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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition
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9efe67 (568) No.155004 [Last50 Posts][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

23MAY20 to 23JUN20


This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General thread.

All Anons will be allowed to submit notable buns and only full buns will be accepted.

One off link backs and chatter will be regularly deleted.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This is the 1st thread.

Thread is organized oldest to newest notables, scroll to the bottom or click the "go to bottom" link at the top of the page to find the newest buns

Make sure your buns have minimal errors we will not be editing or deleting full buns

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.155291

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Previous threads:

#-8 - 01JAN20 to 17FEB20 - >>>/qnotables20/155000


#-7 - 17FEB20 to 23MAR20 - >>>/qnotables20/155001


#-6 - 23MAR20 to 23APR20 - >>>/qnotables20/155002


#-5 - 23APR20 to 23MAY20 - >>>/qnotables20/155003


#-4 - 23MAY20 to 23JUN20 - >>>/qnotables20/155004


#-3 - 23JUN20 to 04AUG20 - >>>/qnotables/100174, >>>/qnotables20/155005



#-2 - 04AUG20 to 13SEP20 - >>>/qnotables/36919, >>>/qnotables20/155006



#-1 - 13SEP20 to 19OCT20 - >>>/qnotables/36122, >>>/qnotables20/155007



#1 - 19OCT20 to 20NOV20 - >>>/qnotables/35283, >>>/qnotables20/155008



#2 - 20NOV20 to 31DEC20 - >>>/qnotables/27783, >>>/qnotables20/155009, >>>/qresearch/11716200




#3 - 31DEC20 to 30JAN21 - >>>/qnotables/27773, >>>/qnotables21/155000, >>>/qresearch/12264580



#4 - 30JAN21 to 05MAR21 - >>>/qnotables/27762, >>>/qnotables21/155001, >>>/qresearch/12765115



#5 - 05MAR21 to 29MAR21 - >>>/qnotables/27748, >>>/qnotables21/155002, >>>/qresearch/13165545



#6 - 29MAR21 to 17MAY21 - >>>/qnotables/27745, >>>/qnotables21/155003, >>>/qresearch/13320392



#7 - 17MAY21 to 16JUL21 - >>>/qnotables/27741, >>>/qnotables21/155004, >>>/qrb/67380, >>>/qresearch/13685931




#8 - 16JUL21 to 13SEP21 - >>>/qnotables/26736, >>>/qnotables21/155005, >>>/qrb/73049, >>>/qresearch/14137057




#9 - 13SEP21 to 18NOV21 - >>>/qnotables/20492, >>>/qnotables21/155006, >>>/qrb/91881, >>>/qresearch/14588182




#10 - 18NOV21 to 18JAN22 - >>>/qnotables/21251, >>>/qnotables21/155007, >>>/qnotables22/66954, >>>/qrb/109881, >>>/qresearch/15025958





#11 - 18JAN22 to 05MAR22 - >>>/qnotables/22000, >>>/qnotables22/66962, >>>/qrb/121792, >>>/qresearch/15406645





#12 - 05MAR22 to 04MAY22 - >>>/qnotables/22751, >>>/qnotables22/66973, >>>/qrb/129207, >>>/qresearch/15787413





#13 - 04MAY22 to 25JUN22 - >>>/qnotables/23373, >>>/qnotables22/66978, >>>/qrb/134578, >>>/qresearch/16207042





#14 - 25JUN22 to 20AUG22 - >>>/qnotables/24157, >>>/qnotables22/66989, >>>/qrb/139531, >>>/qresearch/16463405





#15 - 20AUG22 to 18DEC22 - >>>/qnotables/25089, >>>/qnotables22/67004, >>>/qrb/147793, >>>/qresearch/17474548





#16 - 18DEC22 to 25FEB23 - >>>/qnotables/25904, >>>/qnotables22/67008, >>>/qnotables23/41365, >>>/qrb/150512, >>>/qresearch/18154557






#17 - 25FEB23 to 11MAY23 - >>>/qnotables/1570, >>>/qnotables23/41682, >>>/qrb/151134, >>>/qresearch/18405516





#18 - 05MAY23 to 17JUL23 - >>>/qnotables/3086, >>>/qnotables23/116978, >>>/qresearch/18830792



#19 - 17JUL23 to 17SEP23 - >>>/qnotables/44664, >>>/qnotables23/116979, >>>/qresearch/19192963



#20 - 17SEP23 to 23NOV23 - >>>/qnotables/72298, >>>/qnotables23/116980, >>>/qresearch/19567242



#21 - 23NOV23 to 03FEB24 - >>>/qnotables/99385, >>>/qnotables23/116981, >>>/qresearch/19961525



#22 - 03FEB24 to 23APR24 - >>>/qnotables/123902, >>>/qresearch/20349940



#23 - 23APR24 to 17JUL24 - >>>/qnotables/153255, >>>/qresearch/20763068



#24 - 17JUL24 to 23SEP24 - >>>/qnotables/188903, >>>/qresearch/21225723



#25 - 23SEP24 to 01DEC24 - >>>/qnotables/230011, >>>/qresearch/21641140



#26 - 01DEC24 to ?????25 - >>>/qnotables/267407, >>>/qresearch/22083727




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Post last edited at

9efe67 (568) No.171477

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9282379 Q Research General #11880: Black MAGA Edition

Created 230101ZMAY20



>>54090 George PapaD tweet: "Can you feel what's coming?"

>>54091 Baltimore pastor rips cease and desist order to pieces in protest of government shutdown policy

>>54092 FBI’s Full Statement On Bureau’s After Action Review Of Flynn Case

>>54093 $21M Brooklyn field hospital never saw a patient amid coronavirus pandemic

>>54094 READ: The Hill's interview with Anthony Fauci

>>54095, >>54096 Father of 20-year-old patient who beat elderly man at Detroit nursing home says son was taken to nursing home due to ChinaVirus, shouldn't have been there

>>54097 More than 20 construction workers, nearly all from Illinois found helping build massive new home and outbuildings on Gov. Pritzker's horse farm

>>54098, >>54104, >>54107, >>54108, >>54118 OAN to Appeal Judge’s Ruling to Toss Rachel Maddow Defamation Suit, Judge Bashant digs

>>54099 NY Post: The CDC’s continued screwups make it very hard to trust

>>54100 Physicians: ‘Forcing Healthy Americans to Quarantine Inflicted Devastating Harm’

>>54101 Marcel Ospel, Architect of the Swiss Bank UBS, Is Dead at 70

>>54102, >>54103 Tucker segment on 9/11

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/36393fd43b79a6f11aaa9af97c4c973d56168ef351aa34525a6acfbe67582877.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cb40098baaccb4a815c47d9354a908b9942ea84ca4acc467b47b9568e35e9c42.mp4

>>54105 Graphic: In ONE day, with a little publicity and a lot of community action the reopening rules changed, magically, after the community got loud.

>>54106 The Remdesivir Study Is Finally Out: Drug Only Helped Those On Oxygen, Finds Mortality Too High For Standalone Treatment

>>54109 Intercontinental Exchange Inc. sold by CEO: $33.24m-May 20

>>54110 Boatfag reports on Dutch warship off Curacao

>>54111, >>54117 POTUS Admin discussed conducting first U.S. nuclear test in decades

>>54112 HUD Secretary Ben Carson weighs in on presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden’s “You ain’t black” comments:

>>54113 Indian Council of Medical Research finds HCQ effective in preventing coronavirus, expands its use

>>54114 Anon's commentary: Biden singlehandedly freed the slaves of the democrat party today

>>54115 Video: Joe Biden 1993 'tough on crime' speech C-Span

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Wsq30E6OSVU - joe biden tough on crime speech C-Span [Channel: Blake Grantham]

>>54116 Senate Republicans demand Trump admin investigate after Planned Parenthood gets coronavirus small business loans

>>54119 MSM crying over Kayleigh's presser today

>>54120 Dispute over South Dakota tribal checkpoints escalates after Gov. Kristi Noem seeks federal help

>>54121, >>54122 (lb), YTvid: Pakistan International Airlines Crash of Flight 8303 22 May 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AwfkN5M-bSY - Pakistan International Airlines Crash of Flight 8303 22 May 2020 [Channel: blancolirio]

>>54123 #11880

(26 notables, 34 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171478

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9283165 Q Research General #11881: Remdesivir BTFO Edition

Created 230220ZMAY20



>>54124, >>54137 Bread #11881 forever stuck on 23rd post, POTUS HCQ meme, night before 5/23

>>54125 Sure feels like winning

>>54126, >>54130 NAACP Responds to Joe Biden Comments: We never endorsed him, or anyone

>>54127 Interesting Segment -- Trey Gowdy Discusses FBI Investigation and The Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts He Has Read

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ee_EUpPBSr4 - Trey Gowdy reacts to FBI directors new probe into Flynn case [Channel: Fox News]

>>54128 POTUS Weekend Schedule: Saturday, May 23rd and Sunday, May 24th, 2020

>>54129 Flip this twitter poll

>>54131 #ObamaGate still trending

>>54132 New JS: FBI opened Russia probe on third-hand 'suggestion' of collusion, declassified memo shows

>>54133 Sean Diddy Combs says "black vote isn't free" following Joe Biden's "you ain't black" comment

>>54134 Hertz, Car Rental Pioneer, Files for Bankruptcy Protection

>>54135 Illinois vote by mail bill passes Senate, heads to Governor JB Pritkzer for signature

>>54136 Washington State Is Classifying Several Shootings as COVID-19 Deaths

(12 notables, 14 posts, 8 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171479

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9283957 Q Research General #11882: Laggy Saggy Soggy Bread Edition

Created 230347ZMAY20



>>54138 Sessions responds to POTUS re Rule of Law

>>54139 #11881

>>54140 Oops? Trump's Press Secretary Accidentally Discloses POTUS Bank Details

>>54141, >>54146 Nevada's government is shipping in Muslim wuhan test kits

>>54142, >>54148, >>54149 Sessions next twat is re Tubberville and a debate or lack thereof

>>54143 Good tweeter thread - Nutshell awakening for normies

>>54144, >>54145 CM twat - Attack incoming and its being mitigated

>>54147 Donald Trump Launches ‘Rolling to Remember’ Biker Memorial Day Tribute at the White House

>>54150, >>54151, >>54153 Tubberville digs

>>54152 New Scavino - trolling Biden with Kanye

>>54154 #11882

(11 notables, 17 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171480

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9284719 Q Research General #11883: Attack incoming and its being mitigated Edition

Created 230544ZMAY20




>>54155 And so it starts in Canada…… PM Trudeau: Feds will soon 'strongly' recommend contact tracing app

>>54156 What were Dems doing when the Corona Virus outbreak started?

>>54157 Eyes on…this looks interesting… West Virginia's SoS says they will start investigating absentee ballot fraud

>>54158, >>54159, >>54165, >>54172 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition

>>54160 It's official: SpaceX is 'go' to launch NASA astronauts on Crew Dragon spaceship

>>54161 On HCQ: As the president mentioned, the Department of Defense and VA have been using it for 65 years.-VA Secretary Robert Wilkie

>>54162 NYC deploying hall monitors? Who's tax dollars are paying for this job?

>>54163 U. Washington investigating whether hydroxychloroquine can effectively prevent COVID-19 in people already exposed to the infection.

>>54164 'COVER-UP': Trudeau's health minister won't let Dr. Tam answer questions about national medical stockpile disaster

>>54166 Britain’s MoD to launch the final stage of a competition to manage ground station capabilities for the armed forces Skynet satellite network by early June.

>>54167, >>54170 Terrance House/Stardom Wrestler Hana Kimura Dead At 22 Amid Cyberbullying

>>54168 Vaccine Trial Catastrophe: Moderna Vaccine has 20% ‘Serious’ Injury Rate in High Dose Group

>>54169, >>54173 Titanic salvage firm gets approval for controversial plan to cut into wreck, retrieve telegraph machine

>>54171 Trump will attend the historic NASA and SpaceX astronaut launch in Florida next week

>>54174 Sessions fires back: All part of the show to insulate POTUS?

>>54175 #11883

(16 notables, 21 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171481

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9285534 Q Research General #11884: The 'This is not a time to keep the facts from the people' Edition

Created 230807ZMAY20




>>54176, >>54178, >>54182 Hillary Duff, Disney-star, trending on Twitter because of uploading pictures of her naked son and photographs involving the BoyLovers Swirl, Earlier discussions about her,

>>54177 Child abusing degenerate round-up 5/22/20

>>54179, >>54180 Moderna's CFO and CMO quietly sell $30 million dollar of shares amidst stock price surge after company announced promising vaccine research,

>>54181 Remdesivir Study is out: Drug only helped those on oxygen. Mortality rates for standalone drug treatment too high.

>>54183 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extended the state's stay at home order for another two weeks

>>54184 Anon ties together some markers in public tweet exchange between Sessions + DJT & Q-drops

>>54185 Huge Explosion report in Caracas, capital of Venezuela

>>54186 Breitbart weighs in on Biden's 'Black Moment'

>>54187 Hospital restricts prominent doctor treating Corona-virus with Hydroxychloroquine

>>54188 Trump joins Elon Musk's SpaceX launch in Florida next week.

>>54189, >>54191 SpaceX Tweets picture Falcon 9

>>54190 Anon puts focus on article exploring the Obama/Flynn relation

>>54192 NASA gives SpaceX green Light for first manned Launch since 2011

>>54193, >>54194 Anons connects Tweets to Drops,

>>54195 "Then he throwed dem Corona bullets at me" Washington State classifies several shootings as COVID-19 deaths

>>54196 Anon Posts on the Power of Prayer

>>54197 McCabe pressured Pianka to change 302

>>54198, >>54199 Michigan's Dam Breach highlights Authorities Failure in maintaining adequate Oversight,

>>54200 Anon's angle on Biden's 'black' Remark

>>54201, >>54202 Titanic Dig on AVI LITWACK,

>>54203 #11884

(21 notables, 28 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171482

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9286383 Q Research General #11885: Pure Waves of Bliss Edition

Created 231158ZMAY20



>>54204 Colonel of Military Intelligence Service for Russia (GRU) Vladimir Kvachkov discusses current Pandemic

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hWkPf74YjOU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>54205 Small glance into the Gates/Rutte timeline

>>54206 Trump, FEMA and Army Corps of Enigeneers land in Michigan

>>54207 Footage of Comey committing Treason

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/87600131f766d2b91a53d0caf0142418784206b5f162bedbaa6aadbe2ada089a.mp4

>>54208, >>54216, >>54218, >>54235 Trump's routing number revealed as press secretary announces he's donating quarterly salary to HHS: report,

>>54209 HRC links to study about Hydroxychloriquine causing more deaths amongst those treated with it than those who did not receive treatment

>>54210, >>54211, >>54217, >>54232, >>54238 Massive fire on pier 45 in San Francisco, Live Feed, Earth Feed, , Twitter Feed,

>>54212 Graced Quads

>>54213 Free image/video screenshots, download, production tools

>>54214, >>54223, >>54237 Remember Isaac Kappy and his video from Rixos Land of Legends,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ebb65c55cd591156651803631c7fdafedd8fc5132bab4e8279493493ab7485c5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2dfa98101010eeb041b68976375aa13f5caa251d7c411b68502b536acc55ee6f.mp4

>>54215, >>54221 Pier 39 is located nearby, which was discussed in Q#1379

>>54219 Judge orders 'City of Angels' to move thousands of homeless

>>54220 More on Morderna's Stock Shenanigans

>>54222 Pelosi vowed to Drain the Swamp

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/705efcb564ea007d680048703295f53febb3b0b190cd87a4e78332a858c39431.mp4

>>54224 Cicadia's expected to emerge this year after spending 17 years Underground

>>54225 Reminder: big Fires also reported in LA and Manhatten

>>54226, >>54236 Airkeks,

>>54227 Sharyl Attkisson DJT Interview to Premiere this Sunday

>>54228 Pier 45 is in Pelosi's Home District

>>54229 FBI opened Russia probe after Australian Ambassador Alexander Downer made a 'Suggestion'

>>54230 Johnson to cut of Huawei from UK's 5G Network

>>54231 Governor Raimondo of Rhode Island rejects her Superior's Command; Vows to keep Churches closed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PH31pTL1JHI - John DePetro asked Governor Raimondo if she will defy President Trump order to reopen churches. [Channel: John DePetro Show, Rhode Patrol /Real News at Noon]

>>54233 More on Titanic Q Drops

>>54234 After Attorney obtains Evidence US Government has Communications between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks - DOJ again refuses Request to perform additional Search

>>54239, >>54240, >>54242 Pier 45 connected to qpost 3987, TwoXSea?,

>>54241 Potus TweetsP-45 fire / PB

>>54243 UK Corona Shenanigans

>>54244 #11885

(28 notables, 41 posts, 54 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171483

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9287226 Q Research General #11886: Harvesting Fires Edition

Created 231417ZMAY20



>>54245, >>54269 Potus TweetsP-45 fire

>>54246 QNN Youtube Playlist 13 videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL848K0U7hUqgRsvnWFLPWieUsCWjjn_Kk

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PHyMXs3knrk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>54247 CR on CDC CV-19

>>54248 Old video of HillaryRacism

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FjuNTBuE9qE - "They All Look Alike" Hillary Clinton On Black People #RacistHillary [Channel: Bernie Banner]

>>54249, >>54263, >>54265 Russian Kvachov Background and sauce

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hWkPf74YjOU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>54250 Washington Local news on Trump Church Reopenings

>>54251, >>54252 Sc Voter Faud

>>54253 Astra Pharmaceuticals in ChinaGlobally

>>54254 Staff of universities caughtcorrruption

>>54255 Allegedconvicted 9-11 terrorist "renounces" turrizm

>>54256, >>54271 Barr Comments on StateFederal Overreach, Barr At Work on Illinois

>>54257 NY Post on "Sacrifices"

>>54258 Planefag Reports

>>54259 Mi Barber WinsHealth Department Fail

>>54260 Fbi Raids Narco Corridos Record Company

>>54261, >>54262, >>54264 Twatfag Theories, UndercoverHuber Update on Lawyer Lies On Record

>>54266 RT on Venezuela Tankers

>>54267 notice of bakery fuckery bakers beware

>>54268 Us Tech still having business with Blacklisted Companies

>>54270, >>54275 Trust The Plan

>>54272 Another L.A Fraud

>>54273, >>54276 Potus on the move, Golfing, then Spacex Tonight

>>54274 Putin Orders Support for RU Oil Industry Amid Cuts

>>54277 RF NM Gun Law Takes Effect

>>54278 CDC on New CV-19

>>54279 WA State officials admit to fudging deaths

>>54280 Connections on Potus Post

>>54281 #11886

>>54282 lb - 4 alarm fire on Fisherman's Wharf in SF chatter

(29 notables, 38 posts, 41 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171484

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9287999 Q Research General #11887 Fire Memes At Will Edition

Created 231558ZMAY20




>>54283, >>54284, >>54285, >>54286, >>54287, >>54288, >>54289, >>54292 lb - 4 alarm fire on Fisherman's Wharf in SF chatter

>>54290, >>54291 POTUS pool reports - golfing and talking w erdogan

>>54293, >>54297 planefaggin

>>54294, >>54295 why do so many 'results' add up to 101% instead of 100, asks autist

>>54296, >>54298, >>54299, >>54300, >>54301, >>54302 anons dig on Smithfield Foods, CDH Investments, Calpers

>>54303 Twatter feels its imprtant to twat about DJT golfing w 3 peeps and, wait for it..... none of them are wearing masks!!

>>54304 #11887

(7 notables, 22 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171485

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9288787 Q Research General #11888: Checkem Edition

Created 231749ZMAY20



>>54305, >>54306 Reminder: Session recusal articles; pb Sessions/DJT tweets & markers

>>54307 Is Pres. Xi facing defections from House Dems?

>>54308 Trump mulls forming panel to investigate anti-conservative bias on social media

>>54309 Poll swinging time

>>54310, >>54319 Strange press release from WH

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70e98e009c62a40c030b7520c30a8d2a2dea96524138b2071424b202e93ab0c5.pdf

>>54312, >>54338 CDC/several states using misleading COVID-19 testing data

>>54313 Klobuchar Confession : Hydroxychloroquine Saved her Husband’s Life

>>54314 Appellate Court gave Sullivan 10 days to defend his Flynn orders

>>54315 Ghislaine Maxwell won a request for delay in court hearing

>>54316 Colt 1911 Pistol Carried at Iwo Jima to be Auctioned

>>54317 Cop Arrested for Terrorizing and Sexually Grooming Little Girl He Stalked on Minecraft

>>54318 Excellent summary on status of Flynn case

>>54320, >>54323, >>54334 Boatfag updates estimating Venezuela arrival times for 5 Iranian tankers

>>54321 Boeing 737-800 lands at the San Diego w/part of vertical stabilizer missing

>>54322, >>54333, >>54336, >>54342 Sydney Powell & others re Obama's "The Hammer" spy op

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hX-n5H-VtDw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>54324, >>54325 Ukrainian president calls to investigate Biden-Kerry recordings (NABU)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oyriDeXTbrI - Ukrainian president calls to investigate Biden-Kerry recordings [Channel: One America News Network]

>>54326 $1.3 Billion Contract For Border Wall Awarded

>>54327, >>54332, >>54337, >>54340 Planefags aloft

>>54328 Censorship-Free Social Network Adds 200,000+ New Users In Just A Few Days

>>54329 Snitch lines in Ohio flooded

>>54330 More than 1,300 Veterans Given HCL for COVID-19

>>54331 Idaho State Police Turn Gestapo For Gov. Chicken Little

>>54335 Venezuela Says First of Iranian Fuel Tankers to Arrive Saturday

>>54339 Mich AG says businesses could be prosecuted if they let Trump inside wo/a mask

>>54341 Twatter's new changing how we talk on the platform

>>54343 #11888

(26 notables, 38 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171486

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9289547 Q Research General #11889: Amy Klobuchar - HCL Saved Her Husband's Life Edition

Created 231920ZMAY20



>>54344 anon bun / Andrew Weissmann to Part Ways With MSNBC Over Biden Fundraiser

>>54345 anon bun / Amazon, Google, Microsoft Among US Companies Offering Internet Services To Blacklisted Surveillance Companies In China

>>54346 anon bun / Dems Block China Investigation Even After Communist Regime Threatens U.S. Senators by Name

>>54347, >>54348, >>54350, >>54371 conservative treehouse post re DOJ Joins Lawsuit Challenging Illinois Governor Pritzker leads to very interdasting graph, graphs

>>54349, >>54363, >>54370 Iranian ships to venezuela chatter

>>54351, >>54353, >>54367 planefaggin

>>54352 Michigan AG sued to raise water level; Michigan regulators assumed oversight of the dam in late 2018 after its owners lost their federal license to generate energy

>>54354 Tonic (Quinine) Syrup from the Cocktail Dudes - Fill your camel pack with our Tonic Syrup if you plan on battling the Anopheles mosquito as you float the Amazon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GtkMoqpQHQs - Tonic (Quinine) Syrup from the Cocktail Dudes [Channel: cocktaildudes]

>>54355, >>54359, >>54372 How white liberals really view black voters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rrBxZGWCdgs - Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters [Channel: Fox News]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8099ed95b5fc154071e7d810a7b2e0a0ce73d4e948dd1783175f2c46504babd3.mp4

>>54356 anon bun / Obama, Clinton Foundation Donors Sold ‘Green’ Fuel to Military for $149 per Gallon San Francisco’s Solazyme also received millions in stimulus funds from DOE from 2015

>>54357 Here's the Scoop on Becoming Contact Tracer aka fever snitch

>>54358 anon bun / Adam Schiff Asks DNI to Declassify Flynn’s Phone Calls With Russians

>>54360 anon bun / Small business group takes out full-page Wall Street Journal ad accusing Fauci of 'causing too much unneeded pain

>>54361 anon bun / Protests against Netanyahu to take place across Israel

>>54362 anon bun / FakeNewsCNN codes:

>>54364 anon bun / John Solomon It’s that time: Millions of cicadas emerging from 17-year cycle to scream, mate, die

>>54365 anon bun / CDC Rushes Out Pandemic Guidance For Religious Worship After Surprise Trump Announcement

>>54366 anon bun / Big government fail: Washington state unemployment fraud loses ‘hundreds of millions

>>54368 HIGH I.Q. POST on being Frens. gets a nom

>>54369 anon bun / Carrie Severino: Far-left Obama-appointed judge launches political attack on conservative Federalist Society

>>54373, >>54374 New Scavino - chillin at the boat parade

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/394599ac7181fa8856b8b21353ccfcf90fe0e034671f5d90696948a8f07aa49a.mp4

>>54375, >>54377, >>54378 2-EPIC, departed Shanghai, China yesterday bun with report to come later in the evening / past bread

>>54376 #11889

(23 notables, 35 posts, 54 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171487

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9290370 Q Research General #11890: COVI[D] 2020 Edition

Created 232049ZMAY20




>>54379 anon bun

>>54380, >>54381, >>54383, >>54384 China investigations blocked as Senators called out by name

>>54382, >>54385, >>54386, >>54388, >>54389, >>54391, >>54392 SF fire, vid/TwoXSea diggz

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/10a994a24f7a53e0e1c6a2eaf13366239daef9e8021f4beea559e9cc72d5bc77.mp4

>>54387 FLOTUS message to the Graduating Class of 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w1_ATFB_AJs - First Lady Melania Trump's Message for 2020 Graduates [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>54390 Q 2yr delta Checkmate

>>54393, >>54394, >>54396 Sullivan hires counsel, unsure appeals court will allow this.

>>54395, >>54397 planefaggin

>>54398 #11890

(8 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171488

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9291137 Q Research General #11891: Smoke on [watch] the Water Edition

Created 232221ZMAY20



>>54399 NASA looks for volunteers to spend up to a year in isolation in a Russian lab

>>54400 MOAR Sauce on Beth Wilkinson re pb

>>54401, >>54405 'Out of control' brush fire at #Canada's Porters Lake prompts evacuation of some 1,000 residents

>>54402, >>54408 during Kavanaugh hearing: 'SC nominee Brett Kavanaugh has retained Washington trial attorney, Beth Wilkinson'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bYScmRCcb3o - COVID-140 (GRIME INSTRUMENTAL) [SOLD] [Channel: JMDBEATS]

>>54403 Potus trolling Sessions

>>54404 2-EPIC, departed Shanghai, China yesterday bun with report to come later in the evening

>>54406, >>54407 planefaggin

>>54409 Sullivan/Beth Wilkinson/David Gregory DS round out, Rex weighs in

>>54410 #11891

(9 notables, 12 posts, 14 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171489

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9291892 Q Research General #11892: Trolling Activated, Dank Shift On! Edition

Created 232353ZMAY20



>>54411, >>54413, >>54415 blue checks Judge Sullivan chatter re lawyering up et al

>>54412 Allen West in motorcycle accident

>>54414 New DJT - trolling Cold Case Joe

>>54416 Venezuela sends SAMs, Rocket Artillery to Caribbean Outpost as Iranian Tankers Get Closer

>>54417 The day before she was found dead Joe Scarborough introduced this bill

>>54418 she was active during the Florida recounts (Cold Case Joe post)

>>54419 Win Red Update updated (Election Fraud)

>>54420 autopsy report

>>54421 New Evidence Links Joe Scarborough To Intern’s Suspected Murder (newspunch)

>>54422 Background of Cold Case Joe and Lori (meme)

>>54423 #11891

>>54424, >>54426, >>54427 Some dirt on the Joe Scarbrough Coldcase - Some good possible leads. plus more archives

>>54425 POTUS retweets a video with 'Knowingly' in the cap

>>54428 #11892

(14 notables, 18 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171490

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9292682 Q Research General #11893: Night Joe Edition

Created 240108ZMAY20



>>54429, >>54434, >>54435, >>54457 Dr. Michael Berkland, Lori's ME

>>54430 Don Imus joking about dead intern

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=26WwTu28Ido - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>54431 Graphics for #ColdCaseJoe War.

>>54432 Daily Kos - What really happened to Lori?

>>54433 dont forget about qresear.ch !!

>>54436, >>54442, >>54449, >>54450 boatfaggin and planefaggin - earth + wind = fire

>>54437 Trump Continues Quest to Push Conspiracy Theory That MSNBC Host Joe Scarborough is a Murderer (MSDNC)

>>54438 George Buskie, George Scarborough's dad, Joes Gramps, he paperclip? anons wonder

>>54439 OP - Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Jul 21, 2001 (newspaper diggin)

>>54440, >>54443, >>54446, >>54448 Connection established as to timing and movements of tail number 2-EPIC and Henry Kissinger. Suspicious indeed. Seems likely a spook bird with possible Logan Act implications says anon

>>54441 letters to the editor

>>54444, >>54445 In October 2006, Joe Scarborough sent a cease and desist letter to have all references to himself and his dead aide, Lori Klausutis, removed from this website.

>>54447 You Ain't Black Website - Black Votes For Trump

>>54451, >>54453, >>54454, >>54456 Ukrainian lawmaker found shot dead in his office

>>54452 Loris's sister-in law was killed in a car wreck a few years later….age 31

>>54455 Big government fail: Washington state unemployment fraud loses ‘hundreds of millions'

>>54458 #11892

>>54459 #11893

(18 notables, 31 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171491

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9293442 Q Research General #11894: Fuck it. We in here. Edition

Created 240226ZMAY20



>>54460 Longtime American Red Cross executive Donna Morrissey dies of COVID-19

>>54461, >>54462, >>54464, >>54468, >>54469, >>54483, >>54486 Klausutis Diggz I

>>54463 Trouble in Oregon between SC and County judge re lockdown orders

>>54465, >>54482 POTUS rt: “Once they slap the Obamagate charges on him he won’t be able to leave his cell”

>>54466, >>54467 Boatfag Report

>>54470, >>54471, >>54473, >>54476, >>54477, >>54480, >>54485 Klausutis Diggz II

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2a1ee375304b559fc0f33f9637a0c4e36324aca712e543b3644e97051be728c0.pdf

>>54472 MOAR Sauce on Beth Wilkinson re pb

>>54474 Largest rally at the Capitol yet, protestors demand California be reopened

>>54475 More on the Sessions / POTUS twitter spat

>>54478 Justice Dept warns LA Stay-at-Home extension could be illegal

>>54479 Did Jack just issue a 'Mea Culpa' to all twitter-banned "conspiracy"-peddlers?

>>54481 Planefag Reports

>>54484 Is this how vote-by-mail voter fraud works?

>>54487, >>54488, >>54490 Klausutis Diggz III

>>54489 #11894

>>54491 Dan Scavino: "Unblievable MAGA"

(16 notables, 32 posts, 54 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171492

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9294178 Q Research General #11895: Nightshift On Fire - The Scarborough Diggz Edition

Created 240343ZMAY20



>>54492, >>54494, >>54495, >>54496, >>54508 Klausutis / Scarborough Diggz IV

>>54493, >>54502, >>54525 >>929442, Boatfag & Planefags Reports

>>54497 New Comey tweet: Jigzaw puzzles

>>54498 Ukraine law maker found in office with gun-shot wound

>>54499, >>54509, >>54512, >>54513, >>54518 Klausutis / Scarborough Diggz V

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c1_W11a5pB4 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1747740aebe193bd8ca14006200258af8a5173b31244723fb14053232be15c9f.pdf

>>54500 Solomon: Study: A majority may have 'some degree' of pre-existing immunity to CV

>>54501, >>54503, >>54504, >>54505 New "study" used by the MSM to say that "HCQ is deadly

>>54506, >>54511 Videos: New Scavino

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/967ca78cba6516906bf9590271205386d53e15c9be5a5229aa94f3c1faad31f8.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/95e79ef61171cfd045b668e33c368e7d4ebd166bef994bb782672138d7e45387.mp4

>>54507, >>54514, >>54515 William Robert Plumlee diggz, claims to drug running during Reagan admin

>>54510, >>54519, >>54520, >>54521, >>54522 Klausutis / Scarborough Diggz VI

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2fbc89c6617926bfb07ccf17f77fe2ae7592d814f52ee23d23a781d68dd31d2c.pdf

>>54516, >>54517 11 Questions about Benhghazi

>>54523 #11895,

>>54524 The Real Russia Story: Port Canaveral “Project Pelican” and Uranium One deals

>>54526 New CDC Figures Show Fauci’s Dishonest COVID-19 Projections Were Garbage

(14 notables, 35 posts, 41 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171493

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9295064 Q Research General #11896: Nightshift On Fire - The Scarborough Diggz pt 2 Edition

Created 240602ZMAY20



>>54527 Ubisoft sues Apple, Google for allowing Rainbow Six: Siege clone on app stores (DigitalTrends.com)

>>54528, >>54537

>>54529 Kittitas County (Washington) says all must wear face masks, effective Saturday (Komonews.com)

>>54530 PDJT (Twatt) When will they open 'COLD CASE ON Psycho Joe"?

>>54531 Corrupt Swamp Judge Exposed, Determined to Screw Flynn (Washington Post)

>>54532, >>54534, >>54544, >>54546 Forensics Under Fire Book specific digs, and PDJT Twatt on Forensics

>>54533, >>54541, >>54542 NASA (Twatt) Space Fires & Propulsion digs

>>54535 DIA celebrates Pride Month: 'Be proud of who you are' (DIA.MIL)

>>54536 VIDEO: Joe Scarborough in 2003 Joked About Having Affair With Intern and Killing Her (milnenews.com)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iYUD5vUzlFU - IMG 7899 [Channel: Cass Fairbanks]

>>54538 BlackRock Is About to Find Skeletons in $45 Billion Bond Market (Bloomberg)

>>54539, >>54540, >>54543, >>54548, >>54549, >>54555, >>54559 Lori Klausutis (19yr old Psycho Joe Intern found dead under his desk) Digs (from past-present Twatter-MSM articles)

>>54545 Silicon Valley Giants Are Allowing Staff To Work Remote Permanently. Will Their Workers Flood Into Red States? (Daily Caller)

>>54547, >>54556, >>54558 PDJT/Matt Couch (Twatt) A blow to her head? Body found under Psycho Joe's Desk? Leaves Congress Suddenly? (Booooooom)

>>54550 San Francisco fire: Fisherman's Wharf engulfed by flames (BBC)

>>54551 Obamagate Gets Worse With DAMNING Declassified Memo (Twatt & pjmedia.com)

>>54552, >>54553, >>54554 Interesting retwatts by Yair Netanyahu & Mark Levin (son of): The fraudulent Flynn case and Netanyahu case originated in direct coordination with the Obama administration AT THE SAME TIME (Twatt/moar)

>>54557 Trump talks deep state in Sharyl Atkisson exclusive interview, which is set to appear online in a few hours (Sunday morning 9:30a ET) (justthenews.com)

>>54560 #11896

(18 notables, 34 posts, 52 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171494

File (hide): e49798a456aeb10⋯.jpg (10.07 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9295785 Q Research General #11897: Biggest Boom in a YR on Tuesday Edition

Created 240856ZMAY20



>>54561 Callout to Planewatch: Allied1

>>54562 Ann Coulter speaks her mind about DJT

>>54563 #Obamagate: Matteo Renzo, former Italian PM, named in Russiagate: held meetings with Obama prior to the 2016 elections

>>54564, >>54566, >>54575 Notabled again because wtf: the doctor who examined the case of Joe Scarborough's intern found dead in his office, was charged after more than 100 body parts were found in his freezer. Anon asks, More on Doctor Berkland

>>54565 Not in the News: Swedish Hero, Tommie Lindh (19), died after warding 14-year old Swedish Girl from being raped by Culturally Enriching African Immigrant

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KOVPBdwIvW4 - Hans namn är Tommie Lindh [Channel: Alternativ för Sverige - Supporter]

>>54567 35 Turks occupy small patch of Greek Land

>>54568, >>54569, >>54576 Peter Strzok's partially unredacted 'Crossfire Hurricane' Memo,

>>54570 Rumour: U.S. Ambassador to Germany reportedly stepping down

>>54571 Washington State's Bishops will wait for re-opening their Houses of Worship: 'We will wait to schedule our public worship when it is safe and prepared to do so.'

>>54572, >>54582, >>54584 Hong Kong live streams,

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tJheQwO7EAU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OcHwatMawLc - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>54573 Hungarian Politician names new Facebook 'elite Oversight Board Members' a 'Soros Toy' to 'Police American Thinking'

>>54574, >>54577 Lori Klausutis Wiki: Cause of Death & 4 Facts about Joe Scarborough’s Intern (who was found dead in Joe Scarborough's office), more wiki

>>54578 Bibi arrives at court, denounces his trial on corruption charges.

>>54579, >>54581 Disney's Duff debunks Q-rumour that she tried to sell her own son: "Get a hobby",

>>54580 Ukraine lawmaker's body found in office, had gunshot wound.

>>54583 David Rotschild kvetched by DJT

>>54585 EU's 3-year Roadmap on Vaccination: 'vaccince confidence' and advancing 'electronic tracking'

>>54586 #11897

(18 notables, 26 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171495

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9296595 Q Research General #11898: Think for Yourselves & Trust the Plan! Edition

Created 241236ZMAY20



>>54587 Hackers release a new jailbreak that unlocks every iPhone

>>54588 With restaurants closed, rat sightings are increasing across the United States

>>54589 Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced recent legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.”

>>54590 Governor Whitmer Sent COVID-19 Patients Across the State to ‘Regional Hubs’ to Spread the Virus --- But Kept Patients Out of 1,000 Bed TCF Center in Detroit

>>54591 Absentee Ballot Fraud Scheme in WV Referred to U.S. Attorney for Prosecution

>>54592 Push for Creepy Joe Malarkey to pick Shamu as his candidate for VP (if he makes it to the DNC convention)?

>>54593 State Suspects Voter Fraud Committed in 19 Wisconsin Counties

>>54594 North Korea's Kim holds meeting on bolstering nuclear forces

>>54595 US doctors taking Trump’s lead on hydroxychloroquine

>>54596 Hong Kong protesters return as Beijing seeks to tighten grip

>>54597 Vice: How Jeffrey Epstein Allegedly Built His Sex Trafficking Ring

>>54598 Chinese workers are facing a backlash across Africa over the Guangzhou racism incidents

>>54599 Past bread #11896 note correction: Lori was 28 at time of death

>>54600 ZH: EU Planning "Vaccination Passport" Since 2018; Report

>>54601 Supply chain woes: Just like toilet paper, there is no shortage of meat

>>54602 Planefag reports

>>54603 U.S. Field Hospitals Stand Down, Most Without Treating Any COVID-19 Patients

>>54604 NAACP Denies Biden Claim it Endorsed Him 'Every Single Time'

>>54605 NEW DJT: The United States cannot have all Mail In Ballots.

>>54606 The Coroner in the Lori Klaustis case lost his license in Missouri for lying on Autopsy Reports.

>>54607 #11898

(21 notables, 21 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171496

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9297336 Q Research General #11899: The 'Voter Fraud Is Un-American.' Edition

Created 241436ZMAY20



>>54608, >>54611, >>54620 DJT trolling Cold Case Joe AKA Psycho Joe - AGAIN

>>54609, >>54617 Covid deets colated by State, with sauce

>>54610, >>54614 moar Klausutis/Scarborough diggz

>>54612 news of 3 letter agency media embeds coming out MS

>>54613, >>54619 anons work on 19 letter words that may fit Q's drop #4295

>>54615, >>54624, >>54629 planefaggin

>>54616, >>54626, >>54628 Challenge accepted, anon? #HowDidTheInternDie? anons layout groundwork to meet the challenge

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e9570497b16d82a0d9895288406f5afee5bac3688a640d6883a041f444de12df.pdf

>>54618 No statute of limitations for murder in FL.

>>54621, >>54627 planefaggin diggz

>>54622, >>54623, >>54625 Birx got Millennials pushing Boomers?

>>54630 6th name on the NYSlimes' FRONT PAGE list of ChineseFlu "victims" really a vehicular homicide, as diggz by astute anon found

>>54631 Boatfag Report

>>54632 late last night PapaD with answer from Rudy G on Mifsud

>>54633 #11899

(14 notables, 26 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171497

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9298117 Q Research General #11900: Timing is Everything Edition

Created 241612ZMAY20



>>54634, >>54638, >>54641, >>54644 Transcript/vid of PDJT interview with Atkinsson, comments on DS

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G-mek9HENrQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>54635, >>54636, >>54649, >>54650 HK presses for freedom

>>54637, >>54640, >>54645 Found it -- this is the key Cuomo document for the nursing homes

>>54639, >>54647 Secondary Boatfag Report+

>>54642, >>54643, >>54646, >>54651, >>54652, >>54653 planefaggin

>>54648 @USMC Collateral

>>54654, >>54655, >>54660, >>54661, >>54662 moar Klausutis/Scarborough diggz

>>54656, >>54658 NM sheriff arrested in SWAT standoff

>>54657 planefag diggz

>>54659 Good job Toronto, Canada WWG1WGA

>>54663, >>54664 ---———————————--——– EVERYTHING IS AT STAKE. Welcome to the Shadow Presidency of Barack H. Obama. (Cap: )

>>54665 #11900

>>54666 Article with the thumbnail pic of the Q post

(13 notables, 33 posts, 46 media/files)

Q- >>54663

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9efe67 (568) No.171498

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9298940 Q Research General #11901: WWG1WGA, WW WRWY Edition

Created 241752ZMAY20



>>54667 THEY DID IT AGAIN! CBS Caught Using Photo from Ukraine in 2016 in Their ‘Panic Porn’ on Coronavirus in Children

>>54668, >>54670 DODGE01 - B-1B Bomber Made Bold Flight Into The Sea Of Okhotsk That Is Surrounded By Russian Territory

>>54669 The secret war the Obama White House declared on Trump before he was even elected, was a war on America. Several years prior to the 2016 election, Obama had begun using the intelligence agencies to spy on his Republican opponents.

>>54671 Mueller Crook Andrew Weissman Was Behind Documents Illegally Released to the Press Before Roger Stone Was Even Indicted

>>54672 Timothy J. Klausutis's research while affiliated with Air Force Research Laboratory and other places

>>54673 ---———————————--——– Welcome to the shadow presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

>>54674 - John Kerry denies meeting Iranians in Paris days after President Donald Trump announced the United States’ withdrawal from the international accord

>>54675, >>54680 Video that has the thumbnail pic of the Q post

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ysdFiBmHK8Q - John Kerry finds himself in secret meeting with Iranian officials when Bolton threatens EU compan... [Channel: James P. Terry]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d512080a6b5cf1b1aac78bc2be33a64b88c61073cee3d2cc9cb3a69d73ca8ed2.mp4

>>54676, >>54684 Article with the thumbnail pic of the Q post

>>54677 More tineye caps of the thumbnail pic of the Q post

>>54678 zerohedge john-kerry-spotted-secret-meeting-iranian-officials-bolton-threatens-eu-firms

>>54679 May 14, 2018 timeline

>>54681, >>54682 More Kerry and Iranian FM, Kamal Kharazi, including the twat of the Kerry photo (L'Avenue in Paris)

>>54683 2 drops today with BHO's name.

>>54685 New notable Lisa Page tweets says anon

>>54686, >>54688 ---———————————--——– common sense -the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way (Cap: )

>>54687 updates to pb notable Smoking gun on FBI changing Flynn's 302?

>>54689 All three Q drops using full name, Barack Hussein Obama are on the 24th of each month

>>54690 POTUS RT's 'Thomas Paine' this morning, Q posts re 'Common Sense', Paine publishes "Common Sense"....

>>54691 #11901

>>54692 Malik Obama twat from today - Who Dat?

(21 notables, 26 posts, 50 media/files)

Q- >>54673, >>54686

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171499

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9299777 Q Research General #11902: John Kerry Meeting With Iranian Officials. The Shadow Gov Edition

Created 241902ZMAY20




>>54693 anons May 2018 calendar

>>54694 Scarborough / Lori Klausutis death dig - threads to pursue

>>54695, >>54702 current Klausutis dig bun

>>54696 Poster ID'd on Q post. Could be something, could be nothing, But the question has been asked before and now an anon has done the research and found the answer.

>>54697 #11901

>>54698, >>54699, >>54706 updates to pb notable Smoking gun on FBI changing Flynn's 302?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1a16376552ab3c46c64196a6477ada49f69dff1951cf0608366844fa919d4eb9.pdf

>>54700, >>54701, >>54703 ---———————————--——– Forbes article - Obama's weaponization of Gov - Worth remembering. (Cap: )

>>54704 Beaches, Bars And Boardwalks Packed Across The Nation, As Many Defy Government And Social Distancing Advisories

>>54705, >>54707, >>54709, >>54712, >>54713 Grenell and Germany Amb chatter

>>54708, >>54710, >>54711 Kerry's daughter weds Iranian - ICYMI

>>54714, >>54715, >>54716 ---———————————--——– THE SHADOW PRESIDENCY - Guardian Article (Cap: )

>>54717, >>54718 ---———————————--——– THE SHADOW PRESIDENCY. Independent.co.uk article (Cap: )

(12 notables, 26 posts, 26 media/files)

Q- >>54700, >>54714, >>54717

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171500

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9300559 Q Research General #11903: Obama's Weaponization. The Shadow Gov Edition

Created 242002ZMAY20



>>54719, >>54737 #11902, #11903

>>54720 Monday 05.18.2020

>>54721 Tuesday 05.19.2020

>>54722 Potus trolling those who say "we should move on" from the Mueller Report,answer to an Apr 2019 twat, 13 month delta

>>54723 Jim Comey posts puzzle on instagram. Looks Biblical, Noah's Ark like.

>>54724 Indomethacin Has a Potent Antiviral Activity Against SARS Coronavirus

>>54725 Diggies John 3:16

>>54726 China warns US audit plan will harm both sides

>>54727 ODNI/Obamagate

>>54728 Obama diggz

>>54729 U.S. Treasury Urges Independent Investigation Into African Development Bank Head

>>54730 A retired Major General (CIA) is trying to penetrate the Q movement. He wrote, "From PsyOps to Mindwar" with practicing satanist General Michael Aquino, NSA.

>>54731 Q and Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense show?


>>54733 Obama visits behind Potus

>>54734, >>54735 PF updates

>>54736 Q pic mini bun / (was this one Last Bread?)

>>54738, >>54739 ---———————————--——– Fear not, all will be well right after the election. (Cap: )

(18 notables, 21 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>54738

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171501

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9301292 Q Research General #11904: Out Of The Shadows Dark to Light Edition

Created 242107ZMAY20




>>54740 New York State Makes it a Felony For Law Enforcement to Share DMV Info With DHS or ICE

>>54741 Q cap article

>>54742, >>54746, >>54747, >>54750, >>54751, >>54752, >>54753, >>54754 Q pic mini bun

>>54743 Magnitude 5.9 earthquake strikes near Wellington

>>54744 White House Announcement - suspending entry of foreign nationals from Brazil

>>54745 Q drop decode?

>>54748 Tineye results Qdrop: #4311

>>54749 Coronavirus pandemic could be over in the US by November 11

>>54755 planefaggin

>>54756 #11904

(10 notables, 17 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171502

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9302075 Q Research General #11905: 2Q2Q Election, 11.11 All Will Be Well Edition

Created 242219ZMAY20



>>54757 Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam. Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oDOrQ6O46EU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>54758 Potus: Be sure to watch, “Witch Hunt, the Flynn Vindication” hosted by the very knowledgeable @GreggJarrett on @FoxNews tonight at 8:00 P.M.

>>54759 PF updates

>>54760 United States grateful for the care of Graves in Margraten

>>54761, >>54762 ---———————————--——– How do you [con] the people? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/82292d544937e64f8a67956cec6e50c81df95fd45f7ecea390665e32d882dd39.mp4

>>54763 ---———————————--——– Only when information [truth] becomes free [uncontrolled] will people awaken to the levers of control placed upon them.

>>54764 #11905

(7 notables, 8 posts, 6 media/files)

Q- >>54761, >>54763

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9efe67 (568) No.171503

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9302889 Q Research General #11906: We Are Grateful To the WW11 Caregivers of Margraten Edition

Created 242338ZMAY20



>>54765, >>54769 rt ---———————— Sarc - Re_read drops re: COVID-19 [virus] and the election. Last line should clarify

>>54766, >>54767, >>54768 ---———————————--——– Nobody is 'buying' what you are peddling [selling] any longer. THE MSDNC IS DEAD. (Cap: , Vid: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=piTucCW_6Wo - Michelle Obama Was Recording a Message Ordering People to "Stay Home." Barack Obama Was Golfing. [Channel: Trump War Room]

>>54770, >>54771 rt ---———————— Popularity [growth] drives general (non-Autistic) expansion. The Hive-Mind is alive and well.

>>54772 rt ---———————— ILS approach looks good.

>>54773 POTUS yesterday tweets COMPATRIOTS. Today he called out Yoel Roth directly.…meaning, their Israeli DUAL CITIZEN brothers and sisters. - says anon, and it gets a nom / pb

>>54774, >>54775 ILS landing definitions

>>54776 1 minute Delta

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/80406bab0c17a8e8f0f84a6bcda1dd400e5cff4e29f50236565c1d320c806aa2.mp4

>>54777, >>54778 RNC et al suing Gaviun Newsome et al for illegal election power grab

>>54779 #11906

(9 notables, 15 posts, 6 media/files)

Q- >>54766, >>54769, >>54771, >>54773

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9efe67 (568) No.171504

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9303670 Q Research General #11907: Nobody is 'buying' your [shit] MSDNC Edition

Created 250024ZMAY20



>>54780, >>54781 New DJT rt Scavino and the boat parade

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee9ba330eafefc2448e87bb204ce0d4769a644dbd5294749d71df16fd137f1d3.mp4

>>54782, >>54785 McCabe wrote that Clapper's staff asked FBI to look up transcripts they'd collected of Flynn-Kislyak phone conversations from Dec 2016.

>>54783, >>54787 New DJT - A disgrace. Total corruption

>>54784 WH twatter - President @realDonaldTrump has kept his promise to fight the swamp and expose the deep state.

>>54786, >>54790 dank af AOC meme - fuckin memefagsa amirite?

>>54788, >>54789 The Democrats are trying to Rig the 2020 Election, plain and simple!

>>54791, >>54792, >>54793, >>54794, >>54795, >>54796 The Easiest Way to Change Minds is to Spread Information

>>54797 'Significant' Fire Erupts at Bombardier Aerospace Facility in Belfast

>>54798 White House photo account posted also a video about driving in the fog

>>54799 #11907

(10 notables, 20 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171505

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9304460 Q Research General #11908: Planefags, Boatfags o7s m8s! The ILS for Reals Edition

Created 250118ZMAY20



>>54800 Anon says GAB lookin gud

>>54801, >>54802, >>54804 planefags boatfags

>>54803 New DJT - Sleepy Joe's reps have just put out an ad re golf, then puts Hussein on blast re golf

>>54805 ILSfag breaks it down for anons

>>54806 New DJT - I give and have given from the beginning my entire year salary

>>54807 An Outbreak of Human Coronavirus OC43 Infection and Serological Cross-reactivity with SARS Coronavirus (2003 - good read)

>>54808 New DJT - Among many other very important events, meetings, and calls!

>>54809 #11908

(8 notables, 10 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171506

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9305214 Q Research General #11909: The Frog of War Edition

Created 250226ZMAY20



>>54810 Federal court backs California Gov. Gavin Newsom's orders keeping churches closed

>>54811 ZH: The Fed Is Now The Proud Owner Of Bankrupt Hertz Bonds

>>54812 As his trial begins, Netanyahu rails against ‘attempted political coup’

>>54813 Bongino: The states are not “United” anymore. There are 2 Americas right now.

>>54814 POTUS Schedule for Memorial Day - Monday, May 25, 2020

>>54815 U.S. court rules Florida cannot force felons to pay fees before voting

>>54816 Charlamagne Tha God Reacts to Joe Biden’s ‘You Ain’t Black’ Apology

>>54817 New York Times on Memorial Day Weekend: ‘Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?’

>>54818 Planefagging

>>54819 Lawyer for Biden accuser Tara Reade drops her as a client

>>54820, >>54822 Are some Democrats starting to wake up?

>>54821 Ohio Judge Deems State’s Coronavirus Lockdown Illegal

>>54823 Trump Considering Forming Panel To Review Anti-Conservative Bias In Big Tech: Report

>>54824 Florida: Illegal Alien Charged with 100 Counts of Possessing Child Porn

>>54825 Mask-pushing governor caught at beach without face mask

>>54826 Trump admin told a federal court Wednesday that it canceled a portion of border wall due to costs for other parts of the wall coming in higher than anticipated

>>54827 New twat Dan Scavino "RENEGADE'S DOWN" @01:55

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3ba35fd2d3a5a2bf5689e1c89c0e06b1b927c8bddaf3cd9b8d4b691ee3a97aee.mp4

>>54828 Japan looking to end Tokyo's state of emergency, eyes fresh $930 billion stimulus

>>54829 DJT twat: #OBAMAGATE

>>54830 $21 Million Brooklyn Field Hospital Shuts Down: COVID-19 Patients Treated --- Zero

>>54831 PHOTOS EMERGE of Iranian Officials Who Met Secretly With John Kerry in Paris on Saturday --- One Is Identified

>>54832 Iran ignored warnings of retaliation from the US as the first of five Iranian tankers entered Venezuela’s exclusive economic zone on Saturday

>>54833 Michael Moore Torches Biden: He Lacks ‘Necessary Enthusiasm’ to Beat Trump

>>54834 #11909

(24 notables, 25 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171507

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9305971 Q Research General #11910: The 'Bias In Big Tech Blues...' Edition

Created 250347ZMAY20



>>54835, >>54842 Scavino tweet: Gay Latino walks away, mentions Pizzagate & FISAGate

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/36d443367ed9aed008d2c98e8feed47c7f209acb9269b1fc1ee9ac1dd5558283.mp4

>>54836 Ohio judge deems state’s Coronavirus lockdown illegal

>>54837, >>54839, >>54846 WWG1WGA and more in in Scavino's tweet

>>54838 Democrats face criticism for not wearing face masks, violating own rules

>>54840 Great description of ILS and how it works

>>54841 NZ PM announces approval for gatherings of up to 100 people

>>54843 @USArmy tweet the same phone number Q posted. DECLAS

>>54844 Clapper even lied in his memoir about General Flynn

>>54845 Iran & Venezuela hail victorious 'Defiance' over US

>>54847, >>54855 Sharyl Attkisson interview with POTUS in case you missed it

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RRhcgJlgsBE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gyYdNN_klWs - Interview with President Trump | Full Measure [Channel: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson]

>>54848, >>54852 @USArmy:#NeverForget - Links to Q Post #2262?

>>54849 NY State makes it a felony for LE to share DMV info with DHS or ICE

>>54850 1927: A serial raper pedo murder priest escaped from Canada back to Italy

>>54851, >>54861 Planefag Reports

>>54853, >>54858 CBS use Ukraine 2016 image in report about COVID

>>54854 Report: Texas naval base jihadi secured US citizenship despite living in Syria

>>54856 Traders Beware: US taps new tools to find fraud in volatile commodities market

>>54857 List of most of Q's tripcodes

>>54859 WH Daily Guidance & Press Schedule for Monday, May 25 2020

>>54860, >>54863 On the Star Spangled Banner and the 'Storm Flag'

>>54862 Judge Sullivan allegations in anonymous tweet threads

>>54864 #11910

(22 notables, 30 posts, 35 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171508

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9306783 Q Research General #11911: Scavino Tweets Videos With WWG1WGA, Pizzagate and FISAGate Edition

Created 250544ZMAY20



>>54865 Video for keks: TRUMP 2020 - Hydroxychloroquine

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YOX5W4y3CZA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>54866 POTUS in today's Full Measure interview: "17 times in my whole life"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gyYdNN_klWs - Interview with President Trump | Full Measure [Channel: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson]

>>54867 In the midst of CV, PP opened a new clinic in Waukegan, built in secret

>>54868, >>54869, >>54870 Scavino tweets song with WWG1WGA

>>54871 Oregon Sec. Of State blames voters for growing ballot scandal

>>54872 Article: The Citizen Army That Will Recall Gavin Newsom

>>54873 Pres. Bolsonaro looks serious about arming Brazilians against NWO

>>54874, >>54878 Diggz on voter fraud and historical legal agreements

>>54875 Riding the State Unemployment Fraud ‘Wave’

>>54876 Kevin Shipp from "Out of Shadows" warns re Q and Michael Aquino

>>54877 Radical SM posts by Casandra Faibanks

>>54879, >>54880 Mueller prosecutor targeted Manafort before Russia probe: IG

>>54881 #11911

(13 notables, 17 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171509

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9307629 Q Research General #11912: Dont Miss This (Plan)e Edition

Created 250910ZMAY20



>>54882 Anon Connection to Q310

>>54883, >>54884 A.Weissmann n Bidan, W History

>>54885 US Considering Ending Intel Sharing with Aus

>>54886 James Woods Memorial Day Rememberance

>>54887 Florida Rules Felons Can Vote

>>54888 Insightful Observation on Wealth Disparity

>>54889 Vet Memorial Defaced P.R.

>>54890 Robert Ray Predicts Prosecutions From Durham Probe

>>54891 Saudi Prince Digs

>>54892, >>54893, >>54902 'GOP' "Lawmaker" whining about Trump on Scarborough

>>54894 Trump No Longer Consuming HQC

>>54895 TruePundit Analysis of Social Distancing

>>54896, >>54898, >>54901, >>54904 Planefag Reports TYPF

>>54897, >>54906 Digs on CCP

>>54899 WHO Declare [SA] 'New' Epicentre or CV-19

>>54900 Pope Francis Entrusts Chinaw Virgin Mary: 5-24

>>54903 Article Analysing connection between CS Abuse and Christian Institution

>>54905 73rd WHA 140 come together

>>54907 NYT Hitpiece on USMIL

>>54908 Eyes on for FF in L.A.Cali Today

>>54909 China tells US to ‘give up’ wishful thinking or face Cold War

>>54910 Kentucky Gov Effiigy Hung

>>54911 Senate Dems Ask to keep monies

>>54912 #11912

(24 notables, 31 posts, 43 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171510

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9308370 Q Research General #11913: FF Watch

Created 251219ZMAY20




>>54913, >>54928, >>54929 boatfag reporting

>>54914 Rep. Andy Biggs: On coronavirus and many issues, China acts like a Cold War enemy and international outlaw

>>54915, >>54918 anon's memorial day PSA: Flags out, half staff from sunrise till noon. If you don't have one, GO BUY ONE NOW!

>>54916, >>54923 New DJT twat w/CAP: TRANSITION TO GREATNESS! Get ready, it is already happening again!

>>54917 diggz on Maggie Salem (Pocahauntas backer) ties to mooslem community

>>54919 Lufthansa, German government agree on $9.8 billion rescue package

>>54920 Merkel extends Lockdown until July, 5th

>>54921 Ex-Independent Counsel Robert Ray predicts prosecutions from Durham probe: 'Political scandal of the highest order'

>>54922 Woody Allen addresses daughter Dylan's sexual abuse allegation in new interview: 'I ignore it'

>>54924 Trump says he's no longer taking hydroxychloroquine

>>54925 Killer from Sandy Hook at large - manhunt on in Pennsylvania?

>>54926 Google's tribute to the fallen: nothing.

>>54927 As media gleefully trumpets 100k CCPvirus death toll, CDC says it's under 75k

>>54930 #11913

(14 notables, 18 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171511

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9309216 Q Research General #11914: Memorial Day 2020 Edition

Created 251448ZMAY20



>>54931, >>54932, >>54933, >>54934, >>54935, >>54937, >>54938, >>54939 Klausutis/Scarborough/911 connections diggz

>>54936 Kayleigh in 2016, destroying the left, naturally

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3fbf49de1e796bd59a8e645a7aaa48b052e41429c8df36e1671d8eaf06d45113.mp4

>>54940 #11914

(3 notables, 10 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171512

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9309958 Q Research General #11915: Dues For The Souls That Fought So We May Carry On Edition

Created 251603ZMAY20



>>54941 South Bay Pentecostal Church has taken the Cali church closing to the US Supreme Court

>>54942 Some things take time, others well, they are done!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/47148a28d0168e1110ab47c77474a773f88e85d6ef5adc78c14b8d199e5e47b1.mp4

>>54943 Bongino show: What are they hiding? Why is everyone in the Flynn case lawyering up?

>>54944 Russia ramps up gold production, adding to country's huge bullion reserves

>>54945, >>54948, >>54950 PF updates

>>54946 Libyan Army captures ‘one of the most dangerous’ Syrian ISIS operatives

>>54947 Judge Emmett Sullivan from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000

>>54949, >>54955 Watch: Second Iranian tanker being escorted by Venezuelan Navy

>>54951, >>54952 Our own McT makes it on WHPhotos twat For the Keks!

>>54953 Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Defies President Trump --- Sends Armed Police Squad to Shut Down Black Baptist Church in Southside Chicago

>>54954 Staten Islanders with masks drive out non-mask wearing person in grocery store

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1580b7d518667fd82a305c659ce14698f40f0b672dd2071d4e3fcdad46e2946.mp4

>>54956 President Trump complete remarks at Fort McHenry on Memorial Day vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IwG1MqTU6BY - President Trump complete remarks at Fort McHenry on Memorial Day [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>54957 Secretary Pompeo: Glad to congratulate John Ratcliffe on his confirmation as the Director of National Intelligence.

>>54958 Nonprofit organization seeks investigation of University of Pennsylvania and Biden Center for undisclosed China mega donations

>>54959 Twitter Removes Account on Oregon Voter Ballot Scandal

>>54960 Amendment I (Bill of Rights)

>>54961 #11915

(17 notables, 21 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171513

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9310756 Q Research General #11916: WTF are You Waiting For? Honor Our Troops! Drop Them 1A Moabs! Edition

Created 251737ZMAY20



>>54962, >>54986 WHO SUSPENDS trials of Trump-chosen hydroxychloroquine drug over SAFETY RISKS for Covid-19 patients /was essential

>>54963 Irish PM criticized for appearing to violate his own social distancing guidelines during Sunday picnic

>>54964 Top EU diplomat: ‘end of American-led’ world order and rise of China ‘happening before our eyes’ /they gonna lose big!

>>54965 Labour MP fired from the shadow government by Jeremy Corbyn for calling out Pakistani-heritage rapists targeting white girls will help review a government report into the ethnic background of grooming gangs.

>>54966 Race you, NASA!: China confirms July launch of first Mars rover, which rivals Perseverance mission

>>54967, >>54969 ARMED AND DANGEROUS, call 911 immediately if seen, Peter Manfredonia

>>54968 Italy: 400 North African migrants land illegally in Sicily

>>54970, >>54971, >>54973, >>54974 moar Klausutis/Scarborough diggz

>>54972 ACLU wins mail in voting in SC

>>54975, >>54981 Chloroquine Phosphate Has Shown Apparent Efficacy in Treatment of COVID-19 Associated Pneumonia in Clinical Studies

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1540a4d31e95b4e05ee87a3076d22874a2ff1fbc0496f1aad043ffe1d6a7fcf6.pdf

>>54976 Florida: Hundreds of boats 'make waves' for Trump from Naples to Marco Island

>>54977 Norwegian state TV to broadcast celebration of Islamic holiday, the first TV station in Western Europe to do a live broadcast of Eid

>>54978 Russians evacuated from western Libya after Haftar retreats from Turkish forces

>>54979 UBS to Start Own Venture Capital Fund in Effort to Digitize Bank

>>54980 Soros attacks Salvini, says he wants to take Italy out of EU and Eurozone

>>54982 Eisenhower Warned About Scientific Elites Like Dr. Fauci /Military-Industrial Complex

>>54983 Syria updates

>>54984 Japans Lifts Nationwide State Of Emergency

>>54985 planefaggin

>>54987 #11916

(20 notables, 26 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171514

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9311559 Q Research General #11917: For God And Country We Fight The DS, No Fear! Edition

Created 251852ZMAY20



>>54988, >>54991, >>54994 Harvard teaching hospital funded Lancet study that WHO used to stop HCQ trials./rebut to results noted

>>54989, >>55002, >>55010 Boatfag Quick Update

>>54990 Hungary Says It Will Defend Its Borders and Keep Border Fence Despite EU Court Ruling

>>54992 MEMORIAL DAY!!!! Arlington by Trace Adkins - Guitar and Vocal Cover

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6TAjMjMlpoc - MEMORIAL DAY!!!! Arlington by Trace Adkins - Guitar and Vocal Cover [Channel: Dakota Snyder Music]

>>54993 Memorial Day 2020: Trump Visits Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B6B-qutjpS0 - Memorial Day 2020: Trump Visits Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

>>54995, >>54997, >>54999, >>55000, >>55001 Florida family grieves as Trump spreads debunked conspiracy theory to attack MSNBC host/Klausutis

>>54996, >>54998, >>55003, >>55004 Visits by FBI Inspections Division Can Have Real Consequences

>>55005 Americans Are Rediscovering Self-Reliance To End Their Own Enslavement

>>55006 Klausutis/Scarborough diggz pastebin

>>55007, >>55009, >>55011 PF updates

>>55008 #11916

>>55012 #11917

(12 notables, 25 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171515

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9312364 Q Research General #11918: WHO Are The Hypocrits? Never Forget Edition

Created 252024ZMAY20




>>55013 Potus twat/caps, bonus pepe


>>55015, >>55020 Russian satellite, comet or 'UFO'? Videos of an 'epic' fireball seen in #Australia's sky puzzle netizens

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bf28085fef700bc7b57be7426fa5269a6d2a60bc995cdaee8508d9fb4ad69bb1.mp4

>>55016 MEMORIAL DAY Formation of 18 Historic Planes Soars Low and Loud Over SoCal

>>55017 @thejointstaff Read his full message to #HonorTheFallen and the families they left behind

>>55018 German antifa protest end of lockdown

>>55019 Branson's Virgin Orbit fails on first rocket launch attempt

>>55021 planefaggin

>>55022 #11918

(9 notables, 10 posts, 11 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171516

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9313117 Q Research General #11919: Fuck the Shills, Let War Room Wage War On Twat! Meme On Anons! Edition

Created 252148ZMAY20




>>55023 the 9th Court decision to keep churches closed, that Grewsom just 180'd on. read the dissent

>>55024 Mike Pence on Social Media Censorship of Conservatives: ‘We’re Just Not Going to Tolerate It’

>>55025 California Church Asks US Supreme Court To Intervene In Lockdown Battle After Clinton, Obama Judges Strike Down

>>55026 DNC Whistleblower: Joe Biden Will NOT Be The Democratic Nominee

>>55027, >>55029 The sky in Beijing turned dark at 3:00 pm local time on May 21 when the #CCP's biggest political event of the year "#TwoSessions" was held (Tstorm)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fa525ebd8c2e8d5f39a43d897e2cbd55aecbb0ae761fbb708957868bf5e20943.mp4

>>55028 On 'How The Nation Was Won' re pb

>>55030 boatfaggin

>>55031, >>55032 WHO suspends HCQ trial over narrative, err i mean safety, concerns

>>55033 Judge Emmett Sullivan, from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000

>>55034 Houston FD responded to 500+ overcrowding complaints Memorial Day weekend, but no citations were issued, re: TX’s new 25% capacity limit on bars and clubs

>>55035 Pro Trump Demonstration, Malibu, CA w vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2518dadc18707dc69f2798c88986257754c72cf621857231e3dc2f5dbc0925aa.mp4

>>55036 #11919

(12 notables, 14 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171517

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9313915 Q Research General #11920: Popularity [growth] drives general (non-Autistic) expansion. Edition

Created 252311ZMAY20




>>55037, >>55040, >>55041 POTUS from May 24 interview - "I have a chance to break the Deep State."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd7ae4e5210bba45b0d1cd184e45b7e57a3af9042416ce5efce272a655dd9126.mp4

>>55038, >>55042, >>55043, >>55044, >>55045, >>55046, >>55048, >>55049, >>55050, >>55053 boatfaggin and planefaggin

>>55039 WWG1WGA WRWY Honor the fallen (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bafe685490da672e7b3e4ea64e60c920e9ef6aeb51de8708555949c35dc64a04.mp4

>>55047, >>55054, >>55056 ICYMI - anons diggin the time with potus in the limo doing the double thumbs up to supporters near Mar a Lago

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a0e391c453b7c1893e33d860c1d944be2147a529eda6aadab98ae4db1a52f21.webm

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GERgD-E2ED4 - Trump gives supporters two thumbs up as he returns to Mar-a-Lago - Daily Mail [Channel: Daily Mail]

>>55051 Trump Says He Has A Chance ‘To Break The Deep State,’ Teases New Revelations From Declassification

>>55052 Newsom Issues New Authoritarian Guidelines For Reopening Churches: Limit Capacity to 25% or 100 People, Eliminate Singing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Z8Tq4qW5C6U - Gov Newson issues guidelines for reopening places of worship after backlash [Channel: Fox News]

>>55055 anons alternate meaning for Q's ILS response - regarding Coronavirus and interleukins gets a late nom

>>55057 #11920

(8 notables, 21 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171518

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9314703 Q Research General #11921: information [truth] becomes free [uncontrolled] Edition

Created 260036ZMAY20




>>55058 Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Death Toll Does NOT Include States’ Downward Adjustments, Ignores Fundamental Flaws in Data

>>55059, >>55064, >>55066 Boatfaggin and planefaggin

>>55060 Cooper / Franklin Templeton / Ukraine diggz re pb

>>55061 "The US Is Bluffing": China Claims Trump Too "Weakened" By Pandemic To Intervene In Hong Kong

>>55063 crazy corona graphic - USA deaths so far split into thirds - wtf

>>55065 Washington State Department of Health confirmed they have included those who tested positive for COVID-19 but died of other causes, including gunshot injuries, in their coronavirus death totals

>>55067 Deep State Plotters -- Devin Nunes Targets Rod Rosenstein’s Corrupt Activity to Initiate Robert Mueller…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YgMuKq_Z2Hg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55068, >>55070 #11920, #11921

>>55069 ref Q 4317 Obama Fdn Recruit and control Black Community Leaders

(9 notables, 12 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171519

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9315444 Q Research General #11922: Johns Hopkins Dashboard Needs To Be Exposed As Flawed Data Edition

Created 260139ZMAY20




>>55071, >>55081, >>55097 DJT "Epstein's island is a cesspool, just ask Prince Andrew" @ 1:28

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3dL12m_tl5I - Donald Trump: There's an 80% Chance I'll Run [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ce11c67ac5753926ff56f40b3df3a87bcfb0af8f8c4eb76e5e1a59784da12b8b.mp4

>>55072 Gov. Whitmer's husband breaking her orders?

>>55073, >>55076, >>55089 500 doctors write to POTUS warning lockdown will cause more deaths

>>55074, >>55075, >>55091 Cooper / Franklin Templeton / Ukraine diggz re pb

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/23e8e4e2d2a49c38a83057c5dfc5b508c43076187a41bd090f24c14165f272d0.mp4

>>55077, >>55078, >>55079 Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement?

>>55080, >>55085, >>55092, >>55095, >>55099 Plane & Boatfag Reports

>>55082 Fresh: Amendment to Proclamation from POTUS re Immigration

>>55083 Video: Madcow one-on-one with Killary

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/495df68a7227daf3fe0d89addd65ed6d151606e4290b0295d88150795481fbfb.mp4

>>55084 Gov. Ralph Northam breaks own order, caught without mask on Virginia Beach

>>55086 Anons agree: When the hairdressing shops are waking up, GAME OVER

>>55087, >>55090 The Rockerfeller Foundation wants you tested weekly

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jSgk44BE67 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55088 Open letter on the CV pandemic from Brazillian scientists and acedemics

>>55093, >>55094, >>55096, >>55098, >>55100 Anons find legit UN 'New World Order' site. Eyes on

>>55101 #11922

(14 notables, 31 posts, 38 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171520

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9316182 Q Research General #11923: The Information Warfare Continues Edition

Created 260302ZMAY20



>>55102 Brad Parscale takes GLOVES OFF for Biden with 'child predator' video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/21b7f4d985102380ed0e14768210dd7eacf9c2474474033a710ba209d8d23515.mp4

>>55103, >>55109, >>55129 Boat and Planefag Reports

>>55104, >>55119 The Atlantic goes all out Q attack

>>55105 From the C*A reading room search term 'warlocks': Media manipulation

>>55106, >>55108 On 'How The Nation Was Won' re pb

>>55107 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, May 26, 2020

>>55110, >>55113, >>55114, >>55118 CV and coagulopathy

>>55111 Space Boi N628TS G6 landed at Space Coast Regional Airport-Titusville

>>55112 Pelosi continues the push for mail-in-voting

>>55115 WIN: Whitmer amends her EO which now permits all churches to reopen

>>55116 Italian scientist may have found the mechanism behind CV

>>55117 Gates: Novavax begins CV vaccine trials on Australian volunteers

>>55120 Masks are Ineffective: Fight back using science

>>55121, >>55125 Brazilian President DESTROYS the Left and their CV shutdown

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_SSsnXM_YFI - Bolsonaro goes on a rant about governors and mayors arresting citizens. [Channel: legendagem]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JySItRDU4e4 - Bolsonaro about criminals being released while citizens are arrested [Channel: legendagem]

>>55122, >>55124, >>55127 Central Organization for Durable Peace diggz

>>55123, >>55126 VP at Franklin Templeton on leave pending investigation

>>55128 FIFA probe: First banks admit money laundering role

>>55130 Nunes: Republicans expanding investigation into Mueller team

>>55131 CDC confirms remarkably low death rate - Media ignores CV realities

>>55132 US Senate quietly approves $38B for Israel amid historic economic downturn

>>55133 #11923,

(21 notables, 32 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171521

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9316932 Q Research General #11924: We The People - Shaking Off The Death Grip Edition

Created 260442ZMAY20




>>55134 Trump Threatens to Move RNC Convention Out of North Carolina if Dem Governor Won’t Let Them Fill Arena

>>55135 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition

>>55136 Israeli prime minister publicly thanks Mossad chief for help with COVID-19

>>55137 AG Bill Barr vid re: #OBAMAGATE shenanigans

>>55138 Anon nom: Gee, I wonder what the 4am talking points were last night

>>55139 ZH: CDC Confirms Remarkably Low Death Rate - Media Chooses To Ignore COVID-19 Realities

>>55140 US biotech firm Novavax begins Covid-19 vaccine trials on Australian volunteers after getting $388mn from Bill Gates-backed fund

>>55141 Brazilian President Bolsonaro Under Further Fire After US Imposes Entry Ban

>>55142 Spain’s coronavirus death toll DROPS by 2,000… after new counting system introduced

>>55143 Verification purge? Multiple Twitter accounts lose blue checks after interviewing ‘wrongthinkers’

>>55144 The Fight To Reshore US Pharmaceuticals

>>55145 Is The United Nations New World Order Website Real?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WK6SW5axZTs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55146 Michigan Gov. Whitmer caught in Memorial Day lockdown controversy over husband's reported boat request

>>55147 Mapped: The State Of Facial Recognition Around The World

>>55148 Exclusive --- Mike Pence on Social Media Censorship of Conservatives: ‘We’re Just Not Going to Tolerate It’

>>55149, >>55150, >>55151, >>55153 Resignations in the news 5/21/2020 thru 5/25/2020

>>55152 Pinkerton: Stand with the Chinese People Against Their Communist Regime

>>55154 Tens of thousands of coronavirus tests have been double-counted, officials admit

>>55155 Even The Satire Sites Admit: You Just Can't Make This Shit Up.

>>55156 The Italian government announced intentions Sunday to create an army of social distancing snitches

>>55157 #11924

(21 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171522

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9317746 Q Research General #11925: The 'Fake News Ignores Reality At Their Own Cost' Edition

Created 260725ZMAY20



>>55158 How Big Tech is Aiding Blacklisted Chinese Surveillance Firms

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tPcb2x-Df6U - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55159 Huawei CFO Gets First Chance at Release in Extradition Fight

>>55160 Dozens of Australian journalists, publishers are facingtrial in November over coverage of ex-Vatican treasurer Pell’s child sex abuse conviction in 2018

>>55161 India steps up efforts to lure companies moving out of China

>>55162 Full Measure: May 24, 2020 - Interview with the President

>>55163 Trump: 'I have a chance to break the deep state'

>>55164 China's military poised to protect security in Hong Kong, as protests grow

>>55165 7th Army twat: Marksmanship training

>>55166 Coronavirus Monitoring Bracelets Flood the Market, Ready to Snitch on People Who Don’t Distance

>>55167 The city of Big Bear Lake has given the middle finger to Governor Gavin Newsom for his stay--at-home order

>>55168 Federal fraud charges filed against former Hollywood executive producer William Sadleir on Friday

>>55169 U.S. small firms leave $150 billion in coronavirus stimulus untapped

>>55170 Armed With Whistleblower Tips, U.S. SEC Cracks Down On Coronavirus Misconduct

>>55171 #11925

(14 notables, 14 posts, 14 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171523

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9318496 Q Research General #11926: The Chance Taking Edition

Created 261149ZMAY20



>>55172 Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers are responding to an unattended package in Lafayette Park. Street closures are in effect...

>>55173 New DJT twat w/CAP: Joe Biden’s handling of the H1N1 Swine Flu was a complete and total disaster. Even polls on the matter were terrible!

>>55174 (Fox News vid) RNC Ronna McDaniel: Gov. Newsome vote by mail order injects chaos into election process

>>55175 Dan Bongino: “Twitter Verification Purge Targets Mediaite Journalist Who Reported on Obama Spying.” Move over to Parler!

>>55176 PapaD twat from 5/23: I predict the biggest development of the last year will come out this Tuesday. that's today.

>>55177 Mika and Morning Joe still panicking

>>55178 How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign

>>55179, >>55180, >>55181, >>55182, >>55183, >>55186, >>55193 planefag reporting

>>55184 New DJT twat w/CAP: The opening of a Cold Case against Psycho Joe Scarborough was not a Donald Trump original thought, this has been going on for years

>>55185 MORE FRAUD IN OREGON: Non-Citizen Steps Forward, Tells How Oregon Automatically Registered Her To Vote Via Motor Voter Bill And Vote-By-Mail

>>55187 2004: Nadler says paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b908bdec953af9f2e2337bfcf69e7a91d7277be5049c0e6e533d00d659149612.mp4

>>55188 Pittsburgh War Memorial Vandalized on Memorial Day

>>55189 New DJT twat w/CAP: Stock Market up BIG, DOW crosses 25,000. S&P 500 over 3000. States should open up ASAP. The Transition to Greatness has started,...

>>55190 FOIA into Morning Joes cold case has arrived!

>>55191 Grenell made more information public regarding the Russia investigations in three months than ODNI did in the two and a half years...

>>55192 DWS Turf: Audit finds 2018 election in Broward County was marred by waste, extra votes, unnecessary delays.

>>55194 Bolsonaro brought in his generals to fight coronavirus. Brazil is losing the battle

>>55195 #11926

(18 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171524

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9319272 Q Research General #11927: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 261422ZMAY20



>>55196 boatfag reporting

>>55197, >>55199, >>55205, >>55210, >>55211, >>55213, >>55217 planefag reporting

>>55198 Mueller team will be issued "CRIMINAL REFERRALS" in the coming weeks according to Rep. Nunes..

>>55200 The FBI documents that put Barack Obama in the ‘Obamagate’ narrative

>>55201 Amazon to give $4 million to The Nature Conservancy so it can buy land to prevent development in Berlin and claim carbon offsets.

>>55202 Mr. President, Here's How You Stop the Democratic Scam of the Century

>>55203 FOIA into Morning Joes cold case has arrived!

>>55204 Richard Grenell Confirms He Will No Longer Serve as US Ambassador to Germany

>>55206 Fake HumaA: Why don't you sue him Joe? If it's libel then I'm sure you wouldn't mind opening up on the record, under oath, during discovery and on the witness stand? For the Keks!

>>55207 Updated report on #COVID19 nursing home fatalities

>>55208 Grenell declassified

>>55209 Houseley lays it out!

>>55212 Sessions throws down the gauntlet

>>55214 DeSantis making major announcement in Miami @ noon EST

>>55215 Wilkinson files formal motion to appear

>>55216 Mika fail: Twitter refuses to delete President Trump’s baseless claims about Joe Scarborough.

>>55218 #11927

(17 notables, 23 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171525

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9320020 Q Research General #11928: Morning Joe FOIA Available, Front and Center Edition

Created 261559ZMAY20



>>55219 Disgraced EX-MGM CEO Jim Murren Has been appointed to lead the Wuhan Virus task force for Nevada.

>>55220 Governor DeSantis - Live He's running late!

>>55221, >>55223, >>55231, >>55236, >>55237, >>55238 Timothy J. Klausutis, Ph.D. Needs deep diggz

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70199b222f4187e2b91fd5e54de9f1d1deca0fe41e0bec4ac5a5468bcbfdf67a.pdf

>>55222, >>55224, >>55226 Taking the skatepark back that Newsom filled with sand

>>55225 Coronavirus: UK authorises anti-viral drug remdesivir

>>55227 FBI to investigate death of black man in Minnesota after arrest

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Wxso3LqRWmQ - Black man dies after Minneapolis police officer pins him to the ground by his neck [Channel: CBS Mornings]

>>55228 Updated death graph by state/covid19

>>55229 France's Determination to End Free Speech

>>55230 US Imports Record Amount of Gold From Switzerland

>>55232 900 Taliban prisoners to be freed by Afghan govt under Eid truce in biggest ever single-step release

>>55233, >>55241 @USMC Hold Your Breath

>>55234 Venezuelan Su-30s and F-16s Welcome Iranian Tanker With Gasoline, Escort It to Port - Vid

>>55235 States Give Few Details on Billions Spent on Virus Supplies

>>55239 Florida @GovRonDeSantis: "Florida would love to have the RNC. Heck, I'm a Republican -- it would be great to have the DNC." Touts the possible economic impact.

>>55240, >>55242 Watchdog asks feds to investigate university, Biden center for millions in anonymous China donations

>>55243 Iraqi forces kill ISIS terrorist leader known as ‘governor of Iraq’

>>55244 Indian Media Reports Up To 10,000 Chinese Soldiers Have 'Invaded' Border Territory

>>55245 PF updates

>>55246 Lebanese central bank official arrested over currency allegations Currency crisis deepens as prime minister and central bank trade accusations

>>55247 #11928

(20 notables, 29 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171526

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9320802 Q Research General #11929: Black Is White, White Is Black, Then There's Red Edition

Created 261730ZMAY20



>>55248 1st UK government minister quits IN PROTEST over Cummings lockdown violation saga

>>55249 QNN - A Tribute to Our Fallen Heros vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dOohNglJT7U - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55250 Supreme Court Allows Trans Prisoner’s Gender Surgery to Move Ahead as Lawsuit Continues

>>55251 Donald Trump Warns of ‘Rigged Election’ with ‘Fraudulent’ Mail-in Ballots

>>55252, >>55253, >>55254 YouTube is deleting comments with two phrases that insult China’s Communist Party

>>55255 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing, strike that, Beating of the MSM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PfR8lgsy-oY - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>55256, >>55260 Grennell declasified Phone transcripts and manipulated intel to justify Russia investigation

>>55257, >>55265 planefaggin

>>55258, >>55267 Navigation in GPS Denied Environments

>>55259 Your “Immunity Passport” Future Begins To Materialize As Airlines Call For Digital ID Tracking Systems

>>55261, >>55262 Justice Department Files Statement of Interest Regarding Section 201 of the Voting Rights Act

>>55263 Tim Klausutis' dadNormantas Klausutis worked for Darpa, emmigrated from Lithuania Soviet Socialist Republic in 1949

>>55264 Pentagon inspector general removed by Trump resigns/Glenn Fine

>>55266 US envoy Friedman meets Gantz’s rightist allies Handel and Hauser on annexation

>>55268 The Republican Party has now filed a massive lawsuit in federal court over MANDATORY Mail-In Voting Executive Order in Cali

>>55269 @usairforce F22 Raptor flies alongside F-35 to salute health care workers

>>55270 Kiddos’ Daily, Building Obama's Gate Edition

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ef4b8c2de175da4843bbbdf53efab0f49838bbd53420695383720e5580b49fc.pdf

>>55271 JPMorgan CEO: bank will again boost credit reserves in second quarter

>>55272 Netanyahu Says Annexation Of West Bank To Happen By July 1st In “Historic Opportunity”

>>55273 #11929,

(20 notables, 26 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171527

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9321567 Q Research General #11930: MSM Beat Down with Kayleigh Now in Progress Edition

Created 261845ZMAY20




>>55274 liars busted MSNPC

>>55275, >>55276, >>55277, >>55278, >>55288 Chinese scum memes

>>55279 Call to diggz/colate Daniel Jones/compiler of the Senate Intel Cmte torture report and a MAJOR PLAYER in #RussiaGate

>>55280 Autist ILS

>>55281, >>55287, >>55293 planefaggin

>>55282 amphibious ship obliterates drone with laser weapon in 1st test

>>55283 "A Moment Of Truth For The Euro": ECB Preparing To Run QE Without Bundesbank

>>55284 Here we go! John Ratcliffe officially sworn in today as the new DNI Director. On Grennel's way out, he declassified the Flynn / Kislyak phone call transcripts.

>>55285 @USArmy Strike hard!

>>55286 Statement by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe

>>55289 Floor and Decor Holdings sold by Ares Mgmt LLC: $155.92m-May 22

>>55290 Archive Update "Germany is finally waking up"Edition I added #11854 to #11929 and updated the checksums.

>>55291 Pompeo Blasted by Top Democrat for Thoughtless Threat to Cut off Australia From Intelligence Sharing

>>55292 Potus twats/caps ….A total double standard

>>55294 #11930

(15 notables, 21 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171528

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9322335 Q Research General #11931: DNC Can Run But....... Edition

Created 261956ZMAY20




>>55295, >>55297, >>55301, >>55315, >>55322 anons on 4am talking points

>>55296 New #ObamaGate Revelations That Implicate Obama, Biden-judicialwatch

>>55298 Kayleigh McEnany Suggests Biden’s Decision to Wear Mask to Veterans Memorial a Publicity Stunt, Ploy to Avoid Questions From Press (VIDEO)-gatewaypundit

>>55299, >>55300 Chicago Threatens To Condemn - Possibly Demolish Churches Defying Lockdown-mrctv.org

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vNno14f-QRM - Chicago Threatens To Condemn - Possibly Demolish Churches Defying Lockdown [Channel: MRCTV]

>>55302, >>55304 Flashback :Trump Slams Morning "Psycho" Joe, Says Mika "Bleeding Badly From A Face-Lift" from 2017

>>55303 POTUS' national security chief slashes staff to half of Obama levels-nypost

>>55305 Bill Gates is 7th cousin, 3 times removed to Nelson Rockefeller -41st U.S. Vice-President-famouskin.com graph in linky

>>55306 Q Graphics all in GMT #112

>>55307, >>55321 DOJ Closes Insider Trading Investigations Into Three Senators, Keeps Burr Probe Going-zh

>>55308, >>55310, >>55314, >>55317 POTUS Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3E9_9rqA6y8 - President Trump Delivers Remarks on Protecting Seniors with Diabetes [Channel: The White House]

>>55309 In parting shot, Richard Grenell blasts top Senate Intel Democrat for 'cherry-picking' on Flynn transparency-washexaminer

>>55311, >>55319, >>55320 anon dig: Timothy J. Klausutis and Precision Strike Association 2011 Annual Review

>>55312 Wikipedia Co-Founder: Site’s Neutrality Is ‘Dead’ Thanks to Leftist Bias-breitbart

>>55313 Andrew Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home execs after big campaign donations-guardian.com

>>55316 Are There Gold Bars Filled with Tungsten at Major Banks? US Imports Record Amount of Gold From Switzerland as Virus Upends Tradevoanews-previously noted..added on request and article from 2019-globalbullionsuppliers.com

>>55318 WH press Conference Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Izxd9dT4uE4 - Kayleigh McEnany holds a White House press conference | 5/26/20 [Channel: Fox Business]

>>55323 #11931

(17 notables, 29 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171529

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9323089 Q Research General #11932: Due Diligence Pays Off, Work It Edition

Created 262123ZMAY20




>>55324 Call to diggz on Judge Sullivan's finances


>>55326, >>55327, >>55329 PapaD to be interviewed on OAN

>>55328, >>55342 House GOP suing Pelosi to block her proxy voting power grab, lets her pass legislation with just 20 members present

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7819b3b46364a1783d85eec3846bd310d197e6539f4241a956643bbb797cdaa1.pdf

>>55330, >>55337, >>55341 planefaggin

>>55331 @jack has put a CNN link on POTUS twats

>>55332 The wheels of justice grind slowly.

>>55333, >>55334, >>55339, >>55340, >>55343, >>55346 China: guud reads on their brand of censorship, social oranganization, China’s Predatory Liberalism/ pdfs

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd8547a1d11384ecb5d1ea585c40cd35d5cb686377ead6381bfc159e9d95c58b.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d36ead939163024099dabae3ee005221cb778d3e8f84f3aca60546fde9f9af2a.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7bc12a1d211dce23f566fa1ee711967418577065a903bb2bdeb6c04cda8eac4f.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc220ca6aa3bd098aa1dc341188d975404554520f88eec4a0d8b4a930138c4c5.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/12a5af1b7b3ca50a5fbe4cf8ec44f4f369215a78b8e15d7eefded0ca151a9c84.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/994c2e3fd2557716fce6efeca8fae2a60f92bca4cd9debf2b615419b32994683.pdf

>>55335 #BREAKING: USPS Mail Carrier Arrested & Charged With Attempted Election Fraud

>>55336 Irish National Extradited to the United States from Ireland for Trafficking of Rhinoceros Horns

>>55338 Onus is on Joe Scarborough to explain his interaction with Don Imus/kayleigh vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60c9ec15ccd4dc07fe475a9e0cbf15f3d9d28a019a25e2dabd9d74bc352e2626.mp4

>>55344, >>55345 Another unsafe Russian intercept of Navy P-8 in int'l space/vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OS_uc5jXHA0 - Unsafe Unprofessional Interception of a U.S. Navy P8 by Russian SU-35s over the Mediterranean Sea [Channel: CNE-CNA/C6F]

>>55347 #11932,

(13 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171530

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9323881 Q Research General #11933: Deep State Is In Deep Shit Edition

Created 262251ZMAY20




>>55348 POTUS campaign respondes to twitter fact-checking POTUS with CNN

>>55349 HCQ+Azithromycin continues to work well in France

>>55350, >>55353, >>55355, >>55360 Herridge: Grenell cites POTUS and Q's EO re declass

>>55351, >>55352 Video report: "No one is wearing masks"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/82a4dd61d721fb6ebc579834c3a598f00b0365ec2e34cf9fd8d5bec7aab9191a.mp4

>>55354 Rose Mcgowans post sharing NYT reporters q's for Tara Reade sparks debate

>>55356 Grenell declassifies slew of Russia probe files, as Ratcliffe takes helm as DNI

>>55357, >>55364, >>55366, >>55368 On twitter tagging POTUS' tweets as missinformation I

>>55358, >>55359 More on USPS mail carrier charged with attempted Election Fraud

>>55361, >>55367, >>55372, >>55373 Planefag Updates

>>55362 WH Release: List of voter fraud cases, by type, state, and outcome

>>55363 YT Caught Censoring Comments Deemed 'Offensive' To The Communist Party

>>55365 Massachusetts Man Arrested for dist. CP after being released from jail Ddue to CV

>>55369 13,000 nasty rape videos of bound toddlers gets away with only seven months in jail

>>55370, >>55374, >>55376 On twitter tagging POTUS' tweets as missinformation II

>>55371 POTUS: Twitter is now interfering with the 2020 Presidential Election

>>55375 Good Flynn article with great background data by Solomon

>>55377 @USMC: Let It Shine

>>55378 #11933

(18 notables, 31 posts, 43 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171531

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9324623 Q Research General #11934: Twitter Is Now Interfering In The 2020 Presidential Election Edition

Created 270004ZMAY20




>>55379 Twitter poll to flip: POTUS vs Twitter

>>55380, >>55381, >>55391 On twitter tagging POTUS' tweets as missinformation III

>>55382 Conclusive: Masks and respirators do not prevent transmission of viruses

>>55383, >>55386 @USNavy tweet medic with a Q. Quinteros or Qincidence?

>>55384, >>55385 POTUS vs Twitter: Relevant Q posts

>>55387, >>55389 Another pedo arrested in Utah

>>55388, >>55394 Plane and Boatfag Reports

>>55390 India expands use of HCQ to prevent CV based on three studies

>>55392 Formula One Group bought by Berkshire Hathaway: $65.67m- May 21-22 & 26

>>55393 Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

>>55395 #11934

(11 notables, 17 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171532

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9325386 Q Research General #11935: And I, As President Will Not Allow It To Happen Edition

Created 270120ZMAY20



>>55396, >>55398, >>55404 Anons thoughts on POTUS Twatter censorship

>>55397, >>55400, >>55401, >>55406 Planefags tracking Musk & Boatfag Update

>>55399 Report on Klausutis' death: "Chief Hogue said "No trauma to body"

>>55402 Trump urges GOP to vote against bill reauthorizing surveillance powers

>>55403 Fitton breaking: Judge Sullivan's lawyer giving free advice to Cheryl Mills

>>55405, >>55410, >>55412 Pentagon's deputy inspector general resigns

>>55407 Physician: The VA HCQ Study was fraudulent

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9OzqKnw0VLg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55408 Ex-Cop accused of sexual relationship with teen ordered detained

>>55409 Video: Biden attempts to explain his racist comments

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f892107549678a2a5067ec4ecdc94be04daa916c1f4ca3c99fe5d5b96d42f00a.mp4

>>55411 Study: CV uses same strategy as HIV to evade immune response

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/29fd8c0407a3b9d5704ee57ede1b7a19be4c58928a9f676fcf2cebb125bdebf6.pdf

>>55413 Video: Tucker on abuse of the elderly

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FqE4uAnG4mU - Tucker Carlson: Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes. [Channel: Steve Close]

>>55414 Graham wants to see the Flynn/Kislyak call transcript

>>55415, >>55418 ---———————————--——– These people are stupid (Cap: )

>>55416, >>55419, >>55420 ---———————————--——– These people are sick! (Cap: )

>>55417 #11935,

(15 notables, 25 posts, 24 media/files)

Q- >>55415, >>55416

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171533

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9326150 Q Research General #11936: These People Are Stupid - These People Are Sick! Edition

Created 270228ZMAY20




>>55421 Trump Campaign: Twitter ‘Fact Check’ Proof of Silicon Valley Obstruction

>>55422 Q billoards spotted in Panama City Beach, Florida

>>55423 PP officials admit under oath to selling aborted body parts

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PgUULMCzm8c - Fetal Trafficking Under Oath - Planned Parenthood's Admissions About Baby Parts Sales [Channel: The Center for Medical Progress]

>>55424 Taking the skatepark back that Newsom filled with sand! #UnitedWeStand

>>55425 Wednesday 05.20.2020

>>55426, >>55427, >>55428 Fresh DJT

>>55429 Chinese Yuan Suddenly Tumbling

>>55430 David Daleiden to fight ruling forcing him to pay mill's for exposing PP

>>55431 CNN's Don Lemon slams Twitter for not deleting Trump tweets

>>55432 2019 Q Post: GOP Senators demanded DOJ update on PP fetal tissue probe

>>55433 Video: New AP talking point hit piece has pre-mask footage of press pool

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NrQDqg4MERk - Trump messaging split over politics, public health [Channel: Associated Press]

>>55434 How Fear, Groupthink Drove Unnecessary Global Lockdowns

>>55435 ---———————————--——– We Rise or We Die

>>55436, >>55437 rt ---———————— rt "we're in for one hell of a show"

>>55438 Refresh: Graham questions Kavanaugh Military Law vs Criminal Law

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3_gmOsnjrZw - Senator Lindsey Graham Questions Brett Kavanaugh Military Law vs Criminal Law during war on terror [Channel: Sal From Texas]

>>55439 Meme Ammo: Abortion - Planned Parenthood - Fetal Tissue folder added

>>55440 #11936

(17 notables, 20 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>55435, >>55437

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9efe67 (568) No.171534

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9326899 Q Research General #11937: WE RISE OR WE DIE Edition

Created 270319ZMAY20




>>55441, >>55447, >>55458 Plane and Boatfag Reports

>>55442 Updated study revealed 42% of all US CV deaths occurred in nursing homes

>>55443 Circuit Court ruling re POTUS tweets

>>55444 POTUS Schedule for Wednesday, May 27, 2020

>>55445 Video: Baby organ factory?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5cfbe50e8515895e03c37c2704818a13053b7db15a2ea62147594cf201e13cf8.mp4

>>55446 Partial History of National Security Classification EO’s

>>55448 CNN caught wearing masks only while filming

>>55449 Birx's connections to the CF and Obama

>>55450 Mail-In-Voting: Does the cabal own the US postal system? Payseur

>>55451, >>55452, >>55453 ---———————————--——– Australian researchers see virus design manipulation (Cap: )

>>55454, >>55456, >>55457, >>55459 Fresh DJT

>>55455, >>55463 Remember the paper that claimed CV HIV insertions?

>>55460, >>55461, >>55462 Transcript of Q's article

>>55464 #11937

(14 notables, 24 posts, 24 media/files)

Q- >>55451

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9efe67 (568) No.171535

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9327650 Q Research General #11938: The One Hell Of A Show Edition

Created 270409ZMAY20




>>55465 Montagnier: "There was manipulation around this virus"

>>55466 Up-To-Date Meme Ammo Folders List

>>55467, >>55474 Fauci: "this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated"

>>55468 We Rise or We Die. We, the People. Can you see the difference?

>>55469 More on mail-in-voting and the postal system

>>55470 2009 report of dismantling a huge international child pornography ring

>>55471 GOP sues Newsom over vote-by-mail EO

>>55472, >>55479, >>55482, >>55484, >>55486, >>55491 Plane and Boatfag Reports

>>55473 More on Nursing Homes and CV: Data on long term care facilities in PA

>>55475 Officials urged to cancel reported plans for Trump’s July 4th parade

>>55476 Interesting excerpt from Q's article

>>55477, >>55481, >>55490 Minneapolis is lit tonight - shots fired (rubber bullets)

AUDIO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d164db44661b4c64864bb04ac479b5c8a774ea00b2a73dd97fc04b10567b707e.mp3

>>55478, >>55487 On the newly declassified Flynn transcripts

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=o79FNjx2y3Q - Fitton, Solomon weigh in on newly declassified Flynn transcripts [Channel: Fox Business]

>>55480 Central Park Karen, Amy Cooper has now lost her job

>>55483 The law the Flynn leaker is going to be indicted for and charged with breaking

>>55485 SpreadSheet Updated - Patriots, archive offline!

>>55488 Update on ACRONYM and PACRONYM: They set their sites on POTUS

>>55489 Biden Basically Admits He Has Been Hiding In His Basement: ‘It’s Working Pretty Well’

>>55492, >>55493 Resignations in the news 5/26/2020

>>55494 Coronavirus Bioweapon - Interesting dig / Report

>>55495 #11938

(21 notables, 31 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171536

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9328418 Q Research General #11939: The WAR Edition

Created 270533ZMAY20




>>55496, >>55497, >>55502 Updated: Va. Gov. Northam announces statewide mask mandate to begin Friday

>>55498 George Floyd's death sparks massive protests in Minneapolis

>>55499 The EU Foreign Affairs Minister said that the EU is considering weighing thinking about... thinking about a 'robust' message to China over the Hong Kong issue.

>>55500 Meme fodder: Joe Biden Tells Supporters “Wear a Mask”…

>>55501 Alabama Secretary of State Shreds CNN Host for Saying Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud Doesn't Exist

>>55503 Lawyer reveals courtroom tactics that White House reporters can use to treat President Trump like a 'hostile witness' during press briefings

>>55504 The ACLU has dropped its litigation against the seven Texas cities that passed ordinances to effectively prohibit abortion.

>>55505 In silico comparison of spike protein-ACE2 binding affinities across species; significance for the possible origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cecece1a278ea2a5e8afb25ad21ab02be7cb9c1c140652cdeb23d860ee42ad33.pdf

>>55506 Mail-in vote fraud 'more frequent' than in-person voting, academics say

>>55507, >>55514, >>55520 Looks like China is getting further into shenanigans with India

>>55508 Citizen Journalist Busts Democrat Mail-In Voting Nursing Home Scandal in Texas

>>55509 Watchdog Fine is on the sidelines. And now he's resigned.

>>55510, >>55521 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition

>>55511 Twitter exec in charge of effort to fact-check Trump has history of anti-Trump posts, called McConnell a 'bag of farts'

>>55512 Numbers to date suggest relatively little risk --- either for shoppers or, more surprisingly, grocery workers.

>>55513 New estimates released by the CDC indicate that COVID-19 may have an infection fatality rate as low as 0.26%.

>>55515 Hit piece: President Trump has given the Biden campaign a death sentence --- literally.

>>55516 UConn murder suspect Peter Manfredonia’s father recently arrested for groping teen girl

>>55517 It seems that Trump's NatSec Advisor is actively trimming the fat

>>55518 Witness: I saw Bill Clinton on Epstein's 'Orgy Island'

>>55519 Russian Communist Leader Links Coronavirus Vaccine to Microchip Conspiracy Theory

>>55522 #11939

(22 notables, 27 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171537

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9329219 Q Research General #11940: The 'Mail-in vote fraud 'more frequent' than in-person voting' Edition

Created 270912ZMAY20




>>55523, >>55526, >>55530, >>55532, >>55542, >>55548, >>55552, >>55565 Chinese Virus Reports

>>55524, >>55527, >>55531, >>55543, >>55545, >>55547 US MIL News

>>55525, >>55535, >>55537, >>55541, >>55558 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>55528 European Travel Information Authorization System) No vaccine , no travel

>>55529, >>55533, >>55538, >>55544, >>55563, >>55566 Anon Investigation: Lori Klausutis Murder case

>>55534 gretchen whitmer complains she is being victimized by citizens of Michigan

>>55536, >>55540 Financefag reports

>>55539 #Obamagate Document UNCOVERED--Here's How Crossfire Hurricane Began…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XcgUwcTnxmA - NEW: Key #Obamagate Document UNCOVERED--Here's How Crossfire Hurricane Began... [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>55546 Colorado State, facing $100M budget hit, delivers $1,500 checks to undocumented students

>>55549, >>55551 Election Fraud

>>55550, >>55562 Letters of support for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) from Congressional Lawmakers

>>55553, >>55554, >>55557, >>55559, >>55564, >>55567 President Trump News and Tweets

>>55555, >>55556, >>55560 Rioting Breaks Out At Minneapolis Protest, Police Station Surrounded, Vandalized

>>55561 Jack Dorsey (Lily Cole) info

>>55568 #11940

(15 notables, 46 posts, 54 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171538

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9330036 Q Research General #11941 Good Morning America How Are Ya? Edition

Created 271229ZMAY20




>>55569 New DJT w/CAP: Psycho Joe Scarborough is rattled, not only by his bad ratings but all of the things and facts that are coming out...

>>55570 Netizens Identify China's 2nd Carrier Leaving Port From Online Images

>>55571 Governor Whitmer Recall update

>>55572 France bans hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 amid 'safety concerns'

>>55573 Trump vows to 'strongly regulate' social media after Twitter flags two of president's posts

>>55574 Justice closes stock trading probe on three senators, Burr case still open.

>>55575 38 Suspected Online Grooming Paedophiles Arrested in London

>>55576 New DJT w/CAP: he Radical Left Lamestream Media, together with their partner, the Do Nothing Democrats, are trying to spread a new narrative...

>>55577, >>55580 planefag reporting

>>55578 Richard Grenell To Samantha Power: After spending years peddling a Russian collusion hoax, but under oath admitting you saw NOTHING, forgive us if we ignore your new warnings.

>>55579 United States citizen vs. American state national.

>>55581 Legal ‘Scholars’ Embarrass Themselves In Pompous Letter Attacking Michael Flynn

>>55582 House Republicans Lawsuit Over Proxy Voting

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/939424979148f9de234a693052f156eae1ecaf53d01642b7017c1ba062df882c.pdf

>>55583 Kayleigh McEnany: Get the facts about mail-in ballots! Will the media, and @Twitter, acknowledge these real concerns with mass mail-in voting?

>>55584 GE is saying goodbye to its 129-year-old light bulb business

>>55585 TV Stations in US Caught Airing Content Scripted by Amazon -- Report

>>55586 #11941

(17 notables, 18 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171539

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9330798 Q Research General #11942: All [D] Assets Deployed Edition

Created 271424ZMAY20




>>55587, >>55588 New DJT twat bun w/CAPs

>>55589 Federal Government Gives $121k in COVID Relief to a Hospital That's Been Closed Almost a Year

>>55590 Top vaccine scientist says coronavirus is ‘almost perfectly human adapted’

>>55591 twat just gave a powerful argument to reformers who want to strike the liability protections Twitter enjoys under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act./publisher?

>>55592 POTUS offers to mediate India-China border standoff

>>55593 Coronavirus is 'Perfectly Adapted' to Infect Humans Raising Suspicions that it's Either Man-Made or A Complete Nuke of Nature: Australian Scientists

>>55594, >>55595, >>55596, >>55599, >>55602, >>55603, >>55605 planefaggin

>>55597, >>55598, >>55604 Twatter trying to link black killing MN cop to Trump/Make whites great again/DS tactics

>>55600, >>55601 DOJ says it will recommend Trump veto FISA bill

>>55606 Boatfag Report

>>55607, >>55608, >>55609 ---———————————--——– Was this ever about the health and well-being of people? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/07abc4198a5425ac50b0419760cb1c8076f0956372b22840a85c1aa6bb929e66.mp4

>>55610 #11942

(12 notables, 24 posts, 31 media/files)

Q- >>55607

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9efe67 (568) No.171540

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9331555 Q Research General #11943: RED Wave Building, Can (You) Feelz It? Edition

Created 271557ZMAY20




>>55611, >>55612, >>55613, >>55622 ---———————————--——– Ignorant [A] or deliberate [B]? [Accountability] options outside [other than] ballot box? (Caps: )

>>55614 Pompeo declares Hong Kong ‘no longer autonomous,’ slams China

>>55615 Lufthansa board rejects EU conditions on $10 billion bailout

>>55616 Former CNN Digital Producer on How the Network Has Become the Anti-Trump Channel

>>55617 SpaceX Launch is live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Aymrnzianf0 - Making History: NASA and SpaceX Launch Astronauts to Space! (#LaunchAmerica Attempt May 27, 2020) [Channel: NASA]

>>55618 Governor Cuomo to speak at 1 p.m. from Washington, D.C./after WH meeting


>>55620 PF updates

>>55621 PA call for a federal investigation into the PA guidance for nursing homes, personal care, and assisted living facilities during COVID-19.

(9 notables, 12 posts, 7 media/files)

Q- >>55611, >>55619

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9efe67 (568) No.171541

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9332331 Q Research General #11944: Silencing [D]Con Edition

Created 271639ZMAY20




>>55623, >>55627 ---———————————--——– Intelligence was manipulated by [Brennan]. Watch the news. (Cap: )

>>55624 #11943

>>55625 anon bun / Fauci: Hydroxychloroquine not effective against coronavirus

>>55626, >>55628 rt ---———————— We hold these truths to be self-evident

>>55629, >>55637, >>55644 planefaggin

>>55630 QNN - Warp Speed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6580da9bbd4cfeb3310589172521dc1de1b6da2b63d3c49ef5fe5f361256262a.mp4

>>55631 The roots of Obamagate lie in the revelations of another whistleblower Dennis Montgomery who exposed the "Hammer" program run out of CIA

>>55632 anon bun / ATTENTION PRESIDENT TRUMP: Vote-By-Mail a DISASTER In Oregon! WRONG Ballots Sent To Thousands of Voters, Non Citizens Automatically Registered, Tech Tyrants Silencing Those Who Speak Out

>>55633 anon bun / In Landmark Decision, Pompeo Tells Congress Hong Kong No Longer Independent From China

>>55634 Italy and Belgium join France in rejecting hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 treatment

>>55635 BUSTED! New Mexico Liberal Governor Michelle Grisham Locks Down State --- Then Calls Jewelry Store for Special Purchase — And Now She Can’t Get Her Story Straight

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=86wkAKM2gys - Did the governor break her own rules? [Channel: KRQE]

>>55636 anon bun / More than 60% of nursing homes fail to test all residents, staff members for COVID-19

>>55638 anon bun / Obama Held Official State Dinner with Italy Three Days Before Carter Page FISA Warrant Kicked Off

>>55639 anon bun / Google Drive Takes Down PERSONAL Copy Of “Plandemic”

>>55640 anon bun / Boeing Slashes 6,770 US Workers, Sees No Recovery In Air Travel For "Years"

>>55641 Amazon & media roasted online after TV stations aired segments scripted by company’s PR team

>>55642 Amtrak Seeks Billion Dollar Bailout, Prepares To Slash 20% Of Workforce As Ridership Crashes

>>55643 anon bun / Rod Rosenstein will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week about Crossfire Hurricane

>>55645 #11944

(19 notables, 23 posts, 35 media/files)

Q- >>55623, >>55628

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171542

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9333094 Q Research General #11945: Fuck Brennan! Edition

Created 271723ZMAY20




>>55646 anon bun

>>55647 Thursday 05.21.2020

>>55648 anon bun / HALF of positive coronavirus antibody tests could be wrong & give false sense of security -- top US health agency

>>55649 Rubio warns Twitter after it puts fact-check label on Trump tweet - May no longer be shielded from liablity/publisher

>>55650 anon bun / GOP Whip Steve Scalise announces he will whip against the FISA reauthorization bill

>>55651 anon bun / U.S. Takes Aim At The Power Behind Venezuela’s Maduro -- His First Lady

>>55652 Germany Bans Hezbollah, How is Germany important to Hezbollah?

>>55653 anon bun / Tech billionaires are plotting sweeping, secret plans to boost Joe Biden

>>55654 Rosenstein to testify as part of Graham's Russia probe investigation

>>55655 Hollywood Celebrates Twitter Fact Checking Trump on Vote By Mail: ‘Welcome to Accountability B**ch’

>>55656 anon bun / Here Are The Americans Most In Bed With The Chinese Government

>>55657 anon bun / Twitter’s Trump ‘Fact Check’ Does Not Disclose Company Partnered with Groups Pushing Mail-In Ballots

>>55658 Digits call it right D5

>>55659 anon bun / CDC Shifts, Says It’s ‘Possible’ for Coronavirus to Spread on Surfaces Despite Previous Report

>>55660 anon bun / Mexican National Guardsmen, Marines Apparently Escort Cartel Drug Loads

>>55661 Larry Kramer, AIDs activist, dies at 84

>>55662 anon bun / Ghislane Maxwell Requests Change-of-Venue to NM

>>55663 Anger After Croatian Capital City Replaces Pride Flags with Pro-Life Banners

>>55664 @MittRomney I know Joe Scarborough. Joe is a friend of mine. I don't know T.J. Klausutis. Joe can weather vile, baseless accusations but T.J.? His heart is breaking. Enough already.

>>55665 Boatfag Report

>>55666 WSJ-Presidential Smear-They are starting to figure it out.

>>55667 PF updates

>>55668 Interesting dig. File under Irish CABAL, bono, child sex abuse, defenders of jimmy saville/ “Who Is Ireland’s Barbara Hewson? Age of Consent to 13, Murder, and Bono. 1498 Til Now”

>>55669 ---———————————--——– Control of narrative [threat]? Information Warfare. (Cap: , vid: )

>>55670, >>55671 anon bun / Head of Twitter's 'site integrity' in charge of fact-checking Trump has previously tweeted the administration are Nazis

>>55672 anon bun / Facebook appoints Israeli censor to oversight board



>>55675 anon bun / President of El Salvador Announces That He is Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Says ‘Most World Leaders’ Doing the Same

>>55676 #11945

(30 notables, 31 posts, 49 media/files)

Q- >>55669

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9efe67 (568) No.171543

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9333820 Q Research General #11946: D5 Will Bury DS, Go Go Digital Warriors Edition

Created 271816ZMAY20




>>55677 The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses

>>55678 Space X Dragon visible from Europe T+23 min

>>55679 8Kun now hosted in Russia

>>55680 anon bun

>>55681 Huawei CFO loses key aspect of U.S. extradition case in Canada court

>>55682, >>55694, >>55702, >>55703 planefaggin

>>55683 boatfaggin

>>55684 anon bun / Joni Ernst’s Campaign Exposes Theresa Greenfield’s Anti-Corporate PAC Hypocrisy

>>55685 Grenell to Power: After spending years peddling a Russian collusion hoax, but under oath admitting you saw NOTHING, forgive us if we ignore your new warnings

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/101c4e042d8beeabbdf80871f152512ae91a881d926be39ca48822212f83c042.mp4

>>55686 anon bun / Tulsi Gabbard drops lawsuit against Hillary Clinton over ‘Russian asset’ smear

>>55687 anon bun / After Joe Biden announced he was running for president in April 2018, the University received over $70 million dollars from China

>>55688 ---———————————--——– Control of narrative [threat]? Information Warfare. (Cap: , vid: )

>>55689 Gates Foundation Buys Stock in Google, Twitter, Apple and Amazon in First Quarter Before Pushing Pandemic Panic Pron

>>55690 anon bun / Obsessive partisanship’: Pew Research blasted for misleading tweet casting Dem districts as doing better on Covid-19 deaths

>>55691 anon bun / USSC 1905 Ruling On Mandatory Vaccines HENNING JACOBSON, Plff. in Err., v. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS.

>>55692 anon bun / Minnesota FF?

>>55693 @USMC Perfect View

>>55695, >>55696, >>55698, >>55699 POTUS coming into Kennedy

>>55697, >>55701 Despite Confiscation, New Zealand Sees Most Gun Crime In A Decade

>>55700 anon bun / At Least 11 Local News Stations Caught Airing The Exact Same Amazon Propaganda Segment

>>55704 anon bun / TOP FBI RAT OUT Wray & the Bombshells Are Epic

>>55705, >>55706 ---———————————--——– The more you know… (Cap: )

>>55707 anon bun / High Court justice: Government run by indicted prime minister a ‘moral failure'

>>55708 anon bun / Gantz walks out of meeting with Netanyahu after Regev calls him ‘half-baked’

>>55709 ---———————————--——– 'Tyranny' is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.

(25 notables, 33 posts, 50 media/files)

Q- >>55705, >>55709

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171544

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9334611 Q Research General #11947: The More Your Know........... Edition

Created 271911ZMAY20




>>55710 pb What feminists have done to our young women

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MY5c3p1ZMd4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55711 #11946

>>55712, >>55715 pic of Kennedy Space Center, out of only plane allowed in that sector, AF1

>>55713 anon bun

>>55714 pb @RepMattGaetz drafting bill to drop big tech legal immunity over one-sided "fact checks"

>>55716 Mail-Order Presidency: Democrats Will Do Anything to Beat Trump in November

>>55717 Gov. Whitmer admits husband tried to get special treatment from boat dock

>>55718 pb Former Pelosi Aides Cash in as Coronavirus Lobbyists

>>55719 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#113

>>55720 pb EU’s “Farm to Fork” Exposed: Total Takeover of Food in EU’s “Green Deal”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Fhk21aCPt_4 - EU's "Farm to Fork" Exposed: Total Takeover of Food in EU's "Green Deal" [Channel: Ice Age Farmer]

>>55721 planefaggin

>>55722 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#113 >>>/comms/14870,

>>55723 pb Portland, OR Pays Antifa Militant Who Praises Cop Killers for Taking Rubber Bullet During Violent Protest

>>55724 @NASA They’re ready. Are you?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a2ab1b256d33bb91aec25922da2b3ad26a1fa748b6fb5ed19ce924eca101cee.mp4

>>55725 Boeing job cuts start to hit 12,000 US workers

>>55726 SpaceX’s launch director reports the only issue the team is currently tracking is weather.

>>55727 Democrats drop controversial surveillance amendment

>>55728 Weather "trending in the right direction" - official launch commentary T minus 42 minutes

>>55729 #11947

(19 notables, 20 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171545

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9335393 Q Research General #11948: NASA askin if Anons Are Ready? KEK Edition

Created 272002ZMAY20



>>55730, >>55736 Anons on "overcriminalization": intentionally passing laws that are impossible to follow

>>55731, >>55732, >>55733, >>55734, >>55735, >>55739, >>55751 SpaceX launch aborted due to weather - next window May 30th

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Aymrnzianf0 - Making History: NASA and SpaceX Launch Astronauts to Space! (#LaunchAmerica Attempt May 27, 2020) [Channel: NASA]

>>55737, >>55741 planefaggin

>>55738 New NSA twat account: @NSACyber

>>55740 Spreadsheet & off-site galleries are updated through today

>>55742 Kamala Harris on Smollett "false claims to police"; Twatter user requests a fact check

>>55743, >>55745 Yahoo News links to RED-Pill Rush episode

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cDy63Pwrs6Q - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55744 Twitter's Trump 'Fact Check' does not disclose company partnered with groups pushing mail-in ballots

>>55746, >>55748 Pic of AF1 from NASA screencast

>>55747 Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley: Trump has failed to justify ouster of watchdogs, fueling political speculation

>>55749 @RepMarkGreen twat: Tyranny = power in the hands of few. @SpeakerPelosi's proxy-voting scheme...

>>55750 OAN: Jacksonville, FL mayor offers to host RNC if it needs a new location

>>55752 #11948

>>55753 SpaceX launch scrubbed 17 minutes before scheduled time, Q#438 connection; Qoincidence?

(14 notables, 24 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171546

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9336183 Q Research General #11949: Eyes On SpaceX Edition

Created 272058ZMAY20



>>55754 Operation Overlord: Give POTUS better chance in 2020 Election

>>55755, >>55763 Boatfag updates on Iranian tankers in Venezuela

>>55756, >>55759, >>55760 SpaceX launch scrubbed 17 minutes before scheduled time, Q#438 connection; Qoincidence?

>>55757 ---———————————--——– Control of narrative [threat]? Information Warfare. (Cap: , vid: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZwfOZB9IWx0 - QAnon conspiracy theory's growing influence on American politics [Channel: CBS News]

>>55758 AAAND IT'S GONE: Bill De Blasio Says NYC Facing $9 BILLION Deficit Due to Shutdown

>>55761, >>55768 Canceled Contact Tracing Contract Reveals Michigan Authorized Democrat Firm to Recruit 400 Volunteers to Collect Medical Information

>>55762, >>55767 Rod Rosenstein Scheduled to Testify to Senate Judiciary Committee -- June 3rd, 10:00am

>>55764 Alexandria, VA Somali-born US citizen charged with conspiring and supporting terrorist organization

>>55765, >>55771 Facebook Slams WSJ Report For 'Ignoring Critical Facts' On Polarizing Content

>>55766 Tulsi Gabbard drops lawsuit against Hillary Clinton: "Defeating Trump more important"

>>55769, >>55773 Moar on SpaceX launch

>>55770 Idaho State track athletes want transgender lawsuit tossed: "Female defeat by a male athlete is uniquely demoralizing..."

>>55772, >>55801 planefaggin

>>55774 Grenell Destroys Unmasking Queen Samantha Power After She Crawls Out of Her Hole to Peddle More Russia Conspiracy Theories

>>55775 Churches infiltrated: "What Christians Should Know About QAnon" (hint: it is NOT a Satanic movement!)

>>55776 Nolte on Breitbart: Remember that time Team Obama accused Romney of killing a woman?

>>55777 Suddenly Everything is Too Big to Fail -- John Rubino

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oWurHnrRmzo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55778 Twitter Lets Verified Users Spread Fake Photo Linking MN Cop to ‘Make Whites Great Again’ Hat

>>55779 Fox News' Napolitano said he will "defend to the death" Twitter's right to fact-check POTUS

>>55780 Venezuela Allowed To Sell UK-Stored Gold To Buy Food And Medicine

>>55781 Report: Silicon Valley Billionaires Join Forces Behind Joe Biden; Plans Include ‘Partisan News Sites’

>>55782 Texan drives to Snohomish, WA to defend "outlaw barber" cutting hair

>>55783 New DJT: Thank you to @NASA and @SpaceX for their hard work and leadership.

>>55784 Buck Sexton (news host, former CIA analyst) meeting with POTUS

>>55785, >>55788, >>55790, >>55795 Andrew Cuomo's nursing home order deleted from NY Health Dept. website; blames nursing homes for obeying HIS ORDERS

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9be2abea346d3cd4bfd2a2276f23b7f4c58fc7d3af2ce90364f585deb4c3c26.pdf

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bccd53b6f85be27e372bd8c3cee27a3debba8c87d78317692af1a6b1639fd3bb.mp4

>>55786 US ends ALL BUT ONE sanctions waivers for Iran nuclear facilities

>>55787, >>55792, >>55800 moar about upcoming Senate Judiciary hearings on Crossfire Hurricane

>>55789, >>55794, >>55799 US is preparing to charge Venezuelan first lady Flores with crimes that could include drug trafficking and corruption

>>55791 AG Barr To Recommend Trump Veto Latest FISA Bill If Passed

>>55793 Jordan: World cannot stay silent in face of Israeli annexation

>>55796 @RepGosar twat: So we have the ability to trace interactions between individuals with COVID-19 but not Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile ring?

>>55797 ‘Obsessive partisanship’: Pew Research blasted for misleading tweet casting Dem districts as doing better on Covid-19 deaths

>>55798 Democrat Leaders Aren’t Stupid, But Their Actions Against Americans Are Evil

>>55802 BREAKING: House to Hold First Ever ‘Proxy Vote’ Since Congress First Met in 1789, GOP Sues to Stop

>>55803 #11949

(35 notables, 50 posts, 57 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171547

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9336975 Q Research General #11950: Huge Loaf Edition

Created 272206ZMAY20




>>55804, >>55805 Joe Biden Accused of Farting During Virtual Event with Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf

>>55806 Facebook Whistleblowers: Company Failed to Report Illegal Activity

>>55807 Pompeo declares that Hong Kong is no longer autonomous from China, threatening trade with U.S.

>>55808, >>55809, >>55811, >>55825 GOP leader McCarthy EXPLODES from House Floor as Congress holds first ever 'Vote by Proxy'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/351ffa0d009ea9978c218d37330c5ecdd8e740049c3f1ecc7a49c903ae2e01fd.mp4

>>55810 Outrage as Amazon’s Alexa listens to Brits having sex, rowing, swearing and sharing medical news

>>55812 Sen. Josh Hawley on Twat: @jack: a few questions for you below

>>55814 Report: Silicon Valley Billionaires Join Forces Behind Joe Biden; Plans Include ‘Partisan News Sites’

>>55815 Hertz Global Holdings sold by Carl Icahn: $55.34m-May 26

>>55816, >>55820, >>55823, >>55826, >>55832 POTUS will sign an executive order tomorrow about social media and internet companies, @PressSec tells reporters on AF1

>>55817 Global report: EU countries block hydroxychloroquine, South Korea fears new spike

>>55818 Philippines Finds 260% Spike in Online Sex Abuse of Children During Lockdown

>>55819 Twitter Hires Chinese Communist Party-Linked AI Expert Who Wanted to Hide ‘Secret’ Weapons Contracts

>>55821 Pennsylvania public school board rejects geography textbook as left-wing 'indoctrination' due to climate change content

>>55822 With Unemployment Rate at 15% -- Nine RINO Senators Including Lindsey Graham Push President Trump to Offer More Work Visas to Foreigners

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Wtw73CQmQYI - Nine RINO Senators Including Lindsey Graham Write President to offer more work visas to foreigners [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>55824 Venezuelan asylum-seekers warn that lockdown-era America is a taste of socialism

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vw7cFwuIxXw - If you like the shutdown ... then you'll love this [Channel: The Fund For American Studies]

>>55827 Rubio: Coronavirus conspiracy theories could be used in foreign election misinformation campaigns

>>55828 EU Trying To Take Over Serbia-Kosovo Negotiations From U.S.

>>55829, >>55830 POTUS At my request, the FBI and the DOJ are already well into an investigation as to the very sad and tragic death in Minnesota of George Floyd…

>>55831 Chinese Yuan Suddenly Tumbling

>>55833 Epstein Lawyer: ‘It Was Homicide, But I Don’t Know Who Killed Him’

>>55834 Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) Drafting Bill to Drop Big Tech’s Legal Immunity over One-Sided ‘Fact Checks’

>>55835 Zuckerberg knocks Twitter for fact-checking Trump, says private companies shouldn't be 'the arbiter of truth'

>>55836 Israeli army is bracing for violence after West Bank annexation

>>55837 ‘Horrific’: Naked, underweight teenagers found locked in room in Brisbane

>>55838, >>55839, >>55840, >>55843 FDA Commissioner’s Personal Interventions on Behalf of Trump’s Favorite Chloroquine Doctor

>>55841, >>55842 MN protests not looking good

>>55844 Gun Grabbers are Making Texas a Huge Political Priority in 2020

>>55845 Tampa, FL Man Charged with Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS

>>55846 Police: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas soldier saved lives by stopping shooter on bridge

>>55847 UConn fugitive Peter Manfredonia was neighbors with Sandy Hook's Adam Lanza

>>55848 Turns out 'Central Park Karen' was an Obama and Buttigieg donor

>>55849 Manfredonia family hires attorney, says suspect has 'history of mental health issues'

>>55850 #11950,

(33 notables, 46 posts, 43 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171548

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9337729 Q Research General #11951: Shills n Lag. Comfy. Edition

Created 272334ZMAY20



>>55851, >>55867 5 questions posed to MSM by WH Press Sec on May 22 and diggz by anon about them (Flynn unmask, Obama knowledge, Clapper Brennan Power Rice perjury)

>>55852, >>55853 Analysis and memes of 2014 article on Obama's weaponization of government

>>55854 @joebiden useless twat: Presidents are supposed to lead by example

>>55855, >>55862 Speaker Pelosi says that “every crisis is” an opportunity....

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a4e4819b571fa460bdb189c85050c82373244a05137479a3ed57a8c1abd57bdd.mp4

>>55856 Project Veritas: Silicon Valley is being exposed

>>55857, >>55858 HAPPENING NOW: Rioters looting Target store in Minneapolis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5696fd38b58683c2fff718329451d9e7ac5bfe9f8b5760e25c866de033c0579.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa3976a9b5fd73f12e575ca26461ae06856a0dce766f775a9c0684181d727430.mp4

>>55859 FL teacher convicted of sex crimes requests castration as punishment; denied

>>55860 Gander, meet goose: Executive in charge of Twitter rule enforcement under fire for anti-Trump postings

>>55861, >>55863, >>55865 President Trump Vows to Veto FISA Reauthorization if Passed…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1lAawxSwPEA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>55864 FNC’s Andrew Napolitano: I’ll ‘Defend to the Death’ Twitter’s Right to "Fact Check" Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rHj4PKbIMyk - Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano defends Twitter's fact check of Trump [Channel: Raw Videos]

>>55866 Trump Offers To "Mediate" India & China's "Raging Border Dispute" Amid Military Build-Up

>>55868, >>55870, >>55873 planefaggin

>>55869, >>55871 @marcorubio The House has just passed our #Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 holding #China accountable by a vote of 413-1.

>>55872 New Ben Garrison

>>55874 Appointment of Fei-Fei Li to the board of directors (Twitter) Petition calls for investigation into Twitter censorship after hiring of Li Fei-Fei

>>55875 NSA’s Social Network Mapping is More Vast, Omnipresent and Horrifying Than Snowden Revealed

>>55876 Former CDU politician receives €550,000 annually from taxpayers for migrant hotel

>>55877 How To Sue Your Governor

>>55878 #11951

(19 notables, 28 posts, 47 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171549

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9338527 Q Research General #11952: When do you expend ammunition? Edition

Created 280106ZMAY20



>>55879, >>55881 SYRIA UPDATE

>>55880 LEO that killed George Floyd diggz

>>55882 Inside the bitter rivalry that may be driving the ridiculous border dispute costing Australia BILLIONS

>>55883, >>55890, >>55894, >>55896 planefaggin and boatfaggin

>>55884 Potus: Big Tech is doing everything in their very considerable power to CENSOR in advance of the 2020 Election

>>55885, >>55886, >>55888 Black Lives Matter protestors attacking police cars on 101 freeway in LA during vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ed4c267b86eeb35520d2e08d51ef7a06bf3aeb75ebcb522f32e910c9026e1ad.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/109d1d10eb042cf59945cdcc76e9cd0b12a9b07107d142925dcf4f840be28e25.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/681b1caf68637705d6f619c468a940ea04baea97ec9e4ec466e3583ee3970655.mp4

>>55887 Government Audit Reveals 320 NGOs In Greece Aiding And Abetting Third World Invasion Of Europe

>>55889 POTUS Schedule for Thursday, May 28, 2020

>>55891, >>55892 Rubio a sleeper?

>>55893 @USArmy Warriors Wanted!

>>55895 Potus: Texas Supreme Court: Lack of immunity to COVID-19 alone not enough to vote by mail

>>55897 #11952

(12 notables, 19 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171550

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9339282 Q Research General #11953: Warriors Wanted! We Got The Best! Edition

Created 280217ZMAY20



>>55898 Baking seminar #16 TOMORROW at 7pm ET (also added to the dough)

>>55899 AG Barr has tapped US Attorney John Bash to review the unmasking issue. Bash is tasked with looking at episodes that occurred both before and after the 2016 election

>>55900 Who else gave the less than elite (We are the elite. We know how to WIN!) 260 great new Federal Judges, 2 SCJ’s, Low Taxes, biggest ever REG. CUTS, Rebuilt Military, Choice, saved 2A & MUCH more? Not Sleepy Joe!

>>55901 RR statement on upcoming June 3 testimony Senate Judiciary committee

>>55902 Britain closes embassy in North Korea, evacuates diplomats

>>55903 John solomon: The FBI documents that put Barack Obama in the ‘Obamagate’ narrative

>>55904, >>55905, >>55906 Peter Manfredonia has been captured

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cQqOdIDKmu4 - The Arrest of Chris Manfredonia Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, Newtown [Channel: jack lopez]

>>55907 IRAN oil tanker in Venezuela

>>55908 boatfaggin and planefaggin

>>55909 twatterer dig thread on George Floyd

>>55910 #11953

(11 notables, 13 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171551

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9340073 Q Research General #11954: Was this ever about the health and well-being of people? Edition

Created 280331ZMAY20



>>55911 @TomFitton and @jack clarifying yesterdays "fact check" and issuing an update

>>55912 New DJT - He looks better! (Biden w mask on)

>>55913 Pompeo: US ending #Iran sanction waivers, measure effective in 60 days

>>55914 Beijing reportedly preparing two-carrier drills as US Lancer bombers patrol South China Sea

>>55915, >>55919 planefaggin and boatfaggin

>>55916 "Fuck the flag, fuck America," protesters in L.A. exclaim. BLM protesters are trying to burn an American flag while blocking traffic in downtown Los Angeles.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/be065188877117f5ec8d7ca5a23753e1d24b9e13ba403d1074910a79ff78eaba.mp4

>>55917, >>55918 reports of pawn shop owner shooting a looter (still just claims but we got a vid naow)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0fc2bca00ed18c1033f7c2c009bb5a9498e95ebe95dba125312d96a7160fb6ad.mp4

>>55920 reports from twatterer - NG inbound to Minn w water canons (no official sauce)

>>55921 Target after 'teh looting'

>>55922 #11954

(10 notables, 12 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171552

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9340838 Q Research General #11955: The Graveyard Shift Edition

Created 280432ZMAY20



>>55923 Springer would be proud: Florida data scientist axed for refusing to alter COVID-19 stats, fired from university job for having affair with student.

>>55924 For keks: Woman from Kekistan enters United States Post Office to protest the COVID scam.

>>55925, >>55926 The situation has escalated at the Minneapolis 3rd Police Precinct.

>>55927 Google Trends for 'ILS approach'

>>55928 Anon dig: Congressional Member Organizations (CMOs).. What's dis?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/359ca7dfb8ff408f476ad1881b586e543693873aac0ace54a78e139a459b3235.pdf

>>55929 Executive Order on Social Media Companies Will Be Signed on Thursday - White House

>>55930 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition

>>55931 News Corp to cut jobs in restructure towards digital-only community and regional newspapers

>>55932 UPDATE: National Guard support requested by city to combat riots in South Minneapolis

>>55933 Voltaren manufacturers fined $4.5m for misleading consumers over arthritis gel claims. What else are they misrepresenting?

>>55934 Gosar: So we have the ability to trace interactions between individuals with Covid-19 but not Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile ring?

>>55935 ---———————————--——– USA v Japan. Reconcile. Critical thinking. (Cap: )

>>55936 Japan Ends Coronavirus Emergency With 850 Deaths and No Lockdown

>>55937 #11955

(14 notables, 15 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171553

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9341684 Q Research General #11956: The 'Executive Decisions For Social Media' Edition

Created 280605ZMAY20



>>55938 103-year-old Massachusetts woman beats coronavirus, celebrates with Bud Light

>>55939 AP: Iran's parliament elects a hard-line former mayor of Tehran as the legislative body's new speaker. Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, a challenger in Iran's 2017 presidential election.

>>55940 Disney World is set to reopen on July 11 with masks and temperature checks required

>>55941 Ballot bullshit: I got two California ballots. You are correct about the registration rolls and I haven’t even moved in 6 years.

>>55942 Business owners at a loss over potentially missing Phase 2 deadline

>>55943 United States Strategic Approach to The People’s Republic of China

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70e98e009c62a40c030b7520c30a8d2a2dea96524138b2071424b202e93ab0c5.pdf

>>55944 China's parliament approved directly imposing national security legislation on #HongKong.

>>55945 Two pro-democracy lawmakers were removed from Hong Kong's Legislative Council where lawmakers were debating a bill that would make disrespect of China's national anthem a criminal offense

>>55946 Allegedly, Ilhan Omar’s daughter has been aiding and abetting rioters in Minneapolis.

>>55947 Australian arm of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp to stop printing more than 100 regional newspapers after the coronavirus shutdown gutted advertising revenue, accelerating a downturn in the country’s media sector

>>55948 One of the architects of Israel's and #Sudan's normalization of relations, Najwa Gadaheldam, died of #coronavirus after being flown to #Israel to receive treatment according to foreign sources.

>>55949 A cyber winter is coming and it will be faster than suspected, Israel’s #cyber czar warned on Wednesday, a week after #Iran tried hacking #Israel’s water system.

>>55950 #11956,

(13 notables, 13 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171554

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9342542 Q Research General #11957: The 'Executive Orders Are Best Served Officially' Edition

Created 280753ZMAY20



>>55951 Just Can't Make This Shit Up: The @WHO halted trials of Chloroquine because its not safe. Nobody told them Chloroquine is on their "Model List of Essential Medicines".

>>55952 'Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt' News Round Up: AM Edition

>>55953 OpEd: It’s time for conservatives to speak out against police brutality and confront a union-rigged system of “accountability.”

>>55954 Medicare chief Verma blasts Cuomo for trying to deflect blame onto White House for NY nursing home deaths

>>55955 As Chief Prosecutor, Klobuchar Declined to Bring Charges Against Cop that Killed George Floyd in multiple prior incidents

>>55956 COVID Recap: The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses

>>55957, >>55960 Planefag reports

>>55958 ZH: 7 Ways The DNC Will Use Contact-Tracers For Biden's Campaign To Oust Trump

>>55959 An active-duty US Army soldier based in Kansas stopped a suspected gunman by ramming him with his vehicle on Wednesda

>>55961 Russia flew unmarked military aircraft to Libya to evacuate mercenaries, US claims

>>55962 Deadly shooting, arson, looting and armed vigilantes grip city after George Floyd’s death

>>55963 Protests erupt over Floyd death, flag burned, highway blocked

>>55964, >>55965 US to cancel visas for thousands of Chinese grad students with ties to Chinese military schools: report

>>55966 OpEd: Understanding just how brilliant it was to assign John Bash to investigate ‘unmaskings’

>>55967 Article about Epstein doc on Netflix

>>55968 U.S. unit to arrive in Colombia to help fight drug trafficking

>>55969 #11957

(17 notables, 19 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171555

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9343402 Q Research General #11958: The 'Multiple Prior Patterns' Edition

Created 281120ZMAY20




>>55970, >>55974, >>55976 Jack Dorsey fires back at Zuckerberg, defends fact-checking Trump tweets. Trump twat fuggery going on right now?

>>55971 POTUS to sign social media EO today???

>>55972 Pew Research Center slammed for 'partisan' spin on coronavirus data

>>55973, >>55975, >>55977, >>55990 New DJT twat bun w/CAPs. POTUS spelling err: s/b happen(ed)

>>55978, >>55982, >>55984 Diggz on Mayor of Minneapolis: Jacob Frey

>>55979 Chuck Grassley: corn is 3 inches now. I’ll give u another update in 1 week #cornwatch picture is misleading but height determined fr center...

>>55980 DOJ asks US attorney to review process in wake of Flynn fiasco

>>55981 CM aware and investigating board performance

>>55983, >>55986, >>55989 planefag reporting

>>55985 Minneapolis Pawn Shop Owner Shot & Killed Suspected Looter

>>55987 ICE boss rips move to make sharing illegal immigrant data a crime

>>55988 financefag reporting

>>55991 Eric Swalwell / Grenell twat battle: Tick tock. “Those are coming.” Well, you’re no longer director and the Flynn tapes never came...

>>55992 #11958

(14 notables, 23 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171556

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9344296 Q Research General #11959: Thursday Thuggery. Made Possible By the Soros Foundation Edition

Created 281404ZMAY20




>>55993 anon posits: why is POTUS going along with the 100,000 death from COVID number again when the CDC has 76,874 on their chart?

>>55994 A mini dig on states voting by mail

>>55995 (continued from lb) Grenell response to Swalwel. Battle Royale continues.

>>55996, >>55999, >>56001, >>56003 planefag reporting

>>55997, >>56000 New DJT twat bun w/CAPs.

>>55998 (continued from lb) Diggz on Mayor of Minneapolis: Jacob Frey

>>56002 US-China big chill may freeze out Chinese students from American university research labs

>>56004 Russia WILL NOT ban hydroxychloroquine, drug taken by US President Trump, for use in treating Covid-19

>>56005, >>56009 North Korea warns US to prepare for 'Christmas gift,' but no one's sure what to expect

>>56006 The “Obstruction of Justice Trap” -- Former AAG Matt Whitaker Confirms Mueller Probe Was Used As Weapon to Cover Coup Effort….

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tEi-g1vf3H4 - Matthew Whitaker: Flynn “Improperly Targeted”; Obstruction of Justice Trap; Communist China Threat [Channel: American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times]

>>56007 DOJ plans ‘robust’ probe with FBI legal team as rioting, fires, looting grip Minneapolis

>>56008 Assange's Lawyers Continue to Demand His Release on Bail Due to High COVID-19 Health Risks


>>56011 Heads up Wash St. anons: Anon Leon Lawson running for Governor

>>56012 House Pulls Surveillance Measure After Trump Tells Republicans to Vote No

>>56013 Trump crafts executive order on social media, weighs commission to probe bias amid Twitter fight

>>56014 Republican drops bid to unseat AOC, blames Cuomo's 'draconian' orders for hindering campaign

>>56015 #11959

(18 notables, 23 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171557

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9345091 Q Research General #11960: POTUS About To EO Some Fairness Edition

Created 281533ZMAY20



>>56016 Call to diggz murders from PA VA=Rohan Blackwood/Deborah Mullane

>>56017, >>56018, >>56022, >>56030 anons on Q's Japan post

>>56019 A few scenes from the aftermath here in Minneapolis. #GeorgeFloyd #minneapolisriots

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b411822a5fb278cbe7af30ff89d14b56bbddbca12c700050964803f69f597a8e.mp4

>>56020 American Journal of Epidemiology provides data on the safety & efficacy of HCQ+azithromycin and Zinc in treating COVID19 outpatients

>>56021 How did Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe know about the risk of a pandemic in October 2019?

>>56023 Flashback 2010 In regards to free speech, 1A/internet - History and Context

>>56024 Trump expected to sign executive order targeting Twitter, Facebook

>>56025, >>56031, >>56037, >>56039, >>56041 planefaggin

>>56026, >>56027, >>56032, >>56034, >>56036 Catherine Herridge pens have me mildly intrigued

>>56028 Holy Moly! Qanon hit piece pegs anons as a ‘HYPER-REAL’ RELIGION

>>56029 Morgan Stanley not given advisory role on Aramco pipeline sale

>>56033 German police raids homes of anti-government groups

>>56035 Barr taps John Bash, to investigate ‘unmasking’ as part of Russia probe review

>>56038 New York Times Admits Report on 26-Yr-Old E.R. Doctor Who Died from Coronavirus Was Completely Made Up

>>56040 Senate Dems raise alarm on 'captured' federal courts as Trump, Republicans keep judicial confirmations coming

>>56042, >>56043 ---———————————--——– re:USA v Japan, Ask yourself a very simple question - was it known [common sense and [early] medical reports] elderly community most at risk? (Cap: )

>>56044 #11960

(17 notables, 29 posts, 30 media/files)

Q- >>56042

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9efe67 (568) No.171558

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9345841 Q Research General #11961: Didn't Go Well For the Nazi's the First Time EO Coming Edition

Created 281631ZMAY20




>>56045 ---———————————--——– Avg pneumonia-influenza death(s) per season? Sometimes a wayback machine can find many easter eggs [CDC data then vs now].

>>56046 Potus: So ridiculous to see Twitter trying to make the case that Mail-In Ballots are not subject to FRAUD

>>56047 Timeline of a Plandemic

>>56048 PF updates

>>56049 flu deaths pdfs 2019 and 2015

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c22aa7e0fdb7fdbd7f6b42af15442329ee81366f11abd198b9b1cb13c75edfd5.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1bca1f8a79ba9ca0d0a3f76bd194f9971ce69de5580518144306e51fa6dd246d.pdf

>>56050 Japan firm says its deep UV light deactivates coronavirus 99.9%

>>56051, >>56052 ---———————————--——– At what point should this be reclassified as murder? Evil surrounds us. (Cap: )

>>56053, >>56054 ---———————————--——– At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid [excuse]? Evil surrounds us. (Cap: )

>>56055, >>56057 ---———————————--——– At what point should this be reclassified as murder? (Cap: pdf, )

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9b179c02a7f48bd6373bc2901168433a2595b0470834a23666daf482c28e36da.pdf

>>56056 #11961

(10 notables, 13 posts, 14 media/files)

Q- >>56045, >>56051, >>56053, >>56055

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9efe67 (568) No.171559

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9346566 Q Research General #11962: Evil Surrounds Us Edition

Created 281710ZMAY20



>>56058 Minneapolis mayor calls for national guard over George Floyd protests

>>56059 ---———————————--——– At what point should this be reclassified as murder? (Cap: pdf, )

>>56060, >>56062 ---———————————--——– At what point should this be reclassified as murder? (Cap: )

>>56061 Sunday 05.24.2020

>>56063 ---———————————--——– Japan vs USA 2 + 2 = 5?

>>56064 flu wayback diggz

>>56065 China Secures Brazilian Soy As Trade War Restart Appears Imminent

>>56066 EO draft official announcement

>>56067 DTIC ADA511154: The 2009 Influenza Pandemic: An Overview

>>56068, >>56069 ---———————————--——– The truth is right in front of you. ( Cap: )

(10 notables, 12 posts, 8 media/files)

Q- >>56060, >>56063, >>56068

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9efe67 (568) No.171560

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9347412 Q Research General #11963: Making Doom Great Again Edition

Created 281747ZMAY20




>>56070 U.S. state of Arizona files consumer fraud lawsuit against Google

>>56071, >>56073, >>56075, >>56080, >>56084 wayback CDC flu diggz

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a08a6b15488187bce8a281f274582e60d2b8033d2bc7d5167413c65b1b0d7d5.pdf

>>56072 President Macron battles to salvage his image amid PPE fiasco after it emerged France burned a BILLION masks ahead of coronavirus pandemic

>>56074 Trump's draft order targets legal protections for social media platforms

>>56076 WH presser Live Now

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W5vi4zWkljc - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>56077 Rep. Jim Jordan on why House Republicans are holding up FISA bill

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-Ad05N-pZIQ - Rep. Jim Jordan on why House Republicans are holding up FISA bill [Channel: Fox Business]

>>56078 Genocide vs Murder

>>56079, >>56093 planefaggin

>>56081, >>56083 Police chief: Much of riot damage caused by those from outside Minneapolis

>>56082 Actress Frances Fisher Calls For A 'Race War' Against White People In Wake Of George Floyd's Death

>>56085 EasyJet Plans To Slash 30% Of Workforce, Reduce Fleet, Expects Low Demand Until 2023

>>56086 Diggies for Seth Rich, may he rest in peace, Q will avenge him

>>56087 Tanzanian President Bans Wearing Of Face Masks

>>56088 moar Grennel vs swallowell

>>56089 Based OC California Sheriff Won’t Enforce Masks: ‘We Are Not the Mask Police’

>>56090 Call to diggz Emails at the CDC about the film Contagion (2011)

>>56091 Army to Deploy Special Advisory Team to Colombia for Counter-Drug Op

>>56092 NJ NAACP Leader Calls For Paterson Mail-In Vote to Be Canceled Amid Corruption Claims

>>56094 #11963

(19 notables, 25 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171561

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9348122 Q Research General #11964: The Truth Has Been Laid Out Edition

Created 281835ZMAY20



>>56095 ICE HSI arrests former Louisiana deputy, firefighter for child exploitation

>>56096 Weekly Jobless Claims Add Another 2.1 Million, Revised First Quarter GDP -5%…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ajqscT6KEVE - First quarter GDP lower than expected, jobless claims tip over 40 million [Channel: Fox Business]

>>56097 New rules making healthy people self-isolate could ‘quickly’ become mandatory: UK health minister

>>56098 Minneapolis vs Somalia

>>56099 Sajak, puzzles, backwards, hhmmm

>>56100 Travel Industry Giants Urge UK Government to Drop Two-Week Quarantine for Arrivals

>>56101, >>56102, >>56103, >>56111, >>56113 wayback flu diggz/CDC emails

>>56104 "So Get'Cha Shot"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Q2y5z1Mwx7Q - "So Get'Cha Shot" [Channel: Greg Reese]

>>56105, >>56106 Baking Class tonight, be a BAKER EXTRAORDINAIRE!

>>56107 Fed Admits Corporate Bond Buying Will Be at Least a 5-Year Debt Bailout

>>56108 President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees

>>56109 Police chief of out of towners sent in vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9b03feb89402c74e74e09367324291fbd991a4aa41042ce2c219ad2afbe6a1ea.mp4

>>56110 NBC Bans Reporters From Using The Word ‘Riot’ In Coverage Of Minnesota Riots

>>56112 Omar's district Major Terroist Camps

>>56114 China CDC in 2002 /established

>>56115 #11964

(16 notables, 21 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171562

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9348926 Q Research General #11965: The Purge Is On! Edition

Created 281943ZMAY20



>>56116, >>56122 Minneapolis Council official calls for a 'state of emergency' declaring racism 'a public health issue'

>>56117 Nordic Countries Accelerate Opening and Abandon COVID-19 Testing Plans

>>56118 In Video: Egyptian-Supplied Battle Tank Seized By GNA Forces Near Libya’s Tripoli

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IE6WrV7G4EM - [Channel: Libya Al-Ahrar]

>>56119 Lindsey Graham: Comey, McCabe, Brennan and Clapper Will Be Called to Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee

>>56120, >>56124 moar wayback CDC emails diggz

>>56121 Renault poised to announce 15,000 layoffs worldwide: union

>>56123, >>56133, >>56135 planefaggin

>>56125 Yesterday 2 Dems got caught using Pelosi's proxy voting scheme to play hooky.

>>56126 Candace and Brandon on race

>>56127 Minneapolis cop: His neighbors said nobody had any idea he was a cop. vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DSSjrQm5e2Q - Live Stream interview(kind of) with next door neighbors of Derek Chauvin [Channel: Icaanul]

>>56128 President Trump expected to reform Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

>>56129 cbs purge

>>56130 Nevada Judge blocks 'True the Vote''s efforts to stop mail-in only primary election.

>>56131 Shipbuilders deliver latest Borei-A nuclear-powered sub to Russian Navy

>>56132, >>56134 POTUS signs executive order regarding social media vid/if I could shut it down now I would

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=x_AJWZ01X94 - Trump signs social media executive order [Channel: Fox News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5_4AKRvEPMg - Trump signs social media executive order [Channel: Fox Business]

>>56136 FBI Press Conf on George Floyd death investigation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=A1j-HnNk6Uc - WATCH LIVE: FBI, state law enforcement provide update into George Floyd's death investigation [Channel: KARE 11]

>>56137 boatfaggin

>>56138 GOP plan would block pay for lawmakers who voted via proxy during coronavirus pandemic

>>56139 #11965

(19 notables, 24 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171563

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9349681 Q Research General #11966: The Revolution Is Now Edition

Created 282048ZMAY20



>>56140 Justice Department Requires Divestiture in Order for Communications and Power Industries to Proceed with Acquisition of General Dynamics Satcom Technologies

>>56141 PF updates

>>56142 Obama CDC Boss Who Admired China’s Response Put in Charge of Contact Tracing

>>56143 50-page indictment charging dozens of individuals they accuse of illegally transferring more than $2.5 billion through global financial system to North Korea's foreign exchange bank

>>56144, >>56146, >>56148 ---———————————--——– Information Warfare. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c6dd3e74dd43e50940d4e29841ceb2590735389b401882913b2882a783df4f99.mp4

>>56145, >>56147, >>56149 ---———————————--——– @Jack You were warned. (Cap: )

>>56150 Potus twat/cap

>>56151 #11966

(8 notables, 12 posts, 12 media/files)

Q- >>56144, >>56145

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9efe67 (568) No.171564

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9350391 Q Research General #11967: @Jack Ou(t)witted Edition

Created 282135ZMAY20



>>56152, >>56153 Potus w/caps

>>56154 English court to weigh recognition of Maduro, Guaido in Venezuela gold case

>>56155 Minnesota Governor Activates National Guard

>>56156 Rioting and Looting Begins in St. Paul After Night of Chaos in Minneapolis

>>56157 planefaggin

>>56158 Wow, look what showed up in a billboard in Vantaa Finland!

>>56159 Kiddos’ Daily, Corona Circus Edition II: Programming 2020 Edition

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e560fed6d19b4dd2e4f37b83802cf58bbe859f30840892e3fa03b521f82c3b52.pdf

>>56160 This is NOT A POLICE OFFICER.

>>56161 Tesla's CEO Elon Musk to get payout of nearly $800 million

>>56162 French lawmaker Claude Goasguen, staunch Israel supporter, dies of virus aged 75

>>56163 Connecticut transgender-sports policy discriminates against girls: Feds

>>56164 Baking class, damn, someone remember to pick up the eggs

>>56165 Official EO on preventing online censorship

>>56166 masks? beaches, yes, riots not so much

>>56167 Judge Ferrera considering challenge to Inslee emergency virus orders

>>56168 Minneapolis city systems temporarily brought down by cyberattack

>>56169 #11967

(17 notables, 18 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171565

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9351289 Q Research General #11968: In Case The DS Thinks They Are Winning Edition

Created 282244ZMAY20




>>56170 Anon graph - No shield they are exposed AF now! - its a connect from the Sara carter and Q 3173 and Q 3190

>>56171 anon with pics says 'stereotype of a certain "well-funded liberal" - meaning FF fuckery

>>56172, >>56173, >>56175 ---———————————--——– Coincidence or foreknowledge? Biden Twat 10/25/2019 'We are not prepared for a pandemic' (cap: Article: )

>>56174, >>56177, >>56179 prosecutor says video showing George Floyd's death is "terrible" but says there's "other evidence that does not support a criminal charge"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5281cdc7e7e520f7399c25ce3f91c9a732d5b498b9181bfb02206a6e13d06f51.mp4

>>56176 White House says Trump would take hydroxychloroquine again if exposed to coronavirus

>>56178 Boston Police Commissioner William Gross Blasts Liberal Judges Releasing Violent Offenders Over Coronavirus Fears: “Let Them Stay at Your House With Your Family”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=__4gEchr41w - Commissioner Gross: 'Violent offenders should not be released' [Channel: WCVB Channel 5 Boston]

>>56180 Wisconsin saw no coronavirus infection-rate spike after April 7 election, study says

>>56181, >>56190 New Jeffrey Epstein doc should finally lead to a reckoning with Bill Clinton

>>56182 The Trump administration is extending the federal deployment of over 40,000 National Guard troops aiding coronavirus relief efforts, reversing plans for an earlier cutoff following bipartisan backlash and pressure from top defense officials

>>56183, >>56184, >>56187 Riot in NY now. w vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/150d22ef299ffe62759df01c249df8c4e64de4f575054bd5acd1652df15efe63.mp4

>>56185 planefaggin

>>56186 Soldier runs over active shooter on a bridge outside Fort Leavenworth.

>>56188 CM twat - @realdonaldtrump should create his own social media platform to guarantee free speech.

>>56189 Klobuchar spent eight years as the Hennepin County attorney, in charge of prosecution for Minneapolis. didn't prosecute officer at center of George Floyd's death after previous conduct complaints

>>56191 #11968

(15 notables, 22 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>56172

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9efe67 (568) No.171566

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9352111 Q Research General #11969: We are not prepared for a pandemic, Said Sleepy Joe 10/25/2019 Edition

Created 282338ZMAY20



>>56192 Rep. Charlie Crist requested a proxy vote over health concerns --- then he drove across the state to watch the SpaceX launch

>>56193, >>56196 Royal Seal removed from Buckingham Palace, Buckingham Palace boarded up, Royal Crest removed and Royal Guard replaced with Gurkas.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8978e3bebf2298c9f794f4969b6da06bda9232d25b15a3f9687e492d51874bcf.mp4

>>56194 Timing on Biden pandemic tweet comes same day as Military World Games in Wuhan

>>56195 POTUS yesterday tweets COMPATRIOTS. Today he called out Yoel Roth directly.…meaning, their Israeli DUAL CITIZEN brothers and sisters. - says anon, and it gets a nom

>>56197 planefaggin

>>56198 ALL test subjects for Bill Gates vaccine contracted corona virus

>>56199 Comey, Rice, Clapper among GOP senator's targets for subpoenas amid Obama-era probe

>>56200, >>56203, >>56204 US marines twat - has 32 on the boat, anon does Q 32, another anon shows DJT from today with title 32

>>56201 A former club owner in south Minneapolis says the now-fired police officer and the black man who died in his custody this week both worked security for her club up to the end of last year

>>56202 James Okeefe vid- 'We found out they flag supporters with profiles even mentioning "God," "guns," or showing the “American flag" as bots.' says Pranay Singh

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b536bbac2d396883778096dddcba074686bcbd72f3e5dbbd5d9642e509ad96a.mp4

>>56205 #11969

(11 notables, 14 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171567

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9352862 Q Research General #11970: Wuhan Military Games October 18--27, 2019 Edition

Created 290036ZMAY20




>>56206, >>56222 Two different live feeds of Minneapolis on youtube, other live stream links

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uU4uLYTyA1I - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>56207 Riots beginning in NYC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/150d22ef299ffe62759df01c249df8c4e64de4f575054bd5acd1652df15efe63.mp4

>>56208 POTUS tweets full text of the EO on Preventing Online Censorship

>>56209 CM tweet on Project Odin

>>56210 Reopening NY: At last minute, Cuomo adds wrinkle that could sink phase 2

>>56211 Deep State FCC Commissioner Starks, digs in heels

>>56212, >>56213, >>56215, >>56217, >>56219, >>56220, >>56221, >>56224 Anons comment on the swiftly changed media narrative and hypocrisy

>>56214, >>56223, >>56225, >>56228 Moar on former coworkers George Floyd and Derek Chauvin

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c6aeb9f1ae03b0646f9e46b8aecc3cd283c140cd204339728d3f801361240e92.mp4

>>56216 Correction on lb notable: Missing Buckingham Palace Royal Crest story is from April 2019

>>56218 Facebook and Google Continue to Collude with Wikipedia to Smear and Malign Gateway Pundit and Prominent US Conservatives

>>56226 POTUS tweet on MZ comments + double standard re: Obama's admin

>>56227 Some anomalies of the George Floyd death that could indicate false flag and fuckery

>>56229 Are police posing as protestors to portray a false narrative? St. Paul policeman outed as individual who smashed AutoZone windows

>>56230, >>56234, >>56235, >>56238 Orange is the New Black scene eerily similar to George Floyd situation

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fe9420bf51aa6241ae37fe330600aae5f62473bf57ad372396c5a72241a8f05e.mp4

>>56231, >>56233 When did it become OK in America to institutionalize our elderly?

>>56232 Minneapolis City Council VP Wants to ‘Declare State of Emergency Declaring Racism as a Public Health Issue’ (VIDEO)

>>56236 New POTUS tweet on mail-in voting

>>56237 Anon on CDC covid/pneumonia numbers

>>56239 Anon bun on bad actors, MN, Boston / (pb) was notabled on discussion of Minneapolis PD dress regs. Regulation BP vest is of a specific make / type that goes OVER the uniformed shirt. discussion went into next bread

>>56240 Moar on St. Paul policeman outed as individual who smashed AutoZone windows

>>56241 Queen allowed Boris Johnson to exercise in the Buckingham Palace grounds 2 days ago..

>>56242 Asinine Washington Compost tweet on riots: "Protestors march peacefully in downtown Minneapolis"

>>56243 #11970

(23 notables, 38 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171568

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9353656 Q Research General #11971: Riots and FF Fuckery Edition

Created 290131ZMAY20



>>56244, >>56246, >>56264, >>56265, >>56267, >>56273, >>56281 Moar on St. Paul policeman outed as individual who smashed AutoZone windows

>>56245 Terrorists Riots pretending to be Protests over death of George Floyd spread to Columbus, Ohio

>>56247 Bokhari on Breitbart: Minneapolis Riots Reveal Twitter’s ‘Harmful Misinformation’ Blindspot

>>56248 Steve Carell, Seth Rogen among Hollywood stars donating to bail out Minneapolis protesters

>>56249 Did you know that HUSSEIN gave a speech in 2014 about how a "spanish flu" type virus could hit in FIVE YEARS?

>>56250, >>56253, >>56256 Why Are We Being Inundated with Unicorn Symbolism?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-j54in4fl9k - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>56251 Anon bun on bad actors, MN, Boston / >see (pb)

>>56252, >>56257, >>56270, >>56276 planefaggotry

>>56254 California regulator approves PG&E's Chapter 11 reorganization plan

>>56255, >>56259, >>56268, >>56271, >>56274, >>56275 MN "policeman" badges not real?

>>56258 Vid: The mainstream news media "don't give a fuck about Black America"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0917a4f5fc4cbbfd5167af4ea0f121bc29e963c2095c0246256285a48ccc5cc.mp4

>>56260, >>56278 Renoting with moar sauce: George Floyd, fired officer overlapped security shifts at south Minneapolis club

>>56261, >>56263 Planned Parenthood Officials Reveal Clinics Allegedly Broke Law By Selling Fetal Tissue

>>56262 Hennepin County, MN district attorney Mike Freeman: "There is other evidence that does NOT support a criminal charge"

>>56266 Amid US pressure, Israel Cancels $1.5 Billion Deal With China

>>56269 Anon thoughts on Trump EO about social media / online censorship

>>56272 Anon applies critical thinking to MN event

>>56277 President of El Salvador says he takes drug touted by Trump for coronavirus

>>56279 Gov. Cuomo admits he wouldn't send his mother to a nursing home amid coronavirus crisis

>>56280 Spreadsheet & off-site galleries are updated

>>56282 #11971

(21 notables, 39 posts, 61 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171569

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9354388 Q Research General #11972: Anons Exposing MN Fuckery Edition

Created 290226ZMAY20



>>56283 Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) tests positive for CV antibodies

>>56284 UK Daily Mail: A new start turns to a tragic end for George Floyd

>>56285, >>56304 Biden in October 2019 about report by Gates, Johns Hopkins U, etc.: "We are not prepared for a pandemic"

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfe60c83792ff5a1ee180ef1ddef59d7c77417d63beee509e2e44b06b88d99ce.pdf

>>56286, >>56297, >>56303 Renoting with moar sauce: George Floyd, fired officer overlapped security shifts at south Minneapolis club

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c6aeb9f1ae03b0646f9e46b8aecc3cd283c140cd204339728d3f801361240e92.mp4

>>56287, >>56289 Possible connection between U.S. Navy / Russian encounter from a few days ago, and Q#760

>>56288 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY, May 29, 2020

>>56290, >>56296, >>56299, >>56301 Video of people yelling "He's a cop" about MN riot starter

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qv-O4rnUToU - Suspicious Man Breaks Window & Starts Minneapolis Riots [Channel: Decentralized]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/af979892440858979f5dfcad800d4070306bd444cf327da47ad900e73214caf3.mp4

>>56291 Colorado/Arizona: Escaped prison inmates pretended to be migrants, asked to be deported

>>56292, >>56294 Twatter Public Policy's response to POTUS social media EO

>>56293, >>56306 U.S. judge orders 15 banks to face big investors' currency rigging lawsuit

>>56295 New @RichardGrenell twat: "The Flynn-Kislyak calls are summaries, not transcripts" - "This isn't true."

>>56298 @Breaking911 twat: Minneapolis is burning again tonight

>>56300 #ObamaGate As President, I leaned on @AmbassadorRice's experience - oct 2019

>>56302 Twatter users questioning and digging MN narrative

>>56305, >>56310 Derek Chauvin: What we know about the officer at center of George Floyd's death

>>56307 President Donald J. Trump Is Taking New Action To Protect Americans’ Rights To Free Speech On Social Media

>>56308 California government importing CV patients from Mexico?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c4341c5ca1a3fbf6305326b3b983846407d15ffc2e980297297bc63db1deda81.mp4

>>56309, >>56311 Minneapolis anon and twitter user: THIS IS NOT US

>>56312 Anon thoughts on Trump EO about social media / online censorship

>>56313 Bill.com Holdings, Inc sold by DCM International, Ltd: $183.45m-May 27

>>56314 LIVE UPDATES: Protests escalate over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Denver, New York

>>56315 Peaceful protest planned in Seattle this weekend after George Floyd's death

>>56316 Burundi Kicks Out WHO Coronavirus Team For Interference In Internal Matters

>>56317 911 call from Breonna Taylor's shooting death released: "Somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend"

>>56318, >>56319, >>56320, >>56321, >>56324, >>56325, >>56328, >>56329 Minneapolis Police Precinct is being RAIDED BY RIOTERS!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tuE71ndVm2E - [LIVE] MINNEAPOLIS RIOTS POPPING OFF TONIGHT! POLICE AUDIO + LIVESTREAM [Channel: changoland]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3eZaOGehK6k - #LIVE: Minneapolis Responds To Police Murder of George Floyd [Channel: Unicorn Riot]

>>56322 4am talking point? The Trump Administration Totally Botched Its Distribution Of COVID-19 Treatment to Hospitals

>>56323, >>56326, >>56327 More protests and violence, this time in Denver

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oxcBRF-nLpc - George Floyd - Denver Protest Day One [Channel: Cut The Plastic]

>>56330 #11972

(28 notables, 48 posts, 44 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171570

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9355152 Q Research General #11973: Anons on fire, MN also on fire Edition

Created 290322ZMAY20



>>56331, >>56335 Moderna Vaccine White Paper -- “DNA Vaccines Have a Risk of Permanently Changing a Person’s DNA”

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cb66e4230968984496960654790f7f8c24edd782af3f15586476342e06fb3597.pdf

>>56332, >>56336, >>56358 Call to digg: New York's Bard College has taken more money from George Soros than any other college ever

>>56333 planefaggin

>>56334 Here’s One Big Question Twitter Won’t Answer About Its Fact Checks: Who writes them?

>>56337 Study Prompting W.H.O. to Halt Hydroxychloroquine Trials Questioned

>>56338 Sonoma County Sheriff Letter to Sonoma County Residents: "I can no longer in good conscience continue to enforce Sonoma County Public Health Orders"

>>56339 Mike Pompeo on Ingraham slams Obama, Biden's 'weak' record on China

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NxUArLh3x2c - Mike Pompeo slams Obama, Biden's 'weak' record on China [Channel: Fox News]

>>56340 GOP senator calls on State Department to resume passport application processing

>>56341 @TomFitton twat: Where is the National Guard to protect the public safety in Minneapolis?

>>56342 @Breaking911: Minneapolis police & firefighters told to stand down as rioters loot, burn

>>56343 Volkswagen Goes On Billion Dollar EV Investment Spree In China To Compete Directly With Tesla

>>56344, >>56354 Where Did My World Go? Anon answer: We forgot what the Constitution means

>>56345 Prosecutor urges caution in George Floyd case after seeing 'other evidence that does not support a criminal charge'

>>56346, >>56347, >>56351, >>56357 @MNNationalGuard: We have activated more than 500 soldiers to St. Paul, Minneapolis and surrounding communities

>>56348 Twitter Says Trump's Executive Order on Social Media Is 'Reactionary and Politicised'

>>56349 @RepLoudermilk: Hey Twitter, fact-check this... a member of my staff received THREE mail-in ballots

>>56350 Twitter forced to update fact-check of Trump tweet after error discovered

>>56352 New Corey's Digs post on history being rewritten: Welcome To A World of Smoke & Mirrors

>>56353, >>56360, >>56362, >>56364 Minneapolis police station is now burning down

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/024e28866b5df1881d5b6518c6eff92b4227e14043224319e52c5946e41e5baa.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/11d3405b7b5db3e2442a110202c025e0f14eab83d325a26ed78ef07cf4f8cb4b.mp4

>>56355 Vid of Denver protest + shots fired from earlier today

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ac73ddefc887b68b7d09d880fba412b0e72e624d8bad41941eced54ed3bc5cae.mp4

>>56356 Why pick Minneapolis for the False Flag? Because Trump has a big Law Enforcement following! October 2019: Minneapolis police union sells 'Cops for Trump' T-shirts

>>56359 Biden China Speech Urged CCP Expansion Into ‘All Levels Of US Govt, Classrooms, Labs, And Boardrooms’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7bbMkWS6CL4 - Vice President Joe Biden Speaks on U.S. - China Relations [Channel: The Obama White House]

>>56361 @tracybeanz twat: All of the good guys have just entered amicus on behalf of @GenFlynn

>>56363 @kirstiealley twat: Some stories need help staying alive .. sexually abusing and trafficking children is one of them

>>56365 #11973

(25 notables, 35 posts, 52 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171571

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9355893 Q Research General #11974: All Assets Deployed Edition

Created 290415ZMAY20



>>56366, >>56367, >>56374 some NG activity vids

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n56RiU7Uzk4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cw61Em58Th4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0844978910de02cc53622671e19bbfea109e316938000c44dc74d87ebda119d.mp4

>>56368, >>56375 gunfire rings out in Louisville protest according to breaking911

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/17370da017a106a553f3793a49e89b1d9b6547a4298e093c4f160c93f71f78fd.mp4

>>56369 this twat from a police and fire monitor says people (females) being kidnapped (light to no sauce but seemed worth tagging)

>>56370 planefaggin

>>56371 NBC Reporter "This is mostly a protest. It is not, generally speaking, unruly"... gets keks. Building is burning in the background and sheit

>>56372 some vid of a gas station blowing up

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b509deb3fc0ed854c1d6f9d30900172acda92c74bd57d357da324598c3f1dde1.mp4

>>56373 The moment Minneapolis police retreated from the 3rd precinct - which is now on fire.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c53eb6f1a36c049d43a9bad349fd39b848232f997c80b138ee4d29cd9cd33411.mp4

>>56376 New DJT - These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen, Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts.

>>56377 Minneapolis as seen from space.(according to anon post)

>>56378 protesters break into OHIO Statehouse according to this twatterer

>>56379 Guess who represents the district where a police department's evidence room is being burnt down right now?? ILHAN OMAR

>>56380 #11974

(12 notables, 15 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171572

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9356663 Q Research General #11975: False Flab Edition

Created 290514ZMAY20



>>56381 Obama on twitter promoting a new site to register Dem Voters

>>56382 Colin Kaepernick warns of a revolt in the wake of George Floyd's death

>>56383 Women Reportedly Being Kidnapped and Pulled Into Cars During Minneapolis Riot, Random Drivers Being Shot At

>>56384 Multiple reports of malcontent in the streets at this hour...

>>56385, >>56389, >>56390 Planefag reports

>>56386 Australia's top court orders release of Queen Elizabeth II's correspondence about 1975 sacking of democratically elected prime minister Gough Whitlam

>>56387 BREAKING: Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has removed 2018 tweet w photo of himself holding up and endorsing the Antifa Handbook.

>>56388 Minnesota prosecutor says 'other' evidence does not support criminal charge in #Floyd case?

>>56391 Harvey Weinstein being sued and charged with rape again…

>>56392 Apparently, George Floyd AND the officer that killed him worked together at the same restaurant for 17 years.

>>56393 Daniel Scavino Jr.: "Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, [should] get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right. These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen." -DJT

>>56394 #11975

(12 notables, 14 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171573

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9357420 Q Research General #11976: The 'Taking Things In Hand' Edition

Created 290618ZMAY20




>>56395 Exposing the Lie: Woman claims son was paid to protest with BLM in Tampa.

>>56396, >>56399 Livestream of Minnesota Mayor, Jacob Frey

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sKXNtbDrsC4 - KHOU 11 Live Video [Channel: KHOU 11]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wTqdTHYZLgA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>56397 Late Night with Dan Scavino Jr.

>>56398, >>56406 Rioters spotted in Columbus, Ohio, Further update from the ground

>>56400, >>56401, >>56402, >>56403, >>56409, >>56410 Who is Mayor Jacob Frey, mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota?, Frey's Policy

>>56404 Hoodlums defend riots on Twitter

>>56405, >>56412 Fact or Fiction? Ex-wife claims to have recognized Jacob Peterson as culprit who (supposedly) started the Minnesota Riots, Yet, here someone claims he is a govt. contractor

>>56407 Boston Marathon cancelled. A virtual marathon will be held as replacement

>>56408 Paid Actors or Patriot Citizens?

>>56411 Reminder: mail-in ballots will destroy The United States of America

>>56413 More ground reports from Minnesota

>>56414 Next door neighbours claim they had no knowledge that Derek Chavin was a cop

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/14d273f9e8b4d3020b2ff5391d35a1d3e2eed56d9822a0e08ebbeca5e166ab00.mp4

>>56415 Obama used "Thug" in an interview regarding the Riots

>>56416, >>56417 Twitter censors DJT's tweet AGAIN, Tweet in Question

>>56418 LIVE Minneapolis / Arizona Riots

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VYDbkCNadUA - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>56419 Live Looter cam

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kLB435G4b6I - LIVE | George Floyd Protest Minneapolis MN [Channel: Regg Life]

>>56420 POTUS '..can't stand back & watch this happen.."

>>56421 Hoodlum claims he and his rioter buddies 'built this country and will burn it down'

>>56422 The number #1 thing this is all about: Question what they show you.

>>56423, >>56425 Twitter also blocked user comments on DJT Twitter?!, UX of Comment blocking

>>56424 Twitter thread on the subject of DJT-tweet

>>56426 #11976,

(22 notables, 32 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171574

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9358229 Q Research General #11977: Focus Shift Edition

Created 290757ZMAY20




>>56427 Riots degrading fast: scum aim to incite murderous rampage in the streets

>>56428, >>56429, >>56430, >>56431, >>56434, >>56447, >>56448, >>56449 Minnesota ground reports,

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Xv-TcomqhN8 - MINNEAPOLIS RIOTS LIVE! LIVE! [Channel: Tanner Scott]

>>56432, >>56438, >>56439, >>56440, >>56441 Joe who?, possible link to Zbigniew's son in law, Who is Zbigniew Brzezinski?, His father, Tadeusz Brzezinski, What is Operation Cyclone?

>>56433 Titania McGrath's (satirical) remark on the DJT / Twitter Feud

>>56435, >>56445 Lion on the loose in St. Paul?,

>>56436 The Bigger Picture

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc5e7a3e6c828b5cb54885b17c375b32dca1444bb3f5cf0586e4ccb4ad5cb5a1.mp4

>>56437 NG close to Minnesota

>>56442 Trump on the coming Hurricane Season: "We're ready"

>>56443 Zuck the Cuck also starts censoring more news

>>56444 Woman points out rioters are killing black lives.

>>56446 Bill Barr on the power of Tech Behemoths and the flow of information

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/948b3f2e117640265ea177741c7d16ae928e2c9da0c6fdfc4da112dff676d759.mp4

>>56450 Anon's thoughts & Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo comments on the situation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6Lap6gAdhZ4 - WATCH LIVE: Minneapolis police press conference [Channel: KARE 11]

>>56451 Multiple wounded and one death during protest in downtown Louisville, Kentucky

>>56452 Another Stream

>>56453, >>56457 PBS pulls China Propaganda film from its airing, United States Strategic Approach to the People’s Republic of China - May 26, 2020

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0665ebb5eef361b4d6ae84354840fd79667034a99184db75235586b6c501af90.pdf

>>56454, >>56459 Both of DJT's last tweets are being censored by Twitter

>>56455 Techcrunch article on WH's call for politically silenced patriots

>>56456 Denver: shots fired during protest at Capitol Building

>>56458 NG on stream

>>56460 Ohio State House breached by Rioters

>>56461 Reminder for the Morning crew: Derek Chauvin and George Floyd worked at the same south Minneapolis club as security guards up to the end of last year.

>>56462 NZ was the only member 5E who didn't condemn China's attempt of conquering Hong Kong, outing itself as China's lackey

>>56463 Another Livestream of Minnaepolis Riots

>>56464 More Bad News for Biden: Veepstakes take bad turn as close associates Amy Klobuchar and Gretchen Whitmer were involved in a number of scandals

>>56465, >>56468 More on Jacob Frey, Mayor of Minneapolis,

>>56466 Any UKAnons can take a look at this? Queen seems to be missing from her Palace

>>56467 China's Communist Regime happily abuses current crisis for own Power Grab

>>56469 #11977

(28 notables, 43 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171575

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9359007 Q Research General #11978: Happy Birthday, John. Be Great wherever you are! Edition

Created 291017ZMAY20




>>56470, >>56471, >>56473, >>56481 Truth or Fiction? CNN Reporter arrested on Livestream,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e6d1edd2c8accb413e706e34e265bde265b25bdb9e9926988e4b448b00936bdf.mp4

>>56472, >>56487 Australia: newly revised Corona data shows previous numbers were false and current numbers are questionable, casting doubt over a linked hydroxychloroquine study which caused WHO to halt trials for Covid-19,

>>56474 Scumbag roundup: local firefighter 'identified as serial rapist' responsible for series of home burglaries, sometimes followed by violent sexual assault

>>56475 Chinese/Other Influence in Minnesota? Chauvin? Thailand?

>>56476 Another article on the George Floyd case: Prosecutor urges caution on judgement after seeing "..other evidence.."

>>56477 Rudy Giuliani shares Documentary about "disturbing Revelations of Sex Trafficking" from Jaco Booyens, Episode 39 of CommonSense

>>56478 FBI: Barr & Wray ‘Chickened Out’ on Investigating Pelosi’s $5 MILLION Insider Trading of Amazon Stock Before Lockdown

>>56479 New Coronavirus outbreak in Mudanjiang, North China

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b0947561397ddc416e9b9f867ebf956ee6bcd015415c027bf208c863894f1f5.mp4

>>56480 "Objective, you say?" Twitter Exec who fact checks Trump, has history of anti-Trump tweets.

>>56482 Valid question: where's Ilhan Omar, the representative of this burning district?

>>56483 More Questions raised over Biden's Charity links to China after refusal to disclose funding

>>56484 Official claims "US is disrupting Oil flow between Iran and Venezuela."

>>56485 Actual Investigate Journalism in the wake of George Floyd's death? Local report zones in ties to El Nuevo Rodeo club on Lake Street

>>56486 Common sense? 81% Of Canadian Corona Deaths Are In Nursing Homes.

>>56488 New DJT Tweet on Twitter feud: "Section 230 should be revoked by Congress!"

>>56489, >>56490 AAPS advocates making hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) publicly available as an Over-the-counter medicine,

>>56491, >>56492 Pictures from the ground: NG marching through Minneapolis,

>>56493, >>56494 China threatens Taiwan with attack,

>>56495 Planefag Update

>>56496 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#114 >>>/comms/14870,

>>56497 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#114 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179,

>>56498 Monkeys seen eating corona-samples after stealing them from a lab assistant (New Delhi, India)

>>56499 China responds to debauchery in Hong Kong

>>56500 Gen Flynn's case gaining more and more traction

>>56501 New Yorkers angry at Mayor Cuomo for nursing home deaths

>>56502 Governor Walz issues apology on arrest of CNN journalist

>>56503, >>56504 Collection of notable George Floyd articles & materials,

>>56505 Iran gets more Military to ward off potential invaders

>>56506 George Floyd's fundraiser raises more than $1 Million. Fundraiser still open as Family 'continues to seek Justice'

>>56507 Tadeusz Brzezinski was a secondary Polish government official whose family was located..

>>56508 Ilhan Omar spotted tweeting during burning of her district.

>>56509 #11978

(32 notables, 40 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171576

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9359813 Q Research General #11979: Moving Forward Edition

Created 291240ZMAY20



>>56510, >>56511, >>56512, >>56513, >>56514, >>56516, >>56518, >>56520, >>56523, >>56524, >>56532, >>56537, >>56538, >>56540, >>56542, >>56546, >>56549, >>56550, >>56553

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c6c7c62c6857405a62e345b5eebf2a03a5764837ec00a31e414747a81d93864.mp4

>>56515, >>56526 Q in the news, Drop Decodes and discussions

>>56517, >>56547 Financefag reports

>>56519, >>56527, >>56528, >>56535, >>56541, >>56554, >>56555, >>56557, >>56559, >>56567, >>56575 President Trump's Tweets and Decodes

>>56521, >>56539, >>56558 US Mil Tweets and News

>>56522 Big Q JFK memorial Birthday day notes

>>56525, >>56566 Planefag reports

>>56529, >>56531, >>56536, >>56543 DNI Allegedly Has Call Records Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks

>>56530, >>56569, >>56572 Bad Guy Reports

>>56533, >>56544, >>56562 Chinese Virus Reports

>>56534 "Peter Strzok authorizes Peter Strzok to conduct investigations based on information learned by Peter Strzok."

>>56545, >>56548, >>56551 Gov Cuomo won’t allow NY counties to move to phase II until panel of international “experts” approve.

>>56552, >>56556, >>56563, >>56565, >>56571, >>56573, >>56574 Minneapolis Riot Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba60bd13c71403514b29f3b1d428ec2d1dce9ed2f54a4f7ea7b823b5047a4e21.webm

>>56560 Remember when… Obama Chooses Six Cities to Test Federal Police Scheme

>>56561 Antifa started in Minneapolis

>>56568 4AM Talking Point of the day

>>56570 cnn pushing racism with staged arrest

>>56576 CJTruth on Twitter Requests JFK Tribute at 17:17 EST

>>56577 #11979

(19 notables, 67 posts, 76 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171577

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9360578 Q Research General #11980 What Is The Real Magic Trick Edition

Created 291415ZMAY20




>>56579 Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto withdraws from Biden VP consideration-yahoonews

>>56580 Pennsylvania Officials Admit Duplicate Ballots Were Mailed Out to Voters-breitbart

>>56581, >>56584, >>56587, >>56589, >>56592, >>56599, >>56604, >>56605, >>56612, >>56613, >>56615 anon digs on location of George Floyd arrest

>>56582, >>56588 White House hits back after Twitter cracks down on Trump's Minneapolis tweet, reposts censored message-foxnews

>>56583 George Floyd Worked Security At The Same Nightclub As The Officer Who Killed Him-zh

>>56585 Schumer urges Fed to buy up struggling MTA's debt-crainsnewyork.com

>>56586 OpEd: Is it Time to Throw Every Politician Out of Office Who Imposed Lockdowns?-armstrongeconomics.com

>>56590, >>56593 Rep Doug Collins Twat

>>56591, >>56596 pf report(s)

>>56594 Women being kidnapped pulled in cars reported

>>56595, >>56598, >>56608 Burning down cities is not an unruly protest - CNN

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7146e1f8f0d574e97ba6e69333070ce6646f89b18970eee708a35b91169366c5.mp4

>>56597 OpEd Tucker: Our leadership class is fanning racial flames. They're doing nothing to calm the situation

>>56600 WH twats

>>56601 New POTUS twat

>>56602, >>56606, >>56609 CNN Reporter arrested-claims different treatment-CNN and mini-bundaru of comments

>>56603 FCC Twat

>>56607 According to Attorney the DNI Allegedly Has Call Records Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks -- It’s Now Presumed Brennan’s CIA Was More Involved Than We Thought-gatewaypundit

>>56610 Joe Biden’s Campaign Cancels Fundraiser with Mueller Team’s Andrew Weissmann-breitbart

>>56611 Gunshot fired into Republican field office during local Trump campaign event, RNC says-foxnews

>>56614 Where does the phrase 'When the looting starts, the shooting starts' come from?-yahoonews

>>56616 #11980

(22 notables, 39 posts, 38 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171578

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9361315 Q Research General #11981: Them Who Were Trusted, No More NY, Wake the Fuck Up Edition

Created 291523ZMAY20




>>56617 #Soros trending in Canada, ride the tide anons

>>56618 Van Jones says Hillary Clinton supporters more dangerous than the KKK vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/14d338a320ef5ad272d53a53552d1585e0b78246cec1a65e9cf1502c4edde865.mp4

>>56619, >>56621 PapaD posing rhetoricals, can you answer?

>>56620, >>56623, >>56628, >>56630 planefaggin

>>56622 Flashback: Black Cop Shoots Unarmed White Man

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d8eaf3eb3010f90b1e2c755087e409a3c5a994756c96b499fc95d1fbd144d6d.mp4

>>56624 Coming soon to Philadelphia

>>56625 CBS News cuts 75 staffers in ‘painful day’

>>56626 NBC Newsradio is buying time on OTHER IHeartRadio stations pushing Fauci and masks, HCQ not effective

>>56627 Cocaine Seizures Expose Flaws at Guatemala, Honduras Ports

>>56629 Louisville protest of Breonna Taylor case leaves at least 7 shot, 1 critically

>>56631 Illinois Gov. J.B. Prtizker Lifts All Restrictions on Churches After Christians Take Him to Supreme Court

>>56632 U.S. consumer spending tanks; savings hit record high

>>56633 @sentedcruz calls for criminal investigation of Twitter for violating Iran sanctions."

>>56634 WH: This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.

>>56635 #11981'''

(15 notables, 19 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171579

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9362089 Q Research General #11982: Enemies of the State On Display Edition

Created 291628ZMAY20



>>56636 pop twat tay tay speaks? amaze balls

>>56637 POTUS press conference at 2 pm Eastern

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AXmzwtjijnU - President Trump Holds a News Conference [Channel: The White House]

>>56638 FCC Legal heating things up on the "battlefield" of Twitter.

>>56639, >>56644, >>56646, >>56650, >>56654 PF updates

>>56640, >>56653, >>56657 Maya Santamaria digg bun / (lb)

>>56641 London: Park Royal fire live: 125 firefighters tackle huge Brent industrial estate fire

>>56642 moar CDC wayback diggz

>>56643 @parscale #GeorgeFloyd was a man, a brother, & a son. He should be alive today & w/ his family.

>>56645 Check out this reporter getting caught playing gun shots at the protests.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cbf87fa965277a37ae4afd3d59c0e97eeef6108345f2e25cb8d914f4357d374a.mp4

>>56647 EMS guidelines for resuscitation

>>56648 updated POTUS Schedule

>>56649 Nvidia Corp. sold by EVP-World-Wide Field Ops: $13.86m-May 26

>>56651 Select Subcommittee on the Briefing:“Supporting America’s Cities: What Mayors Need to Safely Reopen"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=92WPwraYOBA - Select Subcommittee on the Briefing:“Supporting America’s Cities: What Mayors Need to Safely Reopen" [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>56652 Bam fannin flames, condemn 'Murica'

>>56655 #BREAKING: Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington says Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin has been arrested in the death of George Floyd.

>>56656 #11982

(16 notables, 22 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171580

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9362854 Q Research General #11983: Pop Twat Speaks But I Heard No Prayers for the NG! Edition

Created 291733ZMAY20



>>56658, >>56659, >>56661, >>56664 ---———————————--——– Fear. Panic. Loss of narrative control. You are the news now. (Cap: )

>>56660 Far-Left Extremists Arrested While Attempting to Bomb Home of Former Greek Minister

>>56662 Kent police arrested five people in connection with the alleged trafficking and exploitation of Romanian fruit pickers.

>>56663 Another Convicted Child Sex Offender Arrested After Re-Entering U.S.

>>56665 DJT PRESS CONFERENCE minutes away

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AXmzwtjijnU - President Trump Holds a News Conference [Channel: The White House]

>>56666 planefaggin

>>56667 U.K. proposes citizenship for Hong Kong residents

>>56668 ---———————————--——– Nobody escapes this.

>>56669 Maya Santamaria digg bun

>>56670 #11983

(10 notables, 13 posts, 24 media/files)

Q- >>56658, >>56668

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9efe67 (568) No.171581

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9363636 Q Research General #11984: Nobody Escapes This~Q Edition

Created 291820ZMAY20



>>56671 "Floyd, who was 46, died after being arrested on the suspicion that he attempted to use a counterfeit bill."

>>56672 anon bun / Anon's timeline from Scalias death through Jim Comeyy dismissal letter

>>56673 BREAKING: Former Officer Derek Chauvin charged with murder in the 3rd degree and manslaughter

>>56674 anon bun / Coincidence? Derek Chauvin - chauvinism: exaggerated or aggressive patriotism

>>56675 Potus: Honor the memory of George Floyd

>>56676 anon bun / Macron’s new ‘hate speech’ internet law turns France into authoritarian state

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6yLxioRPRQ4 - Macron's new 'hate speech' internet law turns France into authoritarian state [Channel: The Duran]

>>56677 anon bun / Hydroxychloroquine prescriptions surged 2,000% after Trump promoted drug

>>56678 anon bun / Government Says Afghanistan Ceasefire Could Hold, Taliban in Kabul for Prisoner Release Talks

>>56679 anon bun / Breaking: Former Officer Derek Chauvin charged with murder in the 3rd degree and manslaughter

>>56680 anon bun / Israeli Troops Reportedly Open Fire in Disputed Land on Border With Lebanon

>>56681 anon bun / Video of Soros quote, archive offline

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ro165odZEmg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>56682 Barr's statement on Floyd death

>>56683 anon bun / Posters from club where both Derek Chauvin and George Floyd were bouncers

>>56684 Arizona Schools To Reopen In Fall, Gov. Ducey Says

>>56685 anon bun / RNC claims gunshot fired into GOP field office, but police say damage 'not believed to be caused by firearm'

>>56686 Layoffs 2020: Delta, United Airlines Prepare For Massive Gutting Following Coronavirus Outbreak

>>56687 Renault To Cut 15,000 Jobs As Part Of Global Restructuring, While Awaiting French Government Emergency Loan

>>56688 anon bun / POTUS/Q delta graphic

>>56689 anon bun / Link to Arrest warrant for Chauvin

>>56690 anon bun / Cruz Asks For Criminal Probe Into Twitter Over Alleged Violations Of Iranian Sanctions

>>56691, >>56692 anon bun / From POTUS presser: US relationship with the WHO is terminated

>>56693, >>56697 anon generated and sourced observations in Floyd death

>>56694 German Official Invites Twitter To Move HQ To Germany

>>56695, >>56698, >>56703, >>56704 anon bun

>>56696 anon bun / ISIS Releases Summary Of Its Recent ‘Battle Of Attrition’

>>56699 anon bun / German Official Leaks Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yECKXOdvSMQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>56700 anon bun / Pentagon to open Nellis Air Force Base for 5G testing


>>56702 anon bun / Turkish Multiple Rocket Launcher Spotted In Libya

>>56705 #11984

(30 notables, 35 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171582

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9364382 Q Research General #11985: Trolling Race Riot Narative of MSM FTW Edition

Created 291907ZMAY20



>>56706 An Illinois police officer residing in Wisconsin was charged Thursday with 10 counts of possessing child pornography.

>>56707 Readout - POTUS call with Boris Johnson

>>56708 President Trump "terminating" relationship with the World Health Organization

>>56709, >>56711 Rajiv Shah diggz

>>56710 'They Broke Their Word': Trump Says Hong Kong No Longer Autonomous From China

>>56712 Talking point today Revoke 230

>>56713 #READ The criminal complaint against Derek Chauvin

>>56714 Barr is busy today. Governors of Maine and Colorado so far.

>>56715 Fed Tapers Daily Treasury Purchases To Just $4.5 Billion Per Day

>>56716 DOJ round up! for May 29

>>56717, >>56719, >>56720 PF updates

>>56718 USA #1 funding for guess WHO

(12 notables, 15 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171583

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9365216 Q Research General #11986: DS in Panic, Shills Be Burning Friday Edition

Created 292009ZMAY20



>>56721, >>56732, >>56735 DNI's statement on TRANSPARENCY

>>56722, >>56727, >>56734 planefaggin

>>56723, >>56724, >>56725 ---———————————--——– DNI confirmation (Cap: )

>>56726 2020-05-29 ODNI to CEG RHJ (Flynn Transcripts).pdf


>>56729 moar MN rioters

>>56730 Oil surges 5% on U.S.-China trade optimism, falling crude output

>>56731 WHO Now Says Only Wear a Mask If You are Sick or Working with Sick --- Otherwise You Don’t Need One

>>56733 Minneapolis now has curfew

>>56736, >>56737 #11985, #11986

(10 notables, 17 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>56723

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9efe67 (568) No.171584

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9365926 Q Research General #11987: Transparency Is Gonna End Them! Edition

Created 292056ZMAY20



>>56738 From DECLAS transcripts: proof that Kislyak asked for the phone call with Flynn in a voicemail

>>56739, >>56750 ---———————————--——– Worth following @CBS_Herridge [DECLAS designation(s)]. (Cap: )

>>56740 Top Israeli Spook Warns Of Coming ‘Cyber Winter’ As Mossad Plots New False Flag ‘Hack Attack’

>>56741, >>56742 Caps of Catherine Herridge tweet pics re: Flynn/Kislyak

>>56743 Gang of Monkeys in Delhi attacks lab assistant, escapes with coronavirus test samples (need link for article)

>>56744 Protecting America From China’s Efforts To Steal Technology And Intellectual Property

>>56745 Sen. Chuck Grassley's statement on Flynn-Kislyak transcripts

>>56746 From this morning: DNI Allegedly Has Call Records Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks

>>56747, >>56749, >>56753, >>56755, >>56758, >>56760 Health Fear Pron

>>56748 Samantha Power made 5 unmasking requests PRIOR to Flynn's first call with Kislyak

>>56751 Sanofi sold Regeneron Pharma through a secondary offering: $11.702b-May 29

>>56752 Biden's veepstakes just became a disaster

>>56754 Minnesota National Guard arms troops after FBI warns of credible threat

>>56756 PF updates

>>56757 Twitter Email Just Sent To WhiteHouse

>>56759 in addition to Q cap

>>56761 #11987

(17 notables, 24 posts, 53 media/files)

Q- >>56739

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9efe67 (568) No.171585

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9366713 Q Research General #11988: Friday Fight! Edition

Created 292151ZMAY20



>>56762, >>56763, >>56764, >>56765, >>56766, >>56767, >>56768, >>56769, >>56773, >>56778, >>56784, >>56785, >>56786, >>56791, >>56794 Anon bun on bad actors, MN, Boston

>>56770 BREAKING: Charging doc against Minneapolis police officer says autopsy revealed: “No...traumatic asphyxia or strangulation”…combination of force & health problems contributed to death.

>>56771 Woman found dead inside a car in Minneapolis this morning

>>56772 Digg on El Nuevo Rodeo in MN

>>56774 Black Firefighter Spent His Life Savings To Open A Bar. Then Minneapolis Looters Burned It Down

>>56775 Moar Catherine Herridge: Flynn: “There are a few other countries who are going to abstain.”

>>56776 Twitter sends out email in response to report, saying that POTUS tweet doesn't violate rules, adds flag anyway

>>56777 @DevinNunes Declassified Flynn Transcripts Contradict Key Claims Made By Mueller

>>56779, >>56783 New video shows different view of George Floyd

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5f9e10f881b30eda8b027281774bea540daa23182862d3f38995a11bd0e223cb.mp4

>>56780 Protesters in NYC being arrested after blocking roadway

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5f4549f9d9abf12fba2d0b737f79d57384506e99cea8975c7f04367a0d3e9c94.mp4

>>56781, >>56796 Anons on Obama set up

>>56782 Flynn urged Russian diplomat to have "reciprocal" response to Obama sanctions, new transcripts show

>>56787 Anon dig: possible partial reason for all the looting & arson in MN

>>56788 We don't say his name

>>56789 #11987

>>56790, >>56793 Is Atlanta next?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=J2VRm1F1RAM - NOW: Protest underway in Atlanta over in-custody death of George Floyd [Channel: ABC15 Arizona]

>>56792 Flynn Voicemail: “I wanted to check whether you have, um, uh, answer to the idea of our two presidents speaking, uh, re-…after the inauguration”

>>56795, >>56797 Gab is reserving an account for POTUS

>>56798 MORE on Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts: ONLY KISLYAK Brought Up Sanctions on Russia --- NOT FLYNN — Shows Flynn Was Set Up

>>56799 "It Felt Like An Earthquake": SpaceX Prototype Starship Blows Up In Massive Explosion Day Ahead Of Manned Launch

>>56800 Photos: Chinese Army Training Ground Has Full-Scale Model of Taiwan’s Presidential Palace

>>56801 From the Flynn-Kislyak transcripts. Even the Ruskies knew Obama admin was trying to cause trump trouble as he took office

>>56802 Bipartisan Group Of Senators Call For Investigation Into TikTok’s Alleged Violation Of Kids’ Privacy

>>56803 Officer shoots, kills woman at Tampa, Fla (Temple Terrace City Hall) after she charged with knife

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=41he45niJRY - Officer shoots, kills woman at Temple Terrace City Hall after she charged with knife, police say [Channel: Tampa Bay Times]

>>56804 #11988

(25 notables, 43 posts, 54 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171586

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9367499 Q Research General #11989: Flynn-Kislyak Transcript DECLAS Edition

Created 292301ZMAY20



>>56805, >>56809 POTUS is getting high engagement on his tweets despite censorship attempts by @jack

>>56806, >>56837 George Floyd has a gofundme currently sitting at 2.6 million dollars. They are asking for any money orders or checks to be sent to…Florida.

>>56807, >>56815, >>56834 Reports that Secret Service, DC police detained protestor for unknown reasons outside WH

>>56808 Beijing Hardens Resolve to Defy USA, Even While Calling for Cooperation… Threatens to Attack Taiwan

>>56810 Dig from 2012: Minn. police learn from Israeli counter-terrorism conference

>>56811 AP Comms?: Washington state has its first confirmed sighting of an Asian giant hornet this year. Dead hornet was a "queen"

>>56812 Presidential Veto Message to the House of Representatives for H.J. Res. 76

>>56813 From 4chan's /pol/: was George Floyd a porn star?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6853aea81572b05a62095efa60fb746f619d56048dd3cf936c6d15a35f544947.webm

>>56814 Secret Service have pushed journalists away from the Northwest exit as DC protesters come towards the White House.

>>56816 Liberals claiming MN riots are Putin's plan, kek

>>56817 Operation Project Flicker, PDF - 2009 report about 5000+ people working at the DOD engaged in childporn trafficking

>>56818 RT: Forget the race-baiting scare tactics, Trump has every right to go after ‘thugs’ as Minneapolis burns

>>56819 DOJ/Barr Statement of Interest in Maine's Gov Janet Mills Constitutional infringement on Right to Travel.

>>56820 Daily Beast stokes anger against National Guard, calling them Enemy Forces.

>>56821 Minnesota PD denies undercover cop started Minneapolis riot amid avalanche of speculation

>>56822 Haters gonna hate: This morning Taylor Swift accused Trump of 'stoking the fires of white supremacy' to her 86 million followers

>>56823, >>56835 CNN HQ in Atlanta being defaced

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a2b61efd4f7d875bd8b0e9d52e6a213166c5d3160010290020b4fa2f6dfd32c3.mp4

>>56824 Watch Live: George Floyd Protest in Washington, DC

>>56825 "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Ed Butowsky vs. the Deep State" Anon + Seth Rich connection to Wikileaks

>>56826 Protest live feed - 7 cameras + police scanner

>>56827 Graphic of POTUS's Plus Plus Plus tweet today & Q +++ from 2018

>>56828 Karl Rove Spotted at Trump White House, Again

>>56829 Far-Left Extremists Arrested While Attempting to Bomb Home of Former Greek Minister

>>56830 What are the words "box[ed] us in doing in the Flynn-Kislyak transcript AND in Joe Pientka's notes?

>>56831 Senior Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Commander survives assassination attempt

>>56832 Poll flipping time

>>56833 Planefag report

>>56836 Winning: W.H.O. is the news now?

>>56838 (NSFW) Both George Floyd and Derek Chauvin were involved with the same woman

>>56839 Protestors shut down Highway 101 in San Jose to decry police violence, George Floyd’s death

>>56840 Ambassador Kislyak expressed that people in Moscow were very disappointed in having "lost" the (American) election and considered it "deplorable"

>>56841 James O'Keefe tweet: Stay tuned Mark Zuckerberg

>>56842 Chicago mayor says "F U" to POTUS during presser

>>56843 Soros group protest in DC spray painted Fuck Trump on the Capitol building

>>56844, >>56845 WH is on lockdown due to escalating demonstrations

>>56846 Brazil Stands With Taiwan Against Chinese Totalitarianism

>>56847 #11989

(37 notables, 43 posts, 59 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171587

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9368270 Q Research General #11990: Friday & Saturday Will Deliver on the MAGA Promise Edition

Created 300012ZMAY20




>>56848 Secret Service personnel are currently assisting other law enforcement agencies during a demonstration in Lafayette Park.

>>56849 Anon lists the current cast of characters in MN/George Floyd events

>>56850 Riot/Protest being planned for tomorrow in Orange Co., CA by Marxist group Hammer and Anchor

>>56851 Transcripts show Flynn wanted to work with Russia against ISIS, Kislyak warned Trump 'Russiagate' was targeting HIM

>>56852 Anon on catching and countering the daily talking points

>>56853 MN AG Ellison may be coordinating with Antifa

>>56854 Biden campaign cancels fundraiser with former top Mueller prosecutor

>>56855 Planefag reports out of Atlanta

>>56856 A prayer for POTUS, Patriots, and our Country

>>56857 Meme Ammo update

>>56858 CNN: Every white person has a (racism) virus in their brain that can be activated at any time. Anon request for POTUS to tweet this video out

>>56859 Lockdown at the WH has ended, protestors moved to another part of DC

>>56860 Twitter thread: "summary" of Flynn-Kislyak conversation doesn't accurately reflect its actual meaning

>>56861, >>56865, >>56867 Ex-NYC Medical Examiner who autopsied Epstein and JFK to perform independent autopsy on George Floyd

>>56862 Chicago protest/riot being planned for tomorrow at 2pm

>>56863 Rioter: ‘We’re Gonna Start Coming to the Suburbs’

>>56864, >>56868 Anons' George Soros digs

>>56866, >>56869, >>56871 Rudy Guiliani comms: "#" is chess notation: A hash after a move denotes checkmate, being easier to type than the traditional "‡".

>>56870 [Maggie] defends POTUS for once

>>56872 #11990

>>56873 pb Navy builds 10 new heavily armed frigate warships

(21 notables, 26 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171588

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9369045 Q Research General #11991: This Is War Edition

Created 300114ZMAY20



>>56874 Murky messaging: Facebook allowed 'Death to America' advertising but censors US back-to-work rallies

>>56875 @RealMattCouch twat: I’m curious is CNN still calling them protestors now that they are about to burn the building to the ground in Atlanta…

>>56876, >>56902, >>56907 Anon caps of protests in multiple cities (NYC, Boston, LA, San Jose, Atlanta, ...)

>>56877, >>56878, >>56879, >>56880, >>56881, >>56882, >>56883, >>56884, >>56887, >>56888, >>56889, >>56890, >>56893, >>56894, >>56896, >>56899 CNN Atlanta violent "protest" (not a riot? not domestic terrorism?)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1A4FLdzwaek - MAY 29 PROTESTS ACROSS AMERICA (PART 2) [Channel: THE ACTIVATED PODCAST]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=L2bTwSfWtsE - Jeux Sans Frontieres - Penguins [Channel: Mark Baldin]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8A4kLpypTGg - Protesting outside of CNN headquarters via GDOT [Channel: AFN]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_8CgT_YqslA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1BdHrUPmuT4 - George Floyd death: Protests erupt in Atlanta, New York, and cities across the U.S. | FULL [Channel: Global News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7-WTLEMzbUw - Live: George Floyd Death Protests Around The U.S. | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/815167d4d5bb59f30c62161a6fb06313ebf696b7b674435016c87fc0a62f1df0.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jRcNwHPL-OM - #LIVE: Minneapolis Responds To Police Murder of George Floyd Day 4 part 2 [Channel: Unicorn Riot]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a4e69f3d7b94a1047faa923e89e4cddaaed7bcd5246b820b10f816cc33c1072.mp4

>>56885, >>56897 CDC admits COVID-19 antibody tests are wrong half the time & virus isn't that deadly

>>56886 Anon theory on sites w/evidence being destroyed strategically? 3rd precinct Minneapolis is Ilhan Omar's district

>>56891 Seattle advertizing for ANTIFA Protests; Not a chance this will be a 'peaceful protest'

>>56892 @brianstelter twat: What you're seeing live on CNN is vandalism in the lobby of CNN Center in Atlanta

>>56895 Police use non-lethal weapons to disperse protesters in San Jose

>>56898 Reminder: Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated study of 600+ US children (2017) shows that VACCINATED children have increased rates of ADHD, autism, and other conditions

>>56900 @theangiestanton twat: The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01f2739d8e47c9d52a56404dec617c1b170f99dc5b341e38a4ace57c17a090bc.mp4

>>56901 Chicago Police Officers Ordered To No Longer Use Force To Disperse Large Gatherings

>>56903 Charging documents showed George Floyd's death did not "support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation"

>>56904 Graphic: Why are white people being blamed for MN?

>>56905 @JamesAGagliano twat: NYPD source informs me 88th Precinct in Brooklyn has just been overrun

>>56906 Different Cam angle on South Texas SpaceX explosion from today

>>56908 #11991

(17 notables, 35 posts, 35 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171589

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9369802 Q Research General #11992: Riots and ANTIFA and False Flags. Oh My. Edition

Created 300205ZMAY20



>>56909, >>56943, >>56946 planefaggin

>>56910, >>56932 Protesters sharing "jail support" phone numbers incl. Minnesota Freedom Fund

>>56911, >>56914, >>56915, >>56917, >>56919, >>56927 More protest videos: Denver, Dallas, San Jose, Atlanta, Bakersfield

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JouOdKrbIYY - Second night of protests in Denver in response to the death of George Floyd [Channel: 9NEWS]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EHbh8GaQZU8 - WATCH: Protesters march through streets of Dallas demanding change following George Floyd's death [Channel: WFAA]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BEHsonDY414 - Group protesting George Floyd death shuts down California freeway [Channel: ABC7 News Bay Area]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xXGRR8rJNs0 - Atlanta protests for Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor: Live stream [Channel: 11Alive]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c6567e74fb479fcd5bc7540c21733d0a3aa2a8013bc3a764e3f292f8f78b6117.mp4

>>56912 This is fine on Twitter: "Having kids inspired all my baby rape jokes"

>>56913 @BernardKerik (former NYC police commissioner): Antifa, BLM, etc have military grade communication systems. Who funds them? Investigate!

>>56916 @Breaking911 twat: NYPD van set ablaze in Brooklyn

>>56918 FBI Director Wray Presided Over Multiple Russian FBI Probes; Has Millions in Cash Invested in Russia

>>56920 Twatter poll needs flipping

>>56921, >>56942 @Breaking911: Former Cop Derek Chauvin booked in the death of #GeorgeFloyd

>>56922, >>56930, >>56931, >>56936 Transcripts: Kislyak Says Moscow Believes the Obama Administration expelled diplomats and imposed sanctions to target President-elect Trump

>>56923, >>56924, >>56925, >>56939 Moar on Lancet HCQ study: "A study out of thin air"

>>56926 Antifa admitting to driving from Illinois to MN just for the rallies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Q2O5pU9AFjE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>56928 Protesters in Washington D.C. have breached the Treasury Dept. complex and spray painted the area

>>56929 Multiple Contaminated Drugs Raise Red Flag for FDA Oversight

>>56933, >>56935 @paulsperry_ on George Floyd tragedy

>>56934 Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell on Flynn transcripts: "There are No Words Sufficient to Convey Our Disgust and Disdain"

>>56937, >>56940 “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States" - George Soros, The Age of Fallibility

>>56938 Netflix closes deal to buy Hollywood's Egyptian Theatre

>>56941 CDC, Fauci breaking patent laws re "natural" coronavirus?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C2CsNqHFx68 - Butterfly of the Week, 27 April 2020: Under House Arrest as a Result of a Crime Committed by the CDC [Channel: David Martin World]

>>56944 Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? (Q#12)

>>56945 Woman found dead in car in Minneapolis following night of kidnappings, random shootings

>>56947 Riot Police, National Guard 'Completely Abandon' Perimeter in Minneapolis, Chased Away by Protesters

>>56948 #11992

(23 notables, 40 posts, 42 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171590

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9370559 Q Research General #11993: Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Edition

Created 300250ZMAY20



>>56949, >>56951, >>56953, >>56954, >>56956, >>56962, >>56995 moar riot videos (multiple cities)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1Sce_qm1RRw - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/53cdeebb98582005560131ab64075bb2b05876e382afd1b16c04de4efd0b4679.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BEHsonDY414 - Group protesting George Floyd death shuts down California freeway [Channel: ABC7 News Bay Area]

>>56950, >>56952, >>56955, >>56957, >>56958, >>56963, >>56965, >>56966, >>56972, >>56978, >>56980, >>56983, >>56985, >>56991, >>56997 Planefaggin, US MIL and other activity in riot cities

>>56959 Protesters, officers face off at Sacramento police station

>>56960 @paulsperry_ twat: Why does the hand in the pocket matter?

>>56961, >>56969 Soros, Bard College diggs

>>56964, >>56989 WH pool: Daily guidance and press schedule for Saturday, May 30, 2020

>>56967 Anon may have found the "expert crime scene witness" Kenneth (Dusty) Rhodes who witnessed Lori Kluasutis autopsy

>>56968 Chaos Erupts in Brooklyn as NYPD Clamp Down on Protestors

>>56970 Sue Black catches pedos by marks on hands

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Qjqa8oTikP8 - Sue Black Catches Paedophiles by Looking at the Marks on Their Hands [Channel: WIRED UK]

>>56971 Renoting: There is a big problem with the story we have been given about MN (EMT resuscitation)

>>56973 @IngrahamAngle asks @laralogan about Antifa operations taking place now. Can they be declared unlawful combatants?

>>56974 Derek Chauvin's bail set at $500,000

>>56975, >>56986, >>56990, >>56992 Minneapolis City Council member saying @GovTimWalz pulled out the Minnesota National Guard; or maybe not? some tweets deleted

>>56976, >>56982 UK must decide which leader to recognize in Venezuela gold case

>>56977 Minneapolis Solidarity Demonstration in Oakland

>>56979 Tweet authors can hide replies to their Tweets

>>56981, >>56984 Study: Masks should NOT be worn by healthy individuals

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/12aaf9c304bc10561321eb3c755e2413da45d4684306fdc3d0fff392b8e63c0a.pdf

>>56987 "Protestors" trying to burn down Minneapolis 5th Precinct police station

>>56988, >>56993 Libtard wants to send rioters to Fox instead of CNN

>>56994 @TomFitton twat: LA County to remove up to 1.59 million "inactive" names from dirty voting rolls

>>56996 DJT signed into law the Never Again Education Act calling for Holocaust education

>>56998 #11993

(22 notables, 50 posts, 55 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171591

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9371335 Q Research General #11994: Masks and Social Distancing are Over Edition

Created 300337ZMAY20



>>56999 @Breaking911: College Football Hall of Fame in Atlanta has been destroyed & looted

>>57000 DJT RT: @Jim_Jordan: Twitter “fact checks” President Trump. Did they ever fact check Comey, Schiff, Clapper, CNN? Double standard!

>>57001 Texas AG Ken Paxton: Trump is right and Twitter 'fact check' is wrong - mail-in ballot fraud is a real problem

>>57002, >>57013, >>57024, >>57027, >>57030 planefaggin

>>57003 DJT RT from 2016: @TallahForTrump Trump spoke at my church in Detroit and it opened my eyes. Never again will I be a slave to the Democrats!

>>57004 DJT RT: In Democrat cities you can get arrested for opening a business, but not for looting one.

>>57005 Saudi Arabia Moved $40 Billion in Reserves to Sovereign Fund

>>57006, >>57008, >>57010, >>57012, >>57014, >>57017, >>57018, >>57019, >>57020 Clashes between NYC rioters and police

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/126c45a97af9849c36914e79e07ce3e7ec21fb1f56f566941b8f1d186c27a03b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9b06ce255b5acf828a634869a9d4419db0cb53a0592649a12b9f93a8c3a2a3a0.mp4

>>57007 DJT RT: @ScottAdamsSays: Malaria drug and zinc, the missing link

>>57009 Lots of water bottles thrown at the officers now in front of the White House

>>57011, >>57025 Kellie Chauvin is divorcing her husband Derek (MN police officer)

>>57015 Just a few weeks ago, 75 protesters at the Michigan capitol were going to get everyone killed

>>57016 Lil Wayne on George Floyd: Stop Blaming Every Cop and Making It About Race

>>57021 Supreme Court, splitting 5-4, rejects challenge from CA church to public gathering restrictions. Roberts joins liberal justices

>>57022, >>57026 White House Locked Down as Protesters Tear Down Barricades

>>57023 @Breaking911: Rioters looting UPS trucks in Minneapolis

>>57028 @RichardGrenell accused of being deceptive: "I'm for transparency"

>>57029 Non-violence during a protest in Omaha

>>57031 #11994

(19 notables, 33 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171592

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9372078 Q Research General #11995: Get Out of the City Edition

Created 300422ZMAY20



>>57032, >>57037, >>57040, >>57041, >>57042, >>57044, >>57046, >>57055, >>57056 George Soros digs

>>57033, >>57049, >>57051, >>57052, >>57054, >>57059, >>57060, >>57061 White House protests: "Three officers down"; Fox News crew under attack

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=So_BMLD_D-4 - LIVE: GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS IN FRONT OF THE WHITE HOUSE IN DC [Channel: The Matt Skidmore Show]

>>57034 Louisville police officer shoots pepper bullets at news crew

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=l5EwEhdkcr4 - Louisville Police Fire Pepper Spray At News Reporter During George Floyd Protest! [Channel: The Progressive Voice]

>>57035 @Breaking911: GA governor declares state of emergency, will send 500 national guard troops to Atlanta

>>57036 Major cities with major protests (all Democrat-controlled)

>>57038 planefaggin

>>57039 Always wear a mask and keep your social distance. Unless we are looting. Then we are good.

>>57043, >>57045 If you can riot, you can vote in person. Bye Bye mail in voting!

>>57047, >>57053 Looks like George Floyd really did a porn vid...

>>57048 @adamhousley twat: A lot of confidence building in Texas US attorney John Bash's unmasking investigation

>>57050, >>57057 Chicago police received stand-down orders - no arrests or crowd dispersals

>>57058 Valerie Jarrett calls for vote-by-mail in every state

>>57062 #11995

(13 notables, 31 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171593

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9372839 Q Research General #11996: Riots Distract From DECLAS Edition

Created 300514ZMAY20



>>57063, >>57067 More riot video links

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=So_BMLD_D-4 - LIVE: GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS IN FRONT OF THE WHITE HOUSE IN DC [Channel: The Matt Skidmore Show]

>>57064 @Breaking911: The upscale 'Phipps Plaza' shopping mall in Atlanta has been broken into

>>57065, >>57066, >>57070 Pentagon takes rare step of putting military police on alert to go to embattled Minneapolis 'within hours'

>>57068 @SeattleFire twat: advising all downtown area business owners to immediately secure all open areas like outdoor seating areas, garages, dumpsters, and recycling bins as much as possible

>>57069 LAPD chopper circling above just announced an unlawful assembly has been declared and that the ENTIRE downtown area has been closed

>>57071 planefaggin

>>57072 War: "Protestor" holds up sign saying "by any means necessary"

>>57073, >>57079 Former BO 8bit comments on the baker situation on >>>/qrb/ and >>>/comms/

>>57074 CNN anchor just said on live TV that the riots in MN were "entirely peaceful" and a "merry caravan" and then seconds later someone throws a bottle directly at him.

>>57075, >>57076 Flashback: Former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, was interrogated by the CIA, said agents are implanted in State governments.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lIzfXOfpFcA - Jesse Ventura talks about CIA implanted in State Government, his CIA interrogation and trip to Cuba! [Channel: SO OUT THERE - Music & Video]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Xz5CcZt9Jlg - The Storm is Here - Deep State Exposed - DOCUMENTARY [Channel: William Freimark]

>>57077 'Fleet of underwater UFOs' spotted off the Greek coastline by alien hunter...

>>57078 Supreme Court won't force states to speed up church reopenings

>>57080 Minnesota Governor politely asks rioters to please go home

>>57081 Oakland Police is investigating a shooting of two security guards around the Federal Building on Friday

>>57082 #11996

(15 notables, 20 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171594

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9373622 Q Research General #11997: [GS] Edition

Created 300615ZMAY20




>>57083 Breaking: Rioters have stormed the Multnomah County Justice Center in Portland, Oregon, and have set the building on fire.

>>57084 Anon identifies Keith Ellison Outreach Director in a riot video, ties to GS

>>57085 MN Gov. to address Minnesotans and media at 1:30am local time tonight

>>57086 19-year old protester killed in Detroit, fired on by a passing truck shooting into the crowd.

>>57087 Full Sean Hannity link from tonight

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HpJbTyOp4kM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>57088 US Coast Guard flying around really close to Bill Gates house.

>>57089 Armed militia shows up in Richmond, VA to support protestors

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5f543d4a19e94893bc093e5cc2db0a5da6d5c32ec9a51d63d25f6798d43be555.mp4

>>57090 Former Minn. police offer Derek Chauvin's bail has been set at $500,000

>>57091 Cop mugshot doesn't look like the guy in the video

>>57092 Michelle Obama's Twitter tonight

>>57093 #11997

(11 notables, 11 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171595

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9374405 Q Research General #11998: National Guard On Partol Edition

Created 300738ZMAY20




>>57094, >>57096, >>57098 Update to streams of LA. Texas Fuckery, and Minneapolis Riot Stream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lc9DTCPjNLY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>57095 Schumer to GOP "Cancel 'Conspiracy' Hearing

>>57097 Bay Area Politicians Further Politicizing Life and Death of Citizens

>>57099 Number to Bail Rioters"Protestors" Out; Domestic Terrorism Supporter

>>57100 on Trump and E.O. 13603: Defense Production Act

>>57101 Reminder that the Racist Narrative ALWAYS Re-Hashes Near Election Season

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0cUQqPxw3hc - Candace Owens at hearing on Confronting White Supremacy [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>57102 GOP Chairwoman MN Jen Carnahan Calls for Governor Tim Walz and Mayor Jacob Frey to Resign

>>57103 QNN NC Stay Informed Voters!

>>57104 Antifa Starting Massive Fires Before Sunrise, High Action See..74997..

>>57105 String on Q and LegalityProcedure of Military Lockdown

>>57106 49 shot, 10 dead Memorial Day Violence

>>57107 Top S.C. Bar Resigns, Cites Trump Kek

>>57108, >>57109, >>57111 End String of Thread on Riot Perpetrators

>>57110 American Thinker: Riots Are Not About The Police

>>57112 #11998

(15 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171596

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9375124 Q Researcg General #11999: News? Where?

Created 301014ZMAY20




>>57113, >>57115, >>57117, >>57118, >>57119, >>57122, >>57123, >>57125, >>57131, >>57134 riot mini-bun. you want it? itz here.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D6cAKVK0fvg - RIOT PORTLAND FIRST NIGHT [Channel: ChuckIRL]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ca8191a71606555662332aaba1f52b4b094cbf60194e58411c09c9fe4ce0751.mp4

>>57114, >>57129 clockfag chiming in: White House briefly locked down Friday night

>>57116 140 Republican Lawmakers Pile Onto Lawsuit Against Democrats Over Proxy Voting, File Injunctions On New Proxy Votes

>>57120 James Woods twat w/CAP: Looting Louis Vuitton store in Portland. Nothing screams justice like designer handbags.

>>57121 Supreme Court rejects challenge to limits on church services; Roberts sides with liberals

>>57124 Giulaiani twat w/CAP: This killing and now out-of-control riot, being copied in Democrat cities throughout US, are the result of Progressive Dem incompetent leadership...

>>57126 anon strategery: WE can do our part by consolidating notables, memes for SM Twatters...

>>57127 US Gov't Now Flying MQ-9 Reaper Drone Over Minneapolis As Riots Worsen

>>57128 Louise Mecsch Replying to @CBS_Herridge and @Dudeteronomy: Catherine, if I were you I would not side with Flynn or his son. Fair warning.

>>57130 Mars Rocket test go BOOM in Tx. Elon, your rocket just blew up.

>>57132 Flynn Family Statement

>>57133 The FBI says that a car approached the Oakland Federal Building around 9:45 pm, firing at contract security officers. Two Federal Protective Service were hit...

>>57135 #11999

(13 notables, 23 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171597

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9375976 Q Research General #12000: Future Proves Past. Welcome Bred 12K Edition

Created 301239ZMAY20



>>57136 New DJT twat w/CAP: Great job last night at the White House by the U.S. @SecretService. They were not only totally professional, but very cool.

>>57137 POTUS calls out George Soros in all but name as responsible for the riots appearing all over the country the last 48 hrs

>>57138 Anon theory on Comey rose comms: "secret order for the nuclear option"

>>57139 China's 1st Home-Built Carrier Tests Weapons At Sea Amid 'No Off Ramp' Ratcheting US Tensions-zh

>>57140 1,700 National Guardsmen expected in Minneapolis tonight; military police on alert after riots rage across US-foxnews

>>57141, >>57150 pf reports

>>57142 Catherine Herridge-#FLYNN Compare FBI summary 12/29/2016 call between Russian Ambassador Kislyak and GEN Flynn with six page declassified transcript obtained

>>57143, >>57145 Transcripts of Flynn phone calls-grassley.senate.gov

>>57144, >>57146, >>57147, >>57148, >>57152, >>57155 New POTUS twat and analysis

>>57149 Declassified transcripts add to evidence that FBI had no legal basis to interview Michael Flynn-justthenews.com

>>57151 POTUS warns White House protesters would have been met by 'vicious dogs', 'ominous weapons' if they breached fence-foxnews

>>57153, >>57154 Customs And Border Protection Reaper Drone Appears Over Minneapolis Protests-thedrive and Q drop #104

>>57156 #11200

(13 notables, 21 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171598

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9376685 Q Research General #12001: Think Beyond Binary Edition

Created 301355ZMAY20



>>57157 NY Post on NY ALS COVID Problem

>>57158 Cops Taking Hands Off Measures With Rioters

>>57159, >>57160, >>57162 DJT_Tweets

>>57161 Specator: Can we believe Ilhan's Biography?

>>57163, >>57176 PlaneFag Reports

>>57164, >>57167, >>57170, >>57181, >>57185, >>57186 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>57165, >>57199 US Mil Tweets /News

>>57166, >>57171, >>57174, >>57179, >>57182, >>57183, >>57184, >>57187, >>57188, >>57190 Planefag Reports

>>57168 Document ID digs

>>57169, >>57172, >>57173, >>57175, >>57177, >>57178, >>57180, >>57191, >>57192, >>57194, >>57195, >>57196 Riot Reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bfJEJXAA6as - Minneapolis mayor pleads for peace as Floyd protests erupt into chaos [Channel: Fox News]

>>57189 SpaceX is live. Coverage to begin at the top of the hour.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bIZsnKGV8TE - Crew Demo-2 [Channel: SpaceX]

>>57193 YT is blocking video streams to 8kun domain.

>>57197 Chinese Virus Reports

>>57198 Alleged Antifa riot manual (tweet now deleted)

>>57200 #12001

(15 notables, 44 posts, 52 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171599

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9377514 Q Research General #12002 National Guard Incoming Edition

Created 301509ZMAY20



>>57201 methods of non-violent action-aeinstein.org

>>57202, >>57203 Police Chief Renee Hall: 'All Of A Sudden Bricks Started Hitting Our Squad Car'-dfw.cbslocal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=09KRPsgi8hE - Police Chief Renee Hall: 'All Of A Sudden Bricks Started Hitting Our Squad Car' [Channel: CBS TEXAS]

>>57204 footage from Minneapolis last night

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cHcELsLF7cg - LIVE | George Floyd Protest Minneapolis MN [Channel: Regg Life]

>>57205, >>57206, >>57208, >>57211, >>57213 planefag reports

>>57207 kek speaks

>>57209, >>57216 Soros and Catholic Church-from Mar 2019

>>57210, >>57212, >>57217 Lufthansa accepts tweaked demands by Brussels over state bailout

>>57214 Updated list of Major cities in the headlines with major riot activity (so called protesters):-gardenpathways.org

>>57215, >>57218, >>57219 POTUS twats

>>57220 ---———————————--——– Irregular warfare. Insurgency. (Caps: )

>>57221 ---———————————--——– 'War[e]fare' misspelling unintentional

(11 notables, 21 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>57220, >>57221

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171600

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9378280 Q Research General #12003: Q on the Move Edition

Created 301612ZMAY20




>>57222 Chinese Virus Reports

>>57223, >>57224, >>57226, >>57227, >>57228, >>57229, >>57230 Riot reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2Zmkf8ZATgQ - Multi Stream : George Floyd Protest - NYC - USA - EUROPE - PARIS - Multi Cities One Stream [Channel: Gjithçka Shqip]

>>57225 SpaceX Live Stream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bIZsnKGV8TE - Crew Demo-2 [Channel: SpaceX]

>>57231, >>57241, >>57244, >>57248 planefaggin

>>57232 Tuesday 05.26.2020

>>57233 ---———————————--——– Irregular warfare. Insurgency. (Caps: )

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ada48fbe9ecbb11369cc3bf2da744b78fb58fdcd77a02646aab964ff628c93bc.pdf

>>57234 Furious Reaction to Release of the Newly Declassified Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts, ‘Flynn Was Framed’

>>57235 Twatter thread: Riots in the Bible

>>57236 ---———————————--——– Anti-American? Domestic terrorists? (ANTIFA)

>>57237, >>57240, >>57247, >>57250 Eric Holder tweets/diggs showcase his role in the coup against Trump

>>57238 @CalebJHull twat: Antifa bros are the source of a lot of these [property destruction] issues

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/58fcb72bcf3a00e160b91af613d912ba33d587d4ed49badfa8071ee1ea6a4f88.mp4

>>57239 Twatter: Who posted the video of the cop kneeling on the black guy…

>>57242 Protestors Vandalize CNN Headquarters In Atlanta: Summary article

>>57243 Alleged Antifa riot manual (tweet now deleted)

>>57245 ---———————————--——– THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED, RACE WARS, CLASS WARS, ...

>>57246 Mossad Chief Cohen Flew To Egypt for Secret Talks, Report Says

>>57249 DJT Jr twat: Thankful that these business owners have a 2nd Amendment so they can protect themselves and their businesses

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5da0e2b8c9e5990ce131b473e7b3dd4625e843766a95641bf575c14cf500be38.mp4

>>57251 Antifa and current protests diggs

>>57252 Libyan Army kills leader of Turkish-backed Syrian militant group

>>57253 @johncardillo twat: Perfectly coordinated national riots within 48 hours

>>57254 @RepVernonJones twat: I refuse to allow a bunch of ANTIFA affiliated thugs to come to my beloved city of Atlanta and burn it to the ground

>>57255 Watch: Russian jets intercept US strategic bombers

>>57256 Secret Service statement on Pennsylvania Avenue demonstrations

>>57257 #12003

(24 notables, 36 posts, 70 media/files)

Q- >>57236, >>57245

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171601

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9379024 Q Research General #12004: RIOTS ARE A DISTRACTION. FLYNN WAS FRAMED. Edition

Created 301658ZMAY20



>>57258, >>57266 POTUS trolling CNN: Here we go again. Fake News @CNN is blaming RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA ... P.S. Can’t blame China because they need the cash?

>>57259, >>57263, >>57269, >>57276, >>57295, >>57302, >>57309 planefaggin

>>57260, >>57272 Twat threads on riots being a setup: pallet of bricks left near expensive shops in Dallas

>>57261, >>57296 Thief/rioter killed while looting FedEx truck in St. Louis

>>57262 @DineshDSouza twat: I'd call on the FBI to investigate the criminal conspiracy behind the organized riots, but Wray is too busy covering up political corruption

>>57264 @RealMattCouch: Police officers killed last night. This is an attack on our freedoms!

>>57265 Reminder: Links to chloroquine/HCQ/zinc studies and evidence

>>57267 Derek Chauvin, cop charged in George Floyd death, jailed outside county

>>57268 UK Soros Protests Coming

>>57270, >>57297 Anon theory on Comey rose comms: "secret order for the nuclear option"

>>57271 Army RT + Q post connections: "Activated"

>>57273, >>57277, >>57283, >>57301, >>57305 Moar on alleged Antifa documents

>>57274 MN Gov. "fully mobilizes" National Guard, says riots "no longer in any way about George Floyd"

>>57275 People Protest Outside US Embassy in Berlin Over George Floyd Death - Video

>>57278 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#114 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179,

>>57279 Merkel won’t attend G7 summit in person if US goes ahead with in-person meeting

>>57280 UN Human Rights Chief Demands US Takes "Serious Action" To Stop Killing Of Unarmed African-Americans

>>57281 Eric Holder twat: "idiots on the street destroying things"

>>57282, >>57306 @JimBridenstine: SpaceX launch moving forward today, 50% chance of cancellation due to weather

>>57284, >>57287 DOJ action coming against Antifa

>>57285 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Says She Has Two Words For President Trump: “F--- You”

>>57286 Greek mayor says his town (Grevena) won’t accept one more migrant

>>57288 Death & taxes: Big Tech lobbies not to pay much tax after making a killing on Covid-19 pandemic

>>57289 Rioter arrested for attempted murder of 4 NYPD officers after throwing Molotov cocktail at police cruiser

>>57290 Gwinnett County (AL) protest; anon says most home-owners there are armed

>>57291 Video of woman who lost her community stores and buses due to protests: "These people did this for no reason"

>>57292 Schadenfreude: CNN's Fredo Cuomo loses half his viewers

>>57293 The Gateway Pundit: From Past History: It’s Highly Likely the Groups Behind Today’s Riots are Domestic Terrorists

>>57294 @dbongino twat: Muriel Bowser (DC mayor) has NO idea what the Secret Service does

>>57298 Ilhan Omar’s daughter promotes list of ‘supplies’ for rioters burning and looting Minneapolis

>>57299 Rioting breaks out in Paris suburb after man is hit by train

>>57300 @WhiteHouse: POTUS en route to view the SpaceX launch

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/75f535129bfb25e3ef9812f403cecd66d2cba4aae63f45c711d4a44d7228bf7a.mp4

>>57303 Atlanta rapper 'Killer Mike' blasts CNN in powerful speech: 'Stop feeding fear and anger'

>>57304 Kenneth Braithwaite Sworn in as Secretary of the Navy

>>57307 DC Mayor Accuses Trump Of ‘Hiding Behind His Fence’ From ‘Peaceful Protesters’

>>57308 ARCHIVE OFFLINE: Spreadsheet & off-site galleries are updated to today

>>57310 Spoopy DJT twat: MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE??? Asking for public support?

>>57311 Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) protesting

>>57312 #12004

>>57313 ---———————————--——– Humanity at its finest (volunteers cleaning up MN) (Cap/vid: )

(40 notables, 56 posts, 95 media/files)

Q- >>57313

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171602

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9379799 Q Research General #12005: All for a LARP Edition

Created 301757ZMAY20



>>57314 ---———————————--——– Humanity at its finest (volunteers cleaning up MN) (Cap/vid: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/48ee158c7fc653a23b19d8d19cf2b08817d5d79111e55bea63dda42ccb59278e.mp4

>>57316 RUSH: Facebook fact-checks too, and exiles people they don’t like

>>57317 Pope Francis Reveals Catholic Priests Used Nuns As Sex Slaves

>>57318, >>57325 Moar on alleged Antifa documents; may have been around for a while

>>57319 Portland Police release arrest photos

>>57320 Congress Is Poised to Pass Far-reaching Israeli Wish List

>>57321 @greggutfeld twat: For the media and their political counterparts to finally accept that rioting and looting is bad, they had to decide on the acceptable group to blame

>>57322, >>57333, >>57344, >>57346, >>57352, >>57353, >>57357, >>57368, >>57370 planefaggin

>>57323, >>57326, >>57327, >>57328, >>57329, >>57330, >>57331, >>57349, >>57350, >>57376 Barr statement/vids on riots

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w8Qk8QyqARE - Live: Attorney General Barr Delivers Statement on George Floyd Case | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc145c17f24366d4cf38887585afc169aa6b6df3bece6d180bc8dea166a3a5ab.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c47604277fea9ddd8b05fbc03933cfd361462e8fc37c61e331013874cd296296.mp4

>>57324 Ukraine’s Zelenskyy Pivots Back to Peace Talks With Russia’s Putin

>>57332, >>57337 13,000 MN National Guard troops inbound

>>57334 New Study Links Brain Tumors to Power Lines Exposure

>>57335 Michelle Obama playing up emotions and gaslighting: ‘I’m Exhausted By A Heartbreak That Never Seems To Stop’

>>57336, >>57339, >>57358, >>57362, >>57364 People helping at protests

>>57338 The Real Reason Why They Hate Him: Donald Trump is a Heretic frmo the Left's Secular Religion

>>57340, >>57348 @Tore_says thread on Soros and protesters

>>57341 PAYBACK: Dr. Judy Mikovits Comes Out Swinging; Drops NEW Bombs on Dr. Fauci & CDC During Vicious Interview

>>57342 Missouri governor urges 'don’t go out and vote' if you don't feel safe

>>57343 Snowden’s Russian residence permit automatically extended (along with all others) until June 15

>>57345 The Memo: Trump ratchets up Twitter turmoil

>>57347 The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate (0.26% estimate). Where is the media?

>>57351 ---———————————--——– Men protecting an officer separated from his team

>>57354 Video of woman who lost her community stores and buses due to protests: "These people did this for no reason"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/00ebad10eba4f6609b509797d099e28278f533b7b6f15ea9b058955c1ec0c4fb.mp4

>>57355 DJT 1 min delta: Crossing State lines to incite violence is a FEDERAL CRIME!

>>57356 DC clothesline: George Floyd was deliberately murdered, right on schedule to unleash race riots across America to cause even more chaos

>>57359 Military Could Deploy Troops to Minneapolis 'Very Quickly', Trump Says

>>57360 60 detained for looting, 22 arrested after Oakland protests turn violent

>>57361, >>57363, >>57372 Narrative already shifting towards "rallies are a white nationalist op"

>>57365 Seattle Police Dept WTF: Lawful demonstrations can't be recorded... also, body cams run out of batteries...

>>57366 Excellent Twat thread on FLYNN BEING FRAMED

>>57367 New DJT: Much more "disinformation" coming out of CNN, MSDNC, NY Times, WA Post than any foreign country combined

>>57369 New DJT: 80% of the RIOTERS in Minneapolis last night were from OUT OF STATE

>>57371 New DJT: Hopefully a great, successful and safe ROCKET LAUNCH

>>57373, >>57374, >>57375 ---———————————--——– Be vigilant: Barr: Violence organized by anarchic left extremist groups (Cap/vid: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d073c3e3d44fd7a8c4c74f96663f16715089f432e60ccc15b049a5aaee76eccd.mp4

>>57377 #12005

(35 notables, 63 posts, 71 media/files)

Q- >>57351, >>57373

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171603

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9380531 Q Research General #12006: Be Vigilant Edition

Created 301842ZMAY20



>>57378 Trump signs the Never Again Education Act into law

>>57379 Graphics of recent Q drops

>>57380 SpaceX Launch livestream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bIZsnKGV8TE - Crew Demo-2 [Channel: SpaceX]

>>57381 POTUS/Q zero delta

>>57382 Pool reports Quotes from White House departure

>>57383 What is going on here?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6f956e53fad6d189b08c841497e8a650ab094a593b4225b420bddc44eb186269.mp4

>>57384 BLM protests erupting in London

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd735c4df350eeea905b0472714227175bfa8cae39ae577d32e2dfff71ea054a.mp4

>>57385 Hammer & Sickle graffiti in denver

>>57386 The curious case of the SF doctor who’s been coronavirus-positive nearly 90 days and counting

>>57387 AG Barr: "Violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchic far left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics"

>>57388 George Floyd died from drug overdose not from knee of Officer Derek Chauvin,

>>57389, >>57392 Anons comfy during historic SpaceX launch, Godspeed Space Soldiers

>>57390 Candace Owens shares video of protestors chanting "George Soros, where's my money?"

>>57391, >>57396 Why is MN Gov's daughter sharing info about NG movements & capabilities to Minn. “protestors”?

>>57393 PF report: Spoopy XXXX USAF C-130 Hercules coming into the (Florida) area

>>57394 DHS Press Briefing on Shooting of FPS Officers in California

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=380rFOcC19U - DHS Press Briefing on Shooting of FPS Officers in California [Channel: wwwICEgov]

>>57395 @USMC: Devil Dog Departing!

>>57397 #12006

(18 notables, 20 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171604

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9381309 Q Research General #12007: Godspeed Bob & Doug, SpaceX Launch Edition Edition

Created 301939ZMAY20



>>57398, >>57406 Rioters question who is leaving pallets of bricks in the middle of riot zones.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=67Ee4zmKLws - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>57399 WASHINGTON (AP) --- US authorities say killing of federal security officer during protest in Oakland, California, was domestic terrorism.

>>57400 Anon dig from 2002: During influenza epidemics, mortality rates among nursing home residents often exceed 5 percent.

>>57401 Epic photo of POTUS and VP watching the launch

>>57402 Tony Timpa was suffocated by police during an arrest..As he lay dead, they cracked jokes. There were no riots. He was white.

>>57403 MN Gov. Walz: We Estimate 80% of the Rioters Are from out of State

>>57404 Minnesota authorities have begun contact tracing arrestees from protests

>>57405 Antifa terrorista accused of throwing molotov cocktail at NYPD vehicle with cops inside, could be charged with attempted murder

>>57407 This is Jacob Frey, the Mayor of Minneapolis.

>>57408 For keks, Ted Cruz tweet

>>57409, >>57411 Pew: Democrats Represent 41 Of 44 Districts (93%) With Highest COVID-19 Death Tolls

>>57410 Israeli police kill unarmed autistic Palestinian man

>>57412 Chicago protests: They broke through a barricade, headed to Trump Tower, 500 maybe

>>57413 #12007

(14 notables, 16 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171605

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9382099 Q Research General #12008: Launch America, Fuck Antifa Edition

Created 302049ZMAY20




>>57414, >>57424 Breaking via NBC: The FBI's top lawyer Dana Boente was asked to resign on Friday. The decision came from high levels of the Justice Dept.

>>57415 SpaceX Falcon Magic Landing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b37e590b4938d15eb2311cb1b608f76844b1301ecdf9acfff13f5901f89f1b12.mp4

>>57416 Mossad Chief Cohen Flew To Egypt for Secret Talks, Report Says

>>57417 POTUS live remarks at Kennedy Space Center

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qqUns4GAa8w - President Trump Delivers Remarks at Kennedy Space Center [Channel: The White House]

>>57418, >>57427 Anons' analysis of Cauvin mug shot

>>57419 Protesters break through barricades and come face-to-face with Secret Service near the White House

>>57420, >>57422 Chicago riot helmets are same blue as UN helmets

>>57421 Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey race baiting and confusing Antifa for white supremacists

>>57423 Over 500 arrested during yesterday's LA protest. All but 18 released. More mayhem planned for today/tonight.

>>57425 Jacob Frey pictured with maya Santamaria, owner of the club where Chauvin & Floyd used to work

>>57426 Kiss Guitarist Bob Kulick dies at 70

>>57428 POTUS: "I will not allow angry mobs to dominate.", names Antifa as responsible for riots

>>57429, >>57430 POTUS says "special place" during remarks (nod to Q330 re: GS?)

>>57431 The Latest: 80 arrested at George Floyd protest in Las Vegas

>>57432 Security expert says most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists; far-right groups have not yet made significant appearance.

>>57433, >>57434 ---———————————--——– Update the list. (Article re: Dana Boente resignation) (Cap: )

>>57435 #12008

(17 notables, 22 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>57433

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171606

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9382873 Q Research General #12009: Dana Boente Fired Edition

Created 302148ZMAY20




>>57436 Portland, Oregon mayor declares state of emergency, imposes curfew as riots spread | Just The News

>>57437 Video of the National Guard rolling down the street in #Atlanta. #AtlantaRiots #AtlantaProtest

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60f5fc189009797fcbe515f8faac4f7f751f0df700eb1960e48e1ef1474932f3.mp4

>>57438, >>57442 Reports that 70th NYPD precinct is under attack, surrounded, and requesting assistance

>>57439 Afghan Government Releases 710 Taliban Militants As Fighting in Country Resumes

>>57440 New Allegations Of Massive Corruption In Colombian Armed Forces And Threats Against Whistleblowers

>>57441 Protesting at police HQ in Toronto now.

>>57443 Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik: FBI Must Investigate Who Is Funding Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorism’

>>57444 Dueling claims: Trump blames Antifa for riots, Minnesota officials point fingers at white supremacists and cartels

>>57445 Art Caplan, NYU Professor and NBC correspondent wrote this in 2016. What did he know? Was this their plan all along?

>>57446, >>57449 Bricks being thrown at officers in NYC and Philly

>>57447, >>57460 Is CNN working with Antifa organizers?

>>57448 Mayor Frey Gives Masks to Rioters But Says Opening Churches Would Be a 'Public Health Disaster'

>>57450, >>57452, >>57453 ---———————————--——– Insurrection Act of 1807. Call the ball. (Caps: )

>>57451 US Employment News: Google Cancels Job Offers To More Than 2,000 Workers

>>57454, >>57455, >>57456 "Call the ball" terminology

>>57457 Indigenous Chilean Flag, Symbol of Leftist Riots, Appears in Minneapolis

>>57458 Adam Housley claims that Wray will be fired

>>57459 Insurrection Act caps complete with recent changes made in 2007.

>>57461 Remember this gift Obama gave us

>>57462 Clockfag on the WH lockdown last night - Castle LOCK

>>57463 MLK's daughter, Atlanta mayor among leaders condemning riots after George Floyd's death

>>57464 Kamala Harris is protesting outside of the White House

>>57465 #12009

>>57466 Wednesday 05.27.2020

(24 notables, 31 posts, 30 media/files)

Q- >>57450

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171607

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9383700 Q Research General #12010: Call the Ball Edition

Created 302241ZMAY20



>>57467, >>57481, >>57485, >>57509 General Flynn Case Reports (Dana Boente forced to resign FISA)

>>57468, >>57469, >>57475, >>57476, >>57477, >>57479, >>57480, >>57482, >>57484, >>57487, >>57488, >>57491, >>57492, >>57494, >>57495, >>57497, >>57498, >>57500, >>57504, >>57505, >>57506, >>57507, >>57511, >>57514, >>57515, >>57516, >>57521, >>57524, >>57526, >>57529

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e8OLtiQBHw0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_T7gEMgNjLg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GktKgs-Vy6U - LIVE: GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS CONTINUE NEAR THE WHIT [Channel: The Matt Skidmore Show]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d02bc6d7557535e891840d26a38c4a1b1d0dda2e1b3b2ba23e6569ab2b169df2.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iFBP0zpTj-o - Watch Live: Protests Continue in LA after Night of Violence and Unrest | NBCLA [Channel: NBCLA]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GJVVOCM5Z_s - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1868bd52d7cebc1b8d6f1d791461d9b15f2498061a25f2d7a02ad2edddd4172c.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dJLRj6FH5Mk - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>57470 Antifa is connected to Israel

>>57471, >>57501, >>57518, >>57519, >>57520 'Martial Law' Discussions

>>57472 China Attacks The World

>>57473, >>57474, >>57478, >>57490, >>57493, >>57522, >>57527 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Qxali1Yh7OI - George Floyd Protests Near White House--Jenn Dize LIVE [Channel: Status Coup News]

>>57483 Fulford drop Bill Gates Now A Dead Man Walking

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d_xDU7lkn_M - Top 10 Celebrities We CAN’T BELIEVE Have Mugshots! [Channel: WatchMojo.com]

>>57486, >>57512 Crazy Joy Reid Pushes the Lie: White Nationalists Are Behind the Mass Looting, Rioting of Black Lives Matter

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TQ_kJKI4zFA - Joy Reid Apologizes To LGBT Community For Tweets, Posts | AM Joy | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>57489 US Mil Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dbb16f7c7b1e9014b6560cfcf07307ef01c9b4ca5096908ee9535ce07b807835.mp4

>>57496 Planefag Reports


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IdwH066g5lQ - Tucker Investigates: What is destroying rural America? [Channel: Fox News]

>>57502, >>57523 Bad Guy Reports

>>57508, >>57510, >>57513, >>57525, >>57528 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>57517 Adam Housley tweets Wray will be fired and there will be other changes at FBI. Not sure when….but it is happening.

>>57530, >>57532, >>57533 Riot Reports

>>57531, >>57535 ---———————————--——– On the ready. God save America. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c2a3e34c299493edb4cd329938d95ce9bfcb08f5e80642803ac526a7b11586a.mp4

>>57534 #12010

>>57536 Wed 05.27.2020

(18 notables, 70 posts, 74 media/files)

Q- >>57531

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171608

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9384491 Q Research General #12011 Fat Axl Disagrees Edition

Created 302339ZMAY20



>>57537, >>57542, >>57554, >>57562, >>57568 Stormy Dan tweets

>>57538, >>57540, >>57541, >>57545, >>57546, >>57547, >>57548, >>57555, >>57560, >>57564, >>57566, >>57587

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c4ec813edfdf9ddd26108348d91d9e736f1b15de59ef0dd32fcce7176e9abcd.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5f00acbd8c1cf57d7ccf6d20418e1bcd44bc3aff8767501c317e488a84fac38b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a758e35b94fab66c20c758988af824786509a03e78a342214b87dbb9322eab78.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/36a23e79509503189669b93831934519d822ba56055beb1b6a5217ef87f50a96.mp4

>>57539, >>57589, >>57591 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>57543, >>57544, >>57550 Planefag reports

>>57549, >>57551, >>57570, >>57581, >>57595 'Martial Law' Discussions

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rOW_5YKUUuo - Riots/Protest for George Floyd in ATL GA [Channel: ᑭEᗩᑕᕼYᖇIᗪEᖇ]

>>57552 Operation Dark Storm - Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ

>>57553 THIS IS ABOUT SAVING AMERICA. And then the World will follow.

>>57556, >>57558 Joe Concha Tweet

>>57557, >>57561 Tom Hanks Reports

>>57559 High IQ Anon on "Call the Ball": buckle up, we're in for a bumpy controlled crash landing

>>57563 Pink shirt guy update

>>57565, >>57569, >>57574, >>57590 Q Drop "Call the ball" discussion

>>57567 Antifa caught with AR15….MSM spinning.

>>57571, >>57575, >>57577, >>57580, >>57584, >>57585, >>57588, >>57592, >>57594 Riot Reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0UDS3c55z6s - New York City Protestors 2020 May 30 Times Square Going 7th Ave South to 14th Street to Union Square [Channel: randomlifts]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MJT6fVER_Uo

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aH7yi0FmZEk

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c87538ce4822687cb7db51adc6fd477438b85bd87af4f33d5c936081274517a9.mp4

>>57572, >>57579 Bad Guy Reports

>>57573, >>57578, >>57582 Trump Tower in Midtown on fire?

>>57576, >>57593 Chinese Virus reports

>>57583 Who knew the insurgence started May 26?

>>57586 Sidney Powell tweets

>>57596 #12011

(20 notables, 60 posts, 66 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171609

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9385228 Q Research General #12012 Call The Ball Edition

Created 310027ZMAY20



>>57597 Updated Riot Livestream Links

>>57598 Seattle mayor imposes emergency curfew --- set to begin only 14 minutes after her announcement.

>>57599 MINN. GOVERNOR & MAYOR LIED: Jail records Show Most (38 of 44) Arrested in Minneapolis Riots Live in Minnesota

>>57600 Riots Overview - is this China's doing?

>>57601 @USMC In the Mighty Jungle

>>57602 BREAKING Military vehicles on constitution avenue going towards the @WhiteHouse

>>57603 Step 1: Organically normalize wearing masks in public, Step 2: Organically organize riots in all major North American cities

>>57604 U.K. may offer citizenship path to 3 million Hong Kong residents

>>57605 Boatfag: Final of the five Iranian tankers going to Venezuela detected. Tanker CLAVEL is slightly northeast of Barbados

>>57606 Trudeau: Canadians watching US unrest and police violence in 'shock and horror'. About to spill over the border?

>>57607 'This is Not 1962': Punjab CM's Stern Warning to China Amid Border Tensions

>>57608 Rioters just found an AR-15 in an abandoned police car and a hero immediately pulled his gun and disarmed him.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc69934e35e2e24df64c9f26e84747d35631a09ec794baf99a456aae08a46924.mp4

>>57609 Minnesota officials finally admit outside agitators are hijacking peaceful protests

>>57610 POTUS tweets AG Barr's comments on the riots

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d073c3e3d44fd7a8c4c74f96663f16715089f432e60ccc15b049a5aaee76eccd.mp4

>>57611 Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to protect pedophile officials (article from May 2)

>>57612 #12012. #12013

(16 notables, 16 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171610

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9386004 Q Research General #12013: God Save America Edition

Created 310114ZMAY20



>>57613 2016 dig: Soros Exposed Plotting to Nationalize American Police

>>57614 Justice Department Backs Businesses Challenging Michigan's Pandemic Restrictions

>>57615 Minnesota Using ‘Contact Tracing’ to Determine if Agitators ‘Organized Cell of Terror’

>>57616 Clarifying lb notable: It was an undercover officer that disarmed man who took rifle from police vehicle at Seattle protest

>>57617 WATCH enraged protesters breach CBS studio gates in Los Angeles

>>57618 ‘I can land the plane’: How Rosenstein tried to mollify Trump, protect Mueller and save his job (2019 article, RR testifying this Wednesday)

>>57619 "The President, the Military and Minneapolis: What You Need to Know"

>>57620 Tucker: Our (DEM) leaders have sided with the agents of chaos (video)

>>57621 Winning: Trump bans Chinese students, researchers from entering US

>>57622 Courthouse in Downtown Nashville is on fire

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/96d0a9f37d2f455f134872b500c64639102956b38365b8f5822ebce39fed3543.mp4

>>57623 Call The Ball' How is Your Logistics Communication?

>>57624 Lil Wayne Interviews Anthony Fauci About Coronavirus Predictions

>>57625 Biden staff donate to group that pays bail in riot-torn Minneapolis

>>57626 Teargas deployed at the WH

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GktKgs-Vy6U - LIVE: GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS CONTINUE NEAR THE WHIT [Channel: The Matt Skidmore Show]

>>57627 Possible DS trolling by POTUS using SpaceX launch time (3:22:45)

>>57628 Trump postpones G-7 meeting again, plans to invite four more countries

>>57629 Why are [they] doing this now? Anon on timing of riots and POTUS preparing for the flashpoint

>>57630, >>57631 Friendly Reminder: if you can loot in person, you can vote in person!; anon calls for POTUS to retweet

>>57632 Call the ball clip from Top Gun

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/96d756eded67669a83fbb805d69009992144e9a074ed89e07299639fbc43cb02.mp4

>>57633, >>57634 Chrissy Teigen funding Antifa on MAGA night

>>57635 Anon neutralizes evil quads with God, Country, Family

>>57636 #12012. #12013

(22 notables, 24 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171611

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9386756 Q Research General #12014: Traitors Aiding & Abetting the Enemy Edition

Created 310159ZMAY20



>>57637 Might have to change our lingo? Trump apparently hates the term 'tweet' b/c it sounds "juvenile". Prefers "message"

>>57638 New POTUS: No games!

>>57639 New POTUS: Let New York's Finest be New York's Finest

>>57640 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY, May 31, 2020, no public events scheduled

>>57641 Biden trying to take credit for today's launch

>>57642, >>57643, >>57645 Antifa "jail support" phone number

>>57644 A Plan You Can Actually Keep: Trump Delivers On Obama’s Broken Health Care Promise

>>57646 WATCH: Protesters using M80 explosives on cops

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e8ef89a6df2cda0a03e7e1482db632d157892ee55036259633b536c0e78656f2.mp4

>>57647 More celebrities donating to Antifa, sheep following

>>57648 Hypocrisy: Somali Rioters Call for the Release of Killer Cop Mohamed Noor on CNN

>>57649 #12014

(11 notables, 13 posts, 13 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171612

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9387529 Q Research General #12015: No Games! MAGA Night Edition

Created 310248ZMAY20



>>57650 Breaking: LA Mayor Asks Gov Newsom to Send National Guard

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JU97DPhMhos - Violence erupts in Los Angeles amid protests over death of George Floyd | ABC7 Los Angeles News [Channel: ABC7]

>>57651 Anon decode of 40k ft view and Call the Ball (landing)

>>57652 Cities with riots/protests

>>57653 Seattle PD statement on stolen rifles

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc69934e35e2e24df64c9f26e84747d35631a09ec794baf99a456aae08a46924.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5f8fb655937cc1d450e8da93cc1d0c1a9ec41300628dc01b3337759b101ffb0.mp4

>>57654 American Journal of Epidemiology urges outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine regimen for COVID-19

>>57655 BREAKING: Journalist Tom Aviles has been arrested while covering protests in Minneapolis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d6db104af67f38955e8c4a016e8b84039a6f62906c911981eafe3c0904603fb3.mp4

>>57656 Dig re: Nashville DEMS Mayor Cooper & brother Rep Jim Cooper -- Following the Money

>>57657 Anon's Chicago police scanner report from last 20 minutes

>>57658 Adam Housely on Boente investigation

>>57659, >>57660, >>57668, >>57674 Downtown Chicago shut down

>>57661, >>57665 Man critically injured in Dallas riots

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/97383ca4ff7c38490101e16ac9abf8e62e619da892769177ef0ab2bc50b80b1c.mp4

>>57662 Downtown LA & W Hollywood: Moar PD Helos up now as well as CHP; curfew came in10 mins ago

>>57663 San Jose woman arrested after allegedly running 2 people over during protest

>>57664, >>57667, >>57673 Nashville's historic courthouse and city hall set on fire; moar

>>57666 DJT repeat message on MN deployment

>>57669 Regarding Local News Coverage in Seattle (great coverage by KOMO)

>>57670 Curfew called in Salt Lake City

>>57671, >>57679 NYC current coverage

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e8619732d00185fb38dd8fc4ba2ed1d33d16d8d020e3ed18ec61b766ee4da19.mp4

>>57672, >>57678 Bay area current coverage

>>57675 How Facebook And Twitter Are Dealing With Calls To Ban Trump’s Content

>>57676 Just a bunch of white trump supporters… that’s what MSNBC told me

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad017e943513e44bd9204a884b0e9c1004a6be2d5e6adeab8594e00a2bce6454.mp4

>>57677 US Army Deploys "Elite Trainers" To Help Colombia After Cocaine Production Triples

>>57680 Steven St Blaize: slashed office was "asking for it"

>>57681 AS-Source News: This is far from a protest: 30 streams up on a large screen


>>57683 LA activates the Natl Guard

>>57684 Rioters rip away steel barricades in front on White House

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/285e0ff49de0a461b6eae95f5b431664acb0ccc7f8367721d61d79e23c1b7e04.mp4

>>57685 #12015

(28 notables, 36 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171613

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9388253 Q Research General #12016: Cities Ablaze, Beat 'Em Back! Edition

Created 310336ZMAY20



>>57686 Missouri governor order state of emergency

>>57687, >>57690, >>57704, >>57705, >>57716 LA reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GktKgs-Vy6U - LIVE: GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS CONTINUE NEAR THE WHIT [Channel: The Matt Skidmore Show]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JU97DPhMhos - Violence erupts in Los Angeles amid protests over death of George Floyd | ABC7 Los Angeles News [Channel: ABC7]

>>57688 Sperry: Leftists rioters are helping POTUS win the presidency


>>57691, >>57692, >>57698 Charleston SC coverage

>>57693 Blue/Red Riot map

>>57694, >>57696 Dallas map/heli/planes; moar on man allegedly killed (needs moar sauce)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/57ccc6de477eafcf937c7ef22a0e2f8e108e0c1c6465c0a1adb1eac84e2e77b1.mp4

>>57695 Can we stop labeling these, "protests"?


>>57699 NYC vids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad017e943513e44bd9204a884b0e9c1004a6be2d5e6adeab8594e00a2bce6454.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e8619732d00185fb38dd8fc4ba2ed1d33d16d8d020e3ed18ec61b766ee4da19.mp4

>>57700, >>57720 Rioter gets dragged under a FedEx truck - VID available?

>>57701 Reminder: secret miilitary task force preps to secure DC (last month)

>>57702 Gov Bill Lee authorizes NG in Nashville

>>57703 Minnesota NG has 4100 Guardsmen in Twin Cities - moving toward 10,000

>>57706, >>57714 Richmond VA report/map/armed person call in

>>57707 Oakland report

>>57708 San Diego report

>>57709 Cities endure another night of rioting; Trump say 'no games'

>>57710, >>57718 Seattle reports

>>57711 Transcript: President Trump at Kennedy Space Center - May 30, 2020

>>57712 LAPD Held Fire After Protester Shot

>>57713 Criminals break into Whole Foods (LA)

>>57715 Chief Justice John Roberts Sides with Liberal Justices re Restrictions on Religious Services

>>57717 Protesters Chant ‘Eat the Rich’ While Marching Through Beverly Hills

>>57719 Eugene OR reports

>>57721 Barack Obama’s back in time to stir up the rioters

(26 notables, 36 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171614

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9389024 Q Research General #12017: Cities Ablaze, Beat 'Em Back II! Edition

Created 310425ZMAY20



>>57722 #12016

>>57723 Twitter changed it's bio #BlackLivesMatter

>>57724 Police have lost control of downtown Dallas, putting on their armor and taking a stand

>>57725, >>57727, >>57728 Reporting 82nd Airborne Division out of Ft. Bragg staging to mobilize to Twin Cities.

>>57726, >>57730 The question of"why would anyone need an AR-15?" is being answered in every city tonight - Mancow, Gutfeld mirrors sentiment

>>57729, >>57735 choppa faggin

>>57731, >>57732 Starbucks on fire in LA, all that liberalism did not pay off

>>57733 Dallas: Here is the critically injured man (store owner?) being tender to by volunteer medics

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44fa413674fa19fb8470ed480a16c8dc71160c207226ab8173a14621ec48bb33.mp4

>>57734 Fed up Minneapolis Woman Gives Interview That Every Riot Apologist in the Mainstream Media Should Watch

>>57736 Peaceful Floyd Protesters Form Human Barricade to Protect White House Police

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gE6AP_olYYk - Peaceful Floyd Protesters Form Human Barricade to Protect White House Police [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>57737 #12017

(11 notables, 16 posts, 14 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171615

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9389833 Q Research General #12018: Gunpowder & Lead Edition

Created 310522ZMAY20



>>57738 Fox News: LA mayor: National Guard will be deployed overnight

>>57739 Governor Sisolak activating Nevada National Guard in Reno

>>57740, >>57746 Dallas: Here is the critically injured man (store owner?) being tender to by volunteer medics

>>57741 Flashback to 2014: Kobe Bryant wearing an "I Can't Breathe" T-shirt

>>57742, >>57757 Over 16K US inmates have been released as coronavirus crisis has progressed

>>57743 Minnesota using 'intelligence support' from NSA, US military amid riots

>>57744, >>57759 Shady white guy paying black kids to collect riot supplies

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/780dd23479e3dcd861f99f2c18dee0ee2b83792ae827d73c6cb32eec9d03eba5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cdb9e3c428a3c45feda2f10782967bcae3b06e32276fe82f592cb078d11107d3.mp4

>>57745 Tear gas flies, protesters set fires on third night of unrest in Denver

>>57747, >>57749 Newscopter guy on ABC7 LA: people being arrested will be processed and quickly released due to the pandemic

>>57748 California activates National Guard: Governor Newsom has authorized assistance after a request from LA City and County

>>57750, >>57776 CHINA recalling eligible students from USA

>>57751 Cheesecake Factory in Downtown Seattle was looted and @KIRO7Seattle caught someone walking away with an entire cheesecake

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f616a65708d9f176e42d183a3920dee0d3ecb566a1faa13165c52fa644b8158d.mp4

>>57752 Live coverage, San Antonio: George Floyd protesters face off with Alamo Cenotaph defenders

>>57753, >>57770, >>57775 National guard or police (?) firing on residents in Whittier residential neighborhood of Minneapolis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/caf9a9da4936f308a29542384d096255d6f311c3c70042359fe8c3d78c4ec490.mp4

>>57754, >>57762 Why do we care about space and the Space Force?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KsPLmb6gAdw - Steven Kwast | The Urgent Need for a U.S. Space Force [Channel: Hillsdale College]

>>57755 La Mesa (San Diego) Vons lit on fire with rioters inside.

>>57756 Random large pallet of bricks; no construction nearby? (Fayetteville, NC this time)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3e1cb7c49f96aa246f2d3ab2d1aa6c9a797969df10f50f4731b6ef9c45b47785.mp4

>>57758 Texas National Guard activated in response to George Floyd protests

>>57760 @Breaking911 twat: Ferguson, Missouri police department evacuated after coming under attack by rioters

>>57761 Minnesota State Patrol just fired tear gas at reporters and photographers at point-blank range

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d5d339ca2a82d8405b5894e58b800a5a3c5df0c87cbc8a03cc3a3f359708ca73.mp4

>>57763 Rochester, NY protest and State of Emergency

>>57764 STILL CHAOTIC: 7th ave and Pine St in Downtown Seattle

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f48dfc8953636bceb7baddf6c0a2a3b9c66f57196f86186c9ede0bac7591ef81.mp4

>>57765, >>57766, >>57774 Alleged Antifa documents are from Infowars, 2015

>>57767 Looters wreak havoc at San Francisco’s Union Square, Powell Street Center

>>57768, >>57773 Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 strikes Pero

>>57769 List of cities with protests

>>57771 Seattle Security Pro Disarms Antifa as they loot an AR-15 (!!!) from a cop car

>>57772 @Breaking911: Multiple injuries reported after driver appears to target police squad cars in Denver

>>57777 #12018,

(29 notables, 40 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171616

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9390637 Q Research General #12019: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty Edition

Created 310625ZMAY20



>>57778, >>57781 Soros diggs: past articles

>>57779, >>57783, >>57799, >>57805 Planefaggin

>>57780 Senator @PattyMurray (D, Washington): We can protect voters’ health and safety while also protecting our democracy and elections, in part, by expanding #VoteByMail in every state

>>57782, >>57788, >>57791, >>57792, >>57794, >>57795 Analysis of George Floyd video fuckery

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bdfcfd7150767b22e0855bf3e27c3b08c5f6699bb678194ba01bc055f89bf2ed.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6d08cff6c6dbf048d501995b8df8c055291301253fc17cbdab2bb31894d5003d.mp4

>>57784 Many states made it illegal for Antifa to wear masks. COVID-19 Scamdemic gave them the excuse to minimize facial recognition while they attack

>>57785 Chief of police taking a knee in Santa Cruz, California

>>57786 Erie County NY (includes Buffalo NY) declares State of Emergency

>>57787 An epidemiologist studied the hydroxychloroquine controversy and found that cardiac problems are very rare

>>57789 Salem, OR nighttime curfew this weekend

>>57790 Updated list of cities with riots/protests (47)

>>57793 Twatter users bailing out terrorists

>>57796 Riot cities mayor list (almost all Democrats)

>>57797, >>57800 Utah power plant exploding

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5a92ce4bb0513178bde25a2e8f9a02ddb42afa274bd0f1362dd43313239c2bcd.mp4

>>57798 Antifa working for Twitter as a software engineer

>>57801 WATCH: Armed New York Business Owner Fires Warning Shot for Looters

>>57802 Inorganic fires near power plant Ogden Utah

>>57803 19 cities burn 17 dem politicians squirm

>>57804 Sanctuary Cities Politician List

>>57806 #12019

(19 notables, 29 posts, 43 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171617

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9391486 Q Research General #12020: The MEGA Edition

Created 310816ZMAY20



>>57807, >>57809, >>57811, >>57812, >>57814, >>57816, >>57818, >>57819, >>57820, >>57822, >>57827 Riot Reports, Livestream, ,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bff0bce6d0cbef4f7865accee5593b84e6d9304cb883eb869b9890b63c4e73ed.mp4

>>57808 Something shady with AntiFa going down? Sketchy couple get caught switching their vehicle plates.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cff238ae2c878a37fa8b29d574cabfa5adf3766e529f2bc7c5c2558202769b65.mp4

>>57810, >>57813, >>57825 @YourAnonCentral challenges US Authorities into investigating DJT ties into Epstein's Rape Network, Interestingly enough, Anonymous is also trending on Twitter, Coordinated 'Anon' Attack?

>>57815 What to expect inside reopened Apple Stores in the [coronavirus era]

>>57817, >>57832 What is China doing under the veil of the Corona virus?

>>57821 Chris Cuomo’s ratings plummet as Americans tire of brothers’ schtick

>>57823 James Woods Tweet about the state of America: #TakeAmericaBack

>>57824, >>57826 Antifa Terrorist Group

>>57828 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>57829 Interesting tidbit on the meaning of the word 'Qanon' in Uzbek (also checking those digits)

>>57830, >>57831, >>57833, >>57834, >>57837, >>57841, >>57843, >>57844, >>57847 Riot Reports,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/096ce85e4dd001df57b498bd11d195dc7adfc9c594da8ff5c82036a353db2ca3.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2a786bcde97fd441d32eee9764d47a33401b7798777d9115737447af77bf40f2.mp4

>>57835, >>57836 Blacks begin to fight back against the Dem operation

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b4c05bb10b32222a7fb3d197c5649ec6300dc67e5327d2a2020788b89bfe365d.mp4

>>57838 MSM Election Fraud Op Intensifies

>>57839 Further financial investigations into link between Biden's Charities & China

>>57840 Biden campaign staffers donate to group that bails out jailed Minneapolis protesters: report

>>57842 Scared people of Chicago call 911, hoping they can disperse the riots by calling in 'social distancing violations'

>>57845 One of DJT's main financiers, Sheldon Adelson, tightens grip on Las Vegas

>>57846 Neutral Publishing Platform Twitter displays black banner honouring the rioters, pillagers and domestic terrorists that are swarming America

>>57848 Was George Floyd A Porn Star & Gang Member?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LBDi2c3zTRs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>57849 Another Democratic Senate candidate with ties to China: AZ's Mark Kelly sat on advisory board for company that partnered with Chinese Tech Giant

>>57850 DoD Tweet: Demolition Prep

>>57851 Biden staff donate to group that pays bailouts in Minneapolis

>>57852 Full Dept. of Ed. listing of foreign gifts to US Universities/Colleges.

>>57853 FBI seeking help in rescuing child victims. Can you help them?

>>57854 Anons, keep your eyes on this.

>>57855 Trump postpones G7 summit

>>57856 "Cash is King. Cashflow is Everything!" Large Gold transfer occured early in the Corona crisis at the end of March

>>57857 No stand against Tarrant; NZ sees most gun crimes in decade despite confiscation.

>>57858, >>57862 Overview of Riot Cities, their Governors + Party affiliation & Sanctuary Cities, Meme Ammo'd

>>57859, >>57860 BLM protests spreads to one of Europe's most 'racially diverse' Capitals, Anon notes

>>57861 AOC made Instapost on how to not get caught while committing acts of domestic terror?!

>>57863, >>57864 What are the Presidential powers under the Insurrection Act?, Graphical Oversight

>>57865 #12020

(33 notables, 59 posts, 72 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171618

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9392524 Q Research General #12021: The Pentacoast Edition

Created 311218ZMAY20



>>57866 DJT signs new education bill, further demanding children to be taught the story of the Holocaust

>>57867 Minnesota uses Contact tracing to determine if the Agitators are an 'Organized Cell of Terror'

>>57868 Cincinatti City Council Member explains how 14-year olds are being incited for Violence (from Candace Owens Twitter)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/915c6deadb6bfa516ecdb141290c472a75d6dcc60c5b9f95c4a8cbde39e63b69.mp4

>>57869 Footage of looters at a Mall in Fayetteville, North Carolina

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cae4bd3cd7095de96f059a7ef4103eddeb1b39fdd1c7cf20b81c33d9399b4eca.mp4

>>57870, >>57872, >>57873, >>57874, >>57875, >>57876 How legal is all this that is happening?,

>>57871 Minneapolis Cops shooting People with 'Crowd Control Ammo' for standing on their Porch

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/caf9a9da4936f308a29542384d096255d6f311c3c70042359fe8c3d78c4ec490.mp4

>>57877 Footage from Nebraska looting

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32807461d36c355d7e70f3b9531713835df94b982d61c541f982d8552c4d02cd.mp4

>>57878, >>57879 Anonymous claim on why DJT let Russia into the G7,

>>57880 Using the Armed Forces without the insurrection Act being met triggers Imprisonment of two years.

>>57881 USAF Tweet: Rise and shine!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3e0ad27e5031762634d5512e421f2245e14cef87488a849158d862591790b3b0.mp4

>>57882 #12021,

(11 notables, 17 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171619

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9393266 Q Research General #12022: Anonymous Lead Edition

Created 311351ZMAY20




>>57883 Did a mouse hitch a ride on SpaceX/NASA's Dragon?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b8cfbdbeab456020ba5f330927db34f3ea459cccec587c516245f0c0a7498e4c.mp4

>>57884, >>57885, >>57888 Timberlake joins in the donating to bail out 'protestors'

>>57886 Minnesota Dem Gov Tim Walz’s daughter Hope Walz tells twitter "the NG will not be there tonight"

>>57887 Tonja Honsey, a Soros minion is involved in the Minnesota Freedom Fund

>>57889, >>57891, >>57893, >>57894 Photos from SpaceX

>>57890 Anon on riots and Q Post "What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU"

>>57892, >>57917 Planefag Reports

>>57895, >>57899, >>57904, >>57906, >>57911, >>57913 Notable riot videos and tweets I

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/653901d7760cd40aa4ca777ecbad94030a05152a55a671f86b72fe794f68041d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ba70dbfde853a974145d16270aa823fe531eb1c062155c2c55190be4d40010e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0ac0f2ddb4b507589324680d42fe090d910c3a262bf4cf49a01ff60daa7e1c59.mp4

>>57896, >>57907 Bongino: "These are domestic terrorists engaged in an insurrection"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c9c651cd4dc21f1e5c816d548e249c504aceb65a3cd730a49f4f3c324c4637a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c4ec813edfdf9ddd26108348d91d9e736f1b15de59ef0dd32fcce7176e9abcd.mp4

>>57897 "Mysterious" Wrecked Tesla Found At Bottom Of California Cliff

>>57898, >>57912, >>57915 Notable riot videos and tweets II

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gqvJ_myUQ3g - The Amish join protest for BLM in Minneapolis, Minnesota demanding justice for George Floyd [Channel: SATIRICATIVE]

>>57900, >>57901 As states protect nursing homes, families fear they have little recourse

>>57902 Officer Derek Chauvin's wife 'harassed and threatened' over false claim

>>57903 Richmond VA: Mayor Levar Stoney requests NG assistance

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NFkXzrT-laQ - Breaking News. The Mayor Of Richmond Va. Speaks. Curfew 8pm. [Channel: Pam's Corner On YouTube Truth, On The Block!]

>>57905 March 2020: House Dems rejected GOP amendment adding Antifa to dom. terr. bill

>>57908 Derek Chauvin, accused murderer of George Floyd, has a camera focused on him round-the-clock

>>57909 Anon's list of protests by state

>>57910 Chelsea Clinton frames riots as "David & Goliath" struggle and promotes the Bail Project

>>57914 George Floyd's body will return to Houston, mayor says

>>57916 A key Chinese state-media outlet is calling the US protests “retribution”

>>57918 Biden staff also supporting The Minnesota Freedom Fund

>>57919 #12022

(22 notables, 37 posts, 56 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171620

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9394008 Q Research General #12023: The Minnesota Freedom Fund - Soros Connected Edition

Created 311509ZMAY20



>>57920 New from Brennan: "Divisive rhetoric must be voted out of office"

>>57921, >>57929, >>57930, >>57934, >>57938, >>57943 Notable riot news

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a4b24a565bb4fb405fe7159cd12919bac77d4816045482199358b0550ccbcc05.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/22709cbbaa4a0be27b51db0859782dbdd1730464396ecd6dd126f79512860df6.mp4

>>57922 Report: As Australia clashes with China, the EU lays low

>>57923 Klobuchar denies she once declined to prosecute officer in Floyd death

>>57924, >>57939, >>57942 Planefag Reports

>>57925 Video: Bongino calls the protests a coup

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8bd76ce2dea6b857c4032142a27c5ec19c6b4933c26ab679e8a912f3d9db9e10.mp4

>>57926 SpaceX Falcon 9 Lift Launch Vehicle landing on drone ship wasn't shown again

>>57927 Good aggregator of COVID info with links

>>57928, >>57933 Diggz on 'TheHibibShow.com', re George Floyd

>>57931, >>57935 Twitter staff Benjamin Kaufman 'hate's white people'

>>57932 On preliminary autopsy results for George Floyd

>>57936 Press Sec takes on NYTimes

>>57937, >>57946 Fresh DJT

>>57940 President Donald Trump over the last week did the following

>>57941 Minnesota AG Keith Ellison: “nobody really knows” who is driving the violence

>>57944 Antifa document showing riot co-ordination? Eyes on

>>57945 "Anonymous" trending on twitter

>>57947 POTUS: "The US of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization."

(18 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171621

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9394815 Q Research General #12024: The US Will Be Designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization Edition

Created 311630ZMAY20



>>57948, >>57955, >>57956 rt ---———————— Keyword: Insurgency (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6a5aeb9e040435a0046089531e6212e14a8cad631ae7dcde0bbf7d28f5f76fe2.mp4

>>57949, >>57950 Q Proof: "POTUS action coming"

>>57951 Fresh DJT

>>57952 Notable riot news

>>57953, >>57954 Boat and Planefag Reports

>>57957, >>57960 ---———————————--——– Insurgency can be defined as... (Cap: )

>>57958, >>57959 rt ---———————— "... and address its root causes."

>>57961, >>57969 Bongino: Can someone identify the savage in these photos?

>>57962 Terror suspect's scimitar wielding sister shot dead by police

>>57963 Thursday 05.28.2020

>>57964 Secret Service Statement

>>57965, >>57968 Cheif Justice Roberts on the Epstein manifest?

>>57966 PapaD: Rosenstein is testifying publicly June 3rd

>>57967 #12023

>>57970 #12024,

(15 notables, 23 posts, 26 media/files)

Q- >>57955, >>57957, >>57959

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9efe67 (568) No.171622

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9395529 Q Research General #12025: FEEL THE WIN Edition

Created 311712ZMAY20



>>57971, >>57972, >>57980, >>57981, >>57986, >>57987, >>57989, >>57991, >>57992, >>57996, >>57997, >>58001, >>58006, >>58010, >>58011 Antifa Terror organization

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vNrHsXmSSGg - St. Paul Mayor: Everyone Arrested Last Night In His City From Out Of State [Channel: WCCO - CBS Minnesota]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UdDqxehRxPc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>57973, >>57985, >>57993, >>58004, >>58005, >>58012, >>58013, >>58015, >>58016 Riot reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7a79da29c15d8c988c280624345dec74eb8b5099cd2b8374302df2828ed97ba.mp4

>>57974 ANTIFA announcement drew Comey out of his hole… wonder why?

>>57975 Sidelined and Ignored: U.N. Laments Its Inability to Achieve Anything on World Stage

>>57976 This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KsPLmb6gAdw - Steven Kwast | The Urgent Need for a U.S. Space Force [Channel: Hillsdale College]

>>57977 Planefag Reports

>>57978 legacy media info for newbs

>>57979 We are at war. - From Q posts 106, 4152, 3915, 3897,1602, 1006, 790

>>57982, >>57984 Attorney General William P. Barr's Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism

>>57983, >>58008 Bad Guy Reports

>>57988, >>58014, >>58017 Greta Thunberg, teenage climate activist, supports Terrorist Organization Antifa

>>57990 YouTube Video of Q4361 Removed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ffcfbe55c31ab542fb782ef0bf818783895cbd5cfb2e17e66f859b5b7e28a76a.mp4

>>57994 Minnesota Governor’s Daughter Hope Walz Was Tweeting Out Intel to Violent Looters and Rioters Just Like Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Isra Hirsi

>>57995 Judicial Watch reports on William Barr statement

>>57998 "Mysterious" Wrecked Tesla Found At Bottom Of California Cliff, Driver's Body Found At Scene

>>57999 ANTIFA folder has been created in the Meme Warehouse.

>>58000, >>58002, >>58003, >>58007, >>58009 Twitter falls down

>>58018 The 43 Group

>>58019 #12025

(19 notables, 49 posts, 76 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171623

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9396349 Q Research General #12026: ANTIFA...Down She GoesEdition

Created 311812ZMAY20



>>58020, >>58021, >>58027, >>58031, >>58033 Notable riot news I

>>58022 DJT tweet: 357K in 1 hour, 'Terrorist Organization' trending

>>58023, >>58024 ---———————————--——– Insurgency can be defined as... (Cap: )

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ada48fbe9ecbb11369cc3bf2da744b78fb58fdcd77a02646aab964ff628c93bc.pdf

>>58025, >>58026, >>58032 AG Barr's Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism

>>58028 Keith Ellison - Dig on Moon Palace Books

>>58029 Pentagon begins testing troops for COVID-19 antibodies, despite CDC warnings

>>58030, >>58045 Burn it down…..But not in my neighborhood

>>58034, >>58039, >>58040, >>58041, >>58042 Notable riot news II

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74eda7d6516281f0a2491913fa59ec5a45a94d625399cf195c056319880aafb7.mp4

>>58035 Anon finds "wanted" rioter

>>58036, >>58043, >>58046, >>58050, >>58051 Notable riot news III

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d37428bfa2234f8a9a58bf50ec2491779fc1f1a0d91e6c8d29f60e6c46cfcd1.mp4

>>58037 Mayor walks back "Every person arrested in Minneapolis as from out of state"

>>58038, >>58052 Notable riot news IV

>>58044 But… but… the KKK!!!

>>58047, >>58049 ---———————————--——– Tweet from @TheJusticeDept (Cap: )

>>58048 NEW: Antifa Meme Folder

>>58053 #12026

(16 notables, 34 posts, 57 media/files)

Q- >>58047

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9efe67 (568) No.171624

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9397073 Q Research General #12027: What A Wonderful Day Edition

Created 311903ZMAY20




>>58054, >>58055, >>58063, >>58067, >>58075 Notable riot news I

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cAT4PDhRioQ - LIVE: Arial views of looting in the Philadelphia area [Channel: FOX10 News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GlHPUhp2nDQ - Minnesota AG on investigation in George Floyd's death [Channel: Fox News]

>>58056 Report: Pelosi made millions buying Amazon stock just before CV closures

>>58057 SpreadsheetAnon: Anyone know a free image hosting site that does not censor?

>>58058, >>58064 [CABAL] pushes the 2016 fake complaint vs Trump that was dropped

>>58059, >>58061, >>58078 List of Antifa SM accounts

>>58060 Mark Kelly under scrutiny for China-linked business interests, investments

>>58062 Qanon & Pro-Trump hit piece by The Guardian - CV misinfo culprits

>>58065 Silicon Valley has banned Freedom of Speech. It’s Time We Take It Back

>>58068 Huber: "It is time to stop watching the violence and to confront and stop it"

>>58069, >>58070 Anon's Riot Research

>>58071 Dozens of journalists sacked after Microsoft replaced them with AI

>>58072 Due to COVID-19: AIPAC cancels its 2021 policy conference

>>58073 UK: Children brain damaged by the Swine Flu vaccine to receive compensation

>>58074 DJT Rts

>>58076 Planefag Reports

>>58077 WH Release: The US has delivered 2 million HCQ doses to Brazil

>>58079 #12027

(17 notables, 25 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171625

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9397872 Q Research General #12028: Celebrate Good Times - The End Of Antifa Edition

Created 311958ZMAY20



>>58080 @IvankaTrump: "This is what the Lord said: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5

>>58081 Fresh DJT: Law & Order in Philadelphia, NOW!

>>58082 Notable riot news

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e2d949f10067f7b09b976a07c9e75905e8860409163e885cb9506eeb29be062.mp4

>>58083 Doxing of Antifa occurring for reporting to authorities

>>58084 ---———————————--——– Antifa 'mapping' started a long time ago.

>>58085 Phil Gattuso and Ski Aviation Dig

>>58086 US-Japan military drills go on despite virus, with eye on China

>>58087 New DJT: Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors. These people are ANARCHISTS!

>>58088, >>58103 #12027, #12028

>>58089, >>58095 From 2017: How to Form an Antifa Group

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1370e97a0005213d2323dfd0a7ad2ec2a7e6dd8b728d8678fffd4264b6694b45.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/25f33fa78a9f8d140d009b182b070df1f69d15070643c79b04a7a99828265813.pdf

>>58090, >>58096 rt ---———————— Trolling is fun!

>>58091, >>58093 New DJT 5:5 STRENGTH! Quoted tweet: "We knew this moment would arrive. We are the calm before, during & after the storm."

>>58092 @JohnBrennan twat: in which he is sober enough to admit to supporting terrorism across state lines in an open public forum

>>58094 The Gateway Pundit article on AG Barr antifa statement

>>58097 Libtard news: Republicans played up fears of “ANTIFA” in order to justify repression and attempt to split the protesters along racial lines

>>58098 boatfaggin

>>58099 The President Has the Constitutional Power to Restore Order. He Must Act.

>>58100, >>58101, >>58102 ---———————————--——– Buckle up. Here we go (Caps/vids: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7648aadae3fd3b3104d7543db9344d2db326c408241816ecc36cf3a5659af0e3.mp4

(18 notables, 24 posts, 27 media/files)

Q- >>58084, >>58096, >>58100

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9efe67 (568) No.171626

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9398652 Q Research General #12029: Comfy. Buckle Up. Edition

Created 312036ZMAY20




>>58104, >>58107, >>58108, >>58109, >>58112, >>58114, >>58115, >>58116, >>58117 @SeanCordicon IMMEDIATELY SUSPENDED after POTUS RT. Tweet and video included here

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c311e3c1366a7eb737d8e0e77f6bbc347f2e2bfb4e45c48ad0513a2a26a16d2.mp4

>>58105 Elon Musk’s wife Grimes is legally selling her soul in an upcoming art exhibition in Los Angeles

>>58106 MN Attorney General's son on Twitter: I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA

>>58110 GE engineer stole chip tech from GE lab at SUNY Poly

>>58111 ---———————————--——– Buckle up. Here we go (Caps/vids: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/55ec7936785047e3021953b5ef34747d6d8f3a29ca2535d64b657ecf84029c47.mp4

>>58113, >>58120, >>58123 Maggie Haberman reports that POTUS is tweeting QAnon slogans

>>58118 DJT on protests: SO TERRIBLE! Where are the arrests and LONG TERM jail sentences?

>>58119 @GovKemp (GA): The @GeorgiaGuard is ready to move!

>>58121 Democrat Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and his wife ran a company for educational trips to China

>>58122, >>58129, >>58131 Susan Rice makes stunning claim about George Floyd demonstrations: RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

>>58124 Justin Trudeau's brother died in mysterious circumstances, may have been a sacrifice?

>>58125 planefaggin

>>58126 @ANTIFA_US: Tonight we move into the residential areas - the white hoods - and TAKE WHAT'S OURS

>>58127 Video on protests: They're gonna blame black people for this

>>58128, >>58132 GRAPHIC: Possible police execution in MN

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f7ceeb46e4c6c47f5aec77e82d85f498911127858fdde3a371e61e9ff22469ec.mp4

>>58130 @JackPosobiec: Antifa is a running dog of the CCP

>>58133 @davidhogg111 MK ULTRA twat: The police are erupting in violence across the country on "PEACEFUL" protesters and the press

>>58134 @JackPosobiec: Barr about to unmask all of Antifa's communications. PANIC

>>58135 #12029

>>58136 ---———————————--——– Humanity at its finest. TOGETHER WE WIN. (Cap: , vid: )

(20 notables, 33 posts, 27 media/files)

Q- >>58136

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171627

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9399447 Q Research General #12030: Be Vigilant Tonight Edition

Created 312115ZMAY20



>>58137, >>58140 ---———————————--——– Humanity at its finest. TOGETHER WE WIN. (Cap: , vid: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42869cdb77765c66801711936f640d4ccbfc09dd226d84704a129f6994f75623.mp4

>>58138 @USAttyHuber: My partners and I are in lockstep with AG Barr. Time to confront and stop the violence

>>58139 Corporate Lawyer Charged With Helping Molotov Cocktail Attack During Brooklyn Protests

>>58141 Twat thread: Now illegal to help any of 56 Antifa groups. GAME OVER

>>58142 Ft. Myers protest has been setup. Don't fall into their trap (moar bricks)

>>58143 @MajorPatriot: You are witnessing the wealth, power, stranglehold and influence of the Rothschild-Carnegie-Morgan-Rockefeller legacy

>>58144, >>58154, >>58156, >>58160 LOOK HERE NOT THERE: China's Foreign Ministry Tweets "I Can't Breathe!" As America's Rivals Troll US Over Unrest

>>58145, >>58149, >>58151 Another vid of censored POTUS/@SeanCordicon tweet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3e031eb5c79670217d212ce630e43c3720537c21b80a52dd71602ca32bf69af1.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a098021bb328d2f08a67e636ee86f3d11a871c10f5884f76f224f73a56f33899.mp4

>>58146 @ETheFriend DISINFO LARP: I do not believe Martial Law is a wise solution here

>>58147 Is George Soros Funding the Riots Taking Place in America?

>>58148 Calls for de Blasio to resign trend on Twitter after defense of NYPD

>>58150 Virginia Governor Declares State of Emergency, Activates The National Guard

>>58152 Statement from US Attorney Scott Brady: We will use the proven Joint Terrorism Task Force model

>>58153 2 year Q delta with start of Crossfire Hurricane oversight hearings

>>58155, >>58161, >>58164 Undercover feds right on top of Antifa the whole time: Twat thread

>>58157 RR testifying before Senate Judiciary Committee this week RE Crossfire Hurricane

>>58158 @KarluskaP: Antifa 'mapping' started a long time ago: August 2017 "Justice Dept demanding user info on Anti-Trump website"

>>58159, >>58175 You are watching a movie. VOTE THEM OUT IN PERSON.

>>58162 @drawandstrike: How does watching US Attorney William Barr unleash all 56 Joint Terrorism Task Force personnel from within every single FBI field office in America on Antifa make you feel today?

>>58163 FBI Deploys Tactical Teams To Texas

>>58165 planefaggin

>>58166 Twat video: Normal people confronting Antifa in Huntington Beach

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f11d11cab840e38de016bf6bb0d8e58766a6a3c13c159d88b67eafb46a25526c.mp4

>>58167, >>58170 ---———————————--——– @TrumpStudents (Cap/vid: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a2cb499c07b86cf63c9d967b58166b0ac6b992644bdcab126cb5a6a387c3a240.mp4

>>58168 Nike and more giants of corporate wokeness SIDE with the rioters

>>58169, >>58171 POTUS RT: This isn't going to stop until the good guys are willing to use overwhelming force against the bad guys

>>58172 NSA Against Seditionists & Wall Street -- Bill Binney Talking to Michelle Holiday

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gZFckcWjtQE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58173 @IngrahamAngle: They want a civil war

>>58174 Shouts of “f---ing Nazi” as a mob chased a man yesterday in Columbia, S.C. and attacked him. #BlackLivesMatter #antifa

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c4ec813edfdf9ddd26108348d91d9e736f1b15de59ef0dd32fcce7176e9abcd.mp4

>>58176 @marklevinshow: There's an insurrection now. National Guard -> Military

>>58177 @Breaking911: Cops to seek to ID thugs who attacked elderly white couple protecting their business in Rochester, NY

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c9c9120ff29376c9661898f6885da95dce271883739bb370c22b1320759b58e.mp4

>>58178 #12030

(31 notables, 42 posts, 67 media/files)

Q- >>58167

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171628

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9400234 Q Research General #12031: You Have More Than You Know Edition

Created 312200ZMAY20




>>58179 Herbert Stempel, Whistleblower in Quiz Show Scandals, Dies at 93

>>58180 Governor Ducey (AZ) Issues Statewide Declaration Of Emergency, Curfew Beginning Tonight

>>58181, >>58185, >>58193, >>58195 DJT RT: Crossing State lines to incite violence is a FEDERAL CRIME! Anon says "escalation of force"

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33e4e375a66556ff9e8d12db0253de5472cef13fd8958c05674bcfa88db88e7a.pdf

>>58182 Police: 30 Nashville Businesses Damaged, Looted In Saturday Night Riots; 28 Arrested

>>58183, >>58187 DJT RT @dbongino: The radical-left formally divorced itself from America last night.

>>58184 Minnesota Guard Carrying Guns and Ammo in Response to 'Credible Threat,' General Says

>>58186 TN Gov @GovBillLee: Following last night’s unlawful incidents in Nashville, the National Guard will remain mobilized

>>58188, >>58219 @ladygaga twat: "I'm afraid"

>>58189 planefaggin

>>58190 New DJT: Our National Guard stopped them cold last night (in MN). Should have been called up sooner!

>>58191 @dbongino: Celebrities actively supporting the burning down of American cities

>>58192 DJT RT: Much more “disinformation” coming out of CNN, MSDNC, @nytimes and @washingtonpost than any foreign country, even combined. Fake News is the Enemy of the People!

>>58194, >>58202 Elon Musk replies in Russian to head of Roscosmos on Twitter

>>58196, >>58197, >>58206 @ACLU: Terrorism is an inherently political label

>>58198 Curfews continue across the country as cities expect more protests

>>58199, >>58201, >>58203 Antifa ties to NAMBLA (pedophilia) and other terrorist groups

>>58200 University of Minnesota cutting ties with the Minneapolis Police Department over the death of George Floyd

>>58204, >>58209 Austin, TX: anon says be careful: someone broke into the Academy near Jollyville Rd & 183 early this morning and cleared out the firearms

>>58205 @ANTIFA_US Twatter now suspended after threats of violence to residential areas

>>58207 "It's A Setup": Mysterious Brick Piles Appear Throughout Major Protest Cities

>>58208, >>58210, >>58212, >>58216, >>58220 Moar protest vids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/14674de8a2abc568916f32b1d42c2fede0f43ed1c551e3adccbca6a74ce89dda.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a137c9538c82d77d2db236e1f511127d0e602775d0392b38bc786fd5770d7ea7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e8619732d00185fb38dd8fc4ba2ed1d33d16d8d020e3ed18ec61b766ee4da19.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad017e943513e44bd9204a884b0e9c1004a6be2d5e6adeab8594e00a2bce6454.mp4


>>58211 Biden visits site of protests in Wilmington, Delaware

>>58213, >>58217 @SeanCordicon YouTube vid on Twitter suspending his account

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=byyk-KeSNk4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58214 Former ESPN reporter tweets “burn it all down” -- until the “animals” came to HIS neighborhood

>>58215 @marcorubio twat: Various domestic terror groups on BOTH far left & right

>>58218 Chicago protest updates: Public transportation suspended, National Guard called in

>>58221 #12031

(27 notables, 43 posts, 38 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171629

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9401014 Q Research General #12032: Anon-powered Strange Attractors Defeat Censorship Edition

Created 312252ZMAY20



>>58222, >>58224 New DJT - Law & Order

>>58223, >>58225, >>58226 anons trying to report/screengrab some possible truck incident from a live feed. noting it mostly because kek willed it ( )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=55s4OWzwj0A - LIVE: Coverage of George Floyd protests, law enforcement response in Twin Cities [Channel: KARE 11]

>>58227 another twatter censoring the next DJT rt

>>58228, >>58231 anon reporting that FOX is reporting on truck incident now - A semi-truck has ran into a crowd in Minneapolis.

>>58229 planefaggin

>>58230, >>58236 Chaos along 4th street in Santa Monica vid, article

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cda36d6dd291990a84d129aed9445f794f143dd5fa6325e6673bca1c49671432.mp4

>>58232, >>58234 possible vids of truck incident

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad2e0c5282a968f28a28012fed5d22735c83ac60e28e34fe50069127991dbffa.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c668c6440466d97b5bfbed49c51007bffa20dfe2c0baaae181063a3b1ea8bd8.mp4

>>58233 Barr has subpoenaed Kieth Ellison, AG, MN. - accroding to twatter, for now

>>58235 looter on looter crime vid - kek

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e545240fa3d14a7826fdeb3ba7e6982c41b624b991cd7af828eaa79edb5ebd00.mp4

>>58237 Two High-Powered Brooklyn Lawyers Arrested, Face Federal Charges After Hurling Molotov Cocktails into Police Vehicle

>>58238 Antifa meme ammo folder updated

>>58239 Antifa groups in Portland, Ore. have announced a 6 p.m. gathering at Laurelhurst Park. This is a middle class residential neighborhood far from downtown

>>58240 LA County on 6 pm Curfew gets digits

>>58241 #12032

(14 notables, 20 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171630

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9401769 Q Research General #12033: Law And Order! and Justice! Edition

Created 312343ZMAY20



>>58242, >>58243, >>58244, >>58255 anons dig on twatterers bail numbers twat - National Lawyers Guild

>>58245, >>58246 thug vid, diff angles, beatin a lady - anons not impressed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2e8e3bb787556a92864c762d7172bab2ae9351251444bd0fa2fb265273df3252.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f0ab6076fa6b971d493abf20311032a693e3fda33cfedc4a2ba14d5c1d858a8.mp4

>>58247 This is not about Age, Race, Gender, or Sexual orientation. We are ALL united. WWG1WGA

>>58248 Vans store in Atlantic City vid, KEK ending

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a000db322ae75e3741bdf5d3185b0586b6134dbaf558bfab94be9e0043b75b6c.mp4

>>58249 Progressive newspaper got Antifa'd last night, twatterer is devastated

>>58250 Vindicated SEAL Eddie Gallagher sues NYT and Navy for defamation of character.

>>58251 Spreadsheet updated

>>58252 This is to give people a perspective of their overblown rage over the killing…….(statistical Graph - black on black murders vs police brtuality)

>>58253 Antifa calling for burning the burbs <-- they suspended naow

>>58254, >>58258, >>58263 planefaggin n choppafaggin

>>58256 Is Martin Weissgerber the antifa guy in video handing out money and directing protestors? (spec for now - dig worthy if youre bored)

>>58257 Wisconsin city refuses to arrest rioters, but hands out hefty fines to churches with more than 50 worshipers

>>58259 Anon reports that Keith Ellison in charge of the killing of George Lloyd case

>>58260 anon provides link to google docs of all the bail funds by city - Can we figure out who's funding these? Get them reported as aiding terrorists?

>>58261 anons Op Ed on the Death of George Floyd and the Ensuing Riots gets some kudos

>>58262 DeAnna4Congress is funny - 'somewhere Dr Fauci is screaming - "we must limit the stores to 10 looters at a time"

>>58264 John Solomon - RR hints that he may acknowledge wrongdoing occured in Russia case

>>58265 New DJT - Fake News!

>>58266, >>58267 ---———————————--——– Woodshed utilized re: intelligence management [monitor[ing] of situation(s)]. (Cap: )

>>58268 #12033

(20 notables, 27 posts, 31 media/files)

Q- >>58266

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9efe67 (568) No.171631

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9402538 Q Research General #12034: Woodshed Edition

Created 010033ZJUN20



>>58269, >>58271, >>58274 “The Woodshed"-The Situation Room

>>58270, >>58272 ---———————————--——– All assets being deployed. People used as pawns [controlled]. (Cap: )

>>58273 patriots united against the black masks - Luke Rudowski says people are making citizens arrests

>>58275 “TAKE HIS ASS!” Rioter causing damage is detained & handed over to police by peaceful protesters in D.C.


>>58277 protesters holding rioters back

>>58278 IT SEEMS peaceful protestors are ABSOLUTELY sick of ANTIFA and their ANARCHICAL DESTRUCTION so they’re now capturing and turning them over to police!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e0e168d8732302efcbdf519a731ca1e259e4ca045ef49e0553adb4da17c35f3.mp4

>>58279 ---———————————--——– Be strong in the Lord.

>>58280 #12034

(9 notables, 12 posts, 11 media/files)

Q- >>58270, >>58276, >>58279

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9efe67 (568) No.171632

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9403284 Q Research General #12035: People Used As Pawns? Not Us! This is Knight Shift!! Edition

Created 010104ZJUN20




>>58281 B. Kerik on the 'organization' of the rioters

>>58282 ANTIFA dude gets BTFO by other protesters.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e0e168d8732302efcbdf519a731ca1e259e4ca045ef49e0553adb4da17c35f3.mp4

>>58283 Joe Biden manipulating people again ..using people as tools!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/718a5313cc9e54941e3235dbe5198c0c8ca2e3644e4a42c2360f561215b4af03.mp4

>>58284 Bellevue declares emergency, imposes curfew amid protests

>>58285 Antifa groups organizing Portland OR

>>58286 People are starting to wake up to the fact that this is a setup.

>>58287 Repotrs of pallets of bricks staged in major cities

>>58288 Neck Kneeling Baiting (Sauce?)

>>58289 George Floyd's brother condemns violent protests: 'My brother wasn't about that'

>>58290 Booking data posted on the Hennepin County Jail website

>>58291 Orange County Antifa twat: "Our infiltration of your movement was a success"

>>58292 More police protecting CNN HQ than there are protecting all of Minneapolis

>>58293 Kek: James Woods twat, Either we will see sick Dems or COVID is not what they claimed

>>58294 #12035

(14 notables, 14 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171633

File (hide): 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9404033 Q Research General #12036: Unity Not Division Edition

Created 010143ZJUN20



>>58295, >>58302 Nashville SWAT officers arrested Wesley Somers, 25, for setting fire to Nashville's Historic Courthouse

>>58296, >>58303, >>58308 Rubio: “terror groups on BOTH far left and right are instigating, committing acts of violence and looting”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KMrCtxaunJA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58297 Hussein's Eff Trump 2017 Sedition included 62 national security leaks. (DCExaminer)

>>58298 Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara, arrested at Manhattan protest (NYPost)

>>58299 rick Wilson and Ben Rhoades comm?

>>58300 Son of MN's AG: 'I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA' (Fox)

>>58301, >>58304 DJT Jr: Now they're destroying WWII memorials...

>>58305 Bellevue, WA residents protecting their neighborhoods

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/54d3b2c2b3be6ca8dcdf749b83c796a4891587863ad309d7f17b13584819f111.mp4

>>58306 Police and national guard surround and begin arrests of protestors in Minneapolis

>>58307 Wikipedia Fuckery: Sanitizing Antifa page

>>58309 Creepy Joe Staffers donate to bail fund for MN Rioters (NYPost)

>>58310 #12036

(12 notables, 16 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171634

File (hide): 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9404794 Q Research General #12037: Work Through Their Sick Agenda To GREATNESS Edition

Created 010225ZJUN20




>>58311, >>58314, >>58315, >>58316, >>58317 St. Johns Parish is burning in DC

>>58312 Antifa members painting black lives matter on buildings of cities they don’t even live in

>>58313 May 2020 Update to #SealedCases

>>58318 Ted Cruz: Former NYPD Commissioner raising very good Qs.

>>58319 Happening right outside the WH

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e68155a7528032e9414091806d49df89067aa565583c91d4c73dc50fdb3a072.mp4

>>58320 Be strong in the Lord - Ephesians 6:10

>>58321 Anon: Nationwide Riots - Why is this happening now?

>>58322 Mayor of Seattle spewing anti-white hate and fomenting more division

>>58323 #12037

(9 notables, 13 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171635

File (hide): 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9405558 Q Research General #12038: Pants Up (Don't Loot) Edition

Created 010305ZJUN20




>>58324 USSR/CCCP flag being held by white protesterfag

>>58325, >>58326 Anons report that Fox news says DOJ Bill Barr called the Marshalls to help outside WH area

>>58327, >>58330 Lights that usually illuminate the exterior of the White House have been turned off

>>58328 St Johns Church basement fire put out, no serious damage

>>58329 Pittsburgh Police say 20 year old Brian Jordan Bartles is the man who incited riots in downtown #Pittsburgh yesterday, vandalized a police cruiser, and set it on fire.

>>58331 US Marshals & DEA agents called in to assist local law enforcement in Washington D.C. - breaking911 twat

>>58332 #12038

(7 notables, 9 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171636

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9406329 Q Research General #12039: Castle Dark Edition

Created 010352ZJUN20



>>58333 boatfaggin

>>58334, >>58335, >>58343, >>58358 OC Antifa - flips the script!! 3 year UC Op? -anon archived, twitter already suspended account

>>58336 Tiger loose in Oakland from zoo

>>58337 Chris Palmer's epic 'Burn it Down' then "they tryin go climn our gates!!" twats

>>58338 PapaD twat says 'Rosenstein is testifying publicly June 3rd. The next day, the senate votes to subpoena Obama WH and DOJ officials.' - we'll see...


>>58341 May 2020 calendar gets digits

>>58342 Ann turning on Mittens?

>>58344, >>58345, >>58346, >>58347, >>58348, >>58349, >>58350 Resignations in the news bun

>>58351 #ANTIFATERRORIST trending on twatter

>>58352 BOSTON: SUV Careens Through Crowd Of Rioters, Police Move In With Tear Gas, Cars Ablaze, National Guard Called In

>>58353 interesting post by anon - His revenge will be hot, and it will be ultimate. And you wanna know the best thing about it? It'll all be legally conducted.

>>58354, >>58355 Talking points out - geezus - What is antifa and its role in police protests? To start, its not one group - anon says RICO

>>58356 Black protester in Colorado tells an Antifa douche to stop vandalizing property and defacing statues. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/58fcb72bcf3a00e160b91af613d912ba33d587d4ed49badfa8071ee1ea6a4f88.mp4

>>58357 President Trump has just appointed the Secretary of The Army as Governor of DC. National Guard now activated. -according to twatterer (prob should wait for sauce)

>>58359 #12039

(16 notables, 27 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171637

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9407080 Q Research General #12040: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The Oakland Zoo and OC Antifa Edition

Created 010449ZJUN20




>>58360, >>58364 Martial law is justified when civilian authority has ceased to function

>>58361 Denver cops busted for doing drive-by shootings of anti-police brutality protesters

>>58362 Crowds on Demand: Interesting business from a California Democrat

>>58363 BREAKING: The guardhouse at the #WhiteHouse has been set on fire. The police rushed forward and gassed protestors

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca112fa685f760f38fb176011ec14ad963ea8cb929873a2e6c7c30d795113291.mp4

>>58365 CNN: What is antifa and its role in police protests? To start, it's not one group.

>>58366, >>58375 The Secretary of The Army at the request of the president becomes the Governor of D.C. And has activated the National Guard

>>58367 BOSTON: SUV Careens Through Crowd Of Rioters, Police Move In With Tear Gas, Cars Ablaze, National Guard Called In

>>58368 Federal Prosecutors Arrest St. Louis Man for Distributing Information to Create Napalm Following George Floyd’s Death

>>58369 Bellevue declares civil emergency, police chief says gang members responsible for looting

>>58370 Portland Police Are DONE With Rioting BS: Volleys Of Flash Bangs And Tear Gas Fly Through The Streets

>>58371 Chinese President Xi Jinping has ridden roughshod over the Joint Declaration and directly threatened the city’s freedom

>>58372, >>58374, >>58378, >>58381 ANTIFA infiltrated?


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b710fc847e0dbd390574eab7631195912f0d93f3aeffa3722ac86630bd5bb347.webm

>>58376 National Guard call up title 10 vs 32

>>58377, >>58385, >>58392 Planefag reports

>>58379 ANTIFA making treacherous Twitter threats?

>>58380 Gretchen Whitmer Silent After Governor’s Office Attacked by Rioters

>>58382, >>58384, >>58387, >>58396 Some details on riots tonight:

>>58383 Legal Criteria for Designation under Section 219 of the INA as amended

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e1c9b198588459ee7eb14f1aa1bbca1b32e4e4c0bc333ba97516fbfecba33172.pdf

>>58386 Situation escalating again in Seattle

>>58388 B-1s integrate with Ukrainian and Turkish aircraft for first time…

>>58389 NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is now blaming the riots on President Trump saying he “helped to create” the “atmosphere” for them.

>>58390 Videos continue to surface showing protesters stumbling upon pallets of bricks or pavers in areas with no construction taking place


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wtTZMaRjpcw - CNN BOWS AT THE KNEE TO PRESIDENT TRUMP [Channel: JustFour FourChin]

>>58393 Civil Emergency declared in Iowa

>>58394 POTUS Schedule for Monday, JUNE 1, 2020

>>58395 USAF putting out fires

>>58397 Video: Truck Driver Dragged Out by Massive Mob in Minneapolis

>>58399 Some anon graphics for review

>>58400 Washington state activated National Guard

>>58401 #12040,

(31 notables, 42 posts, 53 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171638

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9407819 Q Research General #12041: The 'Celebs Aiding Terrorists' Edition

Created 010557ZJUN20



>>58402 There has been an LAPD Officer-Involved Shooting in the area of Melrose Ave & North Wilton Place

>>58403 Police in #Minneapolis are slowly arresting everyone. There are about 100 #protesters.

>>58404 WA Gov Jay Activates Nat Guard Statewide

>>58405, >>58413 Planefag reports

>>58406, >>58408, >>58410, >>58411 Moar anon graphics for review

>>58407 Protesters continue to stumble upon pallets full of bricks where there is no construction going on.

>>58409 Shenanigans in Boston

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4dc2e8fce2501e3aa5913ada974bb3b191f581fe4b222bec22b2bcc1b6ae3f9e.mp4

>>58412 Portland riots feed

>>58414 Habbenings calendar for May 2020

>>58415 Live Feed: Minneapolis MN: Resisting Curfew

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NFHxNuM3uGI - LIVE | George Floyd Protest Minneapolis MN [Channel: Regg Life]

>>58416 In case you missed it, @HillaryClinton went on Rachel Maddow's dumb show and publicly called for the CCP to assist the Democratic party to take down @realDonaldTrump.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9919d33b6e367f6c07846c75bc236e1f2b0c903fa82d0a930eb2805804c3b6d1.mp4

>>58417 FBI’s Top Lawyer Boente Gets The Ax --- DOJ Goes Over Wray’s Head to Sack Boss & Top Confidant of Rod Rosenstein

>>58418 #12041

(13 notables, 17 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171639

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9408553 Q Research General #12042: The 'National Guard, Nationwide' Edition

Created 010711ZJUN20



>>58419 Planefag filters nationwide map to show helicopters

>>58420 Photos of non-rioting protesters in Long Beach CA (is possible way to protest)

>>58421, >>58429 Tweets from US Army Europe: "When the unbelievable happens" ... and a hidden 17

>>58422 Birmingham, Alabama - live video feed

>>58423 Daily Mail on arrest of NYC Mayor's daughter

>>58424 Article: Minneapolis disaster has Democrat fingerprints

>>58425, >>58426, >>58432 Big focus tonight: anons abuzz over perceived blackout of live comms from Washington DC, and replay content shown as live

>>58427 Fox: Health officials worry about second coronavirus wave after protests

>>58428 Patriot realizes antifa is real and in his streets ... wakes up in first 5 minutes (Minnesota)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NFHxNuM3uGI - LIVE | George Floyd Protest Minneapolis MN [Channel: Regg Life]

>>58430 MN Gov: Cyber Attack Hit Minnesota as It Tried to Contain Riots

>>58431 US sending HCQ and ventilators to Brazil (current hotspot)

>>58433 TX: Police use tear gas to disperse protesters blocking West 7th Street Bridge in Fort Worth (WFAA)

>>58434 Castle Dark image

>>58435 #12042

(14 notables, 17 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171640

File (hide): 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9409354 Q Research General #12043: Washington Mystery Edition

Created 010916ZJUN20



>>58436, >>58453 Ritter Family, Peacable Partners & Bruce Ritter I: Dig on

>>58437, >>58447, >>58451, >>58452 Antifa Bail Relief Funds list & Antifa Acct Checker: Dig

>>58438, >>58448 Unconfirmed SM blackout reported in DC

>>58439, >>58445, >>58449, >>58450, >>58457 Notable riot reports I

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2628a3f94769fdcaafe444eaf85905d63f2a9852a3bf492eabd19b48d592c666.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/972520941a3612be415a410112524e9bd9e4ccd11a193b050b360ddd5a37d011.mp4

>>58440 Chelsea & Marc "contrubuting daily to @bailproject"

>>58441 Refresher: Soros is puppet master: Admitted live

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13cbfe472ad126c9f058031acd41d1ae83b3df4c1038ec4d1a217968bb9d3505.mp4

>>58442, >>58456 DC area HAM radio frequences & live feed found

>>58443, >>58444 Accused molotov cocktail hurler is Ivy League educated lawyer

>>58446 Bill de Blasio's daughter arrested at Manhattan protest

>>58454, >>58460, >>58467 Ritter Family, Peacable Partners & Bruce Ritter II: Dig on

>>58455, >>58458 Fresh Rudi tweet

>>58459, >>58462 USMC: "Squad up"

>>58461, >>58465 Notable riot reports II

>>58463 Minnesota AG Jeremiah Ellison's son declares support for Antifa

>>58464 Inept boss ignored warnings at Vet's PA nursing home

>>58466 Antifa Terrorist Sanctuary Seattle Mayor Blames ‘White Men’ For ‘Much Of The Violence

>>58468 AG Barr announces Stephen J. Cox as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas

>>58469 John Solomon Poll - Is ANTIFA a terrorist org? Light it up

>>58470 Clockfags find "White House blackout necessary" on the clock

>>58471 Fox video: POTUS warns violent extremist groups will be treated as terrorists

>>58472 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#114 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179,

>>58473 Reminder. Judge Sullivan’s response to the circuit court is due today

>>58474 #12043

(23 notables, 39 posts, 50 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171641

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9410121 Q Research General #12044: Squad Up - The Hide Side Breakdown Edition

Created 011133ZJUN20



>>58475 Jeff Zucker wants to run for Mayor of NY, just what the world needs

>>58476 FBI raid alleged Antifa agitator in Pittsburgh for inciting riots.

>>58477 Twatter Allows Looters to Coordinate Criminal Behavior While It Declares ‘#BlackLivesMatter

>>58478 anon posts what POTUS accomplished just over the past week. Good meme material here.

>>58479, >>58486 New DJT twat w/CAP: “I don’t see any indication that there were any white supremest groups mixing in... anon catches misspelling: aci = CIA?

>>58480 WikiLeaks founderJulian Assange misses UK hearingdue to being too “unwell,” says lawyer

>>58481 New DJT twat w/CAP: “These were the people that trashed Seattle years ago. Who’s paying for these people. I was appalled that 13 of Joe Biden’s staff...

>>58482, >>58483 Man Charged with 9 Felonies in Bridge Shooting Stopped by Soldier

>>58484 Keith Ellison's son: 'I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA'

>>58485 New DJT twat w/CAP: NOVEMBER 3RD.

>>58487 eyes on: 11.3 verifies as 1st marker?

>>58488 planefag reporting

>>58489 #12044

(13 notables, 15 posts, 13 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171642

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9410904 Q Research General #12045: Gonn Be A Hot June Edition

Created 011320ZJUN20



>>58490 Roger Stone: Now That I’m Ungagged, I’d Like To Say A Few Things About My Prosecution

>>58491 37 rioter bail funds

>>58492 anon posits on "White House blackout necessary"

>>58493 POTUS National Address on The Death of George Floyd and National Outcry -- Video and Transcript

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bWQTv4v3aDI - Trump on escalating protests: Violence is being led by antifa, radical groups [Channel: Fox News]

>>58494, >>58495, >>58496, >>58497, >>58498, >>58505 planefag reporting

>>58499 Nashville PD: Specialized Investigations Division detectives & SWAT officers moments ago arrested Wesley Somers, 25, on charges of felony arson...

>>58500 archiveanon update

>>58501 KEK: they cuff him and he turns out to be an FBI agent

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fa73714189cb7cbc8f3ca009245b88a106802e00a4dc30cdc7bae9f72e9dda94.mp4

>>58502 America Wakes Up After A Night Of Chaos And Destruction: 1,700 Rioters Arrested In Three Days

>>58503 BHO twats 'concrete'

>>58504 Democratic senator to offer amendment halting 'military weaponry' given to police

>>58506 Pro-Trump Georgia Democrat calls out antifa 'looters and hoodlums' who hijacked Atlanta protests

>>58507 #12045

(13 notables, 18 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171643

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9411694 Q Research General #12046: Monday Forecast: Very Shilly With A Chance of PAIN Edition

Created 011433ZJUN20



>>58508, >>58509, >>58521, >>58531, >>58549 November 3rd decode POTUS Tweet

>>58510, >>58522, >>58536, >>58538, >>58539, >>58546, >>58550, >>58553, >>58554

>>58511 WH Tweets Cannons

>>58512, >>58517 ST JAMES LLC SAINT LOUIS MO

>>58513, >>58548, >>58567 Terrorist reports

>>58514, >>58555 Hilary Clinton due in court 6/2/2020

>>58515, >>58529, >>58547, >>58560 DC Blackout

>>58516, >>58564 Chinese instructors coach DC rioters

>>58518, >>58520, >>58525, >>58530 Wonderland Club Digs on plane crash and moar

>>58519 Obama's path forward

>>58523, >>58524, >>58526, >>58533, >>58558, >>58561 George Floyd Officer Derek Chauvin who are these men

>>58527 Woman kidnapped off the street

>>58528, >>58552, >>58563 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>58532 Mike Pompeo on China … threat to democracy.

>>58534, >>58542 Barack Obama terrorist operations

>>58535, >>58543 Hillary calls for China to help us tweet delete moar

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9919d33b6e367f6c07846c75bc236e1f2b0c903fa82d0a930eb2805804c3b6d1.mp4

>>58537, >>58545 Planefag reports

>>58540, >>58541 #ReportAntifa

>>58544 James Woods tweets

>>58551 Good people fight back

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a98922825c4b6706753373a69884c1da5e6555cf1efa59dd2a2753104ee5ce9f.mp4

>>58556, >>58557, >>58559, >>58562, >>58565, >>58566 Riot Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e0e168d8732302efcbdf519a731ca1e259e4ca045ef49e0553adb4da17c35f3.mp4

>>58568 #12046

(22 notables, 61 posts, 83 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171644

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9412412 Q Research General #12047: Trust In Your President Edition

Created 011532ZJUN20



>>58569, >>58573 Governors phone call with POTUS leaked again-habberman twat

>>58570, >>58575, >>58580, >>58582 Frisco, TX. There have been groups organizing “protests” in Frisco for 5PM this evening-soc media dupe but this titled

>>58571 US Coast Guard Twat

>>58572 DR Congo Reports Fresh Ebola Outbreak-barrons

>>58574 pf reports

>>58576 ---———————————--——– MSDNC [knowingly] using fake footage? ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

>>58577 Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has announced a 2-day curfew beginning at 7pm Monday evening-soc media

>>58578 Anon shows way to ID vehicles even if tags are fake/stolen

>>58579, >>58581, >>58583, >>58585 ---———————————--——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7637113ceb40e239d8aad4f8a9a7fe53612d856a431c8beb73840b3386d23c8f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d37428bfa2234f8a9a58bf50ec2491779fc1f1a0d91e6c8d29f60e6c46cfcd1.mp4

>>58584, >>58586 ---———————————--——– Sums it up perfectly. (Cap: )

>>58587 ABC: Attorney General Barr directs Bureau of Prisons to send riot teams to Washington-soc media

>>58588, >>58594 rt ---———————— All assets deployed. 2020 Presidential Election.

>>58589 Cuomo warns protests could spark coronavirus comeback in New York-nydailynews

>>58590, >>58591, >>58592 ---———————————--——– Black community used as pawns? UNITY IS HUMANITY. (Cap: vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oR8SSPxVxSI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58593 Twitter Does The Unthinkable After Trump Labels ANTIFA a Terrorist Group

>>58595 #12047

(16 notables, 27 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>58576, >>58579, >>58581, >>58584, >>58590, >>58594

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9efe67 (568) No.171645

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9413191 Q Research General #12048: Callin Out MSDNC, Gotcha!~Q Edition

Created 011621ZJUN20



>>58596, >>58597, >>58598, >>58606, >>58607, >>58608, >>58613, >>58615, >>58619 riot news

>>58599 DeBlasio considering a curfew for the city

>>58600 Gov Pritzker confronting Trump per source: “I have been extraordinarily concerned with the rhetoric coming out of WH

>>58601 Acme Brick is owned by Berkshire Hathaway.

>>58602, >>58605 ---———————————--——– No civility unless [D]s win congressional control? Translation: MSDNC will incite and push division unless [D] control established. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0f170a2ebeba3d0a3fec134f643c562d0778b9cf44c87c34002b20acf0577962.mp4

>>58603 planefaggin

>>58604 Pompeo: No Holds Barred

>>58609 Friday 05.29.2020

>>58610 Saturday 05.30.2020

>>58611 Australia Concerned Over 'Maritime Militia' in S China Sea Ahead of Major Defence Pact With India

>>58612 Syrian Army seizes massive weapons cache with US-made guns in southern Syria: photos

>>58614 You Vote: Do you think Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization? | Just The News

>>58616 Antifa in Amsterdam

>>58617 Q's MSDNC video footage screen grabs are a bad bad hoax done by a guy named "Bad Scooter"

>>58618 Ready for war? Largest Chinese base has full-scale model of Taiwan’s presidential palace

>>58620 #12048

(16 notables, 25 posts, 32 media/files)

Q- >>58602

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9efe67 (568) No.171646

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9413953 Q Research General #12049: Hang Tough, Golden Shovels Dug the Lie Edition

Created 011709ZJUN20



>>58621, >>58632 rt ---———————— Helicopter rides create CONFIRM [visibility] challenges. Good catch! Thank you, Anons.

>>58622 Frisco Tx bricks removed!

>>58623, >>58624 Susan Rice Blames ‘Foreign Actors’ for Stirring George Floyd Protests

>>58625 A former member of the #Antifa movement, Gabriel Nadales says it's not actually one "organization," but an umbrella term

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42010fca63846e3f2c93e59492b99e63370deb8ceb833d699e264be6c3f76ab8.mp4

>>58626, >>58633, >>58635, >>58637 >9414488 riot news

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b5a2d9b9ef1192ebbe24fe945b042c685e01d7e99dad4f642facc34fa657933d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9b14fc34d2e2058ea365607ba35083f4ec9c5fc31af99cdb42057f1e8353a10c.mp4

>>58627, >>58628 ---———————————--——– ANTIFA [coordinated] SAFE ZONES? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/568cd25b9cec008d1da83fa21d4ea6ce2ab350be57629534205012770d73be12.mp4

>>58629 Nationwide vote on Russian constitutional changes to be held on July 1 -- Putin

>>58630 Trump Calls Out “Weak” Governors on Riots: Says You Have to Dominate Rioters, Arrest People, Put Them In Jail for Ten Years

>>58631 Soros NGO internal documents CONFIDENTIAL LEVEL 7 (AB-G)

>>58634 WANTED #SeeSomethingSaySomething

>>58636 Belgium: Police halt planned Black Lives Matter demonstration in Brussels

>>58638 #12049

(12 notables, 18 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>58627, >>58632

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9efe67 (568) No.171647

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9414689 Q Research General #12050: DS Safe Places No More! Edition

Created 011750ZJUN20



>>58639 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aUxZiBDTjNQ - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>58640, >>58642, >>58649, >>58650, >>58651, >>58654 riot news

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=12juIJ1D2ZQ - Chief: Man shot, killed by police as LMPD, National Guard were breaking up protesters [Channel: WLKY News Louisville]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=14YWE5hY5zo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b953e73fa8b3cd300259ca2b2cbff8885d2b4117edd05b2c55acca4f90c445b3.mp4

>>58641 Robert Welch 1958

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I4wnqxmi9AU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58643, >>58646, >>58653 Potus: Anarchists, we see you! 17 second vid, they got the perp

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/73af49e00bbe505d297a433de03bacfbed26339e2f061c6834eb90c45c6fcbb2.mp4

>>58644 PICS: Antifa, Black Lives Matter Flood London Despite Lockdown, Police Do Little

>>58645 Thousands Gather for Black Lives Matter Demo in Front of US Embasssy in Denmark

>>58647 Mad Max telegraphing the game plan - again.

>>58648 Judge rules to unseal records in Jussie Smollett case

>>58652 Is It One Gigantic Psy-Op? George Floyd’s Coroner Was Also Jeffrey Epstein’s

>>58655 Umbrella Org for all this is named INDIVISIBLE.

>>58656 AG Barr Directs Federal Riot Teams to DC, Miami in Response to Violent Left-Wing Mobs

>>58657 Afghan Government: Release of Taliban Prisoners Will Continue

>>58658 US Considers New Weapons for Saudi Arabia as Kingdom Renews Yemen Border Bombings

>>58659 Washington, DC, imposes 7 pm curfew after night of violent demonstrations

>>58660 NYPD sergeants’ union tweets Chiara de Blasio’s full arrest report

>>58661 #12050

(16 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171648

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9415473 Q Research General #12051: So Much For BLM and Karens Edition

Created 011844ZJUN20



>>58662 Flynn is Safe - A Timeline: red pill on the lies over General Flynn

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BFsQoCvzfMg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58663, >>58679, >>58683, >>58684 Edwin Meese files Amicus Brief in support of Gen Flynn

>>58664, >>58666 Two active-duty airmen killed in shooting incident at Grand Forks Air Force Base

>>58665 Teen Vogue Magazine Hails Antifa: A Group That ‘aspires toward creating a better world’

>>58667 UK Will Use Veto To Block Russia’s Potential Return to G7, Downing Street Spokesperson Says

>>58668 George Floyd Protests Continue; Over 4,400 Arrested Amid Unrest, Reports Say

>>58669 The Biden Agenda: Killing Jobs, Killing Babies, Praising Rioters

>>58670 For redpilling, scenes of rioters beating people up, juxtaposed with the celebrities that have "matched" and donated money to support terrorists

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-h5pEFgps3M - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58671 Univ. of Alabama Prof Coaches Rioters on How to Destroy Birmingham Monument

>>58672 Let It Xi: Former Beatles Manager Paid Millions to Boost Chinese Regime in U.S.

>>58673 Fairfax County Democrats Call Riots ‘Part of This Country’s March Towards Progress’; UPDATE: Tweet Deleted

>>58674 WIRE: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer lifting state's stay-at-home order effective next week

>>58675 Facebook, quite literally, wants to hear your thoughts - has a new patent for "subvocalized speech recognition glasses."

>>58676 U.S. Supreme Court rebuffs investors' bid to block Madoff trustee lawsuits

>>58677 Michigan Democrat Party Chair stoking racial tensions: ‘If You Support Donald Trump, You Are a Racist’

>>58678 Graphics: You Are Watching A Movie

>>58680 BREAKING: Independent autopsy finds that George Floyd's death was "homicide caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

>>58681 Kayla Press Secretary "The President has said enough is enough" + Q452

>>58682 Professor plead guilty to Money Laundering - Columbian routing Venezuelans capital

>>58685 ‘Let’s not excuse violence’: Barack Obama forgets his ENTIRE presidency and argues riots should lead to voting Democrat

>>58686 UFC's Jon Jones is not fucking around with Antifa kids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/158b3fc254850bf2d004243a6988a16b1603425369da8fc41516393e0224a4ae.mp4

>>58687 Armed Patriot in cowboy hat kicks looters out of his cigar store in Bellevue like it's the Wild Wild West

>>58688 NYPD sources: terrorists are regrouping in Elmhurst, Queens and Union Sq.

>>58689 Domestic Terrorism Supporter and Minnesota AG Keith Ellison to take lead in George Floyd case

>>58690 #12051

(25 notables, 29 posts, 37 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171649

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9416235 Q Research General #12052: UNITY CREATES PEACE Edition

Created 011943ZJUN20




>>58691 US Cop Charged in George Floyd Killing Transferred to New Facility After Suicide Watch Reports

>>58692 BREAKING: New York City to impose curfew, Gov. Cuomo says, adds NYPD will double force to about 8,000 officers - WNBC

>>58693, >>58697 FLYNN CASE: Sullivan's defense, full legal brief

>>58694 Audio of President Trump Call With Governors on Riots; Media Says ‘Unhinged’, Listen and Decide

>>58695 Sex Between People Not Living Together Now BANNED in Britain

>>58696 JW tweet: FB oversight board that decides which posts get blocked is stacked with leftists including close friend of GS

>>58698 Anon's call to dig: "Molotov" lawyer, Urooj Rahman, part of War Resisters League? (logo in shape of triangle)

>>58699 Reminder: why we should archive offline

>>58700, >>58715 Flashback: POTUS comments on Epstein in 2013

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3dL12m_tl5I - Donald Trump: There's an 80% Chance I'll Run [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b53f50e4d5259586a546adbc5b27c5f1aa2d70032dc3bbf15517db2203344b9.mp4

>>58701 Anon on Gov. Murphy's handling of NJ riots

>>58702 #SpainSupportsTrump trending on twitter

>>58703 PapaD tweet: Things are going to heat up in the next two days

>>58704 Formula One Group bought by Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:$85.82m-May27-29

>>58705, >>58711 Who is Allecia Wilson?

>>58706 National Guard involved in at least two shootings, one fatal, in response to protests throughout US

>>58707 Pedogate Part 2 video: Tom Hanks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SvAUa1FcvDk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58708 Floyd attorney Ben Crump's take on what happened.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NgWnwM36hng - Floyd family attorney says charge against officer should be upgraded to first-degree murder [Channel: Face the Nation]

>>58709, >>58714, >>58716, >>58717, >>58724, >>58731 Digs: Almallah Rasmi, Omar Investments Inc, shady company associated w/ El Nuevo Rodeo, workplace of Chauvin + Floyd

>>58710 'Determined to wreak havoc': Bellevue looting was organized event, police say

>>58712, >>58726 More planefag reports

>>58713 Another Q proof: Insurrection Act of 1807

>>58718 A comedy in three parts

>>58719 PF report: Military traffic over CONUS seems pretty heavy this afternoon compared to usual activity

>>58720 Popular UK Runescape streamer Boaty donated 10k to support a Domestic Terrorist group in the US and is banning anyone who calls him out on it.

>>58721 Parscale: Twitter Censors President Trump But Not Communist China? Something Doesn’t Add Up

>>58722 Antifa Terrorist Enabler Houston Police Chief @ArtAcevedo mouths off against POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ef52264a37a659a62f44fb46268bfbcdb8a38442bc078724d62460ff04ee2f99.mp4

>>58723 The first NASA astronauts launched by SpaceX have captured the flag left behind at the International Space Station by the last shuttle crew.

>>58725, >>58727, >>58728, >>58729, >>58730 Attack incoming? Anons report issues with posting images on 8kun ~4:30pm EST

>>58732 As first reported by Kayleigh McEnany at today's presser: Governors activate 17,000 National Guardsmen in 23 states and DC amid riots

>>58733 #12052

(30 notables, 43 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171650

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9417012 Q Research General #12053: UNITY IS HUMANITY Edition

Created 012045ZJUN20




>>58734 REFRESHER: [[[George Soros]]], 89, is still on a quest to destroy America

>>58735 Summerville, South Carolina protest organizer arrested for outstanding warrants

>>58736 Reason for images not working too well: Origin Server Offline - VanwaNet

>>58737 Multiple reports now on pallets of Bricks being dropped off in suburban neighborhood's.

>>58738 Vid: "we got bricks!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/220da7683a673d37b1b54cb2db962bcd34d73f57f24ce91fd389cd5f1db24d81.mp4

>>58739 Let's see, what was trending in news that got derailed by FF racial killing and riots?

>>58740 Totally organic, not planned at all: Dozens Of New Cars Stolen From Dodge Dealership During San Leandro Looting

>>58741 "If I'm not over here blowing up stuff, if I'm not here messing up my community, what are you all doing?"---Terrence Floyd (brother of George Floyd).

>>58742, >>58744 "Judicial Watch President @tomfitton: "#HillaryClinton will appear in court TOMORROW to avoid court-ordered deposition." Read: http://jwatch.us/1XtqBb"

>>58743 OANN Reporter Chanel Rion to Kayleigh McEnany: Will Trump Administration Investigate Members of Congress for Support or Ties to Antifa

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xQ2hwlKnmc4 - MSM DEFENDS ANTIFA: Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany SHREDS Governors at White House Press Briefing [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>58745 Sydney Powell tweet on 302 fuckery, omissions and false additions used to frame Flynn

>>58746 THESE PEOPLE ARE EVIL: Rioters Set Fire to Home with Child Inside, Then Block Firefighters

>>58747 Clown-controlled Anonymous posts another video

>>58748 Anon's redpilling conversation with NYC MD - most Covid patients we had in one day was 200 in April

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Q47hrg4Ux6M - Why Work at NYU Langone? [Channel: NYU Langone Health]

>>58749 VIDEO: Omaha Bar Owner Shoots Protester Who Was Assaulting Him, Won’t Face Charges; Leftists Vow To Burn Bar Down

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GSTqH9-1WFw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58750 Bombshell: Antifa Are Receiving Military Training from ISIS in Syria

>>58751, >>58765 Basim Omar Sabri: 'Sabri family dominance' over Somali-American merchants in Minneapolis. Invests heavily in real estate. Also funds Ilhan Omar and Hamas.

>>58752 ‘Anonymous’ Hijacks Chicago Police Radios to Play NWA’s ‘F*ck The Police’ During Protests

>>58753 Sheriff: People in Polk County like guns, have guns, I encourage them to own guns… And if you try to break into their homes I recommend they blow you back out of the house with their guns

>>58754 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#115 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179,

>>58755 Domestic Terrorism Failing for Dems? YES: Dallas County reports 228 new coronavirus cases, no new deaths

>>58756 Track It Here: Reaper Drone Takes Flight Monday Amid Worsening Riots Across America

>>58757 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#115 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306,

>>58758, >>58761 Kek, WHO’s chief wants good ties with US to continue, as Trump announces exit

>>58759 YEMEN [ACCESS] PENDING: About 75% of UN aid programs in Yemen will ‘close or reduce operations’

>>58760 U.S. court refuses to shield Volkswagen in diesel scandal lawsuits

>>58762 Continued digs into Orooj, Molotov cocktail terrorist

>>58763 Riverside county (2.5M pop) declares curfew at 6pm tonight

>>58764 Gilead Falls After Phase 3 Remdesivir 10-Day Trial Failed To Reach Significance

>>58766, >>58767 Proof that guns protect people

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d0d903f875c7e7515ab4edec658879a701aa13baaca4eda34c17ff37308f490.mp4

>>58768, >>58776 National Guard has arrived in DC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee98f77d0c252e14552b4d1313a22a4aa5d09b7037b7d5c58daaae830cdf55d9.mp4

>>58769 White House establishing ‘central command center’ to combat riots as Trump issues warning

>>58770 Seattle mayor announces new curfew for tonight after massive weekend unrest

>>58771 U.S. companies issue shares at fastest rate ever, selling the rally

>>58772 TX Gov. Abbot announces federal prosecution for protest agitators violating federal law


>>58774 Looting Prevention 101

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f52392d4cc282d104dcb4cde2b9fbde3e9b1aa802e9096a08e1c2c69ee360521.mp4

>>58775 Are outside groups funding riots? Matt Whitaker weighs in - VID

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cqkOTRGnvaY - Are outside groups funding riots? Matt Whitaker weighs in [Channel: Fox News]

>>58777 Two 'Unusual' COVID-19 Features Convincing Scientists It Was Man-Made

>>58778 Investigators probe if ANTIFA AND far-right extremists are deliberately stoking violence at protests

>>58779 MSNBC's Mitchell Admits Publicly in Supporting Antifa Domestic Terrorism

>>58780 Sacramento police chief says riots unusually organized, coordinated

>>58781 MN AG prosecuting Illinois Man for traveling to MN to riot, possessing explosives

>>58782 #12053

(44 notables, 49 posts, 46 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171651

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9417798 Q Research General #12054: Anons Are Strong In The Lord Edition

Created 012142ZJUN20



>>58783 NBC: Trump considering a move to invoke Insurrection Act

>>58784, >>58813 HRC Panicking, retweets "We need all hands on deck." "

>>58785 BREAKING: All White House non-essential staff sent home on curfew

>>58786 FLYNN CASE: DOJ responds to Sullivan

>>58787 Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) Leads Colleagues in Submitting Amicus Brief on Behalf of General Michael Flynn

>>58788 Antifa Domestic Terrorism Supporter MN gov blamed right-wing 'white supremacists' for violence --- now the truth comes out

>>58789 WaPo hit-piece sarcastically claims POTUS is the bravest man in America

>>58790, >>58794 FBI seeking information & digital media depicting individuals inciting violence during First Amendment protected peaceful demonstrations: fbi.gov/violence

>>58791, >>58792, >>58815, >>58820 Moar and moar reports of pallets of bricks magically materializing in riot-torn cities

>>58793 Operation Mind Control: Top Constitutional Attorney Speaks Out Against Lockdowns & Martial Law

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TGR32S0bM2A - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58795 Philadelphia pf report + police officers taking a knee with protestors at City Hall

>>58796 Louisville Chief of Police fired cop involved in shooting death of David McAtee

>>58797, >>58798 Tear gas already being used in Philadelphia, curfew starts at 6pm

>>58799, >>58803 BREAKING: Suspect Accused of Inciting Riot In Pittsburgh Turns Himself In

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=titKrltxJb0 - Police Searching For Brian Bartels, Who Is Accused Of Inciting Violence At Peaceful Pittsburgh Prote [Channel: CBS Pittsburgh]

>>58800, >>58809 Based Matt Gaetz tweets on hunting down Antifa terrorists like we hunt down terrorists in Middle East

>>58801 Unsauced craigslist ad to "stop Trump" for $1500/week

>>58802 Nearly all 46 names released of those arrested in last night's protest

>>58804, >>58827, >>58831, >>58833 [GS] owns huge amounts of stock in Target & Auto Zone - INSURANCE FRAUD ALERT

>>58805 Santa Monica looter admits he's doing it "for the money" not George Floyd

>>58806 Judge questions 'unusual' Justice Department filing in Flynn case

>>58807 PF report - LA area

>>58808, >>58814 Flynn Judge’s Lawyer Files Response to District Court -- Says Flynn Can Defend Himself Against Independent Accusations By Court

>>58810 James Woods roasts HRC on twitter - #LolitaBill, Haiti, Epstein


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RjHGAFeQKZc

>>58812 Digs on Antifa members who were arrested

>>58816 Beijing Retaliates: Trade Deal On Verge Of Collapse As China Halts Some US Farm Imports

>>58818 WATCH: Philadelphia woman pleads for police to provide security in West Philadelphia

>>58819, >>58835, >>58836, >>58838 BREAKING: POTUS to speak at 6:30PM, Bill Barr outside the WH

>>58821, >>58829 Aiding and Abetting Domestic Terrorist, AOC helping rioters: Warns them to 'cover identifying tattoos'

>>58822 Anon raises good questions re: NASA/SpaceX

>>58823 Terrorist supporter using his twitter (blue check) to warn criminals of LEO movements

>>58824 CBP personnel have deployed to the National Capital Region to assist law enforcement partners

>>58825, >>58830, >>58834 Anon reminds us what real journalism is; You are the news, get the message out

>>58826 AG Barr confirms Durham’s investigation of the Trump-Russia investigators includes deep dive into 2017 IC assessment on Russian interference

>>58828 @KamalaHarris is Aiding and Abetting Domestic Terrorist: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund

>>58832 Senior defense official says forces at WH are DC NG. NOT active duty MP. 2nd senior def. official said 250 MPs from Fort Bragg, NC are arriving

>>58837 The economist who’s warning of a 40% drop in the stock market this year just took credit for """predicting""" the riots

>>58839 @StateDept Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1.............

>>58840 4 or more HCQ doses reduced risk of coronavirus in healthcare workers: India study

>>58841 Redpilling video to counter Epstein/Trump Netflix documentary claims (Trump was the only one to meet with victims' attorney, shared helpful info)

>>58842 Chauvin moved to max-security prison, new mug shot

>>58843 #12054

(42 notables, 60 posts, 75 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171652

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9418546 Q Research General #12055: Insurrection Act Edition

Created 012237ZJUN20



>>58844, >>58845 600-800 NG members from 5 states requested for DC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/82f5820cf349a8ebe2155e16bdfa9eb527253f0aaab2c7e04feedee096c3640d.mp4

>>58846, >>58849 POTUS begins speech with "My Fellow Americans" and ends with "Special Place"

>>58847, >>58848 Video of Boston cops unloading bricks from cop car

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cb145db3fd9afaab6cffd61c7e994b308871c9af4787294162c2e45b4951802f.mp4

>>58850 #12054


>>58852 ---———————————--——– Roger ball has been called. Good and green.

>>58853 Roger ball explanation: 18 seconds before aircraft touches down on flight deck

>>58854 Vote on Russia supreme law to take place in July

>>58855 Sources: park rangers are clearing Lafayette Park (with tear gas) because President Trump is going to walk to St. John’s church from the White House soon

>>58856 POTUS left at 6:50pm and pool was asked to quickly move to the briefing room for an announcement.

>>58857 BREAKING: Convicted felon Tondrique Fitzgerald, 23, was just arrested by Specialized Investigations Division detectives on charges of aggravated rioting & felony vandalism for Saturday's attack on the Historic Courthouse.

>>58858 #12055,

(12 notables, 15 posts, 8 media/files)

Q- >>58852

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9efe67 (568) No.171653

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9419332 Q Research General #12056: Good and Green Edition

Created 012309ZJUN20



>>58859, >>58887, >>58888, >>58890, >>58891, >>58893 White House tweet bun


>>58861, >>58863, >>58866, >>58868, >>58879 Ball call

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q4OnvoXLMxQ - Call The Ball • US Navy Aircraft Carrier Operations [Channel: Gung Ho Vids]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q4OnvoXLMxQ - Call The Ball • US Navy Aircraft Carrier Operations [Channel: Gung Ho Vids]

>>58862, >>58867, >>58873 POTUS visits Historic St. John's church in DC amid protests

>>58864, >>58875, >>58885 Pool reports of POTUS leaving WH, at church, returning to WH

>>58865, >>58871, >>58872, >>58876 Anons' commentary on POTUS's historic show of strength today

>>58869 PF report in DC - metro police

>>58870 Army Vet Lawmaker: Invoke Insurrection Act, Deploy Active-Duty Troops to Riots

>>58874 Bus seized by Police in Columbus Ohio had riot supplies

>>58877 Trump Leaves White House on Foot as Military Police Clash With Protesters in Nearby Park

>>58878 Trump To Deploy "1000s Of Heavily-Armed Soldiers" If States, Cities Fail To Act

>>58880, >>58881, >>58884, >>58892 GOD WINS

>>58882 Taiwan Eyeing US-Made Anti-Ship Missiles for Coastal Defense, Despite Beijing’s Disapproval

>>58883 Former Chinese official extradited to the United States to face charges of laundering millions of dollars of stolen money

>>58886 New Hennipin County Autopsy results for George Floyd

>>58889 Coresite Realty Grp sold by Carlyle Grp: $249.11m-May 28

>>58894 #12056

(17 notables, 36 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171654

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9420094 Q Research General #12057: God Bless President Donald J. Trump Edition

Created 012343ZJUN20




>>58895, >>58896, >>58902, >>58905, >>58908 No fear POTUS - walking into the fire

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/706b00b31633f71e5adcb09558030fd6d833f07c2862a4108761ad5cc0a8aaca.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/928dc322465fd21d9e93d5291b47eb6a0761338a26101061ae13ebb45c330cc1.mp4

>>58897, >>58898 White House tweet bun

>>58899 Como tweet: "We Are New York Tough"

>>58900, >>58910, >>58912, >>58914, >>58916, >>58917 Notable riot posts

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iwddv9p-Zx0

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eb4f203402c4d4f00313971242743d785831f247d7d752f375d122c757aa36a2.mp4

>>58901 New HRC tweet, "do all the good you can"

>>58903 Trending: Second Amendment

>>58904 President Trump's remarks on LAW & ORDER in America

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Jf5BOMMpnWw - President Trump's remarks on LAW & ORDER in America [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>58906 Planefag Reports

>>58907, >>58909 Riots / protests live streams list

>>58911 New Herridge re protests - Report what you see

>>58913, >>58915 Fresh POTUS: My Fellow Americans

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e83d7ec99a08c0ae39222b2b7b689fb37e5d58c548da084f708f10d2549ee5aa.mp4

>>58918 #12057

(12 notables, 24 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171655

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9420788 Q Research General #12058: MY FELLOW AMERICANS Edition

Created 020019ZJUN20




>>58919, >>58925, >>58926, >>58929, >>58932 Protest live streams

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a-J_1pJfYMc - WATCH LIVE | Protests continue in Atlanta [Channel: 11Alive]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UPVNBgBlT9U - RAW: Day 5 of protests in downtown Denver [Channel: 9NEWS]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iwddv9p-Zx0

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Cs9fYKTvrHg

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iwddv9p-Zx0

>>58920 Antifa just burned down Robert Mueller's church

>>58921, >>58927 NYC curfew 11PM - 5AM

>>58922, >>58924, >>58933 Planefag Reports

>>58923 FB workers stage 'virtual walkout' to protest policy on POTUS posts

>>58928, >>58930, >>58931, >>58935, >>58936 Protest updates I

>>58934 The Dallas man who was beaten has passed away

>>58937, >>58938 Protest updates II

>>58939 Antifa handout from Charleston?

>>58940 18 US Code 2339A: Providing material support to terrorists

>>58941 #12058

(11 notables, 23 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171656

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9421553 Q Research General #12059: The Brick Fairy Edition

Created 020059ZJUN20



>>58942, >>58944, >>58945, >>58949, >>58950 Protest updates I

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a-J_1pJfYMc - WATCH LIVE | Protests continue in Atlanta [Channel: 11Alive]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0i1LCT7CA1c - 🔴 LIVE: RIOT in Washington DC. FRONTLINE COVERAGE over the death of George Floyd. $2 TTS $3 MEDIA [Channel: Scuffed Justin Carrey]

>>58943 Protest live streams

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BQycUYzhBSg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>58946 Fresh tweet from @Jack: "Police policy reform now"

>>58947, >>58951, >>58952, >>58954, >>58955, >>58956 Protest updates II

>>58948 MP4: POTUS "My felow Americans"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2577f0434a681142c1ecd4fb30cd5ea791eca3239563cf3b4a9e3405ac654b0.mp4

>>58953 40 things we're not talking about right now (QRV)

(6 notables, 15 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171657

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9422312 Q Research General #12060: As The Waves Rise - Take Your Bricks Edition

Created 020142ZJUN20




>>58957 #12059

>>58958 Fresh DJT

>>58959, >>58961, >>58962, >>58966, >>58975 Protest updates I

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iwddv9p-Zx0

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JvW0Ar8hzCY - Georgia National Guard stands ready in downtown Atlanta ahead of curfew [Channel: 11Alive]

>>58960, >>58967 AG Barr takes to the streets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/be3ff1a69a346c94dc7d49fb51db728aeae1f4e286eb5970f098802020420f48.mp4

>>58963, >>58968 Breaking: NG Gen Mike Miley IS IN THE HOUSE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3fd1257660c34fa3178d8a29f45aff1d03adcd3035375bd8557d111ec6086da4.mp4

>>58964 MP4: POTUS today: "A very special place"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f0ff2756dd1c2c45d375e45eceebec64f46dc0b0795c3385547cf677b54a6042.mp4

>>58965 Germany’s AfD Party: Trump Needs to go after Antifa Internationally

>>58969 Correction - misreport: Dallas man may still be alive

>>58970, >>58973 EPIC! Polk County Sheriff Warns Rioters

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9198289043923f14630775d39b2b3c61efe7e6bef9e10e634f61854c0839d0db.mp4

>>58971 Fresh tweet from Slow Joe

>>58972 POTUS just RETWEETED THIS: 5 mins to T-0

>>58974, >>58977, >>58979, >>58980, >>58985, >>58986 Planefag Reports

>>58976 See something say something - Eyes on SS

>>58978, >>58982, >>58983, >>58984, >>58989 Protest updates II

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/67b13c8c05fac02793310ca4fb4c197097ab390c53be8ded2b02e198db062537.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4ca86e4871719e3fed4a9a257db24765169073f50bc3a7a69696452e11d6496.mp4

>>58981 Anon: Dem mayors & gov's should be charged with aiding & abetting criminals

>>58987, >>58988 Transcripts of POTUS speech this evening

>>58990 #12060

(17 notables, 34 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171658

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9423079 Q Research General #12061: 5 mins to T-0 Edition

Created 020232ZJUN20




>>58991 DOJ Claps Back at Rogue and Corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=70rUAcGVb84 - US DOJ Claps Back at Rogue Judge Emmet Sullivan: "We're the Prosecutors Here, Not You!" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>58992 California Faces "Financial Collapse"

>>58993 Judge's lawyers hint at 'reason to question' DOJ's motives in new Michael Flynn case filing

>>58994 Moar on 'call the ball'

>>58995, >>58997, >>58998, >>59001, >>59002, >>59007 Protest updates I

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SOy8nS9br6c - WASHINGTON DC LIVE PROTEST 2020 [Channel: Moshpxt]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1fd89479df1524a9742a7dab569c2da27c110b8524f929033e4fd24a5f79e8a6.mp4

>>58996 Shit on Slow Joe

>>58999 Oregon GOP Chair Files Second Recall Petition Against Governor

>>59000 KEK: Antifa who? Salwell calls POTUS a fascist

>>59003 Flyer: Call to be paid up to '£1500 per week to Stop Trump'?

>>59004, >>59011, >>59012, >>59014 Protest updates II

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SrsBu80BCE4 - Watch Live: NewsChopper4 Bravo is Over Protests and Pursuits in Socal | NBCLA [Channel: NBCLA]

>>59005 More Live Streams - pb

>>59006 Anon: If Hillary had won

>>59008 Planefag Watch

>>59009, >>59013 Tucker kicks off, and about Kushner

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/042fb70ae0aa5c513ba4704a4c0e61541ffd8d9c9326621c7f79a7a7d3aa48fe.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YJSsbH7tuT0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>59010 Fresh DJT

>>59015 #12061,

(16 notables, 25 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171659

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9423839 Q Research General #12062: Tucker Calls Out Kushner Edition

Created 020325ZJUN20



>>59016 Connecticut Police Take a Knee with Protesters on Interstate 84

>>59017 Anon: anarchy breaks out in NYC just before curfew

>>59018 Seattle: I-5 closing again due to the march getting near the freeway

>>59019 @Jack pushing for absentee and early voting

>>59020, >>59023 The Remains of an Administration [Obama's] By Victor Davis Hanson

>>59021, >>59024, >>59037 Police ran over by black SUV in Buffalo NY, update on status of PD ran over in Buffalo

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/07fa6985f6c087e7ce3ffe80225e6985170dc86b4fb223c3755a006d822af2fe.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c55a8cbd73e3bb2aca1b2e407503720870ea3f5770d09a6dc616c1c15907bbab.mp4

>>59022 - 2nd car chase of the night in LA.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SrsBu80BCE4 - Watch Live: NewsChopper4 Bravo is Over Protests and Pursuits in Socal | NBCLA [Channel: NBCLA]

>>59025, >>59030, >>59032, >>59034, >>59035 choppa faggin, plane faggin

>>59026 WA NG - Brig. Gen. Bryan Grenon, in his capacity as a @SeattlePD officer talks with @komonews about why he took a knee with protestors. -vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e5f30b388614cf04fde040cc5fd4a7382dfaef0855dd07a60fa22c6936c536d6.mp4

>>59027 New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Ducks Out on Approaching Looting Protest Mob in Midtown - Afraid he might run into his daughter? kek

>>59028 Gov. Cuomo Goes on CNN, Trashes Trump for Calling Out Military to Crush Leftist Mobs and Looters --- As Looters Wipe Out Fifth Avenue in NY City

>>59029, >>59031 Twatterer photo shows officer down in NYC - vid now as well

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c32abc84281de4797157e7bb6f49bf6d60e98248aeb3c084e9357acdce2453a9.mp4

>>59033 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, June 2, 2020

>>59036, >>59038 Gov. Inslee says Trump aims to 'fan the flames of division'

>>59039 antifa being called out by name on bay area police scanner

>>59040 #12062

(16 notables, 25 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171660

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9424698 Q Research General #12063: ANTIFA [coordinated] SAFE ZONES? Edition

Created 020435ZJUN20



>>59041 Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz exposed BLM, Democrats, ANTIFA, etc.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TD3GjkikUyw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>59042 In first federal count, over 25,000 coronavirus deaths in nursing homes

>>59043 There is currently an #ObamaGate billboard in Las Vegas, NV

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/651d73d7a36a30c8c37be085e113c1d05b7043f1322afaa69cac9e13de792b29.mp4

>>59044 Here's a list of protest cities from NBC

>>59045 Senator Cotton Urges Trump to use Insurrection Act to Stop Violent Rioting

>>59046 Giuliani twat: Dear Progressive Mayors...

>>59047 Are Antifa sympathizers AIDING AND ABETTING the terrorists in Washington?

>>59048 The FBI arrested an Arkansas professor who failed to disclose ties to the Chinese government

>>59049 Current Flynn briefs all in one place

>>59050 Downtown St. Louis is experiencing fires at multiple locations. Many small bonfire type in the middle of streets or parking lots.

>>59051, >>59064 U.S. planning to cancel visas of Chinese graduate students: sources

>>59052 Here are NYPD officers standing down during tonight's looting festivities, obviously due to orders on high. NYPD now stands for Neglecting Your Property Damage…

>>59053, >>59059, >>59061 Planefag reports

>>59054, >>59063, >>59067 Seattle riot shenanigans

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee382d9aed6db0144e2475f859589935a4e86e08946bae049798673094d0ae8e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/edd2c62a446c756b2b3ac8bdab02accaaf5ccd8290999863d73ed98c2875fdfd.mp4

>>59055 In Appellate Brief, DOJ Unloads On Behavior Of Rogue Judge In Flynn Case

>>59056 Another interactive map of protesting and rioting

>>59057 Socialist Seattle Councilmember Tammy Morales defending the weekend violence

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3486750156eff12948befd196f1f22099cc7a73d127f217b4f1d71e388fdd39a.mp4

>>59058 James Woods giving prescient information on 2a rights.

>>59060 Richmond Va. False Flag?

>>59062 US DOJ says court is obliged by law to comply with department’s request to drop Michael Flynn case

>>59065 Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of Defense Mark @EsperDoD--- walking the streets of Washington, D.C. tonight, visiting police lines…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f01f033adb37d90e98bf7c804b367dd77f2e7dd9ecbdac3a1ce585bbf031263.mp4

>>59066 Hollywood Melts Down Over Trump Speech Vowing to Defend Americans Against Rioters

>>59068 Riot shenanigans in NY

>>59069 #12063

(24 notables, 29 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171661

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9425467 Q Research General #12064: The 'Riots Won't Make #Obamagate Go Away' Edition

Created 020541ZJUN20



>>59070, >>59071, >>59074 Police Chief Breaks Down After Describing how rioters torched home with children inside and then blocked fire department.These people are evil #AntifaDomesticTerrorists

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4012857a0d25feb2dad70531816982ee0f17ed3e7eea9e89c5821e035d099327.mp4

>>59072, >>59078, >>59093 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition

>>59073 Who burned the homeless camp? Antifa and Infowars play the blame game over Austin riots

>>59075 updates on Buffalo NY incident: 2 down

>>59076 If Antifa is Designated A Terrorist Group, There Are A Lot Of Possible Charges Coming

>>59077 Anons nommed POTUS photo connection: "My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days..."

>>59079, >>59080 St Louis shootout: 4 officers down.

>>59081 National Guard civil unrest update: More than 17,000 troops in 23 states and DC activated

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=beteaxWkouM - National Guard troops on North Carolina streets during protests [Channel: Military Times]

>>59082 Anon nommed: OpEd- People will not forgive weakness.

>>59083 Former Indiana football player shot, killed during George Floyd riots in Indianapolis

>>59084 Boxer Floyd Mayweather to pay for George Floyd's funeral

>>59085 Michigan Sheriffs' Assoc.Issued statement on George Floyd, but does NOT condemn or discourage the rioting.

>>59086 Louisville police chief ‘fired’ month before retirement after cops' body cameras in protest shooting found to be inactive

>>59087 Sick: Richmond man caught cannibalizing a relative, police say

>>59088 Rioting shenanigans - DC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O68LHMjurTU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>59089 Rarest WWII surrender documents in auction for COVID-19 relief. Entire proceeds are being donated to... Guess WHO?

>>59090 Looks like antifa chumps might be using walkie talkies and twitter to do terrorist activities!

>>59091 The FBI is investigating people inspired by “kind of an Antifa ideology,” bureau Director Christopher Wray said Thursday.

>>59092 Update on St Louis incident: 4 officers shot

>>59094 Police: 10 men stole 34 guns from south St. Louis County pawnshop

>>59095 Report: China bankrolling Biden Center at UPenn

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VH2TTBz3kow - Report: China bankrolling Biden Center at UPenn [Channel: One America News Network]

>>59096, >>59098 Seattle updates: Demonstration near East Precinct declared a riot; reports of gunfire

>>59097 Is CCP Involved in the George Floyd Riots? Terror Designation May Go Beyond ANTIFA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AvxrtMb3mYM - Is CCP Involved in the George Floyd Riots? Terror Designation May Go Beyond the Riots | Crossroads [Channel: Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP]

>>59099 #12064,

(24 notables, 30 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171662

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9426294 Q Research General #12065: The 'Monsters Attacking American Homes' Edition

Created 020729ZJUN20



>>59100 @GovSisolak Today, I released the following statement in response to President Donald Trump “strongly recommending” that all Governors “deploy the national guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets.”

>>59101 Seattle, WA: police arrest a protestor using the same knee-on-neck technique used to murder #GeorgeFloyd

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d774511d22873f1efe3ded618fce4d6613763fb9f20e9e2ae237ff2eac40260.mp4

>>59102, >>59103 Are CNN and Twitter lying to cover aiding and abetting Terrorists Antifa with Propaganda piece?

>>59104 Good Samaritans treated badly

>>59105 Democrat party governors reject taking things in hand

>>59106 CBS Reporter Calls Out Black Lives Matter Rioters Looting Store

>>59107, >>59108 St. Louis Police: update on 4 of our officers who were struck by gunfire tonight during the downtown unrest.

>>59109 planefag reporting

>>59110 US Army Europe twat w/CAP: Marksmanship training under Covid-19 prevention condition

>>59111 Dan Scavino Jr. video twat w/CAP

>>59112 Victim's family names woman killed overnight in Davenport unrest

>>59113 #12065

(12 notables, 14 posts, 13 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171663

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9427097 Q Research General #12066: Remember Jade Helm??? Edition

Created 021048ZJUN20



>>59114 Professor Of International Studies Pleads Guilty To Money Laundering

>>59115 Atlanta protests: Curfew violators nearly double Monday’s arrest total, police say

>>59116, >>59117, >>59119 those brick pallets? Any coincidence that Berkshire Hathaway owns ACME BRICK COMPANY?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/86840bbad21a7b90cabdaaa5279953168e1c125027f4c45216bc0418f7333ead.mp4

>>59118 Rioters Blow Up at Least 10 ATMs in Philadelphia Overnight, Startling Many

>>59120 moar twatter censorship over calling out antifa

>>59121, >>59128, >>59129 JUDGES ORDER ON HRC DEPOSITION. Federal Court Judge Ordered Hillary to Undergo a Deposition today 9:30EST. what will be her excuse this time?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HxBqov-vtas

>>59122, >>59123 Tom Fitton: Seditious conspiracy. Bus searched: found bats, rocks, meat cleavers, axes, clubs & other projectiles.

>>59124, >>59127 KEK: Protesters chant “Let us leave! Let us leave!” Police have them trapped on 15th & Swann ST. Bonus Kek included.

>>59125 Senate Judiciary Committee votes on Subpoenas for Obama gate on Thursday

>>59126 Link to PDF of Rosenstein Scope memo for use in upcoming testimony

>>59130 St. Paul PD: 48 arrested. Van marked as medic vehicle towed. riot gear inside.

>>59131 for GA anons: Marjorie Greene for Congres

>>59132 #12066

(13 notables, 19 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171664

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9427858 Q Research General #12067: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 021301ZJUN20



>>59133, >>59139 Lisa Page: "...I wrote a few mean texts four years ago and have been rained down with insults and attacks ever since. But I'm the fucking coup plotter."

>>59134 Ex-Chinese Official Extradited to US, Faces Charges for Laundering Millions

>>59135 New DJT twta w/CAP: D.C. had no problems last night. Many arrests. Great job done by all. Overwhelming force...

>>59136, >>59142, >>59153, >>59159, >>59163 planefag reporting

>>59137 New DJT twta w/CAP: Congressman Mike Simpson (@MikeSimpson4ID) is a tremendous champion for Idaho!...

>>59138, >>59140, >>59145, >>59147, >>59148, >>59151, >>59152, >>59155, >>59157, >>59161, >>59162, >>59164, >>59165 Clinton hearing on email deposition discussion mini-bun

>>59141, >>59143 carrier aviatorfag defines "TRAP" relating to Q Post 4384

>>59144 Polk, FL Sherrif Judd: "if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns."

>>59146 China buys U.S. soybeans after halt to U.S. purchases ordered

>>59149 Looters Grab $2.4 Million Worth of Watches from Soho Rolex Store

>>59150 Twatter adds warning label to Gaetz tweet on antifa for glorifying violence

>>59154 In Providence, Rhode Island this business was set on fire by rioters while a resident was upstairs. You can see her in the window in this video...

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f1b2e3330f3360105cc155a39704b664ea6a6bea674a33d2d97df59137e7723.mp4

>>59156 De Blasio: NYC ‘Fully Under Control and Overwhelmingly Calm and Peaceful’ -- Extends Tuesday Curfew to 8 p.m

>>59158 82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force Headed to D.C. amid Riots

>>59160 Keith Ellison trying to shield his son's allegience to Antifa.

>>59166 #12067

(16 notables, 34 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171665

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9428630 Q Research General #12068: DC Circuit Judges Show True Colors Edition

Created 021426ZJUN20



>>59167, >>59169, >>59171, >>59174, >>59177, >>59181 Donna Brazil and "wife" DC mayor Mureil Bowser-soc media

>>59168, >>59173, >>59182 Clinton emails court hearing-JW Feed (audio)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NhEfChS59vg - HEATED: Judicial Watch VS Hillary Clinton Over EMAILS at DC Court of Appeals Hearing - AUDIO ONLY [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>59170, >>59196 New POTUS Twat

>>59172 Whitmer signs executive order adding protections for migrant workers during pandemic-mlive.com

>>59175, >>59187 pf report(s)

>>59176 FLASHBACK: George Soros and The Color Revolutions-from oct 2017

>>59178 KANSAS twat re: Muh Duro and Treasury actions and treasury.gov docs

>>59179 anon 'quick' dig on clinton email judge-"Nina" Pillard

>>59180 Corrected Transcript - Law & Order Speech-publicpool.kinja.com

>>59183 Rep. Doug Collins Twat

>>59184 Herridge Tweet: NSA may capture it all, but we need to do our part to help identify perpetrators.

>>59185 anon on the D mayors and govs not cracking down

>>59186 Do The Protestors Need To Be Quarantined?-the federalist.com

>>59188 a reminder Q drop #2416

>>59189 Nickelodean scaring kids

>>59190, >>59192, >>59195 moar on ACME bricks

>>59191 AOC twat and article-from yesterday

>>59193 Readout - POTUS call with Australian PM Morrison-publicpool.kinja.com

>>59194, >>59197 take one for the team?: Cuomo press conf.

>>59198 German Official Leaks Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’

>>59199 #12068

(21 notables, 33 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171666

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9429397 Q Research General #12069: 82nd Airborne Incoming Edition

Created 021538ZJUN20



>>59200, >>59203 AOC helping rioters: 'Cover identifying tattoos,' wear heat-resistant gloves-wnd.com june 1

>>59201, >>59211 who is Roger Ball?-anons submit

>>59202, >>59208 Iowa woman fatally shot while leaving George Floyd protest-nypost.com from june 1

>>59204 moar on nikilodean:Ousted Nickelodeon Producer Rumored to Have Abused Actresses, Received $7 Million Payout-from 2018

>>59205, >>59210, >>59215, >>59216, >>59217, >>59223, >>59224 pf report(s)

>>59206 Judicial Watch email hearing upload deleted :/

>>59207, >>59213 Seattle last night-short report- and Andy Ngo Twat

>>59209 NY Governor Cuomo threatens to "displace" NY Mayor Deblasio and bring in the National Guard. Says the Mayor and the NYPD failed last night-B911

>>59212 Last night a black pawnshop employee was killed over a TV.

>>59214 Dr. Steve breaks down the current psyop of Agitation Propaganda.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O93UdwxnWOQ - OPUS 225 AgitProp and our Republic [Channel: Steve Pieczenik]

>>59218 Potus: New York City put on an 11:00 P.M. CURFEW last night.

>>59219, >>59220 CALL FOR SUPPORT #TrumpDictatorship

>>59221 When asked if he will bring in the National Guard, de Blasio answered with a defiant and condescending tone "NO!"

>>59222 Top State official says clean energy fate hinges on securing supply of metals and minerals

>>59225 Rosenstein is set to be the first Obamagate witness tomorrow in front of the Senate

>>59226 #12069

(16 notables, 27 posts, 37 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171667

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9430138 Q Research General #12070: Hit Em Hard Anons, Make Em Feel the Pain Edition

Created 021642ZJUN20




>>59227 NY Mayoral Hopeful de Blasio Has Sordid Past

>>59228 Need to hire a protester here is where you call, Crowds On Demand

>>59229 Obama alum using a photo from the Obama Admin and pretending it’s Trump’s fault

>>59230 Potus Schedule

>>59231, >>59232 HAPPENING NOW: Pres. Trump visits St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74cbfbb165f8ef0aa0abf00f581f2f53c9123962c8d5e13aab740e778be320a2.mp4

>>59233 'Super Tuesday II': 8 states and D.C. hold presidential primaries

>>59234 Providence Health System, one of the country’s largest and richest hospital chains

>>59235 Riots, looting, AND the potential for landfall of a tropical depression/storm/hurricane by Friday?

>>59236 #12069

>>59237 Apple is tracking iPhones stolen by looters

>>59238 If the rioters are “far-right white supremacists” why are liberal Hollywood elites bailing them out?

>>59239 Hospital allotments for medicare payment

>>59240 NY Gov Cuomo Blasts De Blasio For "Underestimating Problem," May Overrule NYC Mayor On National Guard Call

>>59241 Protester Arrested in Chicago After Filming Himself Handing Out Bombs at MN Riots and Posting on Facebook

>>59242 'Understandable & more than legitimate': Germany backs 'peaceful' US protests

>>59243 Flashback: RR "I can land this plane".

>>59244 "Stocks Are Going Parabolic For All The Wrong Reasons

>>59245 boatfaggin

>>59246 NIH Won't Release Wuhan Biolab Docs Due To 'Pending Investigations'

>>59247 Bosnia: Anti-migrant Security Minister resigns

>>59248 Seattle Mayor Jenny says POTUS "has lost his mind" and vows to "fight any steps to use the military"

>>59249, >>59253 Call for a dig on this brick delivery in Dallas

>>59250 Belgium: Black Lives Matter holds illegal demonstration in Ghent

>>59251 Omaha Business Owner Who Shot Rioting Looter Dead While Being Attacked Will Not Face Charges

>>59252 Hannity: Seattle Councilmember Wonders Why ‘Looting Bothers People’ When ‘People Die Everyday’'

>>59254 Vice President Joe Biden blamed police for “escalating[ing] tension” across the nation in a speech

>>59255 Hong Kong Bans Annual Tiananmen Square Vigil

>>59256 Even Far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center Says No Evidence White Supremacists Sparking Riots

>>59257 #ObamaGate Memes

>>59258, >>59259, >>59262 Barr's Statement on Protest in DC

>>59260 PlaneFag Reports

>>59261 Pelosi with a bible?

>>59263 DS turning on one another.

>>59264, >>59265 #12070

(34 notables, 39 posts, 61 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171668

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9430925 Q Research General #12071: Pelosi Makes "Queen Antifa" Edition

Created 021743ZJUN20



>>59266 Political polls trend: "Calling in the U.S. military to supplement city police forces"

>>59267 Give this guy a ratio if you Twatter

>>59268, >>59271 During a presser in the Bronx, @RepEliotEngel heard on hot mic asking "If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b0c7099208c68d2480ea785a4a3ce1900e6ae356969431b5626dc3b8c9131f5.mp4

>>59269 MSM used footage from the movie World War Z to portray fires from rioting

>>59270 Bishop Budde from Minneapolis

>>59272, >>59273 Two dead in North Dakota air base shooting

>>59274 CNN Reporter Makes Excuses For Rioting, Looting

>>59275, >>59277 Officer shot in the head from behind during Las Vegas riot

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f76cb410c4ec3a6dd5a221e6d6c27c0470ea6ea356f4dddac918c75516677fb7.mp4

>>59276, >>59278, >>59284 planefaggin

>>59279 Potus twat w/cap

>>59280 George Floyd GoFundMe raises nearly $9.5 million in 5 days

>>59281 Archive Update

>>59282 EO on Advancing International Religious Freedom

>>59283 Queen Antifa w/Bible

>>59285 #12071

(15 notables, 20 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171669

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9431980 Q Research General #12072: This Is Not A Game, Learn To Play The Game Edition

Created 021853ZJUN20



>>59286 Memefarmer Ammo

>>59287 JPMorgan, Barclays settle Mexican bond rigging litigation

>>59288, >>59289 Judge Sullivan Finally Responds To Mandamus Petition In Flynn Case

>>59290 May 2020 habbenins calendar

>>59291 DC ArchBishop Gregory Lashes Out at President Trump for Visiting John Paul II Shrine and Lies About Tear Gas Attacks on Protesters

>>59292 Nadler wants to cut funding to DOJ by 50 million

>>59293, >>59295 Looks like they caught one that was setting up for the FF of the NG shooting protesters

>>59294 One of Bishop Mariann Budde's son, Amos Budde, worked for Obama for America and she participated in Obama's anti-gun agenda

>>59296 Active-Duty Troops Remain Outside DC as Guard Force Grows

>>59297 Top Pentagon Leaders Summoned to Testify on Military's Response to Protests

>>59298, >>59300 PF updates

>>59299 We see the D-party playbook. This has been their way for the last 3 years with DJT.

>>59301 'Random Piles of Bricks' Magically Appearing at Protests While Agitators Hand Out Cash to Rioters

>>59302 Judicial Watch Fights Hillary Clinton For Testimony In U.S. Court Of Appeals

(14 notables, 17 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171670

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9432903 Q Research General #12073: Shill Storm Rages, Anons Be Like Fuck Em Edition

Created 021950ZJUN20




>>59303 #12072

>>59304 Evidence Suggests Coordinated Effort To Orchestrate An Uprising Inside The United States

>>59305 Minnesota To Test All 7,000 National Guardsmen Deployed To Quell Riots As First Tests Positive

>>59306, >>59315, >>59316, >>59318, >>59319 planefaggin

>>59307 Trudeau on protests

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a665c3448dc5edadafe62fc400d6e613935d078c8897293f0dcb42323c2ea926.mp4

>>59308 Potus: Sleepy Joe has been in politics for 40 years, and did nothing

>>59309 Department of Justice Awards Nearly $400 Million for Law Enforcement Hiring to Advance Community Policing

>>59310 2 Whatcom County men charged in fentanyl drug distribution scheme

>>59311 President Trump reposted a fox news video where they mentioned George Soros was behind the protests, and he should be deported.

>>59312 Debra Messing Tweets Fake Photo of Hitler Holding Bible Like Trump

>>59313 Oil up more than 3% ahead of OPEC+ meeting and on easing lockdowns

>>59314 Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton to Testify before the House Judiciary Committee about Protecting the Right to Vote

>>59317 Philadelphia gun store owner shoots armed looters, killing 1

>>59320 #12073

(14 notables, 18 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171671

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9433938 Q Research General #12074: Dues Edition

Created 022043ZJUN20



>>59321, >>59322 PF updates

>>59323 IL Gov. Pritzker: God Is on the Side of the Protesters Cleared Out of Lafayette Square During Trump Church Visit

>>59324 US Coast Guard Seizes Nearly 500 Kilos of Suspected Cocaine Worth $18.7 Million

>>59325 James Woods retweet of Lara Logan: "They [antifa] wants us to believe we are divided"

>>59326 Blue Angels’ Transition To The Super Hornet Will Make Airshows Look A Little Like 1973

>>59327 Wilton Gregory, Roman Catholic archbishop of Washington, D.C., apparently did not check with the St. Pope John Paul, II National Shrine before blasting the president's visit

>>59328 Nike Exec. Chairman sold : $16.35m-June 1

>>59329 Bush administration alums form pro-Biden super PAC

>>59330 FF attempt to kick things off in Australia

>>59331 Slovenia launches border security operation as number of illegal migrants increases

>>59332 #12074

(11 notables, 12 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171672

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9434800 Q Research General #12075: [GS] Web of Evil Edition

Created 022132ZJUN20



>>59333, >>59334, >>59337 US Park Police chief says USPP & Secret Service found "baseball bats & metal poles hidden along the street" near the White House.

>>59335 DOJ considering federal ‘color of law’ prosecution of officer accused in Floyd death | Just The News

>>59336 A group getting millions in state tax money is leading Madison's protests and calling for defunding of police departments

>>59338 @POTUS & I honored the life & legacy of Saint John Paul II at @JP2Shrine today.

>>59339 ByeDan to attend Floyd funeral

>>59340 a scary but safe personalized message from Q?

>>59341 Banks Brace For Default Wave: Wells Fargo Stops Making Loans To Independent Car Dealers

>>59342 Riots in Paris after protests on police brutality turn violent

>>59343, >>59344, >>59345, >>59346 planefaggin

>>59347 #12075

(10 notables, 15 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171673

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9435597 Q Research General #12076: Welcome Newfags, The Water if Warm, Transcend! NS Edition

Created 022229ZJUN20




>>59348, >>59351 Solano County, CALIF. --- A helicopter crashed in Fairfield, California on Tuesday.

>>59349 BREAKING: 2 crates filled with pipe bombs discovered near Korean War Memorial in DC after suspects spotted in bushes. Federal assets in pursuit

>>59350 "MPA" LARP claims without sauce that POTUS will be giving an Oval Office address tonight

>>59352 John Solomon says Americans should pay close attention to whatRR has to say before the Senate tomorrow, about his conversations with McCabe and Comey.

>>59353, >>59355 The Filing by Judge Sullivan With The Circuit Court Is A Joke.

>>59354 VA governor refused to send his NG troops across Potomac into DC

>>59356 FLYNN CASE: NEWS: federal appeals court panel in DC hearing Flynn's petition to have his guilty plea immediately nixed have set oral arguments for Friday, June 12.

>>59357 State of Minnesota Files Civil Rights Charges Against Minneapolis Police Department

>>59358 Rubini tweets: interdasting accusations if true.

>>59359 Eyes on: Little birdie says Rostensteins testimony tomorrow is the shot heard around the world…

>>59360 Senate Republicans Set Summer Of Investigations Involving Biden

>>59361 Google is sued in U.S. for tracking users' 'private' internet browsing

>>59362, >>59374, >>59381 PF reports - Police helicopters circling the WH, in Philly, and NYC

>>59363 Rep. Engel (D-NY) on hot mic, begs for speaking time at NY protest event: ‘If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care'

>>59364 Vid: ANTIFA terrorists & looters pretending they believe “black lives matter”---while they destroy African-American communities.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/158718a1430be933c5ffd7561f9967198e4db1c3cee9586c366e71f22c797dcb.mp4

>>59365 Pray, be strong in the Lord (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/51d816b2943b0f6144e04f3f587cac44c9bb7d89474e9c10100fe8c623df91b2.mp4

>>59366 Turkey seeks to arrest 118 military personnel over coup an hour ago

>>59367 Developing: 2 crates filled with pipe bombs discovered near Korean War Memorial in DC after suspects spotted in bushes.

>>59368 Dig in boys: 53 pages of emails on the RR/McCabe dispute just released by DOJ FOIA Library

>>59369 SHOCKING: Blackout of reporting and analysis on Online Censorship EO since it was signed 5 days ago

>>59370, >>59377, >>59382 Video of 77 year old retired St. Louis chief dying on the ground + more info on person who recorded video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/08df8bdec4b97672b4afa5223b84bae9d0642b553c44e27d89be3d00f43687f0.mp4

>>59371 U.S. getting its first tropical storm of the season - TS Cristobal - by this weekend

>>59372 Antifa member is a complete and utter pussy over a tiny piece of shrapnel in his leg (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/68900069bea99d5b75ff0bca66ae385e692e0fa5ba6359bbb07831d58ca3058d.mp4

>>59373 Flip this twitter poll

>>59375, >>59376 Nadler and Judiciary announce steps to counter Bill Barr/DOJ

>>59378 BREAKING: 2nd person has died from helicopter crash at Red Rock, CT (remember, 7/10)

>>59379 Timothy O’Donnell, Wearing Joker Mask, Charged With Torching Chicago Police Car During Weekend’s Protest Violence

>>59380 The Lancet reverses course and publishes an "Expression of Concern" on hydroxychrloroquine paper published 2 weeks ago which says "no benefit" on covid-19

>>59383 #12076

(29 notables, 36 posts, 47 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171674

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9436396 Q Research General #12077: Patriots in Control Edition

Created 022321ZJUN20




>>59384 New DJT: Washington D.C.was the safest place on earth last night!

>>59385 Roku removes dedicated QAnon channel that launched last month

>>59386 GoFundMe has decided to fund Antifa, committing $500,000 to bail fund for those arrested at violent protests and riots

>>59387 Dr. Fauci says there’s a chance coronavirus vaccine may not provide immunity for very long

>>59388 Mika putting vodka in her coffee again "Text me Qu for Pelosi"... Farm anchor Antifa terrorist comms

>>59389 Today, on the 41st anniversary of Pope John Paul Il’s first pilgrimage to Poland, @Potus signed an Executive Order supporting International Religious Freedom.

>>59390 Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee authorized deployment of 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, TN National Guard, and support to DC NG

>>59391 Leftie Gov. Cooper kills RNC Convention in Charlotte due to COVID-19 - then goes and marches with leftist mob in street

>>59392, >>59395 Blizzard servers are DOWN due to DDOS attack half an hour ago. Reminder Soros is an investor in Blizzard, used it for Star Wars comms

>>59393, >>59407, >>59410 Digs on RR emails

>>59394, >>59398 ---———————————--——– Quotes from Fox article: Antifa arrests coming (Cap: )

>>59396 PF report

>>59397 Appeals court mulls making Hillary Clinton testify on emails

>>59399, >>59402, >>59405, >>59408 Mariann Budde (DC Bishop) is Not Neutral - Think Congress - Think Susan Rice continued.

>>59400 Another hit-piece on Q, POTUS supporters spreading "rumors" about China

>>59401 Liberal hypocrisy: Biden takes a knee, media ignore "photo op" narrative

>>59403 82nd Airborne Division Arrives to DC Metro Area with Black Hawks and Chinooks

>>59404 Crowd goes crazy as Senator Warren, her husband and her dog walk through the protesters in front of White House a half hour before curfew

>>59406 Charles Hurt: The Democrat Party Is Built on Racial Exploitation

>>59409 Reminder: Article from Dec 1 2017 on FBI probe of Antifa ideology - they've been watching a long time now

>>59411 AG William Barr: ‘Even Greater Law Enforcement Resources’ Coming to D.C. Tonight

>>59412 Official BLM twitter advocates overthrow of the government: "WH is not Donald Trump's house, it's time to take it back"

>>59413 #12077

(23 notables, 30 posts, 39 media/files)

Q- >>59394

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9efe67 (568) No.171675

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9437124 Q Research General #12078: Antifa Arrests Coming Edition

Created 022358ZJUN20




>>59414, >>59415 Historic photo of troops guarding the Lincoln Memorial - June 2, 2020

>>59416 Hundreds of protestors defying DC's 7pm curfew

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8b1d715184bcb1a180a2ea5b5b6fc17bea19514fdd7c1a20e4cd0913b0b63a7b.mp4

>>59417 Stage Is Set for Showdown Over General Flynn

>>59418 Reposting for Night Shift: Sealed Indictments 1-30-17 thru 5/31/20 = 172,400

>>59419 Full "Strawberry moon" coming

>>59420 KEK: 130 Jewish groups, ‘outraged’ by Floyd killing, pledge to fight systemic racism

>>59421 International Journal of Communications article, written by WEIAI WAYNE XU: Mapping Connective Actions in the Global Alt-Right and Antifa Counterpublics

>>59422, >>59426 ---———————————--——– (HRC/George Soros speech intro on getting involved in electoral process) Expect us. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ade847df0ccc42e295382e1b4d8300f03592d7db3c12a4029e6780c9e78f608.mp4

>>59423 PF reports

>>59424 Twitter names ex Google CFO Pichette as chair, Kordestani to stay on

>>59425 Seattle ANTIFA giving instruction on Twitter ..again

>>59427 Brennan crying on twitter

>>59428 """""Rising conspiracy theory"""" claims George Soros behind US unrest, ADL says

>>59429 ---———————————--——– WE ARE UNITED. WE WILL PREVAIL. GOD BLESS AMERICA. (Cap: )

>>59430, >>59434 NEW DJT: “Media Falsely Claimed Violent Riots Were Peaceful And That Tear Gas Was Used Against Rioters”, 3 min delta w/Q

>>59431 MAGA Q timestamp: 17:17:45 (keks for PST anons)

>>59432 Kek, 4chan created #blackoutTuesday so that libs could stfu for a day

>>59433 Expect us is Anonymous's motto: Q sending a message?

>>59435 MN DOT releases additional tanker truck footage

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5pcwfc64ALs - May 31, 2020 - MnDOT traffic camera footage; truck and 35W bridge protest [Channel: Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)]

>>59436 Pg 38 og RR release: purports to give context of how RR *sarcastically* discussed getting a wire to record POTUS

>>59437 Video of Clinton and Soros in Haiti

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ad156e592d55a7d82ef72ea37ab218db072261eceb19cc9a8f19c2f86a2ec5a.mp4

>>59438 In plain sight: Alibaba unit uses Israeli tech to offer shipping services to US businesses

>>59439 Workday, Inc. co-founder /Chairman of Board sold: $50m-June 1

>>59440 WATCH looters use FORKLIFT to break into California store in broad daylight (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ItMZitvhiF4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>59441 #12078

(25 notables, 28 posts, 27 media/files)

Q- >>59422, >>59429

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171676

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9437922 Q Research General #12079: Expect Us Edition

Created 030037ZJUN20



>>59442, >>59467, >>59468 PF reports

>>59443, >>59447, >>59472 Anon speculates GS is funding Anonymous in addition to BLM, Antifa

>>59444 Looters Steal $2.4 Million In Rolex Watches From New York Store

>>59445 Biden: Racism in US is institutional, ‘white man’s problem’ August 28, 2019

>>59446, >>59451 NY Post: The lying about Donald Trump is now completely out of control

>>59448 Anon reminds newfag: lurk moar, research for yourself, no one cares about your personal life

>>59449, >>59462 ---———————————--——– WE ARE UNITED. WE WILL PREVAIL. GOD BLESS AMERICA. (Cap: )

>>59450 Law Enforcement Throws Up Taller Temporary Barriers Around the White House

>>59452 POTUS Schedule for Wednesday, June 3, 2020

>>59453 Live Updates: Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pocantifa Shows Up To Lafayette Square Protest

>>59454 Officials at Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s Press Conference Blame White Supremacists and Proud Boys for Violence at Leftist-Antifa Protests this Week

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9dD0KOpkzWg - Press conference: Gov. Brown activates National Guard soldiers, state troopers to protect Portland [Channel: KPTV FOX 12 | Local news, weather Portland, Oregon]

>>59455 Trudeau evades question on standing up to China

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bee2e140fbf6c9daa1bfd9731be0e497d418d2f61bbaab8b24461cb3ebb6b910.mp4

>>59456 BLM=Antifa=MB (and Antifa was trained by ISIS-baker comment)

>>59457 Reverse rioting 101

>>59458 China's Latest Desperate Attempt to Distract From Its Coronavirus Malfeasance Is Truly Incredible

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y8lMBo6yqEc - Beijing: The human rights of minorities in the U.S. must be guaranteed [Channel: CGTN]

>>59459 Anon's hot take on [D] Party Con's predicament

>>59460, >>59464 Neuro-linguistic programming used in rally cries

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aEtQhPpp8HA - LIVE George Floyd Protest usa / multiple disorder live / multiple feeds / chat open [Channel: cctvuser]

>>59461, >>59465 John Solomon: The 10 Most important questions for Rod Rosenstein (testifying tomorrow)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Daxd1YsNEO0 - Rod Rosenstein: "The Department of Justice is not going to be extorted.” (C-SPAN) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>59463 This guy needs a good dig - harbored a shitload of Antifa/BLM traitors in his home in DC last night

>>59466 Judicial Watch: Documents Show State Department and USAID Working with Soros Group to Channel Money to ‘Mercenary Army’ of Far-Left Activists in Albania (2018)

>>59469 Chelsea Clinton crying on twitter

>>59470 38,000 people lose power from that helicopter crash earlier says Breaking911

>>59471, >>59473 Jesse Watters: This Country has had Enough of the Rioters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PVwckq8ZXRU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a4993633007ab855b6cc0dd26ea7e207c5d6105e26731fe475316a3bc835e278.mp4

>>59474 George PapaD responds to Brennan on twitter: Italy, Australia and the U.K. have flipped on you and are cooperating with the new investigations into you.

>>59475 #12079

(25 notables, 34 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171677

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9438656 Q Research General #12080: WE ARE UNITED. WE WILL PREVAIL. Edition

Created 030119ZJUN20



>>59476 Remember when Anonymous said they would identify and end QAnon….2 years ago? Hasn't aged well.

>>59477 Former Arlington Pastor Sentenced to More Than 24 Years for Child Exploitation

>>59478 NY Post: Stop excusing the looters -- they're destroying New York's future

>>59479, >>59486 Incredible statement from leader of NYPD to rank and file officers: "I know we are losing the city."

>>59480, >>59483 Digs on Hillary/Soros speech before or after JFK Jr. [187]? She moved to Chappaqua the same year. Pelosi/Heinz in vid too!

>>59481 Call for Twitter Keyboard Warriors to tweet our stuff on latest trending hashtags

>>59482 David Dorn mattered. Retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn 'murdered by a looter' outside pawn shop

>>59484, >>59489, >>59491 Kansas City, Minnesota, New York, Chicago Officials say evidence shows weekend riots were planned/organized

>>59485 New POTUS: Our highest respect to the family of David Dorn, a Great Police Captain from St. Louis, who was viciously shot and killed by despicable looters last night.

>>59487, >>59496 PF reports

>>59488 Antifa, what is gun ownership like, state-by-state? Legal U.S. Citizens have a right to defend themselves and their property.

>>59490 US ‘highly unlikely’ to back July 1 Israel annexation of parts of West Bank, ToI told; """mapping""" far from done

>>59492 Trump postpones #G7 until September, plans to invite Russia, South Korea, Australia, India

>>59493 Spreadsheet anon update

>>59494 Feds File Appeal To Keep ‘Bomb-Throwing’ NYC Lawyers Behind Bars

>>59495 Soros & Obama Responsible For Minneapolis Incident Sparking Nationwide Riots

>>59497 George PapaD: The riots will end. Justice will be served. The Obamagate testimonies beginning tomorrow will be the most consequential hearings of the 21st century. History making.

>>59498 ---———————————--——– All systems go.

>>59499 Tom Fitton testifying in front of House Judiciary on Voter Fraud tomorrow at 10am EST

>>59500 This Treasury Official Is Running the Bailout. It’s Been Great for His Family.

>>59501 ---———————————--——– Dark to Light.

>>59502 #12080

>>59503 ---———————————--——– Proverbs 13:9 The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.

(23 notables, 28 posts, 37 media/files)

Q- >>59498, >>59501, >>59503

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171678

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9439410 Q Research General #12081: All Systems Go Edition

Created 030153ZJUN20




>>59504 Fuck George W. Bush

>>59505 Anon's fren has a good question

>>59506 US Park Police Find Baseball Bats, Poles Hidden Along Street Near White House --- Reports of Pipe Bombs

>>59507 POLICE FIND NO PLATES cars, including some stolen in Minnesota, were filled with rocks and weapons

>>59508 More than half of Americans SUPPORT SENDING MILITARY to aid police in dealing with George Floyd protests -- poll

>>59509, >>59515 'White supremacy Antifa Terrorism is a lethal public health issue': Dozens of public health experts treason supporters sign letter encouraging Floyd protesters terrorism to continue

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b0ba6ab27d9c8e512d4f839176dd08d4a99ac0c108123fba57b5a1bf3341e55f.pdf

>>59510 L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Promises ‘Mental Health Care’ for Being a ‘Young Black Man’

>>59511, >>59512, >>59523 PF reports, call sign "EarBalls" over the District of Corruption, DC airspace going nuts tonight, updates

>>59513, >>59519 Moar digs on Raul Dubey, DC Antifa supporter who housed 100 protestors in DC overnight

>>59514 Evil trips confirm Killary's demise: The lamp of the wicked is extinguished.

>>59516 Antifa and other groups have to be labeled and declared "Terrorists & International Terrorists"!

>>59517 CHICAGO: Looting off a moving train. This looks .. so peaceful.

>>59518 Anon's reminder to say something if you see something on livestreams - report to FBI @ fbi.gov/violence

>>59520 Fauci Reveals Meetings with Trump on Pandemic Response Have ‘Dramatically Decreased’

>>59521 PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60f554b22ccafce28e33d0c639c8ae3e8271c1c8a50b8ef354e0d9a389fb406d.mp4

>>59522 Anon on POTUS/Q timing after "5 to T-0" Elon Musk RT on 5/30

>>59524 Sara Carter - Bill Bennett: This is Insurrection…it Needs to Be Put Down

>>59525, >>59528 Black women on twitter are angry with Don Lemon & CNN tonight for excluding them from their special

>>59526, >>59532, >>59534 Moar PF reports: Chicago, San Diego, Philly

>>59527 Barr personally gave order to clear area near White House of protesters: Report

>>59529 BREAKING: The Pentagon moves 1600 troops, including infantry battalion, to bases near D.C.

>>59530 Meme material


>>59533 Crowd in New York City chants “De Blasio resign”

>>59535 #12081

(25 notables, 32 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171679

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9440193 Q Research General #12082: IT'S HAPPENING EDITION

Created 030232ZJUN20



>>59536 Terrorist @jack shares his "principles"

>>59537 Crips stops looting in LBC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f66cd6d3c78aceae2b2d4f4bad260e140f50e1f195fb26f2724b407f26c98fa3.mp4

>>59538 Trapped a bunch of Antifa on roof tops in LA.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4M0M5K2MROg - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>59539, >>59540, >>59541 Fitton/JW exposes Obama funding Soros coup in Albania (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3007d02482c6f047ce6efdcde538d11040a5226467a1d6efbfb6ce1e21945cfa.mp4

>>59542 #12081

>>59543 Tokyo issues alert amid fear of 2nd virus wave

>>59544 Police and protestors in a standoff on Brooklyn bridge NOW

>>59545, >>59548 Soros funds ACLU which in turn controls many states, confirmed MN

>>59546 Kek, POTUS spoof tweet on blackout instagram pics

>>59547 House Democrat Nadler moves to cut Attorney General Barr's budget by $50 million

>>59549 Antifa Terrorists Mess with Wrong California Town -- Get the “Ever-Loving Snot” Beat Out of Them

>>59550 Ops On. Go Signal- Timing

>>59551, >>59554 Breaking: Several wounded, including 2 NYPD officers in deadly Brooklyn shooting

>>59552, >>59553 PF reports, Unidentified aircraft near DC, just dropped off signal

>>59555 24-Year-Old Philadelphia Man Dead After Trying To Blow Up ATM During Riots

>>59556 DEA gains power to 'conduct covert surveillance' for George Floyd protests

>>59557 Spoopy 8:46 coincidence....

>>59558 BREAKING: Randy Feenstra defeats Congressman Steve King in the #IA04 GOP Primary

>>59559 George Floyd was a hit job to protect a money laundering operation (FBI?) at El Nuevo Rodeo.

>>59560 Police have started making arrests in Hollywood for curfew violations

>>59561 Video of lights out at WH last night

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e99a02e1c736d32447f8b666e5891ce24ceb6b37324c5ee3a19510d2741621a.mp4


>>59563 #12082

(23 notables, 28 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171680

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9440938 Q Research General #12083: Anons Are Ready Edition

Created 030315ZJUN20




>>59564 Protestors currently trapped on Manhattan Bridge, @AOC on her way there now

>>59565, >>59588 George W. Bush Cheers Protests as Sign of 'Strength'

>>59566, >>59573 What do you guys think, is the "paramedic" palming a syringe after "checking his pulse"?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c8e47b73b5efabcd649b823692c73c233fd8ca3e79170d8a73d51e1fb628f3a.mp4

>>59567, >>59574, >>59577, >>59579, >>59581, >>59585 planefaggin

>>59569 'I wish you the best': US military adviser resigns after Trump's controversial historic photo-op show of strength at St. John's church

>>59570 Twitter puts President Trump as top search result for term "racist"

>>59571 WANTED: credible threat per NYPD of 2 vehicles planning to run down any LEO they see

>>59572 Owner of club where Floyd and Chauvin worked is owned by a Jordanian who aided and abetted terrorists, Feds would not allow DOJ to revoke his citizenship

>>59575 New York Times Writer Claims Property Destruction Is ‘Not Violence’... until it's HER house being threatened!

>>59576 Liarwatha (Sen. Warren) asks @DoD_IG to investigate @DeptofDefense personnel in DC and other protests

>>59578, >>59584 Digs into history of lights out WH pic on TinEye, interdasting search results re: WH's "Secret Bunker", and taken when Obama was president

>>59580, >>59583 New Storm Brewing

>>59582, >>59589 Detroit Police wearing the Punisher Logo

>>59586 Ending qualified immunity: Five things to know about the legal obstacle protecting police officers who violate rights of citizens

>>59587 @FLOTUS: As the night approaches I urge all citizens to obey the curfews, clear the streets, & stay inside to spend time w loved ones

>>59590 @SidneyPowell1 twat: That was not a "protestor"-- it was a violent attacker

>>59591 #12083

(17 notables, 27 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171681

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9441685 Q Research General #12084: Meltdown Beginning Edition

Created 030401ZJUN20




>>59592, >>59593, >>59596, >>59597, >>59599, >>59603 Congressional primary election updates

>>59594 New DJT: New York's Finest are not being allowed to perform their MAGIC

>>59595, >>59598, >>59600 BLM thug forces white woman to get on knees and apologize for her "privilege"

>>59601, >>59602, >>59605, >>59622 planefaggin

>>59604 Vid: Black man robbed 5 black women: This isn't about black lives

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/87de7bd357f039928cbe43e9279e4ad8cdbc2bd59d64ed52848e2ef655675d66.mp4

>>59606 DJT retweets a talking frog pic

>>59607 New DJT: So pathetic to watch the Fake News playing down the Radical Left looters and thugs. Almost like they are all working together?

>>59608 @SydneyPowell1: We are proud of you and the great wrk you've done for the American people! @RichardGrenell

>>59609, >>59610, >>59612, >>59613, >>59614, >>59616 DC protest heating up again

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SYJx7PYyeiw - LIVE Washington DC protest June 2nd 2020 [Channel: Moshpxt]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=N1Z7Wp5hZR0 - LIVE: WHITE HOUSE PROTESTS IN DC [Channel: The Matt Skidmore Show]

>>59611 MSN gibs article: More $1,200 checks? Maybe $2,000 a month?

>>59615 Idaho Town Taken Over By Armed 'Patriot' Patrols Amid Rumors Antifa Headed There

>>59617 Illinois man accused of handing out explosives at George Floyd 'riot' has history of trouble with the law

>>59618 Mayor Jenny (Seattle) met with someone who claimed to be BLM in private; BLM doesn't know who

>>59619 For the keks: All assets deployed

>>59620 Louisville police: Man killed by officers had fired first, surveillance video shows

>>59621 @RealJamesWoods: Will this victim get protest marches and Instagram memes? Will his killers walk free?

>>59623 #12084

(17 notables, 32 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171682

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9442462 Q Research General #12085: Eyes On DC Edition

Created 030510ZJUN20




>>59624 Islamic State’s new leader issues video vowing ‘not a single day without bloodshed’

>>59625 Iowa Rep. Steve King, who was ostracized by Republican congressional leaders after making racist comments, has lost his primary in a major upset, CNN projects

>>59626 CNN: Teresa Leger Fernandez will defeat former CIA operative Valerie Plame, whose identity was famously revealed in a leak scandal during the George W. Bush administration

>>59627 Crowd chants ‘De Blasio, resign’ after police block 100s of protesters on both sides of Manhattan bridge for HOURS

>>59628 DC riot shenanigans

>>59629 Multicam coverage: this guy has Portland and Seattle now - 9 cams

>>59630, >>59636, >>59637 Meanwhile... A hurricane is forming..... name meaning "Christ-Bearer".

>>59631 Eyes on: CCP agitators now??

>>59632 Petition to impeach Mayor Bill de Blasio gains support amid protests

>>59633, >>59634, >>59641 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Edition

>>59635 Was George Floyd a hit job to protect a money laundering operation?

>>59638 Looks like his DS hack is helping Antifa with information…

>>59639 ---———————————--——– Worth remembering. (Cap: )

>>59640 ---———————————--——– Mistakes to some are roadmaps to others.

>>59642 Panama City FL billboards

>>59643 Orange Is the New Black’ Star Taryn Manning Goes Full QAnon, Defends Trump’s Bible Photo Op

>>59644 ---———————————--——– You have more than you know

>>59645 #12085

(18 notables, 22 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>59639, >>59640, >>59644

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9efe67 (568) No.171683

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9443193 Q Research General #12086: The Cristobal Edition

Created 030625ZJUN20



>>59646 planefagging over DC

>>59647, >>59648 ---———————————--——– Best is yet to come. (Cap: )

>>59649 ---———————————--——– Now, re_read again. re: Antifa 'mapping' started a long time ago. (Cap: )

>>59650, >>59651 Instigator Fail - Both POVs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/acb2c60101a6d2bf78943f327f5026ca81ed0dc624e592ed0915ce331279e1fb.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/397039ad5e60a2345a9dbb06831ada18ce8cbd2ca41fe4a630863d74ea3d5b54.mp4

>>59652 ---———————————--——– God wins.

>>59653 11.3 Crimes That Invade or Damage Property

>>59654 AFL-CIO on fire - here is the "peaceful protest", folks.

>>59655 Breaking911 is sharing videos from Antifa

>>59656 It is alleged that the FBI Finds ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in Sunday’s Violence

>>59657 #12086

(10 notables, 12 posts, 17 media/files)

Q- >>59647, >>59649, >>59652

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171684

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9443886 Q Research General #12087: The 'When It Rains, It's Gonna Pour.' Edition

Created 030707ZJUN20



>>59658 Two Individuals Charged in Federal Court With Illegally Possessing Loaded Handguns in Downtown Chicago

>>59659 Trump says he’s planning repeat of July 4 event

>>59660 Trouble makers in Wilmington, NC complain about LEO efforts to... Restore law and order. Go figure.

>>59661 CP round up for 6/02/2020 so many of these crimes seem to go unnoticed by the masses

>>59662, >>59664 Earthquake 6.8 in Chile 10 minutes ago reported.

>>59663 In the first five months of the year, cryptocurrency thefts, hacks and frauds totaled $1.4 billion

>>59665 Poll: Only 17% Of Americans think rioting related bullshit is a good idea.

>>59666 Iowa Rep King loses his primary

>>59667 For KEKs: Anons nom

>>59668 Illinois man arrested on multiple charges related to rioting, explosives

>>59669 Antifags get free beatdown. (vid)

>>59670 Police union boss says 'NYPD is losing the city of New York,' begs Cuomo, Trump to send reinforcements

>>59671 Statement of Reminder on Oath-bound Roles in a Constitutional Republic (requiring Law and Order to maintain)

>>59672 FUD about DJT is real.

>>59673 Protesters? What protesters?

>>59674 Rudy Giuliani says Gov. Andrew Cuomo should remove Mayor Bill de Blasio

>>59675 Minn. Gov announces Minneapolis police conduct investigation

>>59676 #12087

(18 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171685

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9444704 Q Research General #12088: The 'People Will Need To Be Guided.' Edition

Created 030855ZJUN20



>>59677, >>59687 How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Autist Anon says 20, (but practically, 17)

>>59678 Unhinged Canadian paper The Globe And Mail has gone full retard


>>59681 Lesotho’s former first lady Maesaiah Thabane arrested for murder - no bail.

>>59683 New York Times changes headline following pressure from Democrats

>>59684 Anon compares Epstein press reporting in GB with press reporting in Germany. Which detail is missing?

>>59685 Democracy Alliance NGOs list reads like a who's who of GS funded organizations

>>59686 Fresh article on RR testifying today: Ex-Department Of Justice Leader Who Appointed Mueller To Testify In Senate

>>59688 Link to RR testimony LIVE FEED at 10:00 am ET time. BRING BREAKFAST POPCORN.

>>59691 #12087

>>59692 Anon debunks the debunkers on WH lights out photo

>>59693 Nursing Home Killer Andrew Cuomo Supports burning down the City to Cover for His Crimes

>>59694 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#115 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306,

>>59695 Optics? New POTUS: "Undercover Huber is a great spoof...the real Huber did absolutely NOTHING. He was a garbage disposal unit for important documents"..

>>59696 A thought on DS Riots and Bill Gates, ID2020 Tech

>>59697 New POTUS: The National Guard is ready!

>>59698 These people are stupid: John Legend, Natalie Portman, other celebs sign letter to defund police

>>59699 POTUS tweet missing [Y] (PST timestamp)

>>59700 17th POTUS tweet today @ 5:33:17am - no coincidences

>>59701 Twitter added a Manipulated Media label to photoshopped pic of POTUS-Hitler comparison

>>59702 #12088

(21 notables, 26 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171686

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9445560 Q Research General #12089: Full Circle Edition

Created 031127ZJUN20



>>59703, >>59705 Puppy killer from lb notables committed a federal crime on camera

>>59704, >>59706, >>59712, >>59719 Updated digs on El Nuevo Rodeo drug trafficking/money laundering operation + possible dead end?

>>59707 Anon calls for eyes on Q's "MSDEN" reference

>>59708 Iwo Jima video TOR posting

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d9767994a10a10a7ced91e2133aa3d0b1ddc2aaf67658955cf52d0db600b959.mp4

>>59709 Here we go: Dems trying to recruit Michelle Obama

>>59710 Lara Logan details evidence rioters have 'well-developed political agenda and they're carrying it out'

>>59711 Even Far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center Says No Evidence White Supremacists Sparking Riots

>>59713 Trudeau was waiting to be told what to say during press conference (ear piece) - silent and blank stare for 21 seconds when asked about POTUS

>>59714, >>59716, >>59717 POTUS deleted May 30 "MAGA NIGHT" tweet with extra [Y], Anon connects to today's tweet with missing [Y]

>>59715 Minneapolis Public Schools Terminates Contract With Police Department Over George Floyd's Death

>>59718 Comms? New Evidence Suggests COVID-19 May Actually Be a Blood Vessel Disease

>>59720 Maxime Bernier Becomes First Major Western Political Leader to Call for a Gold Standard

>>59721 Rioters outside the White House are speaking Chinese - anon requests Q/POTUS eyes on

>>59722 Fredo sending comms to Antifa.

>>59723 "Violent Opportunists" emboldened. Soros whipping his skippy.

>>59724 Susan rice crying

>>59725 LAPD, FBI collecting protest, looting footage as evidence for future arrests

>>59726 PF report

>>59727 Obama to deliver on-camera remarks regarding George Floyd, ongoing protests

>>59728 FBI Document From, To, and Approved by Peter Strzok Provides Smoking Gun Russia Collusion Was ‘Illicit, Made-Up Investigation’

>>59729 #12089

(21 notables, 27 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171687

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9446322 Q Research General #12090: [[[RR]]] Testifying Soon Edition

Created 031312ZJUN20




>>59730 Wuhan chinavirus updates: 10 million people (allegedly) tested in 19 days, only 300 positive cases found

>>59731 Anon's perspective on [RR]: Q told him to fly, he's landing soon

>>59732 Anon on Q's "World War Z" image and interesting parallels with the movie: no coincidences, mistakes to some are roadmaps to others

>>59733 For Keks, Babylon Bee -- Powerful: Protesters Spell Out 'Love' With Burning Homes And Businesses

>>59734 George PapaD on newsmax at 1:30 EST

>>59735 Mayor de Blasio Used National Guard to Quarantine Neighborhoods During Virus -- Now Refuses National Guard to Prevent Mob Violence, Looting and Arson

>>59736 Saudi, Russia reach deal on oil cuts, raising pressure for compliance

>>59737, >>59742 HRC court audio from yesterday's hearing

>>59738 #12089

>>59739 SpreadsheetAnon update

>>59740, >>59752, >>59757, >>59758 PF reports

>>59741, >>59749 Former CIA officer Valerie Plame loses primary competition in NM

>>59743, >>59744, >>59746 Anon on why the DNC media complex has been smearing POTUS with a "fascist"/"Hitler" label

>>59745 Military Times: White House may be softening stance on sending troops to states to quell civil unrest

>>59747 How Antifa uses twitter for its operations

>>59748 Refresher on RR drops

>>59750 Secret Service is briefing local law enforcement about possible visits to the Twin Cities this week by former illegitimate President Barack Hussein Obama

>>59751 Moar digs on El Nuevo Rodeo

>>59753 Kek: Tech-rights group sues President Trump to stop social-media order

>>59754 CNN is pushing the narrative that the rioting lessened last night because of Floyd’s family, not because of Trump's action

>>59755 Antifa have but one consistent function: to prevent white people organizing against communism. This was the case in 1930s Germany and it's the case in America today.

>>59756 Is there a Haiti connection with George Floyd we need to look at? Young Risk Takers described as a political organization?

>>59759 #12090

(23 notables, 30 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171688

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9447072 Q Research General #12091: Chairman Graham, It's Time Edition

Created 031421ZJUN20



>>59760 Man climbs pole, replaces burned flag at American Legion post in La Mesa

>>59761 WarRoom report

>>59762, >>59763, >>59773, >>59774, >>59785 Anons observe that RR is scared shitless

>>59764, >>59767, >>59770, >>59771, >>59772, >>59775, >>59777, >>59779, >>59780, >>59781, >>59782, >>59783, >>59784, >>59792 Anons' commentary on RR hearing (will be adding more as they come in)

>>59765, >>59769, >>59786, >>59789 PF reports

>>59766 POTUS Admin Set To Bar Chinese Passenger Planes To US Starting June 16

>>59768 Mark Esper, Defense Secretary press conference from this morning

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Qh2QyLeD_bc - Defense Secretary Esper not in favor of Insurrection Act [Channel: Fox News]

>>59776 Jonathan Turley tweets on RR: testified that he would not have signed warrant application in 2017 on Page because of the misconduct of FBI agents + lack of evidence.

>>59778 Eyes on dude in the back - we see you

>>59787 ---———————————--——– Worth remembering. (Cap: )

>>59788 Refresher: DOJ/RR docs from JW

>>59790 Flashback: Comey had concerns about Rosenstein, friend says

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60f548e7373d6d8aca168ed03a87eb856596333ccf64a1675b5592070527dc57.mp4

>>59791 ---———————————--——– Now, re_read again. re: Antifa 'mapping' started a long time ago. (Cap: )

>>59793 Reminder: McCabe alleges that RR wanted to talk to Comey AFTER he was fired

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd8962dd7d25347d7445b8f6c6259b1310e139f874b0d91627d8d0a023cef27b.mp4

>>59794 #12091

(15 notables, 35 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171689

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9447879 Q Research General #12092: Grassley Activated Edition

Created 031510ZJUN20



>>59795, >>59802 Mexican Government Freezes Nearly 2000 Cartel Bank Accounts, moar info on Mexican cartels

>>59796, >>59797 53 subpoenas will be issued tomorrow, as per RR hearing

>>59798, >>59799, >>59806, >>59808, >>59809, >>59810, >>59811, >>59812, >>59814, >>59815, >>59818, >>59820, >>59821, >>59822, >>59823 Moar anon commentary on RR hearing

>>59800 Enraged Italians Abandon Masks, Denounce Pandemic As Scam

>>59801 Meme fodder: fiery Graham!

>>59803 Woman charged with inciting riots after posting Facebook Live video

>>59804, >>59805, >>59816, >>59819 PF reports

>>59807, >>59813 Protestors have had enough of the anarchists - video of protestor throwing their bomb back at them

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f373adb96f037977928d26f67614b174699eef8835d6013db53081f0d710c9ff.mp4

>>59817 Watch how DC crowd goes from chill and peaceful to loud and crashing on the fences the instant CNN starts filming.

>>59824 #12092

(10 notables, 30 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171690

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9448635 Q Research General #12093: Cruz Activated, Klobuchar Crying Edition

Created 031550ZJUN20




>>59825, >>59826, >>59827, >>59828, >>59829, >>59830, >>59834, >>59837, >>59850, >>59851, >>59852, >>59853, >>59856, >>59859 Anon commentary on RR hearing continued

>>59831 Deutsche Bank faces action from NY regulators over Epstein ties

>>59832, >>59833, >>59838, >>59841, >>59843, >>59846, >>59849, >>59854, >>59857 Remember, remember the 5th (or 3rd?) of November..

>>59835 Sad: Sean Hannity and wife divorce after more than 20 years of marriage

>>59836, >>59844 Anon says he found smoking gun evidence of George Soros being the mastermind of Antifa

>>59839, >>59845 Catherine Herridge tweets on RR hearing

>>59840 PF reports

>>59842 Anon's 30k ft view on RR's testimony

>>59847 Video referenced in Q4379 has been removed due to copyright claim

>>59848 Posobiec starts a memorial fund for the family of Captain David Dorn, POTUS retweeted

>>59855 El Nuevo Rodeo (where Floyd + Chauvin worked) was the campaign HQ of former mayor of Minneapolis!

>>59858 Graphic: Remember, Rod, FISA works both ways

>>59860 #12093

(13 notables, 36 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171691

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9449416 Q Research General #12094: Dems Panicking Edition

Created 031631ZJUN20




>>59861, >>59864, >>59883, >>59891, >>59896, >>59908, >>59915, >>59916, >>59918, >>59923, >>59926, >>59927, >>59928, >>59929, >>59930, >>59931, >>59932, >>59933 Moar RR commentary

>>59862, >>59865, >>59866, >>59867, >>59868, >>59869, >>59870, >>59871, >>59872, >>59873, >>59875, >>59876, >>59877, >>59878, >>59879, >>59880, >>59881, >>59882, >>59884, >>59885, >>59886, >>59887, >>59888, >>59889, >>59890, >>59892, >>59893, >>59894, >>59895, >>59897, >>59898, >>59899, >>59900, >>59901, >>59902, >>59903, >>59905, >>59906, >>59907 Anon's RR bun

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=512DqExQa90 - Former Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein Testifies on the FBI's Russia Investigation [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>59863 Anon's RR bun / trips confirm

>>59874 Sidney Powell retweet: RR admitted to Senate he did not do independent investigation before appointing SC Mueller

>>59904 Anon posits that Comey/others rose tweets refer to Rosenstein

>>59909 After Park Police busted media for lying about tear gas, media are now claiming, without evidence, that pepper spray and tear gas (CS) are same thing. They're not.

>>59910, >>59917 Notice the Missing [I] in US Navy Posts; [i] from past Q posts

>>59911 Esper, Milley, and Barr arrive at the White House, all wearing masks

>>59912 “We’re going on very minimal information.” WHO officials complained in internal January meeting about the #CCP not sharing data on CCP virus spreading, contradicting public statements

>>59913 Anon on Esper: This was bait to see if Trump could trust relevant people in his cabinet, silly MSM.

>>59914, >>59925 Moar Catherine Herridge tweets on the hearing today

>>59919, >>59920 One-eyed Lindsey: Comms?

>>59921 Chicken Industry Executives, Including Pilgrim's Pride CEO, Indicted for Price Fixing

>>59922 Truth is refreshing: new Richard Grenell tweet on Russian propaganda and election interference during Obama years

>>59924 @USNationalGuard sets the record straight on rumors

>>59934, >>59937, >>59938, >>59941, >>59943 Marsha Blackburn brings up "insurrection", rebellion under the cover of law

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cbvXIi7hV5I - Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testifies on Crossfire Hurricane Investigation [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>59935 Rosenstein: "If there is any evidence of misconduct, I'm sure General Barr will bring it to light."

>>59936 Weird---looks like Senator Graham just interrupted Rosenstein when he was about to implicate dozens of federal agents & lawyers.

>>59939 Andrew McCabe: “Mr. Rosenstein’s testimony is completely at odds with the factual record."

>>59940 NEW: Pres. Obama will address the nation at 5:00pm ET regarding George Floyd's death and the protests around the U.S.

>>59942 Blackburn: 'Should the charges be dropped against Michael Flynn?'[after he ducks and dodges repeatedly] 'Hard for you to say….Okay.'

>>59944 Blackburn asked if she was spied on because she was part of POTUS's transition team

>>59945 RR: "I don't mean to punt, I'm saying I'm not holding the ball at this moment"

>>59946 #12094

(24 notables, 86 posts, 50 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171692

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9450186 Q Research General #12095: Blackburn Activated, Graham's Not A Chinese Astronaut Edition

Created 031713ZJUN20




>>59947 McCabe to testify in Senate hearing, on the chopping block

>>59948 Strange Buzz Aldrin comms on U.S. - Germany post card being bounced back and forth for 5 months..

>>59949 SHADOW PRESIDENCY: Obama speech link 5PM EST

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q_qB6SsErpA - A conversation with President Obama: Reimagining Policing in the Wake of Continued Police Violence [Channel: Obama Foundation]

>>59950 Clinton Foundation shilling for race war

>>59951, >>59956, >>59972 Moar El Nuevo Rodeo digs: fuckery afoot

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vw3e4N339xU - Jess Fields Show #17 - Maya Santamaria, Employed Both George Floyd and Alleged Killer Derek Chauvin [Channel: The Jess Fields Show]

>>59952 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing, 2:00 PM EDT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W-rfe7Akv5E - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>59953 Nolte: Trump’s Warning About ‘When Looting Starts Shooting Starts’ Completely Vindicated

>>59954, >>59966 #BREAKING Snapchat stops boosting Trump posts, says president incites "racial violence"

>>59955, >>59964 US Navy: All systems go (IG post/ graphic)

>>59957 Federal Reserve Board announces an expansion in the number and type of entities eligible to directly use its Municipal Liquidity Facility

>>59958 Donald Trump Jr urges Barr to release Antifa communications with elites & politicians over riots

>>59959 Moar McCabe on Rosenstein remarks

>>59960, >>59963 Antifa planning a false flag to frame Q supporters?

>>59961 High IQ post on recent happenings

>>59962 Protesters Clash With British Cops In Front Of Prime Minister's Residence As Europe Faces 2nd Night Of Rallies

>>59965 Anon is rightfully pissed about West Palm Beach mayor's new gun regulations that conflict with state law

>>59967 WHO To Resume Hydroxychloroquine Trials After Lancet Cautions Over Dodgy Study

>>59968 NYPD Commissioner and George Floyd's brother to be speaking soon at a church in Brooklyn

>>59969 SORRY AMERICA -- Those Catastrophic Mortality Rates Sold to Us by the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Were a Huge Scam

>>59970 SpaceX will launch 60 satellites into space Wednesday night, weather permitting, the company announced on social media earlier in the day.

>>59971 Defense Secretary Breaks With Trump, 'Does Not Support' Invoking Insurrection Act

>>59973 PF report

>>59974 BREAKING: Defense officials says that active-duty troops brought to DC area in response to protests are returning to home bases - AP

>>59975 Every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner.

>>59976 New York Cop Exposes Tapes of Fellow Officers Admitting to Framing, Beating Innocent Residents

>>59977 Criminal Gangs Who Ransacked NYC Arrived In Chauffeured Cars, Used Power Tools, Witnesses Say

>>59978 Anons take/summary of [RR] hearing

>>59979 French intellectual: So-called ‘anti-racist activists’ want to bring racial war to France

>>59980 Dominic Raab has told @SkyNews the UK will stand up for Hong Kong even if it means sacrificing a free trade deal.

>>59981, >>59983 Comms between Nancy Pelosi and David Corn

>>59982 White House Picks 5 'Finalists' For Vaccine Candidate Trials

>>59984 #12095

(32 notables, 38 posts, 55 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171693

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9450935 Q Research General #12096: Hot Kitchen, Big Buns, Kayleigh Up Next Edition

Created 031759ZJUN20




>>59985 Mexican Government Freezes Nearly 2000 Cartel Bank Acc

>>59986, >>59989, >>59990 Twitter Says It Won’t Censor All Misinformation, Only Tweets with ‘the Highest Potential Harm’

>>59987 Delingpole: Britain Unleashes a Green New Deal to Kill What’s Left of the Economy

>>59988, >>59995 our office has learned that every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner.

>>59991 Three people are killed as PG&E helicopter hits 115,000-volt power line and crashes before bursting into flames north of San Francisco

>>59992 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing LIVE NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W-rfe7Akv5E - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>59993, >>59999 planefaggin

>>59994 Australia enters recession for first time in 29 years

>>59996 Afghan Govt Sees ‘Significant Drop in Violence’ After Ceasefire

>>59997 Attorney Resigns From Use of Force Committee After Being Shot, Gassed by Denver Police

>>59998 Airmen who died in shooting at Grand Forks AFB identified; family says domestic violence was cause

>>60000 GOP leader backs Esper on opposing Insurrection Act

>>60001 Enraged Italians Abandon Masks, Denounce Pandemic As Scam/Meet the ‘orange vests’

>>60002 Moscow denies charges of complicity in protests in US, says ambassador in Washington

>>60003 Flynn Case Comes To A Head: Judge Asks Court For More Time; DOJ: You Don’t Have The Authority

>>60004, >>60005 3 more Minneapolis police officers charged over death of George Floyd

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=s737Srl00b0

>>60006 'Looter' Goes Viral Bragging About All The Merch He Stole, Internet Identifies Him, Police Respond

>>60007 Tennessee Man Faces Federal Arson Charges in Connection to Metro Courthouse Fire During Protest

>>60008 White House Slaps Retaliatory "Foreign Mission" Restrictions On More Chinese Media Outlets

>>60009 Jennifer Palmieri pushing a non profit to mobilize lawyers to defend rioters in protests.

>>60010 #12096

(21 notables, 26 posts, 38 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171694

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9451713 Q Research General #12097: Presser A Hit on DS Edition

Created 031900ZJUN20




>>60011 Wal-Mart stores in "select locations" have a message for the looters and rioters

>>60012 Former United Auto Workers President Gary Jones on Wednesday pleaded guilty to helping steal more than $1 million from rank-and-file workers

>>60013 New York State Bar Association: ‘Mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19 should be required’

>>60014 HEATED: Judicial Watch VS Hillary Clinton Over EMAILS at DC Court of Appeals Hearing - AUDIO ONLY

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NhEfChS59vg - HEATED: Judicial Watch VS Hillary Clinton Over EMAILS at DC Court of Appeals Hearing - AUDIO ONLY [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>60015 Active-duty troops deployed to DC region start to leave

>>60016 Potus: “There has never been a president in the White House who has been more supportive of HBCUs and their mission than President Trump”

>>60017 U.S. indicts Pilgrim's Pride Corp CEO for alleged chicken price-fixing

>>60018 The Road To His Second Term vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4q1AG2jbAL0 - President Donald J. Trump: The Road to His Second Term #Trump2020 [Channel: Emerson]

>>60019, >>60021 Californians Object To Islamic Call To Prayer Over Loudspeakers At 4:30AM

>>60020, >>60022, >>60025 Former Minneapolis mayor with ties to Floyd/Chauvin?/diggz

>>60023 Interested in United States Air Force quantum information science programs and activities? Register now to get involved!

>>60024 President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Holds Hearing on the Role of the Public Defender

>>60026 Sturm Ruger & Co. Vice-Chairman/former CEO sold: $6.09m-June1-2

>>60027 Fear: The Best Tool of the Ruling Class

>>60028, >>60033 PF updates

>>60029 "We Built This Country and We ain't going now where" vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/252894d38ba6efaeb7dd90111299a2054acf0f9de55bb67da8f060f8f32ae401.mp4

>>60030 2016 St. Louis circuit attorney candidate defends accepting super PAC campaign money from liberal billionaire / Now: The ST LOUIS Judge who let everyone go

>>60031 Trump says if Russia were G7 Member then Problems would be Easier to Solve

>>60032, >>60035 Facts Vs. Fake. A Worldwide Lockdown of Everything

>>60034 @NSArchive has obtained and published many useful declassified documents about this and related nuclear false alarms.

>>60036 #12097

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9efe67 (568) No.171695

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9452485 Q Research General #12098: The Marathon is Getting Hot Toward the End Edition

Created 032006ZJUN20




>>60037 Ex-Baltimore mayor, once convicted of embezzlement, now favorite to fill seat of mayor convicted of fraud

>>60038 Murder Investigation Against German in Madeleine McCann Case

>>60039 Deutsche anons check in

>>60040 ---———————————--——– THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP, Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

>>60041 Sunday 05.31.2020

>>60042 Full Vid of NG taking the Knee.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33aa41921cb6d90c6d3957e3d0bb2198e95c0ca3d2240b01f52558d0739e63e9.mp4

>>60043 Market Report

>>60044, >>60046 ---———————————--——– Attempt to divide and control? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/10049afe213298b92c68bbc5796f44122d49e9d0b07f65f017f46b7e127dfe13.mp4

>>60045 #12098

(9 notables, 10 posts, 12 media/files)

Q- >>60040, >>60044

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9efe67 (568) No.171696

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9453303 Q Research General #12099: Suit Up Warriors of the Lord, Liberty Calling Edition

Created 032051ZJUN20




>>60047 TikTok influencers are covering themselves in their own feces to support #BlackOutTuesday

>>60048 Defense Secretary Mark Esper has reversed decision to return active-duty troops deployed near DC to home bases, Army secretary tells AP.

>>60049 Minnesota's attorney general warns that while all four officers involved in the death of George Floyd are now charged, convicting them "will be hard"

>>60050, >>60051 planefaggin

>>60052 Looters in Manhattan Pulled Up to Store in $300,000 Rolls Royce SUV to Clean Out Store

>>60053 Defense Secretary Mark Esper Says He Was Not Aware He Was Accompanying Trump to St. John’s for a ‘Photo Op’

>>60054 London rioting has started.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ab26c147686f36c6aa9c328c8176fabd6e730ce08b73fc7958fb4f60382e486.mp4

>>60055 Feds investigating whether criminal actors exerting 'command and control' over unrest as bricks thrown at cops

(8 notables, 9 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171697

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9454073 Q Research General #12100: Narrative Shift Now Working? Protestors with Covid? KEK Edition

Created 032127ZJUN20




>>60056, >>60058 Addressing a Former President of the United States

>>60057 NJ governor admits COVID-19 double standard

>>60059 Results from yesterday's DC Presidential Primary

>>60060 Video: Jesse Waters - George Floyd - It was a hit

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d6323407a384aa39cd47c35278f29d01dfd3b967854bdf8fcda244e062ec810c.mp4

>>60061 POTUS tweet misspelling - the missing 'Y'?

>>60062 Anon on shadow presidency

>>60063, >>60064 Project Veritas to expose Antifa

>>60065 Antifa Attempt To Riot In California Suburb Goes Awry

>>60066 Planefag Reports

>>60067 NYPD chief ‘outraged’ at Gov. Cuomo for ‘sitting in his office'

>>60068 Hussein's Community Policing Town Hall: Ford Foundation diggz

>>60069 New vid on DJT YT channel: Healing Not Hate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0P40rSPTRKI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60070 Google facing $5 billion lawsuit for tracking 'private' internet use

>>60071 Pompeo Tweets Pic Hosting 'Wanted' Chinese Dissidents & Tiananmen Survivors

>>60072 Social justice means beating the hell out of a disabled man

>>60073 17! Trump campaign statement on Snapchat | Donald J. Trump for President

>>60074 #12100

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9efe67 (568) No.171698

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9454760 Q Research General #12101: What Does Waters Know? The 'George Floyd Was A Hit' Edition

Created 032203ZJUN20




>>60075, >>60077, >>60079, >>60090 Reactions to Rosenstein news

>>60076 Breitbart: Tom Cotton on Insurrection Act

>>60078 Rocky Mount to remove 103-year-old Confederate monument

>>60080, >>60086, >>60094 Planefag Reports

>>60081, >>60082, >>60084, >>60096, >>60100 Protest Updates I

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JoMigtwzZtY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zgIk26XHlZw

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JoMigtwzZtY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60083, >>60106 George Floyd diggz

>>60085 The Debate Now: Does The Coronavirus Still Even Exist?

>>60087 Police arrested 36 for rioting and looting in St. Louis this week

>>60088 US joins lawsuit against AECOM alleging false claims re hurricane relief

>>60089, >>60092 James Mattis denounces President Trump. Tribunals soon?

>>60091 Video: Keyleigh McEnany's Press Briefing today

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=esl-GQOkI50 - Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press briefing | 6/3/2020 [Channel: Fox News]

>>60093 Snapchat will stop promoting President Trump’s posts

>>60095 Mail-In votes discarded, never counted in Baltimore Election due to error

>>60097 WHO to resume HCQ trial

>>60098, >>60099 Online viewer numbers during Hussien's shout out to rioters?

>>60101, >>60102, >>60104 Bill Clinton held up the Bible

>>60103, >>60105 Appeals court mulls making Hillary Clinton testify on emails

>>60107, >>60109, >>60111 Protest Updates II

>>60108 Steve Hilton: Director Redfield must be fired as I've said for months

>>60110 Minneapolis City Council Member Phillipe Cunningham Dig

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b10fe953be69a18cd5b4ef3498cf374d8b67c472070c17add268e38e65ba9e13.pdf

>>60112 #12101

(21 notables, 38 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171699

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9455575 Q Research General #12102: Reactions To Rosenstein Edition

Created 032251ZJUN20




>>60113 Trump's latest re-election video, geared towards urban voters. Looks good!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7b4639b939a9de7ab7145d85e14cd284f38825c8fea74050ac55739e7060396.webm

>>60114 The people who killed the dog in Memphis, anons were looking for earlier

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5699c763c473d7d114b90f2ce83b62b3a20624878bc6bdcc484e5a83e4dc0bcd.mp4

>>60115, >>60122 Las Vegas protests - 3 arrested - Diggz

>>60116 Obama Gives a Speech on Race Relations As Far Left Riots Consume the Nation

>>60117 NYC Police Union President: ‘We Are Losing the City’

>>60118 Missouri AG says Soros-backed prosecutor released all protesters from jail

>>60119 White House says Esper is SecDef ‘as of right now’

>>60120 Epstein news: Judge poised to dismiss effort to unseal

>>60121, >>60136 DC Protest Live Streams

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Uoh5TULZcEA - Protest against police violence in Washington DC [Channel: Shauntvng]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SAlDbN0qtUg - Civil disobedience continues across the country over George Floyd's death | USA TODAY [Channel: USA TODAY]

>>60123 More on Mattis' comments

>>60124 Professors Around the Country Offer Assistance and Support to Rioters

>>60125 The UN weighs in on the US protests

>>60126 George Floyd Diggz: Where is Theo?

>>60127 How can the virus tell?! Protests SAFE from CV but anti-lockdown protests are NOT

>>60128, >>60130, >>60131, >>60132 New evidence re 'George Floyd was a hit' I

>>60129 New Brennan tweet

>>60133 Bognet Wins Crowded GOP Primary

>>60134 Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc sold by CFO and President Field Ops.: $18.76m-June 1

>>60135, >>60140 2016 Video Refresh: General Flynn: "Don't forget the Q"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7wLT-xiLHGk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60137, >>60138 D5 Military Cyber Tools: deceive, degrade, deny, disrupt & destroy

>>60139, >>60141, >>60142 New evidence re 'George Floyd was a hit' II

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d6323407a384aa39cd47c35278f29d01dfd3b967854bdf8fcda244e062ec810c.mp4

>>60143 Obama called ‘slave’ by Qatar’s ex Emir in leaked Gaddafi recording

>>60144 New tactics being deployed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d7f2edfb62700cbaa3984aab06a2498b847a692ad85749beea2f0d85887b9e0e.mp4

>>60145 Madeleine McCann: German paedophile with multiple convictions identified as suspect

>>60146 #12102

>>60147 #12099,

(26 notables, 35 posts, 35 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171700

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9456297 Q Research General #12103: The 'Where Art Theo?' Edition

Created 032337ZJUN20




>>60148 LA City Council members aim to reduce $100 million+ in LAPD funding

>>60149 Recon report on Discord Inc

>>60150, >>60153, >>60161, >>60179, >>60181 Protests Updates

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/484ea39069fc8db0ba910ec0bcfdd7f53a2fdd9326e461d414be9209c2afe1ca.mp4

>>60151, >>60186 #12102, #12103

>>60152, >>60156, >>60162, >>60163 Re counterfeit bills in Minnesota

>>60154, >>60158, >>60165 Planefag Reports

>>60155, >>60159 DJT JR tweet: China Joe

>>60157 Issues highlight how Graham’s Senate hearings are a DS cover op

>>60160, >>60182 On St Louis not prosecuting looters and rioters - Soros connected

>>60164 Chinese troops carry out infiltration drills in #Tibet amid #India border dispute

>>60166 NBC News Praises 'Good Samaritan' Who Hid Rioters Breaking Curfew From Cops

>>60167, >>60171 Video: Further military troops deploy into DC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/362e9c1c934f1b27d23bbd6baaf9337c7fb18952d6ebdf09c6efa8059a290961.mp4

>>60168, >>60173, >>60175, >>60176 Planes circle NY with "Welcome to the Federal state of China" flag

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b4ef7ec8f41dc9b9fd1ea06855e045dcc907c3f5babac970c8a3dabe3452b9b9.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/95c4781b288b5ee15ba1ac740aa4afd3166f1ceda1639273f23d4f1d7b3f9e7b.mp4

>>60169 Looking for a video with a couple of white kids and 20 black college kids?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1fe1ede4ab9630dd474bc3257467430e8e4219c7f1b1d2d7c690fc772057735.mp4

>>60170, >>60174 PDF: FM 3-19.15 Civil Disturbance Operations

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9ceb55fc9d84bb6f02a586cbe4e60930132621ba590415201e673baee4da34fa.pdf

>>60172 Snapchat: Snap Inc CEO sold $27.91m-June 1

>>60177 Pelosi surrounded by guards as she walks among protesters

>>60178 Soros' St Louis Attorney Kim Gardner Diggz I

>>60180 LE Official: Antifa planned anti-government insurgency for months

>>60183, >>60185 ---———————————--——– Safe zone(s) known. Coordinated. (Cap: )

>>60184 ---———————————--——– THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP.

(21 notables, 39 posts, 49 media/files)

Q- >>60183, >>60184

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9efe67 (568) No.171701

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9457110 Q Research General #12104: Welcome To The People's Republic Of ChYna Edition

Created 040028ZJUN20



>>60187, >>60204, >>60207, >>60213 9457763 Police Report: George Floyd had CV and died after heart attack

>>60188, >>60190, >>60191, >>60193 Soros' St Louis Attorney Kim Gardner Diggz I

>>60189, >>60209 Rich Higgins 'breaks silence' on Mattis

>>60192 Sun 05.31.2020

>>60194 McCabe accuses Rosenstein of giving ‘false’ testimony on Comey memos

>>60195, >>60200, >>60206 Jan 2020: CBP counterfeit $ seized in Minnesota

>>60196, >>60205, >>60210, >>60214, >>60215, >>60216, >>60218 Planefag Reports

>>60197 Nationwide string of gun store burlaries over the past week

>>60198 Un-updated Bread Stats

>>60199, >>60201, >>60202 Soros' St Louis Attorney Kim Gardner Diggz II

>>60203, >>60211, >>60212 On the China flag being flown over NY harbor

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iOvhQv-1neA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YZQdETlMmME - Miles Kwok (郭文贵 Guo Wengui) -6/2/2020 Live Broadcast - English Highlights [Channel: CCP ISNOTCHINA]

>>60208 Fresh DJT re Mattis: "Seldom brought home the bacon"

>>60217 Blumenthal to introduce legislation to limit Trump's power under Insurrection Act

>>60219 #12104

(14 notables, 33 posts, 35 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171702

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9457824 Q Research General #12105: The 'Seldom Brought Home The Bacon' Edition

Created 040112ZJUN20



>>60220, >>60232, >>60235 More on #TheNewFederalStateOfChina

>>60221 Livestream from the Statue of Liberty with Steve Bannon

>>60222 Six Atlanta police officers have been booked re a tasing incident

>>60223 Mattis with purple tie, black eye

>>60224 On the 'Cotinine' on George Floyd's autopsy

>>60225, >>60226 Is POTUS vs Mattis kayfabe?

>>60227 George Floyd diggz: Santamaria Broadcasting & Midwest Latino Entertainment and Talent

>>60228, >>60230, >>60240 9458403 Protest Updates & Riot Media

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/505da3582348df434fe52b32a4760a199db8108f0d35122bc95dd5380866772a.mp4

>>60229, >>60231, >>60233, >>60234, >>60238, >>60243 5.5 earthquake hits Cali

>>60236 Disney Donates $2 Million To NAACP Following George Floyd’s Death

>>60237 Ralph Northam uses riots to push his agenda, remove Robert E. Lee statue

>>60239 Justice Dept seeks forfeiture of more than $20m for violation of Iranian sanctions

>>60241 Cisco Live Postponed As Company Makes $5M Donation To Fight Racism

>>60242 New Chief of Naval Research Takes Helm

>>60244 #12105

(15 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171703

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9458598 Q Research General #12106: Anons Bring Home The Bacon - The Hoooah Edition

Created 040204ZJUN20



>>60245 Video: Tucker: Kneeling will never be enough for the mob

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1qwif8PF1EI - Tucker: Kneeling will never be enough for the mob [Channel: Fox News]

>>60246, >>60257, >>60273, >>60275, >>60276, >>60279 Protest Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nTgjXA0m-HA - Looters Have Blown Up 50 Philly ATMs with Dynamite Since Saturday - Bombings Also in Pittsburgh, MN [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>60247 POTUS tweet analysis (anon nom)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1cfede21360122659c822b193efc637095faa4c6f557a0753ad3818b557af03.mp4

>>60248, >>60249 Bannon says they are honoring the fallen dead of Tiananmen Square

>>60250 Huntington Beach Locals Beat the Crap Out of Antifa Terrorists and Send Them Running For Their Lives (VIDEO)

>>60251, >>60254 Planefags aloft

>>60252, >>60255, >>60256, >>60277 Gen. Jack Keane: US has '10-year hole' to dig out re China; other China news

>>60253 Chris Trousdale dies of Covid-19 at 34

>>60258 MN officers charged - summary/pics

>>60259 New DJT on Spygate

>>60260 Charles Lippincott, Who Hyped ‘Star Wars,’ Is Dead at 80

>>60261 Sara Carter vid on China Using Covid-19 as Bioweapon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ly2Hsger7Fo - KT McFarland: China has used the coronavirus as a bioweapon against the world [Channel: Sara Carter]

>>60262 The Queen, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle's Commonwealth Trust Speaks Out in Support of Black Lives Matter

>>60263 C.A. earthquake (another potential D.U.M.B. destruction?)

>>60264 Guy on Ingraham just mentioned Obama and Ayers and said look up Prairie Fire (anon nom)

>>60265 Anons Dig on Matt Bennett (opinion Contributor usatoday)

>>60266 First rural attacks in Illinois

>>60267 Democrats aim to amend Graham subpoena to include Trump allies

>>60268, >>60270 Minneapolis govt website w/records of George Floyd incident offline; archive also missing

>>60269, >>60278 Mattis dig

>>60271, >>60280 Vid w/instructions to 'protesters' and moar

>>60272 For keks: Police dog bites libtard on the _ _ _

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/43e73bd5750faaa0c8aaf968899b67fab3f11ba33d4ac7d471acd1994b750f2f.mp4

>>60274 More on MN club connection

>>60281 Tornado warning Delaware Valley

(24 notables, 37 posts, 48 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171704

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9459336 Q Research General #12107: No More Looters and Rioters, Take 'Em Down! Edition

Created 040256ZJUN20




>>60282 Antifa attacks the US Embassy in Athens, Greece (100% int'l terrorist org)

>>60283, >>60288, >>60292, >>60307, >>60308 Planefags/helifags aloft: blackhawks over Milwaukee & other flight tales

>>60284, >>60287, >>60290, >>60291, >>60293, >>60298, >>60313, >>60315, >>60316, >>60317 Protest Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dl894ZQ7q-w - Washington DC LIVE PROTEST June 3 2020 [Channel: Moshpxt]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kiSm0Nuqomg - Watch A Minute-To-Minute Breakdown Leading Up To George Floyd's Deadly Arrest | NBC News NOW [Channel: NBC News]

>>60285, >>60302 The name Floyd means Gray in Welsh

>>60286 Keep #Obamagate trending fags

>>60289 Rudy on Catholic hypocrisy: treatment of Trump vs Pelosi

>>60294, >>60295, >>60301 Basim Sabri is a player in the Omar business and George Floyd death

>>60296 Techno Fog: Discrepancies in RR testimony

>>60297 Anon on Floyd, Chavin & the club

>>60299 John Solomon on Mattis

>>60300, >>60303, >>60320 Were Jim Mattis, Kissinger & George Schultz on Theranos board?

>>60304 Satellite report

>>60305 John Brennan tweet: writing is on the wall

>>60306 Armed patriots patrol Coeur D'Alene ID

>>60309 Democratic Socialists of America Train Protesters To Loot and Riot

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aJ2MECg_ICY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60310 Mattis digg con't.

>>60311 Having Sex With Someone From Another Household is Now Illegal in England Under New COVID-19 Laws

>>60312 Couples should wear face masks during sex, new study insists

>>60314 George Floyd had coronavirus and died after cardiac arrest (repost)

>>60318 #12107 Planefags/helifags aloft: blackhawks over Milwaukee & other flight tales

(20 notables, 38 posts, 46 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171705

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9460096 Q Research General #12108: Silent Night, Holy Night, All is Calm (so far) Edition

Created 040347ZJUN20




>>60321 Seattle curfew cancelled

>>60322, >>60333 Military cooo?

>>60323 #12107

>>60324 was arrested for peacefully protesting for the BLM movement in cinci

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ce8f4649d84705de4e8a30b5d04f23fe80284558aaba73ccd5e03f52575c62cc.mp4

>>60325, >>60331 POTUS Schedule for Thursday, June 4, 2020

>>60326 Floyd vid edit? blurred hand?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kiSm0Nuqomg - Watch A Minute-To-Minute Breakdown Leading Up To George Floyd's Deadly Arrest | NBC News NOW [Channel: NBC News]

>>60327, >>60328, >>60329 New DC stream.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YP5oKYdLsd8 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YP5oKYdLsd8 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NSOXF7EtPe8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60330 BREAKING… Reports from the field that two New York City cops have been shot in Brooklyn.

>>60332 L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti to Cut $150 Million from Police; ‘Reinvest’ in ‘Communities of Color’

>>60334 Kek!

>>60335, >>60337, >>60338 planefaggin

>>60336 China eases flight curbs after US order targeting Chinese carriers

>>60339 NYT employees accuse paper of putting 'black staff in danger' by running GOP senator's op-ed

>>60340 Floyd's funeral

>>60341 Potus twat/caps

>>60342 #12108,

(16 notables, 22 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171706

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9460892 Q Research General #12109: Momma's Don't Raise Your Babies to Be Libtards Edition

Created 040442ZJUN20




>>60343 Yes, George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots---and So Did Taxpayers

>>60344 Shannon Bream FOX NEWS: Report on BRICK STASHES and Investigators following "Bread Crumbs"

>>60345 Chicago Shootout As Latin Gangs Protect Neighborhood From Alleged Looters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dD1DB3-e798 - Chicago Latin kings gang protect their hood against looters. [Channel: jaime49]

>>60346 Breaking… Reports fro Field; One Cop Shot, One Cop Stabbed - 70 Precinct

>>60347, >>60355 Duo Arrested For Fire-Bombing Minnesota Courthouse. Getting Rid of Evidence?

>>60348, >>60349 Trump Retweets Memorial Fund for Captain David Dorn

>>60350, >>60351 Taryn Manning Defends Trumps Bible Photo Op

>>60352 Dan Scavino Tweet

>>60353, >>60354 Healing Not Hatred Vid message POTUS speech

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0P40rSPTRKI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

(9 notables, 13 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171707

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9461691 Q Research General #12110: Ghosty Ebake Edition

Created 040608ZJUN20



>>60356, >>60363 "Privileged" white child takes a knee in protected twit; call to dig

>>60357, >>60358, >>60359 Possible 2 Year Delta coming June 13

>>60360, >>60362 Moar on George Floyd - call to dig

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f0c40d79c51dba3111070225960bf7a997fb2c904e837990c80576df0e93c54a.mp4

>>60361 PDJT re-tweet: Joe Biden is going to end racism in America? Pfttt.

>>60364 Most DC rioters avoid felony riot charges - nearly all released from jail

>>60365 Looters steal $5 Million dollars worth of cars from CA dealership

>>60366, >>60368 Chicago shootout as Latin Gangs protect neighborhood from looters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dD1DB3-e798 - Chicago Latin kings gang protect their hood against looters. [Channel: jaime49]

>>60367 James Woods twit: Take a Knee/Hollywood fundamentally wrong

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/252894d38ba6efaeb7dd90111299a2054acf0f9de55bb67da8f060f8f32ae401.mp4

(8 notables, 13 posts, 15 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171708

File (hide): 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9462456 Q Research General #12111: Ghosted II; The Need Notables Edition

Created 040841ZJUN20



>>60369, >>60388, >>60389, >>60390, >>60392 A Declaration of the New Federal State of China PDF. Anons eyes on related Kyle Bass diggz

>>60370 If this offends you, you're part of the problem

>>60371, >>60387 anon calls for diggz on DC antifa Grady Page

>>60372 The Duty of The Sheriff in The County

>>60373, >>60376 National Lawyers Guild to provide legal/jail support for "protesters"

>>60374 Project Veritas Twat T-12 hours until Antifa comms released? #EXPOSEANTIFA

>>60375 Naval Surface Forces Retweet UNITED WE STAND Big Day Tomorrow?

>>60377 #12109

>>60378 Obama Intel Official secures bail for Lawyer who threw Molotov

>>60379 Tropical Storm Cristobal Set To Strike US This Weekend

>>60380, >>60381, >>60383, >>60386 New DJT twats and retwats bun w/CAPs

>>60382 #12110

>>60384 SpaceX launches another 60 Starlink satellites into orbit --- including one with an inbuilt 'sun visor' to make the constellation less visible from Earth

>>60385 Traitor Update: Renegade urges George Floyd protesters to push for change, 'make people in power uncomfortable'

>>60391 TEXAS- Beaumont PD changing its policy: Will not condone intentional use of knee on neck or head

>>60393 Texas man with 'assault rifle' at George Floyd protest allegedly plotted 'to off racists and MAGA people'

>>60394 #12111,

(17 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171709

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9463205 Q Research General #12112: Anons Are Calm, Cool, AND Unified Edition

Created 041144ZJUN20



>>60395, >>60399, >>60403 continued diggz on antifa Grady Page aka jack jenocide

>>60396 based anon offers solution to MSM not showing the violence during riots.

>>60397 Could use a kek: For anons who don't know, The Babylon Bee is a satire site. Things are starting to get comical.

>>60398, >>60400, >>60404, >>60405, >>60407, >>60411 (continued from lb) New Federal State of China discussion mini-bun

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hsv3OWUp0YU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60401 Norway, citing coronavirus restrictions, rejects George Floyd rally applications

>>60402 (video) McCabe vs. Rosenstein: Jim Jordan says somebody’s not telling the truth

>>60406 Russia declares state of emergency after massive oil spill in the Arctic Circle

>>60408 Antifa planned anti-government insurgency for months, law enforcement official says

>>60409 anon posts war room trends

>>60410 Project Veritas infiltrates antifa

>>60412 US Navy: Today we remember the Battle of Midway, a fight that forever changed the world and the #USNavy. #Midway78

>>60413 planefag reporting

>>60414 #12112

(13 notables, 20 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171710

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9463983 Q Research General #12113: Battle of Midway Remembered Edition

Created 041336ZJUN20



>>60415, >>60416, >>60418, >>60420, >>60421 planefag reporting

>>60417 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#115 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306,

>>60419, >>60423, >>60426, >>60427 Antifa insider and Floyd brother wearing the same merch. "Life is a movie"

>>60422 European Central Bank ramps up pandemic bond buys to 1.35 trillion euros

>>60424 (cspan live) Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting on Subpoenas Related to the FBI's Russia Investigation

>>60425 Obama's twatter header says "President" Not "Former". Same with Speech intro yesterday. Identified as "President"

>>60428 Black Lives Matter ONLY trends in the summer before elections and then nobody talks about it - weird.

>>60429 US Navy: Doing what we do best. #ForceToBeReckonedWith

>>60430 Mail-In Votes Discarded, Never Counted in Baltimore Election Due to Error

>>60431 anon calls for eyes on POTUS comms

>>60432 Four ‘Mysterious Signals From Outer Space’ Are Coming From Galaxies Like Ours, Say Scientists

>>60433 New DJT twat w/CAP: Please let this serve as my Complete and Total Endorsement of a great fighter and ally in North Carolina, @LyndaBennettNC...

>>60434 #11213

(13 notables, 20 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171711

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9464759 Q Research General #12114: Senate Dems Sweat'n! Edition

Created 041504ZJUN20



>>60435, >>60436 JW/HRC on anons minds

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/584860df3730ab2a807cf8b7c1f343b22ed3d84748c4877c1a8050f347ea053a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2fa7cfbb413399a47a701947d66e6506614b64c07259fb85baf5faf73ded3ac5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db1062b0c315f10e4fca9f41c6afb553d5a19ae97e67ca66d292bb9681cc8f08.mp4

>>60437, >>60449, >>60451, >>60462, >>60463, >>60464, >>60465 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ruaCVpSJqjc - US Navy veteran freed from Iran after nearly two years in detention [Channel: Fox News]

>>60438 Pompeo remarks at the Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JLIDpeX7Kb4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60439, >>60452 Virtual press conference with many ABC's with DOJ's Barr heading it up.

>>60440, >>60448 Obamagate reports

>>60441 Veritas exposes Antifa

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c1804898e5267903cc46408dce09e9f29adfff71c2b4cf183c15c9326a3ae0ad.mp4

>>60442 Spacefag reports

>>60443 Hydroxychloroquine study that showed toxicity may be unraveling [SCIENCE MAG is a top journal]

>>60444 Club Floyd and Chauvin worked at burns down - owner far left Anti-Trump demanding mail in ballots on her FB page

>>60445, >>60455, >>60457, >>60458, >>60459 riot reports and info

>>60446 Hong Kong fights back

>>60447 "Unknown Magnetic Phenomenon" and a maritime mystery: What has been causing ships to sail in circles?

>>60450, >>60453 Toad-sourced DMT to eliminate depression and anxiety. - John's Hopkins

>>60454, >>60461 Planefag reports

>>60456 ASTRL Clothing

>>60460 The Global Network of Control

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/53bb58f000b00193780f8887402e09cdf3580976c4e81da7d930689b3e2c9b31.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/00cce44df374d58e959c31f3e4bc82fa12fb73daf5aac2e3e0fc2f4e656ffba8.pdf

>>60466 Robert Redfield, CDC Director, live testimony

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qe3FP8fqbDQ - WATCH: CDC Director Robert Redfield testifies on COVID-19 response before House Appropriations [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>60467 #11214

(18 notables, 33 posts, 54 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171712

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9465565 Q Research General #11215: Rioters Taking POT! Edition

Created 041613ZJUN20



>>60468, >>60469 Operation Bluefall-Amplify Police Brutality

>>60470 Astrl clothing diggz

>>60471, >>60479 Bannon/China pdf, vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hsv3OWUp0YU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/abda4d28c1c5666b7b19e2c36218b06ccc5c3e9ec4a9b8fa4cdbc71a8486ef8c.pdf

>>60472, >>60474, >>60482 AG Barr 5 min

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZbFHUQqc7wY - AG William Barr Holds a Press Conference Amid Protests Against Racial Injustice | LIVE | NowThis [Channel: NowThis Impact]

>>60473, >>60475 @LEGO_Group is removing playsets featuring police, firefighters & emergency vehicles. Even ditching an adult White House kit.

>>60476, >>60480 Detained US Navy veteran freed by Iran, making his way home

>>60477 2 Million First-Time Gun Owners in First Half of 2020 Alone

>>60478 Week 11 of the U.S. Labor Market Collapse: Signs of Having Hit Bottom, Finally

>>60481 Smugglers in Mexicali continue to use ladders to climb border wall

>>60483 WATCH LIVE: Men charged in Ahmaud Arbery death face preliminary hearing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Fvc8Xp3t9AA - WATCH LIVE: Men charged in Ahmaud Arbery death face preliminary hearing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>60484 WATCH: Massive landslide sweeps 8 HOUSES out to sea in Norway as residents run for their lives

>>60485 WATCH LIVE: CDC Director Robert Redfield testifies on COVID-19 response before House Appropriations

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Fvc8Xp3t9AA - WATCH LIVE: Men charged in Ahmaud Arbery death face preliminary hearing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>60486 Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany: "A Republican campaign was spied on by a Democratic presidency, a Democratic administration, based on a dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC."

>>60487 ---———————————--——– Do you see a pattern? Pic related

>>60488, >>60489, >>60490 ---———————————--——– Demons continue to serve the devil in his attempt to lead the world away from God and into sin. (Cap: , vid: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c36f8d85cf61e92cf7a74627d0a82b391baf174df86022540c72b65c5575c904.mp4

>>60491 #11215

(16 notables, 24 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>60487, >>60488

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9efe67 (568) No.171713

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9466286 Q Research General #11216: Operation Blueballs Cause Libtards Can't Make a Straight Line Edition

Created 041701ZJUN20



>>60492 #BREAKING | Washington mayor urges 'out-of-state' troops to leave the US capital

>>60493 Soros drops/vids

>>60494 Obama with Antifa leader

>>60495 Q cap review

>>60496 AG Bill Barr: We have evidence Antifa instigated violent activity

>>60497 Sacramento Kings Announcer Grant Napear Fired After Tweeting “ALL LIVES MATTER”

>>60498 Virginia governor announces removal of Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond

>>60499 Disney and Nickelodeon Kids Channels Run Ads in Support of Black Lives Matter

>>60500 Security guard stabs around 40 people at school in China, students among injured

>>60501 The precursor to Mattis’s moment acting against Trump as Brutus had to Caesar is explained pretty well right here.

>>60502 CNN: White Children "Don't Deserve Innocence"

>>60503 Antifa is Global

>>60504 Q caps

>>60505 White House Denies DACA Amnesty Extension Coming Before Election: ‘Totally False’

>>60506 Former Obama intelligence official secures bail for NYC lawyer accused of Molotov cocktail attack on NYPD vehicle

>>60507 #11216

(16 notables, 16 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171714

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9467067 Q Research General #11217: Red Wave Coming, They Hatin Edition

Created 041745ZJUN20



>>60508, >>60510 WW Soros trends

>>60509 Aussie PM Scott Morrison Backs ‘Straight Up’ Donald Trump: A Man of Faith

>>60511, >>60515 Q It's a movement.

>>60512 Philadelphia Inquirer staff stage 'sick out' to protest paper's headline denouncing riots

>>60513 Suspend Export of Riot Gear to U.S. During George Floyd Chaos, Says British Labour Party

>>60514 Ron Johnson gains authority to subpoena dozens of Trump-Russia investigators in party-line vote

>>60516 El Chapo’s Sons Threaten to Fracture the Sinaloa Cartel

>>60517, >>60521, >>60523, >>60527 ---———————————--——– POTUS 'warning' meant to push 'rational thought' (peaceful protestors) _prev coordinated anarchist [anarchy 99] push to victory [WH breach]? (Cap: vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5b364654c107a7925426ac0cfdfbf6b6e1cfebbddad8fa6605dc9d719e9c1485.mp4

>>60518 New Veritas Vid FROM INSIDE NYC ANTIFA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7i4STwJ2xj8 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>60519 Barr says signs of ‘foreign actors’ exacerbating violence on George Floyd protests

>>60520 WA Unemployment Check Fraud Case Expands to Nearly $1 Billion

>>60522 Cisco's warning: Critical flaw in IOS routers allows 'complete system compromise'

>>60524 Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf: Feds Have Opened Up Investigations Going After ‘Leaders Of Antifa And Other Organizations’

>>60525 Ex-CIA Agent Valerie Plame Lost Her Congressional Bid In The New Mexico Primary

>>60526 RIP to the 5 officers gunned down in the past 8 days.

>>60528 planefaggin

>>60529 Emergency Order in West Palm Beach Bans Gun Sales and Carry

>>60530 #11217

(18 notables, 23 posts, 30 media/files)

Q- >>60517

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9efe67 (568) No.171715

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9467823 Q Research General #11218: Two Terms, It's Happening Edition

Created 041829ZJUN20



>>60531, >>60547, >>60551 Great Awakening? vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fbab1278f38f48010006cd5977c19f4cbb45a4ec98e05263d5cd0ca0304b00f9.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/809571d6f6d408b95b6c843f7cdb714646727a03fcfa97cbc1b6308a2a2f2a03.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pFnODWMqr2Q - Why I still support Trump [Channel: Semore Views]

>>60532 It’s now racist to clean up after rioting thugs destroy property. This right here is the line in the sand…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0122a5e7bbdc0c46487935d22074352a699e36b1403f83bad7bd207ea88b7263.mp4

>>60533, >>60541, >>60546, >>60548, >>60550 planefaggin

>>60534 Veritas vid link working

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eb5c7480fde593f83464834aa98c6ab59bc24b96d60a9ad425962822caa7655b.mp4

>>60535 Antifa terrorists to be bused to Sparta, Illinois with orders to burn farm houses and kill livestock in rural “white” areas

>>60536, >>60537, >>60545 #12014, #12015, #12016

>>60538 ‘Seize this moment’: NYC Comptroller Urges de Blasio To Cut Over $1B In NYPD Funding

>>60539 #12017

>>60540 U.S. senators move to tighten sanctions on delayed Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline

>>60542 The best fake news bust known to mankind just happened….

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/96785908d0adecba2fcce0ecaeab4d0ab1e3785714ab47cee1fd194193b0c232.mp4

>>60543 Former MI6 head claims COVID-19 was made in a Chinese lab

>>60544 The judge also ruled that Clinton can be questioned about her knowledge of the existence of any emails, documents or text messages related to the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack

>>60549 New Flotus

>>60552, >>60554 ---———————————--——– Important to understand. Heavy protect (WH) _prev? (Cap: )

>>60553 #12018

>>60555 ---———————————--——– Important to understand. (Cap: )

(16 notables, 25 posts, 29 media/files)

Q- >>60552, >>60555

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9efe67 (568) No.171716

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9468613 Q Research General #12119: Black Lives Maga Edition

Created 041921ZJUN20



>>60556 ---———————————--——– Information Warfare Q #3608

>>60557 ---———————————--——– Important to understand. (Cap: )

>>60558 LIVE Baking Seminar tonight

>>60559 2016 shooting of Dallas police officers

>>60560 150 Firearms Stolen From Albuquerque Gun Shop During Looting

>>60561 Pence: States across America are continuing to safely reopen & get Americans back to work…

>>60562, >>60564 $21 TRILLION Looted from US Treasury Coffers Between 1998-2015?

>>60563 HCQ study retraction

>>60565 Why We Stay Asleep When Covid-19 Is Trying to Wake Us Up

>>60566 BREAKING 911: Judge sets bail at $750,000 each for 3 Minneapolis ex-officers accused of aiding and abetting in death of George Floyd - AP

>>60567 University prof urges families in lockdown to mix assisted suicide drugs for relatives wanting to die

>>60568 The Bolshevik Destroyers Have Been Targeting Small Businesses and Supply Chains

>>60569 Exelon, ComEd Donate $2 Million to Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund

>>60570 New WH twat

>>60571, >>60572 ---———————————--——– ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction] WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. (Cap: )

>>60573 names Graham just authorized to subpoena -judiciary.senate.gov

>>60574 anon submits: What happens if a breach occurs @ WH?

>>60575, >>60577 Minneapolis City Council members consider disbanding the police-citypages.com

>>60576 ---———————————--——– The Enlightenment is often associated with its political revolutions and ideals... (Cap: )

>>60578 This Color Revolution is a DNC Coup Against Constitutional Government-fortruss.com

>>60579 CDC Director: George Floyd protests could be coronavirus 'seeding event'-foxnews

>>60580 #12019

(22 notables, 25 posts, 28 media/files)

Q- >>60556, >>60571, >>60576

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9efe67 (568) No.171717

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9469381 Q Research General #12120: The Q's Keep Coming 2Q2Q Edition

Created 041956ZJUN20




>>60581 anon submits: 10 days of darkness marathon 935 day delta is the timeline

>>60582 Al Sharpton on looting: “There is a difference between those calling for peace and those calling for quiet. Some of y'all don’t want peace, you just want quiet. You just want us to shut up and suffer in silence.”-B911

>>60583 FLOTUS tweet

>>60584 Google bans app that revealed apps that have ties to China-reclaimthenet.org

>>60585 Mon 06.01.2020

>>60586 Hillbags Twat

>>60587 Strzok changed banner on twatter

>>60588 FBI investigates homemade bombs in small SWVA town-wwa.com

>>60589 Award-winning photojournalist Nabil Hasan al-Quaety, who contributed to RT’s Ruptly video agency, killed in Yemen

>>60590 US House Speaker Asks Trump for List of Agencies Involved in Policing DC Protests

>>60591 Potus: The Radical Left Democrats new theme is “Defund the Police”.

>>60592 Did anyone get a chance to see Project Veritas's 2nd Antifa installment? The Video is private now

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7i4STwJ2xj8 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>60593, >>60599 planefaggin

>>60594 ---———————————--——– The Enlightenment is often associated with its political revolutions and ideals... (Cap: )

>>60595 Bank of America started as Bank of Italy

>>60596 Taryn Manning goes full Qanon

>>60597 BREAKING Iranian in US released at 'same time' as US Navy veteran: foreign ministry

>>60598 Attorney General William P. Barr’s Remarks on Mr. George Floyd and Civil Unrest

>>60600 #12020

(19 notables, 20 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171718

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9470143 Q Research General #12121: BrainWashing Independent Thinkers Since Oct 28, 2017 Edition

Created 042039ZJUN20




>>60601, >>60602 ---———————————--——– HCQ study retraction. Your life means nothing to them [sheep]. (Cap: )

>>60603 Nuclear Detection Helicopter flies mission around D.C. mapping radiation levels after accident, disaster or dirty bomb attack

>>60604 ---———————————--——– Operators are standing by.

>>60605 Floyd's gold coffin and other gold symbolism

>>60606 Anon graphic on recent Q posts

>>60607 C-17 Troop Carrier spotted over just outside DC

>>60608, >>60609, >>60612, >>60613, >>60614 PF reports

>>60610 Russia sends second batch of fight jets to Syria: embassy

>>60611 IDF reportedly carried out airstrikes in Syria

>>60615 BREAKING: Former Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn Has Died

>>60616 #12121

(11 notables, 16 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>60601, >>60604

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9efe67 (568) No.171719

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9470936 Q Research General #12122: Operators Standing By Edition

Created 042113ZJUN20




>>60617 Anon suggests let's go back to freedom

>>60618 How Police Unions and Arbitrators Keep Abusive Cops on the Street-atlantic.com from 2014

>>60619 ‘It’s Like A War Zone’: Missouri AG Rips Into St. Louis Circuit Attorney For Releasing Arrested Protesters Within 24 Hours-dailycaller

>>60620, >>60625, >>60626 #12114, #12115, #12116

>>60621, >>60640 PF reports

>>60622 Judge: Enough evidence to try 3 men for murder in Ahmaud Arbery case - WAGA-B911

>>60623 Rand Paul twat

>>60624 US Navy Twat

>>60627 Sidney Powell retweet: Oral argument in the Flynn matter available on June12 at 930am ET at linky

>>60628 Comey Twat

>>60629 Those who scream the loudest: Brennan losing it on twitter

>>60630, >>60633, >>60634 #12117, #12118, #12119

>>60631, >>60637 ---———————————--——– THE NEWS IS FAKE. THE WAR IS REAL. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e42354e6774df3d017ce9701d66ac6f6a23f8aedc107d76153ea7b2a74ea6507.mp4

>>60632 Re: Getty image of WJC holding a bible + media hypocrisy

>>60635 #12120,

>>60636 Seattle Office of Police Accountability-Chief Best just ordered officers to use mourning bands that do not cover their badge numbers

>>60638 Reminder: Baking Seminar at 7 pm ET

>>60639 Elon Musk Tweets Jeff Bezos: “Time to Break Up Amazon” After Company Bans Alex Berenson Book on ‘Unreported Truths About COVID-19’

>>60641 Ex-Minneapolis cop charged in George Floyd’s death served eight years in Army Reserve

>>60642 Did Lego just throw themselves into the shredder of history?

>>60643 Kek, Maxine Waters Classifies Term ‘Rioting’ as ‘Negative Language … Used Against Black People’

>>60644 Pelosi crying about chain of command

>>60645 John Hickenlooper refuses to testify before ethics commission after being subpoenaed

>>60646 AG Barr says evidence of foreign actors involved in civil unrest

>>60647 #12122

(25 notables, 31 posts, 30 media/files)

Q- >>60631

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9efe67 (568) No.171720

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9471704 Q Research General #12123: THE WAR IS REAL Edition

Created 042150ZJUN20




>>60648 UCLA Professor: People Have No Choice But to Riot

>>60649 Re: Floyd/Chauvin club past history of police reports

>>60650 Riot deaths ignored by major networks; watchdog finds 99.3% of protest coverage focused elsewhere

>>60651, >>60657, >>60664 PF reports

>>60652 Anon connecting dots

>>60653 Satanists are now openly taking part in these “protests”.

>>60654 Feds investigating 'command and control' of violent protests

>>60655 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#116 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306,

>>60656 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#116 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733,

>>60658 James Wood confirming shills/trolls out in force today

>>60659, >>60669 Anons dig into Derek Chauvin and George Floyd's names + cabal's false flag naming conventions

>>60660, >>60670 Reminder: Q3692 Operators are standing by (CF + Gitmo)

>>60661 Senate Homeland Security Committee authorizes Russia probe subpoenas on an 8-6 vote

>>60662 Graham (Senate Judiciary Committee) postpones Russia probe subpoena vote "as tensions boil over"

>>60663 Wannabe commies attack African American officer

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bd41011b6e4b1bfb38f01b3a31e3d6769d0839749bb4c448731085cb5790cc47.mp4

>>60665 The Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board unanimously votes to end relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department

>>60666 Utah Guard Sends Green Berets to DC to Assist in Civil Unrest Response

>>60667 Anon on Pelosi's hypocrisy

>>60668 Navy Veteran Michael White on His Release From Iran: ‘I Want to Thank President Trump’

>>60671, >>60673 New DJT on the return of former American hostage Michael White


>>60674 #12123

(22 notables, 27 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171721

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9472457 Q Research General #12124: When The Country Falls Into Chaos, Patriotism Is Born Edition

Created 042239ZJUN20




>>60675 Senators on their knees. America's enemies are laughing at us.

>>60676 BREAKING: Rod Rosenstein worked with Andrew Weissman in 3 cases related to the sales of URANIUM to RUSSIA

>>60677 POTUS: I thought this letter from respected retired Marine and Super Star lawyer, John Dowd, would be of interest to the American People. Read it!

>>60678 Reminder: Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests

>>60679 Video of Black Patriot naming the real enemy: globalism

>>60680 How not to red-pill.

>>60681 Anon points out Q filename 2078 + Q#2078 on No Name's successor

>>60682, >>60685 ---———————————--——– We are fighting for our survival. (Cap: )

>>60683 Minn. city council president: We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety.

>>60684 James Woods tweet of video of Soros bragging at Davos 2020 that if the economy is destabilized, it will destroy Trump.

>>60686 4 days later + counting: @jack/twitter refuses to take down threats of assassination against the President of the United States of America

>>60687 New POTUS on low-flying helicopter pilots vs. anarchists et al

>>60688, >>60690 ---———————————--——– CASTLE_ROCK. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d242ce71af1abcbdacc108bab9c6c01eabbcef05f3ab73c61976261cd2b4e844.mp4

>>60689 Text of letter from John Dowd to James Mattis

>>60691 Moderna Therapeutics, Inc. (developing CV treatment) CFO sold: $14.05m-June 2, CFO bailing effective June 8th

>>60692, >>60695 PF reports

>>60693 New POTUS on John Kelly

>>60694 Anon on unemployment fraud: file this under "how to funnel money to Deep State operations"

>>60696 #12124

(19 notables, 22 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>60682, >>60688

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171722

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9473192 Q Research General #12125: We Are Fighting For Our Survival Edition

Created 042321ZJUN20




>>60697 Good parenting: when mom finds out you are Antifa (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/374196bb64a3dba5803a504492d695207ca0c922997aff71712c970543aba0a4.mp4

>>60698, >>60702 Child cries out in terror as rioters launch bricks & rocks through walkway glass at children’s hospital then turn on her fathers car parked nearby (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9cabe273730ff00c49577ff61a830eb9c1207d2ba9be750d28b33353a85a94b1.mp4

>>60699, >>60704 PF reports including GTMO call sign

>>60700, >>60701 SYRIA UPDATE

>>60703 New POTUS on police groups breaking with Biden, "his handlers" kek

>>60705 Moar POTUS trolling: Few people know where they’ll be in two years from now, but I do, in the Great State of Alaska campaigning against Senator Lisa Murkowski.

>>60706 Castle_Rock dig from 1984: schoolteacher worked with U.S. officials to smuggle guns to Pakistan. History repeating?

>>60707 Donald Trump: Radical Left Wants to ‘Defund the Police’

>>60708 What's up with Grassley? Sen. Grassley places hold on two Trump nominees in standoff over inspector general firings

>>60709 Anon's theory on Castle Lock vs Castle Rock

>>60710 ---———————————--——– EAM LOYALISTS: RED1-6

>>60711 Planefag identifies flight carrying Michael White back to the US

>>60712, >>60715 COMMS OF STRENGTH: POTUS tweets photos of him in room full of United States Secret Service agents

>>60713, >>60717, >>60719 EAM (Emergency Action Message) = preformatted message that directs nuclear-capable forces to execute specific Major Attack Options (MAOs) or Limited Attack Options (LAOs) in a nuclear war

>>60714 Castle Rock coincidences

>>60716, >>60718 Anon's timeline of Rosenstein in the early years

>>60720 #12125

(17 notables, 24 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>60710

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9efe67 (568) No.171723

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9473961 Q Research General #12126: CASTLE_ROCK EAM Edition

Created 050001ZJUN20




>>60721 Al Sharpton announces march on Washington on anniversary of MLK 'I Have a Dream' speech August 28th

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Al5r-sKvorw - 'We Are Going Back To Washington': Rev. Sharpton Announces March On Washington | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>60722 More POTUS trolling Murkowski: "Get any candidate ready, good or bad, I don’t care, I’m endorsing. If you have a pulse, I’m with you!"

>>60723 Clown-Led "Hacktivists" Anonymous starting twitter war against Q + anons: "Troops are requested" to target #Qanon #WWG1WGA

>>60724 Surgisphere: governments and WHO changed Covid-19 policy based on suspect data from tiny US company

>>60725 Skyking Explanation of EAM

>>60726 Will "The Tweet" trigger POTUS's removal from Twitter?

>>60727 What Aren’t Minnesota’s Democratic Leaders Telling Us?

>>60728 Journal article on masks: Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era

>>60729 Russia will never initiate use of nuclear weapons, Kremlin says

>>60730 How to sign up for EAS text alerts if you don't have a smartphone

>>60731 Epic image of live DC sky from Tucker

>>60732, >>60734 ---———————————--——– ALERT readiness: severe-critical (Caps: )

>>60733 10th Mountain Division only one of its size in the US military to receive intense specialized training for fighting in mountainous and arctic conditions.

>>60735 PF reports

>>60736 EAM = coalition of underground leftist movements?

>>60737 Tue 06.02.2020

>>60738 Wed 06.03.2020

>>60739 #12126

(18 notables, 19 posts, 14 media/files)

Q- >>60732

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9efe67 (568) No.171724

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9474727 Q Research General #12127: ALERT Readiness: Severe-Critical Edition

Created 050033ZJUN20




>>60740 Boatfag report

>>60741, >>60742, >>60743, >>60750, >>60753, >>60754 PF reports, including GITMO842 returning to GITMO - hopefully with evil passengers

>>60744, >>60745, >>60747, >>60752 Streisand effect in action: #QAnon is trending on twitter, hijacked by k-pop stans

>>60746 Russian embassy in Buenos Aires receives email warning of bomb threat, police say

>>60748 Bannon: The mission of the New Federal State of China is to take down the Chinese Communist Party (video, start at 7:25)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Sf7YA8AG78I - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60749 The Greek National Liberation Front (EAM): A Study in Resistance Organization and Administration

>>60751 US Army Field Manual FM 3-19.15, Civil Disturbance Operations

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9889db7439ed18cdd856b38fa6147bf1f5fbd12f42fb0c643b93b00453bb3bda.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0592bdef87fcc9ebc126f57b64427ac7c80e692c52498b804baba873f353a06c.pdf

>>60755 #12127

(8 notables, 16 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171725

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9475469 Q Research General #12128: Long Live Our Constitutional Republic Edition

Created 050108ZJUN20




>>60756 A former Libertarian presidential candidate filed a request with the FEC designed to test whether Michael Bloomberg’s $18 million contribution to the DNC in March was illegal.

>>60757 Unconfirmed but credible sources: Trinitarios and Bloods gangs are joining forces in the Bronx against NYPD, exploiting vulnerabilities created by rioters.

>>60758, >>60759, >>60763 Moar on Greek EAM (National Liberation Front, communist/leftist) + alternate EAM meanings

>>60760, >>60761 PF reports

>>60762 POS """National Guardsman""" abandons post, runs to give an interview to Vice

>>60764 Is EAM connected to the "nuclear detection helicopter" flying around DC today?

>>60765 #12128

(7 notables, 10 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171726

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9476162 Q Research General #12129: Strawberry Moon Situation Room Edition

Created 050141ZJUN20




>>60766, >>60768 ---———————————--——– Infiltration instead of invasion. (Cap: )

>>60767 ‘All I want is a reason’: GOP senator Grassley blocks Trump’s nominations until administration explains why it fired watchdogs

>>60769 Leaked Soros memo reveals plan for federally controlled police

>>60770 Philip Haney on infiltration all the way to Pence's office

>>60771 Video: Tucker on large corps' donations to BLM

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c767756ac9e6d359a3dfaa90ae5c92d2c22e1556f778eef64a7778e29138b6b.mp4

>>60772, >>60773 Planefag Reports

>>60774 #12129

(7 notables, 9 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>60766

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9efe67 (568) No.171727

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9477001 Q Research General #12130: Infiltration Instead of Invasion Edition

Created 050216ZJUN20




>>60775 EAM LOYALISTS decode

>>60776, >>60777, >>60783, >>60791 Protests notables

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=j0KnrTBaUHk - Raining**. Washington DC LIVE PROTEST JUNE 4 2020 [Channel: Moshpxt]

>>60778 Video: Hussein talks of a civil defense force because we can not rely on the military

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Df2p6867_pw - Barack Obama: Call to Service in Colorado Springs, CO [Channel: BarackObamadotcom]

>>60779, >>60782, >>60788 Suhail Rizvi and Rizvi Travesre diggz

>>60780, >>60781 Planefag Updates

>>60784, >>60785, >>60786, >>60789, >>60792 Aaron Rogers and Danica Patrick are Antifa?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4mDk273TgvM - 'Death is Coming': Seattle Antifa Protest Dec. 1, 2018 [Channel: Andy Ngo]

>>60787 Why classified movement of pelosi OR pence is considered a red line

>>60790 Fresh DJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/217c021a24e8732b5f4ffa0762325e353b4c1369d2692224397fdf140275f485.mp4

>>60793 From Q's post: The National Military Communications Center

>>60794 On Threat Level - Alert Readiness: Severe-Critical

>>60795 WHO and global govs's used fake data to discredit and stop HCQ studies

>>60796 #12130

(12 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171728

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9477735 Q Research General #12131: The Red Lines Edition

Created 050257ZJUN20




>>60797 Scavino: DC storm

>>60798 Mandatory vaccinations for Colorado. Bill expected to be opassed and signed on Sunday, June 7 2020

>>60799, >>60803, >>60810 Is Dan Scavino implying 'The Storm is UPON US?'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee752e8d7218c112ff768b37d07970775c8ae3b91cb109107ca93f4f7fbfcf70.mp4

>>60800, >>60806 Castle Rock chapter from Lord of The Flies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W7USOLKS0IQ - Lord of the Flies | Chapter 11: Castle Rock | William Golding [Channel: Course Hero]

>>60801 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Night Edition

>>60802 ACLU And Black Lives Matter Sue Trump Administration Over Protest Violence

>>60804 #12130

>>60805 POTUS' tweet: Transcript of letter from John Dowd to Jim Mattis

>>60807 Mattis' resignation letter from 2018

>>60808 Schiff tweet

>>60809 Infiltration: The white supremacist narrative

>>60811, >>60813 ---———————————--——– Remember your oath. Remember why you joined. It's about the person standing next to you. (Cap: )

>>60812 Pompeo calls Nasdaq's strict rules a model to guard against fraudulent Chinese companies

>>60814 Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns

>>60815 Politicization of the National Guard a Growing Concern

>>60816, >>60820 ---———————————--——– Biblical (Cap: )

>>60817 Candace Owens Posts Video, “I DO NOT support George Floyd!… He Was a Violent Criminal”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JtPfoEvNJ74 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60818 Chinese expert praises Russian cutting edge Su-57 jet as 'breakthrough'

>>60819 Lightning strikes the monument. Comms from God.

>>60821 #12131

(20 notables, 25 posts, 18 media/files)

Q- >>60811, >>60816

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9efe67 (568) No.171729

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9478479 Q Research General #12132: The 'Q posts, and breds just fly...' Edition

Created 050336ZJUN20




>>60822 ‘Thank you, Iran!’: Trump says 'deal is possible' after Tehran releases US Navy vet

>>60823 5 ways to block or hide your number when making calls

>>60824 Liberal magazine Slate declares violence is ‘important’ for protests, does NOT get censored by Twitter

>>60825 Baghdad to Reject Talks With Washington to Prolong US Military Presence, Iraqi Politician Says

>>60826 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Midnight Edition

>>60827, >>60849 ---———————————--——– Have faith. (Cap: )

>>60828, >>60835 Black Lives Matter and Antifa Rioters Are Pulling People Out of Their Cars In Santa Monica, CA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e732792f819a3b1c56f551fe411b14925f045182a1b6d4925ece607a17f8de53.mp4

>>60829 DS Call to Mutiny: Brennan…The writing is on the wall. Hillary…its time

>>60830, >>60832 Antifa Leaders --- One of Whom Is Tied to Democratic Party — Assault Marine Reservists

>>60831 Global Times Op-Ed: "It's Just A Matter Of Time" Before China Surpasses US In National Strength

>>60833, >>60839, >>60845 Planefag reports

>>60834 With little social distancing, Whitmer marches with protesters

>>60836 Journalist Accused Of Sexual Assault After Runaway 15-Year-Old Located at His Home

>>60837 China’s Narrative on Coronavirus Contradicted by Leaked Document

>>60838 Shameless Biden Fundraising Off The Death Of George Floyd

>>60840 Customs in Baltimore seizes over 14,000 unapproved COVID-19 treatment capsules, several unapproved test kits from China

>>60841 Murkowski, Mattis criticism ratchets up pressure on GOP over Trump

>>60842 Terrorists threatening Sparta, Illinios homes

>>60843, >>60846 Soros: anon's Call for Diggs

>>60844 Provocations in Buffalo

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f415febeb0c74099be7e3fad87bd9802e6d15a9c6883f6ef4f66d8df6cc4ab8.mp4

>>60847 Mayor Bowser apparently is being completely un-American.

>>60848 #12132

(22 notables, 28 posts, 42 media/files)

Q- >>60849

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9efe67 (568) No.171730

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9479246 Q Research General #12133: The 'The Writing Is On The Wall (for traitors)' Edition

Created 050430ZJUN20




>>60850 Organizations Funded by George Soros and Open Society Foundations…

>>60851, >>60859, >>60860 ---———————————--——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: )

>>60852 Drew Brees Caves, Asks For ‘Forgiveness’ For Saying Americans Should Respect The Flag

>>60853 Shooting at the Denver Floyd protest

>>60854 Thu 06.04.2020

>>60855 Compensation fund for Jeffrey Epstein's victims is APPROVED with no limit on how much each can get from his $634million estate - but they must give up right to sue Ghislaine Maxwell or other co-conspirators

>>60856 Military Situation In Yemen On June 4, 2020 (Map Update)

>>60857 Mayor Mendenhall “sided” with the rioters and had the Chief of Police in her “back pocket”.

>>60858 #12133

(9 notables, 11 posts, 11 media/files)

Q- >>60851, >>60859

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9efe67 (568) No.171731

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9480021 Q Research General #12134: The 'Gravey On The Rumble Train' Edition

Created 050515ZJUN20



>>60861 Utah NG Tweet "The oath that we swear.."

>>60862 New DJT Tweet, thanks Iran for sending Michael home.

>>60863 Various articles highlighting in detail the connections between Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, PLO, etc with ANTIFA, BLM, ANSWER,and US politicians.

>>60864 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse this evening

>>60865 Kanye West Donates $2M for George Floyd’s Daughter’s College Tuition, Black-Owned Chicago Businesses

>>60866 Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu inspects West Bank for new land to capture

>>60867 Needs verification: Soros Memo outlining the creation of a Federal Police using BLM (from 2016)

>>60868 Needs extra eyes: is the Lighting video fake?

>>60869, >>60870, >>60871, >>60872, >>60873 Resignations in the News,

>>60874 "Fuck off m8, we're full": Australia shakes up foreign investment laws for national security

>>60875 #12134

(11 notables, 15 posts, 6 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171732

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9480772 Q Research General #12135: Wake Up and Smell the Ashes Edition

Created 050607ZJUN20



>>60876 Twitter-thread about 'CASTLE_ROCK'

>>60877, >>60881 Defense Secretary Mark Esper sends home hundreds of Active Duty Soldiers in D.C.,

>>60878, >>60882, >>60883 New (fake) trend on Twitter: #GoBaldforBLM, This is a real story though

>>60879 Letter from General Flynn: "I'm not done"

>>60880 POTUS Schedule for Friday, June 5, 2020

>>60884, >>60885, >>60886, >>60887, >>60888, >>60889, >>60892, >>60893 Dig on Kim Komando,

>>60890 Keish a Lance Bottoms 'accepts challenge' from Obama on how to govern her City

>>60891 Snitches get Stitches: Karen Jr. tries to Dox Patriots

>>60894 Live Streams of the Protests

>>60895 Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JtPfoEvNJ74 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60896 Australian Federal Police bust huge child sex abuse ring

>>60897 New OP: Operation Blank Slate

>>60898 Article from 9 years ago outlining the Shared Agenda of George Soros and Barack Obama

>>60899 Open Society + Rockefeller Foundations >> DC Mayor Muriel Bowser

>>60900 #12135,

(15 notables, 25 posts, 46 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171733

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9481539 Q Research General #12136: It's Great to be White Edition

Created 050731ZJUN20



>>60901 On this day in 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated

>>60902 Biden's Popularity goes same route as his Mental Fortitude

>>60903 Dan Scavino's Tweet "Healing, Not Hatred" gets Censored by Twitter.

>>60904, >>60905, >>60906 The other side of "White Privilege",

>>60907 USArmyEurope tweets about #EuropeanHistory & #StrongEurope

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H1THlLNd4A0 - Dubkasm - There's A Dub [Channel: glitterballz]

>>60908 Three Chinese Nationals Sentenced to Prison for Illegal Photography of U.S. Naval Installation in Key West, Florida

>>60909 Good sum-up of what is happening

>>60910 Slowly, the world is waking up to the Marxist Lie.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cb3b64b47228ddad16f50db3631a4a635df60e87742889e3c5a913fad2fa1a12.pdf

>>60911 Twitter goes further down the Shitter: removes Trump Campaign's Tribute to George Floyd, Citing 'Copyright Claim'

>>60912 Hypocrisy? Justifying BLM Protests while killing Small Business with COVID measures?

>>60913 This is what we want, until Communists destroyed this.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae4ff733aa240de011dd92f36c7a8ec67096fe4a097ab4e015c469f217772ebe.mp4

>>60914 You can't buy off your guilt-complex: George Floyd's GoFundMe receives 'Most Donations Ever"

>>60915 USMC Tweet: To the Left this Time.

>>60916 Now HRC's campaign spokesman says he wants to defund the police.

>>60917 CDC Chief call-out to Protestors to take a COVID-19 test if they've been to the Protests

>>60918 Senate approves 33 subpoenas for ex-Obama officials on Russian probe origins

>>60919 Hydroxycholoroquine-critical study retracted. The study had little to no data background.

>>60920 Boris Johnson, UK PM, tweets

>>60921 MSM Dead Silent on freeing of US Marine from Iran.

>>60922 Family of slain former Police Captain, David Dom, lead march down MKL Drive.

>>60923, >>60925 MN City Council says Police Dept will be dismantled and replaced with a "transformative new model of public safety", Is this because of .. ?

>>60924 Unite With Pride

>>60926 #12136

(23 notables, 26 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171734

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9482524 Q Research General #12137: There is no Shame or Sin in taking Pride in your Race Edition

Created 051047ZJUN20




>>60927 Tennessee must let all registered voters cast ballots by mail amid coronavirus, judge rules

>>60928 twatter censorship today. removes pro Trump video posted by Dan Scavino

>>60929 BlackRock Is Bailing Out Its ETFs with Fed Money and Taxpayers Eating Losses; It’s Also the Sole Manager for $335 Billion of Federal Employees’ Retirement Funds

>>60930 Searching Twitter For "Racist" Returns Donald Trump As Top Result

>>60931 US conducts first airstrikes against Taliban since Eid ceasefire

>>60932 Biden claims '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'

>>60933 Here we are! RE: RED 1 - POTUS twitter removal (Q#4414)

>>60934 Senate Republicans approve subpoenas for ex-Obama officials on Russia probe origins

>>60935 twatter Martial Law Poll

>>60936 ---———————————--——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: )

>>60937 2 of the police officers charged over George Floyd's deadly arrest had been less than 4 days into the job, their lawyers say

>>60938 CASTLE UNDER score ROCK. IMO this pertains to the Cheyenne Mountain UNDERground complex

>>60939 #12137

(13 notables, 13 posts, 8 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171735

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9483331 Q Research General #12138: It's About The Person Standing Next To You Edition

Created 051219ZJUN20




>>60940 War Room Trends Report

>>60941 Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JtPfoEvNJ74 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>60942, >>60949 anon posits on DJT twatter blackout and ban

>>60943 Here Are All The Senate Democrats Who Have Refused To Comment On Antifa’s Violence

>>60944 California mayor resigns over email about police killings

>>60945, >>60946, >>60950, >>60954 planefag reporting

>>60947 Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Asking for $55 Million Federal Bailout to Repair Race Riot Damages

>>60948 US Navy twat w/CAP: “You’ve done your duty and now it’s time to come home.”

>>60951 Alabama sheriff's office: 7 adults found dead in shooting and fire in home; no suspects in custody but no further threat

>>60952 New DJT twat w/CAP: I am so stunned. I’ve never seen numbers like this and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Steve M. @MariaBartiromo

>>60953 Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns

>>60955 Unemployment Falls to 13.3% and Economy Adds 2.5 Million Jobs

>>60956 David's prayer. Psalm 35:1

>>60957 Antifa-riots-investigate-group-attacking-america-david-bossie

>>60958 Another "small town homemade explosives" bomber

>>60959 republicans-sweep-all-four-their-special-elections

>>60960 DJT I will be doing a News Conference at 10:00 A.M. on the Jobs Numbers!


>>60962 Spoopy lightning?

>>60963 Watch a live video of thepainbeam

>>60964 New Project Veritas - Antifa

>>60965 POTUS call to meme?

>>60966 Devin Nunes retweets "Undercover Huber" twitter account regarding Trump/Russia "project".

>>60967 The Oath.

>>60968 Activist DeRay Mckesson on the protests, the election and what young people can do to spur change (cheqt)

>>60969 Opine - The people that are trying to get rid of police

>>60970 Memer Request - Criminal lives matter

>>60971 Ex-Defense official resigns from Defense Science Board, accuses Esper of violating his oath

>>60972 Philly Woman Shuts Down Protestors Outside City Hall

>>60973 NYT - CV19, 2 studies retracted (cheqt)

>>60974 What is the Emergency Action Message

>>60975 Reminder - Trump Successes --- mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

>>60976 Mayor Bowser ends emergency

>>60977 #12138

(34 notables, 38 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171736

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9484145 Q Research General #12139: High Speed Low Drag Friday Bread Edition

Created 051341ZJUN20




>>60978 Dow up more than 700 points out of the gate.

>>60979 (utube stream) POTUS Presser 1000 EST. Chineee flu, economic gains - greatest 50 day rally in history, dominate the streets, equaljJustice under the law

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uFCvKNOU8Hg - President Trump Holds a News Conference [Channel: The White House]

>>60980, >>60982, >>60990, >>60992, >>60995 planefag reporting

>>60981 Eric Trump: United States gains 2,509,000 jobs in May (the largest ever in the history of our country)! DOW up 715.00 points today (30+% gain sinceMarch lows)...

>>60983 anon calls for eyes on. Infiltration instead of Invasion. arabic and chineese infiltrating protests?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/958ac9c4b0cb663279150f4793607e6dd8162888deb02c79cf4c6cd19d29ad69.mp4

>>60984 Nearly a million bogus coronavirus cures and tests blocked from entering US

>>60985, >>60987, >>60989, >>60991, >>60998 Day of Outrage and map to weather underground

>>60986 Republicans returning fire in 2020 battle for Senate

>>60988 France denies harboring Juan Guaido despite Venezuelan gov’t claims

>>60993 First video of the Iranian ship sinking near Iraqi coast

>>60994 Navy SEAL and Missouri Governor who faced down ANTIFA cleared

>>60996 Best Friend' of NYPD Bomber Was Obama Intel Aid With Ties to CAIR and Soros

>>60997 15 People Died In The Protests And Riots Following George Floyd’s Death.

>>60999 #12139

(14 notables, 22 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171737

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9485116 Q Research General #12140: Light NEVER Yields To Darkness Edition

Created 051456ZJUN20



>>61000 Barr threatens comms release, anons chatter

>>61001 DOW up over 860 - going up as POTUS speaks

>>61002 Cuban and Venezuelan Detainees Allegedly Paid to Protest in the United States

>>61003 riot vids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8bf7c129296b46b5d6546bacfcb6cf23af6abcb35c4e895b4c1ccaa4c8c142fb.mp4

>>61004 Gen Flynn's Lawyer's Twitter Banner = Lightning Strike in DC

>>61005 New PPP extensions.

>>61006 Russia delivers new batch of advanced MiG-29 fighter jets to Syria

>>61007 planefaggin

>>61008 Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter approval of the job @realDonaldTrump is now over 40%

>>61009 Obama warfare refreshers

>>61010 Krugman floats conspiracy theory, without evidence, that Trump "may have gotten to" the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Has since apologized.

>>61011 10th Mountain Division returns to roots in Colorado

>>61012 Hungary is at war with the liberal mainstream, says Speaker of the House László Kövér

>>61013 Whistleblower Who Revealed Currency Abuses at BNY Mellon Gets $50 Million

>>61014 Biden proposed 'Police Officer's Bill of Rights' two months after Rodney King beating

>>61015 Oracle Appeal Hearing Canceled as Court Closed by Federal Troops

>>61016 Cristobal now a depression with no formation to tropical storm in 5 day projection.

>>61017 Turkey looks to link Syrian Kurdish militia to ANTIFA following Trump tweet

>>61018 Trump To Nominate New NBC Leader As White House Eyes Nuke Tests (nuclear, chemical, and biological)

>>61019 @Project_Veritas inside NYC ANTIFA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5a335ad3f610bf481b7fe4bd0ebc7877aa74f671e32200af09b1686cc83c7f12.mp4

(20 notables, 20 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171738

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9486017 Q Research General #12141: We Dig, We Meme, We Pray, We Rest, We Fight, WE WIN! Edition

Created 051549ZJUN20



>>61020 Go Bald for the cause BLM

>>61021 @USMC Ducks in a Row

>>61022 Map relationships between terrorist, police violence, refugee resettlement, and murder rates

>>61023, >>61031, >>61034 PF updates

>>61024 Social Media Technocrats Help Antifa But Censor Everyday Americans

>>61025 About 400 Idaho National Guardsmen going to Washington, D.C., to help during protests

>>61026 Former chief of staff calls Donald Trump 'nasty' and 'confused' over attack on Jim Mattis - and lines-up interview with Trump-hating Mooch

>>61027 Helicopters and Military Humvees With Mounted Gun Turrets Deployed for Protests In D.C

>>61028, >>61029, >>61032 DC just put up a Black Lives Matter street sign just outside Lafayette Park,renamed park

>>61030 Obama: On National Gun Violence Awareness Day, we #WearOrange to honor the victims and survivors of gun violence/gitmo dress rehearsal

>>61033 Potus w/cap

>>61035 A letter from @GenFlynn.

>>61036 POTUS went wheels up without making a statement on the lawn

>>61037 #12141

(14 notables, 18 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171739

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9486878 Q Research General #12142: Obama Wears Orange for (gun victims) Gitmo Dress Rehearsal? Edition

Created 051651ZJUN20



>>61038, >>61045 New FBI Vault drop (#41) on HRC emails

>>61039 CNN skips Trump's live remarks on surprisingly good labor market report

>>61040 @jeffsessions twat: More than 60 SS officers were attacked and injured - that's a riot, not a protest

>>61041, >>61065 Nascent digg: New game looks spoopy: Shadow Empire

>>61042, >>61047, >>61050, >>61053, >>61080 1 MILLION protesters expected in DC tonight, NO NATIONAL GUARD

>>61043 @ChiefNGB (National Guard chief Joseph Lengyel) thread: We were designed for all of these missions, & I am so proud of our Guard members today

>>61044, >>61051, >>61052 Moar on new Flynn letter: We Must Dedicate Ourselves to “Freedom’s Victory over the Socialist Monster”

>>61046 Son of AZ state rep Mitzi Epstein (D) accused of felony vote-by-mail fraud

>>61048, >>61056, >>61064, >>61088 planefaggin

>>61049, >>61067, >>61073 Refresher: Biden vid from 1985: "We already have a nigger mayor, we don't need any more nigger bigshots"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e78d1d7ba8ece646b80943fd2f836995399956f4681de912f78dcdb28035411b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/023544b75ae5e90f7fbbaa365012f7c7d53c7baa83b394f340ea7c5b1a7f1d19.mp4

>>61054, >>61068, >>61075 Joe Biden: 10% to 15% of Americans "Not Very Good People"

>>61055 Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian resigns from Reddit board because virtue signalling

>>61057, >>61063, >>61082, >>61093 Detroit father of five loses home & truck after fire, GoFundMe in progress

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/750f394e9067805fb8ed26c7978694a1dc9c1f19d75e3dad82f9eea650dcac22.mp4

>>61058 Russian ‘Terrorists’ Training German Neo-Nazi Youth in Combat -- Reports

>>61059, >>61091 Pelosi Suffers Worse Mental Lapse Yet, Malfunctions For 10 Seconds Straight!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c6414f472b54dc8352894e62959f26a9db3d3390763681bc36fa2a6acfa1025.mp4

>>61060 Bill Murray's son Caleb, 27, arrested for allegedly spitting on and biting police officer and threatening arson during a BLM protest

>>61061, >>61086, >>61089 The section of 16th street in front of the White House now says "Black Lives Matter" in huge letters

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/229a29f80e5159edf486b8e92d612267878316fc3f89cf12a7b779d3dd2cccc9.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd762c39c4bf8a4b81047a470056e2c42687ef8a6d0fb8621fb19452a996bb38.mp4

>>61062 Professor Hendrick Streek, U of Bonn: There is no significant risk of catching coronavirus when you go shopping

>>61066, >>61072 Ben Fulford vids: Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blow Up In Their Faces

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PVuv1O-APRc - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZmgEXDdkU-8 - Are you ready to be microchipped? [Channel: Gerd Leonhard]

>>61069 15 People Died In The Protests And Riots Following George Floyd’s Death. Here’s Who They Are

>>61071 U.S. will allow Chinese passenger carriers two flights per week

>>61074 New Rasmussen poll: 40% of blacks approve of Trump

>>61076 Scottish Govt Leader: ‘Hard to Not Conclude’ Donald Trump Is Racist

>>61077 WH reporters about news conference: but muh social distancing

>>61078 Follow-up from lb: is Obama twat comms to launch the next stage of the insurrection?

>>61079 Greta Thunberg Calls on E.U. Leaders to Condemn ‘Police Brutality’ in U.S.

>>61081 Canadian Green Leader: Trump’s U.S. ‘No Longer Safe’, Canada Must Accept Minorities as Refugees

>>61083 Germany: UK Must Surrender Sovereignty for an EU Trade Deal

>>61084 "Peaceful" "protesters" in Riverside, CA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/30375ed799e16ee9e51f6889c48a4af21459c663deb93dd6ef2a28979bb8c4ad.mp4

>>61085 Gunmen Kill Warden of Mexican Prison Holding Supreme Los Zetas Cartel Boss

>>61087 POTUS: "I may have to buy one of those things (An RV, an RV)"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc952b2f617e92a852d3e69cef7e23d5d9383635690ae0fd4dbde4e3ce570aae.mp4

>>61090 Here Are The Companies That Support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Want You Dead

>>61092 Israel disputes Jesus’ Palestinian origins

>>61094 POTUS signed H.R. 7010, the "Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020," into law

>>61095 Starting soon: LIVE: President Trump Roundtable with Commercial Fisherman in Maine

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C0bbXobQnKA - 🔴LIVE: President Trump Roundtable with Commercial Fisherman in Maine [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>61096 Former MI6 Boss Says COVID-19 Manmade, Escaped From Chinese Lab

>>61097 #12142

>>61098 ---———————————--——– Change We Can Believe In. @CBS_Herridge (Cap: )

(38 notables, 60 posts, 85 media/files)

Q- >>61098

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9efe67 (568) No.171740

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9487824 Q Research General #12143: The Beginning Is Near Edition

Created 051752ZJUN20



>>61099, >>61100, >>61101 New @CBS_Herridge documents on Crossfire Hurricane

>>61102 ---———————————--——– Change We Can Believe In. @CBS_Herridge (Cap: )

>>61103, >>61114 rt ---———————— Follow the pen. (Herridge)

>>61104 Lightning Strike Injures 2 National Guard Members in DC

>>61105 The Six-Day War: The Myth of an Israeli David Versus an Arab Goliath

>>61106 DOJ: Raleigh Man Arrested for Attempting to Set Fire to Raleigh Police Department Vehicle

>>61107 For the Keks: Karen Complains About Kids Playing In A Toy Car Because None Of Them Have A Driver’s License

>>61108, >>61123 planefaggin

>>61109 This Makes No Sense: In Month When US Was Shut Down, BLS Estimated 345K New Businesses Formed

>>61110 New DJT: Incompetent Mayor of DC, @MayorBowser, is now fighting with the National Guard, who saved her from great embarrassment…

>>61111 New DJT: "Really great numbers by any standard - UNBELIEVABLE"

>>61112 @DevinNunes EYES ON RT Uncercover Huber: Some news: I’m working on a Trump/Russia project and so posts will be less frequent for a while

>>61113 ‘Poison plot’ against Prague politicians was pure fabrication, admits Czech PM

>>61115 #12142

>>61116 Anon: Trump is allowing the neocons to self destruct, they are done.

>>61117 Justice Department Seeks to Shut Down Fraudulent Chicagoland Tax Return Business

>>61118 Vid: Semore Views drops massive red pills

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=baoExbI-RdE - SEMORE VIEWS DROPS MASSIVE RED PILLS | FLECCAS SPOTLIGHT [Channel: Fleccas Talks]

>>61119 @charliekirk11: 1,200 health "experts" just signed a letter stating “White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates & contributes to COVID-19”

>>61120, >>61121 ---———————————--——– What happens when the (Flynn) gag order is lifted [case dismissed]? (Cap: )

>>61122 Presidential Determination: significant reduction in the volume of petroleum and petroleum products purchased from Iran

>>61124 Anon: How to [try to] Steal an Election!

>>61125 RNC and Trump Campaign Plan to Resume In-Person Campaigning Next Week. Social Distancing Returns?

>>61126 #12143

(23 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

Q- >>61114, >>61120

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9efe67 (568) No.171741

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9488555 Q Research General #12144: DDoS Attacks are Expensive but Pointless Edition

Created 051859ZJUN20



>>61127 Excluded from Netanyahu’s annexation plans, military must somehow prepare anyway

>>61128, >>61135 Trump Orders Pentagon to Reduce US Troops in Germany by 9,500 Soldiers - Report

>>61129, >>61131, >>61155 ISIS endorses BLM: Chaos from protests and pandemic a 'blessing'

>>61130, >>61132 ---———————————--——– Full MSDNC blitzkrieg. Ready, surprises prepped (Cap: )

>>61133, >>61147, >>61150, >>61151 This has happened before: 1933: New York Times, Quaker City Moves For Police Reform

>>61134 re Q drop on Cooper and others clown hall: Don't forget, Anderson Cooper is CIA

>>61136 Buffalo Police department Emergency Response Team has resigned from their posts in protest

>>61137 New appointments for Executive Office of the President (Legislative Affairs)

>>61138, >>61141 POTUS undoing Obama commie fishing regulations in Maine

>>61139, >>61140 Kek speaks in this bread

>>61142 New York Politician Livestreams Call For Rioters to Loot in Communities That Aren’t Their Own

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PP5gOFhTwkk - Buffalo City Councilman Rasheed N.C. Wyatt Tells Rioters To Loot In Other Communities [Channel: @TweetBrettMac]

>>61143, >>61154, >>61157 planefaggin

>>61144 BLM DC chapter condemns Mayor Bowser's BLM mural as a distraction

>>61145 Black Lives Matter Sues Trump, Barr For Clearing Lafayette Square

>>61146 Vid: Cities use the Police Department to generate revenue

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ezxh8rdRTb0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61148 'Orgy of violence': Ami Horowitz talks to MN protesters who support looting, killing cops

>>61149 Utah National Guard confirms they were kicked out of DC hotel, mayor claims budget issue

>>61152 Chicago, Jewel pledge millions to support small business

>>61153 Trump Campaign Removes Space Video That Violated NASA Ad Rules

>>61156, >>61159, >>61160 Amazon warehouse in California burning

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/881b79c7a05d1052e25751ca40b8b3b0d07ec03ac0437795ea5c136b8fe33d56.mp4

>>61158 Pelosi daughters arrested for breaking into liquor store for 'quarantine supplies'

>>61161 ---———————————--——– Important to understand. MSDNC projection we are the minority is false.

>>61162 #12144

(23 notables, 36 posts, 28 media/files)

Q- >>61130, >>61161

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9efe67 (568) No.171742

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9489352 Q Research General #12145: One for the History Books Edition

Created 051943ZJUN20



>>61163, >>61165 This has happened before: 1933: New York Times, Quaker City Moves For Police Reform

>>61164 Reddit is dead: "working with mods to change our content policy to explicitly address hate"

>>61166 Suspects wanted in assault of NYPD officer arrested in Georgetown County

>>61167, >>61183 CNN's Van Jones on white liberal racism

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd563de1e48cfe92574146a7a64f177aed73b18152179cc8675a666feee008b0.mp4

>>61168 Birmingham, AL man accused of making threats toward Mayor Woodfin arrested

>>61169 How 'Pardongate' helped Hillary's 2000 Senate run

>>61170 Oroville, CA man arrested for posession of child pornography

>>61171, >>61173 Texas military family, including 4 children, 2 cats, found dead inside garage

>>61172 #12144

>>61174, >>61194, >>61204 planefaggin

>>61175, >>61206 Report: The Left’s Strategy and Tactics To Transform America

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f89b93672c1881902521870288dde73f628b39efebaac28ebb3250c3cc52e523.pdf

>>61176 US Army Chopper Crew Grounded After Flying Too Low Over Protesters in Nation's Capital

>>61177 Slouching Toward Sedition: Social Media Giants Are Crossing The Line

>>61178 Oil climbs 5% on U.S. jobless drop, OPEC+ meeting hopes

>>61179 US police union disregards attack on Australian TV crew, says reporters were ‘INDISTINGUISHABLE’ from George Floyd protesters

>>61180 Temecula, CA mayor resigns over 'egregious error' in email on police killings

>>61181 US military tests new ‘S-400 killer’: video

>>61182, >>61190 President @realDonaldTrump delivers remarks at Puritan Medical Products.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c6GINqMbtMc - President Trump Delivers Remarks at Puritan Medical Products [Channel: The White House]

>>61184 For the keks: Learn This One Weird Pandemic-Ending Trick that Nurses Hate!

>>61185 Rod Rosenstein is working with NSO Group, the Israeli firm accused of spying on dissidents

>>61186, >>61205 Vid: President Trump SLAMS Maine Governor Over "Killing Seafood Economy"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jNtguUznkrA - OPEN UP: President Trump SLAMS Maine Governor Over "Killing Seafood Economy" [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>61187 @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy: America is opening up, Pelosi's reaction to great economic news

>>61188 Police arrest boy, 16, and man, 18, for terrorism offences after raiding properties in northwest London

>>61189 New DJT: I am a big fan of Drew Brees ... but he should not have taken back his original stance on honoring our magnificent American Flag

>>61191 Help find this asshole who threw gas and smoke bombs into a horse trailer with horses

>>61192 The reason you’re seeing the National Guard in Kirkwood

>>61193 Florida Supreme Court Quashes Amendment That Would Outlaw 'Assault Weapons'

>>61195 Vid: The State of the World: The meaning behind the chaos

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qyBJFNFSAj8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61196 St. Louis Police release video of the seven black 'white supremacist' suspects in the shooting death of Officer David Dorn

>>61197 National Review: Don’t Let the Far-Left Destroy the Country

>>61198, >>61200 LIVE: President Trump Travels To Maine | Makes Remarks at 4pm Eastern

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ayr-0MhZJ4s - LIVE: News Now Stream 06/05/20 (FNN) [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42e2a3245f90a4738e7f3292590ea1944057dc02e231c2b106a0bc68bf0f47fd.mp4

>>61199 Failing NY Times hit piece: One QAnon believer's journey through faith and loss

>>61201 Putin Tells Metals Giant to Pay for Full Cleanup After Arctic Spill

>>61202 National Review: The Protest Loophole re. social distancing

>>61203 Large Turnout Expected at Several Demonstrations Saturday

>>61207 #12145

(36 notables, 45 posts, 45 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171743

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9490113 Q Research #12146: Operators active. Pray. Edition

Created 052029ZJUN20



>>61208 EYES ON: Philadelphia police alert public after 14 large, explosive gas canisters stolen in Frankford

>>61209 Esper orders remaining active-duty troops to leave DC area

>>61210, >>61227, >>61237 Bellevue police officer placed on administrative leave for social media posts

>>61211 Google delays the latest Android 11 beta release

>>61212, >>61218, >>61236 Longtime leftist @shaunking twat: Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now

>>61213, >>61231 Pentagon disarms guardsmen in D.C., in signal of de-escalation

>>61214 Iran Nuclear Ageement: UN Watchdog Says Tehran In Violation With Uranium Stockpile Heading Toward 2 Tons

>>61215 The DC Mayor doesn't want to house troops in her city's hotels. Want to stick it to her? OFFER TO HOST THEM IN YOUR HOMES.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c9c191e11956b19a29d6e4d05e0f16b5cee39493efcebedc9cafe272a22f7b33.mp4

>>61216 Twitter Removes Trump Campaign’s George Floyd Tribute

>>61217 Sec Pompeo: Our Fight Against ISIS Continues

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EYA7BBxJsKM - Our Fight Against ISIS Continues [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>61219 Four Florida Men Charged for Their Roles in a $54 Million Compound Pharmacy Kickback Scheme

>>61220 Rich Higgins, Unconstrained Analytics: Uphill Battle Against the Deep State

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KSaVB20w4bQ - Rich Higgins: Uphill Battle Against the Deep State [Channel: Unconstrained Analytics]

>>61221, >>61226 @elonmusk twat: I'm actually a socialist (greatest good for all)

>>61222 Alexandria, VA police in 'barricade situation' after being fired on in domestic dispute

>>61223 Former Baltimore mayor on Fox talking about protests: Educate police, don't de-fund

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=L8dinYQCBdo - CWallace 6 5 2020 [Channel: RightNow]

>>61224 Democrat Senators Kneel During Moment of Silence for George Floyd

>>61225, >>61239 planefaggin

>>61228 CBS Demands White People Admit 'Privilege,' 'Stop Denying Their Racism'

>>61229 Stockton, CA police say a man was arrested Saturday as a suspect in the death of his 7-year-old daughter

>>61230 Google Announces $37 Million Donation to Anti-Racism Groups

>>61232 Twat: Quarantine only for law-abiding citizens

>>61233 Renoting: 57-Member Buffalo Police Team Resigns Over Officers’ Suspension

>>61234, >>61246 Failing NY Times writer describes 'civil war' within company, between 'safetyism' and 'free speech'

>>61235 Microsoft 'to replace journalists with robots'

>>61238 More combat power headed to Pacific as China threat a concern

>>61240, >>61248, >>61249 Former FBI "lawyer" Lisa Page headed to work at NBC & MSDNC

>>61241 Google Pulls Popular Indian App That Claimed to Remove Chinese Software

>>61242, >>61243, >>61244, >>61245 In Rare Statement, Soros Denies Paying Protesters To Riot

>>61247 "Corona" and "virus" in Captain America movie image from 2011

>>61250 Open Society (Soros) Statement on the Death of George Floyd and the Right to Protest

>>61251 Funded By Kevin Durant, Founded By Ex-Google Engineers: Meet The Drone Startup Scoring Millions In Government Surveillance Contracts

>>61252 American Thinker: Crime is the new black entitlement

>>61253 #12145

>>61254 #12146

(34 notables, 47 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171744

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9490888 Q Research General #12147: [Lisa Page] Edition

Created 052125ZJUN20



>>61255, >>61256 On Lisa Page's gig on MSDNC: Nat Sec & Legal Analyst

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a51162399dcc4a52bb11e5caff94ef4f3018816d7e3c704e9eca183a16473def.mp4

>>61257, >>61260, >>61268, >>61269, >>61278 Diggz on Herridge & reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P_DnSe2h1ps - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61258 Owner of Chef's restaurant in Buffalo stands by the police officers

>>61259 Huawei locked out of Australia by the 2 largest telecom co's

>>61261 Minneapolis mayor wants bailout of $55m for riot repair

>>61262 Twitter poll to flip - Hussein vs Trump

>>61263 Gateway Pundit exclusive: Llancet HCQ study a complete fraud

>>61264 Anon on sleeper traitors in the military. Must be DS last resort

>>61265 George Floyd protesters hit the streets of ritzy Hamptons town

>>61266, >>61280 Videos: Lou Dobbs on the Insurrection Act & PRAY for POTUS

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=L8dinYQCBdo - CWallace 6 5 2020 [Channel: RightNow]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a72J76HU-MY - R Jefferies urges prayer for POTUS [Channel: RightNow]

>>61267 Planefag Reports

>>61270, >>61272, >>61276 On the Buffalo police officers resigning

>>61271 Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian on Friday announced his resignation

>>61273 McCann family spokesman: ID of German suspect 'feels more significant'

>>61274 3 Chinese sentenced to prison for taking photographs of a US navy base

>>61275 France kills head of Al Qeada in North Africa

>>61277 ---———————————--——– Have faith in Humanity

>>61279 Live stream: Muslims for George Floyd

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8k5MOi-bGaU - LIVE in Minneapolis: Muslims for George Floyd [Channel: Unicorn Riot]

>>61281 #12147,

(19 notables, 27 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>61277

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171745

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9491563 Q Research General #12148: Have Faith In HumanityEdition

Created 052215ZJUN20



>>61282, >>61288 Walmart Pledges $100 Million to Fight ‘Systemic Racism’

>>61283 DJT Jr tweets re Lisa Page at NSDNC

>>61284, >>61306 Sibel Edmonds - Phases of a Coup

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iHmzOzpCSeo - The Coup Enters Phase 3: Co-opted Generals & Insiders [Channel: Newsbud]

>>61285, >>61291, >>61298, >>61303, >>61305, >>61307 Protests Updates & News

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9lV-hfphiHA

>>61286 Cuomo believes DA looking at possible criminal charges over Buffalo Police

>>61287 Protestors in Mexico throw bricks at the US Embassy

>>61289 Diggz on Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, underlined by Herridge

>>61290, >>61292, >>61297, >>61304, >>61308 Anthony Coates Dig Cont.

>>61293 Diggz on Amazon Redlands fire

>>61294 Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. sold by Branson: $188.32m-June 2 & 5

>>61295 St Louis police release video of 7 persons of interest in death of David Dorn

>>61296 Chicago Mayor begs Walmart, other looted retailers not to abandon city

>>61299 Obama comms? 17 instances of HOPE & CHANGE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uSVFkCg738s - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61300, >>61302 Kathleen Kavalec Diggz

>>61301 God Bless President Trump

>>61309, >>61310, >>61311 ---———————————--——– Attempt [another] to remove WH protection (Cap: )

>>61312 #12148

(17 notables, 31 posts, 37 media/files)

Q- >>61309

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171746

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9492357 Q Research General #12149: God Bless President Trump . WRWY Edition

Created 052304ZJUN20




>>61313 National Guard in Providence RI despite Dem Gov

>>61314 Redacted draft of Hussein's speech to UN GA about Chris Stevens & Benghazi

>>61315, >>61320 More Kathleen Kavalec diggz

>>61316 GEN James C. McConville @ArmyChiefStaff calls for army to make 'squads'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e91b59d620367d9cad8f4519271fa90f2602137ae57d99873fe6f20435717de0.mp4

>>61317 Protests Updates & News

>>61318 Q: What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU

>>61319 Fresh DJT re Mayor Bowser

>>61321 Richlands bombmaker is incel with 'hot cheerleader' hitlist

>>61322, >>61324, >>61325 List Of military elite purged and fired under Obama

>>61323, >>61327 They’re going after Graham

>>61326 @RichardGrenell twat RE Lisa Page/MSDNC gig: "Is she getting a work phone?

>>61328, >>61329 Planefag Reports

>>61330 Dig on Lisa Page's husband Joseph Burrow

>>61331 #12149

(14 notables, 19 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171747

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9493429 Q Research General #12150: Flak Indicates Over Target Edition

Created 060014ZJUN20




>>61332, >>61341 Criminals defacing our nation's capital

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/229a29f80e5159edf486b8e92d612267878316fc3f89cf12a7b779d3dd2cccc9.mp4

>>61333, >>61335 Sessions and Omar are having a row on twitter

>>61334, >>61338 More on the protest attacks on the US Embassy in Mexico

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/64ca0f494362bbe09df0eb856111b43e707cbc052a1bc0e4c0e669bc54117572.mp4

>>61336 Planefag Reports

>>61337 NY appeals court orders molotov cocktail lawyers back to jail

>>61339 NG members look for place to stay after DC Mayor kicks them out of hotel

>>61340 Former Beavercreek police, D.A.R.E. officer indicted

>>61342 Antifa: International Brownshirts and Soldiers of the European and American Left

>>61343 Seattle mayor, police chief agree to ban use of tear gas

>>61344 Gates dismisses ‘bizarre’ Covid-19 conspiracy theories

>>61345 On the Reddit co-founder's resignation, asks to be replaced by black person

>>61346 PG&E Victims Faced With Holding Stock for Years, Attorney Says

>>61347 Roger Stone Speaks Out -- “Rod Rosenstein Lied to Congress

>>61348, >>61350, >>61351, >>61352 DC Flood WARNING Tonight

>>61349 Black Democrat Slams Riots: ‘This Is Not Protest; It’s Anarchy

>>61353 #12150

(16 notables, 22 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171748

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9494283 Q Research General #12151: Can't Keep Us Down Edition

Created 060058ZJUN20




>>61354 DC Anons: Offer the NG soldiers a place in your house

>>61355, >>61359, >>61360, >>61362 Protests Updates & Notables

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a289b5993874522c9dc653759e1943de60c0807a0a40b0f951f00d1f63fd4000.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_XMq6H6p1dU - DC George Floyd Protest (June 5, 2020) [Channel: Kittykat Lounge]

>>61356 Mike Lindell donates MyPillows to NG nembers sleeping on the floor

>>61357 Scavino video: President Trump arrives in Guilford, Maine! #MAGA2020

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a5452cacfd28f6bd80c89ee22337167e3e4b24ec4dfc4547e77cc82501f5fae.mp4

>>61358 6 busloads of soldiers dropped off near the White House

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3f7527bd80e1f59b9e8d73cacf6ffaee88c86dafbc15c33ebe32a70264b69b01.mp4

>>61361 Derek Chauvin voted in both Minnesota and Florida

>>61363 The DS and how the Cold War, which never actually stopped, started

>>61364 USMC release guidance on the removal of public Confederate battle flags

>>61365 @USArmy: "Full victory -- nothing else"

>>61366 Planefag Reports

>>61367 School districts across the US move to cut contracts with local police

>>61368, >>61371 Fauci: Protests Are ‘Perfect setup for further spread’ of CV

>>61369, >>61372 Last 2 Q drops not showing on qmap.pub or qanon.pub

>>61370 Labor Council to Seattle Police Guild: Confront racism in the ranks or get out

>>61373 Tomorrow is the anniversary of D-Day & the planned march on the White House

>>61374 Buck Sexton: New interview with POTUS

>>61375 Sauce for Gateway Pundit exclusive: Lancet HCQ study a complete fraud

>>61376 Oath Keepers, duty calls. Announcing the launch of Operation Defend America

>>61377 #12151

(19 notables, 24 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171749

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9495037 Q Research General #12152: The Full Victory -- Nothing Else Edition

Created 060149ZJUN20




>>61378 Statement by the President: Today, I have signed into law H.R. 7010, the "Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020"

>>61379 Loop Capital post with some og graphics ICYMI

>>61380 anon on DJT secton 230 and Q post 2653 gets some anons tingly

>>61381 POTUS Remarks at Roundtable supporting America’s commercial fishermen

>>61382 POTUS Remarks at Puritan Medical Products

>>61383, >>61385 new DJT - Crazy! (Mailk Obama rt) w vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13204a3a84a0efc4358c8560864dc7f22aeea4f8920bf31d6fcbce07850ff1a5.mp4

>>61384 Anti-lynching bill held up in Senate by Rand Paul; emotions run high

>>61386 Spreadsheet Updated

>>61387 Alameda County Cali proudly decrees they are highest ranking tyrants with mandatory mask ordinance. wear your fucking mask, except Children under 12....

>>61388 POTUS's Weekend Schedule for Saturday, June 6th and Sunday, June 7th 2020

>>61389, >>61394 Richard Grenell - Swallwell BTFO -once again you push fake news

>>61390 new WH twat = We will vanquish the virus, we will get back to work, and we shall build our glorious future with American hands, American grit, and American pride

>>61391 new WH twat - Facts have been "no barrier" to the mainstream media's planned narrative about the unrest around America, Mollie Hemingway writes

>>61392, >>61393 Boatfag Report

>>61395 #12152

(15 notables, 18 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171750

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9495838 Q Research General #12153: The Path Of The Righteous Meme Edition

Created 060240ZJUN20




>>61396, >>61399 NG Macarena ffs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04d5ddf7f28ebed0aef8b0116ef096e5e833d716d09e230ba53d868207ebf995.mp4

>>61397, >>61401, >>61402 anons say Rhode Island might be getting interesting...

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-j4oCu7fxuE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ceflNt511uE - It’s Going Down! [Channel: The Allen Report]

>>61398, >>61400 Antifa bible/handbook ICYMI

>>61403, >>61404 twatterer says "Oh terrific now the looters in Atlanta have stolen tanks" - w vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2e6f8be6d2e9e7ca000bb8b2d781eccb14755116c19c89dbae396e7966187e4.mp4

>>61405, >>61407, >>61411, >>61412, >>61417 New Dan Scavinos

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de9b2a6ad36aa935cc48bc05d51ef841912f25e696b6e7b7b2c8ac59f7b5f88e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0247f935219259ee62a025d82d293f673558bc1622e65e015be30750ea2b4b10.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d8ceac9ae214b7ef5fa5219a11ed6618942a29d975d0f907d11e0d8a74c8c42e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8cf8ede5a03878b6b744ff44c1106d21d6ecde0e2eb0cbda2eb95c87dbf1a874.mp4

>>61406 A top down visual aid of DC and how mayor of DC is trying to force protest towards white house.

>>61408 NPR - Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic Nominee for President.

>>61409 21 puzzling Questions about the Floyd George Incident - A Wichita cops wife wrote this says anon

>>61410 Blackburn: Lead an insurrection against @realDonaldTrump? No worries, @MSNBC is hiring.

>>61413 choppa faggin

>>61414, >>61415 Antifa threatens Placerville, CA. Says anyone who gets in their way will suffer consequences…The local Hells Angles and Mongols motorcycle gangs have taken Antifa up on their challenge.

>>61416 new DJT - Great new book by @PastorDScott called “Nothing to Lose”

>>61418 #12153

(13 notables, 23 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171751

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9496611 Q Research General #12154: They Live Matters Edition

Created 060333ZJUN20




>>61419 WaPo OpEd - It’s Washington’s D-Day, and the city is under siege by Trump’s forces

>>61420, >>61425 riots and burning post gets evila quads, backed up by list of citys and mayors

>>61421 Covid before Demonstrations (C before D) says anon

>>61422, >>61426 planefaggin, choppa faggin

>>61423 @adamhousley Being told of a serious situation in Santa Clara (San Jose) California with police being surrounded and a call for help - eyes on

>>61424 Sputnik - Naval fleets from 19 countries converge in Baltic for massive NATO war games

>>61427 BLM -Ties to the Freedom Road Socialist Organization

>>61428 #12154

(8 notables, 10 posts, 9 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171752

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9497369 Q Research General #12155: October surprise(s) being prepped and warmed Edition

Created 060435ZJUN20




>>61429 Another True Patriot speaks out: David Harris Jr.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XHUxb_UDDrI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61430, >>61433, >>61435 Do the 3 red stars on Washington DC's flag represent 3 city states?

>>61431, >>61434 Reminder: Black Eyes Matter

>>61432 Retired congressman Sam Johnson has died

>>61436 A look at what we're up against: How to Be an Antifascist From Your Couch

>>61437, >>61443 Tucker Carlson and Matt Walsh talk about how our children are taught to hate themselves because they're white

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B6ttYYGhG48 - T Carlson w M Walsh 6 5 20 [Channel: RightNow]

>>61438 HHS Announces New Laboratory Data Reporting Guidance for COVID-19 Testing

>>61439 Trump flips script on Biden with one simple tweet

>>61440, >>61441 @MrAndyNgo: "Amelia" J. Shamrowicz was arrested on felony charges of arson, riot & criminal mischief

>>61442 President Donald Trump announced on Friday he will open up a 5,000 square mile conservation area in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of New England to commercial fishing.

>>61444 Molotov thrower Urooj Rahman blames de Blasio for not holding back NYPD amid protests

>>61445 Facebook to start adding state media labels on Russian and Chinese outlets

>>61446 PLEA TO VETS: Remember your oath. Defend the Republic and the Constitution.

>>61447 Attorneys Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman charged in Molotov cocktail attack on NYPD are now back in federal custody

>>61448 @DanScavino: 2.5 million jobs added in May

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74adc1efedc59123d62063e467c7032c499ac2b474fc056e2691b6965e77139b.mp4

>>61449 RV sales and rentals are booming as Americans look for safe ways to get away during the Covid-19 pandemic

>>61450 Kek vid: OMG, what a psychopath Liberalism is a mental disorder!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df3f76556bc9c420720aeadad3bee179e5c7b3a1f5b94c5bb783518b08a56649.mp4

>>61451 #12155

(18 notables, 23 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171753

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9498136 Q Research General #12156: Chill Night Shift Edition

Created 060544ZJUN20




>>61452 DJT "Stunner" - Twat Comms?

>>61453 Another Patriot calling out BLM

>>61454 ZH: Fed just unleashed a Trillion in New Debt

>>61455 ZH: Looters using tactics never seen before

>>61456 'Call the Ball' Steve Doocy non lethal weapon demo

>>61457 ZH: Global Instability and Soaring Deficits similar to 1960s

>>61458, >>61459 Tanks were not stolen, were part of the "set" for a rap video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6bb40503b7395a522620c6091a41a2bc13a8af4d0f1b353fd86714ab438b68e5.mp4

>>61460 French forces kill Al-Qaeda leader

>>61461, >>61463, >>61465 Sidney Powell suggests reading this doc: Economic Rebound Antithetical to Class Warfare Plan

>>61462 Stun Ray will blind you into submission

>>61464, >>61466 'Attack and Dethrone God' trending on Twatter

>>61467 'Peaceful' Protestors harassing black man

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d6e9b8631adcd4c871cf79d858f6f07b42aef22649e8f6ac8391ed42cf3a1cc3.mp4

>>61468 Musk Twat: 'This will probably get me into trouble, but I feel I have to say it'

>>61469 Active Denial System: Non-lethal, directed-energy weapon system

>>61470 #12156,

(15 notables, 19 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171754

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9498857 Q Research General #12157: for D-Day Edition Ready

Created 060715ZJUN20




>>61471 Glass Bottles, Bricks and other items being launched at Police

>>61472 Former Arlington pastor sentenced to 24+ years in fed prison for child exploitation

>>61473 Largest eruption in Yellowstone history covered area the size of New Jersey in volcanic glass

>>61474 CBS Catherine Herridge Twat: Flynn Letters call for declassification of Susan Rice Emails (follow the pen?)

>>61475 Sara Carter: Democrats Frantic that the black vote is leaving their party

>>61476 Retired Chinese Soccer Star Calls For Toppling Communist Party and Establishing New ‘Federal State’ in China

>>61477 Anonymous Twat that started Infiltration of our hashtags

>>61478 Musk Twat: 'I support Jack'

>>61479 D-Day: 'Day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated'

>>61480 Protesters take police reform demands to S.Carolina Capitol

>>61481 Venezuela jails 3 DirecTV executives as US firm cuts service

>>61482 Twats now target Barron Trump on Twitter

>>61483 Hillary Clinton asks appeals court to help her dodge Judicial Watch deposition on emails and Benghazi

>>61484 Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Blasts US District Judge, Blocking Vote by Mail

>>61485 Heather MacDonald: Rioting, Looting, Arson and Violence have become a civilization-destroying pandemic

>>61486 Young Pharaoh on youtube delivering redpills to youth and black America

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qW5-srjuCbg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61487 Michigan man wins case at state Supreme Court to reopen barber shop

>>61488 Politico: Pennsylvania sweats over vote-count fiasco: races remain uncalled because all mail-in ballots have not been counted

>>61489 California governor: Cities should end use of National Guard

>>61490 #12157

(20 notables, 20 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171755

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9499614 Q Research General #12158: Stay Positive, Stay Strong Edition

Created 060951ZJUN20



>>61491 Upside-Down Washington Flag depicted on thousands of DC Voter Guides

>>61492 57 members of Buffalo police riot response team resign after the shoving incident

>>61493 Does George News DDay Twat reference US 10101 Reserve Code?

>>61494 Q Drop Decode; SBHH: Senate Begins Huber Hearing?

>>61495 Anon opines that Attack and Dethrone God is [their] GO code

>>61496 Michigan AG Dana Nessel to feds: Don't call us; we'll call you

>>61497, >>61504 Fugitives arrested in South Carolina for slamming NYPD sergeant with their car

>>61498 CNN Guest proposing abusing White Children in wake of George Floyd's death "White kids don't deserve innocence"

>>61499 Interesting comparisons between Burning of Washington 1814 and now

>>61500 German Antifa Vid showing exactly where they will start their 'rallies' in each town

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H2nuxopo-SA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61501 82-year-old man attacked for holding a Trump Sign, Emotional after receiving call from Don Jr.

>>61502 Florida Supreme Court rejects Assault Weapon Ban/Confiscation amidst riots

>>61503 Bail Organizations targeted by online trolls

>>61505 Rasmussen: Black voter approval for Trump surges over 40%

>>61506 LAPD Rips into Councilwoman over Department Cuts: "We'll Take Care of it at the Ballot Box"

>>61507 Time for Trump Haters to put America First

>>61508 NYC cop car bomber ties to CAIR & Soros

>>61509 #12158

(18 notables, 19 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171756

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9500419 Q Research General #12159: We Shall Fear No Evil Edition

Created 061222ZJUN20



>>61510 ..as I walk through the Valley in the Shadow of Darkness..

>>61511 Anti-Trump GOP group targets president over coronavirus

>>61512 DJT Tweet: "Incredible people. Thank you Maine!"

>>61513, >>61516, >>61518 Archived Sites of the 266 companies that support Antifa BLM,

>>61514, >>61515 The only thing I see melting down here on a daily basis is the shills,

>>61517 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#116 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733,

>>61519, >>61537 Airkeks update,

>>61520 Shining the Light on Ann Sarnoff, new CEO of Warner Brothers.

>>61521 Qanon + halfchan mentioned on Fox & Friends

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e1e9e171d7af7cea7eab42869b1c1a3d22871b8e904ee3bca2dc01557c830403.mp4

>>61522 Qanon Google Trend

>>61523, >>61531, >>61533 Anon clears up legal status in the D.C. National Guard COC,

>>61524 Quiet Sky over D.C. so far

>>61525, >>61527, >>61532, >>61534, >>61535 On the possible meaning of Castle Rock,

>>61526 OPEC+ Agrees to Extend Output Cuts as Cheats Offer Penance

>>61528 Prayer Post

>>61529 Anon post on what an Awakening is

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=N0OLQh0fXtk - QTUVAGROOVE [Channel: ted mann]

>>61530 Denver Police prohibited from using lethal projectiles against Peaceful Protestors

>>61536 1 Million Protestors expected in D.C. today

>>61538 Hannity: Former Obama Official Pays $250K Bail for Woman Who Allegedly Hurled Molotov Cocktail at NYPD

>>61539 #12159

(20 notables, 30 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171757

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9501225 Q Research Genereal #12160: The Grey Area

Created 061345ZJUN20



>>61540 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau met with Resistance at BLM protest

>>61541 ' US conspiracy-mongers, QAnon accounts spread ‘infodemic’ tweets against China, research finds '

>>61542 Biden's protest remarks reportedly is costing him the support of police groups

>>61543, >>61551 America's Comeback,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74adc1efedc59123d62063e467c7032c499ac2b474fc056e2691b6965e77139b.mp4

>>61544 Mad Maxine Waters: Protestors are 'getting results done'

>>61545, >>61560 76 years ago vs today,

>>61546 Obama 2012 Law poised to backfire

>>61547 Greater Baltimore business groups issue renewed call to combat systemic racism

>>61548, >>61549 View of Early Communism in America,

>>61550 Anon does a 1+1 = CASTLE_DARK

>>61552, >>61566 Planewatch

>>61553 Atlantic Council Took Money From Burisma Knowing It Was Dirty Money From Organized Crime

>>61554 Who is Mark Thompson, former CEO of BBC and current CEO of NYT?

>>61555 Manhattan DA Won't Prosecute Curfew Violators, Urges More Protests

>>61556 Al Durka-Durka Leader Killed in North Africa by French

>>61557 #TakeAStand by #TakingTheKnee

>>61558 Dan Bongino Tweet on Obama

>>61559 Hearse carrying George Floyd, NC native, arrives in Hoke County for memorial

>>61561 USArmy Tweet: Today is #DDay

>>61562 Mayor Lori Lightfoot denounces 'Neighbourhood Patrols'

>>61563 Tennessee NG on its way to Washington

>>61564 BC and AD, BCE and CE: What’s the Difference?

>>61565 DJT #DDay Tweet: the Greatest Generation

>>61567, >>61568, >>61569, >>61570 PSA for Twitter & Social Media People. Also, dont' forget to, and, , and,

>>61571 Train tracker for DC area

>>61572 #12160

(26 notables, 33 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171758

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9501971 Q Research Genereal #12161: BWOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP

Created 061459ZJUN20




>>61573, >>61585, >>61586 DC Live Streams:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uWWdlV4WrGg - DC George Floyd Protest (June 6, 2020) [Channel: Kittykat Lounge]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rBYjnT-USjE - LIVE BLACK LIVES MATTER Protest [Channel: THEREALPAX]

>>61574 Biden Formally Clinches Democratic Presidential Nomination

>>61575 Taiwanese City votes Beijing-friendly mayor out of office

>>61576 Cuomo calls on Looters to be charged with 'Burglary 2' and kept in Jail

>>61577 Four poultry executives charged in chicken price fixing plot

>>61578, >>61594 Planewatch,

>>61579 Song performed by Tom Hanks accuser, Sarah Ruth Ashcraft

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sQkfeL_bSrc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61580 Chuck Grassley's #Cornwatch tweet

>>61581 Video: SpaceX Starship test results in massive explosion

>>61582 Bus tracker for arrivals in Washington DC

>>61583 Grassley halts Trump nominees, demands answers on inspector general firings

>>61584 Livestreams of "police brutality" protests WW

>>61587 Indian Authorities uncovered Major Pakistani Espionage Ring

>>61588 D.C. traffic cams down now

>>61589 Child Pornography Ring Is Broken Up in Germany, Police Say

>>61590 On Castling in Chess

>>61591 China formulates plan to roll out vaccine before clinical trials are finished in race against Trump

>>61592 New Scavino Tweet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cb1f7302998f2eee324471db508ea9ba925b1efa825f175eb6253ea734dd28ae.mp4

>>61593 George Kent, Maria Yovanovich emails. Soros' Atlantic Council takes $ from Burisma

>>61595 FBI Vault releases 80 new pages of Hillary emails. EYES ON.

>>61596 #12162

(21 notables, 24 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171759

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9502737 Q Research Genereal #12162: I AM U 2 B Edition

Created 061606ZJUN20



>>61597 [D] Day, Patriots. On the Clock.

>>61598, >>61611 New HRC FBI Mail Digs,

>>61599 The Atlantic compares current U.S. Riots to Riots that were about toppling Dictators

>>61600, >>61601, >>61602 DC Live Streams:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gBxH-3ZBgdM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gBxH-3ZBgdM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gBxH-3ZBgdM

>>61603 Remember Uranium One

>>61604, >>61610, >>61614 Planewatch,

>>61605 New York and California Freed Thousands of Criminals to protect them from the Wuhan Flu. Guess what they're doing during the Riots?

>>61606 Scavino's V22 fly over

>>61607, >>61613, >>61615 (?) 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team swore in as Temporary U.S. Marshals in support of citizens at the Nation's Capital (?),

>>61608 Prosecutors: 2 Buffalo police officers charged with assault

>>61609 Pompeo warns for fraudulent Chinese companies trading on US stock exchanges

>>61612 Global Lawmaker Alliance formed against China's Communist Regime

>>61616 Little dig on Mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey's Wife

>>61617 Secret Military Task Force Prepares to Secure U.S. Capital

>>61618 #12162

(15 notables, 22 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171760

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9503503 Q Research General #12163: Invest In What You Love Edition

Created 061709ZJUN20



>>61619, >>61624, >>61636 Planewatch,

>>61620 DC Live Streams:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gBxH-3ZBgdM

>>61621 Twitter Accounts Tell Protesters all They Need to Know---Direct from the Streets

>>61622 Mayor Muriel Requests withdrawal of all Military & extraordinary Federal Law enforcement in the city

>>61623, >>61629 Stephen Jackson, alleged 'twin' of George Floyd, speaks at rally after police officer charged with murder,

>>61625 New White House Tweet: "Those who fought here.."

>>61626 Malaysia refuses $3 billion Goldmann Sachs offer, claiming they stole more than that.

>>61627 Warroom Operation #ObamaGate #TheyAllKnew

>>61628, >>61632 Continued dig on Jacob Frey, Dai Thao

>>61630 'We’re coming to get you out of the White House'

>>61631 Boatfag Report

>>61633 Without Consulting Trump White House --- Defense Secretary Esper Orders National Guard NOT to Carry Guns or Ammunition in Washington DC

>>61634 New HRC FBI Mail Digs,

>>61635 US corporate media act as ‘mouthpieces of intelligence services’ on foreign policy & national security -- ex-WSJ journalist to RT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=byT7bakMeI4

>>61637 #12163

(15 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171761

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9504265 Q Research General #12164: Lynn, Me Boogie.. Edition

Created 061811ZJUN20



>>61638 German foreign minister to fly to Israel to stop Tel Aviv’s West Bank plans, report says

>>61639 Loop Capital. Very Important.

>>61640 Jamie Dimon Takes the Knee in front of Bank Vault, sparking Outrage

>>61641 Evidence points to CNN and Shaun King guilty of fabricating George Floyd video.

>>61642 Sauce for the 53rd infantry brigade swearing in as US Marshals.

>>61643 Croatia: NGO files charges against police for abusing migrants

>>61644 Breaking911 wipes tweets pre June 4th, flipped sides?

>>61645 Divorce Rate increases 30% in Saudi Arabia, as polygamous husbands are uncovered

>>61646, >>61653, >>61658, >>61663 Planewatch,

>>61647, >>61662, >>61667 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano encourages President Trump to continue his fight on behalf of the “children of light", Prelimenary digs on him are promising

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a28f11cee7ffca9a1f997d2c74c99798aa26dd79008a1a0602600166ab2f545c.pdf

>>61648 EAM loyalists: Nr. 017 released. WHITE CROSS node 3896 size 185

>>61649, >>61651 CBS -> Catherine Herridge Twitter pics since NOV 2019.,

>>61650 Influencing behavior through supercomputers

>>61652 Fake Police Arrested, Allegedly Filming Video to Frame Real Cops as Racist

>>61654, >>61660 ---———————————--——– The Armor of God. Have faith in Humanity. Have faith in Yourself. Have faith in God. The Great Awakening. (Cap: )

>>61655 US Marines order Confederate flag to be removed from public display

>>61656, >>61657 Protesters Throw Molotov Cocktails at U.S. Embassy in Mexico City,

>>61659 Former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, joins Generals Mutiny, agreing with Jim Mattis.

>>61661 If you find this mark on your house, Antifa may have singled it out

>>61664 George Papadopoulos pipes in on current situation with RR, Barr, Durham.

>>61665 Facebook blocking some of its users from posting live content

>>61666 Judge in Jeffrey Epstein grand jury case has ties to those with a stake in outcome

>>61668 FL Supreme Court Strikes Down Anti-'Assault Weapons' Amendment

>>61669, >>61671 Antifa protests reach Rural America,

>>61670 6.5 POTUS COMMS + ++ +++

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4331d93829391caf98dbc657e5d3b3fcc5d329fb9f7c9116fa10dee50d6617e.mp4

>>61672 DC mayor does not have the power to send away National Guard: Attorney

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LtMCD25O3Q0 - DC mayor does not have the power to send away National Guard: Attorney [Channel: Fox News]

>>61673 #12164

(27 notables, 36 posts, 49 media/files)

Q- >>61654

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9efe67 (568) No.171762

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9505036 Q Research General #12165: Love more than Hate Edition

Created 061902ZJUN20



>>61674 Literature on Coup d'etat

>>61675 Archive.org under attack again

>>61676 89 former DOD Officials call out Trump's 'inflammatory' threat

>>61677 Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu’s annexation plans

>>61678 US Launches First Airstrikes Against Taliban Since Ceasefire Ended

>>61679 The DC stream is now streaming

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uWWdlV4WrGg - DC George Floyd Protest (June 6, 2020) [Channel: Kittykat Lounge]

>>61680 Netanyahu, Gantz said to form mini-security cabinet to discuss West Bank annexation, Iran nuclear program

>>61681, >>61682, >>61695, >>61701 Planewatch,

>>61683, >>61685 ---———————————--——– Remember your oath. (Cap: )

>>61684 Anti-Government Protests in Beirut Explode Into Violence

>>61686, >>61687, >>61696, >>61698 CBS Herridge Tweet decoded

>>61688 Colombia's Supreme Court opens another criminal investigation against former President Alvaro Uribe

>>61689, >>61690 Following the Pen of Catherine Herridge leads to UCMJ Articles 2 and 88 re Contempt towards officials,

>>61691, >>61693, >>61697 Secret Service Sniper Equipment spotted near White House,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/82b401b8df7f6b7274de7ca3ff67b3ba3a87cc44120501bbc797bf742710f5bb.mp4

>>61692 Swedish Police Chief: "We stand on the side of the Protestors".

>>61694 1200 Public Health Experts advocate mass gatherings because "White Supremacy" is bigger threat than COVID-19

>>61699, >>61700 ---———————————--——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: )

>>61702 LA Govt Official kicks BLM off porch

>>61703 Street Level Liberals waking up?

>>61704 #12165

(20 notables, 31 posts, 49 media/files)

Q- >>61683, >>61699

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9efe67 (568) No.171763

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9505809 Q Research General #12166: It's Good to be Black! Edition

Created 061949ZJUN20



>>61705 No surprise, Radical leftist AOC supports 'Defund the Police' movement

>>61706 Secret Service 'Special Operations Counter Sniper Team' w/ long duffle bags heading into Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation + Institute building a block north of WH

>>61707 French forces kill al-Qaida’s North African commander

>>61708, >>61709 Hayward: Democrats Embrace the ‘Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0fx1BYwCwCI - Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion [Channel: Klafton]

>>61710 Live: George Floyd's Memorial Service Takes Place In North Carolina | NBC News

>>61711 Military units providing crowd and riot control will be following training and method covered in US Army Field Manual FM 3-19.15

>>61712 Eyes on: Antifa advertising to pay protestors in Lincoln, NE + Omaha, NE - "we want to cause as much chaos and destruction as possible"

>>61713 Prayer to combat witchcraft attack + digs on Carlo Maria Viganò

>>61714 POTUS tweets Nunes interview on OAN re: Rosenstein testimony

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee2e95d022279f5c37a945d2620de44670d6e80f134adc98db9a04ef3ff7fa97.mp4

>>61715 Article on Archbishop Viganò's letter to President Trump (from Q's post)

>>61716 Flashback from 2017: Donors of Anti-Trump "Resistance" Group Revealed (GS)

>>61717 DC traffic cams, Antifa movements, Temporary U.S. Marshalls sworn in and other happenings

>>61718 Report on China's space capabilities

>>61719, >>61721 US Army soldier assigned to the 470th Military Intelligence Brigade + wife and 4 kids MURDERED

>>61720 Provocateurs are already active in Canada. Big turnouts today.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de4b51be1ccc051581cec30b7697f7c4595c93ecaff358fea1d89aee32e8bea4.mp4

>>61722 Defense Secretary Mark Esper Orders National Guard in D.C. to Disarm, Wear Soft Caps Instead of Helmets

>>61723 Ahmadinejad’s Back? Veteran Iranian Politician Reportedly Plans to Run for President Again in 2021

>>61724 All Seattle protesters now eligible for free drive-up COVID-19 testing

>>61725 NBC News: The suspect in Wednesday night's stabbing of a NYPD officer in Brooklyn was recorded saying "Allahu Akbar" 3 times during the incident, the NYPD says.

>>61726 Yellow Jackets being replaced by BLM? Macron Govt Fears Black Lives Matter Protests Could Spread Riots Across France

>>61727 40/60? They lied about all this. What else have they lied about?

>>61728 RE: @robbystarbuck tweeting the NYT article lb, What they are doing is emotional, familial, financial and racial BLACKMAIL.

>>61729 Anon: We need to be monitoring Washington DC Facebook Marketplace for Antifa comms

>>61730 Fake Police Arrested, Allegedly Filming Video to Frame Real Cops as Racist

>>61731 Planefag dig on spoopy plane registered to Vitali Lapko

>>61732, >>61733 ---———————————--——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: )

>>61734 #12166

(27 notables, 30 posts, 36 media/files)

Q- >>61732

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9efe67 (568) No.171764

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9506571 Q Research General #12167: Do You See What Is Happening? Edition

Created 062042ZJUN20



>>61735, >>61754 New Joe M video: MAGA reels

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rcnSolgxPWc - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc68f7c87f0114f4c91198cc71f7ae102dcb838fd42bbf6e919778048a31e844.mp4

>>61736 Anon thinking 5D chess: What if we want the NG unarmed and publicly known so that they are not blamed for something [they] have planned against us?

>>61737, >>61741 Anon: U.S. Marshalls are under DOJ jurisdiction, not DoD

>>61738 Google CEO announced company will donate $37 million to various anti-racism organizations

>>61739 DIG: That site with China’s space capabilities is a treasure trove of other China-related information: Africa, pharmaceuticals, trade, military aspirations, banking…

>>61740 Eyes on: These reporters seem very concerned about the fence around the White House. [Hannah Natanson & Jake Godin]

>>61742, >>61746, >>61748, >>61756, >>61757 PF reports + Wheels Up

>>61743, >>61744 Anons re: possibility of WH being taken as a tactical move + the movie Olympus Has Fallen + Q2961: Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowing your enemy to open the front door?

>>61745 Old article on Mark Esper

>>61747 "UCMJ crackdown: Why Mattis thinks commanders have gone soft on misconduct" (from 2018 -let's see if Mattis sets the same standards for himself? Bring back Court Martials!)

>>61749 Devin Nunes flashes 'as many as 10' criminal referrals to Justice Department

>>61750 India's investigative agency arrests terror funding conspirator in navy espionage racket

>>61751 Colorado Democratic governor violated state's gift rules, ethics commission finds -- accepted a private jet trip, lavish meals

>>61752 New Ben Garrison: Treason - It goes to the very top..

>>61753 Kek, Democratic group compares Trump to Castro and Chávez in new ad

>>61755 Historic pic of disarmed NG in front of the WH

>>61758 #12167

(17 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171765

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9507328 Q Research General #12168: RIP Jared Esquibel Harless Edition

Created 062129ZJUN20



>>61759 anon - Q was not highlighting Esper in article, he was highlighting Ops Command - re pb notable

>>61760 anon says agent provocateur (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99062aaa777b7078b4afee64c37d0c76885a7f12cf70227206b8be05169dfefe.mp4

>>61761, >>61764, >>61765 anon on Catherine Herridge's post. "media arrest" - two words exposed underneath the top page. comms? (it does have other words exposed, fyi)

>>61762 ---———————————--——– CASTLE_ROCK_GODSPEED.png (Flag)

>>61763 Q post 2629 reminder [D] Day, Patriots - Q+

>>61766 Bail Revoked for Attorneys Charged with Molotov Cocktail Attack on NYPD

>>61767, >>61769 planefaggin, choppa faggin

>>61768 Pompeo banner w Emergency #’s given..

>>61770, >>61772 'The Calm Before the Storm' - oan corrspndent w vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6041d68bb25e4cee3f50c1136a10b3b65c6b17a6b4b6596cc7fd1563aeec89a2.mp4

>>61771, >>61773, >>61774 WORKING BOMB found at NYC 77th precinct

>>61775 #12168

(11 notables, 17 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>61762

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9efe67 (568) No.171766

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9508104 Q Research General #12169: CASTLE_ROCK_GODSPEED Edition

Created 062205ZJUN20



>>61776, >>61777, >>61785, >>61786 Buffalo "old man" unmasked-soc media

>>61778, >>61791, >>61800 planefaggin

>>61779, >>61783, >>61784, >>61789 EAM chatter

>>61780, >>61781, >>61787, >>61792, >>61793, >>61794, >>61796, >>61797 "The first arrest will shock the World" chatter

>>61782 anon - Q was not highlighting Esper in article, he was highlighting Ops Command - re pb notable

>>61788 Trump shatters personal Twitter record: 200 tweets and retweets within 24 hours

>>61790, >>61795 ---———————————--——– REAL PEOPLE TALK (Cap + Vid )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a0d40a2fd9e64d7b0e198c9dc30730dd9d964ab483ca67ff52c6c65b3992679.mp4

>>61798, >>61804 LIVE STREAMS Update

>>61799 Transcription of the video to add with cap.

>>61801 DC Traffic cam app has crashed or is taken offline. need confirms next bread

>>61802 new DJT -Wow! 96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party (and I believe this was before the “GREAT” Jobs Numbers yesterday). Thank you!

>>61803 Taller White House Fence Planned During [Hussain] Occupation

>>61805 #12169

(13 notables, 30 posts, 28 media/files)

Q- >>61790

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9efe67 (568) No.171767

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9508865 Q Research General #12170: REAL PEOPLE TALK Edition

Created 062242ZJUN20



>>61806 ---———————————--——– Q post 2629 reminder [D] Day, Patriots - Q+

>>61807 front of WH live shot-thehill

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RlENL6tWqKk - Massive crowd of protesters gather at Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House [Channel: The Hill]

>>61808, >>61811 planefaggin

>>61809, >>61818, >>61826 Updated Live Streams

>>61810 Buffalo Officials Duped By Professional Antifa Provocateur -- Arrest and Charge Two Police Officers – Righteous Police Team Stand Together and Walk Out

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9CubkyIzygQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61812 New DJT - LAW & ORDER

>>61813 DA declines to prosecute man arrested in St. Patrick’s Cathedral vandalism-nypost

>>61814, >>61822 Q #4432 and 22 -Defense Secretary Mark Esper Orders National Guard in D.C. to Disarm, Wear Soft Caps Instead of Helmets-breitbart

>>61815 Fox News Mocked As 'Attack and Dethrone God' Warning Goes Viral on Twitter-sputnik

>>61816, >>61817 The Mail-in voting argument is over

>>61819 D-Day -the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect.

>>61820 anon - CNN says "George Floyd's brother to testify before congress on Wed"

>>61823 twatterer - NYPD sources telling me the savages now have stolen police radios and are causing chaos.

>>61824, >>61828 NYC protest organizer threatens to take violence to Diamond District: 'Gasoline … is awfully cheap'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cec52b35331b2b1403df89519a7b4adc97ad21b41a25e8e02eefeccca1cefe6c.mp4

>>61825 Rowing coach posed as 16-year-old girl to get boys to expose themselves on camera

>>61827 EAM chatter

AUDIO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4db2578a828e9227bdffc6a39bf38f7969485d5ca4024de745b66ad4fb58bcf4.mp3

>>61829 #12170

(17 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>61806

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9efe67 (568) No.171768

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9509628 Q Research General #12171: LAW & ORDER The [D] Day, Patriots - Q+ Edition

Created 062318ZJUN20



>>61830 Bernie Sanders' Adviser: D-Day Largest Antifa Operation in History

>>61831, >>61839 Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's D-Day Message-y/t

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ERvSxq6hDZ0 - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's D-Day Message [Channel: U.S. Army Website Videos]

>>61832 Army intelligence soldier, 38, who was found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage-dailymail.co.uk

>>61833 Seal connection in Q's link?

>>61834, >>61835 What happened to N95 masks California bought for COVID-19 outbreak?-kcra.com June 5

>>61836 BLM protesters graffiti Abraham Lincoln statue in London

>>61837 Then and Now: Police Unions

>>61838 Rally against racism, in support of Black Lives Matter held in Tokyo

>>61840, >>61843 LA Mayor Garcetti Calls His Cops 'Killers.' The 'Killers' Just Sent a Reply to the 'Unstable' Mayor

>>61841 Oregon Governor Praises Protesters While Taking Churches To Court Over Covid Orders

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wybKRzk7OhU - Gov. Brown OKs National Guard for Portland unrest [Channel: KOIN 6]

>>61842 DOD says “Secretary of Defense Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Milley have not “refused” to testify before the HASC as some are reporting."

>>61844 China would lose 95% of ballistic, cruise capability if it signed US nuclear pact, research shows

>>61845 Spreadsheet Updated

>>61846 Twitter Yawns as Celebrities Promote Hate, Violence and yet censors POTUS for "glorifying violence"

>>61847 WINNING: POTUS still has higher approval rating NOW than Hussein had by this time in his presidency

>>61848, >>61849 Police in California respond to 'multiple critical incidents' in Santa Cruz County, suspect in custody

>>61850 Watch as Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is Booed Out of BLM Protest to Chants of ‘Go Home, Jacob, Go Home!’

>>61851 #12171,

(18 notables, 22 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171769

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9510378 Q Research General #12172: [D] Day Edition

Created 062358ZJUN20



>>61852, >>61853, >>61859, >>61860, >>61863, >>61866, >>61867 Floyd Poster on Obama Foundation twatter May 17th - Floyd died May 25th; Anons offer explanation

>>61854 Have you seen Ilhan Omar's MN Congressional District? (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eb8cacf0f8b06ad1b4bf5ad93999aa6bbbaa83f8289d307e3acca67edd613671.mp4

>>61855 Antifa rioters are the tech economy's college discards

>>61856, >>61858 Propagandist flyers being shoved through doors in Nantucket Mass tonight, source unknown & in Colorado too

>>61857 Floyd's brother to testify in front of House Judiciary Committee hearing on police brutality

>>61861 Reminder: probable arsenal for Antifa was found in an LA mansion, last year

>>61862 Second suspect arrested in murder of sleeping teenager

>>61864 Florida pedo arrested

>>61865 ---———————————--——– Reconcile. (Cap: )

>>61868 #12172

(10 notables, 17 posts, 15 media/files)

Q- >>61865

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9efe67 (568) No.171770

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9511097 Q Research General #12173: Trolling Is Fun? Edition

Created 070037ZJUN20



>>61869, >>61873 rt ---———————— def visit_twitter_and_log_in

>>61870, >>61872, >>61874, >>61881, >>61882, >>61883, >>61885, >>61886, >>61887, >>61894 Anons on the GF/Obama Foundation tweet image + code posted by Q

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/510ebbe525f7cdfc60df6d045f1029a132ecbcad79a0552249ae09b97da2248e.mp4

>>61871 @USMC: Bring Me The Horizon

>>61875 ---———————————--——– Reconcile. (Cap: )

>>61876 ---———————————--——– Not all posts are meant for Anons.

>>61877 Anon finds source of Q's twitter image code

>>61878 Flip this poll

>>61879 Camp Lejeune, Home of Marine Expeditionary Forces in Readiness, and the largest Marine Corps Base on the East Coast, linked in @USMC tweet

>>61880 ---———————————--——– WH tweet - Nunes interview on OAN re: Rosenstein testimony

>>61884 PF report: Los Angeles LEO activity

>>61888, >>61891 Did the Obama Foundation create the Floyd image, and then get the ball rolling with flyers, protest art (marketing)?

>>61889 Follow the pen: RR testified 6/3 " I did not suggest or hint at secretly recording President Trump." denied suggesting 25th Amendment be invoked, McCabe/Page contradict

>>61890 Moar on SEAL connections

>>61892, >>61893 LIVE: George Floyd Protest Streams, Videos, Info (Sorted Alphabetically by Location)

>>61895 #12171

(15 notables, 27 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>61873, >>61876, >>61880

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9efe67 (568) No.171771

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9511904 Q Research General #12174: Watch Nunes Edition

Created 070121ZJUN20



>>61896, >>61901 2017: Leaked IRS tax returns show Soros wired $1.7M to Antifa

>>61897, >>61898, >>61900, >>61904, >>61909 Anons on the OF tweet image I

>>61899 For keks: Wokeness intensifies…

>>61902 #12171

>>61903, >>61906, >>61907 Barrick Gold Corp diggz

>>61905 Minneapolis Mayor Frey forced to leave protest for refusing to defund police

>>61908 Are States Going To Prosecute Their Rioters? It Depends

>>61910, >>61920, >>61923, >>61926, >>61927 Anons on the OF tweet image II

>>61911, >>61912, >>61917, >>61919, >>61928 Protest Notables

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ac039925edc00190327e8076185ec71454b8ed663d72088e3e64ef7b31c4673.mp4

>>61913, >>61924 Orgs Funded By George Soros

>>61914 Castle Rock in Colorado Springs: 7 military bases in area

>>61915 McCabe Memo details how DOJ’s Rosenstein proposed wearing a wire

>>61916 Cuomo shielded largest donor involved in elderly care from CV lawsuits

>>61918, >>61921 Planefag Reports

>>61922 Antifa demands George Soros pay the money he owes them

>>61925 DC Live Streams:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mptf3uXiAig - DC Protests Continue Into The Night [Channel: WUSA9]

>>61929 #12174

(17 notables, 34 posts, 52 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171772

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9512592 Q Research General #12175: Not All Posts Are Meant For Anons Edition

Created 070200ZJUN20




>>61930 George Floyd's real surname is Perry

>>61931 DC Live Streams:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Rod-EUezCU0 - MASSIVE LIVE PROTEST IN WASHINGTON DC LIVE [Channel: Moshpxt]

>>61932, >>61934, >>61944, >>61955, >>61958, >>61960, >>61964 On the OF tweet image

>>61933, >>61947, >>61949, >>61954 Protest Notables

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eb8cacf0f8b06ad1b4bf5ad93999aa6bbbaa83f8289d307e3acca67edd613671.mp4

>>61935 Video of Barack Obama being a hypocrite about looting (re Freddie Gray 2015)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d800b01252ebde22f1bf113e67e94a7215d6feacab0b665cf83399cf9449ceb0.mp4

>>61936, >>61942, >>61943, >>61951, >>61952, >>61953, >>61966 Planefag Updates

>>61937, >>61938 Fresh DJT

>>61939, >>61961 9 c130's in convoy over oklahoma -OUTLAWS

>>61940 RR said he didn’t discuss the 25th amendment. Per this Q, he’s lying

>>61941, >>61945 Sean Davis and Mara Liasson twitter spat over Antifa

>>61946 Dan Dicks assaulted then ARRESTED after being attacked by group

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h0Gij666izc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61948, >>61959 George W. Bush, Mitt Romney won’t support Trump’s re-election

>>61950 50 State AGs & DOJ are pushing to breakup Google's ad-eech dominance

>>61956 Internet Archive to potentially be sued for Online Public Library

>>61957 @TomFitton: @NPR promotes propaganda for violent communist revolutionaries

>>61962, >>61963 Search TWITTER_PASSWORD?

>>61965 Andy Ngô: D.A. Vance Declines to Prosecute Protest Arrests

>>61967 #12175

(18 notables, 38 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171773

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9513375 Q Research General #12176: CNN and MSDNC Fail To Inflame Edition

Created 070250ZJUN20




>>61968, >>61970, >>61971 On the OF tweet image

>>61969 Kneeling Protesters Told to Recite: ‘Revolution Is the Solution, Not Voting!’

>>61972 Seattle live stream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3BtaAc4GGyQ - you can't evict us all! form the park Black Lives Matter ever day all day Seattle protests live [Channel: Erick the dream giver 🎁🎉]

>>61973, >>61975, >>61988 Planefag Reports

>>61974 Antifa tied to the Weather UG, Obama, Hollywood, the Democrat Party and much more

>>61976 Protest at WH drew "tens of thousands", not hoped-for million

>>61977, >>61979, >>61981 At least one Sheriff Deputy dead in Santa Cruz County

>>61978 HRC: "Bring them to heel" Great red pill for blacks, and anybody

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ctbd-77pv5w - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61980, >>61982 DC Live Streams:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B_akR9R8uW0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w3pAe8Zl6lY - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>61983 New docu exposes University of California school as late-term abortion epicenter

>>61984 Where did Antifa go tonight? Told to stand down b/c the left lost the narrative war?

>>61985 ‘It’s a war crime’: Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu's annexation bid

>>61986, >>61987 Donors of anti-Trump resistance group

>>61989 #12176

(14 notables, 22 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171774

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9514151 Q Research General #12177: Where's Antifa? Where's The Million? Edition

Created 070341ZJUN20



>>61990 DC Live Streams:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w3pAe8Zl6lY - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>61991, >>61992, >>61993, >>61994, >>61996, >>61997, >>61999 Protest notables

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72adf8e75266af9dc9cf9c234d7f578616e426185fa331e923b61868322d258e.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c1gWVYL6wTc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>61995 What Dems, their Media and the violent Left did to 3 great American cities in ONE WEEK

>>61998 Crooked Manhattan DA Cy Vance refuses to prosecute protest-related arrests

>>62000 Protesters in Seattle may be doing Seattle a favor

>>62001 Live at the DC fence - not much going on

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B_akR9R8uW0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62002, >>62003 Anons - "dynamic" happens. Both the title and picture on a card can change

>>62004 Pittsburgh man charged with possession of a destructive device

>>62005 #12177

(9 notables, 16 posts, 11 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171775

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9514931 Q Research General #12178: The Quiet Night Edition

Created 070438ZJUN20




>>62006 #STFUHILLARY - kek. left on left beef

>>62007 look back a the first Q posts and riots are mentioned a few times.

>>62008 twatter link - anon says video of a black woman calling out domestic terrorism and praising America and the military.

>>62009 New Air Bases, Baby Cabbage Key to Chinese Long-Term, Doomed To Fail, Claims in South China Sea.

>>62010, >>62011 New Joe M - MAGA news reels

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tFYw892W0fU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62012 Learn your Q[l]ues (not all posts are meant for anons)

>>62013 #12178

(7 notables, 8 posts, 9 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171776

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9515717 Q Research General #12179: The Bread 12179 part 2 Edition

Created 070545ZJUN20




>>62014 US Navy conducts operations in Arabian Gulf

>>62015 FBI Bow down to Antifa and BLM

>>62016 Zero Hedge Article on the economy

>>62017 Acticle on Twitter card changes

(4 notables, 4 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171777

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9516541 Q Research General #12180: Straighening Out the Threads Edition

Created 070734ZJUN20




>>62018 #12179 posted in #12180

>>62019 Bill Maher with the 'Cabal Riot' talking points.( Blaming Qanons)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e12c3459e4cca2503d708bf4f054800d74691252d28880a5cd4e6d7242d9ff29.mp4


>>62021 San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said he’s “embarrassed as a white person”

>>62022 Basim Omar Sabri, owner of Omar Investments owns Club El Nuevo Rodeo where Flolyd & Chauvin worked in Minneapolis MN

>>62023 Being US ally is valuable but COMPLICATED, German FM says after Pentagon reportedly told its troops to pack up (Rt.com)

>>62024 Lena Luthor (Twatt account) Democratic Political Consultant

>>62025 Antifa marches on WH

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rBYjnT-USjE - LIVE BLACK LIVES MATTER Protest [Channel: THEREALPAX]

>>62026, >>62027, >>62028, >>62029, >>62030 Code fag explains dynamic / non-dynamic linking on twatter.

>>62031 CTUL (Twatt) Mayor Frey says he doesn't want to defund the police, is told to leave.

>>62032, >>62033, >>62034 Sheriff Slain in ambush attack Sergeant Damon Gutzwiller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rfXD1I2vlLM - Deputy killed, officers injured after ambush in Santa Cruz California [Channel: ABC7 News Bay Area]

>>62035 #12180

(12 notables, 18 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171778

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9518051 Q Research General #12182: To Whom It Concerns, We're All In This Basket Together Edition

Created 071220ZJUN20



>>62036, >>62038, >>62044 Gen M. Hayden self-identifies as "one of them"

>>62037 Joel Osteen Marches With ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter in Houston

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=m8kjInXXtgA - Joel Osteen Marches With ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter in Houston [Channel: Now The End Begins]

>>62039, >>62042 Sheriff Killer USAF Shooter carillo wife died in 2018 also AF

>>62040 Protesters Topple Confederate Statue in Virginia Capital

>>62041 Police or Military on WH and other rooftops

>>62043 Texas Ranger Statue Removed At Dallas Love Field

>>62045, >>62047, >>62048, >>62060, >>62061, >>62062, >>62064, >>62067 Rioter Reports Antifa and BLM

>>62046 WARROOM OPERATION #ObamaGate #TheyAllKnew

>>62049 Target goes on attack

>>62050 Don’t ever ask or order me to “flatten the curve” and give up my liberties again. I won’t comply. :Brandon Darby

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e3801d1ac4587ad70f518b3eef4b08b06143b5977bfdcf29fc4d1ff913b89de.mp4

>>62051 Small business owner: The looters who broke into my store weren't protesting Floyd death

>>62052 USAMan with serious message to the "defund police" crowd

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ccc61f04a00a5e48096465096190c745f4c19688e562427517593720ae2257b5.mp4

>>62053 Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Cleared For Release In The US

>>62054, >>62066 Presidents Tweets

>>62055 US Mil Tweets

>>62056 They saved me': How protesters protected a lone cop, a moment captured in powerful photos

>>62057 NEW FOLDER - 37 CURATED IMAGES memes dealing with Biden/Ukraine

>>62058 Secretary Pompeo tweets

>>62059 Haaretz joins in the attack "Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews"

>>62063 The black panthers NOT a firm believer in peaceful protests

>>62065, >>62068 Planefag Reports

(21 notables, 33 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171779

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9518822 Q Research General #12183: Getting Back On Track Edition

Created 071346ZJUN20



>>62069 #12182

>>62070, >>62071 DC Riot reports: Massachusetts Trump supporter, 82, ‘violently assaulted’ by motorist, 27, police say and 2 men from Ohio arrested with weapons

>>62072 Federal Reserve Now Zimbabwe-usawatchdog.com

>>62073, >>62074, >>62075, >>62076, >>62084, >>62087, >>62093 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>62077, >>62080 B'nai B'rith Youth Organization Inc.-vid OP (too long to watch but track back to it with these)

>>62078 Georgia Democrat who endorsed Trump slams liberals for 'standing on the shoulders of Black voters'-washexaminer

>>62079 Colin Powell endorses Biden-soc media and vid grab of cnn i'view

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d6b052d10ecfd07afca7190358f4e5bf517a16d96e71ab69b1b2c2e469aca242.mp4

>>62081 Foreign Propagandists Exploit U.S. Unrest over Floyd death-freebeacon.com

>>62082, >>62089 Summary of Candace Owens comments on George Floyd

>>62083 Detroit Father Of 5 ‘Devastated’ After Riots Destroy His Home

>>62085, >>62086, >>62091, >>62094, >>62096, >>62097, >>62098, >>62099 George Floyd, ANTIFA, CAIR & Keith Ellison's Minnesota article by tierneyrealnewsnetwork.com

>>62088 @haaretzcom - '(Trump's) Attacks on ANTIFA are attacks on Jews: Opinion @aripaul - hmmm [smells like soros propganda if youre interested in investigating]

>>62090, >>62092 why the closed casket funerals? anons wonder..

>>62095 Coronavirus Shutdowns Affected Hispanic, Black Employees More than White

>>62100 word play on Husseins kids names gets a nom ALiam AHsatan

>>62101 #12183

(16 notables, 33 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171780

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9519587 Q Research General #12184: Far fewer protesters showed up last night than anticipated! Edition

Created 071511ZJUN20



>>62102, >>62103, >>62105, >>62115 POTUS: Somebody please tell highly overrated Colin Powell.........

>>62104 BLM in Bristol have pulled down a statue of Edward Colston.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/25ab113a9dab33d142383943f794f4493006986142bb26760675ce99da336c56.mp4

>>62106 In case you missed it: Trump signed an executive order Thursday that grants emergency powers to government agencies to fast-track and expedite the permitting process for infrastructure and energy projects.

>>62107, >>62113, >>62120 planefaggin

>>62108 Bill Barr on "(De)Face the Nation" - full transcipt

>>62109 protesters have gathered outside the US embassy in south London to protest police brutality

>>62110 Potus: ER Declaration for LA, storm about to hit/Cristobal

>>62111 twat protest vids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/125b67d0b49eedef21e48574e1778f9ed379a6a04c89b106bbe8e836e87ce111.mp4

>>62112 Big habbenings in Taiwan. Gonna make chYna mad./Beijing friendly mayor in recall election

>>62114, >>62116 Floyd medical examiner linked to several suspicious deaths/qresear.ch for moar sauce

>>62117 State Dept. Releases Phone Transcript Of Hillary Admitting She Knew Benghazi Was Planned Attack

>>62118 WWG1WGA WW flags fly!

>>62119 Saudis Seek to Bolster Oil Rally With Price Boost as OPEC+ Cuts

>>62121 #12184

(14 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171781

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9520361 Q Research General #12185: Q Drops Bricks for Anon Wall O' Faith in the Plan Edition

Created 071618ZJUN20



>>62122 @USMC Down, Down, Down

>>62123 MZHemingway on twat

>>62124 #STFUHillary trends

>>62125 Trudeau’s vain, pointless obsession with getting a U.N. Security Council seat

>>62126, >>62127 Pence AF2

>>62128 Trump orders National Guard to withdraw from DC as ‘everything is under perfect control’

>>62129 Crude Production at Libya’s Largest Oil Field Resumes as Months' Long Blockade Lifted

>>62130 Daines Helped Expand Chinese Business as it Fired American Workers

>>62131 President Trump’s Poll Numbers Better than Obama At Same Point in His Presidency Indicating a 2020 Election Win

>>62132 Swedish George Floyd protesters attack police without a reason vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5a2f2688612e16be47e77a1b0a9b9cdf9f739786fc085e246713416782954cbd.mp4

>>62133 Caldwell was “ambushed” by a “couple of people” who jumped out of the bushes in an attempted robbery.

>>62134 Santa Cruz Sheriff’s Deputy Killed In Alleged Ambush By Man With A Stockpile Of Bombs

>>62135 Chinese territorial ambitions cause Philippines to reconsider American presence

>>62136 #TurnTexasBlue, as if!

>>62137 George Floyd protesters in London are now angry about a Chrchill statue, people who defended the statue were sent away by the police

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f3fd245194ab6a2b8b6419607447a43a7ea3a3fae6baf0d5cc60f564377c6a8b.mp4

>>62138 27-Year-Old Leftist Aidan Courtright Arrested After He Body-Slammed an 82-Year-Old

>>62139 Black Lives Matter Plans Armed ‘Peace Officers’ In War On Police

>>62140 #12185

(18 notables, 19 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171782

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9521102 Q Research General #12186: The Enemy Relies On Your Silence, Shout Them Down! Edition

Created 071719ZJUN20



>>62141 “American universities and research laboratories should not be used to contribute to PRC goals of military dominance,” State Dept

>>62142 Protest leader who threatened to burn NYC's Diamond District taken into custody for questioning by NYPD

>>62143, >>62151 Egyptian army enters eastern Libya/needs another souce to stay in the list

>>62144 Chicago Mayor Condemns 'Vigilantism' After Men Are Seen Patrolling Streets Carrying Bats

>>62145, >>62167, >>62172 moar attacks on US soil/BLM/ protests abroad

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a762485c8a65791dfff8f8f7888739032e26e704eac97b3ff74632bfce4702c6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/21d2690811403b92b87cdc5c8237db08aab30268d4cf65ed4181673e44c244ce.mp4

>>62146, >>62149, >>62159 The NY Commie is on it

>>62147 U.S. special operations forces are currently testing and evaluating a specially-designed computerized fire control and rifle sight system vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C41CAAMgnoo - Smart Shooter clip [Channel: SMARTSHOOTER]

>>62148 425 illegal migrants disembark at Maltese port after threatening to blow up vessel

>>62150 Former Acting DNI Richard Grenell: “There Were Red Flags Early On in the Russia Investigation” and the Deep State Classified and Hid Them

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BQBQwWn_8Cw - Ex-Intelligence Dir: Exposing What The Deep State Is | Richard Grenell | POLITICS | Rubin Report [Channel: The Rubin Report]

>>62152, >>62153 United Therapeutics Corporation Files Lawsuit Against Liquidia For Infringement Of Tyvaso Patents

>>62154 The head of a shelter for South Korean victims of Japan's wartime sex slavery was found dead in her home in an apparent suicide

>>62155, >>62160, >>62161 2018 History: Minneapolis City Council Member Cano hires Ilhan Omar’s husband as senior policy aide

>>62156 Police Chief Lays Face Down to Appease Black Lives Matter Protest

>>62157 Greece Releases Footage of Turkish Coastguard Escorting Migrant Boats Towards Greek Islands

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=asy4NecxptU - 4 6 2020 LESVOS [Channel: HellenicCoastguard]

>>62158 Deported Drug Trafficker, Money Launderer Arrested After Illegally Crossing Border into California

>>62162 Trump is forcing them all to crawl out of the woodwork..

>>62163 Nolte: Dr. Fauci Is Either a Liar or a Fraud

>>62164 @EsperDoD Good to see the Big Stick underway again. @USNavy

>>62165 Trump administration orders Marriott to cease Cuba hotel business

>>62166 WHICH IS IT? Democrats demand mail-in voting because they can’t leave their homes due to Covid-19, but now they’re protesting in the streets standing shoulder to shoulder

>>62168 Three Australian men arrested over alleged child abuse in the Philippines - as police rescue 13 children from a horror sex den

>>62169 Israel Strikes Sensitive Targets In Syria. IEDs Explode Near Turkish-Russian Patrol

>>62170 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#116 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733,

>>62171 Two of the Ex-Cops Charged in the Killing of George Floyd Were on the Job for Less Than 4 Days: Lawyers

>>62173 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#117 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733, >>>/comms/15801,

>>62174 #12186

(26 notables, 34 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171783

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9521865 Q Research General #12187: WW WWG1WGA Sunday Edition

Created 071837ZJUN20



>>62175 Graham set to call McCabe, Comey to testify on Steele dossier, FISA warrant

>>62176 New DJT - waiting on vid

>>62177 New DJT - LG has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

>>62178 Foxnews: Democrats are running cities with worst police brutality records

>>62179 Meme folders are updated. full list here

>>62180 @laralogan - Can journalists please ask Keith Ellison, Minnesota AG, about this tweet from his verified account? Why was the tweet it removed? Who did it?

>>62181, >>62184 California Sheriff’s Deputy Killed, Another Injured in Ambush in Northern California -- Suspect Steven Carrillo Was Captured and Charged with Murder.

>>62182 NYC man who threatened to burn down Diamond District charged with ‘making terroristic threats,’ police say

>>62183 Minnesota AG Keith Ellison May Have Just Screwed Up Case Against George Floyd Cops -pjmedia

>>62185 Lindsey Graham, 8 Feb 2020: “Half the people involved in the Russian investigation are going to jail.” - vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4efce2f546bc852162a9b5cd496b31fbb59c8ace85139e372e40185182526cc.mp4

>>62186 BArr interview - Face The Nation today

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8uTU5bhacg0 - Barr says active duty troops should only be deployed within U.S. "as a last resort" [Channel: Face the Nation]

>>62187 Retired Adm. Mike Mullen backs Mattis against Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nEAT6q4uN8A - Retired Adm. Mike Mullen on US military leaders speaking out against Trump [Channel: Fox News]

>>62188 New DJT -Unlike Senator Manchin, Big Jim Justice was very loyal to your favorite President during Pelosi’s Impeachment Scam.

>>62189 New DJT -Congressman Alex Mooney (@MooneyforWV) is a champion for West Virginia!

>>62190, >>62196, >>62198 Bill Barr can't hold in laughter over sending troops to handle Antifa over governor's protest.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b8086f9cd201ead3122682758e916b6af0290a0697879e7d4f3bcca60dee41f4.mp4

>>62191 New DJT -Governor Doug Burgum (@DougForDakota) is doing a phenomenal job leading North Dakota!

>>62192 New DJT -Congressman Mark Amodei (@AmodeiForNevada) is working hard for the incredible people of Nevada!

>>62193 New DJT -Congressman Jeff Van Drew (@VanDrewForNJ) is a Courageous Leader who defended me against Pelosi’s Impeachment Scam

>>62194 New DJT -.@RonnyJackson4TX is a spectacular man. An Admiral in the Navy, he is a brave and loyal Warrior who loves our Military and Vets.

>>62195 Video posted of LAPD officers outraged over proposed cuts following protests addressing LA City Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d5ed23fd979937c0f871d45c553f27d7d2b24c335389ce174ebf7de739777498.mp4

>>62197, >>62200 GoFundMe suspends Candice Owens - platform powers once again rear their ugly heads

>>62199 Bunch of planes coming out of Area 51 tonight.

>>62201 Minneapolis Cop Charged In George Floyd’s Murder Was Hired Despite Having A Criminal Record With 7 Convictions

>>62202 lb - Barr transcript - Face The Nation

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bbd17a516c419225f2a9bbe45971b6f1644fd4ec91c98f7254e484fce25e7be2.pdf

>>62203, >>62205 more planefaggin and choppafaggin

>>62204 New DJT -@RonnyJackson4TX is a spectacular man. An Admiral in the Navy,

>>62206 (Lb) - anon - This was set up almost exactly like the Ukraine coup, but DJT was many steps ahead.

>>62207 #12187

(28 notables, 33 posts, 44 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171784

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9522695 Q Research General #12188: Chillin At Club Bread Edition

Created 071957ZJUN20



>>62208 De Blasio plans to partially DEFUND NYPD, use money for youth and social services

>>62209 Nearly 300 New York City officers have been injured amid protests, police say

>>62210 (Lb) - anon - This was set up almost exactly like the Ukraine coup, but DJT was many steps ahead.

>>62211 Nunes flashes as many as 10 criminal referrals to Justice Dept - washington examiner

>>62212 lb - Barr transcript - Face The Nation

>>62213 Weekly Economic release schedule and FOMC Preview - for 'teh marketfags'

>>62214 Reddit post honoring dead wife of Travis AFB Sergeant arrested for murder of LEO was posted prior to the killing - according to anon

>>62215 planefaggin

>>62216, >>62219 Evacuations in place as crews battle 1,400-acre fire in Solano County, CA and fire choppa faggin

>>62217 New DJT - If Biden had any passion or respect for law enforcement, he kept it well hidden in his Philadelphia address. He criticized cops far more than he did arsonists & looters. Michael Goodwin, @nypost

>>62218 Sunday Talks -- Senator Lindsey Graham Discusses Rod Rosenstein Testimony – Someone is Blocking FBI Agents From Testifying…

>>62220 New DJT -Opinion Editor at @nytimes just walked out. That’s right, he quit over the excellent Op-Ed penned by our great Senator @TomCottonAR. TRANSPARENCY!

>>62221 for keks -This is how they deal with wannabe commie antifa in Russia

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc70e33af05f4567e6c0994e64a0605ccab10f2ac369b342952e1bea9c8f7129.mp4

>>62222 #12188

(14 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171785

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9523455 Q Research General #12189: Know Justice Edition

Created 072109ZJUN20



>>62223 Kayleigh -@FaceTheNation face the facts: Esper and Barr BOTH AGREE that the Insurrection Act can be used as last resort. CBS did not air @EsperDoD's full statement.

>>62224, >>62225 Police brutality is abhorrent, but #PsyOpBob played no innocent roll. Everybody there knew he wanted to cause trouble, and was calling him out.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32e19cd58cf8fa18569ad217bc1fc614ac093b38c4149e84a1f1056920d530af.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99062aaa777b7078b4afee64c37d0c76885a7f12cf70227206b8be05169dfefe.mp4

>>62226, >>62243 pb 269 Companies Supporting ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter -- Just In Case You Want To Know Who Wants You Dead & Overturn The Culture

>>62227 planefaggin Geffen

>>62228, >>62232 NYT Editorial Page Head Quits After Internal Revolt Over Tom Cotton Op-Ed

>>62229 DIGG: Insurgency takes ARMED forces on BOTH SIDES Q 4352

>>62230 Huawei Founder Said the Company Entered 'State of War', Media Claims

>>62231 You'll never guess who wrote the book on insurgency and counter-insurgency. Mattis Patreus. (pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/21d1e63790b90d1ba22218475eda151071b84138934ef49c661097765e7d92f8.pdf

>>62233, >>62234 Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals Can Be Used by Patriots Against the Cabal

>>62235 RNC and Trump Campaign Plan to Resume In-Person Campaigning Next Week

>>62236 Fox News October 26, 2019 -Arthel: Growing concerns among U.S. businesses over China's revised cyber security rules which demand all foreign companies doing business in China to stop encrypting our data which would give Beijing full access to intellectual property and raises privacy concerns.

>>62237 UASAF twat - Always a #ReadyAF

>>62238 @AdonisAlbright #BREAKING on @OANN: Minneapolis' City council expected to announce they will commit to disbanding city's police department.

>>62239, >>62240 Michael Baden (autopsy guy) post/dig

>>62241 Minneapolis City Council to Announce Commitment to Disbanding City’s Police Department

>>62242, >>62244 Russian billionare Abramovich buys Munch's 'The Scream' for $120 mln

>>62245 Half of universities could shut down

>>62246 anons says What happened with the tattoo? re George Floyd - has two pics - you decide/debunk

>>62247 New DJT -I built the greatest economy in the World, the best the U.S. has ever had. I am doing it again!

>>62248 #12189

(20 notables, 26 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171786

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9524230 Q Research General #12190: Minneapolis City council says Fuck The Police Edition

Created 072216ZJUN20



>>62249, >>62251, >>62255, >>62277, >>62280 BLM Antifa Terror Reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2u2cYA48Lbw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62250 Capitol Police preventing protesters from Capitol building.

>>62252, >>62253, >>62257, >>62283 Bad Guy Reports

>>62254 Stormfag Reports

>>62256, >>62261 Planefag Reports

>>62258 Donald Trump Jr. Tweets

>>62259, >>62263, >>62265 When the black Americans find out the truth about Haiti...

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f67799d3facb441b1215369a325ec497d690b84e739684c7c6f187010ee3e09e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/342bd8e02e9dc976201b612b30eecfce4872d4931c0593ba3adbd72bc591ba8a.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S3_S23KlMMk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62260 Chinese virus reports

>>62262 DOJ want Andrew

>>62264 Michael Baden Autopsy Man of The bad guys

>>62266 California officer arrested on suspicion of teen sex assault

>>62267 PROVERBS 4:10-13 (NLT)

>>62268 General Flynn Reports

>>62269, >>62279, >>62282 Q Drop Decodes /Notes

>>62270 Justin Amash has a list of demands from BLM

>>62271 Ambush on Sheriff More notes

>>62272 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>62273, >>62275 Financefag Reports

>>62274 NYPD releases footage of cop being stabbed during unprovoked Brooklyn attack

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-J-HaScoKIk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62276 The owner of the club George Floyd worked for was Maya Santamaria. Her mother attended the University of Hawaii at the same time as Obama's mom.

>>62278 Boatfag Reports

>>62281, >>62284 INCORRECT FROM PB, It's a DIFFERENT Stephan Cannon: St. Louis Police have arrested and charged 24-Year-Old Stephan Cannon with the Murder of David Dorn

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qNyFLOWEvbM - Watch: Police release video of 'persons of interest' in fatal shooting of retired police captain [Channel: KSDK News]

>>62285 #12189

(23 notables, 37 posts, 45 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171787

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9525023 Q Research General #12191: Antifa/BLM List of Demands Edition

Created 072314ZJUN20



>>62286 Disgusting. Romney is a sore loser and bitter that he lost. He is the ultimate marshmallow manlette. No backbone.

>>62287, >>62289 $5,000 REWARD for info leading to the positive identification/arrest of a man who set fire to St. Paul businesses.

>>62288 Man charged with murder of retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn

>>62290 @TomCottonAR: I haven't seen this much turmoil at @nytimes since they published a defense of pedophilia. The staff were very upset, multiple resignations, editors' notes, etc. Just kidding, apparently not a single member of the @nytimes woke mob cared.

>>62291, >>62302 #12190, #12191

>>62292 Shocking Truths About What Protests Cost You

>>62293 Infiltration time boys Anons we need eyes on these chats (nom)

>>62294 Maya Santamaria digg, con't

>>62295 Patton Oswalt retweet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ec24a16c4752359fb48e0715d3b951696dc8be3c70ce418406ce08ce95cdd28.mp4

>>62296 Tom Arnold played a pedophile in "Gardens of the night"

>>62297, >>62300 Dig on Cup Foods (where Floyd passed the fake bill)

>>62298 List of Cities/Orgs re riots

>>62299 Rogan O’Handley: Reminder that it's DEM country where Floyd was killed

>>62301 Looters move on to bank robbery

(14 notables, 17 posts, 14 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171788

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9525761 Q Research General #12192: Lions and Tigers and Breads, oh MY!! Edition

Created 080009ZJUN20



>>62303 CIA asset Jeff Bezos Scolds Amazon Customer for Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

>>62304 London police is not allowed to wear helmets, because of it might signal aggression

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3ae44ac8c2bbff2e5bfd1a0b8e438215a768292e7801d5c98354509b8fb0bfc.mp4

>>62305 Speedway declares race a 'protest' to skirt coronavirus rules, draws 2,000

>>62306, >>62309 Marines instagram: Watch your step

>>62307 Donna Carpenter, CEO of Burton DIGG, con't.

>>62308 Federal Appeals Court Rules Pandemic No Reason to Force All Texans to Vote by Mail

>>62310, >>62311 BLM & Hypocrisy video: Based Indian guy rant regarding protests, Obama, Biden, legal slaves Libya, China, etc

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2u2cYA48Lbw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fab731f028b94e0e4d55d8646622e200db715febda0a031b65ff095f36de763c.mp4

>>62312 New court filing in Avanatti case, probably going back to jail for potential violations of his conditions of temporary release

>>62313 Man found fatally shot in car abandoned off 5 Freeway in Irvine

>>62314 Anon asks why POTUS retweeted JT Lewis 4 times today. Sandy Hook connection?

>>62315 @TomFitton: The military is mostly run by Obama-certified General Officers. @RealDonaldTrump needs to do a thorough house-cleaning.

>>62316 Flashback from 2014 when NY Times claimed pedophilia is a disorder not a crime. Where was the outrage then?

>>62317 #12192

(13 notables, 15 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171789

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9526543 Q Research General #12193: Nasim > Karen Edition

Created 080112ZJUN20



>>62318 Flip this FoxPOLL: Should police in Virginia, D.C. and Maryland be defunded?

>>62319 @JGilliam_SEAL (former Navy Seal + FBI Agent): BREAKING - sources reporting that #NYPD Commissioner and Chief Of Department are resigning & 300-800 officers are retiring immediately.

>>62320, >>62324, >>62326 DoD posts an image of an owl on instagram. Comms?

>>62321 Tampa police charge woman for inciting rock-throwing during Tampa unrest

>>62322 Potential FF distraction target in the area: Bristol Motor Speedway, September race. Ballots may be ready for theft. Especially w/NASCAR pressing ahead of WHO recommendations. Target rich environment.

>>62323 A Digital Dragnet to Stop Antifa

>>62325, >>62327, >>62333, >>62334 Reports of explosion in D.C. north of WH around 9:27pm

>>62328 NYPD Chief of Transportation William Morris succumbs to coronavirus at the age of 61

>>62329 FLASHBACK 1989: Joe Biden Criticized George H.W. Bush For Not Putting Enough ‘Violent Thugs’ In Prison

>>62330, >>62331 Tropical storm #Cristobal strikes US with landfall in #Louisiana, tornado in #Florida

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/95f6d74ee3f0ce1cc5f59c55ae7431c3ff9b67adc309998a9544f2ca80eb5df2.mp4

>>62332 POTUS Schedule for Monday, June 8, 2020

>>62335 Bill DeBlasio's daughter naked on NYC subway

>>62336, >>62339 LinkedIn getting in on the injustice, will limit POTUS if he uses their platform to "incite violence or spread misinformation"

>>62337, >>62338 Memes supporting police

>>62340 Treasonous @ValerieJarrett welcomes traitorous Mitt Romney to the "right side of history"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7a9491b2d3772be9432c7180cebc3322fc21c449a7847982c0df8f7019605a8.mp4

>>62341 Antifa comms allegedly on /pol/

>>62342 #12193

(17 notables, 25 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171790

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9527310 Q Research General #12194: Slow Sunday Night Shift Edition

Created 080220ZJUN20



>>62343 Power outages in Minneapolis (12,000 people) and Denver (7,000 people)

>>62344 If you take a knee because you think that maybe the protestors will respect you afterwards, guess what

>>62345 @Alyssa_Milano twat: This is the only guy left in GOP that isn't compromised... AND IT'S MITT ROMNEY

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7a9491b2d3772be9432c7180cebc3322fc21c449a7847982c0df8f7019605a8.mp4

>>62346 Several articles on warnings and threats of insurrection

>>62347 @USMC: Fire and Close Combat

>>62348 Graphic: Stages of a Coup, courtesy of Sibel Edmonds, FBI analyst whistleblower during Clinton era (needs sauce)

>>62349 Reminder: Ilhan Omar’s Second Highest Donor, Basim Omar Sabri, Is A Convicted Felon Who Regularly Raises Funds for Hamas

>>62350, >>62352 @Scavino45 and @WhiteHouse: Happy Birthday, Vice President @Mike_Pence

>>62351 ZeroHedge: Study Finds Extreme Protests Turn the Public Away from the Cause

>>62353 Antifa organization links and diggs

(10 notables, 11 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171791

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9528050 Q Research General #12195: But who will filter the filterers? Edition

Created 080314ZJUN20




>>62354, >>62359, >>62372, >>62375, >>62383, >>62392, >>62395, >>62399 Seattle: Suspect in custody, gun recovered after man drove vehicle into crowd at 11th and Pine

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5iHJUIsGIDI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dfc5f8e724f975ae06d6e423afd70c34d9110b5cca49b53966bc67abd86ddd7d.mp4

>>62355 @seanmdav on John Bolton's book: 300 pages are just a list of all the places he wants to invade

>>62356 #12194

>>62357, >>62360, >>62381 Dana White (UFC) predicting "Most of the media in this country is gonna get laid off within the next several months"

>>62358 @NSAGov: The beautiful island of Oahu is home to our second cryptologic location!

>>62361 ZeroHedge: Media's 'Racial Injustice' Blind Spot: Over 30 Shot In Another Deadly Chicago Weekend

>>62362 North Korea's Kim stresses self-sufficient economy as tensions with South Korea rise

>>62363, >>62365, >>62374, >>62378, >>62386, >>62387, >>62388 Antifa organization links and diggs

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e4e2f884014d21c4f4e8951973a35ff3f3b43973ec3972b956be6655cbb923ba.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/85ef75bc02ef29cf1339ddd7a2a7049ca6f3d1ca7626b6e9706479f8495fcac6.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e88d98a70dd3da4e8ef52651652c1864d986645a8b9e6e44c42a2373f19fdc8f.pdf

>>62364 Australia says China unresponsive to its pleas to ease tensions

>>62366, >>62367, >>62370 Explosion near White House

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6hwrR3ovnxY - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>62368 Lowell, MI Police Chief Forced To Resign After Supporting Citizens Who Armed Up Amid Riots

>>62369 Counter-insurgency tactics manuals

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9c153741fb79fad89dbbacdaa9bacda6af3e95e20febc70404025d5f8f6729d3.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b0e2e8ce713885e91f996a7527da22b85eb17e0884c63e01db40de8915b3bb9e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b119fe3f0790c457a55a1969fd7d4c6c32c5f9b44e9c1951632e81d0e69741fc.pdf

>>62371 American researchers want to fill the oceans with sensors to track ships, storms, wildlife, weather

>>62373, >>62379, >>62382 NYPD, City Hall deny police brass shake-up talk; "riots are about overthrowing the presidency"

>>62376 Oddities with NYC Chief of Transportation's death from covid?

>>62377 Federal authorities in Australia have taken down the country’s biggest child sex ring

>>62380 DC Archbishop Gregory Orders Priests to Dress in Cassocks and Protest Trump on Monday

>>62384 New DJT: Colin Powell was a pathetic interview today on Fake News CNN

>>62385 @ACLUMN: Minneapolis City Council members have announced their intent to disband the Minneapolis Police Department

>>62389 Philly News Editor Ousted After Daring To Question Legitimacy Of Burning The City's Buildings Down

>>62390 Noose found by black Seattle firefighter inside station

>>62391 @JoeBiden [useless] twat: Donald Trump is the worst possible person to lead us through this moment.

>>62393 US Department of Justice is demanding the UK hand over Prince Andrew for questioning re Jeffrey Epstein

>>62394 Could it be even remotely possible that in Roger Goodell’s rather interesting statement of peace and reconciliation, he was intimating that it would now be O.K. for the players to KNEEL

>>62396 Vid: Bill Barr interview on Face the Nation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D_G2s9GEQrk - Full Interview: Attorney General Bill Barr on "Face the Nation" [Channel: Face the Nation]

>>62397 Video of Santa Cruz police shooter getting captured BY CITIZENS in a rural neighborhood

>>62398 Cory Booker reacts to 'Defund the Police' effort: "It's not a slogan I'll use"

>>62400 #12195

(28 notables, 47 posts, 52 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171792

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9528834 Q Research General #12196: The hacker known as 9gag Edition

Created 080410ZJUN20



>>62401 Guatemala president to work remotely after 18 staff get coronavirus

>>62402 Wall Street's Utopian Hoax: How Communists Subverted America. "School of Darkness" PDF book

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/735fb558a619309e83685da86fdf357d00aa7af2db714166d060effcec74b1be.pdf

>>62403, >>62404, >>62406, >>62407, >>62409, >>62419, >>62421, >>62422, >>62428, >>62429 Moar on Seattle protest and arrest of man with gun

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/941d8be512fb415e2f4b89fde2defe398ab5379cd31589ca876e4004d157941f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2c5094b2c6f45586bbb51073798fb21b40a1b4324f3148b2514a4550e6969032.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b08a5ec6854ca2d0addc8e0db09e5a0a1a0a0e5dcc2b252672402577dbdf0948.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/abe67e74328a6cd7ecf3d12e593768f5e0f3231ceb28aaa2fa6de3ccb4974a08.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b63d44a245bad36a668ac52517dd39fc6290ad89227608f717fcb50f82cb262.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2c0f69c847ee4abc61d2df54aec7463f2ed68910c4852a98ba07ea5aec15bf45.mp4

>>62405 X22 theory on Q's Obama Foundation / George Floyd drops

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WF4EJVA_zdo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62408 Prosecutors allege Avenatti may have violated terms of prison release

>>62410 Anon nominates: stand on your God-given rights and defend your people and your property

>>62411 @sibeledmonds: Coup Phases: Economy, riots, police, recruit generals, leaders, takeover

>>62412, >>62416, >>62417, >>62423, >>62424 Watch the Water: Beginning digg on Maine and fishing areas

>>62413, >>62414, >>62415 Resignations in the news 6/5/2020 thru 6/7/2020

>>62418 Video of Santa Cruz police shooter getting captured BY CITIZENS in a rural neighborhood

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/19e4a80aeefb00a0818a7045bdabb1602e04a80226387f97d057dbe9109f6bb4.mp4

>>62420 Michelle Obama in her own words: a life in pictures

>>62425 Medanon on HCQ and heart issues

>>62426 China Says Debt Payments Paused for 77 Nations After G-20 Deal

>>62427 Possible lead on Ghislaine Maxwell's whereabouts

>>62430 Hundreds of Medical Journals announce that COVID 19 symptoms should be treated as severe Thrombosis

>>62431 #12196

(16 notables, 31 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171793

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9529607 Q Research General #12197: Mein Nachtschift SchillBread Edition

Created 080503ZJUN20



>>62432, >>62434 Watch the Water: Beginning digg on Maine and fishing areas

>>62433 @SeattlePD: Incident Commander requests demonstrators stop moving the bicycle fencing and for the crowd to move back

>>62435 planefaggin

>>62436, >>62437, >>62438 Even moar on Seattle protest and man with gun

>>62439 South Carolina - Columbia police investigating suspicious water bottles during protests

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Sm55mwSFBbo - 'Suspicious' water bottles found at Columbia protests [Channel: News 19 WLTX]

>>62440 Solar flare (these have gotten rare, with the quiet sun)

>>62441 KC-135 Stratotankers, C-17 Globemaster IIIs & KC-46 Pegasus aircraft participate in a large formation exercise

>>62442 Possibly more police department cuts, this time Portland OR

>>62443 United Iron Workers hoodie - Seattle shooter (edited by same baker with correction from original description)

>>62444 Massive construction site fire near downtown Phoenix

>>62445 #12197

(11 notables, 14 posts, 13 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171794

File (hide): 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9530337 Q Research General #12198: The Opposite of TYB Edition

Created 080623ZJUN20



>>62446, >>62447, >>62467, >>62468 Anons discuss NBC News crew and Autozone vandal (both MN) using similar gas masks

>>62448 Peaceful protesters chanting "we got the guillotine!" (Portland)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d7ff8e679ddf1034ed2d97369e7ac5d394a7768a99adca5d59eea8bf847c0e99.mp4

>>62449, >>62454 Flynn's attorney retweets the infamous game chat logs

>>62450 Portland Police: Downtown is now closed ... leave or be subject to arrest

>>62451 Long on-the-ground video from Portland and Seattle as police move in

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ESdDsCBHIXs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62452 Anti-police strategy: Solidarity means dismantling the system everywhere

>>62453 New Zealand declares itself COVID free. Social distancing over

>>62455 Bill Maher: "Shadowy groups ... like QAnon that are now in the streets"

>>62456 Minneapolis Mayor rejects push to defund police, despite veto-proof City Council majority

>>62457 Democrat Ilhan Omar: Defund Minneapolis Police, They're 'Cancer,' 'We Don’t Want Your Damn Reforms'

>>62458 Eric Holder on Protests: 'We Have Our MOMENT' for 'Sweeping Changes'

>>62459 VDH: Not-So-Retiring Retired Military Leaders

>>62460, >>62463 More about the construction site fire in Phoenix

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d142fbac8660d1b418d2617caafe06490a95dd39c6f7a2120cc10ad9fd07a089.mp4

>>62461, >>62462 Possible college-era connection between MN club owner's mother and Obama's mother

>>62464 Speculation (from media) POTUS may give a speech this week about race and national unity

>>62465 More Antifa blather about revolutionary struggle and fighting against everything

>>62466 List of video streams from cities with protests (seems to be maintained)

>>62469 #12198

(18 notables, 24 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171795

File (hide): 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9531142 Q Research General #12199: Peaceful Protesters Chant We Got the Guillotine Edition

Created 080945ZJUN20




>>62470, >>62471, >>62474, >>62479, >>62484, >>62488, >>62516 George Floyd Photo Symbolism

>>62472 Your Unalienable Rights

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5abff7a320dc6b7bdc9efcc69e76402518e5ead417b86fe9dcfe16db5d9f8a80.pdf

>>62473, >>62477, >>62478 Possible ANTIFA Comms

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b119fe3f0790c457a55a1969fd7d4c6c32c5f9b44e9c1951632e81d0e69741fc.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9c153741fb79fad89dbbacdaa9bacda6af3e95e20febc70404025d5f8f6729d3.pdf

>>62475, >>62498, >>62500, >>62509, >>62511 Bad Guy Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/757996cd5f54b6d3cc8001284b8d807f4375fdb10ae3657315d4e74e0fabcb59.mp4

>>62476 Anon list of intelligence in unexpected places.

>>62480 Mind Control And One World Order George Noory Interview with Dr. Fred Bell, 2-4-10

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1b168a2fb91212e7e96862aab70d39614a0953b1122c894de0a0a9753e7e8dac.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4697fb050b56e44ab5bce3dbd5b7bf0bcd9411a8a9490882578b881756c46289.pdf

>>62481, >>62482, >>62503, >>62504, >>62506, >>62518, >>62519, >>62520, >>62522, >>62523, >>62524, >>62527, >>62534, >>62535 Riots

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bca2f481bb79737f41faf5c768e2b75b4a1c05aa8f052e6891d3c14c1f812bd9.mp4

>>62483, >>62497, >>62505 And for the next trick "The Coup

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xHiJVnPCCaE - Coup In Effect: Many Swamp Heads Rising to the Surface! [Channel: Newsbud]

>>62485, >>62490, >>62501, >>62510, >>62512, >>62513 Chinese Virus Reports

>>62486 Corey Booker Seeks to Drop Protections for Police with New Bill.

>>62487 Trump's troop pullout from Germany 'unacceptable,' says Berlin official

>>62489, >>62502, >>62528, >>62529, >>62532 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>62491, >>62493 Candace Owen banned from Gofundme

>>62492, >>62494, >>62495, >>62496, >>62507, >>62533 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>62499 US Mil News Tweets Reports

>>62508 James Woods listing police officers who died in the line of duty in 2020

>>62514 "Chinese Hackers Target Biden Campaign and Iranian Actors Hit Trump Campaign

>>62515, >>62521 #OBAMAGATE reports

>>62517 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written an Open Letter to Donald Trump.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P5kkS5vf8S8 - THE DEEP STATE: Viganò Stands With Trump [Channel: TheRemnantVideo]

>>62525 Tom Fitton Violent left wages war on police, trying to kill and maim police officers.

>>62526 Is the book COUNTDOWN 1945 comms?

>>62530 Facebook Shuts Down Group for Speaking Out Against Drag Queen Story Hour

>>62531 Maria Santamaria's mylife

>>62536 #12199

(24 notables, 67 posts, 64 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171796

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9531953 Q Research General #12200: They Walk In The Stubbornness Of Their Hearts Edition

Created 081252ZJUN20



>>62537 Bad Guy Reports

>>62538, >>62539, >>62540, >>62542, >>62545, >>62548, >>62550 Riot Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aec8f8d5dfa6e4a2248cf95e9643432f6a3ac3a4c9f0e58fb3d78b26295082cf.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3981a3ae38c397d3770f7171f337dc95c4e6cd2b7a0143fa87775889dc5ecbbe.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3jXBGiy9_Jw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62541 Chinese Virus Reports

>>62543, >>62549 Planefag Reports

>>62544 Former Attny General ' Fast Eric' Holder calls for a furious coup in US

>>62546, >>62551 Horror as child abuse dungeon where 'unimaginable' acts filmed found in Germany

>>62547 WR CALL TO COUNTER Calling all Key Board Warriors to the Front Line

>>62552 Anon re: Hussein/Dems, Sharia law, and the history/MO of Islamic conquests

>>62553 Floyd's family, attorney seeking UN intervention in case

>>62554 Financefag Reports

>>62555, >>62556 McLeanfag

>>62557 Call to dig on Phoenix Children's Hospital, RED, Cemex connections

>>62558 PG&E plans $5.75B equity raise to fund bankrputcy exit

>>62559 Virus narrative being gently dropped in MI

>>62560 German child abuse ring raided

>>62561 Germans rankled over POTUS ordering nearly 10k troops removed from Germany

>>62562 #12200

(17 notables, 26 posts, 41 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171797

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.jpg (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9532714 Q Research General #12201: Light and Guard Edition

Created 081421ZJUN20




>>62563 S&P 500 growth over the last 30 days

>>62564, >>62565, >>62566, >>62569, >>62573 Dems continue to bend the knee re: Floyd

>>62567 OANN reporting primary voter turnout surge w/mail-in ballots

>>62568 Antifa stealing guns from pawn shops: reports compilation

>>62570, >>62585 Planefag Updates

>>62571 Hit piece: Bill Maher foisting his own conspiracy theory re: QAnon, rioters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5KyIKaTB3fU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62574 State Dept -> USAID oversight by GAO-from Nov 2009

>>62575, >>62576, >>62580 Eric Trump Twat on Joan Rivers

>>62577 Op. Ed: The Insolent American Population Has Become a Pathetic Mass of Irrelevancy, and Ripe for Takeover-LewRockwell.com

>>62578 Former Navy SEAL sues Navy Secretary, NYT reporter, for info leaks, defamation 10news.com-from June 1

>>62579 Op Ed: America Is In A Cultural Civil War-thefederalist.com

>>62581 Air Force sergeant arrested in ambush of Santa Cruz deputy; link to Oakland shooting eyed-sfchronicle.com-June 7

>>62582 Office of Press Secretary/EOP @kayleighmcenany holds a briefing

>>62583 Families, lawmakers seek answers on Michigan's COVID-19 nursing home death toll-detroitnews.com

>>62584 US officially demands Britain hand over Prince Andrew to be quizzed re: his links to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein-sun.com June 7

>>62586 Michael Ebert of RED development is part of a company called Sparks development

>>62587 Lowell, Mass Police wont kneel-soc media

>>62588 Duck Duck Go is down, returning no results

>>62589 #12201

(19 notables, 26 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171798

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9533476 Q Research General #12202: Troops Outa Germany USA (1) Cabal BTF(0) Edition

Created 081540ZJUN20



>>62590 JUST IN: Atlanta mayor being vetted as possible Biden running mate

>>62591 Duck Duck Go is back

>>62592 Larry Johnson dropping truth bomb on IceCube.

>>62593 Potus twat/caps

>>62594 Sidney Powell RT calls for second look

>>62595, >>62599, >>62601, >>62606, >>62608, >>62609, >>62610 planefaggin

>>62596 @USMC If it Ain't Rainin'

>>62597 Behind the scenez hot mic is interdasting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QZMTAbIvIBY - George Floyd death: Democrats unveil sweeping bill to combat police violence, racial injustice [Channel: Global News]

>>62598 Great Awakening Rant vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c8cb5d28a5fe2bb196f613f8fd1e268a67fc69141b0c7a33ddaf4c5b8581f3b.mp4

>>62600 Moar Michael Ebert diggz Focal Point Data Risk

>>62602 Samsung Heir Appears in Court for Hearing on His Arrest Amid Succession Probe

>>62603 ‘Huge’ Egyptian military convoy heads to border of Libya

>>62604 GoFundMe Suspends Candace Owens’ Fundraiser After Controversial George Floyd Comments

>>62605 Marine Corps officially bans Confederate flags from all bases

>>62607 Chinese army carries out large-scale drill at border with India

>>62611 #12202

(16 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171799

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9534254 Q Research General #12203: Citizen Cattle, Kneel or Heel? Edition

Created 081702ZJUN20



>>62612, >>62616, >>62617 PF updates

>>62613 Twitter campaign, follow POTUS' lead: #LawAndOrder #FundThePolice #ProtectAmerica

>>62614 Remarks by President Trump on the Jobs Numbers Report

>>62615 Webber (R-26) to State Police Colonel Pat Callahan Monday requesting what he described as a “fair and consistent enforcement” of the state’s executive orders / arrest Governor Murphy and/or fine him for violating his own social distancing EO

>>62618 (HCQ) has been associated with reduced risk of thrombosis in the antiphospholipid (aPL) syndrome

>>62619 JUST IN: Biden campaign opposes calls to "defund the police"

>>62620 Abu Dhabi Follows Saudis in Raising Crude Prices Amid OPEC+ Cuts

>>62621 UMass-Boston: 'The state police presence on campus has ended'

>>62622 @A10DemoTeam Bringing in a storm

>>62623 Treasure chest with millions of dollars of gold and jewels found after decade long search

>>62624, >>62628 Sabir family/Awan diggz

>>62625 Rasmussen poll: President Trump’s approval rating among black voters hits all-time high in the wake of rioting

>>62626 Spain’s former king Juan Carlos to be investigated by Supreme Court over Saudi rail contract

>>62627 UK: Emily Jones killer ‘Albanian sex worker who claimed asylum’ says council source

>>62629, >>62630 WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEF 2pm EST

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=27_KaUgSEQY - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LpW2MEDo0D0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62631 Georgia State Trooper Responds to Black Lives Matter Protesters Asking Him to Take a Knee, ‘I Only Kneel For God’

>>62632 Democrats Unveil Sweeping "Police Reform" Bill Ending "Qualified Immunity" For Cops

>>62633 #OTD in 1959, USS Barbero served as a branch post office and launched a Regulus missile carrying 3,000 pieces of mail

>>62634 #12203

(19 notables, 23 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171800

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9535006 Q Research General #12204: BIDEN was for the police before he was against them FLIP FLOP Edition

Created 081817ZJUN20



>>62635 Presser slides

>>62636 Prince Andrew claims he’s been TRYING TO HELP in Epstein probe

>>62637 George Floyd public viewing vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pa7NRznlfhw - Live: Public Viewing For George Floyd In Houston | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>62638 Central Bankers Gone Wild: It's a New Era at the Fed/Austrians

>>62639 New Zealand prime minister declares: Coronavirus 'eliminated,' time to reopen everything

>>62640, >>62641, >>62647 planefaggin

>>62642 Belgium: BLM ‘protesters’ riot and loot stores in Brussels

>>62643 From 1869 to 1935, The first black senators were ALL Republicans.

>>62644 Farage: ‘Black Lives Matter Is a Dangerous, Marxist Organisation Hell-Bent on Anarchy’n

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4IVZpI00ZMM - Say no to anarchy on our streets. [Channel: Nigel Farage]

>>62645 MN AG Ellison refused to release vid of accused cops body cam

>>62646 Germany: Police use water cannons to disperse BLM protesters

>>62648 June 10 two year delta, Q 1441-1448

>>62649 #Seattle suspect is Nikolas Fernandez & he is Latino. According to witness, driver Fernandez was chased by mob.

>>62650 Kamehameha Day (June 11, a state holiday in Hawai'i)

>>62651 Naval Academy alumni board member resigns in shame after accidentally live streaming on Facebook during racist rant to his wife about Black Lives Matter

>>62652 CEOs Bank Big Bonuses As Oil Companies Go Bankrupt

>>62653 EU plans to step up fight against child sex abuse/Jakarta


>>62655 Biden with Floyd fam

>>62656, >>62658 Horror as child abuse dungeon where 'unimaginable' acts filmed found in Germany

>>62657 Three Rioters Arrested For Allegedly Tracking Cops to Their Homes And Firebombing Their Cars

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vE1BvHfoyrA - 3 arrested after police say they used Molotov cocktails to damage patrol cars at homes of officers [Channel: 11Alive]

>>62659 Facebook accused of blocking Palestinian activists’ accounts

>>62660, >>62661, >>62664 Potus: …Crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016. They are called SUPPRESSION POLLS, and are put out to dampen enthusiasm

>>62662 Gold futures finish higher on expectations for continued central bank stimulus

>>62663 The President must immediately reopen Lafayette Square to the public.

>>62665 Potus twat/cap

(26 notables, 31 posts, 47 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171801

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9535622 Q Research General #12205: Treason Is the Reason for our Season Edition

Created 081911ZJUN20




>>62666 Germany won’t sanction Israel over annexation

>>62667 Historic Court Case --- The Fluoride Cover Up Will Soon Be Exposed

>>62668 Hillary Clinton Calls Trump a “Failure,” Suggests Trump Supporters Don’t Have a “Beating Heart”

>>62669 US arms control envoy says will have talks on nuclear arms with Russian senior diplomat

>>62670 Netanyahu hires Breitbart reporter Aaron Klein as new adviser

>>62671 Trump Is a Threat to the Constitution? Shocking to hear it from the likes of Gen. James Mattis and Gen. Colin Powell.

>>62672 Mayor de Blasio: ‘We Do Not Want ICE In This City’

>>62673 SDNY responds to Prince Andrew's statement regarding his desire for cooperation.

>>62674 #12204

>>62675 BREAKING: Portland Police Chief resigns following #GeorgeFloyd protests, Lieutenant Chuck Lovell, a black man, will be the next chief of police

>>62676, >>62679, >>62681, >>62682, >>62687, >>62689 PF updates

>>62677 List of attendees at White House Law Enforcement Roundtable

>>62678 Putin Slaps Netanyahu, Sells 6 MiG-29 Fighter Jets to Syria - Far Superior to Israel's F-16s

>>62680 Trump issues huge warning to world governments to respect religious freedom

>>62683 Trump to restart MAGA rallies this month despite coronavirus

>>62684 Kayleigh vs AOC For the keks!

>>62685 The US Soccer Federation is considering a repeal of a policy requiring national team players to stand during the National Anthem

>>62686 DJTJr: You can't make this stuff up anymore

>>62688 Antifa insurgency countered

>>62690 Bonnie Pointer of The Pointer Sisters has died aged 69

>>62691 Amid Small Business Carnage, Fed Expands Eligibility Of Main Street Lending Program

>>62692, >>62693 This the complete nexus of the BLM/Antifa riots communications network on Telegram

>>62694 US Navy Big Return to Subic Bay Naval base in the Philippines?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=p6nQsSdv1WI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62695 #12205

(24 notables, 30 posts, 45 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171802

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9536614 Q Research General #12206: Message For Killary n Co.: Pray for Mil Tribunal before Patriots Edition

Created 082059ZJUN20




>>62696 anon reminds on 13th,14th 15th amendment

>>62697 moar on Michael Ebbert of RED development-previous notable

>>62698 FSB detains three crime ring members, seizes 35 kilograms of cocaine in Moscow-tass.com

>>62699, >>62703, >>62709, >>62712 Genoa’s 2020 ‘Rolli Days’ Will be a Digital Showcase of its UNESCO Heritage

>>62700 US-Led Coalition Plane Overshoots Landing, Crashes Into Barrier at Iraq's Taji Airbas-sputnikInt.com

>>62701 Factory Burned In Floyd Riots Will Leave Minneapolis, Owner Says-dailycaller.com

>>62702 POTUS Supporter and Conservative YouTuber Is Kicked out of George Floyd Unity Rally after Admitting to Being a POTUS Supporter-gatewaypundit.com

>>62704 Former NYC Police Commissioner Warns 600 Cops On Verge Of Quitting As Mayor Vows To Cut Funding

>>62705 Washington National Cathedral report corroborates allegations of staff sexual misconduct against 16 students-anglican.ink from 2019

>>62706, >>62707 CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Mistakenly Appears Naked in Wife’s Yoga Video-ooops! sputnik

>>62708 Top Dems punt on ‘defund the police’ question-foxnews

>>62710 Trump Says He Does Not Support Mayors Reallocating Police Funding-epochtimes

>>62711 DoD Twat hmmmmm…. Alice Springs

>>62713 North Korea to cut off all inter-Korea communication lines - Yonhap B911

>>62714 Black Twitter users mock Dems for donning kente cloth: 'Don't treat Africans like we're children'-foxnews

>>62715 George Floyd’s Family Asks United Nations to Disarm Police in U.S.-breitbart

>>62716 #12206

(17 notables, 21 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171803

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9537390 Q Research General #12207: We're Gettin Our Power Back, Can You Feel It? Edition

Created 082202ZJUN20




>>62717 Floyd's fam calls UN to disarm US police

>>62718 Sessions twats with Omar

>>62719 BREAKING: Army official says @SecArmy is open to re-naming Army bases (like Fort Bragg) named after confederate Generals

>>62720 planefaggin

>>62721 ‘Dangerous to demonize police’: Barr opposes efforts to defund or abolish the police

>>62722 @EstperDoD We’re ready.

>>62723 Study finds security vulnerabilities in online voting tool used in multiple states

>>62724 Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc Chairman of Board sold: $7.05m-June 4

>>62725 Durkan orders SPD officers to turn on body cameras at protests

>>62726 NBC Medical Contributor down for the protests and increaing stress on our health

>>62727 #12207,

(11 notables, 11 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171804

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9538127 Q Research General #12208: They Ain't Smart Enough To Run, Bummer Edition

Created 082247ZJUN20




>>62728 @DonaldJTrumpJr Catch my friend @RichardGrenell on @TuckerCarlsontonight for Ric’s first post-DNI TV interview. Based on how his twitter feed has been this is gonna be must watch tv!

>>62729, >>62731 @CBS_Herridge List of Federal riot cases charged as of 4:45 today from DOJ: +35 cases, +45 individuals: alleged attacks on officers, homemade explosives and Molotov Cocktails, inciting violence, illegal possession firearms, burning patrol cars, looting, damage government proper

>>62730, >>62732 @LVMPD The #LVMPD released the following statement clarifying that it is not part of a #BlueLivesMatter event.

>>62733, >>62736 S&P erases 2020 losses as stocks soar

>>62734 Dr. Steve Pieczenik on General Mattis. (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JpLTH0YrnY8 - OPUS 226 Moron Mattis and other failures [Channel: Steve Pieczenik]

>>62735, >>62737 After Left-Wing Mob Scalp The NYT and Philly Inquirer, Liberal Reporter Says 'The Media Industry Is Completely F**ked'

>>62738 George Floyd's family petitions UN to help disarm police in US..... here we go...

>>62739, >>62740 NYPD finds concrete disguised as ice cream at protests

>>62741, >>62744, >>62747, >>62749 new DJT - spectator.org article "Mattis is Wrong"

>>62742 New DJT - daily caller artile re NG and safely demonstrating protesters

>>62743 planefaggin

>>62745, >>62753 General Flynn has waited a long time for this day.

>>62746, >>62751 Jeffrey Epstein Case Judge Has Ties to Cops Who Want to Keep Records Secret

>>62748 Lists the names of 185 officers killed in the line of duty

>>62750, >>62752 Judicial Watch Opposes Democratic Party’s Move to Defend Newsom’s Plan to Mail Millions of Ballots Contrary to State Law

>>62754 New Zealand - Here is pics from last weekend this was week 4 of protests and this was in cold rain.

>>62755 New DJT - breitbart - Trump Restored Order in America

>>62756 #12208

(18 notables, 29 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171805

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9538952 Q Research General #12209: It's Just Another Panic Monday Edition

Created 082358ZJUN20



>>62757 Lady Gaga's tweets may provide some orgs to digg

>>62758, >>62761 Minneapolis City Council Pres. on disbanding the police

>>62759 3 members of Antifa arrested for looting. Dig call

>>62760, >>62765 MSNBC fears GOP ‘seized upon’ defund police push to ‘demonize’ Dems

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dddddf5ac387c63c868e9fa131b57f32c107b8a82ee40c655cb202fb95d0b38f.mp4

>>62762, >>62770 Live planefag dig on James Torrey

>>62763, >>62769, >>62780 Black outrage at Dems wearing Kente Cloth during moment of silence

>>62764, >>62768, >>62773 Is Comey calling Q and anons out…?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5aa8449b7ed44b83d7b59656c95eb86fc151707e3fd3c505afee607d3aa057f5.mp4

>>62766, >>62771, >>62774, >>62782 Plane & Boatfag Reports

>>62767 Swalwell co-sponsors police reform and accountability legislation

>>62772 DC protest is laughably tiny now

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UgFn7WmKiOk - DC George Floyd Protest (June 8, 2020) [Channel: Kittykat Lounge]

>>62775 Portland Police Chief Jami Resch resigns

>>62776 New Jon Voight twats with vids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/45590a93d6352f42fe2a2215ebb0b3343c2e363a07ed28f1278f6939cebc2d16.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc7e52566c12b1a7200c8e384c8f4f46104d4eba7b51a552d4777365c7b84be4.mp4

>>62777 AOC incites protests: "Stay in the streets"

>>62778 Eyes on: Check out this guy on instagram from Chicago

>>62779 Fitton: If we are going talk about police abuse, we have plenty to talk about

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Fg210oOEeLc - Tom Fitton: Restricting nonlethal force will put police, suspects at risk [Channel: Fox Business]

>>62781 Guardant Health sold by Softbank: $741.16m-June 4 & 8

>>62783 GoFundMe suspends Candace's fundraiser over violation of "intolerance" policy

>>62784 #12209

(18 notables, 28 posts, 54 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171806

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9539673 Q Research General #12210: Dems Kente Cloth Stunt Backfires Edition

Created 090058ZJUN20




>>62785 Reactions to the Dems wearing Kente cloth

>>62786, >>62792 As many as 16-17 Obamagate criminal referrals headed to the DOJ

>>62787 DEA deploys sophisticated tech to collect protesters’ information

>>62788 George Floyd's family petitions the UN to defund the US Police

>>62789, >>62793, >>62794 @USPacificFleet live-fire exercises

>>62790 Chinese propaganda outlet has paid US newspapers $19m for advertising

>>62791 For keks: Bill Gates tells the truth for the first time

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ms3-zehFloY - Little Billy aka Evil Mr. Rogers Tells You The Truth For The First Time [Channel: Healing of the Nations Consulting]

>>62795 Cathay Pacific and major shareholders Swire and Air China halt trading

>>62796 Military Situation In Libya On June 8, 2020 (Map Update)

>>62797 Former Acting DNI Richard Grenell holds first interview with Tucker

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sfsFk0Opzyg - Richard Grenell Holds First Interview with Tucker Carlson Since Leaving DNI Post [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>62798 Live planefag dig update

>>62799 Americans still think Trump is best for economy and jobs

>>62800 The Baizou Apocalypse

>>62801 #12210, #12211.

(14 notables, 17 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171807

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9540447 Q Research General #12211: The Baizou Apocalypse Edition

Created 090203ZJUN20




>>62802 Every Senate Dem refused to say if they would support defunding the police

>>62803 Man arrested for hate crime - Black racist graffiti done by… black racist

>>62804, >>62807 Link to video for callers on CSpan today - Interesting calls

>>62805 2015 Soros connected Antifa documents reveal anti-cop uprising plan

>>62806, >>62808, >>62811 Planefag Reports

>>62809, >>62810 Tucker: Black Lives Matter is now a political party

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=l7aQ02YX7qo - Tucker: Black Lives Matter is now a political party [Channel: Fox News]

>>62812 Man charged for burning down of the Third Police Precinct in Minneapolis

>>62813, >>62815, >>62818, >>62820 Live planefag dig update

>>62814 Manufacturer leaving Minneapolis after facility burned during riots

>>62816 China warns US: "Abandon plans" for nuke testing

>>62817 Trump campaign to resume iconic MAGA rallies within weeks

>>62819 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, June 9, 2020

>>62821 #12210, #12211.

(13 notables, 20 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171808

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9541235 Q Research General #12212: Rallies Not Riots Edition

Created 090311ZJUN20




>>62822 Niger Innis on radicalism of BLM on (vid clip, Laura I)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rBefgNsD8ZA - Laura Ingraham w Niger Innis 6 8 20 [Channel: RightNow]

>>62823 Portland protest marching thru residential neighborhood

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ci5id9Z9_L0 - Watch: Protesters march in Portland [Channel: KGW News]

>>62824 Judge issues 10-day injunction preventing removal Gen. Robert E. Lee statue

>>62825 List of top Military Leaders appointed near the end of Hussein term who still hold the positions

>>62826 TWATTERFAGS: Suggested hashtag on twatter by patriots: #DefundDemocrats

>>62827 Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama

>>62828 NJ Politician Asks Police To Issue Gov. Murphy A Citation For Defying Social Distancing

>>62829 Green Bay mother is plaintiff in federal trial on fluoridated water

>>62830 IBM now against facial recognition software

>>62831 Those who have taken oath to Constitution, after supporting a rebellion are no longer allowede to hold office

>>62832 Planefags aloft

>>62833 Chris Swecker on BLM strategy to defund the police (vid clip, Laura I)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r5_OXS_jx9k - Laura Ingraham w Chris Swecker 6 8 20 [Channel: RightNow]

>>62834, >>62836, >>62838 Penn state senator arrested on CP charges

>>62835 James Torrey flight, con't.

>>62837 WHO says asymptomatic CV-19 carriers not very infectious

>>62839 Black female gives it good to BLM…kek

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e03aad090039d951a075701865a3ae5789fa751ab2b96b9c2ce76f82b04e59a7.mp4

>>62840 Boatfags afloat

>>62841 #12212

(18 notables, 20 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171809

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9541959 Q Research General #12213: All Lives DO Matter, to Hell with Antifa Thugs! Edition

Created 090354ZJUN20



>>62842 New vid on Ellis shooting in Tacoma by cop on Mar 3? (KIRO, June 4)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hOejJYDzRfE - VIDEO: New video shows confrontation between Manuel Ellis, officers [Channel: KIRO 7 News]

>>62843 Gates Foundation Filling Its Coffers With Profits From Private Prisons

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RWOrdfWG6Sc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62844 Portland Protest Overheads w/White Rabbit

>>62845, >>62855, >>62859, >>62867, >>62868, >>62869 Anon: "I can't breathe" happens BEFORE choke hold (moar sauce needed for OAN report--ANONS DIGG)

>>62846 Resignations in the news 6/8/2020

>>62847 Gadsden flag history ("Don't tread on me")

>>62848 Russia responds angrily to Czech expulsions of Russian diplomats in poison probe

>>62849, >>62854 Moar sauce for shift by WHO on Covid-19 pb, pb

>>62850 Grenell on Matthis (Tucker)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sfsFk0Opzyg - Richard Grenell Holds First Interview with Tucker Carlson Since Leaving DNI Post [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>62851, >>62858 Is this a vid of women saying she wants to blow up the WH?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PTh8NiMMBnE - WASHINGTON DC LIVE PROTEST JUNE 8 2020 [Channel: Moshpxt]

>>62852 Board OKs Whitmer recall petition language; July 1 start date

>>62853 Green Bay mother is plaintiff in federal trial on fluoridated water

>>62856 #12212

>>62857 Sen Cotton on the reaction to his NYT op-ed (Hannity)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UQwZ2kiTjYQ - June 8, 2020: Senator Cotton Joins Hannity [Channel: Senator Tom Cotton]

>>62860 Dr Russell Blaylock warns that face marks pose serious health risks

>>62861 More detailed account of pb

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/34419dcbf1415d8e353d4649db3b8bc7c2857d446ff30269e8b72a1fe0f1761d.mp4

>>62862 African American Mayors Assn wants city flags flown at half mask to honor George Floyd

>>62863 Chinese Propaganda Outlet Has Paid US Newspapers $19 Million For Ads, Printing

>>62864 LIVE feed from Seattle

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QvhHy96d1mE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>62865 Major theme parks to reopen

>>62866 Counterfeit bills seized at Minnesota border

>>62870 Vid comparing manufactured revolution in Ukraine with current coup attempt in USA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I36kU_Mjivk - Regime change and professional agitators [Channel: The Duran]

>>62871 #12213

(23 notables, 30 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171810

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9542703 Q Research General #12214: The Constitution is Not a Suggestion Edition

Created 090510ZJUN20



>>62872, >>62873, >>62875 Anon on Seattle protest shooting: FF or 'gun crazy' subliminal message?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eaeaa6a2b226d4a1ea1ae6a6d559bbc39eec5913153d047fa57ace1b1a263c9a.mp4

>>62874 More detailed account of pb


>>62877 The NYT Admits Key Falsehoods That Drove Last Year’s Coup in Bolivia: Falsehoods Peddled by the U.S., its Media, and the NYT

>>62878 Moar sauce for shift by WHO on Covid-19 pb, pb

>>62879 Documents obtained by The Intercept reveal that a Pentagon war game offered a scenario in which members of Generation Z, driven by malaise and discontent, launch a “Zbellion” in America in the mid-2020s.

>>62880 "I can't breathe" DIGG, con't.

>>62881 Wow…Lil Wayne Testimony of "White Cop" saving his life @ 12..Powerful

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dafc5cc11c8538b06e9074a94a42186bbf6f24bf717da506d40d5cba0d2d03b1.mp4

>>62882 The Great Reset: Cabal comms? (6-3-20)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8rAiTDQ-NVY - The Great Reset [Channel: World Economic Forum]

>>62883 Trump insists no police defunding amid U.S.-wide clamor for reforms

>>62884 Planefag DIGG….

>>62885 Arizona ‘Karen’ slapped across the face for telling Native American woman to ‘go back to Mexico’

>>62886 Interesting that Trump was top of his military academy while JFK was POTUS.

>>62887 18 murders in 24 hours: Inside Chicago’s deadliest day in 60 years

(14 notables, 16 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171811

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9543552 Q Research General #12215 It's shake & bake & I helped Edition

Created 090633ZJUN20



>>62888 The thought police are seizing control of America’s liberal newsrooms

>>62889 Chinese Virus

>>62890 Crazy Liberals Are Crying Online -- Accusing Trump of Second Holocaust After Campaign Offers Camo Hats to Patriotic Supporters to Build a “Trump Army”

>>62891 RR being investigated..

>>62892 GovMurphy gives excuse why executive order on gatherings doesn't apply to Floyd protests

>>62893 Beshear promises health insurance for all black Kentuckians

>>62894 Obama Used National Security to Spy on Americans Opposed to Islamic Terrorists

>>62895 #12215

>>62896 (from 12215 bred) Netflix secured trademarks for 'Space Force' before US military could: report

(9 notables, 9 posts, 7 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171812

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9544341 Q Research General #12216: UN Attempts USA Takeover Edition

Created 090930ZJUN20



>>62897 CALL TO DIG: 7-Sigma Inc. is the factory that is closing in Minneapolis because the owner can't depend on future police protection

>>62898 EYES ON: Anon Finds pre-prepared ABC News Story? "Body (George Floyd) falls out of casket at burial"

>>62899 Some New Hashtags

>>62900 Fake News using Mannequins as Coronavirus patients during peak of pandemic

>>62901 New York Times and Teen Vogue announce merger

>>62902 Verified Twatter Accounts Call for Rioters to Burn Down Whitehouse

>>62903 DoD Twat: Watch The Water? and interdasting German Flag Emoji

>>62904 Salvini (Twat) calling out China for Crimes Against Humanity

>>62905 "These International Terrorists now glow like the swamp creatures they are. DJT told us all along he would drain the swamp. Now they GLOW like the clown CHOADs they are"

>>62906 Freemason Mum 'missing at sea' was already dead, cops fear, as chilling final pic revealed

>>62907 Spectator: General Mattis is Wrong

>>62908 Mattis is back on the board of General Dynamics. He was also on the board of Theranos and pushed to have its phony tech used on combat troops

>>62909 US Attorney delivers statement on arrest of former D.A.R.E police officer charged for producing and distributing CP

>>62910 Counter-Insurgency Tactics, one of which is called "Drain the Swamp"

>>62911 Florida Attorney who dressed up as Grim Reaper and handed body bags to Florida beach goers to warn of Covid, caught going to Florida protests with huge crowds.

>>62912 Governor Murphy asked: why his executive order on gatherings doesn't apply to protests, answered: 'this is a moment that I think is bigger than any of us right now'

>>62913 Chicago Mayor Now Pleading with Walmart and other Companies not to leave the City

>>62914 NYPD finds concrete hidden in ice cream cartons at George Floyd Protests

>>62915 Chicago sees Deadliest Day in 60 years: 18 Murders in 24 Hours

>>62916 Anon makes connection between Obama concrete tweet and the concrete found in ice-cream cartons

>>62917 Cuomo to join with Common Core's Bill Gates Foundation to 'Reimagine' Education

>>62918 Clip: Producer of Vaxxed: Fauci admitted no vaccine has ever been tested against placebo for safety

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1047357c396d62a0f9ae27b391b7f291d238a61f178d45f4ecaaa47e7453b714.mp4

>>62919 USA News: Join us this Saturday: #ExposeBillGates

>>62920 CIA Doc: "Blacks High on 'Secret Security Index' List"

>>62921 Mysterious GPS signals reveal Ghost Ships sailing in wide circles off the coast of San Francisco, despite tracking data saying they should actually be thousands of miles away

>>62922 Vaccine Alliance plans to vaccinate 300 million children from 2021 to 2025

>>62923 Barr confirms 'focused' Antifa Investigations

>>62924 #12216

(28 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171813

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9545079 Q Research General #12217: For the Trillionth Time: Freddy Can't Bake Edition

Created 091216ZJUN20



>>62925 US Constitution: Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights, Section 2 & 3

>>62926 Media Is Complicit #Treason - Ice Cube Tweets Q Bridge Picture

>>62927 DJT Twat: "They've gone so far Left that they eat their young"

>>62928 Another Based Patriot Video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/401b7ae527ce3b9d6ff9d4c565bc3b0390262af21d43c9deaaa9a6e6e4cb8d3a.mp4

>>62929, >>62934 Further 7-Sigma Inc Diggs

>>62930 Deblasio Wants People to Stop Sharing His Daughter's Mugshot

>>62931 Auto Loan payments soared to yet another record in first quarter

>>62932 Democrats Election Fraud caught in Indiana Vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=itw5JkpLvqM - Woman charged with election fraud [Channel: Eyewitness News WEHT WTVW]

>>62933 Leaked document (may be fake) but good depiction of different scenarios laid out to save democrat campaign

>>62935, >>62942 German Prosecutor says there is 'some evidence' Madeleine McCann was killed by new suspect, Aka. They got nothing

>>62936 Dan Lowe: Founder of RED Development

>>62937, >>62945 Barr says FBI was 'spring-loaded' to investigate Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_mHg9mnfhb0 - Barr on controversial decision to clear protesters for Trump photo: Exclusive [Channel: Fox News]

>>62938, >>62943, >>62948 planefag reports

>>62939 New: Project Veritas: Expose Antifa Vid Part III

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uJqHPjOXG_E - #EXPOSEANTIFA Part III: “We believe in complete abolition of the system itself, including police...” [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>62940 NAACP president declines to endorse ‘defund police’ movement

>>62941 NYT: Trump says man shoved by Buffalo cops could be Antifa Provocateur

>>62944 DJT Twat: "Mattis was our Country's most overrated General..."

>>62946 Army to consider changing names of forts named after Confederate Generals

>>62947 DJT Twat: "The Reawakening of America!"

>>62949 Ex-acting DNI Grenell calls politics in 2020 'a fight between Washington and the rest of America'

>>62950 #12217

(21 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171814

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9545818 Q Research General #12218: So Far Left They Eat Their Own Young Edition

Created 091400ZJUN20



>>62951 Tara Reade has credibly accused Joe Biden of sexual assault and now has eight pieces of corroboration to back up her allegation.

>>62952 Tom Arnold suggests people exercise 2A rights against plainclothes cops in D.C

>>62953, >>62980 Court Documents: George Floyd Profile Reads Like a Career Criminal

>>62954 Asymmetrical Solutions Diggs

>>62955 US Navy and US Naval Forces Europe-Africa Twats

>>62956 Woman claims she is daughter of Marilyn Monroe and JFK

>>62957 Anon calls to digg on papertrail of street sign replacement, could that have been arranged before George Floyd death too?

>>62958 IAC reaches agreement to sell shares as part of pending Match Group separation

>>62959 Whitmer on Attending Protest: ‘Important to Show up, to Show Solidarity’ -- I Wore Mask and Didn’t Hug, High-Five, or Shake Hands (yet she banned people to going to others homes)

>>62960 Distraught Windy City officials caught on tape fuming over looting, riots: 'My ward is a s--t show'

>>62961 Suspect in Murder of California Cop Made Pro-Antifa, Anti-Police Posts on Facebook

>>62962 Secretive Warfare Training being Staged North Carolina Counties Army says (connection with Project Veritas video)

>>62963 U.N. Silenced: Laments No Gathering of World Leaders for First Time in 75 Years

>>62964 Hannity Twat: "MPLS Council Pres Says People Whose 'Homes Broken Into' Must Acknowledge 'Place of Privilege'

>>62965 Seattle Police Department removes barricades blocking roads along East Precinct

>>62966 Tom Arnold: Time to Get Rifles to ‘Go Nose to Nose with Trump’s Gang of Misfit Tools

>>62967, >>62977, >>62978 Secret Service moves President to bunker, they must of had a good reason (and timeline of events)

>>62968 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot In Expletive-Filled Fight with Alderman over Black Lives Matter Riots

>>62969 Another Ice Cube Twat calling out the Media

>>62970 Anons nom Twatter Post Summarizing Current Situation

>>62971 Suspect in Northern California police killing was member of elite military team

>>62972 Habbening Now But Unverified as of yet: Active Shooter Incident Tacoma WA?

>>62973, >>62979 planefag updates

>>62974 UCLA professor on leave after refusing to cancel final exam following George Floyd's death

>>62975 Geochemist Says Oil Fields May Be Refilled Naturally

>>62976 Fox: Trump says defunding or dismantling the police will not happen on his watch

>>62981 #12218

(27 notables, 31 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171815

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9546600 Q Research General #12219: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 091529ZJUN20



>>62982 the guy at the Bethesda rally sure looks like the ear bleeder guy

>>62983 Princess Diana TRENDING on Twitter.

>>62984 Gov. Cuomo: "It's time for New York to be the state that leads. That's what New York state does. We're going to pass the most aggressive reforms in the country

>>62985 @LacyJohnsonMN Please contribute to my campaign to defeat Ilhan Omar.

>>62986, >>62987 Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender said on national TV that calling the police when you have a break-in comes from a place of privilege.

>>62988 moar Floyd vid footage

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/227056519c28666a9606b0bbf200ceead3c2a9688b6fff18b2767d4e836c130c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b029e43f307299139eaada0c38dbf5f45f313533ba14a64d53b0a2ce84d056c6.mp4

>>62989 Live: New York police union reps hold press conference

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9nhWAAKSDBQ - New York police union reps hold press conference [Channel: Fox News]

>>62990, >>63008, >>63015 planefaggin

>>62991, >>62996 Floyd/'FOUNTAIN OF PRAISE'/Mia Wright diggz

>>62992 #obamagate hash trend

>>62993 Warner Bros. Blame Elmer Fudd For Gun Violence

>>62994, >>62995, >>63003 Georgia officials clash as long lines, voting machine problems plague primary day

>>62997 Turkey issues detention warrants for 400 military personnel & others over alleged coup links

>>62998 Texas: Two teens rescued during human trafficking investigation at Beaumont hotel

>>62999 Trump initiative seized $1B worth of drugs at sea amid pandemic

>>63000 'BLM and Antifa Are Part of Global Marxist Effort to Destroy US' - Professor

>>63001 IBM to Stop 'General Purpose' Facial Recognition Software Sales Amid George Floyd Killing, Protests

>>63002 Russian and Syrian warplanes target Idlib countryside as ceasefire detiorates

>>63004 North Korea cuts all ties with South amid heightened tensions

>>63005, >>63006, >>63009, >>63011 BLM movement is promoting its new alliance with the “black bank” OneUnited Bank

>>63007 Over $400-million worth of cocaine, marijuana seized by U.S. Coast Guard

>>63010 Taiwanese Air Force intercepts Chinese warplanes in new show of force

>>63012 Police chief ousted for backing ‘gun-toting’ vigilantes who defended small town from alleged ‘Antifa threat’

>>63013 BLM Funds = [DNC] donations

>>63014 German top Special Operations unit rocked by right-wing scandal

>>63016 #12219

(26 notables, 35 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171816

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9547397 Q Research General #12220: BLM "OneUnited" Black Bank Edition

Created 091645ZJUN20



>>63017 Seattle @MayorJennyis allowing a dangerous situation to fester

>>63018 US Attorney: Man charged in connection to arson at Third Precinct

>>63019 @USMC Pop Smoke

>>63020 POTUS has given us the talking points for today's work

>>63021, >>63037 Mayor Khan Sets Up Commission To Review All London Landmarks To Ensure They Comply With ‘Diversity’

>>63022 Traffic Jams and Jubilation as Moscow Emerges From Virus Lockdown

>>63023 De Blasio to Rename Prominent Street in Each New York Borough to ‘Black Lives Matter’

>>63024 Project Veritas Releases Part 3 of #ExposeAntifa

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uJqHPjOXG_E - #EXPOSEANTIFA Part III: “We believe in complete abolition of the system itself, including police...” [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>63025 LET THE CITIES BURN: Sen. Kamala Harris Is Latest Democrat to Applaud Defunding the Police

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nOmP6f02HHg - Harris: "I Applaud Eric Garcetti" For Defunding The Los Angeles Police [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>63026 Seattle City Council considering defunding police department in response to protests

>>63027 Iran to execute ‘CIA agent’ who helped US target Quds Force General Soleimani

>>63028 FDA Misled Senators on China’s Role as Vital U.S. Drug Supplier

>>63029 US Space Force to lose 1st battle? Netflix already secured trademarks for self-titled show

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=l4mY2asIjWk - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>63030 Belgian City Removes Statue of Longest Serving King After it Was Defaced Black Lives Matter Protesters

>>63031 Trump orders U.S. to develop polar ice-breaking fleet for Arctic, Antarctic regions

>>63032 Qatar spends billions to support Islamist causes in the West

>>63033 Journalist who was gang-raped trashes Minneapolis City Council president's 'privilege' remarks

>>63034 BLM leader says group developing highly trained "military" arm for "war on police"

>>63035 Minnesota Freedom Fund Faces Scrutiny for Antifa and Soros Ties, Demands Defunding of Police

>>63036 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to Aldermen worried about looting and rooting in the city

>>63038 PF updates

>>63039 The Cube smells like he's trolling… from yesterday twats

>>63040 Mexican President Claims International Conspiracy Plotting to Remove Him

>>63041 #12220

(24 notables, 25 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171817

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9548166 Q Research General #12221: The Great Awakening, Slaying Stupid 24/7/365 Edition

Created 091750ZJUN20



>>63042, >>63043 5.7 magnitude quake hits southern Iran

>>63044, >>63045, >>63047, >>63049, >>63050, >>63052, >>63058, >>63067 anon storm weather convo/analysis

>>63046 Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is targeted AGAIN as it is covered in Black Lives Matter graffiti

>>63048 The guy filming puts the reporter in a position to have to admit the mask wearing is FAKE and orchestrated.

>>63051 Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey REJECTS Push To Defund Police Despite City Council Vote

>>63053 Myths of Economic Inequality

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mS5WYp5xmvI - Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality [Channel: Hoover Institution]

>>63054 BREAKING: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy announces he is signing an executive order today lifting the state’s stay-at-home order, effective immediately.

>>63055 Congrats to winners of @ENERGY 17 teams were awarded $47K each for demonstrating the capabilities of #desalination systems

>>63056 Virginia Judge Temporarily Blocks Northam’s Move to Take Down Historic Robert E. Lee Statue

>>63057 Full witness list out for Hse Judiciary cmte hrng on police abuse on Wednesday

>>63059 More Than 8,500 Airmen Have Volunteered to Join Space Force

>>63060 moar Ice Cube news

>>63061 Protests Be Damned, Tennessee To Approve A State Police Highway Surveillance Program

>>63062 ‘Hypocrite’ AIPAC condemned over response to George Floyd’s death

>>63063 Egyptian Tanks Roll Into Libya, as Factions Prepare to Begin Negotiations


>>63065 PA submits ‘counter-proposal’ to US plan, providing for demilitarized Palestine


>>63068 Trump Admin To Provide Nearly $3 Billion To Support Homeless Americans

>>63069 Daniel H. Lowe, Founder Red Development and Legacy Development diggz

>>63070 Big Mike pushing the ballot box

>>63071 Meme Warehouse updated

>>63072 Videos Show Cops Slashing Car Tires at Protests in Minneapolis

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5wk-mRv1Nlo - WATCH: Cops slash car tires at protests in Minneapolis [Channel: Mother Jones]

>>63073 State Dept. accuses fired IG of obtaining official documents, accessing office

>>63074 Protesters at Oxford University Demand Removal of Cecil Rhodes Statue

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hk-mvm30db4

>>63075 Show this to BLM Dr. Mildred Jefferson

>>63076 #12221

(27 notables, 35 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171818

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9548943 Q Research General #12222: Dub Dubs Duece Make It Count Anons Edition

Created 091905ZJUN20



>>63077 ---———————————--——– Sometimes a PSA re: coordinated and intended plans serves to prevent the action. Reach has meaning.

>>63078 Insurrection in America and the Response to ANTIFA

>>63079, >>63085, >>63087 planefaggin

>>63080 Distraught Chicago officials heard on tape fuming over looting, riots: 'My ward is a s--t show'

>>63081 NEW KILLARY mail in voting stats

>>63082 Why Sweden Has Already Won the Debate on COVID ‘Lockdown’ Policy

>>63083 Fed’s Repo Loans to Wall Street Skyrocket by 230 Percent Week Over Week

>>63084 @DeptofDefense Water Drop

>>63086 President of Belarus: COVID Panic Allowed Elites to Steal 'Trillions', May Have Been Deliberate

>>63088 Pence added a "Q" to the script, regarding Charles Q. Brown Jr

>>63089 EXCLUSIVE: Donations, Including International Funding, to BlackLivesMatter.com Go Directly to the DNC -- This Is Money Laundering

>>63090 BUSTED! LA City Council President Nury Martinez, Who Introduced Motion to Cut Police Funding, Caught Using Private LAPD Protection at Her Home

>>63091 Hawley Calls For Investigation Into Officials Favoring Protests While Targeting Religion

>>63092, >>63093, >>63094 Over The Horizon Radar. Jammer?

>>63095 #12222,

(15 notables, 19 posts, 33 media/files)

Q- >>63077

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9efe67 (568) No.171819

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9549723 Q Research General #12223: Reach Has Meaning~Q Edition

Created 091953ZJUN20



>>63096 Dekalb County polling locations updated, voters encouraged to drop off ballots at secure boxes

>>63097 Rep. Al Green, D-Texas calls for a ‘Department of Reconciliation’ at George Floyd funeral

>>63098 WRWY. Thank you for your service all LEO's

>>63099, >>63100, >>63114 Antifa have captured and barricaded 6 city blocks in Seattle.

>>63101, >>63102, >>63104, >>63105, >>63112 >ICE CREAM - CEMENT?

>>63103 Archive Update

>>63106 PF updates

>>63107, >>63109 Floyd Show On!

>>63108 Postal Service revenues jump during pandemic, despite warnings of massive losses, insolvency

>>63110 Market Report-Nasdaq hits highest close ever

>>63111 MI judge order half-whit to stand down

>>63113 Harvard University Professor Indicted on False Statement Charges

>>63115 US gov’t failed at oversight of three Chinese telecom carriers for nearly 20 years

>>63116 Medical Technology Company President Charged in Scheme to Defraud Investors and Health Care Benefit Programs in Connection with COVID-19 Testing


>>63118 #12223

(16 notables, 23 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171820

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9550528 Q Research General #12224: Killary Twat Vocal Today Edition

Created 092054ZJUN20



>>63119 anon flags boatfags

>>63120 Pompeo: On China’s Attempted Coercion of the United Kingdom

>>63121 Trump to announce executive, legislative actions on police reform

>>63122 Letter to Restricted Weapon permit holders in Canada

>>63123 Burundi President Pierre #Nkurunziza has died of heart failure, the government said Tuesday, after the former rebel chief spent 15 often turbulent years in power

>>63124 JUST IN: Canada and U.S. set to extend border closure to end of July - Reuters

>>63125 NY Police Union Boss Mike O’Meara

>>63126 Seattle: Flag concept for the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

>>63127 letter to @SecretarySonny urging the Dept. of Ag. to reconsider burdensome regulations surrounding the meat processing industry.

>>63128, >>63133 planefaggin

>>63129 Keep #OBAMAGATE trending

>>63130 A #UAE National airways @etihad cargo plane from #AbuDhabi Flag of United Arab Emirates landed at Ben Gurion intl airport, carrying humanitarian aid to help the Palestinians

>>63131 @USNavy Nimitz Carrier Strike Group Deploys, Will Conduct Maritime Security Operations

>>63132 Gen. Charles Q. Brown has been confirmed as the 22nd U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff. Welcome aboard Gen. Q

>>63134 #12224

(15 notables, 16 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171821

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9551305 Q Research General #12225: Kickin It Melania Tuesday Style Edition

Created 092147ZJUN20




>>63136 PSA memes

>>63137 PSA: @CISAgov and @FBI are warning organizations performing research on #COVID19 that they may be the target of malicious cyber actors


>>63139 Sidney Powell RT of TechnoFog: On the Flynn hearing this Friday

>>63140 Guardian Angels founder on defunding the police: 'This is a recipe for insanity'

>>63141 @FBIBoston WANTED two individuals who may have information relating to the vandalism & arson of a Boston Police Department cruiser on 5/31/2020? Call 857-386-2000 or email

>>63142 #12225

(8 notables, 8 posts, 11 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171822

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9552107 Q Research General #12226: Night Shift To Do List: Edition

Created 092228ZJUN20



>>63143 Bar: The wheels of justice grind slow but that doesn't mean...

>>63144 Video: Are Antifa leaders being scooped by FEDs now? Unmarked cars

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f938d7ce3bbfecf3fad9cdb629c0eff5edad06f54e87c48559e935b6b1a872e3.mp4

>>63145, >>63151 HRC and Biden both post '13', others too. Comms?

>>63146 POTUS' 'Opportunity Zones': A reason for Dem cities allowing burning & looting?

>>63147, >>63149, >>63152, >>63154 Riot and Antifa news from Seattle

>>63148 Video: NY police boss Mike O'Meara going off on the media today

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b063c55a5816b800a95bfecbe260bd4b791d10b5446ac56bd828ad8bedb69631.mp4

>>63150 Another tweet from Killary

>>63153, >>63155, >>63157 Planefag Reports

>>63156 Letter from AG Barr to DC Mayor Muriel Bowser on law and order restoration

>>63158 George Floyd funeral turned into political spectacle

>>63159, >>63161, >>63162 Tom Fitton straightens things out & posts a video update

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RYTlrMb6Fho - INSURRECTION in America! Important Clinton Email Update, Tom Fitton Testifies to Congress & MORE! [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>63160 Broadcastify reported down all over

>>63163 On BLM "police", the UN, Minneapolis, Obama and the Federal Police Scheme test

>>63164, >>63165 ---———————————--——– The wait will soon be over (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8d2b31ee8aef02fede5b8609dfcf8913758e86225732a9f63d926ca0f0bb19a0.mp4

>>63166 #12226

(15 notables, 24 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>63164

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9efe67 (568) No.171823

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9552846 Q Research General #12227: The Wait Will Soon Be Over Edition

Created 092331ZJUN20




>>63167 Arsonists target California homes displaying American flags

>>63168 25,000 more store closures expected as pandemic "Retail Apocalypse" rolls on

>>63169 WH Correspondents Assoc. awards CNN for pre-dawn FBI raid of Roger Stone

>>63170, >>63172 ---———————————--——– For the first time in American history (Cap: )

>>63171, >>63178 Chanel Rion OANN responds to a request for asking the Q

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9e5e308d9fcae190b04c89b5ff817c007f8474d39247aef19968b6aa0e49e483.mp4

>>63173, >>63177 Statement about the Broadcastify outage

>>63174, >>63175 ---———————————--——– People are waking up [[D] party con] (Cap: )

>>63176 Microsoft accused of telling staff to censor negative article about the company

>>63179 Herridge's latest notes & pen positions

>>63180 David Petraeus: Remove Names of Confederate ‘Traitors’ from Army Bases

>>63181 NY State legislature repeals controversial law shielding police disciplinary records

>>63182 IBM suffering prolonged global outages

>>63183 Fifth Tennessee Correctional Officer pleads guilty to Civil Rights offense

>>63184 Planefag Report: PATRIO31

>>63185 #12227

(15 notables, 19 posts, 24 media/files)

Q- >>63170, >>63174

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9efe67 (568) No.171824

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9553587 Q Research General #12228: Grindin' Grindin' Grindin' - The 'Bad Ass' Bill Barr Edition

Created 100013ZJUN20




>>63186 Patriot Guard Riders attend retired Police Captain David Dorn’s wake today

>>63187 Texas: Today Judge Hidalgo proclaimed June 9 George Floyd Day in Harris County

>>63188, >>63209 Andrew Pollack: For Democrats, students’ lives don’t matter

>>63189, >>63190, >>63200, >>63202, >>63210 Antifa set up autonomous 'commune' in Seattle

>>63191 Planefag Updates

>>63192 Q: "To be blunt... GAME OVER" - coming up next?

>>63193 Clip covering 'Clinton Cash'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QUEjDvR2EW4 - 'Clinton Cash' Author: Evidence Against Them Is Troubling [Channel: Bloomberg Originals]

>>63194, >>63195 FBI combing SM after people openly brag about looting on FB

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b5c3c30c777b5b705faaa65bb880ba9c28916109ed644c228a2617e9487037f.mp4

>>63196, >>63199 China: Harvard professor indicted on false statement charges

>>63197 Moscow: Israel's annexation of Palestine's West Bank puts end to two-state solution

>>63198 New from Herridge

>>63201 Norton Lifelock Inc. sold by Starboard Value L.P.: $228.57m-June 8

>>63203 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to Aldermen worried about looting and rooting in the city

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d9c4588fd1b81f2f857b157f855b7e1d72b623641ab1bde65a5fde57f104fac.mp4

>>63204 IMF Board approves $5 billion Ukraine loan, disburses first cash

>>63205, >>63211 Camden re-imagined its police force and now has one of the highest crime rates

>>63206 Video: Tucker on race riots tonight and their effect on poor neighborhoods

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dXXY1fk3sVo - Tucker Carlson remarks on race crisis 6 9 20 [Channel: RightNow]

>>63207 Fresh DJT

>>63208 Mueller declined to Investigate FBI obstruction in child trafficking/abduction rings

>>63212 BREAKING: The TV Show Cops has been cancelled after 31 years

>>63213 #12228

(20 notables, 28 posts, 42 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171825

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9554367 Q Research General #12229: People Are Waking Up Edition

Created 100105ZJUN20




>>63214 ---———————————--——– Loss of control of [first wave]?

>>63215 Judge determines that Kim Gardner has illegal contracts with private attorneys

>>63216 Protests could cause catastrophic setback for controlling CV, experts say

>>63217 Instagram post from the Marines: Taking on the storm

>>63218 Past QPost with 'wave'

>>63219, >>63221 Reuters: Long lines and problems with voting machines in Georgia

>>63220 Abe softens stance on full-scale Olympics to avoid cancellation

>>63222, >>63226 Planefag Reports (Gates)

>>63223 State Dept goes to war with fired IG - Accused of breaking chain of command

>>63224 More on: Antifa has taken 6 square blocks of Seattle as their "free capitol hill"

>>63225 Driver claiming self-defense in Capitol Hill protest shooting has ties to police

>>63227 #12229

(12 notables, 14 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>63214

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9efe67 (568) No.171826

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9555131 Q Research General #12230: Second Wave Swellin' Right Up Edition

Created 100145ZJUN20




>>63228 From Q's article, POTUS attorney Jay Sekulow said in early January 2017, Hussein loosened rules to "pave the way for a shadow government to leak classified information" more easily.

>>63229 DC National Guard members test positive for COVID-19 after responding to protests

>>63230, >>63231, >>63232 Sen. Feinstein panicking re: Afghanistan troop removal, says it would "endanger American lives, threaten allies & squander counterterrorism operations." + Anon's translation

>>63233, >>63234, >>63235, >>63236, >>63239, >>63241 Anons on Hannity's pin, brought up again tonight - second night in a row he didn't wear the Punisher pin. Possible comms

>>63237, >>63240 5:5 digits confirm, Anon watches it burn + more magic numbers

>>63238 New POTUS: Fox Business clip re: Wuhan showing signs of virus last AUGUST

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/af3d5c58d241de5ab88f7c8270d398f551c4fd867889300278a65c8e258035d0.mp4

>>63242 #12230

(7 notables, 15 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171827

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9555918 Q Research General #12231: Shills Shillin' Hard Edition

Created 100229ZJUN20




>>63243 French bailing out Aviation industry. First of many.

>>63244 Nation of Islam Provided Security for George Floyd Funeral

>>63245, >>63251, >>63257, >>63258 Anon Op-Ed: Should George Floyd Be Put on a Pedestal? (no) + discussion on the importance of Anons writing moar

>>63246 Coincidence? Drudge just swapped headlines…

>>63247 Colorado vaccine bill moves forward -- with amendment allowing repeal attempt

>>63248 New Laura Ingraham video: a look at Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfood, including parts of the Chicago conference call previously unheard

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dLKQ21COSe0 - Laura Ingraham on race crisis [Channel: RightNow]

>>63249 Laura Ingraham interviews Raymond Lopez, the Chicago Alderman that got into a tiff with Mayor Lori Lightfoot about the rioting.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=A6Exr4RCqBU - Laura Ingraham w Alderman Raymond Lopez who argued on leaked tape with Lori Lightfoot 6 9 20 [Channel: RightNow]

>>63250 They prepped the story 2 days ago - 2nd wave narrative by pushing heavily that coronavirus was present for much longer in China.

>>63252 Mayor Bowser appoints SUSAN RICE to Reopen DC

>>63253 CBP officers in Minnesota seized $900G in counterfeit bills from CHINESE shipping container, exactly 1 week before POTUS issued China travel ban

>>63254 HBO Max removed classic American film "Gone With The Wind" from its platform because of muh racism

>>63255 Moar on Hannity not wearing punisher pin

>>63256 Sen. Shelley Moore Capito wins West Virginia's Senate GOP primary

>>63259 #12231,

(14 notables, 17 posts, 6 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171828

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9556657 Q Research General #12232: Reach Has Meaning Edition

Created 100332ZJUN20



>>63260 [They] jumped on this pretty quick: Snope 'fact-checks' the Obama Foundation/George Floyd tweet "rumor"

>>63261, >>63262 Nurse goes undercover in NYC COVID units (70 minute video.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UIDsKdeFOmQ - Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine [Channel: Journeyman Pictures]

>>63263 Sen. Hirono Alice in Wonderland tweet comms

>>63264 More evidence of CCP virus released in September-October 2019

>>63265 U.S. Coast Guard confiscated 30,000 pounds of illegal drugs at sea, a haul which included more than $408 million in cocaine and marijuana.

>>63266 Based Poland Minister: decision not to accept refugees is driven by "common sense" not xenophobia; gov't cannot "consent" to "social or cultural experiments [being] imposed on us"

>>63267 PF report on Gates Foundation plane

>>63268 Biden/Hillary tweet comms - MS13?

>>63269 Chinese use shell OTC companies to get back door listings but now this shit just dried up

>>63270 Nursing homes in PA now required to perform universal testing

>>63271 Lil Wayne: ‘My life was saved by a white man. So, I don’t know what “racism” is’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IwwwJr36HFk - Lil Wayne stands by his 'no such thing as racism' comment. [Channel: AP Archive]

>>63272 Barr interview Part 2 video

>>63273 Interdasting youtube channel that allegedly posted "Q clearance initiated" a few days before Q first posted

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=32BcQFZLZ_8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>63274 George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin “Bumped Heads” at Nightclub Where They Both Worked -- “Killing Might Be Personal”

>>63275, >>63277 Daniel Loeb bought Boeings debt, call to dig

>>63276 Moar on the bar where Floyd/Chauvin worked: C_A fingerprints all over this

>>63278 "Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect … Our legislators abandoned us. The press is vilifying us. It's disgusting." NYPD boss Mike O'Meara (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a19aadecab815f6fcfd6ebbb4a965a451333b97e9b205f3c12734c1cbee637fc.mp4

>>63279 #12232

(18 notables, 20 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171829

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9557415 Q Research General #12233: God Bless Our Law Enforcement Officers Edition

Created 100458ZJUN20




>>63280, >>63281, >>63283, >>63284, >>63285, >>63286, >>63288, >>63289, >>63290, >>63293, >>63299, >>63302

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/425986787c3d32d6fc5074c02fe7a40964c7c18b11dbfb30619d8a1bf84bf65a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/efba03d2221639841be5a2489dbc71c5a87dee725603201d99ea57b6a97e19b2.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WZO3Rgs7Krk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/96d2cc41203b69ad9e9cadcb8941cab600df164ae3e721ae8b80e36ea1b822ad.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0219c4a945638f50c7ba39f83781c672b44e55b5a59b0a5610ef20929d8f321c.mp4

>>63282 Australian Federal Police (AFP) investigators searched Jonathan Doig's home at Gymea Bay in Sydney's south yesterday and seized a mobile phone, two laptops and a hard drive (ABC.net)

>>63287 JonesTrading "At What Point Will Powell Realize He Has Broken The Market’s Pricing Mechanism?" (ZeroHedge)

>>63291 Paul Craig Roberts Asks "Can We Survive Our Collective Stupidity?" (ZeroHedge)

>>63292 Navy Moves to Ban Confederate Flags on Bases, Ships and Public Spaces (Military.com)

>>63294 93-Year-Old Montana Man Sentenced For Sexually Abusing Children (breaking911)

>>63295 @Obianuju (Twatt) African Woman Scolds Democrats for Exploiting her Kente Tribe Scarves

>>63296 Trump to restart in-person fundraising in Dallas Thursday amid tight safety measures (AND ANONS CANNOT WAIT!!) (WashingtonExaminer)

>>63297 PF Sightings

>>63298 Alleged mob-boss killer Anthony Comello has been deemed mentally unfit for trial (Silive.com)

>>63300 Spain is in Partnership with Bill Gates -ABSOLUTE INSANITY- (armstrongeconomics.com)

>>63301 Socialist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant advocated for a militant mass movement to publicly take over Amazon (mynorthwest.com)

>>63303 Broadcastify outage (UPDATE) (Forums.radioreference.com)

>>63304 YahooNews (Twatt) Biden "Seeks running mate who's 'Ready to be president on day one' ".. how is he a Democrat Candidate?

>>63305, >>63307, >>63308, >>63309, >>63310, >>63312, >>63313, >>63314 Kylie Jenner (Twatt) & Kendall Jenner (DailyMail.com) Cringe Pandering shows no bounds, & "Demands for Cop arrests and Independent Autopsy" & Injustice/White Privilege & ties to PizzaGate/Family degeneracy

>>63306 Uber Eats & ABCNews (Twatt) Uber Eats waives delivery fees for black-owned restaurants.

>>63311 Andy Ngô (Twatt) The DOJ has charged Branden Michael Wolfe, 23, of St. Paul, with aiding & abetting arson at the Minneapolis Police Department’s

>>63315, >>63316 (LIVE Stream CURRENT)

>>63317 #12233

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WM8bTdBs-cw - Metallica: One (Official Music Video) [Channel: Metallica]

(19 notables, 38 posts, 74 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171830

File (hide): d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9558160 Q Research General #12234: Seattle City Hall R Belongs to Antifa Edition

Created 100658ZJUN20



>>63318, >>63344 Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Defends Mueller's Appointment (Youtube)

>>63319, >>63320, >>63321 AWESOME Anon list of companies that are supporting ANTIFA and 'ONLY' Black Lives Matter

>>63322, >>63324 A hypersonic missile prototype under development at the Pentagon’s shadowy research arm reportedly detached from a heavy bomber in mid-flight during a test, destroying the high-tech and secretive munition. (RT.com)

>>63325 HBO Max pulls 'Gone with the Wind,' says it will return with a statement on race (all stops being pulled) (NBCNews.com)

>>63326 EXCLUSIVE: Donations, Including International Funding, to BlackLivesMatter.com Go Directly to the DNC -- This Is Money Laundering (GatewayPundit)

>>63327, >>63336, >>63339, >>63346, >>63359, >>63361, >>63367, >>63369 Martin Gugino diggs (many sources)

>>63328 Sanders Dismisses Progressive Calls to Defund Police, Says Departments Need More Resources (NationalReview.com)

>>63329 California Homes Flying American Flags Targeted by Arsonists (Breitbart)

>>63330 China's global kidnapping campaign has gone on for yeas and may be reaching inside the US borders. (GetPocket.com)

>>63331 AG BARR on Durham Investigation: I'm VERY troubled by what has been called to my attention so far.

>>63332 Lawsuit claims Michigan risks fraud, as country has more registered voters than people who can vote (FoxNews.com)

>>63333 LA Pride will NO LONGER be involved in Sunday's ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER march (Losangeles.cbslogcal.com)

>>63334 DUH! The Constitution forbids proxy voting in the House (WashingtonExaminer)

>>63335 US Army Europe (Twatt) Exercises are some of the most important elements of the training system/Heading into another day of practicing (practice makes perfect)

>>63337 It's a great time for conspiracy theories to thrive (ftalphavillle.ft)

>>63338, >>63340, >>63366 Military twats: Navy, Army, Marines

>>63341 Graham wins South Carolina Senate primary (TheHill)

>>63342, >>63348 Georgia officials launch investigations into election day chaos amid voter suppression concerns (TheHill)

>>63343, >>63357 #SeattleAutonomousZone (Twatt) & other Seattle updates

>>63345 (Twatt) Daniel, man who helped to stop the #SeattleProtest shooter from doing more damage yesterday has a GoFundMe for his injuries

>>63347 Make Prince Andrew Sing (nypost.com)

>>63349, >>63362 Organ harvesting exposed: aborted babies, 'brain dead' patients

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5IRQtONl2fs - Dr Byrne, Brain death is a lie. [Channel: Otto Bacharach]

>>63350 CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman RESIGNS after he was caught on leaked ZOOM audio saying 'We're not mourning for George Floyd'

>>63351, >>63352, >>63353 President Trump: Postal Service MUST charge Amazon moar, or NO Loan.

>>63354, >>63355 Nurse from NYC Elmhurst Hospital Covid-19 Unit, nightmare scenario - 1:10 vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UIDsKdeFOmQ - Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine [Channel: Journeyman Pictures]

>>63356 Backed by Trump allies, QAnon promoter vies for Georgia House seat

>>63358 Epic video rant by black woman unable to loot cell phone store because it's guarded by 'Ayrabs'

>>63360 Dr. Cornel West & Leo Terrell fight it out on Hannity (vid clip)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/19658f9261046bab9ff10715b6fdbc293e3786cb9bd50ce1ab461dc72822b443.mp4

>>63363 How The Antifa Fantasy Spread In Small Towns Across The U.S.

>>63364 Reuters claims there's little evidence that arrested 'protesters' have ties to Antifa

>>63365 Mollie Hemingway: We're in the dawn of a high-tech, bloodless Cultural Revolution

>>63368 US Strategic Approach to the People’s Republic of China

>>63370 NATO Chief called for a 'more global approach' to threat from China

>>63371 #12234

(34 notables, 53 posts, 51 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171831

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9558992 Q Research General #12235: In the Battle for Seattle, Patriots Will Prevail! Edition

Created 101045ZJUN20




>>63372 UN Claiming Food Shortages are Imminent

>>63373, >>63375 SDPD Officers Under Investigation After Video Shows Woman Detained in Unmarked Vehicle

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f938d7ce3bbfecf3fad9cdb629c0eff5edad06f54e87c48559e935b6b1a872e3.mp4

>>63374, >>63376, >>63388 get ready for moar of this: COVID-19 outbreak at San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office. WHO now sending uber mixed messages

>>63377 Georgia sees major voting issues in Senate primary, Ossoff leads

>>63378 Kaepernick's Know Your Rights Camp for foreign and domestic terrorists. @Jack pledges $3M to it.

>>63379 Russian nuclear-capable bombers intercepted by US aircraft near Alaska

>>63380 Sudan Committee Seizes ousted President Bashir’s Bank Account, Closes FX Bureaus

>>63381 San Diego increases funding for police department

>>63382 Today is the anniversary of the “helicopter” attack on AF1.

>>63383 The #RNC expects to move the celebratory part of its convention to Jacksonville, Florida following a dispute with NC over pandemic safeguards,

>>63384, >>63389 Sec. Pompeo: On June 10, we reopen our consulate in Nuuk, Greenland. Our presence in Nuuk will strengthen our partnerships with our Arctic allies...

>>63385 Doug Collins on Barr's Fox News interview: We were right about FBI wanting to 'get' Trump

>>63386 Today, 6/10/20 is ‘Armor of God Day’. Q has referenced this Bible passage 17 times. Ephesians 6:10-20

>>63387 KEK: Royal Fans Slam Prince Philip's 99th Birthday Portrait and Think It Is Poorly Photoshopped

>>63390 (contiued from lb) diggz on Gugino, the Peace Movement & (Marxist) Nat'l Council of Churches

>>63391 Cali Rising? California health official resigns after receiving threats for ordering facemasks in public

>>63392, >>63393 planefag reporting

>>63394 The percentage of Minnesota residents who have tested positive for coronavirus over the past two weeks has dropped from 10% to 8% despite the riots and protests.

>>63395 #12235

(19 notables, 24 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171832

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9559749 Q Research General #12236: Time Is Running Out For Evil Edition

Created 101333ZJUN20




>>63396 Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

>>63397 Christopher Columbus Statue Beheadded in Boston

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ywwyOgpVpq4 - Christopher Columbus Statue In Boston Beheaded [Channel: CBS Boston]

>>63398 State Dept Goes To War With Fired IG, Accuses Him Of Breaking Chain Of Command To Protect Himself From Past Investigation

>>63399 Rep. Nunes: Criminal referrals from Mueller team due 'next week or two'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S1sDNqocjUQ - Rep. Nunes: Criminal referrals from Mueller team due 'next week or two' [Channel: One America News Network]

>>63400, >>63402, >>63406, >>63413 planefag reporting

>>63401 China’s Wuhan Tests 11 Million for COVID-19

>>63403 New Archbishop Named for STL

>>63404 Another Conspiracy Theory Debunked -- Officer Derek Chauvin, Who Killed George Floyd, Is Not A Taxi Cab Driver On TV


>>63407 Tesla Trades Over $1,000 For The First Time

>>63408 Comms jamming software Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. total setup

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9nuKMYEjN6g - New details suggest Martin Gugino was intentionally provoking police [Channel: One America News Network]

>>63409 BREAKING: Large brushfire burning along the 405 freeway in Bel Air, California

>>63410 Punisher Creator Seeks Help to Reclaim Skull Logo for Black Lives Matter

>>63411 Tom Fitton twat w/CAP: I am not Q/JFK Jr. and there is no "plan."

>>63412 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#117 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733, >>>/comms/15801,

>>63414 Homicides in Los Angeles Increase 250 Percent from Previous Week

>>63415 Nearly 1,000 inmates test positive for COVID-19 at IE state prison

>>63416 #12236

(18 notables, 21 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171833

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9560535 Q Research General #12237: All Your Pepes and Punishers Are Belong To Us Edition

Created 101510ZJUN20




>>63417, >>63432 @MilitaryTimes Norad re: Russian fighter intercept

>>63418 Houston DA Kim Ogg (Soros installed puppet) needz diggz

>>63419, >>63420 George Floyd appeared in wikileaks as a C_A money launderer, needz diggz

>>63421 Today, 6/10/20 is ‘Armor of God Day’ Ephesians 6:10-20

>>63422, >>63424 United Nations New World Order page is empty now.

>>63423 Things are not going well in the Seattle ANTIFA Autonomous Zone

>>63425 Nelson Mandela Foundation courts controversy by advocating VIOLENCE in Black Lives Matter statement

>>63426 AG Barr: “Some” Familiar Names Among Those in Durham Investigation “Very Troubling”

>>63427 Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch


>>63429 Results from yesterdays GA primary, Way too close for my taste.

>>63430 New Parscale twat: Democrats are off the rails!

>>63431 Communist China says Hong Kong protests are ‘threat to national security’

>>63433 Watch: Russian-made air defense system shoot down Turkish drone

>>63434 @USMC From Sea to Shining Sea

>>63435 The Second Amendment: Wall Against Barbarism

>>63436 Secretary Pompeo Makes Remarks to the Media - 10 a.m

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c7ydFbzDS-o - Secretary Pompeo Makes Remarks to the Media - 10 a.m. [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>63437 The Deep Historical Background of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

>>63438 #12237

(19 notables, 22 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171834

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9561302 Q Research General #12238: Keep Dropping Those KEK Truth Bombs, Winning Edition

Created 101624ZJUN20



>>63439, >>63448, >>63453, >>63454, >>63462 anon chatter on floyd vid/shooped?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06d6462d14a3d79e287dbab9135afd59e5344cf3a21bb11f545a727e683a229a.mp4

>>63440 Schumer, Feinstein, Warner write to DNI Ratcliffe/FBI Dir Wray, "alert the public if Trump makes inflammatory comments"

>>63441 Full committee remote hearing:“Supporting Essential Workers"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QyqRQIMLZ4s - Full committee remote hearing:“Supporting Essential Workers" [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>63442 DNC racism timeline anon generated

>>63443 Chicago Broke - $700M Deficit

>>63444 Ex-judge appointed to review Michael Flynn case says DOJ request to dismiss charges is 'abuse of power.'

>>63445 75-Year-Old Diary Of SS Officer May Reveal 28 Tons Of Stolen Nazi Gold

>>63446, >>63452, >>63455, >>63457, >>63464, >>63466 planefaggin

>>63447 Federal Court Upholds Trump’s Pro-Life Rule Defunding Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

>>63449 The WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19

>>63450 Examples of the deep state in action from outside the USA. Scotanon chimes in.

>>63451 Did David O'Neil - the attorney for Sally Yates - assist Flynn amicus John Sullivan?

>>63456 AG Barr to [D].C. Mayor - June 9, 2020

>>63458 Big Pharma "Criminal" Influence On Research Exposed In Secret Recording Of Lancet And NEJM Editors-In-Chief

>>63459 U.S. attorney general group sues 26 dermatology drug makers

>>63460 Ilhan Omar's Second Highest Donor, Basim Omar Sabri, Is A Convicted Felon

>>63461, >>63465 South Dakota never shutdown and never stopped using hydroxychloroquine.

>>63463 The Chinese are coming: NATO chief Stoltenberg warns Beijing nearing West in multiple ways

>>63467 #12238

(19 notables, 29 posts, 44 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171835

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9562047 Q Research General #12239: Smoke Em If You Got Em, Shills/Slides BTFO, Weather Changing Soon Edition

Created 101738ZJUN20



>>63468 Trump invites Putin to G7, sparking opposition

>>63469 Have you seen Qpost: 4444 ? "Wave Wave" = Greetings in German language!

>>63470 List of Celebrities Donating to Social Justice Causes Since Floyd Protests Began

>>63471, >>63473 DARPA hypersonic missile prototype destroyed after ‘inadvertently’ falling from B-52

>>63472 Delingpole: Museum Curator Tweets Advice on How to Destroy Bronze Statues

>>63474 Northern Ireland health chief kept best-case Covid-19 scenario under wraps & went public with one 12 times worse instead

>>63475 Bobby Rush diggz

>>63476 Minneapolis Withdrawing from Police Union Negotiations


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2wkyEvNWrg4 - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2wkyEvNWrg4 - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>63478 "FEDERAL RESERVE" will be LIVE at 2:30 EDT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=frxpvIBcLiI - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>63479 Somma diggz

>>63480, >>63482, >>63486, >>63491 PF updates

>>63481 pool notes - Larry Kudlow gaggle on the driveway

>>63483 UK Establishment Caves to BLM as MPs, Police Chief, Take a Knee; Church Prepares Racism Apology

>>63484 Black Lives Matter UK Raises $1 Million in Days, Vows to Spend Cash on Abolition of Police

>>63487 The head of the Justice Department’s criminal division announced Wednesday that he will be stepping down next month/Brian Benczkowski

>>63488 A cold war is brewing in Jerusalem between Turkey and an Israel-Saudi alliance

>>63489 Top Mexican labour lawyer arrested after activism in US-owned factories

>>63490 Air Force Launches Review into Racial Disparities in Punishments, Opportunities

>>63492 Evofem Biosciences, Inc. sold by Acacia Research Group: $29.32m-June 4

>>63493 3 New FBI Vault drops: Dennis Banks, Faisal Mohammad, and Edgar Smith

>>63494 GOP Finds a New Location for August Convention, Jacksonville, FLA

>>63495 #12239

(23 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171836

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9562799 Q Research General #12240: Libtards Wish to Wipe Our History Revolutionaries Wiped Bad Ideas Edition

Created 101856ZJUN20




>>63496, >>63502 Pic of Center of the new enlightened republic of Seattle.

>>63497, >>63506, >>63508, >>63509, >>63511, >>63512, >>63518, >>63519 planefaggin

>>63498 Black Lives Matter Demands Boston Spend $15M on Summer Jobs for Illegal Aliens

>>63499 Merriam-Webster Agrees to Change Definition of 'Racism' After Woman Complains

>>63500 Indian Banks Increasingly Offer Gold-Backed Loans As Alternative Lending During Pandemic

>>63501, >>63504 Another one to ID, no mask worn by this reporter

>>63503 Turkey Rejects Ceasefire Proposal Forcing Egypt To Consider Direct Military Action

>>63505 Loretta Lynch to advise New York attorney general on probe into NYPD protest response

>>63507 Universities around the country planning ahead / fearing a second wave. They're opening earlier and won't return after Thanksgiving break.

>>63510 BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis

>>63513 Hilarious Total Liberal Backfire Canuks

>>63514 2019 Mattis refresher

>>63515 President Trump may use executive order to address policing: White House

>>63516 @USArmy Send It!

>>63517 The Army Was Open to Replacing Confederate Base Names. Then Trump Said No.

>>63520 The Portuguese rediscovering their country’s Muslim past

>>63521 #12240,

(17 notables, 26 posts, 38 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171837

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9563588 Q Research General #12241: Pray for Thin Blue Line Responders Edition

Created 102007ZJUN20




>>63522, >>63537, >>63540 @CBS_Herridge and TOI:"intel through 5 June and warns “doxxing”…police officials at risk

>>63523, >>63524, >>63525, >>63526, >>63529, >>63533 Andy Ngo Twat: on Antifa in Seattle habbenings w/ anon comments, "Welcome to Free Capitol Hill" June 9

>>63527 Top prosecutor overseeing Justice Department criminal division to depart-reuters

>>63528 POTUS tells reporters he will restart MAGA rallies in Oklahoma, Arizona, Florida & North Carolina-B911

>>63530 fear pron from MSN-Arizona's COVID-19 spread is 'alarming' and action is needed, experts warn

>>63531 Poroshenko charged with abuse of office-kyivpost.com

>>63532 Australian mining company takes green activists to court seeking R14.25m in damages-iol.co.za

>>63534 Nashville councilman says meeting was 'hijacked' by people calling to defund police-fox17.com June 3

>>63535 WH pool report-Roundtable discussion participants-publicpool.kinja.com

>>63536 Court-appointed attorney says judge should bar DOJ from dropping Flynn case-foxnews

>>63538, >>63539 Congress seeks answers on Juniper Networks breach amid encryption fight

>>63541 Communist Insurrection: The violence across America over the last few days does not represent a “hijacked peaceful protest.”-from June 2

>>63542 Judge: Penalties in Whitmer's workplace safety orders excessive-detroitnews.com

>>63543 Brennan Twat

>>63544 Fitton Twat: Coup memo?

>>63545 NASCAR bans Confederate Flag at events..buh bye NASCAR

>>63546, >>63549 anons on Hillbags Twat form June 9

>>63547 Video: Temporary Fencing Removed From White House Complex Ahead of Weekend Protests-sputnik

>>63548 WH Pool: pool report with [D] CON Paty influenced comments of POTUS quotes-publicpool.kinja.com

>>63550 New FLOTUS tweet

>>63551 #12241

(21 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171838

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9564363 Q Research General #12242: Flynn in the Pipe 5:5 Edition

Created 102124ZJUN20



>>63552 Antifa in Germany is getting raided

>>63553, >>63559 FRIDAY, JUNE 19 TULSA, OK TRUMP RALLY

>>63554 L.A. County to reopen gyms, day camps, museums, hotels and pro sports arenas without fans starting Friday

>>63555 Just Noticed that Gen. Flynn has added a Digital Soldiers Store on his Defense Fund website!

>>63556, >>63558 The pandering will continue until morale improves or Pelosi calls for 11 confederate statues to be removed from Capitol

>>63557 2013 A tip provided by a double-agent for the KGB set off one of the most self-destructive mole hunts in FBI history/SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE

>>63560 Werner Enterprises Inc. Chairman of Board-Emeritus sold: $579.25m-June 9

>>63561 Amazon announces ban on police using its face-recognition technology

>>63562 DHS Warns Police Officers Are Being Doxed Online

>>63563 Kiddos’ Daily, Separation of Church & Deep State Edition

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2a80ef1c256c5b75759d38d1e31afec2d908a6f1af6a0f887652135b3797d2e.pdf

>>63564 Georgia Election Disaster a National Preview of November

>>63565 Tucker Carlson leaving The Daily Caller

>>63566 @EDARNEWS 12 defendants in custody after DEA Operation Mad Hatter

>>63567 Jerry Richardson statue removed from outside Bank of America Stadium

>>63568 Susan Rice: Trump's response to George Floyd DC unrest proves it should become a state

>>63569 planefaggin

>>63570 South Korean Engineering Company Pleads Guilty to Defrauding U.S. Army, Agrees to Pay $68.4 Million

>>63571 Fears of violence as far-Right groups outline plan to 'defend' London statues this weekend

>>63572 Potus twat w/caps

>>63573 @realDonaldTrump will be interviewed by Fox News's @HarrisFaulkner tomorrow in Dallas

>>63574 Mika still pushin Fauci

>>63575 #12242

(22 notables, 24 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171839

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9565126 Q Research General #12243: Trump Rallies Comin Dragon Energy Activated Edition

Created 102259ZJUN20



>>63576 DNI - Declass incoming

>>63577 Obama AG Loretta Lynch to advise New York in probe of NYPD

>>63578, >>63579 ---———————————--——– Follow the pen (Cap: )

>>63580 Grenell Reminder: Many refused to attend the peaceful transition of power

>>63581 Texas: CBP seizes nearly $1 million in Cocaine from smugglers

>>63582 On Antifa's autonomous area in Seattle

>>63583 Accused looter charged with attempted murder for running over Philly cop

>>63584, >>63587 #12243

>>63585 DIG on Dennis Banks - leader of 1973 actions at Wounded Knee

>>63586 ---———————————--——– What happens when [D]s can no longer cheat electronically?

(10 notables, 12 posts, 19 media/files)

Q- >>63586

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9efe67 (568) No.171840

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9565940 Q Research General #12244: Follow The Pen Edition

Created 102348ZJUN20



>>63588 Trudeau commits $8.9M to international abortion orgs

>>63589 Democratic House candidate Kim Olson: ‘If people loot, so what?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uyur0_FR_ys - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>63590 Rockefeller, Rothschild and the East India Trading Company Prefer the CCP Model

>>63591 Video: Interview w/ former Vatican exorcist on demonic possession & obsession

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QM7UuJwJiuc - Fr. Malachi Martin on Demons & Occult Magick (Part 1) [Channel: Forty Seven]

>>63592, >>63594 US challenges expedition effort to retrieve radio from sunken titanic

>>63593 DNI Newsroom link

>>63595, >>63599, >>63603 Hillary's Emails: Gateway Pundit on last Friday's doc releases

>>63596 Sidney Powell: Flynn reply briefs and Amicus Briefs uploaded

>>63597 Video: President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Eym7u6E8rjQ - President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>63598 Catherine Herridge pen pointing at 11. Release tomorrow on June 11th?

>>63600 Family: Human remains found on Chad Daybell's property belong to JJ Vallow, Tylee Ryan

>>63601 Planefag Report

>>63602 Antifa reportedly begging for food as theirs is taken by homeless people

>>63604, >>63606 ---———————————--——– Welcome to the [D] party con (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c484736e1ce3a0a786f84a3b2af7b7117877a19e402eb749757919df86dde19f.mp4

>>63605 #12244

(15 notables, 19 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>63604

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9efe67 (568) No.171841

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9566740 Q Research General #12245: DECLASS INCOMING Edition

Created 110039ZJUN20



>>63607 Tomorrow @Project_Veritas will expose Antifa's funding

>>63608, >>63610 Video: Syrian authorities arrest British intelligence spy in Palmyra

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5Utyt-0_DHM - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>63609 Candace tweet video: BLM donations go straight to a superpac called 'Act Blue'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4164292ef6f6f9de4bfd36aea8fa12ed953a0f5ba04d5cc1357b6a7ae4687400.mp4

>>63611, >>63613 Leaked 2015 Democrat memo: ‘Don’t Offer Support’ for BLM

>>63612, >>63615 ---———————————--——– Tweet from @samanthamarika1 (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a298ac1e8041cd1805acfb1b0019e042e2daa53cdc7c694097f00c4ca4da7b2.mp4

>>63614 Act Blue diggz

>>63616 NASCAR bans Confederate Flag from its races and properties

>>63617 CodeMonkey aware of Catalog issues and preparing a fix

>>63618 Article about Catherine Herridge

>>63619, >>63620, >>63621 ---———————————--——– A creation to combat 'Q' aka 'you (Cap: )

>>63622 ---———————————--——– Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?

>>63623, >>63624, >>63625 Gates negotiated $100b Contact Tracing deal 6 months before CV

>>63626 #12245

(13 notables, 20 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>63612, >>63619, >>63622

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9efe67 (568) No.171842

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9567524 Q Research General #12246: UNLEASH THE MOABS Edition

Created 110123ZJUN20



>>63627 Racism = Winning elections NO MORE!!!! (D) Party Con!!

>>63628, >>63633 On Seattle’s Antifa autonomous zone

>>63629 China says not legally bound to 50 years of Hong Kong autonomy

>>63630 Report: Rockets slam into US Embassy compound in Baghdad late night attack

>>63631 New Garrison: FISA DOC - The Release

>>63632, >>63635 ---———————————--——– Welcome to the [D] party con (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/434daa4307135535f7585a88049c28b1481bb1b34fd6ffdb5f4d6b804aadd2bb.mp4

>>63634 Tomorrow is 2 yr delta Q #1462: The 'server' brings down the house

>>63636 POTUS Schedule for Thursday, June 11, 2020

>>63637 Planefag Report - Bank of Utah plane

>>63638 Ghana invites African Americans to ‘Come Home’ in wake of US protests

>>63639 DOJ reveals details of riot arrests, inc. helicopter laser strikes and precinct arson

>>63640 Fri 06.05.2020

>>63641 Dr Blaylock: Face masks pose serious risks to the healthy

>>63642 After Antifa and BLM riots FBI warns that White supremacists pose greatest risk

>>63643 @AIPAC, is telling lawmakers that they are free to criticize anexation plans

>>63644 GOP plans wave of new criminal referrals in Russia probe

>>63645, >>63646 Q #4444: 'WAVES' mentioned twice

>>63647 #12246

(18 notables, 21 posts, 39 media/files)

Q- >>63632

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9efe67 (568) No.171843

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9568284 Q Research General #12247: The Swell Of The Waves Edition

Created 110204ZJUN20



>>63648 >>568492 On the clock for tomorrow: Q posted 53-47 six times

>>63649, >>63650 Seattle / Antifa Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=v2FM1CIBcWc - Seattle Police presser in response to antifa/BLM 'autonomous zone' occupation [Channel: Andy Ngo]

>>63651, >>63663 Planefag Reports

>>63652 Judicial Watch: Will Hillary Clinton Testify?

>>63653, >>63662 Fresh POTUS: LAW & ORDER!

>>63654 Assistant Attorney Benczkowski announces departure from Criminal Division

>>63655, >>63661 LA's burning | Explosions heard as wildfires rip through California

>>63656 Sonnie Johnson calls out Republicans in WH meeting with Trump

>>63657 Inside Britain’s shadow state, using COVID crisis to ‘Reset’ society

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OytoulfjZL0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>63658 @Jack/@Twitter aka @YourAnonCentral stirs up Antifa in Seattle

>>63659 Senate at logjam over changing 'qualified immunity' for police

>>63660 Soloman: Republicans sending as many as 10 criminal referrals to the DOJ

>>63664 #12247

(13 notables, 17 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171844

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9569003 Q Research General #12248: THE RELEASE Edition

Created 110250ZJUN20



>>63665 Seattle / Antifa Updates

>>63666, >>63677, >>63679 Fresh DJT on Seattle with misspelling: Extra O, missing P

>>63667 Article with some info behind what we've been seeing Catherine post

>>63668 Turnout in yest’s primaries for Rep's (464,329) was 158% higher than Dems (292,300)

>>63669 Portland stream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SuZE-UnmSPM

>>63670 Schumer calling Wray & Ratcliffe to disclose info re POTUS claim that Anifa behind riots

>>63671 George Floyd's brother believes Derek Chauvin's motivation was 'personal'

>>63672 Relevant: General Orders No. 100 : The Lieber Code

>>63673 Catherine Herridge + POTUS "O" comms?

>>63674, >>63675, >>63676 POTUS tweet connects with #101: "Shall we play a game?"

>>63678 Anons on POTUS' misspelling

>>63680 Fresh POTUS: "Very troubled by Durham probe findings" - Barr

>>63681 West Palm Beach Court House - Design similarities with Epstein's Temple

>>63682, >>63683 Fresh POTUS: "Domestic Terrorists have taken over Seattle"

>>63684 The Daily Beast whine about Marjorie Taylor Greene's victory yesterday

>>63685 #12248

>>63686 (PB) 2yr Delta between (2) PDJT Twatts (2018 & 2020)

(17 notables, 22 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171845

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9569784 Q Research General #12249: The StoOped Edition

Created 110346ZJUN20



>>63687 (Twatt) BLM being painted on street in Seattle (Pine St btwn 10th & 11th)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9c4be0901c7cf311ab769a99b43e2d2d0d91876c770ee313c41cd52b3116faf.mp4

>>63688 (Spreadsheet & Offsite Galleries) UPDATED

>>63689, >>63691, >>63693, >>63700, >>63701, >>63709 Statue killed that dude live on Hannity! (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pYnhT4D0-sA - Hannity: Joe Biden and race relations - 40 years of failure [Channel: Fox News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6mmac1lH4ec - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/419fc1303075f9ac63fe8591225de9830c09b3fb38d25be0d9af7d8c5c6d8362.mp4

>>63690 (Twatt) Cspan clip of BASED Biden acquaintance in 20's "he was a punk then, he is a punk now"

>>63692 Andy Ngô (Twatt) Graphic video: Watch the moment a toppled Confederate soldier statue falls on a rioter, injuring him severely.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5675b79bdb8538e6dad6d009f20d8ba8ba2b0a3c4d187b32f57f55c04e5a67a7.mp4

>>63694 FBI knew Steele’s Russia research connected to Clinton, Dems from earliest interactions (JustTheNews.com)

>>63695 Trump to Inslee Amid Seattle Antifa Revolt: 'Take Back Your City NOW. If You Don't, I Will.' Bun (PJMedia.com)

>>63696 Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UIDsKdeFOmQ - Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine [Channel: Journeyman Pictures]

>>63697 Jay Inslee Laughs About Antifa's Rebellion in Seattle as He Demobilizes National Guard

>>63698 Anons Nom'd (Twatt) I am exposing a man who beats women, forces them into sex work and punishes them if they do not obey.

>>63699 Houston chief says investigators should look 'very closely' at history between George Floyd, Derek Chauvin (lil too late, ya think?) (Foxnews.com)

>>63702, >>63703, >>63704 The Clintons Access to Intel and Personal Information Through AGT International Which They Helped Found (parts 1-3) (fourstarleader.com)

>>63705, >>63714, >>63715, >>63718

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FMGUAHBFmjk - The death of George Floyd: What video shows about his final minutes [Channel: Washington Post]

>>63706 UCLA Prof. Placed on Leave After Refusing to Postpone Exams for Black Students (Breitbart)

>>63707 Elmo and His Dad Discuss Why ‘Racism Is a Huge Problem in Our Country’ in CNN Town Hall (These people are SICK!) (Breitbart)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aGcGXXCRrow - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>63708 98,000 Migrant-Crisis Asylum Seeker Arrivals Given Permanent Swedish Residency (Breitbart)

>>63710 AFP News Agency (Twatt) Dozens killed as south China hit by floods and rainstorms

>>63711 Paso Robles Police, California Highway Patrol, and San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s deputies continue a manhunt for a suspect wanted in connection with a deputy shot in Downtown Paso Robles early this morning. (pasoroblesdailynews.com)

>>63712 TEPCO finds no obstacles to removing fuel rods from Fukushima reactor (cause vaporized when exploded?) (mainichi.jp)

>>63713 Turkish occupation mercenaries set fire to large areas of wheat and barley fields in Ras al-Ayn countryside (sana.sy)

>>63716 (PB) 2yr Delta between (2) PDJT Twatts (2018 & 2020)

>>63717 Even with large crowds and extreme heat, a peaceful 9th day of George Floyd protests in DC (wtop.com)

>>63719 John Durham, the last trusted prosecutor in Washington ‘A Passion for Anonymity’ (nationalreview.com)

>>63720 #12249,

>>63721 (PB) Gretchen Whitmer: ‘I Don’t Disagree’ with Claim Michigan Police Would Kill Capitol Protesters if They Were Black (Breitbart)

(25 notables, 35 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171846

File (hide): d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9570506 Q Research General #12250: PDJT "Fix it or I will" Edition

Created 110502ZJUN20



>>63722, >>63732, >>63739 Seattle Mayor Taunts President Trump: ‘Go Back to Your Bunker’ (GatewayPundit/Twatt)

>>63723 (CURRENT) Livestream of the Great Wall of CHAZ

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MOd9zyproXo - #CHOP/#CHAZ East Entrance [Live] ---13th and Pine, Seattle, WA (Formerly Police Barrier) [Channel: borkness1234]

>>63724 A Good Vitamin D Status Can Protect Against Cancer (Naturalblaze.com)

>>63725, >>63727 Burundi President Dies Of Sudden Heart Attack At 55; COVID-19 Suspected (more like CIA) (ZeroHedge)

>>63726 Study Shows Cannabis Temporarily Relieves PTSD Symptoms (LEGALIZE..) (Multiple Sources)

>>63728 Cernabitch (Twatt) Streets are lawless, Seattle literally has a no-go zone, and Trump is doing fuck-all as per usual.

>>63729 How the world can avoid screwing up the response to Covid-19 again (Sewing seeds for a fictitious round 2) (Statnews.com)

>>63730, >>63731, >>63736 Follow the Pen Bun

>>63733 POLICE WERE TOLD NOT TO ARREST PROTESTERS BY CITY OFFICIALS (NW Portsmouth where Statue Injured "Protestor") (pilotonline.com)

>>63734 protesters broke off pieces of the monument, threw paint, and set it on fire. It came to an end after one of the soldier statues toppled over and injured a male at the protest.(wavy.com)

>>63735, >>63738, >>63741, >>63743, >>63744, >>63745, >>63749, >>63752, >>63754 Seattle Autonobots Retardation Keks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9PVdSBd5HFY - Capital Hill Autonomous Zone Taken Over by ARMED Gangs as Local Warlord Demands Protection Money [Channel: MR. OBVIOUS]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/646391c74567f584f47ffea0369db729b72dbe00e3b8cb8a9f88b2820d1ecdb4.mp4

>>63737, >>63740 Seattle decides they would rather deal with Antifa vs. PDJT (Twatt/Youtube)

>>63742 Raz Simone (CHAZ) (Twatt) Having regrets. Didn't realize Domestic Terrorism was a crime

>>63746, >>63755 Keep frens close, keep Deep State Closer: Loretta Lynch tapped to assist state attorney general’s NYPD probe (NYPost)

>>63747 Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan Digg [Circa: 2009'-17'-18'] (‘The Baton Got Dropped’: Obama Alums Run to Finish What He Started)

>>63748 Seattle Public Schools to cut ties with Seattle Police Department for one year (Komonew.com)

>>63750 Socialite jailed for 8yrs sending depraved pictures to pedophile (Twatter/DailyMail)

>>63751 NEW brief filed late June 10th by DOJ's Civil Rights Division in the 9th Circuit (Justice.gov): in support of a lawsuit by plaintiffs Ron Givens and Christine Bish, two individuals seeking to hold peaceful in-person protests of 500 to 1,000 people with social distancing on the grounds of the California State Capitol Building.

>>63753 Anons based take on Anonymous (Synonymous) w CIA. (brooklyneagle.com)

>>63756 China provides most number of troops for UN peacekeeping force (cic.nyu.edu)

>>63757 New law will jail some pedophiles for life in Oz (news.com.au)

>>63758 #12250

(22 notables, 37 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171847

File (hide): d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9571330 Q Research General #12251: Welcome back Q-artfag Edition

Created 110649ZJUN20



>>63759 'Beautiful, peaceful and diverse': Thousands of protesters flood streets near White House (nbcnews.com)

>>63760, >>63762, >>63768, >>63777, >>63780 Question: how easy to take back six city blocks in Seattle?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C--TEKAxOhg - NYPD using LRAD on protesters [Channel: mayormumbles]

>>63761 (CURRENT) Portland Streams

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Q-W4HYElZHI - LIVE George Floyd Protest protesters continue to take to the streets / i control feeds [Channel: cctvuser]

>>63763, >>63764, >>63765, >>63766 (Resignations in the news 6/9/2020 & 6/10/2020 - parts 1-4) TU resignation anon!

>>63767 Shocked & beyond disappointed about this. To the loyal #LivePDNation please know I, we, did everything we could to fight for you, and for our continuing effort at transparency in policing. Canceled COPS the show. (Brietbart)

>>63769, >>63771 Anonymous (Twatt) Q was deepstate all along (YAWN) they REALLY don't send their best.

>>63770, >>63774 Far Left protestor critically injured by toppled statue

>>63772 khjelmgaard (Twatt) Possible Assassination Comms

>>63773, >>63776, >>63778 Anons on whether Covid-19 was anticipated by Q team in advance

>>63775 Vid plus moar info on undercover nurse w/vid on shocking conditions in NYC Cover-19 ward

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UIDsKdeFOmQ - Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine [Channel: Journeyman Pictures]

>>63779, >>63781, >>63782, >>63783 Q: Does Seattle's Capitol Hill have tunnels? NO

>>63784, >>63785, >>63786, >>63787, >>63788, >>63789, >>63791 Anons on LIVE CHAZ mtg from Portland Andy

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9EIMUD7wnJs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>63790 Anon on Q's question, "Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?"

>>63792 Setting the stage? "Triple Threat": COVID-19, Ebola, Measles Outbreak In Congo

>>63793 China's Communists Aim to Rewrite the Bible to 'Create a New Version of Christianity'. 'sources say'

>>63794 Kansas Republicans Prevent Democrat Governor From Using COVID-19 to Require Mail-in Ballots

>>63795 Nets Turn Blind Eye to BLM Militantly Taking Over Part of Seattle

>>63796 #12251

(18 notables, 38 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171848

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9572185 Q Research General #12252: Do Anons Understand What Is About To Be Unleashed? Edition

Created 111117ZJUN20




>>63797 anon posts antifa watch groups

>>63798 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#117 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733, >>>/comms/15801,

>>63799 Trump antifa/ Biden Campaign Ad.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/614f2d27ea0ecfbf411088586df36e7920be3dc5923bcd40f728c77bfca08801.mp4

>>63800 White House Warns John Bolton His Manuscript (memoir) Contains Classified Info

>>63801 Democrats sue Arizona over absentee ballot rule: 'This will result in disenfranchisement'. no signature? no problem!

>>63802 100K Mail-In Ballots Returned as ‘Undeliverable’ in Rhode Island

>>63803 DOJ reveals striking details of riot arrests, including helicopter laser strikes and precinct arson

>>63804 Tucker Carlson: ‘We Were All Played’ --- ‘Corrupt Politicians’ Used a Public Health Emergency to Subvert Democracy

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yWsyNB95ljY - Tucker: Our leaders used a health emergency to subvert democracy [Channel: Fox News]

>>63805 Minneapolis small business owner formed armed group to defend against rioters when police stepped back

>>63806 Two retired Navy officials plead guilty in 'Fat Leonard' corruption scandal - the biggest in US military history

>>63807 UCLA study: younger black Americans have been holding more favorable views of President Trump than their parents and grandparents

>>63808 planefag reporting

>>63809 anon posits on UN presence in USA. in nearly every major city and college campus plus high schools

>>63810 New DJT w/ CAP: Our great National Guard Troops who took care of the area around the White House could hardly believe how easy it was. “A walk in the park”...

>>63811 anons diggz on Tyler Perry owning the private jet in Sharpton vid

>>63812 James Okeefe: @RefuseFascism Dark Money Exposed. “We did get a grant from [Soros]”. trying to meet with @TomSteyer

>>63813 Georgia Democratic Rep To Introduce Bill Classifying Attacks On Trump Supporters As A Hate Crime

>>63814 California deputy shot in 'ambush' attack at police station

>>63815 Eric Trump and Ted Cruz lead the outrage over 'absurd calls to defund the Nickelodeon cartoon' Paw Patrol

>>63816 #12252

(20 notables, 20 posts, 14 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171849

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9572971 Q Research General #12253: Sleepless In Seattle? Edition

Created 111319ZJUN20




>>63817 Order That Would've Given Wisconsin Health Official 'Police Powers' Defeated. disregarding the constitutional protections that must be guaranteed even in times of crisis

>>63818, >>63830, >>63832 planefag reporting

>>63819 Andy Ngô: 72 hours after the establishment of the #CapitalHillAutonomousZone, there are apparently already food shortages.

>>63820 fuggery alert: LeBron James announced plan to found a charitable organization to protect black Americans' voting rights, 5 months ahead of the presidential election

>>63821 anon opines on Council of Governments and how Cops are trained

>>63822 Executive Order on Blocking Property Of Certain Persons Associated With The International Criminal Court

>>63823 declassified “Annex A” Intellligence Community Assessment 2016 Russian election interference cites Steele dossier

>>63824 Today at 10:15 a.m. ET, @SecPompeo, @EsperDoD, Attorney General Barr, and National Security Advisor O'Brien will hold a press availability

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9f4vvqVcNmU - Secretary Pompeo Hold a Press Availability - 10:15 a.m. [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>63825, >>63827 Mnuchin Scrambles To Halt Stock Rout, Says Will "Pump" Another $1 Trillion Into Economy This Month

>>63826 New DJT w/ CAP: Sleepy Joe Biden refuses to leave his basement “sanctuary” and tell his Radical Left BOSSES that they are heading in the wrong direction...

>>63828, >>63835 Milley Apologizes for Role in Trump Photo Op: ‘I Should Not Have Been There’

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae8b2444eac1a3012d66948beb95cb722593ccb8703b3a54b25e2e254f74f40f.mp4


>>63831 Seattle helpless as armed guards patrol anarchists’ ‘autonomous zone,’ shake down businesses

>>63833 @jack allows users to discuss being attracted to minors, while having a minimum age requirement of being 13.

>>63834 ActBlue's expenditures for 2020. This is where the Black Lives matter donations end up

>>63836 DOD Announces $250M to Ukraine

>>63837 Ted Cruz: Lord of the Flies in downtown Seattle. What could go wrong?

>>63838 #12253

(18 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171850

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9573778 Q Research General #12254: Milley Vanilly Was Wrong Edition

Created 111450ZJUN20




>>63839, >>63842, >>63848 ---———————————--——– @CBS_Herridge New Pen! (Cap: )

>>63840 Trump’s US military chief nominee General Mark Milley vows not to be ‘intimidated into making stupid decisions’

>>63841 Former Colorado Governor Hickenlooper: I believe Tara Reade’s allegations, but will still support Joe Biden for president

>>63843 Seattle’s Autonomous Zone Gets a Warlord

>>63844, >>63845, >>63846 Clintons Access to Intel and Personal Information Through AGT International Which They Helped Found

>>63847, >>63850 ---———————————--——– @jsolomonReports Steele Dossier Uncorroborated (Cap: )

>>63849 Obama AG Loretta Lynch to advise New York in probe of NYPD in wake of George Floyd protests

>>63851 Nigel Farage video twat: This is being directly caused by hatred of the police --- encouraged by the campaign to defund and abolish. It is truly shocking.

>>63852 planefaggin

>>63853 related to Q cap/Clapper/Obama

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8cece7be4d86a257e03d53d824277b9fc84a6bed32ce6c407ac7fb6d91844539.mp4

>>63854 Robert Baden-Powell statue to be given 24-hour security by council following protests

>>63855 Raz_Simone diggz

>>63856, >>63857 ---———————————--——– "We were all played." virus OR ELECTION? (Cap: )

>>63858 Starbucks bans employees from wearing anything in support of Black Lives Matter

>>63859 Trump admin sanctions International Criminal Court officials investigating US war crimes

>>63860 Powerful explosion rocks Baghdad’s Green Zone after missile lands near US embassy

>>63861 ---———————————--——– What happens when [D]s can no longer cheat electronically? Push vote-by-mail?

(17 notables, 23 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>63839, >>63847, >>63856, >>63861

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171851

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9574542 Q Research General #12255: Q and Dub Dubs, It Doesn't Get Better Edition

Created 111550ZJUN20



>>63862 Pool reporter notes, Weather is gnarly, so there could be a motorcade departure instead.

>>63863 Empowering Women to Enhance Peace and Prosperity Around the World

>>63864 ChiFiDi twats/letter to LG

>>63865 2yr delta, FF weather alert WW

>>63866, >>63869, >>63874, >>63876 PF updates

>>63867 Judicial Watch Asks DC Mayor for Permission to Paint ‘No One is Above the Law’ on DC Street

>>63868 Pompeo, Esper, Barr announce authorization of sanctions against International Criminal Court officials

>>63870 ---———————————--——– @jsolomonReports Steele Dossier Uncorroborated (Cap: )

>>63871 Kayleigh McEnany: 'Ridiculous' for Biden to claim Trump will try to steal election

>>63872 Senate Judiciary authorizes subpoenas for Obama officials amid Russia probe review

>>63873 ---———————————--——– Committee approved [12-10] [today].

>>63875, >>63877, >>63878 ---———————————--——– Committee approved [12-10] [today]. (Cap: )

>>63879, >>63882 rt ---———————— SENATE WAS THE TARGET.

>>63880 #12255

>>63881 #12254

(15 notables, 21 posts, 28 media/files)

Q- >>63873, >>63882

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171852

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9575368 Q Research General #12256: "We Were All Played" Now Watch "Us" Play the Game Edition

Created 111705ZJUN20




>>63883 Baker Ghost Notification TY Helpers

>>63884 #UPDATE "I should not have been there. My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of military involvement in domestic politics," General Mark Milley said of the controversial June 1 incident-apnews

>>63885 Clockfag

>>63886, >>63887 New voting legislation introduced to NC house today-pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/65f18d7b99c33b83be3e505b529a968078b069a3cbb0c337dec7e03a0ddbd255.pdf

>>63888, >>63896, >>63899 pf reports

>>63889, >>63892 New POTUS twats

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4eacb520d6b63aa2942f13b8de5ebc44e0f8a1a1dda77be6b4e90667b924265b.mp4

>>63890, >>63898, >>63902, >>63903, >>63905, >>63918, >>63921 BLM Updates&Connections

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04d2bcd5a753d3f40824552cdaaff46a5ffcfb29fb488684b3df39b903e3f746.mp4

>>63891 POTUS Tweets

>>63893, >>63894 POTUS executive order

>>63895 Chinese Communist Party Exploits the COVID-19 Pandemic-y't vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jWr3x-o-NDk - Chinese Communist Party Exploits the COVID-19 Pandemic [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>63897, >>63901 ---———————————--——– Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/129b3286805cd4232916d56ed9ca84d857fb6a04a7af5bd55f4a74a579a7cae7.mp4

>>63900 Lindsey Graham to Papadopoulos

>>63904 Seattle "Autonomous Zone" Now Has A "Heavily-Armed" Warlord; Governor Clueless

>>63906 New POTUS on June 14th + Q791 "Protect 6/14-46"

>>63907 ICC Sanctioned by U.S.

>>63908 Facebook Responds To Biden's "Demand" For Censorship

>>63909 The Untold Story of Syria's Antifa Platoon (Rolling Stone)

>>63910 Soros & Steyer exposed as backers of ‘paramilitary’ left-wing group in undercover Project Veritas

>>63911 US consulate worker sentenced to 8yrs in jail in Turkey for helping ‘terrorist organization’ linked to 2016 failed coup

>>63912, >>63914 Covid Updates

>>63913 India Denies Visa to U.S. Gov Panel

>>63915 "Political BS!!" - NASCAR Driver Ray Ciccarelli To Quit Racing After Confederate Flag Ban

>>63916 Jim Jordan on latest development in Flynn case: Why James Comey is the 'central figure'

>>63917 Trump in Tulsa, Alabama

>>63919 Chairman Joint Chiefs issues Apology for Appearing With Trump

>>63920 PF report

>>63922, >>63924 #12256

>>63923 One million sign petition to shut down Pornhub for sex trafficking videos

(28 notables, 42 posts, 59 media/files)

Q- >>63897

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171853

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9576106 Q Research General #12257: Protect The Dough Edition

Created 111809ZJUN20



>>63925 Declassified Memo Shows Intel Community Viewed Steele Dossier as ‘Mostly Uncorroborated’ Well Before Mueller Took Over Russia Probe

>>63926 Marion Maréchal, niece of France's National Rally leader Marine Le Pen: I don’t have to apologize as a white person or as a French one

>>63927 Democrat Mayor Gives Govt Workers 40 Hours Off To Mourn ‘400 Years Of African American Oppression.’ Here‘s The Email.

>>63928, >>63946 PF reports

>>63929 Minn. Police Chief says he can't release Floyd bodycam footage & that it has to be shared by the FBI - after one of the indicted cops' lawyers says it will prove 'there was a struggle'

>>63930, >>63931 ---———————————--——– The hole runs deep. (Cap: )

>>63932 BREAKING: Dow sinks more than 1,500 as virus cases rise again, deflating recent optimism that the economy would recover quickly

>>63933 EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal With Democratic Congressman Sponsor of Bill Six Months BEFORE Coronavirus Pandemic

>>63934 Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband Sends Letter to Montgomery County Maryland Executives Expressing First Amendment Concerns Regarding County Orders

>>63935 North Korea warns US to stay out of its affairs to ensure 'smooth running' of presidential election - #cyber threats

>>63936, >>63944 Apparently George Floyd's childhood dream was to become a Supreme Court justice..............................kek

>>63937 Articles on George Soros, OSF & Antifa -- June 11, 2020

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5f8098786d9ccd2c16a19dcdab34b53d7ee715ef00244d25eb376aaed3006bc1.pdf

>>63938 Ex-Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh expected to plead guilty to perjury

>>63939 The complex funding and ideology of Black Lives Matter

>>63940 Twitter’s Appointment of New Director Raises Concerns of Chinese Influence

>>63941 FBI Minneapolis Examining Video and Images to Identify Violent Actors

>>63942 China's Communists Aim to Rewrite the Bible to 'Create a New Version of Christianity'

>>63943 Sara Carter: Celebs Launch Campaign To ‘Take responsibility’ For Racism, Ask ‘White America’ To Join

>>63945 Pennsylvania's Treasury dept is part of the Resistance. The Pennsylvania State Treasury tweets "welcome to the resistance"

>>63947 George Floyd's "Twin," Brother Slips up and Calls Him "Greg"

>>63948 Co-worker who said George Floyd, Derek Chauvin 'bumped heads' recants story

>>63949 Seattle law enforcement experts urge police to take back CHAZ before it's too late

>>63950 Two Hennepin County Commissioners Voted to Remove Medical Examiner Because of Floyd Autopsy Results

>>63951 #12257

(24 notables, 27 posts, 36 media/files)

Q- >>63930

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9efe67 (568) No.171854

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9576988 Q Research General #12258: Board Under Attack, The Hole Runs Deep Edition

Created 111929ZJUN20




>>63952 Twatterfag theory: Antifa plotted to dress as NG and start shooting; Esper countered by de-arming NG, having them wear patrol caps instead of helmets

>>63953, >>63975 Actor and activist @SeanPenn says his organization is setting up a program to give Covid-19 """tests""" to protesters.

>>63954 Republican-led Senate committee approves amendment to rename military bases within 3 years, in closed-door session

>>63955, >>63959, >>63961 MISSING: 52 years of history showing Democrats' support for slavery

>>63956 Jay Inslee's Daughter-in-law Emily Inslee works for the Gates Foundation

>>63957 CHAZ: Help!; Police: That appears to be in the new republic of Capitol Hill, they can handle that.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a8935001e374b5b4d4ba846b39acf5e77ba6f29044a0c6cbc5dfdcec760dabe.mp4

>>63958 This is the only way Democrats can raise money--$454 Million: Corporate America Floods Social Justice Causes with Cash amid Floyd Protests

>>63960 Planefag report

>>63962 Twitter Moves To Stop Users From Sharing Articles They Have Never Read

>>63963 Video of General Mark Milley apologizing for taking part in POTUS's historic walk to St. John's Church

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b37a0bc49a290a1846aa6a9eb45169d28f07cc00f829d742f72e9a12f86e7bed.mp4

>>63964 Facebook Says Page Celebrating "Dead Cops" Doesn't Violate Its Community Standards

>>63965 Gov. Jay Inslee Demands Trump ‘Stay Out of Washington State’s Business’ amid Autonomous Zone Controversy

>>63966 Antifa Rioters in Downtown Portland Try to Set Up Their Own “Autonomous Zone”

>>63967, >>63971 US Soccer repeals rule that banned kneeling during anthem

>>63968 New Op-Ed by General Flynn: Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom in the Dark of Night But God Stands with Us

>>63969, >>63970, >>63972 The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party (2016)

>>63973 Stockfag Market Report

>>63974, >>63976 WR CALL TO MEME FOR CHRIS JACOB #NY27

>>63977 Denver Man Accused Of Torturing Prisoners For Former Gambian President, Feds Say

>>63978 FB Removes Moms' Group For Speaking Out Against Drag Queen Story Hour (5-day old sauce)

>>63979 Former DEA Official Pleads Guilty to Elaborate $4 Million Fraud Scheme

>>63980 Wreck of patrol boat commanded by JFK during WWII discovered

>>63981 Lindsey Graham coming for the Deep State

>>63982 President Trump Participates in a Roundtable on Transition to Greatness: Restoring, Rebuilding, and Renewing (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ys9sX1qh08k - President Trump Participates in a Roundtable [Channel: The White House]

>>63983 Declassified Intelligence Community Annex On The Steele Dossier Proves The FBI Misled Trump And Obama

>>63984 Quints confirm: GOD STILL WINNING BIGLY

>>63985 #12258

(27 notables, 34 posts, 48 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171855

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9577836 Q Research General #12259: POTUS in Dallas, Transition to Greatness Edition

Created 112050ZJUN20




>>63986 CHAZ overlord "Raz Simone" (now verified on twitter) steps on his own shit

>>63987 Anon reminds us, 180 + National Security Agencies from 180 + Countries work every day to take 8kun down

>>63988 Raz Simone aka Solomon Simone dig: has a business called Grannyz Closet, acted/produced in Hollywood

>>63989 PF report

>>63990 Andy Ngo: Seattle Department of Transportation has set up porta potties for the militants in CHAZ

>>63991 WOW: Joe Biden: "Dr. King's assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd's death did."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/810cf744c4132c98d534bcf321f05d77195ffb848ec9f2dc9d448dd253188e2d.mp4

>>63992 Russian Navy warship eliminates enemy naval force in Arctic

>>63993, >>63994 Joe Biden Appears To Lose Train Of Thought During Coronavirus Roundtable; doesn't seem to know what Juneteenth is

>>63995 Anon calls for Autists to dig into BLM funding (4chan/pol/ link) -- goes deeper than ActBlue inc. Thousand Currents and IBEX

>>63996 Air Force sends F-35s to Middle East to possibly deter Iran

>>63997 Contracts reveal this county is paying millions to PR firms to guide coronavirus messaging

>>63998, >>64001, >>64002, >>64003, >>64005 WH Roundtable live stream got cut off at "Word of God" comment from Pastor

>>63999, >>64000, >>64006, >>64009, >>64010, >>64011 Greg Gutfeld mentioned Q in "The Five" segment (no sauce yet)

>>64004 Trump campaign urges TV networks to cover Biden events: Expose his 'rambling displays of incoherence'

>>64007 Moar on lb notable re: the theory that Antifa was plotting to impersonate and frame National Guardsmen

>>64008 Kek, New York Times Describes Seattle Autonomous Zone as ‘Homeland for Racial Justice’

>>64012 Video of Greg Gutfeld mentioning Q on "The Five" today (!!!)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d8463de63698b0eb2a93c65c8ddfa257b5d4b67d1c2bfe91a4654d65bb2768c.mp4

>>64013 #12259

(18 notables, 28 posts, 14 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171856

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9578675 Q Research General #12260: Greg Gutfeld:

Created 112201ZJUN20




>>64014, >>64056 Planefaggin

>>64015 Sleepy Joe Biden Projecting: 'This President Is Going to Try to Steal This Election'

>>64016 Whose side are generals on? As Joint Chiefs chairman APOLOGIZES for standing by Trump, Biden confident of military support

>>64017 Prosecutors: Man who shot protester on Capitol Hill provoked incident

>>64018 Academics nationwide #ShutDownSTEM because science is 'weaponized against black people'

>>64019 Ghana invites African Americans to Come Home to Africa

>>64020 Biden: 'This President Is Going to Try to Steal This Election'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u7ESpaOFIXQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>64021 Alabama Church Loses Leases After Pastor ‘Likes’ Charlie Kirk’s Instagram Posts?

>>64022 Spreadsheet updated

>>64023, >>64039 Possible Comms in Seattle

>>64024 Baker Change

>>64025, >>64033 BLM Digs Linked In

>>64026 Sputnik: Electromagnetic catapults break on US Navy’s new Ford-class carrier during ‘historic’ trials

>>64027 AG William Barr on Censorship in Social Media

>>64028, >>64037, >>64047 Twitter Admits China used nearly 200K Fake Profiles to Influence Politics

>>64029 Daily Caller "No Police, Extortion of Private Citizens: Inside Seattle's Autonomous Zone"

>>64030 NG Member food spiked with GLASS

>>64031 DJT Tweets Rep Chip Roy 'Keeping Workers Employed'

>>64032 QLatest Caps.

>>64034 Greek PM Ready to Discuss Maritime Zones Delimitation WTurkey

>>64035, >>64051 Baking Class Update, Starting

>>64036 Breitbart News Reports on Disruptions in Food Supply

>>64038 Protest Feeds

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NQ1BuouqnDk - LIVE Protest / CHAZ / seattle usa protesters take to the streets / i control feeds [Channel: cctvuser]

>>64040 2 year delta tomorrow on Q1476

>>64041 Reminder of the Spiritual War We Are Engaged In

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a28f11cee7ffca9a1f997d2c74c99798aa26dd79008a1a0602600166ab2f545c.pdf

>>64042 LN@412

>>64043, >>64048 Reminder of Huge Fire @Redlands Distribution Center

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f32e3765fbc0a3dd818ae11feb79a98aab28b86842d67548c7e3a5df694d14a7.mp4

>>64044, >>64050 Atlantic showing its Propaganda Hole

>>64045 Seattle Police Chief 'Leaving the Precinct was not my decision'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iH0BwJdw28I - Chief Best Address to Officers [Channel: Seattle Police Department]

>>64046 Navy Drone may see delays up to 3 years

>>64049 Why is Laurene Powell Jobs Funding Fake News?

>>64052 Senate Judiciary Committee Authorizes Subpoenas for 50+ Obama Officials

>>64053 LN@552

>>64054 Deep State False Flag Dressed as Anon

>>64055 Actions in the Arctics

>>64057 Fired SD Official IG Sent Confidential Email To Personal E-Mail

>>64058 Meme Farmer Query

>>64059 Pentagon documents reveal the U.S. has planned for a Bitcoin rebellion

>>64060 Tommorrow's News

>>64061, >>64062 Pentagon War Game includes Scenario to Respond to Domestic Rebellion

>>64063 12260

(41 notables, 50 posts, 55 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171857

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9579506 Q Research General #12261: The Source Edition

Created 112329ZJUN20



>>64064 Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., has called for a federal civil rights investigation of states that have continued during the coronavirus pandemic to place strict limitations on religious gatherings

>>64065, >>64083 Canadian cryptocurrency firm collapsed due to Ponzi scheme by late founder, regulator says

>>64066 Reuters Tweets SJC granted Lindsey Graham subpoena authority

>>64067 DOJ 2 Former EarthWater Execs Plead Guilty to Investment Fraud Targeting Elderly

>>64068 Reflection Time 'Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?'

>>64069 Goldman Resists DOJ Pressure To Plead Guilty In 1MDB Case

>>64070 Pentagon Announces $250 Mil Military Aid to Ukraine, Cites Progress Against Corruption

>>64071, >>64082 Missing 'Activist'

>>64072, >>64076 Planes Flying High

>>64073 Research who oppresses whom

>>64075 Senate votes to rename bases named after confederates

>>64077, >>64079 Chicago Mayor Lightfoot calls video of Leos and Protestors Relaxing an 'embarrassment'

>>64078 MinneapolisPD Chief states that riots were 'strategic and coordinated'

>>64080 Black Lawmakers unveil bill to remove confederate statues from capitol

>>64081 Houthis repelled a large attack by Saudi-backed forces on their positions

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wD03hV1E0oU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>64084 Senate calls for New F-35 Hub in Pacific, Deployment of CMB

>>64085 Gambian charged with torture in court in Colorado

>>64086 $8K Reward Offered for Man Who Allegedly Slashed Florida Cop’s Neck

>>64087 Hundreds of Officers Responding To Active Shooter In Manhunt For Killer Who Shot Calif. Deputy In Ambush

>>64088 Knee Time, 8:46 5:5

>>64089 2 year delta FF Watch Worldwide

>>64090 COVID 2nd Wave Theories

>>64091 PARTY’S OVER: BLM Activist Admonishes Antifa For Boozing Rather Than Making “Autonomous Zone” Functional as Seattle Police Take Back Precinct

>>64092 JUST IN: San Francisco bans tear gas, says police will no longer respond to non-criminal calls

>>64093 Twitter upset that POTUS abbreviated Secret Service as S.S.

>>64094 Jerusalem Post Examples

>>64095 Police: Nearly 200 Looters Stole $100,000 Worth of Goods from Tampa Walmart

>>64096 #12261

(28 notables, 32 posts, 58 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171858

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9580265 Q Research General #12262: Information Abounds Edition

Created 120017ZJUN20



>>64097 The Federalist: New Brief Filed In Michael Flynn Case Proves The Anti-Trump Resistance Is Running The Show

>>64098 Trump's Tulsa campaign rally sign-up page includes coronavirus liability disclaimer

>>64099 Feinstein crying about Graham's subpoena powers

>>64100 NFL destroys itself: donates $250 million to "help fight social injustice"

>>64101 Zoom Disables Accounts Of Exiled Chinese Dissidents During Tiananmen Square Memorial

>>64102, >>64121 PF reports

>>64103 #12260

>>64104 Based Cruz posts secret undercover video taken from inside the CHAZ

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/45baa07640241bb609493061b717ede13fb958136bc2cab182fda664aa6654d5.mp4

>>64105, >>64122 Ohio state health director resigns

>>64106, >>64108, >>64111, >>64113, >>64118, >>64120 Kente Cloth/Elite Ashanti/Sexism and the Pre-European Slave Trade

>>64107 ATF offers reward for couple who allegedly lit businesses on fire during protests --- and posted video online

>>64109 PedoDisney Pulls Ads from Tucker Carlson's Fox News Show over BLM Protest Coverage

>>64110 Decode of Catherine Herridge's Pen - Subpoenas

>>64112 Sat 06.06.2020

>>64114 Tue 06.09.2020

>>64115 Wed 06.10.2020

>>64116 Anon spots a Q in the birthday video POTUS tweeted earlier

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0f9e0469bddbed0e28072fadd0caa858e91062339ef468b5990b4d9e7dfb1442.mp4

>>64117 Calexico City, California Officials Admit to Accepting Bribes

>>64119 #12261,

>>64123 Joe Biden Snaps when NAACP Claims Young People ‘Concerned’ by Policing Record

>>64124 Trump Interview with Harris Faulkner 6/11/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=On7m-LEjaYg - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>64125, >>64131 Former DEA, DHS spokesman admits to claiming to be CIA operative to scam companies out of $4.4 million

>>64126, >>64127 #Breaking It is official! Jacksonville, Florida will host the Republican National Convention.

>>64128 The Goal Posts are Moving: Now [19] Demands and growing from CHAZ protestors

>>64129 Twitter deletes over 170,000 accounts related to Chinese propaganda operation

>>64130 Probably Fake News from The Hill: "Joint Chiefs chairman Milley discussed resigning from post after Trump photo-op", ACCORDING TO 3 ANONYMOUS SOURCES

>>64132 The Hill: QAnon believer advances to Georgia House runoff race

>>64133 More Democrat History: white supremacy

>>64134 Reports from protestors that multiple Seattle Police officers are trapped inside the East Precinct after the exits were blocked.

>>64135 BREAKING: Several police officers wounded in separate shootouts in California with a man suspected of ambushing and seriously injuring a deputy; suspect is in custody.

>>64136 #12262

(31 notables, 40 posts, 68 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171859

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9581048 Q Research General #12263: General Milley Edition

Created 120140ZJUN20




>>64137 "There are now 196 countries!" Tucker Carlson exposes CHAZ hypocrisy, compares them to 'conquerors' they supposedly oppose (full Tucker Carlson Tonight video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c30Wx8nWLuc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>64138, >>64139 Infiltration not Invasion? Tensions are high in the CHAZ after some officers came in to enter the East Precinct.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9c42b03597c2ed8c8a750a9eea4dccf4647be74caffc225a153e42bd0c060aec.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9bebcb93c623136080feda07a9b075846cb30f783c46b4814ff8f3f9f2df7c4c.mp4

>>64140 Nancy Pelosi Silent on Own Father Who Oversaw Dedication of Confederate Statue

>>64141, >>64146 Continued Catherine Herridge pen decode

>>64142 Snap, Inc. CEO sold: $50.07m-June 9

>>64143 Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best takes a public stand on CHAZ. Throws city leadership under the bus (aka Mayor Jenny Durkham).

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iH0BwJdw28I - Chief Best Address to Officers [Channel: Seattle Police Department]

>>64144 Dig from 2016: Foreign investors pouring billions into Seattle commercial real estate

>>64145 Biden outlines plan to reopen the economy (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5lYNy-iibf0 - Biden outlines plan to reopen the economy [Channel: Reuters]

>>64147 Roger Stone: Obama, Hillary targeted Michael Flynn

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JrTqbvRxjzY - Stone: Obama, Hillary targeted Michael Flynn [Channel: Newsmax]

>>64148, >>64149, >>64150, >>64151, >>64154 Will mosquito-borne illness be the next FF?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=s2gQ_Y30EaM - Meet the Scientists Hunting Zika-Carrying Mosquitoes [Channel: Motherboard]

>>64152, >>64153 Nothing says “autonomous” quite like calling the city fire department to put out your literal dumpster fire.

>>64155, >>64160 PF reports

>>64156, >>64157 Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan says the six-block autonomous zone in her city known as CHAZ, is "more like a block party atmosphere" than an "armed takeover."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bb38160d07ed6faf9078ed9860327ddd25c58f41e99bc5abe2fcea1a5880a9cf.mp4

>>64158 Reminder: A Seattle-based law firm helped facilitate the Steele Dossier

>>64159 @JointBasePHH: Is it that time already? WARSHIP O’CLOCK

>>64161 Court Dismisses Satanist’s Challenge to Abortion Law requiring abortion clinics to present women with a booklet that states life begins at conception

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c68e8354be13b48c4174e900fa056b7fe356986e7768935a72a2af646cf036e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2e1f0cfbc4885fadc0a6687f5a4df6b0f29516523022765addf0dfba91ddb471.pdf

>>64162 #12263

(17 notables, 26 posts, 37 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171860

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9581873 Q Research General #12264: Antifa's Peaceful Block Party Edition

Created 120257ZJUN20




>>64163, >>64166 CSPAN caller: Knew Biden in his 20’s, he was a punk then and he’s a punk now”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/90b3c5de0bda004f47d660e6743192603c23efcfba6dec449b9c0455236652f2.mp4

>>64164 Let us note the irony of anti-gun, anti-border socialists walking around armed to defend their (porous) border

>>64165, >>64188 Mayor Lori Lightfoot has vowed to track down the officers involved. Discipline will be forthcoming.

>>64167 California Senate OKs bill to mail ballots for fall election

>>64168 Texas Dem: 'Even If People Loot, So What? Burn It to the Ground'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uyur0_FR_ys - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>64169 POTUS Schedule for Friday, June 12, 2020

>>64170 planefaggin

>>64171, >>64173 San Francisco police will stop responding to neighbor disputes, reports on homeless people, school discipline interventions and other non-criminal activities as part of a police reform plan the mayor announced Thursday

>>64172 White House Sets Asylum Reform to Block Economic Migrants

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/65d4256b52a2516c67062535350b0d2357ee1cde9d6cee97800e5b455f89a834.pdf

>>64174, >>64175, >>64181, >>64182, >>64189 BLM ActBlue Connections

>>64176, >>64178 Once-secret 2015 Dem memo on 'radical' Black Lives Matter resurfaces

>>64177 Open Society (Soros Foundation) Tax Returns show steady annual increase in the number of "small" donations made to individuals over the past few years 2015-2017 as per the attached tax returns

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c7ad6b40cc0de92082d21a9a2790282c09ebb3ab86728f9d0c9149110f795285.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b762d7c39fb9d20a9fbb386597b5d1a34eea6b313fd0ab4fb78093e61d8cd86c.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/88f7dc7d96845ccdb6e9b083d970ef49e126b8139561d497d6a742dffe76612d.pdf

>>64179 Fired State Department IG Sent Confidential Info to His Personal Email Accounts

>>64180, >>64183 Perkins Coie, ACLU, & Seattle School of Law filed a lawsuit against the city on behalf of BLM (Perkins Coie lurking in the shadows of the CHAZ)

>>64184 Trump campaign rally signup form includes COVID-19 warning/disclaimer - By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related

>>64185 Westpac could face more allegations of breaches as AUSTRAC digs deeper

>>64186 Seattle Police hope to make deal with protesters to reclaim 'CHAZ'.

>>64187 Richard Grenell (Former DNI) speaks about subpoena powers granted for the Crossfire Hurricane investigation

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/531fbb836e412a99206451ceebd5eb4636cac66c5e4b139a0be18e69739cb418.mp4

>>64190 #12264,

(19 notables, 28 posts, 46 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171861

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9582631 Q Research General #12265: Chaz Music Intensifies Edition

Created 120419ZJUN20




>>64191 boatfaggin

>>64192, >>64193 Resignations in the news 6/11/2020

>>64194 Congress Poised to Get Its First QAnon Believer- Marjorie Taylor Greene leads the primary field of Republicans in Georgia’s heavily Republican 14th District.

>>64195, >>64202, >>64203 D.C. COA Oral Arguments with SidneyPowell

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a15exlPAA3U

>>64196 'The World is Watching' Photo op in Antifa District

>>64197, >>64198, >>64200 DOW down 1861, Same year Civil War Started, Jobless Claims

>>64199 Trump Retweets Obama Admin Turned Down Renaming of Army BasesL 'Reconcilliation, Not Division'

>>64201 Call to return to roots: 9 Policing Principles of Sir Robert Peel-1829 (Historical Relevance)

>>64204 #12265

(9 notables, 14 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171862

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9583323 Q Research General #12266: S4S Chat Edition Apparently Edition

Created 120620ZJUN20




>>64205 Neon Revolt Reports The Chaz

>>64206 Streams in Chazville

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=foWUHa8mEYw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>64207 Trump's New Top Banking Regulator Is A Bitcoin Bull

>>64208 Nadler's Foul Play Against Opponents, Senior Advisor allegedly marked Herzog/Boylan as deceased

>>64209 China in Vietnam

>>64210, >>64218 Quantum 'fifth state of matter' observed in space for first time

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LzxTXk1JCFw - 11/8/2013 -- Microwave Pulse gives birth to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) [Channel: dutchsinse]

>>64211 Accused Bishop won't be charged prosecutors say, alleged victims take to canonical process

>>64212 White House's Top Lawyer at the Supreme Court to Resign

>>64213 WH Tweets "Fighting for the Forgotten"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1baba1e2a70b0d45a4b151de094841a6a9463590bf2acd5509d691231e61cf4d.mp4

>>64214, >>64216, >>64219, >>64220, >>64221, >>64222 Fisa Abuse Datas

>>64215 Some Statistics on Police Office Interactions involving death

>>64217 China is infiltrating Australia on multiple fronts, from politics to business, via its powerful and covert United Front agency

>>64223 #12266

(13 notables, 19 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171863

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9584118 Q Research General #12267: The Calm Before The Storm Edition

Created 120844ZJUN20



>>64224, >>64225, >>64229, >>64231 26 Trillion ft view sidebar

>>64226 Ingraham Angle States Radical Left 'Neo Bolshevik' Perspective is Obtuse

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gQfvs18n3ZA - Ingraham: Democrats cancel America [Channel: Fox News]

>>64227 Trump to Issue E.O. on Police Reform

>>64228 Hillary Clinton Funneled Millions of Tax Dollars Into the Clinton Foundation While She Was Obama’s Secretary of State

>>64230 Finishing touches being put on possibly 10 Criminal Referrals in Russia Probe

>>64232, >>64237 Stacey Abrams: Still Sowing Discord in Georgia

>>64233 Covid Skeptics Were Right

>>64234 Bighorn fire near Tucson Torches 6K acres and is nearing Properties

>>64235 Media and the leftist code

>>64236 Some advice from victims of voter fraud who won the day

>>64238, >>64245 China say 'No Lie, We No Call Dem Gwak Hai!' "China quiet During BLM"

>>64239, >>64242 Former Jeffrey Epstein companion Ghislaine Maxwell seeks to keep court records under seal

>>64240, >>64243, >>64246, >>64251, >>64258 Playmate Ashley Mattingly Died from Gunshot to Head Digs

>>64241, >>64255 Ice Cube has come out as "Not Black" according to twitter support ambiguously in favor of Trump and TGA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rzdzAaFsZks - Just How Privileged Was ICE CUBE’s Upbringing? | Larry Elder [Channel: Larry Elder: We've Got a Country to Save]

>>64244 Sen. Tim Scott, R-SC Asked if GOP is 'using' him as 'token' black guy by NBC's Craig Melvin

>>64247 Flynn States: 'Forces of Evil Want to Steal Our Freedom in the Dark of Night, But God Stands with Us

>>64248 CNN Contributer: Statues of Washington, Jefferson Should Be Taken Down

>>64249 Microsoft Bans Police Facial Recognition Sales as Big Tech Reacts to Protests

>>64250 Pompeo on ICC: U.S. Won't Be Threatened by 'Kangaroo Court'

>>64252 Apple CEO Tim Cook Dropping 100M for 'Racial Justice'

>>64253 Flynn's Lawyers Contend Judge 'Exceeded his Power' In Not Dismissing Case

>>64254 Fox Sports 1's Rob Parker States NFL Should abandon the pre-game tradition of playing the Star Spangled Banner

>>64256 Another BLM Celebrity Endorsement

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/29e0dd329a706fd14eb93200f9375d61b952bace55e477a82da82282d4f60041.mp4

>>64257 Mentally ill man claiming nuclear hoax dead after shootout

>>64259 KEK: 'now you wanna come out and say it's ok to have a fugg'n funeral?!'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c7cf1a6ab9d74844f2d2fa28c437722dd29e17f1a67a1d08e8776b3555c0fbc8.mp4

>>64260 Explosion at Museum District bar shakes homes miles away

>>64261, >>64262 Seattle police chief says, 'leaving the precinct was not my decision'. mayor dubs anarchists ‘patriotic’. Sez illegal for Trump to send military.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iH0BwJdw28I - Chief Best Address to Officers [Channel: Seattle Police Department]

>>64263 #12267

(28 notables, 40 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171864

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9584987 Q Research General #12268: Friday Flynn Follies Edition

Created 121230ZJUN20



>>64264 Academia Fans The Flames Of Social Disorder

>>64265 workfag reporting on the normie awakening

>>64266 A Brief History of Antifa: Part I

>>64267 renoting for importance: Obama Admin Turned Down Renaming of Army Bases: ‘Reconciliation, Not Division’

>>64268 Retired generals who denounced Trump could be recalled to active duty and prosecuted, experts say

>>64269 Sacramento police budget to increase by $2.9M

>>64270, >>64271, >>64278 planefag reporting

>>64272, >>64276 marketfag reporting and finance newz

>>64273 Danny Roman, Mexican Mafia member who controlled South L.A. from his cell, stabbed to death at Corcoran prison

>>64274 Family of missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen asking for federal investigation

>>64275 CHAZ Shouts Down Black Women Frustrated They Hijacked Black Lives Matter Movement

>>64277 FBI seeks info on Webster City man. Vandemark sought on charges related to child pornography

>>64279 Iowa Moves to Block Sending Out Unsolicited Mail-In Ballot Applications

>>64280 Clinton-Appointed Judge: ‘Illegal’ to Arrest Criminal Illegal Aliens at New York Courthouses

>>64281, >>64282 (utube audio) link to Flynn dismissal arguments

>>64283 Dems' confidential 2015 memo warned against interacting with 'radical' Black Lives Matter movement

>>64284, >>64285, >>64286, >>64287, >>64289, >>64290, >>64291 Flynn dismissal discussion mini-bun

>>64288 Seattle Officials Deliver Porta Potties in Support of Antifa

>>64292 #12268

(19 notables, 29 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171865

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9585772 Q Research General #12269: Sydney Fighting For Freedom Edition

Created 121408ZJUN20



>>64293, >>64294, >>64296, >>64297, >>64298, >>64299, >>64301, >>64302, >>64305, >>64309, >>64310, >>64311, >>64312, >>64314 Flynn dismissal discussion mini-bun

>>64295 anon calls for eyes on NY candidate Chris Jacobs, conservative candidate

>>64300 (continued) live link to Flynn dismissal arguments

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a15exlPAA3U

>>64303 Flynn Jr: Folks, Appellate juges are SUPPOSED to play devil's advocate during these hearings... This is not a sign a that the judges are AGAINST General Flynn.

>>64304 Tokyo to reopen almost all businesses

>>64306, >>64308 planefag/copterfag reporting

>>64307 Congressional Candidate, Marjorie Greene, Banned from Facebook Ads Wins GOP Primary

>>64313 New CNN hit piece on QANON

>>64315 Judge Wilkins Brings Up Hypothetical Race Case and Police Brutality During Flynn Hearing

>>64316 #12269

(10 notables, 24 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171866

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9586553 Q Research General #12270: Flynn FTW, Wait For It, It's Coming Edition

Created 121520ZJUN20



>>64317 City Officials Admit to Accepting Bribes, NOT going unnoticed!

>>64318, >>64330 WR TWITTER TREND REPORT #EndTrumpsWarOnAmerica

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7d850e71a6440e97de6705decb3f1bbeba40c1379831fd7be772fe6900ba31f.mp4

>>64319 Twitter deletes 170,000 accounts linked to China influence campaign

>>64320 US navy patrols Indo-Pacific for first time in three years, as US-China tensions deepen

>>64321, >>64325 planefaggin

>>64322 Sandinistas Kill Protesters in Nicaragua and Now “Protest” in United States

>>64323 Maduro Sends Gasoline to Cuba While Venezuelans Face Shortages

>>64324 Miami PD isn’t playing around with the savages.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec4ec488f27dd0a99d12dd3152fefcb59829c9d81c06a426ba4ef0e034d15e4d.mp4

>>64326 Anons a poll that needs attention 3 hours left

>>64327 Syrian jihadist commander killed by Libyan Army near Sirte

>>64328 Turkey’s actions will lead to war with Egypt and Greece: expert

>>64329 Seattle Police Chief: “Rapes, Robberies, All Sorts of Violent Acts” Occurring Inside CHAZ -- Anarchist Autonomous Zone VID

>>64331 300K Fentanyl Pills, Cocaine, Heroin Seized in One Bust at Arizona Port of Entry

>>64332, >>64333 200 PBS Stations to Air Documentary on Study --- “Fire Did Not Cause Building 7’s Collapse on 9/11”/ Truth is coming, maybe not on PBS but they prep for it

>>64334 China launches bold new electric vehicle credit scheme

>>64335, >>64336 Flynn, Next courtroom act July 16

>>64337 Tampa Bay looters

>>64338 #12270

(18 notables, 22 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171867

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9587326 Q Research General #12271: Defund the Cops, Who You Gonna Call? Edition

Created 121629ZJUN20



>>64339, >>64340 Jewish kids take over Brooklyn streets to demand reopening of sleepaway camps

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f3a23a4acfd8fbf31bd75452fc080893115bb66abfeeab5b1426bd917329e3f.mp4

>>64341 Ice Cube: Don't give the people's money to the DNC

>>64342 Why does Amazon have facial recog software? Amazon Temp Halts Police Use Of Facial Recog Software

>>64343, >>64347 Planefag Reports

>>64344 U.S. is ‘trouble maker’ in China-Canada relationship, Chinese envoy to Canada says

>>64345 Toronto Cop Among 10 Charged in Human Trafficking Probe

>>64346, >>64352, >>64367, >>64369, >>64374 U.S. Marines: "Bring Me The Horizon" Q: "Retaliation - 'Horizon' active."

>>64348 Domino's Pizza CHAZ Twat: ...we will no longer serv pepperoni/meat toppings at this location...

>>64349, >>64350 Tom Steyer Digg re 186 Million

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/48725c72d3fed3340856cba520f428f662dc02a4ecf1d8aa681854aaf2dc7807.pdf

>>64351 Flynn Case: 85 Lies, Contradictions, Oddities, & Unusual Occurrences (zero hedge)

>>64353 BREAKING: Trump Immigration, Which US Non-Immigrant Visas Will Be Banned?

>>64354 Tonight, @ChrisCuomo criticized Trump’s economy while using data that stops in 2016.

>>64355, >>64363 GOP Candidate Ad Banned on Facebook, Held Semi-Auto Rifle Told Antifa Terrorists To “Stay the HELL out of northwest Georgia,” Wins Election

>>64356, >>64361 Catherine Herridge twats Sidney Powell Quote: “We are here now to stop further impermissible intrusion into sole power of Executive Branch

>>64357 Chinese military officer arrested after trying to leave US

>>64358 A very close twatter Poll to FLIP, POTUS vs Biden

>>64359 U.S./Israel chose wisely not to join ICC, avoiding danger of military personnel being scrutinized by politicized internat'nl body re (PB)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pMtYcenv36k - AG Bill Barr, Mike Pompeo, Mark Esper speak to press [Channel: Fox News]

>>64360, >>64375 WATCH: Black Man Escorts Police Into CHAZ, Outrage Ensues

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d6c62dfcc0166ce62dc56dcc0642f7b7c10376525ce3210df7ccfaf90d96294a.mp4

>>64362, >>64365 FrogDoc Twat: So, #CHAZ residents are learning what's important kek


>>64366 $454 Million: The Corporate Technocrats Who Finance Social Justice And Anarchy

>>64368, >>64373 Top Black Lives Matter Activist Questions Where the Millions of Dollars in Donations Are Going?

>>64370, >>64372 Flynn Fri Hearing: Obama Judge Biased/Trump Judge Fair-Minded/Bush Judge Thinks It’s OK to Keep Case Open After was Dropped/other fuckery

>>64371 NY Gov Cuomo Signs Major Police Reform Bills/Make Disciplinary Records Public to Al Sharpton Delite

>>64376 Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative With Damning Facts And Logic

>>64377 How New York’s Coronavirus Response Made the Pandemic Worse (WSJ)

>>64378 #12271

(27 notables, 40 posts, 53 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171868

File (hide): eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9588107 Q Research General #12272: WE ARE UNITED. WE WILL PREVAIL. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Created 121757ZJUN20



>>64379 AE911 Truth: 200 PBS Stations to Air Documentary on Study --- “Fire Did Not Cause Building 7’s Collapse on 9/11”

>>64380, >>64381 pb, pb, Dig re: Boston Mayor, Marty Walsh "declaring racism a public health crisis"

>>64382 ‘Gone With The Wind’ Screening in Paris Canceled By Warner Bros.

>>64383 British Airways, EasyJet & Ryanair sue UK government over quarantine rules with ‘no scientific evidence’ (rt)

>>64384 Mueller report redactions on Roger Stone may be lifted next week (wexaminer)

>>64385 New FBI Vault drop - High Visibility Memorandums: 167 pages and appears highly redacted throughout

>>64386, >>64387 UK: Police officer violently assaulted in London

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a438167379e8d0873dae1359d3d566420e9cd843d0bfa6ca7981e46a355eec7.mp4

>>64388 BLM mission excludes men?

>>64389 Mexican Marines Fight Off Cartel Ambush

>>64390 Nine Shot in Mexican Border State Drug Packaging House

>>64391 Fired State Dept IG Steve Linick Sent Confidential Info to His Personal Email Accts Fueling Speculation He Was Behind Leaks to Media (gwpundit)

>>64392, >>64393 Anon Writes: Congressional Display of "Solidarity with Protesters" Goes Horribly Wrong

>>64394, >>64408, >>64414 Planefag Reports

>>64395 U.S./Israel chose wisely not to join ICC, avoiding danger of military personnel being scrutinized by politicized internat'nl body re (PB)

>>64396 Satellite images of Chinese hospital parking suggests outbreak began in August (timesofisrael)

>>64397 Hawkish, Gov’t Funded Think Tank Behind Twitter Decision to Delete Thousands of Chinese Accounts (mintpressnews)

>>64398, >>64399, >>64400, >>64403, >>64406 Michael Flynn DC Circuit Court of Appeals Hearing - June 12, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lkSLLUXHHUo - Michael Flynn DC Circuit Court of Appeals Hearing - June 12, 2020 [Channel: Just the News]

>>64401 String Of Attacks On US Forces And Facilities Continues In Iraq (thesaker.is)

>>64402 Netanyahu retweets statement urging jailing of journalist for reporting on him (timesofisrael)


>>64405 John Bolton Book: Trump Just Interested In Reelection, Approaches Foreign Policy Like A Real Estate Deal (ibtimes)

>>64407 Trump responds to Biden's claim that he'll try to steal the election: 'Joe's not all there' (fakenewsfox)

>>64409 Congressional Black Caucus Chair Rakes in Cash from Lawyer Who Pushed to Suppress Police Shooting Video

>>64410 Former UK prime minister Tony Blair calls for coronavirus digital IDs to prove ‘disease status’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=stAM_XwCLrA - Tony Blair says people will need 'digital ID' to prove 'disease status' in future [Channel: The Independent]

>>64411 How Google is Manipulating COVID Related Search Results

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1IdWYQfMaBo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>64412 Nashville autonomous zone 'will not be tolerated,' Gov. Bill Lee says as one is planned for state Capitol

>>64413 Federal Reserve Controversial Municipal Liquidity Facitlity (MLF)

>>64415 #12272

>>64416 lb, FBI Vault documents found tying Obama to Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Holy Land Foundation … promoting Muslim cabinet officials, involvement of American students in Muslim activities

(29 notables, 38 posts, 47 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171869

File (hide): eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9588870 Q Research General #12273: Corporate Media Massive Cover-up Of Widespread Criminal Activity Edition

Created 121912ZJUN20



>>64417, >>64419 @USArmy twat: Beginning with the class of 2021, both male and female cadets will have to include all 17 branches in their preference list

>>64418 New poll: Black Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose Defunding the Police

>>64420 Vietnam opposes China’s placement of submarine cables in Hoang Sa

>>64421, >>64424, >>64427, >>64429

>>64422 @ODNIgov twat: As we celebrate #FlagDay this weekend, we remember what this enduring symbol of our freedom stands for

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0886bf79164a3d3b865109de0b9c874b2d7c66a5a2d74e40f069dbdda9e8b756.mp4

>>64423, >>64430, >>64466 planefaggin

>>64425, >>64426, >>64438, >>64442 Washington Post starting to stir up trouble with Melania and her prenup agreement

>>64428 @tassagency_en (Russian news agency) twat: Newest nuclear-powered sub enters service with Russian Navy

>>64431 @SputnikInt twat: French nuclear submarine catches fire in Mediterranean

>>64432, >>64433 @tedcruz twat: "A very good Q" in response to @RichardGrenell on facial recognition and human rights

>>64434 Gold traders flee New York to London amid market turbulence, LBMA says

>>64435 Bishops in Middle East and Nigeria Applaud Trump’s Religious-Liberty Executive Order

>>64436 PJMedia: The left has gone from "orange man bad" to "white man bad" and it's going to backfire

>>64437 2019 in England and Wales: Highest number of abortions since 1967, "a national tragedy"

>>64439 Wuhan man, 26, gains 224 pounds within five months while remaining home-bound due to coronavirus crisis

>>64440 WA state: Ban On Sex Offender Attending Church Services Is Upheld

>>64441 Proposal to start calling 'CHAZ' Chazlandia (Portlandia satire reference)

>>64443 @DailyMail twat: Trump calls QAnon follower a 'big winner' after she topped first round of Republican congressional primary for a seat in Georgia

>>64444, >>64446 EYES ON: Pastebin.com problems with dough

>>64445 Minneapolis City Council Unanimously Approves Pledge to Abolish Police Department

>>64447 U.S. And Iraq Release Joint Statement Loosely Outlining Troop Withdrawal And Other Issues

>>64448 lb, FBI Vault documents found tying Obama to Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Holy Land Foundation … promoting Muslim cabinet officials, involvement of American students in Muslim activities

>>64449 @MrAndyNgo twat: Fresh food given out for free at “mutual aid stations” inside Seattle Chazlandia

>>64450 @AFP twat: France's top administrative court ruled on Friday that a researcher could consult the archives of former president Francois #Mitterrand on the 1994 genocide in #Rwanda

>>64451 Wall Street Banks Tank One Day After Fed Chair Says They’re “a Source of Strength”

>>64452, >>64463 Bernie Sanders: Trump Is Endangering People by Holding GOP Convention Celebration in Florida

>>64453 Germany: Police raid left-wing extremist scene in Leipzig

>>64454 Associated Press vid: Aerials show aftermath of Houston bar explosion

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iqT0WozYf-c - Aerials show aftermath of Houston bar explosion [Channel: Associated Press]

>>64455 @nypost twat: Seattle 'autonomous zone' protesters accused of hijacking Black Lives Matter message

>>64456 White House statement: The Trump Administration Is Advancing Ocean Exploration

>>64457 Engel Goes Dark: Pompeo Sends Scathing Letter On Fired State Department IG

>>64458 Military Situation In Libya - June 12, 2020 (Map Update)

>>64459 Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense ep. 44: From John Gotti to Recent Riots: The Guardian Angel

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ii__W_rijDw - From John Gotti to Recent Riots: The Guardian Angel | Ep. 44 [Channel: Rudy W. Giuliani]

>>64460 Why the Sudden U.S. Keenness for Arms Control Talks With Russia? CHINA.

>>64461 Protester Chris Green, struck by toppled Confederate statue in Portsmouth VA, was placed in a coma. His condition remains critical but stable.

>>64462 US Charges Chinese Researcher Identified as PLA Officer With Visa Fraud

>>64464 Coronavirus strengthens China’s ties to Middle East

>>64465, >>64477 Chazlandia GoFundMe for "starting a bike officer unit to police … I mean enforce law and order … I mean to provide 'well-trusted protection'"

>>64467 @Jerusalem_Post: Far-right extremists spreading antisemitic conspiracies about COVID-19

>>64468 John Bolton Book To 'Go Beyond Ukraine' - Accuse Trump Of 'Misconduct With Other Countries'

>>64469, >>64470, >>64473, >>64480 Bad guy reports: Arrests and charges for impersonating officers, drugs, sexual exploitation of minors

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f71285b0a72ecb8815e9d2133c63b3fe0dcce2901ae68212328935ff06ba6ce0.pdf

>>64471, >>64478 POLICE: 911 Calls for Violent and Sex Crimes TRIPLES in Seattle Autonomous Zone (Just like Occupy Wall Street)

>>64472 Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan say they are 'deeply shaken and disgusted by Trump's divisive and incendiary rhetoric' in a letter to 160 scientists who criticized Facebook for not flagging his posts

>>64474 The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods says the decommissioned Fire Station 6 in the Central District will be transferred to the community

>>64475 Tennessee lawmakers want rioters to pay restitution, serve mandatory 30-day sentence

>>64476 Cracker Barrel under attack because it ‘feels’ like a racist place, with a racist name

>>64479 Senators letter to Treasury: PPP wrongly denied to business owners with felonious past

>>64481 America Convulses in Pain, Fed Bails Out the Wealthy (AGAIN)

>>64482 Black Pro-Lifers Arrested for Praying at Planned Parenthood: “This is Bias Against Christians”

>>64483 @Jerusalem_Post pushing WAR? "A 2017 study found that exposure to contagious disease increased the risk of a violent civil conflict"

>>64484 UK Premier League players to wear 'Black Lives Matter' on back of shirts

>>64485 The New York Times makes Juneteenth a paid holiday

>>64486 pb HHS Finalizes Rule on Section 1557 Protecting Civil Rights in Healthcare

>>64487 #12273

(54 notables, 71 posts, 76 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171870

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9589704 Q Research General #12274: Attacks will Only Intensify Edition

Created 122046ZJUN20



>>64488 ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Politicians Call on UK to Release Assange

>>64489, >>64498, >>64505 planefaggin

>>64490 IDF detain RT’s Redfish reporter, force him to give up footage after covering rally against Jordan Valley annexation in West Bank

>>64491 Pelosi calls for removal of Confederate statues while silent on her father dedicating one as mayor.

>>64492 The Internet Censorship Bubble Is About To Burst

>>64493 pb, pb, Dig re: Boston Mayor, Marty Walsh "declaring racism a public health crisis"

>>64494 Devolution to Revolution: An Already Demoralized U.S. is Now Being Destabilized

>>64495 Lake in India that formed by a meteorite 50,000 years ago mysteriously changes from green to bright pink overnight

>>64496 University of Texas football players say they will not participate in recruiting or donor events unless a list of demands aimed at racial justice are met

>>64497 Oregon Supreme Court rules against Baker County judge, upholds governor’s orders restricting churches

>>64499 White House Proclamation on Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2020

>>64500 Judge says court may have picked 'intemperate' lawyer to argue against DOJ dropping Flynn case

>>64501 Dig re pb notable: French nuclear submarine catches fire in Mediterranean

>>64502 Conservative Treehouse: DNI Ratcliffe declassifies "Annex A" supportive documents for 2017 intel community assessment

>>64503, >>64508 @NASA: A New Lead for Our Human Spaceflight Efforts - Kathryn Lueders

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XRs8ho3_DJ8 - A New Lead for Our Human Spaceflight Efforts on This Week @NASA -- June 12, 2020 [Channel: NASA]

>>64504 Exploited Again - Financial Contributions to BLM are Being Funneled to Biden Campaign

>>64506 NJ mayors to Gov Murphy: We need malls to reopen or property taxes are going up

>>64507 @julie4truth twat: If residents of "Chaz" claim to be citizens of a separate nation, does that mean they won't be voting in the 2020 elections?

>>64509 Ukrainian Law Enforcement Arrest Suspect, Seize $6 Million Allegedly Used to FORCE END to BURISMA/BIDEN Investigations

>>64510, >>64515 Seattle zone's new enforcers blocking police response to rapes, robberies

>>64511 2nd wave fear porn: COVID Spreads To 60 Meatpacking Plants, Sparks Fear Of US Food Shortages As 2nd Wave Strikes

>>64512 Texans coach Bill O'Brien says he'll take knee with players during anthem

>>64513 Meat Shortages Are Coming Unless Congress Breaks Up the Highly Centralized System It Created

>>64514 Takeaways and vid from Flynn oral arguments today

>>64516 Seahawks wives hosting march over I-90 bridge to support Black Lives Matter

>>64517 Protests erupted on Thursday in several cities in #Lebanon after a crash in the pound currency

>>64518 Judge Sullivan and Deep State Attorneys Argue Government can Continue to Charge You, Hide Evidence, Fine You and Bankrupt You AFTER Charges are Dropped

>>64519 @Militarydotcom: Head of Naval Aviation Schools Command, Another Navy Pilot Killed in Plane Crash

>>64520 Media Matters shills: A debunked conspiracy theory about BLM, ActBlue, and Democrats can be traced back to far-right message boards

>>64521 EYES ON: Pastebin.com problems with dough

>>64522, >>64523 @icecube trolling? Trump on Mt Rushmore

>>64524 #12274

(32 notables, 37 posts, 44 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171871

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9590473 Q Research General #12275: Protecting the Dough Edition

Created 122204ZJUN20



>>64525 Fox news vid: Trump answers tough questions asked by Harris Faulkner on state of US law enforcement

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6ja8QEp0SkA - Exclusive: Trump answers tough questions on state of US law enforcement [Channel: Fox News]

>>64526, >>64551 Call for dig: Pedo Ring on Big Island, Hawaii

>>64527 The News Media Is Destroying Itself (Finally!)

>>64528 WH pool reports from today

>>64529 Davis (Sacramento, CA) sandwich shop owner loses store after sending controversial email

>>64530, >>64545 Kim Jong Un Is MIA. His Sister Is on the Attack against South Korea

>>64531, >>64533 2nd wave narrative BTFO: Coronavirus has suffered a permanent deletion mutation that affects its lethality

>>64532 Nearly 2,000 people have signed a petition to rename the city of Lynchburg, VA

>>64534 Miami, FL: Thousands protesting, turning to riot mob

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b860cd15f87bd7a7f0e0214e487e8cde64f3fe6061725f064005937bd5ef0c4f.mp4

>>64535 Former Steve Jobs Advisor Says Facebook Is "Destroying The Very Fabric Of Human Relationships"

>>64536, >>64537 Chazlandia is a "peaceful expression of our community's collective grief"... except it's not

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/117fcc8646238c0c20f03c395922ec4259d9237349ab5bdf9f61669eba4b7d00.mp4

>>64538, >>64556 planefaggin

>>64539, >>64552, >>64572 Biden narrows list of VP contenders, ex-Obama adviser Susan Rice among them

>>64540, >>64541, >>64542, >>64543 Good (thorough) summary of Flynn hearing today

>>64544 Bankrupt Hertz wins approval to offer up to $1 billion in shares

>>64546, >>64548 Muh Highlighter: Updated Federal Riot Cases from @CBS_Herridge

>>64547 Mastercard CEO sold: $32.15m-June 10

>>64549, >>64562 TN Governor Lee has said an 'autonomous zone' won't be tolerated

>>64550 Moar race baiting: Are White People 'Capable' of 'Grieving Loss of a Black Child?'

>>64553 Shady Contact Tracing Firm "MTX Group" (given contract in Texas) is a Google Partner

>>64554 DS grasping at straws: Judge asks if Michael Flynn dismissal is good for racist police

>>64555 ViacomCBS says it's severing relationship with Big Fish Entertainment, producer of 'Love & Hip Hop', 'Black Ink Crew', and recently canceled #LivePD at A&E

>>64557 Port Richey, FL Restaurant Declares Itself a ‘Safe Haven’ for Law Enforcement Officers

>>64558 Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone’ Demands U.S. Citizenship for 11 to 22M Illegal Aliens

>>64559 CDC says ‘more mitigation efforts’ may be needed again if coronavirus cases go up

>>64560 Three Charged in $180 Million Health Care Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme

>>64561 Free Speech Org FIRE Defends UCLA Prof Suspended After Refusing to Postpone Exam For Black Students

>>64563 France Successfully Test-Fires Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile Across Atlantic

>>64564 Los Angeles Retroactively Defunds LAPD Overtime

>>64565 Iran Calls on French Analysts to Decipher Black Boxes Belonging to Downed Ukrainian Jetliner

>>64566 Truck Drivers Say They Won't Deliver to Cities with Defunded Police Departments

>>64567 Breitbart: Border Wall Construction Crew in Texas Says It Took Gunfire from Mexico

>>64568 North Korea: U.N. Chief a U.S. ‘Stooge’ Pretending to Be Drunk

>>64569, >>64571, >>64573 For the keks: Turns out the celebs behind the #ITakeResponsibility video got it a bit wrong and want to apologise. Let’s hear them out…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a88f88f068c0c6234d0bbeaeb12474d51b2c563396df2213b289c75f10501067.mp4

>>64570 Manhattan judge frees alleged looter busted in bloody attack on NYPD cop

>>64574 Kentucky to remove Jefferson Davis statue from state Capitol

>>64575 More than 1,300 Chinese medical suppliers falsified registration information to sell in US

>>64576 pb HHS Finalizes Rule on Section 1557 Protecting Civil Rights in Healthcare

>>64577 EYES ON: Pastebin.com problems with dough

>>64578 Today, Federal Judge Richard Jones issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) on Seattle PD’s use of less-lethal crowd management tactics

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/828289eacbcc54d0b7069ac94c5179d1e42614dc341ef8dbef43ec27e166d101.pdf

>>64579, >>64580 For the keks: Seattle communists are now fascists with no food

>>64581 #12275

(42 notables, 57 posts, 55 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171872

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9591250 Q Research General #12276: Fear No Evil Edition

Created 122342ZJUN20




>>64582 New Catherine Herridge: full 53 subpoena list

>>64583 Video highlighting Media Hypocrisy re: Michigan lockdown protests vs. BLM protests/Antifa looting

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f18c7beb061e663660243571ef9d044f045a13ba45743c9483b2e37dbfb387aa.mp4

>>64584, >>64593 “Whites Go to the Back!” -- Seattle Black Lives Matter Force All Whites to Back of the March

>>64585, >>64592, >>64598, >>64609 PF reports

>>64586 Colorado Bill Requires “Re-education” For Parents Who Refuse The Coronavirus Vaccine - 6/9/20

>>64587 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's 28-year-old son is arrested in California for peacefully 'stabbing his neighbor multiple times'

>>64588 TV writer Jas Waters dies by suicide at 39

>>64589 Officers Remain Inside ‘CHAZ’ Precinct, Seattle PD Confirms Plans To Move Back In

>>64590, >>64599, >>64604 Anonymous Non-White Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative

>>64591 Young black man found hanging from a tree in California -- police say it was a suicide over the coronavirus

>>64594, >>64595 Candace Owens' response to Dave Chappelle + some on twitter think this was opposite of what it appeared

>>64596 Trump hosting Gov Murphy in NJ tonight

>>64597 Finland renames ‘Negro Island’ amid global anti-racism protests

>>64600 Boris Says Churchill ‘Expressed Opinions Unacceptable to Us Today’

>>64601 Dig on Tashina Gauhar, one of the 53 subpoenas

>>64602 Jussie Smollett's double jeopardy claim tossed out by judge

>>64603 Supreme Cartel Leader’s Rumored Death Puts Mexican Government on Edge

>>64605 It Looks Like Rapper and Local Warlord ‘Raz from CHAZ’ is a HUGE Homophobe

>>64606 Miami Imam Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi Blames Christianity For Looting In America

>>64607 Trade war drains China's social security system

>>64608 Jonathan Turley article that reviews Gleeson's amicus brief has a VERY INTERESTING paragraph (Alice in Wonderland reference)

>>64610 Video of Dave Chapelle special on Floyd, BLM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3tR6mKcBbT4 - 8:46 - Dave Chappelle [Channel: Netflix Is A Joke]

>>64611 #12276

(23 notables, 30 posts, 44 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171873

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9591981 Q Research General #12277: Message to Antifa, Resistance Is Futile Edition

Created 130053ZJUN20




>>64612 Hope for the future: Hungary Sees 5.5 Per Cent Birthrate Increase After Enacting Pro-Family Policies

>>64613 Mayor Durkan tweet to POTUS: "Seattle is fine. Don’t be so afraid of democracy."

>>64614 Taylor Swift Demands ‘Ending Cycle of Hate’ by Removing Statues of Pro-Slavery Figures, Failing to Mention They Were Democrats

>>64615 Gospel Radio Announcer Fatally Shot Outside Home in Baltimore

>>64616 Historic: NASA names first woman to head human spaceflight

>>64617, >>64621 NYC Proposal Would Defund $1 Billion From NYPD Budget

>>64618 Snapchat CEO says platform has 'First Amendment' right to censor Trump, Zuckerberg weighs in

>>64619, >>64623, >>64627, >>64631, >>64633 PF reports and digs

>>64620 Trump campaign manager says 300,000 people applied for President's upcoming rally

>>64622 Eating their own: Howard Stern under fire for past use of blackface, skit with N-word

>>64624 Author of new Jeffrey Epstein book: 'Where's the criminal investigation against Ghislaine Maxwell?'

>>64625 Spanish police smash sub-Saharan human trafficking ring

>>64626 Cloudflare, Inc. BoD Chair/CEO sold: $8.66m-June 10-12

>>64628 Palmdale anon chimes in on pb notable re: young black man found hanging from a tree in CA

>>64629 "I got your back, brother." Meme come to life

>>64630 For Keks, Tucker Carlson: New tourism ad in from American's newest neighbor: The Nation of CHAZ (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a3cfec7894b931fd937766e1150332da0ad0b72d57861a40fd24f56166d3952.mp4

>>64632 Rose McGowan getting woke

>>64634 Chauvin may receive $1M in pension benefits even if convicted

>>64635 Harvey Weinstein reportedly has gangrene of the balls

>>64636 These people are evil: Teen who makes teddy bears for children of fallen officers out of their uniforms getting death threats for supporting law enforcement

>>64637 Newsom's plan to mail ballots to all CA voters is temporarily blocked by judge

>>64638 Social Media Influencers Wear Blackface to 'Show Solidarity' With Black Lives Matter

>>64639 #12277

(23 notables, 28 posts, 42 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171874

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9592736 Q Research General #12278: Weinstein's Infected Balls Edition

Created 130216ZJUN20




>>64640 Jim Watkins covering CHAZ on Studio B Revolution Radio

>>64641 PF report and digs

>>64642 POTUS Weekend Schedule for Saturday, June 13 and Sunday, June 14, 2020

>>64643 Q 'unleashed' + Pompeo unleashed dog tweet (needs sauce)

>>64644 Trump supporters plan Jacksonville boat rally

>>64645 Economist Purged from Chicago Fed for Criticizing ‘Defund the Police’

>>64646 Millie Weaner undercover work on Sunrise Cult

>>64647, >>64651 Jessica Mulroney (((Brownstein))) Digg con't.

>>64648 Strait Tensions Soar: Taiwan Test Fires Missiles, Beijing Sends Warplane

>>64649 Sydney Powell retweets WH petition to arrest Xijin-ping for spreading China virus and invading US security

>>64650 Al-Qaeda Factions In Syria’s Greater Idlib Establish New Operations Room

>>64652, >>64654 Idiot Mayor JennyDurkan : "Seattle is fine"

>>64653 Physicians Sue Rep. Adam Schiff For Censoring Vaccine Debate

>>64655 Pompeo is planning to travel to Hawaii to meet with Chinese officials

>>64656 Microsoft worked w/Chinese military u on AI

>>64657 Hells Angels & Mongols ride together to Seattle

>>64658 VA Employee Joseph Prince Sentenced For Orchestrating $19 Million Corruption Scheme

>>64659 POTUS moved his rally date to June 20

>>64660 #12278

(19 notables, 21 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171875

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9593475 Q Research General #12279: "Seattle is Fine" Edition

Created 130336ZJUN20




>>64661, >>64663, >>64664, >>64672 Herridge's pen points to Sally Moyer + digs

>>64662 Possible connection with the Cult Leader arrested in Hawaii and Q drop 369.

>>64665 TMZ eliminated comments from websites until they have a "process in place to immediately purge hate speech"…

>>64666, >>64668, >>64675 PF and boatfag reports

>>64667 Some good news for once: Demonstrators in Red Bluff, CA show appreciation for local law enforcement

>>64669 Chaz resident claims Warlord Raz is out, to be replaced.

>>64670 NYPD Union Slams Cuomo For Signing Police Reform Bill, Says Cops Will Be 'Unable To Do Job'

>>64671, >>64677, >>64678 Biden Narrows List of VP Contenders

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6oOxAyU8QwM

>>64673, >>64676 Reportedly these images are from an Antifa-ville Manual, Caps

>>64674 James Woods Tweets 'KKK Leader, Dems Forgot One'

>>64679 China Sentences Austrailian Cam Gillespie to Death on Drug Smuggling Charges

>>64680 Judge Limits California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Emergency Rule-Making During Pandemic

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c967f3c4bfe63c71984c484e62d5a3e8684ea6d6363f89f609e9cec574fa2a1.pdf

>>64681 Protesters demand investigation after young Black man is found hanging from tree in Palmdale

>>64682 Nine of 11 statues of Confederate leaders Pelosi wants removed from Capitol were Democrats

>>64683 Commies trying to set up another autonomous zone in Asheville, NC

>>64684, >>64685 GOP calls out Gov. Whitmer for saying Black stay-at-home order protesters would have been killed by law enforcement

>>64686 #12279

(17 notables, 26 posts, 41 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171876

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9594291 Q Research General #12280: Autonomous Zones Attempt To Communicate Outside Petoria

Created 130509ZJUN20




>>64687 List of Current Self-Proclaimed Autonomous Zones Within The United States

>>64688, >>64707 Color of Pompeo's Leash is uncannily similar to the Shade used on the Garden in CHAUZ.

>>64689 BBC Embed from 1-17' on Trump Family Heritage

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3Yk0OB30M1A - BBC visits Donald Trump's Mother's home on Isle Of Lewis, Scotland [Channel: Seeker UK]

>>64690 Minneapolis City Council Unanimously Passes Resolution To Reploace PD with Community-Led Public Safety System

>>64691 Papadopoulos has Encounter with Unknown 'Alleged' Austrailian attempted Unlawful Entry

>>64692, >>64694, >>64700, >>64705, >>64713 Planefag Connections to Ray Chandler? Comms?

>>64693 Andy Ngo CBS clip - footage of looting in a Florida WalMart

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a70cd8358e4bd651fcbae350f060902d6d54c73e0d41ad3a4da843e212cbc487.mp4

>>64695 Hallandale Beach SWAT team steps down, outraged over police chief kneeling with protesters

>>64696, >>64697 Within Chaz

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZerTHS-LLOM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SRhLvtjWq8o - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>64698 Trump reschedules campaign rally after Juneteenth uproar

>>64699 Rudy Tweets Vote Republican

>>64701 Testimony about BLM

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b2ea2cd6a456c31fe7af9be43ed105a1d554a18c7109b5f6482d0100d3aeb9fe.mp4

>>64702, >>64708, >>64710, >>64715 Boatfag Reports

>>64703 Mosquito Panic Next for 2020 Outlook

>>64704 WSJ Reports CHAZ Poses a Huge Threat To Employment in Seattle

>>64706, >>64709 July 4th Event Alleged 'Partiots' Retake CHAZ and alleged grievance

>>64711 More Proof Dems are unhappy with their 'Roots'

>>64712 Datefag Update on Call The Ball

>>64714 Lawyers Who Allegedly Torched NYPD Vehicle During Riots Could Face Life Sentences

>>64716 #12280

(20 notables, 30 posts, 38 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171877

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9595113 Q Research General #12281: Ghost Protocol Edition

Created 130654ZJUN20




>>64717, >>64720, >>64721, >>64727, >>64729, >>64734, >>64737 Unsourced and Unverified Facebook Post by Paul Willer, talking about HRC's 200.000 (!) slave children. Anons, TAKE NOTICE!,

>>64718 What a difference a day makes: KOMO news highlights Seattle officials planning to take back Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ from Antifa

>>64719, >>64735 False Flag Alert? 8 people shot outside San Antonio Bar,

>>64722 William Sessions Fmr. Federal Judge Appointed by Reagan Served as Head FBI under Clinton Passes Away in His San Antonio Home At 90

>>64723, >>64725 Spanish Police round up Sub-Saharan People smuggling ring, run by Sub-Saharans out of Spain.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ece6631601e959681c1f139a96a795533d4608be3b4f57e25995818ded2b3d08.mp4

>>64724 Political Infighting on Display as Chinese Leader and Premier Give Conflicting Comments on State of Economy

>>64726 "We're looking at 10 years in prison!" Reality Sets in For ANTIFA Members

>>64728 #GaysForTrump trending on Twitter

>>64730, >>64731 Collections of Riot Streams,

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SRhLvtjWq8o - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=21n83xHNOGo - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>64732, >>64733 Today is #ExposeBillGates day, Documentary about Bill Gates, destroyer of children.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C4f44FL7gB8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TY-vLrz9XCc - Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020) [Channel: Corbett Report Extras]

>>64736 VP Pence speaks on why he remained at the White House during Trump's Lafayette Park Bible Photo OP

>>64738 Barricades set up in Chicago

>>64739 Credibility of Anti-Malaria Drug Studies for COVID-19 Falls Apart

>>64740 Country Trio ' Lady Antebellum' cucks pre-empitevly by changing name to appease and not anger Inclusionists

>>64741 Ousted Inspector General Was Investigating Award Pulled From Trump Critic

>>64742 Republican FCC Regulator expressed doubts about Trump's social media crackdown

>>64743 Amazon also considering cucking to inclusionists, by removing Dukes of Hazzard from its streaming service over a confederate flag

>>64744 Tennessee protestors are also building an 'Autonomous Zone'

>>64745 Trump Opens New Front in War on Big Tech: Microsoft

>>64746 Pre-filled Corona-vaccine syringes may have RFID chip in them

>>64747, >>64749 Portland Andy caught smoking meth on stream. He can be reported,

>>64748 Corona not as infectuous as feared? Preliminary research says '70% of those infected don't pass it on"

>>64750 LVMH just backed out of Tiffany deal.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4x8cU6paPXc - Trump;"Lots of Jobs" Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy Chair [Channel: Samuel Ezerzer]

>>64751 #12281

(24 notables, 35 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171878

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9595935 Q Research General #12282: Broken Dreams & Stardust Edition

Created 130945ZJUN20




>>64752 HRC: 'I wanted to boil Bill in oil - but I've never regretted staying with him'

>>64753, >>64762 NYT publishes op-ed by a radical leftist terrorist supporter calling for abolishing prisions and police

>>64754 Occupy 2.0: Nashville Trying to Set Up the Next Radical Autonomous Zone

>>64755 A New Silent Majority Is Coming (America in the Throes of a Nat'l Madness)

>>64756 Three indicted on NYPD Molotov cocktail-throwing charge

>>64757 Dispatch from 'CHAZ': Tweets call for guns, Gatorade and cigarettes

>>64758, >>64761 Black woman destroys white libs blocking her car (next bred title!)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf9cd9c631fa3ed219c923930dd837a62c1fc9a15379e7fd2f938584d8f389c1.mp4

>>64759, >>64766 Brands, shut up: Put an end to corporate BLM virtue signaling

>>64760 Intel’s Jim Keller Leaves the Company for ‘Personal Reasons’

>>64763 Terrence K Williams slams Howard Stern blackface vid

>>64764 Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts admitted to hospital w/bacterial meningitis

>>64765, >>64769, >>64775, >>64779, >>64780 Strong Cities, UN connection, Soros - Anons DIGG

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gr0wbZ9BtkI - What is Happening to America ? (2016-2017) [Channel: Jason A]

>>64767, >>64772, >>64782, >>64783 Moar on Strong Cites

>>64768, >>64771, >>64773 Great POTUS rt's (First Step Act, etc.)

>>64770 Judge asks if Michael Flynn dismissal is good for racist police

>>64774 Philonise Floyd testifies at House hearing on police brutality

>>64776 US Army logistics

>>64777 Ghislaine Maxwell fights to keep names of pedos secret

>>64778 Prince Andrew warned to 'stay away from US' as prosecutors continue Epstein probe

>>64781 Social Justice Warrior-ing: now taught at FBI Academy?

>>64784 Van Jones: HRC supporters more dangerous to black people than KKK (vid clip)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7CBI2K5nasY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>64785 10 Florida SWAT officers quit unit over ‘political climate’

>>64786 Twatter-sponsored fake Anonymous twattter acct: warning to /qresearch/

>>64787 #12282

(24 notables, 36 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171879

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9596726 Q Research General #12283: Black Mom: "If you care about black lives, stop voting for Dems!" Edition

Created 131244ZJUN20




>>64788, >>64800 All Lives Matter

>>64789, >>64790, >>64791, >>64792, >>64796, >>64815 LIVE: Protesters gather In London's Whitehall - to defend statues? (vid plus some stills)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zWTISBnFIOw

>>64793 #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action - June 13th. MAKE IT TREND!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C4f44FL7gB8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>64794, >>64810 Defund the police reports

>>64795 EXPOSED: The BBC working with Bill Gates (BBC news vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XJyu9XUpKRU - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>64797 A Brief History of Antifa

>>64798, >>64804, >>64822 US Military News (Flag Day June 14)

>>64799 King County Sheriff & Seattle Mayor, Jenny Durkan: Breakdown of Law and Order

>>64801, >>64803, >>64826 George Floyd coffin comms discussion

>>64802, >>64816, >>64818, >>64820, >>64829 Planefag Reports

>>64805 Pneumonia Vaccine Shown to Actually Increase Bacterial Infections It Is Supposed to Prevent

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3tWvJV7beWA - Melinda French Gates: Pneumonia Vaccine Launch in Kenya | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [Channel: GatesFoundation]

>>64806, >>64807, >>64809, >>64812, >>64813, >>64819, >>64821, >>64823, >>64827 Chaz zone Antifa/BLM terror and kick back

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b2ea2cd6a456c31fe7af9be43ed105a1d554a18c7109b5f6482d0100d3aeb9fe.mp4

>>64808, >>64814 Finance Reports

>>64811, >>64817 Bad Guys

>>64824 Candace Owen fights back against chappele

>>64828 President Trump News Info

>>64830 #12283

(17 notables, 42 posts, 47 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171880

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9597536 Q Research General #12284: Q Painting The Picture Edition

Created 131503ZJUN20




>>64831, >>64833, >>64834, >>64837 - POTUS "17 times faster" - We have a HYPERSONIC MISSILE, 17 times faster than the fastest missile

>>64832, >>64840 LeDuff: Defund The Police? Detroit Did That. Now Children Are Dying.

>>64835 Tomorrow is FLAG DAY and POTUS' Birthday

>>64836, >>64847, >>64849, >>64850 QAnon marches toward the halls of Congress (maggie haberman rt)

>>64838, >>64845 #ExposeBillGates currently trending on Twitter. Also, #MichaelJacksonVindicated, #idontfeelracist... interesting twatter trends for those on the War path

>>64839 planefaggin

>>64841, >>64842, >>64843 Syria updates - country’s currency is plunging to record lows

>>64844, >>64848 Ukrainian Law Enforcement Arrest Individual Allegedly Attempting to End Investigation Into Burisma and Hunter Biden with $6 Million Bribe

>>64846 The FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office are examining individuals who might have traveled across state lines to incite a riot (Atlanta riots)

>>64851, >>64852, >>64853, >>64854 earthquake faggin (off coast of japan, 6.7 @ 165km depth)

>>64855 Judge limits Gov. Newsom's emergency rule-making

>>64856 POTUS west point speech

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=23K8BsEsSN8 - MY ADMINISTRATION TOOK THEM OUT: Trump ELECTRIFYING Speech at West Point Graduation [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>64857 #12284

(13 notables, 27 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171881

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9598320 Q Research General #12285: o7 to the West Point Cadets and all 202 Grads Edition

Created 131650ZJUN20




>>64858, >>64863 preddy cool gopro vid of dude on dirt bike during looting/riots as he blends in and cruises the chaos

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d47c733c94d032508eb0a0aa6f390633723cf84d5858e8b410ba3df582c8509.mp4

>>64859, >>64867, >>64871 anons on some CA bodies found hanging... FF incoming? more fuel for the BLM fire?

>>64860, >>64875 Trump Card - The socialist Left, along with their allies in Antifa and in the mainstream media, seeks to beat us into submission. But America will never be a socialist nation! Check out this early sneak peek of "Trump Card," coming soon

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ea3a85459b2cd15e39158fae438e977f9e39d30caa4e3f75542c541647b6b4b.mp4

>>64861 Corporate America pledges $1.7 billion to BLM

>>64862, >>64864, >>64865, >>64868 POTUS Remarks at 2020 West Point Graduation Ceremony (transcript)

>>64866, >>64876, >>64878, >>64879 planefaggin

>>64869 Ring Of Fire Eclipse coming for June New Moon

>>64870 Ambassador Hangs Black Lives Matter Banner on Facade of US Embassy in South Korea

>>64872 How It’s Done: Asheville, NC Protesters Attempt an Autonomous Zone, Police Immediately Dismantle It

>>64873 vist Soymalia - dank memes

>>64874 DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is SUED for painting 'Black Lives Matter' on the street leading to the White House because it 'shows favoritism towards one race'

>>64877 In 4 Years in 1 State, 100’s of Cops Charged with Felonies, Like Raping Kids --- 0 Have Gone to Jail

>>64880 SEVEN: Explosive 9/11 Documentary Trailer Begins Airing This Month (Video) - PBS affiliates across the country today will begin airing a five-minute version

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FL9CCZFuDFY - SEVEN Official Teaser (2020) | World Trade Center Building 7 [Channel: AE911Truth]

>>64881 #12285

>>64882 ---———————————--——– They can no longer hide in the dark. It's happening. Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: )

(15 notables, 25 posts, 44 media/files)

Q- >>64882

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9efe67 (568) No.171882

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9599077 Q Research General #12286: Your Chazhole is Faggot Edition

Created 131832ZJUN20




>>64883 saturation/reach test

>>64884 ---———————————--——– Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. GOD WINS.

>>64885 US confirms readiness to cooperate with Moscow on Russia Day - envoy

>>64886 Northern California supervisor compares masks to wearing AIDS ribbon in COVID-19 fight

>>64887 Did you know that in 2019 all Black women hold the titles for:

(5 notables, 5 posts, 4 media/files)

Q- >>64884

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9efe67 (568) No.171883

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9599824 Q Research General #12287: God Wins~Q Edition

Created 131934ZJUN20




>>64888 The Sacking of Gough Whitlam and the Royal Intention Behind the Five Eyes

>>64889 President Donald Trump addressed the graduating class of the West Point military academy

>>64890, >>64892, >>64896 What's the deal with ANJUNA?

>>64891 ---———————————--——– Division is man-made. Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur.

>>64893 HTS’ Self-Proclaimed Government In Greater Idlib Switches To Turkish Lira Amid Crippling Economic Crisis

>>64894 ---———————————--——– They can no longer hide in the dark. It's happening. Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zPG_0m2RMxE - Come Together (Mixed) [Channel: Nox Vahn - Topic]

>>64895 LA Unified School District “will return three grenade launchers but intends to keep 61 rifles and a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected armored vehicle” from DoD program

>>64897 thousands protest against racism in Australia, defying govt pleas not to rally during Covid-19 outbreak

>>64898 Pro-Haftar rebel official calls on Israel for support

>>64899 Senator Kennedy: I’ll say this gently to the Governor and the Mayor In Seattle, if you hate the cops just because they’re cops, the next time you get in trouble, CALL A CRACKHEAD

>>64900, >>64903 ---———————————--——– YOUR VOICE MATTERS. YOUR VOTE MATTERS. (Cap: )

>>64901 ---———————————--——– The 'how' will be hard to understand for most. The 'when' is now.

>>64902 ---———————————--——– Biblical Times.

(13 notables, 16 posts, 18 media/files)

Q- >>64891, >>64900, >>64901, >>64902

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9efe67 (568) No.171884

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9600660 Q Research General #12288: Unity, Biblical~Q Edition

Created 132021ZJUN20




>>64904, >>64905 ---———————————--——– When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people...... (Cap: )

>>64906, >>64909 Potus: On behalf of our entire nation, CONGRATULATIONS to the incredible West Point Class of 2020!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d8428d25c96b2d279c72d8786ab9add94bbf9214a16186e20c0c2bd5c9bb547e.mp4

>>64907 )

>>64908, >>64910 Eight shot and wounded outside San Antonio bar after group denied entry, police say. Shooter got a "long rifle" from the car, walked back and opened fire at the parking lot,

>>64911 Q/Potus 0 delta

>>64912 ---———————————--——– Symbolism will be their downfall. You awake is their greatest fear.

>>64913 Q pick of evil

>>64914 #12288

(8 notables, 11 posts, 9 media/files)

Q- >>64904, >>64912

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9efe67 (568) No.171885

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9601410 Q Research General #12289: Armor of God Peeps, Their Symbolism Is Evil Edition

Created 132059ZJUN20




>>64915 #12287

>>64916 Former presidents call for UNITY at hurricane aid concert

>>64917 UK Breaks With its US Ally, Voices Support for ICC After Trump Approves Sanctions

>>64918 Boatfag Report

>>64919, >>64921, >>64923, >>64924 ---———————————--——– The Daily "Beast." (Cap: )

>>64920 Multiple rockets hit ‘inside’ Iraq’s Taji base housing US troops

>>64922 Judge Jeanine @9P EST

>>64925 Colombian Businessman Sanctioned by US Over Work With Venezuelan Food Program Arrested in Cape Verde

>>64926 Potus twats/caps

>>64927 Nationwide Luciferian march rollout on June 21 during solar eclipse ‘ring of fire’

>>64928 #12286

>>64929 Man Wanted for Slashing Cop's Neck Arrested Friday, Jacksonville, FLA

>>64930 Coronavirus in the US: Dr. Anthony Fauci Says Second Wave is ‘Not Inevitable’

>>64931 Meanwhile at CHAZ in Seattle, a new law is created, making white people each give Ten dollars to a black person! vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9a75bc89236729043967b73dbc280119a260e6d4e1078f5b818e84886439f07a.mp4

>>64932 November 2016 Refresher: NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life”

>>64933 #12289

(16 notables, 19 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>64919

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9efe67 (568) No.171886

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9602135 Q Research General #12290: "The Daily Beast" hhmmm.......Edition

Created 132144ZJUN20



>>64934 Atlanta police chief resign

>>64935 Trump at West Point signaling

>>64936, >>64939, >>64944, >>64948 Call to diggz! Anjuna Security, Inc.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9490cabb53c3d05bf634c5fc3be9d7019764dcc4006a3117b8eb759ce300d9b8.pdf

>>64937 Barbara Fedida, an ABC News executive overseeing talent and business, has been placed on administrative leave while the network investigates insensitive comments

>>64938 Weird pic, any clues anons?

>>64940, >>64942 @MollyJongFast bio/deets

>>64941 Flynn: Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom in the Dark of Night, But God Stands with Us


>>64945 Donald Trump: Joe Biden ‘Created His Own Sanctuary City in the Basement’

>>64946 MICHIGAN: Massive 2-Mile Long Trump Boat Parade With Over 2,000 Boats Kicks Off Weekend Of Boaters Celebrating President Trump’s Birthday [Video]

>>64947 President Trump: "Tomorrow America will celebrate a very important anniversary: The 245th birthday of the United States Army

>>64949 Gospel radio host shot and killed in Baltimore

>>64950 #12290

>>64951 ---———————————--——– Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All. (Cap: )

(14 notables, 18 posts, 23 media/files)

Q- >>64951

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9efe67 (568) No.171887

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9602955 Q Research General #12291: One for the Flynn Win Edition

Created 132247ZJUN20




>>64952 ---———————————--——– Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All. (Cap: )

>>64953 Q related reminder: Rioters Deface ‘Glory’ Monument to Black Civil War Soldiers in Boston

>>64954 Israel and #Azerbaijan enjoy strong a strong strategic and military-tech partnership at the highest intergovernmental level.

>>64955, >>64956 ---———————————--——– One must only look to find the truth. (Cap: )

>>64957 planefaggin

>>64958 #12291

(6 notables, 7 posts, 9 media/files)

Q- >>64955

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9efe67 (568) No.171888

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9603681 Q Research General #12292: Freedom and Equality For All Edition

Created 132339ZJUN20




>>64959, >>64960 Facebook appoints Israeli censor to oversight board

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=T9PGxwzrS0M - Watch Mark Zuckerberg Explain 'The Facebook' In 2004 [Channel: CNBC Make It]

>>64961 @USMC tweet & video: "Giving it my all"

>>64962 Supporters of President Trump visit Bedminster 'Free Speech Zone'

>>64963 #12288,

>>64964 Video: "I'm gonna bring the whole fucking diseased corrupt TEMPLE down on your head. It's gonna be BIBLICAL"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cded9e0f7e571679dc7757ae4552fd97cad3feef634723fa7bd1dafd47a83df5.mp4

>>64965 Chinese military officer charged with visa fraud and attempting to steal US medical research

>>64966 Planefag Updates

>>64967, >>64968 Tweets from The Rocket Lab & @NatReconOfc

>>64969 Report: Bikers for Trump plan expedition to reconquer CHAZ for United States

>>64970 #12292

(10 notables, 12 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171889

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9604445 Q Research General #12293: You Stand In Their Way Edition

Created 140041ZJUN20




>>64971, >>64972, >>64976 Rick Wilson, another winner from the Daily Beast

>>64973 2 mile long Michagan Flotilla - 2000 boats kick off POTUS' birthday weekend celebration

>>64974, >>64977 Rick Wilson and Molly Jong-Fast from the "Beast" react to being Q'ou'd

>>64975 CV fatality rate with no HCQ in US, MX ,UK vs countries using HCQ/Ivermectin/others

>>64978 @USArmy: This week, the Army marks its 245th year of service to our great nation

>>64979 Kim Reynolds (R): "committed to having the EO drafted for BLM to review"

>>64980 Reconcile: Geroge Floyd compared to DE shooting victim's funds

>>64981, >>64982, >>64983, >>64984, >>64985, >>64989 CHAZ and protest updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lYzlgZ4Mhps - DC George Floyd Protest (June 13, 2020) [Channel: Kittykat Lounge]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/636084c9c7b1596a915ee1b2e3c8f83d59221e7dbe144db6ebb6180ee06ec8ab.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vLpbS-6cnDA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77808d88ddf20353553c009ee89e6a4cdeba359ab6480ee11f32648fffd610bd.mp4

>>64986 Molly Jong-Fast isn’t even trying to hide her family’s communism

>>64987 WANTED: Reliable anon wanted for meme farming

>>64988 Tulsa Police Major says cops across country on verge Of quitting

>>64990 #12293

(12 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171890

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9605242 Q Research General #12294: Kicking Off The Celebrations - Happy Birthday BEST PRESIDENT EVER Edition

Created 140152ZJUN20




>>64991 Fresh Scavino tweet & 17 second video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b968024e8925d074324f0131871b1f05aff83541bd78193bac35012e982a132a.mp4

>>64992, >>64998, >>65005 CHAZ and protest updates

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33d69068b9cbb2adbab81f501d87bcb22fcbae1edf16298bf7e5a5b72cc975f5.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VjvOR5f06Ts - Rayshard Brooks Atlanta police shooting protest: Wendy's set on fire [Channel: 11Alive]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a225a290bab85a25461610741e5a92e8992b466aab7b201c5ac60d62ed6be7a9.mp4

>>64993 Call to help the DE Veteran's Cemetery shooting victim's family

>>64994, >>64995, >>64996 ---———————————--——– Welcome to the REAL [D] PARTY (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d2c315d02d61e3f75212fc622f6f99457fd2483232f45a9724977168477c35b.mp4

>>64997 Dig into Molly Jong-Fast and her family

>>64999, >>65002, >>65004, >>65006 Hit Piece on Qanon from The New American

>>65000 Moar digz on Anjuna Security, Inc.

>>65001, >>65003 ---———————————--——– More police prevent crimes? What changed? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=j0uCrA7ePno - 1996: Hillary Clinton on "superpredators" (C-SPAN) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>65007, >>65010 Videos from the Atlanta Wendy's shooting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YMn5Gsjijvk - GRAPHIC CONTENT: Video of shooting death of Rayshard Brooks [Channel: Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RP6lAQFHtGM - Surveillance Video Released of Fatal Atlanta Shooting, Police Chief Steps Down | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>65008, >>65012 Wilmington Delaware removes Caesar Rodney's statue

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cq7PE2FaBN0 - HAPPENING NOW: The statue of Caesar Rodney is being removed. [Channel: DETV]

>>65009 ---———————————--——– MSDNC provides a free pass (Cap: )

>>65011 Facts: Only 2% of police-citizen interactions result in use of or threat of force

>>65013 #12294

(13 notables, 23 posts, 17 media/files)

Q- >>64994, >>65001, >>65009

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9efe67 (568) No.171891

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9605929 Q Research General #12295: 'Bring Them To Heel' Edition

Created 140238ZJUN20




>>65014, >>65015, >>65016, >>65017, >>65029 On the Atlanta Wendy's shooting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vLpbS-6cnDA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65018 Video of Howard Stern in blackface

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7RiHfEtOy6A - Howard Stern "In Black Face" as Ted Danson & Da Woopi [Channel: ROBERT LUCERO]

>>65019, >>65033, >>65034 Fresh DJT

>>65020, >>65024 There are multiple BLM - which is the one receiving all the $$$??

>>65021, >>65022, >>65027 ---———————————--——– Another free pass? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oysFCNPg0DA - Joe Biden: I Tried to 'Prostitute Myself' to Big Donors, Was 'The Token Black' [Channel: Washington Free Beacon]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/07e6fdb072df68dd4e03c54f822311b443b45afac6594acc517ef19c4e70ff2f.mp4

>>65023 Anon noticed a tweet near Little St James

>>65025 Anon: There’s a plan to negatively flood POTUS twitter accounts tomorrow. Get in first

>>65026 Momentum is a British left-wing political organisation

>>65028 CHAZ and protest updates

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f1761ff60927334014cc015b63f732027380f04cfa3e1ed609d13d6d852930f.mp4

>>65030 ANONS show the power of Unity and come through for forgotten DE family

>>65031 Diggz on 'Momentum', the 'financial, acquisition, and budgeting solution'

>>65032 ---———————————--——– MSDNC provides a free pass (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/15cbd7566cdceec6e15a37c13eb43bbfd4a095ca7d9900531d67f7aea389b913.mp4

>>65035 #12295

(13 notables, 22 posts, 28 media/files)

Q- >>65021

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9efe67 (568) No.171892

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9606713 Q Research General #12296: Free Racist Passes All Round - As Long As You're A Democrat Edition

Created 140330ZJUN20




>>65036 Brandon Straka tweet vid: In one week liberals turned America into a 3rd world country….

>>65037, >>65038 Fox News Live Stream, '''6:50 mark "They have burned Wendy's to the ground

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8TxT3P4zkc4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65039 DJT tweet & ramp video from West Pt address

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8d1521ae82db5e8cae5996d8e3f1969475d585a6d798f0b13d520faaff70fae2.mp4

>>65040 Armed Patriots defend confederate statue From mob

>>65041, >>65052 CO ballots: color coded wo/a security envelope. What could go wrong?

>>65042 Boatfag report

>>65043 It's Going Down, Antifa. Uncle Sam Just Started Delivering Payback for Terror Riots

>>65044, >>65045 Happy Birthday, Mr President!

>>65046, >>65053 Planefag /Helifag reports

>>65047 Matt Gaetz rt to X-Patton's "The people want change"

>>65048, >>65049 Confusion as Seattle activists change CHAZ to CHOP

>>65050 Death toll from tanker explosion in China reaches 19, 172 injured

>>65051 In LA , protestors paint ‘All Black Lives Matter’ on Hollywood Boulevard

>>65054 Self-proclaimed America patriots enter the Atonomous Zone with American flags

>>65055 Thu 06.11.2020

>>65056 #12296

(16 notables, 21 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171893

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9607492 Q Research General #12297: Do the Grime, Taken Out Like Slime Edition

Created 140443ZJUN20



>>65057, >>65059 That did not take long. Atlanta police chief steps down after fatal officer involved shooting of Rayshard Brooks

>>65058, >>65060 Potential Therapeutic Effects of Psilocybin. Mota Ventures Appoints Roger C. Clinton as Member of Advisory Board to Verrian GmbH

>>65061 An anon's OpEd on the WaPo's OpEd: Because KEK wills it. That's why.

>>65062 NYPOST mongering: Alternate reading of Mayan calendar suggests end of the world is next week

>>65063 Kellyanne bringing up a valid point: Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women

>>65064, >>65069 Clockfags shoutout: Happy Birthday POTUS!

>>65065 245th Army Birthday message from the Army Senior Leaders

>>65066 Why does MSDNC have the body cam footage? BREAKING: CNN Crew Attacked by Rioters in Atlanta

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/05641113d92bd78497a1f84478f08011f6c53449f205b19c8d212cbecd3d04db.mp4

>>65067 'A legacy purchased with American blood:' Trump honors West Point graduates

>>65068 Clinton's 'superpredators' comment most damaging by either candidate

>>65070 Newt takes a shit on the wealth transfer plan of the D Party Cons.

>>65071 Toronto cops charged for human trafficking violations

>>65072 Judge Wants Flynn Case in Limbo Until Political Pressure Can Intervene

>>65073 NSFW: a streaker runs through #CHAZ. I asked him why he was doing this? His response: “because I can”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d3b3387a034b1cc5c68928966ea3a80525e1abe3c68bce566aff89a590fb926.mp4

>>65074 #12297

(15 notables, 18 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171894

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9608260 Q Research General #12298: The 'Because KEK wills it. That's why.' Edition

Created 140627ZJUN20



>>65075 Senate Collusion Theater: Traitors eligible for prison.

>>65076 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition

>>65077 Supreme Court Rules 5-4 That States Can Charge Illegal Immigrants For I.D. Theft

>>65078 Disney and T-Mobile Drop Tucker Carlson Over BLM Remarks, #IStandWithTuckerCarlson Trends in Defiance

>>65079 ECU for Obama is shilling for Organizing Corps 2020 to target young minds. Because that's what creepy shadow governments do. #OBAMAGATE

>>65080 @RealCandaceO: Rayshard Brooks ran away from cops with a stolen taser which he attempted to fire at cops. He was JUSTIFIABLY fired on.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c72fffc8f2989c25ae2f00e573dc930e6c6e4b01fbbf6937318580b5f8b5288.mp4

>>65081, >>65084 Planefagging reports

>>65082, >>65085 Nommed: anons' analysis of the MSDNC bodycam footage

>>65083 So, Is it a zombie virus? Man eats self to death.

>>65086 #12298

(10 notables, 12 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171895

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9609029 Q Research General #12299: The 'Because That's What Creepy Shadow Governments Do' Edition

Created 140923ZJUN20



>>65087, >>65093, >>65095 Forced vaxx bill passed in CO; not signed by gov yet

>>65088 Trudeau speaks with Prince of Wales, Commonwealth gp of reps to UN

>>65089, >>65090, >>65091 Prince of Wales using pandemic to take on capitalism?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8rAiTDQ-NVY - The Great Reset [Channel: World Economic Forum]

>>65092 Politico hit piece on Q supporting candidates for Congress

>>65094, >>65096, >>65097, >>65111 Lady GaGa comms

>>65098 Welcome To Your New World Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution

>>65099 Winston Churchill's picture removed from Google's List of British PM's

>>65100 CTV removes J Mulroney's 'I DO REDO' from all Bell Media channels/platforms

>>65101 In defense of America: ‘Not a failed experiment, but an always improving one’

>>65102 Denver shooting that left 21-year-old woman dead, 1 injured started over dog pooping cmd

>>65103 Pro-police 'We Back Blue' March in Nation's Capital

>>65104 TX message to rioters thinking about trashing the Alamo: "Don't mess with the Alamo!"

>>65105 Don't bail out cities - reopen them

>>65106 Seattle Man Gets $1.1 Million Coronavirus Hospital Bill: Report

>>65107 Mayan Calander runs out next Alternate reading

>>65108 Hillary Clinton lost her appeal, order stands to testify on private server and Benghazi emails

>>65109 Police Deputy saves baby's life during stop

>>65110 Goldman's Clients Are Getting Angry That "Teenage" Daytraders Are Crushing Them

>>65112 #12299

(19 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171896

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9609857 Q Research General #12300: Happy Birthday General Trump! Edition

Created 141213ZJUN20



>>65113, >>65114, >>65117 Chaz City

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99122348bef57bebd5cf81c4b6ce9e625499fc7f6fcf3836bd0c617219e23b3e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db3546de705c136158e4c4c40559b48f047d53d21fe7b844583003ad75e26262.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MOd9zyproXo - #CHOP/#CHAZ East Entrance [Live] ---13th and Pine, Seattle, WA (Formerly Police Barrier) [Channel: borkness1234]

>>65115 Defund the police

>>65116 Memefags read this.

>>65118, >>65121 CNN Crew Attacked by Rioters in Atlanta -- Beaten at Wendy’s

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/05641113d92bd78497a1f84478f08011f6c53449f205b19c8d212cbecd3d04db.mp4

>>65119, >>65134, >>65136, >>65137, >>65139, >>65140, >>65141 Twat OP: #HappyBirthdayMrPresident or #HappyBirthdayPresidentTrump

>>65120, >>65125, >>65130, >>65131, >>65132, >>65133 Atlanta Mayor Bottoms DIGG

>>65122, >>65127 Hillary Clinton lost her appeal, order stands to testify on private server/Benghazi emails

>>65123, >>65124 patent Microsoft WO2020060606/CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA - 1 inventor DERRICK D. FU. Founder of Global China

>>65126 Ten days ago the Atlanta mayor promised the shadow president police reforms, and now her city is the epicenter of the BLM barn burner

>>65128, >>65129 CNN Hosting Town Hall on Racial Inequality & COVID-19 Sun. 9pm ET w/mayors DC, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco

>>65135, >>65138 Wonder how many will be homeless or locked into a lengthy court battle due to the Democrat party hoaxes?

>>65142 #12300

>>65143 re: (lb) 54 Scientists Have Lost Their Jobs as a Result of NIH Probe into Foreign Ties

(13 notables, 31 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171897

File (hide): eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9610638 Q Research General #12301: Media is a Political Special Interest For Soyviets at Chaz Edition

Created 141418ZJUN20




>>65144, >>65153, >>65154, >>65157, >>65161, >>65165, >>65171 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. President!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4D7IRwipTrc - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>65145 re: (lb) 54 Scientists Have Lost Their Jobs as a Result of NIH Probe into Foreign Ties

>>65146 Ice Cube Twat: Black People...Black Cube Represents You

>>65147, >>65149 Supreme Court Rules 5-4 That States Can Charge Illegal Immigrants For I.D. Theft

>>65148 Meme Farmer: Meme Ammo for Keyboard Warriors

>>65150, >>65152, >>65155, >>65159, >>65160, >>65162, >>65164, >>65166, >>65168 Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Diggs

>>65151 Witches Seen Protesting in Eugene Oregon for George Floyd

>>65156 Nine of 11 statues of Confederate leaders Pelosi wants removed from Capitol were Democrats (other 2 not Republicans)

>>65158 US Air Force pilot call sign 'Banzai' becomes first woman to fly F-35A stealth fighter into combat

>>65163 New Parscale: Just passed 800,000 tickets. Biggest data haul and rally signup of all time by 10x

>>65167 On abortion stats and black lives matter

>>65169 Body Cam footage from Atlanta

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h30MJIdRMeg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65170 New US foreign investment agency counters China Belt and Road 'colonialism

>>65172 #12301

(14 notables, 29 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171898

File (hide): eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9611422 Q Research General #12302: Happy Bday POTUS, Happy Bday Army, Happy Flag Day Edition

Created 141607ZJUN20



>>65173, >>65174, >>65176, >>65177, >>65179, >>65181, >>65188, >>65190, >>65192, >>65193 Habby B'day Potus, Anons Best Wishes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lWD9wVPwhH4 - 50 cent-In da club-dirty [Channel: badgangsta12]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c366f3c641b52ef512ceb3020636f6060f76044e104c009d70973ab802ba71f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bda42d594a90d10753e19a901ed834d6dcffa51928fa63cec24e59675117fe0c.mp4

>>65175 US Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual from 2010?/opinion

>>65178, >>65180 WH doesn't use tear gas

>>65182 Iran Appeals to IMF to Buck U.S., Grant It a $5 Billion Loan

>>65183 Moar lies, Miami Herald is cabal friendly, Cubans in Miami are GOP

>>65184, >>65187 It was a white woman that set fire to the Wendy's in Atlanta?

>>65185 planefaggin

>>65186 "Think of it as an unplanned donation!"

>>65189 China ships attack Vietnam boat in South China Sea

>>65191 17: 40 mark victim who stole officer's taser weapon nutcase attorney said 'if this officer today had been a little more empathetic and a bit less scared

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZkzFg-iY3iY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65194 EU won’t ally with US against China, foreign policy chief says before Pompeo meeting

>>65195 Refresher: 2010 Pelosi Remarks at the Funeral of Senator Robert C. Byrd

>>65196 Europe Reopens Many Borders But Not to Americans, Asians

>>65197 #12302

(14 notables, 25 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171899

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9612225 Q Research General #12303: We Are Sticking With Greatness Edition

Created 141751ZJUN20




>>65198 Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures, Viktor Shokin

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7VtFi5_vA6Y - Sen. Johnson Is Looking at Biden's Burisma Scandal: "What was the Serious Offense of Viktor Shokin?" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>65199 Refresher: 2017 May ordered a review on whether pedophiles should be allowed to adopt children in order to “not breach their human rights”

>>65200 French Judge Arrested for Attempting to Prostitute 12-Year-Old Daughter Online

>>65201 Polish President Duda says LGBT ideology is worse than Communism

>>65202 Lankford: It’s Time to Remove Confederate Generals Names from Military Bases

>>65203 Foreigners start petitions to remove “racist” Scandinavian statues

>>65204 Italy: Chinese Nationals Arrested for Using Illegal Migrant Slave Labor

>>65205 Pro-Life Groups Applaud HHS Clarification That Sex Discrimination Does Not Include Abortion

>>65206 Farage Says ‘The Book Burning Has Started’ After Library Vows to ‘Decolonise’ Collection

>>65207 China Continued Buying Venezuelan Oil Despite U.S. Sanctions

>>65208 President Trump doubled a city's population to hear him speak

>>65209 2017: 50 senators who voted to violate your privacy/renewal upcoming 2020

>>65210 Cuomo threatens Manhattan, Hamptons shutdown over lack of social distancing

>>65211 Seattle man, 70, receives a $1.1MILLION hospital bill for coronavirus treatment

>>65212 Refresher: IRS Failed to Collect $47+ Billion in Taxes from High-Income Individuals during Obama Admin

>>65213 Slovenia: Foreign Antifa agents provoke violence at anti-government protest (VIDEO)

>>65214 2018: Modern Day Slavery in Libya (2011-2017)

>>65215 PORTLAND: Antifa Terrorists Protected by Allied Democrat Politicians Shut Down Traffic For 17th Straight Day, Violently Mob Driver

>>65216 Police officer, nine others charged in underage human-trafficking probe

>>65217, >>65228 Richard Grenell today on Sunday Morning Futures vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VAjYhOK62fY - Grenell on declassifying Russia probe docs: 'Transparency is never political' [Channel: Fox News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VAjYhOK62fY - Grenell on declassifying Russia probe docs: 'Transparency is never political' [Channel: Fox News]

>>65218 Historic First: Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women

>>65219 Trump administration rolls back Obama-era rule that redefined 'sex' to include 'gender identity'

>>65220 Netanyahu, Gantz, Ashkenazi meet US envoy, amid differences on annexation

>>65221 Maduro’s Money Man Detained In Cabo Verde, Africa. DOJ Battling To Extradite Him To U.S.

>>65222 Secret tapes spark calls for investigation into powerbroker Adem Somyurek

>>65223 Take the Knee, Or Else! UK Police Force Warns 'Trouble' for Officers Not Showing Solidarity With BLM

>>65224 Syrian Warplanes Pound ISIS Remnants In Southeast Hama

>>65225 Inspiration Right Here

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c49149fb6c76f0700f326d155e2d3cb5e570de46a693d63accb063e3c6a1ad1.mp4

>>65226 Mossad head moderating Arab opposition to annexation

>>65227 Rep. Matt Gaetz: Defund The U.S. Soccer Team If They Won’t Stand For Our National Anthem

>>65229 Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Of The American Revolution in Philadelphia Vandalized

>>65230 Dementia: Negative Thinking Linked with More Rapid Cognitive Decline, Study Indicates

>>65231 Primary results leave Republican officials with a QAnon problem/Narrative direction/it's coming

>>65232 Hat toss in case anyone missed it yesterday.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4dcbed8898ec2aa94378957de7eac66d7aa2eee80f06d561a664661f06e7a94b.mp4

>>65233 As the CHAZ/CHOP turns

>>65234 #12303,

(36 notables, 37 posts, 49 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171900

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9612962 Q Research General #12304: Mid Sunday Afternoon Interlude: Pepe Major Edition

Created 141924ZJUN20




>>65235 UK’s GDP Falls a Record 20.4% in April Alone as Economy is Paralyzed by Lockdown

>>65236 Ivy League Professor Says Intimidation Campaigns Gaining Ground On Campus

>>65237 Pedos taken down in Australia, follows a bust in April under Operation Walwa

>>65238 Palestinian Government Announces Inability to Pay Salaries to Employees

>>65239 Image of Sir Winston Churchill disappears from Google amid rising cancel-culture tensions

>>65240 Turkey imposes its currency on the areas it occupied in northern Syria

>>65241, >>65243 Barack Obama the president of the Chandler Chamber of commerce?

>>65242, >>65245, >>65248 Susan Rice family diggz

>>65244 STEVE LINICK, corrupt and fired DOJ IG is in PODESTA WIKILEAKS diggz

>>65246 George Washington Statue in Chicago Vandalized With KKK Hood, Graffiti: ‘Burn the White House Down’

>>65247 Nigeria: Boko Haram Kills 81 in ‘Barbaric’ Overnight Village Attack

>>65249, >>65251, >>65252 planefaggin

>>65250 Hank Williams Jr.'s Daughter Dead In Tennessee Car Crash

>>65253 #12304

(14 notables, 19 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171901

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9613792 Q Research General #12305: Flag Day USA Edition

Created 142105ZJUN20




>>65254, >>65258, >>65261, >>65263, >>65270, >>65272 planefaggin

>>65255, >>65256 Call for one more push - DE Vet's Cemetery Shooting - Marino Family

>>65257, >>65259 Zuckerberg Tells Angry Far Left ‘Scientists’ He’s “Deeply Shaken and Disgusted” with President Trump’s Language

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f5a594e4b950406993241c8ddb924203b028c278d4fd5eebe815a86c104f62c.pdf

>>65260, >>65264 POTUS pool reports

>>65262 Details of a deadly pathogen shipment to Wuhan lab from Canada unveiled by media (sputnik)

>>65265, >>65268 Workers Find Artifacts While Removing Jefferson Davis Statue in Kentucky


>>65267 Trayvon Martin’s Mom: ‘We Need More Police,’ Not Defund Movement

>>65269 LG twat - HB to president. The best is yet to come

>>65271 There's An Actual Playbook For Everything Happening Right Now & The US Wrote It…

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c4597469b4a67d237b658c757358995d5ce84fee523977a05bfe9ffc97ed598.pdf

>>65273 twatterer's plea to POTUS - "doctors wont even consider HCQ for his dad"

>>65274 France Just Test Fired A Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile In The Atlantic

>>65275 Scavino Twat - watching the water show/boat show

>>65276 #122305

(14 notables, 23 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171902

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9614593 Q Research General #12306: Happy Birthday Q+ Edition

Created 142235ZJUN20




>>65277, >>65278 Video: Hussein & Mike Refresh: "All this for a flag?"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xB9Fw39Q4sU - Michelle Obama's All this for a damn flag shown at three different speeds [Channel: djflexmaster79]

>>65279 Video: Ron Johnson with Maria Bartiromo on getting to the bottom of #ObamaGate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GWf0iALSOzo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65280, >>65285, >>65292, >>65295, >>65296 Protest Updates I

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NerTUUkxhI8 - NYC PROTEST LIVESTREAM #georgefloyd #protest #livestream #blacklivesmatter [Channel: Adam Ahke]

>>65281 /pol/ trolls white "allies of the BLM movement" into refusing to vote in 2020

>>65282, >>65287, >>65293 Top Kek Cuomo TikTok

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4b4ff90dd9bcab586d7f328049e1e5117e25059c52b03e34ca557354993e960.mp4

>>65283 Don Jr tweets Birthday Wishes

>>65284 Serial arsonist arrested for lighting several fires in Chico

>>65286, >>65289 Video and still of elderly protestor before he was pushed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99062aaa777b7078b4afee64c37d0c76885a7f12cf70227206b8be05169dfefe.mp4

>>65288 Council of Churches -> C_A

>>65290, >>65301 Planefag Updates

>>65291 Pompeo: Time for Libyans to act to stop Russian and other interference

>>65294 Homeless numbers from 2019 rise in LA County and City

>>65297, >>65299, >>65302 Protest Updates II

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=32wxiTb7AGg - #live #Philadelphia #MarconiPlaza #MayorKenny 6/14 [Channel: James Jackson]

>>65298 ‘Biggest Rally Signup of All Time by 10X’ -- More Than 800,000 People Sign Up

>>65300 The Fed has monetized all Treasury Issuance in 2020

>>65303 #12306,

(16 notables, 27 posts, 30 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171903

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9615324 Q Research General #12307: Many Happy Returns Mister President - WRWY Edition

Created 142353ZJUN20




>>65304, >>65307, >>65313, >>65317 Protest Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=obidsQMyTQY - D.C. Pride Activists Twerk for George Floyd [Channel: Breitbart News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PIQgUO24Rfk - Protesters arrested after blocking traffic on California bridge [Channel: ABC7 News Bay Area]

>>65305 What is Iran's game with the allegedly caught CIA-Mossad spy agent?

>>65306, >>65315 Become a Baker. Classes every Thursday. All kinds of ways to learn

>>65308 Association of American Physicians & Surgeons sues the FDA to end restrictions on HCQ

>>65309 Slovenia: Foreign Antifa agents provoke violence at anti-government protest

>>65310, >>65312 Iran will execute CIA agent involved in Soleimani's killing

>>65311 Civil rights att'y Leo Terrell: Why I stopped drinking the 'Dem kool-aid'

>>65314 Ethics controversy rattles Hickenlooper's Senate bid

>>65316 Video: Tens of thousands of boaters join MAGA Flotillas For Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4BF_tvHyf_k - Jacksonville rally for President Trump’s birthday draws more than 1,000 boats [Channel: News4JAX The Local Station]

>>65318 Dig: Did The Gates Foundoudation buy Colorado to sell vaccines and acquire children?

>>65319, >>65324 Planefag Reports

>>65320, >>65321, >>65322 Leaked 2015 DNC memo re BLM: "Don't mention black on black crime"

>>65323 Video: Trump Senior Legal Advisor destroys CNN’s Brian Stelter

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HcgnyjJDUnc - Jenna Ellis Tells CNN Brian Stelter “You’re not a journalist Brian, you’re an activist.” [Channel: Cone’sLaserRocketArm]

>>65325 #12307

(14 notables, 22 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171904

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9616113 Q Research General #12308: BEST PRESIDENT EVER Edition

Created 150108ZJUN20




>>65326, >>65327, >>65329, >>65330, >>65331, >>65356 Protest Updates

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4cc23a3d088c7385f332300ef896ef4042f347c6b61bb6cf5f57ab624851e017.mp4

>>65328 PF Dig Cont: Phil Fogg landing soon at Aurora State Airport, Aurora, OR

>>65332 Boatfag Report

>>65333 1900 article highlights rampant Democrat manipulation of blacks

>>65334 54 scientists have lost jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties

>>65335 Video refresh: Hussein - 'First sitting President from Kenya'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/543044af41bc4d8723bab30a4762d5be02b79a6fc970568e4fdcf386e88d1ab2.mp4

>>65336 Protesters chant “Dirty Jews” at Paris Rally

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cdQtqg0koEA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65337 Dem consultant speculates HRC is angling to be Vice President

>>65338 NYP: Army leaders to make decision on Confederate flags ‘soon’

>>65339 Gov. Cuomo’s New York: 250 inmates freed from prison rearrested 450 times

>>65340, >>65341 PF Dig: Emmanuel Group & Rev Louis F Heitzig

>>65342, >>65344 MAGA Rally News / Updates

>>65343 Economic Release/Activity/for week of June 14th, 2020

>>65345 POTUS Schedule for Monday, June 15, 2020

>>65346, >>65352 New Catherine Herridge tweet: Eyes on

>>65347, >>65357 DJT Retweeted: "RT if you want to see General Flynn sue the FBI"

>>65348 New Trump tee - Defend The Police

>>65349, >>65351 PF Dig: Bearthday Aviation Inc, James and Ashley Boyd

>>65350 Mobile Assay Inc received a Gates Foundation exploration grant in 2012

>>65353 Ad: Minority Actors wanted for Tulsa

>>65354, >>65355 Gates study linked to InDEvR company

>>65358 #12308

(22 notables, 33 posts, 52 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171905

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9616857 Q Research General #12309: It Wouldn't Be Fair Otherwise Edition

Created 150228ZJUN20




>>65359, >>65360, >>65369, >>65372, >>65373, >>65376 Protest Updates I

>>65361 Ilhan Omar supports calls to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department

>>65362 Archive what you find FIRST before posting here

>>65363, >>65367, >>65371 Seattle Rabbi Berkovitz wants to "reenvision" the justice system

>>65364 The disparity of NBC's reporting: MAGA Rally vs Trans Rally

>>65365 YTber breaks down the entire GF video claiming it's fake

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8HpyXaSGHKc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65366 New footage from the day George Floyd died

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d6acc6c7d215fa0b79cf9447e20444dd333365fad8b4fa4e7bade9db9ba6ba13.mp4

>>65368 14 Reasons for libs why Hussein is not the "Best President Ever"

>>65370 Fresh DJT

>>65374, >>65377 Eye-witness account of what's really happening during The Seattle Riots

>>65375 China adds funds to banking system to avoid liquidity shortage

>>65378 China locks down ten more Beijing neighbourhoods over virus cluster

>>65379 Press Pool Daily Guidance for Monday, June 15 2020

>>65380 More on the ad for 'Minority Actors' wanted for Tulsa

>>65381 For Keks: TikToc BLM CEO parody

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/395d11b09b122abf599b172a5446627fca031a7b7780e88f9693c2167cd65e71.mp4

>>65382, >>65385, >>65386, >>65390, >>65391 Protest Updates II

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V_7jlCnpofI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/550f98d19a74b05e3b239d148f2d079f22c8706fac914bfe29ff5e50f66b1713.mp4

>>65383 Ukraine busts $6M bribe scheme for gas company that hired Hunter Biden

>>65384 SoftBank invests in Credit Suisse funds that finance its technology bets

>>65387 Fake poll alert

>>65388 30 minute doc about the MSM narrative and current events since 2016

>>65389 Diggz on Castle Rock Entertainment Inc, NY

>>65392 #12309,

(22 notables, 34 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171906

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9617619 Q Research General #12310: Busy Week Ahead Edition

Created 150410ZJUN20




>>65393, >>65399, >>65410

>>65394 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Sues FDA for “Irrational” Interference of Access to Life-Saving Hydroxychloroquine

>>65395 Video: Ronald Reagan on the Deep State (1975)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e9f2f769a969a6ea9b6fb11b6da4321619b52026cbe27cdc8819e32ba3a1f078.mp4

>>65396 Former NSW minister charged over new historical sex allegations

>>65397 Beware the Hijacking of U.S. Protests Into a ‘Color Revolution’

>>65398 Protest Updates

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c933c0adcfedc0999a9b68f0971573cc177579efa4d47d9c2ae204f1e758d83.mp4

>>65400, >>65402, >>65417 FaKe News Wears no clothes

>>65401 Planefag Reports

>>65403, >>65404, >>65408, >>65412 Socialist Alternative (United States) Seattle connections in local gov

>>65405, >>65406, >>65407, >>65409 Resignations in the news 6/12/2020 thru 6/14/2020

>>65411 President Trump on Flag Day: Cherish and revere Old Glory 'no matter what may divide us'

>>65413 Adem Somyurek quits Victorian Labor Party after 60 Minutes airs allegations of branch stacking, offensive language

>>65414 What is communism ? refresher

>>65415 backdrop to the 16yr plan

>>65416, >>65420, >>65423, >>65426 Mysterious Fireworks Reports

>>65418 What 2 Countries Vehemently Opposed To The US, Have now Begun To See Funds Reach US Domestic Enemies?

>>65419 President Trumps campaign seeks apology from CNN after Stelter ‘sexist’ interview

>>65421, >>65424, >>65425 RED ALERT Using Covid as an excuse to snatch up children

>>65422 Obamagate All Day

>>65427 #12310

(20 notables, 35 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171907

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9618405 Q Research General #12311: Fireworks Mystery Edition

Created 150600ZJUN20




>>65428 Cellphone location data shows where people are leaving home and coming near other people

>>65429 Seattle Protest spreads to West Precinct - 911 center for entire city

>>65430 Sgt Pennie in Dallas part of class action suit against BLM & others

>>65431, >>65442 70% of violent crime against black American is by other blacks; why is the MSM lying?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/19dceee73c84d8a004b945b7d104312178a10533db778c9f94bfeed7b1b4d386.pdf

>>65432, >>65438 Marine veteran who disarmed rioters in Seattle: ‘There was only one thing I could do’

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc69934e35e2e24df64c9f26e84747d35631a09ec794baf99a456aae08a46924.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5f8fb655937cc1d450e8da93cc1d0c1a9ec41300628dc01b3337759b101ffb0.mp4

>>65433, >>65447, >>65450 Planefags aloft

>>65434 Stephen Colbert: wants to know what his "fellow white people" are afraid of.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0537e6912ea0c7c6d3f165a57c9943a7e18fce1dc846eb2385bfa3e148338d54.webm

>>65435 South China Sea Dispute Heats Up Again As Chinese Ship Rams Vietnamese Boat

>>65436 BP expect 17.5Bn loss on COVID fallout

>>65437 Co-Founder of Illinois Black Panther Party Outraged That Cops Didn’t Stop Looters

>>65439 Secretary Pompeo in Hawaii This Week To Meet With Chinese Officials

>>65440 Anon thoughts - Socialist Alternative Versus Saudi Arabia

>>65441, >>65444 Ufo? or High Barium Meteor?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84da5b92ca197cca29adc706676184533b1c7373619beddc9a2901396a43f1c3.mp4

>>65443 Disney Hong Kong to Reopen vying for visitors

>>65445 A triangle of vulnerability: Changing patterns of illicit trafficking off the Swahili coast

>>65446 Sen. Rick Scott: Fund the Police

>>65448 #12311

>>65449, >>65451 DOJ Round Up-

(18 notables, 24 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171908

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9619164 Q Research General #12312: Filterfished Edition

Created 150833ZJUN20




>>65452, >>65454, >>65455, >>65458 Arsonists targeting homes with American flags in cali

>>65453, >>65457, >>65463, >>65466, >>65467, >>65468, >>65469 South Africa Cabal

>>65456 JUNE 23: Special Election in NY State's 27th Congressional District

>>65459, >>65461, >>65462 Chaz Comms Exposed

>>65460 Ripples In The Narrative Pond

>>65464 A $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for starting the fire that destroyed the Wendy’s

>>65465 Authorities investigating 2 seperate deaths of black men found hanging in cali

>>65470, >>65471 Possible Connection in staging riots?

>>65472 [DS] prepping for covid round two

>>65473, >>65475, >>65476, >>65479, >>65480, >>65482, >>65483 US F15 military aircraft crashed in North Sea. coastguard confirmed operation is underway. Discussion

>>65474 Indonesian AF jet crashed in a residential area shortly after taking off. The pilot ejected and parachuted to safety. no reports of casualties on the ground.

>>65477 Inspector General: Obama Paid $300 Million To ‘People Who Don’t Exist’

>>65478 DeAnna Lorraine (running against Pelosi) twats out: 'Symbolism will be their downfall.'

>>65481 Ukraine seizes piles of cash aimed at halting probe into gas firm's founder

>>65484 Russian court found former U.S. marine Paul Whelan guilty of spying for the United States and sentenced him to 16 years in jail

>>65485 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#118 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733, >>>/comms/15801,

>>65486 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#118 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733, >>>/comms/15801, >>>/comms/16711,

>>65487 54 Scientists Lose Jobs Amid NIH Probe Into Foreign Ties

>>65488 Police: St. Cloud MN officer shot in hand by teenager resisting arrest

>>65489 #12312, #12312

(20 notables, 38 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171909

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9619995 Q Research General #12313: Declass Tsunami Approaches Edition

Created 151248ZJUN20




>>65490 Chinese Scientist, Escorted Out Of Canadian Biolab, Sent Deadly Viruses To Wuhan

>>65491, >>65493, >>65505 4.2 earthquake off the coast of Eugene, OR

>>65492, >>65496 New DJT twat w/CAP: I’ve done more in less than 4 years than Biden’s done in more than 40 years, including for Black America... anon ties to QPost 40

>>65494, >>65495 New documentary highlights the forced sterilization of women in California prison

>>65497 New DJT twat w/CAP: Almost One Million people request tickets for the Saturday Night Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma!

>>65498, >>65501, >>65507, >>65511 planefag reporting

>>65499, >>65506 Fauci says normalcy may not return until next year following Covid-19 case spikes. Bonus De Blasio chatter

>>65500 Michigan ballot application mailings to dead people raise Republican hackles

>>65502 June 15th, 2020. There are 140 days until election day. @realDonaldTrump has 82 million followers. @JoeBiden has 6.2 million followers. DJT raised $14 million in 1 day

>>65503, >>65510 US Embassy Seoul has received a request from the State Dept. -- that the embassy take down the Black Lives Matter hung from the building’s facade

>>65504 New DJT twat w/CAP: LAW & ORDER!

>>65508 Caught on Video: White Girl Seen Lighting Fire at Wendy’s Restaurant in Atlanta During BLM Protest

>>65509 General Paul M. Nakasone @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA: excited to announce starting today, I'm joining social media.

>>65512 #12313

(14 notables, 23 posts, 27 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171910

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9620769 Q Research General #12314: Patriots Unified. Kun Is Comfy Edition

Created 151456ZJUN20



>>65513 Fitton not happy with Supremes sexual orientation ruling, anons agree

>>65514, >>65520 June 17th, Q day! tag #Qanon With chalk, Or other non permanent means

>>65515, >>65516 Iran to execute man accused of spying for the US and Israel

>>65517 Paul Whelan: Russian court sentences former US marine to 16 years hard labour on disputed spy charges

>>65518 With Nearly a Million Americans Signed Up for President Trump’s Rally Next Saturday, Tulsa Health Director Sounds the Alarm

>>65519 @180thFW We’re Night Flying this week -- be sure to listen for us!

>>65521 Fed Fear Mongering, don't believe it

>>65522, >>65532, >>65537, >>65539 planefaggin

>>65523 Supreme Court won’t hear Trump administration challenge to California sanctuary law

>>65524 President Donald Trump over the last week did the following, but you probably won’t hear about it from the News/u verify

>>65525 Fed launches long-awaited Main Street lending program

>>65526 Reminder: It's Going Down, Antifa. Uncle Sam Just Started Delivering Payback for Terror Riots

>>65527 Two year delata of QPast #1558 coming up this week Free Iran

>>65528, >>65529, >>65530, >>65531 Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich by Chrystia Freeland -- book review

>>65533 US F-15 fighter jet crashes into North Sea

>>65534 @doddtra WOW! 'active ingredients break molecular bonds in the virus…

>>65535 Jeff Sessions on Twat: The people of Alabama will not be told who to vote for by anyone in Washington

>>65536 2016 Soros Heads Up!

>>65538 PA John Fogleman is the West Memphis Three judge./ Court to unseal records of murdered state sen

>>65540 #12314

(20 notables, 28 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171911

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9621494 Q Research General #12315: Patriots Give New Meaning to Watch the Water Edition

Created 151615ZJUN20



>>65541, >>65543 NEW: Six former members of E-Bay's global security team have been charged by the FBI and federal prosecutors in Boston with cyberstalking to "stifle" the publishers of an online newsletter.

>>65542 WR TWITTER TREND REPORT Keyboard Warriors to the Front Line!

>>65544 Blacks publicly lynching Whites in Ocean City, Maryland. This is race reality in America. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84a5397fb3537878710566e62d43f2f4fa03c6467cd6603c72dea3ec6ef60398.mp4

>>65545 Taiwan to Announce Humanitarian Assistance Plan to Support Hong Kongers

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JcRF8AGmLGI - Taiwan to Announce Humanitarian Assistance Plan to Support Hong Kongers | CCP Virus | COVID-19 [Channel: The Epoch Times]

>>65546, >>65552, >>65556 Warlord “Raz from CHAZ” Caught on Video Handing Out AR15s to Random Young Activists vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1Jr0ILcX9hY - Raz of the CHAZ Hands Out AR-15s to Strangers Who Could Be Minors [Channel: Justin Trouble]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd94bb87f321bc046c111bccb67dabba10107314860c5e09e41c8326db2ff44d.mp4

>>65547 Another week, another #GCHQPuzzle to solve. Can you figure out how these words pair up?

>>65548, >>65550, >>65554 FDA revoking temp ER use authorization for HQC

>>65549 Susan Rice emerging as Biden's vice presidential front-runner: Democratic strategist

>>65551 @USNavy Get the job done.

>>65553 @1stCalvalryDiv #MaintenanceMonday

>>65555 The letter Vigano wrote to Trump had the Latin phrase "solve et coagula", These words are tattooed on Baphomet's forearms.

>>65557 Korea Embassy removing #BLM flag at behest of State Leadership. Thank you Secretary Pompeo!

>>65558 MSM BTFO

>>65559, >>65562 2:00 PM EDT Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oA9A1hO3NMQ - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>65560 It’s Spreading: Antifa-Black Lives Matter Protesters Set Up Illegal Autonomous Zone on Plaza at Tennessee State Capitol

>>65561 @TRADOC The #Army wants to hire 10,000 Soldiers for full- or part-time opportunities in more than 150 career fields

>>65563 Justice Alito: ruling could destroy women’s sports, weaken religious freedom, weaken freedom of speech and personal privacy.

>>65564 #12315

(18 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171912

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9622295 Q Research General #12316: Past Proves Future Edition

Created 151743ZJUN20



>>65565 The Global Banking ‘Super-Entity’ Drug Cartel: The “Free Market” of Finance Capital/old but illuminating

>>65566 Donald J Trump Sings Believer by Imagine Dragons For the Keks!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FBu2uZFd5fE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65567 Major Military Search Underway After US F-15 Jet Crashes In North Sea

>>65568, >>65584 PP has endorsed Joe Biden for president, calling the 2020 presidential race "a life and death election."

>>65569, >>65570, >>65572 PA John Fogleman is the West Memphis Three judge./ Court to unseal records of murdered state sen

>>65571 $14 Million: Campaign Smashes Online Fundraising Records for Donald Trump’s Birthday

>>65573 what happened to those who didn't support French Revolution, 'Chopped!' they reply.

>>65574, >>65591 Oil giant BP takes $17.5 billion writedown in response to coronavirus/other reasons as well

>>65575 Indian city Chennai reimposes lockdown amid flurry of new coronavirus cases

>>65577, >>65578, >>65581 Massive bribe to stop Ukraine probe of Burisma founder intercepted


>>65580 Call to diggz! China Billionaire Tianqiao Chen owns 22.2% of one of the largest hospital systems in the United States: Community Health Systems

>>65582 Leaked document reveals secret Turkish plan to invade Greece

>>65583 Trump to sign policing executive order on Tuesday

>>65585 @NCSCgov Fifty-four scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties

>>65586 English Police Force Advises Officers to ‘Take The Knee’ in Front of BLM Protests

>>65587 Black Lives Matter activist Oluwatoyin Salau found dead

>>65588 Manhattan Judge Releases Violent Looter who Beat the Hell out of NYPD Cop

>>65589, >>65590, >>65592 Woke Mob Targets Beatles Inspiration Penny Lane After Rumors Street Was Named for Slave Trader

>>65593 NATO’s colonization of Ukraine under guise of partnership

>>65594 Press briefing will be held after POTUS's roundtable

>>65595 #12316

(22 notables, 30 posts, 35 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171913

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9623064 Q Research General #12317: Price of White on Rice from China Coming To A Theatre Soon Edition

Created 151855ZJUN20



>>65596 Gaza rocket strikes field in Israel as Hamas urges ‘resistance’ to annexation

>>65597, >>65602, >>65605, >>65619 Q hit piece faux news

>>65598 Supreme Court sidesteps new cases on gun rights, police protections

>>65599 Q/Nakasone/Proof

>>65600 PM says US wants Gantz on board for annexation, vows not to back down

>>65601 Info from the White House on June 15th Roundtable

>>65603 Hawkish, Gov’t Funded Think Tank Behind Twitter Decision to Delete Thousands of Chinese Accounts

>>65604 black on black crime, MSM crickets

>>65606 Heavily armed gang members, and rioters out in the streets of #Dijon in #France today

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/62840ccd36511062015136e306c7e2b592918d0177aaeed3def1a2c339548ab6.mp4

>>65607, >>65610 Pennsylvania Man Pleads Guilty to Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct with Minors in the Republic of Kenya

>>65608 CALL TO MEME: #LawAndOrder

>>65609 F-15 Crash, Pilot confirmed dead.

>>65611 Northeast Texas family sentenced for their roles in massive illegal gambling, money laundering enterprise

>>65612 United Borrowing $5 Billion Against Its Frequent Flyer Program

>>65613 Vice President Mike Pence to visit Michigan Thursday, tour manufacturing businesses

>>65614 JUST IN: Top Voice of America editors resign as Trump-appointed director takes helm

>>65615 40,000+ Pounds Of Ground Beef Recalled Due To E. Coli

>>65616 Police Officers Linked To Extremist Group-Q-

>>65617 Top Pharma-Brand of Children’s Vitamins Contains Aspartame, GMOs, & Other Hazardous Chemicals

>>65618 Pentagon Surplus Handouts Stoke the Militarization of U.S. Police, since 1997.

>>65620 FORSCOM Retweeted Reward for information leading to missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen increased to $25,000

>>65621 AAPS sues FDA for irrational interference with life saving HCQ

>>65622 U.N. Human Rights Council Resumes With ‘Urgent Debate’ On Alleged U.S. ‘Systemic Racism’

>>65623 @NORADCommand NORAD training along our northern approaches

>>65624 #12317,

(25 notables, 29 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171914

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9623885 Q Research General #12318: #LawAndOrder: Meme It Warriors Edition

Created 152016ZJUN20




>>65625, >>65642 HCQ and Chloroquine can be definitely be legally prescribed for Covid use by US physicians

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/350e6ccaaf527eeeebc4532cfd75d782689f23debe57ebc230e438405bca3fb7.mp4

>>65626, >>65628 Potus live link

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NMyURc4xXAI - Trump Holds Roundtable on Fighting for America’s Soldiers [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yv-I1hMXLhc - Trump participates in a roundtable on Fighting for America’s Seniors [Channel: Fox Business]

>>65627 RAF Lakenheath 493 FS F -15C Down in North Sea vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UXP08GJwYd8 - RAF Lakenheath 493 FS F -15C Down in North Sea [Channel: blancolirio]

>>65629 Subject: Pool Report 15 --- POTUS on Seattle

>>65630, >>65632, >>65634, >>65635, >>65636 LawAndOrder Memes

>>65631 Russian Arctic Academy president accused of working for Chinese intelligence

>>65633 @w_terrence Powerful message!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/be68e57a32f501af5e887fb26c7281a218f64b43d108fdbbeee79003dab9091f.mp4

>>65637 President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees

>>65638 A Paris court on Monday found three former French government officials and three others guilty on charges involving millions of euros in kickbacks from arms sales to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia signed in 1994

>>65639, >>65643 planefaggin

>>65640 Grassley: One of the necessary steps for a bountiful corn crop is application of liquid nitrogen bc corn is a gr8 consumer of nitrogen

>>65641 Border Wall System Update

>>65644 #12318

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9efe67 (568) No.171915

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9624637 Q Research General #12319: Law And Order In The House Edition

Created 152115ZJUN20




>>65645 TROLL KING - exposes hoax and Netizens Mock Trump Over Remarks That Less COVID-19 Tests Mean Fewer US Cases

>>65646 FDA Twat

>>65647 Boston’s mayor is in favor of taking down a local statue of President Abraham Lincoln standing before a freed black man, after a petition was launched for its removal?

>>65648 US Will Reduce Troop Presence in Germany by Half Until Berlin Covers NATO Bill-sputnik

>>65649, >>65667, >>65669, >>65670 The Strong Cities Network (SCN) -- which launches September 29th at the United Nations – will empower municipal bodies to fill this gap while working with civil society and safeguarding the rights of local citizens and communities

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eat2LdXgB7g - THE UN TAKE OVER IS COMING' TROJAN HORSE UN STRONG CITIES NETWORK COMING TO THE USA [Channel: TruthnotWar2115]

>>65650, >>65655 Voice of America director, deputy resign amid Trump clash

>>65651, >>65653 Senate panel approves $10M to prepare for nuclear test "if necessary"-thehill

>>65652 They Pulled Out Guns and Put Them to My F*cking Head’ -- CHAZ Militants Threaten Uber Driver Waiting For Pickup Outside Autonomous Zone

>>65654 Black woman in the CHOP red-pills a white woman on the Demokkkratic party.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d494a0f32d6daca4f17c85e789374cce5d5b5d39a8e35f293a8eb2021a0cb02.mp4

>>65656 Trump calls Bolton's memoir 'highly inappropriate' as WH readies legal action to stop publication-foxnews

>>65657 DDOS trending on twitter

>>65658, >>65665, >>65668 Major cellular outage in the US currently involving almost every major US cellular company being reported on many outlets

>>65659, >>65664 US Dept of State-Fiscal Transparency Report y/t vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sOGDn3hWHNM - The Brief: Department of State's Fiscal Transparency Report [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>65660, >>65666 North Korean Military Set To Advance Into Demilitarized Zone: Report B911

>>65661, >>65663 Mark Cuban compares QAnon supporters to 'people who don't think white privilege exists'-washexaminer

>>65662 Lord of the Flies study guide .pdf linky

>>65671 Tanzania PM says fake covid postives are to blame for coronavirus increases (just like POTUS says)

>>65672 Raytheon Wins $37M DARPA Contract for Blackjack Payloads

>>65673 Senior White House officials say President Trump’s Police Reform EO to be incentives based - creating an eco-system encouraging police departments to credential themselves via de-escalation training among other action items.

>>65674 #12319

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9efe67 (568) No.171916

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9625416 Q Research General #12320: The CHOP Gots red-pills Too Edition

Created 152227ZJUN20




>>65675, >>65677 Syria Update

>>65676 Biden posts massive $81M cash haul for May

>>65678 Thomas Jefferson statue torn down at Portland High School

>>65679 Christchurch: Shooter wrongly granted firearms licence due to police mistakes

>>65680, >>65685, >>65694 Planefag Reports

>>65681 Pennsylvania man pleads guilty to illicit sex with minors in Kenya

>>65682, >>65683, >>65684 Executions scheduled for four child murderers

>>65686 Crowdstrike - What's commonly known

>>65687 Moar on the 'watch the water' discussion

>>65688 CV positive people needed as Test Subjects - Tulsa. Eyes On

>>65689, >>65690 Feds: eBay staff sent spiders, roaches to harass couple

>>65691 DOJ sets new dates to begin federal executions

>>65692 Major cell phone service down across the US --- AT&T & Verizon running

>>65693 Fed to begin buying corporate bonds

>>65695 Millions raised for BLM charity not associated with movement

>>65696 Chan-Zuckerberg fund research into genetic disease affecting Ashkenazi Jews

>>65697 Berlin authorities placed children with pedophiles for 30 years

>>65698 #12320,

(18 notables, 24 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171917

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9626143 Q Research General #12321: They Did Battle By Day They Did Battle By Night Edition

Created 152334ZJUN20




>>65699 Protest Update

>>65700 NYPD eliminates entire plainclothes Anti-Crime Unit in 'Seismic Cultural Shift'

>>65701 UN Human Rights Council to discuss police brutality and racism in America

>>65702 EU threatens to blackmail illiberal countries’ budgets

>>65703 Antitrust Investigation: Bezos willing to testify before U.S. Congress

>>65704, >>65707 Feds: Company provided subpar steel for US Navy subs

>>65705, >>65712 Planefag Updates

>>65706 The FDA PR completely disagrees with what Azar said at the Press briefing?

>>65708, >>65711 Keith Raniere to be sentenced June 23rd

>>65709 54 scientists resigned or fired regards financial ties to foreign governments

>>65710 New documentary exploring Epstein's death is set to air this weekend

>>65713 Michael Bloomberg to personally fund the creation of four charter schools in NYC

>>65714 Pompeo to meet Chinese delegation in Hawaii this week

>>65715 Video: Restrictions lifted on HCQ as longer considered effective in treating CV

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0VvirkH9G70 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65716 US & China to each allow 4 weekly flights for airlines; Delta to fly next week

>>65717 Digital Attack Map: Large attack on the United States

>>65718 ActBlue May number comparisons 2020 2018 2016

>>65719, >>65720 Bill Gates adviser ‘shocked’ Epstein named him in will

>>65721 Video: Kellyanne Conway discusses killing of Rayshard Brooks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g7py_0Vo-6w - Kellyanne Conway discusses killing of Rayshard Brooks [Channel: The Hill]

>>65722 #12321

(20 notables, 24 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171918

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9626905 Q Research General #12322: The Kek War Edition

Created 160046ZJUN20




>>65723, >>65731 Gen. Nakasone joins twitter @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA

>>65724 Outages: Down Detector results

>>65725 Olympia mayor who supported BLM calls vandalism at her home 'domestic terrorism'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S-GbIrbFQvE - Olympia mayor's home vandalized | KIRO 7 News [Channel: KIRO 7 News]

>>65726 Farage on free speech in the UK: ‘People Scared to Say What They Think’

>>65727 Trump on Seattle: ‘We Are All Set To Go’

>>65728 House GOP'ers: Pelosi has no plan to bring the House back safely

>>65729 Video: Tucker takes on BLM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oKumgC5w5Sw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65730 Protest Updates

>>65732 Albuquerque to use social workers instead of police to respond to certain 911 calls

>>65733 Paycom Software, Inc sold by Lenox Capital Mgmt Grp LLC: $24.72m-June 12

>>65734 Apparently the virus has a real affinity for the number 322


>>65736, >>65738 Taliban, ISIS to advise Antifa on destroying statues

>>65737 Some 19 Atlanta officers resign after Rayshard Brooks shooting

>>65739 #12322

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9efe67 (568) No.171919

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9627666 Q Research General #12323: Bring On The Night Edition

Created 160151ZJUN20




>>65740 Ohio set to send all voters absentee ballot applications

>>65741, >>65742, >>65744, >>65752 Boat and Planefag Reports (boatfag is watching a boat with RC connections he says)

>>65743 SoftBank used 'Circular Financing' scheme to prop up struggling vision fund companies

>>65745, >>65746 jewish community just cut the lock @NYCMayor put on their park, If Americans can protest, families should have access to their neighborhood parks - says Kevin McCarthy

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba5806a9b2f483028b3bd7b4b0edd1af3429c578a92b76fe24bedcf3eaae9cdc.mp4

>>65747, >>65750 twatterer - NYPD source text: Cops’ food possibly being poisoned. Bleach in milkshakes for MOS (Members of the Service/sworn NYPD)

>>65748, >>65749 Anon: Why FBI relied on Crowdstrike examination of DNC server

>>65751 Lara Logan names former Generals and Admirals waging coordinated information warfare against POTUS (no confirmed sauce - only reports of interview)

>>65753 A BLM Teen Who Said White Racists Are The F*cking Enemy Ends Up Raped And Murdered By Black Men Amidst BLM Protests In Florida

>>65754, >>65756 54 Scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties

>>65755 MDs on Ingraham Angle discuss new FDA report ending emergency use of HCQ

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nOpKtM3mU0Q - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65757 #12323

(11 notables, 18 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171920

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9628443 Q Research General #12324: Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All Edition

Created 160308ZJUN20




>>65758, >>65760, >>65764, >>65765, >>65766, >>65767, >>65768, >>65771 Shake Shack diggs re MOS/Sworn NYPD bleach in shakes poisoning

>>65759 NORAD will conduct air defense exercise Falcon Virgo on Tuesday, June 16, between 12:30-2:30 a.m. Eastern Time in the National Capital Region

>>65761 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, June 16, 2020

>>65762 One MILLION ticket requests for President´s rally on Saturday - says a twatterer

>>65763 Justice Department reports executions scheduled - first federal executions since 2003. For convicted child murderers.

>>65769, >>65770 James Baker just joins Twitter.

>>65772 #12324

(7 notables, 15 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171921

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9629216 Q Research General #12325: They are fighting to regain control. You stand in their way. Edition

Created 160446ZJUN20




>>65773 WHO chief to speak at top Chinese university graduation ceremony

>>65774 Nashville Stream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nL7-1vm5mW0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65775 Seattle Bans Police Use Of Crowd Control Devices Like Tear Gas And Pepper Spray

>>65776 WAR ON POLICE: Over 431 Police Officers Injured or Killed in Recent Far Left Black Lives Matter Protests and Riots

>>65777 On Tuesday, PG&E Corp. will plead guilty 84 separate times to involuntary manslaughter the deadliest corporate crime in U.S. history. AND GETS A SLAP ON THE WRIST

>>65778 Third Suspect Arrested in Connection to Murder of Retired Police Captain David Dorn at Lee’s Pawn and Jewelry

>>65779 More Rumors of COVID carriers being sent to rallies

>>65780 Sara Carter pointing out some things: We need some moar... Unity.

>>65781, >>65785 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition.

>>65782 33 years of legal abortion in Spain has led to demographic death spiral

>>65783 pb Dems using ActBlue to channel donations

>>65784 Jewish health official resigns after muh 'antisemitic' backlash amid COVID-19

>>65786, >>65791 Ex-top FBI lawyer who took Steele dossier 'seriously' joins Twitter team

>>65787 REVEALED: Rayshard Brooks Struggled with Police, Stole Their Taser, Shot It At Police, Likely Because He Didn’t Want to Go to Prison Based on Prior Record

>>65788 COVID Madness -- Chicago Ministry of COVID Compliance Introduces “Social Distancing Ambassadors”…

>>65789 Dr Judy Mikovits ~ 50 million Americans may die this Fall from taking the Karen (covid19 vaccine, gamma retrovirus in our contaminated blood supply)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vael2V7oqyM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65790 Tesla looking at another pile of wheels and stuff for approval: The Y Model. ...Why?

>>65792 Common Source of Wireless “WiFi” Radiation Affects Human Cells -- Especially Kids – Korean Gov’t Study

>>65793 Media Blackout: The Federal Court Case To End Water Fluoridation!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GYsxI22XI-c - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65794 Amazon Antitrust Probe: CEO Jeff Bezos Willing To Testify Before Congressional Hearing

>>65795 Hickenlooper Fined for Breaking Ethics Rules: Senate Bid in Jeopardy?

>>65796 Offer he can't refuse: Cartel boss El Chapo snitched on rivals to US DEA, journo claims

>>65797 VIDEO: Rioters Tearing Down Statue Chase Man Down And Attack Him, Man Shoots Assailant in Self-Defense

>>65798 Rolling Stone Editor Unloads On Media, Says ‘The American Left Has Lost Its Mind’

>>65799 A Brilliant Mind -- Young Black Voice Delivers Red Pill To Urban White Liberal…

>>65800 Cities call on cops to work overtime to quell unrest, despite ‘defund’ rallying cry

>>65801 China Creep on Campus. Failed disclosure

>>65802 The Majority Of Them Don’t Even Know Why They’re There’: Walkaway Founder Crashes A BLM Protest

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oQkiblGnVps - Walkaway Founder Brandon Straka Crashes A Black Lives Matter Protest [Channel: Daily Caller]

>>65803 Judicial Watch Statement on Supreme Court Ruling Regarding Sex Discrimination

>>65804 a House Report: The Origins of COVID 19

>>65805 Remarks at White House Summit on Protecting Seniors

>>65806 #12325

(32 notables, 34 posts, 51 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171922

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9629934 Q Research General #12326: The 'A Correct Record Is a Good Thing' Edition

Created 160616ZJUN20




>>65807 Police Reform Bill slammed by Democrats

>>65808 Police accountability - the outrage only happens when it's white cop on black suspect.

>>65809 MUH COVID VACCINE - watch out for RFID chips!

>>65810 According to poll (of selected individuals) 1/3 think a civil war is coming.

>>65811 Search engine of story changing within 3 yrs (anons knew in 2017)

>>65812 Thomas Sowell: a man before his time

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JyufeHJlodE - Thomas Sowell on the second edition of Intellectuals and Society [Channel: Hoover Institution]

>>65813, >>65814 Going to extremes: instant karma

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e83bafa0bbf127c58286a9fe507496e8b16cf67569daa2de4ca63a4caf173747.mp4

>>65815, >>65824, >>65827, >>65828, >>65829, >>65839, >>65843 NK blew up the InterKorean Office

>>65816, >>65820 TIME Hypocrisy in Reporting

>>65817, >>65826 5 African students hold BLM protest in Ukraine; official asks for names to deport them

>>65818, >>65819, >>65821 Cable News Ranking Fri Jun 12: Tucker #1

>>65822, >>65825 Man sets car ablaze & suffers the horrible consequences

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9132c0976a68b4bbbcf3272b411701350c558764d2fcdf99055988338b79b994.mp4

>>65823, >>65830, >>65842 NM shooting play-by-play plus link to vid

>>65831 NYPD bleach milk shakes from Shake Shack (FOX article)

>>65832 Ptld OR: officer hit in head, fires set, store looted, arrests made: "leave the area, it is not safe"

>>65833, >>65836, >>65845 Three Indian soldiers have died in a skirmish along the border with China

>>65834 A black person is 26x more like to drown than to be unarmed & killed by a cop

>>65835, >>65838 Why is Rick Wilson is attacking Q?

>>65837 GOP: Sending COVID19 patients to nursing homes ‘ended up being a death sentence’

>>65840 Detroit defunded the police in 2014; results not good

>>65841 "Penny Lane" in London: will it survive renaming mania?

>>65844 WND: Dems push to defund the police creates chaos

>>65846 Deface, Defund, Destroy: The Left's Nihilism on Full Display

>>65847 planefags aloft

>>65848 4chan discussion: anon claiming to be c_a said fireworks are being lit to induce sleep deprivation & mass unrest....and moar

>>65849 #12326

(26 notables, 43 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171923

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9630727 Q Research General #12327: Stop Killing Our Police! Edition

Created 160843ZJUN20




>>65850 A Second Summer Of Love - the month of August is traditionally very hot.

>>65851, >>65854 anon recaps of the things that has happened recently. Pushing POTUS and Patriots for a new angle to run on?

>>65852, >>65855, >>65857 Low rated MSNBC and CNN will continue manipulate the people who trust them 100% (discussion)

>>65853, >>65858, >>65859, >>65861, >>65863, >>65864 plane fag reports!

>>65856 How Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created on Purpose.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UrD8lkhc4aw - How the High Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created on Purpose [Channel: Corbett Report Extras]

>>65860, >>65862, >>65866, >>65867 With strange fireworks happening recently and often. Anons discussion about people becoming numb to it.

>>65865 Is this a possibility? To add to the fireworks discussion?

>>65868 Three U.S. Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups Are Patrolling The Pacific, As China Voices Discontent

>>65869 Man shot as New Mexico protesters try to remove Spanish conquistador statue

>>65870 Washington backs down, allowing US companies to work with Huawei on 5G standards

>>65871 U.S. airlines threaten to BAN passengers who refuse to wear masks during their flights under new rules

>>65872, >>65875 Summer of love in Dijon, FR? gangs, smoke, guns, oh my.

>>65873 DOJ: Executions Scheduled for Four Federal Inmates Convicted of Murdering Children

>>65874 Rep. Ilhan Omar’s father dead at 67 from coronavirus

>>65876 anon calls for eyes on: Rick Wilson veiled threat 'I hope you saved your strength, because today is going to be much worse for you.'

>>65877 India says three soldiers killed in 'violent faceoff' on border with China

>>65878 Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda

>>65879 #12327

(18 notables, 30 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171924

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9631495 Q Research General #12328: I Like My Dijon Lead Free Edition

Created 161158ZJUN20




>>65880 US Border Wall update

>>65881, >>65892, >>65895 planefag reporting

>>65882, >>65884 Andrew Yang posts about Shake Shak and 2 hours later cops are poisoned there. ‘No criminality’ found

>>65883 Republican congressman Tom Rice reveals he and his family have coronavirus

>>65885 anon diggz on MN freedom fund. spends $200k on bail and has raised $30M

>>65886, >>65896 New DJT twat w/CAP: Wow! May retail sales show biggest one-month increase of ALL TIME, up 17.7%. Far bigger than projected...

>>65887 John Solomon: Justice Department sets execution dates for federal death row inmates, ending informal moratorium

>>65888 KEK: Indonesia: Man Told He Is Pregnant After Rapid Coronavirus Test

>>65889 2 more small earthquakes in OK

>>65890 New DJT JR twat w/CAP: It’s a toss up between Wokeadishu and the Soyviet Union

>>65891 After Two Years the NSA Has Refused to Provide Any Documentation on Seth Rich per a Legitimate FOIA Request, Actually They Refuse to Provide Any Response At All

>>65893 Keith Ellison refusing to release Floyd body cam footage. all 4 officers had their cams on

>>65894 call for twatter #LawAndOrder meme blast

>>65897 Trump Jr. to interview POTUS Thursday night.

>>65898 #12328

(15 notables, 19 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171925

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9632261 Q Research General #12329: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 161351ZJUN20




>>65899 Portland Police: A group continues to stay downtown in the streets. One officer was injured after being hit in the head with a large rock.

>>65900, >>65906 US Experiment on infants withholding affection

>>65901 DJT Jr: Guys, unlike CNN and Chris Cuomo when he interviews his brother, I'm not pretending to be a journalist here. This is just me having a fun conversation with my dad.

>>65902, >>65903 anon calls for #ObamaGate and #TheyAllKnew twat blast ops.

>>65904, >>65910, >>65911, >>65912, >>65918 planefag reporting

>>65905 De Blasio: Effective immediately, the NYPD's 24,000 body cameras now have a mandatory 30 day release policy.

>>65907, >>65909 chatter surrounding the Wilson twat re: bad day for Trump supporters...

>>65908 LIVE: Fed Chair Powell presents semiannual monetary policy report to Congress

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7xAMAJ5ieKo - Fed Chair Powell presents semiannual monetary policy report to Congress --- 6/16/2020 [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>65913 New Video Inbound from Veritas. WARNING: Facebook’s 24-hour notice

>>65914 (video) anon calls for redpilling: covid manipulation to better infect humans

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eAMhCxHc51E - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65915 Nadler issues subpoenas for John W. Elias and Aaron S.J. Zelinsky for June 24

>>65916 Meaning of brackets [ ] in federal court cases involving death penalty.

>>65917 Mitch McConnell: ...Speaker Pelosi mostly kept her chamber on the longest-running spring break in human history. in the Senate, we are attending to the needs of the nation.

>>65919 #12329

(14 notables, 21 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171926

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9633014 Q Research General #12330: The Trump Econmy Is Taking Off! Edition

Created 161521ZJUN20




>>65920, >>65921 Twitter Hires Ex-FBI Lawyer, James Baker, Who Played Key Role In Probe Of Trump Campaign

>>65922, >>65923 NYS Senate Minority Leader (Former Senate President) John Flanagan announces he is leaving the Senate June 28

>>65924 Kiddos’ Daily, Full Circle II: Decapitating Antifa Edition

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/34e073624b00d2259e7f14cf14db3386ed6bfae5c65c1d8bd80555279e726818.pdf

>>65925, >>65926, >>65928, >>65932, >>65935, >>65936, >>65941, >>65942, >>65943, >>65945 planefaggin

>>65927 Saudi oil exports to U.S. plunge toward lowest level in 35 years

>>65929 Prosperity breeds idiots.” “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

>>65930, >>65939 Did elite David Boies law firm get a pandemic bailout? It's a secret

>>65931, >>65934 President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities LIVE STREAM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5Ifs_91xhL4 - LIVE: President Trump Signs Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities [Channel: Golden State Times]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wYgs3REgfrw - President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities [Channel: The White House]

>>65933 LurkerFag looking for help from OldFag…diggz help

>>65937 President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F13hk-jXwZM - President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>65938 @USMC Here Comes The Pitch

>>65940 WANTED for ASSAULT: Call/DM @NYPDTips at 800-577-TIPS

>>65944 UK bread, Skirpals diggz?

>>65946 #12330

(14 notables, 27 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171927

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9633784 Q Research General #12331: Love On An Escalator, Livin It Up an..DS.. Goin.. Down .........Edition

Created 161636ZJUN20




>>65947 Researchers say steroid is the first drug proven to improve COVID-19 survival rates

>>65948 Potus pics signing new EO

>>65949 JUST IN: Newly unclassified report finds CIA security failures led to massive 2017 breach

>>65950, >>65953, >>65973 PF updates

>>65951, >>65954 Seattle reaches deal with 'CHOP' to remove temporary roadblocks, replace with concrete barriers

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pm3QhpO_Q-w - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>65952, >>65970 Deep State Attorney Zelinsky Who Pushed for Roger Stone to Die in Prison Will Testify Next Week

>>65955, >>65956, >>65959, >>65966 Musk Twats Aliens/DJTJr too For the Keks!?

>>65957 After Two Years the NSA Has Refused to Provide Any Documentation on Seth Rich

>>65958 Chesapeake Energy to file for bankruptcy as soon as this week


>>65961 #ICYMI DCSA released its new agency logo yesterday.

>>65962 "WESTMINSTER, England (ChurchMilitant.com) Nineteen prelates, including five women bishops, abstained from a pro-life vote

>>65963, >>65972 20 confirmed Indian deaths from the Indian and Chinese engagement.

>>65964 moar UK Skripals

>>65965 "MORRISTOWN, N.J. The Benedictine monks recently lost their legal battle to protect themselves financially

>>65967 A New Slavery - Sept 21, 1900 article in the Iowa State Bystander, a black newspaper.

>>65968 Callsign: STING38

>>65969 Merkel, Erdogan agree U.N. process for Libya should be bolstered/globalist smile

>>65971 2019 sponsor of John Palmer art… Terri Robinson/diggz

>>65974 #12331

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9efe67 (568) No.171928

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9634534 Q Research General #12332: Left Land Hypocrisy, We Got It Covered Edition

Created 161752ZJUN20



>>65975 Moar Palmer diggz

>>65976 Dim Boston Mayor Supports Removal of Abraham Lincoln Statue -- The Man Who Ended Slavery in the United States

>>65977 The Fed's $250 Billion Debt-Buying "Index" Loophole

>>65978 German President Steinmeier has instructed his countrymen to weed out all of their subconscious bigotry, real or imagined

>>65979 North Korea confirms ‘terrific explosion’ that destroyed inter-Korean liaison office, blaming Seoul for sheltering defectors

>>65980 Valerie Jarrett talks protests, defunding police, and criminal justice reform/never forget their roots


>>65982 Progressive Mayor Who Supported Black Lives Matter Gets Home Vandalized During Riots, Calls It ‘Domestic Terrorism’

>>65983 Zelinsky will testify as a whistleblower against Attorney General William Barr, Democrats announced.

>>65984 Would be ‘very surprising’ if Britain evades coronavirus SECOND WAVE, UK govt medical adviser warns

>>65985 Turkish coast guard vessels spotted escorting illegal migrants into Greek waters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UOX4UQGgAhs - Τουρκικές ακταιωροί πλέουν πλησίον λέμβου με αλλοδαπούς εντός ΤΧΥ [Channel: HellenicCoastguard]

>>65986 The AAPS has produced an "impossibly good" lawsuit against the FDA for banning Hydroxychloroquine

>>65987 Elite French Police Deployed as Armed Chechens and North Africans Go to War in Dijon

>>65988 Cartels Helped Pick Top Officials in Mexican Border State

>>65989 Rep. Ilhan Omar announces death of father from COVID-19 complications

>>65990 SF links cop killer to right wing extremist group

>>65991 Disgraced ex-Labour MP Fiona Onasanya slams Kellogg's for using a monkey as the mascot for 'brown' Coco Pops

>>65992 She trolled them last night, they took the bait.

>>65993 Reminder: The CDC is not a ‘public health’ agency, it’s a vehicle for corporate lobbying

>>65994 Senate Committee Approves Funding for Live Nuclear Testing

>>65995 Guard Kills Trespassing Suspect at Navy SEAL Training Facility in Alaska

>>65996 Protesters Who Attend Black Lives Matter Rallies In Australia Face Imprisonment And $1000 Fine

>>65997 Iowa governor to sign executive order restoring felon voting rights

>>65998 planefaggin

>>65999 Roger Goodell explains why he is allowing Liberal Democrats to destroy the NFL and piss on Veterans.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=R-S4o92fW-o - Roger Goodell: "They've got my balls in a vice" [Channel: Scooter Van Neuter]

>>66000 Texas: CBP Seizes Nearly 400 Pounds Of Meth, Heroin

>>66001 #12332

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9efe67 (568) No.171929

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9635300 Q Research General #12333: Rallies Are On! Coronavirus? Edition

Created 161915ZJUN20




>>66002 UK’s Johnson: Israeli annexation in West Bank breaches international law

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yMqkhxrHdrY - Crispin Blunt MP challenges Prime Minister Boris Johnson on illegal Israeli annexation [Channel: Caabu]

>>66003 Two Charged with Murder, Aiding, Abetting in Slaying of Fed Protective Service Officer at Oakland Courthouse Building

>>66004 City of Beverly Hills issues emergency order banning protests in residential areas

>>66005 Illinois Business Owner Charged with COVID-Relief Fraud

>>66006 The Bee: Oh No! The Supreme Court Building Just Started Sliding Down A Slippery Slope At An Incredible Rate! For the keks!

>>66007, >>66012, >>66022, >>66026, >>66027 The Lincoln Project/RICK WILSON call to diggz

>>66008 Somalia Agenda Changing The Africa Horn Region

>>66009 University Hosp. in Cleveland staff go silent when they are asked if the lives of Black Babies matter.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7XEkhjpjeD4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66010 @TheNHSenate passed HB 1672-FN as amended, the Coronavirus Election Protection Act of 2020

>>66011 Israel: Blue and White in free fall; only 27% back a July annexation

>>66013 Appeals court sides with exchanges in U.S. SEC fee row

>>66014 Hoyer sets June 26 date for historic House vote on D.C. statehood bill

>>66015 Paris police clash with protesters at health workers’ rally, firing tear gas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IHcWvZ1WgQ0

>>66016 Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities

>>66017, >>66019, >>66021, >>66029 New FBI Vault drop - Doris Duke

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/024237a207e9c1a2d8874b589ff3c2545d07f16484cf6c38293a9455fe19cd58.pdf

>>66018, >>66023, >>66033 PF updates

>>66020 Pelosi: Trump's policing executive order falls 'seriously short'

>>66024, >>66028 House Democrats demand FBI briefing on foreign adversaries exploiting George Floyd protests

>>66025 Pics: Concrete Borders Around CHOP Autonomous Zone At Taxpayer Expense.

>>66030 Judd: 17 arrested for child pornography include Disney employees, nurse, underwear ‘ingester’

>>66031 Pluralsight, Inc. Executives sold: $53.33m-June 12

>>66032, >>66034, >>66035, >>66036 The 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment conducts aviation operations throughout the US Southern Command's (USSOUTHCOM) Area of Responsibility. Winged Warriors

>>66037 #12333

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9efe67 (568) No.171930

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9636072 Q Research General #12334: Gone With The Win Edition

Created 162045ZJUN20



>>66038 BREAKING NOW: Supporters have began to form line 4 days ahead of TRUMP RALLY in Tulsa that saw almost 1-million ticket requests..

>>66039 Democrat Leaders Demand Senate Nominee Step Down After ‘Sexually Inappropriate’ Text Messages Surface

>>66040 Obama hitting the virtual campaign trail to push Biden past Trump

>>66041 SoftBank Will Sell $20 Billion Worth Of Stake In T-Mobile

>>66042 Chinese take another step in #quantumcomputing with satellite comms.

>>66043, >>66054 Moar on Winged Warrriors

>>66044 Short movie for Anons.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e0bf7623fd823adc6412dcea224c0e50f69af64b8a25899535c94e913b2de67d.mp4

>>66045 ‘Turn Away Immediately’: Taiwan Says It Drove Away Chinese J-10 Fighter Nearing Island’s Airspace

>>66046, >>66048, >>66056, >>66070 planefaggin


>>66049 @realJeffreyP To anyone who is still a Democrat: I used to be one too.

>>66050 Leftists in Britain Call for Removal of British Empire Murals in Whitehall Building -- They’re Racist

>>66051 Gen.Flynn explaining that hardest thing in warfare is TRANSITION.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b43649ef8ec0ad6d7b0aa20cbdc8147a7fcdc69436a4cd020f57c74b3607e7b.mp4

>>66052, >>66063, >>66072, >>66073 Let's put our Tinfoil hats on and go down the rabbit hole on james alefantis

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=puAMTiP-Pc4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66053, >>66059 Tulsa attorney files lawsuit to stop Trump's rally, Unless you had any doubt about what COVID-19 was all about…

>>66055 NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell wants Colin Kaepernick to 'guide' the league on social justice

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g8DhdaKXPNs - Roger Goodell encourages NFL teams to sign Colin Kaepernick | SportsCenter [Channel: ESPN]

>>66057 Boatfaggin

>>66058 "Racist Q fucks shoot up peaceful protests." Anons you know what to do.

>>66060 FDA Approves First-Ever Prescription Video Game/Can playing this game really reduce symptoms of ADHD?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6RR8hjBGBac - The first FDA-approved prescription video game: EndeavorRX (Trailer) [Channel: Sean Hollister]

>>66061, >>66064, >>66066 CIA Was So Focused On Developing Cyber Weapons That "Woefully Lax" Security Led To Vault 7 Leak?

>>66062 Founder and CEO of Iranian Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate U.S. Sanctions

>>66065, >>66069 The Trump administration sues to block Bolton book

>>66067 Emir Kusturica to attend Victory Parade in Moscow at the invitation of defense minister

>>66068 THANK Q POTUS Guyana has finally declared a winner in the March 2020 election and the PPP/Civic is it.

>>66071 Albuquerque to Start Sending Unarmed Social Workers on Some 911 Calls in City

>>66074 #12234

(26 notables, 37 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171931

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9636840 Q Research General #12335: A Few Anon Ideas For Replacing Statues Edition

Created 162209ZJUN20



>>66075, >>66077 Anthony Fauci and his HIV patents and a bitchute on the COVID/HIV rumors - this one on Spike Glycoproteins

>>66076, >>66078, >>66080, >>66081 some Camp Nose digs by anons for some ICYMI of past digs

>>66079, >>66084, >>66089 planefaggin

>>66082 hackeranon was able to set up an environment to safely look at that IP list posted on half/pol/ earlier today, for anyone interested

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d8938d46763a00f78d370d0952b875440ceccb3083eec1281e9dcd67991af50.pdf

>>66083 anon chops up the Chaz hypocracy - Strong on border security - erect walls, Strong on Bearing Arms - guard those borders, good post

>>66085 CIA cyber weapons stolen in historic breach due to 'lax security', internal report says

>>66086 A #Mexican federal #judge and his wife were shot and killed in front of their two daughters in Mexico's western state of #Colima on Tuesday

>>66087 Rudy G twat - This is a time for common sense and straight thinking! Today on @77WABCradio

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01b678b7b4bfaa538b3a133dda06a31b8ad94c07c7209c71048595c9e38b16e8.mp4

>>66088 WH twat re EO

>>66090 AD for biden featuring LG

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g5Xpwyd4aMM - Ad: Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Loves Joe Biden [Channel: Republican Voters Against Trump]

>>66091 #12335,

(11 notables, 17 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171932

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9637667 Q Research General #12336: Only when good people [collectively] come together Edition

Created 162333ZJUN20



>>66092 Gaetz calls on ATF to cease plans restricting arm brace usage

>>66093 Russian national Lisov to depart US Tuesday after serving prison term

>>66094 Rep Sen. Josh Hawley condemns SC decision on LGBT anti-discrimination

>>66095, >>66101 Iowa governor to sign EO restoring felon voting rights

>>66096 Protest Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CsB19UPvhqk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66097 Bradken to pay US Navy $11m for supplying ‘substandard steel’ for 30 years

>>66098 Video: Old Man Pantifa 'scanning' the police

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab96989b3ce17979e3f6b2404fb973fd1550d50141d3abf53f9d3a6c0afebce9.webm

>>66099 Pentagon official who questioned Trump's Ukraine aid freeze resigns

>>66100 Fresh POTUS

>>66102 DEVELOPING: Active shooter reported at Dallas mall

>>66103 Missing veteran found dead in VA hospital after a month

>>66104 Video: OAN on Veritas: Soros allegedly funding Antifa-like groups

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-I_UOdJhQNw - Project Veritas: Billionaire Soros allegedly funding Antifa-like groups [Channel: One America News Network]

>>66105 Rodney King was also in an election year

>>66106 #12336

(14 notables, 15 posts, 8 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171933

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9638406 Q Research General #12337: Storm Shift Edition

Created 170023ZJUN20



>>66107, >>66108, >>66109, >>66110, >>66121, >>66125 Dallas shooting

>>66111, >>66113 Iris Weinshall, Chuck Schumer's wife

>>66112, >>66126 Planefag Reports

>>66114 Report: POTUS's private meeting with families of people killed by police

>>66115 Primaries progress: GOP aims to retake House majority from the Dems

>>66116 Antifa Watch: Flight Aware flight search for DC Dulles Airport

>>66117 CNN & NBC colluding with Big Tech to cut out conservative competition

>>66118 Michigan Dems: Polls showing Biden leading Trump are not reliable

>>66119 Google blocks The Federalist, ZeroHedge from advertising on platform

>>66120, >>66123 New Herridge tweet re Strzok

>>66122 Discrepancy in 2 George Floyd photos: Hair vs No Hair

>>66124 The Mysterious Case of RAZ from CHAZ - Millionaire supported by Dubai gov

>>66127 Lindsey Graham - Top 50 Contributors

>>66128 #12337

(14 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171934

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9639145 Q Research General #12338: The Mysterious Case of RAZ from CHAZ Edition

Created 170147ZJUN20



>>66129 Video: Tucker calls out big business, BLM donations, and CHAI NUH

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nEvuIFFJ-Lo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66130, >>66135, >>66142 Norwegian virologist: CV is 'chimera' made in Chinese lab

>>66131 Video: Investigative Journalist Ami Horowitz on Hannity re CHAZ/CHOP & BLM

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a7f5fc7f27527ccfe62bfc96b181a609464d79ffdee4f3f6a18184c4feb8604.mp4

>>66132, >>66134 GOP KY Congressman Andy Barr’s wife has suddenly passed away

>>66133 Gun-rights groups launch 11th hour bid to block VA’s One-Gun-A-Month law

>>66136, >>66138, >>66139, >>66140, >>66143, >>66145 How POTUS is owning the FED

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2ssrcD5GdPQ - What I have been afraid to blog about: The ESF and Its History_Part 1 [Channel: cedec0]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ImuVUab6WW0 - What I have been afraid to blog about: The ESF and Its History_Part 2 [Channel: cedec0]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8Qsll_5-FXc - What I have been afraid to blog about: The ESF and Its History_Part 3 [Channel: cedec0]

>>66137 POTUS on Hannity tomorrow at 9pm ET

>>66141, >>66154, >>66156 Dallas Shooting Updates

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e479d8660a43e87aea6eee672cae4ff48ee3781580fe19b5beb741ee78415804.mp4

>>66144 Two GOP House members have lost their wives this week

>>66146 Abramovic: BTFO by shamans: "They said he will be the president to wake us all up"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5PiQD0v_Mt8 - Mona Polacca + Marina Abramović: Rites and Rituals [Channel: Rubin Museum of Art]

>>66147, >>66159, >>66162 Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel HIV Virologist: CV "Bio-engineered" in lab

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=durcHyxpFT4 - Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize Winner Says Virus "Bio-engineered" in Lab 黄艳玲 17/04/20 [Channel: sixesfullofnines]

>>66148, >>66152, >>66157, >>66158 Articles of Impeachment filed against Tom Wolf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd05b5a63591b42b4a86b9c940b13fae1e65c4df17b4f7e4e39173332677e693.pdf

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2gzDrB-adDQ - Butler Co. State Rep. Introduces 5 Articles Of Impeachment Against Gov. Tom Wolf [Channel: CBS Pittsburgh]

>>66149 "You can call me a snitch" - New 911 released from George Floyd's death

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NI0GtI0pQuE - 'You can call me a snitch." New 911 Released From George Floyd's Death, Dispatch Raised Concerns [Channel: COURT TV]

>>66150 Japan's exports fall most since 2009 as virus hits US shipments

>>66151 Mayor Keller calls for civil guard militia to be labeled a hate group

>>66153, >>66155, >>66161, >>66163 Planefag Report

>>66160 Cops allegedly refused to respond to shop under attack near Seattle CHAZ

>>66164 CIA Focused On Developing Cyber Weapons That "Woefully Lax" Security Led To Vault 7 Leak

>>66165 #12338

(19 notables, 37 posts, 34 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171935

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9639921 Q Research General #12339: Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Edition

Created 170307ZJUN20



>>66166, >>66171, >>66174, >>66175, >>66180 planefaggin

>>66167 What you’re seeing isn’t new, and is bigger than just grievances with the police department---taking shape is a communist-style revolution disguised as protests.

>>66168, >>66169, >>66170, >>66172, >>66176 Boy Attacked by mob on Ocean City Boardwalk

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h2Z3-5VRcHY - Ocean City Police investigating after large brawl breaks out on boardwalk, beach | FOX 5 DC [Channel: FOX 5 Washington DC]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h2Z3-5VRcHY - Ocean City Police investigating after large brawl breaks out on boardwalk, beach | FOX 5 DC [Channel: FOX 5 Washington DC]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84a5397fb3537878710566e62d43f2f4fa03c6467cd6603c72dea3ec6ef60398.mp4

>>66173 Judge denies request to stop Trump rally due to coronavirus concerns

>>66177 New DJT -96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!

>>66178 POTUS Schedule for Wednesday, June 17, 2020 - Q-Day

>>66179 Pompeo to Meet Chinese Delegation in Hawaii This Week

>>66181 #12339

(8 notables, 16 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171936

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9640688 Q Research General #12340: The Path Of The Righteous Meme Edition

Created 170433ZJUN20



>>66182, >>66183 Cuomo the not-so-friendly politician may likely have 10,000 deaths on his hands

>>66184 WHO's preliminary dexamethasone results

>>66185 Tom Fitton and JudicialWatch comments about "Defunding the Police"

>>66186 Lawmakers Demand Answers From Governors Who Forced Nursing Homes to Accept CCP Virus Patients

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f0b0475b060440e45c1cc448a240ffaf56057337e45c21bc549995db95054a13.pdf

>>66187 Obama appointees debate about the 2020 election.

>>66188 Cancel Culture! For thee but not for me.

>>66189 Millions raised for BLM Foundation (but frozen coz it's not the BLM).

>>66190 Richmond Mayor requested the Police Chief Will Smith's resignation.

>>66191 Bumble Bee ex-CEO sentenced in price fixing scheme.

>>66192 Harvard prof pleads not guilty to lying about China ties

>>66193 Pelosi Keeping House Out of DC to Give Dems More Campaign Time

>>66194 EU asks US to ditch Trump peace plan & join new Middle East peace effort

>>66195 Seattle police chief: yes, we responded to bus. owner's call - just "observed from a distance"

>>66196 George Webb vid on infiltrating/defunding police re CHAZ/CHOP

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-cPNxdV2I0c - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66197, >>66199 Scavino twat

>>66198 Kente cloth was worn by slave-trading Africans

>>66200 Rudy twat: "Where's Joe Biden?"

>>66201, >>66202, >>66203, >>66204 Resignations in the news 6-12 & 6-16

>>66205, >>66206, >>66207, >>66208 Anons: Portland radicals just pulled US flag down from police bldg, flag now on fire

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ip4f_o31mYw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66209 Portland police/Andy Ngo: Gp at Justice Ctr is tampering w/doors, watch out - fire hazard

>>66210 Congressman Andy Barr's wife Carol dies in Lexington home

>>66211 Gates funding for planned Covid-19 vaccine factories

>>66212 We are all far-right now (on ZH & Federalist take-down by Google)

>>66213 pb Dems using ActBlue to channel donations

>>66214 #12340

(25 notables, 33 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171937

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9641429 Q Research General #12341: We Will Beat Back the Barbarians! Edition

Created 170650ZJUN20



>>66215 Stormy Daniels has a lawyer pushing to cancel POTUS rally in Tulsa.

>>66216 Fake pro POTUS all the same spider web of deceit.

>>66217, >>66219 Infamous spirit cooker and remarks of POTUS.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91549aa947d64257ddb2949f68561987d90b26a32cde73d2d527217b1087c7f9.mp4

>>66218 The power of kpop and crying isn't stronger than POTUS and FLOTUS love.

>>66220 Story Of The Purge Of American Intelligence.

>>66221, >>66223 Wayne talks about certain things in the black community but goes unnoticed by the media.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dafc5cc11c8538b06e9074a94a42186bbf6f24bf717da506d40d5cba0d2d03b1.mp4

>>66222, >>66224 NBC News - Demonetize The Federalist Is Illiberal Insanity.

>>66225 Michael Bloomberg joined Melvin Carter (St. Paul) on Oct 29, 2018 to combat climate change.

>>66226, >>66228 Great posts pointing out how bad things really are for them in Chaz? Chop?

>>66227 Pentagon official who questioned Trump's Ukraine aid freeze resigns.

>>66229 Bret Baier on Police Reform. Obama ADMIN didn't do it.

>>66230 Anons thoughts and theory about HCQ, cures, patents, Dr. Fauci.

>>66231 President of Honduras has COVID19.

>>66232 2 Top Voice of America executives resign as controversial Trump pick takes over.

>>66233 Whatsapp founder warns world delete facebook.

>>66234 #12341

(16 notables, 20 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171938

File (hide): 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9642305 Q Research General #12342: The Collector! Edition

Created 170957ZJUN20



>>66235 Beverly Hills issues Civil Emergency Order Regarding Public Assemblies in Residential Neighborhoods

>>66236 Juneteenth Protests, Celebrations Planned in Major Cities

>>66237 Berkeley to rename Washington, Jefferson schools after Black Lives Matter

>>66238 ‘Very Compassionate’: Ahmaud Arbery’s Mother Describes Visit With Trump

>>66239 In Scramble Amid Backlash, NBC, Google Both Release Contradictory Messages. report about The Federalist that quickly fell apart.

>>66240 Comedian and actor Chris D’Elia accused of ‘grooming’ underage girls

>>66241 Pelosi wants committee leaders in the House to bar any lawmaker who refuses to wear face masks from participating in committee hearings

>>66242 Millions of Doses of Malaria Drugs Are in Limbo. 66 million doses of two malaria drugs in the federal stockpile.

>>66243 The first of U.S. Navy investigations into sailors accused of trafficking, housing and pimping female prostitutes

>>66244 Obama lived in Seattle with his Mother Stanley Ann Dunham, now known as CHAZ/Chop.

>>66245 Iran To Send Ukraine Jet Black Boxes To France 'Soon': Trudeau

>>66246 'SICKOS' BUSTED Huge online child abuse sting sees arrest of 16 suspected pedophiles including nurse and two Disney employees

>>66247, >>66248 Butler County GOP legislator Daryl Metcalfe on Tuesday introduced a resolution to impeach PA Gov Tom Wolf

>>66249 for Keks: still got it Donald... still got it.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44303bcab1ac3803f73e1db639a77e2f74e6f33b709ef54de2c0c2af513142d5.mp4

>>66250 Brexit bombshell: Merkel orders EU states to ready for no deal Brexit -- leaked document

>>66251 World War 3: India moves warships and fighter jets into striking distance of China -- PICS

>>66252 Stars and Stripes: “The crew came in ready to [go],”

>>66253 US scrambles jets to escort Russian nuclear-capable bombers near border

>>66254 Justice Department to propose limiting Internet firms' protections

>>66255 Robert Davi: No, Kevin Bacon, This Old White Guy Will Not Just Shut Up and Listen to the Radical Left

>>66256 US Air Force sergeant charged in Boogaloo Bois murder

>>66257 #12342

(22 notables, 23 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171939

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9643057 Q Research General #12343: CHAZie Don't Surf Edition

Created 171234ZJUN20



>>66258, >>66260 diggz call on Carol Barr, wife of Kentucky Rep. Andy Barr, dies ‘suddenly’ at home

>>66259 PG&E, country's biggest utility, confesses to killing 84 people in 2018 California fire

>>66261 Progressive Group Tracks Cell Phones, Travel Patterns of Anti-Whitmer Michigan Protesters

>>66262 U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet: Capt Leland turned over command of #Big5 to Capt Carmichael during a change of command ceremony, June 16

>>66263 Chicago Ministry of COVID Compliance Introduces “Social Distancing Ambassadors

>>66264, >>66265, >>66269, >>66272, >>66276 planefag reporting

>>66266 US Navy twat w/CAP: Can't rain on our parade.

>>66267 Former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien has accused an unnamed executive producer at the network of insisting that she only book the “right kind” of black guests on her show.

>>66268 financefag reporting

>>66270, >>66273 twat thread - This is a communist-style revolution disguised as protests

>>66271 Cali Government Code section 8571 gives the Governor the power to cancel and reschedule an election

>>66274 Convicted sex offender who has more than 100 previous arrests in Custody for 92 yr old Woman NYC Street Attack

>>66275 POTUS will lead an event at the WH on suicide prevention for veterans today.

>>66277 #12343

(14 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171940

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9643829 Q Research General #12344: Thrills n Chills, Slides n Shills Edition

Created 171421ZJUN20



>>66278 Hosting Provider Hit With Largest-Ever DDoS Attack. 1.44 terabit-per-second distributed denial-of-service attack

>>66279 Protesters file federal class action lawsuit against Richmond police officers for using tear gas during June 1 protest

>>66280, >>66281, >>66290, >>66293 planefag reporting

>>66282 Video: Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz discusses today’s report on the DEA’s Income-Generating, Undercover Operations.

>>66283 anon recommended read: Dark Agenda "Full of the sort of irony that makes great memes"

>>66284 Ansonia Man Sentenced to Prison for Illegal Firearm Dealing

>>66285 More to Raz than Chaz Yo

>>66286 The SEC told bankrupt Hertz it has issues with its plan to sell stock, Chairman Jay Clayton

>>66287 Oh, the hypocrisy

>>66288 NYPD to disband plainclothes anti-crime units, reassign 600 cops

>>66289 DEA Caught Concealing Illegal Activities and Money Laundering Operations 2014-2017

>>66291 freshly posted on DJT youtube, oldie, but goodie

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=z0QS64PbBKs - I will always take care of Americans with pre-existing conditions. [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>66292 Activists Lock Police Precinct Doors in Portland, Burn American Flag

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/841728f55f2cafeac1de741db6b49d12905e3ac4ad59a160909f79ce0c04cac2.mp4

>>66294 #12344

(14 notables, 17 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171941

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9644593 Q Research General #12345: Straight Count to Write the Rongs Edition

Created 171543ZJUN20



>>66295, >>66296 Mourning Joe Panic vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/29a8f34d8dd48962fc762f1c698a1cf9314d1792dd30dd7a7173710e59d64fcf.mp4

>>66297 Brute accused of shoving elderly NYC woman has been arrested over 100 times

>>66298, >>66299, >>66300 POTUS CALL TO MEME SUPPORT: #LawAndOrder/CALL FOR GRAPHICS/MEMES: Vote Chris Jacobs/ #ObamaGate

>>66301, >>66337 Mo Raz

>>66302 Pence: "Less than 6%…" hhmmm?

>>66303 @ZubyMusic gets it

>>66304 Special Moscow-bound flight takes off from New York

>>66305 @USMC Outside Voice

>>66306, >>66316, >>66325 planefaggin

>>66307 Pa. sues to stop Carlisle car show

>>66308, >>66309, >>66313 Qlockfag 17th on the 23.

>>66310 @DeptofDefense Tip of the Spear

>>66311 Four Russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers perform flight over neutral waters of northern seas

>>66312, >>66314 Kente cloth worn by Democrats originated with African leaders who sold their people as slaves/ African Truth

>>66315 ICYMI: Backstage Pass: The Road to 2016! Join members of the Trump 2016 Campaign.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=l5q73w6g1Dw - WATCH: Backstage Pass: The Road to 2016! Join members of the Trump 2016 Campaign [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>66317 Trumptilla San Diego

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XgxLzH7hG3U - Hundreds of boats participate in the Trump Boat Parade on San Diego Bay [Channel: KUSI News]

>>66318, >>66321 CHAZ cams. More concrete barricades have been delivered, and are being set in place.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HGkx_5ibf-w - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66319 Pelosi Pours $180,000 Into Facebook Ads While Calling for Advertisers to Boycott Site

>>66320 Authorities in Germany have "concrete evidence" that missing British girl Madeleine #McCann is dead

>>66322, >>66330 Senate Live feed, The whole lot of them are masked. Then Dianne Feinstein walks in without one.

>>66323, >>66328 Pressured Into Senate Race by Top Dems, Montana’s Bullock Says He ‘Won’t Answer to Party Bosses

>>66324 Anons wrote this Op-Ed Saturday.

>>66326, >>66329 #BREAKING Powell Files Stunning Motion Against Gleeson: It’s A ‘wrap-up smear’ against Flynn.

>>66331, >>66332, >>66333 Man Arrested After Shooting ‘Protester’ Hitting Him In Head With Skateboard

>>66334 @USNavy And that's a wrap!

>>66335 Dr. Brzezinski embarrasses Joe Scarborough.

>>66336 Kayleigh McEnany is on deck.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=skyVfKBgIdw - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>66338 #12345

(28 notables, 43 posts, 50 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171942

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9645354 Q Research General #12346: America Will Never Be A Socialist Country Edition

Created 171708ZJUN20




>>66339 LIVE NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=skyVfKBgIdw - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>66340 Court strikes down Trump rule that drugmakers disclose price

>>66341 Judge orders Mnuchin to give Native American tribes full stimulus funding

>>66342, >>66346 PF updates

>>66343 2019 Reminder: Abortionist Testifies: ‘No Question’ Babies Being Born Alive To Harvest Organs

>>66344 Boy Scouts of America to earn New "Diversity" Badge

>>66345 ---———————————--——– Silent Majority Pic 2016 vs 2020

>>66347 #12346

(8 notables, 9 posts, 6 media/files)

Q- >>66345

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9efe67 (568) No.171943

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9646127 Q Research General #12347: Just the Tip of the Silent Majority Here Edition

Created 171755ZJUN20



>>66348 NORAD Jets Scrambled In 8th Russian Bomber Intercept Off Alaska This Year

>>66349, >>66351, >>66353 Enhanced Q pic

>>66350 Thug hits a black woman in the face with a skateboard for rejecting him ?

>>66352 Cosmologically & FirstPlaceAuto diggz

>>66354 Q cap found

>>66355 @usairforce #ReadyAF #AimHigh

>>66356 Who Is Karl Marx: Meet the Anti-Capitalist Scholar/tip of the iceberg of socialism, study

>>66357 PF updates

>>66358 ‘Invasion’: Dozens More Illegal Boat Migrants Brought Ashore at Dover

>>66359 Leaked Documents Link Fugitive Mexican Ex-Governor, Politicians to Cartels and Embezzlement

>>66360 Atlanta Authorities Release New Photos of Wendy’s Arson Suspect

>>66361 Moderna Executive Stakes Trimmed Even Before Latest Lockup Lifts

>>66362 POTUS LIVE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ef__WZQFT0U - President Trump Announces the PREVENTS Task Force Roadmap [Channel: The White House]

>>66363, >>66364, >>66365 ---———————————--——– Old playbook[s] still used today? Understanding the past helps to understand the present. (Cap: )

>>66366 #12347

(15 notables, 19 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>66363

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9efe67 (568) No.171944

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9647285 Q Research General #12348: Past Proves Future Edition

Created 171850ZJUN20



>>66367 #Flynn Defense says Judge Sullivan exceeded his authority by appointing 3rd party (Judge Gleeson)

>>66368 ---———————————--——– Old playbook[s] still used today? Understanding the past helps to understand the present. (Cap: )

>>66369 HSBC Resumes Plan To Cut 35,000 Jobs, Faces Criticism Over Hong Kong Security Law

>>66370 Japan stuck with $1.6bn bill after scrapping Aegis Ashore system

>>66371 Air France Preparing For 8,300 Voluntary Job Cuts Following Huge State Bailout

>>66372, >>66373, >>66374 ---———————————--——– It's not what you know but what you can prove. (Cap: )

>>66375, >>66376, >>66377 Mexico: The Evolution Of The Drug Wars And The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación

>>66378 Bolton's Book Revealed In Coordinated Leaks, Claims Trump Asked Xi Favor, Dems Fumbled Impeachment

>>66379 WH: "We've removed more than 9,000 VA workers who were not giving our veterans the care, respect, attention that they've earned."

>>66380 UK House of Lords votes to force nearly-unlimited abortion on Northern Ireland

>>66381 China Pledges to Cancel African Debt Amid COVID-19 Outbreak, President Says

>>66382 Scholar Anthony Sutton figured out Wall Street bankers

>>66383 #12348

(13 notables, 17 posts, 31 media/files)

Q- >>66372

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9efe67 (568) No.171945

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9648111 Q Research General #12349: It's All About Proof Edition

Created 171943ZJUN20



>>66384 @INDOPACOM #USSRonaldReagan @Gipper_76

>>66385 2014 Refresher: NK News alleged that AP had in 2011 “agreed to distribute North Korean propaganda through the AP name”

>>66386 Flotus tweet

>>66387 Explosive text messages revealed in Victorian Labor Party scandal

>>66388 BREAKING: Atlanta police officer accused of shooting Rayshard Brooks will be charged with felony murder plus 10 more charges

>>66389 Butte County New Fire with Evacuations and 30mph winds

>>66390, >>66391, >>66392, >>66393 Anons discuss non-lethal weapon draw against cop

>>66394 Q cap gonna put those Dem gov's in the pokey

>>66395, >>66402 BLM/Jefferson Davis Memorial, Called off

>>66396, >>66401 "After years of shameful scandal and neglect under the Obama Biden administration and scandal and neglect it was. We have fundamentally reorganized the VA from top to bottom." DJT on #QDay

>>66397 #BREAKING: Trump signs bill to sanction Chinese officials over Uighur rights

>>66398 @PressSec today on Bolton book: "This book is full of classified information."

>>66399 CIA is written on the underlying doc

>>66400 planefaggin

>>66403 #12349

(15 notables, 20 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171946

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9648871 Q Research General #12350: DIM Governors Made Q's List, Priceless, Barr Open Edition

Created 172047ZJUN20



>>66404, >>66407 Carolyn4GA7⁩ funded by radical socialists - NRCC

>>66405 Message for ANONS from Q and Q+: We are Winning Bigly

>>66406 Senator Tim Scott Destroys Dick Durbin For Calling Scott's Police Reform Bill a 'Token' Bill

>>66408, >>66410 Breaking: Flynn’s lawyers say ex-judge engaged in ‘flagrant personal and partisan assault’

>>66409, >>66423 PF updates

>>66411 More Gold Talk, one to research

>>66412 Army Offers Big Bonuses, Races to Sign 10,000 New Recruits in 3 Days

>>66413 The Fight to Remove Georgia’s Secretary of Voter Suppression Has Begun/Abrams push

>>66414 UNGA Elects Turkish Representative as President for 75th Session

>>66415 Virtu Financial, Inc. sold by Public Sector Pension Investment Board (Canada): $159.25m-June 15

>>66416 Rwanda Approves Legislation Allowing Russia to Build Nuclear Facilities

>>66417 @JohnBrennan This tragic chapter of our history needs to end.

>>66418 Raleigh mask requirement takes effect at 4 pm Friday

>>66419 Re: Jacob Lew in Harridge documents.

>>66420 CALL FOR GRAPHICS/MEMES: Vote Chris Jacobs

>>66421 3 days away from the start of "early summer"

>>66422 Brightview Holdings Inc. sold by KKR &co LP: $103.15m-June 15

>>66424 That '70s Show star Danny Masterson charged with raping three separate women


>>66426 Justice Department Official Plans To Resign After Signing Bolton Lawsuit, Email Says

>>66427 Nine Pharmacists Charged for Role in $12.1 Million Health Care Fraud Scheme

>>66428 US Marine Killed in Parachute Jumping Exercise at Georgia Base

>>66429 #12350,

(23 notables, 26 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171947

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9649650 Q Research General #12351: Anonosphere Soon Shifting to Night Edition

Created 172159ZJUN20



>>66430 Mexico, India, Ireland, Norway elected to UN Security Council

>>66431 CHAZ Demands 'Race-Based' Healthcare, Which Is Illegal in the U.S.

>>66432, >>66437, >>66444, >>66448, >>66450 planefaggin

>>66433, >>66440 Got him! Calvin James Megginson Chatham County Sheriff's Office

>>66434, >>66438, >>66446, >>66447 Atlanta Police just walked off the job in zone 6, zone 3 is now walking off as well.

>>66435, >>66442 @JointBasePHH WARSHIP Wednesday

>>66436 GBI opens probe of Fulton DA Paul Howard over use of nonprofit funds/karma a bitch

>>66439 Cointelpro - Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum

>>66441 arson arrested

>>66443 Moar Tim Scott: Y’all still wearing those kente cloths over there @SenatorDurbin?” Scott tweeted

>>66445 BO: The index page limit was changed to 15 from 25 at the suggestion of CM about this time last year because of performance issues on the website.

>>66449 U.S.-led Coalition Warplanes Conduct Simulated Attack Near Syria’s Al-Tanaf

>>66451 #12351

(13 notables, 22 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171948

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9650410 Q Research General #12352: Cause Fucking Q-day Night Shift, That's Why! Edition

Created 172257ZJUN20



>>66452 Pelosi to hold vote on making far left Washington DC a state

>>66453 Atlanta: The GBI was not aware of today’s press conference before it was conducted

>>66454 Beaumont man arrested for allegedly molesting 3 children over 17 years

>>66455 Atlanta Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SV001DTDbN4 - WATCH LIVE [Channel: Atlanta News First]

>>66456, >>66457 ---———————————--——– Tweet from @AskQanon (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a1010e659a4e30bbe0df93949c5e90de0a0ee6e8512991925692e66fda847e86.mp4

>>66458 ---———————————--——– Exclusive: POTUS on Hannity tonight at 9pm ET

>>66459, >>66463 ---———————————--——– POTUS: "They know they can't beat me in 2020!" (Cap: )

>>66460 'That '70s Show' actor Danny Masterson charged with raping 3 women

>>66461 NBC News’ Adele-Momoko Fraser walks back ‘collaboration’ with activist group

>>66462 Publix Supermarkets reportedly ban BLM garb in the workplace

>>66464, >>66465 Collection of Maddow's 'Russia's

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kgBxfHdb4OU - Rachel Maddow: All Russia. All The Time. [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>66466 Facebook will close political advertising ‘Loophole’ before election

>>66467 #12352

(13 notables, 16 posts, 15 media/files)

Q- >>66456, >>66458, >>66459

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.171949

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9651144 Q Research General #12353: Hypocrisyville Edition

Created 172343ZJUN20




>>66468 Atlanta DA: "A taser is considered a deadly weapon under Georgia law"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3a998cdc81943e84644934c9567e53070a2a6145c8262ed3b3b8736804a7f0b.mp4

>>66469 Video: William Cooper: The Occult History Of The 3rd Reich

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zvGhklKlOw0 - Bill Cooper - Mystery Babylon Hours 40 - 43 #300 #301 #302 #959 [Channel: Watchman's Archive]

>>66470 Amazon buys rights to Stacey Abrams voting rights documentary

>>66471 Danny Masterson is a Scientologist

>>66472, >>66478 Fresh DJT

>>66473 POTUS tweet included "playbook"

>>66474 Q Drop #851: CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

>>66475 Q Drop #936: The Nazi Order

>>66476, >>66477 Fulton County DA under investigation re $140,000 of Atlanta funds

>>66479 Death of Arizona man from Chloroquine ruled an accident

>>66480, >>66482 Devin Brosnan contradicts DA: Has NOT agreed to be "state's witness"

>>66481 Planefag Updates

>>66483 Documents reporting on government funding information in Bioengineering

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/572f8719a26d1dffc4c30c91c6e4c2b27273e47aa512b6082a2edf9eb797f738.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8b7e8a308b1a86cdaf5edb663c5d8aff9d4b838ed957d7440fa0f022a3d0e2fc.pdf

>>66484 #12353,

(14 notables, 17 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171950

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9651884 Q Research General #12354: The Fact Is They Are Going CRAZY Edition

Created 180033ZJUN20




>>66485 Transcripts of all William Cooper's Mystery Babylon radio programs

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6511193034372332e109c168cea7cbcbaf941ee1e3a78b3ec4370d9b187d4175.pdf

>>66486, >>66492 10 things public health establishment got wrong about CV

>>66487 Tracing POTUS' tweets and rts from Q post #4480

>>66488 The Enemy Within: A Story of the Purge of American Intelligence

>>66489, >>66494, >>66495 Atlanta Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nL7-1vm5mW0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66490 Video: Devin Nunes speaks out on tech censorship of conservatives

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kAjZPXt6dYU - Devin Nunes: "It's Very Difficult for Republicans to Win if This Tech Censorship Continues" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>66491, >>66507 Planefag Updates

>>66493 Post from Bikers For Trump 2020 re CHAZ

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0d1be4859456b890cca6e5e07e1f131a2386864f55fd9683cbb9a904e610f29.mp4

>>66496 Nazi priest Krunoslav Stjepan Draganović worked with CIA, Red Cross & Vatican Bank

>>66497 Bongino: Did they try to put a bug in General Flynn's office?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uEASgScGT90 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66498 Video: Tucker: Rayshard Brooks went 'berserk' on police officers

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Da1ArUdWhyM - Tucker: Rayshard Brooks went 'berserk' on police officers (GRAPHIC VIDEO) [Channel: Fox News]

>>66499 #12352

>>66500 DNI Ratcliffe statement on John Bolton case

>>66501 Bolton claims Rudy got him the job with Trump

>>66502, >>66506 Hannity: On reports that Atlanta police officers are walking off the job

>>66503 Diggz on Stephen Baca, New Mexico Shooter

>>66504 Twitter and T Mobile experiencing outages

>>66505, >>66508 Hitler's Brownshirts used Antifa tactics to overthrow Germany's Republic

>>66509 Video: Tucker on Google's control over 70% of all on-line advertising revenue

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zZLH077cE7Y - Tucker: Google tries to censor content it disagrees with [Channel: Fox News]

>>66510 #12354

(20 notables, 26 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171951

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9652663 Q Research General #12355: It's Nightshift, Baby Edition

Created 180126ZJUN20



>>66511 Brownshirts and Thunberg: Compare and contrast

>>66512 Associated Press cooperated with the Nazis

>>66513 POTUS Schedule for Wednesday, June 18, 2020

>>66514 Video: Trump defends the Atlanta officer who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3eb50c4bb4c8d3613418ab10c5590efecbc619cabd4027d82699c17c59cdb6e5.mp4

>>66515 G-7 calls on China to reconsider Hong Kong security law

>>66516, >>66517 Planefag Updates

>>66518 John Bolton shares his take on Putin-Trump relations

>>66519 #12355

(8 notables, 9 posts, 11 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171952

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9653414 Q Research General #12356: "Nobody's Been Tough Like Me" Edition

Created 180212ZJUN20




>>66520, >>66523 Diggz on Antifa's Calvin James Megginson, AKA Redbeard

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZqFVXZsdl_A - Trump Supporters chase Antifa down the street at FREE SPEECH Rally in Berkeley [Channel: SHUTTERSHOT]

>>66521 Video: POTUS on Hannity

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VV9MdgfuXp8 - Trump talks police reform amid national unrest on [Channel: Fox News]

>>66522 What did POTUS mean re George Floyd "it's a different kind of case"?

>>66524, >>66525 Fresh DJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c84a1f5ffd0c606336937381e889b61e68542da5c9f3987136cfa7938b418dde.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/659e5d852f0e396ca0af8029515c96632ed5dfb9d2dc77e1a0d45d9fbe49d28a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/caf9f7193ed94265104520011e868379c58395fcd46d51214a7fd0eb28efab4f.mp4

>>66526 List of Google's conservative lobbyists and influencers?

>>66527 Open source facial recognition tools

>>66528, >>66530, >>66532 4 of the top 5 States with the Worst Covid-19 Outcomes

>>66529 On Atlanta police walking off the job

>>66531 Any comms in Assange's call?

>>66533 Video: How many Americans did Mueller target? John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ztYo1f1ixhY - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>66534 South Fulton Atlanta: 6 year old boy shot dead

>>66535 History lesson: Hitlerjugend (Hitler youth)

>>66536 #12356,

(13 notables, 17 posts, 23 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171953

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9654222 Q Research General #12357: Anons Pretend POTUS Said Night Shift Is The Best Shift On Hannity Edition

Created 180308ZJUN20




>>66537 Scavino on FB: "Game on"

>>66538 Prosecutors now say the officer had his knee on George Floyd for 7:46, not 8:46

>>66539 2017 documentary: America Under Siege: Antifa

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EuNKs0RKHtw - America Under Siege: Antifa [Channel: Capital Research Center]

>>66540, >>66541, >>66548, >>66549 Atlanta Updates

>>66542, >>66546 Roger Stone: I’d Like to Say a Few Things About My Prosecution

>>66543 Bolton says Trump called for "scumbag" journalists to be "executed"

>>66544 Fudraiser: Help Support Atlanta Police Officer Rolfe

>>66545 Fitton: Much of the media committed to propaganda for the war on police

>>66547 Danny Masterson diggz cont.

>>66550 #12357

(10 notables, 14 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171954

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9654921 Q Research General #12358: The Atlanta Watch Edition

Created 180411ZJUN20




>>66551, >>66571, >>66572 LIVE on Portland Andy, streams from all over

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VFnvdefSRNY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66552 After massive police walkouts in Atlanta, mayor unsuccessfully requests help from other jurisdictions

>>66553, >>66564, >>66566 Dopey Prince Alwaleed thinks POTUS should withdraw from Pres. race

>>66554, >>66560, >>66577, >>66578 Atlanta LIVE feed & report (not verified)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1dJ4XhUBWp8

>>66555 It All Comes Back To The Fed: NWO Being Shoved Down Our Throats (ZH)

>>66556 WH: POTUS has always championed our vets

>>66557 US & China diplomats hold 'constructive' mtg amid strains (Reuters)

>>66558 Danny Masterson DIGG, con't.

>>66559 NASA: earth-to-space call from Mike & Karen Pence

>>66561, >>66562, >>66563, >>66565, >>66568 George Floyd & CUP Foods DIGG

>>66567 MN:Absentee ballot witness signature not required for primary

>>66569 Fake news WAPO tries to shift the focus to "dangerous....right-wing boogaloo movement"

>>66570 DJT Jr rt: Join Trump Team online for TRIGGERED Father's Day Special (son interviews father)

>>66573, >>66574, >>66576 Seattle Police Officers Guild Face Expulsion Vote

>>66575 So the Aunt Jemima Virtue Signal deal was really Pepsi Co doing a CYA

>>66579 #12358

(16 notables, 29 posts, 37 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171955

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9655697 Q Research General #12359: Will the Last Policeman in Atlanta Please Turn Out the Light? Edition

Created 180523ZJUN20



>>66580 ‘Completely Crazy’: Lighthizer Denies Bolton’s Claim That Trump Asked China For Election Help

>>66581 President Trump: Bolton Broke The Law

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VV9MdgfuXp8 - Trump talks police reform amid national unrest on [Channel: Fox News]

>>66582 Atlanta Police Union Head: ‘It’s the Worst Day in Law Enforcement in the City of Atlanta That’s Ever Been’

>>66583, >>66592 Speculation on who shot JFK.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U-GQe60wI6k - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=elJvx8aG_DA - The Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception [Channel: Quantum Leaks]

>>66584, >>66618 Atlanta police website goes offline; Anonymous takes credit; More Atlanta scanner reports

>>66585 I-5 closed in downtown Seattle due to protests

>>66586 Report: Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard under investigation for funneling $140,000 in Atlanta Funds to supplement his salary.

>>66587 UN & New World Order Project: not even hiding it anymore.

>>66588 Reports: Atlanta Cops Walk Out in Protest.

>>66589 Malik Obama: Don't even know if he's my brother.

>>66590 Report: Brother Of Man Found "LYNCHED" in PALMDALE shot by Police. (Sketchy? FF?)

>>66591 More weird things about "HANDS ON BIDEN".

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc8f52f64e3c3c9c99055307cc9fc9233a33e9feecf31585b72e16cd06d32bdb.webm

>>66593, >>66594 Our great President and wonderful food choices! (Commercials)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QVmAcULPMu4 - Donald Trump | Stuffed Crust Pizza [Channel: clublane]

>>66595, >>66598 Slovenian commercial showing Melania Trump posing as the first woman POTUS.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5RnAYUlcirA - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>66596 700 million men and boys: China is building DNA surveillance database via blood.

>>66597 POTUS new law paving the way for sanctions against Chinese officials for alleged oppression of Uighur Muslims.

>>66599 Operation In(ter)ception: Hackers are targeting European aerospace and military companies, tech security experts warn

>>66600 NYPD Withdraws From Offices of Prosecutors Going Soft on Protesters, Hard on Police.

>>66601 Florida Man Says He Sent Photos of His Penis To 10-Year-Old Girl “To Be Nice”.

>>66602 Report: Berlin politicians knowingly sent children to live with PEDOPHILES for decades, new report reveals.

>>66603 At least 3,000 children fell victim to sex abuse at hands of French Catholic Church.

>>66604 Yemen Outraged by Removal of Saudi-Led Coalition From UN Blacklist.

>>66605, >>66606, >>66612 Anons discussion about the Boogaloo.

>>66607, >>66610 Report: Former Japanese justice minister and wife arrested for suspected vote buying.

>>66608 -NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN!- Turkish Military Is Using Old Stock Footage To Promote New Ops In Northern Iraq.

>>66609 Pompeo Slipped Note to Bolton Saying Trump 'Full of S***' During North Korea Summit, Tell-All Claims.

>>66611 MEME Democrats then vs Democrats now.

>>66613 Vermont Principal Put On Leave For Not Agreeing With Black Lives Matters (strange coming from a place that is 90% white).

>>66614 How Federal Courts Gave us Qualified Immunity and Forced it on All 50 States.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=limC55lt2rs - How Federal Courts Gave us Qualified Immunity and Forced it on All 50 States [Channel: Tenth Amendment Center]

>>66615 Housing Market Outside New York City Booms As City Dwellers Flee (Anyone with half a brain could see this coming).

>>66616 FBI tracked down white woman who set cop cars alight via her t-shirt

>>66617 South Korea’s chief nuclear negotiator to hold talks with officials in DC amid flaring tensions with North Korea

>>66619 #12359

(33 notables, 40 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171956

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9656458 Q Research General #12360: The Later the Night, the Noisier the Protesters Edition

Created 180711ZJUN20



>>66620 FEDS paycheck protection program gave a tiny NJ bank $5.3billion.

>>66621 Concerns grow in Belgium and France over problems at Gravelines nuclear power station.

>>66622 Bill Gates and Paul Allen, both with Microsoft and their respective foundation and institute are far along in quantum computing, ai

>>66623 Graphic: President Trump accomplishments.

>>66624 Massive spying on users of Google's Chrome shows new security weakness

>>66625, >>66640 Anon catches moar fundraising spoopery: Al Maa'uun and odd connections

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8YLprhbYJ5U - June 6, 2020 / Tawanna A. Black joins Ali Velshi, MSNBC [Channel: Center for Economic Inclusion]

>>66626 Scores of Atlanta cops call out of work after ex-officer charged in Rayshard Brooks death

>>66627 Heart condition found as potential cause of Carol Barr’s death in autopsy

>>66628 It’s Spreading: Over 40 LAPD Transit Officers Call Out on Wednesday -- After 43 Skipped Work on Monday

>>66629 'Death Sentence': Why Did Dem. Governors Place COVID-Positive Patients Back in Nursing Homes?

>>66630 Democrat mayor who keeled before radicals gets 'mugged' by protesters

>>66631, >>66632, >>66635 Anon Diggs on Plantagenet Bloodline

>>66633 George Floyd Foundation in the works? Family applies for Trademark

>>66634 Anon stipulates on POTUS Tweet including the word 'bungle' and relating Google Trends

>>66636 Anon links to Twatter thread containing GOOGLE v PARSA Lawsuit COURT DOCS (big names included)

>>66637 China Pledges Solidarity with Africa in Covid Fight

>>66638 Anon Decodes Dan Scavino Jr Twat: GAME ON

>>66639 New Portland Autonomous Zone currently named after Patrick Kimmons, a black male who was killed by police 2018 after he shot two people

>>66641 EasyUpload link to Google Court Docs (not sure myself how secure this site is so download at own risk)

>>66642 Fresh DoD Twat: Pacific Power

>>66643 (pb) digs on Q drop re External Advisory Board (CIA), CIA Dir, Barr

>>66644 Pompeo maintained secret advisory board at CIA, and the House subcommittee wants answers

>>66645 Shooting charge dropped against suspected New Mexico Shooter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9cb83e6abee7b2c679cf5a93b5e3936a695c2054953078696938c56dd28a73ee.mp4

>>66646 #12360

(24 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171957

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9657263 Q Research General #12361: The Google Lawsuit Docs Edition

Created 181038ZJUN20



>>66647, >>66648, >>66649 POTUS references 5676977. Tetrasilver Tetroxide (US Patent #5,676,977). The cure for AIDS

>>66650 Corrupt VA employee gets 16 years in prison for stealing from sick children of veterans

>>66651, >>66661 DA who filed murder charges against an ATL police officer using deadly force in self defense, faces multiple sexual-harassment lawsuits from female employees

>>66652, >>66656 Atlanta Police reports higher number of 'call outs' for incoming shift

>>66653 DNI Ratcliffe statement on filing declaration in U.S. Government case against John Bolton

>>66654 The US wants to kill part of an 8,000 mile-long undersea cable linking Hong Kong with LA over China spying fears

>>66655, >>66657 National Guard activated to provide security at TRUMP MAGA RALLY in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

>>66658 Based Grenell: Everyone should be troubled by someone who refuses to testify under oath but is willing to talk under a book deal. $$$

>>66659 Jean Kennedy Smith, the last surviving sibling of President John. F. Kennedy, dies aged 92

>>66660 for Keks: A sorta long time from now, On a chan far, far away Scene 17

>>66662 Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#118 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733, >>>/comms/15801, >>>/comms/16711,

>>66663 New Trump appointee dismisses top leadership in shake-up of broadcasting agency

>>66664, >>66665 7.1 earthquake in New Zealand

>>66666 #12361

(14 notables, 20 posts, 16 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171958

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9658019 Q Research General #12362: All This Time, There Were Cures Edition

Created 181335ZJUN20



>>66667, >>66671, >>66675, >>66678, >>66685 extended 7.1 NZ quake coverage

>>66668 New DJT twat w/CAP: Bolton’s book, which is getting terrible reviews, is a compilation of lies and made up stories, all intended to make me look bad. ...sick puppy

>>66669 Herridge: How Bolton's book compromises fragile human sources and could advantage foreign governments

>>66670 SpaceX is building a floating, superheavy-class spaceport in the Gulf of Mexico

>>66672, >>66676, >>66681, >>66682 planefag reporting

>>66673 Justice Department Issues Recommendations for Section 230 Reform

>>66674 for KEKs: New CHAZ tourism promo video

>>66677, >>66679 Supreme Court Blocks Trump Cancellation of DACA Immigration Program

>>66680 New DJT twat w/CAP: When Wacko John Bolton went on Deface the Nation and so stupidly said that he looked at the “Libyan Model” for North Korea, all hell broke out...

>>66683, >>66684 Portland "autonomous zone" has been dismantled

>>66686 New DJT twat w/CAP: These horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people...

>>66687 #12362

(12 notables, 21 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171959

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9658799 Q Research General #12363: Portland Takeover Done Already? Edition

Created 181514ZJUN20




>>66688 Food for thought on Supremes

>>66689 The Portland Autonomous Zone has been conquered

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4bf82c808afce30b05768e9d9211d6d1689b16f8e836b75705e91dd8c8dec4c4.mp4

>>66690, >>66694, >>66705, >>66714, >>66716 planefaggin

>>66691 Human Trafficking Arrests April 2020

>>66692 Abe Offers Apology Over Arrest of Ex-Justice Minister Suspected of Vote Buying

>>66693, >>66695, >>66699, >>66703, >>66710, >>66711, >>66719 Digs on Q #117


>>66697 DIA analyst Frese sentenced for leaking classified's to journos

>>66698 Massive spying on users of Google’s Chrome shows new security weakness

>>66700 Trudy is touting the new contact tracing apps for canada

>>66701, >>66706 Voice of America is a U.S. multimedia agency, check it out history diggz

>>66702 The Latest: Richmond judge extends order barring removal of Lee statue indefinitely

>>66704 76 days since Biden held a presser/foot stuck in mouth disease

>>66707 Call to dig Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, same law firm that represents Lex Wexner

>>66708 The Serbian president explained in no uncertain terms that any solution to the Kosovo problem will require Russia’s approval

>>66709 Jean Kennedy Smith, has died, relatives said Thursday. She was 92.

>>66712 New rewards offered for information leading to capture of two FARC leaders

>>66713 US senators unveil bill to curb campus spying by China, other countries

>>66715 German payments firm Wirecard shares plunge as auditor finds US$2.1 billion missing

>>66717 Merkel gave Antifa supporter 1 million euros for left-wing propaganda

>>66718 #12363

(21 notables, 32 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171960

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9659546 Q Research General #12364: How's Your Geography Skillz? Edition

Created 181632ZJUN20



>>66720 CALL FOR INTEL/MEMES/SUPPORT: Vote Chris Jacobs


>>66722 Arizona is ramping up contact tracing efforts

>>66723 Matt Gaetz, this is my son Nestor.

>>66724 In this proposed german bill from June 16, 2020 by Christian Lindner (FDP) it is said 2 and a half times that the pandemic is officially over.

>>66725 PF updates

>>66726 moar Frese

>>66727 "They Don't Like Me" - Trump Floored After Supreme Court Protects DACA, Suggests 2nd Amendment At Risk Without 'More Justices'

>>66728 EU’s top court slaps down Hungarian law on NGO transparency imposed amid Budapest feud with Soros over ‘political meddling’

>>66729 ‘Unacceptable threat’ and ‘provocation’: European nations fume after US pulls out of talks on global digital tax

>>66730 Bolton Said He Had 'No Problem' With Lying In 2010 Interview, Trump Says Former NSA Sabotaged North Korea Talks

>>66731 NEW POTUS TWEET: The DACA decision, while a highly political one, and seemingly not based on the law, gives the President of the United States far more power than EVER anticipated. Nevertheless, I will only act in the best interests of the United States of America!

>>66732 AWFUL. Wife of Police Officer Posts Video of Threats She and Her Husband Receive Because He Is a Police Officer

>>66733 Robert Fuller: Half-brother of a black man found hanged in US park is shot dead by sheriff's deputies

>>66734 Britain ‘broke own rules’ by failing to inspect factories making bombs for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen

>>66735 Pentagon starts bailing out companies that have lost business due to coronavirus

>>66736 NEW POTUS TWEET: I will be releasing a new list of Conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees

>>66737, >>66739 Bruce Springsteen goes on the attack against President Trump's COVID-19 response: 'Put on a f***ing mask'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vmXCp4kIq0M - Bruce Springsteen's Message to Donald Trump [Channel: SiriusXM]

>>66738 Whitmer comments re: poz patients in nursing homes

>>66740 AfD’s Petr Bystron explains why the German government finances violent, extremist Antifa

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wfpQB6NAlRc - Angela Merkel finanziert Antifa-Unterstützer [Channel: Petr Bystron MdB]

>>66741 FBI arrests BLM protester after tracking her across LinkedIn, Etsy and social media

>>66742 Black Lives Matter Activist Found Dead after Tweeting Reports of Sexual Assault

>>66743 Bolton: Trump Is Not ‘Fit for Office’ --- Doesn’t Have ‘Competence to Carry Out the Job’

>>66744 #12364

(24 notables, 25 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171961

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9660294 Q Research General #12365: Out of the Mouth of Babes Edition

Created 181755ZJUN20



>>66745 Gen.Flynn: If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/15f6540c6bc23d0f9ab119764748a30e7e40c51403e2fe44b71530f0bb34eda0.mp4

>>66746 Hillary Tells UK News Rioters are ‘Tiny, Tiny Minority’ of BLM, Trump Has ‘Hijacked’ Christianity

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2qlTNRriSvs - In full: Kay Burley talks to Hillary Clinton about Trump, COVID and Black Lives Matter [Channel: Sky News]

>>66747, >>66751, >>66768 Facebook has removed posts from Trump Camapaign for violating rules against organized hate

>>66748 Farage Slams BBC, Sky for Portraying UK as ‘Cesspit of Bigots and Racists’

>>66749 Russell Tice -- The NSA Whistleblower Before Snowden

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UvFazCPpaT4 - Russell Tice CIA Exposes government spying especially on reporters pt 1of2 [Channel: ThEkAuSeUnKnOwN]

>>66750 US blacklists ‘China’s MIT’ as tech war enters new phase

>>66752 What's the Caesar Act and how will new US sanctions impact Syria?

>>66753 Israel settlers set fire to Palestinian fields in West Bank

>>66754 Anon Op-Ed Explaining Response to Antifa and Riots as an "Information Operation", not a kinetic one

>>66755 An F-A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the carrier Theodore Roosevelt took a swim in the Philippine Sea, but the pilots have been recovered and are OK

>>66756 Supreme Court fast-tracks death row challenge to DOJ execution method

>>66757 Marine Lance Corporal Dies After Stabbing in Base Housing at Camp Lejeune

>>66758 Congressman Rats Out FBI Protection Racket of Clinton’s ‘Sale’ of Top Secret U.S. Military & Nuclear Warhead Technology to China

>>66759 Russian embassy in UK receiving threats, says ambassador

>>66760 EU okays landmark Israel ‘Open Skies’ aviation deal, despite annexation tensions

>>66761, >>66764 planefaggin

>>66762 Esper DoD Twat

>>66763 POTUS to nominate lawyer Crenshaw to fill SEC Democratic commissioner slot

>>66765 Louisiana man sentenced to 6 years for child pornography following ICE HSI investigation

>>66766 charges dropped against shooter of skateboard attacker in NM

>>66767 Bank Of England Increases Bond Buying Program, Keeps Interest Rates Unchanged

>>66769, >>66770 Horowitz: Time for Trump and conservatives to crush judicial supremacy. Here’s how.

>>66771 Potus/USCGNortheast: Extraordinary rescue yesterday by our brave and “Semper Paratus” U.S. Coast Guard.

>>66772 Ex-Trump adviser breaks silence on Russia probe, says Iran deal played role in false allegations

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b91fda52138ced4337083fa8870260a58e7d6f3bb209a647254de2b58db67e95.pdf

>>66773 poolreports: Message to the Senate of the United States on the Protocol Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft

>>66774 Potus: First thing the anarchists did upon taking over Seattle was “BUILD A WALL”. See, I was ahead of our times!

>>66775 Former DIA Analyst Sentenced for Leaking Classified Information to Journalists-justice.gov

>>66776 World’s largest reptile egg discovered on Antarctica-nypost

>>66777 for the kek of it: New Program Helps People Of Color Adopt A White Liberal To Speak On Their Behalf-babylonbee.com

>>66778 #12365

(30 notables, 34 posts, 44 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171962

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9661061 Q Research General #12366: Afternoon Edition

Created 181924ZJUN20



>>66779 interdasting thread on Catherine Herridge tweets, Giulio Occhionero chimes in to help Catherine

>>66780, >>66781 POTUS Live Roundtable

>>66782 Six eBay Executives Charged With Disturbing Cyberstalking…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NacqQW-SC7I - 6 eBay Executives And Employees Charged With Threatening Natick Couple [Channel: CBS Boston]

>>66783 Ex-Middle School Teacher Admits She Had Sex with Student Multiple Times

>>66784 Whitmer extends Michigan's state of emergency through July 16'

>>66785 Trudeau embarrasses woke Canadians in colossal failure to secure coveted seat on UN Security Council

>>66786, >>66787, >>66790 planefag reporting

>>66788 Oil Spill: 50,000 Gallons Leaked By Trans Mountain Pipeline Onto Indigenous Land

>>66789 ‘KEEP BREATHING FOR ME!’ Body-Cam Footage Contradicts DA, Officers Administered CPR On Rayshard Brooks

>>66791 US State Department OKs $600 Million Deal Giving Ukraine Gun, Radar Defense Systems

>>66792 Trump calls for ‘new justices’ on Supreme Court, as conservatives rage at Roberts

>>66793 New DJT rountable twat w/CAP: It was not Ambassador Lighthizer’s fault (yesterday in Committee) in that perhaps I didn’t make myself clear...

>>66794 Congress Targets Social Media Companies for Circulating Chinese Propaganda

>>66795 Facebook removes Trump ads with symbol once used by Nazis to designate political prisoners

>>66796 Message to the Senate of the United States on the Protocol Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft

>>66797 #12366

(16 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171963

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9661816 Q Research General #12367: All Gets Eerily Quiet In OPs Mode Edition

Created 182041ZJUN20



>>66798 crimes against humanity PARSA v. GOOGLE L.L.C.

>>66799 Vindman is getting promoted.

>>66800 Pompeo says China recommitted to trade deal in Hawaii meeting

>>66801 Op-Ed: "You can’t order police officers to die for your politics"-hotair.com June 17

>>66802 Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy says that white people should shine black peoples’ shoes to show a “sense of shame” and “embarrassment” for racism-dailycaller via soc media

>>66803 pf report

>>66804 Op.-Ed: The Fed's Casino Is In Flames, But Please Continue Gambling

>>66805 Grassley lifts hold on Trump nominees after getting answers on firings of inspectors general-washexam

>>66806 Pelosi Rips Bolton: ‘He Threw The Country Under The Bus To Sell A Book-dailycaller

>>66807 Kentucky Man Sentenced to Prison for Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct While Traveling and Residing in Cambodia-justice.gov

>>66808 10 Times Barack Obama Acknowledged That DACA Was Unconstitutional-pjmedia

(11 notables, 11 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171964

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9662664 Noob ebake attempt. Q research General #12368 will be missing last notables plz assist

Created 182159ZJUN20



>>66809 Law Enforcement Facts.

>>66810 Simon & Schuster, subsidiary of Viacom. post gets a nom

>>66811 anon report from BOK in Tulsa re Trump rally prep

>>66812 #12367

>>66813, >>66814, >>66815 ---———————————--——– Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. (Cap: )

>>66816 2019 Trafficking In Persons Report

>>66817 The Big Con -- The Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society are Being Funded by Google?…

>>66818 2 minute deltas…

>>66819, >>66820 New video out from Project Veritas on FB

>>66821 #12368

>>66822 ---———————————--——– Difficult truths. This is not another 4-year election. (cap: )

(11 notables, 14 posts, 15 media/files)

Q- >>66813, >>66822

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9efe67 (568) No.171965

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9663459 Q Research General #12369: Difficult Truths Edition

Created 182307ZJUN20



>>66823 ---———————————--——– Difficult truths. This is not another 4-year election. (cap: )

>>66824, >>66825, >>66832, >>66834, >>66835, >>66837 planefaggin

>>66826 More reading on the Kinderladen Children's School in Frankfurt, Germany

>>66827 After second round of voting, Kenya wins spot on U.N. Security Council

>>66828 Anthony Fauci: Americans ‘Don’t Believe Science and They Don’t Believe Authority’

>>66829 Californians must wear face masks in public under coronavirus order issued by Newsom

>>66830 Black Lives Matter couldn't get it up

>>66831 Schiff Says He Will Consult with Pelosi on ‘Next Steps’ on Bolton Book

>>66833, >>66836 Australia says it is under a massive cyber attack by a foreign state actor

>>66838, >>66839 Two schools go into lockdown in #Massey as New Zealand police respond to 'critical incident'

>>66840 #12369

(11 notables, 18 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171966

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9664244 Q Research General #12370: Difficult Truths Part 2 - The Q Snipe Edition

Created 190009ZJUN20




>>66841 Triggered Donald Trump Jr. and POTUS YOUTUBE Father's Day Special

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KRwcb5wB8LU - Triggered hosted by Donald Trump Jr and special guest President Donald Trump! [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>66842 Anon posts Twatter Child sexual exploitation policy refuting previous anon claims of it being condoned

>>66843 21stcenturywire.com article regarding COVID-19 used as a capitalism reset platform

>>66844 Zerohedge article-China's Central Bank Vows To Expand Total Credit By 30% Of GDP In 2020

>>66845 Dailycaller article-National Arm Of Black Lives Matter Spent Millions On Travel And Consultants, Financial Statements Show

>>66846 Anon brings (lb) Notable to the bread Euroweeklynews-12 Arrests and 1,000 Victims Identified as Human Trafficking Network in Spain’s Barcelona is Dismantled

(6 notables, 6 posts, 3 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171967

File (hide): edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9664959 Q Research General #12371: First solo cake

Created 190126ZJUN20



>>66847, >>66850 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calls Former National Security Adviser John Bolton a “traitor” in a statement about the claims made in his new book.

>>66848 California to send every voter mail-in ballot for November

>>66849 Sidney Powell Retweeted BlueSky@QBlueSkyQ

>>66851 msn-Chicago coronavirus: Northwestern Medicine study finds COVID-19 virus strain unique to city

>>66852 washingtonexaminer-Robert Mueller and DOJ sued over footnote alluding to 'pee tape' claims

(5 notables, 6 posts, 7 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171968

File (hide): edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9665773 Q Research General #12372: POTUS no PEE PEE edition

Created 190252ZJUN20



>>66853, >>66856 Planefag Reports

>>66854 Massive spying Op targeting millions of Google Chrome users tied to Israeli firm

>>66855 ---———————————--——– Thin_Blue_Line_Flag_United_States_.png

>>66857 Beijing sounds alarm about dollar's reserve status

>>66858 After taking away overtime pay, Garcetti enlists LAPD for reimagined vision

>>66859 Protest Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nL7-1vm5mW0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66860 UK school apologizes after asking 11-year-olds to define ‘hardcore pornography’

>>66861 Maryland Governor "proud to hang these Thin Blue Line flags to honor our brave LE officers

>>66862 South Korean President accepts resignation of unification minister

>>66863 Vladimir Putin gives a stark warning about playing games with history

>>66864 Google search 'Blue Line Flag': "Used by white nationalist groups to support police"

>>66865 #12371

>>66866 Parscale tweets Parler post: "Hey @twitter, your days are numbered."

>>66867 #12370

>>66868 Is China behind the massive cyber attack on Australia?

>>66869, >>66870 Twitter marks POTUS's video as 'Manipulated Media"

>>66871 Thin Blue Line wiki - the line that keeps society from ChAoS

>>66872 10 years ago: Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups

>>66873 New Zealand Police tweet Thin Blue Line image

>>66874 #12372

(20 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

Q- >>66855

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9efe67 (568) No.171969

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9666494 Q Research General #12373: The Thin Blue Line Flag of The United States Edition

Created 190353ZJUN20



>>66875 Epstein Case: Documentaries Won't Touch Tales Of Intel Ties

>>66876 Tulsa mayor issues late night curfew on Trump rally campers

>>66877, >>66883, >>66885 'Predator Poachers' YT channel, baiting and catching pedophiles

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4YDeYU5GlzQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>66878 Down with the commies gets the SeptSept get

>>66879, >>66880 "on edge": Security company protecting businesses & residents inside CHOP

>>66881 Video from Team Trump: Did Osama bin Laden really posthumously endorse Joe Biden?

>>66882 What Spike? Hospitalization Data Show No Indication of a Second Wave

>>66884 WTH? Joe Biden talks more insanity

>>66886 Sputnik: Twitter Labels Trump's Post as 'Manipulated Media'

>>66887, >>66888 NYT: Qanon candidates running for Congress

>>66889 Klobuchar withdraws from VP stakes, says Biden should pick woman of color

>>66890 Stop twitter from randomly refreshing your feed

>>66891 Here's What That Flag With A Blue Stripe Means

>>66892 This is not flag desecration. According to 4 U.S. Code §8

>>66893 China charges two detained Canadians with alleged espionage

>>66894 Dan Scavino now posting from Parler. POTUS shutdown imminent?

>>66895 For keks: Rename suggestion for CHAZ - Seattle Hippies Independent Territory

>>66896 Planefag Report

>>66897, >>66898 Pompeo SLAMS Bolton, calls him a Traitor

>>66899 #12373

(20 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171970

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9667281 Q Research General #12374: Hello Parler - POTUS Shutdown Imminent? Edition

Created 190521ZJUN20



>>66900 Eleven percent of African Americans say they were close with someone who has died from the coronavirus

>>66901 USArmy Twat: “The plan will ensure that Army civilians are the most ready, professional, diverse and integrated federal workforce."

>>66902 Twenty alleged members of a notorious Italian crime family were arrested after two embittered ex-wives gave information to the authorities.

>>66903 China behind major cyber attack on Australian governments and businesses

>>66904 A study in the UK. Shows promise for seriously ill patients. Already approved, inexpensive, widely available, already in use.

>>66905 Parscale is throwing the taunts on twat.. At twat..

>>66906, >>66907 Anons dig on the alleged BLM (or cop mafia?) flag Q posted.

>>66908 Durham has been working:Ansonia Man Sentenced to Prison for Illegal Firearm Dealing

>>66909 Former Police Officer Charged with Transferring Firearms to Convicted Felon

>>66910 Ingraham is noticing that curious thing happening to the democrat idols, too.

>>66911 Former defense official sentenced to 30 months for leaking classified info to journalists

>>66912, >>66914 George Washington statue in Portland pulled down, desecrated.

>>66913 Tulsa mayor enacts a curfew in Tulsa ahead of rally.

>>66915, >>66916 Anon dig: NZ Spies on Trump - John Kerry and the Insurance Policy.

>>66917 New Documentary Exposes How the CCP Is Manipulating America

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0bf55e9cbaa5ed2db784896dfe0b8322c2a1ffa5c521d62d3f89096c47eb4818.mp4

>>66918 Tulsa: Still alive, well, and growing by the day

>>66919 Government Audit Reveals 320 NGOs In Greece Aiding And Abetting Third World Invasion Of Europe

>>66920 Sen Cottom invites Justice Roberts to resign.

>>66921 Twitter labels this Trump tweet as “manipulated media.”

>>66922 #12374,

(20 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171971

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9668039 Q Research General #12375: The 'The Blue Line Just Got Eyes On' Edition

Created 190708ZJUN20



>>66923, >>66924 Anons discussion for RED1.

>>66925 Don Jr. now do #ANTIFA reply to Ryan Saavedra.

>>66926 Islamic Hope - #BLACKLIVESMATTER - Peace rally to investigate the lynching of Malcolm Harsch. June 20, 2020, 11:00AM. (Another FF incoming? The whole thing is suspicious).

>>66927, >>66930, >>66932, >>66933, >>66934, >>66941 Juneteenth? Discussion. Came out of nowhere! More discussion.

>>66928 Beautiful Ted spits DACA fire on Senate floor!

>>66929, >>66935 US army spend $500 million training soldiers fight underground. *SIDE NOTE* The past year anons were saying shit was happening underground.

>>66931, >>66940 More digs on China's database of it's people.

>>66936 Anons great thoughts about everyone except the left leaving twitter.

>>66937 More communist tactics. They should read a history book about how some countries became the way there are.

>>66938 Anon dig on John Roberts.

>>66939 Dianne Feinstein comments.

>>66942 More digs on Juneteenth

>>66943, >>66966 Laura Ingraham tweet about Democrats portraits removal.

>>66944, >>66950, >>66953 A Case of POTUS' Campaign SABOTAGE! Just imagine what kind of shit they will pull when we get closer and closer to November.

>>66945 City Of Tulsa! Proclaim the existence of a civil emergency. Strange timing… Considering of POTUS rally.

>>66946 POTUS rally at Q like shape venue.

>>66947 Marina post.

>>66948 CA GOV Gavin Newsom is using Mexicans as political pawns for more Federal handouts.

>>66949, >>66951, >>66952 Good analysis and a KEK.

>>66954 Australia says it has been victim of ‘state-based’ cyber-attacks. Points to China.

>>66955 Anon high IQ post.

>>66956, >>66957 Stormy Daniels lawyer filed a lawsuit to stop POTUS rally in Tulsa.

>>66958 John Bolton Said He Would ‘Absolutely’ Lie For US National Security.

>>66959 QAnon: How dangerous can a conspiracy theory become? (German)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hcKWSqDbxUM - QAnon: Wie gefährlich kann eine Verschwörungstheorie werden? | frontal [Channel: ZDFheute Nachrichten]

>>66960 Hillary and George comments.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/11bb0abf3277a8a28bb4a689508a59355432415e2d10fb758d2b2365b1d860f8.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/584860df3730ab2a807cf8b7c1f343b22ed3d84748c4877c1a8050f347ea053a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2fa7cfbb413399a47a701947d66e6506614b64c07259fb85baf5faf73ded3ac5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db1062b0c315f10e4fca9f41c6afb553d5a19ae97e67ca66d292bb9681cc8f08.mp4

>>66961 A very disrespectful statue. I wonder if the left will allow us to take it down.

>>66962, >>66963 #ANTIFA #BLACKLIVESMATTER put American flag over George Washington and set it on fire.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/57c313bef43ec1de39fc330ae54c580aacc1992d752190a7cdad57b2d561e8bc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/334382596747ece0bd316441a8aeb7935e3b2908cbc755e3bf8b002551403424.mp4

>>66964, >>66965 Indians enraged by savage Chinese attack on soldiers at Ladakh border

>>66967, >>66968 A newly discovered spyware effort attacked users through 32 million downloads of extensions to Google's Chrome web browser, researchers at Awake Security told Reuters

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc8b3156890e8345e47a1232597eb63aefce4b6136723fdb3bafa3ef8f70afd6.mp4

>>66969 #12375

(30 notables, 47 posts, 52 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171972

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9668825 Q Research General #12376: Friday Felon Roundup Edition

Created 191000ZJUN20



>>66970, >>66984, >>66987, >>66989, >>66990 Tulsa Mayor declares last minute curfew around Trump rally location

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1a543e8cf76e400b1ad9aff157784b866e8207bfbfd46facdde3adb918438b77.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/96d0651d2ea585d562e6a18dd63dfac12018a638dd87595aa9c821794b1d131c.pdf

>>66971, >>66973 Salem, Ore.: Gov. Brown: Masks to ‘become part of our daily lives’. includes related Portland newz

>>66972 Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday he is “considering” imposing a quarantine on travelers coming to New York from Florida, where coronavirus cases are spiking.

>>66974 Half-brother of Robert Fuller killed by police (after he open fired) amid hanging death investigation.

>>66975 Black Lives Matter Chapter Co-Founder, Louisville, KY Demands White People Give Up Their Homes

>>66976 UK: Major British firms will pay reparations for slavery

>>66977 Chinese fighter jet menaces Taiwan for 6th time in 10 days. detected entering Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ)

>>66978 anon calls for eyes on Sarah Lenti, PR for mitt romney and condoleza rice

>>66979 Makes one go hmmm: Jimmy Kimmel announces he’s taking a break from late night talk show

>>66980 Heads up PA anons: Sean Parnell, vet running for congress… Just watch this guy's ad!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83f7c0f67d4fe28e0510f44150544fc69f9c11165b8bb70ce21e50235f73d622.mp4

>>66981 Chick-fil-A CEO Calls for White Christians to Repent for Racism: ‘We’re Shameful’

>>66982 Deaths in Himalayan clash inflame India-China tensions. Indian reports said at least 20 soldiers dead. at least two dozen Chinese soldiers dead

>>66983 Teen Vogue Tweets ‘Welcome to Marx!’

>>66985 EEOC: Employers Can’t Make Employees Take Coronavirus Antibody Test

>>66986 Can't imagine this ending well: On July 4th, Independence Day, a coalition of patriot groups are going to retake the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone for America

>>66988 Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh expected to plead guilty to perjury today

>>66991 Consider the source: Fact check: Ellen, Oprah, many others are not under house arrest for child sex trafficking

>>66992 Lord of the Rings star Sir Ian Holm dies aged 88 after battle with Parkinson's disease

>>66993 Human trafficking bills wind through Georgia legislature

>>66994 4AM Talking Point: WAKE UP CALL. Are Assets being Woke and Deployed Tonight?

>>66995 Columbus, Ohio, to remove Christopher Columbus statue

>>66996 #12376

(22 notables, 27 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171973

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9669610 Q Research General #12377: [DS] Wants A Race War With A Dash Of COVID Edition

Created 191228ZJUN20



>>66997, >>66998, >>67000, >>67008, >>67010 (ALL LATE LB) Tulsa discussion mini-bun

>>66999 Help Navy Veteran Joe Collins Beat ‘M Peach 45’ Maxine Waters For Congress

>>67001 #105 - #119 >>>/comms/13250 -

>>67002, >>67018 US Offers Eye-Catching Rewards for Capture of Ex-FARC Mafia Leaders

>>67003 Cuomo Rips ‘Evil Icon Of Our Nation’s Racist Past’ When ‘Noose’ Found In Harlem Park. Then The Truth Comes Out

>>67004 Belarus president says country foiled foreign plot after arresting political rival

>>67005 NYPD Cops May ‘Strike’ on July 4 to ‘Let the City Have Their Independence Without Cops

>>67006, >>67015 The gold-framed portraits of four former Speakers of the House who shared ties to the Confederacy have been removed from the walls of the U.S. Capitol.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c4157c051b8f3af2ad66739cbe067f52c3fbb48ed9935e12defc963b9d4961cc.mp4

>>67007 Employee headcount at US Class 1 operations tumbles 17% in May. Norfolk Southern, CSX among those furloughing or laying off employees

>>67009 archiveanon reporting: spreadsheet and off-site galleries are updated

>>67011, >>67012 New DJT twat w/CAP: Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been...

>>67013 another resignation: Mary Elizabeth Taylor, the assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs, announced her resignation to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

>>67014 planefag reporting

>>67016, >>67017 Terry McAuliffe recorded saying Dems prefer Biden stay 'in the basement'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jcqKjFHS4QE - Terry McAuliffe Biden June 6 2020 [Channel: Governor Tracking 2017]

>>67019 #12377

>>67020 26 Gates Grants to Oklahoma related to (LB) Late Addidition to discusion

(16 notables, 24 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171974

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9670378 Q Research General #12378: Buh Bye Aunt Jemima Edition

Created 191429ZJUN20



>>67021 Brad Parscale on Fox Reacts to Curfew in Tulsa: He cool wid it

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xkPbYR0NDEQ - Trump campaign reacts to Tulsa declaring civil emergency ahead of rally [Channel: Fox News]

>>67022, >>67029, >>67033, >>67034 Gavin Newsom’s EO making masks mandatory is illegal under conflict of interest

>>67023 Boston Fed president says rising COVID-19 cases in states that reopened early will result in less job growth

>>67024 DACA recipient speaks out against Supreme Court decision (FoxNews)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9gIRbeifh6E - DACA recipient speaks out against Supreme Court decision [Channel: Fox News]

>>67025 Gavin Newsom Hands Out Fracking Permits to Connected Driller

>>67026 British Columbia Man, Canada’s 1st citizen arrested failing to don a face mask during air travel, he also lit a ciggy

>>67027 Cuomo brushes off criticism over nursing home deaths as 'shiny object

>>67028 Free speech event shut down by, Well free speech! (Cincinnati public input hearing on budget)

>>67030, >>67035, >>67039, >>67041, >>67045 Planefag Reports

>>67031 26 Gates Grants to Oklahoma related to (LB) Late Addidition to discusion

>>67032, >>67037 Italian scientists say sewage water from two cities contained coronavirus traces in December

>>67036 Ex-head of Chuvashia who sued Putin for ‘unlawful dismissal’ dies after being hospitalized with Covid-19 (rt)

>>67038 Another US Warship Reportedly Enters Black Sea “to Reinforce Regional Security”

>>67040 John Kerry: Trump victory could provoke a revolution

>>67042 Popular Mechanics blasted for guide on ‘how to topple a statue’ (NYPost)

>>67043 On Bolton: Warmonger paints Trump a peacenik (asiatimes)

>>67044 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Traveling in downtown Tulsa for President Trump’s visit (Fox23)

>>67046 Fifth Redacted Name in Rosenstein’s Scope Memo Identified as Walid Phares (ctreehouse)

>>67047 Trump to renew effort to end legal protections for DACA recipients (washingtonexaminer)

>>67048 The chief executive of Wirecard resigned on Friday after the search for US$2.1 billion of cash missing (scmp.com)

>>67049 Chinese Students Are Key to US National Security, Eric Schmidt Says

>>67050 NYC Test and Trace Corps

>>67051 Oops, Activists Fundraise for Pro-Police Foundation Unaffiliated with BLM (pjmedia)

>>67052 #12378

(24 notables, 32 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171975

File (hide): eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9671132 Q Research General #12379: Livin' On Tulsa Time Edition

Created 191556ZJUN20



>>67053 #HeelsUpHarris ascends to the top of the Biden VP list: What could go wrong?

>>67054, >>67066 CAIR Council of American Islamic Relationships

>>67055, >>67057, >>67067, >>67072 Tulsa imposes curfew ahead of Trump rally,now a six block autonomous MAGA zone

>>67056 Flotus on Juneteenth

>>67058, >>67062, >>67064, >>67068 planefaggin

>>67059 moar race baiting

>>67060 Iranian judge accused of corruption found dead in Romanian hotel

>>67061 Potus: Tony Fauci has nothing to do with NFL Football.

>>67063 Major central banks to reduce frequency of dollar swaps

>>67065 “Karen“ lashes out at farmers in flyover country

>>67069 Federal judge asks Michigan Supreme Court to clarify Whitmer's emergency powers

>>67070 Cern

>>67071 McEnany briefing starting soon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oN5vtqpirA4 - WATCH: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany briefs reporters [Channel: Yahoo Finance]

>>67073, >>67074 Removal of Portraits of Four Previous Speakers who served in the Confederacy

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nYU0DDrr9bE - Removal of Portraits of Four Previous Speakers who served in the Confederacy [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>67075 #12379

(15 notables, 23 posts, 32 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171976

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9671901 Q Research General #12380: Bolt-on, Bolt-off Edition

Created 191730ZJUN20



>>67076 Mother Of Atlanta Cop Charged With Murder Fired For "Creating An Uncomfortable Workplace"

>>67077 CHOP Hosts Black-only Event in Park for Juneteenth; White ‘Allies’ Asked for Security, Money

>>67079, >>67089, >>67093, >>67097 PF update

>>67080 Romania passes legislation to ban gender studies

>>67081, >>67082, >>67083 Georgia city council asks mayor to resign over rant, saying 'privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lDho8ZG2kbg - Bloomingdale Mayor Controversy [Channel: WJCL News]

>>67084 Migrant transport NGO picks up 165 migrants off Libyan coast

>>67085 British actor Ian Holm dies at 88, RIP Bilbo Baggins

>>67086 Gove: If Brexit trade deal isn’t reached by October, no-deal comes back into play

>>67087 Former Bolton Chief Of Staff Explains The ‘Turning Point’ That ‘Disproves The Whole Book’

>>67088 Twitter Permanently Blacklists British Conservative Katie Hopkins

>>67090 In US Military First, the Air Force has Picked a Woman as Top Enlisted Leader

>>67091 Iraq Demands Turkey, Iran Stop Attacking Kurdish Forces in the North

>>67092 Former Norfolk Doctor Sentenced For Role In Internet Pharmacy Organization

>>67094 Trump warns protesters ahead of Tulsa rally

>>67095 Kayleigh's final words to the fake news stooges in the WHCA press briefings are always a MOAB

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NOww4UtjoSs - Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press briefing | 6/19/2020 [Channel: Fox News]

>>67096 Mysterious US stealth plane with an 'odd' coating reportedly makes another test flight

>>67098 Saudi Arabian Wealth Fund Invests $1.5 Billion In Jio Platforms, India’s Top Mobile Operator

>>67099 #12380

(18 notables, 23 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171977

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9672677 Q Research General #12381: Hypocrits Need A Safe Space....hhmm....... Edition

Created 191852ZJUN20




>>67100 California anons. Petition to recall Gavin Newsom is here.

>>67101 Indian Security Forces Kill 8 Militants In Two Operations In Kashmir

>>67102 Black Senior State Department Official Resigns to Protest Trump Response to Riots

>>67103 Photographs of Missing Children The IRS is a proud partner with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC)

>>67104 Former interim governor of Mexico's third largest state pleads guilty for role in transnational money-laundering scheme

>>67105 JUST IN: The City of Phoenix has passed a mandatory mask ordinance, beginning Saturday June 20 at 6 a.m.

>>67106 Potus: I just spoke to the highly respected Mayor of Tulsa, G.T. Bynum, who informed me there will be no curfew tonight or tomorrow

>>67107 EU Central Bank Chief Warns of 'Dramatic' Post-COVID Recession, Calls to Agree on Recovery Plan

>>67108 Sonos Inc. sold by Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts (KKR&Co.): $179.99m-June 17

>>67109 Newly-Formed Idlib Militant Coalition Carries Out First Attack On Syrian Army

>>67110 US Navy confirms demotion of captain of virus-hit carrier

>>67111 Pompeo demands Europe ditch trade with China and choose FREEDOM over TYRANNY (in favor of US)

>>67112 Sen. Tim Scott Breaks Down in Tears on Senate Floor During Speech on Race

>>67113 Indian Congress leader ARRESTED for spreading ‘FAKE NEWS’ about China border clash in leaked call

>>67114 planefaggin

>>67115 Tennessee lawmakers pass 'heartbeat' abortion bill banning procedure after six week

>>67116, >>67117 Potus: Congressman @JamesComer is working hard for the people of Kentucky! plus moar candidates

>>67118 John Kerry Warns of Revolution if Trump Re-Elected

>>67119 Port of Oakland shut down by dockworkers in observation of Juneteenth

>>67120 Swiss prosecutors launch Glencore criminal probe over Congo

>>67121 Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Confirms They Are ‘Trained Organizers and Marxists’

>>67122 #12381

(22 notables, 23 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171978

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9673480 Q Research General #12382: Potus Call to Tulsa=No Curfew Edition

Created 192015ZJUN20




>>67123 Potus: Senator Mitch McConnell (@Team_Mitch) always delivers for the people of Kentucky

>>67124 Donald Trump's Tulsa rally is ON as Oklahoma Supreme Court rules it can go forward and mayor rescinds curfew order

>>67125 Potus: hy are Democrats and unions working against life-changing school choice for underserved children?

>>67126 E. Trump: @CNN built a “wall!” I guess that ends that debate…

>>67127 Son Of Ares

>>67128 @parscale Secret Technology direct comms, coming soon

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/96ccaf31330f9c9d0e3317c4743221fa973117581d1c68efe43059e967f6a398.mp4

>>67129 Tulsa live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eblGnp4ryXY - Trump Voters Camping Out for MAGA Rally in Tulsa [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>67130 JIM ACOSTA mentioned QAnon at TODAY’s White House Press Conference. He says “QAnon" at the 12:26 mark of this vide

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NOww4UtjoSs - Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press briefing | 6/19/2020 [Channel: Fox News]

>>67131 "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."

>>67132 UN drops the mask

>>67133 Potus: Joe Biden’s rally. ZERO enthusiasm!

>>67134 Virginia Attorneys Plead Guilty for Orchestrating a $200 Million Extortion Scheme Targeting a Multinational Chemicals Company

>>67135 MAJOR: India to Make an Emergency Purchase of 33 Russian Fighter Jets to Counter China

>>67136, >>67138 planefaggin

>>67137 Nuland’s biscuits again: midwife’s plan for US policy on Russia is dumb, delusional and dangerous

>>67139 #12382

(16 notables, 17 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171979

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9674284 Q Research General #12383: Ebake Edition

Created 192138ZJUN20




>>67140 12 officials resigned or fired from the Trump admin in the past 16 days

>>67141, >>67142 King County (Seattle, WA) declares racism a public health crisis

>>67143, >>67146 Are you ready for the US to follow in the steps of S. Africa?

>>67144 Mexican president says he ordered release of 'El Chapo's' son

>>67145 Zimbabwean health minister arrested over corruption in CV procurement tender

>>67147, >>67148 Parscale ON US?: "We've spent the last 3 years building some new technology"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9d25c87ef5850d5e50afea170dd6600bc511dc99debe4a0709c6aa2276d63e6.mp4

>>67149 FBI Records Vault drop - Public Access Line Policies and Procedures

>>67150 Business in Houston & Harris County MUST require customers and employees wear mask

>>67151 Trump Gov Tracker -Resignations -Firings

>>67152 The White House tweet in memory of Junteenth

>>67153 Apple closing down again due to muh virus, right on cue

>>67154 How to check if your iPhone is secretly a Coronavirus tracker

>>67155 Screaming BLM protesters swarm Mitch McConnell’s house at 6 AM

>>67156 HELP WANTED: Reliable anon wanted for meme farming

>>67157 #12383

(15 notables, 18 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171980

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9674992 Q Research General #12384: "We've Spent The Last 3 Years Building Some New Technology" Edition

Created 192251ZJUN20




>>67158 The UN tweets in support of Antifa

>>67159, >>67166 Susan Rice says Trump's supporters belong in "the trash heap of history"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/218c1a83815c09d1466a3e1c982f04d9a533c1673601f707a99d36fc5aed1612.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RpjN4iEz9Oo - Susan Rice: 'I Leaked Nothing To Nobody' About Intelligence (Exclusive) | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>67160 2012 WaPo: The bin Laden plot to kill Obama

>>67161 Planefag Report

>>67162 Boycott the 269 companies that support ANTIFA & BLM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=znaklXWAt88 - Gutfeld on Ben & Jerry's new anti-Trump flavor [Channel: Fox News]

>>67163 Video: Patriots taking our country back - THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84b0339e9b3df00768c7434fc7224ac6d5b87a26ef13e913cea871f88050c7f5.mp4

>>67164 Planefag Reports

>>67165 NYPD cops encouraged to "strike" on July 4 to give city its "independence"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y_VCd4kFGls - NYPD cops encouraged to ‘strike’ on July 4 to give city its ‘independence’ | New York Post [Channel: New York Post]

>>67167 On Google harvesting medical records

>>67168 #12384

(10 notables, 11 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171981

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9675781 Q Research General #12385: This Is Not About Race, It's About Right vs Wrong Edition

Created 200026ZJUN20




>>67169 Donald Trump Ad: Joe Biden Lacks ‘Mental Fortitude’ to Lead America

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MVCAm6jSI5I - Fortitude [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>67170 @CBS_Herridge when ONA learned of “Halper’s role in Crossfire Hurricane” @CBSNews

>>67171 "Putin Wanted It": Dems Introduce Bill To Block Trump's Germany Troop Draw Downkek

>>67172 Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: ‘Our Goal Is to Get Trump Out’

>>67173 The Miserable Pseudo-Science Behind Face Masks, Social Distancing And Contact Tracing

>>67174 Trump breaks with Dr. Fauci over football --- says the NFL season will go on

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tv_TWaRgeH8 - Dr. Fauci warns ‘football may not happen this year’ [Channel: CNN]

>>67175 Jefferson County (CO) public health officials declare systemic racism a public health crisis

>>67176 Trafficking and production of child abuse content exploded in Victoria under lockdown

>>67177 California county sheriff says he won't enforce Newsom's coronavirus mask order

>>67178 Adam Lovinger -strategist in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment

>>67179 ‘Defund the UN’? World body blasted after tweeting defense of Antifa

>>67180 Fort Hood launches sexual harassment investigation in missing soldier Vanessa Guillen's disappearance

(12 notables, 12 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171982

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9676598 Q Research General #12386: Noob baker round 2

Created 200139ZJUN20




>>67181 Why is #antifa waving a #UN flag?

>>67182 'Declassified testimony from Shawn Henry, president of CrowdStrike Services, confirms that Perkins Coie recruited CrowdStrike

>>67183 WH gov: POTUS FLOTUS will host the 2020 Salute to America on the South Lawn of the White House and Ellipse on Saturday, July 4

>>67184, >>67186 Zogby Analytics Poll: 55% of Voters Believe Joe Biden in Early Stages of Dementia

>>67185 Call for Meme Support for #TrumpRallyTulsa

>>67187 Grenell Twat

>>67188 Maricopa County Board of Supervisors vote to require wearing face masks in public in Maricopa County

>>67189 Possible comms in Rice's remark about "trash heap"?

>>67190 #12385

>>67191, >>67197, >>67198, >>67199, >>67203 Geoffrey Berman resigning as Manhattan US attorney

>>67192 pf report

>>67193 CBS wants a race war

>>67194 DOJ Says Allowing Transgender Athletes To Compete Against Females Is ‘Fundamentally Unfair’

>>67195 Twatter bans Katie Hopkins forever

>>67196 Boston politicians seek 10% pay cut for cops

>>67200 CNN Sets Up Fence to Defend Atlanta HQ While Hosts Carry Water for Rioters

>>67201 Call to DIGG on Rosenberg Fund for Children

>>67202 Democrat Official Faces Trial For Alleged Voter Fraud In Michigan

>>67204 #12386

(19 notables, 24 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171983

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9677296 Q Research General #12387: Community Bake Edition

Created 200231ZJUN20




>>67205, >>67210, >>67227, >>67230 Moar on Berman stepping down/being fired (WSJ)

>>67206, >>67215 AP writing guide now says to capitalize the B in Black when referring to race

>>67207 Anon on how to avoid being compelled to wear a mask

>>67208, >>67222 Building of DJT's Rally Stage

>>67209 #12386

>>67211 Nightly riot report LIVE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sphs0MaaXh4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67212 Mikovits vid clip: do not take mandated vaxxes this fall!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tKsXVilB1Dk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67213, >>67214 Amazon warehouse workers slam Jeff Bezos' company for offering chicken and waffles for staff

>>67216, >>67218 Protester in custody after a shotting at Ponce & Monroe (Atlanta)

>>67217 Did girl get shot in ATL near Regg Inkagneedo?

>>67219 Meghan Markle Believes She Is Destined to Fight Racism in US

>>67220 Radical Islamist Umar Lee Launches Petition to Rename St. Louis City

>>67221 The Greens want indigenous activist Lidia Thorpe to replace R DiNatale (Australia - more erasing the past)

>>67223 Moar on DOJ & unfairness of trannies competing against females

>>67224 Retrovirus & Lyme/MSIDS Role in COVID-19? Facemasks are Immunosuppressive

>>67225, >>67231 Vid purportedly of Atlanta shooting 20 mins ago, anons DIGG

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E3t1FL_r-3U - LIVE | Rayshard Brooks Vigil Erupts In Chaos (Pt.2) Atlanta GA [Channel: Regg Life]

>>67226, >>67229 Berman says he's not resigning (!)

>>67228 Anon: Adam Lovinger timeline

>>67232 Black on white racism needs to end (Warning: Disturbing videos)

>>67233 DJT tweet: DC police are not doing their job

>>67234 Belmont Stakes tomorrow

>>67235 Updated WH press schedule for Sat, June 20, 2020 - Sun June 21, 2020

>>67236 4.9 earthquake at a familiar spot next to Nellis AFB

>>67237 #12387

(24 notables, 33 posts, 31 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171984

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9678058 Q Research General #12388: Revving Up for Rally Day! Edition

Created 200341ZJUN20




>>67238 The Nova Scotia shooter case has hallmarks of an undercover operation

>>67239, >>67240, >>67241, >>67246, >>67251 Cabal "energy healing" at World Economic Forum: John Amaral, Julianne Hough, etc.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EKwZYXnsf1Y - Julianne Hough's Orgasmic Screams, & Writhes During Energy Healing Treatment [Channel: IMDC Ent.]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qOG9iTloogA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67242, >>67244, >>67245, >>67248, >>67249, >>67250, >>67274 Albert Pike, Masonic Satanist, statue toppled in DC

>>67243 BLM Juneteenth Rally was expected to have 30,000 people in attendance; however, word about town in Tulsa is that it flopped

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Z2YBbaepsRk - Rev. Al Sharpton delivers speech at Juneteenth rally in Tulsa, Okla. | FULL [Channel: Global News]

>>67247, >>67259, >>67273, >>67275 In Friday Night Drama, US Attorney Geoffrey Berman Refuses To 'Step Down' After Barr Asks For Resignation

>>67252 Russia ready to discuss space activities as part of dialogue with US

>>67253 Russian, US diplomats to discuss arms control in Vienna on June 22-23

>>67254, >>67263 “The DC Police Are Not Doing Their Job as They Watch a Statue Be Ripped Down and Burned”

>>67255 Chick-fil-A Clarifies Their Shirts Never Showed Support For Cops

>>67256, >>67271 Atlanta riots: livestream, shooting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rBYjnT-USjE - LIVE BLACK LIVES MATTER Protest [Channel: THEREALPAX]

>>67257, >>67258, >>67261, >>67264, >>67266, >>67268 Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ): The American crossroads is symbolized by mask mandates: Renewed freedom or untethered government control?

>>67260 United Air Is Said to Ready $5 Billion Debt Sale for Next Week

>>67262 Edwards: Trump Sowing ‘Chaos’ for His ‘Hardcore White Supremacist Base’ with Tulsa Rally

>>67265 YouTube: "We Are Trained Marxists" - Patrisse Cullors, Co-Founder, #BlackLivesMatter

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HgEUbSzOTZ8 - "We Are Trained Marxists" - Patrisse Cullors, Co-Founder, #BlackLivesMatter [Channel: Martyn Iles]

>>67267 Soros-Affiliated Anti-Deportation Group Part of ‘Defund Police’ Movement

>>67269 Trump Admin To Name Most Recipients Of Bailout Loans

>>67270 McCaskill: Trump Supporters ‘Gleefully Putting Other People at Risk’

>>67272 Judge Sullivan article: Son is engaged in "questionable" activity, and dad enables it by covering up for him; son thinks that he's untouchable

>>67276 Seattle livestream, protesters marching towards police

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XUMkhuxodN0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67277 Why Are the Chinese Made IR Thermometers So Cold?

>>67278, >>67279, >>67280, >>67281, >>67282, >>67284 pb Anon observation for the keks: If you had told me what I'd be doing 3 years ago..

>>67283 #12388

(22 notables, 47 posts, 33 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171985

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9678873 Q Research General #12389: Night Shift Stoners Edition

Created 200506ZJUN20




>>67285, >>67286, >>67300, >>67303 Atlanta shooting vid + info, more links

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2657cc349f0d2a9e25d05855fcd2c3c5267f1ce5108ec23fc445e58bd80c0148.mp4

>>67287, >>67293 An Honest History of Black People and the Democrat Party

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/37261d2e266f5af05200ecc0edb43c0528266510d57e2d915cdef01a15508971.mp4

>>67288 Bank of England apologizes for past links to slavery as UK reckons with past

>>67289 Victoria will reimpose restrictions after recording another 25 new coronavirus cases

>>67290 The internet slams CNN for erecting protective barrier at headquarters: 'CNN built a wall'

>>67291 Facebook “Fact-Checker” Is Staffed by Democrat Donors, Ex-CNN Fake News Employees

>>67292 Susan Rice [knowingly] lied to America; Flynn knows the truth

>>67294 An Update from NAACP: Our Demands/NAACP Strategic Plan: Game Changers for the 21st Century

>>67295 The Statue of Communist Butcher Vladimir Lenin in Seattle Still Stands --- Why?

>>67296 To cut LAPD’s budget by $150 million, reduce officer ranks below 10,000, report says

>>67297 Breitbart: Tulsa pre-rally live video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2sKPYtMaTn0 - Trump Supporters Descend on Tulsa on Eve of ‘Comeback’ Rally [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>67298 Lies, Damned Lies and Covid19: Similarities to Soviet propaganda

>>67299 New DJT: Vid: "Tulsa rally sparks health and safety concerns"

>>67301, >>67311 Moar on Geoffrey Berman refusing to leave his post as NY prosecutor

>>67302, >>67304, >>67320 Moar Albert Pike diggs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ee8ead1c530d5258c80c0db9652397e41215a76801608893a6b4ade80694217.mp4

>>67305, >>67306 Anon: Marina Abramovic and everyone who attends her events are RED HERRINGS

>>67307, >>67308, >>67309, >>67313 @joerogan and friends sex abusers too? Lots of noise on Twitter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/326bd515215494b4a064620a278efec94ee692c12a911d9e0ae0192f4e2026d6.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DTxXttUMiPo - Does Ari Shaffir Really Regret Dosing Bert Kreischer with Molly? [Channel: JRE Clips]

>>67310, >>67315, >>67316, >>67318, >>67319 Vid from 2017, with digg: What Does Bryan Callen Know About PizzaGate? Everything or Nothing?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O0ZL_3cDYsU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67312 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, June 20, 2020

>>67314 China claims that Australian Strategic Policy Institute is the only organization claiming recent cyber attacks are from China

>>67317 China is eyeing high-tech ‘surprise PEARL HARBOR’ attack on US electric grid… using ‘stolen’ American technology, report claims

>>67321 #12389

(22 notables, 37 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171986

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9679634 Q Research General #12390: [Joe Rogan] and [Bryan Callen] Edition

Created 200656ZJUN20




>>67322 CORRECTION to PB notable : William Binney was NOT a NSA director

>>67323 Corrupt officials faces trial for alleged voter fraud

>>67324, >>67325 "WTF did I just read?" Black Man reads the Talmud and hears what it says about the Goyim,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/30b977bd9d0c79019c31f7ae5c8c5fd103cbdbd8349c95875a86a776d9512348.mp4

>>67326 Brad Parscale talks about "new tech" they've been developing for the past 3 years.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7305bd388e852245048fd6591ba4bc3c3de43b92ecfde356788625303dfc3d7f.mp4

>>67327 Planewatch

>>67328, >>67330 Interesting tidbits about New Zealand: Police pledges allegiance to the King/Queen of the Commonwealth, Can enter your home without a warrant

>>67329 This IS the Silent Majority

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84b0339e9b3df00768c7434fc7224ac6d5b87a26ef13e913cea871f88050c7f5.mp4

>>67331, >>67333, >>67334 DOJ Roundup,

>>67332 (Unverified) ground report from the impact of Seattle's Autonomous Zone: Rapes and Robberies occurring

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d062fd6214baebfa80ef5821d9b74ec93e7e4b462b377c6feeade509b67699a1.mp4

>>67335 Encouraging words from an Anon

>>67336 Black Gun Owners starting march to protect their 2nd Amendement Rights

>>67337, >>67339, >>67340 NYT just revealed an updated version of the Mueller report. Fewer Redactions and also fewer pages. Download it from 8kun here,

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c38077a658d0542598b9f5f33a03e6d57771aea3e4a806562336e53c93c5a55f.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5cd7429aa1739d29faba872245c12bb6eeccb466642d2ee128daf6ea8012fcde.pdf

>>67338 Judaism is based on racial supremacism and endorses Pedophilia and Infant Genital Mutilation PB - RESCINDED

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2c50ba8b007beaf08ad4798f862e9305493dbf73954578ac32553b654354d216.mp4

>>67341 Insight into the Jewish mind: "We hate the same Jews you do" PB - RESCINDED

>>67342 NSA Documents released implicating Israel in the assassination of JFK over Nukes

>>67343 You will not Silence me

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KuCYoxjQ5Lg - 'YOU WILL NOT SILENCE MY VOICE!': A call for peaceful, truth-seeking Americans to NAME INJUSTICE [Channel: Glenn Beck]

>>67344 #12390

(17 notables, 23 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171987

File (hide): a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9680398 Q Research General #12391: Master Baiter Edition

Created 201005ZJUN20




>>67345 US attorney in New York disputes Barr claim that he's resigning

>>67346, >>67352, >>67356 Planefagging,

>>67347 Tucker Carlson: There's a reason racial tension is rising in America - it's by design

>>67348 There are many unanswered questions about the Nuremberg trials and the Holocaust

>>67349 Conservative social media site targeted by Visa lockout

>>67350 Who is Craig Carpenito?

>>67351 Anon's opinion on how to deal with being Red Pilled

>>67353 Nova Scotia killings likely to be done by an RCMP Agent. These killings were a justification for Canadian gun control.

>>67354 What's going on with the Berman/Barr resignation situation?

>>67355, >>67358 Former BBC news presenter turned church minister charged with 40 sex offences against adults/children over 30 years

>>67357 Diggs on the Manhattan Charter School

>>67359, >>67361, >>67363 POTUS looks directly at Q supporter at rally - 2 year delta

>>67360 "Deranged" vid clip - for KEKS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df9f2f342a5710142c8d586853eadf2db008d5f029b23930b7ea1728912dc39e.mp4

>>67362, >>67370 Moar on Berman resignation flap

>>67364, >>67367 In January 2018, AG Sessions announced Berman's appt as interim U.S. atty for 120 days

>>67365 Parscale: Moar on building the stage for rally

>>67366 Shooting in CHAZ…trouble in paradise (10th Ave & E Pine - Seattle)

>>67368 Top six claims & counterclaims in Bolton's book

>>67369 BLM co-founder says Fri on CNN that "our goal is to get Trump out"

>>67371 #12391

(20 notables, 27 posts, 42 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171988

File (hide): 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9681170 Q Research General #12392: We Love You, Mr. President! Edition

Created 201325ZJUN20




>>67372, >>67379 Madeleine Korbel Albright and Her Father, Josef Korbel, Have had a Huge Impact on US Policy (first of 7 posts)

>>67373 CORRECTION to PB notable : William Binney was NOT a NSA director

>>67374 My weekend in CHAZ (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dhvAgDs0_Ok - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67375, >>67376, >>67377, >>67378, >>67380, >>67382 Anon digs on Joe Rogan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2wsQPFyZghc - Joe Rogan on the Patreon Controversy [Channel: JRE Clips]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bEwf3rlBr-o - Joe Rogan says the N-word [Channel: Smorgasvord]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfd9a14c951c13f36cbbb2f88ee2a78f00a569665b275e10418d932be2046b4f.mp4

>>67381 Anon: Election 2020 - Battle-Ground States w/ Major Electoral College Votes > Current High-- Covid-19 "Death Count" States

>>67383 United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) Posted Flag of Antifa on Their Official Twatter, Says Barr Stmnt Undermines Rights (Breitbart)

>>67384, >>67391 Planefag Reports

>>67385, >>67388, >>67389 Digg: Trump Admin's Michael Pack US Head of Global Media strips Global Media

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/46e2e65415ecf4220b6560c2e9a689c7de2aa703b389e1f7bc9bb5339997057c.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cE7VZFo3Gkc - Trump Stacks US Media Agency With Loyalists Led By Bannon Acolyte | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>67386 Two People Shot, One Fatally, In Seattle’s Autonomous Zone: Reports (theepochtimes)

>>67387, >>67393 New POTUS Twat: I finally agree with failed political consultant Steve Schmidt, who called Wacko John Bolton...

>>67390 Digg: Moar on Madeleine Albright

>>67392 Digg: Moar on Principal Jason Epting From Charter School that Hit the Autistic Boy w/Bathroom Door

>>67394 #12392

(13 notables, 23 posts, 17 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171989

File (hide): eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9681948 Q Research General #12393: POTUS Made Juneteenth Famous ~ Echo From the Center of Universe Edition

Created 201517ZJUN20



>>67395, >>67410 Qbrief people, get it out!

>>67396, >>67398, >>67408 planefaggin

>>67397 Archive Update "MSM Meltdown"Edition

>>67399 A Presidential Proclamation: Father’s Day, 2020

>>67400 New Potus twats w/caps: Bolton

>>67401 Russia’s gold production enjoys year-on-year surge of almost 10% in just ONE MONTH

>>67402 ‘Defund the UN’? World body blasted after tweeting defense of Antifa

>>67403 1,000 Black gun owners plan pro-Second Amendment walk in Oklahoma

>>67404 De Blasio Announces NY Commission to “Reevaluate Historical Narratives” and Look at Removing Thomas Jefferson Statue in City Hall

>>67405 Mike Pompeo accuses UN body of hypocrisy after condemnation of US police brutality

>>67406 Trum Rally Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=p3jkf0LjPjw - 🔴 FULL COVERAGE: President Donald Trump Rally in Tulsa, OK 6/20/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>67407 Donald Trump intends to nominates Indian American Deven Parekh to IDFC Board

>>67409 Iraqi People Owe Big to Julian Assange for Exposing US War Crimes, Scholar Says

>>67411 ABC NEWS POLL --- 74% of Americans oppose reparations, 56% oppose renaming military bases/MSM eats crow

>>67412 Tennessee legislature passes "heartbeat" abortion bill, Gov. Lee to sign

>>67413 Egypt calls for U.N. intervention after talks stall on Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam

>>67414 World Refugee Day -- June 20, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0UdJvf4PDnM - The Brief: World Refugee Day [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>67415, >>67416 MUST SEE: This Ain’t Your Typical Liberal Hellhole --- Trump Supporters Cheer National Guard as They March into Tulsa to Keep the Peace

>>67417 #12393

(19 notables, 23 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171990

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9682731 Q Research General #12394: Bolton Cooking Up Paper Shrooms Potus Got Real Rally Bacon Edition

Created 201647ZJUN20




>>67418, >>67420, >>67422, >>67424 ---———————————--——– SDNY Weiner Clinton Epstein Ukraine The stakes are high. (Cap: )

>>67419 Scavino45 RT ARE - YOU - READY

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c0316570de986230ae6a4f6cbad9e7f888383344df9fb991c4dbe38dbc39946.mp4

>>67421 national guard arrives to cheers vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06b9d782c611d12acf0e6ae5dca79bcca52d7cae0545f13c8881d9b9e6185e99.mp4

>>67423 Elon Musk Sells $29 Million Bel Air Mansion

>>67425 planefaggin

>>67426 Vote by hypocritical UN Human Rights Council on race and policing in US is ‘new low’ -- Pompeo

>>67427 Eskimo Pie brand owner vows to change ‘derogatory’ ice cream name for the sake of… racial equality

>>67428 Sadiq Khan: Mandatory Masks Will Be the ‘New Normal’ for at Least Another Year

>>67429 Graham signals he won't take up U.S. attorney pick without Schumer, Gillibrand sign off

>>67430 Rioters tear down more statues including Ulysses S. Grant, who defeated the Confederacy and 'destroyed the KKK'

>>67431 ECJ rules against Hungary’s law mandating financial transparency for NGOs

>>67432 Watch Live: Trump Supporters Lining the Streets of Tulsa

>>67433 BLM Leader in London Demands Meeting With Boris Johnson as Protests Held Across UK

>>67434 Belgium: Migrant Mayor Demands Belgians Remove Statues of Former King

>>67435 French Human Rights Commission: ‘Decolonize Minds’ to End Discrimination

>>67436 SDNY Speculation/food for thought

>>67437 San Francisco tenants break leases in startling numbers, giving renters upper hand

>>67438 #12394

(18 notables, 21 posts, 26 media/files)

Q- >>67418

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9efe67 (568) No.171991

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9683492 Q Research General #12395: The Stakes Are High-Not A Game Now Playing Edition

Created 201753ZJUN20



>>67439, >>67440, >>67443, >>67463 Berman can be fired/replaced by Potus

>>67441, >>67444, >>67445, >>67446, >>67448, >>67449, >>67455 Q topic

>>67442, >>67470 rt ---———————— Correct.

>>67447, >>67450 Air Force Two is up!

>>67451 Potus twats Soros

>>67452 Berman is finished. Temp attorney…Finished. Schumer gets pulled in.

>>67453 Berman appt

>>67454 Number of forged 5,000-ruble banknotes grows in Moscow

>>67456 China adds military might to coast guard in maritime push

>>67457 Democracy Failing In Europe? Montenegro Involved In Another Shakedown

>>67458 How many of those at Trump rallies are “repeaters”? I see reports of people there that have been to dozens.

>>67459 Syrian Army, Turkish Forces Clash With Each Other In Northern Al-Hasakah

>>67460 Iran-Contra/Berman

>>67461 ISIS ‘Raqqa Emir’ Was Killed In Recent Drone Strike On Turkish-Occupied Al-Bab

>>67462 Volcano in China that was believed to be extinct may now be 'recharging'

>>67464, >>67465 Syrian Army Uncovers Huge Stash of Guns, Ammo and Amphetamines Abandoned by Terrorists -- Video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iQVongXn0Jw - [Channel: Syrianarabnewsagency]

>>67466, >>67467 Suspected ‘Ninja Bomb’ Strike Kills Two Individuals In Turkish-Occupied Al-Bab

>>67468 BREAKING: It has been confirmed by multiple sources that Pope Benedict XVI has been driven from the Vatican and placed under imprisonment and exile.

>>67469 2 yr delta Q/Berman

>>67471 planefaggin

>>67472 #12396

(21 notables, 34 posts, 57 media/files)

Q- >>67470

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9efe67 (568) No.171992

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9684222 Q Research General #12396: This Is Not A Game, We Are At War Edition

Created 201857ZJUN20



>>67473 Berman dig

>>67474, >>67483, >>67490 cont'd digs on Wendys fire, girl suspect, and Rayshard

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5c-AoqUr37k - Atlanta Fire Dept Wendy's Fire Suspect, Natalie White. Rayshard Brooks' Girlfriend was Natalie White [Channel: Rob Lindsey]

>>67475 ---———————————--——– CIA Director _early 2017 - April 2018? External Advisory Board (CIA) members during this time? Was Bill Barr a member of the board?

>>67476, >>67495 planefaggin

>>67477, >>67478, >>67479, >>67480, >>67482, >>67484, >>67485, >>67486, >>67487, >>67488, >>67491 (pb) digs on Q drop re External Advisory Board (CIA), CIA Dir, Barr

>>67481 Pelosi -the portraits of four previous Speakers who served in the Confederacy were removed from display in the U.S. Capitol. There is no room in these halls for honoring men who embody racism & hatred.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/51ada60abd9b7c94870f1d2ec3c0e0b80e025a006c80a909244523496751db67.mp4

>>67489 Former Pope Benedict leaves Vatican to visit ailing brother in Germany

>>67492, >>67496 Trump supporter RED PILLIN' like Crazy at the Trump Rally!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/589455e66c884b0369abb12c526ffe793f89ea0493d431e7047472bbbd20f80c.mp4

>>67493 Eric Trump WWG1WGA post archived

>>67494 @ChadPergram - Barr to Berman: With your statement of last night, you have chosen public spectacle over public service. Because you have declared that you have no intention of resigning, I have asked the President to remove you as of today, and he has done so.

>>67497 Attorney General Bill Barr says Pres. Trump has fired SDNY attorney Geoffrey Berman despite the prosecutor saying he would not leave

>>67498, >>67499 ---———————————--——– Barr says Pres. Trump has fired SDNY attorney Geoffrey Berman despite the prosecutor saying he would not leave (Cap: )

>>67500, >>67501 Comey's thoughts on Former US Atty SDNY

>>67502 #12397

(14 notables, 30 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>67475, >>67498

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9efe67 (568) No.171993

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9685059 Q Research General #12397: Durham is not the only game in town. The Qasino Edition

Created 202000ZJUN20



>>67503 US Navy twat -Littoral Combat Ship #USSKansasCity Joins the Fleet.

>>67504 CNN publishes deceptive images of him at the Trump rally in Tulsa earlier today. He spots it. Here's what he said about it on RSB live stream moments ago

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/236538f083ae95136fe8946800dbd1b80ef0a2c824977beb161ff0d0d72bcf3a.mp4

>>67505, >>67510 Eric Trump posted, then deleted, a Q Flag with #WWG1WGA on Instagram; Forbes quick to call it a conspiracy

>>67506 Chuck Schumer calls for Jay Clayton to drop bid for Berman’s US Attorney post

>>67507 Anon opines on recent Q posts

>>67508, >>67512, >>67513, >>67516, >>67518, >>67521 planefaggin

>>67509 anon wants anons to see the triangle logo in triPOS credit card machine. says its pedo

>>67511 Vid: Joe Biden does not support Gay Marriage

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bed11634f64885641dbfa15ca0e708da757c27b47cb4dad036cf0d541a7dd7aa.mp4

>>67514 Last night playing drinking games with Paris and M99. Note, two of these people are hardcore trump supporters, those are gold plated Trump cards on the table…and I'm still wearing my #BLM shirt from the Gainesville rally. Because beer and music are bipartisan agreements.

>>67515 DHS calls out fake news

>>67517 Police investigating shooting at 10th Avenue and East Pine. Will update with additional information when available. the caps from anon are the keks

>>67519 another gathering is not being SHAMED or asked even for testing and social distancing with its estimated 6,000 people

>>67520 Malcolm Harsch's Family Says His Death Was A Suicide After Seeing Video Footage

>>67522 #12397

(14 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171994

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9685822 Q Research General #12398: Rally Breads Approach Edition

Created 202109ZJUN20



>>67523 Graham says he won't advance Trump nominee for SDNY prosecutor without Schumer, Gillibrand consent

>>67524 On American Eagle Day, we pay tribute to the proud symbol of our country & a true survivor: the bald eagle!

>>67525 Cardinal George Pell, the former Vatican finance minister who was convicted and then acquitted of sexual abuse, is set to publish his 1,000-page "prison diary"

>>67526 WINNING: Trump raises $74 million in May to build a $817 million war chest

>>67527, >>67531 Based Palestinian woman tells BLM to stfu about oppression, talks about Middle East, where slavery still exists

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b8ee3d1982b2d4ebc5ff713e01bccaa093248507c03209f89f06ab99ea350eca.mp4

>>67528, >>67530 Israel’s Armor: The Israel Lobby and the First Generation of the Palestine Conflict - Walter Hixson

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1be58b6221208e7dc5058d282237958601a2d90895f93666d012a1bda4241968.mp4

>>67529 Surprise, surprise: CDC’s coronavirus test kits probably shipped with contamination after failure to conduct quality control (WaPo)

>>67532, >>67536, >>67537 More puppy comms? Dozens of puppies found dead after international flight lands at Toronto airport + Kevin McCarthy dog tweet

>>67533 Shooting in CHAZ/CHOP leaves 1 dead, 1 injured

>>67534 Follow the Pen: New Catherine Herridge on AG Barr letter to Berman

>>67535 Police: 'Several bags' of human remains found at West Seattle beach

>>67538 Comey: some thoughts on the Southern District (WaPo Op-ed: Geoffrey Berman upheld the finest tradition of the SDNY office)

>>67539 "FISA report Author" written in Catherine Herridge notes on Barr/Berman letter

>>67540 Trips confirm: Patriots at Tulsa rally singing the national anthem

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4050df109b63bd0f0d8a737ba0f2cd2e1a8b7bfe0456b19f7d8986b7cf1f32a.mp4

>>67541 Law & Order wins again: "Tiz The Law" Wins Belmont Stakes in First Race of Triple Crown

>>67542 Fitton: Why on Earth would @LindseyGrahamSC choose to give Chuck Schumer veto power over a constitutional appointment of @RealDonaldTrump?

>>67543 Conservative Treehouse: AG Bill Barr responds to Berman - "President Trump Fired You, Effective Today"

>>67544, >>67545 Ousting of U.S. prosecutor thrusts low-profile markets regulator into unwelcome spotlight

>>67546 #12398

(19 notables, 24 posts, 24 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171995

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9686596 Q Research General #12399: American Eagle Day Edition

Created 202215ZJUN20




>>67547 UN Deletes Pro-Antifa Tweet After Backlash

>>67548, >>67551 JUST IN: President Trump's OUTDOOR speech has been cancelled. He's going to only do the indoor rally tonight.

>>67549 Spreadsheet update

>>67550 Woke Companies Mark Juneteenth While Reportedly Profiting from China’s Muslim Slave Labor

>>67552, >>67571, >>67573 Audrey Strauss diggs

>>67553, >>67565 Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fFz8e2XlyXU - 06/20/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>67554 Eric Trump tweet: Just a reminder: It has been 79 days since #SleepyJoe has held a press conference… and the media stays silent

>>67555 Reading attack: Police say ‘no indication’ BLM rally linked to stabbing amid reports of several dead at protest site

>>67556 Muhammad Ali’s Son Believes His Dad Would Have Seen BLM Protesters as ‘Devils’

>>67557, >>67558, >>67560 Planefag reports

>>67559 President Trump is expected to sign an order as soon as Saturday to suspend H-1B

>>67561 BREAKING: U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of NY Geoffrey Berman gets his ass handed to him, issues statement announcing his departure after being fired by POTUS

>>67562 Floyd Family Attorney Warns Removing Confederate Statues May Repeat US History

>>67563, >>67567 POTUS Rally livestream links

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ajlR3jGr3GE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=p3jkf0LjPjw - 🔴 FULL COVERAGE: President Donald Trump Rally in Tulsa, OK 6/20/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>67564 Nadler: House Judiciary Committee will open investigation into Berman firing

>>67566 Keep America Great Official Music Video by Tulsa sister duo Camille & Haley aka the Trumpettes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FAvFFYu1RGM - KEEP AMERICA GREAT (Official Music Video) - Trump 2020 Song by Camille & Haley [Channel: Camille & Haley]

>>67568 James Woods tweet: He's out! (photo of Biden speaking to abysmally small group of supporters/press)

>>67569, >>67572 PF reports

>>67570 For red-pilling: great on-air interview with RSBN

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b80deabced2ba0712d6d99ce56ffbf0d501648e4e1ee4bf72e9a95086dce7939.mp4

>>67574 #12399

(20 notables, 28 posts, 28 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171996

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9687376 Q Research General #12400: Tulsa MAGA Rally Edition

Created 202319ZJUN20



>>67575 Pool report on outdoor event being dropped due to radical protestors

>>67576 BBC reporting Reading UK stabbings, now a suspected terrorist attack:

>>67577, >>67578 Police shut down an entrance to the Trump rally due to presence of BLM protestors

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2a35f81185674045c75fd2182f08a460becae8af2e69bc03f9431a68f19d3a7d.mp4

>>67579, >>67584, >>67591 This is how fake news works (2001 article on false memories) + article on Google's manipulation of reality

>>67580, >>67595 DeAnna Lorraine: Screenshot this article because you can be sure it won't last! (WSJ: Early Data show no uptick in Covid-19 transmission from protests)

>>67581 The Brits are holding their own Trump rally (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc1115f5e53605ad5ec8f9e06c8f9aad00580bf6381a4fd86381ef92ea0a0d55.mp4

>>67582 San Francisco demonstrators turn to statue vandalism, spray paint

>>67583 The internet never forgets: BLM wiki page used to have a section called "Funding" that listed Soros's Open Society Foundation (archive link)

>>67585 Northern California mayor lashes out at Newsom’s mask order: ‘There is no law’

>>67586 More dog comms: Missing autistic toddler found safe with family's dogs (NY Post)

>>67587 Fitton hints at Mueller team assets frozen and audited

>>67588, >>67590, >>67596 Twitter thread, update from Seattle cop: [CHOP] are creating a currency, ID system, supply system, ammo, and chemical weapons..

>>67589 Brad Parscale: we've spent the last 3 years building new technology to reach 100 million Americans without the media (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9d25c87ef5850d5e50afea170dd6600bc511dc99debe4a0709c6aa2276d63e6.mp4

>>67592 Anon on Brad Parscale ^^ and XMPP-based instant messaging

>>67593 California synagogue to remove reference to top Confederate Jewish official

>>67594 Great Grandson of ‘Aunt Jemima’ Enraged Her Legacy Is Being Erased By Removing Her From Brand

>>67597 #12400,

(17 notables, 23 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171997

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9688145 Q Research General #12401: Great American Comeback Edition

Created 210012ZJUN20




>>67599, >>67617 Parscale: Radical protestors interfered with Trump supporters at the rally

>>67600 POTUS: "I stand before you to declare the Silent majority is stronger than ever before"

>>67601 POTUS: "People in the VA - We got rid of a lot of bad people"


>>67603, >>67604, >>67606, >>67622, >>67626 POTUS: "OPEC ++" Halliburton?

>>67605 Oklahoma Rally Photos

>>67607, >>67609 See something say something

>>67608, >>67610, >>67612 Livestream of BLM protest outside arena

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=INqAFMuAPK4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67611 POTUS calls out the MSM, says they "give him a pass"

>>67613, >>67614, >>67615 POTUS re Seattle: "It's probably better for us to just watch disaster"

>>67616 Relevant Q Post #1107? Bunker. Forest. Blue. + ++ +++

>>67618 Soros-affiliated anti-deportation group part of ‘Defund Police’ movement

>>67619 CSPAN zooming in on faces?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Gpsm4U6l8iQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67620 POTUS: "We're not conforming. That's why we're here"

>>67621, >>67627 CovEd support BLM - Eyes on

>>67623 What Spike? Hospitalization Data Show No Indication of a Second Wave

>>67624, >>67625, >>67628 POTUS: "KUNG FLU" "19 or 20 names / versions for it"

>>67629 Livestream viewer numbers

>>67630, >>67631, >>67632 POTUS: "I'm being BAKED - like a CAKE"

>>67633 #12401

(21 notables, 36 posts, 21 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171998

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9688868 Q Research General #12402: RALLY REEEEEEEEEEEE - WRWY OKLAHOMA Edition

Created 210048ZJUN20




>>67634, >>67635, >>67636, >>67637, >>67638, >>67643 POTUS: "WATCH THE WATER" - Marker?

>>67639 More diggz on CovEd


>>67641 POTUS: "Joe Biden has surrendered.."



>>67645 Atlanta Police have now completely pulled out of the burned down Wendy’s area

>>67646 POTUS Quotes from Washington Examiner pool reporter


>>67649 POTUS: "We want to stand up tall! No kneeling to the left!"

>>67650 POTUS: "They want to punish your thought, but not their violent crimes"

>>67651 POTUS: Biden supported every globalist attack on the American worker

>>67652, >>67653, >>67654 NBC/MSDNC & CNN are LOSING IT!

>>67655 #12402

(14 notables, 22 posts, 10 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.171999

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9689573 Q Research General #12403: HIGH ENERGY OKLAHOMA RALLY REEEEEEE Edition

Created 210124ZJUN20



>>67656 Trump’s primary vote totals trounce previous incumbents’ numbers-ny post

>>67657 Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police-dailymail

>>67658, >>67659, >>67660 CM Twat

>>67661, >>67678 anon on Staff (staph) infiltration/infection

>>67662, >>67663, >>67664, >>67668, >>67672, >>67673, >>67676, >>67677 POTUS Quotes rally info

>>67665 Black Trump Supporter Bruce Carter BUSTS CNN in Fake News Stunt in Tulsa-gateway pundit

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OCU0SHuWHgI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67666 DHS Drops Other Shoe on 'Pretend Employers' Fraud in OPT Program-cis.org

>>67667, >>67670 CDC coronavirus test kits were likely contaminated, federal review confirms-outline.com

>>67669, >>67671 Leaked documents reveal right-wing oligarch plot to overthrow Mexico’s AMLO

>>67674 'Improper Motives' Behind Berman's Firing, AG Barr 'Must Be Held Accountable', Speaker Pelosi Says-sputnik

>>67675 PDF of Bolton's new book

>>67679 #12403

(12 notables, 24 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172000

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9690364 Q Research General #12404: The After Rally HIGH Edition

Created 210217ZJUN20



>>67680, >>67681, >>67688, >>67693 Tulsa protest livestreams

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nL7-1vm5mW0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n6RMCkmskJg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=INqAFMuAPK4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n6RMCkmskJg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67682, >>67697, >>67701, >>67705, >>67716, >>67717, >>67719 On the rally tickets sitch

>>67683, >>67708, >>67710, >>67711, >>67715 Craig Carpenito, Barr's new US Attorney

>>67684, >>67686, >>67690 Anons on tonight's eclipse

>>67685 Report from a cop in Seattle

>>67687, >>67713, >>67718 Planefag Reports


>>67691 Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police

>>67692 Austin protesters stormed Police HQ, hauled down and burned American & Texas flags

>>67694, >>67698, >>67700 Tulsa protest updates & MSM reactions

>>67695 2 Year Delta today: "Shift in tactics. Attacks ^"

>>67696 San Francisco allows protesters to topple US Grant & Francis Scott Key statues

>>67699 Syracuse NY shooting 9 victims 1 critical

>>67702, >>67704 BLM founder: Org's creators are trained Marxists, goal is to 'get Trump out'

>>67703, >>67712 Oklahoma Rally photos

>>67706 Google Privacy Breach: France Fines Tech Giant For Violating EU Rules

>>67707, >>67709, >>67714 Yippy search shows trolled description for Pompeo's Wiki

>>67720 #12404

(18 notables, 41 posts, 52 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172001

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9691123 Q Research General #12405: Epic Oklahoma Edition

Created 210321ZJUN20




>>67721 DeAnna Lorraine: OAN are doing a special on Biden's bribe tapes. "He's going to get indicted"

>>67722 Gates-backed Waltham biotech Arsanis plots $58M IPO

>>67723 Scientific study reveals conspiracy theorists the most sane of all

>>67724, >>67727, >>67746 4.2 earthquake in Oklahoma, Digs on work in area

>>67725 Crowds of people were outside the rally

>>67726, >>67748 THIS is Mary Jo Laupp who allegedly kicked off the rally ticket campaign

>>67728 Police Fire Less Lethal Rounds Towards Violent ‘Protesters’ Harassing Trump Supporters As They Leave Rally

>>67729 Second Night of Shooting at Black Lives Matter Vigil in Atlanta, Man Attacked By Mob for Filming

>>67730, >>67735 Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant releases bullshit statement on shooting at the CHOP, contradicts Raz Simone's story

>>67731, >>67736 Reports of 4.2 - 4.5 earthquake in Oklahoma

>>67732 Jeff Sessions praises POTUS on twitter: "Unleashed!"

>>67733 PF report

>>67734 Here's the fake news AP spin on tonight's rally…

>>67737, >>67739, >>67742 Seattle PD Update on Homicide Investigation Inside Protest Area

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cefDp_rsfgo - 6/20/2020 Critical Incident Update [Channel: Seattle Police Department]

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9bfe799b5f0a2e76b949c588f87951901091304c3d6f1923d89d553d815abe4.pdf

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d8b5d50e7a4d6bbc7b8413910e9ae3d684dbe3d58ad71de034f066eb6cae0fc.mp4

>>67738 Article Update into illegal drug trade connection to slave victims

>>67740, >>67741, >>67750 POTUS Schedule Overnight, Landed on Schedule

>>67743 Muslim student sues Professor for teaching truthfully about Islam

>>67744 Remember when, under President Clinton in 1993, AG Janet Reno ordered the resignations of all 93 US attorneys across the country?

>>67745 Colorado Gov Quietly Signs 'Police Immunity Destruction' Bill.

>>67747, >>67751 #12405

>>67749 Tommorow Today

(21 notables, 31 posts, 53 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172002

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9691944 Q Research General #12406: POTUS Baked Like A Cake Edition

Created 210454ZJUN20



>>67752, >>67753 Eclipse Trajectory [Clinton]

>>67754, >>67755, >>67759, >>67760 Anon Notable Possible Connections to Pompeo's Dog walking itself

>>67756 Libertarian Party Praises Raz the CHAZCHOP Warlord

>>67757 Dutch Virologist Ron Fourchier Digs

>>67758, >>67772 Stream Updates: Roamers settling down

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rpj6nWZ4XEg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PHt_VtE_YAc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67761 Summer Solstice Begins

>>67762 Lindsey Graham denies Southern District NY Pick without Approval from Schumer and Gillibrand

>>67763 TikTok Identified as Rally Ticket Complication Contributor

>>67764, >>67767 Posobiec Tweets Periscopes~Antifa + protestors found'

>>67765, >>67769 What name is it? What Story? Confusion and backpeddling on CHAZ CHOP

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8d543f8448d06ad2c6c759d137d77cf5e0fe1413ba01ed8dd59f24426eee4a28.mp4

>>67766 LEO Perspective: Seattle

>>67768, >>67771 Baker needs verification before updating dough

>>67770 #105 - #119 >>>/comms/13250 -

>>67773 #12406

(14 notables, 22 posts, 19 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172003

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9692699 Q Research General #12407: Shills Whine Again We Stay Winning Edition

Created 210632ZJUN20



>>67774 BLM = 'Trained Marxism'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kCghDx5qN4s - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>67775 Zeev Sternhell, leading voice of Israeli left and renowned political scientist, dies at 85

>>67776 OKC Pro-2A Pro-Unity March - Fake News? Or Media Blackout?

>>67777, >>67780 Two tons of marijuana and $1 million in cash were seized from an organization from China

>>67778 1M Views on the RSBN stream

>>67779 Israel's Bank Hapoalim steps down due to illness

>>67781, >>67783 Check Dough Please.

>>67782 Muh Peaceful Pruhtestors

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/afe3f3c86b422d98a469a6e099d179867169ce365009ade7cd639bf6619d603c.mp4

>>67784 TikTok's Time's Ticking

>>67785 10 shot with injuries of 'various severity' in Minneapolis

>>67786 #12407

(11 notables, 13 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172004

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9693393 Q Research General #12408: A Morning Bread Rememberance of Frederick Christ Trump Edition

Created 210831ZJUN20



>>67787, >>67788, >>67790, >>67791 Wrestling #MeToo #SpeakingOut

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nQ28nhUSK0U - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>67789 Sizing Up Twitter Users: U.S. adult Twitter users are younger and more likely to be Democrats than the general public

>>67792, >>67796 Panic

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c679d83beca8da1995472ced40784915268c8237b384d2f3d2e5215211154e23.mp4

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7bb9487f66f9cbc647c2720789f309a4314e1ad3776a22c18f9109989a57a2ac.pdf

>>67793 Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals = Patronizers (Akin to sociopathy)

>>67794, >>67803, >>67809 TikTok = Disney+ Chief Kevin Mayer

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UFdoXmriWwU - U.S. opens national security investigation into TikTok- sources [Channel: KiniTV]

>>67795, >>67800, >>67801, >>67802, >>67804, >>67806, >>67807, >>67810, >>67813 Hillary Duff Digz

>>67797, >>67799 Police made arrests at the violent antifa riot in Portland tonight.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b4e25733b249b35ec41df2f727852fa29d0f2b50f5030bf868f01cde46f09860.mp4

>>67798 MuAliJr SpeaksOut about BLM

>>67805 That's what community service is for! 'Dont clean up the Left's Mess'

>>67808, >>67811, >>67814 HQC Updates

>>67812 Officers Down: Two deputies brutally attacked, stabbed in Texas--suspect escaped

>>67815, >>67817 UK Confirms Stabbing incident 'Terrorism Related'

>>67816 Nominee to Lead NG sees Larger Role in Quelling Unrest

>>67818 Trump Supporters under attack at rally

>>67819 'Hope Hicks Knows'

>>67820 Newsbusters Busts Big Media Hiding KKK Past Ties to Democrats

>>67821 SDNY Departure

>>67822 AOC Thanks Zoomers/TikTokers/Kpop for making fake rally reservations and interference

>>67823 Alleged aftermath of multiple injured during overnight shootings in Minneapolis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c327dbd6022236de97cdddd034ab8797d5b742c103d11b76eef4245ef524ebc1.mp4

>>67824 Sessions Praises POTUS

>>67825 Warrant Issued for Brooks' 'girlfriend' over Wendy's Arson

>>67826 Solicitor General of the U.S. Noel Francisco Announces Departire from DOJ Eff. 03-07-2020

>>67827 Yale and It's Proud Slaver Heritage

>>67828 #12408

(24 notables, 42 posts, 42 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172005

File (hide): 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9694209 Q Research General #12409: A Father's Morning & Remember The Fatherless Edition

Created 211202ZJUN20



>>67830 Dirty Kanza founder fired for saying police shooting of Rayshard Brooks was 'justified'

>>67831 The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) has removed a social media post that defended the right of Antifa

>>67832 18 U.S. Code § 2339A. Providing material support to terrorists

>>67833 UFC Cutman had WWG1WGA on shirt sleeve during Curtis Blaydes Fight

>>67834 2 bags human remains found on Seattle Beach

>>67835 In the French city of Dijon, Chechens and North Africans are fighting with assault rifles and weapons of war.The question of how the Chechen refugees get their arms at all is interesting.

>>67836 Protesters blocked entrances to trump rally according to twitter

>>67837 Paris Dennard Blasts Joe Biden: Democrats ‘Have Put a Bigot at the Top of the Ticket

>>67838 ‘Weaponized Whiteness’: Meet Extremists Shaping Joe Biden’s 2020 Agenda

>>67839 PF Reports

>>67840 USACEHQ on Twatter

>>67841 Ex-NYT reporter Alex Berenson says New York-based, anti-Trump media are part of coronavirus problem

>>67842 Nadler - Not interested in Bolton Testimony

>>67843 The data-mining company that was responsible for locating terrorist Osama bin Laden is reportedly working with the Trump administration

>>67844 #12409,

(15 notables, 15 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172006

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9694995 Q Research General #12410: Father's Day Digging

Created 211423ZJUN20



>>67845 Court Rules President Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood, Will Cut Almost $60 Million in Taxpayer Funding

>>67846 Navy Upholds Firing of Aircraft Carrier Captain Who Warned of Coronavirus Outbreak on Ship

>>67847 Eleven People Shot, One Person Dead In Minneapolis Shooting Spree

>>67848 China to Increase U.S. Agricultural Imports after Secret Trade Talks: Report

>>67849 FLASHBACK: When Bill Clinton Had 93 U.S. Attorneys FIRED IN ONE DAY (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad10d83e2b72a20ace999a2669fb1fc28e8963c3853ddf9575b334c4c9d523a9.mp4

>>67850, >>67853, >>67869, >>67870 Whitehouse In-town pool report

>>67851 The Father’s Day Obama Betrayed Black America

>>67852 Ex-Google CEO Schmidt Says Huawei Acts as ‘Signal Intelligence’ for CCP

>>67854 Trump Foes Celebrate ‘Zoomers’ on TikTok Pranking Campaign with Fake RSVPs

>>67855, >>67864 Multiple women accuse Justin Bieber of sexual assault (unconfirmed)

>>67856 Moar Hilary Duff Diggs

>>67857 Iran Turns George Floyd Into a Shi’ite Muslim Saint

>>67858 Police: Army Vet Empties Gun at Woman's SUV in Dick's Sporting Goods Parking Lot

>>67859 Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu warns of possible second coronavirus lockdown

>>67860, >>67874 How to disable COVID-19 exposure tracking on Android

>>67861 Maria Bartiromo Twat: AG Barr - Durham probe got delayed bc of COVID-19...

>>67862 The Sad Saga of Stacey Abrams, Despite Georgia Dem's campaign for VP spot, Biden has not contacted her

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ncEr2bA9p7k - The Sad Saga of Stacey Abrams | SUPERcuts! #781 [Channel: Washington Free Beacon]

>>67863 Results Show You Are Twice As Likely to Die from Coronavirus in Democrat State than Republican State (gatewaypundit)

>>67865, >>67867, >>67871, >>67873, >>67877 Maria Bartiromo Exclusive Interview With Bill Barr

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qlqWMazIYUQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qlqWMazIYUQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67866 WEINER LAPTOP (justice.gov 2007)

>>67868 The Russian anti-aircraft missile systems Pantsir-S deployed in Syria and Libya may face a serious problem

>>67872 Planefag Reports

>>67875 Wanna see some disgusting Twatter fuckery? Vids showing black guys helping old white couple and hugging cop labeled "sensitive material"

>>67876 Meme OPS: CALL FOR INTEL/MEMES/SUPPORT: Vote Chris Jacobs

>>67878 ‘A real rampage’: Rioters attack police and smash shops in Stuttgart, Germany (VIDEOS) (rt)

>>67879 #12410

(26 notables, 35 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172007

File (hide): eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9695788 Q Research General #12411: Protect Americans Is What I Will Do: Justice Will Be Served

Created 211554ZJUN20



>>67880, >>67893 rt ---———————— It will not happen again. Remember, they also phone in to report 'threats' [deliberate]. Heightened security due to recent events.

>>67881, >>67888, >>67891 Rebekah MERCER digs and relateds,

>>67882, >>67884 Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: “It was all a Set-up” - Adam Lovinger - ICYMI

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yuQNoiCxVDQ - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>67883, >>67886, >>67892 Interesting facts that are never discussed about Irish Slaves who were originally shipped in 1619, 100 children…

>>67885, >>67887 New DJT and old Q - happy Father's Day

>>67889 'Foundation Myth' by anon

>>67890 HRC twat - reeeing - Nearly 120,000 Americans are dead and the president said last night that he asked his administration to slow down testing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4c138304907de94dff6d01221db6df4ba9f417655329ebbc16f3c30eddc6855.mp4

>>67894, >>67895 anon list of FAILs gets a nom

>>67896 sauce this - The Enemy attempted another attack of POTUS last night with the fluid sprayed on those waiting on line.

>>67897, >>67898 You gave up all rights to outside intervention when you became 'autonomous'. This woman will educate you!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ca52b4f318ac5027260df6a47e655e2e58aa608c066192fbd39c78e40266ac5.mp4

>>67899 #12410

(11 notables, 20 posts, 19 media/files)

Q- >>67893

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9efe67 (568) No.172008

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9696572 Q Research General #12412: 5mm+. Keep your eye on the ball Edition

Created 211706ZJUN20



>>67900, >>67901 WILLIAM BARR notes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FztiTg5tYZI - AG Barr discusses the latest in Durham probe and John Bolton's book | Part 2 [Channel: Fox News]

>>67902 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>67903 Defund the CNN

>>67904, >>67906 digging in Abrams

>>67905 Orwellian Predictive Programming

>>67907, >>67909, >>67911, >>67915, >>67918, >>67920, >>67922, >>67924, >>67927, >>67938

>>67908, >>67913 Marina Anromovic and Room 237

>>67910 The Challenges of Effective Counterterrorism Intelligence in the 2020s

>>67912, >>67914 Clinton Foundation Before and After

>>67916 1.4 billion dollar sweetheart deal that Newsom made with Chinese BYD manufacturer.

>>67917, >>67923 John Bolton's Full White House Exposé Leaked Online

>>67919 Kiev blast that devastated residential building may have been caused by gas leak or BOMB -- minister

>>67921 ‘Cancel culture despises diversity of opinion’: Publisher says Amazon suspended paid ads for new book on ‘transgender craze’

>>67925, >>67930, >>67939, >>67941 CHAZ / CHOP rioters notes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d8b5d50e7a4d6bbc7b8413910e9ae3d684dbe3d58ad71de034f066eb6cae0fc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8d543f8448d06ad2c6c759d137d77cf5e0fe1413ba01ed8dd59f24426eee4a28.mp4

>>67926 German professor on the Next Generation EU proposal: It is an attempt to corrupt national democracies

>>67928 Germany: “Youths” riot, fight police

>>67929 The Guardian’s sister paper forces YouTube to again terminate ‘far-right’ channel The Iconoclast, doxes man behind it

>>67931 Coordinated admitted Chinese collusion with Dims to take down Trump.

>>67932, >>67935 ---———————————--——– Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qlqWMazIYUQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67933 Schiff: ‘Trump Is Guilty’ --- The House Proved Him Guilty

>>67934 Over 56 Shot by Sunday Morning on Father’s Day Weekend in Chicago

>>67936 Skeletal remains nearby the Fort Hood military base was identified by a relative as one of the two missing soldiers.

>>67937, >>67945 Cancel Culture just got fun (libs in blackface in danger of losing out)

>>67940, >>67942, >>67944 Detailed Q DROP decodes (repost for newfags)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ikC5N-KL89k - Vatican control of World Health Organization popul [Channel: LolaHeavey]

>>67943 Threat of illness from the uber illin CNN

>>67946 #12412,

(26 notables, 47 posts, 96 media/files)

Q- >>67932

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.172009

File (hide): ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9697341 Q Research General #12414: Eye On The Ball It's ALL About To Break Edition

Created 211812ZJUN20




>>67947, >>67948 ---———————————--——– Seeing is believing. You can't censor the world. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d70b97086ed98ff15ff388756c2a274b5ee47e2ca7b4aa169a06819a6822f84a.mp4

>>67949 Q and cap

>>67950, >>67953 Elizabeth Warren calls on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign, anon calls for Warren to seek asylum in China

>>67951 Family of Tom Petty issues Cease and Desist to Trump's campaign after Tulsa rally. "I Won't Back Down"

>>67952 Q's on Bolton

>>67954 Tripoli government to boycott Arab League Libya talks

>>67955, >>67957, >>67959 Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c9wWF1_YFBA - Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed [Channel: The Heritage Foundation]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mMpQBWH-RwA - Shelby Steele On “How America's Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country” [Channel: Hoover Institution]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DcWh0eVEUdo - Walter E. Williams shares warning about loss of liberty [Channel: Fox News]

>>67956 Impeaching U.S. Attorney General Barr ‘waste of time’, top Democrat Nadler says

>>67958 IDF chief: Iran now ‘the most dangerous country’ in the region

>>67960 Senior judges

>>67961 Maduro Buys Avior Aircraft to Avoid Sanctions, Fly Nonstop to Iran

>>67962 Sat 06.13.2020

>>67963 Austin Police Arrest 20-Year-Old In Connection With Attack on Police HQ, Flag Burning UPDATED

>>67964 Judge’s ruling opens door for Bolton to be sued or prosecuted, legal experts say

>>67965 Iraqi Court Sentences Infamous ISIS ‘Mufti’ To Death

>>67966 Subject: In-town pool report #5

>>67967, >>67968 ---———————————--——– Do not let the media control you (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91373122233d9a04c727702df2fb0b707074c87cdbd014ca6fadeea397727874.mp4

>>67969 #12313

(18 notables, 23 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>67947, >>67967

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.172010

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9698073 Q Research General #12414: They Can't Sensor The World! Edition

Created 211913ZJUN20



>>67970 Mercer link, In Wikileak Emails?

>>67971 Seattle Official Peddles Conspiracy Theory That CHOP Shooting Was Right-Wing Attack

>>67972 Sessons; Potus masterful, winning message

>>67973 Rasmussen: Black voter support for trump over 40%

>>67974 In-town pool #6 -- rolling from Sterling

>>67975 @RichardGrenell Many in the media are failing to give this context.

>>67976 Science finally catches up with Wyle E. Coyote and discovers the secret to making Instant Holes. For the keks!

>>67977 Border Patrol Foils Elaborate Human Smuggling Plot

>>67978 planefags

>>67979 Stuttgart - Hundreds of Youngsters Rioting & Looting In The City Center Of Stuttgart Germany

>>67980 #12315

(11 notables, 11 posts, 11 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172011

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9698861 Q Research General #12415: Back In Black, Numbers On Track, No Rayciss Hack WWG1WGA Edition

Created 212019ZJUN20




>>67981 Announcing a new resource for bakers and anons

>>67982, >>67984, >>68005, >>68008, >>68009 CHAZ / protest / anarchy notables

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60cd36070f14c961e91e2a15688b33b4c2e7f2923944ba31f87fa1c0e05689c1.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/66b0f5d427e76e6bc3f04cbe955370add2c3b1854d525881a774b89126378461.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NgQfu2mBUPg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>67983, >>68001 POTUS on the 18th and the Club House today, returned to the WH

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/22667e2db224d549120f16842c3bc9403d6b6f26eab982d44079be1b9bc1c817.mp4

>>67985, >>67987 Bolton's book: The word "thought" 301 times, "I thought" 117 times, "Seemed" 110 times

>>67986, >>67989, >>67993, >>67994, >>67998, >>68011, >>68013, >>68015 Q Drop diggz on SDNY players

>>67988 New Grassley twat and IG re #cornwatch

>>67990, >>68003 Strong Cities Network in the US: Global police force controlled by the United Nations?

>>67991 Spreadheet Updated

>>67992 Planefag Updates

>>67995 Anon report: Non mask wearers refused entry to shops in AZ

>>67996 Mary Jo Laupp: Started the Tic-tok campaign to disrupt Trump Rally

>>67997 Hypocrisy from NPR in reportage on protestors

>>67999, >>68016 Welcome to the NWO: Anon report from The Hague, Netherlands: lockdown protests

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9275fc62ed32b8adb10e820027ce303e46c2b94e7ef5921b4205e5f410e448f8.mp4

>>68000, >>68002 Comey, Lynch and HSBC (money laundering)

>>68004 Nadler announces investigation into firing ofSDNY US Attorney Geoffrey Berman

>>68006 Serbian President announces ruling party's victory in Parliamentary Elections

>>68007 POTUS says he could support modernizing antitrust laws

>>68010 Sessions tweet includes "Unleashed!"

>>68012 ‘Pedophile matchmaker’ was treated as respected sexology expert in Germany FOR DECADES

>>68014 Diggz on Audrey Strauss

>>68017 #12315,

(21 notables, 37 posts, 48 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172012

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9699635 Q Research General #12416: Diggz On Edition

Created 212140ZJUN20




>>68018, >>68020, >>68022 CHAZ / protest / anarchy notables

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=emZDewx7NXk - Converge Media Two People Shot in #Chop this Morning Facebook [Channel: The InternetKing]

>>68019 RELEASE: #BlueLeaks (269 GB): Law Enforcement leak

>>68021, >>68023, >>68024 A dive into how deep "The Plan" is and "Saving Israel for last… "

>>68025 Biden taps former CIA, Obama officials to handle 'pre-transition'

>>68026 Watch the water: Can drinking structured water heal?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=s1crXF1kZUk - Drinking water affects blood [Channel: kenpuffin]

>>68027 Media Begging for a 'Second Wave'

>>68028 Facebook refuses to remove "The only good cop is a dead cop" group

>>68029 Shocking leak - Powerful Zionist groups plot strategy to deprive Americans of free speech

>>68030 Report that tests to detect Covid-19 in China are positive with samples of the common cold virus

>>68031, >>68032, >>68037, >>68038 Diggz on SDNY and CF +++ cont.

>>68033 Daily Caller: Trump wants to give Richard Grenell a ‘high-level’ position

>>68034, >>68035 Wikipedia is scrubbing BLM funding. Dig call

>>68036 Q banner spotted at Patriot's rally today in Brazil

>>68039 #12316

(14 notables, 22 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172013

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9700446 Q Research General #12417: All Anon Assets Deployed Edition

Created 212312ZJUN20




>>68040 It appears that Anonymous and Antifa hacked and released the law enforcment data

>>68041 Obama’s two Chinese connections

>>68042 Democrat leaders to remove iconic Teddy Roosevelt statue

>>68043, >>68044 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. grabs a live rattlesnake. Comms?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1714b9708b429b6854d9c9b3e2b25fa8a7b49ef6140b7a9c235b8e46c40e1ae9.mp4

>>68045 On China's and Israel's collective power

>>68046, >>68054 Gannett owned newspaper apologizes after ad promises nuclear bomb in July

>>68047, >>68053 Report: NSO spyware tech found on phone of Moroccan journalist

>>68048, >>68049 Sisi's 'Declaration Of War' puts Egypt & Turkey on war footing over Libya

>>68050 Atlanta’s interim police chief: Race not a factor in the shooting of Rayshard Brooks

>>68051 Football legend offers to fly police defunding leftists to countries without police

>>68052 Last Refuge: Joseph Mifsud was activated by Israeli intelligence

>>68055 Useful articles for the SDNY, Epstein and CF +++ diggz

>>68056 Hussein's Biological Attack Countermeasures EO 13527

>>68057 Planefag Reports

>>68058 #12317

>>68059, >>68060 ---———————————--——– How do you reasonably explain what occurred? (Cap: )

(16 notables, 21 posts, 40 media/files)

Q- >>68059

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.172014

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9701197 Q Research General #12418: You Can't Censor The World Edition

Created 220047ZJUN20



>>68061 Dig: FF used to grab 'assault weapons' in Canada?

>>68062 ---———————————--——– How do you reasonably explain what occurred? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c75722be51199a9a64ce1fe0ebda456be438ebe885cbbe565a9c11dee82a6ee.mp4

>>68063 Trump says some governors made ‘Tragic Mistakes’ with nursing home CV policies

>>68064 AG Barr: Developments in Durham investigation may arrive before end of summer

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FztiTg5tYZI - AG Barr discusses the latest in Durham probe and John Bolton's book | Part 2 [Channel: Fox News]

>>68065 Sex trafficking website that took over for Backpage shut down; owner indicted

>>68066 18 murders in 24hrs in Chicago

>>68067 POTUS Schedule for Monday, June 22, 2020

>>68068 Re Q's drop: Third Degree Murder overview

>>68069 Musk sells Bel-Air home to Chinese billionaire for $12m more than he paid for it

>>68070, >>68079 Useful articles for the SDNY, Epstein and CF +++ diggz cont.

>>68071 Gavin Newsom and Warren Buffet profiting from CV?

>>68072, >>68073 ---———————————--——– Reconcile (Cap: )

>>68074 Cuomo brushes off criticism over nursing home deaths as 'shiny object'

>>68075, >>68077 DOJ: Democrats paid Pennsylvania election officials to stuff ballot box

>>68076 Coronavirus is weakening, could disappear on its own: Italian doctor

>>68078 Snowden post birthday pic with Antifa / BLM / socialist tee comms?

>>68080, >>68081 #12318

(17 notables, 21 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>68072

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9efe67 (568) No.172015

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9701958 Q Research General #12419: Cuomo Killer Edition

Created 220145ZJUN20



>>68082, >>68086 Strange Valerie Jarret tweet re minor children (ref Baron? Comms?)

>>68083 Snowden's t-shirt is 'defend encryption', correction to pb

>>68084 DC public officials paid $1b+ annually, as city lobbies for $3b bailout

>>68085, >>68087, >>68088 Uranium One and CF diggz

>>68089 Jeffrey Epstein's fugitive 'Madam' hiding behind French extradition laws

>>68090 Antitrust probe doesn't appear to be scrutinizing claims of Google's search bias

>>68091, >>68096 Anons on elderly people in care homes

>>68092 Daily Mail: Now breast, lung, bowel & prostate cancer can be treated in a WEEK

>>68093 Who benefits the most? Age demographics of 2016 Trump voters

>>68094 Is this why Jimmy Kimmel is taking the summer off?

>>68095 Planefag Reports

>>68097 #12319

(12 notables, 16 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172016

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9702738 Q Research General #12320: We Are The Majority Now Edition

Created 220254ZJUN20




>>68098 Seattle Times: Soros being blamed for funding and orchestrating protests

>>68099 Sally Yates tweets re the firing of the US Attorney

>>68100, >>68102, >>68113 #12418, #12419, #12420

>>68101 ---———————————--——– How do you reasonably explain what occurred? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4e8609a65709671063416356d13e6d107dc361c90b0cad46a3f231e93d3d12bc.mp4

>>68103 Fresh DJT

>>68104, >>68106, >>68112 Insubordinate Scientist has a COVID-19 databse and 3 names?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/110a15a527511c7717fbaf54af7face4674f767f084c5b850e199fa158014500.pdf

>>68105, >>68107 NY State has second degree murder, not third degree murder

>>68108 De Blasio offers NYC a South Africa-style ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’

>>68109 Planefag Reports

>>68110 A reindentation of Q4498 for legibility, and question to anons about '_'

>>68111 Study: White people are less likely to be gay

(11 notables, 16 posts, 15 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172017

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9703509 Q Research General #12421: Return to Ginger Mount Edition

Created 220416ZJUN20



>>68114 Protest LIVE stream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JBZi55Db2TE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>68115, >>68116, >>68126 . More on Cuomo & possible murder changes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WTMpDcqrnBw - In conversation with Andrew Cuomo [Channel: CBS Sunday Morning]

>>68117 Vernon Jones twat: No matter what @realDonaldTrump does, the liberal media complains

>>68118 Twatterfag on mapping Nat'l Cemeteries to alleged DUMBs

>>68119, >>68120, >>68121, >>68141 Planefags aloft New DJT: how his policies allowed us to survive the pandemic

>>68122 CHOP CHAZ losing the support of those that might otherwise support the BLM (it's 'bout time!!)

>>68123 New DJT on AOC challenging Schumer

>>68124, >>68140 New DJT: Don't take down Roosevelt statue, DeBlasio!

>>68125, >>68127, >>68128, >>68131 Ten ways murder becomes a federal crime

>>68129 N.Korea ready to send anti-South leaflets

>>68130, >>68133 POTUS to mark completion of border wall's 200th mile on Tuesday

>>68132, >>68142 Snowden ties to EFF who helps fund Antifa

>>68134 New DJT: Corona testing makes numbers look inflated

>>68135 Vox hit piece on Eric Trump pushing "absurd conspiracy theory on Covid-19"

>>68136 Seattle Fire Dept on response procedures to CHAZ/CHOP area

>>68137 Secret Agenda behind BLM (Truth Factory vid)

>>68138 POTUS appearing at Students for Trump on Tuesday in Phoenix, AZ

>>68139 Scavino tweeted the same meme Q did

>>68143, >>68144, >>68151, >>68154 Anon Timeline on Clinton Uranium Crimes

>>68145, >>68146, >>68147, >>68148, >>68149, >>68150 Resignations in the news 6/17/2020 thru 6/21/2020

>>68152 Seattle news narrative re CHAZ shooting death - blaming it on the Fire Dept?

>>68153 Anon on the targeting of nursing homes - was it a money grab? ANONS DIG

>>68155 Mayor Durkan, Seattle Cadre & Possible Criminal Extortion Charges

>>68156 #12421,

(24 notables, 43 posts, 46 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172018

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9704308 Q Research General #12422: AOC For Senate, Someone Turn The Lights On Edition

Created 220608ZJUN20



>>68157, >>68158, >>68159 new shooting in chaz/chop

>>68160 Plans to map the entire ocean floor by 2030 are going ahead despite the challenges of the coronavirus crisis, with almost a fifth covered so far

>>68161 NEWSMitt Romney Caught Taking Big Money Donations from George Soros Org

>>68162 The Dadu River upstream of the Three Gorges Dam is surging, it seems that the Three Gorges Dam is going to have an accident!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n87SeAM3h60 - 三峽大壩上游爆發泥石流 專家警告恐潰堤-民視台語新聞 [Channel: 民視新聞網 Formosa TV News network]

>>68163 The ‘cancel’ crew will come for you someday soon

>>68164 Backlash surges against Democrat control of cities

>>68165 Seattle’s CHOP Worse Than The ‘Complete And Total Anarchy’ Of Occupy Wall Street, NY Police Union Exec Says

>>68166 TikTok Teens Are Obsessed With Pizzagate

(8 notables, 10 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.172019

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9705131 Q Research General #12423: Last min ebake, missing 12422 (lb) notables.

Created 220922ZJUN20



>>68167 Q Graphics all in GMT #119

>>68168 Video shows ‘warlord’ begging for paramedics to go inside & save man’s life after shooting

>>68169 #12422

>>68170, >>68171, >>68175 (continued from lb) Expert warns China's Three Gorges Dam in danger of collapse

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r00YBw5Qczw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>68172 When you let scumbags loot & riot without repercussions they will continue to act like animals.

>>68173 House Ethics Committee Warns Against Posting ‘Deep Fakes’

>>68174 President Donald Trump is scheduled to visit Yuma on Tuesday to mark the completion of the 200th mile of the border wall

>>68176 Richard Grenell: This is why @realDonaldTrump’s travel restrictions are important.

>>68177 Northern Iceland experiencing intense swarm of more than 1500 quakes

>>68178 Charlotte NC Block Party turns to Drive by Shootout 2 dead 12 injured

>>68179 Nursing home employees choose unemployment checks over paychecks

>>68180 Documentary from 2017 about Antifa doing the exact same shit they're doing now.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EuNKs0RKHtw - America Under Siege: Antifa [Channel: Capital Research Center]

>>68181 Type any 3 digit number into Google followed by new cases. You cant make this #scamdemic shit up

>>68182 Stanford prof: Median infection fatality rate of coronavirus for those under 70 is just 0.04%

>>68183 President Trump Doubles Down On Plans To Refile Bid Against DACA


>>68185, >>68190, >>68198 planefag reporting

>>68186, >>68200, >>68201 Interesting thread…ties to Raz Simone to the CF thru a Strip Club ATM…

>>68187, >>68191, >>68195 requires eyes: CHAZ occupying access to a large portion of Seattle's water supply? Cal Anderson park sits on top of Lincoln reservoir.

>>68188 Jeff Sessions twat w/CAP: comms 'Unleashed' same day as Q

>>68189 Navy Times twat w/CAP: About 45 people on base “were affected by exposure to smoke and/or chlorine gas with the majority exhibiting mild symptoms,” base officials say.

>>68192 200 people clash with German police as they try to escape quarantined tower block where 700 have been locked down after coronavirus outbreak

>>68193 2010 Arab Spring Common Connections to the 2020 Black Lives Matter Movement

>>68194 "Hot mics go both ways."

>>68196 Wirecard’s Missing $2.1 Billion Didn’t Enter Philippine Financial System, Central Bank Says

>>68197 John Cardillo: Do people still believe this isn’t all coordinated?

>>68199 New DJT w/CAP: I gave John Bolton, who was incapable of being Senate confirmed because he was considered a wacko, and was not liked, a chance...

>>68202 #12423

(28 notables, 36 posts, 41 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172020

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9705880 Q Research General #12424: It's A Three Gorges Dam Shame Edition

Created 221310ZJUN20



>>68203 Federal government offices should move if DC becomes state, Grenell says

>>68204, >>68208, >>68217, >>68218, >>68225, >>68229 Now NSACAR in the hotseat

>>68205 Kevin schipp says the FBI memo on Qanon followers a terrorist group is FAKE

>>68206 tulsa anon opines on BOK rally shenanigans

>>68207, >>68219, >>68223, >>68224, >>68227 planefag reporting

>>68209 Latest Leftypol from University of Virginia: Monticello must come down next

>>68210 Many Republican voters in one New Jersey community got a surprise when they opened their mail ballots for a July 7 primary.

>>68211 An aide to the mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma, resigned Saturday ahead the city hosting President Donald Trump's campaign rally later that day.

>>68212, >>68215 BOK Center diggz mini-bun

>>68213 New Audio Released of Joe Biden and Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko Discussing the Onyshchenko Problem --- Who Was Later Poisoned

>>68214 New DJT w/CAP: Because of MAIL-IN BALLOTS, 2020 will be the most RIGGED Election in our nations history - unless this stupidity is ended...

>>68216 anon diggz: Clinton Foundation and Southern District of New York

>>68220, >>68221 anon posts some redpill on coup timeline

>>68222 Is the UFC is now putting #QAnon/#WWG1WGA symbols on their staff shirts?

>>68226 Fire breaks out at hazmat facility at U.S. air base on Okinawa

>>68228 Cheescake Factory dissing our boys in blue.

>>68230 New DJT w/CAP: Unlike the radical left, I will ALWAYS stand against socialism and with the people of Venezuela...

>>68231 #12424

(18 notables, 29 posts, 36 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172021

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9706652 Q Research General #12425: Fast and Furious, Seattle style Edition

Created 221509ZJUN20



>>68232 a good read of a 1975 news piece highlighting communist tactics

>>68233 Nascar kneeling?

>>68234 Here's the ‘zoomer’ who started the TikTok campaign against Trump's rally.

>>68235, >>68239 planefags

>>68236 Statement on temperature checks at the White House

>>68237, >>68238 Global drug trafficking/human lanes WW

>>68240 White House added a 1:00PM Press Briefing

>>68241 Reminder on Bolton

>>68242 Presidential Message on the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Okinawa

>>68243 Exclusive --- Seema Verma: Cuomo, Other Democrat Governors’ Coronavirus Nursing Home Policies Contradicted Federal Guidanc

>>68244, >>68248 Joni Ernst Proposes to Disclose Lawmakers’ PPP Loans, Potential Conflicts of Interest

>>68245 All eyes on Roberts ahead of Supreme Court's abortion ruling

>>68246, >>68255 Weiner laptop center stage?

>>68247 Putin Gives Clearest Sign Yet He’ll Seek to Extend Rule in 2024

>>68249 $2.7 Million in Meth Seized at Texas Border Crossing

>>68250, >>68252 ---———————————--——– What happens if coordination exists with select states to deliver 'printing' and 'paper' ballot recipe(s)? [secrets] to select [F] adversaries? (Cap: )

>>68251 Dozens treated for CHLORINE exposure as massive fire engulfs hazmat storage at US Okinawa base in Japan

>>68253 ---———————————--——– “Every record has been destroyed or falsified.......George Orwell, 1984 Sound familiar?

>>68254 A curious episode of conversations on Alexander Onishchenko.

>>68256 US tests new bomb that will change ‘the rules of the game’

>>68257 Printers Registered with the Secretary of State in CA

>>68258 #12425

(22 notables, 27 posts, 33 media/files)

Q- >>68250, >>68253

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9efe67 (568) No.172022

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9707421 Q Research General #12426: (You) Have Mail Edition

Created 221655ZJUN20




>>68259 anon bun / Whitmer would consider trying to block Trump rally in Michigan

>>68260 anon bun / New Audio Released of Joe Biden and Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko Discussing the Onyshchenko Problem --- Who Was Later Poisoned

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V0FBssBoPZQ - Нові факти міжнародної корупції і зовнішнього управління Україною [Channel: Інтерфакс-Україна]

>>68261 press conference starting soon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QMXKb8kof6E - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>68262 anon bun / Three Men in Thousand Oaks Arrested for Vandalizing Black Lives Matter Sign --- While Hundreds of Violent BLM Activists Continue to Rip Down US Statues without Consequence

>>68263 anon bun / ANTIFA Doc Reveals Organized Warfare Tactics in Siege of Police Precinct in WA

>>68264 super site for all things Clinton Foundation

>>68265 anon bun / Trump warns of ‘RIGGED’ election, claims millions of mail-in ballots will be forged by foreign powers

>>68266 German Police Preparing To Arrest Former Wirecard Execs As Evidence Of Massive Fraud Mounts

>>68267 anon bun / German Communist Party Unveils Statue Of "Freedom Fighter" Vladimir Lenin

>>68268 anon bun / WHO Flip Flops Again, Warns Mink Have Spread Virus To Humans "In Limited Cases"

>>68269 100's of MI Republicans Turn Over Unsolicited Ballots Sent to Dead, Non-Citizen and Underaged voters

>>68270 anon bun / Immunity for US diplomat’s wife involved in teen’s death branded ‘absurd,’ critics blast UK double standards over Assange

>>68271 anon bun / Hundreds of NJ RepublicansReceive Misprinted Ballots Listing Only Dem Candidates

>>68272 anon bun / 'Fed up' 88-year-old woman who owns liquor store shoots alleged shoplifter in back: 'I'm not taking it anymore'

>>68273 Bhaskar Patel Sentenced

>>68274 Protesters Are Burning Down Central Banks In Lebanon As Gov’t Devalues Currency

>>68275 Minneapolis PD sees wave of resignations as officers feel betrayed by city officials

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QgLuq6maMQI - Protesters Breach Minneapolis Police's 3rd Precinct, Set Fires Inside [Channel: WCCO - CBS Minnesota]

>>68276, >>68277 Refresher: 8 Russiagate Investigators You May Not Have Heard Of

>>68278, >>68279 Kayleigh: "chYna trying to rewrite history" vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QMXKb8kof6E - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>68280 anon bun / Bolton's in trouble. Check out the affidavit from Nakasone.

>>68281 anon bun / Congress Seeks to Expand Israel-US Defence Cooperation to Include Technology Sharing

>>68282 anon bun / Clinton Foundation ties to Ukraine via Google and Polaris' monitoring of human trafficking

>>68283 anon bun / Meet the “Cool Teenager” Who Started the TikTok Rally Scam…She’s Actually a 51-Year-Old Buttigieg Volunteer

>>68284 The Legacy of Mao Zedong is Mass Murder/study other sources as well, numbers given have been much higher

>>68285 #12426

>>68286 anon bun / Newsom agrees to downsize his California budget cuts in a deal with lawmakers

(26 notables, 28 posts, 40 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172023

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9708191 Q Research General #12427: Why Mess With A Karen When We Have a Kayleigh Edition

Created 221809ZJUN20




>>68287 anon bun

>>68288 Antifa member identified

>>68289 Potus: If they can protest they can go out and vote

>>68290 MLB’s Minnesota Twins remove statue honoring former owner outside Minneapolis stadium

>>68291 Coalition: Airstrikes Destroy ISIS Mountain Training Camp, Cave Hideout in Iraq

>>68292 Ideanomics saw stock price soar as it received hundreds of thousands in PPP loans/China tied co.

>>68293 Batman director Joel Schumacher has died

>>68294 104 Shot, 14 Dead in Chicago Over Father’s Day Weekend

>>68295 The Latest Reports About Wall Street’s Corruption

>>68296 How To Check If Your iPhone Is Secretly A Coronavirus Tracker

>>68297, >>68311 planefags

>>68298 CPAC Leader Warns 'Statues of Jesus Are Next.' Leftists Immediately Confirm His Concerns

>>68299 Potus: “Trump rally gives Fox News largest Saturday night audience in its history”

>>68300 Trump On Immigration: White House To Increase Restrictions On Guest Worker Programs

>>68301 BREAKING: Trump Admin Shuts Down Radio Station Run by Chinese Propaganda Outlet Phoenix TV

>>68302 Mexican Cartel Leader Threatens Government After His Mother And Sister Are Arrested

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=m2kq_ErTj1g - Amenaza 'El Marro' con más violencia en Guanajuato [Channel: Grupo REFORMA]

>>68303 WH Press Sec. Slams Dem Governors, Mayors After Spike In Violence Over The Weekend

>>68304 Hezbollah Releases Video Showcasing Targets For Possible Strike On Israel

>>68305 Militant Attacks In Nigeria and Niger Leave Dozens Dead

>>68306 Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid

>>68307 NYSE makes new push with the SEC for IPO alternative

>>68308 Far-left protestors destroy statues of missionary saint in California

>>68309 Potus: Presidential Harassment!

>>68310 Moar History to Refresh up on

>>68312 #12427,

(25 notables, 26 posts, 43 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172024

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9708964 Q Research General #12428: From Mid Summer Freeze to Hot Buns, Kun Bread Running, Mostly Edition

Created 221941ZJUN20




>>68313 Justice Department’s Antitrust Division And The Securities And Exchange Commission Sign Historic Memorandum Of Understanding

>>68314, >>68326 Trump Halts Foreign Visa Worker Programs to Free Up 600K U.S. Jobs for Americans

>>68315 A plane in the UK flew over a football game at the Etihad Stadium towing a banner reading 'White Lives Matter'.

>>68316 Ministerial staff banned from holding Labor Party positions

>>68317 Ala: Extending European sanctions on Syria and Caesar Act constitute crime against humanity

>>68318 London to Erect Statues Celebrating Mass Migration

>>68319 TALLADEGA : Confederate flags

>>68320, >>68327, >>68332 planefags

>>68321 NEW: DoD spokesperson responds @ChuckGrassley says Department has provided hundreds of records + will respond to his June 18 letter

>>68322 Moar Media Hyposcrisy

>>68323 Kiddos’ Daily, Obama's Gate II: Pulling Off The Next Coup Edition

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/54619317c2c084e7e249251700ca1d7e25810fd872fc8f63cb3dc32e918cd477.pdf

>>68324 Market Closing Numbers

>>68325 Spreadsheet & All Off-site Galleries are Updated to Q post

>>68328 Gov. Jared Polis recently extended Colorado’s state of disaster emergency for 30 days,

>>68329 WH Statement on POTUS call with Macron - urgent need for a ceasefire in Libya

>>68330 KT McFarland on the Radio with Sean Hannity re: Bolton

>>68331, >>68333 U.S. Army soldier charged with terrorism offenses for planning deadly ambush on service members in his unit

>>68334 #12428

(18 notables, 22 posts, 38 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172025

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9709773 Q Research General #12429: The Left Has A Dream, Wake Em Up Anons! Edition

Created 222130ZJUN20




>>68335, >>68338 No.9710056 Biden agrees to 3 debates with Trump

>>68336 HRC's Onward Together & Rob Reiner's Democracy Alliance (linked to MM & Indivisible) Funding ANTIFA

>>68337, >>68345 planefags

>>68339 Department head at rocket making enterprise Kovalyov sentenced to seven years for treason

>>68340 WWII monument in North Carolina vandalized with praise for communism

>>68341 Venezuela's Maduro says 'prepared' to talk to Trump

>>68342 Iranian oil tanker enters Venezuelan waters

>>68343 Venezuelan people warn us!

>>68344 China's Hainan to be tariff-free to rival Hong Kong

>>68346 Joe Biden's top Donor….Donald Sussann? Sussman co-founder of New China Cap Mgmt-Paul Wolansky Chair/CEO of same also on BoD of XI Yaun paper Ltd

>>68347 #12429

(11 notables, 13 posts, 18 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172026

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9710542 Q Research General #12430: Surf's Up! Commies BTFO! Night Shift On! Edition

Created 222256ZJUN20



>>68348, >>68349 Man present at CHOP shooting dig (with video)

>>68350 Planefag Reports

>>68351, >>68359 POTUS tweeted '212' miles of wall, anons search for meaning

>>68352 Graham: Won't advance Trump SDNY nominee without Schumer & Gillibrand consent

>>68353 Video: Biden - My niece studied Chinese at Harvard, went to China to study, now works on the relationship

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de75d521c4bc3dea3912f5911f8b2e3dd060fb3b1d74aeba9dedc9130418c956.mp4

>>68354 ---———————————--——– Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FztiTg5tYZI - AG Barr discusses the latest in Durham probe and John Bolton's book | Part 2 [Channel: Fox News]

>>68355 Biblical: Warch a huge lightning bolt strike down on Houston Courthouse

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MJFeSzUhzfk - Raw video: Lightning strikes downtown Houston civil courthouse [Channel: KHOU 11]

>>68356 Video: Mayor Jenny Durkan and Seattle leaders discuss deadly weekend in "CHOP" zone

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oUkV0sf7mcY

>>68357 Some people were finally arrested for vandalizing a... BLM sign

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fO8HQlWuB7A - Ventura County Sheriff's Office, DA Office Employees Among 3 Arrested In Vandalism Of 'BLM' Sign [Channel: KCAL News]

>>68358 Video: Keyleigh's Press Briefing from earlier today

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PfmxW3ukdfs - Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press briefing | 6/22/2020 [Channel: Fox News]

>>68360, >>68361, >>68365, >>68366 Fresh DJT, one with a mispelling, U in place of I

>>68362 Trump promises second stimulus check as part of 'generous' financial relief package

>>68363 Under fire for nursing home deaths, Cuomo tries to blame Trump, faces furious online backlash

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lP1w7DtvpzY - Cuomo: Placing Blame On His Office For Nursing Home Deaths Is A ‘Charade’ | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>68364 Protesters are attempting to declare a 'Black House Autonomous Zone' outside the White House

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f570ffd4a9cbbc5ff785587ea173450a6aa84cf98a364667973e66ddccf5b3c5.mp4

>>68367 It's Time to Bench Fauci

>>68368 Rasmussen Poll: POTUS Approval Rating at 46%, higher than Obama at same point

>>68369 The Hill breaking: Trump says Hussein may have committed treason

>>68370 #12430,

(18 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172027

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9711301 Q Research General #12431: POTUS vs Hussein - The Treason Edition

Created 230012ZJUN20



>>68371 Seattle police investigations diggz & Digg Call

>>68372, >>68374, >>68378, >>68385, >>68394 More ideas for POTUS' HUSTORY misspelling and 212

>>68373, >>68386, >>68400, >>68415 Steve Bing suicide, connections to Liz Hurley, Bill, Hanks & Gates

>>68375, >>68391 Seattle Mayor sends in police to retake East Precinct in the CHOP Zone

>>68376 White Lives Matter flag at UK match deemed 'hateful and racist'

>>68377, >>68389 POTUS' call for support: Vote Chris Jacobs For Congress #NY27

>>68379 Macron accuses Turkey of playing ‘dangerous game’ in Libya

>>68380 Father of Cleveland Heights children - looks and smells fishy: Dig Call

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kg1b92ULCmM - Father of Cleveland Heights girls who died in hammock accident opens up to 3News [Channel: WKYC Channel 3]

>>68381 Hussein joining his friend Sleepy Joe tomorrow to talk about 'what's at stake'

>>68382 Russiagate spy Christopher Steele returns with zany new tale of Kremlin conspiracy

>>68383, >>68403 Steven Mnuchin: Trump 'will consider' decoupling from China

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uRPao80Gj_k - Steven Mnuchin: Trump 'will consider' decoupling from China [Channel: Fox Business]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EECOR9-x6QE - Peter Navarro admits China trade deal is 'over' in Fox News interview [Channel: Fox News]

>>68384, >>68396, >>68399, >>68416, >>68418 LIVE STREAMS of Protestors at the WH

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lZWWAwCv_Pg - Protesters Attempt to Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue in Lafayette Square near White House [Channel: The Hill]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lZWWAwCv_Pg - Protesters Attempt to Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue in Lafayette Square near White House [Channel: The Hill]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O3BenS46EwE - Protesters, police clash after trying to tear down Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square [Channel: WUSA9]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O3BenS46EwE - Protesters, police clash after trying to tear down Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square [Channel: WUSA9]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1mlC3_XluNU - WASHINGTON DC LIVE PROTEST JUNE 22 2020 [Channel: Moshpxt]

>>68387 Video: Kayleigh McEnany scolds media for not spreading Obamagate 'conspiracy'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8IYMxP-2rsU - Kayleigh McEnany scolds media for not spreading Obamagate conspiracy [Channel: The Independent]

>>68388, >>68407, >>68408, >>68410 Protestors at the White House I

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eae518e7604b1deaa65925fedc76e73a3a84b41316d7b0c670665f27641c6a43.mp4

>>68390 CHAZ Governor Raz Simone's shady activities in Seattle & Digg Call

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d2ccdb1cc4e91f8162f23157971d9b974e80e8a19a45fea57f1d442aec5ff01c.mp4

>>68392, >>68395, >>68406 Real stats about covid-19 June 2020

>>68393 White rabbit on Anderson Cooper's baby's clothing

>>68397 San Francisco Police responding to shooting with ‘several victims’

>>68398 Don Jr's voice message in support of Nicole Malliotakis for NY11

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/48d62bdbfc6cb29aed103f8a2fc81329591c558ae5fd5f3d45fbf5b4d612801c.mp4

>>68401 These 9 brands of hand sanitizer may be deadly

>>68402 Ousted US Attorney Berman refused to sign DOJ letter criticizing NYC Mayor

>>68404 New Comey tweet

>>68405 Breaking: Jim Jordan letter to Jerry Nadler regarding his subpoena attempt of AG Barr

>>68409 30% Of Americans didn’t make their housing payment in June

>>68411, >>68413, >>68414, >>68417 Protestors at the White House II

>>68412 White House adviser Kevin Hassett leaving administration

>>68419 #12431

(27 notables, 49 posts, 51 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172028

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9712063 Q Research General #12432: Protestors At The White House Edition

Created 230117ZJUN20



>>68420, >>68428 Green windows at The White House as reporters ordered to leave

>>68421 Protestors at the White House I

>>68422 US Army Soldier charged with terrorism for planning deadly ambush on his unit members

>>68423 #12431

>>68424, >>68425, >>68426 Ideas for POTUS' HUSTORY misspelling and 212 cont.

>>68427 From the CIA Reading Room: Manly Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages pdf

>>68429 Meme - Democratic or partially democratic countries which require Voter ID

>>68430 Sen. Mazie Hirono: Barr's behaviour is very dangerous and he should resign

>>68431, >>68433 Is vandalism of a national monument a misdemeanor or felony?

>>68432, >>68438 ---———————————--——– Surrender to None ['Digital Battleground']. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: )

>>68434, >>68437 rt ---———————— Memes prep. Music prep. Organize. Unite. Prepare.

>>68435 More on POTUS calling "Treason. Treason. It's treason"

>>68436 Planefag Updates

>>68439, >>68441 rt ---———————— Use 'topic' as target practice. Adapt. Overcome.

>>68440 Great interview with Lou Dobbs and Devin Nunes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xdYgof_U2es - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>68442 ---———————————--——– INFORMATION WARFARE

>>68443 More LIVE STREAMS of Protestors at the WH

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gXB2nNI7P9U - Protesters attempt to barricade area in Washington DC [Channel: Fox News]

>>68444 State Department torches media for comparing US. to Chinese Communist Party

>>68445 #12432

(19 notables, 26 posts, 23 media/files)

Q- >>68432, >>68437, >>68441, >>68442

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9efe67 (568) No.172029

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9712830 Q Research General #12433: DIGITAL WARRIORS AT YOUR SERVICE SIR Edition

Created 230156ZJUN20



>>68446 Preparing: War Music

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hg_KZQ7k3kI

>>68447, >>68457, >>68465 On protests at the White House

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/751c0acc05e49e6e4e5c17bf87a13cc61a670406a80bf1e4f32fbae9c19ab564.mp4

>>68448 More LIVE STREAMS of Protestors at the WH

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zDH4xolcdEE

>>68449 Patriot groups stand ready to retake CHOP Zone if Mayor does not act

>>68450 Video: Tucker calls out POTUS and Reps for selling the people out to the mob

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cxxHV5vu1Mo - Tucker: Why mobs are tearing down America's monuments [Channel: Fox News]

>>68451 Seattle police investigations diggz & Digg Call cont.

>>68452 More on 'Is vandalism of a national monument a misdemeanor or felony?'

>>68453 Cotton: Feds have to impose legal consequences for statue destruction

>>68454 Re new Q on prepping - How can bakers prep?

>>68455 Canadian college exec apologizes, resigns after 'Liking' conservative tweets

>>68456 Could it be Mercer unleashed? Mercer's a lawyer in Washington DC - diggz

>>68458 Peter Navarro: Trade Deal between Trump and China is over, POTUS tweets 'still on'

>>68459 BLM DC Live info account: One of the main BLM DC relay accounts

>>68460 Answer to masks: "I have a medical condition and cannot wear a mask"

>>68461 Fresh DJT: "The China Trade Deal is fully intact"

>>68462, >>68463 Maggie Haberman calls Biden a flawed candidate and libs go nuts

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/00f6a1fea253a38799faa9dcc644db692c0da15bfce3f1f9d284b2d022a78040.mp4

>>68464 Italian Doctor: CV is losing virulence, may vanish

>>68466 Wed 06.17.2020

>>68467 HW producer accused of several sex crimes has turned himself in to authorities

>>68468 #RecallGavinNewsom: Made $1b secret mask deal with China, made masks mandatory

>>68469 Hussein was hell-bent on destroying America so we must keep #OBAMAGATE trending

>>68470 Fresh DJT

>>68471 #12433

(23 notables, 26 posts, 20 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172030

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9713534 Q Research General #12434: Memes Prep. Music Prep. Organize. Unite. Prepare Edition

Created 230241ZJUN20



>>68472 Bubba Wallace hoax getting blown up

>>68473 NEW POTUS: "Numerous people arrested in D.C. for the disgraceful vandalism, in Lafayette Park, of the magnificent Statue of Andrew Jackson, in addition to the exterior defacing of St. John’s Church across the street

>>68474 PIKES PLAN

>>68475 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, June 23, 2020

>>68476 "Multiple acts of arson witnessed at #dcprotest. @MayorBowser reportedly refuses to allow police officers to respond.

>>68477 For those anons who don't know how to counter the 'fascist' argument.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FRs-6DrnX-8 - Dinesh D'souza - Liberty University Convocation [Channel: Liberty University]


>>68479 NSWC Crane and NIWC Atlantic seek latest technology for ANTX 2021 military demonstration

>>68480 We have a week to prepare if you like my idea. 6 days before 7-4 is 6-29, which totals 17.

>>68481 Nadler (D-NY) revealed that Congress is willing to play a drastic card to make sure Attorney General William Barr respects their subpoena/he still has no nads, cards I don't know

>>68482 INSANE Far left Theory Claims CIA Is Spreading Fireworks To Destabilize The Revolution

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kbehau6nv80 - INSANE Far left Theory Claims CIA Is Spreading Fireworks To Destabilize The Revolution [Channel: Timcast]

>>68483 Joel Schumacher, director of ‘St. Elmo’s Fire,’ dies at 80


>>68485 Newly-installed technology in Dream City Church “kills 99.9% of COVID-19 within 10 minutes"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0ed960cb9341e76cce2303aa6917741bd27ff183701a6d7c6acf91c7b9ed779a.mp4

>>68486 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Blasts John Bolton: The Information He Released Puts Criminal Liability Squarely on Him

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w2OzAAvTxvA - Mike Pompeo on John Bolton: The Information He Released Puts Criminal Liability Squarely on Him [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>68487 Happy Birthday Brit Hume!

>>68488 #12434

(17 notables, 17 posts, 12 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172031

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9714328 Q Research General #12435:Ruthless.Relentless.Digital Pursuit! Edition

Created 230344ZJUN20



>>68489, >>68492 More than 2 dozen CV cases reported at Modesto Senior Center

>>68490, >>68491 Strong Cuomo Meme & Graphic using official numbers

>>68493 MEME AMMO for 'Trump says Obama may have committed treason'

>>68494 Lessons from the Lockdown --- Why are so many fewer children dying? Fewer vaccines?

>>68495, >>68506 Steve Bing and The Clintons diggz & a fresh tweet from Bill Clinton

>>68496, >>68497 Is The O9A Really Neo-Nazi? Diggz

>>68498, >>68517 Planefag Report

>>68499 Teens say they found suitcase of human remains on Seattle beach in a TikTok video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W8oiqlFLTPw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>68500, >>68501, >>68503, >>68509 Beer Summit /Bad White Cops/ Obama/ Biden/ Gates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zrksHuN7IMY - Beer Summit: Refreshing Race Relations? [Channel: ABC News]

>>68502 Gov. Newsom death toll stats as of today. 2299 deaths in skilled nursing facilities

>>68504 Trump Admin shuts down radio station run by Chinese propaganda outlet

>>68505, >>68508, >>68520 John Kerry warns of revolution if Trump wins while he lays the foundation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cLYgDh5-LH4 - Copenhagen Democracy Summit 2020 Day 2 [Channel: Alliance Of Democracies]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cLYgDh5-LH4 - Copenhagen Democracy Summit 2020 Day 2 [Channel: Alliance Of Democracies]

>>68507, >>68511 Green windows in The White House - "Good and green"?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ff06c0c354ee9ce2443131bd9c6aff8a43c92499cf7dfc64f778cff21b509a42.mp4

>>68510 SoftBank agrees to sell most of T-Mobile stake in $21bn deal

>>68512 Tech Company Tied to China Cashes in on Small Business Relief

>>68513 DC Protest Eyes On: Centre for Jewish youth offering safe house for DC protestors

>>68514, >>68515 Happening now: Protest outside de Blasio's mansion #deBlasioMustGo

>>68516 Daily Caller reporter accused of being a cop, assaulted while covering DC Protest

>>68518 Protesters arrive to White House carrying black wooden shields and wearing helmets

>>68519 Fresh DJT

>>68521 #12435

(21 notables, 33 posts, 42 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172032

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9715082 Q Research General #12436: Surrender To None Edition

Created 230506ZJUN20




>>68522, >>68539 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Fauci Edition

>>68523, >>68531 Anon nom: TX Dr. Bartlett says he found "The Silver Bullet Cure to COVID"

>>68524 Oped: The Elites Are Revolting

>>68525 Fired NY prosecutor was given Biden-Ukraine allegations in 2018 but didn’t follow up, emails show

>>68526 Federal Penalties for Insurgency, Rioting & Vandalism of Gov't Property

>>68527, >>68528 Army Cyber Command: The @NSAGov is piloting a secure DNS service for the defense industrial base

>>68529 An anon's Syria Dig/Update

>>68530 The Problem With How the Regime-Change American Left Sees the World and Themselves

>>68532 Our hearts and minds are under attack.

>>68533 Why are the CHOP organizers tweeting out pro-CCP propaganda?

>>68534 Antiviral/Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Budesonide Against Human HRV Infection Mediated via Autophagy Activation

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/92818da990bc90563b37e1be4ca4d93ded49541f00b16348228ca2afbc23d5f1.pdf

>>68535 California Gov. Gavin Newsom is facing pushback over his $1 billion deal with a Chinese manufacturer.

>>68536 @US_CYBERCOM is employing a new #virtual training platform during a full-force exercise, conducted entirely online

>>68537 Flashback: More Democrats than Republicans opposed Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968

>>68538 World Health Organisation fails to mention its 'goodwill ambassador' Peng Liyuan is the wife of China's President

>>68540 Anon nom: did an anon identified the place where Isaac Kappy's deadman switch video was filmed?

>>68541 ‘If Brooklyn Can’t Sleep, Bill de Blasio Can’t Sleep,’ New Yorkers Hold Noise Demo at Mayor’s Mansion Over Fireworks and Lawlessness

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aqtJGcvnQ6w - Noise Demo at Bill De Blasio's House [Channel: Cass Fairbanks]

>>68542 Scott Morrison says allegations former High Court Justice Dyson Heydon sexually harassed associates 'very disturbing'

>>68543 A joint Secret Service investigation led to a Mississippi man pleading guilty to making and passing counterfeit.

>>68544, >>68546 Anons' dig: CF Israel Colombia Venezuela

>>68545, >>68547 Anons' Mercer dig

>>68548 Hollyweird producer surrenders to police because he's a sex criminal.

>>68549 U.S. Attorney’s Office Shuts Down Website Promoting Prostitution and Sex Trafficking, Indicts Owner

>>68550 Can't make this shit up department: Black House Autonomous Zone?

>>68551 Abilene Man Convicted at Trial for Enticing Minor to Engage in Sexual Activity

>>68552 Iraqi Air Force blasts Daesh hideouts during the 3rd phase of "Heroes of Iraq" Operation.

>>68553 A man who launched multiple international cyber-attacks on media, bloggers, and legal news aggregation websites was sentenced on Monday to five years in federal prison

>>68554 #12436,

(28 notables, 33 posts, 39 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172033

File (hide): 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9715865 Q Research General #12437: The 'Why are the CHOP organizers tweeting out pro-CCP propaganda?' Editio

Created 230712ZJUN20




>>68555 Oded Eran steps down as shair of Bank Hapoalim on Sunday; dies from illness on Monday

>>68556, >>68557, >>68560 Antifa advertising a flag-burning event in the Gettysburg national cemetery on July 4th on FB

>>68558 Obama's exit interview: begins with quote from Teddy Roosevelt & a strange laugh by Obama

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lEjeKrZxDFQ - NPR's Exit Interview With President Obama | Morning Edition | NPR [Channel: NPR]

>>68559 USAToday affirms that Kente cloths were worn by W African empire involved in slave trade

>>68561, >>68562 Archive of tweet showing that CHAZ/CHOP supports CCP

>>68563 Live feed from CHOP; was it actually dispersed at 8 pm? (concrete barriers remain, some people)

>>68564, >>68582 After noisy demonstration, DeBlasio to investigate fireworks in NYC

>>68565, >>68566, >>68567, >>68568, >>68569, >>68573 New DIGG on The Lincoln Project

>>68570, >>68583 Steve Bing's Suicide & Bill Clinton: Why Internet seeks investigation into Elizabeth Hurley ex's suicide

>>68571 When everyone kneels, who will stand up for Western history and culture?

>>68572 How the Dems colluded to enable voter fraud

>>68574 Lincoln Project is a money-generating scam (Red State)

>>68575, >>68584 Singapore GE2020: Parliament dissolved; Writ of Election expected July 10

>>68576 Saavedra: ‘Justice Will Be Served’ (POTUS, Sec'y of Interior: no tolerance for destruction of hist. statues)

>>68577 Louisville KY will only have one polling place open for today’s election

>>68578 Soros-Funded Priorities USA Action Anti-Trump Ad BOMBARDED TV Last 2 Weeks

>>68579 More than one NASCAR drivers wives have ties to Epstein

>>68581 US politicians & their fams who advocate for China

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de75d521c4bc3dea3912f5911f8b2e3dd060fb3b1d74aeba9dedc9130418c956.mp4

>>68585 New DJT w/CAP: Washed up Creepster John Bolton is a lowlife who should be in jail, money seized, for disseminating, for profit, highly Classified information...

>>68586 Sean King: Statues of Jesus Christ are 'form of white supremacy,' should be torn down

>>68587 New DJT w/CAP: I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property...

>>68588 US Army soldier, Ethan Melzer charged in plot to ambush his unit overseas

>>68589 #12437

(23 notables, 34 posts, 26 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172034

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9716687 Q Research General #12438: Information Warfare Edition

Created 231114ZJUN20



>>68590, >>68592 POTUS Schedule for June 23, 2020 (adjusted for EDT). Yuma, San Luis, Phoenix AZ Border Wall Trip

>>68591, >>68599 Trump threatens stiff prison time after night of chaos in DC. I’ll Issue EO

>>68593 Q Graphics all in GMT #119

>>68594 Former Bank Hapoalim chairman Oded Eran dies. stepped down as chairman on Sunday, died on Monday following a serious illness.

>>68595 88-year-old liquor store owner says she shot man accused of theft because she’s ‘fed up’

>>68596 Nothing to see here: Louisville will only have one polling place open for today’s election

>>68597, >>68598 (continued from lb) Moar on O9A Soldier, Ethan Melzer

>>68600 Durham to disclose Russian collusion investigation details by end of summer

>>68601 Gretchen Whitmer to ‘Very Seriously’ Consider Trying to Prevent Trump Rally in Michigan

>>68602 renoting: Seattle officials have decided to dismantle a six-block “police-free zone” held by demonstrators in the heart of the city for more than two weeks.

>>68603 Seattle left-wing council member slapped down for claims CHOP shooting was work of right-wing agitators

>>68604 New DJT w/CAP: There will never be an “Autonomous Zone” in Washington, D.C., as long as I’m your President. If they try they will be met with serious force!

>>68605 Hollywood producer David Guillod charged with raping four women

>>68606 Rhode Island considers name change due to slavery connotations. will require voters to amend the Rhode Island Constitution

>>68607 needs verification (5/20): AOC openly calling for Gov's to keep business shut down till after P-election?

>>68608 Mandatory face mask ordinance approved in Hillsborough County, FL.

>>68609 Meme Campaign Thread BUN / (off thread), Diggs on applicable laws/data

>>68610 #12438

(18 notables, 21 posts, 13 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172035

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9717509 Q Research General #12439: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 231353ZJUN20



>>68611, >>68612, >>68613, >>68617, >>68623, >>68624, >>68630, >>68631 planefag reporting

>>68614, >>68618 POTUS en route to Yuma and Pence en route to Waukesha

>>68615 China's assault on Texas -- this project threatens US national security

>>68616 Wirecard’s Former CEO Markus Braun Arrested

>>68619, >>68625 Fired NY prosecutor Geoffrey Berman was given Biden-Ukraine allegations in 2018 but didn’t follow up, emails show. other fuggery as well.

>>68620 Hillsborough Cty, FL Sherrifs Office: Our deputies dismantled a #humantrafficking ring, saved 5 women, and are working to make contact with more victims.

>>68621 US NAVY w/CAP: #ForgedByTheSea

>>68622 Arizona Republican Party: Doors are now open and the crowd is starting to form in anticipation of President @realDonaldTrump’s address today to America’s Youth!

>>68626 memefarmer 'COVID Knowingly meme collection' added to meme ammo section

>>68627, >>68628, >>68629 (live) Coronavirus: Fauci, Trump admin.officials testify to Congress as COVID-19 cases surge

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zNwEFh_9yHM - Coronavirus: Fauci, Trump admin. officials testify to Congress as COVID-19 cases surge | FULL [Channel: Global News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-VKr-5n_yFM - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>68632 Uproar in UK as kids education pack “normalises paedophilia”

>>68633 Ben Shapiro spreading Q Drop 4495

>>68634 #12439

(13 notables, 24 posts, 37 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172036

File (hide): de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9718328 Q Research General #12440: Surrender to None Edition

Created 231544ZJUN20



>>68635, >>68636, >>68638 people from every country in the world coming here, legally and enjoying the fruits of their labor, yet we are supposedly systemically racist?

>>68637 Cuomo said Tuesday that taking down historical statues of notable American leaders is “a healthy expression” of anger

>>68639, >>68640, >>68641, >>68645, >>68646, >>68647, >>68653 earthquake west coast mexico, OAXACA, 7.4M/tsunami alert

>>68642 Call to diggz, Colorado long-term care facilities

>>68643, >>68648, >>68649 New Project Veritas vid/other FB fuckery exposed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=l7o4A16QCxE - Facebook Content Moderator: 'If Someone’s Wearing MAGA Hat, I'm Going to Delete Them for Terrorism' [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>68644, >>68652, >>68656 planefags

>>68650 Scavino twat

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8815ac98dd0896492cbcbcc79be7a9214af6ef293243255bb22b2927337594e8.mp4

>>68651 USCRIA (United States Citizen Recover Initiative Alliance, Inc.)

>>68654 A former Cincinnati mayor recently slammed Democrat-run cities for failing to take responsibility in black communities

>>68655, >>68657 President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CdwWoya0ZKI - 06/23/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>68658 TOP MEME added as a new feature to #qbrief

>>68659 Q/Meme Makers Fire!

>>68660, >>68661, >>68662, >>68664 ---———————————--——– Worth listening (reading). (Cap: vid, )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ei6O14Td89g - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>68663 Hillary Clinton: Lesson of George Orwell's '1984' is to trust 'leaders, the press, experts/ Sure, if you want to be down-trodden, NOT!

>>68665 #12440

(15 notables, 31 posts, 27 media/files)

Q- >>68660

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9efe67 (568) No.172037

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9719088 Q Research General #12441: Make It Rain Frogs Of War Edition

Created 231713ZJUN20



>>68666, >>68667 ---———————————--——– A little humor goes a long way. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e5914c562d973a63ecefeeeac8db165619b0ede42e9c9e08564dc4fccd48cd70.mp4

>>68668 New study says summer sun can kill coronavirus in 34 minutes

>>68669 Q cap

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f9d9d4bea8a253bd2929647c7fb5aebb28889eda4f97a73f98c53ff1246b9925.mp4

>>68670 Bayer Pays $10BN To Settle Thousands Of Monsanto Glyphosate Lawsuits

>>68671 DC Police on Tuesday swept out the leftist vermin in the street attempting an autonomous zone

>>68672, >>68674 Governor Huckabee on Radical Left’s Calls to Eliminate Christian Statues and Artwork

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OKyar7OEwbU - Gov. Huckabee on Radical Left: "These Crazy People on the Left Are Becoming Like Islamic Terrorists" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>68673, >>68679, >>68695, >>68697 planefags

>>68675 Background Press Call on the Visit of President Duda of the Republic of Poland

>>68676 Trump orders law enforcement to arrest memorial vandals under federal act with up to 10-year sentence

>>68677 "The Liceu Opera of Barcelona opened Monday for its first concert since March amid the coronavirus pandemic, with musicians playing for a packed audience of plants.

>>68678 Billion Dollar Firm Leaving Seattle for Phoenix Due to Unrest in the City

>>68680 ‘What happens with customer data?’ British joy over reopening of pubs muted by BoJo’s plans for owners to collect personal details

>>68681 Rudy G: Recent Events Follow The Anarchist Playbook, This Was Predicted

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HD6qR8btUbo - Recent Events Follow The Anarchist Playbook, This Was Predicted | Rudy Giuliani [Channel: Rudy W. Giuliani]

>>68682 Obama, Biden Reunion Fundraiser Raises $4 Million So Far

>>68683 Farage investigated by US Homeland Security over trip to attend Trump Tulsa rally

>>68684 A man with a history of negative run-ins with local and state police saved the life a police officer after a fiery crash

>>68685 Tampa police officers 'ambushed' by hundreds of protesters, attacked with glass while trying to find a shooting victim

>>68686, >>68689, >>68696 ---———————————--——– "You cannot attack your political opponent." The doubters will soon be believers. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b10f5bf5421d3f5088094dc06e9d0beddda153247ae70986b5f83bc3b0bb6ff0.mp4

>>68687 Meme Ammo for Keyboard Warriors

>>68688 BET Founder Robert Johnson Calls for Independent Black Lives Matter Political Party

>>68690 boatfags

>>68691 Street 'like chewing gum' as major quake hits southern Mexico, kills one

>>68692 Suspected UK Terrorist Was Released From Prison Early and Known to MI5

>>68693, >>68698, >>68701 More Strzok notes incoming.

>>68694 EXCLUSIVE-Republican former U.S. national security officials to back Biden/Deep State Is Deep

>>68699 Whitmer won't cooperate with GOP inquiry on virus in nursing homes

>>68700 German Security Agency Warns Far-Left Political Assasinations by Antifa Groups ‘No Longer Unthinkable’

>>68702 Attacking Barr

>>68703, >>68705, >>68706, >>68708 More Biden Audio Tapes From Ukraine

>>68704 Gold prices climb to highest finish since 2012 on softer dollar, trade jitters

>>68707 NYPD Rearrests Over 250 Inmates After COVID-Related Mass Jail Release

>>68709 #12441

(32 notables, 44 posts, 55 media/files)

Q- >>68666, >>68686

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9efe67 (568) No.172038

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9719894 Q Research General #12442: Shout Out To Meme Farmer! Frogs And Their Memes! Edition

Created 231832ZJUN20



>>68710 call to diggz Kerry, DeBlasio involved, and all Dem strongholds in USA where riots are

>>68711 LIVE NOW: POTUS participates in a roundtable on border security

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uhsIzrZL6oA - President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Briefing on Border Security [Channel: The White House]

>>68712 Vote Chris Jacobs Today

>>68713 Oxford University theology professor is jailed in France after downloading 28,000 child abuse images

>>68714, >>68715, >>68720, >>68722 AF1 landed at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma at 10:57 am MST. We are +3 from D.C…

>>68716 Hadi Government, Southern Separatists Agree To Ceasefire in Yemen

>>68717 @senjudiciary Today at 2:30pm: Chairman @LindseyGrahamSC will lead a hearing titled, "The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Coronavirus, and Addressing China’s Culpability."

>>68718 Hollywood executive David Guillod is charged with 11 sex crimes, including rape and kidnapping for attacks on four women dating back to 2012

>>68719 Afghan Govt: Taliban Killed 291 Security Personnel Last Week

>>68721, >>68723 ---———————————--——– Division pushed every election year [4 years]? Take ownership of yourself [your life]. (Cap: )

>>68724 Record 34.8 Million Utility Smart Meter Shipments for 2021 Despite Skyrocketing Bills, Fires, Explosions, etc

>>68725 Egypt arrests sister of political detainee Alaa Abdelfattah

>>68726 How UK's coronavirus outbreak is shrinking: App data and ONS statistics estimate between 3,300 and 3,800 new infections per day in England as virus continues weekly fade in Britain

>>68727 Tech Giants Seek New Markets Beyond Reach of US Antitrust Laws

>>68728, >>68739 2018 China refresher: Federal agents seized approximately $129,000 in cash during a search of the Boyle Heights home of L.A. City Councilman @josehuizar/New

>>68729, >>68732, >>68740 Twat flags Potus

>>68730 42 Hospitals Closed, Filed For Bankruptcy Due To COVID Pressures

>>68731 Department of Justice Announces $42 Million to Combat Illegal Manufacture and Distribution of Methamphetamine and Opioids

>>68733, >>68734 IDEX, BLM

>>68735 To this day I am getting doxxed by multiple alt right groups. Im currently being harassed in my mentions.

>>68736 Tech Giants Like Google, Apple, Amazon, Others Slam Executive Order Limiting Visas

>>68737 The Soviet Plan for ‘Ideological Subversion’ Describes Our Current Turmoil

>>68738 North Korea’s Anti-South Korea Campaign

>>68741 Benis for the keks! Street Racing

>>68742 #12442

(25 notables, 33 posts, 60 media/files)

Q- >>68721

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9efe67 (568) No.172039

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9720713 Q Research General #12443: They Want Division But They Are Not In Control Edition

Created 231944ZJUN20



>>68743 anon bun / Bayer Pays $10BN To Settle Thousands Of Monsanto Glyphosate Lawsuits

>>68744 anon bun / DOJ Just Disclosed ‘Explosive’ Handwritten Notes From Peter Strzok To Michael Flynn’s Defense Team

>>68745 defund police diggz

>>68746 anon bun / Adult Film Star Ron Jeremy Charged With 3 Counts of Rape, 1 Count Of Sexual Assault


>>68748 anon bun / Mystery Filing: Don’t Give Alan Dershowitz Access to Secret Jeffrey Epstein Files

>>68749 Chinese American Patriot!

>>68750, >>68764, >>68768, >>68770, >>68772, >>68775 planefags

>>68751 anon bun / Upcoming movie 'Cracka' imagines a world in which whites are enslaved and black people rule over America

>>68752 anon bun / Russia Calls For Immediate Ceasefire in Libya, Denounces Reports About ‘Russian Mercenaries’ As Based On False Data

>>68753 Potus Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XETVgS1zf4g - Live: Trump Visits Border Wall In Arizona | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>68754 anon bun / Solano County Man Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison for Conspiring to Engage in Sex Trafficking of a Child

>>68755 anon bun / BLM Endorses Sodomy, Abortion, Atheism and Is Anti-Family

>>68756 Half chins BLM/Act Blue diggz

>>68757 anon bun / Seattle Protesters Will Resume Meetings With City Officials in Coming Days, Organiser Says

>>68758 anon bun / Dramatic Increase In Violence In Afghanistan Ahead Of Planned Intra-Afghan Peace Talks

>>68759 anon bun / NLPC Complaint With Office of Public Responsibility Against Aaron Zelinsky

>>68760 anon bun / Air Force Disputes Pentagon Report, Says No COVID-19 Cases in Space Force

>>68761 Subject: White House travel pool report 7/wall and DACA and H1 visa comments

>>68762, >>68763, >>68773 Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland diggz

>>68765 anon bun / Twitter Flags Another Trump Tweet For "Threat Of Harm"

>>68766, >>68769, >>68771 ---———————————--——– Do you see the 'noose' used to close the garage door? (Cap: )

>>68767 anon bun / Mueller prosecutor: DOJ sentencing instructions for Roger Stone based on 'political considerations'

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f43d4b20e0ba4b1dad1443b2cea57676d3ae1a02694079147370b0d6e39c015.pdf

>>68774 anon bun

>>68776 Election Officials Dismiss Foreign Counterfeit Mail-in Ballots Claims

>>68777 #12443

(26 notables, 35 posts, 50 media/files)

Q- >>68766

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9efe67 (568) No.172040

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9721475 Q Research General #12444: The Noose Edition

Created 232048ZJUN20



>>68778 Lincoln County, Oregon has mandated masks for WHITE PEOPLE ONLY

>>68779 One Gen Z'er Dares To Speak Out: "I'm Done With Your Bull$hit!"

>>68780 Andrew Cuomo - more excuses

>>68781, >>68786 ---———————————--——– More coming? [senior] Remember your oath. (Cap: )

>>68782 Michael Flynn lawyers receive Peter Strzok notes from US attorney

>>68783, >>68796 planefags

>>68784 Syrian Air Defences Reportedly Intercept Israeli Attack on Airspace Near Town of Sweida

>>68785, >>68789, >>68790 Q cap

>>68787 I put a BLACK LIVES MATTER sign in the yard. I couldn’t believe what my neighbor said for the keks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c81c8592f59163f1da0d5586223fb2992e6a54e98c0ac967add2eca084b99aad.mp4

>>68788 Mike Griffin, the Pentagon's first undersecretary of research and engineering, and his deputy, Lisa Porter, will leave July 10,

>>68791 Trump commemorates the 200th mile of new border wall vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pRbWLB-2mwg - Trump commemorates the 200th mile of new border wall [Channel: Fox News]

>>68792 Rep. Chip Roy: It’s Time For Republicans To Stand Up For America Already

>>68793 History of the Oath of Enlistment

>>68794 Research Tool useful tool that could help organize some of the information here

>>68795 The molotov cocktail throwing lawyers who set NYPD car on fire, Judge compares them to Weather Underground.

>>68797 FBI’s FISA review suggests Carter Page investigation was uniquely flawed

>>68798 Two-star general at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is fired

>>68799 Live: POTUS arrives in Phoenix on Air Force 1 ahead of Students for Trump event

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=y-G06iPDMXk - Trump arrives in Phoenix on Air Force 1 ahead of Students for Trump event [Channel: Fox News]


>>68801 Raniere found guilty of all charges

>>68802 Yandex to raise $800 mln from new share issue, to end JV with Sberban

>>68803 Seattle officials vow to dismantle CHOP ‘autonomous zone’

>>68804 Attorney says ‘Harry Sargeant has nothing to do with Ukrainian businesses’

>>68805 Australians balk as 7-Eleven rolls out facial recognition nationwide

>>68806 POTUS arrives in Phoenix - LIVE NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=y-G06iPDMXk - Trump arrives in Phoenix on Air Force 1 ahead of Students for Trump event [Channel: Fox News]

>>68807 BREAKING: Noose Found In Bubba Wallace’s Garage Was There Since 2019, Feds Say; No Charges Will Be Filed -

>>68808 Ukraine’s Chernobyl archives: Four key revelations from declassified KGB reports

>>68809 Subject: White House travel pool report 10/ Phoenix greeters

>>68810 #12444

(29 notables, 33 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>68781

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9efe67 (568) No.172041

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9722301 Q Research General #12445: Slavery Took A Hit Today, Keep Fighting It Edition

Created 232148ZJUN20



>>68811 JACKSON, Miss. (AP) --- Walmart says it will stop displaying Mississippi state flag because of Confederate emblem.

>>68812 NY Associated Press expects a delay in vote tabulation and race calls because a large number of voters cast absentee ballots, will be tabulated on June 30.

>>68813, >>68814 Subject: White House travel pool report 11/ Church address details/vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NECadCt-EpA - 🔴 President Trump Speaks to Young Americans at Turning Point Action Convention in Phoenix [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>68815 Google Employees Demand Company ‘Defang and Defund’ Law Enforcement Agencies

>>68816 The Black Madonna in Breda, Netherlands was vandalized with "BLM."

>>68817 @USNavy Sailors, stay informed!

>>68818 Jr. live

>>68819, >>68824 planefags

>>68820 Mississippi House Passes Bill Banning Abortions on Babies With Down Syndrome

>>68821 US representative says Washington, Moscow launched technical working groups on strategic stability

>>68822 Germany orders first local lockdown since easing… High levels of cortisol associated with greater risk of death

>>68823 NEW: Alan Dershowitz's attorney confirms that his client has access to Virginia Giuffre's sealed depositions.

>>68825 John Bolton admits to illegally destroying documents in violation of the Presidential Records Act

>>68826 47 memes with the#CuomoKnowingly

>>68827 #CHAZ insurgents form a human chain to block off the East Precinct police station after rumors reached them that the police will try to take back control

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8424787ea513b01933e4b24b02c36433223f5f6ec29b55e928337f73bb30c8d7.mp4

>>68828 NY Planned Parenthood CEO Ousted Over Accusations of Abuse, ‘Systemic Racism

>>68829 #12445

(17 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

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9efe67 (568) No.172042

File (hide): bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg) (h) (u)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/9723111 Q Research General #12446: Baker Calls Night Shift! Shill Kill On! Edition

Created 232308ZJUN20



>>68830 Tampa Bay Gov. "Entire nation should be concerned about Trump Rallies"

>>68831, >>68851 Washington State forcing state wide mandatory mask wearing from Friday

>>68832 2014 WH photo of Hussein and a white rabbit looking to The Washington Monument

>>68833, >>68840, >>68841, >>68842, >>68845 Anons on the constant fireworks

>>68834, >>68839 2021 Budget wants extraterrestrial preparedness for religion removed

>>68835, >>68843 CHAZ / Protests Watch

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8424787ea513b01933e4b24b02c36433223f5f6ec29b55e928337f73bb30c8d7.mp4

>>68836 Twitter suspends Carpe Donktum after Trump retweet

>>68837, >>68846, >>68854, >>68857 Nikki Haley & more on the Bubba Wallace noose story

>>68838 Whole lotta saveable Biden Ammo (articles and mp4s)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f9d9d4bea8a253bd2929647c7fb5aebb28889eda4f97a73f98c53ff1246b9925.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0eb13ebbfa0d164959e00dd1f9ec727ce14e08292deca3b60ffe69c0a6686d5b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9ccad06ae4bab553e9596fec73500b9ef2909dff511f9c3b47d5091cbe45442a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7a305b6197aec303b598c44b0b1ae3d02f5db09e3c03d2b51d2d5090375adc8.mp4

>>68844, >>68849 Discussion: Idea to use GulagMaps to spread ammo

>>68847 Cuban freedom fighter warns: Open your eyes, America… this is how it begins

>>68848 Square: Dorsey accused of taking too much money from partnered retailers

>>68850 Unanimously passed by one vote: Kekistan General Statutes, sec. 4517(q)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HmOxbL5xbOQ - This Machine Destroys EVERYTHING - Power Hammer Compilation [Channel: Hydraulic Power Press]

>>68852 David Guillod, 'Extraction' and 'Atomic Blonde' producer, faces 11 sex crime charges

>>68853 Statement from Attorney General William P. Barr on Introduction of Lawful Access Bill

>>68855 Accused Wendy’s arsonist Natalie White was Rayshard Brooks’ ‘girlfriend’: lawyer

>>68856 Rudy tweet: WAKE UP!

>>68858 Republican Scott Taylor wins Virginia primary, to face Elaine Luria in rematch

>>68859 Planefag Report

>>68860 Republican Daniel Gade wins Virginia primary to challenge Mark Warner

>>68861 Former Sheila Jackson-Lee Staffer sentenced To 4-years for doxing Republicans

(21 notables, 32 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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