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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, standard_banner.png)

f0e350  No.12926043[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

702 posts and 398 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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1c1704  No.12926880


They even read their own verdicts…FUCKING RETARDS!

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cbe6ef  No.12926881



Not Funny!

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68c02d  No.12926884


sorry to hear that anon, i'll pray for you. you have moar frens than you can imagine.

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490f7f  No.12926885

File: a661e705b8511b4⋯.png (569.87 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fe607  No.12926887

File: 2669eb31a91f5b4⋯.png (77.48 KB, 598x439, 598:439, Screenshot_2021_02_14_buhe….png)

File: 49c12e870326997⋯.png (276.48 KB, 598x433, 598:433, Screenshot_2021_02_14_Ghid….png)





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94ab05  No.12926888



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74bbd7  No.12926891


I thought you were done?

Triggered much? I too shit post, so therefore, I guess I am too…

Anyway, anon, I tried to backtrack to the post about Ezra you referred to. To read your post and try to understand your original point. I didn't want to be you, by ignoring my point, so asking kindly for you to drop the link the other anon pissed you off about. I'm genuinely interested in reading it now…

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26a92f  No.12926892


> semite/antisemites

> Iranian?

Nope not Persian.

Just an anon that loves to do word play and find irony in things whilst looking for Truth and trying to end this nightmare you, me, and other anons are in.

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9b8358  No.12926893


>>12926059 @700

Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition







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000000  No.12926894


Thanks faggot.

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68c02d  No.12926896

File: 9dc7ea7c178f258⋯.jpeg (48.66 KB, 375x346, 375:346, 9dc7ea7c178f2586a413435c1….jpeg)


be mine pls?

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1c1704  No.12926897

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490f7f  No.12926898



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0a3ec2  No.12926900


>And pelosi/schiff/obumba/clinton/brennon/soros/roths…etc…had nothing to do with any of the shit that has gone down?

What in the living fuck does that have to do with anything. They are not pretending to uphold America's founding principles, you dope. Trump got elected to do just that. Trump could have proven sedition of all those fuckers and he didn't. Because he was comped too.

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e2843b  No.12926901


Where do you think they got the idea from?

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94ab05  No.12926902


>Said it can't be undone once it released.


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97ab65  No.12926903

File: 955fadd5fc01964⋯.jpg (783.77 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20210214_142528….jpg)



From q drop 4731


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40d156  No.12926904

File: ad55ce77a7f64ec⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 551x776, 551:776, c25d3e0ab50c6c2fe1ffc7ec66….jpg)

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490f7f  No.12926906


Just another day, anon.

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0455f2  No.12926908



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68c02d  No.12926909

File: 02cfd211e4bafeb⋯.png (346.04 KB, 488x391, 488:391, comvefefefe.PNG)

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6b45ea  No.12926910


> Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party

Laura Trump may be the first woman president

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9b8358  No.12926911


>>12926059 @725

Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition







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26a92f  No.12926912


> that pic

That is funny.

Not sure if you created it.

Whoever did it though did they think of it this summer and had to sit on it waiting until today?

I just wonder.

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cbe6ef  No.12926913


Bigger Than We Can Imagine?

"No matter how well you may have imagined it, Thee IS has always imagined it better than you."

- Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Mass Market

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0a3ec2  No.12926915


>Fight for the truth!

That would be a start.

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f41892  No.12926917

File: dcf37ac98bcd86e⋯.jpeg (126.64 KB, 1241x854, 1241:854, 7F2EC443_F709_4CC6_A435_2….jpeg)

File: 17acea930d1aa62⋯.jpeg (131.87 KB, 1241x834, 1241:834, 139C022D_412F_4E1F_BD8F_F….jpeg)

File: ae48dc57313010b⋯.jpeg (133.22 KB, 1241x976, 1241:976, 24C6E109_BA6F_42B7_B7D5_6….jpeg)

Anons the funniest twitter ever, dudes posting their Ws

This guy is feeding about 30 fat raccons



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96c537  No.12926921

File: 44b23f32df2c7f7⋯.png (519.26 KB, 1026x456, 9:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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68c02d  No.12926922


i guess melania can't because she wasn't born here :(

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fcf866  No.12926923


Had my hands on one of Don Prudomes front engine cars at one point.

Can't feed a baby dragster parts though so I took a bath on that one.

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e5c6e3  No.12926924

File: 5f3163760fbca12⋯.png (610.98 KB, 960x540, 16:9, NotIran.png)


And there we have it!

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68c02d  No.12926925

File: 41bd6d340addba6⋯.png (701.16 KB, 622x472, 311:236, 41bd6d340addba655ac3b9f674….png)


kek i stealt it

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324533  No.12926926


They all look like men or boys to me…

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4fdb0b  No.12926927

File: 3fb602f7c6d433a⋯.jpg (593.37 KB, 1024x550, 512:275, alloutbattlej.jpg)


Will Communist "vatican" feed us to Moloch?

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26a92f  No.12926928


> Graham

Lindsay Graham?

Tarheels DO NOT TAKE kindly to palmettos telling us how to run things.

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d28f9c  No.12926929

File: 7109cc84a344120⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1494x1512, 83:84, ClipboardImage.png)

Singer/Model Nicki Minaj's Father Killed In Hit-Run NY Crash

A man who was killed after he was struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run crash at a Long Island intersection late last week has been identified as the father of singer/model Nicki Minaj, according to TMZ.

While walking in the roadway in Mineola on Roslyn Road at the intersection of Raff Avenue on Friday, Feb. 12, at 6:15 p.m., Robert Maraj was hit by a northbound, undescribed, vehicle that left the scene of the crash, Nassau County Police said


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3b8eaa  No.12926930

File: d31939341a86015⋯.jpg (91.6 KB, 482x173, 482:173, Q_wont_believe_who_youre_t….jpg)

File: 0c459d77907fdb7⋯.jpg (322.53 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, speak_and_spell.jpg)


thinking more he rolled with the plandemic and also with the Benghazi-like costume ball of a FF on the 6th, but handing over so much to israel was The Plan..

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9b8358  No.12926931


>>12926059 @735

Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition







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f446b5  No.12926935


Same boat

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fd108d  No.12926936

File: b7c838ad8c3b58b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 936x526, 468:263, ClipboardImage.png)


>blowing a tranny in the 1980s

frens used to take ice chests full of ice/melted ice and pour it on fags gathered in cars at the Liberty Memorial, the local phallic symbol/the only official WWI memorial in the US. Queer Blvd they called it. Good clean fun.

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26a92f  No.12926939


Fun fact.

My house was built by an Iranian.

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93c480  No.12926940

File: df23c410f4dde77⋯.jpg (241.72 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, NYTCO_2018_JakeChessum_04_….jpg)


"uses the same IP for 20 + posts shill is

low IQ shilling at its best"

- Cold Harbor Shill Review Quarterly

"Solid work-a-day shilling"

- Daily Shill & Sodomite

"Ghastly, haunting and repugnant"

- Ten Dollar Review of Shills

"Smooth brain bitchass qtard

motherfuckers will hate this shill"

- Shill & Cretin

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9b8358  No.12926941


>>12926059 @FINAL

Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition







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26a92f  No.12926942


those days must be gone I guess frowny face

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c14718  No.12926945

File: a0357401b1f9637⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 474x391, 474:391, a0357401b1f96377bab17da64b….jpg)


>it's still a good meme i think


Also I don't care much. Anons on this board have come a long way, and for me, each single one of the memes made and collected is a part our history never to be forgotten in my chronicle.

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645cdf  No.12926946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Theres a small minority of peeple in on the gaim. Tha rest — the mazzes (a.k.a sheeps) — are awake only sufficiently to serve as ideal slayves. Oblivious.

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4471fd  No.12926947

File: fbd8ff60d5e29b4⋯.jpg (254.39 KB, 1608x449, 1608:449, chazMe.jpg)

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a6e3da  No.12926948

File: bf012964cf20c8e⋯.jpg (195.54 KB, 834x1071, 278:357, Trump_statement_2.jpg)

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5a5ad1  No.12926949

God Wins

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c13c85  No.12926950

File: 71c3c78c0af8c7e⋯.png (662.38 KB, 792x500, 198:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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