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a053bb  No.9556657[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 06.09.2020

>>9554450 ————————————–——– Loss of control of [first wave]?

>>9553260 ————————————–——– People are waking up [[D] party con] (Cap: >>9553289)

>>9553065 ————————————–——– For the first time in American history (Cap: >>9553187)

>>9552801 ————————————–——– The wait will soon be over (Cap: >>9552836)

>>9548995 ————————————–——– Sometimes a PSA re: coordinated and intended plans serves to prevent the action. Reach has meaning.

Saturday 06.06.2020

>>9511354 ————————————–——– WH tweet - Nunes interview on OAN re: Rosenstein testimony

>>9511227 ————————————–——– Not all posts are meant for Anons.

>>9511197 rt >>9511175 ————————— def visit_twitter_and_log_in

>>9510953 ————————————–——– Reconcile. (Cap: >>9511212)

>>9508904 ————————————–——– Q post 2629 reminder [D] Day, Patriots - Q+

>>9508369 ————————————–——– REAL PEOPLE TALK (Cap + Vid >>9508423)

>>9507497 ————————————–——– CASTLE_ROCK_GODSPEED.png (Flag)

>>9506457 ————————————–——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: >>9506513)

>>9505682 ————————————–——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: >>9505706)

>>9505231 ————————————–——– Remember your oath. (Cap: >>9505253)

>>9504553 ————————————–——– The Armor of God. Have faith in Humanity. Have faith in Yourself. Have faith in God. The Great Awakening. (Cap: >>9504694)

Friday 06.05.2020

>>9492213 ————————————–——– Attempt [another] to remove WH protection (Cap: >>9492280, >>9492276)

>>9491229 ————————————–——– Have faith in Humanity

>>9489290 ————————————–——– Important to understand. MSDNC projection we are the minority is false.

>>9488666 ————————————–——– Full MSDNC blitzkrieg. Ready, surprises prepped (Cap: >>9488692)

>>9488295 ————————————–——– What happens when the (Flynn) gag order is lifted [case dismissed]? (Cap: >>9488309)

>>9488073 rt >>9487886 ————————— Follow the pen. (Herridge)

>>9487818 ————————————–——– Change We Can Believe In. @CBS_Herridge (Cap: >>9487863)

>>9480002 ————————————–——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: >>9480035)

>>9479373 ————————————–——– Do you see what is happening? (Cap: >>9482956)

>>9479292 ————————————–——– Have faith. (Cap: >>9478621)

Thu 06.04.2020 >>9479715

Wed 06.03.2020 >>9474543

Tue 06.02.2020 >>9474534

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<= READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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a053bb  No.9556665

Global Announcements

>>9502804 HRC FBI Mail Digs, >>9503200, >>9504111

Klausutis/Scarborough diggz https://pastebin.com/FFB6n1VG


are not endorsements


>>9555946 French bailing out Aviation industry. First of many.

>>9555947 Nation of Islam Provided Security for George Floyd Funeral

>>9555987, >>9556157, >>9556453, >>9556525 Anon Op-Ed: Should George Floyd Be Put on a Pedestal? (no) + discussion on the importance of Anons writing moar

>>9556047 Coincidence? Drudge just swapped headlines…

>>9556070 Colorado vaccine bill moves forward – with amendment allowing repeal attempt

>>9556076 New Laura Ingraham video: a look at Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfood, including parts of the Chicago conference call previously unheard

>>9556111 Laura Ingraham interviews Raymond Lopez, the Chicago Alderman that got into a tiff with Mayor Lori Lightfoot about the rioting.

>>9556127 They prepped the story 2 days ago - 2nd wave narrative by pushing heavily that coronavirus was present for much longer in China.

>>9556178 Mayor Bowser appoints SUSAN RICE to Reopen DC

>>9556230 CBP officers in Minnesota seized $900G in counterfeit bills from CHINESE shipping container, exactly 1 week before POTUS issued China travel ban

>>9556252 HBO Max removed classic American film "Gone With The Wind" from its platform because of muh racism

>>9556262 Moar on Hannity not wearing punisher pin

>>9556348 Sen. Shelley Moore Capito wins West Virginia's Senate GOP primary

>>9556656 #12230


>>9555286 From Q's article, POTUS attorney Jay Sekulow said in early January 2017, Hussein loosened rules to "pave the way for a shadow government to leak classified information" more easily.

>>9555405 DC National Guard members test positive for COVID-19 after responding to protests

>>9555414, >>9555481, >>9555458 Sen. Feinstein panicking re: Afghanistan troop removal, says it would "endanger American lives, threaten allies & squander counterterrorism operations." + Anon's translation

>>9555606 New POTUS: Fox Business clip re: Wuhan showing signs of virus last AUGUST

>>9555555 5:5 digits confirm, Anon watches it burn + more magic numbers >>9555666

>>9555484, >>9555631, >>9555631, >>9555498, >>9555503, >>9555529, >>9555741 Anons on Hannity's pin, brought up again tonight - second night in a row he didn't wear the Punisher pin. Possible comms

>>9555913 #12230


>>9555035 Driver claiming self-defense in Capitol Hill protest shooting has ties to police

>>9554961 More on: Antifa has taken 6 square blocks of Seattle as their "free capitol hill"

>>9554946 State Dept goes to war with fired IG - Accused of breaking chain of command

>>9554761 , >>9555042 Planefag Reports (Gates)

>>9554738 Abe softens stance on full-scale Olympics to avoid cancellation

>>9554661 , >>9554755 Reuters: Long lines and problems with voting machines in Georgia

>>9554629 Past QPost with 'wave'

>>9554621 Instagram post from the Marines: Taking on the storm

>>9554605 Protests could cause catastrophic setback for controlling CV, experts say

>>9554604 Judge determines that Kim Gardner has illegal contracts with private attorneys

>>9555137 #12229


>>9554261 BREAKING: The TV Show Cops has been cancelled after 31 years

>>9554166 Mueller declined to Investigate FBI obstruction in child trafficking/abduction rings

>>9554164 Fresh DJT

>>9554151 Video: Tucker on race riots tonight and their effect on poor neighborhoods

>>9554137 , >>9554233 Camden re-imagined its police force and now has one of the highest crime rates

>>9554122 IMF Board approves $5 billion Ukraine loan, disburses first cash

>>9554066 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to Aldermen worried about looting and rooting in the city

>>9553999 Norton Lifelock Inc. sold by Starboard Value L.P.: $228.57m-June 8

>>9553924 New from Herridge

>>9553905 , >>9553927 China: Harvard professor indicted on false statement charges

>>9553919 Moscow: Israel's annexation of Palestine's West Bank puts end to two-state solution

>>9553885 , >>9553895 FBI combing SM after people openly brag about looting on FB

>>9553882 Clip covering 'Clinton Cash'

>>9553881 Q: "To be blunt... GAME OVER" - coming up next?

>>9553851 Planefag Updates

>>9553816 , >>9553846, >>9553973, >>9554015, >>9554190 Antifa set up autonomous 'commune' in Seattle

>>9553783 , >>9554189 Andrew Pollack: For Democrats, students’ lives don’t matter

>>9553749 Texas: Today Judge Hidalgo proclaimed June 9 George Floyd Day in Harris County

>>9553726 Patriot Guard Riders attend retired Police Captain David Dorn’s wake today

>>9554418 #12228

Previously Collected Notables

>>9552078 #12225, >>9552843 #12226, >>9553568 #12227

>>9549707 #12222, >>9550500 #12223, >>9551236 #12224

>>9547386 #12219, >>9548162 #12220, >>9548934 #12221

>>9545033 #12216, >>9545802 #12217, >>9546575 #12218

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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a053bb  No.9556667

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9260794 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #13

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a053bb  No.9556672

QPosts Archives

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Meme Ammo

57 >>9240337, 56 >>9027363

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HCQ, China Coronavirus, COVID-19, Gates, Attempted social control by pandemic…

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

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Iwo Jima video TOR posting https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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a053bb  No.9556679



Baker Requesting Handoff

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48a9ab  No.9556691

File: 5ddbbb4c40dcf5e⋯.jpg (123.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 5ddbbb4c40dcf5e6925ab4bebb….jpg)

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3e95f9  No.9556697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




-‘Cops’ Cancelled-

Whatcha gonna do when the woke mob comes for you?

Cops — the long-running reality series following police officers on high-speed chases, drug busts, and other dangerous missions — has been cancelled after a more than 30-year run as anti-police sentiment continues to sweep through Hollywood following last month’s death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody.

The Paramount Network has decided not to bring Cops back after it put the show on hiatus last week in the midst of #BlackLivesMatter protests and growing demands to defund police departments around the country.

“Cops is not on the Paramount Network and we don’t have any current or future plans for it to return,” a network spokesperson told multiple outlets on Tuesday.

The ViacomCBS-owned cable channel has publicly supported the #BlackLivesMatter movement, saying in a recent tweet that “these racist and brutal attacks must end.”

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3dd3cd  No.9556701

File: 6dee50cebb8c35e⋯.jpeg (55.86 KB, 750x290, 75:29, dealDevil.jpeg)

Richard Grenell

What did he get in return for Trump support?

Possibly future presidency nod????

"""Following the hanging of a gay man in Iran, the US ambassador to Germany is now fighting to decriminalize homosexuality and allow same-sex marriages around the world. He claims that people should not be deprived of basic human rights like the right to love whomever you please. Grenell will lead the campaign to legalize same-sex marriages in every country."""




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48a9ab  No.9556704

File: 78c7cb96c4614f4⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 526x405, 526:405, ww.jpg)

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f4385e  No.9556705

When was Tom Hanks last seen in public? Where is Tom?

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319e76  No.9556706

File: d63ac3a871eb27c⋯.jpg (90.94 KB, 640x805, 128:161, ea8fb1939434d2edc48e83e4fa….jpg)

File: 3a38c47f4e27db6⋯.jpg (27.73 KB, 462x308, 3:2, 9b7450f15bffa2136c60d4283f….jpg)

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0be58f  No.9556707

File: dff40164afe3d84⋯.jpg (19.35 KB, 340x370, 34:37, feels_good_man.jpg)

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b65508  No.9556708

File: 7dc5590757ea54f⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1032x1100, 258:275, 6dr7ZZ3.png)

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206043  No.9556709




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4134f3  No.9556710

>>9556589 (lb)

I gave up on that nigger...he isn't leaving the plantation any time soon.

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ca4637  No.9556711

File: 992da5a0b9a7fd8⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 466x480, 233:240, bison.gif)


>decriminalize homosexuality

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f63446  No.9556712

File: 0305d32cd7fd9db⋯.png (369.42 KB, 798x386, 399:193, EASYTOKNEEL.png)

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467f63  No.9556713

File: 103d625874053ac⋯.jpeg (116.04 KB, 680x718, 340:359, BE910437_F308_413B_A714_C….jpeg)

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3a8dd0  No.9556714

>>9556615 LB

You tiny stinking brown turd

You are too simple minded to know when

people are rubbing shit in your face

If only you had paid attention while in school

then maybe you could actually think beyond

a simple assed remark like

"that's racists"

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e58994  No.9556715

File: cc4513999f98d5f⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 236x232, 59:58, cc4513999f98d5f9ae358f7730….jpg)

>>9556674 lb

Maybe you're not getting this...

I'll use small words this time:

More people knowing about Q = Good.

People say mean things about Q every day here.

We like the ones that put the idea of Q in to other people's minds.

Were those words small enough for you?

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cef9cf  No.9556716

File: a1b2162767e4c93⋯.png (204.18 KB, 720x442, 360:221, Img_1591721121081.png)

File: 2b3c721feb12d70⋯.png (84.76 KB, 661x356, 661:356, Img_1591712662639.png)

File: 017b111ce6cf6b7⋯.png (587.07 KB, 720x703, 720:703, Cupace20200605141317.png)

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abb6ec  No.9556717

Anyone remember that time when a judge became the first to rule against Obama and was gunned down in front of a store (I think signing books) and congresswoman giffords was shot it the head?

We know they are not afraid to sacrifice their own. I don’t think the plan benefits by them whacking one of their own and pointing at deplorables as vigilante patriots/terrorists.

At some point some folks need to be removed from the streets for their own protection. As law breaking optics around some become so visible as to cause even Normies to see that justice is being destroyed, those folks become expendable to (((their bosses))).

I pray for the safety of every prosecutor in St Louis. God please keep Gardner and her allies safe and protected from harm so that they may have their inevitable day in court.


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209dd9  No.9556718

File: 2a293670d8ca173⋯.jpg (113.86 KB, 819x356, 819:356, new_seattle.jpg)

Good luck with all that New Seattle

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5bca7f  No.9556719

File: 5ebad183e1e9d2c⋯.png (122.4 KB, 1622x538, 811:269, dup.png)



bin needs a little fix

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8717e6  No.9556720







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6fadac  No.9556721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No longer an option…

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a80fb0  No.9556722

File: 0abaa99df3fbbc7⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 532x409, 532:409, nwopolice1.JPG)

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29a347  No.9556723

File: 380e03008dabae9⋯.png (3.06 MB, 982x1326, 491:663, pepe_buddah_8kun.png)

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cef9cf  No.9556724


Q is a false god pile of dog shit

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12b064  No.9556725



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3f069c  No.9556726


In fewer words: There is no such thing as bad publicity.

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cef9cf  No.9556727

File: aaad9c440d525c1⋯.png (136.97 KB, 720x400, 9:5, Img_1591712462506.png)

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c99375  No.9556728

File: ffdd11c615131be⋯.png (182.45 KB, 364x308, 13:11, cornel_west.png)

Make a meme.

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67d837  No.9556729


Bro, he's gay.

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aabd3b  No.9556730

File: 410301b92b232a8⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 4500x2900, 45:29, The_Collection.jpg)

Don't ever forget the fun times you've had

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e0dffa  No.9556731

File: ca1a60db2a6e3f2⋯.jpeg (54.22 KB, 504x500, 126:125, high5.jpeg)

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aa7639  No.9556732

File: e0d56e683e17a11⋯.jpg (120.44 KB, 472x892, 118:223, 1538616018750.jpg)


Thank you, Bakerer.

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a053bb  No.9556733


oh crap, fixing now. thanks for catching that anon

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f8e809  No.9556734



looks like ((they)) are wantin' to go the 2nd wave route… good thing Q called em on the bullshit

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49e4df  No.9556735

File: f9eef25a9c9e5c5⋯.jpg (42.71 KB, 750x482, 375:241, deblasiocrook.jpg)

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51988f  No.9556736



Romney was never gonna beat Obama

he was the Republican actor candidate

to keep us all thinking that he might win

and to keep the look opf a fair campaign

and lots of money donated

all go to the DS shit and R's gave as we were ignorant to the scams

the votes are rigged

all have been hand selected

McCain as well.

Obama was chosen, then HRC was next

all installed after Reagan

now the blacks will act as if Romney is some kind of ballsack wonder

all in the same club

all have huge secrets to keep hidden










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5bca7f  No.9556737


no worries, o7.

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e2d9da  No.9556738

Fank GOD

these A-holes are ewasing everwfing from histowy

life today SUCKS

Which has no connection, ATM

I love sharing this soil with selfish ASSHOLES everywhere who DONT like thinking about ANYTHING


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52ee28  No.9556739


Posted and nommed just a bread or two ago.

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aa7639  No.9556740


Forever in our hearts and minds, fren. o7

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351394  No.9556741


Thanks Baker for the Bakes! See you on the flip side.

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6ca389  No.9556742

They jumped on this pretty quick


This rumor has no truth to it. The Obama Foundation’s tweets shared links to its website, Obama.org. The preview image for that page updates dynamically on Twitter when the platform’s web crawlers (bots) re-index (restructure the website data for) the preview image for the website every week.

In other words, at a certain point following Floyd’s death the foundation changed the Twitter Card image for the website, which retroactively updated the image on past tweets. A Twitter spokesperson told Snopes that the image shown in the card updates when the foundation updates the data used to generate the card. The group did not edit the tweet, according to the spokesperson, but may have changed the data associated with the link.

We reached out to the Obama Foundation to ask about the photo on June 8. On June 9, the image from the May 16 post had been changed to the foundation’s logo:

An Obama Foundation spokesperson confirmed for us that the rumor is false, and that the preview image for Obama.org updates dynamically based on information set in the link. The photograph of the poster with Floyd’s face on it was taken on May 30, 2020, according to the foundation, and was first used on the site on May 31.

We therefore rate this claim as “False.”

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fef5e7  No.9556743

and so what is the purpose of equating a board, falsely, with Nazis?

because they ahve people so trained to say 'hate' and Nazi and to immediately condemn, and then plan the destruction of those who are smeered in that way, that it's easy for them to do the cat doing the hitler solute, and all that crap

and if you talk to a real one live and the go to that 'everyone hates us and we'll kill you all if you say what we don't like' you think it's fucking joke. lik eno one would really say that shit.

but they do and they will and they think they are rightous.

that is why they must be taken out of power.

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cef9cf  No.9556744

File: 3962c8644756559⋯.png (316.21 KB, 1236x620, 309:155, Img_1591032802831.png)

File: a501552a0197f03⋯.png (425.29 KB, 720x701, 720:701, Cupace20200528191556.png)

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e58994  No.9556745


Have you seen the news lately?

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3a8dd0  No.9556746


While I may never agree with you on most subjects

This "reacharound" may have merit and it is

a novel way of looking at what is happening in DC

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b65508  No.9556747


Don't need one!

That was a great segment on Hannity!

Need to grab the video on that one!

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fef5e7  No.9556748

steroids Kill

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90591e  No.9556749

File: 047aaac12c6e960⋯.jpg (53.61 KB, 525x542, 525:542, q.JPG)

File: abd38f5bdd41f5b⋯.png (919.72 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1591752327718.png)


Was just perusing some conspiracy surrounding this Captain America scene image, and it made me thing of the Q post with that image.

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a6c173  No.9556750


Yeah, that's what Q was saying in that code snippet posted about a minute later. Their point?

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351394  No.9556751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Laura Ingraham speaks with Rudy Guliani and the NY Defund Police saga with comments from the NYPD Union Chief, Omar, Al Sharpton.

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3af338  No.9556752


Her eyes are social distancing

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c2ae96  No.9556753

Nurse goes undercover in NYC COVID units.

Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York.

And not just any New York public hospital, but the "epicenter of the epicenter" itself, the infamous Elmhurst in Donald Trump's Queens. As a result of these diametrically opposed experiences, she has the ultimate "perspective on the pandemic". She has been where there have been the most deaths attributed to Covid-19 and where there have been the least.

Erin is a decorated Veteran of the Iraq War and the President of the Florida Freedom Alliance who promote vaccine freedom.


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aa7639  No.9556754


Hillary Kills.

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e2d9da  No.9556755




I will play Gone with the Wind over and over and over just because of small-minded a-holes

at least once a week now

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4be165  No.9556756

File: bb7a0815b103944⋯.png (271.64 KB, 441x747, 49:83, ClipboardImage.png)


Correct, this is Sohale.

So sick of the retards who say it's Susan Rice.

Also, what the actual fuck was Q on about with his "No facial hair" fucking bullshit.

Honestly, that was fucking retarded and ghey.

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fef5e7  No.9556757

guy was like the biggest muscle head ever.


and he had that kind of look that he was just a nice looking person.

he didn't need to be mr roid head guy.

he didn't have to use.

and then in his early 30's he died of an unexpected heart attack.

He might have been 33.

made me so sad to hear it.

and makes me worry about other people who are into the same body damaging juice.

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b68d59  No.9556758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8717e6  No.9556759




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9d8a05  No.9556760

File: 07d2723f50f8eb2⋯.jpg (43.85 KB, 700x360, 35:18, weinshall_43870.jpg)

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b65508  No.9556761

File: 877e3d3eb6f5a82⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1484x1928, 371:482, hRch3az.png)

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3e1b92  No.9556762


Yeah … just like the last one.

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20c9c9  No.9556763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't be a

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206043  No.9556764


ugg gross ass saggy tits… vomit

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084c70  No.9556765

File: 3a40d7506761ba0⋯.png (79.6 KB, 254x205, 254:205, 2020_06_04_13_35_05.png)

>>9556570 lb

>DEM cities, now citizens to take chance vote Republicans in?

Maybe residents of Dem cities have become addicted to oppression, the feel of the whip and will gladly grovel to their masters in exchange for welfare, food stamps, and housing benefits?

Maybe they don't want to be freed from their masters?

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1e952c  No.9556766


I can take next bread baker, have a few things to close down, had the last piece of meat on grill.. cant let that burn. Next bread at dough i can take it.

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22fba5  No.9556767

File: 7da583e1b70cc9e⋯.png (375.46 KB, 462x347, 462:347, ClipboardImage.png)


Stop forcing your ideologies on others that understand the laws of God.

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209dd9  No.9556768

File: 0039573e0b5c71f⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 340x267, 340:267, mind_the_gap.jpg)

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84e59e  No.9556769

File: 7f141b935f6ba84⋯.png (467.27 KB, 501x340, 501:340, tales_from_the_hood.png)


is it just me or…

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b40424  No.9556770

Anyone got a link to a good doc on Oklahoma City…?

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1e952c  No.9556771


Moar for me!

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4d3415  No.9556772


she's pretty

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a1ab4b  No.9556773

Sen. @maziehirono:

"To see the president crowing over a 13% unemployment rate is – are we in Alice in Wonderland?"


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3af338  No.9556774


The other person in the room fucktard. As in who took the picture.

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a80fb0  No.9556775

File: b61603f80981846⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 471x468, 157:156, stillyourPresident.jpg)

Still Your President!


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ca4637  No.9556776

File: 1a78b2c2e16e890⋯.png (194.31 KB, 595x523, 595:523, biden_derrr.png)


>So sick

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9049e1  No.9556777


You must be gay…those tits are prime A

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aabd3b  No.9556778

File: 4d6707fb09e7c56⋯.png (100.24 KB, 255x243, 85:81, 4d6707fb09e7c56e94485ffaac….png)

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20c9c9  No.9556779

File: 26fb77928393c24⋯.jpg (51.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 0332019456.jpg)

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3dd3cd  No.9556780


Read what I wrote.

Politics, favors, deals and so forth.

How many more people does Trump have to fire after they have served their purpose for you to see this?

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76bc0c  No.9556781


Trump orders fleet of icebreakers and new bases in push for polar resources

Donald Trump has ordered the construction of a fleet of icebreakers and bases to pursue US interests in the Arctic and Antarctic by the end of the decade in a signal that his administration is going to take a more aggressive approach to the contest with Russia and China for polar resources.


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cef9cf  No.9556782

File: 7447e81278fd069⋯.png (646.25 KB, 679x1424, 679:1424, Cupace20200605005455.png)

File: 921805f7c39979d⋯.png (343.87 KB, 1198x602, 599:301, Img_1584728117344.png)

File: c227ec2e0db0c4a⋯.png (117.3 KB, 720x448, 45:28, Img_1591138297193.png)

Hermes = Mercury

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51988f  No.9556783

Alyssa Milano just ranting to get footage of other dead guy

but no screams to see ALL the footage regarding

George Floyd as there is fuckery for sure.


Alyssa Milano




Police cars revolving light


has the video of the police killing of #JavierAmbler, with him pleading “SAVE ME.”

They won’t release the video to his family.


, WHY is your show keeping this family from getting justice?


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ca4d62  No.9556784



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b0582a  No.9556786

File: 4809f550de5b3c2⋯.png (258.67 KB, 461x514, 461:514, Screen_Shot_2020_06_09_at_….png)

Dreamy Tom Fitton said there is no "plan"

and he is not Q/jfk jr


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aabd3b  No.9556787

File: 4cc321336279464⋯.jpg (327.31 KB, 720x900, 4:5, milk_truck.jpg)


Bewbs will cleanse this board

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8717e6  No.9556788






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d2e16e  No.9556789

File: 8e4ca31e0466048⋯.png (988.11 KB, 791x525, 113:75, ClipboardImage.png)

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10a7d7  No.9556790

File: 0717fd0b5063ab7⋯.png (316.42 KB, 1786x913, 1786:913, ClipboardImage.png)

SocialM fags.

Make this go far and wide.


Works created by anons here since you will not send it out I will.

Retweet comment share and like.


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d6dd4e  No.9556792

File: 2503556f9b4db12⋯.jpeg (220.03 KB, 828x972, 23:27, 399CA55A_2D40_46E1_8D85_F….jpeg)

How many seditious traitors will wake up tomorrow in this country?


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49e4df  No.9556793

Reruns of COPS are still playing on my local channel. Let's see how long until they pull it.

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fef5e7  No.9556794


leading qeustions don't work with me

spill it if you have something or don't bother me.

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600ee3  No.9556795

File: b6e50a2c8e46a44⋯.png (21.58 KB, 84x85, 84:85, ClipboardImage.png)


Take the Blue Path

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9d8a05  No.9556796

File: dd288fb606954c9⋯.jpg (318.13 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, mike_pence.jpg)


>Dreamy Tom

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1bb94a  No.9556797

File: e531359200237cf⋯.png (886.82 KB, 900x468, 25:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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57a55a  No.9556798

Please POTUS, if there is a "second wave" of the virus, do not subject us to another round of Fauci and Birx.

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b65508  No.9556799

File: f7da0ec1a9650a8⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1271x783, 1271:783, Screenshot_588.png)

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8f21b1  No.9556800

File: d9bf1cef59ae4dd⋯.png (51.69 KB, 714x640, 357:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d3a29259a61634⋯.png (500.46 KB, 871x701, 871:701, ClipboardImage.png)

More evidence of CCCP virus released on September-October 2019:

On 7 October 2019, the National IHR Focal Point of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) notified WHO of one laboratory-confirmed case of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection.


The report — obtained by the London-based NBC News Verification Unit — says there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a "hazardous event" sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.



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38b432  No.9556801

Can anybody tell me why nobody is doing anything about Antifa and their pet nogs taking over Seattle? This is a literal coup and the other side is just letting it happen.

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a80fb0  No.9556802

File: e82a77f14293c51⋯.mp4 (921.12 KB, 544x352, 17:11, SxInWuhn.mp4)

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67560d  No.9556803

File: f35768c22bedaeb⋯.png (3.81 MB, 1920x1281, 640:427, 3493F4C0_4E74_4BE3_B517_F7….png)

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52ee28  No.9556804


You like fakies, don't you?

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3dd3cd  No.9556805


Is that Yamantaka?

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5bca7f  No.9556806


cruel and unusual punishment, kek.

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aa7639  No.9556807

File: 2ef83b94d2405c4⋯.gif (51.57 KB, 300x367, 300:367, magicpepe.gif)


Digits don't lie!

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0087b8  No.9556808



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HomeUSA News

‘Stop treating us like ANIMALS and THUGS’: WATCH NY police union boss EXPLODE on politicians and the press

9 Jun, 2020 21:23 / Updated 5 hours ago

‘Stop treating us like ANIMALS and THUGS’: WATCH NY police union boss EXPLODE on politicians and the press

© Twitter / @AugustTakala


Follow RT on


After weeks of rioting and with legislators of every stripe promising police reform or abolition, New York’s police union boss, Mike O’Meara, took a stand to excoriate lawmakers and the media for treating cops like “thugs.”

The killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin two weeks ago sent shockwaves of rage across the US, with much of the anger focused on the boys in blue. Rioters and looters burned out police precincts, sprayed “kill cops” graffiti tags, and chucked bricks at riot cops. Above the street-level rage, lawmakers on Capitol hill unveiled a sweeping police reform bill, while Minneapolis’ city council led the way in voting to “disband” Chauvin’s department.

Mike O’Meara struck back hard at a press conference in New York City on Tuesday. The boss of New York state’s Police Benevolent Association, O’Meara seethed at anti-police sentiment in politics and the media.

“Everybody’s trying to shame us,” he thundered. “Legislators. The press. Everybody’s trying to shame us into being embarrassed of our profession. You know what? This isn’t stained by someone in Minneapolis,” he said, waving his badge in the air. “It’s still got a shine on it, and so do theirs.”

“Stop treating us like animals and thugs, and start treating us with some respect!” he shouted. “We’ve been left out of the conversation. We’ve been vilified. It’s disgusting,” he added, spitting out the word.

O’Meara condemned the killing of Floyd, calling Chauvin’s actions “disgusting,” and insisted that his department is “restrained.”

“It’s not what we do,” he said, referring to the shocking murder. “It’s not what police officers do…he killed someone. We didn’t.”


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51988f  No.9556809

File: f00fc09e6cabad0⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 680x314, 340:157, EaHuWPMUMAAFNHl_1_.jpg)

kek kek kek

l E T 17 Retweeted

l E T 17




Replying to




Pretty much sums it up !!!!!


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1cfbb1  No.9556810


Game Theory

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67560d  No.9556811

File: 4fdfe084eda9e5e⋯.png (3.9 MB, 1920x1281, 640:427, E6294E1E_36E9_40CF_BDA6_C0….png)

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52ee28  No.9556812


Been posted here a couple times tonight.

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b65508  No.9556813


\You sick fuck!

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fef5e7  No.9556814

Shills have already lost.

this is the 100 days of . . . .

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600ee3  No.9556815


That he is aware of

Plausible deniability

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4be165  No.9556816


>The other person in the room

Whatever you say, shitcuntfaggot

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67560d  No.9556817

File: 1b926b912671c4f⋯.png (3.87 MB, 1920x1281, 640:427, B709169D_A8A6_4E93_82A6_D6….png)

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ddfa2d  No.9556818


Faggot confirmed

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725368  No.9556819

Damage Control? kek

watching - not COPS - but some other live Police show on now.

So far no one has been arrested, just let go, talked to and reasoned with. Showing the softer side of policing.

not a co-inky-dink

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1af368  No.9556820

File: af9b7f424e2a994⋯.jpeg (131.82 KB, 788x444, 197:111, Dems_Play_Kente.jpeg)

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cef9cf  No.9556821

File: a8f0896a117734e⋯.png (76.92 KB, 568x241, 568:241, Img_1591711484954.png)

File: 9f324a60e0c1a09⋯.png (86.51 KB, 720x361, 720:361, Img_1591712376577.png)

File: 87e5b2e69e17286⋯.png (301.64 KB, 720x673, 720:673, Img_1589649994625.png)

File: 5e69c65800fb204⋯.png (199.89 KB, 720x374, 360:187, Img_1589826970740.png)

File: a061a2ad9d64849⋯.png (109.31 KB, 720x404, 180:101, Img_1591712441091.png)

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576c66  No.9556822

File: 2c4b5f7f776aac1⋯.png (970.01 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good_times.png)


Still a better love story than Twilight.

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b65508  No.9556823

File: 342e20202c9a9c8⋯.png (801.41 KB, 1177x623, 1177:623, Screenshot_589.png)

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51988f  No.9556824

File: bf1ab7c644b272f⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB, 480x270, 16:9, N1eXCrNfFKmw9y7C.mp4)


l E T 17




Karli Q Medium starMedium starMedium star


This was the best shit I’ve seen in years!


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67560d  No.9556825

File: d337b98a2fef64e⋯.png (3.92 MB, 1920x1281, 640:427, 7ED98D60_2398_4A5B_9D8A_BB….png)

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52ee28  No.9556826


Posted multiple times and notabled earlier.

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0c8f8b  No.9556827


Anons were saying earlier that 13 had been coming up repeatedly, wondered about comms.

Cops canceling after 31 years…

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651e34  No.9556828


Wave = Water

Flynn's twitter had water/waves….is there a "wave" coming in the Flynn case?

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82030c  No.9556829

File: 2bd436abafb2319⋯.png (99.27 KB, 925x504, 925:504, 2bd436abafb231968379ccf262….png)

If you're still wondering what this was; it was DARPA's Project Nimbus. It's why the first spaceX launch was canceled.

When every cloud up there is a potential weapon, those at the controls can target just about anything.

She sold EVERYTHING while at the State Department. Knowing America would soon fall due to [their] treason. All assets deployed are weapons and programs built using our taxpayer dollars.

It'll only get worse as time goes by. We are seeing everything [they[ had planned for us. The wall means more than you know.


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ea334e  No.9556830


Why did God make the Hebrews walk around in the desert 40 years, until every last adult who left Egypt was dead?

Because no matter what HE did for them,even HE could not take the "slave" out of the man.

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4134f3  No.9556831

I'm going to throw some truths down here.

We are just out of Covid - 19, everybody going back to work.

Here is the "Truth"….who is going to want to hire a BLM supporter or member after this?

The Black "RACE" has done this to themselves…watching on TV the Protests/Riots, Democrat/Liberal cities (mostly Black) are not going to hire Black or BLM supporters…the are now too radical…not employable.

After watching the rioting on TV for the last 2 weeks, do you think any business owner who had their business destroyed are going to hire and Black males between the ages 16 and 26(estimated the age range)…no…I….don't ….think …..so!!!

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67560d  No.9556832

File: c90b1f3032d924b⋯.png (3.93 MB, 1920x1281, 640:427, 34504185_D6A5_4529_ABFC_41….png)

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51988f  No.9556833

File: a8fdef74bc6816b⋯.jpg (138.45 KB, 2048x946, 1024:473, EaHuWPMUMAAFNHl_3_.jpg)

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fef5e7  No.9556834

I've been cantakerous all week. I'm surprised at how I sound when I read it later. But I try to say 'alternative conjecture' to some of it.

and other times I'm trolling.

But, ya, I get it. less is often better.

but I'm so sick of the shills and their constant bullshit. I have to tell them : you already lost.

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29a347  No.9556835


I believe it is..one of the 6 gorillion renditions of it

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67560d  No.9556836

File: 935a983b86f6414⋯.png (3.84 MB, 1920x1281, 640:427, 60B8A08A_534C_4E6E_9EEC_67….png)

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3f069c  No.9556837



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000000  No.9556838

Fucking Twitter just terminated my account. I then started a new one, and after setting up preferences, I followed Donald Trump and was immediately locked out of account for 12 hours for breaking the rules. Seriously, I followed the POTUS and my account was locked.

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49e4df  No.9556839


It will be declared a terrorist organization, and all of them will be finished.

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b61444  No.9556840

File: 2c0f4805ab15777⋯.jpg (202.28 KB, 673x499, 673:499, 44lzendollla.jpg)

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b3ba88  No.9556841

File: 72867c34960456e⋯.png (242.8 KB, 346x377, 346:377, ClipboardImage.png)

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d2e16e  No.9556842


they painted that street going to the white house pretty good. Painting companies?

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b68d59  No.9556843


<3 Thank you fren.

Anons who [C] are trying to step up to our responsibilities.

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1cfbb1  No.9556844


why would biden and hillary give a fuck how many years cops been on? BE ON THE WATCH!

keep your eyes on the big picture. Think freely, yes, but apply discernment.

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ca4637  No.9556845

a horse-drawn carriage funeral for a porn star human trafficker?

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aa7639  No.9556846

File: a09a7b982cd2129⋯.gif (994 KB, 417x258, 139:86, ThanQBaker.gif)


Amen to that.

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4134f3  No.9556847


yep…good one.

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5bca7f  No.9556848


>Seattle commune

Bizarre, isn't it?

Mayor and other city council members in Seattle are so PC that i think they're literally shell-shocked into paralysis at the moment. (Except for the true radicals who always knew just what it meant for Seattle to be in on the ground floor with Agenda 21/2030.) Wondering what kind of conversations are happening between mayor Jenny and the governor Jay right now.

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206043  No.9556849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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060edb  No.9556850

File: d355cf85a3b2e1a⋯.jpeg (22.53 KB, 612x426, 102:71, 6D916D33_3C0A_4B6C_B026_F….jpeg)

My brother Said he’d even vote for Biden if he was in a coma…that’s all you need to know about liberals

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ca4637  No.9556851


it's what they do

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725368  No.9556852

File: b2bccc405d76615⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 648x418, 324:209, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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600ee3  No.9556853

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cef9cf  No.9556854

File: 17d007216adddd5⋯.png (189.62 KB, 800x667, 800:667, Img_1591654956361.png)

File: 2157e51bbf3bd29⋯.png (148.75 KB, 720x492, 60:41, Img_1589898587702.png)

File: 34bee3fb617e897⋯.png (293.7 KB, 1116x648, 31:18, Img_1590159873571.png)

File: cda33bdf3ae5062⋯.png (242.38 KB, 720x631, 720:631, Img_1589898366112.png)

File: 6b0fbd72cb1bded⋯.png (98.73 KB, 666x369, 74:41, Img_1591676523791.png)

Nasa Freemasons landed on the moon.

Apparently they raped it so hard it broke in half.

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ea334e  No.9556855


and just how is one going to discern who is BLM and who is not without getting slapped with discrimination law suit.

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1cfbb1  No.9556856


You must be doing something right.

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000000  No.9556857


looks like a rectal fire to me

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8717e6  No.9556858







Your families are safe -Q


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000000  No.9556859


I just find it amusing that they can lock you out for following the POTUS

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52ee28  No.9556860


Proof it was Nimbus?

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25065e  No.9556861


Maybe the media will ask the question.

We may not like the answer.

Because disinformation.

Because 4D chess.

I sense a decision was made to act after November.

If so, failure.

Civil war.

Can history be changed?

Can God's will be changed?

Who runs this corrupt system?

Can we fix it?

If we wanted to?

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cb3e61  No.9556862


The internet is forever.

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206043  No.9556863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ca4637  No.9556864


yeah, don't do that.

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6ca389  No.9556865


How is this an example of good journalism, exactly?

The award for journalism was given to CNN by the White House Correspondents' Association on Tuesday.

"CNN's reporting on the Roger Stone arrest began a month earlier, with a clue about a court scheduling anomaly. Then came unusual grand jury activity. Then an odd, packed suitcase wheeled by one of the prosecutors in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Stone," the WHCA judges said of the report.

"It culminated early in the morning of Jan. 25, 2019, when a CNN producer and a photojournalist, staked outside of Stone's home in Ft. Lauderdale, captured the 5 a.m., no-knock raid by the FBI of the former confidant of President Donald Trump," the judges added.

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a053bb  No.9556866


ok sounds good baker, thanks

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eedd72  No.9556867



Dr. Cornel West gets handed his liberal ASS in regards to defunding police

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060edb  No.9556868

The only time of the day, when I like the posts more than I like the notables, is the night shift, seriously you guise crack me up!!!

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d1d345  No.9556869

File: 2c5cf2323e2efca⋯.png (520.16 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20200609_235505.png)

Also i dare say .. Q is not the only intel person dropping crumbs here..;)

If you pay real close attention you might notice things that just make too much sense… ;) ive said too much.

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4134f3  No.9556870


won't make a difference…if I'm looking at a employment app..and it's after the whole block was destroyed and the applicant is a black male/female 16-26…not going to take that chance…avoid any conflicts of interest.

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600ee3  No.9556871


They used it in Vietnam

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263845  No.9556872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

antifa has moved from autonomous park to city hall

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ca4d62  No.9556873

I see the last few Q posts got him laughed off the board.

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f2ab65  No.9556874

File: 7e984bf651280e1⋯.png (237.63 KB, 589x550, 589:550, Screenshot_2020_06_09_at_1….png)

No Xmas for you Nancy Pelosi.

The U.S. Coast Guard confiscated 30,000 pounds of illegal drugs at sea, a haul which included more than $408 million in cocaine and marijuana.



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b3ba88  No.9556875

File: d8f6470ebc9b7bf⋯.png (438.64 KB, 666x493, 666:493, joecrow.png)

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6f8342  No.9556876

File: 50d660dc1bdf339⋯.gif (775.83 KB, 280x210, 4:3, D488F7AE_0E5E_485B_9DDA_9F….gif)


KEK Hannity show

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b6c889  No.9556877

not covid again

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38f999  No.9556878

File: 0008b69fe1a3557⋯.png (12.39 KB, 615x125, 123:25, SDFADFEEe.PNG)

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aabd3b  No.9556879

File: 40565f8d6159974⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 400x981, 400:981, based_gramma.jpg)


This shit cracks me up


You're fucking retarded kek

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fef5e7  No.9556880


If it were a game of civilization and I were a devious tyrant, I'd be like 'this is awesome'

and let them over throw the local cabal government, and then throw an election.

but I'm not, and this isn't a video game.

they can larp in their fantasy as if it's the Alps and they are the sexcult antibaptists doing the orgies in the fields thing that they did before they rediscovered chastity, and ran off to the East to escape being hunted all the other groups . . . and eventually made it to Pennsylvania where there ancestors larp as socially consious scolds who will only do conscioutous objectin, and own vast estates . . .

anyway I paint a picture that maybe is unkind. my point: these types of movements never succeed, it can't go any farhter than just a short time.

the money lenders who own all the land aren't going to cede it to an insurgent army of central europeans larping as Mexcians.

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ca4637  No.9556881


>$408 million in cocaine and marijuana

how do you know they're not delivering it right to her door?

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eedd72  No.9556882

File: 723ff051e4f8271⋯.png (229.15 KB, 431x655, 431:655, PepeCapHarambe.png)


And this is why we are here…

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084c70  No.9556883

File: 691fb68026348f8⋯.png (51.98 KB, 255x223, 255:223, 2020_06_09_11_53_03.png)


>My brother Said he’d even vote for Biden if he was in a coma…that’s all you need to know about liberals

Got some of those also.

They can't see it.

To this day, it's like there is a spell over them.

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68ff22  No.9556884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.9556885


You know it, I got to almost 4,000 followers and they shut me down. I appealed and their reason was because I promote hatred. What a crock of shit. I promote the President, make fun of liberals inabilities to make coherent posts, like Joe Biden, and spread Q posts and thoughts. Twitter is literally Communist rule.

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51988f  No.9556886

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eedd72  No.9556887

File: d9600b9091be469⋯.png (860.85 KB, 620x630, 62:63, Umbrellopus.png)

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8717e6  No.9556888





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cef9cf  No.9556889

File: 4125e060626d592⋯.png (118.39 KB, 720x373, 720:373, Cupace20200604170104.png)

File: 5cee47d7374c207⋯.png (273.42 KB, 1232x641, 1232:641, Img_1586104636201.png)

File: 04a683d7fcf392c⋯.png (347.18 KB, 1225x648, 1225:648, Img_1586295363138.png)

File: 6bbf518c90f57c1⋯.png (264.88 KB, 1117x639, 1117:639, Img_1589470453802.png)

File: 394c643136c85ce⋯.png (345.41 KB, 1193x648, 1193:648, Img_1590330706108.png)

Freemasons made it all up.

Manson = Ma n son

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b9f33c  No.9556890

File: 1fc34c6f00aad91⋯.png (374.12 KB, 535x651, 535:651, Screenshot_2020_06_09_Vise….png)

Poland’s decision not to accept refugees is driven by “common sense” rather than xenophobia says Mariusz Kamiński, the Minister of the Interior.

He argues the Polish government cannot “consent” to “any social or cultural experiments [being] imposed on us” the Polish people.


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34ad2f  No.9556891

File: 8aa1c0525dcc3b8⋯.jpg (136.89 KB, 988x576, 247:144, ICECUCK4.jpg)


Keep blessing us with your insights Copernicus.


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a560b9  No.9556892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So who't the winner, who is the loser?

What are we supposed to learn from all this shit going down?

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206043  No.9556893



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e96984  No.9556894


leaves off an important point - medical examiner found no neck injury

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206043  No.9556895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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db4c78  No.9556896


If at first you don't succeed, try again.

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a80fb0  No.9556897


We the People … are not impressed.

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5bca7f  No.9556898

File: eb87c28fa167715⋯.png (214.61 KB, 553x300, 553:300, bread_w_burger.png)


going to add some burgers to that bread?

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ca4637  No.9556899


well now you're follower-less and stuck with us

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d59c41  No.9556900

File: ffe7a160230aa2e⋯.png (200.47 KB, 490x366, 245:183, lyt10.png)



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1e7063  No.9556901



>70 minutes

Decent description, Cliff notes, time stamp, or GTFO.

Anons ain’t got time for that shit

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b68d59  No.9556902



Read closely.

The medical examiner found "no life-threatening injuries".

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51545e  No.9556903



That is some funny shit

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ca4637  No.9556904


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eedd72  No.9556905

File: 364a196f24cc7a5⋯.png (446.3 KB, 758x502, 379:251, Screenshot_108.png)

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b0582a  No.9556906



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060edb  No.9556907

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247050  No.9556908

File: 3479592959b7d5f⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1044x847, 1044:847, ClipboardImage.png)


Another out the box …

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a1ab4b  No.9556909

File: 2315ab99773929e⋯.png (675.54 KB, 767x500, 767:500, 0_biden_mask.png)



>My brother Said he’d even vote for Biden if he was in a coma…


>Got some of those also.

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3681b0  No.9556910


probably because you created the new account from the same IP address

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05ac7b  No.9556911


Ghost shipments?

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10a7d7  No.9556912


You either didnt read or cant read.

Not sure.

But try reading then maybe see the sources for more info.

Its what this board is all about faggot

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e96984  No.9556913

File: 93a3f3e0f0cd4b1⋯.png (552.11 KB, 636x808, 159:202, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c7037  No.9556914

File: cfbfc5086478ebe⋯.png (701.85 KB, 1439x969, 1439:969, ClipboardImage.png)



>>9551142 past bread

>>9552417 past bread

>>9552546 past bread

>>9552628 past bread

>>9555042 past bread

Gates Foundation 2018 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORP GVI(G650ER), tail number N194WM, has now landed at Boeing Field, Seattle. Parked near Kenmore Air.

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e58994  No.9556915


Are you upset that Cube tweeted a picture with Q in it?

Is that why you're here?

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f2ab65  No.9556916


'We know everything'

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4165b1  No.9556917

File: 87b26b0f28f2f2a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 707x1100, 707:1100, Guide6png.png)

> useful


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05ac7b  No.9556918

File: 9b519bf0ee9db04⋯.png (48.14 KB, 657x410, 657:410, 01877B8C_E10D_4029_BE3D_82….png)

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1bb94a  No.9556919

File: 623504ded3e8aa7⋯.png (1005.72 KB, 792x449, 792:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65e92d4eaaa048d⋯.png (505.15 KB, 470x572, 235:286, ClipboardImage.png)

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90aab9  No.9556920


this times ten here… i’m running out of numbers and google voice numbers kek

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e96984  No.9556921


>But try reading then maybe see the sources for more info.

i read the source report when it came out days ago, jackass

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eedd72  No.9556922

File: eafd3ab739d24e6⋯.png (587.33 KB, 738x710, 369:355, BidenCanabal.png)

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ca4637  No.9556923


no it's your phone

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51545e  No.9556924



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3681b0  No.9556925

>>9556874 The U.S. Coast Guard confiscated 30,000 pounds (more than $408 million worth) of illegal drugs at sea

baker notable

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51988f  No.9556926



"you'ra dinosaur"

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206043  No.9556927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e96984  No.9556928


>The medical examiner found "no life-threatening injuries".

and, separately, found no injury to the next, which is significant.

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d1d345  No.9556929



What did i tell y'all…

Nudity and gore…


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ea334e  No.9556930



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000000  No.9556931


I fight on 3 fronts, here, twitter, and parler. I'll quickly rebuild my new twitter account. I had a good following and gained almost 900 followers in a couple of weeks just recently.

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3dd3cd  No.9556932

File: 2a6c1a0b0b61958⋯.jpeg (129.27 KB, 1279x1279, 1:1, jamming.jpeg)


There was an earlier post today about OTH radar and jamming. That happened a few hours before this was originally posted.

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d2e16e  No.9556933


the D mayors/govnahs are holding their constituents hostage by running their cities into the ground trying to build the hate of POTUS until the election.

all this "turmoil" is now being exposed for what has been driving the last 4 months….or 3 years.

this is all about Federal Funding being cut off to sanctuary cities on 2/26/20. this is the date POTUS was able to finally being able to tell sanct cities to fuck off unless you comply with ICE with their criminal illegals.

D's use COVID to get federal $$$. they cannot use it for their budget deficits, but they can use it to run schools, hospitals effected by the "covid crisis". this is not allowing them to use a dime for their fucked up budgets.

Now the Anti-Police movement. This is a direct attack on law and order. a civil society. Just the fact this is being brought up is insanity.

What will California suggest now. We need to defund the prisons. We need rehab and learning centers for criminals. Not Prisons.

How much insanity will the D regime try to throw at the citizens of the USA before this insanity ends?

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6f8342  No.9556934

File: bb746f91acc8959⋯.jpeg (78.04 KB, 399x600, 133:200, 0A323A88_59A9_4D3C_9BAB_9….jpeg)


Dig up them Ice Cubes

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b3ba88  No.9556935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Best Live Stream Up for Chat to shit talk

Was monitoring neck guard on there last night


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e96984  No.9556936


*neck, sorry eating ribeye and typing

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a560b9  No.9556937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I really hope this is it, that tomorrow I will wake up and all this evil and misery will be gone……

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5bca7f  No.9556938



even Hannity can manage to get a word in edgewise!

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ca4637  No.9556939



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aabd3b  No.9556940


We talked about last thread. It's tits, you sucked on them as a baby. Did you cry then too?

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52ee28  No.9556941


That's not proof, but thanks for playing.

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a1ab4b  No.9556942

File: 87e0d544e145e3a⋯.png (600.29 KB, 864x626, 432:313, Tucker_racist.png)



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5bca7f  No.9556943



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b61444  No.9556944

File: 6c950cb7ff2e856⋯.jpeg (222.06 KB, 828x707, 828:707, DD75CD0A_9A3E_4E20_AA4E_3….jpeg)

File: 244da72471271bf⋯.jpeg (514.66 KB, 828x1207, 828:1207, AF4A9481_CE92_4E3D_9656_9….jpeg)

File: cd902177491e5c0⋯.jpg (167.62 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 44kz3ems13callto_arms.jpg)

File: 0e556ea04a76ef9⋯.jpg (102.94 KB, 644x388, 161:97, 44l2mi.jpg)

File: 31d69a27449c9dd⋯.jpg (142.21 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 44lb8zfollowthewives.jpg)

I Know shit comes fast but we should not over look Kilary and Biden sent Coms to MS 13 through Twatter. I'm surprized there isn't more discussion. Clown Baker? Look at their Times

Joe 8:32 = 13 M

Kilary 9:28 = 19 = S

There are other comms.

Umbrella groups.

Pray for frens!!

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51988f  No.9556945



how many of you Anons just sit and laugh your ass off at these posts

fuck i love this board

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88356b  No.9556946

File: bf0aba011cd5b81⋯.png (392.88 KB, 428x428, 1:1, thescarfifldnbu.png)

Symbols are [their] downfall.

God wills it.

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05ac7b  No.9556947


Is that a white jooish man Or a joo man pretending to be white? Asking for a friend.

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3f4613  No.9556948

When will the fake news script flip to Q is a dangerous illegal military propaganda operation ?

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38f999  No.9556949


Ezekiel 12:2

Son of man, you dwell in the middle of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.

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3681b0  No.9556950

>>9556890 Poland Minister of the Interior: decision not to accept refugees is driven by “common sense” rather than xenophobia

based poland notable

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6227cd  No.9556951

File: 2b6e9d3eddc5fdf⋯.jpg (46 KB, 576x576, 1:1, SAt.jpg)

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b27894  No.9556952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Watch the water? Another False Flag? Wave? Like on the $10 bill?

Go to 18:06 in the video to see the "wave"….

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fef5e7  No.9556953

the reader is supposed to know that I write provocative bullshit to try to fictionalize how it seems to be, to me, without sauce.

and if they can't appreciate the realist quality of my banter, I don't care.

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000000  No.9556954


I didn't use same phone number, or email address, it has to be IP address.

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29a347  No.9556955

File: 7de894c70f74f23⋯.png (427.78 KB, 517x299, 517:299, chinese_market_worry.PNG)

Chinese companies put U.S. listing plans on ice as tensions mount

Chinese companies are putting off plans for U.S. listings as tensions between the world’s top two economies rise, lawyers, bankers, accountants and regulators involved in what has been a major capital-raising route told Reuters. The drop in interest, especially from those in the early stages of planning, is the result of a proposed U.S. legislation that would make it harder for some Chinese firms to debut in America and mounting scrutiny following an accounting scandal at Chinese Starbucks rival Luckin Coffee. Chinese groups have raised $1.67 billion via initial public offerings in New York this year and are looking to raise about half billion more on U.S. exchanges, Dealogic data shows. In 2019, they raised $3.5 billion.

Sino-U.S. relations have nosedived in recent months with the countries, already at odds over trade, now butting heads over the COVID-19 pandemic and China’s proposed national security law for Hong Kong. Enquiries about U.S. listings have halved this year at one of the big four accounting firms in China versus 2019 levels, a senior auditor from the firm said.

Many companies that reported plans for U.S. listings to China’s securities regulator, marking an early stage in the process, are now targeting exchanges nearer to home, said a person close to the regulator. The China Securities Regulatory Commission did not respond to requests for comment, while the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission declined to comment. Listings take at the minimum several months to arrange, involving appointing advisers, preparing a prospectus and obtaining regulatory approvals. The further along the path a company is, the less likely it is to change plans. Chinese firms accounted for about a third, or some $279 billion, of funds raised globally via IPOs in the past five years. About half of that was overseas, mostly through New York and Hong Kong floats.

There are more than 550 Chinese firms listed on U.S. stock exchanges. Chinese firms often choose New York for floats given its prestige and international investor base, even as Beijing seeks to encourage them to list at home to share gains among local investors and limit foreign oversight. Chinese authorities have long resisted audit papers leaving China, making it hard for U.S. auditing regulators to check the quality of audits of Chinese companies.

U.S.-listed Chinese firms have begun disclosing the risk of an “adverse impact” on their shares due to tighter regulations.


The other issue that needs to be addressed is the purchasing of pink sheet or OTC companies to circumnavigate what little regulation existed before. A Chinese (or any other company FTM) could-and did-purchase several OTC co's, stripped them out of any previous identity and populated them with the "guts" of the purchasing co. This allowed a straight line into market access because the license to trade pubically already existed in the OTC shell-because that is usually all the is left when a co. gets to the pink sheets.

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3dd3cd  No.9556956


In a world gone completely mad…

this place still makes me laugh, every single day.

Thank you!

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82030c  No.9556957


That would be good for us. Any coverage is good for more eyes on.

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aeeb10  No.9556958

File: 5432a9ed5d48164⋯.png (955.03 KB, 688x885, 688:885, 7DFAD0A2_C0A7_434F_8B57_C6….png)

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51988f  No.9556959


epends what card he wants to play


jewish white

not a white, jewish

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a053bb  No.9556960


i put this in notables (plus a few posts opining why anons should write more) so it will go out to all the aggregators and get more eyes on.

those sentiments were also shared by candace owens in a viral video so even if this doesn't get shared, the ideas are out there and spreading.

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cb3e61  No.9556961


I'd like to see some of their weapons captured and analyzed as to point of origin. Are they select fire? Are they of chinese origin?

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a560b9  No.9556962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know this song is corny but always thinking of all anons as heroes, but we are also heroes for ourselves and those we love….

Manifest love in your life, be present, be aware, meditate and pray and always have the purest of intention for all of the world….

I am out ….

I love you all……..

To a new day, a new beginning…..

Goodnight Q, hope to see something big tomorrow….

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49e4df  No.9556963

File: 5af2a57fd72a1f5⋯.png (300.48 KB, 620x349, 620:349, lns_fishtown_black_lives_m….png)

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — "Fishtown is taking a page from Black Lives Matter supporters in Washington, D.C. Tonight, hundreds of people temporarily painted the words “End Racism Now” on Girard Avenue. Chopper 3 was over the large yellow letters near Montgomery Avenue.

Pastor John Brice says they are continuing the momentum of justice and peace more than a week after the protests over George Floyd’s death began in Philadelphia.

However, the fire department began washing off the street Tuesday night as officials say the “end racism now” painting was only for tonight."


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7e4821  No.9556964

955 days into the calm-before-the-storm.

Forecast? PAIN

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ca4637  No.9556965


I think I pegged him

but I'm psychic

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d1d345  No.9556966



Oh chill out.. Im messing around..😂

A little levity is all..

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725368  No.9556967

File: 6931dbde2a890df⋯.jpg (68.35 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 5e68ca673d22e_image.jpg)

Nursing homes in PA now required to perform universal testing

“Our goal with implementing this universal testing in nursing homes is to rapidly detect asymptomatic positive residents, manage their care and prevent further transmission of COVID-19 in these living settings,” Secretary of Health Dr. Levine said in a statement. “We are working tirelessly to include all long-term care facilities in this strategy as soon as possible. At this point, we are able to successfully expand testing and support to all staff and residents to further protect those in nursing homes across Pennsylvania.”

to further protect those in nursing homes across Pennsylvania


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68ff22  No.9556968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4165b1  No.9556969


depends which is more convenient at the time

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5bca7f  No.9556970




funniest board around

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e9f3ef  No.9556971



these sorry arsehole sun tanners go have quickies at the governers mansion and suffer hilldawgs twats in between

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000000  No.9556972


Am I that dickbag Dilley? FLOL

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206043  No.9556973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1e7063  No.9556974

File: b3c804b9ab2244a⋯.jpeg (118.59 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 9DEB7D37_CAC1_4F35_97F5_5….jpeg)



I need to defrost the freezer to see if I can find treasures.

The price of steak is too damn high!

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258c61  No.9556975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SHOCKING Obama words: bombshell anti-white audio uncovered!

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34ad2f  No.9556976

File: eb61d72aa970f24⋯.jpg (50.08 KB, 403x486, 403:486, ICECUCK5.jpg)


I just here to learn from your expertise.

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eedd72  No.9556977

File: 146df77998c649a⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1600x1309, 1600:1309, PedoLegoIslandSet.png)

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ca4637  No.9556978


you don't like yourself?

trust yourself, Dill.

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d1d345  No.9556979





Cutest meme ever! Lol


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0cd7d2  No.9556980


wtf is with the shills speaking in baby talk.

I sincerely pity you.

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d2e16e  No.9556981


hamburger is $6 a pound. steak has not gone up as much as hamburger.

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cb3e61  No.9556982


No. Look here.


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b0582a  No.9556983

File: 77876c97b145d5c⋯.png (35.07 KB, 466x209, 466:209, Screen_Shot_2020_06_09_at_….png)


it'll be over once they send in the ice cream and bbq trucks


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fef5e7  No.9556984


is it real or is it robo-racist

I don't even see him as black anymore.

he's half banker daughter and hald Indonesian as far as I can tell. with a '5' tan

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a053bb  No.9556985


got a video without cackling in the background? makes it hard to hear what's being said.

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c2ae96  No.9556986


listen over ur next 7 fap sessions. then u can write up the cliff notes.

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ca4637  No.9556987


they can probably see you

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8c902a  No.9556988

File: e6ff217f1777944⋯.jpg (459.9 KB, 1536x1192, 192:149, Unmask.JPG)

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67d837  No.9556989


No shit. Was at a grocery store today in DFW and 12.5 briskets were priced at $90. WTF?!?

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000000  No.9556990


Whatever asshat, go check Twitter and see if he still has his account. Then tell me how I'm Dilley.

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8eef53  No.9556991

File: dd600afca5124ae⋯.jpg (9.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 82ee2c05dd04b5853aec5a7b30….jpg)



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d083bd  No.9556992

File: f8bad5df3fd22a8⋯.jpg (83.89 KB, 640x669, 640:669, never_stop_praying.jpg)

[ The Way to Heaven Is Hard ]

“Enter through the narrow gate. [Because] The gate is wide and the road is wide [broad; spacious; or easy] that leads to hell [destruction; ruin], and many people enter through that gate. But the gate is small and the road is narrow [or difficult; hard] that leads to true life. Only a few people [And there are few who] find that road.

Matthew 7:13-14, Expanded Bible

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0cc11d  No.9556993

>>9556946 Why did they all wear the "Haiti's not a shithole" scarfs?

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aabd3b  No.9556994

File: 2b9773d1999d080⋯.jpg (99.97 KB, 693x760, 693:760, 65ebw4vq45yw6ub.jpg)


This is actually quite tame compared to a year ago. Tits everywhere. A timestamp around each corner. Giant Christmas juggs…it was glorious

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49698d  No.9556995

File: e6fa5d75a1ae7e7⋯.png (28.25 KB, 618x451, 618:451, Meat.png)

If dems and media are talking second wave for covid-19, don't buy meat.


Corona satellites taken out by Q, which caused a push for 5G tower installation, were for a mass extinction event. They already knew 5G caused electroporation of lung tissue, and made the virus easier to spread.

Harvard rushed to complete the virus in early 2019.

First wave was outside Fort Detrick MD in 2019, and failed to spread.

Second wave was in vape liquid in 2019, spread further, but failed again.

Virus was too fragile so they needed a delivery system to keep in intact for a longer period of time. Without the 5G, it just wouldn't spread.

Wuhan used centrifuges to apply liposomal coating which extended it's life to 3 days in open air, and much longer refrigerated.

Their second wave will actually be the fourth wave.

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6227cd  No.9556996

File: 599a89a241fb310⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 400x225, 16:9, dam.jpg)



Freightliner premier @ Hoover Dam

Damn thing won't embed:


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8c902a  No.9556997

File: ed59fc54ae45580⋯.jpg (308.17 KB, 1545x713, 1545:713, Conan.JPG)

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e58994  No.9556998


Ice Cube tweeted a picture that had Q in it and it got people to notice Q.

Nothing else he's ever done or says matters unless we're digging Cube.

Please follow through and dig harder and let us know what you find, anon.

Until you return with anything important other than him agreeing to the consensus of celebrities, we'll care about how triggered you are.

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ca4637  No.9556999


relax bud. you're not too tense are ya

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51988f  No.9557000

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5da25f  No.9557001

File: a38032cfc1ba8c7⋯.png (4.01 MB, 2500x1407, 2500:1407, WelcomeToBLMiloveyou.png)

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90aab9  No.9557002


clown world

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725368  No.9557003

File: 3b2329ea4c6a1a2⋯.jpg (94.48 KB, 928x523, 928:523, PEDOWOOD_FILM.jpg)

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0c8f8b  No.9557004


Haven't been on the board aside from quick lurk.

Didn't dig the 31 13 mirrors.

Didn't know if it'd be meaningful to anon it was shared with.

But thank you for setting me straight.

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010062  No.9557005


Until Americans physically stop these people, it will only get worse. They should all be punished to the fullest extent. This type of behavior shouldn't be allowed in our society and an example has to be made. I do think it will eventually come to violence. I don't know how we get around that. These people are literally possessed and we aren't going to be able to live with them anymore. Nor should we want to. They are already erasing our history and they are going to start hunting down white people next. We all know it's coming.

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3dd3cd  No.9557006

Matthew 7:13-14, Expanded Bible

Is this expanded edition the directors cut with extra fight scenes?

Frogs with swords?

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3f4613  No.9557007

>>9555987, >>9556157, >>9556453, >>9556525 Anon Op-Ed: Should George Floyd Be Put on a Pedestal? (no) + discussion on the importance of Anons writing moar

Hive mind thinking same thing last few days:

QAnon (we) should start writing crowded-sourced, full length, well written, thoroughly sourced articles that can be copy paste published by all the Q following namefags and sourced to QAnon. We can iterate hear or on a dedicated thread.

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a1ab4b  No.9557008

File: 21d70b837333522⋯.png (632.2 KB, 1100x672, 275:168, Hussein_Civilian_National_….png)


>SHOCKING Obama words

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1e7063  No.9557009

File: 9775697757ada13⋯.png (420.26 KB, 526x295, 526:295, B0EECD8F_B9DB_4BF1_8C3A_2F….png)


>hamburger is $6 a pound.


Anon is still eating burger he scooped up for $3/lb as soon as news broke on CO packing plant.

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cff056  No.9557010


We have more than we know

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aeeb10  No.9557011

File: 1f6af7f275e03d9⋯.png (110.58 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 53119489_3B60_418F_B9CC_9F….png)


Stockfag Notable

Chinese use shell OTC companies to get back door listings but now this shit just dried up

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012caf  No.9557012

Absolutely amazing thread detailing what went down this last weekend.

In short, our enemy wanted the military to be called so they could stage a bloodbath and frame the military.

The chines insurgents responsible for the chaos were instead rounded up and this entire evil plan was stopped.



On Wednesday, June 3rd AG Barr revealed to the VILE Press & the despotic DC Denizens what He & President Trump had done to FOIL THEIR INSURRECTION & hopes for a KENT STATE 2.0 where Protesters would die at the hands of the US Military in a severe CRACKDOWN

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dfc066  No.9557013

File: 34f71f7c83a2326⋯.png (31.49 KB, 444x397, 444:397, ClipboardImage.png)


now suspended?

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51988f  No.9557014



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55d29a  No.9557015


POTUS got 21 million new followers in the past year. ~61 to ~82 million. I would say they're panicking a bit.

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0087b8  No.9557016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The FINAL WORD on George Floyd's Death and Subsequent Riots

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68ff22  No.9557017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6227cd  No.9557018

File: cc8f4aa29288da6⋯.jpg (236.77 KB, 1242x1217, 1242:1217, EPpirate.jpg)

File: 6d7994dce88d7a5⋯.jpg (341.63 KB, 984x1404, 82:117, EPfisl.jpg)

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f2f180  No.9557019

interesting times

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8c902a  No.9557020

File: 07d2769113acc97⋯.jpg (123.53 KB, 640x580, 32:29, Woke2A.JPG)

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e105d9  No.9557021


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3dd3cd  No.9557022

File: 79fd50328f06c41⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1094x731, 1094:731, 2nd.png)


I guess he didn't go to school.

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8b2638  No.9557023

File: 5b5402e9f80ebb9⋯.png (372.82 KB, 546x546, 1:1, doublethepleasure.png)

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43ec5b  No.9557024

This is my second time being homeless and it’s been nearly a year this time. I feel like the stories of those who make it back are like the outlier lotto tickets and are from survivorship bias. The other 99% of homeless probably get sick and die.

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a7c353  No.9557025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lil Wayne: ‘My life was saved by a white man. So,  I don’t know what “racism” is’


More than 2000 years ago, Christ destroyed the prominence of group identity with his telling the story of the Good Samaritan. Lil Wayne is alive today because a human being chose from the heart to save another human being, irregardless of group identity.

Your “neighbor” is who YOU decide it is, from the heart, not based on whose group identity s/he belongs.

A relevant story told 4 years ago, you know, the last time [they] attempted to use race to divide the country.

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fef5e7  No.9557026


were you going to tell me what you saw?

honestly anon I have not watched news in three years so , no I did not 'see the news'

I find stuff on line and read notables.

I know that there is this mask thing.

but also there are riots.

and Seattle has some truculent pepole declaring that they have 'seized' land.

so what is the news that you think I should have 'seen'

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aa7639  No.9557027



Many keks ensued.

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a1ab4b  No.9557028


>Damn thing won't embed:

use "share" to gran url. NOT the address bar, Anon

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cff056  No.9557029


Would explain the stories about restrictions on meat buying and subsequently farmers euthanizing their stocks.

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55d29a  No.9557030


Disinfo shills always fight the important stuff.

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8c902a  No.9557031

File: 81376e2fb0f33c1⋯.jpg (133.6 KB, 842x960, 421:480, DeBlowsio.JPG)

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4134f3  No.9557032

As George's last PORN act..he will SCREW the Democrat/Liberal out of 14 million dollars, what's that saying about NIGGER RICH…in this case is too dead to spend it….ROFL!!!!………that is one hell of a final fucking ORGASM….!!!

Will still vote Democrat in the NEXT election. 14 million dollars will somehow find it's way back to HRC or the DNC…bettcha!!!

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3f069c  No.9557033



Nurse describes her experiences working in a New York hospital. Includes hidden camera footage and audio.

She describes the poor application of ventilators and excessive sedation.

Describes an episode of her and other nurses fighting with a "smirking" doc who doesn't wan them to help a patient to coded despite there being no DNR order.

All of this is compared to her experiences in her home town in Florida where HCQ is used instead of ventilating everyone (for the Medicare $$$).

Mentions doc and the NY governor's anti -HCQ stance and the resulting deaths.

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d59c41  No.9557034

File: de1d0c9485cbe6d⋯.png (915.35 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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206043  No.9557035



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206043  No.9557036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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51545e  No.9557037

File: 17c722d29cbbca7⋯.png (306.82 KB, 534x295, 534:295, ClipboardImage.png)


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49698d  No.9557038

and high rate of meat packer infections


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6fadac  No.9557039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>'We know everything'


That's only half the battle

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10a7d7  No.9557040


You clearly are missing the point.

Some day it will make sense and you will feel dumb for all the vitriol you spit.

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c39c5e  No.9557041

Congratulations, Mr. Soros.

Your army has taken Seattle.

Now what?

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aa7639  No.9557042


>Tits everywhere

>it was glorious

Such a wondrous time…

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fef5e7  No.9557043


If a doctor smirks they should be run out of the hospital.

doctors smirking . . . yes, I can still see it.

and I should come back ever day for a 5000 dollar a day treatment.

that's not a fake story.

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29a347  No.9557044

File: 5880b33122f1f2d⋯.png (233.14 KB, 1088x562, 544:281, RUFF55_USAF_E_6B_Mercury_n….PNG)

File: d6d79acf7bfb073⋯.png (595.21 KB, 547x396, 547:396, pepe_gordon_gecko_muh_nigg….PNG)

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51988f  No.9557045

File: f81a4a9b4abe823⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 400x400, 1:1, EaHR6yYXsAAsbOQ.jpg)

File: 95934156e438d0f⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 688x400, 43:25, 78abeb04e6fd4409574913ea4d….jpg)

love this

l E T 17 Retweeted

Pepedeluxe Digital Soldier in Flynn's Army




Replying to






You know the story in the Bible where the frogs invaded every area of life of the Baal worshippers in Egypt and God made fun of all the Baal gods?

Doing it again. We are the hoard of frogs all up in Deep State's biz

My name is Pepe. Just an ordinary frog with a big God


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49e4df  No.9557046

DC Police just showed up at fence area by White House. They don't seem too popular. kek

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5da25f  No.9557047

File: a42d561b4e80313⋯.png (321.94 KB, 970x260, 97:26, PlzNoDuckSeasonJokesCuzIts….png)

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725368  No.9557048


Give them Chicago!!

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d836ba  No.9557049

File: 76749a5014812ba⋯.png (340.96 KB, 521x606, 521:606, Sommers_re_Gone_with_the_W….PNG)

File: a8897a7dae7a542⋯.png (17.43 KB, 523x155, 523:155, Davidson_re_Gone_with_the_….PNG)

1984 “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten…every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped.”.


HBO Max Pulls ‘Gone With the Wind,’ While ‘Cops’ Gets Canceled

Moves come as entertainment companies reassess their content amid nationwide protests over racial injustice and police brutality


“Gone with the Wind” is just the beginning. The book burning of the left’s cultural purge has begun.


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b0582a  No.9557050


>it's like there is a spell over them

there is.

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8eef53  No.9557051

File: 97a6dd856b87d62⋯.jpeg (10.14 KB, 255x187, 15:11, b91a46f23b6fd0bbc71c91125….jpeg)

Rally bread are coming back soon, and there is so much low-hanging fruit in the blue states that the national popular vote is in sight, and assures a 500+ electoral vote landslide ; what habben to filter sped? hit 35% bred-shit earlier today

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206043  No.9557052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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600ee3  No.9557053

File: d5302a3f2fc2d08⋯.png (610.16 KB, 719x419, 719:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f0c48  No.9557054

File: f1615b11f4917a3⋯.jpg (159.44 KB, 840x512, 105:64, Disneyland_Epstein_Island.jpg)

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96bf84  No.9557055

Fun is subjective.<<<


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d083bd  No.9557056

File: 78baf377310f173⋯.jpg (698.69 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, only_the_beginning.jpg)


>Manifest love in your life, be present, be aware, meditate and pray and always have the purest of intention for all of the world

God bless anon

<Love and Light, Patriot.

<Have faith and trust in yourself.

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3dd3cd  No.9557057

File: 6a51ef0ef790785⋯.jpeg (68.57 KB, 600x400, 3:2, books.jpeg)


History repeats itself.

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6227cd  No.9557058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Freightliner premier @ Hoover Dam




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29a347  No.9557059

File: 430c204912c7aea⋯.jpg (16.77 KB, 251x201, 251:201, derp_1.jpg)

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67d837  No.9557060


Why stop there? Plenty more to go after that.

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51988f  No.9557061

File: 14da8e3a47853cc⋯.jpg (86.51 KB, 939x490, 939:490, EaHxRrxUEAAG2On.jpg)

File: de2aa94a8303f49⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 500x500, 1:1, EaHxSPYUMAAeaWT.jpg)

File: b10e2cefadab3c7⋯.jpg (29.67 KB, 398x480, 199:240, EaHxR_3UMAAMMNC.jpg)

File: c60f878d71b5ed8⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 500x455, 100:91, EaHxRW8UMAEWpIW.jpg)

File: 539e6c68f7ff83c⋯.jpg (85.18 KB, 680x337, 680:337, EaHym7_UMAALNuZ.jpg)

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10a7d7  No.9557062

File: bc54119a13bbee3⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 871x316, 871:316, KeyboardWarriors.jpg)


Our message makes it to Tuck.

Wonder who else gets Our messages?

Maybe you should write as requested. Others are…

Be the brilliant creators Don and Q think you are.

Anons Know No Equals.

Anons Are Unique.

Anons Are Fearless.

Anons Are Not the Same.

Anons Are United when Needed and That is Dangerous for (((them)))

IF only [C] could realize that They too, Can Have power.


This is your movie Anons.

Production has just begun… … … … … … ..

You are in Charge.

START Producing.


Only You can do what You do. We are with you, We trust you, Patriots United!





1.an person, company, or country Anon that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale for the Game.













2.an person Anon responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of making of a movie or broadcast or for staging a play, opera, etc.











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fef5e7  No.9557063


there it is again, probably foreign born operators inserting crap nazi shit here.

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d2e16e  No.9557064


my post is all tied to budgets. the weak ledership of the D party is being backed into a corner. their solutions are laughable.

Being in a blue state stinks. how bad will the cuts be until November? All this to split the vote and assure POTUS a 2nd term.

In the end what you state i agree with. It is on US to change our leaders.

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a053bb  No.9557065


>>9556742 [They] jumped on this pretty quick: Snope 'fact-checks' the Obama Foundation/George Floyd tweet "rumor"

>>9556753, >>9556758 Nurse goes undercover in NYC COVID units.

>>9556773 Sen. Hirono Alice in Wonderland tweet comms

>>9556800 More evidence of CCP virus released on September-October 2019

>>9556874 U.S. Coast Guard confiscated 30,000 pounds of illegal drugs at sea, a haul which included more than $408 million in cocaine and marijuana.

>>9556890 Based Poland Minister: decision not to accept refugees is driven by "common sense" not xenophobia; gov't cannot "consent" to "social or cultural experiments [being] imposed on us"

>>9556914 PF report on Gates Foundation plane

>>9556944 Biden/Hillary tweet comms - MS13?

>>9556955 Chinese use shell OTC companies to get back door listings but now this shit just dried up

>>9556967 Nursing homes in PA now required to perform universal testing

>>9557025 Lil Wayne: ‘My life was saved by a white man. So, I don’t know what “racism” is’

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060edb  No.9557066


I’ve got 7 of them, out of 10 kids, one died so that leaves me and my

Little brother. A lonely place, but a happy place because I don’t abide by assholes. And I’ve taken to trolling them. I posted the Indian dude asking questions about “do you really care and named off all these countries where horrific things have happened”, and ended it with Trump

Should win

I learned not to intro it so I just posted the link without a word, some watched it and the outrage was marvelous. I told them they were deranged to not get the suffering and misery he was talking about, and them to consider Trump support

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49e4df  No.9557067

DC Police need to start locking people up for disorderly conduct. Now they are walking away, looking like they are following orders of the mob.

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d836ba  No.9557068

File: 4feacd123b5f7de⋯.png (316.63 KB, 527x607, 527:607, Scavino45_6_9_20_8_55_pm_P….PNG)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸

“In my role, I get to see a side of President Trump that isn’t always covered in the media. I see a person who loves his country and who loves our people. He’s funny, he has the biggest heart and he’s old school.” Ja’Ron Smith

Cleveland native Ja’Ron Smith guides President Donald Trump’s urban policy


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96e3eb  No.9557069

File: 02d82ab6c374b4c⋯.png (418.44 KB, 599x746, 599:746, ClipboardImage.png)

Barr interview Part II



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000000  No.9557070


I'm relaxed, bud. I couldn't care less about accusations that I'm Dilley, which is so stupid of a retort. I will just call out idiots claiming I am because it's unsubstantiated and just trying to create divide among Anons..

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e1989e  No.9557071

Just came in, read the notables and saw that COPS is cancelled after 31 years.

Seems like now is the time to push that show to max for more exposure, but what do I know, I’m a moron.

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12b064  No.9557072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0cd7d2  No.9557073



hilarious if you need a chuckle

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d86871  No.9557074

File: a91660b28eea052⋯.png (262.75 KB, 342x455, 342:455, aka.png)


>To this day, it's like there is a spell over them.

If you believe in that stuff.

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1344c8  No.9557075

File: a7c661c2415675c⋯.jpg (64.91 KB, 841x540, 841:540, tr533219a8.jpg)


Affirmative, saw it. I was on at the time and able to respond that I too had seen some weirdness, usually regarding the yachts of interest

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3059ae  No.9557076


Who's we?

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247050  No.9557077

File: 0b8aa7b0506045c⋯.png (702.38 KB, 1393x1529, 1393:1529, ClipboardImage.png)

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fef5e7  No.9557078

Frankly Time Warner Cable

I don't give a damn

they should not even have a say.

if it's in the Libarary of Congress they should have to make it available.

they shouldn't be allowed to buy a classic title and then bury it and not let anyone watch it, or any title for that matter.

this should not stand!

are they never showing Adam 12 again?

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263845  No.9557079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a560b9  No.9557080


Well not to burst your bubble anon I don't even know who Dilley is…..lmao…..

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51988f  No.9557081

File: 405950c34eb4c8b⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 571x395, 571:395, EaH2YxhVcAEJiiP.jpg)

File: 8a549d3cf892877⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 720x759, 240:253, EaHu5h3XsAAMw64.jpg)

File: accc19da57031aa⋯.jpg (217.01 KB, 1125x1329, 375:443, EaH5DPvXkAA5yNf.jpg)

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b1c733  No.9557082



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a1b37e  No.9557083

Love this message >>9557056

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5e624b  No.9557084

File: 45e8d8b43b78e39⋯.jpg (87.64 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 45e8d8b43b78e393d72bb2d05a….jpg)

>my kek when people post a bunch of mason symbols and just a picture of DJT

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cef9cf  No.9557085

File: 52cdd7a397adcf1⋯.png (132.31 KB, 625x835, 125:167, Img_1589291854539.png)

File: 2b00674759085cb⋯.png (58.51 KB, 533x309, 533:309, Img_1589292280584.png)

File: 1f04ec370bfece5⋯.png (375.43 KB, 1239x639, 413:213, Img_1590941576633.png)

File: 6d5f6d863759bb3⋯.png (96.58 KB, 720x312, 30:13, Img_1589667600141.png)

All the pedophiles are still free

Anons are making tanit memes and telling q to bring the pain

Freemasons set children on fire for tanit and baal

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51988f  No.9557086

File: e479b5fcc9fbd1b⋯.mp4 (41.39 KB, 498x282, 83:47, EaHx_yzUYAENKMa.mp4)

File: e479b5fcc9fbd1b⋯.mp4 (41.39 KB, 498x282, 83:47, EaHx_yzUYAENKMa.mp4)

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725368  No.9557087


Teenage snorkeling adventures

Disney delivered teens to PEDO Island

Q Post ….

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f26f9f  No.9557088


he was on one of the fox news shows tonight. good interview.

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3dd3cd  No.9557089



Latin retardare, "to make slow, delay, keep back, or hinder"

The term was recorded in 1426.

The first record of retarded in relation to being mentally slow was in 1895.

The term retarded was used to replace terms like idiot, moron, and imbecile.

IQ less than 80.

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b0582a  No.9557090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>a fleet of icebreakers

SO this is a dastin youtube channel

Someone posted it nightshift a couple nights ago…

it posted "Q clearance initiated", a few days before Q first posted…

called out the plandemic too..

this one likens us, the anons, and the people to a fleet of icebreaking ships…

posting for coinkidink sake..

this is the whole channels page


worth a look

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b1c733  No.9557091


nobody cares anymore

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b6a2f8  No.9557092

File: f10a8963beafe43⋯.jpg (64.43 KB, 600x314, 300:157, BLACKANDWHITEMUSTUNITE2.jpg)

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1bb94a  No.9557093

File: b26a234c0a95e9b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 999x562, 999:562, ClipboardImage.png)

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049d88  No.9557094

File: 86ad3ac1cb0d330⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 255x165, 17:11, Look4.jpg)

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106b50  No.9557095


so she Arkancided her best friend?

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206043  No.9557096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1ebfe3  No.9557097

I hope these people don’t force another lockdown from fake COVID version 2. There are some good people that are out of work and did not qualify for unemployment and they’re financially spent. Making this comment for a friend.

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51988f  No.9557098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Define Projection


Nothing can stop what's coming. #Trump2020

MAGA Reels - June 6 2020


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000000  No.9557099


He's a youtube "celebrity" who previously claimed to have "inside intel" lining up with Q posts and ran for Congress and lost magnificently.

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247050  No.9557100


If he can get that Greenland deal closed I'm moving.

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8eef53  No.9557101

File: 9c2103480bc9b16⋯.png (410.06 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 9c2103480bc9b16ba0768b72cb….png)


he is breddy pissed at nowfags….and after doing that, the expectations have just been cubed…these will be the most interesting five months since……?

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66d2b6  No.9557102

File: fa15dd497a2762c⋯.png (377.78 KB, 532x493, 532:493, ClipboardImage.png)

George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin “Bumped Heads” at Nightclub Where They Both Worked – “Killing Might Be Personal”

Back two weeks ago on May 28, 2020, The Gateway Pundit reported — Fired Officer Derek Chauvin and George Floyd worked at the same south Minneapolis club as security guards up to the end of last year.

On Monday My 25th, Police Officer Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd during an arrest for passing a bad $20 dollar bill.

KTSP later reported that the two men both worked security at the El Nuevo Rodeo Club on Lake Street in Minneapolis.

On Tuesday CBS News reported that according to a former nightclub coworker the two men “bumped heads” at the nightclub.

The killing “might be personal.”


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12b064  No.9557103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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51988f  No.9557104




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a80fb0  No.9557105

File: 5405e6cc31c3c7d⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 624x457, 624:457, 530879346357.jpg)

"Rhetorical question: Could anything possibly sound more ominous and Orwellian than the Great Reset?

It sounds an awful lot like Mao’s Great Leap Forward, wouldn’t you say? And just in case you are not an astute student of history, the Great Leap Forward was more akin to a giant leap backwards, unless you consider wanton mass murder and other atrocities (in the name of communism, of course) a good thing.

Although you are probably not familiar with the Great Reset, it could be well on its way, if the World Economic Forum and a bunch of other powerful global organizations have their way. Trust me, the Great Reset is gaining traction faster than a middle-school fashion fad—and this is not a good thing.

In case you don’t care to take my word for it, allow me to introduce the architect of the Great Reset: World Economic Forum founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab. “A Great Reset is necessary to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being,” Schwab recently announced."


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b1c733  No.9557106

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49e4df  No.9557107


Trump said the country would not close if there was a second wave.

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000000  No.9557108


You are so edgy.

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f12bf6  No.9557109


That's a good woman right there.

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060edb  No.9557110


Desperate ehh???

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cb3e61  No.9557111


Seconded. That's going to put a dent in someone's budget.

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c99375  No.9557112

File: 28c032bb7010f4d⋯.jpg (44.73 KB, 543x459, 181:153, 44m29p.jpg)

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d7763f  No.9557113

File: ab5756319bef1f1⋯.jpg (306.11 KB, 1080x1362, 180:227, Screenshot_20200604_144806….jpg)

File: 64ae03a8165a6ba⋯.jpg (347.24 KB, 1079x1675, 1079:1675, Screenshot_20200604_144615….jpg)

Daniel Loeb bought Boeings debt. Need a digg on this guy Anons!


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65fdd1  No.9557114

Lights out?

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209dd9  No.9557115

File: 7ce94f25e894e8b⋯.jpg (120.56 KB, 510x563, 510:563, TRY_US_OUT.jpg)

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96bf84  No.9557116

There is no deception IN God.<<<

ONLY, be THERE a case< Delusion.<<<


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258c61  No.9557117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Overture - Freightliner World Premiere at Hoover Dam


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fef5e7  No.9557118

File: c77674effa78710⋯.jpg (147.63 KB, 925x954, 925:954, mooring_mast_00_11.jpg)

File: d6ef5944cc22add⋯.jpg (119.54 KB, 930x961, 30:31, mooring_mast_00_8.jpg)

File: 7161fd732ce3760⋯.jpg (128.74 KB, 926x940, 463:470, mooring_mast_00_6.jpg)

File: 5ff52538422266d⋯.jpg (94.64 KB, 1305x942, 435:314, mooring_mast_00_3.jpg)

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1ebfe3  No.9557119


I see the hypocrite is back.

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725368  No.9557120



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a54c64  No.9557121

Just for KeKs I put George Floyd into a Jewish Gematria calculator.

George Floyd = 634

reptillian bloodlines = 634

crimes against children = 634

saint or sinner = 634

this is osiris = 634

i am the hidden prodigal son = 634

happy ending = 634

four dimensional = 634

its almost time = 634

barrack obamas secret = 634

bill and hillary = 634

pope francis bergoglio = 634

chess grandmaster = 634

lord of the flies barack obama = 634


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8c902a  No.9557122

File: 6a2d41910c572ba⋯.png (292.62 KB, 533x617, 533:617, DCcouple.PNG)

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90aab9  No.9557123


All that channel did was edit their video titles / info after the fact. You can tell from the comments. It’s clever and the videos are okay, but I’m far from convinced it’s anything but a clever youtuber

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8eef53  No.9557124


blue state governors will try and ban rallies for as long as possible fearing they have a lot of easy pickings….so expect rallies just over the state boarders…like Indiana, instead of Illinois…Utah…Arizona…

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66d2b6  No.9557125

File: 22354cfbd766f46⋯.png (232.82 KB, 795x870, 53:58, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c17dbc8beee9218⋯.png (77.37 KB, 814x627, 74:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ec2ffa7ee00886⋯.png (275.09 KB, 809x701, 809:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdb16dfbee0a997⋯.png (105.04 KB, 754x868, 377:434, ClipboardImage.png)

State Dept Goes To War With Fired IG — Accuses Him Of Breaking Chain Of Command To Protect Himself From Past Investigation

The State Department is leveling new allegations against fired Inspector General Steve Linick, accusing him of violating the terms of his administrative leave and previously violating the chain of command to absolve himself and his office of leaking sensitive information, two letters obtained by Daily Caller show.

Undersecretary of State Brian Bulatao is additionally urging the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) to open a new investigation into Linick’s alleged actions.

President Donald Trump fired Linick on the advice of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in March, after which he was placed on administrative leave.

Bulatao wrote two letters on Monday detailing Linick’s alleged improper behavior. One was sent to Linick’s legal team. The second was sent to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who also serves as CIGIE’s chair, and a host of members of Congress, including Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Elliot Engel, and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney.

CIGIE serves as the government’s independent auditor of the various inspector general offices. Grassley in particular had previously demanded an explanation from the Trump White House on Linick’s firing, and he pledged to block key administration nominations from proceeding until he received one.

The letter sent to Linick’s legal team claims he solicited Deputy Homeland Security Inspector General Diana Shaw to obtain and hand over a copy of a Defense Department Inspector General Report ahead of his June testimony before Congress. The terms of his administrative leave prevented him from contacting any Office of Inspector General employees.

“Without informing her own chain of command, we understand that Ms. Shaw then contacted the DOD Office of Inspector General to request a copy of the report on Mr. Linick’s behalf,” Bulatao wrote. “His apparent urgency is all the more unusual given that Mr. Linick had repeatedly refused to share the DOD IG report with anyone in the State Department itself.”






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d04f9c  No.9557126

File: f9786c3f6aace76⋯.jpg (19.13 KB, 220x286, 10:13, 220px_Illinois_Gov_J_B_Pri….jpg)

>>9555959 pb

The Pritzker family is of Jewish descent, and based in Chicago, Illinois. . . .Nicholas Pritzker (1871–1956), Jewish immigrant from Kiev, Ukraine.

The Pritzker family is an American family engaged in entrepreneurship and philanthropy, and one of the wealthiest families in the US.

Their holdings also have included the Superior Bank of Chicago (which collapsed in 2001), the TransUnion credit bureau, Braniff airlines, McCall's magazine, and the Royal Caribbean cruise line.

Philanthropy. . . .hmmm, sounds like the wonderful Bronfmans. I wonder if they're involved in any human & drug trafficking with all those hotels, an airline & a cruise line.


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6227cd  No.9557127

File: 07f5cc789ee70ad⋯.png (244.19 KB, 944x657, 944:657, ningDC.png)

File: 7d54231abaa38a6⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 618x646, 309:323, rod_r.jpg)


>SO this is a dastin youtube channel

Wondered about The Rod and the Ring when pic related was posted

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fef5e7  No.9557128




'come anon'

come again?

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d2e16e  No.9557129


i think all this is misdirection. 2 rookie cops took 9 minutes with a junkbag perp and could not get him in the car to the station. Junkbag using the I CANT BREATH angle as soon as he was cuffed. falling down and crying.

after 9 minutes their supervisor and the chink show up, force him in the back seat. Junkbag flips out, sounds nuts so supervisor pins him to the ground.

Junkbag was breathing in the ambulance. goes into cardia arrest after 3 minutes. Here is the fuckery. The ambulance alled for a rescue to work on od'ing junkbag.

the above is all directly from NYT video dated 5/31 on their website.

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e53596  No.9557130


I would say whether they knew each other or not, killing is pretty personal - generally speaking. But I dont think there was a killing in this instance

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3af338  No.9557131


They're destroying their own city. Voters will wake up. precipice of destruction

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8eef53  No.9557132

File: 86d228f686a82c4⋯.jpeg (17.07 KB, 185x255, 37:51, 1c2b8b0016792e07afc477e58….jpeg)

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3dd3cd  No.9557133

File: c0a5e2297277afe⋯.jpeg (164.37 KB, 950x633, 950:633, burke.jpeg)


This could be significant.

Two Arleigh Burkes collided with ships using AIS systems.

Of course the official story never said anything but maybe the trick was not to hack the Burke…



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1cfbb1  No.9557134

File: 92bc65c4d9bfda8⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 620x930, 2:3, sethrich.jpg)

Raise your glass to this crazy fucker.

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5f8791  No.9557135

File: 79c4389f102be50⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, 360x435, 24:29, ape_glasses.jpg)

Just a thought.

Watching the Bourne Supremacy again, cuz it plays all the time.

They just went to commercial and the first one was about Corona beer.

It just seemed oddly coincidental that the show about an mk-ultra went right to corona. Is there some kind of continued programming going on to keep the zombies going?

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1af368  No.9557136

File: ed96fd2a42b57fa⋯.jpg (69.94 KB, 720x406, 360:203, Red_Dress_Miss_Direction.jpg)

4 u

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f12bf6  No.9557137


Why the timing? That's what I'm still having a hard time. Is it penetration into the psyche?

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d083bd  No.9557138


Hang in there precious anon. Would not be surprised to find out how many good patriots are in that situation, or on the verge.

Keep your faith and prayers as the highest priority (easy to say & hard to do, I know).

Starting to think this is part of the spiritual path for some of us.

God chooses the despised, foolish, and weak to be His servants. In doing this, He confounds the mighty, proves His power and reveals who He is. 1 Corinthians 1:27

Sounds like help is on the way, just wish it was already happening faster.

>>9548668 (pb) Trump Admin To Provide Nearly $3 Billion To Support homeless Americans

God open your mouth for the powerless, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9

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fef5e7  No.9557139

technickelly I should put "revertere means 'come anon'" in quotes and suggest you find it in a box on Middle English poetry.

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725368  No.9557140

File: cc9fb0099650d19⋯.jpeg (171.99 KB, 602x407, 602:407, nthww.jpeg)

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206043  No.9557141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6824d5  No.9557142

File: 5fb291e3c335046⋯.png (303.36 KB, 407x458, 407:458, Brave_African_Lady.PNG)

File: a10bd55c7694d63⋯.png (197.74 KB, 444x447, 148:149, Dems_Racial_Division_Strat….PNG)



WOW! It didn’t take TW long to take down this video of a brave African lady calling out Pelosi and the Dems patronizing the black community. Glad I archived it offline.

They really do need a new playbook because the democrat “RACIAL DIVISION STRATEGY” is so predictable and is being led by the former “Divider-in-Chief”, Obama.

Obama’s legacy, besides weaponizing government agencies to target his political opponents, will be his deliberate and concerted efforts to CAUSE racial division in America. Obama was given a gift at a pivotal time in history to close the racial divide once and for all. There is only one race, the HUMAN RACE but Obama squandered that opportunity and instead single-handed did more damage and cause more division and discord, than anyone in history. Obama's efforts to divide and destroy America continue……..

Justice coming soon!

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f12bf6  No.9557143

Predictable patterns.

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c28b08  No.9557144


They were burning transgenderism and homosexual pornography….(which dominates America now)

Not "gone with the wind"

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a1ab4b  No.9557145

File: 8c42212236554a2⋯.png (126.48 KB, 282x208, 141:104, ClipboardImage.png)

Where the hell is grammar cat when we need him?

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3dd3cd  No.9557146


Sounds like a bad porn movie…

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96bf84  No.9557147

I dreamed A dream. :)

Feeling LIKE a ROCKET.<<<


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247050  No.9557148

As Q has said "No outside comms."

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e1989e  No.9557149


Is he triple fisting cocktails?

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a053bb  No.9557150

anons feel free to shitpost faster so baker can hand off next bread

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55d29a  No.9557151

File: c1550ad0746ac07⋯.png (839.53 KB, 1000x1075, 40:43, bowser.png)


A shame to the Bowser family name.

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8eef53  No.9557152

File: 1365a63ca6128da⋯.png (39.32 KB, 234x160, 117:80, ClipboardImage.png)


you still got one of them eyes on this critter? feeling he he is going to break bad soon

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55c243  No.9557153

File: 1e1a22a6330582a⋯.png (958.03 KB, 1000x540, 50:27, _05_22_05_25_19.png)

File: c11c63875ab6bb3⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1020x732, 85:61, 05_22_05_06_09.png)


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6227cd  No.9557154

File: 12760ee6bad9d3c⋯.png (768.25 KB, 999x530, 999:530, damNews.png)



Did ya watch it?

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2dcddd  No.9557155

File: 7afa8058d31f827⋯.jpg (282.54 KB, 1076x1210, 538:605, Screenshot_20200610_163133….jpg)

Ever feel like its anons who are being played?

2nd wave….

Just stop the BS

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3dd3cd  No.9557156


You are right.

However, they utilized similar methods as we see the left use today.

That's the reference.

Not posting Nazi pictures… it was just the only one I could find quickly by searching for book burning.

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725368  No.9557157

File: ffbbcb266eaca58⋯.jpg (25.19 KB, 325x329, 325:329, NINTCHDBPICT000517308096.jpg)

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f4cde5  No.9557158


I would have to think that the pic is the killing bolt.

The Rod and the Ring would be the Vatican and the Crown. But that's just the way i read it.

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f26f9f  No.9557159

File: 1cae5c62830bd10⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1cae5c62830bd108efaff43acf….jpg)

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f26f9f  No.9557160

File: 4c5feaad2f50764⋯.jpg (244.48 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 4c5feaad2f5076465d7160c369….jpg)

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61f8d5  No.9557161

I believe in science.

I believe in facts.

Therefore I believe Donald J. Trump will win in a landslide in November because the vast majority of American voters don’t want a crooked old pedophile with dementia to have access to nuclear weapons.

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206043  No.9557162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fef5e7  No.9557163

I'm never insulted if someone calls me that, because I grew up in a place where a lot of people had that problem, that people would call them that, because they used to use an unkind word.

and I know how sweet and awesome they are, but how easily they hurt when they hear that word used, not just for the, but for anyone.

and all I feel when a shill uses the word is pity for the shill that they could never come to love or understand peple who are different, who have an abundance of what shills seem to lack: love.

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a1ab4b  No.9557164

File: 5b66f4b0538864f⋯.png (847.95 KB, 934x504, 467:252, Dems.png)



>why nobody is doing anything about Antifa

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51988f  No.9557165


Adolpf Kitler

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698d35  No.9557166


I don't have the sauce available but I read Pritzer's family owns Acme Brick that was dropping off the brick piles for Rioters!!!

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7b2d1f  No.9557167

If no arrests BEFORE election Q and Q+ are fraud. Promises made promises NOT kept if no "lock her up"

If no arrests, it becomes obvious that Q plan is to use Anons to get re-elected and nothing more

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b0582a  No.9557168


you can do that with the date after the fact?

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51988f  No.9557169

File: 4760ef04b572880⋯.jpg (6.03 KB, 196x257, 196:257, download_2_.jpg)

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3ef35c  No.9557170


He's got to open his mind a little

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49e4df  No.9557171

Signs starting to be removed by people from DC fence ahead of it coming down. Streamer heard times of 1am or 6am for it's dismantling by Park Service.

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c28b08  No.9557172


Tactics like winning and not tolerating the other sides interests? Yeah they did. The difference is they weren't lying scumbags that inverted normalcy into a freakshow. Truth rather than the fiction we live under

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1af368  No.9557173

File: 5328f585936b4c1⋯.jpg (297.64 KB, 897x1000, 897:1000, Fauci_Crimes_Against_Human….jpg)

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775012  No.9557174


I posted the Chyna Protesters getting too close to the WH fence last week. They were carrying big bright back packs and looked out of place.

I heard a live video guy say they all ran to Chyna Town and were rounded up.

Wonder if this is related?

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30843d  No.9557175

File: b4cc96ba191ca78⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1314x1450, 657:725, Screen_Shot_2020_06_09_at_….png)

Human remains found at Chad Daybell's home, husband of Lori Vallow, mom of missing Idaho Kids


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dc6fde  No.9557176

File: f993f70868f2827⋯.png (236.1 KB, 435x543, 145:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eba4b84525c0e81⋯.png (11.1 KB, 434x296, 217:148, ClipboardImage.png)


the absolute state of clown world

93, 223,

captured by the Romans (LOL), no mention of death.


no change in clown world

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a1ab4b  No.9557177

File: 78d4971ebe90303⋯.png (1 MB, 936x610, 468:305, 0_biden.png)


>voters don’t want a crooked old pedophile with dementia to have access to nuclear weapons

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206043  No.9557178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6227cd  No.9557179

File: 657974a91e1af05⋯.jpg (76.36 KB, 1179x926, 1179:926, phi.jpg)


>But that's just the way i read it.

Rod and Ring struck together pic related.

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70b7a8  No.9557180

File: ed76fea6e0c9017⋯.png (300.39 KB, 994x648, 497:324, Img_1584586803295.png)

File: 1bf4e9423c5bfb5⋯.png (187.41 KB, 766x667, 766:667, Img_1591673205497.png)

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3681b0  No.9557181

File: bbfd4b1d2a209e0⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1583x1924, 1583:1924, they_dont_think_it_be_like….png)

Shitposting cuz baker says so.

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c28b08  No.9557182


Whoops, below was response


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a80fb0  No.9557183

File: 417b1dc85eb4b63⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 409x467, 409:467, qdawgo_keefell.jpg)


There's way more to this story that may or may not ever come out. C_A fingerprints all over this IMHO.


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3681b0  No.9557184

File: 42f7656fb08d2aa⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 320x400, 4:5, seize.jpg)

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2c684f  No.9557185


Yes, they are!!

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dc6fde  No.9557186


no mention of who killed him…

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51988f  No.9557187



they wanted a Kent State type incident

to air all day everyday on the news

for outrage

they use old playbooks

we have the playbook

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3681b0  No.9557188

File: c0dc6ee275b558c⋯.jpg (28.46 KB, 400x400, 1:1, omar.jpg)

File: 24b2eae171dac61⋯.png (309.22 KB, 625x506, 625:506, id_split_that.png)

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a6c173  No.9557189

File: b0d6615b613cc3e⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 640x520, 16:13, bowser.jpg)


Nice work with that edit.

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1904ce  No.9557190


I'm surprised Bowers hasn't declared that fence to be a national memorial to the resistance.

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b9b758  No.9557191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The whole thing reeks of a setup, with motive being obvious (race riots). The killer cop worked with Floyd at a club where they were likely dealing drugs or laundering money together. The cop is married to the other cops guys sister. Maybe George is a Mason, certainly family members are. It's a pretty limited hangout, tight knit group that could keep a lid on an operation.

CUP Foods stores is a previously known drug dealing place. It would be quite easy to lure or order Floyd there to use some Meth (this is important to do before the operation because it gives plausible deniability and muddies the waters when it is demonstrated that he was already using prior to his death - when the toxicology report comes back with nor-fentanyl metabolites)

Watch this video of the whole timeline and notice that the whole thing takes place in 2 ACTS…..Act 1 - there is the initial arrest which went about as expected and does not seem suspicious EXCEPT THAT FOR SOME REASON THEY PARK A BLOCK AWAY IN FRONT OF CUP FOODS AND WALK OVER INSTEAD OF ROLLING UP IN THE CRUISER. Act 2 - THIS NECISSITATES ISOLATING HIM AWAY FROM THE SCENE AND ONLY BEING VISIBLE FROM THE LINE OF SIGHT OF TWO SECURITY CAMERAS (KNOWN TO THEM, one in CUP Foods which is controlled)


~NOTICE~: At 1:24 the cruiser comes up and STOPS SHORT ABRUPTLY (knowing where the camera is) so as not to block the view, seeing that FLoyd is not in the car. FLOYD TRIPPED ON THE CURB AND FELL, CAUSING A DELAY. ONCE FLOYD IS IN THE CAR, THE CRUISER MOVES UP AGAIN TO BLOCK THE CAMERA VIEW. THIS IS THE TELL!!!!!

There is a scuffle in the back seat, but we won't ever get to see it. WHY PULL HIM BACK OUT THE OTHER SIDE IF HE's ALREADY IN THE CRUISER??? It makes no sense.

I submit that Floyd may have been injected with something (LIKELY A DOSE OF FENTANYL) that would have taken about 6 to 10 minutes to peak in his blood stream and stop his breathing (Fentanyl). THE WHOLE POINT OF PULLING HIM OUT THE OTHER SIDE WAS SO 4 COPS COULD SIT ON HIM LONG ENOUGH TO SEE HIM DIE FROM FENTANYL O.D.

The neck kneeling is not occlusive to the airway, not occlusive to the carotids. It's a control move, but not asphixiating. IF HE'S FUCKING YELLING, THEN HE's FUCKING BREATHING!

His sudden cessation of breathing coincides with the timing of a Fentanyl injection given in the Police cruiser backseat. The 11 ng/ml level in the toxicology report was fatal. But because of the presence of prior fentanyl metabolites, it looks like he's just using prior to the event.

EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN THIS EVENT IS DIRTY INCLUDING THE FILMERS! They held all the video for 2 days so they could have a period to review it and make sure the operation would not be compromised.

Then you bring in Dr. Baden to make double sure nothing is missed on the back end of the coverup….

I think a concerted effort should be made nationally to demand the release of the bodycam in the back of the cruiser. They aren't going to want to release it….already they are obstructing.

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6fadac  No.9557192

File: 800401a0ceec113⋯.png (933.62 KB, 956x807, 956:807, Don_the_Dragon_Force_Chesh….png)


Did someone say moar ship toasting?

I'd tell you that Moar-Ship-Toasting is my middle name, but I don't wanna middle-name-fag

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2d982c  No.9557193



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96bf84  No.9557194

Hi Satan :)


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3681b0  No.9557195

File: fe5058eaeb3cf48⋯.png (121.54 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, pepe_transparent_hq.png)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking marxist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Militarized Memetics, and I’ve been involved in numerous raids on normie channels, and I have over 300 social media suspensions. I am trained in Meme warfare and I’m the top kek on all of boards. You are nothing to me but just another shill waiting to be BTFO. I will troll you with a precision and cutting force the likes of which has never been seen before by the Infamous Hacker 4Chan. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, nigger. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Q Researchers across the dark web and a very spiteful yelp review is being written about you right now so you better prepare for the lulz, faggot. The dankness that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your self-esteem. You’re fucking dead, glowtard. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can heckle you in ways you can't even begin to comprehend, and that’s with my unfettered, uncucked, extra-vaccinated brand of PURE, UNADULTERED, MIND-FUCKING AUTISM. Not only am I extensively trained in verbal combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the meme vaults and I will use them to their fullest extent to wipe your miserable IP off the face of the bread, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn cunt. I will shit freedom all over your head and your eyes will finally be opened. You’re fucking asleep. Wake. Up.

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e71e85  No.9557196


==Adolpf Kitty-Litter–

"We irradiate even the harshest odors!"

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994ed3  No.9557197

Work Wi-Fi test

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060edb  No.9557198


Yep I laugh the most at night when I van stay up. It’s fucking unbelievable how funny anons are

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1e7063  No.9557199

File: 4da787ba949f74e⋯.png (263.95 KB, 736x975, 736:975, 48DE0A39_DA97_4889_A4B9_DB….png)


>Rally bread are coming back soon

Bakers gonna be cookin during first rally.

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3681b0  No.9557200

File: 873c8a2bcd3eade⋯.jpg (88.81 KB, 828x912, 69:76, white_privilege_knees.jpg)

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b38204  No.9557201

File: eefc7292af88ecd⋯.png (729.95 KB, 1029x511, 147:73, Flynn_Not_Done.png)

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263845  No.9557202

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3681b0  No.9557203

File: b4fe025eeb896c7⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 686x688, 343:344, whos_your_president.jpg)

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6227cd  No.9557204

File: b2fc437f07c6f5a⋯.jpg (103.33 KB, 1392x788, 348:197, popeVc.jpg)


>Chyna Protesters getting too close to the WH fence last week.

This is how popey guy got his CV on pic related

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258c61  No.9557205



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994ed3  No.9557206

Minneapolis voted to disband the police.


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3681b0  No.9557207

File: e21bf8793d37fa8⋯.jpg (204.45 KB, 1024x799, 1024:799, industrial_hemp.jpg)

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e71e85  No.9557208




"For smell so bad you need a gas mask!"

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20c9c9  No.9557209

File: 62f62ccfa25e5dc⋯.jpg (22.18 KB, 364x308, 13:11, download_4_.jpg)

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51988f  No.9557210

File: 8e63d892d5d3ecd⋯.jpg (9.68 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_3_.jpg)

File: 0d485891709f7bb⋯.jpg (11.77 KB, 291x173, 291:173, images_2_.jpg)

File: a5136d7df87cef8⋯.jpg (8.46 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download_10_.jpg)

File: 647d728209566c5⋯.jpg (13.27 KB, 273x185, 273:185, download_8_.jpg)

File: 28aee77c2941eb7⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download_7_.jpg)

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70b7a8  No.9557211

File: 8df91784cfec469⋯.png (221.16 KB, 720x956, 180:239, Img_1590818580267.png)

File: 38c879a3c90d4a3⋯.png (144.8 KB, 720x1035, 16:23, Img_1590818592930.png)

File: 83d54c78e584a0e⋯.png (217.99 KB, 720x1269, 80:141, Img_1590818556472.png)

File: fa635f51b931b92⋯.png (161.99 KB, 720x950, 72:95, Img_1590818569144.png)

File: b19e505c32b6582⋯.png (247.91 KB, 720x1131, 240:377, Img_1590818544043.png)

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b0582a  No.9557212

File: 49ee22e1f3032b0⋯.png (135.32 KB, 331x284, 331:284, Screen_Shot_2020_06_09_at_….png)

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07e44a  No.9557213


what a shame. all the documented cases of police abusing their authority against white people will no longer be available for mass distribution.

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640254  No.9557214


it is to discredit this board. They plant all kinds of racist and inappropriate crap on here so they can turn around and use it as 'evidence' that this board is racist, etc.

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ca4d62  No.9557215

Barr is a faggot and his dad raped kids.

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f4cde5  No.9557216


Well now. That makes my night a lot longer.

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49e4df  No.9557217

U.S. Flag set afire in street in front of DC fence. Didn't burn long before someone put it out.

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96bf84  No.9557218

The Devil WENT down to Georgia.<<<


Things to Ponder.<<<


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3681b0  No.9557219

File: d8d2ccdd111f9f2⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 690x6602, 345:3301, 2016_election_fake_news.jpg)

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22fba5  No.9557220




A sad reality none wish to face.

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fef5e7  No.9557221

spycologists beware

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698d35  No.9557222


Is it possible that George was a Patsy like Oswald?

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3681b0  No.9557223

File: 63241a493f7f369⋯.jpg (191.69 KB, 1242x1541, 54:67, disney.jpg)

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b40424  No.9557224


I saw an interesting dig a year or so ago which implicated Ice Cube in the murder of Eazy-E.

Looked pretty bad…

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d2e16e  No.9557225


George Floyd was a junkie. He od'd. 9 minutes 2 rookies he cried I cant breath, fell down 4 times and was crying. Saint George could not handle his high.

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3681b0  No.9557226

File: 5f8ccdf213b8255⋯.jpg (56.89 KB, 1065x1013, 1065:1013, electric_bill_high.jpg)

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29a347  No.9557227

File: 58c7d3e960836c1⋯.jpg (212.32 KB, 600x279, 200:93, Daniel_S_Loeb_third_point.jpg)

File: 7429987f7a70826⋯.png (120.02 KB, 710x453, 710:453, CFR.PNG)

File: 45e4773f424e97d⋯.jpg (104.02 KB, 648x313, 648:313, Samadhi_Daniel_S_Loeb_Thir….jpg)

File: 11cfc906a4a5db8⋯.png (254.48 KB, 618x292, 309:146, Daniel_S_Loeb_N650TP_G6.PNG)


Daniel S. Loeb

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer

Daniel Loeb is CEO of Third Point LLC, a New York-based asset management firm founded in 1995. Third Point invests globally in multiple asset classes and frequently engages with management and boards of directors to improve portfolio companies.

In addition to offering behind-the-scenes strategic, capital allocation, and value creation advice to innumerable companies, Daniel has served on five publicly traded company boards: Ligand Pharmaceuticals; POGO Producing Co.; Massey Energy; Yahoo!; and Sotheby’s.

Daniel’s philanthropic activities are driven by principles of free speech, individual freedom, shared prosperity, and human rights. He is an advocate for reforming America’s schools to ensure all children have access to high quality education, fixing the country’s broken criminal justice system, and advancing freedom for LGBT individuals. He is a strong supporter of Jewish and Israel causes and is engaged in fighting anti-Semitism in the U.S. and abroad. Mr. Loeb is a trustee of the Mount Sinai Health System, where he established the Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer’s disease in memory of his late father. He is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Daniel also serves as a director of The Margaret and Daniel Loeb Foundation, REFORM Alliance, REFORM Action Fund and Success Academy Charter Schools.

Daniel graduated from Columbia University with an A.B. in economics in 1983, endowed the Daniel S. Loeb Scholarship for undergraduate study there, and received the school’s John Jay Award for distinguished professional achievement.


from May 15th

Daniel Loeb’s Hedge Fund Third Point Buys 1.4M Disney Shares

Daniel Loeb’s hedge fund Third Point LLC, known in media circles for its activist crusade to shake up Sony Corp., has bought 1.425 million shares in the Walt Disney Co., according to an SEC filing Friday.

The purchase is a tiny fraction of the media giant’s 1.81 billion outstanding shares and there was no immediate indication of any larger agenda motivating the stake, which was taken during the quarter ending March 31. Third Point had invested $115 million in Disney stock in 2013. According to a February filing for the fourth quarter, the company had no position in Disney as of the end of 2019.


Daniel Loeb: Net Worth, House, Private Jet and yacht Samadhi

Dan Loeb is an hedge fund manager. He is founder and Chief Executive of Third Point. Third Point LLC is a New York based hedge fund with a portfolio of US$ 16 billion. He was born in December 1961. He is married to Margaret, they have 3 children (Satya, Ava and son Jacob) .

Major investments include Yahoo and Massey Energy. He also owns 6% of the shares in Sony. Daniel is considered to be an activist investor. In 2018 he advised to replace Campbell Soup’s complete board of directors. He was Chairman of the board at Success Academy Charter Schools. He is an active philanthropist. Donating millions to good causes such as the Ronald M Loeb Center for Alzheimer’s Disease. The center was named after his father.

Private Jet

Loeb owns a Gulfstream G650 private jet. The jet has registration N650TP. TP is referring to Third Point. A G650 has a list price of US$ 70 million.


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90aab9  No.9557228

>>9557168 You can change the title and description …. which he did. Not change the video.

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70b7a8  No.9557229

File: 0f0bf3139f2085d⋯.png (151.55 KB, 1251x606, 417:202, Img_1590793727914.png)

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d86871  No.9557230



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994ed3  No.9557231

File: 3cd986efd21244e⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1438x2114, 719:1057, Capture_2020_06_09_23_39_3….png)


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3681b0  No.9557232

File: c06b4ac45ea6e27⋯.jpg (48.93 KB, 926x702, 463:351, pop_popcorn_now.jpg)

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1af368  No.9557233

File: 6a98f7e900418b6⋯.jpg (419.84 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, TIME_TO_VOTE.jpg)


If I was citizen i would vote out my representation the proper way

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247050  No.9557234

File: ef72cdc8dbe13a7⋯.png (496.83 KB, 1074x520, 537:260, ClipboardImage.png)



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e71e85  No.9557235


I hate when cops find human remains at my house. Such a bother.

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51988f  No.9557237


like Paddington

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1e7063  No.9557238

File: 6e397fb3f23771d⋯.jpeg (631.85 KB, 1490x936, 745:468, FB896931_2F5E_42D4_81DF_E….jpeg)


Capped dat shit.

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6227cd  No.9557239

File: 86f5f08464e9a6d⋯.jpg (75.76 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Kent_V.jpg)


And that right there is exactly why the NG went unarmed.

FUK YOU Billy Ayers

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3681b0  No.9557240

File: 6ab7488da321c7d⋯.jpeg (64.5 KB, 649x570, 649:570, brennan_earthworm.jpeg)

File: 0f5b1976d02d164⋯.jpeg (92.27 KB, 1027x780, 79:60, brennannn.jpeg)

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22fba5  No.9557241


Baker Notable

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2dcddd  No.9557242

Starting to think Q will never end

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abb6ec  No.9557243


Yes she is, but she deserves a trial.

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bb90de  No.9557244


Maybe Minneapolis should vote to disband their city like these brave patriots did


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ac1ca7  No.9557245

File: 75287d689150458⋯.jpg (40.24 KB, 497x500, 497:500, Sowell_4.jpg)

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206043  No.9557246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b9b758  No.9557247


Explain why they parked a block away.

Explain why the second cruiser stopped short of obstructing the view, then moved started up again to move forward to obstruct the view when Floyd was finally in the back seat.

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70b7a8  No.9557248

File: cbb66163e7afdc2⋯.png (125.87 KB, 720x473, 720:473, Cupace20200607140313.png)

File: 8fb85a2aa9e66a4⋯.png (353.25 KB, 1197x648, 133:72, Img_1590524952358.png)

File: 372b6546853e883⋯.png (231.14 KB, 720x582, 120:97, Img_1590576200417.png)

File: 4fd7cc482779203⋯.png (231.33 KB, 720x618, 120:103, Img_1590517274641.png)

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b1c733  No.9557249

File: 96b7dc098ba595d⋯.jpg (291.73 KB, 982x476, 491:238, Lin.jpg)

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ab830c  No.9557250

File: 646b542bf4e5f42⋯.png (212.18 KB, 385x383, 385:383, Sooo_Done.png)


Just sayin' that if the Rapture happens now, POTUS, you and VPOTUS will all be gone, Nancy will be President and a large amount of Anons will turn up missing.

This could be the plan by the Lord God Almighty to kick off the Tribulation.

I hope He decides to wait until after the Election, but it could happen and all that we believe will happen will not happen.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Not trying to be a downer but it seems like He is at the DOOR!

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dc6fde  No.9557251

File: dfa4f84d83ffa16⋯.jpg (54.74 KB, 600x600, 1:1, _arape_4_.jpg)

File: eaeb6af609edb47⋯.png (520.46 KB, 638x605, 58:55, Screenshot_2019_08_08_pol_….png)


It was the Welsh btw

Welsh druids

Cog Diss is real. Don't fight it.

History is a lie. On the order

of Welsh Druids Jesus was put to death by drowning whilst bobbing for apples.

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994ed3  No.9557252



You know who John Brennan is afraid of.

Gina Haspel.

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698d35  No.9557254


Could George be a Patsy like Oswald??

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7d5d24  No.9557255

File: 695031b21c32b0d⋯.png (449.44 KB, 683x707, 683:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6261900e4f8ee85⋯.png (67.3 KB, 677x489, 677:489, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26e7c3e4fc67ac9⋯.png (2.67 MB, 965x966, 965:966, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 715c5b6ace22f81⋯.png (336.78 KB, 347x400, 347:400, ClipboardImage.png)

Pelosi: I Ignore Trump — He Doesn’t Have Anything to Do with ‘Reality’


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b1c733  No.9557256


It will, abruptly

and you won't like it

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8c902a  No.9557257

File: 97a18348bdb3cad⋯.jpg (370.52 KB, 1922x1080, 961:540, MuhChaos.JPG)

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3681b0  No.9557258

File: b9098077980bdcc⋯.png (225.79 KB, 614x410, 307:205, ridiculos_df.png)

File: d37997b08ba7af7⋯.png (249.01 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ridiculous_ac.png)

File: 82b3a02ad5feae2⋯.png (400.72 KB, 890x500, 89:50, ridiculous_as.png)

File: c9cfdfa496fb2ef⋯.png (358.33 KB, 986x500, 493:250, ridiculous_hrc.png)

File: c26cc749d5d70e3⋯.png (353.5 KB, 748x500, 187:125, ridiculous_np.png)

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1af368  No.9557259

File: 4904bf9bb9fb1ea⋯.png (342.37 KB, 680x450, 68:45, Wuhan_Health_Organization.png)

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96bf84  No.9557260



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2394e6  No.9557261

File: f8e44620fab1bd6⋯.jpg (87.29 KB, 640x1280, 1:2, IMG_0373.JPG)


>Maybe George is a Mason,


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c85d3e  No.9557262



Holy has no clue what rapture means batman

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e71e85  No.9557263


You know why you don't hear about cops beating up white people?

Because when we sober up we're ashamed of what we did.

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20c9c9  No.9557264




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51988f  No.9557265



good CP edit

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a5481c  No.9557266

File: 7419c0d06858b79⋯.png (63.77 KB, 590x366, 295:183, 730D01EB_CD5A_4979_9E52_04….png)

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6d04d4  No.9557267

'Underdog' Jeff Sessions surges in campaign poll, and 7 in 10 ignore Trump endorsement of foe


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3681b0  No.9557268

File: 129a5c5b6b0d5fc⋯.jpeg (48.37 KB, 720x573, 240:191, bedro.jpeg)

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b0582a  No.9557269



what if I told you that humanity's understanding of Phi and what it really means is what is going to put the Vatican and the Crown out of biz?

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4be165  No.9557270

File: 29ab1340a53d459⋯.png (810.11 KB, 924x771, 308:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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3681b0  No.9557271

File: b74a1e719d2bba1⋯.jpg (36.65 KB, 375x525, 5:7, tweeties.jpg)

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6227cd  No.9557272

File: 0bd109f484325c7⋯.png (569.98 KB, 733x800, 733:800, LG.png)

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20b618  No.9557273

File: 1d9208433321e29⋯.png (870.03 KB, 825x637, 825:637, NTWICAM.png)

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9a7bdf  No.9557274


The insurance companies could unisure everyone's home.

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51988f  No.9557275


Notable warning=

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d59c41  No.9557276

File: 9dd3474b395c95b⋯.png (275.97 KB, 490x491, 490:491, lyt24.png)

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1bb94a  No.9557277


guessing he's somewhere else.

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aeeb10  No.9557278


Floyd and Officer Actor did not seem to know each other.

If someone was killing me for real, I would be trying to fix whatever is getting me killed. Use personal nouns and get real and beg or anything else really other than just repeating a phrase you would say to a stranger.

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3681b0  No.9557279




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70b7a8  No.9557280

File: cebe7bba4bf6eb0⋯.png (338.01 KB, 720x1263, 240:421, Img_1584887680430.png)

File: 151d44ccb8f142f⋯.png (121.47 KB, 720x689, 720:689, Img_1584887718476.png)

File: d475b040b2e9fe0⋯.png (54.32 KB, 720x291, 240:97, Img_1584887788087.png)

File: 3482bdd4e8ac22f⋯.png (176.85 KB, 480x596, 120:149, Img_1584828572751.png)

File: 917ed2c0cc520aa⋯.png (315.24 KB, 720x1189, 720:1189, Img_1591452496532.png)

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9a7bdf  No.9557281


can't type, going to bed, nite anons

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206043  No.9557282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c879e2  No.9557283

File: 466f0f1ac335af1⋯.png (479.21 KB, 877x603, 877:603, ClipboardImage.png)


Madison, WI. This street painting stuff is really taking off, maybe I should get into that or possibly start a private security company?


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b1c733  No.9557284


that's fine.

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96bf84  No.9557285

Please, For Mankind, survive the upcoming.<<<



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aabd3b  No.9557286


Daniel get your fucking shit together

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3681b0  No.9557287

File: 290a09e15bc2c1d⋯.jpg (172.23 KB, 1080x1102, 540:551, only_knowledge_that_really….jpg)

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8c902a  No.9557288

File: 9e7ec90b9a27fc9⋯.jpg (496.85 KB, 1700x1026, 850:513, NewNormal.JPG)

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a5481c  No.9557289

File: f100367f6e2e20c⋯.png (73.86 KB, 590x444, 295:222, 3E5EC8F0_64A1_4F89_ACEF_D0….png)

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3681b0  No.9557290

File: ad4d1256580f3c0⋯.png (259.57 KB, 732x832, 183:208, grayons.png)

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6fadac  No.9557291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dis why we need Space Force.

Gotta build Space Station Sky Vault so we can get our Centurion on


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994ed3  No.9557292


I bet property taxes dont go down.

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c91939  No.9557293


I said maybe becasue I havent' seen a clear picture of the tattoo yet.

I agree it looks like a double headed eagle….just not conclusively.

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d2e16e  No.9557294


they did not park a block away. they parked infront of the door of the counterfit $20 call. Junkbag was od'ing in his car.

this video is NYT (total shit paper) and even they have to report the facts. this is the reason the bodycams are not released. The sound will prove George was crying as soon as they cuffed him.


what is real fuckery, what kind of ambulance cannot handle cardiac arrest.

If George was dead from the knee how does he go into cardiac arrest 3 minutes later?

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dc6fde  No.9557295

File: 6aa8d8eeff96e08⋯.png (101.84 KB, 578x596, 289:298, Screenshot_2020_02_13_pol_….png)

File: cf8b1a4af25319b⋯.png (343.25 KB, 630x330, 21:11, Screenshot_2020_03_18_gif_….png)

File: cc524f2536be96e⋯.jpg (799.74 KB, 616x2030, 44:145, 0CWo8Ru.jpg)

File: 0c3f5b7a1398896⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 468x895, 468:895, 0c3f5b7a1398896904d23cca56….jpg)

File: 8edd0b590924c84⋯.jpg (405.63 KB, 750x554, 375:277, 8edd0b590924c848b89bd93e70….jpg)

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3681b0  No.9557296

File: 0250875951ea1f8⋯.jpg (94.39 KB, 620x727, 620:727, ldr_rm.jpg)

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a5481c  No.9557297

File: 66e61ed01ee3739⋯.png (92.33 KB, 590x470, 59:47, 6647731D_8A09_4E2F_8CD9_D0….png)

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b0582a  No.9557298

File: 1071a063550d509⋯.png (307.21 KB, 668x480, 167:120, Screen_Shot_2020_06_09_at_….png)


but the dates posted, can you change that?

also agreed the vids are a little meh..

but this is a strange game so…

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84b46e  No.9557299

File: b83e8c14c66337a⋯.jpg (293.13 KB, 1066x595, 1066:595, frognight.jpg)

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8c902a  No.9557300

File: bdf8ed322ea6f04⋯.jpg (348.1 KB, 1778x1080, 889:540, DCFuhrerBowser.JPG)

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96bf84  No.9557301


my Cock is a BAG bigger than yern.<<<

I'm ok.


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994ed3  No.9557302


Did she die? I miss that weird bitch.

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22fba5  No.9557303

File: cb39bde9dcadbc8⋯.png (487.3 KB, 1527x2206, 1527:2206, ClipboardImage.png)


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1344c8  No.9557304

File: 13228e4320f8979⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 300x380, 15:19, 300px_Console_Open_.jpg)


The first posting with the article was >>9550541

and did have in the article the possibility of a disused CG station at Point Reyes, CA that could be become a zero reference point so the reported position would be off. Today's AIS is a modern part of the older GMDSS (Global Marine Distress and Safety System) that has been around since the mid-90s at least. AIS is the part that reports a vessel's position, course, and speed and most times destination. From what I saw of the Navy reports, there were serious difficincies in both equipment function and crew training aboard the DDGs. Think of it as part of the "No-Fault" Navy that never went away. Could there have been GPS fuckery deliberately done to mask the true positions of the nearby merchies, most certainly. Have I suspected certain yachts were up to shenanigans, and not just glitches in the maritime sites I use? You Betcha. I must include that many times I have looked up a decommissioned ship looking for a photo and been shown a map position near Springfield, MO as a default location.

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f12bf6  No.9557305

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e71e85  No.9557306

File: 83a484d598ac622⋯.png (114.82 KB, 364x308, 13:11, from_japan_muhfucka.png)

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70b7a8  No.9557307

File: 5c4d4eb28177d7f⋯.png (587.39 KB, 720x703, 720:703, Cupace20200605142725.png)

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a5481c  No.9557308


What a miserable cabbage tranny

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d2e16e  No.9557309


and tring to get him in the car, before Chuavin shows up lasts for 3 or 4 minutes.

Their bodycams will make everyone wonders why a junkie POS was treated like a dignitary once he died.

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994ed3  No.9557310

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a80fb0  No.9557311


Act 1 - [add] The first officer had Floyd hand him or drop something from his right hand that the officer put in his pocket. A minute later, Floyd dropped something from his left hand which was left on the ground after he got up and they walked across the street.

…..and what happened to the 2 other passengers from the vehicle?? They just disappeared and have said nothing since?

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3681b0  No.9557312

File: a0bfb5d18829f7f⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 576x551, 576:551, wtf.jpg)

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aabd3b  No.9557313

File: d2d5a556a4db8a6⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 400x600, 2:3, UH_OH.jpg)


My what big….hands you have


I know you're Fake Daniel. Post your tits now and wash away the shame while you still can.

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3681b0  No.9557314

File: 537af3f0006d528⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 552x386, 276:193, anons_member.jpg)

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fef5e7  No.9557315


steroids kill

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3681b0  No.9557316

File: 5b2c21aa8d3ff3e⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 800x760, 20:19, visitors_welcome.jpg)

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3681b0  No.9557317

File: 53b05c3fe3f6d7c⋯.jpg (137.93 KB, 640x512, 5:4, eu_illegal_memes.jpg)

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106b50  No.9557318


best news and commentary anywhere…

and the comedy BTFO anything on TV

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8c902a  No.9557319

File: f94152a6c11845a⋯.jpg (317.04 KB, 1438x1274, 719:637, Smell.JPG)

File: 0c5ecc6910bea23⋯.jpg (133.75 KB, 698x640, 349:320, AwayFromChrome.JPG)

File: c30aa7623220bde⋯.jpg (413.59 KB, 2047x1026, 2047:1026, BatOnAStick.JPG)

File: 66dbc680d132fc1⋯.jpg (566.37 KB, 1693x1536, 1693:1536, BunkerPig.jpg)

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ca4d62  No.9557320

File: b02c290ea1de698⋯.png (669.85 KB, 772x772, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02c290ea1de698⋯.png (669.85 KB, 772x772, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02c290ea1de698⋯.png (669.85 KB, 772x772, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02c290ea1de698⋯.png (669.85 KB, 772x772, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02c290ea1de698⋯.png (669.85 KB, 772x772, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

So Barr can round up a massive, cross country, loosely organized covert group of violent insurgents in less than 2 weeks but its been almost 3 years and not even 1 glowing faggot has been booked?

Doesnt compute

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3681b0  No.9557321

File: f549f5e641608f3⋯.jpeg (145.35 KB, 828x822, 138:137, no_deals.jpeg)

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c85d3e  No.9557322


Oh Lord no!

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3681b0  No.9557323

File: 6bb8aa6434daaaa⋯.png (461.28 KB, 716x1369, 716:1369, switch.png)

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206043  No.9557324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aabd3b  No.9557325


Sexiest women too

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70b7a8  No.9557326

File: 553a1509a1e65cc⋯.png (93.22 KB, 720x410, 72:41, Img_1584030790487.png)

File: 6840cec08ee3422⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 259.08 KB, 720x1185, 48:79, Img_1585271149112.png)

File: f9e53641e60e4f6⋯.png (107.18 KB, 720x768, 15:16, Img_1585363834013.png)

File: 5f20bb3faae0c09⋯.png (49.57 KB, 647x418, 647:418, Img_1584041221905.png)

File: 07ad5b1c9feaf82⋯.png (104.63 KB, 720x573, 240:191, Img_1584398357653.png)

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8eef53  No.9557327

"The Generals" all broke bad now…Powell, Kelly; Matis….and senator Romney "led the chrage" at the BLM rally…can you believe MR 47% did that? listen to how disingenuous he sounds when he says black lives matters ; guys like Sasse will start, then Graham and McConnell will pile on … all the lifers ; term limits are the next most important thing after voter ID

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a053bb  No.9557328

File: 215c02da1da31c8⋯.png (142.78 KB, 419x447, 419:447, flip.png)

excellent work anons thank you

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8c902a  No.9557329

File: 66fab04c66743de⋯.jpg (250.74 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ReadMoarBetter.JPG)

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66d2b6  No.9557330


remember when he worked for the C_A and Bush?

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51988f  No.9557331

File: 6b0eaf16bd9df89⋯.jpg (5.23 KB, 243x208, 243:208, download_11_.jpg)

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3681b0  No.9557332

File: b4e5edb505d8af6⋯.jpg (30 KB, 480x479, 480:479, jesus_and_the_pope.jpg)

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a1ab4b  No.9557333

Here Candice goes…admitting she was "wrong about Floyd"!


I’ve had time to reflect on my video about #GeorgeFloyd and you guys were right—I was very wrong.

He went to prison 9 times, not 7. I missed two earlier convictions for theft and drugs.

But he started a new chapter with meth & fentanyl—so let’s throw our hero 2 more funerals!

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a053bb  No.9557334

Last Call

>>9556742 [They] jumped on this pretty quick: Snope 'fact-checks' the Obama Foundation/George Floyd tweet "rumor"

>>9556753, >>9556758 Nurse goes undercover in NYC COVID units (70 minute video.

>>9556773 Sen. Hirono Alice in Wonderland tweet comms

>>9556800 More evidence of CCP virus released in September-October 2019

>>9556874 U.S. Coast Guard confiscated 30,000 pounds of illegal drugs at sea, a haul which included more than $408 million in cocaine and marijuana.

>>9556890 Based Poland Minister: decision not to accept refugees is driven by "common sense" not xenophobia; gov't cannot "consent" to "social or cultural experiments [being] imposed on us"

>>9556914 PF report on Gates Foundation plane

>>9556944 Biden/Hillary tweet comms - MS13?

>>9556955 Chinese use shell OTC companies to get back door listings but now this shit just dried up

>>9556967 Nursing homes in PA now required to perform universal testing

>>9557025 Lil Wayne: ‘My life was saved by a white man. So, I don’t know what “racism” is’

>>9557069 Barr interview Part 2 video

>>9557102 George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin “Bumped Heads” at Nightclub Where They Both Worked – “Killing Might Be Personal”

>>9557113, >>9557227 Daniel Loeb bought Boeings debt, call to dig

>>9557090 Interdasting youtube channel that allegedly posted "Q clearance initiated" a few days before Q first posted

>>9557183 Moar on the bar where Floyd/Chauvin worked: C_A fingerprints all over this

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3681b0  No.9557335

File: 355cf864d2f2d20⋯.png (335.2 KB, 470x536, 235:268, trump_shut_it_down.png)

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c879e2  No.9557336


Loaded up my freezers for cheap when I saw the first hint of them going after the food supply with the fake testing at the meat processing plants. Got about a half cow, 100 lb each of chicken and pork, and maybe 30 lb of fish. I advised others close to me to do the same. I'm so glad I did seeing the prices at the grocery store now. These people are sick

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7be92b  No.9557337

File: b679ea105382af7⋯.png (299.44 KB, 474x565, 474:565, Mike_O_Meara_NY_Police_Bos….png)

File: a19aadecab815f6⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 478x270, 239:135, Mike_O_Meara_NY_Police_Bos….mp4)

August Takala


WATCH Police cars revolving light New York police boss Mike O'Meara went off on the media today:

"Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect … Our legislators abandoned us. The press is vilifying us. It's disgusting."

11:57 AM · Jun 9, 2020·Twitter Web App

110.5K Retweets 136.2K Likes


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3681b0  No.9557338

File: 406ecad78936965⋯.png (571.62 KB, 960x1020, 16:17, m_obama_biden.png)

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3681b0  No.9557339

File: a0ebecc4183c73d⋯.png (154.33 KB, 500x811, 500:811, banana_doge.png)

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1e952c  No.9557340


Sheriff becomes authority then.

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70b7a8  No.9557341

File: 1a4955defc3e2f4⋯.png (182.47 KB, 720x406, 360:203, Img_1584398124176.png)

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d86871  No.9557342

File: c8fe10816608467⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 351x527, 351:527, nice.jpg)

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dc6fde  No.9557343


fuck off rabbi

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3681b0  No.9557344

File: c94b9a0df3cbeaf⋯.jpg (79.34 KB, 600x943, 600:943, reported.jpg)


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96bf84  No.9557345


I ONLY speak FOR God.<<<

you have ANY issue.<<<

Take it up with God.

Don't kill, OR, Admonish, the Messenger.<<<


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199813  No.9557346

File: 0fe457501608018⋯.jpg (98.13 KB, 760x507, 760:507, 0fe4575016080188fe1a6b8a5d….jpg)

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3681b0  No.9557347

File: 9550ff79df36c55⋯.jpg (117.2 KB, 500x557, 500:557, meow_meow_meow.jpg)

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fef5e7  No.9557348



now unions stop voting what the lawyers tell you.

throw them out.

stop being proxies for Democrats and cabal by voting for them!!!

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51988f  No.9557349

File: b87c31ad4e0fecf⋯.jpg (4.99 KB, 196x258, 98:129, download_18_.jpg)

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b3275d  No.9557350


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3681b0  No.9557351

File: db3342f31ca3c7a⋯.jpg (29.51 KB, 800x600, 4:3, the_more_you_know.jpg)

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dc6fde  No.9557352


why they shoot white people?

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e71e85  No.9557353


It's neat seeing LEO's doing their jobs but I admit, I miss digging into things and uncovering things. All we really do now that people are actually doing their jobs is discovering things, uncovering things is seemingly a past art. Wouldn't mind getting into digital forensics. Be pretty cool to get paid for the work I did as a hobby/passion for the last 15 years.

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51988f  No.9557354

File: 76808910d4fbe98⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 267x189, 89:63, download_24_.jpg)

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61f8d5  No.9557355

File: f63d1422c3b88d8⋯.jpeg (88.38 KB, 749x479, 749:479, C4BB291C_2F29_4120_A081_D….jpeg)

Dems are terrified that POTUS is liberating blacks from their Democratic masters.

Trump will be remembered as a liberator for centuries.

His face will replace Ulysses S. Grant on the fifty dollar bill.

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aabd3b  No.9557356


Those are some great trips, and I don't mean this in a disrespectful kinda way but what size rack do you think Candace is rocking?


>I ONLY speak FOR God

Daniel Faker you don't want that kind of shit hanging over your head. He would never speak so clearly

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d9a786  No.9557357

File: 2b256db42506c26⋯.png (569.27 KB, 500x537, 500:537, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9556178 pb

>Mayor Bowser appoints SUSAN RICE to Reopen DC

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20c9c9  No.9557358

File: ffa14170197f8c9⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 480x600, 4:5, for_rectal_use_only_sticke….jpg)

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8c902a  No.9557359

File: f8ac62feb914b6c⋯.jpg (377.54 KB, 2048x1203, 2048:1203, IMG_1383.jpg)

File: 453dee6fad669c8⋯.jpg (366.41 KB, 2046x1206, 341:201, IMG_1421.jpg)

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247050  No.9557360

File: efdc9494d1a1391⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1355x745, 271:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0582a  No.9557361

File: dc01139db52f956⋯.gif (50.8 KB, 676x536, 169:134, pinecone.gif)

File: f2df6ce79f557e9⋯.jpg (414.37 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 3644452620c1991c72d90c077c….jpg)

File: b3aeee6cb6d50f5⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 360x336, 15:14, EEru6nxXsAA7rfm.jpg)

File: 1d0dd20869fb3ba⋯.png (195.68 KB, 384x379, 384:379, 1d0dd20869fb3ba0656d463108….png)

File: b4daaf4e2a73c02⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 185x175, 37:35, b4daaf4e2a73c02fdb74724a88….gif)



pineal gland: what (they) harvest/steal from us in moar ways then one.

torus energy, how we can travel to the stars in vehicles and in our "astral" bodies

torsion energy.

the golden ratio

can change all of architecture, it is the way DNA is structured, everything of God, if we create our reality around this, our entire way of living will be in harmony with nature and God.

Literally what the inverter satanist have been hiding from us.

It is actually very simple

entire sciences and mathematics have been created as a distraction from this simple concept.

click on the last one.

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3681b0  No.9557362

File: a2c0e8bc3912fde⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 540x400, 27:20, welcome_newfags.jpg)

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70b7a8  No.9557363

File: 770a36df6462554⋯.png (252.94 KB, 720x875, 144:175, Img_1584398104728.png)

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aabd3b  No.9557364


I mean the real Daniel, not God. I don't know where real Daniel is, but all that's left is a poor imitation

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29a347  No.9557365

File: 689b16738467724⋯.png (588.37 KB, 612x396, 17:11, nightshift_merilon_park_si….PNG)

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893636  No.9557366

File: 99c9067b5e3f807⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, weed.jpg)



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d836ba  No.9557367

File: 329084cbabc7988⋯.png (354.44 KB, 534x622, 267:311, Gov_H_re_Obianuju_Ekeocha_….PNG)

File: 8cbb3908cdf6f4d⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video_Obianuju_Ekeocha_re_….mp4)


>WOW! It didn’t take TW long to take down this video of a brave African lady calling out Pelosi

>>9546366 /pb

Obianuju Ekeocha

I had to say something about the American politicians shameless and ignorantly using the Kente fabric as a prop in their virtue signaling.

*I’m usually more mild mannered than this so please forgive me, I’m upset.


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e35ed9  No.9557368

any anon got that chaz cook vid?

<dont seeit in notables.

<fukr tookit down.

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b3275d  No.9557369



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90aab9  No.9557370

>>9557298 No.. can’t change the dates, so IMO, he really posted these meh videos, and then altered titles and descriptions later… some of the comments seem to indicate he removed some videos / changed his name..

At least that’s my working theory. His earliest videos about a pandemic and the antifa one … I guess I’m doubting myself now

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576c66  No.9557371


Do you have the one with "I SAW THAT SHIT"?

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3681b0  No.9557372


living more detoxified these days and muh pineal gland is already working much better

any other tips for practical application?

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8c902a  No.9557373

File: d8a0caa7e5b4ded⋯.jpg (649.17 KB, 2048x1208, 256:151, God_Wins.jpg)

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ab40d9  No.9557374

File: bb0a91f03c40afa⋯.jpeg (17.01 KB, 213x255, 71:85, grammernazi.jpeg)

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b0582a  No.9557375




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a1ab4b  No.9557376


>what size rack do you think Candace is rocking?

B at best

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96bf84  No.9557377


On YOUR way.

See you THEN :)


maybe SEE you?

Not right not now.


P.S. I need a Psalm.<<< gib Me.<<<

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33be76  No.9557378


That's a fact I think won't be looked into that deep. We know floyd was involved with porn and drugs and a cop who worked with him. And most likely new what was going on in the bar.

Yes a motive might be play.

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0c7037  No.9557379

File: 42bf18a09969550⋯.png (132.69 KB, 474x346, 237:173, catontheroof.png)

Whadup NS?

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a5481c  No.9557380


What a miserable cabbage tranny

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e71e85  No.9557381

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dc6fde  No.9557382

File: 32c217c99e38ee6⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 469x272, 469:272, police_shootings_by_race_c….jpg)

File: 041f642399e2302⋯.jpg (42.85 KB, 1064x683, 1064:683, 2016_hate_crimes_increase_….jpg)

File: db8f129841efbea⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 800x556, 200:139, arrest_rate_race_nyc_multi….jpg)

File: 4fa9b0a16690122⋯.jpg (55.48 KB, 678x512, 339:256, criminality_by_race_and_we….jpg)

File: 379a9454e660985⋯.jpg (62.1 KB, 600x465, 40:31, 1505417365244_1.jpg)


really makes you think

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8eef53  No.9557383

File: fe7841865be2825⋯.jpg (554.03 KB, 2014x1063, 2014:1063, fe7841865be2825dbe6ea82148….jpg)

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3a8dd0  No.9557384


Nov 3 my vote will be cast for the candidate that

will most likely cause a Civil War on American soil

May the strongest win

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3681b0  No.9557385

File: ebb56a441e141bb⋯.jpg (61.85 KB, 960x345, 64:23, attacks_on_christians_2.jpg)

File: 13d7610f112ee34⋯.jpg (230.12 KB, 1149x1200, 383:400, attacks_on_christians_1.jpg)

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20c9c9  No.9557386

File: ba530db5aa61836⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 255x191, 255:191, I_SAW_DAT.jpeg)


Heh, my very first one and it is still out there!

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3681b0  No.9557387

File: 28bf40656f5e200⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 459x600, 153:200, with_pool_and_watermelon.jpg)


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1ebfe3  No.9557388


We all know POTUS is an intelligent guy, so why would he go along with all the destruction that occurred to the lives of people if he knew the COVID scam was a scare tactic? We were all on this board already calling out the lies while he was yet doing press conferences with Fauci and converting Ford/GM Motors into mask and ventilator manufacturers. Why?

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caf86a  No.9557389

File: 8fafecbe7cbd365⋯.png (624.33 KB, 500x707, 500:707, ClipboardImage.png)


we in here

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3681b0  No.9557390

File: 5cfc2a5530c9962⋯.png (59.05 KB, 307x164, 307:164, me_vs_inner_me.png)

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49e4df  No.9557391


This is what criminal gangs do. Vandalize with graffiti, marking their territory.

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3681b0  No.9557392

File: b56fd4b62dfa4a3⋯.gif (2.61 MB, 300x252, 25:21, thats_bait.gif)

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b3275d  No.9557393

File: 5959fc72f748f41⋯.jpg (27.61 KB, 250x249, 250:249, 250px_Museo_nazionale_del_….jpg)

File: 81faf74f2cee964⋯.jpg (237.2 KB, 778x1023, 778:1023, wp3fec2c23_01_1a.jpg)


Fuck BLM

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c7232c  No.9557394


Report it to the White House, USSS, and Justice Department. Aren't they collecting these types of abuses so they can deal with it?

May want to look into it further. I'm pretty sure Barr mentioned something.

Haven't got sauce but will post if I can find it.

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6fadac  No.9557395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Cuban B?

Yes! Qube & B

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aabd3b  No.9557396


I'm okay with this


You need to show your tits, Faker. You don't think I see through your charade?

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d8a2e8  No.9557397

Anon Musings:

- Foxnews was never on the side of patriots. They're merely playing the Good Cop in this game. Know it. Own it

- The enemy is everywhere and nowhere. Learn to play

- Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing

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3681b0  No.9557398

File: 49bb8b9f5b26029⋯.png (771.49 KB, 1024x814, 512:407, will_not_divide.png)

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b0582a  No.9557399



nah sounds like you are already on the right rack anon.

muh pineal sputters in and out of smoothly working.

still trying to figure out the best ways myself, but on the path


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1af368  No.9557400

File: 1350a3d93419eeb⋯.png (257.65 KB, 320x482, 160:241, Hussein_Rope.png)


yore voting 4 Husseain again?

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3681b0  No.9557401

File: 6af6e72cac69072⋯.png (345.64 KB, 828x489, 276:163, krassensteins.png)

Anons remember.

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3681b0  No.9557402

File: a31a8bf8e5de264⋯.png (93.93 KB, 500x386, 250:193, dinosaurs.png)

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dc6fde  No.9557403

File: b63f26791a7d1d7⋯.jpg (101.23 KB, 750x959, 750:959, DV2jKz0W0AAUebF.jpg)


you all see the FBI, and POC and Bob Barr rushing to demand an explanation?

no, me neither

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d86871  No.9557404

File: 0ec83edd53468da⋯.jpg (391.02 KB, 960x942, 160:157, 0ec83edd53468daf093148e3ad….jpg)

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70b7a8  No.9557405

File: 90a4149a4df4db2⋯.png (191.31 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Cupace20200529151355.png)

File: c72a01eee01adc5⋯.png (515.41 KB, 720x401, 720:401, Cupace20200522170028.png)

File: a47f2a74ae442a9⋯.png (330.31 KB, 720x400, 9:5, Cupace20200521095327.png)

File: 80307f2ac3618da⋯.png (858.61 KB, 720x1075, 144:215, Cupace20200508160219.png)

File: 16cdfaa8e215c0a⋯.png (344.14 KB, 720x579, 240:193, Cupace20200408155946.png)

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90c29c  No.9557406

File: 521bd2fdb0805f8⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 543x459, 181:153, 44m4or.jpg)

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5f8791  No.9557407

File: 2cf05d76690e809⋯.png (24.38 KB, 1214x697, 1214:697, t21.png)

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a053bb  No.9557408


>>9556742 [They] jumped on this pretty quick: Snope 'fact-checks' the Obama Foundation/George Floyd tweet "rumor"

>>9556753, >>9556758 Nurse goes undercover in NYC COVID units (70 minute video.

>>9556773 Sen. Hirono Alice in Wonderland tweet comms

>>9556800 More evidence of CCP virus released in September-October 2019

>>9556874 U.S. Coast Guard confiscated 30,000 pounds of illegal drugs at sea, a haul which included more than $408 million in cocaine and marijuana.

>>9556890 Based Poland Minister: decision not to accept refugees is driven by "common sense" not xenophobia; gov't cannot "consent" to "social or cultural experiments [being] imposed on us"

>>9556914 PF report on Gates Foundation plane

>>9556944 Biden/Hillary tweet comms - MS13?

>>9556955 Chinese use shell OTC companies to get back door listings but now this shit just dried up

>>9556967 Nursing homes in PA now required to perform universal testing

>>9557025 Lil Wayne: ‘My life was saved by a white man. So, I don’t know what “racism” is’

>>9557069 Barr interview Part 2 video

>>9557102 George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin “Bumped Heads” at Nightclub Where They Both Worked – “Killing Might Be Personal”

>>9557113, >>9557227 Daniel Loeb bought Boeings debt, call to dig

>>9557090 Interdasting youtube channel that allegedly posted "Q clearance initiated" a few days before Q first posted

>>9557183 Moar on the bar where Floyd/Chauvin worked: C_A fingerprints all over this

>>9557337 "Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect … Our legislators abandoned us. The press is vilifying us. It's disgusting." NYPD boss Mike O'Meara (video)

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a5481c  No.9557409


Mcrib is back !

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a80fb0  No.9557410

File: c3653abdc22e023⋯.jpg (16.14 KB, 222x207, 74:69, Capture.JPG)

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206043  No.9557411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The answer to BLM is GBTA

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3e5f34  No.9557412

File: af74b521a7ee36d⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 512x512, 1:1, sadfernload.jpg)


>there is a distinct possibility that the dirty cops INJECTED FLOYD WITH FENTANYL

The only thing missing from your Floyd conspiracy theory is aliens. Add a few aliens and you might have something.

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6227cd  No.9557413

File: 917ee501bbb51c8⋯.png (272.87 KB, 818x539, 818:539, ldrBarb.png)

File: 553a78fb8d69271⋯.jpg (53.47 KB, 650x434, 325:217, ldrC.jpg)

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1344c8  No.9557414

File: 6b92b0c95dbf3b9⋯.png (130.03 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020_06_10_Mari….png)

File: ea85ec4106cf4a5⋯.png (252.29 KB, 1024x654, 512:327, Screenshot_2020_06_10_My_S….png)

File: a85beb42c8b8c70⋯.png (151.89 KB, 1024x654, 512:327, Screenshot_2020_06_10_My_S….png)

File: f3dc624ac9a468e⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 3834x2520, 213:140, RybovichMarina018_psdcolor….jpg)


SAMADHI is in Palm Beach, looks like southern part of exclusive Rybovich Marina. Spielberg's SEVEN SEAS is nearby. Les Wexner's LIMITLESS is underway off the Florida coast

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3dd3cd  No.9557416

File: 16d6aaaded43169⋯.jpeg (26.69 KB, 657x527, 657:527, apu_interest.jpeg)


Will dig tomorrow.

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e58994  No.9557417


They're saying the white supremacists are responsible for the inciting the riots.

This is why anything to do with Q automatically gets called something about Nazis.

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8eef53  No.9557419

File: f4e479915a46b1a⋯.png (84.23 KB, 1050x670, 105:67, 2016_Map.png)

none of the reds are turning blue….which blues are turning red?

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70b7a8  No.9557421

File: bd8a730e8a95d46⋯.png (646.84 KB, 679x1424, 679:1424, Cupace20200605005407.png)

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3a8dd0  No.9557422


Don't make me puke with a shitty thought like that

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96bf84  No.9557423


Showed Moar tits than YOU have COCK moran.

YOU are JUST too stupid to go BACK.<<<


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816e84  No.9557424

I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

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3f069c  No.9557426


You seem to have that backwards.

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76bc0c  No.9557427


Reptile nigga?

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a560b9  No.9557429


Then what is your message from God? You speak double talk and sometimes you shitpost and other times in riddles, so what is God's message that you alone can give us????? Seriously we could use something now….but you usually just ignore my questions.

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206043  No.9557430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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576c66  No.9557431

File: b05d45cd6cd00f8⋯.png (363.26 KB, 481x380, 481:380, b05d45cd6cd00f865ca91bab97….png)

File: 39ee0c205645553⋯.png (360.13 KB, 380x380, 1:1, 39ee0c2056455531ba2607dfe3….png)

File: 5e873c8f4d9ccd2⋯.png (394.27 KB, 498x499, 498:499, 5e873c8f4d9ccd22143663992e….png)

File: 19fb8ecb0ee2d4d⋯.png (290.16 KB, 594x544, 297:272, 19fb8ecb0ee2d4db586e6c3df7….png)

File: 13773fea3640b8a⋯.jpg (177.38 KB, 890x892, 445:446, 13773fea3640b8a17a311ef3a2….jpg)



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1af368  No.9557432

File: f2e220d70ca2bb3⋯.jpg (106.14 KB, 654x654, 1:1, Someone_Accountable.jpg)


yore a funny clown

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ebf71c  No.9557433

just played


and >>9556975

at the same time - KEK

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aabd3b  No.9557434


Where the fuck are they FD (Fake Daniel)? You gonna point them out in the collage or what?

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a5481c  No.9557435

File: 7dfb62df56c766f⋯.png (71.29 KB, 590x418, 295:209, D2845030_853F_4E0D_9027_12….png)

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a053bb  No.9557436






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c879e2  No.9557437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Member this one also?

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e71e85  No.9557439


Nailed it!

(not her, gross!)

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70b7a8  No.9557440

File: 0f818caeb940e47⋯.png (172 KB, 653x502, 653:502, Img_1591579538599.png)

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414e03  No.9557441

File: 15802c6291ad91a⋯.png (3.17 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2020_06_10_at_….png)

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c7232c  No.9557442



Hope this helps

We need to keep these bastards accountable.

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29a347  No.9557444


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eea2f5  No.9557445


WTF did I just watch??

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b0582a  No.9557446



file it under spoopy but dunno

where most the files are

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7b496b  No.9557447


doesn't really matter

in the end, they're the problem

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a5481c  No.9557448


Hi coCIAne whore

Those fronthole fartnoises are rageing the homo huh

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96bf84  No.9557449


YAWN… ABOUT TO BE filtered…

NEW materiel coming FROM ME.<<<



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a80fb0  No.9557452


would love to see this flight log and who's aboard

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fef5e7  No.9557454

what if the president just said

OK, you guys win this and we hold new snap elections in the riot cities 30 June.

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aabd3b  No.9557458


What are you, embarrassed?

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d8a2e8  No.9557459

File: edca9d7ace91546⋯.png (477.5 KB, 529x529, 1:1, WhatIsASpell.png)

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a5a327  No.9557460


>>9554945 pb

>>9555130 pb

I told you guise to watch it when it was live.

Glad somebody got a video. TY.

"You are a Dinosaur". kek.

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012caf  No.9557462

The latest insight into the timeline of Chinas released bioweapon is being censored by their own agents here.

>“At all the larger hospitals in Wuhan, we measured the highest traffic we’ve seen in over two years during the September through December 2019 time frame,” Diamond said. “Our company is used to measuring tiny changes, like 2% to 3% growth in a Cabella’s or Wal-Mart parking lot. That was not the case here. Here, there is a very clear trend.”

China attacked their pre-print servers, much in line with their continue censorship of their released bioweapon.

>The study has been submitted to the journal Nature Digital Medicine and is under peer review. It is scheduled to be posted Monday morning on “Dash,” Harvard’s preprint server for medical papers.

>On Monday morning the website for "Dash" suffered a temporary outage. A spokesperson for Harvard Medical School told ABC News they were investigating the incident.

Much in line with their threat creation agents on our board.

An example of their spin, erroneously relating this discovery to the MSM push for a second fear wave that's actually tied to the protesters.

">>9556127 They prepped the story 2 days ago - 2nd wave narrative by pushing heavily that coronavirus was present for much longer in China."

Repeat: China's thread creation agent here is censoring the new information that China knew about their released bioweapon IN LATE AUGUST.

This earlier timeline is NOT related to the second wave of protester created infections.

Full original article here


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dc289f  No.9557464

File: 0ebd88331c3f163⋯.jpg (249.1 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 20200514_071628.jpg)






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3681b0  No.9557465

File: f1f0585a3e01808⋯.jpg (165.8 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, pepe_snipe.jpg)


I was looking into ayahuasca (DMT) and the detox rituals that shamans recommend before doing it

plant-based diet, natural soaps/toothpaste and other personal care and cleaning products

then I realized, why not just live that way anyway? isn't it the same thing?

then this https://ia802300.us.archive.org/8/items/rofschildv1/IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion.html

(ctrl+f "chickens" for where he talks about diet)

our actions have consequences on all planes simultaneously, and what is good for us "here" is probably also good for us "there"…

and absolutely no fluoride consumption, that's probably the most important thing


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d8a2e8  No.9557470

File: 01e486526365781⋯.jpg (139.68 KB, 634x1001, 634:1001, BlackEyeClubReid_.jpg)

File: 21d9351f3a1e4ee⋯.jpg (49.81 KB, 634x459, 634:459, BlackEyeClubAnderson.jpg)

File: baec303b2a0c6d3⋯.jpg (65.75 KB, 682x630, 341:315, BlackEyeClubAd.jpg)

File: b43eceeb34220a4⋯.png (1.54 MB, 748x1217, 748:1217, BlackEyeClub.png)

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