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d86a11  No.13075065[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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d86a11  No.13075071


Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Support Lin Wood https://www.kraken-wood.com/

>>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' - Absolute Proof

>>13026028 "Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED"

>>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker, LEARN TO BAKE

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

>>12857181, >>12862409 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

>>13074178 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

>>13060241, >>13060249, >>13060259, >>13060285, >>13060289, >>13060325, >>13060333, >>13060343, >>13060377 Anons debating the current state of global notables

>>13074698 https://www.donaldjtrump.com

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13074382, >>13074437, >>13074446, PF Reports

>>13074287 Anon fren has provided a re-upload of the megamemes collection! Grab it before it's gone!

>>13074350, >>13074436, >>13074448, >>13074835, Trump, “What happened at 3:02 in the morning?” (Cap 3 min) Q302 For Green, Q -end-

>>13074736, >>13074742, 302 Big tech break up

>>13074378 Canadian #PPE manufacturers can't sell to Hospitals

>>13074351, >>13074464 Site up and running https://www.donaldjtrump.com

>>13074486 >>13074701, >>13074622, >>13074715, >>13074774, RSBN YouTube 3 million views

>>13074505 Down on the farm with Bill Gates?

>>13074825 At 6:00 PDJT is talking about TIME

>>13074539 VIDEO: Trump Hints At 2024 Run In First Post Presidency Speech, 'May Even Decide To Beat Them For A Third Time' - National File

>>13074554 PDJT asked us to read this TIME article: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>13074604, >>13074848, Michigan Forensics Voting report ANTRIM COUNTY FORENSICS REPORT, 23 pages

>>13074661 Andrew Cuomo addresses sexual harassment accusations by saying his 'playful banter' was 'misinterpreted' by accusers

>>13074670 TRUMP: ‘We Have A Very Sick Electoral Process’, Supreme Court ‘Didn’t Have The Guts Or Courage’ To Save Election Integrity

>>13074682 Lin Wood stands against the vaccine

>>13074805 Dan Scavino I think it’s time for FLORIDA to do one of those TRUMP BOAT PARADES (two days ago)

>>13074845 Trump speech was not directed solely at his supporters, it was directed at the deep state and the media!! Why?

>>13074847 Marcus Mauling: Head Of Goldman's Consumer Bank Leaving For Walmart

>>13074856 CEO of Goya Foods says that the 2020 election was illegitimate, that Donald Trump is still the legitimate and actual president of the United States

>>13074900 For Keks? Looks like a redditor is also one of us frogs and made WSB vs hedgie song

>>13074917 Bernie Sanders sounds bitter and a tab defeated, too bad, kek

>>13074948 Chuck Schumer Deflects from his Human trafficking involvement by complaining about the CPAC

>>13074949 Sidney Powell LIVE: “There Is More than Enough Evidence in the Public Now to More than Reverse the Election in at Least 5 States” (VIDEO)

>>13074950 Lin Wood 3rd time in a row

>>13074959 Biden Will Never Experience This: Crowd at CPAC Erupts in Chant of ‘We Love You’ During Trump’s Speech (VIDEO)

>>13074969 Trump Eviscerates Biden's Record in Blistering CPAC Speech

>>13074980 Trump Unloads On Biden: He Has Sold Out America’s Children To Teacher Unions

>>13074991 Trump COMMS we “need a huge sense of humor”

>>13074999 ‘Blame Trump’ defense in Capitol riot looks like a long shot

>>13075009 Acosta crying to Potato

>>13075018 Faulty US Intel Report on Khashoggi Death Meant to Topple Saudi Crown Prince, Woo Iran

>>13075036 #16652

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d86a11  No.13075076


>>13073796 , >>13073621 , >>13073624 , >>13073887 Compiling view counts from all the various streams for President Trump CPAC Speech

>>13073604 Key radical democrats are ‘after Andrew Cuomo’s blood’

>>13073613 Lots Jim Jordan talk… Q Post 1381

>>13073635 , >>13073616 , >>13073687 What happened at 3:02 in the morning? Q Post 131

>>13073706 anyone else getting error at https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

>>13073764 God bless President Trump.

>>13073774, >>13073779 Trump Eviscerates Biden's Record in Blistering CPAC Speech

>>13073830 Biden Will Never Experience This: Crowd at CPAC Erupts in Chant of ‘We Love You’ During Trump’s Speech

>>13073846 “This Election Was Rigged and the Supreme Court and Other Courts Did Not Want to Do Anything About It”

>>13073852 Trump wins CPAC straw poll by wide margin; DeSantis emerges as heir apparent

>>13073769 , >>13073943 State of the Union!!! 4 year delta 4 hours early

>>13073874 , >>13073914 Notes from Donald J Trump CPAC Speech

>>13073900 DONALDJTRUMP.COM Join now!!!!

>>13073960 UPDATED Online viewers TOTALS for Trump @CPAC - 1,456,262


>>13074054 Trump donation page goes offline

>>13074162 Canada Post suspends mail delivery to 2 Toronto highrises after some residents seen without masks no mask no mail. (Mask narrative failing)

>>13074178 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

>>13074221 Israel has announced plans to vaccinate tens of thousands of Palestinians who work inside Israel and its West Bank settlements.

>>13074241 FBI Memos Using Stefan Halper Released, Show FBI Targeting Effort Against Trump Campaign Using Any Means Possible

>>13074254 #16651


>>13072962 Washington Post already trying to defend Biden Cabal from President Trump CPAC speech

>>13073178 President Trump - This Election was rigged and the Supreme Court and other Courts didn't want to do anything about it. Crowd: YOU WON YOU WON YOU WON

>>13073195 New York Times Blasted for Citing ‘Unpublished Research’ Inciting Fear About New China Virus Fake Variants

>>13073244 Voter ID law Now!!!

>>13073260 HERE IT GOES: Get your yellow stars ready. Free travel within the “borderless” EU for the vaccinated!

>>13073347 Fair Election Process Per POTUS

>>13073442 "War monger…..Liz Cheney" - President Trump educating…

>>13073457 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday issued a statement addressing sexual harassment allegations (narrative to stop nursing home murder investigation) from two former aides

>>13073469 Prince Charles reportedly wants face-to-face meeting with Biden Cabal

>>13073498 #16650


>>13072162 , >>13072444 , >>13072823 Quips from President Trump CPAC speech

>>13072191 , >>13072212 Three scoops

>>13072225 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage

>>13072264 President Trump at CPAC - 'Send Children back to school RIGHT NOW!"

>>13072568 Tara Reade, the woman who alleged President Biden sexually assaulted her years ago, is calling out New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

>>13072729 #16649

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d86a11  No.13075079


>>13071332 Viewership of President Trump CPAC speech is skyrocketing

>>13071352 Peter Navarro goes fight club on two faced Lindsey Graham

>>13071357 Anon opines - stage is being set. if POTUS had been on time, this CPAC filler piece wouldn't been seen by as many people. Red pills throughout.

>>13071368 NY Democrat State Officials Call for Gov. Cuomo to Resign Over Inappropriate Comments, But Not For Killing Seniors

>>13071373 So Shingles is trending right now on Twitter & it's really weird. It is a bunch of people pushing the shingles vaccine. Saying almost the exact same thing.

>>13071375 @mikepompeo “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

>>13071383 Soros-backed DA, who now faces recall, hires prosecutor who called LAPD 'barbarians' and wants to abolish prisons

>>13071385 More Liberal narrative Fake News trying to cover up Election Fraud

>>13071387 50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says

>>13071399 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE (live links)

>>13071403 Portland protesters smash businesses as locals scream at them to ‘go home’

>>13071414 House Democrats’ Attempt to Pressure TV Carriers Could Trigger Lawsuit

>>13071433 The Whole World is Watching President Trump now set to speak at 4:55 EST (video)

>>13071439 ‘When does it end?’: Restaurant owner boards up windows ahead of planned rally in NW Portland

>>13071456 As Trump Is Getting Ready To Give His Speech, CPAC’s Website Is Allegedly Being DDOS’d

>>13071458 CPAC 2021 Coverage NewsNOW from FOX' - LIVE ISS Space walk feed?

>>13071464 The ‘World’s Largest Bookstore’ Gets Into the Censorship Business

>>13071483 Noem Blisters Fauci; “He’s Wrong A Lot”

>>13071486 , >>13071541 Cuomo team backs away from sexual harassment investigation pick, allows AG to choose independent lawyer

>>13071487 DJT Jr - The FBI will be busy investigating missing dogs so they will not be able to help.

>>13071538 At Least 17 Shot, Four Killed, Friday into Sunday Across Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

>>13071547 For the KEK!!!

>>13071559 , >>13071579 THOUSANDS of Supporters Greet President Trump Outside CPAC Before His Speech

>>13071578 Jim Jordan endorses Trump for 2024, RAILS against Cancel Culture in CPAC 2021 speech (video)

>>13071582 Syrian air defences have shot down most of the missiles targeting the area outside Damascus (video)

>>13071584 Never-Trumper Ben Sasse Lashes Out at Nebraska GOP After Official Party Rebuke

>>13071597 Biden Increases the Cost of Carbon, Setting the Stage for Drastic Climate Rules

>>13071621 It's time for Biden to halt 'what looks like a China Virus cover-up'

>>13071640 Despite news blackout, awesome outpatient China Virus protection is available

>>13071658 No vaccine, no entry laws the ‘obvious’ way to promote vaccines: Israeli minister

>>13071667 Cuomo not the only Dem governor with pandemic management lapses Pennsylvania's Wolf 'failed to ensure health and economic security, refused to work with the legislature'

>>13071641 CEO Mike Lindell asks attendees to remove face masks before cozying up to take selfies

>>13071691 Dan Scavino - Wheels up out of Palm Beach, to Orlando, for #CPAC2021

>>13071698 Hong Kong police detain 47 pro-democracy activists on subversion charges

>>13071725 Trump arrives at CPAC 2021 for his speech.


>>13072026 #16648

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d86a11  No.13075082


>>13070539 Joe Comms for today…..(Mask narrative is failing)

>>13070546 Iran rejects EU, US invitation to hold nuclear talks; Biden White House says they're "disappointed"

>>13070572 This is CHILD ABUSE

>>13070585 Trump to speak at 3:40 EST

>>13070590 18th Airborne Corp - CNN propped up the Gulf War

>>13070615 NY AG Letitia James Wants to Launch Probe Into Cuomo Sex Claims after 2nd Accusation (change the narrative)

>>13070626 Italygate was roundly rejected by anons for 2 weeks straight as a global notable

>>13070633 Dan Scavino - GAME. ON.

>>13070634 Biden’s Hug of Child on Texas Stop Proves to Be Very Controversial

>>13070648 , >>13070692 RSBN live link for President Trump CPAC speech

>>13070667 , >>13070695 Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue declares Trump the 'Legitimate and Still Actual President' (video cap)

>>13070723 , >>13070753 CPAC straw-poll: 97% Approval for the job President Trump did.

>>13070727 Dan Scavino - Memorial Day Patriots Parade - Mon May 31st - Oh Yea - It's happening

>>13070760 RALLY Bread is the best bread

>>13070826 , >>13070890 Factcheckers are flagging the covid posters for March 1st but the link takes us to a link about Canada?

>>13070875 President Trump Live sites for CPAC speech

>>13070947 Explosion Heard in the Skies Above Syria's Damascus - SANA

>>13070953 “Not a Single Piece of Advice that Lindsey Graham Has Given President Trump, That I’ve Ever Agreed With – He’s Just Poison” – Peter Navarro (video)

>>13070970 Prince Philip asked Prince Charles to visit him in hospital to discuss future of royal family

>>13070974 ‘Gun Girl’ Kaitlin Bennett Asks Jim Acosta To Disavow White Supremacy, He Refuses

>>13070994 "Socialism On A Global Scale": Sky News Host Demolishes Davos Elites And 'Great Reset' Scheme

>>13071092 , >>13071158 Planefag- 2 Jayhawks flying out near Roswell. PAIN 11 & PAIN 12

>>13071112 CPAC 2021 held @ Hyatt Regency hotel(chain) First appearance of President Trump since leaving the WH.

>>13071148 President Trump might not appear at CPAC till 17:00 EST (17?)

>>13071155 This Week in Campus Insanity Vol. 33

>>13071187 This is Donald Trump's second win in a CPAC straw poll.

>>13071223 Terrence K. Williams - President Trump's CPAC speech is getting more attention than Joe Biden Inauguration Speech

>>13071235 #16647

Previously Collected Notables

>>13069696 #16645, >>13070466 #16646

>>13067401 #16642, >>13068215 #16643, >>13068967 #16644

>>13065131 #16639, >>13066638 #16640, >>13066622 #16641

>>13063049 #16636, >>13063544 #16637, >>13065768 #16638

>>13060410 #16633, >>13061223 #16634, >>13062019 #16635

>>13058039 #16630, >>13059793 #16631, >>13059634 #16632

>>13055619 #16627, >>13056459 #16628, >>13057263 #16629

>>13053174 #16624, >>13053991 #16625, >>13054767 #16626

>>13050771 #16621, >>13054369 #16622, >>13054744 #16623

>>13048467 #16618, >>13049267 #16619, >>13050001 #16620

>>13046082 #16615, >>13046885 #16616, >>13047701 #16617

>>13046412 #16612, >>13048009 #16613, >>13045314 #16614

>>13042399 #16609, >>13042171 #16610, >>13043540 #16611

>>13039065 #16606, >>13040830 #16607, >>13040953 #16608

>>13036673 #16603, >>13038445 #16604, >>13038262 #16605

>>13036827 #16600, >>13035265 #16601, >>13035899 #16602

>>13031994 #16597, >>13033522 #16598, >>13037017 #16599

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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d86a11  No.13075084

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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d86a11  No.13075090

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d86a11  No.13075094


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9904be  No.13075103

File: 254b3edb869d5ed⋯.png (78.98 KB, 1334x564, 667:282, ClipboardImage.png)

Catturd sums it up

"If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - congratulations - you're a loser"


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6461c0  No.13075108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brendan O'Connell unloads on Zionism, their subversion and sexual blackmail

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bdc337  No.13075115

>>13074464 (lb)

Have we researched WinRed, the RINO version of ActBlue???

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9904be  No.13075120


Idol cult wants normies to see their prescripted 'politics'……in a plastic toy…of a vegetable…a potato.

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9ee2f4  No.13075121


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c5394c  No.13075122

>>13074948 (lb)

We need a good mirror/projection meme format for these people.

Schumer < > The Big Lie

An "I'm rubber, you are glue" sort of thing.

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8deb66  No.13075123

File: 4834a2fd03665d1⋯.png (460.4 KB, 1854x1080, 103:60, FUCKKB.png)



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6461c0  No.13075124

File: d60212a2d1e187d⋯.png (660 KB, 629x461, 629:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec04eaf5d3b19fc⋯.png (561.59 KB, 647x755, 647:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86c9a2e5354e45e⋯.png (34.08 KB, 624x266, 312:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden's Message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

The Biden administration will not be abandoning Saudi Arabia despite a damning U.S. intel report into the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, but it may not be so keen on Crown Prince Mohammed

There was perhaps no smoking gun, it may not have been an ironclad indictment leading to an assured conviction and U.S. policy may seem ambiguous and restrained to some tastes, but Saudi Arabia would be wise to treat extremely seriously the report published over the weekend by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on the assassination of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Ignoring or dismissing the report, and its harsh words about the complicity of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the assassination, would further imperil an already strained and precarious relationship between the United States and the oil-rich desert kingdom.

Khashoggi worked for The Washington Post. After he was murdered for writing against the crown prince, Mohammed allegedly also proceeded to threaten Jeff Bezos, the newspaper’s owner and founder of Amazon, an American company that employs over a million people in the United States. You can’t impose heavy sanctions on Iran for violating human rights and hurting American interests, and then look the other way when it comes to Saudi Arabia.

In light of these facts, there was immediate pushback in Washington after the release of the report regarding President Joe Biden’s response. Critics said Biden let Crown Prince Mohammed off the hook, that MBS is literally getting away with murder, that any foreign policy calculations about balancing interests and avoiding an entire rupture of the relationship should be set aside given the gravity of the crime. These are salient and valid arguments. But they are not necessarily the main points of concern.


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12c7a0  No.13075125

I feel like we are hours away from something

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74f5ed  No.13075126

File: b9ab1f00d6ef999⋯.png (487.61 KB, 1113x811, 1113:811, AQ1.png)

Three names mysteriously removed from Khashoggi intelligence report after initial publication

The quiet switch by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence went largely unnoticed as the outcry grew that the Biden administration was failing to punish the prince in any way, despite having just declared in no uncertain terms that MBS was responsible.

The first link to the report that was sent out by ODNI went dead. It was then replaced with a second version that removed three of the men it had just announced "participated in, ordered, or were otherwise complicit in or responsible for the death of Jamal Khashoggi.

(Biden's ODNI doing shady stuff)


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3e203a  No.13075127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7526bb  No.13075128

>>13075072 lb so, about that pipe….

Pipehitter's is another way of saying hitting the pipes turn into a leak

Slow drip > Flood

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

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8deb66  No.13075129

File: f35859e876b99ea⋯.png (4.49 MB, 3356x2524, 839:631, a10_b.png)


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fcb596  No.13075130

File: 3d6a69b3768a224⋯.png (110.8 KB, 493x281, 493:281, LW_Research.png)

>>13075045 (LB)

LinFags are bigger bootlickers than MattisFags ever were.

But the man knows how to shitpost Grand Master level.

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6461c0  No.13075131

File: 73f3ec5037ca342⋯.png (35.02 KB, 752x452, 188:113, ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian Backed Police Support Dictatorship in Haiti

Canada is supporting a dictatorship in Haiti. And our government is not just offering some vague assistance, but rather is paying for the central instrument of that dictatorship’s repression. Ottawa is backing a violent police force that keeps Jovenel Moïse’s regime in power.

Last week a public letter was released criticizing Canada’s “support for a repressive, corrupt Haitian president devoid of constitutional legitimacy.” It was signed by three current MPs and three former MPs, as well as Noam Chomsky, David Suzuki, Naomi Klein, Roger Waters, El Jones and 500 others.

The letter notes that Canada “continues to fund and train a police force that has violently repressed anti-Moïse protests. The Canadian ambassador in Haiti has repeatedly attended police functions all the while refusing to criticize their repression of protesters. On January 18 ambassador Stuart Savage met the controversial new head of police Leon Charles to discuss ‘strengthening the capacity of the police.’”

In November Moïse appointed Charles head of the police. The former military man oversaw the police in the 17 months after the 2004 US, France and Canada-sponsored coup against elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and thousands of other elected officials. At that time the US Naval Academy-trained Charles publicly referred to a “war” the police waged against the pro-democracy sector. A 2004 University of Miami human rights report found that Charles “routinely [gave] orders to stop political demonstrations” while an early 2006 Council on Hemispheric Affairs report noted that “he oversaw the gunning down of unarmed pro-Aristide Lavalas demonstrators by his own men, even … planting weapons on the innocent victims’ corpses.” Thousands were killed in political violence after the overthrow of Aristide.

Even before the 2004 coup Charles was close to the country’s oligarchs. He reportedly participated in a July 2003 meeting organized by leading sweatshop owner and opposition figure, André Apaid, where he tried to bribe “several Lavalas street leaders in Cité Soleil” to join the opposition. In “Loyal to Washington, New Police Chief Léon Charles Specializes in Counter-Insurgency Intelligence Gathering and Repression” Haiti Liberté editor Kim Ives writes, “under Léon Charles in 2004 and 2005, the Haitian police became a virtual private army of Haiti’s bourgeoisie, which provided officers with weapons and money.”

Charles oversaw the reincorporation of hundreds of human rights abusing former soldiers into the police force. At the time US officials privately reported, according to cables released by WikiLeaks, “Charles was unwilling or unable to discipline or arrest officers that everybody knows are corrupt and colluding with the kidnappers.”

Amidst significant criticism of his appointment, ambassador Savage met Charles. Even if one questions whether the meeting with Charles was designed to bolster a police force that’s maintaining a dictatorship, why exactly is Canada’s ambassador in Haiti meeting the head of the police? Does Guatemala’s ambassador in Ottawa meet the head of the RCMP?

Unfortunately the answer to why a Canadian ambassador would meet with the head of Haiti’s police is obvious.


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ac56c2  No.13075133


ive honestly had an odd feeling like that as well now that you mention it

Just a weird day overall

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000000  No.13075134


You got to be a COMPLETE moron to give money to a politician - RED or BLUE. Trump or Q. They have not earned a penny of their salary yet.

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96c353  No.13075135


Get it straight. President Trump isn't forcing anyone to take a vaccine. The corrupt Rothschild puppets are trying to.

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000000  No.13075136


Go ahead and wait those hours…

…then wait some more…

…and then…

…wait some more…

And eventually… you'll just figure out you're continuing to wait for nothing.

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7bd246  No.13075137




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000000  No.13075138

>>13074871 pb faggot

>>13074890 pb faggot

>Trump owns this election theft

"We are going to the moon and doing that other shit not because it is easy but because it is hard".

You think gaining a national mandate to fix election fraud could happen by winning elections?

I always said and I should copyright this line, "if it ain't worth bleeding for it ain't worth doing."

You crybabies should go sit in your safespaces

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7b3b35  No.13075139

File: 4920ced64e06f90⋯.jpeg (172.07 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 1_4701464.jpeg)


Ty Baker

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0c40ea  No.13075140


from biden starting ww3 ?

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cf27a8  No.13075141

>>13075008 pb

There are a number of different religions. Some are in conflict.

It seems like Rothschild has a religion, Satanic Jewish, or Jewish Satanism. He's been on a roll for the last 200 years.

Seems like the Jews wrote the New Testament. Everything will be fine, oh, look, we killed Jesus, but don't be mad at us for that.

God either gives a shit or he doesn't. And if he does give a shit, we really have no clue what makes him happy.

Doesn't at all look like banking on God for the win is helping us get the win. This is a 3/4 Christian country run by Jews.

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6ebb18  No.13075142

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c6d783  No.13075143

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000000  No.13075144


You know you are fucked when you move to libtard like "feelings".

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5baef7  No.13075145

Is Truth the Big Lie?

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70f52d  No.13075146

>>13074905 PB

>Look to 2022 now that the elections are fixed.

So Survival Mode for 2 years then? That's a long time for them to do a lot of damage. I hope we still have a Country left to save.

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e68c92  No.13075147

File: cad2d777b84872a⋯.jpg (116.81 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, EqpgEG8XMAA6Rdb.jpg)


You know the rules

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7b3b35  No.13075148

Who Knows?

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f48ecc  No.13075149


Absolutely nothing is going to happen.

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b6803a  No.13075150

>>13075106 pb

They have no idea there is a target on their back

Nor did know that when the attacked the Capital

Who got them out of arrest / jail on that day?

The ANTIFAs who spearheaded it?

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5633c2  No.13075151

File: bb04d5674010245⋯.jpg (68.82 KB, 750x485, 150:97, 11582aff70086adb26b72f19a5….jpg)

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cbd235  No.13075152

Every word a shill types works against them and they are too terrified and stupid to stop.

Watch the hope leave their souls with every post.

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3e203a  No.13075153


No new party


And, let's seee… Joe's not in control.

>nudge nudge, wink wink

This is not just another 4 year election was literal. The plan was to stop the steal for Trump to get the power needed to do what needed to be done. Joe's not president, yo. Trump and the MIL are using a psyop to work on the other half of the country/world that still doesn't get it. Sit back, enjoy the show anon.

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70d9cf  No.13075154

File: 64f41d33b3ba1a2⋯.jpg (97.35 KB, 680x383, 680:383, anons_holding_the_line_4_t….jpg)

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b991e7  No.13075155

I‘m excited

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b6803a  No.13075156

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6461c0  No.13075157

File: 0a6637f295bbfd1⋯.png (45.69 KB, 992x541, 992:541, ClipboardImage.png)


September 23, 2017 & The Great Tribulation

1260 6 March 2021

1290 5 April 2021

1335 20 May 2021

The reference to "time, times, and half a time" from Daniel 12:7 is given in parallel to the "1290 days" mentioned just four verses later in Daniel 12:11. By standard interpretation, the "1290" is simply the "1260" (of Revelation 12:6) except with the leap month of 30 days added to it. (See "Intercalary Month"). Consequently, again we have "a time" ("360," except + 30now makes it "390"), "times" ("720"), "and half a time" ("180 days"), for a total of 1290 days.

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5f0750  No.13075158

File: 14680bd37abbab2⋯.png (454.25 KB, 1281x719, 1281:719, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker!

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51495c  No.13075159

File: fe265180b7f4e4e⋯.png (368.71 KB, 315x1245, 21:83, Q3176.png)

File: b307ff75e13a1fd⋯.png (110.54 KB, 321x565, 321:565, Q3870.png)

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5e4cc3  No.13075160

File: fa683fdcd5ef0f9⋯.png (814.23 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Andrew_Breitbart_died_of_h….png)

Andrew BREITBART died mysteriously from a “heart attack" and then 2 months later, Michael Cormier, the CORONER who performed Breitbart's autopsy was murdered from ARSENIC POISONING. Coincidence? What did Andrew Breitbart say about John PODESTA before he died?

“How much longer until they kill me ("heart attack” or “ car accident”) or frame me for a crime? Read me while you can.” - Andrew Breitbart 2-28-12. He was MURDERED the NEXT DAY on March 1st, 2012.

“How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.” - Andrew Breitbart 2-4-11. He was MURDERED on March 1st, 2012.

“Early on did John Podesta imagine his baby, Media Matters (@ mmfa) would be covering up for underage sex slave ops & H8 crimes against blacks?” - Andrew Breitbart 2-2-11. He was MURDERED on March 1st, 2012.

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7b3b35  No.13075161


Stop Crying Baby

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fcb596  No.13075162


You scared MNR into hiding.

Nobody wants to touch those posts to swampfox there.

Anon, I believe you.

I seen't fuckery going on with 2 things right now:

- Your #ItalyGate being suppressed.

- Dough fuckery with the TOR onion addy

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70d9cf  No.13075163


i'd feel sorry for them if I didn't think they were trying to get us all to kill ourselves

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78512f  No.13075164

File: 5acfc9789ade156⋯.jpg (59.43 KB, 689x530, 13:10, qresearch.JPG)

File: e2f21b1101139b0⋯.jpg (32.87 KB, 615x404, 615:404, alive.JPG)

File: 48e601e1ee67184⋯.png (795.94 KB, 720x844, 180:211, I_O_go.PNG)

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0c40ea  No.13075165


i dont know man..

during the speech he was fucking taking all the credit for having the vaccine.. then told everyone to go get it for an half hour..

fuckin bullshit needs some explaining if you ask me

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0d8704  No.13075166

File: 74b6550f134484f⋯.jpg (59.1 KB, 727x485, 727:485, laffkim.jpg)

>>13074966 lb

>PDJT has to play chicken with this one because

Playing chicken with his supporters' lives and untested vaccine that jacks with our RNA?

That's "the Plan' ?


BTW, "playing chicken" is a personal gamble .. Trump would have to have his own skin on the line (or that of his family).

Trump risks nothing by pushing this poison .. his supporters who blindly follow him are the ones at risk?

Is that what Trump is doing? Unknowingly playing a game with his supporters' lives?

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cbd235  No.13075167



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3e203a  No.13075168


2024. Eye on the ball between now and then. The clues are everywhere.

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64a20a  No.13075169

Tomorrow Q posts. Will kick off March Madness proper.

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e68c92  No.13075170

File: 7b186a40d51f170⋯.png (13.91 KB, 507x177, 169:59, Screenshot_2021_02_28_atom….png)



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d70549  No.13075171

File: 51e29cbafd09ab5⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 696x390, 116:65, xfddfdfghjtrg.jpg)

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ac56c2  No.13075172


just in general or for something specific

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ae4058  No.13075173

File: 8dae16b34fac632⋯.png (8 KB, 530x90, 53:9, Screenshot_2021_02_27_Spac….png)


…Probably the approaching solar winds. Nothing to get worked up about.

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7b3b35  No.13075174

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0b19c4  No.13075175


Hours away from a bowel movement. Nothing of note will happen tomorrow on the level anons are expecting

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6ebb18  No.13075176

File: fa5b099ace0aadb⋯.png (356.51 KB, 598x597, 598:597, Screen_Shot_2021_02_18_at_….png)

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70d9cf  No.13075177


the comms are sad.

>Englarged heart

Breitbart had too big of a heart.



so, so. sad.

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000000  No.13075178


No faggot. 2020's election gets corrected, or no election going forward means jack shit. Period. Stop with this "Better Luck Next Time" garbage.

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7e7eae  No.13075179

File: 2de930d52c68ff4⋯.jpg (102.94 KB, 500x514, 250:257, I_am_Satin.jpg)

File: 5dbc6918496fec6⋯.jpg (74.63 KB, 606x453, 202:151, trafficker_2L.jpg)

File: 1e08f9cc4ede2f2⋯.jpg (69.02 KB, 605x453, 605:453, traffickers_3R.jpg)

File: 56f0f8248ff0c40⋯.jpg (92.52 KB, 606x453, 202:151, traffickers_4L.jpg)

File: 751d3c815e4784d⋯.jpg (135.64 KB, 663x482, 663:482, Revelation_11.jpg)

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0e93eb  No.13075180

File: 15c06d50ce51b2f⋯.jpg (87.74 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 9a16c97e6e9a68dc950aebfa07….jpg)

Same; just figured it was the full moon working on me.


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ac56c2  No.13075181


i could use a great one, so i kinda hope so

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b6803a  No.13075182

File: 5133578d661efda⋯.jpg (677.06 KB, 1200x1524, 100:127, bwebsantiquee.jpg)


yes, comfortable too.


Thank you Baker. That's a lot of work

Did a good job

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b0890d  No.13075183










1,172,245 total

DJT CPAC Speech Streamers

Now we need a Biden old/new speech streamer count

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0d8704  No.13075184

File: 8e1a3d8a88969f3⋯.png (146.67 KB, 388x377, 388:377, vengepepe.png)


Grifter cunt.

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5633c2  No.13075185


POTUS clearly laid out the case today that every institution of gov't failed to protect the Constitution.

The only thing left is the military to save the Union from democrat destruction.

We now wait and see what happens.

If this fails, the dems will come after our guns. Then the fighting will start.

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b991e7  No.13075186


Very specific. T minus 16. Glorious.


Positive Energy exceeding capacitance bigly

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22aa61  No.13075187

Think Schwarzenegger

We need a huge sense of HUMA

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11803a  No.13075188

File: e1183f48b17bf15⋯.png (894.49 KB, 1842x889, 1842:889, 6a62c22ef006a19c.png)

File: 0abe7b47d2bfe4e⋯.png (33.96 KB, 3508x300, 877:75, 823037eeaefd0b61.png)


As per Trump becoming President after becoming SOTH..

So this is kinda how I'm seeing it all play out, and why I don't think we should get our hopes up for March 4th, no matter what we want to happen… So I attached it in the pics, as wasn't able to add it all to the post… Again just my $.02

The Plan

Trump runs for Congress in FLA, one of only states that was voter fraud free(ish) because of De Santis. He wins, Reps win back house & senate as they almost did in 2020. Trump is elected speaker of the House. First order of business impeach Biden Harris, America is sick of Biden/Harris, left & right, so it gains heavy public support, impeachment passes house & Senate, as there are many many more MAGA even some Dems jump onboard. And additionally the MSM has even had to start reporting some truth as they have no choice. Boom, who becomes president if president & vp out? Speaker of the house…DJT. Annnd is still eligible to run in 2024…DJT 10yr President. "Not Just another 4 yr election" -Q"

2022-24, is arrests, tribunals, trials etc. Unifying time for the country & the world. New economy, that's been secretly in place since 2020, when the treasury absorbed the Fed. Military has been in control along with Trump since Trump was elected in 2016. Trump said "we will never be mistreated or disrespected again", as such, most everything Joe/Kamala do, will be allowed to affect….(continued in pics)

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6ebb18  No.13075189

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)

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7b3b35  No.13075190

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 4e180006492d5147ae7f1b2616….jpg)



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6ebb18  No.13075191

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6461c0  No.13075192


>Now we need a Biden old/new speech streamer count

I don't even need to take my shoes off to count them on my digits

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4d8809  No.13075193

File: 2877f16aa6dd7e3⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 300x200, 3:2, kung_fu_panda_chit_chat.gif)

Still all I'm hearing is TALK, TALK, TALK…NO ACTION…




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5baef7  No.13075194


what if game theory says this plan causes the least amount of damage…but then how could they know since the vaccine is experimental

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000000  No.13075195


With idiots like Fraudci, Bill Gates and Trump pushing vaccines like Big Pharma bitches, it is damaging people across the world. You won't be able to buy food or travel soon without having that poison shit in your system. Fuck them all in the ass to hell.

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0b19c4  No.13075196


They also had proof of more than one gunman at dealy plaza, and likely has proof of controlled demolition on 911.

I don’t give a fuck about what they know, I care about what they’re gonna do.

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86c260  No.13075197



The world knows who the President is.

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ac56c2  No.13075198


so 1 pm est if thats in hours


And mind if i ask what?

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11803a  No.13075199


This is a copy paste from a post I saw that explained my thoughts pretty well, I kinda suck at that…full text is the pics…

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fcb596  No.13075200


> "Better Luck Next Time" garbage.

No shit.

Tired of this nothing to trigger Election Integrity now but let's just go back to business as usual guyz!

Go R's 2022!

Go Trump 2024!

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6a6db9  No.13075201

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d86a11  No.13075202


have any anons watched this??

is it notable?

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5baef7  No.13075203

Why would a liberal take an experimental vaccine Trump endorses anyway?

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0d8704  No.13075204

File: 2492822596b7532⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 500x208, 125:52, hugo2.gif)


>POTUS clearly laid out the case today that every institution of gov't failed to protect the Constitution.


Trump not looking at his own failings to protect the Constitution.

I don't know how any true conservative can support this failure of a preezy.

Trump is finished.

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96c353  No.13075205


In America you have rights. Remember, NO is also a valid answer.

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52bce8  No.13075206

File: 1fee78bf337a75b⋯.png (469.13 KB, 1514x894, 757:447, AB_.png)

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b600e7  No.13075207

File: cd7fc121f0f61e0⋯.gif (5.88 MB, 600x336, 25:14, 457858A9_15CC_4A2F_A3B1_49….gif)


Thank you blessed baker.

May your days be fruitful and many.

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b991e7  No.13075208


Hours. Correct. Start of convergence.

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489658  No.13075209

File: 66dad09391e525d⋯.png (475.21 KB, 858x565, 858:565, 00000000.png)

File: 266f2ab6fe593d9⋯.jpg (160.88 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Owls_Wicked.jpg)

President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage from Orlando RSBN

A Republican president will make a triumphant return to the White House.

And I wonder who that will be.

I wonder who that will be.

WHO WHO WHO will that be, I wonder?



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6461c0  No.13075210

File: e5ae37946b8be95⋯.png (115.79 KB, 597x814, 597:814, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

Syrian state media claims air defenses shot down several missiles; Hebrew media outlets indicate raid a retaliation for explosion that hit Israeli-owned vessel in Gulf of Oman

Syrian state media reported Sunday that air defense systems were activated around Damascus due to an Israeli attack. A report carried on the official SANA news agency claimed the Syrian military intercepted several Israeli missiles.

There was no comment on the reported strikes from the Israel Defense Forces, which rarely acknowledges specific attacks.

Israel’s Kan News, Channel 13 News and Ma’ariv newspaper all described the strikes as targeting Iranian sites, and characterized them as a response to a blast last week that hit an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman, which Israeli officials have said was likely carried out by Iran.

None of the outlets provided sourcing for their reports.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor which has had its credibility questioned in the past, said the strike hit the area of Sayyida Zeinab south of Damascus, where the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah are present.

Kan had earlier reported that leaders of Israel’s security establishment met on Sunday evening to discuss the alleged Iranian attack on the MV Helios Ray.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said on Saturday he believed Iran was behind the explosion Thursday. On Sunday IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi called the explosion that hit the Helios Ray a “reminder” from Iran.

“This is the place to reiterate that the IDF acts and will act against the threats that endanger [Israel], near and far,” he said during a ceremony.

Israel has launched hundreds to thousands of raids in the country since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, most of which were directed against Iran and its proxies. The last attack in Syria attributed to the Jewish state was on February 15.

The latest reported strike also came after the US military launched strikes Thursday on Iranian-backed militia groups in Syria, in retaliation for a recent rocket attack in Iraq that killed one civilian contractor and wounded a US service member and other coalition troops.


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6ebb18  No.13075211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b991e7  No.13075212


Riding the rainbow o7

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86c260  No.13075213


If GOP take the House and Senate in 2022, they can impeach Biden.

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1ca202  No.13075214

File: 4aa687cc06e8e26⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 960x500, 48:25, 4zv0py.jpg)

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3e203a  No.13075215


>Stop with this "Better Luck Next Time" garbage.

Anon. Elections are secure doesn't mean "Rs always win". It means it's time to watch how they rig at all levels. Everything they did to steal it from Trump was a demonstration of how they have been doing it all along.

Mil stopped the steal in 2016.

Joe didn't win, but the Mil made it happen for 2020.

"The Home Team" will win in 2024, and they won't even have to rig it because Q's 4 year wake up psyop followed by "Joe's" 4 year "show for the normies to wake up" will obliterate the ideology of Communism forever.

I'm calling a Trump Tulsi ticket.

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ec2d5f  No.13075216

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b6803a  No.13075217

File: a7d29d513e6706a⋯.jpeg (56.89 KB, 540x716, 135:179, justkidding2021.jpeg)


wow cause they killed him. Whadda surprise

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78512f  No.13075218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7b3b35  No.13075219

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ac56c2  No.13075220

File: a3bbb8bfff59f7c⋯.png (115.67 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.13075221


Do you have an imaginary friend too?

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cbd235  No.13075222

File: 076e4f5b7b022ca⋯.jpeg (68.6 KB, 840x550, 84:55, BAE402C8_640C_496C_A7D7_1….jpeg)

File: be5141a66e23916⋯.jpeg (412.75 KB, 828x608, 207:152, D62166A3_12B7_45E4_BEBE_2….jpeg)

File: 59e77ace49ffcf4⋯.jpeg (32.75 KB, 408x296, 51:37, EF16C798_D822_4DED_8DC5_B….jpeg)


“Prezzy” ?

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b6803a  No.13075223

File: f4845f252209c4f⋯.png (57.89 KB, 931x481, 931:481, denialofrightscoloroflawf.png)

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48cfe5  No.13075224


Church falls

Hollow is sleepy

We see you skippy

But you don't-can't

You'll never see it coming

Ghosts everywhere

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8deb66  No.13075225

File: f568d4283128272⋯.png (1.64 MB, 2192x2228, 548:557, a4_a.png)


Current status is actually "good" for this place yet I do not think WE THE PEOPLE should settle for good.

Make American Good Again just doesn't have the same ring to it, ya know?

MNR COMMS loved to deny digs on anything CATHOLIC VATICAN unless it was a "POPE FRANCIS DID EVERYTHING" dig and surprise surprise, they wouldn't touch INTHEMATRIXXX expose'.


P absolutely must = Payseur! :D

I believe astute anons are starting to get the picture.

Thank you for confirmation, Anon.

Pretty rare around these parts.

Traitors everywhere

Surrounded by evil…

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0b19c4  No.13075226


And that leaves mocha Hillary as POTUS.

That idea is so dumb, it’s probably a part of the plan.

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489658  No.13075227

File: 25357d50bc6c7c7⋯.jpg (118.12 KB, 1200x876, 100:73, Awesome_235_.jpg)

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69d65d  No.13075228


And Trump's NSA.

Sadly, millions do still support him.

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1ca202  No.13075229


It will be Harris by then

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7b3b35  No.13075230


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c3c3d9  No.13075231


DJT and family had the virus and were administered drugs to recover, he was given regeneron treatment to heal rapidly.

Which Vax? Is the scare event gonna be an adverse reaction? Wonder how closely the vax structured RNA looks like the pestilence described in revelations ?

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b991e7  No.13075232


They said it couldn‘t be done..

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000000  No.13075233


And if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass.

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fcb596  No.13075234


That wouldn't even happen until Spring of 2023.

Good luck seeing the country stay status-quo comfy until then.

Wait until the weather warms.

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20e19e  No.13075235

File: 1634e54425ca585⋯.png (812.88 KB, 846x794, 423:397, 1_Illegal_Alien_Kills_4_yo….PNG)

File: 41ef22906f2d93b⋯.png (39.12 KB, 749x408, 749:408, 2_Illegal_Alien_Kills_4_yo….PNG)

Local 4-year-old dies after father accidentally shoots him in head, police say


UPDATE 2/28: Police announced on Sunday that the 4-year-old child who was accidentally shot by his father has died.

Police arrested Felipe Tapia-Perez, 27. He has been booked into the Adams County Jail for suspicion of 2nd Degree Manslaughter, Possession of a Stolen Firearm and Alien in Possession of a Firearm.

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b6803a  No.13075236


That's what we do here

and it's write and meme, not talk

Ur dumb. Sorry.

Go outside get some air.

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eb3584  No.13075237

Sleepy never earned his nickname

He's slow and has dementia

Is this future proves past?

Will he fall asleep at an inopportune time?

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000000  No.13075238


Guy said no to a test at Airport - he was arrested and imprisoned.

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0d8704  No.13075239

File: 201fc013a9e9392⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 962x725, 962:725, antifa_and_dog.jpg)


Completely agree, anon.

Trump is a fucking moran for hanging on Bill Gates' tinkle with this vaccine poison.

No way to take Trump seriously right now … for anything.

Anons would do best to ignore Trump's hocking of this vaccine.

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ac56c2  No.13075240


good thing we dont trust em

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d99ef5  No.13075241

File: 14b6f4eddc3f269⋯.png (64.71 KB, 255x252, 85:84, Pepe_cmon_do_a_terror.png)

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10201d  No.13075242

Wow seeing a few TDS libtards posting tonight..awww did they get triggered by the real POTUS?

Or just triggered by the love of americans for him?

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ae4058  No.13075243

File: dfb8e006344341b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1591x475, 1591:475, Screenshot_2021_02_28_shm_….png)

File: 447e4105675208c⋯.jpg (99.96 KB, 641x479, 641:479, Daria03.jpg)

…Ok. Night Shift, you fuckin' with the Schumann, again?! Kek!

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7b3b35  No.13075244


What do you say…?

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70d9cf  No.13075245

File: 91c362e68a9b4b9⋯.png (92.36 KB, 424x424, 1:1, nebergiveup.png)

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fcb596  No.13075246


There's a whole lot of time between now and 2024.

Everything will be fine until then not much will happen.

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3e203a  No.13075247

File: f0128cc4c536792⋯.mp4 (9.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GEN_Mark_Milley_MILITARY_T….mp4)

File: 02c4861751f8257⋯.png (241.49 KB, 1544x804, 386:201, Q_Military_Operation.png)


Wouldn't matter if we were under martial law day 1, anon.

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b991e7  No.13075248


From day one. Knew that would pay

off sooner. Or quarter of a decade later.

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ac56c2  No.13075249

that honestly explains today…

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70d9cf  No.13075250


is it really guud rn? ppl been talkin bout it for hours now kek

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000000  No.13075251


Yeah? If your Aunt had balls, she'd be your Uncle.

Which, ironically enough, if we wait until 2022, or 2024, or whenever, to try and fix this mess… that scenario becomes highly likely.

So, say Hi to your Auntie Manhands for me.

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b6803a  No.13075252


You can' t Impeach when the whole Congress is comped.

What's wrong with you?

Can't fix Congress til the voting laws Voting EO of Bidan are changed?

Remember they are all on the same side? Cept for POTUS DJT

That's why they all turned on him

You could hear in POTUS DJT expression today that he knew he was talking to a bunch of comped traitors and they knew he knew they knew..

And all that.

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b991e7  No.13075253


I say an honest distortion towards love is thr greatest magic of all.

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f48ecc  No.13075254


Good thing Trump was president last year. According to his speech, hundreds of millions would have died without his vaccine. Give that man a medal!

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fb3f68  No.13075255

File: 642c2b1f7d86d7e⋯.jpg (79 KB, 700x441, 100:63, 7897EFB1_D3F6_44A3_943A_1A….jpg)

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78512f  No.13075256

File: 0000bca3e3ea24a⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 599x314, 599:314, goya_p.JPG)


NEW: Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

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26c7f3  No.13075257


What are you going to do for action? all you do is smear the place up with your lil red crayon.

big talker

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b991e7  No.13075258


Wait for the punchline

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0d8704  No.13075259

File: 649a6140631606d⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1605x655, 321:131, jeopardy.png)


>If GOP take the House and Senate in 2022, they can impeach Biden.

If I win the Powerball this Wednesday, I can buy a brand new M5.

Neither will happen.

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7b3b35  No.13075260


Ready to Stand Up?

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000000  No.13075261


>Still all I'm hearing is TALK, TALK, TALK…NO ACTION…




So make yourself famous, I am sure many will follow.

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3e203a  No.13075262


Right. There will be bumps along the way as gas goes up to 5 bucks a barrel, but somehow we'll press on through like we always do.

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d99ef5  No.13075263

File: f458c3533a7a1d4⋯.png (392.76 KB, 540x405, 4:3, Pepe_Q_Clearance.png)

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273a96  No.13075264

File: 79a3fbc32fcb2ad⋯.png (339.3 KB, 762x663, 254:221, FB_Q_tat.png)

File: b49cfa184fd214a⋯.png (732.6 KB, 723x672, 241:224, FB_w_Q_tat.png)

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b991e7  No.13075265


Where is that image from?

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d86a11  No.13075266

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13075094 Dough @150


>>13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>13075124, >>13075126, Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

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fcb596  No.13075267


Keep fighting The Precipice rages on o7.

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26c7f3  No.13075268


The left isn't gonna like this Yogi.

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b991e7  No.13075269

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b6803a  No.13075270


"Tehran Ship Blast"


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1ca202  No.13075271

File: 695b1a48dbc3618⋯.jpg (67.56 KB, 806x500, 403:250, 4zv0la.jpg)

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6ebb18  No.13075272



>day 1

>day one

anon notices shit.

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000000  No.13075273


He hand picked the fuckers that have given Dumbocrats free reign to rig all future elections.

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178789  No.13075274


Oh that would be great!

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b6803a  No.13075275


that guy's really brilliant

look at that mask


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c81df0  No.13075276

Here's the deal.

How was the final push to add votes over to Biden's column achieved?

One word.


What in the hell do you think Space Force has been doing up there?

Twiddling their thumbs?

Did you know on the very day Biden was fauxnagurated Starlink 17 went up?


What do you non-heterosexuals think that was about?

For airing cooking shows on Food Network?


just maybe,

Space Force has ensured no election will ever be stolen again by satellite.

Trump so overwhelmed their usual methods of vote stealing in 2020,

without the satellite steal,

they still would have lost.


MAGA strong will storm the polls,


and both houses will be taken by the Republicans,

rendering Harris's vote useless.

They will then vote to enact the final touches of protecting our votes,

by writing the recommendations Trump made today in stone,

taking away their usual methods of stealing.

Any veto will be useless as it will be overridden.

And shills,

stick it.

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cbd235  No.13075277

File: 631371e64289d97⋯.jpeg (206.1 KB, 828x697, 828:697, E5CE8EA2_72B6_44DE_A936_4….jpeg)

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265370  No.13075278

File: f7db97dd9f1f862⋯.gif (503.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, f7db97dd9f1f86248db82dc2e7….gif)

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3baf14  No.13075279

File: 9d9d03f07317bf3⋯.jpg (114.97 KB, 500x700, 5:7, LAST_CHANCE.jpg)

File: 8354eef749d336a⋯.jpg (152.53 KB, 499x709, 499:709, NSA_hw.jpg)

File: 486d9d3fc3b708f⋯.jpg (102.95 KB, 499x587, 499:587, Pan_Handling.jpg)

File: ee62b7b7471248e⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 500x657, 500:657, T2_Lord_Baphomet.jpg)

File: 61574775cc18a2a⋯.jpg (117.06 KB, 499x592, 499:592, what_is_life.jpg)

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d7a7f2  No.13075280

File: 991e88fe0c18c65⋯.png (522.22 KB, 606x455, 606:455, MIRRORMIRROR.png)

Luke 17:21 (KJV)

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." (Luke 11.9-10)

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6ebb18  No.13075281


now we know who posts all that anime shit

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348a1f  No.13075282

File: 7ec64a2944d07d2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 7ec64a2944d07d27af1a32633b….png)

I know it's not a big deal and I hate reading into shit too much.

But his speech tonight when POTUS first brought up transgenders ruining female sports, me mentioned how women's records inched their way up over the years and barely changed.

Then when transgenders started competing the records were smashed by a lot. And he gave the example of bench press and he then did 2 "air bench presses" and he clearly said "boom, boom"

You can check it out but I'm just saying.

He did say boom twice. He could have picked any word for that gesture but chose boom - twice.

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5baef7  No.13075283


Goya comes back around

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78512f  No.13075284


what if we win them over?

someone would half to consed ?

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b991e7  No.13075285


Anon is very astute in his observations o7

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7bd246  No.13075286


sounds amazing, are we trippin ?

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1ca202  No.13075287


kind of just noticed the face in this image. Screen shot from Space Force Video around 1:40


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7b3b35  No.13075288

File: 2de70c49407e2e7⋯.png (339.1 KB, 674x448, 337:224, 2de70c49407e2e716811966147….png)

Keep it On, Anons, You know Why We are Here ;)

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0c40ea  No.13075289


The normies I work around are already making a stand about making it mandatory and how it will save the world.

one guy says to me the military should go door to door and give it out…

we are fucked anon.

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6461c0  No.13075290

>>13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

tell the clown baking this is notable

>>13075270 yep that's their excuse FFS

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ec2d5f  No.13075291


Gave trump my support like no other president ever before…

But he left me with a pandemic hoax

A mystery injection from gov

And rigged elections

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0b19c4  No.13075292


And no one mew has become convinced. Preaching to the choir. Remember that libs (and dumbass blacks) still think the man is orange hitler.

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f48ecc  No.13075293


Lmao Robert Unanue must read Q posts.

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b6803a  No.13075294


yes, Bidan is pissed cause Salman cut off his supply of kids.

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bdc337  No.13075295

File: d2ecf1f663f68f2⋯.png (1.19 MB, 2560x1080, 64:27, donaldjtrump_com_2.png)

File: a87d69d4d862057⋯.png (43.28 KB, 459x642, 153:214, SaveAmerica.png)

File: 17ed7f2fca0ced7⋯.png (184.61 KB, 513x432, 19:16, GodSaveAmerica.png)

>>13074698 (Globals - donaldjtrump.com)

Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

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4d8809  No.13075296


yep…you're right…I do need some air…

i just farted…kek…

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96c353  No.13075297


Common core reading at its finest. Try again.

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70d9cf  No.13075298


if the whole congress is comped by the bad guys, they are also comped by the good guys. the good guys have it all too. as much as i hate to say this, it may be that everyone was doing as they were told, and once the orders are given to flip, they will do so or be dealt with.

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1ca202  No.13075299

File: d1e9672e1241f90⋯.jpg (52.7 KB, 761x500, 761:500, 4yy6s0.jpg)

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000000  No.13075300


I want to see how many billions more Trump made after the presidential gig was up.

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6ebb18  No.13075301

File: d6859e643e74d8f⋯.png (543.5 KB, 564x746, 282:373, popcorn.png)



this is brilliant

suddenly anon is in the mood for popcorn again

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d11326  No.13075302



Not sure how anything Trump says at CPAC has any influence on the people you think he and the Military are trying to convince. Everything I heard would just make those people more distrustful of Trump.

Not very logical Hopium.

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8deb66  No.13075303

File: 283c2d58fe67927⋯.png (322.01 KB, 688x704, 43:44, italygate1.png)

File: f6cd7e06e638b32⋯.png (784.02 KB, 600x1764, 50:147, italygate2.png)

File: 13c69f8e56a3132⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1662x886, 831:443, italygate3.png)

File: 927e0e8d8371ab7⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1276x2388, 319:597, italygate4a.png)


The #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT Research Thread has been Anchored.

Anchored means that when someone posts in that thread, it does not bump to the top but continues to sink to the bottom of the board until it becomes inactive and inaccessible.

Anchors were at one time visible but now the only way to tell is to see if the thread bumps up or not.

The thread is fairly active with research tidbits added at least every other day which is fast then some international research threads.

There is no good reason for an Anchor to have been added to the #Italygate Thread.

Approximately 2-3 days ago I noticed that the Thread did not bump after a post was made.

Around this time a MOD/BO/BV/GV placed the Anchor.

Why would [they] do it?

I do not believe in coincidences or "Oopsies" on this level.

I believe that this little "helper" is a Traitor.

I am asking for help in the places I know to ask for help yet no help is coming but the occasional deletion of a few Spam bot posts.

Here is the message I am pasting in an attempt to get this issue noticed by someone who can help AND Patriot Eyes on.


The #ITALYGATE research thread is being Anchored/not bumping to the top

Please remove the "Anchor" from the #ITALYGATE thread.


PLEASE remove the 300+ spam posts from the following Research:






ThanQ for your service

Why would a Mod here ANCHOR the #ITALYGATE thread?

Research is on going, the thread is active.









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70d9cf  No.13075304


haha you sound jealous

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c5394c  No.13075305

File: fa0ab494ef263ee⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 255x230, 51:46, dogguru.jpg)

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ac56c2  No.13075306

well im a bit lost

think id be used to it by now

But ideas abound

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86c260  No.13075307


His new book will be out soon

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0b19c4  No.13075308


The codes this is so long in the tooth. Enough with the comms.

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1ca202  No.13075309

File: 31b9c07eef69ca7⋯.jpeg (68.48 KB, 749x500, 749:500, A1397245_8F30_4E71_9762_A….jpeg)

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f48ecc  No.13075310


Everyone thought Trump was going to arrest the elite satan worshipping pedophiles…instead we got arrested with lockdowns and his supporters got set up at the Capitol on Jan 6. Trump is such a politician.

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0d8704  No.13075311

File: e483d7fe4ab6aa5⋯.png (888.39 KB, 672x900, 56:75, durham1.png)

← WTF happened to this douchbag?

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178789  No.13075312


>Joe's not president, yo.

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0b19c4  No.13075313


The codes thing*

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000000  No.13075314


>Gave trump my support like no other president ever before…

>But he left me with a pandemic hoax

>A mystery injection from gov

>And rigged elections

Ditto. Hadn't voted since 2004. Fell for this bullshit, and voted for Trump.

And here we are…voter fraud abundant and crystal clear…yet expected to kick the can down the road to 2022/2024.

Nah, I'm good. I'm done with elections. Fix the 2020 election, or fuck off. Not up for debate.

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0c40ea  No.13075315


yeah ,, 7 buck gas, full countrywide lockdowns and then they throw in some mandatory vaccine bullshit .

fuck off with your everything will be fine.. we are screwed.

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cbd235  No.13075316

File: 0362cad34df542f⋯.jpeg (354.69 KB, 828x580, 207:145, 677C8E69_03BB_4A47_905A_D….jpeg)

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4b5c1e  No.13075317

File: 9175eda45399496⋯.pdf (51.58 KB, 2020_COVID_19_shot_card_2b.pdf)

File: 27e3f98dde45782⋯.pdf (52.4 KB, CDCShotCardCOVID19EnSp.pdf)

If any of you fags want to print copies of the Covid 19 shot records, knock yourselves out. I need to figure out what kind of paper to use.

I do not plan to get this bullshit vaccine. I will forge the fuck out of this if anyone requires me to carry this card. Fuck these people.

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78512f  No.13075318

File: ccb880a29be19a9⋯.jpg (49.35 KB, 597x560, 597:560, this_man.JPG)


“No amount of prison time can erase what this monster did." Florida man sentenced to 170 years for sexually abusing a 5-year-old - https://breaking911.com/florida-man-sentenced-to-170-years-for-sexually-abusing-a-5-year-old/

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b6803a  No.13075319

File: 357ba976db0a96e⋯.jpeg (121.96 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, censorbybigbrother.jpeg)


They do. Totally delusional and terrified. Not just of Covid but of POTUS

But still the MAGA outnumber them

Cabal tries to hide that.

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000000  No.13075320





Now you know who controls KB.

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7af801  No.13075321

File: 1c44f2bc6fd510f⋯.png (551.82 KB, 545x641, 545:641, ClipboardImage.png)


digits anon and the language is poisoning you mind. but you are not wrong, she is crossed eyed, fecies, fiddle kiddle diddle bickle vagina treasonous waste of space and needs to be extinguished with prolonged and painful demise.

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6ebb18  No.13075322

File: 295ac4ded04088e⋯.png (103.28 KB, 317x474, 317:474, big_brother_can_kiss_my_as….png)

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b9b5d7  No.13075323

File: 2a563c8040c31bf⋯.png (2.55 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, harley_Neon_Q_NS_Something….png)

File: 02442590d2ab965⋯.png (521.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, redhead_112_Car_Q_Music.png)


Night Shifters. Makin' the frequencies frequent.

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ca7692  No.13075324


Millstone is Cheaper.

I'll throw in the Rope for free.

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20e19e  No.13075325


>Everyone thought Trump was going to arrest the elite satan worshipping pedophiles…instead we got arrested with lockdowns and his supporters got set up at the Capitol on Jan 6. Trump is such a politician.

It is entertaining to see shills and libtards so scared

You should be

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74f5ed  No.13075326


So, you're saying Q+++ picked up the slack in Trumps' absence?

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1ca202  No.13075327

File: 785fa361f979506⋯.png (704.63 KB, 500x666, 250:333, B04CD291_7F56_453B_9E82_83….png)

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14ca58  No.13075328

POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

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8deb66  No.13075329

File: 3df0cb61f516d42⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1292x1375, 1292:1375, 3df0cb61f516d429287de7b61e….png)


You know it, Anon

5:5 o7

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035222  No.13075330

File: 8a7678c7083a6cb⋯.gif (3.63 MB, 600x401, 600:401, 8a7678c7083a6cbbdeaa6f0e03….gif)


Thanks for that.

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26c7f3  No.13075331


It's Freddy

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c6d783  No.13075332


Trump has proven that he is loyal to those who are loyal to him, until they show otherwise. No way he will bypass his own people for Tulsi, an intel created creature. Looking for Pompeo to be the VP, and that right soon.

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000000  No.13075333


>← WTF happened to this douchbag?

Interview with abcu, you know that super cool citizen journalists group disguised as "George"

The guy was never seen again.

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fcb596  No.13075334


The Supreme Court says we need to hunker down until Trump 2024 and just try to cheat better next time.

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ae4058  No.13075335


…I"m a bit slow. Catching up with today's events.

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fb3f68  No.13075336


Lighthouse off the coast of Brittany, France


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68bc81  No.13075337


how bout:

The bigger, Biggest, BIGLY lie

Sounds childish…. but like we’re not already there with this back and forth red vs blue drama

<mfw : get to the Wake Up already

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1ca202  No.13075338

File: c74da8e85cab483⋯.png (425.1 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 290156EA_7131_40C7_BA9A_32….png)

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70d9cf  No.13075339

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348a1f  No.13075340

File: dc75981a5b119ff⋯.png (965.81 KB, 761x1140, 761:1140, dc75981a5b119ffddbae3a6eb0….png)


I wouldn't even say it was codes though. It's just a "stick with me deplorables" thing. Pure speculation on my part - just sayin'.

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3baf14  No.13075341

File: d020e955ad74128⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, shiki_b.jpg)

File: 1b81c7b05edc2dd⋯.jpg (53.86 KB, 1024x879, 1024:879, shiki.jpg)

File: 16437db0c5bfd3a⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, shiki_5.jpg)

File: bbe3d31e7014707⋯.jpg (44.72 KB, 600x315, 40:21, shiki_A.jpg)

File: d60d6aea375d4fa⋯.png (119.83 KB, 498x252, 83:42, shiki_3.png)


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000000  No.13075342


Rollup Rollup - come get your hot fart beans.

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69d65d  No.13075343

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6a6db9  No.13075344

File: 0477a78245b8df6⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ascend.jpg)

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64a20a  No.13075345



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f48ecc  No.13075346


The same thing that happened to Sessions, Wray, Barr, Horowitz, Kansas, Grassley, Huber, FISA declas, IG Report, Sara Carter's damning information, Jon Solomon's damning information, Gregg Jarrett's damning information, and Sean Hannity's tick tock.

All just horse shit garbage to keep you accepting the never ending lockdowns.

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3e203a  No.13075347

File: aa4e0d1e267c90f⋯.jpg (195.88 KB, 736x854, 368:427, 8f046499c95f552dc75a1989eb….jpg)


When you see it, you see it. Everyone in that room already gets what I'm talking about.

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d7a7f2  No.13075348

Joe's slogan employs a handy numerological pneumonic:

build back better

| | |

6 6 6

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6b3492  No.13075349


For me, voting is really really really really really really really easy.. I would rather make them keep overextending themselves, busting their ass cheating to win then make it easy for them.

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f48ecc  No.13075350


Trust the plan.

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43dbd5  No.13075351


That's such a cute little puppy. I'm glad they are back together. I like Fred.

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000000  No.13075352



>Thanks for that.

So cute how you talk to yourselves and each other in pictures. NOBODY will notice, I wont tell.

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e8e352  No.13075353

File: 509df0fdbc42165⋯.png (574.59 KB, 618x412, 3:2, Scarborough.png)

So is everyone that took the vaccine going to die within a year?

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0d8704  No.13075354

File: a6ea56e94869b07⋯.jpg (197.45 KB, 648x1110, 108:185, 0bama_secret.jpg)



This POS isn't long for this world.

Tyrone the Human Tripod has a welcoming party for his pedo ass.

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70d9cf  No.13075355


only the ones who ate children

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178789  No.13075356


He is right ya know!

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273a96  No.13075357

File: 9cceb9493f3e292⋯.png (518.18 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Lone_Wanderer_Pepe.png)


Well I'd say when the very credible threat of open civil war and/or thermonuclear WWIII are now very real possibilities, I sure hope you're wrong, but have to admit to largely agreeing that something's got to give or this keg is going to blow.

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cbd235  No.13075358


A fetid shrew she is indeed, pardon the gutter language, as is purely for shock and awe porpoises, not indicative of any cognitive rot from this humble scribe.

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3e203a  No.13075359

File: 133a1631aa5d858⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm an 80s kid.

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fcb596  No.13075360


Pommies are great dogs.

Not like Poodles at all.

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78512f  No.13075361

File: 16ebea5c38eda6c⋯.jpg (51.85 KB, 1490x247, 1490:247, gab_hack.JPG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB, 628x519, 628:519, mirror_look.PNG)


SECURITY02.28.2021 09:00 PM

Far-Right Platform Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data

The transparency group DDoSecrets says it will make the 70GB of passwords, private posts, and more available to researchers, journalists, and social scientists.

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489658  No.13075362

File: c2c3fb5e63cd590⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Biden_Trump_Speech_Compari….mp4)

Biden Trump Comparison Vid

"We Love You" "We Love You" "We Love You" "We Love You".

1min vid.

Joe is shot.

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ca7692  No.13075363

1,260 Cubic Miles of Ice.

Imagine the Water displacement when that Claves in the deep ocean

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6ebb18  No.13075364


its the mark of the anime pedo cult

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b6803a  No.13075365

File: 90c75954626f471⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1209x1201, 1209:1201, globaldictatorship6.jpeg)



a little far fetched.

no, they will have us in camps by then unless Military intervenes.

That's why they move so fast.

Fascist have to, because they only have a limited time to secure their power before people wake up

After a Coup like this they do round up people right away.

The idiots are perfectly programmed in opposite world "Alice In Wonderland" thru the Looking Glass to think POTUS is the Adolf figure.


Biden is the folksy fascist with the pedo smirk

Perfect Fascist makes no sense and doesn't need to.

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d86a11  No.13075366

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13075094 Dough @250


>>13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>13075124, >>13075126, Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

>>13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

>>13075256 Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

>>13075295 Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

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b0cab7  No.13075367


no, but they will never procreate again

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f48ecc  No.13075368


Obama and Valerie Jarrett were too much for Trump to handle. They laughed their asses off at Trump for 4 years.

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f45adb  No.13075369


I consider that his endorsements are for the less dirty, rather than the more clean. There have been a few who have earned my confidence (MGT, for one) but not many. MOST of those 120 are sitting on their asses collecting that fat pay check and angling for some o' dat juicy insider trading sheeit.

>>13074974 (PB)

The internet has a free dictionary you can use just by typing a word into the URL bar.

>>13074999 (PB)

A siege? When did a short walk-through between the velvet ropes become a siege? These guys STILL can't tell a straight story.

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8deb66  No.13075370



The Anon that started it was simply asking about a change that needed to be made at which time chatty kathy 44 posts KB BAKER chimed in.

Every step they make confirms my suspicions.


More truth than most can handle.



>>12704334 VATICAN RCC RESEARCH #3 MAIN URL - https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/12704334.html

>>12798161 Q DROP#154Our Father "Who Financed 9-11?" ClownsInAmerica


>>12798171 Q DROP#306 "Why was the Lord's prayer posted? Which version? Why is this relevant?" SEE DROP #154 ABOVE

>>12798178 Q DROP#714Q Threat to Clowns > CIA > Vatican> Catholics In Action, Catholics In America, Clowns In America "SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST. [P]"

>>12798181 Q DROP#851CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

>>12798182 Q DROP#936The Nazi Order > Vatican > Jesuits

>>12798184 Q DROP#997Pope will have a Terrible May - "Those who backed him pushed into the LIGHT"

>>12798195 Q DROP#1002The BITE that has no CURE > Vatican Viper Symbolism "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>12798196 Q DROP#1021Did US taxpayers pay $3.5 Billion for the Predatory Sexual Abuse Perpetrated upon Americans by the Roman Catholic Church?

>>12798232 Q DROP#1413Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo > Q named the owl photo "Guardian_P"

>>12798238 Q DROP#1763Sex Abuse in the Church > "Those you are taught to TRUST the most….. Dark to LIGHT."

>>12798240 Q DROP#1831POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event > "Surrounded by EVIL."

>>12798242 Q DROP#1879100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children "House of GOD?"

>>12798244 Q DROP#1916Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism > "Man of God?"

>>12797144 Q DROP#1950Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

>>12798249 Q DROP#2152Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan

>>12798252 Q DROP#2590Australian Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse > "[CARDINAL PELL] Dark to LIGHT."

>>12798254 Q DROP#2594Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican "Define "pecking" [Animals].

>>12798258 Q DROP#2894Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Child Sex Charges "Many more to come? Dark to LIGHT."

>>12798259 Q DROP#2918Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark Secrets > "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>12798262 Q DROP#3565Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking > "GODFATHER III. It's going to be BIBLICAL"

>>12798263 Q DROP#3709Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation Allegations > "Those you are taught to trust the most…."

>>12798286 Q DROP#3957"Sleepers [Pro] will shift position [Nay]. [Paul Ryan_Fox]" Rupert Murdoch Papal Knight Fox news dominated by Catholics.

>>12798296 Q DROP#4303CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations "CIA coming back into the news [soon]?" Who really controls the Media?

>>12798299 Q DROP#4408We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice. Against (the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church)

>>12793187 Q DROP#4799Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?

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7af801  No.13075371

File: 709030ee3fa81d8⋯.gif (4.08 MB, 600x750, 4:5, trump_savage.gif)


yeah, i like it, cos the women who were protesting where throwing men under the bus and now they are getting some of it back and bitching and moaning looking for support.

what goes around comes around.


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c81df0  No.13075372



and another thing:

I think Trump hinted Jim Jordan would be his running mate.

Who, who, who?

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c5394c  No.13075373


The military takes an oath to uphold the constitution.

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035222  No.13075374

File: ad4542832f57731⋯.jpg (115.27 KB, 440x534, 220:267, ad4542832f57731862ddfc5b8f….jpg)

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4b5c1e  No.13075375


We'll see.

Honest question - how many months of this psyop need to go by before you start to question whether your hypothesis is true?

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26c7f3  No.13075376



Thanks for that information

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fcb596  No.13075377


CPAC says focus on 2022 first then we'll deal with 2024.

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000000  No.13075378


Trump ARRESTED US Citizens and imprisoned them for going to beaches etc. Fuck any president bastard that does that for a pure SCAMDEMIC with 99.9% natural immunity.

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348a1f  No.13075379

File: e157213783eb0e8⋯.jpg (38.12 KB, 448x306, 224:153, EkjLV1JWkAIuUnJ.jpg)


>I'm an 80s kid.

Aw ye.

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52bce8  No.13075380

File: 03de3aede7947e1⋯.png (240.26 KB, 415x647, 415:647, durhamP.png)


Last day as a State Employee was today. He's full-time Special Council DOJ now.

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000000  No.13075381


>its the mark of the anime pedo cult

Yep it is.

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0d8704  No.13075382

File: 7a1145eb98157f0⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Qmasterplan.jpg)


Trust the Plan?

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70d9cf  No.13075383

File: 02cfd211e4bafeb⋯.png (346.04 KB, 488x391, 488:391, comvefefefe.PNG)


black labs 4 life

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b49f18  No.13075385



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178789  No.13075386


I am too!

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6ebb18  No.13075387



adios, filtered pedo shill

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1ca202  No.13075388


do you have lot numbers?

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ac56c2  No.13075389

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e8e352  No.13075390

File: 6034b50fc6aab09⋯.jpg (46.14 KB, 797x677, 797:677, 5f0eeae0bfc66_image.jpg)

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c5394c  No.13075391


Will you not buy me one too?

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f45adb  No.13075392

I think I need to tip my hat to the shills, etc. They did their job. They kept us distracted.

Damn them all to eternal hell.

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348a1f  No.13075393

File: 512ddd96b135f0e⋯.jpg (612.13 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, 22f83b887a144fd05bec2f3b44….jpg)


Nice. Right now he's cracking his knuckles and rolling up his sleeves.

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3baf14  No.13075394

File: 77bd6904447b72b⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1581x2060, 1581:2060, photo_73.jpg)

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273a96  No.13075395

File: 56c0981467f018b⋯.jpg (132.44 KB, 650x467, 650:467, KhashoggiMOSjigsaw.jpg)


Asset removed.

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ec2d5f  No.13075396


What does an oath mean to people who don’t know what they are taking an oath to?

Not a trick question nor snarky.

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b6803a  No.13075397


They are too terrified of him to be able to think

Those type of people are ripe for destruction since they are confused.

Military seizing the Mass Media is the only thing I could see that could stop it.

Everything changes when the broadcast Media changes.

Some people will look at today's performance though and realize DJT is absolutely correct.

Things have moved.

They are not getting their checks

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035222  No.13075398

File: 74c24039a01fc7f⋯.png (401.49 KB, 439x534, 439:534, ioyk.png)





Fixed it.

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6ebb18  No.13075399

The Cabal Bitch is going to be pissed.

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000000  No.13075400


Im sorry, I didnt understand what you said. Your crayons were too loud.

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3e203a  No.13075401


Who was the first person to speak with Assad after Trump was elected, who also showed us how their networks move people around under cloak? She was dejected by her entire party, and everyone I've spoken with about this agrees about this. Lends a lot of credence to the idea in my mind.

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b0cab7  No.13075402


Trump arrested no one liar

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74f5ed  No.13075403

File: ccbf292d4e7a47b⋯.png (487.61 KB, 597x244, 597:244, AQ1.png)

Strong speech by President Trump about the winning policies of his administration and what the party needs to unite behind moving forward. The liberal media wants a GOP civil war. Not gonna happen.


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265370  No.13075404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ready anons?

>>13075384 (OB)



: Featuring, :Russell-Jay: Gould

Speaks on the presidency.


>>13061447 (OB)

>>13061929 (OB)

>>13062377 (OB)

>>13062852 (OB)

>>13071398 (OB)

>>13073930 (OB)

>>13074530 (OB)

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78512f  No.13075405

File: ad438ce57231d52⋯.jpg (24.65 KB, 591x233, 591:233, number_1.JPG)


Jenna Ellis


#Trump2024 is trending number 1 in politics. He’s not going anywhere,



6:05 PM · Feb 28, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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26c7f3  No.13075406



Jim Jordan would be great and keep Pompeo where he is, as SoS

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96c353  No.13075407

File: 30015a5a50e36be⋯.jpg (304.29 KB, 612x792, 17:22, deprivation_of_rights_fron….jpg)

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fcb596  No.13075408

File: 1329bd3623d730b⋯.png (850.75 KB, 1600x1102, 800:551, DrWheelslove.png)


I like them too diff category tho.

For crips that want a small dog the Pommie is the best all round choice.

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70d9cf  No.13075409


>clears throat @ file name

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7af801  No.13075410

File: 44d432119974ae7⋯.png (2.81 MB, 850x1927, 850:1927, ClipboardImage.png)





I have been having a reoccurring thought, if all government intuitions have been corrupted by the elites, what is to say that FEMA has survived their influence? this looks like a longer game then just 4 years.

This is not another 4 year election….


"DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC….



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74f5ed  No.13075411

President Trump: U.S. Electoral System Needs Reforms

President Trump outlined the necessary changes to the U.S. elections system that need to happen in order to prevent voter fraud from occurring in the future.

“We have a very sick and corrupt electoral process that must be fixed immediately,” President Trump stated. “This election was rigged and the Supreme Court and other courts didn’t want to do anything about it.”

The 45th President said U.S. elections must happen only on the Election Day and have a clear and verifiable chain of custody for every ballot. He added the U.S. needs a voter ID, while absentee voting must require a good reason and mail-in voting must be illegal.


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000000  No.13075412


The one that will sell about 500 copies and earn him 3 billion from publisher?

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b260f8  No.13075413

File: 9eb2f0ad64257b4⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 387x636, 129:212, RunRabbitRun.JPG)


Hours away from March.

When the Hares go Mad.

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e8e352  No.13075414



I think they gon die

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d86a11  No.13075415



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20e19e  No.13075416



>and another thing:

>I think Trump hinted Jim Jordan would be his running mate.

>Who, who, who?

Newsmax pundits were speculating McCarthy

Not buying that

45 can do better

Others said it couldn't be DeSantis because both he and Trump reside in FL

That was debunked

The only absolute is that 45 will drive the libtards and MSM crazy keeping them guessing

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6ebb18  No.13075417


as only an indian can

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000000  No.13075418


>CPAC says focus on 2022 first then we'll deal with 2024.

Anyone that agrees with this can fuck off. Remedy the 2020 Fraud, or seriously, all elections can fuck off. 2020 sets the precedent that fraud can be blatantly ignored, and that your choice doesn't matter. If you don't fix that, voting doesn't matter. PEROID. How fucking hard is this to understand?

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d86a11  No.13075419

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13075094 Dough @300


>>13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>13075124, >>13075126, Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

>>13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

>>13075256 Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

>>13075295 Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

>>13075303 The #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT Research Thread has been Anchored.

>>13075318 Florida man sentenced to 170 years for sexually abusing a 5-year-old

>>13075328 POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

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70d9cf  No.13075420

File: d30e28cb926e3b8⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 405x402, 135:134, lin_wood_dawgs_mane.jpg)

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cbd235  No.13075421


A fucking show dog, you can’t board it, it’s hair will fall out.

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2b5e77  No.13075422


Agreed….it went so fast. You have to go back now and re-listen to his speech.

Alot of anons (myself included) were distracted with the fast breads during the speech, and the shill bullshit.

Anons need who are concernfagging should really go back and listen to the speech again.

I just did, and have a totally different outlook than I did 2 hours ago.

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b991e7  No.13075423

Secret Service 1911

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1d3821  No.13075424

If Trump and the patriots "have it all" then why haven't they produced it?

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5baef7  No.13075425

File: e511d357924518a⋯.jpeg (72.33 KB, 474x266, 237:133, cocacola.jpeg)

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7b3b35  No.13075426

File: 6eb7f2071a1ba37⋯.png (200.36 KB, 873x507, 291:169, Capture.PNG)


Ty Baker

We are the News!!!

"no one imagined that the biden administration would be so bad" Trump tackles his successor

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273a96  No.13075427

File: 913995f72ecf431⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 564x411, 188:137, Shield_wall.jpg)


Sooner or later, something has to give.

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26c7f3  No.13075428



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64a20a  No.13075429


I don't trust this woman.

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ca7692  No.13075430

Positive Energy Intensifying

Did you Feel the Sun Today?

Do you see the Sky?

Are you Feeling the Moon Today?

What color is the Night sky Tonight?

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70d9cf  No.13075431


mccarthy would be okay with me and same with jordan. as long as gen flynn ends up as fbi director. would be epic.

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ac56c2  No.13075432


what was the hint if you dont mind

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d86a11  No.13075433


That person died after that pic was taken, by that wave

a very aggressive pic to give someone

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b260f8  No.13075434


Newsmax has Nazi heritage.

OANN way better.

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0d8704  No.13075435

File: cc76fa1e180857e⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1419x1002, 473:334, hannitysoon.png)


>Obama and Valerie Jarrett were too much for Trump to handle.

Trump got rolled. His ego wouldn't let him admit that he just isn't good at politics .. and that his judgement in picks of underlings is absolute shit.

Parscale? Scavino? Ivanka?

Seriously? These "advisors" are fucking losers .. wouldn't hire either one to mow my grass.

Unfortunately, it's us Americans that now have to deal with the blowback of Trump getting rolled by the left for 4 fucking years.

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70d9cf  No.13075436


me neither but you can tell she is controlled.

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cbd235  No.13075437

File: 2037a9dc73337c7⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 828x737, 828:737, 49A9595E_1014_4CA8_A3C4_5….jpeg)


So the stupid minion pieces shit can all go down at once.

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000000  No.13075438


tRuSt ThE pLaN



LeTs SeE wHaT hAPpEnS

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7b3b35  No.13075439

File: 5cf38e18c7e6849⋯.jpeg (19.64 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 5cf38e18c7e68499eacad30db….jpeg)

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b9b5d7  No.13075440


Das Niiice.


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cfda57  No.13075441


will be interesting to compare voter turnout in upcoming elections

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74f5ed  No.13075442


Aye, Lad.

Been here a while. More then familiar with her ways.

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78512f  No.13075443

File: a8aabb11793464b⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 652x690, 326:345, who_is_kath.JPG)

File: ab2b7314c673f43⋯.png (2 MB, 1488x901, 1488:901, andrew_mask.PNG)


Who is Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, first in line to succeed Gov. Cuomo?

By Carl Campanile and Aaron Feis

February 28, 2021 | 6:21pm

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20e19e  No.13075444



She's not getting back in anyone's good graces

Haley is an irrelevant RINO has been

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b991e7  No.13075445


Blue, but an icy hue.

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000000  No.13075446


Q and Trump came up with Durham after seeing a cartoon of a donkey chasing a carot dangled infront of it.

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c6d783  No.13075447


That is the way it has always been, and you may be right about the current situation. The difference now is that Trump and the rest of us KNOW who they are. And Trump's comments today reinforced the understanding that he is going to sweep them out by giving the high sign to their opponents. PDJT is now in position to be far more particular about the quality of his endorsements, and we can expect this going forward.

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c81df0  No.13075448


Trump called him out and talked about him at length.

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348a1f  No.13075449


You're so-so at this.

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fc74ef  No.13075450

File: d4e9c8e67408495⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 782x1889, 782:1889, lighthouse_rescue.jpg)


checked for coolness




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fcb596  No.13075451

File: cfc643f47848e6f⋯.png (212.02 KB, 356x402, 178:201, JordiesGirl10.png)


There's no other way except military.

Until then we work the phones for '22.

Jordie for Speaker (and bring the staff along with you).

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b6803a  No.13075452

File: 18cc7cb6ce228cb⋯.jpg (268.96 KB, 1043x611, 1043:611, comeye.jpg)


under Martial Law means our Rights are being Protected.

The "Capital Crime" is for rights to be taken by official officials pretending power they lack

Like impersonating an officer

like Comey ,

Impersonating a law enforcer while being a criminal

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26c7f3  No.13075453


mccarthy is a fucking rino

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d86a11  No.13075454

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13075094 Dough @300


>>13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>13075124, >>13075126, Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

>>13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

>>13075256 Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

>>13075295 Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

>>13075303 The #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT Research Thread has been Anchored.

>>13075318 Florida man sentenced to 170 years for sexually abusing a 5-year-old

>>13075328 POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

>>13075361 Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data

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65f41c  No.13075455

Its a Greek tragedy

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c81df0  No.13075456



and remember,

Jordan said he would not be running for Senator in 2022.


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74f5ed  No.13075457

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0d8704  No.13075458

File: edf246ef38ed4da⋯.jpg (99.17 KB, 425x282, 425:282, gullible.jpg)


>He's full-time Special Council DOJ now.

So, he's got 40 hrs/week to work full time on buttoning up the cover-up .. as is tradition.

Anyone waiting on this fucktard to bring justice is too gullibly dumb to live.

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401b9c  No.13075459

Why did Trump say they just lost The White House?

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000000  No.13075460


Q and Trump were Democrat's demoralization agents. It worked to a tee. No one gives a shit about elections now.

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20e19e  No.13075461


>POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

Thank you

Changed the channel quickly to listen

Have banished FOX since last year, but will always listen to Trump

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f45adb  No.13075462


He can't know all these folks personally and he's listened to shits like Graham FAR too much already. If he doesn't upgrade his advisers, his endorsements won't pan out to much.

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6ebb18  No.13075463

later bitches. feel bad about the pedos in the kitch but Nightshift can have fun with them as a cat might with a little bitty mouse.


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b991e7  No.13075464

File: 69d19057e64aae8⋯.jpeg (240.78 KB, 750x1052, 375:526, 0325D893_5FEF_4BC9_9385_5….jpeg)


You sure

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07480e  No.13075465


They don’t. He pussed out on declass. What does that tell you? I will not vote for him again. I like the nationalist approach but he failed miserably. Put us too far under water in debt and allowed this “pandemic” to destroy our nation. He fucking allowed it. Call me names but you know it’s true. I think he’s another tool of the DS. Whether he knows it or not is tbd. He had a chance to form another party that would dominate and he passed. On and on. He’s a pussy and has never read sun tsu. What a flaming faggot.

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cbd235  No.13075466

File: 002914dd2b6e7bf⋯.jpeg (204.65 KB, 512x552, 64:69, AE7D15D3_8CD5_4561_B821_1….jpeg)

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6ebb18  No.13075467


trolling big time.

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fcb596  No.13075468


Must have been a lemon.

The Pommie thinks it's the baddest mfer in the cage no hair problems.

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000000  No.13075469


Nope. 2020's election gets corrected, or we completely abstain from participating going forward. Anyone with brains and/or balls would agree. Non-Negotiable.

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0c40ea  No.13075470

File: 3aaf960a043041c⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 395x350, 79:70, 1565959854397.gif)


hey QT3.14

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f45adb  No.13075471


BTW, I'm from NC and as far as I am concerned, when he kicks Mark Meadows out of his office … aim him anywhere but here.

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b0cab7  No.13075472


nothing but fog

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b260f8  No.13075473

File: 5e09275739e223e⋯.jpg (311.89 KB, 1240x826, 620:413, Qmantis.JPG)


Did you say Mantis?

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ac56c2  No.13075474


which one

seems like theres more than a couple

Just curious

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e64c88  No.13075475


he used t be from my home town, seen her at the Erie County Pistol permit table at SEVERAL gun sows in her day in local politics, she was outspoken about the NYSAFE Act, and then she was given LT. GOV position. i used to like her, but she could be good, time will tell.

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7c773e  No.13075476


Ive wasted hours listening to Jay Russel./-Gould;< practice sophistry without saying anything.

Sounds like total horseshit to this uneducated hillbilly.

Blah blah blah, JRG is Postmastergeneral of the Solar System.

So what?

Is that what anons tell the Sherriff when they show up?

"Sorry, that's not signed by %Russ3l^Jay/;Gould, Deputy. Can't abide by any court orders that dont have the Postmasters approval"

Anyone have any REAL WORLD usage for this quantum jibberish?

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78512f  No.13075477

File: cdb6967222ee972⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 1072x144, 67:9, six_p_b.JPG)


Six ‘Proud Boys’ Indicted for Conspiring to Obstruct Congress during Jan. 6 Capitol Siege

Aaron KellerFeb 27th, 2021, 7:57 pm


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ec2d5f  No.13075478


Sorry anon, your type of appeals worked on me for a couple of years… however trump really uncapped some shit today.

Not blowing the lid on pandemic psyop

Pushing government medicines

Telling me to vote harder next time

Kinda wrapping this up with a nice bow

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6ebb18  No.13075479


anon sees the cabal as a bitch.

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5baef7  No.13075480


Because Trump exposed their last 30 days of socialism and embarrassed them in front of the world

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c6d783  No.13075481


Get bent, Nikki. Far too little and too late. You are gutless, and we all know it.

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3baf14  No.13075482

File: efaf27e959f17a6⋯.jpg (102.71 KB, 645x434, 645:434, popcorn.jpg)

File: a8f35eb0ec2799b⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 444x624, 37:52, Central_Park_Dark_2018_mov….jpg)

Learn our comms.

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07480e  No.13075483

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cfda57  No.13075484


is the White House Military base seems like it would be like one if the commander in chief is stationed there. So they would lose access to it if Bidan is not CIC

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348a1f  No.13075485

File: 801796a85e35128⋯.jpeg (82.74 KB, 719x719, 1:1, EuT_qXrXIAEnD_j.jpeg)

I believe the Jussie Smollet trial starts this Friday March 5. I made a note about it awhile back but don't have sauce handy and I wouldn't doubt it if it's been moved back.

Kamala gettin' nervous I bet.

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d7a7f2  No.13075486


Struck me when President Trump pointed out that the love and the maga spirit is bigger than ever. In much of the world (ex-USA) that 'reality' is totally hidden from view. What do they say? America first or something?

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8b68d4  No.13075487

File: 0eccb5c3499eb21⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB, 5120x4638, 2560:2319, 7BB1C092_67A2_4BDF_84E4_C….jpeg)

>>13074096 (pb)

George News says they are a group of people but I think there is a military component. There are many military related pics and videos. This is one of the pictures (and videos)that is posted for a couple of minutes and then is deleted. I was reminded of it when I saw post from past bread.

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0e93eb  No.13075488

File: f4e435efd5521fa⋯.gif (747.45 KB, 498x352, 249:176, bugs.gif)

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b991e7  No.13075489



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cbd235  No.13075490

File: 5ec55f9c903e2f1⋯.jpeg (30.23 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 586A1F55_08EC_4975_A75E_0….jpeg)


Sounds exhausting

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f45adb  No.13075491


Well, on the bright side, no need to sweep the porch.

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43dbd5  No.13075492

File: f352eb882744483⋯.jpg (55.89 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Boston.jpg)


I had a Pom for 10 years, he was a good dog. My new Boston Terrier is great but man can he clear a room when he farts.

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d7a7f2  No.13075493


Enjoy the moonlight.

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b6803a  No.13075494


POTUS has to say what he has to say, for Optics.

They are ready to arrest him as it is.

He did a very hard hitting speech..

No need for him to attempt to promote or organize a military intervention, that would be out of his hands.

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cf3f9f  No.13075495

File: 2d68e070ff883a7⋯.jpg (929.06 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, IMG_1377.JPG)

We managed to screw things up royal.

We're not the ones to pick up the peices.

Stop complaining about how things are going, concentrate on where we'll end up.

Humble yourselves in front of the Lord.

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20e19e  No.13075496

'if you make a spelling mistake or put a comma in the wrong location they go crazy'

45 discussing being off Twitter on Fox with Hilton

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16da7d  No.13075497


>Kamala gettin' nervous I bet.

Yea, cause these people always get punished.

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b260f8  No.13075498


The walls have eyes.

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273a96  No.13075499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bringing the pain with skill.

Start at 4:50 and the reference becomes clear.

They had their fun. Now payback's a bitch.

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5baef7  No.13075500

File: 8987c4da5d197e3⋯.jpg (157.03 KB, 680x720, 17:18, coupkamala.jpg)

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b6803a  No.13075501


They usually kill the guy they steal it from.

It's a playbook

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211fa5  No.13075502

File: 560ec6ff99f250e⋯.gif (72.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, qlemmings.gif)

Hey dummies! Remember what I said would happen if you blindly trusted "the Plan"?

Well…here we are. Told ya so, bitches.

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000000  No.13075503


It all happened under his watch - he was busy selling Bill Gate's drug vaccines while the people burned.

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21103b  No.13075504


I'm happy he called out traitors and is red-pilling normies of Bidan's "admin", but what are your thoughts?

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6006a3  No.13075505

File: ed1730c8646572d⋯.jpeg (160.91 KB, 1585x1242, 1585:1242, 7618416F_3E84_49AC_9956_D….jpeg)

File: 883e34b85f14dfb⋯.jpeg (158.15 KB, 1599x1217, 1599:1217, BB7FD1AA_87EF_48B9_B7EC_E….jpeg)

File: 840288ce06b7845⋯.jpeg (167.83 KB, 1305x1242, 145:138, 861E6F5C_C7E6_47BE_90E4_3….jpeg)

File: 19439beb0a37797⋯.png (4.76 MB, 2688x1242, 448:207, 10160DA6_5354_4718_9C58_2F….png)

I love this man! No homo here

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70d9cf  No.13075506

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26c7f3  No.13075507




The person survived. Had you read anything about the photo that was provided.

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22aa61  No.13075508


If you win the Powerball….make sure you go to DonaldJTrump.com and gibs shekels.

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69d65d  No.13075509


He has supported far too many known RINO's. Don't trust his judgement.

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b6803a  No.13075510


Comped judges, nothing burger incoming.

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b991e7  No.13075511


I would love to have been standing right there

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f48ecc  No.13075512



Hillary and Podesta didn't get arrested….we got arrested because of lockdowns.

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8fe904  No.13075513

File: 17e9516b1a4c9df⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1192x800, 149:100, white_house_easter_bunny_s….png)

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70d9cf  No.13075514


if hillary was potus we would have had them already anyway, so are you just pissed we were able to delay it?

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000000  No.13075515


As a real anon - sounds like BS stat - no one is excited for 2024, as most know nothing has changed to produce different outcome.

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78512f  No.13075516

File: fa01287ed8e24a0⋯.jpg (85.59 KB, 895x667, 895:667, pre_school.JPG)


After Leading School Closures, Berkeley Teachers' Union President Spotted Dropping Daughter Off at In-Person Preschool

Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez

Feb 28

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7af801  No.13075517

File: 91a39075701a499⋯.png (132.64 KB, 606x140, 303:70, ClipboardImage.png)


Taking the vaccine is a choice, it is not mandatory yet, you have therapeutic, he said that, i am going to link a post i made last bread and hopefully it will give you a higher view of the situation, i have faith from what i saw today. the just decapitated the deep state with one speech and blew the hall !!!

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13074263.html#13074845 <-notable !!!

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07480e  No.13075518


Yup. He was and still is a capon. He is a DS puppet I believe. His design is to show US that we are powerless even at the helm. Get it yet fuck sticks?

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fcb596  No.13075519


Same here he was great.

My parents had a pair just 1 13 year old left.

They were all characters but if you like big dogs you typically don't like the little guys.

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c2f591  No.13075520


what are you so afraid of?

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d7a7f2  No.13075521

File: 4e780326c48fe88⋯.png (134.75 KB, 606x341, 606:341, redlined.png)


Whoah, trip 5s (drop the nought).

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f6b445  No.13075522


Trump basically said tonight that "The Calvary is not coming".

I hope that is code for "The Calvary is coming after you go thru a bunch more shit".

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0eb3e1  No.13075523

File: ca0b8651434073e⋯.gif (4.13 MB, 500x281, 500:281, ca0b8651434073eab8ed07885f….gif)



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ef85b7  No.13075524

File: a381c585625ce8a⋯.jpg (54.82 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, rabbit.jpg)

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bc0608  No.13075525

File: 759541519625812⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB, 400x400, 1:1, VIDEO_2020_10_27_12_02_50_….mp4)

Just had to post this. buddy sent this to me. Not what one would expect.

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c6d783  No.13075526


That was how the game was played then. We have clearly shifted gears now. And as a matter of fact, I do indeed trust his judgment, because he has earned my trust. Steadfast and brilliant.

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e3e5de  No.13075527


every time . . .

(this is bait for the duelies)

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b991e7  No.13075528

What was the

Last event


Were genuinely

Excited for?

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d86a11  No.13075529


whoa, my whole life until that point… thought it was otherwise


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d86a11  No.13075530

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13075094 Dough @400


>>13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>13075124, >>13075126, Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

>>13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

>>13075256 Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

>>13075295 Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

>>13075303 The #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT Research Thread has been Anchored.

>>13075318 Florida man sentenced to 170 years for sexually abusing a 5-year-old

>>13075328 POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

>>13075361 Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data

>>13075362 Biden Trump Comparison Vid (1 min)

>>13075370 Vatican RCC research file 3.0

>>13075405 Jenna Ellis Trump 2024 is trending number 1 in politics. He’s not going anywhere GOP

>>13075411 President Trump: U.S. Electoral System Needs Reforms

>>13075443 Who is Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, first in line to succeed Gov. Cuomo?

>>13075456 Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan won't run for U.S. Senate in 2022

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b6803a  No.13075531

File: a698d9b74f92059⋯.jpg (250.53 KB, 605x986, 605:986, clown.jpg)



Try harder.

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07480e  No.13075532


Not trip fives. Gfy and then kys.

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b260f8  No.13075533

File: cab161b347d958a⋯.jpg (240.1 KB, 1831x1080, 1831:1080, OverTheTarget.JPG)

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15c191  No.13075534

File: b37ecef16edf8a7⋯.jpg (215.7 KB, 1330x776, 665:388, colossians_2.jpg)



>Keep fighting

please pray for discernment, anon

it's really necessary for survival

things are guaranteed to get much more difficult

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7af801  No.13075535


clearer context !!


What most people are not looking at is he has just cut out the middlemen from those who are elected to office to represent the people, if his word is bond and everyone else has exposed themselves, that means he does not need any of the usual deep state assets to get the right people in office.


Ask yourself some logical questions?


A) You see what he has to say via T.V or newspapers, (media)?

2) How do they get to run for any party?

A) They have to go through a selection process, where they are vetted and nominated by members or are born inside elite families? (insiders)

3) What is the main driving force of a elected person nominated?

A) To promote the party brand and keep the control over the finances paid in taxes and other lobbyist for big business

4) What are the most important parts of the deep state?

A) FINANCE - MEDIA - MILITARY - BIG PHARMA? (No more control without trumps endorsement) BOOM !!!

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a37279  No.13075536

File: f931040f32bdfb9⋯.png (350.99 KB, 1292x468, 323:117, BULLSHIT.PNG)

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70d9cf  No.13075537


the 2020 election

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0b19c4  No.13075538


No she isn’t.

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26c7f3  No.13075539



STFU shill


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e68c92  No.13075540

File: d6c7c2c924dc168⋯.png (430.66 KB, 598x597, 598:597, Screenshot_2021_02_28_Reut….png)

Australia's Crown Resorts director quits over ties to billionaire shareholder


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74f5ed  No.13075541

File: 3025266fa41a1eb⋯.png (487.61 KB, 603x188, 603:188, AQ1.png)

Make no mistake, the fight against Trumpism is just beginning. And we will win.

(Um, kay.)


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cfda57  No.13075542


>is the White House Military base seems like it would be like one if the commander in chief is stationed there. So they would lose access to it if Bidan is not CIC


The White House Military Office (WHMO) is a department within the White House Office that provides military support for White House functions, including food service, presidential transportation, medical support, emergency medical services, and hospitality services. The White House Military Office is headed by the White House Military Office Director.

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fcb596  No.13075543


The issue that will be resolved in some way is most of MAGA dgaf about 2022 or 2024.

2020 needs to be fixed.

There is no going back to business as usual until shit changes now.

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028276  No.13075544


>but man can he clear a room when he farts.

Most likely allergic to grain. Change his food. Also there is a powered enzyme that helps.

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8b68d4  No.13075545


Did Night Shift take the night off?

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d7a7f2  No.13075546

File: c3eb82362b39728⋯.png (375.19 KB, 606x341, 606:341, CHANGEWECANBELIEVEIN.png)

Thank you for the lift President Trump.

I'm ashamed to admit that I needed the lift.

A reminder that it's most definitely happening.

And nothing stops it.

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348a1f  No.13075547

File: 4ccbc18aeb0f97b⋯.jpg (99.55 KB, 960x674, 480:337, ErVQhP0VEAAa6AG.jpg)


>No she isn’t.

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3baf14  No.13075548

File: 262dd3e6c1ccf29⋯.png (137.65 KB, 577x433, 577:433, DEATH_and_LOVE.png)

File: 6b5f7cef0200010⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 512x456, 64:57, DARK_world_and_the_CURE.jpg)

File: a991b02b22d710c⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 499x468, 499:468, kri_SCHWi_na.jpg)

File: c187270bcdfcb4a⋯.jpg (171.73 KB, 500x699, 500:699, Previous_Incarnations.jpg)

File: 14b29df7d8fa8c1⋯.jpg (154.58 KB, 500x795, 100:159, Prabhupada.jpg)

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69d65d  No.13075549


Because he did.

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78512f  No.13075550

File: c1b5adc412b071a⋯.jpg (103.8 KB, 762x824, 381:412, 3_from.JPG)


Former Trump Trade Official Peter Navarro Says There Will be at Least Three Indictments Coming from John Durham

By Shipwreckedcrew | Feb 28, 2021 7:30 PM ET

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4b5c1e  No.13075551



Here's two confirmed:

Pfizer EN9581 (Feb 2021)

EN6302 (Feb 2021)

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86c260  No.13075552

File: 812725fb15b891b⋯.png (395.46 KB, 592x3506, 296:1753, ClipboardImage.png)

Any updates/additions?

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000000  No.13075553


Next you are going to tell me wearing masks is a choice too. Reality tells your nice theory to fuck off… fuckers won't even let you into stores unless you accept the BS LIE that masks work.

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78512f  No.13075554

File: 7945b4f8f5280d9⋯.png (772.35 KB, 697x507, 697:507, durham_watch.PNG)

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0d8704  No.13075555

File: 9ecc55a6363d85f⋯.jpg (124.59 KB, 1057x729, 1057:729, bullied.jpg)


So cool how Trump led his supporters to the legal slaughter on Jan 6 …. then said, "go home", and washed his hands of it all, despite bringing patriots to DC in the first place.

Trump is a fucking joke of a "leader".

Now does Trump's hocking of the poison vaccine sound so far fetched? Anyone starting to see the dangers of that Trump hype?

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265370  No.13075556

File: 271c286521b5b19⋯.jpg (65.7 KB, 701x389, 701:389, Screen_Shot_2021_02_28_at_….jpg)



Become :Fact.

Everything changes for you.

Everything changes for you to make the changes.


>So what?

>Is that what anons tell the Sherriff when they show up?


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d86a11  No.13075557


see, and yes I had 30 years ago


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69d65d  No.13075558


How many times have we heard that shit over the last 2 yrs?

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4306f0  No.13075559


The Grand Conjunction 3:02 am Dec 21, 2020

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c7b255  No.13075560

just now watching DJT speech, i'm about 40mins in and all i hear is biden bad, i was good

all past, not future very low energy rallyrant stuff

does it get better & how long did this sppoge last?

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70d9cf  No.13075561


God I hope not

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26c7f3  No.13075562

>>13075522 Calvary huh?

Grammar Nazi should have been out and about this evening.

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c6d783  No.13075563


Yeah sure, they are going to win from the pervert wing in federal prison. World beaters, legends in their tiny minds.

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7bd246  No.13075564

File: 98273821a539a89⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 358x233, 358:233, xreallyra_jpg_pagespeed_ic….jpg)

I think there is a real chance we will get unexpected help from humans / beings from space. They are already here and we will get all the help that we need for the future.

Sounds strange, but I don't see that the military alone can change anything for this planet. greater help is needed

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0b19c4  No.13075565


I don’t give a fuck what he says at this point because it can all be dismissed as optics. I care are what the military DOES.

I’m don’t with the the soon shit

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178789  No.13075566


Did I miss it?

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52bce8  No.13075567


>The White House Military Office (WHMO)

Think they closed it in July of 2020.

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78512f  No.13075568

File: eea2edd93598c5e⋯.jpg (91.19 KB, 858x598, 33:23, betrayed.JPG)


They Have Betrayed the Constitution – Overwhelming Evidence of FBI Corruption

By Larry Johnson

Published February 28, 2021 at 8:20pm

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b260f8  No.13075569


Look behind you.

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ac56c2  No.13075570



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0b19c4  No.13075571


Done.* I hate autocorrect

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cbd235  No.13075572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cf3f9f  No.13075573

File: 83c912ff3643d20⋯.jpeg (173.71 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 83c912ff3643d204ffeb67cfd….jpeg)

File: 91048f598199f54⋯.jpg (177.38 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, 57964041_gold_tequila_shot….jpg)

Hasn't been easy for anyone but, anons are tough. And wise enough to know what life is worth living for. Kuddos to those of you stared the devil in the face - and laughed.

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f48ecc  No.13075574


The lockdowns were planned years in advance to bring in the New World Order. Patriots wouldn't have allowed year long lockdowns under a President Clinton. So they gave us President Trump so we would all do nothing.

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0d8704  No.13075575

File: eb58e4dcc7926b0⋯.jpg (14.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, trustQ.jpg)


>Former Trump Trade Official Peter Navarro Says There Will be at Least Three Indictments Coming from John Durham

Sure there will ….

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74f5ed  No.13075577

File: 030f3d4925f1c8e⋯.png (544.16 KB, 595x764, 595:764, AQ1.png)

Newt Gingrich says Trump has enormous control over the GOP, not even McConnell can try to fight him.


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ec2d5f  No.13075578


Seems we probably differ on the depth to which psychological damage on the general public will go with a fake pandemic… so telling you to shove mystery vax up your ass might be going a bit further than good manners would suggest as well.

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c733ba  No.13075579


>there is a real chance

real but small

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70d9cf  No.13075580


took you long enough to come up with that, kek!

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78512f  No.13075581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5e4cc3  No.13075582

File: 2532dc16c8d583e⋯.png (123.22 KB, 1022x695, 1022:695, 2024_Retailiation_Horizon_….png)


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74f5ed  No.13075583


Indeed. They have their own problems. Projection, though.

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aa2d4c  No.13075584

File: c71ae7bd3f78d73⋯.jpg (286.41 KB, 1619x1012, 1619:1012, IMG_20210225_182354.jpg)

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000000  No.13075585


I think you are hired to protect Q and Trump's wrong doings. You are the SHILL - projection.

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05c619  No.13075586

Time to shut down all social media..

Time to go…

Peace to you all..

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401b9c  No.13075587

File: 56de8cf941535e8⋯.png (573.29 KB, 580x788, 145:197, ahg89436hn346j.png)




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70d9cf  No.13075588

File: 316811fbf19620d⋯.png (25.07 KB, 792x292, 198:73, mcconell.png)

File: 78cc668a497ef11⋯.png (94.96 KB, 973x660, 973:660, micconell.PNG)

File: ff187cabf300561⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1775x822, 1775:822, kek_hello_there.PNG)

File: dfbce7fe12e149e⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1233x802, 1233:802, sentient_turtle.PNG)


>Mitch McConnell

>Sentient Turtle

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b6803a  No.13075589


who cares what you think, though?

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78512f  No.13075590

File: 8c2f92206fe5ab5⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 760x608, 5:4, wapo_gets.JPG)


WaPo Fact-Checker Gets Hilariously Fact-Checked After Dissing Trump's CPAC Speech

By Matt Margolis Feb 28, 2021 8:34 PM ET

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ae4058  No.13075591


…Earth as a stranded colony itself would blow some minds. Pure speculation, of course.

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268f27  No.13075592

File: 3a30e55c2585eb1⋯.png (792.21 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 4fu6394v5ip9.png)


nom nom stacy

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cbd235  No.13075593

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265370  No.13075594

File: fa09ecfe74dadc7⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 675x395, 135:79, Screen_Shot_2021_02_28_at_….jpg)



The 'CURE' will spread WW.


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5baef7  No.13075595

I've given all my time and energy. Not giving money now.

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000000  No.13075596


You know the saying…

The definition of a fool is doing the same thing again and again, and expecting a different result.

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e68c92  No.13075597

File: 15d451804a6fed5⋯.png (338.91 KB, 478x609, 478:609, Screenshot_2021_02_28_U_S_….png)

Sgt 1st Class Phillip Kennedy Johnson collected boxes of used comics as a kid, imagining his own story lines for the iconic superhero.

@DCComics announced that Johnson would be the writer on DC’s Superman and Action Comics.



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0d8704  No.13075598

File: f549ee9f06c41d0⋯.jpg (32.82 KB, 410x290, 41:29, fagpush2.jpg)


A little "out there", anon. But I'd believe anything at this point.

Trump locked down free people .. and idiots still support him.


Some people just don't deserve freedom, unfortunately.

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d99ef5  No.13075599


We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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8b68d4  No.13075600


Will someone look at this?

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cfda57  No.13075601


>Think they closed it in July of 2020.

why would they do that , did they no in advance there would not be a CIC after 2020

how could it be closed if an acting CIC was stationed there after July of 2020

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000000  No.13075602

Someone needs to wake up the Military… I'm pretty sure it's their turn.

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cf3f9f  No.13075603

File: 77bf0e09baf0058⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1436x1080, 359:270, IMG_0795.PNG)

Suit up.

We're at war.

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0b19c4  No.13075604


And that’s the only defense you have because we don’t have the results we were promised. So lash out at me if you want but I didn’t make promises to your fuckin ass and then turn around and ask you for some money to be a founding member

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ee270c  No.13075605

Anyone have Kate Awakening's Playboy spread or know which Month/year she was? -asking for a fren

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0eb3e1  No.13075606

File: 205c4e23029eee0⋯.jpg (591.77 KB, 1080x1459, 1080:1459, Screenshot_20210228_183101….jpg)



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c81df0  No.13075607


A lot of other things can and likely will happen during that two years.


I believe the ones actually in control are the Military.

Red file on Jan. 6th in the tent.

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000000  No.13075608


Speeches have no value at this point.

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b991e7  No.13075609


Is there a wizard kit

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ec2d5f  No.13075610


Neither Calvary nor Cavalry are at issue here.

Just need my government to shut the fuck up with the lies.

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b6803a  No.13075611


but doen't the comped voting machines and corrupt political machines trump TrumpDJT?

And corrupt Judges?

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e2f3a4  No.13075612

File: ac3fd905cbe0baf⋯.jpeg (108.02 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1594251443.jpeg)

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0d8704  No.13075613

File: db9e641742c6afe⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 350x193, 350:193, hhilllaughing.gif)


How much do you gotta give the loser Trump to be a "Founding Member" ?

What a fucking joke.

Trump is now officially Grifter in Chief

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7af801  No.13075614

File: 32b00fdff0c715f⋯.png (145.12 KB, 259x257, 259:257, ClipboardImage.png)


minor inconvenience, unless your mother make you wear one at home. kek !!

it is ok to let off steam, do not vote again, it is the statist mind set that got us here, the hard work is already done. people are awakening !!

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a29fcd  No.13075615

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7526bb  No.13075616

>>13075550 There Will be at Least Three Indictments Coming from

It starts with [BHO] [HRC] [JB] as the 1st three dominoes to go down & the rest of the criminals WW will go down with them

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178789  No.13075617

File: 0d6dc480dcf3de7⋯.png (1.6 KB, 153x46, 153:46, Screen_Shot_02_28_21_at_09….PNG)

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fcb596  No.13075618


I'm glad Trump spoke today.

Too bad it was at CPAC the Business As Usual You Can't Say That Go Team R 2022 CONvention.

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d86a11  No.13075619

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13075094 Dough @500


>>13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>13075124, >>13075126, Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

>>13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

>>13075256 Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

>>13075295 Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

>>13075303 The #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT Research Thread has been Anchored.

>>13075318 Florida man sentenced to 170 years for sexually abusing a 5-year-old

>>13075328 POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

>>13075361 Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data

>>13075362 Biden Trump Comparison Vid (1 min)

>>13075370 Vatican RCC research file 3.0

>>13075405 Jenna Ellis Trump 2024 is trending number 1 in politics. He’s not going anywhere GOP

>>13075411 President Trump: U.S. Electoral System Needs Reforms

>>13075443 Who is Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, first in line to succeed Gov. Cuomo?

>>13075456 Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan won't run for U.S. Senate in 2022

>>13075477 Six ‘Proud Boys’ Indicted for Conspiring to Obstruct Congress during Jan. 6 Capitol Siege

>>13075516 After Leading School Closures, Berkeley Teachers' Union President Spotted Dropping Daughter Off at In-Person Preschool

>>13075540 Australia's Crown Resorts director quits over ties to billionaire shareholder

>>13075541 Lincoln Project saves face, kek

>>13075550, >>13075575 Former Trump Trade Official Peter Navarro Says There Will be at Least Three Indictments Coming from John Durham

>>13075577, >>13075588 Newt Gingrich says Trump has enormous control over the GOP, not even McConnell can try to fight him.

>>13075587 GO GO GO! ONLY 2.5 HOURS LEFT TO BE A FOUNDING MEMBER! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

>>13075590 WaPo Fact-Checker Gets Hilariously Fact-Checked After Dissing Trump's CPAC Speech

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0c40ea  No.13075620


same bullshit till the end..

he invented vaccines and is awesome.

get your vaccine it will cure the world..

dont vote for these guys

vote for the ones i tell you..

go to my website and gib me sheckles…

i think that is about all

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b6803a  No.13075621

File: 1b850ccbf81b03b⋯.jpeg (355.4 KB, 750x699, 250:233, bidandivorsedd.jpeg)


so do i.

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b991e7  No.13075622


Can you see the fireballs?

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c81df0  No.13075623


To add to my first response to you,

an example of what things are occurring even as we speak,

are recalls.

Successful recalls will enable replacements,

for whom the People will vote.

MAGA strong on that as well.

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8b68d4  No.13075624

File: 5616e6681866028⋯.jpeg (93.42 KB, 750x1002, 125:167, 4834E859_901E_4178_921C_A….jpeg)


Ok. Even more interesting…

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74f5ed  No.13075625


Ground game, Anon.

State by state, county by county.

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07480e  No.13075626


You’re weak minded bud. Think.

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78512f  No.13075627

File: 5478ba2971bde0b⋯.png (732.83 KB, 718x841, 718:841, I_O_drop.PNG)

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e68c92  No.13075628

File: d2e40ff1da03e8f⋯.jpg (132.61 KB, 663x1024, 663:1024, EvW_PjUWQAUi0hP.jpg)

File: 901f0cbacae8394⋯.png (54 KB, 176x102, 88:51, Screenshot_2021_02_28_U_S_….png)

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7af801  No.13075629


yeah i would not take it either, especially up the posterior , that sounds painful as well as unnecessary, kek !!

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19d043  No.13075630


Digits don’t lie.

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268f27  No.13075631

File: 788613ad1b72a34⋯.jpg (236.46 KB, 619x1445, 619:1445, c34q2c23c23c.jpg)


nom nom Mantis

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b6803a  No.13075632


maybe first arrest will be a triple hitter

Are they arresting clones and doubles or what?

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948828  No.13075633

https://t.me/DNN1776 legit? is it barr?

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348a1f  No.13075634

File: 5a851c2cb04e528⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 680x546, 340:273, 5a851c2cb04e528a761f54479b….jpg)

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ac9e57  No.13075635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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07480e  No.13075637


He fooled us all. Period.

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c81df0  No.13075638



but Storm will be in 2022!

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b6803a  No.13075639


shill team

none of that happened

Is that your paychecks $5,555?

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0d8704  No.13075640

File: 0070ea4a11a880f⋯.jpg (133 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, barr4.jpg)


>go to my website and gib me sheckles…

This is what Trump has been all about since Nov 3.

same with everyone still close to him .. Rudy, Powell, Wood.

It's a fucking griftapalooza around Trump right now .. fucking saps will fall for it too.

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6461c0  No.13075641

File: 55f7a1b18f8ef4b⋯.png (419.33 KB, 611x352, 611:352, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b740de0a5c05a73⋯.png (19.87 KB, 727x253, 727:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa468f2f98ff633⋯.png (88.2 KB, 856x545, 856:545, ClipboardImage.png)

They Have Betrayed the Constitution – Overwhelming Evidence of FBI Corruption

The American people, regardless of political affiliation, should be bellowing a primal scream of outrage in light of the new evidence–overwhelming evidence at that–of the FBI’s corruption. If you have not read John Solomon’s latest revelations about the contents of formerly classified FBI documents that were declassified one week before Donald Trump left Washington, DC, then you need to take the time. You can read it here.

Permit me to point out some background you need to appreciate the appalling gravity of these documents. In theory the FBI is not supposed to be a Secret Police (i.e., a GESTAPO). No FBI Agent or official is supposed to have the ability to wake up in the morning and decide to start investigating an American citizen just because the Agent does not like what someone has written or said. But we now know that world is our reality.

In theory, Special Prosecutor John Durham, could put the brakes on this lawlessness by indicting and convicting James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Baker, Bruce Ohr and others. Do not hold your breath. Durham appears to be a fraud and his failure to act will further embolden the FBI to engage in more illegal acts.

The FBI documents use code names for various members of the Trump campaign team. Here’s your cheat sheet:

George Papadopoulos — Crossfire Typhoon (aka CT)

Carter Page — Crossfire Dragron (aka CD)

General Michael Flynn — Crossfire Razor (aka CR)

Campaign chairman Paul Manafort, — Crossfire Fury (aka CF)

But they were not the only ones targeted. These men also were put in the cross-hairs, without knowing the FBI was after them for the mere act of supporting Donald Trump:

Future Attorney General Jeff Sessions,

Foreign policy adviser Sam Clovis,

Economic adviser Peter Navarro

Inspector General Michael Horowitz lied with his claim that Crossfire Hurricane was “properly predicated.” It was not. There was no justification for this massive counter intelligence investigation, which had only one purpose–help Hillary Clinton.

The key informant/spy in this operation is Stefan Halper, an obese bloodsucker whose father-in-law was a top level CIA officer in the 1970s:

Halper is an American foreign policy scholar and retired Senior Fellow at the University of Cambridge where he is a Life Fellow at Magdalene College.[1] He served as a White House official in the Nixon, Ford, and Reagan administrations, and was reportedly in charge of the spying operation by the 1980 Ronald Reagan presidential campaign that became known as “Debategate“. Through his decades of work for the CIA, Halper has had extensive ties to the Bush family.[2] Through his work with Sir Richard Billing Dearlove, he had ties to the British Secret Intelligence Service MI6.

Halper is referred to in the FBI documents as Confidential Human Source aka CHS.

Let us give the despicable Bill Barr credit for one thing. He told the truth about Obama. The Obama Administration was spying, illegally so, on Donald Trump and his campaign staff. We now know what a dishonored, disgraceful outfit the FBI has become. The FBI has betrayed the Constitution.


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0e93eb  No.13075642

File: 5fc2d7167d8c73b⋯.jpg (90.92 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1554766565.jpg)


George News gets their pics & video from Dvishub just like anyone else can.


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b260f8  No.13075643


Look behind you.

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23aac9  No.13075644

File: 3e4a99873167344⋯.png (258.52 KB, 603x382, 603:382, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcb596  No.13075645


TY I though it was cartoonfag stuff but don't keep up glad you 2 found each other.


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b6803a  No.13075646


shill team

Couldn't you guys get jobs as voice actors?

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0c40ea  No.13075647


it says any amount but the lowest box is 50 bucks..

kek, what a jew.

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15c191  No.13075648


entirely agree

how long can this suspended reality endure?

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7af801  No.13075649

File: c5d3fee122df5fc⋯.png (930.27 KB, 606x904, 303:452, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f3a4  No.13075650

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

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9101f5  No.13075651

Have we seen an uptick in deaths that they were falsely calling COVID deaths yet? Anyone know where to look? Will be hard for them to hide that.

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74f5ed  No.13075652

File: 53ed5b06541db01⋯.png (544.16 KB, 603x607, 603:607, AQ1.png)

We remember the fallen agents: Special Agent Conway LeBleu, Special Agent Todd McKeehan, Special Agent Robert Williams, and Special Agent Steven Willis who made the ultimate sacrifice while trying to execute a "search warrant."

(Um, wut?)


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23aac9  No.13075653

after years of Q

what has happened in reality?

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b6803a  No.13075654



Isn't the time

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cf3f9f  No.13075655

File: 46b2fe549b88238⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1200x760, 30:19, 46b2fe549b882387b0045af8fc….png)


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000000  No.13075656


The first arrest are the people who went to the beach to get fresh air… VACCINES were all Trump talked about while the world burnt.

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19d043  No.13075657


It should be a decrease in all other deaths

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000000  No.13075658


>George News says they are a group of people

Its abcu and the pedophile known as babyfist/laughingman. Same guy who owns /mnr/. LONG LONG way from military.

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6461c0  No.13075659

File: cc715f488257343⋯.png (428.83 KB, 868x538, 434:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Treasurer says Minister in anonymous letter is entitled to presumption of innocence

The Federal Treasurer says a Cabinet Minister named in an anonymous letter alleging the rape of a woman in the 1980s is entitled to the presumption of innocence.

Key points:

A Cabinet Minister was named in an anonymous letter alleging the rape of a woman in the 1980s

The person who made the allegation is now dead

Politicians have said the matter is now being handled by the AFP

The letter, sent to several members of Parliament, alleges the woman was raped in 1988 by a man who is now a minister in the federal government.

New South Wales Police suspended their investigation after the woman took her own life last year.

Mr Frydenberg said the allegations had been referred to the Australian Federal Police (AFP).

"Here in Australia we adhere to the rule of law," he said.

"And fundamental to the rule of law is the presumption of innocence. Every Australian deserves that right.

"So yes, there have been very serious matters raised across the Parliament in recent weeks, this has been the subject of much commentary and attention. But the focus has to be now on process."

Mr Frydenberg pointed to a letter from the AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw to Prime Minister Scott Morrison last week, warning that any allegation of sexual assault should be referred to police quickly.

"We've seen a letter from the head of the Australian Federal Police and that letter to the Prime Minister and subsequently made available to the Parliament again re-emphasises the need for these matters to be in the hands of authorities," Mr Frydenberg said.

"They're the best people to be dealing with such matters."

Calls for Minister to be stood aside while investigation takes place

Lawyer Michael Bradley, who was acting for the woman who made the allegation before she died, called for an independent inquiry into the matter.

"It's a very unusual and unfortunate situation where this matter can't and won't be resolved through the ordinary criminal justice process," Mr Bradley said.

"But from a political and ethical perspective, the allegation is there and can't be ignored so it has to be resolved in some form."

Mr Bradley said if the Minister did not step aside while an investigation was carried out, the Prime Minister should force him to.

"My view is that his position is pretty clearly untenable and that he should step aside or be stood aside until this matter can be addressed and resolved," he said.

"I don't personally see how he could continue to serve as a Cabinet Minister with this hanging over his head."

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young, who was one of several politicians who received the anonymous letter, agreed the Minister should step aside.

"I think the right thing to do here right now would be for the Minister to stand aside while an independent inquiry was conducted so that both the victim can have her voice heard and that the man accused can have an opportunity to clear his name if he is innocent," she said.


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c2f591  No.13075660

File: 6a71e0c82f574aa⋯.png (114.91 KB, 500x387, 500:387, ClipboardImage.png)


>i have a lunch meeting with cliff huxtable at the 4 seasons in 20mins.

5:15. never noticed that before kek.

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07480e  No.13075661


Not a fucking chance. Comey at best.

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7be42e  No.13075662

File: 8e041e7859cb3e9⋯.jpg (29.24 KB, 590x330, 59:33, disbelief.jpg)

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2b5e77  No.13075663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm anon watching globes from LB. I am telling y'all. It is so weird and different. Other than dragging Sean Penn out of whatever box he is living in, talking about Covid for 30 seconds, this has been extremely different than what I am used to.

As I said, hosts are not as funny as Gervais, but I have noticed a couple things:

#1) so far all "actors" being nominated aren't your usual Hollywood POS; in fact, I don't know who most of them are at all, and none have used their time to make any political statements.

#2) it really has the feel of whitehat show rather than the satanfest it usually is. Veru strange.

Like most of you I don't give any fucks about Hollyweird, but something is going on here that is strange.

They just had Ben Stiller present, and in his speech, he talked about learning how to "Bake" this past year…..probably means nothing but caught my ear.

And the celebs that the hosts made fun of made me take notice.

The show is very shitty, as it is virtual with everyone on Zoom, and the "live audience" has about 30 ppl all with masks on…….FFS.

Anyway, just wanted to note this, as it is definitely "different". Here is the monologue for anyone interested.

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ca5847  No.13075664

File: ed2ab3b98c760b6⋯.png (199.4 KB, 473x320, 473:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd419579cd4c174⋯.png (763.71 KB, 959x749, 137:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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07480e  No.13075665


10 trillion in additional debt. Communism.

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e2f3a4  No.13075666

File: 097e836fed2985b⋯.jpg (9.95 KB, 236x354, 2:3, cc1cd5cbca14e65a22ff120cbf….jpg)


Plenty of boobs and Dank memes!

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000000  No.13075667


"Try Again in 2024"

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c81df0  No.13075668


But first,


It is very important.

This will ensure 2024.

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000000  No.13075669


I never saw a single sign of worry in Hillary, Comey or Obama's body language - that told me Trump was full of shit.

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70d9cf  No.13075670

File: d5b28795e5f9d75⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB, 648x480, 27:20, lGEoBUasjWwR5S4Z.mp4)



o7, Armor of GOD!

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9101f5  No.13075671


Right. I had seen that in prior info graphics showing decrease in heart attack and diabetes. Was thinking about as COVID decreases (because Biden won and have to make him look good/no longer needed) there will be an uptick in the other causes of death.

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c6d783  No.13075672


There is a scene near the end of the bull riding movie, 8 Seconds, where the good guy runs the villain out of the office, in front of the heroine. The villain huffs and puffs, and says, "It ain't over." The white hat replies, "It's over." These disgraced LP losers are saying the same thing, trying to save face. It's over.

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4d8809  No.13075673


Military went AWOL on Nov 4th, 2020!!!

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e68c92  No.13075674

File: 0af252625097aec⋯.png (218.5 KB, 576x242, 288:121, Screenshot_2020_07_15_term….png)


>(Um, wut?)

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0b19c4  No.13075675



Anon’s take on globes this year

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07480e  No.13075676

Y’all ever notice the cabal is allowed to reach at least the age of 60 before they are deposed? Huh. Weird eh?

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15c191  No.13075677


what a ludicrous comment from this lizard

no one gives a fuck about the party

politics is moot, Newt

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acf885  No.13075678


Do you guys have any fucking idea how much popcorn we are going to need?

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23aac9  No.13075679

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0d8704  No.13075680

File: 2d9e6cc5912e8e7⋯.jpg (920.46 KB, 1980x1464, 165:122, qpredictedthis.jpg)


Absolute jack shit.


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000000  No.13075681


Nope. 2020 gets fixed, or every election from here on out is a non-factor, and needs to be boycotted completely. I'll come back every bread that I can and repeat myself if necessary…because anyone that is cool with this idea of "Better Luck Next Time" needs to fuck off.

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f6b445  No.13075682


We have a lot further to go to the precipice.

It will get a lot worse.

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6461c0  No.13075683

QAnon crowds plotting to storm the US Capitol again this week, police fear

Washington: Thousands of National Guard troops will remain in Washington until mid-March amid fears a QAnon conspiracy theory that Donald Trump could still be inaugurated this week will lead to another attack on the US Capitol.

Followers of the QAnon cult have claimed Trump will reclaim the presidency on March 4, the date presidents were inaugurated up until 1933, when inauguration day was moved to January 20.

Online posts about March 4 from QAnon devotees, who believe Trump is working to take down a cabal of “deep state” politicians, have caused alarm among US security officials who fear further violence could occur.

Almost 5000 National Guard troops will remain in the US capital until March 12, in part because of concerns of a repeat of the violent scenes on January 6, according to Adam Smith, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

“Some of these people have figured out that apparently 75 years ago, the president used to be inaugurated on March 4. Now they are thinking maybe we should gather again and storm the Capitol on March 4… that is circulating online,” he told a hearing in Congress.

“Stuff like that circulates all the time, does it mean it’s going to happen? Probably not. But if you want to help, tell them not to do that, tell them that the election is over. Joe Biden won.”

The request for 4900 National Guard troops to continue their deployments in Washington until March 12 was made by US Capitol Police, said Robert Salesses, a Pentagon official.

He said the Pentagon was not tracking any specific threats. The most significant terror threat stems from “lone offenders and small groups of individuals inspired by domestic extremist ideological beliefs, including those based on false narratives spread over social media and other online platforms”.

Suggestions for more permanent security measures around the Capitol are still under discussion by Congress.


Antifa BLM MSM DS making plans setting the stage

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cf3f9f  No.13075684

File: 3251a93503c5973⋯.png (1.24 MB, 813x563, 813:563, IMG_2601.PNG)

So many have suffered.

Be thankful you were not part of the evil.

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0c40ea  No.13075685


tell you what anon..

Ill stop with the black pill shill stuff as soon as something public and amazing happens.. dont even need to be biblical, just something good for us..

until then go suck your hopium balloon in the corner, try not to pass out and shit yourself.

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21a934  No.13075686

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, New_Zealand_PM_man.mp4)


Did he blame the chicoms for muh covid? Nah he is blaming the kiwis for it. Sick criminal freak.

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268f27  No.13075687

File: 2631b85f7270ce4⋯.png (690.82 KB, 474x743, 474:743, 2631b85f7270ce46894b6b7877….png)


i wish i could find the real mantis

that girl could fuck

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74f5ed  No.13075688


Noticing Comey, Abedin, and Page haven't Tweeted since January

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07480e  No.13075689

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c81df0  No.13075690

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ca7692  No.13075691

File: 9489eb51878c5e5⋯.png (312.27 KB, 343x431, 343:431, ClipboardImage.png)


Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day

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0d8704  No.13075692

File: 4ed1fb0f71b8715⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 851x1068, 851:1068, legsareopen.jpg)


>The first arrest are the people who went to the beach to get fresh air…

Hard to argue with this.

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07480e  No.13075693


Shut up. You don’t know shit.

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6461c0  No.13075694

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c2f591  No.13075695

File: 3f92bb5918b280a⋯.png (384.16 KB, 568x598, 284:299, ClipboardImage.png)


these fucking people.

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0c40ea  No.13075696


the 3 letter faggots got a huge list of anons to arrest first…

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cfda57  No.13075697


just remember anons, if they knock on your door, you best open it, or they will die heroically burning your house down

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5f0750  No.13075698

File: 08d855ea47c2b80⋯.png (14.99 KB, 591x204, 197:68, ClipboardImage.png)

I remember DJT said 26 a few times (3?)

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b6803a  No.13075699


We haven't the time; especially with the Mass Broadcast Propaganda Media against

Most people have to work

You think going door to door or handing out leaflets is going to work against TV?

They are planning to round up the dissidents, Trump people

The top worry of the Liberals, so they claim by their polls is the movement of DJT POTUS people

They want to kill us. And him

Going out with a megaphone and talking about great Trump is will get you killed in many cities.

Killed or assaulted. If not by the public by one of their stooges.

Do you really think the Cabal has been at this for hundreds of years and don't know they have to squelched such a movement as quickly as possilbe?

Do you realize what Obama's people / c-A family did in Indonesia in the Coup there?

Machetes against the civilians.

I'm all for DIY but you need a military to protect you from Fascism.. it's a "don't try this at home" reality.

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0e93eb  No.13075700

File: 2e4810de107cc7e⋯.jpg (303.88 KB, 736x1065, 736:1065, EKZxaflXUAATt1q.jpg)

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4d8809  No.13075701

George Bush would have NEVER locked us up in our houses for a year!!!

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348a1f  No.13075702


Thanks for the summary!

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75524b  No.13075703

File: 4cd5b6cf87074ac⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1121x1169, 1121:1169, ClipboardImage.png)

Spot the difference?

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268f27  No.13075704

File: 9d3c84d1984433c⋯.jpg (20.67 KB, 392x510, 196:255, q34cith478v5876q6.jpg)

Good work anons on whatever we are doing

Can someone bring me up to date on the state of the union.

Are we gonna see some good changes this year?

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c7b255  No.13075705



quit pushing you george news here.

youve been told since day 1.

you plagiarized JFK Jrs logo in order to enrich yourself and only post shit stolen from everyone else.

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15c191  No.13075706


>But first, 2022. It is very important.

>This will ensure 2024.

what do you expect your life will be like in 2024, anon?

what makes you think 2022 is a relevant concept?

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15c0c9  No.13075707

File: b95b097ed0f4fb8⋯.jpg (132.41 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 4286b116aeaa6dc7b27d8b9d7a….jpg)

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74f5ed  No.13075708

File: 3baf0f38a535470⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 544.16 KB, 597x573, 199:191, AQ1.png)

Frida Mom commercial showing lactating breasts airs during Golden Globes


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cf3f9f  No.13075709

File: b753ecb315e6fa0⋯.png (680.97 KB, 1260x908, 315:227, b753ecb315e6fa09e733b425e2….png)

We really managed to push the envelope, didn't we?

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e2f3a4  No.13075710

File: 08d53e406811fc5⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x360, 4:3, un3eC.gif)


At this point I welcome imprisonment

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4f3db2  No.13075711

File: ebf667f9dadc69c⋯.jpg (40.59 KB, 400x300, 4:3, MrCatHopeSprings.JPG)


>I feel like we are hours away from something

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07480e  No.13075712


Just stop. Full stop. Stop potting and bring yourself to reality. How do you know that is a Q drop anyway. Y’all assume and you don’t know dick.

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f48ecc  No.13075713


The lockdowns were planned years in advance to bring in the New World Order. Patriots wouldn't have allowed year long lockdowns under a President Clinton. So they gave us President Trump so we would all do nothing.

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0b19c4  No.13075714


No one cares without observable action.

Trump wouldn’t put up with a contractor who, instead of giving results you can see, would give signals and said SOON all the fucking time

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268f27  No.13075715


eww nigger bewbs

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b991e7  No.13075716


And boy did it bend

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9c1a65  No.13075717

Anon observation:

The reason we can't seem to wake up more millenials is they have grown up in a digitial world, and inherently place their trust in it. Difficult to get them to see the bigger picture or the history of it all, when all they know is Facebook.

You'd think it would be the young crowd trying to wake up old farts like me, and not the other way around.


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000000  No.13075718


Q mathematically proved two theories.

1) If something is too good to be true, it probably is.

2) the definition of a fool is expecting a different result while doing the same thing again and again.

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6461c0  No.13075719

File: b61deddedb7a12d⋯.png (366 KB, 533x431, 533:431, ClipboardImage.png)

'Bad Optics': Pelosi's Office Reportedly Opposed National Guard On Capitol Grounds Leading Up To Riot

In the months leading up to the Capitol riot, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her office opposed having National Guard on Capitol Grounds due to "optics," according to Tuesday comments reportedly made to House Admin by former Sergeant at Arms, Paul Irving, while making what he described as a "blender of decision making" before the inauguration.

Three sources 'with direct knowledge of Irving's talk' told the Daily Caller that the discussions came at a time when Democrats were against the deployment of federal resources to quell civil unrest.

The discussion, if accurate, raises questions as to what role Pelosi’s office had in the security failures that resulted in the resignations of both Irving and former Chief of Capitol Police Steven Sund. Pelosi’s Deputy Chief of Staff Drew Hammill did not deny the allegations in a statement to the Daily Caller. -Daily Caller

"The Speaker’s Office has made it clear publicly and repeatedly that our office was not consulted or contacted concerning any request for the National Guard ahead of January 6th. That has been confirmed by former Sergeant at Arms Irving in sworn testimony before Senate committees. The Speaker expects security professionals to make security decisions and to briefed about those decisions," said Hammill, adding "It is our understanding that Committee on House Administration Ranking Republican Member Davis was briefed in advance of January 6th about security preparedness, but took no action to address any security concerns that he might have had."

The Seargent at Arms is one of three officials with the power to vote on the Capitol Police Board, and is both chosen by, and takes direction from, the Speaker of the House.

Irving testified that he first received a formal request from Sund to activate the National Guard after 2 pm on Jan. 6th. Additionally, when Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley asked if he had to run the request “up the chain of command,” Irving replied “no,” in testimony before a joint Senate Homeland Security and Rules Committee.

The New York Times previously reported that the Speaker’s office confirmed that the National Guard was approved around 1:43 pm. Sund said he sent a request for help from the National Guard to Irving around 1:09 p.m, according to CNN. Irving said he was contacted about the matter after 2:00 pm, Axios reported. Sources questioned how Irving got the request after 2 pm but Pelosi approved the request at 1:43 pm. -Daily Caller

"If you believe Irving’s timeline that he testified under oath to, how could he ask for permission from the Speaker 20 minutes before he got the request?" said one Caller source. "Also if you believe his sworn testimony that he never had to run the request up the chain, why did the Speaker’s office confirm he did just that?"

According to the Caller's third source, "Irving is covering for Pelosi. There’s no doubt."


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a670d6  No.13075720

File: 2e3abfe20023352⋯.png (85.08 KB, 846x763, 846:763, nakersdin.png)


thanks for the update anon

hate both of those cunts

no way could I watch that shit

appreciate you taking one for the team

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000000  No.13075721


>you plagiarized JFK Jrs logo in order to enrich yourself and only post shit stolen from everyone else.

It is what abcu does. Behold the glory of /mnr/, he is BO. By he I do mean laughingman/babyfist/rvanon.

Welcome to a step closer to the point of the spear.

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0c40ea  No.13075722


same here.. I dont have the balls to kill myself..

so ill let the state do it..

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74f5ed  No.13075723


Or they'll victimize the criminal sent to break into your home as an upstanding citizen pursuing a college degree.

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07480e  No.13075724

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000000  No.13075725


That theory means nothing, because it's just that…a theory. That doesn't protect shit. That doesn't change 2020. It doesn't guarantee jack shit for any election going forward. Until there's transparency and accountability on a level that is undeniable, it is ALL FUCKING THEORIES.

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c81df0  No.13075726


They will likely do that,

as I think Space Force has made it so that no votes can be stolen by satellite any longer.

see this:


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0b19c4  No.13075727


What does it mean to YOU? Pls explain

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43dbd5  No.13075728


Thanks, I feed him the grain free but I didn't know about the enzymes.

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ec2d5f  No.13075729



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70d9cf  No.13075730


millenial here, can confirm. but once i woke up, i could never go back to the way i used to be. so there's that.

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0e93eb  No.13075731

File: 7f50ebee465cbf1⋯.jpg (410.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 62_4138.jpg)



No fringe on CPAC flag this year.

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268f27  No.13075732

File: d6d1fde03394ca9⋯.jpg (157.18 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, d6d1fde03394ca9f52579acfde….jpg)

these are down country tits

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74f5ed  No.13075733


Thus, Spoilered.

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36cf1b  No.13075734

File: 4cede4cea0ab5be⋯.jpeg (55.6 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 94CF3E50_7EA0_4CEC_A9FB_4….jpeg)

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1d3821  No.13075735

Do anons believe that we will ever hear from this Q person ever again?

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70d9cf  No.13075736


ok only because you said so though!

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b260f8  No.13075737


Ain't clickin' that shit, just noting they are both dressed in black.

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e2f3a4  No.13075738

File: b1c277f80ae8c28⋯.jpeg (104.56 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1594344966.jpeg)

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0d8704  No.13075739

File: 1e570072f80e7b6⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 194x255, 194:255, jugearedfag1.jpg)


>George Bush would have NEVER locked us up in our houses for a year!!!

Neither would 0bama … and he actually had a bad virus during his reign - but marxist fucktard 0bama let Americans be more free than Trump.

That's Trump's legacy … locking down free Americans that a commie wouldn't even do.

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70d9cf  No.13075740


it was/is a group, never just one person only. imo? no idea, and don't care about that.

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07480e  No.13075741


I’m actually somewhat refreshed tonight. Most realize trump was a fraud and Q a hoax. Progress. Finally.

Nunes is the only one I’d consider.

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cf3f9f  No.13075742

File: 554eb8ffb372797⋯.jpg (502.32 KB, 1680x2048, 105:128, IMG_3347_2_.JPG)


Not the heroes the world wanted, but were desperate for.

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26c7f3  No.13075743

>>13075701 Trump didn't either numskull.

The governors did. Or by chance are you referring to the time he was a governor?

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70d9cf  No.13075744


kek him and fauci should have a pitch off

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268f27  No.13075745

File: 0b578faadce0263⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 216x471, 72:157, vg534h734.JPG)


right you are good man right you are

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d86a11  No.13075746

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13075094 Dough @600


>>13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>13075124, >>13075126, Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

>>13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

>>13075256 Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

>>13075295 Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

>>13075303 The #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT Research Thread has been Anchored.

>>13075318 Florida man sentenced to 170 years for sexually abusing a 5-year-old

>>13075328 POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

>>13075361 Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data

>>13075362 Biden Trump Comparison Vid (1 min)

>>13075370 Vatican RCC research file 3.0

>>13075405 Jenna Ellis Trump 2024 is trending number 1 in politics. He’s not going anywhere GOP

>>13075411 President Trump: U.S. Electoral System Needs Reforms

>>13075443 Who is Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, first in line to succeed Gov. Cuomo?

>>13075456 Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan won't run for U.S. Senate in 2022

>>13075477 Six ‘Proud Boys’ Indicted for Conspiring to Obstruct Congress during Jan. 6 Capitol Siege

>>13075516 After Leading School Closures, Berkeley Teachers' Union President Spotted Dropping Daughter Off at In-Person Preschool

>>13075540 Australia's Crown Resorts director quits over ties to billionaire shareholder

>>13075541 Lincoln Project saves face, kek

>>13075550, >>13075575 Former Trump Trade Official Peter Navarro Says There Will be at Least Three Indictments Coming from John Durham

>>13075577, >>13075588 Newt Gingrich says Trump has enormous control over the GOP, not even McConnell can try to fight him.

>>13075587 GO GO GO! ONLY 2.5 HOURS LEFT TO BE A FOUNDING MEMBER! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

>>13075590 WaPo Fact-Checker Gets Hilariously Fact-Checked After Dissing Trump's CPAC Speech

>>13075597, >>13074096, >>13075487, >>13075628, U.S.Army @DCComics announced that Johnson would be the writer on DC’s Superman and Action Comics

>>13075641 They Have Betrayed the Constitution – Overwhelming Evidence of FBI Corruption

>>13075652 Remembering WACO, Texas tweet from ATF HQ comms?

>>13075703 No fringe on CPAC flag this year

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ef4385  No.13075747

File: 6ab158a941106a2⋯.png (855.11 KB, 806x926, 403:463, Screen_Shot_2021_02_28_at_….png)

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c81df0  No.13075748



Oh, didn't read your whole sentence.

In a hurry.

I don't think they will try to impeach.

I was addressing the Republicans winning both houses.

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f578a0  No.13075749

File: 27172f70a4505e8⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 797x1069, 797:1069, itsyogi.jpg)

File: 568381433ca1658⋯.jpg (584.8 KB, 1023x569, 1023:569, qnnvaultj.jpg)


They won't like what this Yogi has famously said, either. (Signed copy confirms! kek)

Blackmailed Communists will have to face the Child Crimes eventually. Between just Jeffie's Island … ZORRO Ranch… how MUCH video exists?

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74f5ed  No.13075750

File: 7d46d0bdc8f702b⋯.png (544.16 KB, 605x542, 605:542, AQ1.png)

TUESDAY: FBI Director Christopher Wray Testifies on January 6 Capitol Attack - LIVE at 10am ET on C-SPAN3


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8241a4  No.13075751

File: 2bf767e7305b16f⋯.png (133.74 KB, 868x806, 14:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0cab7  No.13075752


He spoke at cpac this afternoon

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3d3c0c  No.13075753


Ty ez filters

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000000  No.13075754


What a stupid approach - at this rate 7 billion people will be murdered before Q gets off his ass.

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0d8704  No.13075755

File: 82b2bc0fda160be⋯.png (489.68 KB, 720x666, 40:37, preg1.png)


Of course they use a niggress … can't criticize a niggress because raycism.

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70d9cf  No.13075756


i am kekking out loud at this

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23aac9  No.13075757

File: fb5120409f111b5⋯.png (253.36 KB, 434x575, 434:575, ClipboardImage.png)


been here a while

this was Q x 3

not done for famefagging

just time happenings happened

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e68c92  No.13075758

File: de5b017908f33d5⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 1023x651, 11:7, EvV_b_oXUAMDMiU.jpg)

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c2f591  No.13075759

File: 05ad55560a2e275⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 210x209, 210:209, Fuuuuck.gif)


good eye anon

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656447  No.13075760


Why don’t you understand

I will never vote again


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0b19c4  No.13075761


I’m willing to bet a combination of fuck and all will come of this Wray hearing

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f45adb  No.13075762


Not much. The ocean is a BIG BIG BIG place. Ten percent of it will still be above water. Although satellites and buoys will be able to measure it, the effect on shorelines won't even be noticeable. OTOH, when it calves, it'll make a pretty cool documentary … filmed from the air.

>>13075324 (PB)

I'll swing by the car repair shop at the railroad and get you something better … a millstone bow-tie.

>>13075369 (PB)

Sorry … think-o. Should have been Marjorie Taylor Greene, not MGT.

>>13075403 (PB)

Nope. Haley screwed up royally, twice. I hope none of her future plans require my vote. For me, she's all done.

>>13075422 (PB)

My reference is the 4 year distraction. During his speech, I was not paying attention to the board.

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6b3492  No.13075763


Which Q person?

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e14902  No.13075764


Makes sense. Trump is no longer CEO of USA Inc.

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b9b5d7  No.13075765

File: b780b092c3686d0⋯.png (577.33 KB, 1200x594, 200:99, Marine_Watch_Q_Night.png)

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07480e  No.13075766

The best is yet time come!!!!!

Omfg you people. Trump is at best 120 IQ.

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7d9061  No.13075767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e3e5de  No.13075768


who is their audience?

My guess is that they got some people hooked into this, and it's a very small group.

they want to keep pretending for someone as if it's all still relevant. But who? Who is targetted with the wasteful extravagance of awards shows that nobody cares about ?

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4d8809  No.13075769


see I told you…look Anons…we have another "KAREN"…look at her cry because she doesn't like something and can't get her way…it's pitiful, sad and pathetic…just laugh at her…she will go away!!!

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a9b73c  No.13075770

File: b610a814dc80162⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3E369682_5224_4071_909B_96….png)


You are blind so you must not be a member of the night shift. Either that or this board has built its own Matrix.

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5f0750  No.13075771

File: 3b8cbf55474aa18⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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74f5ed  No.13075772


And I don't have CSpan3…

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348a1f  No.13075773

File: 65a9183133695b1⋯.png (68.04 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 65a9183133695b166876040fb7….png)

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c81df0  No.13075774


2020 can't be changed unless all that first takes place.

All avenues without that have already been exhausted.


if all that did take place,

that's essentially changing 2020.

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a670d6  No.13075775


hopefully they getting lit up for that

with tweets of course

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000000  No.13075776


Yeah, and the other people that commented that agreed. And others making their own posts agreeing…here, and on other platforms too. But yeah, definitely ONLY because I said so. What? Do you disagree? You good with pushing it down the road to 2022/2024? Then what? 2026/2028? Just gonna keep being ok with "better luck next time" when you've had fraud blatantly perpetrated upon the entire country and its citizens? Tell me champ, where do YOU draw the line?

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0d8704  No.13075777

File: 8172db0fa520df5⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 500x358, 250:179, asianbutt.gif)


iow, PT Barnum was right …. again.

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15c0c9  No.13075778


Not from WL.

[CLAS-N-DI_9] gg_dump [No Such Agency].

It does not technically exist as open-source.

The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

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07480e  No.13075779

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3d3c0c  No.13075780


Look at this bitch trying to weasel her way back into favor.

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70d9cf  No.13075781

File: adeb46587e6e592⋯.png (438.14 KB, 955x500, 191:100, hussein.png)

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86c260  No.13075782

File: 9dbc8daef9920c3⋯.png (23.59 KB, 473x648, 473:648, Wray_sleeper.png)

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7af801  No.13075783

File: abfb6727df49501⋯.png (632.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


ahh we miss ricky gervis.

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028276  No.13075784

File: 0e0d5bfc109c66e⋯.png (302.31 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 565_healthy_pets_prozyme_0….png)

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8fe904  No.13075785

File: b8e5c3edaf9a562⋯.png (604.98 KB, 418x640, 209:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 487e6e70a54d938⋯.png (3.6 MB, 1189x1510, 1189:1510, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd61a4d02088795⋯.png (935.11 KB, 750x563, 750:563, ClipboardImage.png)


What a gig.


Never heard of him either.

He's got a Daredevil - Punisher thing going on, only he's gay.

Interdasting tidbit:

The character made his first appearance in Stormwatch (vol. 2) #4, titled "A Finer World (Part 1 of 3)" (February 1998)


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7d9061  No.13075786


You realize that's a whole standard deviation smarter than the average range, right?…

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000000  No.13075787


Agreed - in the process of waking up the libtards, they have put the patriots fast to sleep. Seems to be by design to be honest.

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cf3f9f  No.13075788

File: 7c9930e7a1bb64b⋯.png (493.99 KB, 479x561, 479:561, IMG_9561.PNG)

Hope we've done enough to have earned our wings.

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c81df0  No.13075789



Don't like popcorn?

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1d3821  No.13075790


The black female is the face of (((their))) subversion/demoralization of the West.

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70d9cf  No.13075791

File: 7cbc0300b74a136⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 507x499, 507:499, 7cbc0300b74a1360d8139832ea….jpg)

File: ebb86ca0adda7af⋯.jpg (113.64 KB, 1080x1078, 540:539, hussein_who_dat_kid_doe.jpg)

File: 370cb94ad768299⋯.jpg (133.77 KB, 1040x1200, 13:15, hussein_wtf_1.jpg)

File: ba958c3503ea2e7⋯.jpg (938.43 KB, 1300x731, 1300:731, ba958c3503ea2e7d6e649b46ba….jpg)

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0c40ea  No.13075792


never ever voting again..

and I could give a shit about much else political now also..

i just like the anons here..

half chan is a mess..

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348a1f  No.13075793

File: bff78ee271d1dac⋯.jpeg (22.79 KB, 255x212, 255:212, bff78ee271d1dac316b9cf81a….jpeg)


now now

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36cf1b  No.13075794

File: dfa60bf275ef467⋯.jpeg (89.65 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1CF78353_FB80_455B_B805_E….jpeg)



Don’t the victors write history?

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07480e  No.13075795


I do. But it’s no where near the 150+ folks (a lot of them) he’s been trying to beat.

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7d9061  No.13075796


You think you earn them, huh?

They were always there, anon. You only needed to remember. >>13075767

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0d8704  No.13075797

File: 26aeaf8327457b1⋯.jpg (4.41 MB, 4891x3261, 4891:3261, wray3.jpg)


Here's another POS that we can thank Trump for.

This list of losers that Trump foisted on America is looooong.

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ec2d5f  No.13075798


I will laugh in the face of anyone who tries to tell me about voting, elections or especially Democracy!

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70d9cf  No.13075799

File: 58edcf68b22b0f6⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, kys_pls.jpg)


go be concerned and cry by yourself like a normal person faggot

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3990c7  No.13075800


I always voted. I am not going to vote any more. I am done.

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75ce6b  No.13075801

Patriots In Control

another day and jack squat nothing

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c81df0  No.13075802


2020 cannot get fixed unless 2022 happens.

All that's been tried so far demonstrates that.

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74f5ed  No.13075803


153 retweets, 2,502 retweets with comment, 420 likes.

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d86a11  No.13075804

NotablesAre not endorsements


>>13075094 Dough FINAL


>>13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>13075124, >>13075126, Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

>>13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

>>13075256 Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

>>13075295 Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

>>13075303 The #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT Research Thread has been Anchored.

>>13075318 Florida man sentenced to 170 years for sexually abusing a 5-year-old

>>13075328 POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

>>13075361 Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data

>>13075362 Biden Trump Comparison Vid (1 min)

>>13075370 Vatican RCC research file 3.0

>>13075405 Jenna Ellis Trump 2024 is trending number 1 in politics. He’s not going anywhere GOP

>>13075411 President Trump: U.S. Electoral System Needs Reforms

>>13075443 Who is Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, first in line to succeed Gov. Cuomo?

>>13075456 Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan won't run for U.S. Senate in 2022

>>13075477 Six ‘Proud Boys’ Indicted for Conspiring to Obstruct Congress during Jan. 6 Capitol Siege

>>13075516 After Leading School Closures, Berkeley Teachers' Union President Spotted Dropping Daughter Off at In-Person Preschool

>>13075540 Australia's Crown Resorts director quits over ties to billionaire shareholder

>>13075541 Lincoln Project saves face, kek

>>13075550, >>13075575 Former Trump Trade Official Peter Navarro Says There Will be at Least Three Indictments Coming from John Durham

>>13075577, >>13075588 Newt Gingrich says Trump has enormous control over the GOP, not even McConnell can try to fight him.

>>13075587 GO GO GO! ONLY 2.5 HOURS LEFT TO BE A FOUNDING MEMBER! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

>>13075590 WaPo Fact-Checker Gets Hilariously Fact-Checked After Dissing Trump's CPAC Speech

>>13075597, >>13074096 pb, >>13075487, >>13075628, >>13075770 U.S.Army @DCComics announced that Johnson would be the writer on DC’s Superman and Action Comics

>>13075641 They Have Betrayed the Constitution – Overwhelming Evidence of FBI Corruption

>>13075652 Remembering WACO, Texas tweet from ATF HQ comms?

>>13075703 No fringe on CPAC flag this year

>>13075750 Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray Testifies on January 6 Capitol Attack - LIVE at 10am ET on C-SPAN3


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c5394c  No.13075805

File: 39f85d574ed5c34⋯.png (843.26 KB, 720x479, 720:479, Oath.png)


It means taking an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In this case specifically related to Article II, Section 1.

Article II

Section 1

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.

The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:– I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

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0b19c4  No.13075806


>All that's been tried so far demonstrates that.

Except martial law

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f45adb  No.13075807


Gaetz or Noem before McCarthy.

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4d8809  No.13075808


4 people died compared to 10 of 1000's of Military fighting un-necessary wars brought on by corrupt politicians and a C_A asset all for the Benjamins

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fc74ef  No.13075810

File: 7fd18fda8a4a63c⋯.png (219.58 KB, 775x581, 775:581, npc_crying_and_NO.png)

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70d9cf  No.13075811

File: ad197e871591b38⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, oathfrens.mp4)

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8241a4  No.13075813

>>13075802 Throw out the rule book. They cheat. Fool me twice shame on me.

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c81df0  No.13075815

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348a1f  No.13075816

File: d1ad306d5f2f279⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4vgz7g.jpg)

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e3e5de  No.13075818


of course not. you are a bot script assigned to repeat that over and over again far and wide.

no one cares.

do what you want.

it's a free country.

even if you don't vote it will be a free country.

ignorant people like you should do the rest of us a favor and not vote.

so bravo.

now shut up about it.

wait: you are a botted script.

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273a96  No.13075819


Actually think this may be comms regarding Army/NG military activity domestically. Some tweets just catch me odd. This is one of them.

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6fb8f7  No.13075821



It's 'cavalry', brainlet. Easy to see why this is all wat over your pointy little head

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70d9cf  No.13075823

File: 0e01e25d4a1cb4a⋯.jpeg (35.99 KB, 381x480, 127:160, whitehatsmirks_flotusluv.jpeg)

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268f27  No.13075824

File: fb09e3fb8615d2b⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 20cc7500e22ed5d3b360fc0359….jpg)


I kinda does look bad for POTUS and all who supported him.

I am no fucking shill but a lot of people are going to have a lot of issues from all of that mess

and fuck those frackers detroying my fucking clean fishing streams and hunting grounds….but hell we need more gas to sell to China???

Get you mom the vaccine and stfu

we'll all be better for just obeying our overlords, paying taxes, and scrolling through facebook and amazon.

Oh and don't forget Walmart has a sale on funny F you liberal covid masks on weds.

better get there early so you don't get trampled by a fucking herd of sheep

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0d8704  No.13075825

File: 6ef5e0e6965b153⋯.jpg (16.2 KB, 320x209, 320:209, michbitch.jpg)


>The black female is the face of (((their))) subversion/demoralization of the West.

Because not only is the American black female the ugliest possible female of the human species, she is also of the nastiest temperament .. hard to find an American nigress who isn't a cunt.

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7af801  No.13075826

File: 97ebc28de0b397c⋯.png (390.75 KB, 500x330, 50:33, ClipboardImage.png)


boo kek

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9c1a65  No.13075828


What did it take for you to wake up? I've got grown kids who fucking oblivious still. Think dad is just crazy.

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7d9061  No.13075829



You think they're 150+?

That's hilarious. Intelligent people do their damnedest to avoid the limelight.

What you see on the TV is merely people with high verbal IQs who've been coached to present malleable frames to the proles.

If they're on a TV, they're an actor, anon. We've a very refined fabrication apparatus these days due to the likes of Mockingbird.

You're much more capable than you realize.

Besides, IQ isn't all that there is. It's a fraction of competence. Things like perseverance and plasticity go a lot further, in the end. Stupid people outperform someone like you or I entirely by accident daily.

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07480e  No.13075830


Why then?

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3911a2  No.13075831

File: cf9be7ba1704b81⋯.png (148.43 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20210228_185538.png)

File: 27403f50643500a⋯.png (136.56 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20210228_185545.png)

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c5394c  No.13075832

File: 31a8468deb23492⋯.png (996.79 KB, 791x522, 791:522, StormShift_A26_1.png)

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15c0c9  No.13075834

File: 597e9d5b0ce2077⋯.png (129.62 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, d21c275d9b4c3e3712159dc335….png)

File: 56b4176e1bb6537⋯.jpg (79.55 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, fffcf7b989a8bd73304c982189….jpg)


When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

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e3e5de  No.13075835


you keep doing the same donk

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000000  No.13075836


You're insane. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

And you're wrong…

Military Intervention.

(See Also: Myanmar)

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d86a11  No.13075837


>>13075809 OP

>>13075833 BREAD


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000000  No.13075838


"The definition of a fool is someone who does the same thing over and over again expecting different results" - looking at you Anon.

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268f27  No.13075839

fuck this shit

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c81df0  No.13075840



they did not.

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23aac9  No.13075841

File: 09efc2420c97046⋯.png (301.27 KB, 580x366, 290:183, ClipboardImage.png)

So NZ get the vaccine

then the fires start!

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69d65d  No.13075842


The psyop is complete

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a670d6  No.13075843

File: 3de44a5e29fe095⋯.png (499.35 KB, 645x1777, 645:1777, Screenshot_2021_02_28_ATF_….png)

File: b2da0bc986d0fcc⋯.png (617.58 KB, 640x2004, 160:501, Screenshot_2021_02_28_ATF_….png)

File: a39c82dafed4ee0⋯.png (503.77 KB, 638x2173, 638:2173, Screenshot_2021_02_28_ATF_….png)



twat fags are not having it

how retarded do you have to be to tweet that.

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07480e  No.13075844


Muh bad. Soon I’ll stop.

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0c40ea  No.13075845


I aint concerned or crying..

actually feels good to be detached form is all.

I have absolutely given up all hope for a better future and except that I am just along for the ride..

Its freeing to say the least.

front row seats for the big show .. burn montherfucker burn

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8b2472  No.13075846

POTUS on fox at 9 ( central?) Sauce?

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4d5fd8  No.13075847


Pick is missing the gravel sharpened by the janitor.

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d86a11  No.13075848


You musk stick


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7d9061  No.13075849

File: 9ea093fcc4f5e3c⋯.gif (78.15 KB, 227x533, 227:533, 1592586804387.gif)


Just how sure are you about that?

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b6803a  No.13075850


no need to promise me anything

i don;t give a fuck about you and your black pill

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70d9cf  No.13075851

File: a3c52fd1463c24c⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 538x251, 538:251, a3c52fd1463c24c3e655b03cbb….jpg)

File: 4ded871a35a9420⋯.png (53.45 KB, 650x380, 65:38, breitbart_podesta_tweet.png)

File: c529476b5d56844⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1827x1080, 203:120, EdYkA2SXsAIc5Ar.png)

File: b8fd11d637e72a5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1824x1080, 76:45, EdYkA19XgAMGzNl.png)

File: 48523dff740fb98⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1564x1564, 1:1, EdYjwHSXgAse3ww.jpg)



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c81df0  No.13075852


It's not the same.

See this:


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3911a2  No.13075854

File: 7576ab1a9e2125a⋯.png (235.41 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20210228_185747.png)

File: 7ea21a580ff8205⋯.png (132.22 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20210228_185808.png)

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d86a11  No.13075855


>>13075809 OP

>>13075833 BREAD


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a29fcd  No.13075856

Patriots Are Not In Control


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b6803a  No.13075857

File: 0bbf292dddfc54b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1014x585, 26:15, bidanbiden64.png)


well that's a lie

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7d9061  No.13075858


You think you're the only one ready to move on, anon?

Plenty have been waiting for decades.

You're just new.

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fcb596  No.13075859


The Precipice = The Black Pill for many.

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6fb8f7  No.13075860


McConnell will be out on his ass and drooling on his lunch tray when all this is over. It will be like he was never even there

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cf3f9f  No.13075861

File: 841cff0b2c82f04⋯.jpg (324.79 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, IMG_7474.JPG)

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e3e5de  No.13075862


your tired methods are transparent.

you have no eyes.

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4d8809  No.13075863



I would love to see what a "QAnon" crowd looks like…kek

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07480e  No.13075864


Worst meme ever in here. He was commending him. Eric wants his cock. Watch the video. Trump has no balls.

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ec2d5f  No.13075865


Not one in ten enlisting (and swore to it) ever read it. Not one in a hundred, sworn to it are conversant. Never once discussed in Basic Training thirty years ago. Ya telling me things are different TODAY!?!

So the oath is really fucking weak. Nice sentiment, but weak as shit. Just say’n

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70d9cf  No.13075866


kek o7, God protects those who keep the faith despite the pain and sorrow. You have a good heart, I can feel it! stay strong.

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3990c7  No.13075867

File: b61a619a295c78f⋯.png (129.87 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b68d4  No.13075868


Good Lord. I am a very regular anon. Shouldn't even be here but yet here I am.

I just see patterns and hear patterns and bring them to the detail guys. I guess this whole shit show is just going to flame out in an "anon" love fest complete with "patches"

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348a1f  No.13075870

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d86a11  No.13075871


Your id matches your self portrait

Someone telling you to musk up?


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b6803a  No.13075872

File: 97af0ec03c4bbd8⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1800x555, 120:37, cuomovstrump95.png)


shill team

hot on the trail of Trump hate.

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9101f5  No.13075873


Would love to hear from Eric what was actually said in that moment.

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000000  No.13075874


We did this already. You provided a theory. The theory PROVES nothing. Until there is UNDENIABL TRANSPARENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY…NO election going forward matters.


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