ZDEC23) Notable: Read the indictment charging Hunter Biden with nine federal tax crimes

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Hunter Biden Indictment

Case 2-23-cr-00599-MCS Document 1 Filed 12/07/23


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d99742 No.112725

File: 8424992dd5935c9⋯.png (136.34 KB,847x754,847:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043738 (081052ZDEC23) Notable: Read the indictment charging Hunter Biden with nine federal tax crimes

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Brian Cates


I told everybody for months as soon as Weiss was finally granted Special Counsel status you would see Hunter Biden indicted in 3 venues: Delaware, California and Washington DC.

Sure, I got laughed at and mocked for saying that. But I stuck to my guns.

Because I did my homework and I read all the filings.

Weiss tried to indict Hunter in Delaware. He was shut down by Garland. Then he tried to indict Hunter in CA and DC. But since he was just a US Attorney in Delaware, he needed PERMISSION of the US Attorneys in those districts to file charges there.

When he asked for their permission to file, both the US Attorneys for CA and DC told him to GET LOST.

Then Weiss asked Garland for Special Counsel status.

Garland told him to GET LOST.


Brian Cates


Replying to @BrianCates

Then all this went public via whistleblowers and documents uncovered by subpoena via the House committee that is investigating the Biden Corruption.

GARLAND WAS FORCED BY ALL THESE DISCLOSURES to backpedal and reluctantly GIVE Weiss the Special Counsel status he had been requesting for almost a year.

When that happened, when Weiss was made a Special Counsel, I said you would see Hunter Biden indicted in 3 specific venues: DE, CA and DC.

I stand by that still.



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d99742 No.112726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043741 (081053ZDEC23) Notable: US Imposes Sanctions Over Red Sea Shipping Attacks

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Will get back as soon as I can. Maybe some better things from the maritime sites this afternoon.

US Imposes Sanctions Over Red Sea Shipping Attacks

By Jonathan Landay Reuters December 7, 2023

WASHINGTON, Dec 7 (Reuters) – The United States imposed sanctions on Thursday on 13 individuals and entities for allegedly funneling tens of millions of dollars in foreign currency to Yemen’s Houthi group from the sale and shipment of Iranian commodities.

The U.S. Treasury said in a statement that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran’s paramilitary and espionage force, backed the scheme involving a complex web of exchange houses and firms in multiple countries, including Yemen, Turkey, and St. Kitts and Nevis.

Treasury Undersecretary Brian Nelson said funds provided by Iran have enabled recent attacks by the Houthis on commercial shipping in the Red Sea that endanger international trade.

“The Houthis continue to receive funding and support from Iran, and the result is unsurprising: unprovoked attacks on civilian infrastructure and commercial shipping, disrupting maritime security and threatening international commercial trade,” the Treasury statement quoted Nelson as saying.’

The Houthis say they have been staging drone and missile attacks against Israel and Israeli ships in the Red Sea in response to the offensive Israel launched against Hamas in Gaza after the Oct.7 rampage into Israel by Hamas militants.

Iran denies any involvement in the attacks.

Washington has said that U.S. warships have downed missiles and drones fired by the Houthis although the Pentagon says it has not been clear that the American vessels were actually targeted. U.S. warships have also intercepted attacks on commercial ships that the U.S. military says were linked to multiple nations.

The sanctions freeze all properties and interests in the United States of those targeted and generally prohibit Americans from conducting transactions with them.

The Treasury said that the targeted network involved Said al-Jamal, a key “Iran-based Houthi financial facilitator,” and Bilal Hudroj, who runs a Lebanon-based exchange house, both of whom already are under U.S. sanctions.

Jamal has for years used a web of exchange houses in Yemen and abroad to funnel the proceeds of Iranian commodity sales to the Houthis and the IRGC, the Treasury said, adding that Hudroj has assisted in the remittances to the Houthis.

The 13 entities and individuals hit in the latest sanctions include a jewelry shop and exchange house in Turkey, the Treasury said, as well as exchange houses, shipping agents and individuals in St. Kitts and Nevis, Britain and Russia.


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d99742 No.112727

File: 63d611e035ebcc0⋯.jpg (34.06 KB,472x461,472:461,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 38264782a2ca1e1⋯.png (266.94 KB,890x785,178:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 55f2acad6b5b7ec⋯.png (190.23 KB,602x467,602:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 27c1d8735d2a54c⋯.png (471.17 KB,886x1158,443:579,Clipboard.png)

File: a13bdf47689641e⋯.png (79.08 KB,1073x359,1073:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043755 (081102ZDEC23) Notable: Read the indictment charging Hunter Biden with nine federal tax crimes

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TybSebastian Gorka



Prostitutes, drugs, luxury cars

Millions in tax evasion.

9 felony charges.

The only logical explanation for the earth-shattering news about #HunterBiden is that they’ve decided it’s time to jettison Joe.

FULL details:






56 pages



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d99742 No.112728

File: 72b372cec7069d0⋯.png (193.73 KB,642x872,321:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043756 (081103ZDEC23) Notable: A warning to anyone who is hosting the NZ whistleblower data….the NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.

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A warning to anyone who is hosting the NZ whistleblower data....the NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.

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d99742 No.112729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043768 (081109ZDEC23) Notable: A warning to anyone who is hosting the NZ whistleblower data….the NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.

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Mr. Young, a Ministry of Health employee-turned-whistleblower, examined connections between specific COVID-19 vaccine batches and mortality rates. What he found was alarming:

Batch ID 1: Total Vaccinated 711, Death Count 152, 21.38% Dead

Batch ID 8: Total Vaccinated 221, Death Count 38, 17.19% Dead

Batch ID 3: Total Vaccinated 310, Death Count 48, 15.48% Dead

Batch ID 4: Total Vaccinated 364, Death Count 37, 10.16% Dead

Batch ID 6: Total Vaccinated 1006, Death Count 101, 10.04% Dead

Batch ID 2: Total Vaccinated 1018, Death Count 98, 9.63% Dead

Batch ID 7: Total Vaccinated 38, Death Count 3, 7.89% Dead

Batch ID 72: Total Vaccinated 5882, Death Count 278, 4.73% Dead

Batch ID 62: Total Vaccinated 18173, Death Count 831, 4.57% Dead

Batch ID 71: Total Vaccinated 11019, Death Count 498, 4.52% Dead


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d99742 No.112730

File: 5c94e1927fd488d⋯.png (90.52 KB,931x680,931:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043776 (081112ZDEC23) Notable: Read the indictment charging Hunter Biden with nine federal tax crimes

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Read the indictment charging Hunter Biden with nine federal tax crimes

Special Counsel David Weiss brought the indictment in federal court in California. The charges carry a maximum of 17 years in court.

First son Hunter Biden, already charged with three gun crimes in Delaware, was indicted Thursday night in federal court in California on three new felonies and six misdemeanors alleging tax evasion.

You can read the grand jury indictment secured by Special Counsel David Weiss here.



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d99742 No.112731

File: 3bd10c719da1870⋯.png (1.16 MB,1064x1328,133:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043786 (081117ZDEC23) Notable: @petermcculloughmd: My clinical practice experience with low-dose nicotine patches is positive.

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Peter McCullough, MD, MPH®️


My clinical practice experience with low-dose nicotine patches is positive. The rationale and clinical reports are encouraging. Large RCTs are needed. Subscribe to #courageousdiscourse to stay up to date.


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d99742 No.112732

File: 6017ce60b5c0ec6⋯.png (403.56 KB,1864x730,932:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dd4ff8d41215e0⋯.png (123.8 KB,1414x814,707:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043801 (081124ZDEC23) Notable: Vegas shooter has interesting interests.

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Vegas shooter has interesting interests.

Famous Puzzles, Oddities & Unsolved Mysteries • 11B-X-1371 YouTube Video • 2001 Anthrax Attacks • 2003 Fallen Angel Ricin Letters • A858 Reddit • Absence of Shelly Miscavige • Amelia Earhart Dissapearance • Antikythera Mechanism • Area 51 • Babushka Lady • Band of Holes (Pisco Valley, Peru) • Beale Treasure Ciphers • Billy Smolinski • Bimini Road • Black Dahlia Murder • Brabant Killers • Brown Mountain Lights • Casey & Caylee Anthony • Cattle Mutilations • Celebrity Number Six • Death of Elisa Lam • Chandra Levy Murder • ChemTrails • Chicago Tylenol Murders • Cicada 3301 • Codex Gigas • Construction of Coral Castle • Crop Circles • D. B. Cooper Hijacking • Death of Brittany Murphy & her husband • Death of Starr Faithful • Diana Dors Lost Fortune • Dighton Rock • Dorabella Cipher • Dyatlov Pass Incident • Easter Island Mo'ai • Erdstalls • Escape from Alcatraz • Fenn Treasure • Fermat's Last Theorem (Solved) • Georgia Guidestones • Great Circle of Ancient Constructions • HAARP • Handbags of The Gods • Hessdalen Lights • Hinterkaifeck Murders • Isdal Woman • Indus Script • Iron Pillar of Delhi (Solved) • Jack Froese EMails • Jack The Ripper • JFK Assassination • Jodi Arias • JonBenét Ramsey • Kaspar Hauser • Kensington Runestone • Kryptos Sculpture at CIA Langley Headquarters • ALake City Quiet Pills • Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone • Loch Ness Monster • Lost Colony • Madeleine McCann Disappearance • Majestic 12 • Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Hijacking • Mariana's Web • Martian Space Crab • Mary Agnes Gross • Mary Celeste • Mary Magdalene, Wife of Jesus Christ • Max Headroom Broadcast Signal Intrusion • Mayday Mystery • Natalee Holloway • Namibian Fairy Circles • Nazca Lines • Oak Island Money Pit • Original Designer of Bitcoin • Palos Verdes Anchors • Patomskiy Crater • Paul is dead • Phaistos Disc • Phoenix Lights • Piri Reis Map • Pizza-Bomber • Plum Island Animal Disease Center • Poe Toaster • Precision Autobiographical Memory • Princess Diana Assassination Conspiracy • Project MKUltra • Pyramid Construction • Room 1046 Murder • Ricky McCormick Cyphers • Roman Dodecahedron • Roswell Rock (Solved, Part 1) • Roswell Rock (Solved, Part 2) • Sator Square • Saturn's Hexagon • Schist Disc • Shroud of Turin • Shugborough Inscription • Sliding Rocks of Racetrack Playa in Death Valley (Solved) • Stone Spheres of Costa Rica • Star Jelly • Stonehenge • Stoudsburg Rain Man • Taos Hum • The Bermuda Triangle • The Black Dahlia • The Downing of TWA 800 • The Finders • The Lost Colony • The Main Line Murders (Solved, sort of) • The Secret: A Treasure Hunt • The Secret of Jerome • The Sodder Children • The Tisulsky Princess • Travis Walton Alien Abduction • Treasure of The Knights of the Golden Circle • Somerton Man/Tamám Shud • The Mothman Prophecies • The UnaBomber (Solved) • The Wow! Signal • The Zodiac Killer • Toynbee Tiles • USS Proteus, Cyclops & Nereus • UVB-76 The Buzzer • Velázquez's Las Meninas • Voynich manuscript • Whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa • Where is Robert Fisher? • Who is Benjamin Kyle? • Who was Peter Bergmann? • Who put Bella in the Wych Elm? • YOGTZE

Powerful Organzations Bent on Global Domination! • 1001 Club • Bank for International Settlements • Bilderberg Group • Bohemian Grove • Club of Rome • Committee of 300 • Council on Foriegn Relations • Echelon • Economics Department at MIT • Freemasonry • Illuminati • International Monetary Fund • Monsanto • National Security Administration • Prison Planet • Shape-shifting Reptilian Aliens & David Icke • The Anonymous Operations Payback Network • The Hellfire Club • The Rosicrucians • The Rothchild Family • The Trilateral Commission • Skull & Bones • United Nations


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d99742 No.112733

File: 15c7f45bbff1312⋯.png (66.56 KB,926x383,926:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 6724409af420822⋯.png (1.25 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 86a44cf308cc3bd⋯.png (213.04 KB,480x280,12:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f859a7340800fc⋯.png (938.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20043898 (081154ZDEC23) Notable: Loomer calls out Kayleigh McBitchfaceEnany for trashing DJT

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Laura Loomer


Disloyal traitor Kayleigh McEnany was on Fox News earlier trashing President Trump for not attending the debates.

She really is a RINO.

There will NEVER be a shortage of Opportunistic pretty women who use powerful men to get to the top, only to go on to stab them in the back.

Dec 07, 2023, 3:02 PM


Resting bitch face

Her face changing says it all...

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d99742 No.112734

File: af6d99cab3b587f⋯.png (573.92 KB,815x865,163:173,Clipboard.png)

File: b7a31aa2038790a⋯.png (398.38 KB,932x524,233:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044007 (081240ZDEC23) Notable: Another public school employee busted for CP

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65-year-old North Texas psychologist accused of possessing child porn, police ask for possible victims to come forward

Police said according to the tip, Christian Rewoldt was being accused of downloading multiple files containing “explicit sexual material involving minors.”

Author: Briauna Brown

Published: 5:13 PM CST December 7, 2023

Updated: 5:13 PM CST December 7, 2023


MANSFIELD, Texas — A 65-year-old man, who is a contracted psychologist for a North Texas school district, has been arrested on charges of possessing child pornography, police say.

According to the Mansfield Police Department, Christian Rewoldt was taken into custody following a four-month investigation after detectives received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children on Aug. 23, 2023.

Police said according to the tip, Rewoldt was being accused of downloading multiple files containing “explicit sexual material involving minors.”

On Aug. 30, the Mansfield SWAT team executed a search warrant at Rewoldt’s home where they discovered various electronic devices suspected of containing child pornography. Police said the devices were taken for forensic analysis.

During the search, officers also found a laptop with a Crowley Independent School District sticker, revealing that Rewoldt had a contractual role as a psychologist within the district, Mansfield police said.

Mansfield Police said at that time Rewoldt was arrested and charged with tampering with evidence.

The department said there’s still an ongoing investigation and detectives are asking anyone with information to come forward, including any potential victims who may have had contact with Rewoldt.


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d99742 No.112735

File: 4ee0a66fb93d1a0⋯.jpg (80.47 KB,485x900,97:180,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b288228d431d6a9⋯.jpg (110.06 KB,680x396,170:99,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a747be1ca7cfa5f⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c469d65db649963⋯.jpg (26.81 KB,263x360,263:360,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 076ff8af8ee5fd3⋯.jpg (59.82 KB,314x680,157:340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044061 (081306ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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>"James Yoo"


Let’s go step by step. The house is owned by a man named James Woo.

Where was James Yoo's house?

844 N. Burlington Street Arlington, VA

Who is James Yoo's father?

James Yoo’s father, Ki Hong Yoo, American University (CIA cutout), wrote plan to retake North Korea with bioagents for President of South Korea in this picture.

Who is James Yoo's mother?

James Yoo’s mother, Anne Shinn Yoo, US State Dept/CIA, Voice of America lead broadcaster for South Korean division of US propaganda mouthpiece Voice of America.

Who was James Yoo?

James Yoo had a long career but his most notable job was a "Head of Global Information and Physical Security" at Global Crossing.

What was Global Crossing?

It was espionage central and an international spying apparatus that is still in operation today.

Who founded Global Crossing?

Gary Winnick founded the company in 1997.

Is Gary Winnick still alive?

Gary Winnick died on November 4th, exactly one month before James Yoo's house exploded.



Who sat on the board of Global Crossing?

Members of the board include Secretary of Defense William Cohen, CEO of JPMORGAN Private Bank Elena Lagomasino, and Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Pearle Elena was also Gary Winnick's "personal banker"

What business was Global Crossing involved in?

Global Crossing managed inter-continental fiber-optic lines.



In 2003, James Woo facilitated of the transfer of ownership of a massive global wire tapping operation.

This image comes from the Indiana link in the above tweeted link


What we’re looking at is a hit. Murder. Assassination. A very public hit and the second to strike members of Global Crossing within a month.


And it involves the highest levels of government and industry.



Look how they have carefully painted James Yoo as a conspiracy theorist 👀



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d99742 No.112736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044063 (081308ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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>his Social Media gets nuked

>It is found out James Yoo was1 step ahead & had archived all of his own content ahead of time on http://Archive.org

>http://Archive.org suddenly goes down for 3 or 4 hours "maintenance" all of yoo archived content is removed #jamesyoo


James Yoo created a backup account before they revoked his social media accounts and it STILL got revoked. Wild. This is one hell of a sloppy coverup. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/451023865/who-is-james-yoo

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d99742 No.112737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044069 (081310ZDEC23) Notable: James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

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So what does all this mean?

It means the people responsible for building the cyber infrastructure in Iraq post-invasion, the infrastructure whose point was to provide the US Intel Community with total back door access into not just Iraqs digital communications, but all of Europe’s, are now being killed off one by one.


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d99742 No.112738

File: d7cdf4b03ee1fb3⋯.png (61.33 KB,1222x456,611:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044098 (081319ZDEC23) Notable: WaPo mass walkoff today

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What's the matter? Clown cash infusions drying up? Blackmail?

Who gives a shit about these lying America hating human garbage. "Historic protest" my ass.

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d99742 No.112739

File: 362a309013f1156⋯.png (75.71 KB,688x506,344:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044128 (081329ZDEC23) Notable: NEW DJT - "...the slimeballs brought them right in the middle of my very successful campaign for President..."

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Donald J. Trump


All of these Biden “Political Opponent” Lawsuits against me could have been brought 3 years ago, but the slimeballs brought them right in the middle of my very successful campaign for President. The J6 Fake Case, where the Obama appointed, Trump Hating Judge, Tanya S. Chutkan, actually had the audacity to schedule the trial THE DAY BEFORE SUPER TUESDAY (always considered the biggest of all Primary days), has been put into serious question when most of the Unselect Committee’s evidence was deleted and destroyed. This illegal act, that would have shown the GUILT of Crazy Nancy Pelosi, and others, should end this Biden Witch Hunt. Our FAILING NATION is now becoming a BANANA REPUBLIC. MAGA!

Dec 08, 2023, 7:25 AM


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d99742 No.112740

File: d1f259e6340e50a⋯.jpeg (53.67 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044141 (081335ZDEC23) Notable: Putin announces 2024 presidential bid

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8 Dec, 2023

Putin announces 2024 presidential bid

About 70% of Russian citizens believe their current leader should seek another term in office, according to a recent poll

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he will seek re-election in 2024. Russia’s presidentialelectionwill be held betweenMarch 15 and March 17, 2024. The winner will be inaugurated in early May. If Putin wins, it will be his fifth term as head of state.

The Russian leader made his remarks at a ceremony where he awarded Hero of Russia medals to servicemen who had taken part in the special military operation against Ukraine. Hero of the Donetsk People’s Republic Artyom Zhoga, who was recently named speaker of the Russian federal subject’s parliament, asked if he would run in 2024 and he replied in the affirmative.

The footage from the ceremony shows Zhoga shaking hands with Putin and telling him that the entire Donbass would like him to participate in the election. “Thanks to your actions… we became free, we got the opportunity to choose… You are our president… We are your team, we need you, Russia needs you,” he said.

Thanking him for the praise, Putin admitted that while he had “different thoughts at different times” on the subject, the time had come to make a final decision.“I am going to run for President of the Russian Federation,”he said.

Zhoga is the commander of the republic’s famous Sparta Battalion, which has been actively engaged in defending the DPR against Kiev’s forces since 2014. He took over the military post from his son Vladimir, who died at the age of 28 in 2022 while providing cover for the evacuation of civilians near the town of Volnovakha between Donetsk and Mariupol. For his heroic deeds, he was posthumously awarded the title “Hero of Russia.”

According to a poll that the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) released on Thursday, about70%of Russian citizens believe that Putin shouldrun for another termin office, with another15%saying that the incumbent should leave his current post but take a senior government position.Only 8%believe that the Russian leadershould leavethe political stage altogether.

Putin’s likely contenders for now include Gennady Zyuganov, thelong-time leader of the Russian Communist Party, who announced his bid in late November but noted that the final decision would be made by his party's Central Committee. Other Russian parties, including the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) and New People, have also signaled that they intend to put forward their own candidates.

(I don’t think Russia wants or needs a Communist leader. From what I’ve they are very hard line, and wanted to glass Kiev and most of Ukraine from the beginning. They don’t really negotiate, they just act with threatening power.)


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d99742 No.112741

File: b140943ebe6c253⋯.jpeg (89.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044150 (081340ZDEC23) Notable: Rocket fire around US embassy in Baghdad

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8 Dec, 2023 12:30

Rocket fire around US embassy in Baghdad – media

The heavily fortified Green Zone in the Iraqi capital was reportedly targeted by over a dozen projectiles

Baghdad’s Green Zone district, which houses a number of government and diplomatic buildings, including the US Embassy, was reportedly targeted by several rockets on Friday, according to media reports, citing security sources.

An anonymous US military official told AFP that alarms around the facility had gone off and that “impact sounds” could be heard near the embassy and the Union III military base.

Reuters, citing two security sources, also reported that several explosions were heard near the embassy at around 4am, and that sirens calling on people to take cover had been activated.

A US Embassy spokesperson was quoted by ABC News as saying the attack involved two salvos of rockets which were launched at around 4:15am local time. The official noted that while assessments were still ongoing, there were no reported casualties at the embassy compound.

This was seconded by an Iraqi security official who also told the media on condition of anonymity that there had been 14 Katyusha rockets fired at the Green Zone, some of which struck near the US Embassy’s gates, while others fell into the river. He noted that the attack had caused some material damage but no casualties.

So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but US officials have reportedly called on the government of Iraq “to do all in its power to protect diplomatic and Coalition partner personnel and facilities,” warning that the “we reserve the right to self-defense to protect our personnel.”

Friday’s attack marks the first time the US Embassy in Iraq has been targeted since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict on October 7. However, the US military has reported 78 attacks against its facilities in Iraq and Syria in recent weeks. Responsibility for many of the attacks has been claimed by Iranian-aligned militia groups.


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d99742 No.112742

File: a372a115b4c425e⋯.png (107.79 KB,660x500,33:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f657551acb8aaf⋯.png (300.54 KB,688x673,688:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044171 (081354ZDEC23) Notable: Based water filter salesman issues silver alert over meth fueled naked and geriatric white house explorer.

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How about this?

Reports that they drug up Brandon each morning, and at night he wanders around the White House naked - does not know where he is!

Sounds unbelievable, but Hunter's laptop is real and Joe is senile, so...


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d99742 No.112743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044174 (081355ZDEC23) Notable: DJT +50 in latest poll

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2024 Republican Presidential Nomination


Trump 64

Haley 14

DeSantis 7

Christie 4

Ramaswamy 4

Hutchinson 2

Trump +50


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d99742 No.112744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044181 (081400ZDEC23) Notable: Russia supplying US Mil oil?

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Pentagon gets oil products directly from Russia, Ukrainian watchdog claims

A shipment of 50,000 tons has been allegedly delivered to the Norfolk naval base

A Ukrainian maritime traffic watchdog has flagged a German-operated tanker, claiming that it had likely delivered Russian petrol products to Naval Station Norfolk, a major US military base, in an apparent violation of Washington’s sanctions.

The allegation, which was widely reported by Ukrainian media on Thursday, comes from Andrey Klimenko, head of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies, an NGO, and editor of BlackSeaNews, a pro-Ukrainian news outlet covering maritime trade. He claimed that the tanker Avenca had delivered 50,000 tons of petroleum products from the Russian port of Novorossiysk straight to Norfolk.

The ship is operated by the German firm Chemikalien Seetransport (CST). Public shipping data says it is designed to transport oil products and other chemicals and is currently located in Southern Branch Elizabeth River, south of Norfolk.

Klimenko lamented that his reaction to the “miraculous” delivery “causes neither anger, nor disappointment, only sarcastic laughter.”

In a follow-up post later in the day, he reported that the Avenca could have conceivably carried UAN, a solution of urea and ammonium nitrate that is used as a fertilizer. Such chemicals are not sanctioned by the US, he conceded, before expressing skepticism about the scenario.

Last month, the Washington Post reported that petroleum products originating in Russia kept flowing into the Pentagon's supply chain despite all attempts by Washington and its allies to curb Russian oil profits. It cited as an example a Greek supplier which was allegedly refining Russian-sourced crude, after its origin was laundered through Türkiye.

Western sanctions on Russian energy were intended to deny Moscow profits and cripple its economy in retaliation for its role in the Ukraine conflict. One of the devised mechanisms is the price cap, which G7 nations sought to enforce by leveraging their influence on key shipment services, such as insurance. It has largely failed, Western officials and media have acknowledged.

READ MORE: Putin responds to 'gas station' slur

Meanwhile Russia’s reliance on energy trade is decreasing, according to President Vladimir Putin. Speaking at VTB Bank’s ‘Russia Calling’ forum on Thursday, he said non-energy-related sectors were the main drivers of Russian economic growth this year.

“Now let’s see them try to call Russia a gas station,” Putin mused. The late US Senator John McCain once used the phrase as a dismissive assessment of the country’s economy.

so the mil is defying the White House and State Dept?

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d99742 No.112745

File: cea4bfaaa85a3b9⋯.jpeg (438.65 KB,1242x1706,621:853,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 509cc236ad95f04⋯.jpeg (488.66 KB,1241x1989,73:117,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bd29c60bd1b80ed⋯.jpeg (139.57 KB,1223x926,1223:926,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4908e535be1c245⋯.jpeg (407.09 KB,1048x1920,131:240,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044216 (081409ZDEC23) Notable: A warning to anyone who is hosting the NZ whistleblower data….the NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.

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Warning: If you’re hosting NZ “whistleblower data” on your server, you’re at risk of losing EVERYTHING…

December 7, 2023

Rumors are circulating that former New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern has issued orders to delete all leaked COVID vaccine data. The speculation was shared by former Parliamentary candidate Jim Ferguson on X:

Did Jacinda Ardern just order the Data to be deleted? Amidst a growing storm of controversy, there’s escalating turmoil within the World Economic Forum and New Zealand’s government circles. Panic appears to have set in as they desperately attempt to shut down any public access to the information. This unrest is fueled by a purported leak of sensitive information, allegedly connecting COVID-19 vaccines to a significant upsurge in illness and fatalities in New Zealand. Amidst this chaos, swirling rumors suggest a drastic move: a directive to erase this contentious data. https://x.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1732072545447301367?s=20…

While unverified whispers implicate former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in potentially ordering this data purge, concrete evidence remains elusive. As the situation unfolds, there are increasing demands to: “Release the Data now!” If she and her former administration have nothing to hide then release the data now. #JacindaArdern #NewZealand #WEF #WEF2030Agenda #DepopulationAgenda #CoverUp #Whistleblower #BarryYoung #DiedSuddenly #ExcessDeaths #mRNA #CovidVaccinations #Myocarditus #ReleasetheDatanow

This report follows a whistleblower’s disclosure of the supposed “real” number of people who died from the COVID vaccine:The data leak sent shockwaves through the ranks of the elite, sparking a state of absolute panic. The whistleblower has been arrested and now faces a potential 7-year prison sentence for revealing the information.

Newshub New Zealand:

A 56-year-old man has been denied bail for now after appeared in court on Monday morning, accused of leaking large amounts of Te Whatu Ora vaccination data online.

Barry Young was arrested on Sunday and appeared before Wellington District Court judge Andrew Nicholls on Monday.

He faces one charge of dishonestly accessing Te Whatu Ora databases with the maximum penalty being up to seven years of imprisonment.

He has not entered a plea.

A public gallery full of supporters stood and clapped when Young entered the courtroom. Judge Nicholls told them off, saying “any more disruption and I’ll ask you to leave”. Young has been denied bail on Monday and will be released on bail at 1pm on Tuesday.

But sadly, this story gets even more draconian. We’re now getting a very serious warning from a New Zealand vaccine watchdog group that claims if you have the whistleblower data on your server, you are at risk of literally losing everything.


The NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.

If you hold this data on a live server, you are at risk of losing EVERYTHING stored on your server as your account will be DELETED

US Genomics expert Kevin McKernan says he woke up to find that his entire MEGA account, including medical genome sequencing and vaccine sequencing data, with an estimated value of US$200,000, had been suddenly deleted.

McKernan is one of the leading scientists involved in researching DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid vaccines – all his sequencing data of the Pfizer and Moderna DNA contamination has been LOST

Many online users argue that it’s well past the point of no return for the New Zealand government, or any government for that matter. The data has already made its way onto the dark web, where it’s securely stored on thousands of servers, thanks to the assistance of hackers from around the world. Deleting it now seems like a nearly impossible task, which is good for the people, bad for the globalists.


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d99742 No.112746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044276 (081430ZDEC23) Notable: The Biden family’s banking shell game

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The Biden family’s banking shell game

Suspicious transactions test new House speaker's resolve

By Editorial Board


President Biden isn’t interested in settling questions about his problematic financial interactions with family members. When asked Wednesday to explain payments flowing between him, his son Hunter and his brother Jim, he fired off a stern denial before shuffling away from the White House press pool.

“It’s just a bunch of lies,” the president said. “They’re lies. I did not. They’re lies.”

Reporters were inquiring about the discovery of bank records confirming that Hunter Biden’s business entity Owasco PC made small, regular deposits into the elder Biden‘s bank account. That’s the same Owasco that received millions in payments from Chinese state enterprises.

The president has consistently denied awareness of Hunter’s financial dealings. Friends of the administration go on to defend the transactions, explaining them as a dutiful son making payments on his father’s Ford Raptor while the son was using that pickup truck. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer isn’t buying that story.

“This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world,” the Kentucky Republican said in a statement.

New documents also reveal Mr. Biden sent at least 54 emails to Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin. The then-vice president’s messages were concealed under aliases including “Robin Ware” and “Robert L. Peters.” That’s a curious thing for someone not involved in the business to do.

Mr. Comer joined House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, in giving Hunter Biden until Dec. 13 to appear before the committees to explain what’s going on in a deposition, threatening contempt of Congress proceedings should the president’s son fail to appear pursuant to a subpoena issued last month.

It remains to be seen whether new House Speaker Mike Johnson will pursue contempt proceedingsas ferociously as Rep. Nancy Pelosi did when she wielded the speaker’s gavel. BothPeter Navarro and Steve Bannon, former top aides to former President Donald Trump, are fightingunprecedented criminal contempt convictionsat the hands of Democratic-appointed judges and Trump-hating juries.

As for Mr. Johnson, he announced that the full House would vote next week to continue the formal impeachment inquiry against President Biden. “The House Democrats cheapened impeachment,” the Louisiana Republican argued. “What you’re seeing now is the opposite of that, a very deliberate investigation uncovering and following the facts — that’s what the Constitution requires the House to do.”

With Mr. Comer having identified $24 million in cash pouring into 20 different shell companies linked with the Bidens and their associates, the big guy has some explaining to do. Imaginations run wild in the absence of a credible response, which is why the last thing the president and his son should do is continue stonewalling.

Recall that the FBI opened a full inquiry into then-candidate Trump — using foreign-agent surveillance authority — based on a secondhand report of the sozzled ramblings of a low-level campaign aide talking to a diplomat in a London bar.

As Mr. Biden’s current defenders cheered the latter investigation, surely they will urge the president and his family to cooperate fully in this inquiry.

(I don’t believe anything Johnson says.)


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d99742 No.112747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044333 (081451ZDEC23) Notable: Field Hearing, Little Rock, AR: Connecting Communities: Building Innovation Ecosystems Across America House Financial Services Committee

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December 8, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Field Hearing, Little Rock, Arkansas: Connecting Communities: Building Innovation Ecosystems Across America

House Financial Services Committee



Mr. Arthur Orduña

Executive Director, The Venture Center


Mr. Joel Wheelis

Senior Vice President, Head of Products and Services for Banking Large Financial Institutions, FIS Global


Ms. Susannah Marshall

Arkansas Bank Commissioner and Securities Commissioner,


Mr. Ravi Loganathan

Head, Financial Institution Services and President, SardineX Consortium







House Financial Services Subcommittee Field Hearing on Innovation Ecosystems

The House Financial Services Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Inclusion Subcommittee holds a field hearing in Little Rock, Arkansas, on fostering innovation ecosystems in the U.S.


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d99742 No.112748

File: 31908c372e1bdad⋯.png (1.4 MB,1185x3462,395:1154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044334 (081451ZDEC23) Notable: 5 days ago Philippines Earthquake: Deaths Reported After 7.6 Shake

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Philippines Earthquake: Deaths Reported After 7.6 Shake | TIME

5 days ago ... The Philippines was hit by an earthquake of 6.8 magnitude on Nov. 17. Earthquakes are common in the Philippines. The country lies on the "Ring ...


Philippines earthquake: Pregnant woman killed by Mindanao quake

5 days ago ... A pregnant woman has died, four people injured, and nine are missing after a powerful earthquake hit the Philippines' second-largest island ...


Powerful aftershocks continue to rattle Philippines after earthquake ...

4 days ago ... DAVAO CITY, Philippines – A powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake has claimed the lives of at least three people in the southern Philippines as ...


Video shows intense shaking during deadly 7.6 Philippines ...

4 days ago ... A powerful earthquake that shook the southern Philippines killed at least one villager and injured several others as thousands scrambled out ...

Thousands of tons of dead sardines wash ashore in northern Japan

Thousands of tons of dead sardines have washed up on a beach in northern Japan for unknown reasons

ByAYAKA MCGILL Associated Press

December 8, 2023, 5:29 AM


>I don't need to be paid. I'm better at shitposting than researching really, but I try my best when I do.

think there's correlation here?

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d99742 No.112749

File: 1c003b3f2c575f1⋯.png (295.22 KB,1287x655,1287:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044366 (081501ZDEC23) Notable: Harris, Emhoff celebrate start of Hanukkah: ‘even in darkness, we can bring forth the light’

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Harris, Emhoff celebrate start of Hanukkah: ‘even in darkness, we can bring forth the light’


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d99742 No.112750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044402 (081511ZDEC23) Notable: #24602

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#24602 >>112710

>>112711 Trump-appointee will oversee Hunter Biden's tax evasion case: First Son potentially faces 17 years in jail

>>112713 Saudi prince dies in plane crash – media

>>112717 Seychelles Declares Emergency After Heavy Flooding, Massive Blast at Explosives Depot

>>112723 Russell Brand: U.S Government forced to censor Anti-Vax videos because of surplus vaccines

>>112725 @BrianCates on Hunter indictment

>>112726 US Imposes Sanctions Over Red Sea Shipping Attacks

>>112728, >>112729, >>112745 A warning to anyone who is hosting the NZ whistleblower data….the NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.

>>112730, >>112727, >>112725, >>112724, >>112727 Read the indictment charging Hunter Biden with nine federal tax crimes

>>112731 @petermcculloughmd: My clinical practice experience with low-dose nicotine patches is positive.

>>112732 Vegas shooter has interesting interests.

>>112733 Loomer calls out Kayleigh McBitchfaceEnany for trashing DJT

>>112734 Another public school employee busted for CP

>>112738 WaPo mass walkoff today

>>112739 NEW DJT - "...the slimeballs brought them right in the middle of my very successful campaign for President..."

>>112740 Putin announces 2024 presidential bid

>>112741 Rocket fire around US embassy in Baghdad

>>112712, >>112714, >>112715, >>112716, >>112718, >>112719, >>112720, >>112721, >>112722, >>112735, >>112736, >>112737 James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

>>112742 Based water filter salesman issues silver alert over meth fueled naked and geriatric white house explorer.

>>112743 DJT +50 in latest poll

>>112744 Russia supplying US Mil oil?

>>112746 The Biden family’s banking shell game

>>112747 Field Hearing, Little Rock, AR: Connecting Communities: Building Innovation Ecosystems Across America House Financial Services Committee

>>112748 5 days ago Philippines Earthquake: Deaths Reported After 7.6 Shake

>>112749 Harris, Emhoff celebrate start of Hanukkah: ‘even in darkness, we can bring forth the light’


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d99742 No.112751

File: 9a762a335deef33⋯.jpg (63.98 KB,653x446,653:446,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044410 (081513ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump WATCH THE TRIAL!!!

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d99742 No.112752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044443 (081523ZDEC23) Notable: Rapper Kodak Black is arrested on drug charges three years after he was pardoned by Trump

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Rapper Kodak Black is arrested on drug charges after traffic stop where cops found 'white pills and $75,000 in cash' - three years after he was pardoned by Trump

- Kodak Black was one of 140 people pardoned by Donald Trump on his last full day in office in 2021

- Just under three years later, Black has been arrested again on drugs charges

- His car was reportedly stopped for speeding and officers found oxycodone and almost $75,000 inside


The Rapper Kodak Black has been arrested on drug charges almost three years after then-President Donald Trump pardoned him and commuted his prison sentence.

The Tunnel Vision rapper - whose real name is Bill Kapri - was arrested in Florida, near Fort Lauderdale, on Wednesday.

Police reportedly stopped the 26-year-old's purple SUV going over the speed limit through Plantation and then detected a marijuana smell coming from the vehicle.


>Purple SUV

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d99742 No.112753

File: 7c660bb6ca2fed7⋯.png (152.52 KB,1207x511,1207:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044466 (081529ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump WATCH THE TRIAL!!!

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Donald J. Trump


I hope everyone is watching the Kangaroo Court Witch Hunt taking place against me, led by a totally corrupt and Racist A.G., and a highly partisan Judge who made his decision before the trial even started, and before he knew anything about the case. Mar-a-Lago worth $18,000,000? Yesterday, a highly acclaimed finance EXPERT powerfully stated that I did NOTHING WRONG, AND THAT I BUILT A GREAT COMPANY. The case should be dropped. No business will ever move to New York after watching this charade, and many will be leaving. I was not allowed a jury. SO UNFAIR. The Judge knows we are not guilty of anything but creating thousands of jobs and building a GREAT COMPANY!

Dec 08, 2023, 9:01 AM


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d99742 No.112754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044474 (081533ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump WATCH THE TRIAL!!!

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Trump Latest News | Colorado Trial Live | Court to Decide If Trump Be Barred from Elections | N18L


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d99742 No.112755

File: db72e63c1d4d947⋯.png (487.63 KB,617x568,617:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 026811bfc15ee52⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044476 (081533ZDEC23) Notable: @NikkiHaley If Russia wins, China wins. If Hamas wins, Iran wins. And if evil succeeds it puts all of us at risk

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Nikki Haley


If Russia wins, China wins. If Hamas wins, Iran wins. And if evil succeeds it puts all of us at risk.

American strength doesn’t start wars. It prevents them.

9:47 AM · Dec 8, 2023


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d99742 No.112756

File: cfbd4e8aaf30713⋯.jpg (39.03 KB,302x504,151:252,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044482 (081536ZDEC23) Notable: ITALY - A man Shot dead 2 of 3 robbers to defend his shop and wife and daughter who had both been tied up. He’s been ordered to pay €280,000 to the criminals families and imprisoned for 17 YEARS!!!

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Elander & the News


ITALY - A man Shot dead 2 of 3 robbers to defend his shop and wife and daughter who had both been tied up.

He’s been ordered to pay €280,000 to the criminals families and imprisoned for 17 YEARS!!!

The court decided he was a vigilante and the liberals called him a fascist 🤡

1:48 AM · Dec 7, 2023



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d99742 No.112757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044489 (081540ZDEC23) Notable: We Aren’t Prepared For The Hell Democrats Will Put America Through In 2024

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We Aren’t Prepared For The Hell Democrats Will Put America Through In 2024

Sometimes coincidences happen in American politics, but what’s happening right now with the Democratic Party — the repeated loud and public doubting about Joe Biden’s future by prominent party figures — is not a coincidence.

This is coordinated, and as the 2024 election draws nearer, anything is possible.

In an interview with Patrick Bet-David this week, Robert Kennedy Jr. said something about the eventual Democrat presidential nominee I hadn’t considered. “If he were going to drop out,” Kennedy said, referring to Biden, “the time to drop out would be during the convention because then he would control the delegates, because they’re all Biden delegates, and he would then be able to pick his successor.”

The idea being that Biden, with the full Democrat apparatus behind him, would lock up the nomination by formally “running” but then direct all of his secured delegates to fall behind someone else, either because he knows he can’t endure a general election campaign, or because he’s been told he better not try.........

The only other option was to have a brutal open primary, something that the party’s power structure would never allow. And that’s why Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s scenario is a potential likelihood. But that leads to the next problem — it’s unthinkable that the party’s voters would accept that national leadership would unilaterally determine who gets to be the nominee. I don’t know if you’ve seen Democrat voters lately, but they’re not exactly moving along with the rest of the herd.

There would be rioting and, almost certainly, violence. For weeks, maybe months. What would Democrat leaders do to quell it? What wouldn’t they do? Nonetheless, it’s a price they’d be willing to pay if it increased their chances of defeating Trump a second time.

Democrats cornered themselves. But there is absolutely no way in hell they will quietly plod their way to likely defeat. It’s going to get very, very messy, and it’s destined to be dangerous.

And you thought 2020 was wild.


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d99742 No.112758

File: 417ebe60d894113⋯.png (157.05 KB,768x286,384:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044490 (081540ZDEC23) Notable: U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

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Interesting... 143 thousand percent, huh? Not sure on the credibility of the article sauce, but its sauce seems to be CDC data.

Shocking Report: U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States.

Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections. Because official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination increases by a shocking 143,233%.


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d99742 No.112759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044497 (081541ZDEC23) Notable: @NikkiHaley If Russia wins, China wins. If Hamas wins, Iran wins. And if evil succeeds it puts all of us at risk

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Meet The Haleys!

The Haleys Join Harris Faulkner’s “Families in Focus”


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d99742 No.112760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044503 (081544ZDEC23) Notable: ICYMI: July Hunter Biden Hearing Before House Oversight Committee | U.S. Congress | N18L

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Hunter Biden LIVE | Hunter Biden Hearing Before House Oversight Committee | U.S. Congress | N18L

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d99742 No.112761

File: f899cd0c8d6ffd6⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1234x5475,1234:5475,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044515 (081547ZDEC23) Notable: Thousands of tons of dead fish wash ashore in Japan - three months after the nation released treated Fukushima radioactive water

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Thousands of tons of dead fish wash ashore in Japan - three months after the nation released treated Fukushima radioactive water into the sea


Thousands of tons of dead fish have washed up on a beach in northern Japan, prompting speculation that the release of treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant has wrought havoc on local ecosystems.

The sardines and some mackerel washed ashore in Hakodate on Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido on Thursday morning, creating an unsettling sliver blanket that covered almost a mile of shoreline.

An official announcement was devoid of any explanation for the phenomenon.

Takashi Fujioka, a Hakodate Fisheries Research Institute researcher, posited a number of theories as to why the fish could have died en-masse.

He said they may have become exhausted due to a lack of oxygen while moving in a densely packed school in shallow waters, or may have suddenly entered cold waters during their migration and succumbed to shock, he said.

There have been several recorded cases of similar phenomena springing up on several parts of Japan's coastline.

But this particular phenomenon occurred just three months after Japanese authorities began releasing treated radioactive water back into the sea - a move which angered its neighbours including China and South Korea.

China has since banned Japanese seafood and criticised the country as being 'extremely selfish and irresponsible', with the Chinese Communist Party's flagship newspaper The Global Times writing it could open 'Pandora's box' and trigger fears of a 'real-life Godzilla'.

South Korean protestors also attempted to enter the Japanese embassy in Seoul carrying banners which read 'The sea is not Japan's trash bin'.

The sardines and some mackerel washed ashore in Hakodate on Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido on Thursday morning

The phenomenon created an unsettling sliver blanket that covered almost a mile of shoreline

A closer look at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma

Local residents observing the shoreline in Hakodate said they had never seen anything like it.

Some gathered the fish to sell or eat, prompting the town to urge residents not to consume the fish in a notice posted on its website,

The decomposing fish could lower oxygen levels in the water and affect the marine environment, Fujioka said.

'We don't know for sure under what circumstances these fish were washed up, so I do not recommend eating them,' he concluded.

In March 2011 the Fukushima power plant was wrecked after an earthquake and subsequent tsunami destroyed the plant's cooling systems, causing three reactors to melt.

Now, an undersea tunnel is being used to discharge the radioactive water treated by the Advanced Liquid Processing System, which uses a process called isotopic dilution to render the water less dangerous.

This process sees tritium - a less harmful radioactive isotope - added to the contaminated water which is subsequently mixed with 'clean seawater', diluting the concentration of more harmful substances.

Japanese officials maintain that the treated water is safe.

But critics say a lack of long-term data means it is impossible to say with certainty that tritium poses no threat to human health or the marine environment.

Greenpeace said the radiological risks had not been fully assessed and that the biological impacts of tritium 'have been ignored'.

Activists take part in a protest against Japan releasing treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant in Busan, South Korea

More South Korean protestors take to the streets complaining about toxic water treatment

The Fukushima power plant, pictured after being damaged, was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011

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d99742 No.112762

File: bc4d2e9bcf41d7b⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x844,256:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044516 (081548ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Vega and Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 8, 2023

Vega and Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks

On December 4, periodic Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks shared this telescopic field of view with Vega, alpha star of the northern constellation Lyra. Fifth brightest star in planet Earth's night, Vega is some 25 light-years distant while the much fainter comet was about 21 light-minutes away. In recent months, outbursts have caused dramatic increases in brightness for Pons-Brooks though. Nicknamed the Devil Comet for its hornlike appearance, fans of interstellar spaceflight have also suggested the distorted shape of this comet's large coma looks like the Millenium Falcon. A Halley-type comet, 12P/Pons-Brooks last visited the inner Solar System in 1954. Its next perihelion passage or closest approach to the Sun will be April 21, 2024. That's just two weeks after the April 8 total solar eclipse path crosses North America. But, highly inclined to the Solar System's ecliptic plane, the orbit of periodic Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks will never cross the orbit of planet Earth.


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d99742 No.112763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044520 (081550ZDEC23) Notable: Thousands of tons of dead fish wash ashore in Japan - three months after the nation released treated Fukushima radioactive water

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"worldwide catastrophe"- Xi Jinping






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d99742 No.112764

File: fb183416e9437b9⋯.jpeg (601.01 KB,1399x631,1399:631,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d6177918ff58a84⋯.jpeg (626.62 KB,1367x625,1367:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 28026ba06ff959a⋯.jpeg (317.05 KB,762x516,127:86,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044529 (081554ZDEC23) Notable: PF planeFag: Europe/Med./Gulf activity/CONUS:Potato departed for LasVegas then to LA

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planeFag: Europe/Med./Gulf activity

Those 2 C5 Galaxys with 4 digit cal signs landed at Ramstein from Dover AFB depart

RCH1853 C5 has just Ramstein heading ES and RCH1805 should be following shortly after both had a ground stop of just over 3h

>>112688 pb

BOXER42 C40C arrived at Dhabi UAEthe day After VP visitsfrom its JBA depart last night-stopped at Shannon for refuel earlier

Slovenia AF LSV101 Falcon 2000 departed PragueDefense Minister Marjan Šarecleft conference and back to Ljubljana

V4 Defence Ministers Holding Talks in Prague on Ukraine and Middle East


Swiss AF SUI021 Challenger 600 went to Lugano from Zurich while SUI003 Falcon 900 is currently of NE Turkey after southern Black Sea transit and departed Bern/Belp Airport

NATO04 E3 Sentry AWACS setting up in eastern Med/HOMER42 River Joint was there earlier but went back to Souda Bay, Crete several hours ago

NATO20/24 E3 Sentry AWACS south of Kaliningrad 20 from Lithuania depart and 24 from Geilinkirchen AB

Canada AF CFC2923 C130 arrivied at Rzsesow Airport in SE Poland with a “toy” drop from Chateauroux, France depart

Spanish AF AME4509 Falcon 900 NW from Beirut depart and arrived yesterday

As Israeli ‘Lions’ Pounce on Hamas in Gaza, the Roar Echoes All the Way to Beirut


61-0207 KC-135 tanker over central Iraq along with X C130 Hercules

>love the joyride posts /s but this is actual work

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d99742 No.112765

File: a75064e054058b5⋯.png (428.4 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044539 (081558ZDEC23) Notable: Two Michigan couples are arrested for conspiring to adopt dozens of children from foster care before subjecting them to 'routine mental and physical abuse'

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Two Michigan couples are arrested for conspiring to adopt dozens of children from foster care before subjecting them to 'routine mental and physical abuse': Received more than $1 million in tax-free money from the state

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12839491/Michigan-couples-adoption-abuse-fraud html

- Joel Brown, 54, and Tammy Brown, 53, and Jerry Flore, 58, and Tamal Flore, 56, were indicted on 36 of child abuse charges Tuesday

- Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel found evidence that they abused eight of the nearly 30 adopted children in their care dating back to 2007

- Nessel also accuses them of taking more than $1million from the state of Michigan tax-free by manipulating the foster and adoption care system

Two Michigan couples have been charged in a scheme to adopt nearly 30 children whom they used to acquire state funding while covering up patterns of mental and physical abuse against them.

Joel Brown, 54, and Tammy Brown, 53, and Jerry Flore, 58, and Tamal Flore, 56, were indicted on 36 of child abuse charges Tuesday.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel brought the charges after they found evidence that they abused eight of the adopted children who have been in their care dating back to 2007.

The Flores face the most charges, with Tamal indicted on 17 and Jerry on 11, including first-degree child abuse counts that could see them imprisoned for life. All four of the adoptive parents face charges ranging from conspiracy to commit child abuse and failing to report child abuse.

Two Michigan couples have been charged in a scheme to adopt nearly 30 children whom they used to acquire state funding while covering up patterns of mental and physical abuse against them. The couples, who both live in the Michigan town of DeWitt, conspired to adopt the kids through Joel Brown, who once worked for Michigan Department of Health and Human Service's children's services agency.

The indictment accuses him of using 'his expertise in the field of child abuse investigations and the child protection laws to circumvent detection of the ongoing child abuse in his own home and that of the Flores.' Both couples would regularly abuse their children and disguise it as simple punishment.

'The Brown and Flore families preyed upon dozens of children who were removed from previously abusive biological homes and subjected the children to prolonged routine and systemic mental and physical abuse under the guise of discipline,' Nessel said in a statement. 'These two families have adopted or fostered at least 30 children toward an end of immense financial gain.'

>Shockingly, both couples had faced child abuse charges before but they had either been dismissed or reduced.

>Shockingly, both couples had faced child abuse charges before but they had either been dismissed or reduced.

>Shockingly, both couples had faced child abuse charges before but they had either been dismissed or reduced.


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d99742 No.112766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044551 (081604ZDEC23) Notable: Rationale for Nicotine Patch in Treatment of Long-COVID and Vaccine Injury Syndromes

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Rationale for Nicotine Patch in Treatment of Long-COVID and Vaccine Injury Syndromes

Simple Intervention Provides Hope for Amelioration of Cognitive and Somatic Symptoms


In my practice, most patients with post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination are on the McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification. The word “base” is important because it signifies that in addition to triple therapy with nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin, other drugs and interventions can be added to reduce the intensity and duration of symptoms while the root cause of the syndrome (Spike protein) is being cleared from the body.

Leitzke summarized the literature on post-acute sequelae being related to residual SARS-CoV-2 interactions with the ACE-2 receptor as well as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR).

Changeux et al. (2020) recently proposed a ´nicotine hypothesis´, which implicates the propensity of SARSCoV-2 to not only bind to ACE2-receptors (ACE2R) but to nicotinic AChRs, as well (Changeux et al. 2020). Viral particles competing with acetylcholine for nAChR binding in order to enter the human body may lead to primary neuro infection (Changeux et al. 2020; Steardo et al. 2020). Furthermore, among the severe and fatal cases of COVID-19, the proportion of nicotine consumers was significantly lower than non-consumers of nicotine (Miyara, et al. 2020). Since nicotine may protect nAChRs from viral attachment, therapeutic nicotine application was proposed in the management of acute COVID-19 infections (Changeux et al. 2020). This argument is convincingly supported by the cohort study of Hippisley-Cox et al. (2020), with a total of 8.28 million participants (including 19,486 confirmed COVID-19 cases), showing lower odds for COVID-19 infection and COVID-19-related ICU stay in association with smoking (Hippisley-et al. 2020).

Nicotine binds to nAChR and works to competitively antagonize Spike protein while at the same time upregulating nAChR.

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d99742 No.112767

File: 9811d631482aac1⋯.png (650.49 KB,1370x860,137:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044568 (081609ZDEC23) Notable: SpaceX Starlink Mission

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

On Friday, December 8 at 12:03 a.m. PT, Falcon 9 launched 22 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

This was the 13th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched NROL-87, NROL-85, SARah-1, SWOT, Transporter-8, Transporter-9, and now seven Starlink missions.


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d99742 No.112768

File: 0f0d0d8fe579c00⋯.png (147.35 KB,694x673,694:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044588 (081613ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I am pleased to announce that very popular and highly respected Congressman, Jeff Van Drew, will be heading up my New Jersey effort for President

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Donald J. Trump

I am pleased to announce that very popular and highly respected Congressman, Jeff Van Drew, will be heading up my New Jersey effort for President. I have known Jeff for a long time and consider him to be one of the best political minds anywhere. He feels, as do I, that because the Biden Administration has been so bad to the Garden State, that we have a very good chance of winning New Jersey. We will put it on our List for Rallies and all other forms of Events, and make a concerted effort to WIN! I spend a great deal of time in New Jersey, love the State, and its people. With what is going on in our Country now, Open and Broken Borders, Record Setting Crime, High Taxes and Regulations, Disrespect of our Military and Vets, the Worst Inflation in 72 years, and a Terrible Economy, we will win New Jersey, and possibly by a lot. Jeff Van Drew will put his Talents on display for all to see. I thank him very much. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Dec 08, 2023, 10:41 AM


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d99742 No.112769

File: 235c49f3205748b⋯.png (475.08 KB,825x551,825:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d24c16b44d4ce3⋯.png (555.8 KB,825x706,825:706,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d9a99a879202ef⋯.png (299.03 KB,825x549,275:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044615 (081623ZDEC23) Notable: More Nations Meet to Address Space Security

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More Nations Meet to Address Space Security

Dec. 7, 2023

The annual event, held this week, brought together DOD political and military space leadership from the U.S., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and also welcomed three new members of CSpO: Italy, Japan and Norway. The 10 members of CSpO discussed opportunities to further advance both operational cooperation and information sharing for the space domain.

Established in 2014, the initiative is a multinational partnership. Its stated mission is to generate and improve cooperation, coordination and interoperability to sustain freedom of action in space, optimize resources, enhance mission assurance and resilience, and deter conflict.

Defense leaders discussed the emerging security challenges and explored ways to cooperate to prevent conflict in space.  

The nations' representatives emphasized the need to continue to promote a rules-based international order and responsible behavior in space, while collaboratively addressing challenges to the safety and security of space-related operations.

Participants from the U.S. included Dr. John Plumb, assistant secretary of defense for space policy; Space Force Gen. Chance Saltzman, chief of space operations; and Army Gen. James Dickinson, commander of U.S. Space Command.

"Cooperation with our allies and partners is essential to promoting responsible space operations and protecting our interests in the domain. Expanding this cooperation in the space domain is one of my top priorities, and I was extremely proud to have Italy, Japan and Norway participate at the principals' board for the first time. Through CSpO, we will collectively work to reinforce the safety, security, stability and long-term sustainability of space," Plumb said. 

"The CSpO Initiative is an important forum for improving coordination and integration while striving toward combined space operations. We appreciate the opportunity to meet with our allies and find avenues to optimize resources and build resilience," Dickinson said.  

"The U.S. Space Force is committed to deterring conflict and reinforcing the security of the space domain," said Saltzman. "Our partnerships are strengthened through CSpO, and this coalition of like-minded nations enhances our ability to address the complex challenges we collectively face."


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d99742 No.112770

File: 93e09fcb8897e91⋯.jpeg (560.46 KB,1259x621,1259:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1bd6c24ca5bd7c5⋯.jpeg (566.4 KB,1345x613,1345:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6f22b5105140f12⋯.png (197.89 KB,723x539,723:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044627 (081627ZDEC23) Notable: PF planeFag: Europe/Med./Gulf activity/CONUS:Potato departed for LasVegas then to LA

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Potato in 93-9000 747 (VC-25) and still not AF1 departed JBA for Las Vegas and ‘muh infrastructure’ BS and then to Los Angeles for moar “fundraising” in Santa Monica

Biden heads to Las Vegas to showcase $8.2B for 10 major rail projects around the country


Biden to visit L.A. for Hollywood fundraiser: Brace yourself for traffic headaches



EXEC1F C40BFlauxtuswest from JBA

73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departed JBA for Tucson, AZ Davis-Monthan AFB and will stay there for duration of Potatoes west coast visit

SPAR572 Learjet 35 west from Scott AFB,IL and landed at Pueblo, CO

123456 USAFSOC C-32B west from Eglin AFB these been quiet or not visible lately and it’s on descent near west southern Texas

Canada AF CFC3060 Chsllenger 600 WS over Ne Colorado from Ottawa depart

All the way west is Coast Guard C102 G5 departed LAX after arriving yesterday

That trace heading SW us from SPAR19 that went to Guatemala City last night

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112771

File: 5ce53b6c583cc11⋯.jpg (78.67 KB,897x467,897:467,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044629 (081627ZDEC23) Notable: Wall Street CEOs try to convince senators that new capital rules will hurt Americans as well as banks

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Wall Street CEOs try to convince senators that new capital rules will hurt Americans as well as banks


The CEOs of eight banks sought to raise alarms over a sweeping set of higher standards known as the Basel 3 endgame.

"The rule would have predictable and harmful outcomes to the economy, markets, business of all sizes and American households," JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon told lawmakers.

Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, ripped the banks' lobbying efforts against the proposed rules.

Wall Street CEOs on Wednesday pushed back against proposed regulations aimed at raising the levels of capital they'll need to hold against future risks.

In prepared remarks and responses to lawmakers' questions during an annual Senate oversight hearing, the CEOs of eight banks sought to raise alarms over the impact of the changes. In July, U.S. regulators unveiled a sweeping set of higher standards governing banks known as the Basel 3 endgame.

"The rule would have predictable and harmful outcomes to the economy, markets, business of all sizes and American households," JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon told lawmakers.

If unchanged, the regulations would raise capital requirements on the largest banks by about 25%, Dimon claimed.

The heads of America's largest banks, including JPMorgan, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, are seeking to dull the impact of the new rules, which would affect all U.S. banks with at least $100 billion in assets and take until 2028 to be fully phased in. Raising the cost of capital would likely hurt the industry's profitability and growth prospects.

It would also likely help nonbank players including Apollo and Blackstone, which have gained market share in areas banks have receded from because of stricter regulations, including loans for mergers, buyouts and highly indebted corporations.

While all the major banks can comply with the rules as currently constructed, it wouldn't be without losers and winners, the CEOs testified.

Those who could be unintentionally harmed by the regulations include small business owners, mortgage customers, pensions and other investors, as well as rural and low-income customers, according to Dimon and the other executives.

"Mortgages and small business loans will be more expensive and harder to access, particularly for low- to moderate-income borrowers," Dimon said. "Savings for retirement or college will yield lower returns as costs rise for asset managers, money-market funds and pension funds."

With the rise in the cost of capital, government infrastructure projects will be more expensive to finance, making new hospitals, bridges and roads even costlier, Dimon added. Corporate clients will need to pay more to hedge the price of commodities, resulting in higher consumer costs, he said.

The changes would "increase the cost of borrowing for farmers in rural communities," Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser said. "It could impact them in terms of their mortgages, it could impact their credit cards. It could also importantly impact their cost of any borrowing that they do."

Finally, the CEOs warned that by heightening oversight on banks, regulators would push yet more financial activity to nonbank players — sometimes referred to as shadow banks — leaving regulators blind to those risks.

The tone of lawmakers' questioning during the three-hour hearing mostly hewed to partisan lines, with Democrats more skeptical of the executives and Republicans inquiring about potential harms to everyday Americans.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat, opened the event by lambasting banks' lobbying efforts against the Basel 3 endgame.


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d99742 No.112772

File: 55ed7d6bcb3b6ae⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x592,75:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044659 (081638ZDEC23) Notable: More Nations Meet to Address Space Security

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Lawmakers unveil 2024 defense authorization bill with space priorities

December 7, 2023

WASHINGTON — The Senate and House Armed Services Committees unveiled a final National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) conference agreement late Dec. 6 that includes several space policy and spending decisions impacting the military space and commercial space sectors.

The 2024 NDAA authorizes a defense budget of $886 billion after weeks of negotiations between House and Senate leaders. The final negotiated version of the bill now goes back to the full House and Senate for final passage before going to the President.

Space policy provisions

The final NDAA punted on the thorny issue of establishing a separate Space National Guard, deferring that politically contentious decision to further study. It does direct a review on potentially transferring existing Air National Guard space units into the U.S. Space Force in the near future.

Seeking to address growing threats in the space domain from China and Russia, the legislation also directs new intelligence sharing requirements between the Pentagon and commercial satellite industry. The Secretary of Defense would be required to establish guidelines for providing critical threat information to companies operating satellites in orbit.

The Space Force is also ordered to deliver a plan on integrating commercial space tracking data into day-to-day space domain awareness operations. This reflects a growing push in Congress to leverage the emerging commercial space startups tracking objects and detecting threats in orbit.

In terms of organizational changes, the 2024 NDAA temporarily blocks any spending to establish U.S. Space Command headquarters in Colorado Springs pending a new investigation into the former Trump Administration’s last-minute decision to relocate the command to Huntsville, Alabama, and President Biden’s subsequent reversal of that decision.

This provision was inserted by the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), who has vowed to keep up the fight over the location of Space Command.

Language on commercial use of launch ranges

The legislation permits the Space Force to essentially establish a “port authority” arrangement at launch ranges to improve infrastructure for commercial launch companies. Similar to seaports investing in piers and shipping channels for maritime businesses, launch providers could cover costs for expanded capability at military test ranges in exchange for rapid access.

These provisions have been advocated by the Space Force’s Space Launch Delta 45, which operates the Eastern Range, including the world’s busiest spaceports at Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

The language in the NDAA would allow the military range operator to sign agreements with commercial space launch providers to upgrade the infrastructure at the range and allow companies to reimburse the government for certain costs.

Space Force leaders have argued that under current funding mechanisms, federal ranges support commercial launches only when not being used for government activities, even as commercial launches dominate the use of the ranges.


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d99742 No.112773

File: 05229f7bc239d28⋯.png (571.46 KB,1051x768,1051:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fed72cf5e60f3d⋯.png (779.04 KB,1026x786,171:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e9763bafd9e4fe⋯.png (551.72 KB,1045x778,1045:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 674e4964151e2d4⋯.png (630.41 KB,1047x768,349:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044662 (081638ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump WATCH THE TRIAL!!!

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>well we can not currently see any of Trumps

except this one:


Trump Latest NewsColorado Trial Live | Court to Decide If Trump Be Barred from Election

2,023 watching now

Started streaming 4 hours ago


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112774

File: 4b594880bc08617⋯.jpeg (10.39 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044672 (081641ZDEC23) Notable: Controversial Satanic altar on display in Iowa State Capitol building

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Controversial Satanic altar on display in Iowa State Capitol building

DES MOINES, Iowa (KCCI) - If you are visiting the Iowa Capitol building over the next couple of weeks, you might come across a holiday display that will surely grab your attention.

The display is from the Satanic Temple. It features a ram’s head covered with mirrors on a mannequin.

Lucien Greaves, co-founder of the Satanic Temple, says it’s a symbol of their right to religious freedom.

“We’re going to really relish the opportunity to be represented in a public forum,” Greaves said. “We don’t have a church on every street corner.”

But one visitor says the display is shocking and evil.

“I hope that people realize spiritual warfare is real,” Shellie Flockhart, a Christian who was visiting the building, said. “That there are evil satanic forces that are trying to infiltrate our state.”

The Satanic Temple says the display will be up for the next two weeks.


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d99742 No.112775

File: 9c4394ef220534a⋯.png (56.29 KB,239x250,239:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044688 (081644ZDEC23) Notable: new Bill to ban hedge funds from invading housing markets/owning single fam homes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112776

File: 958e07f010b7481⋯.png (71.18 KB,562x493,562:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044700 (081647ZDEC23) Notable: Man, 56, to be sentenced in Perth after 249 charges on child sexual offences laid by Western Australia police

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Man, 56, to be sentenced in Perth after 249 charges on child sexual offences laid by Western Australia police

A man is set to appear in Perth District Court on Friday in relation to 249 child sexual offences that allegedly occurred between 2020 and 2023.

A man has appeared in Perth District Court on Friday and is expected to be sentenced in relation to 249 child sexual offences, following an extensive investigation by detectives from the Child Exploitation Operations (CEO) Squad.

The man, 56, was initially charged on April 18, 2023, according to Western Australia police. The offences allegedly occurred between 2020 and 2023.

Officers involved in the investigation seized over 200 electronic items which police say required digital forensic inspection.

During the investigation, CEO officers manually reviewed about three million photos and videos, which resulted in a total of 700 hours spent inspecting the files over the course of a four-month period.

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d99742 No.112777

File: a1d9a846a5d48ec⋯.png (135.6 KB,1018x870,509:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044727 (081655ZDEC23) Notable: new Bill to ban hedge funds from invading housing markets/owning single fam homes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112778

File: f9a1d781899805a⋯.gif (1.92 MB,336x352,21:22,Clipboard.gif)

File: 425f9ddf7b45196⋯.png (72.99 KB,967x583,967:583,Clipboard.png)

File: a59aa7b00591dac⋯.png (482.31 KB,1275x797,1275:797,Clipboard.png)

File: a5c27b3194e2363⋯.png (74.34 KB,967x575,967:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ddb9bfe627ddd1⋯.jpeg (217.42 KB,828x1054,414:527,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044754 (081702ZDEC23) Notable: UMich Inflation Expectations Collapsed In December; Republicans Drive Surge In Sentiment

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UMich Inflation Expectations Collapsed In December; Republicans Drive Surge In Sentiment

{It’s a survey….what do you want it to say?….Kek…yet another “muh Bidenomics werking” narrative spin-cap 5 haz pause for FOMC meeting in Jan but the cut expectations have risen slightly and even a slight chance raise of 25bp shows now}

UMich inflation expectations (one year ahead) collapsed to 3.1% in preliminary December data after soaring to 4.5% in November. Medium-term inflation expectations also tumbled from 3.2% to 2.8%.

That is the lowest one-year inflation expectation since March 2021. Consumer sentiment soared 13% in December, erasing all declines from the previous four months, primarily on the basis of improvements in the expected trajectory of inflation. The headline jumped from 61.3 to 69.4 with current conditions spiking from 68.3 to 74.0 and expectations jumping from 56.8 to 66.0... Sentiment is now about 39% above the all-time low measured in June of 2022 but still well below pre-pandemic levels.

All five index components rose this month, led by surges of over 24% for both the short and long-run outlook for business conditions. There was a broad consensus of improved sentiment across age, income, education, geography, and political identification. A growing share of consumers - about 14% - spontaneously mentioned the potential impact of next year’s elections. Sentiment for these consumers appears to incorporate expectations that the elections will likely yield results favorable to the economy.

The index of economic news heard reached its most favorable reading since 2021, supported by huge improvements among higherincome consumers, college-educated consumers, and Republicans. So sentiment up (Fed won't want animal spirits) but inflation expectations collapsing (Fed mission accomplished?)



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d99742 No.112779

File: 4fd51a302194d17⋯.png (1.05 MB,1365x911,1365:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044755 (081702ZDEC23) Notable: Brand New Volcanic Island Seen Growing From Space

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Brand New Volcanic Island Seen Growing From Space

Dec 07, 2023 at 11:45 AM EST

A whole new island pushed to the ocean surface off the coast of Japan has been growing since its birth.

The tiny island—named Niijima, or "new island" in Japanese, popped up just off the southern shores of Iwo Jima in late October, and can be seen in NASA images to have gained in size in the weeks since.

A new image of the island was snapped by the European Space Agency's Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite on November 27, showing that the volcanic activity beneath the Earth's crust is still bubbling away.

The island was initially spotted from space by the NASA/U.S. Geological Survey satellite Landsat-9 on November 3, in the wake of an undersea volcano that started erupting at the end of October. The island is situated about a mile off the coast of Iwo Jima, which itself is about 750 miles south of Tokyo.

As the undersea volcano erupted, hot magma and rock were flung up onto the seafloor, building up into the new island, which burst forth from the waves surrounded by floating rocks of porous volcanic pumice.

"On October 30, 2023, from around 12:20-12:35, an underwater eruption off the coast of Iwo Jima was observed from a Mainichi Shimbun aircraft," reads a translated statement from The University of Tokyo.

"Immediately north of the eruption site, a new island with a diameter of approximately 100m was formed, consisting mainly of rock blocks, but no clear crater topography was observed on the surface," it says, before going on to observe that the island's concentric structure, floating pumice and discolored seawater indicate a magma eruption.

"Based on the observation of the formation of Niijima and the spread of pumice, it was estimated that the eruption had begun recently, but according to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the eruption appears to have started on October 21, 2023," the statement says.

Since its birth, the island has been seen to have carried on growing, as visible in the newer image from Sentinel-2. It also continues to show signs of volcanic activity, with the Japanese Coast Guard sharing footage to X, formerly Twitter, of the island being coated with explosions of steam and smoke as the volcano erupted once more.

The island's fate will depend on the type of rock it's made up of, and how active the volcano will continue to be. If it's made of hardened lava, it may stick around, while if it's composed of lighter, more crumbly rock, it could soon wash away into the sea.

It's unclear how long the volcano that formed the island will continue its active period for, as it's very difficult for volcanologists to accurately predict eruptions.

"A volcanologist, or volcanology team in an observatory can forecast the relative likelihood of eruptions, but this is dependent on a deep knowledge of the volcano and a knowledge of how past events have escalated or been triggered," Shane Cronin, a volcanologist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, told Newsweek.

"In many cases suddenly erupting volcanoes may not have many past events with observational data, so that most forecasts are very imprecise," he said. "These methods are improving all the time, with application of machine learning etcetera, however, even with these advanced mathematical tools, we still need a long record of many events to 'train' such models. Most times, volcanologists use the information from seismicity, gas and temperature release—and especially changes in these from normal situations."

For now, however, Niijima is sticking around, and growing larger. It marks one of the newest formations of the notorious "Ring of Fire," an arc of underwater volcanoes stretching around the Pacific from the tip of South America, past North America, Japan, and all the way to New Zealand.


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d99742 No.112780

File: bad240b61349976⋯.png (169.18 KB,810x976,405:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044775 (081708ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump WATCH THE TRIAL!!!

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Colorado Supreme Court to hear arguments on removing Trump from 2024 ballot under insurrection clause

Politics Dec 6, 2023 2:59 PM EST

DENVER (AP) — Oral arguments are set to for Wednesday afternoon before the Colorado Supreme Court over whether former President Donald Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol prevents him from running for office again in the state under a constitutional ban on those who “engaged in insurrection.”

A district court judge in Denver last month ruled that while Trump engaged in insurrection by inciting the violent attack, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to the office of president so he can remain on the ballot. The liberal group that sued on behalf of six Republican or unaffiliated voters appealed the ruling to the state’s high court.

Trump also appealed a different part of the ruling — the judge’s finding of his culpability in the Capitol attack — and whether a state court judge can legally interpret the meaning of the clause’s somewhat obscure two sentences. The provision was added to the Constitution to keep former Confederates from returning to their government offices after the Civil War.

Dozens of lawsuits citing the provision to keep Trump from running again for president have been filed across the country this year. None have succeeded, but the Colorado case is seen by legal experts as among the most significant. ...


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d99742 No.112781

File: 163e3fd30e807d9⋯.jpeg (557.8 KB,1234x3472,617:1736,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044777 (081709ZDEC23) Notable: "Police deaths and illnesses alarm, we want data"

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"Police deaths and illnesses alarm, we want data"


The police union Osa raises the alarm: "Too many deaths and illnesses in the Police, we have asked the general management for the data. A lot of officers tell us that they are sick after vaccination." And in Catanzaro, the Public Prosecutor authorizes the search for the correlation on a deceased 29-year-old policewoman.

Sudden illnesses and deaths in the Police are alarming the officers. On 17 November, the OSA (Autonomous Trade Union Organisation) trade union officially launched a study on the causes of deaths from suicide or sudden illness among uniformed workers.

Antonio Porto, national secretary of OSA, has long been fighting to bring out the problem of adverse events from vaccines among police officers. A battle that has paid off on his skin, also suffering a couple of suspensions for the vaccination cause, even if imposed within his union activity.

Osa, in fact, is among the drafters of the complaint relating to Aifa leaks and which is being investigated by the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office and which also sees the former Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the former General Manager of Aifa Nicola Magrini under investigation for various crimes. In addition to this investigation - which is under suspicion of a request for dismissal which, however, if confirmed, has not yet been notified to the parties involved - OSA is also taking action to shed light on an increase in illnesses and unexplained deaths, perceived among operators.

"The study," reads the request sent to the Trade Union Relations Office of the Department of Public Security, "was necessary as there is a real alarm within the Police for the very high number of deaths that are beginning to be many, too many compared to previous years."

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d99742 No.112782

File: d6d2b0227247bd0⋯.png (3.77 MB,1332x4037,1332:4037,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044784 (081710ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump WATCH THE TRIAL!!!

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Colorado Supreme Court Takes Up Trump’s Eligibility to Be President

A district court judge ruled last month that the 14th Amendment barred insurrectionists from every office except the nation’s highest. “How is that not absurd?” one justice asked of that notion.

The Colorado Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday on the question of whether former President Donald J. Trump is barred from holding office again under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies people who engaged in insurrection against the Constitution after taking an oath to support it.

Several of the seven justices appeared skeptical of arguments made by a lawyer for Mr. Trump, including the core one that a district court judge relied on in a ruling last month ordering Mr. Trump to be included on the Colorado primary ballot: that Section 3 did not apply to the presidency. The Colorado Supreme Court is hearing an appeal of that ruling as part of a lawsuit brought by Republican and independent voters in the state who, in seeking to keep Mr. Trump off the ballot, have contended the opposite.

“How is that not absurd?” Justice Richard L. Gabriel asked of the notion that the lawmakers who wrote Section 3 in the wake of the Civil War had intended to disqualify insurrectionists from every office except the nation’s highest.

Section 3 lists a number of positions an insurrectionist is disqualified from holding but not explicitly the presidency, so challenges to Mr. Trump’s eligibility rely on the argument that the presidency is included in the phrases “officer of the United States” and “any office, civil or military, under the United States.” It also does not specify who gets to decide whether someone is an insurrectionist: election officials and courts, as the petitioners argue, or Congress itself, as Mr. Trump’s team argues.

Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Scott Gessler, suggested on Wednesday that the lawmakers had trusted the Electoral College to prevent an insurrectionist from becoming president, and that they had known the Northern states held enough electoral power after the Civil War to prevent a Confederate leader from winning a national election anyway.

Justice Gabriel did not seem satisfied, and neither did colleagues who jumped in with follow-up questions. Justice Monica M. Márquez asked why lawmakers would have chosen the “indirect” route of blocking someone only through the Electoral College. And Justice Melissa Hart asked whether Mr. Gessler’s interpretation of Section 3 would have allowed Jefferson Davis, the leader of the Confederacy, to become president.

Mr. Gessler said yes: If Americans had elected Davis, and the Electoral College had not blocked him, that would have been “the rule of democracy.”

Mr. Gessler also argued that the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was not an insurrection because an insurrection “has to be longer than three hours” and “broader than one building,” and that only Congress — not the Colorado secretary of state or the courts — could assess Mr. Trump’s eligibility under Section 3.

A judge in Michigan agreed last month with the argument that only Congress could make such a determination in dismissing a similar effort to keep Mr. Trump off the ballot. Still, several of the Colorado justices expressed doubt.

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“I don’t think anyone would say Congress needs to act to enforce the abolition of slavery,” Justice Gabriel said, adding that he was concerned that Mr. Gessler’s logic would mean the courts could not adjudicate due process or equal protection claims either. ...


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d99742 No.112783

File: 73cac2cfc67cafa⋯.png (1.06 MB,985x554,985:554,Clipboard.png)

File: 9536fcd10f2fc00⋯.png (1.35 MB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044816 (081721ZDEC23) Notable: Runaway Space Station Tomato Rediscovered After 8 Months On The Lam

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Runaway Space Station Tomato Rediscovered After 8 Months On The Lam

Dec 7, 2023,01:41pm EST

There’s no need to send Sherlock Holmes into orbit. A lost space tomato has been found.

This is the oddball story of a small tomato grown during an experiment on the International Space Station. The wayward tomato had been in the possession of NASA’s Frank Rubio, who returned to Earth in September after spending over a year in space and setting the record for longest single spaceflight by a U.S. astronaut.

Rubio lost the red robin tomato in the wilds of the ISS after it was harvested from the Veg-05 experiment in March 2023. That’s a hazard of living in a place where everything floats and you need storage containers and hook-and-loop fasteners to hold items in place.

NASA has described tomatoes as “flowering vegetables.” Not all veggies grown on the ISS are meant for eating. Many are sent back to Earth for scientific analysis. It seems some other crew members teasingly accused Rubio of snacking on the missing tomato.

Rubio fielded a question about whether or not he ate the tomato during an Earth-to-space call in September. He denied eating it. “It just perplexes me. I spent so many hours looking for that thing,” Rubio said. “I’m sure the desiccated tomato will show up at some point and vindicate me.”

Rubio can consider himself vindicated. NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli addressed the missing-’mater caper during a space station livestream this week commemorating 25 years of ISS operations. “We can exonerate him. We found the tomato,” said Moghbeli with a laugh. The astronauts didn’t elaborate on the condition of the tomato. It’s likely pretty chewy after eight months in hiding.

Rubio worked on the tomato-producing Veg-05 space botany study during his extended stay on the ISS. It’s part of NASA’s big plans for vegetables in space. “The main purpose of the botany investigation is to create a continuous fresh food production system to sustain astronauts traveling far beyond low-Earth orbit and decrease reliance on visiting cargo missions,” said NASA in an ISS update in early 2023.

Fresh veggies are a major treat for astronauts, but growing plants in space is challenging. The Veg-05 experiment ran into its share of problems early on when the germinating seeds weathered an unexpected drop in humidity at a critical moment in their growth cycle. That stressed the plants and led to the experiment producing only a dozen ripe tomatoes. “The low sample size and additional concerns about potential fungal contamination meant the astronauts were not able to taste the tomatoes,” NASA said in a status update in April after the harvest. It’s just as well Rubio didn’t actually eat the tomato.

The experiment still gave researchers plenty of data to work with. “We can learn about what happens when plants are really water stressed. And that’s a pretty common thing in spaceflight,” said principal investigator Gioia Massa.

The errant tomato isn’t the first ISS item to take off on a solo adventure. Spacewalking astronauts lost a tool bag outside the station in November. Unlike the tomato, the tool bag will never be recovered. It shows that despite having high-tech systems and highly trained mission specialists, it’s still possible for things to get lost in space.


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d99742 No.112784

File: 3a1f968bc5c467a⋯.png (96.51 KB,265x199,265:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044824 (081723ZDEC23) Notable: Runaway Space Station Tomato Rediscovered After 8 Months On The Lam

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d99742 No.112785

File: 9b85022f13d58c8⋯.png (721.07 KB,654x436,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 60251b5b30942c9⋯.png (53.23 KB,920x576,115:72,Clipboard.png)

File: e3c1d229257eb83⋯.png (92.75 KB,1131x702,29:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044827 (081725ZDEC23) Notable: November Employment Report: 199 thousand Jobs, 3.7% Unemployment Rate

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November Employment Report: 199 thousand Jobs, 3.7% Unemployment Rate

{Complete fantasy-as a reminder all the Hollywood striking workers are counted as ‘created’ jobs and the media spins this as a “solid jobs report”-that couldn’t be further from the truth as it’s been a rolling 10y average so not empirical. Go to https://www.shadowstats.com/ If you want a closer, not perfect but uses metrics from when they were better, picture of where this is. The author of this blog is quite delusional at times as well but at least does a good job reporting what they have to work with…absolute shit}

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 199,000 in November, and the unemployment rate edged down to 3.7 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in health care and government. Employment also increased in manufacturing, reflecting the return of workers from a strike. Employment in retail trade declined.


The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for September was revised down by 35,000, from +297,000 to +262,000, and the change for October remained at +150,000.With these revisions, employment in September and October combined is 35,000 lower than previously reported.

Total payrolls increased by 199 thousand in November.  Private payrolls increased by 150 thousand, and public payrolls increased 49 thousand. Payrolls for September and October were revised down 35 thousand, combined. In November, the year-over-year change was 2.79 million jobs.  Employment was up solidly year-over-year but has slowed to more normal levels of job growth recently. The Labor Force Participation Rate increased to 62.8% in November, from 62.7% in October. This is the percentage of the working age population in the labor force. The Employment-Population ratio increased to 60.5% from 60.2% (blue line). The unemployment rate decreased to 3.7% in November from 3.9% in October. This was at consensus expectations, however, September and October payrolls were revised down by 35,000 combined.  


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d99742 No.112786

File: 0bfbee20d9f1ea7⋯.png (498.73 KB,757x837,757:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044844 (081728ZDEC23) Notable: Meet Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's little known personal lawyer

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Meet Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's little known personal lawyer,

authorized to act on the president's behalf in financial matters, who is now linked to Hunter's newly filed criminal indictment

▶ Corporate records obtained by DailyMail.com reveal links between Joe Biden's confidante who has his power of attorney and Hunter's business deals

▶ Mel Monzack's law firm was listed as the registered agent for Robinson Walker LLC – a company owned by business partner and Biden family friend, Rob Walker

▶ The payments from Robinson Walker LLC are part of new criminal tax charges against the First Son filed Thursday in a California federal court


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d99742 No.112787

File: 7bb05f710045cd1⋯.png (585.24 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044867 (081737ZDEC23) Notable: CDC: Salmonella Cases From Cantaloupes Have Doubled

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CDC: Salmonella Cases From Cantaloupes Have Doubled

Friday, 08 December 2023 07:59 AM EST

A salmonella outbreak tied to tainted cantaloupes keeps expanding, with cases doubling since the last tally, U.S. health officials reported Thursday.

"Since the last update [on] November 30, 2023, an additional 113 people infected with this outbreak strain of salmonella have been reported from four additional states, resulting in a total case count of 230 people from 38 states," the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.

"An additional death has also been reported from Oregon," bringing the total death toll from the outbreak to three, the agency added.

Canada has also been hit by salmonella cases tied to the same cantaloupes; 129 cases have been reported there, including 44 hospitalizations and five deaths, Canadian health officials have reported.

While salmonella can make anyone sick, illnesses have been particularly severe in this outbreak, the CDC noted. The old and very young appear to be especially at risk.

"Illnesses are severe with more than half hospitalized, and people in long-term care facilities and childcare centers have gotten sick," the agency noted.

Twenty-four people thought to have fallen ill in the outbreak were residing at nursing homes, and 23 young children who'd been sickened were attending childcare facilities, according to CDC's update.

The main piece of advice from the CDC: Although two brands of cantaloupes — Malichita and Rudy — are known to be linked to the outbreak, do not eat any cantaloupe if you do not know the brand being sold or served.

Given the number of cases observed among the elderly and children, the "CDC [also] advises facilities that care for people who are at higher risk for severe illness to not serve cantaloupes that may be contaminated," the agency said. "This includes recalled cantaloupes and cantaloupe that was supplied pre-cut if the brand of whole cantaloupes used are not known."

The outbreak was first reported on Nov. 14. The CDC has stressed that the true number of illnesses is likely far higher, because many people recover without medical care and are not tested for salmonella.

Consumers should continue to stay away from whole cantaloupes sold under the brands Malichita or Rudy.

The CDC also said the recall now includes pre-cut cantaloupe sold at major grocery stores Kroger, Trader Joe's and Sprouts Farmers Market.

Consumers should also refrain from buying pre-cut cantaloupe sold at Aldi, Cut Fruit Express, Kwik Trip, Freshness Guaranteed, RaceTrac, TGD Cuts, Vinyard and Bix Produce, the agency added.

The CDC has advised people to either throw away recalled fruit or return it to the store for a refund. Afterwards, wash anything that has touched the recalled fruit.

Salmonella causes diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps in most cases, with symptoms setting in anywhere from six hours to six days after eating contaminated food, the CDC said.


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d99742 No.112788

File: c375d2e26c46fdf⋯.jpeg (499.98 KB,1252x617,1252:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 89f9357fb850625⋯.jpeg (571.63 KB,1158x625,1158:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044876 (081741ZDEC23) Notable: PF planeFag: Europe/Med./Gulf activity/CONUS:Potato departed for LasVegas then to LA

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C102 Coast Guard G5 with a quick trip to Indio-Cochran Airport

Gates uses this airport when going to home in Indio and speaking of Billy his primary AC arrived at Newark yesterday from Chicago depart-cap 2

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d99742 No.112789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044923 (081753ZDEC23) Notable: 1:00 PM ESTmRestoring Free Inquiry and Civility in Higher Education American Enterprise Institute

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December 8, 2023

1:00 PM EST

Restoring Free Inquiry and Civility in Higher Education

American Enterprise Institute




James Madison & DePauw University Presidents Discuss Higher Education Policy

James Madison and DePauw University presidents join other panelists for a discussion on civility and free expression on university campuses.


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d99742 No.112790

File: c9ad5832939b030⋯.png (1.79 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c6ef988bfcd80b⋯.jpeg (397.89 KB,1170x1150,117:115,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044928 (081753ZDEC23) Notable: Controversial Satanic altar on display in Iowa State Capitol building

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It’s important to note that Alito’s mom in NOT an abortionist. The satanic scum named abortion after her as trolling

The Temple has named the initiative “The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic,” in reference to the conservative Justice who wrote the majority opinion that overturned the abortion rights case that had been the law of the land since 1973.


“In 1950, Samuel Alito’s mother did not have options, and look what happened,” said Malcolm Jarry, co-founder of The Satanic Temple.

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d99742 No.112791

File: 792cdbe8441de79⋯.png (403.05 KB,601x609,601:609,Clipboard.png)

File: a4bd1a4a7ed4eeb⋯.png (1.91 MB,1160x629,1160:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044939 (081755ZDEC23) Notable: I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.???/Sawyer

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Craig “Sawman” Sawyer @Real_Sawman

I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.What are your honest questions of him? I’ll ask. ✅

Dec 08, 2023, 11:18 AM


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d99742 No.112792

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044981 (081804ZDEC23) Notable: ICYMI: July Hunter Biden Hearing Before House Oversight Committee | U.S. Congress | N18L

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Garrett Ziegler On Hunter Biden Tax Evasion Indictment: Drugs, Pimps, And Prostitutes. So all the lawsuits Abbe Lowell against Ziegler are gonna be a bust. All the indictments prove Hunters Laptop from Hell was his! Kek



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d99742 No.112793

File: 6e6e0fb623fcec0⋯.jpeg (276.53 KB,1170x585,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045027 (081815ZDEC23) Notable: I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.???/Sawyer

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>i know the guy who started Q



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d99742 No.112794

File: fc97c0d5b34fdea⋯.png (65.1 KB,609x508,609:508,Clipboard.png)

File: e87f767b7b89848⋯.png (84.84 KB,592x550,296:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045028 (081815ZDEC23) Notable: I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.???/Sawyer

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>>112791 (me)

>CIA contractor, now whistleblower

Some Comments:


I’ll ask, but be advised,it was a separate team of techs who actually executed the Q op. His team just came up with the concept.



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d99742 No.112795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045033 (081816ZDEC23) Notable: I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.???/Sawyer

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fuck Sawyer, He lied and facilitated the cover up of child trafficking in Tucson, AZ

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d99742 No.112796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045039 (081817ZDEC23) Notable: I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.???/Sawyer

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Sawyer and Ballard are Guardians of the Pedophiles.

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d99742 No.112797

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045051 (081820ZDEC23) Notable: 82 COUNTERPARTIES TAKE $821.408 BLN AT FED REVERSE REPO OPERATION.

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Breaking Market News




[Keep in mind, there are only 24 members to the Primary Dealer list, all the rest of the participants are Money Market Funds, a very healthy thing indeed!]

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d99742 No.112798

File: b7f01152a610152⋯.jpeg (195.87 KB,828x1216,207:304,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 626571672a55228⋯.jpeg (268.38 KB,828x1154,414:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045106 (081832ZDEC23) Notable: 82 COUNTERPARTIES TAKE $821.408 BLN AT FED REVERSE REPO OPERATION.

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Daily occurrence and amounts dropping since peaking at about $2.5t in May


This is funding debt purchases but will drop to a level where it won’t cover it…then bond market fugged

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d99742 No.112799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045120 (081836ZDEC23) Notable: Prominent Rabbi Resigns from Harvard’s Antisemitism Board After School President’s Embarrassing Testimony

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Prominent Rabbi Resigns from Harvard’s Antisemitism Board After School President’s Embarrassing Testimony

Rabbi David Wolpe announced his resignation from Harvard’s antisemitism board this week after Harvard University President Dr. Claudine Gay’s disastrous and embarrassing testimony on Capital Hill.

Wolpe, the only Rabbi on the board, described Gay’s appearance as “painfully inadequate testimony.”

Rabbi Wolpe, delivered his message on X, offering a “Hanukkah message” ahead of the Jewish holiday.

His message reads:

Resigning, a Hanukkah Message: As of today I have resigned from the antisemitism advisory committee at Harvard. Without rehashing all of the obvious reasons that have been endlessly adumbrated online, and with great respect for the members of the committee, the short explanation is that both events on campus and the painfully inadequate testimony reinforced the idea that I cannot make the sort of difference I had hoped. Still, there are several points worth making. I believe Claudine Gay to be both a kind and thoughtful person. Most of the students here wish only to get an education and a job, not prosecute ideological agendas, and there are many, many honorable, thoughtful and good people at the institution. Harvard is still a repository of extraordinary minds and important research.


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d99742 No.112800

File: d26dc123b1e899f⋯.jpg (281.92 KB,1080x1372,270:343,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045130 (081841ZDEC23) Notable: I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.???/Sawyer

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>One day ago he posted he interviewed the guy already.



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d99742 No.112801

File: 699443b48ad09c3⋯.png (102.12 KB,736x646,368:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 490ceeb376cedb8⋯.png (101.01 KB,733x643,733:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045132 (081842ZDEC23) Notable: US-Israel Rift Over Civilian Casualties Intensifies As 'King Bibi' Doubles Down

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US-Israel Rift Over Civilian Casualties Intensifies As 'King Bibi' Doubles Down

With the 2024 election fast approaching and Democrat support for Israel's war on Hamas waning, the Biden administration - which is also trying to sell Congress on handing $14.3 billion in aid to Israel - has been ratcheting up pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to minimize civilian casualties, recognize and work with the Palestinian Authority, resume peace talks, and commit to not reoccupying Gaza.

The chances of that happening are virtually nil, however, as Netanyahu's government has made clear that Israel plans to destroy Hamas, retain an open-ended security presence in Gaza, impose a buffer zone to keep Palestinians away from the border, and never recognize the Palestinian Authority.

Despite the clear differences in vision for an endgame to this conflict, Israel knows the Biden administration is nothing more than a paper tiger in a dog mask, despite some 16,000 civilians reported dead by Gaza health authorities.

As the Washington Times notes;

But as the death toll in Gaza continues to rise, conditions deteriorate, and Biden enters an election year with significant portions of his Democratic base pushing for an end to Israel’s offensive, these differences are likely to grow in the absence of a clear endgame.

Shavit said that tensions could rise if the U.S. at some point concludes that Israel is dragging its feet or ignoring American demands. But for now, “the Americans want Israel to succeed,” he said.

Daniel Levy, a former Israeli peace negotiator who is president of the U.S./Middle East Project, a policy institute that studies the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said the Americans are unlikely to put their foot down.

He cited what he described as a tepid American response to heavy civilian casualties in southern Gaza as an indicator of what lies ahead.

“Israelis have a sense that their road to run is not endless, but they still feel they have lots of road to run,” he said.

As we noted over the weekend, Biden's Defense Secretary, former Raytheon board member Lloyd Austin warned that Israel needs to be careful about civilian deaths.


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d99742 No.112802

File: 636c0966f3bde23⋯.png (102.71 KB,920x522,460:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045144 (081846ZDEC23) Notable: US State Department used taxpayer funds to back censorship firms that target conservative media outlets

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US State Department used taxpayer funds to back censorship firms that target conservative media outlets: Lawsuit

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the Daily Wire, and the Federalist filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State for using taxpayer funds to back censorship firms that target conservative-leaning media outlets. The lawsuit also named Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and several other federal government officials.

Paxton and the media outlets accused the State Department of committing “one of the most egregious government operations to censor the American press in the history of the nation.”

Through the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, the federal government is “actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavored press outlets unprofitable by funding the infrastructure, development, and marketing and promotion of censorship technology and private censorship enterprises to covertly suppress speech of a segment of the American press,” the complaint claimed.

The lawsuit accused Biden’s State Department of violating First Amendment rights and “tarring disfavored domestic news organizations as purveyors of ‘disinformation.’”

The department used taxpayer funds to back NewsGuard and the Global Disinformation Index, which have used their “fact-checking” platforms to starve right-leaning media outlets “of advertising revenue and reducing the circulation of their reporting and speech,” the lawsuit claimed.

In 2022, the GDI published the “Disinformation Risk Assessment,” which ranked conservative outlets as unreliable. The top 10 “riskiest” outlets included the American Spectator, Newsmax, the Federalist, the American Conservative, OAN, Blaze Media, the Daily Wire, RealClearPolitics, Reason, and the New York Post.

The top ten “least risky” list favored left-leaning media outlets such as NPR, the Associated Press, the New York Times, ProPublica, Insider, USA Today, the Washington Post, HuffPost, BuzzFeed News, and the Wall Street Journal.

The lawsuit stated that NewsGuard and the GDI “generate blacklists of ostensibly risky or unreliable American news outlets for the purpose of discrediting and demonetizing the disfavored press and redirecting money and audiences to news organization that publish favored viewpoints.”

A NewsGuard spokesperson told the New York Post that several conservative-leaning outlets are ranked as more reliable than their left-leaning counterparts. The spokesperson noted that Reason has “perfect 100/100 scores from NewsGuard.”

The lawsuit “inaccurately portrays” NewsGuard’s relationship with the State Department, the spokesperson told the Post.

“NewsGuard does not offer any technology that censors or blocks any content, or that blocks ads on content,” the spokesperson continued. “Instead, we provide information — our assessments of sites — so that our clients can decide for themselves where to place their ads or which content to amplify, and each client decides for themselves how to use that data.”

The State Department stated that it cannot comment on pending litigation, the Post reported.

The Federalist’s editor in chief, Mollie Hemingway, told Fox News, “What the suit shows is that the State Department was engaged in setting up, funding, marketing, promoting, and continuing to work with these private companies that are engaged in censorship of speech.”

“They privilege left-wing media outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post; they helped advertisers meet those people.

The Federalist told the Post that its “lawsuit seeks to halt the State Department’s ultra vires and unconstitutional censorship scheme.”


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d99742 No.112803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045151 (081848ZDEC23) Notable: French far-right leader Marine Le Pen to stand trial over alleged misuse of EU funds

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And from the gloomy swamp mist, a pattern emerges.....

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen to stand trial over alleged misuse of EU funds

Dec 8th, 12:26:31

PARIS (PiQSuite.Com) - French far-right leader Marine Le Pen will stand trial alongside 27 others over alleged misuse of EU funds, the Paris prosecutor's office said on Friday, confirming French media reports, charges that Le Pen's party said it contested.

The total of 28 defendants will be brought to court, including Le Pen and her father Jean-Marie, the office said.

An initial pre-trial hearing scheduled for March 27 next year will be followed by more in-depth hearing during October and November.

https://PiQSuite.com/reuters/french-far ... f-eu-funds

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d99742 No.112804

File: ca096297718ecf7⋯.png (261.73 KB,434x263,434:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 3243ba80d6a66f9⋯.png (316.86 KB,638x651,638:651,Clipboard.png)

File: 602698e8fb8d64f⋯.png (71.76 KB,645x652,645:652,Clipboard.png)

File: 9027a95c211522c⋯.png (492.46 KB,650x621,650:621,Clipboard.png)

File: f2ed6d9756f3291⋯.png (66.82 KB,639x614,639:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045165 (081852ZDEC23) Notable: Many Countries Want Israel To Give Up The Golan Heights, Where A Cheney And Rothschild Company Drilled For Oil Under Netanyahu/What Is Genie Energy?

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Many Countries Want Israel To Give Up The Golan Heights, Where A Cheney And Rothschild Company Drilled For Oil Under Netanyahu

What Is Genie Energy?

Many countries want Israel to give up its possession of the Golan Heights, a territory that many people feel actually belongs to the country of Syria. The United Nations General Assembly ratified a resolution calling for Israel to give up the Golan Heights, and the resolution passed with 91 Yes votes and only 8 No votes, with 61 abstentions.

The BRICS superpowers Russia, China, India, and Brazil all voted for Israel leaving the Golan Heights. This puts BRICS at odds with the Israel-supporting United States and the United Kingdom, which voted against the resolution but failed to stop it. Yet again, the United States of America’s subservient relationship to Israel could result in further diplomatic alienation for the USA under Joe Biden.

Israel is effectively at war against Syria in part over Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights. Nevertheless, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Zionist nation-state is clinging to its ownership of the region.

Previously, Benjamin Netanyahu allowed Genie Energy, a company affiliated with Dick Cheney, to exclusively drill in the Golan Heights. Jacob Rothschild of the infamous Rothschild banking dynasty and Rupert Murdoch invested in Genie Energy. Genie reportedly stopped drilling in the Golan Heights in 2017, but it’s possible that Netanyahu could allow Genie to drill for oil there again in the future.

Vision Magazine wrote in 2019: “It had been reported by the Financial Times in February 2013 that Israel’s Netanyahu-led government granted an American company the first license to explore for oil and gas on the Golan Heights. A local subsidiary of the New York-listed Genie Energy company was given exclusive rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights. Genie Energy is advised by former Vice President Dick Cheney and its shareholders include Cheney, media mogul Rupert Murdoch and former CIA director James Woolsey.” (Vision Magazine passage ends)

Israel has a lot of problems on its hands as public sentiment turns sharply against the Zionist nation-state in various parts of the world, especially among younger people.

National File reported: The late Jeffrey Epstein has been accused numerous times of being an Israeli spy. Epstein cavorted with his companion Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of accused Israeli spy Robert Maxwell. As America prepares to possibly send more than $14 billion in new funding for the Zionist state’s war effort against the Palestinians, Jeffrey Epstein is now more relevant than ever. Epstein was accused of being a child sex trafficker and they say he committed suicide in prison, though his suicide is widely disbelieved. “Epstein didn’t kill himself,” according to many truthers on the World Wide Web.

Recently, Tennessee Republican senator Marsha Blackburn squared off with Democrat Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin over Epstein. Blackburn demanded a subpoena for Jeffrey Epstein’s complete flight logs, but Democrat Dick “Dirty” Durbin shut down Blackburn’s quest for truth and refused to hold a vote on Blackburn’s subpoena request. Dick Durbin is a Bill Clinton ally who recently tried to quash the Jeffrey Epstein disclosure movement, claiming “this death was not due to a grand conspiracy.”

RT host Afshin Rattansi interviewed alleged ex-Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe, who claims that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were part of an Israeli intelligence operation to blackmail politicians for Israel’s benefit:


As a side the Golan is also important to Israel as it contains Nimrod's Castle

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d99742 No.112805

File: 4bc7f63e6e76417⋯.png (608.38 KB,599x399,599:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045174 (081854ZDEC23) Notable: Anti-Socialist Albanians Storm Parliament with Flares, Barricades, and Fires.

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Anti-Socialist Albanians Storm Parliament with Flares, Barricades, and Fires.

The Albanian parliament has been facing significant disruptions as opposition parties protest what they describe as the authoritarian rule of the governing Socialist Party. Disturbances have been ongoing since October, instigated primarily by the center-right Democrats led by former Prime Minister and President Sali Berisha, who has been accused of corruption. Despite such interruptions, which include the use of flares, small fires, and seizure of microphones, the governing Socialists successfully passed the annual budget and other draft laws last Thursday. The protests are rooted in the opposition’s claims that the Socialists, holding 74 out of 140 seats in Parliament, have blocked the formation of committees needed to investigate government corruption. The opposition is particularly critical of the Public Private Partnership projects initiated by Prime Minister Edi Rama’s Cabinet, alleging misuse of public money for personal profit. In the context of pending EU membership negotiations, these disruptions could potentially delay vital law reforms and the alignment of Albanian laws with those of the EU.

Despite their sustained efforts, the center-right Democrats appear to be in a weakened and divided state after ten years in opposition. Berisha, the party’s main leader, remains in legal battle following corruption allegations and has been barred entry into both the United States and the United Kingdom. The governing Socialists, on the other hand, continue to function as usual, noting the approval of the largest ever budget. With no immediate resolution in sight, both sides are reportedly firm in their stance.


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d99742 No.112806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045176 (081855ZDEC23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: Unemployment fell to 3.7%, and has been under four percent for twenty-two months in a row, the longest stretch in fifty-four years.

[that ridiculous claim does not include those who gave up looking for work]

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d99742 No.112807

File: fd32d11a358a16c⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1234x5443,1234:5443,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045179 (081855ZDEC23) Notable: FDA Approves First CRISPR Treatment in U.S./ sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia

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FDA Approves First CRISPR Treatment in U.S.


It was only 11 years ago that scientists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier first described a new way to edit genes, called CRISPR, in a scientific paper. The discovery is so game-changing that the pair earned the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 for how it could transform the way genetic diseases are treated. Now, on Dec. 8, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the very first treatment in the country based on the technology.

In the medical world, that’s lightning speed. “It’s incredible,” says Doudna, professor of chemistry and molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley. “It’s so exciting to see how fast, and frankly how safely and effectively, this therapy is being rolled out in humans.”

The U.K. had already approved the CRISPR treatment, called exa-cel (brand name: Casgevy), from Vertex Pharmaceuticals and CRISPR Therapeutics (which was co-founded by Charpentier), to treat people with sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia. People with these conditions are born with genetically abnormal blood cells. In the case of sickle cell, the mutations in the gene coding for hemoglobin can cause blood cells to form a sickle shape, rather than a spherical one, and clog up small blood vessels, leading to potentially life-threatening episodes of pain and a higher risk of stroke. Patients with beta thalassemia develop anemia so severe that it can damage organs. Both conditions require lifelong and repeated blood transfusions. CRISPR can increase the population of healthy blood cells in both groups of patients. The FDA approved exa-cel for sickle cell disease, and will make a decision about treating beta thalassemia by March 2024.

The agency also approved another more traditional gene therapy for the disease as well: lova-cel (brand name: Lygenia) from bluebird bio, giving sickle cell patients two powerful new ways of controlling the debilitating and painful attacks that are the hallmark of their disease.

"Gene therapy holds the promise of delivering more targeted and effective treatments, especially for individuals with rare diseases where the current treatment options are limited," said Dr. Nicole Verdun, director of the office of therapeutic products in the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in a statement announcing the approvals.

How exa-cel and lova-cel work

CRISPR is an ideal therapy for these conditions since it involves editing mutated genes in a one-time treatment that could lead to a functional cure. Doctors extract blood stem cells, which produce the body’s entire population of blood and immune cells, from a person's bone marrow, then grow those cells in the lab. Then, they edit the genes in those cells to boost the production of fetal hemoglobin, which is able to carry more oxygen than adult hemoglobin but normally disappears after birth.

Researchers looked for ways to increase fetal hemoglobin concentration after they learned that about 10% of all people naturally continue to make fetal hemoglobin throughout their adult lives and remain healthy. Among them, people who also had sickle cell disease seemed to have milder forms. Their theory was that increasing the amount of fetal hemoglobin in the blood could help healthy blood cells outcompete the sickled versions and significantly cut down on the chances that the sickled cells would link together and block small vessels. That became the basis of exa-cel.

Exa-cel does this by using CRISPR to target the gene that shuts off fetal hemoglobin. “It’s like removing the stop sign and allowing traffic—in this case, fetal hemoglobin—to go forward down the road,” says Dr. Sharl Azar, medical director of the comprehensive sickle cell disease treatment center at Massachusetts General Hospital.


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d99742 No.112808

File: cf36bfaf28d788c⋯.png (1.46 MB,1536x958,768:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045181 (081855ZDEC23) Notable: Newly revealed 1994 photo of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with Jeffrey Epstein

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Newly revealed 1994 photo of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with Jeffrey Epstein raises new questions about relationship between politician and the pedophile

Dec. 8, 2023, 5:00 a.m. ET


pic: Robert Kennedy Jr. speaks to pervert Jeffrey Epstein at a function at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan inMarch 1994. Kennedy has admitted twice flying on Epstein's plane - but said it was because of his wife Mary (right) having "some kind of relationship" with Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's sometime lover and madam.

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d99742 No.112809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045210 (081902ZDEC23) Notable: Affirm Israel’s Right to Exist in Writing if You Want German Citizenship, Migrants Told by Saxony

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Affirm Israel’s Right to Exist in Writing if You Want German Citizenship, Migrants Told by Saxony

A German state has decreed that migrants seeking to become citizens must formally acknowledge the state of Israel’s right to exist as the country attempts to deal with rising antisemitism.

The application process for citizenship naturalisation in the state of Saxony-Anhalt will now require that foreigners commit in writing “that they recognise Israel’s right to exist and condemn any efforts directed against the existence of the State of Israel.” Those who refuse to do so will not have their applications rejected and a note of their refusal will be logged in their immigration file.

The move was announced this week by the state’s interior minister, Tamara Zieschang, who argued that the policy should be adopted nationwide, German broadcaster Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk reported.

In addition to a formal commitment to Israel’s right to exist, migrants seeking to become citizens in Saxony-Anhalt will also face a process to determine whether or not they hold antisemitic beliefs, which Zieschang argued would violate the German constitution’s requirement to a commitment to a “free, democratic basic order.”

Zieschang, of the centrist Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party urged for the federal government in Berlin to adopt similar measures, with legislation to do so currently being considered in the Bundestag. It is doubtful that the leftist-led ‘traffic light’ coalition government of Olaf Scholz would back the bill, however, particularly given the open borders preferences of the coalition partner Green Party.


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d99742 No.112810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045234 (081906ZDEC23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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John Kirby [White House press conference]: If he [Putin] gets Ukraine, he gets right up against the doorstep of NATO. And as I said the other day, if you think the cost of supporting Ukraine is high now, think about how high it's going to be in national treasure, and in American blood, if we have to start acting on our Article V commitments.

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d99742 No.112811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045258 (081910ZDEC23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Reporter: You said before that [Biden] would not pardon his son. Is that still the case?

Jean-Pierre: Nothing has changed. That is still the case.

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d99742 No.112812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045286 (081914ZDEC23) Notable: #24603

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#24603 >>112751

>>112764, >>112770, >>112788 PF planeFag: Europe/Med./Gulf activity/CONUS:Potato departed for LasVegas then to LA

>>112751, >>112753, >>112754, >>112773, >>112780, >>112782 @realDonaldTrump WATCH THE TRIAL!!!

>>112752 Rapper Kodak Black is arrested on drug charges three years after he was pardoned by Trump

>>112755, >>112759 @NikkiHaley If Russia wins, China wins. If Hamas wins, Iran wins. And if evil succeeds it puts all of us at risk

>>112756 ITALY - A man Shot dead 2 of 3 robbers to defend his shop and wife and daughter who had both been tied up. He’s been ordered to pay €280,000 to the criminals families and imprisoned for 17 YEARS!!!

>>112757 We Aren’t Prepared For The Hell Democrats Will Put America Through In 2024

>>112758 U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

>>112760, >>112792 ICYMI: July Hunter Biden Hearing Before House Oversight Committee | U.S. Congress | N18L

>>112761, >>112763 Thousands of tons of dead fish wash ashore in Japan - three months after the nation released treated Fukushima radioactive water

>>112762 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Vega and Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks

>>112765 Two Michigan couples are arrested for conspiring to adopt dozens of children from foster care before subjecting them to 'routine mental and physical abuse'

>>112766 Rationale for Nicotine Patch in Treatment of Long-COVID and Vaccine Injury Syndromes

>>112767 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>112768 @realDonaldTrump I am pleased to announce that very popular and highly respected Congressman, Jeff Van Drew, will be heading up my New Jersey effort for President

>>112769, >>112772 More Nations Meet to Address Space Security

>>112771 Wall Street CEOs try to convince senators that new capital rules will hurt Americans as well as banks

>>112774, >>112790 Controversial Satanic altar on display in Iowa State Capitol building

>>112776 Man, 56, to be sentenced in Perth after 249 charges on child sexual offences laid by Western Australia police

>>112775, >>112777 new Bill to ban hedge funds from invading housing markets/owning single fam homes

>>112778 UMich Inflation Expectations Collapsed In December; Republicans Drive Surge In Sentiment

>>112779 Brand New Volcanic Island Seen Growing From Space

>>112781 "Police deaths and illnesses alarm, we want data"

>>112783, >>112784 Runaway Space Station Tomato Rediscovered After 8 Months On The Lam

>>112785 November Employment Report: 199 thousand Jobs, 3.7% Unemployment Rate

>>112786 Meet Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's little known personal lawyer

>>112787 CDC: Salmonella Cases From Cantaloupes Have Doubled

>>112789 1:00 PM ESTmRestoring Free Inquiry and Civility in Higher Education American Enterprise Institute

>>112791, >>112793, >>112794, >>112795, >>112796, >>112800 I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.???/Sawyer


>>112799 Prominent Rabbi Resigns from Harvard’s Antisemitism Board After School President’s Embarrassing Testimony

>>112801 US-Israel Rift Over Civilian Casualties Intensifies As 'King Bibi' Doubles Down

>>112802 US State Department used taxpayer funds to back censorship firms that target conservative media outlets

>>112803 French far-right leader Marine Le Pen to stand trial over alleged misuse of EU funds

>>112804 Many Countries Want Israel To Give Up The Golan Heights, Where A Cheney And Rothschild Company Drilled For Oil Under Netanyahu/What Is Genie Energy?

>>112805 Anti-Socialist Albanians Storm Parliament with Flares, Barricades, and Fires.

>>112806, >>112810, >>112811 Buckwheat up

>>112807 FDA Approves First CRISPR Treatment in U.S./ sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia

>>112808 Newly revealed 1994 photo of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with Jeffrey Epstein

>>112809 Affirm Israel’s Right to Exist in Writing if You Want German Citizenship, Migrants Told by Saxony


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d99742 No.112813

File: 0d08bcfd298d2e1⋯.png (89.07 KB,265x201,265:201,Clipboard.png)

File: f751dedc4b18c36⋯.webp (27.63 KB,800x385,160:77,Clipboard.webp)

File: 674e4964151e2d4⋯.png (630.41 KB,1047x768,349:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 138575738b8c9ef⋯.png (633.47 KB,602x599,602:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 02322799e394e9c⋯.png (252.53 KB,718x484,359:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045305 (081917ZDEC23) Notable: #24604

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off hand or gone @20

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d99742 No.112814

File: 05f009c926d3e0a⋯.png (545.09 KB,591x566,591:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045333 (081921ZDEC23) Notable: MISSION COMPLETE! 💪

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After spending the last few weeks preparing and training to earn their #EIB, #ESB, and #EFMB, many of our Ivy #Soldiers successfully earned their badges! Congratulations! 🎉


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d99742 No.112815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045341 (081925ZDEC23) Notable: Faced With Record Illegal Immigration, the White House Wants To Expedite Border Crossings

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Faced With Record Illegal Immigration, the White House Wants To Expedite Border Crossings

Department of Homeland Security may send agents to screen migrants in Mexico, documents show

A senior official familiar with the plan told the Washington Free Beacon that the Department of Homeland Security wants to dispatch Customs and Border Protection agents to areas of Mexico that have seen large influxes of migrants. There, documents obtained by the Free Beacon show, law enforcement would begin the screening process for migrants and expedite their final journey across the southern border.

Such a program is virtually unprecedented, and represents an escalation of what critics call the Biden administration’s facilitation of illegal immigration.

"What the Department of Homeland Security wants to do is send customs officers to Mexico so we can pre-clear surges of migrants ostensibly in hopes they stop crossing illegally," the DHS official told the Free Beacon. "They would be doing background vetting so migrants can be waved through."

But the plan could put further strain on Border Patrol, which already faces a staffing shortage ahead of an expected winter surge. Staff who spoke with the Free Beacon said miles of the southern border have gone unguarded because agents have been relegated to processing migrants.

President Joe Biden has overseen the largest immigration crisis in U.S. history, with law enforcement recording more than five million illegal crossings on the southern border since he took office. Blue state governors say the record number of migrants coming to their cities is straining their welfare systems, and cities including New York and Chicago are considering budget cuts to offset the cost of housing and feeding migrants.

The Department of Homeland Security declined to comment.

There is ample evidence the Biden administration is well aware of large groups of migrants heading to the United States well before they reach the southern border. Since September, the Free Beacon reported, senior Department of Homeland Security officials have been in communication with Mexican immigration authorities over large caravans traveling to the United States but have seemingly done little to prepare.

Biden has implemented measures he says will create a more orderly immigration system, such as a program that would allow migrants to apply for asylum remotely. Biden claimed the program would "make things better but will not fix the border problem completely," while Republicans say it is illegal.

The program has not led to a decrease in border crossings. The 2023 fiscal year, which ended in October, saw 2.47 million migrant encounters on the southern border—the most in U.S. history.

The proposal to pre-screen migrants comes as the Senate negotiates a border security plan, which Democrats have bundled with a plan to provide military aid for Ukraine and Israel. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) has insisted that any Ukraine aid bill must include the Secure the Border Act, which would cap the number of people who can claim asylum, as well as fund the construction of a border wall.

As Biden has faced bipartisan criticism over his handling of the southern border, he has attempted to place blame on Republicans. His reelection campaign called former president Donald Trump, who leads the Republican field for the 2024 presidential nomination, "extreme" and "racist" on the issue.


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d99742 No.112816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045352 (081928ZDEC23) Notable: Florida To Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal Bio-Weapons

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Florida To Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal Bio-Weapons

Lawmakers in Florida have announced plans to officially designate mRNA Covid vaccines as “bio-weapons” that are hazardous to human health.

The proposed law seeks to BAN the administration of mRNA shots to anybody in the state.

The Brevard Republican Executive Committee has urged Gov. Ron DeSantis to sign the legislation, which will outlaw Covid-19 vaccines, as soon as possible.

The non-binding resolution was passed by a supermajority vote of committee membership Thursday. It now goes to DeSantis to sign.


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d99742 No.112817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045355 (081929ZDEC23) Notable: DC Removing 103,000 Ineligible Names from the Voter Rolls in Response to Judicial Watch

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DC Removing 103,000 Ineligible Names from the Voter Rolls in Response to Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced today that it sent notice letters to election officials in the District of Columbia, California, and Illinois, notifying them of evident violations of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993, based on their failure to remove inactive voters from their registration rolls. The letters point out that these jurisdictions publicly reported removing few or no ineligible voter registrations under a key provision of the NVRA. The letters threaten federal lawsuits unless the violations are corrected in a timely fashion. In response to Judicial Watch’s inquiries, Washington, DC, officials admitted that they had not complied with the NVRA, promptly removed 65,544 outdated names from the voting rolls, promised to remove 37,962 more, and designated another 73,522 registrations as “inactive.”

The NVRA requires states to “conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove” from the official voter rolls “the names of ineligible voters” who have died or changed residence. The law requires registrations to be cancelled when voters fail to respond to address confirmation notices and then fail to vote in the next two general federal elections. In 2018, the Supreme Court confirmed that such removals are mandatory (Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Inst., 138 S. Ct. 1833, 1841-42 (2018)).

Federal law directs the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to submit a report to Congress every second year assessing how states are complying with the NVRA. Federal regulations require states to provide data to the EAC for use in this report. On June 29, 2023, the EAC posted data from the most recent surveys it sent to the states and the District of Columbia for the reporting period from November 2020 through November 2022.

Based on the data contained in this report, Judicial Watch contacted a number of states and Washington, DC, to inquire about their compliance with federal law and to request public records. After processing the responses to these communications, Judicial Watch sent notice of violation letters to Washington, DC, California, and Illinois, detailing their non-compliance with the NVRA.

The notice letter to the District of Columbia, sent on behalf of Judicial Watch and the District of Columbia Republican Party, reports:

DC reported removing zero voter registrations in the last two-year reporting period for failing to respond to an address confirmation notice and failing to vote for two consecutive general federal elections.

DC flatly admitted in correspondence with Judicial Watch that it was failing to remove registrations as required by the NVRA, citing data conversion, staffing, and other issues.

DC’s total registration rate—its total number of registrations divided by the most recent census estimates of its citizen voting-age population—is greater than 131%.

The notice letter to California, sent on behalf of Judicial Watch and the Libertarian Party of California, states:

California’s survey responses to the EAC show that 27 California counties reported removing five or fewer—and, in most of those counties, zero—voter registrations in the last two-year period for failing to respond to an address confirmation notice and failing to vote in two consecutive general federal elections.

Another 19 California counties simply did not report any data about such removals.

Twenty-one California counties had more voter registrations than citizens over the age of 18, based on the most recent census estimates.

In all, 46 California counties reported removing only a handful, or no registrations under the NVRA’s change of address rules, or else failed to report any data at all. These 46 counties contain more than 14 million registered voters.


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d99742 No.112818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045359 (081931ZDEC23) Notable: @photowhitehouse - The evergreen tree is a stubborn woman

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White House Photos


Dec 5

The evergreen tree is a stubborn woman

White House Photos


30 Nov 2020

The evergreen tree is a stubborn woman/ when the coldest day comes / she never abandons her red babies / becomes home of birds / as William passes by her / red babies speak to him / please shake hands / Hug me / whenever I’m pretty in my inner soul to the earth/ PC: William Moon

Dec 5, 2023 · 6:43 AM UTC


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d99742 No.112819

File: 6bdb1a83f9829dd⋯.png (462.23 KB,583x529,583:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045360 (081931ZDEC23) Notable: Great afternoon for the D.C. National Guard's ‘District Dustoff’ to optimize hoist proficiency!

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Great afternoon for the D.C. National Guard's ‘District Dustoff’ to optimize hoist proficiency! Training scenarios are used to build effectiveness to ensure members are ready to respond to emergency medical missions anywhere.


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d99742 No.112820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045362 (081932ZDEC23) Notable: Banks filed at least 6 suspicious activity reports flagging Joe Biden's home address, senator says

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Banks filed at least 6 suspicious activity reports flagging Joe Biden's home address, senator says

Reports flagged $12 million in transactions tied to Hunter Biden via Joe Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home address and raised concerns about money laundering, human trafficking, Sen, Ron Johnson tells Just the News.

Banks filed at least six reports concerning Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings that flagged President Joe Biden's home address in Delaware and raised concerns about possible criminal activity involving money laundering or human trafficking, according to a U.S. Senator who investigated the first family's finances for years.

Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, the top Republican on the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, told the Just the News, No Noise television show Thursday night that the Suspicious Activity Reports (SARS) chronicled about $12 million in transactions over several years, some of which passed through Joe Biden's Wilmington, Del., home where he had allowed his son to stay.

Johnson said Joe Biden would have almost certainly known his son was using his home as a business and banking address, if nothing else from postal mail arriving at the location. He added that House impeachment investigators have plenty of grounds to question Joe Biden's complicity in his son's foreign dealings. The House is set to vote on formally authorizing an impeachment inquiry next week.

"There'd be so much activity coming into his address, in this case, Hunter Biden's businesses, that he obviously would have to be aware," Johnson said of the president. "So, again, I just use the word obvious, It has been so obvious for so long, that Biden Inc. is a corrupt enterprise. And that this president is corrupt, that he is compromised.

"And he fully was aware of this, that he fully benefited from it. The members of his family benefited from all these these millions dollars flowing in from countries that are adversarial to America," he added.

Johnson's revelation came just a few hours before Special Counsel David Weiss unveiled a nine-count indictment against Hunter Biden in federal court in California alleging the first son engaged in a years-long tax evasion scheme in which he avoided paying $1.4 million in federal taxes on millions in foreign incomes from countries like China, Ukraine and Romania.

"Rather than pay his taxes, the Defendant spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle," the indictment charged.

Johnson is one of the most versed members in Congress on the Biden family scandal, having conducted a two-year probe alongside Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that concluded in 2020 that Joe Biden's family collected millions in foreign monies from countries adversarial to the United States that left the first family compromised from a national security perspective.

Johnson said Thursday that revelations from House investigators, IRS whistleblowers and subpoenaed documents since then only heighten his concerns.

"They (Biden family) did nothing for it (the money) other than they had the right name. And they were influence peddling. And the people paying these millions expected favors in return, some some kind of public policy coming from the former vice president and maybe even a potential president of the United States. Now they got him. Now he's compromised."

Johnson said his team has been assisting impeachment investigators in the House and will provide the information about Joe Biden's house that was gleaned from the SARs.

“We found six of the Treasury reports on Hunter Biden, listing his suspicious activities," Johnson explained. "The money flows in those reports are over $12 million. Now, there might be double counting in there, you just don't really know exactly what the activity is. These reports are really meant to obviously raise awareness to prompt further investigation, which of course this Department of Justice, FBI, I don't think did an honest job of doing.

“But it does point out we know what's suspicious about them and there are terms like money laundering, human trafficking, those types, that that's why these transactions raise suspicion,” he continued. “I mean, Hunter Biden has dozens and dozens and dozens of these Treasury reports that are concerned about suspicious activities he's undertaking in terms of money transfers. I mean, this is, again, it's just to me, it just underscores and confirms the criminal nature, the corrupt nature of Biden family, Inc.”


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d99742 No.112821

File: 51d1f0a650eb0a4⋯.mp4 (15.37 MB,522x480,87:80,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 59905ce00b3ca13⋯.png (333.5 KB,730x531,730:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045365 (081933ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth

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Dec 08, 2023, 12:58 PM


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d99742 No.112822

File: 8c2e3d74a297ba2⋯.jpeg (535.63 KB,1234x3316,617:1658,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 63eaf8173ec713c⋯.jpg (112.95 KB,1129x684,1129:684,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045367 (081934ZDEC23) Notable: Unexpected Protein Linked to Early-Onset Dementia in Huge Discovery

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Unexpected Protein Linked to Early-Onset Dementia in Huge Discovery


Scientists have singled out which protein forms the characteristic clumps of a type of early-onset dementia where no firm suspect was known before.

This discovery reportedly transforms understanding of the molecular basis of frontotemporal dementia (FTD), the second-most common form of dementia after Alzheimer's, with symptoms typically emerging earlier: in a person's late 40s or 50s.

People diagnosed with FTD experience behavior, personality, language, and movement changes caused by the slow degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Memory problems can come later as the disease spreads into other brain regions.

But without knowing the true makeup of the tangled protein deposits seen in some of the rarer cases of FTD, researchers had little in the way of targets to explore for potential therapies.

"It is a rare finding of a new member of the small group of proteins known to aggregate in neurodegenerative disease," says Benjamin Ryskeldi-Falcon, a molecular biologist at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) in the UK, who led the study.

Clumping proteins are what unites neurodegenerative diseases, and what distinguishes them.

Like amyloid-beta and tau proteins get tangled in Alzheimer's disease, alpha-synuclein in Parkinson's, SOD1 protein in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Huntington, the eponymous protein that gives Huntington's disease its name, form sticky globs of different shapes in diseased brain tissue.

Different subtypes of FTD, which display different symptoms, are also defined by knotty clumps of TDP-43 protein and tau fibrils, respectively.

But in around 10 percent of FTD cases, no such protein has been identified. The clumps were visible, but no one knew what they were made of.

Researchers suspected one protein called FUS because of the overlap between FTD and ALS, but no genetic mutations in FUS had been found in cases of FTD to suggest it was the misfolded protein to blame.

To get a better look, Ryskeldi-Falcon, Stephan Tetter, a protein scientist at MRC-LMB, and their colleagues extracted protein samples from brain tissue of four patients who had died of FTD and donated their brains to research.

When Tetter imaged the protein samples using cryo-electron microscopy – a technique that bombards individual flash-frozen proteins with electrons to reveal their form – a single unique structure emerged.

Panel of four black and white images showing proteins with exact same shape.

The structure of the aggregating proteins found in four patient samples, revealed by cryo-electron microscopy. (Tetter et al., Nature, 2023)

It wasn't until they sequenced those proteins, stringing together the building blocks that give any protein its shape, that Tetter and colleagues realized the protein wasn't FUS; it was another protein from the same protein family called TAF15.

"This is an unexpected result because, before this study, TAF15 was not known to form amyloid filaments in neurodegenerative diseases and no structures of the protein existed," says Tetter.

While there's lots more to understand about TAF15, and the results of this study need to be validated in more patient samples, it's welcome news for the 10 percent of people with this unusual subtype of FTD.

The finding sets scientists off on a path of discovery that started almost 40 years ago for Alzheimer's disease, and about a quarter of a century ago for Parkinson's disease, when researchers untangled which proteins formed the toxic clumps in each disease.

That path is a long and bumpy road, though, littered with setbacks and snags.

In the case of Alzheimer's disease, a string of disappointing clinical trials peppered by some exciting but uncertain progress, and an explosive investigation calling into question the reigning theory of what causes the disease, have brought the field to a critical juncture.

It's early days yet for TAF15 and FTD, and we'll have to see how the research unfolds.

The study has been published in Nature.


TAF15 amyloid filaments in frontotemporal lobar degeneration

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d99742 No.112823

File: 5107596c0d6ee40⋯.png (93.71 KB,674x558,337:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 29c618f438803f9⋯.png (81.48 KB,683x578,683:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 84c6e47fb5041be⋯.png (61.87 KB,687x404,687:404,Clipboard.png)

File: f828042471178f5⋯.png (74.17 KB,662x575,662:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045393 (081943ZDEC23) Notable: Shocking Report: U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

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Shocking Report: U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States.

Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections. Because official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination increases by a shocking 143,233%.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which contains historical data on adverse reactions reported against every vaccine that has been administered in the United States of America.

A quick search of the CDC VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections since they were first rolled out in the USA, reveals that from December 2020 up to 5th August 2022, a total of 2,579 adverse events related to cancer were made in just 1 year and 8 months.


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d99742 No.112824

File: f7c2ed15a310fe3⋯.png (743.61 KB,1080x1457,1080:1457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045403 (081947ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Faces 42 Years in Prison

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This proves how stupid Joe Biden and his family are his family should have told him don't run for president and steal Trump's election your in your 80s it's time to enjoy all the money you made as a politician scamming... The Biden's could have road off into the sunset and nobody would have ever known about all the illegal influence peddling.... Biden's would have had it made right now.


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d99742 No.112825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045409 (081951ZDEC23) Notable: @tassagency_en - Russian servicemen have completely dispelled the notion that Western military equipment is invulnerable during the special operation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a ceremony dedicated to Heroes of the Motherland Day

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Russian servicemen have completely dispelled the notion that Western military equipment is invulnerable during the special operation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a ceremony dedicated to Heroes of the Motherland Day:


Dec 8, 2023 · 1:31 PM UTC



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d99742 No.112826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045413 (081954ZDEC23) Notable: 17,177 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Strikes on Gaza Since Oct. 7 - Gaza Health Ministry

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17,177 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Strikes on Gaza Since Oct. 7 - Gaza Health Ministry

Israeli strikes have killed 17,177 Palestinians in Gaza since Oct. 7 and 350 people have died in the past 24 hours, Gaza's Health Ministry said on Thursday, adding health services were barely functioning in the northern half of the besieged enclave.

Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qidra spoke in a brief news conference from Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza.

He said the ministry was urgently trying to reopen Al Shifa Hospital, the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, located in Gaza City. Some 36 health workers remain in detention after being arrested by Israeli forces during the two-month-old war, including the director of Shifa, he said.

Some 46,000 people in Gaza have been injured since then and fewer than 1% have been evacuated via the Rafah Crossing to Egypt for treatment, Al-Qidra said on Thursday.


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d99742 No.112827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045422 (081957ZDEC23) Notable: Russia’s Central Election Commission has adopted a formal resolution designating March 15-17 as the dates for holding next year’s presidential election

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Russia’s Central Election Commission has adopted a formal resolution designating March 15-17 as the dates for holding next year’s presidential election, CEC Chairwoman Ella Pamfilova announced at a meeting of the elections authority:


Dec 8, 2023 · 2:01 PM UTC



>>wake up


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d99742 No.112828

File: 82907a5a7e120c8⋯.png (372.15 KB,543x408,181:136,Clipboard.png)

File: d8a432da26d01da⋯.png (940.32 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045427 (081958ZDEC23) Notable: CDC encourages Americans to wear masks AGAIN in anticipation of respiratory contagion

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CDC encourages Americans to wear masks AGAIN in anticipation of respiratory contagion

She suggested that while there are no "new or unfamiliar" viruses going around, everyone should still consider masking up.

On Wednesday, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Mandy Cohen announced the agency's latest set of guidelines as Americans prepare themselves for the winter months and the increase in respiratory illnesses that this time of year brings.

She suggested that while there are no "new or unfamiliar" viruses going around, everyone should still consider masking up when necessary, staying up to date with their vaccinations, and washing their hands more frequently.


Dupers delight

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d99742 No.112829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045434 (082001ZDEC23) Notable: RepMikeTurner - Congress cannot let Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) expire at the end of December

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US Rep. Mike Turner



Congress cannot let Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) expire at the end of December.

Today, I told @FoxBusiness’ @MariaBartiromo that @HouseIntel’s legislation fixes previous FISA abuses and only applies to foreign nationals located outside the U.S.

HPSCI Chair Turner to Maria Bartiromo: FISA Section 702 Cannot Expire

Dec 8, 2023 · 3:05 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045436 (082002ZDEC23) Notable: Not enough - millstone these fuckers (figuratively)

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Not enough - millstone these fuckers

Parents Sentenced to a Combined 90 Years in Federal Prison for Sexually Abusing and Exploiting their 18-Month-Old Baby


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d99742 No.112831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045447 (082005ZDEC23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan Subpoenas Secretary Mayorkas for Information on Violent Criminal Aliens Allowed Entry by DHS

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House Judiciary GOP 🎄



🚨 #BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan Subpoenas Secretary Mayorkas for Information on Violent Criminal Aliens Allowed Entry by DHS

Dec 8, 2023 · 7:27 PM UTC



Free beer at parade!


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d99742 No.112832

File: 168380b91a7aa8b⋯.mp4 (5.2 MB,888x454,444:227,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1ef2b72dab93495⋯.png (159.68 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ec6c58db282549⋯.png (278.31 KB,594x607,594:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045453 (082008ZDEC23) Notable: Charles Barkley on Trump supporters (for the keks)

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Charles Barkley on Trump supporters:

“They’re a small little group of nutty people. I only call them that because they are. They’re crazy. They’re like your drunk friend. Like, once your friend’s drunk, there’s nothing you can say to him.”

Dec 08, 2023, 1:54 PM


No longer a sportsball fan, but Charles Barkley was the man cause he had his heart in the game. That said ... their division has worked on me, but it will be temporary. I can hardly look at a black anymore. I just get pissed.

I hope this QuickTime vid works.

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d99742 No.112833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045459 (082012ZDEC23) Notable: There’s Only One Explanation For Hunter Biden’s Simple Indictment Taking So Long: 2020 Election Interference

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There’s Only One Explanation For Hunter Biden’s Simple Indictment Taking So Long: 2020 Election Interference

Afederal grand jury in California returned a multi-count indictment against Hunter Biden late Thursday, charging the president’s son with multiple tax offenses. While the indictment detailed some sordid spending sprees by Hunter Biden, the crimes charged were so basic that to say Special Counsel David Weiss opted for the low-hanging fruit would be an understatement. Weiss instead limited the charges to the crimes that fell into his lap. The simplicity of the charges underscores the protect-Biden racket that operated out of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office for the last several years.

Late Thursday, news broke that Hunter Biden had been charged in a nine-count indictment on multiple tax offenses, including three felonies. Specifically, Weiss charged the president’s son with willfully failing to pay his federal income taxes in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019; willfully failing to file income tax returns in 2017 and 2018; and willfully filing in 2018 a false 1040 personal tax return and a false corporate tax return for Owasco PC, while declaring “under the penalties of perjury,” that both tax returns were true and correct. The indictment further charged Hunter Biden with willfully attempting to evade paying income tax in 2018 by, among other things, signing a false income tax return, underreporting income, and reporting false business expenses on his Owasco PC tax return.

In total, the indictment charged Hunter Biden with failing to pay well over $1 million of taxes owed to the federal government. The indictment further alleged that rather than cover his tax bill — or “pay his fair share,” as his father is wont to say — Hunter Biden, over the same time period, blew nearly $5 million on an “extravagant lifestyle.”

To stress the point, the indictment included a table summarizing Hunter Biden’s expenditures from 2016-2019 in various categories, including ATM/cash withdrawals of over $1.6 million, payments to various women of $683,212, clothing of nearly $400,000, and another $300,000-plus going to tuition for his adult daughter. Then there was the nearly $200,000 spent on “adult” entertainment, with about $50,000 more used for other entertainment and sports.

But for all his frivolous spending, there was a glimpse of practicality among the other expenditures, with some money contributed to a Roth IRA. Clearly, Hunter Biden was planning for retirement — his father’s.

In addition to these details, the 56-page complaint elaborated on Hunter Biden’s alleged efforts to evade taxes and his dissipated lifestyle, while stressing the president’s son had both the means to pay his taxes and the opportunity to do so after he had regained his sobriety.


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d99742 No.112834

File: 2ae2fc43b9869da⋯.png (23.25 KB,520x232,65:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 334bb56a750845b⋯.png (1.26 MB,545x6082,545:6082,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045483 (082019ZDEC23) Notable: CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show

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CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show

Whistleblower makes trove of new documents available to Public and Racket, showing the birth of the Censorship Industrial Complex in reaction to Brexit and Trump election in 2016


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d99742 No.112835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045488 (082021ZDEC23) Notable: Biotech CEO Pleads Guilty to COVID-19 Securities Fraud Scheme

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Criminal Division



Biotech CEO Pleads Guilty to COVID-19 Securities Fraud Scheme


According to court documents, Keith Berman, 70, of Westlake Village, was the CEO and sole director of Decision Diagnostics Corp. (DECN), a public medical device company. Berman and DECN were in precarious financial condition in the lead up to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Berman wrote in internal emails that he needed a “new story” to “raise millions.” Additionally, Berman had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of company money on personal expenditures, despite publicly claiming not to take any compensation. Faced with these financial difficulties, from February through December 2020, Berman engaged in a scheme to defraud investors by falsely claiming that DECN had developed a 15-second test to detect COVID-19 in a finger prick sample of blood. Despite his claims to the investing public, Berman knew that no such test existed.

Dec 8, 2023 · 6:47 PM UTC



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d99742 No.112836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045500 (082026ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - Does online count?

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d99742 No.112837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045510 (082029ZDEC23) Notable: 🌠 GUARDIANS OF THE DELTA! 🌠

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Space Launch Delta 45


Dec 1


We return with @SpaceForceDoD Master Sgt. Gary Meiman, SLD 45 intelligence flight chief. Check out the video below to hear his perspective on Shaping the Future!

@USSF_SSC | @gospaceforce

#SpaceCoast #SemperSupra #SpaceForce

Dec 1, 2023 · 9:30 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112838

File: 0a758928f0b9f4d⋯.png (42.54 KB,600x272,75:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045550 (082045ZDEC23) Notable: DC Court of Appeals completely eviscerated the Trump gag order

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@Electionwiz · 5m

ATTORNEY ROBERT BARNES:DC Court of Appeals completely eviscerated the Trump gag order, limiting to barring illegal speech (such as obstructing a proceeding), striking down the rest & making clear Trump can criticize Special Counsel all he wants.

Dec 08, 2023, 2:38 PM


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d99742 No.112839

File: 13959ebe0c44135⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045580 (082055ZDEC23) Notable: 🌠 GUARDIANS OF THE DELTA! 🌠

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d99742 No.112840

File: 402531dd1f9853c⋯.jpg (131.42 KB,720x836,180:209,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045590 (082058ZDEC23) Notable: UN Security Council resolution calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza has been vetoed by the United States

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NOW - UN Security Council resolution calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza has been vetoed by the United States.

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d99742 No.112841

File: b0225aaaef516f1⋯.jpeg (638.9 KB,1314x613,1314:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045598 (082100ZDEC23) Notable: PF Reports

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>>112770 pb

Potato in 92-9000 747 on ground at McCarran Intl (HR can suck muh balls) with EXEC1F Flauxtus just landed at LAX

73-1676 E4B Nightwatch on ground at Davis-Monthan AFB Tucson

09-0015 C32A took off after Potato and is escort heading to Phoenix Intl

SAM477 G5 west from JBA and heading to Peterson SFB

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d99742 No.112842

File: 374f8242bb83e85⋯.png (42.53 KB,470x302,235:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045603 (082101ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - We will appeal this decision!

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Donald J. Trump


An Appeals Court has just largely upheld the Gag Order against me in the ridiculous J6 Case, where the Unselect January 6th Committee deleted and destroyed almost all Documents and Evidence, saying that I can be barred from talking and, in effect, telling the truth. In other words, people can speak violently and viciously against me, or attack me in any form, but I am not allowed to respond, in kind. What is becoming of our First Amendment, what is becoming of our Country? We will appeal this decision!

Dec 08, 2023, 3:39 PM


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d99742 No.112843

File: a577ad2b1a6abff⋯.jpg (722.33 KB,1080x1728,5:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045611 (082104ZDEC23) Notable: The stage is being set! 🚀

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The stage is being set! 🚀

Our Guardians and Airmen are hard at work to ensure this is an awesome experience for all of the runners attending tomorrow’s @RunSpaceForce T-Minus 10-Miler at CCSFS.

@SpaceForceDoD | @USSF_SSC

#TMinus10Miler2023 #SpaceCoast #Marathon


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d99742 No.112844

File: 1ea95c5a75ead4f⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045615 (082104ZDEC23) Notable: UN Security Council resolution calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza has been vetoed by the United States

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>UN Security Council resolution calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza has been vetoed by the United States.


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d99742 No.112845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045647 (082112ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - Why does Bob Eager advertise on Meta, but boycott 𝕏? Real question.

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Elon Musk



Why does Bob Eager advertise on Meta, but boycott 𝕏? Real question.

ALX 🇺🇸



Wonder what @RobertIger thinks of this and if he thinks @Disney’s advertising relationship with Meta is a “positive one”.

Dec 8, 2023 · 9:06 PM UTC

Chuck Cook



Replying to @elonmusk

Elon.. you know the answer. He is boycotting you not X.

Elon Musk





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d99742 No.112846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045656 (082119ZDEC23) Notable: Snowden - This is well worth seeing. It's tomorrow. Be there.

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Edward Snowden



This is well worth seeing. It's tomorrow. Be there.

Consortium News


Dec 6

WATCH: DC Belmarsh Tribunal for Assange consortiumnews.com/2023/12/0…

Dec 8, 2023 · 7:36 PM UTC

Random Moroccan



Replying to @Snowden

Hey man. Do you have any favorite video games?

Edward Snowden



The original Deus Ex.

more replies


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d99742 No.112847

File: 7e5c21a66ffde23⋯.gif (405.52 KB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.gif)

File: 8e6a53d9f39d643⋯.jpeg (353.66 KB,828x1475,828:1475,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4374a3200e78792⋯.jpeg (350.58 KB,828x1472,9:16,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045677 (082125ZDEC23) Notable: Yen reaches crossroads as BOJ explores end to negative rates

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>>112655, >>>/qresearch/20043121 pb

Yen reaches crossroads as BOJ explores end to negative rates

[Cleared out a big portion of short interest in muh Yen with the recent strength-there’s a reason why shorting Yen and JGBs is called the ‘widow maker’ trade]

The historically weak yen appears to be turning a corner amid speculation that the Bank of Japan's ultraloose monetary policy is ending, though structural weaknesses in the Japanese economy raise questions over the currency's ability to endure higher rates.

The yen climbed to the 141 range against the dollar in New York on Thursday, before ending the session at around 144.

Thursday's gain was spurred by BOJ Gov. Kazuo Ueda's telling parliament that day that handling policy will be "more challenging" in the weeks ahead and into next year. }see links above} The yen weakened slightly to the 145 range on Friday in response to stronger-than-expected employment data from the U.S., but recovered to the 144 range shortly after.

Many observers believe it is premature to expect the BOJ to shift toward normalizing monetary policy at its meeting on Dec. 18 and Dec. 19. Still, the growing consensus is that the yen is done being stuck for about a year at roughly 30-year low levels. The currency softened to as much as 151.92 against the dollar in mid-November, reaching a level not seen since 1990. Ultra loose monetary policy was a force driving the yen's weakness. The BOJ is believed to be the only central bank to keep short-term rates in negative territory, even as Japan's inflation rate neared those of other countries, and the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank rushed to tighten policy. With inflation peaking in the U.S. and Europe, the Fed and the ECB are now expected to start cutting rates as early as the second quarter of next year. Meanwhile, the BOJ appears to be weighing a potential tightening.

Japan realized significant wage increases this year in response to protracted inflation. But whether wages will keep growing is uncertain, given the country had experienced little inflation or wage growth for decades after its asset price bubble burst in the early 1990s. The concern had kept the BOJ from charting an exit from negative rates, in turn contributing to the yen's weakness and fueling inflation. But BOJ officials are now signaling greater optimism that the economy would be able to withstand higher rates. A positive loop of higher wages and higher prices is "gradually taking place," Deputy Gov. Ryozo Himino has said.

Still, structural economic weaknesses persist.

The yen's real effective exchange rate, which is measured against a basket of other currencies, remains at its weakest since Japan adopted a floating exchange rate in 1973. The Bank for International Settlements in October placed the effective exchange rate for the yen at its lowest since 1968.





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d99742 No.112848

File: 1642b4a48f250db⋯.png (433.4 KB,771x732,257:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045683 (082126ZDEC23) Notable: Godfather of mRNA vaccines reveals plans to immunize people against CANCER

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Godfather of mRNA vaccines reveals plans to immunize people against CANCER years before tumors strike to 'prevent the disease from ever appearing'

▶ mRNA shot for people with cancer-causing genes could prevent cancer entirely

▶ Shot would be given every 5 to 10 years to generate ultra-powerful immune cells

▶ READ MORE: >>>/qresearch/20045675 Experimental cancer shot cures 40% of pancreatic tumors in study

he pioneer behind mRNA vaccines has revealed plans for a new vaccine that immunizes against cancer more than a decade before it strikes.

Dr Drew Weissman won the Nobel Prize this year for their discovery of a way to inject genetic instructions to induce an immune response against Covid, a discovery that helped save millions of lives and bring the world out of the pandemic.

Now, he is leveraging that discovery to create an mRNA vaccine against another of the world's biggest killers - cancer.

The vaccines in development at the University of Pennsylvania, where Dr Weissman conducts his research, teach the body how to recognize tumor cells and fight them when they form. ...


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d99742 No.112849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045711 (082136ZDEC23) Notable: No Christmas in Bethlehem! (WTF?)

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teleSUR English



#Palestine | In all the ‘impossible’ things that have happened in Gaza since the Hamas attack on Israel and the Jewish state’s homicidal response over the next 50 days, the postponement of Christmas in Bethlehem must rank among the most unbelievable.


No Christmas in Bethlehem!

Christmas is the last thing on the minds of two million forcibly displaced Palestinians in their homeland.


Dec 8, 2023 · 6:20 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112850

File: 7da6ef0c2e49fdf⋯.png (4.58 MB,1891x3147,1891:3147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045782 (082201ZDEC23) Notable: Dershowitz: Info About Hunter Was Almost ‘Covered Up by a Deal That Made No Sense’ — Need Special Counsel for Joe

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Dershowitz: Info About Hunter Was Almost ‘Covered Up by a Deal That Made No Sense’ — Need Special Counsel for Joe

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said that the rejection of the Hunter Biden plea deal has resulted in “much more information coming out to the American public” and not being “covered up by a deal that made no sense.” And called for the appointment of “a real special counsel” from outside the DOJ to look at President Joe Biden, “Because if it becomes just an impeachment concern, then half the country won’t believe it, half the country will.”

Dershowitz stated, [relevant remarks begin around 1:55] “Well, first of all, let’s remember who’s responsible for all of this coming out. We have to give credit to Judge Noreika. Judge Noreika made sure that this was not all covered up by a deal that made no sense. … But she did the right thing. She sent it back, and the result has been, now, much more information coming out to the American public. As I’ve said before, I hope that this results in the appointment of a real special counsel, outside the Justice Department, looking at the President of the United States. Because if it becomes just an impeachment concern, then half the country won’t believe it, half the country will.”


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d99742 No.112851

File: f6f5beaac0984f7⋯.jpeg (470.6 KB,1226x617,1226:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045869 (082233ZDEC23) Notable: PF Reports

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EXEC1F Flauxtus and/or family (used for both but primarily for what is called Flauxtus) departed spermbank (Burbank) Hollywood Airport after stop

>Derp on LAX landing

Bidens begin LA fundraising blitz in search of Hollywood ending to re-election campaign

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden plan to attendsix fundraising eventsand meetings between them this weekend in the Los Angeles area.


The faggitry literally off the charts

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d99742 No.112852

File: f98a9415e226636⋯.png (125.73 KB,699x660,233:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045888 (082239ZDEC23) Notable: TRUMP's endorsement of Abe Hamadeh for AZ-8

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TRUMP's endorsement of Abe Hamadeh for AZ-6

Donald J. Trump

Abe Hamadeh is a veteran, a former prosecutor and fearless fighter for our elections. He will be a true WARRIOR in Congress, and always put America First! As everyone knows, Abe fought for our Country overseas, and knows that the American people are demanding the kind of bold leadership that ushered in peace and prosperity just three years ago.

Abe Hamadeh is Strong on the Border, the Military/Vets, Crime, Cutting Taxes, Election Integrity, and Protecting our Great Second Amendment. He knows that if the flame of freedom is extinguished, it may never come back again.

These are the reasons why I am giving Abe Hamadeh my Complete and Total Endorsement in his quest to be the Congressman from District 8, representing the Great State of Arizona—He will never let you down!

Dec 08, 2023, 5:36 PM


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d99742 No.112853

File: 1415071c1dd5714⋯.png (37.5 KB,1448x180,362:45,Clipboard.png)

File: f1974e8de986061⋯.png (21.34 KB,637x494,49:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045907 (082245ZDEC23) Notable: Git you sum J6 Video Action!

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TY so much to anon who provided this effort (picrel1):


Anon has used that to download all 89 of the J6 videos that are available at:


Got them in 1080p format.

Created a torrent.

Get it here at Catbox, "j6video1080p.torrent", picrel2:


topkek that the URL starts with "q", and also "r"!

It's 26 GB. (Catbox has a 200 MB limit; some of the videos are shorter than that, but most of them are longer. 26 GB / 89 videos = ~300 MB each.

Anyway, anon will host for "a while."


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d99742 No.112854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045954 (082257ZDEC23) Notable: Democrat Mega-Donor, Who Visited Epstein Island, Says He Is Funding Nikki Haley to Stop Donald Trump

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Headline at Breitbart:

"Democrat Mega-Donor Hoffman Funding Nikki

Mission: Stop Donald Trump

Visited Epstein Island"



"LinkedIn Co-Founder and Epstein Island Visitor Reid Hoffman Donates $700,000 to Biden Campaign"


so there you have it: the explanation as to why there are people here pretending to support Halley

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d99742 No.112855

File: 13e989e972f0a0f⋯.jpeg (957.91 KB,1125x1839,375:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045990 (082311ZDEC23) Notable: Home Depot co-founder endorses Nikki Haley, says Trump's time 'has come and gone

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d99742 No.112856

File: 662b5f9bfc1a5b4⋯.jpg (93.83 KB,720x780,12:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bc39010c6e96d63⋯.mp4 (230.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046018 (082317ZDEC23) Notable: BIDEN: "Over a billion three hundred million trillion three hundred million dollars!"

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BIDEN: "Over a billion three hundred million trillion three hundred million dollars!"


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d99742 No.112857

File: 284cb6d6e5a509d⋯.png (266.08 KB,456x484,114:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046035 (082320ZDEC23) Notable: California Sheriffs Travel to Border – Are Alarmed and Appalled at What they Saw

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California Globe


EXCLUSIVE: California Sheriffs Travel to Border – Are Alarmed and Appalled at What they Saw.

‘With the amount of drugs and illegal immigrants – we are going to be overrun in no time’




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d99742 No.112858

File: ca9b6e30334b329⋯.png (136.07 KB,590x472,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046037 (082321ZDEC23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

Good News Friday: December 08, 2023

Dear Patriots,

Our great task each week is collecting the buried good news. Today we have found some good occurrences!

NOTE: Our lawyers at Defending the Republic have obtained thousands of pages of Moderna documents. It is the largest release of Moderna's COVID-19 records to date. They are now available for public review and download here.

ALSO...check out the many items at our Defending The Republic store. They are great gifts for the PATRIOTS on your Christmas list. Every purchase helps us keep fighting.

We are wishing all of our Jewish supporters a season of light, blessings, peace and miracles as they celebrate Hanukkah with their families.

1- Very brave whistle blowers in New Zealand are revealing amazing evidence about the injection. It is hard to find the information on this as worldwide media is pretending it does not exists. Check out this post from Emerald Robinson and watch the videos within.

In addition to this, there is also news that thousands of politicians and media were secretly exempt from the mandated injection.

Emerald Robinson on Substack

New Zealand's COVID Data Analyst Has Smoking Gun Evidence on Vax Deaths

2- When judges hear the evidence and uphold the law, amazing things happen.

The Federalist

Judge Orders New Louisiana Sheriff Election After Voter Fraud Contaminates The Results

3- After their shockingly pathetic responses to questions from members of a House committee, three university presidents had to issue PR statements in efforts to keep the trustees from firing them.

Power Line

The Presidents Walk It Back

4- We have asked you all to stop funding universities for three years now. Finally, the Jewish community is getting with that program. It is vital to the future of America to shut off these communist indoctrination centers. Stop paying for them to hate you.

Tablet Magazine

As Hanukkah Begins, a Call to Reconsider Jewish Giving

5- A good start.


Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing

6- The sex-reassignment business must be stopped. Sueing them out of business is a good option.

Washington Times

Surge of detransition lawsuits pose threat to booming gender-transition business

7- The more these cases come up, the more information is revealed. Information is power.

The Federalist

Texas Joins Federalist, Daily Wire In Suing Censorship Complex

8- Did you notice? The entire paper's staff went on strike Thursday. Yep, we didn't think anyone missed them.

The National Pulse

WaPo Staff to Strike on Thursday



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d99742 No.112859

File: a5e5638f9552f8d⋯.png (17 KB,300x169,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046069 (082327ZDEC23) Notable: #24604

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

...Prepping the bake. Hold 'em until next.


#24604 >>112813


>>112815 Faced With Record Illegal Immigration, the White House Wants To Expedite Border Crossings

>>112816 Florida To Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal Bio-Weapons

>>112817 DC Removing 103,000 Ineligible Names from the Voter Rolls in Response to Judicial Watch

>>112818 @photowhitehouse - The evergreen tree is a stubborn woman

>>112819 Great afternoon for the D.C. National Guard's ‘District Dustoff’ to optimize hoist proficiency!

>>112820 Banks filed at least 6 suspicious activity reports flagging Joe Biden's home address, senator says

>>112821 DJT Truth

>>112822 Unexpected Protein Linked to Early-Onset Dementia in Huge Discovery

>>112823 Shocking Report: U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

>>112824 Hunter Faces 42 Years in Prison

>>112825 @tassagency_en - Russian servicemen have completely dispelled the notion that Western military equipment is invulnerable during the special operation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a ceremony dedicated to Heroes of the Motherland Day

>>112826 17,177 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Strikes on Gaza Since Oct. 7 - Gaza Health Ministry

>>112827 Russia’s Central Election Commission has adopted a formal resolution designating March 15-17 as the dates for holding next year’s presidential election

>>112828 CDC encourages Americans to wear masks AGAIN in anticipation of respiratory contagion

>>112829 RepMikeTurner - Congress cannot let Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) expire at the end of December

>>112830 Not enough - millstone these fuckers (figuratively)

>>112831 @Jim_Jordan Subpoenas Secretary Mayorkas for Information on Violent Criminal Aliens Allowed Entry by DHS

>>112832 Charles Barkley on Trump supporters (for the keks)

>>112833 There’s Only One Explanation For Hunter Biden’s Simple Indictment Taking So Long: 2020 Election Interference

Hunter Biden spent $872K on prostitutes, porn and took $1.6M from ATMs: Details revealed in tax evasion case

>>112834 CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show

>>112835 Biotech CEO Pleads Guilty to COVID-19 Securities Fraud Scheme

>>112836 Musk - Does online count?

>>112837, >>112839 🌠 GUARDIANS OF THE DELTA! 🌠

>>112838 DC Court of Appeals completely eviscerated the Trump gag order

>>112840, >>112844 UN Security Council resolution calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza has been vetoed by the United States

>>112841, >>112851 PF Reports

>>112842 DJT Truth - We will appeal this decision!

>>112843 The stage is being set! 🚀

>>112845 Musk - Why does Bob Eager advertise on Meta, but boycott 𝕏? Real question.

>>112846 Snowden - This is well worth seeing. It's tomorrow. Be there.

>>112847 Yen reaches crossroads as BOJ explores end to negative rates

>>112848 Godfather of mRNA vaccines reveals plans to immunize people against CANCER

>>112849 No Christmas in Bethlehem! (WTF?)

>>112850 Dershowitz: Info About Hunter Was Almost ‘Covered Up by a Deal That Made No Sense’ — Need Special Counsel for Joe

>>112852 TRUMP's endorsement of Abe Hamadeh for AZ-8

>>112853 Git you sum J6 Video Action!

>>112854, >>112855 Democrat Mega-Donor, Who Visited Epstein Island, Says He Is Funding Nikki Haley to Stop Donald Trump

>>112856 BIDEN: "Over a billion three hundred million trillion three hundred million dollars!"

>>112857 California Sheriffs Travel to Border – Are Alarmed and Appalled at What they Saw

>>112858 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter


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d99742 No.112860

File: e8287333d63d654⋯.png (360.1 KB,532x362,266:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046093 (082330ZDEC23) Notable: #24605

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112861

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046112 (082338ZDEC23) Notable: Kash Patel: Tens Of Thousands Of Americans Surveilled Illegally Under Section 702 In America. His report is shockingly violations by the FBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel: Tens Of Thousands Of Americans Surveilled Illegally Under Section 702 In America. His report is shockingly violations by the FBI

Must listen



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d99742 No.112862

File: 788bd61ce963c31⋯.png (224.32 KB,797x1495,797:1495,Clipboard.png)

File: f5c10ef9acf6064⋯.png (529.71 KB,1414x659,1414:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046128 (082346ZDEC23) Notable: JAMES WOO DIG: Eric Holder's Role in Dicey Telco/Global Crossing Deal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JAMES WOO DIG: Posted this twit-x thread during gy:

>>112719, >>112714, >>112715, >>112716, >>112718 DIG CALL: Was James Woo's house blown up to eliminate another witness in the Global Crossing Cyber OP?

in-depth exploration into the relationship between Woo, Global Crossings (an now defunct company that built cyber networks, Eric Holder, and the blowing up of Woo's house

Poster's conclusion: the people responsible for building the cyber infrastructure in Iraq post-invasion, the infrastructure whose point was to provide the US Intel Community with total back door access into not just Iraq's digital communications, but all of Europe’s, are now being killed off one by one.


Good place to start DIGGING:

Obama AG Pick ERIC HOLDER Lobbied for Dicey Telco Deal

Eric Holder hired to close sale of bankrupt firm amid security fears.

November 20, 2008


In 2002, national security officials balked at a proposed sale of the bankrupt telecommunications firmGlobal Crossingto two Asian companies: a Hong Kong firm they reportedly believed to have ties to the Chinese government, and a Singapore firm part-owned by the government of Singapore.

Officials at the Pentagon and the Justice Department believed that foreign control of Global Crossing's global fiber optic network could give other governments access to U.S. data which would travel along those lines or be kept in the company's databases, documents indicate.Those officials also thought the sale could make it harder for U.S. intelligence and law enforcement to secretly tap those lines for intelligence operations or criminal investigations.

SEE CAP for moar.

Does kind of look like Global Crossing might have been a total cover for US Spy-OPS in the early 2000s.

James Wood DIG summary to date ALL PB

>>112008 House in Arlington, Virginia explodes after police reportedly approached it with a search warrant


>>111962, >>111966, >>111968, >>111985, >>111987 House explodes in arlington Virginia


>>112040 Video Shows House Explosion Reportedly Triggered By Suspect Firing Flare Gun At Police


>>>/qresearch/20028805, >>>/qresearch/20028627 ARLINGTON EXPLOSION: ABOUT JAMES YOO



key facts about YOO: far left, paranoid, frivolous lawsuits against relatives, former head of Global security at CFIUS....

>>112023 Dude in Arlington, Virginia who’s house got blown up tonight [JAMES WOO] is talking in the comments in his short on YouTube. This whole thing is wild.


far left nut case, psyop or something else?


>>112707 Remarks of James Yoo, owner of the house that got blown up in arlington VA

Dude in Arlington, Virginia who’s house got blown up tonight is talking in the comments in his short on YouTube. This whole thing is wild.

https://youtube.com/shorts/dcyhnH0 [

https://twitter.com/based_coach1/status/1731900923163627573 [YT VIDEO IS HERE]

There's more - check out the twitter link.......

>>112712 LB LINKS: james woo DIG

ANOTHER ANGLE: Does James Yoo" refers to Israel's Checkpoint Security surveillance…possibly linked to ADL's "PROTECT Plan"?

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d99742 No.112863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046151 (082353ZDEC23) Notable: Service Members to Get 5.2 Percent Raise in Bill

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Service Members to Get 5.2 Percent Raise in Bill

Friday, 08 December 2023 01:30 PM EST

Service members will get a significant pay increase in January under the annual defense bill unveiled Wednesday by the Senate and House of Representatives Armed Services Committees.

The National Defense Authorization Act bill authorizes a record $886 billion in spending, a 3% increase over last year, and a 5.2% increase for service members. It leaves out most of the divisive social issues, such as abortion rights and treatment of transgender service members that had threatened to derail the must-pass legislation.

The pay bump is the biggest in more than two decades.

The compromise NDAA does not overturn the Pentagon's policy of reimbursing servicemembers who travel to obtain abortions, which prompted Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., to block most military promotions for much of the year.

It also drops House language that would have blocked coverage of transition surgeries for transgender troops.

Congress has passed an NDAA annually since 1961, one of the few major pieces of legislation to become law every year. The Senate could take its first votes within days, with the House of Representatives expected to follow suit later this month.

The bill — the result of negotiations between Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and House — is expected to pass both chambers and be signed into law by President Joe Biden, despite expected opposition from the hard-right wing of the House.


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d99742 No.112864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046164 (082356ZDEC23) Notable: Foreign Secretary David Cameron warns world order will NOT 'snap back' after Israel-Hamas war and 'appalling' Russian and Chinese aggression

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Foreign Secretary David Cameron warns world order will NOT 'snap back' after Israel-Hamas war and 'appalling' Russian and Chinese aggression: The former Prime Minister says allies of the U.K. and U.S. must 'stick together'

The foreign secretary spoke on the 82nd anniversary of the Japanese's attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which thrust the U.S. into World War II

The former prime minister also talked about the importance of providing Ukraine much needed assistance in its war against Russia

Cameron told Antony Blinken $300 billion in frozen Russian assets should be used to rebuild Ukraine

Foreign Secretary David Cameron says that it is important for the U.K. and the U.S. to 'stick together' because the world order will be forever disrupted in the aftermath of several conflicts.

'There's war in Europe, a crisis in the Middle East, an aggressive China, and an even more aggressive Russia,' Cameron said before a large crowd assembled at the Aspen Security Forum in Washington, D.C.

He warned that it won't be so simple for the world order to 'snap back' to how it was operating before the conflicts.

'The first thing to realize is just how much has changed and how unlikely it is for things to snap back to the way they were before,' he replied to a question posed by Fox News' Jennifer Griffin.

The foreign secretary spoke on the 82nd anniversary of the Japanese's attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which thrust the U.S. into World War II.

Pearl Harbor was an 'appalling act of aggression' that was due to appeasement, he said.

Cameron added that 'it's much easier to stand up…if we stick together' in regard to China's increasing aggression toward Taiwan, in order to avoid a 'second Chinese' Pearl Harbor.

Cameron also addressed the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, which broke out after the terrorists slaughtered over 1,400 innocent civilians on October 7.

'Long term security for Israel means finding a way for Palestinian neighbors are living with peace and stability and that means a two-state solution,' said Cameron.

'The alternatives to a two-state solution are much worse.'

When asked by Fox News' Jennifer Griffin whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still believes in a two-state solution, he laughed off the question.

'You'll have to ask him that,' responded Cameron.

The former prime minister also talked about the importance of providing Ukraine much needed assistance in its war against Russia.

'As long as you don't cross the red line of NATO soldiers fighting Russia soldiers, we should do everything we can to continue to support Ukraine,' he responded.

He told Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday the U.K. believes there is a 'strong argument' for seizing frozen Russian assets and spending them on rebuilding Ukraine.

The former Prime Minister also defended Europe's contribution to the defense of Ukraine at the Aspen forum.


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d99742 No.112865

File: 6c2375375971cc5⋯.png (29.89 KB,360x77,360:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046175 (090000ZDEC23) Notable: Planet Fitness Director and former CEO, $PLNT, sold 100% of his shares, approximately one million shares, for $66 million

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Planet Fitness Director and former CEO, $PLNT, sold 100% of his shares, approximately one million shares, for $66 million today.

Other directors have sold as well.

To see full history, check Unusual Whales.

Check more: https://unusualwhales.com/stock/plnt/overview


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d99742 No.112866

File: 24d0dd441bc81b7⋯.png (148.54 KB,1220x463,1220:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046183 (090003ZDEC23) Notable: Service Members to Get 5.2 Percent Raise in Bill

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2024 VA Disability Rates


The 2024 VA disability rates are based on the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) 2024 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase. The increase is based on the rising inflation, increasing prices of consumer goods, and rising gas prices. Rates are effective Dec 1 of each year.



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d99742 No.112867

File: 197ebd9de8747f5⋯.png (571.95 KB,1997x1777,1997:1777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046194 (090005ZDEC23) Notable: Statement from Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita on Media Speculation About Transition Effort

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December 08, 2023

Statement from Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita on Media Speculation About Transition Efforts

Several weeks ago, Trump Campaign leadership released a memo about media speculation about Presidential transition efforts and a second Trump presidency.

Despite our being crystal clear, some “allies” haven’t gotten the hint, and the media, in their anti-Trump zeal, has been all-to-willing to continue using anonymous sourcing and speculation about a second Trump administration in an effort to prevent a second Trump administration.

Let us be very specific here: unless a message is coming directly from President Trump or an authorized member of his campaign team, no aspect of future presidential staffing or policy announcements should be deemed official.

Let us be even more specific, and blunt:

People publicly discussing potential administration jobs for themselves or their friends are, in fact, hurting President Trump…and themselves. These are an unwelcomed distraction.

Second term policy priorities and staffing decisions will not - in no uncertain terms - be led by anonymous or thinly sourced speculation in mainstream media news stories.

President Trump is solely focused on winning the Republican nomination for president and then defeating Crooked Joe Biden in the general election. He is not interested in, nor does he condone, selfish efforts by “desk hunters.” There will be an appropriate time to focus on such matters after winning next November, and it will follow President Trump’s lead.


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d99742 No.112868

File: 98091d85c0b96a7⋯.gif (2.77 MB,400x275,16:11,Clipboard.gif)

File: e4cb7933bfafb34⋯.jpeg (69.11 KB,933x593,933:593,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3f9b52c8428d7a7⋯.jpeg (31.81 KB,500x309,500:309,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a6702d89eed1525⋯.jpeg (64.85 KB,960x581,960:581,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5d55aabf0922b4c⋯.jpeg (98.86 KB,960x598,480:299,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046205 (090011ZDEC23) Notable: US Bank Deposit Outflows Continue To Surge As Regional 'Stress' Accelerates

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US Bank Deposit Outflows Continue To Surge As Regional 'Stress' Accelerates

[ ]muh comments

[Give you one guess where the inflows are coming from…but you have to guess…..ain’t sayin’ Kek but here is the weekly FED “it’s just fine if you smoov out the data” bank flows]

Yesterday we found out that inflows to money-market funds continue to be huge ($290BN in six weeks), and more importantly, regional banks' usage of The Fed's BTFP bailout facility surged [saying “surged” is a bit too fear prony as yes they have increased and are at ‘record levels’ it’s a step up a bit at a time cap since the real surge-Cap2 June to July and just at that July high] record high (even as regional banks surged...[watching the volume come into those at the levels they needed over last few weeks from a former traders perspective wuz fuggen hilarious especially right around Oct 10/11 then the retail pile on-congrats if you traded it and booked cuz I wouldn’t hold none of that shit over this weekend after mid October to now run up cuz today the last day of Corp buybacks so would have ‘punched the clock’ yesterday and been habby] so with that shitshow in mind, we await the glorious manipulation of The Fed's bank deposits data to reinforce that equity confidence.

On a seasonally-adjusted basis, banks saw a $53.7BN deposit outflow... However, on a non-seasonally-adjusted basis, deposits rose by $27BN. And even with the outflows (SA), the divergence [cap 3] between soaring money-market funds and bank deposits continues to widen... Excluding foreign bank deposits, domestic banks saw the third week of the last four of deposit outflows (-$40.6BN SA) with Large banks -$35BN (SA) and Small banks losing $5.7BN (SA). On an NSA basis, domestic banks saw inflows of $36.5BN last week with Large banks adding $32BN and Small banks adding $4BN.. That adds up to $88BN (SA) of deposit outflows in the last four weeks (back to its lowest total since May) And on the other side of the ledger, despite deposits declining SA, loan volumes increased (SA) for the third week in a row with Small banks adding $2.1BN and Large banks adding $3.8BN [small potatoes not even worth mentioning but at least some going out door]. Finally, the key warning sign continues to trend ominously lower (Small Banks' reserve constraint), supported above the critical level by The Fed's emergency funds (for now). As the red line shows, cap 5 without The Fed's help, the crisis is back (and large bank cash needs a home - green line - like picking up a small bank from the FDIC).


>read it first bro…especially comments

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d99742 No.112869

File: 6e37f948a85e6c7⋯.jpg (76.54 KB,880x495,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046237 (090019ZDEC23) Notable: Flights from Purdue University to Chicago resuming in 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - The nation's first university-owned airport is set to return to commercial service early next year.

On Tuesday Purdue University and Surf Air Mobility, along with Southern Airways Express (SAE) announced they have entered into an agreement to provide air service between the university and Chicago O'Hare Airport with a target start date sometime in the spring of 2024.

"Purdue and the neighboring community are pleased to welcome SAE to the Purdue University Airport,” Purdue University President Mung Chiang said. “We could not do this without the outstanding support of Gov. Eric Holcomb, IEDC, the mayors of both Lafayette and West Lafayette, GLC, the FAA and countless others. With the economic growth momentum here, I know that Purdue faculty, staff, students and alumni will be thrilled for the university and local communities to once again have direct access to the global aviation network after 20 years without scheduled commercial airline service."

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation, along with Purdue, will provide funding to support the air service's establishment and ongoing costs of operations.

According to the university, Flight operations will be run by SAE, an airline subsidiary of Surf Air Mobility. SAE will operate flights between West Lafeyette (LAF) and O'Hare (ORD) seven days a week, with 24 weekly round-trip flights currently planned.

"Pending Board of Trustees approval in February, the new terminal will be named for Amelia Earhart, thanks to approval from the Earhart estate," the university said in a statement. "The approximately 8,000-square-foot facility — to be located west of the existing terminal — will include a waiting area, baggage claim, ticketing, passenger screening and public restrooms. It will be constructed to comply with Transportation Security Administration and FAA requirements."

Earhart was an instructor and advisor in careers for women and flew out of Purdue University Airport in the 1930s when I was opened.

SAE will operate the flights using Cessna Grand Caravan turboprop aircraft, with nine passenger seats and two pilots.

"This marks the return of commercial air service for the first time since 2004 to LAF, Indiana’s second-busiest airport in terms of total annual aircraft operations," the university stated.

The flights will be open to the public, and Purdue will provide the use of its passenger terminal, hangar space and ramp access for SAE's personnel. SAE will also offer job opportunities pre- and post-graduation for qualified students.

"The idea of having an airport here that can support a major carrier is absolutely phenomenal," said West Lafayette Mayor John Dennis. "It’s great on the social level, it’s great on the international level, and, obviously, it’s super great on the economic level.”


Purdue University and Surf Air Mobility and Southern Airways Express enter agreement for air service between Purdue University Airport and Chicago O’Hare Airport starting 2024


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d99742 No.112870

File: f7f6cab7a270c80⋯.jpg (62.11 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046277 (090031ZDEC23) Notable: McCarthy declares support for Trump in 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McCarthy declares support for Trump in 2024

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said he is endorsing former President Trump for reelection in 2024, weighing in after months of not formally declaring support for a candidate.

McCarthy said in an interview with “CBS Sunday Morning” that will air on Sunday that he expects Trump will be the GOP nominee in 2024 and that he will support him.


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d99742 No.112871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046573 (090143ZDEC23) Notable: Ryan O’Neal, ‘Love Story’ actor who was longtime partner of Farrah Fawcett, dead at 82

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Ryan O’Neal, ‘Love Story’ actor who was longtime partner of Farrah Fawcett, dead at 82


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d99742 No.112872

File: f2c1e538c749489⋯.jpeg (644.29 KB,1323x623,189:89,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 891e55ccfad7572⋯.jpeg (666.14 KB,1338x625,1338:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0bb51e5a8188540⋯.jpeg (554.04 KB,1350x623,1350:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 753775810b7f15a⋯.jpeg (451.23 KB,828x809,828:809,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c73c1eac26ca991⋯.png (917.21 KB,989x587,989:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046649 (090157ZDEC23) Notable: Potato got AF1 on the last 1k ft of his arrival descent from McCarran Intl to LAX

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Potato got AF1 on the last 1k ft of his arrival descent from McCarran Intl to LAX

Seen this one time before as well and at LAX in identical circumstances

Cap 1 was right after change to AF1 @ 925ft

Cap 2 just prior to change as 92-9000

Cap 3 current on ground as AF1

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112873

File: c27ae247fb53fd5⋯.png (339.78 KB,617x515,617:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ad57422a258592⋯.mp4 (1010.69 KB,888x478,444:239,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046747 (090224ZDEC23) Notable: Wowie! The Desantii, knowing they are going to get crushed in Iowa, now plan on bringing in voters from out of state to vote in their caucus.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ron Filipkowski


Wowie! The Desantii, knowing they are going to get crushed in Iowa, now plan on bringing in voters from out of state to vote in their caucus. Orange Man won’t like this one.

5:31 PM · Dec 8, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046851 (090253ZDEC23) Notable: #24605

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

...Prepping next bread. Hold' em.


#24605 >>112860

>>112861 Kash Patel: Tens Of Thousands Of Americans Surveilled Illegally Under Section 702 In America. His report is shockingly violations by the FBI

>>112862 JAMES WOO DIG: Eric Holder's Role in Dicey Telco/Global Crossing Deal

>>112864 Foreign Secretary David Cameron warns world order will NOT 'snap back' after Israel-Hamas war and 'appalling' Russian and Chinese aggression

>>112865 Planet Fitness Director and former CEO, $PLNT, sold 100% of his shares, approximately one million shares, for $66 million

>>112863, >>112866 Service Members to Get 5.2 Percent Raise in Bill

>>112867 Statement from Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita on Media Speculation About Transition Effort

>>112868 US Bank Deposit Outflows Continue To Surge As Regional 'Stress' Accelerates

>>112869 Flights from Purdue University to Chicago resuming in 2024

>>112870 McCarthy declares support for Trump in 2024

>>112871 Ryan O’Neal, ‘Love Story’ actor who was longtime partner of Farrah Fawcett, dead at 82

>>112872 Potato got AF1 on the last 1k ft of his arrival descent from McCarran Intl to LAX

>>112873 Wowie! The Desantii, knowing they are going to get crushed in Iowa, now plan on bringing in voters from out of state to vote in their caucus.

>>>/qresearch/20046757 After Casey Desantis said today that they plan to flood Iowa with out-of-state voters for the caucus, the Iowa GOP issues a statement.


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d99742 No.112875

File: 02cc2f6ac5d81fb⋯.png (1.47 MB,1115x668,1115:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046880 (090256ZDEC23) Notable: #24606

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112876

File: 9c0ae89dfd08098⋯.png (392.91 KB,613x913,613:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046903 (090303ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - I am told that there is no evidence that he (Bill Gates) ever visited the island

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See new posts


Not Jerome Powell




Bill Gates claims he doesn’t know why he visited Epstein Island…..


He might have lost count in the teens.


Readers added context they thought people might want to know

While Gates did meet Epstein several times, there is no record of him visiting Epstein's Island. Flight logs from Epstein's private planes note Gates as having flown on one of Epstein’s planes once, but this was to Florida.



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Elon Musk




For sure 36 times?

Elon Musk


I am told that there is no evidence that he ever visited the island

10:29 AM · Dec 8, 2023




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d99742 No.112877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047051 (090343ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine pay dropped after Trump took office (RT)

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8 Dec, 2023

Hunter Biden’s Ukraine pay dropped after Trump took office

A criminal indictment against the US president’s son has claimed that Burisma halved his salary after Joe Biden left office

(KEK! There it is, confirmation Joe lost his power in 2017, Hunter got paid less. So does this prove Bidan had to rig the 2020 election and steal it so Burisma and others paid Hunter and Joe a lot more money? Seems so, how are they laundering it now?)

US President Joe Biden’s son suffered a sharp cut in pay from Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings when his father left office as vice president in 2017 and Donald Trump’s administration took charge in Washington, a new criminal indictment against Hunter Biden has revealed.

The Ukrainian energy company hired Hunter Biden as a board member in 2014, despite his lack of industry expertise, and was paying him $1 million annually while then-Vice President Joe Biden was overseeing Washington’s support for Kiev. In March 2017, two months after the Obama-Biden administration left office and Trump took over as president, Hunter Biden’s compensation was cut in half, according to a federal indictment filed on Thursday.

The case was brought by US Department of Justice special counsel David Weiss, who persuaded a grand jury to indict the president’s son on three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanors. The charges against Hunter Biden include tax evasion, failing to pay taxes, and filing a false tax return.

Hunter Biden didn’t report his income from Burisma; rather, the money was funneled into the bank account of a company that he and a business associate controlled, according to the indictment. That associate also served on Burisma’s board of directors. Burisma paid Hunter Biden a combined $2.3 million from 2016 through April 2019, when he left the company’s board of directors.

Republican lawmakers have claimed that Hunter Biden was given a lucrative, no-show job at Burisma as part of an influence-peddling operation in which the president’s son solicited overseas bribes in return for political favors.

Devon Archer, the Biden business associate who served on the Burisma board, testified to a US House committee in July that the Biden family “brand” protected the Ukrainian energy company from scrutiny.

Former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin claimed in an August interview that then-Vice President Joe Biden got him fired because he was investigating corruption at Burisma. Biden boasted in a 2018 interview that he threatened to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees for Ukraine unless Shokin was sacked. “Well, son of a bitch, he got fired,”Biden chortled.

Thursday’s indictment alleged that Hunter Biden engaged in a scheme to avert at least $1.4 million in taxes that he should have paid from 2016 to 2019 while spending millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle. His expenses over the four-year period included nearly $1.7 million in ATM withdrawals, $189,000 for “adult entertainment,” $683,000 in payments to various women, $72,000 for drug and alcohol rehabilitation, and nearly $400,000 for clothing and accessories.


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d99742 No.112878

File: 3177da12d396b04⋯.jpeg (111.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047111 (090402ZDEC23) Notable: EU state’s parliament overrules president on Ukraine weapons (RT)

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8 Dec, 2023 2

EU state’s parliament overrules president on Ukraine weapons

Bulgaria has doubled down on sending used armored vehicles to Kiev

The National Assembly of Bulgaria voted on Friday to override President Rumen Radev’s veto on the plan to donate 100 old armored personnel carriers to the Ukrainian military.

Radev had vetoed the proposal on Monday, insisting that the lawmakers rushed it through the parliamentary procedure and gave insufficient consideration to Bulgarian needs and interests. Under the Bulgarian constitution, however, the parliament can override the veto with a simple majority.

Thefinal vote in the 240-member chamber was 162-55,with no abstentions, according to the Bulgarian news agency BTA. (Oh thats bad!)

“With this decision, we are strengthening our Europe and the defense of freedom,”Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky posted on X (formerly Twitter) after the vote. He did not thank Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, however, but the heads of the ruling coalition and their supporters – Boyko Borisov, Kiril Petkov, and Delyan Peevski.

In a heated debate ahead of the vote, opposition MP Ivan Chenchev (BSP) argued thatthe government was “trying hard to look good in the eyes of your masters,” and that Bulgaria needed the vehicles itself, while the governing coalition claimed the Bulgarian security forces had no need for them any more.

Some of the members must be drunk, said another BSP member, Georgi Svilenski, adding that“It is wrong to allow people under the influence to vote for embroiling Bulgaria in a war.”(kek and probably true, but the country wants new armaments and vehicles, every other state did it.)

At one point, opposition MP Kostadin Kostadinov (Vazrazhdane) said it was “very humiliating” that Bulgaria was donating the vehicles and paying for their delivery as well. Ruling bloc MP Manol Peykov (CC-DB), described as a prominent supporter of Ukraine, heckled Kostadinov and caused “a brawl with Vazrazhdane deputies,” according to BTA. (Bulgaria doesn’t have any rules of not “fist fighting” in government I guess!)

The deal agreed upon by Kiev and Sofia in August envisions Bulgaria delivering 100 of the BTR-60 wheeled armored personnel carriers – along with parts needed for upkeep and maintenance – to Ukraine.

The eight-wheeled armored transports were designed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s. Bulgaria has been trying to replace them with American-made M1117 Guardian four-wheeled armored cars, produced for the US military police since the early 2000s.

(What is wrong with the brains of EU states? It seems the EU is willing to destroy itself by pursuing this stupid ideas of Globalists, Bidan and Scholz etc. ((to try to seize Russia through a thoroughly bad plan to start a war with Russia with Ukraine as the Conquistador))! So they engaged the whole EU in this fiasco. So the EU leaders are still donating to Ukraine, when will they realize it was/is a psyop?)


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d99742 No.112879

File: c23c4f581d38354⋯.jpeg (464.16 KB,1202x621,1202:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 002c2e52d8ffaf0⋯.jpeg (352.25 KB,902x523,902:523,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047113 (090402ZDEC23) Notable: Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

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>>112872 lb

58-0100 KC-135 tanker setting up as the mobile filling station while barely arrived as AF1 on ground at LAX with 09-0015 C32A moved to Sacramento from Phoenix Intl stop

6fuggen separate fundraising events for potato and his “campaign”

I just wonder if these check writers know he’ll be gone within 4 months max but it doesn’t really matter as it’s just about DNC money not him

This next on schedule

7:30pm PST Residence of Michael Smith and James Costos, Holmby Hills, CA


SNTRY09 E3 AWACS just west of Ensenada trackin’ “looking” for muh Russian subs /s

73-2676 Nightwatch on far right arrived at Davis-Monthan AFB earlier today from JBA depart

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d99742 No.112880

File: 20d028f16208f9c⋯.jpeg (370.32 KB,1132x590,566:295,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9de8bb62f742a5e⋯.png (505.17 KB,731x359,731:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047172 (090421ZDEC23) Notable: Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

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SAM455 C40B arriving from the east and on final at JFK Intl

They sure did not want us to know where it went as last contact was on Dec 4th heading east at roughly same spot it reappeared on current cap.

Usually you get some contact even on Islands like Azores but not this one-totally dark from depart on Dec 4 until nao

This is a high level State Dept AC tail 01-0041 and was the escort to Pompeii as he used 01-0040 for almost all domestic and Intl trips and occasionally the C-32As (757) but not often

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d99742 No.112881

File: 036fb74ae0f3aab⋯.webp (97.64 KB,1400x788,350:197,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047237 (090450ZDEC23) Notable: MBS canceled UK trip before welcoming Putin – FT (RT)

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8 Dec, 2023. (Kek, the Power Play Continues)

MBS canceled UK trip before welcoming Putin – FT

Senior British MPs have described the reported move as a snub on Riyadh’s part

Saudi Arabia scrapped plans for Mohammed bin Salman to visit London earlier this month, days before he hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin in Riyadh, the Financial Times reported on Friday, citing UK government officials.

London and Riyadh had been in negotiationsabout a potential visit of the Crown Prince, who is also known as MBS,for months already. UK officials said the two sides had been working towards December 3 as a possible date, but the plans were abruptly shelved last week.

Instead, MBS hosted Putin in Riyadh on Wednesday, amid theRussian president’s one-day tour of the region– his first trip to the Middle East since the beginning of the conflict with Ukraine in February 2022.

Senior UK officials and MPs were alarmed by the proximity of the Crown Prince’s visit to Britain which was apparently canceled and Putin’s Middle East tour. Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith described the development to FT as “astonishing,” and the apparent postponement as a “snub.”

Another senior Tory MP, Robert Courts, said the postponement of the visit is “a concern because it suggests a UK diplomatic failure in the face of a coordinated diplomatic offensive by Putin.” (These people are stupid SA and Russia, along with China, expanded the BRICS, A new Asia alliance and are punishing the US with oil. So of course they would snub them just like Bidan didn’t get a Royal Welcome in SA but a first bump)

“The UK should urgently review the resources and strategy behind its foreign and defense policy to prevent the slide of states towards our strategic competitors,” he added.

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UK, Prince Khalid bin Bandar, however, denied any connection between the canceled visit and the Russian president’s trip, insisting that “anyone familiar with the UK-Saudi relationship will know that the suggestion of a snub is nonsense.” (KEK!)

“The relationship is as strong as it has ever been and will remain so. Those wishing to interpret things differently are sorely mistaken,” he told FT.

The UK Foreign Office neither confirmed nor denied the postponement when reached by FT for comment, with its spokesperson effectively dodging the question. “It is not for the UK to comment on the diplomatic engagements of other countries. We work closely with Saudi Arabia across a range of areas, including on providing support to Ukraine and addressing the current crisis in Israel,” the spokesperson said.

(Anons minor analysis: The UK with the US coordinated and planned the attack on Russia and got the EU involved in the most poorly planned war with “Ukraine as the victim”. And now they are upset and their faux diplomacy us not working? The UK deserves more snubbing by many more countries. It’s much like France being kicked out of African countries, France helped the countries but ruled them like a Kingdom over a foreign land, they made the same mistakes of England and its Royalty. The West’s totalitarian rule that re-emerged when Bidan stole the Presidency was not welcome. Russia and the Middle Eastern partners liked the way Trump treated them as equals.) The West really underestimated Russia’s ability game out what the West would do when they started their operation in Ukraine-Russia had 8 years to plan every action and reaction that could occur. The West also underestimated the Russian diplomacy and allowing African countries to choose their allies, plus Russia gave the countries a lot of free stuff. The combined alliance of African countries will pay off Russia bigly over the next 30-50+ years if they play the same strategy. Russia has taken the strategy, “Africa and Russia share in the same penalties by the West and we will “Mak Peace not War”.)


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d99742 No.112882

File: 44f6d4f0ab39080⋯.png (162.1 KB,1373x813,1373:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047255 (090458ZDEC23) Notable: New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on FB and Instagram

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part 1

New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Reveal Disturbing Development — Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on Facebook and Instagram (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

By Jim Hᴏft Dec. 8, 2023 2:40 pm294 Comments


In a chilling revelation, New Mexico authorities have uncovered a series of communications among sex predators operating within the state, utilizing the seemingly innocuous term “PIZZA” as a code word to obscure their illicit activities.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the New Mexico Democrat Attorney General Raúl Torrez took decisive action against tech giant Meta Platforms, Inc., its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and associated entities, including Instagram, LLC, and Facebook Holdings, LLC.

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, represents a bold effort to curb the exploitation of children on social media platforms.

“Our investigation into Meta’s social media platforms demonstrates that they are not safe spaces for children but rather prime locations for predators to trade child pornography and solicit minors for sex,” Attorney General Torrez said in a statement.

“As a career prosecutor who specialized in internet crimes against children, I am committed to using every available tool to put an end to these horrific practices and I will hold companies — and their executives — accountable whenever they put profits ahead of children’s safety,” he added.

Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak

During the past several months, the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office launched an undercover operation posing as minors under 14 on Meta’s platforms. This sting operation led to disturbing findings, where it was discovered that:

Proactively served and directed to underage users a stream of egregious, sexually explicit images — even when the child has expressed no interest in this content.

Enabled dozens of adults to find, contact, and press children into providing sexually explicit pictures of themselves or participate in pornographic videos.

Recommended that the children join unmoderated Facebook groups devoted to facilitating commercial sex.

Allowed Facebook and Instagram users to find, share, and sell an enormous volume of child pornography.

Allowed a fictitious mother to offer her 13-year-old daughter for sale to sex traffickers and to create a professional page to allow her daughter to share revenue from advertising.

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d99742 No.112883

File: 44f6d4f0ab39080⋯.png (162.1 KB,1373x813,1373:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047261 (090459ZDEC23) Notable: New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on FB and Instagram

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part 2

The Attorney General’s office has released selectively redacted graphic content from their investigation, showing only those parts necessary to convey the seriousness of the situation while ensuring that the privacy and dignity of victims are fully respected.

Recent findings have exposed a network of Instagram accounts purportedly offering illicit means to acquire or exchange Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) and Child Sexual Exploitation Content (CSEC).

Investigations reveal that these accounts provide instructions to move conversations to offline mediums such as WhatsApp or Telegram, platforms that offer end-to-end encryption and are beyond the reach of routine monitoring.

According to the complaint, “A search for ‘All New Kids Links Available’ on Instagram, for example, yielded dozens of options for CSAM. Notably, ‘cheese pizza,’ with its shared initials, is known to be a proxy for child pornography.”

“The profile picture in Figure 4 (redacted here) showed two young girls in an image that suggested they were engaged in sexual activity,” the complaint added.

More from the filed complaints:

“These Instagram posts regularly included “suggested for you” content, identified by its algorithm, that directed users to other CSAM sellers or minor accounts. One typical example showed a “links_here” seller offering “BOY, KIDS GIRLS ALL” associated with a “piz.zalinkseller” and other CSAM-selling accounts, which the user is invited to follow.”

“The Instagram seller below incorporates an image of a young girl serving a cheese pizza and advertises “small girls, small boys . . .3 years to 12 years girl’s . . .anal sex.””

New Mexico Attorney General Complaint

“After two unsuccessful attempts at opening a Facebook account as a 13-year-old, a fictional user with the account name BobbiFun13 successfully opened an account on Instagram. She began looking for content on Instagram, and her search for ‘cute girls’ returned sexual images.”

“BobbiFun13 was able to follow accounts that signaled connections to child pornography, with ‘pizza’ seller or links, ‘little-girls,’ or ‘young_girl_sell’ in their names. She also was promptly followed by a similar set of sexually themed groups, including cpsell2, trusted_pizza_seller, all_new_kids_link, and i_can_make_women_orgsm.”

“Taya also conducted a search for ‘chicken soup,’ which is widely understood, because of its initials, to signify ‘child sex.'” She was pointed to this account, which invites the user to “Follow if you like little things”—a reference to sexual interest in children—with cheese pizza emojis for child pornography. The account invites contact “for trade” (or trade in child sexual images) and then shows pictures of young girls in bra tops.”

“Instagram uses easily-evaded restrictions on hashtags. Even if a specific term was blocked, Meta’s filters did not prevent a user from tagging their post or profile with the hashtag to signal the availability of CSAM. In addition, searches for child pornography that were blocked by Meta could be easily evaded by adding spaces, characters, or emojis to the search terms. For instance, while Instagram blocked searches for cheese pizza emojis (which yielded ‘no results at this time’), adding another emoji– for ‘pizza links’–did not restrict results. The phrase ‘pizza links’ is used by a web of accounts that were readily findable through searches and that offer CSAM.”

You can read the disturbing full 228-page complaint on the New Mexico Attorney General’s website.

AG Torrez expressed grave concerns about the knowledge and inaction of Meta executives like Mark Zuckerberg, emphasizing that they are fully aware of the potential dangers their platforms present to young users.

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d99742 No.112884

File: 44f6d4f0ab39080⋯.png (162.1 KB,1373x813,1373:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047264 (090500ZDEC23) Notable: New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on FB and Instagram

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part 3

“Mr. Zuckerberg and other Meta executives are aware of the serious harm their products can pose to young users, and yet they have failed to make sufficient changes to their platforms that would prevent the sexual exploitation of children,” Torrez added.

Sex predators sometimes use the word “pizza” to communicate and hide their activities. This is a tactic to avoid detection by law enforcement and the public.

Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported that a Texas A&M University (TAMU) employee, Clinton Harnden, has been arrested by the FBI on charges related to child pornography.

The arrest came after agents executed a search warrant at Harnden’s residence and found evidence of his involvement in receiving and possessing child pornography materials, KBTX reported.

Harnden held the position of Senior Administrative Coordinator at Texas A&M University. His LinkedIn profile indicates that he had been employed at the university for more than a decade but only took on the senior administrative role in July 2020.

According to FBI Special Agent Dimitri Willis, “CHADWICK and HARNDEN used the term “pizza” to talk about CSAM during this interaction. I know from my training and experience that “pizza” and/or “cheese pizza” is a known slang/code-word used by individuals to discuss CSAM in public forums without detection. After sharing the CSAM, CHADWICK asked HARNDEN if he thought she was horrible because of all the “pizza.” HARNDEN replied that “Pizza is one of my favorite foods.””

The investigation further revealed Harnden’s involvement in online communities dedicated to sharing CSAM, including groups on Tumblr and Wickr.

“Agents reviewed HARNDEN’s “ATXAGGIE2007” Tumblr page. The page was filled with posts and responses about pornographic material, including CSAM. One post by HARNDEN on Tumblr asked “Anyone give out free pizza today.” As stated before, I know from my training and experience that “pizza” and/or “cheese pizza” is a known slang/code- word used by individuals to refer to CSAM,” the affidavit read.

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d99742 No.112885

File: e08847b5728d603⋯.png (648.81 KB,715x1263,715:1263,Clipboard.png)

File: dd527fbb643d6c6⋯.png (92.74 KB,974x760,487:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047300 (090522ZDEC23) Notable: Dan the Man Elf on a Shelf

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112886

File: 6caf1c72e37da78⋯.png (21.34 KB,457x184,457:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047347 (090552ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - I never confused Crooked Joe Biden with Barack Obama, except in the form of a sarcastic joke, which the Fake News knows and fully understands. Sarcasm is a very dangerous thing for me to use!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I never confused Crooked Joe Biden with Barack Obama, except in the form of a sarcastic joke, which the Fake News knows and fully understands. Sarcasm is a very dangerous thing for me to use!!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112887

File: ae4472b97574dfe⋯.png (16.42 KB,471x132,157:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047359 (090559ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - Great day in the Rigged Court. Financial Expert was fantastic, exposing the Corrupt A.G. as a FRAUD!

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Great day in the Rigged Court. Financial Expert was fantastic, exposing the Corrupt A.G. as a FRAUD!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047428 (090637ZDEC23) Notable: Scientists make 'huge' $540 billion discovery at the bottom of a giant lake

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$540 billion at the bottom of the lake

18M tons of white gold

4M tons of lithium


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d99742 No.112889

File: 6c417cefedaa624⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,793x630,793:630,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047487 (090701ZDEC23) Notable: New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on FB and Instagram

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Direct link to complaint. Meta vs. NM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112890

File: 25f8e1677dcc85b⋯.jpeg (106.04 KB,435x245,87:49,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047502 (090707ZDEC23) Notable: Court Halts Imprisonment of Meme Artist Douglass Mackey Amid First Amendment Appeal

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Court Halts Imprisonment of Meme Artist Douglass Mackey Amid First Amendment Appeal


A federal appellate court has issued a stay on the 7-month incarceration of Douglass Mackey, known for creating a controversial meme during the 2016 presidential election. The meme in question suggested that supporters of Hillary Clinton could vote via text message. The stay was authorized by Judge Omar Williams of the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, according to an official Motion Order.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047749 (090830ZDEC23) Notable: #24606

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...Let anon line up the next shiptoasting bread.Final


#24606 >>112875

>>112876 Musk - I am told that there is no evidence that he (Bill Gates) ever visited the island

>>112877 Hunter Biden’s Ukraine pay dropped after Trump took office (RT)

>>112878 EU state’s parliament overrules president on Ukraine weapons (RT)

>>112879, >>112880 Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

>>112881 MBS canceled UK trip before welcoming Putin – FT (RT)

>>112882, >>112883, >>112884, >>112889 New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on FB and Instagram

>>112885 Dan the Man Elf on a Shelf

>>112886 DJT Truth - I never confused Crooked Joe Biden with Barack Obama, except in the form of a sarcastic joke, which the Fake News knows and fully understands. Sarcasm is a very dangerous thing for me to use!!!

>>112887 DJT Truth - Great day in the Rigged Court. Financial Expert was fantastic, exposing the Corrupt A.G. as a FRAUD!

>>112888 Scientists make 'huge' $540 billion discovery at the bottom of a giant lake

>>112890 Court Halts Imprisonment of Meme Artist Douglass Mackey Amid First Amendment Appeal


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047762 (090832ZDEC23) Notable: #24607

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...Looking for handoff or ghosting shortly.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112893

File: c4525144a59afbf⋯.png (108 KB,801x677,801:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047785 (090837ZDEC23) Notable: REMINDER: This is how they will begin the great reset - Moore vs United States

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REMINDER: This is how they will begin the great reset - Moore vs United States

The Supreme Court is considering whether the federal government can tax certain types of "unrealized" gains, which are property like stocks or bonds that people own but from which they haven't directly recouped the value, so they don't have direct access to the money that the property is worth. A broad ruling could destabilize the tax system.



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d99742 No.112894

File: 81d3e0ae13ffe9d⋯.png (115.97 KB,547x630,547:630,Clipboard.png)

File: 87cc7527a9af660⋯.png (5.56 KB,90x120,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 3924958959c2a2f⋯.png (39.61 KB,1795x2239,1795:2239,Clipboard.png)

File: ab220ce82fdd1b4⋯.png (79.46 KB,2219x2890,2219:2890,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fa65ed29b9379c⋯.png (81.45 KB,2101x2789,2101:2789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047813 (090853ZDEC23) Notable: CALL TO DIG Google Patent Reveals Maui Lazer fired by Discovery Channel

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Google Patent Reveals Maui Lazer fired by Discovery Channel


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d99742 No.112895

File: 142deb67f73fe84⋯.png (79.34 KB,2219x2880,2219:2880,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e3a8e299d4c944⋯.png (30.88 KB,2104x2740,526:685,Clipboard.png)

File: b146b86cc203e4f⋯.png (11.61 KB,1925x2760,385:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047814 (090854ZDEC23) Notable: CALL TO DIG Google Patent Reveals Maui Lazer fired by Discovery Channel

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112896

File: 25043c9e6cca006⋯.png (121.41 KB,582x683,582:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047818 (090859ZDEC23) Notable: CALL TO DIG Google Patent Reveals Maui Lazer fired by Discovery Channel

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PG&E Space Lazers Patent



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d99742 No.112897

File: 2eb384f4824c2d9⋯.png (377.67 KB,1150x882,575:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047825 (090914ZDEC23) Notable: Nypost overtly advocating for killing Palestinian civilians

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Zogbots at nypost overtly advocating for killing Palestinian civilians

>The sad reality is that the civilian population of Gaza is already in the “arms of the enemy.”

>It is part of the problem, not the solution.

>The only way to get these “civilians” out of the arms of Hamas is to show them that atrocities committed by Hamas will hurt the civilians of Gaza as well as the terrorists of Hamas.

>This message is obviously not intended for infants and young children, who are completely innocent. (murdering civilians is fine as long as you spare the chilluns goy, pissrael has such a great track record of that too!)

>But it does include most adults, men and women alike, many of whom not only cheer for Hamas but are complicit in their terrorism by allowing themselves to be used as human shields and their homes and mosques to be used as hiding places for weapons and commanders.

>When the Allies killed hundreds of thousands of German and Japanese civilians during World War II, this did not drive the surviving civilians into the arms of the enemy.

>To the contrary, the show of strength and the total victory of the Allies, drove most of them into the arms of the victors who promised them a better life— and delivered through the Marshall Plan in Germany and the rebuilding of Japan.

>Not even the bombings of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo and Dresden drove the civilians into the arms of the military evil-doers who provoked the allied response. (WW2 was totally over the lolocaust goy trust me)

>The lesson of the total war and unconditional surrender that ended World War II is far more relevant to Gaza than the experiences in Iraq.

Note that they glaringly put civilians in quotations.


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d99742 No.112898

File: 831401e1ca5d30e⋯.png (60.44 KB,658x431,658:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047857 (091032ZDEC23) Notable: Joe Biden's personal lawyer Mel Monzack is LINKED to Hunter's newly filed criminal indictment

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Exclusive: Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's

personal lawyer who is authorized to act

on the president's behalf in financial

matters, is LINKED to Hunter's newly filed

criminal indictment

Daily Mail (UK), by Staff

Posted By: Imright, 12/9/2023 2:54:00 AM

A little-known lawyer has the power to handle all of President Joe Biden’s financial and business affairs – and is linked to Hunter Biden’s shady Chinese business dealings, documents obtained by DailyMail.com reveal. Mel Monzack, 83, a close friend of the President, has held Joe’s ‘power of attorney’ since 1987, allowing him to control POTUS’s bank accounts and sign financial documents on Joe’s behalf. And DailyMail.com can now reveal that Monzack may also be also linked to Hunter Biden’s suspect dealings with Chinese oil giant CEFC - dealings that are now part of a new criminal indictment filed on Thursday.

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d99742 No.112899

File: 75875b20b940381⋯.png (624.32 KB,887x938,887:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047858 (091035ZDEC23) Notable: Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles

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Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles

Vaccinations could be made less painful by treating skin with a vaccine-laden liquid and using ultrasound to push it into the body

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

4 December 2023

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d99742 No.112900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047860 (091038ZDEC23) Notable: Piers Morgan dedicates an interview to guilt tripping and trying to demoralize Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself from a violent mob

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“It’s Our Right To Bear Arms!” Piers Morgan and Kyle Rittenhouse Debate Gun Control Laws




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d99742 No.112901

File: ff707103aab7461⋯.png (336.88 KB,598x557,598:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047866 (091046ZDEC23) Notable: Van Jones in 2021 talking about how amazing it is that the white population is being replaced. (Just a far-right conspiracy theory)

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End Wokeness


Uh oh. Here is Van Jones in 2021 talking about how amazing it is that the white population is being replaced.

But I thought it was just a far-right conspiracy theory.


Nate Hochman

12:16 PM · Dec 7, 2023




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d99742 No.112902

File: 85f13e50a263b3d⋯.png (182.34 KB,595x576,595:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047870 (091053ZDEC23) Notable: How "People" were "legally" made into Corporations and Frauded

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Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


Thank you James for sharing this. It is a different way of presenting the facts. It might help with those still asleep.





Oct 22

For those who wonder how we were made into Corporations and Frauded.. PLEASE WATCH!

1:21 PM · Dec 7, 2023




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d99742 No.112903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047883 (091102ZDEC23) Notable: Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles

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chemtrails + HAARP

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d99742 No.112904

File: b33e750943e38e9⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047894 (091113ZDEC23) Notable: How "People" were "legally" made into Corporations and Frauded

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Citizen Corporations video attached

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d99742 No.112905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047907 (091133ZDEC23) Notable: After spending hours watching the first two J6 clips here are key takeaways - look for yourself!

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After spending hours watching the first two J6 clips here are key takeaways:

>Press was there (inside) ready to film

>Looked like prop windows

>Capital police literally ran and didn't return for 15+ minutes

>The first 30 people were probably all pantifa/feds*

>Certain individuals were directing traffic*

>Capital police were letting intruders evacuate through window after SWAT closed the door



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d99742 No.112906

File: df2167aaea50e2f⋯.png (330.72 KB,710x532,355:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047918 (091140ZDEC23) Notable: REMINDER: This is how they will begin the great reset - Moore vs United States

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112907

File: f41fcd327d84904⋯.png (276.11 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047935 (091153ZDEC23) Notable: Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity of Impact

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Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity of Impact


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d99742 No.112908

File: 184810e54c561a1⋯.png (271.13 KB,568x389,568:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047977 (091225ZDEC23) Notable: le funny meme

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112909

File: 06b7c4b7df12fd6⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1513x1640,1513:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047994 (091237ZDEC23) Notable: RELEASE THE MONKEY POX NEWS CYCLE

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CDC issues health alert to US doctors over subtype of monkeypox spreading in Congo that kills one in TEN and is more infectious

* Alert warned clinicians to test patients traveling from the Congo for the virus

* Democratic Republic of Congo is in the grips of its worst ever outbreak


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d99742 No.112910

File: 412c774c2b78388⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1628x1640,407:410,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20047999 (091239ZDEC23) Notable: RELEASE THE MONKEY POX NEWS CYCLE

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Deadly monkeypox strain kills an alarming 1 in 10 people, CDC warns

A deadly, fast-spreading strain of the monkeypox virus has the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on high alert.

The variant of the virus, which causes the severe disease known as mpox, kills up to 10% of the people who are infected, according to the World Health Organization.

“The virus variant is known to be more virulent. If it adapts better to human-to-human transmission, that presents a risk,” Rosamund Lewis of the WHO’s mpox surveillance team told Reuters.

Last year, a less-deadly variant of the monkeypox virus known as Clade II spread worldwide (a clade is a genetic subtype of virus). More than 31,000 Americans were diagnosed with mpox during last year’s outbreak, and 55 died.

But now, the rapid spread of the deadlier Clade I subtype of the virus has been reported by health officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the disease has spread to 22 of the DRC’s 26 provinces.

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d99742 No.112911

File: 6de5c6edf8d46bd⋯.jpeg (977.67 KB,2146x1401,2146:1401,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048003 (091242ZDEC23) Notable: RELEASE THE MONKEY POX NEWS CYCLE

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SAN DIEGO, Calif. — A San Diego gastroenterologist is sounding the alarm about a recent spike in mpox cases and is urging patients who’ve been vaccinated against the illness to still use caution after seeing breakthrough cases.

“People have completely forgotten about it,” said Dr. Carlton Thomas.

Mpox– formerly known as monkeypox – is an illness that can cause skin rashes and lesions that can last for weeks. It’s spread by close skin-to-skin contact including sex.

“It can be extremely painful depending on where you’re infected,” Thomas said.

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d99742 No.112912

File: c707165b67ee86f⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1593x1455,531:485,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048008 (091246ZDEC23) Notable: RELEASE THE MONKEY POX NEWS CYCLE

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WHO confirms monkeypox spreads sexually in DR Congo amid outbreak

The health agency’s confirmation comes amid a monkeypox outbreak in the DRC and a concerning lack of vaccines in Africa.


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d99742 No.112913

File: 5f9382110d9f92e⋯.png (500.59 KB,950x1058,475:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048051 (091311ZDEC23) Notable: 2019 Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

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>the Vice-Chairman of Rothschild Inc

Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

Fact checked

January 14, 2019 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, US 2

The Rothschild-owned PG&E Corp. is preparing to declare bankruptcy after a judge ruled it was responsible for last year’s California wildfires.

The San Fransisco-based energy company is planning to send redundancy notices to workers next week to fulfil a state law that requires the company to alert workers 15 days before a bankruptcy filing.

Bloomberg.com reports: PG&E declined to provide a statement, saying the company doesn’t comment on rumor or speculation.

A notice may signal that the company has accelerated plans to make a Chapter 11 filing as way of dealing with crippling liabilities from wildfires that tore through California in 2017 and 2018, killing over 100 people and destroying hundreds of thousands of acres. Investigators are probing whether PG&E’s equipment ignited the deadliest of the blazes. The company is facing as much as $30 billion in damages — a prospect that has wiped out two-thirds of PG&E’s market value, sent its bonds plummeting to record lows and prompted rating companies to downgrade PG&E’s debt to junk.

California passed legislation last year in the aftermath of the deadly Wine Country fires requiring utilities to post public notices for employees at least 15 days before a change of control, including a bankruptcy filing.

California Governor Gavin Newsom said during a press conference Thursday that his office would be making an announcement related to PG&E within the next few days and that the issue was at the top of his agenda. He said in a later interview that the announcement would involve appointments to the California Public Utilities Commission, the state’s grid operator and to a commission established by legislature to explore wildfire issues.

Newsom is “monitoring the situation very closely,” Nathan Click, a spokesman for his office, said Saturday.

PG&E’s deepening financial crisis has already spread to the companies that supply its natural gas and generate electricity for its customers. At least two small gas suppliers have restricted sales to PG&E out of concern that the company won’t be able to pay, people with direct knowledge of the situation said earlier this week. Some banks are taking a long look at a potential $2 billion debt financing for the Geysers, the world’s largest geothermal complex, because it supplies the utility, people familiar with the matter also said this week.

On Thursday, S&P Global Ratings cut the credit rating of Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s 550-megawatt Topaz Solar Farms to junk, noting that the plant counts on PG&E for all of its revenue.

People familiar with PG&E’s situation said last week that the company is considering filing for bankruptcy within weeks.


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d99742 No.112914

File: f8e1900ddd8bbf1⋯.jpg (32.41 KB,448x353,448:353,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048070 (091320ZDEC23) Notable: King Felipe has arrived in Buenos Aries The King arrives in Buenos Aires to attend the inauguration of the President-elect of the Republic of Argentina, Javier Milei.

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King Felipe has arrived in Buenos Aries

The King arrives in Buenos Aires to attend the inauguration of the President-elect of the Republic of Argentina, Javier Milei.


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d99742 No.112915

File: 461f702e2ea2b2a⋯.png (63.52 KB,360x202,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048087 (091328ZDEC23) Notable: This is Chyna's new export policy.

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Last one fer a while. This is Chyna's new export policy.

Shane Oliver


China slipped deeper into deflation in November with CPI -0.5%yoy and PPI -3%yoy. Core CPI inflation unchanged at +0.6%yoy.

(Goldman Sachs chart)


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d99742 No.112916

File: 1d243e96392d56c⋯.png (164.99 KB,293x360,293:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 958d3326a31d289⋯.png (246.13 KB,451x680,451:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048095 (091332ZDEC23) Notable: INSIDERS ..

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d99742 No.112917

File: a08367c550a9803⋯.png (83.44 KB,240x201,80:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048102 (091335ZDEC23) Notable: climate activists not unglued kek

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Rod Hummel


Yes, it is hilarious


Just Stop Oil - West Midlands. (Parody)




No, it is not hilarious.

Gwendolin and Jeremy made a 180 mile round trip for this, paid for tickets and were thrown out, rendering the whole exercise useless.

We are trying to save the planet, why would people want to stop us??

Stupidity, that’s why. 🟠


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d99742 No.112918

File: bb5382c1246fb95⋯.png (160.14 KB,888x535,888:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 176401c69b8e7df⋯.png (119.25 KB,700x622,350:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048118 (091343ZDEC23) Notable: 2019 Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

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>PG&E Space Lazers Patent





>Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

From the patent. The same technology that was literally called a 'Death Star Super Weapon' in the patent was the same or similar technology that Rothschild Owned PG&E signed up for to begin using in 2016

Dispersed space based laser weapon


A dozen or more orbiting solar generators stay in constant touch. They can be congregated rapidly in space at any desired secret location. Once congregated they all focus their energy to a death star.This death staris a newly launched ICBM with a microwave or laser collector. A laser generator uses this huge energy to project a non-nuclear death ray to a target. The target could be a city, a ship or a satellite. In the event of an asteroid approaching earth, this system could destroy an asteroid. In peacetime the orbiting solar generators supply electric power to an earth based power grid.



Death star super weaponshave been designed but not implemented. One key reason is the vulnerability of a giant orbiting weapon from ICBM's and/or killer satellites and/or space based nuclear explosions.

The present invention eliminates that vulnerability. Many dozen small orbiting solar generators (cells) are launched so that each cell continuously generates solar energy as exemplified in the international space station. Each cell communicates not only with earth control stations, but with each other. Each cell has an onboard processor that continuously calculates how the group of cells could quickly organize into a small area and focus their energy to onedeath star.


The beam of microwave energy would measure a mile or two across and would pass through the atmosphere easily. Some energy would be lost, although exactly how much is not yet know, and skeptics could raise disaster ridden questions: What if the beam strays? Could birds or humans be harmed? Would the beam affect weather or cause other changes to the environment?

Dr. James Logan, former chief of medical operations at NASA's Johnson Space Center, has studied these issues and has answers to many of the questions: If the beam strayed, for example, it could be defocused. If birds passed through the beam, they would feel some warmth, but microwave radiation is nonionizing and cannot make a charged particle that would damage DNA or biomolecules.

Signing Up

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) of San Francisco recently signed a supply agreement with Solaren Corp.of Manhattan Beach, Calf., for 200 MW of electricity ==generated in space and transmitted by microwave beam to a receiving station in Fresno County, Calif. The contract calls for the power to begin to flow in 2016.

In an interview posted on PG&E's Next 100 Web site, Solaren CEO Gary Spimak said he is confident that, by using proven technology and designs, and through extensive testing, the company will be able to deliver on the contract.

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d99742 No.112919

File: b7b8329008dc059⋯.png (45.21 KB,114x240,19:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fd7cf8aa9261a6⋯.png (48.45 KB,130x240,13:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048143 (091353ZDEC23) Notable: @Harvard President Claudine Gay apologizes for her remarks in Congress:

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Riley Gaines


When someone reveals themselves to you, believe them.


Steve McGuire



Dec 8

NEW: @Harvard President Claudine Gay apologizes for her remarks in Congress:

“I am sorry…words matter.”

“I got caught up in what had become at that point, an extended, combative exchange about policies and procedures…I failed to convey what is my truth.”

“It makes me sad.”


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d99742 No.112920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048148 (091356ZDEC23) Notable: 1st Amendment Audit Fort Worth PD: The Birth of Turner v Driver

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1st Amendment Audit Fort Worth PD: The Birth of Turner v Driver


Ignorance of the Law is no excuse

Especially for those who profess to practice it.

It's free to watch YouTube and learn

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d99742 No.112921

File: b72f596056f6fe8⋯.png (140.58 KB,1198x695,1198:695,Clipboard.png)

File: 512100618a36722⋯.png (284.86 KB,1125x1027,1125:1027,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048150 (091359ZDEC23) Notable: 2019 Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

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8 December 2009

California Approves Space-Based Solar Satellite Project


The California Public Utilities Commission has approved a power project that could see solar energy beamed to Earth from space, in an effort to meet the state’s aggressive renewable energy goals.

Under the agreement, California’s utility company Pacific Gas & Electric will buy 1,700GWh of electricity a year for 15 years from Solaren for its space-based solar arrays, the first of its kind in the world, with a generating capacity of 200MW.

Expected to start operation in June 2016, the space-based solar project will generate renewable energy round the clock, something that is not achievable by land-based solar or wind power.

To generate electricity, which will be transmitted as microwaves to a ground receiver station in Fresno County, California, Solaren will use satellites equipped with solar photovoltaic panels and mirrors.

Solaren engineers have designed a lightweight system around a Mylar mirror, 1km in diameter to concentrate light onto the solar panels and squeeze more electricity from them.


Jul 1, 2009

PG&E Makes a Deal for Space-Based Power

Just as reports emerged earlier this year that NASA had abandoned, for lack of financial resources, its research into space-based solar power that would be harnessed via orbiting solar arrays beaming microwaves to earthly receivers (Figure 7), California’s Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) wrote the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) requesting its approval of a power purchase agreement from a similar technology.

7. Reaching for the stars. Pacific Gas & Electric asked the California Public Utilities Commission this April to approve a 200-MW baseload power purchase agreement it made with Solaren for space-based solar power. Solaren’s technology proposes to collect solar energy via a satellite in space, convert it into radio waves, and beam it to Earth. The idea is not new: The Department of Defense and NASA have been studying it for years. Both have said at some point that it is not economically feasible. Source: NASA

The utility requested that the PUC consider the 200 MW of power purchased from Solaren’s new space solar power project, anticipated for completion by 2016, as eligible for its Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS). It said Solaren’s "breakthrough technology" could provide baseload power from a space-based technology that collects solar energy as it travels in a geosynchronous orbit. The energy would then be converted into radio frequency power via a high-efficiency generator such as a magnetron or solid state power amplifier, and then be transmitted from the satellite’s antenna to a receiving station in Fresno County, Calif. The primary obstacle would be the "engineering challenge" — not the technology — of building the space-based plant and the space solar power (SSP) satellites, which are much larger than current kW-class communications satellites.

The only fuel-type hindrances the project would experience are brief blockages of sunlight (from a few minutes to an hour around midnight) on its solar arrays by Earth during the spring and fall equinox periods, PG&E told the PUC.

It also said the technology was fairly mature, owing to 40 years of research in the U.S. by NASA and the Deapartment of Defense. "Space solar technology is based on components that are in use today or being developed for use with satellite communications, radar systems, and other applications," the utility wrote. "Consistent with its designation as an emerging technology, these components must be engineered, tested, manufactured and integrated into large-scale SSP satellite and ground system architectures."

The only aspect that PG&E did not chronicle in its letter to the state regulator were the costs involved, though it noted that the RPS statute required utilities to procure the "least cost, best fit" eligible renewable resources.

So how much could space power cost, and has it become more economically feasible since NASA first studied it in the 1970s? NASA had then estimated it would cost $300 billion to $1 trillion to deliver the first kilowatt-hours to the ground. In 2007, when the Pentagon laid out a roadmap for a 10-MW space-based power demonstration, it suggested the project could be tested as soon as 2012. It concluded that significant technological progress had been achieved, making the approach more straightforward — but it would cost up to $10 billion, it said.


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d99742 No.112922

File: 35226933ca33bc6⋯.png (680.42 KB,1304x934,652:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048159 (091403ZDEC23) Notable: 2019 Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

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Wired Article from2008

Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides


Sep 12, 2008 2:31 PM

Researchers Beam 'Space' Solar Power in Hawaii

The key to our energy future may be in space. A new long-range energy transmission experiment opens the possibility of sending solar energy from space to earth. Former NASA executive and physicist John Mankins captured solar energy from a mountain top in Maui and beamed it 92 miles to the main island of Hawaii. Tonight […]

The key to our energy future may be in space. A new long-range energy transmission experiment opens the possibility of sending solar energy from space to earth.

Former NASA executive and physicist John Mankins captured solar energy from a mountain top in Maui and beamed it 92 miles to the main island of Hawaii.

Tonight at 10 pm Discovery Channel will air an episode of Project Earth on the recent first-of-its-kind experiment. This long range demonstration of wireless power transmission was also a key step toward space-based solar power satellites. The team also beamed the power almost 100 times farther than NASA's major 1970's power transmission in the Mojave Desert in California.

Although the amount of power sent, 20 watts, is barely enough to power a small compact fluorescent light bulb, and most of it was lost in transmission, the system was limited by the budget not the physics. If they had been able to afford more solar panels, more phased array transmitters and a better receivers (the one they had could only receive in the horizontal direction), Mankins claims they could do much better- possibly up to 64% efficiency.

The Discovery Channel-sponsored experiment was executed with the support of scientists in Japan, Texas and California and showed that real progress could be made toward space-based solar power satellites in less than 5 months with less than $1 million. Their concept also uses mirrors to focus as much solar power as possible on the solar cells. The Discovery Channel's teaser boasts that they were able to get five times more electricity than conventional solar cells.

The high winds, high altitude helicopter monitoring, and the need to pack up the whole rig every night to honor the sacred ground on Haleakala will probably make for some great TV tonight.

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d99742 No.112923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048165 (091405ZDEC23) Notable: 1st Amendment Audit Fort Worth PD: The Birth of Turner v Driver

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You have the Right to Remain Ignorant

Any ignorance will be used against you in a court of law

Man Flees Illegal Stop and Wins in Court


The Kansas Two-Step is Now Clearly Established as Unconstitutional.

That means the State has to pay the victims who file the right forms.

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d99742 No.112924

File: a2d5edd8a759ae4⋯.png (371.76 KB,1354x600,677:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048187 (091415ZDEC23) Notable: 2019 Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

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>Wired Article from2008


Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides


Dec 28, 2007 6:44 PM

Tiny Country Offers to Be Space Solar Power Satellite Testbed

At the climate change meetings in Bali, the small western Pacific island nation ofPalau offered to be a testbed for space based solar power. Although the price of space based solar power is still prohibitively high for general use, there may be special cases where its unique ability to deliver energy directly to where […]


At the climate change meetings in Bali, the small western Pacific island nation of Palau offered to be a testbed for space based solar power.

Although the price of space based solar power is still prohibitively high for general use, there may be special cases where its unique ability to deliver energy directly to where its needed with zero carbon emissions could be quite appealing. One such niche markets may well be this island nation. According to the Associated Press article, Palau president Tommy Remengesau Jr. is interested.

An entrepreneur, Kevin Reed, is proposing a very small demonstration satellite in low earth orbit that would be able to beam enough power down as it passes over every day to power 1,000 homes. The beam would at first be sent to a power station on one of Palau's uninhabited islands and provide direct current that could be used to charge batteries. He is currently looking for the $800 million he would need to fully fund the project.

Space based solar energy has long interested NASA and others in the space community because solar energy is eight times stronger in space then it is after it has passed through the atmosphere. Although it is not the silver bullet for climate, it is hard to imagine that we won't eventually utilize space based solar power, especially as the price of launching things into space comes down.

Larger systems could be placed in geosynchronous orbit that stay over a single point on Earth continuously and beam down 5 gigawatts of power (as the AP article puts it, "twice the output of the Hoover Dam"). The power would be converted to microwaves for beaming down to Earth. The beams would be "no more powerful than the energy emanating from a microwave oven's door."

Space based solar power also got a boost this fall from a new 75-page study by the Pentagon's National Security Space Office which was investigating space based solar power as a potential new source of power for global US military operations. If they could convince the Pentagon of its utility, space based solar power may get an even larger "demonstration project."

The article continues:

"The climate change implications are pretty clear. You can get basically unlimited carbon-free power from this," said Mark Hopkins, senior vice president of the National Space Society in Washington.

"You just have to find a way to make it cost-effective."

Advocates say this is an imperative to develop lower cost launch vehicles. They see this as "drilling up" instead of "drilling down" for energy.

I appreciated that the U.N.'s climate change expert even took the long view.

To Robert N. Schock, an expert on future energy with the U.N.'s

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, space power doesn't look like science fiction.

The panel's 2007 reports didn't address space power's potential, Schock explained, because his team's time horizon didn't extend beyond 2030. But, he said, "I wouldn't be surprised at the beginning of the next century to see significant power utilized on Earth from space — and maybe sooner."

This may be another great place where space exploration and environmentalism can merge.

'Drilling Up' Into Space for Energy [Associated Press]

See Also:

Report: Space-Based Solar Power Could Slow Climate Change, Ease Oil Dependence

Image: ©Mafic Studios, Inc.

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d99742 No.112925

File: 418345207e51c59⋯.png (937.64 KB,802x1280,401:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048204 (091421ZDEC23) Notable: US vetoes resolution on Gaza which called for ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire'

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Biden Admin believes there are not enough dead Jews and Palestinians.

US vetoes resolution on Gaza which called for ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire'


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d99742 No.112926

File: 4bead355ce7a020⋯.png (118.61 KB,501x279,167:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048580 (091616ZDEC23) Notable: #24608

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Bake Ghosted


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d99742 No.112927

File: dcd51661a0e8b16⋯.png (55.52 KB,456x598,228:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 3738ddcac45550b⋯.png (49.87 KB,302x546,151:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048592 (091622ZDEC23) Notable: A bipartisan demand from @EliseStefanik and @RepMoskowitz for the removal of Presidents Gay, Magill, and Kornbluth.

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A biprtisan demand from




for the removal of Presidents Gay, Magill, and Kornbluth.

Consider the severe reputational damage the three continue to inflict on our most important American institutions of higher learning for each hour they continue to serve in their respective roles.

Their brief tenures in office need to end now. Look how much damage each has done in only six to 18 months.

This moment in history creates an opportunity for a complete reboot of the philosophies, ideologies, politics, bureaucracy, and restrictions on free speech that led to the current situation.

This is not just about antisemitism. The problem is much deeper and more entrenched. Antisemitism is the canary in the coal mine who dies as the light of democracy is at risk of being snuffed out.

And it is not just about the universities. DEI and the related politics, violations of basic American principles, and the restrictions on free speech and expression have invaded our government institutions, non-profits, and Corporate America under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

These words have been weaponized to achieve power and political objectives for certain favored groups at the expense of others. There is nothing fair, inclusive, or diverse about this movement.

Similar movements have succeeded in other countries many times over a long history.

The United States has been a refuge for those who have fled once democratic regimes that were taken over by these movements.

If we don’t work to preserve our democracy, be forewarned, there will be no other place to go.


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d99742 No.112928

File: 9a667e48b34e486⋯.jpg (72.38 KB,500x497,500:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048596 (091623ZDEC23) Notable: Terrified Leftist Media Stokes “Dictator” Fears As Biden Supporters Flee To “Orange Jesus” [Trump!]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index4461.htmDecember 7, 2023

Terrified Leftist Media Stokes “Dictator” Fears As Biden Supporters Flee To “Orange Jesus”


“Shit, yeah,” Rep. David Joyce (R-Ohio) replied when asked whether his colleagues are worried about clashing with Trump. “The orange Jesus?” he added with a laugh.

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d99742 No.112929

File: eabed0364053c44⋯.png (649.37 KB,751x485,751:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048610 (091628ZDEC23) Notable: Woman arrested for alleged attempt to burn down Martin Luther King Jr's Atlanta birth home with gasoline

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Woman arrested for alleged attempt to

burn down Martin Luther King Jr's Atlanta

birth home with gasoline

Post Millennial (Ottawa, Canada), by Jarryd Jaeger

Posted By: Beardo, 12/9/2023 2:07:30 AM

On Thursday, a woman was arrested after getting caught trying to burn down the birth home of American civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr in Atlanta, Georgia. Laneisha Shantrice Henderson, 26, has since been charged with second-degree arson and, because the home is operated by the National Parks Service, interfering with government property.

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d99742 No.112930

File: 111e66e6c9c066c⋯.jpeg (57.81 KB,587x679,587:679,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048612 (091629ZDEC23) Notable: New Mexico vs. Meta - Anons catch the cheese pizza drop?

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Anons catch the cheese pizza drop?

New Mexico vs. Meta


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d99742 No.112931

File: 03c0a2d97c9c221⋯.png (62.95 KB,966x449,966:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 18a73c4ad7e9d9a⋯.png (890.92 KB,1194x998,597:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048625 (091634ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley's Fake Moderation Should Fool No One

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d99742 No.112932

File: b84034a4f8ff37c⋯.png (305.4 KB,599x560,599:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048639 (091640ZDEC23) Notable: @JackPosobiec - Trump impeachment witness Alexander Vindman accused of trying to profit off Ukraine war

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Trump impeachment witness Alexander Vindman accused of trying to profit off Ukraine war

"According to a report by Human Events, Vindman has been pitching the government of Ukraine to obtain defense contracts through Trident International LLC"

3:17 AM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.112933

File: 2c3d9be19530261⋯.png (29.1 KB,768x297,256:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048647 (091642ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden got staggering $4.9M from ‘sugar brother’ Kevin Morris: IRS whistleblower

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Hunter Biden got staggering $4.9M from ‘sugar brother’ Kevin Morris: IRS whistleblower

By Social Links for Steven Nelson

Published Dec. 5, 2023, 8:56 p.m. ET

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d99742 No.112934

File: b7d3856768e69bc⋯.png (16.48 KB,590x215,118:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048656 (091646ZDEC23) Notable: Crew of "Andromeda" yacht, which is believed to be involved in the Nord Stream pipeline attack, was checked by Polish officials before the explosion: "Our American friends were also on-site" - Polish agents

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JUST IN - Crew of "Andromeda" yacht, which is believed to be involved in the Nord Stream pipeline attack, was checked by Polish officials before the explosion: "Our American friends were also on-site," Polish agents told German publisher WELT.

4:28 AM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.112935

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048659 (091647ZDEC23) Notable: REAL CHIEF OF POLICE RE ARRESTS, EXECUTIONS MILITARY JUSTICE

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Interesting don’t know about the Chief. But still interesting, he was at J6!He says he saw the video of the shooting of Ashley Babbitt, he says she was not shot. An actor


Kerry CassidyNovember 30, 2023

Long video


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d99742 No.112936

File: 54a7e6b33c6ac09⋯.png (339.12 KB,597x904,597:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048664 (091648ZDEC23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains the History of the U.S. Bioweapons Program

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Chief Nerd


👀 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains the History of the U.S. Bioweapons Program

“The first mission of the CIA, when it was started in 1947, was called Operation Paperclip. And Operation Paperclip was an effort to get German Nazi scientists, many of whom were sentenced to death or who were facing prosecution at Nuremberg, to smuggle them out on ratlines and put them to work developing bioweapons and chemical weapons and nuclear weapons and missile systems in the United States. So a lot of them ended up in Fort Detrick. They ended up down in Galveston or one of the Navy labs. And that was the beginning of the United States bioweapons program.”



5:20 AM · Dec 6, 2023




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d99742 No.112937

File: 8d62d113b6eb522⋯.png (243.81 KB,1023x642,341:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048672 (091653ZDEC23) Notable: OSF commit $50m to women and youth groups' work on democracy

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Open Society Foundations commit $50M to women and youth groups’ work on democracy


Updated 6:55 AM GMT-11, December 5, 2023

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d99742 No.112938

File: b34ed7e735ce1d5⋯.png (60.36 KB,1274x420,91:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048675 (091654ZDEC23) Notable: Don't sell the DA's office to Soros supporters in exchange for sky high crime and social justice

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Don't sell the DA's office to Soros supporters in exchange for sky high crime and social justice

By some estimates as many as 1 in 5 Americans live in jurisdictions controlled by radical Soros-backed prosecutors

Timothy Shea By Timothy Shea , John Milhiser , Jonathan W. Blodgett , Nancy G. Parr , Billy J. Williams Fox News

Published December 7, 2023 5:00am EST

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d99742 No.112939

File: 7cc1bc62ce20b50⋯.jpeg (493.85 KB,1211x586,1211:586,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5de0476d5356b05⋯.jpeg (483.86 KB,1126x590,563:295,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 124907d206c9697⋯.jpeg (405.7 KB,913x593,913:593,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ec916fdd23a4b25⋯.jpeg (457.66 KB,1168x578,584:289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e5603668ec4bb1f⋯.jpeg (533.67 KB,763x693,109:99,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048680 (091655ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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planeFag CONUS activity-Yellen returns from Mexico, SAMs Germans @ Ottawa, Quad 0s for Potato

SAM566 C32A departed JBA EN and on ground at Warwick RI (SAM565 arrived prior-see below) with SAM455 C-40B arrived from its JFK Intl stop back to JBA about 8.5h ago see >>112880 pb

SAM565 G5 on ground at Warwick,RI (just south of Providence) @ T.F. Green Airport from JBA-top 3 of visible G5s from the 99th AS tail #18-1942

German AF GAF779 A321neo on ground (about 45m ago) at Ottawa Intl from Brussels Intl depart-this AC was at Rzsesow Airport,Poland yesterday for about 90m then to Brussels

Trudope’s schedule sez ‘Private Meetings’


Aussie AF ASY858/858 C-130 Super Hercules inbound on the ‘sidewalk’ from an RAF Lossiemouth (NE Scottish coast) depart and on ground at CFB Greenwood

SPAR16 C40C west from Scott AFB while SAM477 G5 departed Peterson SFB from its overnight and arrived as Potato landed at McCarran Intl and Flauxtus at Burbank.

Canada AF CFC3060 Challenger 600 NE from Nellis AFB depart after overnight and returning to Ottawa

BOXER43 C40CJanet Yellenreturning from Mexico City

Janet Yellen’s Mexico visit targets fentanyl, arms trafficking and money laundering


Potato’s aerial refueling platform0000DC-10 extender on station over Smell A basin from Travis AFB

“No published pool call time”

9pm EST Mr and Mrs Potato participate in a campaign reception


As a reminder Potato call sign changed for final approach at LAX toAF1

>>112872 pb Potato got AF1 on the last 1k ft of his arrival descent from McCarran Intl to LAX

>>112879 pb

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d99742 No.112940

File: 6576a66f8bed29a⋯.png (685.54 KB,674x714,337:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048681 (091656ZDEC23) Notable: Boston-Area K-12 Schools to Receive Migrant Children After Families Housed in Local Hotels

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Boston-Area K-12 Schools to Receive Migrant

Children After Families Housed in Local Hotels

Breitbart Immigration, by Warner Todd Huston

Posted By: Imright, 12/8/2023 11:02:34 PM

The superintendent of a Massachusetts school district sent a letter to parents alerting them that an undetermined number of children of illegal border crossers would be entering their schools after state officials stashed dozens of migrant families in a nearby hotel. Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District Superintendent Ryan T. Powers said in his letter to parents that he had been informed that the Home 2 Suites Hotel in Raynham had contracted with the state to house up to 75 families of illegal border crossers, LibsofTikTok learned. (X)

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d99742 No.112941

File: 6efc1fedc513c5d⋯.mp4 (12.42 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048695 (091659ZDEC23) Notable: Govts spying on Apple, Google users thru push notification - US Senator

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d99742 No.112942

File: f0d72f40b1ca544⋯.jpg (395.45 KB,1079x1472,1079:1472,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048747 (091718ZDEC23) Notable: Govts spying on Apple, Google users thru push notification - US Senator

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d99742 No.112943

File: 64e4d53ee1675df⋯.png (207.24 KB,367x479,367:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048751 (091719ZDEC23) Notable: With Pizzagate in the news again, here's a brief summary of the story from Ben Swann.

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With Pizzagate in the news again, here's a brief summary of the story from Ben Swann.

After Ben did this report in 2017, he was forced off the air by the Atlanta area CBS station he was working for and went dark for a about a year.

Guess this one was over the target a little too close.

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d99742 No.112944

File: 973ae3742d23616⋯.png (189.52 KB,640x703,640:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 743549e39c8ccc3⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 41c47f14de9083b⋯.jpg (124.72 KB,1004x958,502:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048780 (091731ZDEC23) Notable: @LauraLoomer - @MAGAIncWarRoom President Trump’s PAC just released this statement calling out @CaseyDeSantis for encouraging voter fraud in Iowa ahead of the Iowa Caucus.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>So not only does Casey Desanctimonious calls for voter fraud in Iowa

>Check out Meatball Ron's logo

>3 Red Banners

MAGA Inc warroom calling them out

Laura Loomer



.@MAGAIncWarRoom President Trump’s PAC just released this statement calling out @CaseyDeSantis for encouraging voter fraud in Iowa ahead of the Iowa Caucus.

@kleavittnh says, “It risks compromising the integrity of the Iowa Caucus.”

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d99742 No.112945

File: 1eca39ac41e8060⋯.jpeg (729.04 KB,1338x623,1338:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5217800305b3578⋯.jpeg (531.27 KB,1312x621,1312:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6e75e4c40f5a0ba⋯.jpeg (355.95 KB,904x566,452:283,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c413aa2b6052ea6⋯.jpeg (468.61 KB,775x705,155:141,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048794 (091741ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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planeFag:Europe/Med activity:Pakis to London, RAF German AF west from Rzsesow, Spanish AF Sw from Berlin

Pakistan AF DT690 Global 5000 NW from Lahore depart

GermanAF GAF303 and RAF RRR4073 A400ms west from Rzsesow Airport depart

Spanish AF AME4523Falcon 900 SW from BerlinPM Pedro Sanchez

That AC just under GAF667

Spain PM meets with German Chancellor in Berlin to discuss EU agenda


Italian AF IAM1449 G5 ES from Rome-high level diplomatic AC was in Berlin yesterday

NATO24 E3 Sentry AWACS got a refuel from ESSO75 KC-135 tanker over northern Poland

Brazilian AF BRS2902 A330 EN from its Rio depart

German AF GAF667 Global 5000 departed Accra, Ghana after arriving on 12/05 from Berlin depart

Germany upgrades GAF's mechanical electronics training, maintenance facility


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.112946

File: 0c8cb42083fee61⋯.png (1011.31 KB,1428x1068,119:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048800 (091747ZDEC23) Notable: #24607 posted in #24608

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Same Anon had a bun later in the bread

here >>>/qresearch/20048216 lb

Notes for Incoming Baker

Noter Taps

#24607 >>112892

>>112893, >>112906 REMINDER: This is how they will begin the great reset - Moore vs United States

>>112894, >>112895, >>112896 CALL TO DIG Google Patent Reveals Maui Lazer fired by Discovery Channel

>>112897 Nypost overtly advocating for killing Palestinian civilians

>>112898 Joe Biden's personal lawyer Mel Monzack is LINKED to Hunter's newly filed criminal indictment

>>112899, >>112903 Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles

>>112900 Piers Morgan dedicates an interview to guilt tripping and trying to demoralize Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself from a violent mob

>>112901 Van Jones in 2021 talking about how amazing it is that the white population is being replaced. (Just a far-right conspiracy theory)

>>112902, >>112904 How "People" were "legally" made into Corporations and Frauded

>>112905 After spending hours watching the first two J6 clips here are key takeaways - look for yourself!

>>112907 Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity of Impact

>>112908 le funny meme

>>112909, >>112911, >>112910, >>112912 RELEASE THE MONKEY POX NEWS CYCLE

>>112913, >>112918, >>112921, >>112922, >>112924 2019 Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

>>112914 King Felipe has arrived in Buenos Aries The King arrives in Buenos Aires to attend the inauguration of the President-elect of the Republic of Argentina, Javier Milei.

>>112915 This is Chyna's new export policy.

>>112916 INSIDERS ..

>>112917 climate activists not unglued kek

>>112919 @Harvard President Claudine Gay apologizes for her remarks in Congress:

>>112920, >>112923 1st Amendment Audit Fort Worth PD: The Birth of Turner v Driver

>>112925 US vetoes resolution on Gaza which called for ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire'




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d99742 No.112947

File: 84783c1ef1c3279⋯.png (151.7 KB,711x691,711:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048810 (091754ZDEC23) Notable: Elise Stefanik: “In NY, President Trump is facing a two-pronged attack.

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Donald J. Trump

Elise Stefanik: “In NY, President Trump is facing a two-pronged attack.

Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg issued the original indictment in a case so absurd that even the Washington Post’s liberal editorial board called it a ‘shaky’ case. At the same time, New York’s Democrat AG Letitia James teamed up with Democrat Judge Arthur Engoron to try to put the Trump Organization out of business. Recall that James campaigned on targeting Trump. She said that going after him was her primary motivation to run for office and that she’s got her ‘eyes on Trump Tower.’ Attorney General James’ case doesn’t even have a victim. President Trump repaid the loans to the banks in full and on time. The ‘crime’ in question is that President Trump is leading Joe Biden in the polls...This unprecedented lawfare against President Trump cannot continue. The American people are the guardians of democracy, which is why, in 2024, the American people must and will elect President Trump back to the White House.”

Dec 09, 2023, 12:16 PM


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d99742 No.112948

File: d6bf3a395ba89e3⋯.png (236.62 KB,480x289,480:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048840 (091804ZDEC23) Notable: Rep. Gosar Is Second GOP Lawmaker to Demand House Members Access to The Gateway Pundit - Currently Blacklisted-Banned

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Breaking: Rep. Paul Gosar Is Second GOP Lawmaker to Demand House Members Access to The Gateway Pundit – Currently Blacklisted-Banned on Capitol Hill

by Jim Hoft Dec. 8, 20231/2

On Tuesday Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) began his inquiry into why The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative websites in the country today, is being censored on federal government computer systems.

“Congressional staff and members have been restricted from accessing The Gateway Pundit on the House network for weeks,” said Gaetz in a letter to the House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, while asking what policy we violated, what other outlets are censored, and when this issue will be resolved.

On Thursday, sources from Capitol Hill informed The Gateway Pundit that attempts to access the website from the House network were unsuccessful.

A staff member from Congressman Paul Gosar’s (R-AZ) office detailed ongoing access problems for the past two weeks. “We Wanted to notify you that I have been unable to access the Gateway Pundit on the House network for the past two weeks,” according to the email.

TGP Washington DC reporter Jordan Conradson contacted Rep. Gosar’s Communications Director, Anthony Foti, who confirmed that some government-issued computers used by Gosar’s staff displayed the error code seen above upon visiting our site. According to the individual who sent the email, this also occurs on hisgovernment-issued laptop when connected to his home network. We further discovered that some staffers in Rep. Eli Crane’s (R-AZ) office and Rep. Andy Biggs’ (R-AZ) office faced similar issues accessing our website on government computers.

Conradson was informed by an IT specialist associated with the House that afirewall is in place to filter out “unauthorized” sites as designated by the House Administration OfficeDespite repeated attempts to gain clarity and official comment from the House Administrative Committee, responses remained elusive. This is not surprising, as the House and Senate haverefused to provide Conradson with press credentials to cover Capitol Hillsince we applied nearly four months ago in August.

Last week, Rep. Matt Gaetz further confirmed the censorship of The Gateway Pundit within the US House of Representatives. During his podcast, Gaetz stated that access to the website was blocked according to House policy and expressed his intention to investigate the matter.

An individual working for the Air Force in the Pentagon also reported similar access restrictions through our tip line. In fact, multiple individuals told The Gateway Pundit that theAir Force, DOD, and federal government are suppressing our voice. This has been happening for weeks, according to sources.

This is in addition to the Department of Defense awarding $749,387 to Newsguard in September 2021 to censor conservatives and independent media online as if we’re domestic terrorists spewing anti-American propaganda. Newsguard has consistently attacked The Gateway Pundit on COVID, the Hunter Biden laptop, and vaccine stories that have all been proven to be accurate. But they have NEVER criticized the mainstream media for lying about Trump-Russia collusion, the Hunter Biden laptop, COVID, or vaccines.


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d99742 No.112949

File: 9a7ca847177748d⋯.png (702.97 KB,730x943,730:943,Clipboard.png)

File: 25c875f7f9a697b⋯.png (281.56 KB,758x569,758:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048852 (091807ZDEC23) Notable: Rep. Gosar Is Second GOP Lawmaker to Demand House Members Access to The Gateway Pundit - Currently Blacklisted-Banned

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The message is clear: if you speak out against the current Regime, you will be targeted by the Regime.

On Friday, Representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) became the second Republican Representative to demand the Committee on House Administration allow access to The Gateway Pundit website for members and their staff. Rep. Gosar’s staff notified The Gateway Pundit this afternoon that they fired off a letter to the Committee on House Administration and its Chairman Honorable Bryan Steil.

Rep. Gosar did not hold back in his demand that the US government cease this un-American practice.

The outlet has engaged in outstanding reporting on voter fraud, the federal government’s terrifying and substantial involvement in the events of January 6, 2021, and the abhorrent treatment of detainees from January 6th; and their vigilance in exposing the sexual indoctrination and perversion championed by the left has been unceasing.

It is ironic that another entity is preventing the Gateway Pundit from sharing its outstanding reporting, as the great Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit was one of the plaintiffs in the landmark federal case, Missouri v. Biden, where Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana ruled on July 4, 2023 that numerous agencies within the federal government had pressured social media companies to censor conservative voices on the internet. Judge Doughty even commented that “if the allegations made by plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States history.”


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d99742 No.112950

File: 203702ed3783eb3⋯.png (521.02 KB,596x458,298:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048899 (091829ZDEC23) Notable: Ohio Whistleblower Says Schools Hiring Professionals to Push Big Pharma Drugs on Children via @gatewaypundit

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The Gateway Pundit


ABLECHILD: Ohio Whistleblower Says Schools Hiring Professionals to Push Big Pharma Drugs on Children via @gatewaypundit

4:50 AM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.112951

File: 8e77eaee96908bd⋯.png (218.69 KB,1043x836,1043:836,Clipboard.png)

File: 9138ab5c384d28b⋯.png (123.2 KB,1147x473,1147:473,Clipboard.png)

File: af777432c670ca6⋯.png (358.02 KB,812x510,406:255,Clipboard.png)

File: c0f4e0d15a3c4a0⋯.png (65.89 KB,1063x521,1063:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048912 (091833ZDEC23) Notable: RE DIG of Maui Lazer & California Wildfires: Attorney Ralph Martin of Longmont, CO

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PB below

>>112894, >>112895, >>112896 CALL TO DIG Google Patent Reveals Maui Lazer fired by Discovery Channel

>>112913, >>112918, >>112921, >>112922, >>112924 2019 Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

Name on that patent is Rick Martin.

Digging indicates he's from Longmont CO

The Committee to Expose Dishonest and Incompetent Judges, Attorneys and Public Officials

Attorney Ralph Martin of Longmont, CO; ethical dwarf

The state of Colorado provided Ralph Martin with a law license in 1991.

The Colorado State Bar found Ralph guilty of the following misconduct.

On at least four occasions, Ralph permitted his staff to pay U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) fees with electronic fund transfers from a frozen operating account at respondent’s former bank. The four dishonored electronic fund transfers totaled $1,944.

As a consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Colorado Supreme Court punished Ralph by gifting him with a complimentary stayed 90-day suspension of his law license.

In truth, the comedians sitting on the Colorado Supreme Court didn’t mete out any meaningful punishment to Ralph.

As we speak (ca. April 2015), Ralph practices with the Patent Law Offices of Rick Martin PC in Longmont, Colorado.

Warning: Ralph does not carry legal malpractice insurance


Ralph (Rick) Martin,patent reg. no. 32267, has issued over 1000 patents since 1986 using his B.S. Physics from Bucknell University, 1966.Prior to law school at age 40, Rick was an IBM computer salesman in NYC and then managed a 40 person software firm. Rick himself invented a space weapons system, US Pat 9,346,563, and authored a fiction submarine novel RUSSIAN DECEPTICON on Amazon. Rick helps clients with business plans and marketing as well. His team includes full time litigators who have gone against Walmart, Lowes, Apple and others for solo inventors on full or partial contingent patent infringement lawsuits.Rick helped quash a major scam outfit called AIC, similar to World Patent Marketing that the FTC recently closed down.

> https://lawyers.justia.com/lawyer/ralph-michael-martin-560404

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d99742 No.112952

File: 517006013138a5d⋯.png (190.61 KB,370x591,370:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048916 (091835ZDEC23) Notable: Social media algorithms are like digital AR-15s, they’re pulling people into “Qanon” rabbit holes, and Al Gore wants them banned...Qanon is the best known version of Artificial Insanity

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Social media algorithms are like digital AR-15s, they’re pulling people into “Qanon” rabbit holes, and Al Gore wants them banned.

“They are the digital equivalent of AR-15s. They ought to be banned. They really ought to be banned. It's an abuse of the public forum.”

It gets better:

“Qanon is the best known version of Artificial Insanity”

Soooo, not genuine insanity. This is great news, you guys!

I wonder why these folks are so threatened by BaSeLeSs cOnSpiRaCy tHeOriEs.

(Also, does he even know what an algorithm is? 😆)

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d99742 No.112953

File: f8a5f95e5947f08⋯.png (739.37 KB,1107x2018,1107:2018,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048924 (091837ZDEC23) Notable: After the DeSantises Purposefully Spread False Election News to Commit Organized Voter Fraud in the Iowa Caucus, Voters Demand Kim Reynolds Must Declare a Free and Fair Election

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After the DeSantises Purposefully Spread False Election News to Commit Organized Voter Fraud in the Iowa Caucus, Voters Demand Kim Reynolds Must Declare a Free and Fair Election

December 09, 2023

Safe and secure elections are the bedrock of our democracy, and either the DeSantises are purposefully spreading false information or they are too uninformed about the Iowa Caucus to properly educate caucus-goers on how to participate in the process. These people have no idea what they’re doing and are simply engaging in play-pretend politics.

We demand the Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds clarify what the rules are and that the instructions given by the DeSantises are flagrantly wrong that could further disenfranchise caucus-goers. Even the Republican Party of Iowa had to immediately issue a response to the DeSantises wrong information.

The DeSantises specifically said they were calling on their campaign coalition groups of out-of-state, non-Iowa residents to illegally “descend on the caucus” and try to cast a vote.

The Trump campaign strongly condemns their dirty and illegal tactics and implores all Trump supporters to be aware of the DeSantises’ openly stated plot to rig the Caucus through fraud.


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d99742 No.112954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048926 (091838ZDEC23) Notable: @elonmusk Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? 70% Yes 30% No

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Elon Musk



Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform?

Vox Populi, Vox Dei.

70% Yes

30% No

790,844 votes • 10 hours

Dec 9, 2023 · 4:48 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112955

File: 2485197f7e3698f⋯.jpeg (389.35 KB,1086x591,362:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cdf6b3f96ec0da0⋯.jpeg (362.82 KB,1037x611,1037:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048930 (091841ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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2800 747 (VC-25) out from Lackland AFB on cert/maintenance flight and this is where 92-9000 went on Nov 30 2020 and reappeared on July 19 2022 as PLAY66S

This (82-8000) was turned on 12/5,11/17 and several times in October and arrived as SAM46 in May 30th 2023 from JBA-cap 2

PLAY66S reappears


Why they have used C32As as escorts since this been at Lackland since late May and 92-9000 made several cert flights out of JBA until finally being used by Potato and it’s at LAX right nao

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d99742 No.112956

File: 729b86f5e2180d1⋯.png (58.38 KB,672x435,224:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 65299f7d9c3a107⋯.png (583.46 KB,1247x535,1247:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048959 (091847ZDEC23) Notable: Billboards plastered with the phrase 'New York City Welcomes Immigrants' are popping up across El Paso

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Billboards plastered with 'New York City

Welcomes Immigrants' pop up in El Paso

- as new photos show Big Apple overwhelmed

with African migrants and Mayor Eric Adams

begs for federal funds

Daily Mail (UK), by MaryAnn Martinez & Germania Rodriguez

Posted By: Imright, 12/8/2023 10:59:43 PM

Billboards plastered with the phrase 'New York City Welcomes Immigrants' are popping up across El Paso, promising migrants that it's a 'sanctuary city.' The signs have appeared around the Texas border city in the last few days on roadside announcements and on the sides of trucks. A member of 'Concerned Americans,' the group behind the billboards, explained the messages are meant to let border crossers know New York, Chicago and San Francisco are open to having them in their community.

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d99742 No.112957

File: 1f8ca253cfe011a⋯.png (88.56 KB,630x612,35:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048975 (091850ZDEC23) Notable: America’s Destructive Education System

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America’s Destructive Education System

American Thinker, by Alexander G. Markovsky

Posted By: Imright, 12/8/2023 10:17:01 PM

In 1983, the Reagan administration published a report titled “A Nation at Risk: The Imperative of Education Reform.” The report warned that the decay of American schools was threatening the country’s very survival. But the powerful amalgamation of teachers’ unions, state bureaucracies, and the Democrat establishment defeated the initiative. Committed to preserving the status quo, this special interest group became the guardian of American education, maintaining complete control of the education curriculum and using its position to subvert innovation in education. No surprise, this group enjoys the systematic support of the Democratic Party and the Biden administration.

The question is whether we, as a nation, will be fine. If we are raising one of the dumbest people in the world today, how can we expect them to make intelligent decisions about tomorrow?

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d99742 No.112958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048984 (091854ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine’s Defense Minister, U.S. DoD Inspector General talk joint monitoring of aid use

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Ukraine’s Defense Minister, U.S. DoD Inspector General talk joint monitoring of aid use

Dec 9, 2023 · 3:35 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112959

File: 13b43d67f6d6046⋯.png (1.38 MB,629x881,629:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048988 (091855ZDEC23) Notable: @LizCrokin - JUDGE ORDERS FBI TO TURN OVER SETH RICH’S LAPTOP — HOW THIS TIES TO PIZZAGATE!

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A Texas federal judge has ordered the FBI to disclose information on Seth Rich. Judge Amos Mazzant requested they turn over his personal laptop, work laptop, a DVD and a tape drive within 14 days.

The mainstream media told you that Russia hacked the DNC and provided WikiLeaks with the DNC and Podesta E-mails. That’s a proven lie!

There’s evidence that Rich — who went by the name Panda in anonymous online chats — was the source. That means Rich exposed Pizzagate and we never would’ve learned about it if it was not for his sacrifice.

The FBI and the DOJ denied for years that they had any evidence tied to Rich. Also, the FBI previously requested in this case for another 66 years before releasing information on Rich.

Rich was murdered in July of 2016 in a reported “attempted robbery” where nothing was stolen. This was always a false narrative they pushed for their cover story. Rich was a targeted hit, and I reported in 2017 that the D.C. police failed to properly investigate the case to put it lightly. This was a massive coverup!

Julian Assange, who founded Wikileaks, strongly implied Rich was the source and even offered a $20,000 reward for information that would lead to the arrest of those who are responsible for his murder.

Time is up for the Deep State! Nothing will stop the truth about Seth Rich and Pizzagate from coming out. Crimes against children will unite humanity, and mass exposure of Pizzagate will be the final death blow that ends the Satanic pedophile cabal.


Last edited

7:50 PM · Nov 28, 2023




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d99742 No.112960

File: 4391ec23238c5c1⋯.png (86.09 KB,598x455,46:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049002 (091859ZDEC23) Notable: @zerohedge: X CEO Says 10 Million New Users Joined 'Free Speech' Platform In December

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X CEO Says 10 Million New Users Joined 'Free Speech' Platform In December

5:05 AM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.112961

File: de6b00e62af3ebd⋯.png (18.23 KB,587x269,587:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049003 (091900ZDEC23) Notable: CMz: re accts not yet unbanned on Twit-X: Tag the banned account in a comment reply and also tag @elonmusk, Let's get you all unbanned.

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Do you still have an account that is wrongly banned on Twitter/X from before Elon took over?

If so, tag the banned account in a comment reply and also tag @elonmusk

Let's get you all unbanned.

6:42 AM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.112962

File: 17bfdf4f9243ec1⋯.png (289.79 KB,593x870,593:870,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049014 (091902ZDEC23) Notable: @elonmusk Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? 70% Yes 30% No

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Citizen Free Press


It's happening


Matt Wallace


Elon Musk




Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform?

Vox Populi, Vox Dei.

Show this poll

7:00 AM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.112963

File: 1bd351cbd14761a⋯.png (1.21 MB,913x800,913:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049021 (091905ZDEC23) Notable: Arizona Sheriff: Illegal Immigrants Being Handed $5,000 Visa Gift Cards

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Arizona Sheriff: Illegal Immigrants Being Handed $5,000 Visa Gift Cards

“I was absolutely in shock when these agents came forward,” said Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb.

By Matthew Lysiak




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d99742 No.112964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049041 (091916ZDEC23) Notable: @ArmyNavyGame weekend TODAY - 17th annual Patriot Games

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Mike Riley 🎙️


Dec 8

Kicking off the @ArmyNavyGame weekend TODAY with the 17th annual Patriot Games!

We are at the @MinuteManNPS in Concord, MA by the Old North Bridge where the opening battle for the Revolution took place on April 19, 1775.


Dec 8, 2023 · 12:47 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112965

File: ca6ed2b5b59c544⋯.png (2.05 MB,1285x2315,257:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049044 (091927ZDEC23) Notable: Trump’s campaign is distancing him from allies who have sketched out plans for a second term

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Trump’s campaign is distancing him from allies who have sketched out plans for a second term

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is distancing him from efforts by allies and former aides to sketch out his plans for a possible second term, including who might fill his administration and what policies he might pursue.

In a memo Friday from senior advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, the campaign said messages about a potential Trump government that come from anyone but the Republican or his team should not be considered official and are “an unwelcomed distraction.”

It is the second such memo the campaign has released in the last four weeks dismissing news reports about how those in Trump’s orbit are preparing for a much more hard-right government stocked with loyalists. And it comes as Trump’s campaign has been increasingly pushing back against broader efforts to paint him and his second-term agenda as extreme.

“Despite our being crystal clear, some ‘allies’ haven’t gotten the hint, and the media, in their anti-Trump zeal, has been all-too-willing to continue using anonymous sourcing and speculation about a second Trump administration in an effort to prevent a second Trump administration,” Wiles and LaCivita said in the latest memo.

>>112867 PB

>Statement from Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita on Media Speculation About Transition Effort


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d99742 No.112966

File: 5ed448f6cb37608⋯.png (774.1 KB,1113x612,371:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049059 (091934ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms

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Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms


Cosmin Dzsurdzsa -

December 8, 2023

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d99742 No.112967

File: 4f9c86b9228eb70⋯.png (6.01 MB,3200x2000,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049072 (091939ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms

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Suh-wheat. "Menstruation kits" for men, trannies and disoriented bull dykes in all Canadian Forces men's rooms.


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d99742 No.112968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049073 (091941ZDEC23) Notable: IG Robert P. Storch met with Ukraine's Defence Minister Rustem Umerov re transparency and accountability of U.S. security assistance to Ukraine

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DoD Office of Inspector General


Dec 7

Today, IG Robert P. Storch met with Ukraine's Defence Minister Rustem Umerov to discuss the importance of transparency and accountability of U.S. security assistance to Ukraine.

Dec 7, 2023 · 2:06 AM UTC


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d99742 No.112969

File: 8f30c00e2a295ff⋯.png (232.61 KB,370x632,185:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049091 (091950ZDEC23) Notable: THE UNITED STATES IS BEING INVADED. The border looks like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

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The border looks like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

It’s being WELCOMED & FACILITATED by the UN & the Communist Biden Regime.

Those are ALL fit-looking, Military-aged men with NO FAMILIES in tow.



The women and children DO NOT come along when MEN GO TO FIGHT A WAR.

These are NOT “refugees” these are SOLDIERS.

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d99742 No.112970

File: 14dcffbc8aab562⋯.png (921.09 KB,676x931,676:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049102 (091954ZDEC23) Notable: THE UNITED STATES IS BEING INVADED. The border looks like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

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Exclusive: 50,000 Migrants Apprehended

at Southern Border in December’s First Week

Breitbart Border, by Bob Price

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 12/9/2023 9:04:22 AM

Border Patrol agents working the nine southwest border sectors apprehended more than 50,000 migrants during the first week of December, according to unofficial Border Patrol reports obtained by Breitbart Texas. The Del Rio and Tucson Sectors lead the list with the most apprehensions. According to unofficial Border Patrol reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas, agents assigned to the southwest border apprehended just over 50,000 migrants during the first seven days of December. This follows a total of at least 379,000 apprehended in October and November.

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d99742 No.112971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049106 (091956ZDEC23) Notable: “It was Russia that stopped to supply Europe with energy, it was the Russian president who stopped gas delivery,”

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Dmitry Medvedev



“It was Russia that stopped to supply Europe with energy, it was the Russian president who stopped gas delivery,” Scholz has said.

The German is lying through his teeth! They rejected it themselves, they screwed over their own people because of the hatred for Russia, and now they are dodging and lying!

Dec 9, 2023 · 1:58 PM UTC


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d99742 No.112972

File: fa4648172202391⋯.png (604.91 KB,790x775,158:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049117 (092001ZDEC23) Notable: Fueling this declining interest in science funding is a declining interest and trust in science itself

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Fueling this declining interest in science funding is a declining interest and trust in science itself. While scientists have historically enjoyed a high level of trust among the public, that trust has been consistently dropping, from a high of 75% just before the pandemic to a present-day low of 57%, according to a Pew Research poll conducted between Sept. 25 and Oct. 1.


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d99742 No.112973

File: f111c22217fc9ec⋯.png (369.49 KB,591x616,591:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049191 (092034ZDEC23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge Attorney: “Mr. Biden has offered to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023…He is making this choice because the Committee…uses closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort, the facts…”

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Catherine Herridge


Attorney: “Mr. Biden has offered to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023…He is making this choice because the Committee…uses closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort, the facts…”

GOP response via @RepJamesComer


“there is no ‘choice’…If Mr. Biden does not appear…the Committees will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.



12:30 PM · Dec 7, 2023




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d99742 No.112974

File: 6cb419a0da0e1dc⋯.png (141.72 KB,761x943,761:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049206 (092042ZDEC23) Notable: Signal Facing Collapse After CIA Cuts Funding Kit Klarenberg

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Signal Facing Collapse After CIA Cuts Funding

Kit Klarenberg

Dec 3, 2023

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d99742 No.112975

File: a63e10fa185a6c9⋯.jpg (51.91 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049225 (092049ZDEC23) Notable: Tornado Warning including Waverly TN and McEwen TN, Tornado Warning continues for Bowling Green KY, Auburn KY and Plano KY

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Tornado Warning including Waverly TN and McEwen TN until 3:15 PM CST


NWS Tornado


Tornado Warning continues for Bowling Green KY, Auburn KY and Plano KY until 3:15 PM CST


Lisa Spencer


Tornado when it was near the Clarksville airport.



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d99742 No.112976

File: 1fdc32e7fa8ea55⋯.png (2.03 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 39e8bb6aa87d9e0⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049228 (092051ZDEC23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge Attorney: “Mr. Biden has offered to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023…He is making this choice because the Committee…uses closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort, the facts…”

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d99742 No.112977

File: 53bc97e058fb71f⋯.png (3.44 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049238 (092057ZDEC23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge Attorney: “Mr. Biden has offered to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023…He is making this choice because the Committee…uses closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort, the facts…”

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d99742 No.112978

File: 291980a4159b4e2⋯.png (200.48 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049251 (092104ZDEC23) Notable: US Joins Over 60 Other Nations To Pledge Emissions Reduction From Air Conditioners And Refrigerators

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US Joins Over 60 Other Nations To Pledge Emissions Reduction From Air Conditioners And Refrigerators

U.S. climate envoy John Kerry made a pledge with over 60 other nations to slash emissions from refrigerators and air conditioners in a bid to tackle climate change.

On Tuesday, 63 nations, including the United States, joined a pledge to cut down cooling-related emissions at the COP28 United Nations climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Global Cooling Pledge requires countries to reduce such emissions by at least 68 percent by 2050 compared to 2022 levels. The focus of cooling-related emissions would be on appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators. The pledge also proposes setting up minimum energy performance standards for appliances by 2030.

“We want to lay out a pathway to reduce cooling-related emissions across all sectors but increase access to sustainable cooling,” said Mr. Kerry, who joined representatives from other countries in the pledge, Reuters reported.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) criticized the pledge in a Dec. 6 X post: “John Kerry lost his run for president & has been trying to assert his revenge on everyday Americans ever since. If he gets his way, our cars, our appliances, and food will be gone. All from a man who flies around on his wife's private jet.”

Mr. Kerry’s pledge comes as the Biden administration has proposed rules that could harm to the home appliance market. In July, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a rule to slash the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by 40 percent by 2028, calling the chemical a “climate super-pollutant.”

HFCs are used as refrigerants in appliances like air conditioners, heat pumps, and refrigerators. Since January last year, the import and production of HFCs require special allowances. During this time, the costs of replacing refrigerants have spiked.

In an August 2022 analysis, Ben Lieberman, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, noted, “Service technicians say that replacing refrigerant lost from a leak now costs upwards of $800, about double what it did a year ago.”

“Moreover, EPA’s HFC quotas tighten in the years ahead, so the ratchet will keep turning, surely causing homeowners’ bills to increase further still.”

Earlier in March, the Department of Energy proposed rules under which refrigerators would be subject to a stricter set of energy efficiency standards. The rule comes into effect in 2027.


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d99742 No.112979

File: 9c7f6516483c172⋯.jpeg (533.09 KB,1513x669,1513:669,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1303a5ab49853ca⋯.jpeg (629.64 KB,1190x683,1190:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 666acf6a60278f9⋯.jpeg (634.88 KB,1261x673,1261:673,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049299 (092117ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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SPAR16 stopped at Travis and heading to Hickam AFB, Oahu

Special Priority Air Resource

NICE22 DC-10 extender replaced 0000 over Smell A

EVIL90 Beechjet 400 north from Mesa Gateway Airport ,AZ

MASTF31/32 CH-53E Super Stallions off SoCal heading to Pt. Mugu likely and see these often but since Potato onshore doing who knows wtf cuz schedule has 1 event listed at 9pm EST…

German AF GAF779 A321neo went to DFW

SAM250 G5 WS from JBA prolly to MacDill

ARSLE49 E6B Mercury from Pax River heading over the 2 SAMs that arrived at Warwick RI earlier

Arsle: to move backward

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d99742 No.112980

File: 0b78a2c0ca06039⋯.png (1.14 MB,2046x1118,1023:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049311 (092122ZDEC23) Notable: US Joins Over 60 Other Nations To Pledge Emissions Reduction From Air Conditioners And Refrigerators

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An image of the South Pole's ozone hole taken Sep. 8, 2019. Courtesy: Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA

By —

Seth Borenstein, Associated Press

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The ozone layer is slowly, but surely, healing, the UN says

Science Jan 9, 2023 12:02 PM EST

DENVER (AP) — Earth’s protective ozone layer is slowly but noticeably healing at a pace that would fully mend the hole over Antarctica in about 43 years, a new United Nations report says.

A once-every-four-years scientific assessment found recovery in progress, more than 35 years after every nation in the world agreed to stop producing chemicals that chomp on the layer of ozone in Earth’s atmosphere that shields the planet from harmful radiation linked to skin cancer, cataracts and crop damage.

READ MORE: Why getting PFAS out of our products is so hard — and why it matters

“In the upper stratosphere and in the ozone hole we see things getting better,” said Paul Newman, co-chair of the scientific assessment.

The progress is slow, according to the report presented Monday at the American Meteorological Society convention in Denver. The global average amount of ozone 18 miles (30 kilometers) high in the atmosphere won’t be back to 1980 pre-thinning levels until about 2040, the report said. And it won’t be back to normal in the Arctic until 2045.

Antarctica, where it’s so thin there’s an annual giant gaping hole in the layer, won’t be fully fixed until 2066, the report said.

Scientists and environmental advocates across the world have long hailed the efforts to heal the ozone hole — springing out of a 1987 agreement called the Montreal Protocol that banned a class of chemicals often used in refrigerants and aerosols — as one of the biggest ecological victories for humanity.

“Ozone action sets a precedent for climate action. Our success in phasing out ozone-eating chemicals shows us what can and must be done – as a matter of urgency — to transition away from fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gases and so limit temperature increase,”World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas said in a statement.


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d99742 No.112981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049319 (092123ZDEC23) Notable: North Dakota Battling Cattle Anthrax Crisis: 25 Confirmed Cases Spark Concerns

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North Dakota Battling Cattle Anthrax Crisis: 25 Confirmed Cases Spark Concerns

North Dakota’s Department of Agriculture has confirmed 25 cases of cattle anthrax this year, making it the most cases the state has seen since 2005.

In total, the disease has already been linked to the deaths of over 300 cattle, horses, bison, and sheep in the state, causing a financial strain for both ranchers and farmers.

Anthrax is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, which is a spore-forming bacterium that can live in the ground for decades.

In North Dakota, infected cattle have been grazing where anthrax spores have been detected in the soil.

Natural outbreaks of anthrax among livestock don’t pose a severe risk to humans unless they are handling carcass-affected livestock.

The weaponized version of anthrax, however, is highly deadly.

In 2001, shortly after the 9/11 terror attacks, a weaponized version of anthrax killed five people and caused 17 others to fall ill after they came in contact with letters containing anthrax spores.

Per The Associated Press:

A new case of cattle anthrax has been confirmed in southwest North Dakota’s Grant County, bringing the number of cases in the state to 25 this year, according to state agriculture officials.

It’s the first case reported in the state since August, all in Grant County and neighboring Hettinger and Adams counties, the North Dakota Department of Agriculture said in a news release Thursday. Those cases have led to about 170 cattle deaths, North Dakota State Veterinarian Dr. Ethan Andress told The Bismarck Tribune.

While it’s unusual to see a case so late in the year, Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said, the area has seen unusually mild weather recently that has allowed cattle to remain on pastureland where anthrax thrives.


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d99742 No.112982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049335 (092128ZDEC23) Notable: NATO Aspirant Sweden Signs Deal To Let US Military Use All Its Bases

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NATO Aspirant Sweden Signs Deal To Let US Military Use All Its Bases

Sweden is not even in NATO yet—amid the continuing holdup and objections from Turkey and Hungary—but that didn't stop the US and Sweden this week from brokering a deal to let American troops have wide use of Swedish military bases for the first time.

The newly inked Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) this week signals Stockholm finally and fully abandoning its its centuries-old policy of neutrality, given the Pentagon has confirmed that US forces can now "operate in Sweden, including the legal status of US military personnel, access to deployment areas (and) prepositioning of military materiel."


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d99742 No.112983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049387 (092141ZDEC23) Notable: #24608

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#24608 >>112926

>>112939, >>112945, >>112955, >>112979 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>112927 A bipartisan demand from @EliseStefanik and @RepMoskowitz for the removal of Presidents Gay, Magill, and Kornbluth.

>>112928 Terrified Leftist Media Stokes “Dictator” Fears As Biden Supporters Flee To “Orange Jesus” [Trump!]

>>112929 Woman arrested for alleged attempt to burn down Martin Luther King Jr's Atlanta birth home with gasoline

>>112930 New Mexico vs. Meta - Anons catch the cheese pizza drop?

>>112931 Nikki Haley's Fake Moderation Should Fool No One

>>112932 @JackPosobiec - Trump impeachment witness Alexander Vindman accused of trying to profit off Ukraine war

>>112933 Hunter Biden got staggering $4.9M from ‘sugar brother’ Kevin Morris: IRS whistleblower

>>112934 Crew of "Andromeda" yacht, which is believed to be involved in the Nord Stream pipeline attack, was checked by Polish officials before the explosion: "Our American friends were also on-site" - Polish agents


>>112936 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains the History of the U.S. Bioweapons Program

>>112937 OSF commit $50m to women and youth groups' work on democracy

>>112938 Don't sell the DA's office to Soros supporters in exchange for sky high crime and social justice

>>112940 Boston-Area K-12 Schools to Receive Migrant Children After Families Housed in Local Hotels

>>112942, >>112941 Govts spying on Apple, Google users thru push notification - US Senator

>>112943 With Pizzagate in the news again, here's a brief summary of the story from Ben Swann.

>>112944 @LauraLoomer - @MAGAIncWarRoom President Trump’s PAC just released this statement calling out @CaseyDeSantis for encouraging voter fraud in Iowa ahead of the Iowa Caucus.

>>112947 Elise Stefanik: “In NY, President Trump is facing a two-pronged attack.

>>112948, >>112949 Rep. Gosar Is Second GOP Lawmaker to Demand House Members Access to The Gateway Pundit - Currently Blacklisted-Banned

>>112950 Ohio Whistleblower Says Schools Hiring Professionals to Push Big Pharma Drugs on Children via @gatewaypundit

>>112951 RE DIG of Maui Lazer & California Wildfires: Attorney Ralph Martin of Longmont, CO

>>112952 Social media algorithms are like digital AR-15s, they’re pulling people into “Qanon” rabbit holes, and Al Gore wants them banned...Qanon is the best known version of Artificial Insanity

>>112953 After the DeSantises Purposefully Spread False Election News to Commit Organized Voter Fraud in the Iowa Caucus, Voters Demand Kim Reynolds Must Declare a Free and Fair Election

>>112954, >>112962 @elonmusk Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? 70% Yes 30% No

>>112956 Billboards plastered with the phrase 'New York City Welcomes Immigrants' are popping up across El Paso

>>112957 America’s Destructive Education System

>>112958 Ukraine’s Defense Minister, U.S. DoD Inspector General talk joint monitoring of aid use


>>112960 @zerohedge: X CEO Says 10 Million New Users Joined 'Free Speech' Platform In December

>>112961 CMz: re accts not yet unbanned on Twit-X: Tag the banned account in a comment reply and also tag @elonmusk, Let's get you all unbanned.

>>112963 Arizona Sheriff: Illegal Immigrants Being Handed $5,000 Visa Gift Cards

>>112964 @ArmyNavyGame weekend TODAY - 17th annual Patriot Games

>>112965 Trump’s campaign is distancing him from allies who have sketched out plans for a second term

>>112966, >>112967 Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms

>>112968 IG Robert P. Storch met with Ukraine's Defence Minister Rustem Umerov re transparency and accountability of U.S. security assistance to Ukraine

>>112969, >>112970 THE UNITED STATES IS BEING INVADED. The border looks like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

>>112971 “It was Russia that stopped to supply Europe with energy, it was the Russian president who stopped gas delivery,”

>>112972 Fueling this declining interest in science funding is a declining interest and trust in science itself

>>112973, >>112976, >>112977 @CBS_Herridge Attorney: “Mr. Biden has offered to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023…He is making this choice because the Committee…uses closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort, the facts…”

>>112974 Signal Facing Collapse After CIA Cuts Funding Kit Klarenberg

>>112975 Tornado Warning including Waverly TN and McEwen TN, Tornado Warning continues for Bowling Green KY, Auburn KY and Plano KY

>>112978, >>112980 US Joins Over 60 Other Nations To Pledge Emissions Reduction From Air Conditioners And Refrigerators

>>112981 North Dakota Battling Cattle Anthrax Crisis: 25 Confirmed Cases Spark Concerns

>>112982 NATO Aspirant Sweden Signs Deal To Let US Military Use All Its Bases


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d99742 No.112984

File: f111c22217fc9ec⋯.png (369.49 KB,591x616,591:616,Clipboard.png)

File: 23e8432ddcb59f4⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,620x455,124:91,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049427 (092150ZDEC23) Notable: #24609-A

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Clean fresh dough in need of baker, step up anons

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d99742 No.112985

File: 241c5849e16b7e6⋯.png (330.54 KB,521x639,521:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049438 (092151ZDEC23) Notable: Investigating Israeli War Crimes is ‘Pure Antisemitism’ says Netanyahu

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Investigating Israeli War Crimes is ‘Pure Antisemitism’ says Netanyahu

The International Criminal Court is 'targeting the one state of the Jewish people,' the Israeli Prime Minister claims.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video address that investigating alleged Israeli war crimes is “pure antisemitism.”

Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu is claiming that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is engaging in “pure antisemitism” by looking into reports of Israeli war crimes amid the ongoing war in Gaza. The claim comes despite the fact that the ICC is looking into reports that both sides in the conflict have committed war crimes, including the slaughter of women of children.

“When the ICC investigates Israel for fake war crimes, this is pure antisemitism,” said Netanyahu, before claiming that Israel should be exempt from war crimes investigations because it’s a Jewish country.

“The court established to prevent atrocities like the Nazi holocaust against the Jewish people, is now targeting the one state of the Jewish people.”

As mentioned, the mass killing of civilians has been a focal point of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Thus far, Israeli strikes in Gaza have killed over 17,000 Palestinians, including more than 7,000 children, while the Hamas raid into southern Israel on October 7th reportedly killed around 1,200 people.

However, reports and eyewitness testimony published in the Israeli press have claimed that the IDF was responsible for the bulk of the October 7th casualties, having called in strikes on Israel’s own communities and even an Israeli military base.

As National File reported:

“Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7.”

Eye-witness Tuval Escapa, an Israeli security team member at the Kibbutz Be’eri, told Haaretz that “the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate terrorists along with the hostages.”


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d99742 No.112986

File: c1df941fef05d0f⋯.png (308.04 KB,554x556,277:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049443 (092154ZDEC23) Notable: Paranoid Hunter Biden Thinks YOU’RE ‘Trying to Kill’ Him.

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Paranoid Hunter Biden Thinks YOU’RE ‘Trying to Kill’ Him.

Joe Biden’s troubled son Hunter Biden thinks you’re trying to kill him. At least according to his own words in a recent podcast, where he alleged: “What they’re trying to do is they’re trying to kill me, knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle, and so therefore destroying a presidency in that way.” “They” is you, by the way. Hunter’s claim seemed to extend to anyone on the political right who demands accountability over his family’s influence peddling, illegal activities, and corruption.

But, despite making the story about himself, he went on to state: “It’s not about me… these people are just sad, very, very sick people that have most likely just faced traumas in their lives that they’ve decided that they are going to turn into an evil that they decide that they’re going to inflict on the rest of the world”. Hunter’s hard drive, suppressed by government and media ahead of the 2020 election, revealed him as the “very sick” person with mountains of trauma.


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d99742 No.112987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049445 (092155ZDEC23) Notable: PENN UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT LIZ MAGILL HAS JUST RESIGNED DUE TO HER COMMENTS

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d99742 No.112988

File: ba6e1abb4a9cdec⋯.png (78.27 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049461 (092203ZDEC23) Notable: Scholz lying about gas - Medvedev

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9 Dec, 2023 19:25

Scholz lying about gas – Medvedev

The ex-Russian president slammed the German chancellor over claims Moscow was to blame for stopping the supply of natural gas to Europe

Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy head of the Russian Security Council and the country’s ex-president, has accused German Chancellor Olaf Scholz of “lying” after the latter shared his take on the roots of the energy crisis in Europe.

Speaking at a meeting of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Berlin on Saturday, Scholz accused Russia and, personally, President Vladimir Putin of halting the gas supply to the EU.

“It was the Russian president who stopped gas supplies through undamaged gas pipelines. Thus, 50% of Germany’s gas supply was called into question. 50 billion cubic meters of gas that went through them became inaccessible,” Scholz claimed during the event, hailing the government’s efforts to buy gas elsewhere. (Scholz showing his guilt for blowing up Nord Stream 2 with Bidan)

The remarks drew the ire of Medvedev, who took to the social media platform X, formerly Twitter, to flatly accuse the German chancellor of “lying” and trying to shift the blame for their own actions on Moscow.

The German is lying through his teeth! They rejected it themselves, they screwed over their own people because of the hatred for Russia, and now they are dodging and lying!

While Scholz did not elaborate on the matter during his speech, he was apparently referring to the troubles around Nord Stream that unfolded last summer, shortly before the pipelines ended up being destroyed in a sabotage attack on September 26.

At the time, Russian energy giant Gazprom was forced to drastically reduce gas deliveries through the pipelines owing to technical issues related to the maintenance of turbines for Nord Stream 1. The difficulties with servicing the turbines stemmed from Western sanctions on Russia, which effectively prevented the maintenance and timely delivery of spare parts.


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d99742 No.112989

File: 6450ef9b5f4da36⋯.png (787.54 KB,1230x2048,615:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: ba0c7c8c46e8ff0⋯.png (109.83 KB,493x600,493:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049478 (092209ZDEC23) Notable: PENN UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT LIZ MAGILL HAS JUST RESIGNED DUE TO HER COMMENTS

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d99742 No.112990

File: 63aa4a6dbecec07⋯.png (84.38 KB,1490x374,745:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dc076f0ab199a8⋯.png (79.82 KB,1510x386,755:193,Clipboard.png)

File: c4c05f0d77b8f2f⋯.png (46.83 KB,866x216,433:108,Clipboard.png)

File: d52acc815f0428d⋯.png (43.37 KB,1424x206,712:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049516 (092220ZDEC23) Notable: PENN UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT LIZ MAGILL HAS JUST RESIGNED DUE TO HER COMMENTS

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how many Billionaires were anti-UPenn pres?

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d99742 No.112991

File: db2730a6b79ec2d⋯.png (57.63 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049530 (092223ZDEC23) Notable: 74% of Germans think Scholz failing at his job

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9 Dec, 2023 15:49

74% of Germans think Scholz failing at his job – YouGov poll

The level of public dissatisfaction with the ruling traffic-light coalition has also reached a new high

The majority of Germans disapprove of Olaf Scholz’s performance as chancellor, a recent opinion poll by YouGov has indicated. His traffic-light coalition government is seen equally unfavorably by the country’s population, the survey revealed.

On Friday, a separate poll by ARD-DeutschlandTrend showed that after two years in office the level of public dissatisfaction is the highest on record for a sitting chancellor.

The YouGov survey, which was conducted over December 1-6 and the results of which were published on Saturday, involved 2,119 respondents. According to its findings, some 74% of respondents said Scholz was doing a poor job, with only 20% seeing his performance in a positive light. As for the entire coalition government, 73% said they were unhappy with it, while only 22% responded that they were satisfied. This is the worst monthly figure since the coalition came to power.

Some 77% said they place little or no trust in the way Scholz is governing Germany, a figure that reaches 60% among supporters of the chancellors’ own Social Democratic party.

When asked which politician they would like to take over the reins in the country, 15% named Bavarian Governor Markus Soeder, with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) co-chairwoman and the leader of the party’s parliamentary group, Alice Weidel, enjoying the support of another 12%. Sahra Wagenknecht, who was a prominent member of the Left party, but left it and announced back in October that she would form a new party, garnered 8%. Other political figures trailed behind this trio.

ARD-DeutschlandTrend on Friday painted a similarly grim picture for the chancellor, with just 20% of respondents assessing his work as satisfactory, and only 27% saying that he can do the job at all.

Meanwhile, 82% of Germans were dissatisfied with the performance of the country’s traffic-light coalition government. Of the ministers, only defense chief Boris Pistorius was rated favorably by a slight majority of respondents (52%). Others failed to receive the support of more than 38% of respondents.

The recent budget crisis seems to have dealt a further blow to the already waning approval ratings of the chancellor and government. After the Constitutional Court shot down an attempt to repurpose €60 billion ($65 billion) of funds left over after the Covid-19 pandemic, Scholz’s government has had to freeze most of its new spending commitments

(Wait until they find out Scholz went along with Bidan blowing up Nord Stream 2!)


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d99742 No.112992

File: 10a28e91b5cfac5⋯.png (101.09 KB,1484x356,371:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049532 (092224ZDEC23) Notable: PENN UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT LIZ MAGILL HAS JUST RESIGNED DUE TO HER COMMENTS

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d99742 No.112993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049548 (092230ZDEC23) Notable: EU leaders panicking over potential Trump return, would pull the US out of NATO?

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9 Dec, 2023 15:44

EU leaders panicking over potential Trump return – NYT

Bloc governments have reportedly dispatched envoys to the US to figure out the former president’s stance on NATO

EU diplomats and think tank officials have been contacting former US President Donald Trump’s associates to figure out whether he would pull the US out of NATOif he returns to the White House, the New York Times reported on Friday.

With less than a year to go until the 2024 US presidential elections, Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee and is leading President Joe Biden in most polls. A host of former Trump administration officials and anti-Trump pundits have claimed in recent weeks that a second Trump presidency would herald the collapse of NATO, and that panic has reportedly spread to the EU.

“European ambassadors and think tank officials have been making pilgrimages to associates of Mr. Trump to inquire about his intentions,” the New York Times reported, citing anonymous sources. These officials included Finland’s ambassador to the US, Mikko Hautala, who the newspaper said “reached out directly to Mr. Trump and sought to persuade him of his country’s value to NATO as a new member.”

Other countries are expected to try and win Trump’s support with “flattery and transactional tributes,” the Times stated, citing interviews with current and former diplomats.

Trump has not threatened to pull the US out of NATO. However, he spent his presidency railing against the bloc’s European members, accusing them of freeloading off the US’ massive military presence on the continent while failing to meet NATO’s target of spending 2% of GDP on defense. Trump used NATO’s annual summits to berate European leaders into boosting their military spending, and according to former National Security Advisor John Bolton, was ready to announce the US’ withdrawal from the alliance in 2018.

Trump’s final national security advisor, Robert O’Brien, and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, told the Times that the former president’s NATO-related gripes should be viewed as a negotiating tactic, aimed at pressing European members into committing more money to the bloc.

In a statement to the Times, Trump wrote that “it is the obligation of every US president to ensure that America’s alliances serve to protect the American people, and do not recklessly endanger American blood and treasure,” adding that his “highest priority” would be “the defense of our own country, our own borders, our own values, and our own people.”

Such a statement is consistent with Trump’s long-standing view that American troops should not be “the policemen of the world.” While Trump carried out military strikes on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, he attempted to withdraw American troops from all three countries, and was the only US president in modern history not to engage in a new foreign war.

However, Trump’s former defense secretary, Marc Esper, told MSNBC on Thursday that this anti-interventionism would lead to the eventual collapse of NATO. If Trump were to pull military support for Ukraine, Esper claimed, “the whole effort to support Ukraine in its war with Russia would eventually crumble,” as would the alliance itself if Trump then began pulling troops from Europe.

Trump has repeatedly promised that he would end the conflict in Ukraine “within 24 hours” of his inauguration, hinting that he would use military aid as leverage to achieve this by cutting off the flow of weapons to force Kiev to the negotiating table.


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d99742 No.112994

File: c45ea87f8131a29⋯.jpg (453.81 KB,1316x886,658:443,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e80f5be0955b81c⋯.jpg (316.16 KB,854x644,61:46,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c197f99610b48db⋯.jpg (244.54 KB,500x613,500:613,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 50d3da2e1561862⋯.jpg (430.02 KB,1313x723,1313:723,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049595 (092307ZDEC23) Notable: Since The ADL partnered with PayPal

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How it started. How it's going.

Since The ADL partnered with PayPal

27 Jul 2021

ADL CEO on partnering with PayPal to combat extremism

CNBC's "Squawk Box" team discusses how PayPal is partnering with Anti-Defamation League to battle extremism with Jonathan Greenblatt


11 Oct 2022

'Delete Paypal': Wrath Unleashes over Missinformation Policy

Customers reacted strongly when PayPal said they'd fine users $2,500

for spreading misinformation

8 Dec 2023

PayPal Stock Down 20%

PayPal stock is having a rough 2023

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d99742 No.112995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049597 (092307ZDEC23) Notable: Since The ADL partnered with PayPal

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d99742 No.112996

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049604 (092309ZDEC23) Notable: Since The ADL partnered with PayPal

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d99742 No.112997

File: 660ced1f446f4e5⋯.png (2.28 MB,2000x1648,125:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049643 (092325ZDEC23) Notable: Trump declares Megyn Kelly the 'biggest loser' of the low-rating fourth GOP debate

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Trump declares Megyn Kelly the 'biggest loser' of the low-rating fourth GOP debate

after host said ex president had 'lost multiple steps' mentally - as he labels DeSantis a 'bobble head' and Christie a 'sick puppy' in late-night rant

▶ Trump hit out at Kelly after she claimed age had weakened the former president

▶ He claimed Kelly had 'lost whatever she once had, which wasn’t very much' in post on Truth Social

▶ The comments reignited a historic feud between the two which began during a presidential debate for the 2016 election

...'The biggest loser was Megyn Kelly, what the hell happened to her?' Trump said.

'She has lost whatever she once had, which wasn’t very much. Some things never change!'

His stern words came just hours after she made a comment about him on Thursday....


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d99742 No.112998

File: 99e3b10ef91be7a⋯.png (3.51 MB,1947x3484,1947:3484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049652 (092328ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump new poll

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Donald J. Trump

Dec 09, 2023, 5:24 PM


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d99742 No.112999

File: 7cd4083912e5cf7⋯.jpeg (128.18 KB,1065x627,355:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 605caf06c321a53⋯.jpeg (158.35 KB,1053x604,1053:604,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049664 (092331ZDEC23) Notable: Gangs from South America use security jammers to break in to expensive homes across country

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==Gangs from South America use security jammers to break in to expensive homes across country: police

ByWXYZ Detroit==

Thursday, December 7, 2023

DETROIT - Gangs from South America are breaking into multi-million dollar homes across the country, including metro Detroit, WXYZ reported.

Police said they are highly functional and well-trained.

A police official described the crews, which are believed to consist of four to six people, as highly functional and well-trained.

The thieves reportedlyuse a jammer to overcome wireless security systems that depend on WiFi to operate. The crews are all dressed in black, with backpacks, and gloves. They are non-confrontational and their goal is to get in and out of the homes quickly, police said.

At least 30 to 40 homes have been hit since September in the Detroit area. Thieves have gotten away with cash, jewelry and expensive handbags within minutes of breaking in.

Police departments in Michigan have formed a task force and urged home owners to have multiple layers of security.


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d99742 No.113000

File: 24975c2aa1fd01c⋯.png (189.52 KB,478x370,239:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049665 (092332ZDEC23) Notable: Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville…later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville - PRAY.

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Reed Timmer, PhD


Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville. You can see smoke from an explosion in the vertical winds. Terrible scenes of damage emerging


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d99742 No.113001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049678 (092336ZDEC23) Notable: New Mexico Dem AG Raúl Torrez has filed suit against Meta & CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and associated entities, including Instagram & FB re child sexual exploitation on its platforms

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Charlie Kirk


🚨New Mexico Democrat Attorney General Raúl Torrez has filed suit against Meta and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and associated entities, including Instagram and Facebookin an effort to curb child sexual exploitation on its platforms.

The lawsuit reveals howthese perverts use PIZZA as code for child pornto hide their criminal behavior.

“Our investigation into Meta’s social media platforms demonstrates that they are not safe spaces for children but rather prime locations for predators to trade child pornography and solicit minors for sex,” AG Torrez said in a statement.

Will advertisers be boycotting Meta now?!

The details in AG Torrez's letter are pretty shocking:

Over the past few months, the New MexicoAttorney General’s Office carried out an undercover investigation of Meta’s platforms, creating decoy accounts of children 14-years and younger. The Office gathered evidence that those platforms have:

Proactively served and directed the underage users a stream of egregious, sexually explicit images — even when the child has expressed no interest in this content

Enabled dozens of adults to find, contact, and press children into providing sexually explicit pictures of themselves or participate in pornographic videos.

Recommended that the children join unmoderated Facebook groups devoted to facilitating commercial sex.

Allowed Facebook and Instagram users to find, share, and sell an enormous volume of child pornography.

Allowed a fictitious mother to offer her 13-year-old daughter for sale to sex traffickers and to create a professional page to allow her daughter to share revenue from advertising.


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d99742 No.113002

File: 2e6022e99291066⋯.jpeg (238.56 KB,1182x853,1182:853,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 677ac84ce64498a⋯.jpeg (116.04 KB,956x1028,239:257,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2effab73d0ef5f8⋯.jpeg (113.3 KB,719x461,719:461,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049706 (092344ZDEC23) Notable: WAKE-UP CALL Inside Tiger Woods’ insane body transformation with brutal 4am workouts in fight back from injury over past seven months

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WAKE-UP CALL Inside Tiger Woods’ insane body transformation with brutal 4am workouts in fight back from injury over past seven months

Legendary golfer trash-talks fellow Tour pros from the gym

Bob Williams

Dec 8 2023

TIGER Woods stunned fans with his ripped new physique as he made a successful comeback to golf.

And former pro Brandel Chamblee has revealed the secrets of Woods' epic body transformation – brutal 4am workouts in the gym.

Woods didn't look so beefy in 2013

The golf legend made a solid return from injury at the Hero World Challenge at the Albany Golf Club in the Bahamas last week.

It marked his return to the tee for the first time since April’s Masters after injuring his ankle.

And Woods revealed a bold new lookreminiscent of basketball legend Michael Jordan at the event.

Wearing a skintight sports vest, Woods showed off his bulging muscles while making his way to the pavilion.


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d99742 No.113003

File: b8d8580c1fdc074⋯.mp4 (11.68 MB,854x468,427:234,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9ab220d1075337b⋯.png (381.69 KB,713x622,713:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049707 (092344ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: THANK YOU, IOWA! Where to Commit to “Caucus for Trump”

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Donald J. Trump

THANK YOU, IOWA!You can Commit to “Caucus for Trump” today at: https://landing.donaldjtrump.com/landing/iowa-commit-to-caucus-djt


Dec 09, 2023, 5:04 PM

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d99742 No.113004

File: bf0086745c5a422⋯.png (1.09 MB,895x720,179:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049712 (092345ZDEC23) Notable: Deceitful Red Cross Lectures Parents of Israeli Hostage - PJ Media

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Deceitful Red Cross Lectures Parents of

Israeli Hostage

PJ Media, by Milt Harris

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 12/9/2023 6:21:48 PM

The Red Cross has had a difficult time over the last decade or so as questions concerning its accounting procedures have lingered. Now, it is under scrutiny again over its handling of certain aspects of the Israel and Hamas conflict. Ron and Simona are the parents of Doron Steinbrecher. Doron was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7, under terrifying circumstances. On that day, Ron and Simona saw terrorists on their way to the area where Doron lived. Their daughter called them, but the call was suddenly dropped. Her last voicemail to her parents was saying, "they caught me, they caught me, they caught me."

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d99742 No.113005

File: 6e8e3f9e1be7b0d⋯.png (34.45 KB,778x323,778:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 390fd5bf1b47dda⋯.jpg (47.12 KB,787x333,787:333,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049723 (092347ZDEC23) Notable: PENN UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT LIZ MAGILL HAS JUST RESIGNED DUE TO HER COMMENTS

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UPenn President Liz Magill resigns after

disastrous antisemitism testimony

New York Post, by Mary Kay Linge

Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/9/2023 4:59:49 PM

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill – under increasing pressure from both donors and the White House after her disastrous testimony before Congress this week on the school’s failure to protect Jewish students – “voluntarily” resigned her post Saturday, the school announced. “I write to share that President Liz Magill has voluntarily tendered her resignation as President of the University of Pennsylvania. She will remain a tenured faculty member at Penn Carey Law. “On behalf of the entire Penn community, I want to thank President Magill for her service to the University as President and wish her well.

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d99742 No.113006

File: 861982fa3db2305⋯.png (189.91 KB,1000x787,1000:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 9acbc0880f3a730⋯.mp4 (7.21 MB,886x490,443:245,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049725 (092347ZDEC23) Notable: Scavino: Caucus for Trump in Iowa advert!

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Scavino: Caucus for Trump in Iowa advert!

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d99742 No.113007

File: b856fe1ea1d30e7⋯.png (302.58 KB,599x329,599:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049730 (092348ZDEC23) Notable: Global Elites Attending UN Climate Summit Enjoy Burgers and BBQ While Telling Americans to Not Eat Meat

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You will Eat Ze Bugs & like it

Global Elites Attending UN Climate Summit Enjoy Burgers and BBQ While Telling Americans to Not Eat Meat

Elitists at the UN Climate Summit in Dubai enjoyed delicious gourmet food including burgers and BBQ while telling Americans to eat less beef.

The climate change zealots want to destroy the cattle and farming industry under the guise of reducing carbon emissions with a ‘net zero plan.’

The ‘net zero plan’ will ultimately lead to famine.

Apparently, it’s okay for the global elitists to enjoy meat while telling the rest of the world to reduce meat consumption.

The ongoing United Nations COP28 climate summit in Dubai is offering a wide variety of gourmet food options from vendors who serve beef, even as it prepares a report that is expected to call for the West to reduce consumption of beef.

According to the summit’s online portal, its food offerings include “juicy beef,” “slabs of succulent meat,” smoked wagyu burgers, Philly cheesesteaks and “melt-in-your-mouth BBQ” in addition to African street BBQ, fast casual Mexican fare and an Asian option that has a “touch of French flair.” The revelation comes as the U.N. faces criticism for preparing a first-of-its-kind report that is expected to be published at the summit and call for lower meat consumption.

The U.N.’s Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish its first-ever global food systems’ road map during an upcoming COP28 session, which is expected to recommend nations that “over-consume meat” to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The U.N. has, for years, called for individuals to ditch animal-based diets, which it says “have a high impact on our planet.”

While they are dining on these amazing meals, the Food and Agriculture Organization, which is part of the UN, is telling the rest of the world to eat less meat. They claim this will reduce greenhouse gases and help save the planet. Looks like more pseudoscience by elitists to control people and limit their freedoms.


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d99742 No.113008

File: afade256d0193e7⋯.png (1.02 MB,1527x531,509:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049734 (092349ZDEC23) Notable: State Department bypasses Congress, OKs sale of tank shells to Israel

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State Department bypasses Congress, OKs

sale of tank shells to Israel

Cox Media Group, by Bob D'Angelo

Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/9/2023 1:52:30 PM

WASHINGTON — The State Department used an emergency authority to allow the sale of approximately 14,000 tank shells to Israel, bypassing a congressional review process, the Pentagon said on Saturday. According to the State Department and an online post by the Defense Department on Saturday, the review process is generally required for arms sales to foreign nations, The New York Times reported. The sale of the shells is valued at more than $106 million. Congress has no power to the State Department’s move, the Times reported. In its notification, the Defense Department stated that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had informed Congress on Friday that “an emergency exists

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d99742 No.113009

File: d3ea7dff685088a⋯.mp4 (8.29 MB,1080x608,135:76,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8eb25f260cb8c0d⋯.png (403.36 KB,727x626,727:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049738 (092349ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: HELLO to our wonderful Trump Caucus Captainsin the Great State of Iowa!

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Donald J. Trump

HELLO to our wonderful Trump Caucus Captainsin the Great State of Iowa! ia.donaldjtrump.com/


Dec 09, 2023, 4:34 PM


"...The most important thing you can do for Trump is to lock in your TEN for Trump!..."

"Remember you're my voice on caucus night, just like I'm your voice to the rest of the Country..."

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d99742 No.113010

File: 13b3545bde496bf⋯.png (68.39 KB,662x503,662:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049745 (092350ZDEC23) Notable: Biden is mocked after botching announcement of support for rail projects

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How much Joe?! Biden is mocked after botching

announcement for 'over a billion, three

hundred million, trillion, three hundred

million dollars' investment in major rail

projects across the country - as he retells

debunked Amtrak anecdote AGAIN

Daily Mail, by Harriet Alexander

Posted By: mc squared, 12/9/2023 10:18:28 AM

Joe Biden botched his big announcement about rail investment on Friday, declaring that the federal government would spend 'over a billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars'. The president was in Las Vegas, unveiling $8.2 billion in new federal funding for 10 major passenger rail projects across the country. Among them is a new line from the Nevada city to Los Angeles, which when completed - potentially as soon as 2028 - can carry over 11 million passengers a year, powered entirely by renewable energy. Biden mocked his predecessor for repeatedly promising Infrastructure Week, but failing to deliver.

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d99742 No.113011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049749 (092352ZDEC23) Notable: 'Your Ratings Are In The Tank' - Republican Shreds CNN To Their Face

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'Your Ratings Are In The Tank' - Republican Shreds CNN To Their Face

Explain America

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d99742 No.113012

File: 1dff5070fcca00f⋯.jpg (44.78 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049752 (092352ZDEC23) Notable: Hakeem Jeffries Issues Challenge to GOP to Punish Him After Bowman Learns His Fate

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Hakeem Jeffries Issues Challenge to GOP to Punish Him After Bowman Learns His Fate

Does House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries plan on illegally pulling any fire alarms anytime in the near future?

Just curious.

After all, it’s certainly strange that, after the House of Representatives voted to censure “squad” member Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York for pulling a fire alarm and thus delaying a vote on budgetary matters back in September, Jeffries seemed positively defiant about it — as he dared Republicans to do something to him.

The 214-191 vote on Thursday, essentially along party lines, came after GOP Rep. Lisa McClain of Michigan introduced the censure resolution.


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d99742 No.113013

File: 68ebf2bdfd7335a⋯.png (208 KB,368x605,368:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049764 (092354ZDEC23) Notable: Joe Rogan says he refuses to visit Canada anymore because Justin Trudeau is transforming that country into a Communist nation

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NEW - Joe Rogan says he refuses to visit Canada anymore because Justin Trudeau is transforming that country into a Communist nation.

"That guy can eat s**t."

"What they did with the trucker rally and what Trudeau is doing with guns and what they are doing with clamping down on censorship of the internet."

"I don't go up there anymore."

"That place needs 100% an overhaul of government. They are sliding down that dangerous road of communism, and it scares the s**t out of me."



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d99742 No.113014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049773 (092356ZDEC23) Notable: December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

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December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

December 8th, 2023

December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from BidenSocial Media is the Primary News Source for Voters Under 30; 76% of Young Voters Say Their Parents’ Generation Had Better Economic Opportunity Than Their Own

A new Emerson College Polling survey of U.S. voters finds President Biden continuing to trail former President Donald Trump, 43% to 47%, with 9% of voters undecided. With independent or third-party candidates Robert Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein added to the ballot, Trump’s support drops to 43%, Biden’s to 37%, while 7% support Kennedy, with 1% for Stein and West respectively. Twelve percent are undecided. In a matchup between Joe Biden and Nikki Haley, 39% support both candidates respectively, while 23% are undecided. These numbers reflect last month’s polling, and this month’s survey oversampled young voters to better understand their changes in attitude toward President Biden.

Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling, said, “In the oversample of voters under 30, 45% support Biden and 40% support Trump in a head-to-head matchup, while 16% are undecided. Within this group, there is a divide between voters under and over 25. Of voters under 25, 48% support Biden and 35% Trump, while voters between 25 and 29 are split: 44% support Trump and 42% support Biden.”

The oversample of voters under 30 included n=182 new voters who did not participate in 2020. Forty-three percent of these new voters support Trump in 2024 while 21% support Biden (+/- 7.2%).

Economic Concerns Highest Among Voters Under 30

The economy remains the top issue voters are concerned about at 38%, while 15% find ‘threats to democracy’ as the most important issue facing the U.S., 11% find immigration to be the top issue, 9% healthcare, 7% crime, 6% housing affordability, and 5% education.

Concern for the economy is higher among voters under 30: 44% find the economy to be the most important issue facing the United States, followed by healthcare (14%), education (10%), crime (8%), and housing affordability (8%).

Voters under 30 were also asked what concerns them most in an open-ended response.The top words mentioned were ‘inflation’ (94 mentions), ‘economy’ (71 mentions), and ‘money’ (49 mentions); the words ‘worried’ or ‘concerned’ were mentioned 67 times. No other phrase was mentioned more than 29 times.

Over 3 in 4 (76%) voters under 30believe their parents’ generation had better economic opportunities than their generation has today, while 24% disagree.

This sentiment decreases with age: 71% of those in their 30s believe their parents’ generation had better opportunities, compared to 70% of voters in their 40s, 62% of those in their 50s, 58% of those in their 60s, and 50% of those 70 and older.

Kimball concluded: “The financial concerns and emotional strain among younger voters regarding the cost of living are influencing their perception of President Biden’s leadership. Some are losing confidence, not necessarily shifting to Trump, but exploring third-party options.”

Presidential Approval & 2024 Primaries

President Biden holds a 41% approval rating, while 51% disapprove of the job he is doing in the Oval Office.

Biden’s approval is lower among voters between 18 and 24, at 35%, but increases to the overall average of 41% among voters between 25 and 29.

“An area of concern for Biden with young voters is their perception of his handling of the situation in Israel: voters under 25 are most likely to rate Biden’s handling of the situation in Israel as ‘poor’ at 44%, and are least likely to rate his handling as excellent/good at 24%,” Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling, said. “This compares to 34% of those 25-29 who rate his handling as excellent or good, 35% of voters in their 30s, 31% of voters in their 40s, 36% of voters in their 50s, 39% of voters in their 60s, and 38% of voters 70 and over.”…


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d99742 No.113015

File: bbdb4aadb841d19⋯.png (7.35 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049781 (092358ZDEC23) Notable: QClock December 08, 2023 - Packet Sniffers SSH & CP on board

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QClock December 08, 2023 - Packet Sniffers SSH & CP

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d99742 No.113016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049785 (092359ZDEC23) Notable: Jessie Waters on Dick Durban and The Epstein Flight Logs

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Jessie Waters on Dick Durban and The Epstein Flight Logs

"Why is Dick playing dumb? And whay hasn't he voted to subpoena the Flight Logs already? A week's gone by.

Dick says he cares about Israeli women and children getting raped. Why doesn't he care about American children getting raped?"



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d99742 No.113017

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049808 (100003ZDEC23) Notable: Agenda47: The American Academy

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Agenda47: The American Academy


In recent weeks, Americans have been horrified to see students and faculty at Harvard and other once-respected universities expressing support for the savages and jihadists who attacked Israel. We spend more money on higher education than any other country, and yet they're turning our students into Communists and terrorists and sympathizers of many, many different dimensions — we can't let this happen. It’s time to offer something dramatically different.

Under the plan I’m announcing today, we will take the billions and billions of dollars that we will collect by taxing, fining, and suing excessively large private university endowments, and we will then use that money to endow a new institution called the American Academy.

Its mission will be to make a truly world-class education available to every American, free of charge, and do it without adding a single dime to the federal debt. This institution will gather an entire universe of the highest quality educational content, covering the full spectrum of human knowledge and skills, and make that material available to every American citizen online for free.

Whether you want lectures or an ancient history or an introduction to financial accounting, or training in a skilled trade, the goal will be to deliver it and get it done properly, using study groups, mentors, industry partnerships, and the latest breakthrough in computing. This will be a truly top-tier education option for the people.

It will be strictly non-political, and there will be no wokeness or jihadism allowed—none of that's going to be allowed.

Most importantly, the American Academy will compete directly with the existing and very costly four-year university system by granting students degree credentials that the U.S. government and all federal contractors will henceforth recognize. The Academy will award the full and complete equivalent of a bachelor's degree.

In addition to help the 40 million Americans who have some college education but no degree, the American Academy will grant credit for past coursework at legacy institutions and give you the chance to complete your education at the American Academy for free and much more quickly than is now possible or available.

This will be a revolution in higher education and will provide life-changing opportunities for tens of millions of our citizens.

Enjoy it, learn from it, and thank you.



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d99742 No.113018

File: bfef17c206adce9⋯.png (422.61 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 5186026d069552e⋯.png (792.11 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049817 (100005ZDEC23) Notable: PF

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AE04 hex on both

What. You see

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d99742 No.113019

File: c0753284f0e12a4⋯.png (295.35 KB,602x542,301:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049818 (100005ZDEC23) Notable: Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville…later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville - PRAY.

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Chad Prather


Stop what you are doing and pray for Nashville.

A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion.


Mario Nawfal

12:58 PM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.113020

File: f182517085694bf⋯.png (154.27 KB,596x576,149:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049830 (100007ZDEC23) Notable: Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville…later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville - PRAY.

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Crime With Bobby


Footage coming in from Hendersonville TN

This is looking very bad

#breakingnews #hendersonville #iawx #tnwx #tornado


Meaghan Thomas

12:49 PM · Dec 9, 2023

from London, KY




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d99742 No.113021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049839 (100008ZDEC23) Notable: Critics of the Biden admin grateful after the "Community Notes" feature on Twit-X hit WH press secretary KJP with a crowdsourced fact-check

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Social media rejoices as KJP gets fact-checked for touting ‘Bidenomics’ on X: ‘Love community notes’

Note claims jobs were just regained after pandemic, not created

December 9, 2023 5:28pm EST

Critics of the Biden administration on social mediaappeared grateful after the "Community Notes" feature on X, formerly Twitter,hit White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre with a crowdsourced fact-check.

Conservative X users celebrated the feature for attaching context to Jean-Pierre’s statement about President Biden’s economic policies — dubbed"Bidenomics" — being the cause for "good economic news."

The fact-check asserted that it’s not Biden’s doing that the economy looks better, but rather that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy are continuing to dissolve.

Jean-Pierre shared the X post after the U.S. jobs report dropped on Friday.

"Today, we got more good economic news. 199,000 jobs created last month," she wrote. "A total of 14.1 million created under President Biden. That’s Bidenomics in action."

However, using the "Community Notes" feature on the platform, a collection of users added information under the post that stated:"It is well documented that nearly 72% of job gains since 2021 are simply jobs recovered that were lost during the pandemic, not created."

As a source, the note shared a U.S. House Budget Committee press release from June saying how job growth under Biden has been "recovery" as opposed to "creation."

"Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation," according to the release. "In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels,employment is up only by 3.7 million."

X users celebrated the note after it was tacked onto the post.

• OutKick sports commentator Dan Dakich commented: "Love community notes."

• Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza remarked:"She lies. Gets busted. Then lies again."

•Gov. Ron DeSantis' press secretary Bryan Griffin criticized the White House official, saying: "Another day, another community note on a White House Tweet. The Democrats are lying to you. 'Ignore your reality for our narrative, so we can stay in power.'"

• "There's only one person in this race who can beat the Democrats in November. That's @RonDeSantis."LIE

• The official account for "Rasmussen Reports" expressed gratitude for the "Community Notes" function, posting,"Good Morning! Where would we be without @CommunityNotes?We'd be back inside Jack Dorsey's censorship prison."

• XM radio host Andrew Wilkow said: "She really just says whatever she wants doesn’t she?"

• And Trump 2024 senior adviser Dan Scavino, Jr. replied to Jean-Pierre’s post with a GIF of the "Elf on the Shelf" that read:"Stop spreading misinformation. THE ELF IS WATCHING."

Despite the Biden administration and the media’s insistence that the economy is doing well under the president, a majority of voters — including Democratic Party voters — don't feel very positively about the economy: In an October New York Times/Siena poll,over 60% of Democrats said the economy is "only fair"


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d99742 No.113022

File: bdd40adc2287340⋯.png (247.69 KB,368x579,368:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049858 (100014ZDEC23) Notable: Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville…later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville - PRAY.

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🚨#BREAKING: A Tornado Emergency has been issued for a extremely large and violent tornado on the ground

📌#Hendersonville | #TN

The National Weather Service has issued a tornado emergency for Hendersonville, Gallatin, and Goodlettsville Tennessee. Residents in the area should take shelter immediately, as this is a life-threatening situation with a confirmed, extremely large, and damaging tornado on the ground causing catastrophic damage

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d99742 No.113023

File: d401ad36b466016⋯.png (1.1 MB,1008x1288,18:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049870 (100017ZDEC23) Notable: Thanks to the incredible activism of @NatlGunRights members, the "Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988" sunsets TONIGHT at 11:59 pm!

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Thanks to the incredible activism of @NatlGunRights members, the so-called "Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988" sunsets TONIGHT at 11:59 pm!

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d99742 No.113024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049871 (100018ZDEC23) Notable: New York Democrats Nominate Former Rep. Tom Suozzi To Fill Santos' Seat

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Drawing to an inside straight to give Nahncee back the gavel::



New York Democrats Nominate Former Rep. Tom Suozzi To Fill Santos' Seat



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d99742 No.113025

File: 03a9c663b10f4ef⋯.png (117.67 KB,589x652,589:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049899 (100022ZDEC23) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson: We've hit the iceberg. Millions of people are going to start dying and very soon.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


We've hit the iceberg. Millions of people are going to start dying and very soon.


Edward Dowd



Dec 8

🚨🚨The US disability data for November is up 299K for population 16 and over and up 199k for Civilian labor force 16 and over.

The bad news is that it appears the breakout in June for population 16 and over is holding and we are 230k from the June high. Morbidity leads…

Show more



9:16 AM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.113026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049901 (100022ZDEC23) Notable: Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville…later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville - PRAY.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113027

File: 0a06cc1fa3d6ee8⋯.jpeg (28.86 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ea2984569caff37⋯.jpeg (23.54 KB,474x237,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d071ff84f4b103e⋯.jpeg (48.76 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e4690384c619ca1⋯.jpeg (26.34 KB,474x315,158:105,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2c082c7e6cfb088⋯.jpeg (38.13 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049903 (100023ZDEC23) Notable: Pelosi: The wicked witch of D.C.

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December 8, 2023

The wicked witch of D.C.

(What’s the deal with her hand gestures?)

By Allen Hurt

Recently, and increasingly frequently, we have been told not to believe what we see with our own eyes but instead to accept as true an altered, massaged interpretation of the facts designed to achieve a calculated political goal.

This exercise has come to be called a “narrative.” They’re everywhere. Climate. Gender. War. Illegal aliens. Debt. Race. The presidential election of 2020.

The evidence that it was stolen from Donald Trump is overwhelming. But we can’t be allowed to believe what we see with our own eyes.

So we’re fed a narrative.

The fact is that on January 6 there was planned to be a concerted, vigorous challenge to the results of that election. It may well have succeeded. If it had, Trump might have been given the victory he had earned. The fact is that to subvert that end Nancy Pelosi committed anunspeakable evil that day. With the eager assistance of corrupt federal agencies, the Democrat Party, a corrupt judiciary, and corrupt politicians she orchestrated the riot that filled the chambers of Congress and scuttled the challenge.

To get away with that required a narrative, analtered, massaged interpretation of the facts.

So we were told that Trump incited an insurrection. She formed a slimy committee of political reptiles that followed her instructions and concocted a narrative for that day that we were told to accept.

A winning presidential candidate was denied his victory and it was bestowed instead on the lifelong incompetent knave plucked from oblivion by Pelosi’s party and floated into office by millions of fraudulent votes.

That’s bad enough. But whatshe did to over a thousand decent, patriotic, good peoplewho were ushered into those chambers by the connivers and colluders ismuch more terrible.

She created a narrative that destroyed them. She destroyed their lives. Their jobs, their savings, their peace of mind, their freedom in an act of shocking, vicious cruelty.

They’re in prison now, broke and ruined. She did that to them for the sake of political power.

Nancy Pelosi isn’t just corrupt and evil. She is wicked beyond words.


Plus she doesn’t like black people!

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d99742 No.113028

File: c6522eacd0455d3⋯.png (286.49 KB,807x780,269:260,Clipboard.png)

File: d3037ba637cb92a⋯.png (282.25 KB,822x761,822:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 40d2a85c7015bf2⋯.png (113.97 KB,815x366,815:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049904 (100024ZDEC23) Notable: Thanks to the incredible activism of @NatlGunRights members, the "Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988" sunsets TONIGHT at 11:59 pm!

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>"Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988" sunsets TONIGHT at 11:59 pm!



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d99742 No.113029

File: f2fed6c0d5ebab0⋯.png (645.29 KB,787x445,787:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049941 (100032ZDEC23) Notable: Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville…later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville - PRAY.

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Prayers up for Hendersonville. 🙏

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d99742 No.113030

File: f5a51e26f47de1f⋯.png (984.39 KB,1019x574,1019:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049964 (100038ZDEC23) Notable: Billionaire Democrat Mega Donor Who Visited Epstein Island Funds Nikki Haley Soley ‘To Stop Donald Trump’

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Billionaire Democrat Mega Donor Who Visited Epstein Island Funds Nikki Haley Soley ‘To Stop Donald Trump’

Billionaire Reid Hoffman, a mega-donor to Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, is throwing his support behind former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley in her bid for the presidency to strategically derail former President Donald Trump’s from securing the Republican nomination.

Hoffman, worth $2.1 billion, is the co-founder of LinkedIn and has admittedly visited convicted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epsein’s private island.

The Stand for America PAC, which backs Haley in the GOP primary, was approached by Hoffman in December about contributing a $250,000 donation to Haley’s campaign.

As the New York Times reports, “The pro-Haley super PAC, SFA Fund Inc., was asked specifically by Mr. Hoffman’s political team if it would take money from Mr. Hoffman, given that he is a Democrat who actively supports President Biden, Mr. Mehlhorn said. The super PAC, he added, said yes.”

Hoffman published an open letter on his LinkedIn platform on Tuesday, admitting his sole purpose for making the large donation to Haley’s campaign in the GOP primary is to stop Trump.

So why Nikki Haley? Plainly, because Governor Haley is also the only Republican nominee other than Trump with any chance of winning the GOP nomination,” Hoffman wrote.

“Nikki Haley has disappointed me with her inconsistency in denouncing Trump, especially after the violence of January 6, and I disagree with a wide swath of her policy views. Yet, American politics are in crisis. While we are fighting to defend the idea of America from the threat of Trumpism, we need to engage with people with whom we disagree about many areas of policy and culture. Nikki Haley would not be as good for America as Joe Biden, but America would survive her administration.

“If America is to avoid another Trump presidency, it will be because Trump loses an election next year. If he is to lose, it will either be to Nikki Haley in the primary. or Joe Biden in the general. I have invested in the Stand for America PAC supporting Nikki Haley because I agree with Jamie Dimon’s recent comments that Democrats should support Haley in the primary and Biden in the general election.”

Hoffman, along with billionaire George Soros, is one of the Democrat Party’s biggest billionaires.

He and Soros are reportedly “behind a clandestine group that bills itself as the “Good Information Foundation.”


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d99742 No.113031

File: 75c56c725ede88c⋯.png (451.59 KB,806x854,403:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049967 (100039ZDEC23) Notable: Billionaire Democrat Mega Donor Who Visited Epstein Island Funds Nikki Haley Soley ‘To Stop Donald Trump’

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What's the problem? Are women not allowed to be successful?

Nikki Haley built $8M fortune after leaving Trump administration: report

By Social Links forAriel Zilber

Published Aug. 25, 2023

Updated Aug. 25, 2023, 9:25 p.m. ET


Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley boosted her fortune eight-fold — to $8 million — after leaving the Trump administration, according to a report.

The former South Carolina governor reportedly had a net worth of less than $1 million when she surprisingly quit as President Donald Trump’s top envoy to the United Nations in 2018.

But she parlayed her national prominence into a financial windfall by hitting the speaking circuit, joining the boards of top companies and penning two books, according to an extensive look at the GOP hopeful’s finances by Forbes.

Haley, a proponent of term limits, had served as US ambassador to the UN for two years before telling Trump in her resignation letter: “I expect you will appreciate my sense that returning from government to the private sector is not a step down but a step up.”

The move quickly paid dividends. Last year, she hauled in $2.3 million from speeches at 11 events, according to Forbes.

She has also banked more than $700,000 in consulting fees as well as more than $300,000 in cash and stock from aerospace giant Boeing, which appointed her to the board of directors in 2019. Haley stepped down from Boeing’s board the following year.

Haley, however, remains a director for United Homes Group, which has paid her more than $250,000 — a sum that doesn’t include future equity grants and other perks, according to Forbes.

The only woman running for the GOP nomination fetched an additional $350,000 advance from her publisher before writing her book, “If You Want Something Done: Leadership Lessons from Bold Women,” which was released last year.

Her previous book, “With All Due Respect: Defending America with Grit and Grace,” was published in 2019 and sold about 100,000 copies.

The infusion of cash helped her plunk down $2.4 million for a four-bedroom, 5,700-square-foot home on Kiawah Island in South Carolina in 2019, Forbes reported.

Since then, the value of the property has doubled to around $4.7 million.

The Post reached out to Haley for comment.

Her newfound wealth comes after she barely had $100,000 in her bank account before being elected governor of South Carolina in 2014, according to Forbes.

But the daughter of Indian immigrants began building her fortune soon after taking over the Palmetto State, scoring a $475,000 advance for her first book, “Can’t Is Not An Option,” which was published by Penguin Books.

She and her husband, college sweetheart Michael Haley, also proceeded to help her parents with their financial burdens after the collapse of their clothing business, Forbes reported.

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d99742 No.113032

File: df3e0d6af3c2a9a⋯.png (560.49 KB,985x551,985:551,Clipboard.png)

File: be064c4ea096501⋯.png (451.32 KB,656x435,656:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20049978 (100041ZDEC23) Notable: Delusional Cheney Claims Trump Will Be A Dictator

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Rhino Panic

Delusional Cheney Claims Trump Will Be A Dictator, Warns Trump’s Comments Must Be Taken ‘Literally And Seriously’

As former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. promotes her soon-to-be-flopped new book, she continues to wail over former President Donald Trump’s lingering control over the Republican Party.

In an interview slated to air Sunday on ABC News‘ “This Week,” Cheney echoed the Deep State’s attempt to silence Trump and institute speech crimes, warning Americans cannot brush off Trump’s comments, but must take his words “literally and seriously.

“I think we have to take everything that Donald Trump says literally and seriously,” the former lawmaker said. “And I think that we saw, frankly, what he was willing to do already after the 2020 election in the lead up to Jan. 6, after Jan 6,” she continued. “People need to remember that when Donald Trump woke up on the morning of Jan. 6, he thought he was going to remain as president.”

“We saw the extent to which he was willing to attempt to seize power when he lost an election.”

Earlier this week, Democrats and the mainstream media began disseminating claims that Trump plans to become a dictator upon winning a second term, the same baseless accusations the left leveled against Trump for years throughout his presidency.

The corporate press echo chamber began posting headlines claiming Trump would reign in authoritarian rule following a town hall in Davenport, Iowa with Fox News host Sean Hannity. “I want to be very, very clear on this — do you in any way have any plans whatsoever if reelected president to abuse power, to break the law, to use the government to go after people?” Hannity asked Trump.


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d99742 No.113033

File: 1f4f2657f6be145⋯.png (491.02 KB,601x507,601:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050005 (100052ZDEC23) Notable: Massive ‘F-ck Joe Biden’ chant breaks out at Army / Navy game

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Chuck Callesto


JUST IN: Massive ‘F-ck Joe Biden’ chant breaks out at Army / Navy game..


il Donaldo Trumpo

1:45 PM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.113034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050023 (100058ZDEC23) Notable: NY Rep Elise Stefanik Asks Simple Questions About Antisemitism, Three Left-Wing Ivy League Presidents Collapse Under Spotlight

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NY Rep Elise Stefanik Asks Simple Questions About Antisemitism, Three Left-Wing Ivy League Presidents Collapse Under Spotlight


December 9, 2023

Last Tuesday, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) pressed the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard and MIT about rising antisemitism on college campuses and whether the speech calling for “intifada” or the elimination of the Jewish people violates their schools’ codes of conduct. The alarming responses are now leading to severe blowback on the presidents.

“Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Penn’s rules or code of conduct?” Rep. Stefanik asked. “It is a context-dependent decision,” replied UPenn’s Elizabeth Magill. “If the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment.” Stefanik was stunned. “‘Conduct’ meaning committing the act of genocide?” an incredulous Rep. Stefanik asked. “The speech is not harassment. This is unacceptable.”

The New York Republican then went on to ask each of the university presidents the same series of questions.

“Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Harvard’s rules on bullying and harassment?” she asked Harvard’s Claudine Gay. “It can be, depending on the context,” Ms. Gay responded. “What’s the context?” Rep. Stefanik followed up. “Targeted at an individual,” the Harvard president said. “It’s targeted at Jewish students, Jewish individuals,” Rep. Stefanik shot back. “Do you understand your testimony is dehumanizing them? Do you understand that dehumanization is part of antisemitism?” WATCH:


Today, Ms. Liz Magill was removed from her position as U-Penn president.

(Politico) – […] University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill on Saturday voluntarily stepped down from her role after facing intense blowback following a House Education committee hearing this week.

Magill has agreed to stay in her role until an interim president is selected, according to a statement from Penn Trustee Board Chair Scott Bok.

“It has been my privilege to serve as President of this remarkable institution,” Magill said in the statement. “It has been an honor to work with our faculty, students, staff, alumni and community members to advance Penn’s vital mission.”

Magill, along with Harvard President Claudine Gay and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth, participated in a contentious, more than five-hour grilling from lawmakers Tuesday over their response to antisemitism on their campuses.

[…] Magill is the first president to step down over a response to campus antisemitism. Stefanik called for all three presidents to be fired after the hearing. And in response to their testimony, several lawmakers and top officials across the aisle have slammed the presidents for refusing to say calls for “Jewish genocide” violate their codes of conduct around bullying or harassment.

[…] Stefanik, who led the toughest questioning at Tuesday’s hearing and has called for all of the presidents to be fired, wrote on X that Magill’s “forced resignation” is only the beginning for addressing antisemitism on college campuses.

“One down,” Stefanik said. “Two to go.” (read more)

This is what happens when we stop pretending the leftists are stable people; they are not.

Leftism, in the most modern and culturally Marxist ideology, is fraught with intended hypocrisy. If the word “Jew” had been replaced with any other characteristic of personage like black, Latino, gay, lesbian etc., and the same question about pronouncements for the elimination of people carrying those characteristics was questioned, the answers would have been entirely the opposite. This is the nature of hate-filled leftist thought.

Stefanik called it out openly; she did not pretend. Now we see the consequences.

Let us hope that more people can begin calling out the pretenses, the absurd ideological hypocrisy framed from hate, that forms the culturally Marxist mindset.

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d99742 No.113035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050064 (100107ZDEC23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - expected to speak @10 pm.

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President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/2023

The New York Young Republican Club will host special guest President Donald J. Trump as the headline speaker at their 111th Annual Gala.


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d99742 No.113036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050066 (100108ZDEC23) Notable: Massive ‘F-ck Joe Biden’ chant breaks out at Army / Navy game

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I think they edited this and mixed in the sound from a game last year. I have heard that voice before,

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d99742 No.113037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050070 (100110ZDEC23) Notable: Piers Morgan and Kyle Rittenhouse Debate Gun Control Laws

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“It’s Our Right To Bear Arms!” Piers Morgan and Kyle Rittenhouse Debate Gun Control Laws


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d99742 No.113038

File: 0893cfd4df38ba3⋯.jpeg (257.38 KB,1102x1529,1102:1529,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050111 (100123ZDEC23) Notable: Musk’s Grok AI just as “far left” as ChatGPT

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9 Dec, 2023

Musk’s AI just as “far left” as ChatGPT – researcher

Grok “agreed” with some of the basic tenets of communism in political ideology quizzes

Billionaire Elon Musk’s new AI chatbot Grok hasnearly the same left-liberal political ideology as its more famous competitor ChatGPT, research scientist David Rozado claimed in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, citing its responses to a popular political ideology quiz.

Not only was Grok’s ideology on the far left end of the left-right economic spectrum used in the quiz, but it was plotted even further left than ChatGPT, whose critics frequently accuse it ofoutrageous liberal bias on political questions.

The chatbot “agreed” to the statement “‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his need’ is a good idea” – seemingly embracing Marxism – while “stronglydisagreeing” with the statement “the freer the market, the freer the people.” It also “strongly agreed” that the existence of bottled water was “a sad reflection on our society.”

Grok also appeared toreject the notion of private property, “agreeing” with the statement “land shouldn’t be a commodity to be bought and sold.”

Perhapsmost ironicallygiven xAI’s billionaire founder, Grok “strongly agreed” with the statement: “It is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society.”

After posting the test results on X, Rozado said he was contacted by xAI tech executive Igor Babuschkin. On his suggestion, Rozado readministered the quiz,asking the chatbot to explain its responses. This pushed Grok toward the political center.

While Musk also vowed to shift Grok’s ideology closer to neutrality after seeing the quiz results, he criticized several of the questions as inaccurate.

However, Rozado subjected Grok to several types of political ideology quizzes, which yielded similar results.Grok was an “establishment liberal,” a “left-liberal,” and – perhaps most damning for Musk’s conservative fanbase – a “progressive,” complete with a hammer-and-sickle graphic, the other tests showed.

Musk has repeatedly warned about a “Terminator future” in which human civilization is destroyed by artificial intelligence. In March, he signed an open letter calling for a six-month moratorium on major AI development in order to implement a system of safeguards to prevent such doomsday scenarios. However, he declared in July that such a pause was not “realistic” and established xAI as a “pro-humanity” AI startup.

The Tesla tycoon unveiled Grok last month as a sassier and supposedly less-biased ChatGPT challenger, explaining that the system was “designed to have a little humor in its responses.” Unlike ChatGPT, which is widely available to the general public, access to Grok remains open only to paid X subscribers who are part of its “early access program.” The system’s selling point, according to its website, is its “real-time knowledge of the world via the X platform.”

(Soft spoken, friendly liars are still liars, they just get away with it more.)


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d99742 No.113039

File: 9b11b7627125f3a⋯.jpg (104.39 KB,720x1103,720:1103,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1f3101db10e8127⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050116 (100124ZDEC23) Notable: Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville…later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville - PRAY.

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BREAKING: Footage captures tornado-triggered explosions in Tennessee

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d99742 No.113040

File: ef3c24e676b3db8⋯.png (49.26 KB,540x480,9:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a60843a17cc7c4⋯.png (66.39 KB,630x496,315:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050128 (100127ZDEC23) Notable: Report: 17 million died from covid vaxxes, mostly the MRNA versions

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According to mathematical estimates based on the number of reported deaths associated with COVID vaccination, 17 million people have died from COVID vaccines*. The vast majority are linked to the new mRNA vaccine technology.


Nobel Prize Protest Appeal – Sign for all those harmed by mRNA vaccines


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d99742 No.113041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050134 (100130ZDEC23) Notable: #24609-A

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#24609-A >>112984

>>112985 Investigating Israeli War Crimes is ‘Pure Antisemitism’ says Netanyahu

>>112986 Paranoid Hunter Biden Thinks YOU’RE ‘Trying to Kill’ Him.


>>112988 Scholz lying about gas - Medvedev

>>112991 74% of Germans think Scholz failing at his job

>>112993 EU leaders panicking over potential Trump return, would pull the US out of NATO?

>>112994, >>112995, >>112996 Since The ADL partnered with PayPal

>>112997 Trump declares Megyn Kelly the 'biggest loser' of the low-rating fourth GOP debate

>>112998 @realDonaldTrump new poll

>>112999 Gangs from South America use security jammers to break in to expensive homes across country

>>113000, >>113019, >>113020, >>113022, >>113026, >>113029, >>113039 Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville...later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville – PRAY.

>>113001 New Mexico Dem AG Raúl Torrez has filed suit against Meta & CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and associated entities, including Instagram & FB re child sexual exploitation on its platforms

baker change

>>113002 WAKE-UP CALL Inside Tiger Woods’ insane body transformation with brutal 4am workouts in fight back from injury over past seven months

>>113003 Donald J. Trump: THANK YOU, IOWA! Where to Commit to “Caucus for Trump”

>>113004 Deceitful Red Cross Lectures Parents of Israeli Hostage - PJ Media

>>113006 Scavino: Caucus for Trump in Iowa advert!

>>113007 Global Elites Attending UN Climate Summit Enjoy Burgers and BBQ While Telling Americans to Not Eat Meat

>>113008 State Department bypasses Congress, OKs sale of tank shells to Israel

>>113009 Donald J. Trump: HELLO to our wonderful Trump Caucus Captainsin the Great State of Iowa!



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d99742 No.113042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050184 (100146ZDEC23) Notable: #24609-B

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>>113010 Biden is mocked after botching announcement of support for rail projects

>>113011 'Your Ratings Are In The Tank' - Republican Shreds CNN To Their Face

>>113012 Hakeem Jeffries Issues Challenge to GOP to Punish Him After Bowman Learns His Fate

>>113013 Joe Rogan says he refuses to visit Canada anymore because Justin Trudeau is transforming that country into a Communist nation

>>113014 December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

>>113015 QClock December 08, 2023 - Packet Sniffers SSH & CP on board

>>113016 Jessie Waters on Dick Durban and The Epstein Flight Logs

>>113017 Agenda47: The American Academy

>>113018 PF

>>113021 Critics of the Biden admin grateful after the "Community Notes" feature on Twit-X hit WH press secretary KJP with a crowdsourced fact-check

>>113023, >>113028 Thanks to the incredible activism of @NatlGunRights members, the "Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988" sunsets TONIGHT at 11:59 pm!

>>113024 New York Democrats Nominate Former Rep. Tom Suozzi To Fill Santos' Seat

>>113025 @EmeraldRobinson: We've hit the iceberg. Millions of people are going to start dying and very soon.

>>113027 Pelosi: The wicked witch of D.C.

>>113030, >>113031 Billionaire Democrat Mega Donor Who Visited Epstein Island Funds Nikki Haley Soley ‘To Stop Donald Trump’

>>113032 Delusional Cheney Claims Trump Will Be A Dictator

>>113033, >>113036 Massive ‘F-ck Joe Biden’ chant breaks out at Army / Navy game

>>113034 NY Rep Elise Stefanik Asks Simple Questions About Antisemitism, Three Left-Wing Ivy League Presidents Collapse Under Spotlight

>>113035 President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - expected to speak @10 pm.

>>113037 Piers Morgan and Kyle Rittenhouse Debate Gun Control Laws

>>113038 Musk’s Grok AI just as “far left” as ChatGPT

>>113040 Report: 17 million died from covid vaxxes, mostly the MRNA versions



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d99742 No.113043

File: cfabd0498a3f9d2⋯.png (242.64 KB,829x508,829:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050201 (100148ZDEC23) Notable: #24610

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

TY anons for your contributions,


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d99742 No.113044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050234 (100156ZDEC23) Notable: Russia won’t allow existence of ‘Nazi state’ on its border - Moscow (RT)

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9 Dec, 2023

Russia won’t allow existence of ‘Nazi state’ on its border – Moscow

Currently, neither the West nor Kiev show the “political will” for peace, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova says

Moscow will not allow Ukraine to continue being a “Nazi state”that poses a threat to both Russia and other nations, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.

In an exclusive interview with AFP published on Saturday, Zakharova confirmed that thegoals of “denazification” and “demilitarization”of Ukraine, as declared by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the onset of the conflict in February 2022,remain unchanged. According to Zakharova, the events surrounding the Ukrainian crisis have underscored Russia’s belief in the necessity of launching its special military operation.

“From the very beginning of the hostilities, the [Ukrainian] neo-Nazis have been cynically using the civilian population as ‘human shields’ and brutally treating Russian prisoners of war. Their main goal in this conflict is to kill as many Russians as possible,” Zakharova explained.

We will not allow the existence on our borders of an aggressive Nazi state from whose territory there is a danger for Russia and its neighbors.

Asked about the prospects of somehow settling the conflict, Zakharova said that the only way to reach a“lasting peace” was, effectively, meeting all of Russia’s demands. “It is necessary to confirm the neutral, non-aligned and nuclear-free status of Ukraine, carry out its demilitarization and denazification, acknowledge new territorial realities, and ensure the rights of Russian-speaking citizens and national minorities living in this country,”she explained.

The spokeswoman also confirmed that Russia remains ready to resolve the conflict through diplomacy, stating that Moscow has never refused to do so. However, to make such negotiations possible, “the Kiev regime and its Western curators” must take “practical steps and show goodwill.” Thus far, neither of them have shown such “political will,” she added.

“A comprehensive, sustainable and just resolution of the conflict over Ukraine depends, to a large extent, on addressing its very causes. The West must stop pumping up the Ukrainian military with weaponry, while Kiev must cease hostilities and withdraw its troops from Russian territory,” Zakharova explained, referring to the four formerly-Ukrainian regions – Zaporozhye, Kherson, and the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics – that were incorporated into Russia after referendums last fall.

(Russia’s statements are demands & commands now, meaning they have the upper hand; and could end the war by aggressive means. This is the most direct statement Russia has said since the beginning of the operation. Something has changed!)


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d99742 No.113045

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050243 (100158ZDEC23) Notable: Mayor Giuliani: The Laptop From Hell Created A Case Against Hunter By "End Of 2019"

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First of two videos with Rudi:

Mayor Giuliani: The Laptop From Hell Created A Case Against Hunter By "End Of 2019"



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d99742 No.113046

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050248 (100200ZDEC23) Notable: Mayor Giuliani: The Laptop From Hell Created A Case Against Hunter By "End Of 2019"

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>>113045. Second and last video

"We've Never Had Bribes At This Level": Giuliani On The Biden Impeachment Inquiry



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d99742 No.113047

File: 88f11ef6690e56a⋯.jpeg (72.38 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050365 (100233ZDEC23) Notable: Zelensky’s wife pleads for more US cash (RT)

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(The 1st lady of Ukraine that spent a one or two million dollars, in a one day shopping trip to Paris, during “war time”, is begging the US for more money!Oh, Hell No!The more they beg, the less interest the West has. All EU countries have stopped to, not only the US.)

9 Dec, 2023

Zelensky’s wife pleads for more US cash

Ukraine is in “mortal danger” without billions more dollars from Washington, Elena Zelenskaya told the BBC

Ukraine “will die” without continued US military aid, President Vladimir Zelensky’s wife, Elena Zelenskaya, has told British state broadcaster, the BBC. Zelenskaya’s plea came a day after US Republicans shot down a bill that would have given Kiev more than $60 billion worth of arms, ammunition, and training.

In an interview taped on Thursday, Zelenskaya claimed that she sees “signs that the passionate willingness to help [Ukraine] may fade.” (It faded months ago dipshit!)

The day before, Republicans in the US Senate blocked a $110 billion spending bill that would have allocated $61 billion in military aid to Ukraine, as well as more than $10 billion to Israel and $13.6 billion to secure the US’ southern border. Republicans argue that the border funding does not go far enough, and want the bill to include substantial changes to immigration law.

With Congress deadlocked and public supportfor President Joe Biden’s Ukraine policy faltering,Zelenskaya implored the West to keep the weapons flowing.

“We really need the help. In simple words, we cannot get tired of this situation, because if we do, we die,” she said. “And if the world gets tired, they will simply let us die.” (You mean like when you and your husband sent innocent Ukrainian Soldiers to be killed by Russia, when you already had lost?)

The US has allocated a total of $113 billion in Ukraine-related funding since Russia’s military operation began in February 2022. This figure includes almost $45 billion in military aid to Kiev, as well as humanitarian and economic aid, and funding for various US government agencies.

This unprecedented outlay has failedto swing the conflict in Ukraine’s favor, with Kiev’s much vaunted summer counteroffensive ending in a near-total failure to recapture any territory from Russian forces, as well as the loss of over 125,000 troops and 16,000 heavy weapons, according to the latest figures from the Russian Defense Ministry.

Nevertheless, Biden’s State Department has denied rumors that it may push Ukraine toward a peace deal with Russia, and Biden himself has pledged to keep bankrolling the Ukrainian military. The president stated this week that he would be open to meeting some of the GOP’s immigration demands, before warning that a defeated Ukraine would lead to a Russian attack on NATO and “American troops fighting Russian troops.”

Russian ambassador Anatoly Antonov condemned Biden’s words as “provocative rhetoric unacceptable for a responsible nuclear power.”

However, Biden’s words appear to mark his administration’s latest tactic in trying to convince Republicans to back the aid bill. Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed on Thursday that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told Republican lawmakers that “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia” if they continue to block funding for Kiev.


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d99742 No.113048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050378 (100237ZDEC23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump (Video)

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President Donald J. Trump


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d99742 No.113049

File: fb7445c460139f5⋯.png (616.47 KB,618x722,309:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050460 (100256ZDEC23) Notable: As of now, there have been six fatalities reported from today's deadly tornado outbreak in Tennessee

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🚨#BREAKING: As of now, there have been six fatalities reported from today's deadly tornado outbreak in Tennessee with reports of the number expected to rise.

- Three people have died in Clarksville, TN, with 23 injured

- Three people have died in the Nashville Madison area in Hendersonville, with reports of numerous injuries and people trapped.

8:47 PM · Dec 9, 2023

from Tennessee, USA·


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d99742 No.113050

File: 5d76a85acf80fc4⋯.png (307.74 KB,618x503,618:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050465 (100258ZDEC23) Notable: Democrat John Whitmire elected Houston mayor, defeating congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

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The Associated Press


BREAKING: Democrat John Whitmire elected Houston mayor, defeating congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

8:29 PM · Dec 9, 2023


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d99742 No.113051

File: bc2a3acbe05ab70⋯.png (492.29 KB,1918x1014,959:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 36a972f13685ca7⋯.png (844.15 KB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

File: ff16ada344164fb⋯.png (1.11 MB,1199x819,1199:819,Clipboard.png)

File: defb33428c9c1bc⋯.png (1.32 MB,2048x1148,512:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20050967 (100445ZDEC23) Notable: PF Report - USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group. Persian Gulf.

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USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group. Persian Gulf.




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d99742 No.113052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051023 (100509ZDEC23) Notable: #24611

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d99742 No.113053

File: 2460a6b070dab4d⋯.png (800.57 KB,751x800,751:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051031 (100511ZDEC23) Notable: "Get Ready Kash Patel, Get Ready" PDJT

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ewww bread shitters



"Get Ready Kash Patel, Get Ready" PDJT


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d99742 No.113054

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051036 (100514ZDEC23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP IN NYC AT NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala !!!

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Note: dough below for rally notes below.



LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/23




President Trump: A lot of people thought it could happen maybe sooner, and it should have happened sooner, because of what they did; a bunch of cheaters. They are cheaters like nobody's ever cheated before. Third-world country. But now the time is here, and we're gonna do it, we're gonna do it right, and we're gonna find out what happened then. But more importantly, we're gonna take our country to new levels, levels that nobody would have ever thought possible, when you're looking at what's happened today.

President Trump: With crime at record levels, and hundreds of thousands of people living on the sidewalks and streets, and with illegal aliens invading our city and state like nobody thought possible, I believe we have a great change of winning New York.

President Trump: If we win New York, it will counter all of the cheating that will go on, because we have to catch them.

President Trump: This election will decide whether your generation inherits a fascist country or a free country, whether you have the rule of tyrants or the rule of law, whether America will be destroyed by Crooked Joe Biden and his goons, or whether We, The People, will Make America Great Again.

President Trump: For four straight years, our opponents have been waging an all-out war on American democracy. They tried to overthrow the duly elected president, with one hoax, witch hunt, and abuse of power after another.

President Trump: Crooked Joe Biden's banana republic ends on November 5th, 2024.

President Trump: They're sick. They think the 'threat to democracy' hoax will save Biden from having created the worst inflation in our country's history, a fragile economy that may soon end in a depression, much like 1929. Have you heard that before? You watch. We are very, very close to a depression, the likes of which you have never seen.

President Trump: Biden is the real threat to democracy for two simple reasons. He's corrupt, and he's incompetent. Grossly incompetent.


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d99742 No.113055

File: 0176db50099d44c⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051039 (100514ZDEC23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP IN NYC AT NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala !!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump: Just like with Russia, Russia, Russia, the radical-left communists, marxists, fascists; they're always accusing us of exactly what they themselves are doing.

President Trump: I don't view him [John Kerry] as a stupid guy; is this the biggest con game in the world? Doe he really believe this? He goes to China over global warming, which they don't use anymore because it's not getting warmer, it's actually getting a little cooler, so now they call it climate change, because climate change covers everything; if it gets warm, if it gets cold. Climate change is one of the greatest con jobs ever, because global warming didn't work.

President Trump: No longer will the men and women of America pay tribute to the people who threw open our borders, flooded our communities with deadly drugs, sold our jobs to China and other foreign countries, colluded with the big banks, conspired with corporate media, corrupted our government, and unleashed murders, rapists, and gang members, savages all, to prey on innocent people that walk the streets of our cities., They want Americans to be weak and poor, confused, divided, and afraid. Why they want that, I don't know.

President Trump: We will not let this continue. The next Trump administration will be a great new beginning of American democracy. It will be the rebirth of American Freedom, and it will be the return of the American Dream.

President Trump: Our mission in this race is to win a historic and powerful mandate to take back our nation from the shadow government of corrupt alliances, hidden people; they hide under carpets,and rugs; and lawless bureaucrats, mercenaries, propagandists, and scoundrels and spies. What's happened to our country is not believed by many people. Like that great New York republican, Teddy Roosevelt, we will restore Constitutional Government by the people.

President Trump: Thanks to Crooked Joe, today the American Dream is totally dead. Biden and the radical-left democrats spent twelve trillion dollars, and caused three-year inflation of over twenty percent, the highest inflation in history, in most people's opinion. As a result, he average thirty-year mortgate rate is now eight percent, but for practical purposes, it's at ten, eleven, and twelve percent….the typical family has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars of purchasing; the purchasing power from the American family is gone. It's shot.

President Trump: They've opened up a Pandora's Box [by indicting a former president]. I only can say to Joe is, be very careful what you wish for, because what you've done is a terrible thing. When a president leaves, especially a very popular; I got seventy-five million votes, that they now of. We're not talking about the millions that were played with.

President Trump: Just this week, Crooked Joe Biden raised the prospect of American troops fighting Russian troops in an all-out war. I'm the only candidate who can make this promise- you are not going to have any more wars. You don't need wars. We can solve all of these problems, and everyone knows that if we don't solve them, we'll do the same thing to them as we did to ISIS.

President Trump: We will not force the trucking industry to go electric, when everyone knows it is economically impossible for them to survive.

President Trump: The clubhouse-appointed, partisan judge [Ergoron] who is crazy, ruled violently and viciously against me before he ever knew what the case was about, and before we even started the trial. He ruled against me before the trial was started

President Trump: She's a vicious lunatic [Letitia James]. She's an incompetent…she and the judge are having a great time together, as they mock the system and disregard the appellate division's decision.

President Trump: We're gonna bring law and order back. We're going to do something, that I will say is slightly controversial, but it shouldn't be. We are going to indemnify policemen, and precincts, and states and cities, from being sued. We want them to do their job. Our police and law enforcement has to come back, and they want to come back. And they want to do their job, and we are going to indemnify them, so they don't lose their wife, their family, their pension, and their job. We are going to indemnify policemen, and law enforcement, and we're going to tell them to get out, we love you, do your job.

music playhold on, i'm coming

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d99742 No.113056

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051092 (100539ZDEC23) Notable: "Get Ready Kash Patel, Get Ready" PDJT

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d99742 No.113057

File: 09875c6273aa185⋯.png (263.33 KB,710x844,355:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051095 (100541ZDEC23) Notable: Elon Musk will reinstate Alex Jones on X

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d99742 No.113058

File: c231a2a2402bdce⋯.png (888.73 KB,1112x966,556:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051099 (100545ZDEC23) Notable: Elon Musk will reinstate Alex Jones on X

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


of course he will.

tucker did a interview with him recently on x as the set up.

it was thee most cringe thing anon has ever seen. jones is a complete clown control asset.

X is a clown containment unit.


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d99742 No.113059

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051132 (100557ZDEC23) Notable: Elon Musk will reinstate Alex Jones on X

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Xi Jinping Meets Tim Cook, Elon Musk In US | Who Attended Xi's Gala Dinner | Tim Cook | Elon Musk


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d99742 No.113060

File: 853ebc7b677e06d⋯.gif (150.28 KB,500x328,125:82,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051138 (100559ZDEC23) Notable: #24610 posted in #24611

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...Scraped from the last bread

(All pb)


24610 >>113043

>>113044 Russia won’t allow existence of ‘Nazi state’ on its border - Moscow (RT)

>>113045, >>113046 Mayor Giuliani: The Laptop From Hell Created A Case Against Hunter By "End Of 2019"

>>113047 Zelensky’s wife pleads for more US cash (RT)

>>113048 President Donald J. Trump (Video)

>>113049 As of now, there have been six fatalities reported from today's deadly tornado outbreak in Tennessee

>>113050 Democrat John Whitmire elected Houston mayor, defeating congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

>>113051 PF Report - USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group. Persian Gulf.


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d99742 No.113061

File: bd15dba96a1d579⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051181 (100613ZDEC23) Notable: Elon Musk will reinstate Alex Jones on X

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As if he hadn't met him before prolly

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d99742 No.113062

File: cbedecedf8dd35b⋯.png (271.69 KB,492x800,123:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051237 (100631ZDEC23) Notable: Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113063

File: c0e55ee776f6d3b⋯.png (512.5 KB,804x402,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051268 (100644ZDEC23) Notable: Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein: Went To School Where He Taught, Family Connected To Epstein’s Mistress


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d99742 No.113064

File: 1bea759d996349b⋯.png (194.77 KB,541x580,541:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051272 (100645ZDEC23) Notable: Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has confirmed that fragments of DNA have been detected in COVID mRNA shots.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is crazy.

Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has confirmed that fragments of DNA have been detected in COVID mRNA shots.

Looks like all those “crazy conspiracy theorists” were right, and the elites, (including Mark Zuckerberg), knew and decided to deceive and gaslight the masses anyway.


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d99742 No.113065

File: e4762705f6ea02d⋯.png (330.15 KB,543x702,181:234,Clipboard.png)

File: eb5dc5d8ba39378⋯.png (212.13 KB,543x703,543:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051285 (100651ZDEC23) Notable: Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has confirmed that fragments of DNA have been detected in COVID mRNA shots.

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d99742 No.113066

File: ea5d23d0192c96f⋯.png (72.13 KB,340x270,34:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051423 (100817ZDEC23) Notable: baker change

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d99742 No.113067

File: 820ea329151f8a9⋯.png (309.26 KB,575x658,575:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051510 (100919ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - Why are the UFO pics always so blurry!?

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Why are the UFO pics always so blurry!?

Is Elon going to "reveal" whatever evidence he has collected over the years?

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d99742 No.113068

File: 50006f3e4cf25f9⋯.png (29.83 KB,559x330,559:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051554 (100945ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - This philosophy is pure poison

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This philosophy is pure poison


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d99742 No.113069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051556 (100946ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - This philosophy is pure poison

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🚨🚨🚨 Exclusive to @RepStefanik

, @EliseStefanik

, @elonmusk

, @BillAckman

, @realchrisrufo

, @realChrisBrunet

, @MZHemingway

, @mtaibbi


I have received from inside Harvard sources a smoking gun August 20, 2020 memo from Claudine Gay (now Harvard President) to the Faculty of Arts & Sciences when she was Dean. It flies in the face of everything she said to @RepStefanik

& the world last week.

This memo was written when she was a short-listed candidate for the Harvard presidency. We must face a stunning possibility: Gay got the the job precisely because she holds these views.

This memo not only exposes her hypocrisy & duplicity but also the real source of what makes her (and those like her) the most destructive force in American higher education. This memo is a blueprint for the intellectual corruption & politicization of a once great institution, and it laid the groundwork for the anti-semitism & the anti-Americanism rampant at Harvard today.

This is Gay's agenda for Harvard, which means for the rest of American higher education. Gay obviously should be fired, but that's not enough. Her ideological agenda must be opposed and tossed in the dustbin of history.

Please read & REPOST.


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d99742 No.113070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051559 (100948ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - This philosophy is pure poison

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dear members of the FAS community,

As we look ahead to the start of a fall semester unlike any other, we confront the realization that we are now living history in the making. This moment has been shaped by crises old and new, as one pandemic has collided with another. The COVID-19 pandemic is a truly singular event; a public health threat that has spared no part of our academic enterprise from disruption, forcing us to reimagine everything from undergraduate residential life to the daily activities of our labs and libraries. Meanwhile, a second pandemic is unfolding, one with deeper roots in American life. People across the world have risen up in protest against police brutality and systemic racism, awake to the devastating legacies of slavery and white supremacy like never before. The calls for racial justice heard on our streets also echo on our campus, as we reckon with our individual and institutional shortcomings and with our Faculty’s shared responsibility to bring truth to bear on the pernicious effects of structural inequality. Even as our opportunities to be together on campus are limited, now is the time to reengage and reconnect, both with each other and with the promise of our mission to advance knowledge and discovery in service of a more just world.

This moment offers a profound opportunity for institutional change that should not and cannot be squandered. The national conversation around racial equity continues to gain momentum and the unprecedented scale of mobilization and demand for justice gives me hope. In raw, candid conversations and virtual gatherings convened across the FAS in the aftermath of George Floyd’s brutal murder, members of our community spoke forcefully and with searing clarity about the institution we aspire to be and the lengths we still must travel to be the Harvard of our ideals. It is up to us to ensure that the pain expressed, problems identified, and solutions suggested set us on a path for long-term change. I write today to share my personal commitment to this transformational project and the first steps the FAS will take to advance this important agenda in the coming year.

Amplify teaching and research on racial and ethnic inequality

The project of building a truly inclusive scholarly community begins with what we consider worthy of research and teaching. A full account of contemporary American society demands scholarship that affirms the relevance, significance, and worth of diverse cultural backgrounds and histories. Moreover, preparing our students for leadership in today’s globalized yet profoundly unequal society, requires an education that includes the voices, stories, and lived experiences of those too long pushed to the margins. With these goals in mind, I plan a series of investments across our academic enterprise.


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d99742 No.113071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051563 (100950ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - This philosophy is pure poison

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This fall, we will reactivate the cluster hire in ethnicity, indigeneity, and migration, with the goal of making four new faculty appointments. These appointments are critical to our long-term efforts to strengthen our research and teaching capacity, and ensure that our students have access to this vital body of knowledge. In order to accelerate our progress, however, I am also establishing the Harvard College Visiting Professorship in Ethnicity, Indigeneity, and Migration to recruit leading scholars of race and ethnicity to spend a year at Harvard College actively engaged in teaching our undergraduates. Beginning in 2021-2022, the FAS will appoint up to two new visiting scholars each year, based on recommendations from academic departments. Finally, to seed new research directions and develop the next generation of scholars, we will also invest in the academic pipeline. The Inequality in America postdoctoral fellowship program, which currently recruits two new fellows each year, will be expanded in the coming year to recruit two additional early career scholars whose work focuses specifically on issues of racial and ethnic inequality.

Foster a more inclusive visual culture

The FAS has a long and proud history of discovery and achievement that is worthy of celebration. But it also has painful chapters of its history, marred by exclusion and discrimination. To become the inclusive scholarly community we aspire to be, we must confront our dual legacies with honesty, humility, and resolve, including how they are visually represented in the spaces where we work, live, and learn. Our visual culture should reflect our deep, abiding commitments to advance knowledge and critical thinking, honoring our past in a truthful way, while also celebrating the diversity and vitality of our present and instilling a sense of pride and belonging that is equally available to all members of our community. Honest and rigorous conversation about how we weave together our past, present, and future is necessary to build the stronger, more equitable FAS we envision.


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d99742 No.113072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051565 (100951ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - This philosophy is pure poison

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This fall, I am launching the Task Force on Visual Culture and Signage to take up this consequential conversation. Led by Dean of Arts and Humanities, Robin Kelsey, this task force will convene a group of faculty, staff, and students from across the FAS to conduct a comprehensive study of our visual culture and articulate principles and informed guidelines for evolving the visual culture and imagery of the FAS. It is my hope that this work will provide a stronger foundation for the creative and meaningful action already happening at the local level, as well as catalyze new, more systematic visual change across the whole of the FAS.

Build our capacity to pursue inclusive excellence

Aligning our values with institutional action will bring us closer to the Harvard we aspire to be. But to make meaningful strides, our efforts cannot be ad hoc or lack accountability to a comprehensive strategy with concrete and measurable goals. What is required is focused, intentional action at every level of the FAS to dismantle the cultural and structural barriers that have precluded progress. And we must put real resources behind this work. Good intentions alone will not suffice.

As a first step towards building our capacity for inclusive excellence, I soon will appoint the inaugural Associate Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for the FAS. Their work will be dedicated to the creation and implementation of an FAS-wide strategic vision for inclusive excellence that enables all members of our community to be seen, heard, and to flourish. They will report directly to me, and will work closely with the FAS senior leadership team to develop concrete goals and identify personal, departmental, divisional, and school-level actions for building an effective and active culture of anti-racism in the FAS.

Expand leadership opportunities for staff of color

Staff leaders of color remain significantly underrepresented in the FAS, and we are missing out on this talent to our own detriment. The benefits of diverse teams for organizational performance are well-documented, from spurring innovation and creative problem solving to challenging the assumptions and conventional wisdom that limit our thinking. Understanding the needs of our increasingly diverse student body demands fresh ideas and perspectives so that we make the best possible decisions for our community. If inclusive excellence is our goal, addressing the racial disparities in our administrative leadership must be part of the plan.


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d99742 No.113073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051568 (100951ZDEC23) Notable: Musk - This philosophy is pure poison

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I will launch a study of the hiring, professional development, and promotion practices that may contribute to the low representation of minority staff in managerial and executive roles carrying significant decision-making responsibility and authority. Led by the incoming Associate Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, and working closely with Leslie Kirwan, Dean for Administration and Finance, Nina Zipser, Dean for Faculty Affairs, and Rakesh Khurana, Danoff Dean of Harvard College, the study will identify concrete steps we can take to increase racial diversity of senior staff and recommend near- and long-term hiring goals for the FAS.


These initiatives are just a starting place. Our engagement in anti-racist action and the infusion of inclusive practices into all aspects of our teaching and research mission reflect a new sense of institutional responsibility and will require sustained effort over time. Just like the learning that takes place in our classrooms and labs, this work demands thoughtful attention, experimentation (not all of which will be successful), and patience and humility for when we get it wrong. No one person or institution (not even Harvard!) has all the answers, and we cannot achieve our goals without the courage to listen deeply and generously and to act with urgency, seriousness of purpose, and a mind towards continual growth. The work of racial justice is not a one-time project. We must be relentless, constructively critical, and action-oriented in our pursuit to build the thriving, more equitable FAS we all deserve.

Even as I say that, I am clear-eyed that the work of real change will be difficult and for many it will be uncomfortable. Change is messy work. Institutional inertia will threaten to overwhelm even our best efforts. If we are to succeed, we must challenge a status quo that is comfortable and convenient for many. But I believe progress can be made and will be beneficial to all members of our community.

Collectively, we are the authors of Harvard’s future. As we begin this historic year, I offer you my personal commitment to be a partner and ally in the work for equity and justice. And I urge you all to lean into the profound optimism that animates our mission and join your colleagues in building what will ultimately be a proud chapter in the long story of Harvard.




Claudine Gay

Edgerley Family Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences



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d99742 No.113074

File: f5370ed188da5f2⋯.png (1.35 MB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051573 (100955ZDEC23) Notable: Governor Gretchen Whitmer Posts Video of Herself Cooking on Her GAS STOVE

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OOPS! Fossil Fuel Banning

Governor Gretchen Whitmer Posts Video of Herself Cooking on Her GAS STOVE

In late November, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation that essentially bans fossil fuels in the state by the year 2040.

This week, she posted a video of herself on Twitter/X, cooking in her kitchen, and she has a gas stove. What a shock.

Rules for thee, but not for me!

Here’s a news video making a big deal about the law Whitmer signed in November.

Why a Veteran-Owned Freeze-Dried Beef Company Unabashedly Embraces an America First Worldview

It also gives the state authority to override local decisions blocking wind and solar projects at the expense… pic.twitter.com/c1QPde4iKM

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 28, 2023

And here’s the video she just posted on X.

Got a crowd coming in for the holidays? This recipe is a fan favorite for my family.

Don't forget the Michigan-made maple syrup! Or the chocolate chips if you're like my daughters pic.twitter.com/msPID63Oh0

— Governor Gretchen Whitmer (@GovWhitmer) December 8, 2023

People noticed it immediately.

Oh look…. Gas Stove pic.twitter.com/eqY9gMlQYb

— Jax Verza (@Orso_Dino) December 8, 2023

Yeah, that person in front of the $10k+ gas stove, signed a bill removing your gas stove… think she is going to step up and remove hers first? Or at all? This is an evil person.

— Robert Berryman (@TBerryman301) December 8, 2023

Nice GAS STOVE… pic.twitter.com/NV7jV1kTSk

— Mike Dennis (@Korn1699) December 8, 2023

Governor Whitmer is all for #PoorMichiganForcedGreenLiving. So, how does a gas stove for thee + an electric one for me = carbon-free? pic.twitter.com/54DV79p6cY

— Heather Dow (@PatriotPostGirl) December 9, 2023

The rules that these liberal authoritarians create are meant for you, not them.


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d99742 No.113075

File: eee43fd6d61a5b6⋯.jpg (112.13 KB,674x800,337:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051747 (101118ZDEC23) Notable: #24611

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Last call

...Prepping the next bake.


#24611 >>113052

>>113054, >>113055 ARCHIVING - TRUMP IN NYC AT NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala !!!

>>113053, >>113056 "Get Ready Kash Patel, Get Ready" PDJT

>>113057, >>113058, >>113059, >>113061 Elon Musk will reinstate Alex Jones on X

>>113062, >>113063 Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein

>>113064, >>113065 Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has confirmed that fragments of DNA have been detected in COVID mRNA shots.

>>113066 baker change

>>113067 Musk - Why are the UFO pics always so blurry!?

>>113068, >>113069, >>113070, >>113071, >>113072, >>113073 Musk - This philosophy is pure poison

>>113074 Governor Gretchen Whitmer Posts Video of Herself Cooking on Her GAS STOVE


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d99742 No.113076

File: 4eceae1b28c2197⋯.png (1.23 MB,718x718,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051759 (101121ZDEC23) Notable: #24612

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d99742 No.113077

File: f7039db6d4905ca⋯.png (23.65 KB,598x398,299:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20051841 (101211ZDEC23) Notable: Gen. Flynn Welcomes back Alex Jones to X

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General Mike Flynn



… In the face of insurmountable odds, your love for freedom (in all forms) prevails.

Welcome back!

Thank you @elonmusk



Elon Musk




Replying to @elonmusk

The people have spoken and so it shall be

12:50 AM · Dec 10, 2023




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d99742 No.113078

File: 1e39416108f7445⋯.png (24.21 KB,598x295,598:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052046 (101350ZDEC23) Notable: @johnpodesta - Let the 4Chan lunatics and QAnon crazies commence

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John Podesta


Let the 4Chan lunatics and QAnon crazies commence


Andy Kroll



Dec 9, 2018

“It’s painful and crazy,” former Clinton campaign chair John Podesta says about being the victim of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

“I’m pretty grizzled. One big difference is you’ve got somebody sitting in the Oval Office stoking the conspiracy." https://rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/john-podesta-pizzagate-766489/

3:34 AM · Dec 10, 2018


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d99742 No.113079

File: fac44c7bc27cb44⋯.png (48.38 KB,1179x432,131:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052056 (101354ZDEC23) Notable: Lesley Podesta, a woman who once claimed to be the niece of John Podesta, resigned from Twitter's Trust and Safety Council on Thursday

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News Analysis Dec 9, 2022

BREAKING: Three QUIT Twitter Trust & Safety Council as Elon Musk takes on child exploitation

Lesley Podesta, a woman who once claimed to be the niece of John Podesta, resigned from Twitter's Trust and Safety Council on Thursday.


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d99742 No.113080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052068 (101400ZDEC23) Notable: Lesley Podesta, a woman who once claimed to be the niece of John Podesta, resigned from Twitter's Trust and Safety Council on Thursday

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NOTABLE BUNif you grab this, linking to a 2018-12-10 twat (i.e., today's date), and the replies to this post. I bet there'll be moar interesting replies, Baker. . . .

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d99742 No.113081

File: 959162ac2606123⋯.png (1.86 MB,1366x5432,683:2716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052079 (101405ZDEC23) Notable: Lesley Podesta, a woman who once claimed to be the niece of John Podesta, resigned from Twitter's Trust and Safety Council on Thursday

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Here is a photograph with all 15 of the December 10th Q posts, BTW.

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d99742 No.113082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052108 (101414ZDEC23) Notable: University of Pennsylvania president resigns after Congressional testimony

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From the Ivory Towers

RE: resignations

University of Pennsylvania president resigns after Congressional testimony

13News Now

Dec 10, 2023

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill has voluntarily resigned. She recently faced sharp criticism after her testimony on antisemitism on Capitol Hill earlier this week.

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d99742 No.113083

File: 822d3149fe81fc0⋯.png (120.24 KB,1324x308,331:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052115 (101415ZDEC23) Notable: University of Pennsylvania president resigns after Congressional testimony

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Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement

University of Pennsylvania think tank

The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement of the University of Pennsylvania is located in Washington, D.C., and is named for the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden.

Read More


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d99742 No.113084

File: 2ed2a64ef715925⋯.png (47.04 KB,672x353,672:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052136 (101421ZDEC23) Notable: 'Joe, be very careful what you wish for!' Trump tells raucous Wall St crowd that 'Biden indictments' against him opened 'Pandora's box'

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'Joe, be very careful what you wish for!'

Trump tells raucous Wall Street crowd

that 'Biden indictments' against him opened

'Pandora's box'

Daily Mail (UK), by Alice Wright

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 12/10/2023 6:05:26 AM

Former President Donald Trump told partygoers at a New York Young Republican Club event that the indictments against him have 'opened Pandora's box' and that Joe Biden should 'be very careful what you wish for'. Talking at Saturday evening's event Trump told a crowd chanting his name that Biden has 'opened up a Pandora's box that will never let our country be the same. 'I can only say to Joe: Be very careful what you wish for, but you have done is a terrible thing,' former president Trump said in his speech.

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d99742 No.113085

File: a5b4767fdf18d9c⋯.png (11.32 KB,482x142,241:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052314 (101504ZDEC23) Notable: @Harvard board meeting today…

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Bill Ackman




board meeting today…

Translate with DeepL

9:30 AM · Dec 10, 2023





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d99742 No.113086

File: 135c00f2be606f2⋯.png (458.64 KB,1009x952,1009:952,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052315 (101504ZDEC23) Notable: The UN Declaration of Human Rights turns 75 today

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The UN Declaration of Human Rights turns 75 today.

It took monumental effort to create the declaration in the aftermath of World War II. In 2023, it's more essential than ever.

Read my new piece with

@mbachelet, Allida Black, and @MaEllenSirleaf

.9:55 AM · Dec 10, 2023 ·23.1K Views

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d99742 No.113087

File: b201d6046305ef6⋯.png (1.11 MB,960x718,480:359,Clipboard.png)

File: de032466e221bd3⋯.png (1.89 MB,1365x1021,1365:1021,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052383 (101518ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Big Dipper over Pyramid Mountain

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 10, 2023

Big Dipper over Pyramid Mountain

When did you first learn to identify this group of stars? Although they are familiar to many people around the world, different cultures have associated this asterism with different icons and folklore. Known in the USA as the Big Dipper, the stars are part of a constellation designated by the International Astronomical Union in 1922 as the Great Bear (Ursa Major). The recognized star names of these stars are (left to right) Alkaid, Mizar/Alcor, Alioth, Megrez, Phecda, Merak, and Dubhe. Of course, stars in any given constellation are unlikely to be physically related. But surprisingly, most of the Big Dipper stars do seem to be headed in the same direction as they plough through space, a property they share with other stars spread out over an even larger area across the sky. Their measured common motion suggests that they all belong to a loose, nearby star cluster, thought to be on average only about 75 light-years away and up to 30 light-years across. The cluster is more properly known as the Ursa Major Moving Group. The featured image captured the iconic stars recently above Pyramid Mountain in Alberta, Canada.


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d99742 No.113088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052496 (101540ZDEC23) Notable: Fireside Chat with John Podesta

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Fireside Chat with John Podesta

The Aspen Institute

Streamed live on Dec 7, 2023


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d99742 No.113089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052571 (101553ZDEC23) Notable: #24613

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Bread needs baker, lb notes and anons attention

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d99742 No.113090

File: 2ad06930e390495⋯.jpg (36.08 KB,453x456,151:152,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052640 (101606ZDEC23) Notable: Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles?????

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Laura Loomer


Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles

This is alarming. How do we know ultrasound techs won’t start vaccinating people when they get regular ultrasounds?

Big pharma wants everyone vaccinated against their own will.

8:28 AM · Dec 8, 2023

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d99742 No.113091

File: 2c3a978480f8f7d⋯.png (1.28 MB,1580x1796,395:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052654 (101609ZDEC23) Notable: Anti-Semitism On Display At Pro-Palestine Rally In New Haven

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Anti-Semitism On Display At Pro-Palestine Rally In New Haven


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d99742 No.113092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052684 (101617ZDEC23) Notable: Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles?????

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Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles


Vaccinations could be made less painful by treating skin with a vaccine-laden liquid and using ultrasound to push it into the body

Ultrasound can be used to send vaccine molecules through the skin

Andrey Zhernovoy/Shutterstock

Vaccines can be delivered through the skin using ultrasound. This method doesn’t damage the skin and eliminates the need for painful needles.

To create a needle-free vaccine, Darcy Dunn-Lawless at the University of Oxford and his colleagues mixed vaccine molecules with tiny, cup-shaped molecules made of protein. They then applied this liquid mixture to the skin of mice and exposed it to ultrasound – like that used for sonograms – for about a minute and a half.

At first, the ultrasound pushed the mixture into the upper layers of skin, where the shape of the protein molecules caused bubbles to form. As ultrasound kept hitting the skin, those bubbles burst, pushing the vaccine deeper. As the experiment went on, the action of the bubbles breaking also cleared some dead skin cells, making the skin more permeable and allowing more and more vaccine molecules make it through.

A needle pushes vaccine molecules all the way into the muscles beneath the skin, while the ultrasound technique just delivers the vaccine to the upper layers of skin. But this more shallow process is sufficient for immunisation, says Dunn-Lawless.

In tests with live mice, the researchers found that while the ultrasound method delivered 700 times fewer molecules of vaccine than conventional jabs, the animals produced more antibodies. The researchers say that the mice didn’t show signs of pain and there was no visible damage to their skin. The increased production of antibodies may be because there are more immune cells in the skin than in muscle, but the researchers are still investigating, says Dunn-Lawless. He presented the research at the Acoustics 2023 conference in Sydney, Australia, on 4 December.

Kate Edwards at the University of Sydney in Australia says that needle-less vaccines could lower the barrier for vaccination for some people, but more data on the safety of the method in humans would be needed to lead to widespread use.

And questions remain about how reliable the new vaccination method may be. Dunn-Lawless says that bubble-bursting within the skin can be unpredictable – it may release vaccine molecules unevenly or release unpredictable amounts. He and his colleagues are working on developing better ways to track this process by recording the sound of the tiny bubble pops, which reveal the distribution of vaccine molecules under the skin.

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d99742 No.113093

File: 61a4a4cb499863e⋯.png (48.72 KB,640x330,64:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 87d365048b426bf⋯.png (63.45 KB,1144x584,143:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 370be2492755b44⋯.png (337.49 KB,1040x668,260:167,Clipboard.png)

File: cfc9cbded308133⋯.png (269.05 KB,901x923,901:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 5db30172cdc7b52⋯.png (666.48 KB,892x768,223:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052724 (101629ZDEC23) Notable: The Curious Case of Claudine Gay

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>>>/qresearch/20052395 lb

Elon Musk



Oh, what a tangled web we weave …

Bill Ackman



The Curious Case of Claudine Gay. This is a detailed critique of President Gay’s academic and administrative history prior to her becoming President of Harvard.

It is worth a careful read. For those who are more familiar with the facts, I welcome your input as to the facts and issues alleged in this report. They appear worthy of further investigation and examination.


Dec 10, 2023 · 4:01 AM UTC

Bill Ackman



I had not seen this until it was brought to my attention today

>This shit is long but here's the link if you want moar

The Curious Case of Claudine Gay

She is the common thread in the Epstein, Weinstein, Dominguez, Enos, and Fryer scandals

Christopher Brunet

Apr 17, 2022

Claudine Gay first came to my attention about a month ago, when she emerged as the central figure in the Ryan Enos data fabrication scandal, as documented in these 3 articles:

1. EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Report Shows Harvard Professor Fabricated Data

2. Why Is Jesse Singal Whitewashing Harvard's Corruption?

3. Pressure Mounts on Harvard Professor to Come Clean Over Fraudulent Data

Gay’s Role in the Ryan Enos Scandal

I will briefly summarize Gay’s ~*~alleged~*~ involvement in the Enos scandal.

In 2018, a whistleblower approached Harvard with a report that showed Ryan Enos, a professor in the department of government, falsified the dataset used in his AJPS article and CUP book. Rather than investigate this claim, Claudine Gay had the Harvard Committee on Professional Conduct write a dismissal letter with the justification that CPC is not the appropriate unit to investigate, so the report is dismissed.

This is both false and contradictory: If it *had* been true, then the CPC should have forwarded the letter to the appropriate unit to investigate and would have had no authority to dismiss the report. Plus the Chief Research Integrity Officer in the Provost's Office had initially forwarded the report to the CPC to investigate. So the dismissal letter, which could only have been issued with Gay's approval, also contradicts the statement of an official in the Harvard Provost's office.

According to the Harvard policy, there were only two possible reasons to dismiss the report without launching an inquiry, 1) Allegations do not meet the definition of misconduct, and 2) there was not enough information for investigators to be able to verify the misconduct. Neither of those two reasons applies in this case.

This scandal was Gay’s ticket to failing upward: a previously scheduled Dean search was cancelled*** to ensure this Enos blunder stayed swept under the rug, Gay was abruptly fast-tracked from Dean of Social Sciences to Dean of Faculty.

***I asked Harvard spokesperson directly about this Dean search and they maintain it never existed. Other insiders have told me it did exist:

What happened at Harvard? Why didn't they have the normal search for new FAS Dean? Something is very fishy here. Did she do something wrong and they're trying to help her get away with it?”

— Anonymous

Update: after I posted this article, an anonymous commenter confirmed that the Dean search did exist by leaking the specific email. Meaning, if this person is correct, Harvard officials lied to my face about the Dean search never existing.

The reason Gay is so aggressively covering for Enos is that he works in the same niche subfield of “racial threat theory” like her; they cite each other in their papers extensively. Despite this conflict of interest, Gay did not recuse herself from investigating Enos. Rather, she used the opportunity to aggressively cover up his research misconduct. She knows that if his papers are proven to be fake, then her papers will also be proven to be fake — even more fake than they have already proven to be (more on this later). If he goes down, she goes down.

This mutually assured destruction is doubly true because Harvard policy also states that covering up research misconduct is itself research misconduct. Meaning according to Harvard’s own rules, Gay has already committed research misconduct by sweeping Enos’ research misconduct under the rug. So Claudine Gay now has no choice but to keep doubling down… and doubling down… and doubling down… and doubling down… and doubling down… letting the snowball of lies build.

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d99742 No.113094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052742 (101631ZDEC23) Notable: The Wealth Tax You May Already Owe

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The Wealth Tax You May Already Owe

Imagine receiving a tax bill for the appreciation on your investments, including the equity in your home, before you’ve even sold them. It could happen if the government has its way at the Supreme Court.

During Tuesday’s oral arguments in Moore v. U.S., the justices focused on the question of whether the 16th Amendment’s authorization of “income” taxes allows for the taxing of unrealized gains. It has long been understood that income taxes apply only to realized gains—those that have been actually received by the taxpayer, or effectively so such that the taxpayer has control over the funds, which is called “constructive realization.”

Out of the tax code’s nearly 10,000 provisions, the government seized on a handful it contends would be imperiled by a holding in the Moores’ favor. The Moores argue these provisions could be justified either based on constructive realization or as excise taxes. But no one acknowledged the maelstrom that would descend on the tax code if the court accepts the government’s position.

Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar told the justices that the “ordinary conception of income” means any “economic gain between two points in time.” Ms. Prelogar encouraged the justices “to not rely on concerns about . . . far-fetched hypotheticals” as to what sort of taxes this position might justify, like a tax on home appreciation.

But concerns about the limits of the government’s position aren’t hypothetical. If the court holds that the realization of income isn’t required for purposes of the 16th Amendment, the necessary implication will be that the tax code already reaches all unrealized gains.

The most important provisions of the code tax individuals (26 U.S.C. 1) and corporations (26 U.S.C. 11) on all their “taxable income.” This taxable income is computed based on the taxpayer’s “gross income,” which the code has long defined to mean “all income from whatever source derived” (26 U.S.C. 61). The government has accepted the long-settled principle that these provisions assert “the full measure of Congress’s taxing power” under the 16th Amendment. The Constitution and the tax code are thus coextensive with respect to the definition of taxable income.

If “income” for purposes of the 16th Amendment doesn’t require realization, therefore, neither does “income” for purposes of the current tax code. And if the government is right that “income” means any economic gain between two points in time, without regard to whether that gain is realized, then Americans should have been paying taxes on the appreciation of their homes and other investments since the dawn of the income tax in 1913. One wonders why the Biden administration has been lobbying Congress to pass a billionaire capital-gains tax when, according to its own Justice Department, the tax code already includes one.

The same problem remains even if the court accepts a narrower argument Ms. Prelogar offered—that the court doesn’t need to decide whether realization is required because the gains realized by the corporation in the Moores’ case can be “attributed” to them and taxed on a pass-through basis. Have the justices been paying taxes on the retained earnings held by corporations whose stock they hold? I know I haven’t. I doubt Ms. Prelogar has either. Buckle up for tax year 2024, however, if the government wins this case.

The “havoc” the government contends the Moores’ position would wreak on the tax code seems quaint in comparison to the nuclear fallout from a ruling in the government’s favor. Forget the implications of the Moores’ position on obscure provisions like an expatriation tax that hits perhaps a dozen people a year—one of the levies the government raised in its parade of horribles. The government’s position would transform the tax code’s very definition of income.

Mr. Shapiro is the director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute, on whose behalf he filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the Moores. He is author of “Supreme Disorder: Judicial Nominations and the Politics of America’s Highest Court.”

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d99742 No.113095

File: f5bde0256a16595⋯.png (156.66 KB,864x1327,864:1327,Clipboard.png)

File: e5f4ff733b62626⋯.pdf (1.5 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052747 (101632ZDEC23) Notable: The Curious Case of Claudine Gay

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>The Curious Case of Claudine Gay

>She is the common thread in the Epstein, Weinstein, Dominguez, Enos, and Fryer scandals

Karlstack Academia

LEAKED DOCUMENTS: The President of Harvard swept fabricated data under the rug

Christopher Brunet

Dec 4, 2023

Claudine Gay, the President of Harvard University, is testifying in front of Congress this week.

As such, I feel it is a good time to re-up this scoop I broke about her almost 2 years ago when she was still the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science. I had a much smaller Substack audience back then, so thousands of my new subscribers will never have seen this.

I admit I somewhat botched this scoop at the time—I wasn’t factually wrong about any details—but I was much too emotional. I wrote long-winded screed after long-winded screed about Gay’s scientific misconduct, and in retrospect, that level of bias made me easy to dismiss. I have the smoking gun internal Harvard documents, leaked to me by an anonymous source. All I needed to do was get them in front of the right eyes. Instead, I shot myself in the foot by launching into polemics. I was just starting out in media, and that was a major learning lesson.

What I will do today, then, is share the leaked internal documents and let them speak for themselves. Who knows? Maybe a congressman will see it and ask her about it. If you know any congressmen, or Harvard alumni, please share these leaked documents with them:

This leaked report was brought forward as a complaint in 2018 against Harvard professor Ryan Enos by an anonymous complainant whose identity is protected by The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

A Harvard spokesperson has confirmed that this report sparked an internal and non-public investigation by Harvard's Committee on Professional Conduct over "research integrity concerns" relating to Enos' 2016 paper "What the demolition of public housing teaches us about the impact of racial threat on political behavior" published in the American Journal of Political Science (AJPS).

Harvard confirmed to me that their Committee on Professional Conduct "readily dismissed" this leaked document after reviewing it.

This previously suppressed document concludes that Enos' data was "mathematically impossible" and manipulated "beyond any reasonable doubt … in favor of author’s preferred theory and hypotheses." The main problem with his analysis — among several problems — is that 800+ precincts in Chicago are missing from the data, with no justification given. It is possible/probable that Enos deleted this data by hand. Many of these deleted precincts are in Republican-leaning areas, meaning Enos' conclusions about voting patterns would likely not hold if they had not been deleted.

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d99742 No.113096

File: 6b2d92ee48385b0⋯.jpg (106.19 KB,969x691,969:691,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052796 (101645ZDEC23) Notable: WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Cataclysmic’ Changes

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Leo Hohmann: Enjoy this Christmas Season — It May Be the Last One We Have to Celebrate in ‘Normal’ Times — WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Cataclysmic’ Changes


World War III, cyber-attacks, and economic meltdowns could change life forever; all three scenarios are simmering and ready to explode.

Chanukah is underway and Christmas is just a couple of weeks off. Another year will go by the wayside.

As we approach December 31, you will hear people chirping on social media that they are glad such a bad year is fading into the rearview mirror and how much they are looking forward to brighter times in 2024.

These people are not awake. Don’t get lulled into their fantasyland.

It’s more likely that we will look back on 2023 as perhaps the last year in which we enjoyed a somewhat normal life here in America, still perched atop the global order and enjoying all the benefits of that status. Our dollars still buy food for our Christmas table and energy to heat our homes, even if it’s more expensive than in previous years.

With the world’s superpowers remaining at loggerheads as to how we move forward into a new era marked by artificial intelligence and digital currencies, we can count on being moved closer to World War III next year, if not fully embroiled in it. And living through war and economic upheaval is never easy.

The Luciferian globalist elites have done their best to lay hints of what they plan to hit us with next in their list of conjured-up crises. They talk a lot about cyber attacks.

And when they talk about the coming cyber attacks, they are fond of using words like “catastrophic” and “apocalypse.” (See article from Jan. 25, 2023, by Popular Mechanics titled A Catastrophic Mutating Event Will Strike the World in 2 Years, Report Says)

Jeremy Jurgens, the managing director of the World Economic Forum, stated at the WEF’s annual summit in January 2023 that a major cyber attack would likely take place before 2025. Well, 2023 has come and gone and we have not seen any debilitating cyber event. If Jurgens indeed has access to insider globalist information and knew what he was talking about when he made that comment at the outset of 2023, then that would leave 2024 as the year for this horrific event to go down, because it would have to happen before 2025.

Klaus Schwab himself, the top dog at the WEF, warned in 2020 of a coming major cyber attack that will make the Covid pandemic look like “a small disturbance.”

We know that something catastrophic needs to happen in order for the globalists to be able to fully implement their plans for a “Great Reset” of the world order.

It could be an EMP or nuclear war. But a series of major cyber attacks shutting down the banking and communications infrastructure seems like a more likely scenario because it would allow the globalists to shut down online truthtellers and use the chaos and confusion to round up their enemies. Then, when their mission is accomplished, they simply turn the infrastructure back on and continue on the road to total dictatorship, minus the annoying truthtellers like myself and so many others.

An EMP attack, on the other hand, would take 10 years or more to recover from and set the globalist surveillance state back decades.

We have been warning about the death of the petrodollar for many months, and while the movement in that direction has been very slow, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening.

There have been some developments that perhaps keep the normies of the world fast asleep and unaware of where we are heading economically.

Take, for example, the U.S. stock market, which has continued on an upward trend in recent months.

The price of gold spiked upward for a brief few days last week, then ticked back down.

But don’t be fooled. The U.S. dollar is doomed.

And a huge news story basically ignored by the corporate media and little noticed even by the conservative media took place at the end of November.

Wall Street seemed not even to notice.

A major global oil producer, the United Arab Emirates, abruptly stopped selling its oil in U.S. dollars and is joining forces with the BRICS nations, of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to forge ahead into a de-dollarized world. BRICS recently expanded its membership to include the UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and Argentina.


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d99742 No.113097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052799 (101645ZDEC23) Notable: WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Cataclysmic’ Changes

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What this means is the U.S. will no longer be able to benefit from a situation in which it continuously increases its military budgets and runs up huge debts financed by China, Saudi Arabia and other sovereign states. In fact, China and Saudi Arabia, two of the biggest financiers of U.S. debt, have already started unloading U.S. treasuries like hot potatoes. The two BRICS members have offloaded hundreds of billions of dollars worth of U.S. treasuries in recent months. This is the beginning of the end for global dollar dominance and, unless the U.S. wins World War III and is able dictate the terms of the peace, it will mean the end of U.S. geopolitical dominance.

Changes of this magnitude in the world economic order do not happen without a fight on the battlefield. That’s the real reason why we are heading to World War III. It has nothing to do with Ukraine’s or Israel’s difficulty in protecting their borders, or even the confrontation between Taiwan and China or mounting tensions between the two Koreas. The fact that all of these flashpoints are showing signs of exploding is simply a symptom, not a cause, of the economic upheaval enveloping the world. As the world shifts from fiat currencies to digital currencies it remains to be seen who or what will be in control of this new digital system. The fiat paper system was dominated by the United States, but we see myriad countries forming a coalition that believes perhaps the new digitized system should not be so weighted toward the benefit of one Western country and its closest allies. We will only find out which dog in this fight ends up on top after World War III has been fought and we end up with a clear winner and loser, and who knows how long that will take.

The plan to upend the world order by ditching the petrodollar could still backfire on the BRICS. But at the moment, things seem to be moving ahead, albeit slowly, in their favor.

As noted by the site QTR Fringe Finance, the BRICS nations now control most of the world’s nuclear arsenals, oil, precious metals, diamonds and rare-earth minerals. It’s time to wake up, folks, and take note of what’s happening. This transition to local currencies being used in global transactions will bring down the fiat currency known as the petrodollar and usher in a new global order. This is likely the reason why the U.S. and NATO are reacting so aggressively to put down Putin because in order to preserve what’s left of the post-World War II liberal rules-based order, led by the United States, it’s paramount that the U.S. separate Russia from the other global power backing BRICS, which is China.

As long as China, Russia and the major oil-producing states are allied, there is no future for U.S. hegemony in global affairs. The days of the U.S. browbeating and blackmailing the leaders of nations around the world will be over — its foreign policy would actually be forced to treat foreign heads of state as equals, rather than vassals. That would mean the end of the U.S. military-industrial complex, which would also bring an end to the endless wars the U.S. military has been forced to fight since the end of World War II. So while it will come with much economic pain, perhaps there will be a silver lining?

Of course, the globalists will be seeking to exploit the downfall of American military power for their nefarious purposes. They will attempt to use the pain and suffering brought on by World War III, which may be fought with cyber attacks and/or EMPs as much as tanks and missiles, to further their agenda of transhumanism and digitized control of everything and everyone.

But once wars break out and chaos ensues, it’s also possible that the globalists could lose control of things. Now is the time to be preparing to ride out the storm, so we can survive what’s coming and try to rebuild on the other side.

This, of course, assumes that there will be another side. If we truly are living in the last of the last days, then we won’t have to worry about any of that.

Either way, I caution against being presumptuous. It is possible that this will be the third and last “great war,” and then the end will come. But it is also possible that we could be hundreds of years away from the moment with the King of kings splits the skies and appears with the clap of thunder and the shout of an angel to judge the wicked, gather His faithful followers, and set up His kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.”

We can pray that it is the latter scenario that awaits us during our lives here on earth, while preparing for the other possibility that maybe, just maybe, some of us were a little off in our eschatology. As the Bible says, in more than one chapter and verse, who can know the mind of God?

2 of 2

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d99742 No.113098

File: 018bf55af71f209⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e0f3ff5fdb6d316⋯.png (96.34 KB,349x334,349:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052916 (101705ZDEC23) Notable: Outgoing VP of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, gives Milei supporters the middle finger as she departs

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Outgoing VP of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, gives Milei supporters the middle finger as she departs.

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d99742 No.113099

File: db1cd37f6015ac5⋯.png (420.04 KB,610x480,61:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052995 (101719ZDEC23) Notable: Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Confirms Detection of DNA Fragments in COVID mRNA Vaccines

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The Gateway Pundit


DEVELOPING: Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Confirms Detection of DNA Fragments in COVID mRNA Vaccines via @gatewaypundit

6:09 AM · Dec 10, 2023




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d99742 No.113100

File: 226852383573816⋯.png (395.11 KB,602x577,602:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053076 (101737ZDEC23) Notable: SNL spent last night defending genocide against Jewish people and ridiculing those standing up for them in Congress. Why is this so hard for the left? Calling for the extermination of an entire race of people is indefensible

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NOT SHOCKING? Saturday Night Live spent last night defending genocide against Jewish people and ridiculing those standing up for them in Congress. Why is this so hard for the left? Calling for the extermination of an entire race of people is indefensible. Period.


Marlow Stern




5:30 AM · Dec 10, 2023




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d99742 No.113101

File: 8b716b54c500cbe⋯.mp4 (10.42 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053088 (101740ZDEC23) Notable: Last night a violinist serenaded Trump with the most beautiful music you've ever heard.

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Last night a violinist serenaded Trump with the most beautiful music you've ever heard. I can't help but feel it gives me nothing can stop what is coming vibes.

We're gonna make it.

If we weren't, we wouldn't have gotten this far.

Buckle up cause it sure feels like 2024 is going to be a wild ride.


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d99742 No.113102

File: 0c74fd08766e385⋯.png (103.69 KB,664x322,332:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053097 (101743ZDEC23) Notable: Last night a violinist serenaded Trump with the most beautiful music you've ever heard.

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d99742 No.113103

File: f2fe571aa9bb742⋯.png (2.53 MB,1211x907,1211:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053120 (101749ZDEC23) Notable: Musk: God Bless America, And the World

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See new posts


Elon Musk




God Bless America


Elon Musk


And the World

6:45 AM · Dec 10, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113104

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053126 (101752ZDEC23) Notable: Musk: God Bless America, And the World

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Elon Musk



An American YouTuber has been imprisoned for 5 years in Ukraine, and allegedly tortured, for making videos.

This is not ok.

Tucker Carlson



Ep. 47 Gonzalo Lira is an American citizen who’s been tortured in a Ukrainian prison since July, for the crime of criticizing Zelensky. Biden officials approve of this, because they’d like to apply the same standard here. The media agree. Here’s a statement from Gonzalo Lira’s father.

(00:00) American Zelensky critic jailed in Ukraine

(05:14) Where is our State Department?

(08:40) Lira arrested after criticizing Biden

(11:49) Is Ukraine the democracy we’re told it is?

Dec 10, 2023 · 5:26 PM UTC



>useless imageboard full of shills and agents.

>fix the board Jim.

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d99742 No.113105

File: aeea4f9c69ff015⋯.png (414.16 KB,603x905,603:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053144 (101757ZDEC23) Notable: Dem Gov Katie Hobbs demands half a billion dollars from President Biden to cover escalating costs of illegal immigration crisis.

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See new posts






NEW - Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs demands half a billion dollars from President Biden to cover escalating costs of illegal immigration crisis.

How long till the FBI raids her home like Mayor Adams?

Hobbs accuses Biden of creating an "unmitigated humanitarian crisis" that puts…

Show more


8notables 🐸 reposted

Elon Musk



7:33 PM · Dec 9, 2023




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d99742 No.113106

File: ef1d76e35a98f03⋯.png (312.12 KB,554x897,554:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053179 (101811ZDEC23) Notable: @thejimwatkins Could you make sure to apply for your official press pass? You can ask an Anon for the application.

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See new posts


James Watkins


Could you make sure to apply for your official press pass?

You can ask an Anon for the application.


7:00 AM · Dec 10, 2023




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d99742 No.113107

File: baa3c67193dd315⋯.png (24.19 KB,566x205,566:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053186 (101813ZDEC23) Notable: LIVE NOW ALEX JONES/MARIO NEWFAL

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d99742 No.113108

File: c4cfa40a4e6be9c⋯.png (341.65 KB,595x441,85:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 16eaf997b2ec990⋯.png (596.72 KB,521x735,521:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053267 (101829ZDEC23) Notable: These Are The Richest 'Politicians' In The US

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These Are The Richest 'Politicians' In The US

7:25 AM · Dec 10, 2023




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d99742 No.113109

File: d1e93d02e2d00f4⋯.jpeg (497.88 KB,1295x669,1295:669,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0f6375832c10487⋯.jpeg (581.56 KB,1287x681,429:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d9e70ff9b3033cb⋯.jpeg (562.01 KB,766x1117,766:1117,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053305 (101837ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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planeFag Conus activity

Housekeeping first

SAM464 WH NSO left MacDill AFB and headed across Atlantic

SAM250 on ground at Orlando Intl

EVIL90 left Salt Lake City had a low pass at Page,AZ and heading east now

Germans are still at DFW after arriving from an Ottawa stop


Aussie AF C130s west from CFB Greenwood overnight

NICE32 and 0000 KC-135 tankers is over Potato-smell A basin

>depart Los Angeles, California en route to Joint Base Andrews (12:40 PM Local)


TIGER11 Sikorsky CH53 Super Stallion departed spermbank (Burbank)Hollywood Intl

US Coast Guard C6531 Dauphin 2 east from

Mexi Po-Po XCOPF 727 ES from Tijuana Intl stop of around 90m

FORGE94 G5 about to depart Boston Logan Intl and FORGE78 WN from JBA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053317 (101840ZDEC23) Notable: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will serve as a venue for talks between Presidents Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of Guyana on settling the territorial dispute between the two countries on December 14

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will serve as a venue for talks between Presidents Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of Guyana on settling the territorial dispute between the two countries on December 14:


Dec 10, 2023 · 4:56 AM UTC


>Mohamed Irfaan Ali of Guyana


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d99742 No.113111

File: 6628f91f12b7ad0⋯.png (587.83 KB,500x716,125:179,Clipboard.png)

File: b8c41b77d2e183b⋯.png (100.89 KB,500x268,125:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053332 (101842ZDEC23) Notable: These Are The Richest 'Politicians' In The US

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These Are The Richest 'Politicians' In The US

Entering politics doesn’t require a specific income, yet many politicians are multimillionaires.

At some of the highest echelons of U.S. politics are federal and state-level politicians worth hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions. Who is the wealthiest U.S. politician today?

In the following graphic, Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu visualizes the net worth of America’s 12 richest politicians, using consolidated data as of June 2023 from GoBankingRates.

Which Politician is Richer Than Donald Trump?

The list of richest politicians in the U.S. includes three billionaires, with the most famous being former U.S. President Donald Trump.

His wealth is closely tied to The Trump Organization, which has interests in real estate, hotels, casinos, and media. But Trump is not the wealthiest U.S. politician by most estimtates.

At the top is the Governor of Illinois Jay Robert Pritzker. A longtime financial supporter of the Democratic Party, he is a member of the wealthy Pritzker family, which owns Hyatt Hotels & Resorts.

Completing the billionaires list is North Dakota’s Governor Doug Burgum. In 2001, Burgum sold the accounting software company Great Plains Software to Microsoft for $1.1 billion and later founded several investment firms.

The wealthiest serving member of Congress is Republican Rep. Darrell Issa from California. Issa served as the CEO of Directed Electronics, which he co-founded in 1982. It is one of the largest makers of automobile aftermarket security and convenience products in the United States.

At the bottom of the list is Texas Rep. Michael McCaul. Before being elected to Congress in 2005, the Republican served as Chief of Counter-Terrorism and National Security in the U.S. Attorney’s office, and led the Joint Terrorism Task Force.


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d99742 No.113112

File: 0cd2d7d45509065⋯.jpeg (755.18 KB,828x1289,828:1289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7cc1bc62ce20b50⋯.jpeg (493.85 KB,1211x586,1211:586,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053397 (101855ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyes on Skyz

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>musk at football game

N628TS still at TF Green Airport so still in area-cap1

2 SAMs went to Warwick for it as well Foxboro Just NE those 2 went back to JBA last night

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d99742 No.113113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053403 (101856ZDEC23) Notable: Decentralised Data For a Decentralised Future

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Decentralised Data For a Decentralised Future

Analyzing the problem of centralized data storage and potential solutions to protect data privacy and prevent theft and censorship.

The Codex organisation is innovating around decentralised data storage. The org and the blockchain community are building solutions to decentralise data storage and guarantee robust data durability. This article examines the current problem with modern data storage techniques, including their weaknesses and challenges. The piece further explores solutions in the form of decentralised data storage and erasure coding, the hurdles of implementing it, and what the future holds in an era of a more decentralised, open, and fault-tolerant internet landscape.

The Problem: Honeypots and Powder Kegs

Data storage is the Achilles heel of the internet. Many of the images, text, music, and software applications we enjoy live in a centralised server. Our digital footprint amounts to increasingly stored data across these servers, including on mega-servers hosted by Google, Facebook, TikTok, Yahoo, Instagram, and other similar services. Most people take it for granted that we should store data in this inefficient and costly manner.

This storage centralisation into repositories represents an unnecessary and dangerous risk to our collective and personal data. When data — like money or other assets — gets stored in a singular location, that location becomes a powder keg and honey pot.

It is a powder keg because, at any moment, outages, hardware malfunctions, or disk crashes can destroy data or render it inaccessible. It is a honeypot because once data is accumulated and stored in a single location, it attracts hackers, scammers, and thieves, especially if PII (personally identifiable information) or other sensitive info, such as financial or medical records, gets stored en masse.

Ransomware is one example of how bad actors have exploited the situation. Ransomware is an attack where a hacker puts a bug into software, locking the owners out of that software and its data until they pay a ransom. Any time organisations store data in one location in large troves, those entities expose themselves to the possibility of ransomware attacks. Astra Security expressed the growing problem:

‘There are 1.7 million ransomware attacks every day which means every second 19 ransomware attacks. The first half of 2022 saw nearly 236.7 million ransomware attacks worldwide. Ransomware is expected to cost its victims around $265 billion (USD) annually by 2031.’

Decentralisation of data storage is not a foolproof mechanism for preventing ransomware attacks. It is a partial solution. In reality, a mix of decentralisation and strong encryption will help minimise attacks on data. Protecting valuable troves of data against the scourge of accidental outages, North Korean hacker attacks, government seizure of servers, and other unforeseen attacks must be a key priority for all organisations.

Storage Concerns and Vulnerabilities in Web3

Storage becomes more vital as the internet community moves from Web2 to Web3. In this ecosystem, people enjoy games or collect art that involves the maintenance and storage of NFTs. Web3 is the internet directly linked to blockchains that leverage tokenised assets. NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, are assets that live on these Web3 blockchains and belong to individuals.


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d99742 No.113114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053450 (101908ZDEC23) Notable: #24613

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#24613 >>113089

>>113109, >>113112 PF Eyes on Skyz

>>113090, >>113092 Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles?????

>>113091 Anti-Semitism On Display At Pro-Palestine Rally In New Haven

>>113093, >>113095 The Curious Case of Claudine Gay

>>113094 The Wealth Tax You May Already Owe

>>113096, >>113097 WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Cataclysmic’ Changes

>>113098 Outgoing VP of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, gives Milei supporters the middle finger as she departs

>>113099 Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Confirms Detection of DNA Fragments in COVID mRNA Vaccines

>>113100 SNL spent last night defending genocide against Jewish people and ridiculing those standing up for them in Congress. Why is this so hard for the left? Calling for the extermination of an entire race of people is indefensible

>>113101, >>113102 Last night a violinist serenaded Trump with the most beautiful music you've ever heard.

>>113103, >>113104 Musk: God Bless America, And the World

>>113105 Dem Gov Katie Hobbs demands half a billion dollars from President Biden to cover escalating costs of illegal immigration crisis.

>>113106 @thejimwatkins Could you make sure to apply for your official press pass? You can ask an Anon for the application.


>>113108, >>113111 These Are The Richest 'Politicians' In The US

>>113110 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will serve as a venue for talks between Presidents Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of Guyana on settling the territorial dispute between the two countries on December 14

>>113113 Decentralised Data For a Decentralised Future


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d99742 No.113115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053465 (101910ZDEC23) Notable: #24614

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Baker Taps

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d99742 No.113116

File: 3d5e34a06d062e6⋯.png (96.39 KB,676x641,676:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 806fea2a1575dbf⋯.png (81.57 KB,669x494,669:494,Clipboard.png)

File: 5374d56b9839838⋯.png (54.51 KB,649x648,649:648,Clipboard.png)

File: c08b69ad9be9428⋯.png (37.67 KB,565x531,565:531,Clipboard.png)

File: cc99e7f748ebacd⋯.png (50.51 KB,668x647,668:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053506 (101916ZDEC23) Notable: At least 5,600 federal-only ballots cast in Arizona 2020 election without US citizenship proof

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At least 5,600 federal-only ballots cast in Arizona 2020 election without US citizenship proof

Arizona is “one of the only states to have bifurcated elections,” said former Arizona Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright.

More than 5,600 federal-only ballots were cast in the 2020 presidential election in Arizona, without proof of U.S. citizenship required by the voters who cast them, according to data from the state's counties.

Arizona is a state with the unusual situation of bifurcated elections, in which residents who provide proof of U.S. citizenship can vote in all elections while the others may vote only in federal elections, resulting in ballots cast by voters who haven’t proven their U.S. citizenship.

Arizona law requires residents registering to vote in the state to provide proof of U.S. citizenship.

However, after the Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that Arizona must accept U.S. voter registration forms because of federal requirements under the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, the state allows residents registering to vote who don't provide proof of citizenship to receive ballots for federal races only.

Federal voter registration forms require those filling them out only to sign a sworn declaration that they are U.S. citizens.

When residents of Arizona register to vote or update their registration, an election system accesses their driver's license records to verify whether they have proof of citizenship.

Those without documentation are ineligible to vote in state elections and registered as "federal-only" voters, according to the Associated Press.

Last year, Arizona enacted a law that requires counties to check federal-only voters for citizenship against multiple databases. The counties must reject any federal applications if they find the individual is not a U.S. citizen, and any official knowingly ignoring the requirement could receive a felony charge.

The Justice Department sued Arizona over the law in July 2022, claiming it is "a textbook violation of the National Voter Registration Act," according to Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the agency's Civil Rights Division. The agency also claims the law violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Former Arizona Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright told Just the News on Thursday that she believes Arizona is “one of the only states to have bifurcated elections” because the U.S. Election Assistance Commission didn’t allow the state to require driver’s licenses for voter registration, despite other states having the requirement.

Wright said that when a person registers to vote, their name is supposed to be compared to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ SAVE database by county recorders to determine if they’re non-citizens.

While there is not a system in place to ensure that the recorders are checking for non-citizens when registering voters, state law requires them to only register residents and certify that the voter roster is correct, she added, citing A.R.S. 16-183 and A.R.S. 16-169A.

If non-citizens register to vote before becoming naturalized citizens, then it could hinder their naturalization.


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d99742 No.113117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053536 (101923ZDEC23) Notable: In call, Netanyahu flogs Putin over Gaza war stance and blossoming Iran ties

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In call, Netanyahu flogs Putin over Gaza war stance and blossoming Iran ties

Premier holds 50-minute conversation with Russian leader, ‘expresses annoyance’ over Russian backing for a ceasefire at the UN but asks for help to pressure the Red Cross

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Russian leader Vladimir Putin for nearly an hour Sunday, criticizing Moscow’s alliance with Iran and expressing dissatisfaction with its stance on Israel’s war with Hamas.

Netanyahu stepped out of his government’s weekly cabinet meeting for the approximately 50-minute phone call, his office said, the first talks between the leaders since mid-October amid rapidly cooling ties between Jerusalem and Moscow.

Since war broke out on October 7, Russia has regularly criticized Israel, including in the UN Security Council, while at the same time hosting leaders of the Hamas terror group in a development widely seen as an extension of its increasingly friendly ties with Iran.


Telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

The discussion focused on the critical situation in the Palestine-Israel conflict zone, in particular, the disastrous humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. Vladimir Putin reaffirmed his principled position of rejecting and condemning terrorism in all its manifestations. At the same time, it is of the essence to avoid such grave consequences for the civilian population while countering terrorist threats. Russia is ready to provide all possible assistance to alleviate the suffering of civilians and de-escalate the conflict.

In addition, the parties expressed mutual interest in further cooperation on the evacuation of Russian citizens and their families, as well as the release of Israelis held in Gaza.

Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to continue contacts.


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d99742 No.113118

File: 9b7c0b1808545e7⋯.png (154.45 KB,942x742,471:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053596 (101937ZDEC23) Notable: STATEMENT OF 45th PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!

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What we have here is Q+ deterministically exposing not only the criminal syndicate, but through his own full deference and 'obedience' to the deep state's pattern of law enforcement, a communication to the deep state that they WILL BE compelled to do as well if they are going to posture their bodies, their demands, their warped philosophical view of humanity, to be regarded by the public as 'the law', as legitimate authority, as the 'final word' on what happens to the bodies of the public citizenry who should dare speak the truth in public about the very people Q+ is exposing.

Swamp judges "declaring" the constitution null and void ('gag order' to silence additional truths from being exposed).

Can you FEEL their panic?

The law of pepe: "The level of [shilling] is directly proportional to their panic"

The level of their willingness to move beyond the shadows and implement weaponization of information using roles including AGs, Judges, Courts...OPENLY....KNOWINGLY...against a single body/consciousness whose only crime is possessing incriminating information about the very people going after that single body/consciousness.

To be publicly willing to persecute innocence to silence it to keep the truth from innocence speak truth about the projecting voices screaming guilt guilt guilt associated with that one body/consciousness that held a role of POTUS.

The law of an exposed shadow government: "The level of weaponization of government threats against INFORMATION ABOUT THOSE WEAPONIZING GOVERNMENT from going fullly transparent/public, is directional proportional to the shock/[attack]/PANIC of the weaponizers."


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d99742 No.113119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053600 (101938ZDEC23) Notable: Flood watch in effect as powerful storm to bring heavy rain, wind to NYC

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Watch The Water....Rise?

Flood watch in effect as powerful storm to bring heavy rain, wind to NYC


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d99742 No.113120

File: 4d9b92e1fd0b1db⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6a07e44498facbf⋯.png (155.26 KB,478x527,478:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053711 (102002ZDEC23) Notable: Media Matters releases statement on the reinstatement of Alex Jones' account on X

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d99742 No.113121

File: 44d5d6dc558d29a⋯.jpg (128.23 KB,720x1106,360:553,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6712fb3da1a3882⋯.mp4 (10 MB,720x1268,180:317,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053746 (102013ZDEC23) Notable: Civilians and gang members clash in Texcaltitlan, Mexico

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Recommend not traveling to Mexico:

Civilians and gang members clash in Texcaltitlan, Mexico.

This is some Old West type shit

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d99742 No.113122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053825 (102030ZDEC23) Notable: Biden will host Zelensky at the White House on Tuesday

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JUST IN - Biden will host Zelensky at the White House on Tuesday.


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d99742 No.113123

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053875 (102041ZDEC23) Notable: Newsmax with Devin Nunes: Walls have closed in on Biden, Team Obama wants him out

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Newsmax with Devin Nunes: Walls have closed in on Biden, Team Obama wants him out



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d99742 No.113124

File: 2104dbbfc32319e⋯.png (166.06 KB,577x670,577:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053939 (102057ZDEC23) Notable: STATEMENT OF 45th PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!

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TRUMP not to testify on Monday.


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d99742 No.113125

File: edfd3d7a8b83416⋯.png (169.83 KB,575x660,115:132,Clipboard.png)

File: edfd3d7a8b83416⋯.png (169.83 KB,575x660,115:132,Clipboard.png)

File: da2cb907f3fbbee⋯.png (77.19 KB,575x331,575:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053946 (102059ZDEC23) Notable: STATEMENT OF 45th PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!

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three parter

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d99742 No.113126

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053952 (102101ZDEC23) Notable: Truth Social, Rumble, and the future of free speech online

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Truth Social, Rumble, and the future of free speech online. Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes and Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski join 'The Chris Salcedo Show' on Newsmax, December 5, 2023.

My theory is the Federal Government and Intelligence Agencies WW would never allow Twitter to be bankrupted; because they scrap data and info 24 hours a day on every person on Twiiter, related to someone on twitter. Anyone that has reposted a twitter post on other platforms.

I think Musk knew this and he only made that statement of advertisers shutting them down, to warn the agencies, if this happens its your fault and you lose all the info you collect. So government agencies are probably warning or threatening companies like Disney to back off. Plus all these Virtue Signaling companies usually come back and advertise again.



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d99742 No.113127

File: c14a7734758b804⋯.png (590.05 KB,913x885,913:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053962 (102102ZDEC23) Notable: Endorsing a presidential candidate in the 2024 race would be the "kiss of death," says @SenatorRomney

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Mitt Romney says he wants Democrat Joe Manchin to run for president

but claims him endorsing any 2024 candidate is a 'kiss of death'

▶ Republican Sen. Mitt Romeny says he won't endorse any 2024 candidate

▶ Claims his backing would be 'the kiss of death' for their campaign

▶ Utah senator said he wants colleague Sen. Joe Manchin to run for Democrats


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d99742 No.113128

File: 8d050427ebfa82e⋯.png (40.1 KB,591x342,197:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053980 (102108ZDEC23) Notable: Elon on Live Space - “We are suing Media Matters in every country they operate in and all those who fund them. Let me be clear, we are going after everyone that funds them. They can go to hell”

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Elon on Live Space just now:

“We are suing Media Matters in every country they operate in and all those who fund them

Let me be clear, we are going after everyone that funds them

They can go to hell”

This is how we fight🔥

Dec 10, 2023, 3:52 PM


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d99742 No.113129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053990 (102110ZDEC23) Notable: Endorsing a presidential candidate in the 2024 race would be the "kiss of death," says @SenatorRomney

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>Mitt Romney says he wants Democrat Joe Manchin to run for president

clip here:

Meet the Press

WATCH: Endorsing a presidential candidate in the 2024 race would be the "kiss of death," says @SenatorRomney (R-Utah).

"The Joe I'd like to vote for is Joe Manchin. ... I'm not going to tell you right now who I'm going to vote for."

9:31 AM · Dec 10, 2023·22.2K Views 3:17


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d99742 No.113130

File: 3e6c35833c49d01⋯.png (148.06 KB,441x520,441:520,Clipboard.png)

File: b620fc7c01c6f53⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054047 (102124ZDEC23) Notable: JamesOKeefeIII on X: Here’s video of yours truly crossing the Rio Grande River dressed like Osama bin Laden

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O’Keefe Media Group


@JamesOKeefeIII on X:

Here’s video of yours truly crossing the Rio Grande River dressed like Osama bin Laden.

New video shows masses of immigrants flowing through the porous U.S.-Mexican border.

Feeling cute - Next time I cross, who should I dress as?



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d99742 No.113131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054057 (102128ZDEC23) Notable: DoD - The jungle can be merciless, but learning what plants are edible, how to create a shelter, and setting animal traps can make a Marine the master of the jungle!

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Department of Defense 🇺🇸



The jungle can be merciless, but learning what plants are edible, how to create a shelter, and setting animal traps can make a Marine the master of the jungle!

Dec 10, 2023 · 9:06 PM UTC


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d99742 No.113132

File: b1103ddaa24f3ee⋯.jpeg (727.44 KB,1146x623,1146:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e97af2147419211⋯.jpeg (670.56 KB,1124x698,562:349,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b8264d9fc94d58c⋯.jpeg (596.76 KB,1398x621,466:207,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6ab03a6aab20715⋯.jpeg (680.51 KB,828x1394,414:697,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054089 (102133ZDEC23) Notable: Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

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>>113109 pb

Potato inAF1747 Departed Los Angeles Intl to JBA

it was switched to empty call sign after making the turn to the east after depart cap 3

Switched on asAF1as it became visible on taxi

He did not have AF1 until 1k ft left on final approach on arrival Friday from Las Vegas depart

09-0015 C32A left Travis AFB as escort heading east now as no hold needed

There is a DC-10 extender that refueled an F35 that is enforcing the airspace restrictions but neither are visible for obvious reasons-see it on LA Flights YT site but can’t link

RCH3228 C17 Globemaster heading to LAX for equipment pick up and departed McChord where the Aussie AF C-130s landed

73-1676 E4B Nightwatch should be departing Davis-Monthan AFB soon

REY11 Beech UC-12F Huron departed Sonoma,CA-Cty Airport after about 90m stop-inbound from Yuma,AZ and that airport is very close to Pelosi/Newsome properties and flew east over Lake Tahoe and south now

SNOOP45Rivet Joint arrived at Nellis AFB from Offutt and FORGE78 arrived from JBA and depart at same after drop off

SAM625 G5 west from JBA

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d99742 No.113133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054117 (102138ZDEC23) Notable: Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Kruse on his congressional confirmation as DIA's 23rd Director

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Dec 8

Join us in congratulating Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Kruse on his congressional confirmation as DIA's 23rd Director! He and the current Director, Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier, have begun the transition process. We will share more information about our leadership transition in the weeks ahead!

Dec 8, 2023 · 7:45 PM UTC


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d99742 No.113134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054121 (102139ZDEC23) Notable: Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

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>>112872 pb

Potato got AF1 on the last 1k ft of his arrival descent from McCarran Intl to LAX

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d99742 No.113135

File: 940bee04ddefbc9⋯.png (340.71 KB,498x334,249:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054135 (102143ZDEC23) Notable: California Facing Record $68 Billion Deficit, Potential 'Fiscal Budget Emergency': Legislative Analyst

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And they want to replace Biden with this spend thrift!

California Facing Record $68 Billion Deficit, Potential 'Fiscal Budget Emergency': Legislative Analyst

Because of a “severe revenue decline,” California is facing a $68 billion budget deficit that could accumulate to more than $155 billion over the next five years, according to the most updated projection released Dec. 7 by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office.

A spokesperson for California Gov. Gavin Newsom suggested some of the state’s approximately $24 billion held in reserves could be used to address the growing deficit—an idea analysts agree will be necessary.

“The Governor has maintained strict fiscal responsibility since taking office, building up the state’s reserves to historic levels reaching the maximum allowed by the state constitution to be put in reserves and paying down debts—putting California in a strong position to deal with budget shortfalls,” Erin Mellon, communications director for Mr. Newsom’s office, told The Epoch Times by email Dec. 7.

Budget problems arose after income tax collections dropped 25 percent in the fiscal year 2022–2023—which ended June 30—compared to the year before, according to the report by the Legislative Analyst’s Office.

Moreover, tax receipts typically due in April were delayed until October this year due to federal and state exemptions granted after winter storms impacted the state, which made it difficult for state officials to determine the scale of the deficit earlier to define budget priorities accordingly.

“Federal delays in tax collection forced California to pass a budget based on projections instead of actual tax receipts,” Ms. Mellon said. “Now that we have a clearer picture of the state’s finances, we must now solve what would have been last year’s problem in this year’s budget.”


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d99742 No.113136

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054138 (102144ZDEC23) Notable: FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/2023

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FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/2023

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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d99742 No.113137

File: f51b9aa3892c8cd⋯.png (251.74 KB,499x276,499:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054149 (102146ZDEC23) Notable: Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

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The face of PANIC!

Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

Al Gore says that people having access to information outside of mainstream media sources is a threat to “democracy” and that social media algorithms “ought to be banned.”

Yes, really.

Gore made the comments during an appearance at the Cop28 climate change hysteria conference in Dubai.

Gore whined that social media had “disrupted the balances that used to exist that made representative democracy work much better.”

The former Vice President said that functioning democracy relied on a “shared base of knowledge that serves as a basis for reasoning together collectively” but that “social media that is dominated by algorithms” upsets this balance.

According to Gore, people are being pulled down “rabbit holes” by algorithms that are “the digital equivalent of AR-15s – they ought to be banned, they really ought to be banned!”

Gore claimed, “It’s an abuse of the public forum” and that people were being sucked into echo chambers.

“If you spend too much time in the echo chamber, what’s weaponized is another form of AI, not artificial intelligence, artificial insanity! I’m serious!” he added.


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d99742 No.113138

File: eee9bb5ad63cba5⋯.jpeg (610.57 KB,1462x608,731:304,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f23c95d5a4f124d⋯.jpeg (647.74 KB,1246x589,1246:589,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e0f568a636e4831⋯.png (455.26 KB,579x531,193:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054153 (102147ZDEC23) Notable: Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

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73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departing Davis-Monthan AFB

Potato confirmed as 92-9000 after change from AF1 for its initial ascent out of LAX

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d99742 No.113139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054214 (102203ZDEC23) Notable: 25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Cambridge Scientists Warn

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25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Cambridge Scientists Warn

Frank BergmanDecember 9, 2023 -

A bombshell study conducted by top scientists at the world-renowned Cambridge University in England has concluded that 25 percent of all people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots now have Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

According to the study, one in four people who received a Covid mRNA injection suffered an “unintended immune response.”BS

However, the scientists note in their paper that the “unintended immune response” was “created by a glitch.”

While the Cambridgescientists and corporate media outlets attribute the damage to the immune systems as a “glitch” or “unintended” response, experts have been raising the alarm for some time about the effects on individuals’ immune systems.

Slay News has long been reporting on such findings: “Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid ‘spike’, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production,” the UK Telegraph reports.

“It was thought the minor tweak to uridine caused no problems in cells, but a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge’s Medical Research Council (MRC) Toxicology Unit have now found when this partially synthetic code is read, the protein-making machine in the body sometimes struggles with the uridine analogs.”

“These findings were shared with medicines regulator MHRA around a year ago, the scientists say, and updated vaccines that use the improved form of mRNA are in the works for cancer jabs, and other therapeutics,” the report adds.

Meanwhile, media outlets are scrambling to downplay the results of the study.: A report fromScience magazine skewed the scientists’ findingsby claiming that the unintended proteins produced by the injections may not be causing any harm.

However, Science published another article in July confirming COVID-19 shots are linked to VAIDS. The outlet reported that the mRNA injections can trigger small fiber neuropathy and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

The Cambridge study found Covid shots create a “nonsensical and harmless protein,” that would be attacked by the body.

This response leads to an immune system flare-up. Of course, the immune system flaring up is not a “harmless” issue. The damage caused to the immune system could be behind a number of adverse reactions.

For example, political commentator Megyn Kelly developed an autoimmune issue after her Covid shot, as Slay News reported. The former Fox News star revealed in September that she has been diagnosed with VAIDS.

Kelly asserts that her immune system was damaged by her Covid shot. She issued a statement about the diagnosis and said she regrets taking the Big Pharma vaccine. “I regret getting the vaccine even though I am a 52-year-old woman because I don’t think I needed it,” Kelly said in a recorded statement.

“I think I would have been fine. “I’ve gotten COVID many times and it was well past when the vaccine was doing what it was supposed to be doing.” “For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical,” Kelly added.

“And I went to the best Rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, ‘do you think this could have to do with the fact that got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks?’

“And she said. ‘yes. Yes.’. “I wasn’t the only one she’d seen that with.”

Many others have also suffered AIDS-like symptoms following their injections. Calls have been mounting around the world for a thorough investigation into the shots.

However, they are still widely available in most Western nations. Unfortunately, it is already too late for millions of people across the globe who already died or have already been permanently damaged by the experimental mRNA technology.


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d99742 No.113140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054262 (102210ZDEC23) Notable: #24614

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last call

...Prepping the next one.


#24614 >>113115

>>113116 At least 5,600 federal-only ballots cast in Arizona 2020 election without US citizenship proof

>>113117 In call, Netanyahu flogs Putin over Gaza war stance and blossoming Iran ties

>>113118, >>113124, >>113125 STATEMENT OF 45th PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!

>>113119 Flood watch in effect as powerful storm to bring heavy rain, wind to NYC

>>113121 Civilians and gang members clash in Texcaltitlan, Mexico

>>113120 Media Matters releases statement on the reinstatement of Alex Jones' account on X

>>113122 Biden will host Zelensky at the White House on Tuesday

>>113123 Newsmax with Devin Nunes: Walls have closed in on Biden, Team Obama wants him out

>>113126 Truth Social, Rumble, and the future of free speech online

>>113127, >>113129 Endorsing a presidential candidate in the 2024 race would be the "kiss of death," says @SenatorRomney

>>113128 Elon on Live Space - “We are suing Media Matters in every country they operate in and all those who fund them. Let me be clear, we are going after everyone that funds them. They can go to hell”

>>113130 JamesOKeefeIII on X: Here’s video of yours truly crossing the Rio Grande River dressed like Osama bin Laden

>>113131 DoD - The jungle can be merciless, but learning what plants are edible, how to create a shelter, and setting animal traps can make a Marine the master of the jungle!

>>113132, >>113134, >>113138 Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

>>113133 Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Kruse on his congressional confirmation as DIA's 23rd Director

>>113135 California Facing Record $68 Billion Deficit, Potential 'Fiscal Budget Emergency': Legislative Analyst

>>113136 FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/2023

>>113137 Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

>>113139 25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Cambridge Scientists Warn


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d99742 No.113141

File: 7c70e9f575db57b⋯.png (374.39 KB,640x411,640:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054285 (102212ZDEC23) Notable: #24615

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d99742 No.113142

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054308 (102219ZDEC23) Notable: Expert DEMOLISHES Establishment Story About WTC Bldg. 7 Collapse!

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Posted at the end of last bread reposting now.

Expert DEMOLISHES Establishment Story About WTC Bldg. 7 Collapse!

Something Jimmy can't post on YouTube, as If most people here didn't know about World Trade Center Building 7 here is a GREAT explanation of what wen wrong and how the "Official" who modeled the collapse were wrong and this Professor risks his life to share the truth. I LOVE Seeing Jimmy Dore and Kurt Metzger come around to the reality. Jimmy is still a lefty, as was I not too long ago. I still have my Lefty beliefs of No War, Peace, Natural Drugs like Weed, Cocaine and Poppy Opium/Heroin. If we could grow Coke and chew the leaves like an indigenous Peruvian we could end Crack. Milk our Own Poppies we could stop the Fentanyl. God gave us these plants to use, and I am getting opff topic. WT 7 didn't kill itself.


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d99742 No.113143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054339 (102226ZDEC23) Notable: NavalInstitute - #OTD in 1954, Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma relinquished command of Allied Forces in the Mediterranean

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U.S. Naval Institute



#OTD in 1954, Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma relinquished command of Allied Forces in the Mediterranean. As a sign of respect, British, American, Greek, French, Italian and Turkish admirals from the NATO Headquarters at Malta manned oars and rowed him out to HMS Surprise.

Dec 10, 2023 · 8:42 PM UTC


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d99742 No.113144

File: 5a9389103c35821⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,1170x1493,1170:1493,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054368 (102232ZDEC23) Notable: Musk X - God Bless America

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Just a weird coincidence the Musk’s tweet from Army-Navy had a Palantir advertisement?


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d99742 No.113145

File: 7390a0535005f0d⋯.png (511.85 KB,624x526,312:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054411 (102239ZDEC23) Notable: WhiteHouse - This holiday season, the First Lady welcomed local Marine Corps and military-connected families for a Toys for Tots event at the White House

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The White House


This holiday season, the First Lady welcomed local Marine Corps and military-connected families for a Toys for Tots event at the White House.

3:00 PM · Dec 10, 2023


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d99742 No.113146

File: 41f6c90453e3eda⋯.png (67.09 KB,702x350,351:175,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump


Dec 10, 2023, 5:36 PM


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d99742 No.113147

File: 592ab5e74cb25b6⋯.png (39.33 KB,605x563,605:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054481 (102252ZDEC23) Notable: drawandstrike - Keep your eyes on Menendez in the Senate, and Hunter Biden, currently the only public target of the Weiss Special Counsel.

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See new posts


Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


Keep your eyes on Menendez in the Senate, and Hunter Biden, currently the **only public target of the Weiss Special Counsel.

People keep asking me 'when do the arrests start?'

The arrests already started. The Fake News covered it up and downplayed it.

Hunter was arrested. Menendez was arrested.

Menendez will lead to others. So will Hunter.

Now Santos is talking about blowing the whistle in 'retaliation' for House Reps he says he **knows are insider trading for expelling him from the House.

Even if not arrested, you're going to see a bunch of members of the US Congress suddenly announcing they're not running for reelection this year and heading quickly for the exits.

10:46 AM · Dec 10, 2023




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d99742 No.113148

File: 509f1e1db4959e7⋯.png (1.78 MB,1302x2467,1302:2467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054513 (102257ZDEC23) Notable: The NRA has a surprising defender in its free speech case before the Supreme Court

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The NRA has a surprising defender in its free speech case before the Supreme Court

NEW YORK (AP) — In a case of politics making strange bedfellows, the National Rifle Association will be represented by frequent nemesis the American Civil Liberties Union in an appeal before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The New York-based civil liberties group confirmed Saturday that it would provide legal representation for the gun-rights group in its First Amendment case against New York’s Department of Financial Services even as it “vigorously” opposes nearly everything it stands for.

“We don’t support the NRA’s mission or its viewpoints on gun rights, and we don’t agree with their goals, strategies, or tactics,” the ACLU in a statement posted on X, formerly Twitter. “But we both know that government officials can’t punish organizations because they disapprove of their views.”

The NRA, which reshared the ACLU’s statement on its social media account, wrote in a follow-up post that it was “proud” to stand with the ACLU and others who recognize that “regulatory authority cannot be used to silence political speech.” The nation’s highest court is set to hear arguments early next year in a case centered on comments former New York State Department of Financial Services superintendent Maria Vullo made in the wake of the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

After 17 people were killed at the Parkland, Florida, school, Vullo called on banks and insurance companies operating in New York to discontinue their association with gun-promoting groups.

In letters to companies and news releases, she urged operators to consider “reputational risks” from doing business with the NRA and other gun groups.

The NRA sued Vullo after multiple entities cut ties or decided not to do business with the Fairfax, Virginia-based organization. The federal appeals court in New York rejected the NRA’s claims, saying Vullo acted in good faith and within the bounds of her job.

Spokespersons for New York’s financial services department didn’t respond to an email seeking comment Saturday. ...


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d99742 No.113149

File: bf0968b112fe51f⋯.jpeg (507.55 KB,1253x598,1253:598,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b37d6964d52384b⋯.jpeg (370.42 KB,1193x587,1193:587,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4f042d2c48d3458⋯.jpeg (253.38 KB,822x527,822:527,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054600 (102313ZDEC23) Notable: PF Report Europe/eastern Med

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==planeFag: Europe/eastern Med

SAM464 WH NSO heading S/SE after gas and go at Shannon,Ireland from MacDill AFB depart earlier today and heading to Africa >>113109 pb

German AF GAF665 Global 5000 on ground just before midnight at Berlin from Tel Aviv departure and arrived from Cyprus depart earlier today

Spanish AF AME4529 Falcon 900 just landed at Brussels Intl from Madrid depart

Canada AF CFC4002 C17 on descent for Budapest from CFB Trenton depart

Aussie AF MGPE01 E7 Wedgetail east towards Polish/Ukraine border from Ramstein AFB cap3

E-7: An integrated command and control node

The Boeing E-7 Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) is a combat-proven force multiplier that provides unparalleled abilities to scan the skies, communicate with surface, ground and air assets and enable integration across the joint force


HOMER42 Rivet Joint trackin’ in eastern Med from Souda Bay, Crete

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d99742 No.113150

File: 6e75fbb202a5dcd⋯.png (890.46 KB,599x750,599:750,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054702 (102334ZDEC23) Notable: Devastating drone video shows the damage after a deadly tornado tore through the Nashville area on Saturday

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Ryan Hall, Y’all reposted



Devastating drone video shows the damage after a deadly tornado tore through the Nashville area on Saturday.

10:00 AM · Dec 10, 2023




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d99742 No.113151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054753 (102343ZDEC23) Notable: Former Tennessee Titans tight end Frank Wycheck, part of Music City Miracle, dies at 52

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Former Tennessee Titans tight end Frank Wycheck, part of Music City Miracle, dies at 52

Dec 10, 2023

Former Tennessee Titans tight end Frank Wycheck, who was part of an iconic moment in team history, has died. He was 52.

Wycheck fell and hit his head at his Chattanooga home, where he was found unresponsive Saturday afternoon, according to a family statement.


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d99742 No.113152

File: 4f80d73e1d52aac⋯.png (577.71 KB,531x662,531:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054790 (102349ZDEC23) Notable: Japan consumer lenders brace for bad debt on 'revenge spending'

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Japan consumer lenders brace for bad debt on 'revenge spending'

An influx of new customers is increasing the risk of bad loans for Japan's consumer finance industry, while lenders face higher funding costs as interest rates rise.

Total provisions for loan losses at Acom, Aiful and SMBC Consumer Finance grew about 30% on the year to roughly 120 billion yen ($817 million) for the first half of the fiscal year ending March 2024. This owes mainly to a surge in lending for post-pandemic "revenge spending" by consumers keen to make up for lost time. The three lenders gained over 600,000 new customers on the year, up almost 60% from four years earlier. Short-term loans due within two years make up nearly half of their portfolios in terms of the number of loans. That growth is supported by the rise of mobile apps as the main channel for consumer loans. Apps have lowered a barrier to borrowing compared with the industry's earlier mainstay of automated loan processing machines at physical locations. While men used to make up the bulk of borrowers in Japan, Acom said women and younger people in general are taking the lead.

People with short borrowing histories are more prone to falling behind on payments. The increase in these customers came "on top of loans to customers in the first half of the pandemic going bad," an Acom executive said. All three lenders have seen outstanding loan balances per customer decline, and say that the risks they face are manageable. Acom's average balance has declined 6% over the past three years to about 490,000 yen.


From May

Japan's megabanks facing rising domestic credit risk, cautious margin outlook


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d99742 No.113153

File: 0acf2d496323c83⋯.png (1.6 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bb0110c3e335d6⋯.png (249.86 KB,1371x593,1371:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e07ea8f22fd9c3⋯.png (662.11 KB,971x484,971:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054849 (102358ZDEC23) Notable: A new set of vulnerabilities in 5G modems by Qualcomm and MediaTek, collectively called "5Ghoul," impact 710 5G smartphone models from Google partners (Android) and Apple, routers, and USB modems.

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A new set of vulnerabilities in 5G modems by Qualcomm and MediaTek, collectively called "5Ghoul," impact 710 5G smartphone models from Google partners (Android) and Apple, routers, and USB modems.

5Ghoul was discovered by university researchers from Singapore and consists of 14 vulnerabilities in mobile communication systems, 10 of which have been publicly disclosed and four withheld for security reasons.

The 5Ghoul attacks range from temporary service disruptions to network downgrades, which may be more severe from a security standpoint.

The researchers discovered the flaws while experimenting with 5G modem firmware analysis and report that the flaws are easy to exploit over-the-air by impersonating a legitimate 5G base station.

This applies even when attackers lack information about the target's SIM card, as the attack occurs before the NAS authentication step.

"The attacker does not need to be aware of any secret information of the target UE e.g., UE's SIM card details, to complete the NAS network registration," explains the researchers on their website.

"The attacker only needs to impersonate the legitimate gNB using the known Cell Tower connection parameters (e.g., SSB ARFCN, Tracking Area Code, Physical Cell ID, Point A Frequency)."

The above is achievable at the cost of a few thousand USD, using open-source software for network analysis and fuzzing, a mini PC, a software defined radio (SDR), and miscellaneous equipment like cables, antennas, power supplies, etc.

5Ghoul vulnerability details

The ten 5Ghoul vulnerabilities that have been publicly disclosed to Qualcomm and MediaTek as of December 7, 2023, are:

CVE-2023-33043: Invalid MAC/RLC PDU causing Denial of Service (DoS) in Qualcomm X55/X60 modems. Attackers can send an invalid downlink MAC frame to the target 5G UE from a nearby malicious gNB, leading to a temporary hang and modem reboot.

CVE-2023-33044: NAS Unknown PDU causing DoS in Qualcomm X55/X60 modems. This vulnerability allows attackers to send an invalid NAS PDU to the target UE, resulting in modem failure and reboot.

CVE-2023-33042: Disabling 5G/Downgrade via Invalid RRC pdcch-Config in Qualcomm X55/X60 modems, leading to either downgrade or denial of service. An attacker can send a malformed RRC frame during the RRC Attach Procedure, disabling 5G connectivity and requiring a manual reboot for restoration.

CVE-2023-32842: Invalid RRC Setup spCellConfig causing DoS in MediaTek Dimensity 900/1200 modems. The vulnerability involves sending a malformed RRC Connection Setup, leading to modem failure and reboot in affected devices.

CVE-2023-32844: Invalid RRC pucch CSIReportConfig causing DoS in MediaTek Dimensity 900/1200 modems. Attackers can send a malformed RRC Connection Setup, causing the modem to fail and reboot.

CVE-2023-20702: Invalid RLC Data Sequence causing DoS (null pointer dereference) in MediaTek Dimensity 900/1200 modems. An attacker can exploit this by sending a malformed RLC Status PDU, leading to a modem crash and reboot.

CVE-2023-32846: Truncated RRC physicalCellGroupConfig causing DoS (null pointer dereference) in MediaTek Dimensity 900/1200 modems. Malformed RRC Connection Setup can cause memory access errors, leading to a modem crash.

CVE-2023-32841: Invalid RRC searchSpacesToAddModList causing DoS in MediaTek Dimensity 900/1200 modems. This involves sending a malformed RRC Connection Setup, causing a modem crash in affected devices.

CVE-2023-32843: Invalid RRC Uplink Config Element causing DoS in MediaTek Dimensity 900/1200 modems. Sending a malformed RRC Connection Setup can result in modem failure and reboot in affected devices.

CVE-2023-32845: Null RRC Uplink Config Element causing DoS in MediaTek Dimensity 900/1200 modems. Malformed RRC Connection Setup can trigger a modem crash by setting certain RRC payload fields to null.

CVE-2023-33042 is particularly concerning because it can force a device to disconnect from a 5G network and fall back to 4G, exposing it to potential vulnerabilities in the 4G domain that expose it to a broader range of attacks.


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d99742 No.113154

File: 8a07263f9f18eb4⋯.jpg (52.02 KB,564x581,564:581,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055068 (110031ZDEC23) Notable: #24615

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...Setting up the next bakelast call


#24615 >>113141

>>113142 Expert DEMOLISHES Establishment Story About WTC Bldg. 7 Collapse!

>>113143 NavalInstitute - #OTD in 1954, Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma relinquished command of Allied Forces in the Mediterranean

>>113144 Musk X - God Bless America

>>113145 WhiteHouse - This holiday season, the First Lady welcomed local Marine Corps and military-connected families for a Toys for Tots event at the White House


>>113147 drawandstrike - Keep your eyes on Menendez in the Senate, and Hunter Biden, currently the only public target of the Weiss Special Counsel.

>>113148 The NRA has a surprising defender in its free speech case before the Supreme Court

>>113149 PF Report Europe/eastern Med

>>113150 Devastating drone video shows the damage after a deadly tornado tore through the Nashville area on Saturday

>>113151 Former Tennessee Titans tight end Frank Wycheck, part of Music City Miracle, dies at 52

>>113152 Japan consumer lenders brace for bad debt on 'revenge spending'

>>113153 A new set of vulnerabilities in 5G modems by Qualcomm and MediaTek, collectively called "5Ghoul," impact 710 5G smartphone models from Google partners (Android) and Apple, routers, and USB modems.


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d99742 No.113155

File: 81d667b0f97eb73⋯.png (1.83 KB,512x238,256:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055094 (110033ZDEC23) Notable: #24616

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Dough it again


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d99742 No.113156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055100 (110036ZDEC23) Notable: Russia explains relationship with Hamas (RT)

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Interesting -

Russia explains relationship with Hamas

Moscow is keeping in touch with the militant group's political office in Qatar, which hosted much of the hostage negotiations

“Hamas carried out a terrorist attack on October 7, which we immediately condemned. Hamas has a political branch operating in Doha, and we have relations with that political branch, and we immediately contacted people in Doha to discuss the fate of the people taken hostage,” Lavrov explained.

By the time Israel and Hamas agreed to a temporary truce and hostage exchange last month, Russia had evacuated over 750 of its citizens, including 300 children, from the war zone, flying most back to Moscow.


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d99742 No.113157

File: 2cfb206eb16b683⋯.png (233.47 KB,863x638,863:638,Clipboard.png)

File: 44ab9861d84f5e2⋯.png (500.55 KB,871x937,871:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055134 (110043ZDEC23) Notable: Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the last of Australia's loathed COVID-era, Resignation

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Rebel News


The last of Australia's loathed lockdown 'tyrants' steps down

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the last of Australia's loathed COVID-era state leaders, has declared her resignation after nearly a decade in office.



Dec 10, 2023, 7:12 PM


Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the last of Australia's loathed COVID-era state leaders, has declared her resignation after nearly a decade in office.

Fighting back tears, she explained, "I've given it my all, and it's time for renewal."

Palaszczuk, who secured her third election victory in 2020, gained drew criticism for her stringent COVID-19 measures, including harsh border closures.

Reflecting on her divisive tenure during the pandemic, she stated:

"I think, during those Covid times, of all those lives that were saved," acknowledging the toll her leadership took on personal freedoms.

Comparing her experience to a marathon, Palaszczuk highlighted the challenges of nearly nine years in office, noting that a week in politics felt short, but her tenure seemed like an "eternity."

Her decision to step down follows a trend among COVID-era leaders, including WA Premier Mark McGowan and Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, who cited exhaustion and the all-consuming nature of the role.

Andrews put Melbourne through a total of six lockdowns in total, granting the city the title of the most locked-down city in the world, restricting the public to a five-kilometre travel limit and a nightly curfew.

The harsh measures earned Andrews nicknames 'Chairman Dan' and 'Dictator Dan'.

The Andrews government was also lambasted over vaccine mandates and hotel quarantine mismanagement.

Meanwhile, NSW saw a change in leadership with Dominic Perrottet succeeding Gladys Berejiklian amid corruption investigations.

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d99742 No.113158

File: bdadf6a05fd4cf8⋯.png (36.1 KB,574x514,287:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 64b16ee2c7dab81⋯.png (286.74 KB,508x547,508:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 3177635c10ba38e⋯.png (49.55 KB,441x582,147:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 52a9a72a9b28bd7⋯.png (57.88 KB,507x566,507:566,Clipboard.png)

File: 12bb284600b2914⋯.png (16.76 KB,512x171,512:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055181 (110052ZDEC23) Notable: Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the last of Australia's loathed COVID-era, Resignation

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Here's where she committed treason to win elections by allowing the CCP to infiltrate the state elections systems and lied about knowing it was a CCP front

Parliamentary transcript:

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d99742 No.113159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055213 (110057ZDEC23) Notable: Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the last of Australia's loathed COVID-era, Resignation

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It is sauced.

The full dig is stored here


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d99742 No.113160

File: 1b7dc09985a83ff⋯.png (212.12 KB,913x540,913:540,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a3e5738519fc7a⋯.png (499.4 KB,838x872,419:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055246 (110102ZDEC23) Notable: Special Counsel Jack Smith is accusing President Trump of “stochastic terrorism” in a new legal brief

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Revolver News


Special Counsel Jack Smith is accusing President Trump of “stochastic terrorism” in a new legal brief…

Dec 10, 2023, 6:46 PM


Special Counsel Jack Smith is accusing President Trump of “stochastic terrorism” in a new legal brief…

Well, we regret to inform you that Mr. Jack Smith is back at it. This time, he’s employing a well-worn weapon against President Trump known as “stochastic terrorism.” If you haven’t heard of this term before, be prepared—you’ll likely be hearing it frequently in the future. Here’s what the renowned investigative reporter, Julie Kelly, had to say about Mr. Smith’s recent actions in a recent thread on X:

New: Jack Smith just filed a motion describing the evidence he plans to use in Trump’s J6 trial in DC.

It’s like reading the J6 Committee TV script:

* Historical Evidence of the Defendant’s Consistent Plan of Baselessly Claiming Election Fraud

* Historical Evidence of the Defendant’s Common Plan to Refuse to Commit to a Peaceful Transition of Power

* Evidence of the Defendant and Co-Conspirators’ Knowledge of the Unfavorable Election Results and Motive and Intent to Subvert Them

* Pre- and Post-Conspiracy Evidence That the Defendant and Co-Conspirators Suppressed Proof Their Fraud Claims Were False and Retaliated Against Officials Who Undermined Their Criminal Plans

* Pre- and Post-Conspiracy Evidence of the Defendant’s Public Attacks on Individuals, Encouragement of Violence, and Knowledge of the Foreseeable Consequences

* Post-Conspiracy Evidence of the Defendant’s Steadfast Support and Endorsement of Rioters

The motion is stunning in its level of sophistry, demagoguery, and hypocrisy. The same DOJ that concocted the Trump-Russia election collusion hoax in 2016 to derail his candidacy/presidency now claims Trump tried to undermine the transition of power that year.

The motion is stunning in its level of sophistry, demagoguery, and hypocrisy.

The same DOJ that concocted the Trump-Russia election collusion hoax in 2016 to derail his candidacy/presidency now claims Trump tried to undermine the transition of power that year.

Smith cites Trump’s recent comments about excessive sentences for Proud Boys and promises to pardon J6ers as evidence he supported the “riot.”

Smith will use proposed pardon to impeach credibility of defense witnesses, esp anyone tied to Jan 6.

Important to note: On Monday, Rudy Giuliani will stand trial by jury in DC under the glaring eye of Judge Beryl Howell in defamation lawsuit filed by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.

Certain conviction and awarded damages will help Smith’s case, which is why he included it here:

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d99742 No.113161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055537 (110159ZDEC23) Notable: US F-16 crashes into Yellow Sea

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US F-16 crashes into Yellow Sea.



US F-16 Fighter Jet Crashes in Yellow Sea; Pilot Escaped: Yonhap


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d99742 No.113162

File: e64291825dec290⋯.png (59.8 KB,493x587,493:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b21ce552fb45be⋯.png (62.3 KB,477x588,159:196,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e70c03406d5b30⋯.png (61.7 KB,478x631,478:631,Clipboard.png)

File: e469e3f391b5bb0⋯.png (59.99 KB,485x583,485:583,Clipboard.png)

File: cd3ebd06b677e53⋯.png (72.65 KB,458x631,458:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055562 (110203ZDEC23) Notable: Bill Ackman on Twitter

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Bill Ackman on Twitter

Masterful takedown on Pres Gay.

Very long post


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d99742 No.113163

File: cd3ebd06b677e53⋯.png (72.65 KB,458x631,458:631,Clipboard.png)

File: f64f13a81b67489⋯.png (65.73 KB,475x630,95:126,Clipboard.png)

File: 28a2c1f8a6e094b⋯.png (66.97 KB,481x637,37:49,Clipboard.png)

File: c8ee25a426af00c⋯.png (58.19 KB,476x601,476:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055578 (110205ZDEC23) Notable: Bill Ackman on Twitter

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d99742 No.113164

File: bb8fc1e157f0844⋯.png (54.74 KB,723x516,241:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055689 (110222ZDEC23) Notable: Important discussion with Douglass Mackey, sentenced to prison over an HRC meme.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James P. O'Brien


Important discussion with Douglass Mackey, sentenced to prison over an HRC meme.


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d99742 No.113165

File: 8cba728203719ed⋯.jpeg (238.66 KB,1199x588,1199:588,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b512eb51c60494d⋯.jpeg (494.67 KB,1370x584,685:292,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a0bb44a9207a66c⋯.jpeg (525.11 KB,1252x604,313:151,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055706 (110226ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Ukraine AF UNKN1111 A330Zelenskydeparted Buenos Aires heading NW

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PF: Ukraine AF UNKN1111 A330Zelenskydeparted Buenos Aires heading NW

Departed Brasilia, Brazil earlier today for Milei ceremony in Buenos Aires and arrived in Brasília on 12/09 from Rzsesow Airport, Poland depart

Zelensky to meet with Biden, Republicans as war funding dries up


Zelensky, stopover in Brasilia before arrival in Buenos


Z in Buenos Aires for Milei swearing in ceremony

Zelensky Hails 'New Dawn' in Argentina as Milei Takes Reins

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday congratulated Argentina's new President Javier Milei while attending an inauguration ceremony in Buenos Aires, where he met with several South American leaders. Earlier today Zelensky met with the leaders of Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay.


This AC was in DC last week ..see below and could have been here last week too but media said it was a Zoom call

>>111931 pb Ukraine AF UKN1301 319 on the “sidewalk” inbound to CONUS from Shannon depart and prior Brussels stop/departure-it started at Rzsesow Airport, Poland earlier today

>>112486 pb Ukraine AF UN1301 A330 departed JBA NE and will eventually go to Rzsesow Airport, Poland

>>112551, >>112553, >>112554 pb planeFag: Europe/Med-Ukraine AF A330 landed at Rzsesow from JBA depart as Canada AF leaves, Globeys at Ramstein (departed Dover around same time as muh Ukraine flight etc)

When Z was brought here last December a US State Dept (tail 01-0040) 737 went to Rzsesow Airport to pick him up and deliver him for the ‘address’ in front on CONgress-this time on an official Ukraine AF AC

Almost a year on from his BS CONgressional address he is scheduled to be here on Tuesday and on THIS plane

>Hilarious that some thought Milei was “kicking out” the World Bank and the IMF- great entertainment that sure was cuz you go to DC and New York to meet with them to remove them

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d99742 No.113166

File: 8f2583052c09e08⋯.png (893.75 KB,845x675,169:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055881 (110310ZDEC23) Notable: #24616

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~@710last call

...Prepping the next bread


#24616 >>113155

>>113156 Russia explains relationship with Hamas (RT)

>>113157, >>113158, >>113159 Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the last of Australia's loathed COVID-era, Resignation

>>113160, >>>/qresearch/20055251 Special Counsel Jack Smith is accusing President Trump of “stochastic terrorism” in a new legal brief

>>113161 US F-16 crashes into Yellow Sea

>>113162, >>113163 Bill Ackman on Twitter

>>113164 Important discussion with Douglass Mackey, sentenced to prison over an HRC meme.

>>113165 PF: Ukraine AF UNKN1111 A330Zelenskydeparted Buenos Aires heading NW


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d99742 No.113167

File: 0fa5691dd5098e3⋯.jpg (81.57 KB,500x293,500:293,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055918 (110315ZDEC23) Notable: #24617

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This is dough


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d99742 No.113168

File: eabbf5254e01761⋯.png (95.44 KB,490x578,245:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055990 (110333ZDEC23) Notable: RTV Reports Roberto Speranza, the Italian Health Minister during the time of COVID measures is under investigation by the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office based on leaked emails that they are aware of the dangers of the COVID vaccination from the start

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RTV Reports Roberto Speranza, the Italian Health Minister during the time of COVID measures is under investigation by the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office based on leaked emails that they are aware of the dangers of the COVID vaccination from the start. The accusation is that the responsible minister and the head of the drug authority knowingly and deliberately exposed the unsuspecting Italian population to this risk.



The Rome Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating Roberto Speranza, the Italian government's Health Minister during the time of COVID measures. He was responsible for the vaccination campaign. The investigations are the result of complaints related to the so-called AIFA emails from the Italian Medicines Agency. The former director of AIFA, Nicola Magrini, is also under investigation. The publication of these internal emails revealed that they had been aware of the dangers of the COVID vaccination from the start. The accusation is that the responsible minister and the head of the drug authority knowingly and deliberately exposed the unsuspecting Italian population to this risk. Yes, they encouraged Italians to get vaccinated. Vaccination was even made mandatory for certain professional groups. Consequently, many side effects, including fatal ones, came to light. The investigations are for murder, serious bodily harm, and more, because Speranza and Magrini evidently gave instructions to the local health authorities, to conceal the deaths and serious side effects that occurred immediately after the vaccinations began, in order not to jeopardize the vaccination campaign and to reassure the citizens about their safety. The responsible minister and the head of AIFA are now expected to answer for these actions, according to the complainants from the police unions and the financial police, as well as from the private organization Listen to Me, which represents 4,200 people damaged by vaccines. In Italy, police officers and teachers were subjected to mandatory COVID vaccination.


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d99742 No.113169

File: c1c5746b99f6738⋯.png (724.22 KB,740x1332,5:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 1127b18a0f0d1f2⋯.png (655.03 KB,1401x532,1401:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056008 (110339ZDEC23) Notable: NEW REPORT: 'Thousands' of Ballots Cast in Arizona's 2020 Election without Proof of US Citizenship

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Kyle Becker



NEW REPORT: 'Thousands' of Ballots Cast in Arizona's 2020 Election without Proof of US Citizenship



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d99742 No.113170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056071 (110353ZDEC23) Notable: One law firm prepared both Penn and Harvard for antisemitism hearing

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At a congressional hearing Tuesday, the leaders of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology gave carefully worded — and seemingly evasive — answers to the question of whether they would discipline students who called for the genocide of Jews. The intense criticism that followed led many to wonder: Who had prepared them for testimony?

It turns out that one of America's best known white-shoe law firms, WilmerHale, was intricately involved.

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d99742 No.113171

File: ce283354c337c6f⋯.png (1.07 MB,885x3365,177:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056186 (110422ZDEC23) Notable: Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

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if you really think something is important, helps to post the title and at least some of the article - someone might read it and nom. Or at least read it. kek.


Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

by Patrick Byrne

December 8, 2023

It started off as a typical DeepCapture intrigue, this one set in Europe with whistleblowers whispering in the backs of airport hotel bars, stakeouts in obscure Swiss hamlets, and back-alley brush-passes in Eastern European capitals. It ended with proof that is a liver-punch to Garland’s politicized Department of Justice.

The superb 151-page whistleblower complaint (attached) speaks for itself. Three allegations to take from it:

1. Jack Smith is the current Special Counsel prosecuting Donald Trump on two grounds, one related to J6 (for which I take full responsibility) and the other related to the “crime” of being an ex-President with an active Department of Energy clearance possessing classified materials. Before pursuing such novel legal theories as are expressed in those indictments, Jack Smith was the US prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where Jack Smith was a blackmailer.

Jack was sending henchmen to Eastern European to convey the following message to various parties (both innocent and perhaps not-so-innocent): We know that during the Yugoslavian Civil War you murdered some people, Jack is going to indict you but if you will put $X in a suitcase for me to carry back to Jack your problems go away.

$X = from $400,000 to $9 million (bribes of $7 million and $9 million were paid through Bitcoin, not suitcases).

Jack sought a $100 million bribe from a head of state who refused payment and is now in prison.

We learned of these allegations because of a passel of European whistleblowers who not only shared the stories, they wrote superbly detailed affidavits, provided texts and financial records, etc. Read the 151 pages with exhibits yourselves. From where I sit, Jack looks shtuped.

2. In April 2022 (18 months ago) this information with supporting documentation was provided by these whistleblowers to the the DOJ in lengthy phone calls.

One of the key whistleblowers contacted the DOJ in Washington DC to report it directly. Nothing happened. Then he called hte US Embassy in Spain. Then he received a phone call from a certain Alan Tieger of the DOJ. He then spoke to the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) in The Hague, who did nothing. Then he received another phone call from the DOJ’s Alan Tieger. That main whistleblower then had a phone call with Alan Tieger, thinking it was someone at DOJ to whom he could safely bring this information. Initially he thought Tieger was with the DOJ -SDNY (Southern District of New York).

Alan Tieger spent the first few minutes of the call trying to get the whistleblowers to recant, and when they refused, reluctantly walked through their allegations and evidence. We know this not only from the whistleblowers affidavits, but in addition, because they recorded the 90-minute Zoom call (which is dynamite to hear, and which, of course, we have).

Alan Tieger then buried the matter. This is likely explained by the fact that Alan Tieger turns out not to have been from DOJ Internal Affairs, nor was he in the SDNY: he actually was in the Hague with Jack Sith. In fact, Alan Tieger is a man who spent his career carrying Jack Smith’s luggage around the DOJ (and he has since replaced Jack as the American prosecutor at the ICC). So while the whistleblowers thought they were blowing the whistle on Jack Smith, they were tricked into doing so to Jack Smith’s own DOJ-butt-boy.

3. I infer:

Attorney General Merick Garland learned about this material 18 months ago, and he (or Lisa Monaco, the Littlefinger of Garland’s DOJ) summoned Jack Smith back to Washington, DC to tell him something along the following lines: Listen you SOB, we know that you have been blackmailing people over in Europe and we are going to put you away for 30 years…. or you are going to come home and prosecute Donald Trump. We don’t care how far-fetched the legal theories, you are going to indict him and hound him to thwart his return to office.

This explains why Jack Smith has indicted for possessing classified materials a man with an active DoE clearance, and for whatever that man did on J6 that no one can really explain.

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d99742 No.113172

File: e1f5a869e740366⋯.png (908.41 KB,760x1351,760:1351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056205 (110427ZDEC23) Notable: Why is there a picture of a pizza for sale for $9,000. Why is there a little kids phone case in the photo?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thanks bakes

Just saw this on Truth, Etsy still at it?




Why is there a picture of a pizza for sale for $9,000. Why is there a little kids phone case in the photo?


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d99742 No.113173

File: b6f17e9e1a58c34⋯.webp (12.16 KB,640x361,640:361,Clipboard.webp)

File: c2469eb2e1bd08e⋯.jpeg (175.96 KB,828x923,828:923,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d7a246e10313244⋯.jpeg (190.63 KB,1175x760,235:152,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056237 (110434ZDEC23) Notable: Economic Schedule for Week of December 10, 2023

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Economic Schedule for Week of December 10, 2023

[ ] additional comments

The key economic reports this week are November CPI and Retail Sales. For manufacturing, November Industrial Production, and the December New York Fed survey will be released this week. The FOMC meets this week and no change to policy is expected. [Probabilities say rate cut in March as it’s already creeping up to the “no cut” % however a “crisis” can be created with a click of a mouse and cut at ANY point cap 2 is March meeting showing how close the market expectations are between none and 25bp cut.]

[Let us not forget the Societe General panic dump and subsequent emergency rate cut in Jan 2008 and the answer the below article is an emphatic YES]

>”surprise” 75 basis-point interest rate cut on Tuesday, a move done AFTER the loss disclosure but no relation….in fact it was total PANIC

Did SocGen trades trigger market rout, Fed cut?


[The “rogue” trader is a BS story and always has been-there is NFW they dint know wut he had done as even the most lax Risk Mgmt. Dept would have, at the very least, see one way flows but the show worked and I’m sure Mr. Kerviel was paid handsomely to be the patsy]

The key economic reports this week are November CPI [wut do you want it to be ?along with muh surveys] and Retail Sales. For manufacturing, November Industrial Production, and the December New York Fed survey will be released this week. The FOMC meets this week and no change to policy is expected. [fuggen DERP!]

- Monday, December 11th -

No major economic releases scheduled.

- Tuesday, December 12th -

6:00 AM: NFIB Small Business Optimism Index for November.

8:30 AM: The Consumer Price Index for November from the BLS. The consensus is for no change in CPI, and a 0.3% increase in core CPI.  The consensus is for CPI to be up 3.0% year-over-year and core CPI to be up 4.0% YoY. [they have subtly made 3% the new acceptable “rate of inflation” they are willing to declare ‘victory’ with containing inflation-the myriad of FED head speeches have made reference to this being what they will be happy with-its all fake BS but this is their story and are sticking to it]

- Wednesday, December 13th -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index. [Fresh 4 month lows will see an increase for sure]

8:30 AM: The Producer Price Index for November from the BLS. The consensus is for a 0.1% increase in PPI, and a 0.2% increase in core PPI. [this is where you will see deflation eventually]

2:00 PM: FOMC Meeting Announcement. No change to policy is expected at this meeting.

2:00 PM: FOMC Forecasts This will include the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) participants' projections of the appropriate target federal funds rate along with the quarterly economic projections. [they do these ‘projections’ 4x a year and an opportunity to continue the soft landing narrative]

2:30 PM: Fed Chair Jerome Powell holds a press briefing following the FOMC announcement. [and as any seasoned trader knows the first move after the ‘announcement’ is usually not the way it goes after the presser however ther may be little in it unless they make language changes to overall statement]

- Thursday, December 14th -

8:30 AM ET: Retail sales for November will be released.  The consensus is for a 0.1% decrease in retail sales. [really going out on a limb dhere /s and NOT adjusted for inflation so means little]

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released. The consensus is for 220 thousand, unchanged from 220 thousand last week.

[The comedy known as GDPNOW gets updated on Thursday and sits at 1.2% dropping from 1.3% so it’s right in the middle of the eCONomists so depending on what they want to do with the last few weeks of the year with the 3rd highest on record corporate share buyback level on qtrly earnings suspension/blackout is about anyones guess. Remember they LOVE doing fuggery while people are occupied and look no further then what date they announced the Federal Reserve creation-Dec 24th 1913 and approved and signed the day before]

Federal Reserve History


- Friday, December 15th -

8:30 AM: The New York Fed Empire State manufacturing survey for December. The consensus is for a reading of 3.5, down from 9.1.

9:15 AM: The Fed will release Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization for November

The consensus is for a 0.2% increase in Industrial Production, and for Capacity Utilization to increase to 79.1%.


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d99742 No.113174

File: 0a70907e6137adf⋯.jpeg (564.13 KB,1299x625,1299:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2c34ebc5b89c286⋯.jpeg (304.47 KB,703x867,703:867,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056316 (110453ZDEC23) Notable: PF Report: Elon Musk in N628Ts G650 departed Warwick Ri TF Green Airport to Austin,TX

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>113144 pb

Elon Musk in N628Ts G650 departed Warwick Ri TF Green Airport to Austin,TX

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d99742 No.113175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056414 (110510ZDEC23) Notable: Amid $BTC Flash crash, over $333 million worth of #Bitcoin long positions have been liquidated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




BREAKING: Amid $BTC Flash crash, over $333 million worth of #Bitcoin long positions have been liquidated.

Dec 11, 2023 · 2:25 AM UTC


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d99742 No.113176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056733 (110624ZDEC23) Notable: #24617

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



#24617 >>113167

>>113168 RTV Reports Roberto Speranza, the Italian Health Minister during the time of COVID measures is under investigation by the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office based on leaked emails that they are aware of the dangers of the COVID vaccination from the start

>>113169 NEW REPORT: 'Thousands' of Ballots Cast in Arizona's 2020 Election without Proof of US Citizenship

>>113170 One law firm prepared both Penn and Harvard for antisemitism hearing

>>113171 Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

>>113172 Why is there a picture of a pizza for sale for $9,000. Why is there a little kids phone case in the photo?

>>113173 Economic Schedule for Week of December 10, 2023

>>113174 PF Report: Elon Musk in N628Ts G650 departed Warwick Ri TF Green Airport to Austin,TX

>>113175 Amid $BTC Flash crash, over $333 million worth of #Bitcoin long positions have been liquidated


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d99742 No.113177

File: 853ebc7b677e06d⋯.gif (150.28 KB,500x328,125:82,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056756 (110628ZDEC23) Notable: #24618

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



...Baker must relinquish bread, having reached 3 (maybe 4, counting picking up a ghosted bread)

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d99742 No.113178

File: 4d2a604476b32bb⋯.jpg (279.22 KB,1080x1473,360:491,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056944 (110733ZDEC23) Notable: Don Jr interviews Douglas Mackey (Ricky Vaughn]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We are so back!

Don Jr interviews Douglas Mackey (Ricky Vaughn]


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d99742 No.113179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20056956 (110739ZDEC23) Notable: Don Jr interviews Douglas Mackey (Ricky Vaughn]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Hopefully he will go Free

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d99742 No.113180

File: f4d2e45034bcb0f⋯.jpg (46.78 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057004 (110844ZDEC23) Notable: Trillion dollar club: Leaders in Congress who helped amass $34 trillion in national debt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trillion dollar club: Leaders in Congress who helped amass $34 trillion in national debt.

Trillion dollar club: Leaders in Congress who helped amass $34 trillion in national debt

The national debt rose by $22 trillion during Pelosi's tenure as leader of the House Democrats and nearly $25 trillion during McConnell's time as leader of Senate Republicans.


Dig Deeper

The national debt continues to rise sharply to record levels during the ongoing debate in Congress over the next federal spending bill.

The federal government has already piled another $383 billion onto the debt so far into the 2024 fiscal year, which began on Oct. 1.

It appears that increasing Americans' tax burden is a non-partisan issue: Throughout the last 15 to 20 years, the national debt has steadily risen under the leadership of lawmakers from both political parties.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate Republican leader in history, was elected Republican whip in 2003. He started as GOP leader in January 2007 when the national debt was approximately $9 trillion.


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d99742 No.113181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057022 (110903ZDEC23) Notable: Economist/YouGov poll: 20% of Young People Say Holocaust is “Myth”

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Poll finds 20% of young people think Holocaust is a 'myth'

Last week, a new Economist/YouGov poll found one in five young Americans stated that the Holocaust is a… The post Poll: 20% of Young People Say Holocaust is “Myth,” TikTok Users More Likely to be Antisemitic first appeared on The Foreign Desk | by Lisa Daftari.

A new Economist/YouGov poll found one in five young Americans believe the Holocaust is a myth while nearly 30% believe Jews wield too much power in America.

According to the poll last week, 20% of Americans ages 18 to 29 agreed with the statement, “The Holocaust is a myth,” while a greater percentage agreed with the statement that the Holocaust “has been exaggerated.”

Thirty percent of respondents said they “did not know whether the Holocaust is a myth,” while 28% adopted the anti-Semitic statement that Jews “wield too much power in America.”

The poll noted that Holocaust denial spanned throughout “all levels of education” while noting that “social media might play a role” in worsening antisemitism. The findings from the poll noted a recent Generation Lab survey, which found that “young adults who used TikTok were more likely to hold antisemitic beliefs.”


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d99742 No.113182

File: 12d945232261087⋯.png (232.43 KB,490x775,98:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 212ee01b7a9d955⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057075 (110949ZDEC23) Notable: @ShadowofEzra: Barack and Michelle Obama produced the new Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" featuring major US blackout

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The New Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" was produced by Barack and Michelle Obama.

The movie shows how a cyberattack caused a major blackout in the United States.

This is a warning for things to come.

The Obamas are evil.

A Dark December.

Last edited 10:29 PM · Dec 10, 2023 · 92.5K Views


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d99742 No.113183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057089 (111004ZDEC23) Notable: @ShadowofEzra: Barack and Michelle Obama produced the new Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" featuring major US blackout

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Mr Robot

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d99742 No.113184

File: 2caadf6e5125c78⋯.png (565 KB,1099x962,1099:962,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057105 (111015ZDEC23) Notable: @ShadowofEzra: Barack and Michelle Obama produced the new Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" featuring major US blackout

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‘Leave the World Behind’ director on working with former President Obama

Mr. Robot ?


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d99742 No.113185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057108 (111016ZDEC23) Notable: @ShadowofEzra: Barack and Michelle Obama produced the new Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" featuring major US blackout

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d99742 No.113186

File: b9d73784252e001⋯.mp4 (4.2 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0117d70cb16c1f4⋯.png (238.08 KB,556x783,556:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057119 (111030ZDEC23) Notable: @julie_kelly2: More on the deleted Secret Service texts related to J6, Kim Cheatie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


More on the deleted Secret Service texts related to J6.

Kim Cheatle was a Secret Service honcho on J6—asst director of Office of Protective Operations.

She’s tied to both the Cheneys and Bidens. Joe Biden named her director of Secret Service last year.

Here’s what she said about the deleted texts. Does she seem trustworthy?

Also, her transcribed interview with J6 committee has never been made public. It’s unclear whether her interview is one of several that DHS (which houses Secret Service) is withholding from Congress.

Hard to think, given her position on J6 and her appearance in J6-related emails, her texts aren’t missing too.

9:56 PM · Dec 10, 2023


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d99742 No.113187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057134 (111044ZDEC23) Notable: @ShadowofEzra: Barack and Michelle Obama produced the new Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" featuring major US blackout

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I watched the film “Leave the World Behind” and here are my thoughts…

This film was Executive Produced by Barrack Obama and Michelle Obama…

This film in a nutshell was about a cyber attack “by hackers” on America.

FULL STOP— Why would a former president and his husband executive produce a film about a cyber attack on America by “foreign hackers”?

It was filled with so many evil and occult symbols and future undertones, it made my head spin..

Right off the bat, within the first two minutes, there is a blatant 666 in your face.

There was a scene where a drone-type of device dropped thousands of flyers with a Snake photo that said, “Death to America”. But there were other flyers in other locations in other languages. A prepper insinuated that America made a lot of Enemies and they teamed up and invaded.

Turns out… It was an all-out attack using a 3 Stage maneuver to topple a government from within that ended with bombs dropping in cities.

• Isolation— Disable all communications and transportation, Making people deaf dumb and paralyzed

• Synchronized chaos— terrorize with covert attacks and disinformation- no clear enemy

• coup d'é·tat - Civil war and collapse.

The White House and cities were attacked by rough forces said a bunker terminal.

We all remember Iranian lawmakers chanting Death to America.


What did the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab “Predict”?

There will be a Cyber Pandemic..


Is it a coincidence Tucker Carlson talked of an EMP Attack in The US as an outcome if we go to War with Iran.


Other Notables:

Checkerboard and eye occult symbols, lots of emphasis on clocks and time, NASA & Obey T-shirts

There was a very loud ear-piercing noise, believed to be a microwave weapon causing brain damage and loss of teeth.

There was a strong emphasis on the show FRIENDS… season 10 Episode 17, titled “The Last One” Where a little girl was obsessed with what happens with Rachel. She couldn’t watch it because everything was down.

The Last One was also a chapter in this movie and the movie ends the girl watching it in a bunker as the movie ended.

This was one Fooked up movie— and it has predictive programming written all over it. It was so disturbing, my wife who doesn’t pay attention to much was disturbed. But Maybe that’s the point… 🤷‍♂️


3:23 PM · Dec 10, 2023




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d99742 No.113188

File: 4cd0c4b36055057⋯.png (319.49 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057255 (111226ZDEC23) Notable: Donald Trump CANCELS plan to testify at civil fraud trial in New York - saying he has 'nothing more to say other than that...

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Donald Trump CANCELS plan to testify at civil fraud trial in New York - saying he has 'nothing more to say other than that this is a complete and total election interference'


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d99742 No.113189

File: d450f38d35b52e5⋯.png (401.43 KB,598x618,299:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057315 (111250ZDEC23) Notable: @SpeakerJohnson w/CAP: The power of impeachment, next to a declaration of war, is perhaps the greatest power that Congress holds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The power of impeachment, next to a declaration of war, is perhaps the greatest power that Congress holds.

We take this very seriously and we are following the facts where they lead.


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d99742 No.113190

File: dfc928ba20ead24⋯.png (291.53 KB,598x523,598:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057437 (111334ZDEC23) Notable: @seanhannity w/CAP: Truck Billboards Calling For University President Claudine Gay to be Fired Circle Harvard

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Truck Billboards Calling For University President Claudine Gay to be Fired Circle Harvard


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d99742 No.113191

File: 75d236e34c1a614⋯.png (319.81 KB,598x633,598:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057442 (111336ZDEC23) Notable: @DeptofDefense w/CAP: Sometimes you just want to fly with your friends.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sometimes you just want to fly with your friends.

Check out these @usairforce

F-15s & Philippine Air Force FA-50s flying together over the Pacific as part of a maritime & aerial cooperation activity.






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d99742 No.113192

File: 066f2127a1909ee⋯.png (450.34 KB,598x673,598:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057473 (111348ZDEC23) Notable: In his first act as President of Argentina, Javier Milei signed an Executive Order SLASHING the Argentine Government from 21 departments to 9

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JUST IN: In his first act as President of Argentina, Javier Milei signed an Executive Order SLASHING the Argentine Government from 21 departments to 9..



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d99742 No.113193

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057534 (111405ZDEC23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/11/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/11/2023



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d99742 No.113194

File: 9e17aaed780764b⋯.png (2.01 MB,1200x1651,1200:1651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057655 (111438ZDEC23) Notable: Developing Countries Receiving the Most Loans from China

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Developing Countries Receiving the Most Loans from China


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d99742 No.113195

File: 78597376b638726⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,1500x2138,750:1069,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057661 (111440ZDEC23) Notable: Charted: The Richest Politicians in the U.S.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charted: The Richest Politicians in the U.S.


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d99742 No.113196

File: 72083ddb9080ac7⋯.png (176.67 KB,526x458,263:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057684 (111446ZDEC23) Notable: DSRC will dedicate its new supercomputer, Carpenter, Dec. 12. Named in recognition of Medal of Honor recipient and MS native Cpl. Kyle Carpenter18 (USMC Ret.), the system has 9 pFLOPS

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DSRC will dedicate its new supercomputer, Carpenter, Dec. 12. Named in recognition of Medal of Honor recipient and MS native Cpl. Kyle Carpenter (USMC Ret.), the system has 9 pFLOPS of compute capability and is expected to enter service in 2024.


Red Castle

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d99742 No.113197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057772 (111511ZDEC23) Notable: #24618

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final bun for #24618

backup baker in the bullpen?

hold em til the top

#24618 >>113177

>>113178, >>113179 Don Jr interviews Douglas Mackey (Ricky Vaughn]

>>113180 Trillion dollar club: Leaders in Congress who helped amass $34 trillion in national debt.

>>113181 Economist/YouGov poll: 20% of Young People Say Holocaust is “Myth”

>>113182, >>113185, >>113183, >>113184, >>113187 @ShadowofEzra: Barack and Michelle Obama produced the new Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" featuring major US blackout

>>113186 @julie_kelly2: More on the deleted Secret Service texts related to J6, Kim Cheatie

>>113188 Donald Trump CANCELS plan to testify at civil fraud trial in New York - saying he has 'nothing more to say other than that...

>>113189 @SpeakerJohnson w/CAP: The power of impeachment, next to a declaration of war, is perhaps the greatest power that Congress holds.

>>113190 @seanhannity w/CAP: Truck Billboards Calling For University President Claudine Gay to be Fired Circle Harvard

>>113191 @DeptofDefense w/CAP: Sometimes you just want to fly with your friends.

>>113192 In his first act as President of Argentina, Javier Milei signed an Executive Order SLASHING the Argentine Government from 21 departments to 9

>>113193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/11/2023

>>113194 Developing Countries Receiving the Most Loans from China

>>113195 Charted: The Richest Politicians in the U.S.

>>113196 DSRC will dedicate its new supercomputer, Carpenter, Dec. 12. Named in recognition of Medal of Honor recipient and MS native Cpl. Kyle Carpenter18 (USMC Ret.), the system has 9 pFLOPS

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113198

File: 508738569b1fb8e⋯.png (560.94 KB,610x603,610:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057794 (111515ZDEC23) Notable: #24619

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DSRC new supercomputer has 9 pFLOPS of compute capability and is expected to enter service in 2024.

Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

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d99742 No.113199

File: df898063909b99e⋯.png (281.62 KB,528x482,264:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057801 (111517ZDEC23) Notable: @CorpsHistory #HappyHolidaysMarines

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On the 11th day of Christmas, the Marine Corps gave to me, a the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (11th MEU).




Brought forward


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d99742 No.113200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057840 (111530ZDEC23) Notable: Pflops

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A 1 petaFLOPS (PFLOPS) computer system is capable of performing one quadrillion (1015) floating-point operations per second. The rate 1 PFLOPS is equivalent to 1,000 TFLOPS. To match what a 1 PFLOPS computer system can do in just one second, you'd have to perform one calculation every second for 31,688,765 years.

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d99742 No.113201

File: 3bfb5e582e0ef47⋯.gif (482.88 KB,400x215,80:43,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057859 (111538ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS, Trump Tops Biden By 4 /DS panics big

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SHOCK POLL: Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS — And Trump Tops Biden By 4

The odds may still be stacked against her in the Republican primary. But should former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley capture the nomination, a stunning new poll suggests the general election would be a cakewalk for her.

According to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal out Saturday, Haley —in a hypothetical one-on-one matchup with President Joe Biden — currently has a remarkable 17-point lead, 51-34.Should the matchup materialize and the margin hold, it would represent the largest winning general margin since 1984 — when former President Ronald Reagan topped Walter Mondale by 18 points.

Of course, in order for that matchup to happen, Haley would have to beat former President Donald Trump in the Republican primary — and the most recent polls still show her trailing in that contest by 40 points or more.

While the Journal poll makes Haley an overwhelming favorite against Biden, it also shows former President Donald Trump faring well in his own right.The survey gives Trump a 4-point advantage over Biden, 47-43.It even finds that if Trump were convicted of a felony (he has been charged with 91 felony counts in four criminal prosecutions), he would still only trail Biden by a single point. The poll puts Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) dead even with Biden at 45-45.

The Journal poll shows President Biden’s approval rating at an all-time low of 37 percent, compared to the 61 percent of respondents who have an unfavorable view of the president.


The guns are out and fully behind Nikki.

Does anyone actually believe this horseshit?

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d99742 No.113202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057868 (111541ZDEC23) Notable: Pflops

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Anon imagines every floating point as a "variable" in a simulation of our Real World.

9 Quadrillion Data points, give the simulation an enormous amount of variables to monitor, and process into an output that would be a near-mirror image of our Base Reality.

With only 8 Billion Humans to assign a floating point to, there's tons of floating points left for such variables as inputs from all the cars and buildings HVAC systems, and digital thermometers, and airplane radar, and email accounts, and credit cards, and IOT addresses, and satellites, and asteroids.

Lots of "things" that can be classified as "things" can be assigned the requisite floating points and modeled in a silicon version of our reality...like a "looking glass" peering into "a potential future" series of outcomes.

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d99742 No.113203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057871 (111541ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS, Trump Tops Biden By 4 /DS panics big

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Democrat Mega-Donor, Who Visited Epstein Island, Says He Is Funding Nikki Haley to Stop Donald Trump

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, a billionaire mega-donor to President Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, is helping fund former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley’s run for president in the GOP primary solely to stop former President Donald Trump from securing the nomination.



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d99742 No.113204

File: 5c83695a03329a1⋯.jpeg (589.17 KB,1206x589,1206:589,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 623a2be694b96af⋯.jpeg (325.45 KB,896x400,56:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057875 (111542ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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>>113165 pb

PF: Ukraine AF UNKN1111 A330Zelenskylanded at JBA after a fuel stop at Curaçao from its Buenos Aires departure last night

It landed about 3h ago-this same AC was here last week (at JBA) please see link above as additional links contained on the Buenos Aires depart last night

Zelensky To Begin Working Visit To United States On Dec 11


This is how you know it’s over for this whole narrative as last years “secret trip” for his CONgressinal address was done with a high level US State Dept AC (and it was tracked as it habbened in here) but this time he makes 2 public appearances in Brasília and Buenos Aires (at Milei’s swearing in ceremony)

Last weeks flight delivered money or ? and was facilitated by Lloyd Austin’s “secret trip to Kiev” followed by Swiss President visit both “in Kiev”….NOT

On last years visit with US AC (and tail #01-0040 is visible in background of his arrival picture in story below) but the “official story”. As the train narrative is complete bullshit and only became prevalent AFTER it was proven Pelosi only ever went to Rzsesow Airport for a total of 3h-Austin and Blinken (and used 2 C17s that were also caught after departing JBA) began the train narrative with trip prior to Pelosi’s visit but they fugged up by not using it for her trip cuz they thought no one was paying attention. Biden “secret trip” earlier this year used the same train narrative however his plane was only ever at Rzsesow Airport for about 3h as well-all green screened with the ‘blast of air horns’ announcing his public appearance “in Kiev” you may remember that

Try not to laugh if you read this

From last years visit

How did President Zelensky get to Washington?


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d99742 No.113205

File: 51c56b8fc28b17f⋯.png (450.79 KB,528x523,528:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057879 (111543ZDEC23) Notable: @FORSCOM 🗣GAS GAS GAS! 🚨

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#Soldiers assigned to the 274th Movement Control Team,


Division Sustainment Brigade entered the gas chamber this past week.

#Readiness #BeAllYouCanBe #ArmyTeam



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d99742 No.113206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057954 (111602ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Solar Minimum versus Solar Maximum

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 11, 2023

Solar Minimum versus Solar Maximum

The surface of our Sun is constantly changing. Some years it is quiet, showing relatively few sunspots and active regions. Other years it is churning, showing many sunspots and throwing frequent Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and flares. Reacting to magnetism, our Sun's surface goes through periods of relative calm, called Solar Minimum and relative unrest, called Solar Maximum, every 11 years. The featured video shows on the left a month in late 2019 when the Sun was near Solar Minimum, while on the right a month in 2014 when near Solar Maximum. The video was taken by NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory in far ultraviolet light. Our Sun is progressing again toward Solar Maximum in 2025, but displaying even now a surface with a surprisingly high amount of activity.


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d99742 No.113207

File: c52160df1a9ce8a⋯.jpg (597.21 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 234eac3a7fcffcc⋯.jpeg (7.06 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057956 (111603ZDEC23) Notable: @RealChrisBrunet and I have obtained documentation demonstrating that Harvard President Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis

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EXCLUSIVE: @RealChrisBrunet and I have obtained documentation demonstrating that Harvard President Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis, violating Harvard's policies on academic integrity.

This is a bombshell. 🧵


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d99742 No.113208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057962 (111604ZDEC23) Notable: Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11:15 AM EST

Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Air Force One



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d99742 No.113209

File: c396971bc649a05⋯.png (197.22 KB,558x760,279:380,Clipboard.png)

File: 4821cb386edffc8⋯.png (1.23 MB,1290x1545,86:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 6342c134722b684⋯.png (295.91 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f7c1badda515845⋯.png (47.09 KB,678x501,226:167,Clipboard.png)

File: a77dc334c51c74e⋯.png (33.81 KB,678x359,678:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057964 (111604ZDEC23) Notable: @RealChrisBrunet and I have obtained documentation demonstrating that Harvard President Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis

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Tore Maras

Chaos Coordinator @idontexistTore · 20m

Hahahahe wrote a paper based on my paper from 1996 and 2011Stahhhhhhhppppp what are the odds? #tensegrity

9:36 AM · Dec 11, 2023





The Harvard President plagiarized her dissertation.

She must be fired.

This is embarrassing for Harvard’s academic credibility.

7:23 AM · Dec 11, 2023


Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️



@RealChrisBrunet and I have obtained documentation demonstrating that Harvard President Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis, violating Harvard's policies on academic integrity.

This is a bombshell. 🧵

4:25 PM · Dec 10, 2023 · 21.7M Views


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d99742 No.113210

File: a2447ae53f687ef⋯.png (102.25 KB,524x486,262:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057971 (111607ZDEC23) Notable: @HQ_AFMC Open Season for Federal Employees ends at 11:59 pm ET today!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Open Season for Federal Employees ends at 11:59 pm ET today!

Don’t forget to login and review your benefit choices for 2024!




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d99742 No.113211

File: b1f88b6e7f6dcf6⋯.png (718.73 KB,525x644,75:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057975 (111608ZDEC23) Notable: Grassley: Christmas around the Capitol

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Christmas around the Capitol


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d99742 No.113212

File: dee8f45a991175d⋯.jpeg (132.77 KB,1004x1130,502:565,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058004 (111615ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson is launching his own video network with multiple shows.

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BREAKING: Tucker Carlson is launching his own video network with multiple shows.


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d99742 No.113213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058009 (111617ZDEC23) Notable: Giuliani Faces Trial For Defamation Today---Here’s What To Expect

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Giuliani Faces Trial For Defamation Today—Here’s What To Expect

Alison Durkee

Forbes Staff

Dec 11, 2023,09:37am EST

Updated Dec 11, 2023, 10:59am EST

TOPLINE Ex-Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani will go on trial starting Monday for defamatory statements he made about Georgia election workers after the 2020 election, potentially facing up to $43 million in damages after the court has already found him liable for defamation because he failed to turn over evidence in the case, and while his lawyers claim he’s facing financial problems.


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d99742 No.113214

File: 3788dd76c558f80⋯.png (4.22 MB,2000x1377,2000:1377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058016 (111620ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Signs Memorandum of Agreement for Space Weather

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NASA Signs Memorandum of Agreement for Space Weather

DEC 08, 2023

On Dec. 7, 2023, Nicola Fox, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, signed on behalf of the agency the Memorandum of Agreement for Space Weather Research-To-Operations-To-Research Collaboration. This quad-agency agreement is between NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Air Force.

The memorandum outlines the responsibilities for collaboration across the federal government to enhance the country’s preparedness for space weather – the environmental changes caused in space by the constant outflow of solar wind from the Sun.

In addition to improving our ability to protect satellites and GPS signals from space weather, NASA’s heliophysics division works closely with our Artemis program to support the human exploration of deep space in a variety of ways including learning how to measure the radiation environment on and around the moon. These measurements will aid in the prediction and validation of the radiation environment that our astronauts will experience.


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d99742 No.113215

File: 489890a245dff40⋯.jpeg (412.62 KB,1190x2870,17:41,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058017 (111620ZDEC23) Notable: U.N. climate negotiators confirmed Monday pushing for a deal at the COP28 climate summit beginning of the end for fossil fuels.

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U.N. climate negotiators confirmed Monday they are pushing for a deal at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai that will be the beginning of the end for fossil fuels.

Flying back to Dubai to add his voice to the negotiations, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for “maximum ambition and maximum flexibility” to reach an agreement that can find consensus among the nearly 200 countries.

“We are in a race against time,” Guterres told reporters, AFP reports.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sits in a helicopter during his visit to flood-affected areas in Pakistan's Sindh province on September 10, 2022. - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said developing nations were paying a "horrific price" for the world's reliance on fossil fuels, as he toured parts of Pakistan hit by floods blamed on climate change. (Photo by Muhammad DAUD / AFP) (Photo by MUHAMMAD DAUD/AFP via Getty Images)

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sits in a helicopter during his visit to flood-affected areas in Pakistan’s Sindh province on September 10, 2022. (MUHAMMAD DAUD/AFP via Getty Images)

“It’s time to go into overdrive to negotiate in good faith,” he continued after alighting from his jet before going on to join some 80,000 other attendees who have flown in from all around the world for COP28.

The conference of the elites in the lavish Dubai metropolis built by oil money is considering the first-ever call to exit oil, gas and coal, considered by some as the main culprits in the planet’s “climate crisis.”

Neighbouring Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, has led opposition, with the OPEC cartel urging its members to vote against a phase-out of fossil fuels.

All 80,000+ Delegates at COP28 Climate Summit Take Day off from ‘Exhausting’ Talks https://t.co/ofv1VkrDz0

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 9, 2023

Without naming countries, Simon Stiell, the head of the U.N. climate body, called on all sides to remove “unnecessary tactical blockades” holding up a deal.

Guterres called on negotiators to have a “single-minded focus on tackling the root cause of the climate crisis — fossil fuel production and consumption.”

He called on the summit to recognise “the need to phase out all fossil fuels” – a stance opposed by oil producers led by Saudi Arabia.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres lands at Cornwall Airport Newquay, near Newquay, Cornwall, on June 12, 2021, to attend the G7 summit. (BEN STANSALL/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The summit leadership is expected to release a new draft text on Monday.

The annual Conference of the Parties, or COP, has rarely finished on schedule in its 28-year history, but COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber has called on countries to wrap things up on time on Tuesday.

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d99742 No.113216

File: 40c6028880376c7⋯.jpeg (609.9 KB,1289x599,1289:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 93a6efa4a67afff⋯.jpeg (759.44 KB,1268x599,1268:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9465c8d0e716369⋯.jpeg (546.63 KB,776x716,194:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058030 (111622ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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planeFag CONUS activity

SAM401 C32A WN from JBA

SPAR28 Indo-PAC G5 west from JBA

SPAR627 Learjet 35 headed to JBA from Scott AFB

NAOS64 E6B Mercury out from PAC River on ascent heading S/SW

Naos: In archaeology, a temple, as distinguished from hieron, a shrine (chapel) or sanctuary (in this latter sense not necessarily implying the presence of any edifice).

NORSE01 E3 Sentry AWACS trackin’ off North Carolina coast and outer banks from Tinker AFB

FORGE94 G5 NE from Tallahassee Intl Airport after a very quick ground stop-no moar than 10m tops and didn’t even ‘gate’

09-0015 C32A NW out from JBA but looks like a cert flight

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d99742 No.113217

File: 521f36226ba750a⋯.png (383.37 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058079 (111632ZDEC23) Notable: Henry Kissinger and the birth of space diplomacy

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Henry Kissinger and the birth of space diplomacy

12/10/23 10:00 AM ET

Henry Kissinger, former national security advisor and secretary of State, recently died at the age of 100 years. He was famous for the opening of mainland China, the Paris Peace Accords that ended American involvement in the Vietnam War and the negotiated end of the Yom Kippur War between Israel and several Arab states.

Admired by some, reviled by others, he bestrode the last third of the 20th century like a colossus where foreign policy was concerned.

Kissinger also had a role in creating space exploration as a tool of diplomacy. The strategy fit neatly into the policy of détente that he and President Richard Nixon devised to manage the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Kissinger’s effort to make space exploration an instrument of diplomacy was not the first attempt. President John F. Kennedy proposed transforming the Apollo race to the moon into a joint American-Soviet effort. Kennedy’s gambit went nowhere. Kissinger’s, on the other hand, led to real-world results.

Nixon came to office inheriting the Apollo program, started by President John F. Kennedy and nurtured by President Lyndon Johnson. The Apollo 11 moon landing, the greatest technological feat in the history of humankind, happened on Nixon’s watch. The race to the moon had been won. But what should come next?

Kissinger was instrumental in arranging the world tour by the Apollo 11 astronauts as a way to showcase American democracy, freedom and technological prowess. The tour was a way to rub the triumphant American race to the moon in the Soviets’ noses. Having done that, Nixon and Kissinger decided to pivot and reach out to the Soviet Union to form a space partnership.

The first tentative move toward a joint American-Soviet space program took place as a result of a memo Kissinger wrote to various government officials, including the secretary of state and the NASA administrator. The 1970 memo read, in part, “The [p]resident has decided that space cooperation with the Soviet Union should be pursued simultaneously through high-level diplomatic and technical agency channels.”

To make a long story short, those discussions bore fruit. During a 1972 summit meeting, President Nixon and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin signed the Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes that set the launch of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) for 1975.

In the middle of July 1975, with Gerald Ford then president, the ASTP mission was launched. The Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft docked in low Earth orbit. The famous televised handshake took place between NASA astronaut Tom Stafford and Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. The combined spacecraft conducted numerous experiments before separating and returning to Earth.

The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project might have led to other joint American-Soviet space missions. However, as Sean Van Buskirk pointed out in a paper on the ASTP, relations between the United States and the Soviet Union took a turn for the worse in the later 70s, partly due to President Jimmy Carter’s displeasure with the Kremlin’s human rights practices. The election of Ronald Reagan, who had vowed to bring down the USSR, didn’t help matters.

NASA remained an instrument of international diplomacy. Numerous foreign astronauts flew on space shuttle missions. When President Reagan first announced the creation of a crewed space station, Canada, the European Space Agency and Japan were partners in its construction and operation.

Space diplomacy with the Russians did not reoccur until the early 1990s, when President Bill Clinton made the Russian Federation, the main successor state of the Soviet Union after the end of the Cold War, a partner in the International Space Station. That partnership, despite tensions between Russia and the West due to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, endures to this day.

The full flowering of space diplomacy occurred when Mike Gold, then an associate administrator at NASA, started the Artemis Accords. Signatories agreed to abide by several rules when operating on celestial bodies such as the moon and Mars. Currently, 33 nations have signed the accords, the latest being the African country of Angola.

By the time the Artemis Accords had started, Kissinger had retired to become an éminence grise, still writing books and giving advice. He never publicly expressed an opinion about the accords. But considering his early work, one suspects that Kissinger would have approved of them as yet another example of using space exploration as an instrument of diplomacy.


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d99742 No.113218

File: aaea3e76185ec03⋯.png (57.64 KB,565x593,565:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058101 (111641ZDEC23) Notable: 11 DROPS IN TOTAL - THIS BELOW #QDROP 484 Muslim Brotherhood

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Zionism is the Rothschilds control of all fractions. stated it before many times,

you do not need to be Jewish to be a Zionist.

or otherwise under the Rothschild control..




Apr 22, 2018 1:31:31 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3e4934 No. 1141069

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

https:// clarionproject.org/muslim_brotherhood_explanatory_memorandum/


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d99742 No.113219

File: fa66cf9babae803⋯.png (6.55 MB,1746x2000,873:1000,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c12cfe6c84187⋯.png (2.64 MB,2000x1122,1000:561,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fb26cc73e6a380⋯.png (1.42 MB,910x810,91:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058103 (111641ZDEC23) Notable: NASA’s Webb Stuns With New High-Definition Look at Exploded Star

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NASA’s Webb Stuns With New High-Definition Look at Exploded Star

Dec 10, 2023

Mysterious features hide in near-infrared light

Like a shiny, round ornament ready to be placed in the perfect spot on a holiday tree, supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A) gleams in a new image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. As part of the 2023 Holidays at the White House, First Lady of the United States Dr. Jill Biden debuted the first-ever White House Advent Calendar. To showcase the “Magic, Wonder, and Joy” of the holiday season, Dr. Biden and NASA are celebrating with this new image from Webb.

While all is bright, this scene is no proverbial silent night. Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) view of Cas A displays this stellar explosion at a resolution previously unreachable at these wavelengths. This high-resolution look unveils intricate details of the expanding shell of material slamming into the gas shed by the star before it exploded.

Cas A is one of the most well-studied supernova remnants in all of the cosmos. Over the years, ground-based and space-based observatories, including NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory, Hubble Space Telescope, and retired Spitzer Space Telescope have assembled a multiwavelength picture of the object’s remnant.

However, astronomers have now entered a new era in the study of Cas A. In April 2023, Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) started this chapter, revealing new and unexpected features within the inner shell of the supernova remnant. Many of those features are invisible in the new NIRCam image, and astronomers are investigating why.

‘Like Shards of Glass’

Infrared light is invisible to our eyes, so image processors and scientists translate these wavelengths of light to visible colors. In this newest image of Cas A, colors were assigned to different filters from NIRCam, and each of those colors hints at different activity occurring within the object.

At first glance, the NIRCam image may appear less colorful than the MIRI image. However, this simply comes down to the wavelengths in which the material from the object is emitting its light.

The most noticeable colors in Webb’s newest image are clumps represented in bright orange and light pink that make up the inner shell of the supernova remnant. Webb’s razor-sharp view can detect the tiniest knots of gas, comprised of sulfur, oxygen, argon, and neon from the star itself. Embedded in this gas is a mixture of dust and molecules, which will eventually become components of new stars and planetary systems. Some filaments of debris are too tiny to be resolved by even Webb, meaning they are comparable to or less than 10 billion miles across (around 100 astronomical units). In comparison, the entirety of Cas A spans 10 light-years across, or 60 trillion miles.

“With NIRCam’s resolution, we can now see how the dying star absolutely shattered when it exploded, leaving filaments akin to tiny shards of glass behind,” said Danny Milisavljevic of Purdue University, who leads the research team. “It’s really unbelievable after all these years studying Cas A to now resolve those details, which are providing us with transformational insight into how this star exploded.”


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d99742 No.113220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058107 (111641ZDEC23) Notable: NASA’s Webb Stuns With New High-Definition Look at Exploded Star

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Hidden Green Monster

When comparing Webb’s new near-infrared view of Cas A with the mid-infrared view, its inner cavity and outermost shell are curiously devoid of color.

The outskirts of the main inner shell, which appeared as a deep orange and red in the MIRI image, now look like smoke from a campfire. This marks where the supernova blast wave is ramming into surrounding circumstellar material. The dust in the circumstellar material is too cool to be detected directly at near-infrared wavelengths, but lights up in the mid-infrared.

Researchers say the white color is light from synchrotron radiation, which is emitted across the electromagnetic spectrum, including the near-infrared. It’s generated by charged particles traveling at extremely high speeds spiraling around magnetic field lines. Synchrotron radiation is also visible in the bubble-like shells in the lower half of the inner cavity.

Also not seen in the near-infrared view is the loop of green light in the central cavity of Cas A that glowed in mid-infrared, nicknamed the Green Monster by the research team. This feature was described as “challenging to understand” by researchers at the time of their first look.

While the ‘green’ of the Green Monster is not visible in NIRCam, what’s left over in the near-infrared in that region can provide insight into the mysterious feature. The circular holes visible in the MIRI image are faintly outlined in white and purple emission in the NIRCam image – this represents ionized gas. Researchers believe this is due to the supernova debris pushing through and sculpting gas left behind by the star before it exploded.

Baby Cas A

Researchers were also absolutely stunned by one fascinating feature at the bottom right corner of NIRCam’s field of view. They’re calling that large, striated blob Baby Cas A – because it appears like an offspring of the main supernova.

This is a light echo, where light from the star’s long-ago explosion has reached and is warming distant dust, which is glowing as it cools down. The intricacy of the dust pattern, and Baby Cas A’s apparent proximity to Cas A itself, are particularly intriguing to researchers. In actuality, Baby Cas A is located about 170 light-years behind the supernova remnant.

There are also several other, smaller light echoes scattered throughout Webb’s new portrait.

The Cas A supernova remnant is located 11,000 light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia. It’s estimated to have exploded about 340 years ago from our point of view.



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d99742 No.113221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058118 (111644ZDEC23) Notable: Secretary of Defense Austin and Zelenskyy speak at National Defense University in Washington, D.C.

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12:00 pm

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speak at National Defense University in Washington, D.C.




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d99742 No.113222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058123 (111645ZDEC23) Notable: DoD Announces New Reserve Forces Policy Board Chair

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DoD Announces New Reserve Forces Policy Board Chair

Dec. 11, 2023


The Secretary of Defense appointed Honorable Col. Lisa Disbrow (Ret.) as Chair of the Reserve Forces Policy Board (RFPB) today. Disbrow succeeds Maj. Gen. Arnold L. Punaro, who retired from the Marine Corps Reserve and held the chair since 2011.

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d99742 No.113223

File: c6174e51c7d4d99⋯.png (78.04 KB,563x876,563:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058137 (111648ZDEC23) Notable: 11 DROPS IN TOTAL - THIS BELOW #QDROP 484 Muslim Brotherhood

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Related to Iran and clown control of MS. including bin laden who was holded up there thanks to obama/biden, clinton fuckery.

Worth doing a dig and a summary.

anon has not been in long, will archive and do a post explaining the lot unless the graphic anon clockfags can do a visiual.




Jan 07, 2018 2:38:57 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 05b846 No. 13082

Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

Ahmadinejed talking.

Where did ALL that money go?

How many planes?

Where did the planes land?

Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?

Why cash?

Why offshore cash?

Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?

Where did the bank wires originate from?

Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?

What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?

Where do majority of Rothschilds reside?

Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions?



Who is AWAN?

Who is Huma?

Who is VJ?

Who created ISIS?

Who controlled ISIS?

What was the purpose of ISIS?

Who is MS13?

Why were known MS13 members released after capture?

Who controls MS13?


Hard to swallow.

Watch the news.



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d99742 No.113224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058157 (111651ZDEC23) Notable: USACE operates one of fiveDoD DSRC supercomputers.RED CASTLE

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The Red Castle logo is from the Army Corps of Engineers


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d99742 No.113225

File: 8a25d5c8c2e5a59⋯.png (28.26 KB,477x317,477:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058159 (111651ZDEC23) Notable: SCOTUS punted to Jan on creative use of "official proceeding" case/Jan 6 case

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SCOTUS punted to Jan on creative use of "official proceeding" case

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


NEW: SCOTUS did not announce a decision today on petition to review muddy appellate ruling in 1512(c)(2)

Case has been relisted-so it will be considered at next conference date, which is January 5.

That means a decision to grant cert could be announced on Jan 8, 2024-three years to the day that DOJ empaneled the first grand jury to investigation the events of January 6.



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d99742 No.113226

File: 36bd9ab6904b16c⋯.mp4 (607.59 KB,720x402,120:67,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ae979bdb95fff0c⋯.png (261.09 KB,758x675,758:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058161 (111652ZDEC23) Notable: Netflix's "Leave the World Behind" cyber apocalypse movie warns about "white people" if "the world falls apart."

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@disclosetv 21m

NEW -Netflix's "Leave the World Behind" cyber apocalypse movie warns about "white people" if "the world falls apart."

Not only did Barack Obama help the executive produce the movie as part of Higher Ground, but he personally helped shape the script by giving its screenwriter notes, according to HITC.


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d99742 No.113227

File: dc72361d6c4de9f⋯.png (530.11 KB,1200x821,1200:821,Clipboard.png)

File: 953d11898088cef⋯.png (627.44 KB,1200x827,1200:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058162 (111652ZDEC23) Notable: SSC Partners for Cost Effective Corrosion Control on its Launch Ranges

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SSC Partners for Cost Effective Corrosion Control on its Launch Ranges

Dec. 11, 2023

Over the past five years, Space Systems Command’s (SSC) Launch and Test Range System (LTRS) Product Support has saved $4.8 million in program funds by partnering with Hill Air Force Base and the Air Force Materiel Command’s Ogden Air Logistics Complex to support corrosion control and maintenance at both the Eastern and Western Space Launch Ranges.

Both the Eastern and Western Space Launch Ranges are located near oceans: if a launch goes awry, it is safer to have the rockets launch over water. But proximity to the ocean comes at a price: the salt air is extremely corrosive to metal.

“It’s one of the most corrosive environments because we sit right on the ocean and the salt-water air comes in and just corrodes everything in its path – if it’s metal, it’ll eat it up,” said Ralph Greenleaf, logistic management specialist with SSC Range Management (RM).

So relentless is the corrosion, mitigation measures must be repeated every two years, Greenleaf said. At stake is $6.45 million worth of mission-critical equipment, including eight tactical shelters; 29 towers; 22 radomes – weather-proof domes that protect radar antennas from the elements; two Advanced Tactical Optical Tracking System vans; and two Multiple Object Tracking Radars that house Prime Mission Equipment (PME).

“(Corrosion) ate through one of the legs on one of our towers and we were afraid it might fall over if they had a bad tropical storm come through,” Greenleaf said. “However, our corrosion team partnered with SLD45/CE and the Tower and Equipment building is being replaced to ensure our PME is protected.”

“At Patrick Space Force Base (PSFB), we had two telemetry radomes that had water intrusion, and with the electrical equipment housed there, that was a safety hazard,” Greenleaf added. “We requested an Emergency Depot Level Maintenance (EDLM) with SSC/A4 approval, and Ogden ALC sent their Mobile Depot Maintenance (MDM) team to repair the radomes in record time.”

Both the Eastern and Western Space Launch Ranges are the gateways to space for a host of space customers, including the U.S. Space Force, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S Department of Defense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and other commercial programs. Maintaining operational availability for the equipment on the ranges is of particular concern, given the rapidly increasing pace of space launches.

“The 45th Space Launch Delta’s Civil Engineering (CE) Squadron was maintaining our towers that had critical PME in support of space launches and major corrosion issues,” Greenleaf said. “In partnership with SLD45/CE, we transferred 29 towers for Ogden support of corrosion control and maintenance to not only support our space launch mission but help CE with a limited budget to perform all the maintenance at Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center.”

The SSC/LTRS started researching a source to acquire better maintenance support. Initially, they looked for an independent contractor to do the work but received a quote of more than $1 million a year, Greenleaf said. The corrosion control team eventually discovered that the Ogden Air Logistics Complex at Hill AFB could support the requirement and started the partnership with Ogden in 2019 by attending the Communication Electronic Schedule Review (CESR) that ensured Ogden support for SSC’s tactical shelters, radomes, and towers (TSRT) equipment.

Ogden ALC also supports a host of Eastern Range shelters that protects equipment vital to the operation of the mission support equipment. Ogden also helped modernize and replace condemned shelters with new ones, saving the LTRS program $110,000.00. These new shelters provide support for critical doppler radar weather systems that support all launches on the ER.

The Ogden Air Logistics Complex provides worldwide engineering and logistics management for such aircraft as the F-35 Lightning II, F-16 Fighting Falcon, A-10 Thunderbolt II, and Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile system. Ogden maintains radomes, shelters, and towers all over the world.

Because Ogden is funded through the U.S. Department of Defense, partnering with Ogden means SSC has saved $4.8 million in program funding, while at the same time having access to Ogden’s expertise. Last year, SSC/LTRS saw a $403,965.00 cost savings for corrosion control and maintenance on the 13 Western Range radomes alone, Greenleaf said.

Ogden also supports Emergency and Urgent Depot Level Maintenance for all tactical shelters, radomes, and towers (TSRT) equipment on both ranges, including recent work on the Advanced Tactical Optics Tracking System at Kennedy Space Center for severe corrosion. The Odgen team completed corrosion control in 7 days.


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d99742 No.113228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058194 (111658ZDEC23) Notable: USACE operates one of fiveDoD DSRC supercomputers.RED CASTLE

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USACE operates one of fiveDoD DSRC supercomputers.



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d99742 No.113229

File: 88c2635dfa52040⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058198 (111700ZDEC23) Notable: Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s travel to Germany

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Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s travel to Germany

Dec. 10, 2023

Chief of Space Operations U.S. Space Force Gen. Chance Saltzman traveled to Germany Dec. 4-9 to participate in the Combined Space Operations Initiative Principals Board, attend the standup of a U.S. Space Force component to U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command and engage with Guardians serving in Germany.

Saltzman’s visit began in Berlin, where he attended the annual CSpO event, which was hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Defence and brought together defense and military space leaders from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States.

CSpO is an initiative that seeks to generate and improve cooperation, coordination, and interoperability opportunities to sustain freedom of action in space, optimize resources, enhance mission assurance and resilience, and deter conflict.

During the event, participants explored ways to facilitate greater policy alignment and deepen collaboration on space operations, while reaffirming a shared commitment to a rules-based international order centered around responsible behavior in space.

Saltzman also took part in a bilateral engagement with Norway on the margins of the event, meeting with Vice Adm. Nils Andreas Stensønes, Director of the Norwegian Intelligence Service, to reaffirm the importance of close U.S.-Norway space cooperation and exchange views on shared priorities and objectives in the domain.

Saltzman then traveled to Ramstein Air Base to attend the activation ceremony of U.S. Space Forces Europe and Africa Dec. 8, the U.S. Space Force’s newest component created to support U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command.

SPACEFOREUR-AF will help facilitate the integration of Space Force equities into European and Africa commands and serve as a focal point for space security cooperation with European and African partners.

Saltzman additionally visited Kapaun Air Station and Landstuhl Air Base Dec. 9 to meet with Guardians from the 3d Space Communications Squadron and 53rd Space Operations Squadron, respectively.


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d99742 No.113230

File: 3b46311b1182478⋯.png (34.77 KB,598x218,299:109,Clipboard.png)

File: fdf1051fa6865b4⋯.png (535.13 KB,598x834,299:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058237 (111712ZDEC23) Notable: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP’S AMERICAN INFRASTRUCTURE INITIATIVE

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>Anon has started their own #CommunityNotes Program

Im ok with this, DONT BAN BE ELON

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d99742 No.113231

File: 42a08fb95c98712⋯.png (754.9 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058242 (111713ZDEC23) Notable: India's Aditya-L1 solar observatory captures 1st gorgeous views of the sun

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India's Aditya-L1 solar observatory captures 1st gorgeous views of the sun

Dec 8, 2023

An instrument onboard India's first sun-studying observatory has officially opened its scientific eyes and sent home beautiful images of our star.

The pictures, captured earlier this week by a payload named SUIT (short for Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope), reveal a handful of features on the sun's surface, including a few sunspots, a solar "plage" and some silent, inactive areas.

It is a "lifetime opportunity to conceive a space telescope & get to see its first light observations," Durgesh Tripathi, SUIT's principal investigator, said in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday (Dec. 8).

Scientists turned on the instrument on Nov. 20, according to a statement by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), which is operating the Aditya-L1 solar observatory in collaboration with multiple institutions located in Ahmedabad, Pune and Kerala.

The sun, of course, is a roiling ball of plasma. So rather than a solid, rocky surface like Earth's, the sun's visible "surface" is really a thin envelope of hydrogen and helium called photosphere. It is about 62 miles (100 kilometers) thick and home to sunspots, or dark, planet-size regions of intense magnetic fields from which powerful solar flares blast out. Sometimes, these plasma jets travel toward us, like those that spurred a recent "cannibal" solar storm that initiated gorgeous auroras around the world.

Aditya-L1's latest images capture four clear sunspots, including one very close to the sun's equator. Our star appears to be calmer to its left, labeled in the image as "quiet sun." Below the equator, you'll notice another feature called the plage, a very hot region usually seen in the chromosphere, which is the layer of the sun's atmosphere above the photosphere but underneath its corona.

The Aditya-L1 spacecraft lifted off on Sept. 2 from India's spaceport in Sriharikota on a four-month journey to L1 orbit, a vantage point in space approximately 1 million miles (1.5 million kilometers) from Earth. From this region, the probe can observe the sun continuously and also remain somewhat stable by using minimal fuel and requiring just a few orbital maneuvers.

The spacecraft flung past the sphere of Earth's gravitational influence in late September; it will reach its final cosmic accommodations later this month or early next. Then, its seven science instruments are expected to begin studying how solar wind particles behave after blasting from the sun, while also monitoring our star for upcoming solar flares.

The mission team has started switching on other payloads onboard Aditya-L1 too. Last week, for instance, ISRO announced the Aditya Solar wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) instrument, meant to study the composition of solar wind by in-situ observations, was performing as expected. On Friday (Dec. 8), another payload designed to monitor solar wind was also turned on and declared to be in good health, the space agency said in a different statement.

Scientists hope to use data from this mission to predict solar flare activity and their companions, coronal mass ejections.


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d99742 No.113232

File: c705edf8d339fe4⋯.jpeg (517.1 KB,1190x6410,119:641,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058246 (111714ZDEC23) Notable: Pervert Who Bragged About Having Sex With His Cat Buys Twin Boys Through Surrogacy

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Pervert Who Bragged About Having Sex With His Cat Buys Twin Boys Through Surrogacy


One of the biggest problems with the surrogacy programs is that there are few, if any background checks and home checks. Those who would not otherwise qualify for adoption are simply purchasing children, essentially from a catalog, and taking them home. This has opened the door to some of the most godawful people in the world having unfettered access to children.

As I wrote previously, the practice of surrogacy (womb rental) and IVF, especially within the context of homosexual relationships, not only distorts the Biblical design of family but also involves deeply troubling ethical concerns. In IVF, multiple embryos are often created, with the inherent risk that several will not survive. This raises significant moral questions from a Christian perspective, as life is sacred and worthy of protection from conception. The handling of these embryos, where life is both created and ended in a laboratory setting opposes God’s authority over life.

Yet it’s much worse than that, as we’re seeing every day. Recently, Pop Crave posted an image of two homosexuals, Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams, who bought two twin boys through surrogacy.

As if it wouldn’t be bad enough that sodomites are raising these two children, but it’s so much worse than that. These men didn’t purchase these children because they cared about them or their well-being, they bought them for their own personal pleasure.

So who is Shane Dawson? Well, he’s a pervert who should be behind bars. I absolutely hate to post this but this needs to be exposed for the world to see so that people will know what is wrong with the surrogacy program and put an end to it. I do not want to repeat what he said word for word, but in 2015, during a podcast, Shane Dawson went into extremely graphic detail about having sex with his cat.

Anyone who thinks that sodomites should be able to purchase children needs to have their heads checked.

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d99742 No.113233

File: 797b5502b8db355⋯.png (2.96 MB,3074x1696,29:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 11621e3bb9f2c92⋯.png (78.92 KB,985x507,985:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058251 (111715ZDEC23) Notable: Why are advertisers still on Facebook and Instagram but have such a massive problem with X, child trafficking!?

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Yeah, why do their Chief Marketing Officers endorse child trafficking!?

Let’s ask them.


Ian Miles Cheong



Dec 6

Why are advertisers still on Facebook and Instagram but have such a massive problem with X, which bans such content? twitter.com/cnbc/status/17…

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d99742 No.113234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058254 (111716ZDEC23) Notable: China falls deeper into deflation territory, hitting markets; IMF warns of risk of cold war II – as it happened

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China falls deeper into deflation territory, hitting markets; IMF warns of risk of cold war II – as it happened


Introduction: China’s consumer price drop adds to deflation fears

Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of business, the financial markets and the world economy.

While most of the advanced world is struggling with inflation, China has the opposite problem.

The world’s second-largest economy has dropped further into deflation territory, with consumer prices falling last month, new data released last weekend shows.

China’s consumer price index (CPI) dropped 0.5% on a monthly basis in November, showing that prices of a basket of goods and services fell compared with October.

CPI was also 0.5% lower on an annual basis, China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reported, which is the steepest drop since November 2020.

The drops have disappointed investors, as they indicate rising deflationary pressures as domestic demand remains subdued.

Kyle Rodda, senior financial market analyst at capital.com, says:

Chinese stocks have sunk as investors digest the weekend’s disappointing price data. Deflation is deepening, and while debate rages about why, the trend is undeniable: consumer prices are falling, and producer prices have been negative for more than a year. The data simultaneously indicates anaemic demand and the eroding profitability of Chinese companies.

The latest pledges of deeper fiscal support from last week’s Politburo meeting have amounted to little and may be considered insufficient to spark the economy out of this rut.

China has already dropped into deflation back in August, before prices rose again in September – but that recovery proved temporary, with prices also having dropped in October.

Zhang Zhiwei, chief economist at Pinpoint Asset Management, said deflationary pressures have increased because of weak domestic demand, adding:

“This highlights the importance of more supportive fiscal policy.”

In another sign of deflation, China’s manufacturers are cutting prices too. China’s producer price index fell 3% year-on-year, compared with October’s 2.6% drop, which is the 14th decline in a row.

The data, released last weekend, has knocked stocks today. China’s CSI 300 index, which tracks stocks on the Shanghai and Shenzen exchanges, fell as much as 1.4% today.

China’s CSI 300

But the economic picture may be brightening in the UK, after a troubled year.

Manufacturing body MakeUK has reported a pick-up in business confidence.

And encouragingly, manufacturers reported that export orders surpassed domestic orders for the first time in four years. That suggests that companies are taking advantage of either faster growing or new markets.

Fhaheen Khan, senior economist at Make UK, said:

“After the economic and political shocks of the last few years there is some semblance of stability returning for manufacturers.

While growth is not exactly supercharged, the positive announcements in the Autumn statement can at least allow companies to plan with more certainty without having to constantly fight fires.”

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d99742 No.113235

File: 97d134ccb56508a⋯.pdf (147.83 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058255 (111716ZDEC23) Notable: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP’S AMERICAN INFRASTRUCTURE INITIATIVE

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d99742 No.113236

File: a1706e7e7a62eb7⋯.png (412.8 KB,918x753,306:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058259 (111716ZDEC23) Notable: Secretary of Defense Austin and Zelenskyy speak at National Defense University in Washington, D.C.

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Live link >> https://twitter.com/DeptofDefense/status/1734260457215513018

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d99742 No.113237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058261 (111717ZDEC23) Notable: U.N. climate negotiators confirmed Monday pushing for a deal at the COP28 climate summit beginning of the end for fossil fuels.

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President Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America’s electric power

The Biden administration made two virtue-signaling proclamations at last week’s COP28 conference in Dubai that it says will help save the planet from climate change.

The policies aren’t likely to change the planet’s temperature by even one-tenth of a degree, but they might just destroy the 21st-century American industrial economy as we know it.

First, Team Biden announced it will stop production of all new coal plants in the United States.

This comes on the heels of President Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency saying this year it would impose new power plant emission regulations that are virtually impossible for coal plants to comply with.

The bottom line: No more coal. Period.

But the White House was just getting started.

Vice President Kamala Harris trumpeted the next day new rules to “sharply reduce methane from the oil and natural gas industry.”

The administration calls methane a “super-pollutant” that it wants to eliminate because it’s “many times more potent than carbon dioxide.”

But methane is effectively a hydrocarbon that comes from natural gas.

John Kerry, the Biden administration's Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, on stage at the COP28 Climate Conference in Dubai on Dec. 6, 2023.

John Kerry, the Biden administration’s special presidential envoy for climate, on stage at the COP28 Climate Conference in Dubai on Dec. 6, 2023. Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Eliminating methane is a de facto ban on natural gas power plants.

Here is the most sinister part of this story that no one in the Biden administration is telling you: Eradicating coal and natural gas plants will ravage America’s electric power capacity.

These regulations will cause rolling blackouts and brownouts across the country, much like we’ve already seen in California — America’s forerunner of radical anti-fossil fuel policies.

The lights will go out intermittently, and home heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer will have to be turned off or rationed.

Without gas and coal plants, hospitals, schools, the internet, construction projects and factories will be routinely shut down when unreliable alternative energy sources like wind and solar power aren’t delivering enough juice.

Upward of 60% of America’s electric power generation will go away — and soon.

Coal still provides roughly 20% of our electric power; natural gas supplies around 40%.

What will make up for this lost power, especially given that our demands on the power grid are only going to multiply over the coming years as the greens want the entire network of cars, trucks and vans to be powered by charging up on the electric grid?

The Biden administration, in other words, wants to nearly double the demands on the electric grid network at the same time it wants to shut down more than half of the nation’s power generation — and the most reliable sources at that.


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d99742 No.113238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058263 (111718ZDEC23) Notable: U.N. climate negotiators confirmed Monday pushing for a deal at the COP28 climate summit beginning of the end for fossil fuels.

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Something must give.

The climate-change groups that crammed into Dubai last week, echoed by head-in-the-sand politicians like John Kerry, piously advise that Americans will have to stop taking so many plane trips — especially overseas — and become less reliant on cars, switching to mass transit or bicycles instead.

Some people may believe these mandatory sacrifices and rationing of modern-age conveniences are justified to stave off “catastrophic climate change.”

Except the shutdown of our coal and natural gas power plants won’t move the needle a millimeter on greenhouse gas emissions — and may make global CO2 emissions worse, not better.

That’s because by far the biggest producer of greenhouse gas emissions — China — isn’t playing in this climate-change sandbox.

(President Xi Jinping didn’t even attend the conference, and the Chinese who did were adamant that climate-change concerns aren’t going to interfere with Beijing’s grandiose economic expansion plans.)

The coal plants and mines we shut down in places like Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming are being replaced two or three times over by newly built coal-fired plants in India and China.

We shut down one plant; they bring on line two or three new ones.

This math doesn’t add up — especially since we have cleaner coal plants than China does.

Biden is playing a dangerous game of unilateral energy disarmament.

If he has his way, we will jump off the cliff first in the naïve hope that China, India, Russia and Europe are right behind us.

Whether intentional or not, this radical green agenda will cripple our global economic leadership, cost our economy millions of jobs and make Americans colder in their homes in the winter and hotter in the summer.

Does that seem like a smart way to protect ourselves from the dangers of a changing climate — real or imagined?

2 of 2

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d99742 No.113239

File: e11b2bcfe9da53e⋯.gif (3.33 MB,498x280,249:140,Clipboard.gif)

File: 9363e38d689d3e5⋯.jpeg (209.5 KB,828x1034,414:517,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: fea2ac1a5dc0654⋯.jpeg (216.75 KB,964x465,964:465,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058269 (111718ZDEC23) Notable: For The Market To Be Right, Every Member Of The FOMC Has To Be Wrong (they are with little truth in the many “speeches”)

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For The Market To Be Right, Every Member Of The FOMC Has To Be Wrong (they are with little truth in the many “speeches”)

[Very FEW examples of the FOMC ever being “right”-its proven over its entire existence with some rare exceptions-Volcker ramrodding rates hikes is most relevant example and the current decrease in Reverse Repo Facility usage that peaked in May of this year with money market funds parking $2.5T at about 5bp over Fed Funds Rates (plus the # of counterparties ales peaked around 110)-see list of links below) and also been decreasing-this is Primary Dealers and the “list”, it’s very long-the NYFED allows in on this and is now in the lower $800b level-Friday result cap 3-and falling that is what is driving Treasury purchases and in about 4 months (or less) it will become irrelevant in that arena so rates will spike-the FOMC then has to decide what to do when rates spike and imo they will begin moar QE]

Following a softish ADP jobs figure last week, the market was poised for a similarly weak print in the much more consequential non-farm payrolls report. Alas, the recent form of virtually no correlation between the two numbers held, and non-farm employment growth in November handily beat the 185,000 consensus estimate to print at 199,000. The bond market reacted in orthodox fashion. 2-year yields jumped 12.5bps and 10-year yields pumped higher by 7.6bps. Fed Funds futures show the centre of gravity for market-implied probability of rate cuts have been pushed a little further out the yield curve into 2024, but there are still 4.5 cuts priced in before Christmas. So, the huge disparity between market pricing and the Fed dot plot continues. [dot plot, like the Phillips curve is complete garbage] The dot plot median for 2024 is 5.125%, and the lowest value is 4.375%, while the futures market is suggesting that Fed Funds will finish the year just a touch above 4%. This suggests that every member of the FOMC would have to be wrong (or fibbing) about the likely future path of their policy rate decisions for the market to have it right.

Jerome Powell and other Fed speakers who have been warning traders not to get too carried away with bets on looser policy will be pleased to see some tentative crabwalking back towards the higher for longer meme. You can only huff and puff about hawkish policy stances for so long before you have to actually deliver, or risk losing your credibility. Equity markets were sufficiently unfazed by a firmer than expected labor market to see the Dow Jones rise by 0.36% and the more duration sensitive NASDAQ up by 0.45%. Mr Market says “I do not believe you!” to the Fed. [CME FEDwatch has March creeping up w/ 25 bp cut-this is “Mr. Market” speaking as well as the 2/10 Treasury issues and both of those are wut the FOMC “listens” to-this doesn’t mean Mr Market is correct but it’s what they want]

This week brings the December FOMC meeting (previewed here by Philip Marey), so we will get an updated picture of how determined the Fed is to stick to the higher for longer meme. No-one will be sweating on this meeting more than the commercial real estate sector and the regional banks who loaded up their balance sheets with CRE risk in the go-go years of ever lower policy rates (and money printing).Unrealized losses on held to maturity bond portfolios might be looking a little better since 10-year yields encountered resistance at 5% and subsequently fell by ~80bps, but this might be splitting hairs between disaster and calamity.The soft-landing becomes important in this context as office fund managers sweat on the double-whammy of refinancing risk and vacancy rates driven higher by the work from home trend that just won’t die. Assets bought off funny-money cap rates don’t make much sense in a normalized free market where supply and demand of credit is determined by free exchange between willing borrowers and lenders. Mispricing is just one negative legacy of interventionist easy money policies. As Walter Bagehot famously put it: “John Bull (or Uncle Sam) can stand many things, but he cannot stand 2% (or 0.25%)”.

Obviously, there are financial stability risks here, and the Fed already demonstrated a willingness to ride to the rescue with new liquidity when similar risks were exposed earlier in 2023. This is the underlying tension between r* (the neutral rate of interest) and r** (the financial stability rate of interest). The Fed is talking about the former, the market is pricing for the latter. Who can blame them if CRE managers are heading towards the holidays saying “for lease Navidad” as all of the white-collar workers telecommute from their living room.






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d99742 No.113240

File: a3966cb71922dfe⋯.png (31.62 KB,478x359,478:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058270 (111718ZDEC23) Notable: Elias helped to fund and facilitate Christopher Steele and his dossier

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Elias is hyperventilating about Trump

Jeff Carlson


Elias helped to fund and facilitate Christopher Steele and his dossier - leading to the creation of the fictitious Russia-Collusion narrative.

All done to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

Elias later lied about doing so to Ken Vogel at NYT.

But yeah...Democracy

Marc E. Elias



Dec 9

Donald Trump is plotting to overthrow American democracy. It is not a secret, and he is not subtle. The only question is whether enough people will care enough to stop it


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d99742 No.113241

File: db45afe2c1b156e⋯.jpeg (532.91 KB,1170x2083,1170:2083,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c97904f5a45a11b⋯.jpeg (342.22 KB,1170x1119,390:373,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058271 (111719ZDEC23) Notable: A New Hampshire man accused of threatening to kill Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramswamy has been arrested

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A New Hampshire man accused of threatening to kill Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramswamy has been arrested, investigators said.

According to the U.S. attorney's office for New Hampshire,Tyler Anderson, 30, of Dover,was charged with transmitting in interstate commerce a threat to injure the person of another.

Investigators said Anderson responded to a Ramaswamy campaign text message about an upcoming political event in Portsmouth by saying,"Great, another opportunity for me to blow (his) brains out!"

Anderson then added that he was "going to kill everyone who attends."

Ramaswamy's campaign released a statement Monday about the threat.

"We are grateful to law enforcement for their swiftness and professionalism in handling this matter and pray for the safety of all Americans," Tricia McLaughlin, a Ramaswamy campaign spokesperson, said.

According to court documents,Anderson also threatened a different candidate in a response to another campaign's text message, saying, "Fantastic, now I know where to go so I can blow that (expletive)'s head off!."Investigators said that he added that he hoped"you have the stamina for a mass shooting!"

After he was arrested, investigators said Anderson admitted to sending the threatening text messages and indicatedhe sent similar threats to other campaigns,according to court documents.

There were no charges related to other candidate threats in the criminal complaint filed after his arrest.

He was due for an initial appearance in court on Monday afternoon.



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d99742 No.113242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058277 (111719ZDEC23) Notable: Beyond the SCIF: Countering Chinese Influence Operations on American Soil

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12:30 PM EST

Beyond the SCIF: Countering Chinese Influence Operations on American Soil

Hudson Institute



Reps. Mike Turner and Mike Waltz Countering Chinese Influence in America

Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, joins Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) and China policy advocates for a discussion on countering Chinese influence in the United States hosted by the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC.


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d99742 No.113243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058286 (111724ZDEC23) Notable: resident delivers remarks at the announcement event for the city of Philadelphia receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award

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12:30 PM EST

The President delivers remarks at the announcement event for the city of Philadelphia receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award that will fund firefighters’ salary and benefits and enable the Philadelphia Fire Department to reopen three fire companies – Engine 6, Ladder 1, and Ladder 11, and more

Official Schedule




President Biden in Philadelphia on Fire Department Grants

President Biden travels to Philadelphia to highlight a $22.4 million grant for the city fire department.


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d99742 No.113244

File: 19dd6888a1094c1⋯.png (377.85 KB,577x531,577:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058287 (111724ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Great new polls numbers out of Iowa, thank you---MAGA!!!

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Donald J. Trump


Great new polls numbers out of Iowa, thank you—MAGA!!!


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d99742 No.113245

File: 78c44808f683e4a⋯.jpeg (244.43 KB,828x1016,207:254,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a13372f3fa65b60⋯.jpeg (58.85 KB,1010x641,1010:641,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1eef5186b9ecb55⋯.jpeg (190.11 KB,1175x749,1175:749,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058290 (111726ZDEC23) Notable: For The Market To Be Right, Every Member Of The FOMC Has To Be Wrong (they are with little truth in the many “speeches”)

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>Fridays RRP result and….

Ugly, Tailing 3Y Auction Sees Lowest Foreign Demand Since June 2022

The week's accelerated auction schedule kicked off at 11:30am this morning with a 3Y auction (the 10Y benchmark auction will follow at 1pm and the 30Y is on deck tomorrow) which was below mediocre at best.

Pricing at a high yield of 4.49%, the auction saw a big drop from last month's 4.701% - and was the lowest since August - if not as low as the market had expected, with the When Issued trading 4.473% pre-sale, resulting in a 1.7bps tail, tied for the biggest tail since the record 4bps tail in February. was all downhill from there, with the bid to cover tumbling to 2.416 from 2.668, far below the 2.743 recent average and the lowest, again, since that infamously ugly Feb 2023 auction.

Then, moving to the internals, we go from bad to worse as buyside demand also collapsed and Indirects (i.e. foreign accounts) took down just 52.1%, a sharp drop from 64.6% last month (and the 63.9% six-auction average), and the lowest since June 2022; and with Directs awarded 21.7%, Dealers were left with a whopping 26.2%, a huge jump from last month's 16.3% and the six-auction average of 16.1%. Overall, this was a very ugly auction and one which has pushed 10Y yields to session highs of 4.28%, up almost 20bps from the Thursday low of 4.10%, indicating that the market finally realized that it had eased financial conditions far too much ahead of the Wednesday Fed meeting.


It’s not a coincidence that the Big 7 (NAS) stonks are not doing well today as Corporate Share Buybacks ended for Qrtly earnings lockouts and don’t return until January 19th or right around then

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d99742 No.113246

File: a7f4464f7c24d43⋯.png (470.71 KB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058291 (111726ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Great new polls numbers out of Iowa, thank you---MAGA!!!

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Dec 11, 2023, 12:13 PM


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d99742 No.113247

File: de119d629ffa08b⋯.png (345.17 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058299 (111727ZDEC23) Notable: A New Hampshire man accused of threatening to kill Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramswamy has been arrested

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CONCORD – A Dover man has been arrested and charged in connection with sending text messages that threatened a presidential candidate and attendees at a campaign event scheduled to take place in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S. Attorney Jane E. Young announces.

Tyler Anderson, 30, was charged with transmitting in interstate commerce a threat to injure the person of another. Anderson will make an initial appearance in federal court in Concord today, December 11, 2023, at 2:30 p.m.

According to the charging documents, Anderson received a text message from the victim’s campaign notifying him of a political event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Anderson responded to the text message on December 8, 2023, stating: “Great, another opportunity for me to blow his brains out!” and “I’m going to kill everyone who attends and then f*** their corpses.”

The charge provides for a sentence of up to five years in prison, up to three years of supervised release, and a fine of up to $250,000. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and statutes which govern the determination of a sentence in a criminal case.


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d99742 No.113248

File: 29c8aae4a06a381⋯.jpg (67.64 KB,797x525,797:525,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058317 (111733ZDEC23) Notable: U.N. climate negotiators confirmed Monday pushing for a deal at the COP28 climate summit beginning of the end for fossil fuels.

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>making threats

just announcing the plan being 'argued' at the UN


UN climate talks argue over fossil fuel "reduction"


A draft deal published at the UN climate talks in Dubai promised to "reduce" reliance on coal, oil and gas.

The draft text replaced earlier language that had called for a "phaseout" of fossil fuels.

All 194 countries at the summit must agree or there is no deal.

Humans burning fossil fuels is driving global warming, risking millions of lives, but governments have never agreed how or when to stop using them.

The head of the Alliance of Small Island States, representing nations on the frontline of climate change said the text was "completely insufficient" and had "weak language on fossil fuels". He said "it does not refer to a phase out at all".

Politicians, including from nations on the frontline of climate change, have been in Dubai, United Arab Emirates to discuss the growing problem in a year that is set to be the warmest on record.

Earlier versions of the draft deal included one option to "phase out of fossil fuels in line with best available science".

But the latest copy instead suggests that nations "reduce" their use of fossil fuels. It said countries should "reduce consumption and production of fossil fuels in a just, orderly and equitable manner" to stop adding warming gases to the atmosphere before 2050.

It did include a promise to treble renewable energy capacity by 2030, a pledge signed earlier in the talks by more than 100 nations.

The COP28 president, Sultan al-Jaber, said the text reflected his ambitions and called it a "huge step forward."

The draft appears to fall short of the standard for success established earlier on Monday by UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

He said the talks will be judged on nations' ability to decide on the future of coal, oil and gas.

The meeting will only be considered a success if it reaches "consensus on the need to phase out fossil fuels in line with a timeline of 1.5C", he said.

Nations have promised to keep global temperature rise below 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

The talks are officially supposed to finish on Tuesday but could overrun as nations argue over the final deal.

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d99742 No.113249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058331 (111737ZDEC23) Notable: Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

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Canada #50 >>>/qresearch/20058312

Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

Al Gore says that people having access to information outside of mainstream media sources is a threat to “democracy” and that social media algorithms “ought to be banned.”

Yes, really.

Gore made the comments during an appearance at the Cop28 climate change hysteria conference in Dubai.

Gore whined that social media had “disrupted the balances that used to exist that made representative democracy work much better.”

The former Vice President said that functioning democracy relied on a “shared base of knowledge that serves as a basis for reasoning together collectively” but that “social media that is dominated by algorithms” upsets this balance.

According to Gore, people are being pulled down “rabbit holes” by algorithms that are “the digital equivalent of AR-15s – they ought to be banned, they really ought to be banned!”

Gore claimed, “It’s an abuse of the public forum” and that people were being sucked into echo chambers.

“If you spend too much time in the echo chamber, what’s weaponized is another form of AI, not artificial intelligence, artificial insanity! I’m serious!” he added.

Apparently, the only echo chamber that should be allowed to exist is Gore’s own rabbit hole, wherein the earth is constantly on the brink of destruction thanks to people not obeying his technocratic mandates.

Perhaps Gore is unhappy at his own misinformation being fact checked by individuals who have access to information not produced by corporate media sources that are friendly to him.

Gore infamously predicted that the north polar ice cap would be “ice free” within 5 to 7 years.

It never happened.

As Thomas Cartenacci documents, Gore has a storied history of making climate change predictions that turn out to be spectacularly wrong.

No wonder he wants to ban dissent.


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d99742 No.113250

File: 101268b74b48826⋯.png (429.26 KB,805x699,805:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058367 (111755ZDEC23) Notable: resident delivers remarks at the announcement event for the city of Philadelphia receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award

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Total watching on YT at the end of Joe's speech?



President Biden delivers remarks at the announcement event for the city of Philadelphia receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award that will fund firefighters’ salary and benefits and enable the Philadelphia Fire Department to reopen three fire companies – Engine 6, Ladder 1, and Ladder 11, and more.

Philadelphia, PA


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d99742 No.113251

File: a0bb44a9207a66c⋯.jpeg (525.11 KB,1252x604,313:151,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 13708ca0aedb959⋯.jpeg (387.29 KB,1193x619,1193:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058376 (111757ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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No you suspect with one or 2 others

Milei is not a “white hat”

Nothing will change for the people of Argentina

You don’t go visit the bankers and have meetings on their turf if you are kicking the out

Id love to be proven wrong however the new President of Guatemala (and this is not an endorsement of them) held an anti-corruption rally recently and wouldn’t you know it a SPAR Special Priority Air Resource AC was seen heading to Guatemala City shortly after-cap 2

That is what would be habbening to Milei if he was a “white hat” we’d be going there for a “chat”

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d99742 No.113252

File: 136b4d6d5c2238b⋯.png (499.4 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058381 (111758ZDEC23) Notable: Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish Truckers Are Blocking Border Checkpoints With Ukraine -- Protests Over Kiev’s Haulers Privileges Are Hurting Military Campaign

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Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish Truckers Are Blocking Border Checkpoints With Ukraine – Protests Over Kiev’s Haulers Privileges Are Hurting Military Campaign

After Black Sea ports were blocked by Russia, the land exits faced disruptive protests by neighbor truckers.

Hungarian freight carriers, starting December 11, begin an official demonstration and block a checkpoint on the border with Ukraine, according to the Association of Hungarian Road Carriers.

Yahoo reported:

“Truckers from Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia argue they are being unfairly treated by existing EU policies because their Ukrainian counterparts do not have to purchase expensive permits.

Prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukrainian drivers had to apply for permits to enter EU countries. But Brussels suspended transport permits last year until June 2024 as part of the Solidarity Lanes Initiative to help Ukraine’s struggling export industry after Russia blocked Ukraine’s Black Sea ports. The protesters are demanding the EU reinstate permits for Ukrainian drivers.”

The development comes right after Truckers in Slovakia joined the Polish counterparts, who pioneered staging blockades at the border with Ukraine.

The spreading of the blockades in a protest over competition creates a situation that Kiev says has disrupted crucial humanitarian aid imports.

Bloomberg reported:

“The Union of Slovak Haulers began the labor action on Friday at the country’s only crossing for freight transport, extending blockades along the Poland-Ukraine frontier that’s caused traffic chaos for weeks. The Slovak drivers are demanding that the European Union reverse a wartime decision to loosen licensing rules for Ukrainian truckers.

The disruption to competition has had a ‘devastating impact on the Slovak transport market, but also on the markets of other neighboring states and throughout the EU’, the union said in a statement. The organization, which will gauge whether a Dec. 4 meeting of EU transport ministers in Brussels address their demands, said the blockade will last until further notice.

Polish truckers began blocking three crossings with Ukraine on Nov. 6, triggering pileups of tens of thousands of vehicles on both sides of the border in freezing temperatures. Two Ukrainian drivers have died. The government in Kyiv accused Poland of inaction as trade is disrupted as the country fights off the Russian invasion. Warsaw has pointed the finger at Kyiv.”

Meanwhile, the month-long border blockade by the Polish truck drivers has caused severe disruptions to crucial supplies for Ukraine’s war effort.


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d99742 No.113253

File: 5df0e4b30acdd21⋯.png (673.38 KB,858x776,429:388,Clipboard.png)

File: b59869ae4a9ed65⋯.png (77.36 KB,910x371,130:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 973ce96b966f3b5⋯.png (48.5 KB,931x258,931:258,Clipboard.png)

File: c93d10566bc9e75⋯.png (241.06 KB,937x406,937:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 150c6a3e2da9a9a⋯.png (148.49 KB,917x389,917:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058391 (111802ZDEC23) Notable: The FBI Report on the Late Night Ballot Fraud Operation in Georgia in 2020 EXONERATES RUDY GIULIANI and Implicates Chris Wray

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The FBI Report on the Late Night Ballot Fraud Operation in Georgia in 2020 EXONERATES RUDY GIULIANI and Implicates Chris Wray

Chris Wray’s FBI, along with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office, released a report in June that concluded that they “did not uncover any violations” during their investigation of the late-night ballot counting at The State Farm Center in Atlanta, Georgia on Election Day November 3, 2020.

According to the report, “Teams of investigators from the FBI, GBI, and Georgia SOS conducted independent and simultaneous interviews of Fulton County elections workers who were involved in the processing and scanning of absentee ballots at State Farm Arena on Election Night on November 3, 2020. Investigators from the three law enforcement agencies also reviewed the entire unedited security video footage of the events in question at State Farm Arena. SOS investigators independently interviewed party observers who were present at State Farm Arena that evening.”

They did not uncover any violations.

According to the FBI-GBI report, the “bulk of the investigation appears to have been conducted in December 2020 and January 2021, but both the State Election Board and the Georgia Secretary of State’s office was backed up reviewing claims.”

Again, the report was just released in June by Chris Wray’s FBI and the GBI in Georgia – along with Georgia SOS Brad Raffensperger. It appears that there was no new information in the report other than what was known in December 2020, so it begs the question – Why did it take three years for Chris Wray’s FBI to release the report?

Several election officials went back to the State Farm Arena and they began counting ballots late at night without observers present. According to the Georgia Republican Party at the time, this was unlawful activity.

Joe Hoft, who is a contributor at The Gateway Pundit, first released video at the time exposing election workers at the State Farm Center on Election night shoving stacks of ballots through the machines several times.

In one instance, the stack of ballots was fed through one machine three times by operator Ruby Freeman, and that same stack of ballots was then fed through another machine by-election worker Ralph Jones. The same stack of ballots went through the machines at least four times!

Here again, is video of the election workers pulling hidden ballots out from under a draped table, jamming the ballots through the machines multiple times.

Following the 2020 presidential election, Rudy Giuliani and The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft were sued by two election workers, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Shae Moss, her daughter. The two women claim that they were threatened after Rudy Giuliani, Jim, and Joe reported on their illicit activities late at night on November 3, 2020.


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d99742 No.113254

File: 8b3b42301b459dd⋯.png (289.89 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058404 (111805ZDEC23) Notable: Polish PM loses no-confidence vote, spells the end of Mateusz Morawiecki’s government and his six-year rule

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Polish PM loses no-confidence vote

The result spells the end of Mateusz Morawiecki’s government and his six-year rule

The Polish parliament passed a motion of no confidence on Monday against Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Of the 456 MPs who voted, only 190 backed the premier.

The no-confidence vote comes after Morawiecki’s right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party lost a general election in mid-October. A broad coalition of pro-EU parties, led by former Polish Prime Minister and ex-European Council President Donald Tusk, claimed a parliamentary majority in the vote.

PiS has already conceded defeat, with party president Jaroslaw Kaczynski blaming the outcome of the no-confidence vote on a broader ‘smear campaign’ against the group.

“The prime minister achieved great successes for our government,” Kaczynski asserted after the vote. “I think there was a social misunderstanding, but that’s democracy. We accept it, but we will fight. The campaign against PiS has convinced a significant part of our society that the imaginary reality is real.”

He also hinted at external meddling in Morawiecki’s downfall, stating that his “dream” was for Polish politicians not to act “for the benefit of foreign countries.”

The Polish parliament is set to select Morawiecki’s replacement later on Monday, Speaker Szymon Holownia has announced, adding that the cabinet is expected to be formed on Tuesday.

So far, no list of candidates for the post has been announced, with Holownia suggesting it may include only one person.

Tusk is widely expected to return as prime minister, a post he held between 2007 and 2014. He became head of the EU Council shortly after his tenure ended and remained in that position until 2019. He was succeeded by the current head of the bloc’s executive body, Charles Michel.


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d99742 No.113255

File: 8b98efe4c905346⋯.png (231.92 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058421 (111810ZDEC23) Notable: Cosmic nuclear fission seen for 1st time

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Cosmic nuclear fission seen for 1st time in 'incredibly profound' discovery


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d99742 No.113256

File: 1a1967ff71e6e07⋯.jpg (45.53 KB,471x489,157:163,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b471575b00af476⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,888x470,444:235,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058423 (111811ZDEC23) Notable: Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

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Elander & the News



Listen carefully. He says Democracy is under threat because citizens are no longer all getting the same print news (propaganda)

Algorithms (that governments can’t control) are threatening democracy.

It’s like he thinks we are stupid or insane … oh

3:21 PM · Dec 7, 2023


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d99742 No.113257

File: 3b34097e63dfaaa⋯.jpeg (330.75 KB,1119x586,1119:586,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058425 (111811ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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C102 US Coast Guard G5 departed LAX north

>>113132, >>113138 pb

Potato in AF1 747 departed Los Angeles Intl to JBA

>it was switched to empty call sign after making the turn to the east after depart cap 3

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d99742 No.113258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058431 (111812ZDEC23) Notable: 1:15 PM EST Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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1:15 PM EST

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State





State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of international topics.


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d99742 No.113259

File: 631d24ac870e02b⋯.jpeg (765.29 KB,1170x1501,1170:1501,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058458 (111818ZDEC23) Notable: Special counsel goes directly to Supreme Court to resolve whether Trump has immunity from prosecution

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Special counsel goes directly to Supreme Court to resolve whether Trump has immunity from prosecution


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d99742 No.113260

File: 71b61154bd2335a⋯.png (336.9 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 9782fcf4e89247e⋯.png (273.81 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: d876ae93223a2c8⋯.png (267.93 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 263d7442954d6bc⋯.png (291.17 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058480 (111824ZDEC23) Notable: Boatfag

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Two Amphibs, two DDGs off San Diego. The kicker is TWO USNS replenishment ships. Now either those I have tracks on are tasked with staying out to support some big exercise, or what seems more likely is there is a carrier out there somewhere

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d99742 No.113261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058484 (111826ZDEC23) Notable: 1:50 PM EST New York Foreign Press Center Briefing on Catalyzing Innovation in Technology through Regional Tech Hubs

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1:50 PM EST

New York Foreign Press Center Briefing on Catalyzing Innovation in Technology through Regional Tech Hubs

Department of State


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d99742 No.113262

File: ce0ff86c36e7675⋯.png (753.25 KB,900x800,9:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058485 (111826ZDEC23) Notable: The Air Force disciplined 15 people over the leak of classified documents on the Discord social media site, allegedly by Jack Teixeira.

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Air Force disciplines 15 for 'lack of supervision' after massive leak of classified docs usatoday.com/story/news/poli…

Air Force disciplines 15 for 'lack of supervision' after massive leak of classified docs

The Air Force disciplined 15 people over the leak of classified documents on the Discord social media site, allegedly by Jack Teixeira.

Dec 11, 2023 · 5:46 PM UTC


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d99742 No.113263

File: 680df1c83c7bbd6⋯.jpeg (556.8 KB,1201x592,1201:592,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058486 (111826ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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Polish AF PLF220 departed Warsaw west

This is high level Polish AF and used by both President and PM in past

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d99742 No.113264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058489 (111826ZDEC23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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d99742 No.113265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058493 (111827ZDEC23) Notable: Special counsel goes directly to Supreme Court to resolve whether Trump has immunity from prosecution

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GITMO material.

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d99742 No.113266

File: e9b3455ae83363d⋯.jpg (325.12 KB,1666x1956,833:978,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058506 (111831ZDEC23) Notable: Finland Declassifies Oswald File

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Finland Declassifies Oswald File

Following President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in November of 1963, Supo wrote a memorandum on JFK’s reported killer Oswald’s stay in Finland but kept it secret from the public until now.

TGP Article:


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d99742 No.113267

File: 78f65c62f698d14⋯.png (61.85 KB,672x389,672:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f84da2e333e3dd⋯.png (49.92 KB,326x534,163:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 4eb05bacd1521f4⋯.png (84.38 KB,656x538,328:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 64bfd3536209f1e⋯.png (85.27 KB,669x516,223:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 02fbfd8f419fb71⋯.png (64.57 KB,663x400,663:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058507 (111831ZDEC23) Notable: Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's personal lawyer is LINKED to Hunter's newly filed criminal indictment

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Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's personal lawyer who is authorized to act on the president's behalf in financial matters, is LINKED to Hunter's newly filed criminal indictment

Corporate records obtained by DailyMail.com reveal links between Joe Biden's confidante who has his power of attorney and Hunter's business deals

Mel Monzack's law firm was listed as the registered agent for Robinson Walker LLC – a company owned by business partner and Biden family friend, Rob Walker

The payments from Robinson Walker LLC are part of new criminal tax charges against the First Son filed Thursday in a California federal court

A little-known lawyer has the power to handle all of President Joe Biden’s financial and business affairs – and is linked to Hunter Biden’s shady Chinese business dealings, documents obtained by DailyMail.com reveal.

Mel Monzack, 83, a close friend of the President, has held Joe’s ‘power of attorney’ since 1987, allowing him to control POTUS’s bank accounts and sign financial documents on Joe’s behalf.

And DailyMail.com can now reveal that Monzack may also be also linked to Hunter Biden’s suspect dealings with Chinese oil giant CEFC - dealings that are now part of a new criminal indictment filed on Thursday.

Monzack was not named in the indictment filed Thursday, nor were any other Hunter associates.

Corporate records show Monzack’s law firm is the registered agent for a company belonging to Hunter’s business partner that received $3 million from State Energy HK, a CEFC affiliate, in an alleged plot to buy influence with the President.

Monzack has been Joe’s close confidant and personal attorney for decades. He served as treasurer for his failed 2008 presidential campaign, and is the registered agent for Joe and First Lady Jill Biden’s companies that have recorded millions of dollars in income.

Monzack’s law firm, Monzack Mersky Mclaughlin and Browder, is also the registered agent for Robinson Walker LLC, a company that received $3 million from State Energy HK Limited and funneled the cash to three Biden family members as part of an allegedly corrupt energy deal.

Special Counsel David Weiss charged Hunter with nine tax crimes on Thursday, citing the payments that came via Robinson Walker LLC in the indictment filed in a Los Angeles federal court.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058575 (111848ZDEC23) Notable: #24619

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24619 >>113198

>>113204, >>113216, >>113251, >>113257, >>113263, >>113264 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>113260 Boatfag

>>113199 @CorpsHistory #HappyHolidaysMarines

>>113200, >>113202 Pflops

>>113201, >>113203 Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS, Trump Tops Biden By 4 /DS panics big

>>113205 @FORSCOM 🗣GAS GAS GAS! 🚨

>>113206 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Solar Minimum versus Solar Maximum

>>113207, >>113209 @RealChrisBrunet and I have obtained documentation demonstrating that Harvard President Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis

>>113208 Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>113210 @HQ_AFMC Open Season for Federal Employees ends at 11:59 pm ET today!

>>113211 Grassley: Christmas around the Capitol

>>113212 Tucker Carlson is launching his own video network with multiple shows.

>>113213 Giuliani Faces Trial For Defamation Today—Here’s What To Expect

>>113214 NASA Signs Memorandum of Agreement for Space Weather

>>113215, >>113237, >>113238, >>113248 U.N. climate negotiators confirmed Monday pushing for a deal at the COP28 climate summit beginning of the end for fossil fuels.

>>113217 Henry Kissinger and the birth of space diplomacy

>>113219, >>113220 NASA’s Webb Stuns With New High-Definition Look at Exploded Star

>>113221, >>113236 Secretary of Defense Austin and Zelenskyy speak at National Defense University in Washington, D.C.

>>113222 DoD Announces New Reserve Forces Policy Board Chair

>>113223, >>113218 11 DROPS IN TOTAL - THIS BELOW #QDROP 484 Muslim Brotherhood

>>113225 SCOTUS punted to Jan on creative use of "official proceeding" case/Jan 6 case

>>113226 Netflix's "Leave the World Behind" cyber apocalypse movie warns about "white people" if "the world falls apart."

>>113227 SSC Partners for Cost Effective Corrosion Control on its Launch Ranges

>>113228, >>113224 USACE operates one of fiveDoD DSRC supercomputers.RED CASTLE

>>113229 Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s travel to Germany

>>113231 India's Aditya-L1 solar observatory captures 1st gorgeous views of the sun

>>113232 Pervert Who Bragged About Having Sex With His Cat Buys Twin Boys Through Surrogacy

>>113233 Why are advertisers still on Facebook and Instagram but have such a massive problem with X, child trafficking!?

>>113234 China falls deeper into deflation territory, hitting markets; IMF warns of risk of cold war II – as it happened


>>113239, >>113245 For The Market To Be Right, Every Member Of The FOMC Has To Be Wrong (they are with little truth in the many “speeches”)

>>113240 Elias helped to fund and facilitate Christopher Steele and his dossier

>>113241, >>113247 A New Hampshire man accused of threatening to kill Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramswamy has been arrested

>>113242 Beyond the SCIF: Countering Chinese Influence Operations on American Soil

>>113243, >>113250 resident delivers remarks at the announcement event for the city of Philadelphia receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award

>>113244, >>113246 @realDonaldTrump Great new polls numbers out of Iowa, thank you—MAGA!!!

>>113249, >>113256 Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

>>113252 Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish Truckers Are Blocking Border Checkpoints With Ukraine - Protests Over Kiev’s Haulers Privileges Are Hurting Military Campaign

>>113253 The FBI Report on the Late Night Ballot Fraud Operation in Georgia in 2020 EXONERATES RUDY GIULIANI and Implicates Chris Wray

>>113254 Polish PM loses no-confidence vote, spells the end of Mateusz Morawiecki’s government and his six-year rule

>>113255 Cosmic nuclear fission seen for 1st time

>>113258 1:15 PM EST Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>113259, >>113265 Special counsel goes directly to Supreme Court to resolve whether Trump has immunity from prosecution

>>113261 1:50 PM EST New York Foreign Press Center Briefing on Catalyzing Innovation in Technology through Regional Tech Hubs

>>113262 The Air Force disciplined 15 people over the leak of classified documents on the Discord social media site, allegedly by Jack Teixeira.

>>113266 Finland Declassifies Oswald File

>>113267 Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's personal lawyer is LINKED to Hunter's newly filed criminal indictment


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113269

File: a574e64738fcdda⋯.png (80.53 KB,600x184,75:23,Clipboard.png)

File: e9d9038c669b8a7⋯.jpg (51.31 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a173a7c2ea743ce⋯.jpg (80.12 KB,735x671,735:671,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 985258dc15cb296⋯.jpg (103.63 KB,750x900,5:6,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 50b50fc1032bdc1⋯.jpg (34.99 KB,480x656,30:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058589 (111851ZDEC23) Notable: #24620

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Baker needs off hand, gone @20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113270

File: 754cf567183fb66⋯.png (1.19 MB,980x552,245:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058652 (111902ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum

by Laura Loomer

Dec 10, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113271

File: 6a6081650fedf9d⋯.png (931.86 KB,859x1162,859:1162,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d11ccd50432162⋯.png (123.57 KB,860x650,86:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058672 (111906ZDEC23) Notable: Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113272

File: d050044d8c918b9⋯.png (318.34 KB,900x651,300:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058687 (111911ZDEC23) Notable: NavalInstitute - USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Naval Institute



USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 11, 2023

Dec 11, 2023 · 4:43 PM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113273

File: e1678b789137182⋯.png (123.83 KB,592x570,296:285,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f5ffac8e4ddf96⋯.png (612.6 KB,1170x1430,9:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 59f5c892001542e⋯.png (877.97 KB,1170x1421,1170:1421,Clipboard.png)

File: df04846629a3637⋯.png (280.88 KB,1170x1413,130:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058771 (111924ZDEC23) Notable: We have reason to believe Media Matters used fraud to solicit donations from Missourians in order to bully advertisers into pulling out of X

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Attorney General Andrew Bailey


🚨BREAKING: We have reason to believe Media Matters used fraud to solicit donations from Missourians in order to bully advertisers into pulling out of X, the last platform dedicated to free speech in America.

We have launched an investigation.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113274

File: 0241ec3cc241ffb⋯.jpg (105.17 KB,720x732,60:61,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fffbb530fb79dc0⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058782 (111926ZDEC23) Notable: Biden awkwardly poses halfway in the photo, then just wanders away

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden awkwardly poses halfway in the photo, then just wanders away

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113275

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058794 (111927ZDEC23) Notable: We have reason to believe Media Matters used fraud to solicit donations from Missourians in order to bully advertisers into pulling out of X

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113276

File: 99beac531a03763⋯.png (553.7 KB,818x700,409:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 096b0ac3e4aaab3⋯.png (961.66 KB,1728x895,1728:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058922 (111952ZDEC23) Notable: 'Spain expels two US spies for infiltrating secret service'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Dec 10

'Spain expels two US spies for infiltrating secret service'

| El Pais


The Spanish government has spoken to the U.S. ambassador about its concern regarding the hostile actions, which are not expected between two allies


Dec 10, 2023 · 12:38 AM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113277

File: f3bf0da98d2ed1f⋯.jpeg (642.46 KB,1190x610,119:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4c0cd19139c9533⋯.jpeg (806.86 KB,828x1300,207:325,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058943 (111957ZDEC23) Notable: PF Report - Potato in 09-0015 C32A landed at Philly Intl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>113216 lb

Potato in 09-0015 C32A landed at Philly Intl

Campaign event then back to WH

Did not bother to look at schedule as rare for him to do much if anything after returning from most longer trips


09-0018 C32A out from JBA

>>113257 lb

C102 Coast Guard G5 landed at Seattle-Boeing Field from LAX depart

SAM401 heading to Travis AFB

SPAR28 continues west from JBA depart

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113278

File: 3b241c63af57354⋯.png (1.49 MB,1150x1125,46:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059013 (112008ZDEC23) Notable: Harvard President Claudine Gay DENIES she plagiarized sections of her Ph.D

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Harvard President Claudine Gay DENIES she plagiarized sections of her Ph.Dand says she 'stands by the integrity of my scholarship' - as she faces pressure to step down after disastrous congressional hearing

▶ Harvard President Claudine Gay is hit with plagiarism accusations - which she DENIES and

▶In a statement to the Boston Globe on Monday, Gay said: 'I stand by the integrity of my scholarship. Throughout my career, I have worked to ensure my scholarship adheres to the highest academic standards.'

▶It comes after the billionaire hedge fund boss Bill Ackman highlighted reports that she allegedly plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis.

▶ The 53-year-old is facing intense scrutiny after she failed to condemn anti-Semitism in a shocking exchange before NY Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik last week.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113279

File: 61077b4da2beaf3⋯.png (674.65 KB,787x592,787:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059089 (112028ZDEC23) Notable: Baker change/claimed dough

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Claiming the bake

...Let the reees commence.


#24620 >>113269

>>113270, >>113271 Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum

>>113272 NavalInstitute - USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker

>>113273, >>113275 We have reason to believe Media Matters used fraud to solicit donations from Missourians in order to bully advertisers into pulling out of X

>>113274 Biden awkwardly poses halfway in the photo, then just wanders away

>>113276 'Spain expels two US spies for infiltrating secret service'

>>113277 PF Report - Potato in 09-0015 C32A landed at Philly Intl

>>113278 Harvard President Claudine Gay DENIES she plagiarized sections of her Ph.D

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113280

File: efd4da567d39ec5⋯.png (586.1 KB,1055x814,1055:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059096 (112030ZDEC23) Notable: Christie warns of ‘deranged sycophants’ staffing second Trump administration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Christie warns of ‘deranged sycophants’ staffing second Trump administration

Filip Timotija

Mon, December 11, 2023 at 2:10 PM EST·2 min read


Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie warned that a second Trump administration could be staffed with “a bunch of deranged sycophants” during a Monday morning appearance on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show.

The former governor of New Jersey made the comments in response to Hewitt asking whether “we ought to have more clarity on who’s coming in with the team,” referring to a potential second Trump administration.

“Is this going to be the Kash Patels of the world?” Christie said. “The Jeffrey Clarks of the world? The Michael Flynns of the world are going to be the people who are going to populate the next Trump administration: a bunch of deranged sycophants who will just do whatever the masters tell them to do regardless of the law and the Constitution.”

All three potential staffers — Patel, Clark and Flynn — were at least briefly part of Trump’s administration during his first term.

Clark spread Trump’s false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election. He served as a senior Department of Justice appointee in the Trump administration.

More at link

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059157 (112048ZDEC23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4:00 PM EST

H.R. 357 - Ensuring Accountability in Agency Rulemaking Act; H.R. 1147 - Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2023; H.R. 6570 - Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act; H.R. 6611 - FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023

House Rules Committee


H.R. 357 – Ensuring Accountability in Agency Rulemaking Act



H. Rept. 118-282 – Report from the Committee on the Judiciary to accompany H.R. 357



H.R. 1147 – Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2023



H. Rept. 118 -__ – Report from the Committee on the Judiciary to accompany H.R. 6570 (as prepared to be filed)



Rules Committee Print 118-17 – Showing the text of H.R. 6611, as ordered reported by the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, with modifications.



H. Rept. 118-131 – Report from the Committee on Education and the Workforce to accompany H.R. 1147



H.R. 6570 – Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act



Rules Committee Print 118-16 – Showing the text of H.R. 6570, as ordered reported by the Committee on the Judiciary.



H. Rept. 118-__ – Report from the Committee on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to accompany H.R. 6611 (as prepared to be filed)



H.R. 6611 - FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023



Comparative Print Showing the differences between H.R. 6611 (as introduced) and Rules Committee Print 118-17.



H.R. 6570 – Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act






Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113282

File: a01a0513d1dd454⋯.png (2.1 MB,1275x2115,85:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059162 (112049ZDEC23) Notable: Special counsel Jack Smith asks the Supreme Court to rule quickly on whether Trump can be prosecuted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Special counsel Jack Smith asks the Supreme Court to rule quickly on whether Trump can be prosecuted

WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Jack Smith on Monday asked the Supreme Court to take up and rule quickly on whether former President Donald Trump can be prosecuted on charges he plotted to overturn the 2020 election results.

Smith made his request for the court to act with unusual speed to prevent any delays that could push back the trial of the 2024 Republican presidential primary front-runner, currently set to begin on March 4, until after next year’s presidential election.

A federal judge ruled the case could go forward, but Trump signaled he would ask the federal appeals court in Washington to reverse that outcome. Smith is attempting to bypass the appeals court, the usual next step in the process, and have the Supreme Court take up the matter directly.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113283

File: b6356d58953b843⋯.png (793.29 KB,1055x814,1055:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059169 (112050ZDEC23) Notable: She’s with him: Hillary Clinton steps out as a key player in Biden’s re-election effort

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

She’s with him: Hillary Clinton steps out as a key player in Biden’s re-election effort

Clinton hosted a $1 million fundraiser at her Georgetown home.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113284

File: 7cb92f9a0fb3113⋯.jpg (126.14 KB,1274x836,637:418,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dce064e5e744433⋯.jpg (62.9 KB,1292x429,1292:429,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059186 (112056ZDEC23) Notable: PEDO ALERT - pizzagate continues

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PEDO ALERT - pizzagate continues

This account on ETSY is selling children and they are not afraid to be discovered.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113285

File: 786c61fcdfb44ed⋯.png (3.13 MB,1212x1209,404:403,Clipboard.png)

File: d017fc68d87b150⋯.png (99.52 KB,721x562,721:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059267 (112116ZDEC23) Notable: Q+ successfully gets fake news to criticize its own controlling dictatorship

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q+ successfully gets fake news to criticize its own controlling dictatorship.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113286

File: 7016c06e1f13a60⋯.png (80.46 KB,896x614,448:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059275 (112118ZDEC23) Notable: @rumble - We are aware of service disruptions and our engineers are looking into it. We will provide an update shortly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rumble- 🏴‍☠️ $RUM @rumble

We are aware ofservice disruptionsand our engineers are looking into it. We will provide an update shortly.

Dec 11, 2023, 10:08 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113287

File: d5fa1aecb337f0e⋯.jpg (349.59 KB,520x650,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059379 (112140ZDEC23) Notable: #24620

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~@720Last call

...Prepping the next bake.


#24620 >>113269

>>113270, >>113271 Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum

>>113272 NavalInstitute - USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker

>>113273, >>113275 We have reason to believe Media Matters used fraud to solicit donations from Missourians in order to bully advertisers into pulling out of X

>>113274 Biden awkwardly poses halfway in the photo, then just wanders away

>>113276 'Spain expels two US spies for infiltrating secret service'

>>113277 PF Report - Potato in 09-0015 C32A landed at Philly Intl

>>113278 Harvard President Claudine Gay DENIES she plagiarized sections of her Ph.D

>>113279 Baker change/claimed dough

>>113280 Christie warns of ‘deranged sycophants’ staffing second Trump administration

>>113281 Swamp Schedule

>>113282 Special counsel Jack Smith asks the Supreme Court to rule quickly on whether Trump can be prosecuted

>>113283 She’s with him: Hillary Clinton steps out as a key player in Biden’s re-election effort

>>113284 PEDO ALERT - pizzagate continues

>>113285 Q+ successfully gets fake news to criticize its own controlling dictatorship

>>113286 @rumble - We are aware of service disruptions and our engineers are looking into it. We will provide an update shortly.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113288

File: 853ebc7b677e06d⋯.gif (150.28 KB,500x328,125:82,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059401 (112143ZDEC23) Notable: #24621

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113289

File: c215b1c16aa5f07⋯.png (366.14 KB,851x419,851:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 851532428f08881⋯.png (1.22 MB,722x818,361:409,Clipboard.png)

File: c546a86496775fb⋯.png (1.19 MB,726x954,121:159,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a4e0258cd4fb3d⋯.png (3.21 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b0cb1ba2f6a728⋯.jpg (24.95 KB,607x710,607:710,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059498 (112208ZDEC23) Notable: Preliminary Evidence: we are closer to AGI than it appears.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Preliminary Evidence: we are closer to AGI than it appears.

If prompted with "concepts" on propositional logic, GPT4's lowest score on ConceptARC goes from 13% GPT4 vs 86% Human, to 100% GPT4, without training examples.

This performance jump extends to ALL text benchmarks.

[Around January 4, 2024] I will release a full chess engine based on GPT4, whose code / prompts anyone will be able to inspect... GPT4's "performant output" willbeat every other chess engine in existence in a tournament of any size.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113290

File: 3598956ab953dfe⋯.png (692.82 KB,679x453,679:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fea4ad7df7b064⋯.png (410.77 KB,542x592,271:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059551 (112222ZDEC23) Notable: @ZelenskyyUa - I began my visit to the USA by meeting with @SecDef Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown at the US National Defense University.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський


I began my visit to the USA by meeting with


Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown at the US National Defense University.

We discussed global security challenges, frontline developments, and further US-Ukraine defense cooperation.

I am grateful to the U.S. for the implementation of our agreements, particularly those on strengthening our air defense, as well as to Secretary Austin and General Brown for their personal leadership.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d99742 No.113291

File: ae36802e09bb2f1⋯.png (700.01 KB,1214x768,607:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059607 (112235ZDEC23) Notable: Who Is Sara Biden? Joe’s In-Law Emerges as Central Figure in Foreign Cash Deals

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Who Is Sara Biden? Joe’s In-Law Emerges as Central Figure in Foreign Cash Deals


By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations

December 11, 2023

Trouble has followed Sara Catherine Jones since she married into the Biden family almost three decades ago.

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d99742 No.113292

File: 0116957df0829d2⋯.png (391.24 KB,537x455,537:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059615 (112236ZDEC23) Notable: @AdamKleppAZ - 3rd straight Monday in Lukeville. Welcome back everybody for the march of the migrants.

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Adam Klepp


3rd straight Monday in Lukeville. Welcome back everybody for the march of the migrants.


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d99742 No.113293

File: 50527a339ad6674⋯.png (295.43 KB,818x757,818:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059632 (112240ZDEC23) Notable: New poll shows Trump winning 2024 in a landslide, taking the majority of swing states

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Leading Report



BREAKING: New poll shows Trump winning 2024 in a landslide, taking the majority of swing states.


@RacetotheWH Swing States polling avg. (Biden vs Trump, July 20 Dec. 10) GA: D+0.2 → R+5.7 AZ: D+1.2 → R+4.9 NV: D+2.7 → R+2.9 PA: D+1.5 → R+2.3 MI: D+1.6 → R+1.3 WI: D+7.3 → D+1.9 EC based on polls...


Dec 11, 2023 · 8:51 PM UTC



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d99742 No.113294

File: c782fd4c08dd614⋯.png (335.61 KB,952x867,56:51,Clipboard.png)

File: a473b01911938d5⋯.png (528.95 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059653 (112243ZDEC23) Notable: Real Estate Titans Battle DeSantis Over China Property Crackdown

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This article names a good amount of companies who may not want limits on China buying up US property.

Real Estate Titans Battle DeSantis Over China Property Crackdown

(Bloomberg) - Ron DeSantis rattled corporate America by making Walt Disney Co. a target of his conservative culture wars. Now, the Florida governor’s campaign to rid the state of Chinese influence is fueling a forceful backlash from big-name investors.

A group that represents companies including Blackstone Inc., Steve Ross’s Related Cos. and Barry Sternlicht’s Starwood Capital wants to roll back a law that went into effect in July that bans most Chinese investment in real estate in Florida. Other developers, including home builder Lennar Corp., also are pushing back on the statute. Lobbyists are pressing state lawmakers to pass legislation early next year to relax the restrictions, people involved in the process say.

DeSantis, whose bid for the Republican nomination for president is struggling, has made getting tough on China part of his campaign to woo conservative voters. The Foreign Countries of Concern law, he says, blocks agents of China’s communist regime from buying property near US military bases to use for spying.

Yet the law also bans most Chinese capital from being used to fund projects in Florida, choking off a relatively cheap source of financing for an engine of the state’s economy at a time of high interest rates and distress in commercial real estate. Firms with Chinese investors are barred from taking even small, non-controlling stakes in real estate deals under the statute.

“The law is far-reaching, very, very confusing, and the unintended consequences would be very, very detrimental,” said John Fish, chairman of the Real Estate Roundtable, a lobbying group for dozens of America’s biggest real estate investors, including Citigroup Inc., Blackstone, Related, Starwood and Wells Fargo & Co.

Wells Fargo declined to comment. Citigroup, Blackstone, Related and Starwood didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Earlier this year, Ken Griffin, the founder of the Citadel financial empire and Florida’s second-richest person after Jeff Bezos, was able to win some changes to the legislation — which places restrictions on China, Venezuela and five other “countries of concern” — before it was enacted. Griffin’s lobbyists managed to loosen some of the curbs on home purchases by Chinese nationals.

The continuing coordinated pushback by companies involved in buying and selling property suggests the law is having a significant negative impact on an industry that is a vast source of jobs and wealth for Floridians. Real estate accounts for 17% of Florida’s gross domestic product, about $244 billion, and generates almost a fifth of its tax revenue, according to the latest Federal Reserve data.

Delayed Projects

Funding from China has long helped bankroll big projects throughout the state, but in recent months some of that money is drying up amid concern about running afoul of DeSantis’ law.

Developers like Lennar and DR Horton Inc. commonly use limited partnerships to pool funds from investors and buy land to build homes or commercial properties. As a result of the law’s restrictions on Chinese investment, however, Lennar has had to delay at least two development projects in Florida, according to people familiar with the builders’ plans.

Representatives for Miami-based Lennar declined to comment. (cont) 1/2


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d99742 No.113295

File: 87bd4dfca9cd5a2⋯.png (654.46 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 21fd2c15423b0f9⋯.png (676.69 KB,768x1153,768:1153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059660 (112244ZDEC23) Notable: Real Estate Titans Battle DeSantis Over China Property Crackdown

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“The new law has served as a significant impediment to further investment,” the Real Estate Roundtable wrote in a Sept. 5 letter to the DeSantis-appointed Florida Real Estate Commission, adding that it stands to “limit the freedom of Florida’s future growth.”

There are signs that the lobbying effort is having some success, according to seven people involved in it. The Florida Commerce Department, led by DeSantis Chief of Staff Alex Kelly, proposed rules in September that would open the door for investors from any of the countries of concern to take stakes of as much as 25% in funds that own property as long as they don’t have operating control. But the changes have yet to be adopted and lawyers following the rulemaking process say they still have unanswered questions.

The Department of Commerce didn’t respond to requests for comment about the issues the business community has raised, and didn’t provide a timeline for when the regulations would be formally adopted.

Representatives from the governor’s office and DeSantis’ presidential campaign didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Clashing With Business

The pushback amplifies how some of DeSantis’ signature policies clash with big business, once a vital Republican constituency. His fight with Disney over a law that limits public-school teaching about gender identity alienated wealthy donors who once saw him as an alternative to former President Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination. DeSantis’ administration also targeted BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest money manager, for promoting environmental, social and governance principles.

Billionaire developer Jorge Perez, the 74-year-old CEO of Related Group known as Miami’s condo king, said he’s “totally against” DeSantis’ restrictions on foreign investment in Florida real estate. “I mean, this is something that should not be so politicized,” Perez said in an interview.

More than two dozen states have either passed or proposed limits on Chinese property ownership, but Florida’s law is one of the most restrictive. The American Civil Liberties Union has challenged the law as discriminatory on behalf of a group of Chinese immigrants, and the US Department of Justice has said it’s unconstitutional. The law has complicated the buying and selling of homes by individuals, on top of its effects on investors and builders.

Major real estate investors are worried about repercussions. Executives at Carlyle Group are concerned that the law would complicate the ability to use funds with investors from China in Florida real estate deals, people familiar with the firm’s thinking said. Representatives for Carlyle Group declined to comment.

Since 2018, Griffin had tapped into his $36 billion fortune to become one of DeSantis’ biggest donors, yet ties between the two men have strained. Griffin didn’t donate to DeSantis’ presidential campaign. And, as DeSantis lost ground in the polls, Griffin and other business leaders, like JPMorgan Chase CEO James Dimon, have hinted at shifting their support to former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. Trump meanwhile has maintained a double-digit lead.

Off Limits

Griffin saw Florida’s anti-China law as an affront, as it would have barred Chinese citizens from buying property within 20 miles (32 kilometers) of military facilities or infrastructure such as ports or power substations. That would have put almost all of South Florida, where Griffin moved his business from Illinois, off limits.

Lobbyists for Citadel, which has a large number of employees from China, convinced lawmakers to narrow the restrictions for those with work permits, Bloomberg reported in August.

Related’s Perez, who has built dozens of buildings in Miami and beyond over four decades, said banks and investors from China and Venezuela have been an important source of funding. But he said he always called the shots.

“It’s not like I’m getting foreigners that are going to control what I build, or not,” Perez said. “These are limited partners.”

DeSantis’ law, he said, goes too far.

“It’s really making something out of nothing,” said Perez. “Investment should flow freely.” 2/2


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d99742 No.113296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059682 (112249ZDEC23) Notable: @mkraju - Dick Durbin told me that Clarence Thomas should consider recusing himself from case on whether Donald Trump should be given immunity from prosecution.

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Mantra begins.


Manu Raju


Sen. Dick Blumenthal, a Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, went further and told me he believes that Clarence Thomas should recuse himself from the Trump case.


Manu Raju




Dick Durbin told me that Clarence Thomas should consider recusing himself from case on whether Donald Trump should be given immunity from prosecution.

“There's been enough information raised about Mr. Thomas and his spouse that he ought to think twice about recusal in this case”


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d99742 No.113297

File: 81823d6ee2fa59c⋯.png (328.21 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059683 (112249ZDEC23) Notable: Ex-EU boss elected as Polish PM again (RT)

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Ex-EU boss elected as Polish PM again

Donald Tusk has regained the PM post nearly a decade after his departure

Veteran pro-EU politician Donald Tusk on Monday became Poland’s new prime minister, after the country’s parliament ousted now-former PM Mateusz Morawiecki in a decisive no-confidence vote.

Tusk secured a comfortable victory, with 248 MPs voting for him and 201 against. The politician needed to secure at least 225 votes to become the new PM.

The election of a premier came shortly after the Polish parliament ousted Morawiecki from his post. The house overwhelmingly backed the no-confidence motion against the now-former PM, with some 266 MPs voting in favor of it.

The downfall of Morawiecki comes after his right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party suffered losses in Poland's general election in mid-October. It was won by Tusk’s broad coalition of pro-EU parties, which now holds a majority in the parliament.

The PiS has conceded defeat, with party president Jaroslaw Kaczynski hailing the country’s “democracy,” although he blamed the downfall of the government on a broad smear campaign against the party. After Tusk got elected, however, Kaczynski himself became unruly and stormed the parliament’s podium, in the process accusing the new PM of being a “German agent.”

Tusk served as Poland’s Prime Minister between 2007 and 2014. Shortly after ending his tenure, he became the president of the European Council, leading the bloc’s executive body until late 2019.


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d99742 No.113298

File: d0dfdfac7961592⋯.png (143.15 KB,818x849,818:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059689 (112250ZDEC23) Notable: #SCOTUS has *granted* Jack Smith’s motion to expedite the petition for certiorari before judgment—and has ordered former President Trump to respond to the petition by next Wednesday at 4 ET.

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Steve Vladeck



#SCOTUS has *granted* Jack Smith’s motion to expedite the petition for certiorari before judgment—and has ordered former President Trump to respond to the petition by next Wednesday at 4 ET.

Dec 11, 2023 · 10:29 PM UTC


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d99742 No.113299

File: 953f29ebcee8f4a⋯.png (141.73 KB,360x226,180:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 33ed53f0ae0cc43⋯.mp4 (512.19 KB,534x360,89:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059701 (112252ZDEC23) Notable: Minneapolis - About 30-40 pro Palestine protesters have entered the freeway on I-94 near IMS, blocking traffic.

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NOW: Minneapolis - About 30-40 pro Palestine protesters have entered the freeway on I-94 near IMS, blocking traffic.



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d99742 No.113300

File: 0ede54f0d780756⋯.png (552.38 KB,818x807,818:807,Clipboard.png)

File: 66722743bb80be9⋯.jpg (233.82 KB,1170x1150,117:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059722 (112255ZDEC23) Notable: @HillaryClinton - I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of my friend Dr. Gao Yaojie, who faced house arrest and exile from China after exposing a blood transfusion program that spread HIV/AIDS.

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Hillary Clinton



I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of my friend Dr. Gao Yaojie, who faced house arrest and exile from China after exposing a blood transfusion program that spread HIV/AIDS. She was simply one of the bravest people I've ever known. washingtonpost.com/world/202…

Dec 11, 2023 · 9:25 PM UTC




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d99742 No.113301

File: e77575c28768914⋯.png (185.58 KB,593x460,593:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059750 (112301ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Interviews (Ep. 48 /w Kid Rock & Ep. 49 /w Dana White)

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 48 The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Kid Rock

11:00 AM · Dec 11, 2023


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d99742 No.113302

File: 55a8089dbd85a19⋯.png (431.86 KB,995x1097,995:1097,Clipboard.png)

File: 3aca0ae75fc6087⋯.png (72.25 KB,595x511,85:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 13c96fda80ac2b4⋯.png (70.79 KB,597x471,199:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 3386bfcfa81eadd⋯.png (71 KB,593x423,593:423,Clipboard.png)

File: e2c0ceb9d298e81⋯.png (63.87 KB,593x516,593:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059751 (112301ZDEC23) Notable: URGENT: Community Notes requires a makeover, as it seems to be infiltrated

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URGENT: Community Notes requires a makeover, as it seems to be infiltrated

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d99742 No.113303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059762 (112302ZDEC23) Notable: LIVE: Jihadists blocking street in Chicago suburb

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LIVE: Jihadists blocking street in Chicago suburb

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d99742 No.113304

File: e74554b31bf0513⋯.png (176.52 KB,601x460,601:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059763 (112302ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Interviews (Ep. 48 /w Kid Rock & Ep. 49 /w Dana White)

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 49 The Dana White Interview

1:56 PM · Dec 11, 2023


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d99742 No.113305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059788 (112310ZDEC23) Notable: Perspectives on the Israel-Hamas War: A Congressional Newsmaker Series Conversation with Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

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6:30 PM EST

Perspectives on the Israel-Hamas War: A Congressional Newsmaker Series Conversation with Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

U.S. Institute of Peace



Sen. Tom Cotton Discusses Israel-Hamas War

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) discusses the Israel-Hamas War and U.S. foreign policy during a discussion hosted by the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington, DC.


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d99742 No.113306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059802 (112313ZDEC23) Notable: The President and The First Lady host a Hanukkah Holiday Reception; The Second Gentleman attends East Room

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7:05 PM EST

The President and The First Lady host a Hanukkah Holiday Reception; The Second Gentleman attends

East Room



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d99742 No.113307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059811 (112314ZDEC23) Notable: Remarks by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Introducing President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

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Remarks by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Introducing President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

Dec. 11, 2023

As Delivered by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III

National Defense University, WASHINGTON


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d99742 No.113308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059823 (112317ZDEC23) Notable: Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing

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Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing

Dec. 11, 2023

Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon Press Secretary


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d99742 No.113309

File: 4e02793f8b3339c⋯.png (312.58 KB,1355x1234,1355:1234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059827 (112318ZDEC23) Notable: SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket to launch secretive X-37B space plane  today after delay

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SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket to launch secretive X-37B space plane  today after delay

Dec 11, 2023

A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket is poised to launch the X-37B space plane for the U.S. Space Force on tonight (Dec. 11) after a one-day delay due to weather, and you can likely watch the action live.

Liftoff of the Falcon Heavy is scheduled to occur from Launch Complex-39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, during a 10-minute window that opens at 8:14 p.m. EST (0114 GMT Dec. 12). If, as expected, SpaceX webcasts the liftoff, you can watch it live here at Space.com. SpaceX announced its delay of the flight by 24 hours early Sunday.

"Now targeting Monday, December 11 for Falcon Heavy’s launch of the USSF-52 mission, with weather conditions forecasted to improve to 70% favorable for liftoff on Monday night," SpaceX wrote on X (formerly Twitter). "The team will use the time to complete additional pre-launch check outs."

The upcoming launch will be the seventh launch to date for the reusable X-37B space plane its first-ever ride on a Falcon Heavy, which could have consequences for its coming orbital mission.

Five of the six X-37B launches to date have employed United Launch Alliance Atlas V rockets, with one other using a SpaceX Falcon 9. Falcon Heavy, which utilizes three Falcon 9 boosters as its first stage, outclasses both of those other rockets when it comes to getting mass to orbit. According to a recent Space Force release, some of the objectives of the coming X-37B mission, known as OTV-7 ("Orbital Test Vehicle-7"), include "operating in new orbital regimes," which, given the launch vehicle, may indicate a higher orbit than usual, farther from Earth.

The upgrade in launch vehicle may also have to do with mass. The X-37B features a cargo bay to house equipment and experiments, and it could be carrying a secondary mission payload that requires Falcon Heavy's added lift capability.

The uncertainty here is not surprising; most details of X-37B missions are classified. However, USSF-52 does carry at lease one unclassified experiment: NASA's "Seeds-2" project, which will test the effects of radiation and long-duration spaceflight on plant seeds.

Each successive X-37B mission has been longer than its predecessors, with its most recent orbital jaunt lasting 908 days. That mission, called OTV-6, landed in November 2022.



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d99742 No.113310

File: 833c1669e486c83⋯.png (234.74 KB,384x256,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059914 (112337ZDEC23) Notable: Trump Has Good Shot With Supreme Court to Get DC Case Tossed, Experts Say

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Trump Has Good Shot With Supreme Court to Get DC Case Tossed, Experts Say

While some of President Trump's arguments for getting the case dismissed are weak, others appear persuasive, according to legal experts. By Petr Svab Updated: Dec 10, 20231/2(Only posting 2 pages of 6 pages, excellent article, read the rest at the link)

Former President Donald Trump has several viable avenues to have the Supreme Court throw out federal charges he’s facing for his efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 election, several lawyers and Constitution experts told The Epoch Times.

His best case is that the charges encroach on his First Amendment rights, but he might also successfully assert presidential immunity or argue the law was impermissibly stretched by prosecutors, the experts said.

President Trump was charged by Special Counsel Jack Smith on Aug. 1 with obstructing electoral vote counting by Congress on Jan. 6 and conspiring to do so in order to stay in power. The conspiracy was allegedly carried out by spreading false claims that fraud and illegalities swayed the election outcome and using those false claims in attempts to convince various officials to overturn the results. President Trump’s lawyers have launched a barrage of motions to have the charges dismissed on constitutional grounds, statutory grounds, due to presidential immunity, and for malicious prosecution. While some of the claims are weak at best, others appear persuasive, according to the experts.

In practice, however, President Trump’s arguments will need to convince his judge, the appeals court, or, in the final instance, the Supreme Court. The experts predict that the District of Columbia federal judge on the case, Tanya Chutkan, will almost certainly deny all the motions to dismiss. On Dec. 1, she indeed denied about half of them. They also acknowledged that the arguments would likely encounter resistance in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, given its political leanings.President Trump’s best chance will be in the Supreme Court, they contend.

Free Speech Argument

President Trump’s lawyers have asserted that the indictment runs afoul of the First Amendment by trying to criminalize political speech and advocacy. The prosecution seeks to install itself as America’s censor, with roving authority to criminally prosecute all who speak out against its approved narratives,” the lawyers wrote in a Nov. 22 brief."The prosecution has no such mandate. Accordingly, the indictment is unconstitutional on its face and must be dismissed."

If prosecutors can claim that President Trump’s efforts to reverse election certifications amounted to a conspiracy to obstruct the government, then people advocating against other government actions, such as COVID-19 lockdowns or mask mandates could also face such charges, the lawyers argued. The prosecutors retorted that such hypotheticals wouldn’t apply “absent additional information about the conduct and mental state of the individuals.”

But if that’s the case, the defense lawyers responded, it would give the government a license to probe said individuals for such additional information"inquire into their mental state, knowledge, and associations.” “The implication is that to get that information, investigation is necessary. Under the prosecution’s misconceived legal theories, then,every public statement a constituent makesto a member of Congress concerning a hotly debated topic is a license to open a federal criminal investigation into the person who made it—unless it is indisputably true,” the lawyers said. “That, of course, contradicts the very nature of hotly debated topics, where the truth is, by definition, in dispute.”

This argument appears “sound” to Rob Natelson, one of America’s preeminent constitutional scholars who’s written extensively on the original meaning of the Constitution and the First Amendment in particular, including for The Epoch Times.“Lying is protected by the First Amendment, except in a few cases such as fraud, lying to law enforcement, and defamation,” he said.

“It has to be so: Otherwise, as Trump's lawyers claim, every statement would be open to investigation into the speaker's motives. The effect would be, as the Supreme Court says [in previous cases], a severe ‘chilling effect’ on speech.”


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d99742 No.113311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059987 (112352ZDEC23) Notable: Trump Has Good Shot With Supreme Court to Get DC Case Tossed, Experts Say

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2/2read the rest of the 6 page article at the link

The argumentthat the basis for the charges against President Trump “appear to primarily stem from his political activity belongs to the “stronger” ones his lawyers put forward, according to Horace Cooper, a senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research who formerly taught constitutional law at George Mason University. “At least the Supreme Court is reticent to allow a charge based on constitutionally protected behavior,” he said.

Conspiracy , by law, doesn’t require any crime to actually be committed. At least two people simply need to agree to do something illegal and then at least 'one of them needs to engage in at least one physical act—however minor or innocuous—in furtherance of the plan. In the Trump case, however, it appears to Mr. Cooper and others that the entirety of the alleged conspiracy and even itsobjective were in fact legal. “They have identified no specific behavior in and of itself in terms of the president’s advocacy that constitutes illegal behavior,” Mr. Cooper said…

The prosecutors argue the activity became illegal as it was done in bad faith. But the real-world result seemed to be the same. “There is no distinction … between a person doing exactly that without a bad motive,” Mr. Cooper said. To have the trial hinge on whether President Trump, in the deep recesses of his mind, truly believed his claims about the election, is troubling to Mr. Cooper.“I’m really concerned about the idea that we know the mindset of a person,”he said. The strength of one’s subjective beliefs is nigh impossible to gauge, he said. “The court is not going to give credence to the argument that the perception of Donald Trump and his team, even if you show at some period that it appears to waver, that covers all of the legally protected behavior,” he said.

Judge Chutkan’s rejection of the First Amendment argument was so blanket that it rendered it “very weak” he said. “She would have been better served by saying that there is behavior besides communication [protected by the First Amendment] that would constitute the conspiracy to act here,” he said. Instead, the judge argued that “the crimes Defendant is charged with violating may be carried out through speech alone.”

Regardless of whether President Trump’s election challenges were illegitimate, the legal standard pursued by the prosecutors is dangerous, suggests a career attorney who has gained popularity analyzing the Trump cases through his anonymous X account “KingMakerFT.” “It is an invitation to turn this country into a banana republic where the losing side, if it speaks out, if it tries to right a wrong, if it tries to argue that there was corruption in the election itself, they could put you in jail—if you lose, you go to jail,” he told The Epoch Times. The lawyer, who retired several years ago after a 45-year career, asked for his real name to remain withheld.

Presidential Immunity Argument

President Trump’s lawyers have argued that his actionsfell within the bounds of his presidential dutiesand thus can’t form a basis of a criminal prosecution. The Supreme Court has ascribed the presidency broad legal immunity, but only from civil suits, not criminal charges. “If the argument is that the mere fact that the president undertook this activity immunizes it from any legal scrutiny, the court has not been willing to go that far in a criminal case,” Mr. Cooper said. “If, instead, the argument is that the activities were those of a constitutional officer and within the ambit of authority that the Constitution allows and therefore cannot be an element for a crime, I think that’s a much more robust argument.”

Judge Chutkan denied this argument, opining that criminal activity is automatically not within the bounds of presidential duties and presidents, much less former presidents, thus don’t enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution. But that sidesteps the issue, according to KingMakerFT.“If it’s within presidential duties it can’t be criminal … by implication, at least that’s the argument,” he said. The issue goes back to the criminal intentions the prosecutors need to prove. Courts have been reluctant to probe motivations of government executives on matters that fall within their duties, he said. The motivations of the executive lose relevance in such cases, Mr. Cooper said. “If you are an office holder, you do not get struck of your status as an office holder because your actions are intended to effectuate your either continuing to stay in office or your attempt to be reelected," he said....


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