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File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB, 248x140, 62:35, QResearchOfficial1.jpg)

f99855  No.13032916[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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f99855  No.13032922


Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Support Lin Wood https://www.kraken-wood.com/

Welcome To Q Research https://youtu.be/RDlp1JeZVKo (The Q Plan To Save the World)

>>13008019 Government memo crushes Cuomo’s defense in COVID nursing home scandal

>>13000959, >>13000965, >>13001223, >>13001287 GENERAL FLYNN PROMOTES #ITALYGATE

>>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' - Absolute Proof

>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

>>13026028 "Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED"

>>12857181, >>12862409 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13031284 The Video About "Q" That "60 Minutes" Doesn't Want You To Watch [Archive Offline]

>>13031319 Romney, Cotton propose $10 minimum wage plan

>>13031322 Malcolm X's family releases letter alleging FBI, police role in his death

>>13031336 "We Are NOT Done” – Sidney Powell Responds to Supreme Court Decision to Ignore Election Fraud

>>13031341 https://www.trumpvoterlist.org/ (???)

>>13031352 Feds-offer-plea-deal-lawyers-accused-tossing-Molotov-cocktail-NYPD-van

>>13031388 Are you Registered with Q Research [NS]?

>>13031392 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Caught Deleting Dominion Voting Machines 2015 Proposal for Work

>>13031448 Transplant patient died 61 days after being given covid infected lungs

>>13031449 Biden, Unable to cancel student debt?

>>13031452 Hopefully at today’s Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee hearing we can get some answers:

>>13031475 In the spring of 1999, CIA did a baseline review of the operational strategy against Bin Ladin and a new strategic plan (The Plan)

>>13031481 CAPS Hedge, Biden

>>13031484 ACTORS with fake blood to make white people look like terrorists

>>13031487 QMapFag Report

>>13031522 Multiple Vids (DC Uprise)

>>13031525 william barr, donald trump russia investigation was fbi sabotageattempt

>>13031527 OANN/Fox News Lawsuit

>>13031544 Q Reminder, Some will take the easy path and exit early.

>>13031548 I was digging on the tunnels in Cape Girardeau, Rush Limbaugh's home town.

>>13031552 Qanon name dropped in the hearings on the capital. (Anon Reminder, Call to Dig on Qanon)

>>13031571 $4_KEKS (Liberal Melt Down Vid)

>>13031573 Sen. Ron Johnson just read into the record this eyewitness account of what actually happened during the riot at the Capitol.

>>13031577 #Knowingly (Cap)

>>13031581, >>13031599 US Marshals - On February 23, 1861, President-Elect Abraham Lincoln quietly slipped into Washington, D.C. to prepare for his inauguration on March 4.

>>13031587 Pompeo, These cases were only one vote away from getting a full hearing at the SCOTUS (CAP)

>>13031603 PlaneReport E-6B Mercury up over Komiefornia, call sign JAIL34.

>>13031612 BiteLabs grows meat from celebrity tissue samples

>>13031655 Jen Psuki Psuki Live

>>13031647 Anon ask, Is this the hacker known as Qanon?

>>13031661 Testimony, 'I saw Provocateurs at the Capitol Riot on Jan 6th' (Cap)

>>13031687, >>13031694 Reminder, P A I N today is 23rd

>>13031691 WATCH LIVE: COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers testify about production before House committee

>>13031717 Anon asking, But is DoD still involved?


>>13031800 Clock Fag Report Feb 23 Lincoln

>>13031872 Shiff Comms? [DUMV$CRE] AAA

>>13031912 New: @AmnestyUK

>>13031944 Sen Scott, Seems no one has Any idea why the National Guard are there.

>>13031945 This Day in History: Feb. 23

>>13031949 The Dangoor family is donating the largest-ever gift to @RUSI_org, the world's oldest think tank.

>>13031954 System Overwhelmed by Thousands of Migrant Children Flooding US Border After Biden Reverses Trump Policy

>>13031985 White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defends the administration’s creation and use of “migrant facilities for children” at the southern border:

>>13031994 #16597

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f99855  No.13032924

Previously Collected Notables

>>13029635 #16594, >>13030483 #16595, >>13031197 #16596

>>13028321 #16591, >>13028072 #16592, >>13028881 #16593

>>13024956 #16588, >>13025855 #16589, >>13027690 #16590

>>13022545 #16585, >>13023313 #16586, >>13024071 16587

>>13020239 #16582, >>13021214 #16583, >>13021778 #16584

>>13018727 #16580\2, >>13018725 #16580\1, >>13019437 #16581

>>13017206 #16578, >>13017919 #16579\2, >>13017918 #16579\1

>>13014762 #16575, >>13015345 #16576, >>13016393 #16577

>>13012707 #16572, >>13013168 #16573, >>13013883 #16574

>>13009819 #16569, >>13010835 #16570, >>13012150 #16571

>>13007172 #16565, >>13007346 #16566, >>13011952 #16567

>>13005684 #16562, >>13005441 #16563, >>13006012 #16564

>>13002133 #16559, >>13004592 #16560, >>13005809 #16561

>>13001378 #16556, >>13000603 #16557, >>13001484 #16558

>>12995786 #16553, >>13000209 #16554, >>13001390 #16555

>>12988960 #16550, >>12994244 #16551, >>12996940 #16552

>>12987266 #16547, >>12987806 #16548, >>12988809 #16549

>>12983919 #16544, >>12984772 #16545, >>12986268 #16546

>>12980107 #16541, >>12980910 #16542, >>12981659 #16543

>>12977074 #16538, >>12977990 #16539, >>12978837 #16540

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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62a281  No.13032925

File: 333d1127fbd5859⋯.png (301.93 KB, 436x414, 218:207, heresjohnny.png)


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f99855  No.13032927

Quit being a faggot.

Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

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* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/

* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

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>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>12772779 ————————————–——– Australia #13

>>12976075 ————————————–——– Balkan #6

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>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>12995100 ————————————–——– France #3

>>12850476 ————————————–——– Germany #75

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

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>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

>>12276230 ————————————–——– Russia #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

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>>12926638 ————————————–——– UK #33

>>12704334 ————————————–——– Vatican #3

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Access through Tor http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

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75bb0c  No.13032928

File: c934f2f34a4518c⋯.png (59.72 KB, 596x200, 149:50, ClipboardImage.png)

What The Fuck

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63ab42  No.13032930














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f99855  No.13032931

New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

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Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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f99855  No.13032933



Loser ass ops changing the dough quit tryna act like the bakery under attack bitches

I know I know… better you than the,m…

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a15088  No.13032935

File: c06a3aeb02970ae⋯.jpg (319.56 KB, 1147x1661, 1147:1661, Anderson_Cooper_Mason.jpg)

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75bb0c  No.13032936

File: cb97e04c17a228f⋯.png (100.04 KB, 303x269, 303:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Publish your emails instead


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c3b21e  No.13032937

Few observations on Tiger Woods accident

Trumps Friend

New Rental Car with controllable software installed…all high end cars have them now

Solar Winds hacking Congressional Hearing

FF???…maybe…what was most of the NEWS reporting on right before the story broke???… were they (DS) winning the story line

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ffff72  No.13032938

File: 5579d23f38ec40e⋯.png (438.65 KB, 696x818, 348:409, retard_clown_logo_full.png)

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e41c1e  No.13032939


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464fb6  No.13032940

File: 6371ae6441ff167⋯.png (960.52 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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a15088  No.13032941


another excellent reproduction

there's a reason they scrubbed these…and it isn't good.

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ffff72  No.13032943

File: 3415af812d0fb0d⋯.png (436.89 KB, 696x674, 348:337, retard_clown_logo_full.png)

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36ae47  No.13032944


Hey fags, this is Q. Sorry, my tripcode color-changer in on the frtiz. I asked Dan to take a look, hopefully it will be working again soon.

So you've been wondering where I've been, right? Well, Mrs. Q and I had another baby - q. He's a boy. He joins his sister, qq, as a welcome member of the Q family. So I've basically been on new-parent leave for a number of weeks. Government benefit and all, ya know. Up early, changing little q's diapers, feeding him, and going through daily life here on quiet Quail Lane in Quincy.

I will tell you, I miss you fags. Your damn memes are funny as hell. And I do have some favorites (the Rudy - Pepe staring at each other meme still cracks me up.). But I can't spend a lot of time on the board here at home because Mrs Q. wouldn't approve of me looking at all them boobs and Baker girls you always drop on the site.

And the gore and tranny pics? How fucking sick are these shills? I mean who in their right mind would even think about that shit? These people are evil. They know their time is short and are more desperate than a whore at midnight. They are some sick fucks, for sure.

So about the future…you know what the deal is. You know the military was watching the election to monitor any foreign interference. And you know they found it. They know who actually won the election and who has been fraudulently placed in the role of President. You know we have it all. You know we have evidence on all the bad mother-fuckers in government. Most of them are corrupt. The FBI is corrupt, the DOJ is corrupt, the House, the Senate, save a few, and the Supreme Court are all corrupt at the highest levels.

You know Fox News switched sides just as I told you they would. Traitors. And now the rest of the media is pushing the whites-are-terrorist propaganda real hard. Constant Mockingbird messaging 24/7 on this. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, all of them are in on the treason. They are all Domestic Enemies of the US Constitution.

You remember how Big Mike's husband pushed the theme that veterans, Constitutionalists, Christians, patriots, Tea Party folks etc. were 'domestic terrorists,' right? He even had Eric Holder classify you all as such. Then Zero went and beefed up local police departments with surplus military vehicles. He was expecting a violent response to his policies from the right. But it never habbened.

Now that you see how they tried to railroad Donald Trump with the 'called for domestic terror' tag and are aggressively pushing the idea that all Trump supporters are also domestic terrorist, can you IMAGINE what would have happened, what they would have done, how their pre-planned chorus of 'domestic terrorism' messaging would have immediately kicked into high gear if somewhere along the way ANY of you would have engaged in the violence they attempted to goad you in to?

Obama tried to goad you. The left's Antifa attacks tried to goad you. And now the stolen election and Biden's policies are doing the same thing.

They WANT you to engage in violence. This way they can have some standing for their propaganda. But should you? It is a good question. And fair. But you must ask yourself, do you want to be that person the controlled national media relentlessly destroys?

Bottom line is either you Trust the Plan or you do not. If you do, then understand that the military has all the dirt and our future is in their hands.

These are uncertain times. But we know who wins in the end.

OK, gotta run. Little q just dumped a Pelosi in his diaper that I've got to attend to.

Keep the faith, anons. Ignore the desperate shills. They are all shit-dick faggots who can't get a real job in society. And never will.


/sarc off

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7ec4db  No.13032945

File: f506e318cb998d2⋯.png (652.05 KB, 598x586, 299:293, Screenshot_2021_02_23_New_….png)

Christians in Ethiopia never saw 'Ark of the Covenant' they died for



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af2226  No.13032946


>controllable software installed

I love my 1990 silverado.

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0d92ed  No.13032947

File: 9ecb39617890241⋯.jpeg (418.04 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 0FF37F8A_C0B9_4AF6_9AC0_6….jpeg)

File: 0bed49f0a255545⋯.jpeg (384.9 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 866B4112_E36D_43BC_AC2E_F….jpeg)

File: 609cfa18f258b59⋯.jpeg (512.6 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 8296EF21_B880_4C61_8AE4_E….jpeg)


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75bb0c  No.13032948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tiger Woods plays a round of golf with President Trump | GOLF.com

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f99855  No.13032949


They have a message for you…

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45cb19  No.13032950

File: 5fd0e14718cfb09⋯.jpg (132.94 KB, 596x800, 149:200, HotDogs_Pizza.jpg)

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10d3ec  No.13032951

File: be8243d283e7cc9⋯.jpg (173.51 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 20210223_132116.jpg)

File: 5f5f0425411ab44⋯.jpg (208.86 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 20210223_131106.jpg)

File: b250e5d148dab16⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 682x1023, 2:3, demonic_cat_19.jpg)


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355b9f  No.13032953

File: 487193e0279f3d9⋯.jpeg (120.82 KB, 758x1600, 379:800, AeyADAxHRdkuq68YOqUV_23_7….jpeg)

Gen X?

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0d92ed  No.13032954

File: 115ac6895e58bd4⋯.jpeg (844.13 KB, 828x1414, 414:707, A63E0A06_43E2_49CE_A2C0_A….jpeg)



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e07166  No.13032955

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)

File: f9f068596dd1d98⋯.jpg (68.32 KB, 386x599, 386:599, f9f068596dd1d984b58504cd02….jpg)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, protocols.png)

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, Protocols1.png)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, protocols5.jpg)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary



















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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f99855  No.13032956


You know, aside from some goofballs playing into it.

Q and those in the know could totally get the fuck away with this…

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0453cd  No.13032957

>>13025085 (PB)

I think the Senate missed the point - not a lawfag here, but the point is…they cheated and/or did not follow the law - this is what the Senate should be concentrating on - not whether the numbers made a difference in the end result - if they did not followed the law, everything would be null and void, and they would have to start over - what is going on here?

Basically, they are setting a precedence, that if you cheat (but not by alot, it's OK?)


Cert denied today in all 2020 election law cases. https://www.supremecourt.gov/…/court…/022221zor_2cp3.pdf

State officials said fewer than 10,000 ballots were received during the three-day period after Election Day, a small fraction of the number Trump would have needed to overturn Biden's 80,555-vote win in the state.

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4f75bc  No.13032958

Tiger vs coyote and now Tiger is in emergency surgery to save his legs.

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3c907e  No.13032959

Is this the real bread?

How cone AJ and CNN shills haven't posted their Qanon bullshit.?

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75bb0c  No.13032960


Distraction from the Solarwinds Hearing!

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c6a2e5  No.13032961

File: b3b658c32ca65a4⋯.jpeg (22.96 KB, 600x429, 200:143, iu_765.jpeg)

File: c29b7fe3c003357⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 960x540, 16:9, tiger_woods_donald_trump_9….jpg)

File: bb1aac1024df9d2⋯.jpg (155.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Donald_Trump_Tiger_Woods_J….jpg)

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710268  No.13032962

tiger woods serious car crash live on fox news right now

car totally flipped and off the road

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25710c  No.13032964

File: 15689dcde1f0d9d⋯.png (240.95 KB, 396x460, 99:115, ClipboardImage.png)

is this normal?

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710268  No.13032965


smells kobe-ish?

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4f75bc  No.13032966

Prayers for you Tiger!

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ffff72  No.13032967


cropped version


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eb4787  No.13032968


Ms. Ryann McEnany is now also Q.

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000000  No.13032969

Nothing is gonna happen.

Q is garbage.

Trump showed his allegiance to the Deep State by turning the country over to a traitor, becoming a traitor himself.

Congratulations, your "plan" served us up to the CCP on a silver platter.

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60a955  No.13032970

File: c4691cba083c68e⋯.png (14.16 KB, 769x144, 769:144, 6fb2a023c537ca9fe480ab3529….png)

last post from holy Qanon




server went offline after this post

this is holyQanons bread




i am not Q

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b14121  No.13032971


quit being a faggot…

I like you baker, you have a sense of humor, much like the universe…

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a15088  No.13032972


>Q is garbage.

sauce, please.

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e2a92d  No.13032973

File: c85d3280fd74c91⋯.jpg (191.32 KB, 768x840, 32:35, c85d3280fd74c9125856e3e06e….jpg)

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224674  No.13032974

File: 30fc29696cae991⋯.png (777.41 KB, 1362x860, 681:430, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s Mother: ‘He Wasn’t Hit on the Head’ by Trump Supporter

February 23, 2021

The mother of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick said her son was not beaten with a fire extinguisher by a mob on Jan. 6, saying he likely suffered a stroke instead—refuting reports from the New York Times and other outlets claiming otherwise.

“He wasn’t hit on the head, no. We think he had a stroke, but we don’t know anything for sure,” Gladys Sicknick told the Daily Mail in an exclusive interview on Feb. 22. “We’d love to know what happened.”

The NY Times, CNN, and NBC updated their reports weeks after the Jan. 6 breach to assert that Sicknick was not killed by a fire extinguisher. Originally, the NY Times reported, based on anonymous sources, that Sicknick was beaten to death.

According to the NY Times’ update in February, “New information has emerged regarding the death of the Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick that questions the initial cause of his death provided by officials close to the Capitol Police.” However, there were reports of new information emerging about the circumstances of Sicknick’s death around the same time the NY Times published its report on Jan. 8.

The allegation Sicknick was killed by a protester was cited during the House impeachment managers’ presentations and arguments that former President Donald Trump should be convicted in the Senate impeachment trial over his speech on Jan. 6. Since the Capitol breach, some pundits and elected officials have cited Sicknick’s death while pushing claims that new domestic terrorism laws are needed.

Sicknick’s brother also disputed the reports about his death in early January. “[Officer Sicknick] texted me last night and said, ‘I got pepper-sprayed twice,’ and he was in good shape,” his brother, Ken Sicknick, said to news outlets last month, appearing to dispute key details of the original NY Times report.

Medical examiners have not released an official report on Sicknick’s cause of death. An autopsy report also was not released.

Meanwhile, there have been no arrests related to the slain officer’s death, and officials have not released details about a potential suspect. And while the breach was captured via live-streaming video, there is no footage that surfaced of demonstrators hitting Sicknick with a fire extinguisher.

An official Capitol Police statement said that “officer Brian D. Sicknick passed away due to injuries sustained while on duty,” continuing to say, “Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the US Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.”

Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald noted last week that Sicknick’s death was referenced so much because it is “the only example the media had of the pro-Trump mob deliberately killing anyone,” adding that “none of the other four deaths” during the riots “were at the hands of the protesters: the only other person killed with deliberate violence was a pro-Trump protester, Ashli Babbitt, unarmed when shot in the neck by a police officer at close range.” Two other protesters, according to officials, died of medical-related causes while another died allegedly due to a crush of fellow protesters.

The Epoch Times has reached out to the U.S. Capitol Police for comment.


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4f75bc  No.13032975


Are you really still here?

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75bb0c  No.13032976

File: 569e14d1c8d95c0⋯.png (6.9 KB, 60x45, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


or maybe terramar

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849aab  No.13032977

File: 296a9fcbd9236b9⋯.png (84.77 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

(((they))) tried to 'Kobe' Tiger Woods.

smells like FF / distraction attempt.

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ffff72  No.13032978


So you have pics of the cat and the demon, but where's the exorcist?

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7cac66  No.13032979

File: 14c8a581a81732e⋯.png (4.46 KB, 480x288, 5:3, gold_deliveries.png)

File: 70910387cb8cab4⋯.png (4.55 KB, 480x288, 5:3, silver_deliveries.png)

COMEX gold and silver deliveries

Source: twitter.com/GarrettGoggin

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7ec4db  No.13032980

File: 3ab7f829dba1152⋯.png (627.22 KB, 598x581, 598:581, Screenshot_2021_02_23_New_….png)

Three giraffes electrocuted after walking into power lines in Kenya



That escalated quickly

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4f75bc  No.13032981


They are reporting "something was on the road".

Sounds like it to me.

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25710c  No.13032982

its always soon

Attorney Sidney Powell posted notes in reaction to the court’s decision on Monday morning.

Last night Sidney Powell posted a response to the news saying “irrefutable proof is coming soon.” Powell told her supporters she will not let the fraud stand!

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0d92ed  No.13032983

File: 5c1d7577860cdc2⋯.jpeg (258.54 KB, 828x863, 828:863, 2F6D99A6_45CA_44D8_96B0_4….jpeg)

This is going to backfire on the democrats.


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0d92ed  No.13032984



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70cedf  No.13032985

File: cdd15c58d1dd8d4⋯.gif (71.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20210223_132607.gif)

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f99855  No.13032986


THIS E-BAKE WAS PREPARED WITH THE SWIFTNESS was unable to correct dough format, or whatever is going on.

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75bb0c  No.13032987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Senate committee hears testimony on SolarWinds hack

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710268  No.13032988



>>13032960 <<<<< this

just like when kim k got robbed in paris

as we were all waiting on Hillary shit to hit the fan

them bam kim k robbed at gunpoint was all over every news outlet

celeb shit always takes out/covers any real information the sleeping normies may wake up to

every time a celeb or big name has a habbening that takes over the airwaves

YOU know some other important shit has happened that the msm wants normies to NOT get wind of

so what really is habbening today???

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3761ee  No.13032989

File: 30ca5916e800731⋯.jpg (102.85 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, 1546187718403.jpg)

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710268  No.13032990




41 posts

id 64287f

says "shalom"

and QAnon

and qanons

should be self explanatory

who the id / poster IS



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44d528  No.13032992


Seems to be a thing for CIA assets.

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4f75bc  No.13032993


At this point it doesnt matter what proof she has bc there is no one to clean to help us.

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45cb19  No.13032994

Water, Food, Fuel, Medicine, Precious Metals/Gemstones.

And above all Ammo!

Get with it, Honkies!

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dee150  No.13032995

File: 57a718481703420⋯.png (39.46 KB, 1097x310, 1097:310, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e14d67ea0ccc5eb⋯.png (5.24 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50424bddb125822⋯.png (4.88 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)


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c96185  No.13032996

File: d18504475cc7838⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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710268  No.13032997


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a15088  No.13032998


>Senate committee hears testimony on SolarWinds hack

yeah, and it is all bullshit. i'm in the industry…these guys are talking out of their asses.

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44d528  No.13032999


Meh, has anything backfired on the Dems to date?

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c98421  No.13033000


> dumped a Pelosi in his diaper


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4f75bc  No.13033001


Good advice here ^

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75bb0c  No.13033002

File: 1c6eda93fb2458a⋯.png (784.51 KB, 843x951, 281:317, ClipboardImage.png)


Hillary shit hits again.


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710268  No.13033003


one car accident or other cars involved?

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000000  No.13033004

The rain has stopped,

but the wind still blows.

Calm will return.

Eternally grateful.


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f97271  No.13033005

File: ab678ce5f7ff5b3⋯.png (133.7 KB, 598x574, 299:287, boOba_vaccinated.png)


>(((they))) tried to 'Kobe' Tiger Woods.


>They are reporting "something was on the road".

People get in car accidents all the time, not everything's a conspiracy you fucking speds.

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224674  No.13033006

File: de6a8df5bffb84b⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1228x820, 307:205, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)


Tiger Woods in surgery after California car accident, ‘jaws of life’ used in rescue

February 23, 2021


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10d3ec  No.13033007

File: b75d9ecf8f96021⋯.jpg (309.59 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 480.jpg)

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dee150  No.13033008


Single car per the article

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3c907e  No.13033009


Correct, through their CNN agents and AJ.

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79697c  No.13033010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

23 FEB 21 - Crowder: verified vote fraud with receipts.

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c6a2e5  No.13033011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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710268  No.13033012


she is now swimming with osama

makes you think all these "actors" may be alive on some island near" water"?

watch the water

seems it could be meaning sea burials?

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e78341  No.13033013

File: facfed94b8c255a⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)


A rollover where the sunroof doesn't break.

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000000  No.13033014

Anons…so comfy in their plan… after 3 years of nothing.

How can you be "comfy"?

These people are pedos & child murders right? How can you be comfy while they're still out doing that shit? How many kids do you think they've had their way with in the 3+ years of Q riddles?

Comfy? Really?

Trust the Plan? Really??

The inaction makes me sick. I'm not "comfy" knowing these creeps haven't been held accountable for jack shit.

I come here and say Q is trash, and Trump is trash…for that reason… and yet, I'M the asshole? Hilarious.

You condone child rape and murder, as long as it's part of the plan, right?

Fucking scum.

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1b4199  No.13033015

File: ceafdda9ab15fa3⋯.jpg (213.89 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 0ri6u9.jpg)

What have they been posting here, that will fuel the March 4th event? Find, interrupt, expose

Beware the 'farm'ers here.


You have more than you know.

Securing the SENATE meant EVERYTHING.

Securing the SC meant EVERYTHING.

[Avoided Z]

We, the PEOPLE.



Do you think all these attacks on 'Q' (We, the People) is simply for a person on the internet who they label as a conspiracy?

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Research for yourself.

Be in control of yourself.

NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.

Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.


fruitcakes leave c[i]ar

old gaskets flew over my head

“The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever & convinced the trees that because his handle was wood he was one of them”

West Asian Fable

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ba3c48  No.13033016

Today’s my birfday frens. My wish is for PAIN. I’m not holding my breath.

Maybe I should wish for bewbs instead?!?

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e41c1e  No.13033017


He makes money everytime a moron like you replies to him. That's why.

Congrats, you just helped him fund his ugly ass offspring college.

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b14121  No.13033018


That medical examiner sucks…Ive never heard of someone dying of a stroke that couldn't be found…

Small strokes dont kill you…big ones do.

Big strokes are not hard to find…

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4f75bc  No.13033019


Because we trust God. And we are resilient.

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0d92ed  No.13033020

File: 8d9de352bbbbbba⋯.jpeg (144.95 KB, 786x879, 262:293, 7E4B982F_DAC0_42DE_9196_B….jpeg)

Relative Of Queen Elizabeth Jailed For Sexual Assault At Castle

Simon Bowes-Lyon, the Earl of Strathmore, had admitted assaulting the woman in February 2020.


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c98421  No.13033021


anyone seen an obit on her yet? I haven't

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3fcc63  No.13033022

File: 891b186befe972d⋯.jpeg (419.04 KB, 1242x1855, 1242:1855, 891b186befe972d56de5c6ceb….jpeg)

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75bb0c  No.13033023



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31a150  No.13033024


Why are they staring at the rabbits buttocks?

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1b4199  No.13033025


Will "80% lowers" be involved?

Will antisemetism be involved?

Will they blame Q directly?

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710268  No.13033027



watch the water (living now on hidden island?)

it will be biblical?

when they come out as fakers in al the major events

biblical as in raised from the "dead" at later time to prove the False Flags

and the world will be gobsmacked

enjoy the movie

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1e695e  No.13033028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f99855  No.13033029


$$ that this is the same dude…

▶Anonymous 02/21/21 (Sun) 14:25:00 000000 (15) No.13017308

>>>13011111 (Magic numbers - ORIGINAL POST)

>>>13016482 (20th FEB)

>>>13016489 921st FEB)



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a15088  No.13033030


>Why are they staring at the rabbits buttocks?

There is no rabbit.

It is a dude.

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1b4199  No.13033031


They seed themes in their constant drumbeat of entrainment here.

Find, expose.

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3c907e  No.13033032

File: 3eb72a18fabde94⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 880x870, 88:87, blackpill_2.jpg)


Not a question of hoppium, but we don't know shit of the real happenings.

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2f89d0  No.13033033


No. Not normal. Have to have special permission

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464fb6  No.13033034

File: ef0aece351c73c9⋯.jpg (201.89 KB, 742x416, 371:208, HRC_accident1.jpg)

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1b4199  No.13033035


Claim the media for the day and they'll crumble~

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3761ee  No.13033036

File: d8d62997bef9016⋯.png (316.9 KB, 1793x1313, 1793:1313, 1506478374946.png)


Hilldawg and shit go hand in hand.

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cf17d1  No.13033037


Happy Birfday FrenAnon!

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bb4b24  No.13033038

File: 928d6a980107ea4⋯.png (259.6 KB, 1146x573, 2:1, 528ad0447c56e0ce565cfda1cd….png)

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0d92ed  No.13033039


Did 'MUELLER' open the door to Ukraine?

Did 'MUELLER' open the door to FISA [illegal]?

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3fcc63  No.13033040

File: f02fca9e4d61a06⋯.png (379.12 KB, 530x568, 265:284, frwerwgqewq.PNG)

File: febb0ff573f33d6⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Eu77SYnWgAApUTA.jpg)

Night lights.

#USSPorter sails at night in the Mediterranean Sea; the ship's bridge is illuminated by the glow of the bridge instruments.


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3761ee  No.13033041

File: 70b3a552a1ab527⋯.jpg (229.06 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1598037956783.jpg)


Happy Birthday

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1b4199  No.13033042


Their [j]'K' character has been very active during this time.

What seeds did they plant?

What impression did they give?

How will their new asset help give them leverage for future events?

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e2a92d  No.13033043

File: af36d2ef06127a5⋯.png (124.67 KB, 278x181, 278:181, af36d2ef06127a5177f8831067….png)


Happy Birthday Anon!

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bb4b24  No.13033044

File: 41dd7be70b4748e⋯.png (385.42 KB, 400x560, 5:7, 1220533308dd01ba4d70385bec….png)

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f99855  No.13033045


Was he trying to kill himself?

Was he trying for head on?

what if they just kept going?

Traffic Cams?

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31a150  No.13033046


I clicked that image because I thought Melania was wearing pigtails. btw…does anyone have access to an image of Melania wearing pigtails and a cheerleaders outfit? I need it for research purposes.

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c3b21e  No.13033047

File: 058aeb20fef3016⋯.png (385.41 KB, 664x529, 664:529, No_Escape_red.png)

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7dc246  No.13033048

File: 55bca5a2c56dd7a⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 660x449, 660:449, atoast.jpg)

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60a955  No.13033049

real brad




trsut me

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710268  No.13033050


dumped in water

means alive on island cia asset end of contract deal

$ to family

ask osama bin laden

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355b9f  No.13033051


Looks like a green Q to me.


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75bb0c  No.13033052

File: ee5e40e19bf4bf0⋯.png (108.05 KB, 233x320, 233:320, ClipboardImage.png)



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ffff72  No.13033053

File: 641f97c0b125690⋯.png (42.98 KB, 860x244, 215:61, leaf_diddler.png)


Fuck off Leaf.

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f99855  No.13033054


JS plenty of shit has been in the road and I didnt fly across 6 lanes losing control and careening 300 feet off the side of the road flipping my vehicle violently…

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98c54a  No.13033055

We are all now filled with poisons, microchips, toxins that that have been done to us on purpose to keep us sick and angry. The chips emit a radio frequency that promotes anger and fear. All of our foods and water have become toxic, we have to eat and we have to drink. Archangel Michael has created a mantra to help us against these poisons and chips.

The Archangel Michael Mantra to clean poisoned and microchips from food and drink

Say these mantras before you eat or drink to clean the toxins and balance your body.

(1) May this food be for the balance of my body.

(2) Let this water <or say the other form drink> be for the balance of my body.

(3) Let this medicine be for the balance of my body.

(4) Let this vaccine be for the balance of my body. (If you or loved ones are forced to take it)


From Archangel Michael, Our Great Protector and Defender

Tasks of the day:

(1) Drink at least 2 liters of Water

You will fill the Bottle and say you will say the following mantra:

"This water will cleanse my whole body"

NOTE: If you need to refill the Bottle, redo the Mantra. Take the Bottle in your hands and say the Mantra

(2) The Procedure of Forgiveness to clear all the burden that you brought from your ancestors, from connections of suffering. Where you asked for forgiveness and forgave all those who have been part of your soul's journey.

Prayer for Pardon:

I, <say your name>, humbly ask that the connections of suffering that I have caused, or that I still cause, through the journey of my soul, be eliminated; and that these people trapped by those connections, can forgive me for everything that has made them suffer. in the same way, I forgive, and I eliminate all the connections of those who made me suffer or who make me suffer, in this journey of my soul. May my heart be free, light and learn, that any and all feelings that subsequently need forgiveness are no longer produced during my journey. May only Love and Understanding be the focus of my Soul. Amen.

(3) The Candle for Removing CHIPS and Implants and the Egregore of Light

(2.1) Obtain a Single Candle with no names on it, no paper on it, it has nothing. Just a plate and a candle which is either dark blue (most preferably) or white (last resort), no other colors. The preferred color should be consistent.

(2.2) List ONLY the names of the people who live in your house. The procedure is for those who live in your house because the Egregore is raised there. It is the cleansing for all who are there in your house.

(2.3) Light the Candle and ask that the CHIPS and implants be removed.

(2.4) Prayer for the Egregore of Light

May the angels be around me. May the robe of Archangel Michael protect me. May the Universe bathe me in the light; and May I donate this energy, together with the energy of Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, of Mother Mary, and all of the techniques that can be used to send healing, to this egregore of Green Light. May all the energy be released in this egregore allow each one of those inside to receive the necessary blessings for their healing and liberation, that which is not Light, be transmuted, and that everyone who is inside, leave with light in there heart, and with their body totally clean and balanced. Amen.

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1b4199  No.13033056

File: 3f141bd613b10f6⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2342x1171, 2:1, BeARedTeam.jpg)


Drop the banality of their games.

These are assets/weapons in this Information War.

Think what they'd do.

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224674  No.13033057


everything is wrong muh fren. this whole shit show, like we're all in 'freddy's nightmare'.

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1b4199  No.13033058


Prepare for the media they're about to spin, and use that spin against them

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bee627  No.13033059


looks kinda like a green Q, dunnit?

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b14121  No.13033060

Tiger Woods drives off a cliff….

Maybe slightly exaggerated…

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f30308  No.13033061


sure does…thought the same yesterday

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ffff72  No.13033062

File: b357975b93468e6⋯.jpg (873.08 KB, 1600x1088, 25:17, Astute.jpg)


Rig for red?

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5fdaff  No.13033063

the deep state got Tiger.

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f99855  No.13033064

How did you know they would try to "Claim" Christ before you did Q kek.

They are making it biblical

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25710c  No.13033065


Red / Green

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1b4199  No.13033067


Their inherent weakness is that, if translated, the narrative they wish to plant is found chained from themes here to stories normies here.

It's how they generate momentum in our collective unconscious.

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bee627  No.13033068



me too

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f7ab0f  No.13033069


Kinda eerily reminiscent of Mr. Cooper.

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1e695e  No.13033070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5c2e11  No.13033071

>>13031945 old past bread on this day Feb 23rd Remember this day

>>13032475 lb 23 on the clock timing is everything


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8cc9f8  No.13033072

770 days clean.

God wins.


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000000  No.13033073


>Tiger Woods in surgery after California car accident, ‘jaws of life’ used in rescue

If that is the accident, what did they use the jaws for? A pillar intact, B pillar intact. Did they just use it as a club to break windows?

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e2a92d  No.13033074

File: 54a9de945b20d78⋯.png (112.27 KB, 1533x1767, 511:589, 54a9de945b20d78707149d482e….png)


Yoink! Noice meme.

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58a648  No.13033075

1 % of the bullshit phony wuhan virus stimulus going to provide relief or bullshit

masks crap vaccine crap

schools closed business closed

idiots running the asylum for their own gain

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75bb0c  No.13033076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SolarWinds hack hearing LIVE

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1b4199  No.13033077


Find it.

Expose it.

Prepare to spin themselves senseless~

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10d3ec  No.13033078


They waited a month and a half?

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0ca09e  No.13033079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>13031647 /LB

I know who to blame!

Scary Sheet!

Karen with Paranoia and a little bit of power.

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480984  No.13033080

>>13031687 LB

Crypto markets have certainly been painful for some today..

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3e4dff  No.13033081


Happy Birthday Anon! Best wishes.

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45cb19  No.13033082

File: 64d1ca5315cc432⋯.jpg (175.56 KB, 1200x832, 75:52, Go_For_It.jpg)

Local television stations and newspapers are soft targets.

Just saying.

Weak links be weak. That's what it do!

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464fb6  No.13033083

File: 785c477aba29382⋯.png (471.48 KB, 709x469, 709:469, fauci_masks.png)

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8db763  No.13033084


My birthday as well.. Happy birthday

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25710c  No.13033085

File: 04f772b8b27e7c8⋯.png (730.08 KB, 654x565, 654:565, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 379aabf361e00f1⋯.png (690.33 KB, 1230x558, 205:93, ClipboardImage.png)


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ed0ae3  No.13033086

>>13032687 LB

Newmax is already trying to seed a narrative that he could have sustained head injuries.

If this crash was one of the 7/10 type of airline crashes (same as car crashes), then he is now still alive to testify as to what happened.

How can they allow that to happen?/?!!!! No way they would. Bet you anything, he was supposed to die. God saved his life and he's going to save his legs and protect his mind!!

Praying now for God's continued pouring out of blessings upon Tiger's life! Thank you Father for your perfect hedge of protection over his life right now and for healing him to perfection!! Better than he was before! In Jesus Name I proclaim this!


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f7ab0f  No.13033087


Great blank for a Night Shift meme.

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ed0ae3  No.13033088



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f99855  No.13033089


Pissed about the company car?

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710268  No.13033090




Extracted With Jaws Of Life


or extracted by the JEWS of life

also known as msm media distraction

False Flags could now be known as

Extracted by the JEWS of life

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c3b21e  No.13033091

Have we had this "LEVEL" of information on "ANYONE" involved is any accident, this soon in the media…"EVER"…I mean Pics of the Accident just 5 hours later, reports of victim at Hospital, and a clear definition of what was injured and how he is doing…UN - BE - FUCKING - BELIVEABLE!!!

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bee627  No.13033092



I missed seeing it yesterday

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c6a2e5  No.13033093

File: c61ba75bc476988⋯.png (1.89 MB, 836x1188, 19:27, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)

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25710c  No.13033094




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1b4199  No.13033095

File: 2c3825171a9e3fa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 800x604, 200:151, 3YBBH3YK1KWC.png)

look laugh

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710268  No.13033097


False Flags could now be known as

Extracted by the JEWS of life

also known as msm media distraction by celeb "event"

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a15088  No.13033098



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1e695e  No.13033099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7f735f  No.13033100

File: 1a46e08f6380dee⋯.jpeg (231.92 KB, 1296x681, 432:227, 6B03659D_3049_4A59_96A4_B….jpeg)

File: 4033cdc8066ceb1⋯.png (966.64 KB, 1280x533, 1280:533, 112688E8_339C_4443_9A52_90….png)


>Few observations on Tiger Woods accident

>Trumps Friend

>New Rental Car with controllable software installed…all high end cars have them now

>Solar Winds hacking Congressional Hearing

>FF???…maybe…what was most of the NEWS reporting on right before the story broke???… were they (DS) winning the story line

What’s the logo on the vehicle Tiger rolled in? Can anyone read what it says?

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3c907e  No.13033101


The fire device didn't work. He was rescued on time.

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bee627  No.13033102

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e49b31  No.13033103

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9ca3b4  No.13033104

File: c16bf85ef45fbd6⋯.png (323.2 KB, 822x502, 411:251, Opera_Snapshot_2021_02_23_….png)

File: 9857a171e752bcf⋯.png (253.01 KB, 702x501, 234:167, Opera_Snapshot_2021_02_23_….png)


Laid to rest off Dog Beach.

Boat used called Ohana which according to article means family.

Dog and Family comms?


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1ba0fd  No.13033105


You can reverse them and use them as spreaders as well as cutters.

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ac1076  No.13033106


Seems as if these people (Sydney, Lin, Rudy, Lindell) are being forced to invalidate themselves. Much as I support their professed cause, they have been coming across like a bunch of faggots, destroying whatever credibility they once had. Can't believe these people are actually that stupid. Like Rudy with his fucking cigar ads in the middle of his election fraud expose. What's the point of building a massive group of 'conspiracy theorists' with less than credible proponents. Mike Lindell seems like a great guy but how the fuck is he going to help wake the normie tards? It's like a sick joke he has pillows to put them back to sleep for fucksake. Same goes for Orange Man Bad. He's awesome but surely the 'planners' knew from the outset his personality would drive normies in the opposite direction.

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480984  No.13033107


Will this 'political thriller' feature murders, espionage, money laundering and all of the other things that she has so much experience of..?

In other words, a biography?

Another example of a Democrap projecting in public tp appease their satanic freak of a god.

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75bb0c  No.13033108

File: 9330148e2e096a2⋯.png (163.25 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


something smells

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45cb19  No.13033109

File: 7b1b14ef27f9a5b⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 400x550, 8:11, Kosher.jpg)


I like they way you think, Mister.

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ed0ae3  No.13033110



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0ca09e  No.13033111

File: 8d920444f0d193f⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB, 322x240, 161:120, Robin_Williams_Blame_Canad….mp4)


>Archive Offline

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0d92ed  No.13033112

File: a3a2d502aa60bef⋯.jpeg (110.25 KB, 798x309, 266:103, BB2E3EB5_C105_49BD_9F80_7….jpeg)


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7f735f  No.13033113


Notable similarity

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ff6111  No.13033114


He sold his soul, hence w David Soul in the tweet. Old Scratch is the best golfer of them all having shot an 18 at Pebble Beach.

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10d3ec  No.13033115

File: a944262db7e28dd⋯.png (596.38 KB, 755x814, 755:814, Woman_kills_giraffe_.png)

File: 02760d2b3bcfdee⋯.jpg (137.02 KB, 680x356, 170:89, BLyZqI1p.jpg)


Ny post posted this story earlier.

‘Ever wondered how big a giraffe’s heart is? I’m absolutely over the moon with my BIG valentine’s present.’


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98c54a  No.13033116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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04713d  No.13033117

The deep state cabal tried to kill Tiger Woods.

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03a546  No.13033118

File: 14262f5b3b264bb⋯.jpg (506.88 KB, 1910x999, 1910:999, dayshift.jpg)

Just dropping in, patriots -

Any updates on what happened to the plan?

Scavino has been dismissed on the 20th and seems to be hinting on Twat to the white hats being an op of silent heroes who have now been retired as the key mission was to eliminate the networks and that was achieved.

This anon's opinion: The public part of the plan failed. The political swamp is deep and the people have chosen ignorance. The DS remains in place as a spectacle.

Charlie Ward rumorfags? Anything of note?

>inb4 "this is the cliffhanger" hopium

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856c37  No.13033119

>>13032877 (LB)


Sauce your claim.

Most grains are air or heated air processed.

The herbicide residuals remain in the grain, but it is not used in the drying process.

Tell people: Buy true organic from trusted suppliers. i.e., take a ride into the country and see the farm you are sourcing your food from.

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000000  No.13033120


>You can reverse them and use them as spreaders as well as cutters.

Well, where do you see a spread? Point is they are making the jaws a subject matter. I see no evidence of jaws being used other than for a club.

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0ca09e  No.13033121


I wonder why he really killed himself?

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464fb6  No.13033122

File: c4135d00e2dbe1e⋯.png (805.39 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ClipboardImage.png)


Happy Birthday!

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845686  No.13033123

File: 7e4910b29614264⋯.png (434.17 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20210223_154138.png)

New book deal.

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80ac17  No.13033124

Welp, It Turns Out Weather Modification Wasn’t Just Another Crazy Conspiracy Theory

Let’s talk about China’s weather modification program.

China’s program sounds suspiciously like the “conspiracy theories” the MSM told us were false.

A recent story from Business Insider regarding China’s weather modification projects revealed that China is “massively expanding” its publicly admitted weather control projects. China aims to be able to cover half of the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025. The project is a rudimentary and now arcane method of “cloud seeding,” which General Electric claimed the discovery of in the United States in 1946. China launched its program in the 1960s.

Dozens of other countries have similar programs. However, China now has the world’s largest, and it employs around 35,000 people. Keep in mind this is the publicly acknowledged wing of the program, not secret research or facilities.

In a statement, the Chinese State Council said that the country’s cloud seeding project would expand five times over to cover an area of 2.1 million square miles. China is 3.7 million square miles, which means that the project would cover 56% of its land surface area.

China’s weather manipulation is set to be worldwide by 2034

The State Council said that the project would be at a “worldwide advanced level” by 2034 and that it will help alleviate “disasters such as drought and hail,” and that it will facilitate emergency responses “to forest or grassland fires.”

China’s current publicly admitted program uses artificial cloud seeding, spraying chemicals like silver iodide or liquid nitrogen into clouds which can make water droplets condense, then fall as rain or snow.

In 2008, China launched a cloud seeding project in Beijing right before the Olympics that caused rain to fall before the event started. In 2016, China devoted $30 million to cloud seeding and began firing bullets filled with salt and minerals into the sky.

In 2017, it spent $168 million on a massive supply of equipment to facilitate the project, including four aircraft and “897 rocket launchers.” Business Insider previously reported that China’s Ministry of Finance wanted to use cloud seeding to create at least 60 billion cubic meters of additional rain every year by 2020.

China’s weather manipulation is set to be worldwide by 2034

The State Council said that the project would be at a “worldwide advanced level” by 2034 and that it will help alleviate “disasters such as drought and hail,” and that it will facilitate emergency responses “to forest or grassland fires.”

China’s current publicly admitted program uses artificial cloud seeding, spraying chemicals like silver iodide or liquid nitrogen into clouds which can make water droplets condense, then fall as rain or snow.

In 2008, China launched a cloud seeding project in Beijing right before the Olympics that caused rain to fall before the event started. In 2016, China devoted $30 million to cloud seeding and began firing bullets filled with salt and minerals into the sky.

In 2017, it spent $168 million on a massive supply of equipment to facilitate the project, including four aircraft and “897 rocket launchers.” Business Insider previously reported that China’s Ministry of Finance wanted to use cloud seeding to create at least 60 billion cubic meters of additional rain every year by 2020.

The New Feudal Overlords are getting in on the act as well

Bill Gates is funding weather modification projects. (Big surprise.) One of those projects sounds eerily like the “chemtrails” that no one can talk about without mockery or accusations of insanity.

And by all means, don’t admit you believe in conspiracy theories. The FBI might consider you a domestic terrorist.

Gates’ project is called Solar Geoengineering, and it is meant to replicate the effects of a giant volcanic eruption. Thousands of planes would be flown at high altitudes and spray millions of tons of particles around the planet to create a massive chemical cloud that would cool the earth’s surface.

However, one problem with mimicking a giant volcanic eruption is that it doesn’t merely cool the earth. It can create an ice age, which leads to famine, which leads to starvation, chaos, war, and death. But that doesn’t matter to Gates. It doesn’t seem to matter to any of the national governments dead set on upending the earth’s natural balance and equilibrium humans must have with nature to survive on it either.

Many people would suggest that is the whole point.

But those people must be conspiracy theorists.


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75bb0c  No.13033125

File: 587bf4039e04c49⋯.png (41.88 KB, 330x133, 330:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ec4db  No.13033126

File: 14153de7dc400ad⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 4096x2371, 4096:2371, EtZPz2_VEAgubfN.jpg)


Perfect match

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d33eca  No.13033127

File: ea3a7355202ad05⋯.jpg (95.82 KB, 700x700, 1:1, newsmax_honey_pot.jpg)

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b55f3f  No.13033128

File: f74c3361d323f63⋯.jpg (145.84 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 4yu33vekd8j61.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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ff6111  No.13033129

File: 3404b9fa2d4d42b⋯.gif (862.64 KB, 578x664, 289:332, 3404b9fa2d4d42bc55a6d09f25….gif)


the eye Q of London.

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25710c  No.13033130

File: d3c01d4e129ce77⋯.png (164.57 KB, 746x461, 746:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78fb0d0c58830d0⋯.png (172.58 KB, 747x422, 747:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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6edd6f  No.13033131


Watch the Water.

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03a546  No.13033132


At this point glyph and atrazine are anywhere and everywhere much like vegetables grown on tap water are filled with fluoride unless im mistaken

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7a9c31  No.13033133


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224674  No.13033134


prolly had his legs pinned.

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1e695e  No.13033135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1ba0fd  No.13033136


Makes it more dramatic…they get used a fair amount. Impressive to watch.

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b9f785  No.13033137

File: 1ebf77eba111e0f⋯.png (848.23 KB, 722x480, 361:240, ClipboardImage.png)



>The children are eventually resettled in the interior by the government, usually with family members, making the Biden administration the delivery agent of the human trafficking cartels that charge extortionist fees to smuggle the children to the borde

<This Anon is crying. This anon does not understand humanity anymore. Why do we let this happen? Why??

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ff6111  No.13033138

File: 47116927e95a139⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 390x560, 39:56, reptilian_monster_pointing….jpg)

File: d1691f68d2cc84a⋯.png (201.13 KB, 795x508, 795:508, sacklers.PNG)

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480984  No.13033139


Anyone who kills such a beautiful animal should be shot and maimed for life to remind them of what a shit person they are.

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534fd1  No.13033140

File: e16a71c84ddabda⋯.png (425.45 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, Memeto_1611195725775.png)

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000000  No.13033141


>they get used a fair amount. Impressive to watch.

More fun to use.

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ba3c48  No.13033142


Happy Birthday Fren!

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358c0a  No.13033143


Happy Birthday! Here's wishing you a great day with a huge amount of PAIN!

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bb2566  No.13033144


>Good listener

Is creepy

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bb4b24  No.13033145

File: 19bc5577284bdd3⋯.jpg (657.16 KB, 1997x1300, 1997:1300, 78.jpg)

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ffff72  No.13033146

File: f2c5460a819b6f7⋯.jpg (80.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 666_trips.jpg)


>fire device

I believe Incendiary is the word you were fumbling for.

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60baf9  No.13033147

Tiger is DS answer to El Chapo's wife's arrest.

tiger is also a wild animal.

this is how DS captures wild animals.

I imagine the WH captured quite a few DS traffickers in last few days

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000000  No.13033148


>Anyone who kills such a beautiful animal should be shot and maimed for life to remind them of what a shit person they are.

If they harvested the meat and fed a village or two, the animal fulfilled its usefulness.

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ed0ae3  No.13033149

Now on Newmax -

Injuries to "at least one of his legs".


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75bb0c  No.13033150

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c96185  No.13033151

File: 4c3a9c509480990⋯.png (459.94 KB, 1215x2456, 1215:2456, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ae520b22b61527⋯.png (320.53 KB, 1189x698, 1189:698, ClipboardImage.png)





5 Qdrops (8 instances) of "woods"

58 with "wood"

58th letter = 3F/36

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51a23b  No.13033152

File: ac8b329bd625f72⋯.png (3.42 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A2E47A82_787E_46BC_BAD2_C6….png)

File: 1d254eb8692ec9d⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 89825CF9_8E36_406F_90CD_F2….png)

File: 984b371f855a38a⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4543BD68_CCAC_49A0_8B7B_56….png)

File: 8685269fff08616⋯.png (4.95 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 338ED399_E91D_4014_974E_4C….png)

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358c0a  No.13033153


He was accused of rape years ago too.

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bb4b24  No.13033154

File: 0f8ccab0f5bb9e7⋯.png (334.64 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 0f8ccab0f5bb9e7cbfe77f2f63….png)

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80ac17  No.13033155

File: f4ee884797e2d4e⋯.jpg (20 KB, 236x525, 236:525, goddess_diana_the_goddess_….jpg)

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dee150  No.13033156

File: bfd98eb4741e89e⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1200x627, 400:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3af5665d6c6949b⋯.png (1.17 MB, 799x512, 799:512, ClipboardImage.png)

Couple of things

Tiger was driving northbound on Hawthorne Blvd and crashed near the intersection of Blackhorse Rd at 7:12am

I don't believe that he intentionally drove that fast, approaching an intersection with stop lights, during the morning commute

Also, from what I can tell, I see no skid/brake marks on the road

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408056  No.13033158

File: fc9596c9f6b136e⋯.png (11.16 KB, 579x93, 193:31, Capture.PNG)



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25710c  No.13033159


pain is on anons

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860138  No.13033161

File: e4ba60f75f6d27c⋯.jpg (10.4 KB, 253x446, 253:446, 343162e5mez4.jpg)


jews are death and destruction and there is no Life in them. They are literally the walking dead.

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ffff72  No.13033162


Years ago, we had a new guy start work and he was asked what nickname they gave him at his last place of work.

He replied, "They used to call me Wart, but I hated that."

Ok, Wart, welcome aboard!

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534fd1  No.13033163

File: e93609e84df16d3⋯.jpg (69.36 KB, 530x520, 53:52, 1613173619660.jpg)


Animals are more human than humans

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ff6111  No.13033164


probably remote controlled his box.

as w Hastings and likely w Kobe

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1ba0fd  No.13033165

File: 7ac0a32de591bca⋯.jpg (61.96 KB, 600x343, 600:343, Cannot_Stop_Us_1.jpg)


They cannot stop us, because we cannot stop us. - Unk Night Shift Anon

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534fd1  No.13033166

File: 0cd641706d4d0b8⋯.jpeg (82.83 KB, 780x1023, 260:341, 1539527639.jpeg)

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7f735f  No.13033167



> Ever wondered how big a giraffe’s heart is? I’m absolutely over the moon with my BIG valentine’s present.’

Oh shit Anons… I think I connected the sick Giraffe killing comms to Tiger Woods FF.


Leave a Comment / Uncategorized

Tiger Woods’ Masters win on Sunday, April 14 is being called the greatest comeback story in the history of sports. His 5th Masters title comes 14 years after his last, and those years in between are full of challenges and tragedies that made many doubt in his ability to, not only continue to compete, but to continue to play.

Tiger Woods and the Giraffe Mindset

As a competitor, Tiger Woods’ chronic back pain and suspected herniated disk was sure to have been a low blow, on top of his other personal struggles. For one of the greatest golfers in history, an athlete who redefined the game of golf and inspired a new generation of fans and golfers alike, facing a lifetime of chronic pain and a low likelihood of ever competing again is a low many would have a hard time recovering from.

In August 2012, Tiger Woods’ decline started with lower back pain at The Barclays, now The Northern Trust tournament, and within the next year, his pain was enough to cause him to withdraw from numerous tournaments and end his winning streak.

Tiger Woods had begun his journey to a giraffe mindset, beginning with a violent birth.

A Violent Birth – The Cycle of Falls and Rises

Giraffes of Technology Book Cover

Giraffes are vulnerable at birth. The event is a rude awakening, a survival test, and a rough-and-tumble introduction onto the plains of Africa.

Chapter 3 | Giraffes of Technology

Tiger Woods has been at his lowest in recent years, in constant, severe pain, unable to walk without help or even easily get out of bed in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Another shot at playing in the majors seemed a far off dream.

But the giraffe mindset forces an answer to the question: Do I lie still or rise?

Tiger chose to rise.

Moar at link…


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7a9c31  No.13033168

Captain Powers

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bb4b24  No.13033169

File: 2dc1c939558e490⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2dc1c939558e4906a51de34269….jpg)

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856c37  No.13033170


This is while it is still in the field. The drying of harvested grains is a separate issue.

However completely agree with the fact that Glyph is an egregious cancer cause and general health hazard.

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45cb19  No.13033171

{02/09/22_23:29 GMT}




It all comes out in the WASH!


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6c7767  No.13033172

Well, Anons, just wanted to give you some encouraging news from Massachusetts, land of the blue, blue, blue socialist Democrats. I had a conversation with a long-time friend today. In fact, he's my best friend. His wife is a teacher in a public school (elementary level) and she is fully indoctrinated into the looney left agenda, as you'd expect.

We don't talk politics much but he knows I adore President Trump, General Flynn, and that I have contributed to research here on this board. We are dear enough friends that we respect the heck out of each other and we have never, ever had a fight about politics.


So there we were this morning, talking business. We have a situation that is a very complex problem but we are getting out of it and we'll be fine.

At one point today he said, "who would ever believe the layers of complexity to this problem? Nobody would believe it. Thank God we have the evidence to file in court when that time comes. Nobody on earth would ever believe what happened to this business. It's wacky and nobody would believe it. Thank God we have the evidence."

I said, "it's not that different from the stuff going on in our country. Who would ever believe Pizzagate is real, or that the officials in our government don't put the USA first, or that they've been bought out? Or that The Standard Hotel is the home of a bunch of crime scenes, or that muriatic acid is "a thing," or any of the other things that are going on in our world?"

To my great shock, this Democrat friend went wild. He is waking up big-time. He went on and on about how he now is seeing the light, he's "waking up," he understands that the news is fake, and we've been infiltrated by China, and that there is an invisible war going on but that we are winning. Yeah, we are winning."

So that's just one anecdote, frens, but it comes from a guy I would have never expected to hear it from, who's married to a wonderfully good-hearted teacher who has been brainwashed and is now cognizant of her brainwashing.


. . . Katy, bar the door.

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716f99  No.13033173


Our only hope is that Wray was a sleeper.

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7f735f  No.13033174


>>13033995 see above post

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d0dad2  No.13033176









just me or does that rear tire look like it has little to no tread on it?

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7bcb9e  No.13033177

"well there may be dates"

at least she sited the source of the datefag conspiracy

"White supremacy and domestic terrorism are our biggest threats so get used to it and take it out."

^^^Truth. FF is what (((they))) do.

Weren't anons just talking about why is NG still in DC a couple breads ago?


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10d3ec  No.13033178

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1ba0fd  No.13033179

File: 7deba10e3728c6d⋯.jpg (144.71 KB, 974x984, 487:492, 7deba10e3728c6d12ab8ac9ccf….jpg)


Goes with…like a set.

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1e695e  No.13033180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dee150  No.13033181

File: 40fa78c405834cc⋯.png (427.36 KB, 1284x490, 642:245, ClipboardImage.png)

Tiger just played the Genesis Invitational a couple days ago

That might explain the Genesis vehicle with the logo on the side


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25710c  No.13033182

File: 6d4ecadc89243e3⋯.png (410.92 KB, 583x381, 583:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fff1d9cc792da4⋯.png (696.89 KB, 544x547, 544:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81079f13d15f0c1⋯.png (433.67 KB, 506x372, 253:186, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f0916  No.13033183


I'd like to believe your conclusion, but that one dot does not a picture make. Regardless, it's probably too late for an awakening. What are we going to do? Vote that bastards out? HA!

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000000  No.13033184

>>13011111 (Magic numbers - ORIGINAL POST)

>>13021130 (comm bun)

>>13016482 (20th FEB)

>>13016489 (21st FEB)

>>13018887 (21st FEB cont)

>>13024420 (22nd GETTING CLOSER ANONS)

>>13025049 THINK

>>13028405 Changes

>>13030116 23rd cont.





























I have been saving less and less links now because the conversation is established.

Can always offer more proofs of comms if Anons need, but they're really quite obvious at this point.

Want me to hazard a guess as to what was in the Envelope At BUSH's funeral?

"God is coming"

That's plenty for a 'counter' wouldn't you say?

LOL - when I think back to their faces.


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000000  No.13033185


>just me or does that rear tire look like it has little to no tread on it?

thats from the jaws of life…..

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58a648  No.13033186


what's on the door?

tires look spoopy

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acf8d9  No.13033187

File: 61bd6f6698d33db⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, garlandIDK.mp4)

“I DON’T KNOW” (Merrick Garland 1-min vid)

Holy shit!!!!


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80ac17  No.13033188

10 Crazy Examples of Unrelated Waste and Partisan Kick-Backs in New “COVID” Bill

1. $1 Billion for ‘Racial Justice’ for Farmers

“The $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package being pushed by President Biden puts more than $1 billion toward ‘socially disadvantaged’ farmers and related groups — including an equity commission, agricultural training and other assistance to advance racial justice in farming,” Fox News reports.

2. $50 Million for ‘Environmental Justice’ Grants

The legislation allocates $50 million for “environmental justice” grants via the Environmental Protection Agency. The Republican Study Commission decried these grants as a “thinly-veiled kickback” because much of this money will end up going to left-wing political groups

3. $112 Million for California Transit Project

In an expenditure with zero apparent connection to COVID-19, the new bill allocates $112 million for the “Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) expansion” program. The money would largely go to a specific “underground rail project in Silicon Valley for which planning has been going on for several years but hasn’t yet broken ground,” Fox Business reports.

4. $10 Million for Native American Language Preservation

Slipped into the seemingly endless bill text is a $10 million appropriation to “ensure the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages during and after the public health emergency.”

5. $200 Million for Museum and Library Services

Museums and libraries are, for the most part, closed across the country. Yet under this bill, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (did you even know that was a thing?) would be allocated $200 million in taxpayer money.

6. $750 Million for ‘Global Health’

One might expect the US Congress’s COVID-19 legislation to focus on, well, the US. But the new legislation allocates a whopping $750 million for the Centers for Disease Control to spend on global health problems and vaccination efforts in other countries.

7. $750 Million for Native American Housing

The bill also allocates $750 million—on top of existing and prior funding—for “housing assistance and supportive services programs for Native Americans.”

8. Expansion of Obamacare Subsidies

House Democrats have long sought to expand Obamacare subsidies and eliminate caps that prohibit them from going to high-income individuals. Unable to find the votes to do so via the normal legislative process, they’ve simply slipped this partisan priority into their “COVID” relief legislation.

9. Billions for Public Schools Whether They Reopen or Not

The behemoth legislation doles out $129 billion for K-12 schools, ostensibly earmarked for helping them reopen. But it’s actually just a handout for teachers’ unions and public schools. They get the money regardless of whether they reopen or not, and much of it is allocated for spending in 2022 through 2028, long after the pandemic.

10. Countless Pet Projects for Powerful Lawmakers

There are too many in the bill to count, but one glaring example of the corruption and cronyism peppered throughout this bill comes courtesy of the $1.5 million it allocates for the Seaway International Bridge. The bridge “connects New York to Canada and is a priority for New York Sen. Chuck Schumer,” the Wall Street Journal notes.


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f30308  No.13033189


Exactly anon. How can we let these children suffer any more. these assholes (shills) that make comments are people who have no direction unless told what to do. they are sheep and makes comments like you still here? Pathetic. Human trafficking is modern day slavery and business is really good. always has been. If we can unite to protect the children then it looks like the devil has won.

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e78341  No.13033190

File: aca7e4c10286cd0⋯.png (477.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Russia Russia

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45cb19  No.13033191



What happens when people no longer fight back?

You are not alone and you are not in the minority.


Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

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abb0c3  No.13033192

File: bb3b91509aefbc7⋯.png (510.84 KB, 634x382, 317:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79582cb2d133220⋯.png (25.9 KB, 611x187, 611:187, ClipboardImage.png)



This looks like a CCP op.

They like to kill people in cars.

They are also sloppy as shit and prone to fucking up.


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77d833  No.13033193

>>13031548 pb

Across the state, the history of Kansas City looks similar. The old mafia ran concrete and construction in the 20s and 30s and was protected by Harry Truman. Truman was a career criminal politician in the KC area, and with the mafia, destroyed many facets of the town before broadening his horizons internationally.

They were in construction, meat packing (Armours), and the Catholic church has a stronghold in KC.

Further: the first family of oil and precious metal grifting, the Hunt family, owns Subtropolis, a subterranean office and industrial complex. It is bordered by Arrowhead Stadium (where the Chiefs play) and Worlds of Fun, an amusement park. I'm pretty sure they connect through the state somehow, but that's just a hunch.

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1ba0fd  No.13033194


Frequently a dealer will loan several cars to be used by pros for the week they're in town and then sell them off aftwerwards as souvenirs to fans. So, could've been a loaner.

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ed0ae3  No.13033195

File: a9e818bda9fe274⋯.png (554.52 KB, 1749x954, 11:6, ClipboardImage.png)



Mark your calendars!!

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c3b21e  No.13033196


NO other cars involved…hmm…

NO witnesses saw it…hmm…

NO explanation on what could have caused it…New vehicle, with all safety features on it to prevent something like this…hmm.

Spoofy for sure…hmmmmm…

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000000  No.13033197


Fire Anon here..

No one used the Jaws of life on that car.

He climbed out on his own..

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c6a2e5  No.13033198

File: 225b1b649f79678⋯.png (72.61 KB, 1132x436, 283:109, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)

File: 4c1619ad965caf4⋯.png (234.36 KB, 874x438, 437:219, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)


"The devastating incident involved three Rothschild’s giraffes, one of the most endangered subspecies of the animal, over the weekend at the Soysambu Conservancy, ABC News reported."

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98c59a  No.13033199

>>13032822 pb

I think [they] figured out Trump is pulling Biden’s strings, anons!

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25710c  No.13033201

File: 83968a2fba00595⋯.png (20.07 KB, 756x206, 378:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b924ea5a51d5d7d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1380x590, 138:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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f30308  No.13033202


Does resiliency keep your mind away from what these people do to children. If butt fucking a 12 year old is ok with you, then you keep your resiliency when the top of the food chain isnt arrested? Fuck off you faggot.

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bb4b24  No.13033203

File: f68f4e8e91333da⋯.png (39.59 KB, 550x403, 550:403, Car_logos.png)

File: b17465ec677f5bb⋯.png (103.47 KB, 216x226, 108:113, car_crash.png)



winged disc

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1ba0fd  No.13033204

File: 613c7f75fe2d343⋯.jpg (95.76 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 613c7f75fe2d343d8778e5def6….jpg)


Any idea when the drugs are going to wear off on your trip?

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75bb0c  No.13033205


what did the car hit.

looks like the engine is not in the car anymore.

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5c2e11  No.13033206

>>13033195 POTUS 45 speaks on Feb 28th 2021

Huber's last day is Feb 28th


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d5c0df  No.13033207



Ops last night?

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58a648  No.13033208


msdnc reportting that vehile was going northbound on hawthorne and crossed the median before ending up the wrong way where it lays

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a4ca06  No.13033209


don't guess, give us a clue where to find the footage of the camera that saw what was on the card of any one of those things in the envelopes, anons know the place was wired with people taking pictures and live tv footage?

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845686  No.13033210

File: ebc88d7887c9812⋯.png (452.49 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20210222_202104.png)

File: 26a50aef2954058⋯.png (368.1 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20210222_202128.png)

Can it be used for automobile ?

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5c9051  No.13033211


Isn't Tiger on pain meds all the time for his back? I wonder if that contributed to his accident…

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000000  No.13033212


>Can it be used for automobile ?

Hillary would know

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8db763  No.13033213


Thank you fren!

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d5c0df  No.13033214


Like that preying mantis with a parasite,

that moves even though it's really "shot"?


praying in church.

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45cb19  No.13033215

File: b45f1284ccf4f3b⋯.jpg (118.87 KB, 800x562, 400:281, ReneGayed.jpg)

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60baf9  No.13033216


r u serious?

with that remark on this board?

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af2226  No.13033217


If you are on them full time you build tolerance.

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c96185  No.13033218

File: 430de8d64f4a55b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2374x1142, 1187:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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b31c78  No.13033219

"Hackers on the other side of the world can take control of your vehicle"

Tiger Woods is a Trump confidante and was a targeted kill… he's lucky to be alive.



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1e695e  No.13033220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ed0ae3  No.13033221




Newsmax - just now, watching live said NARRATIVE, YOU KNOW THE NARRATIVE!

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43ecdb  No.13033222


Wish for a quick departure. Pain coming, for us.

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d5c0df  No.13033223


Hasn't he been plugging Chrysler for years?

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6f0e9a  No.13033224



Easy Tiger

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ee1a9d  No.13033225

Since I can't seem to escape being called a "white supremacist", I might better become one.

"To the weight room, Robin!"

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189cc2  No.13033226

File: 9b8706ef6b3c459⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x1185, 80:79, redhead_106_Car_Q_Armor.png)

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000000  No.13033227


>Hasn't he been plugging Chrysler for years?

Thought it was Buick

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25710c  No.13033228

File: a6e8dcb9bdeb369⋯.png (41.81 KB, 845x438, 845:438, ClipboardImage.png)


>Angels clicking

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98c59a  No.13033229

File: ba9ad2d2bc646cf⋯.jpeg (506.75 KB, 1062x1073, 1062:1073, B3EE113E_75DE_4E5F_BE84_5….jpeg)


If comms are supposed to be subtle, they’re not even trying anymore.

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c98421  No.13033230


>David Soul

wtf you on about? That's David Spade

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c6a2e5  No.13033231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c907e  No.13033232

File: 3c652547938c840⋯.jpg (50.97 KB, 870x1068, 145:178, mr_rothschild.jpg)


Electrocuted, they said?


Could be just three giraffes.

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131aac  No.13033233


Try Genesis

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224674  No.13033234

File: a7e7c6434b21f59⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1018x760, 509:380, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)

File: 402893de2983b37⋯.png (919.05 KB, 1018x566, 509:283, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)


wtf, 2 photos, one w/the logo on the car door, one without on the car door.

could be sun reflection knocking out the logo tho.

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7f735f  No.13033235

File: 76797f53588c3c2⋯.png (622.94 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 0BA971A8_5370_40EB_B575_1B….png)

File: 2b415eeb2eaec5d⋯.png (272.75 KB, 400x266, 200:133, 56F9B584_0142_4A12_BE15_97….png)


>Tiger crashed near intersection of Blackhorse Rd.

Logo on vehicle reminded me of dig we did on Nov 18, 2020 about election being stolen and Dominion’s headquarters being located aboveBlackhorse Cafein Toronto.

He is an old post:

>The entire outcome of the US ELECTIONS is decided by a company upstairs from this expresso bar.

>>11690848 Pb

>Interesting is that the series SUITS was also there for filming.


>>11690870 Pb

Interdasting that the coffee shop below Dominions headquarters in Toronto is a location where the TV series Suits was filmed. Ties it back into the ‘ British Royal Family’ as Meghan Markle was known for her role in that series.

Why did she and Harry really move to the US?


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3fcc63  No.13033236

File: f04333408f38bf0⋯.png (297.16 KB, 570x662, 285:331, vweqreqtwe.PNG)

File: a9e74e71427c5ce⋯.mp4 (958.59 KB, 654x480, 109:80, vttkB8bhSmY4xIsk.mp4)

76 years ago, on Feb. 23, 1945, #Marines raised the #flag atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima. We celebrate this significant moment in history and pay tribute to the long, enduring U.S.-Japan #alliance and shared dedication to a #freeandopenIndoPacific.


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5c9051  No.13033237


tiger was pulled over in 2017 appearing to be intoxicated…


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d5c0df  No.13033238



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fb925f  No.13033239


I think I found a pattern. All of the brands that use that motif feature products that spend more time on jackstands than on the road.

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e78341  No.13033240

File: 879308593db30f8⋯.png (715.22 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44b1affcb18a78d⋯.png (647.48 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cccff343e65f1be⋯.png (173.95 KB, 518x375, 518:375, ClipboardImage.png)

Where is the Pakistani Mystery Man

Having deja vu again.

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04b168  No.13033241

File: 570e5d5d24e9f4d⋯.jpg (305.17 KB, 1500x819, 500:273, whitehousefeb23.jpg)

Why is the flag at the White House half-staff?. And note the plane overhead

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58a648  No.13033242

anons this FF spoopy smells fishy

TW car all mashed up an there is no tracks no other vehicle involvled - an now msdnc is reporting that vehicle actualy went head over tail to explain front end damage



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dee150  No.13033243


Not sure on that one

The responders were around the back of the car with the equipment

Perhaps they got him out of the trunk

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a997bb  No.13033244

File: b3b58cbef3190c2⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1302x1304, 651:652, FauciMasksksksksks.png)

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51a23b  No.13033245


Don’t know date of pics, I grab anything I see. Feb 15 is probably date I found them, or date someone else posted.

Thought these might be important, two different out fits, elipese in background. Don’t look like selfies, so who was she with? Where did she stay?

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75bb0c  No.13033246

some breads ago, someone posted telegram links, (sick pics)




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ed0ae3  No.13033247

File: e3d80b14eecb48b⋯.jpg (11.12 KB, 255x221, 15:13, 37296b354fce22b32be655b281….jpg)



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000000  No.13033248

Had a visionary dream last night giant eagles were flying and chasing a bird with green feathers.

Fly eagles fly


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c6a2e5  No.13033249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vehicle attempts to ram Presidential Motorcade in Springfield, MO

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58a648  No.13033250

Checked they found the tracks

but it left the road and went through trees for no cracy reason watsoever

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dee150  No.13033251

File: 9c988de2b0943af⋯.png (6.95 KB, 177x81, 59:27, ClipboardImage.png)


It's a Genesis car from the Genesis Invitational he played in a couple days ago

That's the logo

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25710c  No.13033252




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43ecdb  No.13033253


The Horowitz report will kill it. Or the Comey report

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d3f7ae  No.13033254


Muh 500k covid victims.

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0453cd  No.13033255


Dark gray - Silver - not even close, even with the sun

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60baf9  No.13033256

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3e0b37  No.13033257



chrysler automated driving can't do shit but keep you in a lane, so probably not because of the AI. however deepstate has injected themselves across the company, so expect them to be able to do the remote control kill.

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a4ca06  No.13033258

File: c8b28937d1e15d3⋯.png (345.97 KB, 546x478, 273:239, ClipboardImage.png)




Tiger Woods was hospitalized after being involved in a single-car accident in Los Angeles on Tuesday morning. According to his agent, Mark Steinberg, Woods suffered “multiple” leg injuries.

On Sunday, Woods told CBS’ Jim Nantz that he was awaiting the results of an upcoming MRI before he could ramp up practicing and training for a return to competition.

Woods last competed alongside his son at the PNC Championship, which finished on Dec. 20 in Orlando. He then underwent a microdiscectomy procedure to remove a pressurized disc fragment that was pinching a nerve. It was his fifth back surgery overall and the first since his spinal fusion in April 2017.

We will continue to update this post as more information becomes available.

“He is currently in surgery,” Steinberg told Golf Digest, “and we thank you for your privacy and support.”

Woods, 45, was in California for a two-day content shoot with Golf Digest/GOLFTV after serving as host for the PGA Tour's Genesis Invitational over the weekend. Pictures surfaced on social media of Woods smiling with Dwayne Wade and David Spade at Rolling Hills Country Club on Monday, but with his movement still restricted, he did not hit balls or play any holes. The shoot involved Woods giving on-course lessons to a number of celebrities, but he mostly provided instruction and hit a few putts. He was in good spirits on Monday but did not arrive to the course for the second day of shooting.

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45cb19  No.13033259

File: 189f3139da6f5dd⋯.jpg (37.59 KB, 400x500, 4:5, BoysTown.jpg)

If you're White and you're not preparing yourself physically, mentally and martially, then you aren't worth a popcorn-fart!

Keep making memes, faggots.

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68ed28  No.13033260



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1ba0fd  No.13033261


3 Rothschild's giraffes electrocuted. kilt…ded

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c3b21e  No.13033262


Now they are reporting another car was there and "might have" bumped him in the rear of the car…big…hmmmmm…

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ba3c48  No.13033263


Ironic. I was researching Artemis today.

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534fd1  No.13033264

File: 0f9a13a62a0463b⋯.png (214.09 KB, 1080x562, 540:281, 859.png)

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98c59a  No.13033265


They said it’s for Covid victims, but I bet it’s really for the 3 electrocuted “giraffes.”

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76525b  No.13033266

File: 01884c0ed489a90⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1116x820, 279:205, ClipboardImage.png)

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7af30f  No.13033267


prostitute on the beach . . .

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534fd1  No.13033268


Nerve gas…

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a997bb  No.13033269

File: 04ff1ad166906fc⋯.png (555.58 KB, 1102x538, 551:269, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)

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10d3ec  No.13033270

>>13033249 i just watched that video too, kek

>>13033203 i also was looking up mini cooper wing logos

Hive mind

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7ec4db  No.13033271

File: 3ea80f4b0837cf6⋯.jpg (399.39 KB, 2048x1964, 512:491, EtaX0N_WgAg4rd8.jpg)

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7586b9  No.13033273

File: f0070b7964a6cef⋯.png (74.69 KB, 789x770, 789:770, ClipboardImage.png)




In all honesty, was it distracted driving, or… ?

Seemed like Tiger was finally getting some of his mojo back minus the bad habits.



God you're dumb, or blind as a fucking bat.

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9719b7  No.13033275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They Took A Vote And Said No

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25710c  No.13033276

File: 1e68603e4d418b5⋯.png (322.98 KB, 588x394, 294:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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58a648  No.13033277


can it be turned off??

obviously they cant control all vehicles

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ff6111  No.13033278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations ongoing (6/12/2019) under multiple program names such as; "Freedom Schools," "Beat the Odds" "Faith based programs" and many others.


Search the Q research archive for the vast load of data on Children's Defense Fund and their Pedowood/Clinton Foundation connections.


High functioning psychopathic pedovores, the "biggest names in Hollywood" among them, formed the sham charity back in the 1970s to provide continuous access to children and vulnerable youth under charitable cover or pretext.

The pedovore's phony Children's Defense Fund solicits tax free charitable donations but their activities are largely funded by Federal and State tx dollars. Fund raising and political lobbying are carried out by an ever-changing cavalcade of Pedowood satanists, the biggest and brightest stars, the most powerful studio bosses.

The satanic predators running our new and entertainment industry use sham charities, foundations and museums to support a whole range of criminal activities. Children's Defense Fund is used for money laundering, drug trafficking in addition to providing a secure supply of child victims for ritual sexual activities and human sacrifice.


One of the biggest charities enjoying broad support in the Entertainment Industry is "Children's Defense Fund" a charade operated by popular and beloved show business figures and political celebrities to access children the sham charity pretends to protect. "Children's Defense Fund" is a vehicle for satanist pedovore predation and other criminal activity.

Children's Defense Fund is a worldwide, satanist pedovore child trafficking and money laundering scam operation. CDF has

branches in Africa, Asia and the ME, and runs multiple programs in impoverished, minority communities throughout the US.

Do not let these baby sit:


Sample search product:

#2764810 at 2018-08-28 13:54:06 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3492: He Who did Not Depart on His Own Terms Edition

Following on from the Discussion yesterday about JJ Abrams.

I have found a massive link between him and HRC through the Children's defence fund, where HRC claimed she started working

in 1973 before the Watergate investigation.

I have also shown links where she is buying and selling influence to this NPO and Lobbying group, by literally selling out

to Goldman Sachs.

Q Research General #3111: Detective Edition

Late to the bread but digging on Clinton/James ties…

Lebron makes massive donations to the Children's defense fund


Which connects him deeply to the Clinton family…



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75bb0c  No.13033279

File: a37fb7f51077a7f⋯.png (23.98 KB, 560x251, 560:251, ClipboardImage.png)


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4a7e85  No.13033280




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31a150  No.13033281


US flag at half-staff is the new normal. Flying at full mast is the extraordinary event now.

I asked someone a while back when did they start flying the flag for every conceivable excuse when it used to be only for dead presidents, and I was told this particular brand of boguscity started under Obama. Figures.

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9ca3b4  No.13033282

File: 846b88eedcf9b11⋯.png (892.99 KB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_02_23_….png)

JAIL34 an E-6B Mercury plane approaching N Cali coast.

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c6a2e5  No.13033283

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0d086b  No.13033284

File: 8cf25f70e8044e5⋯.jpg (585.14 KB, 2560x1024, 5:2, hecomes.jpg)


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516da0  No.13033285


Genesis invitational

I'm guessing

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eac289  No.13033286

File: f3225c2c0230f9e⋯.png (111.03 KB, 856x812, 214:203, ClipboardImage.png)


>Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s Mother: ‘He Wasn’t Hit on the Head’ by Trump Supporter

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4cc39c  No.13033287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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acf8d9  No.13033288

File: 57e5859b0732d3a⋯.mp4 (769.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Hawley23FEB21.mp4)

Josh Hawley @HawleyMO

Today, Capitol Police responded to Nancy Pelosi’s decision to put a partisan in charge of a security review from Jan 6 - an individual who has suggested Capitol Police helped the rioters. Russel Honore should be removed

1-min vid


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7586b9  No.13033289

File: 6d0bb73b2c53b05⋯.jpg (101.76 KB, 720x963, 80:107, redhead_drive.jpg)


11 responses and one set of bewbs on a birthday wish? The hell is going on around here?

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76525b  No.13033290


>Well, Mrs. Q and I had another baby - q.

KMAO! Okay, this one I'll continue reading.

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bb8894  No.13033291

File: 819c5ca4b56d44b⋯.jpg (398.28 KB, 1536x1126, 768:563, joe_robinette_biden_1536x1….jpg)

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eac289  No.13033292

File: 59181c2cd90717f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 814x741, 814:741, ClipboardImage.png)


An anon posted this last thread & it's funny

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75bb0c  No.13033293

File: a49876d0129d59c⋯.png (251.27 KB, 383x435, 383:435, ClipboardImage.png)

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e713bf  No.13033294

File: e82cfd168b9170f⋯.png (303.6 KB, 400x404, 100:101, CarpetSales.png)

File: d47f5a2674bf9b4⋯.png (497.18 KB, 800x531, 800:531, NotIran2.png)

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c6a2e5  No.13033295

File: 1de4ab954802d68⋯.jpeg (30.22 KB, 768x432, 16:9, iu_766.jpeg)

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25710c  No.13033296

File: f77bf30e22f5bcc⋯.png (169.9 KB, 586x477, 586:477, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Marines




Tale of Two Flags

Experience one of our Nation’s most iconic moments, the flag-raising atop Mount Suribachi, as des

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c3b21e  No.13033297

FOCUS…FOCUS on Congressional hearings!!!

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10d3ec  No.13033298





if you turn the W upside down it makes a M

and yes it has a similar style

We were not saying it was the same logo, just that it is similar.

I thought of it because the other day we were looking at the terramar logo in relation to the G7 water logo.

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7f735f  No.13033299

Great guess Anon.


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7586b9  No.13033301


Pick any make/model after 2000. They all operate the same via remote control.

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eac289  No.13033302

File: d934499c083c622⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>An anon posted this last thread & it's funny

Can we have a meme of Coke telling whites to go to the back of the bus

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4a7e85  No.13033303

File: 65113340378cdba⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 439x584, 439:584, punisher_state_funeral.jpg)


Happy birthday Patriot.

PAIN is coming.

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ff6111  No.13033304

File: ebe0c82b9e0c622⋯.jpg (192.22 KB, 582x742, 291:371, New_Republic_Senator.jpg)

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5c9051  No.13033305


What do you mean "so???"

It's pretty obvious, but since you need me to spell it out to you..

Tiger has a record of driving carelessly/recklessly while under the influence. If he has a history of doing this in the past he could have been doing it for a long time…. AND this time it caught up with him.

It could be a false flag to divert the news… who knows. But since he has a history of driving recklessly under the influence it clearly becomes RELEVANT. Especially since he had FIVE different kind of drugs in his system when he was pulled over.

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ed0ae3  No.13033306

File: 5d7cb66b319d2ab⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 255x208, 255:208, 2a1b8b82e6da467416158ed7a8….jpg)


Wasn't there a D-Day Q post?

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a997bb  No.13033307


The back of the bus is the best anyway.

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000000  No.13033308


So, tell me…what quota needs to be met as far child fucking and murder, for God to intervene? For anyone to intervene for that fucking matter?

Q riddles for 3+ years. You all are so good at number games, and dot connecting… tell me how many kids have been sacrificed in that time, as collateral damage from this supposed plan?

What does anyone have to show for it after all this time? Lockdowns and poison vaccines. Biden as President. A corrupt election that no one has stepped up to remedy. And kids still in the possession of these scum.

Yeah, awesome. I guess I'll just be "comfy" too.

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53477d  No.13033309


Where did they use the jaws of life? Not seeing any evidence of that from these pictures.

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c98421  No.13033310


not quite sure that explains the look on the Bush's faces

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bb8894  No.13033311

File: 27461fc96443a7b⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 468x468, 1:1, 57009000_10157110449769380….jpg)

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45cb19  No.13033312

File: a30b45f030d2e2c⋯.jpg (131.81 KB, 800x450, 16:9, index.jpg)

Q loves to soy-milk the Man-G-Spot.

Get it gurl!

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1e695e  No.13033313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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77d833  No.13033314


Hi. Rested and family obligations, now back. Slept from about 3:30 to 8.

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7ec4db  No.13033315

File: 47bdde31e6e48e7⋯.png (9.16 KB, 656x308, 164:77, Screenshot_2021_02_23_Q_Po….png)

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7b419a  No.13033316


>tell me how many kids have been sacrificed in that time, as collateral damage from this supposed plan?

Where is your sauce for these sacrifices?

thought so…

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fb925f  No.13033317

File: 6316329db764955⋯.jpg (73.91 KB, 482x434, 241:217, popcorn.jpg)


>I guess I'll just be "comfy" too.

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c3b21e  No.13033318

Just curious, can a plane control Tiger Woods car…if so, Is there any PF's that can back check to see if there were any planes in that area, or even drones (if they register on ADS-B)???

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7586b9  No.13033319


Southern border is a huge trafficking operation; always has been. I wonder if there are caravans not getting coverage? I think Mexico was guarding the border at some point, too. perhaps it's not as bad as it once was, but everyone knew that this show was going to get back to what it was the moment the plan factored in letting Joe win. All this is being done for a reason. If you want to get real pissed, there a whole list of onion sites to seethe over.

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d5c0df  No.13033320


Last night,

before 10:30,

an Anon posted the Last of the Mohicans music vid,

with the message:

And so it begins.

There was another Anon indicating something as well,

but can't remember what that anon said.

Short message.

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464fb6  No.13033321

File: 47dc236322934b5⋯.png (134.24 KB, 404x500, 101:125, pepe_chair.png)

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9ca214  No.13033322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9ca3b4  No.13033323


A pair of F-117 stealth fighters were in the news being refueled mid-air over LA.

Plane that landed LA around the time AF2 departed, a C-17 changed callsign to ANON after it landed.


Spoopiness abounds

Now this is weird. Yesterday an anon was asking me (imma planefag) about the ANON callsign and I likened the use of the ANON callsign as a sort of 'Bat Signal' for plane fags and Ben G does this cartoon.

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11dea1  No.13033324




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4631f4  No.13033325


Agreed. Apparently, this happened in Kenya at a Conservancy, and where:

"Some conservationists who spoke to The Standard noted that since 2019, close to 11 endangered Rothschild had been killed in the same manner."

Because Conservancies just don't care about low hanging wires that keep killing their giraffes, donchaknow….. totally normal, nothing to see here.


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612a98  No.13033326

File: c048c89f2ad3ff1⋯.jpg (351.33 KB, 921x1489, 921:1489, Screenshot_20210223_162114….jpg)


Oh hey I was digging on silent consent and ran across this. it's not easy to read but it's relevant.

gives very interesting info that corresponds to luminati celebs inc their use of the biblical " rites & ordinances".

You may find it interesting, supposedly orig text 1709 italian.


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31a150  No.13033327


Back axle and beyond is the worst ride.

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7ec4db  No.13033328

File: a0aae8029e4b926⋯.png (572.79 KB, 598x588, 299:294, Screenshot_2021_02_23_New_….png)

Ghislaine Maxwell offers to give up UK, French citizenship to get out of jail


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45cb19  No.13033330

7 Hills.

7 Mountains.

7 Heads.

Who sits above?

Watch the WIVES!

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53477d  No.13033331

File: a63fbcf50e1cbe1⋯.png (6.14 KB, 299x179, 299:179, Capture.PNG)

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f30308  No.13033332


Free Beer Tomorrow

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5a4d0f  No.13033333

File: d8b8fc9b189d723⋯.png (3.86 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_q_djt3x3ScottFreewD….png)

File: 6ac4be1673e7cf2⋯.png (7.9 MB, 3000x4200, 5:7, jonvoightqclock822.png)

Tiger Woods

On the QCLOCK for tomorrow (:35).

Back in the news.

Medal of Freedom Comms.

Elvis Presley got one.

So did Babe Ruth.

So many comms.

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75bb0c  No.13033334





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845686  No.13033335


Thanks fren I thought I was here when they was digging on the qrs-11 gyro chip and this came up.

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000000  No.13033336

"We Have It All" means absolutely JACK SHIT if you do nothing with it.

Whomever Q is (if they're as high ranking as they seem to claim), and Trump… are just as complicit in these crimes. All of them. Because they held no one accountable. Where's the fucking Military, if it's the only way?

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e78341  No.13033337

File: b1b1b10f2fbed53⋯.png (30.87 KB, 454x613, 454:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20e8a3567b0e551⋯.png (24.49 KB, 440x519, 440:519, ClipboardImage.png)


The roof is intact.

It's a distraction.

Fake & Gay.

Pay attention.

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464fb6  No.13033338

File: 75ceb586b0c439a⋯.png (131 KB, 673x527, 673:527, pepe_dab.png)

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43a769  No.13033339


mhmm. typical.

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04b168  No.13033341


thanks, I have also seen it up at full staff sometimes since Jan 20.

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ff6111  No.13033342


mistook a Spade for a Soul

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d6a31e  No.13033344


>bridge is illuminated

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58a648  No.13033346

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c3b21e  No.13033347

File: 54e000ff3a35c65⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB, 320x240, 4:3, The_Chronicles_of_Riddick_….mp4)



The Chronicles of Riddick Extended, Director Cut, 2013.

You can keep what you kill.

That is the Necromonger way.

RlDDlCK: [Voice-over] Mercenaries…Elementals… Necromongers..

Shit, i've never been so popular.

I should probably slip these chains and open up a few arteries.

But why drive when you can get driven?

Free ticket to Crematoria….Thanks, Toombs.

Got me some business there named Jack. And once we settle up,I walk away forever.

So i'll just wait……..all back-of-the-bus for now.

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a4ca06  No.13033348

File: c0d8368e310b43d⋯.png (82.48 KB, 470x397, 470:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c28b344fce5493⋯.png (82.13 KB, 470x322, 235:161, ClipboardImage.png)


David Spade !!!

OK anons, if you are researchers then this fcuking arseholes name should be screaming at you of something dodgy !!!

> Rolling Hills Country Club on Monday - mondays date was 22nd Feb 2021.


> Pictures surfaced on social media of Woods smiling with Dwayne Wade and David Spade at Rolling Hills Country Club on Monday,

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31a150  No.13033351


Ask me how I know Ghislaine is also an Israeli citizen.

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3e73ab  No.13033352

File: 3f53f487bbcdce1⋯.jpeg (94.81 KB, 533x800, 533:800, 3f53f487bbcdce1c62e90fb74….jpeg)


TRIPS of truth don't lie

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7ec4db  No.13033353

File: 14ec9cb6517aec3⋯.png (283.9 KB, 398x285, 398:285, Screenshot_2021_02_23_meda….png)

File: 8aab32641c18420⋯.png (382.54 KB, 571x285, 571:285, Screenshot_2021_02_23_meda….png)

File: d959d644b629f36⋯.png (277.53 KB, 429x285, 143:95, Screenshot_2021_02_23_meda….png)


3 of 3


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25710c  No.13033354


>And so it begins

#2349 at 2018-10-05 23:49:06 (UTC+1)



And so it begins..

How do you start a WAR?

[Markers] matter.

Playbook [FAIL].


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5c9051  No.13033355



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f30308  No.13033356


Hey shill. How's mom couch?

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31a150  No.13033358


Yes. The flag at full staff does happen, but you have to be alert and quick to catch that rare event.

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c6a2e5  No.13033359

File: 5b91962eab6c65f⋯.png (117.97 KB, 1520x1010, 152:101, 647_3.png)

File: eec1aff6abe1044⋯.jpg (132.77 KB, 634x842, 317:421, 14507030_0_image_m_45_1559….jpg)

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5c2e11  No.13033361


1st chip installed in a vehicle was 2005 to present day

Vehicles from 2005 to present day can only be hacked

As early as the 17th century with the invention of the first steam-powered vehicle built by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot in 1769

Vehicles from 1769 to 2004 can not be hacked

Vehicles from 1769 to 1990 with Steam powered, Gasifier powered vehicles, or vehicles that use carburetors can survive an EMP

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eac289  No.13033363

File: 2f435b8464a8ead⋯.jpg (39.6 KB, 680x356, 170:89, interesting_group_of_peopl….jpg)


seeing a lot of fauci there

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1e695e  No.13033364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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25710c  No.13033365

File: 637754eaf68186d⋯.png (381.71 KB, 598x381, 598:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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f99855  No.13033366


>76 years ago, on Feb. 23, 1945, #Marines raised the #flag atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima. We celebrate this significant moment in history and pay tribute to the long, enduring U.S.-Japan #alliance and shared dedication to a #freeandopenIndoPacific.



>Ghislaine Maxwell offers to give up UK, French citizenship to get out of jail


Yo WTF bro.

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464fb6  No.13033367


Mine's a manual trans so no…

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45cb19  No.13033368



It's time to Wake Up!


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7b419a  No.13033369


This has been discussed at great length in past breads. lurk or cry more

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860138  No.13033370


Eat shit Jew child trafficker and forfit your citizenship on planet earth.

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0391a5  No.13033371

File: 39617577784a136⋯.png (152.67 KB, 552x790, 276:395, ClipboardImage.png)




>Wasn't there a D-Day Q post?

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f99855  No.13033372


How the fuck I feel right now also.

but it i minor shit only one notable or so was changed.

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f30308  No.13033373


Comfy in letting kids get raped and killed? Comfy as fuck in schill land too. Fuck these people and anyone who is complicit in NOT defending these kids. This board is now all about emotions and opinions, little facts given like the shills who comment as Comfy as fuck.

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c6a2e5  No.13033374


np anon


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45cb19  No.13033375

I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.

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10d3ec  No.13033376

File: 69dfbb15aee7352⋯.jpg (99.32 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4z66mg.jpg)

File: 768ea13364be10f⋯.png (653.64 KB, 661x665, 661:665, Dem_Gov_covid_infected_nur….png)

File: 36bf73a104b9d32⋯.jpg (102.32 KB, 720x858, 120:143, 36bf73a104b9d321c1ef76ea32….jpg)

File: 1c1889774af6b46⋯.jpg (72.42 KB, 900x553, 900:553, 1c1889774af6b46275271d1a53….jpg)

File: 23c33463ce26ef0⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 720x500, 36:25, 4azx10.jpg)


Biden wants to make that creepy Transgender dude the head of HHS( Health and Human Services)

The same one who was head of Pennsylvania Health department which put Covid affected people into nursing homes just like Cuomo did.

This thing should be investigated and not rewarded with a job that gives them access to undermining the health of all Americans.

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acf8d9  No.13033377

File: 061729ddfa66104⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, USMC23FEB21.mp4)



_U.S. Marines @USMC__

Tale of Two Flags

Experience one of our Nation’s most iconic moments, the flag-raising atop Mount Suribachi, as described by one of the Marines who captured it during the Battle of Iwo Jima 76-years-ago today.

Television Full story: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SSViMm2xyAo

1-min vid



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b1b6b5  No.13033378

File: c8ea17588f2c882⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1164x1142, 582:571, ClipboardImage.png)

Chrissy Teigen begs Biden to unfollow her on Twitter


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200f9f  No.13033379


Why are you? He speaks truth

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4cc39c  No.13033380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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acf8d9  No.13033381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Full story: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SSViMm2xyAo

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3aa79d  No.13033382

File: 9af820f912b7ac4⋯.jpg (58.35 KB, 1197x922, 1197:922, 1613533073829.jpg)

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9f3f3b  No.13033383

File: addd0262611733b⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 630x420, 3:2, addd0262611733b4e6baf170ad….jpg)

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76525b  No.13033384


>is this normal?

Completely normal. Shot in the neck and nearly no blood (except what can be palmed in a squib),

shooter aims for the gut but hits her in the neck (and no round recovered anywhere on scene).


How about Capitol Police officer Sicknick? Bashed in the head by a fire extinguisher, but not.

Called his brother his night and said he was fine, dead the next day.


For that matter, Justice Scalia dead with a pillow over his head, no autopsy.


Move the fuck along, citizen.

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464fb6  No.13033385

File: 9009180d5582402⋯.png (196.48 KB, 726x720, 121:120, pepe_double_bird.png)

File: db133d4d0b02865⋯.jpg (167.74 KB, 562x500, 281:250, thats_maam.jpg)

File: d9fbf99838be188⋯.png (199.33 KB, 726x720, 121:120, pepe_double_bird_r.png)

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58a648  No.13033386

harlots and manipulators msm

now playing TW 24/7

FF running

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7ec4db  No.13033387

File: b4fd001ef484bc3⋯.png (182.51 KB, 500x479, 500:479, Screenshot_2021_02_23_PNG_….png)

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294801  No.13033388

File: 29bfc37a32bd8b7⋯.jpg (178.61 KB, 698x685, 698:685, 02_23_2021_162809.jpg)

File: c05e6ae8705e695⋯.png (231.8 KB, 505x503, 505:503, ClipboardImage.png)


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3e0b37  No.13033389


this is kind of false. chrysler is was too cheap under daimer or sergio to put remotes on the low end vehicles. you need to buy a vehicle with a uconnect or remote start option

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76525b  No.13033390


>brother his night

brother that night

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42a768  No.13033392

File: 1e37be7ccd45070⋯.jpg (12.58 KB, 199x255, 199:255, pepeflag1.jpg)

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5c9051  No.13033393


"speaks truth" GFY… you glow

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5e8ab9  No.13033394


Well, It better happen without a vote, cause I am never VOTING AGAIN!

It's an exercise in futility at this point!

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7b419a  No.13033395


where is the sauce for the sacrifices is all being asked… (I am not saying I don't believe it)

All I am asking for is definitive proof.

Conjecture is all there is along with some grainy photos of epstein dungeon.

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3e0b37  No.13033396



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b1b6b5  No.13033397

File: 90587c0bc3d7d26⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1242x1505, 1242:1505, ClipboardImage.png)

Apple set to release iPhone 13


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200f9f  No.13033398


Answer his questions mother fucker. How many?!

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845686  No.13033399


Who's the bottom woman ?

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31a150  No.13033400


Fun Fact: Trump gave only 24 Medals of Freedom. Obama and Clinton gave over 100 each.

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3fcc63  No.13033402


"Tale of Two Flags"

So true for today. Dual governments, 2 justice systems, 2 sets of laws.


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612a98  No.13033403

File: d6d532d02f341e0⋯.jpg (396.43 KB, 716x1295, 716:1295, Screenshot_20210223_163226….jpg)

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43a769  No.13033404

File: 10127d2d2d7d145⋯.jpg (252.02 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Pete_jumping_running_grass.jpg)

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88d58f  No.13033406


kitchen fuckery continues


Autobake at 650

Anon's collect notes and post in notes thread

BO/BV remove clown buns when necessary

end of fuckery

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58a648  No.13033407


awww - how cute! she wants a biden sniff meme

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a997bb  No.13033408

File: b71e764e188bf2e⋯.jpg (83.53 KB, 306x521, 306:521, TeigenLadyboy.jpg)

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5a4d0f  No.13033409

File: 6e9bddb8a5f9419⋯.png (2.26 MB, 3000x2145, 200:143, mar10c2XI.png)

File: 91f01c1ec46e23b⋯.png (4.56 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_q_djt3x3FBXMAS365.png)

File: 79503349a6c903e⋯.png (3.81 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_qmedal.png)


I have never done Rush Medal comms.

This was from yesterday (XI)

FireFighter comms.

Simpler version of Tiger

Looking for one more Medal of Freedom clock (Fox News Military guy).

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200f9f  No.13033410


Um they both jad two terms. Ahahahaha.

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f99855  No.13033411


Been there done that.

"They say"

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eac289  No.13033412

File: 982d47aa0d130a7⋯.jpg (224.67 KB, 960x1656, 40:69, strangely_naive_biped_poss….jpg)

File: 122c9a7a913734d⋯.png (940.57 KB, 1772x814, 886:407, MI_AG_dana_nessel_lookslik….png)

File: ed6833d97b646d3⋯.gif (2.81 MB, 480x270, 16:9, bob_filner_alien_smile.gif)

File: d6be3e0569ead2a⋯.png (238.12 KB, 558x531, 62:59, alien_aylmao_white_person_….png)

File: 8b76837ef68e6ff⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mk_Ultra_Glitches_and_Stra….mp4)


>Animals are more human than humans

Are we sure that's the right answer here

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7ec4db  No.13033413

File: 173bec204172726⋯.png (291.83 KB, 854x285, 854:285, Screenshot_2021_02_23_trum….png)


Miriam Adelson

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b1b6b5  No.13033414

File: 3e4ec56cd11c42f⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1130x1004, 565:502, ClipboardImage.png)


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5e7260  No.13033415


Perfectly said, anon.

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3c907e  No.13033416

File: 0254c94b3172253⋯.jpg (26.67 KB, 800x600, 4:3, black_pill.jpg)

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b1b6b5  No.13033417

File: ee0e26f044a5ed6⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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8a673f  No.13033418

File: 68af0d6e00e4f98⋯.png (197.25 KB, 459x291, 153:97, queer_44.png)


Obama gave himself a medal, the faggot

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1b1bd0  No.13033419

File: f5917323109f0d7⋯.png (483.82 KB, 410x512, 205:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1b6b5  No.13033420

File: 0efe4c5d1eeab9c⋯.png (419.22 KB, 1080x783, 40:29, ClipboardImage.png)


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ccc8b2  No.13033421

Hey there all youQANONSinQANONVILLE

There are some tasty notables in bred 16598. I seent them with my own eyes!

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10d3ec  No.13033422


He fell and broke his foot while pulling the dogs tale while buck naked after taking a shower.. KEK

Joe Biden says he broke foot tripping after shower when he pulled dog’s tail

President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday revealed that he broke his foot tripping on a rug after a shower as he chased one of his dogs and grabbed its tail.

Biden’s campaign previously explained the hairline fracture by saying Biden fell while playing with the dog, but did not mention the shower or tugging the animal’s tail.

The injury requires Biden, who turned 78 last month, to wear a boot for weeks.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper in his first post-election joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened. Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

Biden owns two German shepherds: the younger Major and the older Champ, who lived with Biden in Washington during his vice presidency.


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7bcb9e  No.13033423

File: d6c79d7bc614ddb⋯.png (751.19 KB, 687x937, 687:937, ClipboardImage.png)

Tiger Woods off a cliff?

genesis logo

reminds me of Iron Eagle

and 10 days ago, he eagled a kobe tribute


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eac289  No.13033424


Just the Q stickers are enough to prove she's a shill.

People don't do that. She would be not allowed into a Trump rally because they know that it's bad optics for a long time. Research is one thing.

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c981d9  No.13033425


Say the guy who hired 12 kids to pop wheels infront of my car on one way street trying to cause me to be in an accident having people run we off the road.

I guess it is an accident if you pay people to do things to try abs cause accidents. Who pays 12 to 16 year old kids to pop a wheel infront of a care on a one way street into them going the wrong way lucky I am a good driver.

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78f25d  No.13033426

Ok guys, here's a heads up. Just been watching Scott McKay and David Nino Rodriguez. They went to Las Vegas at the weekend to meet other "influencers", their words. Read manipulators/intelligence assets. These are paytriots, not one of us.

Both of them have started talking about civil unrest and civil war. That is what [they] are planning. Do not fall for it. You can listen to Scott McKay at the below link (He talks throughout about civil unrest and getting ex-military to contact him):


David Nino is here:


Go to approx 4 minute mark.

I won't embed videos as there are two that I want up at the same time. Check it out guys. Looks like [they] are starting to panic.

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0c07b8  No.13033427


Stuck their necks out to far?

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53477d  No.13033428

File: bbe2cb2a680828a⋯.png (329.46 KB, 597x584, 597:584, Capture.PNG)

File: 93b1a7f1c281d42⋯.png (190 KB, 865x278, 865:278, failure.PNG)

The clowns need a new script.

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000000  No.13033429


>>is this normal?

>Completely normal. Shot in the neck and nearly no blood (except what can be palmed in a squib),

>shooter aims for the gut but hits her in the neck (and no round recovered anywhere on scene).


>How about Capitol Police officer Sicknick? Bashed in the head by a fire extinguisher, but not.

>Called his brother his night and said he was fine, dead the next day.


>For that matter, Justice Scalia dead with a pillow over his head, no autopsy.


>Move the fuck along, citizen.

Now just cooperate with the authorities and everything will be easier….

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1e695e  No.13033430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1b1bd0  No.13033431

File: ce3488a06fde51a⋯.png (948.64 KB, 620x827, 620:827, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a4d0f  No.13033432

File: 718061433248ae6⋯.png (2.8 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock20203x30312greenext.png)

Found it.


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58a648  No.13033433


p = parsons

for the gimme

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c981d9  No.13033435


If it was not you sorry some one is paying people to try abs cause car accidents often around me… using kids is messed up.

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1ba0fd  No.13033436

File: 3c5e4de75bcf2aa⋯.jpg (55.19 KB, 770x788, 385:394, Happy_Birthday_Pepe.jpg)

File: 9fd698a8ef39cb2⋯.jpg (895.61 KB, 1712x2160, 107:135, 4ac52dada87a91a462eda9407f….jpg)

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1b1bd0  No.13033437

File: 35ed638ca47e8a0⋯.png (339.4 KB, 620x467, 620:467, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b26e1  No.13033438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tiger Wood crash live on scene

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acf8d9  No.13033439

File: 755c811b7517090⋯.png (659.48 KB, 1612x882, 806:441, ClipboardImage.png)

Cabot Phillips @cabot_phillips

I created this helpful flow chart for my friends in the media struggling with what to call the migrant detention facilities:


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464fb6  No.13033440


The American Flag

False Flag

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68ed28  No.13033441

File: 2d9b689b62a5edc⋯.png (478.36 KB, 601x608, 601:608, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_02….png)

BREAKING: No charges for Rochester police officers involved in Daniel Prude's death. #ROC


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1b1bd0  No.13033442

File: f9aff29eb57eb4a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 620x931, 620:931, ClipboardImage.png)

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845686  No.13033443


Somebody needs to give her a warning

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a4ca06  No.13033444

File: 76e2fdac93ecf42⋯.png (277.38 KB, 459x580, 459:580, ClipboardImage.png)


Rolling Hills Country Club on Monday - mondays date was 22nd Feb 2021.



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11dea1  No.13033445



Media convicted them.

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5c9051  No.13033446

File: 566e86c0fc30ad5⋯.png (369.54 KB, 500x806, 250:403, ClipboardImage.png)

>Answer his questions mother fucker. How many?!

Spoken like a true Karen. How about go fuck yourself glowy… the questions are slide which is gayer than your aids infected asshole

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716f99  No.13033447


>And kids still in the possession of these scum.

You know this how?

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e78341  No.13033448

File: fdd9fc5d61ed7b5⋯.png (9.53 KB, 441x201, 147:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 339ea4dc1353eb6⋯.png (91.19 KB, 447x602, 447:602, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff2a4f6843c8a47⋯.png (24.68 KB, 445x526, 445:526, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa4f03db4335162⋯.png (457.25 KB, 562x375, 562:375, ClipboardImage.png)

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200f9f  No.13033449


Fires already started I’m sure. JFC. This country is a complete shit show. It’s fucking embarrassing.

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1b1bd0  No.13033450

File: 590167daaa24ab9⋯.png (395.6 KB, 462x662, 231:331, ClipboardImage.png)

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464fb6  No.13033451


"Let the rioting begin {cough} {cough}"

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856c37  No.13033452


Naah, my guess is him strapped to a gurney, getting a lethal injection by a masked Medic.

That would have shocked Jeb, Barbara is too much in the cabal to flinch, GW looked like he knew and is playing his part.

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eac289  No.13033453

File: 7b355de2de6eb3e⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 401x560, 401:560, Q_Card_010.jpg)

File: 505066c2d85480f⋯.png (259.98 KB, 401x560, 401:560, Q_Card_014.png)

File: 5a389e716598162⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 401x560, 401:560, Q_Card_066.jpg)

File: d7cf86edfb461e1⋯.png (325.43 KB, 401x560, 401:560, Q_Card_083.png)


>Tiger is DS answer to El Chapo's wife's arrest.

Yeah some kind of tit for tat here seems likely

Great. Open floodgates.

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462422  No.13033454



Same rental co. logo as the japanese guy who crashed a ferrari with a coupla chicks up to no good, while driving?

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53477d  No.13033455

File: 4a5f50c82ba58ed⋯.png (7 KB, 349x250, 349:250, Capture.PNG)

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000000  No.13033456


BIDEN's daily COVID deaths

Jan 20 - 0

Jan 21 - 3878

Jan 22 - 3980

Jan 23 - 3591

Jan 24 - 1944

Jan 25 - 1593

Jan 26 - 3734

Jan 27 - 4077

Jan 28 - 4011

Jan 29 - 3503

Jan 30 - 2982

Jan 31 - 2059

Feb 1 - 1562

Feb 2 - 3486

Feb 3 - 3685

Feb 4 - 5212

Feb 5 - 3543

Feb 6 - 2994

Feb 7 - 1475

Feb 8 - 1309

Feb 9 - 2795

Feb 10 - 3445

Feb 11 - 3873

Feb 12 - 5427

Feb 13 - 3467

Feb 14 - 1366

Feb 15 - 1078

Feb 16 - 1353

Feb 17 - 2348

Feb 18 - 2616

Feb 19 - 2558

Feb 20 - 2477

Feb 21 - 2160

Feb 22 - 1287

Feb 23 - 1235

Feb 24 -

Feb 25 -

Feb 26 -

Feb 27 -

Feb 28 -

TOTAL - 96103 dead

Nearly=1/5thof every COVID death happened on Biden's watch

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3c907e  No.13033457

File: cca9182c88190a2⋯.jpg (63.73 KB, 960x720, 4:3, cnn_qanon.jpg)


At last, CNN and AJ shills bothered to join us.

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1b1bd0  No.13033458

File: dec0eeb3ddecb62⋯.png (603.94 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c9051  No.13033459

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c6a2e5  No.13033460

File: 4d252f64e1f8657⋯.png (245.52 KB, 912x1102, 24:29, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)

File: 52f10e25c0f0a7d⋯.png (53.8 KB, 1520x488, 190:61, 946.png)

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200f9f  No.13033461


You are part of the 4-6% that’ll be lost forever. Good luck bud.

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b1b6b5  No.13033462

File: 0d6fc865e7dc330⋯.png (982.74 KB, 1080x771, 360:257, ClipboardImage.png)

RC 'Bama


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1b1bd0  No.13033464

File: 12bc764f39e7194⋯.png (949.54 KB, 620x930, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e695e  No.13033465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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78f25d  No.13033466


Other people present at this meeting were two star generals, Michael Jaco, Juan O Savin, Kerry Cassidy, Mel K, Pryme Minister, Laura Eisenhower, Ann Vandersteel.


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7ec4db  No.13033467

File: 024e7feb6ab8a98⋯.png (13.77 KB, 461x155, 461:155, Screenshot_2021_02_23_adel….png)


Too late

Sheldon´s dead baby, Sheldon´s dead.

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8a673f  No.13033468


>getting a lethal injection

Like deep-state of the 1940's did to General Patton, when he was in hospital after "they" tried to kill him in a car "accident"

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1b1bd0  No.13033469

File: 1bf31ad1e2bd445⋯.png (903.05 KB, 620x1166, 310:583, ClipboardImage.png)

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845686  No.13033470


An Awan or close to an Awan

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eac289  No.13033471


God damn it now I have to walk away from the screen until I have time to think about that

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b1b6b5  No.13033472

File: bf743bc7faf72d9⋯.png (915.54 KB, 1080x1336, 135:167, ClipboardImage.png)


"Migrant Facility"

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31a150  No.13033473

File: 73e1e08ebe4d6dd⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1562936189812.jpg)


>failures of intelligence

Yeah, it wasn't smart moving the barricades and opening the steel doors for the protestors.

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25710c  No.13033474

File: 3bd7eb892ea60fe⋯.png (463.77 KB, 850x665, 170:133, ClipboardImage.png)

so its flu?


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1b1bd0  No.13033475

File: f2d78892bc9f53e⋯.png (576.34 KB, 500x666, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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464fb6  No.13033476

File: 95d6c385fafc03e⋯.png (173.23 KB, 222x540, 37:90, AOC_1.png)

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655d5e  No.13033477

File: 61b271a9fc9df89⋯.jpg (261.79 KB, 1000x660, 50:33, birthdaycake.jpg)

File: 9fa36e7380cd96e⋯.png (10.43 KB, 220x255, 44:51, MANBOOBS.png)


Why not have both?

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f99855  No.13033478

File: 8e042b809777f17⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, thisguysvoicedoeissilly.png)


Not making fun of em, it just gives a giggle.

But yeah… notice something with Flats?

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76525b  No.13033479

File: 9dc652e3e79b824⋯.png (1.18 MB, 602x834, 301:417, ClipboardImage.png)


Here ya go, fren.

And if it makes you feel better, I stubbed my toe earlier. Ow.

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1b1bd0  No.13033480

File: 6fe78cad19fb0c0⋯.png (878.67 KB, 575x850, 23:34, ClipboardImage.png)

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b9f785  No.13033481

File: 626ccb889b54760⋯.png (273.52 KB, 225x392, 225:392, pepeONE.png)


Happy bewbday

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8a673f  No.13033482

File: 4ff45dd309c6400⋯.png (100.35 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 353.png)

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ab7856  No.13033483

File: 98b098bb2ede7a0⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 763x560, 109:80, WIND_AT_OUR_BACKS.jpg)

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fb925f  No.13033484

File: cf85824070547a7⋯.jpg (171.29 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, gretchen_shark_cake.jpg)


Yeah, why not both?

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1e695e  No.13033485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mount tabor is Christian religion place believed to be the place of transfiguration of Jesus Christ where Jesus begins to radiation light and covered with Moses Elijah

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7b419a  No.13033486


where is the evidence for such sacrifices?

don't have the evidence regardless of belief…

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1b1bd0  No.13033487

File: eac48c8b5b08de9⋯.png (732.17 KB, 620x930, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c9051  No.13033488


It hurts me when you say such things… especially that I don't have your approval…. Please don't group me into the 4-6 percent quote that comes from a Q drop. I just wont be able to sleep.

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200f9f  No.13033489


So you’re admitting Q was a larp. Thank you.

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612a98  No.13033490


it's 3 9 6, which is why it has remained somewhat hidden.

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79697c  No.13033491


nothing? really?

Continue chasing fairy tales, ghosts and bait while ignoring actual shit

>completely unrelated - Sidney Powell was Meganon/Mega Anon.

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464fb6  No.13033492

File: 6fc1fa04d46cd21⋯.jpeg (57.16 KB, 640x540, 32:27, AOC_Steve_Irwin.jpeg)

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b1b6b5  No.13033493

File: 74844af0c2c5782⋯.png (78.83 KB, 1194x342, 199:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fc9eb6fe3b4543⋯.png (241.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Where do Americans go to claim asylum from Joe Biden’s policies?


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d6a31e  No.13033494

File: 9693be228925ce2⋯.png (511.85 KB, 716x600, 179:150, MikeGreenHero.png)

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1b1bd0  No.13033495

File: e4dc045e2993521⋯.png (742.77 KB, 620x930, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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65557d  No.13033496


he also just had back surgery

likely on opioids - he has a problem w/them

he's had DUI's before

7am in the morning – likely pills

speeding around a dangerous corner – didn't he have another accident like this?

He has a lead foot

All of these factors lead me to believe he was due for another DUI-like incident

But, it does not rule out that they took advantage of an opportunity to hurt him, in a corp vehicle that could have been fixed to fail

Pray for his recovery.

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31a150  No.13033497


They're beginning to see.

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43a769  No.13033498


along with the entire headpost, but whatever. it'll get fixed later, as usual.

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1b1bd0  No.13033499

File: 78383971b8716f4⋯.png (930.18 KB, 600x903, 200:301, ClipboardImage.png)

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65557d  No.13033500


yes it's Genesis Invitational

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b1b6b5  No.13033501

File: d7317576e958787⋯.png (1003.23 KB, 825x825, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 165dfc104889d1a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1026x1022, 513:511, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfa5e5f4ae7cee7⋯.png (524.23 KB, 602x602, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7e0a3e655964dc⋯.png (793.33 KB, 822x822, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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e78341  No.13033502

File: 7e8eb211f74263d⋯.png (730.35 KB, 625x375, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a673f  No.13033503

File: cd1062dfc4eb388⋯.png (180.81 KB, 472x259, 472:259, 335.png)

File: 76bbc955008b708⋯.png (20.43 KB, 127x94, 127:94, 355.png)


that AOC image is the one used in the recent hologram/trolling

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1b1bd0  No.13033504

File: 4662d1d8433c25d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 620x895, 124:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa72ec  No.13033505

Brick Suit memes are cringe

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7b419a  No.13033506


thanks for exposing yourself. kek

you have only confirmed you are a LARP…

My question is legit about the evidence (regardless of personal belief).

Can't be character assassinating people when real evidence hasn't been presented.

why are you so angry?

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f99855  No.13033507


I try to keep em up in meta, but lately they just fuck around with little sections and Past Notables.

try to check last ten or so.

I try to keep the extended lists up daily.

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76525b  No.13033508

File: f14523b5d5114cc⋯.png (649.03 KB, 498x613, 498:613, ClipboardImage.png)


>I need it for research purposes.

Sure you do.

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ed0ae3  No.13033509


Retired Lieutenant General Russell


Trying to deflect their own COMPLICITY unto others!!


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8a673f  No.13033511

File: 758fed7f42cdfb5⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 275x291, 275:291, 536.jpg)

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ecb1d4  No.13033512


Captain Green, RIP. We will get all those bastards.

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7ec4db  No.13033513

File: fe1b99222a6a42b⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Eq0oeW4XAAALY46.jpg)


>Where do Americans go to claim asylum from Joe Biden’s policies?

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31a150  No.13033514

File: 3de9ec1987405ad⋯.jpeg (44.07 KB, 620x349, 620:349, floaters.jpeg)


>Joe Biden's policies

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b1b6b5  No.13033515

File: 489827273c659da⋯.png (17.86 KB, 674x196, 337:98, ClipboardImage.png)



39k and trending.

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f30308  No.13033516

. >>13033369

What, are you the board keeper? Go fuck yourself king of Q Research. Go be a faggot on someone else's board. Schill

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68ed28  No.13033517



Nah. It;s waay to cold here for hat. I bet that is also why they delayed the hearings. When it's too cold out for riots

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1b1bd0  No.13033518

File: 759054f3baf8478⋯.png (822.2 KB, 620x932, 155:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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60baf9  No.13033519

1000 highly trained engineers in hack attack?

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7b419a  No.13033520


ah, so you took option 2… kek

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60baf9  No.13033521

Brad Smith, MS president and chief legal officer.

strange combination, Huh?

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88d58f  No.13033522



>>13032069 Dems Want Mayor Bowser – Who REFUSED Troops for Jan 6 – to Have Full ‘Commander-in-Chief’ Powers in DC.

>>13032075 Fauci Says US May Soon Ease Rules… For The Vaccinated

>>13032098 Biden Regime Ends Trump’s ‘Operation Talon’, AG’s Say Decision Will Create ‘Perverse Incentive For Foreign Sexual Predators’

>>13032117 Kids in Cages: Biden Opens Gated Compound for Illegal Immigrant Children — Democrats and AOC Silent

>>13032128 Chinese Company Owns TWO Wind Turbine Farms In Texas

>>13032131 no bail for Emma Coronel Aispuro, the 31-year-old wife of Joaquin "El Chapo"

>>13032148 PF call sign 'dasting.

>>13032154 State Locks Up 10yo Child Sex Trafficking Victim, Lets Her Multiple Abusers Walk Free

>>13032173 There is ‘no credible route to a zero-Covid Britain,’ Boris Johnson says

>>13032179 Investigative Book Exposes Deep Corruption Within America’s Media Establishment

>>13032181 Steve Scalise refuses to admit that Joe Biden legitimately won the election.

>>13032194 State Department Briefing Gets Heated After Reporters Accuses Biden Of Taking Credit For Trump’s Accomplishments

>>13032206 The CEO's Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>13032234 UK: Health Authorities Announce Not a Single Case of Flu Detected This Year

>>13032272 French actor Gerard Depardieu reportedly charged with rape

>>13032281 Train collides with tanker cars in Texas causing huge blaze, prompts evacuation

>>13032283 Vegan 'milk' maker Oatly files to go public as the company backed by Oprah and Jay-Z looks seeks a valuation around $10 billion

>>13032336 Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public – Attorney: “We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder”

>>13032340 Rep. Eric Swalwell 4 Bills to ensure that future Presidents of the United States cannot perpetrate some of the same corrupt acts that former President Donald Trump

>>13032380 FDA says Covid vaccine makers can modify shots as variants emerge

>>13032404 Hundreds Killed on Each Side; Yemen’s Maarib a ‘Blood Bath’

>>13032410 Blinken: US Wants to ‘Strengthen’ Iran Nuclear Deal

>>13032434 Ex-Capitol Police chief did not get FBI report warning of violence on Jan. 6

>>13032442 Twitter removes 100 accounts allegedly associated with Russia, aimed against US, EU, NATO

>>13032447 Biden Only Approved 77 of 254 Counties in Texas’ Major Disaster Requests White House Says

>>13032474 Israel donates COVID vaccines to Palestinian Authority, other countries

>>13032494 PF

>>13032522 Photo Of Ukrainian Deputy PM Next To Ramzan Kadyrov Triggers Political Scandal In Kiev

>>13032607 Biden Regime Throws The Book At Capitol Protesters, Offers Molotov-Throwing BLM Lawyers Plea Deal

>>13032638 New York Shuts Down, Fines Bitfinex Cryptocurrency Platform

>>13032673 Trudeau gov't practices safe relations with China, abstains from genocide vote

>>13032689 There is no going around the Presidency to gain nuke codes.

>>13032698 Biden’s China Chief Said She Was “Fine” With the CCP Spreading Influence in America And Pre-Briefed Communists Ahead of a Major Summit.

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464fb6  No.13033523

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1b1bd0  No.13033524

File: 4bfca6ce7db8bda⋯.png (484.66 KB, 460x738, 230:369, ClipboardImage.png)

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31a150  No.13033525


If criminals took control of the government what would it look like?

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60baf9  No.13033526


why would MS CEO be their chief legal officer?

why an attorney for CEO of a business?

hmm…what are they expecting?

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2c35af  No.13033527

File: 1adb20e22f63746⋯.png (68.72 KB, 1200x1171, 1200:1171, ClipboardImage.png)


Telegram Group Link:


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1b1bd0  No.13033529

File: 0384416b437950d⋯.png (714.57 KB, 620x882, 310:441, ClipboardImage.png)

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0391a5  No.13033530

File: 1b57da28f873313⋯.png (599.56 KB, 651x575, 651:575, ClipboardImage.png)


>If criminals took control of the government what would it look like?

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5a6e8e  No.13033531

File: 30ef72a0e8efe66⋯.png (40.36 KB, 882x762, 147:127, 609.png)


Rothschild endangered "Subspecies"

Well, they are subhuman pieces of shit living in their underground lairs. Oh, Kenya you say?

Is this Obama comms too?

609 Roth giraffes left. Drop#609. Usually a 000000 means that's a hit.

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60baf9  No.13033532


isn't that what the MS Ceo just said?

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1b1bd0  No.13033533

File: 11fa058bd460b2c⋯.png (727.53 KB, 620x931, 620:931, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a673f  No.13033534

File: bca4604496e2fcc⋯.png (163.59 KB, 305x402, 305:402, 2425.png)



every government in history, forever !

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921dc6  No.13033535

File: 7d97406c99c2e77⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1078x870, 539:435, 76512165496.png)

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200f9f  No.13033536

File: 569a7c8ac2305a8⋯.jpeg (196.95 KB, 1125x533, 1125:533, FE298B1C_ACBC_4C77_BA61_2….jpeg)

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31a150  No.13033537


Learn to cypher, Jethro.

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464fb6  No.13033538

File: 91f51ba41b1dfff⋯.png (786.46 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, AOC_O.png)

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5a4d0f  No.13033539


>Miriam Adelson

Justice Scalia got a medal of freedom same day as Elvis and the Babe.

Deserves some deeper digging.

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76525b  No.13033540

File: acb3a0f5c4d345c⋯.png (1.21 MB, 606x826, 303:413, ClipboardImage.png)


Happy Birthday, fren!

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1b1bd0  No.13033541

File: 475954bb7f145b1⋯.png (960.99 KB, 620x836, 155:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0accd  No.13033542


>why would MS CEO be their chief legal officer?

That is not what the post says.

Read much q-tard?

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60baf9  No.13033543

kevin mandIa, FIREEYE CEO

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ed0ae3  No.13033544

File: 5e11278dda506b5⋯.gif (3.61 MB, 324x324, 1:1, 5e11278dda506b550d4e58c850….gif)


Never Forgotten!

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8a673f  No.13033545

File: 751256397599fdd⋯.mp4 (988.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 35364677.mp4)


Joe: if only he had a brain….

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75bb0c  No.13033546

File: 913fed3bd205af9⋯.png (772.68 KB, 602x602, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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88d58f  No.13033547

Facebook Receives “User Statement” Regarding President Trump’s Ban from Platform

The independent Oversight Board confirmed they had received the statement on Tuesday

Facebook has received a “user statement” relating to the indefinite ban of President Trump from the social media platform last month.

Following the protests at Capitol Hill on January 6th, President Trump was first temporarily, and then indefinitely, banned from Facebook, with the Big Tech giant claiming that he had incited violence. As National File reported:

Despite censoring the President’s calls for an end to protestors’ efforts to breach the Capitol (which was ordered closed to the public ahead of electoral vote certification), Zuckerberg went on to claim that President Trump had used Facebook “to condone rather then condemn the actions of his supporters.”

In announcing the ban, Zuckerberg claimed that President Trump had used Facebook to “incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government,” and that allowing him to continue to communicate with the American people had been deemed too risky.

“We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great.”

On Tuesday, the UK’s Channel 4 News reported that Facebook’s Oversight Board, the supposedly independent entity that regulates the site, had received a “user statement” relating to the ban of President Trump. Such a statement would have been sent by the administrators of President Trump’s page, appealing the indefinite ban.

The Facebook Oversight Board had been handed President Trump’s case in January, not long after the initial ban. The spokeswoman, who confirmed the existence of the user statement, said that the board would not be making any more comment until they had come to a decision on the ban.

President Trump was banned and suspended by a number of other Big Tech companies during his last few weeks in his office, most notably Twitter, which was one of the first to boot the sitting President off their platform. Last week, Trump said in a phone interview with NewsMax that Twitter had become “very boring” since he was removed, noting that “millions of people” were leaving.


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1b1bd0  No.13033548

File: 06f592dbe285758⋯.png (918.3 KB, 500x678, 250:339, ClipboardImage.png)

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04b168  No.13033549

File: a667ab4016b17eb⋯.png (132.72 KB, 1055x670, 211:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcd135118fc0d19⋯.png (111.87 KB, 920x884, 230:221, ClipboardImage.png)

Eyewitness Account, with No Outside Details

I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6

The deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

The deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

A small number of cadre appeared to use the cover of a huge rally to stage its attack. Before it began, I saw from my vantage point on the West Front of the Capitol what appeared to be four separate cells or units:

1. Plainclothes militants.

Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;


Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;

3. Fake Trump protesters.

A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and

4. Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers.

A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.

All of these cells or groups stood out from the very large crowd by their behavior and overall demeanor. However, they did not all appear at the same time. Not until the very end did it appear there was a prearranged plan to storm the Capitol building, and to manipulate the unsuspecting crowd as cover and as a follow-on force.

Eyewitness Account, with No Outside Details

This article is a first-person, eyewitness account drafted the night of Jan. 6 and morning of Jan. 7, so it is not affected by other news coverage or information. The only research aids used in this article were photos and videos that I took from my phone.

I have witnessed and participated in scores of protests since the 1970s when as a high school student I was trained by professional agitators from California. Apart from my professional background and experience, nothing in this article is derived from any third-party information or analysis.

In editing this for publication, I fought the temptation to add new information that I had subsequently learned from my own or from other people’s accounts. Other reports will vary and may contain contradicting information, and will contain far more facts than appear here. Many well-known actions and developments reported in the news do not appear here, as this is purely what I saw and understood between about 11:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Jan. 6

Anti-riot Police Prepared Early, But Presence Was Light

Originally I had planned not to attend any of the several pro-Trump events scheduled for that day. At the last minute, a companion and I decided to see what we could see. Late that morning, at about 11:30, I walked from near Union Station to the Senate side of Capitol Hill on 2nd and D Streets NW and noticed a small number of Capitol Police dressed in full riot gear, with shin guards and shoulder guards. One carried a black baton with side handle.

“That’s old school,” I called to the officer, giving him a thumbs-up. The police appeared to be readying to board a van or bus, although the Capitol was only 2-1/2 blocks away.

I crossed behind the Russell Senate Office Building to Constitution Avenue near the Capitol, past some out-of-towners who pointed at the Capitol and asked if it was the White House, then walked for about 25 minutes up Pennsylvania Avenue toward an empty Freedom Park.

A rally had just taken place there and moved to the Ellipse, the large lawn between the White House and Constitution Avenue NW. President Trump was speaking to a huge crowd at the Ellipse, although the Freedom Park rally had broken up to assemble at the Capitol before we arrived.

For such a massive event, police presence was light. District of Columbia police and a small group of DC National Guard had a relaxed demeanor, keeping a professional distance from marchers and other pedestrians, as they usually do. A few police and National Guard gathered around a mobile device to listen to the president make what sounded like rousing comments.

Crowd Energized and Festive, Not Angry or Incited

moar @



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f30308  No.13033550


No major arrests and this continues we will be at civil war. Thanks Q and the Patriots! You're the best at arresting no corrupt politician for "know" crimes. We arent the crazy ones, they are. We as patriots have very little standing in our households since we've latched on to hope with zero results at a high level. NONE.

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1b1bd0  No.13033551

File: 3e35010b768356f⋯.png (725.26 KB, 500x773, 500:773, ClipboardImage.png)

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c6a2e5  No.13033552

File: 2b9a06370358e42⋯.png (90.23 KB, 906x376, 453:188, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)

U.S. Marshals


On February 23, 1861, President-Elect Abraham Lincoln quietly slipped into Washington, D.C. to prepare for his inauguration on March 4. Accompanying him was U.S. Marshal Ward Hill Lamon (D/DC), a friend and former law partner.

10:01 AM · Feb 23, 2021


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60baf9  No.13033553


That is what CSPAN3 is calling him.

i don't even know what post you are talking about.

what are you watching?

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000000  No.13033554


>Justice Scalia got a medal of freedom same day as Elvis and the Babe.

>Deserves some deeper digging.

That is nothing the baker wants to have to deal with. Chose a different subject. If you stopped the struggle this would be fart more simple.

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1b1bd0  No.13033555

File: eec8c218fe92104⋯.png (779.54 KB, 620x930, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a673f  No.13033556

File: 86ed31b64b7175a⋯.jpg (73.97 KB, 500x710, 50:71, 32556.jpg)

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88d58f  No.13033557



And interesting af

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7ec4db  No.13033558

File: aef81e2d4d10da2⋯.png (178.81 KB, 598x488, 299:244, Screenshot_2021_02_23_tele….png)

File: 99e60fe58a4f4ec⋯.png (165.68 KB, 535x576, 535:576, Screenshot_2021_02_23_The_….png)

#Riots in three #Ecuadorean prisons have left more than 50 people dead, the police said via Twitter on Tuesday, a situation the South American nation's government described as a concerted action by #criminal organizations.


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d0accd  No.13033559


The post you replied to you stupid fuck.

To be that fucking stupid you must be a Xiden supporter.

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1b1bd0  No.13033560

File: 627515ac362512d⋯.png (293.58 KB, 345x600, 23:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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0391a5  No.13033561

File: 6f6ae18793e42ca⋯.png (715.69 KB, 960x912, 20:19, AOC_Hogg.png)

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200f9f  No.13033562


Looks like the engine was in his lap.

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281bf7  No.13033563


Q post 100

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75bb0c  No.13033564



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60baf9  No.13033565

these idiots don't even know how, but they know how many and who

what idiots

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464fb6  No.13033566

File: facb3b596875213⋯.jpg (100.03 KB, 666x500, 333:250, AOC_IQ.jpg)

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1b1bd0  No.13033567

File: 3ba634102136b5d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 620x929, 620:929, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b419a  No.13033568


so… because there are no arrests that you consider important you parrot the CCP propaganda of "we will be at civil war" if it continues?

you post like a 20 year old woman paid to be here.

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8c2f48  No.13033569


No, it's not normal.

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000000  No.13033571


>Looks like the engine was in his lap.

Nothing that is being reported has any hint of being true from what I can see from the pictures. Now this 'public vigil' going on LIVE! its bullshit.

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5a4d0f  No.13033572

File: b587149df4bf0fb⋯.png (2.57 MB, 3345x1593, 1115:531, ClipboardImage.png)


EP and Babe Ruth connection is date of death.

Margaret Mitchell shares it as well.

Storyboard attached.

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1b1bd0  No.13033573

File: 79a02ef57db59e9⋯.png (779.01 KB, 620x791, 620:791, ClipboardImage.png)

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60baf9  No.13033574



why would MS president be their chief legal officer?

you are missing the big picture, trying to be a smart ass.

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75bb0c  No.13033575


blow in a suckjob

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e78341  No.13033576

File: 32ea8e2fffc6c65⋯.png (525.39 KB, 600x802, 300:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34d15293e8cbabc⋯.png (575.65 KB, 619x575, 619:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 709b88f3b34500c⋯.png (394.88 KB, 631x651, 631:651, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21be1e338c41b99⋯.png (303.48 KB, 617x615, 617:615, ClipboardImage.png)


Reminds me of….


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11dea1  No.13033577

File: 694aa2484524c92⋯.png (668.32 KB, 1136x638, 568:319, Good_Deed.png)

File: a7b2909c04b56e9⋯.png (550.48 KB, 500x667, 500:667, FLotUS_forever.png)

Be Best, Anons!

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68ed28  No.13033578



Holy crap…the comments lol

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75bb0c  No.13033579


Sounds like Osama bin Laden style.

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281bf7  No.13033580


[NEWSMAX] is controlled by THEM and completely compromised.

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d25a63  No.13033581

File: 40e054317f3fd9c⋯.png (734.36 KB, 871x496, 871:496, aoc_horseface.png)

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88d58f  No.13033582


Does that mean I'm smart?

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000000  No.13033583


>EP and Babe Ruth connection is date of death.

>Margaret Mitchell shares it as well.

>Storyboard attached.

Listen, stop with the struggling. This is nothing that the bakers will be dealing with. Just do as you are told and everything will be fine. Dont force us to kneecap the board yet again.

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75bb0c  No.13033584

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c6a2e5  No.13033586

File: 2424b69093b5025⋯.png (460.51 KB, 906x938, 453:469, Screen_Shot_2021_02_23_at_….png)

File: c26d98394e71195⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3h_yCZKexo7AKq8C.mp4)

Do you remember in 1997 when Tiger’s father, Earl Woods, checked the hell out of


& the racist box checking system?

Salute to the late Earl Woods


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464fb6  No.13033587

File: ba6702ba804edf6⋯.png (532.93 KB, 528x500, 132:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a673f  No.13033588

File: 2b77d4cfb04a4c8⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 679x516, 679:516, 634637.jpg)


That is very interesting……

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bb4b24  No.13033589


Jerry Brown was 34th Governor of California

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7bcb9e  No.13033590

File: 074b088d82f570a⋯.png (21.28 KB, 719x118, 719:118, ClipboardImage.png)


d/dc search returned this


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60baf9  No.13033591


Lincoln Project

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5fff1d  No.13033592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another view of the Missouri attempt.

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d0accd  No.13033593


Not being a smart ass. I am correcting you AOC level stupidity.

And why can't the president also be the CFO. Not uncommon for the president to be the CEO.

No wonder q ran away. Realized you're to fucking stupid for even basic comprehension.

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75bb0c  No.13033594


maybe i did

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58a648  No.13033595


def qualifies as a


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3fcc63  No.13033596

File: e17558889e34c19⋯.jpg (67.64 KB, 1242x769, 1242:769, e17558889e34c19231b01a121d….jpg)

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94042c  No.13033597


> Mine too, i'll use my wish for PAIN too and we can combine our powers.

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e2a92d  No.13033598

File: 37ec54bd802b0f1⋯.png (10.1 KB, 261x90, 29:10, download_1_.png)



Already in notables


>>13031581, >>13031599 US Marshals - On February 23, 1861, President-Elect Abraham Lincoln quietly slipped into Washington, D.C. to prepare for his inauguration on March 4.

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60baf9  No.13033599


> Not uncommon for the president to be the CEO.

you are reading deficient now.

MS President is the Chief LEGAL OFFICER


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ed0ae3  No.13033600

File: a837f8b0052ff67⋯.jpg (11.17 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 27bff05fee1dfc5d43ffaaf674….jpg)


There were many Q posts referencing Iron Eagle. Need to look!

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464fb6  No.13033601

File: 22db71dc0d50329⋯.jpg (283.45 KB, 1500x998, 750:499, AOC_congress_for_dummies.jpg)

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60baf9  No.13033602


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75bb0c  No.13033603

File: 29523090f3e8023⋯.png (38.2 KB, 236x249, 236:249, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f0e9a  No.13033604


>Ghislaine Maxwell offers to give up UK, French citizenship to get out of jail

No Deals…. rot

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200f9f  No.13033605

File: ab8c52340d9985d⋯.jpeg (1007.69 KB, 1125x1475, 45:59, 56987F0E_46D9_4F05_AB6B_D….jpeg)

How much more winning can y’all handle? Q was a cruel joke. And you all know it.


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8a673f  No.13033606

File: 0e210c5c9dafd10⋯.jpg (86.29 KB, 1200x667, 1200:667, 3664.jpg)

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e78341  No.13033607

File: 20c5ad281723840⋯.png (407.25 KB, 500x296, 125:74, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b419a  No.13033608


research it and get back

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5a4d0f  No.13033609

File: c7bc3118c260c97⋯.png (3.61 MB, 1750x3200, 35:64, 55libertyridewlinesHunterm….png)


Bakers not required.

No one tells Anons what to do.

Everything is fine.

This is bigger than even Autists can imagine.

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77d833  No.13033610


who all knows it?

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d0accd  No.13033611


Because bunnies wear pancakes for hats.

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eac289  No.13033612

File: 04c8726eed74254⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1360x858, 680:429, ClipboardImage.png)


>Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s Mother: ‘He Wasn’t Hit on the Head’ by Trump Supporter

Oh wait why didn't we see this before.

He saw something he wasn't supposed to.

Maybe Sicknick caught the deep state bomb planters

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6f0e9a  No.13033613

File: 456e62bd17d7ae3⋯.jpg (22.17 KB, 269x130, 269:130, Screen_Shot_02_21_21_at_11….JPG)

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464fb6  No.13033614

File: 97e82594815ff3f⋯.png (488.77 KB, 1106x1012, 553:506, pepe_8.png)


Book Deals…

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ed0ae3  No.13033615


What is this in reference to?

btw - can't even see your pic. Had to rmc and open in another window to see it.

I swear someone on the inside of this board is messing with the pics and vids.

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7ec4db  No.13033616

File: d5cff1a9fe2a670⋯.jpg (77.6 KB, 1024x736, 32:23, pepe11.jpg)

Feels good man

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8c2f48  No.13033617

File: 20769c34e271e14⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 657x560, 657:560, cant_ban_these_guns.jpg)


Anon continues to argue:

1) the dough is too long to be usefule, and

2) there's gotta be a moar elegant way to achieve the baking goal.

What if a bake were an image, new bread number and title, shortened dough, and then after the dough previous bread notables in a bun as a single post.

The average anon checking in could read the old-bread notables and then scroll down to find the last bread. Would give baker plenty of time to make dough the next bake.

That dough? It's embarrassing. Put most of that shit in a pinned thread in the catalog. If someone needs it, it's all still there.

A bake should be 3 or 4 posts, not 6. Something's gotta give.

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c6a2e5  No.13033618

File: 3e50f517baa749a⋯.jpg (43.49 KB, 345x565, 69:113, lamon.jpg)


Lincoln and his Marshal

They snuck into the city. Abraham Lincoln, soon to be inaugurated President of the collapsing Union, arrived unannounced in Washington, D.C., early on the morning of February 23. 186 1 , nine days before his March 4 inauguration. Ward Hill Lamon, soon to be commissioned the United States Marshal for the District of Columbia, accompanied the President-elect. He acted as Lincoln's personal bodyguard while Allan Pinkerton and his detectives provided general security. Armed with a brace of pistols and a Bowie knife, Lamon was determined to prevent any trouble from his fellow Southerners. A Virginian by birth, the future marshal was Lincoln's friend and business associate. They had known each other for 20 years. While Lamon devoted himself to serving and protecting the Yankee president, his mother and brothers transferred their loyalty to the south.Picture of U.S. Marshal Ward Hill Lamon

Shown on left, U.S. Marshal Ward Hill Lamon, District of Columbia, 1861-1865

moar: https://www.usmarshals.gov/history/lincoln/lincoln_and_his_marshal.htm

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10d3ec  No.13033619

File: e7918304b592d5b⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Crazy_liberal_dems_screami….mp4)


>>13033578 libs are melting down in the comments, kek

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a4ca06  No.13033620

File: f834d0ac30a148e⋯.png (524.46 KB, 528x500, 132:125, ClipboardImage.png)



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43ecdb  No.13033621


Niggers… too stupid to build them high enough

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8a673f  No.13033622

File: 935b2025bfd585c⋯.png (139.93 KB, 500x766, 250:383, 35366.png)


I don't think AOC would even comprehend the Dummies version…..

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00d3cd  No.13033623

File: 085faa360ae1cce⋯.jpg (602.98 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210223_140543….jpg)


Even creepier

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43ecdb  No.13033625


Or… why not build them underground? But even Americans are either too stupid or too cheap to do it the right way.

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eac289  No.13033626

File: e1011f70f95100c⋯.png (206.49 KB, 878x630, 439:315, _john_sullivan_antifa.png)

File: 5b5fb22efa639f6⋯.png (40.51 KB, 1772x806, 886:403, sullivan_general_nuclear_r….png)

File: e17a3df77d2b271⋯.png (364.48 KB, 768x828, 64:69, _john_sullivan_adopted_fat….png)

File: a1d9afb237fa73b⋯.jpeg (873.27 KB, 828x1608, 69:134, john_sullivan_more.jpeg)

File: 6b9a69b8578621c⋯.png (349.61 KB, 1018x972, 509:486, first_person_to_be_positiv….png)



And his traitor father who took nuclear parts to China

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75bb0c  No.13033627


P = Pinkerton ?

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9083e9  No.13033628

File: 171a502e8a6ff6c⋯.jpg (71.62 KB, 554x496, 277:248, toldya.jpg)

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e85200  No.13033629


Election fraud is not allowed by our Constitution.

Racial discrimination (muh white supremacy ) is not allowed by our Constitution.

Political discrimination (muh extremists) is not allowed by our constitution.

DoD supports all three.

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d5c0df  No.13033630




Breakfast of Champions.

It's also a novel by Vonnegut.

This is how it is described:

Breakfast of Champions has themes of free will, suicide, and race relations among others.

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7af30f  No.13033631



stay safe David!

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98c59a  No.13033632


Right before Valentines Day. There was also a Valentine’s Day giraffe post.

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60baf9  No.13033633



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3c907e  No.13033634


Is this not about informing and information war?

Thanks for the link. Q was right.

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5a4d0f  No.13033635


Was a Medal Of Freedom reference.

Was posting about it earlier wrt Tiger.

Not sure what happened to the pic (I can't see it either unless I open in new window). Always open them in a window by themselves for easy zooming/scrolling.

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80b142  No.13033636


>Salute to the late Earl Woods

The Human race.

Oprah was stunned and she shut up fast.

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e78341  No.13033637

File: 9a665e8e1f059f7⋯.png (560.46 KB, 584x375, 584:375, ClipboardImage.png)

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43a769  No.13033638


how come some bakers can bake with no issues but some bakers always have problems.

one of the bakers keeps being able to post the entire thing in one shot.

…but the dough is too long.

It's always the same ones respectively too. sounds like fake tension to me.

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402b53  No.13033639

File: 4b7231ccb103327⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x850, 45:34, 4b7231ccb10332731058ca89c….jpeg)


Amen! No reason why last page can't be pinned either, it rarely changes

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7b419a  No.13033640




can't help it.. got anon into trouble many times…

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5fdaff  No.13033641


Trump should just stay quiet since he did nothing to stop the deep state clowns.

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8c2f48  No.13033642


Just no way to prove anything, huh? It does get old, though.

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7af30f  No.13033643


you are the joke.

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82f9dc  No.13033644

remember it is a fact that this retarded ass place was in fact designed by retarded ass retard with retarded ass ideas and that is why it be but it do.


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a7ad6e  No.13033645

File: bbad2e46e06fe79⋯.png (829.92 KB, 1088x599, 1088:599, ClipboardImage.png)



It is all in plain sight. This is a screenshot of today's Jet Stream over the U.S. Heavy chemtrailing of major moisture laden fronts in Ionosphere off Pacific Coast is heated with H.A.A.R.P. arrays in Alaska and SW U.S. causes Jet Stream to drive sharply north into Canada where it combines with Arctic cold causing plunge of abnormally frigid moist air down into Central U.S.


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51a23b  No.13033646

File: 49c0622ab5ebd5a⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 99DDA40F_9620_4683_A8DA_4A….png)

File: 2cef18decac4e45⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 80E23B05_D964_403B_948D_A5….png)

File: 06ce8f6dbf50416⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 101A0307_3BFA_4C5B_BC36_CF….png)


Ignore the shopped guy in fur hat, the pics show three cops standing blocking door, then walking away, 10 seconds before Ashli Babbit shot. Then within three seconds the other officers come up the stairs. How come she was shot? Surrounded by police. Or were they police? Video from last night, comms from provact SAYS dress up like police. We need to look closely at police!

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8a673f  No.13033647


Comms ?

The devastating incident involved three Rothschild’s giraffes

maybe 3 Roths have been put to death by electrocution….I hope


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7bcb9e  No.13033648


>>13032695 LB

Always BLM & bombs

Thousand Currents (Direct Current D/DC)

“Over the course of a 20-month span in 1983 and 1984, M19 also bombed an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, and the South African consulate in New York, D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard (which they hit twice.)”

Currently, Rosenberg serves as the vice-chair of the board of directors of Thousand Currents.

According to Thousand Currents’ website, the group “provides the legal and administrative framework to enable BLM to fulfill its mission.”


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75bb0c  No.13033649

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7ec4db  No.13033650

File: e67e19c56c6dd04⋯.png (124.29 KB, 398x630, 199:315, Screenshot_2021_02_23_CIA_….png)

Think Mirror

A code is a system of communication in which groups of symbols represent words. Codes may be used for brevity or security. Here, a code is concealed inside the mirror of a lady’s makeup compact. By tilting the mirror at the correct angle, the code is revealed.

10:00 AM · Feb 23, 2021


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d72f99  No.13033651

tiger woods is def a full hit on the front, like falling from height or hitting wall…front wheels all pushed back inc engine …

also jaws of life used

roof intact, no roll

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76525b  No.13033652


>wtf you on about? That's David Spade

Ever notice you never see David Soul and David Spade in the same room together?

Never mind, you're right. Anon done gone and messed up.

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8c2f48  No.13033653


Because it's hard, anon. This anon tried a few times and it's just to much going on at one time to get it into the groove. No doubt with a great deal of practice it can be done, but…

If we need moar bakers, does it make sense to let it be something only a few can be good at?

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9e5a82  No.13033654

>>13032657 lb

Leader of a 1980's Glam-Hair band (the gay 80's). But he is a dude, for sure. His band, "Europe," opened for Def Leppard's spring through fall legs of their "Hysteria Tour."

Rolf Magnus Joakim Larsson (born 19 August 1963), known professionally as Joey Tempest, is a Swedish singer, best known as the lead singer and main songwriter of the rock band Europe. He has written hits which include "The Final Countdown", "Rock the Night", "Cherokee" and "Superstitious".


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a7ad6e  No.13033655


Does that look like a normal Jet Stream pattern across the U.S.? What the hell is going on mid-point of JS?

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000000  No.13033656


>Bakers not required.

>No one tells Anons what to do.

>Everything is fine.

>This is bigger than even Autists can imagine.

You just dont understand. However we dont need you battling bakers and those of us who are trying to make this a better place for the millions of eyes which will and have been arriving Dont you want Q to succeed? Why would you work against us?.

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43a769  No.13033657


no. that's a democrat thing.

Can't do?

Dumb it down!


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a4ca06  No.13033658


yep, this guy is deep deeply suspicious and either very bad luck or dangerous ?

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8c2f48  No.13033659


No problem, then. Just don't complain when a bake isn't perfect.

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9083e9  No.13033660

Kudos to all the anons out there not wearing masks in California.

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43a769  No.13033661


it's not fucking hard to hit "new reply" after a copypaste, 4 times in a row for fucks sake.

Gerbil does it every day, and their dough is lnger than the regular one.

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da45c2  No.13033662

File: b57a4365ae657cc⋯.png (531.72 KB, 695x239, 695:239, AQ1.png)

Anyone else thinking something spoopy went on?

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7ec4db  No.13033664

File: dc67b19ecac1aab⋯.png (23.48 KB, 766x704, 383:352, Screenshot_2021_02_23_4953….png)


I want to believe

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77d833  No.13033665


I tend to agree, but in a nicer tone :)

Doesn't mean bakers can't stick to a style guide, though.

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6a6579  No.13033666

File: 7c8ee47376a2834⋯.jpg (61.97 KB, 701x766, 701:766, big_Q.JPG)





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80b142  No.13033667

Anons, the SCOTUS abandoned America and now the Senate is hearing testimony on the capitol riot.

The framework for a military takeover is being laid.

POTUS is retaking control of the R party despite their best efforts to the contrary. He is the natural legitimate leader of this nation.

Not long now…

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8c2f48  No.13033668


Nearly tackled in a Dallas suburb today for not having a mask on. Proclaimed "shit" and turned around to walk out.

Clerk promptly handed over a fresh mask.

So fucking tired of this.

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43a769  No.13033669



that by itself proves the push for change for the sake of it is real.

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000000  No.13033670


>how come some bakers can bake with no issues but some bakers always have problems.

>one of the bakers keeps being able to post the entire thing in one shot.

>…but the dough is too long.

>It's always the same ones respectively too. sounds like fake tension to me.

We, the board, do not want this kind of discussion any longer. Much like the vaccine and the POTUS we currently have, you need to bow and humble yourself to the wishes I tell you that the board are.

Just do as your told and dont struggle. You do want this Q operation to succeed dont you?

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8a673f  No.13033671

File: e1526f4850dcef1⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 1280x576, 20:9, 35366.webm)

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7af30f  No.13033672

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75bb0c  No.13033673


FF for distraction of the PUBLIC

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8c2f48  No.13033674


Fuck off. Do it your way. Matters not at all to me. Just love to watch your union freak when someone suggests change. You sound like a 50-year-old man.

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43a769  No.13033675



fuck off torposter

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7bcb9e  No.13033676

File: 9eeae5d864c3004⋯.png (34.67 KB, 558x302, 279:151, ClipboardImage.png)


AF bringing water to San Antonio

Reminds me of Bringing Water to Spead Fire

We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.

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43a769  No.13033677


you sound like you need to dilate.

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44bbfa  No.13033678


Genesis (Hyundai) logo

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abaa6a  No.13033679

File: 52f2db64e7a62f9⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_02_23_….png)

Presidential plane VC-25 82-8000 using tailcode as callsign.

Flying circuits around Piedmont Triad airport.

Is it drawing an L or a pistol.

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dee150  No.13033681

File: 3e445fa5e6a79a6⋯.png (11.33 KB, 686x65, 686:65, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump telling Tiger to "get well soon"

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000000  No.13033682



>fuck off torposter

Just do as you are told. It will be best for us all. Your friends here are doing it, I am sure they would want you to just behave like they are.

Management thanks you all and WWG1WGA!

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10d3ec  No.13033683

File: dd8e9c4f02f4b5b⋯.png (232.82 KB, 680x464, 85:58, EZcXw3JUwAA_wOt.png)



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8c2f48  No.13033684



What dastardly deeds in Kenya would elicit Rothschild electrocutions?

Need to look into that.

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6a6579  No.13033685

was there any planes in the air near or above Tiger woods area when he "crashed" his car???

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06e5aa  No.13033686


All part of the Scripts

Didn't you read the Pamphlet?

It was in the Introduction package.

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b4f118  No.13033687

1947 A UFO crashes in Roswell new Mexico. 2 months later the US Air Force was created.

Not a coincidence.

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6a6579  No.13033688


you mean the DS playbook…it's on every page

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8a673f  No.13033690

File: 31d93cdfd0b7458⋯.png (48.73 KB, 166x333, 166:333, 3536.png)

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80b142  No.13033691


>So fucking tired of this.

yep. i just have to shake my head at them. the ones who wear a mask inside their car driving down the road are a whole another level of cringe.

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8c2f48  No.13033692


Did the US have an extraterrestrial even 2 months before Space Force was set up?

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76525b  No.13033693


>She would be not allowed into a Trump rally because they know that it's bad optics for a long time.

I was there, and there were lots of people with Q stuff, even waving giant Q flags. She might not have gotten into the Ellipse,

but hundreds of thousands were occupying the Washington Monument area, and lots of them had Q paraphernalia on.

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5a4d0f  No.13033694


Kingman Arizona was bigger crash no one has heard of. Howard Hughes involved in recovery of alien technology.

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43a769  No.13033695

File: f08c259e5f5b8cc⋯.png (314.21 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, muhhelperanon.png)

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dee150  No.13033696

File: 7cd63ce6d099813⋯.png (76.41 KB, 698x511, 698:511, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 471d59657e0c347⋯.png (1.21 MB, 728x546, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Jaws of life NOT used


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199588  No.13033698

File: 5acfd210d091457⋯.jpeg (505.86 KB, 1240x2227, 1240:2227, D3446F64_1D66_494C_8FF2_3….jpeg)

Fauci Cocaine habit, damn. No wonder he’s nuts and changes his mind so often.


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b4f118  No.13033700


Roswell 2 aliens lived and communicated with us. Must have freaked someone out.

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afbb78  No.13033701


He didn't play. His foundation is a beneficiary of the tournament. And yes, that's a loaner from Genesis.

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3fcc63  No.13033703

File: ab798077e6f21dc⋯.mp4 (14.48 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Under_Siege_Cake_Surprise.mp4)

File: 551a5def19a2867⋯.mp4 (995.61 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Meg_from_Xena_the_Warrior_….mp4)


I brought you some entertainment anon, since you're feeling the pain.

Happy Birthday!

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5a4d0f  No.13033704

File: 14b6a4b67cc91ca⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, QHIGH5ClockFagsQFamts.png)


Why Q stuff was banned.

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75bb0c  No.13033705


maybe space force is just another word game.

Internet Cyber "Space" Force


meybe it was more a terrestrical event.

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7bcb9e  No.13033706


Tiger 24ft 8in (24.66666666 btw)


>>13033423 (me)

>>13033167 Holy shit confirmed

248 #flyrothsfly#

Roths giraffes electrocuted

>>13033512 Anon mentions Captain Green

It's all connected. helpers been helping.

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c37cee  No.13033707

File: 4798e4070b4c0ad⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, tiger_woods_crash.png)

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10d3ec  No.13033708

File: 6bb56d9eb520714⋯.png (414.46 KB, 963x506, 963:506, 6bb56d9eb520714432fc3769bf….png)

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5ad704  No.13033709

File: 5091d56b381c9ac⋯.png (699.65 KB, 704x396, 16:9, LucisEtUmbraeRevelata.png)

Colossians 2:17

These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

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82f9dc  No.13033710


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76525b  No.13033713



finger bang porn. It's better than gore or cp, but still,… adios.

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abaa6a  No.13033717



Blood on the airbag and probably shit on the seat.

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b358e8  No.13033718


So it was a courtesy car from the genesis invitational tourney announcement 5 days ago. So he's been there hanging out for 5 days in a rental basically.

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eac289  No.13033719

File: 51d74cf67b1728c⋯.png (102.83 KB, 1200x896, 75:56, china_gdp_uk_1797_1997_kis….png)

File: c667528ff6ca8c9⋯.png (675.45 KB, 728x546, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


foreknowledge seems to arrive in bursts

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82fdfb  No.13033720

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, 1553704436.jpeg)

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7efe06  No.13090828

this balkanization of the us will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the united states ensuring the future of the white race on the north american continent, but also ensuring the death of the “ melting pot ” pipe dream. i am not a direct member of any organization or group, though i have donated to many nationalist groups and have interacted with many more. but you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. any invader you kill, of any age, is one less enemy your children will have to face. those that find themselves born linguistically in the minority suffer daily, as the conversation of life excludes them, the mass media isolates them and businesses turn them away, as does the societies speech itself. no, i spent many years travelling through many, many nations.

what can we do to fix it? i am trained in gorilla warfare and i'm the top sniper in the entire us armed forces. i was travelling as a tourist in western europe at the time, france, spain portugal and others.the first event that begun the change was the terror attack in stockholm, on the 7 th of april 2017. you will find no reprieve, not in iceland, not in poland, not in new zealand, not in argentina, not in ukraine, not anywhere in the world. i could no longer bring the sneer to my face, i could no longer turn my back on the violence. a path focusing on nature and respect for the environment, traditions, families, workers rights and personal and racial responsibilities.

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