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File: de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB, 255x143, 255:143, e1c02b43c5fc1b06dad4093883….png)

436864  No.9483331[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Friday 06.05.2020

>>9480002 ————————————–——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: >>9480035)

>>9479373 ————————————–——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: >>9482956)

>>9479292 ————————————–——– Have faith. (Cap: >>9478621)

Thursday 06.04.2020 >>9479715

>>9478007 ————————————–——– Remember your oath. Remember why you joined. It's about the person standing next to you. (Cap: >>9478080)

>>9478238 ————————————–——– Biblical (Cap: >>9478378)

>>9476284 ————————————–——– Infiltration instead of invasion. (Cap: >>9476349)

>>9474380 ————————————–——– ALERT readiness: severe-critical (Caps: >>9474443)

>>9473673 ————————————–——– EAM LOYALISTS: RED1-6

>>9472818 ————————————–——– CASTLE_ROCK. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. (Cap: >>9472870)

>>9472679 ————————————–——– We are fighting for our survival. (Cap: >>9472707)

>>9471255 ————————————–——– THE NEWS IS FAKE. THE WAR IS REAL. (Cap: >>9471320)

>>9470331 ————————————–——– Operators are standing by.

>>9470223 ————————————–——– HCQ study retraction. Your life means nothing to them [sheep]. (Cap: >>9470242)

>>9469167 ————————————–——– The Enlightenment is often associated with its political revolutions and ideals... (Cap: >>9469817)

>>9468936 ————————————–——– ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction] WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. (Cap: >>9469000)

>>9468617 ————————————–——– Important to understand.

>>9468672 ————————————–——– Information Warfare Q #3608

>>9468617 ————————————–——– Important to understand. (Cap: >>9468676)

>>9468549 ————————————–——– Important to understand. Heavy protect (WH) _prev? (Cap: >>9468565)

>>9467267 ————————————–——– POTUS 'warning' meant to push 'rational thought' (peaceful protestors) _prev coordinated anarchist [anarchy 99] push to victory [WH breach]? (Cap: >>9467345, >>9467457, >>9467307 vid)

>>9466275 ————————————–——– Demons continue to serve the devil in his attempt to lead the world away from God and into sin. (Cap: >>9466316, vid: >>9466333)

>>9466087 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? Pic related

Wednesday 06.03.2020 >>9474543

>>9456958 ————————————–——– THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP.

>>9456890 ————————————–——– Safe zone(s) known. Coordinated. (Cap: >>9456963)

>>9453134 ————————————–——– Attempt to divide and control? (Cap: >>9453298)

>>9452636 ————————————–——– THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP, Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

>>9443483 ————————————–——– God wins.

>>9443386 ————————————–——– Now, re_read again. re: Antifa 'mapping' started a long time ago. (Cap: >>9447761)

>>9443292 ————————————–——– Best is yet to come. (Cap: >>9443299)

>>9443138 ————————————–——– You have more than you know

>>9442935 ————————————–——– Mistakes to some are roadmaps to others.

>>9442918 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>9447660)

Tuesday 06.02.2020 >>9474534

Monday 06.01.2020 >>9469487

Sunday 05.31.2020 >>9457178

Saturday 05.30.2020 >>9413507

Friday 05.29.2020 >>9413483

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Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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436864  No.9483336

Global Announcements

Klausutis/Scarborough diggz https://pastebin.com/FFB6n1VG


are not endorsements


Baker Change

>>9483222 CASTLE UNDER score ROCK. IMO this pertains to the Cheyenne Mountain UNDERground complex

>>9483067 2 of the police officers charged over George Floyd's deadly arrest had been less than 4 days into the job, their lawyers say

>>9482867 twatter Martial Law Poll

>>9482792 Senate Republicans approve subpoenas for ex-Obama officials on Russia probe origins

>>9482769 Here we are! RE: RED 1 - POTUS twitter removal (Q#4414)

>>9482764 Biden claims '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'

>>9482759 US conducts first airstrikes against Taliban since Eid ceasefire

>>9482744 Searching Twitter For "Racist" Returns Donald Trump As Top Result

>>9482647 BlackRock Is Bailing Out Its ETFs with Fed Money and Taxpayers Eating Losses; It’s Also the Sole Manager for $335 Billion of Federal Employees’ Retirement Funds

>>9482617 twatter censorship today. removes pro Trump video posted by Dan Scavino

>>9482616 Tennessee must let all registered voters cast ballots by mail amid coronavirus, judge rules

>>9483281 #12137


>>9481649 On this day in 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated

>>9481666 Biden's Popularity goes same route as his Mental Fortitude

>>9481679 Dan Scavino's Tweet "Healing, Not Hatred" gets Censored by Twitter.

>>9481697 The other side of "White Privilege", >>9481699, >>9481705

>>9481725 USArmyEurope tweets about #EuropeanHistory & #StrongEurope

>>9481826 Three Chinese Nationals Sentenced to Prison for Illegal Photography of U.S. Naval Installation in Key West, Florida

>>9481878 Good sum-up of what is happening

>>9481908 Slowly, the world is waking up to the Marxist Lie.

>>9481912 Twitter goes further down the Shitter: removes Trump Campaign's Tribute to George Floyd, Citing 'Copyright Claim'

>>9481925 Hypocrisy? Justifying BLM Protests while killing Small Business with COVID measures?

>>9481939 This is what we want, until Communists destroyed this.

>>9481952 You can't buy off your guilt-complex: George Floyd's GoFundMe receives 'Most Donations Ever"

>>9481964 USMC Tweet: To the Left this Time.

>>9482000 Now HRC's campaign spokesman says he wants to defund the police.

>>9482078 CDC Chief call-out to Protestors to take a COVID-19 test if they've been to the Protests

>>9482097 Senate approves 33 subpoenas for ex-Obama officials on Russian probe origins

>>9482182 Hydroxycholoroquine-critical study retracted. The study had little to no data background.

>>9482307 Boris Johnson, UK PM, tweets

>>9482318 MSM Dead Silent on freeing of US Marine from Iran.

>>9482327 Family of slain former Police Captain, David Dom, lead march down MKL Drive.

>>9482412 MN City Council says Police Dept will be dismantled and replaced with a "transformative new model of public safety", >>9482501 Is this because of .. ?

>>9482496 Unite With Pride

>>9482518 #12136


>>9480830 Twitter-thread about 'CASTLE_ROCK'

>>9480891 Defense Secretary Mark Esper sends home hundreds of Active Duty Soldiers in D.C., >>9480973

>>9480909 New (fake) trend on Twitter: #GoBaldforBLM, >>9481082, >>9481131 This is a real story though

>>9480916 Letter from General Flynn: "I'm not done"

>>9480920 POTUS Schedule for Friday, June 5, 2020

>>9481181 Dig on Kim Komando, >>9481193, >>9481202, >>9481207, >>9481221, >>9481226, >>9481312, >>9481341

>>9481263 Keish a Lance Bottoms 'accepts challenge' from Obama on how to govern her City

>>9481300 Snitches get Stitches: Karen Jr. tries to Dox Patriots

>>9481356 Live Streams of the Protests

>>9481367 Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why!

>>9481373 Australian Federal Police bust huge child sex abuse ring

>>9481381 New OP: Operation Blank Slate

>>9481388 Article from 9 years ago outlining the Shared Agenda of George Soros and Barack Obama

>>9481458 Open Society + Rockefeller Foundations >> DC Mayor Muriel Bowser

>>9481532 #12135

Previously Collected Notables

>>9479233 #12132, >>9479977 #12133, >>9480781 #12134

>>9476995 #12129, >>9477843 #12130, >>9478434 #12131

>>9474724 #12126, >>9475436 #12127, >>9476146 #12128

>>9472452 #12123, >>9473201 #12124, >>9473944 #12125

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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436864  No.9483343

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations ? go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6 NEEDS A NEW THREAD

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9260794 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #13

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>9038853 GhidraResearch Thread

International Q Research Threads

Germany #54 >>9079772

UK #15 >>9285090

Australia #8 >>9062489

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Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

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436864  No.9483346

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

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* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

57 >>9240337, 56 >>9027363

* Antifa — mega.nz/folder/xVpVnIYb#DE5xZRgLxABb4H-8EFxAug

* TwitBanners — mega.nz/folder/IBwz1aLK#yD7-abZiVgi_xmrT2nKzdw


* Abortion-Planned Parenthood-Fetal Tissue — mega.nz/folder/UBxkHAZS#W9ibdzK2i33Ms30AbotAPw

* Obamagate — mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

Keep it trending!

* 2020-May — mega.nz/folder/ZIJQwS6S#gdnJOmSQqSpcxMi4E2TSsQ

* Kung Flu — mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

HCQ, China Coronavirus, COVID-19, Gates, Attempted social control by pandemic…

* Trump Successes — mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

* VoterID/ElectionRig—mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking seminar #17: >>>/comms/15341

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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436864  No.9483355

File: 4c5a236a9d3ca64⋯.png (1.07 MB, 800x655, 160:131, 4c5a236a9d3ca64bc16c349f17….png)



Wanna Bake Sum Bred??? Shout it Out.

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19b9f3  No.9483367

File: 2fc4db4638ecd4b⋯.png (52.88 KB, 899x494, 899:494, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Buff….png)

File: 010b1cf7192ab1a⋯.png (53.08 KB, 856x498, 428:249, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Poli….png)

File: fbf37f8cd66c4a8⋯.png (60.32 KB, 880x479, 880:479, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Poli….png)

War Room Trends Report







All Hands on Deck, 'They' are attacking our Police Officers.

Are they Trying to get America to disban the Police Force?

Please take a moment to review these trends and counter.

Report Fake Bot accounts as well.

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19b9f3  No.9483372

File: f7ffdf8ff9e1c6d⋯.png (262.81 KB, 1170x853, 1170:853, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Trum….png)

Trump Tweet Storm

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55525e  No.9483375

Fuck Q trump is dead'

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19b9f3  No.9483378

File: cba9fef2969478f⋯.png (253.79 KB, 846x1069, 846:1069, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Q_Re….png)

Kun Notables

>Share it!

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19b9f3  No.9483381


and filtered

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4ff79d  No.9483385


He got laid last night. He's full of thank yous.

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212aa9  No.9483399


cant bake but I can notetake until baker arrives

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da045f  No.9483412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2fae77  No.9483413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why!


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4f9ee4  No.9483416


96 so far… holy crap!

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37d55f  No.9483417

File: 351bc1d655436a3⋯.jpg (12.87 KB, 214x225, 214:225, s_l225.jpg)


Thanks Baker. ON IT TODAY fren.

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d0647e  No.9483418

File: e9c3e403757a75a⋯.jpg (74.8 KB, 800x556, 200:139, memebetter_com_20200605081….jpg)

File: dd9f62f8b44904a⋯.jpg (81.28 KB, 800x556, 200:139, memebetter_com_20200605081….jpg)

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4c8810  No.9483419

File: 376577172758232⋯.png (440.14 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepesavagebaker.png)


Dubs on dubs! Thanks baker.

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200908  No.9483420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In case Anons have not seen this.

Candace Owens is very brave.

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48af57  No.9483421


>>9483407 (pb)

You almost 'quadded' & sniped that post baker.

Nice job!

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4f9ee4  No.9483422


108 tweets

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936737  No.9483424

>>9483369 (pb)

Thanks. Haven't skipped leg day once since I started working out!

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436864  No.9483425

File: 82ab22da501478c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x640, 2:1, muhcollector.png)


it's ok. i am guud till 0955 edt. if this goes past that? you are on muh fren

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c735dd  No.9483426

File: 792e966dcdb0448⋯.jpg (200.77 KB, 500x747, 500:747, Q1.jpg)

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703e77  No.9483427

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f3d585  No.9483428

File: ed207d71936a639⋯.png (210.36 KB, 424x332, 106:83, wizardofaus.png)


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ad7a8c  No.9483429

Don't blame white people for the Jewish man's crimes.

Don't blame white people for the Jewish man's crimes.

Don't blame white people for the Jewish man's crimes.

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c735dd  No.9483431

File: 597740478769e66⋯.jpg (220.68 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sword_and_shield2.jpg)

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32d384  No.9483432

File: aab2bd6e1962e2f⋯.png (134.68 KB, 607x345, 607:345, buriedtweet.png)

RED Alert


Twitter now burying tweets from the POTUS underneath his 2 day old retweets

Pic related was 15 tweets down!!!!

@jack is gearing up to ban him completely

as a side note:

Twitter in browser now requesting HTML canvas extraction, which can be used to identify you.

Always deny this request.


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8fac32  No.9483434

Here Are All The Senate Democrats Who Have Refused To Comment On Antifa’s Violence:

Tammy Baldwin

Michael Bennet

Richard Blumenthal

Cory Booker

Sherrod Brown

Maria Cantwell

Ben Cardin

Tom Carper

Bob Casey

Chris Coons

Catherine Cortez Masto

Tammy Duckworth

Dick Durbin

Dianne Feinstein

Kirsten Gillibrand

Kamala Harris

Maggie Hassan

Martin Heinrich

Mazie Hirono

Doug Jones

Tim Kaine

Amy Klobuchar

Patrick Leahy

Joe Manchin

Ed Markey

Bob Menendez

Jeff Merkley

Chris Murphy

Patty Murray

Gary Peters

Jack Reed

Jacky Rosen

Brian Schatz

Chuck Schumer

Jeanne Shaheen

Krysten Sinema

Tina Smith

Debbie Stabenow

Jon Tester

Tom Udall

Chris Van Hollen

Mark Warner

Elizabeth Warren

Sheldon Whitehouse

Ron Wyden

Independent Sen. Angus King

Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders


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da045f  No.9483435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


early morning dance party

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48af57  No.9483436


Doesn't matter if you deny or not, sub-routines will still get it.

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a422ef  No.9483437

bros, my governor just signed us up for at least another month of mandatory mask-wearing in public. Until the 4th of July kek.

I'm frankly disgusted and can't continue wearing one in good conscience. For over a month I've been working with this thing supporting my community which has been harder than ever because of the new volume.

Today I'm not wearing a mask, I fear I'll lose my job but I'll lose my mind if I don't.

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703e77  No.9483440

File: 6a9960fe680d051⋯.jpg (24.2 KB, 640x647, 640:647, USA_Flag.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

This anon stands with the Constitution and the President that is doing all in his power to protect it. President Donald John Trump.

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f7f0de  No.9483441


Two excellent questions.

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b4410f  No.9483442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What do you think trump and Epstein did together for all those years?

these people and trump are sick!

If you knew trump wanted to fuck his own daughter, would you have voted for him?

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32d384  No.9483443


sauce me

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19b9f3  No.9483444

File: 286b86342425399⋯.jpg (238.77 KB, 813x1024, 813:1024, blm_riot_2020.jpg)

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212aa9  No.9483445


kek at the pic, and no prob.

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8cc881  No.9483447

File: 59adf0ea4124f7a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 983x930, 983:930, 6543098213890790854.png)

File: 3314b3d6b847d24⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1173x865, 1173:865, 98128904303897.png)

File: 59adf0ea4124f7a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 983x930, 983:930, 6543098213890790854.png)

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92b15c  No.9483448

File: 8187087caf8f8ba⋯.png (815.8 KB, 945x508, 945:508, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9483280 (lb)

In Red Dawn, the invaders were Soviet, not "Russian". The distinction is important.

From out of the sky, Soviet, Nicaraguan, and Cuban troops begin landing on the football field of a Colorado high school. In a few seconds, the paratroopers have attacked the school and sent a group of teenagers fleeing into the mountains. Armed only with hunting rifles, pistols, and bows and arrows, the teens struggle to survive the bitter winter and the Soviet K.G.B. patrols hunting for them. Eventually, trouble arises when they kill a group of Soviet soldiers on patrol in the highlands. Soon they will wage their own guerrilla warfare against the invading Soviet troops under the banner of "Wolverines!" Written by Derek O'Cain


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8ba8ad  No.9483449


mornin, mornin baker

how goes the bakes

caker peekin in early, not able to bake

if d'oh notes I can watch and bake

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2fae77  No.9483450

File: 22400a88d75439f⋯.png (8.5 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


Exactly!POTUS is going to force Twitter's hand, so that they ultimately BAN his account.

This is happening. Watch.

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237cfd  No.9483451

File: 747e930df2e4728⋯.jpg (124.32 KB, 1242x1556, 621:778, EZvjfhTXQAE6yls.jpg)

File: d51361f0ba97c7a⋯.jpg (68.48 KB, 780x410, 78:41, EZvjfhUWsAAgqMD.jpg)

File: 2500730d0485644⋯.jpg (171.26 KB, 1242x770, 621:385, EZvjfhTXsAEthgB.jpg)

File: ffa26cc69b8c716⋯.jpg (180.37 KB, 1242x1588, 621:794, EZvjfhUWsAEFyRz.jpg)

Military Justice Act = PATRIOTS IN CONTROL


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cf6277  No.9483452

File: f05f71f30cc91eb⋯.png (410.88 KB, 485x484, 485:484, doorwaytoau.png)

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da045f  No.9483453


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37f133  No.9483454


How is this news, no Democrat ever condemns Antifa

I am sure someone thinks this makes an interesting point but they would have to be stupid or ignorant or both

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8f086f  No.9483455


is it possible that there's a message hidden in the delta between tweets?

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df3bd9  No.9483457

California mayor resigns over email about police killings

The mayor of a Southern California city has resigned over an email that stated he didn’t “believe there’s ever been a good person of color killed by a police officer” locally


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9d4518  No.9483458


Yayyyy…That'll save the country

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201c7a  No.9483459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen to the full tape.

trump hits on married women. he would do it to your wife too. trump can not see past his pecker!

his wife is about to divorce him.

did you see her disgust in him when he tried to force her to smile the other day?

trump is out!

what do you think trump and Epstein did together for all those years?

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f7f0de  No.9483460


George Floyd was a lowlife.

They murdered him because he was a lowlife, and they wanted to inflict trauma and cause massive race riots.

Just like Charlie Manson tried to do in the 60's.

And when the truth about George Floyd comes out, they will uneasily say that it's about all the other blacks murdered by white racist cops that we never heard from.

Liars lie.

Some for a living.

It's time to stop listening to them.

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37d55f  No.9483461

Q+ KEEP UP THE TWEET BARAGE. Put them on shaky ground early. If they want PR let them EARN every second of it.

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df3bd9  No.9483462


i always think so. possible the RT count?

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c9a829  No.9483463

File: 8d479776415e0b9⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 522x722, 261:361, SHILLS.jpg)

File: 09397f5fde2bb9b⋯.jpg (231.51 KB, 1422x699, 474:233, 3_pitiful_creatures.jpg)

File: 7dfc7696a6545a0⋯.jpg (807.17 KB, 1616x2168, 202:271, wolf_in_sheeps_meme.jpg)

File: fb7c7e42051d6b7⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 381x225, 127:75, FILTER_THE_FUCKWITS.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

Scroll or Filter

Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

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f5203f  No.9483464

File: fb25875f5e1af7f⋯.png (841.43 KB, 1441x971, 1441:971, Capture.PNG)

File: c63b0354d7f8c2c⋯.png (25.68 KB, 910x321, 910:321, c63b0354d7f8c2c7305a98c1b7….png)

File: d04cff04836864c⋯.png (232.79 KB, 1377x1012, 1377:1012, d04cff04836864c5902c7aaa7b….png)

File: 20f901738990e8c⋯.png (215.41 KB, 1361x994, 1361:994, 20f901738990e8c9b7627cd222….png)



OK somebody explain this one to me. N588AT is using the same Call Sign as the flight that returned former Iranian prisoner Michael White to the US yesterday! BAXTR95. Is this just the pilot displaying imitation as the sincerest form of flattery? kek!

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c735dd  No.9483465

File: f0f67969b5da4ee⋯.jpeg (216.85 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, f0f67969b5da4eeedf754a284….jpeg)

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c735dd  No.9483466

File: 331be6bdfc359ed⋯.jpg (752 KB, 1807x797, 1807:797, Trump.jpg)

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f7f0de  No.9483467


They were supposed to be ChiComms, until the ChiComms pitched a fit.

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48af57  No.9483468

File: c542ac7316170dd⋯.png (138.74 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Lawsuits pile up in wake of nationwide unrest over George Floyd death


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4f9ee4  No.9483469



>108 tweets

123 tweets now…

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947a31  No.9483470

File: cc037f4fa20b225⋯.png (4.23 MB, 2154x1250, 1077:625, ClipboardImage.png)


RED Dawn!

They were Russian and Soviet, They had Cuban Soviet's but they were run by the Russians.

I have not seen the new one, but am watching the old one now.

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703e77  No.9483471


Seems like they are "forcing" this:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 866b8a No.9473673 📁

Jun 4 2020 18:49:59 (EST) NEW


RED1: POTUS twitter removal

RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]


RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.


RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1




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436864  No.9483472


fast this morning. Q's got eveyone awake and active. hardstop at 0955. won't see you for handy.


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497b1e  No.9483473

>>9483427 She is the biggest danger the DNC faces this season.

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df3bd9  No.9483474

File: d7f50a33eaaf93b⋯.png (107.04 KB, 829x912, 829:912, Screenshot_2020_06_05_MAJO….png)


‘MAJOR BACKLASH’: Former Hillary Press Secretary Under Fire for Demanding US ‘Defund the Police’

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Press Secretary Brian Fallon faced a growing backlash Thursday after suggesting the United States ‘Defund the Police’ after days of widespread violence in every major American city.

“Defund the police,” posted Fallon.


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37f133  No.9483475


In the DC region where we have probably the most ignorant populace outside of NYC and San Francisco, only about 2/3 of people were wearing masks in the supermarket yesterday

A few days earlier, it was close to 100 percent and quite a lot of people were wearing masks in their cars

People seem to be waking up

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487b40  No.9483476

File: 5fc69c067c40f5d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1414x858, 707:429, the_thing.PNG)

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703e77  No.9483477


Oh, no doubt she's helping wake folks up, but some of us don't have short memories. Just keep in mind that endorsing persons is way different than endorsing some people's message.

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48af57  No.9483478


Looks like orders, not alert stages.

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c9a829  No.9483479

File: 02e0400bf903a3a⋯.jpg (23.16 KB, 237x255, 79:85, Mock_season.jpg)

File: 4c8c5bc7e0d1ad3⋯.jpg (108.72 KB, 571x511, 571:511, TRUMPS_GOT_BALLS.jpg)

File: 465697ed8598633⋯.jpg (88.82 KB, 648x371, 648:371, TRUMP_S_ON_IT.jpg)

File: 53cb698ca2a8c53⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 255x252, 85:84, taking_down_deep_state.jpg)

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f5203f  No.9483480

File: 51e0421fbc28858⋯.png (734.03 KB, 1453x985, 1453:985, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh no, wait!


Check this history anons!

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2fae77  No.9483481

File: 168eeb042a1192a⋯.png (50.53 KB, 264x200, 33:25, fk_antifa.png)

Antifa threatens to blow up Mt Rushmore

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37d55f  No.9483482

President Trump and the non traitors of the US Senate ( look at Q+ RT's to find them) are ROCK SOLID. The Joint Chiefs and Q+ are ROCK SOLID.


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fb635a  No.9483483

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f5203f  No.9483484



So we can now deduce that Michael White is at Kelly AFB receiving medical treatment for his COVID19 infection.

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f7f0de  No.9483485


Is it me or does Cuba keep sneaking closer and closer to Florida?

Also, what's the story of this plane?

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a422ef  No.9483486


>trump rebuilds it

>adds his likeness


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feb44e  No.9483487

File: 9ba5a0bbd9a5499⋯.png (556.28 KB, 1570x597, 1570:597, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Star….png)

File: 2ff31b2ed54146d⋯.png (536.81 KB, 1180x756, 295:189, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Star….png)

File: 752de8ddf58ca6d⋯.png (574.84 KB, 1221x756, 407:252, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Star….png)

File: 929b23b6e4491f5⋯.png (434.89 KB, 1129x756, 1129:756, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Star….png)

Boy that social media EO really worked!


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825d30  No.9483488



Interdasting occupational surname for a callsign.

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9d4518  No.9483489

File: 7d29b486b874350⋯.png (316.85 KB, 599x628, 599:628, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef9553c80a49e59⋯.png (48.37 KB, 120x150, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a55a12df12b74b5⋯.png (189.04 KB, 696x1330, 348:665, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a7dc37dbd8495d⋯.png (342.49 KB, 876x1448, 219:362, ClipboardImage.png)


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3295f3  No.9483490

File: 6dd8343c119874a⋯.png (6.38 MB, 3684x2520, 307:210, Screenshot_444.png)

File: a5b39d9efa2a989⋯.png (3.56 MB, 1905x836, 1905:836, Screenshot_449.png)

D5 is in Normandy

Caen Stone is quarried in Normandy

Caen Stone is a sought after stone for castles and cathedrals

Tomorrow is D Day anniversary

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487b40  No.9483491

File: 1f2a878de32df58⋯.png (472.93 KB, 815x844, 815:844, global.PNG)


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8ba8ad  No.9483492


yesterday he was stormin like Norman, geez, that's guud, awake is guud, hope you have a smooth and fruitful one

g1 upset the BMV is closed down, kek, welcome to two months ago, here we go


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8f086f  No.9483493


seems unlikely that he could reply that quickly…

must be a script running. So why not leave a message for anons?

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37d55f  No.9483494


They're executing their plan z.

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1a06ca  No.9483495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Boys? Avenge me!" - Red Dawn


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200908  No.9483496


I hope she is being protected, she put herself out there in a big way to help blacks in this country understand how the Democrats have used them.

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879a50  No.9483497

'Climate Catastrophe Is White Supremacy', Explains NASA Scientist

Climate change is a product of white supremacy, according to Dr Kate Marvel, associate research scientist at NASA.


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9535d6  No.9483498



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703e77  No.9483499


Right. Reads like "the way forward". EAM loyalists:



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c22436  No.9483500

File: ec0c5ec283bee7f⋯.png (136.86 KB, 1614x672, 269:112, Screen_Shot_2020_06_05_at_….png)

This is unbelievable…the arrogance of these people is OFF THE CHARTS…

"Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Jacob Frey is ordering city officials to begin a wide-ranging query of the damage done to the city’s infrastructure from the race riots that began last week after the death of George Floyd, planning on requesting a federal bailout for the city to repair the damages done by “protestors.”

Early preliminary estimates gauge the price tag of property damage from the riots at more than $55 million dollars. Frey is already working with U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and representatives Ilhan Omar and Betty McCollum on a potential bailout package for the city.

However, McCollum described a more realistic picture on the prospect of the Twin Cities being granted a federal bailout, which would require approval from the Republican Senate and the signature of President Trump. In an email to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, she said the chances of a bailout were slim. “To be realistic, the odds of that happening are, at best, very difficult.”


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7e88ae  No.9483501


Listen to what the black teacher is teaching On Khan history to the students when the parachutes drop at the school

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000000  No.9483502


Hi W&W

QAnon Hong Kong here.

Who really runs the Chinese Communist Party?

Why are they so afraid of the Russians?

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fb635a  No.9483503


he aint dead

he's running a ball down the court

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b4410f  No.9483504

File: 537bb42de775c8f⋯.jpeg (681.8 KB, 1061x1215, 1061:1215, 258BF3B9_5E97_4B8C_8D4F_E….jpeg)

File: ce80529e1295d8e⋯.jpeg (226.35 KB, 1125x395, 225:79, 7BA3F0CC_1270_40C8_8ED1_A….jpeg)

File: 16ea3c6eb1fb53f⋯.jpeg (486.32 KB, 1125x951, 375:317, 5021F150_8438_4AE4_A968_D….jpeg)

File: dd385d386819db3⋯.jpeg (730.67 KB, 1125x1295, 225:259, 32E07B26_D785_43E3_B8AB_6….jpeg)

File: 835194d08034a96⋯.jpeg (304.59 KB, 1125x680, 225:136, 49D92FE3_6750_46C5_8CB0_6….jpeg)

trump has officially lost his mind and the respect of the USA Military.

the military is axing trump from his “role”.

This ⬇️

The military needs to shut the q scam down. It is kushner and Miller. They have falsely and illegally presented themselves as “United states Military”. Let that sink in. That is a crime. The military must shut it down and handle the ones behind the scam being perpetrated on USA Patriots.

q is a mossad op. netenyahu is involved too. Kushner Miller trump all being controlled by the mossad.

The military must step in now.

Nice to see General Mattis speak up.

More and more military are seeing trump for what he is, a complete self serving narcissistic jackass!!!

Trump has disrespected the military too much. The top military is figuring it out. Trump is out.


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9d338a  No.9483505

File: 9986f74598ad838⋯.png (338.81 KB, 495x573, 165:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee891d243c8d358⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1024x660, 256:165, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ea46ab637d6c88⋯.png (102.11 KB, 165x272, 165:272, ClipboardImage.png)


“You’ve done your duty and now it’s time to come home.” — Secretary of the Navy Kenneth J. Braithwaite Kenneth J. Braithwaite

@SECNAV announces Truman Carrier Strike Group to return to homeport.

Aaaand ( drums rolling )Checkmate

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5440f2  No.9483506


Why you back?

This is the best you have ?

Very low IQ shill, Lurk Moar, Grow the fuck up and do some real research instead of MSM twists and edits.

Go to the archives and read all the notables surrounding epstein, child protective services, human trafficking, Clintons and Haiti.


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37f133  No.9483507


>Boy that social media EO really worked!

If the Department of Justice and FCC still refuse to act, then EOs (and laws for that matter) don't mean anything

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436864  No.9483508


sorry, but kek. mommasan does the same stuff. same convo 3 x in a row. feelz ya. noth'n but non homo luv.

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91825b  No.9483509

File: 51bf61558cb331f⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1661x1487, 1661:1487, ClipboardImage.png)



Hive is a buzzin

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df3bd9  No.9483510


dont reply to shills anon

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75afb9  No.9483511

File: c6a63688e733d5c⋯.png (125.45 KB, 500x212, 125:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7f0de  No.9483512


Fits with the 33 subpoenas theme.

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3295f3  No.9483513

File: fa1de04444087d0⋯.png (1.16 MB, 761x612, 761:612, Screenshot_450.png)

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32d384  No.9483514


anddddddddd…..now they're back to putting his most recent tweets on top.

What the fuck is @jack up to?

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c9a829  No.9483515


>The military needs to shut the q scam down

Loving the desperation…. keep it coming….lol.

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b4410f  No.9483516

File: e9081902e9367e9⋯.jpeg (239.06 KB, 1125x555, 75:37, 40353CF2_5789_40E6_8027_2….jpeg)

File: 82ff9282cb7dc10⋯.jpeg (505.86 KB, 1125x975, 15:13, E4CE0798_7E21_49F8_BFA0_B….jpeg)


Nice try you mossad fuck.

you and your kushner mossad crew lost!!

military is expelling trump kushner netenyahu mossad Zionist from the White House.

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fd70da  No.9483517

File: 30ba09e238696ac⋯.png (410.28 KB, 549x589, 549:589, dmds822.PNG)

File: 0396594ecc50d5d⋯.png (290.99 KB, 415x427, 415:427, dsportugal.PNG)

File: d1a5713d4c1c771⋯.png (151.61 KB, 878x629, 878:629, dsport.PNG)



linked in could be dif guy

The mystery caller who spoke with the new Madeleine McCann suspect minutes before she was abducted has been named as Diogo Silva by Portuguese media.

German paedophile Christian Brueckner chatted with the caller for 30 minutes on the night the three-year-old went missing from her family's villa in the resort of Praia da Luz.

Scotland Yard took the unusual step of releasing two mobile telephone numbers as part of their latest appeal to end the 13 year mystery.

The first number +315 912 730 680 is believed have been used by the prime suspect. He received a call from another Portuguese number + 351 916 510 683 while in the Praia de Luz area.

The call started at 7.32pm and ended at 8.02pm.

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91825b  No.9483518



same anon

Great posting speed.

Fire them memes

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237cfd  No.9483519

File: 1290c87ee74d65e⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 720x523, 720:523, EZvcnYXX0AU5SU_.jpg)


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2fd9b5  No.9483520

Dear shills posting anti-Jew shill code, and this includes Jews posting anti-Jew shill code.

It's not going to work.

It hasn't worked for years.

Do you see what is happening?

Race war has failed.

Antifa exposed.

The world is united.

The Q movement has transcended all races, religions, and classes.

Pics and video evidence prove this.

All of the tRuMp iS hItLeR shill code, all of the rEaL aNoNs lOvE hItLeR shill code, all of the mUhJoO shill code, it's all fake, it's all designed for one purpose, to weaken the people. To divide them.

To all of you Jews, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians, posting anti-Jew, anti-White, anti-Black, anti-Hispanic and anti-Asian shill code, I still love the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of good Jews, good Whites, good Blacks, good Hispanics and good Asians.

The satan worshipers trying and failing to divide the people are seeing justice so close that the panic response is to fall for yet another trap set by POTUS/Q.

Military head fake worked on all of you low IQ dumb fucks.

Armed Federal Agencies will be the ones taking down pantifa.


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4c8810  No.9483521


It's not a hive mind if it's the same mind, brainlet.

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9d4518  No.9483522

File: 28327e8d48dadea⋯.png (238.26 KB, 598x718, 299:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Getting to bigger "News" channels now


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93e4f0  No.9483523

File: 3441b405d324d75⋯.png (200.2 KB, 455x318, 455:318, 9000.png)

Been a good night filed a FBI and ATF report now it is time for bed. Hopefully those niggers do not try to call me and wake me up.

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e22e6b  No.9483524


I wonder if being ordered to wear a mask is an unlawful order?

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727245  No.9483525

File: b7ceeead52cf2b7⋯.png (40.17 KB, 397x249, 397:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b8ea5c0f2d501a⋯.png (23.91 KB, 396x176, 9:4, ClipboardImage.png)

BLM is planning a rally in Charleston, WV on Sunday. It's 'supposed' to be peaceful, but also noted on their FB page that they are utilizing "support and training from trained organizers and activists." I wouldn’t be surprised if AntiFa showed their faces. We don’t have much AntiFa activity here, so if they show up, my guess is they were bussed in.

There are some good ole boys that are planning to patrol the streets during that time too.

Interesting sidenotes: Charleston, WV mayor, Amy Goodwin (D), is married to Booth Goodwin, who was an Obama nominated USAG for the SDWV (stepped down in 2015). HIS father, Joseph Robert Goodwin, was a Clinton-appointed Federal Judge. New police chief in town, too. If anything is going to pop-off in rinkydink Charleston, here is the perfect set-up of “friendlies.”

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5591d6  No.9483526


Anybody have the video?

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f5203f  No.9483527

File: e7585a8eed100c1⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1442x969, 1442:969, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7f0de  No.9483528


Yeah she did. A lot of other people did too. Just saw something from Kanye about how racist it is to tell him he has to do something because he's black.

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a5a5b6  No.9483529

Lightning FX because that video used lightning effects.


Lightning FX has a diverse pool of customers including the world’s largest banks, regional banks and buy-side organizations.


Add on don't ignore or ignore if you want to be ignorant.


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c22436  No.9483530

File: 7391cc159b3cbb9⋯.png (256.34 KB, 1152x642, 192:107, Screen_Shot_2020_06_05_at_….png)




Check this on EAM…D Day tomorrow and all…


"EAM-ELAS, abbreviation of Greek Ethnikón Apeleftherotikón Métopon–Ethnikós Laïkós Apeleftherotikós Strátos, English National Liberation Front–National Popular Liberation Army, communist-sponsored resistance organization (formed September 1941) and its military wing (formed December 1942), which operated in occupied Greece during World War II. Fighting against the Germans and the Italians as well as against other guerrilla bands, particularly EDES, EAM-ELAS became the most powerful guerrilla band in the country. It also established an effective administrative apparatus, through which it ruled liberated areas."

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8ba8ad  No.9483531

File: 8c5bfbb4fede1ca⋯.png (1.49 MB, 828x779, 828:779, 73b56819bb58dc465c6485bshi….png)

File: 6f55c4b2b1ac0dc⋯.png (347.34 KB, 594x411, 198:137, 80162aaae5703e1ee2951a71ac….png)


back atcha bro

got one for ya

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fb635a  No.9483532


Shill, this board is so far past this, why do you waste your time? His public "personal life" has no relevance to the current situation. Go home. Antifa may be knocking at your door right now.

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08268d  No.9483533

Am I the only anon who is feeling a bit confused and bewildered at how we went from Patriots in control to, we are fighting for our very survival?

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f7f0de  No.9483534


Looks like the enemy playbook.

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54fe54  No.9483535

Alabama sheriff's office: 7 adults found dead in shooting and fire in home; no suspects in custody but no further threat

Alabama sheriff's office: 7 adults found dead in shooting and fire in home; no suspects in custody but no further threat


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37d55f  No.9483536

We've heard what antifa is going to do this weekend. We know what the Fake News is going to do this weekend. We know what the fake Dems are going to do this weekend.

We haven't heard SHIT about what the US Military and Q+ is going to do this weekend.

It's almost unfair… Kek

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32d384  No.9483537


Jeez wow…hes a man.

Nobody gives a fuck, and never did.

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879a50  No.9483538

Evidence That Impeachment Was A Sham - The Soros/Schiff Influenced Atlantic Council Took Money From Burisma Group, Knowing It Was Dirty Money From Organized Crime. State Department, US Embassy In Ukraine Involved In Coverup

It has been long known that the Atlantic Council, A Soros-connected think tank in Washington, D.C., is funded by the very ‘Burisma’ group of companies in Ukraine that famously funded Hunter Biden as a board member, among other payments. CDMedia has also previously released information that Joe Biden received payments from Burisma as well.

The entire impeachment affair was over a phone call with President Trump and newly-inaugurated President Zelenskiy of Ukraine over Trump’s request to investigate Biden’s ties to Burisma and organized crime. Biden is on record preventing the prosecution of Burisma in Ukraine through extortion.

Now email evidence has been released that show American officials at the U.S. embassy in Kyiv were aware that the Atlantic Council was receiving funds from a corrupt enterprise, and were warned in advance.

The head of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, who ran the impeachment sham, took a group of Congressional staffers and Atlantic Council employees to Ukraine in August right before the impeachment effort started.

So, to put it simply. The impeachment hearings were ran by a group of American officials and Atlantic Council personnel who knew the Atlantic Council was taking money from organized crime in Ukraine.

An argument could now be made that impeachment was a tactic to prevent the discovery of Democratic Party/Deep State/State Department money laundering in Ukraine.


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bb8414  No.9483539

File: 78bcfe979f2c6bf⋯.jpeg (475.64 KB, 1241x2095, 1241:2095, 96BF5AA9_55A0_40F3_8901_D….jpeg)

Interesting tweet about protective area around WH expanded


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825d30  No.9483540


Yes you are.

Go have a warm glass of milk and wait for your mother to recover from being passed around last night.

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ff1a3c  No.9483541


What happened? We’re you attacked last night? Any casualties?

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91825b  No.9483542


See >>9483518

Still swillin first coffee.

Early brain.

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e22e6b  No.9483543

File: 6729384e11cb82b⋯.jpg (20.3 KB, 480x539, 480:539, property.jpg)



He doesn't have a chin.

Who would trust him?

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54fe54  No.9483544


anon when i reviewed his timeline, i dint see any fuckery.

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201c7a  No.9483545

File: 6c7e32a815ffec3⋯.jpeg (230.75 KB, 1125x736, 1125:736, E0877970_99EC_4661_8B55_1….jpeg)

File: 354a806543a0b62⋯.jpeg (497.48 KB, 1125x1118, 1125:1118, DAF377AA_EC3D_44A1_82A0_C….jpeg)


The mossad kushner Zionist crew know they are being expelled from the White House.

Trump and his family are going to have to move to “Trump Heights” in the Goolan when this all over.

The military is axing trump from his “role”.

Mossad is all over this board.

USA Patriots are waking up.

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c9a829  No.9483546

File: ab173d0fb0b1fc0⋯.jpg (177.43 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, INT_CENSOR_NO_LAUGH.jpg)

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5591d6  No.9483547


Been waiting for them to do this.

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37d55f  No.9483548


Those messages weren't for you. They were to embolden the enemy.

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8d8c6c  No.9483549


lame. The reason we are in this mess is because retards like you never called out the parasites and shamed those who did.

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139449  No.9483550

File: 7dc455cb0d1191e⋯.jpg (430.49 KB, 1200x1553, 1200:1553, QCrumbsPrepareForStorm.jpg)



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37f133  No.9483551


>Patriots in control

That was like "we have everything" and "we can hear you breathing" and the Rothschilds would be taken down

It was all horseshit, but necessary horseshit to gain eyeballs and confuse the bad actors

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e8cd61  No.9483552

Former CIA Officer letting it rip.


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a422ef  No.9483554

who was that guy on killary's campaign that planned all her behind the scenes disruption and provocations? Visited the white house all the time during obama

honestly can't remember but wonder what he's been up to. Bob creamer? That was it. Man he must be busy

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000000  No.9483555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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212aa9  No.9483556


This guy gets it

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237cfd  No.9483557

File: e28914705d1106b⋯.jpg (765.99 KB, 1440x1920, 3:4, EZoc0vMXQAUWgdS.jpg)

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f7f0de  No.9483558


Yeah, him and Tupac.

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32d384  No.9483559


maybe its just for me, but I doubt that.

Many of his new tweets were buried under 15-20 14 hour-2day old retweets.

Seems like they are manipulating to me.

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487b40  No.9483560

File: 80254b3ef0144b5⋯.png (432.03 KB, 662x796, 331:398, open_door.PNG)


On Wednesday (June 3), organizers began using the hashtag #OpenYourLobby, calling on theaters to allow protestors inside their buildings to use restrooms, charge their phones, and take water, snacks and first aid while

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4f9ee4  No.9483561

File: a8258673fe7388f⋯.png (525.71 KB, 555x832, 555:832, Hunt_is_on.png)



7 tweets, 116 retweets.

116 days ago = Feb 10th.

How do you 'awaken' the 'induced coma' public [FAKE NEWS control] from their long sleep?

Sometimes allowing your enemies to [openly] attack…….

Logical thinking.


RED OCTOBER is here. Bolshevik COUP like in Russia 1917.

The Great Awakening.

It's happening, anons.

Prepare for ATTACK.

Watch the Water.

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38b215  No.9483562

File: ae4f8efb7fec1eb⋯.png (23.34 KB, 598x313, 598:313, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


I am so stunned. I’ve never seen numbers like this and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Steve M. @MariaBartiromo

7:41 AM · Jun 5, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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54fe54  No.9483563


dude spoiler that shit, im eating breakfast

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da045f  No.9483564

File: f434f21706cccca⋯.png (444.48 KB, 429x599, 429:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c747a71f089070e⋯.png (1005.89 KB, 1242x1556, 621:778, ClipboardImage.png)

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92b15c  No.9483565


I think the important distinction is that the Invaders were a collective of Soviets, not Russians. It's an ideology, not a nationality. The dialectic calls them Russians, and to repeat it tingles the "Russian Collusion" trigger, which was is what (((they))) hope will happen. They want our minds thinking of the 1984 Cold War "bad guys", not Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, James Comey and John Brennan. If we transposed the current events into 1984, those bad guys would be "Soviets".

I think the typical American accepts Soviet = Russian. But Soviet = Cabal = Communist

We never had it explained to us like that, so "The Russians" including all the long-suffering Russian people, became our bogeyman to collectively focus blame for everything wrong in the world. This is how (((they))) use a group's identity to hide their true intentions, while making their chosen "group" take the blame from the victims of the Collective.

It's the niggers

It's the Jews

It's the Catholics

It's the sand-niggers


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436864  No.9483566


^^fugger! kill'n muh sides




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37d55f  No.9483567


Kek. Lost a sip of coffee there.

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201c7a  No.9483568

File: 1b28be52255b5f0⋯.jpeg (505.33 KB, 1125x1764, 125:196, DF7C596F_A015_46F6_9ABE_0….jpeg)

File: aeb1355194931a8⋯.jpeg (596.34 KB, 1048x1711, 1048:1711, 9FCA5374_FDDE_4E79_810E_5….jpeg)


Watch and see.

it is coming.

you can see the desperation in kushner mossad q. q is even posting “fake news”.

the scam is over.

military is about to shut it down.

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08268d  No.9483569


Your suffering will be immense & epic.

No one plays this game without paying the price.

Remember my words.

They'll be haunting you soon.

I give you my word on that.

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32d384  No.9483570


maybe his tweet storm fucked up the algorithm. Its possible

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08268d  No.9483571


Sooner than you think.

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18719f  No.9483573


wow you must really be scared. That is good, we want you to know fear and panic. Cry more, it gives us strength to know that at any minute you will be thinking about cutting yourself tonight over a bottle of wine. It really is funny.

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f7f0de  No.9483574


The intended and unintended consequences are always intended.

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24ef7a  No.9483575


what numbers?

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5591d6  No.9483576

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2a2a24  No.9483577

File: f5a7474723aadaa⋯.jpg (402.82 KB, 2396x1600, 599:400, hayden1.jpg)

>>9483418 <<<<<<<<<<<

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763618  No.9483578


Thank you Candace Owens and thank you Anon for posting

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000000  No.9483579

Reverse engineering is often platform-specific. It is affected by the specific

operating system and hardware platform used. The primary operating system

used throughout this book is Microsoft Windows, and for a good reason. Win-

dows is the most popular reverse engineering environment, and not only

because it is the most popular operating system in general. Its lovely open-

source alternative Linux, for example, is far less relevant from a reversing

standpoint precisely because the operating system and most of the software

that runs on top of it are open-source. There’s no point in reversing open-

source products—just read the source-code, or better yet, ask the original

developer for answers. There are no secrets.

If you are not using Linux, you are potentially, unwittingly, feeding the machine

that we currently fight. Mass surveillance is not a direct threat to (you) right now

in that it's highly unlikely each of us is "profiled" outside of a server in Google.

Government profiling of individuals is highly unlikely as well and most of what

we've been hearing is more scare porn by Alphabet/Google/Cloudflare.

Make no mistake, Anons, China/Alphabet/Google/Cloudflare, this is the enemy.

I'm not here to give you a tutorial on how to install linux or how to run a tor

browser. You can figure that out in an afternoon with openly available resources.

I'm here to have you read the first paragraph I wrote several times until it sinks in.

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bba77d  No.9483580


better than being a HATER like you. Now FUCK OFF>

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f5203f  No.9483581

File: c95a6b078e2e572⋯.png (252.68 KB, 336x340, 84:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d4518  No.9483582


It's because Q and POTUS sees us as pawns or sheep. Q said it's bad for "them" thinking of us as sheep yet does the same thing, thinks we can't handle the truth or aren't important enough (Elite) to know. So we must be used to get what they want. Two sides , same shit

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487b40  No.9483583

File: 93f2eefa82b52f4⋯.png (192.28 KB, 784x358, 392:179, marked.PNG)


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9535d6  No.9483584


The best numbers.

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201c7a  No.9483585


q is kushner and Miller.

q is a mossad Zionist netenyahu scam.

USA military is about to shut it down.

trump sold his soul to the mossad Zionist.

trump was an easy target for the mossad. kushner is his handler.

USA Patriots are waking up.

Military is axing trump from his “role”.

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71c59e  No.9483586


That's RACIST.

It's high time to call out RACISTS who use "WHITE" anything for what it is.

It is RACIST to cause DIVISION.

FUCK the color labels.

Call assholes assholes, without adding a COLOR to it, and there is no RACISM.


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e22e6b  No.9483587


need to add Floyd's porn at the end.

it would contribute just the right gravitas.

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497b1e  No.9483588

>>9483477 You are absolutely correct.

In a time when almost anyone can be turned, if they have enough to lose… I have no allegiance to anyone I don't know well.

I responded to a very cryptic post… glad to know more.

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24ef7a  No.9483589


of whar?

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cc2af1  No.9483590

File: cabdb3dc7c2b386⋯.jpeg (489.32 KB, 1381x1947, 1381:1947, DF2C1EED_ED17_41BD_B18E_4….jpeg)

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df76ac  No.9483591


You're probably right. Alright, screw you Q and Trump, I'm off to join Biden and the Democrats to take you DOWN!!

Anon, is Antifa hiring??

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f7f0de  No.9483592


Black Lives Matter


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9535d6  No.9483593


Digits. What?

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cc71a1  No.9483594

File: 056e1578c40cbf8⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 844x651, 844:651, VT74fty70_56_df64rt5_55fgU….jpg)

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32d384  No.9483595

File: 8e79fd645ad1253⋯.png (512.46 KB, 504x504, 1:1, wizardsandwarlocks.png)



You dont think the NSA can literally see and hear everything they want to?

The only way to hide from them is either in plain sight, or in a fucking concrete bunker with no phones, mics, or cameras around.

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37d55f  No.9483596

Notice all the trolls are gone (except for a few black ops)?

All hands on deck in DC this weekend.

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2a2a24  No.9483597

File: 4d33523522df0e8⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 620x376, 155:94, 307c532ea9f63914f4950aa88c….jpg)

It's disquieting to think that our cells are each tiny machines of enormous complexity dancing in a web of chemical bonds and electric potentials - but nothing has changed; except our own knowledge state.

People went kind of crazy over heliocentrism too - Galileo's the idea that the earth wasn't the center of the solar system freaked people out, though nothing in the physical world had changed. Our understanding expanded and we saw the universe differently.

MSM doesn't talk about real issues to We the People.

We're fed a diet of mindless trivia and endless stories about good people, bad people, democrats, republicans meaningless labels and emotional conditioning - teaching us to be triggered by certain words images and ideas – ideas about each other ideas about nations, religions, races

Decades of mass conditioning actively interfere with our ability to understand the world and our social environment.

Information Poisoning is real.

We the People are victims of a sustained psyop propagated engineered to limit our understanding.

Our decisions can be no better than the information they are based on, and MSM news and entertainment media has knowingly, deliberately, deprived us of the truth –information we need to be good citizens, patriots,and neighbours; to stand up for ourselves and for others and to know truth when we see it.

MSM has done and continues to damage us in a multitude of ways, many we are not aware of.

Most of us know nothing about nanotech, nothing about biomorphic fields that store information outside the brain.


We don't know it is possible to synthesize peptide and restore youthful functionality to every organ system in the body.


We don't know there's a higher dimensional tunnel between every planet in the solar system


The IPS will allow us to mine trillion dollar asteroid and send cargo at almost no energy cost anywhere in the solar system.

MSM has poisoned us with bad information, deprived us of what is real, true and important. They have conditioned half the country so heavily the victims, shake, sweat, have heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, pulse and respiration at the mention of Donald J Trump's name.

MSM has done and continues to do real, measurable damage to everyone of us with repeated clips of extreme violence, idiotic political invective and depraved sexual morality.

MSM is not just protecting pedovores and crooked politicians. They are the the distribution technology of a comprehensive social control system -mind control - built by the C_A and whatever corrupt satanic hierarchy they ultimately serve.

MSM is our number one enemy and our friends families and fellow citizens are number one victims.

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54fe54  No.9483598


Ode to 'Them'

its the jews trying to destroy yous

its the satanist hating us

its the shills with their blue pills

its the ms13 which we never seen

its the cabal wanting it all

its the do nothing democrats acting like do something demon rats

its pelosi not making it cozy

its schumar yeah hes a boomer

its schiff, thank god he dont sniff

its biden hidden

its ukraine, kinda insane

and fuckem all cuz Trump and Q on the ball.


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bba77d  No.9483600


she is absolutely right. young people around the country have bought the bullshit narrative that black oppression is systemic and whitey's fault. My own daughteranon has drank the koolaid and called me a racist, bigot, homophobe because I would not jump on that bandwagon. For me….the fucking democrats have caused collateral damage in my own family. Fuck them.

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2a2a24  No.9483601

File: 1ec2de8c196d2e6⋯.jpg (914.71 KB, 2320x1258, 1160:629, download_1_.jpg)

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c42395  No.9483602


For economy rebound.

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8d8c6c  No.9483603


Interesting place to stab someone I wonder if that's cryptic medical knowledge of some sort.

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201c7a  No.9483604


You’re scared.

this speaks to trumps lack of character.

the military is axing trump from his role.

he is a self serving jackass.

military has had enough of his and the kushner bullshit.

kushner is his mossad handler.

military is about to shut the q mossad Zionist kushner scam down.

USA Patriots are figuring it out.

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08268d  No.9483605



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4c8810  No.9483606

File: 7aa070607c73b87⋯.jpg (282.42 KB, 1638x1092, 3:2, 7aa070607c73b87d2801c46ea0….jpg)

File: e8a7a30da70fc59⋯.png (659.36 KB, 941x633, 941:633, e8a7a30da70fc596356a9c7da2….png)


Right, right. I feel ya.

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9d4518  No.9483607


Okay color blind bigot

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83e428  No.9483608

File: 5b008ad835e5176⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 5101x2869, 5101:2869, public_square.jpg)

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dcb777  No.9483609

File: e11f125e320fe7c⋯.jpeg (104.77 KB, 1100x550, 2:1, 5e2b05b562fa810ec60584a9.jpeg)

A million man March in DC?

Didn't Muqtada al-Sadr just try to do that in Iraq a few months ago (and failed)? Wasn't that against Trump, too?


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fe65e6  No.9483610

One million Sorostors in DC this weekend


Q and the boys better be prepared….kek

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034983  No.9483611


foriegn operator narrative fail.

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5254fa  No.9483613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly

Radicals versus peaceful majority.

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5ac197  No.9483614



Don't hatefag me, it's just research…

She's got a Bishop for a butt-plug & a Q in'er snatch!

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24ef7a  No.9483615


awesome, godpeed patriots

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705fa2  No.9483616

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

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54fe54  No.9483617


> in a fucking concrete bunker with no phones, mics, or cameras around.

Wont help


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f7f0de  No.9483618

File: 0859118da9ffcbb⋯.png (94.82 KB, 781x698, 781:698, ClipboardImage.png)


Thought they were banned from twitter?

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f5203f  No.9483619

File: 74f899401f33927⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1442x972, 721:486, ClipboardImage.png)









My money is on Hunter Army Airfield, kek.

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cc4c65  No.9483620

Dear Q (potus, mi, whoever with influence might be monitoring this):

Can’t for the life of me imagine what secret horror could possibly compete with lawlessness, riots, destroyed businesses, destroyed communities, families, physical and mental health of decent people… what “secret threats” we face greater that the destruction we’ve already endured, that White Hats think prevents them from telling the truth to the American people?

I’m left only to imagine, and speculate, and theorize… space aliens from Zarcloph, shape shifting lizards from underground, baby flesh eaters… you better have something scarier than those to justify this horseshit game of National Security secrets worse than what is ACTUALLY happening to We the People.

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5591d6  No.9483621


Since he and the cop were into pron, been wondering if they've been posting pron here.

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08268d  No.9483622


The storm begins…

POTUS escapes from the roof.

Undisclosed location on AF1

We are ready.

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8d8c6c  No.9483623


>Million Man March

Million = MIL Lion ..

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bb8414  No.9483624

We knew this but interesting read

Counter-Terror Expert: Feds Unaware of Antifa, Black Lives Matter Communist Connections, Objectives

A counter-terrorism expert believes the riots that have taken place across the country are a “coordinated effort” by Marxist and communist groups.

John Guandolo singled out Antifa and Black Lives Matter as “communist organizations”

There are citizens who support Black Lives Matter who are in it because … they want liberty, want to make sure things are done right,” he said.

“But the leadership of Black Lives Matter, the entire reason the organization was formed, it was formed as a Marxist-communist organization,” Guandolo, who was in the FBI for 13 years and founded Understanding the Threat, said.

“The activities that it participates in, you’ve got to look at it through that lens.”

Guandolo noted protests appear “spontaneous,” but they are “immediately violent. People are armed. We now know they’re pre-staging pallets of bricks,” and police officers have been targeted.

He said he believes Antifa and Black Lives Matter are seeking to “overthrow the U.S. government.”

Guandolo, a counter-terrorism expert, said Freedom Road Socialist Organization is behind what’s going on across the country, and the media is playing a role, as well.

“When I sit down with senior government leaders and lay this out for them, I mean, their heads explode. And they realize this is as detailed and as ingrained here in the United States as the Islamic movement, the Jihadi movement,” he said.

Guandolo asserted the feds have not been aware of the connections and no one in the federal government has been putting it together.

He said Black Lives Matter wants “the anarchy. They want the chaos. What they’re doing on the streets today is communist doctrine, because when the chaos happens, then, what you get is a need for law and order and communism is a system that brings order to the community.”

Guandolo praised President Trump for calling Antifa “terrorists.”

“This is a war in the information battle space,” and he said Trump uttering those words was a “big deal.”

Guandolo said he believes Trump and others in the federal government are starting to understand the seriousness of the stakes.

“The President is starting to see how these things are connected,” he said.

According to Guandolo, when he left the FBI for the Department of Defense, he was responsible for briefing generals, attorneys general, members of Congress, and others.

“Not a one of them understood anything about the U.S. communist movement,” he said.

Speaking about the radical organizations, Guandolo said, “Their goal is to control the narrative, to control how our leaders understand what they’re doing.”

“When you tell someone in the government that Black Lives Matter is a Marxist-communist movement as a matter of objective fact, they just don’t know this,” he said.

“And then of course they’re like, ‘Well, why are we meeting with them?’ That’s my question.”

“‘Sir, why are you meeting with them? Why are you giving them legitimacy?’” Guandolo said.


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e5031e  No.9483625

This is a post for all the prayerfags. Prayers should go on the offensive, and not just be defensive in nature. Let's go on the offense.

George Soros is the right arm of the Beast himself. Just below the beast is another man, who is much smarter and better educated than the Beast, who has done most of the work and planning for their world government. All three of these men have their own cash and power. Of course, all three are cashing in on the coup attempt in this country.

Some offensive prayers about these men:

>Divide them

>Cause them to never trust each other again

>Cause them to insult and hate each other, both privately, and in the press

>Cause them to fight each other, using their own resources

>Blind them

>Deafen them

>Take away their wisdom and smarts

>Cause them to make mistake after mistake with the US, Europe, and the world

>Anything else that can screw over their plans

>Pray the same things for their rival group, who is also trying to take power

If we prayerfags start praying like this, things like this coup attempt will fail miserably. It'll also make our lives easier for the time of the end.

Good luck, and may your prayers be powerful.

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2974e9  No.9483626



>I’ve never seen numbers like this

Let’s Make America Too Prosperous to Hate

By Peter Navarro

Atlanta prided itself in the 1960s on being “the city too busy to hate.” In the 2020s, America must become the country too prosperous to hate.


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237cfd  No.9483627

File: 5b09d4fec4c55ec⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 640x479, 640:479, j7d9tpiba2351.jpg)

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201c7a  No.9483628


Biden was called back.

Obama Biden are part of the 16 year op.


trump is being axed from his role. Military has had enough of his bullshit.

remember: Obama Biden was to prevent Clinton and McCain from taking office.

Think back.

Op started in 2008.

enjoy the show.

Trump kushner mossad are out.

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45ed51  No.9483629

Q spreading more disinfo to get deep state to show hand

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37d55f  No.9483630

It's the bolsheviks. It's always been the bolsheviks. Bolsheviks are satan worshipers and on earth demons that raise evil governments to power, raise evil demons to power and in general try to blot God out of this realm by any means possible.

In DC this weekend, once again it will be the bolsheviks, the ones that destroyed Russia, keep the mideast in flames and killed Christ.

In Christ's day they were called the 'Sanhedrin'. In 1917 they were called the 'bolsheviks'. In 2020 we call them Antifa or 'EU', but it's all the same - Satan worshipers trying to drive God from this realm.

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6e2226  No.9483631


Great time to round up thousands of Antifa scumbags. These people are stupid…KEK

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92d6b6  No.9483632

File: 0ce466ab8ad6289⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 1263x1215, 421:405, Washington_DC_Lighting_Str….gif)

An approximation of where that "Biblical" lightning strike hit. @ or near #Pentagon

WUSA9 Skycam GPS 38°56'33.76"N 77° 4'38.04"W

Pic was only resized*constrained to fit into dimensions from Google Earth screener.

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ccd177  No.9483633

File: 99473839b1d6e7b⋯.jpg (844.22 KB, 1077x1921, 1077:1921, Screenshot_20200604_194127….jpg)

what's the consensus with Q people these days???? Does ANYONE think this is ANYTHING but a way to stall until the election? make sure to Trust Sessions

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a422ef  No.9483634

File: b5410ebac648e15⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, the_hounds.png)

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37d55f  No.9483635



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c14929  No.9483636

Keep hearing MSM tell us that the FBI labeled Qanon a "terrorist threat". But the MSM articles don't really provide a link or sauce to back this up. I've heard it said so many times though. Is there any truth to it?

Quote: "The FBI intelligence bulletin from the bureau’s Phoenix field office, dated May 30, 2019, describes “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists,” as a growing threat, and notes that it is the first such report to do so. It lists a number of arrests, including some that haven’t been publicized, related to violent incidents motivated by fringe beliefs.

The document specifically mentions QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy against President Trump, and Pizzagate,"

Does an "unpublished" report issued by a single "field office" constitute a FBI policy or conclusion? Can any field office publish anything they want, without oversight from Wray?



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2fd9b5  No.9483637


Your anxiety is palpable.

Patriots must be winning in your corrupt mind.

The reason we are in this mess is because of retards like you never called out the Satanists and shamed those who did.


You're a parasite lover.

You're a parasite slave.


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08268d  No.9483638

Anyone remember the million muslim march in DC? 2 million bikers showed up and only 5 or 6 muslims showed up.

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18719f  No.9483639


Oh am i, ready for you whenever you are ready faggot. Here let me copy your spacing so your faggot mind can read it.





HAHAHAHAHAHAH what are you a chink a jew what? Seriously how much dick do you suck between your breaks? DO you have aids is this why you are taking this job to pay for your meds.I mean there are other ways other than whoring yourself out like your mother did.

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22e10a  No.9483640


and filtered

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32d384  No.9483641


kek. I doubt that but ok. I suppose its possible even probable NSA boys have the tech to do that, but thatd be pretty mind blowing.

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5440f2  No.9483642


Go home clown, we know you are contracted by an alphabet agency local or foreign


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2a6eed  No.9483643

File: 0613a1ead4d1004⋯.jpeg (73.37 KB, 500x596, 125:149, AC94854E_61FE_4CA8_BB43_5….jpeg)

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92d6b6  No.9483644

File: 0de9f987868bfa4⋯.png (418.82 KB, 911x600, 911:600, Austin_Steinbart.png)

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54fe54  No.9483645


energy weapon?

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5591d6  No.9483647



They'll just say its his twin. Was his twin at the funeral?

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92d6b6  No.9483648


I have absolutely no clue. I can assume but what good is that. Never seen anything like it.

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8d8c6c  No.9483649


No I just call the Jews for what they are.

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201c7a  No.9483650


American Patriot here.

Clearly you are a mossad fuck. Easy to fish you devils out.

Netenyahu kushner mossad Zionists have failed.

Military is axing trump from his role.

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08268d  No.9483651


As much as we all want to believe it was something more, I'm pretty sure it was nothing more than a normal lighting strike.

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59d08d  No.9483652

File: 1b70eb47f481fe9⋯.png (47.96 KB, 1964x268, 491:67, MarketPop.png)

I bet "Tyler Durden" is jumping off a cliff right now.

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947a31  No.9483653


Good tactic!

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763618  No.9483654

Wear your Masks America - we have a national dress code

Your orange jumpsuits will be ready right after the 2020 election

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ccd177  No.9483655


ummmmmmm they're literally just letting them out of jail farthest thing from a fucking Punisher logo, absolute fucking psyop joke

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2fd9b5  No.9483656


You could be a Jew posting anti-Jew memes to make this board falsely appear as Nazi.

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48af57  No.9483657


Still have to wonder what instruc1 of Sec of Def will be though.

RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

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a422ef  No.9483658


I do wish for some kinda HAARP or orbital DEW, could be happenstance but you know what they say about coincidences

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000000  No.9483659




Rudyard Kipling

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2a6eed  No.9483660

File: c81b0f8faf44db3⋯.jpeg (268.26 KB, 480x796, 120:199, 2E0C7930_21A5_4037_9F86_2….jpeg)

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c9a829  No.9483661

File: 4e791069048b20a⋯.png (478.45 KB, 666x500, 333:250, USEFUL_IDIOTS.png)

File: 5ce44cb36b101c4⋯.jpg (250.8 KB, 598x900, 299:450, CHOOSING_WHO_IS_FIRST.jpg)

File: ab6e641039ba498⋯.jpg (121.34 KB, 710x532, 355:266, ALL_ANIMALS_CAN_KILL_PREDA….jpg)

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703e77  No.9483662

File: 81e058eefbeb743⋯.gif (4.28 MB, 240x182, 120:91, popcorn.gif)

I do wonder if this tweet storm is just going to keep going until @Jack boots his account? It's unfortunate to say, but I know folks that will cheer when that happens. I'll be cheering, too, but for an entirely different reason.

Very thankful to Q team for keeping anons in the loop!

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bba77d  No.9483663

File: 562f7c3fc3df725⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 700x400, 7:4, cornholio.jpg)


TP for my bunghole. Do you have TP?

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201c7a  No.9483664



Mossad is clearly trying to slide the board.

kushner mossad netenyahu trump Zionists are out.

USA military is axing trump from his role.

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436864  No.9483665

notables bun @ 250

notetaker around? need a quick wurkfag break. lemme know

bred is moov'n n groov'n anons. czech 'em


>>9483583 Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns

>>9483562 New DJT twat w/CAP: I am so stunned. I’ve never seen numbers like this and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Steve M. @MariaBartiromo

>>9483535 Alabama sheriff's office: 7 adults found dead in shooting and fire in home; no suspects in custody but no further threat

>>US Navy twat w/CAP: “You’ve done your duty and now it’s time to come home.”

>>9483500 Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Asking for $55 Million Federal Bailout to Repair Race Riot Damages

>>9483464, >>9483480, >>9483527, >>9483619 planefag reporting

>>9483457 California mayor resigns over email about police killings

>>9483432, >>9483522 anon posits on DJT twatter blackout and ban

>>9483434 Here Are All The Senate Democrats Who Have Refused To Comment On Antifa’s Violence

>>9483413 Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why

>>9483367 War Room Trends Report

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879a50  No.9483666

File: 6364b44859c00aa⋯.jpg (164.41 KB, 620x417, 620:417, DDay.jpg)

This Day in History, June 5: FDR takes United States off the gold standard

On June 5 1933, the United States went off the gold standard, a monetary system in which currency is backed by gold, when Congress enacted a joint resolution nullifying the right of creditors to demand payment in gold. The United States had been on a gold standard since 1879, except for an embargo on gold exports during World War I

This Day in History, June 6: D-Day

The D-Day landing of June 6 1944, ranks as the boldest and most successful large-scale invasion in military history, one of the most consequential developments of World War II instrumental in defeating the Axis power, and the most memorable WW2 moment. Codenamed Operation Neptune, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history. Churchill and Roosevelt Spent Years Planning D-Day. From the beginning, Roosevelt and Churchill knew that a massive invasion of mainland Europe was mandatory for a total and unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. Churchill pressured Roosevelt to send U.S. troops. The day after Pearl Harbor, he did.

But almost nothing went exactly as planned on June 6, 1944. In the end, partly due to poor weather and visibility, bombers failed to take out key artillery, particularly at Omaha Beach. Many paratroopers were dropped far off their marks and became vulnerable to German snipers. And during the land invasion, a critical fleet of marine tanks sunk in stormy seas and failed to make it ashore. Despite the setbacks, Allied troops pushed through and by pure grit, got the job done.


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83e428  No.9483667



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000000  No.9483668


You're in a position where you have to choose to fight or die a violent death and you're choosing the latter.

Yes, both sides are jewed to the core. That's the ruse! No matter what, jews win!

On one side, you have chinky jews who use starvation and violence to control.

On the other side, you have "white" jews who use desire and encouragement to control.

There is no third option. Surprise, you woke up on Earth!

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947a31  No.9483669



Well said

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237cfd  No.9483670

File: cc36c208e03dd5d⋯.jpg (81.07 KB, 1100x731, 1100:731, 92qeebb5q2351.jpg)

The biggest pandemic in decades ends and one week later the biggest riots in decades occur.

Sure, this isn't orchestrated, it's just coincidence.

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a422ef  No.9483671


oy vey shut it down

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d2f88e  No.9483672

File: 385db23add5898d⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB, 360x542, 180:271, YPLROTvkYiId_XjR.mp4)

Lefties burn down the Nashville Tennessee Court House.


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bb073e  No.9483673

File: 91a137a6cba204b⋯.jpg (95.23 KB, 1024x824, 128:103, pepe_good_morning.jpg)

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24b738  No.9483674

Regarding castle rock referring to Cheyenne mountain, it could also refer to raven rock, one of the main cog bunkers.

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2fae77  No.9483675

File: ba9709608bf9d69⋯.jpg (77.69 KB, 640x887, 640:887, cat_girl.jpg)

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48af57  No.9483676


Are you in a D controlled state or city?

If so, then you already have your answer.

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24ef7a  No.9483677

Castle rock is the white house

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efdc55  No.9483678


Good luck. Could take the religious angle and say you feel the masks are the mark of the beast warned about in revelation (can't buy or sell without it) and therefore for religious purposes you cannot comply.

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bb8414  No.9483679

File: 70cda16078fff33⋯.jpeg (61.23 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 466A7794_0B84_458B_813D_2….jpeg)

Unemployment Falls to 13.3% and Economy Adds 2.5 Million Jobs

The unemployment rate fell to a 13.3 percent and payrolls unexpectedly rose by 2.5 million workers as the easing of restrictions on business activity led to new hiring in May.

The U.S. unemployment rate rose above last month’s record-high 14.7 percent, which was the highest on record in data going back to 1948. Economists estimate that the unemployment rate reached 25 percent during the Great Depression, although that predated the scientific economy-wide record keeping the government now deploys.

The job gains mark a sudden turnaround from a month earlier, when the economy shed a staggering 20.5 million jobs, by far the worst monthly decline on records back to 1939.

Economists had expected the unemployment rate to rise to nearly 20 percent and the economy to shed an additional 8 million jobs.

The mandatory closures of many businesses and stay-at-home orders slammed what had been a very healthy labor market hard. The economy added jobs for 113 straight weeks through February, a record streak of growth. The unemployment rate was 3.5 percent in February. And yet job creation was running very hot, with the economy adding an average of 211,000 new jobs each month.

The government has undertaken unprecedented efforts to support employment and provide aid to those who have lost their jobs. Around 150 million taxpayers received stimulus payments of up to $1200 for adults in their household plus additional amounts for children. The Treasury’s Paycheck Protection Program is backing $669 billion of loans to small businesses that can be forgiven if borrowers do not lay off workers. The federal government has been providing an additional $600 on top of state unemployment benefits, paying some Americans more than they earned on the job.

Recent data suggest the labor market has been stabilizing and is now improving. The number of people applying for unemployment benefits has declined every week since hitting a record high 6.8 million in March. Last week, this number fell to around 1.8 million. Over 40 million new claims have been made for unemployment since the wave but ongoing claims are just over 20 million, indicating many Americans have been rehired after losing jobs.


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f7f0de  No.9483680

File: 3c5c4c32c8d2138⋯.png (110.29 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; Fight against those who fight against me.

Take hold of buckler and shield, And rise up for my help.

Draw also the spear and the battle-axe to meet those who pursue me; Say to my soul, "I am your salvation."

Let those be ashamed and dishonored who seek my life; Let those be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against me.

For without cause they hid their net for me; Without cause they dug a pit for my soul.

Malicious witnesses rise up; They ask me of things that I do not know.

They repay me evil for good, To the bereavement of my soul.

But at my stumbling they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together; The smiters whom I did not know gathered together against me, They slandered me without ceasing.

Like godless jesters at a feast, They gnashed at me with their teeth.

For they do not speak peace, But they devise deceitful words against those who are quiet in the land.

Let them be like chaff before the wind, With the angel of the LORD driving them on.

Let their way be dark and slippery, With the angel of the LORD pursuing them.

Let destruction come upon him unawares; And let the net which he hid catch himself; Into that very destruction let him fall.

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1fd0d5  No.9483681


that lightning appeared twice in that vid, that's strange also.

god job anon with that geo

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f5203f  No.9483682

File: 8780b32d95a1209⋯.png (996.42 KB, 1095x887, 1095:887, ClipboardImage.png)







Bob's your uncle.


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436864  No.9483683



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825d30  No.9483684


Got a non-link, Baker.

Please change to the following:

>>9483505 US Navy twat w/CAP: “You’ve done your duty and now it’s time to come home.”

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861576  No.9483685


I couldn’t find a legitimate document either. I also tried finding one for Antifa being labeled a terrorist org back in 2017 but there were only statements in news articles for that too.

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54fe54  No.9483686


i can collect for ya anon


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559167  No.9483687

File: 92394131f3773a0⋯.png (991.16 KB, 788x784, 197:196, coffee.png)

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2a6eed  No.9483688

File: 13f5fc96beab51c⋯.png (240 KB, 943x648, 943:648, 9B3EE330_9D30_403C_83A0_1E….png)

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a422ef  No.9483689


just crazy enough to work!

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48af57  No.9483690


Inside a faraday cage.

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237cfd  No.9483691

File: 9936c957eeb5a51⋯.png (809.31 KB, 1266x538, 633:269, 8xsrqf2a03351.png)

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18719f  No.9483692


anti-jew memes ,yeah i have a few of those but still you are a projecting faggot that should leave and go back to facebook. This is not a good place for you obviously you are too retarded, must be those recessed mongo genes of yours kicking in.

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2fd9b5  No.9483693


You don't know what they are because you are using an anti-scientific basis.

You could be a Jew posting anti-Jew shill code in order to trick people into falsely believing the Q movement is neo-nazi.

Problem for you low IQ dumb fucks is that the people are able to and are arriving at the truth on their own.

You're not calling the Jews for what they are, you're just attacking people you have never even met because your real goal is to portray a narrative here on this site.

This site must scare the living shit out of you.

Try try try as you may, you have been in a constant fail state since at least Oct 2017.

Your old guard code has been exposed as nothing but artificial.

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436864  No.9483694


ty anon. fixed it.

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5ac197  No.9483695

File: 0b2f879fe81580f⋯.png (782.12 KB, 640x947, 640:947, pepe_helpin_danielle_delau….png)


Shit just ain't wurking' very well here.

First its 'Status: 0's, now no image upload attached to the file!

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b56e59  No.9483696

File: 5ef70651e4615b3⋯.png (291.22 KB, 600x409, 600:409, 102581139_289626558738568_….png)

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48af57  No.9483697


^^^^^^^^^^^ A racist still pushing bigotry.

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81655e  No.9483698

File: d45dcc2fc1a95b4⋯.png (240.95 KB, 380x572, 95:143, areyouSTUPID.png)

File: 3d0615e6cea9f6b⋯.png (243.24 KB, 408x615, 136:205, areyouRACIST.png)

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436864  No.9483699


can you do a drop at 600? i can take the last mile. appreciated WR.

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5e5732  No.9483700

i am the shadow president

i just think it isn't fair

to the american people

or anyone that puts on a uniform

to serve the government

to have people behind <teh> scenes

pulling strings.

there should be transparency.

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c22436  No.9483701


>Thank you Candace Owens


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947a31  No.9483702

File: 65954cd154f19e0⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1902x1212, 317:202, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca656c  No.9483703


do we know exactly what time it hit?

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d0647e  No.9483704


So if the yellow is the owl could this be the

1 owl 1 that Q referenced?

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9d4518  No.9483705



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a53034  No.9483706


We will be lookin' for friendly rally patches "out there" , its a simple way to identify each other !

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bd3f4a  No.9483707

File: 83340cb9aa79d07⋯.jpg (354.69 KB, 970x979, 970:979, Odonnelmer.jpg)

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54fe54  No.9483708


yes will drop at roughly 600

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48af57  No.9483709


Why would he escape from the roof, when the underground train beneath the WH can take him straight to Camp David?

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8d8c6c  No.9483710


I'm just here for the end times anon.

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201c7a  No.9483711

File: 81d7c2840633336⋯.jpeg (770.65 KB, 1125x1165, 225:233, 3BC65227_6086_4876_B16A_1….jpeg)

File: 95e9d4d9bf78977⋯.jpeg (214.04 KB, 1125x395, 225:79, 9EFBA316_8E6F_434B_B3D8_C….jpeg)

File: ef39eba236d8500⋯.jpeg (482.64 KB, 1125x969, 375:323, EC6EE45E_118A_49BC_99BB_B….jpeg)


Kushner netenyahu trump mossad Zionists are out.

USA military is axing trump from his role.

Clear as day. You can see the desperation in q=kushner.

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bba77d  No.9483712

I have a health condition that prevents me from wearing a mask.

It is called common sense. Have had this condition most of my life. It is chronic and persistent.

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f7f0de  No.9483713


Someone fired a DEW at the Pentagon?

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22e10a  No.9483714


That person is Helen, one of the Krassenstein brothers wives… the wives of these fucks should have been banned too.

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ccd177  No.9483715

File: 8baae4aed772860⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 1024x903, 1024:903, 1580177276723.jpg)


yelling "shill" must produce a greater dopamine release in the brain as compared to q t-shirt buying? need more chemical release to block the hole from nothing happening

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91825b  No.9483716


It's one of their wives.


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8fac32  No.9483717


What is the Freedom Road Socialist Organization?

"Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is a national organization of revolutionaries fighting for socialism in the United States. Our home is in the working class.

FRSO members are rooted in the mass movements for justice, particularly in the labor movement and the movements of oppressed nations and nationalities– especially African-Americans and Chicanos. We are also active in the immigrant rights, anti-war, student and youth movements.

We are organizing the united front against monopoly capitalism — with the strategic alliance of the multinational working class and oppressed nationality movements at its core. This is our general strategy for revolution in the U.S.

FRSO is recruiting and building towards the creation of a new Communist Party based on Marxism-Leninism. This is necessary to lead the way to socialism and liberation. Our newspaper Fight Back! is popular at protests, read by union workers and community activists, and can also be found at www.FightBackNews.org"


"2010 FBI raids on the FRSO

On September 24, 2010, over 70 FBI agents simultaneously raided homes and served subpoenas to prominent antiwar and international solidarity activists in Minneapolis, MN, Chicago, IL, and Grand Rapids, MI. The FBI agents seized computers, books, written material, cell phones, family portraits, clothing and other items that they deemed political. FBI agents also visited and attempted to question activists in Milwaukee, WI, Durham, NC, and San Jose, CA. The search warrants and subpoenas indicated that the FBI was looking for evidence related to the "material support of terrorism".[11]

In the process of raiding an activist's home, FBI agents accidentally left behind a file of secret FBI documents showing that the raids were aimed at people who were or were suspected of being members of the FRSO. The documents revealed a series of questions that agents would ask activists regarding their involvement in the FRSO and their international solidarity work related to Colombia and Palestine.[12]

FRSO protesters in January 2017

On January 12, 2011, members of the newly formed Committee to Stop FBI Repression held a press conference in Minnesota revealing that the FBI had placed an informant inside the FRSO (frso.org) to gather information prior to the raids.[13]

A federal judge unsealed the FBI's extensive documents collected during its nearly three-year surveillance of the FRSO (frso.org) on February 26, 2014.[14] At 104 pages, the documents revealed that the FBI placed an informant around and eventually inside the FRSO (frso.org) during and after the 2008 protests at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis, St. Paul. The informant, named Karen Sullivan, attempted to craft a case that the FRSO was materially supporting the FARC and the PFLP with their anti-war and international solidarity activism.

To date, no charges have been brought against members of the FRSO or the non-FRSO aligned defendants. "


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763618  No.9483718


Satire at it's finest — Good post

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2fae77  No.9483719

File: fa1537dc1e4e634⋯.jpg (76.25 KB, 500x526, 250:263, gretta1.jpg)


"No Pepe, don't touch that!"

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000000  No.9483720


Rods of God!?

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436864  No.9483721



this is what i have


>>9483679 Unemployment Falls to 13.3% and Economy Adds 2.5 Million Jobs

>>9483583 Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns

>>9483562 New DJT twat w/CAP: I am so stunned. I’ve never seen numbers like this and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Steve M. @MariaBartiromo

>>9483535 Alabama sheriff's office: 7 adults found dead in shooting and fire in home; no suspects in custody but no further threat

>>9483505 US Navy twat w/CAP: “You’ve done your duty and now it’s time to come home.”

>>9483500 Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Asking for $55 Million Federal Bailout to Repair Race Riot Damages

>>9483464, >>9483480, >>9483527, >>9483619 planefag reporting

>>9483457 California mayor resigns over email about police killings

>>9483432, >>9483522 anon posits on DJT twatter blackout and ban

>>9483434 Here Are All The Senate Democrats Who Have Refused To Comment On Antifa’s Violence

>>9483413 Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why

>>9483367 War Room Trends Report

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719499  No.9483722


I see vigilante justice is coming soon.

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9d4518  No.9483723



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487b40  No.9483724

File: d98dec897a80858⋯.png (30.41 KB, 999x271, 999:271, know_about.PNG)


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2a6eed  No.9483725

File: e2f806679ecb983⋯.png (202.75 KB, 373x500, 373:500, 3190DDD7_5950_4442_B637_98….png)

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5ac197  No.9483726




Bread is sending files round, like throwing' darts!

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6e2226  No.9483727

File: 4364e3b686878ac⋯.jpg (86.82 KB, 876x327, 292:109, SmartSelect_20200605_05590….jpg)

Muh million man march.

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cdc9ec  No.9483728


The whole thing has been a fight for our survival, since the start (of the plan). They want us dead.

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32d384  No.9483729


This…newfags is whats called shill projection.

Look at the glowfaggot calling the guy calling him out a glowfaggot.

Stay frosty and be aware.

I wont use a filter, even on the most shilliest of shills, but use em if you want to.

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92b15c  No.9483730

File: d8c92bce6831cdd⋯.png (92.93 KB, 300x275, 12:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b68b0261bf2bf5⋯.png (138.6 KB, 498x868, 249:434, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5954892168c4030⋯.png (1.2 MB, 593x868, 593:868, ClipboardImage.png)



Q. "What was Rudyard Kipling's attitude towards Indian people?"

A. "Kipling was a man of his age. Even in the 1930s, for example, he had very real doubts about the ability of Indians to govern themselves. But he was not afraid of what we now call diversity. (Yes, I know that such allegations have been made, but most of them are easily rebutted.) Late in life he recorded how, ‘In ‘85 I was made a Freemason by dispensation (Lodge Hope and Perseverance 782 E.C.), being under age, because the Lodge hoped for a good Secretary… Here I met Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, members of the Araya and Brahmo Samaj, and a Jewish Tyler, who was a priest and butcher to his little community in the city. So yet another world was opened to me which I needed.’

So far as his writings are concerned, they are possibly the first time that Indians had appeared as rounded human beings in Western fiction. Just as with the English, they are shown as heroes, sufferers and, most difficult of all to pull off without condescension, villains.

People sometimes refer to Orwell’s criticism of Kipling, yet he expressed more than one view on the great man. In 1936 he wrote, ‘For my own part I worshipped Kipling at thirteen, loathed him at seventeen, enjoyed him at twenty, despised him at twenty-five and now again rather admire him.’ And in 1942: ‘During five literary generations every enlightened person has despised him, and at the end of that time nine-tenths of those enlightened persons are forgotten and Kipling is in some sense still there.’"

Brian Harris, Author of two anthologies of Rudyard Kipling.



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23a8b3  No.9483731

File: b9fe9f8c42884d8⋯.jpg (239.13 KB, 576x847, 576:847, 3_traitors_cops_and_robber….jpg)


the gang that couldn't shoot straight

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75afb9  No.9483732

Time for ANTIFA to feel the PAIN! Enough is enough.

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54fe54  No.9483733

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be3fb3  No.9483734

File: 360022b1157939c⋯.jpeg (178.91 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 954BAE68_9405_403A_B051_3….jpeg)

If you search for the word Racist on twitter POTUS shows up as number one result. Twitter is well aware of this but says it is unintentional (yeah right).

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20ead4  No.9483735

File: b6975f1e9d7e1fc⋯.png (94.98 KB, 888x514, 444:257, ClipboardImage.png)

thoughts on Q 4414 from last night:

i liked the "red lines not to be crossed by loyalists" interpretation cuz i would not have thought of it.

alternate take: Remember Everyone Deployed, and these are the steps that get us to the big Happening.

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0d4f5d  No.9483736


Why not leave now and avoid all the bullshit altogether? It just seems like….a movie.

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37d55f  No.9483737

File: 068047c53679fc7⋯.png (38.67 KB, 623x471, 623:471, djttweet1.png)

How can you not love this guy as your leader?

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22e10a  No.9483738


> It's the Jews

Fuck off CCP chink chingchong


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7639c4  No.9483739

File: a77e15f6d23040b⋯.png (917.04 KB, 1350x1545, 90:103, small_town_illinois_homema….png)

=Another "small town homemade explosives" bomber==

Matthew Rupert, a 28 year old man from Galesburg, Illinois has been charged with driving over 400 miles to participate in the Minneapolis riots.

Reminds me of the notable from pb yesterday about Richlands, VA, a small town in SWVA that had ATF and FBI swarming all over it after "homemade explosives" were found right outside town limits.

FBI has evacuated residents from their homes as they work over the next two days to remove all the explosive material to a safe distance for detonation.


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9d4518  No.9483740

File: 4953148c98b1028⋯.png (375.42 KB, 624x771, 208:257, ClipboardImage.png)


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5e5732  No.9483741

the commons must be claimed

if the revolution

does not find the lowest SOCIAL position

the homeless

and become

the voice of

it fails.

there is only one thing to unite behind.

if the left fails to RECLAIM THE COMMONS

the revolution fails.. plain and simple

the revolution must produce food , energy, and competitive free market economy.

there is no choice.

secure the land

or nothing is secure.

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4faf64  No.9483742


May need a "wall of meat reunion."


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bbca32  No.9483743

File: faa16cb4200271b⋯.jpeg (247.78 KB, 1243x871, 1243:871, 0193B951_9D3A_40C7_A1A5_E….jpeg)


(CNSNews.com) - "High-Stakes Referendum on Trump Takes Shape in a Georgia Special Election," said the headline in The New York Times on June 18. "Republican Claims House Seat in Georgia," said the New York Times headline three days later.

The most expensive House race in history ended badly for Democrats and their politically inexperienced candidate, who no longer lived in the district he wanted to represent.

Republican Karen Handel easily defeated Democrat Jon Ossoff in Tuesday's special election to replace Tom Price, who is now serving as Health and Human Services Secretary.

Handel received 134,595 votes, or 51.9 percent, to Ossoff's 124,893 votes, or 48.1 percent.

“Special thanks to the President of the United States of America,” Handel said in her victory speech. Her supporters reacted with cries of "Trump, Trump, Trump!"

As expected, a Republican also won Tuesday's special election in South Carolina to replace Rep. Mick Mulvaney, now President Trump's budget director. Republican Ralph Norman got 51.1 percent of the vote to Democrat Archie Parnell's 47.9 percent.

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703e77  No.9483744

File: 081a49dddc727aa⋯.jpg (273.76 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, coffee1.jpg)




It's important to do lots of research when contemplating relocating to a new area.

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1a06ca  No.9483745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6e2226  No.9483746


It shows weakness.

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ad7a8c  No.9483747

I wonder how much the Jews are paying these pathetic white people to get down on their knees and kiss black peoples' shoes. Absolutely disgusting. If I could, I would gladly spit on these miserable whites.

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5e5732  No.9483748

secure the fucking property

quit burning it and occupy it.

fucking idiots.

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92d6b6  No.9483749


I hope you realize you've just revealed exactly what [you] are doing… Here's some more dopamine for ya,,, sh sh sh shiiiillllll.

Don't say ]we[ didn't do nothing for ya

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4f6345  No.9483750

File: bcdde1b9fa91165⋯.png (16.57 KB, 523x162, 523:162, POTUS_6_5_20_5_48_am_PDT_P….PNG)


I will be doing a News Conference at 10:00 A.M. on the Jobs Numbers! White House.


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a7f084  No.9483751


Trusting the plan as long as I can. "Appear weak when strong"?

>POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves.

>Think logically…

>Moves and countermoves.

>These people are STUPID (& SICK).



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70c0ca  No.9483752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>9483141 (lb)

>Watch "John Wick 1, 2 ,3"

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81655e  No.9483753


they should set up giant screens at the WH broadcasting all the lies and dem racism

make it a big awakening show

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f7f0de  No.9483754



Is this not evidence of the same behavior that got the K brothers banned in the first place?

Ten thousand bots so their tweets are #1 and #2 behind POTUS?

Married Jewish suburban "black lives matter" organizers?

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23a8b3  No.9483755

File: 17021dc7404dce8⋯.jpg (12.39 KB, 222x250, 111:125, jew_jewing_jews.jpg)


hoax vs boogaloo

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c22436  No.9483756


bahahahahaahah…top kek!

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62b86d  No.9483757

File: 77822266936544c⋯.png (525 KB, 500x498, 250:249, archive_corps.png)


to Q post >>9480002


SPREADSHEET entries include:

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This includes EVERY image Q has ever posted or was in a post Q responded to

(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3brh8m11m/

FEB: https://postimg.cc/gallery/isxphakq/

MAR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/mjl2ud6y/

APR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/VcHNYYZ

MAY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dYb63fh

JUN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dTDZRxj


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/wj2o5tkq/

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jgywchdm/

March: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2d9ahuk56/

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June: https://postimg.cc/gallery/31uv0lwqi/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2atvilh6i/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1anknsku2/



Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1efnfn0re/

Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1se5rh1ay/

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FEB: https://anonfile.com/ufqe74v6ba/02-19_FEB_rar

Mar: https://anonfile.com/sbg732b3n4/03-19_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/sdk0o9m3ne/04-19_APR_rar

MAY: https://anonfile.com/R1PbZbw5na/05-19_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfile.com/IcJf9ay4n7/06-19_JUN_rar

JULY: https://anonfile.com/7ft6Rd16n2/07-19_JUL_rar

AUG: https://anonfile.com/FatcK59dn4/08-19_AUG_rar



NOV: https://anonfile.com/p3x3Z7C8n6/11-19_NOV_rar

DEC: https://anonfile.com/9384U2O8n1/12-19_DEC_rar


JAN: https://anonfile.com/7ejeF0S7n4/01-20_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/l4A8O3p7o2/02-20_FEB_rar

MAR: https://anonfiles.com/983dG3ndo6/03-20_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/V9Y9yev2of/04-20_APRIL_rar

MAY: https://anonfiles.com/Jd7cn846o6/05-20_MAY_rar

JULY: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link

RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.



For archive links to previous years, please just ask.

Patriots, archive offline!

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b8f736  No.9483758

File: 6e16c9ef8b42320⋯.jpeg (751.61 KB, 1084x828, 271:207, 050EF0D0_CAAD_4C23_868C_4….jpeg)

Good morning anons. Checking in New Haven Harbor.

I posted pics of the Jeanne before but from afar so I figured I would share a nice more detailed picture of her with you guys this morning.

She’s a beast.

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2fd9b5  No.9483759

Nobody is "who they are" without their CHOICES, VALUES AND ACTIONS.

"Jews", "Whites", "Blacks", "Asians", "Hispanics", any statement of 'who they are' that omits, or neglects, or discounts WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THEIR ACTIONS, which is not how they were born, not how they look, not any class or tribe to which they allegedly belong that is divided from the rest of humanity.

Shill code presumes such a division is anything but a politically motivated, artificial and anti-scientific weapon of mind/social control.

World is awake.

The riots are a radical left insurrection, not a 'revolution' borne out of 'racial injustice'.

Dumb fuck Marxists never had a chance in the western world.

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000000  No.9483760


his name is Mathew LEE Rupert

conveniently they omitted that bit of info.

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99b130  No.9483761

File: 48d5c000946a1e2⋯.png (86.9 KB, 793x516, 793:516, Lightning_strikes_Trump_To….png)

File: 8100598cce261a7⋯.png (221.24 KB, 672x523, 672:523, _18_Dan_Scavino_on_Twitter….png)

File: 5a238fa265a0cfc⋯.png (93.81 KB, 1245x347, 1245:347, Calculate_Duration_Between….png)

File: 7e9e7dbda72a2c7⋯.png (42.43 KB, 456x293, 456:293, QAnon_Drops_and_Trump_Twee….png)

Did nightshift do the delta between the Trump Tower Chicago lightning strike the day DJT won the IL primary and last night?





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8d8c6c  No.9483762


>People calling out Jews are CCP shills

Lol that's a new one to me. Do you know what website you're on? This is not reddit or college republicans

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8fac32  No.9483763

File: 2f1e5d07444c456⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1601x5787, 1601:5787, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18c354754a92e88⋯.png (5.76 KB, 375x60, 25:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ec8ef9e5cfa63c⋯.png (1000.45 KB, 1301x630, 1301:630, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9483717 - more leftie orgs (too many to count)




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d0647e  No.9483764

File: 0eab735859e0e84⋯.jpg (48.28 KB, 604x960, 151:240, FB_IMG_1591357556889.jpg)

There are accounts actively trying to target facebook users who are Trump supporters by looking at their friends lists.

Intention seems to be to dox to antifa for irl violence.

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825d30  No.9483765


Hell yeah, SA.

God bless you, man.

Keep kicking ass.

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bb073e  No.9483766

File: 920d2e196d4ea88⋯.png (269.36 KB, 1074x556, 537:278, P_8_Crews_departed_NAS_Jax….PNG)

File: 1e19b73d45a7366⋯.png (205.99 KB, 966x566, 483:283, VM374_USMC_C_560_ws_from_j….PNG)

P-8 Poseidens out of NAS Jax

169554 up to Charleston AFB and a fly over

AE6849 and 168428 ne

VVLL824 west

VM374 USMC C-560 left JBA ws

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22e10a  No.9483767

Seems the shill tactic this morning is trying to make it seem like there is a manufactured consensus among the anons.

Too bad anons can see it for what it is…

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062db2  No.9483768

File: 6c52d75dee97b40⋯.jpeg (434.37 KB, 640x1096, 80:137, 31B33E73_BE57_478D_981D_4….jpeg)

The Scarmucci Model would seem to indicate that it mist be Pelosi as acting President using perhaps Mattis to lead a short term Martial Law for arrests?

POTUS fakes severe injuries after staged White House breach?

That’s just going to be ugly.

its a lot disturbing.


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f7f0de  No.9483769


Fuckin' Esper's planning an actual fucking military coup.

Holy shit.

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83e428  No.9483770



Watch a live video of thepainbeam, learn to recognize the vehicle, we might see it soon.

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a92b82  No.9483771

File: 6fcfe6cb0ddd907⋯.png (77.44 KB, 756x787, 756:787, ClipboardImage.png)

New Project Veritas




"Get a good liver or kidney shot, it's pretty much crippling them"

"Break one of the floating ribs"

"Reframe the idea of self-defense…not simply you're being acted upon by an aggressor"


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201c7a  No.9483772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is God letting trump know he is out!!!

trump has failed. He sold his soul to the Zionist mossad netenyahu kushner devils.

USA military is axing trump from his role.

Enjoy the show.

The God of all GODS is in charge!!!

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23a8b3  No.9483773

File: 2f3fc74ddf815a2⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, swedish_chef_approves.jpg)

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2fd9b5  No.9483774


Every narcissistic 'dialectic' warped minded demagogue in history believed that their personal timeline somehow magically overlaps with some metaphysical change in history.

You're no different.

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54fe54  No.9483775


anon repost this next bread, baker on break atm. collecting notables for him


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8fac32  No.9483776


Kek! Another one bites the dust!

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753bc2  No.9483777

is DJTs twitter now a new magazine

You are the media now.

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70c0ca  No.9483778

File: cf247b43f2d6580⋯.png (768.42 KB, 967x642, 967:642, ClipboardImage.png)

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1aa562  No.9483779

File: 5def8a57e95c998⋯.png (702.83 KB, 1338x622, 669:311, A74A22F2_F69E_448D_ADCC_E8….png)

A call to meme?

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962277  No.9483780


I reckon it's logical that if you are being hunted by a group of people, you might yell 'help! Terrorists are chasing me."

So the FBI…….. under uncomfortable investigations at the time?

Logic tells its own story

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5ac197  No.9483781


Ever hear, a lil' ole piece of wisdom, goes likey dis: "keep Ur frenz close…"

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32d384  No.9483782



Baker, notable

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062db2  No.9483783


i really really hope my intuition is wring.

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c22436  No.9483785


this may be the tipping point…

(they) have tried to wreck the economy and it has NOT worked…economy will ROAR back ala Reaganomics…

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2a2a24  No.9483786

File: 79839f410479ecb⋯.jpeg (46.07 KB, 535x700, 107:140, 0c27b4a565b3d6860e9771f12….jpeg)



David's prayer. Psalm 35:1

>Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; Fight against those who fight against me.

>Take hold of buckler and shield, And rise up for my help.

>Draw also the spear and the battle-axe to meet those who pursue me; Say to my soul, "I am your salvation."

>Let those be ashamed and dishonored who seek my life; Let those be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against me.

>For without cause they hid their net for me; Without cause they dug a pit for my soul.

>Malicious witnesses rise up; They ask me of things that I do not know.

>They repay me evil for good, To the bereavement of my soul.

>But at my stumbling they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together; The smiters whom I did not know gathered together against me, They slandered me without ceasing.

>Like godless jesters at a feast, They gnashed at me with their teeth.

>For they do not speak peace, But they devise deceitful words against those who are quiet in the land.

>Let them be like chaff before the wind, With the angel of the LORD driving them on.

>Let their way be dark and slippery, With the angel of the LORD pursuing them.

>Let destruction come upon him unawares; And let the net which he hid catch himself; Into that very destruction let him fall.

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92b15c  No.9483787


Fighting for the memories of the dead, instead of fighting for the living.

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b56e59  No.9483788


Futures are nuts.

POTUS is bringing the economy back bigly.

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48af57  No.9483789

File: 3881fbc2c2f26f3⋯.png (118.28 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Arresting citizens for protecting themselves, and done it non-violently.

This shit has to stop.

California woman arrested after pepper spraying BLM protester from her Lexus: police


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92d6b6  No.9483790


No, that would create a shockwave and undeniable destruction. Kinetic weapons were not used. Directed Energy satisfies what little evidence this is.

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d2f88e  No.9483792

File: 908f6455d716323⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, xDm7GiSHp_xFwGrg.mp4)

The anti police riot virus went to Mexico


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b4410f  No.9483793

File: 7829cd28360fa5d⋯.jpeg (272.29 KB, 1125x606, 375:202, 3131C512_FE76_454F_BCA1_E….jpeg)

File: 6bdb9142cc4f0a6⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1125x1969, 1125:1969, 2F1326B8_1472_4ADE_AFC8_1….jpeg)


Military is axing trump from his role.

trump is just playing a role. He lost his way.

trump is out!

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bba77d  No.9483795


This is sure to drive the deep state nuts and force them to keep committing fatal errors in judgement.

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8fac32  No.9483796

File: ba61d8026a8599d⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1601x5966, 1601:5966, ClipboardImage.png)



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350dee  No.9483797


Not very anon there are ya?

This ain’t reddit newfag

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000000  No.9483798

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703e77  No.9483799


You should go read up on "Social Autopsy".

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4bbd62  No.9483800

>>9482769 lb

> "Every Twitter account is bound by the Twitter rules," said the US company's strategy chief Nick Pickles at a hearing in the British parliament on Thursday in response to the question whether the service would also shut down Trump's account if necessary.

From bio of Nick Pickles, Speaker at Chatham House London Conference in 2017

Head of Public Policy and Government for the UK and Israel at Twitter

Leads Twitter's engagement with the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism

Previous Director of the Privacy and Civil Liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch

Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and an internationally published music photographer.

"The London Conference is supported by a small group of major multinational companies with extensive international interests and experience." These sponsors include Chevron, Open Society, S&P Global, UPS, Reliance, and DiaGeo.



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92d6b6  No.9483801

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4c8810  No.9483802

File: 74ac7efa593ffcd⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1058x1587, 2:3, pepedblpenetrate.png)

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f480e7  No.9483803


It is.

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9d338a  No.9483804


Anons, pay attention!

Nice catch!


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0d4f5d  No.9483805


She'll probably spend the next 10 years in prison.

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49e40b  No.9483806

So I'm curious to hear what people think of a theory I've had…

Capacity Gear.

Centra Spike.

Torn Victor.

Quiet Enable.

Cemetery Wind.

Gray Fox.

Black Sky.

Get it?

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8618f4  No.9483807


lol. yeah? well, you are in for one BIG surprise

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48af57  No.9483808


This fucker needs to go re-read the constitution his own damned self.

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22e10a  No.9483809


Fuck off with your manufactured consensus SHILL!


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bba77d  No.9483810


After you pull your head of the toilet bowl filled with feces.

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92b15c  No.9483811


The barriers aren't gonna move themselves.

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23a8b3  No.9483812

File: d86bcc266b14508⋯.jpg (773.01 KB, 2536x668, 634:167, active_denial_target_acqui….jpg)

File: 2409b343774b396⋯.png (621.93 KB, 1298x1182, 649:591, active_denial_weapon.png)

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71c59e  No.9483813

How DO these elected officials manage to purchase such expensive homes on their meager public servant salary?

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti seeks tenant for $5,000-a-month rental

A Mid-Wilshire home owned by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has come up for lease at $5,000 a month, public records show.

The single-story home is part of a triplex that Garcetti and his wife, Amy Wakeland, purchased in 2016 for $1.6 million, The Times previously reported.

Designed in English Country style, the updated home three bedrooms, two bedrooms and more than 1,400 square feet of space. A brightly tiled backsplash and a chrome farmhouse-style sink are among amenities in the updated kitchen. The living room centers on a tiled fireplace.

French doors open to a side yard with decking and patio space.

The house shares the same 6,891-square-foot corner lot with two separate apartments built above a row of garages. It was previously leased out two years ago at $5,300 a month, according to the Multiple Listing Service. The apartments have been offered for around $2,000 a month.

Garcetti, 49, took office in the summer of 2013, becoming L.A.’s 42nd mayor. He and Wakeland currently make their home in Windsor Square at the Getty House, the official residence for the mayor of L.A.

The 8,076-square-foot English Tudor-style mansion has been the site of various protests in recent weeks. A month ago, more than 100 protesters gathered outside the city-owned mansion, with marchers calling for the reopening of the economy amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

This week, the Getty House saw thousands of people gather to protest the death of George Floyd as well as the mayor’s response to protests in Los Angeles.


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5c1c06  No.9483814


How is it possible that Q is a military operation? And don't fucking say optics.

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9535d6  No.9483815

What should I have for breakfast?

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d608cf  No.9483816


A woman of passion, intelligence and integrity who makes the lily-livered, Hollywood feminazi brigade look like retarded psychos.

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22e10a  No.9483817


Fuck off with your manufactured consensus…


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2a2a24  No.9483818

File: b218514c25fd14a⋯.jpeg (62.6 KB, 512x512, 1:1, b218514c25fd14a1d28f9fdf7….jpeg)


Ain't got no actor for to go ma bail.

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83e428  No.9483819

File: f58c8f3d018a800⋯.jpg (273.67 KB, 800x708, 200:177, Pain_Beam.jpg)

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f5203f  No.9483820

File: cb305e1d86853a8⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1437x975, 479:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94de35628ddfb1c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1068x651, 356:217, ClipboardImage.png)








"Private Contractor" Gulfstream 5, tail number N588AT, call sign BAXTR95, is landing at Savannah Hilton Head International Airport. This after flying from Ramstein AFB Germany yesterday to Zurich, Switzerland. Picking up former Iranian prisoner Michael White. And flying him from Zurich to Dulles. Returning him to US soil. Then today same jet and call sign flew from Dulles to Kelly AFB San Antonio. This presumably to deliver Michael White to medical facilities there for COVID19 treatment. Now it has repositioned to Savannah, Georgia. Where next?

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b56e59  No.9483821

Have the recommended guidelines for stay at home changed?

No one seems to be staying at home.

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bba77d  No.9483822


your shallow level of thinking is concerning.

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f7f0de  No.9483823

File: 2bebda94f27cd7f⋯.png (71.24 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d8c6c  No.9483824


I don't know if he's a shill, seems more like some boomer cuckservative suffering from decades of kosher brainwashing.

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48af57  No.9483825


Water cannons…way cheaper to build, and more entertaining to watch when someone gets hit with it.

AND, as we saw not to long ago, blue dye to mark them for later arresting.

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2974e9  No.9483826

File: 1fc3e75cbe04a1c⋯.png (884.1 KB, 961x500, 961:500, Burbs.png)


>he believes Antifa and Black Lives Matter are seeking to “overthrow the U.S. government.”

The Mayor of DC must be in on it, calling for the WH to be 'open on all sides'! WTF, that just sounded weird when she said that bs!

>the media is playing a role, as well.

FAKE NEWS IS 'the enemy of the people!

>“When I sit down with senior government leaders and lay this out for them, I mean, their heads explode. And they realize this is as detailed and as ingrained here in the United States as the Islamic movement, the Jihadi movement,” he said.

Just wait until all the Jihadis Hussein brought here join up with Antifa & BLM!

>Guandolo asserted the feds have not been aware of the connections and no one in the federal government has been putting it together.

IF the were NOT aware of the connection between Antifa & BLM, they should go get a job at Dairy Queen!

>They want the chaos. What they’re doing on the streets today is communist doctrine, because when the chaos happens, then, what you get is a need for law and order and communism is a system that brings order to the community.”

It won't be 'communism' that brings back 'law & order', it'll be an armed American patriot militia! (pic related)

>“This is a war in the information battle space,

This is a war in the information battle space

>when he left the FBI for the Department of Defense, he was responsible for briefing generals, attorneys general, members of Congress, and others.

>“Not a one of them understood anything about the U.S. communist movement,” he said.

How the hell is THAT even possible when fucking Anons know about it? Guess WE should be running DoD!

>“When you tell someone in the government that Black Lives Matter is a Marxist-communist movement as a matter of objective fact, they just don’t know this,” he said.

REALLY? People in the Govt. don't know BLM is a communist org.? lmao

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b56e59  No.9483827


Thus requiring the Deep State to expend ammunition prematurely. Kek.

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a7f084  No.9483828

File: 8c71eb7f8252759⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 553x167, 553:167, 2629.jpg)


June 6: D-Day

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212aa9  No.9483829



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b8f736  No.9483830


Shuddup faggot i been doing that all year, posting nice scenic pictures of my job in the morning. Just like to share nice things with the board.

I’ve probably been doing this longer than you have you fucking chode.

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5c1c06  No.9483831


Attack the person, not the argument.

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cc4c65  No.9483832


Oh, I forgot… demons, demons from hellish hell is what we face, right? That’s it, that’s what White Hats are protecting us from. Ya, that’s what justifies your National Security secrecy. Right?

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559167  No.9483833


Until they want to contain us again

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ad7a8c  No.9483834

So GS and his Demonrat henchmen will be leading a million man assault on the White House? And Trump, Q and the Patriots, of course, will do nothing about it.

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bba77d  No.9483835


FUCK the guidelines. IT is all bullshit and everyone (except flaming libtards) knows it. Get back to life.

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48af57  No.9483836


^^^^^^^^^^^ Another dissenter to the truth.

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c9a829  No.9483837

File: 2aeb3de260ad24b⋯.jpg (317.47 KB, 768x480, 8:5, heard_it.jpg)

File: 17a83bed52a22cd⋯.jpg (13.73 KB, 255x159, 85:53, memeber_standing_by.jpg)

File: ad609f39a68e672⋯.png (320.93 KB, 420x632, 105:158, IT_HAPPENS_WHEN_WE_GET_THE….png)

File: cc42b0f4f0b3e53⋯.jpg (80.44 KB, 964x574, 482:287, LURKING.jpg)

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2fd9b5  No.9483838


You sound like you're having a panic attack.

Relax, have a latke, and enjoy the show.

The ancient cult of 'dialectic' is being destroyed in real time.

I'm a consensus shill?

OK, then you're a consensus shill.

We are all consensus shills.

Claims without evidence?

Have at it! It will only adversely affect you.

You do have 'pride' in your life as a human right?

You're probably a bot.

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f7f0de  No.9483839













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b56e59  No.9483840


Because the server for 8kun is run out a military base?

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fd70da  No.9483841


msm pushing digits

yesterday was 42 and1.87

now 25 and13.3

17 54


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bb073e  No.9483842

File: 72015c01125e7bb⋯.png (469.91 KB, 1045x568, 1045:568, SAM824_G5_PAt009_C_560_JBA….PNG)

SAM824 USAF G5 ne departure out of JBA and PAT009 US Army C-560 sw

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5c1c06  No.9483843

File: c300105935ac83b⋯.png (318.69 KB, 474x471, 158:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c8810  No.9483844


Top of the morning to you oysteranon! Fair winds and following seas. Where's that Trump 2020 flag? Have s blessed day.

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bba77d  No.9483845


sign of a shill…….."you must agree with my truth"

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d7cc0f  No.9483846


"The unemployment rate fell to 13.3 percent and payrolls unexpectedly rose by 2.5 million workers as the easing of restrictions on business activity and government aid led to new hiring in May."

Bet those new jobs are NOT in demonrat cities…

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9d4518  No.9483847

File: 4156faab9f50ac9⋯.png (24.19 KB, 598x391, 26:17, ClipboardImage.png)

What's up with Nunes putting eyes on Undercover Huber?


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24ef7a  No.9483848


I think he is telling loyalists these are all things that will indicate a move to remove POTUS from office, to be on the lookout for these things and to execute a pre planned action

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5ac197  No.9483849

File: 0b3e3008ad163e5⋯.png (973.55 KB, 640x876, 160:219, pepe_3rd_wheelin.png)

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f0d006  No.9483850


It’s gonna be heck out there when that happens.

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3ec3b4  No.9483851

Why do the forces of evil help their troops out more than the forces of good?

We [taxpayers] are still funding their operations while anons are getting crushed financially.

Trillions of dollars being thrown around like candy and anons are left to fend for themselves.

Unconventional warfare?

Then do unconventional things.

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8fac32  No.9483852


Kek! Cognitive dissonance for sure.

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5e5732  No.9483853

this is a call to adbusters

to mcaffee

to cicada 3301

to E.Bot

and AFLB

the time is now


must rise

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4f9ee4  No.9483854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pete Hegseth deploys with DC National Guard amid protests

'Fox & Friends Weekend' co-host Pete Hegseth describes the violence he witnessed on the ground and the attacks by protesters.


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462b69  No.9483855



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48af57  No.9483856


^^^^^^^^^^^ And another one.

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92b15c  No.9483857


Where do servicemembers' loyalties lie?

I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).


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9535d6  No.9483858

So what should I eat for breakfast?

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b8f736  No.9483859


I’m working on it sir! Promise.

Loud and proud, soon as I have er’ up wavin” i’ll post.


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703e77  No.9483860



Devin Nunes retweets "Undercover Huber" twitter account regarding Trump/Russia "project".

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e2a409  No.9483861


Any sauce that contains "FBI" and "intelligence" in the same sentence should make things clear enough…

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2974e9  No.9483862


>Pelosi as acting President using perhaps Mattis to lead a short term Martial Law for arrests?


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5e5732  No.9483863

i do solemnly swear

to serve and protect.

I AM Christian.

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8618f4  No.9483864


id love to help. however dorsey has effectively wiped out a million+ accounts who could. liberal fascist pos

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5c1c06  No.9483865


They think they are defending the Constitution and Trump is a nazi dictator lmao.

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2fd9b5  No.9483866


If that would have worked they would have already tried that a long time ago

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8d8c6c  No.9483867


Something warm but not too heavy

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f0d006  No.9483868


Those sound like orders to anons. Stay out of the protest debate and eyes on the bigger prize?

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fb635a  No.9483869


if this is going to be used, please livestream it

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20ead4  No.9483870


last night we were thinking loyalists meant cabal, your interpretation suggests that we anons are the loyalists?

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f7f0de  No.9483871

File: 92659f9d4558559⋯.png (90.2 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)



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d1d3f5  No.9483872


What if "Undercover Huber" is actually "Huber" (Team)?

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9535d6  No.9483873


Your mom around?

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bd3f4a  No.9483874

File: 324e937f83331b1⋯.png (353.66 KB, 458x589, 458:589, 324e937f83331b16552ada2be3….png)

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f7e328  No.9483875

>>9483059 (pb)

I knew (you) would say those things, considered whether I cared or not and decided I didn't.

Honestly, I never saw your explanation for the name of the bread because I never set foot in your bread. I still haven't read it. I can tell by your response to me here that my position is very unlikely to change.

You are like the guys in that car, driving around and handing teenagers bricks. YOU ADMIT YOU WERE BAITING.

Yes, I am a concern troll. I wonder how I am ever going to red pill some of the tough nuts among my family and friends.

When the movement is successful and we win these battles, we will still have to win the hearts and minds of those that today oppose us. We need to start now.

Actually that is what we are doing. Winning hearts and minds and growing everyday. Do you really think racial pride is part of this movement?

I don't think you have been paying attention.

Nevertheless, thanks for baking.

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b56e59  No.9483876

File: cd971b68a545ba4⋯.png (71.81 KB, 816x421, 816:421, Screen_Shot_2020_06_05_at_….png)

File: 51cdae26adfab95⋯.png (9.41 KB, 186x255, 62:85, popeye_pepe.png)

Anon's point:


Put distance between yourself and other people outside of your home.

Remember that some people without symptoms may be able to spread virus.

Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people.

Do not gather in groups.

Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings.

Keeping distance from others is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.

But black people and rioters are hanging out in groups predicted to be a million or more.

But POTUS can't have rallies or a convention. That would be dangerous.

But when all the black people get sick we're supposed to feel sorry for an ethnic group that was targeted.

But. But. But.

Sure hope this ends soon. It's tiresome.

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2fd9b5  No.9483877


Nah, just a few Antifa morons think that anymore.

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22e10a  No.9483878


fuck off faggot

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feb44e  No.9483879

File: 66ee834bc9ddc74⋯.png (475.69 KB, 598x572, 23:22, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Dail….png)

File: b3029b7da4b046e⋯.mp4 (516.79 KB, 962x550, 481:275, 5kaG_wRS8x6Gz2h8.mp4)

Covered in Gold

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fe65e6  No.9483880

You can’t stop what’s coming - Q

What’s coming is called communism

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d7cc0f  No.9483881


Given that disinfo is necessary, i would bet that at least one of the TRUST huber, sessions, wray etc… list, is actually trustworthy…..

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212aa9  No.9483882


make another account?

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bba77d  No.9483884


How is a political coup not a threat to the constitution

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62b86d  No.9483885


YVW anon, crazy days.


Just put it in notables. That's how it's always done.

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f7f0de  No.9483886


No, we do not take orders from Mark Esper, Sec Def, after the military moves in and takes over comms.





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5c1c06  No.9483887


K fair enough, thank you.

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71c59e  No.9483888

Activist DeRay Mckesson on the protests, the election and what young people can do to spur change

For more than a week, streets in major cities and suburban communities have been packed with people protesting police brutality in the wake of the killing of George Floyd and other unarmed black people at the hands of law enforcement.

Videos on social media show the countless violent clashes between protesters and police, many provoked by instigators on both sides.

Separate from the protests, looters are ransacking stores as they take advantage of the situation and wreak havoc on small businesses. All the while, the U.S. continues to cope with a deadly coronavirus outbreak that disproportionately affects African-Americans.

As of Thursday afternoon, there are more than 1.8 million cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. and more than 107,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins’s latest count. And this is all happening as the country prepares for a presidential election that could be decided by black voters.

It’s a lot for many people to grapple with and make sense of, but in a one-on-one interview with Yahoo News, DeRay Mckesson — one of the nation’s most prominent and recognizable civil rights activists — says it’s important to focus on the crisis at hand and work from there.

“This immediate crisis is around police violence and acknowledgment that the police kill around 1,100 people each year,” Mckesson, 34, said.

Mckesson has been an integral part of national protests against police brutality since 2014. That’s the year Mike Brown, an 18-year-old unarmed black man, was shot and killed by a white police officer. The event spurred Mckesson’s commitment to combating police brutality, although he acknowledges that there’s still much work to be done.

“The police have killed more people since the protests in 2014, not less. And then a third of all the people killed by strangers are actually killed by a police officer. So that’s the way we enter into this conversation.”

In a video interview with Yahoo News, Mckesson talked about trusting your gut when it comes to protesting and why giving any attention to President Trump is playing right into what he wants. The interview has been edited for clarity.



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a422ef  No.9483889

/r/ing some hard covid numbers and graphs

anything else too, I wanna have some backup in a debate

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4f6345  No.9483890


>have tried to wreck the economy and it has NOT worked

Varney said he'd love to be a fly on the wall of all Dem campaign offices this morning

No their attempts to destroy the economy has NOT worked

Dems will be even more unhinged than normal today

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000000  No.9483891


>Covered in Gold

Could be an exhumation when the price rockets

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5e28ab  No.9483892

File: baa72bbf9bcba49⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 480x480, 1:1, DASH_480.mp4)


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cdc9ec  No.9483893

Criminal Lives Matter

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5e5732  No.9483894


the constitution is trash

do you not have respect

are you not sovereign?

there is only one law

and that is god's

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2974e9  No.9483895

File: a86ac898df21bd2⋯.jpg (77.83 KB, 550x273, 550:273, 13.jpg)


>How can you not love this guy as your leader?


that is a fucking 'battle cry' to BLM/Antifa!

top kek POTUS!

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512f0a  No.9483896

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5591d6  No.9483897


Like it. Instant understanding.

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82214a  No.9483898

File: 8c7f7622b78eadd⋯.jpg (49.19 KB, 500x586, 250:293, dar.jpg)

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20ead4  No.9483899



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22e10a  No.9483900


Fuck off shill

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f7f0de  No.9483901


To trash, all things are trash.

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e48340  No.9483902


I heard someone mention that if the election does not take place, then PELOSI would become president through succession in January. Because this idea was top of mind to this person, I believe it has been discussed.

I have not researched the law on what happens in this case, but maybe a constitutional lawfag can weigh in.

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4c8810  No.9483903


Fuck off dickwad. Oysteranon is good peeps.

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2fd9b5  No.9483904


Military is supporting the op.

Dozens of Armed Federal Agencies will be carrying out the 'visible' part.

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5e5732  No.9483905

fuck the constitution

i don't need paper

to tell me how to treat my neighbors

abolish the whole fucking thing.

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f7f0de  No.9483906


It's an absurdity.

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bba77d  No.9483907


did your mom forget to bring you breakfast this morning?

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5e5732  No.9483908


have fun with your social contract w/ <THE STATE>


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fb635a  No.9483909


>it was the largest seaborne invasion in history.

watch the water

>partly due to poor weather

>stormy seas

the storm is upon us

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2bd59d  No.9483910

2 National Guardsmen hurt by the Q strike last night.

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48af57  No.9483911


No, Lincoln should have shipped them all back to Africa when the opportunity was brought up to him, instead here came the 14th amendment.

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5e5732  No.9483912


O. i got breakfast. that pussy was delish.

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d1204f  No.9483913

File: 734d337d173f3f3⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 760x507, 760:507, aint.jpg)

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37d55f  No.9483914


It is time to contrast POTUS accomplishments with Dem calls to riot.

Black America is waking up.

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49e40b  No.9483915


Sigh… guess folks haven't had their morning covfefe yet. :p

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e48340  No.9483916


that's a relief

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48af57  No.9483917


^^^^^^^^^^^ Anarchist.

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14ea8f  No.9483918

behold the power of the narrative (virtual reality)

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ae36f0  No.9483919


See ADA <-

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18719f  No.9483920


jesus its the morning and you are already cranky. Poor baby. Now listen i think cartoons are on, go watch them.

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bba77d  No.9483921


never even seen a mangina. Much different than a female pussy?

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d7cc0f  No.9483922


In the United States military's strategic nuclear weapon nuclear command and control (NC2) system, an Emergency Action Message (EAM) is a preformatted message that directs nuclear-capable forces to execute specific Major Attack Options (MAOs) or Limited Attack Options (LAOs) in a nuclear war.

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5e5732  No.9483923



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24ef7a  No.9483924

There needs to be a very strong law enforcement response soon, arrest all people that are being released by local authorities on domestic terrorism charges. Arrest conspirators and organizers and make a huge show of it now.

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14ea8f  No.9483925

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8618f4  No.9483926


perfect! ty

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b56e59  No.9483927


Usually good at patterns but didn't get it.

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139449  No.9483928



Despite near-uniform anon consensus on who "loyalists" refers to, I'm still unsure of the correct interpretation.

If the POTUS loses comms, an EAM with one of the listed conditions can inform HIS loyalists (us) what is going on. That was my initial take, and I'm not abandoning it. Autist can hold contradictory ideas in mind until further info confirms or refutes.

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8cc881  No.9483929

File: 00d9980ec848296⋯.png (359.32 KB, 595x626, 595:626, 9547890213906435.png)

File: 6b0ab2b4d9fac53⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1173x865, 1173:865, 457891297866378.png)

File: 00d9980ec848296⋯.png (359.32 KB, 595x626, 595:626, 9547890213906435.png)

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2974e9  No.9483930


>If that would have worked they would have already tried that a long time ago


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20ead4  No.9483931


>if the election does not take place, then PELOSI would become president through succession in January.

suddenly the Dem plan of delaying the election becomes clear

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b5037b  No.9483932

I doubt they can get a million protestors tonight in DC on such short notice.

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94f3a7  No.9483933

File: e4b47b55d88840d⋯.png (471.1 KB, 602x863, 602:863, dc.PNG)

File: daef5c46c6929ec⋯.png (38.86 KB, 607x377, 607:377, dc3.PNG)

File: 61bee018103015d⋯.png (37.59 KB, 591x513, 197:171, dc2.PNG)

With the job numbers coming in, they have no choice but to go all in this weekend, Absolute last gasp to harm POTUS.




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1ce77c  No.9483934

File: f838e15c0c0804d⋯.png (4.7 MB, 2005x3135, 401:627, arog111.png)

Is there any authenticity to these photos of Aaron Rogers and Danick Patrick at an ANTIFA protest?

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825d30  No.9483935


Hairier. And with more teeth.

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4f6345  No.9483936

File: d098bc440ffc768⋯.png (278.05 KB, 545x740, 109:148, Eric_re_Jobs_6_5_20_6_17_a….PNG)

File: 75df2abf3e4fe25⋯.png (1.35 MB, 838x839, 838:839, Eric_re_Jobs_6_5_20_6_17_a….PNG)

Eric Trump

United States gains 2,509,000 jobs in May (the largest ever in the history of our country)! DOW up 715.00 points today (30+% gain since March lows)! America is roaring back to life!

Gains seen across key industries:

Manufacturing: +225k

Restaurants: +1.4M

Construction: +464k

Health: +312k

Business: +127k

Retail: +368k


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2d5519  No.9483937

Is the stage set?

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ccd177  No.9483938


I have a secret Q T-shirt and decoder ring package deal included with the bridge I have for sal

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f7f0de  No.9483939


Read what Q posted.

Understand it is line by line how the comms of the US are going to be taken over.

How the military is going to be snuck into hot zones.

How Mark Esper, traitor extraordinaire, is going to issue an order once all comms are secure.

That is not our Plan.

That is their Plan.

We never saw it coming.

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512f0a  No.9483940

Notables @500

WR Collecting Notes


>>9483857 The Oath.

>>9483847 Devin Nunes retweets "Undercover Huber" twitter account regarding Trump/Russia "project".

>>9483680 David's prayer. Psalm 35:1

>>9483779 POTUS call to meme?

>>9483771 New Project Veritas - Antifa

>>9483770 Watch a live video of thepainbeam

>>9483761 Spoopy lightning?


>>9483750 DJT I will be doing a News Conference at 10:00 A.M. on the Jobs Numbers!

>>9483743 republicans-sweep-all-four-their-special-elections

>>9483739 Another "small town homemade explosives" bomber

>>9483724 Antifa-riots-investigate-group-attacking-america-david-bossie

>>9483679 Unemployment Falls to 13.3% and Economy Adds 2.5 Million Jobs

>>9483624, >>9483717 Counter-Terror Expert: Feds Unaware of Antifa, Black Lives Matter Communist Connections, Objectives

>>9483583 Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns

>>9483562 New DJT twat w/CAP: I am so stunned. I’ve never seen numbers like this and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Steve M. @MariaBartiromo

>>9483535 Alabama sheriff's office: 7 adults found dead in shooting and fire in home; no suspects in custody but no further threat

>>9483505 US Navy twat w/CAP: “You’ve done your duty and now it’s time to come home.”

>>9483500 Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Asking for $55 Million Federal Bailout to Repair Race Riot Damages

>>9483464, >>9483480, >>9483527, >>9483619, >>9483766, >>9483820, >>9483842 planefag reporting

>>9483457 California mayor resigns over email about police killings

>>9483432, >>9483522 anon posits on DJT twatter blackout and ban

>>9483434 Here Are All The Senate Democrats Who Have Refused To Comment On Antifa’s Violence

>>9483413 Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why

>>9483367 War Room Trends Report

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49e40b  No.9483941


"Loyalists" vs "Insurrectionists."


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2a2a24  No.9483942

File: d9c3fe290da29fa⋯.jpg (195.99 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, 12aaaccde383c7ab579e7384b9….jpg)


Second prior


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c42395  No.9483943


Wasn't Esper involved in that covid infected ship's Captain?

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a422ef  No.9483944


yeah holy shit I see this as possible.

Comm blackouts happened in october 2016, whole east coast lost most big internet sites. Still a lot of unresolved mystery involving that and assange.

but another coup damn, this movie's gonna be better than Akira!

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62b86d  No.9483945


Where did you get the 3030 from in POTUS' tweet? I don't see 3030 in there…

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49e40b  No.9483946


Google each code name separately, they should all take you to the same place. All but the last one.

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48af57  No.9483947


Election will take place shortly after all dust settles.

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23a8b3  No.9483948

File: 0ace6dfd5d40171⋯.jpg (140.71 KB, 725x566, 725:566, jesus_on_jews.jpg)

File: d81fbf8817c0430⋯.jpg (431.29 KB, 1060x904, 265:226, jew_handel_in_georgia.jpg)

File: 5adfa32615b3a73⋯.jpg (231.13 KB, 686x765, 686:765, jew_handel_zionist.jpg)


so you're happy another jew [R] is representing (you)? when will you people wake up?


her wiki: Handel was appointed Senior Vice President of public policy at Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Handel attended both Prince George's Community College, in Largo, Maryland, and the University of Maryland, University College, in Adelphi, Maryland, but did not complete any degree. She then went to work for Hallmark Cards.



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139449  No.9483949


No idea. If you're trying to express something you'll have to do a better job…

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4c8810  No.9483950


Good man, good man. Can't wait to see it waving in all its glory with a nice US flag alongside.

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bba77d  No.9483951


hopefully not a brit. They have horrible teeth. And the smell. ugh.

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5e5732  No.9483952

i am i9y


see qresear.ch []

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062db2  No.9483953


rot in hell traitor

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92b15c  No.9483954


The People invested the Privileges of the office of President and Commander in Chief. Once invested, the POTUS wields that power, within the limits defined by the Constitution and constitutionally derived laws passed by the Legislature.

The oath is to serve the will of the People, by following the orders of the President, down through every rank, to the bottom.

The President's oath is to the Constitution as well. The POTUS doesn't swear to the Establishment, or the Bureacracy, or to the House/Senate.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Article II, Section 1 US Constitution


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24ef7a  No.9483955

The people that are trying to get rid of police, the constitution, etc. don't realize that is the only thing protecting them from us right now. Otherwise we would be mowing them down in the streets right now. We are law abiding but if we were in anarchy with no police we would have no choice but to take action ourselves.

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d1204f  No.9483956

File: 611351fc71874d2⋯.jpg (75.46 KB, 820x460, 41:23, brilliant.jpg)

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71c59e  No.9483957



Why is he crying as if HIS future is in that coffin?

That is the Spoopiest shit show of [Y] symbolism and Sheer Panic of it's inevitable END.

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b0052e  No.9483958


>on such short notice

they been planning this for at least 2.5 years

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6e2226  No.9483959


I think they just found out about the million man March and Q shat himself.

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c2095d  No.9483961


Why a closed coffin?

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8cc881  No.9483962

File: 5ce56fe41fdd7a9⋯.png (827.56 KB, 763x781, 763:781, 4570892109864387.png)

File: 6e82f7d1b476e74⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1025x828, 1025:828, 0_96590_1920_9087943.png)

File: f212e3e605562d4⋯.png (826.82 KB, 763x781, 763:781, 890754129087968.png)

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a60e60  No.9483963

File: 2b7d9fa749da300⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, silsbythumbsup.jpg)


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e332ba  No.9483964

File: d9dff119fda7588⋯.jpg (31.98 KB, 666x375, 222:125, gtyyt.jpg)

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24ef7a  No.9483966


No they are ready

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bba77d  No.9483967


is this like Moses and the "golden calf"

Pray to the false idol.

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cdc9ec  No.9483968

Memer Request

Criminal lives matter

Vote Biden / Dems

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20ead4  No.9483969


in what ways can we help with each RED item?

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5591d6  No.9483970


How well did the mayor know George?

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062db2  No.9483971


fuck off faggot

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2502e6  No.9483972

File: 2c94f1d5e217f1c⋯.png (439.11 KB, 963x1034, 963:1034, Darren_Seals_Killed_Black_….png)


DeRay McKesson killed Darren Seals to silence real patriots and take leadership control over BLM. Fully corrupt, black lives do NOT matter one bit to DeRay. DeRay works WITH Furgeson police. Go ahead and ask around Furgeson if DeRay is some kinda hero. Such bullshit. Like always.


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5f6de2  No.9483973

File: f5269ea3bf6bf72⋯.png (203.38 KB, 2206x661, 2206:661, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9481697 (pb)

To the white privilege anon…. Thank you.

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b56e59  No.9483974

File: f4b329b600f3827⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 600x800, 3:4, cheesehead_pepe.jpg)



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48af57  No.9483975


They'll figure it out when it's too late.

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f7f0de  No.9483976

File: b7a93732ad3a3e0⋯.png (127.67 KB, 254x198, 127:99, ClipboardImage.png)



This needs more play. James Miller is a scumbag.

Ex-Defense official resigns from Defense Science Board, accuses Esper of violating his oath

James Miller, who served as the undersecretary of Defense for policy from 2012 to 2014, resigned from his position on the Pentagon’s science board Tuesday, accusing Secretary of Defense Mark Esper of betraying his oath of office by backing President Trump on the forceable removal of peaceful protesters in Washington, D.C., the previous day.

“Anyone who takes the oath of office must decide where he or she will draw the line: What are the things that they will refuse to do? Secretary Esper, you have served honorably for many years, in active and reserve military duty, as Secretary of the Army, and now as Secretary of Defense,” Miller wrote in a letter published in The Washington Post. “You must have thought long and hard about where that line should be drawn. I must now ask: If last night’s blatant violations do not cross the line for you, what will?”


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c121f2  No.9483977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Instructive, Patriots.

Have Faith

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6e953c  No.9483978

File: 88a8986bcc2266d⋯.png (731.39 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D5C7639B_9660_48DE_B09D_6E….png)


Here we go again .

MUTINY !!!!!!

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49e40b  No.9483979


Google each code name listed, except for the last one, in quotation marks like this: "Centra Spike"

They should all take you to the same Wikipedia page.

On that page, look at the group's motto. The shorter, non-Latin one. Now compare it to that thing Q anons say on Twitter all the time.

Now do you get it? :)

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b8f736  No.9483980


I just ordered a 2x3 KAGA Trump 2020 Flag it will arrive June 16th


I’ll tweet and post to anons when I raise her up.

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23a8b3  No.9483981


>blue dye

i didn't think the goal was to become more like our enemies…


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20ead4  No.9483982


"loyal to the constitution" perhaps

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2fd9b5  No.9483983


You're not fake news are you? You should not be falling for the operation meant to trick the deep state.

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ade815  No.9483984

File: 86be0add33131b8⋯.jpg (107.47 KB, 797x500, 797:500, 41iaw3.jpg)


Would it surprise folks to know that there's more than one Constitution?

Did you know that the Constitution is a contract with a government services corporation?

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bb8414  No.9483985

Impressive American and Black Woman

Nobody Takes America': Philly Woman Shuts Down Protestors Outside City Hall

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – A woman came prepared with a megaphone on Wednesday to put protesters in their place at Philadelphia City Hall. Following another night of damage, looting, and riots in the central part of the city, the Pennsylvania National Guard blocked access to the Philadelphia Municipal Building where they remained throughout the day.

"They closed the CVS!" The woman exclaimed to the protester. "How are people supposed to buy soap?" The protester first called the woman a "f—ing wimp" and said that CVS was a big business and could fix their broken storefront. Of the people who needed access to the looted and boarded up stores and city districts, the protester only said that there were "other places" people could go.

Sufficiently annoyed by the encounter, the woman strode to the middle of the National Guard line and picked up her microphone. First she gestured to the guardsmen saying they weren't here because of crimes against black Americans, but that they were here because of rioting and looting.

"I'm gonna tell you about Black Lives Matter, cause I'm black," she said. "90 percent black on black crime…where are you Black Lives Matter? why don't you march on my f—ing block where they're shooting everybody?"

"You're not out here for racism, you're not out here for oppression," she said, "you're out here utilizing racial injustice for your own self…every day we kill each other, where are you?"

"You have Americans committing acts of domestic terrorism," she said of the rioters.

=•So hell, f-ing yeah, the military is coming to town motherf-er. Because nobody takes America. Nobody==

That flag on their arm means something that you don't understand."

She told the crowd that they should be thankful that she wasn't the mayor of Philadelphia because she would have a sniper on every building and "boots on the ground" in every neighborhood.


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83e428  No.9483986


Cuz cuz ain't in there

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feb44e  No.9483987

File: 4ce668e897d6b15⋯.png (654.45 KB, 940x1024, 235:256, 4ce668e897d6b158636e5542d7….png)


My thought moar a sacrifice for greater good (plan).

He was a sinner (criminal) and a freemason.

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139449  No.9483988


Look closely at the image of the ship.

White numbers on red background?

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cec8a4  No.9483989

Beat me to it


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62b86d  No.9483991

File: 5bb83b98d548108⋯.png (222.74 KB, 650x865, 130:173, ANTIFA_bigger_picture.png)


From last night important

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b5037b  No.9483992

File: 6261ed59d292e62⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 240x300, 4:5, s_l300.jpg)



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062db2  No.9483993


fuck off faggot

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f7f0de  No.9483994


Excellent question. Didn't take a 12 gauge to the face, did he.

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8cc881  No.9483995

File: d788e6c9f8525f3⋯.png (795.21 KB, 1464x774, 244:129, 863209741289010.png)

File: 50bfe6afed0e404⋯.png (1.48 MB, 980x821, 980:821, 9707642351567789.png)

File: c09b3657d98372d⋯.png (755.69 KB, 1461x772, 1461:772, 98043780801097843.png)

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a422ef  No.9483996


I don't think it's Esper though, didn't trump hire this guy to replace the actually dirty Mattis?

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f7f0de  No.9483997


These people are SICK!

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487b40  No.9483999

File: 46fbed60f50c8b3⋯.png (427.95 KB, 852x646, 426:323, two_huge.PNG)


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062db2  No.9484000


fuck off faggot

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48af57  No.9484001


Taking lessons from things that actually worked is not becoming more like your enemy, it's using a tactic that works as easily within our system as it does in their system.

Common sense goes a long way.

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23a8b3  No.9484002

File: 0d671210a67578a⋯.png (259.35 KB, 350x346, 175:173, jesus_popcorn.png)


with those things you can make your popcorn and eat it too

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062db2  No.9484004


fuck off traitor

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d7cc0f  No.9484005


>in what ways can we help with each RED item?

What we always do to help. Meme the fuckwits into oblivion.

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f0d006  No.9484006


Longer, Anon. The playbook is old

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24ef7a  No.9484007

Why is Esper still in his position?

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a422ef  No.9484008


Christians, specifically Catholics are the most persecuted peoples in history. Just another sign of the true Church

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5ac197  No.9484009

File: f4202d57ab1c3b8⋯.png (811.5 KB, 638x896, 319:448, pepe_checkin_whats_under_a….png)

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62b86d  No.9484010


I see that now, thank you, anon.

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2974e9  No.9484011

File: 4c2dee64dfeefc8⋯.png (888.68 KB, 830x572, 415:286, Minneapolis_Minnesota.png)

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48af57  No.9484012


Wonder how long before they torch Independence Hall?

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062db2  No.9484013


fuck off cock sucker

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8fac32  No.9484014


Kek! She be speaking truth!

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23a8b3  No.9484015

File: ab39c09071915f9⋯.jpg (153.18 KB, 1024x634, 512:317, when_peterson_gets_asked_a….jpg)


until you find yourself covered in blue dye…

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703e77  No.9484016




Major Change to ELM Broadcast Format - First Change in 17 Years


Emergency Action Message

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37f133  No.9484017


That IS a really fucken good question

Black people are extremely traditional and almost always have open casket

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139449  No.9484018


We have quite a large folder of Trump Accomplishments. Some would not be comfy to push right now b/c COVID, but MANY are still appropriate.

* Trump Successes — mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

463 images, 140 MB

Has not been updated lately.

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062db2  No.9484019


fuck off faggot

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bb8414  No.9484020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moar from the article, with the video

"Stop putting your black and white hands up, cuz you don't know what the f- this means," she said. "As long as black people are killing each other, don't…raise that f-ing fist. As long as black people are selling drugs and poisoning their communities, don't raise that f—ing fist."

"There is no power in killing your own race. There's no power in poisoning your communities. Now put your f—ing fists down." She ended her speech to subtle applause and jeers from the mostly white protesters who continuously lobbed insults at her as she expressed her frustration.

"Have a nice f—ing day," she said as she left the scene.


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20ead4  No.9484021

notable opine

>>9483955 The people that are trying to get rid of police, the constitution, etc. don't realize that is the only thing protecting them from us right now.

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062db2  No.9484022


fuck off faggot

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e5a11f  No.9484023

16 Statues & Memorials Were Damaged During Sunday's Protests, Including One Dedicated To African American Soldiers

The sculpture was vandalized with four-letter words and phrases including “Black Lives Matter,” “No Justice, No Peace,” and “Police are Pigs”


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8e9118  No.9484024

File: 11a19e0ef5938de⋯.jpeg (179.91 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1538925132.jpeg)

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f7f0de  No.9484025

Their plan.

Cause riots.

Shut down police.

Refuse to call in NG.

Gin up support for having actual US military troops quell riots.

Secure comms.

Declare Trump presidency unconstitutional, hold for new elections.

Run new elections.

Install their handpicked puppets.

We have seen the clowns do this in a dozen countries.



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48af57  No.9484026


Then you were where you shouldn't have been

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497b1e  No.9484027


It is electricity, following the path of least resistance.

You (and your little buddies) are grasping at straws.

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e59819  No.9484028


So that you can't tell that he isn't dead.

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37d55f  No.9484029

Charles Manson - "My goal is to incite a race war between the whites and blacks and once they all kill each other to rule whatever is left."

Doesn't that sound like the Dem Plan currently on the table?

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23a8b3  No.9484030

File: e1f55c4e114ace0⋯.png (176.7 KB, 479x401, 479:401, why_not_both.png)

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a92b82  No.9484031

File: 87b70bf30058c82⋯.png (349.17 KB, 828x1057, 828:1057, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9c1d7a7c76cd73⋯.png (141.59 KB, 642x660, 107:110, ClipboardImage.png)

Mayor Bowser ends emergency


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d2f88e  No.9484032

File: 6df640f04369291⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, yh5_br4fmdyOsn_c.mp4)

Rioters pulled a gun on ladies who tried to clean up rioter shit


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cdd399  No.9484033


We are "loyalists" to our Constitution and our duly elected POTUS as were the Loyalists who defended the Spanish government against the Fascist Franco who was aided and abetted by Hitler and his Nazis.

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22e10a  No.9484034


> Almost 30 posts

Fuck off, manufactured consensus shill, fucking bread waster too…


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5254fa  No.9484035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Make this frittata in the beginning of the week-add what you want and reheat slices along the work week.

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2fae77  No.9484036




These people are stupid.

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99b130  No.9484037

File: 3d15bac0c3bcf1a⋯.png (243.34 KB, 675x456, 225:152, _18_Donald_J_Trump_on_Twit….png)

File: 08eb2730ebea608⋯.png (48.08 KB, 453x243, 151:81, QAnon_Drops_and_Trump_Twee….png)

File: b3b3767138ecd09⋯.png (37.54 KB, 610x245, 122:49, Calculate_Duration_Between….png)


Then there was this famous lightning strike, 270 days prior to the Washington Monument one:


FWIW: #270

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92b15c  No.9484038

File: fa51ac401cbae83⋯.png (200.42 KB, 820x710, 82:71, Screenshot_2020_06_05_CMSA….png)


Chief Wright is a rockstar with the airmen

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f7f0de  No.9484039


Catholics have murdered over 100,000,000 Christians in the last thousand years.

Learn to tell sheep from wolves.

Your life depends on it.

Or your soul does.

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b5b75a  No.9484040


the stock market, dont you know the economy is BOOMing.

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e332ba  No.9484041

ABC: "The president tweeted dozens of times, with no mention of George Floyd."

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94e2f2  No.9484042



wake up!

Jesus C.

WAKE UP! And stop wearing the damn masks outside. They are not going to save you.

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48af57  No.9484043


>One Dedicated To African American Soldiers

They don't give a damn about their own either.

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24ef7a  No.9484044


those were communists and were worse than Franco

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8f086f  No.9484045





Next bread title should be Jobs Matter.


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23a8b3  No.9484046

File: 9dfaf0cc233461a⋯.jpg (124.44 KB, 1200x804, 100:67, jane_goodall.jpg)

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512f0a  No.9484047

Notables @600

WR Collecting Notes


>>9484031 Mayor Bowser ends emergency

>>9484018 Reminder - Trump Successes — mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

>>9484016 What is the Emergency Action Message

>>9483999 NYT - CV19, 2 studies retracted (cheqt)

>>9483985 Philly Woman Shuts Down Protestors Outside City Hall

>>9483976 Ex-Defense official resigns from Defense Science Board, accuses Esper of violating his oath

>>9483968 Memer Request - Criminal lives matter

>>9483955 Opine - The people that are trying to get rid of police

>>9483888 Activist DeRay Mckesson on the protests, the election and what young people can do to spur change (cheqt)

>>9483857 The Oath.

>>9483847 Devin Nunes retweets "Undercover Huber" twitter account regarding Trump/Russia "project".

>>9483680 David's prayer. Psalm 35:1

>>9483779 POTUS call to meme?

>>9483771 New Project Veritas - Antifa

>>9483770 Watch a live video of thepainbeam

>>9483764 There are accounts actively trying to target facebook users

>>9483761 Spoopy lightning?


>>9483750 DJT I will be doing a News Conference at 10:00 A.M. on the Jobs Numbers!

>>9483743 republicans-sweep-all-four-their-special-elections

>>9483739 Another "small town homemade explosives" bomber

>>9483724 Antifa-riots-investigate-group-attacking-america-david-bossie

>>9483679 Unemployment Falls to 13.3% and Economy Adds 2.5 Million Jobs

>>9483624, >>9483717 Counter-Terror Expert: Feds Unaware of Antifa, Black Lives Matter Communist Connections, Objectives

>>9483583 Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns

>>9483562 New DJT twat w/CAP: I am so stunned. I’ve never seen numbers like this and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Steve M. @MariaBartiromo

>>9483535 Alabama sheriff's office: 7 adults found dead in shooting and fire in home; no suspects in custody but no further threat

>>9483505 US Navy twat w/CAP: “You’ve done your duty and now it’s time to come home.”

>>9483500 Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Asking for $55 Million Federal Bailout to Repair Race Riot Damages

>>9483464, >>9483480, >>9483527, >>9483619, >>9483766, >>9483820, >>9483842 planefag reporting

>>9483457 California mayor resigns over email about police killings

>>9483432, >>9483522 anon posits on DJT twatter blackout and ban

>>9483434 Here Are All The Senate Democrats Who Have Refused To Comment On Antifa’s Violence

>>9483413 Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why

>>9483367 War Room Trends Report

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f0d006  No.9484048

File: 2e3125ee43b41e9⋯.png (359.81 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C61DA282_D4B1_4BCC_9352_1A….png)



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062db2  No.9484049


fuck off faggot

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d1204f  No.9484050


Maybe they added in the payrolls of BLM and Antifa to the employed catagory. Kek.

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cec8a4  No.9484051

If America treats blacks so poorly, why don’t I have a bunkhouse full of slaves?

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03002a  No.9484052

File: 1eabbc8b6cf4267⋯.png (85.92 KB, 1082x705, 1082:705, operation_kpop.PNG)

So kpop fans are now being directed to post their little kpopfancam clips on twatter with #QAnon and #WWG1WGA


Shame if twatter fags were to start the N Korean memes and other truth bombs with #kpop and #kpopfancams

Remember this is a battle for hearts and minds

Show them that anons are not about divisions

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40e341  No.9484053

POTUS press conference at 10 am in Rose Garden

Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 9:23 AM

Subject: In-town pool #2 - POTUS press conference at 10 am in Rose Garden

The president will hold his 10 a.m. press conference in the Rose Garden, per updated White House daily guidance.

10:00AM THE PRESIDENT holds a news conference

Rose Garden


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436864  No.9484054


TY WR much appreciated!

Baker ready for last mile>Drop the last notes when ready notetaker.

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8fac32  No.9484055


Has been many of ((their)) plans for many generations now. Just the latest in a long line (ex Weather Underground) ala Bill Ayers Obummer's buttbuddy.

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512f0a  No.9484056

>>9484047 BAKES U BACK?

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f7f0de  No.9484057


Whatever you say, honey.

We see you.

We see through you.

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559167  No.9484058


And what was the first lesson supposed to be?

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8e9118  No.9484059


It's the Chews???

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2fae77  No.9484061


Waking up, and realizing that the democrats aren't their friends…

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763618  No.9484062

Seeing a lot of "Fuck Off" anger this morning

But none of it directed at Q who has been fucking off for 3 years

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37d55f  No.9484063


This is about the funniest thing I've ever seen. Antifa from all over America is currently in transit to DC and they want us to drop all the defenses.


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48af57  No.9484064


So minutemen were stupid too in your opinion.

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512f0a  No.9484065



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8ba8ad  No.9484066


sister mad as hell

they better hope she never picks up a gun

no hesitation

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f7e328  No.9484067

>>9483059 (pb)

I knew (you) would say those things, considered whether I cared or not and decided I didn't.

Honestly, I never saw your explanation for the name of the bread because I never set foot in your bread. I still haven't read it. I can tell by your response to me here that my position is very unlikely to change.

You are like the guys in that car, driving around and handing teenagers bricks. YOU ADMIT YOU WERE BAITING. You, sir, are an agitator.

Yes, I am a concern troll. I wonder how I am ever going to red pill some of the tough nuts among my family and friends.

When the movement is successful and we win these battles, we will still have to win the hearts and minds of those that today oppose us. We need to start now.

Actually that is what we are doing. Winning hearts and minds and growing everyday. Do you really think racial pride is part of this movement? White pride? Does it promote unity? Is your attitude something you carry around with you IRL?

Things are getting real out there. Anons, in here we can be any way want, that is true. I guess I just wish we would practice for when we go outside.

Nevertheless, thanks for baking.

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436864  No.9484068

yep, got it fren!

TY again

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23a8b3  No.9484069

File: af41be94048efb3⋯.jpg (18.16 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 911_shekel.jpg)


here's your shekel, you earned it

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65a206  No.9484070


Who has floating ribs? WTF

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55639c  No.9484071

File: 18bfe5a16ea9234⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1839x1714, 1839:1714, missionfromgodtyflotusnpot….png)

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f7f0de  No.9484072



The loyalists in this country were loyal to the Crown, after the Revolution was won.

Loyal to the last government, not the current one.

The Shadow Government, not the legitimately and duly elected one.

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48af57  No.9484073


^^^^^^^^^^^ Faithless agitator.

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ae36f0  No.9484074


Waking up can be hard, scary at times. She was just forced to wake up

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94f3a7  No.9484075

File: b204f36c9d48c6f⋯.png (15.36 KB, 112x110, 56:55, 4.png)

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4c8810  No.9484076

File: a89f38105c1abd3⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, pepeoysteranonlove.png)


It's gonna look great!

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f7f0de  No.9484077


More salt please. I'm a bit dehydrated.

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2a2a24  No.9484078

File: 1b07cdf0f401037⋯.jpeg (376.71 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1b07cdf0f40103738e57c894e….jpeg)

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d7cc0f  No.9484079


>ut none of it directed at Q who has been fucking off for 3 years

Im sure you and your ilk are the sort of fuckwits who would rather Q just stay quiet….kys

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bb073e  No.9484080

File: 78083d509692aac⋯.png (106.13 KB, 974x685, 974:685, 060520_Opening_bell.PNG)

File: 6da0871ad8453c9⋯.png (45.85 KB, 636x689, 12:13, 060520_Live_Gold.PNG)

File: c2f60a3c315ffdf⋯.png (51.36 KB, 762x545, 762:545, 060520_WTI_live.PNG)

File: 067ff4956fb71c6⋯.jpg (11.84 KB, 474x296, 237:148, opening_bell.jpg)

Opening bell




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b56e59  No.9484081

File: 1e8732a03f2e38e⋯.jpg (119.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, dollar_signs.jpg)

Anon's investment portfolio is within 1% of the high point before the March drop.

Quite the comeback. Did juggle a few things at the lows to harvest some losses and also redirect investment to AMERICAN companies that POTUS was mentioning as being cooperative. 50% gains on those.

It's been fun.

Never gamble with the grocery money, anons.

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23a8b3  No.9484082

File: e2bafd3907a9612⋯.png (1.72 MB, 929x3081, 929:3081, jews_in_china_2.png)

File: 2ff858b7bac0fce⋯.jpg (46.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, negro_tries_thinking.jpg)


where do jews eat on Christmas Day?

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c7034a  No.9484084


HAARP is the keysotne?

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2fae77  No.9484085

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Draws a connection between the minute men and leftists wanting to abolish police forces…

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4bd6d0  No.9484086


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8fac32  No.9484087



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48af57  No.9484088


I love it when the truth forces you to call people a shill because your to fucking stupid to grasp common sense.

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f7f0de  No.9484089


Getting a big plane safely in and out of Cherry Point is tough enough without having to dodge DEWs.

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763618  No.9484090


That's me — seems like people pissed off are more likely to do something

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487b40  No.9484091


true story anon

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b8ad25  No.9484092

File: 1b0d63b5e3bb518⋯.mp4 (132.02 KB, 480x480, 1:1, yellow_frog_reee.mp4)

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38f83b  No.9484093

File: bef7b857fa902c4⋯.jpg (11.12 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 1551055450.jpg)

Q, are things under control

Is this a carrion call to head to DC

or a carrion call to head to our local liberal outpost

We were told to enjoy the show,

as the propaganda outlets claim 1 million surround our countries Heart

Hated Gen Mattis final removed his cloak but we all know the military industrial complex is just one finger of a faction

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2974e9  No.9484094


>The people that are trying to get rid of police, the constitution, etc. don't realize that is the only thing protecting them from us right now

The people that are trying to get rid of police, the constitution, etc. don't realize that is the only thing protecting them from us right now

The people that are trying to get rid of police, the constitution, etc. don't realize that is the only thing protecting them from us right now

The people that are trying to get rid of police, the constitution, etc. don't realize that is the only thing protecting them from us right now

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cdc9ec  No.9484095

File: 0f3a545770d3ca0⋯.jpeg (9.25 KB, 215x161, 215:161, images.jpeg)


Rigid-hull Inflatable Boat?

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37d55f  No.9484096


Dear Mr. President, Our fighters can't breathe with the US Military kicking the shit out of them. Can you please get them out of the City so our Antifa heroes can break baseball bats over defenseless people's heads in our drive to take control of Federal Buildings and breech the White House?

We're entitled to burn down our own city if we want to so get out of the way Orange Man.

There, I fixed the 'flow' of the letter.

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8fac32  No.9484097


Never gamble with the grocery money, anons.

Truer words, anon!

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e5a11f  No.9484098

File: 0f8267912900dc6⋯.jpg (115.17 KB, 640x364, 160:91, cod_forces_blm_pledge_on_g….jpg)

File: c1d9049e783a9e6⋯.jpg (165.41 KB, 707x847, 101:121, tideturning.jpg)

Activision Blizzard kicked 'Call of Duty' gamers out of the system on Thursday to force a code update, with a splash screen that basically demands everyone pledge allegiance to the Black Lives Matter movement in order to play the game.

The message appears every time you launch the game.

Rockstar Games also blocked everyone from playing their game entirely for two hours on Thursday afternoon to "honor" George Floyd.


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22e10a  No.9484099

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4f6345  No.9484100


>Remember this is a battle for hearts and minds

>Show them that anons are not about divisions


I'd ignore them

Let them have their fun…alone

They'll fade away

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20ead4  No.9484101


so like, a meme series about each RED item?

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f7f0de  No.9484103

File: b971421024bb1d8⋯.png (106.37 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fac32  No.9484104


Getting desperate!

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bb073e  No.9484105

File: 6ba76cfd7e5dea7⋯.png (834.05 KB, 906x656, 453:328, winthorpe_chek_t.PNG)

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48af57  No.9484106


No, you have it backwards, asswipe.

Minute men and conservatives…the silent majority.

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f5203f  No.9484108

File: a2e80579c7c533b⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1740x844, 435:211, ClipboardImage.png)









Been capping this aircraft's historical flights. It really gets around. Everywhere!

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da045f  No.9484109

File: c9b88e1ebf098e0⋯.png (91.52 KB, 639x138, 213:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a2a24  No.9484110

File: bb723663379cbef⋯.jpeg (132.2 KB, 736x1010, 368:505, bb723663379cbefa86fb93497….jpeg)


They were called "United Empire Loyalists."

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3d2d9c  No.9484111



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512f0a  No.9484112

can someone splain whats going on with ARCHIVE.IS?

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bb8414  No.9484113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guise watch the video, amazing, American Citizen, she is a Patriot, Strong Black Woman shouting

Nobody takes America. Nobody


Boots On The Ground

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c42395  No.9484114


Handwriting analyst anon here. This woman is crazy with delusions of grandeur.

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02a3e8  No.9484115

Why are former DOD Secretary General Mattis and DOD Secretary Esper publicly criticizing President Trump over his hints that he might use the Insurrection Act? There are two possibilities. One is that the riots charged by Antifa, newly declared a terrorist organization, are not enough to use this act. The second is that by invoking the Insurrection Act President Trump is assuming a position of control over the military, which is ALREADY IN CHARGE, and thus subsuming the Junta. The US is already under Martial Law, and does not need two military leaders, thus.

President Trump’s words - that he would step in if the states did not get control of the rioting - gave the appearance that President Trump was in charge, which he is not. He crossed the line. The Junta is reigning President Trump back in. What are President Trump’s options here? He needs to insist on the National Guard doing the job, and has not as yet exhausted his options there. The states are calling up their guard, but Trump is withholding a nationwide call at the federal level. For the Insurrection Act to be used, a state needs to be in anarchy, which none of them are.

Why are some Democrat cities saying they plan to “defund the police”, meaning not provide money for salaries or equipment. This, in the middle of riot violence assisted by a Democrat ally - Antifa. What this instantly brings to mind in the average reader is fear - a Mad Max world. The intended message by the Democrats was that they are going to force the police to be nice to those they arrest, but the facts about Antifa’s funding and violent agenda are tumbling out into the public eye at the same time, which the Democrats did not expect.

The Tribunals have taken out the top leadership in the Democrat Party. Several levels down, there is poor coordination. They did not expect the Covid-19 worry to disappear so quickly, and now they worry about mail-in ballots which are likely to be challenged in court and thus, unless voter requested, denied. They did not anticipate the Floyd death, and did not have a plan for how to react, thus look to be in support of Antifa violence. Biden was exposed at Floyd’s funeral as he cannot speak without a teleprompter. Thus the lies about Biden’s support in the polls will start to come tumbling out. The Democrat blunders will all compound and increase

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feb44e  No.9484116

File: 8cefedf5c44e691⋯.png (729.83 KB, 678x756, 113:126, Screenshot_2020_06_05_9_Li….png)

File: c47893639731a98⋯.png (300.71 KB, 598x593, 598:593, Screenshot_2020_06_05_9_La….png)


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71c59e  No.9484117


It will be telling if THOSE accounts stay visible, when true Qanon accounts have been shut down or hidden.

Does @Jack have a program to know a fake Q from a True Q?

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f7f0de  No.9484119


Absolutely terrifying verse, in context, and properly understood.

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c121f2  No.9484120

File: 43b7cd18b2be787⋯.png (42.69 KB, 786x273, 262:91, Capture.PNG)

Nunes retweets Undercover Huber


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436864  No.9484121

final final bun for #12138

hold dem laties anons


Baker and WR Notetaker

>>9484031 Mayor Bowser ends emergency

>>9484018 Reminder - Trump Successes — mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

>>9484016 What is the Emergency Action Message

>>9483999 NYT - CV19, 2 studies retracted (cheqt)

>>9483985 Philly Woman Shuts Down Protestors Outside City Hall

>>9483976 Ex-Defense official resigns from Defense Science Board, accuses Esper of violating his oath

>>9483968 Memer Request - Criminal lives matter

>>9483955 Opine - The people that are trying to get rid of police

>>9483888 Activist DeRay Mckesson on the protests, the election and what young people can do to spur change (cheqt)

>>9483857 The Oath.

>>9483847 Devin Nunes retweets "Undercover Huber" twitter account regarding Trump/Russia "project".

>>9483680 David's prayer. Psalm 35:1

>>9483779 POTUS call to meme?

>>9483771 New Project Veritas - Antifa

>>9483770 Watch a live video of thepainbeam

>>9483761 Spoopy lightning?


>>9483750 DJT I will be doing a News Conference at 10:00 A.M. on the Jobs Numbers!

>>9483743 republicans-sweep-all-four-their-special-elections

>>9483739 Another "small town homemade explosives" bomber

>>9483724 Antifa-riots-investigate-group-attacking-america-david-bossie

>>9483679 Unemployment Falls to 13.3% and Economy Adds 2.5 Million Jobs

>>9483583 Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns

>>9483562 New DJT twat w/CAP: I am so stunned. I’ve never seen numbers like this and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Steve M. @MariaBartiromo

>>9483535 Alabama sheriff's office: 7 adults found dead in shooting and fire in home; no suspects in custody but no further threat

>>9483505 US Navy twat w/CAP: “You’ve done your duty and now it’s time to come home.”

>>9483500 Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Asking for $55 Million Federal Bailout to Repair Race Riot Damages

>>9483464, >>9483480, >>9483527, >>9483619 planefag reporting

>>9483457 California mayor resigns over email about police killings

>>9483432, >>9483522 anon posits on DJT twatter blackout and ban

>>9483434 Here Are All The Senate Democrats Who Have Refused To Comment On Antifa’s Violence

>>9483413 Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why

>>9483367 War Room Trends Report

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62b86d  No.9484122

>>9484052 #Qanon hashtags coming back, anons Introduce real Q


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faa690  No.9484123


Yes. Go to YT MrAndyNgo

it's a vid he filmed from Dec 2018 in Seattle. He fights Antifa by filming & unmasking them also has a great twitter by same name

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f16bd1  No.9484124


Why are you name fagging, WR anon?

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763618  No.9484125


Well tell me big thinker

What has Q got done other than getting time stamps

to match - more like a clothing coordinator than a Patriotic activity

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23a8b3  No.9484126

File: 9aca5e2092e8dc4⋯.png (367.45 KB, 532x398, 266:199, hes_right_you_know.png)

File: 3761fab069b9077⋯.jpg (122.18 KB, 443x329, 443:329, you_know_hes_right.jpg)


you're employing the same logic as the people who support gov't spying on citizens: "if you didn't do anything wrong, you don't have anything to hide". and for the record, the only person using the term "shill", is (you).

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9d4518  No.9484127


We are higher up than that

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b8f736  No.9484128

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2974e9  No.9484129

I freaking love this man! "Oh no" kek


"Oh no, the Dems are worried again. The only one that can kill this comeback is Sleepy Joe Biden!"


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a422ef  No.9484130


I am also betting on america, what're you in on?

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2a2a24  No.9484131


mind slaves.

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8fac32  No.9484132


Confirmation of the obvious, but thanks!

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45c9fc  No.9484133

Good News!

Job Opening in town today.

Down Side:

Bilingual Applicants Only.

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22e10a  No.9484134

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ade815  No.9484135

File: 2dd5c537f26408c⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 807x500, 807:500, 40dqc8.jpg)



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da045f  No.9484136


conspiracy fascists

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37d55f  No.9484137


This is what Q+ should be tweeting instead of those self aggrandizing Senators.

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cc0348  No.9484139

File: 09b99eb07c6ded2⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 09b99eb07c6ded2b99f930e469….jpg)




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20ead4  No.9484140


was George's twin brother at the funeral?

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14ea8f  No.9484141

File: aa899558218538e⋯.png (145.15 KB, 276x417, 92:139, Screen_Shot_2020_06_05_at_….png)


wtf is mayor bowser

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a422ef  No.9484142


what about executive orders from a governor?

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cdd399  No.9484143


Wow. Lookit all the revisionists coming out to play! Here ya go, brainlet shills:

"In the Spanish Civil War, the Nationalists were fascist revolutionaries led by Francisco Franco, who were supported by Hitler and Mussolini. The Loyalists were loyal to the democratically elected government and were supported by Stalin, though he did not provide as many supplies as Italy or Germany provided the rebels. As a result, the Nationalists won and established a fascist government ruled over by Franco for decades".



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7aae4d  No.9484144


The entire House of Reps. stands for election every two years. If there were no election, then no House and only 2/3 of Senate remaining.

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e10d55  No.9484147

File: 63fe6ab69c5b4e9⋯.png (53.09 KB, 892x492, 223:123, Screenshot_2020_06_05_qano….png)

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8ba8ad  No.9484148


Glad to see WR working with bakers and anons, not fightin them,should never be just the End here


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14ea8f  No.9484149


later liar

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b56e59  No.9484150


Steel, clothing manufacturing, appliances.

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f0d006  No.9484151


Only secret motive anons have is a clean set of undies. I pretend we are getting bonus checks to make this mud not so cold. I’m gonna get a farmhouse with a warm fireplace one day.. and land to grow some food

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f7f0de  No.9484153


So shines a good deed in a weary world.

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062db2  No.9484154


fuck off faggot

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da045f  No.9484155

File: 00b65d49f08f768⋯.png (33.4 KB, 598x152, 299:76, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae1634  No.9484156

File: f37e2e74a12f0c7⋯.png (84.83 KB, 1073x755, 1073:755, antifa_anonymous.PNG)



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8fac32  No.9484157


For the Insurrection Act to be used, a state needs to be in anarchy, which none of them are.

Have you seen what is going on at all?

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5591d6  No.9484160

File: bca1742102b3441⋯.png (427.84 KB, 478x646, 239:323, 1.PNG)

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062db2  No.9484163


fuck off faggot

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4589de  No.9484164

So while I'm drinking my covfefe I was going to LARP as red text shill. I'm sitting here and can't remember one thing he's posted.

Guess I'll just be me.

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92cd4a  No.9484165


Search and (You) shall be found.




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c2e16a  No.9484166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons and faggots, from 2016 "The Wreck called Hillary Clinton" by Gordon Athletesfoot (parody of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald)

fuckin kek send this dude some love

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a422ef  No.9484167


woo let's go x!

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fd5d65  No.9484168


The people trying to get ride of police….are people who spend their lives evading the police.

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0f8cbc  No.9484169

File: e6cce33458e0cf1⋯.png (17.02 KB, 598x150, 299:75, Screenshot_2020_06_05_Dona….png)



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55639c  No.9484171


alotta carolines loving antifa. gay

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92d6b6  No.9484172


How come you hav jew,, eh, accent, eh,,, in your typing the screen here??

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b5b75a  No.9484173


Remove all military and LEO's, let the protesters march on DC, chemtrail them all with poison gas and deny then deny chemtrails exist. Perfect storm.

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772685  No.9484174

Was old man push by police in Buffalo



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559167  No.9484175

File: 3d083079206c76d⋯.jpg (9.2 KB, 250x241, 250:241, rolling_eyes.jpg)

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2beb11  No.9484176

File: 6aaec9b9076273b⋯.png (18.74 KB, 572x213, 572:213, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Jordan Job Numbers

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f7f0de  No.9484177


So, your soul is on the table.

Take care.

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ae36f0  No.9484179

SOROS + ANTIFA = Alliance for Global Justice

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f7f0de  No.9484180

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da045f  No.9484182

File: d3e3a517d5f7027⋯.png (42.98 KB, 598x189, 598:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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45c9fc  No.9484184


Romantic partner to Donna Brazile

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23a8b3  No.9484185

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436864  No.9484188

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)






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8f086f  No.9484189


Q will post about this next bread

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22e10a  No.9484190


KEK, they think they conquered the hash tags

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d3f3a6  No.9484191



>I heard someone mention that if the election does not take place, then PELOSI would become president through succession in January. Because this idea was top of mind to this person, I believe it has been discussed.


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55639c  No.9484192

File: b31e541cc5e930f⋯.jpg (15.32 KB, 216x144, 3:2, anonsgotdis.jpg)


be my fren pls?

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e183a2  No.9484193

>>9484137 He doesn't want her attacked or killed because of the profound logic.

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