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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, _JPG.jpg)

92722b  No.9638406[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 06.13.2020

>>9606278 ————————————–——– Another free pass? (Cap: >>9606297, >>9606392)

>>9605777 ————————————–——– MSDNC provides a free pass (Cap: >>9606651)

>>9605447 ————————————–——– More police prevent crimes? What changed? (Cap: >>9605512)

>>9605346 ————————————–——– Welcome to the REAL [D] PARTY (Cap: >>9605368, >>9605364)

>>9603352 ————————————–——– One must only look to find the truth. (Cap: >>9603381)

>>9602984 ————————————–——– Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All. (Cap: >>9603037)

>>9601591 ————————————–——– The Daily "Beast." (Cap: >>9601630, >>9601672)

>>9601117 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall. You awake is their greatest fear.

>>9600835 ————————————–——– When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people...... (Cap: >>9600886)

>>9600569 ————————————–——– Biblical Times.

>>9600507 ————————————–——– The 'how' will be hard to understand for most. The 'when' is now.

>>9600426 ————————————–——– YOUR VOICE MATTERS. YOUR VOTE MATTERS. (Cap: >>9600605)

>>9599951 ————————————–——– Division is man-made. Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur.

>>9599384 ————————————–——– Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. GOD WINS.

>>9599109 ————————————–——– They can no longer hide in the dark. It's happening. Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: >>9600043)

Thursday 06.11.2020 >>9607406

>>9576376 ————————————–——– The hole runs deep. (Cap: >>9576384)

>>9575678 ————————————–——– Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]? (Cap: >>9575766)

>>9575415 rt >>9575226 ————————— SENATE WAS THE TARGET.

>>9575034 ————————————–——– Committee approved [12-10] [today].

>>9574475 ————————————–——– What happens when [D]s can no longer cheat electronically? Push vote-by-mail?

>>9574203 ————————————–——– "We were all played." virus OR ELECTION? (Cap: >>9574227)

>>9573885 ————————————–——– @jsolomonReports Steele Dossier Uncorroborated (Cap: >>9573943)

>>9573817 ————————————–——– @CBS_Herridge New Pen! (Cap: >>9573853, >>9573889)

Wed 06.10.2020 >>9580536

Tue 06.09.2020 >>9580534

Sat 06.06.2020 >>9580532

Fri 06.05.2020 >>9568062

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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92722b  No.9638420

Global Announcements

>>9502804 New HRC FBI Mail Digs, >>9503200, >>9504111

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>9638255 Rodney King was also in an election year

>>9638148 Video: OAN on Veritas: Soros allegedly funding Antifa-like groups

>>9638138 Missing veteran found dead in VA hospital after a month

>>9638123 DEVELOPING: Active shooter reported at Dallas mall

>>9637981 Fresh POTUS

>>9637894 Pentagon official who questioned Trump's Ukraine aid freeze resigns

>>9637890 Video: Old Man Pantifa 'scanning' the police

>>9637845 Bradken to pay US Navy $11m for supplying ‘substandard steel’ for 30 years

>>9637817 , >>9637997 Iowa governor to sign EO restoring felon voting rights

>>9637791 Rep Sen. Josh Hawley condemns SC decision on LGBT anti-discrimination

>>9637731 Russian national Lisov to depart US Tuesday after serving prison term

>>9637730 Gaetz calls on ATF to cease plans restricting arm brace usage

>>9637821 Protest Updates

>>9638408 #12336


>>9637005, >>9636948 Anthony Fauci and his HIV patents and a bitchute on the COVID/HIV rumors - this one on Spike Glycoproteins

>>9636999, >>9637038, >>9637204, >>9637232 some Camp Nose digs by anons for some ICYMI of past digs

>>9637047, >>9637301, >>9637495 planefaggin

>>9637234 hackeranon was able to set up an environment to safely look at that IP list posted on half/pol/ earlier today, for anyone interested

>>9637286 anon chops up the Chaz hypocracy - Strong on border security - erect walls, Strong on Bearing Arms - guard those borders, good post

>>9637311 CIA cyber weapons stolen in historic breach due to 'lax security', internal report says

>>9637336 A #Mexican federal #judge and his wife were shot and killed in front of their two daughters in Mexico's western state of #Colima on Tuesday

>>9637476 Rudy G twat - This is a time for common sense and straight thinking! Today on @77WABCradio

>>9637493 WH twat re EO

>>9637600 AD for biden featuring LG

>>9637647 #12335


>>9636320, >>9636331, >>9636397, >>9636680 planefaggin

>>9636439 Boatfaggin

>>9636696 Albuquerque to Start Sending Unarmed Social Workers on Some 911 Calls in City

>>9636628 THANK Q POTUS Guyana has finally declared a winner in the March 2020 election and the PPP/Civic is it.

>>9636600 Emir Kusturica to attend Victory Parade in Moscow at the invitation of defense minister

>>9636591, >>9636660 The Trump administration sues to block Bolton book

>>9636514 Founder and CEO of Iranian Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate U.S. Sanctions

>>9636481, >>9636554, >>9636594 CIA Was So Focused On Developing Cyber Weapons That "Woefully Lax" Security Led To Vault 7 Leak?

>>9636470 FDA Approves First-Ever Prescription Video Game/Can playing this game really reduce symptoms of ADHD?

>>9636462 "Racist Q fucks shoot up peaceful protests." Anons you know what to do.

>>9636386 NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell wants Colin Kaepernick to 'guide' the league on social justice

>>9636374, >>9636465 Tulsa attorney files lawsuit to stop Trump's rally, Unless you had any doubt about what COVID-19 was all about…

>>9636358, >>9636550, >>9636720, >>9636765 Let's put our Tinfoil hats on and go down the rabbit hole on james alefantis

>>9636355 Gen.Flynn explaining that hardest thing in warfare is TRANSITION.

>>9636354 Leftists in Britain Call for Removal of British Empire Murals in Whitehall Building – They’re Racist

>>9636335 @realJeffreyP To anyone who is still a Democrat: I used to be one too.


>>9636307 ‘Turn Away Immediately’: Taiwan Says It Drove Away Chinese J-10 Fighter Nearing Island’s Airspace

>>9636290 Short movie for Anons.

>>9636288, >>9636383 Moar on Winged Warrriors

>>9636258 Chinese take another step in #quantumcomputing with satellite comms.

>>9636251 SoftBank Will Sell $20 Billion Worth Of Stake In T-Mobile

>>9636240 Obama hitting the virtual campaign trail to push Biden past Trump

>>9636190 Democrat Leaders Demand Senate Nominee Step Down After ‘Sexually Inappropriate’ Text Messages Surface

>>9636187 BREAKING NOW: Supporters have began to form line 4 days ahead of TRUMP RALLY in Tulsa that saw almost 1-million ticket requests..

>>9636796 #12234

Previously Collected Notables

>>9635235 #12332, >>9636034 #12333,

>>9632971 #12329, >>9633737 #12330, >>9634547 #12331

>>9630729 #12326, >>9631481 #12327, >>9632250 #12328

>>9628428 #12323, >>9629203 #12324, >>9629924 #12325

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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92722b  No.9638425

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9260794 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #13

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>9038853 Ghidra Research Thread

International Q Research Threads

Germany #58 >>9523968

UK #17 >>9566053

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #6 >>8838303

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France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #2 >>9578272

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

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Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#118 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733, >>>/comms/15801, >>>/comms/16711, >>9619787

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92722b  No.9638426

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Bypass WSJ "paywall" Grease/Tamper Monkey script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/377618-the-wall-street-journal-full-text-articles

Meme Ammo

Memes 58 >>9579253, 57 >>9240337

* Trump Successes v2 — mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* 2020-Jun — mega.nz/folder/8ZwVDKYQ#CFhZxu0GbWUmgk4vfNiRpg

* Antifa — mega.nz/folder/xVpVnIYb#DE5xZRgLxABb4H-8EFxAug

* Obamagate — mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

Keep it trending!

* Kung Flu — mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

* VoterID/ElectionRig — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

* Biden — mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #18 >>>/comms/15918

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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92722b  No.9638440

File: 20a985fe2cbcdf9⋯.png (1.05 MB, 797x531, 797:531, 20a985fe2cbcdf938fbfd75eab….png)



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5afe75  No.9638456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are winning boys!

This video proves it.



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5517fe  No.9638457


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8355bf  No.9638458

Can filter shill hit 330? I'm disappointed in last bread's effort.

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661223  No.9638459

>>9638399 lb ohmuhJuh

the initial caravans were of children in buses that disappeared under the obhongo/biden administration

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a29673  No.9638460

File: 7cf6b57658d91f0⋯.jpg (246.77 KB, 750x811, 750:811, slavemasks.jpg)

File: c833e9b4f7c90f6⋯.jpg (150.45 KB, 638x960, 319:480, obey.jpg)

File: a9b0e8b459f4fcc⋯.jpg (165.23 KB, 704x728, 88:91, newnormalsheeple.jpg)

File: bd58ecca3a3fbcb⋯.jpg (134.47 KB, 513x385, 513:385, justdoitCovid19cult.jpg)

File: e99d2c86cc4f85d⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 451x307, 451:307, whomaskfraud.jpg)

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70747c  No.9638461

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Fuck this chaos!

A VOTE for Trump is a VOTE for Law and Order

Use their pressure campaign against them~

Turn rage against chaos into a Vote for Trump.

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859c45  No.9638462

File: 8711626b0db6c53⋯.jpg (152.55 KB, 996x1080, 83:90, 8711626b0db6c537e075deac3d….jpg)


TYB! always

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e74145  No.9638463

What the thing people do, so they aren’t emotionally vulnerable in traumatic situations?

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70747c  No.9638464

(You) are here -> Phase 1: Shame filtering (Don't defend yourself)

Phase 2: Flood mein kompf

Phase 3: Flood subliminal disgust images

Phase 4: let unconscious seeds grow overnight

Phase 5: flood erotic text - fuel seeds

Phase 6: put a mask on the grown unconscious seeds, a new 'star' to disrupt the board, or enhance their shield that disarms your instincts

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48420a  No.9638465

File: f2a28a7e74f6410⋯.png (71.94 KB, 898x368, 449:184, why_remove_confederate_sta….png)

File: d25ef9e4f1870d5⋯.png (78.03 KB, 898x450, 449:225, why_remove_confederate_sta….png)

True or False? Why would they remove the evidence?

If Democrats and Republicans really "switched parties" in the 60s, why would current Democrats (who used to be the Republicans who freed the slaves) be removing statues that prove today's Republicans (who used to be Democrats) owned slaves?

Think strategically, anons.


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70747c  No.9638466

Censorship extends beyond the ability to use words.

Environment 1: Imagine yourself in conversation with someone else who's willing to hear your side. You two are in a process of reconciliation that eventually leads to a shared objective Truth.

Environment 2: Imagine yourself in conversation with someone else, while a third person is yelling at you both. The closer you get to a shared objective Truth, the more abrasive the third becomes. They yell not just random words but words with certain weights in our minds - weights that hook into your Fight, Flight, or Freeze center.


Question: Will one or both of you become defensive / protective against outside sources? You should, that's the entire point of our instincts should we be in a situation that threatens our life.

Deeper Questions:

Will this impact the quality and quantity of thoughts?

Will this impair your ability to connect two different points?

Will this help or CENSOR your ability to reach a shared objective truth with the other?

Censorship is far more complex than simple filtering/not letting others speak.

In fact, those with insidious intentions will use their free speech to shut you down. To limit your very minds.

To censor your soul.

On our boards, we are in Environment 2.

They have this system of censorship down to a science. (Tavistock)

Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it

Now (You) know~


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07844e  No.9638467

File: 77c6b93ff04b04a⋯.jpg (103.74 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, lxe35ofkp7551.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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41cea1  No.9638468

File: 60f2ec639d3fa4c⋯.png (276.42 KB, 589x544, 589:544, CARPETBOMBING.png)

Shills are still freaking out, I see. What's got them so hot and bothered? is it because people don't hate jews and gays anymore?

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70747c  No.9638469

Arm yourself for War

Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!

A: Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it

.begin expose.

<>door closed<>

gearshift [remove] chain [break] cards A-rip-K 10hearts>break< R.emove35 car>crash< route6[black][hat]6RELEASE


mud.er matrix instead

e[x].wordsalad.bot slathered in tavistock lotion yikes

poisoned peanutbutter

soap shower tavistock lotion away

^"The streets will not be safe for you." [Programmers of "wet.ware"]

rip their fucking lungs out~ [their own sword]

Information Warfare: Closer than you know

An algorithm for wetware has been created through networks of subleminals and word associations. Propagated by entrained magnetic fields (CERN). Just as the major media platforms have their algorithms to control their information flow, so too does this board. So too, the world…


"InstaFilter+ Those with control / Programmers":

Img_158###… / Cupace_… (filenames) toilet|boi


“marriage is" lies

commsunionbakers & "t'yb" posts

Dan|lie made in china <<<<

News_1_day_ahead… (latest filenames) = 5 picture silent suicide poster / 158#######.jpg's

Cupace_#### / IMG_159####… (filenames)

(Picture of) route6[black][hat]6lies


They will change, you can IDEN them from your gut reaction to their pics. If you get a headache looking at them.

From their own words:

>THE [E]

>is the edge[lord]

>You know the algorithm <exists> and a few of >us have control of it, nobody seems to care

>fucking NPCs


>u wouldn't know peanut butter if i shoved it down your throat

>i can tell you right to your face

>you are an idiot if you don't think wet.ware, peanutbutter, and tavistock lotion are real and meaningful in this war.

>not bad [e]bot

rip their fucking lungs out

Their [Matrix] was designed to be destroyed.

>Seductive coercion is much more difficult to recognize and it is the most prevalent; It persuades rather than forces but can be much more powerful than force. It employs manipulation and control of information and authoritative endoreality based on shunning and inclusion.

Exactly like the manipulators here 🤣😂🤣

They are internal parasites; A psychological rootkit.

They channel your collective power.

>All power resides in the semen [jing], the breath [qi], and the spirit [shen]; Guard these with care, securely, lest there be a leak. Lest there be a leak! Keep within the body!

It's imperative You filter them immediately. Add a blur to images as a protective measure against them

This is to be taken as a heavy warning to those who do not - they will turn you into a useful idiot, an NPC, to be programmed by them.

This is how we lose soldiers in this domain of War.

Read that again.

If you want to fight here reduce the attack surface area our enemy has against us.

They use this rootkit to change how we think, how we feel, how we act. To induce the feeling of rage/rape within us. To dissipate our emotions. To channel that energy to their own ends. To censor us from our loved ones and friends. To quiet the Great Awakening.

Abusers need the viewer demoralized, (Gore/Shit)

so they can be depersonalized, (Reality is VR/Simulation)

so they can follow a (planted) "leader/star",

so they can be programmed, (Web of 'subleminal associations)

so they can be turned against other Patriots.

The further abusers pull you out of your immediate 5 senses, the more effective their attacks are.

They live in their broken echo world, and want to drag you into their madness.

Filter+ to free yourself from their entrainment of control.

Quite literally unplugging yourself from their [Matrix].

Go further: Report them for their insideous deployment of censorship.

Suggest we add a global blur on images to reduce their effectiveness.

Filter Post+ the 'dough' post to avoid most their 'TYB' spell of forced love

[Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex]

[Enter as a Comment filter, click Reg ex]

[CSS theme]
/* Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over */
.post-image {
opacity: .8; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

[Disable images completely]
Options->General->Hide Images
We make differences in our environment~

This is our Great Awakening.xoxo


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859c45  No.9638470


fuckin bread shitter.

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42447a  No.9638471

File: 77272fa3dfc333c⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1706x1182, 853:591, theblasios.png)

Sesame Street is coincidentally off of Broadway where the Citibank is.

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e79a61  No.9638472

File: da973caf5bb4833⋯.jpg (144.04 KB, 1600x1063, 1600:1063, talwilkenfeld.jpg)


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426931  No.9638473

File: 20c7eeabbdba802⋯.png (594.71 KB, 627x408, 209:136, ClipboardImage.png)

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c33963  No.9638474


Fuck you pedofag

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661223  No.9638475


HOLE doesnt run that deep

it start fillin up the board with the smell of shit

how do he piss

where does the penis dildo go?

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70747c  No.9638476

Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.

The most malicious elements have been disposed.

The need for others to see for themselves, the horrors of the Democratic 'party', is awakening far more for Trumps 2020.

We already know.

Evil is being exposed for others to see~

ChinaNTIFA's momentum is being used against them in a hilarious way, and you tavistock mutts here are trying to demoralize as many as you can just to save face!~

>Think about it logically.

>The only way is the military. Fully controlled.

BLM is the active agent in evils plan:






(Except the Military is owned by Trump himself, which means /ourPatriots/ own the final line)

"No arrests"

>Now: Updated Federal Riot Cases as of 11:30 am from DOJ: +50 cases, +75 individuals, new alleged violations include multiple instances targeting law enforcement: police vehicles set on fire, smashing police car window, pointing laser at police chopper, arson precinct


Just within a few days of rioting 😂🤣😂

Infact, it looks like they started around June 6th, AKA China's insurgent massacre~

Which means that's an average of 12 individuals arrested per day. The higher ups, those with closer connections with China, have been omitted for National Security reasons seeing as how that's further evidence China has initiated all out War.

This is a just a taste. WE HAD A MAJOR VICTORY, yet the best is yet to come~

Absolutely amazing thread detailing what went down this last weekend.

In short, our enemy wanted the military to be called so they could stage a bloodbath and frame the military.

The chinese insurgents responsible for the chaos were instead rounded up, and their entire evil plan was stopped.


>On Wednesday, June 3rd AG Barr revealed to the VILE Press & the despotic DC Denizens what He & President Trump had done to FOIL THEIR INSURRECTION & hopes for a KENT STATE 2.0 where Protesters would die at the hands of the US Military in a severe CRACKDOWN



Now it's just the useful idiots left, on display for the entire world to see~

>Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.

>Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.

>Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.

>Seeing is Believing.

>Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.



>It had to be this way.

>This is not another 4-year election.



Get it?~

Use their failed attack as ammunition!

>Plan Z. millions of patriots getting out their guns and killing

No, that's your wet desperate dream~

That's the civil war you're praying to satan for~

Plan Z, contextually, was reserved for when either Trump wasn't elected or Kav. was denied his seat on the Supreme Court.

We passed those moments long before.

Now, we watch as mutts like you bitch and moan your way into a noose~

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8f9451  No.9638477


Is that Bernie Boomer Girl?

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0760d3  No.9638478


what are you rambling on about?

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e74145  No.9638479

File: eaf00162b2ac128⋯.jpeg (351.33 KB, 750x684, 125:114, B023DF71_E471_4531_A21E_C….jpeg)


Ions are Coming.



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97ffca  No.9638480

This Tucker Carlson clip makes my blood run cold. I wanted to scream at my television (and him): "you're a damn liar". But is he?

(Fox news won't let me download the video to embed.)

I may have just slipped into concernfagland. Help. No, really.


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76d720  No.9638481

File: 317668d3e9e9fd6⋯.png (258.99 KB, 535x422, 535:422, sociallydivided.png)

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3b35a7  No.9638482

File: 72e74c12c22a55b⋯.jpg (23.43 KB, 655x367, 655:367, schiffproblems.jpg)

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e083fc  No.9638483

File: 6bbfe8da9deada8⋯.png (103.16 KB, 720x676, 180:169, Img_1592353632525.png)

File: 95f633b2e6ae8b6⋯.png (271.37 KB, 1241x636, 1241:636, Img_1586104001165.png)

File: e878a62deeae069⋯.png (127.76 KB, 720x478, 360:239, Img_1589898524244.png)

File: 69ece91104663ee⋯.png (207.64 KB, 720x503, 720:503, Img_1589898396074.png)

File: 6bbf518c90f57c1⋯.png (264.88 KB, 1117x639, 1117:639, Img_1589470453802.png)

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7d53d5  No.9638484

old gunfighters avoid conflict and stop it before it happens.

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677751  No.9638485

File: 87fce0fe775956e⋯.jpg (90.88 KB, 900x750, 6:5, chab1.jpg)

File: 053d66097baa530⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 750x422, 375:211, chab2.jpg)

CHAZ is weak.

They shall forever be CHAZ.

They are very CHAZ.

Chaz is sad. :(

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07844e  No.9638486


She goes by the name Neekolul and is 23, you blithering fucking idiot. Grab a brian, moran.

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52493d  No.9638487

File: c1f8f68c499db47⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, storm_over_DC.mp4)

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426931  No.9638488


>Fuck you pedofag

Belle is 20+ you dipshit

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5af7d3  No.9638489

File: 7815fd91010d250⋯.jpg (95.96 KB, 510x635, 102:127, BAKER_GOOD.jpg)

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661223  No.9638490


you too can get filtered fungii

try farter

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3669f2  No.9638491

File: 09c5d997f33f697⋯.png (946.79 KB, 848x477, 16:9, Screenshot_2020_06_16_Watc….png)


Look what store is front and center Nordstrom. Isn't that where Mossad hang out ?


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000000  No.9638492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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882684  No.9638493

[ObamaGate] Owned and Operated Slave Markets

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c59211  No.9638494

File: 143d92ceadc3dcf⋯.jpg (149.9 KB, 565x425, 113:85, smoke_pepe.jpg)


Who is to blame is what matters.

Not the brainwashed, besides their individual illegal actions. …the violence inducing MSM Brainwashers are the once to blame

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e89100  No.9638495


They tried to teach us that in my Sophmore year History class back in 1986.

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e083fc  No.9638496

File: 4e3072109b4b3c8⋯.png (338.48 KB, 720x1088, 45:68, Img_1591805862720.png)

File: 9f324a60e0c1a09⋯.png (86.51 KB, 720x361, 720:361, Img_1591712376577.png)

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9641af  No.9638497


>If you get a headache looking at them.

most of ur copypasta gives me a headache

is what it is, I guess

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681074  No.9638498

File: 894ce7903baef21⋯.png (1.56 MB, 703x2240, 703:2240, ClipboardImage.png)

Dallas shooting update

1 casulty, mall evacuated, police searching mall store by store for shooter. had to include the top comment.


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ac9149  No.9638499

File: c74be7efad47c0f⋯.jpg (206.35 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, burning_cities_stop.jpg)

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a29673  No.9638500


Cue the "This is Jewish subversion" meme.

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60149e  No.9638501



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bd9f4b  No.9638502


Trump has gotten BTFO on every front. Complete lawlessness, rioting, looting, killing police officers. First Trump just stayed hiding in his bunker. Then he tweeted that he was monitoring the situation. Now he wants police reform. Lmao Trump is a dumb boomer faggot who will never hold the Democrats accountable. What a fucking joke.

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119341  No.9638503

File: 32e5398a0ed0328⋯.jpeg (69.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 32e5398a0ed032837249c3b35….jpeg)


TY Baker! Under heavy attack!

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1c03d9  No.9638504

Return test 1.

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5f5382  No.9638505


at the 'international relations' section of Barnes & Noble?

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257855  No.9638506

*Trump Says He’s Ending the Occupation of Germany as a "Punishment"*

American troops have been occupying Germany since the end of World War II. It is a military occupation, first intended to prevent a resurgence of Nazism, then as a bulwark against communism. It’s unclear exactly what these troops are doing now. Apparently, their presence is vaguely intended to threaten Russia, though that is never explicitly stated.

One of the main things that Donald Trump campaigned on was ending NATO, as it was a remnant of the Cold War and no longer relevant to the current world order. Like all of his signature campaign promises, he’s given up on that completely, but if he were to remove the troops from Germany, that would certainly be a positive development for global freedom.

It might seem confusing to you, a normal person, why it is that the ending of a military occupation would be considered a punishment. But you, my dear normal person, do not understand the ideology of neo-liberalism.

Within the neo-liberalist ideology, the US military is the protector of everything which is sacred and true against the darkness and evil of the old world, the pre-war world, the world of the Nazis, the world of the race consciousness, an evil which is constantly encroaching, threatening to tear down everything that has been built, threatening to dispossess women, homosexuals, Jews and brown people.

This is an elite ideology, which hides under the surface of the reality that normal people see. The neo-liberalist looks at the universe as a completely different phenomenon than you view it as. They are not concerned about any of the little issues that consume your thoughts, because they are rich and these things do not effect them. They are concerned only about blocking any path for the past, for the true nature of man, the race consciousness, to reemerge and crush them.

The homosexuals and women who run the occupation government of Germany are under a constant fear that someone from this old world will come and take their power away, if not outright slaughter them. The neo-liberals are usurpers to a throne that did not belong to a man, but to a race of man. They stole the identity of a people, they took the humanity of all the peoples of Europe, and all of their power is based on being able to suppress that consciousness indefinitely.

They believe that anything passionate, anything human, anything that is less than sterile, could lead to the collective soul of the race being unleashed upon them. They believe that each individual is a neuron in a gigantic race-brain and if these neurons start buzzing, electricity will flow through the neural pathways of the society, and the old titan will wake up, he will walk and run and talk and scream and he will tear down the thing that they hold dear: the raw power of dominating a titan.

Neo-liberalism is celebrated as an order, and it truly is orderly. But to what end? No one seems to ask. The ends are not glorious, indeed they are the opposite.

This system destroys beauty. The beauty of the white woman is replaced with harsh beasts, whether they be the fat blobs who are shadows of femininity, a brown race or the transexual, they are mockeries of what was once known as beautiful. The beauty of the male form has been violated similarly. Their art is vile, a celebration of ugliness. Their architecture, most notably the skyscraper, is a blight upon the land

This system crushes progress. As we move forward, told we are moving into the future, we are surrounded by third world savages. Instead of pursuing intellectual or scientific pursuits, or any form of personal achievement, the people are encouraged to engage in debased sexual acts. To masturbate. Men cutting their penises off is a progression from men not doing that, we’re told. African jungle savages tearing down our past is a progression from the past itself, we’re told. Women dominating men is a progression from the patriarchy, we are told.

This system obliterates happiness. The disillusion of the family has meant that every man is truly an island, left alone and drifting. He buys drugs on the street or is given them by a doctor to prevent himself from being crushed under the weight of his own screaming biochemistry. Consumption replaces any ideal of being. There is no Desein. We are objects being acted on by our environment. Continual electronic stimulation is required to block out the loneliness and the pain of separation. Separation from ourselves, separation from our families, separation from our race consciousness. We are dead pixels.


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945bf4  No.9638507

Even the Congressional Black Caucus Chair Has Issues with the 'Defund the Police' Slogan

"As the "Defund the Police" movement continues to gain steam, the left has continually done what they can to redefine what they want. While defunding the police implies the elimination of police departments, Democrats claim the rallying cry is actually about reallocating funds from law enforcement agencies to other necessary community resources, like mental health counseling and social workers.

"Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Karren Bass (D-CA) admitted during an interview with The Washington Post on Monday that the movement chose a terrible slogan, the New York Post reported.

“ 'I told some friends that’s probably one of the worst slogans ever,' she said."

“Police officers are the first ones to say they are law enforcement officers, they’re not social workers. What we have done in our country is, we have not invested in health, social and economic problems in communities. We leave the police to pick up the pieces,” Bass explained. 'In my city [Los Angeles], for example, on any given night, we have over 40,000 people who are homeless. Why should the police be involved with that?' ”


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785889  No.9638508

File: 2a5da2c241aef5c⋯.png (249.17 KB, 458x378, 229:189, FRESHBREAD.png)


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e083fc  No.9638509

File: 25a0955a61c8b0e⋯.png (566.15 KB, 720x971, 720:971, Img_1592330394979.png)

File: b8739bf4d8db38a⋯.png (17.57 KB, 153x155, 153:155, Img_1592341958819.png)

File: 17d007216adddd5⋯.png (189.62 KB, 800x667, 800:667, Img_1591654956361.png)

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0c601f  No.9638510

At least 1 injured after gunman opens fire in Texas shopping mall

A store inside the Dallas Galleria Mall in Texas has reportedly been placed on lockdown after shots rang out in the facility. There were reports that at least one person was injured in the shooting.


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d2a1d8  No.9638511

File: b014f526e314b78⋯.png (500.67 KB, 1527x553, 1527:553, tempsnip.png)


Didn't watch the clip, the digits distracted me.

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257855  No.9638512


It goes without saying that without any of the above, this system has no interest in reaching for the divine. God is dead, we are told. Shut up and watch these negroes dance, or riot, or whatever it is they’re doing on the screen currently. In fact, bow before these negroes, they say. They are your gods now, having come straight out of the stone age, a relic of the evolutionary process, here to be praised by you as your betters. Your gods. Your masters.

Surely, someone must look at this system, see that it seeks neither beauty, progress, personal happiness or divinity, and note that no civilization has been so lacking in form. But it’s formlessness is its power. The normal person doesn’t even grasp that it exists at all. It is a monolith that we only experience the shadow of. For the shadow covers all, and we live in the shadow of the great and formless shape.

The race consciousness is blotted out, the monolith uses us as its sustenance. Feeds upon our soul energy with its vile instruments.

In the East, perhaps the race consciousness may still be bobbing around. It is in a stupor, confused by the monolith, incapable of perceiving the form of the monolith as we all are, but it is there, blinking, bobbing, buzzing, demonstrating that the race consciousness has a pulse, which could at any moment turn into a rumble.

The race consciousness could start dully buzzing in Germany. Chatter could begin. And buzzing chatter – chatter is the stuff of which mobs are made. If a race mob were to emerge, then another, and another – this is akin to a pandemic, in the eyes of the neo-liberalist.

The chatter, the mob, then the titan awakes, and he tears down the monolith. For the titan has the power to crush the monolith with ease. With his littlest finger, he could flick it, send it crashing down, if he were to rise.

He has suffered brain death. But a jolt – it could wake him. His body must be picked apart, mutilated through massive waves of immigration. The women of the race must be fed into the grinder of interracial sex. The men must be forced to cease the act of procreation.

The project is not finished, and it may always come down to sheer violence. The chance exists that a flickering of brain activity within the race consciousness could happen, and need cut down. That is why removing US troops from Germany is a punishment. And that is why it not ever going to actually happen.

In theory, cuts like this would be necessary due to the coronavirus collapse. But they will cut your food money first.


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f7dd6c  No.9638513

File: 6b86d45adfd82bf⋯.png (402.34 KB, 708x425, 708:425, DeusVult.png)

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cd3ef3  No.9638514

File: 816f942cf2ed443⋯.jpeg (102.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 358AF493_0CD6_4DF1_AAC3_C….jpeg)

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3598f1  No.9638515

File: 2040519327a3ba2⋯.jpg (99.91 KB, 1522x1024, 761:512, hg795theragjmuh0e8jrg8y6ea….jpg)

Draining the swamp - Toilet cleaning is fun!

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3f0b7f  No.9638516

File: 6c5a93a47eb4e9a⋯.jpeg (156.03 KB, 1200x929, 1200:929, 653c42b60332c592cbf48e179….jpeg)

File: aad37f00e8c5597⋯.jpeg (180.84 KB, 1200x962, 600:481, d2caa5fc4c4ea2bce3cda9e5f….jpeg)

File: 5bc89fb9015f96f⋯.jpeg (156.49 KB, 1200x863, 1200:863, 2c90965520f96f9bd3f31e3c0….jpeg)

File: 579b0e8985b56d4⋯.jpeg (138.18 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 750368b7cb1b10613d4a9e746….jpeg)

File: cd7087d27097ce3⋯.jpeg (136.94 KB, 1196x873, 1196:873, 3916ebede49cd4fed39c1a8bd….jpeg)

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000000  No.9638517


Chop Bono 4eva

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859c45  No.9638518

File: 5cd0772b39344a3⋯.png (815.41 KB, 1222x527, 1222:527, Capture.PNG)

This is a great interview and eye opening.

Black Sheriff supports.


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b88a6b  No.9638519

File: 4eea876d0b8c3b9⋯.png (28.12 KB, 1027x310, 1027:310, ClipboardImage.png)




Why scanner date showing tomorrow?

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cd3ef3  No.9638520

File: 7a42f1761fabf17⋯.jpeg (143.18 KB, 846x510, 141:85, 1F3EA79E_C46E_4F07_AD5D_9….jpeg)

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dabce1  No.9638521

File: 128e5714ab21860⋯.png (1.7 MB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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42447a  No.9638522



A light breeze of DDOS.

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0c601f  No.9638523

File: b507f33dafd801c⋯.png (13.38 KB, 540x202, 270:101, ClipboardImage.png)

If I was handing out AR-15s on the street, I’d have ATF kicking down my door the next day… But when CHAZ Commies do it, it’s a “block party”… People aren’t going to take this hypocrisy much longer


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ea6f33  No.9638524

File: d684506f0465de6⋯.png (310.69 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 342656.png)

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82854e  No.9638525

File: 33af7069028ec6c⋯.jpg (82.81 KB, 674x370, 337:185, borderwall_2.jpg)

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681074  No.9638526

File: 95aa6d8c09f166a⋯.png (655.45 KB, 689x942, 689:942, ClipboardImage.png)

Dallas happening over


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2811af  No.9638527

File: 6b185ea563368e0⋯.jpg (87.99 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 45dhi6.jpg)

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0c601f  No.9638528

PSA: Positive Thinking Is Our Greatest Weapon Against The Enemy

What They Want You To Think:

You are alone

You are crazy

You will never have a social life again

You will lose your job

You are not safe in your own home

You will have your life turned upside down if you disagree

The reality is:

You are not alone

You are not crazy

You will have a social life again

You will not lose your job

You will be safe in your own home

Your life will return to normal shortly

We are seeing the satanistic left be systematically deconstructed right before our eyes. They are kicking and screaming and pulling out every stop they can think of but the world has united around Trump and the MAGA movement is stronger than ever. We are winning, they are just too stupid and too afraid to know when to stop and admit defeat and that will be their downfall.


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98e136  No.9638529


then why are you here sizzlechest ?

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85422a  No.9638530

Anyone got a link to Tucker live?

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b88a6b  No.9638531

>>9638519 (me) pic related

sorry ..sauce


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52493d  No.9638532

File: 2b4d528ebbb984f⋯.png (532.18 KB, 1067x578, 1067:578, Dallas_Shootinig_lockdown_….PNG)


Dallas Galleria

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b88a6b  No.9638533



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aa1426  No.9638534

File: da55cbb797952af⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 16.06 KB, 164x300, 41:75, BA76C8C3_E9EE_44A0_9275_D….jpeg)


Here pops

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cd3ef3  No.9638535

File: d68fea8f5b7f86c⋯.jpeg (203.36 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 7A049186_9A7D_4090_83DE_A….jpeg)

This baby dear has big sad eyes

All on account of the Q-team lies.

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e083fc  No.9638536

File: ef1483e79de304d⋯.png (132.39 KB, 631x553, 631:553, Img_1592153231485.png)

File: 489d2bac2b9369d⋯.png (156.81 KB, 1241x634, 1241:634, Img_1592151785747.png)

File: 48d9e6211042aec⋯.png (176.47 KB, 648x775, 648:775, Img_1591740776607.png)

File: daf6e81fb1285bb⋯.png (380.08 KB, 720x967, 720:967, Img_1591742981455.png)

File: a858610441a93b4⋯.png (351.96 KB, 1186x648, 593:324, Img_1590524940291.png)

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d3bb6a  No.9638537

File: 17efa792c6e764e⋯.png (492.78 KB, 537x500, 537:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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f19b65  No.9638538

File: 07822e9de71ee44⋯.jpeg (71.48 KB, 576x433, 576:433, 10D1E9D6_4395_44DD_8991_2….jpeg)

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a29673  No.9638539


Right on time.

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3da828  No.9638540


How does CDC Foundation & CDC connect?

2 separate entities or 1 in the same?

CDC - gov't agency funded by "we the people"

CDC Foundation - accepts donations

Trying to break some medical programing....any links/assistance

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7d53d5  No.9638541

File: f6e8260341cf281⋯.png (46.75 KB, 1211x1175, 1211:1175, quarkgeo.png)

I pretty much don't give a fuck anymore I will just wait for the collapse.

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ea6f33  No.9638542


I love the smell of DDOS in the evening


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123de3  No.9638543


Why the fuck are YOU here? Stupid ass faggot. This is. the oldest and most tired reply here. Try having an original thought that goes against the grain once in a while you blithering taint boil.

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2fb30b  No.9638544

We want:

The Constitution

The white race





We do not want:





Free trade


Repression and suppression of our natural rights


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0f8665  No.9638545

>>9638489 Right on time today (within minutes).

All 3 of you coming tonight?

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07844e  No.9638546

File: 3afc456537fbb99⋯.png (231.38 KB, 500x702, 250:351, ClipboardImage.png)


Perhaps you can explain to me why it's POTUS' fault that local and state officials aren't enforcing the laws, dumbfuck. Don't worry, I'll wait.

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ffe9a8  No.9638547

File: e5bcb2869288bdd⋯.jpg (707.42 KB, 1080x1271, 1080:1271, Screenshot_20200616_192721….jpg)


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257855  No.9638548



We want:

The Constitution

The white race





We do not want:





Free trade


Repression and suppression of our natural rights


This is an agenda that the people can and will get behind, if we are able to present it to the people in an authoritative manner. It is simple and it has a clear point of reference in tradition. This is the strategic white racial agenda. We will flawlessly bind the facts we have gathered regarding race and the Jews to the promotion of traditional American values and culture, given that what we have learned about race and the Jews stems naturally from the American tradition.

Furthermore, this is an appeal not only to the American tradition, but to the entire tradition of the European people, going all the way back to Greece and Rome. We know that the people can be convinced to go along with it, because it is the tradition of the people. Christian philosophy was largely derived from Plato. The concept of economic independence existed long before anyone started talking about “capitalism.”

The communism, feminism, third world romanticism, anti-nationalism, destruction of identity and everything else promoted by the current ideation of the left (Jews) are antithetical to everything European man has been throughout history. They are involved in a totally botched attempt to formulate a Marxist “new man".

We need to stick to what we know is good and true and righteous.

We have seen that the zoomers are very open to our ideas. There is a way to build a movement and make it work, if we are focused on that instead of arguing over weird nonsense. Any argument that takes place now should be along the lines of how best to implement the agenda. Anyone still talking about what the agenda is should be viewed as dangerous, harboring a weird agenda to keep people stuck in a phase of trying to figure out what is going on. We know what is going on. That phase of the movement is over. Now is the phase of action, of moving to build a viable nationalist political movement.

Do not get distracted. Get a grip on the agenda and work to make it happen. A window of turmoil is opening up, and this crisis gives us a chance to act, to rally the people to the cause of liberation.

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437288  No.9638549

I Daniel Am here to fuck EVERYTHING you know Up.<<<


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13fda7  No.9638550


The left CAN meme after all! Oh… wait a minute… Nope, they still can't. Sorry, false alarm.

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c51889  No.9638552


Looks happ,curious and spry.

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945bf4  No.9638553

File: 6b3fd5dc9c368d2⋯.png (23.18 KB, 410x307, 410:307, 4360.png)

This recent Q post that mentions insurrection.

I thought it probably referred to the usual DS swamp rats in DC.

Could it be used for the nation of Chop?

Or just as good, the mayor and gov of WA?

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85422a  No.9638554

File: 8890d7fa5e7edc4⋯.jpg (11.15 KB, 255x170, 3:2, de38452966fbd410a37bd60898….jpg)


Thank you brother.

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5af7d3  No.9638555

File: 501326e18e3f789⋯.jpg (93.02 KB, 473x544, 473:544, WAY_TRUE.jpg)

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cd3ef3  No.9638556



We both know what you did with the hamster.

And you should stop it. Most cruel indeed.

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bb95d5  No.9638557

File: 131651e49716a69⋯.jpg (837.18 KB, 1845x1039, 1845:1039, ABCU8_write_show_tell_trut….jpg)

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ffe9a8  No.9638558

File: cab6fbf099c2ec6⋯.jpg (481.49 KB, 1080x2010, 36:67, Screenshot_20200616_193903….jpg)

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a29673  No.9638559


Destroying themselves. Pathetic LOL.

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2d5d0e  No.9638560


There’s a book written about you


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555f02  No.9638561


u r a faget

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cd3ef3  No.9638562


It’s very sad, and mad and not at all glad.

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34e1db  No.9638563

File: e9de5fbc1ae0636⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 236x360, 59:90, 4ec29cadef7c2e679d71ff5338….jpg)


…Thank you, Baker.

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c0268c  No.9638564

File: e99b07c95264868⋯.png (714.14 KB, 628x628, 1:1, pepetime.png)

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aeb053  No.9638565

File: 22a92ecf9b868da⋯.png (603.89 KB, 457x453, 457:453, 22a92ecf9b868da26766d89df1….png)

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7d53d5  No.9638566

News alert Godzilla has emerged off the coast of NYC ans is now humping the Statue of Liberty.

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f19b65  No.9638567

File: 39153dbc0713d4e⋯.jpeg (77.18 KB, 576x433, 576:433, 2FA2E498_BF35_418A_85BB_2….jpeg)

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bb95d5  No.9638568

File: 3c9393634c0b48a⋯.jpg (220.16 KB, 910x512, 455:256, QCrumbsDemsCorruptionVoter….jpg)

File: 58118161649643d⋯.jpg (455.92 KB, 1299x731, 1299:731, QCrumbsDestructionOldGuard….jpg)

File: 6ba394da576b47a⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, QCrumbsDifficultTruths62.jpg)

File: 136ef846d860621⋯.jpg (212.8 KB, 1201x750, 1201:750, QCrumbsDesperateBirdSing7.jpg)

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fc07ed  No.9638569

File: a014d62416bc105⋯.png (362.89 KB, 748x4132, 187:1033, ClipboardImage.png)

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3da828  No.9638570



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0c601f  No.9638571

File: c3eb341c03d0991⋯.png (54.12 KB, 832x355, 832:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e3dd7c59c80c02⋯.png (46.7 KB, 848x293, 848:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9156898719f2aa⋯.png (39.8 KB, 838x309, 838:309, ClipboardImage.png)

Here we go AGAIN! Now UK overseas aid is being wasted on paying for studies of jazz & long-dead Roman politicians

The chaos of British help to alleviate poverty abroad has been exposed afresh in a new report which calls on the government to stop spending out until it proves aid is not being wasted. Why, oh why, are we STILL in this situation?

Let’s face it. Times are tough, money is tight and things are going to get a lot worse. We’ve just witnessed a whopping 20 percent of GDP wiped off the UK economy and now we learn that one of the flagship beneficiaries of our international aid largesse has been told its funding tap will be turned off until it can show it has stopped wasting millions by funding rubbish like studies of jazz in the Western Cape.

The Newton Fund – the body doling out hundreds of millions in cash – has also funded a student in Rio to the tune of £98,000 to look at the work of Roman orator Cicero (106BC–43BC) and squandered more than £100,000 on a student fellowship that included a biography of the South African Boer leader Paul Kruger.

Both interesting chaps, but also long dead. In Cicero’s case it’s been more than two millennia since he suffered the indignity of having his head and hands cut off and put on public display in the Forum.

He may have proclaimed, “If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need,” but in retrospect he would probably have added a head and hands to that list.

The big question is not about Cicero however, it is about this flagrant waste of taxpayer money that has been earmarked for overseas aid and how, in the good Lord’s name, it is achieving what the Newton Fund declares is its prime aim, which is to develop “science and innovation partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of collaborating countries.”


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257855  No.9638572


Gotta have Jews and their control? Their agenda? What we don't want is what Jews want and implemented.

Not a great argument.

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437288  No.9638573


by Me.

Imagine that.<<<


P.S. as I talk toy you now.<<<

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3669f2  No.9638574


How old was she 16??

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036ec0  No.9638575


From a Seattle police officer last night:

Hey guys, I have a little down time so here is an update on things here. Absolute madness here. Can't even express it all. Day 12 for us and our Mayor and chief abandoned a major precinct and gave it to the anarchists. Unthinkable. 9 blocks of our city under the complete control of these terrorists. No joke. This is unreal. No police, no fire dept, no sanity allowed in. They have an armed force patrolling, manning checkpoints and stopping cars and citizens at gun point. They are creating a currency, an ID system, a supply system that includes food, water, ammo and chemical weapons. They have access to the precinct and have made it their hq. Our "leaders" are completely silent and the city council is completely complicit. Yes, they have been on the front lines WITH the anarchists and yes, last night one council member let about 200 into city hall. The warlord in charge of the new "capitol hill autonomous zone" (CHAZ) drives a tesla and has been arrested for drugs, guns, pimping and crimes against children and is on a federal child porn watch list. He carries an AK-47 and has already started abusing people inside. WTF? You can't make this up. We have been castrated. There is no recovering from this. We can't go near the zone and have been warned by our dept to stay away. We are only working for each other now. We have been in battles where these psychopaths have hit us with rocks, cinderblocks, homemade napalm, and even IEDs. Multiple injuries and THEN we gave up the precinct. Now the guns are out. This city can burn. I'm working on my exit plan now. The city and state hates us and gives us no support, in fact the leaders are actively supporting this very real insurgency. Yet, all you hear in the media is that they are merely peaceful protesters. This is real. There is a part of our country that is no longer under our control. People need to know. This is not about race. It's about control. Share it, but DON'T say my name.

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a7a014  No.9638576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



TY indeed bakeranon.

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681074  No.9638577


still not funny

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52493d  No.9638578

File: 90aa060594bd88b⋯.jpg (176.54 KB, 684x603, 76:67, godzilla_approves_ginga_st….jpg)

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fc07ed  No.9638579

File: 4af644da7c6de2b⋯.png (155.81 KB, 748x1260, 187:315, ClipboardImage.png)

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022693  No.9638580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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efa8a8  No.9638581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's Happening To Our Police?

by John Birch Society

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5af7d3  No.9638582

File: fee654b5e15d703⋯.jpg (106.53 KB, 488x558, 244:279, OKEY_CHINA_BOY.jpg)

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5f5382  No.9638583


what did this one do to deserve this? nothing.

you make yourself look like a bully putting this stuff up about this person.

you fail at being for real.

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98e136  No.9638584


I know but your Mommy still liked sucking my cock

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82854e  No.9638585

File: 30d3133af65973e⋯.jpg (78.76 KB, 674x370, 337:185, borderwall_1.jpg)

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cd3ef3  No.9638586


Why in the fuck do you post this every day several times a day. What I the arrow pointing at? The moon? Ok. What about it?

Stop it already. FFS!

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3aab74  No.9638587


Actually the de(a)rs eyes look curious and lively! Open your own eyes person/bot.

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9352a5  No.9638588


Lost forever

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a0c3c0  No.9638589

File: b16d958f66f8aed⋯.png (523.58 KB, 1120x600, 28:15, NewMexR2png.png)

peaceful protesters in new mexico beat man with skateboard

step by step antifa mob attack man who defends himself

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119341  No.9638590


Doesn't look like the"woman" he's married to today

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61ff96  No.9638591

File: e873d1a98a39de9⋯.png (172.37 KB, 1606x504, 803:252, Screen_Shot_2020_06_16_at_….png)

Google Demonetizes Zero Hedge

June 16, 2020


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ab55e0  No.9638592

>>9638524 Remember that, hard target, nobody messed with them.

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e083fc  No.9638593

File: f09a6232fa35c50⋯.png (50.84 KB, 281x284, 281:284, Img_1592323053724.png)

File: 74a404b6d129543⋯.png (105.25 KB, 720x396, 20:11, Img_1590516587755.png)

File: cb665d2bdfe1ad5⋯.png (55.4 KB, 663x603, 221:201, Img_1590688816033.png)

File: 206aabbc8342c75⋯.png (119.71 KB, 720x873, 80:97, Img_1590688786441.png)

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2d5d0e  No.9638594

File: d8e28a21693b64d⋯.jpeg (374.23 KB, 1130x847, 1130:847, 433C2D48_4958_4D26_BAAD_2….jpeg)

File: c8aca4d7493cf0f⋯.jpeg (384.94 KB, 1171x878, 1171:878, 91C57532_A793_49CF_98F8_A….jpeg)

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6d7acc  No.9638595


Cuomo says: "We need a bigger old folks home!"

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5fde55  No.9638596


she thot it waz a tic tac

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7d53d5  No.9638597


I think it is 2020 and pretty damn funny

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dabce1  No.9638598

File: 38547cafcab281c⋯.png (861.09 KB, 800x420, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Jews doing physical labor for the first time in the history of the planet.

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bd9f4b  No.9638599


Lmao you faggot degenerate. Trump chose to not arrest traitors. Had they been in prison, none of this shit would be happening. Zero arrests and zero prosecutions. Trump continues to get BTFO.

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cd3ef3  No.9638600




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aeb053  No.9638601


on the west coast no doubt

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82854e  No.9638602

File: 71974a84695ce85⋯.jpg (79.78 KB, 834x500, 417:250, cuomo2.jpg)

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3f09da  No.9638603

File: b6691fa7158b0dd⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 547x471, 547:471, pepehappy.jpg)


Oh, you…

A true kek, though, sir: well played.

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a29673  No.9638604


Insert grammar Nazi cat because of questionable comma.

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e083fc  No.9638605

File: 4dddedc01703438⋯.png (119.15 KB, 673x441, 673:441, Img_1592323871290.png)

File: 64ad912f1e07bed⋯.png (190.99 KB, 720x513, 80:57, Img_1592318013684.png)

File: 3e9325f72fcf295⋯.png (195.05 KB, 667x800, 667:800, Img_1592318065214.png)

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6d7acc  No.9638606



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801550  No.9638607

File: a933280cb477588⋯.jpg (282.11 KB, 531x471, 177:157, absolutely_halal.jpg)



>Jews doing physical labor for the first time in the history of the planet.

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f19b65  No.9638608

File: bb77b436e433687⋯.jpeg (78.12 KB, 576x433, 576:433, 16F369AA_B4A5_453A_BBD0_6….jpeg)

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52493d  No.9638609

File: 1ec16a389f892c6⋯.png (217.77 KB, 1073x566, 1073:566, PAT327_US_Army_C_560_on_fi….PNG)

PAT327 US Army C-560 on final at Victorville, CA-SoCal Logistics Airport from Enid, OK-Enid Woodring Muni. Airport after a ground stop. Additional ground stop at Fayetteville Regional Airport from a JBA origin

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01944d  No.9638610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm giving this one more day before Mama YouTube deletes it. Honestly, I'm surprised it stayed up three days already

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e74145  No.9638611

Go fund a Donald Trump statue giveing Antifa a wedgie.

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1e1785  No.9638612

File: d187b6ec0a77d0b⋯.png (26.1 KB, 606x413, 606:413, _jack.png)





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5f5382  No.9638613


That is not a nice things to say.

you don't know any laborers who are Jews?

you don't live where the Jews are.

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e9d8c0  No.9638614

Looks like John Bolton is trying to leak classified information


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257855  No.9638615


He's not lying. He's warning you that their intention.is to make them exactly that. Hundreds of mega corps are flooding them with millions of dollars.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

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859c45  No.9638616


Fuck y'all mother fuckers, this is a no table, and fuck y'all.

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0f8665  No.9638617

File: c579452dafd2ff1⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 500x708, 125:177, Mr_Pig.jpg)

>>9638582 Piggy, you haven't the grasp of English to "brain slap" anyone. Never forget, you started this.

I made you something last night, but you disappeared right after I posted. Here it is, it's called a "meme". Succinct, topical, and right to the point:

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efa8a8  No.9638618

File: 504ff805a49a266⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 351x228, 117:76, grammar_cat.jpg)



Comma does not belong.

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119341  No.9638619

File: 62ebd870611abc0⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 213x163, 213:163, 62ebd870611abc06efb49497cb….jpg)



comma not needed

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17e144  No.9638620

File: 3f3b7cccab3738c⋯.png (55.39 KB, 150x150, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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882684  No.9638621

Nursing Home Killer & Accomplices are being Probed

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e91e11  No.9638622

File: f5362958a1ca8ea⋯.png (95.51 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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3669f2  No.9638623


Shes only a few years younger.

Charles Ellis Schumer

November 23, 1950 (age 69)

Brooklyn, New York, U.S.

Political party Democratic

Spouse(s) Iris Weinshall (m. 1980)

Children 2

Relatives Amy Schumer (cousin)

Education Harvard University (AB, JD)

Born September 5, 1953 (age 66)

Brooklyn, New York, U.S.

Spouse(s) Chuck Schumer (m. 1980)

Children 2

Residence Brooklyn, New York, U.S.

Alma mater Brooklyn College (B.A.)

New York University (M.P.A.)

Occupation Chief Operating Officer at The New York Public Library

Religion Reform Judaism

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6b2488  No.9638624

File: 9f77a63c2f5c156⋯.jpeg (80.72 KB, 708x433, 708:433, 9C22BD36_5B1D_42D8_9C89_7….jpeg)

File: 5fc806543dd5b27⋯.jpeg (89.9 KB, 711x452, 711:452, 21D21269_7030_433E_B6F4_8….jpeg)

File: 0af798a275419a1⋯.jpeg (65.32 KB, 714x515, 714:515, 055BB354_C3DF_41FD_921C_C….jpeg)


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61ff96  No.9638625


ds pattern before the election, it's gonna get bad.

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e91e11  No.9638626

File: 117538d7291a56c⋯.png (111.56 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd3ef3  No.9638627



I couldn’t find a pic where the dear looked sad.

Just go with it. Use your imagination. I know you have a good imagination if you stay here any length of time.

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dabce1  No.9638628

File: e7134fc416bf6c7⋯.jpg (169.15 KB, 1020x1024, 255:256, we_r_goy1.jpg)


>you don't know any laborers who are Jews?

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7d53d5  No.9638629

You can collect all of the protesters in one place if you just start carving Trump on Mount Rushmore.

Pretty damn simple…..

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6e1c94  No.9638630

File: 575c3c8492a5081⋯.jpeg (56.71 KB, 640x480, 4:3, BA581959_78D9_46C6_9E6F_4….jpeg)

Donald Trump Hosts ‘Very Emotional’ Private Meeting with Families of People Killed by Police

President Donald Trump met privately with a group of families of Americans killed by law enforcement on Tuesday, which was described afterward as an emotional event.

“It was a very important meeting, a very emotional meeting,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters afterward.

The meeting included family members of Jemel Roberson, Botham Jean, Ahmaud Arbery, Darius Tarver, Michael Dean, Cameron Lamb, and Everett Palmer.

McEnany said that the families shared their personal stories of loss with President Trump during the meeting.

“There were a lot of tears, there was a lot of emotion and the president was devastated,” she said.

McEnany said that Trump personally spoke to her after the meeting, describing the stories as “devastating.”

“He took it deeply personally,” she said. “It was a very productive meeting and a solutions-oriented meeting.”

The families did not attend the president’s signing ceremony of an executive order to address ways to reform the use of force employed by police officers.

Deputy Director of the Office of American Innovation Ja’Ron Smith described it as a “mutual decision.”

“It really wasn’t about doing a photo opportunity,” he told reporters. “We wanted the opportunity to really hear from the families and protect them.”

Smith said he was disappointed that civil rights groups attacked the families for meeting with the president.

“I think it’s really unfortunate that some civil rights groups have even attacked them for coming or are putting out false statements about the interaction there,” Smith said.

Activist Sean King, who was not at the meeting, said on Twitter that the meeting was “contentious,” which a White House official told Breitbart News was false.

Attorney S. Lee Merritt, who attended the meeting, said that complaints of a photo-op with the president were false.

Reports of a photo op with the president or standing with the White House during the EO signing are false,” Merritt wrote on Twitter. “Show me the civil rights leaders who are upset about families making a direct appeal for federal intervention after the murder of their loved one and I’ll show you a clown. Asshole


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437288  No.9638631


In OVER 2600 years.

I Read The Bible One Time.<<<


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98e136  No.9638632


no she deepthroated me & ate the jizz like the pro she is

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fc07ed  No.9638633


dont note your own poast idiot

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5f5382  No.9638634


I guess you don't live in the real world.

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681074  No.9638635


for centuries, scholars, scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians, archeologists, philosophers, and pot heads have been asking, "how many jews does it take to operate a pair of bolt cutters?". now we know…its 3

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bd9f4b  No.9638636

Anons did anything get unleashed or was it all just another big fat shit nothingburger as alaways? Lmao

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3f09da  No.9638637




Technically, actually…

>Clearly, you don't suffer from insanity…but, you do seem to be enjoying it a bit too much

At least they got the "too" right…

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07844e  No.9638638


Nice straw man. You still never answered my question, because you can't. Why is it POTUS' fault that local and state officials aren't enforcing the laws they swore to uphold?

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1e1785  No.9638639

File: 63118a587c75266⋯.png (27.21 KB, 591x380, 591:380, _jack2.png)



any diggers up to find this tweet by @jack?

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e083fc  No.9638640

File: 76d2ae84a158fc5⋯.png (357.8 KB, 720x1297, 720:1297, Img_1591714421680.png)

File: 87051a41465e29d⋯.png (432 KB, 720x826, 360:413, Cupace20200610125336.png)

File: 8fb85a2aa9e66a4⋯.png (353.25 KB, 1197x648, 133:72, Img_1590524952358.png)

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d1b0b4  No.9638641

Adam Carolla on Tucker now. KEK

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908151  No.9638642

Trump Rallies Will Assure MLB & NFL (no kneeling) 2020 Seasons

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e91e11  No.9638643

File: c9e04b2e0583ced⋯.png (108.35 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f5382  No.9638644

only some Jews got tons of money.

the others ones always have to work for a living.

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f7fbc9  No.9638645

File: 044f19ee55d9212⋯.jpg (36.38 KB, 350x412, 175:206, 03656aca464b99575d1c9522a0….jpg)

we need a Q

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dabce1  No.9638646

File: e94f68d65cbf70c⋯.jpg (83.36 KB, 736x552, 4:3, We_dont_see.jpg)


>I guess you don't live in the real world.

No, I do, it's you who doesn't.

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da131b  No.9638647

File: 86012fd7403857d⋯.png (918.76 KB, 774x516, 3:2, ABCU8_StandingBy.png)

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1e65f4  No.9638648


This site is for 18 and up. Come back in 4 years dipshit.

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f19b65  No.9638649

File: f6cd29a3aacbf0e⋯.jpeg (91.87 KB, 500x545, 100:109, 38BAE63C_3A2A_43E8_8D81_E….jpeg)

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860d4e  No.9638650

I think 3days3nights is Ben Carson and Colin Kapaernik works for Trump

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e91e11  No.9638651

File: b9640a4771cd59b⋯.png (116 KB, 250x193, 250:193, ClipboardImage.png)

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60149e  No.9638652


I would love to see these local pols get arrested.

They are not protecting their constituents, and deliberately endangering their lives, that's sedition.

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426931  No.9638653

File: e2c2dcc43b2f31a⋯.gif (740.1 KB, 500x469, 500:469, GodzillaWTF.gif)

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0c601f  No.9638654

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5af7d3  No.9638655

File: 3f52c30f450bf2c⋯.jpg (111.98 KB, 489x564, 163:188, CHINA_BOY_MAD.jpg)

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5f5382  No.9638656


No, I see it as it is. People work for living.

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661223  No.9638657

wonder who the real sexual deviant is in the andrea mitchell greenberg relationship – tucker used to rail for hilldawg - suck it up tuck yo hole

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dabce1  No.9638658

File: 74fdf7020f9084f⋯.jpg (119.9 KB, 1000x610, 100:61, kekk.jpg)

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e083fc  No.9638659

File: 917ed2c0cc520aa⋯.png (315.24 KB, 720x1189, 720:1189, Img_1591452496532.png)

File: d9523fbcc957b1e⋯.png (392.66 KB, 720x1334, 360:667, Img_1591452518085.png)

File: 23a5f413a829343⋯.png (325.9 KB, 720x1132, 180:283, Img_1591452505317.png)

File: 551ed21e301e986⋯.png (148.16 KB, 720x462, 120:77, Img_1591846243887.png)

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ec86d5  No.9638660

Chopistan? Doesn't domestic terrorism fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI? Yes, that same FBI, (not the rank and file)

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fce223  No.9638661


And you need at least two who document the progress with their cameras.

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d1b0b4  No.9638662


Wrong board, asswipe.

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e91e11  No.9638663

File: edcfcc0a6621531⋯.png (551.16 KB, 736x588, 184:147, ClipboardImage.png)

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52493d  No.9638664

File: 689b16738467724⋯.png (588.37 KB, 612x396, 17:11, nightshift_merilon_park_si….PNG)

File: 3bebdd36413f809⋯.png (297.86 KB, 454x309, 454:309, nightshift_blackhawk_night….PNG)

File: 8bdb21f85727407⋯.jpg (133.51 KB, 720x471, 240:157, nightshift_ice_journey.jpg)

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3f09da  No.9638665



>Clearly[,] you don't suffer from insanity…but[,] you do seem to be enjoying it a bit too much!

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3aab74  No.9638666


Is Mary Q?

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01944d  No.9638667


Red pill those ignorant fucks.

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dabce1  No.9638668

File: dd9f0c2ffafde8b⋯.jpg (31.92 KB, 568x487, 568:487, 29135956.jpg)


>No, I see it as it is. People work for living.

People yes.

Jews believe they are space lizards.

You know this.

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437288  No.9638669


God is talking to you.

A PROGRAM Matters.


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859c45  No.9638670


I know that fucker, this is the Sheriff of my hometown, kinda fucking important he went nationwide in a county with 40000 citizens fuck face.

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558af8  No.9638671


did cops just get thrown under the bus? Platitudes are cheap. Disturbing to this anon.

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73b976  No.9638672

It may be a stretch but when CHAZ became CHOP, I thought of this: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). This is the hospital where Dr. Paul Offit (Off-it?) holds sway regarding vaccines. He is described as "Director of the Vaccine Education Center". Since MDs generally know virtually nothing about vaccines (not even the ingredients, only the CDC 'schedule') I found the existence of a vaccine education center startling.


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98e136  No.9638673


That's not what your daddy says to all the young boys he fucks

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e91e11  No.9638674

File: 0c1a4cb00761809⋯.png (468.06 KB, 750x600, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd3ef3  No.9638675


Is jewing a full time job?

Does it require special training?

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661223  No.9638676


andrea mitchell works for kapernik he likes real ugly white ho's - unlike that engrish dude who liked real ugly black ho's NO BIAS

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774f06  No.9638677

File: 44c8fd2a41f8285⋯.png (847.95 KB, 730x484, 365:242, 44c8fd2a41f82852484e5ca452….png)

Who broke the board about an hour ago

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882684  No.9638678

File: 981fd0ca43d4edb⋯.png (1022.48 KB, 1014x561, 338:187, ClipboardImage.png)

The Truth is Right in Front of you

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eda5ae  No.9638679


Little cuck boy in his Che Guevera shirt standing on a flag.

Someone needs an ass kicking.

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27afb2  No.9638680

File: 770211b340f0f44⋯.png (100.52 KB, 604x446, 302:223, moonppfoot.png)

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119341  No.9638681

File: 9940b4d1d7cad61⋯.jpg (11.5 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 9940b4d1d7cad61022f993d9e3….jpg)

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da131b  No.9638682

File: 2a9cac625fe3042⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1136x600, 142:75, NS_J12_2.png)

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c59211  No.9638683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why? We got APU

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1e65f4  No.9638684


Oh so you've met him.

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dabce1  No.9638685

File: 5055f92a5ab56a4⋯.jpg (316.96 KB, 722x475, 38:25, 0judaism_satanis1.jpg)

File: 2696db8681c7b71⋯.jpg (427.64 KB, 711x483, 237:161, 8ee3650da0b7466.jpg)

File: aaec79f225fb718⋯.png (456.53 KB, 500x614, 250:307, Satanic_Talmud.png)

File: 1ffdb312dc00980⋯.jpg (121.67 KB, 728x558, 364:279, talmud.jpg)

File: 4c3fe6669b7f998⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 474x827, 474:827, wicked_talmud.jpg)


>Is jewing a full time job?

>Does it require special training?


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6e1c94  No.9638686

As Primaries Progress, GOP Aims to Retake House Majority from Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats

The Republican Party is fielding a stronger-than-expected crop of U.S. House candidates as the GOP aims to retake the House majority from Democrats in November.

To do so, Republicans would need to flip a net 17 seats from Democrat control back into Republican hands—and the party feels as though its field is coming together across the country

Shit guise I think they have a chance

There are 30 districts across America that Democrats currently represent that President Donald Trump won in 2016 over Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, and with the president at the top of the ticket again in 2020 the GOP feels much more confident about its chances of reclaiming the majority this year than it did at this stage in the 2018 midterm elections a year in which Democrats took back the majority for the first time in eight years.

Primary season is about halfway finished, with a number of key districts already formally selecting GOP nominees to take on those Democrats. In many other places, the field has already narrowed to a likely November candidate—making it much easier for the GOP to focus its efforts not internally but externally against the Democrats.

What follows is the beginning of a broader breakdown of the U.S. House picture as it stands now early in the summer in several of key states for Republicans. More will be forthcoming in future stories.


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f19b65  No.9638687

File: b03ddeb3dd7a70a⋯.jpeg (79.36 KB, 576x433, 576:433, 6F44BB24_705C_4D64_94F2_9….jpeg)

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cd3ef3  No.9638688


Define sexual deviant..

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5af7d3  No.9638689

File: 16b6f5ef60b665e⋯.jpg (95.33 KB, 491x516, 491:516, PIG_LOVE.jpg)

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7ec80e  No.9638690

File: 1083d3282a2a993⋯.png (179.83 KB, 1493x956, 1493:956, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfedc00d977d445⋯.png (161.96 KB, 1494x941, 1494:941, ClipboardImage.png)



A couple breads back anons were talking about the ANTIFA cell phone activity in Asburn, Virginia. And that it is located near Washington DC Dulles Airport. Also nearby is Leesburg Executive Airport. With in mind. I am posting the links to the Flight Aware webpages, with arrival and departure details shown on each. This so that anons can easily monitor air traffic into and out of each for anomolies. If they are inclined to do so. Who knows? Maybe an anon will dig a tail number and come up with a golden nugget.



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b4f020  No.9638691

File: e295c9e9a29d579⋯.gif (3.12 MB, 250x200, 5:4, 1589546595773.gif)


Enjoy the show


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fc07ed  No.9638692



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7d53d5  No.9638693

Prednisone and prednisilone at low dose will do nothing for the corona virus infection but diminish the over reaction of the immune system - both HCG and the old vaccine for - what was it Vietnam era do that better.

but science is just not the thing here.

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98e136  No.9638694


sorry that you are hung like a Pimple Junior

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1038f0  No.9638695

File: b24849948bd578d⋯.png (614.67 KB, 1756x1766, 878:883, FDA_Sued.png)

File: f1e8a41b43fa171⋯.png (443.78 KB, 3954x1004, 1977:502, GoodnewsOrNot.png)

What's going on with HCQ? I'm confused. Some say FDA pulling authorisation, others saying can now be more widely distributed (see paragraph from letter as basis).

Any Anons any idea????

Jim Stone's site



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6b2488  No.9638696

File: aadf828aaad0c88⋯.jpeg (62.93 KB, 718x471, 718:471, F354565B_9306_46A8_B5CA_1….jpeg)

File: 014964d36d9da40⋯.jpeg (56.45 KB, 696x407, 696:407, 020D9B00_90C0_4401_9120_9….jpeg)

File: e2d544473078076⋯.jpeg (94.16 KB, 721x398, 721:398, 8BD15AE2_63DF_4CCB_A995_0….jpeg)

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e91e11  No.9638697

File: 1c0f74b57086000⋯.png (891.53 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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dabce1  No.9638698

File: c8f10e30bc88350⋯.jpg (142.96 KB, 900x900, 1:1, oy_irl_merchie.jpg)


>Define sexual deviant..

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82854e  No.9638699

File: 114c294bcf920c2⋯.jpg (99.4 KB, 627x500, 627:500, twitterpolice2.jpg)

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592bde  No.9638700


Wow youre a total fucking faggot

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6d7acc  No.9638701


For a time, a place like this made people who felt they might be going insane feel a little more sane again.

Now, it's gone full circle. You hang around this place too long and the flickers of insanity start jittering again.

Good night folks. Rest required

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2e638f  No.9638702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Storm is Here!


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82854e  No.9638703

File: 0881871c6a3d1d9⋯.jpg (101.59 KB, 666x375, 222:125, pelosislavery.jpg)

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7d53d5  No.9638704


right now it appears by half the country she likes it.

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60149e  No.9638705


"How did the Earth get behind the moon"?

What does that mean?

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98e136  No.9638706


no he is legend for being built like a Eunuch, Might have to look up that word Junior

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661223  No.9638707









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0c601f  No.9638708

File: 1ed3d519a9b7a1d⋯.png (353.8 KB, 533x523, 533:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4545f4db79243a⋯.png (424.59 KB, 350x602, 25:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d524d73db1a803b⋯.png (400.03 KB, 737x701, 737:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 689392a6e801be6⋯.png (221.9 KB, 550x575, 22:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc3757737dc367a⋯.png (10.61 KB, 528x137, 528:137, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN and Now NBC Are Colluding with Tech Giants to Cut Out Conservative Competition — Could Force an Anti-Trust Investigation

On Thursday CNN political reporter Oliver Darcy, who defended the anarchist Seattle Autonomous Zone, published a hit piece on conservative publishers.

Oliver Darcy, whose primary purpose at the network is to silence conservative voices, published a hit piece on The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, and others.

Says Darcy: “Right-wing websites like Breitbart and The Gateway Pundit have also pushed the narrative that armed Antifa members have begun seizing land.

“Antifa is reportedly seeking armed volunteers to take turns manning barricades and holding ground that protesters have seized within Seattle city limits,” a Wednesday Breitbart article said.

That report relied on a post from the far-right blog The Gateway Pundit, a website known for peddling misinformation and conspiracy theories.”

In his report Darcy says the local officials said there was “no interaction” with armed individuals at the CHAZ encampment.

Of course, as we have reported — There have been many photos and video of armed protesters inside the CHAZ-CHOP antifa zone in Seattle, Washington.

Here’s one—

This week NBC contacted Google and complained about Zero Hedge and The Federalist.

Google then promptly banned both from their ad network.

NBC cheered the news!

Later today Law Professor Glenn Reynolds weighed in on this latest censorship.

Glenn called out the ban on the conservative websites and suggested NBC can be investigated on conspiracy charges.

GOOGLE RHYMES WITH GULAG: Google bans two websites from its ad platform over protest articles: The two sites, ZeroHedge and The Federalist, will no longer be able to generate revenue from any advertisements served by Google Ads.

That’s okay, there are several percent of the ad market that Google doesn’t control. Time for antitrust scrutiny. And since NBC prevailed on Google to demonetize two of its competitors, I think NBC should be investigated, too. When two huge companies collude to cut out competitors, that looks like a conspiracy in restraint of trade, whatever the excuses given.

NBC News is facing intense backlash for apparently influencing Google to punish two conservative news sites over what was deemed offensive coverage of the George Floyd protests.

In a report published Tuesday afternoon, NBC News claimed Google “banned” The Federalist and ZeroHedge from Google Ads for “pushing unsubstantiated claims” about the Black Lives Matter movement. Google later pushed back, claiming that The Federalist “was never demonetized,” and adding, “We worked with them to address issues on their site related to the comments section.”

“We have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on and explicitly prohibit derogatory content that promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race from monetizing,” a Google spokesperson initially told NBC News. NBC, however, did not link to the “derogatory content” from The Federalist or ZeroHedge.

In addition, it appeared it was NBC News’ inquiry into the matter that prompted Google’s actions in the first place.

The left is stamping out free speech.

The cowards on the right better act or there won’t be anyone left when their number comes up.


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bd9f4b  No.9638709


Nigga faggot I just answered it. Trump let known traitor mayors remain completely free to keep committing crimes. Those mayors have instructed the officers to stand down and let the cities get destroyed. Trump does nothing because he's a do nothing faggot boomer who only knows how to tweet about monitoring the situation. Fucking joke.

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98e136  No.9638710


that's what all the little boys tell your daddy

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fc07ed  No.9638711

File: ab83f8ec2825c80⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 245x146, 245:146, foracopSuper_Troopers_quot….gif)

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6e1c94  No.9638712

Michigan Democrats Warn Polls Showing Biden Leading Trump Not Reliable

wow is a Democrat speaking the truth

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are not sold on the polls that show former Vice President Joe Biden with a growing lead over President Donald Trump.

The Democrats made their remarks at a Michigan Women for Biden event on Monday, the Detroit News reported.

“Some people say, ‘Oh, look at the numbers,'” Dingell said. “I don’t believe these numbers.”

Dingell said given the events of the past few months, a lot can unfold over the next few months leading up to November’s election.

“The world is upside down and not one of us on this phone call would have predicted that the world will be as it is today,” she said.

Dingell said she felt the same way about the polls that favored Hillary Clinton over Trump in 2016.

“Four years ago, many of you on this phone call thought that I was nuts,” Dingell said. “I was in enough communities and heard enough people talking that I was very worried about the outcome of that election.”

Fox News reported on a poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal that shows Biden seven points ahead of Trump nationally. A RealClear Politics poll average has Biden up 7.3 points over Trump in Michigan.

Whitmer, who was at one point on the list of Biden’s possible vice presidential picks, agreed with Dingell.

“We don’t want people to get complacent or for people to think showing up in Michigan doesn’t matter,” she said. “I know Joe Biden gets it. I know he’ll be here.”


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470e02  No.9638713

Today's email response to a Normie friend: WE ARE AT WAR, PLEASE TAKE NOTE


Thanks for your email and forwarding the linked article about the current state of affairs in America today. I have some comments that go a bit further and would like to share them with you . . .

Yes, you read the subject line correctly, we are at WAR.  We have been for some time.  When it actually 'began' can be debated, however that is not the most important consensus to arrive upon right now.

It's just the fact that this war does not look like what we perceive as traditional warfare.  The 'invisible enemy' that is so often mentioned by Trump is totalitarianism, and as you are aware, it is also known as new world order, deep state, Marxism, communism, fascism, good vs. evil, etc. - all the same intentions, just different developmental stages and plot points.

Based on all of the developments happening, the war occurring now is THE BATTLE for the future of our nation as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.  With all the lawlessness, institutional fraud, corruption, crime, hostile nation-states, death and destruction going on almost daily, it is imperative that WE the REPUBLIC get some points on the scoreboard or this whole experiment is going down a perilous road of no return.

I'm not 100% clear as to a 'best course of action' for all on our team, however now is the time to be fully prepared to bunker in as well as protect and defend our property, communities, and without saying, our lives.  The people stoking the anger and violence of the unconscious masses must be stopped before this escalates even more, which is obviously what the 'plotters' and organizers want - a violent battle in the streets and neighborhoods.  Nothing would please them more, as it would provide the fake news 'live action' to film, then lie about, propagandize and stuff the channels of social media with their fake 'reality TV news programs.'

We saw a warm-up performance of this all go down in our backyard in Bellevue, WA when the Seattle 'protestors' arrived to destroy, loot and set fire to the downtown businesses.  They also had 'scouts' out surveilling the neighborhoods for future 'protests' and 'demonstrations.'  These people are paid and have different roles to engage in as the useful idiots that they are.  Their relative level of intelligence seems to steer them to different levels of 'recruitment' in the network of organizing NGOs and 'start-up' causes that operate under ubiquitous banners of 'social justice,' victim-rescuing missions and fake do-gooderism.  They are now America's ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda and jihadists and shall be treated as such, one way or another.

With the next COVID 2.0 lie already being pushed, it will only be a matter of time before the public tells the 'experts' to shove it, leading to the next 'go signal' given by the invisible enemy for more 'protests' and destruction.  Question is:  Where will each of us be at that time physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually?  And of even greater consequence, what will each person do in the face of an angry mob armed with Maltov cocktails and weapons, stirred by mind control, drugs and 'leadership' by those (enemies foreign and domestic) who wish to destroy this country and what it stands for in founding principle, not the perverted version we grew up under since the Fed and its cronies hatched their tyranny in 1913 and gave us the slow-burn psyop, gaslight American Dream.

Onward patriots.  There is no turning back now. Prepare yourself on all levels.



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a28bd7  No.9638714

File: 2e38a799bfed977⋯.png (405.54 KB, 603x511, 603:511, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_06….png)

'This is a market destined to go higher:' Why a former bear is changing his tune @CNBC


Even MORE Bear comms

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eb13f7  No.9638715

File: b8534f196ac7be7⋯.png (737.99 KB, 553x607, 553:607, b8534f196ac7be795bd4a97323….png)

Where the fuck is Jr. sound the bagpipes of justice

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5f5382  No.9638716



Jaaa Yous

is easseeey

cause their wonda-ful

and everyday of my life

I'll keep on loving Jaa Yous

la la la la laa

la la la la laa " etc

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a1eba3  No.9638717


why are you such a failure?

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e91e11  No.9638718

File: 7eaa39dfb288d3b⋯.png (2.52 MB, 3286x1080, 1643:540, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e65f4  No.9638719


Fart rape.

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bd9f4b  No.9638720


Q collapsed on his own because 100% of the predictions and riddles turned out to be nothing but bullshit. Zero arrests and zero prosecutions. Meanwhile, Dems are destroying America while Trump sits on his ass tweeting.

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e91e11  No.9638721

File: ab0d86b5bf60f03⋯.png (237.91 KB, 360x360, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b35a7  No.9638722

Road in Louisville, Kentucky effectively shut down with protesters marching. Atlanta intersection still out of control.

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860d4e  No.9638723

Is winred.com ok to contribute to Trump? or a ripoffskam?

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661223  No.9638724



man those crazt eights


BIDEN -j did he sniff sniff yo bottomless ho ho??

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437288  No.9638725


(You) are telling The Truth.<<<


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48d128  No.9638726

>>9638383 lb

>>9638418 lb

>She the bagman?

Really starting to look that way, doesn't it?

Think of all her travels since she became Speaker.

On government jets.

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efa8a8  No.9638727

File: d0bc0db1c4fed9c⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, Bear_rub.jpg)


This black bear is scratching his ass on a tree

All on account of your lousy attempt at a meme

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98e136  No.9638728


Try again junior

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060fd4  No.9638729

File: 27cb54c715b65bc⋯.jpg (101.59 KB, 978x698, 489:349, point7.JPG)

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1e65f4  No.9638730




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882684  No.9638731



good times had by all

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aeb053  No.9638732


what is a low dose?

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7d53d5  No.9638733

Low dose pred just diminishes inflammation and it does not stop infection (dex same).

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972069  No.9638734

It's pathetic that we are all still here, waiting for something to fucking happen.

Meanwhile, Qteam is still play games with the cabal, and being outplayed, outwitted, and outclassed.

Fucking deepstate is too deep, too entrenched. FBI is still thwarting the will of the president. Courts work for the cabal, all the while they bring this country to it knees with riots, looting, plagues, and constant fake fucking news.

What a joke this has all been….no hope for us anons. If Trump loses this election, we all are fucked…..

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69b602  No.9638735

File: 717a0a566843e28⋯.jpg (7.19 KB, 198x255, 66:85, 7a0327298b136f9231373a3972….jpg)

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680838  No.9638736


Ok, Boomer

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5f5382  No.9638737


People from New Jersey always have a Joy of life, and passion.

He must be much fun in person.

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97ffca  No.9638738

That's weird. And NOTABLE.



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3598f1  No.9638739

Google blocks The Federalist, ZeroHedge from advertising on platform over comment sections



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e083fc  No.9638740

File: 6632db265eea76e⋯.png (607.62 KB, 720x1058, 360:529, Cupace20200416233650.png)

File: 6f6ed4e8fde80f6⋯.png (299.64 KB, 1267x599, 1267:599, Img_1585265212357.png)

File: 6840cec08ee3422⋯.png (259.08 KB, 720x1185, 48:79, Img_1585271149112.png)

File: 6128ee8bf1517c6⋯.png (213.39 KB, 720x1052, 180:263, Img_1592355396511.png)

File: 07ad5b1c9feaf82⋯.png (104.63 KB, 720x573, 240:191, Img_1584398357653.png)

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c7d7f9  No.9638741

File: 70799af7eb183ac⋯.jpeg (86.77 KB, 933x557, 933:557, 5E2B1F77_A04C_44BC_A03A_3….jpeg)


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bb95d5  No.9638742

File: 090c5737561b747⋯.png (24.09 KB, 300x100, 3:1, ABCU_6_transparent300x100.png)

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7d53d5  No.9638743


low dose is not stopping all inflammatory response.

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661223  No.9638744



together with





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cd3ef3  No.9638745

South Chicago now has a 15 mile diameter zone where everything is closed. Fucktards petitioned for a Walmart and burnt it down. “Muh food desert”. When will the cholera epidemic start.


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a29673  No.9638746


Double grammar Nazi cat for committing a grammatical error while trying to trying to correct a grammatical error! No comma after the word but!!!

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e91e11  No.9638747

File: 24b885a63eac044⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc07ed  No.9638748

File: 718b557d1297a1b⋯.png (192.63 KB, 332x260, 83:65, ClipboardImage.png)

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558af8  No.9638749


DEATH to ALL pedofiles

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6e1c94  No.9638750

File: 7892b4aba2a25df⋯.jpeg (657.82 KB, 2631x1831, 2631:1831, 3E5DD73F_6220_4396_9950_1….jpeg)

UFO cloud above GA…Kek

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3f09da  No.9638751

File: b4dbf365a5e503c⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 470x500, 47:50, pepebashful.jpg)


Anon, a-…are you propositioning me?

(No, btw)

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882684  No.9638752


History is the Best Movie

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0f8665  No.9638753

>>9638655 Kek! You mean like the personal attack that brought you to my attention?

Remember, you got in my shit for using the word "legion", which you clearly didn't understand… and I tried 3 times to help you get it, while you insisted on trying to paint me as unpatriotic? That was my first clue that you are ESL.

You are a namefag, and your team is trying to create a brand. Your constant attempts, last night, to call me a Chinese shill are what convinced me that I was correct, and pinned you down as CCP.

Try making an actual meme…. one that isn't all about Mr. Pig. I dare you.

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da131b  No.9638754

File: cf2341d7232bee4⋯.png (919.69 KB, 749x502, 749:502, CouncilHasSpoken.png)


Everybody loves the doggo patriots.

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bb95d5  No.9638755



Possibly somebody in Europe or Asia captured it. Twitter will present your local system's time zone, if you are logged in to a twitter account.

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ea6f33  No.9638756

File: f953844cdad5624⋯.png (75.47 KB, 255x199, 255:199, glowshill.png)






fuck off glowie

red scarf and doorknob will stop your clownish whining

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7d53d5  No.9638757

Low dose corticosteroids - is just trying to stop inflammitory storm.

it has nothing to do with clearing virus and nothing to do with the T and B lymphocyte infection

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882684  No.9638758


Not her First Rodeo Either

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0c601f  No.9638759


could be someone posting from Australia or NZ it's the 17th there

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e2b1c5  No.9638760


California has several republicans running but the California GOP won't support them. Both in districts should have turned republican the last election, people aren't willing to pour money into campaigns knowing the election is stolen…It's screwed up

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036ec0  No.9638761


Wish I was sent part 1 but this was all my cop anon friend shared with me.

Won’t self nominate but to me this was a powerful glimpse of what our first responders are going through.

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aeb053  No.9638762



vague statements gentlemen

worthless, in fact

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96c2e7  No.9638763

File: 08c3c14db251fad⋯.jpg (33.76 KB, 360x314, 180:157, theendwon_t_2.jpg)

Are we there yet?

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e9d8c0  No.9638764

Looks like we be getting another attack. Stuck on 311 posts on both clearnet and tor.

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44088d  No.9638765


I 'm following the link to the germananin cache of back up and get an error message

I 'm supposed to have a code from germananon to get in there?

Help the end is nigh - ?

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437288  No.9638766

What Daniel knows.

EVERYONE knows.<<<


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0f8665  No.9638767

File: c42cdbfd952851f⋯.jpg (276 KB, 736x446, 368:223, P_61_hunting.jpg)

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aeb053  No.9638768

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5af7d3  No.9638769

File: df4a90bef5a0ac2⋯.jpg (114.12 KB, 537x550, 537:550, BORING_CCP.jpg)

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fc07ed  No.9638770

File: c761c7ea23df47c⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 180x120, 3:2, lookslikespit9rYPu.gif)

board isFUCKED

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b63ea9  No.9638771

File: b21f383c6a283c7⋯.png (381.51 KB, 543x435, 181:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38d202763b2a3e6⋯.png (17.09 KB, 607x208, 607:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfae4f359d0a760⋯.png (12.01 KB, 548x174, 274:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73513ed230a5c04⋯.png (737.4 KB, 573x924, 191:308, ClipboardImage.png)

Shooting at Galleria Mall In Dallas

TEXAS — Police were responding to shots fired 911 calls at the Galleria Dallas shopping mall Tuesday evening. Cops swarmed the scene—located at 13350 Dallas Parkway.

According to CBS11 reporter J.D. Miles, gunfire rang out on the third floor. Witnesses say some stores went on lockdown as shoppers ran for cover.

Police say multiple gunshots were fired following an argument and one person was injured. Police were searching for the gunman.


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c59211  No.9638772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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aa6040  No.9638773


this pepe makes me kek

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680838  No.9638774


Hopefully someone is monitoring.

You know what pisses us off and makes us side, just a little bit, with them?

When cops shoot dogs just because they can. Fuck those guys.

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000000  No.9638775

Clearnet out.

Bread frozen at 311.

Looks like someone hit a hot topic!

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661223  No.9638776


pEE Pee loosie

the skank squad

the federal reserve

larry summers

pedosta's lice combs

katy' hill(s) rhuled by steph

ali pahman rahman katy turd

and let by the paragon of filth hallie jackson

titie barr huomo cuomo fucker fredo does stetletr

shill bakers fungi glows

– filthy dilthy muyddy waters snake sex witches ball

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000000  No.9638777



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ea6f33  No.9638778

File: 1a5a26e26927b35⋯.png (248.39 KB, 612x380, 153:95, 3266y.png)


ayy lmao

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680838  No.9638779

File: 7b9d242116353c3⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 1050x656, 525:328, ShiningEnding1_1050x656.jpg)

Wtf is going on??

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d4af34  No.9638780

File: 60124111f35528c⋯.png (224.88 KB, 449x550, 449:550, Antifa_Buffalo_Ohio_ain_t_….png)

File: 8faebd9ede705b9⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Antifa_Buffalo_Ohio_ain_t_….mp4)


𝔹𝕠𝕓𝕓𝕪 𝔸𝕩𝕖𝕝𝕣𝕠𝕕


These guys are not having it Flag of United States

7:51 PM · Jun 16, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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bb95d5  No.9638781


Just used last 50,

was slow

Feels like another DDoS

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7d53d5  No.9638782

I will let you know more about the drug after I make sure i have enough for my patients.

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3f09da  No.9638783


Yes, actually, nigga…

I know my shit.

You can also put the word "and" after a comma if the sentence is a division/derivative of the former.


Finally posting…

I'm not the grammar cat, either; I'm the professional shit.

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65ebc7  No.9638784


Some Jews have all the luck

Some Jews have all the pain

Some Jews get all the breaks

Some Jews do nothing but complain

The Talmud

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2e638f  No.9638785

File: 266bc0770e89c96⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 266bc0770e89c969f05549fb07….png)


1 John 2

28And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 29If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.

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000000  No.9638786


Board is under attack moran.

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0cb0d8  No.9638787


>Is winred.com ok

i thought so but maybe not,

donated during an offer that they would send me a gold card with Trumps name on it as a reward for donating.

the order has been in "processing" for a month and a half…

emailed their contact us address about it 3 weeks ago, still no reply.

so maybe dont trust that one i guess.

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000000  No.9638788


Okay, tor just cleared. Clearnet seems to be okay as well now. Hell of a spike.

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da131b  No.9638789

File: 982d5eed30bf347⋯.png (447.05 KB, 538x358, 269:179, ABCU8_v3.png)

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437288  No.9638790

Pussy foot.

Pussy foot.

Pussy pussy pussy foot.


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7d53d5  No.9638791

but basically corticosterioods are no answer for COVID 19.

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aeb053  No.9638792


had a glitch in earlier bake today

bots got on and cleared it up

have faith

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257855  No.9638793


Missing the fucking point completely. This has to stop.


It's that simple. Blacks don't give a shit about the Dinesh Disinfo bullshit. Get. It. Through. Your. Heads.

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44088d  No.9638794


ElonMush Pepe

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06ed7c  No.9638795


Anons need to check this out, Explains quite alot of whats happening with the riots and stuff. Lists GS communist companies that tried this same shit in 2016.

Potentially Notable

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91a662  No.9638796

File: 0a0baffcf91dea9⋯.png (359.72 KB, 498x498, 1:1, solngmari.png)


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3ff68d  No.9638797

File: db13408bee47446⋯.gif (166.72 KB, 300x253, 300:253, db1.gif)

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aeb053  No.9638798


not a doc huh

need to have a license to prescribe, just so anons know and won't listen to your bullshit

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0cf3c7  No.9638799

File: 4191f0e8d293197⋯.png (6.2 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e65351ca2fdd76⋯.png (398.1 KB, 681x535, 681:535, ClipboardImage.png)

Catherine Herridge



Agent Strzok intervened. NOTE: FBI closing memo 1/04/2017 states Flynn had passed earlier background checks + maintained active security clearance TS/SCI (Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information) often handled in secure facility/SCIF to protect sources, methods. @CBSNews


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43c865  No.9638800

File: 924cab868a2591f⋯.jpg (234.1 KB, 1108x834, 554:417, daisy_hogg_2.jpg)

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fc07ed  No.9638801

File: c49b0fb8244a191⋯.gif (967.92 KB, 400x267, 400:267, captain_obvious_gif_8.gif)


and the result of the "attack" if fucked.

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000000  No.9638802


Most likely. The Donald web site was getting ddos earlier today and i had a feeling 8kun was gonna be next.

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5af7d3  No.9638803

File: 28c1ff17f857cf9⋯.jpg (102.87 KB, 486x583, 486:583, RED_PILL_STRONG.jpg)

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680838  No.9638804


I get duplicate charged all the time, and they sell your contact info to everyone.

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5517fe  No.9638805


I betcha he's even got a Commie flag Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage

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661223  No.9638806


nigger awhore&witch

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eb13f7  No.9638807

File: 4f74ba5944bb9e6⋯.jpg (176.11 KB, 976x1024, 61:64, DRDMxfnUEAACF9t.jpg)


What is the end?

How much deeper can we go at this point?

The pizzagate days set a pretty high bar.

Once we get to P/eye shit is going to get weird real fast.

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44088d  No.9638808


"Red Patriot" is overthinking this

They even go that far to think it through

Thats why the guy thought if you are in a gang who attacks a single man with a gun, that the lone victim won't shoot anybody

They just don't think deep enough.

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e54de6  No.9638809

File: c28b189121f5343⋯.png (226.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, POSTOMETER.png)

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5f5382  No.9638810

the sick thing about those who spurge hate: if the group that they blame or those against whom they spurge, were not there, the hate-spurge will find someone else to hate-on.

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0f8665  No.9638811

>>9638769 KEK!

Didn't? Or, couldn't…

You read it, and we both know it. Too much of a challenge to make a real meme… you are lost when you aren't talking about "yourself".

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7d53d5  No.9638812

Should I post that the USA military has banned anyone diagnosed with COVID from joining?

It seems you guys just don't get it.

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9352a5  No.9638813



Them are two words. Don't make me get GC.

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ea6f33  No.9638814

File: 495ed47c7e6e102⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2880x1610, 288:161, 536673.png)

anons, I reported the ddos outage to the FBI

they're on it

pic related

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133837  No.9638815

Attack isn't going after the board, it's fucking with DNS resolution.

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6df38e  No.9638816

File: d26e59497529bb6⋯.png (5.43 KB, 205x123, 5:3, NosteponSnek.png)


Q, This will only escalate.

Blades of Grass.

This wut you want?

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882684  No.9638817

this is not a game

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661223  No.9638818


tick tick tick


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3598f1  No.9638819

File: d3eb86d5ee7ba5b⋯.png (31.38 KB, 941x315, 941:315, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bebf42ea44ce7b⋯.png (50.33 KB, 755x489, 755:489, hguehtua9hf8ae9tj3rt5r4sae….PNG)

Taking on the EPA in Federal Court

Our Water


Don't let this get swept under the carpet

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e41b49  No.9638820


Not at all.

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37c028  No.9638821

File: 184dad10d52c2b3⋯.png (584.47 KB, 840x886, 420:443, Screen_Shot_2020_06_13_at_….png)

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07844e  No.9638822

File: bd38af915874fe3⋯.jpg (25 KB, 712x486, 356:243, 9gogz2nj78551.jpg)

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426931  No.9638823


>Should I post that the USA military has banned anyone diagnosed with COVID from joining?

We've known that for more than a month now.

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eb13f7  No.9638824

File: 45e8d8b43b78e39⋯.jpg (87.64 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 45e8d8b43b78e393d72bb2d05a….jpg)


>prostate massager

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5f5382  No.9638825


I remember hearing that when service officers recieve bogus complaints it makes them not pleased with the one who filed the report and often they will . . .

now how would I know.

you're an idiot.

now you are on their radar.

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a7e71f  No.9638826

File: e7c67485d628064⋯.jpg (154.41 KB, 734x686, 367:343, image0.jpg)


Very true.

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7c41f8  No.9638827


Thats funny sir

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661223  No.9638828







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44088d  No.9638829


Is it staged.? Like WW Wrestling?

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774f06  No.9638830

Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf


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9641af  No.9638831




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7d53d5  No.9638832


and yet you don't think that is a highly classified based decision?

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fedaa3  No.9638833

Did Q get here yet!

I just received the signal.

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000000  No.9638834


LMAO, no no no, You need to report it to RON/CM on Twitter: https://twitter.com/codemonkeyz

I would do it but i dont use twit

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d1b0b4  No.9638835


Grow up, disrespectful tard.

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77cdc6  No.9638836

File: 92d28032314ec09⋯.mp4 (13.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, we_love_our_cops.mp4)

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b32498  No.9638837

"Q" won't be on tonight unless something happens tonight so they can take credit for it….I hope they don't come on…..this board goes ape shit over a post with 4 letters "Boom"…I think it's funny to just watch everyone go absolutely bonkers…hahaha….love all you guys (no homo). I love this board too!!!

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a5b807  No.9638838

File: 0c8e4c8e4b0fb0e⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 808x574, 404:287, IMG_20200616_211548.jpg)

Bringing a 🔪 to a 🔫 fight and expecting a different result.

Antifa thug gets a colonoscopy

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5f5382  No.9638839

File: 97f542f8217eeb6⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Governors_not_Dictators_00….jpg)

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5df764  No.9638840



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133837  No.9638841


No, that was your wife's boyfriend turning on the remote control buttplug.

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77cdc6  No.9638842


>Grow up, disrespectful tard.

Move to New York and get killed by Cuomo, grandpa.

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3b35a7  No.9638843

Guy with megaphone in Atlanta telling people to go to places like diners, refuse to move, make the business uncomfortable, then agree to leave if they give you money.

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5f5382  No.9638844


how do you know what Q is up to tonight?

no outside comms

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437288  No.9638845

In Silence.

A Tiger DOES Strike.<<<


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fc07ed  No.9638846

File: e5877d4b9662441⋯.gif (3.59 MB, 346x244, 173:122, ejehfnifoeijcod.gif)


>Genderfluid support

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7d53d5  No.9638847


I will bet you 100 bucks anyone diagnosed with COVID within the military gets medical discharge

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d4af34  No.9638848

File: 789f7fa5d6f00b6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1125x589, 1125:589, Pepe_Growing_Stronger.png)

File: f2e1a1aa4a7e23b⋯.png (82.56 KB, 883x990, 883:990, Feelsman.png)




Soon they will only hang them in obscure basements out of shame. kek

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9760e5  No.9638849

File: 85fa15f59be11db⋯.png (1.4 MB, 2048x1156, 512:289, 9D857E5B_F53F_4808_9FF1_0C….png)

File: 081a2c31accaf10⋯.png (933.33 KB, 2048x1278, 1024:639, 2988AD56_B2D7_4AED_A545_B5….png)


Both DFW's Twitter and Faceplant page show the 16th. Might be a time zone issue. Still a little weird.

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c59211  No.9638850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Welcome in Clown World

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371c3d  No.9638851

File: 1df6f1ba1021637⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 400x206, 200:103, 1575329811932.gif)

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1671ad  No.9638852

File: 4f4a8ec0ee45855⋯.jpg (18.18 KB, 601x365, 601:365, Hair_nohair.jpg)


This pics seems to validate the practice dummy.

Pic on left, standing George Floyd has hair. Pic on right, George Floyd on ground has no hair.

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2811af  No.9638853

File: 186b86731f5f071⋯.png (42.49 KB, 500x333, 500:333, E167A978_436C_4C07_B91D_06….png)

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4d5715  No.9638854

File: e7b738c815e0535⋯.jpeg (54.19 KB, 500x544, 125:136, 85C9D2C9_1B5E_4BE6_9B0E_D….jpeg)

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c8f62f  No.9638855

Hannity just said Muh Martial Arts.

Drink up!

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9641af  No.9638856

File: 82b2d80a8fa6f5f⋯.png (424.68 KB, 779x452, 779:452, bats_protein.png)

File: 094f908adea9e21⋯.png (104.55 KB, 577x385, 577:385, dont_snack_on_me_bat.png)

File: 484eb5d7c0078d0⋯.png (328.36 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, spurdo_bat_soup.png)

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426931  No.9638857


>I will bet you 100 bucks

I prefer not to trade in horned animals.

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5af7d3  No.9638858

File: df90f4b3c2bba98⋯.jpg (91.48 KB, 472x520, 59:65, HAD_IT_COMING.jpg)

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44088d  No.9638859

File: fb219b2ed68d9de⋯.jpg (321.39 KB, 1654x1200, 827:600, bloodonourhands2.jpg)



That's why the dude pulled that statue down on top of himself

They just don't take the time to think things through. Let alone the motive for the stature. Or who the statue is?

They are jealous of the past.. They only want the "NOW"

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2e638f  No.9638860

File: 039bfd0990fd07f⋯.png (102.71 KB, 260x487, 260:487, Screenshot_2020_06_16_Kenn….png)

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0cf3c7  No.9638861

File: 7de2df603388f28⋯.png (5.07 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ba20d1901e0801⋯.png (4.58 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Shoulda pastad these too

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7d53d5  No.9638862


12 pack of beer?

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a28bd7  No.9638863



What a goof

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81b6dd  No.9638864


TY Anon it’s been a tough day for a lot of Q patriots

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1f9cdb  No.9638865


Bolton was a rat before POTUS brought him on board, everyone knew it. The best way to hide the truth is to keep people confused. Thanks for playing.

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fdf865  No.9638866

File: a2dfd945ebfa636⋯.png (227.65 KB, 715x473, 65:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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e20cff  No.9638867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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426931  No.9638868

File: ba4442fdf725529⋯.png (551.56 KB, 658x425, 658:425, LovelyBouquet.png)


>12 pack of beer?

I don't drink.

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d4af34  No.9638869

File: 6843eacc00da994⋯.png (741.67 KB, 751x636, 751:636, 8chan_meme_OOOOOOOH_Pepe_A….png)

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363524  No.9638870


The Lion waits.

The Truth speaks for itself :)

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bb95d5  No.9638871

File: 9faec2b1923ecaf⋯.png (4.26 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 190b1798ebb27da⋯.png (3.63 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)



2 more pages in the same tweet

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680838  No.9638872


Dammit my Hannity/martial arts meme is on my laptop

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1344b6  No.9638873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1e1785  No.9638874

File: 1713159aa738b05⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 600x315, 40:21, debbieharry.jpg)

x22 report is good red-pilling for non-technical types.


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b32498  No.9638875


because nothing is happening….they only come out at night…oh..wait..that's vampires…."Q" only comes out when something is ready to already happened…I'm betting I'm right….look…i could be wrong…I'm not perfect…but it too quiet…way too quiet!!!

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cd3ef3  No.9638876

File: 5be95e2ba3b6860⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1790x1179, 1790:1179, 2756A0DD_D1EE_4C2E_BFFB_2….jpeg)

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801550  No.9638877


>x22 report is

is fucking fake and gay. What a spinster that piece of shit is. Everything bad that happens he spins it as a win "for the patriots" constantly. The guy's a famefag paytriot rat.

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fce223  No.9638878


Looks like a young Ivanka with real tits.

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2f9bc6  No.9638879

Remember 9/11 and buy my book, I’m a karate master.

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437288  No.9638880


A lion can be heard for miles.


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680838  No.9638881


No, there was something he was doing for us in Qatar when he posted that picture of himself walking down the street.

He'll turn out to be controlled, but fuck that Neocon still.

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d3bb6a  No.9638882

File: 409b758057b18fe⋯.png (82.73 KB, 229x220, 229:220, ClipboardImage.png)


they think there way to problems, not thru problems

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44088d  No.9638883


They DON"T even go that far to think it through in so much detail.

They probably aren't even too aware of the 2 parties. The nihilist hate both sides. They just want to destroy it.

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5f5382  No.9638884


between recounting running a driving range , a slurpy stand, lawn mowing, working at a lunch counter, every job he ever had . . .

the constant nonsequitor . . .

did I ever tell you when I spent a summer washing dishes at a Lobster bake in Lake Havaspaui

but Sean, I was just about to tell you about my new budget ideas.

First let me tell you how once I signed on a tuna boat out of Woods Hole . . .

but sean there is news of international peace.

did I ever mention I ran video game arcade in New Hampshire at a lake one Summer.

but sean I'm meeting with the prime minister of India, dont' you want to know about htat?

did I ever tell you how I used to run car washes in junior highschool

but sean . . .

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1e1785  No.9638885



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da131b  No.9638886

File: e7a300a2566de1b⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1516x852, 379:213, CH_53_23.png)

File: 399960ee57ee4a3⋯.png (546.27 KB, 866x822, 433:411, CH_628.png)

File: 532bf9adc0544d5⋯.png (140.2 KB, 1114x1076, 557:538, Q_628.png)




The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>Clowns In America.



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43c865  No.9638887

File: 36bc4129051fb2e⋯.jpg (253.1 KB, 604x587, 604:587, jew_in_new_york_cant_boltc….jpg)

File: b773d5608b07ab5⋯.jpg (244.43 KB, 604x587, 604:587, jew_in_new_york_cant_boltc….jpg)

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371c3d  No.9638888

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cd3ef3  No.9638889

Sean Hannity is so bad-ass! He could take on 20 Antifa ass-assins.

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d08f36  No.9638890

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b63ea9  No.9638891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe on the Targeted Individual Survey Special Investigators

Compiling data for court cases stating in England.

Illegal use of Directed Energy weapons on the public.

Targeted individuals! AKA me and many of (You)!

Uploaded within the last hour

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91bc94  No.9638892


Remember when Daniel said:

"Pussy foot.

Pussy foot.

Pussy pussy pussy foot.


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98e136  No.9638893

must have pissed off the DS Dweeb I was ripping to shreds

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813b7c  No.9638894


It's also a powerful commentary on the inaction from our POTUS. Inexplicable. A major US city invaded and taken and no one is dong anything but running their fucking mouth.

And let me tell you fucks that are going wail "shill", "shill", "shill"…………..Pro POTUS, PRO Q but this shitshow being allowed to not only happen, but continue to happen ain't exactly inspiring confidence in any fucking plan.

Go ahead, cry SHILL…………..and then FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!!

This part of the plan Q?

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7d53d5  No.9638895


then your option then?


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26a317  No.9638896


Another HOAX Faggots

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2e638f  No.9638897

File: a8dff0cabb07108⋯.png (309.32 KB, 535x517, 535:517, Screenshot_2020_06_16_The_….png)

President Trump: "President Obama and Vice President Biden never even tried to fix this during their 8-year period. The reason they didn't try is because they had no idea how to do it."


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43b75f  No.9638898

File: 2e0013c7f0dfd22⋯.png (48.27 KB, 601x509, 601:509, ClipboardImage.png)

YES, the fucking DemocRats need ALL 3 Branches of Govt to control the total destruction of America!


US House candidate, CA-28

It's not enough to take back the White House & keep the House.

We also need to flip the Senate.

That's why I'm helping @SaraGideon, @CalforNC, @CaptMarkKelly & @Hickenlooper ,all surging in polls.

We've already raised $30,000 TODAY. Can you chip in?


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d1b0b4  No.9638899

Bongino asking Hannity to stop interrupting him. Kek

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363524  No.9638900


The Truth is everywhere



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d2a1d8  No.9638901

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5f5382  No.9638902


and make it back to the night shift shovelling coal into the steam boiler.

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507db1  No.9638903



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9760e5  No.9638904

File: 39445875e177373⋯.png (4.81 MB, 2373x1179, 791:393, CD85CE69_2E8A_4351_A4C1_FE….png)


That and throw in jail every governor who slow walked HCQ or placed a corona patient in a old folks home.

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eb13f7  No.9638905



X22 report is one of very few Qanon shows so he's fine but holy fuck is he dry and he doesn't need an hour long show every fucking day consisting of

>Patriots are in control

>Trump and the patriots… they're in control

>The D's… they're plan… is falling apart

>Patriots, they're in control

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bc77cc  No.9638906

Bongino and Geraldo goin' at it, kek

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fdf865  No.9638907


he has traned UFC for 7 years. i hear he had to register as a lethal weapon in all of NY…even the hasidic areas.

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91a662  No.9638908


Agreed. x22 report is a satanic shill - these guys were trained on the farm. Just like SGT Report. They have very specific talking points to try to control the narrative.

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82854e  No.9638909


I like that thought

they only want the "NOW"

sums up the snowflakes mentality.

if its not on instagram/twitter it does not exist

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fce223  No.9638910

File: 70c66c23e9316b6⋯.jpeg (210.27 KB, 2048x1151, 2048:1151, FF9A3843_4163_4667_A473_7….jpeg)


Heard they put their best man on it as well.

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ea6f33  No.9638911

File: 9b2c044ea5180c0⋯.jpg (43.37 KB, 434x368, 217:184, 1592352170720.jpg)


kek, you don't get it, do you ?

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43b75f  No.9638912


>Bongino asking Hannity to stop interrupting him. Kek

What do you want to bet Dan won't be back any time soon? Bank it!

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bc77cc  No.9638913


I keked, called that shit out!

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c59211  No.9638914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d4af34  No.9638915

>>9638838 Now what Pantifa? FBI is coming to ck the DDOS and well, they will see other stuff too. Now you go to jail. But you're so young. Regrets will cause much pain.

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860d4e  No.9638916


psssst, listen

if I'm on a jury of someone who shoots the antifa I am not convicting

pass it on.

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7d53d5  No.9638917

corticosteroids are just symptomatic in all cases.

They do nothing for the underlying disease.

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fdf865  No.9638918


if the DNC controlled all 3 branches the USA would fix itself in 30 days.

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2e638f  No.9638919

File: 9c26f2673ebfa1d⋯.png (88.13 KB, 194x259, 194:259, 9c26f2673ebfa1d6fa8c92594a….png)



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5f5382  No.9638920


get what?

that you don't bug the FBI about bullshit.

was it a real complaint?

did something real happen?

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1e07c4  No.9638921

File: 1e8f24f2336b9b1⋯.jpeg (621.59 KB, 785x932, 785:932, 2735A8A7_65B5_4465_BB59_7….jpeg)

What’s does Heart Attack have to say about all this ruckus?

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a28bd7  No.9638922

Hannity is doing good@ not interrupting at all

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98e136  No.9638923


Hedgehog Hannity needs Dan more than Vice Versa

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371c3d  No.9638924

File: 0aadacaed27df85⋯.png (625.19 KB, 551x964, 551:964, you.png)

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437288  No.9638925





It was already done.<<<


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fc9c19  No.9638926


Watch Levin on Hannity. I think he told Hannity he would not come on the show if Hannity interrupts him.

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1e1785  No.9638927


example of him controlling the narrative?

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9b7ecd  No.9638928


arrest the traitors in charge and call in backup from other depts and patriots and end this shit

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cd3ef3  No.9638929



They are trained in Jew-jitsu.

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d641fd  No.9638930

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB, 310x163, 310:163, UNITED_WE_STAND.png)

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b63ea9  No.9638931

File: 249d14ecedf2343⋯.png (2.31 MB, 914x919, 914:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db30e4735b8d82c⋯.png (371.42 KB, 753x906, 251:302, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 907f2ee74d35e7c⋯.png (97.53 KB, 772x885, 772:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df70a0e4f49c4d2⋯.png (970.05 KB, 746x851, 746:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e27aac1b0121de6⋯.png (31.06 KB, 764x352, 191:88, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia’s Massive Oil Projects In Iraq

In Iraq, a seldom mentioned and noteworthy oil cooperation is carried out between Baghdad and Moscow. Russian companies, namely Rosneft and Lukoil have developed new oil fields in Iraq.

A notable project is Lukoil’s West Qurna-2.

West Qurna-2 field is located in the southern part of Iraq, 65 kilometers north-west of Basra, a major seaport city, and is one of the world’s largest fields. The field’s initial recoverable reserves come to around 14 billion barrels. Its total geological reserves sit at 35 billion barrels of oil.

On December 12, 2009 the consortium of PJSC LUKOIL and Statoil, a Norwegian company, was awarded a contract for the development of West Qurna-2 field, one of the world’s largest fields. On January 31, 2010, a services contract was signed for the development and production at West Qurna-2. The contract was ratified by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Iraq.

A supplement agreement to the contract was signed in January 2013 that outlined the target contractual production (1.2 million barrels of oil per day) for the target production period of 19.5 years, and a 25-year extension of the contract term.

It has been producing oil since March 29th, 2014.

This was a result of short-term and large-scale field development. This included mine clearance, drilling of 48 production wells, preparation of 5 well sites and construction of large production facilities: oil treatment plants with a capacity of more than 400 thousand barrels per day, a gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 126 MW , water intake on the Euphrates River, an export pipeline of 102 km in length, additional reservoirs at the oil terminal with a total volume of about 200 thousand cubic meters, as well as numerous infrastructure facilities, including a shift camp for 1000 people, access roads, infield pipelines, a security perimeter and more.

In total for 2014-2020. More than 120 million tons of oil were produced. 120 production wells and 48 injection wells were drilled. The current production level is 400 thousand barrels per day from the Mishrif reservoir.

The current level of production is 400 thousand barrels per day from the Mishrif formation, which is almost 10% of Iraqi oil exports.

Since the start of the Service contract, LUKOIL has invested about $ 9 billion in the project.

In 2019, LUKOIL commenced drilling of new production wells as part of the second development phase. The Сompany concluded contracts to drill 57 production wells, including 54 wells at Mishrif formation and 3 wells at Yamama formation. The drilling campaign will ramp up production at West Qurna-2 from the current level of 400 thousand barrels per day to 480 thousand barrels per day in 2020.

75% of the project is under Lukoil’s ownership. The other 25% are owned by the North Oil Company (NOC), a state-owned company being a part of the Iraqi Oil Ministry. Notably, NOC does not incur any costs receiving only its share (25%) in the remuneration.

Another notable oil field developed and discovered by Russia is the Salman oilfield in Block 12 in Iraq.


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426931  No.9638932

Watch the water guyz

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2b6acb  No.9638933


off tonight.

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5f5382  No.9638934


I admire him and I like his humble brags but . . . when he doesn't let other talk . . . I love him and say 'oh sean, there you go again'.

I make fun of him because I admire him.

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42b6ac  No.9638935


Q's out til the 23rd.

10 Days


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a93b7e  No.9638936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is a very interesting rabbit hole… never was given enough time to sink in for most. Strive to be a card maker…

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3598f1  No.9638937

File: 919abca03a80789⋯.png (629.63 KB, 1555x946, 1555:946, hg58yth8thtuwef5r63212yr3h….PNG)

Ahhh! The good 'ol days!

nerf people

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7d53d5  No.9638938

File: cabcc34df5cb496⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 370x319, 370:319, cabcc34df5cb4960c589c1e8de….gif)

The crux is they are passing the buck and the pain down the road even in COVID - they already know it is a chronic disease.

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98446c  No.9638939


Hannity could have a great show if he'd just let his great guests speak. Levin just lets them talk and I learn so much, and Carlson really LISTENS to his guests.

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b4f020  No.9638940

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941e44  No.9638941




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2e638f  No.9638942

File: 28ff5f606ce81e9⋯.png (599.57 KB, 685x342, 685:342, Screenshot_2020_06_16_arch….png)

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fc07ed  No.9638943

File: 274534d7d178020⋯.png (22.96 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 274534d7d1780203956040e16a….png)

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92722b  No.9638944

Notables At 500

Any missed?

>>9638799 , >>9638861, >>9638871 New Herridge tweet re Strzok

>>9638739 Google blocks The Federalist, ZeroHedge from advertising on platform

>>9638712 Michigan Dems: Polls showing Biden leading Trump are not reliable

>>9638708 CNN & NBC colluding with Big Tech to cut out conservative competition

>>9638690 Antifa Watch: Flight Aware flight search for DC Dulles Airport

>>9638686 Primaries progress: GOP aims to retake House majority from the Dems

>>9638630 Report: POTUS's private meeting with families of people killed by police

>>9638547 , >>9638623 Iris Weinshall, Chuck Schumer's wife

>>9638609 Planefag Reports

>>9638498 , >>9638510, >>9638532, >>9638519, >>9638849, >>9638754 Dallas shooting

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813b7c  No.9638945


Fuck Gerry Rivers. He's a God Damn flake. KMFAO!!!! Gerry gett'n his ass handed to him by Dan. Love it!!!! FUCK OFF GERRY!!!!!

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e41b49  No.9638946


He didn't post the pic.

Someone caught his ass.

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628618  No.9638947


Liter of cola ?

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426931  No.9638948


>the USA would fix itself

fix as in castrate?

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5f5382  No.9638949


doesn't he just jump up on the rail and walk accross like that, birch tree and all?

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81b6dd  No.9638950


So very good, much tamer than my responses

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fdf865  No.9638951


hanity's ground game is off the charts. his foreskin lock is unrivaled

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43b75f  No.9638952


>Watch Levin on Hannity.

Exactly, Levin is the only one Hannity doesn't interrupt! That fucker even interrupts POTUS!

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628618  No.9638953


Foat guckers

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92722b  No.9638954


Doggos removed.

>>9638498 , >>9638510, >>9638532, >>9638519, >>9638849 Dallas shooting

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273f5c  No.9638955


It's only like that if you allow it.

You can make even the best days appear terrible if you let the negative nancies get to you.

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628618  No.9638956


FOAT gucking?

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7d53d5  No.9638957

File: 939698e878e719a⋯.jpg (6.25 KB, 300x168, 25:14, peekaboo.jpg)


Paradigm shift is a bitch LOL

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d4af34  No.9638958

File: a9bdb50f1b3716b⋯.png (330.94 KB, 719x740, 719:740, Pepe_Law_and_Order.png)

>>9638916 Not a prob to support someone defending themselves. Like this cop >>9638838

But sorry, you gotta follow civility rules or you become part of the problem. Law and Order

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27c5c5  No.9638959


Every single episode. I watched hundreds. Finally the pieces fell into place and I realized x22 Report is a con artist. Just look at his guest list. That's enough evidence right there.

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bc77cc  No.9638960


I'm getting really tired of the short segment format when a guest just starts something good and they get cut off, Inghram is REALLY bad at doing. Annoying af

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cd3ef3  No.9638961


How can it be a chronic disease?

People recover from it with return to baseline.

Many have no symptoms at all.

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bb95d5  No.9638962

File: ee74208c878d4cd⋯.jpg (160.27 KB, 926x689, 926:689, frenz3.jpg)

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426931  No.9638963


The virus never goes completely away.

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945bf4  No.9638964

File: eebe2aed542cceb⋯.png (67.09 KB, 150x150, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>negative nancies


karens complaining about nancy now?

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b63ea9  No.9638965

File: 5d1779c6ec18542⋯.png (1.48 MB, 864x823, 864:823, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 587d0baa931d333⋯.png (1.52 MB, 859x837, 859:837, ClipboardImage.png)

The Mysterious Case of RAZ from CHAZ – BLM Warlord Owns Multiple Guns (including an Uzi), a Tesla, BMW and Jaguar XJ, Millions in Properties, and Is Supported by Dubai Government

Solomon Samuel Simone (aka RAZ from CHAZ or CHOP) is the proclaimed warlord of CHAZ, the multi-block area located in Seattle. Raz hates America but owns multiple guns, luxury automobiles, millions in real estate.

More importantly, Raz is supported by the Islamic government in Dubai.

The leader of CHAZ, Warlord Raz Simone was previously identified running guns in the newly formed country in the center of Seattle. Today we have more on RAZ thanks to the work of Yaacov Apelbaum.

Raz the warlord, doesn’t only run guns, he owns guns. Raz owns a couple of handguns, which were somehow ‘resorted’ through a special intervention after a conviction.

Raz also owns six automatic rifles, including an AR-15 and AK-47 and an Uzi.

He has armor piercing bullets for these guns as well.

Raz somehow received a grant for $82,000 from the city of Seattle to open his own studio in a building he purchased with another loan.

And Raz owns multiple luxury cars, including a Tesla, a BMW and a Jaguar XJ.

He also owns some prime real estate and rental properties.

He owns the RAZ fashion line, the Aurora Smoke Shop, a social club called “The Spot”, the Black Umbrella Corporation. All this came from funding in sweetheart deals.

Finally, and most importantly, Raz is connected to Islamists. He is involved in the manefesto, Washington State – the first black Muslim independent state. He also is being sponsored and has been hosted by the Dubai government. Raz’s anti-white and anti-America rants are supported. He also has been spotted attending the Sheik Zayed mosque.


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90488b  No.9638966

Hi Anons

I understand there are bigger things going in in the world, but here in NZ i think the tide is turning. Over the last few days the heat has been turned up on the PM Jacinda.

Christchurch shooter no proper checks on shooter.

Covid19 2 new cases with no proper checks

I am hoping it will be Biblical


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cd3ef3  No.9638967

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9760e5  No.9638968


Besides DFW's faceplant pages showing the 16th, I am pretty sure the DFW stands for Dallas Fort Worth. And since it is a police scanner, doubt DFW is tweeting from across state lines so to speak. Hmmm

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7d53d5  No.9638969


yup true same with HIV

shown infects T cell - I am pretty sure B cells to due to antibody variability response.

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81b6dd  No.9638970


God I lol about this comment and I don’t even know what it means. Shit that was good

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363524  No.9638971



Ever herd of vegetarian Lion

I'm in your den now

But I'm just, not hungry

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fc9c19  No.9638972


KEK I watched one night and Levin was on a roll. The pre-'hard break™' music started playing and Levin went on for another minute with Hannity squirming in his chair but afraid to say anything.

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941e44  No.9638973


This is wrong.

I have a neighbor who is ICU doc.

To a person… all patients in ICU with Covid-19, either on or not on a ventilator, are either diabetic, or have blood sugar levels through the roof.

If you wanted to manufacture a bio-weapon to target western civilization, diabetes is probably where you'd aim.

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c8f62f  No.9638974


> Inghram

Love the topics she covers but damn she is annoying af totally /ourkaren/

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f678fc  No.9638975

File: b5c10f07565f7a9⋯.png (1.11 MB, 634x860, 317:430, ClipboardImage.png)

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b88a6b  No.9638976

Who could've ever thought that a false savior would distribute fantasies of hope and justice for three years on a white supremacist, anti-Semitic kiddie porn board and half the conservatives in the world would fall for it.


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813b7c  No.9638977


Sean is a Patriot no doubt and I love him (no fukn homo) but man, he's been gett'n on my last fucking nerve with this mixed martial arts shit. He did stay abnormally quiet as Dan was ripping Gerry a big, brand new, sphinctered asshole!!!! kek

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9760e5  No.9638978

File: 024fac8767c56eb⋯.jpeg (230.24 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, A309044F_1D0D_44E6_B58A_3….jpeg)

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0c947d  No.9638979

File: c565f40437aaeaf⋯.png (210.28 KB, 776x400, 97:50, ClipboardImage.png)




what are the…..

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b7fc7e  No.9638980


Foat gucking and jealous

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73b976  No.9638981


I guess I am "spit-balling" but the military probably doesn't want testing for "coronavirus" to get conflated with HIV. HIV insertions in "coronavirus", but I don't think it can give you "AIDS" as "AIDS" requires more than HIV to manifest, I believe. Also, if you have been "tested" for "coronavirus" CDC or other "medical authorities" likely have a brand-spanking new sample of your DNA. Remember military not wanting service members to do 23andMe?

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5af7d3  No.9638982

File: c8122265619a26d⋯.jpg (63.54 KB, 383x489, 383:489, DILDO_ANTIFA.jpg)

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cd3ef3  No.9638983


Patients test negative for it when better.

How can they know anything about chronic issues if it is an emerging disease?

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bb95d5  No.9638984

File: 9bc8d043298629a⋯.png (545.96 KB, 900x900, 1:1, eyesON.png)

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14318a  No.9638985

>>9638905 Who's better than x22?

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813b7c  No.9638986


Who's that damn FAGGOT?

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b63ea9  No.9638987

AG Barr Vows to Block Bolton’s Book, Says Former Trump Advisor Could Face Charges if Book Released

President Trump on Monday warned that his former National Security Advisor John Bolton could face a “criminal problem” if he releases his new book titled, “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir” without a proper clearance.

Recall, the New York Times obtained Bolton’s book manuscript in January during the Ukraine impeachment hoax which accused Trump of tying Ukraine aid to the Biden investigation.

The timing was very suspicious.

Bolton’s book was scheduled to be released in March, however it was twice-delayed and may be delayed again because it hasn’t gone through a clearance process.

Associated Press reported:

The president accused Bolton of not completing a pre-publication review to make sure the book does not contain classified material. That contradicts statements from Bolton’s attorney, Chuck Cooper, who says his client worked painstakingly for months with classification specialists at the White House National Security Council to make changes to avoid releasing classified material.

Barr echoed Trump’s accusation. During an event at the White House, the attorney general said administration officials who have access to sensitive information typically sign non-disclosure agreements that require them to go through a clearance process before they can publish something based on information they accessed in the job.

“We don’t believe that Bolton went through that process — hasn’t completed the process — and, therefore, is in violation of that agreement,” Barr said. The Trump administration is “trying to get them to complete the process — go through the process — and make the necessary deletions of classified information,” Barr said.

The US on Tuesday filed a breach-of-contract lawsuit against Bolton, alleging his book contains classified information.

President Trump fired John Bolton as National Security Advisor in September of 2019.

“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning. I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week,” Trump said in a pair of tweets last September.

John Bolton served as National Security Advisor under President Trump after General H.R. McMaster was forced out of the position in March of 2018.


Seems like they are pressing DS to leak it, more bait maybe???

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d4af34  No.9638988

File: cded9e0f7e57167⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 480x270, 16:9, The_Storm_Will_Be_Biblical….mp4)



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c59211  No.9638989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Permanent Guest

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092fcd  No.9638990

File: 0847f4099decd9a⋯.png (36.42 KB, 1198x105, 1198:105, stpats.png)

File: 6aacf8114bd2a85⋯.png (256.07 KB, 632x506, 316:253, stpatrickscath.png)




Irelanddid you say?

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d1b0b4  No.9638991


Notable, Baker

>Discrepancy in 2 G. Floyd photos. Hair vs. No Hair

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81b6dd  No.9638992


I hope to God it’s fixed this time, I’m still angry about the midterms

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3b35a7  No.9638993

File: 633ae8749d65054⋯.jpg (28.17 KB, 759x486, 253:162, razsimoneterrorist.jpg)

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b7fc7e  No.9638994


Hutt buffing jircle cerks

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a5cf3d  No.9638995

File: 7c2ecfad102cc5b⋯.png (155.42 KB, 800x423, 800:423, ClipboardImage.png)


>Who's that damn FAGGOT?

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96c2e7  No.9638996

File: ce67ae5e76a8574⋯.jpg (10.15 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ac.jpg)

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2e638f  No.9638997

File: 3cf81b0e27b61e5⋯.png (445.21 KB, 535x571, 535:571, Screenshot_2020_06_16_AFP_….png)

Austrian police fine a man 500 euros for loudly farting after officers stopped him to check his identity



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fdf865  No.9638998


i don't think people understand why the US Military is advising we pull out of policing the earth. The majority of people here are good. The good people are tired of the horrid humans running everything.

look at all these protests over 1,000 people.

Does everyone realize June is Pride Month and all these huge weekend marches are all booked months in advanced for LGBTQ causes. Once June is over what will they try to leech onto for July?

BLM is an LGBTQ movement. They are using police reform to act like they care about a group. DNC still pushing the "helpless negro narrative"………

trans is kinda castrated

fix as in taxation without representation is OVAH!!!

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ea6f33  No.9638999

File: 66c2ae554d78637⋯.png (329.59 KB, 557x431, 557:431, 35326.png)


> negative nancies

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882684  No.9639000

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b3c63b  No.9639001

File: e07e857b2065a13⋯.jpeg (92.95 KB, 1080x575, 216:115, 1552419931.jpeg)

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313aa6  No.9639002

File: 78a64e89d71398f⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 720x362, 360:181, FB_IMG_1592357503622.jpg)

>>9638123 (lb)

Dallas mall shooting update

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43c865  No.9639003

File: d1ac3c32f703c62⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 425x425, 1:1, the_architect.jpg)

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860d4e  No.9639004

File: c78c99e50e65e0e⋯.png (686.85 KB, 720x405, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>the Black Umbrella Corporation

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b7fc7e  No.9639005


Is that a liter of favre?

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380b2b  No.9639006


Snopes says: mostly true

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fce223  No.9639007


Niggers are amusing. So hardcore gangsta

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813b7c  No.9639008




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3b35a7  No.9639009

"We've got cops coming..loads of them coming out the front door!"

-Protester in Louisville, KY

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499588  No.9639010


Thats a Jew….I would bet money on it.

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5af7d3  No.9639011

File: b1b73fbc1f98162⋯.jpg (84.09 KB, 477x564, 159:188, BUTT_BUDDIES.jpg)

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b7fc7e  No.9639012


Gucking foats and beanut putter

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2ad18b  No.9639013

File: b4c6ec55873cd92⋯.png (115.93 KB, 323x373, 323:373, GOD_OF_HELLFIRE.png)

File: 85edf8fd5cd7ebc⋯.jpeg (266.26 KB, 768x990, 128:165, kebab_remover.jpeg)


>Christchurch shooter no proper checks on shooter.






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d1b0b4  No.9639014


I agree with you 100%, Anon. Hannity is shit. His guests are what make the show, when he lets them talk. Laura's getting that annoying as well.

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b63ea9  No.9639015

>>9638852 Use link lots of images

Evidence points to CNN and Shaun King guilty of fabricating George Floyd video.


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7d53d5  No.9639016


three different topics:

HIV is not COVID19.

COVID19 is a virus respiratory spread that may cause long term immune issues.

DNAn thing would be about who is in control of the samples and what the use them for.

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b7fc7e  No.9639017


A whole liter of cola ?

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d4af34  No.9639018

File: ce67af0b4e9256d⋯.png (800.32 KB, 1202x796, 601:398, News_unlocks_map.png)

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437288  No.9639019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stupid Ass.



P.S. God DOES LOVE You.<<<

P.S.S. Psalm

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43c865  No.9639020

File: a252bce286d35ef⋯.jpg (181.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, shia_hwndu.jpg)

File: bb66fb20b9bbc17⋯.jpg (539.57 KB, 1024x843, 1024:843, shia_pet.jpg)

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fc07ed  No.9639021

File: 0e1cce64b41d108⋯.jpg (89.26 KB, 972x500, 243:125, jduysf7sfdysgfsuifp8sgf.jpg)

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d5af6e  No.9639022

Trey Gowdy on Hannity

>Well refresh my recollection


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43b75f  No.9639023


>Hannity squirming in his chair

Tucker has passed that rude SOB in the ratings and I expect them to keep getting higher! Tucker is funny af! kek

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813b7c  No.9639024


Stroke? Decades ago I suspect.

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b7fc7e  No.9639025

farts in Jewish

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1e1785  No.9639026

File: 9032d9d0674129d⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 680x348, 170:87, 38bf0ca126d2c0c6.jpg)




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1752fd  No.9639027

File: a05b20482a4c14f⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 435x261, 5:3, conscience_will_pay.jpg)

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eb13f7  No.9639028



That'll be a rough one for the public considering current events.

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bb95d5  No.9639029

File: e0183e463d6291e⋯.jpg (29.68 KB, 231x244, 231:244, TopKek3.jpg)


Top kek

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320721  No.9639030

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, so_much_text.gif)

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cd3ef3  No.9639031


Coronviridae do not enter nucleus of a cell.

Nucleus of cell has no role at all in this virus life cycle. The genetic information of COVID is NEVER made into DNA. It cannot integrate into DNA without being made into DNA.

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0f8665  No.9639032

File: f13900b6bcdf54b⋯.jpg (540.8 KB, 736x920, 4:5, namefags.jpg)

>>9638982It's funny how you can't get any response if you don't attack any anons.What does that tell your team?

Make a real meme, I dare you. Say something… anything… that is original and thought provoking, without mentioning "yourself".

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718813  No.9639033

>>963846 lb


Late last bread. George Floyd's brother is going before the UN tomorrow. Hundreds of NGO's using his death for their long time plan. Crazy times for sure.

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5f5382  No.9639034


the term of the name fo the movement is 'communist'

don't tag it to the gays.

gay movement was hyjacked by Marxists.

they try and usurp everything.

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52493d  No.9639035

File: b6d344581e745bf⋯.jpg (87.3 KB, 956x500, 239:125, brigham_minerals_warburg_p….jpg)

File: fdaba0b49746f83⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 643x388, 643:388, warburg_pincus_family.jpg)

File: 6850ff0afad3ad5⋯.png (327.16 KB, 461x293, 461:293, credit_suisse_dindu.PNG)

File: b26ea3d5f4f7e2c⋯.png (419.88 KB, 719x434, 719:434, secondary_offering.PNG)

Brigham Minerals Inc., sold by Warburg Pincus & Co US LLC: $59.57m-June 12

Secondary via Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC

Brigham Minerals, Inc. mineral acquisition company. The Company is engaged in acquiring oil and gas mineral rights. The Company’s portfolio consists of mineral and royalty interests across four of the basins in the continental United States, including the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico, the SCOOP and STACK plays in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma, the Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin in Colorado, and Wyoming and the Williston Basin in North Dakota. The Company’s Delaware Basin mineral and royalty interests are located in Reeves, Loving, Ward, Pecos, Culberson and Winkler Counties, Texas with its remaining interests located in Lea County, New Mexico. The Company also owned mineral and royalty interests in Carter and Love Counties, Oklahoma. Number of employees : 41 people.



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b7fc7e  No.9639036



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882684  No.9639037


Dolan… most interesting

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fce223  No.9639038


You mean the guy behind the cam? 1000%

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7d53d5  No.9639039

to be honest is some 1/3 no immune response, 1/3 cure, 1/3 hyper immune response and acute respiratory distress.

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133837  No.9639040


gooby plz

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718813  No.9639041


>>9638436 lb

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b7fc7e  No.9639042


Is that a kilo of Coke ?

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73b976  No.9639043


Can you please cite any evidence Q has claimed to be a "savior"? I'm sure every rational patriot on this board knows on some level "Q" is a PSYOP (mainly because Q told us "disinformation is necessary). However, what I have seen manifest due to Q (and Trump) is more patience among patriots and efforts towards unified action (petitions, running for political office, rallying, etc.) as well as citizen research on issues of national importance.

The Bible says that "by their fruits ye shall know them". Though the "Q" comms have their limitations, they have sure encouraged me.

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3ff68d  No.9639044

File: aab412fb115bec6⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 367x420, 367:420, Boardwalk_Empire_Girl_Gyra….gif)

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f5a399  No.9639045

File: a32971761335480⋯.gif (542.73 KB, 300x298, 150:149, 1532046313682.gif)


Our god finds your clip…amusing


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bb95d5  No.9639046

Secondary offering …

8:1 reverse split, 8:1 reverse split …

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52493d  No.9639047

File: 09e638eaacaa57e⋯.png (483.6 KB, 608x331, 608:331, raz_simone_buy_my_record.PNG)

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c8f62f  No.9639048

File: 6457410eddbce5d⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 397x394, 397:394, TuckerSucks.JPG)


Tucker coolest dude on tv until someone whips a joint out.

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c7d7f9  No.9639049


Stopped reading the article when I saw “irregardless.” Sorry. The author is a qualified idiot.

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bf9f58  No.9639050

Qresearch is accomplishing nothing

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5f5382  No.9639051

News Flash:

gays who survived the AIDS epidemmic were the ones who were scared to death of the promiscuity, and didn't want to lead debauched manhattan LA lifestyles.

many of the founders of the Gay movement succumbed to the AIDS.

the gay movement was usurped by the porn industry in a lot of ways.

young peopel were taught to be gay through porn.

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e0a9f5  No.9639052


In sur rec tion

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97ffca  No.9639053

File: 362af283ab1188c⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB, 360x640, 9:16, noooooo.mp4)

Anons – OMG. How can tell me we aren't at war? This is horrifying!! That poor baby!

Q – we need some guidance NOW!

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b7fc7e  No.9639054



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c59211  No.9639055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pepe and wajak find poggers man

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39afeb  No.9639056


Too bad he didn't shoot the bitch too. She was right in the mix as the dude was trying to leave.

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7d53d5  No.9639057


This is true but if T and B lymphocytes do that for the virus to neutralize it and are not effective?…..

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53c913  No.9639058

I know how you feel @realDonald. But Q! The troops are getting tired of this BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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9760e5  No.9639059

File: 8c5954e7e2ac0b3⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2350x1815, 470:363, 73BF47FD_DF6D_4FEA_A534_2….jpeg)


Why does Parkland sound familiar? Was not that the Florida school with the fake shootout?

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681074  No.9639060


can you mirror that anon? would make a good cheked meme

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b7fc7e  No.9639061


MoeHoe HoeMoe

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52493d  No.9639062

File: 13f255a4da66dff⋯.png (429.19 KB, 550x525, 22:21, pepe_midas_always_mad.PNG)

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092fcd  No.9639063


why dolan moar interdasting than the "typo" pointing at Dublin?

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1752fd  No.9639064


>The Bible says that "by their fruits ye shall know them".

I say…"by the shear amount of bullshit"…you will know them.

Snore ..click.

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b3c63b  No.9639065

File: 6865236b6398f23⋯.jpeg (107.54 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1591660211.jpeg)

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a7a014  No.9639066

File: f3510749d272803⋯.png (525.32 KB, 1090x748, 545:374, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e53ac96ff7d3b4⋯.png (973.16 KB, 901x599, 901:599, ClipboardImage.png)

USAF E-4B SW out of Offutt AFB

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b7fc7e  No.9639067


Getting moister

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96c2e7  No.9639068

File: 9983c7162678a09⋯.jpg (14.28 KB, 360x180, 2:1, haitihurts_2.jpg)

File: 75fdd338a4fdbb0⋯.jpg (37.24 KB, 360x358, 180:179, chelseacrime.jpg)

File: e575d7842d50fc4⋯.jpg (27.98 KB, 336x360, 14:15, chelseahaiti.jpg)


Public Confessions? Nah, nothing is going to change the minds of the followers.

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3b35a7  No.9639069

Guy streaming in Atlanta who has seemed like a regular dude filming, just mentioned how he spent a week with the Floyd family. Then asked if anyone knows someone at Delta or other airline because they are trying to organize a charter plane to go to some protest..I think the one in DC happening in August.

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57abe1  No.9639070


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7d53d5  No.9639071


Actually the mechanism would be different - it would be by the interleukins and such that stop the proper Lymphocyte response.

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53c913  No.9639072

Am I going to have to quit Q! Might as well. I have fought this losing war before.

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1e07c4  No.9639073

File: b0678e75a6233bd⋯.jpeg (62.92 KB, 828x615, 276:205, 776EB4C1_08E9_4C86_8A4B_B….jpeg)

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43b75f  No.9639074

File: 39bc27eddf856e8⋯.png (316.49 KB, 341x407, 31:37, ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: The Mysterious Case of RAZ from CHAZ – BLM Warlord Owns Multiple Guns (including an Uzi), a Tesla, BMW and Jaguar XJ, Millions in Properties, and Is Supported by Dubai Government

More importantly, Raz is supported by the Islamic government in Dubai.

The leader of CHAZ, Warlord Raz Simone was previously identified running guns in the newly formed country in the center of Seattle. Today we have more on RAZ thanks to the work of Yaacov Apelbaum.

Raz the warlord, doesn’t only run guns, he owns guns. Raz owns a couple of handguns, which were somehow ‘resorted’ through a special intervention after a conviction.

Raz also owns six automatic rifles, including an AR-15 and AK-47 and an Uzi.

He has armor piercing bullets for these guns as well.


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796be1  No.9639076

File: 8bdd6b4142c7029⋯.jpg (656.14 KB, 1292x1480, 323:370, 0kQIqgy1dr.jpg)

Lindsey Graham

Top 50 Contributors

13 tagged might be worth looking at all.


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b7fc7e  No.9639077


FARTS In Jewish

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437288  No.9639078

Satan Has ONE Enemy.<<<


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cd3ef3  No.9639079


Then those T & B lymphocytes would more than likely undergo Apoptosis or ‘programmed cell death’ having failed in their mission.

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882684  No.9639080



Infamous Real-time Narrative Investigators

DS Think Tank conspiracy theorist collaboration

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661223  No.9639081


whats raz chaz' position on sexual deviants

so far he's shown to be ultra conservative

faction of the boogaloos - the coongaloos

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81b6dd  No.9639082

File: 11c86f14ee10898⋯.jpeg (35.8 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 945013DC_CD6D_439D_8D70_0….jpeg)


This is the corrected version

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c718af  No.9639083

File: 1a344340bb33bd3⋯.png (249.31 KB, 661x378, 661:378, car_320.png)

File: 45673d0c6dfd8ee⋯.png (103.09 KB, 374x451, 34:41, potus320.png)

File: 62736bb3c3e2fdb⋯.png (61.65 KB, 371x368, 371:368, Q3349.png)

File: 63514bba547421f⋯.png (11.31 KB, 369x163, 369:163, Q3350.png)

Fun with numbers…

Jump back one year…

Q took a 32 day gap… between Q3349 (26 May) and Q3350 (27 Jun).

Q3349 was just a cap of a post from Mar 20… 3/20.

Today POTUS posted a vid with cops. Length was 0:55 and he posted at 3:20.

The car in the George Floyd video is #320.

I watched a vid (~27 min, amusing commentary) the other day of an anon breaking down some of those Floyd vids…

actually this one:


… and arguing that there were many signs of fakery and he said that 32 and 320 had Masonic symbolism, but that is not really my specialty, so just tossing it out there.

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7f8c9d  No.9639084


Did Schumer marry John Travolta??

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83613b  No.9639085


Nigger who are you talking to?

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1e1785  No.9639086

File: ac1f5b6801afb54⋯.png (24.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 79a131b2fc47717e7719c91a68….png)

Martin Guigino back in the news


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da131b  No.9639087

File: 51d68f517c2883c⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1364x810, 682:405, CH_53_23_2.png)

File: 3c45de4373f4842⋯.png (662.43 KB, 1646x1302, 823:651, 0816_xbox.png)

File: 39141bfb9f20331⋯.png (465.42 KB, 1628x1206, 814:603, 0816_mil.png)

File: aaa6e368405ae58⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1628x1306, 814:653, 0816_China.png)


Yellow Pens

First one is in the same orientation as the pink pen. 53-23 on the Q clock. See >>9638886

Second one is pointing to 8/16.

8/16/2018 has major Q posts.

Check for yourself.

Key groups attached: XBox Live, Military Intel, China pic

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371c3d  No.9639088

File: 68be1b37b96790e⋯.gif (245.71 KB, 350x275, 14:11, Jennifer_Connelly_Horse1.gif)

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43b75f  No.9639089

File: c5e493e7c351216⋯.jpeg (45.07 KB, 1181x664, 1181:664, weed.jpeg)


>Tucker coolest dude on tv until someone whips a joint out.

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73b976  No.9639090


Were you responding to someone else. If so, you will need to copy the post number you wanted to respond to and put two >> in front.

I used to be able to simply click on post number I wanted to respond to, but now I must copy and add >> . I wonder if that is what is going on with some of the posts that look like they were meant as responses to other posts (I digress.)

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7c41f8  No.9639091

Id buy as much as you can of

HUSA Stock ;)

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680838  No.9639092


The streets were empty, and that picture was up close.

I.coukd be wrong, but I dont think so

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5af7d3  No.9639093

File: b9802d8ac4e55cf⋯.jpg (117.82 KB, 511x561, 511:561, AMERICAN_JOB.jpg)

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e41b49  No.9639094


"surveillance teams"

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92722b  No.9639095


If you re-post it anon we can add. TY

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96c2e7  No.9639096

File: b6a49b546e2c03a⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 680x453, 680:453, omarethnic.jpg)

File: 5a6630ccbf70c81⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 680x453, 680:453, omarjihad.jpg)

File: 00864fac1b524ea⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 680x453, 680:453, omartreasonbrigade.jpg)

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5f5382  No.9639097


they choose someone with an intentionally Hebrew sounding first name?

you should feel a bit of shame putting this hit piece up here.

you do their work for them.

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2e638f  No.9639098

File: f82892980e49e23⋯.png (318.77 KB, 535x513, 535:513, Screenshot_2020_06_16_RT_o….png)


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945bf4  No.9639099


Mega top keks. Snek is my favorite meme now.

Karen is the enemy. She needs to make sammitches for chaz.

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ea6f33  No.9639100

File: c64628b9493fff3⋯.png (164.53 KB, 485x595, 97:119, 35435.png)


sheboons gonna sheboon

you can take the nig out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the nig

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96c2e7  No.9639101

File: b85292bffdaeb0a⋯.jpg (275.04 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, stella2.jpg)

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a9b081  No.9639102

File: dd6a7dbe86aa25a⋯.jpg (85.13 KB, 693x477, 77:53, abramovic_satanictheatre.jpg)


Abramovic is one of those satanic preachers worth close examination because she reveals so much about what the satanic cult truly believes. It's all coded, but once you understand the codes, it becomes readily apparent.

One thing that always strikes me is how the satanic art world and totally satanic Hollywood continue to be obsessed with the story of Christ and sacrifice/suffering. It's like their number one preoccupation. And of course the irony is that both of these worlds would never openly have a theological discussion about God as if God were real. They still predominantly position themselves as atheists. Meanwhile, they re-tell the messianic story over and over and over again. It is very clear they believe adamantly in the divine and in the story of the messiah, except their god is satan and their messiah is the anti-Christ and their incessant hypocrisy is designed to convince the masses that only fools believe in a spirit world while they believe in the (dark) spirit world with every fiber of their being.

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7d53d5  No.9639103


The other possibility not yet studied is the cleaving of the virus basically releasing a new virus within the virus with new spike proteins - remember with was a level 4 bio weapon.

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d2a1d8  No.9639104


This has been circulating for a long time.

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b7fc7e  No.9639105


Is it the ring that binds you two ?

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437288  No.9639106

Hi dumbfuck :)

Satan FEAR is The Truth.<<<


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bb95d5  No.9639107


I read it. But I don't see how it's possible for an investigative reporter to find out how many guns someone owns nor what kind of ammo they have.

It's interesting but the sauce is kind of tasteless.

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53c913  No.9639108

I am sick and tired of promises that Q hasn't kept! FuckQ. At least POTUS delivers! The digital warriors are hanging on a fucking thread! Get on it with Q or STFU!

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43c865  No.9639109

File: a3c906cd0b2c7f7⋯.jpg (5.46 KB, 275x183, 275:183, witness.jpg)


impressive, checked

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b7fc7e  No.9639110



What a faggot

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3ff68d  No.9639111


Sorry, Anon. I don't have those skills. I'm sure someone else on the board does though.

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860d4e  No.9639112


then its ok

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1ec296  No.9639113


>This has been circulating for a long time.

When did this occur?

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7d53d5  No.9639114


That would be after returning to the nodes and spreading the infection.

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cd3ef3  No.9639115


Not a virus if self replicating.

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fdf865  No.9639116



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d4af34  No.9639117



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1e1785  No.9639118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


have some nightmare fuel anon

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52493d  No.9639119

File: 2ae3413a20b8cc5⋯.png (155.04 KB, 456x305, 456:305, hosers_in_space_trans.png)

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44088d  No.9639120


There a vid of him pulling large guns out of a car trunk. I saw this morning.

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da131b  No.9639121



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437288  No.9639122

My LIFE is Given To My God.<<<


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b7fc7e  No.9639123


Oh no


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7f34c2  No.9639124

File: ebe971d2b0d1de8⋯.jpg (169.96 KB, 948x676, 237:169, 1592245004809.jpg)

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380b2b  No.9639125

File: 9b40cbd0a15e627⋯.jpeg (245.16 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 14BADC9E_8F84_481E_B5F6_C….jpeg)

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53c913  No.9639126

NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN! It is all false hope! Been there and done that. Who the fuck cares anymore!

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63e8d0  No.9639127

File: bd816807a8f48d8⋯.png (136.67 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 2019_08_14_21_49_07_2.png)


That's creepy!

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7b7335  No.9639128

File: f2651d3234de7fa⋯.png (35.87 KB, 835x609, 835:609, ClipboardImage.png)


Poof, and just like that, It's gone.

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b3c63b  No.9639129

File: 97686f8c3d07a10⋯.jpeg (151.61 KB, 1080x1445, 216:289, 1592320904.jpeg)

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dabc8c  No.9639130

File: a8b1585ba9805d0⋯.jpg (623.3 KB, 1078x1012, 49:46, 1592250737606.jpg)


Ayyynons on the prowl.

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17e144  No.9639131

File: 4f4d216cc00f816⋯.png (483.93 KB, 1041x489, 347:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6427d305f394aa4⋯.png (526.04 KB, 692x476, 173:119, ClipboardImage.png)


mentioned this yesterday. Tineye search on the standing GF photo take you to two sources from 3 June 2020.

One is 9/11 Clown news anchor Dan Rather's anti-Trump website. The other is some German type site.

Links at original >>>>9631752 (pb).


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73b976  No.9639132


If chronic it is not a virus, I would guess. Probably mycoplasma or some such introduced by INJECTION. We have a contaminated vaccine supply. I think "coronavirus" is a false flag entirely. The "virus" may also represent a detox program for the cell.

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2e638f  No.9639133

File: f7cce5ec9e4d490⋯.png (422.1 KB, 609x342, 203:114, Screenshot_2020_06_16_stux….png)


>Not a virus if self replicating.

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92c381  No.9639134

File: 1ffe86fac32d350⋯.png (56.62 KB, 473x280, 473:280, FE.png)

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cd3ef3  No.9639135



POTUS just delivered a kick in the teeth to LEOs nation wide.

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a9b081  No.9639136


What is a spell?

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43b75f  No.9639137


>you do their work for them.

I post an article aboutCHAZ"warlord" Raz Simone being funded by radical Islamist from Dubai and I "do their work for them"?

lmfao Go fuck yourself, idiot!

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72212b  No.9639138


yes, we are under constant mental bombardment.

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b7fc7e  No.9639139


OPERATIONS paperclip

Ends with staples

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7d53d5  No.9639140


it would not be self replicating. it would take body response to cleave and nullify the original and change the geometry so that new spike proteins exposed that would then bind and infect.

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92722b  No.9639141


>>9639076 Lindsey Graham - Top 50 Contributors

>>9638965 The Mysterious Case of RAZ from CHAZ - Millionaire supported by Dubai gov

>>9638852 Discrepancy in 2 George Floyd photos: Hair vs No Hair

>>9638799 , >>9638871 New Herridge tweet re Strzok

>>9638739 Google blocks The Federalist, ZeroHedge from advertising on platform

>>9638712 Michigan Dems: Polls showing Biden leading Trump are not reliable

>>9638708 CNN & NBC colluding with Big Tech to cut out conservative competition

>>9638690 Antifa Watch: Flight Aware flight search for DC Dulles Airport

>>9638686 Primaries progress: GOP aims to retake House majority from the Dems

>>9638630 Report: POTUS's private meeting with families of people killed by police

>>9638547 , >>9638623 Iris Weinshall, Chuck Schumer's wife

>>9638609 , >>9639066 Planefag Reports

>>9638498 , >>9638510, >>9638532, >>9638519, >>9638849, >>9638979 Dallas shooting

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b9bf0d  No.9639142


Zombies like rabid dogs have a look about them. Avoid them.

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882684  No.9639143

File: 3870745314e96fc⋯.png (212.35 KB, 410x337, 410:337, ClipboardImage.png)

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17e144  No.9639144

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fedaa3  No.9639146


You’re supposed to be sitting back and enjoying the show. Also, re-read crumbs. Sheesh everybody knows that.

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5af7d3  No.9639147

File: 71a9481a830a945⋯.jpg (27.14 KB, 297x336, 99:112, KOOLAID.jpg)

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f678fc  No.9639148

File: c63c9b823c36abe⋯.png (785.24 KB, 733x960, 733:960, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f47db  No.9639150


Watch That Friggin Water Frens.

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b7fc7e  No.9639151


Oh wow

White powders

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e0a9f5  No.9639153



true dat

Deterrent weapons

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c8f62f  No.9639154


When they wear Buffalo Bills SB Champs t-shirts I understand why.

But, does this mean someone once upon a time thought that I'm a Poz shirts would be a hit???

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44088d  No.9639155


Interesting. I always figured they hated Christ and Christians, were obsessed with the hatred of it, just because they are evil.

Certain people can't stand anything saintly. Others are drawn to it. They are just dark , demonic. Nothing more to say really.

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1ec296  No.9639157


>Tucker coolest dude on tv until someone whips a joint out.

wrong, its well known that Tucker smokes a fatty from time to time. He is just not chronic

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e2b1c5  No.9639158


It's California every agency is corrupt slide a few bucks to the clerk and you can get any name you want. If you're a liberal you probably don't have to bribe them…

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27afb2  No.9639159

File: 730a4e87489b946⋯.png (967 KB, 725x734, 725:734, vanderbiden.png)

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1e07c4  No.9639161

File: 81e3765c3e022a3⋯.jpeg (80.08 KB, 828x875, 828:875, E94DFD01_95D4_42FC_B935_7….jpeg)

File: f38065b23f95556⋯.jpeg (923.21 KB, 628x1302, 314:651, EDFFB2CF_9CB2_4273_9C43_3….jpeg)

File: 2e59491035450c9⋯.jpeg (136.51 KB, 828x520, 207:130, D50380DF_6147_4AA3_BC77_7….jpeg)

File: 59e142af4a4144a⋯.jpeg (424.8 KB, 828x603, 92:67, DD6510E2_4AFC_4479_B5DD_4….jpeg)

Take out or dining in?

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eb13f7  No.9639162

File: ab5f6326b55e8d4⋯.png (248.59 KB, 569x591, 569:591, 1591861235812.png)

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b7fc7e  No.9639163


Wear your superman underoos

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1f9cdb  No.9639164


You’re watching a soap opera. Turn it off for two months, come back and catch up in two minutes.

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f678fc  No.9639165

File: 5443cb748752a19⋯.png (613.99 KB, 496x774, 248:387, ClipboardImage.png)

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7381fa  No.9639166


What is up with the recent uptick of Farva memes?

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0f8665  No.9639167

>>9639088 You're halfway there, if you have anything interesting to add to it.

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5f5382  No.9639168


ok, pretend that I'm wrong.

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72212b  No.9639169


wut was it

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1e1785  No.9639170

File: f4ce2c41da8c745⋯.png (574.1 KB, 620x413, 620:413, trebeck.png)


thats right.

Its a way to summon spirits.

"Dont eat the light" means stay separate from god, and invite other spirits inside yourself.

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437288  No.9639171


You will Not survive THIS Bot.


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cd3ef3  No.9639172

File: 248ff7a0edb26a3⋯.jpeg (81.33 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 8C4E6943_5204_4213_9C60_0….jpeg)


Not this dog.

He don’t give a shit.

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b3c63b  No.9639174

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1752fd  No.9639175

File: bbf68d5928114af⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 534x378, 89:63, retard_shill_will_suck_dic….jpg)



Losing badly…. Tthought you would be used to it by now…I mean… it's only been 2 1/2 years so far to reverse decade of your bullshit…lol….but…. we aren't winning apparently….lmao..

That's so sad that you need to keep telling yourselves that…lmao…GO WINNERS….GO…LMAO…


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903f20  No.9639176


thanks for playing newshill..

you urned yo fo dollers..

now leave

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17e144  No.9639177




If I were a memfag, I'd have a field day with this one

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cc8484  No.9639178


how'd she grow a fucking beard?

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7d53d5  No.9639179

Why why would I say virus in a virus - data - the response around the world and the recurrent infections and the kids that got hyperimmune syndrome.

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e0d606  No.9639180



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53c913  No.9639182

>>9639104 And your point is…?

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b7fc7e  No.9639183


Homo rage quits


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1e1785  No.9639184


ok anon…Ill trust you.

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d1b0b4  No.9639185


Tucker's facial expressions are priceless as well.

You can see the wheels turning as he listens.

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9760e5  No.9639186


Love fuels magic.

That's why (they) go apeshit over a super popular person that people adore who then has something tragic happen to him. Think of the love and admiration as the set up, and the death as the magic loosh release (with proper incantations).

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fc07ed  No.9639187

File: d9d341d965e6c19⋯.png (4.25 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd3ef3  No.9639188


It’s not a transformer, it’s a fucking stupid virus.

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f678fc  No.9639190

File: bad1f59b4304aae⋯.png (1001 KB, 885x960, 59:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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17e144  No.9639191

File: a043410f84ea668⋯.png (530.61 KB, 855x285, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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437288  No.9639192

Dead Bot Dies.

Be SINcere.


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7381fa  No.9639193


Just watched Mad Max recently.

The [HIVEMIND] is alive and well.

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7f47db  No.9639194


I see space for Gillum to get comfy.

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9760e5  No.9639197


>five o'clock shadow female

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92722b  No.9639198

File: ee014c73c27b0ef⋯.jpg (248.98 KB, 920x744, 115:93, ee014c73c27b0ef090074b6301….jpg)

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539818  No.9639199

File: 6c2bde9a58033bc⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2301x1035, 767:345, ClipboardImage.png)



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302181  No.9639200

File: a5da7d86fe2c880⋯.png (134.23 KB, 440x860, 22:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9576c253fcc9a23⋯.png (229.65 KB, 528x880, 3:5, ClipboardImage.png)


you were right

32 ties to it; some anons balk at gematria, but I think there's no coincidences, and certainly not so many as there are, numerically. How many coincidences before it's impossible NOT to be a coincidence.



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fdf865  No.9639201

File: 340bb653f40cc75⋯.png (803.22 KB, 547x617, 547:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f33fdac5fed97db⋯.png (429.64 KB, 475x443, 475:443, ClipboardImage.png)

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17e144  No.9639202

File: ea3d375c4c8d8df⋯.png (255.52 KB, 459x268, 459:268, ClipboardImage.png)



must. resist.

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681074  No.9639203

File: 1d423e07af8153d⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 260x297, 260:297, bwechecked.gif)


no worries anon i figured it out.

checked trips

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52493d  No.9639204

File: 3dcd63402bc9d85⋯.png (355.32 KB, 421x416, 421:416, wilcock_omg.PNG)

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380b2b  No.9639205


TYB. Fill the bread

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680838  No.9639206

So if this is the battle of the 4th Reich, and we are the "good" guys, can we stay the fuck out of Russia this time?

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1ec296  No.9639207

File: 2c029828a7481a3⋯.jpg (214.81 KB, 935x885, 187:177, dumbass.jpg)


>What is up with the recent uptick of Farva memes?

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e41b49  No.9639208


It was a video.


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945bf4  No.9639215


Great read: Jim Marr's The Rise of the Fourth Reich.

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380b2b  No.9639216


He sucks

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81b6dd  No.9639217


Agreed, today felt like radio waves eating away at my skin, or psychotronics. Not normal kvetching really bad energy

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7d53d5  No.9639218


it is a genetically made virus by people that know them and know spike proteins and how they work and how to make them. It is not that hard to figure out how the body cleaves a virus that has infected a cell and make it cleave it in a way that it creates new virus with new spike proteins. actually. it is all about geometry and biology.

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380b2b  No.9639224


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