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File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Q_research_GOLD_TRAJAN.png)

7fabc9 No.19531794 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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7fabc9 No.19531798

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

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>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50



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>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed

>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto

>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X new


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

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>>19531408 Moar Antifa SMASH and GRABS…coming to a city near you! Macy's in Los Angeles robbed by gang of thieves escaping with $20,000 of perfume

>>19531412 Disney Unveils More Authentic California Adventure Park Featuring Homeless Campsite

>>19531433 US government shutdown threatens economic risk


>>19531437 Haiti gangs announce a blanket death sentence for disabled children, tell families "kill them or we will."

>>19531450 US govt to launch SMART ePANTS and other computerized clothing to SPY ON Americans' bodies

>>19531467 Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department 'Forces that Could Move to Benghazi' Immediately

>>19531492 Warroom update

>>19531499 School suspends first-grader for pretending fingers were a gun during game of cops and robbers

>>19531526 Ukraine’s counter-offensive is stalling

>>19531539 Nearly 70% of Americans Oppose Allowing Males to Compete in Female Sports

>>19531559 Democrats Complain That Illegal Immigrants Are Destroying Their Sanctuary Cities

>>19531565 California Lawmakers Vote To Remove Kids From Any Parents Who Don’t Support Severing Their Genitals

>>19531677 Blind eye? Feds received waves of warnings about Hunter Biden but delivered no consequences

>>19531652 DHS has limited ability to accurately track migrants’ post-release addresses: IG report

>>19531743 The Legitimization of Child Abuse

>>19531785 #23987-B

#23987-A >>19531125

9/11 BUN

>>19531250 Jill B on 9/11

>>19531264, >>19531308 Scavino video showing rebuilding after 9/11

>>19531282 Hard to find video re-emerges - 9/11/2001 of firefighters warning locals THERE IS A BOMB IN THE BUILDING, vacate the area - #NEVERFORGET

>>19531302 9/11 truth in FIVE MINUTES

>>19531266, >>19531313 KISS OF DEATH? Joe "Potato King" Biden Kisses John McCain’s Memorial in Vietnam

>>19531404, >>19530994 lb Why dustification after 9/11 bldg's collapse?

>>19531591 Former NYPD commissioner excoriates Biden for skipping 9/11 ceremonies, Mayorkas for showing up

>>19531596 'Tater Delivers Remarks on the Anniversary of 9/11

>>19531642 Remember when the media tried to tell us that these are exactly the same thing?


>>19531171 “We Did It In a Small Town!” -- Anti-Trump Communist Scumbags in Chicago Suburb Unlawfully Assemble and Burn American Flags Ouside Jason Aldean Concert

>>19531189 Potential UAW Strike Could Plunge Michigan Into Recession, Yet Biden Administration Remains 'Not Worried'

>>19531178 LGBTQ activists stormed Speaker McCarthy’s office at the Capitol - will they get the same treatment as J6'ers?

>>19531189 Potential UAW Strike Could Plunge Michigan Into Recession, Yet Biden Admin is 'Not Worried'

>>19531190 FBI and IRS Launch Coordinated Raid on Duval Teachers Union Office in Jacksonville, Florida

>>19531194 Newsom Says He Will Pick a Caretaker for Feinstein's Senate Seat

>>19531200 FDA Commies approves updated Fuck Americans, Kill'em Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna

>>19531201 Former Zelensky Administration Officials Accused Z of Money Laundering, Stealing American Money, Persecuting Opponents And More

>>19531205 How Much Is The Ruling Class Willing To Bend BREAK The Rules To Stop Trump?

>>19531208, >>19531220 Irate family called police on Biden Energy SecyJennifer Granholm's team for blocking charging station spot for her electric car

>>19531223 RFK Jr. Names The Three Major Corporations He Thinks Control The World And How They're Screwing Us

>>19531226, >>19531482 DJT on how United Autoworkers will go out of business if Biden is allowed to pull off his ELECTRIC CAR HOAX

>>19531229 Anon collects alleged attempts on Trump's life - DIG CALL for more sauce

>>19531230 Elon Musk Brands Creepy Bill Gates an ‘Asshole to the Core’ for Betting Against Tesla Stock

>>19531237 TRAITORS: ‘This Is Sad’: U.S. Open Dumps ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ for Finals Matches

>>19531242 Canada PM Trudeau Stranded In India After Plane Breaks Down

>>19531254 Nicolás Maduro Visits China to Seek Financial Aid and Support to Join BRICS

>>19531273 @8thPSYOPgroup doing what they do best.

>>19531283 Obama on Moroccan earthquake

>>19531289 NATO Begins War Games in Baltic Sea, Simulate Attack on Russia

>>19531294 A look back at August 2023 at the Biden-Harris White House

>>19531339 Biden Says He Does Not Want To ‘Contain’ China

>>19531361 Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles

>>19531394 The housing bubble is now acknowledged as a built-up bubble, leading to a potential explosive boom

>>19531399 Meta deletes Al Jazeera presenter’s profile after show criticising Israel

>>19531778 #23987-A

#23986 >>19530305

>>19530350, >>19530368, >>19530426, >>19530423, >>19530432, >>19530476, >>19530480, >>19530536, >>19530560, >>19530657, >>19530726, >>19530788,

>>19530755, >>19530913, >>19530959, >>19530963, >>19531086 911 pics, vids and stories

>>19530333, >>19530351, >>19530362, >>19530392, >>19530509, >>19530510 Hatter = Marty Torrey Email re: Israeli Elections

>>19530415, >>19530439 Left-wing activists are currently protesting and occupying Speaker McCarthy’s office

>>19530451 The Post 9/11 weaponization of the US Gov't

>>19530459 Moscow should suspend diplomatic relations with EU -- Medvedev

>>19530489 A food poisoning spate connected to 11 Calgary-area daycares is believed by some to be the largest serious E. coli outbreak of children under the age of five ever reported.

>>19530525, >>19530538, >>19530545 Trump A Modern Cyrus // Jonathan Cahn???

>>19530540 Kamala Harris Smiles and Giggles at 9/11 Memorial Ceremony as Biden Heads to Alaska

>>19530554 @MELANIATRUMP #NeverForget 🇺🇸

>>19530557 How strange to see Joe Biden kissing NoNames memorial.

>>19530578, >>19530642 The Gov’t Is Going to: "Increase The Number & Intensity Of The Extreme Weather Events & Be Wary - We’re Going To Be - Using All The Resources Available To The Government To Do It"

>>19530592 Call your Senator TODAY - They are voting this week: AB 659, the bill that A Voice for Choice Advocacy has been working hard to get amended throughout this CA legislative session. It started as an HPV vaccine mandate for schools

>>19530629 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>19530644 U.S. Strategic Competition With China Council on Foreign Relations

>>19530715 QClock September 11, 2023 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET

>>19530716 Blinken contradicts Ukraine on peace negotiations

>>19530751, >>19530822 Weapons from ‘Ukrainian Frontline’ Reportedly Seized by Police from ‘New IRA’ Terrorists in Northern Ireland"

>>19530777 MOSSAD is short for…

>>19530795, >>19531028 Ammunition Manufacturer Fires Back at Gov. Grisham: Offers Free Deliveries to all New Mexico Customers with Special Promo Code, “F*ck Off, Gov. Grisham”

>>19530870, >>19531007 Coup of September 11, 1973. President of the Republic of Chile.

>>19530916, >>19531059 DOJ Quietly Drops FARA Case Against Flynn Business Partner After Judge Tosses Conviction For Insufficient Evidence

>>19530968 Joe Biden’s Shameful Silence on 9/11 Anniversary

>>19530989 Tear Drop Memorial Russian expression of grief: The huge bronze-clad monument was a gift from Russia to the US and is located on a remote stretch of waterfront with Manhattan as the backdrop.

>>19531000 Two Tier Justice czech it

>>19531011 @USMC 9/11

>>19531044 Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given

>>19531079 Sweden: New Dystopian DIGITAL ID

>>19531109 #23986

#23985 >>19529493

>>19529630 PF updates

>>19529536, >>19529542, >>19529547, >>19529581, >>19529690, >>19529730, >>19529763, >>19529778, >>19529779, >>19529783, >>19529800, >>19529824, >>19529857, >>19529874, >>19529878, >>19529899, >>19529903, >>19529920, >>19529927, >>19529959, >>19530032, >>19530052, >>19530086, >>19530264 911 pics, vids and stories

>>19529500 22 years ago terrorists tried to take down RudyG as he was America's Mayor, Today the CCP Cabal is trying to take him down for exposing their illegal 2020 election.

>>19529517, >>19529654 Rumsfeld gave a speech on Sept. 10, 2001, unable to track $2.3 trillion in transactions (23)

>>19529519, >>19529623 Frank & Beanz LIVE on Gov.Michelle Lujan Grisham proclamation plus

>>19529576 @USArmyCMH Remembering those who died on September 11, 2001.

>>19529592 End Times News

>>19529603 ‘Future Is Digital’ --- EU Chief Calls for Global Digital IDs and New U.N. Body to Govern Artificial Intelligence

>>19529646, >>19529673 Ken Paxton Impeachment trail starts in 15 minutes

>>19529669 Flight 93 Memorial Ceremony

>>19529685 Legal abortions increasing across U.S. despite new restrictions post-Dobbs

>>19529707 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Beautiful Comet Nishimura

>>19529712 Hawaii’s Housing Chief Resigns after Confrontation over Potential State Land Grab

>>19529721 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives!

>>19529722 China said that a US citizen jailed for life for espionage lured Chinese officials into bugged hotels and used “honey traps” to blackmail them into spying for Washington.

>>19529735 Unelected communists can kiss our collective asses.


>>19529742, >>19529745, >>19529748 Trudeau scolded by Modi

>>19529756, >>19529760, >>19529770, >>19529867, >>19529884 What was the blackmail routine before Epstein? Heffner?

>>19529759 President Names Kissinger to Lead 9/11 Commission

>>19529808 Five Russian "Doomsday Planes" In The Air Shut Off Transponders Mid-flight

>>19529809 @realDonaldTrump WE WILL NEVER FORGET!

>>19529886 moar Make Sunsets diggz

>>19529906, >>19530073 5th Circuit court JUST UPHELD Missouri v Biden and ruled that the following people CAN NO LONGER:...

>>19529950 Mysterious moonquake traced to Apollo 17 lunar lander base

>>19529958 Refusing To Comply With Future Mask Mandates Isn’t Enough. We Need A Federal Ban

>>19529980 Nikki Haley says America is at war with China.

>>19529985, >>19530171 The 28 Pages show that two 9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi intelligence rented a room from an FBI informant in California before the 2001 attacks/Mueller

>>19529998 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAR SWEET JESUS CHRIST! A son is born! ???

>>19529999, >>19530002 22 Years Later Edition - The Siege Continues, CBDC's

>>19530127 @realDonaldTrump 11:46 PM · Sep 10, 2019 Trump 2024

>>19530137 IMPEACH JOE BIDEN Memes to Twit

>>19530141 Musk: I am a citizen of the United States and have only that passport. No matter what happens, I will fight for and die in America.


>>19530166 Nancy Pelosi Gets Completely Overwhelmed & Loses Control As An Entire Audience Of Latino People Yell “YOU’RE A LIAR”

>>19530204 Kombucha: Ally for Moon and Mars

>>19530238 @JudicialWatch sued for and obtained the Pentagon parking camera footage of AA#77 hitting the Pentagon.

>>19530285 #23985

Previously Collected

>>19528582 #23983, >>19529476 #23984

>>19526007 #23980, >>19526601 #23981, >>19528055 #23982

>>19523716 #23977, >>19524465 #23978, >>19525264 #23979

>>19522381 #23974, >>19522384 #23975, >>19522898 #23976

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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7fabc9 No.19531807

File: b9b645e91e98403⋯.png (91.15 KB,296x164,74:41,American_patriots.png)



Baker must leave, BREAD IS GHOSTED


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a18647 No.19531814

that baker wasn't fucking playin around lol

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860dee No.19531815

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a37d95 No.19531816

File: 2ea74366afd118d⋯.png (511.62 KB,710x845,142:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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918d38 No.19531817

File: 408c3acbe899495⋯.jpg (11.69 KB,241x209,241:209,408c3acbe8994956053078f715….jpg)

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e31fbd No.19531818

File: 98deba6c9a0dd88⋯.png (706.31 KB,960x638,480:319,ClipboardImage.png)


kAnd you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.

9 l“You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.

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a37d95 No.19531819

File: 167211a89d42436⋯.png (455.65 KB,710x442,355:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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860dee No.19531820

File: 243cf8da62631f1⋯.png (499.07 KB,749x500,749:500,Do_you_even_Q.png)

Post your SPAM early, get filtered early….. comfy af…

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88c666 No.19531821

File: 729904e9afc6a01⋯.png (263.4 KB,949x967,949:967,729904e9afc6a017c66f41864c….png)

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eab639 No.19531822

File: 86d9ea195f20a11⋯.jpg (17.85 KB,300x198,50:33,a1214cfb6c3a45cddef0123358….jpg)



Molech figurine in the Pentagon. Molech is a fallen angel. In ancient times children were sacrificed to it. Today this is probably still true, and accounts also for abortions.

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9cef86 No.19531823

File: 303688add6821d3⋯.png (463.17 KB,1139x803,1139:803,ClipboardImage.png)

They are determined to kill us all.

Beef Company CEO Stands Up To Big Pharma: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”


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ff37cc No.19531824

File: b8812927d02b29f⋯.png (73.63 KB,1186x318,593:159,Screen_Shot_2023_09_11_at_….png)


tranime infiltration detected

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f47078 No.19531825

Biden ain't in Alaska.

Supposed live feed of Biden from Anchorage that just aired showed sunny skies and no wind because safety ribbins hanging on helo were barely twitching..

Today in Anchorage it is overcast and 5mph light breeze.

I remember he was here about a month ago and they said it was for a 911 event, because it made no sense at the time..

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a18647 No.19531826


Ask your doctor if "The Filter" is right for (you)

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1be492 No.19531828

File: 749185c0d6f9558⋯.jpg (170.43 KB,1080x778,540:389,Screenshot_20230910_102435….jpg)

File: 31b5debb868a14f⋯.png (156.34 KB,500x500,1:1,31b5debb868a14f6358b5d0269….png)

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1bb0bd No.19531829

I didn’t think MoName was hung either.

I thought he was executed by injection, just like GHWB.

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1bb0bd No.19531831

I am going to bed.

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f3e2d8 No.19531832

File: 0ebb7debbf3be02⋯.png (16.84 KB,613x151,613:151,trump_stop_world_killing.png)

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a18647 No.19531835

File: 41c645b1a2f4199⋯.jpg (51.61 KB,640x400,8:5,fake_and_ghey_ish.jpg)

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2e18e8 No.19531836

>>19531235 lb

>>19531243 lb

Funny how for the 20th 9/11 Anniversary,we were all a bunch of racists for marking the day ...

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1be492 No.19531838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e31fbd No.19531839

File: 3522b034f436d36⋯.png (421.88 KB,960x638,480:319,ClipboardImage.png)

x“You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk. https://youtu.be/Ui7AM-OqBGw

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918d38 No.19531840

File: ab78f0ebb153e12⋯.jpeg (16.56 KB,228x255,76:85,ab78f0ebb153e12cdfbdfd760….jpeg)


Tell us moar

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6f5923 No.19531842

>>19531505 (LB)

28 That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy foundation shall be laid.

45 Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut;

Isaiah 44:28,Isaiah 45:1 - KJV

Isaiah wrote that prophecy some 150 years before Cyrus was born.

He was counseled by his wise men he was mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures,

and according to some historians from long ago he acted to fulfill them accordingly,

setting forth to conquer Babylon and set the Jews free.

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6efc79 No.19531843

File: 4e552a3f2404a94⋯.png (290.79 KB,1080x1080,1:1,656ebf371de628ddbcbfc783d3….png)

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9866dc No.19531844

ERO Chicago arrests 33 criminal noncitizens during nationwide operation

CHICAGO — On Sept. 8, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Chicago announced apprehending 33 removable noncitizens determined to be a threat to national security, public safety or border security during a nationwide enforcement operation from Aug. 4 to Aug. 25.

The operation addressed unlawfully present noncitizens with felonies or misdemeanors for domestic violence, sexual abuse or exploitation, unlawful possession or use of a firearm, drug distribution or trafficking, or driving under the influence, and noncitizens with an executable final order of removal who have unlawfully reentered the United States after having been previously removed.

Officers prioritized enforcement actions in accordance with the Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law issued by Secretary Mayorkas on Sept. 30, 2021, and reinstituted on June 28, 2023. These individuals were detained in ICE custody pending removal proceedings or removal from the United States.

Those arrested include:

A 53-year-old Mexican national in Oak Lawn, Illinois convicted of predatory criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual abuse.

A 42-year-old Mexican national arrested in Chicago who was convicted of calculated criminal drug conspiracy, aggravated discharge of a firearm and illegal reentry into the U.S.

A 35-year-old previously removed Honduran national arrested in Brownsburg, Indiana and convicted on two counts of burglary and sexual misconduct with a minor.

A 37-year-old previously removed Mexican national arrested in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and convicted of manufacturing and delivering Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

A 57-year-old previously removed Mexican national arrested in Northlake, Illinois and convicted twice of felony manslaughter and aggravated assault.

ERO officers carefully evaluated individuals on a case-by-case basis, assessing the totality of the facts and circumstances to make informed arrest determinations. Those cases amenable to federal criminal prosecution may be presented to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. ERO will also appropriately coordinate with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to evaluate completion of relevant noncitizen application(s). 

Noncitizens placed into removal proceedings receive their legal due process from federal immigration judges in the immigration courts, which are administered by the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). EOIR is an agency within the U.S. Department of Justice and is separate from the Department of Homeland Security and ICE. Immigration judges in these courts make decisions based on the merits of each individual case. ICE officers carry out the removal decisions made by the federal immigration judges.

In fiscal year 2022, ERO arrested 46,396 noncitizens with criminal histories. This group had 198,498 associated charges and convictions, including 21,531 assault offenses; 8,164 sex and sexual assault offenses; 5,554 weapons offenses; 1,501 homicide-related offenses; and 1,114 kidnapping offenses.


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4dc12c No.19531845

File: 3b2a9df9197cc64⋯.jpg (5.02 MB,2560x2560,1:1,hd444.jpg)

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a37d95 No.19531846

File: d206faf13564681⋯.png (1.6 MB,1125x1116,125:124,ClipboardImage.png)

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406956 No.19531847

File: 9072b0df257ee3d⋯.png (1.28 MB,1353x884,1353:884,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9125de67ba65405⋯.png (67.06 KB,907x1200,907:1200,ClipboardImage.png)


@Lucius D. Clay Kaserne

General Lucius Dubignon Clay (April 23, 1898 – April 16, 1978) was a senior officer of the United States Army who was known for his administration of occupied Germany after World War II.[1] He served as the deputy to General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1945; deputy military governor, Germany, in 1946; Commander in Chief, United States Forces in Europe and military governor of the United States Zone, Germany, from 1947 to 1949. Clay orchestrated the Berlin Airlift (1948–1949) when the USSR blockaded West Berlin.

Fucking hooknosed Mongrel Jewbrat!

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996d1a No.19531849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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f4e146 No.19531850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What a joke these lawyers and fake witnesses are.

Dan Patrick is also a maroon.

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0a729d No.19531851


it wasn't old age, tho

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24da7e No.19531853


Maybe he was injected. And then electrocuted, drawn and quartered.

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7953c0 No.19531854

File: 8512eace82902bf⋯.jpg (33.08 KB,527x396,527:396,breadtyb.jpg)


…Thank you, Baker.

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1a73d7 No.19531855

Why is last bread locked at 583 posts?

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59e17e No.19531856


They never thought she would lose.

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2c1ba9 No.19531857


Where's the FDA?

Isn't it their job to prevent adulterated food in the food supply?

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eab639 No.19531859

File: e962b5828526b0d⋯.png (463.02 KB,598x602,299:301,Screenshot_2023_09_11_at_1….png)

File: aa721e74c62cad3⋯.jpg (147.17 KB,1348x900,337:225,F5wbK53XgAACdUm.jpg)



This morning, the #FBI held a ceremony in remembrance of the 2,977 victims who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, and the 30 FBI employees who have passed away as a result of their work on a 9/11 crash site. Read more about their service


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95390a No.19531861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Not So Occult Symbolism at Burning Man 2023

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9866dc No.19531862

1994 article by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson:

"Slav, Russian, can be destroyed but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers."

"The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us. The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, "illegally" taken away from them, and so on."

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04df75 No.19531863

File: 90ebddfe448e279⋯.png (125.82 KB,225x224,225:224,ClipboardImage.png)


>They never thought she would lose.

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a18647 No.19531864

File: f01c3433dec3fc1⋯.jpg (347.92 KB,2022x1046,1011:523,our_democracy_celebration_.jpg)

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860dee No.19531866

File: a354eca9587f880⋯.mp4 (7.45 MB,720x720,1:1,Dog_Ancient_Husky_Melody.mp4)

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3b4bfd No.19531867


Trump and Q helped awaken billions around the world, I guess if we do not win in 2024 then it's really over, this place will not be worth the time and energy, the final light on this earth will fade, evil would have defeated light…

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1bbbe5 No.19531868

>>19531705 lb

>following this mantra

Of which mantra do you speak?

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d4d7bf No.19531869

File: a2b14167c3a6820⋯.png (1.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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88273e No.19531870

File: 8e908a74da899f9⋯.png (65.03 KB,1016x675,1016:675,Screenshot_2023_09_11_at_1….png)


>KISS OF DEATH? Joe "Potato King" Biden Kisses John McCain’s Memorial in Vietnam


Oct 21, 2020 3:01:21 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No. 11193181


Inappropriate [sick] to you?

Normal to them?

Dark secrets.



Oct 29, 2017 10:18:17 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No. 147169329


Husband in jail.

HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?

What would you do? KISSyour child goodbye and leave without a mother or father for Clinton?

Where is Huma today?

Was she with HRC on her book tour?

RE: Military Intelligence / State Secrets


POTUS installed his people within each top spot at each 3 letter agency except 1 (good reason there as Adm R kick started this and scrubbed all POTUS nominations to verify oath).

Do you think they aren’t in control of those respective agencies?

What is most valuable?


AG Sessions on leakers.

Fire or prosecute?

Reorg is underway and happening.

Coincidence Senate Republicans pushing for Fed Judge confirmations last week?

Why are Senate Republicans dropping out? Not by choice and were offered a choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump).

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1bb0bd No.19531871


McCain was executed. We just don’t know how. Hospice kills people every day with a little extra dose of morphine. They could have been killed that way.

And how is Jimmy Carter still alive in hospice?

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a37d95 No.19531872

File: 0c21a4d4d492d70⋯.png (111.89 KB,320x212,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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639e76 No.19531873

FDA just approved updated boosters. Get your shot today tweet coming soon from Joe.

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9cef86 No.19531874


FDA is cabal

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f47078 No.19531876


It was when he was returning from his Asia trip. They always stop in Anchorage for fuel and they mentioned he was doing a 9/11 memorial at Elmendorf.

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04df75 No.19531877

File: 800f683605ae841⋯.png (57.65 KB,1376x201,1376:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a9179 No.19531878

File: 3fb10f4ed41aa71⋯.png (1.01 MB,2765x937,2765:937,ironeagle.png)

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ed2e66 No.19531879

LB >>19531282 Hard to find video re-emerges - 9/11/2001 of firefighters warning locals THERE IS A BOMB IN THE BUILDING, vacate the area - #NEVERFORGET

the jews did 9/11. NEVER forget.

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860dee No.19531880


Followed by a new round of vaccine mandates.

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9866dc No.19531881

File: f304773193dd540⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x1331,1080:1331,ClipboardImage.png)

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e31fbd No.19531882

File: c7c44cfcd0dd762⋯.png (404.52 KB,960x638,480:319,ClipboardImage.png)

He said to him, “Bring me a heifer three years old, a female goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.” https://youtu.be/H9r597vJbSQ

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f5ec76 No.19531884

File: 5b6b6858d97dfb7⋯.png (330.4 KB,1201x1646,1201:1646,ClipboardImage.png)

File: afdb50095c368b8⋯.png (141.81 KB,259x222,7:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6f2fe40932dc0c⋯.png (756.33 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Thurn Undt Taxis

Where and when did comms networks start?

Were Comms networks always used in economic warfare by competing bloodlines?

Throughout the course of the 16th century, the Taxis dynasty was entrusted as the imperial courier of the Holy Roman Empire and in the Spanish Netherlands, Spain, and Burgundy. In 1595, Leonhard I von Taxis was the empire's Postmaster General. Beginning in 1615, the office of Postmaster General of the Imperial Reichspost became hereditary under Lamoral I von Taxis. In 1650, the house was permitted with imperial authorization to rename itself from the House of Tassis (Taxis) to the House of Thurn and Taxis (from the French Tour et Taxis). It was able to maintain the Imperial Reichspost in competition with Europe's post offices.

Due to the 1792–1802 French Revolutionary Wars and the following 1803–15 Napoleonic Wars, the Imperial Reichspost gradually lost more and more postal districts during the tenure of Karl Anselm, 4th Prince of Thurn and Taxis, beginning with the Austrian Netherlands, thus depriving the post of important sources of revenue. Upon the death of Karl Anselm on 13 November 1805, the office of Postmaster General was inherited by his son, Karl Alexander, 5th Prince of Thurn and Taxis.


Thurn & Taxis invented Telecom industry

a long long time ago …

732 years later the story continues …

There are several direct links between the old T&T Postmasters and Phone Book of the World

This article covers a very long period. You can click on a year like 1986 to navigate through time…


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a37d95 No.19531885

File: 8734260c5f5cb75⋯.png (701.48 KB,710x720,71:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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9af959 No.19531887

Thanks bakes

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a37d95 No.19531888

File: a5bd22f5f2aa443⋯.png (1.01 MB,710x1237,710:1237,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bbbe5 No.19531890


Very interdasting vid. Watched it this morning. Hadn’t heard about the phoenix ritual out there.

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7dee89 No.19531891

>>19531790 (lb)

Vitamin Deficiencies?

A > Asthma, Anxiety, Alzheimers?

B > Brian, blood, bowels ?

C > Cancer?

D > Diabetes, Dementia,?

E > Eyes ?

K > Kidneys?

Just spitballin'

Kind of a hiding in plain sight code?

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1a9182 No.19531893

File: d0a5f6af2a2497f⋯.jpg (96.91 KB,1007x951,1007:951,tmiwDORSAL.jpg)


>FDA just approved updated boosters. Get your shot today tweet coming soon from Joe.

Any mention of free burgers or donuts?

I don't cave into fear for nothing you know

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8b4364 No.19531894

File: 972afc2f9faccf2⋯.jpg (95.28 KB,960x540,16:9,Look_Grandpa_Pants_Shittin….jpg)

File: b69a240631ef28e⋯.jpg (71.9 KB,624x468,4:3,Israel_Did_911_TYFYS_Bush_….jpg)

File: c79d8386f334232⋯.png (991.01 KB,1263x923,1263:923,1694464339860.png)

File: b1a7c48faf6b0dc⋯.png (287.47 KB,430x415,86:83,GHOST.png)

File: da355a180604689⋯.png (66.03 KB,630x630,1:1,HD_Ghost_in_the_Machine_Di….png)

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9866dc No.19531895

The UN has been 'ending poverty' for 78 years. Amnesty International has been ending human rights violations for 62 years. WHO has been ending malaria for 75 years. The Federal Reserve has been ending boom bust economies for 110 years. And for the oddest reason, nothing has - changed. In fact, everything is - worse. How is that possible?

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a37d95 No.19531896

File: 8d9aa26e9d1efd3⋯.png (403.15 KB,496x525,496:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f8e6 No.19531897

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag.png)

File: 8cab262d5fe1bab⋯.jpg (50.43 KB,1125x1058,1125:1058,2023_07_03_06_47_12.jpg)

File: ef88eb5c712b65f⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,1138x148,569:74,ef88eb5c712b65ffafee6a2a63….jpg)

File: 4baf4201e88970f⋯.jpg (28.87 KB,353x362,353:362,Screen_Shot_2023_08_04_at_….jpg)

File: 7ef2eff6a973560⋯.jpg (146.87 KB,1000x666,500:333,7ef2eff6a973560e297a5cc6b6….jpg)






1:1 = 2


: Comfy.

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4dc12c No.19531898

File: ab761f657e87366⋯.png (1 MB,1142x910,571:455,AF1_11SEP23.PNG)


lost track of 'Tater Force 1 as it crossed the FIR from Japan into US airspace early in the flight this morning. she just dropped of the scope.

anyone pick up the arrival of "AF1" into Alaska?

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af00cd No.19531899

File: 09185b771c8c6ca⋯.jpg (18.35 KB,255x255,1:1,scam.jpg)

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997883 No.19531900

File: 0b29111addce6f4⋯.jpeg (20.32 KB,250x226,125:113,AC931500_4841_4BA4_AE19_9….jpeg)



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1bb0bd No.19531901


Thanks for reminding me. I pray it nearly every day. If it wasn’t a powerful prayer, you wouldn’t be triggered by it

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918d38 No.19531904

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB,641x530,641:530,1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)

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f83fae No.19531905

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d4d7bf No.19531906

File: e8048ac6e906781⋯.png (1.22 MB,1327x741,1327:741,ClipboardImage.png)

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a37d95 No.19531907

File: cce243d9e8f3b27⋯.png (310.39 KB,710x674,355:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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eab639 No.19531909

File: cee337170706f24⋯.png (268.93 KB,609x640,609:640,Screenshot_2023_09_11_at_1….png)

File: ad2f8b9ee42c11a⋯.png (61.91 KB,762x718,381:359,2150.png)

Department of Defense 🇺🇸


On #PatriotDay, the Department of Defense and nation continue to honor, recognize and remember the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives during the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001.

#NeverForget | #WeRemember911


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0a729d No.19531910

File: 671c9c318ef1a8b⋯.png (419.33 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>2,977 victims

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a18647 No.19531911


Think how much Fun Feinstein can have when she retires.

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860dee No.19531912

File: 110337ccc08ed95⋯.jpg (141.44 KB,931x500,931:500,go_on.jpg)

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f5ec76 No.19531913

File: bece569a1f7dbd0⋯.png (1.26 MB,1172x3006,586:1503,ClipboardImage.png)



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7dee89 No.19531914







M controls I

I controls D

E is fake and ghey

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e31fbd No.19531915

File: db829911946dbca⋯.png (742.99 KB,960x638,480:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Then they took Joseph’s robe and slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in the blood. https://youtu.be/KwV5yH9nMkw

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a18647 No.19531916

Just think how much FUN pelosi will have in Retirement.

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04df75 No.19531917

File: 658c11fe5df3e8f⋯.png (19.92 KB,848x240,53:15,ClipboardImage.png)



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5b1b9d No.19531919


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ed2e66 No.19531920


the jews did 9/11

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17d0bd No.19531921

File: e4a7bf2bd7d64be⋯.png (118.73 KB,377x255,377:255,tyb.PNG)

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6f1dfc No.19531922

File: 582157891cf7137⋯.png (701.16 KB,1170x1071,130:119,ClipboardImage.png)


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a37d95 No.19531923

File: 7dd492b772418cc⋯.png (99.58 KB,884x569,884:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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9af959 No.19531924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Funks ok

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22f8e6 No.19531925

File: b0632a3d6a7b0ba⋯.mp4 (224.8 KB,480x360,4:3,animation7.mp4)

File: 6c6a4beaede31d0⋯.jpg (125.19 KB,872x1000,109:125,2023_07_02_17_29_58.jpg)

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1a73d7 No.19531926

Busy two (moar) weeks coming up:

HRC arrest 10/30, Podesta arrest 11/3 and DJT re-election 11/5

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f4e146 No.19531927

File: 787c7820696173b⋯.png (261.82 KB,548x420,137:105,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Patrick, it is beyond ridiculous that you allow

this busybody to sit here to "testify" about her


Stupidity knows no bounds.

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5b1b9d No.19531929

They are operating on mil installations


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a18647 No.19531930

Just think how much FUN Mitch will have in Retirement with that cool "Mitch Glitch."

Would you like Fries with that Sir… Sir? Sir?

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9866dc No.19531931

US makes deal with Iran to swap prisoners and release $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds - AP


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f3e2d8 No.19531932

File: f27c608438876be⋯.jpg (42.69 KB,612x397,612:397,gettyimages_1224425549_Pri….jpg)

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a18647 No.19531933


yep, put up a yellow fence and stay STAND BACK.. then do ANYTHING YOU WANT INSIDE.

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5b1b9d No.19531935


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860dee No.19531936

File: aab2c01c86d816e⋯.png (535.88 KB,888x499,888:499,vaxx_karen.png)

FDA New vaccine approvals are in. Prepare for the attack of the Vaxx Karens.

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0713bc No.19531937

File: 9b2808fbb93c636⋯.jpg (119.09 KB,720x694,360:347,20230911_143012.jpg)

File: 60c685d5432ede3⋯.jpg (200.3 KB,2022x1046,1011:523,20230911_142921.jpg)

File: 6ffe2c817f31bd6⋯.jpg (95.97 KB,720x1005,48:67,20230911_143320.jpg)



Kamala Harris had a great time at the 9/11 Memorial today

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f5ec76 No.19531938

File: 818b7e59029f16c⋯.png (1.86 MB,1427x3429,1427:3429,ClipboardImage.png)


More Thurn

undt Taxis, of course.

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a18647 No.19531939

200 Men

Yellow Police Line don't cross

shower curtains

zip ties

Anything can happen

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a37d95 No.19531940

File: 0f9dd4f0ba3fd89⋯.png (81.56 KB,900x551,900:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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88c666 No.19531941

File: f5b95b5e11df333⋯.jpg (36.51 KB,544x253,544:253,pcjt.jpg)


>lost track of 'Tater Force 1

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996d1a No.19531943

File: 3669a9c9049cc33⋯.png (463.22 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

MGM Resorts experiences 'cybersecurity issue' impacting operations and prompting investigation

September 11, 2023 4:00pm EDT

Cybersecurity issue forces company to shut down some systems at its 19 resorts, which have a total of more than 40,000 rooms

Las Vegas, Nevada-based MGM Resorts International was experiencing a computer system outage on Monday that impacted operations at headquarters as well as its properties and websites.

FOX 5 in Las Vegas reported that one of the company’s properties, the Bellagio Las Vegas, confirmed that the computer systems were down at all resorts and that all computer-based operations were being done manually.

Personnel at the resort also said the outage impacted credit card machines at the properties.

When visiting mgmresorts.com, a page comes up saying, "The MGM Resorts website is currently unavailable," followed by an apology as well as numbers to make reservations, reach out to member services or call a concierge.

On social media, the company posted a statement about the technical issues the company was facing.

"MGM Resorts recently identified a cybersecurity issue affecting some of the Company’s systems," the post read. "Promptly after detecting the issue, we quickly began an investigation with assistance from leading external cybersecurity experts. We also notified law enforcement and took prompt action to protect our systems and data, including shutting down certain systems."

The investigation is ongoing.

MGM did not immediately respond to inquiries from Fox Digital about the cybersecurity outage.

The company operates 19 resorts with over 40,000 rooms around the world, including the MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay, Luxor and New York-New York in Las Vegas, as well as the Borgata in Atlantic City, New Jersey and more.


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9af959 No.19531945

File: 7bf746d4fb5cfdf⋯.png (161.91 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_06_12_52_1….png)

File: d3e0daed24be22f⋯.png (177.87 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_04_10_56_5….png)

File: cd15eac1e33c452⋯.png (169.29 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_04_10_05_0….png)

File: ba02c008ae04292⋯.png (603.48 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_04_11_19_1….png)

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e7da9a No.19531946



Pentagon budget deficit coverup

Among other things

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f3e2d8 No.19531947

File: c6e71c1a8adbd49⋯.jpg (21.96 KB,612x428,153:107,gettyimages_490383129_blum….jpg)

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17d0bd No.19531949

'member the good old days when we got FF'd and we knew how many were dead within days.

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0713bc No.19531950

File: 177f50edc7bf748⋯.jpg (63.54 KB,426x321,142:107,177f50edc7bf7487a27d6996e1….jpg)

File: 6b7c29434af5fc2⋯.png (92.61 KB,426x321,142:107,1694465032431.png)

File: 1be97e611197c07⋯.png (1.23 MB,1396x844,349:211,1694465046480.png)

Shit sniffer

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5b1b9d No.19531951



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382e41 No.19531952

File: 9cfa4dd94eb6039⋯.jpg (16.25 KB,255x255,1:1,BELLJFKsBOAT.jpg)


Kinda similar….

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a37d95 No.19531954

File: 2e2574f4e09d7e7⋯.png (401.92 KB,710x605,142:121,ClipboardImage.png)


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1a9182 No.19531955

File: e8444403f42e18c⋯.png (1.32 MB,850x637,850:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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9866dc No.19531956

File: 80c2065eae2b506⋯.png (74.56 KB,733x553,733:553,ClipboardImage.png)

FDA Approves Updated Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines for COVID, as Prior Formulations Deemed Ineffective Against Emerging Variant

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the approval and emergency use authorization (EUA) of updated Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for 2023-2024. The development highlights the FDA’s acknowledgment that previous vaccine versions were ineffective against newer variants like Omicron XBB.1.5.

Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, encouraged those who are eligible to consider getting vaccinated.

“Vaccination remains critical to public health and continued protection against serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death,” said Marks. “The public can be assured that these updated vaccines have met the agency’s rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality.

However, the admission that a new vaccine had to be developed to target the current variant underscores concerns about the efficacy of the previous vaccines.

Updated Guidelines:

Individuals 5 years of age and older regardless of previous vaccination are eligible to receive a single dose of an updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine at least 2 months since the last dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.

Individuals 6 months through 4 years of age who have previously been vaccinated against COVID-19 are eligible to receive one or two doses of an updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (timing and number of doses to administer depends on the previous COVID-19 vaccine received).

Unvaccinated individuals 6 months through 4 years of age are eligible to receive three doses of the updated authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or two doses of the updated authorized Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.

According to the FDA’s benefit-risk assessment, the new vaccines are safe and more effective in protecting against current variants than their predecessors. Those who opt for the updated vaccines can expect similar side effects to those experienced with the older versions.

The FDA expects that, like the flu vaccine, the composition of COVID-19 vaccines may need yearly updates unless a significantly more potent variant emerges.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is scheduled to meet tomorrow to discuss clinical recommendations and special considerations for specific populations such as the immunocompromised and the elderly.


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918d38 No.19531957

File: aa21d7ee5d0937c⋯.png (332.21 KB,792x644,198:161,dec7cbdf6680230063d15d982d….png)

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0230e0 No.19531958

File: b40ee206c3db24a⋯.png (413.6 KB,695x927,695:927,won.PNG)


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The Government Censored Me and Other Scientists.

We Fought Back—and Won.

The Free Press, by Jay Bhattacharya

Posted By: Judy W., 9/11/2023 2:15:19 PM

When I was four, my mother took her first flight and first trip out of her native India to the U.S. with me and my younger brother in tow. (Snip) When I was 19, I became an American citizen. It was one of the happiest days of my young life. The immigration officer gave me a civics test, including a question about the First Amendment. It was an easy test because I knew it in my heart. The American civic religion has the right to free speech as the core of its liturgy. I never imagined that there would come a time when an American government

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e31fbd No.19531959

File: d01065eec43b2c5⋯.png (1.08 MB,1200x750,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Curds from the herd, and milk from the flock, with fat of lambs, rams of Bashan and goats, with the very finest of the wheat— and you drank foaming wine made from the blood of the grape.


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a18647 No.19531960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How to END the Ancient Hawaiian Religion.

200 Men

Yellow Police Line don't cross

shower curtains

zip ties

(navy seals know where it goes)


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639e76 No.19531961


Tater Force 1… I like it

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1a73d7 No.19531963


6,000+ us military, contractors, civies

~1,000,000 foreign mil, civies

Post 9/11

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a37d95 No.19531964

File: da5ae5c62f8a3ce⋯.png (163.12 KB,710x449,710:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18647 No.19531965

Freedom of the PRess?


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1a9182 No.19531966

File: f9bdb57224987aa⋯.png (64.2 KB,255x255,1:1,GUNNY_BREATHING.png)


DaNang Dick

In what normal universe would he still be "serving"

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970bb3 No.19531967


The FDA expects that, like the flu vaccine, the composition of COVID-19 vaccines may need yearly updates unless a significantly more potent variant emerges.

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0713bc No.19531968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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860dee No.19531969

File: 4370783238c1243⋯.png (660.2 KB,1000x667,1000:667,pfizer.png)


>Prior Formulations Deemed Ineffective Against Emerging Variant

Gibs us moar money!

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639e76 No.19531970

Is he saying Joe is a CIA clown or just a regular clown?

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0230e0 No.19531971

File: 3b9e68afd4b2a89⋯.png (33.6 KB,1079x340,1079:340,diz.PNG)

File: c5d1ac69ada8d8a⋯.png (346.45 KB,394x372,197:186,my_name_is_nobody_9_Copy.PNG)


Disney and Charter reach deal to end cable

blackout in time for 'Monday Night Football'

CNBC, by Lillian Rizzo

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/11/2023 12:44:37 PM

The blackout fight between cable giant Charter Communications and Disney is over. Hours ahead of "Monday Night Football," which airs on Disney's ESPN, the companies reached a deal that would allow millions of Charter cable customers to watch the game. The deal will see Disney's ad-supported streaming apps Disney+ and ESPN+ included in packages for some of Charter's Spectrum pay-TV customers. Disney will receive an increase on the subscriber fees it receives from Charter. Earlier on Monday CNBC's David Faber reported a deal between the two companies was nearing and would include a discount on pricing for Disney streaming services for Charter customers.

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a18647 No.19531972


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2c1ba9 No.19531973

File: b0ff65fdd4ce602⋯.png (407.38 KB,449x475,449:475,Deep_State_Regency_.png)


America gets what it deserves.

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9af959 No.19531974

File: 750be86b865a9b2⋯.png (675.45 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_05_09_05_5….png)

File: 4b21ecc6b93b757⋯.png (502.95 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_05_08_54_2….png)

File: bb4cd432bcaff87⋯.png (183.44 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_04_11_28_4….png)

File: eaffebb500a991b⋯.png (264.5 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_08_30_15_04_2….png)

Parasitical infections cause




Eye problems

Lung problems

Brian problems

They have cures

They don't want us well

No.money in healthy peeps

Assassins in white javkets

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5b1b9d No.19531975


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04df75 No.19531976


CIA clown

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1a73d7 No.19531977


Nah. Too f’ing stupid. But definitely profited from it.

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ff906d No.19531978


Seceding would liberate states from the FED and US gov't supragovernmental treaties as well, such as UN/WHO, NATO, etc…

No more FBI, FEMA, CDC, NIH, USDA, FCC, FDA, EPA, 501c3's, IRS, FED prisons, SSI, etc etc, and any mil action in seceded states would be unlawful acts of war.

BUT the C40 cities, 15 minute/smart cities and many WEF agreements are at the city and county level. State governments would have to exercise power over them to extinguish.

Anon likes this A lot!

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0a729d No.19531979


I'm thinking cia, as they all seem to be.

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a18647 No.19531981

If a NUKE goes off in USA, I will HUNT the SHERIFF

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d4d7bf No.19531983

File: 4840bea54f955b9⋯.png (1.23 MB,1327x800,1327:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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af00cd No.19531984

File: e9496059a003850⋯.jpg (20.46 KB,255x255,1:1,582548390e88a80d3c4b2db1ca….jpg)

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0230e0 No.19531985

File: 01ce84773fd97b3⋯.png (673.05 KB,1889x814,1889:814,toss.PNG)


‘We’re Bankrupt’: Leaked Meeting

Reveals Project Veritas On Verge of Collapse

Mediaite, by Diana Falzone

Posted By: zephyrgirl, 9/11/2023 12:05:01 PM

In the months since James O’Keefe’s dramatic departure from Project Veritas earlier this year, the conservative group has spiraled out of control as it weathers mass layoffs and board member resignations under the leadership of Hannah Giles, who took the helm in June. Mediaite obtained audio from an August 22 meeting between Giles, Project Veritas board president Joe Barton, and several staffers. At the meeting, held just days after 23 staffers were fired and two resigned, Giles can be heard explaining that the organization is in financial ruin.

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ded605 No.19531986


Does chemo even kill the parasite? Or just cause more cancer.

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5b1b9d No.19531987

MORE cancer? Oh, please, yes

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a37d95 No.19531988

File: 3f0b807c2c3346e⋯.png (544.99 KB,1024x919,1024:919,ClipboardImage.png)


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04df75 No.19531989


The vatican is behind 9/11. Israel is a scapegoat.

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0230e0 No.19531991

File: 79e7e53a3152f72⋯.png (895.38 KB,854x809,854:809,funk.PNG)


What If We Had a Functional Media?

Real Clear Politics, by Frank Miele

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/11/2023 11:48:55 AM

Could you imagine the difference if, in the fall of 2020, the Washington Post had accepted a copy of the Hunter Biden hard drive and actually investigated the thousands of emails, photos, text messages, and other evidence that implicated not just Hunter but his father Joe Biden in sundry unethical and criminal enterprises? What about CBS, NBC, and ABC? Shouldn’t we as news consumers expect these leviathans “to give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect, or interests involved,” as the new owner of the New York Times declared way back in 1896?

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a6ebda No.19531992

File: cc1d1bc85606337⋯.jpg (66.74 KB,1142x899,1142:899,never_forget.jpg)

File: 179353f967f9029⋯.gif (11.59 MB,300x437,300:437,Trumppatton.gif)

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ff1883 No.19531993



This sounds pretty correct to me. At the very least states should stop accepting federal money and sending "our" tax dollars to the federal government.

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1a73d7 No.19531994


Who is America?

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ff906d No.19531995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Forward Observer

(from 4 years ago!)

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62503e No.19531996

Asa Hutchison. Former US Attorney in Arkansas.

Barry Seal…



Asa never opened an investigation into Mena and the Drug Cartels.

Hutchison goes on to head the DEA, and Undersecretary for Border Transportation and Security.

Barry Seal turns state in '85 due to overwhelming evidence against him, which compromises the CIA.

Now why does Trump call him "Ada" ?

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4feb19 No.19531997


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5b1b9d No.19531998

nothing but more? SPENDING IT ALL

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a18647 No.19531999

File: e1c84913a0bde8d⋯.png (269.51 KB,571x384,571:384,Screenshot_2023_05_17_23_4….png)


He was so CLOSE….

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0713bc No.19532000

File: cd66ccc1619a2fa⋯.jpg (170.24 KB,720x851,720:851,20230911_151244.jpg)


Elon Musk has ‘demon-like’ outbursts and ‘multiple personalities’: biographer


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9af959 No.19532001


People dressed in plastic bags

Directing traffic

Some kind of fashion..

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4be2a1 No.19532002

File: bc5ce66072581b9⋯.jpg (29.69 KB,780x439,780:439,willie_brown.jpg)


To mark this somber occasion..celebrate!

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5b1b9d No.19532003


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0230e0 No.19532004

File: c9d5c2227933658⋯.png (616.09 KB,727x781,727:781,left.PNG)


The Frightened Left

American Greatness, by Victor Davis Hanson

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/11/2023 11:41:45 AM

An impeachment inquiry looms and the shrieks of outrage are beginning. The Left is now suddenly voicing warnings that those who recently undermined the system could be targeted by their own legacies. So, for example, now we read why impeachment is suddenly a dangerous gambit. True, the Founders did not envision impeaching a first-term president the moment he lost his House majority. Nor did they imagine impeaching a president twice. And they certainly did not anticipate trying an ex-president in the Senate as a private citizen.

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22f8e6 No.19532005

File: d8ee7af2c143478⋯.jpg (136.23 KB,640x979,640:979,2023_07_20_10_51_28.jpg)

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eab639 No.19532006

File: abc08a9d8da8215⋯.png (161.99 KB,307x262,307:262,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 104b6ab651ac656⋯.png (199.93 KB,541x182,541:182,ClipboardImage.png)


yep, the jewsuits.

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a18647 No.19532007


Dear Real Clear Politics.

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act



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4dc12c No.19532008

File: def18ef89054471⋯.png (179.42 KB,500x281,500:281,masks44.png)

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6efc79 No.19532009


Every covid vaccine is ineffective.

Doesn't stop infection.

Doesn't stop transmissiom.

KILLS % of people who take it.

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17d0bd No.19532010

File: cb1f9ff57ea9f73⋯.png (1016.55 KB,933x534,311:178,nen17.PNG)

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af00cd No.19532011

File: b29bf38ad77995c⋯.webp (4.71 KB,401x225,401:225,snake_oil_gould.webp)

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6efc79 No.19532012


Fake News.

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0230e0 No.19532013

File: 74147e073651ed3⋯.png (765.75 KB,920x641,920:641,lund.PNG)


Prosecutor and Democrats Go Ballistic

After Youngkin Pardons Father of Rape

Victim in Loudoun County

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/11/2023 10:07:35 AM

As RedState reported, Gov. Glenn Youngkin pardoned Scott Smith, who was arrested for disorderly conduct after challenging a school board for covering up the rape of his daughter. In one of the biggest stories of 2021 and one that likely helped sweep Republicans into power in Virginia, Smith's daughter was raped in the girl's bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt. The Loudoun County school board, which had been pushing a then-new rule allowing "transgender" students to use the bathroom of their choice, sought to cover up the rape at multiple levels. Those motivations were confirmed by a grand jury report which revealed officials ignored multiple warning signs

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5b1b9d No.19532014


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a37d95 No.19532015

File: 74aac56b7762a39⋯.png (527.4 KB,710x494,355:247,ClipboardImage.png)


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860dee No.19532016


>KILLS % of people who take it.

Well then it's not ineffective. That's exactly what [they] want it to do.

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f5ec76 No.19532017

File: ee81f19ee2e0d6d⋯.jpg (165.36 KB,367x534,367:534,e6019d7bd9cf17669bb7d370a3….jpg)



Mob's MGM Grand cash barn hit by mystery virus affecting cybersecurity - cough.

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e31fbd No.19532018

File: 4447a2cf79fa1e1⋯.png (662.26 KB,795x493,795:493,ClipboardImage.png)


Daniel 8:21 - And the goat is the junicorn of Greece. And the great horn between his eyes is the first junicorn.

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a18647 No.19532022

Canadian Public Law's C-36, C-57, and America's Smith Mundt Modernization Act, cog, ndaa, patriot act


Polish Anti-War Debates are a kind of phenomenon. Even though Poland is not formally a belligerent, there is strict war censorship there.

Secret Service has the right to limit access to independent media without giving a reason. The recent amendment to the Penal Code introduced the categories of “unconscious espionage” and “disinformation”, i.e. “dissemination of false or misleading information with the aim of causing serious disruptions in the system or economy of the Republic of Poland , an allied state or an international organisation of which the Republic of Poland is a member”.

Simply: any criticism of pro-Kiev policy or NATO activities is punishable in Poland with a prison sentence of up to 8 years.


what is YOUR Country's Smith Mundt?

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ff906d No.19532023

File: 620b3619b184983⋯.png (113.5 KB,308x287,44:41,n.PNG)

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13f1e1 No.19532024


the foreign psychologists who write this crap don't understand America.

they should move bck to Ukraine

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04df75 No.19532025

File: 42347419e3c401d⋯.png (188.6 KB,681x670,681:670,Jesuit_Logo.png)


Everything woke turns to shit.

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382e41 No.19532026




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0230e0 No.19532027

File: 052cf3bc1d1d2dd⋯.png (845.73 KB,809x782,809:782,sh.PNG)


Massachusetts Mayor Sounds Alarm on Migrant

Crisis, Urges Lawmakers to Reform ‘Right-to-Shelter’ Law

National Review, by David Zimmerman

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/11/2023 9:47:27 AM

The Democratic mayor of a small Massachusetts city is urging state lawmakers to reform a 40-year-old “right-to-shelter” law that is putting immense strain on the area as thousands of migrant families arrive. Woburn mayor Scott Galvin said by Friday there were about 150 families living in the city’s hotels, an arrangement he called unsustainable for his 40,000 constituents. Under the 1983 right-to-shelter law, Massachusetts officials are legally required to offer housing to any homeless families seeking shelter in the state. The law now covers a rising influx of migrant families, although individuals are not covered under its provisions.

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07eaaf No.19532028

Is Obama a CIA Clown?

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a18647 No.19532029


psychologists have limited subjective thinking

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5b1b9d No.19532030

Nothing but you want MORE

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9af959 No.19532031


Blue shit messes peeps up

And the radiation kills all surrounding good cells

And enhances the cellular structure of the parasitic egg cases …they call cancer

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a37d95 No.19532035

File: 2c8c4b76e65328b⋯.png (333.81 KB,327x490,327:490,ClipboardImage.png)

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4be2a1 No.19532036

File: 657b3827c8aa24c⋯.png (10.86 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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4feb19 No.19532037

File: ed5092ec45d6fae⋯.png (263.54 KB,618x347,618:347,ClipboardImage.png)

step in the right direction…

BREAKING: Wisconsin Senate Committee Votes Down WEC Recommendation to Reappoint Shady Meagan Wolfe


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ad6a16 No.19532038

File: 01ffbba339f294f⋯.jpg (156.05 KB,723x622,723:622,jpg1.jpg)

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a18647 No.19532040


haha is that their spankin NEW symbol

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a37d95 No.19532041

File: eff0ee631d4cac7⋯.png (205.6 KB,350x457,350:457,ClipboardImage.png)

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1be492 No.19532042

File: 5a39d0e5a5196f5⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,640x360,16:9,5a39d0e5a5196f52825cdb5729….mp4)

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f3e2d8 No.19532043

Trump asks Judge Tanya Chutkan to recuse herself from federal 2020 election subversion case

By Tierney Sneed

Published 4:49 PM EDT, Mon September 11, 2023

Former President Donald Trump is asking Judge Tanya Chutkan to recuse herself from the 2020 election subversion case brought by special counsel Jack Smith.

Trump, in a new court filing Monday, is pointing to comments that Chutkan made in cases involving January 6 US Capitol rioters.

This story is breaking and will be updated.



US District Court DC


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6efc79 No.19532044

File: a0a22638980005e⋯.png (227.28 KB,520x499,520:499,a0a22638980005e62ccedf9d94….png)

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0230e0 No.19532045

File: ebf79984e9d0e68⋯.png (91.82 KB,1112x583,1112:583,deal.PNG)

File: 4ae4c7dc5ea3e42⋯.png (1.35 MB,1206x905,1206:905,tea.PNG)


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Outrage: The Biden Gang Preparing to Wire

$6 Billion to Iran in Prisoner Swap This Week

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 9/11/2023 9:03:52 AM

The Biden gang is preparing to wire $6 billion to Iran during a prisoner swap. Newsmax shares: When $6 billion of unfrozen Iranian funds are wired to banks in Qatar as early as next week, it will trigger a carefully choreographed sequence that will see as many as five detained U.S. dual nationals leave Iran and a similar number of Iranian prisoners held in the U.S. fly home, according to eight Iranian and other sources familiar with the negotiations who spoke to Reuters. As a first step, Iran on Aug. 10 released four U.S. citizens from Tehran’s Evin prison

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509e74 No.19532046

File: 594cb0eb7906128⋯.jpeg (60.8 KB,875x492,875:492,IMG_5393.jpeg)

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5b1b9d No.19532048

En Joey?

Thats gucking stupid

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e31fbd No.19532049

File: 7600cb95cdf9e55⋯.png (2.2 MB,2132x1410,1066:705,ClipboardImage.png)

For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a heifer, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, https://youtu.be/xcJwKVAaIWM

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a37d95 No.19532050

File: a8f7e5ca657c396⋯.png (254.63 KB,552x502,276:251,ClipboardImage.png)


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a18647 No.19532051


this is just NOISE at this point anon.

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382e41 No.19532052




Could tomorrow be "actionable 11.4"?

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0b9a7d No.19532054

Are we all connected,

Or am I a fluke ?

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22f8e6 No.19532055

File: 07d9b4d9019c7b1⋯.jpg (23.86 KB,255x253,255:253,Screen_Shot_2021_03_09_at_….jpg)




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0230e0 No.19532056

File: cecec22390dcd97⋯.png (85.83 KB,628x617,628:617,nass.PNG)


Meet the Doctor Who's Fighting the COVID

Oppression Machine

American Thinker, by John Klar

Posted By: Judy W., 9/11/2023 8:19:00 AM

An unassuming 72-year-old Maine physician named Meryl Nass has gripped the COVID-19 misinformation bull by its poisoned horns. Maine's physician licensing board suspended her from practicing in a blatant push to silence her right to free speech, in a medical field in which Meryl holds special expertise. Meryl Nass has filed a sharp-fanged lawsuit to bring this overreaching regulatory body to account. The lengths to which Maine's licensing board has gone to silence this tiger woman reveals the complete folly of the government-controlled COVID-19 narrative. Who Is Doctor Nass? Meryl Nass began her MIT education while still a teenager. She is an acknowledged medical expert on man-made epidemics,

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e7da9a No.19532057







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0a729d No.19532058


thoughts create so your constant awareness of not having enough money keeps you creating more of not enough money. Since you do not know HOW to make more money, then you believe moar money cannot come and so now u have to let go and let God, knowing moar money and opportunities are on their way to you as long as you have faith and don't doubt it based on wanting to see it BEFORE you believe it. So, it's a delicate balance but God will open doors for u once you change the way you have been looking at things by letting go and letting God and then you begin to have new thoughts or ideas you never had before or you end up with new circumstances, opportunities and events. The HOW trips people up. You have have to tell God how much you want and then stay open to receiving by not doubting that it will happen by doing what is stated in this paragraph. God HAS to answer if you have faith. He cannot not answer. That is His promise but you need to open up your mind to receive without knowing HOW. U have to feel worthy and change will happen gradually. It can happen quickly, depending on how big your faith is and how much you let go of control n trust God to handle it.

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5b1b9d No.19532059

Navy is faggot

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ff906d No.19532060

File: 91114a5453798f5⋯.jpg (451.07 KB,2048x1150,1024:575,6_Miley_Cyrus_Justin_Biebe….jpg)


with cgi, cloning, and advanced humandroid technology, anything is possible and nothing is trustworthy. Including arrests, executions, and 'returns'.

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e31fbd No.19532061

File: d2552ffb877f167⋯.png (841.05 KB,1002x739,1002:739,ClipboardImage.png)

Hebrews 10:4 - For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. https://youtu.be/m4C58lmv1J4

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c10592 No.19532062

File: ff15b441b71aee5⋯.png (221.45 KB,346x461,346:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49bc9a263980e0f⋯.mp4 (183.46 KB,500x280,25:14,neo.mp4)



Guess what.

anon is still comfy even though everyone has tried to trigger anons with 9/11 sheeit.

every year is was the same

but not this year.

every year people get angry on this day with no hope of seeing justice.

but anons are closing into the top tier criminals the banksters and the elites….

Anon is sure it was designed for that purpose where you will get remembrance nazi's who will attack you for forgetting or ignoring it.

do not get anon wrong, anon does not forgive or forget..

am now on a mission to expose the top.

plus learning and researching them has actually freed anons mind and will no longer by a psycological slave of emotional mind capture.


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88c666 No.19532063

File: f2c1a6c2c834f7c⋯.jpeg (103.88 KB,1007x951,1007:951,f2c1a6c2c834f7cb4324c73c6….jpeg)

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a37d95 No.19532064

File: e347a9a0f8d7645⋯.png (142.36 KB,427x231,61:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18647 No.19532065

File: ac4279b7c1a2322⋯.jpg (115.91 KB,1200x630,40:21,Tanya_S_Chutkan_.jpg)


Tanya S Chutkan

She's actually become INFAMOUS to me.

Not just the Awans.

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4feb19 No.19532066

File: e2d594c91582149⋯.png (992.24 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

HERE WE GO: FDA Approves Updated Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines for COVID, as Prior Formulations Deemed Ineffective Against Emerging Variant


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e7da9a No.19532067


Please kek

My sides

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13f1e1 No.19532068


the poison narrator tries to tell people why they are wrong.

you don't belong here, narrator of curses and false diagnosis.

you're obvious a bigot

and a blame caster.

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11fc8b No.19532069

File: 4ec0d7716bb5e15⋯.png (14.98 KB,546x262,273:131,Screen_Shot_09_11_23_at_05….PNG)

17:18 = 17

President Biden


September 11, 2001 tested our strength.

We will never forget that when faced with evil and an enemy that sought to tear us apart –

We endured.

5:18 PM · Sep 11, 2023


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5b1b9d No.19532070

Do you car wreck?

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0230e0 No.19532071

File: 6258a7aff58f887⋯.png (452.17 KB,596x739,596:739,life.PNG)




They want to pay us to stop supporting Donald Trump! They Offered Us $$$$$

8:36 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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c104b0 No.19532072


Is Trump a CIA clown?

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ff906d No.19532073


Forward Observer is a consulting firm run by a fmr. (American) US Army Intel NCO.

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a37d95 No.19532075

File: 941ea9592a4549b⋯.png (625.07 KB,700x605,140:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18647 No.19532076

File: 1907be254ebcc21⋯.jpg (286.69 KB,1200x630,40:21,Tanya_S_Chutkan_dishonor.jpg)

File: 0b83e5482438fb2⋯.png (199.17 KB,512x638,256:319,tanya_s_Chutkan_Screenshot….png)

File: 7ad39b3a3e3fed9⋯.jpg (141.26 KB,788x604,197:151,tanya_chutkan_the_clown_sl….jpg)

Tanya S Chutkan is in Bad Behaviour

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eb04ca No.19532077

File: 09137696b5aff13⋯.png (316.58 KB,720x660,12:11,ClipboardImage.png)


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e31fbd No.19532078

File: 53fd7775b391774⋯.png (677.27 KB,960x638,480:319,ClipboardImage.png)

https://youtu.be/78IJdhvY1zg Hebrews 11:37 - They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreated—

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eb04ca No.19532079

File: 8b5edd942dabe05⋯.png (955.65 KB,887x780,887:780,ClipboardImage.png)

Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley Goes Full War Hawk While Supporting More Funding for Ukraine

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bcbfea No.19532080

File: a345e7c5f8ed174⋯.gif (15.53 KB,220x162,110:81,IMG_5499.gif)


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0230e0 No.19532081

File: 71128bd8cb9c194⋯.png (457.1 KB,601x836,601:836,benz.PNG)


Mike Benz


Anne Applebaum is on the board of directors for the most notorious CIA cut-out in all of US history.

So, you know, when reading her froth-mouthed hit piece today on Elon Musk, maybe take that into consideration.



Square profile picture

The Atlantic




"This is a cautionary tale about the arrogance of a billionaire who has come to play a mercurial role in U.S. foreign policy. But it’s also a story about fear, seeded and promoted by the Russians," @anneapplebaum writes: https://theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/09/elon-musk-let-russia-scare-him/675282/?utm_campaign=the-atlantic&utm_content=true-anthem&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter

9:01 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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9d38ed No.19532082

Damn baker has left the building and set next bread up already. Check his little bread making self out, 🍺🍻🍺🍻 beers to ya baker

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a37d95 No.19532083

File: 46a3bd0eb2dc210⋯.png (268.02 KB,401x399,401:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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13f1e1 No.19532084


so they are originally from the ex-soviet, then. Thought so.

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eb04ca No.19532085

File: c1e9d4993a59ce3⋯.png (1.86 MB,1290x1080,43:36,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris had a great time at the 9/11 memorial today.

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9cef86 No.19532086

File: 4a68aebe3fc0ef8⋯.jpeg (591.15 KB,1064x1942,532:971,tome_fife.jpeg)


Interesting read from Tom Fife claiming Obama is KGB and has been groomed for a long time


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8b4364 No.19532087

File: ed694c16d53b9e0⋯.png (1.27 MB,1001x1165,1001:1165,1694366498198.png)

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c1979e No.19532088







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8b4364 No.19532089

File: 7bab821d5a104fd⋯.png (863.95 KB,1435x813,1435:813,1694450892082.png)

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f5ec76 No.19532090

File: 3f1e2e32e04e79c⋯.png (2.15 MB,1024x1534,512:767,1bb.png)

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a37d95 No.19532091

File: 291f0c66d4f3b11⋯.png (191.68 KB,402x397,402:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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0230e0 No.19532092

File: 90d6f1e07dcac16⋯.png (335.4 KB,599x589,599:589,scrant.PNG)


Catturd ™


Please go back to your basement you utterly embarrassing buffoon.


RNC Research




Biden opens his 9/11 remarks in Alaska: "The governor and I have something in common: we're both from Scranton, Pennsylvania. I wish I had him playing on my high school ball club when I was playing. I could've been an All-American."

9:36 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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1a73d7 No.19532093


The answer you look for will appear shortly after 11/4/24. DigitslID push, vax push, shut coin push? Then yes a clown

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a37d95 No.19532094

File: 794dce778a20892⋯.png (310.7 KB,470x341,470:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b4364 No.19532095

File: 7103ede3a991e36⋯.png (892.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1694383694924.png)

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860dee No.19532096

File: 691d512e600148b⋯.png (460.28 KB,663x499,663:499,kek_kamala_giggle.png)

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0a729d No.19532097

File: 7d67cef293286ca⋯.png (940.96 KB,970x1016,485:508,ClipboardImage.png)

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9af959 No.19532098

File: 7b7faed9f26e368⋯.png (623.2 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_06_12_59_5….png)

File: e77a286efbc234e⋯.png (979.21 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_08_31_13_56_1….png)


She is talking to a parasitologist

My eye started my research

The muh fren ..came over told me 6 months to live….7 years ago ….cancer free and still smokes and drinks. Kek

Parasitic infections cause all the diseases

I post..

Have a fuzzy wuzzy

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eff3df No.19532100

File: 891aa06d5300380⋯.png (753.15 KB,980x490,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18647 No.19532101

File: 638f6e74fbd0a5d⋯.png (35.63 KB,828x230,18:5,ClipboardImage.png)

I propose Tanya be forcefully removed from the bench or whatever the fuck it's called

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eb04ca No.19532102

File: d41cc411a4fc3a5⋯.png (892.68 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

DEFENDING FREEDOM: Armed Citizens Defy New Mexico Governor, Roll Into Albuquerque Open Carrying

Michelle Lujan Grisham's "public health order" is supposedly aimed at fighting crime, but it's really aimed at the Second Amendment.


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88c666 No.19532103

File: a08ea814a861379⋯.jpg (67.13 KB,680x676,170:169,a08ea814a861379130298ab71c….jpg)

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0713bc No.19532105

File: dee6464490adbb0⋯.jpg (167.3 KB,720x1221,240:407,20230911_152340.jpg)

File: 3c309d4003347ca⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,320x564,80:141,Libs_of_TikTok_20230911_9.mp4)

These teachers get more insane by the day, tell me this woman wouldn't be in a mental hospital in 1951


Meet DeDe Duffy. A preschool teacher in Cape Coral, FL. She says she teaches her students that if they don’t like their parents, they can find another family.

She also says she teaches them to be gay.

These are the people teaching your kids.

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f47078 No.19532106


Looks like cloud cover cleared quickly over the area of the Air Force base in the last couple hours, so possible it had just cleared when they shot.

Background is all washed out on the Newsmax feed, like the cameraman set it up for lower light and walked away.

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13f1e1 No.19532107


will they start the gore and CP show and the narcissist self-congratulatory concurrent posts at 10 PM sharp? or will they wait till 10:30, quarter of 11?

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0230e0 No.19532108

File: 4b65e360bfcb19b⋯.png (458.55 KB,591x559,591:559,med.PNG)




Zelensky Orders All ‘Medical Women’ to Register for War Service.


Zelensky Orders All ‘Medical Women’ to Register for War Service.

Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky is beginning to draft women for the Ukrainian war machine, beginning with those with some sort of medical background. “All medical women, these are doctors, nurses,…

7:31 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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f5ec76 No.19532109

File: 53a02b70a64fd28⋯.png (217.6 KB,336x360,14:15,44f7cdf9f2d37fa1cf15b0ce30….png)

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8b4364 No.19532110

File: 385bf544a86e4a3⋯.png (174.04 KB,480x354,80:59,1694464920267.png)

File: 0f8c5bda84d9a22⋯.png (671.44 KB,720x577,720:577,1694450141157.png)

File: 41a1167fda14b66⋯.jpg (57.25 KB,288x732,24:61,Hillary_High_Stakes.jpg)

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7dee89 No.19532112

Kinda seems like King Charles is the King of Buckingham Palace and that Joe Bidan is only President of the White House and Trump is King of his castle, Mar-A-Lago?

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eab639 No.19532113

File: 692e9760fba5164⋯.png (1.11 MB,1239x700,177:100,plannedparenthoodicecreamt….png)

File: 6bf17f06dc9f11b⋯.png (32.95 KB,837x402,279:134,Screenshot_2023_09_11_at_1….png)




Human trafficking?

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eb04ca No.19532114


>They want to pay us to stop supporting Donald Trump! They Offered Us $$$$$


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e31fbd No.19532115

File: bbf78d3899052f9⋯.png (320.41 KB,600x410,60:41,ClipboardImage.png)

Psalm 105:30 - Their land swarmed with frogs, even in the chambers of their kings. https://youtu.be/enbLZaUyr3s

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c0c9dc No.19532116


If they never Isolated the "Virus"

Then how can they make a "Vaccine"

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0230e0 No.19532118

File: 9bc7cc71bb73a1c⋯.png (501.28 KB,601x600,601:600,dc.PNG)


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


DC Political Prisoner and American Hero Who Fought in Afghanistan After 9-11 Sends a Letter to America from His Prison Cell via @gatewaypundit


DC Political Prisoner and American Hero Who Fought in Afghanistan After 9-11 Sends a Letter to…

A letter from January 6 Political Prisoner Jeffrey McKellop on the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on America.

9:05 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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a37d95 No.19532119

File: 49bc92ce2ae694f⋯.png (189.53 KB,1080x1174,540:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb04ca No.19532120

File: aeab9f15d516dee⋯.png (1.48 MB,750x838,375:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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10a119 No.19532121


Now do the follow up story where the parents have been notified instead of just tiktok-ing about it. Or is the point of the post just to rile people up?

Seriously, have any of these "educators" ever actually been confronted by the parents of the kids they teach?

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2e18e8 No.19532122


There's a pitch black mountain dew

Wonder wat that does?

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a8ce65 No.19532123

File: 0564c6464e6c7cd⋯.jpg (185.49 KB,473x626,473:626,ee77142aa7c3a3cb164d8096c5….jpg)

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e7da9a No.19532124



SHUT down

the awANs

Peperidge farms remembers the awan/Dem/Intel laundering

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997883 No.19532125


>At the very least states should stop accepting federal money and sending "our" tax dollars to the federal government.

IF a civil war were to break out in the United States, THIS is how it would happen. People always says it will be Left vs. Right, but it’s far more likely that it will be State vs. Federal government.

I saw a good post on halfchan that illustrated how fast this would happen. Basically they painted a scenario where a County Sheriff would refuse to enforce unconditional federal law. In response, federal agents (DHS, FBI, etc) would arrest state LEO’s, and from there, all hell would break out. And FAST too, under these circumstances, we’re talking about a period of hours, maybe days.

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eb04ca No.19532126

File: 8d6f49d0fbc06f5⋯.png (641.61 KB,750x450,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Never-Before-Seen Footage: James Woods warned the FBI about 9/11 a month before the attacks – They didn’t listen

This was reported back in 2001! James Woods — who’s best known for playing bad guys in films like Final


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e31fbd No.19532127

File: 9c88732592f8ae0⋯.png (782.07 KB,960x638,480:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Revelation 16:13 - And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. https://youtu.be/ePIXwrL2-dE

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0230e0 No.19532128

File: 948d572cd6d6cee⋯.png (484.27 KB,587x574,587:574,rock.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


7 Years Ago Today Hillary Clinton Dropped Like a Rock and Was Thrown Into Van Like a Side of Beef (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


7 Years Ago Today Hillary Clinton Dropped Like a Rock and Was Thrown Into Van Like a Side of Beef…

Seven years ago today… Hillary Clinton on September 11, 2016, buckled and dropped at Ground Zero in New York City.

8:05 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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22f8e6 No.19532129

File: 8f163ad44f5d364⋯.jpg (88.68 KB,599x598,599:598,Screen_Shot_2023_07_04_at_….jpg)

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eb04ca No.19532130

File: 0d2503d00c5e3ae⋯.png (701.66 KB,719x686,719:686,ClipboardImage.png)

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04df75 No.19532131


The entire point of videos like that is to "stir the waters".

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17d0bd No.19532132

Israel Did 9/11- All The Proof In The World!


Zion And The 9/11 Events


The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion


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860dee No.19532133

File: 125a248ce99839e⋯.png (263.23 KB,636x773,636:773,vaccine_logic2.png)



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0230e0 No.19532134

It took nineteen terrorists to kill 3,000 people.

We allow 300,000+ people a month to enter our country without ANY vetting whatsoever via the Southern Border.

Can you imagine how many terrorists are among those people?

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1be492 No.19532136

File: a56330578488527⋯.jpeg (153.58 KB,996x787,996:787,a56330578488527148f399862….jpeg)


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0a729d No.19532137

File: 4b5a132c3b0f6c0⋯.jpg (56.31 KB,884x638,442:319,redarded.jpg)

File: 08f1a0a47be1033⋯.png (319.68 KB,491x417,491:417,faith_word.png)


that's why he took the gold our from the vatican and why we are going to move to gold standard (precious metals/ Constitutional money) and why he is telling biden we will not comply with this next lockdown, right? Fear distorts thinking.

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a18647 No.19532138


it's an ASCIENCE to you Anon.

sorry. you have to be equal to a Black magician to get a security clearance to understand GAG POL ENV and the shitty AI MATCHING/protein folding, and plasmid filter process

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eb04ca No.19532139

File: e03ef22813771b3⋯.png (1.02 MB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Thousands rally in Greece as anger mounts against biometric ID cards

The Orthodox Church of Greece has also waded into the subject, asking for "prudence and wisdom" from the government.


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eff3df No.19532140


My trust the plan is TRUST GOD. He works in mysterious ways - he can turn bad to good in a heartbeat.

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a37d95 No.19532142

File: eb26e419304eb00⋯.png (322.59 KB,508x370,254:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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542c7d No.19532143

File: 4dfb090598f1aec⋯.jpg (47.15 KB,526x638,263:319,368848426_6798740580147256….jpg)

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0230e0 No.19532144

File: 54397e39e34f8d4⋯.png (376.39 KB,591x566,591:566,bur.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


Outstanding. More of this.


Beau Hightower




The Bernalilllo County Sheriff on Governor MLG Gun Ban: It's unconstitutional and we will not enforce it

7:54 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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eb04ca No.19532145

File: 501f31c82b51d5f⋯.png (991.33 KB,652x672,163:168,ClipboardImage.png)

"Trump was right about everything!" Episode number 12,321- Courtesy of MSNBC!!

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ff906d No.19532146

File: 89f9dab1a50be39⋯.png (664.24 KB,1007x693,1007:693,a.PNG)

File: 57d84356ef880b2⋯.jpeg (434.67 KB,892x3514,446:1757,Web_capture_11_9_2023_162….jpeg)




truth hertz


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8b4364 No.19532147

File: 06061f4c385c6b8⋯.png (716.85 KB,1258x927,1258:927,1694467690831.png)

File: 1b380f5b13187f1⋯.jpg (45.59 KB,413x425,413:425,Midget_Stripper_Hotwheel_s….jpg)

File: 16cda6c19ac156c⋯.jpg (99.15 KB,1141x606,1141:606,IF_AND_THEN_John_Brennan_F….jpg)

File: 5e72d0c259d691e⋯.jpg (191.09 KB,1200x674,600:337,Good_Trips_Checkk_d.jpg)

File: 4923524dce289ed⋯.gif (1.06 MB,371x371,1:1,Trippy_Trips_of_Discs.gif)



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0a729d No.19532148

File: 5b505d18f3b81d9⋯.png (288.91 KB,579x561,193:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb04ca No.19532150

File: 627330a40bd70ad⋯.png (882.12 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

MGM Resorts blames 'cybersecurity issue' for ongoing outage

Hotel and casino giant MGM Resorts has confirmed a “cybersecurity issue” is to blame for an ongoing outage affecting systems at the company's Las Vegas


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5b1b9d No.19532151

File: 82fded69c114720⋯.jpg (85.32 KB,474x632,3:4,proxy_image_29_.jpg)

Wwg1wga planned?

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36f8fc No.19532152



>C vs K?


How about a nice game of chess?

>IG Horowitz (“Justice” Dept) speech – ‘whistleblowers’

>simultaneously served

Think yesterday.

What was learned?

How about a nice game of chess?


>Nothing to See Here.

Do you believe in coincidences?






Think visionary sub committees?

>Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.

>Therefore do not become partners with them;

>for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

NSA Puzzle?

What are psalms?

What is a build?

What are Architects?

Think miss ile?

Think Do?


TP. Think surrounding.

Right in front of your eyes.


Good point?



Crossing the street?


Where is the gun pointed at?



What I have written, I have written.

So that is what the soldiers did.

Undergarnment remaining. 1 3. pov.

Avatar pony tail.

Marriage, water into wine.

Crus.ade ok. No rush though. All time.


ex pose?


>For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.

>try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.

Good point?



Lord of Lords?

King of Kings?




When [GS] calls, D's always answer.

Nothing can stop what is coming.





Why did [Hussein] shadow POTUS re: [F] trips?

Think yesterday.


On the clock.

19. 10. 1/0.


Eat, clean hands.


>As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.

>Pains as of a woman in childbirth come to him, but he is a child without wisdom; when the time arrives, he doesn't have the sense to come out of the womb.

>Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart.

>Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from Him.

>For this child I prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart.

>But Jesus said, Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.

>For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

>You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

>Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.

>Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.

Salt and Light.

>And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

>because he will save his people from their sins.

>do not be afraid

>When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.

>When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law.

>When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.

>And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.

Be proud, Patriots.





On the move.

5:5, EvE?

5:5, Toni?

Who are we talking to?

Two of every kind?


Be of secret service to Thomas.

CODE > command.

Command at=34: LIVE.


Think actual.

Spamming again? Onepager? Meme?


Those that love me, read it out.

Others, chill, no problem. Comfy.

Silence and Respect.

Comfyness is important.

My comfyness is of utmost importance.

The only way.



No storm on the capitol.



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eab639 No.19532153

File: 50fb16df331aefc⋯.png (267.9 KB,519x387,173:129,ClipboardImage.png)


F for Ukraine.

Ukrainians are in danger of extinction.

Replaced with jews.


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0230e0 No.19532154

File: 5ae5b8b67d634c3⋯.png (153.06 KB,596x633,596:633,mgm.PNG)


Intel Point Alert


MGM hotels & casinos experiencing ongoing ‘cybersecurity issue’, affecting computer systems, digital room keys, and ATMs


9:26 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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0713bc No.19532155

File: 73de295b26ec4dd⋯.jpg (50.69 KB,634x692,317:346,20230812_001805.jpg)

File: 286355ac70b0dbf⋯.jpg (77.72 KB,573x809,573:809,20230812_001752.jpg)


>Pumpkin spice vaccine

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eb04ca No.19532157

File: 24ae8044aa657e0⋯.png (1.03 MB,747x795,249:265,ClipboardImage.png)

Nearly 150 Illegal Aliens on ‘Terrorist Watch List’ Encountered at U.S. Border in Past Year


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1be492 No.19532159

File: 2c245f4c61b13d4⋯.mp4 (779.1 KB,480x854,240:427,2c245f4c61b13d47bbc82fdeae….mp4)

File: f919da30b3f4a47⋯.jpg (122.98 KB,814x520,407:260,Mind_of_Christ.jpg)

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f5ec76 No.19532160

File: 670bbe0428f19d0⋯.jpg (57.51 KB,580x466,290:233,670bbe0428f19d01df0a063d2f….jpg)



@TrumpLatinos (a twitter verified blue checkmark organization) was offered traitorous fiat$$$to dump and disparage Donald John Trump.

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e7da9a No.19532161


Don't question any

questioning deniers

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a18647 No.19532162


whaever you do don't look up CODEXIS or watch this video or EVER VISIT Paul Cottrell


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36f8fc No.19532163


The only way.

Up or out.


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b709d3 No.19532164

File: d91561c52a8fac2⋯.jpg (40.58 KB,561x966,187:322,sexy_baker.jpg)

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0230e0 No.19532165

File: 8157e9e7126c827⋯.png (821.57 KB,888x684,74:57,mb.PNG)


Dems Aren't Coming to Take Your Guns…Until

They Are

PJ Media, by Stephen Kruiser

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/11/2023 8:18:45 AM

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) A common refrain we hear from anti-Second Amendment leftists goes something like this: “Don’t be ridiculous, we don’t want to take your guns.” It’s a way of dismissing our well-founded concerns that American leftists will, if given the chance, will become fascists who won’t hesitate to abrogate even our God-given rights. Yeah, we’ve met them. Of course, variations on the above line are always — yes, always — offered as part of a larger conversation in which they then say something along the lines of: “OK, not all of your guns, just the ones that we’ve deemed super extra scary.”

At present, the overreaching anti-2A zealots eventually run into a judge or a court that says, “Yeah…no,” to their attempts to turn legal gun owners into criminals overnight. If they get another few years to tweak the judiciary, the Bill of Rights will become a museum piece.

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f5ec76 No.19532166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is it like when C_A backed pedovores run a country?

Like this.

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e31fbd No.19532167

File: 7b7a838b677b472⋯.png (646.62 KB,960x638,480:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Genesis 46:34 - you shall say, ‘Your servants have been keepers of livestock from our youth even until now, both we and our fathers,’ in order that you may dwell in the land of Goshen, for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.” https://youtu.be/Afw8e-abVa8

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997883 No.19532168

File: 5b6cf6f07383754⋯.jpeg (819.28 KB,1170x1068,195:178,F16EFBB8_9767_4CE9_B0A1_C….jpeg)

BREAKING: US makes deal with Iran to swap five American prisoners for $6billion in frozen funds


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860dee No.19532169

File: 963d740a4027de3⋯.png (275.77 KB,620x423,620:423,Gates_vax_or_jail.png)

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cd1bb3 No.19532170

File: 062affea92d4686⋯.png (226.2 KB,580x2478,290:1239,IMG_0304.png)


Iran is next.


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0713bc No.19532171

File: 6557a8b7ec25e64⋯.jpg (555.57 KB,2048x2048,1:1,20230908_160107.jpg)

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eff3df No.19532172


Seems like the US being setup with all this EV BS so that it can be all taken out by an EMP attack from China and land taken over by their military.

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a37d95 No.19532173

File: 979b2ae3835fd18⋯.png (779.87 KB,704x881,704:881,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18647 No.19532174


Please I beg of you if you thinkg there's no Virus or Vaccine DO NOT WATCH THIS


or this


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c10592 No.19532175

File: 48f8f060cb88f28⋯.png (23.88 KB,160x160,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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04df75 No.19532176

File: 38757867c7fb982⋯.png (415.84 KB,718x454,359:227,I_did_that.png)

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e7da9a No.19532178

File: 7462f54d8fb80ae⋯.png (1.75 MB,1473x1408,1473:1408,7462f54d8fb80ae470828e45b7….png)

File: 1569ab9d1d8c018⋯.jpg (193.07 KB,1242x646,621:323,1569ab9d1d8c018e068e1aa022….jpg)


That may not make sense

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f5ec76 No.19532179

File: 4e2f77e7702e2a5⋯.png (993.04 KB,713x765,713:765,4e2f77e7702e2a5cce606c59ee….png)

File: 325bc6af50f3939⋯.png (43.82 KB,600x775,24:31,325bc6af50f39391b3486f1388….png)

File: cba8ba42f302e59⋯.png (84.15 KB,300x199,300:199,cba8ba42f302e59bd4417e9264….png)

File: f6671efe3af4b73⋯.png (57.79 KB,600x775,24:31,f6671efe3af4b73a26205677a3….png)

Pedovore Witch

NPR is a known evil nest of subversive satanic pedos. One of their pedo producersPAULA POUNDSTONEwas arrested on a public street in Santa Monica, drunk, in daylight, having oral sex with her minor foster child in the back seat of her car.'''



This pedovore cultist "P.P" not only got away with a slap on the wrist, community-service-sentence, she retained custody of her minor foster children and she was subsequently whitewashed by and rehired as a performer and producer by the fulminant pedovores running NPR.

The female cop who arrested her? She was forced off the department.

>The 41-year-old standup comic was sentenced to five-years probation for child abuse and infliction of injury upon a child. She was also ordered to serve six months in an alcohol and rehabilitation facility



Reeeeject this evil entity.


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11fc8b No.19532180


>this place will not be worth the time and energy

This place will always be special and hopefully continue for years to come no matter what happens.

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a37d95 No.19532181

File: 2b6fe57fe4491a1⋯.png (188.61 KB,1642x1250,821:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d35f5 No.19532182

File: 9015a30ff0be0d6⋯.png (49.51 KB,794x560,397:280,IMG_5390.png)


There is third choice

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860dee No.19532183

File: 874d99559b2b1c8⋯.png (633.81 KB,944x903,944:903,Vaccine_Mandates_NOPE_.png)

2024's shaping up to be more of the same…

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eff3df No.19532184

File: 6f9e78c10382f71⋯.png (541.12 KB,720x489,240:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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13f1e1 No.19532185


who was the procurement officer for the report,

Alex Vindman?

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e7da9a No.19532186


Calls you out

kvetches you outside

How bout dat

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c3f65f No.19532187

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2ffab8 No.19532188

>>19531666 (prev)

Um, nobody caught these trips?

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a18647 No.19532189




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4be2a1 No.19532190

File: 9c84747b354d470⋯.jpg (59.71 KB,800x505,160:101,Ahmadinejad.jpg)



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1a73d7 No.19532191


Comfy here, no fear. Just not ready to follow the logic that Trump is our savior. Time will tell.

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36f8fc No.19532193



The only way is comfyness.

Up or out.

Down or out.

Uncomfy: out.


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a37d95 No.19532194

File: 6eb6abb14db24e0⋯.png (413.36 KB,650x511,650:511,ClipboardImage.png)


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b709d3 No.19532195

File: 222a45cea40d75f⋯.jpg (21.32 KB,480x480,1:1,GettyImages_1498283335.jpg)

Trump praises 'supreme heroism' of 9/11 responders on anniversary of terror attacks

The Al-Qaeda-masterminded plot saw hijackers seize control of four planes, two of which they then steered into the World Trade Center, while a third hit the Pentagon.

Former President Donald Trump on Monday issued a statement honoring the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, vowing that the nation would never let their deaths go unremembered.

The Al-Qaeda-masterminded plot saw hijackers seize control of four planes, two of which they then steered into the World Trade Center, while a third hit the Pentagon. A fourth plane went down in Pennsylvania due to a passenger revolt before reaching its target. It remains the deadliest terror attack in human history.

"No one who lived through the horror of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks can ever forget the agony and the anguish of that terrible day," Trump said in a video posted to Truth Social. "The images of dark plumes of smoke billowing over lower Manhattan, the Pentagon, and a field of Pennsylvania, such a beautiful field, are seared into our minds forever. We will never forget."


Give Trump his presidency back.

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17d0bd No.19532196


every time

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0230e0 No.19532197

File: 1cf96bd6a5e1c24⋯.png (135.8 KB,590x612,295:306,fk.PNG)


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f5ec76 No.19532199

File: 466eb97ba41fbd6⋯.png (600.62 KB,899x600,899:600,466eb97ba41fbd617bb8ce4696….png)

File: e4440477fbd553d⋯.jpg (449.67 KB,2560x1600,8:5,8263ae5a4921fe68d3100f46bb….jpg)

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36f8fc No.19532200


1 min.

or out.


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eff3df No.19532201


The VET CEO of Pfizer is ready for mass murder 2.0.

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0230e0 No.19532202

File: e8af7b79e487fec⋯.png (343.29 KB,599x694,599:694,29.PNG)




9:30 PM · Sep 10, 2023




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a18647 No.19532203


Anon wouldn't have lasted on Twitter for one tweet.

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e31fbd No.19532204

File: 8dc0b9a5a7873db⋯.png (641.61 KB,960x638,480:319,ClipboardImage.png)


Ecclesiastes 12:11 - The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd.

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17d0bd No.19532205

File: 075cefa692e49e6⋯.png (1006.56 KB,927x702,103:78,luny26.PNG)

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9d38ed No.19532206

File: 96e8d466bbd76b4⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB,720x406,360:203,eb10f33f636ffb7c.mp4)

When you live in South Africa and think your all bad ass with a grenade. Your so bad ass that you pull the pin to show how serious you are. Problem is you forgot to throw it.

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7305b4 No.19532207


would that be in Ireland or the UK?

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997883 No.19532208


Yeah, I know.

The President that used the US military to save the Republic was Ulysses S Grant.

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f5ec76 No.19532210

File: 27c49bedd8cc48e⋯.jpg (1 MB,1800x1799,1800:1799,03Burke_sub_mediumSquareAt….jpg)


when a demon camps digits


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17d0bd No.19532211

File: 55ee16af98a159d⋯.png (516.35 KB,1075x567,1075:567,nen4.png)

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0230e0 No.19532212

File: 4140163b7f5e9bf⋯.png (1.36 MB,926x770,463:385,ross.PNG)

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4ce046 No.19532213

File: 38bb071e3ef2276⋯.png (868.78 KB,1080x1667,1080:1667,Screenshot_20230911_143238.png)

>>19531229 pb

attempts on POTUS list adds

Las Vegas shooting

Marine fatally shit at barracks on cap hill jan 1, 2019

Both confirmed by Q


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9fa441 No.19532214

File: 72b438d49dd9995⋯.png (683.73 KB,694x499,694:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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c10592 No.19532215

File: 02f37ca01832507⋯.png (2.18 MB,860x1220,43:61,ClipboardImage.png)



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36f8fc No.19532216





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b709d3 No.19532217

File: f419afffbb76b3f⋯.jpg (185.79 KB,1366x768,683:384,0ce9706b9f0b90e9e528216436….jpg)


Love always makes a way, even when (your) pinned down.

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a37d95 No.19532218

File: de882837a7570fb⋯.png (382.28 KB,751x458,751:458,ClipboardImage.png)

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542c7d No.19532219

File: d8f75ad7e9dd6cb⋯.jpg (66.06 KB,843x843,1:1,376871196_1015966177765908….jpg)

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974c7e No.19532220

File: 36fca63b1d5ed1b⋯.png (838.54 KB,978x1280,489:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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eff3df No.19532221

File: 248d02fd693403a⋯.png (309.17 KB,620x413,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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eab639 No.19532222

File: 32c4a900863b684⋯.png (505.14 KB,598x567,598:567,Screenshot_2023_09_11_at_1….png)

File: 667067a4b441ef1⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_16944680070….mp4)

DATSD Melanie Fonder Kaye


Tomorrow is #PatriotDay, a moment to remember and reflect. Listen to the stirring performance of "God Bless the USA" by the @82ndABNDiv Chorus, a powerful reminder of our resilience and unity. We will #NeverForget.



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e77346 No.19532223


Abraham Lincoln


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0230e0 No.19532224

File: 201897853e2ab99⋯.png (446.28 KB,600x645,40:43,jim.PNG)


Rep. Jim Jordan


Fani Willis is reportedly outsourcing work to private attorneys and paying some hundreds of thousands of TAXPAYER dollars all in an effort to take down President Trump.


Georgia Election Investigation


Fani Willis bankrolls private attorney for Trump prosecution: 'Certainly unorthodox'

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has paid massive sums to private sector attorneys for their services, and a portion of those relate to investigating and prosecuting former President…

6:24 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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1a73d7 No.19532225


I’m shtealing this one.

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7953c0 No.19532226

File: 5030d6362c858f9⋯.png (338.53 KB,478x670,239:335,robopep2.png)

…Man, I fuckin' hate the newsbot. It makes for a bloated bread.

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0230e0 No.19532227

Nineteen men carried out the 9/11 attacks.

15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Egypt, and one from Lebanon.

So, why did we invade Iraq and Afghanistan as retaliation?

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e545fb No.19532228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>this scene from this series, Utopia - UK vers 2013


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e7da9a No.19532229

File: 70ccb520f59b6af⋯.jpg (9.46 KB,255x169,255:169,08d25f84e40c658061a3e3ba84….jpg)

File: 73b03d07bfeda9c⋯.png (1.09 MB,878x1170,439:585,73b03d07bfeda9ca7c9c626537….png)

File: 550adbb50ad9f03⋯.png (7.4 KB,196x255,196:255,65b41b2906e92587ce93dc8ae6….png)

File: e491009dfe77a5f⋯.png (1.04 MB,1180x1400,59:70,e491009dfe77a5fde0280bb949….png)

File: 753457d3da68e6b⋯.jpg (13.75 KB,243x255,81:85,851b54233ded526554ea09e8f1….jpg)

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e31fbd No.19532230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eff3df No.19532231


Don't forget the 9 pages of side effects too.

The maiming is worse then the killing.

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e4ee5d No.19532232

File: 3a6256823a57326⋯.jpg (70.86 KB,490x604,245:302,3a6256823a573261a5291a5d73….jpg)

File: aef6c5e7ef8e0be⋯.png (989.04 KB,722x942,361:471,zzj1.png)

File: 6e4e7d1a10bfeb9⋯.png (628.62 KB,884x894,442:447,zzj2.png)

File: 67b1d5bb8468e80⋯.png (237.01 KB,696x862,348:431,zzj3.png)

File: 75ee28429c17a81⋯.png (230.25 KB,942x892,471:446,zzj4.png)



Vatican Helped in Case of Lincoln Assassination Suspect

L.A. Times Archives

Dec. 31, 1989 12 AM PT

From Associated Press WASHINGTON —

There is historical precedent for the Vatican agreeing to turn over a fugitive to the United States, although the Holy See maintains it cannot surrender ousted strongman Manuel A. Noriega from its embassy in Panama.

The Vatican adopted an entirely different position when asked to turn over John H. Surratt Jr., one of the suspected conspirators in the 1865 assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.

Surratt, a young Confederate spy who had conspired with John Wilkes Booth to abduct Lincoln in 1864, fled after Booth shot Lincoln on April 14, 1865. Surratt, a devout Catholic, changed his name to John Watson and joined Pope Pius IX’s Zouaves Regiment.

Surratt was located in 1866, whereupon Secretary of State William H. Seward notified Secretary of War E.M. Stanton.

“As we have no treaty of extradition with the papal government, it is proposed that a special agent be sent to Rome to demand the surrender of Surratt,” Seward wrote Stanton on May 28, 1866.

Accordingly, the U.S. envoy to the Vatican, Rufus King, sought a meeting with the Pope’s foreign minister, Cardinal Antonelli, to tell him about Surratt.

“His Eminence was greatly interested by it, and intimated that if the American government desired the surrender of the criminal, there would probably be no difficulty in any way,” King wrote Seward.

Several months later, having ascertained that Watson was indeed the fugitive Surratt, Seward instructed King to ask the cardinal “whether His Holiness (the Pope) would now be willing, in the absence of an extradition treaty, to deliver John H. Surratt. . . . “

So eager was the Vatican to help that it did not even wait for an official request and ordered Surratt arrested immediately.


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1bcbba No.19532233


Did you ever hear JB talk?

He sounds like an old queen.

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a18647 No.19532234

File: 5bb197307747a1f⋯.jpg (233.87 KB,1928x1078,964:539,Screenshot_2019_06_07_02_0….jpg)


Q is a LIAR

Q is a LIAR

Q is a LIAR

YOu is a LIAR

Q is a LIAR

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62503e No.19532235


Your own Govt did 9/11.


Barry Seal…Cartels…Drugs…

Hijackers went to what Aviation Training sites?

CiA owned?

Insurance companies? AIG? Kroll Associates? Former heads of….

Al Qaeda means the Base…it was an intelligence arm of the CIA via the ISI. History is all you need….

CIA is the EYE

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0230e0 No.19532236

File: a3b40b1041b72dc⋯.png (633.08 KB,728x898,364:449,yet.PNG)

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f5ec76 No.19532237

File: d4d33c952004517⋯.png (988.77 KB,969x648,323:216,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cebf26670e17fd⋯.png (1.19 MB,992x741,992:741,ClipboardImage.png)

Books do furnish a room

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c10592 No.19532238

File: 18a0d2dd7c4efd9⋯.png (58.59 KB,482x390,241:195,ClipboardImage.png)


quads ducks calling

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0a729d No.19532239

I guess a chinee invasion is what they threatened Trump with is he pulls the trigger. I think that's why lockdowns by end of october n maybe they have planned riots that will escalate n blend into the chinee invasion via illegal immigrants, maybe? Idk, just babbling, but that's what the tea leaves look like to me.

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714d1c No.19532240

File: ee78623bc5f7b67⋯.png (1.7 MB,1170x2043,130:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ee10b9187f4443⋯.png (1.26 MB,1170x1007,1170:1007,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e0e0cb821bd639⋯.png (1.6 MB,1170x1634,585:817,ClipboardImage.png)

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0230e0 No.19532241

File: c5a27117aea7b26⋯.png (477.21 KB,597x603,199:201,70.PNG)


NBC News


Nearly 70% of U.S. adults say that trans athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that correspond with the sex they were assigned at birth, according to a new report from Gallup.


Most Americans oppose including trans athletes in sports, poll finds

Nearly 70% of U.S. adults say transgender athletes should be allowed to compete only on sports teams that correspond with the sexes they were assigned at birth, Gallup found.

3:00 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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e7da9a No.19532242


There may be tricks

But (we) have treats for [[[them]]]

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62503e No.19532243


Who issued their passports? From where? Jeddah? SA? JOB involved?

We see you Brennan….

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1be492 No.19532244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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860dee No.19532245

File: 7c1cc8457488c27⋯.png (536.78 KB,761x499,761:499,ClipboardImage.png)


Running with the same old playbook. We've heard this all before, and know how it turns out.

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0230e0 No.19532246

File: 5d32c9709989c99⋯.png (398.55 KB,590x625,118:125,nail.PNG)


Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


To hide the 30 people they wanted to kill, and the evidence they want to destroy, they’ll engineer a “terrorist attack” that kills the 30 main targets, plus another 3,000 people.


Dr. Simon Goddek




Tucker Carlson nails it once again: Say on live TV that you think the earth is flat? People would just laugh it off. But dare to question what really happened to WTC 7? You’d risk losing your job over it.

5:15 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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e4ee5d No.19532247








Holy See–United States relations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_See_United_States_relations

The current United States Ambassador to the Holy See is Joe Donnelly, who replaced the ad interim Chargé d'Affaires, Patrick Connell, on April 11, 2021. The Holy See is represented by its apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, who assumed office on April 12, 2016. The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See is located in Rome, in the Villa Domiziana. The Nunciature to the United States is located in Washington, D.C., at 3339 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.



The United States maintained consular relations with the Papal States from 1797 under President George Washington and Pope Pius VI to 1867 and President Andrew Johnson and Pope Pius IX.

Diplomatic relations existed with the Pope, in his capacity as head of state of the Papal States, from 1848 under President James K. Polk to 1867 under President Andrew Johnson, though not at the ambassadorial level.

These relations lapsed when on February 28, 1867, Congress passed legislation that prohibited any future funding of United States diplomatic missions to the Holy See.

This decision was based on mounting anti-Catholic sentiment in the United States,[1] fueled by the conviction and hanging of Mary Surratt, and three other Catholics, for taking part in the conspiracy to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln. Her son, John Surratt, also Catholic, was accused of plotting with John Wilkes Booth in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

He served briefly as a Pontifical Zouave but was recognized and arrested. He escaped to Egypt but was eventually arrested and extradited.

There was also an allegation that the Pope had forbidden the celebration of Protestant religious services, which had been held weekly in the home of the American Minister in Rome, within the walls of the city.[2]

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c0c9dc No.19532248


& Just like a Pfizer Blood Clot

The Plot Thickens

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0230e0 No.19532249

File: 08ef85ffc685650⋯.png (12.61 KB,596x160,149:40,fda.PNG)


Insider Paper


JUST IN: The F.D.A. is expected to approve a new round of shots by Pfizer and Moderna as early as Monday - NYT

5:01 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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e7da9a No.19532250



Not bernalilllo?

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9d38ed No.19532251


The Jews did it, Blamed the Arabs and the US got to steal Oil and stop Countries who did not want the Jewdollar.

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996d1a No.19532252

File: 6dffc04ed049bf9⋯.png (320.48 KB,510x336,85:56,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18647 No.19532253

File: 19ba6751800cb5e⋯.jpg (525.45 KB,999x1165,999:1165,Fani_shops_at_ACME.jpg)

Fani shops at ACME to "get drumpf"

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e4ee5d No.19532254

File: 653dd923ca962f6⋯.jpg (119.59 KB,490x604,245:302,jesu_lincolnmeme.jpg)


Traitor says what?!

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f587b0 No.19532255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e4ee5d No.19532256










Holy See–United States relations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_See_United_States_relations

The current United States Ambassador to the Holy See is Joe Donnelly, who replaced the ad interim Chargé d'Affaires, Patrick Connell, on April 11, 2021. The Holy See is represented by its apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, who assumed office on April 12, 2016. The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See is located in Rome, in the Villa Domiziana. The Nunciature to the United States is located in Washington, D.C., at 3339 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.



The United States maintained consular relations with the Papal States from 1797 under President George Washington and Pope Pius VI to 1867 and President Andrew Johnson and Pope Pius IX.

Diplomatic relations existed with the Pope, in his capacity as head of state of the Papal States, from 1848 under President James K. Polk to 1867 under President Andrew Johnson, though not at the ambassadorial level.

These relations lapsed when on February 28, 1867, Congress passed legislation that prohibited any future funding of United States diplomatic missions to the Holy See.

This decision was based on mounting anti-Catholic sentiment in the United States,[1] fueled by the conviction and hanging of Mary Surratt, and three other Catholics, for taking part in the conspiracy to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln. Her son, John Surratt, also Catholic, was accused of plotting with John Wilkes Booth in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

He served briefly as a Pontifical Zouave but was recognized and arrested. He escaped to Egypt but was eventually arrested and extradited.

There was also an allegation that the Pope had forbidden the celebration of Protestant religious services, which had been held weekly in the home of the American Minister in Rome, within the walls of the city.[2]

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860dee No.19532257

File: e69bb4804d88e58⋯.png (1.14 MB,1600x1000,8:5,gatesmandatory3.png)

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1a73d7 No.19532258


This shit is only news if they ever reject a vax.

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0230e0 No.19532259

File: d337f0b03914bcc⋯.png (415.72 KB,597x591,199:197,did.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


“We Did It In a Small Town!” – Anti-Trump Communist Scumbags in Chicago Suburb Unlawfully Assemble and Burn American Flags Outside Jason Aldean Concert While Police Watch (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


"We Did It In a Small Town!" - Anti-Trump Communist Scumbags in Chicago Suburb Unlawfully Assemble…

Tinley Park, Illinois – This is yet another reminder that the greatest enemies to America lie from within.

4:20 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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6bceea No.19532260

File: 0356e9b19b4644f⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,3608x2599,3608:2599,140F5D8C_4536_4956_BA63_2….jpeg)


fuck those pigs

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e4ee5d No.19532261

File: 258e00f809ab793⋯.png (3.56 MB,6816x6080,213:190,a15a.png)

File: 569126816598b73⋯.png (5.13 MB,9600x5736,400:239,a15d.png)

File: d7faef5b1e9a662⋯.png (432.16 KB,516x840,43:70,a29_Q_1950_REAGAN_VATICAN.png)

File: 3794c1447a1b03b⋯.png (271.8 KB,620x413,620:413,031.png)

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9af959 No.19532262

File: 2aabccd1fc6a26a⋯.png (388.54 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_08_31_21_19_2….png)


Why do many of their injectable drugs have parasitic side effects

Many chronic and or terminal illnesses

Are parasitic infections

Assassins in white jackets


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0230e0 No.19532263

File: dca9578dfcf6ad9⋯.png (173.78 KB,601x645,601:645,sod.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Did You Know?

Mossad warned the CIA and FBI about 9/11 in August 2001

Why didn't they listen?



4:28 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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e7da9a No.19532264




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a18647 No.19532265




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14d8e4 No.19532266

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0a729d No.19532267

File: b94849c78a07940⋯.png (836.12 KB,1125x1125,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


here we fucking go.jpg

let's not ban them tho and let's keep going.

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7953c0 No.19532268

File: 95411d804705bb0⋯.png (237.44 KB,278x666,139:333,robopep.png)

~@420 Collected for convenience.


#23988 >>19531807

>>19531823 Beef Company CEO Stands Up To Big Pharma: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

>>19531844 ERO Chicago arrests 33 criminal noncitizens during nationwide operation

>>19531859 #FBI holds a ceremony in remembrance of the 2,977 victims who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, and the 30 FBI employees who have passed away as a result of their work on a 9/11 crash site

>>19531898 Tater trackin'

>>19531900 MTG considers seceding from the Union

>>19531909 DoD - On #PatriotDay, the Department of Defense and nation continue to honor, recognize and remember the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives during the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001

>>19531922 DJT - The once fabled United Autoworkers of America will soon go OUT OF BUSINESS under Crooked Joe Biden if he is allowed to pull off his ALL ELECTRIC CAR HOAX

>>19531943, >>19532150, >>19532154 MGM Resorts experiences 'cybersecurity issue' impacting operations and prompting investigation

>>19532071 TrumpLatinos24 - They want to pay us to stop supporting Donald Trump! They Offered Us $$$$$

>>19531985 ‘We’re Bankrupt’: Leaked Meeting Reveals Project Veritas On Verge of Collapse

>>19532000 NYP Elon hit piece; ‘demon-like’ outbursts and ‘multiple personalities’: biographer

>>19532013 Gov. Glenn Youngkin pardoned Scott Smith, who was arrested for disorderly conduct after challenging a school board for covering up the rape of his daughter

>>19532037 Wisconsin Senate Committee Votes Down WEC Recommendation to Reappoint Shady Meagan Wolfe

>>19532043 Trump asks Judge Tanya Chutkan to recuse herself from federal 2020 election subversion case

>>19532045 The Biden gang is preparing to wire $6 billion to Iran during a prisoner swap

>>19532056 Meet the Doctor Who's Fighting the COVID Oppression Machine

>>19532066, >>19532249 HERE WE GO: FDA Approves Updated Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines for COVID, as Prior Formulations Deemed Ineffective Against Emerging Variant

>>19532069 Potato Tweet/X


>>19532085 Kamala Harris had a great time at the 9/11 memorial today

>>19532102 DEFENDING FREEDOM: Armed Citizens Defy NM Governor, Roll Into Albuquerque Open Carrying

>>19532108 Zelensky Orders All ‘Medical Women’ to Register for War Service

>>19532126 Never-Before-Seen Footage: James Woods warned the FBI about 9/11 a month before the attacks – They didn’t listen

>>19532139 Thousands rally in Greece as anger mounts against biometric ID cards

>>19532144 The Bernalilllo County Sheriff on Governor MLG Gun Ban: It's unconstitutional and we will not enforce it

>>19532157 Nearly 150 Illegal Aliens on ‘Terrorist Watch List’ Encountered at U.S. Border in Past Year

>>19532168 US makes deal with Iran to swap five American prisoners for $6billion in frozen funds

>>19532195 Trump praises 'supreme heroism' of 9/11 responders on anniversary of terror attacks

>>19532222 Tomorrow is #PatriotDay, a moment to remember and reflect.

>>19532224 Jim_Jordan - Fani Willis is reportedly outsourcing work to private attorneys and paying some hundreds of thousands of TAXPAYER dollars all in an effort to take down President Trump.

>>19532246 To hide the 30 people they wanted to kill, and the evidence they want to destroy, they’ll engineer a “terrorist attack” that kills the 30 main targets, plus another 3,000 people


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f3e2d8 No.19532269

File: 7a84ccec3b5970c⋯.png (257.96 KB,768x768,1:1,iran_ransom_payment.png)

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e4ee5d No.19532270

File: e5bc6fde61e7981⋯.png (457.1 KB,764x894,382:447,fuckjack2.png)

File: 3d0fa574cc3759e⋯.png (291.39 KB,544x784,34:49,jackkek1.png)

File: 3627109298c7e01⋯.png (124.21 KB,1380x433,1380:433,3627109298c7e014141d26e0a4….png)

File: 9c29a53af2348c3⋯.png (709.13 KB,486x814,243:407,jackpcath1.png)



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997883 No.19532271

File: 976952f35a31b6c⋯.jpeg (582.54 KB,1170x1444,585:722,0BEB750D_4AE0_4FB1_9A98_E….jpeg)



See picrel.


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1a73d7 No.19532272


Mossad warned them not to interfere with their work.

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6a337f No.19532273


Sounds like Musk is not in the club

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e4ee5d No.19532274

File: 8b6f5b4c2e4e176⋯.png (197.74 KB,540x786,90:131,jackkek1b.png)


Good luck with your theory!

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e31fbd No.19532275

File: e2cff70c10326c3⋯.png (32.93 KB,183x275,183:275,ClipboardImage.png)

duck hunt is free

with NIN tent doh

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0230e0 No.19532276

File: 724814b9440bfa0⋯.png (435.25 KB,596x626,298:313,ph.PNG)


Patrick Howley


BREAKING…Former Zelensky Administration Officials Speak To National File…Zelensky Accused of Money Laundering, Stealing American Money, Persecuting Opponents, Cocaine Use, Selling His Weapons, Taking Russian Money, And More!!!


Former Zelensky Administration Officials Speak To NATIONAL FILE: Zelensky Accused of Money Launde…

Former National Bank of Ukraine chairman Kyrylo Shevchenko conducted an exclusive interview with NATIONAL FILE to assert his innocence in Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky’s criminal case against…

12:33 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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8b4364 No.19532277

File: 4d20e68958b2137⋯.png (1.35 MB,1247x935,1247:935,HI_IQ_Burn_in_Hell_Deepsta….png)

File: 9b0b28d262269fa⋯.jpg (124.42 KB,930x620,3:2,Hold_Muh_Beer_Burn_Shit_Do….jpg)

File: 0a847e750649634⋯.png (323.71 KB,500x500,1:1,Burn_In_Hell_Deep_State_Pe….png)

File: 86e1170969454b1⋯.jpg (57.01 KB,441x540,49:60,Burn_In_Hell_Deepstate_Tru….jpg)

File: f16ed76b44faaad⋯.jpg (131.99 KB,1020x1020,1:1,Mean_Mug_Rudy_Burn_in_Hell….jpg)


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e4ee5d No.19532278

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.jpeg (43.08 KB,474x315,158:105,fc2810c3f9bd36182ec4ed9e0….jpeg)

wonder how wrong you have been previously?

anon is pretty much undefeated

think about it

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13f1e1 No.19532279


stop posting this five year old stale spam.

Jack's a fine man!

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e31fbd No.19532280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ee1055 No.19532281

File: 0b0aefe867ceaa3⋯.png (242.3 KB,418x612,209:306,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd39b4d3fdef433⋯.png (599.41 KB,760x480,19:12,ClipboardImage.png)


Poppy fields

Let's net forget about the Poppy fields, the main ingredient for opium and opiates during the decades Americans were getting prescribed like candy these dangerous drugs that destroyed people, families, neighborhoods… the addictions

The sackler family and the big pharma sales people who met snake to snake with pharmakeia representatives for $$$ incentives the more prescriptions they filled

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a18647 No.19532282


they're doing the fucking… ke 'ohana ke kanaka i ka kui nao

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eab639 No.19532283

File: 53d5d3fc393fa79⋯.jpg (64.46 KB,640x484,160:121,2eoqm2_4028270266.jpg)

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0230e0 No.19532284

File: d8c7819a2988c83⋯.png (366.83 KB,596x472,149:118,king.PNG)


Juanita Broaddrick


Profound statement by Angela Stanton King as she blasts those who call Trump racist.



1:55 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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7305b4 No.19532285

File: fb5e161aa348a5b⋯.jpg (64.16 KB,587x425,587:425,gates2.jpg)

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e4ee5d No.19532286

File: fcba79819c9cae3⋯.jpg (57.02 KB,680x639,680:639,fcba79819c9cae3f3059bc52df….jpg)


think about it

track record matters motherfucker!


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6a337f No.19532287

File: 1c8b9907d7a4a88⋯.png (2.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


It was evil for sure. But it came from within.

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f5ec76 No.19532288

File: a75fa8c262f6f0b⋯.jpg (535.83 KB,1440x1800,4:5,a75fa8c262f6f0bdb2186c0730….jpg)

Politicians, photographing yourself with dead garbage bears will win you no friends, especially among the hunters you pander to.

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7305b4 No.19532289

File: 00846675cef257a⋯.jpg (66.37 KB,587x425,587:425,gates3.jpg)

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0230e0 No.19532290

File: 5576715f7afe965⋯.png (20.04 KB,585x372,195:124,jp.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Did You Know:

The 28 Pages show that two 9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi intelligence rented a room from an FBI informant in California before the 2001 attacks

The Director of the FBI kept this covered up for years

His name?

Robert Mueller

3:13 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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860dee No.19532291

File: b3ac2ea7a77cb80⋯.png (316.44 KB,516x500,129:125,ClipboardImage.png)


>4 artificial intelligent robots killed 29 scientists at a Lab in Japan

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e4ee5d No.19532292

File: c79117c0005e3b7⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1081,1920:1081,c79117c0005e3b77bcac28cb1d….png)


get some, whore!


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13f1e1 No.19532293


if it's true, she forgave him.

enough said.

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8b4364 No.19532294

File: 050c8fedcf632ce⋯.gif (3.88 MB,480x360,4:3,Pants_Shittin_Panic_Hillar….gif)

File: c1212e65c252157⋯.jpg (76.71 KB,614x475,614:475,ZERO_SHITS_WINNER.jpg)

File: bb80bd7cd06668a⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,960x540,16:9,Shitposting_Grandpa_From_P….jpg)

File: db4ec02b892a474⋯.jpg (338.86 KB,489x720,163:240,Chinese_Cuck_Pedo_Shit_Sho….jpg)

File: 086c4100d895645⋯.jpg (57.06 KB,640x360,16:9,Best_I_Can_Do_Is_Firing_Sq….jpg)

There Will Be Shits….

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997883 No.19532295


I don’t need “luck”, skippy.

I’m right.

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b709d3 No.19532296

File: 5803e11f085d6e4⋯.jpg (10.67 KB,255x191,255:191,6d7b24efd05818a059ad885dc5….jpg)

I didn't belive many of story's the MSN sold us.

Truthers and debunkers know there's more to the story, then the fake news media.

>>If only John Sun and Moon could say what he really wants to say though…

Alot of the posts/memes today help tell the truth.

Props patriots.

I just wanted to see vets, survivors, and angel gold family's honored. That's what anon wants to say. I want better for this world at least Anon can say this here.

God bless us, for God and country.

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6a337f No.19532297

File: 3114440d5b28304⋯.png (1.14 MB,634x710,317:355,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d195c No.19532298

File: 46b91078a5bf0b0⋯.jpg (645.42 KB,1437x795,479:265,lochfoot_bigness.jpg)

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a18647 No.19532299


pua'a orgasm for more than 30 min. About as long as it took to COOK lahaina

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0230e0 No.19532300

File: 38614cb8f40e09c⋯.png (478.95 KB,591x867,197:289,wk.PNG)


Phil Kerpen


What kind of sick freak objects to pardoning a dad being charged for confronting the school board that covered up the anal rape of his daughter???


Senator Scott Surovell



Sep 10

Glenn Youngkin is all about law and order until he can use a pardon to help his failing presidential ambitions or try to change the campaign focus from taking away women's rights to his billionaire funded mission to destroy & privatize schools


2:47 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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e7da9a No.19532301


NYP needs angry lefty clicks.

It seems


Hidden gifts

Given in deceipt

Bill Gates is definitely No Mr Rogers

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c0158f No.19532302

File: 16912b84d951006⋯.png (1.68 MB,1189x1135,1189:1135,ClipboardImage.png)

Great decode for Missing U in Trump Tweet


Q'd Up



🤔missing u cause misspells buy with by and there is no [u] or [21] since u is 21st letter. and brackets are the markers in the drops, so the only other thing is a play on u to you and we find [you] in brackets!!

Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v Q [YOU]


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13f1e1 No.19532303


you are so very jealous of him, aren't you?

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0a729d No.19532304


prolly trash

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e4ee5d No.19532305

File: 0e7fad081bc27a2⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB,1292x720,323:180,0e7fad081bc27a243ff69df853….mp4)

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,a2.png)



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6a337f No.19532306


"Where are the buildings?"

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0230e0 No.19532308

File: a7475720f5dde37⋯.png (361.74 KB,603x538,603:538,y.PNG)


Roger Stone


Why wouldn't former CIA Director John Brennan want us to know the truth about 9/11 !


CIA Director John Brennan Warns Against Release of 28 Pages of 9/11 Report

1:38 AM · Sep 11, 2023




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e4ee5d No.19532309

File: ad2977655df4022⋯.png (2.23 MB,1420x776,355:194,0.png)



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9cef86 No.19532310

File: 74f0093b95f16aa⋯.webp (12.08 KB,500x222,250:111,celestial_white_beings_er….webp)

We know who and what we are at all times, and that really is the only difference between what we are and what you are. There is no real difference, however we experience ourselves more as the truth of who we really are, and you fall into the deception of your own illusion more often than not. And we emphasized that it is your own delusion and illusion because we want you to recognize that no one has done this to you. You decided that you wanted to incarnate there and pretend to be a human being who would feel separate from Source, from other human beings, and who would feel disempowered by limitations that are built in to that experience that you are having there on Earth.

And you were supposed to buy in to all of those thoughts, beliefs and ideas for as long as you have because you, as a soul, wanted to have that particular experience and feel the emotions that you could only feel while harboring certain beliefs. But now you are awake, and you wake up more and more every day because you have more of us up here in the higher realms reminding you of who you really are. And we want you to know it so that you can start living it, so that you can feel the truth of it, and so that your lives may become a reflection of that truth that you are a Source Energy Being pretending to be a human being. And as you recognize that, then you really have something to teach other humans, because as you know it is one thing to say it and think it and sort of believe it, and it is something else entirely to live with the knowing of it at all times.

It is easier for us to do so way up here in the twelfth dimension because we have not created an illusory reality for ourselves to experience limitation within, but you have, and because you have, you get to experience more joy, more exuberance, more ecstasy and excitement, and most of all more of a movement from where you’ve been to where you are now and are continuing to go. You, from where you are right now, get to take a longer journey home to Source than we do, and you get to benefit from the fact that we, and others like us, have already done it.

You get the benefit of having teachers to guide you, in addition to having those wonderful emotions of yours that tell you when you’re on the right track and when you are not. So you need to remind yourselves as often as you can that you are a Source Energy Being, and you can repeat mantras to yourselves such as, ‘I am Source Energy,’ ‘We are all one,’ and ‘We are all love’ to remind yourselves of the only truth that really matters. You see, you get to decide what you believe and therefore create in your experience to a certain extent, but you will never believe yourself out of being who you really are as an eternal, infinite being of unconditional love.

You will never do anything that is so horrible that you would not still be who you really are upon your death experience. And hopefully, a person who has done horrible things could still realize while in the physical body and in the lifetime that they are a Source Energy Being. And that same person could then choose to forgive themselves and make amends for the things that they had done before they were awake. You know that these people exist in your reality, and because you know that, you must also be able to recognize that you can get from wherever you are right now to where you are going. And nothing and no one can stop you.

You can believe that others are trying to stop if you like having an adversary in all of this, but it makes a lot more sense to just accept that all of reality is your creation. And you wanted limitation, and you wanted separation, and you wanted powerlessness so that you could return home to the truth of who you really are and feel the difference. In that way, you get to really know who you really are for the first time. We enjoy knowing it all the time very much, and at the same time, we look at all of you and at times we wish we could just go to where you are and re-experience the remembering one more time. And of course, at some point, we all will.


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f5ec76 No.19532311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e4ee5d No.19532312

File: c1a25b9ac3bfa94⋯.png (274.67 KB,588x1358,42:97,AJ2089.png)

Anon likes asshurt

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2dde31 No.19532313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Funk is always ok

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a18647 No.19532316


this shit's gona start playing out 70s style then… if it's LAWLESS.. the fags beware

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0230e0 No.19532317

File: 55573d9fae2f14d⋯.png (588.3 KB,591x610,591:610,jo.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


One of the first world leaders to reach out to the United States on 9/11 and offe