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f0e350  No.12926043[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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f0e350  No.12926044


>>12921342, >>12921587, >>12921658, >>12921699, >>12921747, >>12921916 Lin Wood Digs: Georgia disciplinary boar

>>12839691, >>12839695, >>12839708, >>12839720, >>12839727, >>12839732, >>12839736, >>12839746 'Unmasked:' has the Truth about the 2020 election has been uncovered

>>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' - Absolute Proof

>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

>>12811334 The Navarro Report PDF Final

>>12908478, >>12792878 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com

>>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker, LEARN TO BAKE

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

>>12854089, >>12857181, >>12862409 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

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f0e350  No.12926046

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>12925318 Building the Beast System: FDA Wants GPS on Crops – Spinach Sends Email – Cow Registration Mandates (video)

>>12925330 National Guard could be stationed in DC until at least the fall: report

>>12925343 Coronavirus Israel Live: Netanyahu Pushes for Legislation to Disclose Identities of Non-vaccinated Israelis

>>12925353 The State Bar of Georgia is looking to discipline pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood who asked his 'Army of Patriots' to investigate its members

>>12925380 Top 10 hypocritical SCHOOL RULES during Covid

>>12925391 Suicide statistics from 2019 x 2020 nowhere to be found

>>12925406 Dig on new Italy boss Mario Draghi

>>12925430 Pentagon approves 20 more COVID-19 vaccination teams

>>12925442 JUST IN - #Myanmar (Burma) experiencing 'near-total internet shutdown'

>>12925461 More narrative building from FakeNews About Capitol Cabal False Flag Riot

>>12925464 Gitmo Gone? Biden Cabal aims to shut down detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

>>12925469 Armoured vehicles deployed to major Myanmar (Burma) cities after mass protests

>>12925476 , >>12925547 Lin Wood requested digs on George Barr Association

>>12925477 Police: PA Man Sexually Assaulted Multiple Children At Church And Foodbank

>>12925481 Sunday Talks, Richard Grenell Discusses the New Police State in Washington DC (video)

>>12925487 NY Mag admits Fauci “hot-wired” China Virus with gain-of-function engineering

>>12925502 Tapper Blasts Cuomo for Hiding Nursing Home Deaths, Trump 'Not an Excuse' (Cuomo new patsy?)

>>12925505 ABC Now Looks to State and Federal Prosecutors to Get Trump in Court

>>12925525 WHO's China Virus failure another example of a 'global institution crisis'

>>12925533 Why isn't Kamala Harris being impeached for bailing out violent BLM/Antifa rioters?

>>12925552 , >>12925545 , >>12925540 , >>12925538 Prayers for America and Americans

>>12925565 Hidden political donations hit record high

>>12925566 Grenell comments on the Dem disaster interviews following the failed impeachment stall tactic

>>12925574 King & Spalding - The FBI corrupt lawyer revolving door Law Firm

>>12925594 WHO scientists traced 13 China Virus strains to Wuhan from late 2019

>>12925738 , >>12925787 , >>12925833 Millions raised by Lincoln Project went to companies run by group's founders

>>12925755 You are here

>>12925770 Arrested veteran from Capitol False Flag riot is Antifa militant who trained with YPG (Kurdish Defense Forces) after @OANN investigation

>>12925816 First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win

>>12925821 Now after they took billions in bribes from China and stole the elections and got power they are going to take away our right to bear arms.

>>12925832 Appearance of military vehicles in Myanmar's major cities sparks warning from US embassy

>>12925899 Compare media video about Biden's Valentines at the White House on Feb 12 VS today's cam with NO valentines today on Feb 14

>>12925945 How Barack Obama Made Joe Biden The Biggest Threat to Our Republic

>>12925963 Ted Cruz tweet is hilarious - 100,000 monkeys with 100,000 typewriters, one might produce a Shakespearean sonnet.

>>12926013 #16498

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f0e350  No.12926049


>>12924576 Incoming SEC Chair Gary Gensler Could Be Worth Up To $119 Million

>>12924595, >>12924629 Anon calls for Optics (FBI connected)

>>12924601 Biden uses 3rd anniversary of Parkland shooting to demand gun control

>>12924605 San Antonio native who worked as Trump aide arrested in Washington D.C. on child porn charges

>>12924606 UK foreign sec says Covid vaccine passports ‘under consideration’ just days after vaccine minister calls idea ‘discriminatory’

>>12924609 Anon, How to Wield the Power of Speech.

>>12924618 Liberal Hollywood celebrities suffer complete meltdowns over Trump's acquittal, deem Republicans as 'traitors'

>>12924624 Remember y'all #ItalyDidIt

>>12924625 Residents of Laredo have lost the right to assemble

>>12924627 WHO ‘ramping up readiness’ for new Ebola outbreak dubbed ‘EPIDEMIC’ in Guinea

>>12924633 Incoming SEC Chair Gary Gensler Could Be Worth Up To $119 Million

>>12924641 FBI Report On Violent Activist John Sullivan Is Damning…Why Did CNN Interview Him Immediately After The Capitol Seige? (CAPS)

>>12924645 VIDEO: Seattle Antifa Builds ‘Snow Wall’ To Keep Police, Emergency Vehicles From Leaving East Precinct

>>12924650 Nancy MeltDown (VID)

>>12924651 #prosecutehousemanagers

>>12924652, >>12924722, >>12924808 CDC director Rochelle Walensky: Too early for states to lift mask mandates

>>12924659 Jim Jordan - reacts to happenings

>>12924663 Russian & Chinese vaccines are necessary to win ‘world war’ against Covid-19 – Macron

>>12924669 Start digging for dirt on this guy. (#BillCassidy)

>>12924672 New Zealand puts largest city into lockdown over 3 positive COVID-19 cases

>>12924701 Israel Will Face 'Toughest Response' If It Crosses 'Red Lines' in Syria, Iran Warns

>>12924710 Paedophile Convicted of Sexually Abusing Sister, 8, Says Charges Motivated by Racism

>>12924734 Google adds 12 new types of manual action penalties (Site Related)

>>12924738 18 Trash Bags Full of Human Remains Found near Mexican Soccer Stadium

>>12924653 Anon ask, What comes after 301? (302)

>>12924783, >>12924797 Secret bat cages at Wuhan lab where researchers planned to breed animals for virus experiments


>>12924767 Anon, The "baker" is ignoring anons, and just scraping every single spam bot news post. (WE ARE THE NEWS)

>>12924829 Biden tells Americans to wear face masks until 2022 just months after saying they’d only need them until April

>>12924860 US Marshals and ICE ‘Reevaluate’ Operations on Sex Offenders After Biden Deportation Freeze

>>12924881 'Cancel Culture’ hits fever pitch: Journalists, critics, actors, TV hosts, musicians in crosshairs (Cancel, Cancel Culture)

>>12924917, >>12925069 FOIA reveals Pentagon has been testing material discovered from UFO crashes (BlueBeam imminent?)

>>12924949 Virginia College Forfeits Basketball Game After Suspending Players For Kneeling During Anthem

>>12924961 Donald Trump's impeachment trial was a way to effectively blackmail the president into not pardoning Julian Assange?

>>12924979 New Hampshire Department of Justice Refuses to Investigate the Largest Voting Machine Counting Error in State History

>>12924988 10 Steps to steal an Election (Grafx)

>>12925015 Rural Californians are fighting to reclaim their state, even if that means starting their own #Secede

>>12925019 The swift death of the media darlings known as the Lincoln Project

>>12925058 Time to question our tech billionaire overlords

>>12925100 Top Areas by Outages (SITE DOWN ?)

>>12925121, >>12925136 Shelia Jackson Lee's Gun Control Bill

>>12925134 So did Mitch McConnell pay off the ‘big guy’ so he could move cocaine around?

>>12925172 Melania Trump honors Valentine's Day with heartwarming message to sick children at National Institute of Health

>>12925217 DC Tunnels

>>12925220 Rep. Matt Gaetz: Gov. Cuomo, Media Exposed in 'Flu D'Etat' #FluDEtat

>>12925231 Do anons think that Mitch McConnell smuggles cocaine and also children?

>>12925240 Every baker is a paid Q supporting shill.

>>12925249 Georgia State Bar Looks To Punish Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood

>>12925260 #16497

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f0e350  No.12926050


>>12923828, >>12924099, >>12924051 "India activist Disha Ravi arrested over 'toolkit'" (Greta Connected)

>>12923833 Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar


>>12923851 Recent Natalie Portman comments shine light on film's sexualization of underage 'Lolita' character"

>>12923856 What is an Innovation Zone? (Caps)

>>12923881 States stealing Fed dollars, it’s in many states and want more Fed dollars

>>12923880 Anon reqst PG rated Notables Please

>>12923885, >>12923897, >>12923900 Money laundering, no mistake made by these states

>>12923952 Billion years of Earth's tectonic plate movement in just 40 seconds

>>12923977 Anon: If a bread does not have notables collected it needs to be labeled an E-BAKE

>>12923985 I before e except after c, kek (It's all Science)

>>12923965, >>12923989 Rudy Giuliani, Witness 301 (So Far)

>>12923975 Ted's got [Q]uestions

>>12924002 Chart Report: 428 deaths by AGE. Also made a pie chart for number of deaths per vax manufacturer.

>>12924028 Plane Report

>>12924075 ‘Traitor’ spray-painted outside of home of Trump’s impeachment attorney ( 100 death threats )

>>12924097 J Ducklo, Biden's Dep. Press Sec, resigns.

>>12924100 #MarkWalker for NC

>>12924103 Reminder, Trump lawyer — ‘You want witnesses, then I’m going to subpoena Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris!’

>>12924106 Here’s Why the Democrats Didn’t Want Trump’s Legal Team to Call in Pelosi to Testify in Sham Impeachment Trial

>>12924113 Michigan Senate Majority Leader Says Capitol Takeover Was ‘Staged’ and a ‘Hoax’ in Secretly Recorded Convo

>>12924123 POTUS’s and Our very existence is a Bain to them

>>12924124 Pelosi Crashes House Impeachment Managers Presser, Melts Down Over Acquittal and Blames McConnell

>>12924137 Media Rage over Democrats’ Decision Not to Call Witnesses in Impeachment Trial

>>12924140 Today, @POTUS signing an executive order “reestablishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships,

>>12924161 Lindsey Graham Floats Idea of Republicans Impeaching Kamala Harris If They Retake House

>>12924165, >>12924178 Anon has Clues

>>12924169 In Must-Watch Clip, Trump Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media

>>12924180 EXCLUSIVE: Three 300,000 Biden Vote Dumps Late on Election Night in Virginia Cannot Be Adequately Explained or Tied to Final Results

>>12924190 Biden White House Plan to Keep Occupying Troops in DC Through End of Year

>>12924199 Trump impeachment acquittal is a victory for ‘white supremacy’… according to liberals crying over ‘sad day in America’

>>12924218, >>12924194 Anon Opines Stalin

>>12924230 As fears rise over San Francisco-area attacks on elderly Asians by black assailants, leftists find the real culprit: WHITE PEOPLE

>>12924232 U.S. Space Force Dumps Northrop and Blue Origin in Favor of Boeing, Lockheed, and SpaceX

>>12924235 Seattle Leader Who Called For Defunding Police Wants VIP Treatment From Police Over Threats

>>12924242 "Power Bills To The Moon": Chaos, Shock As Electricity Prices Across US Explode (It's True)

>>12924257 Democrats Prepare To Gut Medicare And Farm Subsidies With Billions In Cuts

>>12924268 Biden concession to the Trump campaign? (For Larps)

>>12924278 Ted Cruz Reveals Submitted Questions Not Asked: ‘Can We Build Keystone Pipeline if We Add Hunter Biden to the Board?’

>>12924284 Anon Opines: "What's next?" (Thoughts?)

>>12924296 In Must-Watch Clip, Trump Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media (Redstate)

>>12924342 notablesMini Bun for #16495 ALL PB!

>>12924321 Conflict of Interest? Business of Kamala Harris' Niece Raises Eyebrows in White House, Report Says

>>12924327 Sen. Richard Burr Openly Admitted That He Violated the Constitution By Voting to Impeach Trump

>>12924343 Trump’s Lawyer Says Hillary Clinton Could Be Impeached Under New Precedent

>>12924347 Nancy Triggered - This is GLORIOUS

>>12924356 Trump Delivers a Very Trumpian Response to Acquittal, Dem House Managers Left in Tears

>>12924368 “What If Bill Gates Disappeared?”

>>12924375 Another black and white moment for the losers 'Democrats'

>>12924359, >>12924376 Just a little warning (Cap)

>>12924390 Bitcoin Hits $49,700 As Institutions Now Own 3% Of The Circulating Supply

>>12924400 Washington and Seoul to resume drill simulating war with North Korea after break due to Covid-19 and Trump-Kim talks – media

>>12924430 Auditors Selected by Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Send Message to Observers

>>12924453 The most powerful magical spell that nobody wants you to know about #BeBest

>>12924465 The Pentagon refused the 10,000 NG guards, was that Miller making that decision?

>>12924477, >>12924501 Caps (Optics)

>>12924519 #16496

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f0e350  No.12926051

Previously Collected Notables

>>12922862 #16494, >>12924342 #16495

>>12920463 #16491, >>12921229 #16492, >>12922007 #15493

>>12918897 #16489, >>12919719 #16490, >>12920463 #16491

>>12916660 #16486, >>12917702 #16487, >>12918180 #16488

>>12914306 #16483, >>12915120 #16484, >>12915891 #16485

>>12911979 #16480, >>12913082 #16481, >>12913530 #16482

>>12909453 #16477, >>12911418 #16478, >>12911422 #16479

>>12907088 #16474, >>12907914 #16475, >>12908669 #16476

>>12904740 #16471, >>12905510 #16472, >>12906286 #16473

>>12902370 #16468, >>12903166 #16469, >>12903967 #16470

>>12900564 #16465, >>12900732 #16466, >>12901600 #16467

>>12897531 #16462, >>12898301 #16463, >>12900879 #16464

>>12895239 #16459, >>12896027 #16460, >>12896776 #16461

>>12892921 #16456, >>12893765 #16457, >>12894707 #16458

>>12890559 #16453, >>12891340 #16454, >>12892105 #16455

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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f0e350  No.12926053

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

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International Q Research Threads

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>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12850476 ————————————–——– Germany #75

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

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f0e350  No.12926056

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Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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f0e350  No.12926059




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9aaf8e  No.12926081

File: 7b56a74177c0d53⋯.png (112.19 KB, 883x458, 883:458, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Q_Re….png)

File: 6f05bdcdcb3ad19⋯.png (175.28 KB, 877x909, 877:909, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Q_Re….png)



Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough. Let us know when you see MNR fawkery.

>>12925283 PATRIOT BAKE

>>12926056 MNR BAKE

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fc30ba  No.12926084

File: bb5155b7c9d70b3⋯.png (936.25 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C0A99C24_8989_489C_82F4_C7….png)

Does anyone care that she got her Lic. back?!?


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f0e350  No.12926085


Bakery is Ghost Protocol

Need New Baker

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9aaf8e  No.12926088



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3b7ea3  No.12926106

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99fbc4  No.12926112

Anons made their own country it’s an island in the Caribbean called Kekistan

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385a18  No.12926116

File: bac4b141f4a98d0⋯.png (875.93 KB, 980x693, 140:99, ClipboardImage.png)

Prepare anons, war is coming, within 4 months of every previous legal gun confiscation in history SHTF and political purging ensues.

1. Classification

Groups in a position of power will categorize people according to ethnicity, race, religion or nationality employing an us versus them mentality.

Prevention: Create universalistic institutions that foster social cohesion.

2. Symbolisation

People are identified as Jews, Roma or Tutsis, etc., and made to stand out from others with certain colours or symbolic articles of clothing.

Prevention: Ban the symbols and hate speech and all clothing meant to discriminate against groups.

3. Discrimination

A dominant group uses laws, customs, and political power to deny the rights of other groups. The powerless group may not be granted full civil rights or even citizenship.

Prevention: Ensure full political empowerment and citizenship rights for all groups in a society. Discrimination on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, race or religion should be outlawed.

4. Dehumanisation

The diminished value of the discriminated group is communicated through propaganda. Parallels are drawn with animals, insects or diseases.

Prevention: Promptly denounce and punish perpetrators and make hate crimes and speech culturally unacceptable. Sanction all incitements to commit genocide.

5. Organisation

A state, its army or militia design genocidal killing plans.

Prevention: Outlaw membership in these militias and sanction their leaders. Impose arms embargoes on the countries involved and create commissions of inquiry.

6. Polarisation

Propaganda is employed to amplify the differences between groups. Interactions between groups are prohibited, and the moderate members of the group in power are killed.

Prevention: Protect these moderate members and human rights groups. Seize the assets of the oppressors and refuse their access to international travel.

7. Preparation

The victims are identified, separated and forced to wear symbols. Deportations, isolation and forcible starvation. Death lists are drawn up.

Prevention: Humanitarian aid, armed international interventions or major support for the victims to ensure their ability to defend themselves.

8. Persecution

Victims are identified and isolated based on their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. In state sponsored genocides, members of victim groups may be forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is often expropriated.

Prevention: Regional organisations and the international community must mobilise themselves to assist or help the victims.

9. Extermination

The massacres begin. The perpetrators see their actions as “extermination” since they do not consider their victims to be entirely human.

Prevention: Only large-scale armed interventions can stop genocide. The international community must support the operations by providing air transport, equipment and financial support.

10. Denial

The perpetrators of the genocide deny having committed their crimes. Victims are often blamed. Evidence is hidden and witnesses are intimidated.

Prevention: An international tribunal or national court must prosecute the criminals. Public education.

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98f9ab  No.12926117

File: 08d49e588ee6ed3⋯.png (700.63 KB, 1023x595, 1023:595, ClipboardImage.png)



everybody laugh at this fool

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33276a  No.12926121

File: 80d00b77959716d⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 480x639, 160:213, Q.jpg)

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cbe6ef  No.12926124

File: 1006a76408b9947⋯.png (859.44 KB, 710x600, 71:60, ClipboardImage.png)

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9880f0  No.12926125

It's a miracle


The south central region of Washington state that includes the Tri Cities, Yakima and Walla Walla will move to Phase 2 of the “Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery” immediately, after a hospital’s data-reporting error was discovered, the state Department of Health announced Sunday,

The region had previously been the only one of the state’s eight regions to be stuck in Phase 1 after target metrics for reopening were re-evaluated last week.

Providence St. Mary Medical Center in Walla Walla had been reporting its data incorrectly, according to the Department of Health. It was reporting all of its COVID-19 patients, not just new COVID-19 patients, an email from Gov. Jay Inslee’s office reads. The error skewed the data sent to the state Department of Health, which calculates data for the Healthy Washington metrics.

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000000  No.12926126


As long as you keep the bread flowing dough doesn't matter. Have a great bake.

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492880  No.12926127

File: 05a51a231aac019⋯.jpg (140.22 KB, 700x553, 100:79, time_to_fight.jpg)

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41ed01  No.12926128

File: 06bb79583e33837⋯.jpg (202.76 KB, 1405x915, 281:183, pic_watch.JPG)


XVIII Airborne Corps


[1 of 7]

One thing we haven't mentioned at all lately: Dragon's Lair, Episode 3, which airs on Monday, Feb 22nd.

Every day until then, we're releasing a new story about Soldier-driven innovation that has transformed the way the



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e7f0bf  No.12926129

Which Q post was it where he tells us Obama liked Spock and how detached and logical he was.

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c13c85  No.12926130

File: 170c8c50539511b⋯.png (4.05 MB, 1488x1101, 496:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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4cae01  No.12926131

File: 4f58d2372edc708⋯.png (48.63 KB, 626x675, 626:675, 4f58d2372edc7089734844b7e6….png)

File: bae99b3f02454da⋯.png (51.67 KB, 792x700, 198:175, muhfeelings.png)



and I get blamed for this bullshit? kek!

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26a92f  No.12926132

File: f4d6b7977720d68⋯.jpg (49.83 KB, 810x456, 135:76, jamesmay.jpg)

>>12925990 (peanut butter)

>>12925990 (last bread)

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f0e350  No.12926133


Proof gerbil op is trying to start fights with the dough.


Don't buy into this foolish nonsense.


Ignore the fools that try to start fights for foolish reasons.

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74bbd7  No.12926134

>>12926098 lb

No it's not…

Where and when the fuck did you grow up?

You are really showing your ignorance, anon.

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20fb10  No.12926135

>>12925992 pb

FUCK NASCAR. I ain't never gave one shit for it although I did think it was made up of Patriots. Yep, I was wrong. After the Smellit half white, half black wannabe with a racist name like BUBBA, craved attention and all of the inherent racist white fucks clamored round to console and apologize for their whiteness. I said FUCK THEM EVEN MOAR THAN BEFORE!!!

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385a18  No.12926136

File: b0c9f0ac8087384⋯.png (876.53 KB, 562x842, 281:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdf6ae  No.12926137

File: 4fa8b977cd8570c⋯.jpg (172.25 KB, 718x1277, 718:1277, 20210214_135413.jpg)


Tofu Building’ in China Features Door Frames That Can Be Removed by Hand

Tofu buildings” refer to structures in China that don’t meet quality standards, like the one shown in this video, which show a man easily removing the door frame with his bare hands. People in the video apparently bought apartment units in this building, which is located in Beijing. The developer says construction is completed and buyers can take over.


Green new deal? im sure Nancy wants hundreds of these put up all over San Francisco, so that when an earthquake strikes it will kill all the poor people

hell you wouldn't even need an earthquake, a strong rain would melt the building

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98f9ab  No.12926138


shill baker crew just pretended to handoff to themselves again. its like we've never seen them use a "buffer baker" before to avoid flak. their shit is stale. now they can fuck with the dough some more, and still achieve nothing, the epic failures that they are.

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2a1647  No.12926139


I shitpost therefore I am.

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483a2d  No.12926140


>Prepare anons, war is coming, within 4 months of every previous legal gun confiscation in history SHTF and political purging ensues.

any sauce on that part anon

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e40b96  No.12926141

File: 499495ded7547a1⋯.gif (53.95 KB, 227x127, 227:127, 20210214_135713.gif)


truth is relative to the observer.

anon would be better served endeavoring to view reality unhindered by perceptive leanings.


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5eb0b4  No.12926142

File: 148da224f869e3f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 800x485, 160:97, 148da224f869e3f209a28df886….png)

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71909a  No.12926143

File: 133471db72ec648⋯.gif (6.81 MB, 600x591, 200:197, 86567E2C_D4F0_4D4D_9B48_8B….gif)

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685c7d  No.12926144


this is a mark in time

space-field time resolved major blockage

mole hills looked like mountains from all directions on the 1st Universal Turn of &

mark as soon as possible

i am trying to catch back the future

you see

when you get this go



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c13c85  No.12926145


>Which Q post was it where he tells us Obama liked Spock and how detached and logical he was.

"Spock" doesn't come up in any Q post-

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adb6b6  No.12926146

File: 299003423962b66⋯.jpg (190.01 KB, 960x779, 960:779, 3.jpg)

File: b57e52fd1cf43ad⋯.jpg (165.04 KB, 960x777, 320:259, 18.jpg)



Happy Valentines Day Anons

Love Is The Most Powerful Force in The Universe

..How We Win

How We've Been Winning

Loving in NoHomo Terms

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9fc6f6  No.12926148


You represent nothing, but traitors.

You give a shit about your country, your integrity, you admit that you ar a shit used for others to destroi your country.

usmc are traitors. since 1946

us navy too

This is the truth, sorry.

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accc53  No.12926149

File: dde9f678812240d⋯.gif (602.72 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Frogger.gif)

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de0e82  No.12926150

File: 5d0c1ac42160508⋯.jpg (95.64 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1613258825807.jpg)

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685c7d  No.12926151


when you read this it will make you wonder why it is so long and urgent if I didn't just write & that is reconciled by considered my first marks the proper time of every mark I ever make on Earth

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adb6b6  No.12926152

>>12925963 /pb/

Totally reffering to Satan…Satan worhiping in HW was hip just 1.5 years ago…kek…till they met me…

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41ed01  No.12926153

File: 139b093e7e19b04⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 661x687, 661:687, park_land.JPG)


Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary

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b4b7d6  No.12926155

File: 5edd3a171c7894f⋯.png (199.55 KB, 308x534, 154:267, 5edd3a171c7894f58e58564c1d….png)

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1fe607  No.12926156

File: 6ec8c4292fbfc04⋯.png (131.27 KB, 598x549, 598:549, Screenshot_2021_02_14_The_….png)

Harry and Meghan expecting second child


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c13c85  No.12926157

File: f7f72af679f79e1⋯.png (69.58 KB, 611x453, 611:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is Trump's DC Hotel changing almost double the price on March 3rd & 4th?

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08262b  No.12926158

>>12925970 PB

Maybe. But I think they tried to push it as a "health code" thing.

Just makes me think that this mask nonsense will never end. It's here to stay. Just like "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service"

Once people start to comply,

they stop questioning why.

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74bbd7  No.12926159


Roger that, ya fuckin' meat knob…

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9b4155  No.12926161


Do you even research?


"Cohen-Watnick is a member of the Union League of Philadelphia, a Republican-leaning Patriotic Society. [33] He married Rebecca Miller in November 2016,>in a Jewish ceremony.<[6][34][35]"

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2a1647  No.12926162

With second amendment at risk what is latest research on weapons systems for home defense?

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43a40e  No.12926163

File: 9d31cb3274337f2⋯.png (607.29 KB, 789x683, 789:683, ClipboardImage.png)


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2a1647  No.12926164

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4471fd  No.12926165

File: ca272ab3dd3a0fa⋯.png (80.26 KB, 1077x901, 1077:901, kek7.png)


>everybody laugh at this fool


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53b6bc  No.12926166


Justin Castro

commie infiltration

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0c9a57  No.12926167

In the Netflix' kids movie "We Can Be Heroes", aliens hack the election to put 'Biden' in as President. Movie was released on Christmas Day - 2020 … just a coincidence.


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de0e82  No.12926168

File: de5bd4b637e6d8d⋯.png (449.46 KB, 1080x870, 36:29, Memeto_1612957665138.png)

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adb6b6  No.12926169

File: 5d3618c1a1ca5ae⋯.jpg (10.24 KB, 232x217, 232:217, fagot.jpg)


kel..USMC traitors…ha ha ha!!

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60ee19  No.12926170

interesting that they launch covid bullshit again in new zealand just after trump is found not guilty

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9fc6f6  No.12926171


Tell me once when they came forward and sayd I'm sorry for misleading you?


they don;t want your good.

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26a92f  No.12926172


> NASCAR lol

They tried female drivers a few years back but the bitches kept stopping to ask for directions.

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6eed6a  No.12926173

File: e570fde046fc396⋯.jpg (219.31 KB, 897x1200, 299:400, e570fde046fc3962fc41ecf859….jpg)

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41ed01  No.12926174

File: a5c453f32fc12b8⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 1399x276, 1399:276, swift.JPG)


The swift death of the media darlings known as the Lincoln Project

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adb6b6  No.12926175


30 years of Wars in the Desert Coming Up

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0a3ec2  No.12926176

>>12926111 (lb)

Trump's admin was tasked with ensuring our vote. Trump's own DHS presided over the election. Trump's CIA secured the servers with the fraudulent vote counts. Controlled op Trump, protector of the DS and king of vaccines, handed our nation to Xiden.

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385a18  No.12926177








My regular PC is down or I would have a ton more

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000000  No.12926178


All they've go left is divide and denigrate anons.


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de0e82  No.12926179

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08262b  No.12926180

File: de7c99d1fe76fef⋯.png (567.29 KB, 450x600, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5a8c9  No.12926181


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98f9ab  No.12926182


when you understand what we're fighting for, you would accept a 300 year plan. this is a generational battle. it will never be won. all we can do is maintain our winning for the next crop to carry on with.

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accc53  No.12926183

File: ecf53f5e90f6965⋯.gif (222.61 KB, 800x595, 160:119, Biden.gif)

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483a2d  No.12926184


thank you anon

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492880  No.12926185


happenings will be happening

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ef78e1  No.12926186

File: c77aa3781d67978⋯.jpeg (320.93 KB, 640x530, 64:53, 0114F86C_88CF_4B57_9EB6_2….jpeg)

File: 2c9d93eccc6ecd5⋯.jpeg (142.07 KB, 640x407, 640:407, 4264B5D1_2552_42C1_B1D8_3….jpeg)

File: d70ca4b3f303aa7⋯.jpeg (205.94 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 8B5ACED2_6417_4B74_B8CC_A….jpeg)

File: a6ce33c52c0c47d⋯.jpeg (362.3 KB, 640x704, 10:11, 0CC5573A_3C50_49A1_A0BD_B….jpeg)


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9fc6f6  No.12926187




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adb6b6  No.12926188

File: ddff93c722bd107⋯.jpg (47.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, greenback.jpg)

after a not so short term

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9b4155  No.12926189




The state of these boards…

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1fe607  No.12926190

File: 0fe046841a9250c⋯.png (382.78 KB, 517x310, 517:310, Screenshot_2021_02_14_s400….png)

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cbe6ef  No.12926191


Needs a Ski Jump Pepe?

Maybe, a moto-x back flip off those slopes.

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91847c  No.12926192


What the fuck you smokin?

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9b2ef8  No.12926193


Youre not wrong. BUT. If we do not win here and now - if Trump goes down - the world goes with him, including us

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4cae01  No.12926194


they also impersonate anything not bolted down.

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74bbd7  No.12926195


Is there a related point?

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20fb10  No.12926196


KMFAO!!! I needed a good laugh anon!!! That is hilarious!!! My wife is pretty damn good driver I must say.

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53b6bc  No.12926197

File: 7cab58f838de4e6⋯.png (532.41 KB, 491x485, 491:485, 51892A63_F2C9_438F_A554_8B….png)

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de0e82  No.12926198

File: 13fe3e6da5ac933⋯.jpg (144.98 KB, 748x498, 374:249, 20210112_162010.jpg)

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20fb10  No.12926199

>>12925940 pb

As well I. Elections in 2024? That's a fucking joke. There won't be elections in 2022. The precedent has been set in stone. And as much as I love Donald J. Trump who before he ran I gave two shits about, I won't be voting for him. Had the opportunity of a lifetime to kill these motherfuckers and whiffed or was afraid to pull the trigger. Either way, it's done. I'm done. I've been fighting this fight for damn near 40 years. I'm 62 now. I've had enough. If the people of this country are this fucking ate up with communism then Xi Jinping will be quite pleased. Now I know that the election was stolen. If that……………..can be gotten away with with ZERO CONSEQUENCES. Seems as thought they, who were the "only way" could give two fucks about the Republic so why should I?

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adb6b6  No.12926200

File: 6f22b802e4fb730⋯.png (723.4 KB, 954x1294, 477:647, Trump_top_kek.png)

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41ed01  No.12926202

File: e94d9930d70c5b1⋯.jpg (51.79 KB, 630x429, 210:143, getting_nerv.JPG)


Joe getting nervous? Biden White House tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name

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5ad13e  No.12926203

File: 4535988580fd6b4⋯.jpg (101.75 KB, 720x480, 3:2, BBfilter.jpg)


…Yeah right. Your fear porn sucks.

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9fc6f6  No.12926204



just shut the fuck up!!!

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6eed6a  No.12926205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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385a18  No.12926206

File: 9c178eb476d1adc⋯.gif (860.34 KB, 280x151, 280:151, 1613336695008.gif)

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03617b  No.12926207

File: 7f22571498ffbe0⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1716x797, 1716:797, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12925755 LB

I think we are here. Hollywierd has already come out with their attacks. I saw it in prior notables.

Wow!!! Great analysis anon!!

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98f9ab  No.12926208


attacking shills is not division.



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ab4d18  No.12926209


That is 2358 HA's. That's alot.

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9b4155  No.12926210



That's ok, anon; no one can't demand more from you than you can deliver…


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de0e82  No.12926212

File: d62b0509ffe039a⋯.jpg (8.11 KB, 300x318, 50:53, Drevil_million_dollars.jpg)

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d0340c  No.12926213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.

And now the CHICOM puppet wants to take away our rights!

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adb6b6  No.12926214

File: 9c9a48244c8ad45⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 960x778, 480:389, Trump_wilder.jpg)

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dc73e0  No.12926215

File: 1b45b3fb52c0025⋯.jpeg (187.49 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 237B1FE8_ADAB_4789_95BD_C….jpeg)

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94ab05  No.12926216

>>12925832 (pb noted) Appearance of military vehicles in Myanmar's major cities sparks warning from US embassy


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a86d30  No.12926217

File: 100e8fb7e84f6b3⋯.mp4 (8.76 MB, 566x318, 283:159, TheySoldTheirSoulsBeatles.mp4)

They Sold Their Souls -The Beatles


mp4 attached

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adb6b6  No.12926218

File: 1e25b892c3bad91⋯.jpg (98.22 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Trump_ObamaNever.jpg)

File: f23daa75611e745⋯.jpeg (76.44 KB, 750x526, 375:263, TrumpStableGenius.jpeg)

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26a92f  No.12926219

File: 3b57c9569d53867⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 590x350, 59:35, rich.jpg)




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5ad13e  No.12926220

File: 93c6b855a18368a⋯.png (308.06 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, leafburn_1014_fire1.png)

File: f1c30c5affeb758⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 500x749, 500:749, KCfinger.jpg)

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a8e3ac  No.12926221

File: 45f2c7f4677ad67⋯.png (124.1 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


I think you meant 'rogue elements,' not 'rouge elements.' You did mean 'rogue', didn't you?

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a29aa0  No.12926222





>>12926081 Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough.

>>12926116 Anon Opines: Prepare anons, war is coming

>>12926153 Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary

>>12926156 Harry and Meghan expecting second child

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bdf6ae  No.12926223

File: b474a6f2893cf56⋯.jpg (93.55 KB, 750x1006, 375:503, e08cc13f7558275d2167480d93….jpg)

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385a18  No.12926224

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

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53b6bc  No.12926225

File: 6a10552fde53a0d⋯.png (627.13 KB, 617x579, 617:579, 4DFC5A2C_C73D_40D9_B338_28….png)


they'll take your guns first, then your kids, then your hot-pockets

mark my words

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e40b96  No.12926227

File: 0c3cd055044702d⋯.jpg (593.3 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 20210214_141019.jpg)

nothing to see here… move along.

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98f9ab  No.12926228


> if Trump goes down - the world goes with him, including us

i disagree. trump will never be president again. he could die of a heart attack tomorrow, and his legacy would only be stronger. i dont fight for trump. i fight for you.

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de0e82  No.12926229

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adb6b6  No.12926230

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB, 515x505, 103:101, guilty2.png)

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9fc6f6  No.12926231


Do you know that some people need to smash something, in order to calm themselves?

Are you in?

If not,stay the fk away.

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2bddb7  No.12926232

File: b89c68fc699c6b3⋯.png (1.6 MB, 819x767, 63:59, ClipboardImage.png)



>Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre hoax anniversary

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9b2ef8  No.12926233

Two of the swamping places in the country having huge power outages right now


Oregon is the nest of Communist/Antifa vipers. And Virginia, well. Anons know

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a1236c  No.12926235

File: aeb43d39993b8ab⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1500x1125, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

I have disdain for the:

- human ruling

- the fake food

- my incorrect reality

- lack of cool natural tech

… I ask god all the time for these things

I understand that I don't even know what life under his true rule will be like!

and because of this, I see why God labels us in sin

we are sine waving all over the place

we are not in tune

sin means to miss the mark




delay or hold back in terms of progress or development.

"our progress was retarded by unforeseen difficulties"

sauce pb/lb:


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2a1647  No.12926237

File: a122f1bfc7d4a74⋯.jpeg (211.12 KB, 807x1027, 807:1027, 1DF32EF4_36F9_4B19_A8C3_F….jpeg)

Home defense.

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4471fd  No.12926238

File: e7e8d3ff14d4460⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 736x396, 184:99, fukyou.jpg)

Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough

THIS^^ is a narcissistic control freak with sociopathic tendencies of delusion.

When a post tells you what to do, Anons know what to do.

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661214  No.12926239

Regarding the keystone…

The keystone has been mentioned by Q on several occasions. A keystone is what holds it all together and keeps it from tumbling to the ground.

When I think about what has held [their] evil shit together all this time I can only come to one conclusion- the children.

Children were how they gained wealth, money, and power

Children were the means [they] blackmailed world leaders, politicians, etc.

Selling children brought great wealth.

They "fed the eye" with children. What's the eye? satan himself

When [they] sacrificed children, ate children, drank the blood of children, raped children, they fed dark entities and gained power. The [P]edovores/[P]edophiles served their master-satan himself. Those who don't believe that demonic forces are at play here, you need to wake up. [They] didn't just pretend. This is about good vs evil.  Being in the mission field has taught me a whole lot about the dark forces at play here. I could write a book on just that.  Believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ have the advantage. We know that the power we have in us is greater than the power that is in the world.

The  worship of satan with the human sacrifices that satan requires has kept them in power for hundreds of years. These evil bastards will get justice in this life or the next. [Their] evil conglomerate is tumbling down.

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b71dbb  No.12926240

File: fb67eea9c41edd6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 601x769, 601:769, fasfasasdasf.PNG)


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0a3ec2  No.12926241


>the opportunity of a lifetime to kill these motherfuckers…

The ONLY reason it didn't happen is that it was never his intention. He only pretended it was.

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a29aa0  No.12926242


give me sauce

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9b2ef8  No.12926243


And who the FUCK do you think Trump is fighting for? Did i say anything about the presidency?

Sorry but with that lack of intelligence I'm seeing in you, I have WAY more faith in Trump. But good luck and get prepared

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de0e82  No.12926244

File: 7e86967504e0e2c⋯.jpg (754.38 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 20210213_080910.jpg)


Nothing at all

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96c537  No.12926245

File: 5d677cd0116b051⋯.png (371.52 KB, 663x617, 663:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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33276a  No.12926246


I didn't make the meme.

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adb6b6  No.12926247



If we could understand where religion really came from, maybe then we could change, or start to change, our conceptions and rules of observance. Maybe then will we succeed, or start to succeed, in finding out who and what the true God is.

Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Symbols, Sex and the Stars</cite>

GOD is the English/Angelish Transliteration of the Latin Word Deus, Deus is an alternate spelling of the Greek Word Zeus.

Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

Prometheus was a volcano-god whose worshippers took him to Greece. Yahweh was a volcano-god whose worshippers took him to Judah.

Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

The word volcano comes from the Latin volcano god Vulcan, or Vulcanus, derived from the older Cretan deity Velchanos.

Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

Yet the original Yahweh seems to have begun as a volcano god also. Mount Sinai, where Moses encountered him, was the seat of a Midianite god who had formerly dwelt in the volcano[…]

Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

Manna was the mushrooms - the small, round things in the morning dew.

Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

If Moses climbed Mount Sinai to meet the resident god, then the god he met would have been the moon god Sin, who had been enthroned on that mountain since the rise of Sumeria, and gave his name to it. In fact, Sin gave his name to the whole Sinai peninsula, formerly "the Land of Sinim" (Isaiah 49:12), or the land of the lunar mountain. The original Yahweh was only another form of this "primitive lunar deity of Arabia." Sin became part of the Babylonian trinity along with Shamash the sun and Ishtar the star.

Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

Moses is pictured with the "Moon or Luna Horns". Moses was the focal figure of an ancient cult of moon worship on the Sinai (Sin-ai) Peninsula. The Horns represent the Cres[c]ent Moon.

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46b7ba  No.12926248

File: 6c148a71c8eaf70⋯.jpeg (355.63 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 910113FA_263C_45FC_BFF5_B….jpeg)

File: 0d7bd033432735e⋯.jpeg (293.27 KB, 640x570, 64:57, A25BFEA9_BC59_41CC_AA58_C….jpeg)


>then your hot-pockets

I’m afraid it’s too late fren. The bastards already took the filling out.

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a86d30  No.12926250

File: f9cd6ea3b1b4c0f⋯.jpg (114.73 KB, 874x438, 437:219, foxhole.jpg)

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41ed01  No.12926251

File: 73e5183819c90a8⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 865x570, 173:114, trigger_run.JPG)


Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California

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9ca621  No.12926252

>>12925769 lb

>>12925736 lb

Its all a push for Socialism! Free money to ALL!


<their actions are only furthering more Leftists jumping ship! I know many leftys that won't put up with this GUN GRAB ATTEMPT!

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1fe607  No.12926253

File: eeb7ec10fd0fd1f⋯.png (45.1 KB, 184x167, 184:167, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Q_Re….png)

File: 2ca35be650d8c65⋯.png (34.14 KB, 206x139, 206:139, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Q_Re….png)


>nothing to see here


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5b1085  No.12926254

File: f733c1b9467c73d⋯.jpg (289.07 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, BNW.jpg)

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ab4d18  No.12926255


Gonna be funny when the new kid comes out black as coal and she says"It's only a genetic thing sweety. Must be from my mothers side"

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74bbd7  No.12926256


As you sliiiide of topic with your weak unanswered retort to the original comment that "knob" is american slang for what you appear to be…

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685c7d  No.12926257


end & cycle

track time from here

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adb6b6  No.12926258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d115f4  No.12926259


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9fc6f6  No.12926260


POS, who gave you recipe for all the shit?

I may tell you I love you, and from no-where, you'll tell me that I'm lying, and retract?

maybe I love you, but you are scared, maybe I'm lying, but you run anyway.

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e5b064  No.12926261

File: 4965a51f607307d⋯.png (3.97 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_yrline3x3DaytonaMqy….png)

Daytona 500 QClock

From last year

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c82955  No.12926263

File: 4c1bdcde6155205⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1093x1672, 1093:1672, 16E0E953_EDB5_4ED3_9345_F….jpeg)

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8d2e8f  No.12926264

PB (notables)

>>12923952 Billion years of Earth's tectonic plate movement in just 40 seconds

You gotta ask yourself why this kind of bullshit, and I mean bullshit, is taken up in notables.

After all this time here and still nothing learned?

I thought anons were already smarter than this.


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bdf6ae  No.12926265

File: f046428b011c16e⋯.jpg (173.56 KB, 720x1318, 360:659, 20210214_141215.jpg)


fake news picked it up


Trump’s DC Hotel Is Jacking Up Rates For QAnon’s Next Special Date

For some QAnon conspiracy theorists, March 4, 2021 is a date circled in red Sharpie on the calendar. The truly devoted believe that, on this special date, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 19th president of the United States.

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9b2ef8  No.12926266


Even funnier is the FIRST kid isnt theirs. And you thinkbtue 2nd one is?

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2fdb36  No.12926267

File: b2aff1e56fbc000⋯.mp4 (664.48 KB, 576x336, 12:7, Kzse06jppBbY8aPk.mp4)




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26a92f  No.12926268


I pretty much agree with everything there.

The Republic is dead.

I listened to Ron Paul interviewing RFK Jr. the other day.

RFK made a good point.

He said you cannot have a free republic AND a multi-nation/region empire at the same time.

The American Republic was doomed the day she decided she had to be Team America World Police Fuck Yeah!

I am convinced 500 years from now if we aren't in a neo-stone age historians will call the period of history from 1750 to 2035 as The Anglo-American Empire.

The British Empire didn't die; America took it over…to her demise.

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70a110  No.12926269

File: ecea06f0241badd⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 960x720, 4:3, In_This_House.jpg)

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000000  No.12926270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They won't refute it, they'll just call me a jew.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

CI-6 - Identity 101 f/ Pastor Eli James & Pastor Steve

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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000000  No.12926271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't refute it, they'll just try to distract you from it.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

(It's a video, click it.)

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence


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98f9ab  No.12926272


why so triggered faggot? its my opinion that this isnt about trump, and if he "goes down" it wont hurt the actual goals of the great awakening. of course he fights for us, but that doesnt mean we cant fight for ourselves if hes taken out. arrests/justice etc are only positive biproducts of the actual battle. not the objective.

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70a110  No.12926273

File: 3861f1b2583c3c4⋯.png (66.37 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_01.png)

File: 9f9304e82cf0202⋯.png (71.65 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_02.png)

File: 6379fb9e62869e0⋯.png (46.69 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_03.png)

File: 214c3d6256c89dc⋯.png (53.37 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_04.png)

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43a40e  No.12926274

File: 99be1193d48acc5⋯.png (637.99 KB, 794x648, 397:324, ClipboardImage.png)

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41ed01  No.12926275

File: 29a078d6205aeb5⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 995x225, 199:45, in_place.JPG)


US citizens in Myanmar told to 'shelter in place' as government workers strike and armored vehicles are deployed

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adb6b6  No.12926276

File: 33e4e42a696dd6a⋯.jpg (29.96 KB, 500x419, 500:419, BePolite.jpg)


smashing shit is a form of weakness….faggot buuly..are you?

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5ad13e  No.12926277

File: e404b24cefbbcfb⋯.jpg (76.3 KB, 648x534, 108:89, 8c3cbe90b91ca32ec7498c8424….jpg)

File: 92d0ad10dc7c8ff⋯.png (4.29 MB, 2880x1620, 16:9, lVV8dJS.png)

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53b6bc  No.12926278

File: a1c54e3acc749eb⋯.png (496.02 KB, 457x457, 1:1, CD5793D3_869E_4C10_A3AB_A3….png)


pb/lb you faggot !

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8a98c8  No.12926279


Did a quick search of q's drops. They basically only mentioned our 2nd Amendment twice. Once wrt Hillary wanted to remove it and why they fear it..

q really never defended our 2nd Amendment. President Trump did many times. q not so much.

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ba6ab1  No.12926280

File: 9e1d23295fda55d⋯.png (241.96 KB, 550x384, 275:192, zebras.png)

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000000  No.12926281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is a name or term that appears several times in the Hebrew Bible, primarily in the book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices associated with Moloch, which appear to have included child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood as referring to a Canaanite god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term used to mean "sacrifice" in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular but remains contested. Among proponents of this second position, controversy continues as to whether the sacrifices were offered to Yahweh or another deity, and whether they were a native Israelite religious custom or a Phoenician import.

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9fc6f6  No.12926282



You show me a sauce, how the fvck you will know that it is testy or not, if not degusting???

fvcking hypocrite.

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000000  No.12926283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon and that anyone posting truth about jews are the jews

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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96c537  No.12926284

File: 3592909f60a6654⋯.png (278.62 KB, 594x392, 297:196, ClipboardImage.png)

sunlight cures

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08262b  No.12926285

File: 39c34f26d95e1fe⋯.png (14.45 KB, 599x104, 599:104, ClipboardImage.png)


Yep. That's the Plan the CCP has for US.

CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049 | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 110


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4957ce  No.12926286


The fact that MSM and deep state politicians can’t stop taking about Q is the only thing that gives me hope right now

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9b2ef8  No.12926287


Makes sense, since Q is only here to disseminate information and Trump is the President

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c13c85  No.12926288

File: ad99618124d6dce⋯.png (179.97 KB, 602x266, 43:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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adb6b6  No.12926290


I for one loved the idea of the founding concept of America: All men are created equal and free and all men should be respected as part of natural rights. And that you should be able to have liberty, freedom and justice. But it's all gone. There is no freedom, no liberty and there is no justice. I will give you a prophecy: The world is headed toward a George Orwell movie. The whole world is headed toward a dark, occult prison. There's something going on here on this earth that if we don't awaken from we are going to find out we have all been had.

There is no injustice in the universe. We get what we pay for. What goes around comes around. The concept is Karma. So what we have put out in different ways, we are getting it back now. We are getting it back in spades. The Vatican and British Royalty and the royalty of Europe never forgot for one minute what happened back in 1776. A bunch of people we now call Americans stood up to the King of England and stood up to the Vatican. The British royalty don't forget that. We left you alone but now we are going to teach you a lesson. We are going to destroy your civilization, your freedom; we are going to destroy your liberty and never again will you stand up against the Holy Father in Rome. That is what is happening today. America is being destroyed, nobody knows why or how and nobody understands the secret societies.

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9d5646  No.12926291


>FOIA reveals Pentagon has been testing material discovered from UFO crashes

Original sauce: ufoexplorations.com


"In the second PDF are several more of the 154 pages said to exist on the matter. It is in these documents [ https://7f215854-ce29-4a12-9bb0-f4e7eb88d38a.filesusr.com/ugd/aa4aac_4b1d0bacf5bc4db0922c82b4fad3d132.pdf ] that we gain the insights on the material as outlined earlier in this article."

Just skimming, but I do not see a clear links between these UNCLASSIFIED pages discussing properties of materials, and UFOs. The author MAY be overstating the UFO angle.

But BlueBeam imminent? Yeah, prob'ly

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b71dbb  No.12926292

Its all in your head.

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98f9ab  No.12926293


>They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they aBre just a normal anon and that anyone posting truth about jews are the jews

you dont have to be a jew to be a shill stupid

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685c7d  No.12926294


@ this time of the above post everyone is just understanding that it is critical to record time this way

so I just go with the flow

you will catch up here too

but try to write it back a bit

it took a bit too long for systems to bind

they will bind

but it will be different

so just know

systems always bind

side notes are only side notes attached to []i9y[] because i9y marks time and time only so that is why it is unclear. I will make super-ceding marks at later dates to indicate this material as critical to time-keeping. The nature of keeping time is you are the only one doing it for a minute. Just improve the job of the time keeper which is the reader of this content in any time or dimension in which it exist. You will do it by reading this. It is happening now.



/ always implies IO state or OI state within the transition state itself between IO states

there is always a non-null states in the nucleus of a null state

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6eed6a  No.12926295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Masterpiece Conspiracy

:1000's of years.

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000000  No.12926296

So, is anything from this lil plan ever gonna actually happen?

Transparency? Nope

Accountability? Nope

What was the point? Hey, here's everything that's fucked up…but guess what? Nothing will ever happen to stop it.

There's your "Nothing Can Stop What's Coming"..

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91847c  No.12926297


Please give your head a shake as I hear marbles rolling around in you head all the way over here!

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adb6b6  No.12926298

File: 365d7fc9c3660f7⋯.png (71.26 KB, 243x205, 243:205, guilty1.png)


but we fought back..they did not see it coming…

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d11a78  No.12926299

File: 1d24e155c2908ed⋯.png (743.85 KB, 983x776, 983:776, 98978413454.png)

File: b271204cc9a0e83⋯.png (443.7 KB, 1101x738, 367:246, 665341479.png)

File: 1d24e155c2908ed⋯.png (743.85 KB, 983x776, 983:776, 98978413454.png)

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b71dbb  No.12926300


Maybe biden presidency is blu beam

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8a98c8  No.12926301


Yes and as I pointed out, they never disseminated information that they supported our 2nd Amendment.

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a8e3ac  No.12926302


It is the finest speech he has ever given, and

he said nothing for 30 sec. Sheer heaven!

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01d540  No.12926303

File: 6f2c6fdcdc3ff21⋯.jpeg (362.32 KB, 640x704, 10:11, D1DE2A7A_5AF6_44E2_AA7C_F….jpeg)

File: f8d6c7e0c248a6f⋯.jpeg (326.53 KB, 640x737, 640:737, C6FF44BA_D885_4EFE_811F_6….jpeg)

File: 2e0b0b9c282c40d⋯.jpeg (302.46 KB, 640x805, 128:161, D7A3249E_E89B_4EF3_914A_8….jpeg)

File: 5026f62f42fcfb2⋯.jpeg (324.94 KB, 640x712, 80:89, 4F5EB219_52CA_4089_AA9A_C….jpeg)

File: ae27c33ac768ef6⋯.jpeg (145.41 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ABE8CE46_CF5B_4944_8164_3….jpeg)


>Its all in your head.

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ce4e30  No.12926305

What’s the name of that site that had all the hunter Biden laptop leaks on it???

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5f837c  No.12926306


1 17 on the fuel can.

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adb6b6  No.12926307

File: 1c923b0fe4fe9ff⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 798x600, 133:100, Today11.jpg)

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6bc228  No.12926308

File: 53507de9fe6ecd7⋯.jpg (154.2 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Lexington_and_Concord_Batt….jpg)



Guns are safe.

Stop falling for FAKE NEWS.


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97ab65  No.12926309


Qanon is definitely a MSM thing.

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e2f74f  No.12926310

File: 791ca54eb1c3690⋯.png (302.99 KB, 682x312, 341:156, Phaser.png)

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9a0fe8  No.12926311

File: 143897028e4dbf4⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, C01476C7_50D4_437B_8595_D3….png)

Happy Valentines Day to these two lovebirds


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e9def2  No.12926312

File: d182997130ba0ed⋯.png (348.77 KB, 598x549, 598:549, harry_and_meghan_expecting….png)

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1fe607  No.12926313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I was 11 years old when I went to my first teenage party, and among the guests there was a blonde australian girl who I fell in love with at first sight. I got up the courage and asked her to dance, she accepted and this song was played. I remember it as one of the best moments of my life.

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4957ce  No.12926314


Gonna chase the red pill down with a black one if shit doesn’t happen ‘soon’

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ba6ab1  No.12926315


Won't matter. Elections are comped. Biggest lesson from 2020.

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9fc6f6  No.12926316


mmmmm, If you'll have a walk in, you will scream for mommy.

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5ad13e  No.12926318


…Not enough lizard.

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685c7d  No.12926319


later attempts were made to confuse this mark that are dated in 2021, but in a different time further away from the proper timing of Verse systems.

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60ee19  No.12926320

Q's return is going to be epic

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98f9ab  No.12926321

File: 32602e95f0a37ca⋯.png (369.29 KB, 488x475, 488:475, ClipboardImage.png)

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b71dbb  No.12926322

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3c2bba  No.12926323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fdda30  No.12926324

File: 5bd2fa9fb1636be⋯.png (677.33 KB, 580x626, 290:313, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Secret Service Allowed Him to Drive’ – Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of Covid

Why doesn’t Joe Biden care about the Americans dying from Covid-19?

These are the rules, right?

Joe Biden played Mario Kart with his granddaughter during a weekend at Camp David while thousands of Americans died of Covid.

The White House said that Joe Biden had nothing on his schedule for the entire weekend.

Biden arrived to Camp David Friday afternoon and did nothing but play video games and sleep all weekend.


“Secret service made an exception and allowed him to drive himself,” Biden’s granddaughter Naomi posted to Instagram. “A little rusty, but he still won (barely).”

Under Biden’s watch, more than 60,000 Americans have died of Covid in his first three weeks in office.

Using the same argument made by liberals while Trump was in office, Joe Biden has murdered more than 60,000 Americans.


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f1e785  No.12926326

>>12925797 LB

Every day I'm Lurkin Anon.

Same way I did high school. Just listened to the smart guys and joined them on the finish line. No homework needed. KEK

Been riding this HIVE MIND wave for 3 years.

Love ya Anons & Autists...

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a86d30  No.12926327

File: 30e9fca42cec008⋯.jpg (96.23 KB, 1080x609, 360:203, NCSWIC.jpg)

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26a92f  No.12926328


I hear you anon.

I also think since we helped Israel bomb the shit outta whatever they wanted we are getting THAT KARMA back on us, too.

So it's like all these enemies and old scores coming home to roost at once.

We live in interesting times.

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0a632c  No.12926329

Huffpo is saying Qanon is a hoax that has deceived millions!

Is the government trying to identify who is Q?

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fc30ba  No.12926331


Took me a year to find out about it

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8a98c8  No.12926332


tnx I only searched second, 2A, and 2nd.

I think most Americans know that post 919 is not accurate at least now.

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fdda30  No.12926333

File: 41a84d6e272856a⋯.png (67.59 KB, 648x513, 24:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Attacks Guns: Demands Background Checks, Magazine Bans, ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Manufacturers Liable

Joe Biden uses the anniversary of a school shooting to demand strict gun control across the country.

Using the anniversary of the horrific Parkland school shooting – which was committed by someone who the FBI repeatedly ignored – as pretext, Joe Biden demanded Congress pass the type stringent gun legislation far left activists have demanded for years.

“Today, as we mourn with the Parkland community, we mourn for all who have lost loved ones to gun violence,” the Biden regime declared in a White House statement, “This Administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call”.

The Biden regime then demanded “Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.”

It is worth noting that there are no “weapons of war” or “assault weapons” available to normal Americans. No military in existence uses AR-15 rifles or other semi-automatic counterparts, instead using fully automatic weapons like the M-16 and M-4 carbine in the United States, the Type 95 Automatic Rifle in China, and the AK-74 assault rifle in Russia. Automatic weapons have not been available for purchase in the United States since the government made them illegal in 1986.

While many gun control proponents insist that “assault weapons” must include the AR-15, many incorrectly assume AR stands for “assault rifle,” instead of Armalite, the original company to manufacture it.

This comes as Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is championing a Red Flag Law in the United States Senate that would allow Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland – who has fantasized about stripping Americans of their Second Amendment rights since the year 2000 – to strip any American who has been the subject of a domestic terrorism investigation of their guns, even if no charges are levied or arrests made.

National File reported:


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93c480  No.12926334

File: e840e811de661ae⋯.png (122.69 KB, 485x537, 485:537, e840e811de661ae176a0360485….png)

>>12925240 (PB)

Ooooking shills, outrage shills, division shills you're on notice, step up match standard or die losers.

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b71dbb  No.12926335


if anything has been said true, it mean no way can exist anyhow in general terms

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adb6b6  No.12926336


yup happy for them I guess

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58a5b6  No.12926337

File: cd5dc6f9bd3d706⋯.png (499.38 KB, 481x586, 481:586, clipboard_image.png)



>…Not enough lizard.

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9b4155  No.12926338


Speaking of slides… did you even bother to follow the thread, to know what it's all about, faggot?

Started with me asking about tg's GhostEzra (related? unrelated? does it matter?), and some ither idiot (you?) going "jew, can't trust", without ever consubstantiating…

Also: "knob", you 'fuckwit, is *british*, not "'merican", you ignorant, so who's the (sliding) knob, now?

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53b6bc  No.12926339


another fake baby/pregnancy

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4471fd  No.12926340

File: 03148c64f84c5b9⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, BBQ.jpg)


>give me sauce

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98f9ab  No.12926341


that was a doozy. maybe if they take every other car out before the end bubba will have a chance to win.

the other day i remembered that the 500 was coming up cause it was februrary, then i remembered i dont care kek. i used to watch every race.

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5d86b0  No.12926342


>I was 11 years old when I went to my first teenage party, and among the guests there was a blonde australian girl who I fell in love with at first sight. I got up the courage and asked her to dance, she accepted and this song was played. I remember it as one of the best moments of my life.

Modern twist: And in that moment you realized your whole life has been a big lie and right then you decided you’re going through with the sex change operation.

How brave.

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0d9113  No.12926343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is important: If you cannot be held responsible for defending the weak, then you do not deserve to be defended. At all.

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a86d30  No.12926344

I'll be back after the ice storm

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9b2ef8  No.12926345


No. Q and Qanon are not related, and both the media and the govt will keep it that way for as long as they can

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e5b064  No.12926346


Feeling that way.

This movie is way too long.

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96c537  No.12926347

Sean Penn



Feb 13

Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don’t follow Nikki Haley’s lead & clearly state they should not have followed Satin into the bowels of hell. But, perhaps they are too busy at sex parties.



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a86d30  No.12926348

File: 6a4008197cbf160⋯.png (495.39 KB, 633x494, 633:494, 6a4008197cbf1603629ccc735e….png)

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5b1085  No.12926349


Gaslighting is rampant across the board. You failed, but you'll never know what, because it's our idea and secret. Just want you to know however… you failed.

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e2843b  No.12926350


I see a green snake with 6 purple rings.

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fc30ba  No.12926351


You think after princess Diana the world would know neon the media really are behind closed doors 🚪

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2bddb7  No.12926352

File: 206807ecbb36fdf⋯.png (345.16 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Elections are safe.

Stop falling for fake news.


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26a92f  No.12926353



>Is the government trying to identify who is Q?

That will not happen.

It's kinda like some of what this guy said:


> headed towards a George Orwell movie

You see 'QAnon' is Emanuel Goldstein. He is (maybe fake and gay; the protagonist Winston Smith never found out) a flesh-and-blood enemy to INGSOC (Oceania's socialist communist nightmare state) kinda like Trotsky to Stalin.

See, anon, QAnon is being set up in this Orwellian Hell (1984 references in this post) as Emanuel Goldstein.

He therefore will always be with us and will never be properly identified.

They'll probably create a fake NVIDIA picture to represent him.

Ya'll dig?

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cbe6ef  No.12926354

File: 607eac420bec0fb⋯.png (925.08 KB, 1001x824, 1001:824, ClipboardImage.png)

Has anyone here watched Silk Road (2021) yet?

This movie oozes Liberal Bias Brainwashing.

Every fucking new movie is steeped with indoctrination of hate and division.

"We are better than you" rhetoric..

You have a Soiboy white nerd with his "diverse" black girlfriend using TOR to sell drugs using Bitcoin and a bumbling idiot old racist white dude trying to track the genius "Libertarian".

It is entertaining so far but, I can see thru the crap for what it actually is.

For the young tard kids watching this shit.. It certainly does not paint us "old timers" very well. kek

If they ONLY understood! screaming internally





Really SUCKS every damn movie crams this division diversity hatred crap down our throats with EVERY FUCKING TV SHOW AND MOVIE nowadays.

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b71dbb  No.12926355


There is no secret. I know more than you.

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41ed01  No.12926356

File: b6739f53edead24⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 661x673, 661:673, left_test.JPG)


Leftists have no right to censure Nazi analogies after four years of making them

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979c0e  No.12926358

File: cb9da4876b988dd⋯.png (6.95 MB, 733x212, 733:212, AQ1.png)

Georgia refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

(Remember how allegations of errors were "baseless"?)


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224d48  No.12926359

File: c5fa14c3486e494⋯.jpeg (240.62 KB, 956x574, 478:287, D8BE9F83_C99A_4520_9964_7….jpeg)

Who’s ready for higher taxes?

I hear taxpayer funded sex changes and gender transition services cost a lot of money..

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385a18  No.12926360

Right to vote - gone

Freedom of travel - gone

Freedom speech - gone

Freedom to assemble - gone

Freedom from illegal searches and seizures - gone

Three independent branches of government - gone

Next on the chop block - what's left of the already deformed and depleted 2nd.

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1fe607  No.12926361

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB, 195x259, 195:259, pepe55.jpg)


Nice projection dude

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f41892  No.12926363

may I suggest if anons are going to post a headline, at least post the main subject of the article. A sample below…please do this headlines without the main point or answers wastes everyone’s time

>>12924106 Here’s Why the Democrats Didn’t Want Trump’s Legal Team to Call in Pelosi to Testify in Sham Impeachment Trial

The House impeachment managers folded Saturday morning and backed off witnesses after Trump’s legal team announced that Speaker Pelosi would be called in to testify.

The Democrats went straight to closing arguments because they have no case and they wanted to protect Nancy Pelosi.

The reason why the Democrats didn’t want Pelosi to testify is because she knew about the planned attack on the Capitol beforehand.

The FBI, NYPD and USCP had prior knowledge of plans for violence at the US Capitol, including intel threatening murder of police officers.

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a29aa0  No.12926364


hi Q o/

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94ab05  No.12926365


holy shit they got something right for once

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f43a92  No.12926366

File: 5117e09fb913d73⋯.jpg (186.63 KB, 1112x626, 556:313, JustLookAtHim2021.jpg)


It's just like…could you he get any moar repulsive?????

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26a92f  No.12926367


Freedom from injections/poisoning - gone

(We should have protested when the military lost that right…but here we are.)

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9ca621  No.12926368

File: 0ae9b92b8f46b26⋯.jpg (621.53 KB, 1079x1944, 1079:1944, Screenshot_20210214_141804….jpg)


And they don't want us creating our own power here in the US.


>CRIPPLING THE AMERICAN ECONOMY! And throw in the NAFTA EO, so we can loose our manufacturing again as well…


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fc30ba  No.12926370



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e90fd5  No.12926371

File: 498708dd900887c⋯.png (61.74 KB, 336x369, 112:123, Screen_Shot_2021_02_14_at_….png)




PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.








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6eed6a  No.12926372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Set It Off


[in] motion

Enjoy the Show!

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f82a27  No.12926373

Sorry anon

This has been in every bread for the last at least 10!


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adb6b6  No.12926374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When I was 10 I saw the movie Xanadu and fell in love with mythology and the idea of muses…and how they help you g=follow your dreams..back then I wanted to be an artists…I am now finally..40 yrs later..and I have been chasing a magical being..in my eyes..mine…Olivia newton Johns daughter just recently came out with a reboot of a duet she made wit her mom..Have to Believe in Magic….


Its what we are doing here..We Have To Believe

great story anon!!!! Love Its!

Lets Bring Back Romance and Bomb Ass Friendships!

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a29aa0  No.12926375




>>12926251 '''Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM'



>>12926081 Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough.

>>12926116 Anon Opines: Prepare anons, war is coming

>>12926153, >>12926333 Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary

>>12926156, >>12926312 Harry and Meghan expecting second child

>>12926239 Anon Opines: Regarding the keystone…

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM

>>12926324 Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of Covid

>>12926347 Sean Penn, Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don’t follow Nikki Haley’s lead

>>12926233 Two of the swamping places in the country having huge power outages right now

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60d049  No.12926376

File: 73fd282cb4cde55⋯.jpg (16.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jennifer_Dunlap.jpg)

File: 6c720b5b21d51df⋯.gif (109.35 KB, 650x426, 325:213, The_Jesuits_Rule_sm.gif)

File: 9d2321693bed286⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 437x224, 437:224, The_Jesuits_Marxism.jpg)

>>12925353 (lb)


here is the list of names to digg on

all in Georgia

>Ms Jennifer E Dunlap

Attorney Jennifer Dunlap is originally from Decatur, Georgia. After completing high school in 1999, she went off to college at Saint Louis University where she unofficially studied the Jesuit way of life and officially studied social work, graduating with a Bachelors degree in Social Work in 2002. Heading the advice of her parents and desiring to "make a difference," she decided to enroll in law school. She completed law school in 2004 at Georgia State University. She began her career in Columbus, Georgia. She served her community as a felony prosecutor for eight years at the Muscogee County District Attorney's Office but later learned the ropes of personal injury during a tenure with Forrest B. Johnson and Associates. She has three sons who all attend public school in Columbus and has been married to Brandon Dunlap for 14 years.

JESUITS every time.

Don't be deceived

about who they are.

Trying to take down

Lin Wood? Good luck

with that.

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98f9ab  No.12926377

File: bb1af2dc12e851a⋯.png (45.42 KB, 137x200, 137:200, ClipboardImage.png)


havent seen it. but i watched pic related in its entirety for the first time recently. i highly recommend anons re watch old movies that maybe had an impact on them, but didnt understand why. especially the cult ones. it can be kinda spoopy knowing what we know now kek

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e5b064  No.12926378

File: 40453b08c6522a8⋯.png (2.69 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, Qclock3deathtollmarkers.png)


Parkland was a PsyOp



One of 3 QClock Death toll coincidences

58 Vegas

44 Sub

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5b1085  No.12926379

File: fdb35c413ba7d34⋯.jpg (184.73 KB, 884x995, 884:995, GoofyBadge.jpg)


… I guess a congratulations is in order.

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dac113  No.12926380


quit with the left/ right nonsense. it's european bullshit created by the commie/socialists (who are actually one party) and has no place in the U.S.!

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492880  No.12926381

File: 6c3190c9a1476a3⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 400x267, 400:267, hacking_thru_the_bush.jpg)

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41ed01  No.12926382

File: ff34cbf68a60310⋯.jpg (21.47 KB, 322x396, 161:198, total_ree.JPG)

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e40b96  No.12926383

File: 17469fa3a53444c⋯.gif (183.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20210208_174622.gif)

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661214  No.12926384



It doesn’t take a genius to know Who the TRUE God is. The Creator. It’s why [they] have pushed evolution on us for years.

It’s why a child can understand better than adults. If you leave a blank canvas and paints and brushes out for years and years, will it become a masterpiece? How about millions and millions of years?

Not to mention where the paint brushes, canvas, and paint come from. A masterpiece requires a Creator.

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adb6b6  No.12926385

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f82a27  No.12926386


In NY where I am org from, the “knob” referred to little Italy. Where you could get the best food. Also home area of Barretta star. And Einstein.

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b71dbb  No.12926387


The best way to thank me is to stop being a retard.

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312e2c  No.12926388


When I was ten I was raped by the boy scouts troop leader.

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d11a78  No.12926390

File: 26c963b470df115⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1124x784, 281:196, 7621394.png)

File: d2a851051f92713⋯.png (1.09 MB, 744x1206, 124:201, 1797863.png)

File: 26c963b470df115⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1124x784, 281:196, 7621394.png)

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fc30ba  No.12926391


So whats the Creators Name?!?

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97ab65  No.12926392


Are we going to stick this info in every bread until he's replaced or reconfirmed as governor?

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2bddb7  No.12926394

File: c6dd09f4cd4cb42⋯.png (181.09 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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70a110  No.12926395


>What was the point?


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c82955  No.12926396

File: bcaea8657e61826⋯.jpeg (179.41 KB, 727x1024, 727:1024, D3276EB7_E72B_44A4_9F6B_3….jpeg)


Step 1: Set up Pro and Con actors in an issue.

Step 2: Stage a scary event.

Step 3: Use the scary event to justify your Con actors to surrender to your Pro actors.

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aa98f9  No.12926397

If the Trump movie and the Q movie

had never existed to distract from [their] movie,

I wonder how many people would be awake now.

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f82a27  No.12926398


Thank you!

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61d2a2  No.12926399


The extended cut is the best. The theatrical left too much out.

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a29aa0  No.12926400


votes are close enough, so i let it ride.

and will adjust accordingly

>>12926251, >>12908478, >>12792878 Download Petition recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM?

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061f07  No.12926401

File: e9bad1ee22ce80e⋯.png (864.42 KB, 1362x902, 681:451, Screen_Shot_2021_02_14_at_….png)

Fake President wants to limit gun ownership.

Biden Calls on Congress to Restrict Gun Ownership

February 14, 2021

President Joe Biden on Feb. 14 urged Congress to strengthen existing laws concerning gun ownership on the third anniversary of the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

“The Parkland students and so many other young people across the country who have experienced gun violence are carrying forward the history of the American journey. It is a history written by young people in each generation who challenged prevailing dogma to demand a simple truth: we can do better. And we will,” Biden said in a statement.

“This Administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call. We will take action to end our epidemic of gun violence and make our schools and communities safer. Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.”

In the afternoon of Feb. 14, 2018, a man identified by authorities as Nikolas Cruz, now 22, walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland and opened fire with an AR-15 rifle. The shooting left 17 dead, including 14 students. Cruz, who is currently awaiting trial, could face the death penalty….


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40d156  No.12926402

File: 72d3e5c4300867d⋯.jpg (114.2 KB, 728x963, 728:963, ZomboMeme_13022021165844.jpg)

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000000  No.12926403


>>12926059 Dough

#16499@250 Notables

>>12926084 Hillary's law license re-instated

>>12926125 Manufactured China Virus numbers discovered in the south central region of Washington State, blamed on 'data error'

>>12926128 @18airbornecorps [1 of 7] One thing we haven't mentioned at all lately: Dragon's Lair, Episode 3, which airs on Monday, Feb 22nd.

>>12926157 Why is Trump's DC Hotel changing almost double the price on March 3rd & 4th?

>>12926167 In the Netflix' kids movie "We Can Be Heroes", aliens hack the election to put 'Biden' in as President. Movie was released on Christmas Day - 2020 … just a coincidence

>>12926174 The swift death of the media darlings known as the Lincoln Project

>>12926202 Joe getting nervous? Biden Cabal tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name

>>12926205 Heal

>>12926207 You are here

>>12926213 Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. (video)

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California

>>12926275 US citizens in Myanmar told to 'shelter in place' as government workers strike and armored vehicles are deployed

>>12926285 CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049 | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 110

>>12926324 ‘Secret Service Allowed Him to Drive’ – Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of China Virus

>>12926333 Biden Cabal Attacks Guns: Demands Background Checks, Magazine Bans, ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Manufacturers Liable

>>12926356 Leftists have no right to censure Nazi analogies after four years of making them

>>12926358 Georgia refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution (Remember how allegations of errors were "baseless"?)


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26a92f  No.12926404



> 265: muh March 4

> 365: media got something right



I am convinced media interns pushed the fake and gay March 4th crap.

It was an obvious attempt to link this 19th President of Republic not Corp bullshit…and it is bullshit…to Sovereign Citizen movement.

SovCit is already a terrorist organization according to one of Amerca's largest terrorist orgs…the FBI.

We chased those fuckers off this board when they were pulling that shit on/before/shortly after the 6th.

It was like the only good thing we faggots did all 2021.

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9a0fe8  No.12926405


“Guns are safe” - if we trust the plan, this is a relief to know.

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979c0e  No.12926406

File: 720b103e9066c7c⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 642x900, 107:150, AQ2.jpg)

The First public Arabic Ambassador to Israel, the UAE’s ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Mahmoud al-Alkhaja


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5b1085  No.12926407


I'm not thanking anyone who thinks the aborted failed.

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fc30ba  No.12926408

File: 904cd6cabddc860⋯.gif (536.09 KB, 480x348, 40:29, 567EED86_70C3_4D52_9744_A3….gif)

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43f654  No.12926409


your blindness is apparent by the falseness of your narrative.

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11783e  No.12926410

File: b496e3ab90908de⋯.jpg (21.04 KB, 165x255, 11:17, bidenfoot.jpg)

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26a92f  No.12926411


*media interns with CLownIA buttfuckers.

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3c2bba  No.12926412

File: 2d7d0c4587bac15⋯.png (334.02 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2d7d0c4587bac151a0a8a4f09a….png)

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cbe6ef  No.12926413

File: 6e8b0dc614d3064⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1698x919, 1698:919, ClipboardImage.png)


I and hardly into it so far and that is my Synopsis of it so far.

I could write the rest of this script without finishing watching the movie, I bet. kek

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dac113  No.12926414

File: c071edefdb00f5b⋯.png (513.46 KB, 517x668, 517:668, Screen_Shot_2021_02_08_at_….png)

File: f34ea89d8c806e1⋯.png (439.59 KB, 1164x672, 97:56, Screen_Shot_2021_02_08_at_….png)

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0a3ec2  No.12926415


>And who the FUCK do you think Trump is fighting for?

Israel. That's why his presidency resulted in Wall St getting rich and Americans getting poor.

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11783e  No.12926416

File: b7d6dfdf8d4e548⋯.jpg (288.66 KB, 1024x508, 256:127, ar15f.jpg)

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adb6b6  No.12926417

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, lookatme.jpg)


hey listen here buddy..lets not be rude..and stop watching tv..listen to what we say here…

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a29aa0  No.12926418


>>12926251, >>12908478, Download Petition recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com Recall Newsom Effort To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM

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41ed01  No.12926419

File: 510418bcd614496⋯.jpg (22.49 KB, 393x355, 393:355, my_name_is_11.JPG)


if its in the NEWS ? YES

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26a92f  No.12926420


> Reagan muh gunz

Sure was nice of him to prevent the limiting of sales to citizens of certain classes of machine guns……….wait……………

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11783e  No.12926421

File: 123ab88b3585633⋯.jpg (77.62 KB, 600x402, 100:67, Ammo2.jpg)

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1e7470  No.12926422

File: c6ab2f553c72ef5⋯.jpeg (348.62 KB, 640x890, 64:89, 28889563_F553_4F16_AA13_F….jpeg)

File: 4ca07989e77d95c⋯.jpeg (426.92 KB, 640x959, 640:959, E75B3E1D_2502_42E2_A9D8_5….jpeg)

All the RINOs like little boys.

Sick and disgusting people!


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000000  No.12926423

I'm glad President Trump was aquitted.

But, I know the Cabal/Democrats/MSM are well organized/funded and will continue with their efforts to destroy the Republic.

Would love to see some major booms.

Patiently waiting and watching this movie.

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11783e  No.12926424

File: fa09e04b5496693⋯.png (12.82 KB, 224x145, 224:145, 8kun_logo_color.png)

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661214  No.12926425

Seek Him and you will find Him.


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adb6b6  No.12926426


many did as well..sorry about that anon

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9fc6f6  No.12926427


take some notes:

Garbages that are rulling this planet, consider you slaves.

Those that are rulling are very ugly, as fuck

No one will help you. from now on.

You are traitors.

God doesn't exist in your form.

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de0e82  No.12926428

File: 72e340e4fab02c5⋯.jpg (667.71 KB, 1080x1540, 54:77, 20210214_063335.jpg)



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94ab05  No.12926429


AVR says you wrong

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98f9ab  No.12926430


i didnt know there was an extended cut. ill have to check it out. the movie was pretty obvious with their messaging tho. this movie was able to fly under the radar as a weird "cult classic" that nobody really understood. but those days are done. everyone can see what they are saying now kek.

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a29aa0  No.12926431


Anon do u want to bake or something.

we have a baker taking good notes.

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6bc228  No.12926432

File: ba6bf6ed9f4743c⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 750x700, 15:14, imageedit_4003_2358868010.jpg)

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34f300  No.12926433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Graham says Senate impeachment trial 'opened Pandora's box'

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., tells ‘Fox News Sunday’ he is ‘ready to work with’ the former president moving forward. He argues Trump’s speech was ‘politically protected’ and ‘did not cause the riot’ on Capitol Hill.

Fox News

Feb 14, 2021



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adb6b6  No.12926434


looks like a good guy

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a1236c  No.12926435


Y u no do this?

https:// notlink.wtf

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e2843b  No.12926436

Was the first arrest Harvey Weinstein?

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41ed01  No.12926437

File: 9d82ad6d14eb8e3⋯.jpg (81.33 KB, 863x711, 863:711, hit_and_run.JPG)


Nicki Minaj’s Father Robert Maraj Killed In Hit-And-Run, Police Say

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830cf5  No.12926438

>>12924575 lb

Mr. Biden, Hunter line 1, says he lost another laptop.

Yes, that laptop.

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11783e  No.12926439

File: 7b11e88d47fa072⋯.jpg (114.94 KB, 474x578, 237:289, silverrichie.jpg)

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2a1647  No.12926440

File: 9d0d72d8aa15a13⋯.png (393.8 KB, 567x798, 27:38, 1CF3CDBE_3209_4BE3_B4DD_54….png)

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74bbd7  No.12926441


>Speaking of slides… did you even bother to follow the thread, to know what it's all about, faggot?

Nope. Wasn't my issue with your post.

>Started with me asking about tg's GhostEzra (related? unrelated? does it matter?), and some ither idiot (you?) going "jew, can't trust", without ever consubstantiating…

Not me…

>Also: "knob", you 'fuckwit, is *british*, not "'merican", you ignorant, so who's the (sliding) knob, now?

Listen up youngster, we've been using the term "knob" since I was in HS… And I'm an old fuck.

The point is, you can't simply call one out a foreigner because of word choice. If that's the case, nearly every word you are using is fucking "British"…

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26a92f  No.12926442


Historians now split Rome into Byzantium and Rome.

If you were to go back in time assuming you speak Greek as well and told someone in Constantinople 1350 that he was not a Roman he would think you were mad.

It's not that far-fetched to see Britain and America combined as one cooperating power…Five Eyes…special relationship….etc.

You flaunt blindness as if it is illumination.

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d115f4  No.12926443


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42432b  No.12926444

File: d4797b79699b941⋯.jpeg (154.14 KB, 640x429, 640:429, 937B25B6_081A_4C81_BF66_C….jpeg)

File: c790bf2d3939da9⋯.jpeg (319.9 KB, 640x699, 640:699, 7CC3284D_68C6_4AF2_91CB_C….jpeg)

File: c9bf8fffbae1973⋯.jpeg (327.87 KB, 640x780, 32:39, 78389CCB_EE12_4929_BEB5_1….jpeg)


They took billions in bribes from China

They rigged the elections

They barricaded the Capitol

And now they are working on taking away our rights

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ea7a44  No.12926445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ea5b8f  No.12926446


>and made to stand out from others with certain colours

We don't spell it that way.

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11783e  No.12926447

File: 590f37b8c7ffd50⋯.jpg (237.27 KB, 1220x819, 1220:819, milkingcowm.jpg)

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f43a92  No.12926448


>Nicki Minaj’s Father Robert Maraj Killed In Hit-And-Run, Police Say

…The price for her fame just got called in.

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000000  No.12926449


Anon taking notes is a good thing. The more notes the better. You should take some notes too.

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339ad4  No.12926450


No it didn’t. Nothing will come out of it. But it’s Lindsey, so stay tuned.

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a29aa0  No.12926451




>>12926251, >>12908478, Download Petition https://recallgavin2020.com Recall Newsom To Trigger #SpecialElection In #California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM



>>12926081 Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough.

>>12926116 Anon Opines: Prepare anons, war is coming

>>12926153, >>12926333, >>12926401 Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary

>>12926156, >>12926312 Harry and Meghan expecting second child

>>12926239 Anon Opines: Regarding the keystone…

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM

>>12926324 Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of Covid

>>12926347 Sean Penn, Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don’t follow Nikki Haley’s lead

>>12926233 Two of the swamping places in the country having huge power outages right now

>>12926406 The First public Arabic Ambassador to Israel, the UAE’s ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Mahmoud al-Alkhaja

>>12926422 The Predator in the Lincoln Project John Weaver used his power to get jobs for young men he allegedly harassed.

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adb6b6  No.12926452


absolutely anon

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0a2132  No.12926453

File: 695ed01fba44e71⋯.png (42.38 KB, 830x346, 415:173, 695ed01fba44e713a9214dba65….png)


How's Tehran?

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11783e  No.12926454

File: 71a5b8e3ed7f635⋯.gif (606.76 KB, 1737x825, 579:275, blmesp.gif)

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a29aa0  No.12926455

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ce4e30  No.12926456

Anyfags have the archive site for hunter laptop & text messages

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521cd4  No.12926457

File: ad46667b80c17e8⋯.png (591.01 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, EF627867_08E6_426E_8BDE_E0….png)

File: 91769d9a320c459⋯.png (1.77 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, D2F39439_4876_4CB8_9EC1_77….png)

File: 1ca292de6c46445⋯.pdf (210.37 KB, 2021_01635.pdf)

According to plan

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97ab65  No.12926458


Makes no sense, we could just fill notables wit copy paste news that repeat constantly, or we could reference previous notables until there is something new.

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000000  No.12926459


Baker we already Have the Newsome petition in the notables.

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0a2132  No.12926460

File: c2f98e4b19ee7f3⋯.png (275.92 KB, 860x484, 215:121, c2f98e4b19ee7f363a115ef3ce….png)


Same shit for three years running

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308ad3  No.12926461

File: 0444bdabb63ea6d⋯.jpg (843.88 KB, 1879x3199, 1879:3199, 18th_Keystone.jpg)

Operation Desert Storm was from August 2 1990 – February 28 1991 30 weeks = Done in 30 = A clue

The clue = From Feb 28th 1991 to Feb 28th 2021 = 30 years Done in 30

From Aug 28th 2018 - Feb 28th 2021 - 30 months

/patriotsfight/ = More Placeholders to be reviled coming


BIG statement.

What's coming


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3398f2  No.12926462



I've seen the sauce posted for this. Pretty compelling if'n ya ask me.

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41ed01  No.12926463

File: 7467b7ed6bbec25⋯.jpg (90.84 KB, 853x660, 853:660, no_net.JPG)


Romney's checks for kids would 'roll back three decades of successful policy'

Proposal to send families checks to 'undermine the message that employment is essential'

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385a18  No.12926464


>>and made to stand out from others with certain colours


>We don't spell it that way.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

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98f9ab  No.12926465


i think this is what you're looking for


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fd108d  No.12926466

File: 58d1bcf2d3ca528⋯.jpg (132.09 KB, 1125x1124, 1125:1124, BubbaCross.jpg)

File: 4203e91ef67e2d3⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 640x720, 8:9, BubbaKKKhoods.jpg)

File: ba582f446e9b530⋯.jpg (406.12 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, BubbaNoose.jpg)




good times anon, good times

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396755  No.12926467

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announce they are expecting a second baby


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c14718  No.12926468

File: 2f5775280b8348b⋯.jpg (396.05 KB, 470x720, 47:72, 2f5775280b8348b1a135eaf14a….jpg)

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0a3ec2  No.12926469


You say that like it was a loss for them that he was acquitted. The entire trial was nothing but a psyop to get dumb asses that still don't realize he was a traitor to renew their support for him. And, as usual, it worked perfectly. The CIA sure knows how to work the American public. "These people are stupid."

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41ed01  No.12926470

File: d8ad70287fdff52⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 834x212, 417:106, block_re.JPG)


University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex

Officials fear backlash from association with 'politically incorrect' topic

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fd54b5  No.12926471

Newgot here :-)

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43f654  No.12926472

confusion shills will gaslight and also misquote, tell you you are wrong, and then restate your position almost exactly.

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08262b  No.12926473

>>12925964 PB

>Small problem!

>You cannot delete your Twitter account if you are suspended!

>I’ve tried. No way to do it.

So everything we have ever posted on Twitter can and probably will be used against us.

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0a2132  No.12926474

File: 25a4faf2963609f⋯.jpg (146.08 KB, 960x956, 240:239, 70157736_10215033644135569….jpg)

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dac113  No.12926475

File: 7faf87bdc0f6209⋯.png (216.08 KB, 801x656, 801:656, Screen_Shot_2021_02_14_at_….png)

File: d08375a08cf892e⋯.png (42.57 KB, 409x260, 409:260, Screen_Shot_2021_02_14_at_….png)



Nov 10, 2020 9:05am PT

Twitch Hires Xbox Exec Angela Hession as Head of Trust and Safety

by Todd Spangler

Amazon’s Twitch hired Angela Hession, a 20-year veteran of Microsoft, as the live-streaming service’s global VP of trust and safety.

Hession most recently served as Microsoft’s global head of Xbox trust and safety, where she oversaw the creation of Xbox’s Project Artemis, a “grooming detection” program to identify online predators attempting to lure children for sexual purposes.



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adb6b6  No.12926476


Iran before Israel…Iran got that leader who has no problemo in blowing up the region..the way they see it..if they nuke themselves and take out Enemy Israel..they win anyway…Israel depends on havinh that enemy…once removed…what can Israel do???…there lays in the genius…

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94ab05  No.12926477

nobody digs anymore

the cabal murdered my friend

or maybe, i pray, he is in witness protection


for all the fake bakers:

We come from the land of the ice and snow

From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow

How soft your fields so green

Can whisper tales of gore

Of how we calmed the tides of war

We are your overlords

On we sweep with threshing oar

Our only goal will be the western shore

So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins

For peace and trust can win the day despite of all your losing

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e34145  No.12926478


I remember my first post

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6eed6a  No.12926479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Who’s ready for higher taxes?



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a29aa0  No.12926480


im looking more at the other link, can u find more sauce

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41ed01  No.12926481

File: b8abe1dceee01b9⋯.jpg (50.76 KB, 594x539, 54:49, bds.JPG)


Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"

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c82955  No.12926482


He’s pretty.

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40d156  No.12926483

File: 2df03a2dc2aa26f⋯.jpg (71.5 KB, 482x768, 241:384, a41290a981367c4849c400f234….jpg)

File: f21da56f7f496ea⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9b415828318ff3568a6e2055aa….jpg)

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3b7ea3  No.12926484



Fox is making the 500 the Bubba Wallace show.

Kyle Larson had to do a sit down interview with a black host before the race. It was his shaming.

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3b1baf  No.12926485

File: 2d8fcdcd29bde7c⋯.png (228.28 KB, 558x603, 62:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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65e2b9  No.12926486


Who are you addressing?

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cbe6ef  No.12926487


That already happens often.. Which is fine sometimes. Got to remember many are not here 24/7 like you. kek

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5b1085  No.12926488


haha. This is not the first time an announcement like this has mysteriously popped up. Fuck fatherhood Harry. Pay a European Goddess to pump out a few good genes and get on with it.

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adb6b6  No.12926489

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, Today_6.jpg)


remember your first..or The first..

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7527d3  No.12926490

File: f4ee55422643c4c⋯.png (423.01 KB, 671x696, 671:696, Underground_Atlanta.png)



"Underground Atlanta" has existed since 1870, any ties to trafficking and/or the bar center?


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25e46c  No.12926491

File: c9761b780659a94⋯.jpg (18.99 KB, 216x255, 72:85, royalfamily1.jpg)



What the hell! Getting a little ahead of themselves, aren't they?

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8fb2b1  No.12926492


Dats raysist

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c82955  No.12926493

File: 3ddbbd92651697f⋯.jpeg (62.54 KB, 500x759, 500:759, 90536D34_37BC_41C6_87A4_0….jpeg)

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276394  No.12926494


markus rashfords at it again i see.

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6eed6a  No.12926495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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98f9ab  No.12926496

File: 31fd6f1bbf23a3c⋯.png (777.23 KB, 834x1811, 834:1811, ClipboardImage.png)


didnt you read his statement after his second acquittal?

>in the months ahead i have much to share with you


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3398f2  No.12926497

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b145ff  No.12926498

How does the Military feel about all this info presented to them of all the corrupt


Will they fight for us or [them]

Asking for frens

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5c3045  No.12926499

File: 74eb7cad7f9de27⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 1247x668, 1247:668, Castle_Rock.JPG)

Needful Things, the Devil in Castle Rock!

A new shop named "Needful Things" opens in the small town of Castle Rock, Maine, sparking the curiosity of its citizens. The proprietor, Leland Gaunt, is a charming elderly gentleman seemingly from Akron, Ohio who always seems to have an item in stock that is perfectly suited to any customer who comes through his door.


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94ab05  No.12926500


>>12926488 Pay a European Goddess to pump out a few good genes and get on with it.

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6eed6a  No.12926501

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e5b064  No.12926502

File: 0e9638d10eade63⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, QclockFeb17SDSS17x2.png)


17 Only version

NHL Tribute Ceremony

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adb6b6  No.12926503

File: 4abcea2665e0595⋯.jpg (9.7 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

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97ab65  No.12926504


There is already info at global, that could be updated.

Sad you assume anyone would spend all there time here.

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f43a92  No.12926505


It was potentially you…but you outed yourself.

I'll give you a 'you'; so you can at least buy yourself a cofffee on your first day.

see you next bread.

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a29aa0  No.12926506


im gonna have to ask for a second opinion on this one anon. but topkek

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8a98c8  No.12926507


yes all valid under President Trump

Currently…I say not so much

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26a92f  No.12926508



I must humble myself.

I am retarded.


I really don't know what that means.

I went to qresear.ch and did a search, got hits, context didn't help.

Nothing in acronym dictionaries. I looked everywheres.

I bet I will be embarrassed when I find out what it means.

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adb6b6  No.12926509

File: a14d97c5a5a226f⋯.jpg (73.32 KB, 750x727, 750:727, 086719a36def16744a252bd7b3….jpg)

bread has chilled…

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08262b  No.12926510


Hollyweird/Pedowood is such a trash heap of depravity.

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94ab05  No.12926511



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0a3ec2  No.12926512


Seems like more were awake in 2016 since now people are lost and supporting a traitor that sold us out and did more damage to our nation than even King Nig could pull off. But I don't believe anyone is still waiting for "the plan" to unfold. Those are just shills working to keep Trump's false legacy propped up.

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e5c6e3  No.12926513


30 days from inauguration is Friday Feb 19th

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9d6593  No.12926515

File: f4fc4d003ea237b⋯.png (80.04 KB, 359x300, 359:300, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2341f  No.12926516


Need… to…. increase… adrenochrome… production…

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3cc34d  No.12926517

File: 2ed7800d5421d13⋯.jpg (57.59 KB, 960x659, 960:659, EuN9ewrXUAMCGSC.jpg)

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11783e  No.12926518

File: a265519c63917c7⋯.gif (241.49 KB, 932x797, 932:797, lb2.gif)

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6eed6a  No.12926519

File: 4e37c7dafa4507d⋯.png (94.41 KB, 294x295, 294:295, 4e37c7dafa4507dd039075370f….png)

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f43a92  No.12926520


Remember my first 'YOU'.


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e43a96  No.12926521

File: 4ea9fa6e83f235f⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 720x632, 90:79, DJT_did_it_for_love_of_cou….jpg)

Trump sacrificed his wealth for his country

Joe Bidan sacrificed our country for his ASS!!!

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3b7ea3  No.12926522


i believe POTUS is still publically identifying traitors. We just saw Burr, Cassidy, Sasse, and McConnell come out fully this week. We've known, but normies haven't.

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6bc228  No.12926523

File: cf9e3d7ffa837f7⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 600x374, 300:187, luke_22_36.jpg)

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9b4155  No.12926524

>>12926441 (pb)

>>Speaking of slides… did you even bother to follow the thread, to know what it's all about, faggot?

>Nope. Wasn't my issue with your post.

Then STFU.

>>Started with me asking about tg's GhostEzra (related? unrelated? does it matter?), and some ither idiot (you?) going "jew, can't trust", without ever consubstantiating…

>Not me…

Then STFU.

>>Also: "knob", you 'fuckwit, is *british*, not "'merican", you ignorant, so who's the (sliding) knob, now?

>Listen up youngster, we've been using the term "knob" since I was in HS… And I'm an old fuck.

Muh literal "old"faggot; yeah, really important issue, that one… maybe there weren't any brits yet, when you were a pimply faggot… they hadn't any jargon either yet… Who could possibly know…

>The point is, you can't simply call one out a foreigner because of word choice. If that's the case, nearly every word you are using is fucking "British"…

That's just too bad, poir anon, maybe you really should've created a whole brand new language, then you wouldn't have such "issues"…

Anyway, so, now that you aired your much hurt feels, are you ok yet, precious snowflake?

And… Done!

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de0e82  No.12926525

File: 9cb43ee5f53d80b⋯.jpg (277.38 KB, 847x847, 1:1, 20210201_130241.jpg)


I don't do dates

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26a92f  No.12926526


> be kermit

> use crickets for bait

> frog on tadpole sees cricket

> plllllllllluuurrrrprppppppp

> frog tongue nails cricket…

> ….and hook.

> kermit freaks out

> doesn't want to be cannibal

> Miss Piggy stops by

> Kermie you eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

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11783e  No.12926527

File: ebaa3cca02f7030⋯.jpg (22.91 KB, 474x226, 237:113, mAdderall.jpg)

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0a3ec2  No.12926528


LOL. They sound even more LARPy when recycled. "Guns are safe." In other words, goodbye 2A!

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eabe11  No.12926529

File: 6b1fff6f36b4f9d⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 620x827, 620:827, 1613151260526.jpg)

Neebs moar bewbs

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000000  No.12926530


>>12926059 Dough

#16499@400 Notables

>>12926084 Hillary's law license re-instated

>>12926125 Manufactured China Virus numbers discovered in the south central region of Washington State, blamed on 'data error'

>>12926128 @18airbornecorps [1 of 7] One thing we haven't mentioned at all lately: Dragon's Lair, Episode 3, which airs on Monday, Feb 22nd.

>>12926157 Why is Trump's DC Hotel changing almost double the price on March 3rd & 4th?

>>12926167 In the Netflix' kids movie "We Can Be Heroes", aliens hack the election to put 'Biden' in as President. Movie was released on Christmas Day - 2020 … just a coincidence

>>12926174 The swift death of the media darlings known as the Lincoln Project

>>12926202 Joe getting nervous? Biden Cabal tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name

>>12926205 Heal

>>12926207 You are here

>>12926213 Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. (video)

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California

>>12926275 US citizens in Myanmar told to 'shelter in place' as government workers strike and armored vehicles are deployed

>>12926285 CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049 | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 110

>>12926324 ‘Secret Service Allowed Him to Drive’ – Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of China Virus

>>12926333 Biden Cabal Attacks Guns: Demands Background Checks, Magazine Bans, ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Manufacturers Liable

>>12926356 Leftists have no right to censure Nazi analogies after four years of making them

>>12926358 Georgia refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution (Remember how allegations of errors were "baseless"?)

>>12926401 Biden Calls on Congress to Restrict Gun Ownership

>>12926418 Download Petition - Recall Newsome

>>12926433 Graham says Senate impeachment trial 'opened Pandora's box' (video)

>>12926463 Romney proposal to send families checks 'undermines the message that employment is essential'

>>12926470 University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex. Officials fear backlash from association with 'politically incorrect' topic

>>12926481 Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"

>>12926475 Amazon’s Twitch hired Angela Hession, a 20-year veteran of Microsoft, as the live-streaming service’s global VP of trust and safety.

>>12926496 President Trump statement after 2nd sham impeachment fails


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94ab05  No.12926531




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e5c6e3  No.12926532


Rogue and Lose appear to stump anyone under 30.

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f43a92  No.12926533


Yeah…Because the girls aren't interested

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1fe607  No.12926534

File: faba3ba46252274⋯.png (47.13 KB, 406x493, 14:17, faba3ba46252274058b1373813….png)

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c13c85  No.12926535

File: a52d800ec507c0b⋯.png (315.16 KB, 893x1373, 893:1373, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election.

"About a week ago I published some preliminary numbers regarding vote flipping, prepared by some very deep diving dolphin-speakers. They had only located, analyzed, And reconstructed about 18 of them at the time. They had found just short of 300,000 votes flipped. Now they have worked further through the data, and they have locked down what 85 case, for over 2 million votes. They are most of the way but not yet completely all the way through the data, so this may increase a little more." - Patrick Byrne via Telegram



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396755  No.12926536


Of course she's not, and wasn't last time - my suspicion is trans

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e096b1  No.12926537

File: e45e10ff10102ae⋯.jpeg (1013.73 KB, 1125x1944, 125:216, CB20DF5E_3B3A_41D8_849C_9….jpeg)

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2360c3  No.12926538

File: 544c47d88eb0b6e⋯.jpg (231.57 KB, 952x1390, 476:695, sculpture_of_the_capitolin….jpg)

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30fe9c  No.12926539

File: 9c1be4d62642019⋯.jpeg (169.27 KB, 717x525, 239:175, people_of_color.jpeg)


just stop burning shit and basing your enmity on false flags and I don't give a shit what you think you are "dismantling"

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60d049  No.12926540

File: 3009c6e07bbfae8⋯.jpg (122.73 KB, 900x506, 450:253, PlannedParenthood.jpg)


>University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex

Where do most trannies get sex changes?

Yup, you guessed it.


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98f9ab  No.12926541

File: 180e566122e29c2⋯.png (440.76 KB, 570x350, 57:35, ClipboardImage.png)


thats the day trump SCOTUS case starts. and if they determine there was any fraud. bidens entire candidacy is cancelled. he will not qualify to have even participated in the election, let alone win it.



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4471fd  No.12926542

File: a264bfd67a84362⋯.png (176.06 KB, 598x528, 299:264, nascar.png)

File: b346a4c53219fe1⋯.png (433.45 KB, 835x407, 835:407, nascr.png)


>the Bubba Wallace show.

The other drivers know it's still black history month, right?

They will crash and burn soon for Bubba, right?

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0a3ec2  No.12926543



"Those you trust the most."

"These people are stupid."

"We have it all."

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26a92f  No.12926544


impeach obama for lewdness in sucking michael cock

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672a2a  No.12926545


>>>12924618 Liberal Hollywood celebrities suffer complete meltdowns over Trump's acquittal, deem Republicans as 'traitors'

I'd like to apologize in advance to any canuckanons for the upcoming influx of Hollyweird refugees to Vancouver and Toronto.

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8a98c8  No.12926546


I say overall the US mil brass was scared to death of President Trump's popularity and honesty.

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11783e  No.12926547

File: 5e1e20ab8f2664a⋯.jpg (26.55 KB, 474x226, 237:113, mAdderall.jpg)

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a29aa0  No.12926548


>>12926059 @400


>>12926251, >>12908478, Download Petition https://recallgavin2020.com Recall Newsom To Trigger #SpecialElection In #California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM


>>12926081 Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough.

>>12926116 Anon Opines: Prepare anons, war is coming

>>12926153, >>12926333, >>12926401 Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary

>>12926156, >>12926312 Harry and Meghan expecting second child

>>12926239 Anon Opines: Regarding the keystone…

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM

>>12926324 Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of Covid

>>12926347 Sean Penn, Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don’t follow Nikki Haley’s lead

>>12926233 Two of the swamping places in the country having huge power outages right now

>>12926406 The First public Arabic Ambassador to Israel, the UAE’s ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Mahmoud al-Alkhaja

>>12926422 The Predator in the Lincoln Project John Weaver used his power to get jobs for young men he allegedly harassed.

>>12926461 QMap Report

>>12926359 Anon, Who’s ready for higher taxes?

>>12926521 Reminder, Trump sacrificed his wealth for his country

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fc30ba  No.12926549

File: 04a1bbdd9b7542f⋯.jpeg (146.48 KB, 1000x1512, 125:189, B03FDEEA_6EC6_45DE_91CB_A….jpeg)

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4957ce  No.12926550


Ok, great, evidence of election fraud, now what?

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26a92f  No.12926551


Thank you!

Site now bookmarked!

I'm living and learning!

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1fe607  No.12926552

File: ac7e8f9356ab8a7⋯.png (522.32 KB, 478x621, 478:621, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Bara….png)

File: 5b4f8e6080365e5⋯.jpg (78.64 KB, 678x640, 339:320, EuMS3O3XEAE9swU.jpg)

Happy Valentine’s Day to the three who never fail to make me smile. Your dazzling light makes everything brighter.


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2a1647  No.12926553


That was phaque and homosex old man.

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5fd458  No.12926554

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused_pepe.jpg)

Anon will pretend there's free beer on Sundays like the old days.

Gotta say, rather bummed. It looks like there's a soft "fake election" coup scheduled for Ecuador to to protect the CIAs involvement in manipulating Assange. Also, we're starting to hear about "human rights" violations out of the money laundering corners of the Middle East, which means we'll have another not war but war soon to line cabal pockets.

Why do we have to go through this if DJT actually won the election?

Or is there a chance, he really lost, and our future is decided for moar war and moar colonization…

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94ab05  No.12926555



die faggot

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e43a96  No.12926556

You can "SERVE in HEAVEN" or be like Nancy Piglosi and "RULE in HELL!!!"

She chose HELL!!!

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c78e6c  No.12926557


This is like comparing apples to oranges.

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c13c85  No.12926558

File: fb4e0ec1fc90951⋯.png (521.24 KB, 617x519, 617:519, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8e3ac  No.12926559


Get a Life! Get a Life!

Get a Life! Get a Life!

If you can post here, you're obviously not

working hard enough at your job. Or are you?

Does Soros or Bezos pay you?

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eaa8ee  No.12926560

File: 1aea144627c3ed8⋯.png (26.79 KB, 367x820, 367:820, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d4524b0be82be4⋯.png (946.61 KB, 564x564, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

I was born long ago

I am the chosen, I'm the one

I have come to save the day

And I won't leave until I'm done

So that's why you've got to try

You got to breath and have some fun

Though I'm not paid, I play this game

And I won't stop until I'm done

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f43a92  No.12926561


The NG are 'US'; not sure about the military?

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14cfb3  No.12926562

So this guy Biden..

•Takes billions of dollars in bribes from China

•Brags about having the largest voter fraud organization in the history of mankind before elections

•Steals elections after bragging that he had the biggest voter fraud organization ever

•Calls all Trump supporters domestic terrorists

•Barricades the Capitol

•Lets all the illegal aliens go free and essentially invites millions more to pour in through our border

•And now wants to take away our right to defend ourself

Did I miss anything??

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fc30ba  No.12926563


False family

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4471fd  No.12926564

File: 2dc6ebca9c60cc6⋯.png (322.75 KB, 551x345, 551:345, pepeBag.png)



So PP is dealing drugs to the kids?

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de0e82  No.12926565

File: e4aaae7c6853792⋯.png (783.08 KB, 1080x1345, 216:269, Memeto_1610844374428.png)

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1fe607  No.12926566

File: 5040ae96ba7907a⋯.png (596.44 KB, 398x623, 398:623, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Mich….png)

Happy Valentine’s Day, @barackobama

! Life is always brighter when I'm by your side.



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4957ce  No.12926567


Weird, those kids don’t look related to the adults on the photo

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fc30ba  No.12926568


Kek lol

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a29aa0  No.12926569


getting closer satan

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c82955  No.12926570


All enemies of freedom (including Rothschilds) hate Jews.

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aa98f9  No.12926571

File: 3efbf3b9ddae796⋯.mp4 (850.56 KB, 640x360, 16:9, DJT.mp4)

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25e46c  No.12926572


How does that relate to this year tho?

Does the "mass start" mean anything in particular (like arrests?) or does it just refer back

to the race starting?

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f3e363  No.12926573

File: bedda86192a019a⋯.png (14.22 KB, 329x209, 329:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: acf413c879ea5c0⋯.png (459.2 KB, 502x438, 251:219, ClipboardImage.png)


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94ab05  No.12926574



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11af61  No.12926575


Bubby Wallace car is 23XI 23 11

Bubba also did not pass inspection twice.

I think they lied about the 3rd inspection. I bet he didn't pass that either. His crew chief was kicked out of the race before it started and Bubba had to go to the back to start.

Prerace they had an Interview with Michael Jordan and Michael Strahan the first Black team Owners. Made you want to Puke !!

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41ed01  No.12926576

File: 62e4e721b9bc041⋯.jpg (76.34 KB, 1034x738, 517:369, new_kind.JPG)


‘A New Kind Of Child Abuse’: Rob Schneider Retweets Video On Extreme COVID Measures In School

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4fdb0b  No.12926577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kek, seems forever ago when we were asking "Why won't they ask the Q?" and

"Who will ask the Q?"

Our President certainly answered. Wonder why they won't run his answer, his exact words on a loop on their Mockingbird stations?

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94ab05  No.12926578



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f43a92  No.12926579


That is one snarky bitch…ghislaine too.

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fc30ba  No.12926580

File: b2a339687695ba0⋯.jpeg (91.61 KB, 750x562, 375:281, F8838D85_1867_4E08_A1A8_5….jpeg)


This kids fire 🔥 !!

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adb6b6  No.12926581


and to the anon who guessed right that Desert Storm anniversary time..30 years..9-11 is 20 yrs…desert period begins when??..you see..I cover 2 war eras…Cold War and Desert..Hot and Cold Niggas..Full Circle

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d5ba8f  No.12926582

File: ede8710276d75ee⋯.png (866.05 KB, 1181x763, 1181:763, Ammo_2_14_2021.PNG)


>Biden Attacks Guns

Evil trips czeched.

Check the ammo and reloading component prices on gunbroker. Panic buying.

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eaa8ee  No.12926583

File: 459d2dcf8737350⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1086x835, 1086:835, ClipboardImage.png)

this is headline news.

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8a98c8  No.12926584


I say it is safe to say that the overwhelmingly majority of US vets are pro freedom.

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b4b7d6  No.12926585

File: a416860f183fee6⋯.png (50.37 KB, 139x175, 139:175, Screen_Shot_2021_02_14_at_….png)


That's a dude.

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a29aa0  No.12926586


filter for sowing contempt

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30fe9c  No.12926587

File: e9edcd4b90963f8⋯.png (457.06 KB, 648x823, 648:823, james_woods_on_fake_2018_f….png)

File: 7859d7df8c8a808⋯.jpg (133.73 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, florida_shooting_permit.jpg)

File: 6a181b4cb96bb06⋯.jpg (75.09 KB, 698x935, 698:935, david_hogg_with_earpiece_f….jpg)

File: 4668973efe68af3⋯.jpg (183.85 KB, 1200x1171, 1200:1171, florida_hogg_fbi_911.jpg)

File: eea1f589a82c77b⋯.png (431.17 KB, 648x480, 27:20, florida_kids_happy_REAL.png)


broward county

That's all you have to say.

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76493f  No.12926588

File: d996bf97bab341b⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 441x498, 147:166, 20210213_213048.gif)

Feb 19th is Thursday.

Prayer for Trump Powell SCOTUS Woods and the future of the world.

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34f300  No.12926589

Graham ~ Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party

Hints she will run for Richard Burr's seat.

"The biggest winner of this whole impeachment trail is Laura Trump. My dear friend Richard Burr who I like and have been friends with a long time just made Laura Trump almost the certain nominee for the Senate seat in North Carolina to replace him (if she decides to run). And I certenly would be behind her because I think she represents the future of the Republican Party."

13:22 to 13:44



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f43a92  No.12926590


We can only hope Anon.

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fc30ba  No.12926591

File: 7f5f2ef04e1f134⋯.jpeg (112.84 KB, 1092x871, 84:67, E6124E7C_40F3_401C_BEDB_E….jpeg)


Lolololooolo 😂

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94ab05  No.12926592



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60d049  No.12926593

File: 9166a0fb4902a80⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 409x530, 409:530, Obamas_McCain.jpg)


>fail to make me smile

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adb6b6  No.12926594

File: 1a153e5c32eed14⋯.png (293.94 KB, 853x959, 853:959, ClipboardImage.png)



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30fe9c  No.12926595

File: 8a645496b98a0e7⋯.png (883.89 KB, 753x1061, 753:1061, archon_bird_man_parasite.png)

File: 5dd4491da7ca117⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1747x1061, 1747:1061, archon_parasite_headless_a….png)



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ea5b8f  No.12926596


Who are them?

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3b7ea3  No.12926597


saved image for future. on track with this.

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d11a78  No.12926598

File: b18e222aaa3fdb1⋯.png (743.77 KB, 983x776, 983:776, 0762146547865.png)

File: addb8d462333ea6⋯.png (384.58 KB, 1030x620, 103:62, 010605785466.png)

File: b18e222aaa3fdb1⋯.png (743.77 KB, 983x776, 983:776, 0762146547865.png)

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fe580e  No.12926599

File: 85675e4c9e3521c⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 1125x568, 1125:568, Fortunate_Son.jpg)


I hope those choppers are fitted with this option…

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4471fd  No.12926600

File: a83346664de7e73⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 533x558, 533:558, 44grab.jpg)


> make me smile.

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98f9ab  No.12926601


looks to me like her programming didnt take. they got big plans for the other one though.

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fc30ba  No.12926602


Can’t stop laughing 😂 !!!!!

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6eed6a  No.12926603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Your learning is up to you.

3:25 min mark.


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f43a92  No.12926604



Stop your shit from cluttering our screens

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9880f0  No.12926605

File: df0927f66c35767⋯.png (603.54 KB, 805x456, 805:456, trial.PNG)

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c82955  No.12926606

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061f07  No.12926607

File: 7db9673b124906b⋯.jpg (22.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7db9673b124906b96bcb765cd5….jpg)


we always hear of satans fallen/demons.

I would also keep in mind, we have armies of Christs angels, who love us, value us, magnificent/brilliant warriors protecting us.

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8d4621  No.12926608


I guess the media and government FUCKING LOVE freedom than…

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1b7512  No.12926609

File: 08c8ad033974a43⋯.jpg (38.94 KB, 392x255, 392:255, Capture.JPG)


That's just for starters…he hasn't been in office a month yet…Just think of how life will be in a year..Goodbye America

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396755  No.12926611


There are several conspiracy theories about Meghan Markle, with some claiming that the duchess could be transgender.

The Duchess of Sussex has been subjected to different criticism from her color and fashion to her life choices. Aside from these, there are outrageous claims about the duchess.

Many are still not convinced that Markle’s pregnancy was real. One netizen took to online forum Quora and shared that Markle was among the famous people rumored to be transgender. He added that no matter what men do, they can’t get pregnant. He also shared some points to support the claims that the duchess is transgender.

“Once you study human anatomy you will never look back,” he wrote.

“Megan has a flat back, male dental bridge, deep orbital bones that are far apart, shoulders wider than the hips, square jaw bone, index finger shorter than ring finger, deep nail pans, large hands and feet, thick wrists and ankles, large brow bone, clavicle bone and very long humerous bones, Adam’s apple and an Adonis belt. I have just listed traits that only men have and yet Megan has them all. Wonder why.”

He added that it was impossible for Markle to get pregnant because she flew in a plane when she was already eight months along. Also, she still wore stilettos and did not have any difficulty stooping and crouching when she was close to her due date. Her bump also changed in size and was reportedly square at one point.


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11af61  No.12926612


Somebody Tweet Don Jr. and find out if there is a Mario Cart game at Camp David ?? I find that hard to believe !!

I call Bullshit

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adb6b6  No.12926613

File: 336d567dc80d9c3⋯.png (115.69 KB, 337x437, 337:437, 4michelle.png)

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5ad13e  No.12926614

File: 76e8e5fdd2719e9⋯.png (3.15 KB, 665x107, 665:107, Screenshot_2021_02_11_2021….png)

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0a3ec2  No.12926615


Q was not only used to string patriots along, but it also provided fodder for the MSM and FBI (Trump's comped FBI) to paint patriots as unhinged nutbags.

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11783e  No.12926616

File: 43869e5e9e883c1⋯.gif (206.46 KB, 607x794, 607:794, ppenis2.gif)

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adb6b6  No.12926617

File: 00029ca1b54251d⋯.jpeg (40.63 KB, 600x606, 100:101, 00029ca1b54251d5b4720fe0a….jpeg)

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40d156  No.12926618

File: f4c6e71deb1ac5a⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 780x792, 65:66, ZomboMeme_06022021191043.jpg)

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30fe9c  No.12926619

File: 58a2fe4211e1d98⋯.png (260.92 KB, 888x888, 1:1, trump_they_live_pepe.png)


posting the dailybeast is a shillable offense.

posting bullshit distraction "news" is a second shillable offense

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24ef6b  No.12926620


Obama kids

But not mikes

…the youngest always gives it away

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ff78b1  No.12926621

File: 7ccab63bd55c358⋯.png (52.14 KB, 889x516, 889:516, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Inve….png)

Is THIS why POTUS45 played the "YMCA" song at his rallies? Poking fun at sleepy joe??


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74bbd7  No.12926622


>>Speaking of slides… did you even bother to follow the thread, to know what it's all about, faggot?

>Nope. Wasn't my issue with your post.

>Then STFU.

Free speak board, brah!

>>Started with me asking about tg's GhostEzra (related? unrelated? does it matter?), and some ither idiot (you?) going "jew, can't trust", without ever consubstantiating…

>Not me…

>Then STFU.

Apparently you forgot. See above.

>>Also: "knob", you 'fuckwit, is *british*, not "'merican", you ignorant, so who's the (sliding) knob, now?

>Listen up youngster, we've been using the term "knob" since I was in HS… And I'm an old fuck.

>Muh literal "old"faggot; yeah, really important issue, that one… maybe there weren't any brits yet, when you were a pimply faggot… they hadn't any jargon either yet… Who could possibly know…

This has to be the stupidest thing you've posted thus far

>The point is, you can't simply call one out a foreigner because of word choice. If that's the case, nearly every word you are using is fucking "British"…

>That's just too bad, poir anon, maybe you really should've created a whole brand new language, then you wouldn't have such "issues"…

>Anyway, so, now that you aired your much hurt feels, are you ok yet, precious snowflake?

I stand corrected. This is the stupidest thing…

Triggered much?

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3b7ea3  No.12926623


lift every welfare check and breed!

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fc30ba  No.12926624

File: 42ac2666cd5d30d⋯.jpeg (227.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 953DFB7F_37A3_4F37_ABCA_4….jpeg)

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5b1085  No.12926625

File: 609e32cdd80ac69⋯.jpg (63.82 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dasuseleciss21.jpg)

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e5c6e3  No.12926626


It's a fucking statement not a prediction.

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11783e  No.12926627

File: 4bd503d31115000⋯.gif (154.47 KB, 690x460, 3:2, brady.GIF)

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8a98c8  No.12926628


Both the MSM and FBI were comped well before President Trump. You stupidity is showing in your post.

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492880  No.12926629

File: e95e7f72559b47b⋯.jpg (69.78 KB, 600x315, 40:21, lost_rat.jpg)

File: c8de8733e9fa257⋯.jpeg (144.3 KB, 827x558, 827:558, gg.jpeg)

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a29aa0  No.12926630


>>12926059 @500


>>12926251, >>12908478, Download Petition https://recallgavin2020.com Recall Newsom To Trigger #SpecialElection In #California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM


>>12926081 Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough.

>>12926116 Anon Opines: Prepare anons, war is coming

>>12926153, >>12926333, >>12926401 Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary (CAP >>12926537)

>>12926156, >>12926312 Harry and Meghan expecting second child

>>12926239 Anon Opines: Regarding the keystone…

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM

>>12926324 Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of Covid

>>12926347 Sean Penn, Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don’t follow Nikki Haley’s lead

>>12926233 Two of the swamping places in the country having huge power outages right now

>>12926406 The First public Arabic Ambassador to Israel, the UAE’s ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Mahmoud al-Alkhaja

>>12926422 The Predator in the Lincoln Project John Weaver used his power to get jobs for young men he allegedly harassed.

>>12926461 QMap Report

>>12926359 Anon, Who’s ready for higher taxes?

>>12926521 Reminder, Trump sacrificed his wealth for his country

>>12926535 Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election

>>12926552 Obumer Comms

>>12926562 Anon asking, Did I miss anything??

>>12926564 So PP is dealing drugs to the kids?

>>12926589 Graham ~ Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party

>>12926603 Your learning is up to you. (Sounds Q)

>>12926577 Reminder: "Who will ask the Q?"

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adb6b6  No.12926631

File: 91648831cf220fc⋯.png (551.4 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ccf3a397fc2ef2⋯.png (978.64 KB, 1579x894, 1579:894, ClipboardImage.png)


Be Happy Aryans..sheeesh

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d11a78  No.12926632

File: 61eebdb198d9dff⋯.png (260.34 KB, 750x756, 125:126, 8911465848796.png)

File: 3c4b805b66eb58f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 834x874, 417:437, 14560778563.png)

File: 61eebdb198d9dff⋯.png (260.34 KB, 750x756, 125:126, 8911465848796.png)

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bb9056  No.12926633

File: 8f4ab42e8153529⋯.png (438.02 KB, 811x874, 811:874, 1613318644250.png)

File: 7ad0a0196d84caf⋯.png (277.49 KB, 836x610, 418:305, 1613309474515.png)

File: 999ff29d315ce0d⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 680x372, 170:93, Nancy_Legacy.jpg)

File: 5c78e7ed0bd75d4⋯.jpg (123.14 KB, 800x601, 800:601, Back_Hole_Billy.jpg)

File: ba516a73fab07f0⋯.png (263.55 KB, 952x686, 68:49, 1613051864058.png)

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ab4d18  No.12926634


fake and gay

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000000  No.12926635


>>12926059 Dough

#16499@500 Notables

>>12926084 Hillary's law license re-instated

>>12926125 Manufactured China Virus numbers discovered in the south central region of Washington State, blamed on 'data error'

>>12926128 @18airbornecorps [1 of 7] One thing we haven't mentioned at all lately: Dragon's Lair, Episode 3, which airs on Monday, Feb 22nd.

>>12926157 Why is Trump's DC Hotel changing almost double the price on March 3rd & 4th?

>>12926167 In the Netflix' kids movie "We Can Be Heroes", aliens hack the election to put 'Biden' in as President. Movie was released on Christmas Day - 2020 … just a coincidence

>>12926174 The swift death of the media darlings known as the Lincoln Project

>>12926202 Joe getting nervous? Biden Cabal tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name

>>12926205 Heal

>>12926207 You are here

>>12926213 Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. (video)

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California

>>12926275 US citizens in Myanmar told to 'shelter in place' as government workers strike and armored vehicles are deployed

>>12926285 CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049 | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 110

>>12926324 ‘Secret Service Allowed Him to Drive’ – Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of China Virus

>>12926333 Biden Cabal Attacks Guns: Demands Background Checks, Magazine Bans, ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Manufacturers Liable

>>12926356 Leftists have no right to censure Nazi analogies after four years of making them

>>12926358 Georgia refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution (Remember how allegations of errors were "baseless"?)

>>12926401 Biden Calls on Congress to Restrict Gun Ownership

>>12926418 Download Petition - Recall Newsome

>>12926433 Graham says Senate impeachment trial 'opened Pandora's box' (video)

>>12926463 Romney proposal to send families checks 'undermines the message that employment is essential'

>>12926470 University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex. Officials fear backlash from association with 'politically incorrect' topic

>>12926481 Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"

>>12926475 Amazon’s Twitch hired Angela Hession, a 20-year veteran of Microsoft, as the live-streaming service’s global VP of trust and safety.

>>12926496 President Trump statement after 2nd sham impeachment fails

>>12926535 Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election.

>>12926558 Piers Morgan w/ GMAX pic - Piers Morgan blocked the picture

>>12926576 ‘A New Kind Of Child Abuse’: Rob Schneider Retweets Video On Extreme China Virus Measures In School

>>12926589 Graham ~ Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party - Hints she will run for Richard Burr's seat.

>>12926621 Is THIS why POTUS45 played the "YMCA" song at his rallies? Poking fun at sleepy joe??


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f43a92  No.12926636


Do you know what the name of GOD is?

For you, it will be 'I'm Sorry,,,I didn't know'.

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0a3ec2  No.12926637


No, you're the fucking idiot that doesn't realize all he had to do was appoint a non-comped director. Is it even a clue to you in any way that Xiden is happy with the same FBI director as Trump was?

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fc30ba  No.12926639


Nepotism ! At its worst

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41ed01  No.12926640

File: 407ab7a1c243055⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 1225x306, 1225:306, do_over.JPG)


HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Election Do-Over? Latinos For Trump Sue to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations

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adb6b6  No.12926641

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)

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11783e  No.12926642

File: 8fcee3e567e9464⋯.gif (206.79 KB, 959x540, 959:540, stillalive.GIF)

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fc30ba  No.12926643

File: 925e43c757ecfb1⋯.jpeg (119.4 KB, 636x878, 318:439, 63C307D1_27FB_4A4C_80EC_3….jpeg)

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000000  No.12926645


Exactly. Oh, well…the election was stolen this year, try again in 2024…we'll really show 'em then.

Oh,BTW…MAGA…Trust the Plan…etc. etc.


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ad6208  No.12926646

File: 32cf0ff44204d11⋯.png (391.18 KB, 510x490, 51:49, ClipboardImage.png)



United Arab Emirates publishes first photo from Mars probe


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bb9056  No.12926647

File: 1575393148e43b1⋯.png (266.19 KB, 541x621, 541:621, 1613318369108.png)

File: fd61d4e11de247e⋯.png (48.65 KB, 271x228, 271:228, 1613308530278.png)

File: 3a5dc8161fa44bd⋯.png (289.66 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 1613273558320.png)

File: fd8857338a86b96⋯.png (309.92 KB, 812x1024, 203:256, 1613273298639.png)

File: a8d6dce789040c6⋯.png (401.46 KB, 727x600, 727:600, 1612574649641.png)

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1fe607  No.12926648

File: 4ae264f4a2140b8⋯.png (299.26 KB, 598x586, 299:293, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Bill….png)


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8a98c8  No.12926649


He fired Comey and got other corrupt players in the FBI fired.

Biden….not so much

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e34145  No.12926651

File: f3dbfe459fc9e64⋯.jpg (132.33 KB, 1052x418, 526:209, Screenshot_20210214_160302….jpg)

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c82955  No.12926652

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3b7ea3  No.12926653


yep, gov't has taken control of every aspect of our lives

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50cf92  No.12926654


She was a yacht girl, so I seriously doubt she is male. A CIA MK ULTRA assassin made so by sexual torture programming is more likely.

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85e195  No.12926655

File: 2a2f53d503650fb⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2648x2400, 331:300, Adobe_20210213_202048.png)

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dab7b9  No.12926656

File: e37ca463e3b956f⋯.png (53.98 KB, 952x874, 476:437, Screenshot_20210214_134605….png)

File: 692dd315ff12e71⋯.mp4 (743.72 KB, 426x234, 71:39, 692dd315ff12e717662f9fa2f2….mp4)


Q Shaman is a fabricated character and doesn't exist in the Q movement.

MAGA Patriots are growing stronger and stronger by the day because will all know there's an imposter in the White House.


Trump Can Still ActivateThe MAGA Patriots Ex MilitaryAnytime He Wants.

_Excerpt From All MAGA Posts_↓

At least14 MILLION Americanscan walk into combat tomorrow for president Trump and this included women.

The MAGA Patriots have no association with law breakers, anarchists or rogue militia's.We are the Americans they don't want to meet.




Antifa Terrorists.

BLM Terrorists.

Harassing Police Officers.

Non-Peaceful Protesting.

Promotion Of Civil Unrest.

Burning Of Public Or Private Properties.

ATTN:MAGA Patriots are law abiding tax paying citizens and we respect our police officers and will follow military rules of engagement during mission CODE RED.

Disclaimer:8Kun administration has no association with this post and OP is only passing on vital information, OP is not a gun owner or a political activists and is not associated with any political groups.

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11783e  No.12926657

File: 57eb9927b3174f1⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB, 3000x1999, 3000:1999, ban.jpeg)

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d11a78  No.12926658

File: 086f18330c4dbd9⋯.png (986.35 KB, 1211x1031, 1211:1031, 14000870543.png)

File: d59ab7ec5479840⋯.png (542.23 KB, 1035x620, 207:124, 1434728790078.png)

File: 086f18330c4dbd9⋯.png (986.35 KB, 1211x1031, 1211:1031, 14000870543.png)

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f41892  No.12926659

File: 56567c4ea3ed151⋯.jpeg (356.13 KB, 1241x1625, 1241:1625, 5CA15560_D7A3_4BA8_B049_C….jpeg)

File: 4324fb84cbfda2d⋯.jpeg (488.62 KB, 1241x2071, 1241:2071, A25D2708_5525_453D_8D31_3….jpeg)

NYT is shit for brains, they lie, the lie, they lie again


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0f8cf9  No.12926660

Fauci>>Gain of Function>>CV19


Cancer Virus - Monkey Virus - David Ferrie Jack Ruby LHO (Patriot Patsy)

Things are worse than you can imagine but conveniently connected over the many decades. Fathers to Sons. Prescott>Poppy>Dubya: how one family bloodline derailed the American Dream and sent us down a twisted, evil and dystopian timeline.


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98f9ab  No.12926661

File: f9f3fd0a89399a7⋯.png (329.8 KB, 493x431, 493:431, ClipboardImage.png)


kek maybe. good find

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94ab05  No.12926662



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e5c6e3  No.12926663


I think Trump didn't care if Wray was comped or not.

Trump plays multidimensional chess. You are playing checkers.

That tells you everything you need to know.


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0a3ec2  No.12926664


What?! God has nothing to do with our wholly comped govt. And he's not going to save us either. Anyone who thought otherwise must not have believed that the people of other nations that have fallen to communism were special enough to be saved from that fate but we are? LOL! It's such a fucked belief.

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79566f  No.12926665

>>12925755 (lb)

>You are here

Went back and read this ^^^ exchange to the beginning. I can understand the reasoning of both anons. I have days when I get angry with Trump/Q and think they should have done this, or should have done that, instead of putting the whole country thru this. It seems a bit narcissistic and cruel.

That said, I also have to give them the benefit of the doubt because I know that I DONT KNOW WHAT THEY KNOW. It obviously had to be this way, just like they said it did, or it wouldnt be this way. Maybe someday, anons will know why it had to be this way. Not vague generalities, but specifics, so we can understand. Until then, anon is trying to hold the line until it is done. What else can anons do?

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30fe9c  No.12926666

File: a9d57f3e881a7cc⋯.png (110.47 KB, 214x348, 107:174, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba468dfb2c03e6a⋯.png (62.66 KB, 170x289, 10:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47759420ee7a136⋯.png (47.86 KB, 576x266, 288:133, ClipboardImage.png)



Huh. Just following that thread for a minute. Just "for fun".

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2a1647  No.12926667


Wrong Anon.

I drop deuce when nature tell me so.

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0e1868  No.12926668


Daughter is super ugly - Olivia at 72 is gorgeous.

Nepotism is frowned upon for a reason.

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34f300  No.12926669

File: 30266012e80f4da⋯.png (704.96 KB, 996x1500, 83:125, ClipboardImage.png)



How politicians and their friends get rich off insider stock tips, land deals, and cronyism that would send the rest of us to prison. (November 15, 2011)

In Throw Them All Out you’ll discover:

How members of Congress aggressively traded stocks during the Obama health care reform debate and profited from inside information

How Nancy Pelosi prevented a vote for two years on legislation that affected a company in which she had received lucrative IPO shares and held millions in stock

How ten members of Obama’s 2008 National Finance Committee, along with another dozen campaign-fund bundlers received Solyndra-like sweetheart loans

How Senator John Kerry used his position on the Senate Finance Committee to avoid stock losses

How John Boehner bought shares in five health insurance companies just as he killed the “public option” on health care

How Rahm Emanuel, when he was a congressman, showed nearly perfect timing by selling his stock in a company that his committee had oversight of and avoiding huge losses

How more than dozen politicians used information gleaned from private briefings with the Treasury secretary and the Federal Reserve chairman during the 2008 financial crisis and avoided huge losses

How Congressman Spencer Bachus aggressively traded stock options and shorted the market during the 2008 financial crisis, making large sums of money — all thanks to private briefings from the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve

How Congress members made big profits on biotech stocks with their inside knowledge of critical legislation

How a powerful congressman tripled his money by investing in a small Canadian biotech firm, thanks to federal legislation he supported

How Warren Buffett helped set up the financial bailout in 2009 while aggressively buying millions of shares in bank stocks that would benefit from his plan

Why hedge funds with politically active investors do much better than funds with no such political connections


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3b7ea3  No.12926670



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41ed01  No.12926671

File: 794e66bf6224b47⋯.jpg (55.54 KB, 916x627, 916:627, plane_ban.JPG)


US threatens to ban Israeli planes landing in America - report

Only El Al was granted an exception to continue flying into Israel despite the border closure.

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bb9056  No.12926672

File: c00b1cb3c2bc2b7⋯.png (73.01 KB, 357x284, 357:284, 1612571157347.png)

File: 33e370c7273f8be⋯.png (335.48 KB, 436x414, 218:207, 1612063591055.png)

File: aeb8cdef1428630⋯.png (111.06 KB, 365x719, 365:719, 1611972145670.png)

File: 3bbb4325de9d4c6⋯.png (124.24 KB, 490x424, 245:212, 1611971832932.png)

File: b82c5b4700b841c⋯.png (299.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1610855791184.png)

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11783e  No.12926673

File: 35d9054a65fae88⋯.jpg (102.87 KB, 680x680, 1:1, sbrother_fucker.jpg)

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1fe607  No.12926674



I think it is a kind of public humiliation to marry the crown prince to a prostitute.

I think they are symbols of the defeat of the empire.

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ff78b1  No.12926675

File: 9e5fdd6d8ba54dc⋯.png (203.26 KB, 812x784, 29:28, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Lawy….png)

File: a3d591137b268cc⋯.png (447.7 KB, 939x3838, 939:3838, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Lawy….png)

File: 1d9e433610c4b0c⋯.png (717.81 KB, 678x1088, 339:544, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Augu….png)

File: 06f74329da6f358⋯.png (671.91 KB, 962x2200, 481:1100, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Geor….png)

Steinmetz Brother in law arrested for rape of babysitter in 2011.

Lin Wood Dig on Christopher J. Steinmetz (age 55)

(Part 3)

Previously reported:

Member of the Knights of Columbus Lodge Number 631


Active in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade


New Info to add:

Wife: Georgia Neal Steinmetz (age approx 46)

Linked in Job:https://www.linkedin.com/authwall?trk=gf&trkInfo=AQHM2bvWOpvUIgAAAXeihMRQpS2hJGnK5eoQHzvFeKZI-x9G4ouFcTDXg4TesMPZam8K8huawVlHO5NKtpmwJv6PKxfHpgNw1pUxK4BFxPbAif5yAPKBrCSr5mWriCcxWYqC29w=&originalReferer=&sessionRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fgeorgia-steinmetz-09259b120

Related to:

Joseph R. Neal Junior (brother? Age 52? ) a high-profile personal injury attorney in Augusta.

(Joseph R. Neal, Sr. is also an attorney, age approx 71)

This is where it gets interesting

Joseph Neal, Jr. was arrested March 2012 for rape.

“Augusta lawyer Joseph Neal Jr. and his former wife were both indicted Tuesday on charges of rape and furnishing alcohol to a minor, according to Richmond County sheriff’s investigators and court records.

Neal will be held without bond until a Superior Court judge sets one, a Richmond County jail spokesman said.

An 18-year-old woman told police Dec. 20 that four days earlier Neal, 43, had given her four or five alcoholic drinks and marijuana before he had “carnal knowledge of her without her consent and against her will” at his Kings Way home, according to a sheriff’s office incident report.”


The article goes on to mention

That the alleged babysitter assault was not the only major relationship issue the ex-couple faced. In December, police were called in a totally separate incident, after Caroline allegedly attacked Neal by hitting and scratching him in front of his 13-year-old son. (Presumably the child is from a previous relationship, otherwise the math… just doesn’t work out. At all.)

So, who is this femme fatale? Here is Ms. Caldwell Neal, looking fancy, in a photo from her ex-husband’s website. The two men in the photo? Mr. Neal and, oh, just the governor of Georgia:

(Photo’s from the article are no longer available and some of the links to the article have been removed)

Nathan Deal was the Governor of Georgia from 2011-2019

Neal, Jr was sentenced to community service and 3 years supervised probation. He and Caroline divorced shortly after the rape allegations surfaced.





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0a3ec2  No.12926676


>Trump plays multidimensional chess. You are playing checkers.

The fucking idiots on this board can't play tic tac toe. Trump's chess was pretending he was a patriot instead of a CIA approved bringer of kikery.

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30fe9c  No.12926677

File: 30062a99576260f⋯.png (185.4 KB, 376x216, 47:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5b064  No.12926678


Not sure what will pan out this year. Just posted it as historic (1 year delta on race) reference.

Feels like the "start" of something though.

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fc30ba  No.12926680

File: e365667c6891d15⋯.jpeg (138.05 KB, 972x805, 972:805, EDB2C0FD_5ADB_4BA9_AAFB_C….jpeg)

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41ed01  No.12926681

File: f52cc581bc313ba⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 601x620, 601:620, org_state.JPG)




Oregon Governor Declares State of Emergency https://breaking911.com/oregon-governor-declares-state-of-emergency/

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26a92f  No.12926682



Fucking psy-op family.

How come young niggers don't look like the older niggers?

I'm not racist! I can tell niggers apart!

They don't look related!

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11783e  No.12926683

File: 3c146e64895e9fd⋯.jpeg (186.5 KB, 1024x737, 1024:737, hands.jpeg)

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d11a78  No.12926684

File: 711adeb7ea8a072⋯.png (727.54 KB, 852x529, 852:529, 4517654087465.png)

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f41892  No.12926685

File: e8f5f9b0375b882⋯.jpeg (375.41 KB, 1241x1460, 17:20, 5141D737_7446_4E70_992A_8….jpeg)

File: 0bf879679afd2cb⋯.jpeg (279.62 KB, 1241x1136, 1241:1136, 82719177_FB65_4B22_90F6_5….jpeg)

Shit this looks like a Q proof or post



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9d6593  No.12926686


dubs confirm

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2a1647  No.12926687



Arizona drop deuce when Democrats say so.

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dac113  No.12926688

File: 65aa2abf5a8cd59⋯.png (449.74 KB, 938x522, 469:261, Screen_Shot_2021_02_14_at_….png)

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fd108d  No.12926690

File: 86fd354f7a34a29⋯.jpeg (16.05 KB, 255x217, 255:217, Valentine.jpeg)



Happy Valentine's Day anons

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8a98c8  No.12926692


The CCP must have missed a deposit into her bank account

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94ab05  No.12926693



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ff78b1  No.12926694


was digging for lin wood and still don't know why this came up… kek

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11783e  No.12926695

File: 3b017b79f1a0480⋯.jpg (37.1 KB, 474x313, 474:313, panda.jpg)

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a8e3ac  No.12926697


Starting with you, sir. A full body-cam supplemented search made available to the public of all your residences that may contain weapons of individual destruction (WIDs)

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f41892  No.12926698

File: 330c587036104c8⋯.jpeg (301.6 KB, 1241x1367, 1241:1367, CCFB1288_7036_439E_83EA_2….jpeg)


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c82955  No.12926699


Wasn’t South Africa also cut off? It’s like the DS has something nasty planned and wants no one escaping.

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c14718  No.12926701

File: 25b4fde077222ab⋯.png (290.74 KB, 441x564, 147:188, 25b4fde077222ab4619f96c8da….png)



Happy Valentine's Day to you too, and all Anons!

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0a3ec2  No.12926702


Imagine what Trump could have done with the Clinton Fdn alone if he weren't comped out the ass. Like Rudy said, it's a RICO operation that put the NY mob to shame.

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e5c6e3  No.12926704


Ah. There's the dead giveaway keyword!

You are a muhjoo shill.

Bye, Bye, Achmed.

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26a92f  No.12926705

File: f4fde9d814beb89⋯.jpg (29.74 KB, 625x409, 625:409, carlos.jpg)


> state of emergency

> oregon

Hope it isn't oregone

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0a3ec2  No.12926706


Then he could have declassified Benghazi and tried her for treason as well.

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98f9ab  No.12926707


i couldnt understand trumps withdrawl from northern syria, till i understood that its because thats where the kurdish terrorists were training the american terrorists.

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9b4155  No.12926709


>>Trotsky to Stalin

Well, Trotsky was nothing more nor less than a bloodthirsty thug, and the main argument between him and Stalin was that he wanted to go global with his socialist revolution stat, while Stalin wanted to prioritize Russia, leaving the rest for later.

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1f6231  No.12926710

File: 9b0ddbf7180768e⋯.jpg (890.38 KB, 1217x1083, 1217:1083, valentines.jpg)

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000000  No.12926711


Has an almost Marla Hooch quality about him in that pic.

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0a3ec2  No.12926712


But instead he protected the soulless cunt and every other DS POS.

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adb6b6  No.12926713



Negative..YMCA is direct Q comms to rogue element-22

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1fe607  No.12926714

File: f3097757b0ddcb6⋯.png (553.82 KB, 598x586, 299:293, Screenshot_2021_02_14_MELA….png)

On this #ValentinesDay, I think of the brave & inspirational children at @TheChildrensInn @NIH where I visited the past few years. Sending them love & strength, today & everyday. #HappyValentinesDay



Happy V Day anon

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d11a78  No.12926715

File: c5b16da0bd6e3db⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1153x696, 1153:696, 15476067.png)

File: 5d7900a50bcefff⋯.png (152.67 KB, 749x702, 749:702, 341777765.png)

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e5c6e3  No.12926716


Stop being such a shouty bastard.

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26a92f  No.12926717


Thanks, anon.

I literally had it backwards (Stalin global, Trotsky local).

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f41892  No.12926718

File: c8d32706c526894⋯.jpeg (362.47 KB, 1241x1663, 1241:1663, 7136B664_DB77_402B_B36D_6….jpeg)

It’s all coming out anons


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3b7ea3  No.12926719


ready for SCOTUS presentation. We also have new news about Virginia's 300k fraudulent votes. We also just heard AGAIN about the Italy connection.

SCOTUS case should be solid.

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0a3ec2  No.12926720


I guess we don't have to wonder why he played "You Can't Always Get What You Want".

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9a0fe8  No.12926721

File: 37479468b4345be⋯.png (76.26 KB, 657x527, 657:527, EC89CD7B_189F_4015_87A6_E2….png)


Happy Valentines Day - stay comfy

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2bddb7  No.12926722

File: 65dc05e6f3c3dd8⋯.png (658.27 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f596bfe0af0a324⋯.png (33.54 KB, 442x397, 442:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8468aa12e5cdfe⋯.png (209.14 KB, 375x375, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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11af61  No.12926724


That should be Jennifer flowers kek

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93c480  No.12926725



Rapist Lawyer is friend of Georgia gov.

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ea5b8f  No.12926726


>weapons of war on our streets

Lemme guess…

rules for thee but not for me?

Guarantee you that the cops will still have hardware that We The People will not be able to have.

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492880  No.12926728





Misleading post. Emergency is for a snow storm.

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e2843b  No.12926729

File: 9747bdf2ab4f761⋯.png (72.44 KB, 916x741, 916:741, bmyqew.PNG)

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41ed01  No.12926731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chin up

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f3e363  No.12926732

File: eaa0dbdd2b153a2⋯.png (74 B, 16x9, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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0455f2  No.12926733


Why Q-anons tho. You've ruined a perfectly good meme.

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4fdb0b  No.12926734

File: d85811276306d9f⋯.png (94.41 KB, 746x512, 373:256, pepelovefrens.png)


Same to you, Anon(s). We've got each other, and God's got us.

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fcf866  No.12926735


They just skip right over Somalia. Like it never happened.

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adb6b6  No.12926737




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0a2132  No.12926738


Wait until the cartels realize they can make more money selling weapons and ammo than they can drugs

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26a92f  No.12926740


I figured it was for something like that b/c 'breaking' is always…well…it's friggin' overused.

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adb6b6  No.12926741

File: 98e265e255e4b55⋯.png (590.28 KB, 926x715, 926:715, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a98c8  No.12926742

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000000  No.12926743


Megan determined that it would be good public relations to have another kid. That's the only reason.

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94ab05  No.12926744



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d115f4  No.12926745

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ee24e4  No.12926746


>>12926059 @600


>>12926251, >>12908478, Download Petition https://recallgavin2020.com Recall Newsom To Trigger #SpecialElection In #California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM


>>12926081 Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough.

>>12926116 Anon Opines: Prepare anons, war is coming

>>12926153, >>12926333, >>12926401 Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary (CAP >>12926537)

>>12926156, >>12926312 Harry and Meghan expecting second child

>>12926239 Anon Opines: Regarding the keystone…

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM

>>12926324 Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of Covid

>>12926347 Sean Penn, Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don’t follow Nikki Haley’s lead

>>12926233 Two of the swamping places in the country having huge power outages right now

>>12926406 The First public Arabic Ambassador to Israel, the UAE’s ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Mahmoud al-Alkhaja

>>12926422 The Predator in the Lincoln Project John Weaver used his power to get jobs for young men he allegedly harassed.

>>12926461 QMap Report

>>12926359 Anon, Who’s ready for higher taxes?

>>12926521 Reminder, Trump sacrificed his wealth for his country

>>12926535 Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election

>>12926552 Obumer Comms

>>12926562 Anon asking, Did I miss anything??

>>12926564 So PP is dealing drugs to the kids?

>>12926589 Graham ~ Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party

>>12926603 Your learning is up to you. (Sounds Q)

>>12926577 Reminder: "Who will ask the Q?"

>>12926669 How politicians and their friends get rich off insider stock tips,

>>12926675 Steinmetz Brother in law arrested for rape of babysitter in 2011.

>>12926681 Oregon Governor Declares State of Emergency

>>12926685 Qproof?

>>12926690 Happy Valentine's Day anons

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fcf866  No.12926747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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26a92f  No.12926749


> captcha


I read it as to myQew

I would have failed it.

I fail a lotta those.

Beep boop buy kaspersky on sale now boop

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9b4155  No.12926750


>>muh feels, they project soso much

Forgot something…

>>And.. Done!

Bye, Felicia.

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adb6b6  No.12926751


Yup..sorry about that anon…heard it was a motherfucker

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000000  No.12926752


>>12926059 Dough

#16499@600 Notables

>>12926084 Hillary's law license re-instated

>>12926125 Manufactured China Virus numbers discovered in the south central region of Washington State, blamed on 'data error'

>>12926128 @18airbornecorps [1 of 7] One thing we haven't mentioned at all lately: Dragon's Lair, Episode 3, which airs on Monday, Feb 22nd.

>>12926157 Why is Trump's DC Hotel changing almost double the price on March 3rd & 4th?

>>12926167 In the Netflix' kids movie "We Can Be Heroes", aliens hack the election to put 'Biden' in as President. Movie was released on Christmas Day - 2020 … just a coincidence

>>12926174 The swift death of the media darlings known as the Lincoln Project

>>12926202 Joe getting nervous? Biden Cabal tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name

>>12926205 Heal

>>12926207 You are here

>>12926213 Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. (video)

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California

>>12926275 US citizens in Myanmar told to 'shelter in place' as government workers strike and armored vehicles are deployed

>>12926285 CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049 | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 110

>>12926324 ‘Secret Service Allowed Him to Drive’ – Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of China Virus

>>12926333 Biden Cabal Attacks Guns: Demands Background Checks, Magazine Bans, ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Manufacturers Liable

>>12926356 Leftists have no right to censure Nazi analogies after four years of making them

>>12926358 Georgia refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution (Remember how allegations of errors were "baseless"?)

>>12926401 Biden Calls on Congress to Restrict Gun Ownership

>>12926418 Download Petition - Recall Newsome

>>12926433 Graham says Senate impeachment trial 'opened Pandora's box' (video)

>>12926463 Romney proposal to send families checks 'undermines the message that employment is essential'

>>12926470 University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex. Officials fear backlash from association with 'politically incorrect' topic

>>12926481 Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"

>>12926475 Amazon’s Twitch hired Angela Hession, a 20-year veteran of Microsoft, as the live-streaming service’s global VP of trust and safety.

>>12926496 President Trump statement after 2nd sham impeachment fails

>>12926535 Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election.

>>12926558 Piers Morgan w/ GMAX pic - Piers Morgan blocked the picture

>>12926576 ‘A New Kind Of Child Abuse’: Rob Schneider Retweets Video On Extreme China Virus Measures In School

>>12926589 Graham ~ Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party - Hints she will run for Richard Burr's seat.

>>12926621 Is THIS why POTUS45 played the "YMCA" song at his rallies? Poking fun at sleepy joe??

>>12926640 Election Do-Over? Latinos For Trump Sue to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations

>>12926659 NY Times being exposed for outright lying about what happened to Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick

>>12926660 Anon opines - Anthony Fauci is the Josef Menegle of our times

>>12926671 US threatens to ban Israeli planes landing in America

>>12926681 Oregon Governor Declares State of Emergency because of severe weather

>>12926685 Antifa training in Syria? It's all coming out

>>12926714 Melania - On this #ValentinesDay, I think of the brave & inspirational children at @TheChildrensInn @NIH where I visited the past few years.

>>12926675 Rapist Lawyer is friend of Georgia gov.


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2a1647  No.12926753


They don’t have anything if you take it away from them.

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41ed01  No.12926755

File: 686b242ad88383a⋯.jpg (33.9 KB, 810x342, 45:19, my_name_is_6.JPG)

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4dce8f  No.12926756

File: 4129e2905b01384⋯.mp4 (797.23 KB, 398x254, 199:127, pepe_rain.mp4)

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f3e363  No.12926757

File: 9044ffba7d1bd65⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1031x701, 1031:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a8c1e6a6f41164⋯.png (624.44 KB, 500x499, 500:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42df9ecb61f7bb6⋯.png (1.62 MB, 540x1200, 9:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a3ec2  No.12926759


Truth. The Jew bankers own it all.

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3b8eaa  No.12926761

File: adc83060bdab766⋯.jpg (108.97 KB, 720x688, 45:43, sean_penn_projecting_about….jpg)

File: 0e6902b2d517d46⋯.gif (469.23 KB, 400x170, 40:17, matrix_merovingian_likes_w….gif)



>I love it.

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4471fd  No.12926762

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000000  No.12926763


Big dubs. Anyways this dude could be a superhero on the old Tick cartoon. Just needs a name.

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c14718  No.12926764

File: cd44b004acf6243⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 240x240, 1:1, pirate_pepe.jpg)


Didn't ruin anything.

I just stoled it a long time ago. We had a diff' bread pic as well as you know ….

So if you want, fix it, and I'll steal it better. Kek!

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e7f0bf  No.12926766

File: 9049f58a2ff068c⋯.jpg (184.67 KB, 1439x608, 1439:608, Screenshot_20210214_161256….jpg)

File: 4321c0b2766c742⋯.jpg (813.19 KB, 1079x2633, 1079:2633, Screenshot_20210214_161345….jpg)



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ff78b1  No.12926767


Correction the the original post - this refers to Biden SR living in the "Y" and being involved in plays.

in referring to where the Biden family lived when Joe Jr was born:

Joe Biden Sr. next becomes salesman for the American Oil Company, based in Baltimore. Per an article in The Times-Tribute, Scranton, PA; it appears Joe Biden Sr. is still based in Baltimore as of November 20, 1942, when Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is born in Scranton. Were they just visiting the wife’s parents and the baby came early?

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e2843b  No.12926768

When you came to earth you knew that you were entering into a world of variety and contrast. You knew that you would encounter people and circumstances that would challenge you to deepen your awareness of who you really, strengthen your ability to love, and motivate you to use your minds in a way that draws a more loving reality into your physical experience.

Why would you do this?

Consider this analogy. If you wanted to learn a subject, would you take the easiest class you could find – one that gave you a diploma without any challenges and also without any deep understandings? Or would you rather sign up for a class that might challenge you but one in which you’d learn all you wanted to know if you were wiling to do the exercises and apply yourself to the process.

Likewise if you were to play a game, how much fun would you have if there were no challenges? You’d start, follow easy steps, and win every time. Would there be greater satisfaction in that, or would you prefer the challenges of a game you’ve not yet mastered, and one that presents opportunities to strengthen your skills and awareness?

When you are in heavenly dimensions, the energetic universe is apparent. You think of something and it appears. You have all you ever could desire. You understand that although you have a form, you are united with and never separate from the Source. All of life looks like a beautifully coordinated dance.

There are few challenges in heaven. Unlike earth where you are granted free will to embrace or block the Divine love that is always attempting to surface within you, in the heavens, you don’t block this love. Things come easily. You can, in your words, coast for all eternity. You enjoy that for some time… and then, like a tree at the end of winter, you long to grow into something more. You can choose new lives in any number of realities. You can be a guide for others.

You can come back into a new life to this planet earth, knowing 100% that its challenges were only meant to be incentives and launching pads from which your will expand your soul’s experience of, and ability to love. The challenges motivate you to align with love and create. Through your willingness to create, you become part of the expansion of love in the universe.

Next time you encounter a challenge, breathe. You arrived here because something in your depths wanted to grow. Perhaps you knew your life wasn’t exactly as you wanted it but you fought change until life started to insist on change. Perhaps you were in a dead-end job and got laid off, or maybe you were in a job that was wonderful but not aligned with your heart of hearts. Maybe that relationship you were in needed attention, or keener observation. Suddenly it falls apart to help you love yourself more, learn more compassion, or simply because it is no longer a vibrational match.


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f3e363  No.12926769

File: 22bae3f3907c501⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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f41892  No.12926770

File: 6ef01fc6e4bbf58⋯.jpeg (424.23 KB, 1241x1890, 1241:1890, 76AE1745_0AC4_4093_BFF7_E….jpeg)

Does anyone else get the impression the FBI wants to blame everything on the far right, when there’s very few of them?


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26a92f  No.12926771


> ANTIFA trained by kurds and whey communists.

I had no idea and I do try to pay attention.

Getting real sick of this shit.

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1f6231  No.12926772


because it was made before the post where q made that statement. If you don't like it farm your own memes.

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3b8eaa  No.12926774

File: 3b8ebd9012896da⋯.webm (470.21 KB, 960x536, 120:67, anal_exam_is_cool.webm)


>into the bowels

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d115f4  No.12926775


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0a3ec2  No.12926776


What a coincidence that Trump appointed so many enemies of America. At what point does it become mathematically impossible for that to have been accidental?

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a6e3da  No.12926777

File: f26106f91a3664e⋯.png (503.4 KB, 1100x733, 1100:733, trending_on_Gab_02142021_1.png)

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3165e3  No.12926779

File: db95b8f172dd423⋯.jpeg (374.45 KB, 750x493, 750:493, 02531022_B28E_4C6B_BE2C_1….jpeg)

File: 5d6026a476e1636⋯.jpeg (345.95 KB, 750x651, 250:217, 684345D1_7C17_4C41_89DB_1….jpeg)

File: 2fd0502b0d09c72⋯.jpeg (343.56 KB, 417x560, 417:560, ABEEE7FD_DF3D_469B_8BB9_8….jpeg)

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1fe607  No.12926781

File: 0f5658171983f67⋯.png (340.09 KB, 598x428, 299:214, Screenshot_2021_02_14_NSA_….png)

New banner?


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a8e3ac  No.12926782


He sure chopped up enough people with that

light saber to complain of incivility of weapons.

Just one bit of hypocristy that made me hate

Star Wars.

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ccea66  No.12926783

File: b6cec31951ddd62⋯.jpg (247.83 KB, 1406x539, 1406:539, Screenshot_20210214_171347….jpg)

File: db8158f5f3da462⋯.jpg (2.88 MB, 1293x8255, 1293:8255, Screenshot_20210214_171324….jpg)




Yes, Q DID drop an article about "SPOCK"




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f41892  No.12926784

File: 30175a828a54716⋯.jpeg (324.8 KB, 1241x1439, 1241:1439, E16650D8_433A_4BEF_B964_D….jpeg)



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adb6b6  No.12926786

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0455f2  No.12926787


I want it, don't have software to fix it.

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685c7d  No.12926788


trying to mark without marking the marks

strange right

cause it hits balance point of class & trans which I stand on the mirror side of &

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26a92f  No.12926789


Of all the fucking psyops our socio-psychopathic raging maniac ruling class have put on us, this one is the worst.

(Chemtrailing isn't a psyop because it actually poisons our bodies)

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3b8eaa  No.12926791

File: c15f9dbeebe2bb7⋯.jpg (378.37 KB, 872x950, 436:475, pompeo_neverending_support….jpg)

File: 41f00394e95bb1e⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 1016x5021, 1016:5021, trump_pardons_jew_fraudste….jpg)


both appointed and pardoned. if there is going to be a Trump 2.0 presidency, it' be great if Jared wasn't involved.

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000000  No.12926792


Just as blacks can use the N word. Leftists are allowed to say Nazi.

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79566f  No.12926793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anon has been researching dissociative identity disorder, which is caused when a child under the age of 8, is severely sexually abused, and/or tortured, multiple times. The child develops other personalities to "take the abuse" for the child. Fascinating, but very sad, stuff. Came across several old clips of case studies. This one made my ears perk. No names given of the patient, but she was a child on the East Coast, prominent family, sexual abuse by both parents, and used at the parent's parties as the "prize" for whichever party guest won the party games. (Buncha sickos)

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98f9ab  No.12926794

File: 5d41e5f000361d4⋯.png (903.94 KB, 800x449, 800:449, ClipboardImage.png)


this one evaded me for a while to. their usual defense is that they were there fighting ISIS. as if it makes a difference

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d115f4  No.12926795


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9a0fe8  No.12926796

If Q hadn't posted, I wouldn't have even know who Ghislaine Maxwell was, even though we were doing digs on Eggstein.

So there's that.

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f43a92  No.12926797

File: b7f4ac7cadb9d3a⋯.png (184.83 KB, 592x626, 296:313, Screenshot_2021_02_14_cde9….png)





Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election.

"About a week ago I published some preliminary numbers regarding vote flipping, prepared by some very deep diving dolphin-speakers. They had only located, analyzed, And reconstructed about 18 of them at the time. They had found just short of 300,000 votes flipped. Now they have worked further through the data, and they have locked down what 85 case, for over 2 million votes. They are most of the way but not yet completely all the way through the data, so this may increase a little more." - Patrick Byrne via Telegram



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adb6b6  No.12926799

Im Audi 5000 anons…time to face outtside

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62dc97  No.12926801

File: 139d3649b372e5d⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1070x1304, 535:652, Screen_Shot_2021_02_14_at_….png)



I don't know what kind of traction we are still getting here Anons but what do we think about Tweeting Biden's twitter @POTUS full of Happy Presidents Day to President Trump???


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e2843b  No.12926802


This dear ones is why you are here – not to suffer, but to love, expand, and create here upon this playground and school called earth. You knew you would have challenges, but like a school, these challenges are only there to motivate you to create and grow. Like challenges in a game, they inspire you to expand your awareness and deepen your ability to love for that is the only game there upon the earth.

You are embodiments of the Divine. You wish so dearly to expand, grow, love, and become more, for this is the nature of your very being.

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91847c  No.12926803


Ya, so what are you going to do about the 12,473 deaths attributed to Governor Cuomo as a result in putting patients back in old age homes etc. Give me a fucking break, have you no sense of priorities?

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e5b064  No.12926805

File: 87decf8e8d7cb14⋯.png (104.34 KB, 361x303, 361:303, curlerpepe.png)


Happy Valentines Day fren

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d2b109  No.12926806

File: c016ef06af4a3f6⋯.png (76.84 KB, 847x728, 121:104, Screenshot_20210214_062750….png)

File: 20e5a90046fa092⋯.jpeg (82.54 KB, 476x815, 476:815, a3975e.JPEG)

File: 7633ceee9fcef06⋯.jpeg (40.71 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 6a0nnn.JPEG)

File: 861ec7b136beba1⋯.jpeg (149.9 KB, 766x937, 766:937, 89.JPEG)

Anons please visit:www.ProTrumpNews.com

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685c7d  No.12926807

cause anyone that knows what []i9y[] is, understands that I am not []i9y[], that is you.

you are []i9y[]

but you only see that if you are tracking that..


accidental triple embed, but I will add one more to signify perfection in entropic creativity [][][][][]i9y[][][][][]

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26a92f  No.12926808


> muhjoo shill

> bye, bye Achmed

lol Muslims are semites, you're therefore anti-semite.

Filter yourself Rabbi Suckbabydick

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ee24e4  No.12926809


>>12926059 @650


Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition



>>12926251, >>12908478, Download Petition https://recallgavin2020.com Recall Newsom To Trigger #SpecialElection In #California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM



>>12926081 Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough.

>>12926116 Anon Opines: Prepare anons, war is coming

>>12926153, >>12926333, >>12926401 Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary (CAP >>12926537)

>>12926156, >>12926312 Harry and Meghan expecting second child

>>12926239 Anon Opines: Regarding the keystone…

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM

>>12926324 Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of Covid

>>12926347 Sean Penn, Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don’t follow Nikki Haley’s lead

>>12926233 Two of the swamping places in the country having huge power outages right now

>>12926406 The First public Arabic Ambassador to Israel, the UAE’s ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Mahmoud al-Alkhaja

>>12926422 The Predator in the Lincoln Project John Weaver used his power to get jobs for young men he allegedly harassed.

>>12926461 QMap Report

>>12926359 Anon, Who’s ready for higher taxes?

>>12926521 Reminder, Trump sacrificed his wealth for his country

>>12926535 Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election

>>12926552 Obumer Comms

>>12926562 Anon asking, Did I miss anything??

>>12926564 So PP is dealing drugs to the kids?

>>12926589 Graham ~ Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party

>>12926603 Your learning is up to you. (Sounds Q)

>>12926577 Reminder: "Who will ask the Q?"

>>12926669 How politicians and their friends get rich off insider stock tips,

>>12926675 Steinmetz Brother in law arrested for rape of babysitter in 2011.

>>12926681 Oregon Governor Declares State of Emergency

>>12926685 Qproof?

>>12926690 Happy Valentine's Day anons

>>12926768 Anon Opines, When you came to earth...

>>12926781 NSA New banner?

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0e1868  No.12926811


Not in my state. Testosterone is a controlled substance and can only be purchased by an adult. Driver's license required to pick up and strict reporting protocols. No way PP can just hand out testosterone to teens or write an RX where a pharmacist is on the hook. You have an easier time getting opiods.

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e5c6e3  No.12926812


Where is Project Odin?

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0a3ec2  No.12926813


Jared was just the shell that Trump worked through. Trump is the one that appointed the enemies, implemented the scamdemic and then handed us to Xiden through a fraudulent vote that his comped SCOTUS justices ignored.

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000000  No.12926815


>>12926059 Dough

#16499 FINAL Notables

>>12926084 Hillary's law license re-instated

>>12926125 Manufactured China Virus numbers discovered in the south central region of Washington State, blamed on 'data error'

>>12926128 @18airbornecorps [1 of 7] One thing we haven't mentioned at all lately: Dragon's Lair, Episode 3, which airs on Monday, Feb 22nd.

>>12926157 Why is Trump's DC Hotel changing almost double the price on March 3rd & 4th?

>>12926167 In the Netflix' kids movie "We Can Be Heroes", aliens hack the election to put 'Biden' in as President. Movie was released on Christmas Day - 2020 … just a coincidence

>>12926174 The swift death of the media darlings known as the Lincoln Project

>>12926202 Joe getting nervous? Biden Cabal tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name

>>12926205 Heal

>>12926207 You are here

>>12926213 Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. (video)

>>12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California

>>12926275 US citizens in Myanmar told to 'shelter in place' as government workers strike and armored vehicles are deployed

>>12926285 CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049 | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 110

>>12926324 ‘Secret Service Allowed Him to Drive’ – Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of China Virus

>>12926333 Biden Cabal Attacks Guns: Demands Background Checks, Magazine Bans, ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Manufacturers Liable

>>12926356 Leftists have no right to censure Nazi analogies after four years of making them

>>12926358 Georgia refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution (Remember how allegations of errors were "baseless"?)

>>12926401 Biden Calls on Congress to Restrict Gun Ownership

>>12926418 Download Petition - Recall Newsome

>>12926433 Graham says Senate impeachment trial 'opened Pandora's box' (video)

>>12926463 Romney proposal to send families checks 'undermines the message that employment is essential'

>>12926470 University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex. Officials fear backlash from association with 'politically incorrect' topic

>>12926481 Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"

>>12926475 Amazon’s Twitch hired Angela Hession, a 20-year veteran of Microsoft, as the live-streaming service’s global VP of trust and safety.

>>12926496 President Trump statement after 2nd sham impeachment fails

>>12926535 , >>12926797 Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election.

>>12926558 Piers Morgan w/ GMAX pic - Piers Morgan blocked the picture

>>12926576 ‘A New Kind Of Child Abuse’: Rob Schneider Retweets Video On Extreme China Virus Measures In School

>>12926589 Graham ~ Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party - Hints she will run for Richard Burr's seat.

>>12926621 Is THIS why POTUS45 played the "YMCA" song at his rallies? Poking fun at sleepy joe??

>>12926640 Election Do-Over? Latinos For Trump Sue to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations

>>12926659 NY Times being exposed for outright lying about what happened to Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick

>>12926660 Anon opines - Anthony Fauci is the Josef Menegle of our times

>>12926671 US threatens to ban Israeli planes landing in America

>>12926681 Oregon Governor Declares State of Emergency because of severe weather

>>12926685 Antifa training in Syria? It's all coming out

>>12926714 Melania - On this #ValentinesDay, I think of the brave & inspirational children at @TheChildrensInn @NIH where I visited the past few years.

>>12926675 Rapist Lawyer is friend of Georgia gov.

>>12926770 Daniel Alan Baker, Antifa Militant, traveled to Syria to train with YPG than went to Seattle to take part in the Antifa 'CHAZ' insurrection.

>>12926784 FBI has warned about right wing terror since 2011 with no attacks made, no cells found and no plots foiled.


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cbe6ef  No.12926816

File: 8e28285dde65b2d⋯.jpg (120.32 KB, 500x399, 500:399, 36_Silbury_Hill_nr_Avebury….jpg)

File: 42c0cdf099deb75⋯.jpg (110.18 KB, 500x515, 100:103, 41_Martinsell_Hill_nr_Woot….jpg)

File: 236a6475296fcba⋯.jpg (168.9 KB, 500x458, 250:229, 49_Windmill_Hill_Nr_Avebur….jpg)

File: 3b9a3ab197b23a3⋯.jpg (149.52 KB, 500x385, 100:77, 52_Woodborough_Hill_Nr_Alt….jpg)

File: 66e5b3d9d855319⋯.jpg (153.28 KB, 500x394, 250:197, 53_Wayland_s_Smithy_long_B….jpg)



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c82955  No.12926817


Is it wet yet?

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fd108d  No.12926818

File: 39291421a548166⋯.png (340.83 KB, 468x359, 468:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1d25c5c2335cd5⋯.png (349.97 KB, 468x309, 156:103, ClipboardImage.png)



tbo I quit watching racing after watching "The Tulsa Oiler" get greased right before my eyes.

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6bc228  No.12926819

File: 50c9f7e2ac6aa20⋯.jpg (107.55 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Greater_Israel_courtesy_of….jpg)

File: 7d25aac63aad01f⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 468x351, 4:3, jew_commies.jpg)

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1f6231  No.12926821


it's still a good meme i think. But people throw tantrums about it sadly. Because of the q-anon bit but it fits the theme of the poster rather than what we call or others call us.

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6eed6a  No.12926822

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)





: Russell-Jay: Gould.



Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-0GYe-pjKHjlTzPEgAJHow

Website: https://www.subscribepage.com/forthequantum











Copy For [Re]ference

Global Solutions

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4471fd  No.12926823

File: 2307da7801d42d1⋯.jpg (48.92 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Qgitmo.jpg)


>Imagine what Trump could have done with

… a court system that would return a just result.

Just who is it that takes this case, Anon?

If they're tried and found not guilty in a comped court, they can't be tried again.

Your first day?

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ff78b1  No.12926824

File: 1602f421b67f91c⋯.jpg (177.4 KB, 411x903, 137:301, york_bidensr.jpg)

Biden SENIOR a had a prominent role in a York Little Theatre production featuring feuding women conspiring to become First Lady.

York Little Theatre, as its 35th production, presented “First Lady” on Monday and Tuesday, October 21st and 22nd, 1940. It was billed as an “amusing play about women in politics; but NOT a political play.”


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8a98c8  No.12926825


where is @ CM ?

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1c1704  No.12926827

File: 4eac1622d2182aa⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 480x270, 16:9, savethechildren.mp4)


They will do the right thing

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1fe607  No.12926829

File: bfcbc31e1574648⋯.png (607.18 KB, 598x590, 299:295, Screenshot_2021_02_14_New_….png)

Daytona 500 delayed by 16-car crash, pouring rain


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98f9ab  No.12926830

File: 4eccc8d8e71cdbd⋯.png (41.81 KB, 741x568, 741:568, ClipboardImage.png)



did you forget that you didnt split the bake this time or something?

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26a92f  No.12926832


Nigger you on Tor and still afraid to use nigger so call it 'n word'

lol…grow some testes m8

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d115f4  No.12926834



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cbe6ef  No.12926835

File: c16b09a76099b82⋯.jpg (47.42 KB, 344x299, 344:299, alien_face_thumb.jpg)

File: 8996f97be3f9821⋯.jpg (164.86 KB, 619x517, 619:517, alien_face_grid.jpg)

File: f449d90b39e6dc9⋯.jpg (17.36 KB, 270x400, 27:40, alien_greys.jpg)



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fcf866  No.12926836


That it was. I'm over it though. Lots of help from Nam Vets and an awesome spouse.

I was stuck in Germany during Shield and Storm so I missed that one.

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772f05  No.12926837


Jim said Project Odin is 100% complete and ready. Will only be released in the event that 8 Kun is taken down. Said it can't be undone once it released.

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000000  No.12926838


Happy Valentine's day.

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94ab05  No.12926840



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c82955  No.12926842

File: 872a1488f8de2a3⋯.jpeg (480.78 KB, 1242x692, 621:346, E4CD1ECE_3655_4F1F_895B_A….jpeg)

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521cd4  No.12926844

File: cfb0a6f4c9ae419⋯.jpeg (49.05 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 3C74F6BB_FAEC_47CA_B6B1_9….jpeg)

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eabe11  No.12926847

File: 7d7e2e2ebc199f7⋯.png (282.92 KB, 806x585, 62:45, 7d7e2e2ebc199f748c08d74c2c….png)


Habby Valentine's Day Fren

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3b8eaa  No.12926848

File: c42a2c8e8534d94⋯.jpg (524.91 KB, 1097x576, 1097:576, NPC_studios.jpg)


and across the streeet is a 24-hour peepshow

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0a3ec2  No.12926851


Trump is the one that comped the SCOTUS you fucking idiot. It was Trump's SCOTUS that refused to protect our right to vote. How much more comped can Trump be? He fucking killed our most fundamental right. "These people are stupid." That ain't me, that's you. Because you're still clinging to bullshit.

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d115f4  No.12926852



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e2843b  No.12926853


We have free will, they can't just land and say "we are here". It would violate our free will.

Baby steps

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c13c85  No.12926854

File: 2d169337536ad2c⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2168x1412, 542:353, ClipboardImage.png)


>Shit this looks like a Q proof or post

It is, Q posted about Antifa/YPG in Sept. 2020!

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3b7ea3  No.12926855


if you do it in a toilet, the gov't has regulated them too.

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a6e3da  No.12926856

File: 7f80c8322a64d0b⋯.png (183.72 KB, 1007x891, 1007:891, rino_gov_larry_hogan.png)

impeach recall

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3b8eaa  No.12926857

File: ad4a9c00aff4b98⋯.jpg (372.97 KB, 728x1091, 728:1091, trump_unforgiven.jpg)


>Coming Soon

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e5c6e3  No.12926858


Only (You) are blathering on about semites and antisemites. Or didn't you notice?

Are you Iranian?

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94ab05  No.12926859




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71909a  No.12926860

File: df9b470095a1765⋯.gif (2.2 MB, 600x482, 300:241, 2AF2DB40_5EBD_4301_B4CA_51….gif)

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98f9ab  No.12926861

File: 16ac9a32b821561⋯.png (594.38 KB, 650x487, 650:487, ClipboardImage.png)


>Said it can't be undone once it released.

great so what ever it is we'll be stuck with it.

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c14718  No.12926862

File: a56aab62baa4271⋯.jpg (198.43 KB, 555x720, 37:48, a56aab62baa4271c455079568b….jpg)


Try gimp. It's free and good enough.


Even I, as a total graphix noob, could remove the "Q-" in the old meme or try to make the "-" a "+" or an "&".

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97ab65  No.12926864

File: bebf7d180bb087b⋯.jpg (333.08 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20210214_142219….jpg)


He's definitely onto something.



17-Sep-2020 12:20:28 PM PDT



Sometimes non_domestic sources of information provide a more accurate report.


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c82955  No.12926866


Secret Q follower.

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cbe6ef  No.12926867

File: fb91d388f161307⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1899x913, 1899:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 350e8a0d06945e4⋯.png (770.93 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)




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e22a30  No.12926868

One year ago today, my best friend and closest companion died very suddenly. He'd had seizures before but, because I wasn't there to keep him connected to reality, this one killed him.

Today I placed a white rose on his grave to mark the first anniversary of his death and scattered alyssum seeds after scratching the clay. His name was Monkey. He was the best friend I've ever had.

At my age, he may be the last.

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68c02d  No.12926870

File: c405e917270e397⋯.jpg (230.27 KB, 710x900, 71:90, c405e917270e39761ccb0a2e7c….jpg)

File: deec3349a091763⋯.png (44.43 KB, 885x383, 885:383, flotus_new.PNG)

habby valentines day frens, congrats to FLOTUS!

from a few days ago but https://twitter.com/OfficeofMelania/status/1360287642408132613

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91847c  No.12926871


Got to love all patriots! Irregardless of race religion, creed or color! Fight for the truth!

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0a3ec2  No.12926872


Also, the evidence of both the coup and the Clinton Fdn's crimes was objective and conclusive enough that it could even be tried in front of the chink Q shills that this board is loaded with and they'd still have to come back with a guilty verdict.

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cbe6ef  No.12926873


The Prime Directive!


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f43a92  No.12926876


> Trump is the one that appointed the enemies

And pelosi/schiff/obumba/clinton/brennon/soros/roths…etc…had nothing to do with any of the shit that has gone down?

WoW…and here's me thinking that he was one of us.

Thank you for putting us all straight I don't know what we would have done without you…maybe never woke up?

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94ab05  No.12926877



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1c1704  No.12926880


They even read their own verdicts…FUCKING RETARDS!

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cbe6ef  No.12926881



Not Funny!

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68c02d  No.12926884


sorry to hear that anon, i'll pray for you. you have moar frens than you can imagine.

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490f7f  No.12926885

File: a661e705b8511b4⋯.png (569.87 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fe607  No.12926887

File: 2669eb31a91f5b4⋯.png (77.48 KB, 598x439, 598:439, Screenshot_2021_02_14_buhe….png)

File: 49c12e870326997⋯.png (276.48 KB, 598x433, 598:433, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Ghid….png)





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94ab05  No.12926888



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74bbd7  No.12926891


I thought you were done?

Triggered much? I too shit post, so therefore, I guess I am too…

Anyway, anon, I tried to backtrack to the post about Ezra you referred to. To read your post and try to understand your original point. I didn't want to be you, by ignoring my point, so asking kindly for you to drop the link the other anon pissed you off about. I'm genuinely interested in reading it now…

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26a92f  No.12926892


> semite/antisemites

> Iranian?

Nope not Persian.

Just an anon that loves to do word play and find irony in things whilst looking for Truth and trying to end this nightmare you, me, and other anons are in.

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9b8358  No.12926893


>>12926059 @700

Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition







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000000  No.12926894


Thanks faggot.

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68c02d  No.12926896

File: 9dc7ea7c178f258⋯.jpeg (48.66 KB, 375x346, 375:346, 9dc7ea7c178f2586a413435c1….jpeg)


be mine pls?

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1c1704  No.12926897

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490f7f  No.12926898



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0a3ec2  No.12926900


>And pelosi/schiff/obumba/clinton/brennon/soros/roths…etc…had nothing to do with any of the shit that has gone down?

What in the living fuck does that have to do with anything. They are not pretending to uphold America's founding principles, you dope. Trump got elected to do just that. Trump could have proven sedition of all those fuckers and he didn't. Because he was comped too.

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e2843b  No.12926901


Where do you think they got the idea from?

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94ab05  No.12926902


>Said it can't be undone once it released.


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97ab65  No.12926903

File: 955fadd5fc01964⋯.jpg (783.77 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20210214_142528….jpg)



From q drop 4731


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40d156  No.12926904

File: ad55ce77a7f64ec⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 551x776, 551:776, c25d3e0ab50c6c2fe1ffc7ec66….jpg)

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490f7f  No.12926906


Just another day, anon.

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0455f2  No.12926908



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68c02d  No.12926909

File: 02cfd211e4bafeb⋯.png (346.04 KB, 488x391, 488:391, comvefefefe.PNG)

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6b45ea  No.12926910


> Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party

Laura Trump may be the first woman president

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9b8358  No.12926911


>>12926059 @725

Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition







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26a92f  No.12926912


> that pic

That is funny.

Not sure if you created it.

Whoever did it though did they think of it this summer and had to sit on it waiting until today?

I just wonder.

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cbe6ef  No.12926913


Bigger Than We Can Imagine?

"No matter how well you may have imagined it, Thee IS has always imagined it better than you."

- Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Mass Market

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0a3ec2  No.12926915


>Fight for the truth!

That would be a start.

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f41892  No.12926917

File: dcf37ac98bcd86e⋯.jpeg (126.64 KB, 1241x854, 1241:854, 7F2EC443_F709_4CC6_A435_2….jpeg)

File: 17acea930d1aa62⋯.jpeg (131.87 KB, 1241x834, 1241:834, 139C022D_412F_4E1F_BD8F_F….jpeg)

File: ae48dc57313010b⋯.jpeg (133.22 KB, 1241x976, 1241:976, 24C6E109_BA6F_42B7_B7D5_6….jpeg)

Anons the funniest twitter ever, dudes posting their Ws

This guy is feeding about 30 fat raccons



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96c537  No.12926921

File: 44b23f32df2c7f7⋯.png (519.26 KB, 1026x456, 9:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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68c02d  No.12926922


i guess melania can't because she wasn't born here :(

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fcf866  No.12926923


Had my hands on one of Don Prudomes front engine cars at one point.

Can't feed a baby dragster parts though so I took a bath on that one.

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e5c6e3  No.12926924

File: 5f3163760fbca12⋯.png (610.98 KB, 960x540, 16:9, NotIran.png)


And there we have it!

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68c02d  No.12926925

File: 41bd6d340addba6⋯.png (701.16 KB, 622x472, 311:236, 41bd6d340addba655ac3b9f674….png)


kek i stealt it

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324533  No.12926926


They all look like men or boys to me…

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4fdb0b  No.12926927

File: 3fb602f7c6d433a⋯.jpg (593.37 KB, 1024x550, 512:275, alloutbattlej.jpg)


Will Communist "vatican" feed us to Moloch?

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26a92f  No.12926928


> Graham

Lindsay Graham?

Tarheels DO NOT TAKE kindly to palmettos telling us how to run things.

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d28f9c  No.12926929

File: 7109cc84a344120⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1494x1512, 83:84, ClipboardImage.png)

Singer/Model Nicki Minaj's Father Killed In Hit-Run NY Crash

A man who was killed after he was struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run crash at a Long Island intersection late last week has been identified as the father of singer/model Nicki Minaj, according to TMZ.

While walking in the roadway in Mineola on Roslyn Road at the intersection of Raff Avenue on Friday, Feb. 12, at 6:15 p.m., Robert Maraj was hit by a northbound, undescribed, vehicle that left the scene of the crash, Nassau County Police said


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3b8eaa  No.12926930

File: d31939341a86015⋯.jpg (91.6 KB, 482x173, 482:173, Q_wont_believe_who_youre_t….jpg)

File: 0c459d77907fdb7⋯.jpg (322.53 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, speak_and_spell.jpg)


thinking more he rolled with the plandemic and also with the Benghazi-like costume ball of a FF on the 6th, but handing over so much to israel was The Plan..

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9b8358  No.12926931


>>12926059 @735

Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition







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f446b5  No.12926935


Same boat

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fd108d  No.12926936

File: b7c838ad8c3b58b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 936x526, 468:263, ClipboardImage.png)


>blowing a tranny in the 1980s

frens used to take ice chests full of ice/melted ice and pour it on fags gathered in cars at the Liberty Memorial, the local phallic symbol/the only official WWI memorial in the US. Queer Blvd they called it. Good clean fun.

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26a92f  No.12926939


Fun fact.

My house was built by an Iranian.

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93c480  No.12926940

File: df23c410f4dde77⋯.jpg (241.72 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, NYTCO_2018_JakeChessum_04_….jpg)


"uses the same IP for 20 + posts shill is

low IQ shilling at its best"

- Cold Harbor Shill Review Quarterly

"Solid work-a-day shilling"

- Daily Shill & Sodomite

"Ghastly, haunting and repugnant"

- Ten Dollar Review of Shills

"Smooth brain bitchass qtard

motherfuckers will hate this shill"

- Shill & Cretin

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9b8358  No.12926941


>>12926059 @FINAL

Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition







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26a92f  No.12926942


those days must be gone I guess frowny face

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c14718  No.12926945

File: a0357401b1f9637⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 474x391, 474:391, a0357401b1f96377bab17da64b….jpg)


>it's still a good meme i think


Also I don't care much. Anons on this board have come a long way, and for me, each single one of the memes made and collected is a part our history never to be forgotten in my chronicle.

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645cdf  No.12926946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Theres a small minority of peeple in on the gaim. Tha rest — the mazzes (a.k.a sheeps) — are awake only sufficiently to serve as ideal slayves. Oblivious.

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4471fd  No.12926947

File: fbd8ff60d5e29b4⋯.jpg (254.39 KB, 1608x449, 1608:449, chazMe.jpg)

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a6e3da  No.12926948

File: bf012964cf20c8e⋯.jpg (195.54 KB, 834x1071, 278:357, Trump_statement_2.jpg)

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5a5ad1  No.12926949

God Wins

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c13c85  No.12926950

File: 71c3c78c0af8c7e⋯.png (662.38 KB, 792x500, 198:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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