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f3b6a5  No.12791852[Last 50 Posts]

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f3b6a5  No.12791856


>>12747424, >>12747431, >>12747438, >>12747442, >>12747447, >>12747452, NOW THEY COME FOR THE GUNS. - H. R. 127

>>12713994, >>12714009, >>12714014, >>12714024, >>12714432 Bidens first big bill. This will destroy America as you know it.

>>12720520, >>12720533 Bookmark this The Office of Donald J. Trump

>>12693790, >>12695941 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released

>>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com

>>12713246 Donald Trump Announces ‘Office of the Former President’

>>12707690 Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Evidence of Biden Corruption


Hollywood Insider dishes on Pedophilia https://youtu.be/GOFR8oMiA5w

>>12253134 , >>12774404 , >>12253135 , >>12253456 Baker Handbook Flash Version - LEARN TO BAKE

Notables are not endorsements


>>12791182 China Has Stolen The Personal Data Of 80% Of American Adults: Report

>>12791187 Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Praised Biden’s Executive Orders: Leaked Video

>>12791195 Scandal-rama: Figures tied to past controversies increasingly land jobs on Team Biden

>>12791206 Blinken: Iran could be weeks away from enough nuclear material for bomb

>>12791219 in god we trust one year delta

>>12791223 The Impeachment, HRC’s Testimony & Much More!

>>12791228 From the "leaked" call on Georgia voter fraud

>>12791266 Ex-Salvadoran FIFA Official Extradited to the US

>>12791280 Selling Homeland At Affordable Price: Videos Show Negotiations Between Western Intelligence And Executive Director Of Navalny Team

>>12791269, >>12791291 The art world has a money laundering problem - CNN/hunter biden connection

>>12791303 ISIS Attacks Popular Mobilization Units As Iraqi Sources Blame U.S. For Airlifting Terrorists

>>12791319 Details from the Senator Chase v Virginia Senate lawsuit

>>12791333 A Key Player in Malaysia's Biggest-Ever Corruption Scandal Found Sanctuary in Cyprus With Help From a Major London Firm

>>12791337, >>12791417 Dustin Diamond, Best Known For His Role As Screech on ‘Saved by the Bell,’ Dead at 44 After Battle with Stage 4 Lung Cancer, TMZ Reports

>>12791385 Physical Silver Premium To Paper Hits Record As Market Tears In Two

>>12791419 smartmatic in myanmar scrubbed

>>12791427 Private/Unlisted YouTube Videos of U.S. Government Agencies

>>12791439 Court Fines Navalny’s Wife After Protests in Moscow

>>12791443 Get this: The D.C. govt is required by law to deliver

>>12791443 @ChmnMendelson says "We literally cannot deliver the legislation. … It's this crazy home rule situation which would be avoided if we had statehood."

>>12791458 Biden White House Wages War on 1st Amendment, ‘We Support the Need For Social Media Platforms to Take Steps to Reduce Hate Speech’

>>12791459 Myanmar Connects to Human Trafficking, Election Fraud Smartmatic and more

>>12791478 Biden said the U.S. could reinstate sanctions on Myanmar if the Southeast Asian country’s military doesn’t “immediately relinquish the power they have seized”

>>12791479 We are watching a movie, myanmar military coup photo bombs aerobics work out

>>12791497 Nov 17 2020: Smartmatic Voting Technology Firm Linked to Alleged Fraud in Elections in Philippines, Venezuela

>>12791513 biden tweet about covid relief

>>12791560 meme magic: pres sec jen psaki is mad, admits conservative twitter is in her head with "circle back" mocking

>>12791564 Biden White House OUTRAGED After Burmese Military Arrests Country’s Leaders over Alleged November Voter Fraud

>>12791661 Council on Foreign Relations calls for formation of state-owned media to quell subversive internet chatter

>>12791600 anon opines: pavlov and emotional mind controll

>>12791703 10th mountain division laughs at your winter storm warning

>>12791706, >>12791717 A fast, at-home coronavirus test will be available to Americans this year

>>12791649, >>12791735, >>12791820 more bus loads of NG arriving in DC

>>12791749 DOD: #MilitaryWorkingDog Dina goes through tunnels during yard training at @KadenaAirBase

>>12791772 GEOTUS getting shit done in his new office

>>12791777 USA today: christian nationalism is a threat, and not just capitol attackers invoking jesus

>>12791840 #16328

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f3b6a5  No.12791859


>>12790467, >>12790484, >>12790499, >>12790508, >>12790541, >>12790564, >>12790579, >>12790633 baker on duty

>>12790392 Burmese Leader Ousted For Vote Fraud In Military Coup Had Close Clinton, Soros Ties

>>12790397 'This has all the hallmarks of the world's next major military drama'

>>12790407 Rabobank: Uprisings And Revolutions Are Often The Result Of Expensive Silver

>>12790420, >>12790836 Evan Rachel Wood accuses former fiancé Marilyn Manson of abusing her

>>12790433 Biden’s Adviser To Pick Federal Judges Was Accused of Physically Assaulting Children, Nudity

>>12790442 Facebook Reverses Decision to Ban Trump-Backed HCQ as COVID Therapy

>>12790446 Left-wing Capitol activist John Sullivan accused of violating terms of release with Internet use

>>12790462 ‘I want these officers fired!’ Outrage after police pepper-spray handcuffed NINE-YEAR-OLD girl in Rochester, New York

>>12790485 Robinhood narrows trade restrictions list to 8 companies, including GameStop

>>12790510 Zuckerberg Explains Facebook Blacklisting Trump: He wanted to ‘Undermine’ the Transition of Power

>>12790529 Based state Senator Amanda Chase files lawsuit against Virginia Senate, after getting censured for supporting Donald Trump

>>12790545 London Bridge Jihadi’s Widow Granted 15K in Legal Aid, as Victim’s Families Denied Funding

>>12790551 As Govt Eyes Tax Rises, British Taxpayer Burden is Already at 70-Year High

>>12790639 Biden Kills Trump Budget Cuts Totaling $27.4 Billion

>>12790685 Federal agents raid TN lawmakers offices and homes

>>12790925, >>12790678 for the record, amy kremer isnt suicidal

>>12790936, >>12790690 Anal Swab Covid Test Won’t Make You Waddle Like A ‘Penguin’, China Says

>>12790700 Guess who greatly benefitted from Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline?

>>12790716 GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger says 'we traffic in lies' as he launches campaign to 'take party back' from Trump and QAnon-following congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

>>12790732 GTMO844, tail #163844 has a pretty interesting flight log.

>>12790769 America vows to 'take action' if Myanmar military coup is not reversed after soldiers arrest Aung San Suu Ky, the president and MPs in dawn raids

#16327 cont'd

>>12790789 Howard Ruff: Gold's Great, But Silver And Uranium Are Where It's At

>>12790792 India Farmers’ Protests: Internet Shutdown Highlights Modi’s Record of Stifling Digital Dissent

>>12790804 a postal worker in Regina, Saskatchewan, refused to deliver a sample edition of The Epoch Times and was suspended for three days without pay.

>>12790807 Tunisia: Ex-president says country witnessing struggle for power

>>12790820 “according to a statement that carried Suu Kyi's name but not her signature.” How does a DETAINED political prisoner send out a message like this?

>>12790850 Judge Orders Trump Organization to Hand Over Documents to New York Attorney General

>>12790854 Biden condemns military coup in Burma

>>12790866 anon opines: human entanglement

>>12790879 Kushner Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

>>12790905 Congressional War Vets Warn Biden Against Shuttering Gitmo

>>12790925, >>12790678 for the record, amy kremer isnt suicidal

>>12790957 ancient jersey teeth find hints at neanderthal mixing

>>12790960 biden has spoken to the need for SM censorship: re geotus B&

>>12790966 the office of DJT website fuckery

>>12790981 ja rule flipps on gamestop

>>12790990 77 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election, familiarize yourselves with the narrative

>>12791021 smartmatic in myanmar elections

>>12790999, >>12790546 capitol riot timeline not adding up

>>12790575 scavino tweet/Q connection dig

>>12791039 george papa: After millions of votes were suspected of being fraudulent, the Burmese military has just instituted a coup d’etat in Burma

>>12791047 simpsons writer marc wilmore dead at 57 from covid

>>12791058 #16327

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f3b6a5  No.12791861


>>12789538 Screen caps GameStop Corp. & AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc

>>12789612 Anons theory that GME should be over 1K

>>12789613 Stop falling for the shills that are pushing the insurrection incitement narrative!

>>12789615 Oregon law to decriminalize all drugs goes into effect, offering addicts rehab instead of prison

>>12789621, >>12789661 "…we've seen EXECUTIVE ACTIONS…"

>>12789630 'There are a lot more Weinsteins': Actor and Me Too activist Rosanna Arquette

>>12789635, >>12789689 The ASOC simply could not accomplish its mission without the support of reserve personnel

>>12789713 Anons collection of "UFO"

>>12789720 BE AFRAID! Infectious Disease Expert Warns 'Category 5' COVID-19 Hurricane Is About To Hit

>>12789645, >>12789733 Her "White Superiority" is showing. "She ain't Black"……Wait for it….

>>12789768 Anons caps

>>12789769 GORDO14 USAF E-4B Nightwatch ne from Barksdale AFB

>>12789779, >>12789844 (You), >>12789951 (You) If I give you one message to hold in your heart today

>>12789839, >>12789619 Anons, stop this shit and shut the fuck up, you are worst of the worst

>>12789865 (You) Anon points they can't even add "=="

>>12789854, >>12789863, >>12789876 Lin Wood archived posts

>>12789887 Anons meme - I'll have to circle back to you on that

>>12789935, >>12789658, >>12789635 Thor is being played on the monitor

>>12789956 Oversight Board reverses Facebook removal of post touting hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 treatment

>>12789615 Oregon law to decriminalize all drugs goes into effect, offering addicts rehab instead of prison

>>12789630 'There are a lot more Weinsteins': Actor and Me Too activist Rosanna Arquette warns that the Hollywood producer's conviction was 'the tip of the iceberg'

>>12789635 “The ASOC simply could not accomplish its mission without the support of reserve personnel,

>>12789766 Flu cases in England have plunged by more than 95% to levels not seen for 130 years (Sky)

>>12789769 PF

>>12789779 Dan Scavino posted POTUS Trump: "If I give you one message to hold in your heart today…

>>12789956 Oversight Board reverses Facebook removal of post touting hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 treatment

>>12790105 Stacy Abrams Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Overwhelming Georgia Elections System with Questionable Ballots

>>12790106 Rutgers researcher who developed first COVID-19 saliva test dies Heart Attack Age 51

>>12790133 CAUGHT: Liar George Conway Tells MSNBC that He Didn’t Know Groomer John Weaver Well — Then This OpEd They Co-Wrote in the NY Times Resurfaces

>>12790143 Twitter is quicker to ban sitting presidents and conservative commentators than alleged pedophiles. Sort your priorities, Jack

>>12790168 Pa. Secretary of State Boockvar to resign over mistake: Report

>>12790178 "This Is Unprecedented In History" APMEX CEO Explains Why They Halted Silver Bullion Sales Over The Weekend

>>12790203 Vaccine crime ring: Chinese police make 80 arrests & seize 3,000 saline-filled syringes

>>12790219 Russian Fighter Jet Buzzes US Warship In Black Sea As American Presence Builds

>>12790230 12 arrested in SWAT operation after activists armed with KNIVES & AXES briefly occupy hotel in Olympia, WA

>>12790256 Biden’s Adviser To Pick Federal Judges Was Accused of Physically Assaulting Children, Nudity

>>12791091 #16326

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f3b6a5  No.12791878


>>12788823 Dozens of former Bush officials leave Republican Party, calling it 'Trump cult

>>12788839, >>12789392 PF Reports - Morning Gitmo Air update, P-3C heading off the coast of Florida

>>12788848 CBS MarketWatch compare and contrast hit piece re: qanon/gme

>>12788861, >>12788892 Watching GME and AMC

>>12788872 Browder family dig, RE: Robin Hood Class Action Lawsuit

>>12788886 How Much Silver Is Really Sitting In Comex Vaults? (2016)

>>12788888 Kek Hath Spoken - Diamond Pepe Gets Digits

>>12788896 Peruvian court rules that Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller family “created” coronavirus pandemic

>>12788940 The Diamond Invention, Diamond History Digg

>>12788943 Here is what Congressional calendar looks like

>>12788975 Higher Education has cost the taxpayers far too much

>>12789018 Daily Mail on Trump's Impeachment Defense Team members

>>12789032 Israel Successfully Completes Tests on Advanced Version of Iron Dome

>>12789045 Lebanon army arrests 18 Lebanese, Syrians linked to Islamic State

>>12789094, >>12789097 Silver News Updates

>>12789115 China 'is preparing for possible war' after staging military exercises near Taiwan 'almost every day' in January

>>12789127, >>12789180 Anon asks - Is this why KellyAnne quit Trump….she and her hubby knew Weaver was coming down soon?

>>12789137, >>12788831, >>12789150 The Brokers Are Breaking… Again

>>12789159 Nine senior New York public health officials quit cuz of Gov. Cuomo's Covid-19 actions

>>12789212, >>12789218 Stephen Miller Goes OFF!

>>12789264 McConnell (Unsurprisingly) calls for the release of Myanmar Leadership.

>>12789275 Anon Asks - Any idea if this is the sealed indictments we have been tracking?

>>12789283 FOLLOW THE MONEY - $200,000,000 to DOPEY (Prince Al-Waleed) from WARNER MUSIC

>>12789366 Price tag for extra security at California Capitol was over $22M

>>12789458 Meme war call to arms from our brothers at voat - Anniversary of the death of Heather O’Rourke

>>12789489 #16325

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f3b6a5  No.12791879


>>12788617 Stacey Abrams has been nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize

>>12788608 antifa group sieged a Red Lion hotel in Olympia, WA

>>12788604 Q drops with "Freedom"

>>12788592 new allegations of abuse against Marilyn Manson

>>12788499 more bus loads of NG arriving in D.C.

>>12788490 Trump yesterday at Mar A Lago

>>12788477 Q drop, National Freedom Day

>>12788471 New Baker

>>12788461 4am talking point is a coup

>>12788364 New Zealand is slammed for siding with CHINA in trade war

>>12788349 Wheels Up in the news

>>12788337 is china going down?

>>12788335 Your skies and underground are brimming with higher dimensional beings

>>12788318 a MEMO from Trump’s Acting Sec. of Defense Chris Miller to the DC National Guard with directives NOT to engage

>>12788317 What makes George News credible or worth watching?

>>12788295 Jimmy Kimmel calling reddit Russian disruptors. KEK!

>>12788218 Rats are abandoning the NY ship

>>12788203 U.S. expresses "grave concern" of military coup in Burma/Myanmar

>>12788174 What does youtube BHM mean?

>>12788154 twitter suspends major christian group mind boggling grounds

>>12788146 Ghosted bake

>>12788134 Rush Limbaugh Sends Dire Warning After GOP Plans To Get Rid Of The “MAGA” Movement

>>12788132 Pagesix: Veteran ABC News chief James Goldston resigns suddenly

>>12788128 Dailymail : 'Where are the Biden joke skits? Is the President now off limits?

>>12788123 Queen Elizabeth to host Biden, world leaders ahead of G7 summit

>>12788107 Frontpagemag: New York Times Writes Entire Article About Lincoln Project Sex Scandal Which Fails to Mention Biden

>>12788106 Issuesinsights: Bare-Knuckle Brawl Over GameStop Pits America’s Elites Vs. ‘Deplorables’

>>12788100, >>12788110 President Joe Biden's Press Secretary Jen Psaki dismissed concerns over potential conflicts of interest of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen after it was revealed that she had been paid to speak at Citadel LLC.

>>12788092 ZH: America's Trust In The Mainstream Media Hits An All-Time-Low (And "Journalists" Are Shocked)

>>12788084 MSNBC: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene won't get expelled from Congress

>>12788078 Warren primping at the markets: Dailycaller: ‘Grow A Backbone’: Elizabeth Warren Ramps Up Pressure On SEC To Regulate Stock Market

>>12788077 Politico: Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet

>>12788073 Biden Withdraws $27.4 Billion in Spending Cuts Proposed by Trump

>>12788063 Examiner: Infectious disease expert says wearing two masks could enhance ability to get infected by COVID-19

>>12788057 WND: Media scorched Amy Coney Barrett for being Catholic, but adore Biden

>>12788054 Secretary of State Antony Blinken Orders LGBT Flags Flown at U.S. Embassies, Will Name Special Envoy for Gay Rights

>>12788051, >>12788072 Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi detained in early morning raid as military takes over country

>>12788044 hotair: Senator Cassidy: No, the White House never reached out to Republicans on COVID relief bill

>>12788722 #16324


>>12787357 Silver just crossed 10% gain threshold.

>>12787333, >>12787316 Anon nom: This is who the government they just removed was in the pocket of, which is why the State Department is making a fuss about it. (tweet of an Alexander Soros quote)

>>12787733 Planefag reports

>>12787760 Apparently the Biden WH carries on Obama tradition of using Burma and Myanmar interchangeably.

>>12787787 JUST IN - #Myanmar’s army declared a state of emergency, cites fraud during November’s general election in a video address broadcast.

>>12787822 Detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has called on the people of Myanmar to oppose Monday’s military coup, even as the army promised new elections and a return to a civilian government.

>>12787922 Is this the Office of the Former President Donald J. Trump's Website? Anons noticed the placeholders are atill in some places

>>12787953 #16323

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f3b6a5  No.12791882

Previously Collected Notables

>>12785623 #16320, >>12786400 #16321, >>12787181 #16322

>>12783377 #16317, >>12784114 #16318, >>12784854 #16319

>>12781021 #16314, >>12781766 #16315, >>12783444 #16316

>>12778622 #16311, >>12779402 #16312, >>12780178 #16313

>>12776255 #16308, >>12777111 #16309, >>12777822 #16310

>>12773889 #16305, >>12774739 #16306, >>12775531 #16307

>>12770767 #16302, >>12771805 #16303, >>12772885 #16304

>>12767799 #16299, >>12768652 #16300, >>12769639 #16301

>>12765381 #16296, >>12766201 #16297, >>12766952 #16298

>>12762969 #16293, >>12763768 #16294, >>12764583 #16295

>>12760674 #16290, >>12761418 #16291, >>12762213 #16292

>>12758351 #16287, >>12759119 #16288, >>12759893 #16289

>>12756038 #16284, >>12756814 #16285, >>12757529, >>12757538 #16286

>>12753727 #16281, >>12754503 #16282, >>12755264 #16283

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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f3b6a5  No.12791885

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f3b6a5  No.12791888

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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38fa37  No.12791894

Eve- ewe.

Mars- Ram.

They literally anoint these sick people into the “club” by masturbating on their heads.

So this should be a walk in the park for the army. If only they had someone to lead them.

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f3b6a5  No.12791896

File: 7bf84f0971a61b4⋯.mp4 (755.82 KB, 478x270, 239:135, Geotus_Outsider.mp4)



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ed0d5b  No.12791914

File: 644bf8e66cc223a⋯.png (874.72 KB, 734x509, 734:509, amen4.png)

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ba4749  No.12791923

File: 7c78df2699d24b4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 638x961, 638:961, 7c78df2699d24b4acdfa3efb0a….png)


Thank You Baker

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10e57d  No.12791925

File: 1bd96f80ae29d83⋯.jpeg (173.67 KB, 750x743, 750:743, 1F2EB057_233C_4DFE_87BC_A….jpeg)

*WIREDCRAFT* wrote the software for Myanmar’s election system:

“Building the Voter Registration for the Myanmar Elections”



“Voter registration for the Myanmar elections”



“Myanmar Township Voter Registration Pilot”



“IFES and UEC are preparing and organizing Myanmar’s first democratic election in 25 years. Wiredcraft has been working on creating the Voter Registration tool chain for the upcoming elections, including the township voter registration (TVR) system. We just shipped this product and one of our consultants, Quentin Berder…”

Quentin must be related to the CEO Ronan Berder. Will we be hearing his name soon?

How could the Myanmar election be compromised?

Software? Hardware?

Pallets full of ballots?

Their election fraud parallels America’s…

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0884a5  No.12791941

File: 8bb2a565af5ffbb⋯.jpg (138.31 KB, 797x1077, 797:1077, WTW5.jpg)




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5cbac7  No.12791944

File: 73ba32a6a3b34f7⋯.png (106.33 KB, 1113x358, 1113:358, ClipboardImage.png)


same baker new ID

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10e57d  No.12791945

File: 6fa10d9f02f861a⋯.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 95787A2B_5481_4A30_A85B_5A….png)


Love Muh Trumpy (and Melania)


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dd768d  No.12791947

File: 3e89c4950351da8⋯.png (128.1 KB, 530x294, 265:147, POTUS_loves_USA.PNG)

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a1724b  No.12791950

230 seems to be a wall for gme. Somebody doesn’t want it to go below that. Any finance fags know why?

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1a6e0a  No.12791952

File: 4aff8214a8ab8f1⋯.png (300.82 KB, 835x444, 835:444, Biden_batter_kek.png)

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9d0d3d  No.12791953


He become what he hates the most: a loser.

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14ac78  No.12791957

File: e094270ca829f35⋯.png (557.51 KB, 490x891, 490:891, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f08d2  No.12791959

They are running out of physical silver everywhere! This is insane.

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10e57d  No.12791961


Whew lads…those gams!

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858d69  No.12791962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fresh Bread Fresh Old Music

Johann Sebastian Bach-Fantasia and Fugue in G minor BWV 542

Nothing like some Bach to derail this corrupt culture we live in.

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1a6e0a  No.12791963

File: 4845e2573088da8⋯.png (477.01 KB, 690x454, 345:227, HRC_gun.png)

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0884a5  No.12791964

File: b31cda73c7db30c⋯.jpg (70.92 KB, 820x658, 410:329, PepeBlindfold.JPG)

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a78c6d  No.12791965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bfc6a8  No.12791968

File: ed446eb91028b07⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 576x1280, 9:20, wptwurT24nSl_lXq.mp4)

Trump handing out Woodys to the Left again

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479556  No.12791969

>>12791954 (lb)

Write your congresscritter! I'm sure they'll clear their schedule to give you a well drafted lie narrative for you to believe.

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1a6e0a  No.12791970

File: ab9c4708f487fd4⋯.png (930.88 KB, 962x745, 962:745, Biden_kekek.png)

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52742a  No.12791971

File: 0ccc403abe1e2a7⋯.jpg (139.59 KB, 474x340, 237:170, Polish_20210130_005236065.jpg)

File: 98b56fd6f6ec403⋯.png (457.86 KB, 864x573, 288:191, Polish_20210201_094213882.png)

File: befbd3a50c4cad5⋯.jpg (293.35 KB, 720x401, 720:401, Polish_20210128_171148630.jpg)

File: 606725cd3e8ce75⋯.jpg (111.17 KB, 530x298, 265:149, Polish_20210131_233518070.jpg)

File: 426db7c6b2aa408⋯.png (139.24 KB, 409x292, 409:292, Polish_20210128_172649104.png)

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7ac096  No.12791972

File: e068b23bf36447b⋯.mp4 (547.5 KB, 480x480, 1:1, SchumErection.mp4)

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6b225c  No.12791973

go see dark journalist, and tell cia I am here.

what will do to me?

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f3b6a5  No.12791974

File: 1a10f5afd5df882⋯.png (596.98 KB, 644x446, 322:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden wants to bring down White House perimeter fence as soon as possible as extra security precautions remain in place around Washington after MAGA riot

President Joe Biden would like the extra fencing erected around the White House for inauguration festivities to come down

'Our goal … is for the Secret Service to adjust the perimeter as soon as it makes sense from an overall security standpoint,' press secretary Jen Psaki said

Anti-climbing fencing was erected around White House perimeter ahead of Inauguration Day and after January 6th MAGA riot on Capitol Hill

Security remains tight in DC after riot

National Guardsmen patrol city, fencing still surrounds U.S. Capitol


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806f30  No.12791975

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1a6e0a  No.12791976

File: a993b8819569074⋯.png (440.62 KB, 672x461, 672:461, Schumer_incited.png)

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1f08d2  No.12791977

Silver is one of the most undervalued assets of all-time. Once the silver prize corrects to fair value then silver holders will become very wealthy.

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fbd193  No.12791978

File: 8aaa645090c6a26⋯.jpg (288.91 KB, 985x486, 985:486, Clipboard01.jpg)

RE: #16325 in Notables:

>>12788823 Dozens of former Bush officials leave Republican Party, calling it 'Trump cult


EDITED moah bettah 4 accuracy

Dozens of "alleged" Republicans in former CIA Head & President George W Bush's administration are FINALLY leaving the party, dismayed by the Patriotism and Loyalty to the constitution that Trump Republicans have shown to Trump and the mountains of ignored but demonstrably Factual evidence regarding Election fraud which the Far Left has distorted in a baseless attempt to twist the Fact that ANTIFA provably dressed as Trump supporters Stormed the Capital after being told by Pelosi's team where exactly to go once inside the capital along with paid /protected Videographers from CIA's CNN and MSNBC and other Democratic payrolled Mainstream Fake News propaganda outlets.

The officials, some who surreptitiously clung to power as the hidden hands of Bush then Biden/Obama administrations had been illegally funding an coup to oust Trump illegally using provable Election fraud and continue to pretend that the Facts of the Stolen election are somehow in dispute.

But with most constitutional Patriots in the Republican party still loyal to Trump these traitorous bureaucrats are whining that they no longer recognize the Nazi-like party of Bush they used to serve to the world's detriment. "I'd call it the cult of Trump" said Traitor Jimmy Gurule' to his Coup Supporters at Reuters who are pretending to give confused people the "news"…

Kristopher Purcell, a sycophant to the Bush CIA administration for six years, voiced the shared panic stating that at least 70 more former sycophant CIA "officials" (wink wink) have finally decided to abandon their sinking treason Ship. "The number is growing every day," Purcell said.

Their Rat-like scattering from the company of Actual Patriots after a Lifetime of bribery, mayhem, Murderous CIA wars, plots to overthrow countries and Election Meddling which they collectively refer to sarcastically as "Service" is a clear sign of how growing Awakening Patriots are ridding the party of vermin and how the Legacy of Trump is still draining the Swamp.

The party is currently caught between these fake RINOs and other Independent traitors who are thoroughly disgusted at their own failures to keep thier crimes from being exposed by Trump and by Trump supporters themselves (whom they refer to as Deplorables) and by the Loyalty of actual Patriots to their Country their Constitution and to Trump. Thankfully the Old Republican party is on the ropes hanging by a thread and gasping for air and will struggle in future elections according to the Traitors. Perhaps a NEW party will emerge. Perhaps a party called the C.P.R. party? Constitutional Patriot Republican party?

blah blah blah etc.

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8aeb79  No.12791979

File: 3d9c21aa05a8f01⋯.png (456.56 KB, 595x416, 595:416, ClipboardImage.png)


#OTD in 1800, USS Constellation battled the French Navy frigate La Vengeance during the Quasi-War. After suffering heavy casualties, La Vengeance struck her colors to surrender but then managed to escape. La Vengeance was captured 8 months later by the Royal Navy.

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805f19  No.12791980

File: 6fdd4c9cba90631⋯.png (602.99 KB, 1185x877, 1185:877, 98562145773.png)

File: 919d0268e902e52⋯.png (1.22 MB, 762x1006, 381:503, 0985478543890.png)

File: 6fdd4c9cba90631⋯.png (602.99 KB, 1185x877, 1185:877, 98562145773.png)

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f3b6a5  No.12791981

File: 784b96640062ed6⋯.png (589.72 KB, 641x453, 641:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1766a  No.12791982

File: 4d089b5b6d67e26⋯.mp4 (3.14 MB, 960x540, 16:9, weaver.mp4)

Daily Caller




Karl Rove is asked about Lincoln Project founder John Weaver:

“I've actually known about this pattern of behavior since 1988."


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f3b6a5  No.12791983


The Secret Service surrounded the White House complex with the metal fencing and it was originally thought it would be removed after the inauguration ceremony.

But, nearly two weeks later, it remains in place.

There's speculation that the fence has remained up because Harris is living at Blair House, across the street from the White House, while repairs are being done on the vice president's residence.

The vice president usually lives at the Naval Observatory, about three miles from the White House. While Harris is at Blair House, she and the president are living in close proximity to one another, literally across the street.

National Guard service members also are patrolling around the White House complex and up the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue around Capitol Hill.

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9d0d3d  No.12791984


Don't even bother. These metals are not going to worth anything very soon.

"They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will seem unclean. Their silver and gold cannot save them in the day of the wrath of the LORD. They cannot satisfy their appetites or fill their stomachs with wealth, for it became the stumbling block that brought their iniquity. " - Ezekiel 7:19

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82c29c  No.12791985


>Any finance fags know why?

My opinion is that synthetic trades are pushing the price down, but as they reach 230 they stop as it becomes increasingly risky. They also want to see if they've ignited sales into a gap down.

It's not an uncommon practice. It's used to test the strength and/or resolve of longs and shorts. It's utter bullshit though when the only thing many longs can do is sell.

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114195  No.12791986

File: 83b73c62234aaa0⋯.jpeg (185.44 KB, 733x626, 733:626, E847FC6C_D995_45CF_8005_2….jpeg)

Dustin Diamond dead from “cancer”


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16c69e  No.12791987

File: 72c4e53d05bffdc⋯.jpg (543.17 KB, 1600x1166, 800:583, 72c4e53d05bffdc85872618c52….jpg)

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1f08d2  No.12791988



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f43757  No.12791989


Biden should check with congress to see when the next fake and gay riot is scheduled. Time fence removal accordingly.

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1a6e0a  No.12791990

File: 50b3c0e7a4b0baa⋯.png (292.45 KB, 583x480, 583:480, Biden_gallows.png)

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83490b  No.12791991


>Bread of Last

[This is you posting back to yourself.]


>Ever read anything from the Nag Hammadi Library?

[You answering you]

>Every bit of it.

Nag Hamadi library = gnostic writings centuries after Jesus lived that contradict the bible, were not written by witnesses to Jesus' life, and which do not contain the gospel. Gnostics operate in the spirit of antichrist denying that Jesus came down from heaven in the flesh. Literally in the spirit of antichrist.satanic gibberish

>Very informative and interdasting to read how the Holy Spirit's gift of tongues spread into the very wealthy and educated Ptolemaic regions of the empire.

It did not. Cessationism holds that the early apostolic gifts died with them to the point where Paul, the greatest apostle, could not heal his friends and co-workers. The gift of tongues degenerated into gibberish, the most abused gift of the spirit ever. Nor were the disciples of Jesus Christ also disciples of Ptolemy. It's just more historical revisionism trying to contain Christianity inside Neo-Platonism. Christianity spread among the poor and the slaves, not the elite. Never the elite.satanic gibberish.

>The barbrians egged on by Rome, who burned down the library of Alexandria most certainly faced consequences.

Nothing of value was lost. It was one of the most evil cities in the history of the world. Nothing godly ever came from Alexandria.

>I was also always fascinated by Apostle Thomas.

No you're not. You're fascinated by the pseudopigographer who forged "The Gospel According to Thomas" circa 250 AD. The one that says a woman has to become a man first, in order to be saved.satanic gibberish

>The main thrust of the Gnostics isn't something nefarious.

It absolutely is. It denies the divinity of Christ Jesus, the completed work of the cross, and the free gift of salvation. It cannot be moresatanic gibberishif it tried.

>It simply claims we can know God through prayer and study and do not need a preistly class to get there. Preists are fine, but they are not gatekeepers.

What an absurd statement. It does no such thing. It claims that there is secret hidden knowledge that if found and understood can elevate a man to a higher status. That man can use his knowledge of good and evil to become like God. The very same lie the serpent told Eve, you are telling Anons.satanic gibberish

>St. Benedict was a secret Gnostic, as was St. Thomas Aquinas.

>Gnosticism is an idea, and they're hard to kill.

'''The fact that you think Gnostics and Catholics are distinct groups of any significance whatsoever again underlines your inability to think clearly. There is literally nothing stopping a pagan Catholic from also being a pagan Gnostic, and vice versa.satanic gibberish

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f3b6a5  No.12791992

File: f355963993bab7f⋯.png (643.11 KB, 643x471, 643:471, ClipboardImage.png)

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83490b  No.12791993


Let me guess. No Name Cancer.

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7ac096  No.12791994


>out of physical silver

last time I saw that was when it hit 12, not when it's hitting highs

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daa966  No.12791995

Mainstream Media Lies About Hydroxychloroquine Are Costing Thousands Of American Lives

OAN Newsroom
 Monday, February 1, 2021

For nearly a year, the mainstream media has promoted lies about treating the coronavirus with the medicine hydroxychloroquine. One America’s Pearson Sharp takes a look at the cost those lies have had on our nation. https://www.oann.com/mainstream-media-lies-about-hydroxychloroquine-are-costing-thousands-of-american-lives/

Tried - Vid file too big to upload here

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1f08d2  No.12791996


Saved by the Bell was a huge part of my childhood. Rest in peace, Dustin.

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13e6aa  No.12791997

File: df06beca61e66a1⋯.png (373.22 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b6a85  No.12791998


bitterness is so ugly

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19c506  No.12791999

File: e2848da25868357⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 712x712, 1:1, nomorewars.jpg)

>>12791935 (lb)

SLV has been High-frequency traded all day to keep flat as a board. Average trading vol. is 31.7 million. Today is 260.3 million. That type of volume, if it wasn't high-freq, would drive price to the moon or into the ground if it was real trades. Millions of fractions of a cent buzzing in and out to pull price to a desired target.

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479556  No.12792000


This is a warning to the greedy/rich. It parallels with Christ because everything in the Bible is a rewrite of previously drafted narratives. This is known as Typology. When you have typology and allegory together, it's known as the Bible.

>Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. 24And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

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ba4749  No.12792001

File: 4c6454dba61bca5⋯.png (1.15 MB, 894x1310, 447:655, 20210114_195223.png)

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1a6e0a  No.12792002

File: 9d0e93400f59dd5⋯.png (874.95 KB, 551x964, 551:964, kek1.png)


I guess Joe doesn't like a person of color living under the same roof as him.

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9a58b4  No.12792003

File: 1bd9cf9fcbebefe⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_don_t_be_afraid_to_f….jpg)

File: 012d2a9587a213e⋯.jpg (118.37 KB, 786x530, 393:265, 20200621145838.jpg)

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8d0198  No.12792005

File: 5c5cb812ac0e864⋯.png (584.1 KB, 578x664, 289:332, trump_crystal_ball_master_….png)

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dd768d  No.12792006

File: cc4e7dc2f7ae3ae⋯.png (453.22 KB, 561x369, 187:123, ClipboardImage.png)

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801294  No.12792007

File: 241d72aaf4689d6⋯.jpg (60.75 KB, 745x500, 149:100, 4w6sasaz0c1.jpg)

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f43757  No.12792008

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37ca2a  No.12792009

File: 4974e8bc78cfb1b⋯.gif (4.42 MB, 777x753, 259:251, 4974e8bc78cfb1b04f3fb57c4e….gif)

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edd12f  No.12792010

File: 96bc0ce742ba8a9⋯.jpeg (183.49 KB, 998x780, 499:390, 290DA98B_63AF_4C25_A531_8….jpeg)

File: a735a26ca779353⋯.jpeg (104.59 KB, 600x347, 600:347, 96725607_16E2_4D55_807B_7….jpeg)

File: b0f8b7468f730de⋯.jpeg (79.22 KB, 518x600, 259:300, 0FC39310_BB8B_4E5A_8844_E….jpeg)

File: b975ec148bd0329⋯.jpeg (204.63 KB, 900x1340, 45:67, BA61AFE1_2BE7_4676_9F11_B….jpeg)

File: 178b1e14ac2d6fe⋯.jpeg (36.57 KB, 400x293, 400:293, 3C841A07_9367_43D0_BDD5_F….jpeg)

White House HRS’ “Resolute” desk - message “USA survived though trapped in ICE”?


RESOLUTE meaning is determined, purposeful. The ship HMS Resolute was originally sent in 1852 on a rescue mission to the Arctic to find the missing explorer Rear Admiral Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), his sister was the wife of Alfred Lord Tennyson, and his crews of HMS “Erebus” and “Terror”. Erebus is the Greek deity of “Deep darkness and Shadow”.

Anyone can buy replica of the White House Resolute desk. The Desk was a gift by Britain’s Queen Victoria to US President Rutherford B Hayes in 1880. Built from oak timbers recovered from Arctic explorer ship “The Resolute”.

FDR ordered the ‘eagle’ secret door installed to shield his braced legs. Truman installed it.

A copy of the WH desk could be purchased at the WH gift shop in mahogany.

Article about WH desk:


Wiki on HRS Resolute ship:


“Resolute, formerly known as the barque Ptarmigan, was purchased on 21 February 1850 and renamed a month later.”

Another Arctic explorer rescue ship was named the “Enterprise” (Startrek).

The “Resolute” trapped in Arctic ice was ordered abandoned in April 1854. It was rediscovered by an American whaler crew of the “George Henry” on the day before September 11, 1855. The US Congress used taxpayer money to purchase & restore the “Resolute” then returned the ship to England in 1856.

Salvage timbers were used to create the Oval Office desk as a gift from Queen Victoria. US President Eisenhower had it removed but President Kennedy returned it to the Oval Office. A 2nd desk “The Grinnell” desk was made as well as a 3rd for Queen Victoria. Henry Grinnell (1799-1874) played a key role in the fate of the ship “Resolute”. Henry descended from Matthew Grinnell (1590-1643) of the original Newport Rhode Island “free thought” group. There is a long line of Richard Grinnell of Rhode Island including “Pirate Dick” of the Am Rev War. Grinnell is also spelled Grenell. Ambassador Richard Grenell (b.1966) was born in Michigan.

The desk plays a role in the 2007 film “National Treasure” part two by Disney films. In the movie the desk contains a cypher related to the assassinations of both Lincoln and JFK.

History blog about Resolute:


White House history:


Another Story of the Desk:


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be9e7b  No.12792011

File: b7e4c9fd63e3444⋯.png (1017.65 KB, 664x1000, 83:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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59f3ce  No.12792012

File: c8fe831dbfa8104⋯.jpg (95.59 KB, 1200x1005, 80:67, c8fe831dbfa8104594aa90cf89….jpg)



reading note

back up baker here

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f1766a  No.12792013


LMAO! Make Nancy say "Penis"

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d9efe5  No.12792014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Bai Den ties an onion to his belt.

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a1724b  No.12792015

So when are we scheduled to lose WW3 to China? I’m saying no later than June. Biden resigns and kamala hands over the football etc. cool plan.

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b69c64  No.12792016

File: c7151e90ad7aab2⋯.jpeg (849.67 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, C4DFFA4F_DFDC_4026_BF76_C….jpeg)

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be9e7b  No.12792017

File: fa7dbe6b189b38e⋯.png (1.29 MB, 620x953, 620:953, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e536b  No.12792018

How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 3: Crashing the White House (December 18)


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5cbac7  No.12792019

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caafb4  No.12792020

File: 16fb754ccf40206⋯.png (25.4 KB, 598x264, 299:132, Screenshot_2021_02_01_Disc….png)


Biden administration says Iran could now be 'weeks away' from having material to build a nuclear bomb.


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e4752f  No.12792021


I though he had died a short while ago

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bfc6a8  No.12792022

File: 04ace9f5d45f1e7⋯.png (691.6 KB, 720x1311, 240:437, Cupace20210201133751.png)

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4ccb55  No.12792023

File: a4238650ca9a7b4⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 288x355, 288:355, KYS.jpg)

File: 6a9608c5b2f0ac7⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 412x357, 412:357, SATANS_MINION_IMPOSES.jpg)

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82c29c  No.12792025


>They are running out of physical silver everywhere! This is insane.

Calm down. The credible bullion mints can't ramp production rapidly. Also, many of these firms aren't mega liquid, they need to obtain funding to increase their typical annual inventory. When markets are his volitile those credit lines are scarce because things can reverse just as quickly. These companies also run near capacity as investment demand is traditionally quite stable. Ctrl-P is not an option.

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be9e7b  No.12792026

File: 85129f88883903a⋯.png (999.86 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0d3d  No.12792027


Don't say I didn't warn you.

When God's wrath come, those metals will be useless.

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bb1207  No.12792028

File: c4b11f46a2f999e⋯.png (12.85 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 9b2d4ab2f0c41ff85c75642833….png)

File: 520d552c4aa0d79⋯.jpeg (15.17 KB, 184x255, 184:255, e9df711661d6ba16b5cf88c40….jpeg)

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f278aa  No.12792029


Gott im Himmel, diese Musik ist gut!

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bd164e  No.12792030



They're scrubbing the place for bugs.

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caafb4  No.12792031

hey have been dropping documents all morning including a bunch of UFO stuff.


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fa33c5  No.12792032

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4f8f2e  No.12792033


yeah, that's kinda the way it works. new ids every bread

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f43757  No.12792034



Faux News says this same shit every month,… forever.

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be9e7b  No.12792035

File: e694c05f3057a0d⋯.png (1.36 MB, 684x1024, 171:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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f3b6a5  No.12792036

If you know off the top of your head, super, otherwise, I'll look it up

but the Mail article says five people died during the "MAGA RIOT" (wow, that's what they call it):

1. AF veteran Ashli Babbitt was shot on entering.

2. Capitol Police officer Brian D. Sicknick was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and died the next day.

But who are the other three and how did they die? One was a heart attack I think I heard? Names?

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6b6a85  No.12792037


we need 3 more millstones

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1099fe  No.12792038


Isn't it odd though; no video at all from the inside of the fences only a few people showing anything from the outside?

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c7ff63  No.12792039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f1766a  No.12792040


Mine too, anon.

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ab6de6  No.12792041

File: 66a186cec6d515e⋯.png (359.69 KB, 390x468, 5:6, 1487995421602.png)

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caafb4  No.12792042

PROJECT VERITAS: Facebook Insider Leaks: Zuckerberg/FB Execs Admit Facebook Has “Too Much Power” – Wants to Work with Biden (VIDEO)


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af09dc  No.12792043

File: b040ba12041162d⋯.png (29.45 KB, 498x365, 498:365, HedgeDoublDown.PNG)

Hedge Funds are NOT GETTING OUT OF GME SHORT. These fuckers are doubling down! Hold The Line Anons. Find out what Steve Cohen of Point72 Anus Management is short

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be9e7b  No.12792044

File: f79ba40f4087d9f⋯.png (4.59 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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10e57d  No.12792045

File: 78ebe1dcb3a2132⋯.jpeg (29.01 KB, 306x416, 153:208, F8D1B316_BDCA_472B_AA80_C….jpeg)


If only

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f43757  No.12792046


Silver will always have a myriad of uses. God made it that way.

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e46c87  No.12792047

File: 3a0ae439b0443ca⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 677x368, 677:368, Psaki_Circle_Back_Rocky_Me….jpg)


tyb and Anons

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7ac096  No.12792048

File: c41970e2687b202⋯.jpeg (31.28 KB, 306x412, 153:206, Bidenne.jpeg)

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caafb4  No.12792049

Major Patriot


I wonder if the Burmese Military deployed troops and set up razor-wire & barricades around their Capitol for an entire month before they arrested the President and its Senior Leaders today?


>she has a good point

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be9e7b  No.12792050

File: ee3560199e99d59⋯.png (1.09 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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fa33c5  No.12792051


>2. Capitol Police officer Brian D. Sicknick was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and died the next day.

That has been proved wrong.

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000000  No.12792052


Not at all.

I don't mind explaining my thought processes to anyone.

Even to a gnostic.

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caafb4  No.12792053

Dr Naomi Wolf


Just walked into a restaurant in Salem MA and was asked to scan my phone on entry for Track and Trace. Restaurant faces $300 fine for not making me. I said No, Fourth Amendment. Pure data harvesting for Big Tech (who no doubt has MA contract) to monetize, plus geolocation. Evil.

8:47 AM · Jan 31, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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3b7c3c  No.12792054


not us, they just want us out of the way so China and India can reduce the population the hard way.

Our pop is already in decline.

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caafb4  No.12792055

"President" Biden publicly admonishes any attempt by a President to hand over power to their country's military in response to a fraudulent election…I wonder why?


Gentlemen, this is foreshadowing and the movie is getting GOOD.

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16c69e  No.12792056

File: 37efabf7f162162⋯.jpg (81.96 KB, 780x614, 390:307, 37efabf7f1621628f3a4d98673….jpg)

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547a04  No.12792057

File: 051c6cf5d2223be⋯.jpg (3.65 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210201_123044.jpg)

File: 1c5ad9eb068941e⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210201_123107.jpg)

File: c74030f84f56f6e⋯.jpg (3.36 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210201_123443.jpg)

File: ca97e8b37945213⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210201_123509.jpg)

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be9e7b  No.12792058

File: 4dd018fac23e1bb⋯.png (6.33 MB, 3000x2252, 750:563, ClipboardImage.png)

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523056  No.12792059


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5cbac7  No.12792060


i changed IDs after baking. i do that so anons can track the dough easier.

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f1766a  No.12792061


We will be alright.

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afac9d  No.12792062

File: ae2058bb6731a8f⋯.jpg (97.02 KB, 1033x959, 1033:959, ff7e0202d4d4d4f2aaf32cd33b….jpg)

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f3b6a5  No.12792063


Okay, thank you. I am wondering about this ahead of the senate impeachment trial and it's hard to find the info. so how did Sicknick die?

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b819ca  No.12792064

File: c9b7dfca1589a9c⋯.png (80.69 KB, 1352x382, 676:191, ClipboardImage.png)


If everyone put out sell orders then they can't be "borrowed".

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8fe47e  No.12792065

File: 997fec7db595ffd⋯.png (627.48 KB, 910x534, 455:267, Trump_streetbets_lol.png)

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806f30  No.12792066


The nudes are better than most the crap posted here

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be9e7b  No.12792067

File: b1c04036e333c8c⋯.png (1.01 MB, 590x800, 59:80, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6e0a  No.12792068

File: 641aee8d70ebe84⋯.png (601.23 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe_1cg.png)

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fa33c5  No.12792069


They said pre existing medical problem

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02991c  No.12792070


Kark Rove said he learned about

Weaver and grooming boys from a Joshua

Green article who wrote about it in the Atlantic

Green is now a major figure with Bloomberg.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^notable…they all knew years ago

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0e49fe  No.12792071

File: 041b24ba79a99b3⋯.png (358.33 KB, 625x505, 125:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Well, well, well…look who was involved in the 2017 Myanmar elections!


Sep 26, 2017

"Myanmar heads to the polls in November. Read some interesting facts about this election which will see many firsts"


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6210dd  No.12792072

Who has JFK and jr under the desk


If anyone else was seen in that light

You'd be a little skeptical

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9d0d3d  No.12792073


Still too attached to material beings, I see.

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c150b7  No.12792074

File: fa3cce0894bd059⋯.png (1.49 MB, 800x1204, 200:301, ClipboardImage.png)

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1099fe  No.12792075


Myanmar is known for its gold

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f3b6a5  No.12792076


Okay, thanks again, I found this: Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick who died following the January 6th protests was reported to have a medical condition which contributed to his death.


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be9e7b  No.12792077

File: d0061d09042bb4c⋯.png (1.34 MB, 500x1563, 500:1563, ClipboardImage.png)

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547a04  No.12792078

File: 3e4fe87da97e790⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210201_123512.jpg)

File: cdd81c6ecfaa685⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210201_123516.jpg)

File: d9bca4b5fda5750⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210201_123548.jpg)

File: d4149ffc8e5fa0e⋯.jpg (4.13 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210201_123555.jpg)

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37ca2a  No.12792079

File: 522817d784145f8⋯.png (133.77 KB, 299x301, 299:301, 1610616722544.png)

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fa33c5  No.12792080


you're most welcome

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02991c  No.12792081



George Soros teams up with Irish tycoon 'Denis O'Brien' for Myanmar's telecoms services news

April 5, 2013

New Delhi, Apr 5 – With the market in Burma opening up to foreign investment, Irish businessman DenisO'Brien has come out with details of his intention to seek a mobile phone licence.

Joining forces with billionaire GeorgeSoros the telecommunications tycoon is keen to secure a telecoms licence in Myanmar, which was opening up to outside investment with its recent move towards democracy after decades of often brutal military rule.

The Burmese government had been inviting potential operators to set up and run two new telecomsservices.

A consortium including O'Brien's Digicel group in association with GeorgeSoros' Quantum Strategic Partners and Burma's Yoma Strategic Holdings, led by local businessman Serge Pun has just submitted its pre-qualification application to the Burmese government.

O'Brien, who is chairman of Digicel and also a major shareholder in Independent News & Media, said Digicel had been successful in entering recently liberalised markets and driving tele-density in underserved countries across the globe.

He added, with the current mobile penetration below 10 per cent in Myanmar, the consortium was committed to rolling out a world-class telecommunications network.

Digicel with operations across the Caribbean and Pacific region, had become a major telecoms player in just over a decade and had also made a fortune for O'Brien, who was recently ranked by Forbes magazine as one of the world's richest people.

Jamaica-based Digicel has built up a leading presence in 30 developing economies in the past 12 years. Pun is recognised as being one of the country's most prominent entrepreneurs.

Myanmar currently has an economy growing at a rate of over 5 per cent per year, though mobile phone penetration was below 10 per cent.

As the tender process for the two licences was at a very early stage, final timelines and potential bid details were unknown.

The Digicel-led consortium's submission this week ranked as a 'pre-qualification application' and it was thought both licences would attract much interest.

Meanwhile, Vodafone too announced that it had teamed up with China Mobile - currently ranked as the world's largest mobile network operator, with the largest subscriber base of over 720 million users - to launch a preliminary application for a licence, saying Burma would be an important market for the global mobile industry.

According to Soros, the liberalisation of the telecommunications market in Burma would serve as an important economic stimulus for the country; while Serge Pun said the heads of consortium shared a common objective to offer affordable, first-class communications to the people of Myanmar.

He added the consortium was uniquely positioned to deliver this vision.

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779847  No.12792082

File: 26581dce40a5891⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_29012021125048.jpg)

Justice is Glorious!

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be9e7b  No.12792083

File: 37d6f82c31b161c⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1066x1600, 533:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6e0a  No.12792084

File: 46a0ecdebe390ae⋯.png (339.1 KB, 699x391, 699:391, Pelosi_Pepe_kek.png)

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f43757  No.12792085


Not attached to anything.

Correcting your mistake.

Silver metal has many industrial uses.

That is an indisputable fact.

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764793  No.12792086

File: 825cfa9bf5a90d7⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 575x323, 575:323, 20210201_134524.gif)

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bb1207  No.12792087

File: addfd0ba19fd80d⋯.png (284.42 KB, 505x640, 101:128, addfd0ba19fd80de73cea74dfd….png)

File: a7d4edea0ac7160⋯.jpg (16.02 KB, 203x255, 203:255, ced9a8e34a8542b2167fefe17f….jpg)

File: fbd72ff1e47e3fc⋯.jpg (15.97 KB, 227x255, 227:255, 80b8c26fec8ef7ab10ba8ef1c8….jpg)

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bd164e  No.12792088


Trust the Plan

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458b2d  No.12792089


You really are starving for attention, eh?

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59fb07  No.12792090



>Iran could now be 'weeks away' from having material to build a nuclear bomb.

They have been since:

1995 (Maybe even before that. This I remember)

in 2005




It's fucking repetitive because that's ALL they know how to do. Same script. It's almost like Npc's with only one option to play.

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be9e7b  No.12792091

File: 4beddf5605002fb⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1147x1392, 1147:1392, ClipboardImage.png)

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797d9e  No.12792092

File: bcc39edc576736e⋯.jpg (133.64 KB, 1080x864, 5:4, Screenshot_20210201_134211….jpg)

File: 4f2fb76471c19cc⋯.jpg (184.08 KB, 897x609, 299:203, Screenshot_20210201_134139….jpg)


<prayers for this dude

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83490b  No.12792093


Gold is used to pave streets. What do you think silver will be used for?

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02991c  No.12792094

File: 7a765365c197ebf⋯.png (574.04 KB, 1361x772, 1361:772, ClipboardImage.png)


> 'Denis O'Brien'


Trump attacks Clinton’s links to Denis O’Brien and the Irish Government

The Trump campaign has kicked off a series entitled “Follow the Money”, criticizing Clinton’s links to Wall Street and to wealthy business people worldwide.

Frances Mulraney


Sep 30, 2016

myanmar 'circles back' to Clintons, Soros, and obamas

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a6f537  No.12792095

File: e0b6240c1d93f46⋯.mp4 (205.8 KB, 1094x616, 547:308, no_soup_for_you_anim_3.mp4)

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f3b6a5  No.12792096


Crazy, isn't it? I didn't know so I do appreciate this info.

So he's the one who died of a heart attack or other "medical condition" and was only pepper sprayed, according to that article. And he was a Trump supporter.

I still want to know who the other three people are and how they died!

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4ccb55  No.12792097

File: 6778dd0ce3348d4⋯.png (567.01 KB, 930x724, 465:362, YOU_THREW_IT.png)

File: ebb5b4648d23d59⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 720x475, 144:95, Hilldawg_vaporizing.jpg)

File: 61d2eec5e1be78f⋯.jpg (141.57 KB, 760x484, 190:121, biden_crying.jpg)

File: 60ed2908a514bf9⋯.jpg (158.36 KB, 712x720, 89:90, Nothing_Obama_falls.jpg)

File: f419419e8bcf26e⋯.jpg (330.29 KB, 1366x683, 2:1, DORSEY_BIDEN_SUBPOENA.jpg)

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fdbe90  No.12792098

File: 2d4a7a663ae6237⋯.png (57.08 KB, 614x469, 614:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c65b8a42bf098d⋯.png (48.15 KB, 603x386, 603:386, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 785b3d08a8abd68⋯.png (59.01 KB, 589x422, 589:422, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6bb2d3b3943908⋯.png (67.6 KB, 610x536, 305:268, ClipboardImage.png)

Myanmar Military Promise to Return Power After Free and Fair Election

Earlier in the day, reports suggested that the leader of Myanmar, as well as the country's president and other senior officials from the incumbent administration, had been detained after days of a looming threat of a coup stemming from a disagreement by the Myanmar military with the results of the general election.

Sean Turnell, an Australian academic who serves as an adviser to Aung San Suu Kyi, confirmed to the Financial Times the reports of the arrests and said that internet and mobile services in the capital were down.

"All the people in Naypyidaw have been cut off, so it looks like the reports about Aung San Suu Kyi and the president being detained appear to be true," Sean Turnell told the Financial Times from Yangon. "There has been no statement from the military yet."

According to NetBlocks, a non-governmental organisation that tracks internet shutdowns, there were serious disruptions in internet service in the early hours of Monday in Myanmar.

In January, Myanmar's military raised the prospect of a coup d'etat after what they believed was widespread voter fraud during the November 8 election, which was the country’s second general election since the end of military rule in 2011.


everyone pissed about this is CABAL

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d394df  No.12792099

File: a183671b1ea2401⋯.png (961.24 KB, 796x524, 199:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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19c506  No.12792100



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6b6a85  No.12792101


How about some context?

What's the significance of these pics?

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7f8c88  No.12792102


And yet the DOD/DOJ/FBI… none of them seem troubled by media telling this lie over and over and over? Everyone in government feels comfy in their job, so much so they have no concerns about a public being misled on EVERYTHING???

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f43757  No.12792103


Wing manufacturing.

Lots of angels needin to fly..

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7ac096  No.12792104

File: 1afa9ed4f34d268⋯.png (199.45 KB, 306x416, 153:208, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1766a  No.12792105

File: 8de4f7f857badec⋯.png (132.21 KB, 855x515, 171:103, ClipboardImage.png)



Jon Levine


Karl Rove had the John Weaver story back in 2004! (Atlantic dismissed it as a "lie")


2:51 PM · Jan 31, 2021·Twitter Web App


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8f2ddf  No.12792106


Perhaps return to your safe space?

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74ba5e  No.12792107

As long as you don't have to do it. As long as it never breaches the motel hard candy dispensary. The Allies require it.

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14746c  No.12792108

File: 75a113c603ca602⋯.jpg (331.83 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, Erection_fence.jpg)


>Joe Biden would like the extra fencing erected around the White House


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bd164e  No.12792109


Has Obama left DC yet?

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02991c  No.12792110

Soros says Myanmar 'a longer-term investment that paid off'

American philanthropist and investor George Soros has warned that ethnic tensions and a lack of tolerance threaten economic and political progress in Myanmar, a country to which Mr Soros has devoted more than two decades of attention and philanthropy.

Speaking at the Asia Society in New York on April 30, Mr Soros said that ethnic and religious tensions … are the most disturbing part of the process of reform in Myanmar, and tolerance towards marginalized groups such as the Rohingya Muslims, may determine the legacy of President U Thein Sein.

Overall Mr Soros praised Myanmar for its early steps toward democracy and economic reform. He called his own efforts in the country as "alonger-terminvestment that paidoff … I don't think I ever had a financial investment as long-term as that."

Mr Soros was referring to the efforts he put in to the country, rather than a financial payoff. He has devoted personal resources and worked through his Open Society Foundation to help students who led a democracy movement, to strengthen a fledgling education system, to upgrade the country's telecommunications network, and help in the election process.

Mr Soros' appearance was part of a season of Asia Society programming focused on Myanmar, including a Buddhist art exhibition.

"Soros says Myanmar 'a longer-term investment that paid off'." Mizzima News 2 May 2015. Business Insights

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446681  No.12792111


What a fucking loser. All you can do is post nudes?

Too stupid to do actual research? Or just idiot perv shill.

I hope you’re thrown into the lake of fire sooner than later. Maybe that pain in your chest is a sign it’s coming…

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151286  No.12792112

>>12791873 (lb)

That means we confiscated the Federal Reserve. kek

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be9e7b  No.12792113

File: cabab2907621fdc⋯.png (1.09 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ac096  No.12792114

File: c84abf516731c63⋯.png (83.44 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)


is that

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f3b6a5  No.12792115

As Trump Raked In Cash Denying His Loss, Little Went to Actual Legal Fight

Former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party entered this year having stockpiled more than $175 million from fundraising in November and December based on his false claims of voter fraud, spending only a tiny fraction on lawyers and bills for his effort to overturn the presidential election, according to new campaign finance reports filed Sunday night.

The picture that emerges in the new Federal Election Commission reports is of Trump mounting a furious public relations effort to spread the lie and keep generating money from it, rather than making a sustained legal push to try to support his conspiracy theories.

His campaign’s single biggest expense in December was a nearly $5 million media buy paid to the firm that bought his television advertisements. His second-largest payment, $4.4 million, was for online advertising. And the Republican National Committee pocketed millions of dollars in donations — collecting 25 cents for every dollar Trump raised online — in the final weeks of the year as it spent relatively little on legal costs.

(garbage NYT link so don't bother)

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0e49fe  No.12792116

File: 46c90a6859d6fd6⋯.png (344.88 KB, 700x420, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar will resign after the department reportedly failed to advertise a proposed constitutional amendment that would extend the statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims to file against their abusers.


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e46c87  No.12792117

File: 86569b9cf04422a⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 616x405, 616:405, Psaki_Back_Mutha_Fuckin_1.jpg)


>Say "circle back" again …

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523056  No.12792118


It's not their money to double down anyway is it ?

Nothing to loose

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a78c6d  No.12792119


Who do you think is actually running the White House? No.

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bb1207  No.12792120

File: c5b1145d95507a6⋯.jpg (4.26 MB, 3063x4430, 3063:4430, c5b1145d95507a6654b7a2303b….jpg)

File: d39685720305dd6⋯.jpeg (23.12 KB, 221x255, 13:15, 8c23a86152c75a6194725801d….jpeg)

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83490b  No.12792121


Don't remember anyone being pissed off when Egypt's military had to get rid of their Muslim Brotherhood president.

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bfc6a8  No.12792122

File: afb46d4dbe7c9ca⋯.png (881.43 KB, 720x1311, 240:437, Cupace20210201134927.png)

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be9e7b  No.12792123

File: e76a6abd7d345fe⋯.png (1.68 MB, 960x1440, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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edd12f  No.12792124


The ship HMS “Resolute” continued to sail the Arctic Ocean for over a year WiTHOUT captain or crew.

Then after rescue continued in service for 20 more years before being salvaged as the Resolute desks by Queen Victoria.

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0e5263  No.12792125

File: 0a7be246f6d9ef8⋯.png (236.58 KB, 2058x1042, 1029:521, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)

The fuckery afoot is unreal. I can promise you the ones that are behind the market manipulation will burn. Finance fags see the similarities of AMC and GME. They are manipulating the market at the same times. There is no other way to describe the similarities between these two stocks. Nearly identical rise and falls.

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f43757  No.12792126


Rumor has it he is stuck somewhere in the elaborate vacuum tube transport system. Clogged it like a turd .

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c1a484  No.12792127


Burma was @1 opium grower forever

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10e57d  No.12792128

File: bf763e559e4bf5c⋯.jpeg (35.84 KB, 306x408, 3:4, 36DA134D_DDC2_416F_99C1_2….jpeg)

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be9e7b  No.12792129

File: b3af9223382f621⋯.png (680.33 KB, 459x682, 459:682, ClipboardImage.png)

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a11e23  No.12792130


Funny, you're bitching about not digging, but if you were digging you wouldn't be bitching… KEK

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7ac096  No.12792131


she's cu.. POMPEO!?

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479556  No.12792132

File: 0e990042e3f41f5⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, redhead_chess.png)


>God creates everything

>Everything gets all fucky

>God floods the earf

>Earf 2.0 starts

>God constantly lets Satan own his ass, and sometimes the occasional professional wrestling prophet of old

>God finally figures out how to do sacrifice

>Earf 3.0 starts

>Same old shit keeps happening

>Religion based on God killing his own son turns into a meat grinder for pedophiles and elites by making parishioners into sheep

>Still lots of valid stuff in the books

>Can be interpreted in many ways for many purposes

>Because it's all allegorical

>Totally missing out on having an actual relationship with God because you were distracted with religion

They've been running Psyops on the entire planet since the beginning of time, anon. These people are predatory and evil. There are more good than bad because a majority of people just want to live this life, and enjoy God's blessings without all the unnecessary bullshit. Once we manage to actually get everyone on the same fucking page, these evil people will perish; not anons.

Do you honestly think God's intention is to wait until the very end, have all his people die at the hands of Satanists, only to have some fantastical "New Heaven/Earth" storyline pan out? The Kingdom of God is at hand. The truth is right in front of you. WWG1WGA. Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness to see the light. Dark to Light. Truth. God is light. God is truth.

Put it to you another way. If you believe Q is contrary to your narrative of past/present/future, and every answer to every question is in your book, then why are you even here?

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d94501  No.12792133


Military ousting an illegitimate, globalist regime and restoring civilian control after free and real elections.

Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You !!!

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4ccb55  No.12792134

File: 95185e646b31d34⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 509x346, 509:346, nudes_are_not_research.jpg)

File: 3f7de3548846ea6⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 583x346, 583:346, MINION.jpg)


No safe space needed dickhead…. nudes are not research….. I know you retards think they are…. but I suppose you haven't seen many and feel the need to…… just leave the research for the grown ups and wait till your testicles drop.

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fdbe90  No.12792135

File: fc57fade6c84f03⋯.png (182.95 KB, 575x472, 575:472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 301bf48d4763b7e⋯.png (102.38 KB, 629x467, 629:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e52fd09f3e970a⋯.png (34.25 KB, 676x389, 676:389, ClipboardImage.png)

Hollywood Heavyweights, Including Jason Bateman, Jennifer Aniston, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Among Top Donors to Lincoln Project

Several left-wing Hollywood heavyweights, including A-list actors Jason Bateman and Jennifer Aniston, and Dreamworks co-founder and Quibi CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, are among the top donors of the embattled Lincoln Project, the anti-Trump super PAC whose co-founder faces accusations of sending provocative messages to young men.

The organization, founded by anti-Trump Republicans, drew support from Democrats throughout the presidential election, with the shared objective of booting former President Trump out of office. Several celebrities contributed thousands to the organization, which now appears to be pleading ignorance following one of its co-founders, John Weaver, facing accusations from 21 men who say Weaver sent them sexually explicit messages, and even allegedly offered advice to some in exchange for sensual favors. One of the accusers claimed that Weaver sent him such messages when he was 14 years old.

An October report from the Hollywood Reporter detailed some of the celebrity bigwigs who contributed to The Lincoln Project. Those include Aniston, actor and FOX’s The Mask Singer and I Can See Your Voice host Ken Jeong, Ozark star Jason Bateman, and Transamerica actress Felicity Huffman, all of whom have donated thousands to the PAC:

But even among The Lincoln Project’s more rank-and-file donors, notable names from the world of Hollywood are present. Jennifer Aniston donated $5,000, Felicity Huffman donated $9,300, Ken Jeong donated $3,000 and Jason Bateman donated $6,000.

Meanwhile, executives, writers and directors have also helped to fill the PACs coffers, including AMC Theaters CEO Adam Aron and MGM chairman Michael De Luca, who each donated $5,000, and Jumanji and Bad Teacher director Jake Kasdan who also donated $5,000.

According to FEC records, Bateman donated another $5,000 to the organization post-election.

At the time, the Hollywood Reporter identified Dreamworks co-founder David Geffen as a top contributor to the anti-Trump organization, donating at least $300,000 to the Lincoln Project. The most recent FEC data shows his contributions standing at $500,000.

Additionally, Dreamworks co-founder and Quibi CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg has donated $100,000.

According to Forbes, other major donors include notable billionaires:

Sequoia venture capitalist Michael Moritz, another earlier donor, gave another $50,000 in July. Walmart heiress Christy Walton first gave to the group in January. She donated another $10,000 in July, bringing her total contributions to $40,000. The Lincoln Project raised $39.4 million between July and September, according to filings. At least 3% of that came from billionaires. In total, the Lincoln Project has raised $58 million this year.

“The PACs biggest individual donor is businessman and oil heir Gordon Getty, who contributed $1 million,” according to the outlet.

Actress Debra Messing and anti-Trump filmmaker Rob Reiner were some of Hollywood’s biggest promoters of the Lincoln Project on social media, with the New Yorker specifically identifying Reiner as a donor. FEC data shows Reiner donating $10,000 to the organization in June 2020.

In a Sunday statement, the Lincoln Project expressed outrage toward Weaver, contending that he “led a secret life that was built on a foundation of deception at every level.”

“He is a predator, a liar, and an abuser,” the PAC stated.

However, suspicions span all the way back to 2004 but were dismissed.


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000000  No.12792136


There is none, one of the oldest slides I can remember, posting "spoopy" pics trying to get anons to chase and dig on….

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1099fe  No.12792137


A lot of stuff is covered in gold there

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be9e7b  No.12792138

File: d1d99f9cb957e59⋯.png (783.4 KB, 474x710, 237:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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21875c  No.12792139

Treat The Word Impossible As Nothing More Than Motivation

Einstein's "impossible" riddle was nothing moar than a Logic problem

Also, Einstein was not nearly as smart as we were led to believe…


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ab324f  No.12792140

File: f76d4bd52a0512d⋯.png (549.36 KB, 1080x1287, 120:143, Screenshot_20210201_124747….png)

File: abea98926de241d⋯.jpg (75.62 KB, 500x910, 50:91, 4w9k5z.jpg)

Lyin' Ted doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.


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bd164e  No.12792141


Just confirming my suspicions. Thanks anon.

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764793  No.12792142


fear of titties is best fear.

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be9e7b  No.12792143

File: 1f8a377844a5aaf⋯.png (1.05 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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02991c  No.12792144


States News Service. Jan 4, 2012

NEW YORK, N.Y. – The following information was released by the Open Society Institute:

George Soros and members of his family visited Burma from December 26, 2011, to January 3, 2012. Soros visited Burma in his capacity as a philanthropist and supporter of open society around the world.

During his visit, Soros met with a range of people involved in the reform process, including representatives of civil society and President U Thein Sein and his key advisors.

Prior to and following his meeting with the president, Soros met with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Soros and Aung San Suu Kyi held a wide-ranging discussion about the reform process underway in Burma.

"My foundations have been supporting the democracy movement for 20 years, but this was my first meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi. I have been and remain very much guided by her vision in my involvement in Burma," Soros said.

The Burma Project of Soros's Open Society Foundations since 1994 has worked to increase international awareness of conditions in Burma and to assist marginalized communities, including ethnic minorities, women, and youth.

As a result of his visit Soros agreed to establish an official presence in Burma to help the country in making the transition from a closed to a more open society.

"While I am greatly encouraged by signs of political opening in Burma, the reforms are in earlydays. There is a big gap between the good will at the top and conditions on the ground," Soros said.

"STATEMENT ON GEORGE SOROS'S VISIT TO BURMA." States News Service, 4 Jan. 2012.

george soros is heck deep in Myanmar…and the arrested woman leader, who is also best buds with hillary and barry

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ee7588  No.12792146

File: 56a385c2598c58f⋯.jpg (78.83 KB, 955x522, 955:522, 56a385c2598c58fc2301b82bdd….jpg)

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8d0198  No.12792147

File: c67aec84f858c1b⋯.png (199.12 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd768d  No.12792148

File: 055fc0d7b435b25⋯.png (380.96 KB, 642x939, 214:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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be9e7b  No.12792149

File: 44c6c5f33fe245b⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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8f2ddf  No.12792150


> if you were digging you wouldn't be bitching

Femanons can do both at the same time.

It may be impossible to stop the bitching.

Nothing can stop it..

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1a6e0a  No.12792151

File: b7cdbe2db693296⋯.png (144.99 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe_1c.png)


Actually Ted is correct. Trump didn't prove it in any court, because the courts are corrupt.

It will however be proven in Military Court (tribunal).

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fdbe90  No.12792152

File: e240492a1cb0740⋯.png (535.23 KB, 617x916, 617:916, ClipboardImage.png)

Second Wave of Haitian Migrants Arrive at West Texas Border

A non-governmental shelter within the Del Rio Sector reports via social media their efforts to address the humanitarian needs of the recent asylum seekers.

In addition to addressing the immediate needs of this vulnerable population, local authorities in Mexico were left working to reunite an abandoned toddler during a previous illegal entry attempt. On January 30, Contra Punto Noticias Acuna reported the discovery of an abandoned two-year-old child on the banks of the Rio Grande River in Acuna, Coahuila. Ciudad Acuna sits directly across the border from Del Rio, Texas. This toddler is more than likely related to a large group of suspected Haitian Nationals that illegally entered the United States on that same day.

A spokesperson with the Border Patrol in Del Rio confirmed the entry and arrest of more than 100 migrants Monday morning.


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4f8f2e  No.12792154


Jason Bateman is a hollywood heavyweight? mmmkay

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f3b6a5  No.12792155


They're obsessed with phallicism, lol.

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be9e7b  No.12792156

File: 04e8c2baa169223⋯.png (655.66 KB, 474x608, 237:304, ClipboardImage.png)

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82c29c  No.12792157


>>Bread of Last


>[This is you posting back to yourself.]

No it's not. Why would I bother doing that. Further you have zero proof, and thus such a statement as categorical fact is a lie.

I need answer no more. A liar once identified, impeaches himself.

However I will say that as I said last bread you did not understand the question. You simply assert your opinion of what I wrote, without explanation, then attack your memorized straw man arguments with no sauce. You can write what you wish, but do understand how hilariously funny I find it, that an author, who MUST know his first statement is in fact a lie (as again, you have no proof-regardless if your wild ass guess is in fact correct)you then feel justified, nay absolutely justified in claiming my short, off the cuff statements are "Satanic Gibberish".

I'm no saint, and enjoy talking smack, but I do not profess nor present myself as a holy avenger. The standards for those who are, are much higher than mine are.

I pray for forgiveness when I do go too far. I suggest you do the same. My guess is, you will instead double down on your truly blasphemous, ignorant, and vile rhetoric.

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0884a5  No.12792158

File: 19b7158a3335a0f⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 612x407, 612:407, PepeGoodPart.jpg)

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a78c6d  No.12792160

File: d46b736ebcac7a1⋯.jpeg (286.92 KB, 743x740, 743:740, D15B8BC2_167A_417B_A898_7….jpeg)

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f43757  No.12792161

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bb1207  No.12792162

File: 148c916be1d517d⋯.jpeg (76.9 KB, 600x572, 150:143, 5e220b44238a2.jpeg)

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be9e7b  No.12792163

File: c3e00345ac3fc67⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1072x1609, 1072:1609, ClipboardImage.png)

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fdbe90  No.12792164

“We’re In A World of Complete Irrationality” – Dr. Scott Atlas on How the States Are Distributing Vaccines Under Biden

Last week Dr. Scott Atlas was on the Larry O’Connor Show in Washington, D.C., and he refuted Biden’s claims that the previous Administration left Biden with a mess in regards to COVID.

Dr. Scott Atlas was on the Larry O’Connor Show on WMAL last week and he shared that the claims by Joe Biden that the prior administration was a mess in regards to how it handled the China coronavirus were false. Then he shared:

I’m not a politician so I usually answer the questions directly. This is all, you know, I don’t even want to get into the politics of things. It’s a challenge certainly to get all the people vaccinated…The goal should be to giving the vaccine to people who are at risk to die. That’s the purpose of the vaccine. And yet there are only a handful of states that have given most of the vaccinations to the people who are over 65 or elderly people. Which again, nothing is, we’re in a world of complete irrationality, apparently, particularly in the United States. There’s no reason for that, that most vaccines are given to people who are not at high risk to die.

With 40,000 reported COVID deaths in the last 10 days, it doesn’t look like Biden has room to talk.


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edd12f  No.12792165

File: c59c61d61f92d0a⋯.jpeg (96.1 KB, 790x526, 395:263, BD51161C_FB06_48A4_9F5F_0….jpeg)

File: b5ba6e36a6a4853⋯.jpeg (131.45 KB, 960x675, 64:45, E72C317F_B102_43F7_8023_5….jpeg)

File: 5c5abe531d87a73⋯.jpeg (208.19 KB, 700x1150, 14:23, 2DD18109_E598_44DE_8F58_F….jpeg)


Is the desk in use by Biden the real “Resolute” oaken timber desk?

Or is the Biden desk one of the faux mahogany replicas?

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f75f7e  No.12792166



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738a1c  No.12792167

File: 85b3ff1f40baa28⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB, 820x462, 410:231, Stonk_Wars.mp4)

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21875c  No.12792168


Today, maybe

Other days, definitely not

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8b7049  No.12792169

File: 935b33add3e151c⋯.png (8.46 KB, 178x178, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_02_01_imag….png)

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764793  No.12792170

File: f9f0d4133fc8ffd⋯.gif (349.21 KB, 372x496, 3:4, 20210130_004115.gif)

it is all academic.


humans know nothing of the past, present or future.

<only hearsay.

prove [me] wrong.

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f1766a  No.12792171

File: b8525e86f8bb323⋯.png (294.74 KB, 563x423, 563:423, Screen_Shot_02_01_21_at_03….PNG)

Daily Caller


MSNBC Did Not Ask Lincoln Project Founders About John Weaver Despite Booking Them 17 Times After The Story First Broke



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9d0d3d  No.12792172


>Do you honestly think God's intention is to wait until the very end, have all his people die at the hands of Satanists, only to have some fantastical "New Heaven/Earth" storyline pan out?

NO! God knows how far he can go, and he can also control things from behind the "stage" to ensure humanity survival.

Q and Trump are just men. Their plans will fails eventually and Satanist will always exist in this world controlled by Satan.

God's plan is the only way out of this madness.

He is just giving time so people can realize humans can't actually solve our problems.

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be9e7b  No.12792173

File: 650af37cd851e17⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1024x1536, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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fdbe90  No.12792174

File: b6e256b63a5621a⋯.png (83.44 KB, 885x518, 885:518, ClipboardImage.png)

Lincoln Project Rocked by Trumpian Levels of Scandal, Disarray

Sinking ship: Three cofounders cut ties before John Weaver allegations came to light

The Lincoln Project looks an awful lot like the Trump administration these days. The controversial Super PAC, ostensibly dedicated to restoring decency in American politics, is struggling to contain the fallout of a disturbing sex scandal as a growing number of founding members seek to distance themselves from the group.

After refusing for weeks to acknowledge credible allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct against cofounder John Weaver, senior Lincoln Project officials finally weighed in on the scandal over the weekend in response to a New York Times report on Weaver's predatory behavior. The report detailed efforts to solicit boys as young as 14 and Weaver's explicit offers of "advice, counsel, [and] help with bills" in exchange for sex.

The Lincoln Project's first substantive response to the allegations, issued two weeks after Weaver admitted to having "inappropriate" sexual conversations with young men, utilized some of Donald Trump's favorite tactics for weathering scandals, such as throwing a former ally under the bus, playing the victim, and denying everything with maximum indignation.

"[John Weaver] is a predator, a liar, and an abuser," the Lincoln Project said in a statement. "Like so many, we have been betrayed and deceived by John Weaver. We are grateful beyond words that at no time was John Weaver in the physical presence of any member of the Lincoln Project."

Lincoln Project senior adviser Jeff Timmer promoted the group's statement on Twitter, while adding some commentary of his own. "All you trolls: Read this. Then fuck off," he wrote.

Steve Schmidt, the Lincoln Project cofounder whose signature political achievement was convincing John McCain to choose Sarah Palin as a running mate in 2008, told the Times that he and his colleagues had heard "chatter" regarding Weaver's relationships with young men but denied any knowledge of "inappropriate behavior."

Informed observers were quick to call BS on the Lincoln Project's assertion of ignorance. Journalist Ryan Girdusky, who published one of the first detailed accounts of the allegations against Weaver, insisted that Lincoln Project officials "absolutely knew" about Weaver's "predatory behavior."

"EVERYONE knew for years what John was about," wrote journalist Yashar Ali. "The challenge was the young men wouldn’t talk to reporters even on background (which I understand, they feared retaliation). But this was no secret. Everyone talked about it."

Allegations that Weaver, who has a wife and children, has behaved inappropriately around young men date back decades. A New Republic profile of Republican strategist Karl Rove published in 2009 mentions that Rove "spread a rumor" in the 1980s about Weaver's behavior in an apparent effort to take down a rival GOP operative.


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53b6bf  No.12792175

File: 99c8a4d2ca2c200⋯.png (359.26 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d8111a5bb9dc6a⋯.png (362.08 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)


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f1766a  No.12792176


>Femanons can do both at the same time.

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523056  No.12792177


The value of metals just like everything else is blown way out of proportion

Really not that valuable

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07a40b  No.12792178

File: ebb86ca0adda7af⋯.jpg (113.64 KB, 1080x1078, 540:539, obama_on_boat_suspiciously….jpg)

File: 370cb94ad768299⋯.jpg (133.77 KB, 1040x1200, 13:15, obama_on_boat_suspiciously….jpg)

File: e7501ce7d47b8c0⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1488x1044, 124:87, ClipboardImage.png)


Without clearance, it's not a bad bet he's cooperating

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be9e7b  No.12792179

File: ade85dbba92a66f⋯.png (336.98 KB, 386x520, 193:260, ClipboardImage.png)

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f3b6a5  No.12792180

Operation Spartan Shield

118 New Hampshire Guard Members to Deploy to Middle East

New Hampshire National Guard members, who have helped manage food banks and administer COVID-19 tests and vaccines during the pandemic, are preparing for at least a nine-month deployment to the Middle East in support of Operation Spartan Shield.

By Associated Press, Wire Service Content Feb. 1, 2021

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — New Hampshire National Guard members, who have helped manage food banks and administer COVID-19 tests and vaccines during the pandemic, are preparing for at least a nine-month deployment to the Middle East in support of Operation Spartan Shield.

About 350 soldiers from the Vermont Army National Guard, as well as soldiers from Connecticut and Colorado also are deploying to multiple locations across the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, which includes parts of the Middle East, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf, Horn of Africa and parts of the Indian Ocean.

Vermont National Guard spokesperson Capt. Mike Arcovitch said he can't say exactly where the soldiers will be serving and they will not all be serving in the same location.


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4846e7  No.12792181


Why is it always 17?

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479556  No.12792182

File: 4555e88844d274b⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 268x268, 1:1, pooh_bear_think_think_thin….gif)





Multiple filings from multiple people both on and not on Trump's official legal team. Many of the filings were done hastily, had conflicting or incorrect information (MI case filed in wrong state, etc), and were summarily dismissed. Even the most rock solid case from the TX AG that had the backing of 20+ other states' AGs was dismissed by the very fucking Supreme Court Justices that Donald Trump fought to put on the bench.


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1bc2d7  No.12792183


The Golden Triangle has a long history of opium, marijuana and heroin production.

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845d70  No.12792184

File: 3ce43fc8242531e⋯.jpg (171.5 KB, 600x370, 60:37, welcome.jpg)

File: c5f9a8a1798f823⋯.png (41.56 KB, 410x110, 41:11, logo.png)

File: f577372ba3e0ea6⋯.jpg (329.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ferries_Bridges.jpg)







>Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game

>with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode.

>The game was inspired by Settlers II



~*~ . ~*~ . ~*~ . ~*~








~*~ . ~*~ . ~*~ . ~*~



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5cbac7  No.12792185



>>12791944, >>12791896 baker on duty

>>12791925 wiredcraft wrote the software for Myanmar’s election system

>>12791968, >>12791972 GEOTUS keeps causing freedom erections

>>12791974 Joe Biden wants to bring down White House perimeter fence as soon as possible as extra security precautions remain in place

>>12791979 US naval institute: #OTD in 1800, USS Constellation battled the French Navy frigate La Vengeance during the Quasi-War

>>12791982, >>12792105, >>12792135 Karl Rove is asked about Lincoln Project founder John Weaver: “I've actually known about this pattern of behavior since 1988."/pedowood donors

>>12791995 Mainstream Media Lies About Hydroxychloroquine Are Costing Thousands Of American Lives

>>12792020 Biden administration says Iran could now be 'weeks away' from having material to build a nuclear bomb.

>>12792042 PROJECT VERITAS: Facebook Insider Leaks: Zuckerberg/FB Execs Admit Facebook Has Too Much Power, Wants to Work with Biden

>>12792053 dr naomi wolf: Just walked into a restaurant in Salem MA and was asked to scan my phone on entry for Track and Trace. Restaurant faces $300 fine for not making me. I said No, Fourth Amendment.

>>12792081, >>12792094 2013: George Soros teams up with Irish tycoon 'Denis O'Brien' for Myanmar's telecoms services news

>>12792092 telegram fag teases release of information about medical examiner lying about autopsy results, selling organs

>>12792098 Myanmar Military Promise to Return Power After Free and Fair Election

>>12792116 Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar will resign after the department reportedly failed to advertise a proposed constitutional amendment that would extend the statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims

>>12792152 Second Wave of Haitian Migrants Arrive at West Texas Border

>>12792164 “We’re In A World of Complete Irrationality” – Dr. Scott Atlas on How the States Are Distributing Vaccines Under Biden

>>12792171 MSNBC Did Not Ask Lincoln Project Founders About John Weaver Despite Booking Them 17 Times After The Story First Broke

>>12792174 Lincoln Project Rocked by Trumpian Levels of Scandal, Disarray

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9a58b4  No.12792186

File: daea16c6d35ce3a⋯.png (443.95 KB, 557x396, 557:396, daea16c6d35ce3adb004fe415d….png)


…Their generic statement gives them away, every time. It's a shill, as far as I'm concerned. Fuck 'em.

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be9e7b  No.12792187

File: 8bfcc6974c372af⋯.png (4.62 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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fdbe90  No.12792188

File: b61c3148fbc9429⋯.png (544.46 KB, 637x475, 637:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 868ba22fb40d8fb⋯.png (35.81 KB, 678x301, 678:301, ClipboardImage.png)

These Are the Official Space Force Ranks

The U.S. Space Force finally has an official rank structure for its enlisted members and officers, a service spokesman has confirmed to Military.com.

A leaked memo first posted on the popular Facebook page Amn/Nco/Snco detailed the new ranks, which nearly mirror Air Force ranks.

Instead of "airman," junior enlisted members between E-1 and E-4 will be called specialists, according to the document. The Army is the other service with a specialist rank, for troops in the E-4 paygrade.

While the Air Force has staff and technical sergeants, the Space Force E-5 rank will be known as sergeant, followed by technical sergeant for E-6. Officer ranks second lieutenant to general will remain the same as its sister service.

The new rank structure takes effect Feb. 1, the memo states.

The most senior member is the Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force, an E-9 rank, the memo adds. Chief Master Sgt. Roger Towberman, the senior enlisted adviser to the service, will officially assume that title effective next week, the spokesman said.

There will be no changes to benefits entitlements, according to the memo.

Some speculated that the Space Force, which is part of the Department of the Air Force, would adopt its parent service's rank structure; others argued for using the Navy's rank system – which is what some lawmakers intended.

In July, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, proposed an amendment in the fiscal 2021 National Defense Authorization Act requiring "the same system and rank structure as is used in the Navy" for the Space Force, according to a House summary of the text.

Space Force officials said they were ready to move forward, but because of the measure, the service halted announcing its decision at that time.

A Navy rank system would make sense for the Space Force, experts have said. Other space enthusiasts have noted on social media that "Space Admiral just sounds better."

"A good reason to use Navy ranks in the Space Force is to better distinguish [Space Force] personnel from Air Force personnel, kind of like [the Marine Corps] using different ranks than the Navy," Todd Harrison, director of the Aerospace Security Project at the Center for Strategic & International Studies, said in July following Crenshaw's proposal.

But last month, lawmakers ultimately ditched Crenshaw’s provision on naval ranks.

Even William Shatner the actor who portrayed Capt. James Kirk of the USS Enterprise in the original "Star Trek" series initially backed Crenshaw's idea.

In an op-ed titled, "What the heck is wrong with you, Space Force?" published in Military Times in August 2020, Shatner said there is historical precedence in the entertainment industry, anyway for space commanding officers to take naval ranks.

"When you unveiled the Space Force logo, many immediately saw it as an homage to 'Star Trek' (even though our Delta was an homage to the previous military space insignias). Why not borrow back from 'Star Trek' and adopt our ranks as well?" he wrote. "We took them from the Navy for good reason."

While its rank structure seems to be set, the Space Force still lacks an official dress uniform, physical fitness uniform and mess dress uniform; an official song; patch and insignia wear.


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d6a69d  No.12792189

File: f7f3198373ce965⋯.gif (23.56 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1162d8d39e270eb2f55d3f9eaf….gif)

fwiw: I believe $GME is a genuine gamma-squeeze yet once the first is exploited hedgies will position to defend/profit against others, so the tangential move against silver strikes the most vulnerable root of the FED because silver affects gold prices. See that chain reaction?

This was "too smart of a move" and is now openly attacked. The infiltration party of the boards has ramped up their positions and it's revealing them in the crowd~

"X position means good/bad" isn't as useful an IDEN as the smell of their fear when they say it.

Our enemies current best position is to dwindle the interest in hodl'ing $GME ["It's against your best interests" ,"You missed the hype" when in reality they're literally pissing their pants] while poisoning the momentum of our next best move: physical silver.

It's actually brilliant, which goes to show the caliber of invested interests we're fighting~


Diamond Hands

Silver Platters


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f3b6a5  No.12792190

File: c45a3aa6184f75b⋯.png (386.25 KB, 614x363, 614:363, ClipboardImage.png)

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f278aa  No.12792191


Take note the timing, frens:

This take-over occured After

the US Spending Bill granting

Myanmar free money was passed.

This take-over occured After all

were confident that Biden was now

safely sworn-in.

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be9e7b  No.12792192

File: 8c283d45504028d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 682x1024, 341:512, ClipboardImage.png)

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b69c64  No.12792193

File: d1ee47f431b2889⋯.jpeg (98.07 KB, 828x371, 828:371, CEBF6E67_7201_4B64_842E_5….jpeg)

Anons tired of “winning” yet?


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fdbe90  No.12792194

File: 2c4b2a39604b03c⋯.png (134.04 KB, 935x806, 935:806, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden’s ‘Buy American’ Clean Energy Conundrum

President's climate actions kill American jobs while boosting China, experts say

President Joe Biden's latest climate-focused executive order promises a bustling clean energy sector backed by "good-paying union jobs." That sector's supply chain, however, is largely dominated by China.

Issued on Wednesday, Biden's order calls on the federal government to purchase union-built, American electric vehicles. But both Chevrolet and Nissan's top electric offerings fall well below the federal government's domestic "component test" to determine American-made status, and Ford's latest electric SUV, the Mustang Mach-E, will be built in China and Mexico. China also controls much of the world's lithium battery supply, including 77 percent of global cell capacity and 60 percent of global component manufacturing, a September BloombergNEF report shows.

Biden climate envoy John Kerry, meanwhile, suggested Wednesday that disgruntled oil and coal workers could simply find new jobs in the solar sector. The clean energy industry's reliance on foreign markets and companies extends to solar energy. China controls roughly 60 percent of the industry's total supply chain and manufactures 75 percent of the world's polysilicon—a raw material used to make solar cells—according to research firm Wood Mackenzie.

The White House did not return a request for comment.

China's grip on clean energy means that Biden's push for a green American economy will likely benefit the Communist nation, sparking national-security concerns among Republican lawmakers. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R., Wash.), the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, told the Washington Free Beacon that Biden's "radical" climate actions will "kill jobs and increase our reliance on China."

"The national-security implications here are incredibly concerning. These Green New Deal-style mandates will constrict America's energy independence—something all Americans fought hard to achieve over the last few years," McMorris Rodgers said.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) echoed the Washington Republican's sentiment, adding that Biden's energy policies "will advantage our adversaries and hurt American workers and the American taxpayer."


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547a04  No.12792195

File: 46316e663bae733⋯.jpg (691.8 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210201_125808….jpg)

File: fe36895d7f0abe6⋯.jpg (578.53 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210201_125814….jpg)

File: 579e8b68872635c⋯.jpg (645.51 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210201_125819….jpg)

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02991c  No.12792196

File: 14655a50981b42c⋯.png (150.81 KB, 1186x678, 593:339, ClipboardImage.png)


nother dead link

myanmar was SOROS' PLAYGROUND'

Soros fund to rival Qatar for Myanmar telco licence Consortium led by billionaire promises to invest $9bn in country's telecoms market Billionaire George Soros.

Soros fund to rival Qatar for Myanmar telco licence …



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479556  No.12792197


Must be a coincidence.

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54043a  No.12792198

File: df1eeb5396ee7d0⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ljjuy0mjqwe61.jpg)

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be9e7b  No.12792199

File: 48f3d0bee4079c5⋯.png (1.18 MB, 634x960, 317:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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82c29c  No.12792200


I know. But it's hard to resist a nice smack down.

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172fc8  No.12792201

Robt. David Steele posted this today:

1 February 2021

'''Juan O. Savin (P) just texted:

Why February 1st is when it all starts – Executive Order 13848 goes into effect.'''

Top of page


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14746c  No.12792202

File: 0026894d6ce47f8⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 750x350, 15:7, Cruz_Free_Mason.jpg)


>Lyin' Ted


Turncoat Ted.

Don't forget who he is.

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e377b5  No.12792203

File: 7221aa4bc234b71⋯.png (524.58 KB, 376x356, 94:89, Biohazard_symbol_black_and….png)

Could it be that COVID-19 is probably the prototype of a genocide bioweapon to wipe out humans with specific genomic segments?

The perfection of ethnic cleansing!?



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fea7ff  No.12792204

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1a6e0a  No.12792205

File: 4855e67c4577024⋯.png (484.65 KB, 480x568, 60:71, pepe_biden_press_sec.png)

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fdbe90  No.12792206

Dozens Of Former Bush Officials Leave Republican Party, Calling It A ‘Trump Cult’

Dozens of Republicans who served in former President George W. Bush’s administration are reportedly leaving the party, unhappy that fellow members are not disavowing former President Donald Trump after he claimed fraud cost him the 2020 election – a claim that ignited a violent riot at the U.S. Capitol last month.

The officials had hoped that when Trump lost, party leaders would “move on from the former president and denounce his baseless claims that the November presidential election was stolen,” Reuters reported. “But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.”“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration, told the news agency.

“If it continues to be the party of Trump, many of us are not going back,” Rosario Marin, a former Treasurer of the U.S. under Bush, told Reuters. “Unless the Senate convicts him, and rids themselves of the Trump cancer, many of us will not be going back to vote for Republican leaders.”

One former official, Suzy DeFrancis, a veteran of the Republican Party who served in administrations including those of former presidents Richard Nixon and George W. Bush, said she voted for Biden in November. “I totally understand why people are frustrated and want to leave the party. I’ve had that feeling for four years,” DeFrancis said.But she said the Republican Party needs to return to its core principles, such as limited government, personal responsibility, free enterprise, and a strong national defense.

The Reuters report came as an Illinois Republican lawmaker called on members of the party to give up the division and conspiracy theories spurred by Trump.

“The biggest danger right now is that we’ve become a party that dabbles — not just dabbles — we traffic in conspiracies and we traffic in lies,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger, according to The Los Angeles Times.

On Sunday, Kinzinger posted a video on the website country1st.com. “Our country’s future is truly unlimited. After all, we are the party that ended slavery, secured women’s suffrage, and won the war against communist tyranny. Now we must be the party that lifts up the rural town and the inner city. We must be the party that empowers every student to soar and every family to thrive,” the website says.

Kinzinger was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump last month.

“Republicans must say enough is enough. It’s time to unplug the outrage machine, reject the politics of personality, and cast aside the conspiracy theories and rage. It’s time to turn back from the edge of darkness and return to the ideals that have long been our guiding light,” he said in the recorded video. “It’s now or never. The choice is ours. I’ve made mine, and I hope every Republican, and every American who shares our values, will choose to join me. Let’s take back our party.”


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b30c00  No.12792207


So much hopium…

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07a40b  No.12792208


>20+ other states'




You have not made that case

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547a04  No.12792209

Liguria (/lɪˈɡ(j)ʊəriə/, Italian: [liˈɡuːrja]; Ligurian: Ligûria [liˈɡyːɾja]) is a region of north-western Italy; its capital is Genoa. Its territory is crossed by the Alps and the Apennines mountain range and is roughly coextensive with the former territory of the Republic of Genoa. Liguria is bordered by France (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) to the west, Piedmont to the north, and Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany to the east. It lies on the Ligurian Sea, and has a population of 1,557,533. The region is part of the Alps-Mediterranean Euroregion.

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be9e7b  No.12792210

File: 81c33fe23649136⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1065x1600, 213:320, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a58b4  No.12792211


…Dub dubs of truth check'd and kek'd.

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fdbe90  No.12792212

File: cbfd728c9b15e8d⋯.png (247.59 KB, 600x766, 300:383, ClipboardImage.png)

Here’s an update from your local government officials. What a Shit Show.

“Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. ”


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07a40b  No.12792213

File: 09f4cd295792368⋯.png (349.06 KB, 679x494, 679:494, hunter_biden_bidan_tattoo_….png)


please Mr. Trump it's too much

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6b225c  No.12792214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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53b6bf  No.12792215


>Anons tired of “winning” yet?

What are you trying to say? Kathy is a vindictive person so if schadenfreude is your thing more power to you.

For the record, very few in here actually supported the Jan 6 behavior. A peaceful protest is one thing, invading the congress and destroying property is not what we stand for.

But of course you already know that. You also know that there was an element of a set up at work as well.

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be9e7b  No.12792216

File: 8ed0aace8f60970⋯.png (1003.88 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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438fff  No.12792217


Uh, good? They have never been Republicans. The party takeover is complete.

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ee7588  No.12792218

File: 47b5caec3a774f6⋯.png (449.86 KB, 444x618, 74:103, 47b5caec3a774f6e6175621464….png)

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8b7049  No.12792219


Afghanistan #1 producer of opium

has been for a long time

Taliban burning poppy fields was main reason US military attacked them, to protect the poppy fields

Many US soldiers died for a lie over many years in the opium wars

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f43757  No.12792220


I don’t know.

But if the mRNA vaccine makes immune response to the gp120 spike protein why are those antibodies not elevated 3 weeks after first Pfizer injection?

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bb1207  No.12792221

File: 5253aab0f31b681⋯.jpg (86.9 KB, 500x635, 100:127, 5253aab0f31b68131036129101….jpg)


Cheaply made in China.. intellectual property thiefs. Infiltration not invasion.

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1a6e0a  No.12792222

File: eba4938bfd5c72b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 978x757, 978:757, pepe_chopper_pedo_island.png)

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4ccb55  No.12792223

File: d5bea4c56f057b1⋯.png (14.12 KB, 398x357, 398:357, NO_discrimination.png)

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be9e7b  No.12792224

File: c183c379af2c228⋯.png (875.14 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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467edf  No.12792225

File: 653676086b85636⋯.png (48.73 KB, 598x481, 46:37, Capture.PNG)


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7dbc6a  No.12792226


Smartmatic Myanmar elections


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561b51  No.12792227


>Executive Order 13848 goes into effect.

Sure it does, but it then proscribes another 45 days until a report on Election interference is due.

That makes it March 18.

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53b6bf  No.12792228

File: 33e62d5922b45b4⋯.png (176.54 KB, 500x245, 100:49, ClipboardImage.png)


>Dozens Of Former Bush Officials Leave Republican Party, Calling It A ‘Trump Cult’

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09c3b0  No.12792229


Puddy toe

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3657b3  No.12792230

File: 5a565a55e44953e⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1570x952, 785:476, Start_of_Video1.jpg)

File: 6fb16119f4121f1⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1654x952, 827:476, Start_of_Video2.jpg)

File: cbe43dd67576f09⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1654x952, 827:476, Start_of_Video3.jpg)

File: f8bd05bdd434706⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1654x952, 827:476, Start_of_Video4.jpg)


So is it not odd that this Company that promotes Made in America has as it's inspiration video a zoom out from Garching Bavaria?

Garching is close to Munich and is notable for the TUM the Technical University of Munich or the Entreprenial University

From wikipedia


Garching has a number of scientific research institutes and scientific experiment facilities located in the city, including a linear accelerator and a research nuclear reactor. The nuclear research reactor, nicknamed Atomei (atomic egg) appears in the city's coat of arms, and started the process leading to an accumulation of research institutes. A number of roads and places in the city are named after scientists, mathematicians and technical innovators such as Carl von Linde, Rudolf Diesel, Albert Einstein, Leonhard Euler, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, Wilhelm Röntgen, and Erwin Schrödinger.

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ea92c2  No.12792231

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fdbe90  No.12792232

File: 0f2c94734375b82⋯.png (292.34 KB, 586x449, 586:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 155ad8b66fb25f6⋯.png (14.97 KB, 577x190, 577:190, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8926997adf721a9⋯.png (53.16 KB, 739x649, 739:649, ClipboardImage.png)

#BidenLied Trends on Twitter as Angry Libs Realize They Aren't Getting What They Wanted

In December and January, as he barnstormed around Georgia for Senate runoff candidates Jon Ossoff and the Rev. Raphael Warnock, then-President-elect Joe Biden made a promise: Elect these two and you get $2,000 stimulus checks.

The day before the election, he made it abundantly clear: “By electing Jon and the reverend, you can make an immediate difference in your own lives, the lives of the people all across this country,” he said at a rally.

“Because their election will put an end to the block in Washington on that $2000 stimulus check, that money would go out the door immediately, to help people who are in real trouble.

“Think about what it will mean to your lives. Putting food on the table, paying rent, paying part of your mortgage, paying down the credit card, paying the phone bill, the gas bill, the electric bill.”


Now that he’s in the White House, Biden’s COVID-19 relief package includes $1,400 relief checks, not $2,000. The Democrats’ line is that $600 + $1,400 = $2,000. What part of that don’t you understand?

The part one doesn’t understand is that, well before Biden was saying this, then-President Donald Trump had signed off on the $600 checks and they’d already started going out on Dec. 29, according to Forbes.

Biden himself — or whoever runs his Twitter account — seemed to acknowledge the distinction between the $600 checks that were going out the door and the $2,000 checks that he was promising.


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5cbac7  No.12792233

File: c9ee480b0085220⋯.png (467.65 KB, 600x686, 300:343, ClipboardImage.png)

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547a04  No.12792234

File: 1cbd61a5d03219c⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210201_130411….jpg)

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9d0d3d  No.12792235


>God creates everything

>Everything gets all fucky

>God floods the earf

>Earf 2.0 starts

>God constantly lets Satan own his ass, and sometimes the occasional professional wrestling prophet of old

>God finally figures out how to do sacrifice

>Earf 3.0 starts

>Same old shit keeps happening

>Religion based on God killing his own son turns into a meat grinder for pedophiles and elites by making parishioners into sheep

>Still lots of valid stuff in the books

>Can be interpreted in many ways for many purposes

>Because it's all allegorical

>Totally missing out on having an actual relationship with God because you were distracted with religion

Also, your ignorance towards Scriptures is truly disturbing.

You would think by now, were people are free to read the Bible, unimpeded by the church, they would understand it a little bit more

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be9e7b  No.12792236

File: ff7dc537b3771c3⋯.png (652 KB, 459x682, 459:682, ClipboardImage.png)

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82c29c  No.12792237


>…Dub dubs of truth check'd and kek'd.

Back atcha

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52742a  No.12792238


Fuck John Cornyn, I've voted for that seditious snake!

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18cc84  No.12792239


Rinos gonna rine.

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523056  No.12792240


Was just now getting ready to say that or something similar. Even pics of our soldiers guarding the poppy fields are out there. That my fren is the war on drugs

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7f8c88  No.12792241


Confounding that military people, of all people, aren’t more pissed and vocal about being lied to… to die.

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e46c87  No.12792242

File: a73cb6f277adbd7⋯.jpg (21.41 KB, 474x474, 1:1, kek_Pepe_Braces.jpg)


THAT'S NOT PSAKI. That's Pepe. Right?

I mean that's Pepe under that wig, right? No?

I wanted to save, but some pics aren't expanding for some reason.

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5eddc9  No.12792243

>>12791772 (pb)

Any photoshopfags able to put the Catalog on President Trump's computer screen, please?

We know he's here, and all. . . .

Thank you!

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845d70  No.12792244

File: ba8c1ba1c39bb19⋯.jpg (430.16 KB, 1045x1700, 209:340, e5ba2e975036653177f022f727….jpg)

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8d0198  No.12792245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Found a thing

April 2004

What really happened the night that Aung Sang Suu Kyi was arrested? Did the military try to kill her?

A crowd of cheering people stretch as far as the eye can see. As these pictures show, despite spending most of the last 14 years in detention, Aung Sang Suu Kyi still commands the support of her people. But a few days later, her convoy was attacked by government backed thugs, leaving dozens dead. "The situation was very chaotic and frightening," confides Suu Kyi's bodyguard, Khin Oo. He recalls seeing Suu Kyi being attacked by men wielding sticks. "She was injured on her left shoulder and the left side of her neck." Many of her supporters feared she would be killed. "The security group were shouting 'Drive Away' but instead of running, I heard her say 'How can I run when people are being beaten?'" Khin recalls. But her driver had other ideas. As he whisked her away, eyewitness Naing Naing recalls hearing: "a voice giving orders to fire." Ten to fifteen gunshots were then fired at Suu Kyi's car, narrowly missing. "It was definitely the military," states Naing Naing. "It was meant to kill our leader." After the massacre, the generals took to the world's stage rejecting calls they were responsible. But, nearly a year on, Suu Kyi remains under house arrest. And the future of Burma looks as bleak as ever.


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b69c64  No.12792246

File: fdcaf78f5d50315⋯.jpeg (135.41 KB, 500x699, 500:699, DB8355D5_3A38_4762_A19E_4….jpeg)

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be9e7b  No.12792247

File: 2284032274c44bf⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1024x1536, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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59f3ce  No.12792248

File: 4b5f62f2fa9349a⋯.png (44.76 KB, 445x627, 445:627, ClipboardImage.png)

Lin Wood, [01.02.21 16:02]

Good afternoon. Busy morning pouring water on the false fires. Your words of support, love, and faith help inspire me to be a formidable firefighter. I find my strength in the Lord.

BREAKING NEWS! I havechanged my legal residence from the State of Georgia to the State of South Carolina!

I have lived in Georgia since I was 3 years old (65 years). I still love the Peach State but Georgia has deteriorated over the years to become one of the most corrupt states in the country, if not the most corrupt.

Every state has problems. Like individuals, states are imperfect. But Georgia has spun out of control and is heavily influenced by the CCP through corrupt state officials.

I love the land in the Lowcountry of South Carolina and the people here are simply wonderful. South Carolina has welcomed me. Georgia has falsely accused me and shunned me.

I am thrilled about my change of residency.

I started my life in North Carolina in 1952 and plan to live in South Carolina until the Lord calls me back north to my eternal home in Heaven.

Sometimes in context, going from the North to the South is a really good thing.

Now I can vote against Lindsey Graham!

God bless each of you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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dd768d  No.12792249

File: f4ffebe300ecb12⋯.png (791.68 KB, 677x553, 677:553, kayleigh_point_2.PNG)

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845d70  No.12792250

>Twitch removes PogChamp emote over Gootecks "encouraging further violence" by suggesting "civil unrest" over Capitol protestor shot by police


>China pressures Japan to remove ROG and Hololive live broadcast



>The Gamergate Thread Repository has been updated

>Capcom considering going woke


>13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim localization rewrites character to be "non-binary"


>How Cuties Got Caught in a Gamergate-Style Internet Clash:


>Kotaku UK and Gizmodo UK close down as Future Publishing licenses lapse


>Gamergate is now 6 years old

>343 Industries removes police sirens nameplate from Halo 3: ODST, VG24/7 calls people who disagree "alt-right"


>Zchan replacement from z/v/ volunteer launches at zzzchan.xyz

>WOTC to censor depictions of D&D orcs and drow, "correct" reprints of 5th edition books, hire more "diverse talent", and incorporate "sensitivity readers" into creative process


>Possible explanation of Sony's censorship


>Journos make up "patronizing comments onslaught" story about old grandmother, get corrected by said grandmother herself: https://archive.is/iB1Aj https://archive.is/YwOzU https://archive.is/S9Fhd

>Twitch launches new "Twitch Safety Advisory Council" filled with SJW organizations and individuals. SJW transgender trans-deer council member cries harassment as backlash erupts from Twitch viewers/streamers and Reddit's /r/livestreamfail.



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53b6bf  No.12792251

File: 71c490dda83774e⋯.png (1.19 MB, 834x1138, 417:569, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy birthday E.


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34ebdb  No.12792252


There are multiple periods of time in this E.O. The 45 days is after the conclusion of the election.

"Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United

States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with

the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies

(agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that

a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf

of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering

in that election."



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f3b6a5  No.12792253


The executive order stipulates that 45 days after the election (which would be Dec. 18), a number of high-level officials (e.g. Attorney-General, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, et al.) will deliver a report to the president that informs him whether or not there was foreign interference in our election. This is perhaps a cliff-hanger, because the Electoral College is scheduled to meet on Dec. 14 — though I don’t believe that date is set in stone.

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fdbe90  No.12792254

File: 2696de4534af9ff⋯.png (449.04 KB, 577x510, 577:510, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58ee1a0e1857ba2⋯.png (69.55 KB, 731x881, 731:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd3ec6a3c93a4a5⋯.png (13.71 KB, 758x181, 758:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Jailed 'Cowboys for Trump' Leader Moved to Solitary Confinement for Refusing COVID Procedure

The leader of the group Cowboys for Trump is being held in isolation in a Washington, D.C., jail after refusing to take a coronavirus test.

Couy Griffin, a commissioner of Otero County in southern New Mexico, also has been refusing to meet with a court-appointed attorney or the judge handling his case, according to KVIA-TV in El Paso, Texas.

Griffin has been charged with participating in the Capitol incursion and was arrested on Jan. 17 after returning to Washington from New Mexico.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui has threatened Griffin with contempt of court if he does not start abiding by the rules, KVIA reported Sunday.

“On January 17, 2021, law enforcement arrested the defendant. The defendant refused to take a COVID-19 test upon his admission to the jail. Doing so forced authorities to place the defendant in 14-day isolation to protect the prison population and staff from the risk of exposure,” Faruqui wrote in an order.

The judge said things got no better four days later.

“Jail staff provided the defendant with a headset to participate in this hearing remotely. The defendant refused to participate in the hearing and stated on the record that he did not wish to speak with the judge,” Faruqui wrote in the order.

“On January 25, 2021, an attorney for the D.C. jail informed the Court that they attempted to set up a call with the defendant and Mr. Smith that day,” the judge said, referring to court-appointed attorney David Smith. “During the call, the defendant refused to speak to Mr. Smith. The defendant then yelled at the officer who attempted to assist with the call and began banging on his cell door.”

Jailed 'Cowboys for Trump' Leader Moved to Solitary Confinement for Refusing COVID Procedure

February 01, 2021 0 Comments


The leader of the group Cowboys for Trump is being held in isolation in a Washington, D.C., jail after refusing to take a coronavirus test.

Couy Griffin, a commissioner of Otero County in southern New Mexico, also has been refusing to meet with a court-appointed attorney or the judge handling his case, according to KVIA-TV in El Paso, Texas.

Griffin has been charged with participating in the Capitol incursion and was arrested on Jan. 17 after returning to Washington from New Mexico.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui has threatened Griffin with contempt of court if he does not start abiding by the rules, KVIA reported Sunday.

“On January 17, 2021, law enforcement arrested the defendant. The defendant refused to take a COVID-19 test upon his admission to the jail. Doing so forced authorities to place the defendant in 14-day isolation to protect the prison population and staff from the risk of exposure,” Faruqui wrote in an order.

The judge said things got no better four days later.

“Jail staff provided the defendant with a headset to participate in this hearing remotely. The defendant refused to participate in the hearing and stated on the record that he did not wish to speak with the judge,” Faruqui wrote in the order.

“On January 25, 2021, an attorney for the D.C. jail informed the Court that they attempted to set up a call with the defendant and Mr. Smith that day,” the judge said, referring to court-appointed attorney David Smith. “During the call, the defendant refused to speak to Mr. Smith. The defendant then yelled at the officer who attempted to assist with the call and began banging on his cell door.”

Faruqui said enough is enough.

“The defendant shall appear via phone or video on February 1, 2021 for his initial appearance. Neither he nor his counsel may waive this right. This matter will not move forward to a detention hearing until the defendant appears. Failure to comply with such order may result in a finding of contempt,” he wrote.

Faruqui noted that Griffin can end isolation any time he wants.

“Simply taking a COVID-19 test, something hundreds of millions of people have safely done across the world, will allow the defendant to exit isolation,” he wrote.




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9d0d3d  No.12792255



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82c29c  No.12792256


What reasons does John Cornyn give that it would be a mistake?

Without that, he's talking out his ass.

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764793  No.12792257

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edd12f  No.12792258

File: 004ad55d85613bd⋯.jpeg (47.31 KB, 640x320, 2:1, B6FCF699_84C9_45A7_9819_C….jpeg)

File: 9191fad4c70b90b⋯.jpeg (83.84 KB, 790x526, 395:263, 48E44B0F_11DE_4DB7_BAE5_3….jpeg)



Oak has a golden cast (Obama desk)

Mahogany has a reddish cast (Biden desk)

The original White House Resolute desk is made from oaken timbers of the ship HMS Resolute.

The faux replica desks from the WH gift shop are made from mahogany

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479556  No.12792259

File: 176abba4217f7dd⋯.jpg (435.47 KB, 688x820, 172:205, 176abba4217f7dd7f73e72ee1c….jpg)



Meh. Close enough.

>You have not made that case

ORLY? Heh. Look, it was fun to watch, but it was also pretty cringe-worthy at times.

-Bannon had to get a pardon because he got greedy. The fact he got one means he's still under control.

-Lin Wood cast his entire life into Mt. Doom with zero fucks given.

-Not a single judge was going to touch any case of The Don's with a ten foot pole due to death threats, and PATRIOTS DID NOTHING TO STOP IT (because it'd get too messy)

-SCOTUS told the entire American people to grab a Mickey Mouse dildo and go fuck themselves with it after we valiantly stood behind them for the way they were treated by the MSM and the left.

And you think I've not made a case for PDJT and team not wanting to win in civil courts? The plethora of shills still here tells most anons all they need to know. That is, this shit is far from over, and Joe's nowhere near in control of anything; including his own self.

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1a7ae8  No.12792260

File: 11749f22cb68921⋯.jpg (32.29 KB, 500x306, 250:153, download_5_.jpg)

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6b225c  No.12792261

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8f2ddf  No.12792262

File: e3a8e91ff530978⋯.jpg (100.94 KB, 1228x1505, 1228:1505, ZzTo0383yK.jpg)


>is that

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92c1e7  No.12792263

File: abd82d66783d491⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 678x654, 113:109, Air_America.JPG)

Air America…..Myanmar….opium/poppy plants

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1a6e0a  No.12792264

File: 5bcc65460b6bf57⋯.png (158.91 KB, 722x770, 361:385, pepe_whispers_covid.png)

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fbd193  No.12792265



Lin Wood changes legal residence from Georgia to S. Carolina

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fdbe90  No.12792266

Former Business Partner of Hunter Biden’s Criminal Defense Attorney Is Picked for a Top Justice Department Position

The former business partner of Hunter Biden’s attorney has been picked as a top Justice Department official by the Biden Administration.

The news came out last week:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported a former business partner of Hunter Biden’s criminal defense attorney has been picked as a top Justice Department official in President Biden’s new administration.

It has already been revealed that Nicholas McQuaid, a former federal prosecutor, was picked as acting chief of the Justice Department’s criminal division. Hunter Biden confirmed in early December, after his father won the 2020 election, that he was under federal investigation.

Carlson said on his show Friday night that McQuaid worked with Christopher Clark as partners at Latham & Watkins and worked on cases together right until McQuaid took the job at the Justice Department.

“On Jan. 21 of this year, the same day Nicholas McQuaid was featured in the Justice Department press release, Latham & Watkins filed a motion in court to withdraw McQuaid as an attorney [in a case] he was working on with Christopher Clark. So that means Joe Biden put at the head of the criminal division the partner of the guy his son had hired to defend him against the criminal division. Whoa,” Carlson said.

“We reached out to the Justice Department for a comment on this,” Carlson added. “They refused to say whether McQuaid would recuse himself for matters involving Hunter Biden and his former partner, who is representing Hunter Biden. It’s all pretty amazing. Another reminder, there’s a lot going on within the Biden family.”

Law.com refers to the new position as follows:

Nicholas McQuaid, a former federal prosecutor in Manhattan who served as a White House lawyer during the Obama presidency, has been named the acting leader of the U.S. Justice Department’s criminal division, a role that will come with oversight of the Biden administration’s early white-collar enforcement efforts and the ongoing crackdown on coronavirus-related fraud, according to people familiar with the move.


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f3b6a5  No.12792268


So remember that Pompeo said there was none. Or that is what people said he said and what he said wasn't what he said. The question is, was that report delivered and with Trump out of office, how does it change anything?

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0deee4  No.12792269

File: 0c728c36efcd51f⋯.png (455.04 KB, 648x565, 648:565, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)


muh big brim

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be9e7b  No.12792270

File: 3a730b3610fb87b⋯.png (1.92 MB, 853x1280, 853:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b225c  No.12792271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Imagine to be the king of the internet, then vanish.

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9cfa38  No.12792272


You're watching a movie.

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4ccb55  No.12792273

File: 2a453c9e4f5faeb⋯.jpg (399.91 KB, 802x939, 802:939, MOAR_Military_lawyers.jpg)

File: 6cc913dfbbe14ec⋯.png (10.21 KB, 216x255, 72:85, COMFY_AS_FUCK.png)

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c0ad53  No.12792274

Maybe we can get Wall Street Bets to hire the

Burmese Army to come over here and fix our country

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e4752f  No.12792276

File: 7143f4a50df892a⋯.png (390.93 KB, 477x869, 477:869, Psaki_Biden1.png)

File: b8ce28b4e61c3e3⋯.png (343.11 KB, 500x653, 500:653, Psaki_Biden2.png)

File: 68b4a62af88a55d⋯.png (320.72 KB, 500x653, 500:653, Psaki_Biden3.png)

File: 90f22041141c6a0⋯.png (322.52 KB, 500x653, 500:653, Psaki_Biden4.png)

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12a03d  No.12792277

>>12791924 (lb)

Thanks anon. Sauce?

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cb814a  No.12792278


That date came and went with NO report being produced.

[They] couldn't agree on the assessment so it wasn't delivered.

How do you blow off a Presidential Order?

That was like "sorry, my dog ate my homework" on a exponential scale.

This piece of the puzzle is NOT one I am optimistic about.

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fdbe90  No.12792279

Biden Threatens Sanctions Against Burma Following Military Coup — Press Secretary Says It’s A ‘Message’ To China, Other Countries

President Joe Biden threatened Monday to reimpose sanctions against Burma after military leaders staged a coup in the Southeast Asian country over the weekend.

“The military’s seizure of power in Burma, the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and other civilian officials, and the declaration of a national state of emergency are a direct assault on the country’s transition to democracy and the rule of law,” the president said in a statement. “In a democracy, force should never seek to overrule the will of the people or attempt to erase the outcome of a credible election."

“The international community should come together in one voice to press the Burmese military to immediately relinquish the power they have seized, release the activists and officials they have detained, lift all telecommunications restrictions, and refrain from violence against civilians,” he continued. “The United States removed sanctions on Burma over the past decade based on progress toward democracy. The reversal of that progress will necessitate an immediate review of our sanction laws and authorities, followed by appropriate action. The United States will stand up for democracy wherever it is under attack.”

Biden additionally noted that the U.S. is “taking note of those who stand with the people of Burma in this difficult hour” and “will work with our partners throughout the region and the world to support the restoration of democracy and the rule of law, as well as to hold accountable those responsible for overturning Burma’s democratic transition.”

The Burma coup took place just ahead of a new parliamentary session over the weekend, when commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing seized power and detained chief ministers from Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) party. Former General Myint Swe was additionally installed as president.


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f4aa60  No.12792280

File: 01ede957fa61f4f⋯.png (5.83 MB, 2695x1685, 539:337, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12791479 lb

>>12791494 lb

>>12791502 lb

>>12791865 lb

>>12791898 lb

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e4752f  No.12792281

File: 84a77f39a2da05a⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1757x1953, 251:279, shark_attack.png)

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764793  No.12792282


fuck you .png niggers.

<ain't hard to change a filename.

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be9e7b  No.12792283

File: 883a822b34f9049⋯.png (3.82 MB, 1660x2500, 83:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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e46c87  No.12792284

File: 804769a643405ee⋯.jpg (51.73 KB, 675x650, 27:26, Emerald_Robinson.jpg)


>Happy birthday E.

Nice …

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7f8c88  No.12792285


Fuck you and your fake fucking test, for a fake fucking virus by a fake fucking government filled with fake fucking fuckers.

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523056  No.12792286


I'm a vet from dessert storm era and believed the lies and joined bcuz of the "threat". And I still never found out till years later 9/11

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b0920f  No.12792287


Myanmar is the second largest producer of opium behind Afghanistan. They produce 25% of the world's supply.

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fd28fc  No.12792288

File: dcb2fdd37996444⋯.jpg (25.54 KB, 599x403, 599:403, A_Hole_in_One_4_Trump.jpg)

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89a0c4  No.12792289

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02991c  No.12792290




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be9e7b  No.12792291

File: b77a28e10b05899⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1000x1379, 1000:1379, ClipboardImage.png)

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52742a  No.12792292

File: 5749057710e7b7d⋯.jpg (634.63 KB, 1228x1505, 1228:1505, Polish_20210201_151359597.jpg)

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cca588  No.12792293

File: c83332f2a24caba⋯.png (757.81 KB, 1893x875, 1893:875, Annotation_2021_02_01_1610….png)

File: de537d94a21597f⋯.png (827.54 KB, 1893x875, 1893:875, ClipboardImage.png)

Lots of spookys up.

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02991c  No.12792294


>Former Business Partner of Hunter Biden’s Criminal Defense Attorney Is Picked for a Top Justice Department Position


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fdbe90  No.12792295

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9d0d3d  No.12792296

File: 470b4cbfac6807f⋯.jpg (193.53 KB, 525x710, 105:142, 23rq23rq23.jpg)

Rochester Police Under Fire After Pepper-Spraying Distraught 9-Year Old

Keep trusting that mythical PLAN guys.

Evil is everywhere.

There's no plan.

The plan is a lie.

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82c29c  No.12792297


>-Bannon had to get a pardon because he got greedy. The fact he got one means he's still under control.

Reoncile with the Stone, Flynn etc prosecutions. Why should Bannon be subjected to such a clown show.

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f3b6a5  No.12792298


from the order

"Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America's free and open political system."

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92c1e7  No.12792299

File: bf91f1c54b8f514⋯.png (431.68 KB, 728x728, 1:1, gb_911.png)


Well George Bush was a pussy(both of them)

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0deee4  No.12792300


should somebody that fucking stupid be trusted with any responsibility, let alone with lethal force?

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be9e7b  No.12792301

File: 411c95d6f77ba3c⋯.png (7.58 MB, 2700x1755, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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fdbe90  No.12792302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Matt Locke to PC Radio “They’re Trying to Kick Trump Out of His Own Club!”

How are these guy's still on YT?

Well worth a watch

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21875c  No.12792303


We would make good cell mates at FEMA-approved re-education camp

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bb1207  No.12792304

File: e93fe06f0b7dc16⋯.jpg (485.7 KB, 1218x1624, 3:4, e93fe06f0b7dc160561eb41391….jpg)

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5c79ca  No.12792305

File: 4cf98dbf4e4f7b6⋯.png (2.1 MB, 601x615, 601:615, AQ1.png)

The Reddit army has destroyed $3.7tn in global mkt cap this week, equal to the GDP of Germany, as the Hedge Fund short squeeze creates contagion. Hedge Fund had to sell their long positions to fund their losses from short activities.

(How's THAT for perspective?)


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0cf7d4  No.12792306

File: 0183bd357e86e36⋯.png (3.68 MB, 1890x1063, 1890:1063, 2021_02_01_16_08_36_Fox_Ne….png)

File: 0309f1616e585fb⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1897x1067, 1897:1067, 2021_02_01_16_08_48_Fox_Ne….png)

File: f46d1e34f95ccf1⋯.png (3.44 MB, 1906x1065, 1906:1065, 2021_02_01_16_11_39_Fox_Ne….png)

File: a9c3c82cc977ffc⋯.png (35.84 KB, 718x523, 718:523, 2021_02_01_16_12_19_washin….png)

File: 78948240a71c5c4⋯.png (22.41 KB, 721x190, 721:190, 2021_02_01_16_12_58_tempre….png)

Cabal says they are reporting from the White House except it's 30F and breath is visible below 45F.

Lolz, they should probably build a studio inside a walk in freezer.

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74ba5e  No.12792307

If you wish to figuratively or literally explosions to that building or its you know what even then the building is too offensive that's your concern. That would also be survivable. Ad hoc is also survivable.

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547a04  No.12792308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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443a26  No.12792309

The moment when the Republican's showed the entire world there never was two parties.

Only one.

One party unified to work against We The People.

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ea3c7a  No.12792310


>Robt. David Steele

clown control to major tom

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82c29c  No.12792311

File: e2c5c918afc8a1b⋯.jpg (110.57 KB, 1024x415, 1024:415, salt.jpg)


The salt must flow

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52bed7  No.12792312

File: 3ff4b748a94cc2c⋯.png (893.53 KB, 1162x1252, 581:626, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)


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6b225c  No.12792313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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be9e7b  No.12792314

File: bcaa62fbcf14863⋯.png (4.3 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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54043a  No.12792315

File: 0989ace950b29fd⋯.jpg (89.84 KB, 640x960, 2:3, u2ih15ypewe61.jpg)

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f3b6a5  No.12792316


so did I - fucker. i'm calling his office.

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89a0c4  No.12792317


tnx patriot

[Pro 3:5-6 KJV] 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

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7f8c88  No.12792318


Loyalty to honest people and ideals is admirable. How is it that so many do not/can not shake faulty loyalty to lies?

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17164b  No.12792319


when the text is so bad

it gives you Chrissy Teigen face

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bb1207  No.12792320

File: 44b120a15753307⋯.png (959.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 44b120a15753307cfb2ec954e9….png)

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1a6e0a  No.12792321

File: a95f874165ce266⋯.png (784.64 KB, 715x539, 65:49, pepe_psaki_2.png)

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be9e7b  No.12792322

File: 9772476d2b0a69a⋯.png (1.17 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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b30c00  No.12792323

File: 627ab295cef9e71⋯.jpeg (653.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 420E6B35_77F7_4190_A7C1_0….jpeg)


I’d say they are better equipped than OAN and never have to freeze when making their little broadcasts.

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172fc8  No.12792324


Not even a good shop job.

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89a0c4  No.12792325


>Air America

flying tigers

now fedex

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7f8c88  No.12792326


Not you, anon

The government people ‘holding’ someone punitively upon false pretenses.

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52bed7  No.12792327


Did he not get the message that it's called Myanmar now?

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d2500b  No.12792328

File: ab192aba2ae7335⋯.png (8.91 KB, 503x152, 503:152, tvrswvwvterw.PNG)

Pompeo on Ingram tonight!


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2e536b  No.12792329


A few minutes later Alyssa, Sidney, Mike, and I were walking on the sidewalk in front of the White House, light snow still falling in the dark. We saw Meadows and Rudy leaving out another entrance and walking away together. We continued in the other direction, elated: with Sidney Powell ensconced as White House Special Counsel, and Mike providing organizational skills and his vast expertise of matters DC, we were in good standing, and I believe at that moment we all weighted the chances of our success high. As we walked home in the snow we confided in each other, You know, for me this is not really about Trump. But obviously we cannot let a rigged election stand. If we do, it could mean civil war, and even a Chinese take-over of our country. All we need to do is follow this plan, expose what happened in those six counties by checking the ballots. If there is nothing amiss, then Trump gets in his helicopter and leaves, and there’s no civil war. But if we find chicanery, it will give an opportunity to blow this scheme up for the whole nation. Who knows how much fraud there is going to turn out to be in American elections? I think ‘a lot,’ what do you think? Around and around we went, excited for our success in the meeting, like we had been thrown a Hail Mary and caught it in the end zone. After a few blocks our long-forgotten SUV found us in the snow flurries, we got in, and he drove us the rest of the way to the hotel. I had my first good night’s sleep in a while.

The next day, Saturday, Sidney called Mark Meadows and said, “Well now that I’m White House Special Counsel, I am going to need an office over there.”

Meadows told her, “Yeah we’re looking into that, we don’t have anything immediately but we are going to soon…”

“Well then I am going to need a White House ID so I can come and go,” replied Sidney.

“Yeah yeah well we are working on that too, there might be a problem with that, we’ll see what it is going to take, …” said Meadows.

We all had a terrible sinking feeling, and by Monday or Tuesday, we learned that Sidney’s “White House Special Counsel” position was not going through. The plan we had discussed so extensively in the White House, the one that got an answer within a few days days (and depending upon the evidence adduced either permitted the peaceful transition of power without a civil war being called for, or justified more extensive federal involvement that would get to the bottom of what the intent of the People truly was), that plan…. had been called off.

Instead, Rudy was going to continue his slog through the courts and the hotel-room hearings in the states …..

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e46c87  No.12792330

File: 61616c4e49ba6ea⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Crazy_Eye_Baltimore_Shoote….jpg)

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21875c  No.12792331


Americans consider adding the Declaration of Independence to our daily lives

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b05f14  No.12792332

File: d51de1e728d2d89⋯.jpeg (931.96 KB, 1242x1528, 621:764, 1EF8B16A_A451_401C_BCE3_A….jpeg)

File: 57cc6f0375287a8⋯.jpeg (795.8 KB, 1242x2089, 1242:2089, D616C21D_52EE_4426_A399_9….jpeg)

Biden and Netanyahu's decades-long friendship faces new test after Israel's Prime Minister went all in for Trump


CNN) US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been friends, allies and partners in a relationship that has spanned nearly four decades. When they first met, Biden was a junior senator in his early 40s; Netanyahu was a fledgling diplomat nearly a decade younger. Now with their first phone call expected imminently, the two must decide how their relationship will evolve, at the height of their careers and the peak of their powers.

But the last four years will complicate the next four with Biden's desire to eventually reenter the Iran nuclear deal and his choice of former top-level Obama officials who crafted and advocated for it, a likely early flash point.

Netanyahu was a bottomless source of unwavering support for Donald Trump in office, not once publicly criticizing the unpredictable and often spiteful President. The 71-year-old celebrated nearly every foreign policy initiative of the Trump administration in the Middle East, becoming his most visible international cheerleader.

Moar here


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52bed7  No.12792333


He's also open to liberals adding seats to courts.

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02991c  No.12792334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


George Soros, Financier and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations and promoters of democratization, delivered his pre-recorded speech at the Oslo Conference to End Myanmar's Persecution of Rohingya, The Norwegian Nobel Institute, 26 May 2015

George Soros: Myanmar's Rohingya Persecution parallels Nazi genocide

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be9e7b  No.12792335

File: c51d40f7934a0e8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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14746c  No.12792336

File: 6c1cacbb8c7a51a⋯.jpg (126.13 KB, 500x254, 250:127, Turncoat_faggotry.jpg)



Today Benis

Yesterday Butthead

Like clockwork

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52bed7  No.12792337


Be sure to click link at the bottom of article and then spread far and wide. It's a test of hypocritical liberal outrage.

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779847  No.12792338


We love our men and women in law enforcement. Back the Blue.

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172fc8  No.12792339


come back and report to us. Most of us don't watch FAUX news.

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b30c00  No.12792340


Kek. No freaking chancr

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f3b6a5  No.12792341


I thought Juan O Savin is Wayne Ronald Willott, He's not JFK, Jr. that's for sure.

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74ba5e  No.12792342

That will take care of them well and tidy.

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55d1f6  No.12792343

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f4aa60  No.12792344


Same optics strategy as distancing from Sessions, Mattis, Gen Kelly, etc? None of these people are particular fans of Trump, much less sycophants, so that later when they side with him in Supreme or Military Courts, it will appear much more that they are doing so to follow the law, not to do their best buddy/guy who nominated them a favor… cuz they sure as hell didn't do so previously?

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be9e7b  No.12792345

File: a0a54a54c211bb7⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1078x783, 1078:783, ClipboardImage.png)

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82c29c  No.12792346


CNN is known to lie about the location of their "reporters".

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0ba913  No.12792347

File: 1c5331e060eec7f⋯.png (471.1 KB, 736x493, 736:493, ClipboardImage.png)

cool pic for the next board? Maybe?

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6b225c  No.12792348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4b5f4a  No.12792349

File: 48a0dc2b71828f4⋯.png (5.88 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0d3d  No.12792350


Nope. I don't back psychopath child abusers.

Not my thing.

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164373  No.12792351

File: 005df466c9261d4⋯.jpg (216.03 KB, 764x1000, 191:250, HOWDAREYOU.jpg)

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7dbc6a  No.12792352


Not cool.

Only another distraction.

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fea7ff  No.12792353


COVID is only a head cold that can twerk in some people!

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be9e7b  No.12792354

File: e6421cfb57ddef6⋯.png (260.38 KB, 474x265, 474:265, ClipboardImage.png)

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b30c00  No.12792355



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4ccb55  No.12792356

File: d3937c4f153245b⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 720x602, 360:301, Yeah_this_rediculous_lol_.jpg)

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daa966  No.12792357

File: b2bcd3428008734⋯.png (381.11 KB, 1023x558, 11:6, ccperad.png)

File: ee447fe9234144b⋯.png (639.41 KB, 1024x551, 1024:551, ccpusa.png)


Sorry, Kansas. Couldn't pay me.

Instead of going on Soros-loyal fraud entertainment, WTFH's wrong with OANN, which continues to churn out all kinds of TRUTHS?

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02991c  No.12792358


>Wayne Ronald Willott

I HAVE looked at all the 'proof' of that on internet and don't see any 'proof'

do you have proof they are the same.

i see nothing but allegations.

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8d46f1  No.12792359

File: b92c3db63af6637⋯.jpeg (57.98 KB, 948x1080, 79:90, CNN_Wakanda.jpeg)


> I still love the Peach State but Georgia 'Wakanda 'has deteriorated over the years to become one of the most corrupt states in the country, if not the most corrupt.

And you know why.

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fdbe90  No.12792360

File: 0900a66138fa8d6⋯.png (840.18 KB, 724x704, 181:176, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d57ba  No.12792361

File: 67dbe019cdbe5ee⋯.jpeg (296.57 KB, 1668x1048, 417:262, 3B16C43E_7C8E_4C37_913A_B….jpeg)

AnonUp is down.

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7f8c88  No.12792362


Ya, I understand ya.

But the ones who need ‘re-education’ are government people destroying peole’s lives with lies. Re-education… with a ball bat.

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f3b6a5  No.12792363


We are never allowed to have the common cold again in this country! It's verboten!

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d241a8  No.12792364

File: d7d6f9aca322c78⋯.jpeg (81.46 KB, 680x544, 5:4, 6A9BA1B3_6CEA_4FAE_80EC_2….jpeg)

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6ea793  No.12792365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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be9e7b  No.12792366

File: 544562a5ccfe654⋯.png (885.84 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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03c5d5  No.12792367


Karl Rove can distance himself all he wants, but there is no way in hell this guy's not a world-class pedophile who probably has joined in on many a pedo-orgy with a stick of butter up his ass.

To hell with that tubby piece of shit. He gets the gallows.

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b30c00  No.12792368


So it’s AnonDown now?

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bb1207  No.12792369

File: 57b5be5f4557818⋯.jpg (12.55 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ded62cbe9f8a4055c089a816ca….jpg)

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4b5f4a  No.12792370

File: 5c129a8c1152704⋯.png (5.36 MB, 1213x1722, 1213:1722, ClipboardImage.png)

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52bed7  No.12792371


Just sent Cornyn a harsh email.

Live in Texas, voted for that fuckwad in Nov.


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82c29c  No.12792372



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38fa37  No.12792373

Pence 2024?

This plan is lame.

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4ccb55  No.12792374

File: 99f464957268442⋯.jpg (61.41 KB, 381x699, 127:233, WHAT_S_UP.jpg)


and when you're floating in space…. which way is up?….lol.

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bba0b0  No.12792375


I like the tagline "CNN, from our toilet to your brain."

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be9e7b  No.12792376

File: 4fdd917e3e8c325⋯.png (3.95 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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8688cc  No.12792377



Moves and counter moves.

The fog/ art of war.

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b30c00  No.12792378

File: 342c08715102d08⋯.jpeg (446.12 KB, 1316x750, 658:375, 2BA33A9C_A343_4630_A876_9….jpeg)


I have another one

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ebb2e5  No.12792379


>He become what he hates the most: a loser.

It ain't over yet, loser.

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52bed7  No.12792380

File: 9c9444cfc347de6⋯.png (20.91 KB, 398x357, 398:357, girl_benis.png)



Suck the girl benis!

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14746c  No.12792381

File: 49ef63fe82d3ae3⋯.jpg (81.68 KB, 940x541, 940:541, SorosPepe.jpg)


>George Soros: Myanmar's Rohingya Persecution parallels Nazi genocide

From the Nazi collaborator himself

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02991c  No.12792382

File: bce5316b3fc98dd⋯.png (269.13 KB, 831x800, 831:800, ClipboardImage.png)


Monday, April 21, 2014

Lavish Weddings For George Soros’ Man Ko Ko Gyi

(Translation of news articles direct from various Burmese blogs in April 2014.)

Ko Ko Gyi & Khin Thu Thu Win.

Ko Ko Gyi (53) is well known in Burma as a former student leader during that failed 8-8-88 (Four-Shit) Uprising and one of the leaders of George Soros’ lackey “Open Society Myanmar” a loosely-formed leftwing-Socialist political grouping in Burma now known as Myanmar.

He had been jailed a very long time for his rebellious political activities by General Than Shwe’s military government and he was released from Insein Prison in 2011 when President Thein Sein’s pseudo-civilian government took control of newly semi-democratic Burma.

He then formed the 88-Generationers group together with that famous student leader Min Ko Naing (King-slayer) and other less famous student leaders from 8-8-88 Uprising. They later formed their “Open Society Myanmar” with the political guidance and generous funding from American-Jewish-Socialist billionaire George Soros’s “Open Society” in 2012.

Just recently the 53-year-old Ko Ko Gyi has abandoned his long-time girlfriend who has been at his side all those years of political struggle and extreme-hardship and abruptly married a young woman Khin Thu Thu Win the daughter of late Dr. Thein Win the 1990-elected MP for Kalay Town.

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fdbe90  No.12792383

File: d5d2d38f2acce67⋯.png (133.13 KB, 813x455, 813:455, ClipboardImage.png)

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bba0b0  No.12792384


Do you think there's merit to the military in change thing?

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e46c87  No.12792385

File: b208accf598b3d1⋯.jpg (68.92 KB, 760x364, 190:91, 0000.jpg)

Reddit Trading Rocket @reddittrading · 1h

Have brokers restrict buying completely but allow selling, volatility halt the stock every 2 minutes to instill fear & then restrict the amount of shares purchasable for the following week.

"Figured it out" for funds in 2021



Cantor’s Lutnick Says Market Took a Breath, Is Now ‘Good to Go’

By Daniel Taub February 1, 2021, 1:30 PM CST


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74ba5e  No.12792386

In the councils of government. Only a few things scare me. And one of them is nuclear war.

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f3b6a5  No.12792387


I have to agree with you. I don't see this EO as having anything to do with some change of administration any time soon. Hope I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing it in the text or context of what some are saying will happen as a result of it. Have read it several times carefully. Not seeing it so far.

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82c29c  No.12792388


>Re-education… with a ball bat.

They tried the CCP Bat

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8669fd  No.12792389

File: 92ea80105a9a67f⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fmCcFpGPkEJK3Crg.mp4)

Anderson Cooper's failed clone went batshit crazy


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d347b0  No.12792391

File: d1b7f59b2a9809a⋯.jpg (88.08 KB, 500x555, 100:111, inco_pants.jpg)



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1a6e0a  No.12792392

File: 4622ff448fdbd46⋯.png (245.7 KB, 523x648, 523:648, pepe_drain_it.png)

"Hey swamp…"

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c415a3  No.12792393


Hahaha fuck those useful idiots.

You get exactly what you wanted now, assholes.

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9b63f2  No.12792394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SLV Volumes EXPLODE HIGHER Showing Reddit Gang is Winning the Silver Battle!! (Bix Weir)

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489b9a  No.12792395


what do you mean?

I know nothing . . . nothing.

really I do not but those who do know are keeping tight lips

or there is nothing to know.

yes, winners turn their offices into prisons.

that happens eery election.

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5cbac7  No.12792396

File: 2cd8378758fbdc9⋯.png (50.8 KB, 450x415, 90:83, ClipboardImage.png)


geotus doesnt have to prove election fraud. its already been proven. what kind of evidence do you think he has to prove it wasnt him but X that instigated the capitol "insurrection"?

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f3b6a5  No.12792397


Put Pataki in there with "I'll circle back around for him!"

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ee7588  No.12792398

File: 59c3b451fae8772⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 631x631, 1:1, 59c3b451fae8772de8eee26ba7….jpg)

Covid 19 SARS CoV2 virus might be part one of a binary weapon. It may also be a 'learner' bioweapon, deployed in a fashion to teach us that fear and suggestion psychological weapons are more devastating and far reaching in their effect than the most powerful kinetic weapons.

Just as we have a big blindspot in the center of our visual field most of us are unaware of and the rest just forget about, we have a psychospiritual blind spot that prevents us from recognizing psychological vulnerabilities.

These glaring vulnerabilities have been well studied by the engineers who design the cognitive exploits that have radical behavior changes over the last 50 years.

Tactics that target the unconscious component of our minds generally operate below the threshold of our conscious awareness. Such tactics were once known as witchcraft . Now we call them "information operations," psyops or IO.

Everybody who watches MSM is exposed to an enormous amount of IO. Some of this is obvious as in the HBO film "NORMAL" or Lionsgate's CRASH. Some groups or individuals may be targeted, meaning special operational focus on that individuals destabilization.

For that reason we must stand with a flaming sword at the edge of consciousness and admit no such psypoisons. Every lie takes a toll on the whole of our minds. We have worked to uncover the truth, now we defend it against the unbalanced forces that use our emotions and the contents of our consciousness against us.

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6b0d37  No.12792399

File: 10c9be718c8dcf0⋯.jpeg (470.62 KB, 640x857, 640:857, 2DCF3DEF_37F1_46CF_A071_0….jpeg)

“I mean.. idk boss.. it sounds kinda risky..”

Kek. What the actual fuck.


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e4752f  No.12792400

File: 1276734cd94d1f3⋯.png (452.83 KB, 1070x789, 1070:789, AmericanLung_CV_cold.png)

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4b5f4a  No.12792401

File: 9d92d3c90d6ac5c⋯.png (628.67 KB, 743x719, 743:719, ClipboardImage.png)


White House Reviewing Whether To Revoke Trump’s Access To Intelligence Briefings

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489b9a  No.12792402


just to be clear the last part was ironic satire.

obviously a winner doesn't set themself up to be in prison.

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559dc2  No.12792403

The first arrest will….

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02991c  No.12792404


psaki is one dizzy broad

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bb1207  No.12792405

File: eaac2307eae31cd⋯.gif (970.48 KB, 360x480, 3:4, eaac2307eae31cdca09767521d….gif)

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fef638  No.12792406

>>12790866 (PB)

Very interesting post. Reminder: scout out printers who can & will do confidential printing of stickers. No "union bug", no printer name.

Suggestion: Biden / Harris caricatured as The Joker. Cabinet Secretaries, Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi with a Hitler mustache.

No need for words. Harris / Attorney General as "OBEY" memes.

>>12790571 (PB)

Sauce? IS there any?

>>12790614 (PB)

Dude … are you sure the "custodial parents" aren't abusing her? Get off the little girl's case until you know what the deal is. OTOH … there is NEVER ANY REASON why a cop should pepper spray a 9 year old who (FFS) is already in handcuffs. NONE. EVER. Even if she was 20-fucking-9 … she was already in cuffs! The cop who sprayed her should be soundly beaten by the nearest adult male. Crowbar optional, but encouraged.

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172fc8  No.12792407


Is 'she' really a 'she'?

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fdbe90  No.12792408

File: c389ade76755f5c⋯.png (32.03 KB, 348x185, 348:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Shocking number of Queensland kids injured in childcare

Thousands of children are suffering trauma and illness at daycare centres as the rate of serious incidents in Queensland soars.


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9f47be  No.12792409


Wait.. isn’t he out of office why is he still receiving them??

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ad44f0  No.12792410

File: 4a1291933192d55⋯.jpeg (463.35 KB, 750x962, 375:481, F2E33261_5A37_4EE9_86E4_3….jpeg)

File: d36ab61f358b11c⋯.jpeg (453.86 KB, 750x1005, 50:67, 8D91E4BE_5511_4B6D_BC04_3….jpeg)

File: 94b86e8e73dcae7⋯.jpeg (230.19 KB, 750x1038, 125:173, B72246D7_1568_4431_B012_7….jpeg)

18th Airborne Tweets- snow / ice

Two today


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77a406  No.12792411

File: fec70ad243667b5⋯.jpeg (191.37 KB, 569x493, 569:493, 231BF46C_7EDE_4AAB_A306_9….jpeg)

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4ccb55  No.12792412

File: 5dc32b80f02a9e9⋯.jpg (504.64 KB, 500x751, 500:751, thought_police.jpg)

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15daf7  No.12792413


On a positive note, at least these actors are outing themselves. The swamp is deep. I trust Marjorie Greene and Jim Jordan and almost nobody else. Rand Paul has been good lately too. Lying Ted outing himself recently shouldn't have been a surprise either. POTUS+ (The true President) told us years ago Cruz's father had his hand in the JFK assassination.

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efa1bf  No.12792414

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164373  No.12792415

File: 68be1b37b96790e⋯.gif (245.71 KB, 350x275, 14:11, RideEm.gif)


MAJOR Erection Incitement

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03c5d5  No.12792416


Georgia State Bar wanted a psyche evaluation. Guess they won't get it now.

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52bed7  No.12792417

File: 235e998fa5c17b0⋯.png (59.74 KB, 362x294, 181:147, cookiepepe.png)



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1a6e0a  No.12792418

File: 8e4520ea17f850b⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 1093x1035, 1093:1035, AOC_3.jpg)

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be9e7b  No.12792419

File: 8bb142a6295f70d⋯.png (160.14 KB, 222x296, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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764793  No.12792420

File: fe36a7fd105cd6a⋯.gif (922.93 KB, 494x304, 13:8, 20210201_143249.gif)



covid cures common cold And flu…

<check the numbers.

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8669fd  No.12792421

File: 783e7f440b408fe⋯.jpg (63.14 KB, 710x1093, 710:1093, EtK84eMXEAM7bLC.jpg)

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8b7049  No.12792422

File: 9e66642331ad386⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 600x339, 200:113, 54d7293b76c73f3f08158db9b5….jpg)


military members are conditioned to be loyal to the military, which is considered to be "patriotic" by default

they see military/govt/country as one, not separate

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02991c  No.12792423


>MAJOR Erection Incitement

the can't get the FENCE ERECTION out of their minds.

the FENCE ERECTION is keeping them locked in.

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74e445  No.12792424


Looks like a dark Mahogany fake. Just like him.

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52bed7  No.12792425


Kevin Clinesmith alters legal evidence to get a false FISA on a US citizen, pleads guilty, and gets to KEEP his license per DC Bar.

Lin Wood puts up some tweets, MUST PULL LICENSE!!!!

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561b51  No.12792426


Perhaps it would pay you to read further.

(b) Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies and, as appropriate, State and local officials, shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating, with respect to the United States election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1(a):

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806f30  No.12792427


never happen

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be9e7b  No.12792428

File: 06e6c27facace48⋯.png (592.68 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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479556  No.12792429

File: 353b434299c5d87⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 736x1103, 736:1103, 6f8c7886cd7fca02755fca2c51….jpg)


>humans can't actually solve our problems.

I find it insulting that God's most cherished and beloved creation cannot solve its own problems. That's like saying God is imperfect or something.

Very insulting.


>Also, your ignorance towards Scriptures is truly disturbing.

Point out where I made any mistakes, specifically. You can't, and any attempts to do so would be pleading your side of interpretations of bits and pieces (usually taken out of context). Do you want to spend the next several hours on this? Didn't think so, and it's hardly worth it at this stage.

My relationship with God is real, and personal. IDGAF what guru convinced you of what doctrines are good and which ones are shit. Racking your brain over a universe of unknowable specificity in various interpretations of Man's version of the facts of God's innermost thoughts and feelz is completely irrelevant at this point. My experience with God is what's relevant to me. When I'm not intentionally trying to squelch the gifts/fruits of the Spirit with alcohol or the occasional pot taking, I'm usually here seeking/sharing what truths I can find to further the cause of justice and good conversation with other similarly-minded anons that are just trying to save the world from idiots that get off on abusing children and enslaving all of mankind.

So, why don't you go do you, and when whatever magical moment happens that you've been looking for actually starts to happen, we'll be here waiting with the facts to present on how it all actually went down. You really and truly have no reason to be here if you already know everything that's going to happen based on your book and what you think Q might actually be; regardless of how many fucking times over and over and over again Q has said "Military", "Plan", "Dark to Light", etc. So one last time:



The Bible repeats itself often. Look for the patterns. They've always been there, you've likely asked why, and never gotten an answer. As another anon said, it's all "academic". The reason these books are still around is because they are great literary works, and they've provided many with inspiration over the centuries. Are they the written word of God?

Well, figure out which translation is, and we can go from there.

You can't

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27c70c  No.12792430




How about a better interpretation, not one possibly done by a comped religious system of Demonations.

In the End times when the fake markets and stocks and bonds of the Beast System fall and there is nothing to back the worthless paper system, the bankers and bondsman and those who willingly participated in the beast system will throw their Silver and Gold (SLV, and GLD) into the streets because it will have no worth.

Even Jesus knew the world ran on money and will even if he returns. Honest currency he made, gold and silver.

Even the Apostles in teaching us for the future with the story of Ananias and his wife used real gold and silver to live and so did the apostles, corruptions killed them both for lying to God. Be honest in your dealings.

A fool will throw real silver and Real Gold into the street. A wise man will throw away SLV and GLD stocks that have no value when it crashes most likely this week.

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1a6e0a  No.12792431

File: 65f6abc60612c0a⋯.png (481.77 KB, 695x500, 139:100, hahahahahaha.png)


According to CNN, the flu is gone due to wearing of masks…

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52bed7  No.12792432



Me too.

Fucking piece of shit.

Who can primary him in, oh…. about 5 years.


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6dd128  No.12792433


hmmm…all from blue states. Surely a coincidence.

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21875c  No.12792434


"evolution" was a psyop, intended to trick us onto destroying our own civilization from within.

Proof is in the pudding. 2020 was a preview

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ef29be  No.12792435

File: 34c9b099e8d0c5b⋯.jpg (97.26 KB, 640x852, 160:213, 1611745191372.jpg)






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fc7f51  No.12792436

File: c27ba0a7d24df28⋯.jpeg (784.7 KB, 999x1704, 333:568, 6389427D_020F_4DA9_9F77_E….jpeg)

File: 8643b34270d28e1⋯.jpeg (1010.97 KB, 1159x1935, 1159:1935, 979464D9_D24B_46D8_869D_4….jpeg)

Are we at 90 days?

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08523f  No.12792437


I live 1 mile outside Jordan's district. Can't wait for him to run for Senate. Gotta wonder if Portman is stepping down if he knew Jordan was going to run. Portman wouldn't stand a chance against Jordan. Portman has taken a shitload of grief from Ohioans, also, at least during the last 2 years, since people have been waking up.

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be9e7b  No.12792438

File: 4d4ea5945ab6308⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1023x682, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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479556  No.12792439

File: 10ee28272ee6f82⋯.png (8.62 KB, 493x191, 493:191, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, anon. Some were evil puppets being controlled, others actual genuine patriots. There are clues, and not all of them are very easy to pick out.

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1a6e0a  No.12792440

File: fe5c8698604bb3e⋯.png (735.63 KB, 1140x777, 380:259, pelosi_bird.png)

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74e445  No.12792441


PJDT - Bidan - Pope. Pick one. Even money bet.

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523056  No.12792442


Nobody will support this bcuz it doesn't fit their personal arrest wishes.

But I do

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764793  No.12792443


don stopped being eligible for intel debriefs after he left the executive.


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f3b6a5  No.12792444


So mad. what a turncoat.

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fdbe90  No.12792445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Federal Government is War With Its Own People

Read the Beforeitsnews.com story here. Advertise at Before It's News here.

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By 21st Century Wire

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The Federal Government is War With Its Own People

Monday, February 1, 2021 15:57

Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, Democrats have ramped-up the rhetoric about the “rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism,” positing that any Republicans who voted for Trump are potential domestic terrorists. As the media-driven histrionics continue to permeate through Beltway, intelligent commentators are asking whether this partisan narrative can be sustained over time, or will it simply fizzle out due to a lack of evidence or perhaps once Democrats begin their post facto impeachment of Trump?

Host Tucker Carlson is warnings that Democrats’ suppression of dissent, divisive rhetoric will lead to even more ‘scary’ repercussions. Watch:


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dec8f4  No.12792446

File: 6159917afe33a87⋯.png (206.05 KB, 442x398, 221:199, jenpsaki_pepe.png)

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134efa  No.12792447


It’s like the third time I’ve seen that and wondered the fact why he is still getting intelligence briefings if he’s not the president anymore I mean is that normal?

Some sauce would be nice

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7a7921  No.12792448

current fed report

deep down sub level


run the nuclear reactor - 150%

but Captain

do it!

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80229d  No.12792449

Sleepy Joe Biden is so sleepy.

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be9e7b  No.12792450

File: 8b43349b7965016⋯.png (465.67 KB, 459x682, 459:682, ClipboardImage.png)

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d241a8  No.12792451

File: a940d0109182214⋯.jpeg (79.71 KB, 612x408, 3:2, C3BB95FD_4C58_4E01_8766_B….jpeg)

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d3bcc9  No.12792452


I'm not saying they are different desks or not, but the lighting in those two photos is significantly different.

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479556  No.12792453


>I still love the Peach State

Yeah, this right here suggests that Lin teeter-totters between truth bomb dropper, and idiot. Anyone that has lived in GA more than a week hates it.

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467edf  No.12792454


Covid is data manipulation of the cold and flu season. Without the masks making people sick they never could have pulled it off.

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02991c  No.12792455

File: 625f106dc07f93b⋯.png (513.88 KB, 653x704, 653:704, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 456ae4325ea708a⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1372x737, 1372:737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c82a5b877bd17b5⋯.png (55.07 KB, 224x89, 224:89, ClipboardImage.png)



See new Tweets


Cynthia McKinney PhD


I'm Glad That the Military Stepped In: She Was Giving the Country to Soros and the IMF Global Banking Crowd

What Aung San Suu Kyi Saw: Myanmar's Leader Heads to The Hague

In a new twist, the former Nobel Peace Prize winner is defending an alleged genocide.


6:25 AM · Feb 1, 2021


^^^^^^^it's official……Myanmar Military kept the country out of Soros control

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59fb07  No.12792456

File: ddb7dcbbb7322e6⋯.jpg (66.06 KB, 696x697, 696:697, EllenDeGeneres1_696x697.jpg)


Has an ellen vibe if you ask me.

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9d89f9  No.12792457


Does anyone believe those 2 lawyers Citizen Trump released to the press yesterday are the only ones on his legal team?

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523056  No.12792458


Maybe the office of past president ?

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ae812e  No.12792460


So they report to the de facto president?

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479556  No.12792461

File: 2a257c97060cc8d⋯.png (662.02 KB, 474x902, 237:451, Emerald_Robinson.png)

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b6f247  No.12792462


She has a Supreme Court case against DJT. What will happen to that?

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02991c  No.12792463


February 1 is the start of freedom

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e4752f  No.12792464

File: 7e6c9b7c51a5a53⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1757x1953, 251:279, Biden_Shark2.png)

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be9e7b  No.12792465

File: 049688eed24f2e8⋯.png (949.67 KB, 800x650, 16:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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e46c87  No.12792466

File: fe652458105c364⋯.jpg (86.32 KB, 720x463, 720:463, Gag_Ewww.jpg)


>Has an ellen vibe if you ask me.

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806f30  No.12792467

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e049d4  No.12792468

File: bd9c1a7d4da3d76⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CoupLifeSmall.mp4)


Six million ways to die… choose one.

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21875c  No.12792469


>MAJOR Erection Incitement



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08523f  No.12792470


Yes, 90 days brings us to today, Feb. 1.

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806f30  No.12792471


fucking hilarious

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138b8e  No.12792472

File: 4d8fe7624bb8f85⋯.png (18.92 KB, 746x246, 373:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d7b8ba6d2f8e69⋯.png (125.8 KB, 379x449, 379:449, ClipboardImage.png)










Took about 2 hours for The Hill to delete this scorching comment.

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fef638  No.12792473

>>12791187 (PB)

>Areas like immigration, preserving DACA, ending restrictions on travel from Muslim-majority countries,

And just EXACTLY why would Facebook, in its corporate existence, care about these things? NONE of these things have ANY impact on profitability. None.

This is not FB acting as a communication corporation, but as a sovereign power attempting to direct US foreign policies.

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be9e7b  No.12792474

File: 957703688a07d72⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1020x1536, 85:128, ClipboardImage.png)

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34ebdb  No.12792476


I did, I wrote there were different periods. Let me know your thoughts on this, I just want to get it straight.

So, 45 days from the Election for 1a, the "assessment of any information".

Then " Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order… shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating"

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c150b7  No.12792477

File: ba24ce6ffabd4b5⋯.png (108.04 KB, 198x234, 11:13, ba24ce6ffabd4b5017e98e2c99….png)



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dd768d  No.12792478

File: e6192bc12c894de⋯.png (540.26 KB, 648x487, 648:487, anderson_plane.png)

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467edf  No.12792479


So much for America first.

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b42d40  No.12792480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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489b9a  No.12792481

>>12791803 (pb)

you recap lies?

say it's lies, anon.

otherwise 'they' will say that someone here 'reports' that.

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14ac78  No.12792482


and not shit is going to happen

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79b49a  No.12792483

File: e07970802bf93dc⋯.png (801.57 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, nickelPhotoCircleback.png)

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d62f0f  No.12792484

that bitch better be thankful it's just circle back and not broke back

thank you, im here all week

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82c29c  No.12792485


Remember when a TV network had a hit show, and other networks churned out horrid replicas of them?

This is The Friday Night Show.

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ebb2e5  No.12792486


>And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

The Aramaic word ``gamla`` is the same word for "camell" and "a large rope." Matt. 19:24 should read, "It is easier for a rope to go through a needle's eye, etc."

The Four Gospels According to the Eastern Version, translated from the Aramaic by George M. Lamsa

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ef29be  No.12792487

File: 4b455fa8c0bd7cd⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 385x385, 1:1, 1611504747072.jpg)



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5cbac7  No.12792488



>>12792293 PF reports

>>12791944, >>12791896 baker on duty

>>12791925 wiredcraft wrote the software for Myanmar’s election system

>>12791968, >>12791972 GEOTUS keeps causing freedom erections

>>12791974 Joe Biden wants to bring down White House perimeter fence as soon as possible as extra security precautions remain in place

>>12791979 US naval institute: #OTD in 1800, USS Constellation battled the French Navy frigate La Vengeance during the Quasi-War

>>12791982, >>12792105, >>12792135 Karl Rove is asked about Lincoln Project founder John Weaver: “I've actually known about this pattern of behavior since 1988."/pedowood donors

>>12791995 Mainstream Media Lies About Hydroxychloroquine Are Costing Thousands Of American Lives

>>12792020 Biden administration says Iran could now be 'weeks away' from having material to build a nuclear bomb.

>>12792042 PROJECT VERITAS: Facebook Insider Leaks: Zuckerberg/FB Execs Admit Facebook Has Too Much Power, Wants to Work with Biden

>>12792053 dr naomi wolf: Just walked into a restaurant in Salem MA and was asked to scan my phone on entry for Track and Trace. Restaurant faces $300 fine for not making me. I said No, Fourth Amendment.

>>12792081, >>12792094 2013: George Soros teams up with Irish tycoon 'Denis O'Brien' for Myanmar's telecoms services news

>>12792092 telegram fag teases release of information about medical examiner lying about autopsy results, selling organs

>>12792098 Myanmar Military Promise to Return Power After Free and Fair Election

>>12792116 Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar will resign after the department reportedly failed to advertise a proposed constitutional amendment that would extend the statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims

>>12792152 Second Wave of Haitian Migrants Arrive at West Texas Border

>>12792164 “We’re In A World of Complete Irrationality” – Dr. Scott Atlas on How the States Are Distributing Vaccines Under Biden

>>12792171 MSNBC Did Not Ask Lincoln Project Founders About John Weaver Despite Booking Them 17 Times After The Story First Broke

>>12792174 Lincoln Project Rocked by Trumpian Levels of Scandal, Disarray

>>12792180 AP: 118 New Hampshire Guard Members to Deploy to Middle East

>>12792188 These Are the Official Space Force Ranks

>>12792196 another dead link: soros invests 9bn in myanmar telecoms

>>12792225 sen john cornyn: it would be a "disservice for the presidents own defense" to argue the 2020 election was stolen

>>12792254 Jailed 'Cowboys for Trump' Leader Moved to Solitary Confinement for Refusing COVID Procedure

>>12792266 Former Business Partner of Hunter Biden’s Criminal Defense Attorney Is Picked for a Top Justice Department Position

>>12792279 Biden Threatens Sanctions Against Burma Following Military Coup — Press Secretary Says It’s A ‘Message’ To China, Other Countries

>>12792305 some perspective:The Reddit army has destroyed $3.7tn in global mkt cap this week, equal to the GDP of Germany,

>>12792328 Pompeo on Ingram tonight!

>>12792332 Biden and Netanyahu's decades-long friendship faces new test after Israel's Prime Minister went all in for Trump

>>12792334, >>12792382 2015: george soros delivered his pre-recorded speech at the Oslo Conference to End Myanmar's Persecution of Rohingya DIG

16329 cont'd

>>12792385 Cantor’s Lutnick Says Market Took a Breath, Is Now ‘Good to Go’

>>12792399 harris tells unemployed coal miners to recaim abandoned land mines

>>12792401 White House Reviewing Whether To Revoke Trump’s Access To Intelligence Briefings

>>12792408 Shocking number of Queensland kids injured in childcare

>>12792410 two 18th Airborne Tweets- snow / ice today

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7f8c88  No.12792489


People who want to administer psyche evaluations, need to go first.

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e4752f  No.12792490

File: a6b2dea556a037f⋯.png (40.39 KB, 105x154, 15:22, cooper.png)

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be9e7b  No.12792491

File: 27a3e8ccb2cf0f0⋯.png (521.59 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6e0a  No.12792492


It was obvious sarcasm. How do you not see that?

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b40324  No.12792493


come on guys for fucks sake

Dustin Diamond



dies at the age of


The plane from Gitmo


This is some comms.


what is this a comm of




3 weeks ago (would be just after the "seige at teh capitol™") Diagnosed… what does that mean…

date time stamp

02/-1/2021 time 2:01

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dec8f4  No.12792494

File: ee90fbd41faac59⋯.png (796.58 KB, 799x530, 799:530, 2021_02_01_16_41_01.png)

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59f3ce  No.12792495

File: a31fda958ca4ee7⋯.gif (635.37 KB, 343x498, 343:498, a31fda958ca4ee73527e9c8108….gif)


This shows everyone, how desperate [they] have become when trying to control the narrative.

[They] have bigger things to worry about but are too stupid to see the big picture. Squabbling about a few words written by one man, would not want to be those assholes when the storm is done.


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f75f7e  No.12792497


Those are allegories describing attributes of the Heavenly Jerusalem,

the Body of Christ Jesus.

The "gold streets" are the Path upon which they walk,

the Narrow Way of Christ's Testimony,

which is the Spirit of all Prophesy (Scripture Prophecy).

Peter also said each one in Christ is a stone of its walls,

another allegory.

There are no actual gold streets,

no more than those in Christ are actual stones in walls.

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80229d  No.12792498

File: aedc3bf768e21e6⋯.png (262.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1567421414577.png)


Hi Freddy

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be9e7b  No.12792499

File: 0b448f8b150547c⋯.png (1.31 MB, 680x1020, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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52742a  No.12792500

File: 656c349f545d3e7⋯.jpg (113.72 KB, 320x425, 64:85, Polish_20210201_154241565.jpg)

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764793  No.12792501

File: 4ecacbcc4e25180⋯.gif (506.96 KB, 291x291, 1:1, 20210201_144345.gif)

the game was rigged from the start.


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4b5f4a  No.12792502

File: 6952b793e02ae2a⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1241x1523, 1241:1523, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12792503


Trees are off. Spotlight reflection off of windows. Xiden's in a copy.

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164373  No.12792504


Including…killing virus

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7f8c88  No.12792505


Anon is personally familiar with the ‘conditioning’. However, a military that ITSELF develops a loose relationship with cold hard facts, is itself doomed.

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02991c  No.12792506

File: 59da57aaeac52b9⋯.png (210.13 KB, 563x751, 563:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b09726e0716e85⋯.png (255.16 KB, 1051x777, 1051:777, ClipboardImage.png)


crocodile gandhi


Replying to





"Myanmar went from being a country with a very low penetration of cell phones to one in which almost everyone has a smartphone, and almost all have Facebook installed on them by default."

Facebook slammed by UN for its role in Myanmar genocide

In the wake of the midterm elections on Tuesday, tempers seem to be running hot at the White House: Attorney-General Jeff Sessions, who drew the president’s ire by recusing himself from the Russia…


12:19 PM · Feb 1, 2021


Facebook slammed by UN for its role in Myanmar genocide

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e46c87  No.12792507


<Circle Nickleback Mutha Fucka. kek>

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b42d40  No.12792508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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479556  No.12792509

File: cbca4c3e8e2e1a2⋯.jpg (181.18 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Flynn_and_Digital_Warriors….jpg)

File: 611e100fa4fd7b0⋯.jpg (120.5 KB, 1200x668, 300:167, Flynn_and_the_Digital_Warr….jpg)


Stone, Flynn, and others is a bit more complicated of a story to be perfectly honest. Like I was telling another anon; some of the people are good and definitely patriots. Others are controlled assets/puppets.

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74e445  No.12792510


That's not a she. The eyes don't lie.

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489b9a  No.12792511


everyone sees it.

but they will quote it unironically.

that is why I suggest you put at the end

the preceeding was satire or say at the top

"here is what they say"

you do what you want.

I'm not scolding YOU. I'm scolding them.

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84ea5b  No.12792512

File: 5f29b42c9eaf40f⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2018x1084, 1009:542, ClipboardImage.png)

I love how the White House feed includes a sign language interpreter now that Biden is in. It's like they know how their base is disabled. Now we just need some transfag to interpret it into story time for kids.

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be9e7b  No.12792513

File: e7044c5a0e7bf66⋯.png (641.77 KB, 670x400, 67:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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81a45b  No.12792514

Q = fake bitches, and nothing is gonna happen.

Prove me wrong.

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03c5d5  No.12792515

File: 3f1ba50c11c59b5⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1554x1708, 111:122, Capture.PNG)

In her defense, she did start a war at the buffet table once.


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dd768d  No.12792516



Ex-Presidents continue to get security briefings.

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547a04  No.12792517

File: bc0c9faceb51f4d⋯.jpeg (112.71 KB, 728x561, 728:561, image0.jpeg)

File: a9a312814570858⋯.jpeg (58.69 KB, 720x565, 144:113, image1.jpeg)

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bb1207  No.12792519

File: 880a1f9d883ce80⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 255x233, 255:233, 3f8cd2b83425f34f553cb23ea5….jpg)

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08523f  No.12792520


Of course he is. https://www.earthtv.com/en/webcam/washington-white-house

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02991c  No.12792521

File: 940b217faaf30db⋯.png (155.11 KB, 204x300, 17:25, ClipboardImage.png)


>That's not a she.

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74e445  No.12792522


Pay me.

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9a58b4  No.12792523

File: d61148b2af5ba6d⋯.jpg (106.41 KB, 800x411, 800:411, futurebriefs.jpg)



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be9e7b  No.12792524

File: ecdd416dcd4a6b2⋯.png (595.78 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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806f30  No.12792525


Not only did they steal the election but they put the creepiest bastard alive into the office just to rub it in.

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479556  No.12792526


Perfect word of God, no? So perfect you have to go back to the original translations and figure out everywhere they completely and utterly fucked up in translating the original texts that, for whatever reason, were not written in their native tongue.

Hmmmpf. I wonder why that is? Who was using Greek in 60-90 AD?

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ee7588  No.12792527

File: 60bb2fabaecfaa0⋯.jpg (151.2 KB, 880x1232, 5:7, Hendawg_September_17_2014.jpg)

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14746c  No.12792528

File: 90f9af899f800cc⋯.png (399.42 KB, 766x482, 383:241, Brennan_Wheels.png)



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ef29be  No.12792529

File: c1c553028323e15⋯.webm (651.43 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 1611484702627.webm)







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b42d40  No.12792530



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1a6e0a  No.12792531

File: 23a34f1a9917679⋯.jpg (129.44 KB, 612x612, 1:1, AOC_Stacey_farts.jpg)

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e3bcff  No.12792532


…yeah bc what they say is sooooooooooooo important; they need to ensure their lie is heard by everyone incl the deaf. kek

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ee7588  No.12792533

File: 45d44fddd276e7c⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 45d44fddd276e7c9589da50c2….jpeg)

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be9e7b  No.12792534

File: 4b40d4bd8d535bf⋯.png (858.55 KB, 474x694, 237:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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82c29c  No.12792535


Without sauce it's all just noise

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bb1207  No.12792536

File: 7b28b921b3bfb25⋯.gif (2.35 MB, 390x230, 39:23, 7b28b921b3bfb25e1785c66dc9….gif)


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4b5f4a  No.12792537

File: 73f36de15d03287⋯.png (77.52 KB, 736x745, 736:745, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6e0a  No.12792538

File: c2d703fad8fda8e⋯.png (313.42 KB, 451x480, 451:480, pepe_pretty.png)



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93ad71  No.12792539

File: c419f63cfa30aba⋯.png (723.98 KB, 640x796, 160:199, COVID05.png)

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daa966  No.12792540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Like Desert Storm, Jaco in Atlanta studio!


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b7792a  No.12792541


didnt hedie some time back from something else?

they keep proclaiming people dead who already reportedly died

they cant fucking keep track of which way their clones and body doubles are going

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f8c86d  No.12792542

File: 3404b9fa2d4d42b⋯.gif (862.64 KB, 578x664, 289:332, Trump_Q.gif)


Stolen for a rework.

You better click dat chit nigger.


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b42d40  No.12792543

File: 8d8f0a00d880f87⋯.png (10.99 KB, 356x144, 89:36, ClipboardImage.png)

Seems Manufactured.

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1a6e0a  No.12792544

File: e10910011643954⋯.png (731.95 KB, 757x847, 757:847, Biden_umm.png)


>Does Q have a Twitter?


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ee7588  No.12792545

File: a29a9f1fc808438⋯.gif (2.26 MB, 480x480, 1:1, a29a9f1fc80843889c03f5299f….gif)

Pedovores and their media protectors will be delivered to justice.

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000000  No.12792546


Was a GoFundMe 'cause broke.

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fdbe90  No.12792547


kek I love watching this

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115b3c  No.12792548

File: 5caae43547dcabc⋯.jpg (457.4 KB, 3810x2652, 635:442, Download_1_.jpg)


negative anon…. these guys are gurkhas.

ask the Queens redcoats about gurkhas

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471f63  No.12792549

File: 598b49bba63a0ae⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1109x887, 1109:887, Biden_vs_Trump_OO_curtains.png)


The ripples in the curtains are exactly the same.

That's not easy to fake.

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489b9a  No.12792550


next they'll say 'Q sent me a selfie.'

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b7ff2b  No.12792551


Did they do this in Haiti?

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b42d40  No.12792552

File: 9677266d5ab0673⋯.png (18.24 KB, 1421x287, 203:41, Screenshot_2021_02_01_Q_1_.png)

File: 05ad4a90e302594⋯.png (53.15 KB, 848x265, 16:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Interesting that there is no Q post 125

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547a04  No.12792553

File: 375acd6eed3b32c⋯.jpg (131.91 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 20201214_153456.jpg)

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1a194f  No.12792554


Gurkhas are from Nepal

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03c5d5  No.12792555


"Fully understand?" He doesn't even partially understand it.

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ee7588  No.12792556

File: ba71550969c1032⋯.jpg (394.26 KB, 962x1424, 481:712, ba71550969c1032a9b364a2384….jpg)

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52742a  No.12792557

File: a1d26040e291af9⋯.jpg (343.14 KB, 847x610, 847:610, Polish_20210201_155124294.jpg)

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b7792a  No.12792558


they keep saying samuel l jackson is dead

poor guy keeps having to come onto the net screaming

"im not dead….this makes the 6th time….shut the fuck up internet"

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468ce1  No.12792559

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542103  No.12792561

So brave! Now go yell fag at the gay bar, then go yell fuck Christ at the church, see which one of those situations gets you pulped…oh yeah, you're an anonymous pussy.

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82c29c  No.12792562


I believe Rush has said that the SAP is always superior to signers, simply because a trained typist is far faster than a signer, who get behind.

It's pure virtue signaling, as a lot of people are incapable of remembering that the ADA requires all (IIRC) are required to provide a SAP feed.

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ef29be  No.12792563

File: 60f4cc5e091f7ff⋯.jpg (35.89 KB, 334x500, 167:250, 2cbfac1693cdc68b73ae84d11a….jpg)





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547a04  No.12792564

File: fc4d6cf61171dc3⋯.jpg (517.62 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210201_135232….jpg)


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b42d40  No.12792565

File: 596ff2d1eaca9c7⋯.png (14.57 KB, 444x314, 222:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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08523f  No.12792566


Have you been watching livefeeds of the WH? Barely a soul in sight for days and days. Blatantly dark.


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59f3ce  No.12792567



>>12792248 Lin Wood changed his legal residence from the State of Georgia to the State of South Carolina

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5cbac7  No.12792568

File: 182a87e0134812a⋯.png (208.43 KB, 354x694, 177:347, ClipboardImage.png)



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e46c87  No.12792569

File: ba05816cba34e55⋯.jpeg (187.83 KB, 1240x879, 1240:879, Mexico_Dude.jpeg)


>I love how the White House feed includes a sign language interpreter

Psaki should be required to disclude all of those Mother, Father, Daughter trigger words.

She would also have to include the whole fucking Mexican language! kek

So what do they call a Mother Fucker? kek

Everything in Spanish is either male or female.


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dec8f4  No.12792570

File: 4b1176b1aa291e4⋯.png (1.51 MB, 903x1006, 903:1006, clipboard_image.png)

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564049  No.12792572

>>12791772 lb

>>12791772 lb

>>12791772 lb


this room is worthy of royalty. Beautiful place. <3 <3 <3

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cc3b4c  No.12792573


This whole satellite industry surrounding Q cracks me up. All the hubbub about "paytriots", Polly, Corsi, all the sites, videos, interpretations, mystery and analysis sounds ridiculous. Hell, this place is bad enough with spin doctors trying to explain it.

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b42d40  No.12792574


Wonder why it's not showing on Qanon.pub

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000000  No.12792575


No, Easy to do, fabric not easy to match on such a valance.

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b42d40  No.12792576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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561b51  No.12792577


So, the second 45 days you mention is the one to which I originally referred, that is March 18 and that is the date by which the assessment must be delivered to those to whom you mentioned. .

I must confess that I have no idea how this will play out once delivered to Bidan and his obviously theatrical administration, but it is nonetheless still a date to mark on the calendar. for whatsoever may or not transpire.

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764793  No.12792579

File: 28ab4347699d500⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 368x460, 4:5, 20210201_145244.gif)

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564049  No.12792580

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9cfa38  No.12792581

File: 376bd26290d0059⋯.png (1.13 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1510098237174.png)


Yes there is.


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e46c87  No.12792582

File: 86ee8ad1820141d⋯.jpg (99.91 KB, 898x950, 449:475, Stacy_Abrams_Eats_Georgia.jpg)


>In her defense, she did start a war at the buffet table once.

SHUT UP! It was a peaceful buffet protest.

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c4d5eb  No.12792583

File: f7db97dd9f1f862⋯.gif (503.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, f7db97dd9f1f86248db82dc2e7….gif)

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5cbac7  No.12792584

File: 486ec9c34d911ac⋯.png (151.19 KB, 487x738, 487:738, ClipboardImage.png)


strange. if you search the filename other ones show up but not that one

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80229d  No.12792585

File: 81c037dd41bbcf7⋯.png (640.01 KB, 652x778, 326:389, ClipboardImage.png)


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f3b6a5  No.12792587


Fascinating. Thanks for sharing this.

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564049  No.12792588


that's a girl! yp

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0e49fe  No.12792589

File: 0724c0745a2240b⋯.png (1.93 MB, 958x951, 958:951, ClipboardImage.png)

Libtard "logic"

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115b3c  No.12792590


You're right, of course, the evening in Europe is late and the memories of Airfix and Revell are slowly fading

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489b9a  No.12792591

File: 743a83c72074804⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 637x217, 91:31, Adams_darker_look.jpg)

They made-up Adam with a darker look, he's got more of a Jim Acosta smoldering medeterranian thing going on, like a Calibrese prince

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468ce1  No.12792592


Kek! I see what you did there

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ee7588  No.12792593

File: c9e902d3681edc2⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, c9e902d3681edc2a9c44d67d3c….jpg)

Can't help but think whose the prince of the air. There's no air in space, even less water, so inter service rivalry Space Force should be Navy hurr drr.

It seems obvious USMC is First in Space, is a super meme, so Space Force is the US Marine Corps QED.

satanists will attack this post

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e3bcff  No.12792594


gives more meaning to enjoy the show. what a hoot. I kinda like watching them fuck up - hope it lasts a bit longer. I can wait.

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471f63  No.12792595



My first thought as well…

Is this Ellen Degenerate dressed up as old lady?

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6ea87c  No.12792596

>>12791198 (lb)

>A 6 minute video from a "republican" who parrots the deep state muh-insurrection narrative, among others. This is all building up to "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Patriot movement?"

And who is the nigger that led patriots (1) to DC and (2) to the Capitol? That's right, controlled op nigger Trump. The only reason was to set up his supporters to be labeled terrorists. What other reason was there for him to even call them to DC? He has long since dropped his fake fight of the election results. It was only to ensure they couldn't fight Xiden without being under threat of having HIS OWN corrupt FBI's boot on their neck.

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d1497b  No.12792598

File: e16a71c84ddabda⋯.png (425.45 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, Memeto_1611195725775.png)

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7a7921  No.12792599

i would like to see the royalty - and by that , we means yous tock shortersrs you - hedgies ; is wut weeaz calles em

take it on the skiddatalles so to speak

a covid 4 2312 ting ting

short short - hare lip hare lip suck it neeeeegers

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b42d40  No.12792600

File: d0c06b2a5ecdb77⋯.png (17.21 KB, 444x491, 444:491, Screenshot_2021_02_01_Q_2_.png)

File: 67d408473dd83c8⋯.png (26.97 KB, 444x705, 148:235, ClipboardImage.png)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 No.275544 📁

Feb 5 2018 12:16:50 (EST)

Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?

Did this seem strange to you?

Watch the news.

Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].

Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].

Soros transfer of wealth.

Dopey FREED.

Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.




News unlocks MAP.

Think Mirror.

Which team?

THEY don't know.


These people are EVIL.

Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?

20/20 coming.





Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 No.275572 📁

Feb 5 2018 12:18:31 (EST)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 No.275544 📁

Feb 5 2018 12:16:50 (EST)

Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?

Did this seem strange to you?

Watch the news.

Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].

Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].

Soros transfer of wealth.

Dopey FREED.

Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.




News unlocks MAP.

Think Mirror.

Which team?

THEY don't know.


These people are EVIL.

Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?

20/20 coming.





Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?










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89dd86  No.12792601

File: b74b69cc7275fd3⋯.jpeg (270.71 KB, 1079x1277, 1079:1277, FE0B1578_6EBD_4F93_9D26_6….jpeg)

Anal swabs, parasite medication covid hmmm, getting deep.

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5cbac7  No.12792602



>>12792293 PF reports

>>12791944, >>12791896 baker on duty

>>12791925 wiredcraft wrote the software for Myanmar’s election system

>>12791968, >>12791972 GEOTUS keeps causing freedom erections

>>12791974 Joe Biden wants to bring down White House perimeter fence as soon as possible as extra security precautions remain in place

>>12791979 US naval institute: #OTD in 1800, USS Constellation battled the French Navy frigate La Vengeance during the Quasi-War

>>12791982, >>12792105, >>12792135 Karl Rove is asked about Lincoln Project founder John Weaver: “I've actually known about this pattern of behavior since 1988."/pedowood donors

>>12791995 Mainstream Media Lies About Hydroxychloroquine Are Costing Thousands Of American Lives

>>12792020 Biden administration says Iran could now be 'weeks away' from having material to build a nuclear bomb.

>>12792042 PROJECT VERITAS: Facebook Insider Leaks: Zuckerberg/FB Execs Admit Facebook Has Too Much Power, Wants to Work with Biden

>>12792053 dr naomi wolf: Just walked into a restaurant in Salem MA and was asked to scan my phone on entry for Track and Trace. Restaurant faces $300 fine for not making me. I said No, Fourth Amendment.

>>12792081, >>12792094 2013: George Soros teams up with Irish tycoon 'Denis O'Brien' for Myanmar's telecoms services news

>>12792092 telegram fag teases release of information about medical examiner lying about autopsy results, selling organs

>>12792098 Myanmar Military Promise to Return Power After Free and Fair Election

>>12792116 Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar will resign after the department reportedly failed to advertise a proposed constitutional amendment that would extend the statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims

>>12792152 Second Wave of Haitian Migrants Arrive at West Texas Border

>>12792164 “We’re In A World of Complete Irrationality” – Dr. Scott Atlas on How the States Are Distributing Vaccines Under Biden

>>12792171 MSNBC Did Not Ask Lincoln Project Founders About John Weaver Despite Booking Them 17 Times After The Story First Broke

>>12792174 Lincoln Project Rocked by Trumpian Levels of Scandal, Disarray

>>12792180 AP: 118 New Hampshire Guard Members to Deploy to Middle East

>>12792188 These Are the Official Space Force Ranks

>>12792196 another dead link: soros invests 9bn in myanmar telecoms

16329 cont'd

>>12792225 sen john cornyn: it would be a "disservice for the presidents own defense" to argue the 2020 election was stolen

>>12792254 Jailed 'Cowboys for Trump' Leader Moved to Solitary Confinement for Refusing COVID Procedure

>>12792266 Former Business Partner of Hunter Biden’s Criminal Defense Attorney Is Picked for a Top Justice Department Position

>>12792279 Biden Threatens Sanctions Against Burma Following Military Coup — Press Secretary Says It’s A ‘Message’ To China, Other Countries

>>12792305 some perspective:The Reddit army has destroyed $3.7tn in global mkt cap this week, equal to the GDP of Germany,

>>12792328 Pompeo on Ingram tonight!

>>12792332 Biden and Netanyahu's decades-long friendship faces new test after Israel's Prime Minister went all in for Trump

>>12792334, >>12792382 2015: george soros delivered his pre-recorded speech at the Oslo Conference to End Myanmar's Persecution of Rohingya DIG

>>12792385 Cantor’s Lutnick Says Market Took a Breath, Is Now ‘Good to Go’

>>12792399 harris tells unemployed coal miners to recaim abandoned land mines

>>12792401 White House Reviewing Whether To Revoke Trump’s Access To Intelligence Briefings

>>12792408 Shocking number of Queensland kids injured in childcare

>>12792410 two 18th Airborne Tweets- snow / ice today

>>12792506 Facebook slammed by UN for its role in Myanmar genocide

>>12792543 GME down 100 points @ $225

>>12792248 Lin Wood changed his legal residence from the State of Georgia to the State of South Carolina

>>12792248 Lin Wood changed his legal residence from the State of Georgia to the State of South Carolina

>>12792585 new killary: republicans didnt like the results of the election so they're trying to make it harder to vote


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7ae2bb  No.12792603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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764793  No.12792604

File: 175da1fa859cdc4⋯.gif (554.58 KB, 1078x606, 539:303, 20200725_152438.gif)

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5c79ca  No.12792605

File: caa868523d840bb⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1021x562, 1021:562, AQ1.png)

"Washington, D.C. — Commodity Futures Trading Commission Acting Chairman Rostin Behnam released the following statement regarding recent trading in the silver markets:

“The CFTC is closely monitoring recent activity in the silver markets,” said Acting Chairman Behnam. “The Commission is communicating with fellow regulators, the exchanges, and stakeholders to address any potential threats to the integrity of the derivatives markets for silver, and remains vigilant in surveilling these markets for fraud and manipulation.”


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9cfa38  No.12792606



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f8c86d  No.12792608

File: 5f8aecad4b540f2⋯.jpg (315.39 KB, 633x834, 211:278, Shamefur_dispray.jpg)

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e46c87  No.12792610

File: 7dfe0e66fe3a76d⋯.png (26.03 KB, 596x214, 298:107, Conspiracy_Theory_Sharyl_A….png)


<Conspiracy Theory>

Says he doesn't even fully understand it and yet …

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c4d5eb  No.12792611

File: 83dfccbf7c14374⋯.png (568.51 KB, 1195x970, 239:194, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)

SGT Report



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16c69e  No.12792613



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d1cdee  No.12792614


Anons, is there any evidence thus far suggesting that the U.S. white hats might have provided Myanmar military the intelligence on the election fraud?

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e3bcff  No.12792616

KEEP FUCKING UP BIDEN! I have no problem waiting

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573979  No.12792617

File: 4bb617ba934ebad⋯.png (345.65 KB, 848x756, 212:189, dr_fauci.png)

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b42d40  No.12792618


Must have just been an error on the website, no idea.

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4b5f4a  No.12792620

File: 383848aea5684e0⋯.png (24.53 KB, 733x215, 733:215, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee7588  No.12792621

File: b98ce7777eb72f3⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 750x733, 750:733, 1090f7ae2fc583b9c162a34462….jpg)

File: 990a43fb0b7fbbe⋯.jpg (4.09 KB, 151x169, 151:169, 124006.jpg)

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81a45b  No.12792622


Just tweet him back a picture of a pile of dog shit. That should adequately explain Q.

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fef34c  No.12792625

File: bd6f3835501b881⋯.png (1.11 MB, 960x906, 160:151, pasted_image_0_1_.png)

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19e778  No.12792627

File: cceb361cbef1f5d⋯.png (1.25 MB, 718x776, 359:388, ClipboardImage.png)


Wez Famous Wizards

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52bed7  No.12792628

File: 14b9f5d2bfbab85⋯.png (1.61 MB, 2066x1168, 1033:584, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)

File: 8dd86e30ca2c41a⋯.png (103.75 KB, 1296x618, 216:103, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)



Got this idea from today's Bongino podcast. Am taking current events and changing names in articles to invoke liberal outrage and hypocrisy. Help me spread far and wide.

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08523f  No.12792630


He's a puppet of the white hats right now. IMO.

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c4d5eb  No.12792631

File: 94bc7babbb36414⋯.png (592.83 KB, 1152x646, 576:323, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)

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ee7588  No.12792633


Mark Twain right?

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d2500b  No.12792636

File: b36093dc1d4038c⋯.png (94.16 KB, 486x452, 243:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f3cca861c0580f⋯.png (12.38 KB, 608x326, 304:163, EtLCZXSXAAkaZu_.png)

NEW - Commodity Futures Trading Commission is closely monitoring recent activity in the #Silver market.


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7dbc6a  No.12792638


" After the 9/11 attacks, McKinney suggested the President might have had prior knowledge of 9/11. The criticism she received from this highly controversial idea probably contributed to her defeat in the 2002 election; however, she ran for the seat again and was re-elected in 2004.

Between terms in office, McKinney traveled the country and Europe, speaking against the war in Iraq war and also about her 2002 defeat, which she attributed to Republicans being organized to "cross over" to vote against her in the Democratic primaries. Her career, including this episode of her defeat, was made into a documentary film titled American Blackout."


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b42d40  No.12792639

File: 78bddf24aa0f265⋯.png (7.55 KB, 444x201, 148:67, Screenshot_2021_02_01_Q_3_.png)






I used to believe in coincidences.

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806f30  No.12792640


Is that the gay fuckers from KC and the Sunshine band?

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d1497b  No.12792641

File: 5a3bc0f69298e5c⋯.jpeg (101.31 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 1529452901.jpeg)

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806f30  No.12792643


Is that the gay fuckers from KC and the sunshine band

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489b9a  No.12792644


they are worried about 'derivatives', which means the gambling.

actual silver for use in Industry and Commerce? They don't seem concerned.

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fdbe90  No.12792645

File: eac751d1d7fb8f2⋯.png (3 MB, 1377x916, 1377:916, ClipboardImage.png)

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b7792a  No.12792646



looks more like judi dench

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52bed7  No.12792647


She's so based.

Called out 9/11 and regularly called out the Jews.

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f3b6a5  No.12792648


kek. i did this the other day talking with a lefty who was praising a new administration, and I said, "yes, at last there is no more censorship! free speech has a chance again! no more deplatforming people who have a different opinion, it was horrible under trump shutting down anyone who spoke out against him" = and she agreed with me. didn't have a clue.

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e3bcff  No.12792649


I sense so too.. hilarious.

"Here Joe, here's a stack of EO's to sign, knock yourself out"


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ad44f0  No.12792650


"settled"? who said it was "settled"

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573979  No.12792651

File: 876f50109a47eea⋯.png (3.37 MB, 2206x1058, 1103:529, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)



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8669fd  No.12792652

File: 9b1950ad4415774⋯.jpg (8.85 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 7d4793b4427c017c68e1935583….jpg)


They shorterd silver price to levels where most silver mine comapany can make profit.

But are upset when the market gets healthy again for the mining industry

Fukken commies

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a78c6d  No.12792653

File: dfc626ee65544e0⋯.jpeg (299.91 KB, 828x909, 92:101, B47DB5AB_3C4A_46E1_8937_3….jpeg)

Is this even legal?


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d2500b  No.12792655

File: a411c9ae1c355c9⋯.png (253.97 KB, 527x461, 527:461, vtetrweterw.PNG)

Biden oversees 40K COVID deaths in 10 days, loses 20M vaccine doses

- https://oann.com/biden-oversees-40k-covid-deaths-in-10-days-loses-20m-vaccine-doses/ #OANN


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35d176  No.12792656

Pa sos resigns for forgetting to publish about an amendment? Bull shit. More to the story I'm sure

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8669fd  No.12792657


can = can't

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7ae2bb  No.12792659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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479556  No.12792660



The only winning move is to not play.

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c7526b  No.12792661


Does that mean he's dropping the cases?

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c415a3  No.12792662


All former US Presidents continue to receive intelligence briefs. The late George Bush used to read them each and every day.

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e46c87  No.12792663

File: 3a24d9638add3bc⋯.jpg (86.57 KB, 608x601, 608:601, 000000.jpg)

U.S. Marshals @USMarshalsHQ

The Oneida County, N.Y. Sheriff’s Office has released their list of the 10 Most Wanted fugitives for 2021:




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b30c00  No.12792664


Fuck off Tucker, go back to hickock.

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52bed7  No.12792665


I got purged from twatter. Best way to get liberal eyes on it.

Hoping anons will spread.

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08523f  No.12792666


Yep, they're using him to red-pill normies of all parties. Such absurd actions. You'd have to have an IQ of 10 not to see that these actions reach far beyond what even a moderate dem would accept.

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52bed7  No.12792667


Dats rayciss

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b42d40  No.12792668

File: dce448ad27749da⋯.png (52.01 KB, 439x707, 439:707, 8d8f0a00d880f8719706c44052….png)

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b9796a  No.12792669


They guard the military base in Bahrain

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d07b26  No.12792670


Sometimes; it feels like cockroaches are not the only creatures that could survive a nuclear war.

Why are the clintons still here?

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82c29c  No.12792671


Egypt, Judea, Modern day Turkey, Greece, Macedoonia, Ptolemaic Egypt, basically the Eastern half of the empire used Greek as the language of trade, then latin, then more eastern languages. Thus the Greek Orthodox Church. It was also quite common in Rome and its surroundings as Official gov orders etc were in both Latin and Greek. It remained so until the Ottomans conqured the Byzantine Empire.

As well, Greeks were generally well educated, muilti linguial, and litterate. Many Greeks dserved as scribes, historians, recorders of official proceedings, contract authors, etc.

It was in the West, Gual, Iberia, and Germany, where the conquered people's did not readily adopt Latin. As things collapsed in the west, the regional Latinate slang, and lack of literacy, became the proto languages we have today.

It was The Church's decision to adopt Latin (and very formal written Latin) for the Bible that maintained it's consistancy in the west during the long dark ages, where illiteracy and rapidly changing regional languages created chaos.

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95b7a9  No.12792672

Pa sos resigns for forgetting to publish about an amendment? Bull shit. More to the story I'm sure

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e46c87  No.12792673

File: 9b2a70fca59ff81⋯.jpg (134.95 KB, 587x899, 587:899, 0000000.jpg)


>The Oneida County, N.Y. Sheriff’s Office has released their list of the 10 Most Wanted fugitives for 2021:

Forgot the pic. FUCK!

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ee7588  No.12792675

File: 2dddb96bf8bbe61⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 2864x2008, 358:251, f328655b3d49245a6e0a6aa9d2….jpg)


Silver market learned to beware speculators in the 80s with the Hunt brother attempted corner. They came that close but the Rots cut a private deal w Saudi who let the Hunts ride the handbasket to hell.


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29f7a2  No.12792676


Guy to the left has his scope on backwards. Noted when the pic came out a long time ago.

Still makes me kek.

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ea2af2  No.12792677

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79b49a  No.12792678

File: 8137fa36d227417⋯.png (147.96 KB, 375x281, 375:281, Screenshot_from_2021_01_28….png)

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61556a  No.12792679

File: e517bc54e5a64f5⋯.jpg (187.72 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, redpill.jpg)


To what point and purpose? All you did was verify her beliefs. You suck at redpilling.

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561b51  No.12792680


I tried to watch this rug muncher (or would that be skin diver these days?) mouthing the bullshit narrative rhetoric, I really tried, but 52 seconds was all I could bear before I smashed the off button.

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5c79ca  No.12792682

File: 99cbe6a1a94e242⋯.png (2.1 MB, 598x704, 299:352, AQ1.png)

This Anon can't lift video, yet.

(Yes, Vanilla Ice)


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a78c6d  No.12792683


Oh damn, read it wrong. Yes he is. But only to go after it another way it seems.

“The President has directed the Executive Branch to undertake an assessment of 'the legality of the funding and contracting methods used to construct the wall,'" the administration wrote to the court.

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4f17c4  No.12792684

File: 125352e428cce77⋯.png (559.14 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)



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b7792a  No.12792686


thats why JPMorgan learned to boil the frog it over decades instead of years

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9b94f7  No.12792687

File: c4e32de09c47a3c⋯.jpg (99.28 KB, 1024x498, 512:249, IMG_20210201_145738_912.jpg)

Been awhile since I saw a boob out in the wild.

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84bbe5  No.12792688

File: 427cc271a5343a9⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 793x500, 793:500, MuhGovCorpBS.jpg)

=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E1ibKR_nfY

Lesson of the day:

If you are the majority, you don't "have" to follow 💩

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471f63  No.12792690


>>12792559, >>12792566, >>12792575

3 mad clowns.

Why is that?

Don't you want truth?


Yes, Biden sits in OO, but NOT legitimate.

All his actions are for show and declared illegal as soon as he's removed.

They are prisoners there.

Highly secured prisoners.

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dec8f4  No.12792691

File: 91ed74f4dd07dcf⋯.png (205.31 KB, 634x337, 634:337, clipboard_image.png)


>Phuc Dat

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864930  No.12792692 No Use of Measures to Create Unemployment to Induce Work for the Occupying Power. All measures aiming at creating unemployment or at restricting the opportunities offered to workers in an occupied territory, in order to induce them to work for the Occupying Power, are prohibited.399 Measures intended to reduce unemployment would not be prohibited by this rule.400

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b42d40  No.12792693

File: 09277ad94b5707d⋯.png (129.38 KB, 2401x1021, 2401:1021, ClipboardImage.png)

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f3b6a5  No.12792694


Nah, this is someone who it's not worth pilling. believe me, i do it all day long. not with this one.

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1fcf30  No.12792696


He made Porn.


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561b51  No.12792697

File: 1ad31ff13d5c8c7⋯.jpg (298.4 KB, 634x638, 317:319, coon.jpg)

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08523f  No.12792698


Wake up.

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16c69e  No.12792699

File: 6029d194912a1e0⋯.png (233.11 KB, 2106x1010, 1053:505, au_ag.png)


>80s with the Hunt brother attempted corner

Still the all-time silver high

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5cbac7  No.12792700








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7ae2bb  No.12792701

File: 8dcf38a9557a928⋯.jpeg (30.01 KB, 300x475, 12:19, 042A91B4_5133_4EC9_A76D_7….jpeg)

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dd768d  No.12792702

File: 9ef01f84f128230⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB, 702x702, 1:1, vice_florida.mp4)

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e46c87  No.12792704

File: 99c44bf65b22fe9⋯.png (877.5 KB, 1079x681, 1079:681, Kek_In_South_Africa.png)


>Guy to the left has his scope on backwards.

Oh shit that's funny. kek

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0e49fe  No.12792709


>The Oneida County, N.Y. Sheriff’s Office has released their list of the 10 Most Wanted fugitives for 2021:

1 white woman

1 mexican

8 black men

Fucking white supremacist bs! kek

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e3bcff  No.12792710


absolutely. There was something he did the other day and I can't recall what it was now but it definitely was a direction from the white hats. No way he'd do something that fucking stupid on his own albeit he could. kek

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e4752f  No.12792715


This will help you for future times

Just rt click on twitter video and copy address then paste into twitter downloader


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864930  No.12792716 Prohibited Purposes for Levying Contributions. Contributions may not be levied for other than the needs of the occupying forces and the administration of the occupied territory. For example, contributions may not be levied: • for the enrichment of the Occupying Power; • for the payment of war expenses generally;434 • for the purposes of collective punishment;435 or • for the purposes of impoverishing the population in order to pressure the enemy to sue for peace.436

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6ea87c  No.12792717


Doesn't matter how much you ignore it. It still stays true.

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e4752f  No.12792720


Here is another downloader


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703613  No.12792722

File: 36e0c796e3ff491⋯.png (76.65 KB, 973x584, 973:584, mike_pence_cpac.png)

So, this "45office.com" website… looks more like someone just registered the website and threw a template on it, copy pasted some text, and there you go – website.

"Lorem ipsum" text is just a placeholder, it's not real latin, like this anon thought. >>12790966

So, there is no original content in the website, probably some anon just made it for fun or in the hope of some day sell the domain to the president.

In any case, I found something interesting. Some of the text that they copied comes from real websites, for example this one:


And it explicitly says "CURRENT VP of the US". Take a look.

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ae812e  No.12792724



If this guy resigned, there’s something big to it!

He was recently leaking about running for Gov. After Wolf’s term ends.

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582ca4  No.12792731


dis nigga, dat nigga, some other nigga

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bfc6a8  No.12792732

>>12791417 pb notables

>>12788888 pb notables this morning

Dustin Diamond dead at 44

Just got up from a nap and saw that Screech was dead.

This morning an anon posted a diamond pepe and got 8888 digits

44 x2 is 88

Just thought it was weird , kek

This was hours before he died.

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138b8e  No.12792733


And Yet, HERE YOU ARE scumbag Pedo. Skeered!

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ea3c7a  No.12792736


thatza spicy kinzinger!

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ef29be  No.12792742

File: 71483201eb01115⋯.webm (2.08 MB, 348x476, 87:119, 1610803562774.webm)



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59f3ce  No.12792744


Meet you at the top

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9a58b4  No.12792746

File: d2306a05621b8bc⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1635x487, 1635:487, Screenshot_2021_02_01_shm_….png)

…Hell, even the Schumann holds.

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479556  No.12792747


What language were the Dead Sea scrolls written in? Hebrew and some Aramaic. Why? Because that's the language they spoke. If the NT wasn't written in Hebrew, as were the Dead Sea scrolls, then who really is the target audience of the NT? Why?

This is where shit really starts to fall apart. This means that the people that took on the charge of building the church (something else they all manged to lose in translation from the Christ himself, apparently), did not have the lost sheep of the House of Israel in mind in the least bit. That wasn't the target audience of readership, even though it was the target audience of those subjected to Roman rule.

Who were the very first saints? What was their family name? Was Flavius Josephus a turn coat? Was his original name Yosef ben Matityahu? Josephus did not prove Christ existed. Josephus 100% confirmed there were people that believed in Him, yes. A narrative was put out to quell the revolting Jews that Rome kept putting their boots to.

Answer these questions, and you'll know more that just about anyone that blindly believes in the narrative:

Who had all the scriptures from the temple in their possession while the NT Gospels were being written? (Not all the NT, just the Gospels specifically).

Who actually wrote the Gospels? (Answer this one and you might get a university named after you).

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764793  No.12792750

File: a1c516dc55023dd⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 168x225, 56:75, 20210201_151735.gif)


æı just love нiм.

не is infinitely fascinating.

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0eaf8a  No.12792758


3 of them it is only possession of a controlled substance. They are drug addicts, but should they be on the 10 most wanted? I'm sure they have priors it's their 3rd offense. As a recovering addict, I would rather see them go after violent offenders. These three it's only possession and not intent to distribute or in a school zone.

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7a7921  No.12792759



check my own 99

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81a45b  No.12792761


With such spectacular deductive reasoning, it's no wonder people have accurately predicted all of Q's successes.

Oh, wait… all predictions have been shit, and Q has failed bigly. Takes bigger balls to admit you were wrong than it does to keep making up bullshit to keep the delusion alive.

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c4d5eb  No.12792764

File: c00b3c7786badac⋯.jpg (335.89 KB, 977x407, 977:407, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….jpg)



>Diamond Hands

Spoopy Diamond pepe posted earlier… A lot O diamond happenings happening.

Who died @ 44 today?

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ef29be  No.12792765



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40b1b2  No.12792769

File: 80cdfe7d74448c4⋯.png (335.05 KB, 606x341, 606:341, ACTS.png)

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d07b26  No.12792780

File: de5fa18f1b80a7c⋯.png (299.13 KB, 400x320, 5:4, OnlyOption.png)


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c4d5eb  No.12792783

File: 22116fdca62882c⋯.png (336 KB, 977x407, 977:407, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)

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d07b26  No.12792784

File: 56545b5d80db870⋯.jpg (219.72 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, nobody_expects_muh_militar….jpg)


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