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File: ecf7f566c17a4b3⋯.png (86.35 KB, 248x140, 62:35, ClipboardImage.png)

665de9  No.13025796[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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665de9  No.13025804


Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Support Lin Wood https://www.kraken-wood.com/

>>13008019 Government memo crushes Cuomo’s defense in COVID nursing home scandal

>>13000959, >>13000965, >>13001223, >>13001287 GENERAL FLYNN PROMOTES #ITALYGATE

>>12921342, >>12921587, >>12921658, >>12921699, >>12921747, >>12921916 Lin Wood Digs: Georgia disciplinary bar digs

>>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' - Absolute Proof

>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

>>12908478, >>12792878 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com

>>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker, LEARN TO BAKE

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

>>12857181, >>12862409 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13025056 Stephen Miller on how Biden’s immigration reform bill will impact economy, jobs

>>13025103, >>13025357, >>13025399 Derek chauvin trial will be televised on court TV starting on March 8th

>>13025135 IDF Central Command head makes rare visit to West Bank outpost

>>13025180, >>13025199 UAL 328 UPDATE Fan Blade Failure

>>13025204 pompeo interview after joining ACLJ

>>13025220 Biden’s AG not certain if illegal border crossings are a crime.


>>13025304 #CENTCOMCDR Gen Frank McKenzie: “It was a pleasure to meet with President al-Sisi and senior military leaders in Cairo

>>13025312 french government worried about Q getting to big

>>13025378 afterr biden announcement that US would cease offensive operations assistance to Saudi-led war in Yemen, head of @CENTCOM Gen. Frank McKenzie says US will continue to provide Saudi Arabia with support for “defense purposes”

>>13025441, >>13025494 More on marine out front of White House

>>13025452 Prince William says his grandfather Prince Philip is ‘OK’ and doctors are ‘keeping an eye on him'

>>13025478 Secretary of State - " The United States remains unwavering in its commitment to Israel’s security."

>>13025506 Qanon comes to south park in new hour long vaccination special

>>13025526 Merrick Garland Grilled on Ending Death Penalty for Domestic Terrorists

>>13025531 Amazon Reportedly Offers Workers $2,000 ‘Resignation Bonuses’ as Protests Back Alabama Union Drive

>>13025551 Raskin: Trump ‘Remains a Clear and Present Danger to the American People’

>>13025563 Helipad at Mar-a-Lago demolished

>>13025574 Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Announces Initiation of Investigation to determine if DOJ tried to alter 2020 election outcome

>>13025614 Chinese Spies Hijack NSA Hacking Tools To Use Against The US

>>13025698 archbishop vigano tweeting truth about abramovic, gates, roths et al. 60 mins BTFO

>>13025736 obama tweet: new podcast with bruce springsteen

>>13025619 HUGE NEWS: New Hampshire Senate Votes 24-0 to Force the State to Perform Audit of Windham, New Hampshire November 3rd Elections

>>13025785 #16589

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665de9  No.13025807


>>13024875, >>13024887 PF reports

>>13024147 Ex-IDF generals, top Mossad officials urge Biden to return to Iran deal

>>13024164 Biden’s Interior nominee failed to report casino income on congressional ethics report

>>13024202 Statement on the Continuing Political Persecution of President Donald J. Trump

>>13024224 Biden Administration Doing Away With Citizenship Test Developed Under Trump

>>13024230 2 year delta. thank you anons

>>13024233 Grassley: "Have you discussed this Hunter Biden case with the president?" Attorney General Nominee Merrick Garland: "I have not”

>>13024318 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that bitcoin is an “extremely inefficient” way to conduct monetary transactions.

>>13024338 TRUMP: "I will fight on, just as I have, for the last five years (even before I was successfully elected), despite all of the election crimes that were committed against me. We will win!"

>>13024360 Sting operation in Anderson ends with two arrests for sex trafficking

>>13024386 $17,000 Electric Bill? A Deregulated Power Grid Leads To Wild Prices For Texans

>>13024393 Attorney general nominee Merrick Garland pledges broad probe into roots of Jan. 6 Capitol riot

>>13024404 Unbelievable, SCOTUS Refuses to Hear PA Election Challenge AFTER Previously Granting Injunction

>>13024432 Biden AG Pick Vows To Prosecute White Supremacists Who Stormed US Capitol on Jan. 6

>>13024462, >>13024494 Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says #Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened at night.

>>13024465 biden says nigger

>>13024474 seven years ago, the bloody coup shook the entire #Ukraine, led to #Crimea’s secession & the still ongoing armed conflict in #Donbass.

>>13024509 US B-1 bombers arrive in Norway for the first time

>>13024520 biden re-appoints eric goldstein to CISA as executive assistant director of cybersecurity

>>13024670 70 years ago, hundreds of children of Yemenite immigrants disappeared in Israel, inflicting a wound that has never healed. Today, Israel officially offers reparations and expresses sorrow

>>13024695 George Clooney and Smokehouse Pictures will produce a docuseries about a decades-long abuse scandal in the athletic department at Ohio State University

>>13024701 Four Members of Former BJP State President’s Family Die by Suicide in Rajasthan, Probe on

>>13024848 DJT Jr: Trump was apparently really bad at being a dictator… democrats, on the other hand, seem to be running with the dictator playbook BIGLY and it should scare the hell out of us all.

>>13024913 16588

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665de9  No.13025808


>>13023534 PF reports

>>13023352 spotify launches obama/springsteen podcast, Renegades: Born in the USA

>>13023487 READ: Dominion Sues Mike Lindell for $1.4BN, Uses Nazi “Big Lie” Phrase 31 Times in Court Filing.

>>13023078, >>13023508 Patent for weather modification or DEW?

>>13023525 Mexican Authorities Arrest 135 Migrants in Border State Hotel

>>13023571 A Suffolk University/USA TODAY Poll finds that 46% of those surveyed said they would abandon the GOP and join the Trump party if the former president decided to create one.

>>13023583 China Boasts of Military Buildup While Pushing ‘Dialogue’ with U.S.

>>13023593 Merrick Garland Declines to Say He Will Keep Special Counsel John Durham

>>13023653 ‘Fervent Sinophile’ Boris Johnson Pushes for China Trade Deal, Despite Genocide Objections

>>13023694 Crowdstrike, the Firm at the Center of the Russia Collusion Scam, Was Next Involved in a China Linked “Electric Panda” Hacker Tale

>>13023741 Berlin Police Called Out to Antifa Stronghold over 700 Times in 2020

>>13023752 symbolism will be their downfall thread

>>13023804 Air Force Base Halts Flight Operations After 2 Killed in Alabama T-38 Jet Crash

>>13023820 How the Gates Foundation Seeded America’s COVID-19 Policy Catastrophes

>>13023834 Johns Hopkins: COVID Has Had No Effect On US Death Rate

>>13023844 Bill Gates' daughter Jennifer, 23, gets engaged to her Egyptian showjumper boyfriend Nayel Nassar, 28

>>13023846 Rockets target US embassy in Iraqi capital: Military

>>13023857 Former defense officials back US return to Iran deal, urge new long-term pact

>>13023862 Trump To Make Clear He’s ‘Still In Charge’ Of Republican Party At CPAC: Report

>>13023906 NY Dem says Cuomo nursing home scandal is impeachable offense, as governor blames Trump for vaccine woes

>>13023748 Psaki asked why no USMC outside front door of WH. "does it mean the president is not in the oval? people are fascinated by this"

>>13024071 16587


>>13022748, >>13022789, >>13022801, >>13023079 PF reports

>>13022656 The Video About "Q" That "60 Minutes" Doesn't Want You To Watch

>>13022674 Every House Democrat signs on to sweeping HR 1 bill, GOP argues it would 'undermine' election integrity

>>13022713 Iran will enrich uranium up to 60% if it wants to, Khamenei warns amid discontent over IAEA deal

>>13022749 happy birthday george washington

>>13022760 biden AG nominee: "I certainly agree that we are facing a more dangerous period than we did in Oklahoma City at that time"

>>13022810 U.S. Supreme Court rebuffs porn star's bid to revive suit against Trump

>>13022859 Did nuclear-powered CIA spying device lost in the Himalayas in 1965 trigger India's glacier flood? Locals blame Cold war device for disaster which killed 200 this month

>>13022921 Over 1,200 San Francisco residents have signed a petition to recall three members of the city's board of education for prioritizing renaming schools over reopening them.

>>13023033, >>13023156 a list of coca cola products to avoid if you're so inclined.

>>13023040 Justice Thomas Blisters Court on Rejecting Election Cases

>>13023078 Patent for weather modification?

>>13023083 New Hampshire Senate Votes 24-0 to Force the State to Perform Audit of Windham, New Hampshire November 3rd Elections

>>13023089 After Democrats Destroyed the Restaurant Business in New York with Insane COVID Policies, Democrat Senator Schumer Is Pushing for $25B in Relief from the Federal Government

>>13023116 Democrats Target Cable Providers for Carrying Fox, Newsmax, OANN

>>13023160 Iran Wants Compensation For $1 Trillion Damage Inflicted On Economy By US Sanctions

>>13023313 #16586

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665de9  No.13025810


>>13022434, >>13022468 PF reports

>>13021908 UN chief guterres warns white supremacy is a transnational threat

>>13021224, >>13021215, >>13021232, >>13021923 Former NY AG Eric Schneiderman’s ex alleges he threatened to kill her/Q posts

>>13022040, >>13021981, >>13022019, >>13022034 todays SCOTUS orders

>>13022060, >>13022082 SCOTUS rules presecutor can get trump tax records/ refuses to review PA election cases

>>13022101 Italian ambassador killed in Congo kidnap attempt

>>13022193 Supreme Court Hands Trump Monday Losses On Tax Returns, PA Election Challenge

>>13022212 Former DOJ official: Gov. Cuomo should be worried about federal probe into COVID-19 nursing home deaths

>>13022253 WATCH LIVE: AG nominee Merrick Garland testifies during Senate confirmation hearing

>>13022278, >>13022019, >>13022443 amicus curiae is granted in trump for pres VS. Pa sec of state

>>13022277 Donald Trump ‘Probably’ Interested in 2024 Presidential Run: Lara Trump

>>13022291 NBC's Pete Williams: The New York grand jury will see Trump's tax returns "almost immediately."

>>13022370 REPORT: Biden Admin, ICE Cancel Operation to Remove Convicted Sex Offenders in the US Illegally

>>13022391 Trump, Allies Rejected by U.S. Supreme Court on Election Appeals

>>13022400 sidney powell on SCOTUS releases

>>13022424 Mike Pompeo is joining the ACLJ to serve in a new role as Senior Counsel for Global Affairs.

>>13022495 Supreme Court to hear challenge to Trump 'public charge' rule

>>13022518 biden tweet: vaccines are safe

>>13022545 #16585

Previously Collected Notables

>>13020239 #16582, >>13020812 #16583, >>13021778 #16584

>>13018727 #16580\2, >>13018725 #16580\1, >>13019437 #16581

>>13017206 #16578, >>13017919 #16579\2, >>13017918 #16579\1

>>13014762 #16575, >>13015345 #16576, >>13016393 #16577

>>13012707 #16572, >>13013168 #16573, >>13013883 #16574

>>13009819 #16569, >>13010835 #16570, >>13012150 #16571

>>13007172 #16565, >>13007346 #16566, >>13011952 #16567

>>13005684 #16562, >>13005441 #16563, >>13006012 #16564

>>13002133 #16559, >>13004592 #16560, >>13005809 #16561

>>13001378 #16556, >>13000603 #16557, >>13001484 #16558

>>12995786 #16553, >>13000209 #16554, >>13001390 #16555

>>12988960 #16550, >>12994244 #16551, >>12996940 #16552

>>12987266 #16547, >>12987806 #16548, >>12988809 #16549

>>12983919 #16544, >>12984772 #16545, >>12986268 #16546

>>12980107 #16541, >>12980910 #16542, >>12981659 #16543

>>12977074 #16538, >>12977990 #16539, >>12978837 #16540

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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665de9  No.13025813

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

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665de9  No.13025817

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665de9  No.13025821



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5acd57  No.13025852

File: 09ae7e577b10df2⋯.png (434.14 KB, 719x642, 719:642, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faad312cd9a5cd6⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, garland_hawley_1.mp4)



NEW - Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says #Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened at night.


The Post Millennial

1:40 PM · Feb 22, 2021

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b46fc1  No.13025853

File: 9c267f417ae3e4d⋯.jpg (351.1 KB, 1200x1807, 1200:1807, cedric_richmond.jpg)

Every post like this before hand was not me, yet here I am. Someone hacked my laptop and posted it too early. This right now is the real Cedric Richmond posting the real letter below

Dear QAnon board,

I'm Cedric Richmond and I worked on the Joe Biden campaign and after a stint out of action for medical reasons I've been hired back on to work in PR matters for the Joe Biden Presidency. I wanted to reach out to various extremist boards to see if there was any ground we could agree upon. I was told this is a futile effort talking to domestic terrorists but President Biden wants to mend fences with the other side.

If any of you consider yourselves patriots I'd suggest you embrace your duly elected President. Remember the oaths you all took, once President Biden is officially sworn in you are bound by those oaths so on top of being domestic terrorists you'd be officially labeled traitors as well.

I look forward to future correspondences with you dom-ters (short for domestic terrorist, it gets a lot of laughs around the office),

Cedric Richmond

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284a65  No.13025860

File: e806c328964c0ec⋯.jpg (621.79 KB, 1242x1196, 27:26, omg_jones.jpg)


>Actual Cedric Richmond, High Level Biden Insider



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5acd57  No.13025862

File: 14b31a536da235c⋯.png (56.5 KB, 746x475, 746:475, ClipboardImage.png)



Andrew Solender


Hawley says "I haven't made up my mind"when asked how he'll vote on Garland, per Hill pool. "I was a little bit surprised, or a lot surprised, by the sheer number of questions he declined to answer."

4:40 PM · Feb 22, 2021

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46c3a0  No.13025867

File: 4d9b880bdf7ea21⋯.png (754.58 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 4d9b880bdf7ea21b8d130062a2….png)

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e280e8  No.13025869


So is he saying that as long as thousands of people

are not killed, go ahead and burn everything down?

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894bf2  No.13025870


It's not notable it's faggot

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000000  No.13025873


>>13023505 U.N. Chief Guterres Warns ‘White Supremacy’ Is a ‘Transnational Threat,’

>>13023573 Facebook tried to restart negotiations with major Australian news outlets just a day after declaring war on the country by shutting down pages

>>13023616 Soros puppets go after Cruz

>>13023633 Sec of State Sent Absentee Ballot Application To Foreign Student Who Attended College In MI For 3 Years

>>13023750 Weapons Biz Bankrolls Experts Pushing to Extend Afghan War

>>13023779 Policing Portland’s protests: 1,000 arrests, handful of prosecutions

>>13023786 US has 'begun communications' with Iran over release of Americans held hostage after Secretary of State Anthony Blinken revealed

>>13023832 Derek Kubilus (60 mins Preacher) dig

>>13023879 Justice Clarence Thomas’s BLISTERING Dissent of SCOTUS Denial of Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit

>>13023896 Pelosi, Who Claims to Oppose Gerrymandering, Funnels $300,000 to Democratic Gerrymandering Group

>>13023913 Garland a Russian Jew (Bolshevik?)



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000000  No.13025876

#16588 Notables FINAL

>>13024136 Anon notables from 16587

>>13024147 Ex-IDF generals, top Mossad officials urge Biden to return to Iran deal

>>13024164 Biden’s Interior nominee failed to report casino income on congressional ethics report

>>13024196 Kansas Bill Would Make Gold And Silver Legal Tender In The State

>>13024200 , >>13024349 , >>13024371 The new baker comms / mnr handoff strategy to keep bakery away from anons

>>13024202 Statement on the Continuing Political Persecution of President Trump on Telegram

>>13024205 Supreme Court Rejects Stormy Daniels’ Defamation Suit Against Trump

>>13024224 Biden Administration Doing Away With Citizenship Test Developed Under Trump

>>13024229 MYANMAR DEA CIA …

>>13024233 Sen. Grassley: "Have you discussed this Hunter Biden case with the president…?" Attorney General Nominee Merrick Garland: "I have not…”

>>13024238 Tell Coca-Cola how you feel about their racism. https://www.coca-colacompany.com/contact-us/contact-us-form

>>13024249 8 Companies Paying Workers To Get The COVID Vaccine

>>13024267 Russian Foreign Ministry Accuses EU of Interfering in Internal Affairs Over Sanctions Threat

>>13024305 Rockets target US Embassy in Baghdad’s Green Zone, no casualties

>>13024320 Goodyear, the Globalist America hating Corporation Acquires Cooper Tires

>>13024332 Israel Launches Green Pass For Vaccinated

>>13024338 TRUMP: "I will fight on, just as I have, for the last five years (even before I was successfully elected), despite all of the election crimes that were committed against me. We will win!"

>>13024360 Sting operation in Anderson ends with two arrests for sex trafficking

>>13024372 Follow the wives - Pitt doctor helped review, approve Pfizer mrna vaccine

>>13024404 Unbelievable, SCOTUS Refuses to Hear PA Election Challenge AFTER Previously Granting Injunction


>>13024432 Biden AG Pick Vows To Prosecute White Supremacists Who Stormed US Capitol on Jan. 6

>>13024462 Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says #Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened at night.

>>13024474 Russia tweet about Ukraine coup that resulted in Russia re-annexing Crimea

>>13024506 , >>13024506 Anon opines - repost videos in every bread - anon notables will pick them up

>>13024509 US B-1 bombers arrive in Norway for the first time

>>13024512 Australia - Crown director steps down as Victoria announces royal commission into the casino giant

>>13024520 We’re excited to welcome Eric Goldstein back to CISA! Eric has a wealth of cybersecurity experience & was appointed by Cabal

>>13024527 Australia - Rio Tinto executive got big pay rise after review of Juukan cave blast - destroys sacred site gets bonus

>>13024607 Gorefag appears as anons reject being controlled

>>13024695 Cabal going off on Jim Jordan - attacking all Trump allies

>>13024701 New Delhi: In a shocking incident, four family members of former BJP state president Madan Lal Saini allegedly died by suicide in Sikar district of Rajasthan on Sunday

>>13024766 Preacher who dissed Q Research on 60 minutes hid his tweets - why?


>>13024821 A word from General Flynn! - The truth will come out (video 17 seconds)

>>13024848 DJT Jr - Trump was apparently really bad at being a dictator… democrats, on the other hand, seem to be running with the dictator playbook BIGLY

>>13024875 >>13024887 PF Report

>>13024903 Clarence Thomas election fraud dissent

>>13024937 Only at the precipice [moment of destruction] will people find the will to change - Q Post 4407


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000000  No.13025880

#16589 Notables FINAL

>>13024983 16587 Notables

>>13024989 16588 Notables

>>13024963 Gen Flynn - Truth is going to come out - Trump is President (video 17 seconds)

>>13025056 Stephen Miller on how Biden’s immigration reform bill will impact economy, jobs

>>13025081 Mike Lyndell sued by Dominion Voting for 1.3 billion $

>>13025101 Cloning post from 4 chan (look at the id)

>>13025103 MARK YOUR CALENDAR: MARCH 8 Derek Chauvin (George Floyd FF) trial/case on Court TV

>>13025113 Corrupt Politicians and Judges…We Are No Longer Free

>>13025135 IDF Central Command head makes rare visit to West Bank outpost

>>13025144 Aircraft Parts 'fall' from the sky yet do no damage and aren't damaged from impact

>>13025149 Lin Wood - I will not mince words, We The People who seek honest elections conducted under the rule of law lost. The enemy won.

>>13025180 UAL 328 UPDATE Fan Blade Failure B777-200 22 Feb 2021 (video)

>>13025218 NYPD Cop Ray Wood’s Confession Letter Describes Malcolm X Assassination Plot (video)

>>13025220 Biden’s AG not certain if illegal border crossings are a crime. (Video)

>>13025235 U.S. Navy - ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT!

>>13025036 The Babylon Bee Kermit the Frog resigned due to his supposed connection to known alt-right racist Pepe the Frog.

>>13025304 #CENTCOMCDR Gen Frank McKenzie: “It was a pleasure to meet with President al-Sisi and senior military leaders in Cairo.

>>13025312 Did the media just realize this (Q Research) is worldwide?

>>13025329 Dept of Justice prosecutes Meme Maker for illegally influencing the Election

>>13025378 Centcom overrules Biden Cabal on Saudi support against the new ISIS recruitment center - Yemen

>>13025403 The entire U.S. Women's National Team team stood for the national anthem ahead of their 2-0 victory against Brazil on Sunday, after months of some players kneeling during the anthem.

>>13025428 Justice Thomas dissent on Election Fraud

>>13025452 , >>13025555 Prince William says his grandfather Prince Philip is ‘OK’ and doctors are ‘keeping an eye on him'

>>13025478 Secretary of State - " The United States remains unwavering in its commitment to Israel’s security."

>>13025506 The Media blitz to discredit Q Research continues

>>13025520 Biden AG Pick Says Antifa/BLM Attacks on Courthouse May Not be Domestic Terrorism Because They Happened at Night

>>13025526 Merrick Garland Grilled on Ending Death Penalty for Domestic Terrorists

>>13025531 Amazon Reportedly Offers Workers $2,000 ‘Resignation Bonuses’ as Protests Back Alabama Union Drive

>>13025543 Merrick Garland Says He Is Unaware Drug Cartels Game U.S. Asylum System

>>13025551 Raskin: Trump ‘Remains a Clear and Present Danger to the American People’

>>13025563 Helipad at Mar-a-Lago demolished

>>13025574 Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Announces Initiation of Investigation

>>13025614 Chinese Spies Hijack NSA Hacking Tools To Use Against The US

>>13025619 New Hampshire Senate Votes 24-0 to Force the State to Perform Audit of Windham, New Hampshire November 3rd Elections

>>13025621 Correct dough for 16583

>>13025640 Biden Slurs N-Word While Reading Speech to EU Virtual Munich Security Conference – Closed-Captioning Even Picked It Up (video)

>>13025721 Biden Regime AG Pick Merrick Garland Will Use Office To ‘Ensure Respectful Treatment’ Of Liberal Media

>>13025725 , >>13025822 The Congressional money laundering continues unabated

>>13025730 The Syrian 'War for Profit' Machine

>>13025755 , >>13025756 List of previous notables

>>13025766 Lin Wood - I will not mince words, We The People who seek honest elections conducted under the rule of law lost. The enemy won.



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8b7a5e  No.13025886

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, q_anon.jpg)


Friendly Reminder for Newfrens Joining the Party!

The QAnon Research Board is a board built upon respect. We do not condone violence or abusive language towards other researchers, including racism, homophobia, bigotry, transphobia, etc.

Remember!Hate Speechis notFree Speech! The SCOTUS has ruled there is a difference so please let's all respect each other and have a great time researching as Patriots!

Where We Go One, We Go All! Black Lives Matter doesn't mean no other lives matter but we need to understand they matter now more than ever!

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e280e8  No.13025889

File: 93db9a50287d1c0⋯.png (107.35 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


Dear Cedric,


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f17039  No.13025893

File: b71329ee4b57fdd⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 547x713, 547:713, youwhat.jpg)






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725621  No.13025894

File: 88f5656a3875735⋯.webm (5.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1613447110220.webm)

together we are strong

divided we are weak

they want us divided

are we divided?

still divided by religion?


still divided by race?


still divided by ideology?


still divided by politics?


we are still weak!

What has to happen to be not divided?

can left and right come together?

can muslims and jews come together?



It's just an empty meaning, to fish for the schizo mind.

(you) never thought that one out, you just took it and dreamed on, for one day the great awakening would do the magic for you and bring everyone together

… and even if, what kind of happening would have to happen to answer the above questions?

Here is a problem, someone with schizophrenica is not able to think about it logical, weak mind.

Majority is schizophrenic!

lets break it down to just one question and try to answer it,

could you work together with a communist?

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7022a0  No.13025905

File: 96b8deaf3189c19⋯.jpg (331.32 KB, 1148x805, 164:115, looks_legit.jpg)

Come on, they weren't really giving people the vaccine through the swabs were they? Right? Please tell me yes because my loved one got tested back last year and I'm starting to worry

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5acd57  No.13025907

File: d97648184186eb7⋯.png (419.67 KB, 642x689, 642:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faac49ad45a47cc⋯.mp4 (7.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, garland_hawley_ille_imm.mp4)



Sen. Josh Hawley: "Do you believe that illegal entry at America's border should remain a crime?"

Attorney General-nominee Merrick Garland: "I haven't thought about that question. I just haven't thought about that question."

4:28 PM · Feb 22, 2021

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5acd57  No.13025918


at least Hawley got Garland to look like a partisan hack he is.

the other Senators are just worthless

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e280e8  No.13025921

File: a7d92506c027821⋯.png (86.02 KB, 224x224, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Could you work together with HER, to make her

dream of a Communist Flu-topia a reality?


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f64f14  No.13025922

Disney labels ‘The Muppet Show’ as ‘offensive content’ in baffling disclaimer


The Muppets are from a very dark period of history, when white men enslaved blacks because of the color of their skin, and Jews were rounded up and stuffed in gas chambers because of… because of the lengths of their noses, or something. (They hated Jews for some inane, trivial reason, it’s not really clear, maybe it was just for no reason – history doesn’t record why so many people hated the Jews, but it was basically just totally random.)

Today, enlightened figures, like the corporate board of Disney, are showing us a new way.

Before the existence of multinational corporations, everyone was just an absolute savage. The monopolistic companies that now run our society have taught us something wonderful and beautiful: that love is better than hate.

Do you know why Johnny Cash used a Confederate flag?

Because he hated black people for the color of their skin, and wanted to force them back into slavery.

Johnny Cash might be dead, but the Confederacy lives on.

In January, a group of pro-slavery activists tried to take over the government, with a plan to bring back slavery. And yes, they also want to gas the Jews.

That’s why we have a barbwire fence around the Capitol now, protected by soldiers. We had to to Washington into a military junta in order to stop whites like Johnny Cash and his little Muppet friends from taking over the government and enacting their racist agenda.

We should thank Gaia that a combination of multinational corporations and martial law is saving us from our darkest nature as irredeemable haters.

Under the impeccable moral guidance of monopolistic multinational corporations and a military junta, we will finally be led to a bright future, free of the old hatreds upon which our evil civilization was built.

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5acd57  No.13025923

why is the WH honoring covid 'victims' today with a half -mast flag and Bidan giving a speech?

why today 2/22/21

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7ae768  No.13025924

File: 2ae7e32afe2a7b3⋯.jpg (79.58 KB, 850x704, 425:352, 25_per.JPG)


Covid Deaths Have Risen 25% Since Biden Took Office – Psaki Blames Trump, Lies About Vaccine Plan (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila

Published February 22, 2021 at 4:20pm

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109430  No.13025925

File: e7ff0c43fbd4ffd⋯.jpg (295.13 KB, 993x862, 993:862, e7ff0c43fbd4ffdd9a59805149….jpg)


Gracias, un monton, Bakes!

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3f9349  No.13025926

File: abea12335f5184a⋯.png (310.34 KB, 379x378, 379:378, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.13025927


Low enough that they can easily be told what is happening in a way that lets them believe they came

to the truth through their own investigative abilities.

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d9bfb9  No.13025928

File: 6c033d0525a24cc⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 463x480, 463:480, francis_handsign.jpg)

Pope Francis is due to hold an inter-religious prayer service at the ancient Mesopotamian site of Ur when he visits Iraq next week, an event local archaeologists hope will draw renewed attention to the site


This is really suspect.

So the Bible says in the end times there will be a "Mystery Babylon" religion, that will be enforced across the world. It'll be the "wide way" (inter-religion, many ways) of that time.

The pope going to Ur, which at one time was the center of it all, going back to the Sumerian civilization. Not to mention the city declined after the fall of Babylon.

It would be quite symbolic if he was going there to pray for its "spiritual rebirth" so to speak.

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000000  No.13025929


>Come on, they weren't really giving people the vaccine through the swabs were they? Right? Please tell me yes because my loved one got tested back last year and I'm starting to worry

Well hopefully they cooperated with the nice doctor and did as he said so that everything can go smoothly.

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841a7c  No.13025930

Any other Anons have to keep refreshing the page to get breads to load correctly?

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7db6aa  No.13025931


All of this nasal swab disinformation is why we will have to go to anal swabs

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43a46e  No.13025932

File: 5cb9555f053177c⋯.jpeg (40.05 KB, 828x596, 207:149, AA0728F7_7D45_4B16_A67D_5….jpeg)

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ce8bc4  No.13025933

File: df86a709a46ceb2⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1602x478, 801:239, Screenshot_2021_02_22_shm_….png)

…Thank you, Baker?

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1d3adb  No.13025934

File: 466a75c08e383a5⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 389x239, 389:239, COMM_BAKER_GOOD.jpg)

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ac9f6f  No.13025935

>>13025896 lb


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77b249  No.13025936

File: 5010adc2d2a7e12⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 888x485, 888:485, bidencompromised.jpg)

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417646  No.13025937

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whites On The Chopping Block


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ce8bc4  No.13025938


…Going on a little pilgrimage to worship some Moloch, I see.

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df1368  No.13025939

File: c28798f6803fe1a⋯.png (201.38 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, pepe_o.png)





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43a46e  No.13025940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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150b68  No.13025941

Is the stage set?

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95728f  No.13025942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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df64da  No.13025943


>Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened at night.

So…It Was Fucking Vampires

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725621  No.13025944

File: ff4e85895e1130e⋯.webm (5.88 MB, 276x208, 69:52, 1613872629971.webm)


the point is:

>(you) never thought that one out,

>you just took it and dreamed on,

>for one day the great awakening would do the magic for you

>and bring everyone together

>… and even if,

>what kind of happening would have to happen

>to answer the above questions?

tell me, anon, what has to happen to bring everyone together? And keep in mind, there are people out there who would never come together!

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84c2eb  No.13025945



This stale copypasta routine is good for 2 things and 2 things only.

Spotting newfags or Anons that just like to argue for the hell of it.

So TY for that.

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7022a0  No.13025946


It was my wife and they swabbed her right before she gave birth. Skipped me for some reason


According to what I watched (that freaked me out) there were patents that said nasal membrane and anal membrane would work best to deliver a vaccine into the body

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cfe386  No.13025947

File: 6b4298ecac43d39⋯.jpg (37.19 KB, 529x844, 529:844, drawcat.jpg)

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c6401c  No.13025948

File: 491f006a934c88e⋯.png (4.46 MB, 6664x4056, 833:507, b14b.png)




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37935d  No.13025949


He's just going back to the spiritual foundation of the Papacy.

This one at least gets credit for lifting up the skirts of the Harlot,

for everyone to see what she's really been up to for centuries.

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3f9349  No.13025950

Google set to finally lift ban on political ads a month and a half after the Capitol riot. But don't cross them — or else.

Facebook doesn't appear ready to budge

Following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, internet behemoth Google decided to ban political advertising in an attempt to prevent unrest in the U.S.

Now, after a month and a half of bans on ads the company decided it didn't like, Google has declared that it will accept political advertising once again on its site starting Wednesday, Fortune reported.

But beware anyone out there who might have a mind to cross Google's intellectual betters and try to place ads that the Alphabet Company's notoriously left-wing leadership might consider what they now call "fake news" or that might cause someone somewhere to question the validity of our elections or American democracy.

The company made it clear that it will not look kindly on any sort of shenanigans.

"Starting on Wednesday, we will be lifting our Sensitive Events policy to again allow advertisers to run political ads," the company told Fortune. "We will continue to rigorously enforce our ad policies, which strictly prohibit demonstrably false information that could significantly undermine trust in elections or the democratic process."

This is the second time since the 2020 election Google has lifted a ban on political advertising. The company first froze such ads right after the election, "saying companies would not be allowed to run messaging that references candidates, the election, or its outcome," according to Fortune.

Google lifted the ban before the Jan. 6 unrest unfolded.

What about Facebook?

About two months before the 2020 election, Facebook announced that it would throttle back political advertising in the week before Election Day and ban any new ads.

The social media giant also put an outright ban on all political advertising after Nov. 3 — except for a brief exception for the Georgia Senate run-off elections in January.

According to Fortune, Facebook appears to have zero interest in restarting political ads.


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ac9f6f  No.13025951


Wheels are in Motion.

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080078  No.13025952

File: 6de172b0d806764⋯.png (182.74 KB, 646x445, 646:445, 0000000000.png)

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8f9854  No.13025953


You lost me at "duly elected", Cedrick.

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bcad6d  No.13025954



There is NO objective truth anymore!

The left can say what they want with impunity and the right get censored.

It’s over bro’s.

We are totally fucking POWERLESS to stop the destruction of America.

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7d0e93  No.13025955

File: 5ebc3a7314c96a4⋯.jpg (89.77 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1498531751065.jpg)

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b673e4  No.13025956


>Q Research General #16590: Couldn't Think Of A Bread Title Edition

It happens Kek,

Maybe you are trying too hard to think? Anon does that often.

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1d3adb  No.13025957

File: b54e5c24ab5a97a⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 504x205, 504:205, AMERICA_ENVY.jpg)

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7022a0  No.13025958


So why are you posting or talking at all?

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3f9349  No.13025959

File: f15b0f16d08c68c⋯.png (91.37 KB, 759x539, 69:49, ClipboardImage.png)

Insanity on Stilts: Iraqi Official Claims ‘Trumpist Sleeper Cells’ Behind Rocket Attack

As insane as it is, this was inevitable: now the left’s fantasy about “terrorist Trump supporters” has gone international. Rockets hit coalition forces near Erbil International Airport in Iraq last Monday, killing a civilian contractor and a member of the U.S. military. The following day, Iraqi Sheikh Mohammad Al-Basry, a former official of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMU), which are primarily Shi’a groups that fought against the Islamic State, appeared on Iraq’s Iraqiya TV to blame “Trumpist sleeper cells” for the attack. No, you are not reading Stephen Green’s Insanity Wrap. This is just a bit of miscellaneous insanity.

The host of the show said to Al-Basry, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI): “Some people say that the rocket attack (on Erbil) was a terrorist act, and a malicious one at that.”

Wait, what? A terrorist act that was also malicious? What does a non-malicious terrorist act look like? I hope that will be a matter for another Iraqiya TV program. In the meantime, the host immediately started into his audition for MSNBC, saying: “The Biden administration has been talking in a calmer and more reasonable fashion with regard to Iran, and wants to resume negotiations with Iran (over the JCPOA). Therefore, it is unreasonable, at this stage that Iran would carry out such an act, the reaction for which could influence Iran’s nuclear program, to say the least.”

Mohammad Al-Basry responded: “Let me tell you my opinion, which could sound a bit exceptional [no kidding], but take it as it is and look it up [where?]. Biden’s rise to power has definitely opened new horizons for negotiations, whether in the Middle East, with China, or with the rest of the world, in order to (counter) decisions taken by Donald Trump. Before Trump left office, he warned and threatened, because he did not want the new administration to succeed.”

So far, neither the host nor Al-Basry said anything that couldn’t form the basis for the next Cuomo Brothers skit. But then Al-Basry added that Trump “has old alliances in the Middle East, and specifically in the Gulf and in Iraq. It is inconceivable that Trump would just leave things as they are and get out. Through these alliances, he established Trumpist sleeper cells that are trying to cause disturbances for the Biden administration and to cause a crisis between Washington and Tehran.”

Trumpist sleeper cells! You can just see them out there with their red MIGA hats, chanting “The election was stolen!” as they set off these rockets.

Despite having a severe case of TDS himself, this was too much even for the interviewer, who replied: “It’s a very strange thing to say that Trump, or Trumpist groups, targeted Erbil.”

To that, Al-Basry pointed out that “in the second day after the Biden administration took office, an explosion happened in Tayaran Square [in Baghdad], followed by [ISIS] attacks in the Diyala and the Salah Al-Din governorates.” Rather than ascribing this to Iran taking advantage of a weak puppet and appeaser in the Oval Office, Al-Basry asked: “Is it difficult for Trump to recruit militias? He had wanted to attack Iran.”


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150b68  No.13025960

Justin too?


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df1368  No.13025962

File: 9884cfdfe518e06⋯.jpeg (180.6 KB, 1800x920, 45:23, q_anon_research.jpeg)


>Spotting newfags or Anons that just like to argue for the hell of it.

Don't forget those that love to say


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37935d  No.13025963


The Mesopotamian version was "Tammuz".

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cfe386  No.13025964


You might be totally fucking POWERLESS.


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5acd57  No.13025965

bidan soon leads a candlelight ceremony to honor 500,000 covid dead

another thousand points of light vampire.

or it it 'dark to light'?

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93205a  No.13025966

File: b3ad87ccf9bdace⋯.png (309.08 KB, 408x363, 136:121, tyb1_removebg_preview.png)


>Couldn't Think Of A Bread Title Edition

I'm so sorry you have the imagination of a pig fart. Still, at least you delivered us some delicious fresh bread.

Have a very rare Pepe, full of delicious, resiny crystals.

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b673e4  No.13025967

File: 0ce7d670631fd45⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 888x499, 888:499, POTUS_Says_Relax.jpg)

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d832f7  No.13025968


"I haven't thought about that question"

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7022a0  No.13025969

Animebaker I know you're here. Don't be rude

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3f9349  No.13025970

File: a56ac4160fb602e⋯.png (170.33 KB, 346x306, 173:153, ClipboardImage.png)

Kyrgyz Ex-Deputy Custom Chief, Matraimov, Back in Jail

A Bishkek court has put Raimbek Matraimov, former deputy head of the Kyrgyzstan’s Customs Service, in pre-trial detention on Saturday, after the State Committee for National Security (GKNB) rearrested him last week.

Matraimov was arrested on Thursday and is being investigated for money laundering, the Committee said in a statement. He was kept in detention for 48 hours, after which the Pervomaisky District Court of Bishkek decided to place the controversial official in pre-trial detention for at least two months, according to OCCRP Kyrgyz partner, Kloop.

Matraimov’s lawyer, Madina Niyazova, said she would appeal the ruling, the news outlet said.

Earlier this month Matraimov pleaded guilty to orchestrating numerous corruption schemes and agreed to testify against his accomplices.

Following his confession, the court only ordered Matraimov to pay a US$3,000 fine, claiming that he had already paid back to the Kyrgyz state some US$24 million which allegedly vanished in the corruption schemes he was linked to.

The court’s decision prompted hundreds to hit the streets of Bishkek and protest the mild ruling, demanding a harsh sentence. Days later the GKNB arrested Matraimov again.

The U.S. Embassy in Bishkek hailed Matraimov’s second arrest “on charges of corruption and money laundering.”

“We are committed to working with Kyrgyz law enforcement to identify and, if proven, return stolen Kyrgyz assets to the Kyrgyz people,” the Embassy tweeted.

Raimbek Matraimov is the subject of several investigations published by OCCRP, RFE/RL, Kloop and Bellingcat through the course of several months. The investigations uncovered how he used his political connections to help funnel an estimated $700 million out of Kyrgyzstan to a dozen countries across the world.


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c24c34  No.13025971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Cardinal Burke: Forces of the 'Great Reset' have used COVID to advance 'evil agenda'"

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bcad6d  No.13025972

File: df8dc07aaf654dd⋯.jpeg (159.23 KB, 972x798, 162:133, 924E0186_D400_4C05_B3F7_2….jpeg)

I hope “mr pig” realizes he is getting fucking FILTERED the *second* I see one of his half-assed memes. I actually look forward to it, too. Like, oh, there’s mr pig, let me filter his fucking ass so fast it’ll make his head spin.

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81fb02  No.13025973

File: f011aebfa550464⋯.png (3.87 KB, 1200x1400, 6:7, extremelylowqualitybait.png)

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35cb57  No.13025974

Still no date for Biden’s State of the Union address?

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e13fa0  No.13025975

File: e42bb66755cef50⋯.jpeg (51.95 KB, 346x346, 1:1, FBD3B2A1_0B1A_421E_86E8_7….jpeg)

Mandala/Mandela effect

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df64da  No.13025976


Merrick Garland has gone 'FULL BIDEN'…Never go FULL BIDEN.

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bcad6d  No.13025977


Oh, my bad.

What “power” do you have to stop the left?

IN WHAT WAY can you do a FUCKING THING about it??

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bcad6d  No.13025978


Fuck you.

I’m just telling you the way it is.

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e604be  No.13025979




Using Brave Browser. Why is the Tripcode not "flashing" or scrolling colors as it has done in the past? Calling BS on this being Notable, or even a valid drop. As well,

- Scrapers are not picking it up and

- none of the Board Mirrors are reflecting it.

Two reasons to discount this as a real Drop.

Prove me wrong.

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1d3adb  No.13025980

File: c423050aa4e72e9⋯.jpg (93.14 KB, 472x530, 236:265, TISSUE_SHILL.jpg)

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3f9349  No.13025981

File: 8acc95bdeaa4988⋯.png (355.01 KB, 593x339, 593:339, ClipboardImage.png)

‘I Have Information for Them, Yes” – Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen Says He Has Dirt on Trump to Give Cy Vance that Incriminates Donald Trump and His Family

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen joined Dan Abrams on Sirius FM on Monday following the Supreme Court decision to allow far-left New York City District Attorney Cy Vance to gain copies of President Trump’s tax returns.

Vance has wanted to get his hands on Trump’s returns for years now so that he can manufacture criminal charges against the former president. Today was good news for Vance and the New York anti-Trumpers.

During their conversation, Cohen said he has information for Vance that will be helpful in charging Donald Trump with crimes. Cohen also said members of Trump’s family will also be prosecuted.

It is truly amazing that this guy was once Donald Trump’s trusted attorney.

DAN ABRAMS, HOST: Do you have documents in your possession that are useful to the Manhattan D.A. and the investigation?

MICHAEL COHEN: I have information for them, yes, in my possession that they seek, and I will provide to them.

ABRAMS: Information or documents?

COHEN: Both.

ABRAMS: You have documents – because documents are the key to these kinds of cases – I don’t need to tell you this. You know this, that documents are the critical point in cases when you’re talking about bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud, anything like that. I know you don’t have his tax returns, but you have other documents that you think are going to be very useful to the D.A.?

COHEN: I have documents that they believe will be useful to their campaign, to their investigation.

ABRAMS: It seems pretty clear to you then that he’s going to get charged with a crime?

COHEN: Yes. It appears to me to be certain.

ABRAMS: And with multiple crimes or a specific crime, but meaning beyond just the Stormy Daniels payoff?

COHEN: Yeah. That’s just one out of 12, and again, their investigation is not isolated to just Donald Trump. It also deals with other members of the family, as well as the Trump organization and individuals at the Trump organization as well.


rerun time

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ce8bc4  No.13025982

File: 4e022c4f7f6fd5a⋯.png (149.56 KB, 509x298, 509:298, marsearthinterraction.png)


…True. Many names for the same thing. Anon is always getting these myths all mixed up (realizing it's the same story told from countless perspectives).

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46c3a0  No.13025983

File: ffb43f0282bd948⋯.jpg (166.92 KB, 1436x1061, 1436:1061, ffb43f0282bd948c04cebd0759….jpg)

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5a0dcf  No.13025984

File: 5fd790dd6ad4068⋯.png (599.03 KB, 768x520, 96:65, bakers3.png)


if you have a collection of Q team post images, you can find it there?


I disagree.

The workings of Law; the "minority" would have to accept

If their leaders are arrested as they should be, there would be not problem

If the Media Control was taken back from crooks, to fairness doctrine, or whatever, Free Speech, then there would be no problem

HOWEVER, if was forseen that the level of corruption is so deep the only solution is a military one; military tribunals

You think the minority will accept that over a legal argument and display that they were caught cheating

Most of them know that they cheated.

>>13025246 pb

To Black Americans in my city. It doesn't matter the excuses or what the context is; All they need if for a white American to say that and they go ballistic

Many black Americans are already talking amongst themselves and their friends about this. Including history on Kamala Harris


Thanks Baker, It's a lot of work. Don't know how you all do it.

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b673e4  No.13025985

File: e8e3182bcf089e5⋯.gif (826.67 KB, 400x218, 200:109, mib1.gif)


THIS IS (You)r "DAILY BREAD"!~ All ["Your"] Fake News and People Are Belong to Us.

Highlights for 2.22.2021 Anons/Bakers Provide Input Within ~ "Q Research Kitchen Meta": >>11728868

New Bakers Go Here... ( >>11728868, >>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker ~ For 1st Timers, ~ >>11728868, >>12774404 Apprentice Baker ("Baker Handbook Flash Version" + "For Apprentice Bakers"

Notable Mentions- Hot Topics - Provide Input Anons\Bakers... >>11728868

Will Return

Previously Collected Notables As of 2.22.2021~ A "Global Review" Of Daily Events. ~ "Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"

> (So HARD! {KEK!})

Monday 2.22.2021

>>13023313 #16586, >>13024071 #16587, >>13025855 #16589

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13021214 #16583, >>13021778 #16584, >>13022545 #16585

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 2.22.2021

Sunday 2.21.2021

>>13019437 #16581, >>13020239 #16582

>>13018725 #16580\1, >>13018727 #16580\2,

>>13017206 #16578, >>13017919 #16579\2, >>13017918 #16579\1

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13016393 #16577

>>13013883 #16574, >>13014762 #16575, >>13015345 #16576

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 2.21.2021

Saturday 2.20.2021

>>13012707 #16572, >>13013168 #16573,

>>13009819 #16569, >>13010835 #16570, >>13012150 #16571

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13009057 #16568

>>13007172 #16565, >>13007346 #16566, >>13011952 #16567

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 2.20.2021

Friday 2.19.2021

>>13006012 #16564

>>13005809 #16561, >>13005684 #16562, >>13005441 #16563,

>>13001453 #16558, >>13002133 #16559, >>13004592 #16560

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13001390 #16555, >>12998465 #16556, >>13000603 #16557

>>12996940 #16552, >>12995786 #16553, >>12996613 #16554

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 2.19.2021

Thursday 2.18.2021

>>12988960 #16550, >>12994244 #16551

>>12987266 #16547, >>12987806 #16548, >>12988809 #16549

>>12983919 #16544, >>12984772 #16545, >>12986268 #16546

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12980107 #16541, >>12980910 #16542, >>12981659 #16543

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 2.18.2021

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306cef  No.13025986


Torn down long ago.

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b673e4  No.13025987

File: 1bdac3a1a7b032c⋯.gif (38.45 KB, 124x150, 62:75, 1bdac3a1a7b032c16e36f499e5….gif)

Wednesday 2.17.2021

>>12977990 #16539, >>12978837 #16540

>>12975551 #16536, >>12976388 #16537, >>12977074 #16538

>>12971298 #16533, >>12974411 #16534, >>12974479 #16535

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12953803 #16531, >>12964832 #16532

>>12952568 #16529, >>12953425 #16530, >>12953425 #16530

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 2.17.2021

Tuesday 2.16.2021

>>12951028 #16527, >>12951731 #16528

>>12949421 #16525, >>12950240 #16526b, >>12950238 #16526a

>>12946914 #16522, >>12947348 #16523, >>12949638 #16524

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12945930 #16521,

>>12943289 #16518, >>12943372 #16519, >>12944662 #16520

>>12943287 #16515, >>12943438 #16516, >>12943229 #16517

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 2.16.2021

Monday 2.15.2021

>>12937962 #16512, >>12938789 #16513, >>12939530 #16514

>>12934667 #16509, >>12935789 #16510, >>12936569 #16511

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12933090 #16507, >>12933895 #16508,

>>12934506 #16504, >>12934049 #16505, >>12932425 #16506

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 2.15.2021

Sunday 2.14.2021

>>12929103 #16502, >>12929901 #16503

>>12926809 #16499, >>12927602 #16500, >>12928363 #16501

>>12924519 #16496, >>12925260 #16497, >>12926013 #16498

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12922007 #15493, >>12922862 #16494, >>12924342 #16495

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 2.14.2021

Saturday 2.13.2021

>>12920463 #16491, >>12921229 #16492,

>>12918180 #16488, >>12918897 #16489, >>12919719 #16490

>>12915891 #16485, >>12916660 #16486, >>12917702 #16487

>>12913530 #16482, >>12914306 #16483, >>12915120 #16484

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12911979 #16480, >>12913082 #16481

>>12909453 #16477, >>12911418 #16478, >>12911422 #16479

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 2.13.2021

Friday 2.12.2021

>>12907088 #16474, >>12907914 #16475, >>12908669 #16476

>>12904740 #16471, >>12905510 #16472, >>12906286 #16473

>>12902370 #16468, >>12903166 #16469, >>12903967 #16470

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12901600 #16467

>>12900879 #16464, >>12900564 #16465, >>12900732 #16466

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 2.12.2021

All Your Base are Belong To Us.



>Godspeed 07™

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bdd18e  No.13025988


You may be powerless, Faggot. But I am not.

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5a0dcf  No.13025989


first two were pb

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665de9  No.13025990

File: c2498844eeb216e⋯.png (369.13 KB, 683x402, 683:402, ClipboardImage.png)



let these faggots subvert night shift when nothing is happening. thank you bigly anons. you are why i bake.

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c2c4c5  No.13025991

File: b4aaef8aae12846⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1108x739, 1108:739, sun.png)


>bidan soon leads a candlelight ceremony to honor 500,000 covid dead

Has to happen in daylight or it didn't happen.

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ac9f6f  No.13025992

File: 9deff17a989f0a6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1055x658, 1055:658, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't forget me.

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7022a0  No.13025993

File: 7480c1d0a2a7a02⋯.gif (534.96 KB, 500x305, 100:61, 48b66b2357d17acbe1b9860ad7….gif)



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5a0dcf  No.13025994


Well that's untrue.

One could argue all truth is subjective and still know that there is truth?

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f64f14  No.13025995


White supremacy constitutes a “trans-national” threat, the UN secretary general has warned.

Antonio Guterres also said racist groups had exploited the coronavirus pandemic to boost their support.

The danger was growing by the day, he told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday.

He said: “White supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are more than domestic terror threats. They are becoming a transnational threat.

“Today, these extremist movements represent the number one internal security threat in several countries.

“Far too often, these hate groups are cheered on by people in positions of responsibility in ways that were considered unimaginable not long ago.

“We need global coordinated action to defeat this grave and growing danger.”

Mr Guterres’ comments appeared to be a jab at Donald Trump, who encouraged his supporters on the far-right on a number of occasions such as when he told the Proud Boys group to “stand back and stand by” during a presidential election debate.

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000000  No.13025996


Not as much of a problem on tor. Just sayin…

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d832f7  No.13025997

File: 5f4431e66ecbcf3⋯.png (1.17 KB, 65x18, 65:18, ClipboardImage.png)



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000000  No.13025998


>All Your Base are Belong To Us.

In minecraft

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63b3a4  No.13025999

File: c7f7fbc4242383a⋯.jpg (128.19 KB, 1971x474, 657:158, Q_anon_drops.JPG)


>Using Brave Browser. Why is the Tripcode not "flashing" or scrolling colors as it has done in the past?

Can confirm it's flashing.

>QAnon doesn't approve of Hate Speech.

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b90b89  No.13026000

File: 9e7fbabea6b6cad⋯.png (10.88 KB, 255x225, 17:15, f558efe21fc32ed1ee0caa8a42….png)



Previously collected notables of #16583 is a short notables list.

Please change the link to the full notables list

>>13021214 #16583

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e7e7be  No.13026001

File: d6414792d38d307⋯.gif (169.53 KB, 846x445, 846:445, Gcunts.gif)

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c1df25  No.13026002

File: b9860414e244713⋯.png (83.97 KB, 899x768, 899:768, find_us.png)

File: 5bbe75b9774ba13⋯.png (104.65 KB, 790x238, 395:119, where_is_the_money_going.png)

File: c9b3bada64f1c0a⋯.png (655.29 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, items_included_in_covid_pa….png)

File: 907b68cb3cc4d1a⋯.jpg (212.12 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, swalwell_fang_recall.jpg)

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95728f  No.13026003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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080078  No.13026004

File: ff2a12029a005eb⋯.png (119.88 KB, 668x574, 334:287, 000000000000.png)

File: 586fda49d5a46b3⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 680x545, 136:109, 0000000000000.jpg)


>Covid Deaths Have Risen 25% Since Biden Took Office

If anyone in the Whitehouse was actually literate in science, they would know thatcases have been plummeting in most states for the past three months, and that the virus is rapidly disappearing.


See trends in confirmed cases for all 50 states


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306cef  No.13026005


The trumps will be taken out. They’re not clean they just don’t get a pass like hilldawg does.

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000000  No.13026006


> you are why i bake.

You are what I hate

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5a0dcf  No.13026007





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e7e7be  No.13026008

File: ffb68a14c9247e2⋯.gif (230.47 KB, 924x780, 77:65, copg.gif)

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6d8168  No.13026009




Pontifex Max. to lead ritual at Uruk of the Walls Big demonic turnout expected

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d832f7  No.13026010

.223 Remington


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36257d  No.13026011

Day after QAnon 60 minutes, they’re covering attacks on DOJ judges and lawyers?

‘New legislation taken up by the senate seeking $250m for DHS and 1,000 more deputy marshals’

Didn’t we just deputize another couple thousand?

Read between the lines Frens…

why would lawyers and judges (over 300 DJT appointed)?


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6f00a1  No.13026012


>night shift when nothing is happening

Thanks for the slap in the face baker.

-night shift

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725621  No.13026013

File: 345662a601d4650⋯.webm (5.02 MB, 720x480, 3:2, 1613860249874.webm)

The thing is, we are divided by nature.

Good vs. Evil.

Dark vs. Light.

Left vs. Right.

this thing vs. that thing.

Different opinions vs. different opinions.

Life vs. death.

…a concept by nature.

We look behind the question, for a moment, and try to find out why Q would lay out such path!

The question would be, why would Q bring up such thing and why are we not able to think about this.

Even right now, non of you anons are able to come up with a clear enough mind to form some context around it.

As if you knew, as you would do it, your safe space of Q-ism would crack wide open.

You know, this has to happen.

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e280e8  No.13026014

File: 01d54fca415d30f⋯.png (147.6 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, for Starters:

Biden must resign and confess to stealing the election.

Trump must be re-instated as the 19th president

under the original Constitution for the United States

Deep State operators must surrender to constitutional

authorities, confess to their crimes, and willingly

submit to the full extent of the law, as determined

by military tribunal.

All participants in the Satanic ritual abuse of children

must be herded into a kill-box and dealt with.

There's just no fixing them.

How's that for a starting list> You ready to surrender?

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e7e7be  No.13026015

File: 66c1ea9d523051a⋯.jpg (141.12 KB, 670x811, 670:811, HARRISNH.jpg)

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000000  No.13026016

Sorry anons… this one → >>13025927 was LB!

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f64f14  No.13026017


The message from the government, the media, and these ultra-government groups like the UN is that this “white supremacy” thing goes beyond FBI-run paramilitary groups, and permeates every aspect of society. It is somehow linked to “systemic racism.”

It is something akin to the schizophrenic notion of “shadow people.”

The Secretary went on to explain that the threat of “white supremacy” permeates all of Western society.

The refusal to define “white supremacy,” while also labeling it a major threat, can only mean that they want to use this term to mean whatever they want it to mean at any time. Basically, anything that white people do can now be defined as “white supremacy,” and thus be a threat.

This creates a society of paranoia, on both sides:

White people are constantly on edge, wondering if anything they do can be construed as “white supremacy”

Nonwhites are in a constant state of fear of “white supremacy” being out to get them, without understanding what specifically it is (blacks in particular will simply suppose it is anything that white people do that they don’t like, which is many, many things)

It is so transparently designed to cause endemic social decay that the only way they are managing not to be called out for it is that they control absolutely every institution of power. If they didn’t have that power, then people would be like “why are you trying to destroy society by polluting it with paranoid fantasies?”

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d4c625  No.13026018

File: 2bbee3589aca2ba⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, Drake_22022021171857.jpg)

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35cb57  No.13026019

Joe Biden continues to be the invisible president, what a fucking joke

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d832f7  No.13026020


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109430  No.13026021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Can you teach me how to move it?

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e7e7be  No.13026022

File: 5f1fd9daf574164⋯.gif (164.15 KB, 846x445, 846:445, agcunts.gif)

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8b7a5e  No.13026023

File: 363e2a1795f5bd9⋯.jpg (129.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rudy1.jpg)



>QAnon doesn't approve of Hate Speech


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665de9  No.13026024

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, Trump_Thumbs_Up.gif)


i love you.

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b673e4  No.13026025

File: 147cbca125f157a⋯.jpg (220.28 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 147cbca125f157a0c96d0823df….jpg)

File: 9003e6feb463b3d⋯.jpg (797.2 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 9003e6feb463b3d99257b68edb….jpg)

File: 252231a890782d9⋯.jpeg (480.77 KB, 640x1055, 128:211, 252231a890782d9808ab06ca4….jpeg)

File: 3c4b805b66eb58f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 834x874, 417:437, 3c4b805b66eb58f6b59ff76737….png)

File: a617d9fb93822be⋯.jpg (15.93 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ZWCaptain.jpg)




Thank You TOR User.

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5a0dcf  No.13026026

File: f5018c6d693e174⋯.jpg (116.75 KB, 703x774, 703:774, Biden_MichelleObamasDick.jpg)



Biden is finished.

will be unable to keep up the charade much longer without everybody opting out and "getting it"


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000000  No.13026027


They don't like being told their lil riddle spewing bitches set them up for failure via pacification and distraction. They'll tell you to "kys", call you a "shill", and then keep making up words combined with "fag". What else would you expect from such intellectuals and detectives blindly trusting the "plan"?

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8f9854  No.13026028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Video About "Q" That "60 Minutes" Doesn't Want You To Watch

"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED"

…."The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time.

You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion when seeing events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q to understand the real story. These are people I trust to bring you the right information."

Anon's Note: A glaring proof that those who have built the new Iron Curtain of Censorship on social media DON'T want you to know the truth about "Q" is the fact that this insightful and inspiring Video, courtesy of Joe M., has been systematically and routinely purged from the internet since its creation. Anons here have watched in amazement as "TPTSTW" went viral Worldwide and translated from English to French, German, Spanish, and other major languages. The reader will also see above that international offshoots of this Board have grown to 19.

''We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

- "Welcome to Q Research Board" (See above)


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e280e8  No.13026029


Come at me with an anal swab, and your head

better be made of steel, or you get it back in a

bloody box.

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c2c4c5  No.13026030

File: cbcc3ab76cde99a⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2730x2048, 1365:1024, nightsQ.jpg)


>Thanks for the slap in the face baker.

No shit. Day Shift Baker, whatdoya expect? kek

Night shift: The CREW that talks to Q


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e7e7be  No.13026031

File: 7b11e88d47fa072⋯.jpg (114.94 KB, 474x578, 237:289, silverrichie.jpg)

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aea6cc  No.13026032





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af6894  No.13026033

File: 8eae92810f2a250⋯.jpeg (44.73 KB, 820x524, 205:131, BLINDJUSTICE.jpeg)



Anon, try to view this as a question AGAINST those who planned the Capitol Hill Riots.

Regarding .assaults on Federal Property,Court houses or other Federal Property as domestic terrorism:

"An attack on a court house while in operation…"

" Trying to prevent judges from actually deciding cases…"

They've waited a LONG time to get MG in.I believe MG will get approved, and this very question will come back to haunt him.

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ce8bc4  No.13026034


…Ever bother to think that some anons have gone beyond the figurehead and embraced the idea? The research continues, faggot!

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b673e4  No.13026035

File: 514e2f0888ae01e⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 514e2f0888ae01e7f15b4dfe58….png)


They dont understand they gave it all to us when they did what they did.

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10b573  No.13026036

File: 5104bbcb48886bd⋯.png (780.16 KB, 875x656, 875:656, Antifa_DNC_commies.png)

File: 955525fada95ed8⋯.png (537.48 KB, 750x740, 75:74, Antifa_first_amend.png)


>NEW - Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says:

uhm, uhm, uhm domestic extremism

uhm, uhm, uhm domestic terrorism

both are at the core of our democratic institutions? You mean to the REPUBLIC for which it stands?

Antifa/pantifa shills are triggered…

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d832f7  No.13026037


is the prostate check included?

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d9bfb9  No.13026038


Will the COVID "Vaccine" help COVID 19 evolve into something far more dangerous?

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e7e7be  No.13026039

File: 48de0c19529520f⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 540x281, 540:281, silverbutt.jpg)

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9841ee  No.13026040


Part of their plan for a race war. Maybe see how many of the little people kill each other like they did with crack. Still part of the 16 year plan.

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6215d4  No.13026041

>>13025770 ((LB))

potential anon was angry and I pointed them in the right direction….nothing wrong with that at all especially when eternity could be at stake.

[Pro 29:25 KJV] 25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

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7022a0  No.13026042


I don't want to go near your ass at all. I just want to know if my wife got dosed with the fucking vaccine. Because not only do I want to have another kid, I want her to fucking live too!

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b673e4  No.13026043


Well Done!@

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000000  No.13026044


>Come at me with an anal swab, and your head

>better be made of steel, or you get it back in a

>bloody box.

Just do as the good doctor tells you to do, like you do for the baker

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81fb02  No.13026045


Operators have been given their chance to make a deal. Anyone left will be hunted down like a post ww2 nazi, even the ones in underground bunkers and tunnels.


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e7e7be  No.13026046

File: e63b3e0de6c27c0⋯.gif (165.36 KB, 846x445, 846:445, badcunts.gif)

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f62040  No.13026047

WOW!!! they are really milking this COVID-19 DEATHS…500,000…but on the back page…NO ONE DIED BY GUNSHOTS, CAR ACCIDENTS, PNEUMONIA, DIABETES, or JUST OLD AGE!!!…un-be-fucking-believable!!!

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306cef  No.13026048

Biden will have a major medical event during SOTU.

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6802dc  No.13026049

File: b5c7ee02e92e526⋯.png (144.55 KB, 429x285, 143:95, Screenshot_2021_02_22_ur_t….png)

File: 2083f0cd8829d32⋯.png (217.13 KB, 438x285, 146:95, Screenshot_2021_02_22_ur_t….png)

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c1df25  No.13026050

File: c0ecf4ee015066d⋯.png (300.84 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Truth_sets_Free.png)

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e7e7be  No.13026051

File: 973a491bc70f54d⋯.png (775.46 KB, 864x435, 288:145, amazon.png)

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725621  No.13026052

File: 097f0650690cfdc⋯.webm (3.75 MB, 712x400, 89:50, 1614006310398.webm)


>Biden must resign and confess to stealing the election.

>Trump must be re-instated as the 19th president

>under the original Constitution for the United States

>Deep State operators must surrender to constitutional

>authorities, confess to their crimes, and willingly

>submit to the full extent of the law, as determined

>by military tribunal.

>All participants in the Satanic ritual abuse of children

>must be herded into a kill-box and dealt with.

>There's just no fixing them.

This is just a list of claims that must stand the burden of proof.

Don't get me wrong, i am just one crazy mind questioning too much and looking behind all of it too often.

Of course, we all agree that this is true, and this is the actual problem,

here we agree but outside of this safe space not everyone agrees

so this shit has to be waterproofed.

If you are able to bring up a smoking gun for each claim …. but we both know you can't.

Otherwise shit had already hit the fan.

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e5f3ca  No.13026053

File: 9c943fbb297847e⋯.jpeg (173.49 KB, 827x1025, 827:1025, d6ea6eda4d551532.jpeg)

File: 90e49133bb12b56⋯.png (689.15 KB, 826x1024, 413:512, 4c6498bf4112c5fe.png)

File: a4357a33e519b1c⋯.png (412.71 KB, 701x561, 701:561, Screenshot_2021_02_21_1746….png)

File: da24ccaefb8ec60⋯.jpeg (204.47 KB, 1200x1098, 200:183, b54d44d00d2829b7.jpeg)

It's all been a scam, run by the powerful hate-cult establishment on the (recovering) brain-washed citizen-slaves. Every day more of us are waking up to the truth, and no matter how hard (they) cheat and lie, nothing can stop many more of us from starting this process of recovery and healing from their crimes against us. We will continue to resist, and continue to treat one another with love & respect. We will continue to help guide those lost and confused back to their "common" senses, back to some simple truths. We will continue to reject all of the hate-cults division tactics, and understand that we are all God's children, and that we are all truly all in this together.

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ff0595  No.13026054

File: 9ce5f29bbc20da6⋯.jpg (10.16 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpg)

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f62040  No.13026055

What if I told you that if you just had the "common cold" you will test "POSITIVE" for COVID-19!!!

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797339  No.13026056


The only thing funnier than the standing joke the original Pig crew made of their brand, is watching sycophants try to resurrect it.

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1ad7f8  No.13026057

Your imagination truly creates reality.

Imagine a beautiful earth with no suffering, no EVIL, no FEAR.

Imagine everyone loving one another.

Keep focusing on that day after day and it will happen, I guarantee it.

If you are sick, imagine being heathy, imagine laughing, loving, healed. Keep doing it day after day and it will happen.

If you are homeless, in poverty. Imagine having a home, pick the type of home that would make you happy, focus on that home day after day.

Are you underpaid, while relaxing imagine getting a promotion, imagine getting a better job.

If you are addicted to drugs / alcohol night after night imagine being happy and drug free and how happy that would make your family and friends.

Your imagination is real, you are a creator like your father God (you were truly made in his image) it just takes longer here on earth to create it.

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aea6cc  No.13026058





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3ec9e0  No.13026059

File: 7fe433834d65f0e⋯.png (3.89 MB, 2048x1026, 1024:513, A42EBB82_2480_4AAF_89F0_2E….png)

Just another day of missed opportunity

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b90b89  No.13026060

File: 88162693ce567d4⋯.png (447.94 KB, 684x915, 228:305, ClipboardImage.png)

Merrick Garland: Portland Riots May Not Be ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Because Courthouse Was Closed

Judge Merrick Garland told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday that Antifa’s attacks on the U.S. courthouse in Portland last year may not have been “domestic terrorism,” because unlike the Capitol riot, they took place at night when the court was not “in operation.”

Garland, who is President Joe Biden’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General, was questioned at his confirmation hearing by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO):

Sen. Hawley: Let me ask you about assaults on federal property in places other than Washington, DC — Portland, for instance, Seattle. Do you regard assaults on federal courthouses or other federal property as acts of domestic extremism, domestic terrorism?

Judge Garland: Well, Senator, my own definition, which is about the same as the statutory definition, is the use of violence or threats of violence in attempt to disrupt the democratic processes. So an attack on a courthouse, while in operation, trying to prevent judges from actually deciding cases, that plainly is domestic extremism, domestic terrorism. An attack simply on a government property at night, or any other kind of circumstances, is a clear crime and a serious one, and should be punished. I don’t know enough about the facts of the example you’re talking about. But that’s where I draw the line. One is — both are criminal, but one is a core attack on our democratic institutions.

Last August, then-Attorney General William Barr described the attacks on the courthouse:

Behind the veil of “protests,” highly organized violent operators have carried out direct attacks on federal personnel and property, particularly the federal courthouse in Portland. Shielded by the crowds, which make it difficult for law enforcement to detect or reach them, violent opportunists in Portland have attacked the courthouse and federal officers with explosives, lasers, projectiles, and other dangerous devices. In some cases, purported “journalists” or “legal observers” have provided cover for the violent offenders; in others, individuals wearing supposed press badges have themselves attacked law enforcement or trespassed on federal property. More than 200 federal officers have been injured in Portland alone.

The riots resulted in the front of the courthouse being boarded up; the destruction of security equipment protecting the courthouse; and the breaking of windows in the offices of federal prosecutors.

Garland cited the domestic terrorism statute, which defines “domestic terrorism” as follows (18 USC § 2331):

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States

Notably, the statute does not confine acts of domestic terrorism to working hours.


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7022a0  No.13026061


Sumeria is the key to all this

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2c426a  No.13026062


Got that right. They are right on track with their 16 year plan to turn the US into a 3rd world country.

The only thing that can save us from that is God.

So start praying!

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071053  No.13026063

File: a86de7d103deee3⋯.jpg (4.94 KB, 168x299, 168:299, images_jpeg_5.jpg)

God bless every anon.

May all anons be uplifted.


nothing can stop us.

The Lord Jesus hear our every prayer

(Pic related comfy)

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c1df25  No.13026064

File: 72ceeaf86504927⋯.png (650.07 KB, 720x960, 3:4, soros_son.png)

File: f4a7f7123c70384⋯.jpg (230.16 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, soros_map.jpg)

File: c9769acad665513⋯.png (338.54 KB, 869x505, 869:505, fake_blm_soros_companies_b….png)

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46c3a0  No.13026065

File: 2ea864ac83c139e⋯.jpg (112.25 KB, 810x489, 270:163, 2ea864ac83c139e5acc2d7aaad….jpg)

File: 68761b52b78ec3f⋯.jpg (234.97 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 68761b52b78ec3f3454285af00….jpg)

File: f485754482e84e5⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1592x1050, 796:525, f485754482e84e5b6060744087….png)

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e7e7be  No.13026066

File: 81fe756256ff3f8⋯.jpg (119.09 KB, 600x377, 600:377, simppotus.jpg)

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8f9854  No.13026067

File: 2500401699bd4c1⋯.png (225.58 KB, 334x271, 334:271, ClipboardImage.png)

"Isn't my hair just so convincing?

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f64f14  No.13026068


The war is already being waged. Its just one side that is waging it while the other side keeps trying to convince liberals they are not racist.

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c2c4c5  No.13026069

File: 5a50f7c23622915⋯.png (615.79 KB, 747x420, 249:140, af1jb.png)


>Joe Biden continues to be the invisible president

Nuh uh. Watched him trip twice going up the stairs to NOT AF1.

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e7e7be  No.13026070

File: 711cd7e74f07c65⋯.gif (166.84 KB, 846x445, 846:445, ncunts.gif)

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84c2eb  No.13026071


A couple of times yesterday the .js would not engage so yes.

But, not so far today tho.

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e604be  No.13026072

File: c29a271542cfe87⋯.png (492.23 KB, 2544x671, 2544:671, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>13025979 (You)

>>Using Brave Browser. Why is the Tripcode not "flashing" or scrolling colors as it has done in the past?

>Can confirm it's flashing.

Different Browser. NO flashing.

Fake and Gay! NOT Q Team!

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6d8168  No.13026073

File: 1300db734967cdf⋯.png (431.45 KB, 618x408, 103:68, 1300db734967cdf7b071c80a8e….png)


Thanks and blessings baker.

rarely see such fine work.

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65cfcf  No.13026074


White supremacy getting pushed very hard all over.

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3cf046  No.13026075

File: dc9e231705b7117⋯.png (355.75 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Friendly.png)

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43a46e  No.13026076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e280e8  No.13026077

File: 9c5e84cd8249784⋯.png (68.66 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


Excellent material, friend.

Unfortunately, all it proves is that it is not,

nor has it ever been, about the virus.

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85a527  No.13026078


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1d3adb  No.13026079

File: 55e33b1d4969781⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 364x363, 364:363, TEAM_PIG_No_4.jpg)

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286590  No.13026080



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ce8bc4  No.13026081

File: 1b7f203943e0f9d⋯.png (536.43 KB, 665x373, 665:373, hesright_.png)

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aea6cc  No.13026082



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080078  No.13026083

File: 81897b949acd82b⋯.png (199.52 KB, 611x457, 611:457, 00000000000000.png)

File: 6563998f16df031⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 000000000000000.jpg)

File: 16c14c65da154a1⋯.jpg (85.17 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 0000000000000000.jpg)

Elon Musk Changed Twitter To Fork


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a92667  No.13026084

File: 2182ac20c610e58⋯.jpeg (75.47 KB, 1062x705, 354:235, 1553651728.jpeg)

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8f9854  No.13026085

File: a58339d4b0dbbd1⋯.png (53.12 KB, 323x213, 323:213, ClipboardImage.png)

"Ignore my neck scrotum"

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0dba59  No.13026086



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e7e7be  No.13026087

File: 6de675b33261d07⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1250x1668, 625:834, gates3.png)

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89f003  No.13026088

Trump had his chance. He can go fuck himself now.

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7ae768  No.13026089

File: 4cf41f284bf59bc⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 804x140, 201:35, impacts.JPG)


CBS Regrets ‘Big Time’ Cancel Culture… When It Impacts Democrats

Scott Whitlock

February 22nd, 2021 2:48 PM

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a85b3e  No.13026090


>>13023844 Bill Gates' daughter Jennifer, 23, gets engaged to her Egyptian showjumper boyfriend Nayel Nassar, 28

Literally whoreshipping the egyptian obelisk?

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5dbdaa  No.13026091

File: 6d1047d4ca2153c⋯.png (931.58 KB, 874x894, 437:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f4707d72c5d834⋯.png (1000.04 KB, 888x920, 111:115, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cebc7ca05b620c⋯.png (864.69 KB, 870x895, 174:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4974e71f37a19f5⋯.png (888.6 KB, 879x897, 293:299, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13025909 [pb]

>Who has pictures of the wrist watches ?? I don't think they are dates, I think they are a count down to d day.

Personally, I would avoid any countdowns/date fagging - tbh same goes for most predictions/theories - best (worst) case, you are right but don't know what it is you have. To what end does it help? To show you can/did get something right. You may be helping the wrong side.

But, here are the watches.

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3ec9e0  No.13026092

File: 468c9d45c1848f2⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1138x1080, 569:540, 94F90C30_C962_4A77_AB9A_5B….png)

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8b7a5e  No.13026093

File: 5950cf8792c6eb6⋯.png (193.13 KB, 485x261, 485:261, Q_anon_believe.png)


>Different Browser. NO flashing.

>Fake and Gay! NOT Q Team!

When QAnon said disinformation was necessary he didn't mean YOU have to spread it. Geez buddy, put the internet away shill.

It's flashing for everybody else. Confirmed QAnon!

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c1df25  No.13026094

File: 7c7e50063e8b80e⋯.png (311.46 KB, 800x450, 16:9, hunter_biden_conversation_….png)

File: 66eb1059bb5a822⋯.png (301.04 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Steve_Timeline_nice.png)

File: 76bb44a7b9d8a56⋯.png (857.23 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, aaron_mostoksky_kings_coun….png)

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2c426a  No.13026095

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b90b89  No.13026096


when stuck, I choose something big from the notables, that stands out and is gaining traction…spin it with something true and raw.. something that people are buzzing on at the time

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d832f7  No.13026097


another 23

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10b573  No.13026098

File: 149096a198579d5⋯.jpg (137.12 KB, 650x944, 325:472, WIN_20151225_08_53_25_.jpg)


>"Isn't my hair just so convincing?

Yes Kevin thanQ

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aea6cc  No.13026099


Penniless Politicians Procured Pervasivly Producing Positive Practicallies

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797339  No.13026100



My work, for the day, is done! Fuck, you're easy…

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000000  No.13026101


>Thanks and blessings baker.

>rarely see such fine work.

at least since the 63 chrysler

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9b90b6  No.13026102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Order of Man


David Goggins on Racism


a must watch/listen

Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds with David Goggins


The World is Starving for Men


Order of Man

We live in a world where being a man is no longer a requirement for a male. It’s optional. You have to choose to be a man. You have to choose to exhibit strength. Choose to make yourself capable of protecting yourself and others. Choose to develop the skills to more adequately provide for yourself and your loved ones. Choose to lead virtuously with strength and courage.

And that was what the inaugural Maine Event was all about - finding and harnessing the raw masculine energy that for so many reasons has been silenced for way too long. It was about gaining the clarity you need to drive on in the face of the challenges that so many of us will deal with. It was about creating a vision for your future and working backwards into the tactics you will employ to accomplish more than you have in your entire life.

The world needs leaders. The world needs engaged fathers in the home, powerful entrepreneurs in the business community, and intelligent and effective leaders at the city, state, and national levels. The world needs men.

Lastly, if you're looking for maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life be sure to sign up for our free course "30 Days to Battle Ready." https://www.orderofman.com/battleready/

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57e31e  No.13026103


It's a literal "Fork in the road"

"A fork in the road is a metaphor, based on a literal expression, for a deciding moment in life or history when choice of presented options is required and once chosen the choice cannot be reversed."

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147636  No.13026104


Fork in the middle of the road. Choose wisely?

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e604be  No.13026105


>When QAnon said disinformation was necessary he didn't mean YOU have to spread it. Geez buddy, put the internet away shill.

>It's flashing for everybody else. Confirmed QAnon!

Then Post Screen Caps.

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43a46e  No.13026106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0c08c  No.13026107


anon's a redtextfag but anon's right.

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e280e8  No.13026108

File: a1a3563924125b3⋯.png (400.63 KB, 500x749, 500:749, ClipboardImage.png)


In any case, I'm prepared to take what comes.

My soul is secure in Jesus Christ, and my life

is my own to decide upon.

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fd137f  No.13026109


My thoughts too, anon. Even if he doesn't, how can he get thru an hour+? His slurring seemed to kick in around the 40 minute mark in the debate, and that was factoring in smirk time. All alone up there by his onelies I give him 20 gaffe-free minutes at most

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ac6749  No.13026110

Hey, Raskin, you POS. DJT is indeed a clear and present danger to scum such as yourself, and your vile plans for America. You just can't let go of it, can you, because there is literally nothing else in your tiny brain. In the end, he is going to ride victoriously over the landscape, while all real traitors receive a traitor's justice.

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7ae768  No.13026111

File: 599df715b9fbaa0⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 1142x108, 571:54, 1_3.JPG)


Dominion Sues MyPillow, CEO Mike Lindell Over Election Claims

The voting-machine maker’s lawsuit alleges defamation, seeks more than $1.3 billion in damages

Updated Feb. 22, 2021 11:36 am ET

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109430  No.13026112

File: 43010d0424ec268⋯.jpg (87.03 KB, 917x871, 917:871, 43010d0424ec268a0346e964a2….jpg)


Thanks much again, Baker!

Imho, you're my kind of guy!

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5cea3e  No.13026113

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c1df25  No.13026114

File: aeed81e656d2260⋯.png (357 KB, 1125x581, 1125:581, Anons_holding_America.png)



work together

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ce8bc4  No.13026115


…Huh, fork in the road and something that could be taken as the possibility of terraforming Mars. Interesting.

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9b90b6  No.13026116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds with David Goggins


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1d3adb  No.13026117

File: 3d9152b9679cace⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 313x503, 313:503, I_KNOW_WORDS.jpg)

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8b7a5e  No.13026118

File: e9b77e197b3cb7f⋯.png (42.72 KB, 1186x215, 1186:215, ClipboardImage.png)


>Then Post Screen Caps.

I don't see what's the point of this but if you insist.

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46c3a0  No.13026119

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 435x250, 87:50, 02a13bcc7a4375a37b393f9cee….gif)

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b47611  No.13026120


There is no QAnon. There is Q and there are anons.

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a92667  No.13026121

File: 4e81d6c0db28ee5⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages_1078710796_640….jpg)

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df64da  No.13026122

File: ee6dd71bf7fe522⋯.png (400.77 KB, 590x462, 295:231, garland.png)

File: ea2210b8d3e6d50⋯.png (401.82 KB, 590x462, 295:231, garland2.png)


Blank for ya…

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5cea3e  No.13026123

File: e81dc80d096c24b⋯.png (217.56 KB, 850x395, 170:79, 9991.png)

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a0c08c  No.13026124


Trump family is about the be Nicholas II'd

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81fb02  No.13026125


Nah, that's contrived. There are many more easier methods of causing mass casualties. Injecting slow acting poison, radioactive sources, smallpox or just sterilizing you outright so you don't reproduce.

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9b90b6  No.13026126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Order of Man

The World is Starving for Men


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8b7a5e  No.13026127

File: 9f6f77a76814adc⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 812x1024, 203:256, bralmnchin.jpg)


>There is no QAnon. There is Q and there are anons.

see >>13025962

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af6894  No.13026128


((They))) are setting the stage for a FF against DOJ judges and lawyers.

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200102  No.13026129

>>13025441 (PB)

>>13025494 (PB)

>More on marine out front of White House

NO MARINE, NO BITE-ME IN THE WEST WING. (Nap time or diaper change time.)

Inside the White House: The Marine Sentries


there are actually four Marines who rotate in half hour shifts, standing sentry whenever the President is in the West Wing.


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6215d4  No.13026130


I wonder if Linanon and Sidanon were using Mikeanon for bait. That would be kickass.

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9b90b6  No.13026131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Order of Man

8 Skills Sets Every Man Must Master


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81fb02  No.13026132


or the flu

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c0021f  No.13026133

does baker only doNOTABLEnow?

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ac6749  No.13026134


Back to this worthless, sad sack scumbag now.

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6d8168  No.13026135

File: 1422e48020dce2a⋯.jpg (529.11 KB, 3075x1850, 123:74, 33.jpg)


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b90b89  No.13026136


up right, forked up the middle of the road?

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7ae768  No.13026137

File: f48da627798539d⋯.jpg (81.71 KB, 1204x407, 1204:407, murdoc.JPG)


Murdoch son funds Dem-allied fake

news while slamming conservative

media 'disinformation'

Washington Times, by S.A. Miller

2/22/2021 3:58:00 PM

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43a46e  No.13026138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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725621  No.13026139

File: b237dbab4a93da0⋯.webm (2.99 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1606885650378.webm)


they learned a lot from gamergate

not to make anons into gamergatore again

>webm of hidden gaymoregators secret meeting

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b47611  No.13026140


There is no QAnon.

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8a9528  No.13026141

File: e172ffea6fe159d⋯.png (474.4 KB, 465x420, 31:28, ClipboardImage.png)


>Penniless Politicians Procured Pervasivly Producing Positive Practicallies

dubs kek'd and chek't

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e604be  No.13026142


You're an idiot.

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1072ef  No.13026143


RBG had said that she only watched CNN and read the NYT.

Somehow that made her feel able to render "informed" decisions?

That is intellectual laziness; relying on curated and edited inputs.

The new-normal news diet for low-attention spans.

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e280e8  No.13026144

File: ee82aea9741c028⋯.png (333.23 KB, 688x360, 86:45, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, my friend, I'm NOT 'one crazy mind.'

The question has been settled. There is no

middle ground on these issues. Surrender

must be complete, and unequivocal.

Or I just go to be with Jesus, which is far better.

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7ae768  No.13026145

File: 3b8141ea78d834f⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 1086x727, 1086:727, in_ex.JPG)


Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch Blast Supreme Court’s ‘Inexplicable’ Refusal to Hear Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit

By Debra Heine

February 22, 2021

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b90b89  No.13026146

File: f224d405b7d10ed⋯.png (89.27 KB, 467x347, 467:347, ClipboardImage.png)



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7022a0  No.13026147

File: 4bc79334ee8f9f3⋯.jpg (527.7 KB, 832x1173, 832:1173, 4bc79334ee8f9f3bdd433712a1….jpg)

Mr. E Nigma

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9b90b6  No.13026148





CHOOSE is key

>Order of Man

We live in a world where being a man is no longer a requirement for a male.

It’s optional.

You have to choose to be a man.

You have to choose to exhibit strength.

Choose to make yourself capable of protecting yourself and others.

Choose to develop the skills to more adequately provide for yourself and your loved ones.

Choose to lead virtuously with strength and courage.

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ac9f6f  No.13026149


Too Late Now.

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af6894  No.13026150


Most of us believe that.

Since SArs Covid is the cold/flu virus, hence the 99% recovery rate.

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8b7a5e  No.13026151

File: b88b304369da31d⋯.jpeg (110.79 KB, 1024x831, 1024:831, brap.jpeg)


>There is no QAnon.

We have so much QAnon proof go read those threads shill if you still think QAnon is fake.

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9b90b6  No.13026152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8 Skill Sets Every Man Needs to Master

382,092 views•Oct 11,



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43a46e  No.13026153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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16e0b0  No.13026154

Just stating my opinion. It's apparent to me the=Silver stacking= is spreading with many diverse groups joining in, and people are figuring out the media wants to protect the banks and the banks want to keep us in debt and stupid. Nice way to wake people up.

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e280e8  No.13026155

File: 7d7e517ea6d0be0⋯.png (133.39 KB, 299x169, 23:13, ClipboardImage.png)


Right back atcha, Chief!

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84c2eb  No.13026156


kek you're the one falling for an obvious is obvious troll

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6d8168  No.13026157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1072ef  No.13026158

File: eb4757157543100⋯.jpeg (21.5 KB, 400x255, 80:51, Be_Based.jpeg)


That's it?

THREE Based Justices?

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3ab2a6  No.13026159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We have a rough road ahead, fellas. They’re gonna do everything in their power to force this shit on us. Also heard on the radio last night they have “a full campaign” ready for the “small group” that plans on not taking the vaccine. We’re gonna be shamed into oblivion and ostracized from society. Pray.

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9b90b6  No.13026160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Rogan - David Goggins

Journey From 300 lbs to a Navy Seal


Feb 19, 2018


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2c426a  No.13026161


Yeah. I think so.

Are we bait too.

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b47611  No.13026162


There is no QAnon. There is Q and there are anons.

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e280e8  No.13026163

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7ae768  No.13026164

File: 355ddd0d3039188⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 948x252, 79:21, invest_y.JPG)


Rep. Charlie Crist calls for DOJ investigation into DeSantis’ vaccine distribution

By FOX 13 News staff

Published 12 hours ago

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e604be  No.13026165


Exactly Anon. Thank you.

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ceba16  No.13026166

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

–The Declaration of Independence,

July 4, 1776

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a294a1  No.13026167


>Judge Merrick Garland told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday that Antifa’s attacks on the U.S. courthouse in Portland last year may not have been “domestic terrorism,”

because unlike the Capitol riot, they took place at night when the court was not “in operation.”


This means Dresden and Tokyo weren't firebombed because it happened at night! I can breathe a sigh of relief

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8b7a5e  No.13026168

File: a30515c52fc6127⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 460x460, 1:1, brainlet_rotisserie.jpg)


>Why do day call an anon named Q, QAnon? I don't get it?! derrrrrr

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ac4835  No.13026169


Check out Q Post 4146 on qanon.pub.

Trump said Drain It and deep State countered with a B2 bomber picture which means they countered with a Nuke.

Everyone is in a holding pattern tell the good guys find the Nuke.

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e7e7be  No.13026170

File: 8e8348f5befc856⋯.gif (60.92 KB, 477x239, 477:239, LIPPIG.gif)

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ff0595  No.13026171

File: 74cbe073bff172b⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ES.jpg)

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1ad7f8  No.13026172


Dang… This is a must see. Thanks anon!

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000000  No.13026173


>There is no QAnon. There is Q and there are anons.

Tom is so proud of you he is about to burst

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3ec9e0  No.13026174

File: 0afbb385fec9fc2⋯.jpeg (84.9 KB, 620x350, 62:35, E97806E7_D19E_4539_8B30_E….jpeg)

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e280e8  No.13026175


Dude, I was shocked to Google the name of the

virus for the common cold a while back, and find

yep! coronavirus is one of the causes.

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7022a0  No.13026176


>the “small group” that plans on not taking the vaccine

Would love to see them try. How long do they have before the symptoms start kicking in? Maybe a year?

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5a0dcf  No.13026177


if you have a collection of Q team post images, you can find it there?


I disagree.

The workings of Law; the "minority" would have to accept

If their leaders are arrested as they should be, there would be not problem

If the Media Control was taken back from crooks, to fairness doctrine, or whatever, Free Speech, then there would be no problem

HOWEVER, if was forseen that the level of corruption is so deep the only solution is a military one; military tribunals

You think the minority will accept that over a legal argument and display that they were caught cheating

Most of them know that they cheated.

>>13025246 pb

To Black Americans in my city. It doesn't matter the excuses or what the context is; All they need if for a white American to say that word and they go ballistic

Many black Americans are already talking amongst themselves and their friends about this Bidan racisms bloopers and also Including history on Kamala Harris targeting black males

People believe Black Americans voted for Bidan, in large part?

I doubt.

They were indoctrinated that Trump is racist;

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e7e7be  No.13026178

File: aef055d9503e8da⋯.gif (320.84 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, kap.gif)

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7ae768  No.13026179

File: 18f5428673f745c⋯.jpg (89.56 KB, 708x721, 708:721, ad_mit_i.JPG)


WHO Coronavirus Report Is Such Blatant Chinese Propaganda That Even The Biden Administration Admits It

February 22, 2021 By Tristan Justice

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16e0b0  No.13026180

Obviously the new Government we choose to form, after this debacle ends, cannot have a SCOTUS as a final backstop.

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43a46e  No.13026181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5acd57  No.13026182


>>bidan soon leads a candlelight ceremony to honor 500,000 covid dead

>Has to happen in daylight or it didn't happen.


If you die at night…do you really die?

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509735  No.13026183

File: 39ee5b7c63f1773⋯.png (1017.9 KB, 521x827, 521:827, ClipboardImage.png)

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d48a3c  No.13026184



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e7e7be  No.13026185

File: fcae2ad6068d025⋯.gif (134.5 KB, 770x439, 770:439, cocksucker.GIF)

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a7a8cd  No.13026186


And there is Dylan and he is Christ

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5b58bc  No.13026187


That can't be the case, because you know the flu has "disappeared".

That's what they say.


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7ae768  No.13026189

File: 6bf750e2ab1afba⋯.jpg (67.56 KB, 811x603, 811:603, okc.JPG)


Biden AG Nominee Downplays Portland Riots, Compares Capitol Riot to OKC Bombing

byKyle Becker

about 4 hours ago

updated about 2 hours ago

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9b90b6  No.13026190

File: 635abebf1222163⋯.png (313.33 KB, 939x501, 313:167, David_Goggins_Entrepreneur.png)

File: bca0e2b64481e83⋯.jpg (20.87 KB, 350x350, 1:1, David_Goggins_Weight_Loss_….jpg)





David Goggins is a true influencer on the subject – the brain is your bitch.

The permanent result comes from you.

I say it all the time “you have to suffer”. You have to make that a tattoo on your brain.

So when that hard time comes again, you don’t forget it.


David Goggins is now an American Entrepreneur.

He is well known for being an ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, motivational speaker and author.

David is a retired United States Navy SEAL and former the United States Air Force Tactical Air Control Party member who served in the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War.

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5a0dcf  No.13026191


Peeps are already laughing in disbelief at Bidan;

Except for the extreme traumatized brain dead.

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c531e0  No.13026192

File: b228591ac2dadf3⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 633x356, 633:356, FordHearingMain56.jpg)

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f62040  No.13026193


Here let me blow your mind…"Q" is also a ANON…kek…go figure!!!

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e7e7be  No.13026194

File: 61108c036c76723⋯.gif (107.46 KB, 620x413, 620:413, pc.gif)

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7ae768  No.13026195

File: 994574bc3cfb49b⋯.jpg (31.88 KB, 671x171, 671:171, take_knee.JPG)


Unbelievable, SCOTUS Refuses to Hear PA Election Challenge AFTER Previously Granting Injunction

Posted on February 22, 2021 by Sundance

The supreme court has taken a knee… let me explain why it is so evident:

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43a46e  No.13026196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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76ed67  No.13026197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This just popped up in my u.tube feed FROM 10 YEARS AGO….The comment section is freaking out as well.



•Mar 28, 2010

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7ae768  No.13026198

File: cccf59885b209cf⋯.jpg (80.91 KB, 807x747, 269:249, speek_out.JPG)


Clarence Thomas Unleashes Brutal Smackdown Against the Supreme Court Over Election Ruling

byCollin Rugg

about 4 hours ago

updated about 4 hours ago

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e7e7be  No.13026199

File: 26b6a789b5836c0⋯.jpeg (25.63 KB, 227x255, 227:255, cavy.jpeg)

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37935d  No.13026200


The left one is more like the Tower of Babel.

The right one is the European version of the Middle Ages.

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6d8168  No.13026201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Pemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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9b90b6  No.13026202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Clip taken from:


@ 4 min 2 sec

Retired SEAL Chief David Goggins full interview with All Hands Magazine

Published on Nov 28, 2018

How I Lost 106 lb/48 kg in 3 Months

(David Goggins)


Retired SEAL Chief David Goggins full interview with All Hands Magazine

53,473 views•Nov 28, 2018


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5cea3e  No.13026203

File: 54cba9198d88b28⋯.png (143.54 KB, 800x372, 200:93, 9999.png)



No he was a fucktard

pretending LOL

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725621  No.13026204

File: 02b839d97e805c7⋯.webm (1.81 MB, 362x640, 181:320, 1613970533655.webm)


again, the burden of proof or at least be waterproofed to actual survive outside of this board, anon.

and yet again

you failed to bring up the smoking gun.

we can agree all day long here, with minds around us who all agree on it but never challange us on it.

Listen anon, this is not some shitpost, open up your damn brain, do you really think all the stuff we know could survive in the normalfag space? As of now, as we see, no, it doesn't!

Shit needs to be waterproofed as fuck.

So, bring it on, show me the waterproofed as fuck shit!

… still nothing.

Now let me show you something, of a very real organ harvesting shit.

You can basiclly feel how your inner soul start to wake up and your The mood changes into something very sinful.

this is the kind of impact one would need to destroy the safe space of a schizo

do not watch this if you are weak

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5a0dcf  No.13026205


The pics of the child abuse will bring most people together.

There are people who hate and loathe children however; and that might be the root of DJTrump often asking at his rallies

"Who loves their Children?"

"Lets have a show of hands"

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1072ef  No.13026206

File: 1e7e1bc833c270f⋯.png (270.77 KB, 512x512, 1:1, psssst.png)


Was this picture taken before or after SJL passed that envelope of cash to the dude pointing?

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95728f  No.13026207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3f9349  No.13026208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

German Special Forces soldiers training in Arizona mistaken for TERRORISTS after ‘bizarre’ visit to local hospital

Two members of Germany’s Special Forces Command (KSK) were reported to the FBI as likely terrorists after they showed up acting “strange” at a hospital near where they had been conducting weeks of military exercises.

The pair of plainclothed Bundeswehr soldiers turned up at an Arizona medical clinic looking to find out whether Germans would be able to receive treatment there in case of injury or infection with Covid-19. But the mystery men’s visit set off alarms among the hospital staff, German outlet Der Spiegel reported on Monday.

Hospital workers immediately alerted the FBI, suspecting the visitors could have been terrorists casing the hospital for an attack.

The hospital staff reportedly said the Germans were behaving strangely – for example, by appearing in plain clothes and refusing to show any form of identification aside from NATO marching orders - which apparently only increased their suspiciousness.

The FBI responded to the hospital staff’s tip with “great urgency,” according to Der Spiegel. To make matters worse, the commandos were operating under their unit’s strict level of secrecy, and the German embassy in Washington was unaware of their mission – a situation which no doubt further panicked the FBI. The misunderstanding was reportedly only resolved after multiple phone calls between the two governments.

While the local clinic would have been unaware of their existence, the KSK’s US training missions are not exactly a state secret. Not only had a full company including a commander been conducting a weeks-long parachute course in Arizona since the beginning of the year, but journalists had been invited along on similar missions in the past, and the Bundeswehr had even used dramatic skydiving footage from such training missions on its YouTube channel, posting the video in the hope of piquing the interest of adventure-seeking young Germans.

The report is far from being the worst misadventure of German commandos as of late. The KSK was ground zero for an extremist plot in which an underground network of far-right soldiers had plotted to murder senior German politicians, including Green MP Claudia Roth, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, and former President Joachim Gauck. The participants had actually stockpiled supplies, including weapons and ammunition – some taken from military storage – and substances known to be used for body disposal.

The problem had grown to such an extent that Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer opted to partially disband the unit rather than attempt to reform its problem members – who had managed to largely extricate themselves from the military chain of command. One of the KSK’s four companies was considered so beyond redemption that it was to be dissolved completely.


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ac4835  No.13026209


It might even be a countdown to take away our guns. kek

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9b90b6  No.13026210




Retired SEAL Chief David Goggins full interview with All Hands Magazine

53,473 views•Nov 28, 2018


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e7e7be  No.13026211

File: 6674497425e2e03⋯.gif (92.06 KB, 650x432, 325:216, gw.GIF)

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6802dc  No.13026212

File: 1b56118c13626fb⋯.png (237.29 KB, 905x285, 181:57, Screenshot_2021_02_22_ur_t….png)

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e604be  No.13026213


>kek you're the one falling for an obvious is obvious troll

Negative. Calling it out. Too many new people in here to let it go. They will not know the difference. Only one other Anon stood up and provided proof that it was fake. Good on that Anon.

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a02b7c  No.13026214

File: c4924bdc06a3f9e⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 620x612, 155:153, 1613441754065.jpg)

File: 5875d61720ff27d⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 600x795, 40:53, 1613441678992.jpg)


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5a0dcf  No.13026215


I would say before since the Cash Transfer was t the very end

But check the clip?

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9b90b6  No.13026216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Retired SEAL Chief David Goggins full interview with All Hands Magazine

53,473 views•Nov 28, 2018


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6ca9cc  No.13026217

File: ec27230bb696d68⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 634x481, 634:481, article_2635197_1E1108C800….jpg)

File: ba2b40e866979a7⋯.mp4 (10.75 MB, 640x352, 20:11, IMG_4116.MP4)

File: fb5b2af7ea0b468⋯.png (523.68 KB, 1714x1031, 1714:1031, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons – saw this vid today on telegram

1st vid via Telegram:

"This mantis is already dead. Yet it behaves normally, walks around and feeds. But why is that?

Thesecret is the parasite that controls the mantis. When the mantis comes into contact with water, something incredible happens

The parasite senses a chance to mate and leaves the Martin body. Parasites do not only control insects and animals but also humans."

2nd article link has vid w/the Mantis is still alive, but the creature inside has taken over it's body and slowly eating/ living on it from inside

How prevalent is this, Anons? Have these parasitic creatures taken over our World?

Since the first time Q said: 99% put in hospital if learned Whole Truth, and many Anons, including me, said "We want it all" - not just 40% and Not 60% - We Want 100%

SICK feelz that [[[these creatures]]] may be moar prevalent in our daily life than what we know/see/aware of - moar like we are in contact with [[[them]]] 100% of every minute of every day… AND, no wonder PDJT is very much a Germaphobe - it's coz He KNOWS

Also, these articles/ vids are Not new…imagine how [[[they've]]] increased in 7= years ?



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7ae768  No.13026218

File: 5f922dd24568640⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 624x403, 48:31, 22_c.JPG)


February 22, 2021

SCOTUS plays Catch 22 with challenges to Pennsylvania election

By Thomas Lifson

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/02/scotus_plays_catch_22_with_challenges_to_pennsylvania_election_.html#ixzz6nFIL5A8B

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

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509735  No.13026219


>So is he saying that as long as thousands of people

>are not killed, go ahead and burn everything down?

No, he said it's still a crime, but it doesn't rise to the level of domestic terrorism.

Attacking an empty building is not the same as attacking while court is in session.

I was surprised that I actually agreed with him on this one.

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5a0dcf  No.13026220



presumed cash transfer, I should write

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81fb02  No.13026221

File: af9dbbf4c88d040⋯.png (435 KB, 485x512, 485:512, af9dbbf4c88d0408ee13d5e650….png)

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ff0595  No.13026222

File: 8a8fc3b6ecebb6a⋯.jpg (16.77 KB, 727x220, 727:220, 7ffbc399c8977ca4.jpg)

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df64da  No.13026224


Super Slide

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19fbeb  No.13026225

File: 3174995f8544501⋯.png (170.83 KB, 362x344, 181:172, 3174995f8544501082f44ec0d7….png)

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aa925f  No.13026226

File: 44cfb2841d56765⋯.jpeg (108.51 KB, 680x571, 680:571, 95966D46_6964_4AC3_98E5_2….jpeg)


Whatever, Austin. Shouldn’t you be in jail by now? When shills LARP, shills really LARP.

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9b90b6  No.13026227



all of us should get the fuck OUR BEST

be best

>How I Lost 106 lb/48 kg in 3 Months

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7ae768  No.13026228

File: d34675b1b6ccdab⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 786x725, 786:725, decline_2.JPG)


BREAKING – Supreme Court Declines To Hear Pennsylvania Election Dispute Cases

By Shipwreckedcrew | Feb 22, 2021 11:44 AM ET

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d050a8  No.13026229

File: 9b8706ef6b3c459⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x1185, 80:79, redhead_106_Car_Q_Armor.png)

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1072ef  No.13026230


>presumed cash transfer

or a presumed love letter, mebbe.

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3f9349  No.13026231

File: 616b510403cfdfb⋯.png (443.65 KB, 872x899, 872:899, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16bac979b3d1926⋯.png (332.02 KB, 872x607, 872:607, ClipboardImage.png)

"I Have All The Evidence On Them": MyPillow CEO Lindell Welcomes $1.3 Billion Dominion Lawsuit

Dominion Voting Systems is suing Trump supporter Mike Lindell and his company, MyPillow, for $1.3 billion, after the Minnesota-based CEO accused the company of rigging the election for President Biden.

The suit was filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, in which Dominion claims that Lindell's statements, social media posts, and a two-hour film he helped produce are false, according to the Wall Street Journal.


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000000  No.13026232


Can anyone give a rough estimate as to whenElon changed his display picture to a fork in the road?


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e7e7be  No.13026233

File: 123ab88b3585633⋯.jpg (77.62 KB, 600x402, 100:67, Ammo2.jpg)

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1d3adb  No.13026234

File: 91a786d1c73860d⋯.jpg (65.63 KB, 310x421, 310:421, FULL_ARMOR.jpg)

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43a46e  No.13026235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5dbf9e  No.13026236

File: 6f56ebf654856a1⋯.png (26.85 KB, 573x270, 191:90, ClipboardImage.png)

Organization that Trump is supporting is already banning people for using their freedom of speech..

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3ec9e0  No.13026237

File: a81f3eb906a59da⋯.png (3.45 MB, 1620x1080, 3:2, 82FD52A6_814F_43A0_917B_DF….png)

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7ae768  No.13026238

File: c069668cd0c7912⋯.jpg (66.37 KB, 879x527, 879:527, re_quest.JPG)


Supreme Court denies Trump request to keep tax records private

By: Scripps National

Posted at 9:41 AM, Feb 22, 2021

and last updated 11:31 AM, Feb 22, 2021

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5e6513  No.13026239

File: 8795a64a7250c35⋯.png (201.63 KB, 388x363, 388:363, catpopcorn2.png)

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1072ef  No.13026241

File: f19f11d99dcbb32⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 931x524, 931:524, I_LOST.jpg)

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000000  No.13026242


>It might even be a countdown to take away our guns. kek

Just work with the nice police officer, he is doing the best he can….

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725621  No.13026243

File: 61cd6b6ded1d95d⋯.webm (4.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1613046662873.webm)


a very sad society, if actual child porn as to be see before schizos wake up.

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5a0dcf  No.13026244


Antifa's claim that Property is unimportant.

no respect for personal property.

They want to take it away from you.


But taking away someone's home or business can kill them and ruin their whole family

The commies hate the middle class.

Why try to justify something so nutty

Sounds like typical lawyer spitting of hairs.

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ff0595  No.13026245



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e280e8  No.13026246

File: a847c89ce7abe45⋯.png (98.74 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)


Or, 'Kill the Wabbit!', but I repeat myself…

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6802dc  No.13026247

File: 08739f2c610fc8b⋯.png (491.88 KB, 598x492, 299:246, Screenshot_2021_02_22_Mili….png)



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3f9349  No.13026248

File: 60c81d9924d1ec6⋯.png (635.89 KB, 702x920, 351:460, ClipboardImage.png)

Blinken Welcomes EU Decision to Sanction Russia Over Navalny Situation

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has welcomed the decision of the European Union to slap sanctions against Russia under the human rights sanctions regime over the situation with Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said in a readout on Monday.

Earlier in the day, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that the bloc agreed to expand sanctions against Moscow over the situation with Navalny during.

"The Secretary welcomed the EU’s decision to impose sanctions against Russia under the human rights sanctions regime in response to actions taken against Aleksey Navalny and his supporters," Price said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said the decision is disappointing, noting that Moscow considers calls to release Navalny unacceptable and unlawful.

"We consider categorically unacceptable the constantly sounding unlawful and absurd demands for the 'release' of a citizen of the Russian Federation who was convicted of economic crimes by a Russian court on the territory of our country in accordance with Russian law," the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

In addition, the ministry accused the EU of interfering in Russia's internal affairs over the threat of new sanctions.


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a7a8cd  No.13026249





That night the tallahatchie took the wheel

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16e0b0  No.13026250


No its not. This is why Q said the Military is the only way. Every other way has discredited themselves….

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7ae768  No.13026251

File: f6d6e687ccfd04e⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 801x111, 267:37, first_wing.JPG)


Gaetz: Establishment GOP working hard to take party away from Trump-inspired ‘America First wing’

February 22, 2021 | Jon Dougherty

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5dbf9e  No.13026252

File: d090ad94819d3c3⋯.png (48.04 KB, 1260x238, 90:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b72b5fd73201fb⋯.png (118.99 KB, 755x500, 151:100, Cads.PNG)


Is anti-semitism protected by the 1st amendment or not?

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5a0dcf  No.13026253


it's pedo-sadism

child porn is different

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df64da  No.13026254

File: b35cee16d297b91⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 590x462, 295:231, garland3.jpg)

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1ad7f8  No.13026255

The US Airforce was created in 1947

Roswell New Mexico UFO crash was in 1947.


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f62040  No.13026256


Is this satire…do they think Trump actually does his taxes himself…kekking hard!!!

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3f9349  No.13026257

File: 3f56a50422a6b5b⋯.png (263.69 KB, 574x522, 287:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f5d6880f5b9b4c⋯.png (61.64 KB, 806x407, 806:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 648f3ae2c2e2a75⋯.png (38.55 KB, 780x264, 65:22, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13fbd426689f7ba⋯.png (22.32 KB, 796x171, 796:171, ClipboardImage.png)

Merrick Garland Was Asked If Biological Males Should Compete In Women’s Sports. Here’s How He Responded

President Joe Biden’s nominee for attorney general Merrick Garland avoided directly addressing whether biological males should compete in women’s sports during the first day of his confirmation hearing.

Garland discussed the much-contested issue with Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy before the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday.

“I’m going to ask you if you agree with this statement,” Kennedy told the attorney general nominee. “Allowing…biological males to compete in an all-female sport deprives women of the opportunity to participate fully and fairly in sports and is fundamentally unfair to female athletes.”

“This is a very difficult societal question,” Garland told Kennedy, to which the senator responded, “I know, but you’re going to be attorney general.”


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9b90b6  No.13026258



'be best

start TODAY

be your best

quit thinking about it and do it

YOU tell your brain what to do

not the other way around

get fit

get strong














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000000  No.13026259

o7 anons


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bbbae3  No.13026260

File: d96a38773b84fe6⋯.jpg (101.25 KB, 1330x429, 1330:429, drop26.jpg)

Beautifully put by an attorney fren. Not my thoughts.

I’ve been thinking about the SCOTUS actions of today. I’m a lawyer. Been retired a long time but I worked at a huge international law firm for years and worked on many cases that involved extensive legal research using Supreme Court cases; even so, I do not consider myself to be an expert in constitutional law because I’ve been out of it too long. Ok, enough credentialing.

First of all I do not think that the Great Awakening hinges on anything SCOTUS does.

Second, historically SCOTUS will take the most narrow view possible in any matter. This means given half a chance the court will slither out of taking a stand.

[Also, as a footnote, I think it is a mistake to appoint academics to the high court because they have so little practical experience. Their existence is comprised of niggling argumentation. (Makes me nuts) Look at who dissented the loudest—Thomas. Not an academic. He alone truly understands the practical aspects of a corrupt election.]

Ok. Here’s what I think was Trump’s aim was with respect to all his judicial appointments: to end judicial activism and social engineering. Read: Roe v. Wade and other cases.

Yes, the judiciary is somewhat connected to Q’s messaging. But the judiciary is NOT the driver. The Q story is political. The courts should not ever be political by design of the founders. Trump was trying to move the entire judiciary back to the founding principles so as to undo many years of judicial activism. I think this part of the story is still inconclusive but even in the 9th Circuit huge positive change has happened.

Finally, I think that we make a mistake of thinking we have any idea whatsoever how this movie ends. I was stunned that Trump was not inaugurated. But looking back I am starting to think the Great Awakening hasn’t yet happened—it’s only started.

So in conclusion, I’m not surprised the SCOTUS kicked the can (but I’m with Thomas and think it was wrong to not hear the cases. I think that Kavanaugh and Barrett were put there for non-political purposes. (I think they might also be afraid of being Trump sycophants which would make them cowards if so, but we have no way of knowing that.)

The SCOTUS decisions today are going to be looked on as irrelevant after all is said and done. So, everyone, don’t be discouraged. The military is the main actor.

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled.

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080078  No.13026261

File: ab09fdfbef1121d⋯.jpg (54.44 KB, 580x580, 1:1, 00000000000000000.jpg)

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5a0dcf  No.13026262


It should be?

But if it's honest speech and not payed for Propaganda?

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7ae768  No.13026263

File: 40ea8ebdeb2bdd6⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 1375x257, 1375:257, lash_out_hill.JPG)


Trump lashes out after Supreme Court decision on his financial records

By Brett Samuels - 02/22/21 02:37 PM EST

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6215d4  No.13026264


who knows

very well could be

keep your head on swivel

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5a07d8  No.13026265

Why now is Q all over the news if its fake?

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31b6f4  No.13026266

File: 51e555a66f95a56⋯.jpeg (908.76 KB, 836x987, 836:987, C1652349_F840_4D7D_B4A6_A….jpeg)


Made BLT’S last night, thought of your memes and insight, plus shitposting.

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3ec9e0  No.13026267

File: 1e2313a214261a9⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1726x1450, 863:725, E1A00C40_83FC_4370_97CF_1….jpeg)


Transgender is not “Modern enlightened progressiveness”

It’s an ancient form of abuse

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797339  No.13026268


This will turn out to be a huge PR win for whoever prepared those returns.

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6802dc  No.13026269

File: 966f28d4b661a72⋯.png (536.33 KB, 598x584, 299:292, Screenshot_2021_02_22_C_Wi….png)

Trump gets brings his model of Air Force One to Mar-a-Lago


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000000  No.13026270



>'be best

>start TODAY

>be your best

>quit thinking about it and do it

>YOU tell your brain what to do

>not the other way around

Just do as the nice cop…. fbi agent….cia….ummm…baker…..DO AS YOU ARE TOLD.

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1072ef  No.13026271

File: a054bb045c30920⋯.png (562.33 KB, 703x578, 703:578, Gitmo_Bros.png)


> This is why Q said the Military is the only way.

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c24c34  No.13026272


What about NASA, Antarctica, UN, I remember reading something about that coincidence.

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43a46e  No.13026273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7ae768  No.13026274

File: 4a9c30f7daf4a5a⋯.jpg (88.1 KB, 865x718, 865:718, hap_a_night.JPG)


WATCH: Biden AG Pick Says Antifa/BLM Attacks on Courthouse May Not be Domestic Terrorism Because They Happened at Night

Published February 22, 2021 at 3:33pm

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000000  No.13026275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons notice this todayNotablehas repeatedly been ignored and then notabled but buried and now removed.

‘’’DEF = Over Target’’’

>>13022656 (PB)

>>13024102 (PB)

>>13024349 (PB)

>>13024506 (PB)

Ruled in the Shadows - 13 Zoro Astrian Bloodline families (1)


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1ad7f8  No.13026276


>The US Airforce was created in 1947

on 18 September 1947

>Roswell New Mexico UFO crash was in 1947.

Date: Jul 07, 1947

July a UFO crashes, September the Air Force is created. Someone saw something…

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1072ef  No.13026277


>Why now is Q all over the news if its fake?

The boomerang is still outbound, that's why.

wait for it….

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000000  No.13026278


>The workings of Law; the "minority" would have to accept

You are completely missing the point. Nothing that you claim matters. TRUMP TOLD US he wants

to unite ALL OF US. Not just 70%. Get that into your head.

He also wants (needs) to do this in a way that minimizes loss of life. If he storms in and takes over,

there will be fallout.

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e7e7be  No.13026279


So is the vax to stop these or to implant them?

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7ae768  No.13026280

File: e9bcca5ac52eaf1⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 868x773, 868:773, 2_call.JPG)


WATCH: Biden AG Nominee Merrick Garland Refuses to Call Illegally Crossing the Border a Crime

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160d66  No.13026281


Ricky Vaughn has to use this defense - immediately


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5dbf9e  No.13026282

File: 9e9a1c8e3374f6c⋯.png (50.45 KB, 966x311, 966:311, ClipboardImage.png)


Poor fucking kikes.

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e123c0  No.13026283

File: 461fc72b6119b0a⋯.jpg (2.64 KB, 112x127, 112:127, strass.jpg)


OKC deep state trauma based mind kontrol psyop/ Capital riot deep state trauma based mind kontrol psyop. Garland = deep state shit eater.

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f83dc2  No.13026284






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c24c34  No.13026285


"The United States Air Force (USAF) is the air service branch of the United States Armed "Forces. It is one of the eight U.S. uniformed services. Initially formed as a part of the United States Army on 1 August 1907, the USAF was established as a separate branch of the U.S. Armed Forces on 18 September 1947 with the passing of the National Security Act of 1947."


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ac9f6f  No.13026286

It couldn't be any more Obvious

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e7e7be  No.13026287

File: 2b94fc5e1e16502⋯.png (956.21 KB, 1079x802, 1079:802, science.png)

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1ad7f8  No.13026289


To implant microchips, we are all filled with them . we are toxic.

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e13fa0  No.13026290

Where will US military tribunals take place…?

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50450c  No.13026291

File: bf7573bc9dc691b⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 1152x768, 3:2, bf7573bc9dc691b1267c03b37d….jpg)

President Donald Trumps' tax records are perfect.

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1d3adb  No.13026292

File: 6b63a91da84adc3⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 435x389, 435:389, BACON.jpg)

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000000  No.13026293


>Anons notice this todayNotablehas repeatedly been ignored and then notabled but buried and now removed.

>‘’’DEF = Over Target’’’

>>>13022656 (PB)

>>>13024102 (PB)

>>>13024349 (PB)

>>>13024506 (PB)

>Ruled in the Shadows - 13 Zoro Astrian Bloodline families (1)


Nice. Seeing every reason to trust and do as the bakers tell us too do now!

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7ae768  No.13026294

File: cf164badd7a1a09⋯.jpg (108.63 KB, 860x671, 860:671, is_a_cas.JPG)


3 Supreme justices: 2020 election practices could have 'catastrophic' consequences

But majority refuses to act on complaints that state laws were violated

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published February 22, 2021 at 11:10am

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7022a0  No.13026295


I think the question is: what doesn't Q control?

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3f9349  No.13026296


6 gorillion

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ac6749  No.13026297


It depends on what the meaning of is is, yes? These failed souls have the chance of avoiding hell as a camel passing through the eye of a needle.

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ac9f6f  No.13026298


The Fear People thinking for themselves.

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37935d  No.13026299


That isn't Sumerian.

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10b573  No.13026300

File: d1c225ea9a4d8e3⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 750x250, 3:1, photo_2021_02_22_16_57_37.jpg)


>Supreme Court denies Trump request to keep tax records private


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3c56c9  No.13026301

Xidan will pay Iran for sanctions 'damage' and his stoolies will reap the money back thru EU laundering schemes. Good old days are here again for DS.

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87e8c5  No.13026302

File: 1d4a7ca8bd08ad3⋯.png (400.17 KB, 680x664, 85:83, happy.png)

He posted a great post on WSB

His twat:


wallstreetsilver is growing : https://old.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/

By the way, silver go really well….

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7ae768  No.13026303

File: 3ad658bb69dd3bc⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 857x576, 857:576, flash_back_bid.JPG)


Flashback! Joe Biden was arrested for illegally invading U.S. Capitol

'I walked up, sat down in the presiding officer's seat'

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published February 22, 2021 at 3:40pm

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e7e7be  No.13026304


The most common worm parasite in praying mantises is called Gordian worms, or horsehair worms. They are a breed of roundworms that get their name from their twisted, threadlike bodies that resemble a strand of horsehair. There are 350 types of horsehair worms, and they're all designed to attack bugs and insects from the inside.

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3ec9e0  No.13026305

File: ba56c23673c17c5⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1730x1080, 173:108, 5568533B_7A86_4CB4_B0D7_1D….png)

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000000  No.13026306


>Anons notice this todayNotablehas repeatedly been ignored and then notabled but buried and now removed.

Huh, thats what got oss going. Guess its still going on. Cant wait to erase all the notables.

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f62040  No.13026307


I agree totally…o7

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3f9349  No.13026308


lets get Hussein's now

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d339bf  No.13026309



he sure as shit didn't forget to skip his dose of stupid this morning

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ac6749  No.13026310


CF is toast. Kenyan is toast. All of them.

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ac9f6f  No.13026311


[Storm Clouds Gathering]

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1ad7f8  No.13026312


From Archangel Michael, Our Great Protector and Defender

Tasks of the day:

(1) Drink at least 2 liters of Water

You will fill the Bottle and say you will say the following mantra:

“This water will cleanse my whole body”

NOTE: If you need to refill the Bottle, redo the Mantra. Take the Bottle in your hands and say the Mantra

(2) The Procedure of Forgiveness to clear all the burden that you brought from your ancestors, from connections of suffering. Where you asked for forgiveness and forgave all those who have been part of your soul’s journey.

Prayer for Pardon:

I, <say your name>, humbly ask that the connections of suffering that I have caused, or that I still cause, through the journey of my soul, be eliminated; and that these people trapped by those connections, can forgive me for everything that has made them suffer. in the same way, I forgive, and I eliminate all the connections of those who made me suffer or who make me suffer, in this journey of my soul. May my heart be free, light and learn, that any and all feelings that subsequently need forgiveness are no longer produced during my journey. May only Love and Understanding be the focus of my Soul. Amen.

(3) The Candle for Removing Chips and Implants and the Egregore of Light

(2.1) Obtain a Single Candle with no names on it, no paper on it, it has nothing. Just a plate and a candle which is either dark blue (most preferably) or white (last resort), no other colors. The preferred color should be consistent.

(2.2) List ONLY the names of the people who live in your house. The procedure is for those who live in your house because the Egregore is raised there. It is the cleansing for all who are there in your house.

(2.3) Light the Candle and ask that the chips and implants be removed.

(2.4) Prayer for the Egregore of Light

May the angels be around me. May the robe of Archangel Michael protect me. May the Universe bathe me in the light; and May I donate this energy, together with the energy of Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, of Mother Mary, and all of the techniques that can be used to send healing, to this egregore of Green Light. May all the energy be released in this egregore allow each one of those inside to receive the necessary blessings for their healing and liberation, that which is not Light, be transmuted, and that everyone who is inside, leave with light in there heart, and with their body totally clean and balanced. Amen.

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f83dc2  No.13026313









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abc9a5  No.13026314


imagine if republiclams worked together the way dishonest dems do

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7ae768  No.13026315

File: f32022fb42dda43⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 854x252, 61:18, will_rise.JPG)


Americans will rise again from their 'Valley Forge'

Exclusive: Chuck Norris commemorates winter of misery on Washington's birthday

Chuck Norris By Chuck Norris

Published February 22, 2021 at 12:47pm

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31b6f4  No.13026316


Kek, the world would be too quiet without Mr.Pig!

07. Winning 5:5

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e7e7be  No.13026317

File: 604baf13743f2a3⋯.jpg (49.47 KB, 474x573, 158:191, richdadclown.jpg)

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58d718  No.13026318

>>13025877 (pb)

>They need to be convinced, and doing it through any means other than figuring it out for themselves will waste all that has been accomplished to date.

Four solid years of supreme America First policies flipped about 8-10% of voters. Now it looks like we are going to have four years of America Last. Will that flip another 8-10%? What state will the country be in by that time?

Look at Nazi Germany. How many 'normal' people supported mass genocide? We haven't learned anything. There are perhaps tens of millions of people in our country right now that are happily observing the outright persecution of their fellow citizens for the color of their skin, their heritage, and their belief in liberty and justice for all.

Anon believes we are close to the point of diminishing returns with this plan.

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000000  No.13026319


…a turning point; a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist and directs you where to go…

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e7e7be  No.13026320

File: 551180a9acf1f9e⋯.gif (43.21 KB, 649x346, 649:346, gme.GIF)

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3ec9e0  No.13026321


Lawyers pissing on the Constitution

Proud bunch they are

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5acd57  No.13026322

File: 4d5e662c1adcb11⋯.png (424.3 KB, 657x656, 657:656, ClipboardImage.png)


Wife of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman arrested on charges of international drug trafficking

See new Tweets



31 minutes ago

Wife of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman arrested on charges of international drug trafficking

El Chapo's wife, Emma Coronel Aispuro, was arrested at an airport in Virginia on drug trafficking charges, according to the Justice Department. Aispuro is charged with participating in a conspiracy to distribute cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and marijuana in the US.

Photo via @nbcchicago

she is connected to many moar people than just her husband.

many many people going to get nervous over this arrest

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5e6513  No.13026323


Because no one actually believes Biden won the election.

Or anything else the MSM is over-promoting.

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f02c25  No.13026324

File: 2f90cbd9cdab862⋯.png (485.32 KB, 793x591, 793:591, frs.PNG)


Kavanaugh and Barrett should be ashamed of themselves!! And step the fuck down Roberts, we all know you were friends with Epstein and went to the island, you pedo piece of shit!!!

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509735  No.13026325


You're running far afield, anon. He said that it's still a crime.

Differentiating between crime against property and crime against

people (or "the democratic process"). Still a fair distinction.

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725621  No.13026326

File: 5f310702d95567d⋯.webm (5.68 MB, 484x304, 121:76, 1610343349757.webm)

File: dd7b12d0052090a⋯.webm (4.78 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1610343370291.webm)

Ideas need to be challanged

the concern fag, the gaslight… all that shit needs to happen, don't filter that shit out, don't just hop on the muh-shill bandwagon.

Try to take that challange and see if your point of view can survive it, grow on it.

Or keep what ever you have safe, never let it grow, never let it be challanged….

you know you are a schizo.

But you are here, maybe you can wake up?





>two webM's to take into consideration

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6802dc  No.13026327

File: d82f0be2e3fe397⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 828x498, 138:83, Eu3FX4nXYAQIw1U.jpg)

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07801f  No.13026328

File: 749b2b856ee6ed8⋯.jpeg (184.11 KB, 750x915, 50:61, 3D3C15E5_5278_464B_975B_0….jpeg)

File: 7e9500868876e2b⋯.jpeg (188.5 KB, 750x749, 750:749, 18781C1A_F688_4768_8CC4_C….jpeg)

This is worldwide.


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df64da  No.13026329


>Why now is Q all over the news if its fake?

…Because it's NOT.

The next Q post will trigger Apocalyptic DS Meltdown…Many Pearls will be clutched!

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abc9a5  No.13026330


the black hats are wayyy ahead of you, errr behind you

just clinch your anus as hard as possible

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3f9349  No.13026331

File: 7df2a14433ab245⋯.png (417.29 KB, 650x458, 325:229, ClipboardImage.png)

El Chapo’s wife Emma Coronel Aispuro arrested on drug trafficking charges

The beauty-queen wife of notorious drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman was arrested on Monday on international trafficking charges, federal prosecutors said.

Emma Coronel Aispuro, 31, was busted in Virginia on charges of participating in a conspiracy to distribute cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and marijuana for importation into the US.

She’s also accused of scheming to help orchestrate her hubby’s elaborate July 11, 2015 escape from Altiplano prison in Mexico.

Coronel, a dual US-Mexico citizen who wed Guzman in 2007, was a fixture at his high-profile Brooklyn trial two years ago. He was sentenced to life in prison in July 2019.

Prosecutors allege that not only was she aware of his role as the leader of the violent Sinaloa cartel, but she also served as his go-between to help his drug trafficking operation.

Between 2012 and 2014, while Guzman was hiding out from Mexican authorities, his wife allegedly “relayed messages” on his behalf “in furtherance of drug trafficking activities,” according to an arrest affidavit.

When the drug lord was arrested in Mexico in February 2014, she allegedly continued to deliver messages she got from him during prison visits.

She also assisted in two plots to help Guzman escape from Mexican lockups — including his infamous 2015 jailbreak through an underground tunnel, the feds allege.

There were suggestions during Guzman’s trial that his wife was involved in cartel activities and had helped with his escape.

Coronel, who is the mother of twin daughters with Guzman, was nabbed at Dulles International Airport and is set to appear by video conference before a judge in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.


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3ec9e0  No.13026332


They should ask for Melania’s returns

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000000  No.13026333


Why would it even matter, particularly since Q hasn't posted since 8 December?

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ac9f6f  No.13026334


They did it to themselves, 4 Years of telling people to not trust the Government

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9841ee  No.13026335


Rephrase. They want us to kill each other.

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e7e7be  No.13026336

File: cf3a51b7471d41f⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 608x359, 608:359, silver2.jpg)

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7022a0  No.13026337


Fuck Green Day

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f83dc2  No.13026338







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7ae768  No.13026339

File: 9df52c76ac4210f⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 975x225, 13:3, race_train.JPG)


EXCLUSIVE: 'Divisive and offensive' race theory training forced on San Diego County healthcare workers

by Tori Richards

| February 22, 2021 02:36 PM

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5e6513  No.13026340


I'm expecting that.


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212512  No.13026341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Grassley Opening Remarks at Hearing on Nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to be Attorney General


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3f9349  No.13026342

File: 0d7075af4954fd4⋯.png (84.61 KB, 737x905, 737:905, ClipboardImage.png)


Wife of “El Chapo” Arrested on International Drug Trafficking Charges


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000000  No.13026343


>…Because it's NOT.

Yup… Vice TV series, 60 Minutes, now South Park. Hitting all the demographics.

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038656  No.13026344


Joe M doesn't make videos anymore

He should.

we're about due for another one

so many people got lost in the shuffle with this Biden nonsense

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7022a0  No.13026345


Q got Israel to vaccinate over 6 million citizens

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212512  No.13026346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Grassley Questions Judge Garland at Hearing on Nomination to be Attorney General


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df64da  No.13026347

File: 8508be9eae7e88d⋯.png (6.36 KB, 776x94, 388:47, Screenshot_2021_02_23_Q_Re….png)



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5acd57  No.13026348


> Emma Coronel Aispuro



El Chapo's wife arrested on drug trafficking charge; detained at Washington-area airport

Kevin Johnson and Kevin McCoy, USA TODAY 18 mins ago

The wife of convicted drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera was arrested at a suburban Washington, D.C. airport Monday, for her alleged role in the distribution of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines and marijuana.

Emma Coronel Aispuro, 31, a dual U.S.-Mexican citizen who had been a fixture at her husband's 2019 trial in Brooklyn, N.Y., is expected to make her first court appearance Tuesday in Washington.

Guzmán, a leader of Mexico's Sinaloa narcotics cartel, was sentenced to life in prison following his trial.

Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.

More: Notorious drug lord Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán sentenced to life. And U.S. wants his $12.6B fortune.

Coronel Aispuro is charged in a conspiracy to distribute drugs in the U.S. and is alleged to have assisted in her husband's elaborate 2015 escape from a Mexican prison. She also is suspected of plotting another escape before Guzman's 2017 extradition to the U.S.

Jeffrey Lichtman, a prominent New York City defense lawyer who was one of Guzman's lawyers during trial, confirmed Monday that he is representing the convicted druglord's wife. He declined to comment further.

"Coronel grew up with knowledge of the narcotics trafficking industry, and married Guzman when she was a teenager," federal authorities said in court documents. "Coronel understood the scope of the Sinaloa Cartel’s drug trafficking; Coronel knows and understands the Sinaloa Cartel is the most prolific cartel in Mexico."

According to the documents, she also was "aware of multi-ton cocaine shipments, multi-kilo heroin production, multi-ton marijuana shipments, and ton quantity methamphetamine shipments."

"Coronel understood the drug proceeds she controlled during her marriage to Guzman were derived from these shipments," federal authorities said.

Citing statements from an unidentified cooperating witness, federal authorities said Coronel Aispuro participated in the plan to construct an underground tunnel linked to the Altiplano, Mexico prison that aided in her husband's 2015 dramatic escape.

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6215d4  No.13026349


>From Archangel Michael,

angel worship is blasphemy

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e0f800  No.13026350


another ten hour shift

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e7118e  No.13026351



And comp SCOTUS!

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000000  No.13026352


>Why would it even matter, particularly since Q hasn't posted since 8 December?

Was that here on this board?

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1d3adb  No.13026353

File: f84d5c6e5d3587f⋯.jpg (97.45 KB, 735x354, 245:118, SING_ALONG_NOW.jpg)

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6ca9cc  No.13026354


who "designed" [them] anon? GOD?

I have often, moar & moar often of late, wondered WHY GOD would create these garbage parasitic creatures?

No, not expecting you to have the answer(s) for me, just anon questioning, that's all…

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31b6f4  No.13026355

File: 3637a9654761afb⋯.jpeg (17.11 KB, 174x255, 58:85, B2C82F8E_3B93_4024_A7B5_3….jpeg)


Ty baker

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7ae768  No.13026356

File: baa821fa08fa7f3⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 996x165, 332:55, push_tv.JPG)


House Democrats push TV carriers to stop hosting Fox, OAN, and Newsmax, citing ‘misinformation’

by Nihal Krishan, Technology Reporter |

| February 22, 2021 01:39 PM

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f83dc2  No.13026357








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3f9349  No.13026358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“YEAH, YOU FUCKED UP!” Hero cop rescues missing girl, 13, from motel room with man she met online

ORLANDO — A Volusia sheriff’s deputy looking for a 13-year-old Oak Hill girl who went missing after school went searching from motel to motel until he found her in a dark motel room with a 22-year-old Orlando man she met online.

When Deputy Royce James entered the doorway of the room at the All Suite Motel at 335 N. Ridgewood Ave. in Edgewater, the girl ran into his arms and gave him a hug.

The suspect, 22-year-old Tyler Thompson, was taken into custody on a charge of interference with child custody, with the Edgewater Police Department adding a charge of traveling to meet after using a computer to lure a child. Additional charges are pending.

Deputies responded to the missing child report around 6:15 p.m. Thursday, after the girl’s grandmother said she never came home, and never went to her basketball game after school, either. Deputy James started investigating, and spoke to a friend of the missing girl, who said the victim was planning on going to a motel with someone she met online. The friend said she thought the man’s name started with a T, possibly Tyler, and that he was from Orlando. She said he may have picked up the victim at the Dollar General store in Oak Hill.

Deputy James went to the Dollar General to look for security video, and found surveillance images of the victim at the store. An employee reported the girl said she was waiting for someone to pick her up.

Next, Deputy James started visiting area motels, showing the front desk clerks a photo of the missing girl and searching the day’s check-ins for a match. At the third motel he checked, Deputy James noticed a guest checked in under the name Tyler Thompson, with an address out of Orlando. Deputies went to his room and knocked on the door several times before Thompson finally answered, and the victim came running.

When she was told she’d be taken somewhere to be medically cleared and interviewed, the girl asked Deputy James to stay with her. He took her to a local Department of Children and Families facility for evaluation, and then took her home.

The motel is located in the city limits of Edgewater, and the Edgewater Police Department is working with the State Attorney’s Office on potential additional charges in this case. Thompson was released from the Volusia County Branch Jail on Friday night after posting $15,000 bail on his current charges.


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5a0dcf  No.13026359


it's for Propaganda.

They make up their own reality and will use this a a PROP

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7ae768  No.13026360

File: c05f1b4730894f7⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 1002x243, 334:81, pinning.JPG)


Clarence Thomas issues forceful dissent from Supreme Court decision not to hear Pennsylvania election case

by Emma Colton, Social Media Manager |

| February 22, 2021 03:58 PM

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a8f04e  No.13026361

File: 377d9b344c76c02⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 500x374, 250:187, SLIDE.gif)

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000000  No.13026362


>another ten hour shift

The courage of such an upstanding person. Truly a role model for all of us to emulate.

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3ec9e0  No.13026363

File: 29f4cb4f80a1c60⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1713x1448, 1713:1448, 6D30E596_5404_4D55_B571_7….jpeg)


Homosexuality is not “modern progressiveness”

Invented BY Asians…..I told ya Alexander the Great knew they were filth

We need Balboa’s “Dog of War”

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1ad7f8  No.13026364

60 minutes was all bullshit of course except did you notice in the first 60 seconds she said there are 10's of millions of Americans following Q?

10's of millions….

Damn right they are scared shitless.

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5dbf9e  No.13026365

File: 93f1185c9fdc0a2⋯.png (590.34 KB, 664x725, 664:725, ClipboardImage.png)



Another Jew bites the dust.

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7ae768  No.13026366

File: 4e6cee7afbbf80a⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 1032x186, 172:31, harv_stud.JPG)


Harvard study concludes reparations could have reduced COVID transmission among black people

by Michael Lee |

| February 22, 2021 05:07 PM

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bcad6d  No.13026367

File: 124f8b4d89ad0af⋯.jpeg (349.38 KB, 459x663, 9:13, A73B74B4_17BA_4BEE_A340_D….jpeg)

He’s the last bullet in the gun.

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5e5597  No.13026368


Because ALL of the MSM Fake News assholes post and lurk here 24/7 and they know Q is real.

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1d3adb  No.13026369

File: 4dd309f3266b990⋯.jpg (139.08 KB, 787x415, 787:415, PLETHORA_PLUS.jpg)

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080078  No.13026370

File: 27ee64da09926cc⋯.jpg (22.71 KB, 680x453, 680:453, El_Chapo_Wife.jpg)


>Wife of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman arrested on charges of international drug trafficking

What's up with the '80's pants?

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7022a0  No.13026371

File: 66aba07d6096eef⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, lovehole.jpg)


Follow the wives (they're all mossad handlers)

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1aa1c9  No.13026372

File: 97aa92d49514c82⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1552x870, 776:435, 60_minuts.png)

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e280e8  No.13026373


I did not, and will not, watch this garbage.

I do not need to see every ounce of evil

the world and its demonic master produces

to be convinced that we are reliving the

the days of Noah. While we may provide

stop gap measures for a while, with revivals

and reforms, no permanent solution will be

presented until the coming of Christ. Go away.

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7ae768  No.13026374

File: b6a191cbf41832b⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 861x154, 123:22, zoom_blackout.JPG)


Los Angeles parents hold Zoom blackout to pressure schools to reopen

by Mica Soellner, Breaking News Reporter |

| February 22, 2021 05:28 PM

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a3222d  No.13026375

File: af6d4fbfab67fcf⋯.jpg (89.1 KB, 1434x664, 717:332, Screenshot_20210222_174243….jpg)

unless 90+ in wartime conditions?

wat aren't we seeing?

11.3 is the first marker

why would a dem house want to push this through?

H.R.1193 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Reclamation of War Powers Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress


didn't need an insurection act.

declared war already.

A POTUS has moar power than people realize.

Tribunals are taking place now?

90 days after Jan 20th is April 20th.

March 6th 45 days


2 days ahead of schedule March 4th

We have moar than we know

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ce8bc4  No.13026376

File: 8a38e326af98821⋯.jpg (156.18 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, courtneywhatchudoin.jpg)


…Pretty much.

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e13fa0  No.13026377

File: cb92562af89fb9d⋯.jpeg (17.22 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 69CC4F04_B99F_41A9_9CE3_7….jpeg)


Dude - I’m a real person, not a shill. I contribute to notables often. Been here for years. Stop yelling and being hateful.

I ask questions because we’ve got new eyes on here, especially since last night’s 60 Minutes. And here you are being a dick instead of helping answer questions.

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1f42ab  No.13026378


Kek.. the last last last?

Don't think so.. Q is either completely fake, completely defeated, or nowhere near finished… Quit clenching.

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37935d  No.13026379



if he shows that "evidence" from Dennis Montgomery,

Dominion will knee-cap him.

Montgomery did his job.

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07801f  No.13026380

File: ab8d7ceed07d6c6⋯.jpeg (182.79 KB, 750x848, 375:424, E5DE8214_911F_4691_83A0_E….jpeg)

File: a128aacec6abbfd⋯.jpeg (141.97 KB, 750x691, 750:691, C0712FF4_512F_4C0E_972A_5….jpeg)

This is worldwide.


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3ec9e0  No.13026381

File: 41b886c2bb3d1ec⋯.jpeg (56.13 KB, 640x370, 64:37, 2F14A434_3409_4B77_8DF9_3….jpeg)


You mean like this one

She’s so good she pussywhipped guys on this board…kek

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d99e9e  No.13026382

Q stated that you have more than you know.

Why, if you're here, have you not organised to address this?

Did they put too much faith in anons, since you've done nothing.

Allow me to motivate you with an example, the sandpit nursery level example.

The four letter event that the elite discuss and codeword climate change to fuck you sheep. Q post. Did ya notice? No.

The inevitability of the four letter event was given to give voice to how important it was that you heed "you have more than you know".

I'll put the first in lower case, since you havent and leave the four letter event in capitals. You had more than you know. Spoonfed.

as the world TURNs

Chan Thomas. Silly cunt didnt understand angular momentum. No mega-tsunamis on day one. No supersonic wind. It is conservation of angular momentum causing, not the effect.

The pyramids were ALL built on cardinals. This tells you that the TURN is EXACTLY 90 degrees. Some pyramids are older.

Stonehenge is two events mod four on when it was built. Originally it did its thing midwinter, not midsummer.

The casing stones on the great pyramid tell you how much was above.

The next TURN happens THIS year. 21. Think mirror 2012, 21st 12…


The moon was created by the original event. The cloud we pass through we will see that first. Then the Turn. Then the rings form (the Arc of the covenant) around the earth like all planets after a "recent", then they slowly disappear.

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1aa1c9  No.13026383

File: 31834a9cbd60bad⋯.png (581.53 KB, 978x396, 163:66, reduce.png)

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5e6513  No.13026384

File: a885a648927a37f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1178x1016, 589:508, wwg1wga.png)


We are everywhere.

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7ae768  No.13026385

File: 9ec964b1b74a1be⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 1016x162, 508:81, call_troops.JPG)


‘We need your help’: Lloyd Austin calls on troops to help fight extremism in ranks

by Abraham Mahshie, Defense Reporter |

| February 22, 2021 05:58 PM

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8a9528  No.13026386

File: 77c6b843fcdb8e2⋯.png (592.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Truly a role model for all of us to emulate.

sound advice.

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725621  No.13026387

File: 495cca068c7f132⋯.webm (5.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1610840796980.webm)

and by avoiding me, you prove yourselve to be a schizo.

is this never gets discussed, why even care?

There is some thought i had, for a very long time.

I mean, we are in a clown world, with clown laws and what else clown shit. Nothing is real, right?

Everything is just clown. Even the moral, clown moral!

Remember that one cabal video shit from alex the fuck jones?

That ritual seen in the video with that big mother fucking owl in the background where they burn some virgin.

Wild rumors say that the cabal does this to not feel any moral dilemma.

Now we wonder, why would they do this?

Well, in a clown world, with clown moral, who wouldn't?

>truth is hiden on so many levels

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5e6513  No.13026388

File: 0b37b82d10d1c48⋯.png (932.66 KB, 1152x1180, 288:295, Bread_Soldiers.png)

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3cf046  No.13026389

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

Welcome 60 minutes viewers.

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43a46e  No.13026390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9841ee  No.13026391


Fake news could at least put the link to the catalog for q research. And ask the q

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5b58bc  No.13026392

File: 31d10e9558accb1⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 611x628, 611:628, pedobear.jpg)


>"How old is he?"

>"Too old"


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84c2eb  No.13026393


I gotcha.

We have different philosophies regarding this then.

I say ignore and starve it of oxygen so as to not give them the attention they want.

You say call that shit out even if it there are numerous cases of it every bread.

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5a0dcf  No.13026394

File: 00118f8b06880e9⋯.jpg (85.96 KB, 600x444, 50:37, BidenGroperbiden102.jpg)


God's free will, Creatures participate in that with their own mini-Free Will.

But the great God does vengeance on men who rape or hurt their children.

That's what he does, one of His Roles.Upholds Order in the Universes; And punishes sick fucks.


Interpret it any way you want.

Not everyone will go along, that's just the way it is.

But most everyone will, once the creeps are exposed.

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e7118e  No.13026395


>Q got Israel to vaccinate over 6 million citizens

And comp SCOTUS!

(quoted the wrong post last time)

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ce8bc4  No.13026396


…Dude. lay off the drugs. That post was fuckin' painful to read.

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d423c3  No.13026397

File: 77878ff5e7378d6⋯.jpg (280.17 KB, 1050x741, 350:247, Screenshot_2021_02_22_oath….jpg)




Notice the continuous push to label the Oath Keepers as your enemies

Because the Oath Keepers are theONLYcivilian force capable of mounting a defense of what they have planned. The deep state has to destroy them in the court of public opinion before they can start their violent plans.











Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial. See the Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey for details.

Oath Keepers reaches out to both current serving and veterans to remind them of their oaths, to teach them more about the Constitution they swore to defend, and to inspire them to defend it. See below for details on how we do that. Oath Keepers also includes a membership program designated as “Associate Members”, which consists of patriotic citizens who have not served in uniform but who serve now by supporting this mission with their Associate Membership and volunteer activities. Oath Keepers welcomes our Associate Members and appreciates their support of our mission.

Our motto is “Not on our watch!“

Current Serving and Veterans, you swore an Oath…

I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

In contrast to the enlisted oath, the oath of military officers is to the Constitution alone, without qualification. To learn more about the history of the military oath, go here.

Veterans, your Oath NEVER expires! It’s time to keep it!

Who are Oath Keepers? Anyone who takes the Constitution seriously, and wants to preserve and defend it.

Things we are not allowed to talk about on NU-QResearch due to risk of false flags


80% lowers

How Violence has been used by every Government in history to oppress people

How if citizen refuse to fight back Governments are happy to use violence against them

How socialists have killed over 200 million people in the last 200 years

Starting to see a pattern?

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5acd57  No.13026398


El Chapo's beauty queen wife Emma Coronel Aispuro reveals plan to start a clothing line named after the drug lord and gets support from friends who say she has had a 'really hard life lately' in first episode of VH1 reality show Cartel Crew

El Chapo's beauty queen wife revealed she wants to set up a clothing line in her husband's name during her appearance on VH1's reality TV show Cartel Crew

The 30-year-old was seen meeting cast memberMichael Blanco who gave her business advice on a yacht in Miami

Cartel Crew depicts the lives of eight reality stars with deep family ties to the drug world as they work to make a name for themselves outside crime

Aispuro has been married to Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman since 2007

DailyMailTV got an inside look at Cartel Crew in an exclusive interview withBlanco, son of 'Cocaine Godmother' Griselda Blanco

PUBLISHED: 23:03 EST, 18 November 2019 -|

^^^^^^^^^^^^^connection to C_A drug running

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dc4e05  No.13026399

File: 8859fa9517aa817⋯.jpg (157.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Nice breakdown.

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7022a0  No.13026400

File: 0677d5c5838403c⋯.png (818.23 KB, 547x820, 547:820, ugly_jew_bitches.png)


If I see that fucking Abramovic one more time…


I don't think Melania is jewish anon

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37935d  No.13026401


Vatican City has been preaching for decades Property belongs to all the people,

and those with less have the "right" to take from those with more,

as part of their Marxist doctrine.

This was way before the current False Prophet.

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16e0b0  No.13026402

File: 00b72f6d9310936⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 475x248, 475:248, Shirley.gif)




>>Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened at night.

>So…It Was Fucking Vampires

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3df189  No.13026403

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 1411u441.png)

File: e51e9ec25acb79f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 954x868, 477:434, 1452376.png)

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 1411u441.png)

post carpet meme

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7ae768  No.13026404

File: 5ef84f1beee707e⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 624x578, 312:289, school_name.JPG)


San Francisco 'Cancels' Plan to Rename Schools

y Charlie McCarthy | Monday, 22 February 2021 06:09 PM

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44e64a  No.13026406

File: 01dba7f56e182d0⋯.png (554.55 KB, 1227x718, 1227:718, ClipboardImage.png)

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1aa1c9  No.13026407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e5b1df  No.13026408


no one watching 60 minutes made it in here

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016c76  No.13026409

El Chapo’s wife just got arrested at Dulles Airport.

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e7118e  No.13026410


Your imaginary superhero turned out to be a CIA nigger working on traitor Trump's behalf. Let it go!

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ac9f6f  No.13026411

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7022a0  No.13026412


"Clown world" is a meme invented the CIA.

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725621  No.13026413

File: 6c7ff93d46b01e8⋯.webm (4.85 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 1611805710738.webm)


you are not everyone else, you can only speak for yourselve but what ever it is you coined on yourselve, you can not coin on anyone else.

these days told you very well that the space of normalfags, the actual majority brainwashed by media, is not like you, so don't think they would tick like you.

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43a46e  No.13026414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5bf7f9  No.13026415

File: abb32be5ab9de57⋯.jpg (585.56 KB, 683x1409, 683:1409, aclj_is_israeli_shill_now_….jpg)

>>13025204 pompeo interview after joining ACLJ (pb/notables)

just more shilling for israel

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7ae768  No.13026416

File: 8711f562e7d1aa3⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 765x604, 765:604, el_chap.JPG)


El Chapo’s Wife Arrested In Virginia

By T. Grant Benson -February 22, 2021

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d99e9e  No.13026417


Covid19 was prep for the Turn.

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3ec9e0  No.13026418


Worse…..she’s Catholic and protected the P……if you know a crime was committed and fail to report it

Aren’t you just as guilty

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5a0dcf  No.13026419


Stonehenge was built in 19th c.

Another fake, to create a fake past.

Maybe they used it for rituals, who knows

And I agree with the other commenter,

You apparently need some rest

Take care of yourself.

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5e6513  No.13026420

File: d4155284a256c97⋯.jpg (32.71 KB, 625x351, 625:351, OnePing.jpg)

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c841af  No.13026421


All your memes is belongs to us.

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5acd57  No.13026422


>Michael Blanco

Michael Corleone Blanco Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Girlfriend, Dating, Bio-Wiki

ByWinnie Muriuki -January 2, 2021


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93205a  No.13026423

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, so_much_text.gif)

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725621  No.13026424

File: 53a6e4aab015a5e⋯.webm (4.86 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1613324762950.webm)


denial is a sympthom of schizophrenic

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09a2bb  No.13026425

File: b72306022b8b2a4⋯.jpg (88.63 KB, 700x767, 700:767, Screen_Shot_2021_02_22_at_….jpg)

Global Notables



Post these vids every Bread.

We have many new eyes here.

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37935d  No.13026426


CIA was created in 1947.

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7ae768  No.13026427

File: dc6f06ccadfb815⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 619x617, 619:617, arrested_for.JPG)

File: fd651bdbc3f3adf⋯.png (102.96 KB, 233x266, 233:266, pepe_wink.PNG)

File: 9c84bc67cfd8106⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1133x631, 1133:631, bootstrap.PNG)


Biden Claimed He Was Arrested for Trespassing at Capitol

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c841af  No.13026428


The Pyramids are a 19thC fake too! Kek!

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1d3adb  No.13026429

File: ea277d2708cdb67⋯.jpg (59.34 KB, 446x387, 446:387, 8KUN_BETTER_THAN_GOSSIP.jpg)

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7022a0  No.13026430

File: 3e8464930fb9f57⋯.jpg (209.66 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, image.jpg)

File: e5b2c89e9bd314a⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1176x783, 392:261, bye_bibs.png)


Oh okay, I ignored you the first time as I thought you didn't mean to respond to me kek

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5e6513  No.13026431


No coincidence.

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93205a  No.13026432

File: eb83d5c5c1fb5c9⋯.png (3.76 KB, 446x126, 223:63, lymph.png)

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7db6aa  No.13026433


Did the parents check with the school first to see if saying "blackout" was acceptable with the diversity committee?

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7022a0  No.13026434


How did she protect the pope again?

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7022a0  No.13026435


So is assfucking. Does that make you Schizo Prime?

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c0021f  No.13026436

File: 0906c4042eee525⋯.png (323.4 KB, 698x427, 698:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ef528b3bd7c1f5⋯.png (1020.42 KB, 800x470, 80:47, ClipboardImage.png)


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a7990e  No.13026437


and thus… why ivermectin is a recognized treatment

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34471a  No.13026438


to try to get ahead of discrediting what they know is coming.

you, as a journalist, should know this.

that's why you're, right? to get a feel for what anons are thinking?

fuck off. we're non-violent people in search of the truth, and nothing more.

(if you're a legit anon, just remove the negative parts)

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6e6133  No.13026439





This isn't the END, its the BEGINNING!

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7deb5b  No.13026440


Swiss Vatican Dulles

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df64da  No.13026441


Keep it simple…use Gladiator.

First they have to destroy/kill your name etc.

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3cf046  No.13026442

File: 1ca482725d28b35⋯.png (29.15 KB, 1869x899, 1869:899, Filtered.png)

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a0c08c  No.13026443

File: a9e7df336af374a⋯.png (78.7 KB, 724x855, 724:855, ClipboardImage.png)

Just started getting these emails again last week. Consistent.

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000000  No.13026444


>Los Angeles parents hold Zoom blackout to pressure schools to reopen

If they would just work with the schools, everything would work much smoother.

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1f42ab  No.13026445


Ugh, yeah the blackpilling is too much..

KYS = Deep States goal

Feel powerless = Deep States goal

no one needs to respond to this nonsense.

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7ae768  No.13026446

File: a896d36b8fc40ff⋯.jpg (66.15 KB, 1297x330, 1297:330, ark_l.JPG)


Arkansas state Senate approves bill banning all abortions unless mother's life is threatened

By Brooke Seipel - 02/22/21 06:31 PM EST

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ac9f6f  No.13026447


This is Good.

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43a46e  No.13026448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e5b1df  No.13026449

File: 6909fcdef4fd35f⋯.png (362.8 KB, 808x540, 202:135, b8dsf87au0_pzxdJe442094578….png)


anons that watched it don't count

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1aa1c9  No.13026450

File: ee7accf486d36b8⋯.png (787.93 KB, 976x630, 488:315, testtube.png)

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a3222d  No.13026451


almost here!!

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34471a  No.13026452



and nobody archived it….. right?

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c841af  No.13026453

File: 7ead64f57d78ca0⋯.png (431.83 KB, 693x390, 231:130, ANCIENTWISDOMDISCOVERED.png)

So basically it looks like we are just going to keep shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic until God sorts things out and and for all. It really had to be this way. I mean, can you honestly suggest any other way out than in?

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8a9528  No.13026454


so you just gonna "pretend ebake" with your own narrative next bread?


>(30) so far

or you just gonna keep complaining? kitchen is open. now is your chance to put your baking where your mouth is. theres no "gatekeeper" to stop you now.

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95268d  No.13026455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


some whining fucking anons need a lift, either shit or get off the pot!!!

other anons hold the line!!!

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34471a  No.13026456


oops. that wnd link wasn't meant to be there

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7ae768  No.13026457

File: 04ada9d64f68429⋯.jpg (78.81 KB, 931x596, 931:596, claims_to_op.JPG)


Pelosi, Who Claims to Oppose Gerrymandering, Funnels $300,000 to Democratic Gerrymandering Group

Joe Schoffstall - February 22, 2021 5:00 AM

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109430  No.13026458

File: 2f065bbb8f9d879⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 480x450, 16:15, pepe_heart.jpg)


>March Madness

Please Mr, let it come!

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77b249  No.13026459


The federal building in Portland wasn't empty. Although court was not in session, there were federal employees inside. Garland's ridiculous answer actually goes against the definition of 'terrorism' as defined by the FBI:

"The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"


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7ae768  No.13026460

File: 3a7a9455cb55414⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 938x805, 134:115, gravy.JPG)


Gravy Train Keeps Rolling for Second Stepdaughter Ella Emhoff

Hunter Biden 2.0

Andrew Stiles - February 22, 2021 3:40 PM

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3cf046  No.13026461


Hate to point it out, but it appears we have been forgetting to consider which year/decade.

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c27a50  No.13026462

Test..Is the board finally straightened out …

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1d3adb  No.13026463

File: db6b5d7a6d43209⋯.jpg (90.29 KB, 570x461, 570:461, CURIOUS.jpg)

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54e85b  No.13026464

File: a06b20cae425d84⋯.png (400.02 KB, 1783x1384, 1783:1384, f235dxn8tg751.png)

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dc4e05  No.13026465

File: db951f289e47a3f⋯.jpg (101.98 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 324br0.jpg)


>can you honestly suggest any other way out than in?

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000000  No.13026466


>so you just gonna "pretend ebake" with your own narrative next bread?

Cant bake mate, tho we do have a couple new additions "tom" didnt seem to stop in the catalog.

So you just gonna sit there and white knight for the infiltrated mods?

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7fa5e0  No.13026467


>What's up with the '80's pants?

Clothing styles are cycled and recycled.

"Mom jeans" started to reappear in 2017.

This website is an example of how such fashion trends are seeded amongst the plebes:


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725621  No.13026468

File: 1cfcc5eeab557e0⋯.webm (3.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1613166598226.webm)


and remember

thats how you react to it, this is you, thats all you can do,…

i think it is very sad.

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fee746  No.13026469

File: 6b6e9caff769884⋯.png (766.26 KB, 1231x755, 1231:755, ClipboardImage.png)



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bcad6d  No.13026470

File: 0783af86e0096ef⋯.jpeg (612.54 KB, 828x1217, 828:1217, 0D12FDE9_7DD9_43E7_8DE0_8….jpeg)

QAnon is a LARP

As I've said for over a year now, QAnon is a fake "viral" thing actually spread more by the media than any real Trump supporters.

Yes, some of you think it has been "interesting" but it's been a total set up from day one. This proves it:


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5dbf9e  No.13026471

File: cc43e97ed107e6e⋯.png (58.3 KB, 500x536, 125:134, KamalahHarrisJewHubby.png)

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7ae768  No.13026472

File: e3c1290ae1b1f0f⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 948x602, 474:301, legal_chal.JPG)


Biden Labor Purge Sparks Legal Challenge

Graham Piro - February 22, 2021 4:59 AM

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5a0dcf  No.13026473

File: 31fb0949303d4a4⋯.jpg (172.77 KB, 959x560, 137:80, Biden_Dregs2.jpg)

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35cb57  No.13026474


Thanks for this, helping me spit the black pill out

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1aa1c9  No.13026475

File: f717673886b315e⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 251x255, 251:255, whoaa2.jpg)


wow amazing concept

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7ae768  No.13026476

File: b54ff2677db0acc⋯.jpg (98.39 KB, 862x690, 431:345, the_wife.JPG)


WE CAUGHT THEM: Matt Crane, Critic of TGP’s Article on Obvious Questions of the 2020 Election Results in Colorado, Was Not Forthright – Turns Out His Wife Worked for Dominion and Sequoia for Over a Decade

By Joe Hoft

Published February 22, 2021 at 6:00pm



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7022a0  No.13026477


I think it's sad you talk about a clown world (like a faggot with a victim mentality) instead of mentioning the very real reasons we are at this point. You know, the whole secret jewish cabal hellbent on driving this world into a hell?

But yeah that clown world dude! WHOA it's just like so…chaotic! And like….random dude! Btw you're a schizo if you disagree

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5a0dcf  No.13026478

File: 4b783490d1a0105⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 888x499, 888:499, BIDEN_BEADY_EYES_BIDEN_SNE….jpg)

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6802dc  No.13026479

File: 597ee74e6cce545⋯.png (38.58 KB, 652x334, 326:167, Screenshot_2021_02_22_NRO_….png)

Over on our Facebook and IG pages, we're talking about fast facts for the #Corona program. Did you know Corona collected over 800,000 images from space? It was also the 1st reconnaissance program to fly 100 missions. #NROat60 #AboveandBeyond #starcatchers



if you say…

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5acd57  No.13026480



Місhаеl Вlаnсо іѕ wеll knоwn аѕ аn еntrерrеnеur whо hаѕ а Соlоmbіаn саrtеl hіѕtоrу.  Ніѕ mоthеr іѕ а wеll-knоwn drug trаffісkеr whо hаd thrіvеd іn thе саrtеl buѕіnеѕѕ whеrе ѕhе trаffісkеd сосаіnе. Ѕhе bесаmе ѕо рорulаr thаt ѕhе wаѕ еvеn nаmеd аѕ thе ‘Gоdmоthеr ‘оf thе сосаіnе buѕіnеѕѕ.


Grіѕеldа Вlаnсо wаѕ lосkеd uр fоr tеn уеаrѕ аftеr bеіng аrrеѕtеd fоr drug trаffісkіng аnd Місhаеl Вlаnсо bеіng thе lаѕt bоrn іn thе Вlаnсо’ѕ fаmіlу hе hаd nо оthеr wау but tо tаkе uр thе buѕіnеѕѕ. Ніѕ оthеr brоthеrѕ wеrе аll іn јаіl. Вlаnсо tооk uр thе сосаіnе buѕіnеѕѕ ѕіnсе whеn hе wаѕ 12 уеаrѕ оld tіll whеn hе wаѕ 33 уеаrѕ оld. Вlаnсо hаd tо сhаngе hіѕ wауѕ аftеr hіѕ mоthеr wаѕ gunnеd dоwn іn 2012, аnd hе іѕ nоw thе fоundеr оf Ѕtrееtwеаr lаbеl Рurе Вlаnсо.

Мауbе уоu knоw аbоut Місhаеl Соrlеоnе Вlаnсо vеrу wеll, but dо уоu knоw hоw оld аnd tаll іѕ hе, аnd whаt іѕ hіѕ nеt wоrth іn 2021? Іf уоu dо nоt ѕее, wе hаvе рrераrеd thіѕ аrtісlе аbоut dеtаіlѕ оf Місhаеl Соrlеоnе Вlаnсо’ѕ ѕhоrt bіоgrарhу-wіkі, саrееr, рrоfеѕѕіоnаl lіfе, реrѕоnаl lіfе, tоdау’ѕ nеt wоrth, аgе, hеіght, wеіght, аnd mоrе fасtѕ. Wеll, іf уоu’rе rеаdу, lеt’ѕ ѕtаrt.

Grіѕеldа Вlаnсо wаѕ lосkеd uр fоr tеn уеаrѕ аftеr bеіng аrrеѕtеd fоr drug trаffісkіng аnd Місhаеl Вlаnсо bеіng thе lаѕt bоrn іn thе Вlаnсо’ѕ fаmіlу hе hаd nо оthеr wау but tо tаkе uр thе buѕіnеѕѕ. Ніѕ оthеr brоthеrѕ wеrе аll іn јаіl. Вlаnсо tооk uр thе сосаіnе buѕіnеѕѕ ѕіnсе whеn hе wаѕ 12 уеаrѕ оld tіll whеn hе wаѕ 33 уеаrѕ оld. Вlаnсо hаd tо сhаngе hіѕ wауѕ аftеr hіѕ mоthеr wаѕ gunnеd dоwn іn 2012, аnd hе іѕ nоw thе fоundеr оf Ѕtrееtwеаr lаbеl Рurе Вlаnсо.

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509735  No.13026482


>violence against persons or property

Fair point, and great citation.

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8a9528  No.13026483

File: a99eb6a0d6ebce8⋯.png (59.15 KB, 409x620, 409:620, ClipboardImage.png)


admin can suck a dick. and so can MNR kek.

youve been attacking the baker all day. now you "cant" bake. kek.

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7ae768  No.13026484

File: c6248843177d669⋯.jpg (98.9 KB, 856x708, 214:177, days_before.JPG)


Days Before Certifying Colorado’s Questionable 2020 Election Results for Biden, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Caught Deleting Dominion Voting Machines 2015 Proposal for Work

By Joe Hoft

Published February 22, 2021 at 2:00pm

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09a2bb  No.13026485

File: 96d2f1212c9bfa1⋯.jpg (105.56 KB, 658x990, 329:495, Screen_Shot_2021_02_15_at_….jpg)




Made the list - first of the B's

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000000  No.13026487


>admin can suck a dick. and so can MNR kek.

>youve been attacking the baker all day. now you "cant" bake. kek.

So you have chosen white knighting. Good talk!

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ac9f6f  No.13026488


>caught -deleting-dominion-voting-machines

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725621  No.13026489

File: 8aa7ff73a3b3f30⋯.webm (4.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1613249339052.webm)

the bread is about to end

and you all proved to be faggots

you are not part of any chan culture, you all have aids.

bots, indian shills and retarded patriots who can't get their fucking medal… you are just idiots and everyone laughs at you. Go on and keep up with your plan while actual people suffer.

fucking schizos.


>t's just like so…chaotic! And like….random dude!

never said that, but keep filling the wholes so it fits your view again.

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5e6513  No.13026490

File: 1514f4debf84bc5⋯.png (446.51 KB, 803x441, 803:441, HTL_0220_1.png)

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e7118e  No.13026491

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7ae768  No.13026492

File: d6e802e1e5f3466⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 644x266, 46:19, dem_oop.JPG)


Democratic representatives write to cable companies including AT&T and Comcast and streamers Amazon and Hulu demanding they drop Fox News, OAN and Newsmax over 'misinformation'

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43a46e  No.13026493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d3adb  No.13026494

File: 289561e8e0e4f21⋯.jpg (112.95 KB, 518x460, 259:230, WIN_DANCE.jpg)

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dc4e05  No.13026495

File: a565eec5f9a9a40⋯.jpeg (22.43 KB, 255x207, 85:69, a565eec5f9a9a4065907d5178….jpeg)


>Go on and keep up with your plan while actual people suffer.

Thanks I will.

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5a0dcf  No.13026496

File: f417bb29d6a4029⋯.jpg (69.41 KB, 800x560, 10:7, BidenGroperThoughts2.jpg)

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5c658e  No.13026497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

any way to see who was on these planes? the passenger manifest?

remember Q saying 7/10 plane crashes?

was it Feb that plane went down with the 911 widow?

A Longtail Aviation Boeing 747-400 freighter suffered an inflight engine failure shortly after taking off from Maastricht Airport, a regional airport in Beek in Limburg, Netherland, on Saturday.

Crazy! Another Boeing Jet Engine Drops Metal Part On Town Below

The plane was powered by Pratt & Whitney PW4000 engines - the same engine that just exploded over Denver - when one of its engines suffered a failure. -


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7022a0  No.13026498

File: 02f15dcdbac03ef⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 575x356, 575:356, lKPaHzph.jpg)


>keep filling the wholes so it fits your view again.

>you are not part of any chan culture, you all have aids.

>bots, indian shills and retarded patriots who can't get their fucking medal… you are just idiots and everyone laughs at you

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7ae768  No.13026499

File: 410172501e97162⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 768x616, 96:77, protect.JPG)


Merrick Garland Won’t Promise to Protect Durham Investigation

By Matt Margolis Feb 22, 2021 1:40 PM ET

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000000  No.13026500


Aware, anon. That was my point.

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76ed67  No.13026502


These fuckers don't know how to do anything NOT criminal. Lock Her Up!

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5c658e  No.13026503


I smell shit pot takers!

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000000  No.13026504

115th fighter wing airman was one of two people killed in a civilian plane crash in Wisconsin. From the same group that lost a pilot in the mysterious F-16 crash in Michigan's upper peninsula



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8a9528  No.13026505


>white knight

suck a giant fucking donkey dick you worthless unintelligent cuck shill commsniggerkike

is that more like it? you still wont bake for anons. kitchen is open. have you even ever baked? now is your chance to prove to anons your day long attacks were warranted. what are you so afraid of?

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6802dc  No.13026506

File: 2c2450bd7dc0806⋯.png (28.25 KB, 652x430, 326:215, Screenshot_2021_02_22_Sput….png)

New court session over corruption cases of Netanyahu to start on 5 April, reports say



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89f003  No.13026507

So are we finally at Trump 2024 or what?

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7ae768  No.13026508

File: 5e44c16cd701d6f⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 771x479, 771:479, y_cover.JPG)


Why Is the White House Covering for Cuomo?

By Matt Margolis Feb 22, 2021 10:29 AM ET

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7022a0  No.13026509

File: fdf1478740e004c⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, kek.webm)


Whole lotta shakin goin on

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e0f800  No.13026510


the plan appears to have been to trust every co-conspirator to eventually disqualify themselves and their institutions.

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72fe13  No.13026511


this country probably won't exist by 2024 at this rate

too little too late

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5a0dcf  No.13026512

File: fe2ddc92e984e6d⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 247x255, 247:255, BidenPedoJerkcjpedo.jpg)


and you can't write an English sentence and make sense with it.

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ac4835  No.13026513


I thought Oathkeepers were made up of mostly police and military ??

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6802dc  No.13026514


b (or what)

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c27a50  No.13026515

File: 40eae5808388ab8⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 746x457, 746:457, Capture.JPG)


>The only way is the military. Fully controlled

As Q told us ..but after Biden gets done Purging all of Trump voters and retaking control ..which military are you referring too

Biden’s new Pentagon chief purges Trump loyalists — including one who called Obama a ‘terrorist leader’

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announces ‘immediate suspension’ of former appointees, including several known for their incendiary online rhetoric


Breaking down Biden's plan to purge military of conservatives


Pentagon Chief Purges Defense Boards; Trump Loyalists Out


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43a46e  No.13026516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af0742  No.13026517


Patience, anon. CPAC, March 4, DC surrounded by MIL. Lot of pieces on the board shrouded in mystery still.

The end won’t be for everyone, this is not the end.

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7f40bc  No.13026518

Question - Does Special Counsel Durham have the power to press or bring forth charges without the AG? If I remember correctly the AG is the one who has to approve of any sealed indictments. As long as a swamp rogue AG is there, we will never see his report see the light of day unless there's new rules under him we don't know about.

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000000  No.13026519


>have you even ever baked?

Indeed I have, Ill share both of my pb's when you show yours.

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7022a0  No.13026520

File: 77db7358c8a8e7e⋯.png (1020.27 KB, 742x1100, 371:550, 77db7358c8a8e7e7c65aa19786….png)


>it's over goys

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abc175  No.13026521

File: e5b0e6831bcb032⋯.png (160.78 KB, 266x216, 133:108, ClipboardImage.png)



Kubrick supported the fake narrative of the "US military veteran terrorist".

His vietnam movie took the establishment line on OSWALD (who was an early version of McVeigh), and painted the Marines as a group of potential terrorists.

Kubrick is not the hero he is painted as. Unless you assume that his LAST movie only represented a change of heart

Kubrick also supported Cabal pedophilia traps with "lolita"

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5c658e  No.13026522


her pronoun is Da Grizz

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7ae768  No.13026523

File: 9348f5da23bb4a6⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 994x256, 497:128, rep_says.JPG)



Published 3 hours ago

John Kerry 'colluded' with Iran to undermine Trump, report says

Report from 2018 said Kerry engaged in 'shadow diplomacy' to save Iran deal

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c2c4c5  No.13026524

File: e0b1955e12c1449⋯.jpg (156.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, paintRM.jpg)


>Merrick Garland Won’t Promise to Protect Durham Investigation



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ac4835  No.13026525


Nevermind. I didnt read the whole thing kek

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5a0dcf  No.13026526

File: 34833bc4b180354⋯.jpeg (70.11 KB, 781x499, 781:499, enjoytheshow6.jpeg)


one of my ggggggg grand Dads said that in 1890

Said it wouldn't last 50 years

Still here,

DJT saved us

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89f003  No.13026527


CNN was pushing March 4th about half hour ago so you can take that date off. Unless Trump is trying to rip people off by raising rates at the hotel in DC.

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7ae768  No.13026528

File: bbbfb6afa7e3b42⋯.jpg (51.81 KB, 960x261, 320:87, pro_g.JPG)


Justice Department

Published 6 hours ago

Garland says DOJ would ‘advance’ Biden’s pro-gun control policies

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said gun control is a 'priority' for Biden.

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c841af  No.13026529


Tee hee. Ya but demons are the daemons and their handlers are the most vocal students in class, so they keep it lively.

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c2c4c5  No.13026530

File: 478fb00ee23cee7⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 3089x2998, 3089:2998, JKlogn.jpg)

File: 35f855db21e9110⋯.png (1.44 MB, 951x676, 951:676, JKir2.png)


>John Kerry 'colluded' with Iran

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dc4e05  No.13026531

File: 7bff81d6145fbb2⋯.jpg (336.29 KB, 1336x1594, 668:797, 7bff81d6145fbb2f4169036a68….jpg)


>..which military are you referring too

Remains to be seen.

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8137b0  No.13026532

File: 69879c3d19c4451⋯.png (516.14 KB, 824x764, 206:191, C07522BA_E10C_4BB5_9E7E_95….png)


FFS Anon

Not notable

Copy/pasta slide

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1d3adb  No.13026533

File: 05c6942ef8bb3af⋯.jpg (84.5 KB, 444x560, 111:140, o7.jpg)

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af0742  No.13026534


What the hell kind of logic is this?

Fucking shills.

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34a15b  No.13026535


When is the sotu scheduled?

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84c2eb  No.13026536

File: 193018a1d40a3ed⋯.png (302.2 KB, 860x549, 860:549, Iowa_wind.png)

Iowa is chock full of wind farms.

Funny how they kept working in conditions as bad if not worse than Texas has.

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8a71b8  No.13026537


The Republic is done.

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37935d  No.13026538


Aaaaand they'll use that to remove the children from the home.

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9d5088  No.13026539

>>13025312 (PB)

Kinda slow on the uptake there, Vice. Look at the pool photos of the Yellow Vests. Look closer. France. Ireland. London. Australia. Germany. Poland. Taiwan. Venezuela. Mexico. Japan. S. Korea. Antarctica. Greece … the list goes on and on.

We were there on day one … which means we were there before then, too.

There is hardly a location where you won't find us and there are no occupations we don't hold, no closed door that we aren't on both sides of.

You folks don't even know the name of your enemies, but we're fighting them … and you are fighting us.


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8a9528  No.13026540


>both of my pb's

kek. i wasnt the one attacking the baker all day.

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af0742  No.13026541



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109430  No.13026542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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abc175  No.13026543

File: 51262bbf697937f⋯.jpg (23.79 KB, 474x266, 237:133, weather_control_jfk.jpg)

File: 6d0810e71ed5047⋯.jpg (29.69 KB, 474x266, 237:133, weather_control_lbj.jpg)

File: 039832bc3daf9af⋯.jpg (297.02 KB, 1600x1343, 1600:1343, weather_control_president_….jpg)


>Said it wouldn't last 50 years

it didn't. Bankrupt in the 30s, forcing everyone to hand over gold to the fed under penalty of arrest. It was dead.

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080078  No.13026544

File: 797da0d1ea37259⋯.png (24.68 KB, 608x399, 32:21, 0000000000000000000.png)


>As I've said for over a year now, QAnon is a fake "viral" thing

Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec

I kept telling reporters that there were hardly any T-shirts of it at the rallies, but they never wanted to hear it


Fuckin JackDouche. kek

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07801f  No.13026545

File: 21dc124e538644e⋯.jpeg (139.37 KB, 750x637, 750:637, E68ACE6D_EA03_4A80_B754_7….jpeg)

File: e0c79567624ece1⋯.jpeg (113.3 KB, 750x661, 750:661, 306660FB_900D_4599_914E_D….jpeg)

File: 23cb567226cb88b⋯.jpeg (153.28 KB, 750x736, 375:368, 4FB58098_17ED_4A91_B615_D….jpeg)

Qanon in Japan


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000000  No.13026546



New Baker

Notables next bread

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000000  No.13026547


>kek. i wasnt the one attacking the baker all day.

which means nothing to me. Ill attack evil when and where I see it. You dont have the stomach for that? Them take your ass back to the women folk and white knight to them.

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ce8bc4  No.13026548

File: 66cef838518c08c⋯.jpg (149.81 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 20200615091707.jpg)

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8a71b8  No.13026549


I have lost faith in the Q movement. Todat was the last straw. Everyone is settling in nice and comfy to

America's patent and certain destruction.

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7ae768  No.13026550

File: 0e9d8b1162cfc51⋯.jpg (85.53 KB, 866x649, 866:649, dont_want_v.JPG)


Rep. Scalise vs. ABC's Jon Karl: Millions Of People Don't Want To See Our Election Laws Violated Again

Posted By Ian Schwartz

On Date February 22, 2021

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7022a0  No.13026551


Jack Posobeic is a cunt

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5c658e  No.13026552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Buy A Shotgun Song - ft. VP Biden & Darren Criss


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e7118e  No.13026553

File: 4542c8103504778⋯.png (354.13 KB, 684x389, 684:389, Q_post_at_Time_Sq_022221.png)

Hey, I found Q. He posted on a billboard in Time Square in his native language.


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8a9528  No.13026554


>Ill attack evil when and where I see it.

you my friend are lost. god speed.

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5a0dcf  No.13026555


What does CNN have to do with it?


Not really

It's revived

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bb418c  No.13026556



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cfe386  No.13026557


okay bye don't let the door hit your full diaper on the way out baby

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7ae768  No.13026558

File: c02389945434e96⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 838x566, 419:283, dodge.JPG)


Merrick Garland Dodges Questions About Durham Probe, Says He Can’t Discuss Hunter Biden

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af0742  No.13026559


Well then—for fuck sake—get off this board. Lol we don’t need sunshine patriots, we’ll see you again once the tide turns.

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1d3adb  No.13026560

File: 00181ad94ee6994⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 344x384, 43:48, COMFY_ART.jpg)

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5c658e  No.13026561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Biden: Buy a shotgun, not an AR-15

Vice President Joe Biden appeared at an online town hall on gun control and offered advice on his weapon of choice.


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34a15b  No.13026562


There are no anons left and Q left in December. There is only Qanon

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35cb57  No.13026563


Pass that shit over, I need a hit

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7db6aa  No.13026564


>Millions Of People Don't Want To See Our Election Laws Violated Again

Just this one time to get the democrats back in power and then never again.

Let this be a lesson to us.

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e7118e  No.13026565


>certain destruction.

Christ, it already happened.

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76ed67  No.13026566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is just getting crazy!


April Daniels

2 weeks ago

Diana (princess?) Waldo (JFKJr.)?? Soon Michael, Elvis , and Who else? The Best is yet to Come!!!

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d99e9e  No.13026567




We are at peak Clown World my friend.

All the World's a Stage.

It's Tru'man. Lets enjoy the show.

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5a0dcf  No.13026568


he will be CGI

"audio animatronics" invented by D'Isney

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bb418c  No.13026569


I wouldn’t discuss him if he was under investigation either

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75d41d  No.13026570


so have you just been watching movies in the meantime

been a few interesting messages the last couple of days, will say that

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7ae768  No.13026571

File: 483d2135167fb04⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 691x163, 691:163, lish_in.JPG)






JUST IN - #Microsoft forms a coalition to "combat disinformation" online. Founding members are Adobe, Arm, BBC, Intel, Microsoft, and Truepic. Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has been a big supporter of modern moves to censor more on social media.

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1aa1c9  No.13026572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3cf046  No.13026573



I can do that too….watch.

The Statue of Liberty will climb down off her pedestal and take a shit on Liberty Island June 6th.

(See it's easy).

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5e6513  No.13026574


So, what? The globalists are against globalism?


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a3222d  No.13026575

DJT declares war on or around Jan 20th, tells no one.

Has 90 days, April 20th to withdraw troops.

March Madness mil tribunals.

April showers of traitors tears.

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07801f  No.13026576


Let me re-sauce this with a better link.


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7ae768  No.13026577

File: f7cab5a8da7e6a0⋯.jpg (89.93 KB, 857x718, 857:718, commun.JPG)


The Atlantic

A Catholic Sinner Seeks Communion—And Happens to Be President

Emma Green 1 day ago

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dc4e05  No.13026578

File: 07ed80311da849a⋯.jpg (137.58 KB, 1125x978, 375:326, 07ed80311da849ade725ea13bd….jpg)

I hate to break it to you faggots but we are probably going to have to endure Joe Biden stepping down or being removed and then Kamala will fuck shit up for awhile too.

Hate to say it but I see it coming. Shit's gotta get real bad for normies to shake it off.

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e1504c  No.13026579


so basically

pizzagate & Q are real

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34a15b  No.13026580


Yeah good luck getting those returns from king nig or Hillary. These rules don’t apply to them, have you learned nothing?

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5a0dcf  No.13026582

File: 97846068502ec37⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1703x2408, 1703:2408, hunternatalie5.png)


that's a good out, as long s they control the Prosecutore, etc., and can let him off officially later

Wasn't Hunter on an audio "open mic" claiming he got a plea deal?

Probably wanted to publicly brag on that

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34a15b  No.13026583


Yeah believe all sand niggers with a British accent

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95268d  No.13026584

File: 93d58eba03bc498⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1286x1304, 643:652, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….png)

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e7118e  No.13026585


>The end won’t be for everyone

It won't be for anyone who's a patriot.

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1d3adb  No.13026586

File: df6c331cca3b04a⋯.jpg (163.6 KB, 715x475, 143:95, WINNING_TOWN.jpg)

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e7118e  No.13026587


The normies know we're fucked. It's the idiots on here that don't have a clue.

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5a0dcf  No.13026588

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6802dc  No.13026589

File: 167f1ee561c51e9⋯.png (352.65 KB, 598x590, 299:295, Screenshot_2021_02_22_Haar….png)

How the small group of Israeli fighter pilots who command the Israel Defense Forces have monopolized U.S. military aid


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9841ee  No.13026590


One of the most common phrases isn't it ? Kinda like buying a certain car and suddenly you become aware of how many of those cars are on the road !

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5a0dcf  No.13026591



So where do you fit in?

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34a15b  No.13026592



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e7118e  No.13026593


As a patriot that's no longer deluded by the CIA nigger psyop.

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e604be  No.13026596


>I gotcha.

>We have different philosophies regarding this then.

>I say ignore and starve it of oxygen so as to not give them the attention they want.

>You say call that shit out even if it there are numerous cases of it every bread.

Yes, and thank you. I agree at times, with ignoring. I usually do myself. I rarely filter, unless it's specific cases, I'm sure you can figure that out without my saying it. Given the 60 Minutes propaganda, and the liklihood of new Eyes in here, a simple call-out, with proof should be made do shut down the BS, and allow the new Eyes to see what is going on. We all know there are agent provacateurs in here, there always have been, and it will continue to get worse now that the effectiveness of this Board and Anons in general has been proven. Hit pieces like 60 Minutes, Vice, South Park, etc are covering all the demographics and are designed to play upon those who those creators think are stupid. The people that watch it are not stupid, and when they come here, they need to see truth as well. Point - Counter-Point. Falsehoods should be called out as quickly as an un-sauced Post. The new Eyes have to be fine tuned to differentiate between fact and BS as well. That's where true Anons come in, which has always been what Q Team wanted from us anyway. I think we can agree on that. With the overt overthrow of our Republic, normal People are waking up. They know something is wrong. We are being painted by the media and the new regime as "terrorists" etc, and I'm very sure most People know that this is complete BS as well, especially when they are included in that, simply for supporting a President!

Truth is truth. BS is BS. Make it known as necessary, then let it go. Everyone will make their decisions from there.

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5a0dcf  No.13026597


He and DJTrump were friends.

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5c658e  No.13026598



rather die in a Gulag surrounded by anons than live on my great resetted knees

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5a0dcf  No.13026599


So you claim

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76ed67  No.13026601


Is it…I'd not heard it before the Q drops and President Trump and honestly, NEVER heard it from MJ as I was never a fan…I don't know shit, just wondering. I am not setting myself up for disappointment, though. I've had enough of that shit!

love and light, anon

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e5b1df  No.13026603

File: 0800fa602c2fc90⋯.png (689.6 KB, 1208x805, 1208:805, 246bf_g4ua_6y46e55_urssu_b….png)

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1aa1c9  No.13026604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc4e05  No.13026610

File: 60268f1ded9d125⋯.jpg (17.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 60268f1ded9d12541577dbaa29….jpg)

File: bff78ee271d1dac⋯.jpeg (22.79 KB, 255x212, 255:212, bff78ee271d1dac316b9cf81a….jpeg)

File: 9f016103dd9e3ce⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 526x935, 526:935, 9f016103dd9e3ce76076f7d261….jpg)

File: 57842a455c4245a⋯.jpg (11.54 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 0b330375971ae0c0ce47ae152e….jpg)

File: 7633e5707c264aa⋯.jpeg (72.06 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 7633e5707c264aa91eccbe6be….jpeg)

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d423c3  No.13026611


>rather die in a Gulag surrounded by anons than live on my great resetted knees

May get your wish.

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e7118e  No.13026612


Couldn't agree more.

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ef31b4  No.13026613


Just think of the stories we could reminisce over. All the adrenaline chasing stories Q was sharing with us, clockfags giving us hands on instruction on how to read that fucking thing once and for all! Crazy times.

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c1df25  No.13026614

File: 1a777857f4a9aab⋯.png (151.07 KB, 1271x1238, 1271:1238, names_on_the_side.png)

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c841af  No.13026615

File: d67f7cf9201afb1⋯.png (431.07 KB, 606x341, 606:341, PLATONICUNIDEAL.png)

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7022a0  No.13026616

File: e3bd813bc088c58⋯.gif (4.64 MB, 480x270, 16:9, FsPtCcj.gif)

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b673e4  No.13026617

I need the download frenz.

we all do



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c1df25  No.13026618

File: ea69456410cea5e⋯.png (689.82 KB, 1027x1155, 1027:1155, july_26_hillary.png)

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2995ec  No.13026619


Fake and gay! Cedric is a faggot who couldn't care less about us and so is BIDEN who doesn't even know who we are…. because we're nobodies. We're losers. We aren't anything but a bunch of losers expecting a miracle that's never going to happen. We never thought he'd lose. We're done. Fuck him and fuck everything else.

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f62040  No.13026620


You are absolutely correct in saying "QAnon" is a Larp…Since "QAnon" doesn't even "EXIST"..THAT WOULD MAKE IT A LARP BY DEFINITION!!!…

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dc4e05  No.13026621

File: 93d84c5ee5ad130⋯.jpeg (208.06 KB, 717x411, 239:137, 93d84c5ee5ad1306cf26528c8….jpeg)

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c841af  No.13026622


And yet…

I still haven't met one in person.

Just people who "hate it" cuz Bill M or Andy told them to.

Can't wait to quiz my first real QANON!

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c1df25  No.13026623

File: 976bb3bdebd349d⋯.png (796.63 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, fake_news_swalwell_mitch_c….png)

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abc175  No.13026625

File: bc833ce017a080d⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1303, 1080:1303, riot_says_biden.png)


>rather die in a Gulag surrounded by anons than live on my great resetted knees

pile of brass ftw

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b673e4  No.13026626


>How the small group of Israeli fighter pilots who command the Israel Defense Forces have monopolized U.S. military aid


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c16f56  No.13026627

File: f537f643f1fc078⋯.gif (8.97 MB, 308x401, 308:401, coop.gif)

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8a71b8  No.13026629



happening, dude. right before your very eyes

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c1df25  No.13026630

File: 0335cfcef6cf9fe⋯.png (105.88 KB, 939x770, 939:770, olberman_proof_of_swamp.png)

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50450c  No.13026633

File: 891b186befe972d⋯.jpeg (419.04 KB, 1242x1855, 1242:1855, 891b186befe972d56de5c6ceb….jpeg)

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c1df25  No.13026634

File: 92977f3fd337c38⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1200x848, 75:53, Q_img_drop_10222020_2_moth….png)

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9d2282  No.13026635


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2995ec  No.13026637


When we see a true, real, genuine audit of the votes and the dominion machines, then we can talk about mending fences, till then, go fuck yourselves you pieces of shit destroying our country and raising the damn prices of everything so fucking high we can't afford anything. I hope your shit burns down.

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7022a0  No.13026638


Has anyone made a comparison gif/webm of him and Lisa Paige's Cum Receptacle making demon faces ?

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f62040  No.13026639



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8a71b8  No.13026640

Does anyone know what happened to ACB and Kav?

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1aa1c9  No.13026641

Dominion is sueing My Pillow into the ground!

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5a0dcf  No.13026642

File: 9e8d0028d0b760f⋯.jpg (284.15 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, bracket21.jpg)


I'm starting to think there's moar to March Madness

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dc4e05  No.13026643


Now you've got him.

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fee746  No.13026644

File: 490d0917c3d3b4c⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1400x1737, 1400:1737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f10daa1afdc636⋯.png (326.42 KB, 378x396, 21:22, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bba81e9fd72316⋯.png (195.68 KB, 753x444, 251:148, ClipboardImage.png)






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9d2282  No.13026645

File: e9c236b9fc53d9f⋯.jpeg (645.92 KB, 1378x1046, 689:523, A58A177F_0207_4CFC_980D_3….jpeg)

Cops Arrest And Torture 1st Amendment Auditor In Coeur ‘dAlene Idaho

An Independent Journalists was arrested and tortured by police days after posting this video on YouTube.


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bb418c  No.13026646


Discovery is a motherfucker

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2995ec  No.13026647


They turned on us, plain and simple. They took the deal, renounce God and accepted Lucifer.

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c1df25  No.13026648

File: 64ec452e681f0c7⋯.png (490 KB, 900x673, 900:673, chrisinte_grady.png)

Larry Elder on Rumble!


Nice move(s)

END utube ggl amz netflx disney bank of America imo; what else?

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50450c  No.13026649

File: 7b56204faa19f07⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1355x784, 1355:784, 7b56204faa19f07c3f8521ab3a….png)

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abc175  No.13026650

File: a04aa550c9612a0⋯.jpg (29.04 KB, 500x350, 10:7, hillary_HRC_Double.jpg)

File: 3f5cd11921f7c6b⋯.jpg (75.96 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, hillary_double.jpg)

File: d1329d16a12a0dc⋯.jpg (142.48 KB, 1533x1404, 511:468, hillary_body_double.jpg)

File: 5379565221cf0ad⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 1058x704, 529:352, hill_body_double.jpg)

File: cb767bc811de9c2⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1243x768, 1243:768, more_proof_of_hillary_doub….png)


Lol which hillary is that?

That looks like the "official double" a bit fatter in the face and shorter


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1d3adb  No.13026651

File: 36202f9f683c83b⋯.jpg (126.73 KB, 555x551, 555:551, U_RIGHT.jpg)

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5a0dcf  No.13026652


He's happy about it

Pillow Guy was trying to get them to do that.

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e1504c  No.13026653


> >>13026641

>Discovery is a motherfucker

to the moon

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34471a  No.13026654


i'm thinking they are in on facilitating they fuckery but ARE /ourguy/s

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5a0f9c  No.13026655

File: d9a65640bbfff00⋯.png (752.4 KB, 874x871, 874:871, badge_nightshift.png)



Our boy is gonna whoop their asses.

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ef31b4  No.13026656


This is how they chill others who even think about going against them. If you say bad things about us, we will sue you into poverty. Bastards have to be shut down. Support and back these Mike and others like him.

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e3072b  No.13026657


Better not be a blank!!

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5a0f9c  No.13026658

File: a6b31c599c87ee3⋯.jpg (131.98 KB, 932x893, 932:893, goatfucker.jpg)

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5a0dcf  No.13026659


Maybe that's the original and just don't recognize it

Maybe they cloned the original

She hasn't looked like that since Macarena days.

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8a71b8  No.13026660


discovery now

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2995ec  No.13026661


There is no john Durham. Try to find pictures of him. you'll be in for a shock.

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000000  No.13026662

Q Research General #16591: Socialism Works Till You Run Out Of Other People's Money Edition


>>13026609 Fresh Bread

>>13026609 Fresh Bread

>>13026609 Fresh Bread

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5a0f9c  No.13026664

File: 66233fe52047f48⋯.jpg (135.6 KB, 680x850, 4:5, 66233fe52047f482c32fb5775b….jpg)

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abc175  No.13026665

File: 13f972822dbf9be⋯.jpeg (946.19 KB, 995x945, 199:189, energy_shakra_pepe.jpeg)


>more will come too.

And what will they find? Shitpoasting and memes and bewbs and bakerfights?

More direction needed around here but how

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09a2bb  No.13026666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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81d22a  No.13026667


Gorsuch confirmed April 2017 . . . before Q.

The rest of the inference is left as an exercise for the reader.

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50450c  No.13026669

File: dd450c0eb964e99⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 890b9897c678c7v65785c67c47….jpg)

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d02c81  No.13026670


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000000  No.13026672

Q Research General #16591: Socialism Works Till You Run Out Of Other People's Money Edition


>>13026609 Fresh Bread

>>13026609 Fresh Bread

>>13026609 Fresh Bread

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4662cb  No.13026674


>The normies know we're fucked

normies couldn't find their asses using both hands in a locked closet. they have no clue what anons are. how could they know we be fucked?

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c1df25  No.13026676

okay, check this out

let's say we are successful and END ggl amz etc, what would their next move have to be?

>path of least resistance

>large ships/companies hard to turn

>digital environment allows digital cover

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