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43d0cd No.116981 [View All]

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226 posts and 222 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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43d0cd No.131359

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20118081 Q Research General #24690: The Ride May Make Stops, but it Never Ends Edition

Created 230552ZDEC23




>>115448 #24690

>>115449 Facebook, Instagram’s Encyrpted Tech Allows Sexual Deviants To Target Kids

>>115450 Former Kenyan minister and 2 others charged with fraud over hospitality college project

>>115451 Getting to zero trust: The Pentagon’s effort to put data security first in 2023

>>115452 Biden Issues Blanket Pardon For ‘Simple Possession’ of Marijuana

>>115453 Never Back Down, pro-DeSantis super PAC, cancels $2.5 million in 2024 TV advertising as new group takes over

>>115454 Opportunity Assessment of the Missile Tracking Systems Market, 2023 to 2033: AI and ML Integration for Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)

>>115455 Navy awards $6-million contract for cleanup of World War II hangar in Tustin that burned

>>115456 DoD outlines four-phase approach to implement CMMC in proposed rule

>>115457 Oshkosh Corporation Recognized by Military Times as a 2023 Best for Vets Employer

>>115458 First American Financial Corporation, the second-largest title insurance company in the United States, took some of its systems offline today to contain the impact of a cyberattack

>>115459 #24690

(12 notables, 12 posts, 13 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131360

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20118855 Q Research General #24691: Rising with the Morning Sun Edition

Created 231203ZDEC23




>>115460 #24691

>>115461 Newspaper apologizes for 'anti-semitic' Zelensky cartoon

>>115462 Unaccompanied minors on plane held in France over suspected trafficking, with their ages ranging from 21 months to 17 years.

>>115463, >>115509 Louisiana's outgoing anti-prison Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards pardons 56 inmates - including 40 MURDERERS

>>115464 Turn Out the Lights, the Country's Over: TSA Accepting Arrest Warrants as ID for Illegal Immigrants

>>115465, >>115476 Flynn reply to Loomer Tweet - re: attempt on President Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/abdfaf31b89d5a88a4bbf013106632868e123cdb71e22cdde33906c56f59dedb.mp4

>>115466 Putin's Russia 'smuggling illegal immigrants into Europe with fake airline'

>>115467 Former Ukraine military officer drops a napalm bomb right on Zelensky…

>>115468 I stand with Nikki Haley tweet (vial)

>>115469 Ukrainian TV host flees to EU

>>115470, >>115471 The Clintons, the Epstein Brothers and the Humpty Dumpty Congress Members

>>115472 The secret U.S. effort to track, hide and surveil the Chinese spy balloon

>>115473 Georgia is on fire (more sauce other than Telegram?)

>>115474 Flashback - Catherine Herridge New POTUS MEMO (delta)

>>115475 CNN's "health" expert says we need to get MORE Covid boosters to prevent hospitals from filling up this winter

>>115477 Without Fossil Fuels ‘Six Billion People Would Die Within a Year’

>>115478 Flashback - The U.S. Federal Bank Reserve's Jewish Origins

>>115479 Reminder - James Corney's daughter lead prosecutor

>>115480 Reminder - Democrats: Nikki Haley “Sold Out Port” For $15K

>>115481 Charlie Kirk exposes RFK Jr.’s true progressive agenda in stunning interview…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/164fee39ac4f7cb11ecc0c84a414a35b1edc1f35a9f8e6cf57f44cfcdbe90cf0.mp4

>>115482 Biden’s Parole Pipeline Frees Over 670K Foreign Nationals into U.S. in 11 Months

>>115483 Billionaire Peter Thiel Regrets Supporting Trump For President In 2016

>>115484 Wisconsin Supreme Court, now under liberal control, overturns Republican-favored legislative maps

>>115485 DJT Truth - The Supreme Court has unanimously rejected Deranged Jack Smith’s “SUPER SPEEDY” lawsuit against me.

>>115486 Fmr. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Tells Harvard’s Institute of Politics How to Convince the Vaccine Injured to Get More Vaccines

>>115487 Only Half of All Ford Dealers Agree to Sell EVs Next Year

>>115488, >>115489 Stunning new polling theory emerges that could give Biden a very sneaky edge in 2024…

>>115490, >>115491, >>115496, >>115502 Roger Stone mini bun - burn notice?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/18855ee2661cb8e595bffc50589a38ada6b694c4a4e9ece6993c56c32a06328e.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41xutk - Patreon Video 30 - Israeli Unit 8200 Gave Roger Stone The Info On Clinton Emails Not Wikileaks [56:43] [Channel: Unit8200]

>>115492 Congressman reveals exactly how our elected officials are being controlled through blackmail…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3825f569b8a77c902c3ef9f13428ff0440be28bc5703687a651d1df18139a7d8.mp4

>>115493 Confirmed: Biden Admin Sought to Conceal Chinese Spy Balloon from Public As It Crossed Continental United States – Mark Milley Involved

>>115494, >>115498 Russia Space Agency Official Held Over Multi-Million-Euro Fraud

>>115495 EU countries destroy €4B worth of COVID vaccines

>>115497 African migrants bound for US use Nicaragua to bypass Darien perils/Officials don’t know how thousands of African migrants end up in Tijuana

>>115499 All Ukrainians must fight – security chief

>>115500 51 Days Later, Tucker Carlson Releases Interview With Julian Assange

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42u07e - Tucker Carlson Shorts: Julian Assange [5:43] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>115501, >>115504 James O'Keefe - Travel and the Refugee

>>115503 On Saturday, December 23 at 12:33 a.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit...

>>115505 Firefly Alpha upper stage malfunction puts payload into wrong orbit

>>115506 Brandon Straka asks "Where's the money"?

>>115507 Spain, Italy, France Decline US Command Of Red Sea Operation Prosperity Guardian

>>115508 How Republicans are weaponizing antisemitism to take down DEI

>>115510 Putin’s navy makes sudden retreat from Black Sea as Ukraine left baffled

>>115511 #24691

(43 notables, 52 posts, 55 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131361

File: 5c6b5f8b3ee7730⋯.png (737 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20119718 Q Research General #24692: Morning Coffee and the Christmas Season Edition

Created 231626ZDEC23




>>115512 #24692

>>115513 Tucker Carlson tells about his experience after meeting and having a conversation with Julian Assange

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42wkvh - Tucker Carlson Visits Julian Assange [14:37] [Channel: Tucker on Twitter | Gutfeld | Five | Jesse Watters Primetime]

>>115514 All-Girls Catholic College Reverses Trans Decision After Well-Earned Backlash

>>115515 Fighter Bo Nickal shares story of playing a round of golf with DJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f3fd0fc4ca47d983fb48b05bbcaf2760b002a5e34dc17353f0e7de5c601b6d90.mp4

>>115516, >>115517 Alex Jones reacts to Bill Gates' bizarre answer to being asked about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

>>115518 Michigan Democrat Prays To ‘Sexy Satanic Baphomet Goat Altar’

>>115519 Joe's policies did not age well for Hunter in the end

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/14733c85f3bd3f070bc8a3f988b5f82bc86174da0617b58ba6b3bcbeaa8f6a5a.mp4

>>115520, >>115527, >>115539, >>115540 Grassley tweet with DQ / Vacuum

>>115521, >>115523, >>115524, >>115532, >>115543 Q never specifically mentioned Xi / Putin are our allies

>>115522, >>115537, >>115547 Busload of abandoned migrants from El Paso found wandering down Illinois highway

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b27ee7dbbc415e1349b6bb20c9bb120a5bbf982de0c27472251f3c0c77fe85f0.mp4

>>115525, >>115526, >>115530, >>115536, >>115542 Planefags

>>115528, >>115529 The Roman Power Pyramid

>>115531 Qpost Deltas: 5:5 | [GS] | GO | [#2] | NK / Iran | [i] | Eye on the [markers]

>>115533 Congressional Partisan Breakdown from New Hampshire

>>115534 Marsha Blackburn Grills Witness Over Dems' Soft-On-Crime Policies

>>115535, >>115538, >>115550, >>115552, >>115553, >>115558 Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zI-ouFNzt0U - Arrested Development George Sr. and His Infamous Lessons [Channel: jennngiggles]

>>115541 Jim Watkins: Grok is fun. Grok is prolific. It will take some time for Grok to surpass ChatGPT ...

>>115544, >>115546, >>115549, >>115561, >>115564 The Plan (The Trap) ... Fraud Vitiates Everything

>>115545 IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

>>115548 ‘More Broken Promises’ — Sunak’s Government Waters Down Restrictions on Chain Family Migration

>>115551 Monsanto ordered to pay $857 million to 7 people who got sick from PCB exposure in a Washington school

>>115554 Chinese-linked firm building near US military bases

>>115555 Japan strives to control debt in face of rising rates

>>115556 Running for his old seat, Tom Suozzi visits Israel, calls for destroying Hamas

>>115557 (Oct 6, 1940) New World Order Pledged To Jews

>>115559 Fox News Shills John Fetterman Over His Support for Israel: 'Gives Me Hope for This Country'

>>115560 Biden Signs New US Sanctions Targeting Russia's Defense Industry

>>115562, >>115563 To those whom believing in the wild brainless theory that Putin is a 'White Hat' and on the side of Freedom & Liberty...

>>115566 Downtown Phoenix Arizona Tunnel system

>>115567 #24692

(30 notables, 55 posts, 51 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131362

File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.png (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20120536 Q Research General #24693: Naughty (Epstein) List Edition

Created 232039ZDEC23




>>115568 #24693

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c1412c8b44993b381d69598806cc08cdd3f254defbde0918c6b3facb542fe1c.mp4

>>115569 Baker claim

>>115570 DJT Truth - the Supreme Court saw right through it

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b666f5701f8fec673434795f09592a819eff994740c8ff76272bae6ace3779a0.mp4

>>115571 PF: RCH3227 C17 Globemaster arriving at Charleston from St. Croix depart so look for Potato/kneepads to possibly take a Caribbean vacation in the next week (4 digit call signs are usually equipment for VIP visits)

>>115572 PF: EXEC1F Flauxtus done at Ft. Campbell photo op back to JBA

>>115573, >>115574 IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

>>115575, >>115576 The Plan to Stop Donald Trump: LAWFARE…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7391054baddde868ead24e1969174e1a9cc515f1f5e8a5d1c4e87ef0a68e8da5.mp4

>>115577 Mormon church now owns $2BILLION of US farmland, with more acreage than Bill Gates and China combined: Huge land grabs in Nebraska and Florida spark backlash from local farmers

>>115578 Gov. Kathy Hochul signs bill granting government access to previously hidden LLC records

>>115579 SLDelta45 - Night launches like launch #70 are mesmerizing, do you have a favorite launch photo from this year?

>>115580 #24693

(11 notables, 13 posts, 12 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131363

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20121308 Q Research General #24694: Eyes On the Christmas Break Edition

Created 232327ZDEC23




>>115581 #24694

>>115582 House Judiciary Seeks Documents From Jack Smith Over Trump Cases

>>115583 Pornhub Parent Firm Arraigned, Admits to ‘Receiving Proceeds of Sex Trafficking’.

>>115584 Deutsche Bank sees recession in the US, anemic economic growth in Europe

>>115585 Hunter Biden Named as Creditor in Rudy Giuliani’s Bankruptcy Case

>>115586 Once-Powerful Democratic Lawmaker Busted for Heinous Corruption, Now Faces 20 Years in Prison

>>115587, >>115594 PF Tater Trackin': Bidens Spending Holidays at Camp David, St. Croix: ‘Ready for St. Nick’

>>115588 @DeptofDefense - Tis the season for joy! Every Dec., NORAD's 🎅 Tracker, a humble tradition turned massive volunteer operation, delights millions as families worldwide follow Santa's magical journey.

>>115589 NEW: Taiwan reports Chinese warplanes and warships around the island, including aircraft crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait. - NBC

>>115590 PF: SAM655 G5 NE from Ft Worth-Meacham Intl after ground stop arriving earlier today

>>115591 Man killed, woman wounded in shooting inside Ocala, Florida, mall

>>115592 @25thID ⚡ The 12 Days of Tropic Lightning 🌺 On the tenth day of Tropic Lightning, the 25th Infantry Division gave to me, ten #Lightfighters at Super Garuda Shield.

>>115593 PF CONUS Report

>>115595 #24694

(14 notables, 15 posts, 19 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131364

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20122282 Q Research General #24695: Checking the Naughty List Twice Edition

Created 240316ZDEC23




>>115596 #24695

>>115597 Trump posted 17 videos in a row on 12/21

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/348d28e67dc88d85cf50d64e88edbe85e92c84ee6b6874804773021998190f98.mp4

>>115598 Outgoing Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards pardons 56 inmates, including 40 convicted murderers

>>115599 Talk about one scared motherfucker… (Adam Kinzinger)

>>115600 NEW: Prince Andrew is reportedly “totally tormented” after a judge ruled that 170 Epstein associates’ names would be released in the new year.

>>115601 SHOCK REPORT: ⚠️Starbucks loses $11 BILLION in market value..

>>115602 Microsoft has shelled out $76 million for a pumpkin farm in Wisconsin

>>115603, >>115604 Rumble updated with new J6 videos

>>115605 House Republican: Jeffrey Epstein flight logs not released because colleagues would be ‘compromised’

>>115606, >>115607 Disney is reportedly planning a "new version" of the hit 90s sci-fi show The X-Files.

>>115608 #24695

(11 notables, 13 posts, 8 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131365

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20123397 Q Research General #24696: The Paradox of Christmas Eve Morning Edition

Created 240940ZDEC23




>>115609 #24696

>>115610, >>115611, >>115614, >>115615, >>115616, >>115618, >>115619, >>115621, >>115622, >>115623, >>115624, >>115628, >>115629, >>115631, >>115632, >>115633, >>115635, >>115636, >>115640, >>115643, >>115645, >>115646, >>115647, >>115649, >>115650, >>115657, >>115661, >>115663 Merry Christmas Eve Morning

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/949cef68f1b2fafdb965a088637ec7322f1eb418738ac88c075d37156f9fa147.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df762b9d97ffbf147af575d00dc8ea3f0f077aa2e9955d0dcdd7879833b39904.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2a21fdead024a14789a60258a0401a32cad6b8299897bda6986913f301bc42b6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cff7c71c2b91d907710aed8cf773fea76993fd783b1489cc8fff745267568afb.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WI02_UJ1C6I - All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth [Channel: videeeoh]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/949cef68f1b2fafdb965a088637ec7322f1eb418738ac88c075d37156f9fa147.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/343257c942de5c63194f056c3cc20164cd94ec00d89e55a504cb57be78838c4c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/233be09856001381d39fb44a9c6c5871c0367a4cc69727fa1e803639aa64125d.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q4MSQzlhJ2M - Oh Christmas Tree (Your Ornaments Are History) [Channel: Sho Ko]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5QqmpLzZ5_A - Gary Hoey - The Twelve Days of Christmas [Channel: Shane D Rozario]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7187f75512fb1b3aacad37432b58d3fe3e5df788a589b670db784ff0764f9e12.mp4

>>115612 What do you give someone with everything?

>>115613 WarRoom - Home Of ultraMAGA

>>115617 Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

>>115620 GP - “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN MEME EVER!

>>115625, >>115626, >>115627, >>115637, >>115655 Soros on the Beach Meme Fodder

>>115630 @elonmusk We're kinda due for a chill year, right? RIGHT?! DELTA? #MonsterYear

>>115634 Dad tells Biden, 'Let's go, Brandon' during Christmas Eve call Updated December 24, 2021 2:30pm EST DELTA MP4

>>115638 Oil tanker caught in hurricane MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ed656e441e40f5dfee186d3dc718b0491b195792df38f638ebae911a8d316fd.mp4

>>115639 Don't Mess With OLD PPL MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1658f4e29d78043b3fb0e4b48bf5a60fab65b9b976ec75a2fb983d53ef2390d6.mp4

>>115641 DOG COMMS!!! Lua

>>115642 Meme of the Thread #EpsteinIsland

>>115644 President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ey_qLGtD-Vg - Former President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more [Channel: Hugh Hewitt]

>>115648 Kek of the Thread

>>115651 COMMS CHECK @VP The Vice President's Residence is ready for Christmas. MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/46e2793fac344a75e8d14c7c555b2330c2238eabfa30b8cf5c5a3eccbe0e5753.mp4

>>115652 Honorable Louis Farrakhan endorses President Donald J. Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3fbc0eceb3ab012c9dfc80bac4af55bdacb8b0342408d4c3c41dface10ebf52b.mp4

>>115653 It’s been (33) years since Macaulay Culkin

>>115654 @VivekGRamaswamy If they remove Trump from Colorado’s GOP primary, then Colorado shouldn’t count towards the GOP nomination

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/664fa0a880e90bab32746c7b3d5acc95087aa18f5c52e6f1aca14119548c3d62.mp4

>>115656 NCSWIC.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c07a0d6dc124e46d56f1a864223748d0a13b365c71834d197343dd48205e285.mp4

>>115658 Joe Allen Explains How Social Media Draws and Phones online create People Away From Religion

>>115659 Nikki Haley thread meme

>>115660 Archive Offline

>>115662 PDJT Comms CHQ of -> or

>>115664 Janet Ossebaard, the filmmaker known for her documentary series “The Fall of the Cabal” has been confirmed as dead by suicide after being reported missing for weeks MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7f8ac131b964f6608ac48c137eae6460c2d6777b260c0160266dd4aa8daa8905.mp4

>>115665 Bill Gates’ Synthetic Milk Found To Contain 92 Carcinogenic Compounds

(26 notables, 57 posts, 77 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131366

File: f69d1982b1d16c5⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1480x1344,185:168,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20124171 Q Research General #24697: The Christmas Eve Morning Edition

Created 241448ZDEC23




>>115666 #24697

>>115667 Janet Ossebaard found dead of overdose after being missing for five weeks

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/k3XL7vEXlJJ5/ - Deeply sad message about Janet Ossebaard [3:55] [Channel: FallCabal]


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/eM1sScDZvp7a/ - Frankenskies: The Lies In Our Skies Exposed - A Climate Engineering Documentary [Full] [1:21:39] [Channel: Interstellar Times]

>>115669, >>115670, >>115691, >>115693 Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zMsnnH7Tu34 - Galt MacDermot - Coffe Cold [Channel: sinextrorsum]

>>115671 the US-led world order is well and truly behind us…

>>115672 Abramovic to hold "special event" re her new book on Jan 4, 2024

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/730809d6e5f52c550ef3ab70603210d16e63e6ba3f3163ab358e01acf17525c4.mp4

>>115673 Ten year delta, for the 2013 London Christmas pics. Happy Christmas, anons from UK Bread.

>>115674, >>115676, >>115679, >>115684 @GenFlynn Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, @BarackObama

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44dff4d29541b58438eb4f6c7b3776b1287d321884d9b3dee958f2129a712bb1.mp4

>>115675 #24696 Posted in #24697

>>115677 Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ey_qLGtD-Vg - Former President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more [Channel: Hugh Hewitt]

>>115678 Biden's Democratic challengers hit ballot access roadblocks

>>115680 LetMyPeopleGo

>>115681 Illinois judge declines to block Jan. 1 gun registration deadline, vows to decide case on merits

>>115682 Fake Ozempic Seized By FDA As Demand For Obesity Drugs Soars

>>115683 @FLAUXTUS visits Fort Campbell after the tornado

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab82b39796a4d248e2ac1219ee6cc687c84ff5417cc07c9a73c7bd226a680a6e.mp4

>>115685 @GenFlynn: Evil exists here on earth.

>>115686, >>115687 Liar Michael Cohen calls President Trump a "grifter"

>>115688 Republicans Draft Bills to Remove Biden from Ballot in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania

>>115689 Jesus makes a profound and resounding return in New York City’s Time Square…

>>115690 Louis Farrakhan shocks the Internet with his grand endorsement of PDJT

>>115692, >>115694 @RandPaul: I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

>>115695 Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024

>>115696, >>115699, >>115700, >>115709 PF: Gulf/Med activity etc

>>115697 Trump shouldn’t be immune from prosecution – Biden

>>115698 Albania’s new ambassador to the UK is an illegal immigrant

>>115701 Disney loses battle over lawsuit

>>115702 Six EU states resisting Ukraine ‘security guarantees’

>>115703 Celebrations in Bethlehem halted due to Israel-Hamas war

>>115704 Top EU diplomat fears right-wing wave

>>115705, >>115708 Washington Crossing the Delaware: Q 456 12-24-2017 & DoD 12-24-2023 = SIX YR DELTA

>>115706 German industry warns coal phase-out may "take a while"

>>115707 Ukraine to multiply forced conscription checkpoints - RT

>>115710 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California

>>115711, >>115712 DEVELOPING - Color Revolution attempt in Serbia

>>115713, >>115714 Ep. 56 A Christmas Eve election surprise: Tucker interviewing Frank Underwood

>>115715 #24697

(36 notables, 50 posts, 52 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131367

File: 99fb7c26caf1ce2⋯.png (963.37 KB,1446x832,723:416,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20125093 Q Research General #24698: Demoralization Shills: No BAH HUMBUG here! Edition

Created 241954ZDEC23




>>115716 #24698

>>115717 Former Erie County Democratic Party Chairman [Steve Pigeon] Receives Sentence in New York Child Sex Abuse Case Involving a 9-Year-Old

>>115718, >>115719, >>115722, >>115725 Baker change

>>115720, >>115724, >>115749 PF Reports

>>115721 German economic adviser proposes tax increase to fund Ukraine

>>115723 ‘O Come Let Us Adore Him’: A Syrian Christmas

>>115726, >>115727, >>115739 Tucker Carlson interview with Kevin Spacey

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WqPePWyduxQ - Being Frank With Tucker [Channel: Kevin Spacey]

>>115728, >>115729, >>115730 Years Of Planning Behind Democrats’ Turn Against Democracy

>>115731, >>115748 'Fantastically-rare' white albino deer is spotted bolting through woodland and roads around quaint Hampshire town - Daily Mail Online

>>115732, >>115733 The Left Continues Their Targeted Attack on Justice Thomas: Mark Paoletta Debunks Their Lies

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42t2vt - Mark Paoletta: RFK Jr.'s Favorite SCOTUS Justice Tells Us Everything We Need to Know [4:55] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42t2sw - The Left Continues Their Targeted Attack on Justice Thomas: Mark Paoletta Debunks Their Lies [11:21] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115734 Sen. Susan Collins Pushing Gun Control for U.S. Troops

>>115735, >>115736 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Roger Stone Launches Furious Attacks on Ron DeSantis

>>115737 Donald J. Trump: Thank you Tucker!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc91d0b2e1cd55ffbe6cd878c267ec18ad2063fb60fe58b4742b6592f9892e4c.mp4

>>115738 Congressman reveals exactly how our elected officials are being controlled through blackmail…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3825f569b8a77c902c3ef9f13428ff0440be28bc5703687a651d1df18139a7d8.mp4

>>115740 RFK Jr. Slams the Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling and Predicts it Will Actually Help Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42ltqz - RFK Jr. Slams the Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling and Predicts it Will Actually Help Trump [6:39] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115741 Charlie Kirk: How We Know We're Living Through a Synthetic Political Simulation

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42ltn3 - How We Know We're Living Through a Synthetic Political Simulation: This is What's Coming Next [5:17] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115742, >>115743 Human hunting in Yellowstone National Park?

>>115744, >>115745 Will Scharf Maps Out the Complete Timeline of the 4 Looming Trump Trials

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42f2ok - Will Scharf Maps Out the Complete Timeline of the 4 Looming Trump Trials [4:59] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42f2o5 - Will Scharf: The CO Ruling is One of the Most Dangerous Court Opinions Ever [6:48] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115746 Cindy H. McCain (@WFPChief), Executive Director of @WFP, will join the @wef's Annual Meeting 2024 taking place 15-19 January 2024 in Davos, Switzerland.

>>115747 @realDonaldTrump Almost everybody agrees, even most of the crazed Radical Left Lunatics, that the Colorado decision is political delusion, and that I am, separately, fully entitled to PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY

>>115750 Assange Appeal Hearing Set for February

>>115751 Christmas cheer in the house

>>115752 X22

>>115753 ‘Swamped with death threats’: CO Sec. of State on fallout from Trump ballot ruling

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3ORWQLaDcOk - ‘Swamped with death threats’: CO Sec. of State on fallout from Trump ballot ruling [Channel: MSNBC]

>>115754 Tracking Santa LIVE on Christmas Eve 2023 NORAD Santa Tracker 🎅

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UMC_qWAXr4k - 🔴 Tracking Santa LIVE on Christmas Eve 2023 NORAD Santa Tracker 🎅 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>115755 Biden: "No question" Trump supported an insurrection.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42d3z0 - Biden: "No question" Trump supported an insurrection. [22] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115756 The Bee: Soros-Backed District Attorney Prosecutes Illinois Boy For Terrorizing Burglars

>>115757, >>115763 Czech that Quran translation

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/762f5a11e17ba1bf1677409ff27aaf00a0c2c29a693089c1461a9071fd908331.mp4

>>115758, >>115759 On Christmas Eve, 1968, Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders captured a sight that had never been seen before: "Earthrise."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/41cabf45be7c470ebcd46730086410438f9c2135a6e48d201fd83168c8400fa3.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ToHhQUhdyBY - Apollo 8's Christmas Eve 1968 Message [Channel: NASA Video]

>>115760 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved Rosbank's purchase of shares in VTB, Rosneft, Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel and other Russian companies owned by Societe Generale

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G6OckRdD1C8 - Putin and Russian Olympic Team Sing National Anthem Together [Channel: FunkerL]

>>115761 Cold Moon 2023: The final full moon of the year rises this Christmas

>>115762 Brandon Tatum: Black Americans May Be Starting to Wake Up to the Left's Marxist Agenda

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v426gc2 - Brandon Tatum: Black Americans May Be Starting to Wake Up to the Left's Marxist Agenda [5:00] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115764 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>115765, >>115766, >>115767 ‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia - Vucic

>>115768 #24698

(35 notables, 53 posts, 42 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131368

File: f69d1982b1d16c5⋯.png (1.04 MB,1480x1344,185:168,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20125977 Q Research General #24699: NORAD TRACKING SANTA FOR THE KEKS! Edition

Created 242346ZDEC23




>>115769, >>115772, >>115778, >>115794 norad santa - bidens twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dcb67b86a46cb9f5cc3d55b8b6339e7a3ab3ef9d66da48af7882f4db6deaa2bd.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd99c3e8b873f51c43eb432edf4a731a595bc77721584a1460b13e2b703ae453.mp4

>>115770, >>115774, >>115777 tucker interviews kevin spacey the pedo - youtube clip not full plus lb.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WqPePWyduxQ - Being Frank With Tucker [Channel: Kevin Spacey]

>>115771, >>115773, >>115775 EU state's president blocks budget over state media 'takeover' - rt.com bun

>>115776, >>115782 The Great Replacement is Real, and Here's the Proof- charlie kirk (goofy moran, keep up) kek

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41zx3q - The Great Replacement: We're Being Taken Over By Illegal Immigrants Coming From Our Nation's Enemies [4:49] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115779 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California. - gwp

>>115780, >>115800 planefag posts

>>115781 Think tank looks to lasso 'deep state' by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025 - justthenews.com (john sullivan)

>>115783, >>115784 wef-pushes-to-control-every-aspect-of-public life - blacklisted bun (no are you listening klaus)

>>115785 indian woman kills her own son by starving - north carolina - daily mail.

>>115786 Kim Jong UN bans Christmas - fox snooze

>>115787 President Trump's Christmas message- mp4 vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd9eb1cef9c38c04b82775bf5cb63a9a5018977cff4f75be55259d3328de9623.mp4

>>115788 Q and dod delta (6 years)

>>115789 Israeli-Linked Ship Struck By Drone in Arabian Sea - reuters

>>115790 Former DNI Ratcliffe: Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court - gwp (jack smith reeee)

>>115791, >>115792 Here Are The Lessons You Should Take Away From The Obamas ‘Leave The World Behind’ - the federalist (predictive programming fear porn)

>>115793 Gaetz Issues Letter to Delta CEO Amid Allegations of Illegal Alien Flights - headlineusa.com

>>115795, >>115797 Janet Ossebaard Death: “The Fall of the Cabal” Maker Found Dead, Suicide Suspected (Death Obituary) - trendsnewsline.com

>>115796 clockfag notable called.

>>115798 Newsom pans efforts to block Trump from California ballot - politico (treason)

>>115799 EPSTEIN CLIENT LIST A.K.A. LITTLE BLACK BOOK - pdf (the guilty)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f8e111d7bd29039742de62e9f67cf5051b617e26a923117df323a5d2fb3c0de.pdf

>>115801 #24699

(21 notables, 33 posts, 35 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131369

File: 7dfe4e0263acd74⋯.png (670.21 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20126756 Q Research General #24700: Christmas Day bread - God Bless Everyone edition

Created 250308ZDEC23




>>115802 MAY 2024 BE THE BEST YEAR OF OUR LIVES!!!❤️🎄🎄🎄 #MerryChristmas

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v436pek - MAY 2024 BE THE BEST YEAR OF OUR LIVES!!!❤️🎄🎄🎄 #MerryChristmas [1:18] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/121AEBNmdl0Z/ - Zelensky Insider Blows Whistle on Massive Elite Pedophile Ring in Ukraine [11:40] [Channel: Free Your Mind]

>>115804, >>115806, >>115810, >>115811, >>115814, >>115815, >>115816, >>115817, >>115818, >>115819, >>115820, >>115821, >>115822, >>115823, >>115824, >>115825, >>115826, >>115827, >>115828, >>115829, >>115830, >>115831, >>115833, >>115835, >>115836, >>115837, >>115838, >>115839, >>115840, >>115841, >>115846, >>115847, >>115848, >>115849, >>115850, >>115851, >>115853, >>115854 ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=isL6Vwp31oU - O Holy Night, Morris Robinson, Bass [Channel: Morris Robinson]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9dabfd902bef2ccc08be873aadd26c4076137798fcb5eeef4521aac8ce587da.mp4

>>115805 Biden's twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier. (LB)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd99c3e8b873f51c43eb432edf4a731a595bc77721584a1460b13e2b703ae453.mp4

>>115807 PF: PARMA48 E6B Mercury heading to Tinker AFB from Travis

>>115808 PF: This Nightwatch 73-1676 has not has a call sign since December 8th when it left Offutt to Davis-Monthan AFB for its SOP coverage as Mr and Mrs Potato attended a reported 6 fundraisers in the LA area

>>115809 George Washington, considered a traitor to the crown, launched one of the first amphibious assaults on Christmas Day in 1776.

>>115812, >>115813 The Hidden Symbolism in “Leave the World Behind”, a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/36bd9ab6904b16c57157bc04e04d5eda7f96b1a2d40d25888e7b7532205cc21f.mp4

>>115832 Dan the Man Scavino: Reindeer mp4, Dec. 23

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea9922f1d291e6616edf1af7359de8ca8e44d09dacc39b7d4b3c557128930f68.mp4

>>115834, >>115842, >>115843, >>115844, >>115845 @realDonaldTrump - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/618c3fd2cad14ee2257b662f1e95ab28ad1a946fcaddd988306853d3c37fd887.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7TXGKuIQeWQ - christmas message given by DONALD TRUMP [Channel: My Dream Media]

>>115852 Biden DOJ fines Cummins $1.675 Billion for EPA violations

>>115855 Protesters storm Belgrade city hall (VIDEOS)

(12 notables, 54 posts, 76 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131370

File: 6a86823183e24d0⋯.png (248.84 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20127603 Q Research General #24701: By the Dawn's Early Christmas LIGHT Edition

Created 250923ZDEC23




>>115856, >>115858 #24701

>>115857 #24700 REPOSTED IN #24701

>>115859 baker handoff/change

>>115860 Russian Forces Destroy Starlink Station Near Kupyansk

>>115861 Hamas rejected a proposal to end its authority in #Gaza and hold elections in exchange for not prosecuting its leaders

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e21664a7258802112ab8e1706ef10c38a378eef027ab48b0d8ecbce589f05c6a.mp4

>>115862 POTATUS - From our family to yours: Merry Christmas, America.

>>115863 @HillaryClinton - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! 🎄

>>115864 @ChuckGrassley - wishing u a very very merry christmas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/648b632b37916d3a7fd8c55478be8223305bfa72432a347da96affb666a744cf.mp4

>>115865 Kash Patel: FBI Has Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book - Trump Should Release It on Day 1

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v424bfc - Kash Patel: FBI Has Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book - Trump Should Release It on Day 1 [2:11] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>115866 Kash Patel: Republicans Rewarded FBI-DOJ for Breaking the Law - Approved FISA Process Through Next Election Cycle, with Professor Dershowitz

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41s1zo - Kash Patel: Republicans Rewarded FBI-DOJ for Breaking the Law - Approved FISA Process Through Next Election Cycle [8:40] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>115867 Seyed Razi Mousavi, one of the closest IRGC commanders to Qassem Soleimani and the commander of the Iranian forces in Syria was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Damascus earlier today. Tasnim news confirmed the news.

>>115868 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Dec 25, 2023 - Cathedral, Mountain, Moon

>>115869 @MelaniaTrump - Merry Christmas ✨✨✨

>>115870 Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

>>115871 NY Democrat Governor Establishes Slavery Reparations Commission Amid $4.3 Billion Budget Shortfall

>>115872, >>115874 @BarackObama - This year has tested us in many ways, but Christmas is a reminder of the power of community to keep us together even in difficult times. Wishing you all a peaceful holiday.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a93068bc71e0dcb8a0b7318ed8007ed86c24d4287d70d57206e5e61378a480b.mp4

>>115873 ‘Au Revoir’: The Last French Troops Leave Niger, Signaling the End of Paris’ Influence in Africa’s Sahel Region

>>115875 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

>>115876 #24701

(19 notables, 21 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131371

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20128597 Q Research General #24702: The First Day of Christmas Edition

Created 251626ZDEC23




>>115877 #24702

>>115878 PF: A C17 “KAF343 from Kuwait leaving Charleston NC .

>>115879 Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’ (RT)

>>115880 Royals, including disgraced Prince Andrew, attend Christmas church service

>>115881 Attorney Will Scharf: Supreme Court Will Likely Find that 1512 Was Improperly Applied in J6 Cases - Will Gut Jack Smith's Case Against Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41cp32 - Attorney Will Scharf: Supreme Court Will Likely Find that 1512 Was Improperly Applied in J6 Cases - Will Gut Jack Smith's Case Against Trump [7:40] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>115882 New DJT Truth - Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare. I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!

>>115883 Vladimir Putin has praised the liberation of Maryinka in the Donetsk People’s Republic as a success and expressed gratitude to Russian military servicemen

>>115884 NEW: Japan moon lander enters lunar orbit

>>115885 @DouglasEmhoff - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! @KamalaHarris and I hope you and your loved ones have a joyous holiday season. 🎄

>>115886 Russian court orders arrest of Ukraine’s spy chief (RT)

>>115887 planeFag: CONUS activity

>>115888 Japan's nominal GDP per capita at record-low 21st among OECD members

>>115889 @USMC - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄

>>115890 Thousands join migrant caravan in Mexico ahead of Blinken’s visit to the capital

>>115891 #24702 partial collect

>>115892, >>115894 Harvard's Board Gets Failing Grade From NYT for Botching Claudine Gay Scandal

>>115893 Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

>>115895 Israel Routinely Dropping US-Supplied 2,000-lb Bombs In Dense Civilian Areas - zerohedge

>>115896 Israel's Military Strikes Hezbollah Command Center In Serious Escalation

>>115897 General Milley Lied - Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It. Milley lied many people died

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v431c6b - General Milley Lied - Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It [2:49] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>115898 Serbia thanks Russia for ‘color revolution’ warning

>>115899, >>115904, >>115905 @GenFlynn tweets RE: the VAXX

>>115900 More Than 20,000 Military Members Became Sterile After COVID Vaccination - americanlibertyreportnews

>>115901 CDC Admits There Are Severe & Long-Lasting Side Effects From Covid Vaccines

>>115902, >>115903 Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

>>115906 Thousands flee as Sudan’s civil war spreads to crucial aid hub

>>115907 Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened

>>115908, >>115909 Islamic Terrorists Plotting Christmas Attacks in EU Arrested in Vienna and Germany

>>115910 EU votes to allow open access to private health data without patient consent

>>115911, >>115917 EU wants to force X to shut down if Musk does not ban independent media from the platform

>>115912 PF Report

>>115913 @realDonaldTrump Merry Christmas to all… MAY [THEY] ROT IN HELL

>>115914, >>115919 Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible

>>115915 @realDonaldTrump Home Alone 2!

>>115916 George Soros spotted in Barbados with his “helpers” who DeFiNaTeLy are not his secret gay lovers…

>>115918 Record number of migrants are applying for New York City ID cards, over 112,000 approvals in 2023



>>115922 Nevada spent millions for sex change surgery, trans-gender hormones, including minors, data shows

>>115923 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion

(40 notables, 47 posts, 54 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131372

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20129350 Q Research General #24703: On The First Day Of Christmas An Ebake Just For Me Edition

Created 251955ZDEC23




>>115924, >>115946 #24703

>>115925, >>115926, >>115931, >>115935 Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v438bpa - Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border [44] [Channel: Blabber.Buzz]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=knA86Qi-pGA - This is on you Mayorkas [Channel: Oscar Blue Ramirez]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mB3zTa2c6D0 - Breaking news - 8 thousand migrant caravan [Channel: Oscar Blue Ramirez]

>>115927, >>115929 @DJT “A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a5401189e0a6a68e5265d0f422a5d298720eaaf50c50a91c1a7e7a61db9df0cb.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a5401189e0a6a68e5265d0f422a5d298720eaaf50c50a91c1a7e7a61db9df0cb.mp4

>>115928 Ayanna Pressley encourages people to celebrate abortion for Christmas

>>115930 #24702

>>115932 U.S. Counterterrorism Operator Vanishes after Claiming to Identify Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber

>>115933 US depopulation plan hits new milestone

>>115934 Governor of Colorado Jared Polis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f68ccc8db32eafe4633782d5047e4df893de90d17e49234aff91aca86942dfcf.mp4

>>115936 Beyonce’s childhood home burns down on Christmas

>>115937, >>115939, >>115940 MTG and Rep. Brandon Williams swatted on Christmas day

>>115938, >>115941 Kamalas creepy husband vague post

>>115942 Israel ramps up war effort - Netanyahu

>>115943 Ivanka Trump at the Miami Dolphins game with Jared Kushner

>>115944 Hunter_dance.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72323fc1c2dd438b8616932577ab22df707c6c9fd0627dcf5bb73fbd962a4785.mp4

>>115945 Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

>>115947 Red states like Texas and Florida see population boom - while migrant crisis offsets loss in 'sanctuary city' states

>>115948 Sara Netanyahu appeals to Pope Francis to help free Gaza hostages

>>115949 Saudi Sheikh Ibrahim al-Muhamid criticizes the Palestinian resistance groups

>>115950 The Central Bank of Russia follows China banning all employees from using iPhones

>>115951 #24703

(20 notables, 28 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131373

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20130231 Q Research General #24704: Shills on a Shelf Edition

Created 252338ZDEC23




>>115952 #24704

>>115953 Apex Group acquires Edmond de Rothschild's third-party asset servicing activities based in Luxembourg

>>115954 ‘Zombie deer disease’ concerns scientists over possible spread to humans (comms?)

>>115955, >>115958 NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d80fcc280f55179b069175e20c6645a116a723ef87255afb1a01ec555eb2b9c0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/82851c26ba016e17062548e87148b7056bf3ef4e528bf332c0b894e3c89f0f9e.mp4

>>115956, >>115957 @JackPosobiec - Parents just got swatted again, Christmas night (WTF?)

>>115959 baker claim

>>115960 @RepWilliams Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving.

>>115961 Russia: Lieutenant General Oleg Frolov, Deputy General Director of RosCosmos in charge of the Satan-2 nuclear ICBM project (RS-28 Sarmat), arrested for embezzling $4.5 million in state funds.

>>115962 POTATUS - Today, may the light from the first Christmas illuminate your homes, warm your hearts, and kindle your hopes for the year to come. From the Biden family, we wish you and your family a peaceful and healthy holiday.

>>115963, >>115965 BREAKING: Janet Ossebaard, the creator of the “The Fall of the Cabal” series that shed a massive light on elite child trafficking networks and clients has allegedly committed suicide after being reported missing for weeks.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5bf95877516ba74155aed8a74da6526fbf753986b8fc4a05970ae75fc2631194.mp4

>>115964 @ChuckCallesto - Ukrainian surrender may be imminent, Russian Defense Minister is now reporting military forces have taken most of Donetsk and all of Maryinka.

>>115966 #24704

(12 notables, 15 posts, 18 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131374

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20130996 Q Research General #24705: Reading Between the Lines Edition

Created 260238ZDEC23




>>115967 #24705

>>115968 Trump: Biden ‘Illegally Using All of the Levers of Law Enforcement’ to Jail Me

>>115969 @WallStreetSilv - Germany's Housing Bubble Just Popped

>>115970 Biden orders strikes on Iranian group in Iraq after three US service members wounded

>>115971, >>115972 Musk and this Prime number

>>115973 One of the locations targeted by the U.S two hours ago in Hilla,Babel #Iraq

>>115974 #24705

(7 notables, 8 posts, 10 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131375

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20132015 Q Research General #24706: The Second Day of Christmas Edition

Created 260805ZDEC23




>>115975 #24706

>>115976 Links to documentaries: Fall of the Cabal from Janet Ossebaard

>>115977, >>115978, >>115979, >>115980, >>115983, >>115984, >>115985, >>115986, >>115987, >>115988, >>115990, >>115991, >>115992 The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

>>115981 US airstrikes hit Kataib Hezbollah sites in Iraq after attack on US troops

>>115982 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

>>115989, >>115993 WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1de3ac7e4dfe05f03626175c19c29d5dbddb0c9d2e14cd0a016cdb9e441b12d.mp4

>>115994 Child Pornography Found in AI Training Material: Stanford Report

>>115995 On April 27, 2015, Inside Edition spoke with Jeffrey Epstein’s air hostess Chauntae Davis and filmed footage of his infamous Lolitas Express jet...

>>115996 Google searches questioning sexuality and gender up 1,300% since 2004, analysis shows

>>115997 ‘Chilling’: Smart Toys Are Increasingly Recording and Tracking Your Kids, Warns Watchdog Report

>>115998, >>115999 The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun

>>116000 SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

>>116001 #24706

(13 notables, 27 posts, 72 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131376

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20132853 Q Research General #24707: Watch The Water Edition

Created 261519ZDEC23




>>116002, >>116016 Elon Prime X Post Q3430

>>116003, >>116015 @NatReconOfc In order to view Corona’s film, analysts used light tables like this Cutler-Hammer AIL 1540.

>>116004 Pot callin the kettle black

>>116005 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day IC 443: The Jellyfish Nebula

>>116006 planeFag:Conus activity: Trudope to Jamaica, Potato back “at WH”, Nightwatch NW from Robins AFB

>>116007 Heavy gunfire in the streets of Haiti. US Embassy NOW on lockdown..

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b0a8e5f4118f7139e42c27988b5db84203bf68fbf5cab69eaaadcb26af337b2.mp4

>>116008 First Ukrainian pilots complete F-16 training – UK

>>116009 @NavalInstitute If Santa did not make it to your house yesterday.....

>>116010 British home secretary apologizes for date rape drug joke

>>116011 Civilian, military, and #IntelligenceCommunity applications for #UAVs

>>116012 Japan's SLIM 'moon sniper' lander arrives in lunar orbit for Christmas

>>116013 Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company's Texas factory during violent malfunction

>>116014 Seattle ranks among most 'unsafe' cities during the holiday season

>>116017 Obama shaped CIA to boost his political agenda, hired leftist activists, former agent says

>>116018, >>116019 Gambling Habits Of Transgender Monkeys On Meth - Rand Paul Exposes $900 Billion In Govt Waste

>>116020 #24707

(16 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131377

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20133772 Q Research General #24708: Are We There Yet? Edition

Created 261851ZDEC23




>>116021 #24708

>>116022, >>116023, >>116025, >>116033, >>116035, >>116038, >>116040, >>116050, >>116051 Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

>>116024 Israel Marked Christmas by Bombing 600-Year-Old Christian Monastery

>>116026, >>116030, >>116041 Israel's Channel 12 reported an assassination in Netanya, a man was killed in a car explosion

>>116027, >>116029 Iran escalates production of near-weapons grade uranium in shocking reversal, nuclear watchdog warns

>>116028, >>116034 Qpost #1010 regarding Chemical Warfare

>>116031, >>116044 PF: C-17 with call sign "X" | Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev BEC001

>>116032, >>116043 JFK Jr

>>116036 Israel Faces Major Power Outage Amid Cyberattack Concerns; Netanyahu and Cabinet Relocated

>>116037 100+ Federal Investigations Opened In U.S. Stemming From October 7 Attack

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qTsJntgWJ5Q - US facing a ‘very challenging threat environment’: Lisa Monaco [Channel: ABC News]

>>116039, >>116042 Trump: ‘May they rot in Hell. Merry Christmas’

>>116045 Space Force Recruiting: Why shoot for the stars when they’re already in reach?

>>116046 Democrats switching over to GOP in Pennsylvania at double the rate of Republicans

>>116047 Douglas Elliman broker Tom Cooper who jumped to his death

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jrL_LzX5wv4 - House of Pain - Jump Around (Official Music Video) [HD] [Channel: HouseofPainVEVO]

>>116048 Tesla Robot Suffers Malfunctions and Allegedly ‘Attacks’ Engineer at Texas Factory, Leaving ‘Trail of Blood’

>>116049 WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional Farming

>>116052 Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant hinted on Tuesday that the country had retaliated in Iraq, Yemen and Iran

>>116053 What is [Boxing Day?]

>>116054 #OnThisDay in 1776, Gen. Washington and his 2,400 men defeated the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton

>>116055 CIA accused of hiding records on paying to bury COVID lab leak finding

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0rzNLXxo01Q - Antonio Carlos Jobim - ♫ One Note Samba ♫ [Channel: JukeJunkies]

>>116056 Migrant invasion digs

>>116057 Vivek Ramaswamy House: His Ohio Mega-Mansion Revealed

>>116058 DJT Truth

>>116059 Kanye apologizes to Jewish community

>>116060 Lloyd Austin supplied ISIS for Barack Obama, new job is to get all MAGA patriots out of the US Military

>>116061 NYC filled with pro-Hamas chants on Christmas

>>116062 #24708

(27 notables, 42 posts, 55 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131378

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20134592 Q Research General #24709: Unveiled Edition

Created 262208ZDEC23




>>116063, >>116064 #24709

>>116065 baker claim

>>116066 @SpecialTactics_ - Every minute, every second is crucial to saving lives and that's why no one else compares to our Special Operations Surgical Teams (#SOST).... it's what they're trained to do

>>116067 Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program Proposed Rule Published

>>116068, >>116071 CIA accused of hiding records that analysts took ‘monetary incentives’ to bury COVID lab leak finding

>>116069 Oregon Lawmakers Sue to Halt “Misinformation” Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

>>116070 Kwanzaa's 'history'

>>116072 Paratroopers, what's the rate of descent for the iconic T-10 parachute?

>>116073 The State of Virginia is working with Planned Parenthood to cut out parents from their child’s medical decisions

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8cad3bd224cf4a5137cfad5430fed6df4dc52c31f47ec0a51b577acae460efb4.mp4

>>116074 #24709

(10 notables, 12 posts, 11 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131379

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20135384 Q Research General #24710: The Frog of War Edition

Created 270101ZDEC23




>>116075 #24710

>>116076 Taiwan's President election is taking place on January 13th 2024

>>116077 Ramaswamy's campaign stops spending money on TV ads shortly before Iowa and New Hampshire

>>116078, >>116080 DJT Truth - He will, I am sure, Endorse me.But Vivek is a good man, and is not done yet!

>>116079 PF: Call sign NITE11. ICAO hex AE4D5C decodes as USN MH-60S 168582. Looks to be headed into Singapore. Almost certainly from the Vinson Carrier Strike Group.

>>116081 Ron is shrinking, he's almost gone

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/596e30e1f57f4d09a3b04a13782a4f68e27f9cfaacebd443d414e7c67e6345b4.mp4

>>116082 Upton with Raheem Kassam: Kevin McCarthy’s Rise To Power And Intention To Never Let Jordan Or Scalise Become Speaker

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43ha1h - Upton: Kevin McCarthy’s Rise To Power And Intention To Never Let Jordan Or Scalise Become Speaker [15:45] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116083 Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo on the DNA Contamination Found in the mRNA COVID Vaccines

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc5f7a578ae821a657ac06981daf733203b9e9c2910e007eddc5cf86fe325e55.mp4

>>116084, >>116086, >>116087 How Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign quietly built a grassroots juggernaut for the Iowa Caucuses

>>116085 DJT Truth - Americans For Chinese Prosperity (Action?) is a Globalist CON JOB that is big on giving our Country away to China and other countries throughout the World. They Endorsed “Birdbrain” because that has always been where her sympathies lie. She is a Globalist RINO, much like “Rob” DeSanctimonious, but not a smart one, and I got to see that up close and personal. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

>>116088 DJT Truth - Debbie Dingell of Michigan is a LOSER

>>116089 DJT Truth - Steve Bannon: “Ditto Mr President—for ALL Those Trying to Destroy Our Beloved Country — ‘May They Rot in Hell’”

>>116090 DJT Truth - Lego Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cabbe1daef75e7599a2c69582a24dfec238c487f8df45ed3e45e2ef2b3acf5a7.mp4

>>116091 The Wall Street Journal reports the CIA is 'struggling to rebuild its human espionage capabilities' in China, which is the 'agency's top target', after a network of agents were 'systematically rounded up' a decade ago.

>>116092 Former CIA agent and Georgetown University professor John Gentry, who served at the agency from 1978 to 1990, claims the CIA underwent mass politicization during the Obama administration, it was reported

>>116093 #24710

(16 notables, 19 posts, 23 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131380

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20136148 Q Research General #24711: Nearing the End of the Year Edition

Created 270357ZDEC23




>>116094 #24711

>>116095 17 Individuals On FBI Terror Watch List Caught Attempting Entry At Southern Border

>>116096 Bill Barr Calls On Supreme Court To 'Smack' Down Colorado Trump Ruling

>>116097 Ukrainian marines sentenced for war crimes

>>116098 Revived North Korean Port Aids Russia’s War Effort in Ukraine

>>116099, >>116100 New T-Mobile A2P, non-consumer non-compliance fees beginning January 1

>>116101 Indian Navy Deploys Destroyers After Drone Strike

>>116102 Cuba quietly authorizes euthanasia

>>116103 #24711

(9 notables, 10 posts, 3 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131381

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20136942 Q Research General #24712: The Third Day of Christmas Edition

Created 271228ZDEC23




>>116104 #24712


>>116106 Your Car Stores Your Text Messages - Law Enforcement Can Retrieve Them Anytime, Following Federally Rejected Lawsuit

>>116107 Politicians Broke the Housing Market … Again

>>116108 ICYMI: Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=k9RweR9EUSg - The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress | You've Been Trumped Too (2020) | Full Film [Channel: Journeyman Pictures]

>>116109 DEI: Degradation, Exclusion, and Intolerance

>>116110 A New Solar Powered Desalinization Method Might Have Just Helped Solve Water Scarcity

>>116111 @GenFlynn Team Obama is running the show in WDC and has been

>>116112, >>116116, >>116120, >>116122, >>116127, >>116139, >>116140, >>116142, >>116143, >>116145 Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aaf9b791ddd054927ff66cbc6224c452d19663d4d9969713ec841aaa2e0c6793.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ae8e5aa63c43415d1c901c92c6cfdf4152dc71a6b71b353195843e5827a67c1.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b19cdcf39b7804836b633206960680a1ac1aa4002a5925133ea5168be089da9e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a0004b7a155d51708639a7da78a3f50235574c69c1460135407aff210b99fde.pdf

>>116113 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43ijqh - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/27/2023 [0] [Channel: AhoyTheShipShowAndExtraGravy]

>>116114 Christmas Service Attack in Nigeria

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f8aa93e0b782d81fe7fd48780a5106d0d687d18be52aca64856d70f8dc4b7e6c.mp4

>>116115 Matthew Lawrence Stickney was arrested last week. 1/6

>>116117, >>116118, >>116138 Q Deltas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/684f5badcc7cdf32e339c71520f9fec9bd3cddb9d106f7987fc788f21319e708.mp4

>>116119 Biden signs order finalizing 5.2% pay raise for feds in 2024

>>116121, >>116148 Looks like we gotta missing (y) comm. @realDonaldTrump They illegally spied on my campaign, lied to Congress, cheated FISA, didn’t get approval from State Legislatures.....

>>116123 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rainbow Aurora over Icelandic Waterfall

>>116124 Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections

>>116125 Michigan Supreme Court rejects attempt to remove Trump from 2024 ballot

>>116126 NASA Issues New Space Security Best Practices Guide

>>116128, >>116130, >>116133 Agent told boss Biden laptop could be Russian disinformation, but team knew otherwise

>>116129 NASA Aeronautics in 2023

>>116131 Epstein-Tied Democrat Mega Donor who Cofounded LinkedIn Donates To Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential Campaign

>>116132 Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon Their Ranks

>>116134 Mayor Adams sounds alarm on NYPD BLM settlement as anti-Israel protests rage: ‘Very troubling’

>>116135 Discovery of 'calendar' rock carvings from Ancestral Pueblo in US Southwest surpasses 'wildest expectations'

>>116136 Number of Chinese Nationals Spikes at the Border

>>116137 Plagued by plagiarism scandal, Harvard's political donations flood to Democrats

>>116141 New York Times sues OpenAI, Microsoft for alleged copyright infringement

>>116144 North Carolina election board unanimous in primary ballot decision: Joe Biden lone Democrat

>>116146 First Amendment claim struck down in Project Veritas case focused on diary of Biden's daughter

>>116147 The Complete 2024 Presidential Primary Schedule by State

>>116149 NASA 2024: Onward and Upward

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IGuHErKAiHs - NASA 2024: Onward and Upward [Channel: NASA]

>>116150 #24712

(33 notables, 47 posts, 61 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131382

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20137714 Q Research General #24713: Trump's Woodstock, Dims Waterloo Edition

Created 271642ZDEC23




>>116151 #24713

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4fd7f2397f1aff31f86851267c4f65b80977409c385d514ff591be37959d44f.mp4

>>116152 Former GOP congressman's conviction of lying to the FBI reversed by appeals court/Fortenberry

>>116153, >>116162 @NikkiHaley We’re coming back to NH tonight for more town halls, more voter questions, and more momentum

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a7e77bbf9f7066d71a6c588a22e50f86e5e303705d3f07f81a6cd62cd0b981cd.mp4

>>116154 Jack Smith, in likely vain attempt to keep March 4 trial date, filed another pretrial related to what the jury should be allowed to consider. (All pretrial deadlines now on hold)

>>116155 Governor DeWine of Ohio has had the SAFE Act (protects women's sports & child mutilation) on his desk to sign into effect since the 15th. He hasn't signed it yet. He has 2 more days to sign before it becomes law without his signature.

>>116156, >>116157 A Soros, Gates, and Rockefeller funded censorship ring was inserted into Arizona courts! And right before the 2020 election!

>>116158 @surflant Smooth Sailing ⚓️🚢

>>116159 Multiple roads into JFK Airport are being blocked by pro-Hamas extremists

>>116160 Latinos now make up around 40.2% of Texas’s population, outpacing non-Hispanic whites, who make up 39.8% of the population???

>>116161 Gun tycoon Gaston Glock (94) is dead.

>>116163 Gov. Noem's Office of Economic Development to Make $1M Investment in SD Trade

>>116164, >>116165 @DailyMail Tom Smothers dead at 86

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_81L5EbU6KQ - Yo-Yo Man | Tommy Smothers | The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour [Channel: The Smothers Brothers]

>>116166 @DeptofDefense Ready for takeoff!

>>116167 Bill Clinton's closest aide Doug Band is among those whose links to Jeffrey Epstein are to be exposed in new tranche of documents

>>116168 ECW: We should have eliminated the enemy’s capability to fire on our ships months ago

>>116169 The official death toll of the Christmas mass-murder on Christians by Muslims in Nigeria has risen to 198

>>116170, >>116173 Poland liquidates all public media for restructuring

>>116171 Kash: “You don’t think that Bill Gates is lobbying Congress night & day to prevent the disclosure of that list?…

>>116172 This should tell you everything you need to know about the catastrophic situation on the southern & northern borders

>>116174 Obama-Produced Netflix Cartoon ‘Ada Twist, Scientist’ Shows Children Planning and Attending Gay Wedding

>>116175 The only people saying that Trump's first term was a failure are the fake news and the idiot's that consume & parrot it.

>>116176 Netanyahu Working To Find Countries To 'Absorb' Palestinians Who Want To Flee Gaza

>>116177 @Technofog to Grenell: Per your email, who in the White House - "the oval" - requested the IC statement on COVID origins?

>>116178 The mayor of Jacksonville ordered the last remaining confederate statue to be taken down in the middle of the night WITHOUT city council approval

>>116179 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath

>>116180 A Yemeni brother sent us this picture in front of the Galaxy Leader ship seized by the Ansarullah.

>>116181 Joe Biden Schedules Virgin Islands Vacation During Catastrophic And Rapid Decline of America

>>116182 Iran has agreed to help Iraq build its refineries and the two countries will invest in joint gas and oil fields.

>>116183, >>116184 P-8 sub Hunter off the east coast of FL. They’re lookin around.

>>116185 Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

>>116186 Pro-Palestinian protestors blocking traffic at LAX

>>116187 JPMorgan earned one-fifth of total US bank profits through September: ‘Goliath of Goliaths’

>>116188, >>116189 USSF-52 SpaceX launch tomorrow.

>>116190 17 Market Predictions for 2024

>>116191 CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

>>116192 #24713

(36 notables, 42 posts, 47 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131383

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20138588 Q Research General #24714: Bread With A Side Of TDS Edition

Created 271933ZDEC23




>>116193 #24714

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ffee6a4bc422a24e1a2465f81e3e3bba5dc974e479e57d40e48860dc3518844.mp4

>>116194 Kevin Barrett: Israel Paying a Heavy Price for Its Crimes

>>116195 LAPD are in Riot Gear as Pro-Palestine Protesters has blocked the entrance to the LAX Airport

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bde5bdac1aaa7a38560b5f8d50b119d1c3a02615db64bb1b14de7ef5daa3e385.mp4

>>116196 Australian man, his wife and brother killed in Lebanon after building hit by Israeli air strike

>>116197 Nikki Haley: Getting out of Obama's Iran deal sent a message to Iran that America meant business

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fee1dbe5d1d863390f940f8708f7998bb0700b4f8d7419cfbabdc6519cf6c6a2.mp4

>>116198 Vyacheslav Volodin announced the launch of the State Duma website in Chinese

>>116199 POTUS retruths at 1:07 / Upside down Glock Qpost

>>116200 2023-015 Global Overview of the U.S. Maritime Advisory System

>>116201, >>116203 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Immigrants In California For Removal Over Crimes Of Sexual Abuse

>>116202, >>116204, >>116206, >>116207, >>116209, >>116212, >>116216, >>116218 Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

>>116205 Obama-Appointed Judge Rejects First Amendment Claim in Project Veritas Case with Ashley Biden Diary

>>116208 M3.8 - 5 km NE of Etowah, Arkansas

>>116210 DJT: Crooked Joe Biden’s errand boy, Deranged Jack Smith, is obsessed with attacking your favorite President, me

>>116211 Northern Gaza Is Now A Moonscape

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=szxpqODnUR8 - (Video) Northern Gaza Is Now A MOONSCAPE! [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>116213 Todd Grande

>>116214 DJT: 30 years ago (how time flies!), Director Chris Columbus was begging me to make a cameo in Home Alone 2

>>116215 @CENTCOM: An AV-8B Harrier aircraft lands on the flight deck of USS Bataan (LHD 5), in the Red Sea

>>116217 DIME (Diplomacy, Information / Informatics, Military, Economics)

>>116219 Anon shares favorite books, movies, and music of 2023

>>116220 DJT: Debbie Lesko endorses Donald Trump

>>116221, >>116222 Planenormie: Spotted a Caribbean flight to Georgia, Carolinas?

>>116223 The Valerie Jarrett Power Matrix

>>116224 @RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan are investigating Biden on influence / obstruction of his son's House impeachment inquiry

>>116225, >>116226, >>116227, >>116228, >>116229, >>116230, >>116231 Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NEPpz8aJqCM - The Haleys Join Harris Faulkner’s “Families in Focus” [Channel: Nikki Haley]

>>116232 #24714

(25 notables, 40 posts, 55 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131384

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20139239 Q Research General #24715: In Memory of Janet Ossebaard Edition

Created 272223ZDEC23




>>116233 #24715

>>116234 Baker claim

>>116235 DJT Truth - Wow, what a truck. What an artist. Thank you! We will,MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3bbf1d56cb3f7a1b01f16e0ece155a4bef51b6b88e48861abefd7595f1dd0d2b.mp4

>>116236, >>116237 @DanScavino - Trump Fire Truck Video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02d2e99db8fdbe4c0dfc6e934024fa08f345ca4f76879cf72c81e027534a46a4.mp4

>>116238 TONIGHT @ 6PM ET: Watch #JustTheNewsNoNoise with @jsolomonReports for an exclusive interview with President Trump!

>>116239 Republican House committees request "documents and communications" regarding Hunter Biden from the White House and his lawyers as part of their impeachment inquiry

>>116240 Police say they arrested a man carrying knife and machete outside the US Capitol

>>116241 John Fetterman tells Clinton adviser James Carville to 'shut the f*** up' for being critical about Biden's chances in 2024 and claims he is not longer 'relevant'

>>116242 @DeptofDefense 🌙 U.S. Marines from @2dMarDiv showcase combat readiness in night live-fire training at @camp_lejeune, during the @USMC Combat Readiness Evaluation.

>>116243 #24715

(10 notables, 11 posts, 7 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131385

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20140195 Q Research General #24716: Amphibians of the Night Shift Edition

Created 280110ZDEC23




>>116244 #24716

>>116245 Trump Demands Maine Secretary Recuse Herself From Ballot Challenge Over Jan. 6 Statements

>>116246 Argentina’s New Elected President Lays Off 5K Gov’t Employees

>>116247 Eiffel Tower Shuts Down As Employees Go On Strike On 100th Anniversary Of Founder’s Death

>>116248 Herb Kohl, a former Democratic U.S. senator from Wisconsin and former owner of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, has died at age 88, his foundation says.

>>116249 $2100 gold soon? (let's see what happens)

>>116250 Schumann doing a thing

>>116251 #24716

(8 notables, 8 posts, 7 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131386

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20141184 Q Research General #24717: Noisy Shilldren Edition

Created 280333ZDEC23




>>116252 #24717

>>116253 In memory of Chuck Shramek the photographer of the Saturn-like object by the Hale Bopp comet in November of 1996, which gained him international notoriety

>>116254, >>116256, >>116258 99% of phones are being tracked through push notifications and the US Gov't has a gag order in place so people don't find out

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/151baeb73b46625913afecb98aa61a7c87e95be4df660bc1c7ff2dfee9c1be72.mp4


>>116257 Joe Kent Explains How The U.S. Government's Funding Our Own Enemies In Iraq

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43o1ge - Joe Kent Explains How The U.S. Government's Funding Our Own Enemies In Iraq [13:40] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116259, >>116260 Newsmaker Interview: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice, dispels Nikki rumors

>>116261, >>116262 @elonmusk - Don’t Look Up (ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=L7QBNcccR5Q - ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny [Channel: PowerfulJRE]

>>116263 Kash Truth - As a former federal public defender, I put the cops and prosecutors on trial every damn day in the court room, thats not only the job, but comes from constitutional Due Process. Of course there’s a two tier system of justice with Jack Smith.

>>116264 Fox News Audio anchor Matt Napolitano who appeared on ‘Jeopardy!’ dead at 33

>>116265 'LOCAL MEDIA BIAS: @RealSafeSeattle calling out the Seattle Times’ coverage of the BLM Garden getting crushed by the city on Wednesday.'

>>116266 #24717

(11 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131387

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20141953 Q Research General #24718: The Fourth Day of Christmas Edition

Created 281001ZDEC23




>>116267 #24718

>>116268 Javier Milei Continues Cleaning House: Announces Layoff of 5,000 Government Employees

>>116269 Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules

>>116270 Pepe Escobar: Yemen Ready to Stare Down a New Imperial Coalition

>>116271 Putin ally Vladimir Egorov 'falls to his death from third-floor window'

>>116272, >>116273 Biden Secretively Vacations at Home of Billionaire Who is Connected to Over 800 Media Companies

>>116274 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/28/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43qmu2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/28/2023 [0] [Channel: AhoyTheShipShowAndExtraGravy]

>>116275 DEVELOPING: Parts Of New York City Under Shelter-In-Place Order

>>116276 QClock December 27, 2023 - Whatever Happened to the Awan Brothers

>>116277 Did Q+ just out George Stephanopoulos as a pedophile?

>>116278 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Jupiter and the Geminid

>>116279 Strzok: Trump Supporters ‘Engaging in Threats of Violence,’ Biden Folks Don’t


>>116281 #24718

(14 notables, 15 posts, 18 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131388

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20142828 Q Research General #24719: Buckle Up For 2024 Edition

Created 281606ZDEC23




>>116282 #24719

>>116283 Fetterman To Carville: 'Shut The F*** Up' Over Biden's Sagging 2024 Prospects

>>116284 GOP oversight writing mean letters again

>>116285 Marjorie spills ALL the piping hot Congress tea! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #28

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KxiB9ii9lxo - Marjorie spills ALL the piping hot Congress tea! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #28 [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>116286 Attention all Patriots! Fort Sill National Cemetery just received burial requests for four unclaimed veterans. These heroes served during the Vietnam War Era and are set to be laid to rest alone.

>>116287 Lunnon, AI enhanced

>>116288 Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

>>116289 Backlash Over Israel's Video Of Hypothetical Hamas Christmas Day Attack On Seoul

>>116290 QClock December 28, 2023 - For God And Country

>>116291 Federal Judge Rejects Press Freedom Claims By Project Veritas In Ashley Biden Diary Case

>>116292 Warmonger Lindsey Graham: “Hit Iran… Blow It Off the Map”

>>116293 Child tells Nikki Haley "Chris Christie thinks you're a flip-flopper on the Donal Trump issue...honestly, I agree with him." KEK

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de7b6edc487384e5adea25ecca50b7cf94164808221f3b1ac4ebeb50680d2735.mp4

>>116294 Microsoft Buys Over 1,000 Acres of Farmland in Wisconsin

>>116295 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson warns that every city service is on the verge of collapse thanks to the illegals

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/274cd5b408976267fd28f95af0ad498cae4deaf2f00ae1dd97bba83a6786e103.mp4

>>116296 US Announces $250 Million Arms Package for Ukraine

>>116297 Turkey hits 71 targets in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for soldiers’ deaths

>>116298 Israel hits Red Crescent Society headquarters in Gaza

>>116299 Photos have emerged of a new Russian observation post on the Golan Heights on the border of the Syrian provinces of Daraa and Quneitra.

>>116300 Ivanka Trump on the "timeless wisdom of Mr. Rogers"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/58e2d1ff8505f6b803fb11f8f1570042332a6af16c3148b0d55f8bde4efd45fe.mp4

>>116301 Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice

>>116302 IDF takes no action against soldiers who killed Gaza hostages

>>116303 Foreign Minister of the Israeli: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah should quickly understand that Israel's next goal is him and Lebanon.

>>116304, >>116305 Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert swaps congressional districts'

>>116306, >>116307, >>116310, >>116311, >>116313, >>116317 BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

>>116308 QClock December 28, 2023 - Something Big Is Coming, Mr. Rogers - Helpers.png

>>116309 Middle District Of Florida Prosecutes 1,500 Individuals For Child Exploitation Offenses As Part Of Project Safe Childhood

>>116312 Mike Pompeo summoned by court to explain alleged US govt plot to assassinate Julian Assange

>>116314, >>116318 Caravan Update in Spanish

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RZ7OawBDWkI - Caravan Update [Channel: Oscar Blue Ramirez]

>>116315 @realDonaldTrump: Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again

>>116319 Is Treasury slowly taking over the Fed? WSJ

>>116320 AOC slammed over Christmas message

>>116321 #24719

(32 notables, 39 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131389

File: 4124dc1219c6799⋯.png (394.56 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20143768 Q Research General #24720: Trump is back on the Colorado ballot! Edition

Created 282034ZDEC23




>>116322 #24720

>>116323 Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 - no evidence covid vaxxes saved a single life

>>116324 Vivek Ramaswamy Says Voting For Trump Is A ‘Trap’ During Iowa Town Hall.

>>116325 The 10/7 Project by ADL and others: says they seek "accurate, unbiased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict"

>>116326 US-NATO Black Ops: Destabilization in Serbia and the Former Soviet Union

>>116327, >>116328 @DC_Draino This Palm Beach mansion was just listed for sale at $187,500,000, Yet NYC Marxists tell us MAL is only worth $18 million?!

>>116329 Federal Court sided with Justin Trudeau and ruled that Ezra Levant's book, The Libranos, was illegal, warranting $13,000 Fine, as a Christmas Gift

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y8_HuW3KVQU - BREAKING: Judge rules my “Libranos” book was illegal, orders me to pay $13,000 [Channel: Rebel News]

>>116330 Elise Stefanik + Ed Cox's statement on the Albany Supreme Court's decision to dismiss our request to halt illegal unregulated mass mail-in ballots:

>>116331 @DC_Draino J6 indictments cite cell phone geo tracking data... But when 2000 Mules uses geotracking data regime media puppets say it’s “unreliable data” and “debunked”

>>116332 Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Motion to Delay E. Jean Carroll Defamation Trial


>>116334 Bernie positive for Covid


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h2cKaOIx5Ro - The Wire - December 28, 2023 [Channel: S2 Underground]

>>116336 Hospitals in California, Illinois, New York the U.S. have reintroduced mask mandates


>>116338 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote 9/28/2020

>>116339 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold asked the national media to not report any results on any election results on Nov. 3, using the hashtag #PressPause 10/01/2020

>>116340 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls… against Jena Griswold 10/05/2020

>>116341 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Jena Griswold Of course Soros backed. 11/21/2020

>>116342 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Griswold worked for Obama's campaign, The first elected Democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1963 and the first woman Dem to ever hold the office 06/19/21

>>116344 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits, Griswod: "My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits" 06/21/21

>>116345 BACK ON THE BALLOT.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43vdbl - LET'S GO!!!🥳🥳🥳 [1:58] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>116346 Dog found stabbed 17 times on Long Island, $5K reward offered

>>116347 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, 'Protect' Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers 8/03/2021

>>116348 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Statement from Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Regarding Official Order to Mesa County 8/10/21

>>116349 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters 8/11/2021

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99f05b724adf0574037c80d917e1ae13b68c7238dad1b1722ae2d0b9b8308eec.mp4

>>116350, >>116353, >>116360, >>116363, >>116370, >>116372 Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

>>116351, >>116352, >>116354, >>116355, >>116356, >>116357 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/deb6434e4c5450b10b78d4d21fe4f2bb7f010eadd38dfb5a1405294dca9adcc1.mp4

>>116358 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CMz: Why is Jena Griswold trying to blame Tina Peters for the bios passwords leak when only Jena Griswold should have had access? 8/12/2021

>>116359 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Jenna griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it 8/12/2021

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=y9CgZif3HW0 - Griswold provides update on Mesa County voting system security breach [Channel: 9NEWS]

>>116361 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CM Forwards Seth Keshel - I will be showing you all just why corrupt Colorado Sec of State jena griswold is creating such a stir over Mesa County.. 8/14/2021

>>116362 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor?? 8 /14/2021

>>116364, >>116368 New congressional map in Georgia signed off, District Judge Steve C. Jones, an appointee of President Barack Obama

>>116365 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CodeMonkeyZ - Can jena griswold be trusted with a "Trusted Build"? (VIDEO) 8 /15/2021

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/edbe60ae32c485be7bdf8e4aa1b631d6562c67315a53c0f71d7be7d16174a38b.mp4

>>116366, >>116369, >>116371, >>116373 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

>>116367 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green daughter’s houses swatted

>>116374 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / FBI joins criminal probe in Colorado voting equipment breach 08/18/21

>>116375 @TuckerCarlson Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Someone just tried to murder him. If they'd do this to him, they'd do it to you.

>>116376 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords 08/20/21

>>116377 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits 08/30/21

>>116378 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election 8/30/2021

>>116379 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CODEMONKEYZ - jena griswold is trying to use the courts to overthrow a lawful election 9/1/2021

>>116380 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Union of Taxpayers, Inc. v. jena griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and Judd 09-08-2021

>>116381 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Clerk Peters returns to Grand Junction,vows to fight 9/17-2021

>>116382 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold wanted private security due to threats 2021-09-23

>>116383 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Election Records Are Being Destroyed! 2021-09-26

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tlaRe-p3tTo - Tina Peters and Sherronna Bishop: Searching for the Truth [Channel: Truth & Liberty Coalition]

>>116384 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Court Tina Peters case to be decided by District Judge Valerie Robison, Secretary of State jena griswold… 2021-09-30

>>116385 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / griswold asks judge to dismiss 'baseless' GOP election-denier lawsuit 2021-12-30

>>116386 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Bad News 4 Soros-Backed SOS jena griswold - Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit 2022-02-01

>>116387 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold BTFO third report on mesa county voting machines released 2022-03-22 12/27/23

>>116388 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete 2022-05-06

>>116389 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Two Colorado County Clerks Sue Deceitful Secretary of State jena griswold - Ask Court for Permission to Use Their Saved Voting Machine Data to See If griswold Illegally Meddled with Machines 2022-02-17

>>116390 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Tina Peters Sues Colorado Secretary of State, jena griswold, for Illegal Recount - Massive Corruption Is Being Covered Up in Colorado 9/14/2022

>>116391 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / 2022 Election: Colorado Secretary of State Sent 31,000 Registration Cards to Foreigners 1/6/2023

>>116392 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a ‘liar,’ vows to see ballot lawsuit through 9/6/2023


>>116394 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections - “What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold

>>116395 #24720

(58 notables, 74 posts, 57 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131390

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20144574 Q Research General #24721: OUR BORDER HAS COLLAPSED, OUR COUNTRY IS BEING INVADED. MAGA! EDITION

Created 282312ZDEC23




>>116396 #24721

>>116397 Florida GOP senator Rick Scott’s Naples home swatted

>>116398 Lawmakers Sue Democrat Governor, Election Officials To Halt ‘Misinformation’ Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

>>116399 Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter attacked by what Armenian officials are calling a group of 30 Israeli extremist settlers

>>116400 Christians in Bethlehem reduced from over 90% of the population in 1993 to under 5% now

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43u9th - Harnwell: Christians in Bethlehem reduced from over 90% of the population in 1993 to under 5% now [11:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116401 A drug cartel in central Mexico has kidnapped 14 local residents in apparent retaliation for an uprising by angry farmers earlier this month that killed 10 cartel gunmen

>>116402, >>116408, >>116413, >>116414, >>116415, >>116417, >>116418, >>116419 Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

>>116403, >>116422 Bannon: How many of you as a leader of a nation would skip out and take a Caribbean Vacation while our nation is being destroyed?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43tel6 - Steve Bannon: Biden’s Immigration Crisis Is A ‘Middle Finger To America. [2:11] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43td8z - Steve Bannon: How Can Biden Even Enjoy Himself On Vacation While America Is Being INVADED? [13:16] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116404 The idea is for Japan to become less dependent on foreign energy sources.

>>116405, >>116411, >>116412, >>116421, >>116427 Maine Secretary of State [Shannon Bellows] rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot

>>116406 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives 2022-05-06

>>116407 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1)

>>116409 Key US Navy Allies Abandon Red Sea Operation After White House Blunders

>>116410 Google settles massive $5B lawsuit over improperly tracking ‘incognito mode’ users

>>116416, >>116420 BlackRock allegedly owns and controls the world. But the investment giant claims they are just impartial shareholders. What is really going on?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=STYgeA9VScc - The Blackrock Conspiracy Debunked [Channel: The Hated One]

>>116423, >>116424, >>116425 Reminder that the majority of the people we interact with online are bots

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V9PkWdrYOz0 - The Dead Internet Theory - Complete Edition [Channel: All Time]

>>116426 USN P-8 Poseidon patrolling the Strait of Hormuz.

>>116428 #24721

(18 notables, 33 posts, 38 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131391

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20145409 Q Research General #24722: What Makes a Good Treason Inferno? Edition

Created 290146ZDEC23




>>116429 #24722

>>116430 An inquiry into the Soham murders of schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman was opposed by Tony Blair, files reveal

>>116431 The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. earlier this year used a U.S. internet service provider to communicate

>>116432 L'Oreal heiress Francoise Bettencourt Meyers becomes the first woman to accumulate $100 billion

>>116433 Texas arrests thousands of illegal immigrants for crossing border

>>116434, >>116450 Iran will sign a currency agreement with Russia in early 2024

>>116435, >>116440, >>116446, >>116449, >>116453, >>116456 Maine being lame con't

>>116436 Massive pro-Palestine protests erupt in New York City: hundreds of demonstrators try to force their way into the WTC

>>116437 IDF targeting Christianity's holiest sites on purpose

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=j8hv3LVwzTk - "They're targeting Christianity's holiest sites on purpose" | Redacted News [Channel: Redacted]

>>116438 @USArmy: #DYK? This month marks 106 years since the 7th Infantry Division was established Dec. 10, 1917

>>116439, >>116443, >>116447 The White House just put out this video featuring John Podesta

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dba57ddb2349c0906dbaf66b45741aa391fc4e3659b2c1fce9ed44a44b3bbba6.mp4

>>116441 Mexican Cops Step Aside as New Migrant ‘Poverty’ Caravan Moves North

>>116442 CMZ: Will SCOTUS knock over the cards yet again?

>>116444 Trump Campaign Statement on Maine Secretary of State Ruling

>>116445, >>116463 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) | FISAGATE

>>116448 PragerU Sides with ADL Claiming Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism

>>116451, >>116452, >>116458 Author investigating Hillary Clinton dies in plane that crashed into Pentagon on 9/11?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0694f7f8cab15e52272f691adf60b5cd7db46466233e31f07ab43d6551d5bc4d.mp4

>>116454, >>116455 Falcon Heavy launches USSF-52 to orbit from Florida

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0-FFOLKTlMQ - Watch live: SpaceX Falcon 9 booster launches from Cape Canaveral with Starlink satellites [Channel: Spaceflight Now]

>>116457, >>116459, >>116464 Maine Rep. John Andrews makes motion to impeach Shenna Bellows for barring President Trump from ballot

>>116460 PF: Looks like some US brass headed out from Riyadh to have a little hands on time with the Battle of the Red Sea

>>116461 Colorado law banning Styrofoam containers at restaurants, plastic bags at retail stores, goes into effect Jan. 1

>>116462 A United States Navy ship in the Red Sea shot down a ballistic missile and a drone on Thursday night

>>116465 #24722

(23 notables, 37 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131392

File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.png (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20146280 Q Research General #24723: FISA-gate Edition

Created 290424ZDEC23




>>116466 #24723

>>116467 @mrddmia - Democrats are the fat kids at the all-you-can-eat buffet. They can’t stop themselves

>>116468 Ukrainian FM Dmitry Kuleba derides the EU for not making enough weapons to give Kiev

>>116469 Assault On 10 Cities: Israel Mounts Largest Raid On West Bank Since War's Start

>>116470 Maine SOS on MSNDC Discusses Decision to Remove Trump from Ballot

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f71f269767dab181cc6ca548ae122acdb38f59bade806384a4f32f85a55cb38.mp4

>>116471 Replacing US Aid to Kiev Impossible

>>116472 Looks like a tsunami. Wonder what is going on off the coast of CA?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6bf8a768be9b938b134eb17d1017ba3a97a0043aab5cd373c207e0b3ba70c73c.mp4

>>116473 Wheat Futures Surge After Grain Ship Hits Mine

>>116474, >>116478 Pro Surfers Have Traveled from All Over the World to Ride Massive & Powerful Waves at Northern California’s Legendary Mavericks

>>116475 PF: A little bit of everything.

>>116476 Tucker Carlson Interviews Stephen Miller About Workplace and Leftist Racism

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VDlw9q6PGJk - Tucker Carlson 12/28/23 | Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28, 2023 [Channel: Aktn]

>>116477 Massive waves flood California beach towns as evacuations ordered

>>116479 Baker claim

>>116480 PF: There are currently zero military flights showing over the continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii.

>>116481 Another “Old-time Chicago Pol” Convicted of Racketeering, Bribery, Extortion


>>116483 #24723

(17 notables, 18 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131393

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20147083 Q Research General #24724: The Fifth Day of Christmas Edition

Created 291134ZDEC23




>>116484 #24724

>>116485 SpaceX launches secretive US military spacecraft on research mission

>>116486 Powder Keg South America: Maduro Mobilizes 5K Troops, Dozens of Military Vessels and Planes to Essequibo Region After British Warship Heads to Guyana

>>116487 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/29/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43zq2o - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/29/2023 [0] [Channel: AhoyTheShipShowAndExtraGravy]

>>116488 @jensstoltenberg - Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda about the missile incident in #Poland. #NATO stands in solidarity with our valued Ally, is monitoring the situation & we will remain in contact as the facts are established.

>>116489 Dozens more Hamas terrorists have been captured by IDF forces in Gaza.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf75b7d11bcfd97f4f4972014ba1a30651ea368dfd15301378f3fbc218f5dccf.mp4

>>116490 @DHSgov - 2023 ⏪ In a historic first, @POTUS (ROTUS)'s June 2023 visit to the @AF_Academy in Colorado Springs was supported by an all-female @SecretService transportation team. #DHSYearinPhotos

>>116491 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Dec 29, 2023 'Shakespeare in Space'

>>116492 NASA’s Juno to Get Close Look at Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io on Dec. 30

>>116493 @MarsCuriosity Hey look – I’m a sundial!

>>116494 #24724

(11 notables, 11 posts, 10 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131394

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20148144 Q Research General #24725: Plenty of Morning Noise Edition

Created 291610ZDEC23




>>116495, >>116496, >>116497 Giving guns to illegals and taking gun citizens? ANONS DIG

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/41b6db46eacaf8570841b28df2814ffbc7ddc45aec370d4c21bd18c1f9faa119.mp4

>>116498, >>116516 Russia confirms 'massive barrage' on targets in Ukraine (RT)

>>116499 France warns of "very high" terrorism threat on New Year's Eve, deploys 90,000 police forces and 5,000 soldiers — Telegraph

>>116500 Ukraine requests emergency funding meeting - Bloomberg

>>116501 Maine has now followed Colorado's lead re taking Trump off the ballot

>>116502 Biden slams Nikki Haley after Civil War slavery dodge

>>116503 Ukraine hit by large-scale air attack

>>116504 Pfizer to lay off 285 amid declining Covid vaccine sales

>>116505 US allies waver on joining Red Sea task force

>>116506 @jensstoltenberg: Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda about the missile incident in #Poland...

>>116507 Ohio's GOP governor vetoes ban on gender-affirming care, transgender athletes in girls sports

>>116508 @elonmusk - To give you a sense of the immense and growing size of illegal immigration!

>>116509, >>116512 TechnoFog on Cohen's AI motions

>>116510 Why Are Capitol Police Setting Up Satellite Headquarters In Major American Cities The Answer Could Be Dangerous - video

>>116511 @realDonaldTrump: DEROY MURDOCK: Boom Boom — Out Go The Lights!

>>116513 "Epstein & Gates scientist, Melanie Walker, reported to Jim Kim at World Bank

>>116514 @JesseMatchey: Chelsea was involved with Ghislaine because of the Clinton Global Initiative

>>116515 A Free And Open Internet Is An Existential Threat To The Establishment

>>116517 Iran's IRGC Suffers Single Deadliest Day In Syria As Israel Strikes Damascus Airport

>>116518 Argentina opts out of BRICS

>>116519 Zionists Launch 'Massive Coordinated Attack' on Christians in Jerusalem

>>116520 General Flynn: The American People Have Lost ALL Trust In The U.S. Government [VIDEO]

(22 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131395

File: 6a86823183e24d0⋯.png (248.84 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20148932 Q Research General #24726: Afternoon E-bake Edition

Created 291917ZDEC23




>>116521 #24726

>>116522, >>116551 Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BeWTz5RNxsE - Jesse Watters: Biden's Green New Deal is falling apart [Channel: Fox News]

>>116523 How Swiss Bankers Helped Dictators and Criminals Hide Their Money (18min documentary)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=20V_bW_T-G4 - How Swiss Bankers Helped Dictators and Criminals Hide Their Money (Documentary) [Channel: The Market Detectives]

>>116524 Israel’s Security Agency Ignored Warning from Gaza Source About October 7 Attack

>>116525 CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

>>116526 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed DC_Draino on geotracking hypocrisy

>>116527 California keeps Trump on ballot after Colorado and Maine use 14th Amendment to say 'No'

>>116528 Israel embassy pulls inappropriate video imagining Hamas attack on Seoul

>>116529 #24725

>>116530 Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus: Ukraine Labs Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

>>116531 NYT, Citing 'Grainy Video,' Pushes Israeli Govt's Claim of 'Hamas Mass Rapes' on October 7

>>116532, >>116534 @DC_Draino: Trump has never even been *charged* with Insurrection

>>116533 BBC to hand over secret Diana emails about handling of Martin Bashir scandal after judge ordered release of nearly 3,000 hidden documents

>>116535, >>116557, >>116574 Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the US

>>116536, >>116538, >>116539, >>116545, >>116549, >>116553, >>116558, >>116565, >>116566, >>116567 Anons discuss the Insurrection Act

>>116537, >>116541, >>116546, >>116548, >>116552 Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC - DIG CALL

>>116540 Mike Davis: Dear House Republicans - Do not count electoral votes from any state that removes Trump from the ballot

>>116542 AZ Military Museum closes after Vietnam vet founder, 80, told tour: 'Eventually they will replace me with some gay, black, woman woke Jew'

>>116543 Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story Will Reveal Bombshell Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation

>>116544, >>116556 Multiple large explosions are taking place at a fuel company with reports of evacuations underway

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b38a58f6817d387704cf5207c3e127e2898cdc06c7ac13578c47bbb93cc1662e.mp4

>>116547 baker change

>>116550 Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping Unconscious 15-Year-Old Girl

>>116554 Hijacked Galaxy Leader Owner Encouraged by Reports of Imminent Release of Crew

>>116555 The Marine Corps has trained its final 8 scout snipers

>>116559 Shards from the 'Crown of Thorns' placed into new Phoenix statue set atop Notre Dame Cathedral

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G7EbhUZ9y1U - Notre Dame Spire. Cross. A Falling Away First. Reformation. Rooster Phoenix 500 Antichrist Rebirth [Channel: Many Fishers]

>>116560, >>116571 Ironic: @shennabellows says America is experiencing an epidemic of election disinformation

>>116561 Donald Trump blasts David Bowie's Starman from his cart as he plays golf with Lindsey Graham after Maine boots him off the ballot

>>116562 Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

>>116563 Keystone Pipeline

>>116564, >>116568, >>116572 Iran executed 4 Mossad agents for working against Iran's national security

>>116569 New England outages point to grid issues that are often blamed on ‘extreme weather’

>>116570 @AirMibilityCmd: #23in23

>>116573, >>116575 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Shakespeare in Space

>>116576 Tom Hanks tripping balls

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a07748e5c703e874aa0e8098301fb51467b8e541f5fe27af84fe7fe7a9c576a.mp4

(34 notables, 56 posts, 53 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131396

File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.png (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20149701 Q Research General #24727: Starman Edition

Created 292158ZDEC23




>>116577 #TeamHaley is in Iowa

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc5c1fea9a4bac455f65816df3c95c26cd5df3abae01a24997d797875746e59b.mp4

>>116578 Biden makes a promise that sounds more like a threat: "And we're not finished yet"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4eadd3ff30d28bbe0bf4de4de338b05278b6ac1455acd06f2d7d9b5b3987ac20.mp4

>>116579 Cohen: MISTAKENLY gave his atty FAKE CASE CITATIONS generated by AI (oops)

>>116580 Law of War manual: End of Occupation

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa773a31e7ed7c0b9722f3a5c128a08a17c87a44b6e12dcb7458ca75424709ec.pdf

>>116581, >>116587 Israel Rejects "With Disgust" South Africa's Gaza-Related Genocide Case At World Court - ZH

>>116582 #24726

>>116583, >>116595 Refresher. Jonna Hiestand Mendez signed the statement about Hunter's Laptop and a Russian information operation.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d40344d8b1cdf5c44606a95b4eb4609aded6aa13d5a7ac753e43f295ea121840.mp4

>>116584 #24727

>>116585 Tunisian President Keys: Victory is approaching, all of Palestine will be liberated

>>116586 Channel 12: Netanyahu prevented Shin Bet and Mossad chiefs from attending a sensitive security discussion this morning

>>116588 Fox News faced its lowest average audience since 2015 in 2023

>>116589 PF report

>>116590 Kiev Aid justifies military call up: "“We will all die anyway"

>>116591, >>116592 NASSOUR: DeSantis’ Baseless Attacks On Haley Reveal His Desperation

>>116593 Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VDlw9q6PGJk - Tucker Carlson 12/28/23 | Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28, 2023 [Channel: Aktn]

>>116594 Explosion In Bridgeport At Tradebe Environmental, Same Facility That Settled EPA Violations In 2018

>>116596 Federal judge blocks enforcement of Iowa law banning pornographic books and LGBTQ+ topics in classes

>>116597 #24727

(18 notables, 21 posts, 14 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131397

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20150485 Q Research General #24728: Omnishift MAGA, Here We Go Edition

Created 300056ZDEC23




>>116598 #24728

>>116599 Baker change

>>116600 @JackPosobiec - BREAKING: Jonathan Turley reportedly swatted tonight

>>116601, >>116603 @thejimwatkins - Recently, YouTube has updated what they are allowing. This philosophy was shadow-banned for years. #accelerationism is a thing. No, really, it's a thing.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CQmoQEeNYrs - Why Some Billionaires Are Actively Trying To Destroy The World [Channel: Joe Scott]

>>116602 @NASAAmes - 🎵 Woahhhh, we’re halfway there! 🎵 Our VIPER Moon rover is already half-built, and the best is yet to come!

>>116604, >>116606 Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years – Will Reveal BOMBSHELL Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation – COMING SOON!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/483f0146100ea743a3cf3f6dd9a8eb30711c3ac3743aaa603d0e01c29bf36b40.mp4

>>116605 A Massive Rescue operation is underway as more than 75 to 100 people are stranded on a large broken sheet of ice

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/11b5ea3b0558e69adad5dd8e991b1fb86e02591f3398bb1759ad60cb2450388a.mp4

>>116607 #24728

(8 notables, 10 posts, 13 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131398

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20151277 Q Research General #24729: All Day/Night/Omni Shift Appreciation Edition

Created 300339ZDEC23




>>116608 #24729

>>116609 Trump and The King

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33041efdd19484ddd5d7eca04e1eaa3114f649889c143cdeacf89a4bf0caec68.mp4

>>116610 Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 58: Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, Explains How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market (VIDEO)

>>116611 DJT Truth - It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the “Crazed” Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

>>116612 ‘Devil Comet’ the Size of Mt. Everest to Explode This Weekend

>>116613 #24729

(6 notables, 6 posts, 4 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131399

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20152043 Q Research General #24730: Peak Mental Laziness Through AI Edition

Created 300713ZDEC23




>>116614 #24730

>>116615, >>116620, >>116621, >>116623, >>116627 "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06a95c43ee1f81638ee9435b085db98e7777efcafd24abcee630ba39f7a78df0.mp4

>>116616, >>116617 How do I know Janet Ossebaard died on the 16th of November?

>>116618 2024 BINGO CARD

>>116619 Sam Bankman-Fried donated $100 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

>>116622, >>116626, >>116632, >>116633 Moar on the Podesta vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ef41987558e220422665c0dfb6272871f0384475972a23c3b037855557e8af3c.mp4

>>116624, >>116625 How the EPA is attempting to kill the Berkey water filter

>>116628 Ghost

>>116629, >>116630, >>116631, >>116634 Anons discuss Scavino post

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_Ul_IRqtcWE - Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma! (Lyric Video) [Channel: Legendary Opera Recordings]

>>116635 Bizarro Potato vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4eadd3ff30d28bbe0bf4de4de338b05278b6ac1455acd06f2d7d9b5b3987ac20.mp4

>>116636 @DanScavino from 12/29/23: We will be taking this to court and will fight to the Supreme Court if necessary.

>>116637 @EthicalSkeptic: Cancer is not only elevated 6.5%, but it has a new growth rate of 2.4% annually

>>116638 @gatewaypundit: Xfinity-Comcast Security Breach Compromises 36 Million Customers’ Contact Info and SS Numbers

>>116639, >>116641 Despite Numerous FOIA Requests, the NSA Is still Withholding Government Documents Related to Seth Rich

>>116640 Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

>>116642, >>116643 @DC_Draino: Woman getting interviewed on camera claims to have been maced on J6 - using an onion on her eyes?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81dc3aff02e367c6dc0b0e1e4c2e7910e7a2cb820980e1492015c325381df4c6.mp4

>>116644 Republican lawmaker in Maine files to impeach secretary of state Shenna Bellows after her decision to disqualify Trump from the ballot

>>116645 #24730

>>116646 @KenPaxtonTX Bring it! We will defend Texas.

>>116647 Market Forces Put the Brakes on “Gender-Affirming” Surgeries in Children

>>116648 Blinken Gets Roasted on Twitter for Declaring Pride in ‘Global Peace and Security

>>116649 Ex-Democratic Party Chair Sentenced for Child Sex Abuse

>>116650 Vivek on 🔥 and dropping truth bombs!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8919fe67e720fddc3072af54d735fd947f86b7a359a3c026541b3baacecfa836.mp4

>>116651 Turley becomes latest ‘swatting’ victim after false report of shooting at his home

>>116652, >>116654 MAGA Activist Accuses Michigan GOP Officials of Being Dem. Plant

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/917a48a23cb7687454d059501d241643414950e430a8bd4884d1987395729f49.mp4

>>116653 Social media platforms are now viewed as the main battlefields of this current information & cultural war being waged.

>>116655 @DanScavino Flashback Friday


>>116657, >>116667 Flooded tunnel near London disrupts Eurostar train services

>>116658 Swiss financial watchdog wants to examine clawing back bankers' bonuses

>>116659 University Chancellor Fired After Making Adult Films

>>116660 Venezuelan magnate Gustavo Cisneros dead at 78

>>116661 Biden’s Migrant Crisis Overflows Tax-Funded Shelters in Detroit, Sends Migrants to Private Homes

>>116662 Biden’s DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards in 2024

>>116663 X22 Make No Mistake The [DS] Will Not Give Up Power,Setting The Stage,Playbook Known,Buckle Up - Ep. 3246

>>116664 Our Awakening Terrifies the Left

>>116665 This thread represents just the past two days of EMRS reports on the trains and buses bringing migrants to the suburbs

>>116666 Migrant caravan 6,000-people strong splinters as it works its way through Mexico

>>116668 Bobby Kotick, Activision-Blizzard’s CEO, is no longer CEO as of tomorrow.

>>116669 Fuck Your Feelings - Leigh Hunt

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c397834da3040ae0b9da92205bc01e28cb85e59b699e3e413474deea6ce1969a.mp4

(40 notables, 56 posts, 70 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131400

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20152864 Q Research General #24731: The Underwhelm Of AI, Not For CGI Fans Edition

Created 301500ZDEC23




>>116670 #24731

>>116671 JAN 6 The QANON Committee 🐸 #DDK

>>116672, >>116676 There is something deeply mysterious about the Richat Structure

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r9Gj_6dmNcM - Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa [Channel: Bright Insight]

>>116673 Covid checkpoints in Fla

>>116674 The U.S. government is dropping six charges against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried including campaign finance violations

>>116675 #24730 posted in 31

>>116677 GOP rep warns House has final say over election after states deem Trump ineligible for ballots

>>116678 No wonder Bill Gates is lying about the origin of COVID: he’s actively funding EcoHealth Alliance

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/75294d180608bb80fd5ad615523214c565fda708e357685bfdada021392a266d.mp4

>>116679, >>116680 Trump's outtakes from Jan. 7 speech shown by committee???

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/017b902be7ede423569ac9af70a67db3fa9e5cb55b15ffc6bca5a7f1cbf0d388.mp4

>>116681 Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.

>>116682 UK: It starts with the terminally ill, then it's the mentally ill, then it's anyone who wants it because 'bodily autonomy' and 'freedom'.

>>116683 Harnwell: Putin launches his largest airstrike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Why now?!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v4412ix - Harnwell: Putin launches his largest airstrike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Why now?! [3:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116684 President Javier Milei of Argentina is now following End Wokeness

>>116685, >>116686 Bannon: Nikki Haley Is The Representative Of The Neoliberal Neocon Oligarchs That Run This Nation

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v442e0w - Bannon: Nikki Haley Is The Representative Of The Neoliberal Neocon Oligarchs That Run This Nation [2:54] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v440dqr - Boris Epshteyn Shreds Nikki Haley For Ukraine First Policies [4:48] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116687, >>116689 Former CIA employee: Zelensky is expecting a military coup

>>116688 Anons, how does one "honor the legacy" of a piece of shit Communist bastard? By mis-spelling the bastard's name in the tribute.

(16 notables, 20 posts, 19 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131401

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20153860 Q Research General #24732: Save the Bread E-bake Edition

Created 301858ZDEC23




>>116690 #24732

>>116691 #24731 posted in #24732

>>116692 Updated Dough

>>116693 China & Iraq Begin Construction Of New City Near Baghdad

>>116694 Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode

>>116695 Biden Admin Rolls Out Slew Of Regs Targeting Americans’ Appliances On Last Friday Of The Year

>>116696 Raheem Kassam On The Failures Of The DeSantis Campaign

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v446wl6 - Raheem Kassam On The Failures Of The DeSantis Campaign [27:36] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116697 Ex-Albanian Prime Minister Placed Under House Arrest over Corruption Probe

>>116698 Ben Harnwell: Ron DeSantis Is a Weak Man — Which Makes Him Far Worse Than a Neocon

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v446xc9 - Ben Harnwell: Ron DeSantis Is a Weak Man — Which Makes Him Far Worse Than a Neocon [18:12] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116699 Russia calls emergency UN meeting over Ukrainian shelling (RT)

>>116700 Schumann Resonance

>>116701, >>116702 DJT Truths - As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, Invasion, and Rigging Elections.

>>116703 UN SECURITY COUNCIL - Threats to international peace and security - Security Council, 9524th meeting

>>116704 #24732

(14 notables, 15 posts, 9 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131402

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20154825 Q Research General #24733: 177 Names Soon Edition

Created 302200ZDEC23




>>116705 #24733

>>116706 resident Biden - One more great year in the books. (Laundry list of bullshit)

>>116707 Security increased for the New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square (fear pron or eyes on?)

>>116708 Tucker Carlson - How The Babylon Bee Predicts the Future. Corporate media is dead, which is why The Babylon Bee is more trusted than CNN. CEO Seth Dillon joins Tucker Carlson to discuss.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zdbqUoTyReo - How The Babylon Bee Predicts the Future [Channel: Tucker Carlson]

>>116709 122 Fishermen Rescued From Detached Ice Floe in Northern Minnesota (VIDEO)

>>116710 This week, Bill and Hillary Clinton were spotted in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for a surprise visit.

>>116711 Iranian national with ties to terrorism attempted to enter the U.S. illegally

>>116712 Russia launches 122 missiles, multiple drones in massive attack against Ukraine. The attack resulted in 22 civilians dying

>>116713, >>116714, >>116716, >>116717 Fire on Cargo Ship Carrying Lithium-Ion Batteries Near Dutch Harbor

>>116715 The DC Establishment Is Deeply Concerned That Trump May Have Copies Of His Declassified Binder

>>116718 Maine secretary of state’s house 'swatted' day after Trump ballot disqualification decision

>>116719 Hong Kong’s ‘Vaccine Ambassador’ Drops Dead at 57

>>116720 #24733

(13 notables, 16 posts, 13 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131403

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20155721 Q Research General #24734: Slow Bread Rising Edition

Created 310103ZDEC23




>>116721 #24734

>>116722 Jack Smith has filed his reply brief with DC appellate court for Trump's appeal of Judge Chutkan's order

>>116723 Trend: Year-End Poll Shows Trump Gaining, Biden Losing Support of Black Voters

>>116724 Paula Abdul is accusing former 'American Idol' exec producer Nigel Lythgoe of "multiple sexual assaults"

>>116725 State of Things: San Francisco

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e37f0b53fcdd57a22a0002f887d3fe82d0540f19951961fd736acb7c3511b57.mp4

>>116726 Lawmaker Kevin Hern has purchased up to $6,000,000 worth of energy and mining stocks in the past year

>>116727 Upcoming Commit to Caucus Rallies in Iowa

>>116728 IRS “Collection Notices” Going Out to Millions of Americans Starting Next Week

>>116729, >>116735 Shenna Bellows was Director of the Maine Holocaust Center from 2018-2020

>>116730 (Not Babylon Bee) Former DefSec Mark Esper Very Concerned Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief

>>116731, >>116732, >>116746, >>116748, >>116752, >>116753 @DanScavino

>>116733 California Court attempts to ban carrying guns in most public places

>>116734 Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

>>116736 Money Laundering 101

>>116737 Obama ally David Axelrod says he thinks it ‘would rip the country apart’ if Trump were prevented from running

>>116738 Tayler Hansen: I have obtained documents from a whistleblower proving I was investigated illegitimately for reporting on J6

>>116739 Battle of the Bulge

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a2fe4a76d7478b3eeb03af15abfe425aa33ca854ee2ab14afcb51af0f33028f5.mp4

>>116740 Congress gives Harvard more time to respond to President Gay’s plagiarism scandal

>>116741 Body Language Ghost: Maine Secretary of State

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pQdgZu5dWoU - Body Language: Maine Secy. Of State, Trump Removal [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>116742 California trying to force masks in L.A. County healthcare facilities for employees, patients and visitors (do not comply)

>>116743, >>116744 Refresher: Trump vs Biden Presidential Honors Gun Salute

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/964fdaab7c9518965fa0c02f4b85ba79282cdf3cdf6d95a1df25714871cd2cd1.mp4

>>116745 PF: Only two military birds up over the US tonight - a Blackhawk, and an E6

>>116747, >>116750, >>116751 I'm trying to figure out why or how DIA can operate on US Soil

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee8c726af646a10fbe3a9b1295efe25a9bb66ba2867c17f3797f9ab5f9a608ec.mp4

>>116749 Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

>>116754 #24734

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43d0cd No.131404

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20156517 Q Research General #24735: Hyped on Audio Edition

Created 310359ZDEC23




>>116755 #24735

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9tjdswqGGVg - The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) [Channel: immortalsongs]

>>116756 Fresh embarrassment for Nikki Haley as she confuses name of basketball star with CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins

>>116757 Elevating Naval Priorities: China Appoints Admiral as Defense Minister

>>116758 U.S. Navy Divers Recover Wreckage From Downed Aircraft off Japan

>>116759 Baker claim

>>116760 #24735

(6 notables, 6 posts, 3 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131405

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20157515 Q Research General #24736: Fill Out Your Complaint Forms Edition

Created 310836ZDEC23




>>116761 #24736

>>116762 DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets

>>116763 DanScavino Twit/X - Video of fire?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f110d21e4c303f0711179deecce61faa08e463efe4e1795fafeb28259e7dca0c.mp4

>>116764 Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China's Financial Crisis

>>116765 @CENTCOM - Iranian-backed Houthi small boats attack merchant vessel and U.S. Navy helicopters in Southern Red Sea

>>116766 Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

>>116767 Moscow retaliates for Ukrainian ‘terrorist attack’ – MOD (RT)

>>116768 Laws banning semi-automatic weapons and library censorship will take effect in Illinois

>>116769 California Law Barring Guns From Most Public Spaces Set To Go Into Effect After Appeals Court Ruling

>>116770 DJT Truths

>>116771 Truckers have joined the farmers in massive protest against planned fuel price and tax increases

>>116772 Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

>>116773 PF: Coast Guard C-130 1716 looking for something off Cape Kennedy

>>116774 New Evidence Suggests There Was Never Voting Machine Election Audit Performed in Georgia Following 2020 Election – Raffensperger Caught Again!

>>116775 More from Jack Smith's brief filed yesterday arguing presidents can be criminally prosecuted. Hmmmm…does a dossier count?

>>116776 NYPD ‘prepared’ for large pro-Palestine protests during New Year’s Eve bash at Times Square

>>116777 #24736

(17 notables, 17 posts, 15 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131406

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20158522 Q Research General #24737: Eyes On, World Wide Edition

Created 311404ZDEC23




>>116778 #24737

>>116779 DJT Re-Truth

>>116780, >>116782, >>116789 US Navy obliterates Houthis

>>116781 Colorado and Maine are just the beginning. Litigation is heating up in 20 states seeking to block Donald Trump from primary election ballots.

>>116783 noted notes

>>116784 Major pornographic website blocks NC access days before new law takes effect

>>116785 The Corruption of Everything

>>116786 NATO state too ‘scared’ to attend UN meeting – Russian diplomat

>>116787 Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia to join BRICS as of Jan. 1: Report

>>116788 US wary of completely ruining relations with Russia – Lavrov

>>116790, >>116793 re you ready for a Pfizer information dump?

>>116791 Drug Cartels Trafficking Migrants to CA for 'Modern Day Slavery' on Black Market Marijuana Farms

>>116792 Biden-Appointed Federal Judge Blocks Iowa Law Banning Explicit Books and Gender Ideology from Elementary Schools via @gatewaypundit

>>116794 Active shooter situation unfolding at MGM Signature hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

>>116795, >>116796 WEF Klaus Schwab Calls For The End Of Elections - Talks With Google Founder Sergey Brin

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e79760ac9a1a7d50d3aab64b4190f514aea7ceaceca0512018b31c1b23f0c9fa.mp4

>>116797 Cartel Gunfight Erupts With Mexican Military Near Arizona Port Of Entry

>>116798 Blue States Prepare To Enact Slew Of Left-Wing Laws In 2024

>>116799 2am Emergency Sirens Test “Classified Military Alarm System”

>>116800 Eleanor Hunton Hoppe - Virginia socialite mom snared in FBI pedophile sting - makes another bid for freedom, claiming inadequate medical care behind bars

>>116801 U.S. Public Pensions Invest over $68 Billion in China

>>116802 Flashback - Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament (MAR 2023)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OVZPYQS1dFA - Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament [Channel: New Discourses]

>>116803 An unprecedented statement is expected to be released by the UK and the US in the coming hours which will warn the Houthis to stop attacking commercial vessels or face the military might of the West.

>>116804 Portland Poop Crisis Triggers Bacteria Outbreak Normally Found In Third World

>>116805 Dying to Watch a Democratic Presidential Primary Debate?

>>116806 #24737

(25 notables, 29 posts, 36 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131407

File: 5c6b5f8b3ee7730⋯.png (737 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20159278 Q Research General #24738: 2024 - On Course On Glideslope Edition

Created 311811ZDEC23




>>116807 #24738

>>116808 Mutiny Erupts in a Michigan G.O.P. Overtaken by Chaos

>>116809, >>116815, >>116820, >>116821, >>116822, >>116848 Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

>>116810 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac has been 'swatted' at his home in Delaware

>>116811, >>116819 Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked To Higher Risk Of Infection: CDC Preprint

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/afce26236272508761205cacdf1c7e24c4a7716a501fc67ea8553c41e6407244.mp4

>>116812 Ex-House Speaker settles child sexual abuse payments suit

>>116813 Maine shows the danger of zealots in our legal system

>>116814, >>116816 DJT Truthstorm

>>116817 Maine Sec. of State Shenna Bellows who booted Trump from ballot met with Biden at WH twice in 2023

>>116818, >>116836, >>116841, >>116844, >>116846, >>116849, >>116851, >>116852, >>116855 Logically AI dig

>>116823, >>116824, >>116825, >>116826, >>116832, >>116835 Kamala kitchen fuckery

>>116827 Archive and save - will become extremely important

>>116828 Chicago's Mayor calls illegal immigration a federal crisis, lamenting that local governments are forced to bear the financial burden

>>116829, >>116830 Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week

>>116831 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Accuses Biden Administration of Aiding and Abetting Cartels with Their Open Border Policies

>>116833 Large Israeli Airstrikes On Southern Lebanon, US Warplanes Hit Iraq-Syria Border In Escalation

>>116834 Iconic journalist John Pilger dies

>>116837, >>116838, >>116839, >>116840, >>116843, >>116845 @DanScavino

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1a86a807605143601a4eb5483b511b6ad080618fe0ab7f6c27064b0659672777.mp4

>>116842 Veteran traveler shares incredible photo album from a 1970s road trip through (pre-CIA Taliban) Syria, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan

>>116847 ‘I gained so much more than I lost’ with Jan. 6 testimony: Cassidy Hutchinson

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ayskvrPidTI - ‘I gained so much more than I lost’ with Jan. 6 testimony: Cassidy Hutchinson [Channel: ABC News]

>>116850 Bravo Zulu

>>116853 The Year the Gloves Came Off

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v449ooq - THE YEAR THE GLOVES CAME OFF!!!😂😂😂 [38] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>116854 Blacks for Trump - The Hood is Waking Up

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v449gn3 - A YEAR OF NEW FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!!🇺🇸 [4:31] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>116856 @DeptofDefense decode

>>116857 Nine top PLA generals dismissed from China’s Parliament

>>116858 #24738

(26 notables, 52 posts, 59 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131408

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.png (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20160276 Q Research General #24739: 123123 Edition

Created 312112ZDEC23




>>116859 #24739

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I_izvAbhExY - Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (Official Video) [Channel: beegees]

>>116860 Blue cities and states attempting new covid power grab measures

>>116861 Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the group behind lawsuit taking Trump off ballot in Colorado

>>116862, >>116864 Maybe some useful Infographics for someone

>>116863, >>116865 J6: A True Timeline

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16452d3f9c32af725a6881c33e8db2765c553acb80a0bd23534f9e428d632ee5.mp4

>>116866, >>116869, >>116875 DIG: Venezuela, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound at La Orchila.

>>116867 Denmark's Queen Margrethe II to resign on January 14 next year after 52 years on the throne

>>116868 Crazy Britney flipping someone off thru latest interpretive dance

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e95716c63278facc3182d26e877c30fcfc103c4572cd1af4feaf2ddba91910b4.mp4

>>116870, >>116879 new @DanScavino

>>116871, >>116882 Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents.

>>116872 Iran's IRIS 'Alborz' warship has entered the Red Sea near Yemen as part of Iran's 94th Naval fleet.

>>116873, >>116874, >>116876 X5 Solar Flare


>>116878 British actor Tom Wilkinson has died “suddenly” at his home, he was 75.

>>116881 Legendary Australian journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has sadly died aged 84

>>116883 #24739

>>116884, >>116885, >>116886, >>116887, >>116888, >>116889, >>116890, >>116892, >>116893, >>116894, >>116895, >>116896, >>116897, >>116899 The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/deca04605ed2303044ca66e7a84edd6f782a49c51df2e6f88d1aacda02fefaf9.pdf

>>116891, >>116900, >>116903, >>116905, >>116906 Dan THE MAN! twat - bill clinton no 36 plus q drops, qclocks and pain, multiple commms.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e98d74b7db6459df58753527326a98f0b34816207ee0d8468f2ddef192e26718.mp4

>>116898, >>116904 trump and 22 special force comms - need source

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/29d9528d8da33852ae6c50469a3abd461444e0939c8468050319ae1478d194bd.mp4

>>116901 Who would have thought that? - Tax returns reveal that China of all countries finances Western climate activism - legitim.ch

>>116902 Why is @GregAbbott_TX shipping illegal Aliens to key states that also happen to give illegals drivers licenses - twat laura loomer

>>116907, >>116910 new year prayers bringing 2024 (muh notables muh choice)

>>116908 Lab grown meat is made from harvesting cell lines from animal cancers or fetuses, which are taken from the animals while they’re still alive - slaynews.com (bill gates)

>>116909 Pro-Palestinian protesters are marching towards Times Square where the New Years celebration is set to begin. - twat colin rugg

>>116911 Bill Clinton 'will be named as John Doe 36' when a list of Jeffrey Epstein - daily mail

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