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File: 5fb27466af532ce⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 255x143, 255:143, fd8ba7e0d63df7d7c0098fa309….jpg)

d86a11  No.13075065[View All]

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273a96  No.13075819


Actually think this may be comms regarding Army/NG military activity domestically. Some tweets just catch me odd. This is one of them.

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6fb8f7  No.13075821



It's 'cavalry', brainlet. Easy to see why this is all wat over your pointy little head

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70d9cf  No.13075823

File: 0e01e25d4a1cb4a⋯.jpeg (35.99 KB, 381x480, 127:160, whitehatsmirks_flotusluv.jpeg)

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268f27  No.13075824

File: fb09e3fb8615d2b⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 20cc7500e22ed5d3b360fc0359….jpg)


I kinda does look bad for POTUS and all who supported him.

I am no fucking shill but a lot of people are going to have a lot of issues from all of that mess

and fuck those frackers detroying my fucking clean fishing streams and hunting grounds….but hell we need more gas to sell to China???

Get you mom the vaccine and stfu

we'll all be better for just obeying our overlords, paying taxes, and scrolling through facebook and amazon.

Oh and don't forget Walmart has a sale on funny F you liberal covid masks on weds.

better get there early so you don't get trampled by a fucking herd of sheep

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0d8704  No.13075825

File: 6ef5e0e6965b153⋯.jpg (16.2 KB, 320x209, 320:209, michbitch.jpg)


>The black female is the face of (((their))) subversion/demoralization of the West.

Because not only is the American black female the ugliest possible female of the human species, she is also of the nastiest temperament .. hard to find an American nigress who isn't a cunt.

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7af801  No.13075826

File: 97ebc28de0b397c⋯.png (390.75 KB, 500x330, 50:33, ClipboardImage.png)


boo kek

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9c1a65  No.13075828


What did it take for you to wake up? I've got grown kids who fucking oblivious still. Think dad is just crazy.

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7d9061  No.13075829



You think they're 150+?

That's hilarious. Intelligent people do their damnedest to avoid the limelight.

What you see on the TV is merely people with high verbal IQs who've been coached to present malleable frames to the proles.

If they're on a TV, they're an actor, anon. We've a very refined fabrication apparatus these days due to the likes of Mockingbird.

You're much more capable than you realize.

Besides, IQ isn't all that there is. It's a fraction of competence. Things like perseverance and plasticity go a lot further, in the end. Stupid people outperform someone like you or I entirely by accident daily.

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07480e  No.13075830


Why then?

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3911a2  No.13075831

File: cf9be7ba1704b81⋯.png (148.43 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20210228_185538.png)

File: 27403f50643500a⋯.png (136.56 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20210228_185545.png)

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c5394c  No.13075832

File: 31a8468deb23492⋯.png (996.79 KB, 791x522, 791:522, StormShift_A26_1.png)

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15c0c9  No.13075834

File: 597e9d5b0ce2077⋯.png (129.62 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, d21c275d9b4c3e3712159dc335….png)

File: 56b4176e1bb6537⋯.jpg (79.55 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, fffcf7b989a8bd73304c982189….jpg)


When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

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e3e5de  No.13075835


you keep doing the same donk

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000000  No.13075836


You're insane. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

And you're wrong…

Military Intervention.

(See Also: Myanmar)

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d86a11  No.13075837


>>13075809 OP

>>13075833 BREAD


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000000  No.13075838


"The definition of a fool is someone who does the same thing over and over again expecting different results" - looking at you Anon.

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268f27  No.13075839

fuck this shit

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c81df0  No.13075840



they did not.

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23aac9  No.13075841

File: 09efc2420c97046⋯.png (301.27 KB, 580x366, 290:183, ClipboardImage.png)

So NZ get the vaccine

then the fires start!

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69d65d  No.13075842


The psyop is complete

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a670d6  No.13075843

File: 3de44a5e29fe095⋯.png (499.35 KB, 645x1777, 645:1777, Screenshot_2021_02_28_ATF_….png)

File: b2da0bc986d0fcc⋯.png (617.58 KB, 640x2004, 160:501, Screenshot_2021_02_28_ATF_….png)

File: a39c82dafed4ee0⋯.png (503.77 KB, 638x2173, 638:2173, Screenshot_2021_02_28_ATF_….png)



twat fags are not having it

how retarded do you have to be to tweet that.

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07480e  No.13075844


Muh bad. Soon I’ll stop.

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0c40ea  No.13075845


I aint concerned or crying..

actually feels good to be detached form is all.

I have absolutely given up all hope for a better future and except that I am just along for the ride..

Its freeing to say the least.

front row seats for the big show .. burn montherfucker burn

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8b2472  No.13075846

POTUS on fox at 9 ( central?) Sauce?

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4d5fd8  No.13075847


Pick is missing the gravel sharpened by the janitor.

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d86a11  No.13075848


You musk stick


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7d9061  No.13075849

File: 9ea093fcc4f5e3c⋯.gif (78.15 KB, 227x533, 227:533, 1592586804387.gif)


Just how sure are you about that?

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b6803a  No.13075850


no need to promise me anything

i don;t give a fuck about you and your black pill

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70d9cf  No.13075851

File: a3c52fd1463c24c⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 538x251, 538:251, a3c52fd1463c24c3e655b03cbb….jpg)

File: 4ded871a35a9420⋯.png (53.45 KB, 650x380, 65:38, breitbart_podesta_tweet.png)

File: c529476b5d56844⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1827x1080, 203:120, EdYkA2SXsAIc5Ar.png)

File: b8fd11d637e72a5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1824x1080, 76:45, EdYkA19XgAMGzNl.png)

File: 48523dff740fb98⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1564x1564, 1:1, EdYjwHSXgAse3ww.jpg)



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c81df0  No.13075852


It's not the same.

See this:


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3911a2  No.13075854

File: 7576ab1a9e2125a⋯.png (235.41 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20210228_185747.png)

File: 7ea21a580ff8205⋯.png (132.22 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20210228_185808.png)

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d86a11  No.13075855


>>13075809 OP

>>13075833 BREAD


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a29fcd  No.13075856

Patriots Are Not In Control


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b6803a  No.13075857

File: 0bbf292dddfc54b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1014x585, 26:15, bidanbiden64.png)


well that's a lie

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7d9061  No.13075858


You think you're the only one ready to move on, anon?

Plenty have been waiting for decades.

You're just new.

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fcb596  No.13075859


The Precipice = The Black Pill for many.

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6fb8f7  No.13075860


McConnell will be out on his ass and drooling on his lunch tray when all this is over. It will be like he was never even there

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cf3f9f  No.13075861

File: 841cff0b2c82f04⋯.jpg (324.79 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, IMG_7474.JPG)

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e3e5de  No.13075862


your tired methods are transparent.

you have no eyes.

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4d8809  No.13075863



I would love to see what a "QAnon" crowd looks like…kek

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07480e  No.13075864


Worst meme ever in here. He was commending him. Eric wants his cock. Watch the video. Trump has no balls.

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ec2d5f  No.13075865


Not one in ten enlisting (and swore to it) ever read it. Not one in a hundred, sworn to it are conversant. Never once discussed in Basic Training thirty years ago. Ya telling me things are different TODAY!?!

So the oath is really fucking weak. Nice sentiment, but weak as shit. Just say’n

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70d9cf  No.13075866


kek o7, God protects those who keep the faith despite the pain and sorrow. You have a good heart, I can feel it! stay strong.

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3990c7  No.13075867

File: b61a619a295c78f⋯.png (129.87 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b68d4  No.13075868


Good Lord. I am a very regular anon. Shouldn't even be here but yet here I am.

I just see patterns and hear patterns and bring them to the detail guys. I guess this whole shit show is just going to flame out in an "anon" love fest complete with "patches"

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348a1f  No.13075870

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d86a11  No.13075871


Your id matches your self portrait

Someone telling you to musk up?


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b6803a  No.13075872

File: 97af0ec03c4bbd8⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1800x555, 120:37, cuomovstrump95.png)


shill team

hot on the trail of Trump hate.

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9101f5  No.13075873


Would love to hear from Eric what was actually said in that moment.

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000000  No.13075874


We did this already. You provided a theory. The theory PROVES nothing. Until there is UNDENIABL TRANSPARENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY…NO election going forward matters.


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